h ■ '"'■"' i^t> ■\ / \ \ GENERAL DIRECTORY OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF FEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE AND GATESHEAD, BLYTH, NORTH AND SOUTH SHIELDS, AND TYNEMOUTH, THE CITY OF DURHAM, SUNDERLAND, BISHOP AND MONK WEARMOUTH, STOCKTON-ON-TEES, MIDDLESBOROUGH AND YARM, BARNARD CASTLE, BISHOP • AUCKLAND, CHESTER-LE-STREET, DARLINGTON, HARTLEPOOL, HOUGHTON-LE-SPRING, WITH THE PRINCIPAL INTERVENING VILLAGES, FORMING A COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF THE C04.L TRADE AND SHIP BUILDING ON THE TYNE, WEAR, AND TEES; ALSO OF THE CHEMICAL, COLOUR, EARTHENWARE, GLASS, ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, SOAP, THE CAST BAR AND WROUGHT IRON, CHAIN, CABLE, AND STEEL MANUFACTURERS OF THE DISTRICT J FORMING THE MOST COMPLETE BOOK OF REFERENCE FOR THE PRINCIPAL SHIPPING TOWNS IN THE COUNTIES OF NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM. WITH LISTS OF CORPORATE BODIES, MAGISTRATES, AND OTHER PUBLIC OFFICFRS , POST OFFICE REGULATIONS, RAILWAYS, STEAM PACKETS, SAILING VESSELS, MARKETS, FAIR*!, &C. THE POPULATION RETURNS FOR 1841. AND PRESENTING THE NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY UNDER THREE ARTIANGKjr F.XTS. BY FRANCIS WHITE & CO. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHORS, BY JOHN BLTJRTON, BRITANNIA OFFICES, CASTLE STREET AND KING STREET, And Sold by F. WHITE, 54, Hermitagi> Street, ^ SHEFFIELD. PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS, lOs. in CALF BINDING; NON-SUBSCRIBERS, 12s. 6d March, 1R47. tt ^t,^VU-.u^S^^^ PL'^r.H^St. The Publishers beg leave to tender their most sincere thanks to the numerous Subscribers who have so liberally patronised the present volume; and to assure them that neither labour nor expense has been withheld, in order to render the work as complete and free from errors as is compatible with such a publication. Having at the request of various Merchants and Tradesmen, added a few more places than were originally intended, though it has caused some delay in the time of publication, they hope the work will be much more complete and useful. F. WHITE & Co. Sheffield, Match \9th, 1847. IMBEX OF PZ.ACES, <&c Marked ♦' are in Durham^ and the rest in Noi^thumherland, * Barnard Castle, 525 *Bishop Auckland, 533 * Bishopw ear mouth see Sunderland *Blackwell,66[ Bhjth,^08 *Boldon East, 489 *BoMon West, 490 ""Burden, 485 Byher, see Newcastle *Carr's Hill see Gates- head *Chester-le- Street, 540 Chirton, 306 Chimney Mills, see Newcastle *Cleadon, 493 *Cockerton, 562 Cullercoates, 306 * Darlington, 543 Carriers, 559 Coaches, 559 Magstrtes., &c.,561 Places of Worship, 561 Post Office, 560 Rlwy. Conveyance, 559 *DeptJord, 485 Distance Table, 615 *Durham, 495 Carriers, 514 Coaches, 513 Corporation, 517 Diocese, 518 Magistrates, 517 Members of Parlia- ment, 517 Places of Worship, 523 Pot Office, 516 Public Bldngs., &c. 522 Public Offices, &c., 519 Schools, 521 & 2 University, 519 Errata, 616 *Fell, High ^ Low, see Gateshead * Ford or South Hylton 486 *Fulwell, 488 * Gateshead, 252 Carriers, 274 Corporation, 275 Gen. Alphabet, 254 List of Streets, &c., 252 Magstrts.,&cc., 275 Member of Parlia- ment, 275 Post Office, 273 Trades List, 266 * Hartlepool, 563 *Hoghtnle-Sprng., 574 "" Hylton North, 488 • Jesmond,see Newcastle Mddlshrgh., (Yorks.), 600 Monkseaton, 307 * Monkwearmouth, see Sunderland Murton, S07 Newcastle 5 Appendix, 610 Carriers from the Inns, 249 Carriers by Rails, 248 Coaches, 247 Corporation, 242 Courts, 243 Custom House, 244 Gen. Alphabet, 12 ListofColirys., 251 List of Streets, &c 5 Magistrates, 243 Members of Parlia- ment, 242 Post Office, 246 Places of Worship, 250 Public Bldngs., &c. 244 Rlwy. Con. 247 Steam Packets, &c. 248 Street Drctry., 209 Trades List, 153 Water Convey. 248 North Shields, 276 Appendix, 614 Carriers &c., 300 Coaches, 299 Magstrtes. &c., 302 Member of Parlia- ment, 302 Places of Worship, 303 unless otherwise specified. Post Office, 301 Rlwy. Conveyance, 300 ""Norton, 598 ''Pallion, 486 Preston, ^08 "Ryhope, 487 *Seaham,4^0 *Seahom Harbour, 49\ * Sheriff HI, see Gates- head *Silksworth, 488 *South Shields, S14 Appendix, 614 Carriers, 337 Magstrts., &c., 339 Member of Parlia- ment, 339 Places of Worship, 340 Post Office, 338 Rlwy. Convey. 337 ^Southwick High, 488 *8outhwick Low, 489 *Spital Tongues, see Newcastle * Stockton on Tees, 579 ^Sunderland 341 Appendix, 613 Carriers, 478 Coaches, 478 Corporation, 479 Custom House, 480 Geft. Alphabet, 344 Harbour & Naviga- tion, 481 List of Streets, &c. 341 Magistrates, 480 Members of Parlia- ment, 479 Places of Worship, 483 Post Office, 477 Rlwy. Convey. 478 Trades List, 440 *Tunstall, 488 Tynemouth 303 * Westoe, see South Shields *Whitburn, 493 Whitley, 308 Yarm, (Yorks.), 608 NEWCASTLE. LIST OF STREETS AND BUILDINGS IN NEWCASTLE, IN 1610. Allhallows Almese Houses Almese House Black Friars Close Gate Grammer Schole High Castle Key (The) King's Lodgings King's Manner Maisen Dieu Manner (The) Newgate Newe House Pan don Yate Pandon Hall Sandgate Yate St. John's St. Nicholas's Scottish Inne Stone Hill Trinity House Wall Knoll Westgate West Spital White Friars LIST OF STREETS, CHAUSS, SQUARES, LANES, COURTS, &c, IN 1846, IVith references to their respective situations. Ahinger street, Buckingham street Addy's entry, Sandgate Adelaide place, Arthur's hill Adelaide place, New Bridge street Adelaide terrace, New bridge Adrianople, Arthur's hill Albert's court. Painter heugh Albion place, 6, Albion street Albion row, Fighting Cocks row Albion street, 110, Percy street Alderson's court. Manor chare Amen corner, St. Nicholas Church yard Anchor entry, Sandgate Anderson's yard. Pudding chare Anderson's yard, Manor chare An gas's court, 35, Bigg market Angus's yard, 43, Percy street Arcade, 45, Pilgrim street Argyle street. New Bridge street Argyle terrace, Argyle street Arthur's hill, Westgate hill Atkin's entry, Sandgate Atkinson's yard, 59, Newgate street Back lane, head of Gallowgate Back row, Queen street Back walls, 51 , Newgate street Bailiflf gate, Queen street Baird's entry, Sandgate Ballast hills east, Ou sebum Bankside, Castle garth stairs Barker street, foot of Shield street Barrick road, head of Gallowgate Barrick square, Barrick road Barras bridge, head of Percy street Barrow's court, 17, Newgate street Bath lane, Westgate Bath row, Westgate Bedford street, 3, Blagdon street Bell street, Arthurs hill Bell's court, 90, Newgate Street Bell's court, Qb, Pilgrim street Bell's entry, St. Mary's court Benton road, Sandy ford lane Bigg market, 12, Union street Bird in Bush yard, 24, Pilgrim street Black Bull yard, 24, High bridge Black gate, King street Black house entry. Pilgrim street Blackett place, 14, Blackett street B LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN NEWCASTLE. Blackett street, 101, Pilgrim street Blagdon street, 46, Gibson street Blagdon street, (litle,) 43, Gibson st. Blandford street, Westgate Blandford street, (West,) Westmor- land street Blenheim street, Westgate Blenkinsop's yard, 21, Newgate st. Blue Anchor chare, 66, Quay side Blue Bell entry, Sandgate Blyth nook, Cowgate Bolton's yard. South street Brandling place. North road Brandling village, back of Brand- ling place Brewery bank, Ouseburn Brewery street, Byker bar Bridge end, Sandhill Broad chare, 25, Quay side Broad garth, 43, Quay side Brough's buildings, Bjker bar Brown's yard, 14, Pilgrim street Bruce's buildings, St. Ann's street Brumeirs yard. Pudding chare Brunswick place, 70, Northumber- land street Buckingham street, Bath lane Bull park. North road Burden j>lace, West Jesmond Burn bank, 17, Quay side Burnt house entry. Side Burrell's entry, 64, Side Butcher bank, 25, Side Butcher's market, Grainger street Butler's entry, Sandgate Buxton street (high,) Low Buxton st Buxton street, (low,) 36, Gibson st. Byker, Ballast hills Byker bank, Byker bar Byker bar, Ouseburn bridge Byker buildings, Byker bar Byker chare, 11, Quay side Byker hill, head of Byker bar Byker lane, Byker hill Byron street, Camden street Calhreath's yard, Westgate Camden street. Shield street Carliol place, Carliol square Carliol square, Manors place Carliol street, 5, New Bridge street Carlisle road. West turnpike Carlton place, Jesmond road Carlton street, Wesley terrace Carlton terrace, Jesmond road Carpenter's tower. Sallyport gate Castle garth. Black gate Castle garth stairs, 3 Close Castle square. Castle street Castle street, Castle garth Castle yard. Castle street Catterick's buildings, Byker bar Cattle market. Forth place Causeway bank, end of New road Cemetery, East ballast hills Cemetery, Jesmond road Cemetery, Westgate hill Chambers court, 64, Newgate street Chapel lane, Sandgate Chapel lane, Westmorland street Chapel street, St. Peter^s quay Charlotte square, Fenkle street Chatham place, Gibson street Chatham street, Red Barns Chatham terrace. Red Barns Chimney mills. Upper Claremont Churchhill street, Blenheim street Church stairs, St. Nicholas church yd Circus lane. Forth Claremont place, (high,) Low Clare- mont place Claremont place, (low,) 64, Eldon st. Claremont place, (Upper,) Leazes Clarence place, Croft street Clark's entry, Sandgate Clark's yard, 10, Percy street Clavering place, foot of Westgate Clayton's court, 9, Pilgrim street Clayton street, 11, Newgate street Clayton street, Red Barns Clayton street west, 60, Clayton st. Close, Tyne bridge end Cloth market, Mosley street Coburgh place. Stock bridge Cock and Anchor chare, Sandgate Cock's chare, 6, Quay side Colvin's chare, 59, Quay side Collier's entry, 25 Close CoUingwood street, St. Nicholas sq. Common chare, St. Ann's street Concord court. Manor chare Conduit head, Pandon bank Cook's entry, Sandgate Cottingham street, Arthur's hill Courts, (No. 1 & 2,) Prudhoe place Cowan's entry, Percy street Cowgate, foot of Dog bank Cowgate, Ponieland road Cowhill, Town mour LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN NEWCASTLE. Cox's buildings, Wall knoll Cox's entry, Sandgate Cox's lane, Sandgate Cradle well, Benton road Crescent place, 50, Leazes lane Croft court, 8, Croft street Croft stairs, 5, Manor chare Croft street, 7, New Bridge street Cross Keys entry, 65, Side Cross street, Fenkle street Crown court, 93, Side Cut (The) Ouseburn bridge Cumberland row,Westgate Dark chare, 71, Quay side Darn crook, 55, Newgate street Davison's lane, St. Mary's street Dawson's court, 73,Westgate street Dean court, Painter heugh Dean street, 1, Grey street Dean yard, 16, High bridge Denton chare, St. Nicholas square Denton's yard, 38, Bigg Market Dent's hole, St. Peter's quay Derwent place, Cattle market Diana street, Buckingham street Dickinson's entry, 62, Side Dispensary square, & lane, 8, low Friar street Dixon's buildings, Diana street Dixon's buildings, Gallowgate Dobson's court, 178, Pilgrim street Dock house entry, Sandgate Dog bank, head of Butcher bank Dog entry, Close Dog leap stairs, 87, Side Dolphin yard, Close Daves court, 2, Northumberland st. Dawie's entry. Castle garth DaVnie's entry, St. Ann's street Drum entry, 60, Close Drury lane, 2, Cloth market Duke street, Westmorland street Duxfield's court, 73, Northumber. land street Earl Grey's monument, Head of Grey street Eddy's entry. Close Eddy's entry, Sandgate Edward street, Arthur's hill Egypt square. New road Eldon lane, (East) 16, Blackett st. Eldon lane, (West) 14, Percy street Eldon place, 53, Percy street Eldon row, 57, Percy street Eldon square, 16, Blackett street Eldon street, 25, Eldon place Eldon street. Back, Barrasbridge Elliott's court. Bigg market Ellison place, Saville place Ellison terrace, Picton place Elswick court, 64, Northumberland street Elswick grove, Elswick Elswick lane, Westgate hill Elswick, (low) West of Close Elswick row, Rye hill Elswick street, Rye hill Elswick terrace, Scotchwood road Elswick terrace, (high) Rye hill Elswick villas, Elswick terrace Elswick lane, Arthur's hill Embleton's buildings. Forth banks Erick street, 3, New bridge street Factory yard, Gallowgate Farrington's court, Bigg market Fenkle street, 67, Clayton street Fenwick's entry, 48, Quay side Fighting cocks row. East ballast hills Fighting cocks yard, 37, Bigg market Fish market, Sandhill Flag entry, Sandgate Fleece court, Gallowgate Fletcher's entry, 58, Groat market Folly, Sandgate Folly lane, Sandgate Folly stairs, North shore Forman's court. Orchard street Forster's street, Pandon bank Forster's yard, 2, Fenkle street Forster's yard, 21, Pilgrim street Forsyth's court, 82, Pilgrim street Forth, Neville street Forth banks. West end of Close Forth, grove, Forth Forth lane, 42, Westgate street Forth place, Thornton street Forth row. Forth banks Forth square, Forth Forth street. Orchard street Forth terrace. Forth bank Forth walls. Forth lane Fox's buildings, Sallyport gate Frankling street. Shield stree Friars, Charlotte square Friars green. Friars Friar lane, (high) 107, Clayton st. Friar street, (high) 35, Grainger st. Friar street, (low) 70, Kewgate street 8 LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN NEWCASTLE. Frost's court, 2, Newgate street Gallon's court, Painter heugh Gallowgate, 114, Percy street Garnett's entry, I, Side Garret's yard. Bigg market Garth head's, Keelman's hospital Garth's entry. Bigg market George stairs. Butcher hank George street east, Saville place George street, Scotchwood road Gihson street, New hridge street Glass house hridge, Ouseburn Glassmakers' street, St. Peter's quay Goldburn's court, 95, Newgate st. Golden Lion yard, 40, Bigg market Goodlad's court, 10, Westgate street Gosforth street, Shield street Grasham place, Picton place Grainger street, Bigg market Gravesend walk, Pudding chare Green court, 40, Newgate street Green court, 173, Pilgrim street Greenfield place, Westgate Green tree entry, 175, Pi J grim street Greenville terrace, Grenville street Grenville street, Red barns Grey street, 32, I>ean street Grey street, St. Peter's quay Grinding chare, 70, Quay side Groat market, 47, Bigg market Grove's entry. Close Guthrie's yard, Bigg market Half Mooii entry, Sandgate Hall's court, 28, Newgale street Handyside's yard, 52, Side Hanover square, Clavering place Hanover street, Close Hardcastle's court. Bigg market Harper's court, 25, Newgate street Hay market, Percy street Haywood's yard, 15, Cloth market Headof theside, St. Nicholas square Heath's yard, 12, Pilgrim street Heaton terrace. New Bridge street Headley place, Blenheim street Headley terrace. Oyster shell lane Heron street, Darn crook Hewetson's yard, Head of Side Hewison's yard, Gallowgate Hewits court. Painter heugh Hayes yard, Queen street High bridge. Cloth market Higham place, New Bridge street Hill's court, 47, Close Hill's place, 76, Pilgrim street Hill's street, head of Gallowgate Hinde street, Scotchwood road Hogg's court, 53, Close Hood street, 49, Grey street Hopper's entry. Side Hornsby's chare, 57, Quay side Howard street, 35, Gibson street Howard street, Byker bar Hunter's lane, Sandgate Hutton's court, 79, Pilgrim street Infant school entry. Castle garth Irongate entry, Castle street Jackson's entry, 4, Newgate street Jamieson*s entry, 43, Pilgrim street James's court, 130, Pilgrim street Javil group, 63, Close Jesmond, Jesmond raad Jesmond high terrace, St. Thomases terrace Jesmond place, Jesmond Jesmond road, St. Mary's terrace Jesmond terrace, B arras bridge Jesmond vale, Jesmond Jesmond villas, Jesmond road Jesmond west. North road Jessamine place,33, Brandling place Jobling's entry, 54, Side John street, Arthur's hill Johnson's entry, Sandgate Joiner's chare, Sandgate Joint Stock entry, Side Keel lane, Sandgate Kent street, Shield street King street, Side Kyle's yard, Close Lambton place, 28, Prudhoe street Langstaflf's court, Clavering place Lawson's entry, 56, Side Lawson street, Byker bar Laxe's buildings, Barrick road Lax's court, 61, Percy street Leazes, head of Gallowgate Leazes crescent, Terrace place Leazes lane, 107, Percy street Leazes place, Leazes lane Leazes terrace, St. James's street Levan entry, Sandgate Library place, 66, Westgate street Liddles court, 24, High bridge Lime street, Ouseburn • Lisle street, 7, Northumberland st. Liverpool place, Liverpool street Liverpool street, 87, Percy street LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN NEWCASTLE. Lloyd's coiirf, 126, Piigrim street Long stairs, 18, Close Longstaff's ct.,foot of Westgate st. Lovaine court, Barras bridge Lovaine place, 6, Lovaiii^ row Lovaine row, Barras bridge Lovaine terrace, 19, Lovaine place Lovaine terrace East, Lovaine ter. Love lane, 4, Quay side Low bridge, 15, Dean street Luckley's entry, 38, Groat market Mackford's entry, 58, Northumber- land street Mackford's entry, foot of Westgate Malcolm's chare, Sandgate Man gin's entry, Sandgate Manor chare, foot of Manor street Manor place. Manors Manor street, 37, Pilgrim street Manors, foot of Arcade Mansfield street, Arthur's hill Market lane, 129, Pilgrim street Market street, 51, Grainger street Markham's chare, Sandgate Marlborough crescent, Cattle mkt. Marlborough place. Cattle market Marlborough street, Scotchwood road Marshall's court, 75, Newgate st. Marshall's entry. Sandgate Matford's entry, Pandon bank Maving's entry, 84, Pilgrim street Mayor's lane, 52, Close Meeting bouse yard, 45. Groat mkt Melbourne street, 26, Buxton street Middle Glass houses, Ouseburn Milk market Sandgate Mill entry, Sandgfrte Mill entry, 50, Side Miller's hill, Tyne street Minden street, New bridge street Minories, Jesraond road Morrison's court, 48, Groat market Mortimer's court, 38, Newgate street Mosley street. Cloth market Monk street, 12, Low Friar street Mountain's court, 81, Pilgrim street M'lshroom, North shore Nag's Head entry, Sandgate Nelson street, 28, Grainger street Nelson street, North shoro Nelson street, 30, Trafalgar street Neville street, Forth New bridge, foot of New bridge st New bridge street, 100, Pilgrim st Newby's entry, 40, Newgate street New court, 38, Westgate street New Dolphin yard, Close Newgate court, 92, Newgate street Newgate street, 1, Bigg market New markets, Grainger street New mills, Barrick square New Pandon street, Pandon bank New quay, foot of Quay side New road. North of Sandgate Nimmo's entry, Sandgate Nixon street, Sandyford lane Nixon's yard, 74, Percy street Noah's ark yard; Gallowgate North pole, Chimney mills North road, Barras bridge North shore. East end of Quay side Northumberland ct. 13, Blackett st Northumberland pi. I.Northumber- land street Northumberland st. 1, Blackett st Nunsgate, I, Newgate street Nunsmoor, IPonteland road Nuns street, 10, Grainger street Oakes place. West street Old George yard, 2, Union street Orchard court. Postern Orchard street, Postern Ouse street, Ouseburn bridge Ouseburn, East of St. Ann's street Ouseburn bridge, Ouseburn Oxford street, New bridge street Oxford street, (back,) Oxford street Oxford street. East end of Quay Oyster shell lane, Bath lane Painter heugh, 7, Dean street Pallister's chare, 61, Quay side Pandon, Stock bridge Pandon bank. Stock bridge Pandon gate, Stock bridge Pandon street, Pandon bank Parade, or Haymarket, Percy street Paradise row, Postern Park place, 3, Prudboe street Patterson's court, 89, Percy street Paul street, Blenheim street Paul street, Ouseburn Pawton dean terrace, Shieldfield Peacock chare, 42, Qiay side Pearson's court, 41, Westgate street Peel street, Temple street Peppercorn chare, 63, Quay sid.^ Percy court, *)0, Percy street Percy place, 20, Percy srr'-et n''2 10 LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN NEWCASTLE. Percy street, 54, Newgale street Percy street, St. Peter's quay Petrie's entry, Sandgate Picton place, New bridge street Picton terrace, New bridge street Pilgrim street, 68, Blackett street Pinmaker's entry, Sandgate Piper's yard, 38, Newgate street Pitman's row. Forth bank Pitt steeet, head of Gallowgate Pleasant row, Shieldfield Plummer chare, 53, Quay side Plummer street, Scotchwood road Ponteland road, Barrick road Portland place, New bridge street Postern, 79, Westgate street Postern gate. Postern Postern lane, head of Side Pothouse lane, Sandgate Prince's street, 3, Saville row Providence place, Thornton street Prudhoe court, 28, Prudhoe street Prudhoe place, 6, Prudhoe street Prudhoe street, 27, Percy street Pudding chare, 47, Bigg market Quality row, East ballast hills Quay side, 1, Sand hill Queen square, 4, Saville row Queen street, King street E,ace ground, Town moor Racket court, 93, Newgate street Railway bank, Carliol square Railway street, Scotchwood road Railway terrace, Scotchwood road Ralph yard. Queen street Rankin's court, 84, Newgate street Ravensworth place, Jessamine place Ravens worth terrace, Westgate hill Red barns, Ouseburn Regent street, Forth terrace Regent terrace. New Bridge street Rennison's entry, Sandgate Renneldson's court, 62, Newgate st Rewcastle chare, 28, Quay side Richardson's court, 2, Pilgrim street Richmond place, Chatham place Richmond street, 25, Gibson street Ridley court, 41, Groat market Ridley place, 21, Northumberland st Ridley terrace, 1, Gibson street Ridley villas, New Bridge street Ripingham street, Byker bar Robin Hood entry. Close Robson's court, Ts, Pilgrim street Robson's entry, Sandgate Rosemary lane, 35, Pudding chare Rosemary terrace, Rosemary lane RusselTs court, Hanover square Rye hill, Elswick lane Sallyport court, Carpenter's tower Sallyport gate, Wall knoll Salt entry, 71, Close Sand gate. Milk market Sand gate bank. New read end Sandhill, 116, Side Sandyford lane, Barras bridge Sandy ford place, Sandyford lane Sandyford pi. foot of Sandyford In Saville court, 5, Saville low Saville place, 5, Saville row Saville low, 11, Northumberland st Scaife's court, 133, Pilgrim street Scotch arms yard. Bigg market Scotch wood road, Marlboro* street Scott's court. South street Sellers' entry, Sandgate Shakespare street. Grey street Sheep head alley, Bank side Sherwoods' court, 11, Bigg market Shieldfield, New Bridge street Shield street, Shieldfield Ship entry. Cloth market Side, St. Nicholas square Silver street, 5, Pilgrim street Simpson's entry, Sandgate Skinner burn. West end of Close Smile's court, Thornton street Smith's court, 36, Percy street Smith's yard, 72, Percy street Smith's yard. Queen street Sumraervill's entry, Sandgate South street, Forth street Spencer's entry, Sandgate Spence's entry, Silver street Spicer lane, 25, Quay side Spital, Westgate street Spital orchard, 62, Westgate street Spital place, Westgate street Spital tongues.WestofChimney mills Spital walls, Spital place Spring garden terrace, Gallowgate Spring garden lane, Barrick road St. Andrew's court, 88, Pilgrim st St. Ann's row, New road St. Ann's street, Sandgate St. Anthony's, St. Peter's quay St. James's lane, Pandon bank St. James's place, Barras bridge LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN NEWCASTLE. 11 St. James's street, 8, Strawberry pi St. James's terrace, 13, St. James's st St. John's lane, 33, Bigg market St. Lawrence, North shore St. Lawrence street, North shore St. Martin's court, 91, Newgate street St. Mary's place, head of Northum- berland street St, Mary's street, Sandgate St. Mary's terrace, 6, Jesmond terrace St. Nicholas square, foot of Groat market St. Nicholas church yard, St. Nicho- las square St. Peter's quay. North shore St. Thomas's place. North road St. Thomas's street and square, 81, Percy street St. Thomas's terrace. North road St. Thomas's terrace, St. Thomas st. Stamfordham place, 97, Percy street Station house square. Manors Stephneybank,Eastend of Stephney Stephney fields, Union terrace Stephney lane, head of Gibson st. Stephney street, Ridley villas Stephney terrace, Red barns Stephney Yillas, Stephney lane Stephenson's place, foot of Westgate Stiron's entry, Sandgate Stock bridge, foot of Manor chare Stoke's court. Friars Stout's yard. Orchard street Stowell square, Stowell street Stowell street. Darn crook Strawberry lane, 7, Albion street Strawberry place, 7, Albion street Suffield street. Red barns Summerbell's entry, Sandgate Summerhill, Westgate hill Summerhill grove, Westgate Summerhill terrace, Westgate Sunderland street, Waterloo street Sussex street. Forth street Sussex yard, Sussex street Swinbourne place, (high) Westgate Swinbourne place, (low) Westgate Swirle, Sandgate Taylor's court, 20, Newgate street Taylor's yard, 70, Westgate street Temple street, Pitt street Temple street, Sunderland street Terrace place^ 14, St. James's place Thomas's court, Forth street Thompson's entry, Groat market Thornton street, Westgate Three Indian Kings court, 34, Quay side Three tuns entry, St. Mary's street Tindal street, Arthur's hill Tinman's entry, St. Ann's street Todd's court, 51, Groat market Todd's court, 40, Newgate street Todd's nook, Barrick road Town moor. North road Trafalgar street. New bridge street Trafalgar st.,(back,) New bridge st. Trafalgar terrace, (back,) Trafalgar street Trinity chare, 40, Quay side Trotter's entry, 25, Close Tuthill stairs, 32, Close Tyne bridge end, 46, Sand hill Tyne street. New road Union street, head of Cloth market Union terrace, Ridley villas Ure's entry, Sandgate Victoria bazaar and market, 32, Gib- son street Victoria place, Clavering place Victoria terrace, Carlton place Villa place, (high) Westgate Villa place, (low) Westgate Vine court, 90, Pilgrim street Vine lane, 23, Northumberland st. Vint's buildings, West end, New road Walker court, 82, Newgate street Wall knoll, Pandon Wallace quay. North shore Wallace yard, 31, Pudding chare Warwick place. North road Water gate, Sandgate Waterloo street, Derwent place Watson's entry, 107, Side Watson's entry, 120, Side Watson's yard, Bigg market Weaver's entry, Sandgate Well entry, 35, Close Wellington place, 68, Pilgrim street Wellington st. Back lane Gallow gt Wesley street, Wesley terrace Wesley terrace, Shieldfield Westmorland lane, Low Elswick Westmorland st., Marlboro* crescent Westmorland ter., Westmorland st. West street, Arthur's hill West street, Back lane West Walls, Westgate 12 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. West wall cottages, West walls Westgate, 6, Clayton street Westgate court, Westgate Westgate hill, Cumberland row Westgate street, 26, Collingwood st White Bear entry, Sandgate White's entry, St., Mary's street White Hart yard, 6, Cloth market White Horse yard 45, Groat market White House yard, 86, Pilgrim st White Swan yard, 17 Cloth market Widdrington's yard, 13, Cloth mkt Wide open, Sandgate Wilkinson's buildings, Pandon bank William street, Arthur's hill William street, St., Peter's quay Wilson's court, 37, Groat market Wood entry, St., Ann's street Wrangham's entry, Sandgate York street. Glass house bridge York street, Shield street Young's entry. Close Young's entry, Sandgate Zion Chapel yard, Westgate street DIRECTORY OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY or NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, WITH THE SUBURBS. Abbot John, plumber and brass founder; h. 2 Ellison place Abbs Cooper, solicitor, 66 Westgate street Acaster Stephen, ship agent and victualler. Plough, Spicer lane Adams David, travelling tea dealer, 15 Stowell street Adams James, travelling draper, 17 Stowell street Adams John, victualler. Oak Tree, St. Lawrence Adamson Charles M. solicitor; h. Craig Hall, Jesmond Adams Robert, baker. The Cut Adamson Andrew, travelling tea dealer, 13 Stowell street Adamson George and Sons, solicitors, 44 Westgate street Adamson John, secretary, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Co.; h. 44 Westgate street Adamson Robert, travelling tea dealer, 12 Stowell street Adamson William Francis, tobacconist, 11 Royal Arcade; h. 19 Nun's st Addison Mr. David, Blenheim street Addison John, shopkeeper, 11 Marlborough street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 13 Addison William, lodgings, 13 Blenheim street Affleck Duncan, M. D.,4 Leazes terrace Affleck James, shopkeeper, Byker hill Affleck Margaret, hair dresser, 163 Pilgrim st.; h. 14 Prudhoe street Ainsley and Ay don, wholesale grocers and tea dealers, 7 Grainger street Ainsley John, grocer and tea dealer; h. 5 Elswick Terrace Ainsley Joseph, smith. South street Ainsworth Mary Ann, lodgings, 53 Grainger Street Airey Mrs. Jane, 18, High Claremont place Airey Robert, gentleman, Jesmond villas Aisbitt Joseph, tailor and draper, 2, Argyle street Aisbitt Matthew, victualler. Bee hive, 34 Sand hill Aisbitt Thomas Orren, ship broker, King James street; h. Gateshead Aitchison John & Co. victuallers, Edinburgh house, 19 Clayton street, and Old Market hotel. Old Market lane Aitken James, shop keeper, Westmoreland street Aitkin William, tailor, 9 Percy place Akenhead David, gentleman, 1 St. Thomas terrace. North road Akenhead John and Robert, booksellers, printers, & stationers, 31 Sand- hill; h. High street, Gateshead Alder Dunn & Co., linen and woollen drapers, 13 Market street Alder Joshua, gentleman, 1 Ravensworth terrace Alder Mark, cowkeeper, Spital tongues Alderson Jane, pawnbroker. Postern Alderson Margaret, shopkeeper, Sandgate Alderson Mary, midwife, 7 Croft street Alderson Richard, chimney sweep, 28 Close Alderson Thomas, painter and glazier, 1 Trafalgar street Alderson Thomas, upholsterer, 20 St. John's lane Alexander James, M.D. and surgeon, 12 Northumberland street Alexander Ralph, cabinet maker and joiner, court 24 High bridge All Saints Church, foot of Pilgrim street All Saints Chapel of Ease, Byker All Saints Boys' Charity School, Station House square, John Brewis All Saints Girls' Charity School, Jesus Hospital, Manor chare, Ann Pescod mistress Allan Alexander, clothes dealer. Dog leap stairs Allan Andrew, dyer, 4 Picton terrace Allan Andrew, shopkeeper, 36 Low Friar street Allan George, soap maker. New road Allan George, shoemaker, Buckingham street Allan Mrs. Mary, New road Allan Michael, solicitor; h. Blenheim street Allan Michael, hosier and chandler, 48 Sandhill; h. 106 Blenheim street Allan Robert Munro, and Michael, solicitors, 54 Dean street Allan Thomas, time keeper, 24 Leazes crescent 14 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Allan William, brush manufacturer, Thompson's entry ; h. Queen street Allan John and Co., chemical works, Hewarth, office, 46 Sandhill; h. Jackson street, Gateshead Allan John, shoemaker, court, 58 Newgate street Allan Mary, teacher of music, 12 Sunderland street Allerdyce John Crosby, bookbinder, paper ruler, account book manu- facturer, &c. Hewitson's court Allhusen Christian, general bonding w., 32 Love lane; h. Elswick Hall Allison Catherine, Berlin warehouse, 71 Grey street Allison George, painter, glaizer, stenceller, &c., 74 Pilgrim street Allison George, police sub-inspector, Prudhoe station Allison Henry Penrith, surgeon, 1 Richmond street Allison John, victualler and saddler, Hope & Anchor, head of Byker bar Allison Ralph, victualler. Wheat Sheaf, & shopkeeper. Lime st. Ouseburn Allison Thomas, lodgings, 5 Blenheim street Allison Thomas, flour dealer and shopkeeper, 13 Butcher bank Allon Richard, foreman, 6, Blackett place Allon William, tallow chandler, Sandgate Alport Martha, milliner and dress maker, 12, Collingwood street Amers John, shopkeeper, St. Lawrence street. North shore Amery George, joiner and cabinet maker, 10, Pilgrim st. h. Picton place Amos Francis, shopkeeper, 6, Butcher bank Anderson Ann, stay maker, 32, Blackett street Anderson Anthony, carpenter and joiner, 16, Northumberland street, h. 103, Clayton street Anderson Archibald, cattle salesman, 19, Blenheim street Anderson Alice, dress maker, 15 Nelson street Anderson Charles George, coach builder and harnees makor, 8, Nor- thumberland place Anderson Eleanor, school mistress, Westmoreland lane Anderson George, gentleman, 5 Charlotte square Anderson Mrs. Hannah, Jesmond House Anderson Jacob, shopkeeper, Skinnerburn Anderson and Innes, cabinet makers and joiners. High Friar lane Anderson James, cabinet maker, &c. h. 22 Nun's street Anderson James, corn miller and flour dealer, Gallowgate, 62 Grainger street, and grocer, Ouseburne Anderson James, merchant, h. 3 Lovaine place Anderson James, vict. Coach & Horses, Blenheim street Anderson James, painter and glazier, 15 Low Friar street Anderson John, potatoe merchant, Russell court, Hanover square Anderson John, Esq. banker, Coxlodge Hall Anderson John, gentleman, 1 Leazes crescent Anderson John, grocer and tea dealer, 39 Dean street; h. Forth house Anderson John, commission merchant, ship and insurance broker, 31, Quay side; h. 23, Oxford street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY^ 15 Anderson John, secretary to the " Liberal Premium," the " Tyne Hope," and the " General Outfit Associations," 1, Broad chare; h. Moledine terrace, Gateshead Anderson Joseph, solicitor, Westgate street ; h. Benwell Tower Anderson Margaret, confectioner, 11, Nun's street Anderson Mary Elizabeth, ladies seminary, 11, Northumberland street Anderson Matthew, general merchant, 57, Close ; h. Jesmond cottage Anderson Robert, Esq. sub-agent, branch Bank of England 13, Grey st Anderson Robert, schoolmaster, Westmorland lane Anderson Robert, coal fitter, 29, Quay side Anderson Sarah, Mary, Eliz. and H. G. dress makers, 32, Blackett street Anderson William, junior, coal fitter, coke manufacturer, agent for Whit- ley lime works, and Heddon Iron Buck Co., 33 Quay side; h. 1 Lovaine terrace Anderson William, cabinet mkr. & furniture bkr. 6J Northumberland st. Anderson Mr. William, Buckingham street Anderson William, merchant, Byker Andrew John, carrier, 12 Stamfordham place Andrews Ann, lodgings, 10 Terrace place Andrews James, artist, 3 Royal Arcade; h. 12 Brandling place Andrews Robert, cheese and bacon factor, 98 Clayton street Angas John Lindsay, gentleman, 3 Ravensworth terrace Angas Mr. Joseph, Arthur's hill Angus Abraham Cooper, flour and provision dealer, 36 Gibson street ; h. 10 Stepney terrace Angus George, currier, &c.; h. Barrington place, Bensham, Gateshead Angus G. & T. C, curriers and leather cutters, 72 Close Angus Henry, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 42 Clayton street Angus Henry, tanner. Chambers court; h. Windmill hill, Gateshead Angus Henry, coach builder and harness maker, Angus court, Bigg market; h. 9 Rye hill Angus and Wilson, woollen drapers, 74 Grey street Angus James, glass, china and earthenware dealer, 57 and 58 Grainger street, & flint glass manufacturer, Carr's hill, Gat9shead ; h, 17|Nun's st Angus John, brewer, maltster and spirit merchant, 94; h. 39 Percy street Angus Jonathan, woollen draper; h, 4 Low Swinbourne place Angus John, commercial coffee house, 9 Market street Angus Joseph, agent, Lower Elswick Angus Margaret Elliott, milliner and dressmaker, 58 Grainger street Angus Teasdale, shopkeeper, Sunderland street; h. High villa place Angus Thos. C, and Co. hide merchants, agents to the Protestants, Disseu- tents, &c. P'ire and Life Insurance Co. 6 and 72 Close; h. Union cottages, Windmill hill Annandale Andrew, paper hanging manufacturer; h. 37 Westgate street Annandale John and Sons, paper manufacturers, Thornton street; works, Shotley grove 16 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Annandale Thomas, surgeon, 62 Northumberland street Antill Philip James, victualler, wine and spirit merchant, Duke of Northumberland, 102 Clayton street Appleby Ann, shopkeeper, Silver street Appleby James, grocer and flour dealer, Pandon bank Appleby William and Co. quarry men, Bell street quarry Appleby William, butcher, 165 New market; h. 25 West Clayton street Appleby William, shopkeeper, Elswick street Appleton John Reed, clerk, I Melbourne street Archbold James, gentleman, Gallowgate Archbold Sarah, crape and blond dyer and dresser, 123 Pilgrim street Archbold William, victualler. Queen's Head hotel, and posting house, 37 and 38 Pilgrim street and 71 Grey street Archibald George, shopkeeper, Temple street Archer and Harrison, sail makers, 7 Quay side Archer John, sail maker; h. Shield street Archer Thomas, printer, 39 Prudhoe street Arckless Susannah, milliner and dress maker, 48 Blackett street Arkle Isabella, victualler. Blue Bell, Westgate Arkley John, butcher, 169 New mkt., & Rewcastle chare ; h. 12 Carliol st Arman Mr. Thomas, 32 Brandling place Armitage Edward, victualler. Smiths' Arms, 6 Prudhoe street Armorer Watson, chemist and druggist, 17 Newgate street; b. 26 Cum- berland row Armory Thomas, tailor, 37 Low Villa place Armour Thomas, furniture broker, 22 Blackett street Armstrong Ann, infant school for children of the upper classes, 41 Clay- ton street Armstrong Elizabeth, milliner and straw hat maker, Lloyd's court Armstrong George, grocer and tea dealer, 76 Clayton street Armstrong Hugh Clayton, timber merchant, &c.; h. Northumberland st Armstrong James, wholesale and retail woollen draper and tailor, 38 Mosley street; h. 14 Lovaine place Armstrong James, baker and flour dealer, 10 Low Buxton street Armstrong Mrs. Jane, 23 Elswick row Armstrong John, victualler, Blue Man, 1 Elswick lane Armstrong John, green grocer, 243, New market ; h. New road Armstrong John, comb manufacturer, Sandgate Armstrong John, shopman, Wellington street Armstrong John, shoemaker, 16 Low Friar street Armstrong John, shopkeeper, 2 Hill street Armstrong Joseph, printer and publisher; h, 4 Higham place Armstrong Matthew, agent, 6 Wesley street Armstrong Robert, custom house oflScer, 18 Low Villa place Armstrong Robert, clerk, 17 Elswick row NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 17 Armstrong Susannah, green grocer, 239 New market; h. New road Armstrong Thomas, goldbeater, 32 Bigg market Armstrong William, treasurer to the Corporation, Guildhall; h.65 Percy st Armstrong William and Co,, grocers and tea dealers, 27 Mosley street; h. 18 Villa place Armstrong William and Co., commission agents and corn merchants, Cowgate; h. Minories Armstrong William George, solicitor; h. Jesmond Armstrong William, shopkeeper and baker, I Tindal street Armstrong William, tailor, St. James's lane, Pandon bank Armstrong William, traveller, 5 Waterloo street Armstrong William, block and mast maker, Westwall cottages Arnett Jane, milliner and dress maker, 60 Gibson street Arrington Christiana, butcher, 117 New market; h. Westgate Arrowsmith John, butcher, 15 Victoria Bazaar, and the Cut Arther James, grocer and tea dealer, 115 Side; h. Ravensworth terrace, Gateshead Arthur Mrs. Elizabeth, 95 Blandford street Arthur Elizabeth, lodgings, 3 Princes street Arthur Joseph, cowkeeper, 23 Eldon place Arthur Mr. Robert, 1 Stamfordham place Arundale Mrs. Isabella, 21 Leazes terrace Arundale Joseph, glue manufacturer, Scottswood road; h. Leazes terrace Ashford Richard Gould, ship broker; h. 36 Jessamine place Askew Richard Craster, barrister-at-law, 49 Westgate street; h, Tjne- mouth hall Assay office. Dean court. Painters' heugh Assembly and news rooms, Westgate street, Thomas Haigh superintendent Asylum, Bath lane, Donald Macintosh, M.D. superintendent Atchison Andrew, ship biscuit and bread baker, 27 Quay side and 9 Bridge street, Gateshead Atkin Ann, lodgings, Neville street Atkin David, boot and shoe maker. Castle stairs Atkin Richard, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Atkin Robert and Thomas, victualler, Royal Oak, Bailiff gate Atkin Robert, joiner, "Vine lane Atkin Thomas, shoe maker, Castle stairs Atkin William, victualler, Ducrow Inn, Shakespeare street Atkin William, joiner, Bath lane Atkinson Ann, British school mistress, Bath lane; h. 99 Blenheim street Atkinson Anthony, stock and share broker, 47 Grainger street; house Arthur's hill Atkinson Mrs. Dorothy, 25, Ridley place Atkinson Edward Buchen, oyster dealer, 6 Shakespeare street Atkinson George Thompson, silk dyer, Gateshead; h. 14 Blanford street Atkinson George, tobacco dealer. Nun's gate i 18 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Atkinson Hannah, milliner and dressmaker, I Blackett street Atkinson Henry, dyer, 26, Newgate street; h. 6 Darn Crook Atkinson James, ship and insurance broker ; h. 5 Trafalgar street Atkinson James, vict. Charles XII. and brewer, 2 Tyne bridge end Atkinson John Garnett, Esq. 14 Northumberland street Atkinson John, shopkeeper, John street Atkinson John, shoemaker, Chapel lane Atkinson John, butcher, 130 Pilgrim street Atkinson Joseph, butcher, 149 New market, and Brandling Atkinson Joseph, plumber, glazier, and shopkeeper, 7, High Friar street Atkinson Mrs. Mary, High cross house, Elswick lane Atkinson Miss Mary, 3, Waterloo street Atkinson Rev. Matthew, 21, Low Villa place Atkinson and Philipson, coach, harness, and railway carriage manufac- turers, 93, Pilgrim street Atkinson Ralph and Co. grocers and tea dealers, 10, Tyne bridge end ; h. 9, Howard street Atkinson Ralph, farmer, South Gotforth Atkinson Ralph, vict. Joiner's Arms, 28, Percy street Atkinson Sarah, straw hat maker. Manor chare Atkinson Sibella, lodgings, Saville row Atkinson Thomas, linen & woollen draper, silk mercer, &c. 19, Markt. st Atkinson Thomas & Co. merchants, coalfitters, ship and insurance bro- kers. Three Indian Kings court; h. Ellison street, Gateshead Atkinson Thomas, watch and clock maker, 5, Bigg market, and 67 Grainger street Atkinson Thomas, commission agent, 14, Saville row Atkinson Thomas, agent, 30 Brandling place Atkinson William, vict. Cowgate, Ponteland road Attey William and Davison Andrew, provision dealers, 172, Pilgrim st. and 35, Newgate street Auckland William, glass, china, and earthenware dealer, 106 New market; h. 13, Buckingham street Avery John, carver and gilder, Forsyth's court Aydon Elizabeth, wholesale grocer and tea dealer, 3 Side; h. 108 Clayton Aydon Jane and Deborah, board and lodgings, 41 Blackett street Aydon John, grocer and tea dealer; h. Nursery Cottage, Elswick lane Aynsley Ann, shopkeeper, Pitt street Aynsley John Lumsdon, foreman, 3 Spring Garden terrace Ayre James, hair dresser, 36 Broad chare ; h, 30 Howard street Ayre John, victualler. Golden Lion, 7 Broad chare Ayre Richard, victualler. Grapes Inn, 25 Side Ayton Isaac and Sons, corn factors, 36 Sandhill Ay ton John Featherston, corn factor; h. 2 George street east Baas Elizabeth Watson, Matron Domestic Guardian Institution for ser- vants, 111 Pilgrim street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. \$ Babbage George F., glover and laceman; h. Percy street Bacon John Adam, agent, 6 Hinde street Badger Thomas, translater (old shoes), Castle stairs Bagnall George, professor of and dealer in music, musical instruments, piano- fortes, &c., 50 Grainger street Bagnall Robert, victualler, Steam Packet, Folly wharf Bailes Anthony, joiner and cabinet maker. Bigg market; h, Westgate st. Bailes Mrs. and Miss, ladies seminary, 7 Westgate street Bailey Andrew, tide waiter. New road Bailey Joseph, bookseller 38 Clayton street Bailey Thomas, basket maker, 54 New market; h. 6 Stepney lane Bain Thomas, basket maker, court, 187 Pilgrim street Bainbridge Emerson Muschamp, draper, silk mercer &c.; h. Shield field Bainbridge John, mattress maker, 1 1 Butcher bank Bainbridge John, foreman, W^est Blandford street Bainbridge and Muschamp, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers &c., Albert house, 11 and 12 Market street Bainbridge Ralph, victualler, Cumberland House, Queen street Bainbridge Samuel, whitesmith. Postern ; h, court, 38 Westgate street Bainbridge William, barrister at law, 70 Grey street; h. Walls end Bains Alexander, hair dresser and news agent, 30 High bridge Baird Mrs. Mary Lowes, 3 Eldon square Baird Thomas, victualler. New Hawk, East Ballast hills Baister Jane, lodgings, 11 Stepney terrace Baker Benjamin, commission agent, 20 Terrace place Baker George William, foreman, Dispensary lane Baker James, clerk of works. Royal engineer [department. Barracks ; ho 10 Spring garden terrace Baker Thomas, official assignee, 57 Grey street; h. 7 Carlton place Baker William Gair, victualler, Saddlers Wells, 10 Low Friar street Bakers and brewers Hall, Friars Ball Frederick, surgeon dentist, 36 Carliol street Ball John, beerhouse. New mills Ballast hills burial ground. East ballast hills, Thomas Gibson sexton Balls Thomas, cheesemonger, 41 Groat market; h.24 Newgate street Balmer Frederick, shoemaker. West Blandford street Bailey Mary, milliner and dress maker, 73 Blandford street Baily Thomas, basket maker, 54 New market; h. Stepney terrace Bally Adolphe and Co., merchants, 35 Broad chare; h. 10 Shield street Bally Anne, dress maker, 44 Blackett street Balmbra John, Vict., wheat sheaf & commercial Inn, 3 & 4 Cloth market Balmer Adam, cabinet maker and joiner, 15 Princes street Balmer George, tailor, 24 Cloth market Bambrough Matthew, file mfr,. Fighting cocks yard ; h. 19 Blandford st. Banks David, tailor and draper, 49 Grey street; h. 13 Saville court Banks John, vict., Burnthouse, 29 Side 20 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Banks Rev. Robert, (Baptist) 8 Leazes cresent Baptist Chapel^ Barras bridge Baptist Chape], Forth Fields Baptist Chapel, 9 Marlborough cresent Baptist Chapel, New bridge street Baptist Chapel, ct. 38 Westgate street Baptist Chapel, Tuthill stairs Baptist George, cutler and surgical instrument maker, 15 Cloth market Barber Daniel, vict., Hodgson's Arms, and flint glass manuf.. West street Barber and Pallister, flint glass mfrs., Pheenix flint glass works, Oakespl. Bardgett Thomas, tailor, 13 Brunswick place Bargate George and Co., tanners, Darn Crook h. 3 St. James street Barkas Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 70 Newgate street Barkas Robert, custom house officer, 69 Newgate street Barkas Thomas Pallister, bookseller and stationer, 26 Grainger street, h. 20 Prudhoe street Barkas William, carver and gilder, 26 High Friar street Barker James, joiner and builder. Barker street, h. 1 Camden street Barker James, foreman, Byker bar Barker John, gardener and seedsman, green grocer &c„ Cross house, Gal- lowgate, and 224 New market Barker John, joiner and cabinet maker. Vine lane, h. Pawtondean terrace Barkus John, coal fitter, and commission agent, 19 Quay side; h. St. John's Place, Gateshead Barlow Joseph, printer, bookseller, and stationer, 27 Nelson street Barlow William, fruiterer, 13 Nelson street and 192 New market Barnasconi Francisco, barometer, thermometer, glass hydrometer, and saccharometer manufacturer. High bridge; h. 2, Low bridge Barnes and Forster, copperas manufacturers, Wincomblee Barnes John, tailor and shopkeeper, East Ballast hills Barnes Robert, coal agent, 2 Ridley villas Barnes William, shoe maker, 27 Side Barnett Isabella, shopkeeper, 5 Bland ford street Barnfather George, grocer, tea and British wine dealer, 3 Nun's street; h. 3 Sunderland street Barracks, Ponteland road, John Hay barrack master Barras Charles, engraver, &c.; h. 11 Stepney terrace Barras Mrs. Jane, Jesmond vale Barras Miss Mary, 4 Summer hill grove Bairie James, beerhouse, 83 Newgate street Barron David, butcher, 22 Groat market ; h. Temple street Barron David, victualler, White Swan, Castle street Barron Frances, lodgings. Postern Barron Henry, victualler. Grey Horse, Milk market Barron Matthew and Joseph, linen drapers, hosiers, and haberdashers, 18 Clolh market NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 21 Barron Thomas, butcher, 100 New market; h. 64 Eldon street Barron WilliaiD, victualler. Cattle market inn, Forth place Barrow Mrs. Elizabeth, Westmoreland street Barrow Roger, painter and glazier, 6 High Friar street; h. 2 Low Clare- mont place Bartlett William, tailor, 20 Hill street Barton Samuel, tailor and draper, 57 Pilgrim street Barwick Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 Spring garden terrace Baskett Mrs. Jane, Argyle street Baskett John, custom house officer, 1 1 Picton place Basket and Rosenbohra, corn merchants, 51 Quay side Bass George, horsekeeper, 44 Pudding chare Bate John, tailor, 25 Melbourne street Bateman Mary, furniture broker, 189 Pilgrim street Bates and Dees, solicitors and agents to the Farmers' Fire and Life In- surance Co., court 54 Pilgrim street Bates George, solicitor; h. Heddon Bates Jane, cowkeeper, Ponteland road Bates John Muore, M.D., 51 Westgate street Batey John, wood turner, Silver street; h. court 173 Pilgrim street Batey John, lodgings, 7 Northumberland court Baths (publicj) east end of Ridley place, Northumberland street Batson Mrs. Isabella, 16 St. Mary's place Battle Mr. Andrew, 3 Elswick terrace Batty Robert, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, 60 Clayton street; h 10 Blenheim street Beach J. tailor, Todds court, 51 Groat market Bearup and Donkin, whitesmiths, bell hangers, scale beam, and weighing machine makers, 28 High Friar street Bearup Mrs. Isabella, 41 Northumberland street Bearup William, joiner and builder, 55; h. 57 Percy street Bearup William, junior, joiner, &c., 56 Percy street Beason William, lodgings, 93 Blenheim street Seattle William, sub-police inspector, Westgate station Beaumont William, lead merchant, 14 Northumberland street Beaumont William, gentleman, 4 High Swinbourne place Beck Edward, slate merchant; h. Westgate Beckington Charles, solicitor, 5 Market street Beckinton John and Son, corn millers, Ouseburn, and flour dealers 33 Bigg market, 2 Folly, and 15 Close; h. Ridley villas Beckington John junior, corn miller and merchant; h. 3 Shieldfield Beckwith George Wooler, ship and insurance broker, coal fitter, and general commission agent, Three Indian Kings, court; h.4Carlton pi. Beckwith Mrs. Mary, 29 Eldon street Beckwitk Mrs, 4 Lovaine row Bedlington Iron Company's office, 26 Westgate street c2 22 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Beech Rev. John Hugh, (Wesleyan) 34 Cumberland row- Beet Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Silver street Beiles John and Co., curriers and leather cutters, 1 Bigg market; h. 7 Westgate street Beiles Michael, victualler, Sun Inn, 37 Gibson street Beldon George, junior, ship and insurance broker, coal fitter, and com- mission agent, 29 Quay side ; h. 58 Eldon street Be]l Andrew, tailor and draper, 9 Collingwood street Bell Ann, board and lodging house, 40 Blackett street Bell Anthony, poulterer and game dealer, 3 Blackett street Bell Anthony Frederick, ship and insurance broker and commission agent, 32 Quay side Bell Barbara, dress maker, Mansfield street Bell Benjamin, coal owner, Indian Kings court ; h.3 Greenfield place Bell Mr. Charles Brown, 12 Richmond street Bell Christopher S.5land surveyor &c.; h. 16 Cumberland row Bell Davison, corn miller, Cowgate, Ponteland Bell Edward, provision dealer, 18 Bigg market Bell Mr. Edward, 32 Trafalgar street Bell George, joiner and builder, Fenkle street; h. 17 Shield field Bell George, cheese and bacon factor, 6 Tyne bridge end; h. Lampton terrace Bell George, marine store dealer. Castle yard Bell George, butcher, 175, New market; h. Low Friar street Bell George, custom house officer, Blenheim street Bell Rev. George, (Unitarian), 3 Brandling place Bell Henry, wine and spirit merchant, 21 and 22 St. John's lane ; h. 2 Cumberland row Bell Isaac, Iron merchant, &c. ; h. Benton Bell Isaac, agent, St. Ann's row Bell James, whitesmith; h. Church walk, Gateshead Bell Jane and Frances, Bell's commercial and family hotel, 6 Grey street Bell Mrs. Jane, 15 Brandling place Bell Jane, victualler. Foresters' Arms, Back lane Bell John, victualler. Crow's Nest Inn, 66 Percy street Bell John A., shoemaker. Back row. Queen street Bell John Thomas William, civil engineer and land surveyor, 20 Sand hill; h. 4 Shield street Bell John, Printer, 99 Clayton street Bell John, assistant draper, 25 Blackett street Bell John, day school. Regent street. Forth terrace; h. Forth street Bell J. and M., confectioners, 72 Pilgrim street Bell John William, confectioner; h. 6 Northumberland place Bell John, shoemaker, 34 Stowell street Bell Mr. John, 5 Nixon street Bell Joseph, master mariner, 89 Blandford street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 2^ Bell Joseph, druggist; h. 8 Richmond street Bell Joseph, shopkeeper, 29 Pudding chare Bell Joseph, railway clerk, (goods department), 7 Lisle street Bell Joseph, cattle dealer, court 74 Percy street Bell Joseph William, soda water and lemonade manufacturer, 71 Pilgrim street ; h. 1 1 Albion place Bell Martin Brown, victualler. Grey Horse, brewer, wine and spirit merchant, 65 Quay side Bell Mary Ann, confectioner, 51 Grey street Bell Mrs. Mary, 2 Cumberland row Bell Mrs., Picton place Bell M. and A., school, 13 Suramerhill terrace Bell Miss Mary, Shield street Bell Ralph, custom house officer, 1 West street, Arthur's hill Bell Robert, spirit merchant, &c. ; h. Fenham hall Bell Robert, grocer and tea dealer, 51 Dean street; h. 12 Eldon place Bell Robert, grocer, tea dealer, and seedsman, 64 Grainger street, and sack and canvass manufacturer, 22 Sand hill; h, Wesley terrace Bell Robert Paxton, fruiterer and game dealer, 91 Side, and 68 Blackettst. Bell Sarah and Dorothy, straw hat makers, court 189 Pilgrim street Bell Thomas, grocer and flour dealer, 1 Marlborough crescent Bell Thomas, & Co., earthenware manufacturers, Stepney pottery; h. Crescent Bell Thomas, iron merchant; h. Byker Bell Thomas & Sons, land surveyors, valuers, and agts., 35 Groat market Bell Thomas, land agent; h. 16 Cumberland row Bell Thomas, shopman, 35 Jessamine place Bell Thomas George, land valuer, &c. ; h. 10 Elswick row Bell Thomas, victualler, Northumberland Arms, Heron street Bell Thomas, shopkeeper, Denton chare Bell and Turnbull, whitesmiths, &c.. Postern Bell William, cheesemonger and grocer, 24 Sandhill; h. Stevenson place Bell William, master mariner, 8 Low Villa place Bell William, grocer and druggist, 150 Pilgrim street; h. 32 Trafalgar st Bell William, furniture broker and cabinet maker, 192 Pilgrim street Bell Wm. & John, booksellers, stationers, bookbinders, agents for the Art Union of London, &c. 5 and 6 Collingwood street; h, 2 Westgate hill Bell William, butcher, Wellington street Bell William, custom house officer, 83 Bland/ord street Bell William, shopkeeper, Jesmond vale Belle Grove Houses (lunatic asylum,) Ponteland road, William Magall superintendent Bells, Robson, and Co., brewers, maltsters, and spirit merchants, Tyne brewery, New quay Bellerby John, joiner, &c., Neville street; h. Orchard street Belough Mary, dressmaker. Stepney terrace 24 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Belt George, eating house, seedsman, sailcloth, sacking, twine, &c. manufacturer, 53 Groat market Benard Freres, merchant, coal fitter, &c., 51 Quay side; h. 45 Leazes ter. Bengali Edward, master mariner, New road Benn and Dixon, coal owners; office, 28 Quay side Benn Matthew, Esq., Coal owner; h. WoUington Bennett Charles Watson, banker's clerk, 8 Picton place Bennett John, shopkeeper, 103, Percy street Bensham Main Colliery Office, 11 Quay side, William Russell, Esq. owner; h. Brandsbeth castle, Thomas William Bourn fitter Benson John, general stock and sharebroker, and agent to the Star Fire and Life Assurance Office, 18 Royal arcade; h. 4 Shieldfield Benson Mary, straw hat maker, 186 Pilgrim stieet Benson Michael, printer, &c., 3 Dean street; h. 18 St. Nicholas ch. yd. Bergna John Baptist, jeweller,, barometer, thermometer maker, &c., 20 St. Nicholas church yard Berkley John, corn merchant and coal owner, 2 Butcher bank, coal office, 59 Quay side ; h. 12 St. Mary^s terrace Berkley William, ship and insurance broker, coal fitter, &c., 59 Quay side ; h. Shieldfield Berry John, brewer, New road ; h. Scotswood road Berry Mr. John, High Villa place Bertram Alexander, cheesemonger, bacon, &c. factor, 12 Union street Bertram Charles, merchant; h. 12 West street, Gateshead Bertram and Parkinson, merchants, 71 Quay side Bertram l^obert, shopkeeper. Forth street Best Andrew, tailor, 27 Prudhoe street Best John, tailor and draper, 31 Blackett street Best Thomas, merchants clerk, New Pandon street Best Mr. Thomas, 3 Edward street Beveridg Thomas, brewer and beer house, Ouseburn bank Beveridge John, school master. Plumbers Hall, West walls Beveridge Thomas, shoe maker, 33 Blandford street Bewick Abraham, shopkeeper and flour dealer, Greenville terraco Bezell}' Joseph, cart owner. New road Bianchi Charles, umbrella maker & ostrich feather dresser, 1 14 Pilgrim st. Bigge Matthew Robert, E^., banker, 31 Market street Bigger Benjamin, bacon factor and provision dealer, 65 Close; h. 47 Leazes terrace Bilton Edward and Co., merchants, 42 Sand hill Bilton Edward, Spanish, Portuguese, Sicilian, and Brazilian vice consul j h. Westgate hill Bilton Frank, coachman, 7 Northumberland place Binks Prudence, hosier, 64 Head of the Side Binks Sarah, victualler, Cock Inn, Denton chare Binns Stephen, blacking manufr., 22 New market; h. 101 Clayton street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. ^5 Binns Tbomas, hair dresser, 23 Nelson street, h. Crescent place Binns William, tailor, 9 Brunswick place Black Henry Ferdinand, commission merchant and ship broker, High Elswick terrace Black James, ship and insurance broker; h. Poplar cottage, Gateshead Black William, hair dresser, Carliol square ; h. Gibson street Blackbird Francis, surgeon, 11 Blackett street Blackbird and Hunter, ship and insurance brokers, 29 Quay side Blackbird Russell, ship;^ &c., broker ; h. villa real Blackburn Margaret, green gro-er, 193 New mkt. ; h. 16 High Friar st. Blackburn Thomas, green grocer, 223 New market ; h, Westgate Blackett Francis, cowkeeper. Black lane Blackett Mrs. Jane, 25 Westmorland terrace Blackett John, coal agent, I Carlton place Blackett Thomas Oswald, land surveyor, Forth terrace Blackett's hospital. Manor chare Blackball and Scott, comb and brush manufacturers, 12 Mosley street Blacklockand Halls, fire brick manufacturers, Bells close j Blacklock John, grocer and flour dealer, 18 Gibson street Blacklock John, victualler. Boars Head, Westgate Blacklock Joseph, solicitor and agent to the Insurance Co. of Scotland, 46 St. Nicholas church yard; h. 64 Percy street Blacklock Robert, fire brick manufacturer; h. Bell's close Blacklock Thomas, shopkeeper, Elswick street Blackwell Benjamin Brunton, patent nail works, 71 Close Blackwell John and Co. printers and publishers of the Courant Ne^vspa- per, 54 Pilgrim street; h. 14 Ellison place Blackwood Rev. William, (Presbyterian,) 51 Eldon street Blagburn Robert, butcher, 69 Quay side; h. 50 Cumberland row Blagburn Thomas, varnish manufacturer, 9, Quay side, Blackett's Hospital, Manor Chare Blaiklock William, shopkeeper, 36, and painter, 112, Percy street Blair George, tailor, &c. ; h. Summerhill Blair William, tailor, 4, Erick street Blake Robert, shoe maker, court, 15 High Friar street Blakeman Mr. John, 5, Elswick terrace Blakey John, boot and shoe maker, 87, Side Blackey Mary, shopkeeper, Ouseburn Blackey Mary, lodging and boarding house, 7, Prudhoe street Bland James, vict. Stone Cellars, St. Lawrence Blayney Arthur, grocer and tea dealer 53, Grainger street Bleckly Henry, bank manager, 5, Summerhill terrace Blenkinsop Eleanor, lodgings, 6 Howard street, Blenkinsop John, cooper, 18 Close; h. bQ St. Nicholas square Blenkinsop Michael, butcher, 22 Newgate street, and 13 Newmarket Blenkinsop Thomas, cooper, &;c., 24 Union street ; h. 67 Blandford street 26 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Blenkinsop William, butcher, 138 New market; h. 18 Melbourne street Blenkinsop William, keel owner, 3 Forth bank Blower William, chimney sweep, Gallowgate Boag Thomas, grocer and marine store and flour dealer, St. Mary's street Bodger Henry, painter and glazier; h. 13 Carlton street. Shield field Bodger Matthew, excise officer, Howard street, Byker bar Boe George, hosier, 1 Ravensworth terrace Boe William, boot and shoemaker, 17 Collingwood street; h. 1 Ravens- worth terrace Bolam George, baker, 18 High Friar street Bolam Mary Ann, furniture broker, 185 Pilgrim street Boldemann, Borries, and Co., geneial merchants, coal fitters, ship and insurance agents, O Quay side Boldemann Frederick, merchant, &c. ; h. 9 St. Mary's terrace Bollam George, land agent, 46 Westgate street Bollam William, land agent, 46 Westgate street Bolton Edward, shopkeeper, ^ock bridge Bolton George, solicitor, 22 Grey street; h. 23 Eldon place Bolton George Frost, grocer, ship chandler, oil, paint, and colour dealer, 13 Quay side ; h. Walker Bolton Joseph, corn miller, Dean mill; h. 7 Lovaine terrace Bolton Lionel, grocer, &c., Milk market Bolton William, shoemaker, Ouseburn bridge, and shopkeeper, Thomp- son street Bone Jamieson, hosier, haberdasher, and straw hat maker, 94 Clayton st. Bones Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, Scaifes court Bones Francis, bailiff. Low Villa place Borries Theodore, merchant, &c.; h. 4 Warwick place Booth Alexander, victualler, and Scotch linen dealer, Lord Collingwood, 103 Clayton street Booth George, shoe maker, court 25 Butcher bank Bootiman Michael, victualler. High Dyke Tavern, 20 Broad chare Boarding Cuthbert, cabinet maker. Sallyport gate Borland John, boot and shoemaker, Sandgate Borough prison, Carliol square, Samuel Thompson governor Borthwick & Co., merchants, ship brokers, and commission agents, 20 Sand hill Bosomworth Thomas, hair dresser, 2 Manor chare Bostle William, flour and provision dealer, Lime street Boston Richard, shoemaker, 20 Stowell street Boston Robert, tin and iron plate worker, brazier. Sec, 68 Percy street^ and Westgate Botcherby John, gentleman, St. Thomas terrace Bourn Thomas William, coal fitter, 11 Quay side; h. Wallseud Bourne John, land agent and surveyor, 7 Hood street Bogue John, hair dresser, Queen street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 27 Bowes James, railway inspector, 5 Stepney terrace Bowes William Alexander, grocer, 28 Newgate street Bowling greens, Bath lane and West walls Bowmaker James, victualler. Admiral Duncan, and baker, Cowgate Bowmaker, Nicholas Forster, & Son, tailors and drapers, 7 Nun's street Bowmaker James, tailor and draper; h. 24 Marlborough street Bowman Edmund, engineer and surveyor, 17 Arcade; h. 12 SaviJle court Bowman Hannah, dress maker, 42 Gibson street Bowman Jane, milliner and dress maker, 58 Pilgrim street Bowman Miss Mary, 40 Cumberland row Bowman Stewart, hair dresser, &c. 39 Collingwood street Bowman Thomas, rope maker, Barras bridge; h. 47 Percy street Bownas George, attorney, 8 Sandhill ; h. Spittal Bowness John, cheese and bacon factor, 42 Newgate street Bowness Miss Margaret, 4 Adelaide terrace Boyd George, currier, &c.. Dog leap stairs; h. West street, Gateshead Boyd George, hair dresser, Tyne street Boyd John, letter carrier, 6 Frankling street Boyd Thomas, tailor, Hogg's entry. Side Boyd William, surgeon, 5 Marlborough crescent Boyd Mr. William, 9 Low Villa place Bracken David, boot and shoe maker, 92 Clayton street; h. 42 Villa place Bracken John, shoemaker, 6 William street Bradbum John, silk and woollen d ver, 7 Nun's street; h. 10 George st Bradley Ralph, assistant warehouseman, Sally port court Bradley William, tailor, 13 Trafalgar street Bradick John, tailor, Macforth's yard, Westgate street Bradshaw and Anderson, merchants, ship and insurance brokers, and commission agents, Fenwick's entry, 48 Quay side Bradshaw Benjamin Colhoun, secretary to the Marine and Tyne Asso- ciation; h. 3 Lovaine place Brady Mrs. Elizabeth, 21 Oxford street Bragg and Brumell, woollen and linen drapers, and tailors, 21 Dean street Bragg Charles and Co., drapers, silk mercers, hosiers, and carpet ware- house, 55 Pilgrim street; h. Summer hill Braid Robert, beer house, Gallowgate Bramham John G., watch glass manufacturer, court, 178 Pilgrim street Branch Bank of England, 12 Grey street, Joseph Grote, Esq., agent, and Robert Anderson, Esq., sub-agent Brand William, grocer and draper, 141 Pilgrim street Brandling William, Esq., 15 Eldon square, and Low Gosforth Hall Brankston George, butcher, 73 Noyf Market; h. Shearwood's court Brankston Richard^ fellmonger, 8 Marlborough street Brazendale Mrs. Frances, 2 Percy place Breezor Miss Mary, 9 Saville court Brennan Hugh, periodical bookseller, 40 Grainger st. h. Hewitson's ct. 28 NEWCASTLE DTRECTORT. Brewis Edward, beer retailer, 29 Shield street Brewis George, solicitor and agent to the Law Fire and Life Insurance Company, 21 Grey street; h Melbourne street Brewis James Collins, tailor and draper, 76 Northumberland street Brewis Mr. James, Back Oxford street Brewis John, butcher, 44 Quay side; h. 19 Richmond street Brewis John, schoolmaster, (All Saints), Station house square Brewis John, cart owner, 5 Stowell street Brewis Robert, cart owner, Kent street Brewis Robert, victualler. Wheat Sheaf Inn, Gallowgate Brewis Thomas, shopkeeper, baker, &c. Stock bridge Brewis William, cart owner, 20 Melbourne street ^ Briddon Margaret, fruiterer, 5 Northumberland street Bridger William, lodgings, 13 Marlborough crescent Briggs Henry, tailor and draper, 22 Grainger street Briggs Rebecca, day school, 18 Marlborough street Briggs Mr. Robert, 4 Lovaine terrace Bright Joseph, furniture broker. The Cut Brightwen Charles, grocer and tea dealer, 12 Market street Brignal John Anthony, auctioneer, appraiser, and commission agent, 14 Upper Buxton street Briley Elizabeth, lodging house, 6 Angus court Brinsley Esther, stay maker, Forth street British School, Bath lane, Ann Atkinson, mistress Brittain George, shopkeeper, 2 Sandyford place Broadhead Elizabeth, ready made and baby linen warhs. 102 Pilgrim st Brockett Mrs. Isabella, 14 Albion place Brockett William Edward, solicitor, and agent to the legal and commission life assurance company, 50 Dean street; h. Wickham house Brockett William Henry, managing director of the Newcastle upon Tyne marine insurance company, and average stater, 33 Quay side; h. King James's street, Gateshead Brogdon Matthew, green grocer. Stock bridge Brooks Edward, hat manufacturer, h. 90 Newgate street Brooks and Shepherd, hat manufacturers, 6 Newgate street Brookes William Alex, civil engineer, Guildhall; h. Elswick villas Broom Rev. Andrew, 46 Carliol street Brougli Charles, auctioneer, appraiser, academy of arts, general and Com- mission agent, 52 Blackett street; h. 65 Eldon street Brown Mrs. Ann, 31 Prudhoe street Brown Mrs. Ann, 7 Ridley place Brown Ann, umbrella and parasol maker ; and toy dealer, 2 Mosley street Brown Ann, dress maker, 112 Percy street Brown Archibald, butcher, 69 New market; h. Rosemary lane BrownChristopher,butcher, 182 New mkt. ; h. Halbert's ct., Painter heugh Brown Cuthbert, shopkeeper. Forth street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 29 Brown Cuthbert, brewer for Tyne Brewery Co. New road Brown Edward Bell, commercial clerk, New road Brown Elizabeth, shopkeeper, St. Peters Quay Brown Elizabeth, Vict Old Plough, 9 Bigg market Brown Euphius, vict. Bee Hive, 43 Low Villa Place Brown Florence D. hair seating manufacturer, Clavering place Brown George, hosier, haberdasher, glover, &c. 45 Pilgrim street; h. 4 Low Villa place Brown George, grocer. Castle street Brown George, ironfounder, &c. ; h. Forth street Brown George, butcher, 56 Quay side; h. Red barns Brown George, horse and gig letter, 19 St. John's lane Brown George, grocer, flour dealer, and baker, 24 Blenheim street Brown Henry, butcher, 5 Butcher bank; h. 2 Ellison terrace, Gateshead Brown James Hugh, manager, 44 Richmond street Brown James, butcher. Milk market Brown James, cooper. Broad chare; h. 30 Melbourne street Brov^^n James, clerk, 10 Bath row Brown Javin, shopkeeper, Pitt street Brown John, solicitor, agent to the Sheffield, Rotherham, and Chester- field Fire and Life Insurance Company, 23 Side ; h. 8 Ellison place Brown John and Son, surgical instrument makers, opticians, cutlers, &c. 68 Grey street Brown John, draper, &c. ; h. 46 Eldon street Brown John, clerk, 5 Rosemary lane Brown John, tripe dresser, 81 New market; h. Westgate Brown John, draper; h. Elswick cottage Brown John, shoemaker. Castle garth Brown John Henry, shoemaker, butter and egg dealer, 98 New market; h. 12 Blenheim street Brown John, shopkeer and flour dealer. Stepney bank Brown Joseph, butcher, 147, New market ; h, Westgate Brown Joseph, butcher, 145 New market; h. 34 Trafalgar street Brown Joseph and Isaac, butchers, 127 New market ; hs. Westgate Brown Margaret, shopkeeper, 5 Prudhoe street Brown Margaret, lodgings, Thomas's court. Forth street Brown Mary, straw hat and dress maker, 9 Rosemary lane Brown Nicholas, timber merchant, Hexham ; h. 34, Blandford street Brown Rebecca, confectioner, 234 New market ; h. West Blandford street Brown Robert, miller, Skinnerburn steam mill ; h. 105 Blenheim street Brown Robert Bolton, hatter and furrier, 104 Side; h. 79 Clayton street Brown Thomas, solicitor, clerk to the board of guardians, and superin- tendent registrar, Clavering place ; h. Pawton dean terrace Brown Thomas and Son, hair seating manufacturers, Clavering place Brown Thomas, currier and tanner. Crown yard ; h. 3 Bath row Brown Thomas, fishmonger, 64 Blackett street D 30 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Brown Mr. Thomas, 10 Picton terrace Brown Thomas, custom house officer, 3 Warwick place Brown Thomas, commercial traveller, Wesley street Brown William, vict., Turf Hotel, 35 and 36 Collingwood st. refreshment rooms, Railway station, Gateshead, and Grand stand. Race course Brown William, professor of music, and piano forte tuner, 2 Albion street Brown William, trunk and portmanteau maker, 5 Brcade; h. Camdon st. Brown William, clerk, Elswick street Brown William, chemist and druggist, Ouseburn bridge jh. St. Ann's row Brown William John, clerk, 1 Westmoreland street Brown William, baker and flour dealer, Gallowgate Browne Joseph, cashier, Branch Bank of England, 18 Brandling place Browne William Joseph, solicitor;, h. 9 Brunswick street, Gateshead Browning Rev, David Cunningham, 52 Leazes terrace Brownless Absalom, printer and bookbinder, 8 Percy street Bruce Edward and Thomas, booksellers, stationers and bookbinders, 61 Grey street, houses 10 St. Mary's place,^ and 95 Blenheim street Bruce John C, day and boarding academy, 80 Percy street Brugger Matthew and Lawrence, German clock makers, and porkbutcher^^ 26 Nun's street Brumell George, woollen draper, &c. ; h. 30 Eldon street Brumell Henry Pearith, surgeon, 16 Blackett street Brumell John, joiner, &c., 15 Side Brunskilg William, agent, 3 Stepney field. West Brunswick Wesleyan Chapel, Brunswick place Brunting Mrs. Elizabeth, 50 Leazes terrace Brunting Richard, glover and breeches maker, 34 Bigg market Brydon Elizabeth, Jane and Alice, dressmakers, 18 Trafalgar street Brydon James, coal agent, 37 Quay side; h. High West street, Gateshead Bryson Thomas, corporation foreman, 24 Ten-ace place Bryson William, victualler and brewer. Farmers Rest, 52 Percy street Buchanan Jane, shopkeeper. Monk street Buchanan John, confectioner, Percy street Buckham Andrew, hair dresser, Waterloo st. ; h. St. Nicholas church yd. Buckham Mrs. Ann, Bath lane Buckham Ann, cowkeeper, Bath lane Buckham Edward, butcher, 20 New market and Westgate; h. 12 Low- Villa place Buckham George, hosier, glover, &c. ; h. J42 Pilgrim street Buckham George, bricklayer and builder, Hedley place Buckham and Grey, hosiers, glovers, lacemen, &c., 51 Pilgrim street Buckham John, sail maker, 50 Quay side ; h. 8 Stepney terrace Buckham Mrs., cowkeeper, Back lane Buckton Joseph, victualler, Black Bull, Todd's nook Budden William Humphrey, manager, 2 Low Swinbourne place Buddie George, grocer and tea dealer, 42 Collingwood st. ; h. 16 Albion pi. NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 31 Bulkeley Peter, shopkeeper and quill dresser, 32 High Friar street Bulkeley Richard, excise officer, 16 Melbourne street Bull Peter M., professor of music, 40 Carliol street Bulloch James, tailor; and Margaret, straw hat maker, 7 Bigg market Bullock Mary, St. Andrews parish school, 14 Percy street Bullock Sarah, straw hat maker, 2 Nun's street Bullock Walter, cork cutter, 14 Percy street Bullock William, bacon & cheese factor, 115 New market; h. 2 Nun's st, Bullock WilUam, victualler, Grapes and tea gardens, Carlisle road Bulman Mrs. Ann, 9 Ellison place Bulman Ann, shopkeeper, Forth bank Bulman Darnel, M.D., 10 Market street Bulman F. W., plaster of Paris and Roman cement manufacturer, 16 Sand hill, works, St. Anthony's Bulman George, ironmonger, &c.; h. 23 Leazes terrace Bulman Hezelrigg, shoemaker and clothes dealer. Dog bank Bulman John and George, ironmongers, &c., 41 Mosley street Bulman John, ironmonger, &c. ; h. 28 Eldon street Bulman John, solicitor. Royal Arcade ; h. 9 Ellison place Bulman Job James, secretary of chamber of commerce, 29, Sand hill; b. 9 Carlton terrace Bulman Mrs, Mary, 5 Albion place Bulmer & Co., Tyne iron works, office Tyne bridge end Bulmer Thomas and William, victuallers. Ordnance Arms, Gallowgate Bunn Richard Topham, agent, 23 Brandling place Bunn Robert Thomas, watch glass, &c. manufacturer; h.29 Leazes terrace Bunney Thomas, clothes dealer. Castle stairs Burdikin Sarah, shopkeeper, 6 Argyle street Bnrdis George, banker, 21 Eldon place Burdis William, day school, Clavering place; h. Blandford street Burdis William, foreman, Tyne street Burden Cuthbert, cabinet maker and furniture broker, 23 Pilgrim street Burden Henry, shopman, 3 Ellison terrace Bardon William Wharton, gentleman, 9 Eldon place Burkett George, shopkeeper. East ballast hills Burn Bryan, victualler. White Horse, 45 Groat market Burn David, cast iron, &c. manufacturer; h. Regent terrace Burn George, boot and shoemaker, Reynoldson's court Burn James, carter, 6 Thomas's court. Forth street Burn John, butcher, 21 Pilgrim street, and 70 Northumberland street; h. 7 Brunswick place Burn John, chemist and druggist, 53 Northumberland street Burn John, victualler. Ship Tavern, York street Burn Joseph, bank porter, Blenheim street Burn Martin James, engineer, 30 Blandford street Burn Thomas, farmer, Scottswood road 32 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Burn Thomas, coal dealer, Blagden street Burns James, shopkeeper and provision dealei*, 43 head of Side ; la. St* Nicholas church yard Burnand Richard, gun maker, 111 Pilgrim street Burnand Rohert, tailor, 101 Pilgrim street Burnet Robert, shoe maker, 13 Trafalgar street Burnet Thomas, gentleman, 3 Summerhill terrace Burnett Brothers, engineers, 11 Spring garden terrace Burnett George, lead manufacturer, h. 13 Clayton street, west Burnett James, engineer, h. 11 Spring garden terrace Burnett James, clerk, 43 Prudhoe street Burnett Peter, fruiterer, seedsman, and game dealer, 66 Clayton street Burnett Rohert, coal fitter, Wylam colliery office, 7 Quay side; h. 13 Clayton street, west Burnip Anthony, shoemaker. Dispensary lane Burnup Mrs. Ann, 6 Jesmond terrace Burnup Cuthhert, builder and timber merchants, h. 6 Jesmond terrace Burnup John and Henry, coach builders and harness makers, court 64^ Northumberland street; h. 6 Jesmond terrace Burnup John, builder, &c.; h. 3 Derwent j)lace Burnup Thomas, solicitor, and agent for the West of England fire and life insurance company, 154, Pilgrim street; h. 6 Jesmond terrace Burnup William and Cuthhert, timber merchants, house carpenters and builders, Barras bridge saw mills Burnup William and Sons, builders, brick makers, &c. Neville street Burnup William, timber merchant, &c. ; h. 4 Eldon place Burnup William, builder, &c. ; h. 9 Derwent place Burrell Isabella, eating house, Manor street Burrell John, manufacturing chemist, and wholesale druggist, 51 Sand- hill; h. 15 Blenheim street Burrell John and Isaac, iron founders, &c.. South street Burrell Mrs. J. Smith, Lovaine terrace Burt Joseph, corn miller and flour dealer, 4 Thornton street Burton Enoch, fancy shell and patent medicine dealer, 141 Pilgrim street h. Elswick terrace Burton John, confectioner, 23 Clayton street, west Bui ton Mark, victualler, Green Tree Inn, East ballast hills Burtchby George, fruiterer, 17 Nun's street Bustin George, chemist and druggist; h. 2 Saville court Butler Henry, town mission. The Cut Butterwick George, painter and glazier, 26 Low Buxton street Byers Eleanor, milliner, 1 Nelson street Byers George, cabinet maker, W^ellington street Byers James, dogger and dealer in shoes, Castle garth stairs Byker self supporting dispensary, Byker bar Bywater Ann, cowkeeper. Postern NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 33 Call John, optician and mathematical instrument maker, 61 Pilgrim St. and 45 Quay side ,• h. 44 Northumberland street Cail Pdrs. Mary, 44 Northumberland street Cail Richard, joiner and builder, 36 Northumberland street, and 53 Percy street Cairns Alexander, assistant overseer, Lawson street Cairns George, furniture broker and cabinet maker, 165 Pilgrim street Cairns James, beer house and butcher, 13 Trafalgar street Cairns William, painter and glazier, Gallowgate Cairncross John, tailor, 112 Pilgrim street Calbreath Robert, cowkeeper, 44 Percy street Caldwell James, linen and woollen draper, 2 Cloth market Caldwell John, commission merchant, 29 Sand hill ^ h. 11 Ridley villas Caldwell Robert, limber merchant and ship owner, 29 Sand hill j h. 11 Ridley villas Caldwell Rev. Robert, (Independent) 11 Ridley villas Caledonian Chapel, Argyle street Calender Isabella, register office for servants, 2 Hill's place Callender Mrs. Ann, 8 Bell street Calvert Anthony, brick and tile maker, Spital tongues \\ Calvreath James, victualler, Hodgson Arms, Liverpool street Cameron Allen, curled hair manufacturer, 46 Stowell street Cameron James, tide waiter customs, 12 Northumberland court Cameron William, confectioner, cook, fruiterer, British wine and game dealer, 35 & 36 Grainger street Campbell Charlotte, butter and egg dealer, 128 New market j h. 20 Stam- fordham place Campbell Mrs. Henrietta, 13 Northumberland street Campbell Isabella, lodgings, 7 Wesley street Campbell James, shopkeeper, St. Mary's street, Sandgate Campbell John, tin and iron plate worker, 67 Newgate street Campbell John, draughtsman, Blenheim street Campbell Mary Ann, milliner and dress maker, 5 Grainger street Campbell Mordick, tailor, 19 Stepney terrace Campbell Robert, green grocer, 195 New market; h. Side Campbell Robert, custom house officer, Howard street, Byker bar Campbell Thomas, tailor, Westwall cottages Campbell William, boot and shoe maker, 53 Dean street Campbell William, cabinet ijjaker. Bell's court, Newgate street; h. 5 Grainger street Cant Jonathan Hilton, grocer and tea daaler, 32 Sand hill; h. Clare- mont place Cant Mrs. Mary, 7 Low Claremont place Cantley George, joiner, 43 Jessamine place Capper William Jasper, draper; h. St. Thomas street Carey David, beadle of Court of Requests, 24 Trafalgar street d2 34 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Cargey Mrs. Elizabeth & Misses, ladies seminary, 1 Low Swinbourne pi. Cargill, Headiam and Co., merchants, commission agents, and coal fitters, 29| Quay side Cargill John, M.D., 4 Eldon square Cargill John, gentleman, 7 Ellison place Cargill, Mouncey, and Co., Iron merchants, 29 Quay side Cargill William, merchant, 8 Charlotte square, and Shotley bridge Carliol Tower, New bridge Carlisle John Fenwick, grocer and provision dealer, East Ballast hills Carlton Eliza, confectioner and fruiterer, 54 Percy street Carmichael Robert, watch and clock maker, 4 Marlborough street Carmichael William, shipwright, 36 Howard street Carmon H. J. B., victualler, George Inn Commercial Hotel and posting house, 139 Pilgrim street Carnaby John, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 22 Low Friar street, and victualler, Queen's Head, Gallowgate Carnaby Robert, marine store dealer, 17 William street Carnaby William, marine store dealer, 1 Temple street Carnaby William, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Carpenter Ann, milliner and dress maker, Stepney street Carr Andrew, clerk, 13 Sunderland street Carr and Co, timber merchants and saw mills; he:np, flax, tallow, &Ce importers and merchants, ship and insurance brokers, and commission agents, 25 Broad chare and Close Carr Ann and Jane, Milliners and dressmakers, 66 Clayton street Carr Cuthbert, keel owner, Blagdon street Carr Eleanor, milliner and hosier, 74 Clayton street Carr Fanny, mistress St. .John's infant school; h. 99 Blandford street Carr Francis Robinson, wine and spirit merchant, 42 Groat market Carr George, victualler, Golden Lion, 41, Bigg market Carr George, ironmonger, manufacturer and repairer of saws, files, edge tools, cutlery, &c. 25 Nun's street Carr Miss Isabella, 31 Eldon street Carr James, perfumer and hair dresser, 11 Side ; h. 4 Lisle street Carr James N. cabinet maker and furniture broker, 62 Pilgrim street Carr John, Esq. coal owner, 38 Quay side; h. Roseworth Cottage Carr John and Co. coke and fire brick manufacturers, Three Indian Kings' court Carr John W. R. clerk, 9 Blenheim street Carr John Thomas, Russian vice consul, 25 Broad chare ; h. Stella House Carr John, victualler. Brown Jug, Stepney bank Carr Mr. John, High Villa place Carr John, crucible manufacturer, Scotchwood road ; h. High Villa place Carr John, shopkeeper, Grey street. St. Peter's quay Carr John, tailor. The Cut Carr Joseph, clerk, Spital tower NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 35 Carr Joseph, victualler, Ship, St. Peter's quay Carr Lancelot Stobart, wharfinger, ship broker, and commission agent, 34 Broad chare; h. 15 Shield street Carr Mrst Margaret, 31 Blenheim street Carr Mark, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Carr Mrs. Mary, 46 Howard street Carr and Pat ton^ earthenware manufacturers, Phoenix Pottery, Ouseburn, and North Shields Carr Richard, clothes dealer. Bog bank Carr Peter, clerk, 16 Low Villa place Carr Richard, chemist and druggist, 30 Market street; h. 45 Percy street CaiT Robert, shopkeeper, 24 Pudding chare Carr Robert, eating house, 48 High bridge Carr Robert, clerk, Elswick terrace Carr Mrs. Ruth, St. James's house, Barras bridge Carr Samuel, tobacco and cigar dealer, 95 Side Carr Susan, green grocer, 231 New market; h. Low Friar chare Carr Thomas, banker's clerk, High Villa place Carr Thomas, victualler. Joiners' Arms, Arthur's hill Carr William, surgeon, 9 Newgate street Carr William, carpenter and joiner, 16 High Friar street; h. Argyle ter. Carrick Thomas, butcher, King street Carruthers Richard, tailor, 36 Blandford street Carson David, draper, (travelling) 18 Sunderland street Carson James, draper, (travelling) i7 Carliol street Carter Ann, dressmaker. Sallyport court Carter John, foreman, and Isabella, straw hat maker, St. Peter's quay Carter Mary, shopkeeper, York street Carter Robert, bookbinder, news agent, bookseller, and stationer, 64 Grainger street Carter Walter Robert, law stationer and agent to the Yorkshire Fire and Life Assurance Co., Royal Arcade; h, George street, Scottswood road Carver, Chaplin & Co., general carriers, 4 Manor street Caslas Frederick, periodical seller, 10 St. John's lane Catcheside Mrs. Catherine, 18 Summerliill terrace Catcheside John and David, book and print sellers, stationers, bookbind- ers, and circulating library, 26 Mosley street ; h. 13 Summerliill terrace Catcheside Robert and George, grocers and tea dealers, 61 Grainger street ; h. 15 St. James street and Benwell Cathrall Thomas Nield, printer and publisher; h. 14 Blenheim street Cathrall John, grocer and flour dealer, 44 Gibson street Catholic church, Clayton street. West Catholic chapel, 73 Pilgrim street Catholic school, Carliol square, Thomas Coleman and Mary Hodgin, master and mistress Cattle market, Scotchwood road 36 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Catton John, grocer and tea dealer, 21 Mosley street j h. Higham place Caverhill George, "beer house. Causeway bank Cemetery, Arthur's hill, Daniel Clark superintendent and sexton Cemetery, Jesmond new road, John Atkinson, sexton Central Exchange news rooms, 35 Grey st. ; John Dunn superintendent Central Exchange coflfee rooms, 35 Grey st., Mrs. Lough, superintendent Challoner Edward Wilson, druggist, oil, colour merchant, and commission agent, 56 Grey street; h. 6 George street, east Challoner John, chief agent, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Company, George street, east Challoner John, butcher, 171 New market; h. Wellington street Chambers Mrs. Ann, 27 Leazes terrace Chambers Catherine, shopkeeper. Nelson street, North shore Chambers Henry, agent, 25 Oxford street Chambers Pearson Thomas, surgeon, 75 Newgate street Chambers Robert, grocer and tea dealer; h. 26 Clayton street Chambers Robert, grocer, Back row, Queen street Chambers William, tailor, Castle garth Chantler John, inspector, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, 1 Blandfordst. Chapman Mrs. Ann, 18 Albion place Chapman Anthony, gentleman, 10 Summerhill terrace Chapman Edward, hair dresser, 5 Clos3 Chapman Henry, commercial traveller, Camden street Chapman Mrs. Mary, 25 Terrace place Chapman Mrs. Wilfred, 35 Eldon street Chapman William, Esq., general director of the Union Banking Co., Mosley street; h. 4 Saville place Charleton Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Low Claremont place Charleton John, painter and glazier, 108 Percy street Charlton Aaron, shopman, 7 Low Yilla place Charlton Edward, M.D., 7 Eldon square Charlton Edward, stationer, bookbinder, &c. &c.; h. 13 Cumberland row Charlton Edward, butcher, 128 New market, and shopkeeper, 58 Nor- thumberland street Charlton Elizabeth, lodgings, 8 Sunderland street Charlton George, butcher, 67 Blackett street, and East Ballast hills; h. 4 Northumberland place Charlton Henry, tide waiter, Buckingham street Charlton James, butcher, 19 Union street; h. Villa place Charlton John, furniture broker and cabinet maker, 188 Pilgrim street Charlton John, auctioneer and appraiser, 13 Northumberland court Charlton John, flint manufacturer, Ouseburn Charlton John, shopkeeper, 11 Stamfordham place Charlton Mrs. Margaret, 24 Brandling place Charlton Mary Ann, boarding and day school, 22 Westmoreland street Charlton Robert, commercial traveller, 6 Erick street NE\VCASTLE DIRECTORY. 37 Charlton and McPhie, cabinet and chair makers, court, 48 Groat market Charlton Thomas, cabinet maker, 46 High bridge Charlton William, corn merchant, and commission agent, 69 Quay side ; h. 14 Eldon place Charlton William, raff merchant, 8 Ellison place Charnley Emerson, bookseller, stationer, &c., 45 Bigg market Chater Thomas and William, solicitors, 21 Mosley street j hs. 12 Carlton place, and 9 Summerhill terrace Chartres William, solicitor, 74 Grey street,; h. 1 Greenfield place Cheesmond Robert, victualler. Joiners Arms, 35 Gibson street Child Anthony, shopkeeeper, Buckingham street Chipchase George Johnson, lemonade, soda water, and ginger beer manu- facturer, 4 Nelson street Chipchase James, cabinet maker, &c. ; h. 38 Westgate street Chisholm Jane, victualler. Swan Inn, 94 Newgate street Chisholm Thomas, shopkeeper, Dog bank Chisholm William, Joiner, 59 Elswick street Chrisp James, auctioneer and appraiser, 7 Forth lane Christiansen, Schier & Co., general merchants, 39 Quay side Christiansen George Charles Emilias, merchant; h. 6 Eldon place Christie John, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, stationer, engraver, litho- graphic and copper plate printer, paper ruler, &c., 3 Nelson street Christopherson Rev. Henry, 50 Blackett street Chronicle Office, 21 Union street, Thomas and James Hodgson Chubb John, cooper, Thompson street Chubb John, cabinet maker and patent nail agent, 71 Close Chubb William, cabinet maker & upholsterer. New road ; h. 33 Gibson st Clark George Noble, surgeon, 10 Newgate street Clark George, cabinet maker, Forsyth's yard ; h. 29 Terrace place Clark Harriet, straw hat maker Clark James, victualler, Cookson Arms, Arthur's hill Clark James, marine store dealer, 9 William street Clark John, boot, shoe, clog and patten maker, 86 Side; li. 4 Blenheim st. Clark John, corn and flour factor, 3 Side; b, 7 Trafalgar street Clark John, victualler. Marquis of CornwalliSj 24 Bigg market Clark John, oil cloth manufacturer, 126 Pilgrim street Clark John and Mary, wine & spirit merchants, St. Nicholas church yard Clark John, St. John's school, Buckingham street Clark Mr. Joseph, 5 Bell street Clark Mrs. Margaret, 12 Ellison place Clark Nathaniel, gentleman, 59 Leazes terrace Clark Robert, butcher, 179 New market, 55 Percy st.; h. 19 Lovaine pi. Clark Robert, clerk, 7 Albion place Clark Thomas and George, curriers and leather cutters, 14, Side Clark Thomas, cutler and surgical instrument maker, 33 Mosley street ; h. 16 Marlbrough crescent t 38 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Clark Thomas Hincl, printer, bookseller and stationer ; h, 6 Newgate ste Clark Thomas, tailor, 5 Thornton street Clark William, auctioneer, appraiser, accountant and general commission agent, 3 Side j h. 7 Trafalgar street Clark William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 78 Pilgrim street Clarke and Dunn, wharfingers, 76 Quay side Clarke Ann, linen manufacturer and hosier, 16 Bigg market; h. 68 Grainger street Clarke Elizabeth, ladies school, 35 Cumberland row Clarke Elizabeth, ladies school. New road Clarke John, wharfinger; h. 76 Quay side Clarke John, printer and bookbinder, 27 St. Nicholas church yard ; h, 8 Picton terrace Clarke John, shoemaker and dogger, 75 Side ; h. Scottswood road Clarke John, butcher, 143 New market; h. 50 Carliol street Clarke Joseph, shoemoker. Forth terrace Clarke Miss Margaret, 10 Ellison place Clarke, Plummer & Co., spinners of lint and tow yarns, Ouseburn mills Clarke Robert, bricklayer and builder. New road Clarke William James, foreman, 16 Richmond street Clarkson Joseph, clerk, Trafalgar strei't Clavering John, solicitor, 37 Mosley street; h. St. Thomas Street Clavering place Chapel, (United Secession,) Clavering place Claxton John Marshall, schoolmaster, 51 Northumberland street Clay Robert, merchant; h. St. Mary's mount, Jesmond Clay Robert, ship owner, 3 Low Claremont place Clayton and Armstrong, timber merchants, saw mills, lime burners and coke manufacturers. Skinner burn Clayton Miss Deborah, 46 Westgate street Claytons and Dunn, solicitors, Guild hall. Sand hill Clayton George, accountant and auctioneer. Royal Arcade; h. Walls end Clayton John, solicitor and town cleik, Guildhall, Sandhill ; h. Feukle st Clayton Matthew, solicitor; h. Fenkle street Clayton Rev. Richard, M. A. incumbent of St. Thomas's Church, 14 Northumberland street Clear Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 9 Pilgrim street Cleghorn Joseph, mail coachman, 4 Minden street Clelland Hugh, shopkeeper, 42 Head of side Clennell Thomas, master mariner, St. Peters Quay Clement Louis, commission agent, 34 Quay side; h. 4 Saville row Clementson George, gentleman, 24 Leazes teirace Clementson Margaret, victualler. Gate Tavern, New quay Clementson Thomas, shopkeeper, Byker hill Clemitson William, primitive methodist preacher, 39 Howard street Clemmy Thomas, tailor and victuallar, Yarmouth Arms, Grey street, St. Peter's quay NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 39 Clepliam Joseph, agent to Yorkshire Fire and Life office, 14 Sand hill; h. 2 Sedgwick place, Gateshead Clerk of the peace, office, Westgate, William Dickinson, Esq., clerk, John Elliot assistant Cleugh Frances, dressmaker, 2 Buxton street Cleugh Mrs. Jane, Jesmond place Close Mr. George, 37 Shield street Clinton Mr. Michael and Hannah, stay & straw hat maker, 61 Newgate st Clyde William, shoemaker, Westmoreland street Coates Taylor, wood turner, court 166 and furniture hroker, 88 Pilgrim st. Coatsworth Peter, victualler. Rose and Crown, East Ballast hills Cochrane Adam, hat manufacturer, 11 Grainger street ; h. 4 Elswick st. Cochrane Francis, clerk, Wellington street Cochrane William, livery stable keeper, court 75 Newgate street Codling Joseph, butcher, 131 New market; h. 2 High Friar street Cohen David, optician and mathematical instrument maker, 76 Grey street; b. 91 Clayton street Cohen Lewis and Soloman, hatters, furriers and military cap manufac- turers, 77 Clayton street Cole Elizabeth, National schoolmistress, 13 Saville court Cole John, victualler. Elephant and Castle, 12 Low Friar street Cole William, brewer, 1 1 Low Friar street Coleman, Thomas, catholic school master, 14 Carlton street Colhoun Miss Ann, 112 Blenheim street Colhoun Robert, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 17 Side; h. 9 Ravens- worth terrace Collen Jane, dress maker, 9 Bath row Colling Joseph, share broker, 32 Market street ; h. 20 Blenheim street Collings John, foreman. Old Mansion house. Close CoUinson Henry, hair dresser & perfumer, 75 Quay side; h. 18 Buxton st CoUison Michael, marine store dealer, Tyne street Collinson Thomas, victualler, Mason's Arms, The Cut Colquhoun David, clerk, Westmoreland street Colquhoun William, grocer and tea dealer, 8 Tyne bridge end ; h, 12 Ravensworth terrace, Gateshead Colpitt Isabella, cowkeeper. Monk street Coltman John Ferens, grocer, Tyne street Coltman Thomas, free school, Byker; h. Cattricks buildings Colville Edwin Dodd, coal agent, (South Pelan colliery,) 71 Quay side Commins George Hobson, draper and hosier, Westgate Connell John, victualler, Blenheim house, 25 Marlbrough street ConoUy Edward, victualler, Dock House, North shore Cook Miss Ann, Tyne street Cook Charles, Esq., Benwell hall Cook Edward, victualler, Bay Horse, Arthur's hill Cook Godfrey, clerk, 4 Waterloo street 40 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Cook John, working silversmith, court 93 Newgate street Cook John, lodgings, 8 Elswick row Cook John and Thomas, chemical works, St. Anthony's^ hs. West house and Benton Cook Miss Margaret, 51 Howard street Cook Robert, grocer. East Ballast hills Cook William, auctioneer, appraiser, commission agent and sheriff's officer for the County of Northumberland* 89 Side Cook Willam, auctioneer, appraiser and furniture broker, o Cloth market Cook William, victualler. Coach and Horses, 12 Bigg market Cook William, flour dealer and confectioner, 22 Low Buxton street Cookson and Coulthard, bottle manufacturers. Bill quay, office 46 Sandhill Cookson and Cuthbert, merchants, westend of the Close Cookson David, solicitor, 48 Pilgrim street Cookson Isaac Thomas, iron founder; h. Newbiggen house Cookson John, bottle manufacturer; h. White hill Cookson Thomas, steel manufacturer, Derwent cote. New steel yard Cookson Thomas & Son, iron founders, Close gate foundry; h. Swin- burne castle Cookson William, colour manufacturer, westend of the Close Cooper James, cooper. Broad chare; h. Melbourn street Cooper John & Co., ship and insurance brokers, commission agents, and agents to the Chartered Gaslight and Coke Company of London, 33 Quay side ; h. Regent terrace Cooper Robert, brush manufacturer, 62 Head of the Side Cooper Thomas, tailor and draper, 61 Pilgrim street; h. 5 Picton place Cooper Thomas, ship captain, 15 Terj-ace place Cooper William, attorney's clerk, 5 Spring garden terrace Copeland Miss E., 2 Eldon place Copeland George, day school, 87 Blandford street Copeland Thomas, wholesale druggist, 20 Side; h. 30 Buxton street Copeland William, grocer, tea and flour dealer, 26 Buckingham street Copeland William, chemist and druggist, 30 Low street, grocer and tea dealer, 29 Melbourne street Coppock Mrs. Ann, 7 Lovaine place Corbet William, custom house officer, 5 Stepney lane Corbett Ann, lodgings, 4 Lisle street Corbett Joseph, hosier, glover, haberdasher and laceman, 1 Mosley and 147 Pilgrim street Corbett Joseph & Co., hosiers, haberdashers, glovers, and Berlin depot, 2 Grey street Cordwainers' halls. Friars and Nelson street Corley James, clothes dealer. Castle garth Corn Exchange, Cloth market, and Groat market Corporation school, Castle, John Smith, master Costello James, dealer in old clothes, St. Mary's street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 41 Coulson Miss Elizabeth, 75 Elswick street j I Coulson George, earthenware and marine store dealer, 64 Quay side jl Coulson Hugh, shoemaker, 5 Marlbrough street Coulson John, gentleman, 7 Grey street and 14 Clayton street, west Coulson John, beer house, 26 Colliugwood street Coulson Miss Margaret, 5 Ridley place Coulson Mary, milliner and dress maker, Forth street Coulson Mary, shopkeeper, 73 Percy street; h. 4 Bath row Coulson Robert, gentleman, 13 Eldon place Coulthard Mary, hosier, &c., 23 Union street ^ Coulthard Thomas, bottle manufacturer ; h. Bill quay !| Coulthard Thomas, shopkeeper. Postern County Court, Castle street Courage Robert, tallow chandler and grocer, 21 Newgate street Courant Office^ 54 Pilgrim street, John Blackwell & Co. Court of Requests, Guildhall, David Carey, clerk Courtenay James C, commission agent and provision 'merchant, 97 Close Courtney Edward, shoe maker, St. Mary's street Cowan David, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 17 Mosley st.; h. New rd. Cowan George, rag mert. and shopkeeper, St. Mary's St.; h. 40 Howard st. Cowan George, cheesemonger, flour and provision dealer, 58 St. Nicholas square; h. 6 Marlbrough crescent Cowan George and William, cheesemongers, 81 and 82 Side ; lis. 91 Blandford street and 9 Elswick row Cowan John, boot and shoemaker, 76 Northumberland street; h. 5 Sandyfoot place Cowan Mary, dress maker, 45 Low Villa place Cowan Nicholas, tailor and draper, 3 and 4 Black gate ; h. 2 Hanover sq. Cowan Robert, bookbinder and paper ruler, court 10 Westgate street Cowan William, clerk, 3 Waterloo street Coward Miss Elizabeth, 10 Northumberland street Coward Mrs. Jane, 15 Shieldfield Coward Robert Shum, general merchant and commission agent, 32 Quay side ; h. Shieldfield Cowell George Smith, eating house, 25 Union street Cowell John, joiner, Fleece court, Gallowgate; h, Arthur's hill Cowell Joseph, joiner, Fleece court, Gallowgate; h. 18 Carlton street Cowen Miss Hannah, Yine court Cowper and Babbage, glovers and lacemen, Q6 Grey street Cowper James, laceman and glover; h. Sandy ford lane Cox Ann and William, braziers and tinners, St. Mary's street Cox, Lodge and Gosforth, coal depot. North road, Matthew Liddle, Esq., agent, and John Curry manager Coxe Rev. Richard Charles, M.A., vicarage, Westgate street Coxon Daniel Clark, shopkeeper, 77 Percy street Coxon Francis, victualler, Durham Ox, Forth place s 42 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Coxon James, wholesale and retail draper; h. 1 Burden place Coxon Mr. Ralph, 40 Jessamine place Coxon Mr. William, Buckingham street Craggs Robert, marhle mason and sculptor, 72 Percy street Craig Ann, victualler, Sun, St. Ann's street Craig Charles I., shoemaker. Forth street Craig Francis, joiner & cbt. mkr., Fletchers entrj; h. 21 W. Clayton st. Craig George, shoemaker, Dog leap stairs; h. Robson's court Craig Isabella, dressmaker, Stevenson place Craig John, basketmaker, Denton's yd. & 135 New mkt. ; h. 19 Stowell st Craig Luke, saddler and harness maker, 3 Newgate street Craigs Eliz., tripe dresser, 57 New market ; h. St. Mary's gate Craigs William, tripe dresser, 85 New market ; b. Saudgate Craiggs George, green grocer, 196 New market; h. Low Friar street Craigie James, green grocer. Stock bridge Crake John, police sub-inspector, The Manors Crake Thomas, police inspector, The Manors Cram Mrs. M., 3, Carlton terrace Cram Geo. Wm., solicitor, 21 Dean street; h. 41 Eldon street Crane Thomas, auctioneer and appraiser, Cowgate Cranston Joseph, old bookseller, 97 New mkt.; h.Oglegate In., Gateshead Cranston Rob., cabinet maker & upholsterer, 103 Pilgrim st.; h. Argyle st Craven Thomas and Christopher, pawnbrokers, 16 Pudding chare, and clothes dealers, Castlegarth Crawford Ann, paper maker, 12 Dean street ; works. Warden Mill Crawford George, tanner, 3 Bath row Crawford George, shopkeeper. Temple street Crawford Mr. James S., 2 High Elswick terrace Crawford John, ironfounder, Railway bridge foundry, Ouseburn ; h. Byker buildings Crawford Matthew, shopkeeper, 6 Clayton street Crawford Thomas, victualler, Lovaine Arms, Ouseburn Crawford William, cattle commission salesman, 3 Portland place Crawford William, cabinet maker and joiner, Percy court ; h. Temple st. Crawford William, tailor, II Bath row Crawford William, joiner and cabinet maker, court, 90 Percy street Crawhall Joseph & Sons, merchants &. rope mfct5.,St. Ann's st. ; h. New r, Cree Thomas, shopkeeper, Argyle street Creigh Benjamin, cartwright, joiner, and blacksmith, Bath lane Creighton Margaret, confectioner and fruiterer, 23 Cloth market Creighton Willam, solicitor and agent to the Manchester Fire and Life Insurance Office ; h. 1 Adelaide terrace Cripps Richard, commercial traveller, St. Thomas street Crewther Thomas, shoemaker, 67 Elsvrick street Crookes Elizabeth, victualler. Cock and Anchor, 79 Percy street Crookes Mr. George, 39 Low Villa place NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 43 Crosier Edward, tailor 45 Prudhoe street Crosier Jane, shopkeeper, 7 Fenkle street Crotbers Robert, news agent, 4 Nelson street Croudace John Rowe, M. D. High Elswick terrace, Rye Hill Croudace William, coal fitter, 28§ Quay side; h. 2 Carlton place Crow John, boot and shoe maker, 30 Terrace place Crow Mary, shopkeeper, 15 Percy street Crow Robert, linen and woollen draper, 15 Grainger street Crowther Frances, dress maker, 6 Green court Crowther Mrs. Susan Rosenha, 13 Ridley villas Crozier James, agent, Denton chare Crozier Sarah, farmer, Byker Cruikshanks Ralph, ostrich feather dresser and dyer, Denton chare Cullen Rev, Joseph, Catholic Priest, 73 Pilgrim street Cumberland David, surveyor of taxes, 38 Westgate street Cummins James, cowkeeper, 76 Percy street Cummins Robert, butcher, Ouse street; h. St. Ann*s row Cunningham David, surgeon and druggist. Bailiff gate Cunningham Thomas, tailor and clothes dealer, Castle garth Cunningham William, ship builder, St. Lawrence Currie & Bustin, chemists, druggists, & dlrs. in British wines, 19 Sand hill Currie George, druggist, lead mert. and manufacturer; h. 11 Carlton tr. Currie James, agricultural machine and pump maker, millwright, &c. 43 Percy street Currie John, eating and beer house, 17 Clayton street Currie John, Esq», secretary to the Trinity house; h. Carlton terrace Currie Robert & Co., booksellers, stationers, binders and print sellers, 15 Grey street; h. 11 Carlton terrace Currie William, colourer and stenciller, 19 St, John's lane Curry Caleb, cheesemonger, bacon factor and flour dealer, 33 Grainger street; h. 18 Terrace place Cu^Ty*Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, 4 Newgate street Curry George, butcher, 29 New market; h, ] Waterloo street Curry Mrs. Isabella, 20 High Claremont place Curry John, saddler, Todd's court, 51 Groat market Curry John, coal agent, Goxlodge and Gosforth coal depot Curry John G. butcher, 43 New market ; h. Spring garden lane Curry Mark, shopkeeper and marine store dealer, St, Mary's street Curry Robert, victualler, Sunderland and Ipswich House, 27 Quay side Curry Robert, joiner and cbt. maker, grocer & flour dlr., Church hill st. Curry Robert, cartwright, Lawson street Curry William, Esq., banker. North Elswick cottage Curry William R,, butcher, 35 New market and Dixon's buildings Curry William, clerk, Dixon's buildings Curson Robert, sail maker. Love lane; h. 27 Howard street Curtice Robert, reporter. Chronicle, 55 Eldon street 44 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Curtis WiUiara, victualler. Bricklayers Arms, Stepney bank Custance Thomas, master mariner, 7 Howard street Custle William, shopkeeper, 18 Pudding chare Custom house, 40 Quay side, SirCuthbert Sharp collector, James Sparrow Esq., comptroller Cutbert Stewart, glass maker, 4 Forth bank Cutforth, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 Forth lane Cuthbertson George, shipsmith, Tyne street Cuthbertson Joseph Whitby, upholsterer, 11 Lisle street Cuthbertson William & Co., lamp black manufacturers, paint, varnish and colour merchants, 39 Grainger street Cutter Anthony, flax dresser, Stepney fields Cutter John, butcher, 41 New market -, h. 62 Blandford street D*Acosta Mons. F., professor and teacher of languages, 49 Howard street Dagg Margaret, glass, china, and earthenware dealer, 38 Quay side and 77 New market; h. Rewcastle chare Daglish & Ismay, chemists, wholesale druggists, & drysalters, 33 Sandhill Daglish Mary, druggist and drysaltery h. East end of New bridge Dahl, Houen, & Co., merchants, ship & insurance brokers, 28 Quay side Dale Misses Dorothy, Maria and Ann, 25 Eldon square Dale James, ship &c. broker; h 48 Cumberland rov» Dale Laban, hair dresser and perfumer, 108 Pilgrim street Dale Peter, ship broker, 33 Quay side; h. North shields Dalziel Ann and Eleanor, dress makers, 101 Clayton street Dalziel Elizabeth, lodgings, 102 Blenheim street Dalziel William, furniture broker, 140 New market, & painter, 2 Bath r, Danby Benjamin, butcher, 9 Butcher bank Danby John, butcher, 62 New market; h. 7 Stamfordham place Danby Michael, butcher, 30 New market; h. Wellington street Daniels Daniel, paper hanging manufacturer, 87 Clayton street Daniels James, lodgings, 98 Blenheim street Daniels William, editor of Minors' Advocate, Castle street Danson Simeon, harbour master, 29 Quay side; h. 3 St. Ann's row Darley Mrs. Elizabeth, 11 Brandling place Darton Mrs. Mary, Stepney bank Davidson Edward, gardener, Minories Davidson Elizabeth and Mary, eating house, 35 Groat market Davidson George, pawnbroker, Lime street Davidson John, corn miller. Union mill. Stepney fields Davidson John, fire brick manufacturer, Ouseburn ; h. Regent ten ace Davidson Joseph, gem and seal engraver, 22 CoUingwood street Davidson Peter, bank manager, 5 John's place, Gateshead Davidson Richard, corn and flour warehouse, 31, Groat market; h. Heatheryshank farm Davidson Thomas Atkinson, clerk to the Magistrates, The Manors Station Davidson Thomas Featherston, vict., Sun Inn, 59 Quay side NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 45 Davidson T. S., ironmonger^20 & 22 Mosley street; h. Argyle terrace Davidson Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Mary's street, Sandgate Davidson William, grocer & tea dealer, 50 Groat mkt. ; h. 5 Elswick row Davies Rev. Henry, (Wesleyan,) 8 Brunswick place Davies Richard, sculptor, stone and marble mason, 98 Pilgrim street Davies Miss Catherine, ladies boarding school, 34 Leazes terrace Davis David, victualler, Duke of Wellington, North shore Davis James, clothes dealer. Castle garth Davis John Thomas, organ builder, 15 Clayton street Davis Joseph, professor of music. New Bridge street Davis Susannah, grocer, confectioner, & flour, &c. dealer, New Bridge st. Davison Frances, green grocer, St. Ann's street Davison George, grocer, Ouse street Davison George, whitesmith & chain mkr., ct.,20 Newgate st.; h. Queen st Davison George, pawnbroker. Manor chare Davison George, tailor and draper, 29 Blackett street Davison George, tailor, 15 Prudhoe street Davison James, joiner, &c. White Swan court; h. St. John's lane Davison James, bricklayer and builder, Argyle terrace Davison John, spirit merchant. Forth street Davison John, borough rate collector, 22 Elswick row Davison John, watch glass maker and shopkeeper, Silver street Davison John, shopkeeper, St. Ann's street Davison John, victualler, Skinner's Arms, 8 Darn cr Three Indian Kings court Forster Mr. John, 8 Westmoreland street Forster John, ship carpenter, 34 Howard street Forster John, butcher, 132 Newmarket; h.3 Brunswick place Forster John, pawnbroker, 29 Broad chare; h. Newbridge street Forster John, watch and clock maker, 37 Broad chare Forster John, boot and shoe maker, If) Percy street Forster John, butcher, Williams street, St Peter's quay Forster Jonathan Langstaff, solicitor ; h. 15 Low Claremont place Forster Mr. Joseph, Jesmond Forster Matthew, and Jonathan Langstaff, solicitors, 80 Grey street Forster Matthew, solicitor ; h. 10 St. James's street Forster Matthew, police inspector, 23 Stowell street Forster Mary Ann, victualler, Hibernian Tavern, King street Forster Mrs. Mary, 45 Jesamine place Forster Mrs, Mary, Wesley terrace Forster Michael, victualler, Grace Darling, 2 Gibson street Forster Sarah, dress maker, 4 Spring Garden terrace Forster Susannah, milliner and dress maker, 28 Blenheim street Forster Thomas, St. Andrew's parish school, 14 Percy st. ; h. Brandling Forster Thomas, tailor, St. Andrew's court Forster Thomas, tailor, James's court, Pilgrim street Forster Wm., wholesale stationer & hop mert. 26 Side ; h St. Thomas ter. Forster Wm., cabt. maker & furniture bkr., 32 Pilgrim st. ; h. Carliol st. Forster William Esq., 4 Greenfield place and Tynemouth Forster William Charlton, painter, 27 Bigg mkt. ; h. ct. 59 Newgate st. Forsrer William, tanner's foreman. Darn Crook Forsyth Mrs. Alice, Forsyth's court Forsyth Lewis, slater, Forsyth's court : h. 1 Byron street Foss Eleanor, shopkeeper, 7 Sunderland street Foster Andrew, victualler, Percy Arms, 87 Percy street Foster Edward, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Foster John, alkali manufacturer. High Elswick terrace Foster Robert, cart owner. Forth street Foster William, boot and shoe maker, Castle garth Foster William, shoemaker, Denton chare Fowke Mr. John, 1 1 Northumberland court Fox Alfred, furrier, 15 St. John's lane Fox Thomas, picture dealer, Railway bank Foyer Walter, hat manufacturer, 1 Grey street Fram Mrs. Elizabeth, New road Frame James, chimney sweep. Castle street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 5ft Frame Robert, beer house, Silver street France Peter & Co., booksellers and news agents, 8 Side Franklam George, ship & insurance broker; h. Ellison street, Gateshead Fraser Hugh, boot and shoe maker, 41 Collingwood St.; h. 12 Elswick row Fraser Margaret, green grocer, 217 New market; h. 18 Clayton street Frater Mark, agent, 57 Eldon street Frazer John, railway inspector, back Oxford street Frazer Robert, carver and gilder; and Charlotte, dress mkr., Lloyd's ct. Frederick George Henry, pork butcher, &c., 46 Bigg market Freeman Ann, shopkeeper. Brandling Freeman George, bank cashier, 5 Low Claremont place Freeman Isaac, grocer and draper, Lime street Freeman Robert, flour factor, 80 Bland ford street Freeman Misses Sarah and Ann, 110 Blenheim street Freemason's Lodge, 4 Nelson street Freemen's Hospital Westgate street French Ann Bree, lodgings, 6 Oxford street French Edward, eating house, 37 Groat market Friends* Meeting house. Pilgrim street Frizell William, cowkeeper. Back lane Frost Samuel Merryne, surgeon, 27 Oxford street Froud George, agent, 8 Brandling place Froud Thomas Wilson, ship broker and commission agent, Rewcastle chare ; h. 17 Elswick terrace Fryer Charles Ralph, solicitor, 52 Westgate street Fryer Jane, green gcr. & garden seeds dlr., 233 New mkt. ; h. 1 Lampton pi Fullarton A. & Co., publishers, 35 Westmoreland terrace Fulton Robert, ship builder ; h. Lime street Furness Thomas Allison, surgeon, 11 Percy street Fyfe William, glass stainer, Wellington street Gallen and Parker, wholesale paper dealers, rag and commission mer- chants, and marine store dealers, 7 and 71 Close Gallen Christopher Noble, merchant, &c. ; h. 3 Nixon st. Sandyford lane Gallyn Cuthbert, painter and glazier, Carlton street Gallon Jamae, omnibus proprietor, court, 10 Westgate street Gallon John, cart owner, Fenwick's entry, 48 Quay side Gallon John, watch glass mnfr. & china, glass, &c. dealer, 20 Westgate st. Gallon John, boot and shoe maker, Westgate Gallon William, corn miller and shopkeeper. New mills Gallon William, blacksmith, Thompson street Galloway John, nail maker, 3 Westgate street; h. 54 Leazes terrace Galloway Thomas, furniture broker, 25 Collingwood street Galloway William and Co., Northumberland cut and wrought nail works, 37 Forth street; h. 4 Elswick terrace Gamsby George, gentleman, William street Garbutt William, attorney's clerk, Mountain's court 60 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Gardner Andrew, ammonia and washing powder manufacturer, Westgate Gardner Edward, "beer seller, and lodgings, Postern Gardner Mrs. Eleanor, 13 Elswick terrace Gardner Joseph, shopkeeper, Brandling Gardner Mark, vict.. Elephant and Fish, 3 Sandhill Gardner William, coal viewer, Spital Tongue's Colliery Garnett Joseph, chemist and druggist, 1 Side Garret John, pawnbroker and dealer in silver plate. Nun's gate Garret William, bookseller, binder, stationer, & print seller, 39 Mosley st. Garthwaite William, paper merchant, 101 Side Gas Works, Manors, and St. Ann's street, Sandgate, Jph. Davie manager Gateshead and Tyne Shipping Co.'s office, 113 Side, Henry Walker agent Gaul John, leather cutter and grinder, Queen street Geddie John, lodgings, 40 Carliol street Geddy David, ship builder, Tyne main ; h. 22 Upper Buxton street Gee Elizabeth, grocer and flour dealer, 21 Marlborough street Gee John, shopkeeper. The Manors Gee Richard H., solicitor, 18 Percy street Gee Mr. Robert, 2 Brandling place Gee Roberts agent, 2 George street, Scotchwood road Gee Thomas, agent, 33 Westmoreland terrace Gee Sarah, vict., Cricketer's Arms, Pandon Dean Geer William, cowkeeper, Friars Geldard John R.,wine & spirit mert., 1 Manor st. ; h. South Benwell House General Steam Navigation Company's Office, 50 Quay side; Parker and Shield agents Gerlach Henry Edward, merchant's clerk, 39 Blackett street Gervin John, teacher, 1 William street Gething Mr. Samuel, 31 Westmoreland terrace Gibb Elizabeth, confectioner and fruiterer, 4 Sand hill Gibb Juseph, surgeon, Tyne bridge Gibbs John, butcher, Fenkle street Gibbeson John, butcher, Postern Gibbison Matthew, victualler, Tankerville Arms, Diana street Gibbon Ebenezer, cooper, 78 Percy street * Gibbon Mary, shopkeeper, 26 Blackett street Gibson Andrew, foreman. Quarry cottage Gibson Mrs. Ann, St. Thomas street Gibson Ann, earthenware dealer, 66 New market ; h. North shore Gibson Charles Septimus, druggist, &c. ; h. 2 Burdon place Gibson Charles, surgeon, 2 Derwent place Gibson David, grcr& tea dlr, .39 & 40 Sandhill; h. 1 High Swinbournepl Gibson Mrs. Dorothy, 45 Eldon street Gibson Emerson and Son, boot and shoe makers, 37 Dean street, and leather cutters, 4 Folly Gibson Mr. George, George street, Scotchwood road NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 61. Gibson George, solicitor, 27 Market St.; h. 7 St. Mary's place Gibson George Tallentire, solicitor, Bank buildings, St. Nicholas square ; h. Pandon House Gibson George, painter, Bailiff gate Gibson George, shopkeeper, 25 Shield street Gibson George, boot and shoe maker, 3 & 5 Castle stairs Gibson George, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Gibson James, mason and builder, 4 Stephney Field, west Gibson James, shopkeeper, 30 Close Gibson James, foreman, 4 Minden street Gibson James, tinplate worker, 22 Close Gibson James, farmer, Elswick lane Gibson Jane, vict., Blue PostSj 152 Pilgrim street Gibson John, hosier, glover, laceman,&c., 30 Grey st.; h. 5 Higham place Gibson John, painter and glazier, 53 Newgate street Gibson Mr. John, 42 Carlioi street Gibson John, draper ; h. 9 St. James's street Gibson John, Gallery of Arts, glass stainer, painter, imitator of morocco leather, embossed paper, and decorator in general, 89 Clayton street ; h. 1 Leazes terrace Gibson John, furniture broker and old book seller, Denton chare Gibson John C, butcher, 44 New market, Marlborough st. & Scotchwood rd Gibson John, shoemaker, Hedley place Gibson Joseph B., ship and insurance broker ; h. North Shields Gibson Joseph, cabinet maker, Westgate Gibson Leonard, hosier, haberdasher, glover, &c., 37 Grey street Gibson Mark Hall, engraver, copperplate^ and lithographic printer, 15 Bigg market; h. 2 Burdon place Gibson Mary Ann, straw hat maker, 113 Percy street jibson Nicholas, shopkeeper, 7 Northumberland street Gribson Mr. Philip, 15 Low Villa place Gibson Robert, manager of the Newbusy Cottage iron works, 9 Richmond st Gibson Robert, joiner, &c., Churchill cottages ; h. 2 George street Gibson Sarah, lodgings, 6 Eldon square Gibson Thomas, architect, 27 Market street ; h. 104 Blenheim street Gibson Thomas C. & Co., merchants, ship and insurance brokers, coal fitters, and commission agents. Three Indian Kings court Gibson Thomas, butcher, Byker hill Gibson Walter, joiner and shopkeeper, 173 Pilgrim street Gibson Walter, joiner and cabinet maker, ct. I 5 Cloth mkt. ; h. 22 Nun's st Gibson William Sidney, registrar. Court of Bankruptcy ; h. George street Gibson William, stonemason, Prudhoe street j h. 3 Minden street Gibson William, corn miller and flour dealer, 39 Butcher bank ; h. and mill, Gateshead Gibson William, butcher. New market ; h. Friars Gilbert Thomas, vict.. Napoleon le Grand, & eating h., 32 Butcher bank 62 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Gilchrist and Ashford, ship and insurance brokers, Burn hank Gilchrist George Pentland, broker, &c. ; h. 21 Brandling place Gilchrist George, surgeon, 1 Northumberland place Gilchrist James, vict.. Fighting Cock, The Cut Gilchrist John, sail maker, 39 Quay side ; h. Shieldfield Gilchrist John, shopkeeper and flour dealer, 33 Blenheim street Gilchrist Mrs. Margaret, Shieldfield Gill Joshua, cabinetmaker and joiner, 84 Clayton street Gill William, linen draper and hosier, 82 Clayton street Gilley John, tailor, 73 Blandford street Gillie James, blacksmith, 91 Percy street Gilpin & Co. ale and porter merchants and cork cutters, 52 Pilgrim street Gilpin James, chemist, druggist, and soda water mnfr., 53 Pilgrim street Gilroy James, marine store dealer. Cock's chare, Quay side Gilroy John, shoemaker, 9 Edward street Gilroy Thomas, agent, 24 Stephney terrace Gilroy Timothy, leather pipe and belt maker, H aye's yd., Queen street Girvin Joseph, paper hanging manufacturer, 25 Market street Gisburne Robert, bkseller & stationer, 68 Quay side ; h. 31 Cumberland r» Glaholm Edward, tallow chandler, court 70 Westgate street, and Church street, Gateshead Glaholm James, plumber, brass founder, & copper smith, Manor chare; h. 32 Melbourne street Glaholm John, corn miller, &c. ; h. Melbourn street, Gateshead Glaholm Thomas & Son, corn millers, Bridge end steam mill; h. Mulgrave terrace, Gateshead Glasper Newton, shopkeeper, Ouseburn Gledson William, hair dresser, 73 Northumberland st. ; h. 2 Vine lane Gledston Eliz., green grocer, 207 New market ; h. New Pandon street Glen Margaret, vict.. Lord Nelson, 37 Trafalgar street Glendinning James, tailor, Hewitson's court. Side Glendinning John, tailor and draper, 1 & 2 Black gt.; h. Victoria place Glendinning Mary, fnilliner, 16 Percy street Glendinning Thomas, cattle dealer, Mansfield street Glenton Frederick, wine and spirit merchant, 10 Close; h. Bensham Glenton Paul, surgeon, 50 Pilgrim street Glover George, shoemaker, Chapel lane Glover Isabella, lodgings, 34 Blenheim street Glover Robert Mortimore, M. D,, 12 Northumberland street Glynn Edward, solicitor ; h. 1 St. Ann's row Glynn Mr. Henry, St. Ann's row Goldie Thomas, tinner and brazier, St. Ann's street Golightly Mary and Staniforth Ann, milliners and straw bonnet makers, 92 Pilgrim street; h. 5 Wesley street Gomhert Adrian Joseph, professor of languages, 5 Princes street Good James, plasterer, 39 Blandford street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 63 Goodall Alfred, banker's clerk, 11 Oxford street Goodall John, chemist and druggist, 3 Stock bridge ; h. Red Barns Goodbarn John, glover and breeches maker, 4 High bridge Goodburn James, butcher, 93 New market and Prudhoe street Goodlad Rd. & Co., paper hanging manufacturers, Thornton street Goodyer Mrs. Margaret, 3 John street Goods Warehouse for Newcastle and Shields Railway, Manors Goolden George, boot & shoe mkr., 67 Side ; h. Marlborough Crescent Gordon Ann, Straw hat maker. Temple street Gordon John, marine store dealer, Pandon bank Gordon Richard, grocer, Bailiff gate Gordon Robert, butcher, Sandgate Gordon Robert, shopkeeper, Scotchwood road Gornell Ellen, shopkeeper, Westmoreland lane Gorringe Thomas, vict., Shakespeare Tavern, Shakespeare street Gough Mr. James, Pawton Dean terrace Goulden George, shoemaker. Side ; h. 4 Marlborough crescent Gonlden James, ink manufacturer. Court 9 Bigg market Goundry Rl., ready-made linen, stay, & shoe warehouse, 8 CoUingwood st Gourley William, wood turner, Court 159 Pilgrim street Gow James, shopkeeper. The Cut Gow Margaret, straw hat maker, Byker bar Gowland Charles, plane mufr.. Court 9 Bigg market ; h. ct. 3 Newgate st. Gowland Joseph, linen & woollen draper, 21 Sandhill; h. 131 Pleasant row, Gateshead Gowland Robert, chemist and druggist, 27 Clayton street Grace Edward N., ship owner, Byker hill Graham Ann, confectioner and fruiterer, 59 Westgate street Graham Donald, boot and shoe maker, 22 Market street Graham Emilia, lodgings, 34 Carliol street Graham Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 88 Percy street Graham James, whitesmith & bellhanger, Forth bank; h. 4 Sunderland st Graham James, shopkeeper, St. Lawrence Graham James, master mariner, 33 Low Friar street Graham Jane, lodgings. Regent street, Forth terrace Graham John, shopkeeper, 82 Westgate street Graham John, shopman, Wellington street Graham Joseph, joiner and cabinet maker, 111 Percy street Graham Mary, shopkeeper. Painter heugh Graham Mrs. Margaret, 36 Eldon street Graham Thomas, working engineer, 24 Howard street Graham William, lodgings, Spital place Grahamsley George, contractor, builder, &c. ; h, Laverick hall Grahamsley James, tailor, &c.. Castle garth ; h. Hill street Grahamsley and Reed, joiners, builders, contractors, brick and drain tile manufacturers. West Blandford street 64 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Grainger Rd., architect and builder, 9 Clayton st.; h. 5 Clayton St., West Grance John, gentleman, 1 Victoria terrace Grant Hy., hat and cap mnfr. and furrier, 95 Clayton st.; h. 15 Newgate st Grant James, joiner and cabinet maker, Stevenson place Grant James, tailor and clothes dealer. Castle garth Grant James Frederick, accountant, 22 Melbourne street Grant Jane, shopkeeper, 25 Close Grant Jane R., tea dealer and circulating library, 38 Westgate street Grant John, furniture broker, 184 Pilgrim street Grant Mary Ann, stationer, circulating library, & toy dlr,, 85 Pilgrim st Grant Thomas, billiard rooms, 7 Shakespeare street Grassi and Rampoldi, general factors and importers of French and German toys, 22 Grey street Gray Adam, tailor, 44 Carliol street Gray Alexander George, merchant, 85 Pilgrim st.; h.4 High Jesmond ter Gray Andrew, merchant, 8 Side ; h. 2 High Jesmond terrace Gray Christopher, butcher. Milk market; h. Sandgate Gray David, tailor and draper, 5 Shakespeare street; h. Brandling Gray David, schoolmaster. Friars green Gray George, ship broker, and agent to the Tyne Marine Insurance Company, Three Indian Kings court ; h. 6 St. James's street Gray George, gardener and seedsman, 229 New market Gray George, victualler. Prince of Orange, 9 Side Gray George, milk seller, 40 Close Gray George, assistant overseer, Sally port (jray George, earthenware manufacturer, Ouseburne ;" h. Byker buildings Gray John, basket maker, 89 New market; h. Pilgrim street Gray John, shoemaker, 86 Clayton street Gray John, victualler. Sun Inn, St. Lawrence street, North shore Gray John, victualler, Gravesend Inn, 10 Rosemary lane, & coach agent 34 Collingwood street Gray Margaret, victualler, Ship, Sandgate Gray Mrs. Mary, 6 Leazes terrace Gray Mr. Nicholas, 98 Blandford street Gray Thomas, tobacco manufacturer, 59 Grey street Gray Wm. and Co., whsl. and rtl. wlln. drapers, tailors, &c., 36 Mosley st Gray William, cutler, surgical instrument, and truss maker, 28 Market street ; h. 21 Carlton street Gray William John, ship and insurance brkr.; h. Sedgwick pi. Gateshead Gray William, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Gray William, shoe grindery dealer, 37 Newgate street Grayson James, solicitor, 24 St. Nicholas' ch. yd.; h. Low Swinbourne pi Greaves John, grocer and tea dealer, 4 Clayton street Greaves Richard, sub-jjolice inspector, Westgate station Greaves Robert, cabinet maker and joiner. Forth lane; h. 5 Edward st Greaves William, rope and twine manufacturer; h. Spital tongues NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 66 Greaves William, coachman, and Hannah, stay maker, 6 Grainger street Greaves William, builder, Forth lane ; h. Spital tongues Green Aubone, marine store dealer. Oyster shell lane Green Charlotte, ladies seminary, 22 Terrace place Green George, printer, &c. 99 Side ; h. Wesley street Green George, baker and flour dealer, 60 Blackett street Green George, stone and marble mason, 96 Pilgrim street Green Isabella, game dlr., poulterer, cheese & butter factor, 23 Nun's st. Green Isabella, school mistress, court 179 Pilgrim street Green Jervis Sept., surgeon, 1 Northumberland street Green John & Benjamin, civil engineers & architects, 3 Royal Arcade ; h. Regent terrace Green John, junior, architect, 32 Westmoreland terrace Green John, shopkeeper, 35 Close Green Joseph, baker, 34 Close Green Mrs. Mary Ann, 11 Saville court Green Rev, Robt., surrogate & incbt. of All Saints, o5 Northumberland st Green Rev. Thos. Robinson, incbt. of Byker, 56 Northumberland street Green William, builder, 50 Blackett street Green William, grocer and flour dealer. Low Svvinbourne place Greene John & Co., soap mfrs.. New road ; h. Prospect cottage, Gateshead Greene Josh.,jnr., corn mert. & ship bkr. ; h. 1 Claremont pi., Gateshead Greener Henry, agent, Flint glass works, Duke street Greener John, shopkeeper, 73 Westgate street Greener Joseph, cart owner, East Ballast hills Greener Thomas, victualler, Half Moon, Byker bar Greenhow Thos. Emerson, tim^)er mert., ship broker, and general com- mission agent, 32 Broad chare ; h. Carlton terrace Greenhow Thomas Michael, surgeon, 17 Biackett street Greenwell Mr. George, 8 Edward street Greenwell Geo., clock & watch maker, & Marg., dress mkr., 22 High bg Greenwell Johnson, victualler, Bricklayer's Arms, Oyster shell lane Greenwell Robert, victualler, Albion Inn, 93 Newgate street Greenwell Thomas, schoolmaster, 7 Thornton street Greenwell Wm. Nicholas, ship & insurance broker, & general commission agent, 28| Quay side ; h. 13 Shieldfield Gregory James, agt. for A. Fullerton and Co., London, 35 Westmoreland tr Gregson Jane, shopkeeper, 31 Percy street Gregson Thomas Leslie, surgeon, 13 Westgate street Greaves Barbara, lodgings, 35 Blandford street Greives Robert, shopkeeper, 2 Low Friar street Greives Thomas, painter and glazier, 14 High bridge Greives Thomas, cart owner. Paradise row Gresham Thomas, butcher, 159 New market; h. Pitt street Grey Benjamin, public notary, merchant, and ship broker; h. High team Grey Mrs. Frances, 11 Blackett street G 66 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Grey Jacob, draper, &c., 8 Blenheim St.; shop, I Bridge st., Gateshead Grey John, clerk, customs, 6 Elswick row Grey Joseph, builder and brick maker, 10 Percy street; h. Elswick villas Grey Ralph, hosier, glover, &c. h. 142 Pilgrim street Grey Wm. John and Son, mrchnts., coal ftrs., and ship brkrs., 75 Quay sd Gribbin Francis, victualler, Brandy Butt, 13 Side Grierson Robert, frtr. and green grocer, 198 New market; h. Castle sq Griffin Thoinas, beer house, 17 Broad chare Griffith and Crighton, solicitors, Royal arcade Griffith Charles, solicitor, h. 27 Eldon square Griffiths Edward, gent., 14 Brandling place Griffiths Edward, jun., solicitor, 143 Pilgrim street; h. 14 Brandling pi Groat Market Chapel, 12 Pudding chare Grote Joseph, Esqr., agent. Branch Bank of England, 13 Grey street Groves Edward, hair dresser, St. Peter's quay Grubb Ann, ladies' day school and lodgings, 15 Westmoreland street Grubb Hannah, boarding and lodging house, 6 Derwent place Grundon Thomas, vict., Hope and Anchor, St. Lawrence St., North shore Grundon William, victualler. Lamb Inn, Tyne street Grundy Anthony, tripe dresser, 84 New market, and baker, 4 Bedford st Grundy Mr. Thomas, 13 Blenheim street Guardian Office, 37 Grainger street, Macliver and Catherall publishers Guildhall Town Court, Sandhill Guise Mrs. Maria, 17 Summerhill terrace Gustard Ralph, shopkeeper, B jker bar Gusthart James, blacksmith, 28 Butcher bank Guthrie Andrew, shopman, 4 Carlton street Guthrie Alexander, gent., 35 Richmond street Guthrie David, gent., 19 Summerhill terrace Guthrie Geo. Douglas, potatoe and mrn. str. dlr., 25 Quay sd. ; h. Spicerln Guthrie Mrs. Jane, 67 Northumberland street Guthrie Robert, victualler. Steam Boat, Quality row Hackworth Ann, victualler, Ridley Arms, 16 Pilgrim street Hackworth Prudence, victualler. Grey Bull, and brewer, Cowgate Hackworth Thomas, agent, Cowgate Hackworth Thomas, victualler, Beeswing, Postern Hackworth Thomas, cowkeeper, Clavering place Hadaway Edward Matthew, grocer and tea dealer, 9 Grainger street Haddcck George, faruiture broker, 180 Pilgrim street Hadley Mary, shopkeeper, 37 Close Hager Thomas, agent, 17 Oxford street Haggle Robert Hood and Co., patent rope mnfrs. and gnrl. merchants, Willington ropery, and 14 Broad chare ; h. Willington vil. Haig Andrew, board and lodging house, 7 Derwent place Hails George, beer house, 104 Clayton street Hails Wm., coach, livery, lace fringe, & tassel maker, 31 Grainger street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 67 Hails William, flour dealer, Bath lane Hainsworth William, school master, Buckingham street Hair Charles Holden & Co., lampblack, coke, coal tar, coal oil, & varnish manufacturers, Scotchwood, and 55 Quay side Hair Mrs. Jane, 2 Stephney field west Hair John & Joseph, ship hldrs., timber merts., and saw mills, St. Peter's quay, & coal fitters, 21 Quay side ; hs. Rye hill, & 16 Ridley villas Hair Joseph, victualler, Ship Inn, Spicer lane. Quay side Hair Mr. Thomas, 5 Lisle street 'Halbert George, grocer, flour, earthenware, & general dealer^ St. Lawrence street, North shore ' Halden George, traveller, 15 Blenheim street Haley John, boot and shoe maker, 7 Low bridge Hall Alexander, cabinet maker & furniture broker, Tyne street Hall Mr. Alfred, 3 Forth lane Hall Ann & Son, blacksmiths, 6 Thornton street Hall Anthony, inspecting engineer, Newcastle and Carlisle railway^ h. 9 George street, Scotchwood road Hall Bentham & Son, carvers, gilders, & looking glass mfrs., 75 Pilgrim st Hall Bridget, shopkeeper, 52 High bridge Hall Catherine, lodgings, 13 Blackett street Hall Rev. Carter, curate of St. Thomas's, Lovaine terrace Hall E. & C. fancy repository, 23 Grainger street Hall Edward, solicitor ; h. 2 St. Mary's terrace Hall Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 Cumberland row Hall Edward, letter carrier, 15 Stowell square Hall Miss Dorothy, 5 Jesmond terrace Hall Edward, shoemaker, Scotchwood road Hall Francis Wright, oil and colour mfr.; h. 17 Blandford street Hall George, fire brick manufacturer ; h. Bells close f J Hall George, joiner, grocer, and flour dealer, 2 Forth street Hall George, horse and gig letter, court 58 Newgate st. ; h. Eldon square Hall George Anderson, agent, Regent terrace Hall George, builder, &c., Bensham ; h. Stepney Villas Hall George, hair dresser, 6Q Northumberland st. ; h. 5 Brunswick place Hall George, ship builder; h. Nelson street. North shore Hall Grace and P., dressmakers, 6 Thornton street Hall Henry & Co., ship brokers, Burn bank, Quay side Hall Henry, clerk, 7 Stephney lane Hall Henry, bricklayer and bull ier, Bath lane Hall, Hills, and Fulton, ship builders, Nelson street. North shore Hall Isabella and Jane, shopkeepers. Temple street Hall James, paint and colour dealer, Thornton street, and 53 New market Hall James, vict., Black Bull, 30 High bridge and Union street Hall Jane, schoolmistress, Court 178 Pilgrim street Hall Jane, lodgings, 30 Newgate street 68 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Hall Mr. John, 15 John street Hall John, corn merchant and maltster, 8 Sandhill ; h. 18 Cumberland r. Hall John & Co., ship & insurance bkrs. & commission agts., 11 Quay sd Hall Mr. John, 26 Brandling place Hall John, cowkeeper. Back lane Hall John, cabinet maker, Byker bar Hall Joseph, green grocer & fruiterer, 221 & 222 Ne\^ mkt. ; h. Clayton st Hall Joseph, shopkeeper, Buckingham street Hall Margaret, straw hat maker, 123 Pilgrim street Hall Menzies, linen and woollen draper, outfitter, &c., 42 Quay side; b. 6 Melbourne street Hall Miss, St. Anthony's hall Hall Rachael, midwife, 3 St. John's lane Hall Ralph, tailor. King street ; h. Hogg's entry. Side Hall & Ridley, solicitors, & agents to the Law Fire and Life Insurance Company, 45 Pilgrim streat Hall Robert, butcher, Tyne street Hall Robert, agent, Gosforth street Hall & Shephard, paint, colour, and varnish manufactrs., 5 Thornton st. Hall Thomas, commission agent, 113 Side; h. 7 Oxford street Hall Thomas Young, Esq., 33 Grainger street Hall Thomas, woollen draper and tailor, 64 Grey street Hall Thomas, shopkeeper, Blagdon street Hall Thomas, furniture broker and cabinet maker, 156 Pilgrim street Hall Thomas, cowkeeper, Court, 74 Percy street Hall William, vict.. Waggon Inn, and fire brick mnfr., 42 Close Hall William, grocer &c flour dealer, 15 Marlborough st., and 61 Close Hall William, bookseller, 6 Cloth market Hall William, vict.. Goat Inn, ct. 13 Cloth market Hall William, wood turner, Rankin's court; h. 58 Newgate street Hall William, whitesmith, court 2 Westgate street; h. Friars- Hall William, tailor, 29 Butchei bank Hall William, beer house, Blagdon street Hall William, assistant draper, 41 Jessamine place Halland John, vict. and eating house, Whitby Arms, 28 Broad chare Halliday George, victualler. Nag's Head, 20 Nun's street Halliday George, saddler and harness maker, 38 Collingwood street; b. Clavering place Halliday John, joiner, &c., West Wall cottages; h. 18 Blandford street Hallowell John, maltster, Hornsby's chare; h. 12 Ridley villas Hambro and Co., merchants and commission agents, 71 Quay side Hambro Edward Isaac, merchant ; h. 20 Leazes terrace Hamburgh Steam Packet Office, St. Lawrence street, North shore, John Ormston agent Hamilton Ann, dressmaker, Gallowgate Hamilton Isaac, hosier and h^iberdasher, 59 Pilgrim St.; h. 5. Carliol st. NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 6^ Hamilton John, hair dresser, 40 Bigg market ; h. Newgate street Hamilton William, gentleman, 40 Leazes terrace Hammond Charles Frederick, ship broker, &c., 1!3 Side; h. Lovaine ter Hammond Edward, clerk, 14 Shield street Hancock Albany, floor cloth manufr. ; h. St. Mary's lane Hancock Mrs. Jane, 4 St. Mary's terrace Hancock Thomas and John, ironmongers and saddlers, 60 Sandhill ; hs. 15 Molendine terrace, Gateshead, and St. Mary's terrace Handyside Jane, shopkeeper, Stephney bank Handyside William Robinson, vict.. Burns Tavern, Spicer lane Handyside William, marine store dealer, Buckingham street Hankin Daniel, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Hannah Robert, tea dealer, (travelling,) 36 Blenheim street Hannington William, straw hat manufacturer. East Ballast hills Hansen, Jobson, & Co., merchants and ship brokers, 17 Quay side Hansen Peter, jun., merchant, general commission agent, ship and in- surance broker, 48 Quay side; h. Upper Claremont place Hanson Samuel, permit writer, 8 Union terrace Harbottle Anthony, grocer and tea dealer, 19 Dean st. ; h. 8 Shield st. Harbottle John, woollen and linen draper, outfitter, &c., 70 Quay side Harbour- tower, Westwall cottages Harbour- master's Office, 29 Quay side, Simon Danson master Hardcastles and Hancock, floor cloth manufacturers, 32 Bigg market Hardcastle William and Benjamin, floor cloth mfrs. : h. 1 1 St. John's In. Hardcastle William, surgeon, 45 Westgate street Harding James, gentleman, 39 Cumberland row Harding John, vict. and bre^ Reid & Sons, goldsmiths and jewellers by appointment to the Queen, silver smiths, platers, chronometer, and watch makers, 14 Grey street Reid C. J. goldsmith, jeweller, &c.; h. 2 St. Thomas street Reid David, goldsmith, jeweller, &c. ; h. 14 Grey street Reid Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 34 Prudhoe street Reid Miss C. R. & J. ladies seminary, St. Thomas street Reid James, coal fitter, &c. ; h. Shieldfield Reid Jane, stay maker and hosier, 15 Dean street Reid John, vict., Kemble Inn, 8 Market street Reid William James, confectioner, 176 Pilgrim street Reids and Hutchinson, coal fitters, ship and insurance bks., 21 Quay side Reily John, clothes broker, dog leap stairs Rennie William, vict., Cookson's Arms, Hanover street Rennison Henry, butcher, 170 New market, and 8 Temple street Rennison Stephen, corn miller and maltster, Jesmond Vale Rennison William, watch maker, St, Ann's street Rennoldson Thomas Rutherford, ship owner, 9 Picton place Renshaw, Wm., vict.. Swan with Two Necks, Painterheugh Renwick James, green grocer, 197 New market ; h. Lower way Ren wick John Nixon, cabinet mkr. and upholsterer 25 ; h. 79 Pilgrim st. Renwick James, vict.. Old Duke of Cumberland, 11 Close Renwick Matthew, assistant draper, 15 Stephney terrace Renwick Robert, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 79 Pilgrim street Reynoldson Richard, corn and flour dealer, 62 Newgate st. ; h. 70 Percy st Rively William and Co., grocers and tea dealers, 60 Groat market; h. Westmoreland terrace Revenue Office, Guildhall, John Jeflferson Harrison, clerk Rewcastle James, bookseller and printer, 1 1 Dean street Rewcastle Mgt. and Sarah, confectioners, 11 Dean street Rhind Alexander, woollen draper and tailor > h. 12 Westgate street Richard Christopher, shopkeeper, 40 Stowell street Richardson Ann, Jane, and Maria, ladies seminary, 4 Portland place Richardson Anthony, auctioneer, 41 Carliol street Richardson & Caxon, wholesale and retail woollen cloth and general drapery warehouse, silk mercers, &c., 28 Grey street & 13 Market st Richardson, Currie, & Co., leadmerts. & mnfrs., Blaydon & 20 Sandhill Richardson D. T. lead merchant & manufacturer; h. 5 Portland place Richardson Mrs. Deborah, 3 Summer hill grove Richardson Edward, tanner, &c. ; h. 6 Summerhill grove Richardson Edward, landscape painter, 53 Bl ackett street Richardson Elizabeth, lodgings, 14 Oxford street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. il5 Eichardso» George, sen., depository for the bible society, 4 Union st. ; h, 9 Albion street Richardson George, jun., leather seller, 2 Union st. ; h. 9 Albion sto Richardson George, colourer & stenciller, Goldburn entry Richardson George, gentleman, 9 Albion street Richardson Henry Burden, landscape painter, 53 Blackett street Richardson Henry, grocer & tea dlr., 4 Union st.j h. 5 Siimmerhill grove Richardson James, farmer, 46 Percy street Richardson James, tailor, Dowie's entry, Castlegarth Richardson Jasper, grocer, tea dlr., wiae & sph'it mrt., 46 & 47 Newgate st Richardson John & Edward, tanners atiu glew mnfrs., 6Q Newgate st, Richardson John, tanner, &c. ; h. Elswick lane Richardson Mr. John, 17 High Friar street Richardson John, painter & glzr., 14 St. Nicholas Ch, yd. j b 50 Dean st Richardson John, shoemaker, 5 Clayton street Richardson John, shoemaker, Todd's nook ^ Richardson John, stenciller and colourer, 77 Percy street Richardson John Hunter &^Co., firebrick mkrs., Dent's hole & Gateshead Richardson Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 14 High Friar street Richardson Joseph, chair manufacturer, Gateshead ; h. 5 Hinde street Richardson Joseph, marine store dealer, Percy street Richardson Moses Aaron, printer, publisher, bookseller, stationer, book- binder, print and music seller, picture frame maker, &c. 44 Grey street Richardson Mansfield, lodgings, 1 6 St. John's lane Richardson Mansfield, jun., tailor, 31 St. John's lane Richardson Mary Ann, vict.. King's Head, 1 Marlborough street Richardson Mary, cowkeeper, 10 Stamfordham place Richardson Philip, schoolmaster, Percy court Richardson Robert, joiner and furniture broker. Milk market bank Richardson Stephen, boot and shoe maker, 66 Percy street Richardson Thomas, share broker, &c. ; h. 17 Albion place Richardson Thomas, M. D.,5 Portland place Richardson Thomas, wholesale and retail draper ; h, 3 Carlton terrace Richardson Thomas Miles, landscape painter, 53 Blackett street Richardson Thomas, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Richardson Thomas, hair dresser, 77 Northumberland street Richardson Mr. William, 2 Marlborough street Richardson Wm. 8f Co., commission merchants and agents, 20 Sandhill Richardson Wm. jun., paper hanging mfr. 1 1 4 Pilgrim st. ; h. 46 Sandhill Richardson Wm., commission merchant and agent; h. Chimney mills Richardson William, carver and gilder, 46 Sandhill Richardson Wm, R., day school, Paradise row; h. 23 Blandford street Richmond Robert, solicitor, 1 Butcher bank Rickelton Robert, butcher, 168 New market and 9 Westgate street Rickelton William, sawyer and timber mert., Spital place; h. George st Riddell Right Rev. Dr. Wm., Catholic Bishop, 7 Charlotte square 116 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Riddell Robert, compositor, {Courant office,) 18 Richmond street Riddell Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, 32 Mosley st.; h. Rosemary lane Riddell Thomas, clerk, 17 Brunswick place Ridley Brothers, glass bottle and alkali manufacturers, St. Peter's Quay Ridley and Dunn, solicitors, 24 Grey street Ridley EbenezerRedshaw, alkali and glass bottle mnfr.j h. New road Ridley George, clerk, 16 Elswick terrace Ridley Henry, chemist and druggist, 54 Newgate st. ; h. 13 Percy ct. Ridley John, solicitor ; h. 13 Saville row Ridley John, ship and insurance broker, ship owner, coal fitter, comsn. agent, & agt. for the Argus life Assur. Co., 34 Quay sd.j h.l6 Lovaine pi Ridley John Fras. Wm. & Co., Elswick copperas works ^ houses, 16 Lovaine terrace Ridley John, ship and insurance broker; h. St. Thomas ter. North rd Ridley John, cooper, 50 High bridge; h. 29 Brandling place Ridley J ohn, tailor. Castle garth Ridley Joseph, vict. Earl of Westmoreland, Westmoreland street Ridley Mrs. Margaret, Low Swinbourne place Ridley Nicholas, butcher, 86 New market ; h. Reynoldson*s ct. Newgt. st Ridley Samuel, wine & spirit merchant; h. 6 Shieldfield Ridley & Temperley, cheese, bacon, & provision dlrs., 73 & 76 Close Ridley & Thompson, wine and spirit mercts.. Love In., Quay side Ridley Thomas, glass bottle mfr. St. Peter's quay; h. New road Ridley Thomas, solicitor, h. 2 Jesmond terrace Ridley Thomas, chemist & druggist, 20 CoUingwood st ; h. Blenheim st Ridley Thomas, accountant, 9 Stephney terrace Ridley William, banker's clerk. Low Swinbourne place Ridley William, cheese monger, bacon factor, &c. ; h. Forth bank Ridley William, vict. Meter's arms, St. Ann's street Ridley William, shopkeeper, 10 Waterloo street Rigg Miss Mary, 6 Saville row Riley Margaret & Ann, dress, stay, & straw hat makers, 32 Blackett st. ; h. 19 Hill street Riley Mrs. Mary, 29 Blackett street Rimington Stephen, flour dlr., Milkmkt., &Buckinghm. st. ; h. 2 West s Ripley Ezekiel, vict. Crown Inn, Manor chare Ritchie James, green grocer, 210 New market; h. Westgate Robb Joseph, agent, Lovaine terrace Roberts John, shopkeeper, 27 Northumberland st Robertson Alice, vict. Leazes Tavern, 29 Leazes crescent Robertson Mrs. Ann, 6 Albion street Robertson Ann, infant school, Castle garth ; h. Westgate Robertson James, assistant grocer, 21 Richmond street Robertson James, weaver, 21 Spring garden terrace Pobertson John, saddler, 74 Newgate street; h. 4 Bell's ct Robertson John, earthenware dealer, 64 New market NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 117 Robertson Margaret, vict. Union, Stock bridge Robertson William, coal agent, 38 Quay side; h. Elswick row- Robertson William, hair dresser, St. Ann's street Robeson Mrs. Mary, 5 Stepbney terrace Kobins William, tide waiter, & Margaret, school mistress, 1 Albion st. Robinson Mrs. Ann, Plummer street Robinson Christopher, brewer, Reynoldson's court Robinson Elizabeth, victualler. Brandling Arms, Brandling Robinson George, M. D., 12 CoUingwood street Robinson Henry, baker, Carliol place; h. 1 Erick street Robinson Jacob, butcher, Westmoreland street ; h* Blenheim street Robinson James and Son, grocers, spirit merchants and tallow chandlers, 2 CoUingwood street Robinson James, attorney's clerk, 57 Blandford street Robinson John, butcher. Sand gate Robinson John, butcher, 157 New market & Westgatest.; h. Summer hi. Robinson John, cheesemonger and bacon factor, 48 Dean street Robinson John, schoolmaster, 32 Westgate street; h. 18 Blenheim street Robinson John, boot and shoe maker, 132 Pilgrim street Robinson John, green grocer, 207 New market Robinson John, boot and shoe maker, 36 Richmond street Robinson John, custom house officer, 24 Shield street Robinson Joseph Wade, linen manufacturer; h. 59 Eldon street Robinson Mrs. Mary, 17 Northumberland street Robinson Robert, bookseller & stationer, 116 Pilgrim st. ; h. 1 Clayton st Robinson Robert, wholesale and export stationer, account book mnfr. & rag merchant, 31 &32 Side, mfr. Postern; h. the Priory, Summer hillgr, Robinson Mrs. Sarah, 1 Hinde street Robinson Thomas, clock and watch maker, Westgate Robinson Thomas, surgeon, 24 William street Robinson William, victualler, Newcastle Arms, Lime street Robinson and Wilson, linen manufacturers, court, 79 Pilgrim street Robinson William, shopkeeper, 1 Prudhoe street Robinson William, cart owner, 9 Prudhoe street Robison Mary, hosier, &c., 4 Northumberland street Robson Andrew, victualler. Wheat Sheaf, 1 Waterloo street Robson Arthnr, clerk, 38 Richmond street Robson & Co., tea dlrs., coffee merts. & starch mnfrs., 19 & 20 Grainger st. Robson Benjamin, jun., cabinet maker, Morrison's court Robson Christopher, corn and salt dealer, 116 Side; h. 6 Albion place Robson Christopher, tea dealer and coffee merchant; h. 20 Grainger st Robson and Co., ship smiths. Nelson street, North shore Robson Mrs. Debora; h. 10 Prudhoe street Robson Ebenzr. & Co., linen dprs., silk mcrs.,29 Mosloy St.; h. 26 Eldon st Robson Edward, fruit merchant, 64 Quay side Robson Edward, cow keeper, Back lano 1.2 118 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Robson Mrs. Elizabeth, Regent street, Forth terrace Robson Elizabeth, vict. Mason's Arms, Arthur's hill Robson Mrs. Elizabeth, 17 Princes's street Robson Frances, dress maker, 8 Waterloo street Robson George, share broker, and agent to the Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company, 34 Mosley street ; h. 8 Carlton terrace Robson George, shopkeeper, St. Mary's street, Sandgate Robson George, btchr., 39 New mkt., & Victoria Bzr.; h. 28 Richmond st Robson Henry, shoemaker, Eldon lane Robson James, furniture broker and cabinet maker, 6 Pilgrim street Robson James, wine & spirit merchant, 40 High bridge j h. Sandyford pi Robson James, lace dealer, 15 Mosley street Robson Jane, cowkeeper, 75 Percy street Robson John , butcher, 163 New mkt. & 7 Marlborough st ; h. Skinner bum Robson John, marine store dealer, Forth street Robson John, gcr. & tea dlr., 68 Northumberland st. ; h. 13Stamfordham pi Robson John, corn miller and flour dealer, 74 Pilgrim street Robson Mr. John, 14 Princes's street Robson John, cabinet maker, Marrison's ct.; h. 9 St. John's lane Robson John, butcher, Skinnerburn, and 163 New market Robson John, silk dyer and calenderer, 20 Close Robson John, shopkeeper, Pandon bank Robson John, corn miller, Byker Robson John, bricklayer and builder, 4 Union terrace Robson Joseph, assistant overseer, 116 Blenheim street Robson Joseph, clerk, 5 Red barns Robson Lancelot, master mariner, 39 Gibson street Robson Mabel, dress maker, 6 Blenheim Robson Mark, green grocer. Back row, Queen street Robson Mrs. Mary Eliz. French millinery, shoe and corset establish- ment, 15 Mosley street Robson Mary, vict., Haymarket Hotel, 74 Percy street Robson Mary Ann, ladies' seminary, 15 Ridley place Robson Mth., vict.. Bell's Arms, 5 High Friar st. & joiner, Northumbrld. st Robson Matthew, grocer &c. Castle garth; h. Infant School entry Robson Robert, plaster of Paris manufacturer, plasterer, and dealer in Roman cement, 2 Low Friar street ; h. 93 Blenheim street Robson Richard, shoe maker and green grocer. Queen street Robson Riddle, builder, Waterloo street ; h. Walton Robson Robert, hosier, haberdasher, &c. ; h. 2 Gray street Robson Robert, cabinet maker, 64 Northumberland street Robson Robert, bookseller & stationer, 116 Pilgrim st. ; h. 1 Clayton st Robson Robert, brazier & tin plate worker, 124 Pilgrim st. ; h. Lloyd's ct. Robson Robert, clerk, Elswick terrace Robson Robert, beerhouse, Tyne street Robson Robert, blacksmith and wheelwright, Erick st.j b. Wideopen NEWCJiSTLE DIRECTORY. 119 Robson Mrs. Sarah, 8 Carlton terrace Robson Sarah, shopkeeper, St. Mary's street, Sandgate Robson Scott, painter, glazier, & floor cloth manufctr., 47 Pudding chare Robson Thomas, free porter. Feu wick's entry; h. Percy street Robson Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 77 Side Robson Thomas, cowkeeper, 76 Percy street Robson William, wine & spirit merchant, &c. ; h. Fawdon house Robson William, seed crusher, tar & turpentine distlr. &c. ; h. Paradise rw Robson William, linen & woollen draper, hosr.j&c, 15 Dean street Robson William, mason & builder, Erick st.; h. 12 Pandon bank Robson William, hackney coach proprietor, 38 Blackett street Robson William, butcher, 12 New market, & 7 Buckingham street Robson William Edward, watch and clock maker, 8 Cloth market Robson William, ship owner, High crane office, Quay side; h. New road Robson Capt. William, 20 Oxford street Robson Wm., japanr., painter, & clk» dial mfr., 6 Drury In. ; h. Bigg mkt Robson Wm. Young, provision dealer, 34 Groat market Robson William, shoe maker. New road Robson William, butcher. East ballast hills Roche John, eating house, & register office, 20 Nelson street Rocket Wilson, vict. Jolly Sailor, Pallister chare, 61 Quay side Rodham Thomas, ale and porter merchant, & shopkeeper, 21 High bridge Rodger George M., coach maker, 65 Grainger street Rodgers John, glass stainer, Wellington street Rogers Rev. James Guinness, (Indpt.) Westmoreland terrace Rogerson Edward, vict. Crown & Thistle, 56 Groat market Rogerson Mrs. Isabella, 16 Eldon place Rogerson John, lodgings, 40 Collingwood street Rogerson John, hay, straw, and coal dealer, Pandon; h. Causey bank Rogerson Thomas, cart owner. Back Oxford street Rooke Miss Sarah, 36 Westmoreland terrace Rouse Rev. Nathan, (Wesleyan.) 10 Upper Buxton street Rosenbohm Wm. cornmerct. ; h. Camden street Ross Alexander, shoe maker, 3 Blagdon street Ross Alexander, mathematical, nautical, and philosophical instrument maker, 30 Mosley street ; h. 49 Cumberland street Ross Frances Lumley, shopkeeper, Hedon street Ross Mrs. Hannah, 49 Cumberland row Ross James, provision dealer, 4 Temple street Ross Jane, shopkeeper. Brewery street Ross John, printer, stationer, & patent medicine dlr. 10 Royal Arcade ; h. Argyle street Ross John, commercial traveller, 1 Strawberry place Ross Metcalf, printer, ct 48 Pilgrim street ; h. 33 Low Villa place Ross Mr. William, Forth street Routledge Christopher, painter and glazier, 37 Collingwood street 120 ^ NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Routledge John, registrar of marriages, Sandyford place Routledge Robert, mason and builder, Pictou place Row William, coal fitter, 12 Quay side Rowcbester Edw. vict. Tanner's Arms, head of Stephney street Rowe Mrs. Catherine, 10 St. Mary's terrace Rowe Mrs. Mary, 11 Leazes terrace Rowe Robert, boot & shoe maker, 84 & 90 Side Rowell Miss Ann, 3 Stamfordham place Rowell George, shopkeeper, and marine store dealer, St. Ann's street Rowell John, wood turner, court 13 Side Rowell John Anderson, ship broker, 6 Stephney terrace Rowell Joseph, grocer and flour dealer, 95 j h. 90 Pilgrim street Rowell Miss Margaret, 12 Percy street Rowell Misses Mary and Sarah, 3 William street Rowell Samuel, ship smith and chain maker, St. Lawrence street. North shore,; h. 1 Tyne street Rowell Robert, builder, 23 Shield street Rowell Samuel, pawnbroker, 74 Northumberland street Rowell Thomas, relieving officer for the Northern district. Back lane Rowlands John, butter, egg, &c., dlr. 104 New mkt. ; h. Buckingham St. Rowntree Ann, straw hat maker, 9 Churchhill street Roxby Robert, gentleman. Low Swinboume place Royal Victoria Asylum for the blind, oONorthumbind. st. Jas. Stoddart mg Rumford George Cooper, master mariner, 3 Howard street Rushton George, looking glass siiverer, 13^Side Russell Mrs. Ann, Paradise row Russell Frederick, vict. Railway Inn, Stephney villas, and stone ware manufacturer, Ouseburn Russell Henry, chemist and druggist; h. 28 Collingwood street Russell Henry, vict. Rose & Crown, New road Russell Rt. & Co., chsts & druggists, 57 Groat mkt. ; h. 14 Marlborough cr Russell John, vict. Ship, St. Peter's quay Rutherford Charles, currier, leather cutter, boot tree and last maker, 2 Newgate street Rutherford James, victualler, Commodore Napier, 59 Quay side Rutherford Mr. James, 5 Byker buildings Rutherford Mrs. Jane, 99 Pilgrim street Rutherford John, shoemaker and shopkeeper, 5 Hill street Rutherford Mary & Sarah, milliners & straw hat makers, 21 Market street Rutherford Mary, lodgings, Blenheim street Rutherford Stephen, victualler, Fleece Inn, I & 2 Derwent place Rutherford Thomas, grocer & flour dealer, 4 Stock Bridge; h. Shieldfield Rutherford Thomas, currier and leather cutter. The Cut Rutherford Thomas Henzell, painter and glazier. New road Rutherford Thomas Henzeli, sen., schoolmaster, Lawson street Rutherford William, steward of the Northern Counties Club, 13 Eldon sq. NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 121 Rutherford William, green grocer, 206 New market; h. Gateshead Rutland George, old bookseller, 102 New market; h. Low bridge Rutter Christopher, smith, Scotts court, South street Rutter Margaret, fruiterer, 144 Pilgrim street Rutter Martha, glass warehouse, 7 Blackett street M Rycroft Edward Martin, water Co.'s clerk, 13 Eldon place f Ryle George, clerk. Low Swinbourne place Ryles Aaron, victualler. Old Hawk, Ouseburn bridge Ryles Margaret, lodgings, 15 Trafalgar street Rymer Richard, hosier and haberdasher ; h. 85 Side Ryott James Russell, house and animal painter, 2 Brunswick place Sadler Cornelius, shopkeeper, Postern Sadler John, baker, Ne why's entry Sadler Isabella, straw hat maker, 2 Northumberland court St. Andrew's Church, Newgate street St. Ann's Chapel, New road St. John's Church, Westgate street St. John's Infant School, Bath Lane, Fanny Carr mistress St. John's Sunday & National School, Elswick St., Mary Ann Rope, mrts, St. John's National School, Waterloo street, John Jameson, master St. Nicholas National School, Castle st., Mchl, Wilson & Mary Donkin St. Nicholas Church, St. Nicholas square St. Paul's chapel, Arthur's hill St. Paul Mr. Henry, 4 George street, Scotchwood road St. Peter's Chapel, Head of Oxford street St. Thomas Church, Head of Northumberland street St. Thomas's National School, Vine Lane, Henry Page & Elizabeth Cole Salem Chapel, Hood street Salkela John, shopkeeper and flour dealer, Pandon; h. Leazes lane ^ Salmon Robert, master Union Workhouse, Carlisle road Salmon Robert Stephen, painter & glazier, 73 Newgate st.; h. 2 Bell st. Samson David, butcher, St. Mary's street; h. 18 Howard street Sanderson Alfred, merchant, &c.,; h. 58 Leazes terrace Sanderson Fras. & John Henry & Co., iron merts., 35 & 36 Butcher bk. ; h. 44 Leazes terrace Sanderson & Thomson, colonial merchants, mustard, cocoa, chocolate & chicory manufacturers, tea, coffee & spice merchants, wholesale grocers, fruit and cigar importers, 1 1 & 12 Pudding chare Sanderson Misses Ruth and Mary, 13 St. James's street Sanderson Richard Burden, Esq., fFest Jesmond House Sanderson William, joiner and cabinet maker, 41 Prudhoe street Sandwith Joseph, cowkeeper, Sallyport gate Sang John, surgeon, 1 Charlotte square Sang William, clerk, stamp office, 8 Terrace place Sans Miss Ann, 3 St. James's terrace Savage Edward, furniture broker, Denton chare 122 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Savings Bank, 1 Royal arcade, G. M. Masterton, actuary Sawyer James, tailor, 16 High Friar street Sawyer William, foreman, 13 Richmond street Sayer James, vict.. White House, & hack horses letter, 86 Pilgrim st. Sayer Thomas, perfumer and fancy boot and shoe depot, 39 Grey street Scaife George, clerk, 21 Elswick row Scaife John, solicitor, and agent to the London Life Insurance Co., 35 Pilgrim street; h. Bensham Scaife John, shoemaker. Back Trafalgar street ; h. Picton place Scaife John, clerk, 19 Leazes crescent Scaife William Henry, coal fitter, 31 Quay side; h. Ravensworth Scarlet George and Son, tailors and drapers, 31 Collingwood street Scarth James, jun., merchant, ship and insur. broker, and agent for the Scottish Union Insurance Compy., 43 Sand hill ; h. 2 Leazes terrace Schier H. J., merchant; h. 5 Lovaine row Scheele Wm., general merct., Watergate, Sandhill; h. 5 Leazes terrace Schmidt Soren and Co., ship and insurance brokers, and commission agents, Burn bank; h, Derwent place Schollick John, butter, egg, &c., dealer, 95 New mrkt ; h. 4 High Friar st Scorfield James, translator, Castle stairs Scotch Chapel, Pudding chare. Groat market Scotch Church, Blackett street Scott Andrew, batcher, 151 New market; h. 7 Stamfordham place Scott Ann, register office, 1 Blackett street Scott and Beck, slate merchants, Gallowgate Scott Edward, veterinary surgeon & shoeing forge, and inspector of cattle for the Agricultural Insurance Company, Manor chare Scott Eleanor, lodgings, 90 Blandford street Scott Elizabeth, dressmaker, 6 Percy place Scott Mrs. Elizabeth, 42 Low villa place Scott James, ship broker, coal fitter & commission merchant, 69 Quay side; h. 27 Eldon street Scott James, pawnbroker, 1 1 St. Nicholas church yard Scott James, victualler, Scotch Arms, 7 Quay side Scott James, painter and glazier, 2 Darn Crook Scott James, baker, St. Andrew's court Scott James, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Scott James, shoemaker, Tyne street Scott Jane, coffee roaster, Orchard street Scott Jane, lodging house, 23 Stephney terrace Scott John, fire clay manufacturer, 1 Blackett street Scott John, hair dresser, 140 Pilgrim street Scott John, tailor and draper, 48 Grainger street Scott John, fruit and potatoe merchant, 62 Quay side Scott John, sub-inspector of police, New road Scott John, blacksmith and victualler, Albion Inn, New road NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 123 Scott Mr. John, 31 Brandling place Scott John, tailor, Temple street Scott John, officer of excise, 20 Stephney terrace Scott John, gent., 3 Heaton terrace Scott Miss Margaret 5 Blenheim street Scott Mrs. Margaret, 8 Trafalgar street Scott Miss Margaret, 12 Oxford street Scott Miss Margaret, St. Thomas terrace Scott Nicholas, builder, joiner, and cabinet maker, 3 Saville court Scott Mrs. R. 27 Eldon street Scott Robert, excise officer, 2 Heaton terrace Scott Robert Sadler, carver and gilder, Fighting Cock's entry Scott Robert, tailor, ct. 3 Newgate street Scott Robert, foreman and lodgings, 1 6 Westmoreland street Scott Robert, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Scott Robert, butcher, St. Peter's quay Scott Sarah, dress maker, 33 High Friar street Scott Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Edward street Scott Thomas, cartwright ; h. Thornton street Scott Thomas, vict., Scotch Arms, 27 Bigg Market Scott Thomas, shopkeeper, Buckingham street Scott Walter, vict. Highlander, Pandon Scott William, whitesmith and bell hanger. Concord ct. ; h. Gateshead Scott William Hopkins, vict. Black Bull, Westgate Scott William^ butcher, 7 New market; b. 2 Waterloo street Scott William, shopkeeper, Orchard street Scott William, baker, &c,, 3 St. Nicholas church yard Scott William, brick maker, St. Lawrence; h. Bank top, Ouseburn Scott Wm. B., master of the school of design, 27 Market st. ; h. 4 Wesley tr Selkirk Jane & Bell Diana, hosiers, 90 Clayton st.; h. 21 Blenheim st Selkirk John, printer, 74 Grey street ; h. 4 Prudhoe street Selkirk John, shoe maker, Dog leap stairs ; h. 27 Prudhoe street Senior Elizabeth, shopkeeper. New mills Seth Jane, vict. Marquis of Granby, Dog bank Seth Robert, cooper, Fletcher's entry ; h. Dog bank Sewell & Donkin, earthenware mfrs., St Anthony's Sewell Henry, agent, Tyne street Sewell Mr. John, St. Anthony's pottery Sewell Joseph, broad & crown glass mnfr. ; h. Heaton Sewell Robert, tin & iron plate worker, 14 Cloth market Sewell Wm. & Son, tailors, undertakers, & funeral furnishers, 9 Percy st. Sewell Wm, Jas.; boot & shoe maker, James ct. Pilgrim st Seymour Francis, solicitor, Royal Arcade ; h. 1 St. James's terrace Seymour Thomas, shipwright, 46 Richmond street Seymour Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 85 Clayton stieet Shadforth and Dinning, engineering surveyors, Royal Arcade 124 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Shadforth George, jun. engineering surveyor ; h. 10 Blackett street Shadford Mrs. Margaret, 8 Albion street Shaftoe Dorothy, straw hat maker, 10 Marlborough street Shaftoe Mrs. Elizabeth, 11 St. Mary's place Shaftoe William, green grocer, 218 New market; h. New Pandon street Shanks Thos. & Robt. coach mks. & livery stable kprs., ct. 24 High bridge Shaper Thomas, joiner and bldr., Fighting Cocks yd.; h. White Swan yd Sharer James and Philip, linen and woollen drapers, &c. 16 Grey street Sharp Sir Cuthbert, collector of customs, 64 Northumberland street Sharp Miss Mary, 36 Cumberland row Sharp Thomas, vict., Lojv Crane House, 43 Quay side Sharp Thomas, clerk, Thornton street Sharp William, builder, 8 Bath row Shaw Margaret, shopkeeper, 21 Percy street Shearer James, shopman, 9 Shield street Shearer Sarah, lodgings, 46 Leazes terrace Shell Ann, shopkeeper, 186 Pilgrim street Shephaid Chpr., coir, of Borough rates, & Ann, straw hat mkr. 87 Plgm. st Shephard George, reporter, 18 Oxford street Shepherd Jane, hat manufacturer; h. ct. 91 Newgate street Shepherd John Henderson, vict.. Bakers & Brewers Arms, 9 Stowell sq. Shepherd Thomas, saw maker, Fighting Cocks yard; h. 1 St. John's lane Shepherd Joseph, paint, colour, &c. manufacturer; h. 86 Pilgrim street Sheridon William, shoe maker. Dog leap stairs Sherwood Wm., comb mfr.. Fighting Cocks yd. ; h. 5 Northumberland ct. Shield Mrs. Ellen, 19 Ridley place Shield Mrs. Elizabeth, Jesmond villas ^ Shield Frederick, merchant, &c., 6 Rye hill Shield George Robertson, woollen draper, 73 Grey street Shield and Turner, printsellers, publishers, booksellers, and repository of the Fine Arts, 72 Grey street Shield Isaac, tinner, Summerhill Shield Jas. & Co. wine& spirit mrts., 79 Grey st.; h.l7 High Claremontp Shield John and Co., wholesale grocers, Marhet lane ; h. Stotts Hall Shield Joseph, Son, & Co., ship and insurance brokers and coal fitters, 33 Quay side; h. Jesmond villas Shield Joseph, clerk, 56 Blandford steeet Shield Wm., bookseller, publisher, &c.; h. 7 Low Claremont place Shields Constantino, shoemaker, 1 Westgate street Shields Margaret, shopkeeper, 50 Stowell street Shields Thomas, piano forte maker. Lisle st.; h. 54 Northumberland st. Shields Wm., ironfounder, chain cable and anchor mfr., St. Peter's quay;. h. 14 Ridley villas Shiell Adam, corn miller, Ousebum, & baker. Milk mkt.; h. New road Shiell William RobsoD, surgeon, 1 Regent terrace Shepley William, corn and flour dealer, 43 Bigg market NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 125 Shevill Thumas, slater, Liverpool street Shipley Samuel, excise officer, 4 Hinde street Short John, commercial traveller, 30 Cumberland row Short Thomas, portrait painter, 15 I^eazes terrace Shorter Maria, lodgings, 15 Carliol street Shortridge John, boot and shoemaker, Royal Arcade; h, 11 Blenheim st Shotton George, foreman, St. Peter's quay Shotton John, tailor, Byker bar Shotton Margaret, vict., Black BulVs Head, 72 Westgate street Sibbald John, book agent, 21 Stowell street Sibbet Henry, clerk, 20 Spring garden terrace Sibson Jane and Hetherington Mary, dress makers, 62 Grainger street Siddell Catherine, flour dealer, 53 Northumberland street Signey Michael, wire worker; h. Oak well gate Silkirk Jane and Bell Diana, hosiers, &c., Clayton st. ; h. Blenheim st. Sillick James, tanner & currier, 151 Pilgrim St.; h. 6 Low Claremont pi Simm Isabella, victualler. Black Friars Inn, 88 Clayton street Simpson Alexander, victualler. Lord Nelson, Sand gate Simpson George, plumber, &c., 76 Blandford street Simpson Henry, commercial hotel and boarding house, 27 Grainger st. Simpson James, grocer and flour dealer, 87 Percy st. and Liverpool st. Simpson John, cart owner, 10 Blagdon street Simpson John, eating house, 20 Pudding chare Simpson John, mariner, 65 Newgate street Simpson Joseph, butcher, 26 New market; h. Hall's court, Newgate st. Simpson Mrs., 3 strawberry place Simpson Ralph, mariner, 26 Nelsoo street Simpson R, & Co., stock and share brokers, 74 Grey street Simpson Robert, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 86 Pilgrim street Simpson Thomas, shoemaker 27 Pudding chare Simpson Thomas, victualler, Waterloo Inn, 12 Bath row Simpson Thomas and Son, wholesale stationers, 2 Side Simpson William, grocer and flour dealer; h. 99 Blandford street Simpson William Graham, clerk. Union Bank 1 Spital place Simpson William, plasterer, & Elizabeth dressmaker, 106 Clayton st. Simpson William, printer, 7 Pudding chare Simpson William, hairdresser. Causey bank; h. Greenville terrace Sinclair Adam, tailor. Castle garth Sinclair Alexander, master mariner, 47 Prudoe street Sinclair Alexander, shopkeeper, Gallowgate Sinclair Archbald, shopkeeper Eastballast hills Sinclair Daniel, merchants clerk. High street Sinclair James, dancing master, 12 Nelson street Sinclair Duncan, iron mnfr. & founder, boiler & locomotive tender machine, &c. maker, Ouseburn ; h. 18 Ridley villas Sinclair William, livery stable keeper, 65 Northumlerland street M 126 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Singers Hew, vinegar manufacturer, &c.; h. 8 Leazes terrace Sinton Francis, clerk of cattle market, Cattle Market lodge Sinton George, victualler, Green Tree, 17 Prudhoe street Sinton Jane, ilour dealer, 38 Groat market ; h. 12 Cumberland row Sinton John, miller & flour dlr., 57 St. Nicholas sq.; h. & mill Elswick Sinton Margaret, dress maker, 28 Terrace place Skelton Ann, & Hutton Isabella, straw hat makers, 16 Prudhoe street Skinner James, tailor and draper, Castle garth Skinners and Glovers Hall, Friars Slack Mr. Thomas, 4 Stephney terrace Slater Benjamin, miller, (oatmeal,) Sussex street Slater Charlotte, lodgings, 14 Saville row Slater Henry, butcher, Victoria bazaar ; h. I Stephney lane Slater John, miller, (oatmeal,) Forth street Slater Robert, shoemaker, 4 John street Slee Matthew, butter, egg, cheese, and bacon factor, 10 Nelson street Slow Philip, grocer and flour dealer, Blagdon street Slowan David and Weir Thomas, academy, 10 Saville row Smailes Robert, tailor and draper, 70 W^estgate street; h. Vine lane Small Thomas Oswald, hosier and worsted mnfr., 3 Tyne Bridge end; h. 19 Ridley villas Small Miss Mary Eliza, 8 Elswick terrace Smart Rd, Davey, tailor and draper, and sole inventor of the Subclavian sector, 34 Grey street; h. 22 Market street Smart William, shopkeeper. New road Smiles Mrs. Dorothy, 56 Northumberland street Smiles James, upholsterer, Liverpool street Smillie James, gardener, Camden street Smillie John, gardener, Jesmond Smirk Thomas, grocer and confectioner, Tyne street Smith Mrs. Ann, 2 Eldon square Smith Ann, lodgings, 14 Carliol street Smith Anthony, shopkeeper and beer house. Back Trafalgar street Smith Barbara, eating and beer house, 16 Nelson street Smith Bartholomew, travelling tea dealer, 9 Oxford street Smith and Bodger, painters and glaziers, 40 Newgate street Smith and Bowness, ladies academy, 13 St. Mary's place Smith Miss Catherine, 19 High bridge Smith Charles & Son, ship and insurance brokers, ship owners, and ship builders, 1 Broad chare and Wellington quay; h. 12 Saville row Smith Edward, lodging house, 14 St. John's lane Smith Edwin B., tailor, 2 Blenheim street Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 Low Yilla place Smith Mrs. Esther, 62 Eldon street Smith George, hair dresser, 24 Blackett street Smith George Foster, hosier and haberdasher; h. 26 Leazes terrace NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 127 Smith George, glass, china, and earthenware dealer, 76 New market^ h. '; 6 Buckingham street Smith George, butcher, 164 New market; h. 2 Prudhoe place Smith Hannah, vict., Bacchus, 49 Newgate street Smith James, linen and woollen draper; h. Gateshead, Low fell Smith James, vict. and butcher. Lord Nelson, Quality row Smith James and Sons, brace and belt makers, Byker Buildings Smith Mrs. Jane, 5 Eldon place , Smith John and Co., glass bottle manufacturers, St. Lawrence \1 Smith John Greavson, painter and glazier; h. 21 Bigg market Smith John, smith & millwright, Fighting Cocks yard ; h. 12 Prudhoe st Smith Mr. John, 17 Tiafalgar street Smith John, teacher. Corporation School, (Castle); h. Blandford street Smith John, vict. Railway Tavern, 1 George st. Scotchwood road Smith John, tobacconist and cigar importer, 41 Grey street; h. 12 Blen- heim street Smith John, eating and beer house, 11 Clayton street Smith John C, old clothes dealer, 9 St. Nicholas' Church yard Smith John, shopkeeper, Forth bank Smith John Young, coal agent. New Bridge street Smith John, jun., coal fitter, 29 Quay side; h. Wilkinson's buildings Smith John, cabinet maker, 28 Clayton street, West Smith John, agent to the London Corporation Fire and Life Assurance, 1 Broad chare ; h. 12 Saville row Smith John, cowkeepker, 6 Marlborough street Smith John, coal agent. New Bridge street Smith John Frederick, fancy bazaar and auctioner, 9 Grey street Smith John, travelling draper, 30 Westgate street Smith John, vict., Shipwrights Arms, St. Lawrence Smith Joseph & Co. engine builders and iron founders, Elswick iron works ; h. Elswick Villas Smith Luke, green grocer, 227 New market ; h. 4 Blandford street Smith Miss Mary Elizabeth, 34 Westgate street Smith Mrs. Mary, 43 Shield street Smith Miss, 11 St. James street Smith Matthew, clerk. Back Yilla place Smith Noel Thomas, M. D. 48 Westgate street Smith Patrick Miller, vict.. Dog Inn, 64 Close Smith Peter, Esq., ship builder, St. Peter*s quay; h. High Gosforth Hall Smith Robert, linen and woollen draper, 64 Clayton street Smith Robert, straw hat maker, and Sarab, milliner, 106 Pilgrim street Smith Robert, chemist and druggist, 32 CoUingwood street Smith and Rymer, hosiers and haberdashers, 21 Side Smith Thomas and William, ship builders, St. Peter's quay, and rope manfrs., St. Lawrence's ropery, 2 Broad chare, & 78 Corn hill, Loudon Smith Thomas, ship builder, &c. ; h. High Gosforth House 128 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Smith Thomas, pilot master, ship and insurance broker, and agent to North British Insurance Compy., 14 Sandhill; h. 5 St. Mary's terrace Smith Thomas, green grocer, 225 New market; h. 20 Clayton street Smith Thomas, flour dealer, Manor chare; h. 14 Pandon bank Smith Thomas, shopkeeper, 39 Newgate street Smith Thomas, chairman, Chambers court Smith Thomas, printer, Carlton street Smith Thomas, vict. Old Robin Hood, 28 Pilgrim street Smith Walter, corn miller, and flour dealer, 43 Newgate St. & New mills Smith W^illiam, grocer & tea dealer, 1 Cloth market Smith William, ship builder, &c.; h. Benton House Smith William, basket maker, 52 New market; h. Monk street Smith William, vict. Golden Anchor, Grinding chare. Quay side Smith William Sanderson, general agent, 9 Eldon square Smith William, gentleman, 47 Eldon place Snalth Joseph, shoemaker, 216 New market; h. Sheriff"s hill Snape James, grammar school, master, Forthhouse; h. 11 Elswick ter Snowball Isabella, lodgings, 3 Blenheim street Snowball Ralph, clerk, 18 Blenheim street Snowden Anthony, tailor, Tyne street Snowden Henrv, tailor and draper, 4 Blackett st; h. Shield street Snowden Isabella, lodgings, 7 Blenheim street Snowden James, shopkeeper, Skinnerburn Snowden John, grcr. cheese mgr. & ship chndlr., 60 Quay side; h. Gtshd Snowden Thomas, grocer, cheese mngr. & ship chndlr., 6 Quay side ; h. 7 Ridley Villas Snowden William Walker, surgeon and druggist, 44 Head of Side; h. Saltwell Villa, Bensham Snowden William, linen draper, 4 Blackett street Snowden William, grocer, 108 Percy street; h. 1 Lambton place Sobers Charles, shoe maker, Manor chare Solomon Thomas, vict., Aberdeen Arms, 27 Broad chare Somerville Francis, assay master, Dean ct.. Painters heugh ; h. Forth tr Somerville James, cork cutter, 4 Drury lane; h. Forth terrace Somerville W^illiam, cork cutter, Forth terrace Sopwith Mrs. Mary, Lovaine terrace Sopwith Thos. and John, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 29 Grey street, mahogany merts., Sandyford lane; hs. I St. Mary's ter. & Lovaine ter Soulsb}^ John, vict., Nag's head, 19 Cloth market Soulsby John, tailor, Little Blagdon street Souter John Booterman, solicitor, 12 Bigg market; h. Carliol street Souter William B. travelling tea dealer, 10 Union terrace South Tyne Crown Glass Compy., (late R. Shortridge & Co.) 39 Grey street, William Reed, agent Southeran William, ship and insurancebroker, coal fitter, and commission agent. Broad chare; h. 15 Richmond street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 129 Sowerby and Phillips, timber merchants, Broad chare Sovverbj Thomas, coal fitter, 39 Quay side ; h. Saltwell vale, Gateshead Spark John, cabinet maker, ct. 173 Pilgrim street; h. Heath's court Spearman John, clerk, Carliol square Spence D. W. & Co. public bath proprietors. East end of Ridley place Spence David Wliittaker, plasterer &c. ; h. East end of Ridley place^ Spence Isabella, straw hat maker, Wall knoll Spence James and Robert, boot and shoe makers, Castle garth Spence John, vict., ship. Milk market Spence John, pawnbroker, 35 Newgate street Spence Nancy Ann, dress maker. Wall knoll Spence Thomas Henry, tailor and draper, 9 Blackettst. ; h. Woodbine pi Spence William Reid, bath proprietor; h. Upper Claremont Spence William Whittaker, gentleman. Upper Claremont place Spencer, Brown, & Capper, whlsle. & retail win. & linen dprs. 74 Quay side Spencer Edward, clothes dealer. Castle garth Spencer Frederick, shoe maker, 12, Low Friar street Spencer Mrs. Esther, 31 Blandford street Spencer James, draper &c. ; h. 7 Leazes terrace Spencer Jeremiah, railway clerk, Jesmond place Spencer Mr. John, 12 Els wick terrace Spencer John & Son, steel, files, springs, &c. mfrs. Sussex st. ; h. Newbn Spencer John junr., files, springs, &c., manfr. Sussex st. ; h. Newburn Spencer Michael, tobacco manfr. 2 Sand hill, and North Shields Spencer Philip, wholesale druggist, Bailifi" gate ; h. Westgate house Spencer Robert, wood turner and carver, Morrison ct. ; h. 5 Trafalgar st Spencer Thomas, shopman. Back Trafalgar street Spencer Thomas, baker, Westgate; h. 2 Waterloo street Spencer Thomas, marine store dealer, St, Lawrence st. North shore Spencer Wm. and Co., colliery owners. North Elswick; h. 1 Lovaine pi Spens Thomas, engraver, copper plate & lithographic printer, 8 Grainger street; h. Westgate Spoor Ambrose and Robert, file manufacturers, Hanover square; hs. Clavering place, and Victoria place Spoor Amor, joiner, builder & brick maker, 40 & 50 Close; h. Clavering pi Spoor Edward, joiner and builder, Clavering place ; h. Hanover street Spoor William George, manager, Hanover street Spoors George, ship smith and chain maker, Bjker chare. Quay side Spraggon Ann, lodgings, 2 Ellison terrcce Spraggon Catherine, vict. Hope and Anchor, 15 Forth street Springman Charles Frederick, master, Royal Jubilee school, New road ; h. Gateshead Sprout Mary, shopkeeper, Fenkle street St. Thomas's Church, head of Northumberland street Stable George Waugh, solicitor ; h. 44 Eldon street Staflford Elis, lodging house, 6 Pudding chare m2 130 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Staflford Geo. & Frances, mstr. & mstrs. St. Ann's National school, New r Stafford James, boot and shoe maker, 8 Newgate street Stafford Robert, vict. Countess of Coventry, Kings meadows Stafford Robert, boot and shoe maker, 17 Percy street Stafford William, currier, Orchard street Stafford William, tailor, Thornton street Stagg David L., gentleman, Jesmond villas Stamp office. Royal arcade, Henry Reed Esq., distributor Stanhope Mr. Robert Shipton, 9 Brandling place Staniford and Elliott, comsn. merchants, & ship brokers, 35 Broad share Staniford Fras., merchant, 43 Eldon street Standon Rev. James, Catholic Priest, 73 Pilgrim street Stanley Thomas, warehouseman; h. 4 Victoria terrace Stanton John, gentleman, 22 Cumberland row Stanton Philip Holmes, solicitor, 23 Sandhill ; h. 7 Summerhill grove Stappard Joseph, vict., Old George, 2 Union street Stark James, tobacconist, 24 Clayton street; h. 2 William street Stark William, draper and tailor, I Sandhill Starling James, butter and egg dealer, 110 New market Steel Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 171 Pilgrim street Steel Charles Symes, fruiterer, and dealer in earthenware, 124 Pilgrim st Steel John, wine, spirit, and porter merchant, 8 Westgate street Stephens John, superintendent of police, 95 Pilgrim street Stephenson Alexander, green gcr., 204 New mkt. ; h. 21 Marlborough st Stephenson Barbara, milliner, 71 Percy street Stephenson Charles, cowkeeper and gardener, 67 Percy street Stephenson Clement, blacksmith and veterinary surgeon, Scotch Arms yd Stephenson Edward, furniture and clothes broker. Dog bank Stephenson Elizabeth, vict., Blue Bell Inn, 47 St Nicholas square Stephenson James, beerhouse, 34 Pudding chare Stephenson Jane, shopkeeper. Low Swinbourne place Stephenson John, butcher, 158 New mkt, & 7 1 Percy st. ; h. 17 St. James st Stephenson John, manager, St. Anthony's pottery Stephenson Matthew, seedsman and florist, 237 New market; h. Percy st Stephenson Ralph, gcr. and tea dlr., bacon, butter, & cheese fctr., 1 Folly Stephenson Robert and Co., engine builders, millwrights, brass and iron founders, &c.. South street Stephenson Tbos., joiner & cabt. mkr., ct. 20 Newgate st.; h. Blandford st Stephenson Thos., coach maker, and Eliz. dress maker, 19 Prudhoe st Stephenson William, shopkeeper, 105 Clayton street Stephenson William, shopman, 4 Bell street Stephenson William, veterinary surgeon, and shoeing smith, Fighting cocks yard ; h. Clayton street Sterling Andrew, gentleman, 25 Cumberland row Sterling James, shopkeeper, 49 Stowell street Sterling John, beer retailer, Westgate NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 131 Steven James, hat manufacturer, 67 Grey street; h. 42 High bridge Stevens Catherine, tailor and draper. Castle garth Stevenson George, shopkeeper, Buckingham street Stevenson Grace, lodgings, 7 Blenheim street Stevenson Jane, shopkeeper, 12 Low Friar street Stevenson John, whitesmith, engineer and machine maker, 5 Union st and 35 High bridge Stevenson Richard, whitesmith, engineer and machine maker ; h. Halls court Newgate street Stewart Alexander, butcher. New road Stewart Charles, cowkeeper, Leazes lane Stewart George, tailor, &c., Mosley street; h. 83 Blenheim street Stewart John, painter and glazier, Pudding chare ; h. Ridley court Stewart Mary, shopkeeper, Sandgate Stewart Robert, butcher, 2 Marlborough crescent Stewart Thomas, cowkeeper, 93 Percy street Stewart William, sail maker, Pallister's chare; h. 30 Richmond street Stewart Wm., hair drsr. & pamphlet seller, 41 Head of Side; h. Westgt. st Stiks James, glass stainer, 13 Low villa place Stobbs William, turner and carver, 2 Dean court. Painter heugh ; h. 6 Blackett place Stobbs William, tallow chandler, grocer & circulating library, Nw. road Stoddart James, manager, blind asylum, 50 Northumberland street Stoker Jane, lodgings, 99 Blenheim street Stoker Joseph, cowkeeper, 46 Stowell street Stoker Miss Rosamond, 17 Low villa place Stoker William, solicitor & coroner, 50 Pilgrim st; h, 37 liCaes terrace Stokes Henry CoUen, surgeon dentist, 51 Blackett street; h. 65 Eldon st Stokoe & Co., wine and spirit merchants, 45 Grey street Stokoe Mrs. Elizabeth, Gosforth street Stokoe George, wine and spirit merchant; h. High West St., Gateshead Stokoe Mary, victualler. Lion, St. Lawrence Stokoe Samuel, wine & spirit merchant. Close ; h. 1 Low Claremont place Stokoe Mr. Samuel, 13 Carliol street Stokoe Thomas, agent and manager, Ouseburn Stokoe William, joiner and builder, 3 Argyle street Stonebank Jas,, bookseller, stationer, &c., 22 Collingwood st.; h. Villa pi. Stonebank Robert, victualler, Blue Bell, Byker hill Storey Ann, clothes dealer, Castle stairs Storey Edward, butcher, 161 Pilgrim st. ; h. Groat market Storey Isabella, shopkeeper, 3 Church hill street Storey James, vict. The Ship, and shopkeeper. Forth street Storey James, marine store dealer, Castle street Storey James, shopkeeper, 23 Spring Garden terrace Storey John, iripe dresser, 60 New market; h. Gallowgate Storey John, whitesmith, ct. 20, & shopkeeper, 48 Newgate street 132 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Storey John, lodgings, 71 Clayton street Storey John, day and boarding school, 1 St. Mary's place Storey John Watson, beerhouse, Lawson street Storey Jonathan, shopkeeper, 122 Pilgrim St.; h. 6 Hiirs place Storey Jonathan, paper stainer, High Villa place Storey Lieut. James, R. N., 46 Northumberland street Storey Robert, wharfngr., ship owner, shipping and steam packet agent, Fenwick's entry ; h, Mollendine terrace, Gaseshead Story Edward & Son, joiners and builders, Friar's green; h. Elswick villa Story Edward, custom house officer, 89 Blenheim street Story Henry, solicitor, and agent to the Union Fire and Albion Life Assurance offices, Shakespeare st,; h. St. Thomas square Story Robert, joiner & builder; h. Blenheim street Story Robert, butcher, 87 & 88 New mkt. & Spicer lane; h. 14 Clayton st Story Robert, brewer, &c., h. 27 Blenheim street Story William, vict. Garrick's head, 24 Cloth market Stott & Sons, sheep & cattle salesmen, and agricultural commission agnts 85 Blenheim street Stout Mrs., Orchard street Strachan Ann, vict. Barras bridge Hotel, 1 Jesmond terrace Strachan John, brewer, maltster, wine spirit and porter merchant, Barras bridge brewery, Sandyford lane ; h. Jesmond Yillas Strachan John, pawnbroker, 7 Rosemary lane, ship broker & commission agent, 33 Broad chare Strachan, Story & Son, brewers and spirit merchants, dealers in London porter, black beer, &c., Church hill street Strachan William & James, tailors, 49 Crescent place Strachan William, shopkeeper. Peel street Strafford John, hosier, 179 Pilgrim street Straffon Henry, lodgings, Blenheim street Straker George, shoemaker, 1 Darn Crook Straker Henry Smith, master of the Trinity house, Eldon street Streaker John, gentleman, 8 Eldon square Straker John & Joseph, merchants, &c. ; houses. North Shields Strakers & Love, merchants and coal fitters, Rewcastle chare7 Quay side Stratfield Major Sidney Robert, banker, Jesmond Grove Stringer Thomas, hair dresser, Stock bridge Strong William, tailor, 45 Carliol street Strother Joseph, confectioner, 99 Clayton street Strother Robert, grocer & flour dealer, Spital tongues Struthers John, tailor, 53 Grainger street Struthers Robert, shopkeeper, 62 Close Stuart George, turret clock, watch, and mathematical instrument maker, and organist of Hanover Square Chapel, 17 Clayton st. ; h. 15 Nun's st Stuart James, shopkeeper, Gallowgate Stuart Mary, shopkeeper, Hill street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 133 Stuart Matthew, fishmonger, 31 High bridge Stuart Peter, tailor and draper, 3 Hills place Stuart William, grocer, 35 Percy street Studham Joseph, shoemaker, Castle stairs Subscription News Booms, Guildhl., Sandhl.; Thos. Etrdg, Wilkinson sec Summerbell Thomas, shoemaker, 8 Northumberland court Summers Edward, green grocer, Castle yard Summerson Mr. William, Tyne street Summervile James, vict.. Ship, St. Anthony's Summervill and Hebdin, fire brick makers, St. Peters Quay |^ Summervill Robert, fire brick maker ; h. St. Peter's Quay \| Summervill Robert, vict., Phoenix Tavern, Ouseburn bank Surrett William, green grocer, 203 New market ; h. High Friar street Surtees Aubone and Co., coal' owners and fitters, Broad chare; and wine merchants, 14 Sandhill; h, 7 Saville place Surtees Mrs. Ann, The Cut Surtees John, portrait painter, 46 Grainger street Sutherland Benjamin and Son, boot and shoe makers, curriers, and leather cutters, 6 Northumberland street Sutherland Daniel, shoe maker, and vict., Barley Mow, New road Sutherland Jane, Isabella and Ellen, cowkeepers, 8 Princes street Sutherland John, butcher, 42 New market ; h. Carlton street Sutherland Joseph, westgate toll collector. Summer hill Sutherland Peter, tide waiter, 8 Northumberland street Sutherland Thomas, baker and shopkeeper, 27 Hill street Suthern Abraham, foreman, 8 Churchill street Sutton George, carriers agent, Fleece ct,, Gallowgate Sutton Mrs. Mary, 16 Princes's street Swan and Burnup, solicitors, 154 Pilgrim street Swan Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Albion place Swan James, tailor, 63 Eldon street Swan Matthew, shopkeeper, Sandgate Swan Richard, butcher, 6 and 38 New market ; h. 42 Eldon street Swan Richard, jun., corn & genl. merchant, 16 Sandhill; h. 64 Eldon st Swan Robert William, coal agent, 30 Quay side ; h.38 Eldon street Swan Walker, chemist and druggist, 49 Pilgrim st. ; h. Gateshead Swan Wm. elk to the Newcastle & North Shields railway Co.,Pandon hse Swan William Robert, solicitor; h. Walls End Swan William, butcher, 6Q New market; h. 13 Blackett street Swanson Darwick, shopkeeper, 52 Newgate street Swanson Robert, beer house, 4 Close Swanson William, merchant, ship & insurance broker, coal fitter, & com- mission agent, 47 Quay side ; h. 3 Rye hill Swanson William junior., merchant, &c. ; h. 16 Summer hill terrace Swanson John, broker, Oxford street Sweet Samuel and Co., mustard manufacturers, New Pandon street 134 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Sweet William, mustard manufacturer; h. 19 Shield street Swinbourne Elizabeth, hosier, o9 Westgate street M Swinbourne Rt. Walter & Co., plate glass mfrs. Forth bk.; h. South Shields Sword Robert, tailor and draper, 17 Side Sword William, green grocer, 22 Victoria Bazaar Syer John, master mariner, 38 Howard street Tait Jemima and Eleanor, day school, 2 Sunderland street Tait John, South street Tait William, tea dealer, (travelling) 88 Blandford street Talbot John, butcher. 16 Howard street Tallintine Mark, shopkeeper, Buckingham street Tallinton John, furniture broker, 35 High bridge Talmadge Arthur Hill, surgeon, 63 Northumberland street Tappenden Fred. Wm., solicitor, Wellington place ; h. 13 Lovaine place Tarelli Antonio, optician, barometer, &c., mnfr. & toy whs. 41 Dean st Tate Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Hanover St. & green grocer, 226 New market Tate Fanny, dress maker, 5 Northumberland place Tate George, tobacco manufacturer, 7 Sand hill; h. 12 Albion place Tate George, shopkeeper, Tyne street Tate John, land agent, Spital place Tate John, stone merchant, 15 Rosemary lane Tate Mary, day school, 44 Low Villaplace Tate Mary, vict. Ship, Nelson street, North shore Tate Peter, civil engineer, Scotchwood road Tate Thomas, coal viewer. North Elswick colliery Tax Office, 38 Westgate street, David Cumberland, surveyor Taylerson Rt. ship & insre.bkr. & coal fitter,32 Quay sd. ; h. 18 Ravenwh.t Taylor Andrew, sail maker, 9 Quay side, & In. dpr. & habdher. 30 Gibson s Taylor Andrew, tailor, Denton chare Taylor Ann, shopkeeper, and lodgings, 5 St. John's lane Taylor Cuthbert, turner, King street Taylor David, attorney's clerk, 19 Spring Garden terrace Taylor Elizabeth, ladies seminary, 6 Queen square Taylor Emanuel, ship owner, 1 St. James street Taylor Frances, lodgings, 3 Oxford street Taylor Francis, agent, 3 Adelaide terrace Taylor George, shopkeeper and flour dealer, 7 Butcher bank Taylor George, agent, 1 Ellison terrace Taylor George, master mariner, Sandy ford lane Taylor Gibson & Co., chemists, whlsl. drgsts. & dry salters, 15 Bigg mkt. Taylor Isabella, dress maker. Grey street, St Peter's Quay Taylor James, vict. and joiner, Egypt cottage. New road Taylor James, merchant. Burden place Taylor John, brewer, porter merchant, lemonade and soda water manu- facturer, 37 High Friar street ; h. 28 Cumberland row Taylor John, grocer & tea dealer, 27 Sand hill; h. 28 Cumberland row NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 135 Taylor John, corn miller, Pandon ; & flour dlr. 84 Newgate st. & 47 Sand h Taylor John, currier & leather cutter, 75 Close ; & shoe mkr., 1 Castle strs Taylor John, cashier, 2 Lovaine place Taylor John, hoot and shoe maker, I Castle stairs Taylor John, shopkeeper and flour dealer, 23 Marlborough street Taylor John, colliery agent, 2 Lovaine place Taylor John, shopkeeper, Buckingham street Taylor Joseph, clerk, 3 Oxford street Taylor Joshua, agent, 4 Ridley villas Taylor Mark,vict., Queen Catherine, Ousehurn Taylor Margt., earthenware dealer, 65 New mkt. ; h. Forth bank \\ Taylor Margaret, lodgings, 46 Jessamine place Taylor Reed, shopkeeper & collector of the Corporation toll, 70 Clayton st Taylor Robert R., butcher, 15, New market; h. Westgate Taylor Sarah, lodgings, 23 Oxford street Taylor Mrs. Sarah, 2 Saville place Taylor T. P. wine & spirit mert., 32 Bigg mkt. ; h. 8 Angus court • Taylor Thomas, beerseller and shopkeeper, 74 Elsworth street Taylor Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, 37 Sandhill j h. 15 Howard street Taylor Thomas, clerk, 31 Terrace place Taylor William, chemist and druggist; h, 21 Northumberland street Taylor William, vict., Half Moon, Mosley st., & auctioneer & commission agent, Royal Arcade Taylor Wm., cbt. mkr,, furniture bkr., & dlr. in feathers, 91 & 15 Pilgrim s Taylor Wm. ship & insurance broker, Rewcastle chare; h. 4 Oxford st. Taylor Mr. William, 11 Gibson street Taylor Mr. William, 8 Strawberry place Teasdale Ann, shopkeeper, Westgate Teasdale Anthony, porter agent, &c., 69 Quay side; h. New bridge st. Teasdale John, cabinet maker, Denton's yard ; h. Clayton street Teasdale John Edmund, hair dresser, 24 Market St.; h. Clayton street Teasdale Robert and Nicholas, travelling drapers, 41 Westgate street Teasdale Teasdale Lee, gent., 6 Lovaine terrace Teasdale Thomas, tailor and draper, 106; h. 4 Clayton street Teasdale William, victualler, Dun Cow, Dark entry, Quay side Telfer Adam, flour and provision dealer, Westgate Telford & Son, brush makers, Morrison's ct.; h, 3 Westwall cottages Temperley Joseph, cheesemonger, bacon factor, &c.; h. Higham place Temple Ann, tripe dresser, 59 New market; h. Gallowgate Temple Isaac, bookseller and paper dealer, 8 Butcher bank Tennant Henry Edward & Co., engravers & lithographers, 46 St. Nicholas square and 36 Broad chare Terry J. watchmaker, &c., 103 Side Tessimond Esther, grocer, flour dealer, and lodgings, 1 14 Blenheim street Thackray Mary Ann, grocer and flour dealer, Scotchwood road Theaker Whitwell, master mariner, 43 Howard street 136 NEWCASTLE DIRECTpRY. Theatre Royal, 52 Grey street Thew Benjamin, gentleman, 18 Northumberland street Thew Edward, butcher. King St., & 125 New market; h. 3 St. Martin's ct Thew George Pringle, gentleman, 44 Cumberland row Thirkill Isabella, milliner & straw hat maker, 76 Pilgrim street Thirkwall John, blacksmith, Forth; h. 69 Blandford street Tholen Lambert, vict. Black Boy, Spital tongues Thom Isabella, milliner & dress maker, 30 Grainger street Thomas Bishop, clerk, 14 Gibson street Thomlinson Mark, master mariner, Byker bar Thompson Mrs. Ann, 32 Blenheim street Thompson Ann, earthenware dealer, 78 New market ; h. North shore Thompson Ann, lodgings, 7 St. Mary's place Thompson Ann, stay maker & milliner, 8 Blackett street Thompson & Atkinson, ship & insurance brokers, coal fitters, and comsn. agents, 52 Quay side Thompson Miss Catherine, Adrianople Thompson Frederick & Co., comsn. mercts. & ship brokers. Love lane; h. 19 Trafalgar street Thompson George, ship owner, 1 Higham place Thompson George, merchant; h. 10 Brandling place Thompson George, grocer & flour dealer, 25 Gibson st Thompson & Harrison, flint manufacturers, Ouseburn Thompson Honour, shopkeeper, Denton chare Thompson Miss H., 33 Northumberlaud street Thompson James, perfumer, 10 Grey street; h. Chimney mills Thompson James, Esq., collector of excise, 7 Carlton terrace Thompson James, tailor and draper, 20 Blackett street Thompson James, brush maker. Painter heugh Thompson James, clerk, Wesley street Thompson Mrs. Jane, 14 Melbourne street Thompson Mr. John, 10 Elswick terrace Thompson Mr. John, 84 Blandford street Thompson John, shoemaker, 8 Blandford street Thompson John, painter and glazier. New road Thompson John, butcher, 3 New market ; h. 36 Blackett street Thompson John, eating house, 19 Pudding chare Thompson John, shoemaker, Byker hill Thompson John, hair dresser, &c, 4 CoUingwood st. ; h. Upper Buxton st Thompson John, shopkeeper, 54 Gibson street Thompson John, master mariner, 29 Howard street Thompson John, gent., 4 Heaton terrace Thompson John J., shopkeeper, Byker Bar Thompson John, tailor. Oyster shell lane Thompson Joseph & Co., mustard mfctrs., Neville st,; h. 31 Shields st Thompson Mrs. Mary, 4 Brandling place NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 137 Thompson Mrs. Mary, 45 Gibson street Thompson Mark, ship chandler, 57 Quay side; h. 25 Brandling place Thompson Miss Mary, 23 Ridley place Thompson Mary, lodgings, 32 Blandford street Thompson Mary, day school, 9 Brunswick place Thompson Matthew, coal fitter, 2 Broad chare; h. Byker bar Thompson Peter John, surgeon, 19 Trafalgar street Thompson Ralph, hair dresser, 9 ; h. 107 Percy street Thompson Mr. Richard, 2 Shield street Thompson Rt., btchr, butter, & egg dlr., 136 New mkt.; h. 12 Trafal. st. Thompson Robert, butcher, 10 New mkt. & Quay side ; h. 36 Blackett st Thompson Robert, boot & shoe maker, 6 Sand hill; h. 11 Pandon bank Thompson Robert, timber merchant. The Manors Thompson Robt., shopkpr., 12 Trafal. st. egg & butter dlr., 136 New mkt. Thompson Robert, victualler, Railway Tavern, Pandon bank Thompson Robert, cabinet maker, 19 Eldon place Thompson Mr. Robert, Pawton Dean terrace Thompson Samuel, Govenor of Borough Prison, Carliol square Thompson Thomas, master mariner, 24 Melbourne street Thompson Thomas, wine &c. merchant ; h. New road Thompson Thomas, brewer; h. New road Thompson Thomas, pawnbroker and shopkeeper, 30 Prudhoe street Thompson Thomas, cowkeeper, 7 Spring Garden Terrace Thompson William, mert., mustard, &c. manfr.; h. Craig Hall, Jesmond Thompson William, merchant, 19 Trafalgar street Thompson William, provision dealer. Queen street Thompson William, commercial traveller, 5 Gibson street Thompson William, shopman, 4 St. John's lane Thompson William, tailor, 13 Prudhoe street Thompson Williamson, shopman, 1 Sandyford place Thorburn David, travelling draper, 6 Blenheim street Thorburn John, travelling draper, 10 Albion street Thorman Joseph, senr., agent, 10 Ellison terrace Thornton Thomas, shopkeeper, Castle street Thorpe and Acaster, ship agents, 38 Quay side Thorpe William, ship agent; h. South shields Thursfield Mrs. Margaret, lodgings, 14 St. James's street Thulbourn Mr. William, 10 Richmond street Thwaites Adam, vict.. Old Pack Horse, 160 Pilgrim street Thwaites Hannah, grocer, &c. Castle street Thwaites Robert Grieves, agent, ct. 190 Pilgrim street Thwaites Mrs. Sophia, 28 Melbourne street Tidy Catherine, ladies seminary, 5 Saville row Tiffin Robert, whip thong and saddle tree maker, 2 Grainger street Timperlay Nicholas, woollen tailor and outfitter, 1 Sand hill Tinkler Nicholas Watson, watchmaker & victualler, Half Moon, Swirle N 138 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Timm George T., druggist and surgeon dentist, 77 Grey street; h. Der- went place Timm Robert, victualler, Barley Mow, Sandgate Tinwell John, traveller, 33 Trafalgar street Tinwell Margaret, lodgings, 12 Blandford street Tiplady Matthew, victualler, Grey Hound, Pitt street Todd Alfred A., timber merchant^ h. Pickton house Todd Ann, cart owner, Clavering place Todd & Co., Close gate bottle works Todd Frederick Swan, timber merchant; h. Picton house Todd Mr. Gecrge, 15 Union street Todd Mr. George, 7 Darn crook Todd Henry, cooper, 51 New market and Westgate Todd Horatia Wellington, timber merchant; h. Picton house Todd James, shopkeeper, Queen street Todd John Humble, hair dresser and periodical news agent, 33 Groat market; h. Park place Todd John, foreman, 29 Brandling place Todd John, currier and leather cutter, Todd's ct., 51 Groat market Todd John, Newcastle distillery. Peacock chare ; h. Belle vue, Gateshead Todd John, shoemaker, 20 Howard street Todd Joseph, hat manufacturer, Todd's ct„ 51 Groat market Todd Joseph, beer house, Fenkle street Todd Robt. & Co., timber merchants, skinnerburn ; h. Picton house Tomlinson Ralph, officer of excise, 24 Richmond street Topham Fanny, lodgings, 12 Saville court Topping & Co., mfrs. of watch & timepiece glasses, spring, skeleton, and clock movements, & watch & clock makers tools, &c., 19 Broad chare Tousey Mary, Carlton place Toward Mrs. Debora, 15 Gibson street Toward Henry, painter, glazier, and paper hanger, 3 Gibson street Toward John, iron founder ; h. 34 Richmond street Toward Mrs. Rebecca, 13 Gibson street Toward Thomas, boiler builder, St. Peter's quay; h. South Shields Toward W^illiam & Son, iron founders, engine & boiler mkrs. Ouseburn; h. 23 Richmond street Towers George, travelling tea dealer, 2 Hinde street Town and Quay dues Office, Guildhall, D. H. Wilson collector Town Clerk's Office, Guildhall, John Clayton, clerk Town Engineer's Office, Guildhall, William Alexander Brooks, engineer Town Surveyor's Office, Guildhall, Robert Wallace, surveyor Town's Chamber, Guildhall, William Armstrong, treasurer Towns George, baker and grocer. Castle yard Towns Isabella, grindery dealer, Castle street Towns John, butcher, 3 Manor chare, and 32 New market Towns Joseph, shopkeeper and flour dealer, St. Mary's street NEWCi^STLE DIRECTORY. 139 Towns Robert, beer and eating house, 13 Nun's street Towns Thos.j ale, porter, & wine mert., Bird in Bush yd.; b. 3 Carliol st Townsend Mary, glass, china, and earthenware dlr. 67 Pilgrim street Ij Townsend Phineas G., printer, 29 Blandford street Train Edward, landscape painter, 46 Grainger street Train Thomas, master mariner, 49 Gibson street Trenor Francis, hawker, 5 Low bridge Trinity House, 20 Broad chare, Henry S. Straker master Trotter Mrs. Isabella Agnus, 54 Eldon street Trotter Capt. John William. R. N., Blenheim street Trotter Mr. John, 4 Elswick lane Trotter Thomas Robinson, pawnbroker, 17 Side; h. 8 Oxford street Trotter William, upholsterer. White Hart yard Trueman Mrs. Elizabeth, 32 Cumberland row Trueman GrifRn Craine, clerk, 5 Blackett place Tucker Henry Hetherly, teacher of languages, St. James's place Tucker Robert, clerk, St. James's place Tulip Lancelot, vict., Tiger, Close Tullock Benjamin, surgeon, New Bridge street Tullock Eleanor, shopkeeper. Queen street TurnbuU Edward, butcher, 31 New market; h. 4 Bell's ct., Newgate st. TurnbuU Edward, boot & shoe mkr., 4 Collingwood st. ; h. 17 Leazes erst TurnbuU Mrs. Elizabeth, Regent terrace TurnbuU George, clerk, 7 Westmoreland street TurnbuU George Richard, agent, 43 Stowell street TurnbuU James, whitesmith, &c.; h. Orchard street TurnbuU John Pringle & Co., wholesale grocers, flour, corn, and com- mission agents, 28 Mosley street ; h. 5 Ridley villas TurnbuU John, printer, bookseller, stationer, &c., 38 Butcher bank, and commercial boarding house, 55 Grey street TurnbuU John, joiner and cabinet maker, 23 Percy street TurnbuU John, commercial boarding house, 65 Grainger street TurnbuU Joseph, baker, Percy street, St. Peter's quay TurnbuU Mrs. Margaret, 9 Terrace place TurnbuU Mary, dress maker, 12 Nun's street TurnbuU Jonth., tailor and Hannah, stravv hat maker. Dispensary lane TurnbuU and Pincher, painters and glaziers, 169 Pilgrim street TurnbuU Richard, saddler, 69 Newgate street TurnbuU Robert, confectioner and boarding house, 59 Grainger street TurnbuU Robert, shoemaker, ct. 74 Percy street TurnbuU Thomas, shoemaker. Friars TurnbuU William, hatter, 24 Grey street; h. 9 Princess street TurnbuU William, victualler. Black House Inn, 70 Pilgrim street TurnbuU William, lodgings, 1 1 Blenheim street TurnbuU William, painter and glazier; h. 2 Nelson street, Picton terrace TurnbuU William, shoemaker, West walls 140 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Turner Henry, land agent, surveyor, and valuer, colliery owner, brick draining tile, and fire brick manufacturer. Low Heaton Haugh Turner Hannah, lodgings, 107 Pilgrim street Turner James, vict., Blackett Arms, 17 Nelson street Turner Jane, grocer, 13 Northumberland street Turner John, printer, 20 High bridge Turner James, coal fitter, ship and insurance broker, and general com- mission agent. Three Indian Kings ct. ; h. 1 Lovaine terrace Turner Margaret, shopkeeper, 38 Trafalgar street Turner Robert, book and print seller, publisher, &c. ; h. 6 Albion street Turner Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, Lovaine terrace Turner Thomas, shopman, 3 Northumberland court Turner William, brewer and spirit merchant; h. New bridge street Turner William, chemist and druggist, Westgate and 22 Pilgrim street Turner William, shopkeeper, 21 Blandford street Turner William, surgeon, 101 Percy street Tweddell James, butcher, 14 New market Twaddell Jane, straw hat maker, Percy street, St. Peter's quay Tweddel John, chemist and druggist, 12 Grainger st. ; h. Summerhill ter. Tweddle Robert Castle, commercial traveller, 49 Leazes terrace Tweeddle Mrs. Sarah, 6 Summerhill terrace Tweeddle Thomas, merchant's clerk, 11 Leazes crescent Tweedy Ann, shopkeeper and flour dealer, King street Tweedy Martin, brush maker, 12 Pilgrim street Tweedy Thomas R. carver & gilder, Fletcher's entry; h. Back Picton tr. Tweedy William, watch and clock maker. King st.; h. 17 Trafalgar st. Tyzack Miss Jane, 49 Eldon street Tyzack Mr. John, 10 Low Claremont place Union Banking Co., Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland^ 2 Mosley street, Wm. Chapman, Esq. General Director Union Workhouse, Elswick, Robt. & Mrs. Salmon, master and matron Union Subscription Brewery, Stephney bank, Thomas Peacock, manager; h. Buxton street Unitarian Chapel, Hanover street Unitarian school, Hanover sq., Thos. Young and Jane Latimer United secession chapels, near Hanover square and Carliol street Unitt William, glass cutter, 18 Richmond street Unthank Mrs. Syble, 27 Ridley place Urwin Frances, victualler, Black Bull, 8 Waterloo street Urwin Mrs. Isabella, 17 Westgate street Urwin John, victualler. Old Duke of Cumberland, Queen street Urwin John, clothes dealer. Castle stairs Urwin John, china, glass, & erthwre. dlr., 122 New mkt. ; h. Prudhoe st. Uiwin Joseph, provision dealer, 46 Gibson street Urwin Robert, butcher, 63 New mkt.,& 9 Broad chare; h. New Bridge st Urwin Wm., vict.. Weaver's Arms, and coach painter, New Pandon st. • NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 141 Usher George, tailor, Stowell square Usher John, shopkeeper and butcher, Gallowgate Usher Robert, copperas manufr., St Anthony's; h. Low Swinbourne pi. Usher Mrs, Sarah, 30 Blackett street Vann Haansbergen Wm. John, mert., 58 Quay side; h. 15 Leazes ter. Vardy William, hairdresser. Queen street Varty Ann, straw hat maker, 13 Rosemary lane Yasey William, shopkeeper, Byker bar Yaughan James, watch glass manufacturer, 2 Shearwood's ct. 12 Bigg mkt Yause Diana, lodging house, 13 St. John's lane Yicars Hedly, barrister, 3 St. Thomas terrace. North road Yicars Major Robert S., 2 Oxford street Vialls Otho, serjt. Major, N. N. Y. Cavalry, 40 Forth street Yickers Jacob, tanner, 79 Percy street; h. 13 Albion place Yickers John, pawnbroker, 17 Low Friar street Yickers Mr. Jonathan, Sandyford lane Yictoria Bazaar, and market, Gibson street Yincombe Andrew, furniture broker, 19 and 20 Pilgrim street Yipond Jacob, butter, egg, &potatoe dlr., 113 New mkt.; h.7 Buckghm. st. Yipond John pawnbroker. Queen street Yirgin Mary's hospital, Pudding chare Yitch Henry, butcher, 1 Hill street Waddell Isabella, shopkeeper, Westgate Waddington Daniel, painter and glazier, 17 Percy street Waddom Thomas, master mariner, Williaoi street Waggott Edward, shoemaker. Forth street Wagstaff John, victualler. Phoenix Inn, Brewery street Wailes Miss Ann, 81 Blandford street Wailes George, solicitor, and agent to the Edinburgh Life Assurance Co., Royal Arcade ; h. 2 Ridley place Wailes George, clerk, 65 Blandford street Wailes John, agent, 4 Trafalgar street Wailes Mary, shopkeeper, 72 Elswick street Wailes Thomas, eating and beer house, 82 Newgate street Wailes Thomas, shopkeeper. Forth street Wailes Thomas, musician, 70 Elswick street Wailes Thomas, shoemaker. East Ballast hills Wailes William, stained glass works, Bath lane Wait Catherine, flour dealer, 22 Collingwood street Waite and Howard, joiners and builders, 10 Elswick terrace Waite Thos. Martindale, grocer and flour dealer; h. Churchill street Waite William, shopkeeper, 41 Newgate street Waitt James, lodgings, 2 Ravensworth terrace Wake Misses Eliz. and Mgt., 38 Northumberland street Wake Mrs. Mary, 4 Stamfordham place Wake Thomas, shopkeeper, Wellington street n2 142 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Wake William, watch glass manufacturer, 27 Side Wakinshaw Alexander, straw plait warehouse, 6 Market street Wakinshaw James, iron merchant, general commission agent, and agent to the Economic Life Insurance, Broad chare ; h. Byker House Wakinshaw John, manager of Cookall iron works, 24 Upper Buxton st. Wakely James, official assignee, 11 1 Pilgrim street Waller Mr. John, 2 Forth bank Walker Alkali Company, 37 Quay side Walker George, ironfounder, 82 Percy street Walker Ann, shopkeeper, St. Mary's street, Sandgate Walker Edward, ship and insurance broker, and general comsn. agent, Quay side ; h. Blenheim street Walker Mr. George, 1 Picton place Walker George, architect and surveyor ; h. 82 Percy street Walker Henry, agent to the Gateshead andTyne Shipping Company, 1 13 Side; h. Claremont place, Gateshead Walker James, surgeon, 82 Pilgrim street Walker James, vict.. Blue Bell, St. Mary's street Walker John, Esq., coal owner, 30 Quay side ; h. Prestwick Lodge Walker John, linen & woln. draper, silk mercer, & furrier, 4 & 5 Grey st Walker John & Son, boot and shoe makers, 142 Pilgrim street Walker John, bricklayer and builder, 22 Stephney terrace Walker John, baker. Court 21 Pilgrim street Walker John, grocer and herring mert., St. Ann's st. ; h. New road Walker John C, agent, 6 Higham place Walker Michael, wood turner and cooper, Erick st. ; h. Market lane Walker, Parker, Walker, & Co., lead manufacturers, &c.. Lower Elswick Walker Thomas, ship, &c., broker ; h. Shield street Walker Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, 23 Bigg market; h. Newgate st. Walker Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, Queen street Walker William, bank managing director, 5 Walker's terrace, Gateshead Walker William Hague, iron founder, stove grate, fender, &c. manufactr. whitesmith, & bellhgr., Percy Wks., 83 Percy st. ; h. 8 Low Claremont pi Walker William Beckwith, chemist & druggist, 97 Percy st. ; h. 1 Leazes pi Walker William, commission agent, 47 Howard street Walker William, clerk, Blenheim street Walker William, coal agent. Three Indian Kings court; h. Blenheim st. Walker William, shopkeeper, Buckingham street Wallace Ann, victualler. Crown Inn, Westgate Wallace Miss Augusta, 1 Carlton terrace Wallace Catherine, shopkeeper, 4 Manor chare Wallace James & Co., earthenware mnfrs., Newcastle pottery, Forth bank| h. 86 Blenheim stree^ Wallace James, victualler, Newmarket Hotel, 4 Nelson St., and builder, High Friar street Wallace James, bricklayer, 16 Union street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 143 Wallace John, shoemaker, 3 Thornton street Wallace Robert, boot and shoe maker, 30 Blackett street Wallace RobertJ&y earthenware manufacturer; h. 86 Blenheim street Wallace Robert, town surveyor, Guildhall ; h. St. Thomas terrace Wallace Thomas, weighing machine & patent mangle mnfr. 31 Clayton st. Wallace William, accountant, 9 Green court Wallace William, green grocer, 240 New market; h. Arthur's hill Walsh John, agent, Wesley terrace Walters George, custom house officer, 5 Strawberry place Walters Ralph, solicitor, 8 Mosley street; h. 16 Shieldfield Walters Robert, land agent, 3 Charlotte square Walters William Clayton, barrister at law, Westmoreland hs. Westgate St.; h. Stella Hall Walton Alice and Agnes, dress and straw hat makers, 9 Nuns st Walton Mrs. Anna, 4 Carlton terrace Walton Mrs, Elizabeth, lodgings, 22 Northumberland street Walton Miss Elizabeth, 31 Stowell street Walton Jas , saddler & harness mkr., 31 Bigg mkt; h. 9 Cumberland row Walton John, butcher, 9 New market; h. 16 Terrace place Walton John, gold and silver smith, Painter heugh ; h. Barrington place Walton John, shoe maker, 20 Low bridge Walton John, tea dealer, 3 Cumberland row Walton Joseph, victualler. Earl of Durham, 175 Pilgrim street Walton Margaret, victualler, Royal Exchange Hotel, 47 Grey street Walton Mrs. Margaret, 47 Northumberland street Walton Mary, schoolmistress, Barrack square Walton Nicholas, solicitor, 4 Carlton terrace Walton Thomas, cork cutter, Drury lane ; h. 100 Blenheim street Walton Thomas, tailor, Todd's nook Wanless Wm. solicitor, and in the Insolvent Debtors Court., comsnr. for taking affidavits in the Queen's Bench, London, and Court of Common Pleas, Durham, 2 Sandhill; h. 2 Elswick lane Wanley Mr. Richard, Pawton Dean terrace Warburton James Newton, vict.. Royal Hotel Coffee Rooms, 15 Melbourne street, and brewer, Saville court; h. 6 Ellison terrace Warburton Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Gosforth street Warburton Wm. & Co., grocers, tea & British wine dlrs., 101 Clayton st. Warburton William, linen draper and hosier, Stephney bank Warburton William, hosier, Westgate street Ward Benjamin, hackney coach keeper, 20 Blandford street Ward Benjamin, chemist and druggist, 45 Newgate street Ward Edward, shopkeeper, 25 Newgate street Ward Edward, shopkeeper, 16 Stowell square Ward Frances, furniture broker, 1 Pilgrim street Ward John, grocer and tea dealer, 45 Dean st. ; h. 18 Ridley place Ward John Bateman, vict., Duke of Wellington, ct. I Cloth market 144 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Ward John, beerhouse, 51 High bridge Ward Robert, printer and stationer, 24 St. Nicholas church yard Ward Thomas Elliott, tobacco manufacturer, 6 Union street Warden George Cockburn, plate glass manufacturer ; h, 41 Blackett St. Wardle and Walker, architects and surveyors, 32 Market street Wardle John, architect and surveyor 5 h. 19 Chimney mills Wardle John, tailor, 3 Vine lane Wardle Joseph, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Wardle Joseph, cowkeeper, Jesmond vale Wardle Mrs. Mary, 34 Jessamine place Wardle Mary, cowkeeper, Gallowgate Wardle Richard, vict., Three Tuns, 71 Newgate st. and Elswick cottage Wardle Richard, vict.. Blue Bell, Jesmond vale Wardle William, carver and gilder, II Rosemary lane Wardle William, gardener, Jesmond vale Warham Rd., ship bkr. & comsn. agent, 32 Quay side ; h. 26 Ridley pi. Waters Benjamin, coal fitter, commission mert., and ship broker, Three Indian Kings court; h. 39 Carliol street Waters Elizabeth, twine maker and flax dresser, Castle stairs Waters George, shopman, 38 Shield street Waters Jane, vict.. Fox and Lamb, 162 Pilgrim street Waters Thomas Waterton, bookbinder; h. 5 Hanover square Watkins Mr. John, 25 Stephney terrace Watson Andrew, clerk, 9 John street Watson Miss Ann, 57 Percy street Watson Barbara, lodgings, 20 Carliol street Watson Dorothy, shopkeeper, 25 Percy street Watson George, shopkeeper and beerhouse, 1 Croft street Watson Mrs. Hannah, 40 Low Villa place Watson Henry, vict.. Fighting Cocks, Fighting Cocks row Watson Henry, plumber, brass founder, gas fitter, millwright, & engineer, 19 High bridge; h. Adelaide terrace ^atson James, old book seller, &c., 103 New market Watson James, commercial and mathematical academy, 14 Blackett St.; h. 94 Elswick street Watson James, pocket book and surgical case maker, 6 High Friar street Watson James, assistant draper, 6 Cumberland row Watson Jane, butcher, 21 New market; h. 4 Cloth market Watson John, wholesale tea dealer, 15 Bigg market; h. 59 Percy St. WatsonJJohn, grocer & tea dlr., 170 Pilgrim s. ; h. Edward St., Arthur's hill Watson John, green grocer, 191 New market; h. Pilgrim street Watson John, travelling draper, 3 Lovaine terrace Watson John, clerk, 22 Edward street Watson John, clerk, 4 Ellison terrace Watson Joseph, solicitor, 25 St. Nicholas Church yd. ; h. 6 Elswick ten Watson Joshua, Jan., paper hanging manufr., 63 Newgate; h. Bensham NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 145 Watson Nathaniel R. P., hair dresser, 2 Bland ford street Watson Margaret, grocer and tea dealer, 43 Grey street Watson Mary, shopkeeper and lodgings, 12 Blenheim street Watson Mrs. 19 Brandling place Watson Mrs. Mary, 12 Melbourne street Watson Mrs. 33 Eldon street Watson Pearson Thomas, gun maker, New mills Watson Peter, shopkeeper, Blandford street Watson Robert, Esq., Millfield House Watson Robert, vict., Cross Keys, Burrell's entry, Head of Side Watson Robert, agent, 3 Elswick terrace Watson Robert, tallow chandler, ct. 5 Cloth market Watson Robert, police sub- inspector, Westgate station Watson Roger Cradock, customhouse officer, ct. 2 Northumberland street Watson Mr. Stephen, Wellington street Watson Thomas Holmes, grocer, tea dlr.,&c. lOBiggmkt.; h. 33 Eldon st Watson Thomas, billiard room, 18 Nelson street Watson Thomas, shoemaker, John street Watson William, custom house clerk, 5 Argyle street Watson William, farmer, St. Anthony's Watson William, shopkeeper, 1 Elswick street Watson William, tailor, 34 Prudhoe street Watson William, shoemaker ; and Ann, dressmaker, Byker hill Watt Henry, victualler, Duke of Argyle, Argyle street Watt James, fruiterer & green grocer, 213 New market; h. High Friar st. Watt John, flour dealer and corn mert., 1 15 Pilgrim st. & 34 Westgate st. Watt John, baker, Sandgate; h. 7 Argyle street Walters Henry, cheesemonger, bacon, &c. factor, 92 Side; h. Gibson st. Watts David, whiting manufacturer, 97 Side, works St. Peter's Quay Waugh Thomas, shopkeeper, 5 Pudding chare Wawn Mrs. Maria Frances, 9 Albion place Weatherhead and Meldrum, joiners, builders, contractors, and brick mbrs. 92 Percy street and Leazes lane Weatherhead George, builder and contractor; h. Percy court Weatherhead George, paper stainer. High villa place Weatherit James, coffee roaster, Carliol square Weatherley Capt. James Dent, 6 New Bridge street Weatherley John, ship broker & comsn. mert., 4 Sandhill ; h. Howden Weatherley John, gentleman, 6 Carlton place Weatherley Nicholas, laud agent and surveyor, 23 Blackett street Weatherson Hannah, shopkeeper, 65 Close Weatherson Isabella, shopkeeper, 30 Butcher bank Weatherson James, shoemaker, 14 Forth street Weatherson Thomas, bacon and flour dealer, 63 Head of Side Webb Henry, shoemaker. Stephney bank Webb James, vict., Three Indian Kings, Three Indian Kings court 146 NEWCASTLE BIRECTORY. Weddell and Macdonald, carvers and gilders, Newgate street Weddell Thos., map & plan mounter & pocket book maker, 18 Nun's st. Weddell George, register office, 102 Percy street Weddell William, carver and gilder; h. 34 Shield street Weddle James, letter carrier, 1 Stowel streel Weddle Nathaniel, railway guard, 14 Blenheim street Weddle Mr. Newton, 41 Stowell street Weddle Thomas, mathematical teacher, Cottenham street Wegham Richard, furniture broker, Dog bank Weir George, clerk, 8 Lisle street Weir Jacob, joiner, cabt. mkr. & uphlstr., 6 Bell's ct. Newgt. s ; h. Barras ct Weir James Anthony, chemist and druggist, 1 Union st. ; h. 3 Grey st. Weir Williain, schoolmaster, Russell court, Hanover square Weir William, boot and shoe maker, 3 Grey street Weisz Augustus, ship broker and comsn, agent, 113 Side ; h. Elswickhs. Welch Mrs. Alice, 5 Oxford street Welch Henry, civil engineer and county bridge surveyor for Northum- berland, 6 Ravensworth terrace, Westgate hill Welch George, shoemaker and clothes dealer, Dog bank Weldon William, timber merchant, 10 Forth street Welford W. H., ironmonger and hardware dealer, 37 Mosley street Welford Wm., brewer, maltster, & hop mrt.. Burn bk. ; h. 1 Ridley villas Wells Joliri Henry, accountant, 14 Elswick row Wells Oliver, beerhouse, 21 Clayton street west Welsh Robert H. chemist& druggist, 15 High bridge; h. 17 Brandling pi Wei ton William, timber merchant, 141 Pilgrim street, and saw mills, Hebburuquay; h. 52 Cumberland row Werge John, engraver, copperplate, and lithographic printer, 30 Mosley street; h. 4 Gibson street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Blenheim street Wesleyan Methodist Day School, Chapel lane, John Harland and Anna Maria Watson master and mistress Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, (centenary,) St. Lawrence West Robt. John, grocer and tea dealer, 26 Dean st; h. 34 Carliol st. West Captain, Jesmond place Westgarth Mrs. Susannah, 6 Percy street Westmoreland Miss Sarah, 10 Lisle street Westwick Mary, straw hat maker, Buckingham street Wharton Mrs. Ann, 30 Close Wheatley M. & Co., iron merts. & mnfrs.. Stock bridge & Sandgate forge Wheatley Matthew, iron merchant; h, Shieldfield Wheatley Robert, cart owner, Russell court, Hanover square Wheldon John, ship smith & chain mkr., Wide open, Sandgate ;h. New rd. Wheldon Joseph, butcher, 94 New market and Church hill street Whichello Jane, lodgings. Forth terrace Whillance Michael, joiner and shopkeeper. New road NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 147 Whinfield George Henry, grocer and tea dealer ; h, 3 Shield street Whingfield John Widdrington, grocer & tea dealer, 22 Grainger street ; h. 17 Albion street Whinfield R. C. & Co., grocers, tea dealers, and tallow chandlers, 21 Grainger street^ h. 18 Shield street Whinfield William Anthony, grocer and tea dealer; h. 4 St. Thomas ter, Whinnem William, clothes dealer. Castle garth ; h. Orchard street Whinship Thomas, farmer. West Jesmond White Alexander, periodical bookseller, Stowell street White Daniel, shoemaker, 38 Newgate street White David Blair, M.D., 6 Portland place White George, livery stable kpr. & hackney coach proprietor. New bdg. st. White George, supervisor of excise, 12 Upper Buxton street White Mrs. Jane, New road White Nicholas, furniture bkr. & genl. dlr., 2 Nelson st. ; h. 2 Minden st. White Robert, old clothes dealer, Friars White Thomas, hosier & haberdasher, importer of Berlin wools, patterns, silks, worsteds, canvas wire works & fringe manufacturer, 38 Dean st. ; h. Hanover square White Theophilus, clerk, Branch Bank of England, 20 Brandling place White Thomas, shoemaker, court 73 Northumberland street White Thomas, excise clerk, 16 Shield street White William, excise officer, York street Whitehead Charles, eating and beer house, 24 Nelson street Whitelaw Frances, confectioner and fruiterer, Carliol square Whitfield Edward, coal agent, 71 Quay side ; h. Elswick Villa Whitfield Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 Picton terrace Whitfield Mrs. Emma, 24 Low Villa place Whitfield Jane, clothes broker, 68 Newgate street Whitfield John, tailor, Queen street Whitfield Joseph, shopkeeper and flour dealer, 11 Forth street Whitfield Mark, beer seller and shopkeeper, Elswick terrace Whitfield Miss, 15 Forth street Whitfield Mary Ann, stay maker, 2 Blagdon street Whitfield Roger, vict.. Shades Inn, Manor street Whitfield Thomas, furniture broker, 8 Low Buxton street Whitfield William Storey, butcher, 1 Carliol St., and 11 New market Whitnell James, clock and watch maker, 50 Percy street Whitnell Thomas, watch and clock maker, Gallowgate Whitworth Adam, basket mkr. & marine store dlr., St. Lawrence st., N. S. Widdrington Michael, clerk, 41 Richmond street Wight Rev. W., curate, B.A., Collingwood street Wightman Charles, M. D., 23 Northumberland street Wigley Jane, daguerreotype portrait gallery. Royal Arcade ; h. 19 Mel- bourne street Wilcke Thomas, commercial and temperance hotel, 4 Royal Arcade 148 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Wilde George, hair dresser, 56 Close Wilde Thomas, vict., Clayton Arms, 43 Clayton street Wile John, tailor, 41 Gibson street Wilford Joseph, tanner, 28 Low Friar street; h. 12 St. James's street Wilkie John, hosier and haberdasher, 19 Dean st. ; h. 10 Gibson st. Wilkie Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Ann's street Wilkin Benjamin, tailor, 10 Hill street Wilkin Charlotte, lodgings, 4 Princes street Wilkin James, master mariner, Jesmond place Wilkin Thomas, flour dealer, 1 Close ; h. Melbourne street Wilkinson Mrs. Ann, 13 Thornton street Wilkinson Ann, dress maker. Park place Wilkinson Ann, milliner, 19 Stamfordham place Wilkinson Anthony, shoemaker, 10 Vine lane Wilkinson Edward, vict.. Locomotive Engine, 37 Blenheim street Wilkinson Edward, boot and shoe maker, King street Wilkinson Elizabeth, confectioner, Gallowgate Wilkinson George, vict., Victoria Hotel, 76 Newgate st. & brewer, Westgt Wilkinson George, butcher, 130 New market; h. Tyne street Wilkinson George, beer seller, Churchill street Wilkinson James, collector of borough toll, 33 Westgate street Wilkinson John, draper, &c.; h, 1 Albion place Wilkinson John, warehouseman ; h. 40 Eldon street Wilkinson John, shopkeepeer, Byker bar Wilkinson John, shopkeeper, St. Ann's street Wilkinson John, baker and shopkeeper, St. Lawrence street, North shore Wilkinson Joseph, currier & Ithr. sir., 8 Dog bank; h. Pawton Dean ter. Wilkinson Joseph William, shipbuilder, St. Anthony's Wilkinson Joseph, farmer, Byker Wilkinson Margaret, shopkeeper, baker, & flour dlr., 39 Groat market Wilkinson Mrs. Mary, 39 Leazes terrace Wilkinson Robson, shopkeeper, Stephney fields Wilkinson & Stanley, wholesale warehousemen, dealers in straw plait, linen and woollen drapers, 15 Shakespeare street Wilkinson Sarah, shopkeeper, St. Peter's quay Wilkinson Stephen & Sons, warehousemen and bone button makers, 58 Grey street, and 9 High bridge Wilkinson Thomas Etridge, secretary and superiutendent subscription news rooms, Tyne bridge end m\ Wilkinson W. B., plasterer, architectural modeller, mnfr. of plaster of Paris, artificial stone, chimney tops, vases, and dealer in laths, hair, cements, &c., 43 Prudhoe street; h. St. Peter's Wilkinson William, butcher, Byker bar, Ouseburn Willan George, shopkeeper, 3 Marlborough crescent Williams John, engraver, Robson's court Williams John, waiter, Wellington street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 149 Williams Jpli. Hinton & Co. "boot and shoe makers, 17 Dean st. ; 52 and li. 63 Grainger street Williams William, academy, 35 Carliol street Williams William, shoemaker, Percy street, St. Peter's quay Williamson John, hlacksmith, Sandgate; h. Close Williamson Joseph, shopkeeper, Pandon hank Williamson Thomas, hutcher, 153 New market; h, Leazes place Willins George, tailor and Margaret, dress maker, 10 Blandford street Willis George, registrar of hirths & deaths, for Westgate district, John st Willis Christopher, hutcher, 185 New market; h. Ousehurn Willoughby Arabella, lodgings, I). Blenheim street Willoughhy Ralph, shoemaker, 75 Westgate street Willouhby Robert, professor of music, 34 Blackett street Wilsber Susannah, lodging house keeper, New road Wilson Ahrabara, shopkeeper, 59 Northumherland street Wilson Andrew, painter and glazier; h. Wellington street Wilson Mrs. Ann, ladies seminary, 10 Cumherland row Wilson 4.nn, funeral furnisher, 17 Pudding chare Wilson Beuj., hair dresser, 7 Bigg market; h. Gatesheadfell Wilson D. Hamilton, Quay & town due clctr., Guildhall ; h. St. Ann's r. Wilson David, glass, china, & erthwr. dlr., 67 & 68 New mkt. ; h, Nun's st. Wilson David, travelling draper, 4 Percy street Wilson Edward John, custom house officer, 22 Brandling place Wilson Geo. Andrew, merchant, ship broker, &c. ; h. 12 Princes's street Wilson Geo. H., comsn. mert., 29 Sand hill ; h. 2 Ravensworth tr.,Gtshd. Wilson George, butcher, 27 New market; h. 3 Green court Wilson George, agent, 19 St. John's lane Wilson George, eating house, 48 Quay side Wilson George, whitesmith, Oakes place Wilson George, hrewer's clerk, 2 Pictoxi terrace Wilson Hannah Maria, dress maker, 12 Princes's street Wilson H. Yipond, ship and ins. hroker, and commission agent, 69 Quay side; h. Low Swinhurn place Wilson Henry, chemist and drgst., 62 Gibson st. ; h. 15 Trafalgar street Wilson Isabella, victualler, Northumberland Arms, 11 William street Wilson James, ship owner, 31 Richmond street Wilson James, hank manager, 52 Dean street Wilson James, fell monger & wool stapler, Fleece ct. Gallowgate Wilson James, clerk, 15 Sunderland street Wilson Jane, shoe maker, Dog leap stairs Wilson Jane Anne, school. New bridge street Wilson John, tailor, 82 Clayton street Wilson Mr. John Rawlin, 30 Shield street Wilson John, hair dresser, 2 Westgate street Wilson John, shopkeeper, Painterheugh Wilson Joseph, accountant, 5 Melbourne street o 150 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Wilson Mrs. Martha, New bridge street "Wilson Miss Marj Ann, 9 Bland ford street Wilson Marj, pawnbroker, Wall knoll Wilson Mary Ellen, hosier and haberdasher, 21 Groat mkt; h. Carliol st Wilson Marj, shopkeeper, Summerhill Wilson Matthew, shoemaker, 4 Thornton street Wilson Michl., St. Nicholas's National SchL, Castle St.; h. ct,27 Bigg mkt Wilson & Paxton, painters and glaziers, 25 St. John's lane Wilson Ralph & Co., woollen drapers, 66 Grey st.; h. 2 Victoria terrace Wilson Robert, builder, joiner, and carpenter. New road Wilson Robert, shoemaker. Wall Knoll Wilson Robert, woollen draper, and tailor, 55 Grey st. ; h. 10 Rye hill Wilson Robert, & Son, hat and cap mfrs. 70 Grey st. & II Market st Wilson R. & Co., cheese mngs., & ben. fctrs,, 105 Side; h. 8 Ravensworth tr Wilson Robert, beer house. Queen street Wilson Robert, baker, Bailiff gate Wilson Robert, engine builder, &c.. Forth street Wilson Robert, earthenware mfr., Tyne main pottery, & Folly wharf Wilson Thomas, iron merct. and mfr.; h. Gateshead, Lawfell Wilson Thomas, woollen draper; h. 3 Low Swinbourne place Wilson Thomas, translator, Castle stairs Wilson Thomas, vict. Lord Collingwood, 18 High bridge Wilson Thomas, vict. Jubilee Inn, 14 Low Buxton street Wilson Thomas, shopman, 7 Union teiTace Wilson William, hat manufacturer, h. 15 St. Mary's place Wilson Wm. Walls, watch maker, &c., 13 Dean street Wilson William, plumber and brass founder, Dispensary In. ; h. Friars Wilson William, pawnbroker, 104 Pilgrim street Wilson William, hosier & worsted dealer, 7 Newgate street Wilson William, butcher, 118 New market; h. 20 Oxford street Wilson William, woollen draper, &c.. Grey street; h. 19 Elswick row Wilson William, cooper, Hornsby's chare, and butcher, 17 Butcher bank Wilson William, lodgings, 14 Westmoreland street Wilson William, relieving officer, 13 Stephney terrace Wilson William, travelling draper, 7 Albion street Wilson William, shoemaker, Oakes place Wind William, weaver, ct. 13 Side; h. 9 Clayton's ct., Eldon street Winder William, wine and spirit merchant ; h. 14 Cumberland row Wingard, Hans, & Co., ship & insurance brokers^ merchants, &c., Three Indian Kings court; h 17 Ridley villas Wingate Mary, lodgings, 104 Blenheim street Wingate Richard Rutledge, animal preserver, 9 Spring garden terrace Winn James, clerk, 8 Elswick terrace Winship John, currier, &c., Fletcher's entry ; h. 3 High Friar street Winship Robert, blacksmith and farrier, Byker bar Winship William, surgeon, 7 Percy street NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 151 Winship William, victualler, Bull and Mouth, 61 Newgate street Winskill Marj, midwife. Castle yard Winskill Robert, translator old shoes, Castle stairs Winstanley Isabella, confectioner, 18 Percy street Winter Ann, lodgings, 2 Oxford street Winter John, butter and egg dealer, court 5 Westgate street Winter John, victualler, Cumberland house, I Thornton street Wise James, master mariner, 26 Howard street Wishart John, shoemaker, Rosemary terrace Wishart Sarah, green grocer, 202 New market; h. Back row Wodson William Fletcher, clerk, 99 Clayton street Wold Henry Walten, custom house officer, 7 Brandling place Wood Agnes, milliner, 108 Pilgrim street Wood Miss Bridget, o Lovaine terrace Wood Miss Ellen, 6 Lovaine place Wood George, agent, Elswick villas Wood Mr. G. A. F., 2 Lovaine terrace Wood Jacob, linen and woollen draper; h-, 17 Grey street Wood James, cabinet maker, 16 I'rafalgar street Wood Joseph, travelling tea dealer, John street Wi^qd and Klmpsters^ linen and woollen drapers, 17 Grey street ^^^^ Wood Mary, lodgings, Postern Wood Nicholas, coal fitter, 12 Quay side ; h. Kiilingworth Wood Stephen, boat builder, North shore ; h. 8 Upper Buxton street Wood Thomas, tailor; ct. 28 Newgate street Wood Thomas, tide waiter, 1 Barker street Woodger John, vict.. Plough, 18 Union street Woodger William, fishmonger and game dealer, 29 Westgate street Woodman James, piano forte tuner, I Prudhoe place Woodman Mary Ann, school, Dixon's buildings Woodraass Robt., hat manufacturer, 1 1 1 Side, & 1 1 Sandhill; h. Hexham Woods John Anthony, merchant ; h. 18 Lovaine place Woods Wm., secretary for the Newcastle Fire Office Co. &c., 6 Side ; h. 19 Eldon square Wooilett Mrs. Dorothy, 27 Brandling place Workman James, tailor and clothes dealer, 2 Dog bank Worsley Matthew, shoe maker, Pandon bank Worthy Robert, joiner. Park place Worthington Charles Francis, gentleman, 4 Queen's square Wren William, tuscan straw plait and bonnet warehouse, 58 Grainger st. Wright, Brothers, Hint glass manufacturers, Regent St., Forth terrace f% Wright and Brown, ironfounders, &c. Regent street, Forth terrace ^ Wright George, joiner, &c.. Dean court, Painterheugh Wright George, lodgings, 2 Portland place Wright Rev. Henry Wm., M.A., surrogate, incumbent of St. John's, 49, Westgate street 152 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Wright James, letter carrier, Heath's court Wright John, working jeweller, 16 Royal Arcade; h. Gateshead fell Wright John, viot., The Battery, Forth street Wright Joseph, shopkeeper. Church hill street Wright Miss Mary, 2 High Swinhourne place Wright Mrs. Mary, 10 Low Villa place Wright Miles, wood turner, Denton's yard^ h. Golden Lion yard Wright Peter, travelling draper, Percy court Wright Richard Marr, butcher, 17 New market; h. 10 Leazes crescent Wright Samuel, hatter, Castlegarth Wright Mr. Thomas, ct. 61 Percy street Wright William, iron founder, &c.; h. Forth terrace Wylam Mrs. Eliza, 1 George street. East Wylam & Greene, corn mrchnts., ship hrkrs., & comsn. agnts., 1 Sand hi Wylam Ralph & Co., wine & spirit mrts., 5 Sand hill ; h. 21 West st Gtshd Wvlam Mr. Thomas, 16 Carliol street Wylam William, corn merchant, &c. ; h. Cramer Dykes hs. Gtshd. Wylie Robert, shopkeeper, 1 Providence place Wyllie Andrew, draughtsman, Blenheim street WWnn Mrs Margaret, 9 St. Mary's place WWnne William, attorney's clerk, 6 Oxford street Yardley William, shoe maker, 46 Crescent place Yairow Mrs. Jane, 42 Jessamine place Yates Joseph, rule maker, 27 Side Yellowley Mrs. Elizabeth, Oxford street Yellowley Jacob, fruiterer and seedsman, 29 Grainger street Yellowley T. & N., wholesale grocers, 44 Sand hill ; h. 2 Claremont pi Youla William, cowkeeper, 41 Gallowgate Y'oull Henry, primitive methodist preacher, Carlton street Y'ouU Matthew Morley, shopman, 22 Shield street Young Andrew, shopman, 75 Blandford street Young David, vict. Royal Oak, Eldon street, back Young Edward, beer house, 34 Newgate street Young Edward Morrison, public notary, 91 Side ,• h. 7 Eldon place Young Edward, shopkeeper, and cabinet maker, 27 Butcher bank Young George, victualler. Union Vaults, Dog Leap stairs Young George, victualler. White Swan, court J 6 Cloth market Young George Thomas, grocer & tea dlr.,35 Bigg rakt. ; h. 9 Blenheim st Young George, hair dresser, W^estgate Young George, tailor, 3 Pudding chare Young George, baker, Wall Knoll Young George, cart owner, 33 Blandford street Young Jacob, cart owner, 26 Sunderland street Young James, draper, 7 Royal Arcade; h. 48 Carliol street Young James, shopkeeper, 2 Westgate street Young John, hatter, furrier and marine store dealer, 94 Side TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 153 Young John, grocer, 25 ; h. 100 Clayton street Young John, working jeweller, court 166 Pilgrim street Young Joseph, shopkeeper, 22 Clayton street West Young Margaret, milliner and straw hat maker, Eldon lane Young Margaret, lodging house keeper, George's stairs Young Mary Ann, confectioner & tea dlr., 28 Dean street and 40 Grey st Young Mary, lodgings, 7 Eldon place Young Mary, watch & elk. mkr.,jewlr.,&c., 13 Bigg mkt.; h. 6 Blenheim s Young Michael, victualler. Lion and Lamh, 44 Newgate street Young Michael, sail maker, Grinding chare; h. 12 Gibson street Young Oliver, day school, Forth bank Young Robert, coachman, 3 Blenheim street Young Richard, corn miller, Spital tongues ; h. Chimney mills Young Thomas, master Unitarian school; h. Stowell street Young Thomas, shopkeeper, Lawson street Young Mr. Thomas, 6 Bell street Young William, flint glass manufacturer, Forth bank; h. Forth terrace Young William, grocer and flour dealer, St. Lawrence Younghusband Bartholomew, flour dlr., 112 Pilgrim st.; h. 4 x^rgyle tr. Younghusband John, potatoe dealer, 120 New market Younghusband Margaret, victualler. Bay Horse, 24 Northumberland st. W CLASSIFICATION OP TRADES AND PROFESSIONS Academies. Marked * lake Boarders* All Saints Charity^ Station hs. sq. J. Brewis, and Jesus Hospital, Ann Prescod Ainsworth W. Buckingham street ♦Anderson M. E., II Nrthumbld. st Bailes F. & M. A., 7 Westgate st Babtist^ Westmoreland lane, Robert and Eleanor And(^rson Bell John, Regent street Bell xM. & A., 13 Summerhill ter Bell & Malcolm, 1 Trafalgar street Beveridge J., Plumbers Hall, West walls Briggs Rebecca, 18 Marlborough st British Unioriy Ann Atkinson Bath In *Bruce John C. 80 Percy street Burdis William, Clavering place *Cargey Mrs. and the Misses, I Low Swinbourne place Catholic School, Thomas Coleman & iVIary Hodgin, Carliol square *Charlton Mary Ann, 22 Westmore- land street Clarke Kliz., 35 Cumberland row *Claxton J.M.,5l Northmuberland.s Coltman Thos.,(Frpe School), Byker Copeland George, 87 Blaii.lford st ♦Davis Catherine, 34 Leazes terrace Dubson Ann, Blenheim street Douglass lsah.,9 St. Nicholas' cli. yd Du Chemin Fras. Kdw., I II g. Friur s Ellis Agnes, 7 Hyam place *Fleck Jane Eliz. 11 Blenheim st o2 154 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY Gray David, Friars green Green Charlotte, 22 Terrace place Green Isabella, ct. 179 Pilgrim st. Greenwell Thomas, 7 Thornton st. Grubb Ann, 15 Westmoreland st. Harland Jno. (Wesleyan) Chapel In. Hellewell D. & Margrt., 20 Elswick r Hewison Charlotte J., Lovaine ter Hill George, Scotchwood road Infant Schools, Ann Armstrong, 41 Clayton street; Ann Robertson, Castle garth; Fanny Carr, Bath In; G. Sinclair, Causeway bank; Margaret Miller, Percy street Jubilee, (Clergy,) Carliol sq. John and Mary Findley Jubilee, Croft street,"^ Martha Wake Jameson Elizabeth, Elswick st Kidman Peter, St. Lawrence Lee Robert, 19 Northumberland st Lyne Henry, 7 Blenheim street Jjoten John, Croft street Mc. Leod E. S., 84 Blenheim st •Mathwin E. J. & M. St. Thomas ter Mills Robert, Ponteland road Mitchell Jane, 3 Picton terrace •Moffat Rev. Robert, (classical pri- vate tutor,) 4 Melbourne street Morgan Thomas, Scotchwood road Moulter Ann, Princes's street Mowbray Margaret, 2 Trafalgar st National Schools. St. Ann's, New rd. J. & F. Stafford St. Johns, Waterloo street, John Jameson & Margt. Dunn St, John's, Elswick lane, M A. Rope St. Nicholas s,CsiSt\e street^ Michael W'ilson and Mary Donkin St. Thomas's, Vine In., Henry Page, and Elizabeth Cole *Nicholson Sarah, 4 Charlotte sq Oldfield Mary, 37 Eldon street Pennington Wm. (Navigation,) 21 Melbourne street Pyburn Jas. Melbourne street R*eay Hannah, High Villa place Reid C. R. & J., St. Thomas street ♦Richardson A. J.& M. 4 PortUid. pi Richardson Philip, Percy ct Richardson W. R.., Paradise row Robins Margaret, 1 Albion street •Robinson John, 32 Westgate *Robson Mary Ann, 15 Ridley pi Royal Jubilee School, Chas. Fred. Springman, New road Rutherford T. H., Lawson st School of Design, 27 Market street, W. B. Scott St. Andrew's, (Parish school,) 14 Percy st. T. Foster, & M. Bullock St. John's, (Parish school,) Bucking- ham street, John Clark St. John's, (^Infant school,) Bath In Fanny Carr Slowan & Weir, 10 Saville row *Smith & Bowness, 13 St. Mary's pi Smith John, (Corporation,) Castle Smith Mary, 11 Brunswick place Snape James, (grammar,) Forth ♦Storey John, 1 St. Mary's place Storey M. I. M., 1 St. Mary's pi Tait Jemima & E., 2 Sunderland st Tate Mary, 44 Low Villa place *Taylor Elizabeth, 6 Queen squere Thompson Mary, 9 Brunswick pi *Tidy Catherine, 5 Saville row Unitarian, Thomas Young 6c Jane Latimer, Hanover square Watson Anna M.(Wslyn.,) Chapel In Watson Jas. 14 Northumberland ct Watson Mary, Barrick square White Daniel, 38 Newgate street Willins William, 35 Carliol street * Wilson Ann, 10 Cumberland row Wilson Jane Ann, New bridge st Woodman My. Ann, Dixons bldgs Young Oliver, Forth bank Accountants. Claik William, 3 Side Clayton George, Royal Arcade Miller Joseph, 19 Dean street Pow John Kent, 61 Grey street Wallace William, 9 Green court Wells John Henry, 14 Elswick row Account Book Makers4 AUerdyce Jno. C, Hewetson's court Carter Robert, 63 Grainger st Robinson Rt., 31 & 32 Sd. & Postern Agents. Mrkd. * are general commission agents. {See also ship and insurance brokers, and merchants.) ♦Armstrong & Co., Cowgate Atkinson Thomas, 14 Saville row Bacon John Adam, Hinde street *Barkus John, 19 Quay side TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 155 •Beckwith G. W. Three Indii. kgs. ct •Beldon Geo., jun., 29 Quay side *Bell Anthony Fred., 32 Quay sd Borthwick & Co., 20 Sandhill Bradshaw & Anderson, 48 Quay sd *BrignallJohn, 14 Upper Buxton st •Brough Charles, 52 Blackett street Brydon James, (coal) 37 Quay side *Cargill,Headlam, &Co.29| Qy. sd •Carr & Co., Close *Carr Lancelot S., 34 Broad chare Challoner Edw. W,, 56 Grey street •Chambers Henry, 25 Oxford street ♦Charlton William, 69 Quav side *Clark William, 3 Side •Clement Louis, 34 Quay side *Cook William, 89 Side " •Cooper John & Co., 33 Quay side •Courtney James C, 97 Side •Coward Robert Shum,32 Quay sd. •Crawford Wm., (cattle) 3 Portld. pi Dawson James, (house) Percy st ♦Dickinson John, New Bridge st *Don David, 58 Quay side Doughty Robt., H. 33 Richmond st •Drydon John, 23 St. John's lane Elliott Joseph, Broad chare •Eskuch Chtn. Fred., 19 Quay side •Ewart George, 43 Grey street Froud Thomas Wilson, Rewcastle ch •Forster James, Three Indn. Kgs. ct Gee Rt., 2 George st. Scotchwood rd Gee Thomas, 33 Westmoreland ter •Gibson Thomas & Co., Three In- dian Kings court •GreenhowThos. E., 32 Broad chare Gregory ,Jas., 35 Westmoreland ter Gray John, 34 Collingwood street •Greenwell Wm. N.,28J Quay side ♦Grey Wm. Jno. 5& Son, Quay side •Hall John & Co., 1 1 Quay side •Hall Thomas, 113 Side Hambro & Co., 71 Quay side ♦Hansen Peter, jun. ,48 Quay side •Hawkes Robt. & Co., North shore ♦Hedley Bulmer, 67 Quay side Hedley Thomas, (mine) 19 Dean st •Henderson Charles, 2 Camden st •Herring John, 58 Quay side Hewison Lawrence, 38 Sandhill Heslop Christopher, Side Hogg John, Mansfield street Holmes William, Forth Hotham Wm. Sutton, 4 Rvehill ♦Hoyle Richard, 14 Sandhill •Ingo John, 26 Quay side •Jobling John, 19 Quay side Kelk William, Royal Arcade •Laing William, Thornton street •Laland Anders, Byker chare •Lange Brothers, 3 Indian Kings ct •Latimer Andrew, 5 Broad chare *Lawrence John, jun., 16J Quay sd Laws John, 4 Derwent place Livingston L. J., 1 High Elswick tr •Marsden Thomas, 7 Market street ♦Marshall R. Anthony, 42 Sand hill ♦Matthew Charles, 32 Broad chare *Matthewson & Clay, 32 Quay side •Merelie John, 8 Clayton street ♦Miller & Black, 7 Quay side Mures W. L., (stm. pkt.) 2 Broad ch Newby Richard, (house,) court 40 Newgate street •Gates Isaac, 12 Sand hill Oliver John, New Bridge st *Ormston John, 58 Quay side ♦Ormston Paul, 58 Quay side Otloy Chpr., Rewcastle chare •Parker & Shield, 50 Quay side •Pentland James, 54 Blackett st. ♦Pletts Edw., 57 Quay side •Plummer Mattw. & Co., 39 Quay s ♦Pow John Kent, 61 Grey st Pratt Robt. & Co., 28j Quay side •Pringle C. John, 94 Blenheim st Procter M. (h.) 15 Northumberld. ct •Redhead Hy. & Stpn., 13 Sand hill •Richardson Wm., 20 Sand hill •Ridley John, 34 Quay side Robertson Wm. (coal) 38 Quay side ♦Schimidt Soren & Co. 16^ Quay sd •Scott James Jackson, 69 Quay side ♦Smith John Young, New Bridge st ♦Southern William, Broad chare Stott & Sons, (ctl.,) 185 Blenheim st Strachan John, 33 Broad chare Swanston William, 47 Quay side Thompson G. R., 43 Stowell street Thorraan Jph., senr., 10 Ellison ter •Turnbull J. C. & Co., 28 Mosley st •Turner Jas., Three Indian Kings ct •Wakenshaw Jas., 14 Broad chare •Walker Edw., 16^ Quay side •Warham Richd., 32 Quay side •Watson Robert, 3 Elswick tr •Weisz Augustus, 113 Side Wilson George, 19 St. John's lane ♦Wilson Hy. Vipond, 69 Quay side Wylam & Green, 1 Sandhill 156 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Alkali IVIanufacturers. Allen John & Co., 46 Sand hill Burrell John, 66 Sand hill Cook John & Thos., St. Anthony's Douglas John, 59 Close Gardner Andrew, Westgate Lee John & Co., 10 Grey st Matteson John & Co., Ouseburn Ridley Ebnzr. Redshaw, St. Peter's Walker Alkali Co., 37 Quay side Anchor T^Ianufacturers. Robson & Co., Nelson st & Tyne st Shields William, St. Peter's quay Animal and Bird Preservers. Duncan Robert, 6 St. Andrew's ct Ryott James R.,2 Brunswick place Watson Edward, Friars green Wingate Rd. R., 9 Spring garden ter ilrciiitects and Surveyors. Dobson John, New bridge street Gibson Thomas, 27 Market street Grainger Richard, 9 Clayton street Green John & Benj., Royal Arcade Green J. jun., 32 Westmoreland tr Johnson Thomas, Paradise row Milne James, 94 Blaudford street Oliver Adam, J7 Howard street Oliver Andrew, 37 Collingwood st Oliver Thomas, 3 Picton place Wallace William, Guildhall Wallace Robert, Guildhall Wardle & Walker, 32 Market street Artists. Andrews James, 3 Royal Arcade Elliott Robinson, 40 Grainger street Flintoff Thomas, 25 Nelson street Harper Thomas, 101 Blenheim st Henzell Isaac, Stephney villas Humble Stephen, 4. Brunswick pi Kirkpatrick Jas. S., 40 Grainger st jMole John Henry, 14 Blackett st Ogilvie John C, 9 Hood street Reed John, 9 Leazes terrace Richardson Edward, 53 Blackett st Richardson Hy. B., 53 Blackett st. Richardson Thomas, 53 Blackett st Ryolt James R.,2 Brunswick place School of Design, 27 Market street W. B. Scott master Short Thomas, 15 Leazes creseut Surtees John 46, Grainger street Train Edward, 46 Grainger street Attorneys. Abbs Cooper, 56 Westgate street Adamson Geo.& Sons, 44 Westgt. st Allan R, M. & xM., 54 Dean street Anderson Joseph, 60 Westgate st Bates and Dees, 54 Pilgrim st Beckington Chas., 5 Market st Blakelock Jph. 64, St. Nicholas oh. y Bolton Geo. 22 Grey st Bownas George, 8 Sandhill Brewis George, 21 Grey st Brockett Wm. Edw. 50 Dean st Brown John, 23 Side Brown Thomas, Clavering place Bulman John, Royal Arcade Chartres Wm. 74 Grey st Chater Thos. & Wm.*21 Mosley st Clavering John, 37 Mosley st Claytons and Dunn, Guildhall Cookson Daniel, 48 Pilgrim st Cram Geo. Wm., 21 Dean st Dawson Abraham, 8 Rosemary In Dixon Thomas, jun. 29 Sandhill Dolphin Jas. P., 21 Collingwood st Donkin, Stable, and Armstrong, 11 Royal Arcade Dove Thomas, 2 Northumberland st Kdgcome John Treeve, 61 Grey st Ellison P. G., Royal Arcade Fen wick Christopher & Henry Wm., ct. 8 Bigg market Fenwick John, 38 Clayton st Forster George, 23 Grey st Forster Matthew & Jonathan L., 80 Grey street Fryer Charles R., 52 Westgate st Gee R. H., 18 Percy st Gibson George, 27 Market st Gibson George T., St. Nicholas sqr Grayson Jas.,M, St. Nicholas ch yd Griffith & Crighton, 17 Royal Arcd Griffiths Edward, 143 Pilgrim st Hall & Ridley, 45 Pilgrim st Harle W. Lockey, 1 Butcher bank Hewison Ions, 77 Grey st Hodge George William, 23 Grey st Hoyle John T., 72 Grey st Hunter Abm., ct. 38 Westgate st Ingledew Henry, 55 Dean st Jobling Mark L., 35 Mosley st Johnston William, 1 Collingwood st Keenlyside tx. Harle, 16 Westgt. st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 157 Kent Newbiggin, 58 Westgate st Lambert Geo, Anthony, 3 Dean st Lambert Richard, Royal Arcade Laws and Glynn, 64 Grey st Leadbitter Robert, 60 Westgate st Mather Edward, 77 Grey st Mitchell John, jun. 66 Pilgrim st Pearson John B., jun., 55 Grey st Philipson Ralph Park, 18 Sand hill Preston & Browne, 27 Dean st Pybus John, 55 Westgate st Radford James, 80 Grey st Reed Stp., bank bldgs., St. Nchls. sq Richmond Robert, 1 Butcher bank Ridley & Dunn, 23 Grey st Scaife John, 35 Pilgrim st Seymour Francis, Royal Arcade Stanton Philip Holmes, 23 Sand hill Stoker William, 50 Pilgrim st Story Henry, 19 Shakespeare st Swan & Burnup, 154 Pilgrim st Tappenden Fred. W., Wellington pi Wailes George, Royal Arcade Walters Ralph, 8 Mosley st Wanless William, 2 Sand hill Watson Jph., 25 St. Nicholas ch. yd .Auctioneers and Appraisers. Brignal John Anthony, 14 Upper Buxton st Brough Charles, 52 Blackett st Charlton J., 13 Northumberland ct Chrisp James, 7 Forth lane Clark William, 3 Side Clayton George, Royal Arcade Cook William, 5 Cloth market Cook William, 89 Side Crane Thomas, Cowgate Elder William, Orchard st Ewart George, 43 Grey st Hoggins James, Royal Arcade Merelie John, 8 Clayton street Ogle Charles, 93 Clajton street Pentland .Tames, 54 Blackett street Richardson Anthony, 41 Carliol st Taylor Wm., Royal Arcade Baby Iiinen Warehouses B''oadhead Eliz. 102 Pilgrim street Goundry Rachel, 8 Collingwood st Mc Leownan, M. & M. A. 7 Msly. st Bacon, Ham, <& Cheese Fctrs. (See also Cheesemongers,) Andrews Robert, 98 Clayton street Bell Edward, 18 Bigg Market Bell George, 6 Tyne bridge end Bertram Alexander, 1 2 Union street Bigger Benjamin, 65 Close Bowness John, 42 Newgate street Bullock Wm. 1 15 & 119 New market Courtney James C, 97 Side Curry Caleb, 33 Grainger st Farridge William, 215 New market Hetherington H. 52 St. Nicholas sq Hewitson John, 95 Side Hunter George & Co., 5 Grainger street, and 117 Side Jones William, 9 Sandhill Lowes John, 107 Clayton st Moffett John, 10 Westgate st., 45 46, & 142 New market Gates Isaac, 12 Sandhill Pearson Charles, 2 Ridley terrace Peck Thomas, 58 Blackett st Ridley & Temperley, 73 & 76 Close Robinson John, 48 Dean st Stephenson Ralph, Folly Weddell Thomas, 18 Nuns st Wilson Robert & Co., 104 Side Bakers and Flour dealers. Marked * are Bakers only. Armstrong Jas. 10 Low Buxton st Armstrong William, 1 Tindal st Atchison Andrew, 27 Quay side Bolam George, 18 High Friar st Bowmaker James, Cowgate Brewis Thomas, Stockbridge Brown George, 24 Blenheim st Brown William, Gallowgate Dixon John S., 16 High Friar st Dowie William, Dowie's entry Dry John, 1 Cowgate *Elliott William, Westmoreland In *Fairburn William, Ralph yard Forbes Robert, 8 Nuns st *Green Joseph, 34 Close Grundy Anthony, 4 Bedford st Hay Wm. D., 18 & 53 Quay side Lacy John James, Ouseburn Landels James, Castle yard *Little James, ct. 2 Prudhoe place Lockie Robert, 10 Clayton st Lower}' JamevS, New road *Mc Nicol John, Blyth's nook Ramsay Robert, 27 Botcher bank Rankin Eliz., Stephm y bank Rea George, 23 Clayton st 158 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. •Robinson Henry, Carliol placo Sadler John, Newby's entry Scott James, St Andrews ct Scott William, 3 St. Nicholas ch yd Shiell Adam, milk market Spencer Thos., Westgate Sutherland Thos., 27 Hill st Towns George, Castle yard Turnbull J , Percy st. St. Peter's sq •Walker John, ct. 21 Pilgrim st Watt John, Sando;ate Weatherson Thos. 63 Head of Side Weatherston Wm. 5 Side Wilson Robt. Bailiff gate Wilkinson John, St. Lawrence st Wilkinson Margt. 39 Groat market Young George, Wall Knoll Banks. Bank of England, (brch.) 12 Grey st Jph. Grote, Esq., agent, & Robt. Anderson, Esq., sub agent Lambton W. H. & Co., 52 Dean st.,. (draw on Barclay, Be van, & Co,) James Wilson, manager Newcastle Commercial Banking Co, 66 Dean st. (draw on Union bank) Peter Davidson, manager Newcastle upon Tyne Joint Slock Banking Company, St. Nicholas' square; (draw on London and Westmnstr.bk.,) H, Bleckley, mgr North of England Joint Stock Banking Comp., 2 Royal Arcade ; (draw on London & Westminster Banking Cmpny.,) Saml. Hedley, Esq., managing director Northumberland & Durham District Bank, 48 & 49 Grey street ; (draw on Barclay & Co., and Glyn & Co.) Union Banking Co., 2 Mosley street; (draw on Barnett, Hoares & Co.,) W. Chapman, Esq. genrl. dirctor. Savings Bank, Royal Arcade; open Sal. from 12 to 1 noon, & 8 to 9 eveng. ; treasurer Chas. H. Cooke, Esq., actuary, G. M. Masterton Barometer iar st Elliott Edward, Pudding chare Ellis and Henderson, Erick st Glahohn James, Manor chare Plummer Benjamin, St. Peter's Quay Watson Robert, 19 High Bridge Cork Cutters. Bullock Walter, 14 Percy st Dixon Simon, 96 Side Gilpin & Co., 52 Pilgrim st Herdman Edward, 37 Mosley st Liddell Henry, 12 Sandhill Somerville James, Drury lane Walton Thomas, Drury lane Corn IVIerchants & Factors. Armstrong and Co. Cowgate Ayton Isaac and Sons, 36 Sandhill Baskett & Rosenbohm,51 Quay sd Berkley John, 2 Butcher bank Charlton William, 69 Quay side Clark John, 3 Side Dodds Thomas, 14 Sand hill Hall John, II Sandhill Hardy James, 22 Marlborough st Heppell and Co. 1 Love lane Hewison Lawrence, 38 Sand hill Liddell Hy. & Edw., 50 Quay Side Marshall Roger, 42 Sand hill Nairn Hy. & Philip, 24 Cloth mkt Pattison Thomas, 42 Bigg mkt Pollard Joseph & Co., Forster st Pollard Thomas, Love lane Reavely Thomas, Cowgate Redhead Hy. & Stpn., 13 Sand hill Robson Chpr., 116 Side Swan Richd. jun., 16 Sand hill Wylam & Green, 1 Sand hill Corn and Flour Dealers. {See also Bakers and Flour Dealers.) Anderson J., 62 Grngr. st, & Glwgt* Beckington John & Son, 15 Close and Folly Bell Anthony, 3 Blackett st Burt Joseph, 4 Thornton st Davidson Richard, 31 Groat mkt Dickinson Wm. Ogle, 62 Head of sd Dodds Thomas, 52 Groat mkt Fallow William, 34 Pilgrim st Freeman Robert, Blandford st Gibbon William, 39 Butcher bank Gibson N. 7 Northumberland st Hall Wm., Marlborough st& 61 Cls Hills & Davidson, 79 Westgate st Honoyman Joseph, 40 Groat mkt Lumsdon James, 17 Llnion st Oliver William, 18 Gibson st Porter James, 6 Blackett st Reed Edward T., 20 Newgate st Reynoldson Richard, 62 Newgate st Rimington S.,milkmt. & Bkngm. st Robson John, 74 Pilgrim st Shipley William, 43 Bigg mkt Siddell Cath., 53 Northumberland st Sinton Jane, 38 Groat mkt Sinton John, 57 St. Nicholas sq Smith Walter, 43 Newgate st Taylor J., 47 Sand hill & 88 Ngt. st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 171 Turnloull J. P. & Co., 28 Mosley st Wait Catherine, 23 Coilingwood st Watt J., 1 J5 Plgrra st & 34 Wstgt st Wilkinson Thomas, 1 Close Younghusband B., 112 Pilgrim st Corn Millers. Anderson James, Gallowgate Beckington John & Son, Ouseburn Bell Davison, Ponteland road Bolton Joseph, Pandon Dean Brown Robert, Skinnerburn Burt Joseph, 4 Thornton street Davidson John, Stephney field Dodds Thomas, Ouseburn Douglass John, Chimney mills Gallon William, New mills Glaholm Thos. & Son, Bridge end Heron Edward, Byker hill Hopper Joseph, Swirle steam mill Marley & Etherington, Ousebn. bdg Nairn Henry & Philip, Waren mills Oliver Wm. Bedford street Reed James, Chimney mills Rennoldson Stephen, Jesmondvale Robson John, Broad chare Robson John, Byker lane Shiell Adam, Ouseburn new mill Sinton John, Elswick mill Slater Benj. (oatmeal,) Sussex st Slater John, (oatmeal,) Forth street Smith Walter, New mills Taylor John, Pandon mill Young Richard, Spital Tongues Cov^keepers. Alder Mark, Spital tongues Arthur Joseph, 23 Eldon place Atkin Richard, Gallowgate Bates Jane, Ponteland road Blackett Francis, Back lane Buckham Ann, Bath lane Bywater Ann, Postern Caibreath Robert, 44 Percy st Carnaby William, Gallowgate Carr Mark, Gallowgate Colpitt Isabella, Monk st Cummings James, 76 Percy st Devanport Mark, Gallowgate Donkin Brian, Back lane Donkin John, Back lane Elsdon Robert, Waterloo st English Elizabeth, 66 Percy st Fairbairn Stephen, Back Eldon st Foggin Charles, Hewison's yard Foggin Elizabeth, 38 Stowell st Forster Edward, Gallowgate Frizell William, Back lane Geer William, Friars Gibson George, Gallowgate Gray William, Gallowgate Hackworth Thomas, Clavering pi Hall Joseph, Back lane Hall Thomas, ct 74 Percy st Hankin Daniel, Gallowgate Hobkirk James, Jesmond Hodgson Rachael, Hewison's yard Jackson Thomas, Todd's nook Jobey Benjamin, Bath lane Jobson Mary, Elswick lane Lambert William, Pitt st Lawson George, Minories Lax William, North road Lee Robert, Gallowgate Lee Thomas, Gallowgate Mason William, Mill house Milburn Henry, 7 Shield st Moate Henry, Gallowgate Morrow Francis, Gallowgate Musgrove George, Carlisle rd Myers Thomas, Back lane Patterson Elizabeth, Buckingham st Penman Wm., Angus ct , Percy st Puncheon Nathaniel, ct 74 Percy st Pye John, West Blandford st Race William, Sandyford lane Ratcliff John, ct 46 Stowell st Ratcliflfe Margaret, Gallowgate Richardson James, 45 Percy st Richardson Mary, 10 Stmfrdhm. pi Richardson Thomas, Gallowgate Robson Edward, Back lane Robson Jane, 75 Percy st Robson Thomas, 76 Percy st Sandwith Joseph, Sallyport gate Scott James, Hewison's yard Scott Robert, Gallowgate Smith John, 6 Marlborough st Stephenson Charles, 67 Percy st Stewart Charles, Leazes lane Stewart Thomas, 93 Percy st Stoker Joseph, 46 Stowell st Sutherland Jane, 8 Princes's st Thompson Thos., 7 Spring grdn. ter Walton John, Stowell square Wardle Joseph, Gallowgate Wardle Joseph, Jesmond vale Winship Thomas, West Jesmond Youle William, 41 Gallowgate 172 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY Carriers siers, Haberdashers, and ©lovers. Allan Michael, 48 Sand Hill Barron Math. & J. 18 Cloth mkt Binks Prudence, 64 Head of the Side Boe George, 1 Raven sworth terrace Bone Jamieson, 94 Clayton street Brown George, 45 Pilgrim street Buckham and Grey, 51 Pilgrim st Clarke A., 16 Bigg market, and 68 Grainger street Commins George H., Westgate Corbett Joseph and Co., 2 Grey St. Corbett Joseph, 1 Mosley st., and 147 Pilgrim street Coulthard Mary, 23 Union street Cowper and Babbage, 65 Grey st. Dean Wm., Math, and Co., 46 Dean street, and Durham Fearney Ann, 8 Percy street Gibson John, 30 Grey street Gibson Leonard, 37 Grey street Hamilton Isaac, 59 Pilgrim street Head John, 28 Grainger street Henderson Rd., 36 Dean street Hill and Drury, 4 Dean st Hill Dennis & Co., 16 Grainger st Jobling Mar^^'aret, 4 Side Johnson Catherine, 85 Percy st Johnson Mary Anna, 1 Cottenham s Little A. J., 23 Blackett st Lowis Thomas, 28, Clayton st Middleton Margaret, Westgate Milburn M. & H. 15 Collingwood st Morrison Walter, 1 & 2 Grainger st Murray Adam, 145 Pilgrim st Pattison Isaac, 6 Nun's st Pearson Dorothy, 32 Newgate st Proud Jane, 2 Blackett st Punshon Luke, 57 Gibson st Reid J line, 1 Dean st Kobison Mary, 4 Northumberland st Robsnn William, 15 Dean st Rvmcr Richard, 85 Side Selkirk & Bell, 90 Clayton st Small Thos. O., T^-ne bridge end Smith & Rymer, 2i Side Stafford John, 179 Pilgrim st Swinburne Elizabeth, 59 Westgate st Taylor Andrew, 30 Gibson st Warburton William, Westgate st Warburton William, Stephney bank White Thomas, 38 Dean st Wilkie John, 19 Dean st Wilson Mary Ellen, 21 Groat mkt Wilson William, 7 Newgate st Hotels, Inns, Commercial and Posting^ Houses. Bells' Commercial & Family Hotel, J. &F. Bell, 6 Grey st Central Exchange Coffee Rooms, Ann Lough, 35 Grey st Clarendon Family Hotel, J. Horner, 32 Grainger st George Inn, H. J. B. Carmon, 139 Pilgrim st Queens Head Hotel, Wm. Archbold, 37 & 38 Pilgrim st. &71 Grey st Royal Exchange Hotel, M. Walton, 48 Grey st Turf Hotel, W. Brown, 36 Clnwd. st Turks Head Inn, William Hogg, 25 Grey st Inns and Taverns. Aberdeen Arms, Thos. Soloman, 27 Broad chare Admiral Duncan, Jas. Bowmaker, Cowgate Albion Hotel, J. Lawson,67 Clatn. s Albion Inn, John Scott, New road Albion Inn, Rd Greenwell, 93 Ngt st American Coffee House, Jno. Pear- son, 22 Gibson st Anchor, Harry Hendry, Sandgate Angel, Israel Lazarus, 3 Btchr bnk Apple Tree, Wm. Fen wick,. Jesmond Apple Tree, J. Ferguson, Jesmond Bicchus, Hannah Smith. 49 Ngt. st Bakers and Brewers* Arms, John H. Shepherd, Slowell sq Barley Mow Tavern, Daniel Suther- land, New road Barley Mow, Robt. Tinn, Sandgate Barras Bridge Hotel, Ann Strachan, 1 Jesmond ter Battery, John Wright, Forth st Bay Horse, R. Edmondson, Bkr. br Bay Horse, Sml. Perry, Gallowgate TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 181 Bay Horse, Margt. Younghusband, 24 Nortbumberland street Bay Horse, Ewd. Cook, Arthur's hi Bee Hive, Math. Aisbitt,34 Sand hi Bee Hive, E. Brown, 43 Low Vla» pi Bee's Wing, T. Hackworth, 9 Pstrn. Bell's Arms, Math, Robson, 5 High Friar st Bird in Bush, Joseph Henderson, 26 Pilgrim st Black Boy, Jno. Dunn, 54 Grt. mkt Black Boy, L. Tholen, SpUal tngus. Black Boy, Jno. Emmet, Byker bar Black Bull, F. Urwin, 8 Waterloo st Black Bull, Jas. Hall, 30 High bdg Black Bull, M. Shotton, 72 Westgt st Black Bull, J. Minnikin, Skinnerbn Black Bull, W. H. Scott, Westgate Black Bull, J. Buckton, Todds nook Black Friars Inn, Isabella Simm, 88 Clayton street Black House, Wra. Turnbull, 70 Pilgrim street Black Swan, T. Dixon, 16 Clayton st Black Swan, Alexander Lugton, 69 Westgate street Blackett Arms, James Turner, 17 Nelson street Blenheim House, John Connell, 25 Marlborough street Blue Bell, Ann Pickering, Grinding chare, 70 Quay side Blue Bell, Eliz. Stephenson, 47 St. Nicholas's square Blue BelljJas. Walker, St. Mary's st Blue Bell, Robert Minto, Byker Blue Bell, Rt. Stonebank, Byker hi Blue Bell, Rd. Wardle, Jesmond vl Blue Bell, Isabella Arklc, Westgate Blue Posts, Jane Gibson, 154 Pil- grim street Blue Man, J. Armstrong, Elswick In Boar's Head, J. Blacklock, Westgt Brandling Arms, Elzbth. Robinson, Brandling Brandy Butt, Fras. Gribbin,13 Side Bricklayer's Arras, William Curtis, Stephney bank Bricklayer's Arms, J. Green well. Oyster shell lane Bridge Inn, George Hogg, 10 Qy. stl Britannia, Robt. Marshall, Ch.hl st Brown Jug, Mar}^ ^ixon, Forth bk Brown Jug, J. Carr, Stephney bank Brown Kiln, Jonathan Reay, Ousbn Bull & Mouth, W. Winshlp, 57 Newgate street Burn's Tavern, W. R. Handyside, Spicer lane Burn's Tavern, Janet Mc Allam,40 Head of Side Burnt House, John Banks, 29 Side Butcher's Arms, G. Redshaw, 18 Butcher bank Butcher's Arms, Jas. Dickinson, 4 Nun's street Butcher's Arms, John PaUison, 6 Waterloo street Cannon Inn, Ann Dorward 63 Close Canteen, Naihnl. Dunn, Barracks Castle Inn, A. Parker, Castle garth Cattle Market Inn, William Barron, Forth place Chancellor's Head Inn, Jas. Fisher, 38 Newgate street Charles XII. Jas. Atkinson, 2 Tyne bridge end Clayton Arois, Thomas Wild, 43 Clayton street Coach & Horses, Wm. Cook, 12 Bigg market Coach & Horses, Jas. Anderson, Blenheim street Cock Inn, Sarah Binks, Denton ch Cock & Anchor, Isabella Crooks, 79 Percy street CoUingwood Arms, John Johnson Brandling Colonel Tarlton, Thos. Pattison, St Lawrence street, North shore Commodore Napier, J. Rutherford , 69 Quay side Cookson Arms, W. Rennie, Hnovr st Cookson Arms, J. Clark, Arthur's hi Corn Exchange Hotel, Matthew Manners, 10 Cloth market Corn Market Tavern, Edw. Quiu,53 St. Nicholas sq Cowgate, W. Atkinson , Pontelnd. rd Cradle Well, Robert Noble, Minors Cricketer's Arms,S. Gee, Fandon Crooked Billet, William Ramsay, Scotch wood road Cross Keys, Robert Watson, Bur- rell's entry, 65 Side Cross Keys, R. Hauxwell, Sandgt Crows Nest Inn, J. Bell, 66 Percy st Crown tSc Thistle, Edward Rogerson, 66 Groat Market Crown ^^ Thistle, W, Marr, Sandgt 182 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Crown Inn, Ann Wallace, Westgate j Crown, Ezekiel Ripley, Manor ch Cumberland House, R. Bainbridge, Queen street Cumberland House, John Winter 1 Thornton street Dock House Edw. Connelly, New qy Dog Inn, Patrick Miller, 64 Close' Dog, Mary Peary, St. Peter's quay Dolphin, John Newton, 41 Close Ducrow Inn, Wm. Atkins, Shakes- pear street Duke of Argyle, H. Watt, Argyle st Duke of Buckingham, M. English, Buckingham street Duke of Northumberland, Philip James Antill, 102 Clayton street Duke of Northuaiberland, James Elliott, Carliol square Duke of Wellington, Adam Edmond Carliol square Duke of Wellington, David Davis, New quay Duke of Wellington, John Bateman Ward, Cloth ma ket Duke of York, J. Ormston, Pandon Duke of York, G. Reed, East b his Dun Cow, W. Teasdale, c. 71 Quay s Durham Ox, Fias. Coxon Forth pi E;ni of Durham, John Marshall, 11 Marlborough crescent Earl of Durham, Joseph Walton 175 Pilgrim st Earl of Westmoreland, Jos. Ridley, Westmoreland st Edinburgh House, John Aitchison, and Co., 19 Clayton st Egypt Cottage, Jas. Taylor, New rd Eldon Arms, James Pentland, 54 Blackett st Elephant and Castle, John Cole, 12 Low Friar street Elephant and Fish, Mark. Gardner, 3 ^'andhill FarQiers Rest, W. Bryson, 52 Percy s Fighting Cock, J. Gilchrist, The Cut Fighting Cocks, Wm. Herron, 37 Bigg market Fighting Cocks, Henry Watson, Fighiing Cocks row Fleece Inn, Stephen Rutherford, 1 and 2 Derwent place Flying Horse, Ralph Nicholson, 36 Groat market Forresters Arms, Jane Bell, Bk. In Forth House, John Oxnard, Forth s Fox & Lamb, J. Waters, 162 Pilgm s Fox & Hounds, E. Lawson, Jwrnd. vl Fox and Hounds, P. Mc Donald, 35 Pudding chare Gardeners' Arms, James Knight, 7 High bridge Garrick's Head, William Storey, 24 Cloth market Gate Tavern, M. Clementson,New q George & Dragon, M. Knox, Frth bk George & Dragon, John Moore, St. Anthtmy's George IV. Jane Mather, Carliol sq George IV. Eliz. Forster, 34 Close George IV. Thomas B. Potts, St. Anthony's Glass Makers' Arms, Rt. Nesham, St. Peter's Quay Glengarr\^ Arms, M. Dodd, Folly wf Globe Tavern,T. Peacock, Melbrn.s Goat, Wm. Hall, 13 Cloth market Goat, John Hedle}^ li Bell st Golden Anchor, Wm. Smith, Grind- ing chare Golden Lion, G. Carr, 41 Bigg mkt Golden [/iou,Rd. Nicholson, Tyne st Golden Lion, J. Ayre, 7 Broad chare GolJen Tiger, Wiiliam Heslop, 143 Pilgrim street Gosforth Inn, M. Hudspeth, Gosfh s Grace Darling, Michael Forster, 2 Gibson street Granger Hotel, Robert Lamb, 51 Granger st Grapes, Richard Ayre, 25 Side Grapes, Henry Dewar, Jesmond Grapes, Wm. Bullock, Carlisle road Gravt'send Inn, J. Gray, 10 Rose- mary lane Green Tree, M. Burton, East Bal. hi Green Tree, G. Sinton, 17 Prudhoe s Green Tree, T. Helmsley, Scthd. rd Grey Bull, M. J. Moor, Westmld. st Grey Bull,P Hackworth, Cowgate Grey Horse, H. Barron, Milk mkt Grey Horse, M. Brown Bell,65Qysd Grevhound, Mat. Tipladv, Pitt st Haff iMoon, W. Taylor, 34 Mosley s I Half Moon, Nicholas Watson Tink- I ler, Swirle ' Half Moon, Wm. Joyce, 3 Bigg mkt Half Moon, T. Greener, Byker bar j Hare and Hounds, J. Mitchison, Percy st., St. Peter's Quay J TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 183 Hay Market Hotel, Mary Robson, 74 Percy street Hexham House, Cuthbert Lambert, Cattle market Hibernia Tavern, My. Ann Forster, King street High Dyke Tavern, M. Bootiman, 20 Broad chare Highlander, Walter Scott, Pandon Hodgson Arms, D. Barber, West st Hodgson Arms, James Calvreath, Liverpool street Hodgson Arms, T^ Nichol, Scthd. rd Hole in Wall, And. Mullin, Stock bg Hope & Anchor, J.Allison, Bykr. hi Hope and Anchor, Thos. Grundon, St. Lawrence street Hope and Anchor, Cath. Spraggon, 15 Forth street Horse Ferry, J. Oliver, Dent's hole Jack Tar, Jane Hutchcroft, New Qy Jesmond Field House, Jas. Fenwick Jesmond Joiners' Arms, R. Cheesmond, 35 Gibson street Joiners' Arms, Ralph Atkinson, 28 Percy street Joiners' Arms, T. Carr, Arthur's hill Jolly Brewers, P. Mullen, Sandgate Jolly Sailor, W. Rockett, Pallister ch Jubilee Inn, T. Wilson, L. Buxton s Kemble Inn, John Reid, 8 Mkt. st King's Head Inn, Mary Moffitt, 1 Percy st., and 23 Blackett st King's Head, Mary Ann Richardson, 1 Marlborough street Lamb, Robert Grundon, Tyne st Leazes Tavern, Alice Robertson, 29 Leazes crescent Low Crane Tavern, Thomas Sharp, 43 Quay side Lion, Mary Stokoe, St. Lawrence Lion & Lamb, M. Young, 44 Ngt. st Locomotive Engine, E. Wilkinson, 37 Blenheim street Locomotive Engine, Wm. Kirton, Railway street London Tavern, Alex. Jeffery, N. rd Loraine Arms, T. Crawford, Ousebn Lord Collingwood, Alex. Booth, 103 Clayton st Lord Collingwood, T. Wilson, 18 High bridge Lord Hill, S. Jackson, Spring gar. tr Lord Nelson, Alex. Simpson, Sand gt Lord Nelson, M. Glen, 37 Trflgr. st Lord Nelson, Jas. Smith, Quality rw Lord Stowell, J, Rmsdn, 26 Nlsn. st Masons' Arms, D. Mackenzie 51 Newgate st Masons' Arms, Rt. Oliver, Tyne st Masons' Arms, R. Nelson, Bucking- ham street Masons' Arms, T. Collinson, the Cut Masons' Arms, Elizabeth Robson Arthur's hill Marquis of Blandford, Jas. Hutchin- son, Westgate Marquis of Cornwaliis, J. Clark, 24 Bigg market Mq. of Granby, J. Seth, Dog bank Mechanics Hall, James Mitcheson, Temple st Meters' Arms, W. Ridley, St. Anns st Mile stone, J. Henderson, Carlisle rd Mill House, J. Jackson, iSpital tngs Nags Head Inn, Joseph Jameson, Butcher bank Nags Head, J. Soulsby, 1 9 Clth. mkt Nags Head, Robert Fair, St. Anns st Nags HeadjG. Halliday,20 Nun's st Napolion,T. Gilbert, 32 Butcher bk New Bridge Inn, David Hay, New Bridge st Newcastle Arms, William Robinson, Lime street Newcastle Arms, B. Mc Aleenan, Carliol square Newcastle Tavern, John Pipkin, 34 Butcher bank NewHawk,T.Baird, East Blst. hills New Market Hotel, James Wallace, 4 Nelson st New Road Tavern, T. Middlemist, New road Northumberland Arms, Grace Hud- son, 48 Prudhoe st Northumberland Arms, Isbla. Wil- son, 11 William st Northumberland Arms, Thomas Bell Heron st Oak Leaf, G, IMoat, 67 Nrthmbld st Oak Tree, John Adams, St. Lwrnc. st Old Dolphin, Hy. Farley, 38 Close Old Duke of Cumberland, James Ren wick, 11 Close Old Duke of Cumberland, John Urwin, Queen street Old Geo'ge, J. Stappard, 3 Union st Old Hawk, A. Hawk, Ouseburn bdg 184 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Old Market Hotel, John Aitcbison and Co., Old Market lane Old Queen's Head, W. Elliott, 159 Pilgrim street Old Robin Hood, Thomas Smith, 28 Pilgrim street Orange Tree, M. Hastings, N. Shore Ordnance Arms, T. & W. Bulmer, Gallowgate Pack Horse, Adam Thwaites, 16G Pilgrim street Peacock R. Hewison, Trinit}^ chare Percy Arms, A Foster, 87 Percy st Pine Apple, J. Parker, 14 Nun's st Pheasant, Sarah C. Eramerson, N. rd Phoenix, T. Harrison, 23 Newgt. st Plioenix Tavern, John Wagstaff, Brewery st Plough, James Peary, Byker bar Plough, Adam Deas, Manor chare Plough, Eliz. Brown, ct. 9Biggmkt Plough, Stephen Acaster, Spicer In. Plough, John Woodger, 18 Union st Plumber's Arms, Dvd. Linn, Ouse st Portland Arms, J. Harding, Milk m Prince of Orange, Geo. Gray, 9 Side Prince of Wales, J- Henderson, Wellington street Prudhoe Castle, Wm. Milbourn, 18 Carliol stieet Prussian Arms,T. Dixon, 63 Quay s Punch Bowl, Martha Major, Minors Queen Cath., M. Taylor, Stepney bk Queen Victoria, Alice Maillard, 108 Blenheim stieet Queen's Head, J. Carnaby,Gallowgt Queen's Head, Thomas Hunter, 58 Close Railway Inn, F. Russell, Stepny. vis Railway Tavern, J. Smith, 1 Geo. st Railway Tavern, Robert Thompson Pandon bank Ravensworth Arms, John Reay, St. Ann's street Red Barns Tavern, J. Mackey, 4 Melbourne street Red Bull, Robert Dixon, Byker hill Ridley Arras, Ann Hackworth, 16 Pilgrim street Rising Sun, Isabl. Gates, 54 Quay sd Ropers Arms, Richard Donaldson, Nelson street Rose & Crown, J. Dunn, 30 Big. mt Rose & Crown, Peter Coatsworth, East Ballast hills Rose & Crown, H. Russell, New rd. Rose & Crown, Mary Ann Parratt, 30 Pudding chare Royal Hotel Coffee Rooms, James Warburton, 15 Melbourne street Royal Oak, Robert Thomas Atkin, Bailiffgate Royal Oak, David Young, Back Eldon street Royal Sovereign, J. Nicholson, The Cut Roval Standard, G. Penny, Bkr. hi Saddlers Wells, W. G. Baker, 10 Lw Friar street Scotch Arms, T. Scott, 27 Bigg mkt Scotch Arms, James Scott, 7 Quay s Seven Stars, J. Outhwaite, Pandon Shades Tav. R. Whitfield, Manor st Shakespeare Tavern, T. Gorringi', Shakespeare st. & Grey streot Shepherds Inn, John Ramsay, 10 Marlborough crescent Shieldfield Inn,S. Mitchell,Shield st Ship, Margaret Gray, Sandgate Ship, Jph Hair, vSpicer In, 25 Qy sd Ship, J, Summervill, St. Anthony's Ship, Robt. Peacock, Cloth mkt Ship, Joseph Carr, St. Peter's quay Ship, John Spence, Milk mkt Ship, John Russell, St. Peter's quay Ship, J. Burn, York st., Glass hs. bdg Ship, James Storey, Forth st Ship, Mary Tate, Nelson st Shipwrights' Arms, J. Smith, St. Lw Shipwrights' Arms, Mary Paxton, Ouse st Sir John Moore, Wm. Hardy, 12 Spring garden ter Skinners'Arms, J. Davison, SDrnck Smiths' Arms, E. Armitage,6 Prdh st Stag Inn, W. Johnson, 40 Percy st Star & G arter, J. Ions, 1 3 Cly tn st Steam Boat, R. Pattison, 2 Quay sd Steam Boat, Robt. Moor, Sandgate Steam Boat, R, Guthrie, Quality rw Steam Boat, R. Bagnall, Milk mkt Steam Engine, \V . Howe, Orchard st Steam Engine, J. Crawford, Glass house st Stone Cellars, Jas. Bland, Ouseburn Sun, Thos. F. Davidson, 59 Quay sd Sun, Michael Beiles, 37 Gibson st Sun, G. Johnson, East Ballast hills Sun Inn, Martin Jude, 80 Side Sun, Mary Phelan, Sai;idgate TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 185 Sun, John Gray, St. Lawrence st San, Ann Craig, St Ann's st Sunderland & Ipswich House, Rbt* Curry, 27 Quay side Swan Inn, J. Chisholm, 94 Nwgt. st Swan with Two Necks, William Renshaw, Painter heugh Tanners' Arms, Ewd. Rowchester, Stephney bank Tankerville Arms, M. Gibbison, Di- ana street Thornton Arms, T. Lowes, Thntn st Three Bulls' Heads, Riclid. Heron, Milk mkt Three Bulls* Heads, Eliz. Hedley, 95 Percy st Three Bulls' Heads, E. Kirkley, Castle garth Three Indian Kings, James Webb, Three Indian Kings ct Three Tuns, R. Wardle, 71 Ngt. st Three Tuns,G. Pringle, 11 Mnor.st Three Tuns, W. T. Marshall, St. Mary's st Tiger,Lancelot Tulip, Close Turk's Head, (old) John Minto, 5 Northumberland st Turk's Head, Jno. Lunn, 1 4 Quay sd Two Bull's Heads, J. Lynn, Blkgt. Tyne Bridge Tavern, John Hind- 'marsh, 5 Tyne Bridge end Unicorn, Rchl. Dixon, 40 iBigg mkt Union, Mgt. Robertson, Stock brdg Union Vaults, G.Young, Dog Ip. strs Victoria, G. Wilkinson, 76 Nwgt. st Waggon, William Hall, 44 Side Wallace Arms, J. Purvis, 42 Stwl st Waterloo Inn, T. Simpson, 12 Bth r Weavers' Arms, Wm. Urwin, New Pandon st Westgate Tav., C Reader, 61 Cltn st WheatSheaf, J.Balmbra, 4 Clth mk Wheat Sheaf, R. Allison, Lime st Wheat Sheaf, G. Hudson, 6 Big mkt Wheat Sheaf, W. Percy, St. Peter's q Wheat Sheaf, A. Robson, 1 Wtrloo. s Whitby Arms, J. H alland, 28 Bd. ch White Hart, W. Miller, Cloth mkt White Horse, B. Burn, 45 Grt. mkt White House, J. Sayer, 86 Plgrm st White Swan, D. Barron, Castle st White Swan, Geo. Young, Cloth mt White Swan, James Hill, Sandgate William IV,, Mgt. Lowe, Swnbrn pi William IV., R. Norris, St. Ptr's qy William IV., J. Mathews Bell's ct., Pilgrim st Yarmouth Arms, Thomas Clemmy, Grey st., St. Peter's quay Beer Houses. Ball John, New mills Barrie James, 83 Newgate st Beveredg Thomas, Brewery bank Braid Robert, Gallowgate Brewis Edward, 29 Shield st Cairns James, 13 Trafalgar st Caverhill George, Causeway bank Currie John, 17 Clayton st Dobson Leonard, 178 Pilgrim st Douglas George, 64 Newgate st Dowley James, 28 Sunderland st Ebdon William, 2 Blenheim st Frame Robert, Silver st Gardner Edward, Postern Griffin Thomas, 17 Broad chare Hails George, 104 Clayton st Hall William, 6 Blagdon st Hays George, 4 Butcher bank Henderson John, Forth ter Hepper William, 43 Rosemary In Hepple John, 1 Newgate st Howe Thomas, Erick st Humble George, 84 Newgate st Johnston John, 8 Pudding chare Jones Ann, New Pandon st Jordan Thomas, Love Lane Laidler John, Leazes lane Mc Leod Isabella, 3 Prudhoe st Major Richard, Back Eldon st Nichol Peter, 26 Nelson st Ogilvie Robert, 41 High bridge O'Hare James, 80 Westgate st Orwin John, 48 Gibson st Oxley George, 74 Westgate st Parish Joseph, 44 Close Pescod John, Causeway bank Potter George, Blenheim st Purvis John, 11 Nelson st Ramsay Thomas, 81 Westgate st Robson Robert, Tyne st Smith Anthony, Back Trafalgar st Smith Barbara, 16 Nelson st Smith John, 1 1 Clayton st Stephenson Jas., 34 Pudding chare Storey John W., Lawson st Swanson Robert, 4 Close Taylor Thomas, 74 Elswick st Todd Joseph Fenkle st Towns Robert, 13 Nun's st B 186 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Wales Thomas, 82 Newgate st Warburton James, 20 Clyaton st Watson George, 1 Croft st Wells Oliver, 21 Clayton st.. West Wilkinson George, Church hill st Wilson Thomas, Queen st Wliitehead Charles, 24 Nelson st Whitfield Mark, Elswick terrace Young Edward, 34 Newgate st Importers. Carr & Co., (hemp, flax, & tallow) Cls Don D., (Scotch whiskey) 58 Qy. sd Grassi & Rampoldi, (fancy toys) 22 Grey st Henderson Jno., (cigar) 84 Plgrm st Hopper John, (cigar) 47 Pilgrim st Mastaglio and Malteni, (fancy toys) 24 Grainger st Mawson J., (German yst) 13 Msly st Sanderson & Thompson, (fruit and cigar) 11 and 12 Pudding chare White Thos., (Berlin wools, &c.) 38 Dean st Iron Founders. See also Brass Founders, Burrsll John & Isaac, South st Cookson T, & Son, Clsgt. Foundry Crawfoid John, Ouseburn Holmes John, Fighting Cocks entry Laycock Joseph & Co., Stella Losh, Wilson, & Bell, 37 Quay side Rayne and Burn, Ouseburn Shields William, St. Peter's quay Sinclair Duncan, Ouseburn Smith J. & Co., Elswick iron works Stephenson Robt. & Co., South st Toward William & Son, Ouseburn Walker Wm. Hague, 83 Percy st Ward John, 51 High bridge Wright and Brown, Regent st Iron IVIerchants. Bedlington Iron Co., 26 Westgate st Cargill, Mounsey, & Co., 29 Qy. sd. Laycock J. & Co., (& steel) 66 Cls. Losh, Wilson, and Bells, 37 Quay side and 2 Stock bridge Milner Thos. & So«s, 5 Mosley st Morley John W., 55 Quay side Pattinson T. & Co., Three Indian Kings ct Jlayny & Burn, Ouseburn & Brd cb Sanderson F., and J. H. & Co., 35 and 36 Butcher bank Sinclair Duncan, Ouseburn Wakinshaw James, 14 Broad chare Wheatley M. & Co., Stock bridge Ironmongers. Bulman John & Geo., 41 Mosley st Carr George, 25 Nun's st Davidson T. S.,22 Mosley st Hancock T. & John, 50 Sand hill Hetherington John, 67 Grainger si Jameson Robert, 35 Dean st Johnson William, 26 Low Yilla pi Logan David, 96 Side Mc Kenzie C, 69 Northumberland st Mather John, 13 and 14 Dean st Milburn Joseph, 10 Union st Miller John, 56 Grainger st Milner Thomas & Sons, 5 Mosley st Mobray Craster Michl., 49 Quay sd Mowbray C. M., 29 Quay side Proctor Thomas, 105 Side Welford W. H., 37 Mosley st Iron Manufacturers. Bulmer & Co , Tyne Iron Works, and 9 Tyne bridge end Hunt Henry, (Birtiey Iron Works) and 71 Quay side Kay Edward Jackson, Dunstan Losh, Wilson, & Bell, 37 Quay side Milner Thos. & Sons, Blaydon Wks Rayne & Burn, New Busy Cottage Iron Works, Ouseburn Sinclair Duncan, Newcastle Iron Works, Ouseburn Wheatley M. & Co., Sandgate forge Japanners. Logan David, 96 Side Logan Malcolm, Haywood's yard Proctor Thomas, 105 Side Robson William, 6 Drury lane Jewellers. See Goldsmiths, S^-c, cTolners and Builders. See also Builders, Cabinet Makers, ^c, Anderson A., 16 Northumberland st Atkin William, Bath lane Barker James, Barker st Bearup William, 55 Percy st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 187 BeU George, Fenklest Bellerby John, Orchard st Brum well John, 15 Side Burnup W., & Cuthbert, Barsbgd. Call Richard, 54 Percy st Carr William, 16 High Friar st Cowell John, Fleece ct Cowell Joseph, Fleece ct Denholm Robert, Sandgate Dunn Thomas, Forth st Dunn W., Head of Stephney bank Edgar William, Ouseburn Forster Cuthbert, West Blandford st Gibson Robert, Churchill Cottages Grahamsley & Reed, WsL Blnfd.st Grainger Richard, 9 Clayton st Grey Joseph, 10 Percy st Hall George, 2 Forth st Halliday J., West Walls cottages Hardy William, STephney terrace Heslop Andrew, St. Ann's st Hewitt William, 41 Low Villa pi How George, 5J, Blenheim st Hume & Chipchase, 38 Westgate st James John, ct. 91 Newgate st Johnston Francis, 20 Croft st Lawson Robert J., Ouseburn Mc Allister Robert, Carliol sq Martin George, New road Pvlartin W., ct. 2 Northumberland st Morpeth William, Bath lane Newby John, ct. 40, Newgate st Nicholson Francis, Westgate st Nixon William, Towns, 13 Percy pi Parry Joseph, Sherwood's court Payne William, Leazes lane Pringle Thos , Bell's ct. Pilgrim st Reed Matthew, Northumberland St., near Public Baths Richardson Robert, Milk mkt. bank Scott Nicholas, 3 Saviile ct Sharper Thos., Fighting Cocks entry Spoor Amor, Clavering pi Stokoe William, 3 Argyle st Story Kdward & Son, Friars green Waite and Howard, Elswick lane Wallace James, High Friar lane Weatherhead & Meldrum, 92 Peicy 8t. and liCazes lane Wilson Robert, New road Wright George, Dean court I«aco Dealers. Corbett Joseph, I Mosley st. & 147 Pilgrim st Cowper and Babbage, 65 Grey st Gibson John, 30 Grey st Gibson Leonard, 37 Grey st Hainsworth Wm. Hy. 107 Pilgrim st Lowis Thomas, 28 Clayton st Murray Adam, 145 Pilgrim st Robson James, 15 Mosley st Iiamp Slack Manufacturers. Cuthbertson W, & Co. 39 Grainger st Haire Chas. H. & Co., 55 Quay side Hoyle Richard, 14 Sand hill Dodds John, South Howdon Works Mitchell Henry A., 62 Grey st Isand and Building Agents and Surveyors. Bell John Thos. Wm., 20 Sandhill Bell Thomas & Sons, 35 Groat mkt Blackett Thos. Oswald, Forth ter BoUam George, 46 Westgate st BoUam William, 46 Westgate st Bourne John, 7 Hood st Bowman Edmund, 17 Royal Arcade Shadforth & Dinning, (engineering) Royal Arcade Tate John, Spital place Turner Henry, (and valuer,) Low Heaton haugh Walters Robert, 3 Charlotte square Weatherby Nicholas, 23 Blackett st Isaw Stationers. Carter Walter Robert, Royal Arcade Leng Thomas, 74 Grey st S«ead Manufacturers and Merchants. Beaumont Wm. 14 Northumbrld. st James & Co. Ouseburn Lead Works Locke, Blackett, & Co. Gallowgate Richardson, Currie, & Co. 20 Sandhl Walker, Parker, Walker, and Co. Elswick Lead Works Iiibraries. Catcheside John & Dd. 26 Mosley st Chapel (liber.) Brunswick place Clerical Club, J. Proud, 2 Blackett st Grant Jane R., 38 Westgate st Grant Mary Ann, 83 Pilgrim st Kaye William, 5 Blackett st Literary and Philosophical Society, and Museum, Westgate St., John Thornhill, librarian 188 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Loraine Fenwick, 23 Mosley st Macarthy Ugine, 8 Shakespeare st Marston Joseph, 9 Mosley st Mechanics, 63 Blackett street, Mark Frater, librarian Medical, Jas. Alefounder, Museum, Westgate st Newcastle & Gateshd. Religious Bk. Depot, E. & T. Bruce, 61 Grey st Paradise William, 99 Percy st Richardson M. A,, 44 Grey st Stobbs William, New road Young John, 25 Clayton st Iiizne Burners. Cail Richard, Percy st Clayton & Armstrong, Skinner burn Whitley Lime Works, 33 Quay side, Wm. Alderson, jun. agent Xsinen Manufacturers. Clarke Ann, 16 Bigg market Newby Richard, ct. 40 Newgate st Patterson John, ct. 80 Pilgrim st Robinson & Wilson, ct. 79 Pilgrim st Ziinen and Woollen Drapers, Silk Mercers, <&c. {See also Woollen Drapers.) Alder Dunn, & Co., 13 Market st Atkinson Thos. 19 Market street Bainbridge & Muschamp, 11 & 12 Market street Barron Mthw. & Jph., 18 Cloth mkt Bragg & Brume]l,21 Dean street Bragg Chas. & Co. 55 Pilgrim street Caldwell James, 2 Cloth market Commins G. H. Westgate Crow Robert, 15 Grainger street Davison T. Arthur & Co. 26 Grey st Fearney Ann, 8 Percy st Gill William, 82 Clayton st Gowland Joseph, 21 Sand hill Hall Menzies, 42 Quay side Harbottle John, 70 Quay side Head John, 28 Grainger st Hewett Thomas, 7 Dean st Hill and Hodge, 16 Dean st Hogg Thomas, 11 Grey st Hudson John & Baker, 1 10 Side Jameson George, 23 Grey st Kettle James, 20 Quay side Lightfoot Thomas, Byker bar Mackey and Smith, 67 Quay side Milburn Joseph, 30 Sandhill Potts Thomas, 17 Market st Richardson and Coxon, (and whole.) 28 Grey st. and 13 Market st Robson E. & Co., 29 Mosley st Robson William, 15 Dean st Sharer James & Philip, 16 Grey st Smith Robert, 64 Clayton st Spencer, Brown, & Capper, 74 Qy sd Snowden William, 4 Blackett st Sword Robert, 18 Side Taylor Andrew, 30 Gibson st Trewick Joseph, 27 Grey st Waller John, 5 Grey st Warburton, William, Stephneybank Wilkinson & Stanley, ]5Shkspre st Wilkinson Stpn. & Sons, 58 Grey st Wilson Thomas, 20 Market st Wood and Kimpsters, 17 Grey st Young James, 7 Royal Arcade Drapers, Travelling- Adams David, 15 Stowell st Adams James, 17 Stowell st Carson David, 18 Sunderland st Carson James, 17 Carliol st Douglas Jas. & Wm., 12 Albion st Duncan James, 12 Marlborough cres Hill James, 17 John st Hope Thomas M., 10 Fenkle st Irving James, Forth lane Jamieson Alexander, 4 Carliol st Johnson William, 22 Stowell st Mc Bryde James, 85 Blandford st Mc Harg An thy., 92 Blandford st Mackeand Alex., 18 Low Friar st Mackeand Andrew, 7 Green ct Mel vain James, 8 Green ct Melvain John, 4 Green ct Moffatt David and Wm., 2 Cross st Moffatt T. and Rbt., 58 Westgate st Montgomery J., 8 Marlborough crs. Montgomery Thos., 103 Blenheim st Mouat George, ct 62 Newgate st Muir Walter, Thornton st Nicholson B. & W., 2 Forth lane Smith John, 30 Westgate st Teasdale R. & Nichs., 41 Westgate st Thorburn David, 6 Blenheim st Thorburn John, 10 Albion st Wilson David, 4 Percy st Wilson William, 7 Albion st Wright Peter, Percy ct TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 189 Lithographic Printers and Engravers. See Engravers ^' Copperplate Printers, Iiivery Stable Keepers and Horse & Gig Iietters. Brown George, 19 St. John's lane Cochrane Wra., ct. 75 Newgate st Hall George, ct 58 Newgate st Hepple John, 43 Clayton st Johnson Robert, 34 Low Friar st Johnson Ann, Orchard st Justice John, 51 Prudhoe st Plues and King, 28 Westgate st Header Charles, 61 Clayton st Shanks T. & Rt., ct 24 High bridge Sinclair Wm.,65 Northumberland st White George, New Bridge st Zaodging Houses. See Boarding Houses and Alphabetical Directory. £iOoking Glass Manufactrs. See also Barometer, SfC, Manvfactrs. Mastaglio & Malteni, 24 Grainger st Molteni xllexander, 4 Pilgrim st Ziooking Glass and Picture Frame Makers. Hall B. & Son, 75 Pilgrim st Kay Willia'D, 5 Blackett st Origoni John, 34 Dean st Richardson M.A., 44 Grey st Machine Makers. Bearup and Donkin, (weighing) 28 Higii Friar st Currie James, 43 Percy st Donnison F. & T., Orchard st Mountain William and Sons, (wire) 81 Pilgrim st Patterson Robert, 89 Percy st Sinclair Duncan, Ouseburn Stevenson John, 5 Union st Wallace Thomas, 31 Clayton st Mahogany Merchants. See Timber Merchants, Maltsters. Bells, Robson and Co., New quay Hall John, 8 Sand Hill Hallowell John, Stock bridge Potter Addison, Forth bank Ramsay G. Hepple, 39 Quay side Rennoldson Stephen, Jesmond vale Stephenson John, 5 Union st Strachan John, Sandy ford lane Turner William, Burn bank Welford William, Burn bank Map and Chart Sellers. Call J. 61 Pilgrim st., &45 Quay sd Dodds M. Stephenson, 34 Quay sd Gisburne Robert, 68 Quay side Heaton William, 15 Sand hill Marine Store Dealers. Bell George, Castle yard Boag Thomas, Sandgate Carnaby Robert, 17 William st Carnaby William, 1 Temple st Clarke James, William st Collinson Michael, Tyne st Coulson George, 64 Quay side Cowan George, Sandgate Curry Mark, St. Mary st Dobson Ann, 8 Close Eastwood Wm. East Ballast hills Echte Christopher, Tyne st Gilroy James, Cook's chare Gordon John, Pandon bank Green Aubone, Oyster shell lane Guthrie Geo. D., 25 Quay side Handyside Wm., Buckingham st Hudson James, New road Hudson J. 66 Side & Westmrlnd. In Liddell David, 106 Percy st Lodge Rachael, 15 Low bridge Long Elizabeth, 32 Westgate st Mc Gill WMlliam, OusL^biirn bdg Mc Gregor Duncan, 1 New quay Metcalf Thomas, Sandgate Parish Josiah,28 Side Raine Sarah, 54 Close Redfearn Joseph, Gallowgate Richardson Joseph, Percy st Robson John, Forth st Row ell Georg-, St. Ann's st Savage Edward, Denton chare Spencer Thomas, St. Lawrence st Story James, Castie st Witworth Adam, St. Lawrence Young John, 94 Side Merchants (General.) See also Agents, Brokers, Sfc, Anderson John, 31 Quay side Anderson Mallhew, 57 Close k2 190 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Atkinson Thos. & Co. 3 Indn. Kgs ct Bally Adolphe & Co. 35 Broad cli Bell Thos. F. & Co., 113 Side Bernard Freres, 51 Quay side Bertram & Parkinson, 71 Quay side Bilton Edward & Co., 42 Sandhill Blach Henry Ferdinand, Quay side Boldemann,Borries, & Co. 6 Quay s Borthwick & Co., 20 Sandhill Brockett W. H., 33 Quay side Bradshaw & Anderson, 48 Quay sd Caldwell John, 29 Sand hill Cargill, Headlam, & Co. 29J Qy. sd Carr and Co., Close Christiansen Schier & Co., 39 Qy. sd Cooksons and Culhbert, Close Coward Robert Shum, 32 Quay side Crawhall J. & Sons, St. Ann's st Dahl, Houen, & Co., 28 Quay sd Dodd and Co., 19 Broad chare Dunlop William, 43 Sand hill Eskuche Chtian. Fred., 19 Quay sd Gallen and Parker, 7 & 71 Close Gibson T. C. and Co., Three Indian Kings ct Gray Alexander G., 85 Pilgrim st Gray Andrew, 8 Side Grey William and Son, 75 Quay sd Haggie R. Hood 6c Co., 1 4 Broad ch Hambro and Co., 71 Quay side Hansen Jobson & Co., 17 Quay sd Hansen Peter, jun., 48 Quay side Hardman Lawrence, 29 Quay side Harle John and Son, 8 Quay side Harrison Carr and Co., 32 Broad ch Hedley Bulmer, 67 Quay side Hedley James, 32 Broad chare Herring John, 58 Quay side Hulsenbos, Harrison & Co., 3 Brd c Jackson Collingwood, 37 Quay side Jackson George, 35 Broad chare Laing T. Heron, 6 Broad chare Lange Brothers, Three Indian King's ct. Leideraan A. & Co., 64 Quay side Losh, Wilson, & Bell, 37 Quay side Mc Gregor Duncan, 1 New quay Martinson William, 35 Broad chare Mil vain Henry, 59 Newgate st Mork Hans Peter, 59 Quay side Palmer G. and C. M. Three Indian King's ct Paiker and Shield, 50 Quay side Pattinson Thomas and Co., Three Indian King's ct. Redhead H. & S., 13 Sand hill Richardson W. & Co. 20 Sand hill Sanderson and Thompson, 12 Pud- ding chare Scarth James, jun., 43 Sand hill Scheele W^m. Watergate, Sand hill Scott James Jackson, 96 Quay side Staniford Elliott, 35 Broad chare Strachan John, 33 Broad chare Strakers and Love,^28^Quay side Swan Richard, jun, 16 Sand hill Swanson William, 47 Quay side Thompson Fred. & Co,, 3 Quay sd Yan Haansbergen W. J. 58 Quay sd Walters B., Three Indian King's ct Weatherly John J., 4 Sand hill VTeisz Augustus, Side Wilson George Henry, 29 Sand hill Wingaard, Hans, and Co., Three Indian King's ct Midwives. Hall Rachael, 3 St. John's lane Mc Kenzie F. 69 Northumberland st Winskill Mary, Castle yard Milliners <& Dress Makers- Anderson Alice, 15 Nun's st Anderson S. M. E. & H. G., 32 Blackett st Angus Margaret E. 58 Grainger st Arckless Sus. 48 Blackett st Arnett Jane, 60 Gibson st Atkinson Hannah, 1 Blackett st Bailey Mary, 73 Bland ford st Ball Anne, 44 Blackett st Belough Mary, Stephney ter Bone Elizabeth, Scaife's ct Bowman Hannahj 42 Gibson st Bowman Jane, 58 Pilgrim st Brown Ann, 1 12 Percy st Brown Mary, 9 Rosemary In Brydon E. J. & A., 18 Trafalgar st Byers Eleanor, 1 Nelson st Campbell My. Ann, 5 Grainger st Carpenter Ann, Stephney st Carr A. and J., 66 Clayton st Carr Eleanor, 74 Clayton st Cleugh Frances, 2 Upper Buxton st Collen Jane, 9 I5ath row Cowan Mary, 45 Low Villa pi Crowther Frances, 6 Green ct Cuolahan Jane, 46 Prudhoe st Curiv Elizabeth, 4 Newgate st Dalzlel A.& E. 101 Clayton st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 191 Donald M. A., 1 4 Northumberland ct Emerson M. A. 33 Carliol st Forster Sarah, 4 Spring Garden ter Forster Susannah, 28 Blenheim st Gibson John, 34 High Friar st Glendinning M. 16 Percy st Golightley & StanifoTth,'92 Plgm. st Green well Marg. 22 High bridge Hall G. & P., 6 Thornton st Hamilton Ann, Gallowgate Hardy Elizabeth, Picton ter Harkness Jane, Elswick ter Harrison Cath. Westmorland st Haswell Hannah, 3 Market st Hedley Margaret, 16 William st Henderson Mary, Manor chare Henzell Elizabeth, Castle st Heppell Ann, 55 Grainger st Heslop Margaret, Sandyford In Hill B. & J. 49 Blackettst Hind Isabella, Gallowgate Hindhaugh A. & M. 6 Rosemary In Humble C. 65 Clayton st Humble M. A., 92' Clayton st Hutchinson Eliza, 3 Nelson st Hutchinson Eleanor, 56 Blandford s James Frances, 20 Richmond st Johnson Eliz., 6 Lisle street Lamont Ann, Castle street Leybourn F. & D., 81 Pilgrim st Loraine M. A., 66 Grainger street Lowden Jane, 6 Fenkle street Lumley Anne, 16 Collingwood st Mc Pherson A. & M., 8 Northum- berland street Marshall Jane, 16 Malborough st Mather Hannah, 109 Blenheim st Mather Isabella 33 Newgate street Maughan Margt., 25 Sunderland st Maxwell Sarah, 70 Blandford st Megoran Margaret, 2 Cowgate Milburn M. & H , 15 Collingwood st Moat Margaret, 23 Leazes crescent Mitchell Isab. Oyster shell lane Newton Eliza G., 1 15 Pilgrim st Nicholson Elizabeth, Gallowgate Norval Jane, Thornton st Orange Mary, New road Pearson Caroline, 5 Shield street Porter Mary, Kent street Pringle Isab. & E. 16 Brunswick pi Riley M. & A.,3 : Blackett street Richardson My.t^ Eliz., I6Eldonsq Robson M. E.j 15 Mosley street Robson Frances, 8 Waterloo st Robson Mabel, 6 Blenheim street Rutherford M. ^^ S., 21 Market st Scott Elizabeth, 6 Percy place Scott Sarah, 33 High Friar street Sibson & Hetherington, 62 Grain- ger street Simpson Eliz., 106 Clayton st Sinton Margaret, 28 Terrace place Smith Sarah, 106 Pilgrim street Stephenson Barbara, 71 Percy st Stephenson Eliz., 19 Prudhoe st Tate Fanny, 5 Northumberlanvl pi Thirkill Isabella, 76 Pilgrim st Thorn Isabella, 30 Grainger street Thompson Ann, 8 Blackett street - TurnbuU Mary, 12 Nun's street Walton A. & A., 9 Nun's street Wilkinson Ann, 19 Stamfordham pi Willins Margaret, 10 Blandford st Wilson H. Maria, 12 Princes's st Wood Agnes, 108 Pilgrim st Young Margaret, Eldon lane Millwrights «& ISnginsers. Burnett Brothers, 1 1 Spring grdn tr Currie James, 43 Percy st Hawthorn Rbt. & Wm., Forth bank Laws Ralph, Gallowgate Patterson Robert, 89 Percy st Rayne and Burn, Ouseburn Smith J., Fight, cocks e., 37 Big mt Stephenson Robt. & Co,, South st Stevenson John, 5 Union st Watson Henry, 19 High bridge Morocco laeather Manufactrs See also Curriers, Tanners ^^c. Pattinson Robt, & Son, Gallowgate Pi'iestman Jonathan, Dispensary In Richardson J. & E., 66 Newgate st Music cfe Musical Instrument Dealers. Marked * deal in Music only. Bagnall George, 50 Grainger st *Currie Robt. & Co., 15 Grey st *Finlay & Charlton, A(\ Pilgrim st Horn Thomas, 32 and 33 Grey st Kave William, 5 Blackett st Liddell Matthew, 109 Pilgrim st Morland T. G. & Co. 29 Collingwd st Pringle Walter S., 3 Collingwood st Richardson M. A., 44 Grey st 192 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY, Music Professors* Allen iMary, 12 Sunderland st Bagnall George, 50 Grainger st Brown William, 2 Albion st Bull Peter, 40 CarJiol st Davis Joseph, New Bridge st Hawthorn Jane, 7 Carliol st Hemy Henry, 12 Brunswick pi Hemy Hy. Frederick, 1 Eldon pi Ions Thomas, 10 Ridley pi Leybourne Frances, 7 Ellison ter Liddell Margaret, Wesley ter Liddell Matthew, 109 Pilgrim st Liddle John S., 43 Carliol st Morland T., G. 29 Collingwood st Potts Mark, 16 Brunswick place Weddell G. & J. H., 102 Percy st Willoughby, Rt., 34 Blackett st niustard Manufacturers* Dewar Thomas, 7 Pudding chare Johnson John, Brandling Sweet Saml. & Co., New Pandon st Sanderson & Thompson, Hanoversq Hall Makers. BlackwellBenj. B.,(Patent)71 Close Bulraan John& Geo., 41 Mosley st Galloway John, 3 Westgate street Galloway Wm. & Co., Forth street Jobling Wm. 28, Melbourne st Laycock R. J. & R., (and Hinge) Winlaton Miller John, 66 Grainger st Pearson William Henry, South st Watson George, 1 Croft st K"ews Agents. Carter Robert, 63 Grainger st Crothers Robert, 4 Nelson st Bains Alexander, 30 High bridge Everatt Alfred, 72 Newgate st Everatt Thomas, 19 Cloth market Finlay and Charlton, 46 Pilgrim st France Peter, 8 Side Hoggins James, Royal Arcade Horn Thomas, 32 & 33 Grey st Huntley Thomas, 13 Dean st Turnbull John, 38 Butcher bank Newspaper Publishers. Advertiser, (Tuesday) Joseph Arm- strong, 54 Pilgrim st Chronicle^ (Friday) Thos. & James Hodgson, 21 Union st Courantf (Friday) John Blackvvell and Co., 54 Pilgrim st Guardian , (Saturday) Mc Liver and Cathrall, 37 Grainger st t7(>?/rn<77, (Saturday) Jno. Hernaman, 19 Grey st Ne'^vs Kooms. Assembly News Rooms, Wsgt. st Central Exchange News Rooms, Grey sn, Grainger st., & Mkt. st Exchange News Rooms, Guildhall Notaries j Public. Dixon Thomas, jun., 29 Sand hill Grey Benj., 75 Quay side Ingledew Henry, 55 Dean st Young Edward M., 91 Side Nursery, Seedsmen, and GardenerSi Marked * are Gardeners only, Davidson Edward, Minories Dewar Henry, Jesmond Fenwick James, Jesmond Fd. hs Fenwick William, Jesmond Ferguson James, Jesmond Hogg Adam, Scotchwood road FAuson & Finney, 46 Groat Mkt., and Gateshead *Laws Eiward, Jesmond Moat Geo., 5 Percy st. & Claremt. pi Newton Henry, 120 Pilgrim st. and North road Noble Robert, Minories *Smillie James, Camden st Smiliie John, Jesmond ♦Stephenson Charles, 67 Percy st *Wardle William, Jesmond vale O^clal Assignees. Baker Thomas, 57 Grey st Wakley James, 111 Pilgrim st Oil (& Colourmen. Bolton Geo. Frost, 13 Quay side Challoner Edward W,, 56 Grey s Cuthbertson W. & Co. 39 Grnger st Hall & Shephard, 5 1 hornton st Myers Christopher & John, Spital pi TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 193 Parkinson Joseph Thos., 3 Close Reed Edward T., 20 Newgate st LOil Merchants. Challoner Edw. Wilson, 56 Grey st Rayne Charles and Co., 17 Close Opticians and Mathematical Instrument Makers. Brown John & Son, 68 Grey st Call J., 61 Plgm. St. & 45 Quay sd Cohen David, 76 Grey st Hewitson J., 20 Grey st. & 16 Qy sd Ross Alexander, 30 Mosley st Stuart George, 17 Clayton st Tarelli Antonio, 42 Dean st Organ Builders. Davis John Thomas, 15 Clayton st Horn Thomas, 32& 33 Grey st Nicholson James, ct. 67 Westgate st Painters <& Glaziers. Alderson Thomas, Trafalgar st Allinson George, ct. 74 Pilgrim st Anderson James, 15 Low Friar st Barrow Rodger, 6 High Friar st Blaiklock William, 112 Percy st Bulmer Thomas, Gallowgate Butterwick G., 26 Low Buxton st Cairns William, Gallowgate Charleton John, 108 Percy st Dalziel William, Westgate Deighton Francis, 22 Low Friar st Dent Eleanor, Old George yd Dixon John, Tyne st Dodds John, ct., 5 Cloth market Dunn Cuthhert, 7 Sunderland st Dunn Henry, Maiket lane Ferguson James, Ravensworth pi Forster Wm. C, 27 Bigg mkt Gibson George, Bailiff gate Gibson John, 89 Clayton st Gibson John, 53 Newgate st Grieves Thoma?, 14 High Bridge Hewetson Richard, New road Hodgson James, 15 Westgate st Jackson William, 4 Newgate st Kennedy William, Scaife's ct Laidler William, ll Westgate st Lawson Robert and Son, 42 and 57 Northumberland st Martin James, 2 Erick st Mills William, 110 Percy st Pattison John, 6 Waterloo st Plumber Benjamin, St. Peter's Quay Potts John, 25 Clayton st. West Proctor Michael, 27 Market st Proud William, Bath In Richardson J. 14 St Nicholas ch. yd Robson Scott, 47 Rosemary In Robson William, 6 Cloth mkt Routledge Cph., 37 Collingwood st Rutherford Thos. H., New road Salmon Rd. S., 73 Newgate st Scott James, 2 Darn Crook Smith and Bodger, 40 Newgate st Stewart John, 31 Pudding chare Thompson John, New road Toward Henry, 3 Gibson st TurnbuU & Pincher, 169 Pilgrim st Waddrington Daniel, 17 Percy st Wilson & Paxton, 25 St. John's In Paper Hangers. Marked * are Manufacturers, *Daniels Daniel, 87 Clayton st *Girvin Joseph, 25 Market st *Goodlad Rd. & Co., Thornton st Johnson John W., 108 Pilgrim st *Richardson Wm.jun , 1 14 Plgm. st Toward Henry, 3 Gibson st *Watson Joshua, 63 Newgate st Paper Makers. Annandale John & Sons, Thornton s Crawford Ann, 12 Dean st Paper Hulers. Allerdyce Jno. C, Hewetson's ct Christie John, 3 Nelson st Cowan Rt., Goodlad's ct Hayes Thomas, White Hart yd Lee John, 5 St. Johns In Patent ilxeltree Makers, Donnison Fras. & Thos., Orchard st Patent Medicine Venders, See also Cheinists, Sfc. Blackwell John & Co., 54 Pilgrim st Burton Enoch, 141 Pilgrim st Mawson John, 13 Mosley st Ross John, Royal Arcade 194 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY* Patent Flooring ^ills. Harle William & Co., St. Lawrence Patent Shot Manufacturers. Locke, Blackett, & Co., Gallowgate Walkers, Parker, Walker, & Co., Low Elswick Pawnbrokers. Alderson Jane, Postern Craven Thomas, 16 Pudding chare Davison George, Lime st Davison George, Manor chare Dow Ann, New road Forster John, 29 Broad chare Garret John, Nun's gate Henderson Jph.^ 12 Marlborough si Lupton Henry B., 5 & 6 Pilgrim st Maxwell RobeTt T. 63 Pilgrim st Mordue Charles, Ouse st Purves Eleanor, 11 Blagdon st Rowell Sarah, 74 Northumberland st Scott J., 1 1 St. Nicholas Church yd Spencer John, 3<5 Newgate street Strachan John,? Rosemary lane Thompson Thomas, 30 Prudhoe st Trotter Thos. Robson, 17 Side Vickers John, 17 Low Friar street Vipond John, Queen street Wilson Mary, WfU Knoll V/ ilson William, 104 Pilgrim st Periodical Agents. Brenuan Hugh, 40 Grainger street (Gregory Jas., 35 Westmoreland ter Loraine Fenwick, 23 Mosley street Pickersgill Ann, 2 Princes's street Todd Jno. H., 33 Groat market White Alexander Stowell st Physicians* Bates John M., 51 Westgate st Bulman Darnel, 10 Market st Cargill John, 4 Eldon square Charlton Edwd., 7 Kldon square Crowdace J. R., High Elswick ter Elliott Ilobt., 35 Northumberland st Elliott William, 31 Newgate st Embleton Dennis, 12 Blackett st Fife George, 7 Saville row Glover Kt. M., 12 Northumberld. st Hayle Thomas, 3 Jesmond terrace HeadlamT.E., I5Northumberlnd st Houseman John, 60 Percy st Pearson George, 47 Blackett st Richardson Thomas, 5 Portland pi Robinson Geo., 12 CoUingwood st Smith Noel Thomas, 48 Westgate st White D. B., 6 Portland place Wightman C, 23 Northumberland st Piano Forte Manufacturer. Shields Thomas, 54 Northumber- land street, and Lisle street Picture Sealers. Hardy .Tames, 34 Grainger st Fox Thomas, Railway bank Jenkins Wm.,(manfr.) 14 Albion st Kaye William, 5 Blackett st Mossman David, 21 Grey st Plane Hakers, Gowland Charles, ct. 9 Bigg rakt Miller John, 56 Grainger st Plasterers. Dodds Ralph 32 Prudhoe st Mc Kenna Michl., 26 Up. Buxton st Martin James, 8 Howard st Robson Robert, 2 Low Friar st Simpson William, 106 Clayton st Spence David Whitaker,public baths Wilkinson, W, B., 43 Prudhoe st Plaster of Paris avis Miss Cath 35 Laidler David 34 Pearson Miss A 35 Pollock John 36 Dunn Martin 37 Stoker W.lliam 39 Wilkinson Mrs. M 40 namill(»n William 41 Ewart George 42 Hulseubos H. C 224 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 43 Pearson Robert 44 Sanderson F. & J. H 45 Benard Freres 46 Spencer Mrs. Sarah 47 Bigger Benjamin 48 Hunter George 49 Tweeddle Robt. C 50 Brunting Mrs. Eliz 51 Elliott John 52 Hutchison Mrs. J ,5 Browning Rev. D.C 54 Galloway John 55 Martinson Robert 58 Sanderson Alfred 59 Clark Nathaniel Zalme Street. Allison Ralph Newcastle Arms Freeman Isaac Davidson George English Abraham Bustle William Ziisle Street. 1 Hogg Mary 2 Kirton John 3 Ellison George 4 Corbett Ann „ Carr James 5 Hair Thomas „ Pattison George ,, Shields Thomas 6 Johnson Elizabeth 7 Bell Joseph 8 Weir George 9 1 rwin John 10 Westmoreland Sah. ] 1 Cuthbertson J. W Ziovaine Place* J Spencer William 2 Taylor John 4Innes Mrs. Ann .5 Lowery Thomas 6 Wood Miss Ellen 7 Coppock Mrs. Ann 8 Radford Mrs. Jane 9 Mather Edward 10 Kemp Miss Eleanor I I Loraine Miss Car. 12 Henderson Uhos. H i3 Tappenden F. W 14 Armstrong James 15 Palmer Chas. Mark 16 Ridley John 17 Hernaman John 18 W^oods John A 19 Clark Robert liovaine How. 1 Hunter William 2 Phillipson R. P 3 Henzell Miss Mary 4 Beckwith Mrs 5 Schier H. J 6 Dutton Mrs. Eliz Ziovaine Terrace. 1 Turner James 2 Wood Mr. G. A. F. 3 Watson John 4 Briggs Robert 5 Wood Miss B. A. 6 Teasdale T. Lee 7 Bolton Joseph 8 Dunn Henry 10 Herring John Hammond Chas. Fred Hewison Mrs. C.J. Anderson Wm.jun Hall Rev. Carter M. A Burrell Mrs. J. S Robb Joseph Sopwith John Turner Mrs. Sarah E Sopwith Mrs. Mary Zaove Ziane. Thompson F. & Co Heppell & Co Bailey Thomas Curson Robert Ridley & Thompson Pollard Joseph & Co Iiow Bridge. 2 Barnasconi F 5 Trener Francis 6 Mc Donald John 7 Haley John 8 Thompson Thomas 15 Lodge Rachael 16 Quin Arthur 17 Mc Clam David 18 Mellon Dennis 19 Kidd Joseph Henry 20 Walton John Manors. Police Station Davidson Thomas A Coal Depot Longstaff Henry Gee John Thompson Robert Pickford & Co IVIanor Chare. 2 Bosomworth Thos 3 Towns John 4 Wallace Catherine Crown Inn Smith Thomas Jesus's Hospital Scott Edward Lant William Pickford & Co Howey & Co Plough Inn Henderson John Mowbray George Sobers Charles Glaholm James Atkinson Sarah Davidson George Henderson — Usher Robert Anderson James Manor Street* 1 Geldard John 3 Kirkley James 4 Carver Chaplin & Co Burrell Isabella 8 Shades Inn Permit Office 1 1 Three Tuns Inn 13 Nicholson George 14 Harrison John 15 Fetch John A. 16 Moffatt Alexander Mansfield Street. Fishley William Glendinning Thomas Dixon John Bell Barbara Hogg John Wallace William Market Street. 1 Ezekiel Moses 2 Reed Hannah NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 223 3 Has well Hannah 4 James Arthur 5 Beckington Charles 6 Huntley Robert E. 7 Marsden Thomas 8 Kemble Inn 9 Angus John 10 BulmanD.,M.D. 11 Wilson Robt. &Son 12 Brightween Charles 13 Richardson &Coxon 14 Henderson S. & R. 13 Elder, Dunn, & Co. 11 & 12 Bainbridge & Muschamp 17 Potts Thomas 19 Atkinson Thomas 20 Wilson Thomas „ Moat Peter & Co. 21 Rutherford M. & S. 22 Smart Richard „ Graham Donald 24 Teasdale John E. 25 Girvin Joseph 26 Hargrave Wm. H. 27 Central Exchange „ Gibson George „ Gibson Thomas „ Parker William ,, School of Design 28 Gray William 29 Jackson William 30 Carr Richard 81 Bigge Math. R., Esq. 32 Colling Joseph „ Wardle and Walker 33 Wakley James BHariborough Ores. 1 Bell Thomas 2Hedley Mrs. Eliz. „ Stewart Robert 3 Lugt )n Alxander y, Will an George 4 Jones Thomas „ Goulden George 5 Boyd William 6 Cowan George 7 Donald James 8 Montgomery James 9 Baptist Chapel 10 Shepherds' Inn 1 1 Earl of Durham 12 Duncan Jamos 13 Bridger Wilmot 14 Russell Robert 15 Morrow Mark 16 Clark Thomas Marlborough St. 1 King's Head Inn 2 Richardson William 3 Raine Margaret „ Gibson John C. 4 Oxnard Thomas 5 Carmichael Robert „ Mc Gee William 6 Coulson Hugh ,, Smith John 7 Usher Thomas „ Robinson John 8 Brankston Richard 10 Shaftoe Dorothy 11 Addison John 12 Henderson Joseph 14 Powell Margaret 15 Hall William 16 Marshall Jane 17 Marshall William 18 Briggs Rebecca 21 Gee Elizabeth 22 Hardy James 23 Taylor John 24 Bowmaker James 25 Miller Joseph 26 Blenheim Hs. Inn Melbourne Street. 4 Red Barns Inn „ Moffatt Rev. Robt. 5 Wilson Joseph 13 Pyburn James 15 Lutwich Henry „ Elliott John „ Royal Hotel 19 Wiley Jane 23 Eggleston Jonah 21 Pennington Wm. 25 Bate John 3 J Glaholm James 30 Brown James 28 Thwailes Mrs. S. 26 Jobling William 24 I'hompson Thomas 22 Grant James 20 Brewis William „ Brewis George 18 Blenkinsop William 16 Buckley Richard 1 1 Thompson Jane 12 Watson Mary 10 Hardy William 8 Patterson John D. 6 Hall Menzies 1 Appleton John R. Blilk IVIarket. Gray Christopher Mc Gregor Duncan Glengary Arms Duncan Robert Steam Packet Inn Ship Inn Shiell Adam Three Bulls Heads Pitlow Gideon Mc Laine John Portland Arms Richardson Robert Robson Lionel Grey Horse Brown James Rimington Stephen Barley Mow Inn Alderson Margaret Lockie Allison Orrick David Gordon George Denholm Robert Brown Robert Borland John Robinson John Lord Nelson Inn Armstrong John Miller Edward Foggin James AUon William Parker Matthew Mindon Street. 2 White Nicholas 3 Gibson William 4 Gibson James „ Cleghorn Joseph Mosley Street. 1 Corbett Joseph 3 Lewis Geo. Samuel „ Miluor T. & Sons 7 Mc Leownan M. & M. A. 9 Marston Joseph 13 Maw son John 15 Robson James „ Kobsou Mrs. M. E. u2 225 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 17 Cowan David 19 Lunn Wm. Robson 21 ChaterThos.& Wm. „ Catton John 23 Loraine Fenwick 27 Armstrong W. & Co 29 Robson E. & Co. 31 Moor George 33 Clark Thomas 35 Jobling Mark L. „ Lambert George 37 Welford W. H. 5, Clavering John ,, Herdman Edward 39 Garret William 41 Mulcaster J. P. „ Bulman John & Geo 2 Union Banking Co. „ Brown Ann 5 Farren John „ Walters Ralph 10 Parsons Elias 12 Blackball and Scott 16 Lister and Sons 18 Kent John Hall 22 Nicholson Thos. E. „ Fenton John „ Davidson T. S. 24 Ewart,Winder,&Co 26 Catcheside J. & D. 28 Turnbull P. & Co. 30 Werge John „ Ross Alexander ,, Mc Cabe Thomas 32 Riddell Thomas 34 Half Moon Inn 36 Gray Wm. & Co. 38 Armstrong James 40 Lee Matthew , Newcastle Joint Stk Banking Co. „ Gibson George T. „ Todd Robert & Co. „ Reed Stephen Nelson Street. 2 Whit- Nicholas 3 Christie John 4 New Market Hotel 5 Music Hall 6 Prim. Meth. Chapel 9 Public Dispensary 10 Slee Matthew 1 I Purvis John 1*^ Sinclair James 13 Barlow William 26 Nichol Peter 15 Dinsdale Cuthbert „ Anderson Alice 16 Smith Barbara 17 Blackett Arms 18 Watson Thomas „ Harrison William 20 Roche John 22 Macdonald Mary 23 Binns Thomas 24 Whitehead Thomas 25 Flintoff Thomas i,4: Chipchase Geo. J „ Free Masons' Lodge „Crothers Robert 26 Lord Stowell Tav. „ Simpson Ralph 27 Barlow Joseph New Bridge St. 1 Neshara William 2 Pigg Roger & John Lundi Frederico 3 Featherstonehaugh Henry 4 Dewar Margaret 5 Preston William C. 6 Weatherley J. D. Oliver George Smith John Hewitson John Baptist Chapel Teasdale Anthony Tullock Benjamin Dobson John Scott Thomas White George Newgate Street. 1 HeppleJohn 3 Craig Luke 4 Jackson William „ Curry E izabeth 5 Johnson Thomas 6 Clark Thos. Hind „ Brvooks & Shepperd 7 Wilson William 8 Stafford James 9 Carr William 10 Clark Noble 11 Clark Thos. Hind 15 Grant Henry „ Ramage George 16 Adelaide Hotel 17 Armorer Watson 18 Dawson Richard 20 Reed Edw. Taylor 21 Horwan Thomas „ Courage Robert 22 Blenkinsop Michl. 23 Hobkirk Edwd. C „ Phoenix Inn 24 Parkinson Richard 25 Ward Edward 26 Atkinson Henry 27 Rutherford Charles 28 Bowes William A. 30 Harvey Henry „ Hall Mrs. Jane 3 1 Elliot Wm. M.D. 31 Elliot Wm., jun. 32 Pearson Dorothy 32 Mather Isabella' 34 Young Edward 35 Beveridge lohn „ Spencer John „ Attey and Davison 36 Moffitt Matthew 37 Gray William 38 Hutton Andrew 5, Chancellor's Head „ White Daniel 39 Smith Thomas 40 Smith & Bodger 41 Waite William 42 Bowness John 43 Smith Walter 44 Lion & Lamb 45 Ward Benjamin 46 Richardson Jasper 48 Storey John 4) Bacchus Inn 50 Forrest Henry 51 Masons Arms 52 Swanson Darwick 53 Gibson John 54 Ridley Henry SI. Andrews Church 55 Murton Edward 56 Hu Ison Isabella 57 Bull & Mouth 58 Dobson William 59 Milvain Henry 60 Liddell Cuth. J. 61 Clinton Michael 62 Reynoldson Rd. 63 Watson Joshua, jun 64 Douglas George NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 227 65 Simpson John 66 Richardson J. & E. 67 Campbell John 68 Whitfield Jane 69 Turnbull Richard „ Barkas Robert 70 Barkas Elizabeth 71 Three Tuns 72 Everatt Alfred 73 Salmon Robert S. 74 Robertson John „ Cochrane William 75 Chambers P. T. 76 Victoria Hotel 81 Fairbridge William 82 Wales Thomas 83 Barrie James 84 Humble George 88 Taylor John 89 Pattison Miss Mary 91 Mayer Kasper 92 Foggin Timothy 93 Albion Inn 94 Sun Inn New Market. See List of Butchers, New Road. Scott John Lundy Frances Sutherland Daniel Marshall Ratcliff Lowrey James Smith Mary Ann Bezelby Joseph Harford Clark Smart William Berry John Albion Inn Metholist Chapjl White Mrs. Jane Bailey Andrew Greene John &Co. Hedley Thomas Bengali Edward DoddsM. S. Harrison William Walker John Orange Mary Pearson Ann Clarke Elizabeth Ismay John Fram Elizabeth Park Josjph Sowter John Robson William Allan George Weldon John Brown Edward Macadam John Allan Mary Purves John Robson William Harrison Joseph Dow Ann Robertson — Boown Cuthbert Donald Mary Rose and Crown Clough Edward Wilsher Sarah St. Ann's School Wilson Robert Chubb William Jude Thomas Egypt Cottage Inn Martin George Whillance George Hutchinson Thomas Pheasant Inn Parkinson Joseph Ridley Thomas Cowan David Thompson John Moore George London Tavern Stobbs William New Road Tavern Hudson James Kelly Catrick Shiell Adam Stewart Alexander Harford George Ridley E. Redsbaw Hedley Thomas Jubilee School Keel man's Hospital Northumbrlnd. Ct. 2 Sadler Isabella 3 Turner Thomas 4 Melrose James 5 Sherwood William 6 Dodds Thomas 7 Batey John 8 Summerbell Thos. 9 Lilley Ellen 10 Fowke John 11 Robson Matthew 12 Cameron James 13 Charlton John 14 Donald Mary Ann 15 Proctor Matthew Northuxnberlnd* Fl 1 Gilchrist George 2 Pearson Ann 4 Charlton George 5 Tate Fannv 6Bell John William 7 Bilton Frank 8 Anderson Chas. G. Northumberlnd. St 1 Green Jereves Sept 2 Dove George 5, Dove Thomas 3 Parker Thomas 4 Kendle John „ Robison Mary 5 Old Turks Head „ Bridon Margaret 6 Sutherland B.& San 7 Gibson Nicholas 8 Mc Pherson John „ Mc Kenzie William 9 Dawning Edward 10 Coward Miss Eliz 1 1 Anderson My. Eliz 12 Alexander James „ Glover R. M., M.D 13 Campbell Mrs. H ,, Turner Jane 14 Atkinson J. G., Esq „ Lead Office 15 HeadlamT.E., M.D 16 Anderson Anthony „ Clayton Rev. Rd 17 Robinson Mary 18 Thew Benjamin 19 Lee Robert 21 Gibson William 22 Walton Elizabeth 23 WeightmanChs.MD 24 Bay Horse 25 Nicholson Mary 26 Hume Elizabeth 27 Roberts John 31 Armstrong Hugh C 32 Kirsop Miss Mary 33 Thompson Miss H 3 4 Edgcome Mrs. Jane 35 Elliot Robert, M.D. 36 Call Richard 228 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY, 37 Hedlev Thomas 88 Wake Eliz. & Mgt 39 Heaton William 40 Fairbairn John 41 Bearup Mrs. Isab 42 Lawson R. & Son 43 Pigg Thomas 44 Gail Mrs. Mary 46 Jones Rev. R. W. L 46 Storey Lieut. J as 47 Walton Mrs. Mgt 48 Elliott Joseph 49 Lowes Ralph 50 Blind Asylum 51 Claxton John M 52 Heron Misses F.&C 53 Siddell Catherine „ Stephenson Matt „ Burn John 54 Shields Thomas 55 Green Rev. Robert 55 Green Rev. Thomas 56 Sraailes Mrs. D 57 Lawson Robert 58 Charlton Edward 59 Wilson Abraham 61 Anderson William 62 Annandale Thomas 63 Talmadge Arthur H 64 Robson Robert „ Sharp Sir Cuthbert 65 Sinclair William 66 Hall George 67 Guthrie Mrs. Ja)e " Oak Leaf Inn 68 Robson John J, Fordyce Thomas 69 Mc Kenzie Charles 70 Burn John 71 Maughan John 72 Diixfield Han. &M 73 Gledson William 74 Rowell Samuel 75 Naiin John 76 Brewis James C „ Cowan John 77 Richardson Thomas Nuns Street. 1 Hastwell Robert 2 Bullock Sarah 3 Burn father George 4 Butch t rs Arms 5 Larby Jennes 6 Tail ii> son Isaac 7 Bradburn John „ Bowmaker N. F. and Son 8 Forbes Robert 9 Walton Alice & A 10 Purvis Archibald 11 Anderson Margaret 12 Howe John „ Turnbull Mary 13 Town Robert ' 14 Pine Apple Inn 17 Burtchby George 16 Donkin Robert 18 Weddell Thomas 19 Johnston John & Co 20 Halliday George 21 Forster Charles 22 Emmet William 23 Green Isabella 24 Dean James 25 Carr George 26 B rugger Matt. & L 27 Ford Mary Orchard Street. Scott William Dixon Joseph Scott Jane Steam Engine Inn Elder William Hunter Edward Bellaby John Donnison Frs. & Thos. Johnson Ann Scott Thomas Turnbull James Mc Caslin William Lawson James Flintoff Elizabeth Stafford William Fenwick Andrew Fenwick Lancelot Fenwick Robert Whinnem William Oxford Street. 1 Lightfoot Robert 2 Vicars Major Rt. S „ Winter Ann 3 Taylor Frances 4 Tavlor William 5 Welch Alice 6 French Ann B „ Wvune William 6 Hoberg Charles 7 Hall Thomas 8 Trotter Thomas R 9 Laidlaw Robert „ Smith Bartholomew 10 Orraston Paul 11 Hedley Jane „ Durham Edmund „ Goodall Alfred 12 Scott Margaret 14 Richardson Eliz 15 James Charles John 16 Fenwick Joseph 17 Hagen Thomas 18 Shephard George 19 Lloyd Wm. K 20 Harriot Rev. Geo. 21 Maughan Robert 20 Robson William „ Wilson William 21 Brady Elizabeth 23 Taylor Sarah „ Anderson John Swanston John Yellowley Eliz 25 Chambers Henry 26 Dodds John 27 Frost Samuel M Percy Place. 2 Brazen dale Mrs. F 5 Lithgow Mary 6 Scott Elizabeth 9 Aitken William 1 1 Paley Jane 12 Lowes Edward 13 Ridley Henry „ Nixon Wm. Towns Percy Street. 1 King's Head Inn 3 Kirsop Mary 4 Wilson David 5 Moat Gtiorge 6 Westgarth Mrs. S 7 Winship William 8 Brown less Abslm „ Fearney Ann 9 Thompson Ralph „ Seweli Wra. & Son 10 Grey Joseph 11 P'urness Thomas 12 Rowell Miss Margt 13 Hedlev Miss Fanny NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 229 14 St. Andrew's School „ Bullock Walter 15 Crow Mary 16 Glendinning James 17 Stafford Robert „ Waddington Daniel 18 Gee Richard Henry „ Winstanley Isab 19 Foster John 20 Murdock George 21 Shaw Margaret 22 Nixon Wm. Towns 23 Turubull John 25 Watson Dorothy 26 New Jerusalem Tpl 27 Forster George 28 Joiners Arms 29 Fenwick Alex 31 Gregson Jane 33 Lawson Robert 35 Stuart William 36 Blaiklock William 39 Angus John 40 Stag Inn 44 Calbreath Robert 45 Richardson James 47 Bowman Thomas 49 Patterson Matthew 50 Whitnell James 51 Jaques George 52 Farmer's Rest Lister John 53 Jameson Thomas 54 Charlton Eliz 55 Clark Robert 56 Bearup William 57 Bearup Wm.,jun. „ Watson Miss Ann 58 Mather John 59 Watson John 60 Houseman John, M.D. 61 Jobling Mark L 63 Post Office, (sub.) 64 Horsley Dorothy 65 Armstrong William English Elizabeth 66 Crow's Nest Inn Richardson Joseph Buchanan John Penrick Robert Richardson Stephen 67 Stephenson Charles 68 Boston Robert 70 Reynoldson Rd 71 Stephenson Barb „ Stephenson John 72 Craggs Robert 73 Coulson Mary 74 Hay Market Hotel 75 Robson Jane 76 Robson Thomas „ Cummins James 77 Coxon Daniel „ Richardson John 78 Gbbon Ebenezer 79 Vickers Jacob „ Cock & Anchor 80 Bruce John C 81 Henzell Charles R 82 Walker George 83 Walker William Hague 84 Ellison P. Geo 85 Johnson James „ Johnson Catherine 86 Jude Jane 87 Percy Arms „ Simpson James 88 Graham Elizabeth 89 Patterson Robert 90 Knight Robert 91 Gillie James 92 Weatherhead& Mel- drum 93 Stewart Thomas 94 Angus John 95 Three Bulls Heads 97 Walker William B 98 Lowes William „ Payne William 99 Paradise William 100 Lang John 101 Turner William 102Weddell George 103 Bennett John 104 Joplin Thomas 105 Liddell David 107 Penman Margaret 108 Lee Joseph ,, Charleton John „ Snowdon William 109 Fearney Ann „ Dodd Rev. William 110 Mills William 111 Graham Joseph 112 Blaiklock William „ Brown Ann 113 Gibson Mary Ann 114 Metcalf John Ficton Place. Bell Thomas 3 Oliver Thomas Routledge Robert 1 Walker George 2 Johnson John 3 Mc Lean Mary 4 Hilton Rev. John 5 Cooper Thomas 6 Noble Miss C. 7 Loftus William 8 Bennett Charles W. 9 Rennoldson Thos. 1 1 Baskett John Dewar Thomas Todd Wm. Robert Picton Terrace. 1 Whitfield Isabella 2 Wilson George 3 Mitchell Jane 4 Allan Andrew 7 Macliver Peter 8 Clarke John 9 Farren John 10 Brown Thomas Pilgrim Street. 1 Ward Frances 2 Flagan Roger 3 Isaacs Abraham 4 Dryden William „ Molteni Alexander 5 Isaacs Maria 6 Robson James 6 Lupton Henry B 7 Embleton Ann 9 Clear Elizabeth 10 Amry George 12 Tweedy Martin Ct. Larment Mark Ct. Elliott John 15 Taylor William 16 Ridley Arms 17 Hudspeth G. & Son 19 Vinycomb Andrew 21 Burn John 22 Turner William 23 Burden Cuthbert Ct. 24 Johnson John Ct. „ Town Thomas 25 Ren wick John N, 26 Bird-in-Bush Inn 28 01dRobinHoodInn 2^0 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 32 Forster William 33 Dunlop W. & J. 3i Fallow William 35 Scaife John 36 Moody Robert 37 Hunter William 45 Hall & Ridley „ Brown George Friends Meeting Hs. 46 Finlay & Charlton 47 Hopper John 48 Cookson Daniel ^ Ross Metcalf „ Laidlow Robert 49 Swan Walker 50 Stoker William 50 Glenton Paul 51 Buckham& Grey 52 Gilpin & Co* 53 Gilpin James „ Bates & Dees Miller William 54 Courant Office 65 Bragg Chas. & Co. 56 Newcastle & Ber wick Railway Office 57 Barton Samuel 58 Bowman Jane 59 Hamilton Isaac 61 Call John „ Cooper Thomas 62 Carr James N. 63 Maxwell Robert T. 66 Mitchell John „ Park John „ Mitchell John jun. 67 Townsend Mary Ct. TappendenFred. W „ Blind Asylum 68 Miller Hannah 69 Fairweather John 70 Black House Inn 71 Bell Jos. Wm. 72 Bell J. & M. 73 Catholic Chapel „ Standen Rev. Jas. „ CuUen Rev. Joseph 74 Robson John 75 Hall B. & Son 76 Thirkill Isabella 77 Dotchin Thomas „ Fenwick Lancelot 78 Clark William Ct. Hutton George 79 Robinson & Wilson 79 Foggin John „ Renwick Robert 80 James John Ct. Patterson John 81 Mountain W &Sons Leybourn F. & D. 82 Walker James „ Fenwick John 83 Grant Mary 84 Henderson John 85 Gray Alex. George „ Simpson Robert 86 White House Inn 87 Shephard Cpbr. 88 Coates Taylor 90 Fdlcus Allen 91 Taylor William „ Fawcett Benjamin 92 Jeffrey Elizabeth „ Ions George „ Golightley & Stani- forth 93Atkinson&Phillipson 94 Edgcome James 95 Stephens John „ Rowell Joseph 96 Green George 98 Davies Richard 99 Rutherford Jane 100 Liddell John 101 Bernand Robert 102 Broadhead Eliz. 103 Cranston Robert 104 Wilson William 106 Smith Robert 107 Hainsworth W. H. „ Turner Hannah 108 Wood Agnus „ Johnson John „ Hudson .James 109 Liddell Matthew 1 10 Price and Hudson ill Ellison Matilda „ Bass Elizabeth 111 Wakley James „ Burnaud Richard 112 Younghusband B. „ Dent Roger ,, Cairncross John 113 Davis m William 114 Bianchi Charles „ Richardson Wm. 115 Newton William „ Watt John 116 Robinson Robert 117 Reid Andrew^ 120 Newton Henry „ Hutchinson Geo. 121 Kitchen William 1 22 Story Jonathan 124 Steel Charles S. 123 Archbold Sarah „ Hall Margaret 124 Robson Robert 126 Clark John „ Hetherington J. 129 Farrage William 139 Dewar Robert „ Atkinson John 131 Dewar Joseph 132 Robinson John „ James Elizabeth 134 Newton William " Kennady Thomas 135 Johnson Robert 136 Mew William 137 Queen's Head Hotl 139 George Hotel 140 Scott John 141 Whelton William „ Brand William „ Burton Enoch 142 Walker Jno.& Son „ Buckham & Grey 143 Griffiths Edward „ Golden Tiger 144 Rutter Margaret 145 Murray Adam 147 Corbett Joseph 150 Elliott James „ Bell William 151 Sillick James ,, Blue Posts Inn 154 Swan & Burnup 155 Hunt Henry 156 Hall Thomas 158 Ellison John & W. 159 Old Queen's Head 160 Old Pack Horse 161 Storey Edward 162 Fox & Lamb Ian 163 Affleck Margaret 164 Hogarth Thomas 165 Cairns George 166 Young John 167 Hogg John 168 Jordan Sarah 169 Turnbull&Pincher 170 Watson John 171 Steel Elizabeth NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 231 172 Attey & Davison „ Hill John 173 Gibson Walter 175 Earl of Durham 176 Reid Wm. James 178 Dobson Leonard 179 Stafford John 180 Haddock George 181 Edgar James 182 Larment Mark 183 Dixon John S. 184 Grant John 185 Bolam Mary Ann 186 Sheil Ann " „ Benson Mary 187 Keer John 188 Charlton John 189 Bateman Mary 191 Bell William „ Lough Jolin Portland Place. 2 Wright George 3 Crawford William 4 Richardson Misses 5 Richardson Thos. 6 White D. B.,M.D. 7 Hawthorne John 8 Hedley James 9 Brown Jacob UDoubleday William Princes's Street. 1 Moulter Ann 2 Pickersgill Ann 3 Arthur Elizabeth 4 Wilkin Charlotte 5 Gombert Adrien J. 6 Lumsden Mrs. Ann 7 Peal Joseph 8 Sutherland Jane 9 Turnbull William 1 1 Ferguson Ruth & M 12 Wilson Hannah M 13 Dawson John 14 Robson John 15 Balmer Adam 16 Sutton Mary 17 Robson Elizabeth Kaberry Leonard Prudhoe Street. 1 Robinson William 2 Nesbit William 2 Hepple Thomas 27 Best Andrew „ Selkirk John 29 Nixon David 30 Thompson Thomas 31 Brown Ann 32 Dodds Ralph 33 Young Thomas 34 Watson William 38 Reid Elizabeth 39 Archer Thomas 41 Sanderson William 42 Elliott John 43 Wilkinson W. B " Burnett James 44 Miller John 45 Crosier Edward 46 Cuolhan Jane 47 Sinclair Alexander „ Goodburn James 48 Northumbrld. Arms 51 Justice John Police Station 2 Davison Elizabeth 3 Mc Leod Isabella 4 Selkirk John 5 Morrison George „ Brown Margaret 6 Smiths Arms 7 Blakey Mrs. Mary 9 Robinson William 10 Robson Deborah 11 Davison Mary 12 Smith John 13 Thompson William 14 Harrison Margaret 15 Affleck Margaret „ Davison George 16 Skelton Ann 17 Green Tree 19 Stephenson Thos. 20 Bark as Thomas 21 Joiner's Arms Pudding Chare. 1 Howard John 2 Mc Donald James 3 Young George 4 Ward John B. 5 Waugh Thomas 6 Stafford Elizabeth 7 Elliott Edward „ Simpson William 8 Johnston John Virgin Mary's Hospital 11 Sanderson & Thomp- son 16 Craven Thos. & Chp 17 Wilson Ann 18 Castle William 19 Thompson John 20 Simpson John 22 Forster Henry 24 Carr Robert 26 Morland James 27 Simpson Thomas 29 Bell Joseph 30 Rose Inn 31 Stewart John 33 Heads John 34 Stephenson Jane 35 Fox & Hounds Inn 42 Hornsby William 43 Hopper William 44 Bass George 47 Robson Scott Quay Side- 1 Johnson William 2 Steam Boat Inn 3 Hotham William 5 Boldemann, Berries and Co. 6 Snowden Thomas 7 Burnett Robert „ Archer & Harrison „ Miller & Black „ Townley, Colry. ofic ,, Scotch Arms Inn 8 Harle John 9 Blagburn Thomas „ Taylor Andrew „ Monkhouse Wm. 10 Bridge Inn il Bourn Thos. Wm. ,, Harle John & Co. 12 Wood Nicholas „ Jarrow Colry. Office 13 Bolton George F. 14 Turk's Head 15 Redshaw is, Ridley „ Harton & Whitburn Colliery office 16 Hewitson John 17 Hansen, Jobson and Co. 18 Hay William 19EsxucheC.F. „ Joblin John ,, Barkus John 232 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 20 Kettle James 21 Reid & Hutchinson ,» Hair John & Joseph 22 Nicholson Anthony 25 Guthrie George D. „ Lamb Joseph & Co. „ Hindliaugh Nathl. 26 Ingo, Doeg & Has- well 27 Atchison Andrew ,, Sunderland and Ips- wich House 28 Loraine William „ Dahl, Howen& Co. „ Benn & Dixon 29 Smith John „ Smith John, junr. „ Joesey James „ Cargill, Mounsey, & Co. 29 Cargill, Hedlam, & Co. „ Beldon George jun. „ Anderson Robert „ Blackbird & Hunter SO Walker John Esq. „ Swan Robert Wm. 31 Scaife Wm. Henry 32 Anderson John „ Morrison James „ Warham Richard „ Bell Anthy. Fdk. „ Taylorson Robert „ Coward Robert S. „ Pearson John B. „ Matthewson & Clay 33 Dale Peter ,, Anderson Wm.jun. „ Shield J. Son & Co. 34 Harrison Joseph 3:3 Cooper John & Co. 34 Clement Lowis „RidleyJ.F.W.&Co 33 Hodgson & Nelson „ Kell Richard & Co. ,. N. Castle marin. ins. Co. W.H.Brockett 34 Dodds Matthew S. 37 Jackson C. F. „ Harle Wm. & Co. „ Lamb Joseph & Co. 38 Thorpe & Acaster „ Carr John „ Robertson William „ Dagg Margaret 39 Doughty Robt. H. 39 Heald Joseph „ Gilchrist John „ Hutchinson Wm. J. „ Ramsay George H. „ Chrtstiansen S. & Co 37 Losh, Wilson & Bell „ Losh William „ Walker Alkali Co 39 Hoggett William „ Plumber Mthw. & Co „ Sowerby Thomas 40 Custom House ct Todd John 42 Hall Menzies 43 Low Crane 44 Brewis John 45 Cail John 47 Swanston William 48 Wilson George 49 Mowbray C. M. 50 Parker & Shield „ Liddell Henry E. „ Buckham John 51 Baskett and Rosen- bohm „ Benard Freres „ Featherston & Elder 52 Thompson & Atkin- son „ Jackson Henry 53 Hay William D. 54 Rising Sun 55 Caley William, Esq „ Hair Charles & Co „ Morley John W. ,, Reed Lancelot o6 Brown George 57 Thompson Mark 57 Pletts Edward 58 OrmstonPaul „ Ormston John ,5 Van Haansbergen William John „ Don Richard „ Herring John 59 Sun Inn „ Berkley John „ Mork Hans Peter 60 Snowdon John 61 Nay lor Andrew „ Jolly Sailor 62 Williams Thomas „ Scott John 63 Dixon Thomas 64 Leideman A &Co „ Colson George ,, Robson Edward 65 Grey Horse Inn 66 Fairweather I 67 Mackey & Smith „ Hedley Bulmer 68 Jobson Samuel M „ Gisburne Robert 69 Teasdale Anthony „ Scott James J „ Murdock Robert J, Wilson Hy. Yipond „ Charlton William „ Blagburn Robert 70 Harbottle John Dun Cow Inn Golden Anchor Inn 71 Hunt Henrv „ Whitfield Edward „ Colville E. D. 71 Hambro & Co „ Bertram & Parkinson 74 Spencer Brown and Capper 75 Mc Cree Thomas & Andrew „ Grey Wm. J. & Son „ Grey Benjamin „ Collinson Henry 76 Moody Daniel G. 77 Clarke & Dunn Queen Square. 1 Harle John 2Mellar 3 Reed Stephen 4 Worthington C. F. 5 Edgecome John T. 6 Taylor Elizabeth Queen Street. Old Duke of Cumbrlnd Wilson Bobert Muir James Walker Thomas Thompson William Denton V/illiam Cumberland House Fisher Samuel Hornsby Elizabeth Todd James Lumsden Joseph Hughes James NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 233 Hornby Mary- Peel William Railton Thomas Allen William Tuliock Eleanor Jones Matthew Robson Richard Bogue John Vardy William Gaul John Vipond John Whitfield John Dodds John Havens worth Ter. 1 Boe George „ Alder Joshua 2 Waitt James 3 Angas John 4 James Charles 5 Fairs Joseph 6 Welsh Henry 7 Dillon Wm. Patrick 8 Wilson Robert 9 Colhoun Robert Hegent !rerrace. Sheild William Robson Turner William Green John Cooper John Harford George Turnbull Elizabeth Jones Burn David Hall George Davidson John Newcastle Chare* Pratt Robert & Co Croudace William Greenwell William Taylor William Oley Christopher Froud Thomas VYilson Richmond Street. 1 Allison Henry 3 Perry John 5 Hepworth Thomas 7 Matthews John 9 Gibson Robert 1 1 Henzell William 13 Sayer William 15 Sutheran William 17 Innes William 19 Brewis John 21 Roberts James 23 Toward William 25 Ingo John 29 Hopper Ambrose 31 Wilson James 33 Doughty Robert 35 Guthrie Alexander 39 Mackintosh A. C. 41 Widdrington Mchl 43 Kettle James 4 Dodds Robert 6 Maughan Joseph 8 Bell Joseph 10 Thurlbourn Wm 12 Bell Charles 14 Jamieson Duhond 16 Clarke Wrn. James 18 Ridden Robert 20 James Francis 24 Johnson Ralph 26 Mc Pherson James 28 Robson George 30 Stewart William 32 Pringle Thomas „ Pringle Joshua 34 Toward John 36 Robinson John „ Bolton Miss 38 Robson Arthur 42 Liddle James 44 Brown James 46 Reed James „ Seymour Thomas 50 Redpeth Thomas „ Redpeth Hannah Ridley Place. 2 Wailes George 3 Lownds Mrs. B. C. 4 Jefferson Mrs. 5 Coulson Miss Mrgt. 6 Pearson Eliz. H. 7 Brown Mrs. Ann 8 Morton Mrs. Mary 9 Hay John 10 Ions Thomas 11 Fordyce William 12 Heppell John 15 Robson Mrs. M. A. 17 Loraine Misses 18 Ward John 19 Shield Mrs. Ellen 21 Latimer Andrew 23 Thompson 25 Atkinson Mrs. D. 26 Warham Richard 27 Unthank Mrs. S. 28 Pybus James Ridley Villas. 1 Welford William 2 Barnes Robert 3 Nesbit Matthew 4 Taylor Joshua 5 Turnbull John P. 6 Jackson Mrs. Julia 7 Snowdon Thomas 9 Beckington John 10 Featherstonhaugh William 11 Caldwell Rev. Robt, „ Caldwell Robt., jun. „ Caldwell John 12 Hallowell John J 3 Crowther Mrs. S. R. 14 Shields William 15 Maling John 16 Hair Joseph 17 Wingard Hans 18 Sinclair Duncan 19 Small Thomas O. 20 Harrison Robert Rosemary Zaane. 4 Younger Neale 5 Brown John 6 Hindhaugh 7 Strachan John 8 Dawson Abraham 9 Brown Mary 10 Gravesend Inn 1 1 Wardle William 13 Varty Ann 12 Kirk Barbara 14 Bainbridge Robert 15 Tate John St. Ann's Rot;7. Glynn Henry Glynn Edward Nixon John Cooper Brown William Cummings Robert Wilson David H. Dawson Simon Mathison John Bell Isaac X 234 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. St. James's Street. 1 Taylor Emanuel 3 Bargate George 4 Kelly Capt. John 5 HodgeRowland 6 Gray George 7 Paige Rev. Lews 8 Pearson Miss M. 9 Gibson John 10 Forster Matthew 11 Smith Misses 12 Wilford Joseph 13 Sanderson Misses - 14Thursfield Mrs. M. 15 Catcheside Robert 16 Mc AUum Mrs. 17 Stephenson John 18 Morton Mrs. Ann 19 Michael John St. James's Ter. 1 Seymour Francis 3 Sans Miss Ann 4 Parr John Barton St. John's Ziane. 1 Shepherd Thomas 2 Hutchinson John 3 Hall Rachael 4 Thompson William 5 Lee John „ Taylor Ann 6 Easton Jane 7 Livesey John 8 Beswick Charles 9 Robson John 10 Caslas Frederick 11 Hardcastle William 12 Levension Michael 13 Vause Deanah 14 Smith Edward 15 Fox Alfred 16 Richardson M. 17 Irwin Charles 18 Brown George 19 Currie William „ Wilson George 20 Alderson Thomas 21 Bell Henry 23 Dryden John 24 Morris Solomon 25 Wilson and Paxton „ Wood Joseph 26 Laidler William 3J Richardson M.,jan St. ]^ary's Place. 1 Storey John 2 Jackson William 3 Nixon Mrs. Doroth 4 Hepple Wm. Henry 5 Dees Robert 6 Delamain Henry F. 7 Thompson Ann 8 Dunn Mathias 9 Winn Mrs. Margt. 10 Bruce Edward 1 1 Shaftoe Mrs. Eliz. 12 Powell Capt. Henry 13 Smith & Bowness lo Wilson William 16 Batson Mrs. Isabe]^ n Patterson Mr. Jas. * St. Mary's Terrace 1 Sopwith Thomas 2 Hall Edw^ard 3 Mountain Mrs. M. 4 Hancock Mrs. Jane 5 Smith Thomas 6 Rpa James 9 Boldemann Fredk. 10 Rowe Mrs. Cath. 12 Berkley John 13 Dunn Mrs. £t. Nicholas Ch. Yd. 3 Scott William Clark Jph. and Mary 7Hutchinson Math. 9 Douglass Isabella „ Smith John C. 10 Potts Arnold 11 Scott James 14 Richardson John 13 Marshall Thomas 17 Robinson 18 Benson Michael 19 Hodge George 20 Bergna John 24 Grayson Jkraes „ Ward Robert 25 Watson Joseph „ Milburn John 26 Proctor Ann 27 Clarke John 26 Blacklock Joseph Nicholson Isaac St. Nicholas Sq. Levy Alexander 45 Harle George 46 Fair Robt. & Son „ Tennant Hy. Edwd. 47 Blue Bell Inn 48 Laidler George 52 Hetherington H. 53 Corn Market Taveru 55 Millburn Joseph Blenkinsop John 57 Sinton John St. Nicholas Church Mc Iver John Fisher John 58 Cowan George St. Thos. St. 6t Sq« Capper William J. 5 Donaldson Henry Story Henry Lockey George Cripps Richard Clavering John Hunter Misses, C. & J. Reay John F. 8 Porter Robert MilntY Joseph Gibson Mvs. Ann Howey Mrs. Ann Reid Christian J, Reid Misses C. R. & J. St. Thomas's Ter< Hills Edward Sept. Wallace Robert Botcherby John Math win Misses Scott Miss Margt, Whinfield Wm. Ant. Forster William St. Thomas's Ter. North Road, 1 Akenhead David 2 Ridley John 3 Vicars Hedley 4 Lister William 5 Lambert Nathl. Sandhm 1 Wylam & Greene „ Timperlay Nicl. „ Stark William 2 Spencer Michael „ W^anless William „ Leidemam A. & Co. NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY, 235 2 Strakers & Love 3 Elephant & Fish 4 Gibb Elizabeth „ Weatherby John o Wylam Ralph & Co 6 Thompson Robert 7 Tate George 8 Dickinson U. W. „ Bownas George „ Hall John 9 Jones William 12 LidJell Henry 1 1 W"oodmass Robert 12 Gates Isaac „ Everett Richard 13 Redhead Henry 14 Surtees & Co. „ Hoyle Richard „ Clepham Joseph „ Smith Thomas „ Dodd Thomas 15 Heaton William 16 Swan Richard 17 Proctor William 18 Philipson R. P. 19 Currie & Bustin 20 Borthwick & Co. „ Richardson, Currie and Co. Bell John Thos. Wm. 21 Gowland Joseph 22 Bell Robert „ Dillon Wm. P. 23 Stanton Philip H. 24 Bell William 26 Hunter'Geo. & Co. 27 Taylor John 28 Marshall Andrew 29 Caldwell Robert „ Caldwell John „ Sinclare Daniel „ Wilson Geo. Henry Dixon Thomas, jiin. „ Bulman Job J as. 30 Milburn Joseph 31 Akenhead J. & R. 32Cant Jonth. Hilton 33 Daglish & Ismay 34 Bee Hive 35 KimpsterJno.& Jph 36 Ayton Isaac & Sons 37 Taylor Thomas 38 Hewison Lawrence 39 Gibson David 41 Potts William 42 Bilton Edw. & Co. „ Marshall Roger „ Marshall Richard 43 Scarth James, jun. ,, Hedley Bulmer „ Dunlop William 44 Yellowley T. &. W. 46 Richardson W., sen. „ Richardson W., jun. „ Cookson & Coult- hard „ Allen John & Co. 47 Taylor John 48 Alien Michael 49 Wilkinson Thos. E. 50 Hancock Thos, & J. 51 Burrell John Sandeford Zaane. Lawes John Vickers Jonathan Race William Cowper James Taylor George Finlay William Sanderson John Heslop Margaret Strachan John Craig Thomas Brittain George Thompson W, Sopwith T. & J. Saville Court. 2 Bustin George 3 Scott Nicholas 4 Dodds Robert Warburton Jas. N. 5 Reed Mrs. Hannah 6 Dunn Mrs. Hannah 7 Hasker Thomas 8 Ewbank Michael 11 Green JMary Ann 12 Topham Fanny 13 Banks David „ Cole Elizabeth SavillePlace4 1 Pollard Joseph 2 Taylor Mrs. Sarah 3 Ellison Miss Mgt 4 Chapman Wm., Esq 5 Ormston Robert 7 Surtees Aubone Saville Row. 1 Paget and Irons 2 Harle William 3 Eye Infirmary 4 Atkinson Sibella 5 Tidy Catherine 6 Ri gg Miss Mary 7 Fife George, M.D .1 8 Reavely Thomas 9 Reid Christian B 10 Slowan and Weir 1 1 Henderson Miss E 12 Smith Charles 13 Ridley John 14 Atkinson Thomas „ Slater Charlotte 15 Mawson John Alexander James Scotchwood Road. Tate Peter Thackray Mary Ann Gibson John C Ireland Samuel Hodgson's Arms Inn Green Tree Inn Hogg Adam Allhuson Christn., Esq Crooked Billet Arundale Joseph Gordon Robert Emmett William Morgan Thomas Hill George Hall Edward Burn Thomas Staflford Robert Ridley Jno. F. W. & Co Shakespeare Street Shakespeare Tavern 5 Gray David 6 Atkinson Edw. B 7 Grant Thomas „ Reed Hannah 9 Peacock John 8 Macarthy Ugine Ducrow Inn 15 Wilkinson & Stanley 16 Ellison Thomas 18 Ord William 19 Story Henry Shieldfield. 1 Liddell Mrs. My. A. 236 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 2 Henderson Mrs. E 3 Beckington Jno.jun 4 Benson John 5 Harrison John 6 Ridley Samuel Nichol x4nthony Rayne Rohert Wheatley Matthew 11 Lambert George 12 Reid James 13 Greenwell Wm.N 14 Hudson Mrs. E. A 15 Coward Mrs. Jane 16 Walters Ralph 17 Bell George Gilchrist Mrs. Mgt Palmer George Bainbridge E Shield Street. 2 Thompson Mr. Rd 3 Whinfield Geo. Hy 4 Bell John T. W 5 Pearson Caroline 7 Milburn Henry 8 Harbottle Anthony 9 Sppncer James 10 Bally A 12 Milburn Roger 13 Potts Edward 14 Hammond Edward 15 Carr Lancelot 16 White Thomas 17 Burr Thomas 18 Whinfield Rd. C 19 Sweet William 22 Youll Matthew M 23 Rowell Robert 24 Robinson Mr, John 25 Gibson George 26 Button John 29 Brewis Edward 30 Wilson John R 31 Thompson Joseph 34 Weddell William 35 Oswald Misses Jobson Forster 36 Archer John 37 Close George „ Purvis John 38 Waters George 41 Potts William 42 Pattison Sarah 43 Smith Mrs. Mary 44 Nicholson Robert Shield Field Inn Bell Miss ]\fary Proctor Mary Snowdon Henry Harrison William Lowes John Side, 1 Garnett Joseph 2 Simpson T. & Son 3 Clark William „ Clark John „ Aydon Elizabeth 4 Jobling Margaret 5 Weatherston Wm 6 Monkhouse Andsn „ Woods William 8 France Peter & Co „ Gray Andrew 9 Prince of Orange 11 Carr James 12 Mc Caslin William 13 Rushton George „ Brandy Butt „ Rowell John „ Wind William J, Eggleston Jonah 14 Clark Thos. & Geo 15 Lamb Fred. H 15 Brum well John 16 Pickering Thomas 17 Huntley John „ Colhoun Robert „ Trotter Thomas R 18 Sword Robert 19 Hunnam Fenwick 20 Copland Thomas 21 Smith & Rymer 22 Harrison William 23 Reed Charles John „ Brown John 24 Fawcett Joseph 25 Grapes Inn 26 Forster William 27 Yates Joseph „ Wake William Barnes William 28 Parish Josiah 29 Burnt House 30 Lupton William 32 Robinson Robert 33 H el we John 34 Noad John Preston James 37 Finigan James 38 Preston Roger 39 Harvey John & J. S 40 Burns Tavern 41 Stewart William 42 Cleland Hugh 43 Burns James 44 Snowdon Wm. W 60 Headley Joseph 62 Dickinson W. Ogle 63 Weatherson Thos 64 Binks Prudence 65 Dobson Thomas 66 Hudson John 67 Gould en George 68 Hogg Michl. &Jas. 69 Milbourne Joseph 70 Newmarch Nthl. 71 Moscrop Isaac 72 Milburn John 73 Pearson Lazenby 75 Clarke John 76 Potts George 77 Robson Thomas „ Ralph John 78 Patton William 80 Sun Inn 81 Cowan George 84 Rowe Robert 85 Rymer Richard 86 Clarke John 87 Blakey John 88 Kirk Richard & Co 89 Cook William 90 Rowe Robert 91 Bell Robert Paxton „ Young E4ward M. 92 D re wry & Richard- son „ Walters Henry 94 Young John 95 Hewitson John ,, Carr Samuel 96 Logan David ,, Dixon Simon 97 Courtnay James C. „ Watts David 98 Moreland Thomas 99 Green George 100 Nichol John 101 Morrow R. John „ Garth waite Wm- 103 Terry J. 104 Brown R. Bolton 104 Wilson Robt.& Co. 105 Proctor Thomas NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY 237 106 Sewell Thomas 107 Winter John 108 Moat Isabella 109 Watson & Son 110 Hudson John 111 Vicars John J 13 Hammond C. F. „ Walker Henry „ Hall Thomas „ Weisz Augustus 114Woodmass Robert 115 Arther James 116 Robson Chphr South Street- N. Castle Distillery Co. Heron George & Co. Burrell John & Isaac Stephenson R. & Co. Hutchinson William Ainsley Joseph Pearson Wm Henry Johnson Margaret Vallance Henry Spicer Ziane< Jameson John Ship Inn Plough Inn Burn's Tavern Nesbit Matthew Noble Joseph Spring Garden Ter 1 Lord Hill 3 Aynsley John 4 Forster Sarah 5 Pease John „ Cooper William 6 Lawson Thomas 7 Thompson Thomas 8 Patterson John 9 Waingate Richd. R. 10 Baker James 11 Burnett Brothers 12 Sir John Moore 13 Hutchinson Thos 14 Smith Jacob „ Welsh James 15 Naylor Thomas 16 Denning Alex. 17 Weddell Thomas „ Taylor William 18 Cant William 19 Taylor Dvd. Barnes 20 Sibbet Henry 2! Robertson James 22 Barwick Elizabeth 23 Storey James Stamfordham Pice. 1 Arthur Robert 2 Henderson Eliza 3 Rowell Mrs. Ann 4 Wake Mrs. Mary 5 Henderson William 6 Hume Mrs. Mary 7 Danby John „ Scott Andrew 8 Dunn John 9 Hudson Mrs. Mrgt. 10 Richardson Mary 11 Charlton John 12 Andrew John 13 Robson John 15 Dishman Matthew 19 Wilkinson Ann 20 Mafham Francis „ Campbell Charlotte 21 Reed John Siephney Bank. Tanners Arms Dodd William Dunn William Moor John Carpenter Ann Hudson and Co Rankin Elizabeth Harrison Robert Brown John Brown Jug Inn Bell Thomas & Co Darton Marton Bricklayers* Arms Matteson John & Co Liddle & Dodds Hutchinson Robert Hedley William Handyside Jane Webb Henry Dodds Thomas Thompson & Harrison Warburton William Union Brewery Stephney Iiane, 1 Slater Henry 2 Pen Hand Thomas „ Pentland Ann 5 Corbet William 6 Bailey I'homas 7 Hall Henry Smith John Stephney Terrace 1 Mures William 2 Hicks Elizabeth 3 Robeson Mary 4 Slack Thomas 5 Bowes James 6 Ro\^ell John 7 Redhead Edward 8 Buckham John 9 Ridley Thomas 10 Dixon Thomas J, Angus Abraham 11 Dixon Robert „ Baister Jane 12 Irwin Jane 13 Wilson William 14 Proctor William 15 Renwick Matthew 16 Semor Henry 25 Watkins John 18 Matthews David 19 Campbell Mordk 20 Scott John 21 Reavely Ann 22 Walker John 23 Scott Ann 24 Gibson Thomas Stock Bridge^ Wheatley M. & Co, I Losh, Wilson, & Bells 2Goodall John 3 Rutherford Thomas Hole-in-the-Wall Inn Donaldson David Stringer Thomas Brogdon Matthew Boltun Ed war J Craigie James Henderson Mary Johnson Wm. & Co Stowell Street 1 Northnibland. Arms 5 Brewis John 12 Adamson Robert 13 Adamson Andrew 15 Adams David 17 Adams James 21 SibbaldJohn x2 238 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 22 Johnson William 23 Forster Matthew 29 Dunn Andrew 30 Mills Margaret 31 Walton Elizabeth 33 Deighton Francis 34 Bell John 35 Morton Michael 38 Foggin Elizabeth 40 Flitch John Jacob ,, Richard Christopher 41 Weddle Newton 42 Sir W. Wallace Arms 43 Turnbull George Rd 46 Stoker Joseph ,, Ratcliffe John 49 Maule John Dixon „ Stirling James 50 Shields Margaret strawberry Ln, & PI, 1 Ross John 2 Jackson Francis 3 Simpson Mrs 4 Railston Matthew 5 Walters George 6 Hutchinson Isab 7 Fenw'ck Sarah 8 Taylor William Dunlop William Harvey Mrs. Margaret SummerliiU. Bilton Edward Mather Joseph Mowbray C. M Wilson Mary Friestman Jonathan Sutherland Joseph Ex&minerhill Grove. 1 Mountain Mr. Wm 2 Milner Thomas 3 Richardson Mrs. D 4 B arras Miss Mary 5 Rie'iardson Hen^-y 6 Richardson Edward 7 Stanton Philip 8 D re wry Jonathan 9 Robinson Robert Suxnmerhill Terrace. 1 Hogg Thomas senr 2 Flintoff Mrs. Eliz 3 Burnett Thomas 4 Hodgson Robert 5 Bleckley Henry 6 Tweeddle Mrs.'Sar 7 Hogg Mrs. Ann 8 Hogg Thomas jun. 9 Chator William 10 Chapman Anthony 1 1 Dixon William 12 Finlay James 13 Bell Misses M. & A 14 Harrison John J 15 Reid Rev. Alex 16 Swanson William 17 Guise Mrs. Maria JSCatcheside Mrs. C 19 Guthrie David Sunderland Street. 1 Tate William 2 French Thomas 3 Dunn George 4 Graham James 7 Foss Elea-ior 28 Dowley James 27 Ferguson Fiaveis 26 Young Jacob 25 Maughan Margt 24 Hepper Joseph 23 Lindsay Thomas 22 Dixon James 2Tait J. & E 3 Barn father George 18 Carson David Angus Teasdale 15 Wilson James 14 Marshall Joseph 13 Carr Andrew 12 Allen Mary 1 1 Ferguson Daniel 10 Facliner John 9 Henyell G 8 Charlton Elizabeth 7 Dunn Catherine Swinboume PI. High. 1 Gibson David 2 Wiight Miss Mary 3 Mackreth Robert 4 Beaumont William Swinbourne PI. Low* *. Johnson James William IV Preston John H Elliott Peter Roxby Robert 1 Cargey Mrs. & Miss 2 Budden William H 3 Wilson Thomas 4 Angus Jonathan 5 Usher Robert Pattison Thomas Green William Dawson William Hoggett Tliomas Grayson James Ridley Mrs Margare| Ridley William Stephenson Jane Ryle George Milburn Joseph Terrace Place. 7 Patterson Robert 8 Sang William 9 Turnbull Mrs. M 10 Andrews xMiss A 11 Mather Mrs. Sarab 12 Flitch John J., jun 13 Mason Mrs. Margt 14 Patterson John 15 Cooper Thomas 16 Walton John 17 Potts John 18 Curry Caleb 19 Wilkinson William „ Lumsdon William 20 Baker Benjamin 21 Meldrum Thomas 22 Green Miss Char. 23 Guthrie George 24 Bryson Thomas 25 Chapman Mrs Mary 26 Sinclair John 27 Lowery George „ Body John 28 Sin ton Miss Mary 29 Clark George 30 Crow John 31 Taylor Thomas 32 Moore Michael 33 Ross James 34 Ingham Joseph Thornton Street. 1 Cumberland Hoa$a 2 Foggin Robert NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 2(59 3 Ratcliff George 4 Burt Joseph 5 Hall & Shepherd 7 Hall Ann & Son „ Hall Grace & P 7 Greenwell Thomas 13 Wilkinson Ann ,, Little William 5 Clark Thomas 4 Wilson Matthew 3 Wallace John 2 Forster Thomas 1 Wylie Robert Tate John Stafford William Scott Thomas Goodlad Rd. & Co Annandale J. & Sons Muir Walter Sharp Thomas Nerval Jane Thornton Arms Oliver William Loraine Feawick Three Indian Kings St Lecarpentier, Aisbitt & Co Hunter William Palmer Geo. & Chas. M Carr John & Co Lunn James Three Indian Kings Wingaard Hans & Co Lange Brothers Lange W.J. M Forster and Holmes Pattinson Thos. C & Co Gray George Ewbank Michael Hedley Brothers Walker William Gibson Thos. & Co Turner James Beckwith George W Waters Benjamin Atkinson Thos. & Co Forster James Tindal Street. 1 Armstrong William 2 Little Sarah 3 Coulson Edward 4 Farrar John 5 Pattinson Joseph Trafalgar Street. 1 Anderson Thomas „ Bell and Malcolm 2 Mowbray Margaret 3 Hawkes Robert 4 Wailes John 5 Spencer Robert 6 Milburn Henrv F 7 Clark John 8 Scott Margaret 9 Hutchinson George „ Lee John Red ford Dinah 1 1 Yellowley Henry 12 Thompson Robert 13 Cairns James 14 Parker Mary 15 Ryles Margaret „ Wilson Henry 16 Wood James 17 Tweedy William „ Smith John 5, Lister George 18 Brydon Elizabeth 19 Thompson Peter J „ Thompson William 24 Carey David 27 Ridley Barnabas 30 Murton John 32 Bell Edward 33 Tinwell John 37 Lord Nelson 38 Turner Margaret „ Dinsdala Ann Tyne Bridge End. 1 Dixon George 2 Charles XII. 3 Small Hannah 5 Tyne Bridge Inn 6 Bell George 7 Hudson Richard 8 Colquhoun William 9 Bulmer & Co 10 Atkinson Rph. & Co 11 Marshall Wm. C Nichol Ludlow & Co Schoele William Tyne Street. Golden Lion Carr Elizabeth Scott Walter Robson Robert Scott James Summerson William Davison Samuel Coltman John F Gibson Ann Burdis W^illiam Lamb Inn Echte Christopher Tate George Smirk Thomas Dixon Joseph Hall Alexander CoUinson Michael Snowdon Anthony Masons Arms Gibbs Joseph Hall Robert Boyd George Kennedy John Cuthbertson George Cook Miss Ann Sewell Henry Dixon John Union Street. 1 Weir Jas. Anthony 2 Richardson G.5Jun 3 Old George Inn 4 Richardson Henry „ Richardson George 5 Mc Gregor Alex 6 Ward Thos. Elliott 7 Oliver Thomas 8 Elliott John 10 Milburn Joseph 11 Oliver Daniel „ Oliver Daniel, jun 12 Bertram Alex 13 Humble Thomas 14 Liddell Robert 15 Todd George „ Nixon John 16 Wallace James 17 Lumsdon James „ Lumsdon John 1 8 Plough Inn 19 Charlton James 20 Hetherington Capt 21 Chronicle Office 23 Couthard Mary 24 Blenkinsop Thomas 25 Cowell George S 240 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. Victoria Place. Glendinning John Spoor Robert Belk William Kennedy John Craig Isabella Grant John Buckham John Victoria Terrace. 1 Grind John 2 Wilson Ralph 3 Dunn Wm. Alder 4 Stanley Thomas Villa Place, High. Angus Teasdale Fairland Christopher Hudson Edward Storey Anthony Carr Thomas Reay Hannah Carr John Berry John Preston Roger Carr John Fenton Archibald Johnson Mary Ann Hedley Robert Weatherhead George Carr John Villa Place, Low. 1 Fenwicb Mrs. H 2 Dent Roger 3 Smith Mrs. Eliz 4 Brown George 5 Laidler George 6 Redhead Lancelot 7 Charlton Aaron 8 Bell William 9 Boyd William 10 Wright Mrs. Mary 11 Stonehouse J „ Howe George 12 Buckbam George 13 Sticks James 14 Hawthorn Mrs. E 15 Gibson Philip 16 Carr Peter 17 Stoker Miss R 18 Armstrong Robert 19 Reed Charles L 20 Oliver Andrew 21 Atkinson Rev. M 22 Lee Mrs Jane 23 Nixon Mrs. Jane 24 Whitfield Mrs. Em 25 Johnson James 26 Johnson William 30 Donkin Mrs. Eliz 33 Ross Metcalf 34 Fawdon Henry 35 Harrison Mrs. Mgt 36 Forbes John 37 Armory Thomas Bones Francis 38 Dickinson John 39 Crooks George 40 Watson Hannah 41 Hewit William 42 Scott Elizabeth 43 Bee Hive 44 Tate Mary 45 Cowan Mary 46 Forbes Mary Warwick Place. 1 Dove Thomas 2 Dove Miss 3 Brown Thomas 4 Leslie David 5 Marsden Thomas 6 Morrison Walter Waterloo Street. 1 Wheat Sheaf 2 Spencer Thomas 3 Porter John „ Atkinson Mary 4 Dee John 5 Armstrong William 6 Butchers Arms 8 Black Bull Dunn Margaret Elsdon Robert Robson Ridley Bucham Andrew Harland John Drysdale Robert Machen George 11 Bell John 15 Jeflfrey Thompson 14 Walsmley Thomas 13 Parkinson George 12 Hutchinson Ann 10 Ridley William 9 Patrick William 8 Robson Frances 6 Thompson Mrs 5 Grearson Jame? 4 Cook Godfrey 3 Cowan William 2 Kirkley Mary 1 Carry George Wellington Street Wake Thomas Bell William Mc Kie Thomas Byers George Powell Richard Prince of Wales Gibson Matthew Dodd John Graham John Danby Michael Hunter Charles Armstrong John Williams John Rodgers John Johnson Jame^ Cochrane Francis Fyfe William Emmott Abraham Wilson Andrew Watson Stephen Westgate, Turner William Crown Inn Harrison Bownes Brown Thomas Young George Boars Head Inn Duncan William Todd Henry Buckham Edward Spencer Thomas Black Bull Scott and Beck Blue Bell Robinson Thomas Gardner Andrew Gibson Joseph Humble Thomas Waddell Isabella Teasdale Ann Flitch John Jacob Murthwaite William Dalziel William Boston Robert NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY. 241 Milner John Telfer Adam Potter George Raiiston Geo. Thomas Robertson Ann Hediey Henry Benson Cummins George H Marquis of Blandford Middleton Margaret Gallon John Peverell Richard Robinson John Morpeth William Kent John Hall Wilkinson George Sterling John Spencer Ralph Weslgate Street. 1 Shields Constantine 2 Young James 3 Galloway John 4 Maughan Ralph 5 Relief Church 6 Leighton Thomas 7 Bailes Anthony 8 Steele John 9 Rickelton John 10 MoflfettJohn 1 1 Laidler William 12 Hutton and Rhind 13 Gregson Thomas L 14 Hodgson James 16 Keenlyside & Harle „ Fenwick John 17 Urwin Mrs. Isabel 18 Dixon Dixon, Esq 19 Gallon John 21 Davison William St. John's Church 22CoxeRev.R.C.,M.A Assembly Rooms 25 Longridge M., Esq „ Longridge James A 26 Longridge Robert B and Co. „ Bedlington Iron Co's Offices „ Marshall George 28 Flues and King „ Robinson John 29 Woodger William 30 Smith John 31 Hood Geo. Young 32 Robinson John 33 Wilkinson James Police Station Long Elizabeth 34 Smith Mary Eliz „ Watt John 37 Annandale Andrew 38 Grant Jane R. „ Tax Office Hume & Chipchase 39 Millburn Joseph 40 Douglass Mary 41 Teasdale Rt. & Nls 42 Fairweather Thomas 43 Pollard Thomas 44 Adamson G. & Sons 45 Hardcastle William 46 BoUam Geo. & Wm „ Clayton Miss Debr. 47 Peters Miss. Isab. 48 Smith N.T., M.D. 49 Wright Rev. H. W., M. A. „ Clerk of Peace's Office „ Askew Rd. Craster 50 Losh James 51 Bates John M., M.D 52 Fryer Chas. Ralph 53 Miller James 54 PortousJph.& Sons 55 Pybus John 56 Abbs Cooper 57 Kent Newbiggin 58 Motfatt Thos. & Rt. 59 Swinburn Eliz „ Graham Ann Walters Wm. Clayton Leadbitter Robert Anderson Joseph Philosophical Hall Museum & Library- Nicholson James 67 Dotchin James 69 Lugton Alexander 60 Jackson Robert „ Smailes Robert 71 Ions & Gateshill 72 Black Bull's Head 73 Greener John 74 Oxley George 75 Willoughby Ralph 77 Liddle Isabella 79 Hills & Davidson 80 O'Hara James 81 Ramsay Thomas 82 Graham John 'Westmoreland Street. 1 Brown Wm. John 2 Oley Christopher 3 Fittes Robert 4 Watts David 5 Lockwood James 6 Parkins Charles 7 TurnbuU George 8 Forster John 9 Marshall George 11 Oliver Timothy 12 Duncan Margaret 13 Bainbridge Eliz. 14 Wilson William 15 Grubb Ann 16 Scott Robert 18 Dawson Thomas Aitkin James Clyde William Hislop James Colquhoun David Grey Bull Inn Ormston Walter Barrow Elizabeth 19 Richardson John Dunn William C. Earl of Westmoreland 20 Henderson John Munro Margaret 22 Charlton My. Ann 23 Lumley Philip Astrop James 25 Robinson Robert Harrison Catherine 26 Wright William "Westmoreland Ter. 19Reid Edw. Blackey 20 Reed Eleanor 21 Warburton William 22 Larkin Charles 23 Joicey George 24 Pringle Walter S 25 Blackett Jane 26 Farmer James 27 Potts William M. 28 Rogerson James 29 Kay Edw. Jackson 30 Revely William 31 Gething Samuel 32 Green John 33 Little Joseph ,, Gee Thomas 242 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 34 Marshall 35 Fullarton A.& Co. „ Gregory James 36 Rooke Sarah 37 Ord William William Street. 1 Hind marsh Mrs. E. 2 Stark James 3 Newton John 6 Bracken John 7 Maxwell John 9 Clark James 10 Mc Kie John 16 Hedley Margaret 17 Carnaby Robert Garasby George Elliott Mrs. Mary 23 Lynn Thomas 24 Robinson Thomas Waddom Thomas 13 Mackinzie Kenneth 11 Northumberld. Arms lO Gilroy John B. 7 Mather Thomas 3RowellMary&Sah. 1 Gerviu John MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE BOROUGH. William Ord and John Hodgson Hind, Esqrs. cohporation. JAMES ARCHBOLD, ESQUIRE, Mayor. GEORGE HUTTON WILKINSON, ESQUIRE, Recdrder. JOSEPH CRAWHALL, ESQUIRE, Sheriff. JOHN CLAYTON, ESQUIRE, Town Clerk. GEORGE WAUGH STABLE, ESQUIRE, Under-sheriff. MR. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Treasurer. LIST OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ENDING OCT. 31, 1847 ALDERMEN. James Hodgson, Esq. Thomas Dunn, Esq. Joseph Lamb, Esq. Anthony Nichol, Esq. James Losh, Esq. John Carr, Esq. John Brandling, Esq, James Sillick, Esq. Thomas Emerson Headlam, Esq. William Brownsword Proctor, Esq George Thomas Dunn, Esq. Armorer Donkin, Esq. Sir John Fife I Addison Langhorn Potter, Esq. COUNCILI.OB.S. St. Nicholas- Ward, All Saints' West Ward. Mr. Robert Robinson Mr. Samuel Stokoe Henry Ingledew John Nichol William Gibson VV^illiam Lockey Harle St. Johii's Ward, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Isaac Burrell Mr. William Brown Mr. John Carr Mr. John Hughes Preston Mr. Samuel Parker JVIr. John Burnup Mr. James Dale Mr. William Henry Brockett Mr. Anthony Parker Mr. John Ormston Mr. George Lambert Mr. John Thomas Carr All Saints'' East Ward. Mr. William Turner Mr. David Burn Mr. John Ridley Mr. John Hunter Mr. Stephen Low^rey Mr. Joseph Crawhall NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 243 St. Andrew's South IFard, Mr. Charles Rayne Mr, Francis Taylor Mr. Alexander George Gray Mr. James Dent Weatherley Mr. Mark L. Jobling Mr. Francis Sanderson St. Andrew's North Ward. Mr. John Blackwell Mr. Ralph Dodds Mr, James Archbold Mr. James Shield Mr. !v>a1phP. Philipson Mr. Thomas William Keenlyside Westgate Ward. Mr. George Bargate Mr. Robert Hawthorn Mr. James Finlay Jesmond Ward. Mr. Henry Turner Mr. William Armstrong Mr. Nathaniel Grace Lambert AI.DEZIMEM' OF WAUDS. St. Nicholas* Ward, Sir John Fife. St. John's Ward, James Hodgson, Esq. All Saints' West Ward, John Carr, Esq. All Saints' East Ward, Anthony Nichol, Esq. St. Andrew's South Ward, John Brandling, Esq. St. Andrew's North Ward, Thomas Emerson Headlam, Esq Westgate Ward, , George Thomas Dunn, Esq. Jesmond Ward, Armorer Donkin, Esq, Days on which the Quarterly Meetings of the Council are appointed to be holden for the Year 1847: — Wednesday, February 3, Wednesday, May 5, Wednesday, August 4. BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. James Archbold, Esq., (Mayor,) T. E. Headlam, Sir John Fife, Anthony Nichol, G. T. Dunn, William Loraine, Robert Plummer, A. L. Potter, John Lamb, R. P. Philipson, James Archbold, John Brandling, William Chapman, James Crawhall, Edward James, Robert Airey, George Clayton Atkinson, John Bulman, John Carr, Esqrs., and Capt. West, R. N. — Thomas Atkinson Davidson, Chrh THE COURTS. Newcastle District Court of Banhrnptcy^ Boyal Arcade — Nathaniel Ellison Esq., Commissioner^ William Sidney Gibson, Registrar, Thomas Barker and Jam^s Wakley, Official Assignees, James Farmer, Messenger, and Job Reeves, Usher. John Clayton, Town Clerk, Stephen Reed, Coroner for the County of Not thumlerland, \y\\\i8im Stoker, Coroner for the Borongh,Wi\\ieim Dickin- son, Clerk of the Peace, Knd John EWioit, Assistant, Matthew Robert Brigge, Sherijff, William Cook, Sheriff^s Officer, David Cumberland, Surveyor of Taxes, David Hamilton Wihon, Quay and Town Due Collector, William Alexander Brooks, Corporation Eng in eer,J{ohert Wallace, Town Surveyor, Samuel Thompson, Governor of Borough Prison ; Edward Redhead, In- spector of Weights and Measures and High Constable; John Jefferson Har- risen, Clerk of the Committee of Revenue and Expenditure. 244 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Surrogates.— 'Rev. R,obt. Green, Rev. Wm. Dodd, & Rev. H. W. Wright. Assay Office, Dean Courts Painters heugh, Francis Somerville, Master. Stamp Office, Royal Arcade. — Henry Reed, Esq., Distributor, Excise Office, Royal Arcade. — James Thompson, Esq., Collector. 6^^^per^•^sor5, Jeffrey Faulder, 1st, and George White, 2nd Districts; Thomas Stanley, Gateshead District. Permit Office, Manor Street — John Failes, John Mc. Pherson, and Samuel Hanson, Writers ' COURT DAYS. Quarter Sessions. — On the Wednesday in the Sessions week. The Burgess Court of Record, in which the burgesses ol the town can alone be sued, is held every Monday before the Recorder or his Deputy, in the Guildhall, except such Monday happens to be a Saint's day. The Non burgess's Court of Record, in which Non-burgesses are sued is held every Wednesday and Friday before the Recorder or his Deputy, in the Guildhall. The County Court is held every fourth Wednesday throughout the year before the Under-Sheriff, in the Guildhall. The Court of Conscience, for the recovery of debts under forty shillings, is held on the last Tuesday of every month, before the Commissioners in the Guildhall. — David Carey 24 Trafalgar street, is the beadle of this court The jurisdiction of the Burgess and Non-Burgess Courts, and the Court of Conscience, has recently, by order of the Privy Council, been ex- tended to the borough of Gateshead. The Mayor and Magistrates sit every day for the transaction of busi- ness at the Police-office in the Manors, and parochial business every Friday. CUSTOM HOUSE, 40, QUAY SIDE. Collector, Sir Cuthbert Sharp, Comptroller, James Sparrow, Esq., Clerks in the Long Room, Thomas Scott, Thomas Brown, William Tinwell, John Grey, Cuthbert Carr, A. Shield, and J. E. England, Landing Surveyors Robert Dees, and William King Lloyd, Landing Waiters, Robett Arm- strong, John Baskett, and Wilson Story, Searchers. Henry Ferriere, John R. Rayner, E. I. Wilson, D. L. Mc. Allum, R. S. Bell, and E. C. Saunders, Jerquer, H. W. World, Warehouse-keeper, John Youngj Tide Surveyor, William Prym, Assistant, M. Proctor, Clerks for generat Business, E. Story, John Bruce, and John Dees, House-keeper , John Gardiner. TRINITY HOUSE, 20, BROAD CHAKE. Elder Brethren, Henry Smith Straker, il^as^er; John Hunter, i)^;?w^3^ ; John Rayne, Robert Airey, John Thomas Carr, Cuthbert S. Fenwick, Robert Shipton Stanhope, T. C. Gibson, F. A. Pattison, Simon Danson, Thomas Elder, and George Thompson, Chaplain, Rev. R. Green, Master to the Pilots, Thomas Smith, Secretary, John Currie. Northumberland Dock Office, 8, Grey Street, — George Hudson, Esq. M.P. Chairman; Richard Spoor, Esq., Deputy; George Burdis, Esq., Trea- surer: and David Darling Md^m, Secretary, NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. t45 Union Workhouse, Cattish Road, Opened April, 1840, will accomodate ^0 paupers, average number, 400. Mr. Robert and Mrs. Salmon, Master and Matron. Mr. Thos Brown, Clerk and Superintendent Registrar. Relieving Officers, William Wilson, East District, Thomas Rowell, North Distiict, and Joseph Heslop, West District. Registrars of Births and Deaths, Joseph Pearson, All Saints' District, John Findley, Byker Dis- trict, William Findley, St John's and St. Nicholas's Districts, Duncan L. Mc Allum, St. Andrew's District, and George Willis, Wcstgate District. Registrar of Marriages, J. Routlege. Superintendent of Police, John Stephens, Manurs Station. Police Sta- tions, A Dividon, The Manors, Thomas Crake, Inspector. B Division^ Westgate, Ralph Little, Inspector. C Dividon, Prudhoe Street, Matthew Forster, Inspector. D Division, The Cut, Ousehuw, Thomas Harrison, Inspector. River Police Station, Nelson Street, North Shore, John Martin, Inspector. BM'Ough Prison and House of Correction, Carliol Square, Samuel Thompson, Governor. Pilot Office, S9 Qua^ Side, Thomas Smith, Master. Harbour Master Simon Danson, Offfice Quay Side. Newcastle Subscription Water Co's. Office, Royal Arcade, William George Armstrong, /S^cre/^T/, Thomas Dawson, Collector and Superintendent, and Edward Martin, Ry croft, Clerh Newcastle and Gateshead Union Gas Light Co's Offfice, Royal Arcade, Thomas Hebron, Secretary. S<, S. Dawson, and S. Hillaby, Collectors. HACKNEY COACH FARES. For a distance not exceeding 1,000 yards from the place where the passenger shall be taken up, one shillings and for every additional seven hundred yards, or portion thereof, a further charge of sixpence. Two passengers to be taken for the above fares, and an additional fare of sixpence to be paid for every passenger above that number ; a child under 7 years of age not to be considered a passenger, but two such children to count as one passenger. After 12 o'clock at night and before 8 o'clock in the morning an extra fare of one half the ordinary faie, is chargeable. Carriages detained above 15 minutes at any place or place?, entitled to sixpence extra for every 15 minutes so detained; but no car- riage to be detained beyond \6 minutes without the consent of the coach- man, except the fare amount to four shillings for a coach, or tliree shillings for a fly. The fare for every hackney coach hired by the day is twenty-one shillings; and by the hour, three shillings for the first hour, and two shillings for every hour after the first, the hackney coach- man having the option to charge either by time or distance; unless a special agreement be previously made. When the fare amounts to four shillings for a coach, or three shillings for a fly, the hirer may detain and return in the same upon the payment of half-fare, provided the detention do not exceed one hour, for which no additional fare is to be charged. The fares for a fly, or carriage Drawn by one horse, are, in every case two-thirds of the above fares. t O H &s ??W?W I-' -^ 5 p D ^ S ^< a. l-o» i'^o"* . "q CO 2 ^ 1 -?l - P : ^aJl B o P o 1 £ : wir 1 ^ - ^a : p^ II : §: : s: )5. 1 g_ • »• Ell : w"' : 2-p . p & Fill p. : w: . p . : ^: . o . : k: • o • ^i ili 2— :ii so ill ' 5". . p I S ■ CO? ! ? • ^ • w o :p : ? ■ vF-* 52 ; ^r : W : w: §* , : ^: s> « a d ; o o it B : • >P §: CD . a : o • 09 . • P P vP'* I S 1 05 . : ^ a o • • c5- O" •^ I : ts- p ' ?; •I f. o . v-V*^^ -v^ t^ » Hy i 3 O 3 •« V *? P P P * ^ bd ^- B : .S-- : rl I'S : ?? 1 ^ ^ ►« »d p p p • ^ pB: B BBBB gp 17 ^ t^ : ! ! • W«S 2 9 . p CD o .* • f-i •: S'^ ^ : ^&2, p-ts o P : o — - - o M n*.i:iooW o ^ S 5 § ^ o o o o oJ ^ S? •a ^ i ^ •TJ 'O p p p g E ! ^ t s B E LB B c ! is O » a > n ? B o p^" ^. P, « T- 2 i 2 w p O CO 1^ P 2 p- ■ '7Q 2 • P. Jd c p. (b P. o £- o B g S o p-s » gSs42 w « s=^P ^2 ^P.2^-'' ^ a3P p W «-'■ O 2 fi CD i=^ (73 O O = o b: p a hj mB. >-J CD pB ?§ tS- CD COP H oop -? P^ pi d §a p.d M to >^ 1-^ 1—1 •— :C O COM (MhSt^o «0 M »— CO CO o» »*i. »ek.N-i — »e 'o •« "d "o ►c •« 13 p p ^ BBB5BBBBBB o W ;2j tH td H o 5; o > t-l P o CO O CO H O o O o NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 247 IMEail and Stag:e Coaches. To Alnwick, The Tally-ho^ from the Sun Inn, Newgate street, at 4 after- noon daily, (Sundays excepted) To Barnard Castle, The True Britain, from the Half Moon, Bigg market, daily (Sundays excepted) at 4 afternoon To Bedlington, The Defence, Tu. and Sat. from the Garrick's head, cloth market, at 4 afternoon To Berwick, via. Weldon Bridge and Wooler, in connection with the North British Railway, The Quick Silver, from the Queen's Head and Turf Hotel offices at 10 morning daily, (Sundays excepted.) To Berwick, via. Morpeth and Alnwick, The Union,, from the Turf Hotel office, at 8 morning, daily, (Sundays excepted) in connection with the North British Railway To Berwick, &c. The Highflyer, from the Turf Hotel office, at 9 evening, the same route as the Quick Silver To Berwick and Edinburgh, The Royal Mail, from the Queen's Head office, at 10 morning, daily To Bishop Auckland, The True Britain, from the Half Moon, Bigg market, at 4 afternoon, daily, (Sundays excepted.) To Blyth, The Victoria, from the Half Moon, Bigg market, Tu. and Sat. at 4 afternoon To Durham, The Quick Silver, from the Coach and Horses, Bigg market, at 8 morning, daily To Durham, The True Britton, from the Half Moon, Bigg market, at 4 afternoon, dailj^, (Sundays excepted) To Edinburgh, The Royal Mail, from the Queen's Head office, at 10 morning, daily To Edinburgh, The Magnet Mail, from the Queen's Head office, at quarter past 1 1 night, daily To Edinburgh, via. Horsley, Jedburgh, Dryhurgh, Melrose, Abbotsford, &c., The Chevy Chase, from the Turf Hotel and Queen's Head offices, at 8 morning, dail}^, (Sunday's excepted) To Edinburgh, via Berwick, &c., from the Queen's Head Office, daily, The Royal fVilliam, at half- past one (Sundays excepted) To Morpeth, New Fhcenix, from the Rose & Crown, Bigg market, at five afternoon daily To Morpeth, The Tally-ho, from the Sun Inn, New^gate street, at 4 after- noon daily (Sunda3s excepted) To Shotley Bridge, The Safety, from the Crown & Thistle, Groat mkt., at 4 afternoon, and Omnibus at 8 morning, daily To WooLER, The New Phoenix, from the Rose & Crown, Bigg market, at 3 afternoon, Tuesdays Railway Conveyance. To North Shields, by Newcastle & North Shields Railway, (Station Carliol square) every half hour from 8 morning, till half-past 8 night an extra train on Saturday night at 9 ^49 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. Newcastle and Carlisle Railway — Trains leave for Carlisle at 6, 9 & (mail) II a.m., and 2, 4, & 6, 4b p.m., through the week; and at 9, a.m., and (mail) 5 p.m., on Sundays Omnibuses— IjQdixe the George Inn, Queen's Head Inn, Turk's Head Inn, and Turf Hotel, for Carlisle and Gateshead Stations, 20 minutes before the departure of each train. KewcastUy Darlington^ YorUy^c, Railway — See end of Gatshd. Directory. Steam Packets. To Berwick, the Eclipse, Wed- nesday morning, at 8, from the North Shore. To Dundee, The Loch Ryan, Wednesday morning, from the North Shore. To Hull, The Neptune, Tuesday morning at 8, from 2, Broad Chare. To Leith, the Vesta, Monday and P'riday from Shield and Parker's Wharf, 50 Quay Side. To Leith, the Eclipse, Wedaes day morning at 8 from the North Shore. To London, the London Mer- chanp, Wednesday, and the City of Hambukgh, Saturday, from Shield and Parker's Wharf, 50 Quay Side. To Shields, ten or twelve times per day, from the Quay Side, Law- son Mures, agent, 2 Broad Chare To Whitby and Hull, the Strean SHALL, Wednesday morning from R. ^,torey's, Fenwick's entry. Water Conveyance, Xiondon and other Traders, NiCHOL, Ludlow. & Co. Ship. Master. Barefoot. Muirhead Halcyon Turpie Isabella Sarah Oliver London. Davis 'i'eviot Purvis To Anth. Sichol ^ Son^ Dowgate Wharfj London, Robert Story's Wharf. Allen Gibson Brittain Reed E^iarr. .• Wise Ship. Master, Hudgill Clark Marsden Dotchin Milner Todd To Anth. Nichol §- Son,, Dowgate Wharf, London. Clark & Dunn's Wharf. Bean front Hopper Albion Cobby Cumberland... Fairbarn Elswick .. . .Carriliol Jane ,...-? Burn Meldon Sykes Tham 4 Manderson Times Poison Tvne Kirkup Ann Hall Merchant Swan To Todds Red Lion and Three Cranes Wharf, London. To Hull, &c. George .Robinson Cynthia Wheldale Teespacket Cooper Cupid Robinson To Berwick. Adelaide Sample To Aberdeen. Scottish Maid. ....,., .Bruce Triumph Mason General Carriers By Railway 8f Waggon to all parts. Carver, Chaplin, & Co. 4 Manor street, and I & 2 Kailway Station, Gateshead, John Main, agent. Howey Thomas & Co., Bird in- Bush yard, Mnr. Ch., Rt. Fail, agt. Pickford & Co., Bird-in-Bush yd., Manor Chare, and Railway Station, Gateshead, Thomas Irvine, agent. NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 249 Carriers from the Inns. The figures on the left of the Inns correspond with the figures attached to the list oj Fhces* 1 Albion Inn, Newgate st 3 Bird -in- Bush 5^ard, Pilgrim st. and Manor chare 4 Black Bull, Union st & Hh. brg. 5 Black House Inn, Pilgrim st 6 Blue Bell Inn, Head of Side 7 Blue Posts, Pilgrim st 8 Coach & Horses Inn, Bigg mkt 9 Cock Inn, Head of Side 10 Corn Market Tav., Head of Side 12 Dodds Temp Hotel, Bigg mkt 13 Fighting Cocks, Bigg mrkt 14 Fox & Lamb, Pilgrim street 15 George Inn, (Old) Union street 16 Golden Lion, Bigg market 17 Half Moon Inn, Bigg market 19 Marquis of Cornwallis, Bigg mkl 20 Nag's Head Inn, Butcher bank 21 Ntig's Head Inn, Nun's street 22 Pack Horse, Pilgrim street 23 Queen's Head, (Old) Pilgrim st 24 Robin Hood, (Old) Pilgrim st 25 Scotch Arms, Bigg market 26 Sun Inn, Quay side 26i Todd's Temp. Hotel, Bigg mkt 27 Wheat Sheaf Inn, Bigg market 27^ Wheat Sheaf Inn, Cloth mkt 28 White Hart Inn, Cloih market 29 Unicorn Inn, Bigg market 30 Victoria Inn, Newgate street 17 Allendale, Wm. Errington, wed. 14 Alnwick, M. Graham, tu.th. & fr 9 Alston, Hunham, Saturday 20 Barnard Castle, Golightly, thur 24 Bedlington,Hindmash, tu th& st 7 Bedlington, Fenwick& Swan, tu th. and sat 8 Bellingham, Ward, thursdasy 16 Bellingham, Hedley, thursday 3 Berwick, Thomas Howey & Co. mon. wed. & fri. 20 Bishop Auckland, Stokoe and Richardson, friday 17 Blanchland, Thos. Robson, thu 15 Blyth, Nelson, tu. & frid 24 Blyth, Wm. Ward, tu. th. & sat 23 Blyth, J. Young, tu. th. & sat 15 Bontsland, Atkin, thur. 15 Broomhaugh, Richardson, sat 26J Brough, Andrew Bell, thur 20 Brough, Robinson & Young, we^ 7 Buston, Hewitt, thur 23 Carlisle, W, Armstrong thu. 17 Carlisle, Richd. Beeby, thur. Cockermouth, (see Carlisle) 3 Coldstream, Thos. Howry & Co. mon. wed. & frid. 15 Colwell, Moor, thur 29 Colwell, Walter Feedes, thur 5 Cramblington, Jas. Weatherhead & W. Davidson, tu. th. & sat 20 Darlington, Stockley & Briggs, tuesday & friday 5 Delaval, G. Forman, tu. th. & sat 30 Dinnington, Thos. Ridley, sat 1 Dinnington, John Headley, tu thur. & sat 3 Dunse, Thos. Howey & Co. mon wed. & frid 20 Durham, Stockley and Briggs, tu. and fri Durham, Peverall & Jackson, daily Sandhill 3 Earlston, Thomas Howey & Co mon. wed. & frid. 3 Edinburgh, Thomas Howey &Ca mon. wed. & fri. 17 Ellington, Peter Allison, thur 16 Elsdon, James Brown, thur 17 Eshott, John Martin, thur 29 Falsione, Isaac Dagg, thur 3 Galashields, Thomas Howey and Co., mndys., Wednesdays, & frdys. 3 Glanton, Thomas Howey & Co., mondays, Wednesdays, & fridays 3 Glasgow, Thomas Howey & Co., mondays Wednesdays, & fridays 3 Greenlaw, Thomas Howey & Co., mondays, Wednesdays, & fridays Grcenside, — Davidson, (Black Boy) tuesdays and Saturdays 27 Haltwistie,— Good fellow, thur 20 Hamsterly, — Henderson, frid. Harbottle, (see Rothbury) 6 Hartley, Thos. Brady, thur. & sat 1 7 Hartley, Thos. Taylor, tu. th & st 10 Hartley, Tuny, sat. 3 Hawick, Adw. Robinson, th.& st. 23 Hawick, J. Boiston, thur. 8 Hedley, Bowman, sat. 14 Hexham, John Morpeth, mon wed. and fri. 23 Hexham, L. MofHtt, mn. wd. & fr Hexham, John Welch, monday, Wednesday, and friday 5oO NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 20 Hilton, Rylls, tu. 5 Horlon, Mills, sat. 6 Howdon, Pans,Robt Archer, tu, 8nd sat. 4 Humshaugb, Wm. Wilkinson, wed. and thur. 23 Jedburgh, J. Boiston, thur. ' 36 Jedburgh, Whaley, thur. 3 Kelso Thos. Howey & Co. mond. wed. and fri. 19 Killingworth, Peacock, tu. th & st 23 Killingworth, Fenwick, tu. th & st 26J Kirkwhellpington, W. Dodds, st 3 Lauder, Thos. Howej & Co. mo. wed. and frid, 20 Long row, Wilkinson, sat. 17 Matfen, Edward Milburn, sat. 3 Melrose, Thos. Howey & Co. niond. wed. and frid. 21 Middleton, Thos. Rodgers, sat. 3 Midfield, Thos. Howey & Co mond. wed. and frid. 9 Monkseaton, Duffield, sat. 27 Morpeth, Edward Edley, daily 8 Netberton, Dixon, thur. 23 Newbiggin, F. Rochester, sat. 10 Newbold, Robt. Stephenson, tu. thur. and sat. 15 Newbrough, Amos, thur. 6 New1}urn, Henry Callender, and John 1 hurlaway, thur. and sat. 17 Newlands, Harrison, sat. 28 Newton, Michl. Bell, sat. 8 Newton, Easton, thur. 27 Ninel^anks, Boshley, thur. 3 Otterburn, Andrew Robinson, thur. and sat, 23 Otterburn, J. Boiston, thur. 4 Ovingham, Matthew Elliott, sat. 17 Ovington,, John Owen, sat. 27A &. 28 Prudhoe, Geo. Robson,sat 23'Rotlibury, T. & W. Ransay, tu. and frid. 16 Pvothley, Edw. Lamptan, thur. 20 Shields, Mankin, daily 17 Shilboule, Maik Towman, thur. 20 Shildon, — Vickers, w^ed. 28.Sh.oileybdg.,J.Liddell,tu.th.&st 28 Shotley Bridge, John Liddle, tu. th. and sat. 1 4 Shotley Bdg- Brown, mn.w.& st 1 5 SI al ey ,— S w al low, th u r. 16 Stagshawbank, John Burns, thur 15 Stamfoidham,— Elliott, sat §5 Stamford ham,— Den ham, sat. 13 Stamfordham,Jras. Harrison, sat 16 Stamfordham, Andrew Elliott, th 17 Stannersburn, John Minto, th. 20 Stockton,— Stokley, and Briggg, tu. and fri. 29 Sunderland, — Layboorn, thur, 20 Sunderland, — Sheriff & Thmpsn. tu. thur. and sat. 20 Swalwell, — Sanders and Oxley, tu. and sal. 4 Wall, J. Wilkinson, wed. and th, 1 7 Wark, Wm. Dixon, & J. Tulip, th 24 Wark worth, Thos. Robinson, iu. 17 Warkworth, Robert Elliott, thur. 27 Whitfield, Bearty, Thursday 3 Whittingham, Thomas Howey & Co., monday, Wednesday, & frii. 25 Whittington, Rbt., Granick, sat. Wickham, W. Thompson, ( White hs.) tuesday, thursdav, and Saturday 20 Winlaton, Hewitson ar.d Tench tuesday, thursday, and Saturday 4 Witton, (Nether) W. Spoat, sat' J 5 Woodburn, Nesbit & Weir, thurs 3 Wooler, Thomas Howey i& Co., monday, Wednesday, and friday 8 Wooler, Lorymoor, thursday 21 Woomack, .Jph. Walton, sat. 28 Wylam, George Welsh, Saturday Places of "Worship. All Saints Churchy foot of Pilgrim street, Rev. Robert Green, M. A., Perpetual Curate. All Saints Chapel of Ease, Byker, Rev. Thos. R. Green, Incumbent. St. Andrew's Church, Newgate st. Rev. Wm. Dodd, M.A., Incumbent. St. Anns Chapel of Ease, New- Road, Rev. George Heriot. St. John's Churchy Westgate street. Rev. Henry William Wright, M.A., Incumbent. >S^ Nicholas Church, St. Nicholas square, Rev. Rd. Chas. Coxe, A. M., Vicar. St, Thomas's Church, head of Nor- thumberland street. Rev, R. Clay- ton, Incumbent. St. Paul's Chapel, Arthur's hill, Rev. Francis H. Maude, Curate. St. Peter's Chapel, Oxford street, Rev. diaries Alfred Raine, Incmbt, Catholic Church, Clayton street, west, Right Rev. Dr. Wm. Riddell, NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY. 251 Bishop, and Very Rev. Chas. Ejre, Priest. Catholic Chapel, Pilsfrim street, Rev. James Standen & Rev. Joseph Cullen, Priests. Baptist Chapel, Forth fields. Baptist Chapel, New Bridge street. Bapfisf. Chapel, Tuthill stairs. Baptist ChapcU Marlborough cres. Baptist Chapel, Bairas bridge. Baptist Chapel, New ct. Westgt. st. Caledonian Chapel, Argyle street. Cadle Garih 67mj9e/, Castle Garth. Friends Meeting House, Pilgrim st. High Bridge Chapel, High bridge. Independent Chapel^ Blackett st. Methodist Chapel, Blackett street. Methodist Chapel, Gibson street. Methodist Chapel, Blenheim st. Methodist C/wi/ye/, (Centenary.) St. Lawrence. New Connexion Chapel, Hood st. New Jerusalem Temple, Percy st. Bodern Chapel, Postern. Primitive Meth. Chapel, Nelson st. Public Methodist Chapel, New road Scotch Church, Blackett street. Scotch Chapel, Pudding chare. Unitarian 6Vt<7;;e/, Hanover square United Secession Chapel, Carliol st. United Secession Chapel ^ near Han- over square. * lABT OF C©I.I*I13BIBS. TYNE. Andrew's house, Bac^worth, Ben- well, Blaydon, Eurradon, and Wideopen, Charlaw, Coxlodge, Cramlinglon, Craghead, Derwent, Main, East Holywell, Edmonds- ley, Elswick, Farnacres, Fawdon. Felling, Fenbam, Frarawellgate Moor, Gosforth, Green Croft,Hea' Jarrow, Kibblesworth, Killing- worth, Low Moor, Lanchester & Medomslej^, Manor VVallsend, Marley Hill, Mickley, Monksea- ton, Mount Moor, North Elswick, Oakwellgate, Oxclose,. Pelaw Main, Pelton, Percy Main, Sac- riston, Seaton Burn, Seaton Del- aval, Seghill, Sheriff Hill, Spital Tongues, Springwell, South Tan- field, South Pelaw, Stormont, Tanfield Lea & Garesfield, Tan> field Mooi, Team, Tyne Main & Woodside, Urpetb, Waldridge, Walker, Walbottie, Wallsend, West Townley and Stella, West Cramlington, West Stanley, Wil- lington, Wy lam. BLYTH. Barrington Main, Bedlington, Cow- pen, Hartley, Netherton, West Cowpen. WEAR. Arbour House, Beamish, Belmont, Cassop,Cassop Moor,CastleEden, Crow Trees, El vet, Garmondsway Mcor, Has well, Fletton, Hetton South, Hetton North, Keepiefy Kelloe, Lambton, Luraley, Monk = T>^earmouth, Pensher, Shield Row, Shincliffe, South Moor, Shotton, Thornley, Trimdon, Washington, Whitwell, Wingate Grange TEES. Auckland St. Helen's, Auckland West, Black Boy, Brancepeth, Byers Green, Clarence Hetton, Coxhoe, Copy Crooks, Cragg- wood, Deanery Pease's, Deanery Brown's Eldon Etherley, Even- wood, Hunwick, Leasingthorne, Norwood,Westerton,West Hetton, ton, Hebburn, Fleddon Main, Whit\\orth, AVillington, Witton Heworth, Holy Well, Hotspur, Park, Woodhouse Close. The Markets are held on Tuesday, Thursday^ and Saturday, and are numerously attended by farmers, graizers, corn merchants, and tradesmen of the surrounding country, especially those on Tuesday and Saturday, both of which are corn, and the former cattle. The lairs are held March 26, August 12, October, 29, and the last Wednesday in November. Popuhtlon of the Borough, according to the census taken Jun 3 7th, 1841, Eiount<^d to 70,337. For other Public Institutions, Buildings, Places of Amusement, &c., see Alphabetical Hirccfory. GATESHEAD LIST OF STREETS, LANES, COURTS, &c. IN 1846, With references to their respective situations. Abbot's yarJ, High street Akenhead's yard. High street Almond's court, Hillgate Bailey chare, High street Bankwell passage, Pipewell gate Barras's court, High street Barrington place. Windmill hills Beckington's yard. High street Bell's yard, Oakwellgate Bensham, Windmill hills Bird-in-Bush entry. Bottle bank Blind John's entry. High street Blue Bell entry, Pipewellgate Bolivar place, East street Bottle bank, Bridge street Bridge street, Tyne bridge Brown's yard, Church street Bruce's yard. Cannon street Brunswick street. High street Brunswick terrace. Barn close Cannon street. Church street Carr's hill, Durham old Road Chapel street, Melbourn street Chapman's court, Hillgate Charles street. High street Charlotte place. West street Charlton's yard. High street Church stairs. Church street Church street. Bridge street Church walk. Church street Claremont place, Sedgwick place Cook's lane. High street Coward's yard. High street Cranston's entry. High street Cross Keys entry, Pipewellgate Crown & Thistle yard, Pipewellgate Daglish's entry, High street Deckham place, Durham old Road Dobson's court, Bridge street Dobson's yard. High street East Bailey chare, High street East street, Oakwellgate lane Easton court, High stieet Easton's entry, High street Easton place. East street Easton street, East street Eidon place, East street Ellison place, Ellison street Ellison street, High street Ellison terrace. Barn close Elysium lane, Bensham Errington's yard, High street Errington's yard, Pipewellgate Fairweather's yard, High street Farnwell's entry. High street Fountain yard, Pipewellgate Freeman's entry. High street Freeman's terrace. Windmill hills Friars Goose, South shore Garden court, 182 High street Garden street, Oakwellgate Gleghorn's entry, High street Grahamsley street. High street Green's yard, Pipewellgate Grosvenor street, Half Moon lane Half Moon lane, High street Hardy's yard. High street Harrison's yard. High street Hawk entry, bottlo bank High Fell,'Sheriffhill High street, Head of Church street Hillgatfi, Bridge street Hood's Buildings, Windmill hills Howick place. West street Hymer's square, High street Hymer's yard, High street Inness yard. High street Jackson street. High street Jobey's entry, High street John's place. West street King James's street, Brunswick st. King William's street, West street LIST OF STREETS, &c. IN GATESHEAD. 253 Lambton terrace, Wes^ street LangstafTs entry, Bottle bank Lee's entry, High street Leigbton*s entry, Pipewellgate Leonard's court, High street Lister's yard, High street Low Fell, Durham Road Lowson's yd., High st Lumley's yard. High street Melbourne street. Half Moon lane" Millers yard, Pipewellgate Millfield cresent. Windmill hills Molendine terrace, Jackson street Mount Greenwich, South shore Mulgrave terrace, Half Moon lane New Cannon street. High street New Chatham, Pipewellgate New Deptford, South shore New Greenwich, South shore New Stourbridge, Pipewellgate New Woolwich, South shore Nun's lane. High street Oakwellgate, Cannon street Oakwellgate chare, High street Oakwellgate lane, Oakwellgate Ocean terrace, Mulgrave terrace Old Angel yard. Cannon street Park lane, High street Park street, High street Parkin's yard, High street Partridge landing, Hillgate Peareth's buildings, High street Perkin's court. High street Pipe entry, Pipewellgate Pipewellgate, Bridge street Pipewell lane, Pipt wellgate Pitman's yard, Pipewellgate Pleasant row. High street Pollock street. Windmill bills Price's buildings, East street Proctor's buildings, Pipewellgate prospect cottages. High street Providence place. West street Quarry field, Oakwellgate lane Queen's Head yard, High street Rabbitt banks, Pipewellgate Ranter's entry, Pipewellgate Raveusworlh terrace, Bensham Rebecca street. Windmill hills Redheugh, Pipewellgate Rewcastle's yard, Hillgate Roddam's court, Bottle bank Roddam's yard. High street Romulus terrace, Windmill hills Rowell'syard, Pipewellgate Rutherford's yard, High street Salt Meadows, South shore Scott's buildings, Pipewellgate Sedgwick place, Union lane Sheriff hill, Durham old road Ship yard, High street Simpson yard, Church street Sister's lane. High st Smith's yard, Hillgate Soap Boiler landing, Hillgate Soulsby's yard. High street South shore, Hillgate St. John's court, High street St. Mark's lane, East Bailey chare Stewart place, Durham old road Slew art's yd., High st Stewart's buildings. High street Stringer's entry, High street Sugar house lane, Hillgate Sun court, 226 High street Swinburne place. High street Taylor's buildings, High street Faylor's court. High street Tucker's entry, Pipewellgate Union lane,High street Union place. Windmill hills Union row. Windmill hills Unsworth's yard. High street Vine Row, Jackson street Wake's yard, High street Walker terrace. Windmill hills Waterloo teirace. West street Well entry, 167 High street Welsh's yard, High street West street, Bailey chare West street (High) West street While House entry, High street William street, Baron close Windmill hills, Mulgrave terrace Woodbine terrace, Windmill hilU Young's yard, High street DIRECTORY OF THE TOWN AND BOEOUGH OF GATESHEAD. Abbot Eliz., Royal Oak, Garden st Abbot John & Co., iron and brass founders, chain, cable, anchor, &c. manufacturers, Gateshead park Adams James, vict., Hawks Arms, East St Airey Chas., shoemaker. Church st Aisbitt Thos. O., mcht.,King Jas. st Akenhead Oliver A., shoemaker, Deckham pi Allan Andrew, dyer, 39 Bottle bank Allan John, smith. Bottle bank Allan John, shopkpr., Pipewell gt Allen John, alkali mfr. ; h. High West st Allen Wm. N., grocer, 18 Bottle bnk AUhusen C. & Co., Tyne Soap and Alkali Works, South shore Allison Mrs, 26 Ellison st Allport James, manager, Newcastle, Darlington, York, &c. Railway, Green's field Anderson J., agt., 17 Molendine ter Anderson & Miller, hat manufctrs., 15 Bridge st Anderson Robert, hat mfr. j h. 19 Ravensworth ter Anderson William, violin maker, Grahamsley st Andrew Nicholas, gent., high West s Andrew William, coal owner, 8 high West st Andrews T., agt., 20 Claremont pi Angus Mrs. Eliz., Poplar cottage Angus G., currier ; h. Barrington pi Angus G. & T. C, curriers. Union In Angus Hy., tanr. ; h. Woodbine cot Angus Jas., glass mfr., Carr's hill Angus John, currier, 7 Sedgwick pi Angus William, vict., Low Fell Apedaile T. H., soln^ h. 17 West st Apeddile Miss Ann, Brunswick st Archbold Thos., shopkr., Pipewell gt Archer Rd.H., clerk, 21 Rvnswth.tr Archer Mrs, Sarah, 5 Rvnswrth. ter Arkle Ed., vict., Wm. IV., Bensham Armstrong John, elk., 32 Melbrn. st Armstrong W., cashier, 8 Rvnwth. tr Arnison Jph., shoemkr., 7 Jackson st Arnott James, assistant Town Clerk, Guildhall, Newcastle; h. 5 Gros- venor street Arthur James, grocer ; h. 9 Ravens- worth terrace Atchison Andw., baker, 9 Bridge st Atkinson Geo. T., dyer, 22 Church st Atkinson Isab,lodgs., 15 Melbrn. st Atkinson John, grocer, 28 High st Atkinson John, gent., 1 Ravnswth. tr Atkinson Mrs. Margaret, Stuart pi Atkinson Sarah, vict., 20 Ellison st Atkinson Thos., brewer, 3 Ellison st Atkinson Thomas, gracer, 18 Bridge steet; h. 6 Sedgewick place Atkinson Wm, confectioner. High st Atkinson Wm., butcher, 2 Bottle bk Atkinson, Rev. Wm., B. A. Recty. High Fell Audas Wm., tinner, Brunswick ter. Ay re Mrs. Margt, Ladies seminary, 1 Union place Bacon Cath. Brown Jug, Carr's hill Bacon Mary, shopkeeper, Carr's hi Bain Peter, Basket mkr., Church st Bainbridge John, Charles st Bainbridge John, smith, Pipewellgt Bainbridge Thomas, gent. Bensham Bainbridge Thos., whitesmith, bell hanger and wire worker, Dixon & Russell's yd.; h. Oakwell gate Barkus Benjamin, M.D., surgeon, 1 John's place I GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. 255 Barkus John, agent, 3 John's pi I Barkus Wm., coal viewer, Low Fell | Barkus William, jun., coal viewer, Eighton lodge Barnard Mrs. Mary Ann, 10 Wood- "bine ter Barnett Fras., surgeon, 180 High st B arras James, butcher, 33 High stj h. 1 Swinbourne pi Barras John, brewer. West st; h. Farn acres Barras Mgt., idgns., 30 Melbrn. st Barras Geo., shopkpr,, Low Fell Barras Samuel, agt., Brunswick st Barrett Jph., tobacconist, 4 Bdg. st Beckington J. & Son, millers and flour dealers, 198 High st Bell Cath., confectioner, Charles st Bell Edward, whitesmith and bell hanger, 16 High st.; h. Sun yd Bell George, grocer, 24 Church st Bell G., cheesmngr., 7 Lambton ter Bell John, gent, Barrington pi Bell J., land surveyor, 105 High st Bell John, beerhouse, High st Bell Jph., druggist, Bottle bank Bell Joshua, beerhs., Cannon st Bell Mrs., vict.'Magpie, Bensham Bell Rd., Hansell,mert.,Deckham h Bell Rt., Cross Keys, 35 Bridge st Bell Thos., shoemaker, Carr's hill Bennett Misses Jane & Eliz., ladies seminary, Romulus ter Bennett Rev. Wm,, Romulus ter Bennet Wm., school, Church yard; h. Romulus ter Benson John, shopkeeper High st Berry Miss Eleanor, 24 Ellison st Bertram C, fuel manufacturer; h. 10 Westst Berwick Rt, Elliott, engr., 8 Westst Binks Chris., experimental & mfr, chemist, Friars Goose House Birney Wm. T., com. agt. ; h. Wind- mill hills Bertley John, builder, William st Blagburn J., watch maker. High st Blagburn Wm., butcher. Bridge st.; h., Ellison st Blagden Rbt., vict., Grey Horse, & Auctioneer, 43 High st Blair Mrs. Mary, 16 Grosvenor st Blakey Jas., tailor. Windmill hills Blankly Jph., shoemaker, Bruns- wick ter Blaydon Main Coal Depot, Half Moon lane, John Fletcher, agent Blaylock Miss Mary, Low Fell Boggon Isabella, vict., Low Fell Bolam Henry, saddler, 27 High st Botcherley Jas., tailor, 34 High st BowltE. Cock & Anchor, Cannon st Bowlt Mr. Joseph, 2 Melbourne st Bo wit Wm. cabt. mkr, 192 High st Boyd Geo., currier, 12 West st Brack Geo., Farmer, Carr's hill Brady Henry, surgeon, 203 High st Bramwell Thomas, Esq., Field hs Brass Wm., vict.. Odd Fellows Arms and cork manfr., Carr's hill Brecknell Wm. Hy., grocer, 5 Pipe- wellgate Brennan Jas,, tailor, 171 High st Brett John Frederick, tailor, 218 High St. ; h. Windmill hills Brewis Frances, shopkr.. Sheriff hill Brewis Wm., baker, Pipewellgate Bridge My., shopkeeper, Pipewgt Bridge Thos., shopkeeper, Pipewgt Bridon Wm., blacksmith, Low Fell Briggs Mrs. Margaret, 4 Jackson st Brighton Jas., nail mkr.. Bottle bk Brinton Geo., vict, Black Bull, 8 High st British School, Grosvenor st., John Parker, Master Britton John, vict., Oakwellgate Brockett Wm. Hy. mert. King Jas. st Brooks John, earthenwr. dlr. High s Brown Capt. Alex., 9 Brunswick st Brown B. & E. milliners, Oakwell gt Brown Edw., tailor & dpr., 18 Bdg. s Brown Eleanor, fruiterer, 3 High st Brown Geo., vict., Victoria, Church s Brown Hy. butcher; h. Pollock st Brown Hy., cooper, Half Moon In Brown R., shopkeeper ; & H., dress maker, Charles street Brown R., vict.. Fountain, Pipewl. gt Brown Thos., coal dlr,, Pipewell gt Brown Thos. excise officer, Ocean tr Brown Wm., merchant; h. Union In Brown Wm., brass founder; h. 25 West street Bruce Edw., builder, 34 Ellison st Bruce John, customs, 23 Melbrn. st Bryden Jas., agent, 6 High West st Bryson Thos., shopkeeper, Bensham Bulcraig M. J., straw hat mker. Garden court 256 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. Bulcraig Thomas, engine and boiler builder, millwright, &c. Hillgate; h. 19 Claremont place Bullock Hy., blacksmith, High st Bulmer Chas. iron mrt.; h. Park hall Burdikin Geo. mangr., Saltmeadows Burdikin & Harrison, millwrights and engineers, Salt Meadows Burdikin Jntt., engineer ; h. Salt Ms Burton Isaac, shopkr., Pipewell gt Butterfield J., tailor, ct. 76 High st Cairns Eliz., shopkr., Brunswick st Calloway Henry, school, Garden si Caley Wm., Esq., Saltwell hall Cameron Moses, toy dealer. High st Campbell John, vict., Union, Hill gt . Campbell Wm«,01d Nag's Hegd, ct. 25 High st Cargill G., shopkr., 36 Grosvennr st Cargill Mounsey & Co., iron mer- chants, Derwent whs. South shore Carlisle J, miller, 11 Swinburne pi Carlisle Jane, corn miller, Tyne steam mill & flour dr., 68 High si \\ Carlisle & Barker, glass manufrs., *•• North British Glass Works, Pipewell gt Carr Cuthbert, customs, Carr's hill Carr Mr. John, Bensham Carr Rev. John Rodham, B. A., Carr's hill Carr John, builder, Salt meadows Carr Robert, gent., 7 Claremont pi Carr Thos., vict.. Sheriff hill Carrett David, vict. Ship, High st Carrott H., vict., Union, Pipewell gt Carter Mr. William, 15 Woodbine ter Carter AV., shopman, 20 Grosvenor st Cass Andrew, painter, ct. 1 99 High st Cassan John, hair dresser, 73 High St.; h. Rabbit bank Cawthorne John, vict., Bensham Chambers Jas., news agnt, 57 High s Charlton E., solic, 17 Melbourne st Charlton S., agent, 14 Woodbine ter Chisholm Geo., tailor. South shore Chicken Thos., block & mast mkr. Hill gate ; h. Grosvenor st Clark Hy., comsn. agent; h. Mul- grave terrace Clark John, sweep. Church st Clark Thos., manager, 7 West st Clark William, clerk, Bensham Clarkson Jas., shoemaker. Union In Clement Rt., sheriff's offr., Low Fell Clement William, druggist, 40 Higti St. ; h. Fell Clephan Jas., editor, (Observer) 19 Melbourne st Clephan Jph., clerk, Sedgwick pi Clifford William, school master, 40 Ellison st Cockerton Geo., tailor, Melbourne st Collard Wm., gent,5Ravenswth. ter Collin Miss Jane, 16 Molendineter Colling Mrs. Ann, 4 Waterloo ter Collinson Rev. Richard, Low Fell Colman John,whol. chemist & drug- gist, 5 Biidgest.; h 2 Waterloo ter Colville Mr. Jno. B. 26 Melbourne st Colquhoun Hugh, blcksra., Bottle bk Colquhoun William, grocer; h. 12 Ravensworth ter Colvin D., rope &c.,mfr., 167 High st Cook Ann, shopkeeper, Pipewell gt Cook Capt. John, Low Fell CookW^m.,vict., Blue Bell, 29 Bdg.st & flint glass mnfr., Pipewell gate Cooke Richard, com. tvr., Stuart pi Cookson Wm. J. & Co., Venetian red and copperas mnfrs., New Stour- bridge; h. Benwell Cooper John G., beerhouse, 4 HilTgt Cooper Wm., master mr. Lambtontr Gorbitt fly., twine mkr., Lister's yd Cormack Geo. glass mkr. Wdml.hls Coulson Forster, btchr., 230 Highs Coulson Mr. Geo., 21 King Wm. st Coulson My. Queen's Head, Stuart p Coulthard Mrs. Ann, 16 West st Coulthard John & Ralph, engineers, Quarry field; hs. East street and Freeman's terrace Coutt Eleanor, shopkpr.. Low Fell Cox Thomas, brazier, brass founder, and inspector of weights and mea- sures, 216 High street Cranston John, confecr.40 Bottle bk Crawford John, cork mnfr., 17 Bdg.s Crawshaw Geo., anchor mnfr. ; h. Westgate street Crimson John, butcher, 41 High st Cromwell Sarah, shopkr., Pipewl. gt Cross Charles, agent, 25 Ellison st Crow Mrs. Ann, 10 Lambton ter Crow John, boot & shoe mkr., Ch. st Crow & Kelly, printers, 8 Bridge st Crow Ralph, blacksmith. West st Crow Wm. Step., printer^ h. 8 Bdg. s Crowley Richard, tailor, 191 High st GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. 257 Cummins & Firbanlr, painters, gla- ziers,& paper hangers, 21 5 High t Cummins Jas., coal dlr., Pipewell g. Cummins Richard, butcher, High ss Cummins Thomas, painter, &c. ; ht 14 West st Dale Charles, hosier, 37 High st Dalglish Jas., sack mfr.. Church st Dalkin John, hosier, 25 Bottle bnk Danely Wm., school, Low Fell Davidson Eliz., flour dlr., 3 Chch. st Davidson Geo., butcher. Low Fell Davidson Hnh., shopkr., Low Fell Davidson John, corn miller. Church St. ; h. 8 Walker ter Davidson P., bank mgr., 5 John*s pi Davie Jph., whiting mfr.. West st Davie J., mgr., gas wks., 1 1 West st Davies Mr» David, 36 Ellison st Davies Rev. John, D.D., rector, Cotfield lodge Davison Geo., vict., Brunswick st Davison Hy., gent., 14 Ravnswth. tr Davison My., Three Tuns, Pipwl gt Dawson Jane, shopkeeper and post office. Sheriff hill Dexter Jesse, tailor, High st Dickson Alex, hair dres., 214 High s Dickson. Hy., hair dres., 28 High s Dispensary, Highst., Saml. Wilson, surgeon Dixon Adam, tailor, ct. 11 High st Dixon Alex., hair dres., Oakwell gt Dixon Chas., draper; h. 13 West st Dixon Geo. S., surgeon. Church st Dixon Jas. M., bookslr,. Church st Dixon John, painter, Low Fell Dixon & Russell, drapers, 27 Btl. bk Dixon Rev. Seth, (Wesley) 16 Elli- son ter Dobson Mrs. Jane, 2 Swinbourne pi Dobson John, vict., Barge, Hill gt Dobson Robt., butcher. Bridge st. ; h. Swinbourne pi Dobson Wm., butcher,226, High st. ; h. 28 West st Dodds Sarah, midwife. Church st Dodds Thos. mert ; h. ] 7 Woodbn. tr Dodds Wm., baker. Cannon st Dodgson John, grocer, 16 High st Dougall Jas., cooper, 17 Pipewell gt Douglas T., postmaster. Half M. In. Douglas W., publisher of the Gates- head Observer, 14 High St.; h. Ravensworth ter Douglass Mrs. Alice, 5 High West st Douglass Geo , tailor, Barras ct Douglass W., horse dlr., 37 High st Downing Isaac, iron founder, 16, High st Drummond Geo., baker, Bottle bank Duke Mr. Robert, Charles st Duke Sarah, school, Charles st Dunn C, wharfgr ; h. 3 Waterloo tr Dunn Martin, bldr.. Church walk; h. Ellison ter Eastons Mess., coal owners, Oakwell gt. Colliery ; h. Nest house Eden Jno, vict., William IV. High s Edward John, tailor, draper, grocer and provision dlr.. Sheriff hill Elliott Elizth., dress uikr.30 West st Elliott Geo., plumber, coppersmith, and brass founder, 16 High st,, & 4 Forth banks, N. C. Elliott Mrs., Mulgrave ter Elliott W., boot mkr.,-^34, High st ElsdonMichl, pipemkr., Pipewell gt Elsdon Michael, jun., pipe maker Abbot's yd Elsdon Thos., pipe makr,. Bank top Eltringham Wm., surgeon. High st EmmottAbrm., shopkr., Bottle bank English Jno., butcher,Salt Meadows English Jno., beerhs., Windmill hills Errington Rd., vict.. Low Fell Etherington Robert, lodgs., 38 Mel- bourne st Ewart Wm. & Son, flour dealers, 29 High st Failes Jno. permit writer, 3 Ravens- worth ter Fairs Jph., butcher. High st ; h. 2 Lampton terrace Fairweather Capt. John, R. N,, 134 High st Fairweather T., watch maker, 135 High st Fallaw W., flour dlr. ; h. Union Row Fallow Mrs., King James st Favell John M. Esq., coroner, Eighton Cottage Fawct^tt John, druggist, High st.; h. Claremont pi Fawcett Jonth., 17 Ravensworth ter Fawdon Eliz. & Son, whiting mfrs. Pipewell gt Fawdon Wm., file mkr., Pipewell gt Fedden Mrs. Sarah, 24 Melbourne it Fenwick B., shopman, 33 Ellison st z 258 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. Fenwick Miss Isabella, 3 Lambton t Fenwick Jph., vict., Plough, Deck- ham place Fenwick Thomas, pipe maker, Oak- well gate ch. Ferguson Geo., tripe dres. Rabbit bk Ferguson Thos., bank elk., Low Fell Ferry Wm., parish elk., 20 Vine row Fife Mr. Thos. Kirkby, 4 Ellison st Finney Samuel, nurseryman, &c. ; h. High street Firbank John, painter ; h. 4 Wood- bine terrace Fittes & Co., grocers & tea dlrs., 10 High St. & Groat mkt., Newcastle Fletcher Edw., engnr., Freeman's tr Fletcher John, agent. Low Fell Fletcher John, clerk, 6 King Wm. s Foreman Rbert, assistant overseer, 19 Woodbine terrace Forster Miss Ann, High street Forster Jane, pawnbroker. East st Forster John, joiner, 16 High st Forster John, shopkr., Mulgrave ter Forster Margaret, school, High Fell Forster Matth. agt., 10 Ravens wth. tr Forster Stephen & Co., chain mfrs., iron foundrs., &c.. New Chatham^ h. 8 Melbourne street Forster Wm., clerk, 8 Grosvenor st Freeman A., farmer, Windmill hills Freeman Elizabeth, vict.. Union In Freeman Ralph, corn miller & flour dealer, Hood's buildings French Mary, lodgings, 29 Melbn. st Fryer William Brown, paper manfr., Blackwall; h. Ryton Fulton Ann, vict., Wheat Sheaf, 7 High street Gadess John, clog mkr. Grosvenor st Gaddy & Lamb, ship blders., Patent Slipway, Tyne Main Garbutt Cornelious, chemist & drug- gist, 21 Bridge St.; h. Stuart pi Gardiner Ralph, grocer, 33 Bridge s Gardner Thos., shopkpr., Low Fell Garlick Rd., cheese & bacon factor, 2 Bridge st.; h. 18 Melbourne st Garthwaite Mrs. Frances, ladies se- minary, 6 Union row Garthwaite Wm. stationer, 6 Union r Gas Works, Pipewell gate Gateshead Observer office, 14 High st William Douglass, publisher Gatis Wm. vict., Hawk, Bottle bk Gibbon Wm., corn miller & floor dlr 24 High St. & Windmill hills Gibbs John, shoemaker. Low Fell Gibson E., shopman, 14 Melbn. st Gibson John, shmkr., Rvnswth. ter Gibson Hanh., stay mkr., Church st Gibson Jph., shopkpr., 169 High st Gibson Thos., mnagr.. High West st Gilleuder Rt., flour dlr., Oakwell gt Glaholm Edw., gcr. & Chand. Crch. s Glaholm J., miller ; h. 4 Melbrn. st Glaholm Thomas, miller; h. Mul- grave terrace Glenton Yredencky Lunatic Asylum, Bensham Glenton Mrs. Mary, Bensham Golightly Adam, engr., 3 Jackson st Golightly John, engr., Ellison ter Golightly Rd., baker, 99 High st Goodbarn G., hair dresr.. Church st Goodchild Samuel, railway guard, Mulgrave ler Gordon W., pawnbroker, Oakwell gt Gowland Jph., draper, 131 High st Graham Ann, vict., ship, Deckham p Graham Edmund Esq., Cutfield hs Graham Mary, stiaw hat maker, 1 Ellison st Graham Rt., shoemaker, Low Fell Graham T., trav. tea dlr., South shr Granger Wm., vict.. Low Fell Grave Joseph B., 3 Brunswick ter Gray Catherine, vict.. Church st Gray Ellen, shopkr., Pipewell gt Gray Wm., John, merchant; h. 8 Sedgwick pi Greason Geo., shopkeeper Low Fell Greene Geo., tanner, Windmill hills Greene Jno., grocer; h. Prospect cot Greene Joshua, grocer ; h. 5 High st Greene Jos., jun., merchant; h. 1 Claremont pi Greene Michl, grocer; h, 23 West st Greene & Sons, grocers, spirit mer- chants, &c., 4 High st Green well Rt., carter, 6 Ellison st Gregson Capt. John, 132 High st Grey Geo., ship builder.; h. Friars Goose Grey Jacob, draper, &c., I Bridge s Grey John, joiner. High st Grey John, tailor. High st Grievson Mr. George, Brunswick st Griffin & Hood, rope makers., 55 High st GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. 259 Griffin T., rope mkr. ; h, 55 High s Gustard Wm., hosier, 23 Bridge st; h. High St Hadaway Dixon, baker, Pipewell gt Haggle Brothers, round & flat patent rope & chain mfrs., South shore Haggie David gent., Mulgrave ter H aggie David, jun., rope mfr. ; h. Millfield crescent Haggie P., rope mfr. ; h. 202 High s Hall Misses A. & T., 6 Woodbine tr Hall George, builder, Bensham Hall George, clerk, 3 Union place Hall Isaac, nail maker, Cannon st Hall Stephn., shpkr., Oakwell gt. In Hall Mr. Thomas, 34 Oakwell gate Hall William, boot & shoe maker, 12 Bridge st Halliday Thos., confec, 35 Ellison s Hamilton Chas. hair dres., Church st Hancock T., hrdwrmn., 15 Jackson s Harbottle Samuel, painter, Sheriff hi Hardy James, school, Mulgrave ter Hardy Robert, tailor. Low Fell Hargrave Wm. Harle, hair seating & curled hair mfr. ; h. High west s Harle Wm. Locky, solr., 6 West st Harrison Adolphus, merchant; h. Bensham house Harrison Andrew, agt., 14 Jackson s Harrison Anthony & Co., chemical works. Friars Goose Harrison Hy., cooper, basket maker, and willow merchant, 15 Highst Harrison Jno., whiting mfr. Ppwl. gt Harrison S. straw hat mkr. Bottle bk Harrison Robert, engineer, &c. ; h. St. Peter's quay,N. C. Harrison William, butcher, High st Harrison Wm., shopkpr. Pipewell gt Hart John, clerk, 7 Ellison st Harvey Wm., grocer, 175 High st Haswell William S., ship broker; h. Union row Hawks, Crawshay, & Sons, chain & anchor mfrs., iron & brass fndrs., &c., South shore Hawks George, anchor, &c., mfr. ; h. Redheugh Hawks Mr. John, Freeman's ter Hawks Thos. E., agt. 12 Clarmont pi Head Mr. John, 24 Ravenswth. ter Hebron T., sec, gas Co., Bensham Hedley Geo., gent., 6 Walker ter Hedley John, surgeon, II Ellison st Hedley Jph., green gcr., 62 High st Hedley Thos., shopkpr., Bensham Henderson Ann, shopkpr.. High st Henderson Benj., gent., 18 Wood- bine ter Henderson Chas. D., srgn., Shrf. hi Henderson Mrs. Eliz., 3 Grosvnr. st Henderson M. & I., miliners, 59 High st Henderson Ralph, brzr., 59 High st Henderson Rbt., builder. Low Fell Henderson Thos., btchr.. Bottle bnk Henderson Wm., brazr., 10 Btle. bk Henzell Jph. hosier, 173 High st Heppell Joseph, gent., Bensham Heppell Wm. & Co., iron founders, Redheugh ; h. 4 King William st Heslop Mgt., dressmaker, Easton ct Hetherington Jane A. mlnr. Low Fl Hetherington Jno. shpkr. Oakwellgt Hetherington Rt., schoolmaster, Fell Hewison Matthew, customs, Union 1 Hewitt Jas., furnit. bkr., 45 High st Hill Robert, smith, Easton st Hindmarch Jane, vict., Charles st Hine Rev. Hy. (Wsly.) 15 Ellison st Hobkirk David, agent. Cross house Hodgson Rd. W., merchant; h. 4 Walker ter Hogg Ann, milliner, Oakwell gt. ch Hogg Robt., beerhouse, Blackwall Hogg Robt., shopkeeper. Pollock st Hobson Mchl., vict.. Windmill hills Hodgson Jph., shopkpr.. Chapel st Holmes William, vict.. Low Fell Honeyman J.,gent, 10 Claremontpl Honeyman J., gcr. ; h. Deckham pi Hood John, twine mkr., Lister's yd Hood James, vict., Berwick hs., 179 High st Hood Rt., smith. Windmill hills Hood Willm., beerhouse, 71 High st Hope John, police insp. 36 Bridge st Hopper Hy., ship screw and cramp mkr. South shore; h.Grosvenor st Hopper John, grocer, 103 High st Hopper Mr. John, 24 Jackson st Hopper Thos., farmer. High team Hopper William, ship screw, cramp, tallow chandlers, bookbinders ^c. press maker, foot of Hillgt. ; h. Melbourne st Hornsby Wm., butcher, 67 High st Howe John Allgood, grocer, 83 High st; h, 48 Melbourne st 260 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. Howe Joseph, shopkpr., Blue quar Howe Win., tinner, 96 High st Howhani John, blacksmith, Highst Hudson Jas., gent, Harrington villa Hudson Jh., shoemkr., High West s Huison Rd., grocer; h 3J Ellison st Hudspeth G. & Son, cabnt. makers, High st Hudspeth John, joiner, High st Hudspeth My. Ann, shopkr. Hill gt Humble W., painter; h. 12 Wood- bine ter Humble Wm., rag dlr., Pipewell gt Hume Joseph, clerk, Easton ct Hume Peter, tailor, 2o Melbourne st Humphrey W. shopkr. Salt Meadows Hunsworth Miss Ellen, Hood's bids Hunter Jno., solicitor & agent to the Atlas Fire & Life Office, 8 Bridge st; h. South shore Hunter Mr. John, South shore Hunter Michl., tailor, Grahamsley s Hunter Mr. R,t., 35 Melbourne st Hunter Sam. cashier, Ravenswth. ter Hunter W., vict., Swan, 15 Park st Hunter Wm R., ship broker ; h. 19 West st Hutchinson Wm., grocer, 9, and' house 109, High st Hutton Mrs. Eliz.,23 Ravenswth. te Hutton John, tailor ; h. High Wst. s Hymers James, brewer, Oakwell gt Hymers Jph. Abbott, ironfounder, &c., 25 High st; h. Millfield ter Hymers Jph., gent.. Windmill hills Hvmers Wm., vict., Albion, 174 High st Hymers W.,ironfder., 2 Walker ter I'Anson & Finney, nursery and seedsmen, High st I'Anson Chas., nurseryman ; h. High St. Independent Chapel, Barn Close Infant School, High st.,Mtha. Carr Infant School, Melbourne St., E. Mayor Ingham D., shopkr.. Windmill hills Ingham Jph., shopkr., 86 High st Ingles John, vict.. New Chatham loun Fred Peter, draper, 21 1 High s Iredale Lancelot, 5 Lambton ter Irvine & Co. mustard mfrs., Okwl. gt Irving Mis. Mary, 28 Ellison st Irving Wm., shopkeepei. Church st Irwin & Fairs, ship bldrs., Friars gs Jackson John, mason, Easton ct Jackson Matthew, beerhouse, Hill gt Jameson Mrs. Ann, Bensham Jameson John, agt., 4 Oakwell gt Jamison John, butcher, 87 High st Jamison John, blacksmith, Park st Jobling Geo., turner, 33 Melbrn. st Jobling John, travlr. 30 Ellison st Johnson John, tailor, 21 Bottle bnk Johnson John, clerk, Easton ct Johnson Mgt., beerhs.. Half Mn. In Johnson Thos., currier, 3 Bottle bk Johnson W., clr. taxes, 38 Ellison st Johnson Mr. William, Low Fell Jollie W., M.D., surgeon, 202 High s Jopling Wm., gen. smith. Sheriff hi Jordan John, clerk, Windmill hills Joyce Wm., nurseryman, 110 Highs Kell & Apedaile, solrs., 39 High st Kell Jph., clerk, 11 Ravensworth tr Kell William, solicitor & town elk.; h. 17 West street Kelly Hy., printer; h. Brunswick tr Kelly Robt., currier, 77 High St.; h. Cannon street Kendel Matthew & Walker John, 'earthenware mfrs., Carr's hill Kenmir, George, solicitor and clerk to the magistrates, 2 Bridge st. ; h. Claremont hs. Kenmir Wm., brewer, Mulgrave ter Kent John, letter carrier, Easton ct Kent Saml., Lunatic Asylum, Gates- head Fell Kerss Wm., shopkeeper, Redheugh Kid J Geo., shopkeeper, Pollock st Kimpster Jno, grocer ; h. 24 West st Kimpster, Jph., grocer; h. 5 Sedg- wick pi Kirkley Geo., farmer, Greencroft vl. Kirkley Jonth., shoemaker. High st Kirkup Jas., shopkeepei. Chapel st Labourn Mrs. Eliz., 37 Ellison st Lamb Fred, coal viewer, Sheriff hill Lamb Jph., coal owner, Sheriff hill Lamb Lewis, ship bldr ,Tyne Main Lamb Ralph, pawnbrokei, Oakwell gt. chare; h. 7 Ravensworth ter Lammas James, Esq , Felling lodge Laing James, merchant, 2 John's pi Lang Rd., iron founder, Pipewell gt Lange Wm. James Montagme and Daniel Adolphus, merchants; h. Hood's villa Larkin Edw. mustard mfr.20kwl. gt GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. 261 Laverick John, 7 Melbourne st Lazoros Isaac, cap maker, Church st Leighton John, smith, Pipewell gt Lewin Hy., hair dresr., 4 Bottle bnk Liddeli Edward, vict., Low Fell Liddell Thos., joiner, builder, cart- wright, and smith, Low Fell Lill Mrs. Eliza, 13 Ellison st Lillie Rd., Shoemkr., 31 Grosvnr. s Lindsey Mrs. Ann, 55 High st Lisson Mr. John, 100 High st Lister John, gent., 6 Melbourne st Lister John, builder, Millfd. cres Lister M., cart owner, Deckham pi Lister Rt., joiner, 11 Jackson st Little Mrs. Ann, Mulgrave ter Little G., ship owner, 34 Grosvnr. s Longstaff Mr. M., 22 Ravenswth. ter Ludlow Miss Dorothy, 20 King William st Lumley Jph., provision dlr.. High s Mc Donald Alex., school, Friars gs. Mc Dougal Jas., shopkr., Stuart pi Mc Dougall Mtha., 40 Melbourne s Mc Inness Jas. & Co., lamp black mfrs., Pipewell gt Mc Lewin Jas., nail mkr. Bottle bnk Mackie W., engr., 22 Melbourne st Main John, carrs. agt., 31 Melbn. st Main Margt.,Fox& Lamb,Pipewl. g Main Pr. J., Queen's Head, High s Makepiece Gabl., auctioneer, appr., gen. agt, & stone mert., Mulgvete Marshall Jno., railway gd. Kg W.s Marshall Jph., currier, 13 Wdbe. tr Marshall Jph., asst. dpr,, 7 Wdbe.tr Marshall Rt. ironmgr. 16 Bottle bnk Marshall Thos., twine mkr.. High st Mason Wm., pipe mkr., Boitlo bank Masterton John, actuary. Savings' Bank, Windmill hills "^ Matchill Benj., grocer. &,c. 3 Bdg. st Mather Geo., iron mgr. ; h. Union rw Mather John, chain mkr.. Bottle bk Mather&Reed,ironmgrs., 19 Bdg. st Mather Rt.,upholstr., Swinbn. pi Maudling Geo., baker, Oakwell j^t Maughan Geo., butcher, 1 Melbn. st Maughan Jph , butcher, 5 Bottle bk Maughan Jph, H.,watchmkr. Btle b Maughan Thomas, cheesraonger; h. 3 Walker ter Mechanics' Institute and library, ct. 14 High St., Mr. Mawson,librarn. Meek Elizabeth, shopkpr., Low Fell Meek Thos., corn miller, Boro ' mill Methodist Chapel, High st Methodist Chapel, Low Fell Methodist Chapel, Pipewell gate Methodist Chapel (New Cox.) Melb. s MethodistChapel(NewCox.) Shf. hi Mew Wm., sad Her; h. Bensham Middlemist George, vict, Redheugh Middleton Geo. shoemkr., 3 Ellison s Middleton R., vict., Ship, South shr Miller Geo. hat mfr. ; h. 2 Wdbne. tr Miller George, grocer, 93 High st Miller Jas., shopkeeper, 12 High st Miller John, vict.,Wm. IV. High st Miller William, vict., Pipewell gt Mitchell Wm., vict., Saltmeadows Mitchinson Miss Mary, 4 Sedgwk. pi Minto Mrs. Susan, Ocean terrace Mitchinson Rt., vict. Atlas, High st Monkhouse Thomas, Hawk's Arms, 24 Bridge st Monro Henry Lightfoot, chemist & drgst., 20 High st. ; h. 4 Oakwl. gt Moody Eleanor, Igs., 34 Ellison st Moor Joseph, shopkper.. Union In Morelie Ann, shopkr., Sedgewick pl Morgan Chas. beerhse., Half Mn. In Morris Mrs. Margt., 14 Melbourn st Morrison Humph., clerk, Brunsk. st Morrison John, travlr., 27 Ellison st Morrow Rt. John, gcr.; h. Union r Mould Wm., vict., Turks Head, 201 High st Munby Wm., custom house oflacer, Deckham pl Mundill Barbara, shopkeeper, 76 High st Munro W., whip cord mk., Rabbit bk Murdy James, smith, Stuart pl Murray M., vict., Half Moon Inn, Highst Murray Miss Sarah J., 18 West st Murray T., beer hs.. Friars Goose Murray T., druggist, 217 High st National School, William st., Wm. and Jane Cliflford Naylor Adw.,hair dsr.. Windmill his Neil Thos, draper ; h. Ellison st Neilson Edw,, dpr., 16 Bdg. St.; h. Low Fell Neilson Thos., draper, 36 Bridge st h. Ellison st Nell Mr. Benjamin, Church st Nesbitt Chas., flour dealer, High st 1 Nevison George, tvr., King Win. st z2 262 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. Newall Robert Sterling, wire rope ^ mnfr.; h. Bensham Newcastle, Darlingtou, York, &c, Railway station, Head of Half Moon lane, Jas. Allport, manager Newcombe Frd., car. agt., 1 Ellison Newton Jas., shopkpr., 95 High st Newton John, pipe mkr.. Hill gate Newton Thos., cart owner. Hill gt Nicholson Emmerson, painter and glazier. Hill gate Nicholson John, coal dlr., High st Nicholson M.vict, Steam Boat, Hilgt Nixon John, hosier, 80 High st Gates Isaac, mert. ; h. Barrington pi Gliver Nicholas, vict, Blue quarry Grmston Eliz, flour dlr., 46 High st Grmston Nelson, painter, High st Grton Robert, gent., 16 Woodbine tr Gsborne Robert & Harrison Mtha., hosiers, Bdg. st Outhett Jon., civ. engr., Mulgrave tr Guthett Misses f . & M., ladies semi- nary, Mulgrave ter Gxford Jph., E., agt.. Windmill hills Palmer R. mrn. store dlr., Oakwell g Parker An th., mercht; h,l 15 Wests Parker Benjamin, earthenware mfr. "^-" Carr's hill j^arker Matth., grocer, 48 High st Parkinson Mrs. Eliz.,6 Claremont p Parkinson Rt., beerhouse. South sh Parkinson W.fuel mfr. ; h. Bensham Parkinson W. merch., 1 Sedgwick p Parr Garvis, exc. offr., Melbourne st Patterson D., mrn. store dlr.. High s Patterson Eliz.., vict., Sheriff hill Patterson I., shopk.. Sheriff hill Patterson John, vict., Sheriff hill Patterson M., shopk r., 29 Grosvr. st Patterson T., earthnr., mfr., Shf. hi Paxton Jane, vict.. Low fell Pearson Chas. J., builder, High st. Pearson H., Idgs., 36 Melbourne st Pearson J., bldr., 28 Melbourne st Pearson Samuel Ellison, High st Pemberton Eliz., midwife. West st Pemberton Mary, stay maker, 25 Jackson st Perkins Jas., butcher, 26 High st ; h. Windmill hills Pescod Wm., Clerk, 24 Grosvenor st Petch Rd., vict.. Earl Grey, 224 High st Peverell Geo., agent, Grosvenor st Peverell & Jackson, carriers, Rail- way station Phillips John, Esq., Rodsley hs Pickering Thos., cheesemonger, 5 Woodbine ter Pidcock Geo., vict., Geo. & Dragon, Bridge st. Pilling Sidney, spirit merchant, 41 Bottle bank ; h. 1 Walker ter Plumraer Matthew, merchant; h. Sheriff hill house Plumpton J., pntr. & gla., Cannon s Police Station, head of Half Moon In W. Hy. Schorey, superintendent, and John Hope inspector Pollock Jas., Esq. Bensham Cottage Porteus James, tailor,Oakwellgt. ch Post Office, head of Half Moon In., Thomas Douglas^ postmaster Potts Mrs. Ann, Carr's hill Potts John, wine & spirit mert., 14 High St. ; h. Windmill hills Potts Thomas, F., assistant draper, 14 Claremont pi Powell James, shopkeeper. High st Pratt Rt., ship brkr. ; h. 9 Ellison st Primitive Methodist Chapel, West s ^Presbyterian Chapel, Ellison ter Price Jph., glass mfr. Durham glass works, Pipewell gt. ; h^ 54 High s Pringle George, printer, 21 High st Pringle Jas. tobacconist; h. Carr's hi Pringle Thos., clrk. 37 Melboune st Prockter Bryan John, tanner & glue mfr., Pipewell gate; h. Union r Procter Jno.; shopman, 19 Grosvr. st Proctor Thos. Ismey, sail cloth mfr. Mulgrave ter Proud Joseph, shopkeeper, Carr's hi Proud Jph., engine bldr.. Cannon st Public school, library, and lecture rooms, Low Fell Punsheon Geo. confec, 24 Bottle bk Railway Station, (Carlisle,) Red- heugh, Surtees Irwin, station mstr Rankin Mr. Dd., 25 Ravensworth tr Rankin James, school, Easton st Ranson John, smith. High fell Rawling Thos.,cow keper, Bensham Red Elizabeth, grocer, J 72 High st Reay Fras., butcher, Oakwell gt Reay John, hair dresser. Church st Redshaw Emanl., tailor, 79 High st Redshaw M., profr. of music, 79 High st GATESHEAD DIRECTORY, 263 Redsull Thos., excise officer, 5 King William st Reed Hy. R.,iron mgr.; h. Ellison st Reed Jacob, Red Lion, Salt Mdows. Reed Jph., shoemaker, Chapel st Rennison J., tobacco mfr., 12 Bdg. s Rennison, Wm., vict., Neptune Salt Meadows Renwick John, smith, High st Reveley John, baker. Pipe well gt Reveley Mr. Thos., Windmill hills Rewcastle Mrs. Jane, 10 West st Rewcastle John, coperas manfr. ; h. 107 High st Richardson Isab., lodgs., Union In Richardson J., butcher, Windml. his Richardson Jph., chain & anchor mfr., New Stourbridge; h. Hinde St., N. C. Richardson Paul., \ict., East s Richardson S., shoemaker, Sheriff hi Richmond J., shoemaker. Blue qy Richmond Mrs. Ruth, Freeman's ter llickaby Wm.,earthenware dealer, 1 High st Ridley Jas., lodgings, 20 Melbrn. st Ridley Thos., agent, West st Ridley T., rag & paper dlr., Pipwlgt Rippon Chas., P. btchr., 28 Bdg. st Robertson John, corn miller & flour dealer, 13 Jackson st Robertson Rev. John, Low Fell Robinson Mr. J., Romulus ter Robinson Jno. Walter, cbeesemngr., 15 Bottle bank; h. 21 Vine row Robinson Jh. H., clerk, Claremnt. pi Robinson Miss Mary, Low Fell Robinson William, glass mnfr., 18 Claremont pi Robson Mrs. Barbara, 8 Woodbine tr Robson Baron, vict., Sheriff hill Robson Dnl., farmer &h6rse dealer, Shipcote Robson Mr. Easton, High st RobsonGeo.,painter, &c. 2 Ellison s Robson Henry, mason, Low Fell Robson John, surgeon, Bensham Robson J., hat mfr., Ch. st. ; h. HI. gt Robson Jno. and Wm., drapers, 13 Hign st; h. 2 Union pi Robson Jonathan, tailoiw chandler, 1 9 High st Robson Jonth., engineer and boiler builder, South shore; h. High st Robson Joseph, farmer, Park Robson Jph., engine & boiler buildr and millwright. Church bank Robson Mgt., lodgings, 55 High st Robson Mrs. Margrey, Brunswick tr Robson Rt,, dyer. Windmill hills Robson Thos., horse dlr., Saltwell Robson Thos., saddler, 6 High St. ; h 12 Melbourne st Robson Thos., tailor, Sheriff hill Robson T., shoemk., Windmill hills Robson W., Flying Horse, Oakwlgt Rodgers Mrs. Jane, Stuart pi Rosenbohm Geo., pawnbroker, Ch. st Rowe Jeremiah, shopkpr., High st Rowntree Wm., mlstr., sup registrar, & clerk to the union, Mulgrave tr Rudd Chas. Clifford, sheriff's officer. Wake's entry, 11 High st Rush RicLd., foreman, 23 Ellison st Russell Jno, draper; h. I Watrlo. tr Rutherford Miss, Carr's hill Rutherford Rbt., shopkr, Quarry fd Rutherford T. J. schlmslr., Ellison st Rutter John, beerhs.. Half Moon In Rymer Jno, paper mfr. ; h. Union rw St. John's church, High Fell, Rev. Wm. Atkinson, B. A., Incumbent St. Mary's church, High street. Rev. John Davies, D.D., Rector Sadler Fred., clerk, 41 Melbourne st Sanders Ewd., shoemaker. Low Fell Sanderson Geo. G., agt., South shore Sandwith Sarah, cowkr., 96 High st Scaife John, solr. ; h. Bensham Scholefield Henry, manager. North British glass Works; h. Union rw Schorey Wm. Hy,, superintendent of police, head of Half Moon In Scotland Mrs. Eliz., Banington pl Scott David, draper, 8 Claremont pl Scott E. & E., mlnrs., Hood's bids. Scott Miss Hannah, 63 High st Scott Mrs. Jane, 4 Claremont place Scott Jas. vict.. Half Moon, Brdg. st Scott Mr. Ralph, High street Scott Thos. customs, 16 Claremont pl Scott Thos. A., beerhs. Half Moon In Scott Wm., wiiitesmith ; h. High st Selkirk Mrs., Windmill hills Shearer Geo., draper; h. 29 Ellison s Sharp M}'. strw. hat mkr. 223 High s Shaw John, cashier, New Greenwich Shaw Thos., flour dealer, 64 High st Shepherd Wm., blksmith. Garden ct Shield Michl., cstms.,3 Sedgwick pl 264 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. Shipley Ann, shopkeeper, Bottle bk Shotten Ann, grocer, 170 High st Siddell Wru., travlr., Windmill hills Sill George, relieving officer, and rgstrr. of brths. & Dtbs., Carr's hi Sill John and Co. lamp black mnfj s. Heworth shore Sill John, agnt. chmcl. wks. Krtn. gt Sill Thomas, grocer, 38 High st Simkin Robert,joiner, Windmill his Simm John, corn miller, bone mnre. and charcoal raanfctrer., Nun's In Simm John, Cross keys, Pipewell gt Singers Hew & Co. vngr. mkrs. & sprt. mrchnts., hi. gt. Skelton John, clerk, Windmill hills Slater Mrs. Isabella, 20 Woodbne. tr Smart Robert, victualler. Low Fell Smith Chas. Hy. agnt , 4 Lmbtn. tr Smith Hanh., fishmgr 12 Bottle bk Smith Hy., chse. mngr., 34 Bdg. st; h. 22 West st Smith James, draper ; h. Low Fell Smith Jolm, shopkeeper, Pipewell gt Smith Mrgrt., vict. Ylcn. Quarry fid Smith Philip, shvl. mkr., 17 Bltle. bk Smith Ralph, shoemaker, High st Snaith Jph., shoemaker, Sheriff hill Snowball James, grocer, 208 High St. ; h. 13 Melbourne st Snowball My.,shpkpr.,42 Mlbrn. st Snowdon John, grcr., ; h.7 Wlkr. ter Snowdon Thomas, miller, Blue quar Softley Jph., beerhouse, Carr's hill Softly Sml., stn. msn., 1 Oakwell gt Sowerby John, Nw. Strbrdge. Glass Manufactory; h. Shipcote hs. Sowerby Thos., mert., Saltwell vale Spark Jph., book binder. Sheriff" hill Speck Kev. Thomas, 4 John's pi Spence Hy., asst. drpr., 20 Wdbne. tr Spence Thos., shmkr., 29 Grsvnr. st Spencer Thomas, tailor. High Fell Spencer Wm., agt. 6 Ravenswortb tr Springman Chas. F.,school, Union r Stamp Office, 35 Bottle bank, Geo. Watson, distributor Stamper John, corn milr.,Redheugh Stanley Mrs., Saltwell Stanley Thos. supervsr., 108 High s Steel Isabella, shopkeeper. Low Fell Steel T., mason & bldr., 16 Oakwlgt Steel William, shopkeeper, Hillgate Stephenson C, shopkr., 102 High st Stephenson Geo., butcher, Low Fell Stephenson Mrs. Mary, 4 Lambton tr Stephensun Rt., stn. mert. Sheriff^ hi Stephenson Wm., butcher. Sheriff" hi Stirling Thos. shopman, 6 Lambtn. t Stobbs & Co. grocers, &c. 227 High s Stobbs John, butcher, 100 High st Stobbs John, grocer. Hood's bldgs Stobart George, school. High st Stokoe G., sprt. mert.; h. 7 H. wests Storey Robert, wharfinger; h. 19 Molendine terrace Stott George, surgeon, 60 High st Straker Geo., ship owner, H. west st Surtees J. W., milliner, Low Fell Sutherland Jph., shopkr., Hill gt Swalwell Benj., shoemk., Sheriflf hi Swan Walker, chemist, Millfd. cres Swanson Jno., glass ctr., Brunswk. tr Swinburn Geo., shopkr., Pipewell gt S winburn Mr. Jph. Wm., West st Swinburne Mrs. Catherine, West st Talbot Wm., joiner, Windmill hills Tarrant Seymour, tailor. Low Fell Taylor Jph., stone mert., 22 Vine row Taylor Rd., vict.. Sun, Hillgate Taylor Rt., coal ownr. 1 8 Ravnswth tr Taylor Wm., cart ownr.jCt. 94 Highs Team Coal Depot, Half Moon lane, Thomas Nelson, agent Teasdale John, cooper, Church st Tempest Chas., gcr.. King James st Thirkill Jhn. S. ldgngs.4Mlbrne. st Thompson Andrew, cabinet maker, ct. 30 High st Thompson Benj. Jas., agt.. South sh Thompson Cphr., shpk.. Half mn.l. Thompson Diana, shpkpr.. High st Thompson Isaac and Co., carriers. Railway station ; h. Pollock st Thompson Jas.,brhse., Okwll. gt. In Thompson. John, butcher. Sheriff" hi Thompson John, shmkr,, Charles st Thompson— vict.. Low Fell Thompson Jph., spkpr., 21 Mlbrn. st Thompson Cpt. Mark. Melbourne st Thompson W,, shpkpr., Okwll. gt. In Thornhill George, school. Low Fell Thornhill John, Librn , Mlgrve. ter Thynn Geo., shpkpr., Oakwell gt Thynn My., vict.. Bush, Oakwell gt Tindale John, agent, 12 Jackson st Todd John, distiller; h. Low Fell Toralinson John, Clerk, Bensham Trinity Chapel, High st Tucker Isaac, brass fondr., Pipwl. gt GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. 265 Tucker Thos., pipe mkr., Pipwell gt Tucker Thos., grocer, Pipewell gt TurubuU John, shpkpr., 26 Bttle. bk Turnbull John, vict., 19 Bottle bk Turnbull John, tailor, and Mary, straw hat maker, 17 High st Turnbull Rt., Cwkpr., ct. 87 High st Turnbull William, butcher, High St. ; h. Garden st Tully Henry, vict., Low Fell Turner Alice, milliner, Higlrst Turpin Jph., beerhouse. High st Union Workhouse, Union ln.,Jno. and Mrs. Usher, master & matron Urwin Robt , butcher, 207 High st Usher Isabella, shopkr., Charles st Usher Jno., Union master. Union In Valentine Beuj,, mar., 32 Ellison st Vasey Wm., shoemaker, Beusham Vaz3y Jas., vict., Blue Bell, Ppl. gt Vernor Robt., agent.. King James st Vickers John, grocer ; h. 27 West st Vint Jas. & Co., papei mfrs., Tyne Paper Mills, Redheugh ; h. West s Virtue John, shoemaker, Easton ct Wailes Geo., coal viewer, Frs. Goose Wakefield Eleanor, vict. Nag'sHead 94, and watch maker, 78 High st Walker Alex., com. ag'^nt, Bensham Walker Ewd. Joiner, 10 Ellison st Walker Forsler, builder. West st; h. Mulgrave ter Walker Hy., ship owner, 13 Clare- munt place Walker Watson, foreman, Stuart pi Walker Wm., Esq., bnkr, 5 Walker t Walmsley Eliz., school, Ellison ter Walmsley E., gent., 20 Rvnswth. tr Walton J., slvrsmth.; h. Barngtn.pl Warburton J. N.,beerhs.,23 High st Wardle Thos., vict., Sheriff hill Wardman Thos., tanner & gluemfr Pipewell gate ; h. Windmill hills Warner John, ship smith, Hill gate Waster M atth., engnr., 35 G rosvnr. st Waters Mr. Edw., Windmill hills Watson Cath., straw hat mk. Chas. st Watson Dnl. T., shopkpr., Sheriff hi Watson Elizabeth, vict.. Low Fell Watson Geo.,book5li.,35 Botile bk Watson Jno., vict., Sun Inn, High st Watson J. cheesemg. ; h. Bensbam Watson Mrs. Mgt., 4 Brunswick ter Watson Miss Sarah, Low Fell Watson \Yca., agent, Mulgrave ter Watson Wm., grocer, 32 Bridge st Watson W., cheesemg., 5 Clremnt. pi Watson Wm., smith, 3 Eldon pi Watts Rev. H.,(Meth.) l8Molndn.tr Waughan Matthew, shoemkr., 182 High st Weatherby Martha, shopkr., Low Fl Weddle John, butcher, Church st Weightman Mrs. Eliz., 1 4 Ellison st Welsh Jno.,contractr., 8 Lambtn.tr Welsh Mr. John, 1 Lambton ter Welsh T., Brndlng. Arms,Oakwl. gt Welford & Unsworth, timber merts, 30 High st, & sawmills, South sh Welford R. S. tmbr. mrt. ; h. Eldn. pi West Ann, shopkr., Windmill hills Welton Mrs. Ann, 6 Grosvenor st Wheatley Permelle, butcher, 30 Bridge st; h. West st White Jno, charcoal mfr., Carr's hill Whitworth Wm., marine btore dlr., Highst Wiggins Isabella, vict.. Mason's Arms, 2 Jackson st Wilkin Mr. James, 4 Union pi Wilkin Thomas, flour dealer; h. Melbourne st Wilkinson Hy. A., agt., 1 1 Clrmnt. p Wilkinson John, shopkr., Easton st Wilkinson Mr. Thos., ct 57 High st Wilkinson Wm., hair dres., Ppl. gt Wilkinson Wm., glass ctr., Brnswk. t Wiiks Thos., shopkeeper, High st Williams James, cartwright, black- smith, &c., Half Moon In Wilson Ann & Son, carriers, Rail- way Station Wilson Bates, smith, Wm. IV. yard Wilson Edw., agt., 2 Melbourne st Wilson George Henry, com. agent. Raven sworth tr Wilson Hugh, school, Romulus ter Wilson Jas., fellmngr.. Hood's bids. Wilson James & Son, worsted mfrs.. Hill gt. ; h, Cramer Dykes and John ; h. Hill gt Wilson Jermh., watch maker, 224 High st Wilson John, coach proprietor, ct. 15 High st Wilson John & Co., timber merts. & saw mills. South shore ; h. West s Wilson John, green gcr., 61 High st Wilson John, cartwright, High st Wilson John, builder, 26 West st 266 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. "Wilson Joseph R., gent., Low Fell Wilson Mary, shopkpr., Church st Wilson Rt. Chrissop, earthenware mfr. Friars Goose j h. 106 High s Wilson Saml., surgeon, Dispensary Wilson Thos., merchant, Fell House Wilson Thos. vict., Waggon, High s Wilson Thos. jun.,mert. 133 High s Wilson William, vict., Dun Cow, 31 High St Wood Geo. shoemaker, Pipewell gt Wood Lucey, shopkpr., 225; h. 11 High street Woof Peter, chain mkr., Elliott's yd Woolston John, shopkpr. Church hk Wright John, silversmith, Low P'ell Wright Jph., coach prop. Brunswk. t Wright Rt. marine store dlr.. Hill gt Wyatt Robert, gent.,9 Claremont pi Wylam & Co. steam fuel wks. Sltmds Wylam Ralph, spt.mrt.; h. 21 Wsts Wylam William, fuel raanufcr. ; h. Cramer dykes Yellowley William, grocer; h. 2 Cleremont place Young Geo., hair dressr. Oakwell gt Young J., straw hat mkr., Melbrn. s Young Jas., grocer, 200 High street Young John, butcher, Low Fell Young J., Crown & Thistle, Pipwl gt Young Mrs., 39 Ellison st Young R. & R. C, joiners, cbt. mkrs. uphlstrs.,& undertakers, 8 West s Young Thomas, hair dresser, Hgh st CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Academies. Ayre Mrs. Margaret, I Union pi Bennett William, Church walk Bennett Misses Jane and Elizabeth, Romulus ter British Schl.,Grsvenr. st., J. Parker Calloway Henry, Garden st Danely William, Low Fell Duke Sarah, Charles st Garth waite Mrs. F. 6 Union row Harvey James, Mulgrave ter Infant Schools, High St., Martha Carr and Melbourne st., E. Mayor National School, William st., Wm. & Jane Clifford Outhett Misses I. & M., Mulgrave tr Parochial Schools, High Fell, Robt. Hetherington & Margaret Foster, & Friars Goose, Alex. Mc Donal Public School, Low Fell, Geo. Thorn- hill Rankin James, Easton st Rutherford Thos. J., 22 Mulgrave ir Stobart George, High st Walmsley Eliza, Melbourne pi Wilson Hugh, Romulus ter Alkali & Soda lYCanufrs. AUhusen C. & Co.Tyne wks. South sh Harrison Anth.& Co., Friars Goose Anchor & Chain Cable l^Skrs . Abbot John & Co., Park Works Forster Stephen & Co.,N. Chatham Haggle Brothers, (chain,) South shr Hawks, Crawshay,& Sons, South sh Richardson Jph., New Stourbridge Attorneys. Hunter John, 8 Bridge s£ Kell & Apedaile, 39 High st Kenmir Geo. Johnson, 2 Bridge st Auctioneers and Appraisers. Blagburn Robert, 43 High st Brecknell Wm. Hy., 5 Pipewellgt Makepeace Gabriel, Mulgrave ter Bakers and Flour Dealers. Marked • are Bakers only, Atchison Andrew, 9 Bridge st ♦Brewis William, Pipewell gt Dodds William, 1 Cannon st •Drummond George, ct. Bottle bank Golightly Richard, 99 High st Hadaway Dixon, Pipewell gate ♦Maudling George, Oakwell gate Rievley John, Pipewell gate Shiell Adam, 78 High st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 267 Basket Makers* Bain Peter, 19 Church st Harrison Henry, 15 High st Slacksmlths. Allan John, ct. Bottle hank Bainbridge John, ct. Pipewell gt Bridon William, Low Fell Bullock Henry, High st Colquhoun H., ct. Bottle bank Crow Ralph, West st Hownan John, (and farrier) High st Jamison John, 10 Parkst Jopling William, Sheriff hill Liddle Thomas, Low Fell Murdy James, Stuart pi Ranson John, High Fell Renwick John, High st Shepherd William, Lister's yard Watson William, Eldon pi Williams James, Half Moon lane Wilson Bates, High st Warner John, (ship) Hill gate Booksellers «S: Stationers. Dixon James M., Church at Watson George, 35 Bottle bank Boot <& Shoe Makers. Akinhead Oliver A., Deckham pi Bell Thomas, Carr's hill Blankley Joseph, Brunswick te Claikson James, Union lane Crow John, 5 Church st Elliott William, 234 High st Gibbs John, Low Fell Gibson John, 16 Ravensworth ter Gowland Thos., ct. 2 High st Hall William, 12 Bridge st Lillie Richard, 31 Grosvenorst Maughan xMatthew, 182 High st Middleton George, 3 Ellison st Richmond John, Blue quarries Richmond Stephen, Sheriff hill Robson Thomas, Windmill hills Sanders Edward, Low Fell Snaith Joseph, Sheriff hill Spence Thomas, 29 Grosvenor st Virtue John, 8 Easton court Walwell Benjamin, Low Fell Braziers & Tinplate Wrkrs. Audas William, Brunswick ter Cox Thomas, 216 High st Henderson Ralph, 59 High st Henderson William, JO Bottle bank Howe William, 97 High st Miller William, Pipel welgate Brewers. Atkinson Thomas, 3 Ellison st Barras John, West street Hymers James, Oakwell gate Brick Makers. Pearson Charles John, High st Richardson J. & Thos. (fire) Rbt. bk Robinson Mary, (fire,) Kell's field Builders. Bruce Edward, Ship yard, High st Carr John, Friars Goose liiddell Thomas, Low Fell Lister John, Millfield crescent Pearson Charles John, High st Walker Forster, West st Welch John, jun., 8 Lambton place Wilson John, 26 West st Young R. & R. C, 8 West st Butchers. Atkinson William, Bottle bank Barras James, 33 High street Blagburn William, 25 Bridge st Coulson Forster, 230 High st Crimson John, 41 High st Davidson George, Low Fell Dobson Robert, 26 Bridge st Dobson William, 226 High st English John, Salt meadows Fairs Joseph, 185 High st Harrison William, High st Henderson Thomas, 26 Bottle bank Hornsby William, 67 High st Humphrey William, Salt meadows Jamison John, 87 High st Maughan George, 1 Melbourne st Maughan Joseph, 5 Bottle bank Perkins James, 26 High st Fetch Richard, 224 High st Keay Francis, Oakwell gate Richardson John, Windmill hills Rippon Chas. P., 28 Bridge st Smith Philip, 17 Bottle bank Stephenson Clement, 101 High st Stephenson George, Low Fell Stephenson William, Sheriff hill Stobbs John, 100 High st Thompson John, Sheriff hill Turnbull William, '34 High st 268 GATESHEAD DIRECTORY. Urwin Robert, 207 High street Weddle John, 1 Bottle bank Wheatley Permelle, 30 Bridge st Young John, Low Fell Cartwrights. Liddle Thomas, Low Fell Robson Daniel & George, Low Fell Wardle Thomas, Sheriff hill Williams James, Half Moon lane Wilson John, West st Chemists & Druggists. Bell Joseph, Church st.& Bottle bk Colman John, 5 Bridge st Clement Watson, 40 High st Fawcett John, High st Garbutt Cornelius, 21 Bridge st Munro Hy. Lightfoot, 20 High st Murray Thomas, 217 High st Cheesemgrs. 8<, Bacon Factors Garlick Richard, 2 Bridge st Robinson J. W., 15 Bottle bk Smith Henry, 34 Bridge st Coal Owners. Blaydon Main Depot, Half Moon In Easton Messrs., Oakwell gt. colliery Lamb Joseph, & Co,, High Fell Team Coal Depot, Half Moon lane Confectioners. Atchinson Andrew, 9 Bridge st "Atkinson William, High st Cranston John, 40 Bottle bank Punshon George, 24 Bottle bank Shotton Ann, 170 High st Coopers. Brown Henry, Half Moon lane Dougal James, Pipewell gate Harrison Henry, 15 High st Teesdale John, I Church st Coppersmiths. Abbot John & Co., Park works Elliott George, 16 High st Cork Cutters. Brass William, Carr's hill Crawford John, 17 Bridge st Com Millers and Flour Dealers. Marked * are Flour Dealers only. Beckington John & Son, 198 High s Carlisle Jane, Tyne Steam Mill Davidson John, Church st •Ewart Wm. & Son, 29 High st Freeman Ralph, Hood's mill Gibbon Wm., Wndmil.hls.& High s Meek Thomas, Borough mill ♦Nesbitt Charles, High st *Ormston Elizabeth, AQ High st Robertson John, 13 Jackson st Shaw Thomas, 64 High st Snowdon Thomas, Blue quarries Simm John, Nun's lane Stamper John, Redheugh Mill Curriers Sc Z*eatber Cutters- Angus Geo. & Thos. C, Union lane Johnson Thomas, 3 Bottle bank Kelly Robert, 77 High st Dyers. Allan Andrew, 39 Bottle bank Atkinson Geo. Thompson, Church st Sarthenware Dealers. Brooks John, High st Powell James, High st Rickaby William, 1 High st Earthenware Manufrs. Kendell & Walker, Carr's hill Parker Benjamin, Carr's hill Patterson Thomas, Sheriflf hill Wilson Robert C, Friars Goose ■! Engineers & Mill-wrigbts. Marked * are Boiler Builders also, •Abbott John & Co., Park Works *Bulcraig Thomas, Hillgate Burdikin & Harrison, Salt meadows * Coulthard John & Co., Quarry fld *Hawks Crawshay & Sons, South sh Proud Joshua, Cannon st *Robson Jonathan, South shore *Robson Joseph, Church bank Furniture Brokers. Blagburn John, High st. Hewitt James, 45 High st Hudspeth George & Son, High st Grlass Manufacturers. Angus James, Carr's hill Carlisle and Baker, (North British Glass Works), Pipewell gate Cook William, Pipewellgate TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Price Jpb., (Durham Glass Works) ^Pipewell gate Sowerby d^ohn, New Stourbridge. Cfrocers and Tea Dealers. Allen Wm. Nicholson, 18 Bottle bk Atkinson Thomas, 18 Bridge st Bell George, 24 Church st Brecknell Wm. Hy.,5 Pipewell gt Dodgson John, 16 High st Edward John, Sheriff hill Fittes & Co., 1^ High st Gardner Ralph, 33 Bridge st Greene & Sons, 4 High st Harvey Wm., 175 & 176 High st Howe John Allgood, 83 High st Hopper John, 103 High srt Hutchinson William, 9 High st Match itt Benjamin, 3 Bridge st Miller George, 93 High st Parker Matthew, 48 High st Rea Elizabeth, 172 High st Shotton Ann, 170 High st ■ Sill Thomas, 39 High st Snowball James, 208 High st Stobbs & Co., 227 & 228 High st Tucker Thomas, Pipewell gate Watson William, jun., 32 Bridge st Weddle John, Church st Wood Lucy, 225 High st Young Jane, 200 High st Glae Manufacturers. Procktor Bryan John, Pipewell gt Wardman Thomas, Pipewell gate Hair Dressers. Casson John, 73 High st Dickson Alexander, Oakwell gate Dickson Alexander, 214 High st Dickson Henry, 28 High st Goodbairn George, Church st Hamilton Charles, Church st Lewin Henry, 4 Bottle bank Reay John, Church st Wilkinson William, 2 Pipewell gate Young George, Oakwell gate Hatters O -"i* 00 30 O O 0-^2J r— « «-^ rH "^ H H P5 H « oo H H < !^ >H o H Ph •^ H CO T—i H Ph O »5 1— 1 o fe PS P^ s O H OD o Ph (a > ti (4 p S ^'^ jrt »- S3 W Q QJ ^ §:? O O -, s -^ O c/3 o a c S 5 a OS a ^■^ >■- .i^p > ^ T3 Hi <» dp 5 S ^ S c r " 0) a g ii oT o aj ^ s^ gj CS ;^ O 0^ 2. ^ « ^ 03 "^ O) O I! " s O fcC a: *j ^ S2. O ' « o CO IS § to 2 O M o o w IH o I M ;: © as aa O 00 ? Vk in O nI O ^ o i ^ I ^ J2 ?5 '3 5 C<5 W H O C CO H CO W w Q H j >^ CO « O pa ^ a ^ ® o 0) W .a w r3 CJ S ?5 ^ O 02 M r-5 5- M ^ P « o H^ Cl, >C r=5 P P^ < r^ o H pi g H o TYNEMOUTH DIRECTORY, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE BOROUGH OF TYNEMOUTH. Henry Mitcalfe, Esq. MAGISTRATES. George Rippon, Esq. Henry Mitcalfe, Esq. M. P. Joseph Harrison Fryer, Esq. M.J. F. Sidney, Esq. ^ John Fenwick, Esq. Barkers and Fenwick, Clerks. Clerks to North Shields and Tyne- moiith Improvement Commissioners , John Tinley and Richard iVIedcaife Sheriff's Officer for Northumberland and DurhaMi Joseph R. '\ owers, 4 Tyne street Cuthbert Umft^yille Laws, bailiff of the liberty, ani^^eputy steward of the Manor of Tynemouth, office, New quay Lloyd's Surveyors Office, 11 Bed- ford street, Popplewell and Fowles, surveyors ; and Robt. Peart, agent and receiver of Admiralty Droits, Howard st Custom House, New Quay, Peter Moore, principal officer; David Lennox, coasting clerk; Robert Leitch, landing waiter; John Wm. Aniery, locker Coal Turn Night Office, New Quay, Patrick Hart, superintendent; John Armstrong and Charles Pearson, clerks Towtt Hall, Saville st., built 1844, contains Savings bank, Mechanics In- situie, Muscumand the Police Station, George Barron, superintendent of police; L. Heppel and William Armstrong, sergeants River Police Station, Ramshay\ Quay, J. Stephens, superintendent ; Wm. Reid, inspector. Excise Office, 14 Saville street, Joseph Wilson, John Mould, and Samuel Dutton, officers Harbour Master and Water Bailiffs office, Bell street, Wm. Wake, master and bailiflf Tide Surveyor's office, Low Lights, James French, acting surveyor Light House, Dockwray square, Richard Day, superintendent Low Light House, James French, superintendent. Commercial News Room, 4 Tyne st Tyne News Room, 42 Dockwray square, George Henry Lamb, sec. Tynemouth Literary and Philoso- phical Institution, Howard street, John Robson, librarian North Shields Gas Co.^ Low Lights, George S. Thompson, sec. Borough of Tynemouth Gas Co., Low Lights, Wm. H. Atkinson, sec. North Shields Wafer Works Co.y Town Hall, John Laing, sec. 1 TYNE MOUTH DIRECTORY. 303 Tynemouth Union Workhouse, P res ton lane, will accon)modate 290, average number 230, Thomas and Margaret Scott, master and mat ron, John Tinley. Esq., chairman, Cuthbert Hunter, Esq., vice, James Lamb Barker, Esq., Clerk, super- intendent registrar and registrar of Marriages ; Samuel James Tibbs, relisving oflScer for Tynemouth, and registrar of births and deaths for North Shields districts; John Falcus, relieving officer for Walls- end, and Long Benton district ; Stephen'^ Aynsley,Jrelieving officer and registrar of births and deaths for Earsdon district; William Har rison, registrar of births and deaths for Tynemouth district. Clifford's Fort, Low Lights, Peter Harriot, master gunner, Officer in charge North Shields and Tynemouth Dis- pensary, 44 Church st., Patron, His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K. G., Presidents, William Linskill, Esq., and Rev. Christopher Reed, Vicar, Treasurers, Union Joint Stock Banking Co., Apothecary, William Mason Trinity Almshouses, near Clifford's Fort, Low Lights ^iox 6 aged Captains Cemetery, South Preston, John Raine, Sexton Victoria Soup Kitchen, Wellingtons Theatre Royal Union st Places of Worship- Chrisf^s Church, Albion street, Rev. Christopher Reed, vicar Trinity Church. CoUingwood st, Rev John Boak, Curate Catholic Churchy Bedford street, Rev, Thomas Gillow & Rev, Richard Gillovv, Priests Scotch National Church, Howard st,, Rer. George John Duncan Scotch Secession Church, Norfolk st,^ Rer. — Frazer Independent Chapel, Camden Bt., Rev, Archibald Jack Baptist Chapel, Howard st Baptist Chapel, (old) Stephenson st., used now as Sunday School Bethel Chapels, Duke St., and Ropery Banks Wesley an Methodist Chapel, Howard s Methodist New Connexion Chapels, Milbourn Place, and Linskill st Primitive Methodist Chapel, Union st Friends Meeting home, Stephenson st MarJcet held on So'urday, in the Market place or new quay Fairs, last Friday in April, and first Friday in November Population of the Borough o/ Lyne- mouth, according to the census taken 1841, 25,165, and of the Parish, 27,249 TYNEMOUTH PARISH TYI^EMOUTH DIRECTORY. MISCELLANY, Comprising the Names and Address of the Inhabitants not arranged under the ^classification of Trades and Professions. Marked 1 are in Allandale place, 2 Dawson's square, 5 Front street, 6 HoUiday place, 7 Huntingdon Bath terrace, 3 Cross street, 4 place, 304 TYNEMOUTH DIRECTORY, 8 Middle street, 9 Newcastle street, 10 Newcastle terrace, 11 Percy street^ 12 Percy terrace, 13 Sea banks, 14 Spital hill, 15 Tynemouth place. Post Office at Mr. Ralph Pigg's, Front street Askew Richard Craster, barrister, Tynemouth hall 15 Barnes Mrs. Hannah 5 Bartleman Alex, spirit merchant Baths, The Haven, Jno. Hutchinson superintendent 5 Bell Isabella, upholsterer 11 Bell William, painter Blacklock Wra. farmer. Monk hs Cloutson Joseph, assist, light hs. kpr 12 Coulson Thos. cooper 15 Cumberland David, surveyor of taxes 5 Cunningham John, gent. 11 Dale Mr. William 5 Downie Thomas, barrack master 5 Drury Misses, M. A. & E. 10 Duncan Rev. George John 5 Fenwick John, jun. solicitor 15 Fenwick John, master mariner 6 Fenwick Thos, blacksmith 5 Foster William John, gent. 15 Greenhow Bedlam C. surgeon 5 Haigh Miss Frances S. 11 Hall William, mason 12 Hall Mr. John 12 Hamilton Capt. John 7 Harrison Adolphus P. merct 5 Hay John, schoolmaster 5 Hudson Thomas, blacksmith and farrier 5 Humble Mrs. E. 1 Hume Ann I. milliner 5 HuttoQ William, agent 1 1 Irvin Wm. master mariner 15 Jackson Thomas, gent Laws Cuth. U. solr, Manor hs. Linskill Wm. Esq. Tynemouth Idg 5 Lowes Joseph, cartwright 13 Lupton Mary, refreshment house 11 Nelless Christopher, farmer Nelless Geo. miller 5 Percival N. billiard table keeper Raburn James, farmer, Spital dean 8 Reed William, hair dresser 12 Richardson J. master mariner Robb James, governor. Correction h 5 Rohson William, painter Scott Thomas, farmer. Field house 5 Share Thos. Coast guard officer 6 Smith Thomas, assistant draper 13 Somervill Charles, gent 14 Spencer John, master mariner 1 1 Stephenson Thomas, cart owner 6 Storey Wm. master mariner 10 SuTtees Mrs. A. A. 10 Surtees Lionel ]M., Customs 5 Taylor John, farmer 5 Taylor Rt. A. Venetian red mfr 5 Thirlwell John, Temperance hotl 12 Thompson Mrs. Elizabeth 8 Wallace William, farmer 4 Weir Joseph Rome, railway snrv Wesencraft Samuel, light hs. keeper Winter George, farmer^ Link house 12 Young John, professor of music 2 Younger John, builder Inns and Taverns. 5 Bath hotel, James Anderson 5 Cumberland Arms, Geo. Rogers 14 Dolphin, Jane Raburn 5 Gibraltar Rock, T. Scott Thorpe 12 Northumberland Arms, Sarah Whitfield - Orange Tree, Jas. Hogg, Prestn. In Ordnance Arms. W, W. Robson, Barracks 5 Percy Arms, Arthur Nicholson Refreshment Rooms, railway station 1 1 Rose of Allandale, Rt. Nicholson 5 Salutation, Titus Howett 11 Seven Stars, George Gair 11 Shipwrights' Arms, Eliz. Riddell 5 Star and Garter Hotel, F. and E. Archbold 5 Turk's Head, Alexander Gray Tynemouth Lodge, Eliz. Easter, Shields road 1 1 Union Tavern, Eliz. Laidler Bakers. 8 Roll Margaret 12 Thompson Duncan Boot & Shoe IVIkrs. 3 Beal Joseph 1 1 Embleton Thomas 13 Ferguson James 11 Mc Call Alexander 11 Mc Collah Thomas TYNEMOUTH DIRECTORY. 305 Butchers. 5 Atkinson Robert 5 Davison Thomas 5 Rennison Lancelot Thornes George 8 Wright Anthony Grocers <& Tea Dlrs 5 Appleby Thos. and bookseller 11 Armer Robert 5 Bailey J. & druggist 1 1 Carr Edward 5 Pegg Ralph 5 Finder Robert 5 Robinson Peenelope 5 Silvester Frederick 5 Smith John, & flr. dlr 5 Smith John 5 Spain John & Wm. 11 Whates Elizabeth Xiodging Houses. 11 Aitchinson — 1 1 Armstrong Henry 5 Armstrong Robert 5 Barlow Hannah 5 Baxter Isabella 5 Beaumont Wm. 13 Bell Isabella 6 Bell Jane 11 Bell John 11 Blackbell Wm. 6 Booth Esther 7 Bowes Thomas N. 5 Bruce Charlotte 15 Burrell Mrs. 7 Carter Jane 1 Cock«:!rill Margaret 2 Cowcher Ann 5 Cowey Peter 5 Cuthbert Thomas 13 Daglish Mary 13 Dodd Ann C. II Dodds Margery 5 Drury Margaret ] 1 Dryden Joseph 5 Duncan Elizabeth II Evans Edward 13 Fairless Mrs. 11 Ferguson ElJen 13 Ferguson James 13 Ferguson William 11 Foster Henry 5 Frank Jane 5 Gallilee William 7 Garth waite Eliz 1 1 Geddes Mary Ann 7 Gibson Leah 11 Graham Thomas 5 Halliday Mary I Harrison Ann 5 Hay John 5 Hindmarsh Hannah 7 Hudson Thomas 5 Huggup Isabella 1 Hume Jane 5 Huntley Elizabeth 8 Johnson Ann 5 Johnson Robert 11 Kelty Frances 5 Marshall John 5 Mason Diana 2 Meers Sarah 5 Mickle Mary 5 Miller Alexander 18 Morley Isabella 11 Murray Mary 11 Ord Robert 8 Parkin Ann 5 Pigg Ralph 5 Richardson Eliz 5 Robinson Frances 5 Robinson Peenelope 1 I Robson Bartholomew 11 Rowntree Jane 5Royal Hannah 11 Scott William 11 Sloss Mary 5 Simpson Elizabeth 2 Smith Dorothy IJ Smith Thomas 13 Smith Rosella 2 Southren Ann 5 Spain John & Wm 5 Spoor Ann 5 Starks Margaret 1 1 Storey Andrew 11 Storey Isabella 5 Storey Mary 5 Taylor Thomas 5 Thornes George 5 Turnbull Mary 11 Trotter Benjamin 5 Walton Adam 8 Walton Mrs 15 AVardle Elizabeth 5 Wardle Robert 8 Welauds Mary 5 Whalcy Ann 1 1 Wigham Margaret 5 Wilkinson Mabel 10 Wright Edward 2 Younger Jane Jnrs. (& Cbt. Mkrs. 11 Hopper Robert 11 Pringle William 1 1 Scott William 12 Taylor William Straw Hat Mkrs. 8 Blackburn Elizabeth 8 Furguson Lydia 8 Parkin Ann Tailors. 5 Cowey Peter 11 Evans Edward 3 Meadows John Miscellaneous. Master Mariners Asy- lum, for 32 aged master mariners, Mr. Matthew Poppelwell, trustee Tynemouth House of Correction, Jas. llobb, governor Spanish Battery, noiv used as a Preventative Station, Thomas Share, chief officer Lord CoUin(jfUood's Monument, on the Cliff near the Preventative Station, erected 1846 Light House, Castle yd., Saml Wesencraft, manager and Joseph Cloutson, assistant Barracks, Cstl. Thos. Downie, Barrack mstr Places of Worship. Parish Church, see Xorth Shields. Holy Saviour Church, Rev. George Latimer, curate. JVesIcyan Methodist Chapel, Percy st Methodist C/iapd, Cliirton 2d 306 TYNEMOUTH PARISH. Independent Cullercoats Methodist Monk Seaton Chapel, Chapel, Pnmitive Methodist Chapel, the Allotment Methodist Chapel, New York Methodist Whitley Chapel, CHIRTON TOWNSHIP, One mile West of Tynemouth. Marked 1 reside at Billy Mills, 2 East Howden, and the others in Chirt&n, See also North Shields Directory. Adams John, master mariner Coxon John, school master 1 Dohson John, cartwright Goldsmith John, master mariner Honeyman John, huilder. Moor hs 2 Huntley George, surgeon Kindrid John, sand dealer 2 Knott Isaac, rope maker Maddison William, yeoman Gates James, master mariner Penfold William, master mariner Reed Rev. Chpr., vicar, Chirton hs 1 Reed Joseph, corn miller I Robson Jas. & Matth., quarry men Blacksmiths. Davison Robert 1 Laws Joseph Butchers. Hindmarsh John Kay Robert Farmers. Bell George Forrest John Gibson Roger Gray John Robson John & Son,bldrs., Moor hs Turnbull Charles, draper Urwin Geo., farm bailiff, Hay Hall Inns & Taverns. 2 Board, Robert Thompson 2 Board, Robert Golightly 2 Board, James Porteus Collingwood Arms, Edw. Sisterson Dnn Cow, William Wallace Hopewell Pit, George Ditchbum 2 Percy Hotel, John Elliott Pine Apple, James Charlton Robin Hood, Patrick Thompson Sisterson Edward ( 1 Hall John & Joseph Hudson — Robinson Ralph Robson John Tate James c?* t-i i ^ Watson Robt., Chirton i IL^F^t" ™^!"'' dean 2 Weldon Anthony hardeners, Charlton James Jameson David Lilburn John Grcrs. <& Tea Dlrs. Hall James Smith James Taylor William Tailors. Anderson Thomas Forrest John Jameson Andrew CULLERCOATS TOWNSHIP, 1^ miles North of Tynemouth, Armstrong Nicholas, mstr. mariner Greenwell Daniel, ship owner Hodgson George, gent Mitchell Mrs. Elizabeth Moffatt Wm., school master Neters Mrs. Dorothy Robson Mr. Thomas Simms Mr. James Taylor George, mason Wood Rev. John Inns and Taverns* Newcastle Arms, Wm. W. Atkinson Queen's Head, Wm. Thompson Ship, John Dixon & Baths Ship, John Henderson TYNEMOUTH PARISH. 307 Boot & Shoe ]^krs. Bailey Thomas Thoburn Henry- Butchers. Bailey Henry Bullock William Rennison William Grocers- Bell George Brown Ann & Son Xaodgings. Alexander E & M Clark Humphrey Dixon Isabella Jemson Mary Mitcalfe Robert Oliver Robert Pratt John Rutherford Richard Taylor Elizabeth Tailors. Crawford Thos. C Moffatt Thomas MONKSEATON TOWNSHIP, Three Miles ^.Bt/W, of North Shields, Armstrong Robt., shoemaker Blake John, Tailor Bowman Ralph, saddler Davidson Geo. blacksmith Davison James, cartwright Davison Wm., brewer & ship owner Inns and Taverns. Black Horse, Henry Whitfield Crown & Thistle, George Maughan Lamb, Wm. Tweddall Ship, Ann Arthur Three Horse Shoes, Mgt. Lowrey Farmers. Aynsley Fen wick Dunn Henry, and Ship owner Dunn Jph., Butcher & Fellmonger Hall Thos. and Cuthbert Nixon, Joseph Scott Thomas Thompson Robt. Hill Head White Barbara Shopkeepers. Dunn Maria Hall Margaret Miller Robert Smith Sarah Jones Frederick, D., M.D., surgeon Lesslie Thomas, butcher Nicholson G eorge, shoemaker Ramsey William, draper Thompson Mrs. Ann MURTON TOWNSHIP, Two miles N. N. W. of North Shields. Marked I reside at the Allotment, 2 New York, and the others in Murton, 1 Barrow Alex., land steward 2 Clarke Cuthbert, shoemaker 1 Craig Robert, surgeon 1 Darling Henry, schoolmaster 2 Dawson John, shoemaker & Shop- keeper 1 Dixon Joseph, grocer and Flour dealer 2 Dixon Wm. school master Duffield Joseph, shopkeeper Dunn Lewis, blacksmith and beer- house 2 Harbottle Joseph, cartwright and grocer Hansel! Robt., shipowner, Murton house Mason Luke, shopkeeper 2 Midford Martin, trav. draper 2 Miller John, grocer Moody Edward, shoemaker Prudhoe Rt. R., shopkeeper Robinson Ralph, Esq., Prospect hill Inns and Taverns. 2 Dun Cow, Wm. W. Lilburn, and butcher Northumberland Arms Inn, George Call, & brewer. Allotment brewery 2 Plough, Matthew Carr Robin Hood, Peter Todd Farmers, Gibson Samuel 308 TYNEMOUTH PARISH. Hedley Lancelot 2 Stoker George 1 Whitfield John, and butcher Wright John PRESTON TOWNSHIP, One mile N. of North Shields* Bulmer Joseph, agent Craig Thomas, gardener Davidson Robert, blacksmith Dutton Samuel, excise officer Fenwick John, gent. Fittes James, grocer Havis Thomas, shoemaker Hunter Robert, mason King James, grocer Laws Thomas, blacksmith Leitch Robert, officer in customs Muckle Peter, mason Noble Isabella, shopkeeper Peacock John, cartwright Poppelwell Mrs. Amelia Reavely Daniel, baker Richardson Thomas, ship owner Rutter James, joiner & cabinet mkr. Smith Miss Mary Turner James Pringle, gardener Watson Mrs. Isabella Weir Robert, ins. agent Young Mrs. Inns and Taverns. I Bamburgh Castle, Joseph Reed I Fox Hunter, Stephen House ; Sportsman, Ephm. Nicholson Spread Eagle, Samuel Bell Farmers. Davidson Eliz. Fenwick John Fenwick Thomas and Son Lilburn James Lowther Robert Potts Henry and Sons Ramsey George WHITLEY TOWNSHIP 2J Miles N. of North Shields, Alexander Robert, cowkeeper Anderson Joseph, farmer, Mardan farm Anderson John, tailor Brown Richard, farmer Cleasby William, farmer Crudas Thomas, colliery agent Eltis James, shopkeeper Fenwick John, blacksmith Fryer Joseph, Esq., Whitley house Garret John, grocer Harper John & Son, grocers Harrison Chas. Anderson, quarry agent, and colliery viewer Hunter Taylor, shopkeeper Mitcalfe Henry, Esq., M. P., Whit- ley Hall Nelson R. A. & Co., colliery and limestone quarry owners Inns and Taverns. Fat Ox, Robert Smith Ship, John Elliott Wiiitley Park, William Studdy 1 BLYTH DIRECTORY. Post Office, Northumberland street, Mrs. Hannah Sherraton, post mis- tress; South Mail arrives at J-past 12 noon, and despatched at 4-past 6 evening; North Mail arrives at 4 afternoon, and despatched at 8 morn- ing. BLYTH DIRECTORY. 309 MISCELLANY. Consisting of the Names of the Inhabitants not arranged in the list of Trades and Professions, Archbold Thomas, tide waiter, low quay Arkless John G., marine insurance agent, and sec. to tlie shipwrecked Fishermen and Marine society, Bridge st Bennett Joseph, farmer, Newsham Bird Mrs. Catherine, Bath row Bowman Eliz., lodgings, Waterloo Bowman George, ship builder, h. Bridge st Briggs Rt. Ray, brewer & maltster, Waggon hill Brown Isaac, colliery agent, Cowpen lodge Cairns John, agent to Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart.. Northumberland st Campbell James, brazierj waggon hill Campbell Margaret, worsted dealer, Ridley terrace Carmichael Rev. Daniel, Waterloo Clinton Mr. James, Low quay Cockerill Wm., auctioneer, Nor- thumberland st Coppin Wm., principal officer of Customs, Low quay, h. Waterloo Coppin Wm. jun., agent to the North of England Joint Stock Banking Co., Ridley ter.,h. Waterloo Crawford Mrs. Mary, Ridley place Darling Jas. agent to the Friendly Shipping Insurance Co., Bath row Drummond Thos., ship builder, Cowpen quay Elliott, Jas., coast guard, Cowpen q Farrow Nicholas, baths, Bath row Fisher Robert, overman, Cowpen colliery Gray Mrs. Dorothy, Bridge st Greenwood Rev. Robt., Incumbent of Cramlington, and Curate of Blyth, Link house Grunson Robt., salt manufr., quay Hall Mrs. Sarah, Bath row Heron Jas., ship and insurance bro- ker, Bath row Hogg Falcus, farmer, Links Hogg Thomas, farmer, Links Hodgson Joseph, agent to liloyd's, general agent, and agent to the Receiver General of Admiralty, Croften Mills Tnness Thos., staithman, Quay Irwin James, Sub-comptroller Cus- toms, h. Nelson pi Jefferies Lieut. John, commanding coastguard officer, Crofton Jobson Miss Eliz., Cowpen quay Johnston Rev. Wm. C, Church st Johnston Wm., overman, Cowpen colliery Lough Richard, Lloyd's surveyor Waterloo Lawton Peter, ex. officer, Waterloo MiddletonJno., coal viewer, Low qy. Morrison Wm., light house keeper Shiney row Nichol Robt., lodgings, Waterloo Pape John, coir, of poor rates, Wag- gon hill Reavley Thos., coach proprietor. Bridge st Robson Mrs. Elizabeth, Bath row Rowell Thos., farmer, Cowpen quay Swan Robt., tallow chandler, Nel- son pi Swan Wm., pilot master, Church st Thorburn Mrs. E. E., Waterloo Turnbull James, cooper, Sussex st Tuxfield John, farmer, Newsham Waldie Thos., sheriff's officer, Nor- thumberland st Walters Rev. John, Bridge st Ward G., vice consul for France, and registrar of births, deaths and marriages. Bridge st Watson Isabella, farmer, Newsham White Mr, Edward, Church st Whiteman Mr. Daniel, Nelson pi Willan Rev. William, Waterloo Williams Mr. Thomas, Crofton Wilson John, gentr, Bath row Wilson John, farmer, Newsham Wilson William, farmer, Newsham Wilson Robert, runng. fitter, Wiloo, 2d2 310 BLYTH DIRECTORY. Wood Geo,, harbour mast., Low qy Wood John Jubb, trav. tea dealer Low quay Wright James, timber & slate mer- chant, Bridge st Academies. Charlton William, Shiney row Crozier John, Cowpen quay Duxfield Timothy, Church st Liddell Mary, Northumberland st Temple Edward, Crofton Wills James, (commercial academy, and private French teacher) Blyth hill; h. Cowpen quay Wotherspoon John, Waterloo Attornies. Barker Richard, Waggon hill Sidney M. W. J., Bath row Bakers c& Flour Dealers. Marked * are Flour Dealers only, Davison John, Blagdon st Elder Charles Jobling Jas. & Robt, Sussex st *Lee Elizabeth, Blagdon st Matthewson Ann, Sussex st Newman John, Waggon hill *Venus Ralph, Northumberland st Black and Shipsmiths. Dodds William, Cowpen quay Gair John, Bridge st Hutton John, Quay Smoult James, Quay Wilson Thomas, Low quay Block c& Mast Makers. Heppell Thomas, Quay Stephenson William, Quay Booksellers, Printers, and Stationers. Proude Joseph, Blagdon st Robinson John& (libr.,) Sussex st Smithson Thos., (lithg. printer only) Sussex st Boot and Shoe Makers. Alder John Charlton, Waggon hill Cummings George, Waggon hill Darling Ralph, Quay Davidson William, Quay Fenwick William, Quay Forster Wm., Northumberland st Robson William, Cowpen quay Smith William Watt, Blagdon st h. Church st Soulsby Geo., Northumberland st Southern Philip, Blagdon st Tynemouth Robert, Low quay Wallace John, Sussex st Wilson Robert, Quay Wrightson George, Low quay Butchers. Aynsley Geo., Northumberland st Colpitts Joseph, Cowpen quay Cowans Wm.,Staiths; h. Crofton Dixon John, Waterloo Dobson John, Sussex st Gledston Gilbert ^Heron Edward, Sussex st Humble Thomas, Cowpen quay Milburn Geo., Northumberland st Soulsby John, Cowpen quay Towns John, Blagdon st Watson James, Ridley ter Coal Owners <& Fitters. Barrington Main fitting office, Cow- pen quay, Bolton Stafi'ord, fitter Bedlington Coal Company's Office, Davison West Hartley coals. Low quay, Robert Elsdon, fitter, h. Waterloo Cowpen Coal Comp.'s Office, Benja- min Dryden, fitter, h, Waterloo Netherton Coal Comp.'s Office, Rid- ley's ten, Thos. Gibson, fitter, h. Bridge st. Confectioners. Davidson Ann, Northumberland st Forster Ann. (& toy dlr.) Wagn. hill Sheel Alice, Blagdon st Corn Millers. Davison John, Blagdon st Gilhespie William, Buck's hill Hodgson Joseph, Crofton Mills Mackenzie William, Cowpen Mill Druggists, <&c. Briggs Robert Ray, Waggon hill Matthewson James, Cowpen quay Wilkinson Thomas, Bridge st Earthenware Dealers. Dignin William, Waggon hill Embleton John, Quay TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 311 Fire and Life Offices. Mariners and General (Life) Joseph Hodgson, Crofton mills Star, Wm. Clough, 1 Blagdon st Temperence Provident (Life), W, G. Patterson, Waggon bill Yorkshire, J no. Robinson, Sussex s Crardeners. Bell John, Waggon hill Hedley Thomas, Cowpen quay Lamb Stephen, (& Seedsman) Link houses Grreen Crrocers. Armstrong Dorothy, Sussex st Duxfield Joseph, Sussex st Wann Margaret, Sussex st Grocers and Tea Dealers. See also Shopkeepers, Anderson Jas. Marshall, Quay Bird Thomas, Cowpen quay Brown H, M. & C, Waggon hill Bullock Thomas, Crofton mills Dixon Matthew, Cowpen quay Gray Betsy Ann, Ridley ter. Gray Matthew & Son, Sussex st Gregory Ralph, Cowpen quay Heppell Frances, Blagdon st Hindmarsh Sarah, Cowpen quay Mackenzie Thomas, Cowpen quay Matthewson Mary, Waggon hill Newman John, Waggon hill Simpson John, Cowpen quay Temple Nathaniel, Northumblnd. s Thompson Mark, Cowpen quay Towns Edward, Cowpen quay Watts Andrew Hodgson, Northum- berland st Welch Mary, Blagdon st Wilkie James, Sussex st Hair Bressers. Ruddock Wm., Northumberland st Shanks Rt., Northumberland st Hotels, Inns, and Taverns. Bear, Rd. Wheatley, High pans Black Bull, Ann Matthewson Sus- sex st Commercial, James Todd, Waterloo Dun Cow, Ann Northover, Low qy Fox & Hounds, Jas. Sample, Cow- pen quay Globe, Margaret Jobling, Waterloo Grey Horse, R. Wilson, Cowpen qy Half Moon, Stephen Lamb, Link houses. King's Arms, Jph. Brown, Cowpen quay King's Head, Elizabeth Taylor, Northumberland st Lord Nelson, Wm. Davison, Quay Nag's Head, Wm, Cockerill, Nor- thumberland st Northumberland Arms, Isabella Readhead, Cowpen quay Odd Fellows' Arms, Jno. Richardson Northumberland st Phoenix, John Tulley, Northblnd. st Queen's Head, Philip Talley, Cow- pen quay Ridley Arms, Robt. Grunson, Nor- thumberland st Seven Stars, Rd. Short, North Blyth Ship, John Cummins, Crofton Star and Garter, Wm. Ward, Nor* thumberland st Sun Inn, John Grunson, Low quay Sun, Ann Bowman, Cowpen quay Victoria, Eliz. Thoburn, Cowpen qy Waterloo Hotel, Wm. Dick, Waterloo White Swan,Cath. Wallace, Wtloo. Beer Houses. Gattis Ann, Folley Hossick John, Crofton Ironmongers. Blakey Jas., Northumberland st Smitbson Thomas, Sussex st Whitehead Wm., Blagdon st Joiners <& Cabinet I^Iakers. Fenwick John, Quay Fenwick Thomas, Quay Gregory Ralph, Cowpen quay Heppell Tristram, Quay Marshall George (and cartwright) Waggon hill Maxwell William, Blagdon st Tulley John, Northumberland st Tulley Fhilip, Cowpen quay Winship William, Cowpen quay Idinen and Woollen Drapers. Chrisp Jas., (hosier^ Blagdon st Gray Matthew ^ Son, Sussex st Steel Robert, 4 Blagdon st Wallace & Clough, I Blagdon st Wilkie James, Sussex st 312 BLYTH DIRECTORY. Milliners & Dress Makers. Elliott Elizabeth, Cowpen quay Hamilton Ann, Cowpen quay Heppell Elizabeth, Waterloo Tully Isabella, Nelson place Painters, Glaziers, and Paper- hangers. Aynsley John, Low quay Elliott Edward (& portrait) Cowpen quay - Patterson Wm. Gowland,Wagn. hill Hope and Twine Makers. Smith Wm., (& chain maker) Nor- thumberland st Wright Jas. & Son, Northumblnd. st Saddler. Whitehead William, Blagdon 8t Sail Makers. Brown John, Northumberland st Wright Jas. & Son, Northumblnd. st Ship Builders. Bowman & Druramond, Cowpen qy Readhead Geo.,(boatonly) Cowpn. q Robinson Geo., Cowpen quay; h. Bridge st Stoveld Wm. John, Dock quay Ship Chandlers. Bird Thomas, Cowpen quay Embleton John, Quay Henzell Michael, Quay Smithson Thomas, Sussex st Watts Andrew H., Low quay Ship Owners <& Masters. Marked 1 are Owners, 2 Owners and Masters, and 3 Masters only, Atkinson Jph., (keel) Cowpen quay 3 Bergen Geo. Colley, Waterloo 3 Bergen Stephen, Cowpen quay 2 Appleby John, Cowpen quay 1 Bowman & Drummond, Cowpn. q 1 Briggs William, Waterloo 1 Brown James, Waterloo 3 Burn William, Ridley terrace 1 Coppin Wm. jun., Waterloo 3 Cousins Thomas, Waterloo 1 Darling Ralph, Cowpen quay 2 Davis Philip, Waterloo I Davis Edward, Waterloo I Dent John, Ridley place 3 Dent William, Nelson place 3 Dick Andrew, Cowpen quay 3 Dobson George, Cowpen quay I Dobson John, Sussex st 3 Dodds Philip, Waterloo I 3 Downie Collin, Church st j 3 Dunn Thomas, Cowpen quay ; 3 Durfield Henry, Church st j 1 Fah'foot Edward, Cowpen quay ! 3 Farrow Nicholas, Bath row 3 Foreman John, Waterloo 3 Forster Edward, Cowpen quay 3 Fox Cuthbert, Cowpen quay 3 Gioson John, Cowpen quay 1 Gibson John, sen., Cowpen quay 3 Gibb Edward, Waterloo 1 Gray Matth. & Son, Bridge st 1 Harkless John Geo., Bridge st 3 Heatley James, Cowpen quay 1 Heron James, Bath row 2 Hindmarch Thos., Cowpen quay 1 Hodgson Joseph, Crofton Mills 2 Kell Robert, Bath row 2 Knight Thomas, Bath row ] Lawson George, High pans 3 Lee Thomas, Waterloo 3 Lough John, Cowpen quay 1 Lough Richard, Waterloo 3 Mackenzie Edward, Cowpen qy. 1 Mackenzie William, Cowpen qy. 3 Manners John, Waterloo 3 Mitchell James, Church st 3 Newman Henry, Cowpen quay 3 Potts John, Cowpen quay 3 Ramsey Thomas, Cowpen quay 3 Robinson John, Nrthmbrlnd. st 2 Robinson William, Nelson pi 1 Ruddock Richard, Waterloo 3 Sample John, Cowpen quay 3 Short Ralph, Waterloo I Smith George, 4 Blagdon st 1 Smith John, Waggon hill 2 Smith Thomas, Nelson pi 1 Soulsby Robert, Cowpen quay 3 Stoker Joseph, Church st 3 Tate James, Cowpen quay 3 Taylor Joseph, Waterloo 1 Taylor Henry, Waterloo 3 Totherick John, Church st I Towns John, Blagdon st 1 Turner William, Waterloo 3 Tynemouth Robert, Waterloo 3 Wallace James, Waterloo TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 313 1 Watson Edward, Waterloo 3 Wbeatley Walker, Nelson pi 1 Wilkie James, Sussex st 3 Wilson George, Waterloo 2 Wilson Matthew, Bath row Shopkeepers. Anderson Barbara Nrthbrlnd. st Bell William, Sussex st Best Walter, Waggon hill Brown Thomas, Northumberland st Dodds Eleanor, Waterloo Gibson Isabella, Nrthmbrlnd. st Hunter George, Church st Hutchinson Mary, Cowpen quay Marshall Ceciley, Blagdon st Ruddock Wm., Northumberland st StajQTord Hannah, Cowpen quay Stephenson Mark, Nrthmbrlnd. st Stoker Ann, Quay Watts John, Northumberland st Wealands Lancelot, Waterloo Wood George, Waterloo Young Thomas, Low quay Stone Masons and Builders. Fulbeck Richard, Blythe hill Hossick John, Crofton Johnson John, Cowpen quay Johnson Robert, Tile sheds Mills John, Quay Nicholson Thomas, Nrthbrlnd. st Straw Hat Makers. Bowman Margaret, Waterloo Brewis Mary, Cowpen quay Colpitts Ann, Cowpen quay Hogg Elizabeth, High pans Patterson Ann Jane, Cowpen quay Scott Ruth, Cowpen quay Soulsby Catherine, Nrthbrlnd. st Surgeons. Jameson Wm. John, Blagdon st Lynch John, Nelson pi Murray Thomas, Blagdon st Smith John, Waggon hill Ward Gilbert, Bridge st Tailors and Drapers. Marked * are Drapers. •Anderson James Marshall, Quay *D6tchon Robert, Sussex st *Gray Matthew & Son, Sussex st ♦Jobling Joseph, Waggon hill •Nicholson Edward, Sussex st Richardson John, Nrthbrlnd. st *Soulsby John, Cowpen quay Taylor Nicl., Northumberland st Turner Edward, Sussex st ♦Wallace and Clough, 1 Blagdon st. *Wilkie James, Sussex st Watch and Clock Makers. Herron John, Cowpen quay Pape John, Waggon hill Waldie Thos., Northumberland st Coaches. To North Shields from the Ridley Arms, every Morning at 8, and Evening at f past 4. To Newcastle from the Star and Garter, Tues. & Sat., at 8 morning Carriers. John Young, Cowpen quay to New- castle, tues., thur., and sat. Smith Nelson, Crofton to Newcastle, tues., thur., and sat. William Smart, Cowpen quay to Newcastle, tues., thur., and sat. Robert Grunson, Northumberland St. to Newcastle, 3 days per week David Davidson, Cowpen quay to North Shields, mon., thur., and sat., and Morpeth, wed. William Bell, Sussex st. to Roth- bury, mond. Custom House, Low quay, William Coppin, sub- collector; Jas. Irwin, sub-comptroller; and Thos. Arch- bold, tide waiter. Coast Guard Station, Low quay, Lieut. John Head Jefferies, com- manding officer; James Black, chief boatman; with a force of five men, one of whom resides at Hart- ley, one at Cambois, and one at Newbiggin. News Boom, Northumberland st., John Cairns, secretary. Light Houses, Shiney row, Wm Morrison, manager. Life Boat House, Shiney row, Marine Insurance Co-, directors; the key is kept at Mr. James Dar- ling's, Bath Row. 314 BLYTH DIRECTORY. Pilot Office, Low quay, William Swan, master. Harbour Masters Office, Low quay, George Wood, master. Baths, Public, Beith. Row, Nicholas Farrow, keeper. Places of ^^orship Chapel of Ease, Rev. Robert Greenwood, curate. Presbyterian Chapel, (English) Church St., Rev. Wm. O. Johnston Wesley an Chapel, Blyth Hill. New Connexion, Methodist, Wtrloo. United Cecession Chapel, Waterloo Rev. Daniel Carmichael. Primitive Methodist,Cow^en quay Population, according to the cen- sus taken 1841,-4238. SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Lisl of Streets, Courts, Lanes, Squares, Quays, &c., in 1846. Academy st & hill, 81 East Holborn Albert terrace. Mount ter Alb'on stairs, 69 Wapping st Albion street. Heron st Albion terrace. Fowler st Alderson street, Mile end road Alum House Ham landing & quay, Cookson st Anderson's lane, 37 Thrift st Anderson street, Catharine st Archer's hill. West pan st Balcon stairs, 29 Shadwell st Barrington street, St. Hilda's lane Bath street, Mile end road Bell's lane, 81 East Holborn Black Lion quay, 41 Wapping st Blumer's terrace. Green's place Bottle hill, 71 East Holborn Bread lane, 74 East Holborn Brewery lane, foot of Coronation st Broad landing, 20 Thrift st Brunswick st., Laygate lane Bryson's lane, 23 Shadwell st Carpenter's street, 54 East Holborn Catherine street, Fowler st Chapel hill, 83 East Holborn Chapter row, 37, Market place Church row, 1 Market place Clapath lane, Head of Ferry st Clark's quay, 56 Wapping st Coble landing, Pilot st Comical corner, 33 Wapping st Commercial road. East Holborn Cone street. Commercial road Cook's quay, 1 Shadwell st Cookson street, 5 Dean st Cookson's quay, Cookson st Cordwainers lane, 64 Wapping st Corn Wallis square, Commercial rd Corn Wallis street, Barrington st Coronation street, 9 Waterloo vale Corstorphine Town, Roperylane Custom House quay, 6 Shadwell st Cuthbert street. Green street Dairy lane. Heron street Dean street, Market place Deer's lane, 5 Thrift st Dock lane, U Thrift st Dockwray's bank and lane, 63 East Holborn Dogleap stairs, 95 Wapping st Dove court, 24 Oyston st East Holborn, Foot of Coronation s East street, 24 Market place Fairless quay, 29 Long row Fairless stairs. Heron st Ferry Boat landing, 53 Wapping s Ferry street, 6 Dean st Forster street, Thames st Fowler street, 43 East King st Frederick street, Laygate lane Garden lane, 31 Waterloo vale Gingling gate, head of Fowler st Green street, Laygate lane Green terrace, Military road Green's place. Green terrace Half Moon quay, 24 Wapping st Hancock's lane, 45 Thrift street Harding's bank. Thrift st . Harrison's court. Hill st Hart stairs, 61 East Holborn Henderson lane, 81 West Holborn Henderson street, Catharine st Heron street, Wapping st SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. 315 Heugh street, Palatine st High Crane, 40 West Holborn Hill street, 84 West Holborn Hill street stairs. Hill st Holborn landing, 45 East Holborn Hopper's quay, 46 Wapping st Hospital quay, 11 Shad well st Houe's quay, 7 Shadwell st Ingham street, Catharine st John street, Henderson st Johnson's Hill, Hill st Johnson's street, 76 West Holborn Keppel lane, Waterloo rale Keppel street. Fowler st Keppel St., (West) 24 Waterloo rale King street, 32 Market place King street, (East) 65 King street Kirby's lane, 31 Thrift street Kirton's quay, 26 Wapping st Lawe, (The) Lawe Cottages Lawe Cottages, Blumer's ter Laygate court, 11 Laygate st Laygate lane, Commercial road Laygate street, 69 West Holborn Long bank, 60 Wapping st Long row, 24 Thrift st Lookham stairs, 67 Shadwell st Lowden's court. Academy hill Market place. Dean st Marshall's quay, 50 Wapping st Mason's lane, Albion st Master Mariners Cottages, Welling- ton terrace Meeting house lane, 84 Shadwell st Middle landing, 57 Wapping st Mile end road, 42 East King st Military road. Long bank Mill dam. Brewery lane Mitre street. Palatine st Mount terrace. Garden lane Nelson's hill. Commercial road Nelson street, 11 Barrington st Nile street, 59 East Holborn North street, 1 8 King st Ocean street, 43 East King st Ogle terrace, Albion ter Old Ferry Boat landing, 58 Wap ping st Oliver street, Park st Oyston court, Oyston st Oyston street, 31 Waterloo vale Paint Lane, Union alley Palatine street, Heron st Pan Ash, 10 Wapping st Park street, 22 Waterloo vale Penny Pie stairs, 15 West Holborn Pilot stairs, 58 Shadwell st Pilot street, 58 Shadwell st Pontop & Shields stairs, 29 Long rw Price street, Forster st Queen's place, 115 Wapping st Queen street. Mile end road Rekin Dyke lane. Commercial road Roper's court, 6 Nile st Ropery lane, 41 West Holborn Ropery stairs, 64 Shadwell st Russell street, 58 East King st St. Hilda's lane, 37 Market pi Salem street, 29 East King st Salmon's quay, 29 Shadwell st Saville street, 5 Fowler st Shadwell street, Wapping st Shepherdson's place. Hill st Smithy street, Waterloo vale South terrace, Heugh st Springln., Alum House Hamlndng Stanhope street. Mile end road Steam Ferry Boatlndng.,Cooksons Stobb's lane, 65 Wapping st Studley bank. Lower Thames st Subscription Brewery wrf.,Brwry. In Suget's lane, 40 Wapping st Swan hill, 70 West Holborn Temple Town, Corstorphine town Thames lane, 39 Thrift st Thames street, Salem st Thames street, (Low) Thames st Thrift street, 17 Market pi Tyne street, 16 Market pi Tyne street, 88 East Holborn Union alley, 24 Market pi Union lane, 67 Wapping st Victoria place, Catherine st Wallace quay, 27 Shadwell st Wallace street, 12 Barrington st Wapping street, 16 Long row Waterloo lane, 17 Coronation st Waterloo vale, 66 King st Wawn's court, 21 East Holborn Wellington street. Heron st Wellington terrace. Ogle ter West Holborn, 49 East Holborn fFestoe, 1 mile S by E Westoe lane. Head of Fowler st West Pan place, 52 West Holborn West Pan street, 49 West Holborn West street, 4 Market place Winchester street, Fowler st Windmill court, 62 West Holborn Windmill hill, 67 West Hulborn 316 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. MISCELLANY. Comprising the Addresses of Gentry, Clergy, Partners in Firms, and others not arranged under the Classification of Trades and Professions, Aaron Mrs. Eliz., 4 Winchester st Adams Thomas, secretary to the ship owners society, 17 Market place • h. 9 Albion terrace Allen Alexander, boot maker; h. 7 Stanhope st Anderson James, secretary to Gas Co. Barrington st. ; h. Bent house Anderson Joseph, Anchor manufr.; h. 59 East King st Anderson Nathaniel, ship carpenter. Green terrace Anderson Wm. Esq., Bent house Anderson Wm.,bwr.; h. The Deans Armstrong Robert, clerk, 5 Mile end road Askworth Samuel, engineer and sur veyor, 63 West Holborn Ay ton Frances, sub distributor of stamps, 62 East King st Bainbridge Christopher, solicitr. and superintendentregistrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, East St.; h. 3 Chapter row- Barker James Lamb, solicitor and clerk to Magistrates, h. 35 East King st Bell Mrs. Eliz. 9 Keppel st Bell and Marshall, merchants, 5 Dean st Bell Thomas, druggist ; h. Jarrow Bingham George, saw maker, 103 Wapping st Birkett J. furrier, 16 Catharine st Blair Jas. pilot, 34 Blumer's ter Blair Mary, lodgings, 18 Heron st Blair Robert, pilot, 3 Green's place Blenkensop John, fmr. Temple Town Blues Mary, Idgs., 55 East King st Bone John, pilot, 18 Blumer's ter Bone Robert, pilot, 32 Blumer's ter Bowman Mrs. Eliz., 2 Corn Wallis s Branston Mrs. Ann, 35 Wellington s Briggs Wm., gent., Winchester st Brown Mr. James, Westoe Brown Mrs Jane, 3 Victoria pi Brown Mrs. Mary, 19 Sayille st Bruce John George, staithman, 11 Wellington st Buckland James, clerk, 3 Comrcl. rd Buglass James, superintendent of police, Waterloo vale Bullock Alfred, staithman, West Holborn Burn Jacob, pilot, 17 Lawe ctgs. Burn John, pilot, 17 Blumer's ter Burn Ralph, pilot, Lawe cottages Calvert Jno., excise officer, 3 Mnt. t Carr Mrs. Eliz., 25 Saville st Carr Rev. James, A.M., incumbent of St. Hilda's, 1 Ogle ter Carr Miss Mary, 7 VYest Keppel st Carr Wra. Eras., grocer, Green st Chambers Joseph, pilot, 4 Green ter Chambers Rbt., pilot, 22 Blumer's tr Chambers Wm., pilot, 36 Blumer's t ' Clark Thomas, clerk. Green st Coats James, pilot, 11 Green ter Coe Ambrose, steam boat owner, Holborn landing Cooke Rev. Robert, (Wesleyan) 9 Chapter row Corrigall Mrs. Eliz., 12 Winch, st Couper Samuel, grcr.; h. 4 Mkt. pi Coward Rev. William, Westoe Craig Mr. John, 10 Frederick st Cully Wm., pilot, 8 Lawe cottages Cummings Mr. James, Westoe Davidson Mrs. Jane, 11 Cathrn. st Dawson Mrs. Annie, lodgings, 1 Mount ter. Day John, FrimitiveMeth. preacher, 5 Henderson st Deane Joseph, police sergeant, 51 King st Dixon Rev. Thomas, incumbent of Trinity Church, 12 Frederick st Dodgin Mr. Gideon, 1 Ingham st Downie Mrs. Sarah, 4 Mile end rd. Dunn Lawson, ballast master, 1 Winchester st Eden Thos., sail mkr. ; h. Ogle tor Elliot Launcelot,asst. harbour mstr . 22 Master Mariners Cottages SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. 317 Elliott John, clerk, 7 Victoria pi Elliott Mrs. Mary, 10 Keppel st Eltringham Joseph, boiler and tank maker; h. 13 Nile st Evans Henry, ship surveyor, 12 Victoria pi Fairbairn Wm., ship, &c. broker; h. 9 Winchester st Fairies Edw., gent,, Field Hs. cotg. Fell Richard, gent., Westoe Feltoe John Fras. excise officer, 4 Anderson st Fenwick Mrs. Ann, 3 Mount ter FenTvick Mrs. Caroline, 35 Savilles Forrest Thos., gent., 15 Wlngtn. st France Henry, mngr., 15 Frdrck. st Furnace Matthew, clerk, 22 Master Mariner's cottages Gallilee Robert, agent, Pont. & Sth« Shields railwy. 47 Est. King st Gallon Matthw. gent. 21 Saville st Gare Mrs. Elizabeth, East King st Garrett Mrs. Elizabeth, 9 Green's pi Gilbert T. excise officer, Albert ter. Goulden Mr. Joseph, 1 Keppel st Goundry John, farmer, fVestoe Greaves John, pilot, 22 Military rd Green Rev, Robert, Westoe Green Mrs. Sarah, Mile end road Grieves Jas. soda water mfr. Bottle hi Hall Mrs. H. Queen st Hall P. post office msngr. Salem st Hargrave Joseph, bank manager, Monckton villa Harland Andw., manager, Oyston st Harrison Anthony, alkali manfr.; h. Laygate lane Harrison Geo. joiner & builder; h. 1 Saville st Harrison Jacob, pilot, 10 Green ter Harrison John, deputy pilot master. Pilot street Harrison John, pilot, 5 Green's pi Harrison Richard, pilot, 1 Green's pi Harrison Thomas, joiner & builder; h. Hill street Havelock W. mstr. cover, 44 Green s Heath Mrs. Mary, Westoe Heppel David, joiner, &c. ; h. Waterloo vale Heppel John, joiner, &c. ; h. 7 Albert tr Hilderton Mr. Edward, Thames st Hodgson John, agent, Windmill hi Hodgson Vy. clerk, 15 Winchestr st Hoggett John, coal agent, Albion st Hopper Thomas, block maker; h. Albion street Hunter Mrs. Jane, 3 Catharine^ Hunter Naisbitt Robert, foreman engine builder, Thames street Ingham Robert, Esq. Westoe Ingham Samuel, clerk, I Palatine st Jameson W. parish clerk, and coir. of poor rates, 3 Corn Wallis st Jefferson Mrs. Jane, Westoe Jenkinson Richard, Sheriffs officer. Fowler street Johnson Clark, regist. of births and deaths, and relieving officer for Westoo, 9 Catharine street Kirkley Jas., brewer; h. The Deans Kirton Mrs. Alice, 12 Catherine st Knowles John, pilot, 30 Blumers ter Knowles Peter, pilot, 27 Blumers ter Lackland James, relieving officer for Shields, 28 East st Lamb John & Ralph, farmers. Field House Lawson Rev. Hy., 2 Catharine st Lawson Jas., pilot, 9 Green ter Lawson Mrs. Mary, 3 Saville st Lee J.,blk. mkr.; h. 31 Wellington s Lee Henry, mert.; h. 24 Saville st Lincoln Thos., clerk, 1 Bath st Lister Rev. — Green st Lloyd Thos., Pvailway Station mstr, 25 Saville st Lundin Mrs. Ann, 2 Salem st Mc Donald Chp., iDaker, 2 Smith st, Mc. Creath Rev. Thomas, (Presb) 1 Albert ter Mc Kellar John, clerk, 10 John st Mackay Christopher Bainbridge, solicitor, 3 Chapter row Mad dison Timothy, gent, 4 Mount tr - Magna Mrs. Sarah, 16 Wellington s Mason George, clerk, John st Marshall Wm., mert. ; h. fFestoe Mather J., spirit mert.; h. Saville st May Robert James John, druggist; h. 3 Market pi Martin John, agent, glass works, 76 East Holbcrn Marshall Mrs. Ann, 16 Saville st Marshall Miss Isabella, 4 Master Mariners cottages Marshall Jno., pilot, IS Lawe ctgs Marshall John, pilot, 4 Groen ter Marshall Jph., pilot, 36 blumers ter 2e 318 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Mathisou James, joiner, mile end rd Maughan Isabella, farmer Westoe Miatt Joseph William, registrar of marriages for the Union, East st j b. 14 Winchester st Middleton Mrs. Hanh., 4 Palatine st Millburn Jno.,pilot, 7 Lawe ctgs Millburn Robert, pilot, 4 Green's pi Moffatt Ales., supervisor of excise, 6 Chapter row MoirRev. David, (Ind.) 9, Albert ter Moore Andrew, pilot, 7 Green ter Morrison J., glass mkr., 9 Green st Morrison Jno., pilot, 34, Blumer's tr Mould Robert, coir, of rates for im- provement, 44 East King st Musgrave & Co., weavers of paper machine wires, and wire workers in general, 32 East King st Neale Rev. Francis, (Wesleyan) 10 Chapter row Nelson Henry, ship broker, 13 Frederick st Nelson Jas., smith ; h. St. Hilda In Nicholson Francis, shipwright, 19 Brunswick st Nixon Mrs. Ann, 16 Frederick st Gates Mrs. Sarah, Green st Oliver Jph. Jordan, cpr., 2 Ingham s Oliver Sept., assist, drpr., II Savilles Oyston Thomas, gent., Westoe Pearson Chas., pilot, 6 Lawe ctgs. Pearson William, pilot master. Coble landing; h. 37 East King street Philips Robert, pilot, 15 Blumr st Philipson Todd, drpr.,h. 29 Mkt.pl Phillips Hy., agt., Lower Thames st Phillips Ralph, pilot, 17, Blumer's tr Potter Mrs. Mary, 10 Smithy st Purvis Andw., pilot, 16 Lawe ctgs Purvis Andrew, pilot, Blumer's ter Purvis Mrs. Margaret, Commrcl. rd. Purvis Robt., pilot, 22 Blumer's ter Railton Mrs. Sarah, 29 Waterloo vl. Ramsey James, sexton, Barrington st Ramsey John, pilot, 33 Blumer's tr Reay Richard, grocer, h. 15 Mkt. pi Reed James, joiner. Mile-end road Reed John, butcher, h. WestBoldon Reed Thos., butcher, h. 23 Saville st Richardson Emery, clerk. West dks Richardson John, Town Mission, Green st Ridley Rd. Bentley, regist. of births and deaths, for Shields, Church st Rippon Geo., foreman. Smithy st Rippon Mrs. Jane, Westoe Robson Aaron, union mstr., Ocean st Robson G eo., block mkr.^ h, 6 Tyne s East Holborn Robson Hy., pilot, 10 Lawe ctgs. Robson James, surgean, h. 50, East King st Robson Matthew, block maker, 15 Heron st Robson Peter, butter and cheese dealei-, St. Hilda's Cottage Salmon Mrs. Mary, Westoe Sanderson Robt., smith ; h. John st Sanderson Wm., manager gas works ^ St. Hilda's lane Scott Joseph, glass manufacturer, h. 8 Albion ter Scott Thos., bank cashier, 18 King s Sharpe Mrs. Ann, 10 Albion ter Shortridge Richard, gent., 5 Chap- ter row Smith Geo., ship carpenter, Alum house. Ham quay, h. Queen st Smith John, carrier's agent, 21 East Holborn Smith Miss Mary, 12 Keppel st Smith Oswald, manager, ballast wharf, h. Claypath lane Sneath Rev. James, (Baptist) 13 Albert ter Spour Bartholomew Robson, musi- cian, 1 6 Coronation st Small David, bath proprietor, Tho Lawe Smith Joseph, pilot, 5 Green st Stafford Antny., clerk,2 Alderson st Stainton Matthew, iron and brass founder, h. 8 Frederick st Stainton Thos., iron & brass foun- der, h. 14 Heron st Stephenson Henry, pilot, 14 Blu- mer's ter Stephenson Jas., pilot, 35 Blmr's. tr Stephenson James, pilot, 21 Mili- tary road Stephenson John, pilot, 10 Green st Stephenson, Misses f. & M., 13 Wellington st Stimson Chas., professor of music, 13 Keppel st Stobbard Jane, lodgings, 10 Albert t Stokell Mrs. Eliz., 2 Winchester st Stott Charles, pilot, 3 Green ter 1 Stratford Mr. Wm., 20 Heron st SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. 319 Storey Geoige, farmer. Bent hs Storie Rev. John, 13 Winchester st Sutherland Mrs. Christ., 1 Cathrn. s Sutherland John, inspector of weights and measures, 1 Cathn.st Swinhurne Robt. Walter, glass ma- nufacturer, h. Cleadon cottage Swinburne Thos, Jas., glass manu- facturer, h, 8 Ogle ter Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth, 26 Water- loo vale Thomas Cornelius, railway agent, 9 Stanhope st Thomson Mrs.C. M., 16 Mile-end rd Thompson Jolm, 10 Nelson hill Thompson Joseph L., merchant ; h. 8 Wellington st Thompson Wm. Thos., frmr., Westoe Thornton John, colliery agent, St. Hilda Coliiery, Clay path la Todd Charles, carver; h. 8 Mount t Todd James, carver and gilder; h. 25 East King st Trotter Baker, gent., 7 Mount ter Vint Mrs Dorothy, 9 Saville st Wake William, clerlr, Albion st Walker Mr. George, Westoe Wallace William, Esq., Westoe Walton Mr. Jonathan, 5 Mount ter Watson James, gardener, fFestoe Watson T., tide waiter, 13 Lawe ctgs Watson Mrs. Mary, 20 Master mari- ners cottages Wawn, Cph. gent, 3 Albion terrace Wawn Edward Twizall, ship &c., broker ; h. West Boldon Welch Jph., boatman, Commercial r White Mrs. Mary, 11 Ogle terrace White Ralph, brass & iron founder, ] I Frederick street White Mr, William, 36 Market pi Wilson Geo. gent., 2 Frederick st Wilson George Henry, postmaster, 63 East King street Wilson John, Primitive Methodist preacher, 6 Henderson st Wilson Wood, joiner, 13 Keppel st Winney B. & Co., merchants, Mill- dam wharf; h. King street Winterbottora Thomas Masterman, M. D., Westoe Wood Mrs, Hannah Mary, Westoe Wright James, pilot, 20 Blumers ter Wright John and Henry, pilots, 15 Blumer's terrace Young David, pilot, 3 Green terrace Young Henry, pilot, 3 Green's pi Young Thomas, pilot, 15 Lawe ctgs Young Thos., agent. Commercial rd Young William, pilot, ] 1 Green ter Young William, pilot, 10 Green pi CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS- Academies. Aynsley Thomas, Albion street Chanty, John Cummings & Ann Thompson, Tyne street Cooper George, Rekin Dyke lane Coulson John, 41 Wellington street Craig Thomas Duncan, Barrington street; h. 7 West Keppel street Crawford Ellen, 9 Ingham street Dryden Thonitts, Brewery lane ; h. Academy hill Ebege Eliz., 16 Catharine street Fairies Elizabeth, 9 Mount terrace Fassum Pleasant E., 42 EastKing st Forbes Peter, Fowler street Forrest Frances, East Holborn Gunn George, (writing) 21 Queen st Harper John, 10 Heugh street Hodge Eleanor, 6 Palatine street Jarrow Chemical Co.'s Windmill hill, John Wright, master Leek Miss, 4 Albert terrace Mc Donald Jemima, Queen street Mason Ann Isabella, John street National f (Union) Garden lane, Jph. Fen wick & Isabella Mc Donald Trinity, Commercial road, William Hope, master; h. 33 Green street Westoe, Catherine St., Fras. & Mrs. Mason, master and mistress; h, 3 Saville street Nevison John, 30 Waterloo vale 320 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Nixon Mary Jane, 16 Frederick st Parker Jane Sarah, 33 Saville st Robson James, Corn Wallis street Smith Eleanor, 7 Bath street Smith Robert Hy. West Holborn Storey Edward, 23 East street Strachan John, 28 East street Strong Isabella, 29 Queen street Taylor Mary & Jane, 2 Russell st Wheatman Ann, 7 Fowler street Wilson Robert, Keppel lane , h. 1 1 Albion terrace Wilson Wm., Mile end rd. ; h. 28 East King st Woodroffe Jane, 10 Winchester st Yeaman Emma, 8 Fowler st Young James, 1 Oyston st Agents. Brumby Jph., (comsn.) Comercl. rd Carr William, 74 King st Denham George, (comsn.) 9 Fdk. st Gugins Jas. Constant, 17 Saville st Jones Joseph, 7 Saville street Lucas Abraham, (coal) Comrcl. rd Richardson Emery, 6 Albert ter Strachan John, East street Stoddart Andrew, King street Storey Edward, coir, of rents & debts 23 East street Younghusband Joseph, 4 Albion tr Alkali Manufacturers. Bell Thomas, Don works, (& Mag- nesia,) Oyston street ; h. Jarrow Jarrow Alkali Co., Temple Town, J. Stephenson, managing partner ; h. Laygate house Swinburne R. W. & Co. Claypath In Anchor and Chain Manufac- turers. Anderson & Wilson, New Phoenix Iron wks., Park st. & Cooksons qy Attornies. Anderson Hy., 12 King st.; h. PFsto Anderson Jph., Wtrlo. vl. ; h. Wsto Bainbridge & Barker, clerks to board of Guardians & to Magistrates of the East Division of Castle Ward, East st Bell Errington, 58 East King st ; h 13 Ogle terrace Brown William, 56 East King st Salmon Thos., & perpetual comsnr under the act for the abolition of Fines & Recoveries, and master extraordinary in the Court ot Chancery, 37 Market pi Snowball Hy., Wallis st. ; h. Queen st Thompson Paget, 46 Thrift st ; h 26 Wellington st Wawn Christopher Akenhead, 15 Barrington st; h. 9 Ogle ter Wilson James, 29 East King st Wright Jno., 5 Kng. st.; h. 12 Oglet Auctioneers & Appraisers, Barnes Geo. Walker, Thrift St., h. 8 Albert ter Hall Thos., 7 Nelson's st Strachan John, 28 East st., h. 38 East King st ' Towers Jph. Robinson, 17 King st Bakers and Flour dealers. Marked * are Bakers only, Aisbitt Matthew, 6 Thrift st Amory Thomas, 19 Long row Beadnell Thomas, 78 Wapping st *Bogue Mary, Bread lane *Black James, Hardings bank *Brown Thomas, 76 Wapping st Brewis Ellen, 78 W^est Holborn Calder James, 37 Thrift st Couper Robert & Son, 4 Market pi * Donnley Isabella, 122 Wapping st Dowling Joseph, 22 Shadwell st Hall Stephen, 31 Wapping st Hepburn David, Laygate lane * Heslop James, Dockwray's bank Jolly Robert, 37 West Holborn Lightford William, 67 West Holborn Pearson Thomas, East Holborn Reavely Jonathan, 46 East Holborn Reay John, Half Moon quay *Rutherford Robt., Coronation st Scott Ann & Son, 26 West Holborn *Scott John, Bottle hill, h. East Holborn •Thompson Thos., 28 Brunswick st Trobe William, 64 Shadwell st Weatherburn Jane, 82 East Holborn Wright Leonard, 1 Dean st Banks. North of England Joint Stock, 35 Market-place, (draw on London & Westminster Bank) John Rid- ley, agent TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 321 Northumberland and Durham Dis- trict, 4 King St., (draw on Barclay & Co.) John Clay, agent Union Joint Stock, 18 King St.. (draw on Barnett, Hoare, & Co.) Joseph Hargrave, manager Savings' Bank, 14 Barrington St., open Monday, 12 to 1 noon, and Saturday, 7 to 8 evening, John Nevison, secretary Basket leakers* Hunt Christopher, (and wood ware dlr.,) 2 Tyne st, Stephenson James, 36 Coronatn. st Blacksmiths^ Brown John, Mill dam, h. 3 Victoria place Corry Thomas, fVestoe Hogg Charles, Corstorphine town Lee John, 20 Union alley, h. 15 Chapter row Ord Richard, 64 East King st Philipson Thomas, Thames st Reay Joseph, Carpenter st Boat Builders Bider Daniel, 39 Heron st Bulmer Richard, Mill dam Ferrow George, Cook's quay, h. Westoe lane Ogle John, Stone quay Oliver Edward, The Lawe, h, 9 Military road Oliver Roht., High Crane Wharf, h. 8 Green st Woodhouse Andw., 42 Wellington s Boiler <§: Tank Builders. Marshall Thos. Dunn, Pilot st Toward William & Co., Stone q^uay Toward Thos., Middle Landing, 57 Wapping st Booksellers, Binders, and Stationers. Marked * are Chart aud Nautical Instrument Dealers, Bunn John, (binder only) 28 Water- loo vale *Hewison Henry, 53 Thrift st *Kelly Richd. Mewburn, 2 Mrkt. pi *Kidd Wm. A., 25 Thrift st Lackland James, 37 East Holborn *Mc Coll Heugh, 5 King St., h 1 Albn. t Sharp Benj. Geo., (& account book mnfr.;2Dean St., h. 20 Master Mariner's cottages *Tate George, 16 Market place *Yorke Henry, 8 Dean st Boot and Shoe Makers Anderson John, Keppel lane Anderson Jno. Ramsey,25 Long row Barrow Robert, Dockwray's lane Beckingtou Isaac, 92 Wapping st Carr James, 42 Thrift st, & 40 East Holborn Carr Robert, 74 East Holborn Carr William, 74 King st Charlton Thomas, 31 Coronation st Cleugh Thomas, 13 Fowler st Collie William, 84 East Holborn Coultman John, Commercial road Douglas Robert, (& dogger) Tyne st Farguson Cphr., Green st Ferguson Mark, I Coronation st Fisher William, West Holborn Forrest James, 14 Queen st Gibson William, Queen st Glover & Allen, 10 Market pi Greeuwell George, Commercial road Hall Matthew, Commercial road Hunter Edward, 18 East Holborn Ingram John, 9 Wapping st Jennings Jacob, 93 Shadwell st Langan Bartholmw., 29 Shadwell st Lewthwaite G., (clogger) 48 East Holborn Mabane George, 112 Wapping st Martin James, 28 West Holborn Middleton Geo., Corstorphine Town Mitchell Robert, 17 Lay gate st Nichols James, Laygate lane Nicholson John, 9 North st Pattison Alexander, East st Peacock John, 25 Wapping st Pinder Mchl. John, Heugh st Robinson William, Brunswick st Robson Edward, 13 Thrift st Scafton Robert & Coates William, 30 Wapping st Sims Elizabeth, (whs.,) 3 Chrh. row Smith Jas. Reed, 25 West Holborn Stout Joseph, 7 Church row Turner John, Forster st Watson John, 12 King st 2e2 322 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. ^'ear Robert, Brunswick st Willis John, Heron st Wood John, 74 Shadwell st Wood Thomas, 77 King st Braziers <& Tin Plate V^krs. Marked * are Plumbers also. Atkinson Wm., Dockwray's bank Clark Robert, 38 Thrift st Clark Thomas, 51 Wapping st * Hall John, 20 Thrift st Hindmarsh Thompson, 8 Westst * Johnson Wm. Shields, 4 Dean st Husband Richard, 1 13 Wapping st * Pollock & Scott, 80 King st * Rudd John, 59 East Holborn Webster Peter, 64 West Holborn Whitingham Thos., 21 Long row Windas William, Fowler st Brewers, Bell Robert & Son, Tyne st Clay J., East Holborn ; h. E. Boldon Harbutt Thomas, Oyston st Hogaith Mary, West Holborn Jackson Jno., King st; h. 2 Ocean st Kirkley Swinbourne& Co., Spring In Brick and Tile Makers. Alderson William, Ocean st Fairless Conrad, Ocean st Swinburne R. W. & Co., Oyston In Builders* Alderson William, Ocean st Harrison Geo. &*Thos., Hill st Heppell Jno. & Dvd., Waterloo vale Place John, Park st Turnbull John, 30 Queen st Butchers. Batie Thomas, Hill st Blagburn Tbos., 69 West Holborn Brown Anthony, 28 Waterloo vale Brown William, Keppel lane Brown William, Commercial road Chipchase John, Thames st Corner Thomas, 1 Hill st Cuby Joseph, 17 Thrift st Curry John, 4 Lay gate st Dakers Mary, 33 Wapping st Davidson John, 15 King st Davison Matthew, 71 West Holborn Douthwaite Eliz., 50 Thiiit st Douthwaite George, 44 Wapping st Douthwaite John, 92 Shadwell st Foreman Mark, 43 West Holborn Forrest Thomas, 28 East Holborn ; h. 25 Green st Gallon Thomas, 24 Long row Gamble George, 6 Church row Gibbon James, 29 West Holborn ; h. Brunswick st Greenwell William, Bottle hill ; h. Academy hill Harrison Wm. Anderson, TmpU Tn, Henderson John, 42 East Holborn Henderson William, 5 Wallis st Hobson William, Heron st Hoggett John, Temple Town Holliday John, 80 West Holborn Jobling Henry, 78 East Holborn Johnson Christopher, Temple Town Kay Eli, 81 East Holborn Lascells Thomas, Commercial rd Lawson William, 16 Green st Liddle George, 46 West Holborn Liddle Matthew, Cuthbert st Sanders James, 10 Union Alley Slater John, Union Alley Lowrey John, 65 West Holborn Moore Frederick, 69 Shadwell st Morrison Robert, jun., 16 Thriit st ; h. 16 Mitre st Oliver George, 12 Coronation st Osborne Samuel, 30 East Holborn Posgate James, 6 Long row ^ h. Lower Thames st Pratt William, 77 East Holborn Purvis Jacob, 83 Shadwell st Raw John, 87 East Holborn Reay Francis, 26 Long row Reay Thomas, 52 Commercial rd Reed John & Son, 13 Market pi Reed John, 31 Heron st Robson Joseph, 17 Wapping st Sibbald James, 29 Thrift st Smith — Thames lane Steel George, Corstorphine Town Swan Elizabeth, 10 Long row Swan James, 3 Thrift st Thompson Anthony, 69 East Hlbrn. Thompson John Carlen, 4 Fowler St.; h, 7 Keppel st Thompson Robert, Laygate lane Usher Robert, 7 Salem st Wardle John, 63 West Holborn Weatherill William, 20 Shadwell st Wetherell John, 15 Waterloo vale White Thomas, 26 Wapping st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 323 Whitehead George, 67 Wappmg st Wilkinson John, Thames st Young John, 44 Thrift st Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers. Marked * are Paper Hangers also, *Carnahy John, 8 King st ♦Sanderson John, Fowler st Shepherd Wm. Thos., Union Alley Smith Wm., Lower Thames st Cart Oivners. Anderson Jonathan, Mile end road Bell Thomas, I Smith st Maddison George, Oyston st Veitch John, Commercial rd Cartwrights, Carnahy Ralph, Westoe Thompson Wm., Coronation st.; h. 5 Dean st Carvers and Grilders. Anderson Thos., Carpenter st Small Thomas, Thames lane Todd & Son, 25 East King st Chemists and Druggists. Marked * are Tea Dealers also, *Bell & Mays, 3 Market place *Carr W. Francis, 53 West Holhorn *Cummings George John, 72 East Holborn ; h. 4 King st *Daniel John, 1 Church row Day Thomas, 52 Thrift st *Dixon Thomas, 75 West Holborn Douglas John, 91 Wapping st Elliott John Pearson & Co., 30 Market place Heslop John, 22 East King st *Hudson George, 76 West Holborn Hudson Thomas, 23 Long row *Russell Thomas, 5 East Holborn ; h. 10 Catharine st •Thompson Ralph, 17 Market pi. ; h. Palatine st *Tulley James Emery, 10 King'st.; h. 9 Lawe buildings •Walker John Robinson, 5 Thrift st China, Glass, and Earthenware Sealers. Deavey William, 27 West Holborn Johnson Elizabeth, 27 Thrift st Oliver Ann, 3 Ferry st Thompson Joseph, 31 Thrift st Yates Samuel, West Holborn Young Robert, 17 Long row Clothes Dealers & Outfitters. Allen Andrew, 8 VYest Holborn Bell John, 96 Wapping st Burdon John, 108 Wapping st Brogdale William, 38 East Holborn Corsie Hugh, 30 Thrift st Huntress Robert, 51 East Holborn Jacob Isaac, 9 Long row Jameson Jas. Ross, 7 East Holborn Jewitt Robert, 42 Wapping st Mc Lin Charles, Union alley Mansforth Philiis, 17 Tyne'^st Purvis Eleanor, 109, Wapping st Young James, 54 Thrift st Coal Fitters ^ Owners. Brandling John & R, W., St. Hilda's Colliery, Claypath lane Marquis of Londonderry's fitting office, 29 Long row, Robt. Ander son, agent Pontop & South Shields fitting office, 16 Long row, Robt. Gallilee agent Pontop & South Shields Depot, Queen st., Geo. Sanderson, agent Confectioners. Atkinson John, 1 1 Fowler st Cairns William, 1 Long row Hogg John W., 8 Union alley Horner Thos. Wm., 71 King st Laws Thos. Wm., 20 West Holborn Martin Joseph, 53 East King st Purvis Anthony, 64 East Holborn Weatherburn Ann, 22 Long row Coopers. Hodgson Ralph, 62 West Holborn Lawson Margaret, 34 Thrift st.; h. Saville st Miller Robert, 54 East Holborn Oliver John, Nile st Osborn William, 68 Wapping st Pettigrew Elizabeth, East Holborn Wake William, 102 Wapping st Walker David, West Holborn Corn Miller. Brown Charles, Hai den's Mill, Thames st 324 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Curriers and Leather Cutters. Bulmer Thomas, Commercial road Moffett Thomas, 30 Coronation st, and 18 Long row Stoddart John, 48 Thrift st Dyers. Collier Ann, Waterloo vale Coulson Mary, Thames st Coulson Thomas, 22 East st Earthenware Maziufacturers- Armstrong Jno. & Co., Oyston lane, h. 35 Green st Eatings Houses. Bell Matthew, 5 Church row Bollen Mary, 3 Union alley Cook William, Wapping st Newton William, 40 Thrift st Sounter Leonard, 9 Market place Stobbs Ann, 29 Long row Thompson Margaret, 39 Wapping st Watson Jobannah, 7 Union alley Engineers and IVIillwrights. Marshall T. Dunn, 50 Wapping st Rennoldson James, 37 Wapping St.; h. 4 Palatine st Fire and Life Offices. Alfred, (Life) J. W. Lamb, 70 King s Caledonian, Wm. Brown, 66 East King st Crown, (Life) Robert Dawson, 14 Barrington st Guardian, Cphr. B, Mackay, Easts Imperial (Fire) C. A. Wawn, 15 Bar- rington street Lawn, (Life) Hy. Snowball, Wallis s Manchester, (Fire) J. W, Maitt, East street National Provident, (Life) Thomas Salmon, 37 Market place Newcastle, (Fire) Robert Dawson, 14 Barrington street Norwich Equitable, Hy, Hewison, 53 Thrift street Pelican, (Life) J. W. Maitt, East st Royal Exchange, R. M. Kelly, 2 Market place Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool, Paget Thompson, 46 Thrift st Scottish Union, T. Glover, 10 Mkt, p Sheffield, Rotherham, and Chester- field, John Strachan, 28 East st Standard, (Life) C. A. Wawn, 15 Barrington st Starr, (Life; John P. Elliott, 30 Market pi Sun, Andrew Stoddart, 72 King st United Kingdom, John Ridley, 35 Market place Flour Dealers. Beckington John, 45 Thrift st Brown Chas,, 75 Wapping st Mitchelson Archibald, Barrington st Nox Mary, 60 East King st Raw George, 13 East Holborn Renoldson James, 71 Wapping st Wilson John, 83 East Holborn Fruiterers- Vincent Wm. Elvey, 15 King st Wallace James, 14 Laygate st Furniture Brokers. Marked * are Cabinet Makers also, Allun Mary, 81 West Holborn Barron Edward, Barrington st Henderson James, Coronation st •Learmount John, ^Q King st Mitchell Isabella, 21 Waterloo vale Moore Daniel, 42 Thrift st *Ornsby Fras. Cornforth, Tyne st.. East Holborn ♦Shepherd Wm. Thos., Union alley Gardeners, Alderson Richard, Westoe Gates Thomas, 52 East King st Glass Manufacturers. Cookson, Cuthbert & Co., (bottle) East Holborn, Jno. Martin, agent South Tyne Glass Company, Com- mercial road, Jph. Scott, mana- ging partner ; h. Albion ter Swinburne R. W. & Co., (Plate and Crown) Ferry st Green Crrocers Easton George, 32 Wapping st Gibson John, 8 Wapping st Richardson Thomas, 53 Wapping st Grocers and Tea Dealers Marked * are Bonded Store Dealers, Aisbett Matthew, 6 Thrift st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 325 Beadnall Thos., 78 Wapping st * Bell 5c May, 3 Marketplace * Best William, 38 Marketplace Brewis Helen, 78 West Holborn * BriggsHy.,82Kingst.; h.Hillhs Briscoe William, 93 Wapping st CarrW.,53 W. Holborn; h. Green st Codling Nicholas, 23 Union alley Couper Robert & Son, 4 Market pi; h, 2 Albion terrace Dickinson Isab., 82 West Holborn Dixon Thomas, 75 West Holborn Douglas John, 91 Wapping st Elliott & Hutchinson, 12 Long row Everson Robert, Heugh st Ewart William, 32 Coronation st ; h. 39 East King st Friar James, 2 W^est Holborn Gibson Thomas, 49 East Holborn Grubb Rt. Heppell,41 East Holborn Hetten Barnard, 84 West Holborn * Hudson Geo-., 76 West Holborn James William, 76 King st Jobling Roger, 75 East Holborn Johnson Geo., 45 West Holborn Jolly Robert, 37 West Holborn Eawson Edw., 16 West Holborn Lawson William, 3 King st Learmount Mary, 75 King st Lightford Mary, Corn Wallis st Lightford Wm.,67 West Holborn Lincoln John, 10 Thrift st Mc Kie Thomas, Brunswick st Mackfarlane Thos., 65 W. Holborn Martin Jph., 53 East King st Metcalf Henry, 69 Wapping st; h. 8 Green's place Mitchelson Archibald, Barrington st Nox Mary, 60 East King st Parkinson Thos., 53 Commercial rd Pybourn Thos., 56 Wapping st Raw George, LS East Holborn Reah William, Commercial road Reavely Jonathan, 46 East Holborn Reay Thos.& Son, 15 Market pi Rippon George, 65 East Holborn Scott Ann & Son, 26 West Holborn * Snowdon Edward, (& whol) 86 King St. & 32 Market pi Snowdon Jane, 57 West Holborn Stephenson Fletcher, 73 King st Storer Margaret, 41 Wapping st Tate Hannah, 34 Market pi Trobe William, 16 Military rd Turner George, 42 West Holborn Usher Thos. Durham, 27 Long row Walker James, Thames st Watt John, 4 Union alley Watt William, Commercial road Wilson James, 1 Union alley Wilson Jane, 43 Thrift st Wilson John, 83 East Holborn Wright Leonard, 1 Dean st Wright Thomas, 50 East Holborn Haberdashers and Hosiers, Ayton Joseph Jobling, 85 King st Brogdale Wm., 38 East Holborn Carroll Elizabeth, Long bank Hall James, 23 West Holborn Hindhaugh Joseph, 55 Thrift st Hodge Ann, Union lane Hubbock William, 37 Wapping st Jewitt Robert, 42 Wapping st Lugton Mary, Fowler st Shotton George, 80 Wapping st Shout Y\^., 23 Mkt.p.& 22E. Hlbrn Stephenson Fletcher, 73 King st White Jane Webster, 36 Market pi Young James, 54 Thrift st Hair Dressers Sc Perfumers. Allen John, 64 Wapping st Brown Robert, 25 West Holborn Elliot John, 4 Laygate st Forster George, 2 King st Fowler Jno.,6Mktpl.; h. 1 1 Westst Hall James, 6 Long row Hardy David, 9 West Holborn Horsburg Robert, East Holborn Mitchell Thomas, 27 Wapping st Perry Thomas, 10 Tyne st Ramsay James, 72 West Holborn Walkins James, 18 Waterloo vale Hat Manufacturers and Dealers. Campbell Robert, 19 Market pi Elliott John, 1 Maiket pi Huntress Robert, 51 East Holborn. Win grave William, 4 Thrift st Hotels, Inns, and Tavern s. Adam & Eve, Mgt. Rafl3e Laygt. In Albion, Wm. MaltheAvs, Fowfer st Albion, Leonard Sunter, 9 Mkt.pl Alnwick Castle, Sarah Thompson, 4 East Holborn Alnwick Castle, (old) Tlios. Thomp. son, CoiDmcrcial road Alum House, Emil\ Sno>Ydon, Alum House Ham landing 326 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Bambrough Castle, Wm. Newton, 40 Thrift St Banks of the Tyne, Isabella Storey, 4 West Hoi born Bee Hive, Elizabeth Bowman, 6 Wellington st Berwick Arms, Joseph Carnaby, 14 Long row Black & the Grey, Mary Cubey, 21 Union alley Black Bull, Elizabeth Davison, Shadwell st Black Horse, James Watson, 59 West Holborn Black Horse, George Henderson, Cookson's quay Black Lion, J. Hind, Black Lion qy Blacksmiths Arms, George Surtees, 40 West Holborn Black Swan, Thomas Thomas, 32 Thrift st Board Wm.,^T»4'ait, 77 East Holborn Board, John Best, 12 Thrift st Board John Briscoe, Anderson's In Board Fras. Henderson, Thames si Board, Roger Jobling,75E. Hlbrn Board, Eli Kay, 81 East Holborn Board, Wm. Anderson, Cuthbert st Bottle House Tavern, Dvd. Wilkin- son, 23 East Holborn Brew House, Grace Browell Sprg In Bridge Inn, John Hutchinson, 31 East King st Britannia, Alexander Eraser, 66 East Holborn Britannia, J. Gillies, 84 Shadwell st British Queen, J. Taylor Henderson 88 Wappingst Brunswick Inn, Thomas Wheldon, Brunswick st Coach & Horses, John Pickering, 64 East King st Coble, Thomesin Bone, 58 Sbadwl. s Coble, Sarah Swanston, Coble Lndg Commercial Hotel, Ann Stobbs, 29 Long TOW Cook's Hotel, W.Cook, Wappingst Cooksons Arms, Rt. Corslorphine, ! Corstorphine Town Crane House, Margaret Charlton,' Shadwell st I Crane House, (High) John Jobson,' High Crane Wharf | Cross Keys, William Gilrye, 12 West Holborn i Crosswell, Jane Jackson, Pilot st Crown, Mary Hart, The Lawe Crownj Robert Thompson, Westoe ll Crown, Alice Blench, AV. Holborn ■ Crov\'n & Anchor^ Ann & J. Robson, 7 Thrift st Crown & Cannon, George Smithson, 13 Laygate st Crown Glass Wks-Innj W. Copeland Commercial road Crown & Sceptre, Joseph Polts, Comical corner Crown & Thistle, Chpr. Sanderson, Kirton's Quay Crown & Thistle, William Oliver, 54 Wapping st Cumberland Arms, Robert Clark, 45^ East Holborn Dean Mouth Inn, John Gray, Tem- ple Town Dock Tavern, Mary Southern 9 Long row Dog and Duck, James Blench, 39 West Holborn Duke of York, F. F. Mathwin, 26 Shadwell st Dundee Tavern, Thomas Kellick, 105 Wapping st Durham Arms, Edward Young 24 Market pi Durham Ox, Mary Charlton, 52 West Holborn Eclipse, John James, 2 Shadwell st Foresters Arms, Sarah Jobling 78 East King st Fountain, Jane Miller, 14 E. Hlbrn, Foresters Arms, Sarah Jobling East Holborn Fountain Tavern, Edw. Armstrong, 48 West Holborn Fox & Lamb, William Newbegin, 47 Wapping st George, George Heslop, 24 Water- loo vale Globe, Jph. Talbot, 23 Laygate st Golden Lion Hotel, Jph. R. Towers, 17 King st Grey Horse, Robert Turnbull, Tem- ple Toivn Half Moon, Ralph Wheatley, 32 Shadwell st Half Moon, Cuthbert Thompson, East Holborn Half Moon, Elizabeth Henderson, Shadwell st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 327 Half Moon, T. Main, 24 Wappings Hat & Feather, J. Brunton 19 Mkt.p Hermitage Inn, Isabella Davidson, 117 Wapping St Hop Pole, John C. Collier, 12 East Holborn Hope Tav., Roger Baker, Wlngtn. s Lambton Arms, Archibald Mitchel- son, 81 King st Life Boat, John Shotton, 9 Chcb. rw Lord Byron, Wm. Christie, 56 West Holborn Low Vaults, Richard Jennings, 84 Wapping st Mariners Arms, John Ritchie, 1 Anderson st Mariners Arms, Thomas Roddam, East Holborn Manners Arms, Frances Harrison, 27 Market pi Marquis of CornwalliSjJno. Barrow, Com Wall is sq Mechanics Tavern, Thomas Batie, Hill street Merchant Taylor's Arms, Henry Hewison, 7 Ferry street Mile End Tavern, Jonathan Ander- son, Mile end road Napoleon, P. Armstrong, 96 Wap- ping street Neptune Tavern, Mary Johnson, 3 Dean street Neptune, Ann Brown, 65 King st Noah's Ark, Elizabeth Hay, 58 Wapping street Norfolk and Suflfolk Arms, Jane Vennall, 14 Market place Old Greenland Fishery, R. Ramsey, 41 Thirft street Old Hall, Wm. Gibson, 24 West Hbn Old Highlander, F. F. Mathwin, 1 1 King street Queen's Head Inn, Robt. Newbegin, Comical corner Queen Victoria, George Chandler, Cone street Railroad Inn, R. Reed, 22 Long rw Railway Inn, Mary Hogarth, 15 West Holborn Railway Inn, John Potts, 31 Coro- nation street Railway Tavern, Edward Smithson, 29 East Holborn Railway Tavern, Sarah Newbegen, 8 Long row Red Lion, Henry Henderson, East Holborn Rising Sun, Jane Weatherburn, 81 East Holborn Rose & Crown Hotel, Esther Potter, 25 Market place Rose & Crown, John Devling, 53 East Holborn Rose & Crown, Elizabeth Campbell, Shadwell st Rose & Thistle, James Laughton, Dockwray's lane Royal Oak, William Castles, 60 East Holborn Royal Oak, James Oliver, Albion st Scarbro' Arms, Ralph Hodgson, 51 West Holborn Scarbro' Arms, R. Johnson, 1 West Holborn Scarbro' Bridge, William Wilson, 85 East Holborn Scarbro' Castle, William Porteus, 36 East Holborn Scarbro' Spa,W. Douglas, 9 King st Shakespeare Tavern, Mary Dowell, 19 Heron street Ship, J. Turnbull, 1 East Holborn Ship, Margaret Thompson, 15 West Holborn Ship, Jeremiah Cook, 60 Wapping st Ship, Jane Campbell, Shadwell st Ship, Thomas Guy, 60 West Holbn, Ship, Joseph Briggs, 44 Thrift st Ship, Mai-y Rodham, West Docks Ship & Launch, Elizabeth Posgate, Broad Landing Ship & Launch, Margery Cairns, 33 Heron street Ship Earl St. Vincent, John Turn- bull, East Holborn Shipwright's Arms, John Surtees, West street Shipwright's Arms, Thomas Henry Donkin, Custom House quay Silent Woman, J. Bell, 35 Thrift st Spotted Bull, William Moscrop, 12 Tyne street Staith House, Ann Billingham, 58 West Holborn Staith House, (Old) Frances Snow- den, 24 East Holborn Stanhope & Tyne Tavern, James Simm, Pontop & Shields stairs Steam Ferry Hotel, Eleanor Wake, Cookson street 3?8 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Sun Inn, Ruth Mc Lean, 6 West Holborn Sun Tavern, Hannah Towns, Pala- tine street Three Horse Shoes, Peter Mc Call, 17 Laygate street Three Indian Kings, Ursula Renni- son, 14 Market place. Three Mariners, Mgt. Bell, Westoe Three Tuns, Eliz. Purvis, Pan Ash Trimmer's Arms, Margaret Laing, Pontop & Shields stairs Trimmer's Arms, Matthew Elliott, 61 East Holborn Turk's Head, Eliz. Young, 17 Mili- tary road Turk's Head, Margaret George, 51 Thrift st Tyne Dock Inn, Thomas Turner, Temple Town Union Tavern, Jane Mary Sproat, 26 Thrift st Waggon, William Harkes, Com- mercial road Waterloo Tavern, Henry Swann, 26 Coronation st Westoe Tavern, W. Easton, Westoe Wheat Sheaf, John Bird, Comical corner Wheat Sheaf, Elizabeth Jameson, Fowler st White Swan, Robert Melville, 25 East Holborn White Swan, George Davison, 70 West Holborn Yarmouth Arms, William Inglis, 45 Wapping st Yorkshire Tavern, George Brown, 99 Wapping st Yorkshire Tavern, Thomas Brew- ster, 100 Wapping st Beer Houses,' Barrow Margaret, Corn Wallis sq. Bollen Mary, 3 Union alley Brown Robert, 35 Coronation st Bremar Isiah, 5 Union alley Charlton William, Brunswick st Coxon John, 11 Long row Crosswood Mary Ann, 120 Wap ping st Crawford Robert, Garden lane Gate Thomas, Temple Town Graham Henry, Commercial road Hall John, Green st Heron George, Ocean st Ingram Robert, Long bank Metcalfe William, Ocean st Potts Catherine, 9 Nile st Purvis George, Rekin Dyke lane Purvis Mary Ann, 22 Catharine st Spour Barthl. Robson, 16 Corona- tion st Storey Mary, Heron st Todd Luke, Laygate lane Tynemouth William, East Holborn Taylor John, Wapping st Thompson John, 14 Mitre st Watson Johannah, 7 Union alley Woodhouse Margaret, Thames st Iron and Brass Founders. Anderson & Wilson, New Phoenix Iron Works, Park st, and Cook - son's quay Stainton T. & M. Wapping st., and West Holborn, Iron Works Robson Jas-, High Dock Foundry Ironmongers and Hardware Dlrs. Johnson Wm. Shields, 4 Dean st. ; h. 1 1 Albert ter Pattison Edward, 2 Thrift st. ; h. Monkton Pollock James, & Scott James, 80 King st Rudd John, 59 East Holborn Sutherland Solorpan, 20 Market pi Tweddall Marshall, 36 Wapping st. ; h. 30 Wellington st Joiners and Builders. Alderson William, 2 Ocean st Dockwray Edwd., Dockwray's lane Greenfield William, Thames st Hall Geo. Davison, (& appraiser) 6 Queen st Harrison Geo. & Thos., Hill st Heppel J. & David, Waterloo vale Hunter John, Lower Thames st Railton Thomas, 29 Waterloo vale Spoor John, 24 Coronation st Spour Bartholomew Robson, West Kepple st Joiners and Cabinet IVIakers. Anderson Edw., Claypath lane j h. 26 Green st Arrowsmith Robert, North st Bulmer Thomas, 33 Wellington st Craig Mark, Fwlr. s. ^ h. 7 Ingham s TKADES AND PROFESSIONS, 329 Bavey William, 27 West Holborn Dixon John, 2 Heron st Lee Joseph, 32 Wellington st Mathison James, Heugh st Mathison Reed & Co., Mile en drd Oliver William Wright, 34 Green st Purvis John, Forster st Robinson Thos., 62 Brunswick st P^utter William, Johnson st I'hompson Thomas, Deer's lane Wilkins James, West Keppel st Windlow Thomas, South ter Young George, Keppel lane Libraries. Hewison Henry, 53 Thrift st Master Mariners, 18 Master Mari ners Cottages, Benjamin Sharp, hon. librarian Mechanics, Fowler st., James Rob- son, librarian Subscription, Tyne st , JohnCum mings, librarian Linen and Woollen Drapers. Chapinan Robert, 83 King st Corder Frederick and Edward, 84 King st Fenwick John, 6; and h. 34 King s Gregson Harrison, 24 Thrift st Hard J John, 22 Market pi Hunter Evan, 21 Market pi Kirkley John Wren, 5 Market pi Middlemist Ralph, 8 Thrift st.; h. 7 Albion ter Moffoot William, 19 Market pi Philipson John & Co., 29 Market pi Richardson & Son, 28 Market pi ; h. 6 Dean st Shotton George, 7 King st Smith Edward, 13 West Holborn Marine Insurances. Aberdeen Marine, James Barker, 35 East King st Coal Trade, (Ship) Thomas Adams, sec, 17 Market pi Eligible, (cargo and freight) Thos. Adapjs, sec, 17 Market pi Guersey Mutual, James Bell, 11 Barrington st Impartial, (cargo) George Potts, 16 King st Maritime and Mercantile, J. W. Lamb, 70 King st Maritime and Mercantile, (cargo, freight, & outfit) John W. Lamb, sec, 70 King st Marine, (Ins. Co.) Thomas Adams, manager, 17 Market pi Marine Board, for examining young men for mas ers of ships, Thos. Adams, sec, 17 Market pi Marine & Mercantile, J. W. Lamb, sec, 70 King st Nautical, (ships) George Potts, 16 King st Protecting, (collision at sea) Thos. Adams, sec. 17 Market pi Safeguard, (protecting society) Geo. Potts, 16 King st Shipowners Societj^, Thos. Adams, sec, 17 Market pi South Shields Demurrage & Freight, C. A. Wawn, sec, 15 Barrington s Star Demurrage, Bainbridge and Barker, East st., and P. Thomp- son, sects.. Thrift st Sun, (shipping) C. A. Wawn, 15 Barrington st Sun, (freight, cargo, and outfit) C. A. Wawn, 15 Barrington st Unanimous, (ships) George Potts, 16 King st Marine Store Sealers. Allen Ralph, Union Alley Anderson Maria, East Holborn Bell John, 96 Wapping st Cairns Robert, High Crane Wharf Donkin John, 9 North st Downs John, 1 Wapping st Jordan Adam, East Holborn Middleton George, Shadwell st Moore Jolm, Bottle hill Newby Thomas, Stobs lane Robertson Thomas, West Pan st Robson Thomas, Hill st Sanders Henry, 22 Wapping st Wallace James, 14 Laygate st Wilkie William, 118 Wapping st Wilkins Anthony, Pan Ash, h. 29 Queen st Wood Robert, 5 Keppel st Mast, Block, & Pump Makrs. Appleton Samuel, Stone quay, h. Commercial rd Cockerill Thomas, Salmond's quay Dodds William, Commercial id 330 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. FryerRobt., Cook's qy.,b, 4 Bath st Gibson William, West Holborn, h. Johnson st Hopper William, Hopper's quay Lee & Robson, Brewery lane Oliver George, 43 Wapping st Robson John, Fontop and Shields Stairs, b. High Thames st Robson Matthew & Son, 14 Wap- ping St., h. 15 Heron st Master Blariners, Allen William, 31 Savillo street Amos Samuel, Holborn landing Armstrong James, 1 1 Keppel street Atkinson Thomas, I John street Ayton John, 5 Bath street Bainbridge Henry, 4 Russell street Baines R. I Master Manner's cotg. Baker Robert, Thames street Baker W. 13 Mastei Mariner's cotg Bamborough Geo. 9 Coronation st Bell John, 5 Keppel street Bell Thomas, 10 Henderson street Bell William, Stanhope street Berwick John, 10 Green street Bird George, 19 Military road Blenkinsop Wm. 3 Ingham street Blues William, Catharine street Boufield Edwin, 4 Green street Bradley John, 32 Wellington street Bradley Richaid, Kirton's quay Brodie Oswald, 6 Alderson street Brown David, 5 Green street Brown David, 9 Garden street Brovrn George, Gar Jen lane Brown George, 12 Wellington st Brown James, 17 Heugh street Brown James, Wellington street Brown John, 28 Heugh street Brown William, 4 Catharine street Bruce John, 37 Green street Brunswick Geo. Pearson, Queen st Burdon Robert, 20 Heugh street Burfield John, 27 Heugh street Cass Thomas, 30 Heugh street Chapman George, 9 Waterloo vale Chipchase Robert, Fowler street Clark R,obert, 24 Military road Clayton Philip; 5 Green terrace Cloak William, 7 Ingham street Clough William, 7 Catharine street Coats William, 9 Heugh street Cockburn Edward, 17 Catherine st Colledge William, o Catharire st Cook John, 2 Green's place Cook Matthew, Commercial road Cooper James, 21 Heugh street Cowle George, 18 Green street Crisp Joseph, 17 Mitre street Cunningham James, Kirton's quay Curr David, Commercial road Daviion Michael, 2 Green terrace De Redder William, Fowler street Dixon James, 1 Military road Dixon Thomas, Keppel street Dodds Wm. Brown, Mile end road Dolling Charles, 3 North street Donkin George, 4 Queen st Dowsling John, Commercial road Dowsling John, 9 West Holborn Dumble Thomas, Kirton's quay Duncan George, Mile end road. Elliott George, 6 Bath street Embleton John, Commercial road Everson John, 12 Albert ter Fairbank John, 2 John street Fairlam Robert, 8 Master mar. cot. Ferguson John, 10 Catharine st Ford William, 20 Brunswick ter Foreman George, 41 Green street Foreman George, Commercial road Forrest William, 29 Green street Fortune W^illiam, Thames street Gardiner Thomas, 7 Green terrace Gibbon John, 12 Saville street Gibbon John, 29 Saville st Gibson George, 11 Hill st Gledston Robert, 20 Green st Golightley John, 5 Albert ter Goaymer John, Green st Graham John, 11 Henderson st . Graham Robert, 11 Wellington st Gray Edward, 21 Saville st Gray George, 1 Frederick st Gray Joseph, 30 Green st Green John, 9 Wellington st Hall William, Corn Wallis st Hamilton John, 15 Master Mar, cot, Harbottle John, 32 Saville st Harrison Thomas, 6 Heugh st Harrison William, Green st Hedwith John, Green st Henderson John Hales, 32 Green st Henry James, Stanhope st Heslop John, 7 Victoria pi Hetherington William, Fowler st Hillery Ralph, Queen st Hilton George, Garden lane Hodgson William, 22 Queen st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 331 Holmes Jolm, 12 Bath st Hopper Vym., 16 Master Mars. cot. Hudson William, 4 Barrington st Hunter George, 13 Chapter row Hutchinson John, 6 Military road Jacks William, 3 Fowler st Jobling James, 12 East st Jobling John, 4 Ingham st Johnson Thomas, Wellington Johnson William, 18 Saville st Jobley William, 28 Green st Joss Walter, 6 Master Mariners cot. Laidler Geo., 10 Master Mars. cot. Law! an Alexander, 4 Keppel st Lazenby John, 20 Queen st Leask Henry, Kirton's quay Leighton James, 4 Barrington st Love George, 9 Coronation st Mc Kenzie P., 8 Keppel st Mackey Alex., 19 Master Mars. cot. Mackey Jefferson, 17 Mstr. Mar. cot. Main Alexander, Academy st Milford James, Commercial rd Moffatt James, 1 1 Victoria pi Muirhead James, 47 Wellington st Newton Matthew, 8 Nelson's hill Nicholson James H., 4 Saville st Nicholson Jobn, 6 Keppel st Nicholson John Riby, Fowler st Nicholson Robert, 2 Green's pi Parker Cuthbert, 36 Green st Parkin James, Wellington st Pearson James, 31 Blumer's ter Pearson John, Green st Pearson Thomas, 7 Henderson st Pearson William, 10 John st Purvis George, Queen st Purvis Samuel, 10 Stanhope st Purvis Thomas, Kirton's qy Purvis Thomas, 9 Salem st Rames Christopher, 2 Military rd Ramsey Robert, 41 Thrift st Reaveley Ralph, 6 West Keppel st Reed George, 6 Green ter Ritchie James H., 22 Saville st Robinson Charles, Henderson st Robinson John, 13 Bath st Robinson Robert, 17 Alderson st Robson Clement, 44 Wellington st RobsonDavid, 9 Master Mar. cotgs Robson Edward, 8 Alderson st Rogers John, 15 Thrift st Romley James, 18 Catharine st Rowell Robert, Commercial road Sanderson James, Salem st Scotland George, 34 Wellington st Scott William, 3 Waterloo vale Shepherd Thomas, Wellington st Sherman — 15 Catharine st Sibbald James, 25 Catharine st Sinclair Basel, 24 Catharine st Sinclair Robert, 9 Nelson's hill Skeoch Robert, 2 Anderson st Slater George, 11 Laygate st Smith Alexander, 98 Wapping st Smith Henry, 18 Brunswick st Smith Robert, 19 Queen st Soulsby ThomaS; 4 Fowler st Spencer Thomas, 3 Keppel st Steel John, Commercial road Stewart William, 5 Ingham st Stephens — 3 Master Mar. Cotgs. Stephenson James, 1 Military road Storey John, 26 Brunswick ter Storey Robert, Wellington st Stove David, 3 Heugh st Stratford John, Victoria place Stutchburg Robert, Wellington st Tate Joseph, 2 Mile end road Taylor Benjamin, 2 Russell st Taylor .Joseph, Russell st Taylor William, 1 Queen st Thompson Isaac, Commercial road Thompson John, 6 Palatine st Thornton Wm., 25 Brunswick ter Tilley William, 10 Monk ter Tiilock Thomas, Fowler st Tinn William, 20 Catherine st Tuck George, Thames st Vasey Thomas, 5 Alderson st Venus John, 12 Corn Wallis st Vint Thomas, 9 Saville st Wardle John, 6 Mount ter Wallace Frederick, 29 Queen st Walls Thomas, 12 Master Mar. Cot. Weatherburn Rd., 8 Henderson st Weatherhead George, John st W heatman James, Commercial rd Wheldon John, 7 ]\I aster Mar. Cot. Whitehead Moses W., Bath st Wilson John, 8 West Keppel st Winter — Commercial road Wood Robert, Thames st Woolerton Edmund, 4 Alderson st Worthington Jph., Commercial road Wright John, 15 Saville st Wright Jno. Jph., 10 Saville st Yearston Ralph, 10 Nile st Yorston Peter, 17 Queen st Youues John, 10 Henderson st 332 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Bflathematical and Nautical Instrument Maker. Simon Lewis, II Market place Milliners <&: I>ress Makers. Carter Maria, Alderson st. Collier Mary Ann, 28 Wapping st Cummings & Ferguson, 1 Catha- rine st Harle Mary, 25 Heron st Lawson Eliz., Mile-end road Lawson Ann, Green st Paul Barbara, 12 Corn Wallis st Sigsworth Isabella, 4, Corn Wallis st Scarfe Yerily, 85 Wapping st Thompson Ann, 13 Barrington st Veitch My. Eleanor, Coramercl. rd Whitehead Jane F., 2 Bath st Wilson Sarah, 57 Wapping st Millwrights. See Engineers and MUhurights- Notaries, Public. Bainbridge Cphr., East st Lamb John Walker, 70 Kin^^ st Potts George, 16, & h. 68 King st Wawn Cphr. A., 15 Barrington st Wright John, King st Painters > W o o W o u H O o p " a o p § I o o O O a. Q pi CD •-4 P- o p S" s- O P g Pi CD O P P pi 1^ CD O P CO CD Q cT H p. O O w O p S" GO D- CD P xP P p- CD ^ P 05 IS k id o 4 ^ ^ o Pi o ^^ p- ^ w p ^ B O 01 CD M g H § p p-y 02 CD XX CD P ^i P pi CD o p o p- o 3 g Q <^^?:^ O ® ^ CO o o cc 1-1 < 01 k M O 01 O H ^ 05 Q ft O W O O H 00 fcS 00 bO o ^ g g g 8 fe o p 1 s S p s B ►t3 B p B SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. 339 MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE BOROUGH, John Twizell Wawn, Esq. m^GlBTniiTBBn Robert Anderson, Esq, James \Ve Roxby, Esq. William Anderson, Esq, Richard H. Bell, Esq. Richard Shortridge, Esq. John T. Wawn, Esq., M.P. Sir H. Williamson, Bart. Joseph Simpson, Esq. Richard Spoor, Esq. Weekly Petty Sessions, held on Wednesday at 11, and a Magistrate sits every other day at the Police Station, at 10 morning, Bainbridge and Barker, clerks. Clerk to Commissioners under Im- provement Act, Thomas Salmon Police Station, Waterloo vale, Jas. Buglass, superintendent, Jph. Deane, sub inspector Sheriff's Officer, J. R. Towers, 17 King St Stamp Office, 62 King st., Frances Ay ton, suh distributor Excise Office, 6 East st, Alexander Moffatt, supervisor, Thomas Gilbert and John Calvert, Officers Harbour Masters office. Alum House, Ham quay, Lancelot Elliott, assistant master Pilot Office, Coble landing. Pilot St., William Pearson, master, and John Harrison, deputy Pilots Watch Toiver, The Lawe, James Blair, keeper Master Mariner's Asylum and Annuity Society, established February, 1 839 ; ^a^rort. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Durham; vice-pa* irons, Robt. Ingham, Esq., Richard Shortridge, Esq., J. P., T. M. Win- terbuttom, Esq., M.D., Jas. Young, Esq., and Master of the Trinity House, Newcastle. Trustees, Robt. Anderson, Esq., James Young, Esq., Richard H. Bell, Esq., Errington Bell, Esq., and George Potts, Esq. Treasurer, Joseph Hargrave, Esq. Secretary, Mr. Robert Finley. The object of this Society is to provide a fund for paying annuities to aged, infirm, and poor Master Mariners, their Widows and Orphans, and to build Asylums for their occupation. There are already 22 Cottages, near Wellington Terrace, built at tha private expense of Thomas Masterraan W^interbottom, Esq., M.D. Life Boat House, Coble landing, Pilot St., Jacob Harrison, George Smith, and Wm. Tynemouth, mngrs. Gas Works, St.f Hilda's lane, Office, Barrington street, James Anderson, secretary, and William Sanderson, superintendent. Water Works, Claypath and Wes- toe lanes, George Rippon, Esq., ^ro- prietor. News Room, Town Hall, Market place, John Paxton, secretary. Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institution and Library, Fowler St., James Robson, librarian. South Shields and Westoe Dispen- sary, 59 East King street, Joseph Clement, house surgeon. 340 SOUTH SHIELDS DIRECTORY. Union PForlilwuse, Ocean street,] opened August, 1838, will accom- i niodate 200, average number about i 160; Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Robson,} master and matron, Richard Short- ! ridge, Esq., chamnan j Bainbridge I & Barker, Esqs.,c/erA'5; James Lack- land, relieving officer, for Shields; Clark Johnson, releving officer and registrar of births and deaths, for | Westoe ; Richard B. Ridley, regis- 1 trar of births and deaths, for Shields ; ' and Mr. Richard Bainbridge, super- \ intendent registrar of births, deaths, ' and marriages ^ Joseph Wra. Maitr, registrar of marriages for the Union; William Jameson, collector of poor rates for Shields, & John Shadford, for VVestoe. Places of "Worship. St, Hilda's Church, Market place. Rev. James Carr, A. M.. incumbent Trinity Church, Commercial road. Rev. Thomas Dixon, incumbent St. Stephen's Church, Mile end rd Chapel of Ease, Westoe lane. Rev. William Coward, incumbent St. Johns Scotch Churchy Saville street, Rev. John Storie Scotch Chapel, Heugh st Scotch Secession Chapel y East st Baptist Chapel, Barrington street, Rev. James Sneath Baptist Chapel, (Particular) Mile end road Co7igregatio7ial Chapel, (Indepen- dent) Rev. David Moir General Home Mission, Cuthbert st Wesley an Chapel, (Salem) Queen s Wesley an Chapel^ Wellington st Wesleyan Chapel, Chapter row Methodist New Connexion, John- son's hill Primitive Methodist Chapels^ Corn Wallis St., and Temple Town, Market held on Saturday, Fairs^ June 24, September 1, and Novem- ber 11. Population according to the cen- sus taken June 1841,-23,072. SUNDERLAND. LIST OF STREETS, COURTS, LANES, QUAYS, SQUARES, &c., IN SUNDER- LAND, BISHOPWEARMOUTH, AND MONKWEARMOUTH, IN 1846. h, w. denotes Bishopwearmouth, m. w, Monkwearmouth, id. w. s. Monkwearmouth Shore, and s. Sunderland, Adelaide place, 68 Coronation stb w Akenhead's square, Low si. s Albert street, Chester rd. b w Albion place, Vine place, b w Anderson's stairs, 148 High st. s Ann street, Ayre's quay rd. b w Arcade, 52 High street, s Arras lane, 40 High st. s Assembly garth, Church st. s Atmar's stairs, 136 High st. s Ayre's quay, Hetton Staith, b w Ayre's quay road. New Town, b w Bailey's entry, 78 High st. s Ballast Hills, Ayre's quay, b w Banes lane, 65 High st. s Bank street. Long bank, s Barclay street, North Bridge st. m w s Barrack street, 109 High st. s Bedford street, 112 High st. b w Bee Hive lane, 178 High st. s Bishopwearmouth Pans, Russell st. s Black Bull quay, 24 Low st. s Bodlewell lane,l88 High st. s Bonner's field. Bridge end, raws Borough road, Sussex st. b w Bridge crescent. Bridge st. b w Bridge street, 98 High st. b w Bridge St., (North) Bdge end, raws Broad street. Church st. m w Brougham street, 31 Union st, b w Bull lane, 144 High st. s Burden's entry, 9 Church s Burleigh street, 85 IJigh st. s Butchers lane, 53 High st. s Castle street, 47 High st. b w Causeway, (The) Church st. m w s Chancery lane, 131 High st. s Chapel street, Barrack st. s Chapel walk, Barrack st. s Charles street, 21 Lambton st. b w Chester road, Low row, b w Chisman's passage. Low st. s Church bank, 1 High st. b w Church lane, 315 High st. b w Church street, 59 High st. s Church street. Wear st. m w s Church walk. Church st. s Church way, Church st. s Coates' lane, 53 High st. s Cochrane place, Chester rd. b w Collier row, 32 Duncow st. b w Coopers entry, 1 82 High st. s Coronation street, Nile street, b w to Church st. s Cousin street, 10 Nicholson st. b w Covent Garden street, 1 High st. s Crescent row, Ballast hills, b w Cross place, 47 George st. s Cross street, 4 Green st. b w Cross street, Farrington row, b w Crowtree road, 285 High st. b w Cumberland street, 75 High st. b w Custom House eutrnce. 139 High st.s Custom House stairs, 30 High st s D'Arcy terrace. South Durham st.bw Dark entry & quay, 19 Low st. s Dean's yard, 124 High st. s Deptford road, New Town, b w Derwent street, Stockton rd. b w Dixon's square. Church st. m w s Dock street. Church st. m w s Dock street, foot of Queen st. b w Drury lane, 18 High st. s Drysdale's entry, 33 Low st. s Duncow street, 17 High st. b w Dundas St., 11 Nth. Bdge. st. m w s 2g 842 LIST OF STREETS, &c., IN SUNDERLAND. Dunning street, 58 High st. b w Dunn's entry, J 30 High st. s Durham road, Low row, b w East street, 40 Moor st. b w East street. Hat case, s East Cross street, 137 High st., b w East Moor street, North Moor st., s Ettrick place, 8 Grey st., s Exchange buildings, 198 Highst., s Farrington row, Hopper st., b w Fawcett street, 228 High st., b w Fawcett St., (Back), 232 High st. b w Ferry Boat landings, 13 Low st. s & Wear st. m w s Fishermans row, East Moor st. b w Filters row, Hat case s Flag lane, 24 High st. s Flag lane, (Low), 62 High st. s Fleet street, foot of Wall st. b w Folly end, foot of Wear st. m w s Ford (The), 29 High st. b w Ford street, Hendon rd. b w Foyle street, 43 Frederick st. b w Frederick road, 210 High st. b w Frederick street, John st. b w Fullwell lane. Broad st. m w Garden street, 14 Charles st. b w George street, 9 High st. s George street, Thomas st, m w Gerald street, Ballast Hills b w Golden alley, 31 High st. s Grange (The), Stockton rd. b w Gray's buildings. Low row b w Green, Low row b w Green street, 86 High st. b w Green terrace. Green, b w Grey street, 29 High st s Half Moon lane, 140 Low st s Hallgarth square, Church st m w s Hamilton street, Church st. m w s Hanover place, Ayres qy.b w Hanover street, Ballast hills b w Hardcastle's slip. Low qy. s Hardy's passage, 50 Low st. s Harley street, 3 Queen st.b w Hat case, Silver st. s Hedworth place, Newcastle rd. m w Hedworth street, Fore st. b w Hedworth street. Wear st. m w s Hedworth terrace, Borough rd. b w Hendon lane, 29 Hendon rd. b w Hendon road, Coronation st. b w Hendon street, 36 Hendon rd. b w Hendon terrace, Fleet st. b w Hetton staith, near Ayres qy. b w Hetton street, Railway row, b w High row. Low row, b w High street, Warren st. s, to Low row b w Hill street, Hendon rd. b w Hind street. Church bank b w Hodgkin street, 62 High st. s Hodgson's buildings. New Town b w Holmes lane,2C2 High st. s Holmes wharf, 26 Low st. s Hope street, Chester rd. b w Hopper street. New Town b w Horn's lane, 20 High st. s Howick street. Fore st. b w Howick street, North Bdg. st, m w g Huddleston street. Wear st. m w s Hudson's buildings, Hill st. b w Hylton road. New Town b w Infirmary row, Chester rd. b w James street, Ann st. b w John street, 217 High st. b w John street, 79 High st. s John street. Broad st. m w John street. Ballast hills b w Johnson street, Trewiti's bldgs. b w Kerr's entry, 96 High st. s King street, 259 High st. b w Lamb's entry, J 22 Low st. s Lambton street, 123 High st. b w Lammas' entry, 94 High st. s Lawrence street, 13 Hendon rd.b w Lawrence St. (Back) Hendon rd, b w Liddell street, 14 Dundasst. m w s Liddell terrace, Liddell st. m w s Little gate, Green b w Lombard street, 35 High st. s Long bank, 121 High st. s Low quay. Low st. s Low row.* 324 High st. b w Low street, foot of Russell st. s Maling's rig, 4 John st. s Manor place, 43 Frederick st. b w Maritime place, Crowtiee rd. b w Mark quay, 37 Low st. s Matlock street, Bridge st. b w Maud's court, 147 High st. b w Maud's lane^ "25 High st. s Maud's open, 207 High st. s Meaburn street, 51 Tatham st. b w Meeting hill, Yorke st. m w s Middle street, 50 Union st. b w Millfield cottages, Hilton road b w Mill hill, Stamps lane, s Mill place, Stobb lane s Mill street, 71 High st s LIST OF STREETS, &c., IN SUNDERLAND. 343 Mill street, Hilton rd. b w Minorca, 14 Church sts Moor street, Coronation st.b w Moor terrace, Adelaide pi. b w Moorgate street. East st. s Moss lane, 149, High st. s Murton street, Borough rd. b w Neel's passage, 145. High st. s Nelson's square, Church st. m w s Nesham place, John st. s Nesham square, Maling's rig, s Newcastle road, North Bge st. m w s New Covent Garden st. Cross pi. s New Grey street, Grey st. s New Market, Arcade, s New Town, Hylton road b w Nicholson street, Smyrna pi. b w I^ile street, 186 High st. b w Nile street bck. Little Villiers st. b w Noble's quay, 44 Low st. s Norfolk street, 8 Sunniside, b w North Durham st. Coronation st. b w North quay. Wear st. m w s North Moor street, 109 High st. s North shore, Strand st. m w s North Street, Queen st. b w Northumberland place, Mill hill, s Northumberland st. 36 Union st. b w Numbers garth, 159 High st. b w Oak street. Wall st. b w Old Fish landing, 70 Low st. s Olive street, Stockton rd. b w Pan bank top. Bridge crescent, b w Fan lane, 95 High st. b w Femberton street, 26 Hendon rd b w Penrith Place, 14 Church st. s Pemberton's field, Matlock st. b w Pier quay. Railway wharf» s Pluramer's alley, 10 Silver st. s Portobello lane. Broad st. m w Pottery bank, 109 High st. s Prince street, 244 High st. b w Prospect row. Ropery walk, s Queen street, 39 High st. s Queen street, 67 High st. b w ilailway row, Silksworth ro^ Ravensworth terrace York st. ra w s Railway street, foot of Wear st. b w Railway W^harf, Low quay, s Rendlesham St., Barclay st. m w s Robinson's lane, 68 High st. s Roker,i ra. N. of Sndlnd Pier m w s Ropery lane, 75 High st. s Ropery walk, Church walk, s Russell street, 210 High st. s Sailors' alley, 71 High st. s Salem cottage, Tatham st. b w Sans close. Borough road,b w Sans street, 1 High st. s Sans street, (upper) Sans st. b w Sheep fold. Bridge end, m w s Shields road, 1 North Bridge st. m w s Silksworth row. New Town, b w Silver street, 91 High st. s Smyrna place, Borough rd. b w South alley, 12 Silver st. s Southgate Church lane, b w South street, 44 Union st. b w South Durham st., Smyrna pi. b w South Johnson St., Johnson st. b w Spencer's lane, 167, High st. s Spring Garden Lane, 13 High st. s Stamp's lane, 64 High st. s Stob lane, 191 High st. s Stockton road, Vine pi., b w Stoddart's entry, 80 High st. s Story's buildings, Watrwrks. rd. b w Strand st. Folly end, m w s Sunderland st. 124 High st. b w Sunniside, 177 High st. b w Sunniside hidings., 178 High st. b w Sussex St. 105 Coronation st. b w Swan court, Low row, b w Tatham St., Borough road, b w Tavistock pi. Wellington st. b w Thomas street. Town Moor, s Thomas St., North bridge st. m w s Thornhill's wharf, Low quay, s Thornton place, New Town, b w ToplifFe St., Church st. m w s Town Moor, Church walk, s Trafalgar St. Whitburn st. m w s Trewhitts buildings. Hind st. b w Trimdon street. New Town, b w Tunstall lane. High row, b w Union lane, 49 High st. s Union place, Newcastle road, m w Union square. South st. b w Union street, 236 High st. b w Villiers street. High st. b w Villiers st ,(Back) Little Villrs. st b w Villiers st., (Little) 52 Sans st. b w Vine place. Borough rd., b w Vine street, 82 High St., s Wall Street, Railway st. b w Walton lane, 33 High st. s Walton place, 24 Coronation st.b w Walworth street, 264 fligh st. b w Warren street, 99 High st. s Water lane, 163 High st. s 344 LIST OF STREETS, &c., IN SUNDERLAND. Water street, Water Works rd, b w Water Works road, Hope st. b w Waterloo place, Borough rd. b w Waterloo place, Whitburn st. m w s Waterloo St., Williamson ter. m w s Watson's lane, 61 High st. s Wear street, 22 Hendon rd. b w Wear st,, Ferry Boat landing, m w s Wear street, (West) Bridge st. b w Wear st., (Back) 24 Hendon rd. b w Wellington lane, 1 16 High st. b w Wellington lane, Ayres quay, b w Wellington street. Borough rd. b w West street, 277 High street, b w Wethereld's garth, \Valton pi, b w Whickham street. Church st. m w s Whitburn street, Wear street, m w s William street, 131 High street, b w Williamson street. Church st. m w s Williamson ter., Waterloo pi m w s Wilson's entry, 118 Low st. s Wood lane, Low row, b w Woodbine st. 1 2 Pemberton st. b w Woodbine street, (East) 28 Wood- bine st. b w Woodbine terrace, Railway st, b w Wood lane, 31 Low st, b w Wood street, 73 High street, s Wreath's qy., West side Bdg. m w s Wright's entry, 116 Low st. s York street, 252 High street, b w Yorke street, Barclay st. m w s Youll's passage, 134 High st. s Young's entry, 28 Low st, s Zion street, 3 Hendon rd. b w Zion street, (Back) Hendon rd. b w DIRECTORY OF THE PORT AND BOROUGH OF SUNDERLAND, BISHOP AND MONK WEARMOUTH. The initials b. w., m, w., m, w. s., ands,, denote that the respective streets are situated in Bishopwearmonthf Monkwearmouthy Monkwearmouth Shore, or Sunderland, Abbay John, gentleman, 66 Frederick st., b w Abbey Wm. Richard, ship builder, Ayre's quay, h. 55 Frederick st. b w Abraham Mrs. Alice, 12 Nesham square, s Adamson Cumberland, boot and shoemaker, 5 Silksworth row, b w Adamson Edward, butcher. Nelson square; h, Waterloo place, m w s Adamson James, butcher, 274 High st,b w Adamson John & Co., coms. agents, 140 High st.; h. 15 Clive st. b w Adamson John, boot and shoemaker. Wear st. m w s Adamson John, engine wright. Church st, m w s Adamson Kenneth, shopkeeper, 3 Cumberland st. b w Adamson Kenneth, marine store dealer. East st. s Adamson Robert, blacksmith, 39 Queen st. s. ; h. 56 Lawrence st. b w Adamson Robert, master mariner, 4 Lambton st. b w Adamson Robert, baker and flour dealer, 129 Low st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 345 Adamson Thomas, currier and leather seller, 6 Lombard st. s. ; h. Hen- don road, b w Adamson Thomas, marine store dealer. Barrack st. s Adamson \7m., mathematical & nautical instmnt. mkr., North qj^m w s Addie Michael, butcher, 127 High st, s Addison John, painter and glazier, 39 Barclay st. ra w s Addison John, painter; h. Back of East Cross street, b w Addison & Kirkup, painters and glaziers, 4 Green st. b w Addy John, vict. Bull and Dog, Wear st. m w s Addy William, beerhouse, Dixon's square, m w s Ade John, master mariner, Church st. m w s Ailley Robert, master mariner, 2 D'Arcy terrace, b w Ainsley Dorothy, vict., Bridge Inn, 27 Flag lane, s Ainsley William, draper; h. 7 High st. s Airey George, watch and clock maker, 279 High st. b w Airey Henry, tailor, 44 West Wear st. b w Airey Robert, watch and clock maker, and jeweller, 1 13 High st. b w Airey Smith, jun., watch and clock maker, 118 Coronation st. b w Airey Smith, watch maker, 4 Castle st. b w Aisbit Joseph, foreman, patent ropery. Middle st. b w Aiskel Edward, farmer, Holly Field, b w Aitchison John & Co., victs., Edinburgh Castle, 149 High st, s Aken Mary Ann, lodgings, Sheep Fold, m w s Akenhead Rev. David, M.A., curate of Bp. Wearmouth, 14 John st. b w Alcock Charles, ship broker, 54 Sans st. ; h. 10 Fawcett st. b w Alcock John Thomas, ship builder. Low st. s.; h. North Grange Alcock Samuel, cabinet maker, upholsterer, &c. ; h, 24 Norfolk st. b w Alcock & Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, carvers and gilders, carpet, floor cloth, drugget, and damask ware rooms, 64 Nile st. b w Alcock & Smith, secretaries to the Albion premium Insurance Associa- tion, 54 Sans st. b w Alcock Thomas Crowhall, solicitor, and agent to the Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance Company, I Nile st.; h. 78 Tatham st. b w Alder Robert, shopkeeper, 50 South Durham st. b w Alderson Charles, linen and woollen draper ; h. 10 High st. s Alderson George, grocer, ale and porter dealer, 13 Northumblnd. st. b w Alderson & Shevill, linen and woollen drapers, 10 High st. s Alderson Thomas, master mariner, 32 South Durham st. b w Alexander Benjamin, glazier, 5 Burleigh st. s All Saints Church, Broad street, m w Allan Jane, shopkeeper and beerseller, 13 Moor st. b w Allan John, farmer, Hilton road, b w Allan Mrs. Mary, lodgings, 55 Lawrence st. b w Allason Ann, carrier, 34 Sans st. b w Allason John, auctioneer, share broker, and com. agent, 9 Fawcf tt s-t. b w Allen Mary, lodgings, 5 Grey st. s 2g 2 346 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Alleu William, stone mason, 10 Queen st, b w Allinson John, joiner, cabinet maker, and funeral furnisher, 130 Corona- tion St. b w Allinson William, cabinet maker, joiner, and funeral furnisher, 121 Coronation st. b w Allison Cuthbert, gentleman, 311 High st. b w Allison James, brewer, maltster, wine, and spirit merchant, North quay, m TV s ; h. Broad st. m w Allison Robert, provision dealer, 41 Crescent row, b w Allison William, solicitor, 13 Barclay st. m w s ; h. 24 Crowlree rd. b w Allison William, shopkeeper, 95 Coronation st. b w Almond John, spirit merchant and brewer's agent; 28 Lawrence st. b w Almshouses, (Rectory) Green, b w Alsop John, master mariner, 9 Lawrence st. b w Amour John, National School, Numbers Garth; h. 20 East Cross st. b w Anderson Alexander, furniture broker, Church bank, b w Anderson Anthony, running fitter, 48 Wear st. b w Anderson George, cooper & wine refiner, Nrth quay ; h. Barclay st. m w s Anderson Henry French, master mariner, 2 Barclay st. m w s Anderson Jane, vict. Ship Burlinson, 16 Vine st. s Anderson James, master mariner, 15 South Durham st. b w Anderson John, master mariner, 40 Church st. s Anderson Martha, dress maker, 27 Union st. b w Anderson Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Williamson st. m w s Anderson Peter, mariner, 33 Northumberland st. b w Anderson Peter, green grocer, Dock st. b w Anderson Thomas, master mariner, and ship owner, 11 Cousin st. b w Anderson William, master mariner, 42 Lawrence st. b w Anderson Walter, master mariner, 26 Barclay st. m w s Anderson William, master mariner, 28 Crowtree road, b w Anderson William, vict., Wheat Sheaf, 7 Sans st. s Anderson William, railway clerk, 13 Zion st. b w Andrews James & Co., ship and insurance brokers. Little Villiers st. ; h. 33 Zion St. b w Andrews John, grocer; h. 57 Frederick st. b w Andrews Joseph & Son, grocers and tea dealers, 177 High st. s Andrews Thomas, timber, and general merchant, 21 Union st. b w Angas Silas, master mariner, and Mary Ann, day school, 14 Nile st. b w Angus Ralph, warehouseman, (railway) Portobello lane, m w Annison James, beerhouse, 47 Burleigh st. s Antill, Fairman, & Co., wholesale and retail wine, spirit and porter merchants. The Shades, 24 High st. s Applebey Young, commander R. N., 68 Tatham st. b w Appleby James Peacock, ship owner, 17 Clive st. b w Appleton H., teacher. Grange School, Stockton road, b w Appleton Richard, corn, flour, bacon, and cheese factor, 46 High st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 347 Appleton Sarah, eating house, 114 Low st. s Archbold Alice, green grocer, 200 New mkt. ; h. Mill hill, s Archbold John, railway guard, Oak st. h w Archer Thomas, boat builder ; h. Ropery lane, s Archer William, gardener and seedsman, 87 Hendon road, b w Arkel Joseph, vict., Walworth Castle, 13 Walworth st. b w Armstrong Benjamin, ironmonger, 4 Howick street, b w Armstrong Christopher, confectioner and tailor, 233 High street, b w Armstrong George, tea dealer, 260 High street, b w Armstrong Henry, bank manager, 1 Villiers st. b w Armstrong James, running fitter, 19 Church street, s Armstrong John, grocer and provision dealer, Church st. m w s Armstrong John, farmer, Stockton road, b w Armstrong Robert Broderick, sail maker ; h 1 D'Arcy ter. b w Armstrong Thomas, grocer, 16 Warren street, s Armstrong Thomas, ship owner and inspector, 51 Tatham street, b av Armstrong Thomas, joiner & builder, John St., s; h 6 Sans st Upper, b w Armstrong Thomas, vict. and lath renderer, Gardener's tavern, 69 Crow- tree road, b w Armstrong William, grocer, tea, and provision dealer, 67 High st. s Armstrong William, schoolmaster; h. Chester road, b w Arnison George Nathan, painter, back of William street, b w Arnott Catherine, lodgings, 35 Wear street, b w Ashford Timothy, mariner, 38 Dunning street, b w Atcheson Thomas, confectioner and fruiterer, 192 High street, b w Athenaeum reading room. Exchange Buildings, s Athy John, grocer and provision dealer, George street, ra w Atkin John, vict, 157 High street, s Atkin Robert, master mariner, 31 Sans street, b w Atkinson Francis, butcher, 2 Walworth st. ; h. 36 Northumberland st. b w Atkinson Gales, ironmonger, and nail maker, Church street, m w s Atkinson George, M. D. 5 Sunniside, b w Atkinson George, jun., surgeon, 5 Sunniside, b w Atkinson George Timothy, vict., Alnwick Castle, 15 Lombard st. s Atkinson George, joiner & builder. North Durham St.; h. Hedworth stbw Atkinson Henry John, lodgings, 7 Sunderland st. b w Atkinson James, vict., Britannia, George st., m w Atkinson John, joiner and cabinet maker, 6, and h. 25 Nesham square, s Atkinson Janet, British school mistress, 12 Hendon rd. b w Atkinson John, bellman and constable, 9 Southgate, b w Atkinson John, wood turner, 38 Cumberland st. ; h.61 Brougham st. b w Atkinson John, shoemaker, Hudson's buildings, b w Atkinson John, master mariner, 18 Pemberton st. b w Atkinson Joseph, master mariner, 5 Walton place, b w Atkinson Mary, china, glass and earthenware dealer, 183 High st. b w Atkinson Matthe\\ , bookseller, printer &c., Stamp Office, Church st. m w s 348 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Atkinson Newark, tailor, 12 East Cross st. b w Atkinson Ralph, ship owner, 1 Brougham st,, b w Atkinson Robert, day school, Green ; h. 34 Chester road, b w Atkinson Robert, day school, 30 Cresent row ; h. 11 John st. b w Atkinson Samuel, joiner, 41 Hedworth street, b w Atkinson Thomas, painter, 12 High street, b w Atkinson Mr. Thomas, Tatham street, b w Atkinson Thomas, master mariner. Moor street, b w Atkinson Mr. William, 134 High street, b w Atkinson William, vict., Paul Pry, 8 Silver street, s Atkinson William, farmer, Chester road, b w Attey Wm., painter, glazier, and gilder, 50 Sans st. ; h. 3 Murton st. b w Attwood Edward, glass manufacturer; h. 31 Villiers st. b w Austin John, vict., Sun Inn, Thomas street, m w Austin John, brewer, Dixon's square, m w s Austin Mr. Peter, Dixon's sq. m w s Austin Sml. Peter, ship bldr., Bp. Wearmth. pans ; h. 3 Nth. Bdg. st. m w a Austin William, ship owner, 19 Nile st, b w Aynsley Mr. Edward, 4 Nesham sq. s Ayre James, cooper, 87 Low st. & ship owner. Sans close b w Ayre Jonathan, marine store dealer, 2 Crowtree rd. b w h. Silver st. s Ayre Robert, dock master. North shore, m w s Ayres George, ship carpenter, 26 Lawrence st. b w Ayres quay Glass Bottle Company, Ayres qy. & Bridge Bottle Wks. b w Backhouse Edward Esq,, banker, AshbwHf b w Backhouse John, master mariner, 78 Wear st. b w Backhouse John, master mariner, 40 Vine st. s Backhouse Thomas James, Esq., 23 Fawcett st. b w Backhouse William, master mariner, 54 South Durham st. b w Bagg David, master mariner, 49 Hendon road, b w Baglee William, nail maker, Long bank, s Bayley Joseph, nail maker, 109 Hendon road, b w Baharie Alexander, nautical teacher, 7 Lawrence st. b w Bailes John, police inspector. Church st. m w Bailes William, clerk, 27 Brougham st. b w Bailey Edward, shopkeeper, Hanover place, b w Bailey Mary Ann, day school, 28 Villiers st. b w Baillie Mrs. Ann, 58 Vine street, s Baillie and Hull, shopkeepers^ 22 High st. s Baillie Thomas, clog, patten and last maker, Bodlewell lane, s- Bainbridge Thomas, vict., Jolly Sailor, 123 Low st. s Baines John, shopkeeper, East st. s Baldwin Matthew, painter, 17 East Cross st, b w Balk Mary Ann, grocer, Thornton place, b w Ballantine John, hosier and haberdasher, 285 High st. b w Balmbra James, earthenware dealer, 108 New Market^ s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 349 Bamber Rev. John, (Catholic) 27 Bridge st. b w Bamberger J, S., professer of the French language, 28 Fawcett st. b w Bambrough Mary, marine store dealer, Wear st. m w s Bamlett George, painter, glazier, and gilder, 18 Bridge st. b w Baptist Chapel, Hallgarth square, m w s Baptist Chapel, Barclay st. m w s Baptist Chapel, 41 Sans st. b w Baptist Meeting House, 4 Dunning st. b w Barber Anthony, provision dealer. Wear st. m w s Barber William, agent, & Elizabeth, professor of music, 39 Villiers st. b w Barclay William, vict., Edinburgh House, 64 High st. s Barkas Ann, clothes dealer, 106 New Market, s ; h. 1 1 Moor st. b w Barker Benjamin, ship owner, 29 Villiers st. b w Barker Jacob, butcher, 14 New Market ; h. 14 Millst. s Barker Jas.,shipsmith, chain, & nail mnfr., Russell st.s; h. Hendn. st.b w Barker James, dyer, Waterloo place, m w s Barker W. I., wine merchant, auctioneer, stock and share broker, com. agt., and agt. to the Alliance, British and Foreign Fire and Life Ins., 5 Bridge st. b w Barkes James, boot and shoemaker, 249 High st. b w Barkes James, jun,, shoemaker, 7 Union st. b w Barkes John, ship builder. Wreath's quay ; h. 3 Dundas st. m w s Barkes William Bowram, hairdresser, 6 John st. s Barkes James, cabinet maker, 9 Queen st. b w Barkhill Robert, master mariner, 37 Northumberland st. b w Barlow James, old clothes dealer, 6 Grey st. s Barnes Garsham, printer and publisher of the Times, 196 High st. s. ; h. 12 King st. b w Barnes George, butcher, 18 Coronation st. b w, and 42 New Market, s Barnes William Barnes, bookbinder and account book manufacturer, 18 Lombaid st. s Barnett Robert, shoemaker. Church st. m w s Barracks, Barrack st. s, John Fair, Barrack sergeant Barron John Samuel, butcher, 42 High st. s Barrow John, rope,&c., maker, Hendon rd ; h. D'Arcy ter.b w Barry & Hemsley, block, mast, and pump makers, Hardcastle's slip, s Barry John, mast &c. maker & ship owner, h. 17 Tavistock pi. b w Barton Rev. Samuel Saxon, (Wesleyan) 3 Brougham street, b w Barwick Robert, butcher, 18 High street, b w Barwick William, butcher, 14 Coronation street, b w Bates John, overlooker, 7 West street, b w Bates Thomas, foreman, gas works, 52 Nile street b w Batey Alex. & Eliz., master & matron. Union workhouse, 34 High st. b w Batey Mrs. Isabella, 13 Vine place, b w Batey Joseph Smith, genl. comsn. agent and accountant. Little Villiers street, h. 29 Union street, b w 350 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Batty John, clerk, 8 Lambton street, b w Bawey William, earthenware dlr. 125 New Market, s, h. Moor st. b w Baxter Joseph, master mariner. Moor ter. s Baxter William, joiner, 25 Lawrence st. b w Baxter William, master mariner, 24 Nesham sq. s Baynes William, grocer & lea dealer, Wear st. m w s Beadnell John, cartman,25 Charles st. b w Bearpark Mr. John, Whitburn ?t. m w s Beattie James, assistant draper, 11 Sans st. upper b w Beavans x^rthur, shipsmith & chain mkr.. Folly end; h. Palmers hl.m w Beck Robert, painter and glaizer, 1 Nesbam sq. s Beck with Mrs. Ann, 20 Norfolk st. b w Beckwith James, painter and glaizer, 26 Dundas st. m w s Bedford John Clayton, gcr., provision, ale & porter dlr., 44 Wear st.b w Bedlington Mrs. Elizabeth, 25 Nile st. b w Bell David, master mariner, Back Zion st. b w Bell Elizabeth, pawnbroker, 5 Silver st. s Bell Mrs. Emilia, 52 Lawrence st. b w Bell George, hair dresser, 3 Church st. s Bell George, shoemaker. Back Zion st. b w Bell Hannah, lodgings, 9 Nile st. b w Bell James, master mariner, 45 Lawrence st. b w Bell John Thomas, manager of Wear Iron Works, Church st. m w s Bell John, beerhouse, Stockton rd. b w Bell John, baker and provision dealer, 88 High st. s Bell John, ship owner, Chester rd. b w Bell John, coal fitter; h. 133 High st. b w Bell Margaret Ann, milliner and dress maker, 7 EasI Woodbine st. b w Bell Mary, midwife, 35 Church st. s Bell Mary Ann, spirit, ale, and porter dealer, 23 Sunderland st. b w Bell Robert, tailor, Trimdoii st. b w Bell Thomas, master mariner, 20 Brougham st. b w Bell Wrij. Thos. & Co. coal fitters, 133 High st. b w ; h. Ford House Bell William, mariner, 18 Woodbine st. b w Bellass William, vict. Regale tavern, Oak st. b w Bennett John, cart owner, Rendlesham st. m w s Bennett Mrs. Dorothy, 17 Woodbine st. b w Bennett Jesse, sail cloth manufacturer and shpkr. 6 Sunderland st. b w Bennett John, green grocer, Hanover place, b w Bennett Michael Dixon, master mariner, 66 Brougham st. b w Bennett Sophia, straw hat maker, 6 Sunderland st. b w Benson Miles, master mariner, 26 Cumberland st. b w Benson Robert, butcher, Whitburn st. m w s Benson William, butcher, Church st. m w s Bsntley Joseph, grocer and provision dealer, Whitburn st. ra w s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 351 Berkley George, painter, gilder, glazier, and picture frame maker, 45 Spring Garden In. s; h. 6 Howick st. b w Berry Elizabeth, milliner and baby linen warehouse, 185 High st. b w Berry Joseph, master mariner, 185 High st. b w Berry Mary, vict. Sheet Anchor, 24 Dundas st. m w s Berry Peter, mariner, and Elizabeth, straw hat maker, 33 Union st. b w Best James & Son, timber measurers and agents, North shore, m w s; h. 6 William st. b w Best James, clerk, 10 Howick st. b w Best John, chemist and druggist, Thornton pi. b w Best Robinson, shopkeeper, 10 Warren st. s Beswick Chris, professor of music and piano forte whs. 228 High st, b w Beswick James, furniture broker, Little Villiers st, b w Bethel Chapel, (Independent,) Yilliers st. b w Bethel Chapel, (Seamen's) Wear street, m w s Betbesda Free Chapel, Tatham street, b w Bertram Watson, vict.. West Country Arms, 3 Mark quay, s Beugo Alexander, spirit merchant, 12 North bridge street, ra w s Bevan Thomas, hair dresser, George street, m w Bewick Thomas, Tict., Half Moon Inn, 199 High street, s Bews John, vict., Friendly Tavern, 15 Nesham square, s Bingham Capt. Parker, Duckworth, commanding coast guard officer, 1 Manor place, b w Binks Thomas, soda water manufacturer, 4 Sussex street, b w Binns Charles, blacking maker. Back Zion street, b w Binns Henry, linen draper, hosier, &c., 173 High street, b w Binns Wm. and Watson, tailors and woollen drapers, 196 High street, s h Tatham street, b w Bird Mrs. Isabella, 15 D'Arcy terrace, b w Bird John Goodwin, ship and insurance broker^ h. 27 Chester rd., b w Bird Richard, shopkeeper, 20 Johnson street, b w Bird William, chemist and druggist. Nelson square, m w s Birkinshaw Emiline, infants school, 19 Grdn. st. ; h. 29 Hedworth st b w BIrkinshaw Sarah, milliner, 9 Coronation street, b w Birkley Allison, vict., Daniel O'Connell, Williamson St., m w s Birlison John, baker and grocer, Church street, m w s Bishop Wearmouth Water Works Office, 8 Nile st., b w Thomas Coates, superintendent and secretary. Bishop Wearmouth Church, 316 High street, b w Bishop Wearmouth and Sunderland Infirmary and Dispensary, Chester road, b w Smetham Lee, apothy. and sec. Black J. G. and Co., Wharfingers, Bridge Wharf; h. Chester rd. b w Black Jane, shopkeeper, 39 High st., b w Blackburn Thomas, master mariner, 37 Dundas st., m w s Blackett George, clerk, 113 High street, s Blackett Thomas, shoemaker, 19 William st. b w 352 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Blackett William, linen & woollen draper, 242 High st., b w Blackit John, cabinet maker & furniture broker, 28 Grey st. s Blackit John, joiner & cabinet maker, 18 Hendon road, b w Blackit Thomas Edward, butcher. Railway St., b w; h. 28 Grey st. s Blackie Thomas, master mariner, 32 Woodbine st. b w Blackler William, master mariner, 29 Zion street, b w Blacklock^^ John, locker in customs, Hedworth st. b w Blacklock John, mariner, 30 Nile street, b w Blacklock Robert, pawnbroker, 19 Bedford st. b w Blagshaw Aaron, master mariner, Hallgarth square, ra w s Blair Thomas, master mariner, 9 Murton street, b w Blackett Matthew, ship owner, 4 Foyle street, b w Blake John, file manufr., 38 Cumberland st. ; h. 57 Brougham st. b w Blakeburn Mary Ann, v^ct , Britannia, 4 Mark quay, s Blakelock James, ship owner, 38 Wear street, b w Blakelock John, earthenware manufr.; h. 81 Dundas st. m w s Blakey George, millwright & engineer, Moffat's ct., Collier row, b w Blakey John, milk- seller, 32 Woodbine st. b w Blakey Robert, schoolmaster, 53 Dundas street, m w s Blakey Thomas, & Son, ship-smiths & chain-makers, Folly end; h. 51 Barclay st. m w s Blakey William, ship-smith. North quay, m w s Blakey William John, whitesmith. Wear st. m w s Bland James, grocer & provision dealer, 38 Chester road, b w Bland Robert, shoemaker, 82 New Market,; h. 17 Nesham sq. s Bland William, shipwright, 39 Low row, b w Blyth William, senr. ship owner, 1 Nicholson street, b w Blyth William, ship owner, 8 Hendon road, b w Blyth William Robson, master mariner, 57 Wear st. b w Bolam John, cabinet maker, auctioneer & appraiser, 5 Middle st. b w Boldeman, Berries & Co., commission agents^ 152 High st. s Bolton Commins, tailor, 27 Grey street, s Bolton James Kennedy, clerk, excise office, 9 Villiers st. b w Bolton Mary, shopkeeper, 27 Silver street, s Bolton Richard, vict., Mariners Tavern, Moorgate st. s Bond Thomas, shipsraith and chain maker, Lov/ st. s Bone Robert, grocer and flour dealer, 6 Liddell st. m w s Bone William, butcher, Liddell terrace, m w s Booth George, rope maker, 36 Crowtree road, b w Booth George Robert, ship & insurance broker, & sec to Sunderland Joint Stock Premium Aassociation, 1 Russell street, s ; h. John st. b w Booth John, master mariner, 1 Lawrence street, b w Booth John Allison, master mariner, 35 Barclay st. m w s Booth Joseph, master mariner, Wall street, b w Booth Ralph, ship carpenter, 125 Coronation st. b w Booth R,ichard, gun maker, 200 High street, s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 353 Booth Sarah, vict., Live and Let Live, 38 Low st. s Booth Thomas, shipsmith and chain maker, Follj end, and grocer, Wil- liamson's terrace, m w s Botcherby Margerj^ shopkeeper, 42 Coronation st. s Bovish Charles, mariner, 40 Northumberland street, b w Bowen Daniel, master mariner, 6 Cousin st. b w Bowey John, grocer and tea dealer, 60 High st. b w Bowey Matthias, hair dresser, 44 High st. b w Bowlby Russell, solicitor, Howick st. m w s ; h. Cleadon Meadoics Bowmaker Edward, grocer and tea dealer, 91 Coronation st. b w Bowman Henry C, M. D. surgeon, 29 Dundas st, m w s Bowman John, master mariner, 2 South Durham st. b w Bowman Robert, shopkeeper, 145 Coronation st. b w Bowron John & Son, grocers and wine merchants, 198 High st. s Bowser Mrs. Margaret, 6 Vine place b w Boyce John, gentleman, 7 Tavistock place b w Boyes Elizabeth, registar office for servants, 4 Sans st. upper b w Boys Thomas, vict.. Railway Tavern, 1 Low quay s Brabant William, butcher, 55 New market, s, and 12 Moor st. b w Bradbury Henry, commission agent, 141 High st. b w Bradbury Lydia, milliner, dress & straw hat maker, 141 High st, b w Bradford Thomas, gardener, back Tatham st. b w Bradley George, editor of the Herald, 13 D'Arcy ter. b w Bradley and Potts, timber merchants, ship brokers, & comission agents. North quay m w s Bradley Richard, gent. 39 Fawcett st. b w Bradley Thos., & Robinson Wm., linen & woollen drapers, 180 High st. s Bradley William Orton, timber merfc. & ship bkr. ; h. 6 Tavistock pi. b w Braithwaite William, grocer, 8 Bridge st. b w Braithwaite Williatn, co^ffee roaster, Stob lane s Bramwell Christopher, wine and spirit merchant, 12 Church st. s ; h, Hendon house b w Brandling Junction Railway Station to Newcastle, Shields, Durham, Darlington, &c. &c.. Broad st, m w, Cuthbert Smith, manager Branfoot Hannah, grocer, 28 Walworth st. b w Branfoot John, grocer and tea dealer, 252 High st. b w Brantingham George, grocer and tea dealer, 72 High st. s Brantingham William, farmer & shopkeeper, Thomas st. m w s Brass Matthew, black and shipsmith. Low st. s ; h. 27 Lawrence sr. b w Bravey Henry, master mariner, 42 Sans street, b w Breckon Mary, shopkeeper, 51 Coronation st. s Brewis James, butcher, 237 High street, b w Browis Robert, butcher, 40 High street, s Bridge William Henry, ship sign carver and gilder. North (luay; h Rendlesham street, m w s Bridges David, master mariner, 21 Lawrence street, b w 354 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Briggs Hannah, pawnbroker, 31 West Wear street, b w Biiggs Mrs. Mary, 55 Northumberland street, b w Briggs William & Co., ship brokers, and timber merchants. Exchange buildings, s ; h. 38 Fawcett street, b w Briggs William, shopkeeper, 3 Oak street, b w British School, Nicholson street, b w Robert Cameron, master, and Janet Atkinson, mistress Britten James, vict. Black Swan, and rigger, 31 Matlock street, b w Broderick William Harrison, master mariner, 7 Bedford street, b w Brodie Robert, excise officer, Fore street, b w Brooks Benjamin, perfumer, hair cutter, and London boot & shoe whrs,^ 176 High street; h. 58 Tillers street, b w Brough Robert, master mariner, and ship owner, 65 Dundas st. m w s Browell David, cabinet maker, & furniture broker, 11 Lombard st. s Browell Edward, town sergeant, 22 William st. b w Browell John, joiner and undertaker, 11 South Durham st. b w Brown Ann Elizabeth, straw hat maker, 2 East Cross st. b w Brown and Archer, boat builders, Bank st. s Brown Archibald, shopkeeper, 3 Silksworth row, b w Brown Benjamin, Tict., Cross Keys, North quay, m w s Brown Colin, master mariner, 12 Derwent st. b w Brown Francis, tailor, 323 High st. b w Brown Edward, vict., Roker Baths Hotel, near the terminus of the New- castle and Darlington RailwsiY, Bokcr, m w Brown Edward, shopkeeper. Low qua}', s Brown Edward, boat builder; h. Long bank, s Brown George, master mariner, East Woodbine st. b w Brown George Turnbull, master mariner, Cochrane pi. b w Brown Henry, master mariner, 50 Lawrence st. b w Brown James Sanderson, master mariner, 26 South Durham st. b w Brown John, manager, Hetton Coal Staiths, b w Brown John, fruiterer and green grocer, 52 High st.; h. 18 Nesham sq. s Brown John, clerk, Stockton road, b w Brown John, master mariner, 16 Grey st. s Brown John, master mariner. Wall st. b w Brown Joseph, fruit and potatoe merchant; h. 85 Wear st. b w Brown Joseph, M. D., 131 High st. b w Brown Joseph, furniture broker, 9 Grey st. s Brown Josepli, master mariner, Church st. m w s Brown Mrs. Margaret, 19 Clive st. b w Brown Ogden, manager, Landsale coal depot, New Town; h. Chester rd. Brown Robinson, tailor, 12 South Durham st. b w Brown Phillis, boot and shoe warehouse, 42 Sans st. b w Brown Robert, solicitor, secretary to the ship owners society. Wear mutual society, solicitor to the Sunderland joint stock banking Co,, and agent to the Scottish equitable life assurance society, 57 Yilliers St. ; h. oO Fawcett St., b w ers ■ SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 35.j Brown R. James & Co., timber merchants and coal fitters, 140 High st. ; h. 5 Foyle st. b w Brown Ralph, shopkeeper, Green, h w Brown Robert, cbnt mkr & upholsterer, 112 Hight st. ; h. 53 Nile st. b vv Brown Robert, cooper, 113 Low st. s ; h. 4 Sans st. b w Brown Robert, railway clerk, Thomas st. m w Brown Robt, butcher & ship owner, 103 Low st. s; h. 6 Nicholson st. b w Brown Russell, gent., Hallgarth sq. m w s Brown Sarah, circulating library and legister office, 12 Lambton st. b w Brown Stephen, shopman, 26 Grey st. s Brown Thomas, bank managing director ; h. 10 Sussex st. b w Brown Thomas, master mariner, Church st. m w s Brown Thomas, shoemaker, 4 Howick st. m w s Brown William, superintendent of police and high constable for the borough, 16 East Cross st. b w Brown William, master mariner, 10 D'Arcy ter. b w Brown William, sail maker and sec. savings bank. Wear st. m w s Brown William, brazier and tinplate worker, I North Durham st. b w Brown William, cooper, Low st. s; h, 4 Sans st., Upper b w Brown William, ship owner, Whitburn st. m w s Brown William, jun., master mariner, Whitburn st. m w s Browne Mr. Robert, 26 Murton st. b w Bruce John, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, 61 High St. s Bruce Joseph, master mariner, Hedworth st. b w Bruce Robert Stuart, tobacco pipe maker, 15 Union lane, s ; h. 1 1 Wood- bine St. b w Brumweli Jph Cownley, chemist & druggist. Church st. m w s Brunton John, (Lloyds) surveyor; h. 12 Murton st. b w Brunton Thomas, solicitor & town clerk, Sunniside buildings ; h. 5 Fawcett st. b w Bryars James, smith & farrier, 16 Bedford st. b w Brydon William, upholsterer, Howick st. b w Bryson John, chimney sweep, 2 Numbers' garth, b w Buchanan Ann, vict.. Old Green Dragon, Pan bank top, b w Buchanan Berry, tailor, 1 1 Walworth st. b w Buchanan & Gibson, ship builders, Ayre's quay,b w Buchanan Joseph, sail maker, ct. 1 1 West Wear st, ; h. 13 Fredrick st. b w Buckley Joseph, block & mast maker; h. North quay, m w s Buckley & Ramsey, block & mast makers. North quay, m w s Buddie Mr. George, 40 Woodbine st. b w Buddie Ralph, shopkeeper, Williamson st. m w s Buglass Alexander, shoemaker, 2 Church st. s Bull William, vict., Golden Anchor, 105 High st. s Bullock Edward, canvas & twine mfr., 22 Queen St.; h. 29 Dunning st.b w Bulman William, Surgeon ; h. 48 Yilliers st. b w Buhner William, vict. & tailor, Waterman's tavern. North Moor st. s 356 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Bulrner William, green grocer, 97 High st. s Burdes Edward, master mariner & ship owner, Thomas st. m w Burdes John, ship owner, Church st* m w s Burdes Thomas, master mariner, Waterloo place, m w s Burdes William, lime burner,; h. 20 North Bridge st. m w s Burden Francis, butcher, 47 High st, b w Burdon Henrietta, lodgings, 4 Lawrence st.,b w Burden James, shoemaker, 14 Lombard st. s Burgon James, vict. Highlander, Wear st. m w s Burket Edward, master mariner, 30 Lawrence st. b w Burlinson Ann, hosier and shoe dealer, 32 Coronation st. s Burlinson & Co. engine builders, &c. 4 Bedford st. b w Burlinson Frederick Thomas, engine builder, &c.; h. 6 Bedford st. b w Burlinson Jane, vict. Live & Let Live, 6 Gerald st. b w Burlinson Mrs. Mary, 28 Northumberland st. b w Burlinson William Davie, engine builder, &c.; h. 14 Frederick st. b w Burn James, master mariner, 89 Hendon road, b w Burn John, clerk, Broad st. m w Burn John, master mariner, .9 D'Arcy ter. b w Burn John, master mariner, 5 Pemberton st. b w Barn Jonathan, master mariner, 34 Woodbine st. b w Burn Richard, upholsterer, 5 Green, b w Burn Thomas, grocer and provision dealer, 284 High st. b w Burn Thomas, junr., solicitor and notary public. Homes lane, s ; h, Cumberland terrace, b w Burn William Sedley, M. D. 8 Norfolk st. b w Burn WiLiam, insurance broker, and secretary to the Equitable Marine Premium Insurance Association, Homes lane, s; h. Blue house, b w Bums James, shoe dealer, 171 New market s; h. 26 Pan lane b w Burncle John, master mariner, 1 Wear st. b w Burnett Miss Ann, Borough road, b w Burnett George, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, stationer and circula- ting library, 210 High st. b w Burnett James, hosier and glover, 118 High st. b w Burnett Whitfield, ship owner, and agent to the Chartershaugh colliery, 147 High st; h. 28 Murton st. bw Burnop John, shipsmith, chain and anchor maker. Folly end; h.50 Dundas st, m w s Burnop E. and M., milliners & dress makers, 50 Dundas st. m w s Burnside John, glass, china & earthenware dealer, 8 High st. b w Burrell Barbara, iron founder. Bridge Foundry, Sheep Fold m w s Burrell George, butcher, 9 Ayres quay road, b w Burton David, vict.. Angel Inn, 1 14 Low st. s Burton Jane, confectioner, 23 Hendon road b w Burton Richard, shoemaker, Whitburn st. m w s Burton William, vict.. Crown Inn, North quay m w s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 357 Butcherby Mr. Robert, 60 South Durham st. b w Butler Cuthbert, butcher, 13 New market ; h. Baines lane s Butterfint Mary, corn & flour dealer, 23 Coronation st. b w Button John, master mariner, 9 Wear st. b w Byers John, ship and insurance broker ; h. Bridge road, m w Byers Michael, rope manufacturer. Church st. ; h. Bridge road, m w s Byers Thomas, mast, block & pump mkr. Strand st. ; h. 9 Dundas st. m w s Byers Wm. & Brothers, ship builders. Strand st. h, 9 North Bdge. st m w s Bygate John, grocer and tea dealer, 38 High st. ; h. 4 Nicholson st. b w By water Mrs. Dorothy, 47 Nile st. b w By water Isabella, dress maker, 16 Sussex st. b w Cafferata James Lewis, surgeon dentist, 21 Bridge st. b w C affray James, master mariner, 36 Woodbine st. b w Cairn Isaac, painter, 5 York st. b w Cairncross Mrs. Mary, 32 Union st, b w Cairnes Rt. painter, and Ann, dress maker, 23 Bedford st. b w Cairnes Thomas, gardener and seedsman, 26 Hendon road, b w Cairnes William, tailor and draper, 146 Coronation st. b w Cairns Jane, shopkeeper, Ayre's quay, b w Cairns Mary and Jane, milliners, 3 South Durham st. b w Calvert G. teacher, Grange school, Stockton road, b w Calvert John and Son, stay makers, 23 High st. s Calvert Robert, ship owner, 71 Dundas st. m w s Calvert Wm. & Son, hosiers, hbrdshrs., otfittrs. & gnrl. dlrs. 36 High st. s Cameron John, baker, Topliffe st. m w s Cameron Robert, British schoolmaster ; h, 8 Pemberton st. b w Campbell Hartley, vict. Ship Isis, 14 Silksworth row, b w Campbell John, vict., Highlanders Inn, 58 High st. s Campbell John, academy, 24 Lambton st. b w Campbell Leonard, master mariner, 8 Charles st. b w Campbell Robert, running fitter, 27 Nesham square, s Campbell Thomas, vict.. Boars Head Tavern, 134 High st. s Campbell Thomas, running fitter. Fleet st. b w Campbell Thomas, juu. agent. Fleet st. b w Camsey Robert, shoemaker, Topliffe st. m w s Candelet Rev. James, (Methodist,) 49 Woodbine st. b w Candlish John, ship broker & coal mrchnt.,34 Bridge st.; h. Ayres qy. b \r Candlish Mrs. P. Ayre's Quay Villa, bw Cargill, Mounsey & Co., iron merchants, Hilton road, b w Carling William, wholesale and retail gVocer, tea dealer, and flour whrs 42 Queen street, s ; h. 3 Tavistock place, b w Carlisle Alfred, cutler and hardware dealer, Bodlewell In. s Carmichael James, master mariner, 17 Union street, b w Cams Henry, smallware dealer, 23 High street, b w Carr Elizabeth, infant school. Pan lane; h. 50 High street, b w Carr James, timber merchant, ship broker, &c. ; h, 56 Dundas st. m w s 2h2 358 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Carr James, shoe dealer, 169 New Market; h. Grey street, s Carr John C. merchant and broker; h. 6 Derwent street, b w Carr James, master mariner, North Moor street, s Carr John Henderson, baker, Mauds open, s Carr John, master mariner, 15 D'Arcj terrace, b w Carr John, excise officer, Hendon street, b w Carr Margaret, shopkeeper, 104 High street, s Carr Ralph, Esq., 17 Fawcett street, b w Carr Thomas, printer and publisher, Herald office ; h. 11 Nile st. b w Carr Thomas, master mariner, 37 Hedworth street, b \v Carr William and Co., merchants and brokers, 1 Bedford street; h. 216 High street, b w Carr William, master mariner, 12 Rope walk, s Carroll Peter, vict. Hibernia tavern, 36 Robinson's lane, s Carruthers Elizabeth, dyer, and Ann, dress maker, 24 Queen street, & Carruthers John, master mariner, 35 Barclay street, m w s Carter James, master mariner, 14 Moor street, b w Carter John Ord, vict. Butcher's Arms, 54 Coronation st. s Carter John, butcher, 54 High street; h. 13 King street, b w Carter John, master mariner, Williamson terrace, m w s Carter Robert, vict. Golden Anchor, 91 Low street, s Carter Thomas, rope maker, 21 Sans street, s Carver & Co., railway carriers, 22 Sunderland street, b w Case William, blacksmith and farrier, 7 Queen street, b w Casey Mrs, Margaret, lodgings, 2 Walton place, b w Cash Elizabeth, clothes dealer, 154 New market, s ; h. 20 Pembtn. st. b w Cassup William, shopkeeper, Church street, m w s Castles John, smith, 5 Millfield cottages, b w Catchside John, beerhouse, Ayre's quay, b w Catchasides James, grocer, tea dealer, cheese and bacon factor, general cOmsn. agent, & agent for Worsiell's vegetable pills, Wear st. m w s Catchpole William, master mariner, 28 Barclay street, m w s Catholic Church, Bridge street, b w Catholic School, back of Bridge street, b w Catt James, master mariner, 7 Church st. s Caward Nicholas, master mariner, 5 Yorke st. m w s Cemetery, New Town, Bishop Wearmoi*th Chalcroft Lennox, master mariner, 20 Woodbine st. b w Chalk William, green grocer, 126 High st. s Chambers James M., school master, 17 Murton st. b w Chambers Thomas, vict., Wear Tavern, 63 High st. s Chapel William, clerk, 22 Cumberland st. b w Chaplin Thomas, shoemaker, Tatham st. b w Chapman Braithwaite, vict.. Forge Tavern, Ayres quay, b w Chapman Abel, gentleman, 212 High st. b w Chapman & Brown, fruit and potatoe merchants, 25 Low st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 359 Chapman Elizabetli, beerhouse, Ayre's quay, b w Chapman Christian, licensed shipping master 134 Low st. j h. Wall st. s Chapman Henry, shopkeeper, 2 Silkworth row, b w Chapman Isaac, green grocer, 108 Coronation st. b w Chapman James, fruit and potatoe merchant; h. lOZion st. b w Chapman John, shopkeeper, 38 Yine st. s Chapman Johnson & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in foreign wines and spirits, 5 John st. b w Chapman Thos, Edw., tea, coffee, wine ^ spirit merchant, 11 High St.; h. Bridge st. b w Chapman William, bookseller and stationer, 65 Nile st., & school master Back Villiers st. b w Charleton J. and R., merchants, brokers & coal fitters, 2 Sunniside b w Charleton John, merchant, broker, &c.,' h, 2 Sunniside b w Charleton Richard, merchant, broker, &c.; h. 21 East Cross st. b m Charlton Andrew, master mariner, Liddell ter. m w s Charlton Edward, painter, 2 West st. b w Charlton George, groom, 35 Northumberland st. b w Charlton John, sawyer, Waterloo place m w s Charlton John Ayrey, schoolmaster, *26 Silver st, s Charlton Margaret, green grocer, 206 New market; h. Minorca, s Charlton Michael Preston, vict.. Patent Slip Inn, Strand st. m w s Charlton Robert, shoemaker, 36 Covent Garden st. s Charlton William, joiner & builder, Barclay St.; h. Rohei' m w s Chater John Hudson, painter & glaizer, 48 Sans st ; h. 15 Zion st. b w Chater Robert, tailor, Back Sunniside, b w TihaterV/illiam, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 47 Sans st. b w Chatt Leonard, master mariner, 33 South Durham st. b w Chedley George, master mariner, Hedworth st. b w Childs George, ship carpenter, 11 Yorke st. m w s Chilton Wilson, ship builder, North Southwick; h. 50 Brougham st. b w Chipchase John, saw mills. New Hopper st; h. 4 High row b w Chisholm Mrs. Mary, Ward terrace b w Chisman Martha, dress maker, 12 Charles st. b w Chisman Thomas, master mariner, 14 Vine place b w Chrishope Ann, hosier, Waterloo place m w s Christie Mrs. Jane, Church street, m w s Christie John, master mariner. 10 Moor terrace, s Christie Robert, police inspector, 147 Coronation st. b w Church, (New) Fulwell lane, m w Cibburn Thomas, master mariner, Wear street, b w Clanny W. Reid, M. D. 1 Bridge street, b w Claporth Henry, master mariner, 85 Hendon road, b w Clare William, master mariner, 1 1 Albert street, b w Clark Ann, shopkeeper, 92 Hendon road, b w Clark Charles, baker, 1 1 William street, b w 360 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Clark George engineer, &c.; h. 8 Derwent street, b w Clark David, draper, 151 High street, s Clark George, vict. Ship, Portobello lane, m w Clark Isabella, shopkeeper, 18 Farrington row, b w Clark Henry, master mariner, 20 Sussex street, b w Clark John, vict. Brandling Hotel, Broad St. m w Clark Mary, tanner, 7 High row, b w Clark Mary, outfitter and hosier, 176 High street, s Clark Ralph, joiner and builder, 7 Howick street, b w Clark Thomas Harrison, shopman, Back Norfolk street, b w Clark Mr. William, 24 King street, b w Clark William, blacksmith and chain maker, 19 Golden alley, s Clark William, master mariner, 13 Lawrence street, b w Clark William, baker aud flour dealer. Stamp's lane, s Clark William, schoolmaster, Whitburn st. m w s Clark Rev. Geo. (methodist) 4 Howick street, b w Clarke Duncan, joiner, Sunniside, b w Clarke Isaac, shopkeeper, 153 High street, s Clarke Margaret, shopkeeper, 32 Bains lane, s Clarke Mary, vict. Fox & Goose Inn, 171 High street, s Clarke Thomas, grocer and baker, 73 High street, s Clarke William, vict, and brewer, Red Lion Inn, 44 High st. s Clarkson George, accountant, 23 Lawrence street, bw Clarkson John, baker and grocer. Wear street, m w s Clay John, iron & copper merchant; h. 62 John street, b w Clayton Robert, old bookseller, 189 New market; h. Church street, s Clement John, baker, 90 High street, b w Cliburn Richard, joiner & cabinet maker, Sunderland street, b w Cliburn & Suddick, joiners and cabinet, makers, Sunderland st. b w Coales James, tailor, 27 Lawrence st, b w Coates Matthew, upholsterer & paper hanger, Borough rd., b w Coates Richard, shoemaker & shopkeeper. Prospect row, s Coates Robert, confectioner, 106 Low st. s Coates Thomas, wine & spirit merchant, 14 Bridge st. & sec. to Bp. Wear^ mouth Water Compy.; h. Tatham st. b w Coatsworth George, master mariner. Railway st. b w Cochran Elizabeth^ confectioner, 83 Moor st. b w Cockburn Ann, hatter & furrier, 35 High st. ; h. 1 Lombard st. s Cockburn Joseph, butcher, 54 New Market; h. Railway st. s Cockburn Thomas, tailor, 38 Northumberland st. b w Cockerill Anthony, boot & shoe maker, 77 High st. s Cockerill John, boot & shoe maker, 5 John st. s Cockerill William Madgshon, ship owner, 3 Olive st. b w Cockfield Edward, gardener, 25 Walworth st.b w Codling Elisha, marine store dealer, North quay ; h. Hedworth st, m w » SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 361 Cogdon John, plumber, gas fitter, tin plate & zinc worker, brazier, &c. 27 East Cross st. ; h. 17 Sunderland st. b w Cogdon Mr. William, 44 Spring Garden lane, s Cole Samuel, master mariner, 14 Cousin st. b w Cole Thomas, tailor, 15 Burleigh st. s Cole William, mariner, 31 Sans st. b w Coligan John, linen & feather dealer, 25 Bridge st. b w Colledge Mr. Thomas, 6 Olive st. b w Colledge Thomas, master mariner, 33 Barclay st. m w s Collin John, hair dresser. Wear st. ra w s Collin Miss Margaret, 2 Frederick st. b w Colling Robert, accountant & house agent, 4 Vine pl.,b w Collingshead George, master mariner, 15 Bedford st. b w Collingwood J. Wilkie, surgeon, shipowner, & coal fitter, 31 Fawcett st. b w Collingwood J. boot & shoemaker, 81 Crpwlree rd. b w Collingwood Robert G. A., M. D., 14 Derwent st. b w Collingwood Capt. William Dixon, 63 Talhani st. b w Collinson Mrs. Ann, 5 West Wear st. b w Collins Thomas, master mariner, 23 Brougham st. b w Coltman Matthew, carriers agent, 22 Sunderland st. b w Colvin Benjamin, shoemaker, 56 Nile st. b w Comins Thomas, bookbinder, 5 Zion st. b w Cook A. & G. raliliners and dress makers, 61 South Durham st. b w Cook Darid, joiner & cabinet maker, Whitburn st. raws Cook George, ship owner, 7 Sunniside, b w Cook Isaac, painter & glazier, 14 Crowtree road, b w Cook John, grocer & provision dealer, Whitburn st. m w s Cook John, master mariner, 57 Wear st. b w Cook John, schoolmaster, 55 Burleigh st. s Cook Joseph, coal dealer. Low st. s h 23 Woodbine st. b w Cook Margaret, potatoe dealer, 3 Russell st. s Cook Mrs. Mary, Whitburn st. m w s Cook Thomas, black & whitesmith, bellhanger and inspector of weights and measures, 39 Flag lane, s h South Durham st. b w Cook Thomas, vict. Royal Arcade, 22 Lombard st. s Cook Thomas, trnsltr. & marine store dlr.32 Low st. ; h. 22 Lombard st s Cooke Thomas, bricklayer & builder, 76 Dundas st. m w s Cooke Matthew, ship rigger, 44 Castle street, b w Cooke W^illiam, ship owner, 14 D'Arcy terrace, b w Cooper Alexander, vict., Commercial Tavern, 83 Low st. s Cooper Mrs. Dorolh}^, 4 Olive st. b w Cooper Mrs. Dorothy, 45 Nile st, b w Cooper George, tailor. Railway st. b w Cooper George Henry, working jeweller, Nesham place, s Cooper John Martin, solicitor, clerk to the board of highways, and agent for the Mariners Life Insurance Office, 207; h. 213 High st. b w 362 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Cooper John, running fitter, 17 Groy st. s Cooper John Ibbetson, ship owner, Middle Hendon, b w Cooper Rd., and Fras. Spink, ironmongers, tinners, braziers, coppersmiths, and patent ventilator mnfctrs., 194 High St.; h. 59 Tatham st. b w Cooper William, master mariner, 18 Yorke st. m w s Cooper William Thomas, butcher, 66 Nile st. ; h. W^hite house, b w Copeland Elizabeth, shoemaker, 67 Moor st. b w Copland James, clothes dlr., 156 New market ', h. 4 Union lane, s Copper William, mariner, 45 Coronation st. s Cormack Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Sans st. upper, b w Cormack Josiah, ship broker, George st. s ; h. 13 Sans st. upper b w Corner James, master mariner, 40 Dundas st. m w s Corner Watson, jnr. & cabinet mkr.. Ropery Ine. ; h. 21 Nthmbrlnd.pl. s Corney Matthew, master mariner, Deptfordj'oad, b w Cornforth Mr. William, 16 Derwent st. b w Cornforth William, brzr. & tin plte. wrkr., 28 Low st. s h 9 Edward st b w Cornish Eleanor, shopkeeper, 40 Hopper st. b w Cornish John, shoemaker, 4 Baines lane, s Cotton Elmer, master mariner, 6 Wear st. b w Coudon Ralph, vict. General Wolfe, 165 High st. s Coulson Nicholas, shoemaker. North quay, m w s Coulthard Joseph, clerk, 18 Pan lane, b w Coundon Thomas, talk r, Hendon road, b w Courtney T. teacher. Grange school, Stockton road,b w Cowan Andrew, bird and animal preserver, 7 Moor terrace, s Cowan Benjamin, travelling draper, 79 Wear street, b w Cowan Francis, beer house, 31 Trimdon street, b w Cowan John, reporter for the Sunderland Times, D'Aicy ter, b w Cowans Francis, beer house, Trimdon street, b w Cowans John W., shoemaker, Fisherman's row, s Cowel William, gardener, 45 Hendon road, b w Cowell William, vict. Glass House Tavern, Ayre's quay, b w Cowling George, farmer, Thomas street, m w Cox John, grocer and surveyor, 308 High street, b w Coxon Hannah, ladies school, 51 South Durham street b w Coxon John, master mariner, 36 South Durham st. b w Coxon John, confectioner, and beer house, 10 Charles street, b w Coxon Michael, secretary to Sunderland Dock Company, 12Sunniside; h. 44 Frederick street, b w Coxon William, secretary to the North Durham reform registration so- ciety, 193 High street; h. 47 Tatham street, b w Coxon William, shopkeeper. North quay, m w s Coxon William, tripe dresser, Anderson's stairs, s Craggs George, vict. Crown & Sceptre, Maud's lane, s Craggs Matthew, master mariner, 41 Union street, b w Craggs Robert, vict. Fox & Hounds, 99 High street, s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 363 Craig William, shopkeeper, 81 Crowtree road, b w Craig Williaai, master niariuer, 16 Lawrence street, b w Craigg Charlton, master mariner, 44 South Durham st. b w Crake Michael, vict. Robin Hood, Wear street, m w s Cranmer William, master mariner, 4 Northumberland street, b w Cranston Hudson, confectioner, 181 High st. s Cranston William, confectioner, 173, High st. s Crass Richard, master mariner, 1 Howick st. b w Crawford John, cabinet maker and furniture broker, 18 Grey st, s Crawford John, clerk, 1 1 Yorke st. m w s Crawford John Johnstone, attorney's clerk, 6 Derwent st. b w Crawford Margaret, shopkeeper, 120 Coronation st. b w Crawford Robert, sail maimer, Holmes's wharf, 27 Low st. s Crawford William, sail maker, Hendon st. b w Crawford Mrs. W. A., 66 Tatham st. b w Crellen John, carrier, 19 King st. b w Crick Ann, pawnbroker, 7 East Woodbine st. b w Crick John, master mariner, 7 East Woodbine st. b w Crinson Eleanor, vict.. Railway Tavern, Broad st. m w Crisp Elizabeth, corn miller, Hilton road, b w Crisp Robert, batcher, 24 Silksworth row, b w Croft Robert Drydcn, master mariner, 5 Woodbine st. b w Cronforth Margaret, hosier, 156 High st. s Cropton & Crosier, linen & woollen drapers, carpet whs., &c. 25 High st s Cropton Mrs. Dorothy, 1 Derwent st. b w Cropton John, draper, &.c. ; h. 25 High st. s Cropton John, ship owner, C6 Eawcett st. b w Crosby George, shopkeeper, 5 George st. s Crosby James, ship & insurance broker, ship owner, agent for Lloyds, and to the Guardian Fire & Life Office, 6 Nile st. b w Crosby James & Co., grocers, tallow chandlers, &c., UOLowst. s; h. 4 Cousin St. b w Crosby John, clerk, 13 Church st. s Crosby Ralph, master mariner, 45 Barclay st. m w s Crosby Stephen, vict., Steam Ship, 166 High st. s Crosby William, ship owner, 5 Nile st. b w Crosier William, draper, &c. ; h. 25 High st. s Crosley James, book agent. West Wear st. b w Croudace John, agent, 2 Norfolk st. b w Crow Robert, upholsterer, cabinet maker, auctioneer, estate, land and house agent, 123 High st. b w Crowe John, vict., Wheat Sheaf Inn, Thomas st. ra w Crowe John, whitesmith & bellhanger, Russell st. s ; h. 36 Villiers st. b w Crowe John, master mariner, D'Arcy ter. b w Crowe Joseph, ship & whitesmith, Dean's yard, 5c hardware dealer, 133 New market; h, 36 Queen st s ^ 364 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Crown Luke, ship inspector, Hallgarth square, m w s Crowther George, butcher, 25 New market, s; h. 12 Bedford street, b w Crozier John, ship owner, 26 Derwent street, b w Crozier John, ship owner, 20 Olive street, b w Crozier Thomas, ship owner, 2 Dundas street, raws Cummings William, whol. & retail tea and coffee dealer, 4 Nile st. b w Cuitt Henry, clerk coal, night office, 20 Queen street, b w Cuitt William Henry, chemist and druggist, 7 J High street, s CuUen Ann, boot and shoe maker, 114 High street, b w CuUiford Joseph, block, mast, and pump maker, and ship owner, Thorn- hill's wharf, s ; h. 6 JMurton street, b w Cummings Mark, joiner, 18 Crowtree road, b w Cummings Thomas, vict. Caladonion tavern, 18 Low st. s Cummings W^illiam, wholesale & retail tea & coffee dealer, 4 Nile st. b w Cummins Ralph, hair dresser, 1 1 Matlock street, b w Cummins Robert, boot & shoemaker, 6 Matlock street, b w Cunningham & Hetherington, timber merchants and boat builders, 25 Lambton street, b w Cunningham Robert Fulker, timber merchant, &c. ; h. 29 New Grey st. s Curry Anne, vict. Queen hotel, 14 Hendon road, b w Curry Margaret, vict. Shakespear tavern, 1 Spring garden lane, s Curry Richard, master mariner, 27 Barclay street, m w s Curry Thomas, vict. Scotch arms. Church street, m w s Curry W^illiam, shoemaker, Maud's lane, s Curry W^ilKara, butcher. New market, s ; h. 31 Tatham street, b w Curths J. v., ship broker, & commission agent, and agent to the medical invalid and general life assurance society, and to the Hamburgh cabinet maker's society; teacher & interptr. of the German, French, Danish, Dutch, and Spanish languages, 127 High street, b w Curtis Jane, school mistress, 12 Sans street Upper, b w Curtis Richard, mariner, 7 Sunderland street, b w Curtis Thomas Smith, 38 Castle street, b w Curtis William, master mariner, back of East Cross street, b w Cuthbert Elizabeth, day school, Hedworth street, b w Cuthberston John, master mariner, 23 Yorke street, m w s Cutty John, master mariner, 22 Vine street, s Daglish Anthony, brewer's agent, 1 12 High street, s Dale George, master mariner, 24 South Durham st. b w Dale John, tin-plate worker, 2 Burleigh st. s Dale Peter, auctioneer & appraiser, Villiers st. b w Dale Thomas, linen & woollen draper,; h. 184 High st. b w Dalilee John, tailor & draper, 13 Green st. b w Dalziel Alexander, dyer, 66 High st. b w Dalziel John, green grocer, 51 High st. b w Dannatt James, plumber, brass founder, coppersmith, gas and general outfitter and tinners stores, 1 Norfolk st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 365 Davnton William, master mariner, 22 King st. b w Danson Ralph, grocer and tallow chandler, 14 High st. s Davidson Francis, vict., Cottage Tavern, Hendon road, b w Davidson Henry, painter and glazier, 138 Coronation st. b w Davidson Margaret, straw hat maker, 40 Charles st. b w Davidson Mary, grocer, 144 Coronation st. b w Davidson Robert, solicitor and public notary, 4 Villiers st. b w Davidson William, baker and flour dealer, 34 Union lane, s Davie George Thomas, master mariner, 31 South Durham st. b w Davie & Thompson, baby linen warhse. & hbrdahrs., 65 Villiers st. b w Davies William, grocer and tea dealer, 115 High st. b w Davies John, hair dresser, and Mary, milliner, 97 High st. ; h. 47 Brougham st. b w Davison Miss Ann, 60 Fawcett st. b w Davison Andrew, gardener and seedsman, 37 High st. b w Davison Charles, beerhouse, 39 Johnson st. b w Davison Cuthbert, upholsterer, 218 High st. b w Davison David, tallow chandler and commission agent. Stamp's lane, si h. Lawrence st. b w Davison Mrs. Ellen, 5 High row, b w Davison Francis, shopkeeper, Williamson st. m w s Davison Francis Woodness, master mariner, 37 Villiers st. b w Davison George, vict.. Saddle Inn, 17 High st. s Davison George, cowkeeper, 12 Southgate, b w Davison James, master mariner. Moor ter. s Davison James, mariner, 33 Northumberland st. b w Davison John, coach proprietor, Hedworth st. b w Davison John L., grocer and baker, 2 Matlock st. b w Davison John, shoemaker, 37 Grey st. s Davison Johnson, vict.. Board, Wear st. m w s Davison Margaret, dress and straw hat maker, 324 High st. b w Davison Mary Ann, milliner and straw hat manufacturer, 218 High st. corner of John st. b w Davison Mrs. Rachael, 5 Norfolk st. b w Davison Richard, master mariner, 9 Barclay st. m w s Davison Robert, master mariner, 4 Wear St. b w Davison Thomas, vict., Northumberland Arms, 34 High St. s Davison Thomas, insurance agent, 4 Sunderland st, b w Davison William master mariner, East st. b w Davison William, clothes dlr., 143 New Market ; h. 33 Golden Alley, s. Davison William, shopkeeper. Wear st. m w s Davison Mr. William, 22 East Cross st. b w Davison William Hope, letter carrier. Back Nile st. b w Dawsey George, hair dresser. Grey's buildings, b w Dawson Joseph, shoemaker, 52 Sans st. b w Dawson Mary, baker, 63 Moor st. b w 2i 366 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Dawson Thomas, bacon dealer, 37 New Market; h. 13 Vine st. s Dawson William, ship owner, 9 Sans st. upper, b w Dawson William, tailor and draper, 30 Sans st. b w Day James, sculptor, 38 Queen st. b w Dean William, joiner. Church st. s; h. 6 Hendon road, b w Deans Charles Ranson, shoemaker, South Durham st. b w Defty Robert, vict, Robin Hood, 122 High st. s De Lacy Charles, bookbinder, stationer, paper ruler and account book maker, 12 Sans st. s Denniston John, merchant, coal fitter, ship broker and owner, 53 Sans st; h. 48 Frederick st. b w Denniston John, rope maker ; h. 47 Woodbine st. b w Denniston & Son, rope makers, Hendon road, b w Denniston William, rope manufacturer ; h. Hendon st. b w Dent James, sawyer, 28 Cumberland st. b w Denton John, vict. J 91 High st. and brewer Walton lane, s Denton Thomas, tailor, 10 South Durham st. b w Denton William, timber merchant, Sussex st. b w Denton William, ship owner, 54 Lawrence st b w Detchon Thomas, tailor, 4 Zion st. b w Dewar Jane Elizabeth, ladies' boarding school, 26 Green st. b w Dickeson Richard, butcher, 31 Sans st. b w Dickinson John, butcher, Union place, m w s Dickinson John, cornfactor, 60 John st. b w Dickinson Thomas, old book-seller, 53 Coronation st. s Dickinson Thomas, schoolmaster, 23 Baines lane, s Dickman & son, mthmtcl. & nautical instrument mkrs.. North qy. m w s Diggins John, master mariner, 4 Yorke st. m w s Dinning Thomas, vict.. Commercial Tavern, Folly end,m w s Diston William, boot & shoe maker, 96 High st, b w ; h. Coronation st s Ditchburn Joseph Nightingale, beerhouse, 3 Bedford st. b w Ditchburn Richd. Nightingale, vict., Dog & Pheasant, 13 Crnatn. st. b w Dixon Charles, master mariner, 11 Grey st. b w Dixon David Waters, master mariner, 8 Lambton st. b w Dixon Dorothy, shopkeeper, 27 Queen st. s Dixon and Fall a, slaters and brick makers, 18 Cumberland st. b w Dixon Elizabeth, day school, 2 East Woodbine st. b w Dixon Grace, lodgings, Thomas st. m w Dixon Henry John, bookseller, bookbinder, stationer, printer, and agent to the Royal Exchange Fire and Life Insurance Company, 217 High St.; h. 21 Murton st. b w Dixon Henry, ship owner and merchant; h. Field House, b w Dixon Hugh, ship owner and secretary to the Albion Cargo and Freight Insurance Association, Field House, b w Dixon John, chemist, druggist, and agent to the Dissenters Fire and Life Insurance Company, 37 High st. s; h. 6 Frederick st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 367 Dixcn John, master mariner, 64 Northumberland st. b w Dixon Margaret, marine store dealer, 2 Silver st. s Dixon Mrs. Mary, 61 Tatham st. b w Dixon, Philips & Co., earthenware manufacturers, Sunderland Pottery, foot of High st, s Dixon Ralph, ostler, Little Villiers st. b w Dixon Robert, earthenware manufacturer ; h. 35 Nile st. b w Dixon Robert, surgeon, 10 Nicholson st. b w Dixon Robert, master mariner, 44 Nile st. b w Dixon Susannah, butcher. Church st. m w s Dixon Thomas, earthenware mfr. and ship owner ; h. 9 Norfolk st. b w Dixon Thomas, cork cutter, 57 Nile st. b w Dixon Thomas, river policeman, 28 Walworth st. b w Dixon Tobiets, joiner and cabinet maker, 140 High st. b w Dixon William, druggist and grocer ; h. 41 Woodbine st. b w Dixon William, surgeon, 68 John st. b w Dixon William Henry, vict., Noah's Ark, 13 Maling's rig, s Dobbin John, canvas weaver. Borough road, b w Dobbin John, junr., sail cloth mfr.. Prospect row; h. 22 Vine st. s Dobbin & Co., hat manufacturers and furriers, 169 & 170 High st. s Dobbin Robert, hatter, 13 Grey st. s Dobbing Thomas, shoemaker, 2 Cross place, s Dobinson William, chemist and druggist, 239 High st. b w Dobson Edward, ship owner, Hcndon street, b w Dobson Edward, shipwright, 19 Church street, s Dobson George, butcher, 232 High street ; h. Union street, b w Dobson John, pawnbroker and shopkeeper, Thomas street, m w Dobson Joseph, vict. Hetton colliery, Pier quay, s Dobson Mrs. 124 High street, b w Dobson Mrs. Mary, 31 Brougham st. b w Dobson Richard, master mariner, 13 Zion street, b w Dobson Robert, basket maker, 31 Church street, s Dobson Robert, basket maker, 5 New market, s ; h. back of Sussex st b w Dock office. North shore, m w s Robt. Ayre, mstr., & Benj. Rickaby, clrk Dodd Benjamin, ship owner, 16 D'Arcy terrace, b w Dodd Joseph Hunter, master mariner, 30 Hendon In. b w Dodd Parkin, ship rigger, 26 Northumberland street, b w Dodd Thomas, beerhouse, Ayre*s quay, b w Dodd William, shoemaker, 7 Albert street, b w Dodds Adam, tailor, 318 High street, b w Dodds John, block and mast maker, 3 West Wear street, b w Dodds John, watch & nautical instrument maker, 4 Bodlewell hi. s Dodds Joseph, vict. Victoria Inn, Broad street, m w Dodds Peter Dixon, master mariner, 39 Wear street, b w Dodds Thomas, grocer. Wear street, m w s Dodds Thomas, vict. Hope Tavern, 11 Church street, s 368 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Dodds William, mariner, 21 Bedford street, b w Dodds William, rag and bone dealer, 132 High street, s Dodshon Edw., wholesale chemist and druggist, soda water, &c. mfr., 33 Bridge street, b w Dodsworth Elizabeth, vict. Union Tavern, Vine street, s Dodsworth Henry, beerhouse and grocer, 70 Moor street, b w Dodsworth John, grocer and beerhouse, 51 Woodbine street, b w Donaldson Mrs. Ann, back Nile street, b w Donaldson Mrs. Jane, 2 Derwent street, b w Donaldson Joseph, ship chandler, and ship owner, 26 Low street, s; h. 7 D^Arcy terrace, b w Donaldson Thos,, hair dresser, 1 10 Low st., s; h. South Durham, st. b w Donkin Charles, running fitter. Woodbine terrace, b w Donkin James, vict. Bridge Hotel, and posting house, 124 High street, and 24 Sunderland street, b w Donkin William, commercial traveller. Vine lodge, b w Donnison School, Church walk, s; Elizabeth Purvis, mistress Dormand George, butcher, &c. ; h. 16 Edward street, s Doxford Joseph, timber merchant, 41 Walworth st; h. 8 Bedford st. b w. Doublfiday Mrs. school, ]3 South Durham st. b w Doughty William, master mariner, 10 Pemberton street, b w Douglas Christopher, schoolmaster, Dundas st. ; h. 29 Barclay st. m w s Douglas James, baker, Spencer's lane, s Douglas John, merchant, &c.; h. 38 Union street, b w Douglas John, ironfounder, &c. ; h. Ayre's quay, b w Douglas Mark, grocer & tea dealer, 33 High street, s ; h. 34 Zion st. b w Douglas Robert, dogger, 74 New market, s Douglass George, marine store dealer. North quay, m w s Douglass James, master mariner, ct, 199 High st. s Douglass James, vict,. King William IV., 17 Queen st. s Douglass John, merchant, 38 Union st. b w Douglass Martin, rope manfctr., Hendon, and colliery agent, 12 Tavis. tock place, b w Douglass Paulson, master mariner, East Woodbine st. b w Douglass Capt. Samuel, 62 Brougham st. b w Douglass Thomas, ship owner, 33 Villiers st. b w Douglass William, joiner, 4 Brougham st. b w Douthwaite Jas., butcher, 31 High st. & 7 New Market, h. 38 Grey st. s Dove James, leather seller, 2 Queen st. s Dove William, vict.. Bush Tavern, 27 Burleigh st. s Dowell George, master mariner. Fore st, b w Dowell James, joiner and cabinet maker, 46 George st. s Dowell Michael, master mariner, 68 Moor st. b w Downey James, vict., Phoenix Tavern, 26 Lombard st. s Downey Mrs., 25 Crowtree road, b w Doxford John, grocer, tea-dealer, and wine merchant, 98 High st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 369 Doxford William, ship builder ; h. 14 Howick st. b w Doxford Wm. ship owner, and timber mercht, 21 North Bridge st. m w s Drummond William, shopkeeper, Hendon st. b w Drury & Son, hosiers, general outfitters, haberdashers, and dealers in worsted, wholesale and retail, 159 High st. b w Drury William, hosier, outfitter, haberdasher, &c., h. 159 High st. b w Dryden Edward, pipe maker, 141 Low st. s Dryden John, tobacco pipe maker, Williamson st. m w s Drydon Morpeth, shipsraith ; h. 22 Crowtree road, b w Drydon & Scott, shipsmiths, 75 Low st. s Drysdale George, cooper, ct. 33 Low st. s. ; h. 8 Sussex st. b w Drysdale Wm., joiner, builder, architect, and surveyor, 8 Sussex st. b w Duffield Silvester, saddler. Shields road, m w Dnncan John, master mariner, 50 Barclay st. m w s Dunn Miss Dorothy, Low row, b w Dunn Jas., auctioneer, genl. coms, agent, & correspondent to the shipping Gazette, 10 Low quay, and Licensed Shipping master, 121 Lowst. s Dunn John, joiner, 9 West Wear st. b w Dunn John, grcr. & corn miller, 21 Silksworth row; h.31 Chesterrd. b w Dunn Jonathan, registrar of births & deaths, clerk, St. Thomas Church, and coir, of highway rates & asses taxes, 14 East cross st. b w Dunn Thomas, master mariner, 10 Hedworth st. b w Dunn William, butcher, 6 Sans st. ; h. 41 Robinson lane, s Dunn Pearson, master manner, 37 Northumberland st. b w Duxfield Joseph, mllwrght. & blksmth., 10 Cmbrlnd. st. ; h. 19 King st b w Dykes Mrs. Easter, 101 High st. s Dymond Thomas, master mariner, 2 Coronation st. b w Eagle Ann, furniture broker, Minorca, s Earle Alex S., cabinet mkr. & furniture broker, 128 Coronation st. b w Earl William, pot maker, 16 Sunderland st. b w Earle William, agent, 13 Lambton st. b w Eastham Thomas, and Smith Page, sextons, 60 Coronation st. s Easton David, master mariner, Whitburn st. m w s Easton Isabella, 6 West Wear st. b w Easton James, blcksmth. & edgtl. mkr., Ayre'squay ; h. 11 Huvr. pi. bw Ebdell Mrs. Mary Ann, 16 Barclay st. m w s Edmundson George, boot & shoemaker, Liddell terrace, m w s Edraundson William, joiner, cabinet maker and turner, Liddell ter.m w s Edney William Henry, parochial school. Vine st. s h Hendon st. b w Eggers John, joiner & cabinet maker, 28 Brougham st. b w Eggleston Henry, solicitor and ship owner, 31 Barclay st,ni w s Eggleston John, master mariner, '^0 Church st. s Eggleston John, linen and woollen draper. Church st. m ws Eillie Robert, master mariner, 2 D'Arcy terrace, b w Ellenger George, letter carrier, 20 Lawrence st. b w Ellenger Patterson, trunk mkr., & Grmn. clock dealer, 24 Bridge sU b w 2i2 370 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Ellenor William, master mariner, 24 Barclay st. ra w s Elley George, block mast & pump maker, Low quay, s h Wear st. b w Elly Joseph, whitesmith, 27 Coronation st. b w Ellidge John, watch maker, jeweller, &c. 196 High st. b w Elliot John, overman, Monkwearmouth Colliery, Southwick In. m w Elliot Thomas, merchant, coal fitter, broker & ship owner, 51 Sans st -, h. 9 Frederick st. b w Elliot Thos., merchant & ship owner, 2 Norfolk st. b w; h. Penshaw, b w Elliott Anthony, gardener, 32 Tatham st. b w Elliott Anthony, vict., Tynemouth Castle, East st. s Elliott Christopher, whitesmith and bell hanger, 28 East Cross st; h. 7 Nile St. b w Elliott George, painter and glazier, 21 Brougham st. b w Elliott James, master mariner, 28 Nile st. b w Elliott John, vict., Railway Tavern, Moorgate st. s Elliott Pattison, vict.. Gardeners Tavern, 22, and agent to the Marquis of Londonderry, Exchange buildings, High st. s Elliott Thomas R., hat & cap manufacturer, 19 High st. sj h. 65 South Durham street, b w Elsdon Henry, grocer and flour dealer. Wear street, m w s Elstob Jane, confectioner, 9 High street, b w Elstob Thomas, master mariner, 13 Sunderland street, b w Elstob William Hodgson, ship owner, 13 Sunderland street, b w Elteringham Stephen, grocer and ship owner, Broad street, m w Elwin Robert, Esq., collector of excise, 40 Frederick st. b w Embleton Cuthbert Collingwood, surgeon, 10 Church street, s Embleton Hannah, dress and straw hat maker, 5 Crowtree road, b w Embleton Isaac, master mariner, 50 Barclay street, m w s Embleton John, master mariner, 11 East Cross street, b w Embleton Robert Bakiston, surgeon, 24 Lawrence street, b w Embleton William, master mariner, 3 D'Arcy terrace, b w Embleton William, master mariner, 33 Zion street, b w Eramerson Elizabeth, vict.. Bull & Dog, 42 High st. s Eramerson George, hair dresser, 69 Coronation st. b w Emmerson John, mariner, 38 Dunning st. b w Emmerson Robert, vict.. Oak Tree, 31 Bishop Wearmouth pans English Joseph, clothes cleaner, 44 Union st. b w Episcopal Chapel of ease. Spring Garden lane s Errington John, translator, 94 Low st. s Errington Richard, brass founder. West Wear st, b w Errington Soloman, tailor, 47 Middle st. b w Errington Thomas, brass founder. West Wear st. b w Erskin Ann, shopkeeper, 25 Burleigh st. s Espling John, master mariner, 11 Waterloo st. m w s Ettrick Mr. Walter, Union place, m w Euens John, master mariner, George st. m w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 371 Evans Mary, beerhouse, Back Zion st. b w Evans Richard, tailor, 53 Barclay st. m w s Evans John, surgeon, 20 Nicholson st. b w Evans Samuel, sail cloth manufacturer, sail maker and ship owner, Wear st. ; h. 68 Dundas st. m w s Evans Thomas, butcher, North quay m w s Eves Charles, shoemaker, 18 Harley st. b w Everatt Robert, master mariner, East Woodbine st. b w Ewart John, auctioneer, commision agent, &c. ; h. Williamson ter, m w s Ewart John, grocer and baker, 66 High st. s Ewart John, gardener, 198 New market s ; h. Hendon lane b w Ewart & Routledge, auctioneers, appraisers & general commission agents, Williamson ter. m w s Exchange News Room, 197 High st. s Excise Office, 9 Villiers st. b w, Robert Elwin Esq., collector Eyre George, master mariner, 47 South Durham st. b w Fair Robert, gardener and shopkeeper, Borough road b w Fairbairn Alexander, shopkeeper & beer retailer, 26 High st. b w Fairbairn Barbara, marine store dealer, Moss lane ; h. 24 Lombard st. s Fairbridge Mrs. Eleanor, II Walton place, b w Fairbridge Mrs. Elizabeth, South Durham st. b w Fairbridge Thomas, tailor, Custom house entrance s Fairclough Robert, stone mason, and builder, 17 Bedford st. b w Fairlamb George, tallow chandler, butcher, and tripe dresser, 2 Grey st. s Fairlamb Rt. & Geo., hat manufacturers & furriers, Bodlewell In. s j h. 58 Frederick st. b w Fairless Capt, John R. N., 25 Derwent street, b w Fairley Barker, ship owner, 158 High street, b w Fairley John Clark, master mariner, 28 Olive street, b w Fairley Robert, chemist & druggist, 158 High street, b w Fairman Charles, wine and spirit merchant ; h. 24 High street, s Fallder John, vict. and marine store dealer, Neptune Tavern, 39 Low st. s Falla Thomas, slater and brick maker; h. 60 Northumberland st. b w Farrar John Hudson, chemist, druggist & grocer; h. 61 John street, b w Farrow Henr}^, block, mast and pump maker, 70 Low street, s ; h. 28 Woodbine terrace, b w Farrow John Hudson, chemist and druggist ; h. 61 John street, b w Farrow William, master mariner and ship owner, Hendon street, b w Farrow William, gardener, Tunstall lane, b w Fawcett Elizabeth, dress maker, 48 Brougham st. b w Fawcett John, bailiff, 5 Grey street, s Fawcett Thomas, surveyor of stamps and taxes, for Chester and Easing- ton wards, (Durham,) 34 Villiers street, b w Feetham Matthew, vict. Mechanic's Lodge, 4 Silver street, s Fell Chas. Richd. solicitor and clerk to South Shields turnpike road, 66 Frederick street, b w 372 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Fells Joseph, vict. Queen's head, and organ huilder, 22 Johnson St. b w Fenwick Mrs. Ann, Hall, Borough road, b w Fenwick Christopher, bacon dir., 209 New market ; h. 7 Wood st. s Fenwick John, master mariner, 18 Brougham street, b w Fenwick John, butcher. Wear street ; h. Williamson street, m w s Fenwick John, master mariner, 49 Lawrence street, b w Fenwick Robert, senr. & junr., glass bottle manufacturers, Bishop Wear- mouth Pans; h. Green, b w Fenwick Robert, cabinet maker, 69 High street b w Fenwick Robert, master mariner, 46 Northumberland street, b w Fenwick Robert, vict. Grey Linnet, Farringdon row, b w Fenwick Mr. William, 9 Nicholson street, b w Ferguson John Lament, vict. Mountain Daisy, Hilton road, b w Ferguson Charles, surgeon, 4 Sunniside, b w Ferguson Henry, ship owner, 3 Foyle street, b w Ferguson John, shoemaker, 35 Silver street, s Ferguson John, foreman, North street, s Ferguson William Bramwell, surgeon, Whitburn st. m w s Fergusson John, old bookseller, 9 Queen street, s Ferrand Edward, tobacconist, 33 High street, s Field James, master mariner, 47 Dundas street, m w s Finch Joseph, master mariner, 7 Grey street, s Finkle John, tailor, 51 Nile street, b w Finkle Robert, tailor. Moor street, b w Finlay Henry Haliiday, painter, glazier, & paper hanger, 16 Nile st. b w Finlay M. & J. milliners, 11 Wear street, b w Finlason William, tailor 291 High street, b w Fiolay George, tailor, 5 Cumberland street, b w Finlyson Mary, dressmaker, 22 Sans street Upper, b w Fishbourne Anthony, cutler and grinder, 23 Green terrace, b w Fisher Rev. John, (Presbyterian,) 15 Barclay street, m w s Fisher John, ship owner, 1 York street, b w Fisher John, upholsterer, 15 Dundas street, m w s Fitzgerald William Robert, bank clerk, 43 Lawrence st. b w Flanagan Michael, vict. & ship owner, Waterloo house, 8 Warren st. s Flatt William, master mariner, 5 Sussex street, b w Fleming Daniel, master mariner, 29 Woodbine street, b w Fleming John, grocer and baker, 6 Eastcross street, b w Fleming John, master mariner, 36 Grey street, s Fleming Joseph, master mariner, 27 Grey street, s Fleming Robert, hair dresser, 30 High street; h. Pallister's yard, b w Fleming Robert, fruiterer and potatoe dealer. Wear street, m w s Fleming William, baker. Wear street, m w s Fletcher Jane, beer seller, 83 Hendon road, b w Fletcher Robert, tailor, 21 Grey street, s Fletcher Thomas, paper manufacturer; h. 13 John street, b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 373 Fletcher Thomas, ship owner, 189 High street, h w Fletcher William, green grocer, Moss lane, s Flintoff Thomas, currier and leather cutter, 175 High si. s Flower Matthew, auctioneer & appraiser, 65 High st. b w Floyd Ralph, earthenware manufacturer; h. 60 South Durham st. b w Forbes John, master mariner, 25 Barclay st. m w s Forbes Robert, master mariner, 30 Northumberland, st. b w Fordice James, master mariner, 7 Dock st. m w s Foreman Ann, lodgings, 19 Church st. s Foreman Henry, joiner & cabinet maker, Sussex st. ; h. 27 Sans st. b w Forester John Edmund, cooper. North quay; h. Whitburn st. m w s Forster Mrs. Ann, 30 Cousin st. b w Forster Christopher, master mariner, 27 Olive st. b w Forster & Dixon, chemists, druggists, & grocers, 163 High st. s Forster Eleanor, vict., Crown Inn, 257 High st. b w Forster Mr. John, Broad st. m w Forster John, druggistand grocer; h 12 Nicholson st. b w Forster Mark, ble cher and canvas dealer, 22 Queen st. b w Forster Thomas, brewer, 37 Sans st. b w Forster Thomas, beerhouse, 23 Low row, b w Forster Thomas, corn merchant & ship owner, 50 Woodbine st. b w Forth John, master mariner, Hedworth st. b w Foster Ann Elizabeth, dyer, 54 Nile st. b w Foster George, shipowner, 17 Barclay st. m w s Foster John, attorney's agent, Hedworth st. b w Foster Joseph, dyer. Pestle & Mortar Dye Works, 15 Nile st. b w Foster Joseph, tailor, 15 Norfolk st. b w Foster Joseph, chimney sweep, 47 Union lane, s Foster Matthew, shoemaker, 24 Church st. s Foster William, master mariner, North Moor st. s Fothergill Mrs. Isabella, 62 Tatham st. b w Fothergill James, green grocer, 5 Charles st. ; h. 27 Crescent row, b w Fowler Alexander, baker and flour dealer. Wear st. m w s Fowler Mary, shopkeeper, Whitburn st. m w s Fowls John, clerk, 34 Northumberland st. b w Fowls William, master mariner, 29 Northumberland st. b w Fox Alderson Ingledew, baker, 15 Covent garden st. s Fox Miss Ann Neal, 1 1 Norfolk st. b w Fox George Lax, grocer and provision dealer, 85 High st. s Fox Mrs. Hannah, 33 Chester road,b w Foyer Walter, hat and cap mfr., 6 High st, s; h. Woodbine st. b w Frail Joshua, tin-plate worker. Brewery bank, m w s Franks James, master mariner, 15 Woodbine st. b w Eraser Alexander, master mariner, 22 King st. b w Fraser John Ditchburn, joiner and vict., City of Edinbro', Steam ship, Hardcastle's slip 374 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Frazier Mrs. Ann, Hudson's "buildings, b w Freeman Joseph, painter and glazier, Noith quay, m w s Freemasons Hall, Queen st. open, s French Alice, old clothes dealer, 131 High St., and 159 New market, s French Isabella, milliner and dress maker, Waterloo place, m w s French John, clerk, 1 East Woodbine st. b w French Robert, ship owner, 30 Frederick st. b w French William, wharfinger and general commission agent, Wylam's Wharf, 8 Low st. s ; h. 58 Tatham st. b w Friends Meeting House, 31 Nile st. b w Friend Miss Sarah, 262 High st. b w Frost Edward, master mariner, 7 Northumberland st. b w Frost John, cooper & ship owner, 74 Low st. s; h, 8 South Drhm. st. b w Frost John, master mariner, 4 Sussex st. b w Frost Robert, sail maker, Ferry Boat Landings h. 48 Dundas st. m w s Froud Hannah, lodgings, 8 Olive st. b w Fuller Charles Edward, vict., George Commercial Hotel, 29 High st. s Fuller Mary, vict.. White Lion, 48 High st. s Fullerton Alexander, master mariner, 33 Barclay st. m w s Fulton James, marine store dealer. Church st., m w s Gains I'homas, master mariner, 13 East Cross st. b w Gale William, master mariner, 9 Waterloo st. m w s G alien Catherine, vict. Seven Stars, 43 Low st. s Gallen Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 120 High st. s Galley William, collector of poor and borough rates, 41 Yilliers st. b w Gallon Thomas, brewer, Queen st. Brewery ; h. 4 Derwent st. b w Gammack William Henry, shopkeeper, 17 Hendon road, b w Garbutt Mrs. Jane Ann, 2 Stockton road, b w Garbutt George, bookseller, stationer, circulating library, and agent for Howquas teas, 190 High street, b w Garbutt John, confectioner, 85 Coronation st. b w Garbutt John Wilson, accountant, 16 King street, b w Garbutt John, joiner & cabinet maker, 23 Flag lane, s Garbutt Mrs. Mary, 4 Norfolk street, b w Gardiner Jane, lodgings, Sans close, b w Gardner Michael, master mariner, 18 Lawrence street, b w Garry Francis, vict. Dock Tavern, Wreath's quay, m w s Garth Thos. vict. Magpies, 20 Church street, s Garthwaite John Lamb, vict, Rowland Burden Arms, Bridge crescent, b w Gascoin Nathaniel, master mariner, 15 Pemberton street, b w Gatt James, running fitter, 46 Brougham street, b w Gatt William, tailor, 53 Nile street, b w Gauntlet George, master mariner, 2 D'Arcy terrace, b w Gauntlet William, master mariner, 3 D'Arcy terrace, b w Gee John, shoemaker and shipowner, 11 Pemberton street, b w I SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 375 Gebrels Gerhard A. B., ship broker, and general commission agent, 206 High street, s Gibbon Robert, farmer, Roker House, m w Gibbon Thomas, gentleman, Liddell terrace, m w s Gibson Ann, shopkeeper, 50 Silver street, s Gibson David, nursery & seedsman ; h. 1 High street, b w Gibson Edward, marine store dealer, 40 Low street, s Gibson George, shopkeeper, 24 Silver st. s Gibson H. & Son, nursery & seedsmen, I High st. & Tunstal lane, b w Gibson Henry, nursery & seedsman ; h- Tunstal lane, b w Gibson Henry, blacksmith. Grey st. s ; h. 8 Sunderland st. b w Gibson Jacob, gardener & seedsman, Middle Hen don, b w Gibson James, vict.. Black Lion, 32 Church st. s Gibson James, grocer, Wear st. m w s Gibson John, woollen draper, hatter & hosiery ; 2 Nicholson st. b w Gibson John, tailor, 9 Lombard st. s Gibson John, black & shipsmith. Pier quay,s; h. 38 Wear st. b w Gibson Margaret, butcher, 19 New Market ; h. II Union In. s Gibson Peter, ship builder, Ayre's quay ; h. 32 Chester road, b w Gibson & Redmans, Alms Houses, Church lane, b w Gibson Robert, keelman, 47 Barclay st. m w s Gibson & Stokoe, woollen drapers, hatters & hosiers, 184 High st. s Gibson Thomas & Co. fruiterers, seedsmen., poultry, and game dealers, 113 High St. ; h. 8 Vine pi. b w Gibson Thomas, wharfinger and farmer; h. 1 Chester road, b w Gibson Thomas, grocer & shoemaker, Ayre's quay, b w Gibson William, vict. Pemberton Arms, Southwick In. m w Gibson William, vict. Royal Oak, North quay, m w s Gibson William, shoemaker, 46 Middle st. b w Gibson Wiliam, butcher, 80 High st. b w Gibson William, tailor, 17 Maling's rig, s Gilbert Rev. Anthony, (Methodist,) 21 D'Arcy terrace, b w Gilbert John, master mariner, 7 Grey st. s Gilbert Saml. Thos., French polisher, 5 Walworth st. b w Gilby Christopher, master mariner. Back Lawrence st. b w Gilchrist Mr. William, 67 Lawrence st. b w Gilhespy Mary, lodgings, 17 North Bridge st. m w s Gill Thomas, cooper & vict. Jolly Sailor, North quay, m w s Gillies John, tailor, 52 South Durham st. b w Gillmore George, road surveyor, 53 Wear st. b w Gilroy Mary, bacon dealer, 32 New Market; h. Mill hill, s Givens Isabella, lodgings, Roker, m w Givens William, agent. Manor Office, Wear st. ; h. 1 DunJas st. m w s Glaholm Wm. & John, brass founders & finishers, plumbers coppersmiths braziers, tinplate and zinc workers, gas fitters and manufacturers in general, 8 East Cross st. & Wear Brass Fndry., Bridge Crescent, b w 376 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Glasgow Peter, saddler, 4 North Durham street, b w Glaves Mr. Thomas, 10 Olive street, b w Gledstone George, baker, 24 Spring garden lane, b w Glenn John, master mariner, 20 Lombard street, s Glendenen Dorothy, shopkeeper, 5 Cross street, b w Glendenning John, vict. Commercial Tavern, 39 Church street, s Glendinning Elian, dress maker, Liddell street, m w s Godfordson Thomas, painter, 2 Etterick place, s Godley John, manager. Bishop Wearmouth iron works, Hilton road, b w Golightly Joseph, green grocer, George street, m w Golightley Robert, master mariner, 43 South Durham st b w Goodall John, portrait painter, 12 Hedworth street, b w Goodchild George^^ master mariner, 49 Lawrence st. b w Goodchild John, attorney's clerk, 8 York street, b w Goodchild Joseph, master mariner, 36 Northumberland street, b w Goodchild Mary, lodgings, 35 Northumberland st. b w Goodman James, vict. Board, 19 Robinson's lane, s Goodwell James, vict. Globe Tavern, Huddlestone street, m w s Gordan Robert, tailor and draper, 143 Coronation street, b w Gordon David, tailor, 23 Grey street, s Gordon William, vict. Jem Crow, and running fitter, 132 Low st. s Gouble James, clerk, 15 Murton street, b w Gouinlock Mary, shopkeeper, 22 Sans st. s Gourley John Young, ship owner, 43 Tatham street, b w Gouthwaite Mrs. Jane, 2 Murton street, b w Goutrey William, clerk, 35 Sans street, b w Gowland Clement, watch and clock maker, jeweller & silversmith, 178 High street, b w Gowland Daniel, boat owner, 47 Vine street, s Gowland George, vict. and ship owner, 130 High street, s Gowland George, watch and clock maker, jeweller, &c.; h. 8 High st. s Gowland Jane, vict. Cross Keys, 91 High street, s Gowland Wm. & Son, watch and clock makers, jewellers, silversmiths, &c. 8 High street, s Graham Mrs, Anne, 47 Frederick street, b w Graham George, shoemaker, Ayre's quay, b w Graham Isaac, vict., Plough Inn, 45 Low row, b w Graham James, mariner, 13 Green st. b w Graham John, vict., Coach & Horses, & master mariner, 68 High st. b w Graham John, boot and shoemaker, 157 High st. b w Graham John, gardener, 12 Vine place, b w Graham John, vict.. Star and Garter, 23 Cumberland st. b w Graham Rev. Joseph, Baptist schoolmaster, Hallgarth sq. m w s Graham Margaret, shopkeeper, 29 Warren st. s Graham Ralph, boot and shoemaker, 172 High st. s Graham Thomas, beerhouse. Shields road, m w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 377 Graham Thomas, green grocer, 2 Grey st. s Graham Thomas, tailor, 3 South Durham st. b w Graham William, letter carrier, 7 King st. b w Graig Robert, baker, George st. m w Grange Boarding School, Scockton load, b w, Rev. F. Iliff, D. D., head master Grange Thomas, collector. Ferry Boat, IaOw st. s Grant Elizabeth, straw hat maker, 12 Hendon road, b w Grant George, master mariner, 7 Wear st. b w Grant James Gregar, artist, 9 Tavistock place, b w Grant Thomas, union well water cartman. Union place, m w Gray Ann, dress maker, 92 High st. s Gray George, master mariner, 13. Lawrence st. b w Gray Mr. Henry, Cousin st. b w Gray James, vict., Neptune, 9 Dunning st. b w Gray John, policeman, 41 Union st. b w Gray Lawrence, pilot. North Moor st. s Gray Robert, vict., Nag's Head, 139 Low st. s Gray Robert, shoemaker and grindery dealer, 84 Moor st. b w Gray Thomas, jobbing smith, 13 Matlock st. b w Gray William, shopkeeper, 26 Silksworth row, b w Giaydon Edward, ship owner, 16 Barclay st. m w s Graydon George, joiner and cabinet maker, 46 Dundas st. m w s Graydon Jesse, ship owner, Broad st. m w Graydon Martin, ship owner, Church st. m w s Graydon Robert, vict.. Social Tavern, 138 Low st. s Graydon Robert, printer & bookseller. Wear st. ; h. 16 Barclay st. m w s Graydon Thomas, ship owner, 16 Barclay st. m w s Greatrex Rohert, rag dealer, 18 Bedford st. b w Grecian William, surgeon, 34 Church st. s Green George, grocer, tea dlr., and Italian warehouse, 226 High st. b vr Green George, shopman, 2 South Durham st. b w Green Joseph Both wick, medicine vender, 124 High st. s Green Joseph, vict., George and Dragon, 302 High st. b w Greener William, porter merchant, Railway wharf, s Greenfield Thomas, butcher, 38 New mkt., s ; h. 84 Coronation st. b w Greenfield William, butcher, 36 New mkt., s; h. 84 Coronation st. b w Greenfield William, master mariner, 47 Lawrence st. b w Greenhow William, bacon dealer, li New mkt., s; h. 42 Hendon rd. b w Greenwell Edward, butcher. Nelson sq. • h. Whitburn st. m w s Greenwell Joseph, butcher, 5 High street, s Greenwell Richard, consulate office for the Netherlands and Hanover, general mert., exporter of coals, &c., 3 Villiers st. ; h. Fawcett st. b w Greensides Michael, master mariner, 21 Hopper street, b w Greenwood Saoiuel, shopkeeper, Deptford road, b w Gregory RobtTt, surgeon, 3 Sunniside, b w 2k 378 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Gregory William Grayson, surgeon, Whitburn street, m w s Gregson Isabella, grocer and tea dealer, 2 High st. s Gregson Rain, book binder, 3 Middle street, b w Greig William, hair dresser, and Marj, school, Church street, m w s Greives J., whitesmith, Low quay, & vict. Exchange Tavern, 201 High st. s Gresham Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Dundas street, m w s Grieves William, tailor, & clothes dealer, 144 New market ; h. 10 Grey st s Grimes Robert, vict. and joiner, Bath Hotel, 74 Moor street, b w Grimshaw John & Co., patent rope manufacturers. Middle street, b w Grimshaw John, grocer, tea and flour dealer, 58 & 59 High st. b w Grimshaw William, grocer, tea dealer, tallow chandler, and retailer of porter, 86 High street, & 11 Silksworth row ; h. 33 Frederick st. b w Groves Charles, chimney sweep, 3 Union lane, s Groves Thomas, tailor, 2 Queen st. b w Groombridge William, master mariner, 9 Howick st. b w Grozier Go wen, master mariner. Church st. m w s Grozier Richard, master mariner, 34 Woodbine st. b w Grozier Wm. and Yeal Wm., block and mast makers. Low st. s. ; hs. 30 Vine St. s, and 21 Lawrence st. b w Guthrie Mrs. Elizabeth Dorothy, 3 Chester road, b w Gwilliam John, shopkeeper, 88 Coronation st. b w Haddock & Clay, iron and copper merchants, chain and nail makers, general smiths, brass founders, and coppersmiths, 2 Queen st. s Haddock Richard, ship broker; h. 23 Bridge st. b w Haddock Robert, glass cutter and dealer, 71 Low st, s Haddock Wm. & John, furnishing & general ironmngrs, 179 High st. s Haddock William, agent, 5 Lambton st. b w Halcro Mrs. Elizabeth, 56 Villiers st. b w Halcro John, coal fitter, Beamish South Moor fitting office. North quay, m w s ; h. John st. b w Halcro Richard & John, merchants and ship brokers, 56 Villiers st. b w Halcro Richard, merchant and ship broker ; h. 18 Nile st. b w Hall Andrew, staithman. Dock street, b w Hall Ann, confectioner, 154 High st. s Hall Anthony, grocer and baker, 13 George st. s Hall Charles, blacksmith, Low row, b w Hall Charles Smith, joiner, 15 Numbers garth, b w Hall Elizabeth, beerhouse, 38 Low row, b w Hall George Wilkin, ship builder. Wet Dock, West side of Bridge, and Floating Dock, North quay ; h. Nelson sq. m w s Hall George, master mariner. Woodbine ter. b w Hall George, blacksmith, Durham road, b w Hall James, baker and shopkeeper, 103 High si. s Hall James, ship builder, North quay; h. Howick st. m w s Hall James, lodgings, 13 West Wear st. b w Hall Mr. James, 17 D'Arcy ter, b w I SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 379 Hall John, beer retailer and confectioner, 88 and 89 High st. b w Hall John, confectioner, 14 York st. b w Hall John, master mariner, 9 William st. b w Hall John Harrington, flour dealer, 5 Smyrna place b w Hall John, joiner & cabinet maker, 15 Bedford st. b w Hall John, master mariner, 17 Queen st. b w Hall John, master mariner, 40 Woodbine st. b w Hall John Cummings, dyer, 8 Church st. s Hall John, master mariner, Hendon st. b w Hall John, butcher, 315 High st. b w Hall Mary, shopkeeper, 2 Charles st. b w Hall Mary & Eliz., dress & straw hat makers, 13 West Wear st. b w Hall Mary, shopkeeper, Storey's buildings, b w Hall Ransom, master mariner, 50 Woodbine st. b w Hall Robert, chimney sweep, Maude's open s Hall Samuel, master mariner, 25 Sans st. b w Hall Mrs, Sarah, 56 Barclay st. mw s Hall Snaton, attorney's clerk, D'Arcy ter. b w Hall Thomas, vict., The British Queen, 34 Numbers garth, b w Hall Mr. Thomas, 2 Pemberton st. b w Hall William, beerhouse, 44 Dundas st. m w s Hall William, carpenter, 43 Matlock st. b w Halliday John, master mariner, 4 Pemberton st. b w Halliday John, third harbour master. North Moor st. m w s Halliday Thomas, vict., Ship William, Railway wharf, s Hamilton Rev. George Hans, B. A., curate, Cousin st. b w Hamilton James, marine store dealer, Wall St., b w Hamilton John, manager. New Gas Works, Ayre's quay, b w Hamilton John, shoe maker, 317 High st. b w Hamilton William, joiner, 4 Silksworth row, b w Hammond Robert, butcher, Ayre's quay, b w Handford Frederick, master mariner. Fleet st. b w Hannington James, vict.. Ship Inn, ship broker, & coal fitter, 1 High street, and 1 Sans street, s Hanson & Thompson, ship brokers, & commission agents, 6 Russell st. s Hanson Thomas, ship broker, &c. ; h. Cousin st. b w Harbottle Mary, dress maker, 34 Union street, b w Hardcastle George, auctioneer, appraiser and general commission agent, 3 Norfolk street, b w Hardcastle Isabella, tobacconist, tea and coffee dealer, 150 High st. s Hardcastle Miss M. A. 2 Green street, b w Hardy Peter, marine store dealer. Wood street, s Hardy Richard, ship carpenter, 61 Northumberland street, b w Hardy Thomas, clothes dealer, 42 Low street, s Hardy William, master mariner, 37 Nile street, b w Hardy William, shoemaker, back Wear street, b w 380 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Hare Isaac Corney, registrar of births and deaths for Monk Wearmouti district, 4 North bridge street, m w s Hare Mrs. Sarah, 3 Derwent street, b w Harkas Geo. & Wra. blck. & mast mkrs., North quay; hs. Barclay st. m Harkass William, ship builder, North shore; h. 49Dundas st. m w s Harker Ralph, vict. Wearmouth Bridge, Thomas st. m w Harland Elizabeth, straw hat maker, 9 South Durham st. b w Harper Mr. Joshua, Hilton road, b w Harrison Andrew, ship owner, 8 Murton st. b w Harrison Mrs. Ann, 5 East Cross st.b w Harrison Miss Elizabeth, 25 Green terrace, b w Harrison Mrs. Elizabeth, & William, plumbers foreman, 8 Sunniside, b w Harrison George, ship owner, 7 William st. b w Harrison George jun. ship owner, 28 Frederick st. b w Harrison Mrs. Jane, 4 Green, b w Harrison John, master mariner, 8 Barclay st. m w s Harrison John, vict, & spirit dealer, 90 Coronation st. b w Harrison John, painter and glazier, Howick street, b w Harrison John, shopkeeper, 15 West Wear street, b w Harrison John, vict. Golden Lion, 38 High street, s Harrison Mr. John, Hall garth square, m w s Harrison John, master mariner, 19 Woodbine street, b w Harrison Margaret & Elizabeth, dressmakers, 11 Coronation street, b w Harrison Marshall, ship owner, 38 West Wear street, b w Harrison Richard White, chemist and druggist, 300 High street, b w Harrison Robert Ovington, solicitor, &c. ;-h. Fawcett street, b w Harrison Mrs. Sarah, ship owner, 74 Dundas street, m w s Harrison & Scott, coal merchants, and railway waggon builders, Moor- sand sale coal Depot, Town moor, s Harrison Robert, master mariner, Woodbine teiTace, b w Harrison Thomas, ship owner, W^illiam street; h. 26 Fawcett street, b w Harrison Thomas, master mariner, 45 Lawrence st. b w Harrison Thomas, coal merchant, h. 18 Cousin st. b w Harrison Thomas, shoemaker, Zion st. b w Harrison Mr. Thomas, 15 Green, b w Harrison William, master mariner, 23 East Cross st. b w Harrison William, green grocer, 207 New market; h. Mill hill, s Harrop John, market gardener, 14 High st. b w Hartforth Mrs. Mary, sub-distributor of stamps, 46 Villiers st. b w Hartley Mrs. Elizabeth, 69 Tatham st. b w Hartley James & Co. crown, sheet, and plate glass manufacturers, Wear Glass works. New Town ; h. 17 Green, b w Hartley James, crown glass cutter, 238 High st. b w Hartley Mrs. Margaret, 23 Frederick st. b w Harty William, coal fitter and timber merchant, North quay ; h. 34 Barclay st. m w s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 381 Harvey Margaret, academy, 23 Lambton st. b w Hasker Edward Isaac, master mariner, 68 Wear street, b w Hassack William, receiver of ships postage, Whitburn street, m w s Hastie George, vict. Ryhop Ox, 151 High street, s Hastie George, shoe maker and shopkeeper, Hill street, b w Hastie James, shoe maker, Hendon street, b w Hastie John, boot & shoe maker, loO High street, s Hastie Wilson, shoa maker, 12 Wear street, b w Haswell Eliza, dress maker and milliner, 27 Sans street, b \v Haswell George, policeman, 10 Grey street, s Haswell John, grocer & beer retailer, Bonner's field, m w s Haswell John, master mariner, 28 Walworth street, b w Haswell Joseph, timber merchantj circular and upright saw mills, 20 and h. 25 Cumberland street, b w Haswell Mrs. Mary, 27 Derwent st. b w Haswell William, timber merchant, Bonner's field, m w s Havelock Jacob, butcher and bacon dealer^ 34 New market, s ; h. back Lawrence street, b w Havelock William, butcher, 35 New Market, s; h. Back Lawrence st. b w Haw John, master mariner, 47 Wear st. b w Hay James, rope manufacturer, Church st. m w s ; h. 24 Murton st. b w Hay James, ship broker. Exchange buildings, s; h. 19 Dundas st. m w s Hay John, rope manufacturer, Bridge Ropery, m w s; h. Fawcett st. b w Hay John & Son, gardeners, Fore st. b w Ha}' Thomas, joiner & cabinet maker, 52 Wear st. b w Hay Wm , ship ownr., tmbr. &c.mrchnt,, 16 Bridge st. ; h. 16 Fawct. st.b w Hay William, carpenter, 23 Union st. b w Hay William, butcher, 47 New Market; h. 26 Grey st. s Hayes Samuel, tailor, 9 Burleigh st. s Hayton Messrs. Christopher & Edward, I Coronation st. b w Hayton Edmund, beerhouse, Thornton place, b w Hayton Edmund, vict. Durham House, Low quay, s Hayton Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 Coronation st. b w Hayton Rev. George, M. A. Curate of b w Church I Coronation st. b w Hayton William, solicitor, 1 Coronation st. b w Hazard John, tailor & draper, 16 Tilliers st. b w Hazard John, vict, Duke of York, Barrack st. s Hazard John, master mariner, 7 Lawrence st. b w Hazard Thomas, hair dresser, 48 George st. s Headley Robert, mariner, 33 Burleigh st. s Heap John, joiner, cabinet maker, furniture broker, funeral furnisher, & undertaker, 51 Vine st. and 5 Malings rig, s Heasman William, master mariner, 23 Woodbine st. b w Heaton George, joiner & builder, 22 Charles st. b w & vict. Joiners Arms Lombard st, s Hedger John, master mariner, 7 Garden st. b w 2k2 382 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Hedley Edward, foreman, 1 1 High row, b w Hedley John, butcher, 76 Coronation st. j h. 14 Lawrence st. b vr Hedley John, master mariner, Hedworth st. b w Hedley Mr. Joseph, 42 Woodbine st. b w Heemskerk John Adrian, coal agent, (foreign), 3b Frederick st. b w Hemsley Alice, ship owner, 18 Dundas st. m w s Hemsley Mrs. Barbara, Whitburn st. m ws Hemsley James, mast, block & pump maker ; h. 59 Wear st, b w Hemsley John, sail maker, Wearst. ; h. Whitburn st. m w s Hemsley Ralph, master mariner, 20 Sans st. s Hemsley William, sail maker, Strand st. ; h. 14 Yorke st. raws Henderson Alexander & Co., hat & cap manufacturers, 20 High st. s Henderson Francis, butcher, Whitburn st. m w s Hendersoa Hannah, pawnbroker, 2 Lawrence st. b w Henderson James Scott, tailor & draper, 8 Sans st. upper, b w Henderson John Banes, ship owner, 38 Sans st. b w Henderson Mr. John, 88 Hendon road, b w Henderson John, brick maker, 21 Johnson st. b w Henderson John Mankin, mason, 18 f-ow row, b w Henderson Margaret, pawnbroker, 23 Silver st. s Henderson Margaret, straw hat maker, 40 South st. b w Henderson Ralph, master mariner, 17 West Wear st. b w Henderson Robert, shopkeeper, 19 Charles st. b w Henderson William, running fitter, 51 Wear st. b w Henderson William, linen & woollen draper & hatter, 87 High st. b w Henderson William, master mariner, 19 West st. b w Hendon land, sale coal Depot, Octagon Cottage Town Moor; Office Borough road, John Ray & Co., merchants & fittters Henzell Adam, tailor, 12 West Wear st. b w Heppell Richd. Bryan, broker, Cstm. house entrance ; h. 10 Norfolk st. b w Heppell Sarah & Ann, milliners & dressmakers, 24 Hendon road, b w Herbert Mr. Guy, 60 Wear street, b w Herbert Henry, joiner and cabinet maker, 7 Green st. b w Herbert Ralph, master mariner, 24 Yorke street, m w s Herring Andrew, grocer, 271 High st. b w Herring James Craggs, block & mastmkr. Folly end ; h. Dundas st. ra w s Herring John, tailor, 58 Nile street, b w Herring John, junr. tailor and shopkeeper, Fore street, b w Herring Lancelot, vict. White Hart, 18 Queen street, b w Herring Sarah, dress maker, 51 Brougham street, b w Herring William, tailor, 49 Nile street, b w Herron Thomas, bookbinder, 29 Spring Garden lane, s Heslop George, vict. Horns, 164 High street, s Heslop George, boot and shoe maker, 75 High street,b w Heslop Robert, master mariner, 12 Lambton st. b w Heslop Thomas, ship & whitesmith and bellhanger, 9 Sans street,. b SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 383 Hesman Henry, merchant, 101 Low st. s Hestwell James, butter dealer, 16 Bedford st. b w Hetherington Henry, cart owner, Thomas st. m w Hetherington John, shopkeeper, Hedvvorth st. m w s Hetherington Joseph, timber merchant, &c. ; h. Lambton st. b w Hetherington Margaret, shopkeeper, Hamilton st. m w s Hetherington Thomas, shopkeeper, Rendlesham st. m w s Hetherington William, cooper and ship owner, Bonner's field, m w s Hetton Coal Company's Office, Bridge st. b w Hetton Coal Staith, New Town, John Brown, manager Hetton Land Sale Coal Depot, New Town, Ogden Brown, manager Hewhan Jane and Harvey Ann, ladies' school, 23 Lambton st. b w Heward Benjamin, ship and insurance broker, commission and shipping agent, auctioneer and appraiser, 10 Nile st. ; h. 2 Ward ter. b w Heward Thomas Greenway, commission agent, 4 D'Arcy ter. b w Heward William Nelson, ship and insurance broker, general commission agent and ship surveyor. Little Yilliers st. ; h. 12 Olive st. b w Hew^art John, fruiterer, 76 Wear st. b w Hewart Bobert, fruiterer, Arcade, s Hewitson John, painter and glazier, 8 Silksworth row, b w Hibbert Rev. Charles, (Methodist,) 49 Woodbine st. b w Hicks Margaret, infant school, 26 Spring Garden lane, s Hickson Jane, dress maker, 73 High st. b w Hickson William, shoemaker, 30 Grey st. s Higginson Rebecca, school, 1 Fawcett st. b w Hill Dennis, outfitter and haberdasher; h.49 Frederick st. b w Hill Joseph, master mariner, 19 Woodbine st. b w Hill John George, haberdasher, &c. ; h. 49 Frederick street, b w Hill Joseph, master mariner, 19 Woodbine street, b w Hill W^illiam, gent., 2 Albion place, b w Hills §L Allason, stock and share brokers, 236 High st. & I Union st. b w Hills & Gray, outfitters and haberdashers, 187 High st. s Hills James, furnishing ironmonger, and stock and share broker, 236 High St.; h. 1 Union st. b w Hills John, tea dealer, 26 High st. s ; h. 45 Frederick st. b w Plills Thomas, shopkeeper, 30 Zion st. b w Hilton Mrs. Rosamond, 54 Frederick st, b w Hind Mr, .John, sen., 6 East Woodbine st. b w Hind Joseph, shopkeeper, 39 Woodbine st. b w Hind Oliver, tailor, Church st. m w s Hind William, tailor and flour dealer, Church st. m w s Hind John, vict., Watermen's Tavern, Hat case, s Hines Charles Henry, solicitor, 48 Nile st. b w Hines John, jiin., solicitor, 7 Villiers st. b w Hindmarcli E. M. & S. S. M., brewers, 1 1 1 High st. s ; h. Foyle st. b w Hindmarch George, tailor, 91 High st. b. w 384 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Hirst James, traveller, 29 Dun Cow st. b w Hobbs John, master mariner, 25 Sans st. b w Hobson Ann, lodgings, 5 William st. b w Hodge Thomas, printer and chart seller, 206 High st. s Hodgson Elizabeth, fancy repository, 181 High st. b w Hodgson Geo., brewer & vict.. Black Swan Inn, 2 Hodgson's buildings, bw Hodgson Gilbert, timber merchant, Deptford, ; h. 65 Brougham st. b w Hodgson James, vict. White Swan, 29 Low row, b w^^ Hodgson John, soda water, Imnde. & gngr. beer manfr. 5 Dunning st. b w Hodgson John, stone mason & builder, Dock st. m w s Hodgson Mr. Joseph, 3 Sans st. upper, b w Hodgson Moses, boat builder. Low quay, s; h. 40 Wear st. b w Hodgson Mrs, 32 Wear st, b w Hodgson Nicholas, vict.. Turf Hotel, 41 West Wear st. b w Hodgson Sarah, pawnbroker. Back Villiers st. b w Hodgson Simpson, timber merchant, 12, and vict., Lambton Arms, 19 Crowtree road, b w Hodgson Simpson Spraggon, agent in Lloyd's office, 2 Nile st. b w Hodgson William, joiner and builder, 3 William st., and haberdasher 11 High St. b w Hodgson W^illiam, ship owner, 28 Cousin st. b w Hodgson William Nelson, master mariner, Back Lawrence st. b w Hodgson Wm., grocer and ship owner, 102 Low st. s ; h. 28 Cousin st. b w Hodgson William, master mariner, 61 Dundas st. m w s Hodson Joseph, master mariner, 26 Woodbine st. b w Hodson Thomas, master mariner, 24 Woodbine st. b w Hogarth Anthony, gent., 20 Tavistock place, b w Hogg Dorothy, lodgings, 46 Northumberland st. b w Hogg Margaret, vict., Sunderland Dock, 13 Vine st. s Hoggett Lydia, shopkeeper, 9 Moor st. b w Holburn Isabella, lodgings, 19 Lawrence st. b w H olden Isaac, master mariner, 9 Woodbine st. b w Holdforth Robert, boot and shoemaker, 29 Low st. s Holiday Christopher, carrier, 17 Northumberland street, b w HoUiday Eleanor, hosier,- 70 Wear st. b w Hollis William, printer and stationer, 136 High st., and vict., Durham House, 33 Silver >t. s Holmes Benjamin, sub-inspector of police, 26 West Wear st. b w Holmes Henry, master mariner, Hallgarth sq. m w s Holmes Miss Mary Ann, 55 Tatham st. b w Holmes Robert, grocer and baker, 84 Low st. s Holmes William, butcher, 47 High st. s Holsgrove David, chain, cable & anchor mnfr.,iron founder, &c., Bishop- wearmouth pans, and shipsmith, Pemberton's field; h. 13 Der- went St. b w Hoope Thomas, catholic school master; h. 27 Northumberland st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 385 Hopp George, farmer, Chester road b w Hopps John, collector of poor rates, Moor ter. s Hopper John, master mariner, Sans close b w Hopper John, gent, 68 Northumberland st. b w Hopper John, ship carpenter, 60 Dundas st. m w s Hopper William Eramersoo, clerk, 15 Lambton st. b w Hopper William, coal merchant. Octagon Cottage, Town Moor, s Hopwood John, hat maker, 46 Robinson's lane, s Horan James, master mariner, 42 South Durham st. b w Horn Allan, rope manufacturer. Mill Fiold Ropery; h. 4 Bridge st. b w Horn Nathan, Esq., Green terrace, b w Horner Joseph, day school, 9 Zion st. b w Hornsby Avery, master mariner, 46 South Durham st. b w Hornsby Mary, shopkeeper, 118 Fligh st. s Hospital for Old Seamen, Assembly garth, s Horsfield James, tailor and draper, 180 High st. ; h. 4 East Cross st. b w Horseman John, butcher, 16 Flendon road, b w Horton Rev. William, (Wesleyan) 24 Frederick st. b w Houghton William, tailor and shopkeeper, 36 Dunning st. b w Howard Bartholomew, grocer, 25 Coronation st. b w Howe Alice, day school, 3 Millfield Cottages, b w Howe Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 137 Low st. s Howe George, agent, 38 Frederick st. b w Howe John, master mariner, 6 Waterloo st. m w 8 Howe Mrs. Mary, 73 Lawrence st. b w Howe Robert, tailor, 17 Silver st. s Howe Sanderson, shipowner, 8 Lav/rence st. b w Howey George, marine store and flour dealer. 118 Low st, s Howse Richard, schoolmaster, Whitburn st. m w s ; h. 21 John st. Ayre's quay, b w Huddleston John, boat builder. North shore; h. Whitburn st. m w s Hudson George, Esq., ship owner. Grange, m w Hudson George Winlow, ship owner, and custom house agt. ; h. 16 Frederick st. b w Hudson George, manager, Gas W^orks, Strand st. m w s Hudson George, ship carpenter, Broad st. m w Hudson & Haddock, ship brokers, Custom house entrance, s Hudson Joseph, ironmonger and nail maker, 18 Hind st. b w Hudson John, eating house, 17 High st, ; h. 3 Drury lane, s Hudson .Tohn, town mission, Back of East Cross st. b w Hudson Joseph, merchant and coal fitter; h. 15 Tavistock place, b w Hudson Miss Mary, 13 Nile st. b w Hudson Ralph Milbank, ship owner, &c. ; li. 1 Tavistock place, b w Hudson Robert and John, masons and builders. Railway st. b w Hudson Robinson, tailor and draper, 24 Bedford st. b w Hudson Robert Heigbtley, butcher, 51 New Market; b. Burleigh st. s 386 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Hudson & Sons, custom house agents, and Danish vice-consuls, Custom House Entrance, s Hudson Mr. Thomas, Hill st. b w Hudson Mrs. Welthin, 18 Frederick st. b \v Hudspith Mr. Edward, 12 Woodbine st. b w Hugall Mr. Edward, 54 Wear st. b w Hugall George, ship inspector, 21 Nile st. b w Hugall Robert Dunn, boot and shoemaker, 39 Northumberland st. b w Hugall Thomas, land surveyor, 4 Woodbine st. b w Hughes John, engine builder, millwright, and general machine maker. Back Sunniside side; h. 15 Sunderland st. b w Hiigili Richard, tailor, 5 Cross st. b w Huison Robert, stationer and paper dealer, 106 Coronation st. b w Hull John, butcher. Queen st. j h. 314 High st. b w Hull Richard, master mariner, 30 Queen st. b w Hull Thomas, shoemaker, 6! Hendon road, b w Hulse Mons, Jno.,profsr. of the French language, 5 South Durham st. b w Humble Charles Isaac, ship broker, 136 High st. ; h. 26 Bridge st. b w Humble John, cart owner, Thomas st. m w Humble Margaret, dress maker, 30 Union st. b w Humble Mrs. Margaret, 26 Bridge st. b w Humble Richard, master mariner, Hendon st. b w Humphrey Anthony, joiner, 42 Barclay st, m w s Humphrey George, farmer, Portobella lane, m w Humphrey James, shopman, 8 D'Arcy terrace, b w Humphrey John, master mariner, 37 Grey st. s Humphrey Joseph, grocer and tea dealer, 182 High st. s Humphrey Thos., woollen & linen draper, hatter, &c. ; h. 148 High st. b w Humphrey Robert John, master mariner, Easi st. b w Humphreys George, shoemaker. North quay, m w s Hunt Francis, vict.. King's Arms, Ann st. b w Hunt William, fruiterer, and provision dealer, 80 High st. s Hunter Ann, lodgings, Moor terrace, b w Hunter Mrs. Catherine, 41 Barclay st. m w s Hunter Mrs. Isabella, 2 Olive st. b w Hunter John, beerhouse, 43 Crescent row, b w Hunter John, provision and flour dealer, 92 High st. b w Hunter Joseph, slater, 41, Northumberland st. b w Hunter Michael, French polisher, 15 Sans st. s Hunter Robert, blacksmith and farrier, Southwick Lane end, m w Hunter Roberts, gardener, Stockton road, b w Hunter Thomas, butcher & ship owner, 50 High st. s; h. Fawcett st. b w Hunter Thomas, vict., Commercial Hotel, 194 High st. s Hunter Thomas & Co., tea dealers and grocers, wholesale and retail, 55 and 56 High st. b w Hnuter Thomas, master mariner, and ship owner, 10 Cousin st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 387 Hunter Thomas, clerk, 25 Cousin st, "b w Hunter Thomas, shoemaker, 7 George st. s Hunter Watson, joiner, glass and earthenware dealer, 15 High st. b w Hunter William, butcher, 119 High st. s Hunter William, sexton, Moffat's Court, Collier row, b w Hunter William, bricklayer, 37 Brougham st. b w Hunter William, master mariner, 16 Pemberton st. b w Huntley Daniel, block maker, 24 Pemberton st. b w Huntley Joseph, bookseller, printer, stationer, and circulating library, 282, High St. b w Huntley Mrs. Isabella, 42 Frederick st. b w Huntley Stephen & Sons, block and mast makers, 27 Hendon road, b w Huntley Thomas, bookseller, stationer, general news agent & circulating library, 1 1 High st. s Huntley Thomas, vict.. Field House, Borough road, b w Huntley Jeptha, block, &c. maker ; h. 19 Pemberton st. b w Hurdman Jacob, running fitter, Back Zion st. b w Hurrell Henry, shoemaker, Silksworth row ; h. Greenhill Cottage, b w Hurry Francis, gent.. Vine place, b w Husdell Isabella Maria, vict.. Board, Whitburn st. m w s Husdell Jacob, coal fitter, ship and insurance broker, and general mer- chant. Wear st. ; h. 5 Dundas st. m w s Huson John, butcher, Wear st. m w s Hutchinson Cuthbert, watch and clock maker. Church st. m w s Hutchinson Dixon, cabinet maker, joiner, furniture broker, and funeral furnisher, 29 Maling's rig, s Hutchinson Edward, shopkeeper, 73 Coronation st. b w Hutchinson Edward, cooper. North quay j h. Church st. m w s Hutchinson Edward Ramsay, master mariner, 153 High st. s Hutchinson Edward, butcher, 39 New Market ; h. 42 Queen st. s Hutchinson Elizabeth, lodgings, 28 Villiers st. b w Hutchinson George, grocer and tea dealer, 6 High st. b w Hutchinson George, ship owner, 78 Tatham st. b w Hutchinson & Gill, grocers. East Cross street, b Hutchinson James, agent, 10 Wear st. b w Hutchinson James, grocer; h. East Cross st. b w Hutchinson John, shipbuilder, and owner, Bishopwearmouth Pans; h. Sunderland st. b w, and Leechmere House Hutchinson John, butcher, 27 New Market ; h. 5 Moor ter. s Hutchinson John, carrier, 6 Cross place, s Hutchinson John, butcher, 50 New Market, s; h. 50 Lawrence st. b w Hutchinson John, master mariner, 68 Lawrence st. bw Hutchinson Lewis, brazier and tin-plate worker, 99 Lowst. ; h. 11 Moo^ terrace, s Hutchinson Luke, oaker, 290 High st. b w Hutchinson Mrs. Mary, 30 Woodbine st. b w 388 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Hutchinson Nchls., clothes dealer, 61 New Mrkt.,s j h. 28 Chester rd.bvr Hutchinson Nicholas, clerk, 28 Chester road, b w Hutchinson Ralph, ship builder, timber merchant, ship broker, and ship owner. Three Cranes Wharf j h. 19 North Bridge st. ra w Hutchinson Ralph & Wm., ship builders, Bishopwearmouih Pans Hutchinson Thomas, agent, 137 High st. b w Hutchinson Richard, vict,, Whitby Abbey, Strand st. m w s Hutchinson Thomas, vict.. Freemason's Tavern, Thomas st. m w Hutchinson Thos., butcher, 59 New Market, s.; h. 51 Lawrence st. b w Hutchinson William, ship builder; h. 2 Foyle st. b v/ Hutchinson William Thos. relieving officer, 9 Bedford st. b w Hutchinson William, butcher, 28 High st. b w Hutton, Fletcher, & Co., paper manufacturers, CJaxhaugh Tvlilh Hutton Frederick, rope maker, Hendon road, b w Hutton John Reuben, solicitor, 5 Villiers st. b w Hutton Richard, lock smith, 4 Cross st. b v/ Iliff Rev. Frederick, D.D., Head Master Grange Boarding School, Stock- ton road, b w Independent Chapel, Dundas st. m w s Irvine William, tailor, 14 Moor st. b w Irwin Jane, school, Broad st. m w Isdale Henry, shopkeeper, 48 Baines' lane, s Iveson Joseph, bacon dealer, 33 New Market; h. Union lane, s Jackson Ann, straw hat maker, 17 Harley street, b w Jackson Andrew, marine store dealer, Dark entry, s Jackson James, master mariner, 73 Hendon road, b w Jackson John Lightfoot, vict.. Queen's Head, 3 Queen st. s Jackson Michael, master mariner, 72 Hendon road, b w Jackson Myas, glazier, 20 Burleigh st. s Jackson Joseph, master mariner, 11 Hedworth st b w Jackson Mary Ann, school, 6 Millfield Cottages, b w Jackson Peter, master mariner. Back Lawrence st. b w Jackson Ralph, master mariner, 27 Union st. b w Jackson Ralph, carrier, 55 Vine st. s Jackson Robert, master mariner, 6 Hedworth st. b w Jackson Sarah, beer retailer, 22 Union st. b v/ Jackson Thomas, marine store dealer, 6 Charles st; h. 8 William st. b w Jackson Thomas, shoemaker, East st. b w Jackson Thomas, smith, 9 Garden st. b w Jackson William, hair dresser and perfumer, 122 Coronation st. b vr Jackson William, millwright and rngineer, 7 Dunning st. b w Jacques Thomas, marine store dealer, Whitburn st. m w s Jakes Edward, green grocer, Ayre's Quay road, b w James Miss Ann, Silver st. s James David, master mariner, 2 Smyrna place, b w Jameson John, painter and glazier, 23 West st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 381> Jameson Margaret and Ann, hosiers, haberdashers, and milliners, 278 High st.b w Jameson Robert, seamen's clotlias dealer, North quay, m w s Jameson William, ship owner, 35 South Durham st. b w Jamesun William Butier, auctioneer, property agent, and surveyor, 4 W( st St. b w Jarrett Wm. grocer, flour, & provision dealer. Church st. & Wear st. mw k Jefferson Thomas, clog and patten maker, 66 New Market s^ h. North Bridge st. m w s Jefferson Mary, lodgings, 2 Northumberland st. b w Jefferson William, vict., Black Horse, 8 South gate, b w Jefferson William, shoemaker, 74 Coronation st. b w Jeffrey George, tailor and draper, 31 Union st. b w Jeffrey George, master mariner, 13 Hedworth st. b w Jenkinson William, surgeon, 14 Queen st. b w Jennings Mary, stay maker, 105 Low st. s Jewett Margaret, pawnbroker, 26 Church st. s Job Henry, master mariner, Broad st. m w Jobling John, master mariner, 17 South Durham st. b w Jobling William, vict., Golden Lion, Williamson st. m w s Johns Henry, master mariner, 18 Sunderland st. b w Johnson Edward, master mariner, 6 Northumberland st, b w Johnson George, cooper, 48 Walworth st. b w Johnson George, master mariner, 92 Hendon road, b w Johnson Mr. Henry, 31 Bridge st. b w Johnson Isabella, vict., Red Lion, Wear st. m w s Johnson John Blyth, patent and common rope manufactuier, and ship owner, Town Moor Ropery ; h. 33 Wear st. b w Johnson John, master mariner, 21 South Durham st. b w Johnson John, gent., 11 Olive st. b w Johnson John, master mariner, 49 Brougham st. b w Johnson John, bailiff, 10 Southgate, b w Johnson John, running fitter, 16 Sussex st. b w Johnson John, tripe dresser, 4 New Market ; h. 44, Union lane, s Johnson Joseph, beerhouse, Rendlesham st. raws Johnson Mrs. Mary, 223 High st. b w Johnson Richard Attree, importer, and wholesale dealer in foreign wines and spirits; h. 38 Frederick street, b w Johnson Thomas, Grocer, 38 Church st. s Johnston Rev. Charles, (Presbyterian,) 7 Yorke st. m w s Johnston John, wholesale & retail confectioner, British wine dealer, and commercial boarding establishment, 241 High st. b w Johnston William, traveller. Back Nile st. b w Jolly Robert, schoolmaster, 34 Wear st. b w Jolly William, vict., Rose & Crown, 40 High st. b w Jonassohn David, merchant and ship owner, Exchange Buildings ; h 19 Norfolk street, b w 2l 390 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Jones Dorothy, fancy knitter, 38 Coronation st. s Jones Mrs. Eliza"beth, 19 Church st. s Jones James, schoolmaster, 4 King st. b w Jones Thomas Rock Smith, solicitor, 134 High St.; h. 26 Green ter. h w Joplin Thomas, vict., Black Lion, 144 High st. s Jopling James, woollen draper and hosier; h. 26 Frederick st. h w Jopling John, woollen draper, tailor & hatter, 195 High st. s Jopling Thos. & Son, iron founders and whitesmiths, 34 Walworth st. b w Jopling and Tuer, woollen drapers and hosiers, 184 High st. s Jordison George, butcher, 44 New market ; h. Golden alley, s Jordon William, vict., Crown & Anchor, 73 Low st. s Joseph David, jeweller and watch maker, Howick st. b w Joseph David, shopman, 52 Nile st. b w Joseph Hyam, watch and clock maker, 2 John st. s Joseph Jacob, silversmith and hardwareman, 204 High st. s Joseph Tobias, jeweller, 81 Wear street, b w Joseph Lyonel, pawnbroker and engraver, 162 High st. s Joseph Nesham, clock and watch maker, 145 High st. ; h. 2 John st. s Joyce Charles, tailor and draper, 14 Sans street upper, b w Kay Michael, ship carpenter, 6 Dundas st. m w s Kay Thomas, vict.. Queen's Head, 14 Warren st. s Kean James, engineer and millwright. Salt Grass Dock; h. 39 Crescent row, b w Kearney Rev. Philip, senior, Catholic priest, 27 Bridge st. b w Kearney Matthew, wine and spirit merchant, and maltster, 31 Green st. ; h. 24 Fawcett st. b w Kearsley Mrs. Mary, 24 Cumberland st. b w Keeuan Peter, vict.. Good Intent, 18 Warren st. s Keeller Richard, translator, 173 New Market, & 95 Low st. s Keir John, joiner, 4 York st. b w Kell Mrs. Margaret, 5 Derwent st. b w Kelley John, mariner, 24 Union st. b w Kelly James, master mariner, 8 Pemberton st. b w Kemp John, master mariner, 26 Barclay st. m w s Kennedy Ann, hosier, &c., 57 Dundas st. m w s Kennedy W^illiam, master mariner. Moor st. b w Kennicott Rev. Benj., incumbent of Monkwearmouth Church, North Bridge st. m w s Kennicott Rev. Benj. C, incumbent of All Saints, Eoker, m w Kenny Mary, dress maker, 56 South Durham st. b w Kent James, shipsmith, and chain maker. North quay, m w s Kent Joseph Dixon, shoemaker, 71 Lawrence st. b w Kerr Charles, shoemaker, 5 Grey st. s Kerss VVilliam, ship smith, and ship owner. Long Bank; h. 97 High st s Keys James, vict.. Earl of Durham, 69 Low street, s Kidd Elizabeth, dress maker, 8 South Durham st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 391 Kidd Pearson Ward, master mariner, Hill st. b w Kidney Henry, running fitter, 25 Wear st. b w Kidson John, solicitor, clerk to the Magistrates and River Wear Watch, 15 East Cross st 5 h. 36 Frederick st. b w Kidson John, shopkeeper, 3 Silver st. s Kidson Miss Mary, 11 Frederick street, b w Kile James, master mariner, 27 Cumberland st. b w Kimpster Mrs. Ellen, 14 West Wear st. b w Kimpster William Edward, beerhouse, 2 Bedford st. b w Kimson Thomas, lath river. East street, b w King John, grocer, Williamson street, m w s King William Henry, baker and shopkeeper, 107 Coronation st. b w Kirby George Smith, shoemaker, 15 South st. b w Kirk Wm. & Co., coal fitters & brokers, 136 High st. ; h. Tatham st. b w Kirkaldy Robert, plumber and glazier, Wear st. m w s Kirkbride Andrew, coal agent, Liddell terrace, m w s Klrkbride George, vict., George IV., Ay re's quay, b w Kirkbride James, tailor and shopkeeper, Whitburn st. m w s Kirkbride William, tailor and draper, Dock st. ra w s Kirkbride William, cooper. North quay, m w s Kirkby John, grocer, provision, and flour dealer, 5 High st. b w Kirkby John, ship carpenter. Back of Sunderland st. b w Kirkup George, painter, h. Hamilton st. m w Kirkup Hannah, lodgings, 17 Norfolk st. b w Kirkup James, beerhouse, Back Nile st. b w Kirkwood William, ship chandler. North quay; h. 52 Dundas st, m w s Kirtley Mr. John, 23 Johnson st. b w - Kirtley John, running fitter, 13 Grey st. s Kirtley John, marine store dealer. North quay; h. 2 Barclay st. m w s Kirtley Robert, engineer and hardware dealer, Liddell ter, m w s Kirton Mrs. Elizabeth, Church st. m w s Kirton Joseph, vict., Coble, 7 Warren st. s Kirton Ralph, ship owner, Thomas st. m w Kirton William, brazier and tin-plate worker, Church st. m w s Kish Thomas, vict., Whitwell Colliery, 7 Low quay, s Kitchen John, green grocer, 75 Coronation st. b w Kneebon Rev. John, (Baptist) 65 Lawrence st. b w Knifton Charles, bailiff*, Whitburn st. m w s Kuss, Amand, & Co., German clock makers, 10 Coronation st. b w Kyle William, tailor and draper, 29 Cousin st. b w Lackenby Thomas Henry, currier & leather cutter, 51 Northumberland St., b w ; sale shop, Grey st. s Lackenby William, currier and leather seller, 45 High st. b w Lackland Margaret, pawnbroker, straw hat maker, and plait dealer, 14 Brougham st. b w Laidler Andrew, tailor and draper, 146 High st. b w :392 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Laidler John, master mariner, 36 Zion st. b w Laidler William, boot and shoemaker, 145 High st. b w Laing James, shoemaker, 4o Robinson's lane, 9 Laing James, master mariner, 14 Barclaj st. m w s Laing Philip, glass bottle manufacturer; L. Deptford House, b \r Lakeland Joseph Stanhope, clerk, 4 Chester road, b w Lamb Christopher, shoemaker. Nelson square, m w s Lamb Elizabeth, straw hat maker, 43 South Durham st. b w Lamb George, boat builder, and marine store dealer. Low st. s Lamb Henrj, master mariner, 14 East Cross st. b w Lamb James, plumber and brazier, ct. 199 High st. s Lamb Jane, lodgings, 43 Lawrence st. b w Lamb Matthew, master mariner, 2 North Bridge st. m w s Lamb Margt., fruiterer, poulterer, game dealer, &c.; h. I Bedford st. b w Lamb Robert, timber measurer, 38 Brougham st. b w Lamb Robert, shipsmith, Hudleston st. m w s Lamb Thomas, jun., shipsmith, and chain maker, Whitburn st. m w 3 Lamb William, master mariner, 16 Sunderland st. b w Lambert Francis, butcher & bacon dlr., 40 New mkl. ; h. 14 Wood aller, s Lambert Henrv, ship owner, 10 East Cross st. b w Lambert John Morrel, master mariner, 29 Nile st. b w Lambert John, ship owner, 44 Tatham st. b w Lambert William Windus, wine and spirit merchant, Arcadr, s and vict., WMieat Sheaf Inn, 4 Moor st. b w Lambton Coal fitting office. Dock st. b w, John Todd, agent Lambton Land Sale coal depot, Hilton road, b w, John Vickers, agent Lambton Peter, ship owner, 12 Sunderland st. b w Lambton W. H. & Co., bankers, 54 Yilliers st. b w; J. S. Robinson, agent Lambton William, master mariner, 4 William st. b w Lancaster Isabella, furniture broker, 19 Coronation st. b w Lacgford F. K., teacher Grange school ; h. High st. b w Langlands Sarah Ann, dress maker, 30 Charles st. b w Langton John, beer retailer, 49 High st. b w Langton William, cabinet maker, 17 Albert st. b w Larmont John, beerhouse and shopkeeper, East Woodbine st. b w Latham Michael, vict., Borough Tarern, 15 Yorke st. m w s Lawrence John, mariner, & Elizabeth, dress maker, 6 Wah^orth st. b w Laws Ann, lodgings. Broad st. m w La(?s George, shoemaker, 29 Vine st. s Laws William, shoemaker, 42 Queen st. s Lawson Anthony, cabinet maker, 5 Dunning st. b w Lawson Christopher, shoe dealer, 138 New mkt.; h. Lombard st. s Lawson David, shoemaker, Whitburn st. m w s Lawson Mrs. Elizabeth, pawnbroker, 4 Charles st. b w Lawson Hugh, clothes dealer, 105 New mkt. ; h. Long bank, s Lawson John, patent yeast dealer, 5 Sans st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 393 Lawson John, tailor, 32 Queen st. s Lawson John, master mariner, Waterloo place, m w s Lawson Thomas, vict.. Glasshouse Tavern, 34 Bishopwearmouth pans Lawson Thomas, reporter, 15 Lawrence St. b w Lawson William, sail maker, 112 Low St.; h. 34 Grey st. s Lawson William, vict, Board, Wear st. m w s Lawson William, btchr., 6 Maling's rig, & vict., Lord Byron, 50 Vine st. s Lawson William, cooper, Hudleston st. m w s Lax George, Joiner, Golden Alley; h. 21 South Durham st. b w Lay Robert, vict., Union Flag, Wear st. m w s Lay ton Robert, foreman, Southwick lane, m w Laybourn William, cabinet maker and furniture broker, 79 Coronation St.; h. 33 Tatham st. b w Layburn William, policeman, 8 King st. b w Lazains Phineas Soloman, quill dresser, 43 Vine st. s Leadbitter Robert, ship owner, 62 Wear st. b w Leadbitter Walter Ferguson, chemist and druggist, 6 Bridge st. b w Leadill William, tailor, Whitburn st. m w s Leaman Samuel, shopkeeper, 38 Castle st. b w Leaman William, master mariner, 6 Green st. b w Lee and Ainsley, drapers. High st. s Lee George Henry, master mariner, Barclay sto m w s Lee George Kelsey, draper; h. 45 Villiers st. b w Lee John, academy, 30 Green st, b w Lee Joseph, iron founder; h. Frederick st. b w Lee Smetham, surgeon and apothecary to the Sunderland Infirmary^ Chester road, b w Lee Mr. Thomas, 7 Vine place, b w Lee Thomas Robson, gent., 45 Villiers st. b w Lee Thomas, jun., ship broker and coal fitter, 45 Villiers st. b w Lee William & Son, iron founders. Phoenix Foundry, 97 Coronation st.; h. Southwick, b w Leech Lieutenant Robert, R. N., 11 Fawcett st. b w Leefe Rev. I. E., curate. Rectory, 2 High st. b w Legender William, master mariner, Liddell ter. m w s Leighton John James, master mariner, back of Sunderland st. b w Leithead Andrew, hair dresser. Wear st. m w s Lennox John, marine store dealer, 12 and h. 127 Low st. s Lequafe Frances, milliner, 140 High st. b w Lethe James, pawnbroker, 7 Cousin st. b w Lever John, trunk maker, 210 New mkt.; h. 52 Coronation st. s Lewes James, master mariner. East st. b w Lewthwaite George, clog and patten maker, 78 New mkt. s Lewis Margaret, dress maker, 3 Brougham st. b w Lewis William, shopkeeper and joiner, 9 Hendon road, b w Ley burn Thomas, flour dealer, 45 Coronation st. s 2l 2 391 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Liddell Ann, grocer, 27 Dundas st. m w s Liddell Ann, shopkeeper, 35 Church st. s Liddell George, carpenter, 25 Bishopwearmouth pans Liddell Mark, tailor and draper, 5 Dunning st. b w Liddell Robert, ship owner, 2 Bridge st. b w Liddle Henry, cabinet maker and furniture broker, 6 Crowtree road, b w Liddle Isabella, balier, 4 Cumberland st. b w Liddle John, vict.. Carpenters* Arms, Church st. m w s Liddle Robert, vict.. Peacock, 110 High st, s Liddle Robert, master mariner, 72 Lawrence st. b w Liddle William, vict.. Earl Grey, North quay, m w s Lightly Edward, vict., Masons Arms, 50 Union st. b w Lilburn William, baker and flour dealer, 125 High st. s Lindsay George, agent glass works, Ayre's quay, b w Lindsay John, carver and gilder, 13 Biidge st, b w Linskill John, miller, 46 Queen st, b w Lindslay William, earthenware dealer, 11 1 New market, s Linsley George, horse clipper, 126 Coronation street, b w Lister George, master mariner, 135 High st. s Literary and Philosophical Society, 27 Fawcett st. b w, J. G. Grant and John Evans, secretaries Lloyd James, Esq., collector of customs, 42 Fawcett st. b w Lloyd Jane, vict.. Royal Tent, 320 High st. b w Lloyd Lewis, tailor, Hanover place, b w Lloyd Thomas, master mariner, 37 West Wear st. b w Lloyds Register Office, 2 Nile st. b w; John Brunton & Thomas Boyes Siraey, surveyors Loane Mrs. Ellen Blake, 1 Albion place, b w Lockey George Humble, tailor and draper, 40 Charles st. b w Lockey Henry, tailor, 37 Vine st. s Lockie John, brewer, Ayre's quay, b w Lockie Peter, vict.. Grey Horse, 203 High st. s Logan Mrs. Jane, 5 Chester road, b w Longford Thomas, master mariner, 36 Wearst, b w Longley John, mariner, 5 Northumberland st. b w Longmire Thomas, shoemaker. East Moor st. s Longridge Thos. B., painter and glazier, 34 Charles st. b w Longstaff George, sen., butcher and tallow chandler, 70 High st, s Longstaff George, jun., butcher, 68 High st. s ; h. 4 Nicholson st. b w Longstaff Henry, butcher, 43 High st. s Longstaff Henry, ship owner, 3 4 South Durham st. b w Longstaff Thos., butcher & ship owner, 59 High st. s ; h^ 15 Villiers st. b w Longstaff Thomas, schoolmaster, 10 Norfolk st. b w Longstaff William, grocer, 17 Bridge st, b ay Lonie Miss Ellen, 24 Cousin st. b w Lonie Isabella, shopkeeper, 3 Coronation st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRKCTORY. 395 Lonia Martin, ship broker, Exchange Buildings, s ; h. 21 Frederick st. b w Lonsdale Alice, dress maker, 11 Southgate, b w Lord George, parish clerk, and registrar of births and deaths, for the East District, Church walk, s Lord George, jun., organist, Church walk, s Lord John, furniture broker, 57 Coronation st. s Loss P. R. & Co., general merchants, ship brokers, and coal H'ters, Sun- niside Buildings, b w Loss Peter Rowland, merchant, ship broker, &c. ; h. 17 Norfolk st. b w Loughton George, sail cloth, &c. manufacturer; h. East Woodbine st. bw Loughton & Scott, sail cloth, tar pauling, &c. manufcturs, Ropery lane, % Lotherington Misses, South Moor, Stockton road, b w Loutitt Thompson, tailor, 25 North Durham st. b w Low George & Matthew, shoemakers, 23 Woodbiae street, b w Low James, hair dresser, 117 High street, s Lowe Robert, eating house, Wear street, m w s Lowes Charles Wilson, tobacconist, 38 High street, s Lowes George, shoemaker, back Church street, m w s Lowes John, boot and shoemaker, Nelson square, m w s Lowes R. brewer, Robinson's lane, & vict. Honest Lawyer, 11 i Low st. s Lowis Richard, foreman, 9 Grey st. s Lowther Catherine, shopkeeper, 21 Nesham square, s Lowthian Isaac, tailor, 27 North Durham street, b w Luckley Staaop, master mariner, 5 Lawrence street, b w Lulman Charles, permit writer, 9 Villiers street, b w Lumsdon & Byers, ship and insurance brokers, 4 Russell street, s Lumsdon Edward, chain & anchor mfr. Strand st. ; h. 1 Nrth Bdg. st. m w s Lumsdon Joseph, ship & insurance broker; h. 1 Tavistock pi. b w Lumsdon Mary, vict. Smith's Arms, Church street, raws J^umsdon Roger, vict. Grapes Hotel, and ship owner, 33 Dundas st. m w s Lumsdon William, master mariner and ship owner, 6 Cousin street, b w Luitie Alexander, master mariner, 6 Moor street, b w Lyghtly Anthony, daguereotype portraite establishment, 2 Sussex st. b w Lynn Robert, green grocer, 22 Low street, s Mc Cain Christopher, tide waiter, 19 Thomas street, s Mc Cain James, vict« Brewery Arms, 93 High street, 3 Mc Clement Thomas, tailor, 33 Church street, s Mc Cree Robert, shopkeeper, Ayre's quay, b w Mc Dermont James, printer, 16 Queen street, b w Mc Donald George, sculptor & marble mason. North Bridge st. m w s Mc Donald Adam, mariner, 29 Union street, b w Mc Donald Alexander, ailor, 26 Flag lane, s Mc Donald Cornelius, master mariner, 18 Bedford street, b w Mc Donald James, vict. Friendly Tavern, 22 Yorke st. m \v s Mc Donald Moses, grocer and provision dealer, 94 High st. s Mc Donald Thomas, master mariner, 18 East Cross street, b w 396 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Mc Donald William, master mariner, 25 East Cross street, b w Mc Doiigle Anthony, painter and glazier, 41 South Durham street, b w Mc Dougle John, tailor, Whitburn street, raws Mc Dowell John, excise officer, 5 Vine place, b w Mc Harg Robert, travelling tea dealer, Back Lawrence st. b w Mc Intosh George, shopkeeper, 149 High st. s Mc Kenna John, hat manufacturer, 21 Church st. s Mc Kenzie Alexander, master R. N., 5 Frederick st. b w Mc Kenzie Alexander, draper, &c.; h. Sunniside, b w Mc Kenzie James, cabinet maker and joiner, 26 1 High st. b w Mc Kenzie James, mariner, Back Nile st, b w Mc Kenzie & Wilson, linen and woollen drapers, Sunniside buildings, b w Mc Laren Thomas, master mariner, 24 Yorke st. ra w s Mc Laucblan John, straw hat maker, 205 High st. s Mc Loughlin Mark, translator, 29 Low st. s Mc Master L, teacher. Grange School, Stockton road, b w Mc Pherson Donald, shoemaker, 37 George st. s Mc Pherson William, plumber and gas fitter, Back of Bridge st. h. West Wear st. b w Mc Rae Thomas, 8 Northumberland st. b w Mackbeth Sarah, beerhouse, Brewery bank, m w s Maccaw Peter, marine store dealer, 7 Silksworth row, b w Macdonald Alexander, grocer. Church st. m w s Macdonald William, master mariner, 47 Woodbine st. b w Mackie Robert, upholsterer, 3 Sans street upper, b w Macklam John, shopkeeper. Hind st. b w Maclean Fanny, dress maker. King st. b w Maclain William, baker, 50 High st. ; h.20 Walworth st. b w Madder Eleanor, shopkeeper, 12 Matlock st. b w Maddison Ann, spinal and French stay, truss, and surgical belt maker, elastic lace stockings, ankle socks, knee caps and wrist bands made to measure, 15 Villiers st. b w Maddison John, vict., Board, 29 Robinson's lane, s Maddison Philip, joiner, cabinet maker, and furniture broker, 115 Coro- nation St. b w Maddison Richard, vict. Custom House Tavern, 1 Thomas street, s Madgwick Thomas, master mariner, Wall st, b w Magee Henry, ship owner. Bridge street, b w Maighin Rose, vict. Rising Sun, Low Flag lane,s Maling Edward, surgeon, 1 Sunniside, b w Maling Misses, day school, 25 Murton street, b w Maling William, shoemaker, Hedworth street, m w s Mallaburn William, pilot, 6 Lambton street, b w Manning John, master mariner, 47 Wear street, b w March Charles, master mariner, 38 Dundas street, m w s Marine Alms Houses, Maritime place, b w, Mrs. Barbara Shields, matron i. i SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 397 Marks Abraham Isaac, ship chandler, hardwareman, and general outfitter 109 Low street, s Marlborough John, mattress makers, 23 South street, b m Marley Richard, confectioner, Hiil street, b w Marquis of Londonderry's coal & coke fiiting office. Exchange buildings,, s; Pattison Elliott, agent Marr Emelia, furniture broker, 24 Grey street, s Marr Sarah, earthenware dealer. North quay, m w s Marrington John, clothes broker, 31 Coronation street, s Marrington Matthew, master mariner, 41 Lawrence street, b w Marriott Dorothy, poulterer, 3 New market ; h. Golden Alley, s Marshall Andrew, currier and leather cutter, 93 Coronation street ; h. 11 Hendon road, b w Marshall Francis, chemist & druggist, 300 High street, h Wy Si manufac- turing chemist, Hilton ; h. 1 Olive street, b w Marshall George, marine store dealer, 86 Low street, s Marshall George, sawyer, 17 Pan lane, b w Marshall John, watch maker, jeweller and silversmith, 210 High street, s h. 65 Tathara street, b w Marshall John, ship carver, Yilliers street; h. Hedworth street, b w Marshall John, master mariner, back Nile street, b w Marshall Jc hn, vict. Williamson's Arms, Church street, m w s Marshall Joseph, vict. Mechanics Tavern, wood turner, ship wheel maker and carver, back Villiers street, b w Marshall Mrs. Jane, Hendon, b w Marshall Thomas, running fitter, 113 High street, s Marshall William, marine store dealer, 58 Silver street, s Martin Charles, tailor, 1 Nesham square, s Martin John, schoolmaster, 22 Lambton street; h 40 Johnson st. b w Martin John, sail maker, 4 Mark quay, s ; h. 10 Howick st. b w Mariin Joseph, medicine vender, 115 Low street, s Martin Walter, master mariner, 16 West Wear st. b w Martin William, shopkeeper, 5 Adelaide place, b w Martindale John, boarding and day school, Hedworth ter. b w Marwood and Bird, ship and insurance brokers, custom house ; and coal agents, 54 Sans st. b w Marwood William, ship and insurance broker; h. 30 Chester road, b w Mason Mrs. Ann, 33 Cousin st. b w Mason Elizabeth, fishmonger, New Market ; h. Pottery bank, s Mason George, pawnbroker, 21 Queen st. b w Mason Geo. sail, thimble, & chain mkr., 33 b w pans ; h. 29 Uniou si. b w Mason Hamilton, surgeon, 18 Villiers st, b w Mason Jane, hosier and smallware dealer, 41 Coronaiion st. s Masterman Mrs. Ann, 111 High st. b w Masterraan George, master mariner, 14 Sunderland st. b w Mather William, enginewright, 46 Hendou load, b w 398 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Matteson John, crown glass manufacturer; h. 34 Fawcett St. h w Matthew Edward, butcher, Church st. ; h. Newcastle road, m w s Matthew Edward, chemist and druggist, Hudleston st. m w s Matthew George, ship owner, Tathara st. b w Matthews John, gent.. Shields road, m w Mattison Ann, shopkeeper, 39 Charles st. h w Mattison Ann, old clothes dealer, 4 Grey st. s Maughan Matthew, shipsmith, Moss lane ; h. 95 High st. s Maughan William, blacksmith and nail maker. Black Bull quay, s Maxfield Benjamin, shopkeeper and joiner, 16 Coronation si. b w Maxwell Thomas, beerhouse, J 3 Waterloo st. m w s Maynard William, groom, 9 Back Fawcett st. b w Mayor's Chamber, 15 East Cross st. b w Meadley Misses Alice and Catherine, 66 Fawcett st. b w Meadley William, vict.. Custom House Hotel, 137 High st. s Mears & Co., fruiterers, poulterers, game, British wine, cigar, china, glass? &c. dealers, 224 High st. b w Mears William & Son, hardware and fancy toy wrhs., 117 High st. b w Medd Thomas, furrier, 47 Queen ?t. b w Meek Thomas, engineer of river Wear, South Pier, s Meldrum Alexander George, chemist and druggist, 269 High st. b w Meldrum John, master mariner, Moor ter. s Meldrum Robert, boot and shoe maker, 8 Moor ter. s Melvin Joseph, green grocer and oyster dealer, 2 Bodlewell lane, s Menham George, master mariner, 28 Zion st. b w Menmier William, school master. Hill st. ; h. 13 Cousin st. b w Mesnard Edward, merchant and coal fitter; h. 17 Norfolk st. b w Mesnard & Hudson, merchants and coal fitters, 134 High st. b w Metcalf George, tailor, Hamilton st. m w s Metcalf Jane, school, 31 Grey st. s Metcalf Robert, master mariner. Back Lawrence st. b w Metcalf Thos., cabinet maker and furniture broker, 86 Coronation St. b w Metcalfe Thomas, travelling tea dealer, 43 South st. b w Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Stafford st. s Micklam & Carr, timber merchants, ship brokers, &o., Wreath's qy. m w s Micklam Mrs. LyUia, 56 Dundas st. m w s Middlemiss George Andrew, architect, surveyor, auctioneer, & appraiser, 22 Bedford street, b w Middleton Edward, master mariner, 7 Wear st. b w Middleton George, block, mast, and pump maker, Dean's yaid, s; h. 4 Woodbine st. b w Middleton John, sail maker and ship owner, 88 Low st. s ; h. 24 King street, b w Middleton Patrick, master mariner, 59 Nile st. b w Middleton Thomas^ shoemaker, 23 Vine st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 399 Middleton William, mast, l)lock, and pump maker. North shore; h. 5 Dock St. m w s Milburn Thomas, grocer, Broad st. m w Milburn & Usher, rope makers, Hendon road, b vr Milburn William, rope maker; h. 1 Adelaide place, b w Milburn William, master mariner, Dixon's square, m w s Millbourn Thomas, butcher, Charles st. ; h. ^2 Bedford st. b w Millbourne William & Co., stock and share brokers, 174 High st.; h. 5 Sussex St. b w Millar & Smart, linen and woollen drapers, 179 High st. b w Millar William Donnison, draper, &c. ; h. 179 High st. b w Miller George, boot and shoe maker, 256 High st. b w Miller George, master mariner, II Grey st. s Miller Mr. James, 16 Pemberton st. b w Miller Jane, vict., Artichoke, Middle Hendon, b w Miller John and Elizabeth, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers milliners, &c., Sunniside Buildings, b w Miller John, laceman, 83 and 84, High st, b w Miller John, bricklayer, 46 Hendon road, b w Miller John, master mariner, 49 Wear st. b w Miller Margaret Ann & Co., shopkeepers, 131 Coronation st. b w Miller Mary, milliner and dress maker, 83 and 84 High st. h w Miller Mary, day school, 22 Olive st. b w Miller William, boot and shoe maker, 25 East Cross st. b w Miller William, shopkeeper, 83 Coronation st. b w Miller William, marine store dealer, 147 Low st. s Mills John, shoemaker, 23 Queen st. s Mills Mary, vict., Caledonian Arms, Wear st. m w s Mills Peter, ship owner and surveyor, 49 Villiers st. b w Mills Robert, master mariner, 23 Yorke st. m w s Mills Sampson, ship broker, 11 bridge st. b w Mills William, ship smith, 41 Charles st. b w Mills Thomas, master mariner, 38 Brougham st. b w Milne Alexander, merchant, 58 Fawcett st. b w Milne T. A. ladies seminary, 58 Fawcett st. b w Milne James, seamen's missionary, 7 Frederick street, b w Milner Rev. Jas., curate of Monkwrmth. Church, 77 Dundas st.m w s Milner Joseph, vict.. North Star, North shore, m w s Milner Thomas, foreman, 1 Sussex st. b w Milner Ralph, gent , Green ter. b w Milton Robert, vict., Joiners Arms, Golden alley Minikin Mrs. Mary, 28 Woodbine st. b w Mitcalfe Richard, master mariner, 2 Tatham st. b w Mitchell George, boat builder, 79 Low st. s ; h. 75 Lawrence st. b w Mitchell George, vict.. Red Lion, 71 Crowtree road, b w Mitchell Geo., watch & clock maker & small ware dealer, 62 High st. b w 400 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Mitchell Jas., coal fitter and merchant. Church st. m w s Mitchell John, watch and clock maker, and jeweller, Maude's court, $ Mitchell Robert, clock and watch maker, 18 Sans st. s Mitchell Thos., boot and shoemaker, 141 Low st. s Mitchell Thos., master mariner, 6 Wear st. b w Mitchell Thos. M., clerk customs, 48 Tatham st. b w Mitcheson Charles Thos., master mariner, Back Zion st. b w Mitcheson Martin, grocer, 312 High st. b w Mitchieson Jane, vict., 143 High st. s Mitchinson Robert, ship owner, 3 Frederick st. b w Mitchinson Thomas, tailor, 89 Sans st. b w Moffat Alexander, grocer & flour dealer, 19 High st. b w Moffat William Warren, painter and glazier, 53 High st. b w Moffatt Elizabeth, national school, Numbers Garth j h. 17 Green st.b vr Moffatt George, master mariner, 14 Grey st. s Monkwearmouth Church, Church street, m w Monkwearmouth Coal and Coke Depots, Portobello lane, m w, Dawson Ranson, agent Monro Andrew, surgeon & accoucher, Back Lawrence st. b \7 Monro Robt organist, professor of music & artist, Back Lawrence st. b w Moody Andrew, vict., Golden Anchor, 128 Low st. s Moody Ellen, shopkeeper, 25 Northumberland st. b w Moody John, joiner and builder, 8 High row, b w Moon Alexander, ship owner, 16 Tavistock place, b w Moon Ann, vict.. Wear Tavern, Long bank, s Moon Charles, bankers clerk, 26 Villiers st. b w Moon Mrs. Elizabeth, 26 Villiers street, b w Moon Henry Alexander, ship owner, Exchange buildings, s; h, J 6 Tavistock place, b w I Moor Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 56 Burleigh st. s Moor John, ship owner, 23 Nile st. b w Moor John, master mariner, 8 Dock st. m w s Moor John, blacksmith, 3 Crowtree road, b w Moor Mr. Thomas, 2 Tavistock place, b w Moore, A. J. & M. solicitors to the Sunderland Water Co. 7 Bridge st.bw Moore Anthony John, solicitor, and steward to the ancient Manor of Sunderland ; h. Building hill, b w Moore Barbara, Shopkeeper, 8 George st. s Moore and Co., merchants and coal fitters, 53 Sans st. b w Moore Edward, grocer and provision dealer, Mill st. b w Moore George, grocer, cheese and bacon factor, 244 Hige st. b w Moore George Storey, earthenware mauufr. j h. 16 North Bdg. st. m w s Moore John, agent, 10 Bedford st. b w Moore John George, butcher, 72 High st. b w Moore John, blacksmith, 1 Middle st. b w Moore Leonard, shoemaker, 17 Middle st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 401 Moore Leonard Hutchison, joiner & cabinet maker, Russell st. s Moor M. & T. P., butchers, 92 Low street, s Moore Martin, shoemaker, 1 King st. b w Moore Martin, ship owner ; Ward terrace, b w Moore Samuel & Co., earthenware manufacturers, Bridge Pottery,m w s, and Weir Pottery, Low Southwick Moore Thomas, architect, & surveyor to commissioners of Wearmouth Bridge, 110 High st. b w Moore Thomas, jun., merchant & coal fitter ; h. Tatham st. b w Moore William, solicitor; h. 2 Tavistock place, b w Moore Wm. Thos., draper, laceman, hosier, &c.,225 High st. b w Moore Mary Ann, lodgings 21 Prospect row, s Mordey Christopher, gent.. White House, Hendon road,b w Mordey Mrs. Margaret, QQ Lawrence st. b w Mordey William, surgeon, ^9 John st. b w Mordey William, master mariner, 2 West Wear st. b w Morgan Charlton, ship owner, 16 Cousin st. b w Morgan John, tailor, 20 Sussex st. b w Morgan Nicholas, grocer and flour dealer, Ravensworth ter. m w s Morley James, pilot, North Moor st. s Morley Joseph Thomas, green grocer, Ayre's quay, b w Morrell William, butcher, 52 New Market, s; and 22 Wear st. b w Morris Rev. John, (Scotch Secession) D'Arcy terrace, b w Morrison John, painter and glazier. Church st.; h. Waterloo st. m ws Morrison William, printer; h. 11 Green st. b w Morton Joel, ironmonger, file and nail manufacturer, 39 High st. b w Moses Charles, shipwright, 12 Coronation st. b w Mounsey Edward Jasper Capper, iron merchant; h. Hendon Hill, b w Mounsey John, coal owner, 23 Bridge st. ; h. 21 Fawcett st. b w Mounsey Miss Mary, 22 Fawcett st. b w Mounsey Thomas, Esq., Hendon Hill, b w Mowatt James, master mariner, Howick st. b w Mowatt James, tailor, Golden alley, s Mowatt John, confectioner, 155, High st. s Mowatt Robert John, joiner and cabinet maker, 72 Hendon road, b w Mowatt Robert, confectioner, 29 High st. b w Moyes James, grocer and vict., 75 High st. s Muir Rev. James, (Secession) 21 Tavistock place, b w Muir Maria, ship owner, 31 Lawrence st. b w Munro Jane, dress maker, 48 Brougham st. b w Munro John Cass, gent., Hallgarth square, m w s Munro John, ship chandler, and commission agent. Old Fish Landing, s ; h. 9 Cousin st. b w Munro Thomas, cabinet maker, Middle st. ; h. 48 Brougham st b w Muckle John, hair dresser. Hat case, s Murdock John, master raariner,36 Union st. b w 2 m 402 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Murray Charles, joiner and builder, Villiers st. • h, 4 Tatham st. bw Murray Edward, organist, 54 Nile st. b w Murray Henry, gardener, 194 New Market, s. ; h. Thome hill, b w Murray Isabella, confectioner, Hamilton st. m w s Murray James, ship builder ; h. Dundas st. m w s Murray John, ship chandler, ship owner, and sail cloth manufacturer, 104 Low St. s Murray John, James, & Philip, ship builders. North Dock, m w s Murray John & Co., ship and insurance brokers, 9 High st. s Murray John, vict., Market Hotel, 55 Coronation st. s Murray John, gardener, Tunstall lane, b w Murray Michael, vict., Shamrock. 36 George st. s Murray Philip, ship builder ; h. Deptford, Murray Walter, painter and glazier, 22 Sans street upper; h. 8 Chester road,b w Murray Robert Robson, waterman, Tunstall lane, b w Muschamp & VV^eighill, linen and woollen drapers, carpet warehouse, &c. 16 High street, s Muschamp William, draper, &c. j h. 3 Stockton road, b w Muster Hall & Sailors Chapel, 62 Coronation st. s Cath. Reed, housekpr Myers James, mariner, 12 Pemberton st. b w Myers Ma,tthew, commission agent, 10 High row, b w Naisby Francis, tailor, 16 Walworth st.b w Nasbet Thomas, master mariner, 40 Nile st.b w National School, Low row, b w,Wm. Armstrong & Margaret Thompson National School, (Parochial,) 2 Vine street, s. William Henry Edney, and Dorothy Ann Cole Nattan David, travelling jeweller, 42 Vine st. s Nattress Charles, surgeon, 6 Villiers st. b w Naylor Miss Catherine, 23 East Cross street, b w Naylor Robert, clerk, 1 Smyrna place, b w Naylor Wiliam, master mariner, 22 Olive street, b w Neagle Nicholas, joiner, cabinet maker, furniture broker, and funeral furnisher 10 Lombard street, s Neal Adam, boot & shoe maker, 77 Coronation street, b w Neal John, hair dresser and perfumer, 2 Sans st, s Neel John, shoemaker, 75 New market, s and 6 Pemberton st. b w Neil Mary, day school, 13 Green, b w Nelson James, cabinet maker, 10 Sans street, s ; h. 5 West wear st. b w Nelson John, chimney sweep, 41 Baines lane, s Nelson John, butcher, 48 Vine st. s; h. Hendon lane, b w Nelson Robert, master mariner, Moorgate st. s Nesbit John, vict., East House, North shore, m w s Nesbitt Mary Ann, marine store dealer, 4 Cross st. b >,. Nesbitt T. & R. C, wine and spirit merchants, 51 High st. s Nesham Thomas, master mariner, 5 Thomas st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 40S Ness John, gent., 138 High st,, b w Nettleship Jane, lodgings, 24 William st. b w Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland Union Joint Stock Banking Com- pany, 2 Villiers st. b w ^ draw on Messrs. Barnet, Hoare, & Co., London ; Henry Armstrong, manager Newman John, master mariner, 61 Wear st. b w News Room, 13 Barclay st. m w s, Matthew Atkinson, secretary Newrick James, grocer, tea dealer, provision, and porter merchant, 52 High St.; h, foot of Queen st. b w Newton Anthony, timber merchant, 33 Sans st. b w Newton and Armstrong, sail makers. Dark entry, 19 Low st, s Newton Edward, sail maker; h. 1 D'Arcy ter. b w Newton John, vict,, Newcastle Arms, 19 Sunderland st. b w Newton Johns ship carpenter, 65 Northumberland st. b w Newton Margaret, milk seller, 75 Crowtree road, b w Newton Matthew, carrier, 30 George st. s Newton Matthias, brazier and tinplate worker, 120 Low st. s; h. 41 Frederick st. b w Newton Thomas, tailor, 19 Covent garden st, b w Newton Lieut. Robert, Broad st. m w Newton Thomas, translator, 72 New market, and 98 Low st. s Newton William, shoemaker, Hanover place, b w Nichol John, vict.. Angel Inn, & block & mast maker, North qy, m w s Nichol Thomas, block maker, 17 Yorke st. m w s Nicholson Obadiah, carpenter and cartwright. Sheep Fold, m w s Nicholson Thomas, ship owner & timber merchant; h. 19 Murton st. b w Nicholson Thomas, master mariner, 5 Howick st. m w s Nicholson Thomas, master mariner, 25 Lawrence st. b w Nicholson W. & Sons, anchor, chain, and windlass manufacturers, iron founders and engine builders, Wellington Iron Works, 114 and 115 High st, s ; h, 27 Lambton st. b w Nickless Mary, flour dealer, 16 High st. b w Nixon John, master mariner, 5 Sussex st. b w Nison Luke, butcher. Wear st. m w s Nixon Thomas, butcher, 59 Dundas st. m w s Nixon Thomas, furnishing ironmonger and nail maker, 169 High st. b w Nixon Timothy, master mariner, 54 Brougham st. b w Nixon William 5 grocer, tua, and provision dealer, 95 High st. s Noble Elizabeth, dress maker, 4 Brougham st. b w Noble Thomas, funeral furnisher and undertaker, 10 Church st. s Noble 1 homas, ship owner and fire brick maker, 24 Derwent st. b w Norman Isabella, shopkeeper, 35 Grey st. b w Norris Andrew Robert, shopkeeper and shoemaker, 36 South street, and 10 Walworth street, b w North of England Joint Stock Banking Co., 160 High street,b w, draw on London & Westminster Banking Co. ; Edward Forster Burditt, agent 404 ' SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. North Charles, shoemaker, Railway st. h w North Charles, shoemaker, 65 New Market, s; h. Woodhine st. b w Northern Tea Company, William Read, manager, Arcade, High st. s Northumberland and Durham District Banking Company, 171 High st. b w., draw on Barclay, Beavan, and Co., H. Thompson, manager Norton Elizabeth, lodgings, 65 Tatham st. b w No well Mr. William, 5 Murton st. b w Gates George, master mariner, 81 Wear st. b w Gates Johnson, builder & brick maker, 7 Chester road b w Gates Robert, vict., Russell Tavern, 6 Low st. & brewer, 1 Lombard st. s Ogden Henry, M. D., Dunning st. b w Ogden John Maude, solicitor, 7 Bridge st.; h. Middle Hendon,b w Ggle & Douglas, ironfounders, millwrights, &c., Ayres quay, b w Ogle George, ironfounder, &c. ; h. Ayres quay, b w Ogle Thomas, tailor, 5 Grey st. s Oliver Charles, master mariner, 8 Zion st. b w Oliver Miss Dorothy Elizabeth, 47 Villiers st. b w Oliver Mr. Francis, Hallgarth sq. m w s Oliver Matthew, vict., Olive Branch, Back Zion st. b w Oliver Richard, ship owner, 52 Frederick st. b w Oliver Thompson, ship owner, 7 Dundas st. m w s Oliver William, vict.. Union Flag, 130 Low st. s Oliver William, surgeon, 247 High st. b w Oliver William, vict., Hetton Brewery, 41 High st, s Omand Christiana, hosier & worsted dealer, 1 1 Nesham sq. s Oram Maria & Jane, straw hat makers & milliners, 243 High st. b w Ord Benjamin, vict., Dun Cow, Ayres Quay road, b w Ord Misses C. H. & H. Church st. m w s Ord Edward, linen & woollen draper, hatter, &c. ; h. 148 High st. b w Ord & Humphrey, woollen & linen drapers, silk mercers & hatters, 148 High St. b w Ord Errington Bell, merchant & ship owner; h. 19 Tavistock pl.b w Ord Jacob, landing surveyor customs, 57 Tatham st. b w Ord Jane, lodgings, 15 Nicholson st. b w Ord John, chemist, druggist, and agent to the North British Fire & Life Assurance Office, 193 High st. ; h. 57 Tatham st. b w Ord Mary, vict., Globe Tavern, 34 Coronation st. s Ord Ralph, shoemaker, 4 Nesham sq. s Ord Robert, veterinary surgeon & vict., Nutwith Inn, 135 Coronation st. and smith, 24 Sans st. b w Ord Thomas Bell, merchant & ship owner; h. 22 Tavistock pi. b w Ord William & Co., merchants & ship owners, 4 Sunderland st. ; h. 8 Fawcett st. b w Ord William, shoemaker, 22Crowtree road, b w Ord William, tax collector, 80 Wear st. b w Ormandey John, boot and shoemaker. Bishop Wearmouth pans SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 405 Ormston John, clerk, 3 Howickst. b w Orton Elijah, engineer, Back Nile st. b w Orton Reynold, surgeon, 24 Villiers st. b w Orwin Benjamin, colourer & stenclller, 31 Spring Garden lane, s Orwin Wilson, master mariner, 66 Wear st. b w Osmen Charles, bricklayer, 13 William st. b w Overing John Dinning, brewer, 116 High st. s Overing John, day school, 116 High st. s Overing William, vict., Turk's Head, 116 High st. s Owen Peter, schoolmaster, 24 Golden Alley, s Pace Robert, shoemaker, 14 Dun Cow st. b w Palam Anthony, master mariner, 31 Zion st. b w Palin Benjamin, chemist and druggist, 78 High st. s Palmer George, agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Office, South Dur- ham st. b w Palmer John, commercial traveller, 31 Green st. b w Pallister William, master mariner, 5 Olive st. b w Palmer James, master mariner, 20 Union st. b w Palmer Susan, old clothes dealer, 3 Grey st. s Panton Hugh, agent to the Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance Society, & Portugese Vice-consul, 140 High St.; h. 12 Fawcettst. bw Panton William, manager, Bishopwearmouth Iron Works, 3 High row^ b w Pardo John, fruiterer, 192 New Market; h, 52 Love lane, § Park Duncan, master mariner, 27 Barclay st. ra w s Park Elizabeth, confectioner and British wine dealer, 209 High st. b w Parker Mrs. Ann, 5 Stockton road, b w Parker Hill, bank managing director; h. II Murton st. b w Parker Janet and Agnus, tea dealers, Hendon road, b w Parker Rev. John, (United Secession,) 28 South Durham st. b w Parker John James, clerk, 11 Derwent st. b w Parker Richard, chemist and druggist, 21 Coronation St. b w Parker Thomas Preston, surgeon ; h. 253 High st. b w Parker Thomas, solicitor, and agent for the Yorkshire, Fire and Life Office ; h. 5 Stockton road, b w Parker William, master mariner, 50 Wear st, b w Parkin Joseph, agent to the Northern Coal Mining Company, ship broker and commission agent, 195 High st. s; h. 21 Sans st. uppei*, b w Parkin Joseph, enginewright, 43 Union st. b w Parkin Michael, master mariner, Thomas street, m w Parkin Robert, tide waiter, 15 Grey st. s Parliiu Thomas, bricklayer, &c. 3 Hedworth street, b w Parkin Thomas, master mariner, 59 South Durham st. b w Parkin William & Robert, bricklayers, 3 Hedworth street, b w Parkinson George, vict. Ship Loyalty, 46 Silver st. s Parkinson George, hair dresser, 26 William street ; h. 60 Walworth st. b w Parkinson Peter, beerhouse, Liddell st. m w s 2m2 ^06 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Parkinson Robert W., schoolmaster, William 8t. ; b. 28 Walworth st.bw Parton Rosann a, earthenware dlr., 127 New Market; h. Burleigh st. s Parton William, furniture broker, 14 Covent Garden st. s Patterson Rev. John T., D.D., 20 Frederick st. b w Patterson John, grocer and baker, 5 Flag lane, s Patterson Ralph, master mariner, 12 Lawrence st. b w Patterson Robert, master mariner, 26 Lawrence st. b w Pattinson Woodbert, joiner, l&West st. b w Pattison Cuthbert, ship owner, Whitburn st. m w s Pattison John, vict., Londonderry Arms and Commercial Hotel, 287 High St. b w Pattison John, joiner and builder, 299 High st.b w Pattison Mark, shoemaker, Moorgate st. s Pattison Thomas, commission agent, 19 Bridge st. b w Pattison William, tobacco pipe maker, Wood st. s Patton Robert, agent, 47 Woodbine st. b w Pawson Robert, master mariner, 16 Grey st. s Paxton Robert, grocer and provision dealer. Broad st. m w Paxton Wake, vict.. Crown Inn, and Boot and shoemaker, 31 Queen st. s Peace Francis, waiter. Exchange Buildings, s Peace John, ship carpenter, 125 Coronation st. b w Peacock, Brothers, ship and insurance brokers, and commission agents, Nile St. ; h. Green hill house, b w Peacock John, sen., gent.. Green hill house, b w Peacock John & William, booksellers and engravers, 186 High st. ; h. Greenhill house, b w Peacock John, corn miller ; h. 10 Murton st, b w Peacock William, ship and insurance broker, 12 Nile st. b w Peacock William, fishmonger, New Market; h. Robinson's lane, s Pearce & Thackray, timber merchants. Wreath's quay, m w s Pearce Thomas, timber merchant; h. 15 Bridge st. b w PearsleyMrs. Mary, 19 Nesham square, s Pearson Edward, shoemaker, 55 South Durham st. b w Pearson Francis, sen., hosier, 160 High st. s Pearson Francis, hosier and haberdasher, 153 High st. ; h. Borough road, b w Pearson Martin, master mariner, 28 Grey st. s Pearson Robert, coal dealer, Hudleston st. m w s Pearson William Henry, ship builder and owner, Ayre's quay ; h. 10 Lambton st. b w Pegg Joseph, ship owner, 4 Dundas st. m w s Pemberton Messrs. & Co., colliery owners, Monkwearmouth Colliery, Southwick lane ; Martin Douglass, jun., agent. Pemberton Miss Elizabeth, 40 Fawcettst. b w Penman Henry, ironmonger, anchor, chain, and nail manufacturer, and ship owner, 1 12 High st. s ; h. 22 Norfolk st. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 407 Penman Mrs. Isabella, ship owner, 3 Bridge st. b w Penman John, ship owner, 16 Norfolk st. b w Penman Joseph, surgeon, 62 Fawcett st. b w Penn Eleanor, school, 44 Northumberland st. b w Fennock Jonathan, grocer and baker, 45 Sans st. b w Penrith Mrs. Eleanor 100 High st. s Perkins James, tailor, 17 William st. b w Perks William, glass manufacturer ; h Green, b w Pettey William, mariner, 26 Sans st. b w Peters Robert, shopkeeper. Church st. m w s Peterson Alexander, master mariner, 2 Hedworth st. b w Petley John, master mariner, 51 Wear st. b w Pettman John, tailor, 3 Liddell st. m w s Petrie Arthur, shoemaker. Wear st.m w s Pettigrew Rev. I. F., curate of Sunderland, Rectory, Church st. s Peverly Robinson, master mariner, 63 Wear st. b w Phalp Flizabeth, shopkeeper. East st. s Phillip Albert, broker's clerk, 16 Lawrence st. b w Phillips Alexndr, earthenware manufr. & ship owner; h. 12 Cousin st. b w Phillips James, shoemaker, 18 Spring Garden lane, b w Phillips John, relieving officer, Whitburn st. ; h. 9 Yorke st. m w s PhiUips John, pawnbroker, 8 Wear st. b w Pickard John, grocer, Whitburn st. m w s Pickard William, grocer and flour dealer, Hanover place, b w Pickering William, tailor, 296 High st. b w Pickford & Co., carriers, 6 George st. & Railway station, m w s; Edward Wilson, agent Pile Joseph, master mariner, 73 Hendon road, b w Pile William &John, ship builders. North Shore ; hs. 20 Dundas street, and 4 Liddell street, m w s Pittre Ann, vict., Arcade Tavern, Low Flag lane, s Place George, shoemaker. Stamp's lane, s Place Mrs. Margaret, 1 8 Walworth st. b w Pladdie Joseph, tailor, 148 New Market; h. South alley, s Plews William, clerk, 28 Albert street, b w Police Station, Borough and River, 27 West Wear street, b w ; William Brown, superintendent. Police Station, Church street, m w s ; John Bails, inspector Pom fret Ralph H. & John, silk, cotton & woollen dyers, 54 Villiers st.b w Porrett Robert, grocer & tallow chandler ; h. 119 Low st. s Porteous Gilbert, sec. to Sunderland Corporatn. Gas Co. 61 Fawcett st. b w Porteous, John, grocer and tea dlr., 67 Coronation st. s; h. Cousin st.b w Porteous William, school master, Sussex st. ; h. South Durham st. b w Porter Benjamin Peacock, clerk, 8 Albert st. b w Porter Mrs. Margaret, 10 Frederick st. b w Porter llobert, tailor, 43 Brougham st. b w 408 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Post office, 30 Bridge st., Mrs. A. Robinson, postmistress Post Office Branch, 35 High st. s ; Ann Cockburn Post office blanch, Whitburn st. m w s, John Reed Potter Thomas, master mariner, 17 Pemberton st. b w Potter William, boat builder, Nortli quay, m w s Potts Andrew, boat builder and fish curer; h. Ravensworth ter. m w s Potts Christopher Thomas, solicitor and agent to the Phoenix Fire and Crown Life offices, secretary to the commissioners of pilotage, to Marine Insurance Association, &c., 1 and 2 Sunderland st. ; h. 143 High St. b w Potts Cuthbert and Brothers, boat builders and fish curers, North shore ; h. 30 Barclay st. m w s Potts Edward, gent., 17 Sans st. upper, b w Potts Edward, ship builder. North quay, raws; h. 34 Grey st. s Potts Guy, running fitter, 59 Moor st. b w Potts Guy, first harbour master. North Moor st. s Potts Hutton, ship builder, &c.; h. John st. b w Potts James, vict.. Queen's Head Inn, 25 Low row, b w Potts John, surgeon, 139 High st,, and New Town, b w Potts John, boat builder and fish curer ^ h. 8 Yorke st. m w s Potts John, vict., Hetton Staith, Ayre's quay road, b w Potts John, ironmonger, 183 High st. s Potts John, master mariner, 6 Yorke st. m w s Potts John Clark, master mariner. Church st. m w s Potts Joseph, stone mason and builder, 32 Frederick st, b w Potts Lipton Hutton, ship builder, &c. ; h. 22 Murton st. b w Potts Margaret, fish monger, New mkt.; h. Pier, s Potts Margaret, hosier, 7 Waterloo st. m w s Potts Matthew, shoemaker, Thomas st. m w Potts R, H. and Brothers, ship builders and owners, 4 Low st. s Potts Robert Hutton, ship builder, &c. ; h. Ward ter. b w Potts Taylor, timber merchant and ship broker; h. 13 Olive st. b w Potts Thomas, shoemaker, Ayre's quay, b w Potts Thomas, running fitter, 10 West Wear st. b w Potts William, ship builder; h. 66 John st. b w Potts William, tailor, 25 Grey st. s Pounden Matthew, shoemaker, 91 New mkt. ; h. 11 Church st. s Powell Edward, master mariner, 84 Wear st. b w Pratt Thomas, architect and builder, 31 Union st. b w Pratt William, master mariner. Church st. m w s Prest George, coachman, and Isabella, dress maker, 280 High st. b w Preston George, timber merchant, 5 Coronation st b w Preston John, slate merchant, 9 Lambton st. b w Preston William, bricklayer and builder, Back Nile st. b w Preventative Station, Old Battery, Town Moor, s, Capt. P. D. Bingham, commander SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 409 Price Misses Hannah and Easter, 25 Union st. b w Price John & Son, hair dressers, 34 Low st. s Price John, jun, hair dresser, 116 Low st. s Price Thomas, shoemaker, 164 New market; h. 9 Church st. s Priestly Jonathan, tailor, 1 1 D'Arcy ter. b w Primitive Methodist Chapel, Hopper st. h w Primitive Methodist Chapel, Flag lane, s Primitive Methodist Chapel, Waterloo place, m w s Pringle Miss Ann, 40 Walworth st. b w Pringle George, waiter, 35 Sans st. b w Pringle Thomas, watch maker, 33 Nesham square, s Pringle William, clock and compass maker, 128 Low street, sj h. East Woodbine st. b w Prior John, clerk, 23 Norfolk st. b w Probert Barbara, shopkeeper. Water st. b w Proctor Fortunatus, vict.. Wear Inn, Wear st. m w s Proctor John & Morrison John, boat builders. Sheep fold, m w s Proctor Robert, butcher, 84 High st. s Proffitt Ann, shopkeeper, 31 Walworth st. b w Proud George, colourer & stenciller, 9 Grey st. s Proud Henry, woollen draper and hatter; h. 23 Nile st. b w Proud John, master mariner, 19 D'Arcy ter. b w Proud Margaret, grocer & tea dealer, 169 High st. s Proud Robert, farmer, Hilton road b w Proud Thomas, farmer, Springwell House, Durham road, b w Proudfoot James, vict., Fox & Hounds, Bishop Wearmouth pans Proudfoot John, shopkeeper. Mill st* b w Pulman Richard, confectioner, 7 Bridge st. b w Punshon Mr„ Christopher, 30 West Wear st. b w Punshon Isabella, seminary, 30 West Wear st. b w Punshon Jane, shopkeeper, Whitburn st. m w s Punshon Mrs. Mary, 57 Northumberland st. b w Punshon Thomas, butcher, 2 Adelaide pi. b w; h. 50 Coronation st. s Punshon Wm., wine & spirit mert., 12 Low st. s; h. 8 Tavistock p). b w Punshon William, butcher, 46 New market s; h. Queen st. b w Purdy Benjamin, master mariner, 24 Brougham st. b w Purdy John Deerham, master mariner, 12 D'Arcy ter. b w Purvis Elizabeth, schoolmistress, Church walk, s Purvis John, keel owner, Hedworth st. b w Purvis Robert, beerhouse, 86 Wear st. b w Purvis Thomas, master mariner, 53 South Durham st. b w Pusey George, vict.. Royal Oak, Maud's court, b w Pyle Henry, master mariner, 9 Northumberland st. b w Pyle James, butcher, John st. m w Pyle John, shoemaker. Broad st, m w Pym William, mariner, 26 Northumberland st. b w 410 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Quelch Mrs. Hannah, 24 Olive st. b w Quinn Catherine, clothes dealer, 155 New market; h. Union In. s Rackley Stephen White, master mariner, 66 Wear st. b w Raferty John, vict., Forresters Arms, 32 Spring Garden In. s Rahn Andrew Godfrey, gent, 27 South st. b w Rahn Francis Henry, merchant & ship broker, Sunniside Buildings ; h, 27 South St. b w Railway Station, Newcastle, York, &c., Broad st. m w Railway Wharf Co., Railway Wharf, s; John Ray, managing partner Raine Mr. Joseph, South Durham st. b w Raine Mary Ann, day school. South Durham st. b w Raine Robert, vict.. Mariners Return, 143 Low st. s Raine Thomas, hair dresser, 74 High st. s Ramsay Henry, eating house, 202 High street, s F.amsay Mrs. Isabella, 20 Bridge street, b w Ramsay Robert, butcher, 10 New market; h. Covent garden, s Ramsay Robert, butcher, 110 Coronation street, b w Ramsay Thomas, master mariner, D'Arcy terrace, b w Ramsey Frances, vict. Royal William, Dock st. b w Ramsey John, block and mast maker; h. Yorke street, m w s Rankley John & Co., fish mongers and game dealers, 2 Favvcett st. b w Ranson Dawson, Derwent & Charlaw Colliery fitng. offic, 9 Dock st. m w s Ranson George Smith, solicitor & agent to the Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance office, 215 High street, b w Ranson John, vict. Grapes, 69 High street, s Ranson John, ship owner, 29 Frederick street, b w Ranson Mrs. Mary, 44 Nile street, b w Raven William Pickworth, commission agent, 16 Olive street, b w Rawes Henry, forge for shoeing horses and farrier, 3 East Cross st. b w Rawling Arthur, tailor, 40 Union street, b w Rawling Margaret Ann, straw hat and dress maker, 43 High st. b w Rawling Richard, tailor, 37 Union street, b w Rawson William, mariner, 1 Tatham street, b w Ray Arthur, iron forger, Ayre's quay, b w Ray Ralph, boot and shoe maker, 3 East Woodbine street, b w Ray Willliam, ship owner, 21 Sans street, upper, b w Ray William, vict. bath proprietor, and ship owner, Neptune Batlis Hotel 5 East Woodbine street, b w Ray & Wright, iron forgers. Ayre's quay, b w Rayne William, vict. Grace Darling, 17 Coronation st. b w Rayson John, confectioner, 186 New Market; h, 1 Stafford street, s Rea Mrs. Hannah, Church street, m w s Rea Robert, master mariner, 36 Northumberland street, b w Reach Thomas, lodgings, 73 Dundas street, m w s Reay Gabel, ship carpenter, 50 Nile street, b w Reay Thomas Jowsey, cashier, 4 Norfolk street, b w >- SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 411 Redford George, furniture broker, 30 Coronation street, b w Red ford William, furniture broker, 27 Charles street, b w Redhead Joseph, marine store dealer, North quay, m w s Redman William, master mariner, 8 Howisk street, b w Redpath George, tailor, Minorca, s Reed Alexander, eating house, Thornton place, b w Reed Alexander, vict. Mason's Arms, 37 Dunning street, b w Reed Mrs, Ann, 12 Grey street, s Reed David, master mariner, Hendon street, b w Reed George, printer, agent for admiralty charts, and ship owner ; h. 1 Murton street, b w Reed George, block and mast maker, 39 Vine st. s Reed George, master mariner and ship owner, 12 Frederick st. b w Reed James, merchant, coal fitter, Belgian Consul and Consular agent for France, 193 High st. ; h. 30 Tatham st» b w Reed Mrs. Jane, Thornhill, b w Reed John and Henry, butchers, 78 and 79 High st. b w Reed John, tailor and draper, 10 Nile st. b w Reed John and William, tailors, 18 Spring garden lane, s Reed Colonel John, 41 Fawcett street, b w Reed John jun., butcher, 283 High st. b w Reed John, letter carrier. Branch Post Office, Whitburn st. m w s Reed John, shopkeeper, 6 Albert st. b w Reed Margaret, ship owner, 12 Frederick st. b w Reed Mary, canvass manufacturer, 10 Bridge st. b w Reed Nicholas Corner, solicitor and superintendent registrar; h. 64, Fawcett street, b w Reed and Parker, solicitors, 2 Back Fawcett st. b w Reed Robert, solicitor, 37 Villiers st. b w Reed Mr. Robert, 137 High st. b w Reed Thomas & Co., printers, booksellers, stationers, agents for admir- alty charts, & ship owners, 185 High st. s.; h. 1 1 John st. b w Reed Thomas, brewer, Mark Quay Brewery, 100 Low st. and spirit mer- chant. Bee Hive lane, s. ; h. 1 1 Nicholson st. b w Reed Thomas, butcher, 23 New Market; h. Queen st. s Reed William, vict.. Joiners Arms, and stone mason. The Ford, b w Reed William, slater, 21 Walworth street, b w Reed William, joiner, 32 Walworth st. b w Rees Rev. Arthur Augustus, 18 Tavistock place, b w Rees Peter, master mariner. Fore st.b w Registrar Office, 116 High st., B>W. Nicholas Corner Reed, srperinten- dent Registrar Renney James, master mariner, 21 Woodbine street, b w Renney Robert, corn inspector, 23 Crowtree road, b w Renner Mrs. Mary, 41 Nile st. b w Renney Henry, shoemaker, 42 Northumberland st. b w 412 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Renney Henry, mason, 18 King st. b w Renney John, shopkeeper. Prospect row, s Renney William, butcher, 67 High st. ; h. 4 York st. b w Rennison Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 Grey st. s Rennison George Hugall, pawnbroker, 3 Sans st. s Rennison James, chemist and druggist, 99 High street, s Ren ton James, Ogilvie, master mariner, 21 Lawrence street, b vr Rentoul John, shoemaker, 79 New market; h. Chapel street, s Rewcastle James, ship carpenter, 62 Northumberland st. b w Reynolds Mrs, Eleanor, ship owner, 38 Villiers street, b w Reynolds Robert, clerk, 139 Coronation street, b w Reynolds Robert, merchant's clerk, 14 Murton street, b w Reynoldson John, farmer, Tunstall lane, b w Richan William, shoemaker, back Villiers street, b w Richardson Caleb & William, corn millers and tanners, 12 High row? Caleb, h. West Lodge, b w Richardson David, ship carpenter, 23 Northumberland st. b w Richardson Edward, Esq., coal owner, Cresswell House, b w Richardson Elizabeth, school, 36 Sans street, b w Richardson George & Cuthbert, ship and insurance brokers, 13 Barclay st m w s; hs, Tatham street, b w & 13 North Bridge st. m w s Richardson George, ship owner, 45 Tatham street, b w Richardson Mrs. Grace White, 15 Green street, b w Richardson James, linen and woollen draper; h. 51 Villiers st. b w Richardson James, eating house, 1 17 Low street, s Richardson John, grocer, 74 High street, b w Richardson John, vict. Earl of Durham, 30 Low street, s Richardson John, whitesmith, 110 Hendon road ; h. Church lane, b w Richardson John, clerk, Railway wharf, s Richardson John Wilson, grocer, 197 High st. b w Richardson Joseph, ship carpenter, 126 Coronation st. b w Richardson Mrs. Margaret, 39 Frederick st. b w Richardson Ralph, tailor and clothes cleaner, 151 New Market, s. ; h. 18 Hed worth street, b w Richardson Richard, master mariner, 23 Barclay st. m w s Richardson & Robertson, linen & woollen drapers, & carpet warehouse, 167 High street, bw Richardson Mr. Robert, 76 Olive st. b w Richardson Robson, sail maker, sail cloth merchant, and ship owner, 79 Low St. s. ; h. 8 Nicholson st, b w Richardson Samuel, joiner, 87 Coronation st, b w Richardson Thomas, Esq., West Hendon House, b w Richardson Thomas and James, grocers and tea dealers, 186 High street, s, and 21 Woodbine st. b w Richardson Thomas, ship owner, 7 Nicholson st. b w Richardson William, ship chandler, & ship owner, 44 Low st, s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 413 Richardson William, sail maker and ship owner, Moss lane, s Richardson William, registrar, of marriages, 17 Bedford st. b w Richardson William, beerhouse, Silksworth row, b w Riches Charles, master mariner, 36 Woodbine st. b w Rickaby, & Blakelock, earthenware manfrs, Sheepfold Pottery, m w s Rickaby & Dale, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers, &c., 184 High street, b w Rickaby George, linen & woollen draper, &c. ; h 184 High st. b w Rickaby Thomas, earthenware manufacturer; h. Meeting hill, m w s Rickaby Thomas, master mariner and ship owner, 19 Nicholson st. b w Rickaby — vict., South Docks, 31 Warren st. s Ridgeway Henry, iron monger, hardware dealer, cutler, repairer of saws &c.,206 High St. bw Ridley Anthony, surgeon, chemist & druggist, Wear st. m w s Ridley Mrs. Elizabeth, 41 Dundas st. m w s Ridley George, vict., Ship Albion, 31 Nesham square, s Ridley John, ship owner, 10 Barclay st. m w s Ridley Thomas, butcher, Church st.; h. Bridge road, m w s Ridley Thomas, ship owner, 7 North Bridge st. m w s Ring Thomas Frost, boot closer, 5 Castle st. b w Rippon John, marine store dealer, Williamson st. m w s Rippon Thomas, butcher, 24 High st. ; h. 15 Derwent st. b w Riseborough Mrs. Mary Ann, 3 East Woodbine st. b w Riseborough Thomas, baker & green grocer, 158 High st. s Ritchie Peter, master mariner, 40 South Durham st. b w Ritson Isaac, hat manufacturer, 28 Wear st. b w Ritson John & Sons, chmst. & druggists, 4 High st. s ; h. 35 Villiers st. b w Ritson John George, chemist and druggist ; h. 8 Coronation st. b w Robertson Alex. Hay, sen. chiropedest & jun. agt. 2 Ferry Boat landing s Roberts John, grocer and provision dealer, 65 High st. s Robertson Edward, B. E. bksllr., 183 New Mkt. ; h. Ferry Boat landing, s Robertson James Bolton, linen & woollen draper, ; h. 6 Norfolk st. b w Robertson James, glass, china, and earthenware dealer, 100 New market, and 126 Low st. s Robertson William, wood turner and vict., Robert Burns Arms, 70 Coro- nation St. b w Robertson William, blacksmith, 16 Queen st. s Robinson Ann, & Wood Robert, pawnbrokers, 20 Union lane, s Robinson Bygate, hair dresser, 78 Coronation st. b w Robinson Christiana, school, 15 Waterloo st. m w s Robinson Elizabeth, lodgings, 23 Lawrence st. b w Robinson Elizabeth, school, 28 George st. b w Robinson George, vict.. Red Lion Inn, John st. m w Robinson George F., post office clerk, 30 Bridge st. b w Robinson Mr. George, 23 Cousin st. b w Robinson James, boot & shoemaker, 1 16 Coronation st. s 414 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Robinson Mrs. Jane, 17 Nicholson st.b w Robinson John, furniture broker, 52 Coronation st. b w Robinson John, provision dealer, 190 High st. s Robinson John, vict , Kings Head, 15 Warren st. s Robinson John, ship owner, 15 John street, b w Robinson Mr. John, Nelson square, m w s Robinson Mrs. Mary, 5 North Bridge st. m w s Robinson Raisbeck Thomas, vict., Napoleon, 14 Maling's rig, s Robinson Ralph, master mariner. Wear st. b w Robinson Ralph Johnson, agent, 1 1 Lambton st. b w Robinson Richard, ship owner, 34 Dundas st. m w s Robinson Robert, glass and china dealer, 155 High st. b w Robinson Robert, canvas manfr. and green grocer, 4 Matlock st. b vr Robinson Robert, master mariner, 15 Brougham st. b w Robinson Thomas Huntley, land and house agent, West Wear st. b w Robinson Thomas, tide waiter, 16 Woodbine st. b w Robinson Thomas, gent., 26 Olive st. b w Robinson Thomas Temple, custom house brkr., custom House entrance, s' Robinson Mr. Thomas, Moor terrace, s Robinson William, painter and glazier, 299 High st. b w Robinson William, first clerk, Long Room, Customs, Hendon Lodge, \> w Robinson William, butcher^ Ayre's quay, b w Robinson William, blacksmith. Queen st. s; h. 3 Pemberton st. b w Robinson William, pawnbroker. Back Nile st. ; h. 6 Villiers st. b w Robison Anthony, parish clerk, 3 Dock st. m w s Robson Anthony, vict. Nag's Head, Whitburn st. m w s Robson & Co. tea merchants and grocers, 28 High st. s Robson Dearman, gentleman, 7 Murton st. b w Robson Edward, shopkeeper, 41 Grey's buildings, b w Robson Edward Capper, corn miller ; h. 37 Frederick st. b w Robson Mrs. Elizabeth, 64 John st. b w Robson Mr. George, 57 South Durham st. b w Robson George, joiner, cabinet maker, and turner, 6 Liddell st. m w s Robson George, master mariner, 53 South Durham st. b w Robson Mr. George, 22 Numbers garth, b w Robson Hall, master mainer, 84 Wear st. b w Robson James, boot and shoemaker. North quay, m w s Robson James Septimus, solicitor and clerk to commissioners of River Wear, 54 Villiers st. ; h. Hunters Hall, b w Robson^ James, master mariner. Church st. m w s Robson James, shoemaker, Whitburn st. m w s Robson John, grocer and tea dealer, 60 High st, s Robson John, cartwright and joiner, 17 U'^alworth st. b w Robson John, master mariner. North Moor st. s Robson John, vict., Artichoke, Church st. m w s Robson John, sail maker, 07 Dundas st. m w s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 415 Kobson John, painter, 10, and vicl., Crown, 8 Low quay, s Robson John, shopkeeper, George st. m w Robson John, master mariner, Williamson terrace, m w s Robson John, cart owner, Back Wear st. b w Robson John, master mariner, Thomas st. m w Robson Joseph, butcher, 9 New Market ; h. Ropery lane, s Robson Mary, confectioner, 33 Church street, s Robson Matthew, ship owner. Broad street, m w Robson Michael & Matthew, boat builders, Strand st ; h. Barclay st. m w s Robson & Peacock, corn millers, 46 Queen street, b w Robson Ralph, shopkeeper, 40 Johnson st. b w Robson Richard, nail maker, Hat case, s Robson Mr. Richard, 33 Nile street, b w Robson Robert, vict. Wear street Hotel, 69 Wear street, b w Robson Robert, butcher and ship owner, 76 High street, s Robson Robert, sheriff's officer, 1 East Cross street, b w Robson Robert, cowkeeper, 21 George street, b w Robson Thomas & Son, engravers, copper plate & lithographic printers, 12 Bridge street, b w Robson Mr. Thomas, 6 Liddell street, m w s Robson Thomas, tailor, 1 8 Johnson street, b w Robson William Wealands, timber &c. merchant, North Bridge st. m w s h. 128 High street, b w Robson William, overseer, collector of poor rates, and general agent Portobello lane, m w Robson William James, engraver, &c.; h. 12 Bridge street, b w Robson William Wilson, agent, brick works, 19 Yorke street, m w s Robson William, shopkeeper, 37 Hopper street, b w Robson William, nail maker, Walton lane, s Robson William, green grocer, 29 Coronation street, b w Robson William George, naval school, 17 Nile street, b w Robson William, grocer and provision dealer, 37 Hopper st. b w Rochester George, stone mason. Wall street, b w Rochester George, draper, 202 High st., and tailor, Sunniside, b w Rochester Mrs. Margaret, 10 Sunniside, b w Rochester William, master mariner, 40 Hedworth street, b w Rodd John, master mariner, 66 Wear street, b w Rodick Mr. William, I Stockton road, b w Rodgers Christopher, vict. Market Tavern, 29 Church street, s Rodgers John, master mariner, 53 Lawrence street, b w Rodgers John, ironmonger, 34 Lombard street, s Roe James, shipsmith. Brewery bank, m w s Rogers William, bacon dealer, 41 New Market ; h. Union lane, s Romyn & Co. merchants, ship brokers, & coal fitters, Sunniside bldgs. b w Rontree John, brazier, and tin plate worker, Bodlewell lane, s Rooke Miss Jane, 6 Sans street, upper, b w 416 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Rose Mr. James, 31 Dundas street, m w s Roseberry James, joiner & cabinet mkr. North qy ; h. Waterloo pi. m w s Rosebeny Mrs. Margaret, 9 Walworth street, b w Roseberry Robert Allinson, sec. to the Gas Company, D'Arcy terrace, b w Reseberry Thomas, stone mason and builder, 36 Queen street, b w Roseby Mr. John, 4 West Wear street, b w Ross Archibald Hilson, philosophical, mathematical, and nautical instru- ment maker, working optician, &c. 138 High street, s ROSS George, vict. Waterman's Arms, 8 Grey street, s Ross John, grbcer and ship owner. Church street, m w s Ross Robert, painter, glazier, and tobacconist, 128 High street, s Rounthwaite Henry, timber merchant, Cumberland street; h. 7 Lambton street, b w Routledge James, auctioneer, and sheriff's officer; b. Waterloo st. m w s Rowell Henry, running fitter. Dean's yard, s Rowntree Ann, vict. British Oak, 33 High street, s Rowntree Elizabeth, vict. Board, Barrack street, s Rowntree George, master mariner, Church street, m w s Rowntree William, master mariner, 37 Wear street, b w ■Rowntree Edward, running fitter, 58 Brougham street, b w Rowntree Thomas, ship builder. North shore, m w s; h. 33 High st. s Royal Ann, vict. Crown & Sceptre, 1 1 Millfield cottages, b w Rutledge John, tailor & draper, 38 Nile street, b w Rudd Thomas Bertram, gent., Redly House, Fulwell lane, m w Rudd William, farmer. Lowland House, Fulwell lane, m w Rudolphi Leopold, merchant, 26 High st. s.; h. 26 Cousin st. b w Rush David, beerhouse and shopkeeper, 39 Walworth st. b w Russell John Brody, mast and clock maker, North quay ; h. Northum- berland st. m w s Russell James, shoemaker, 72 New market; h. 23 Baines lane, s Russell William, tailor and draper, 3 Villiers st. b w Rutherford Ellen, milliner, dress maker, and general register office, 1 1 Sans St. s Rutherford James, book agent, 1 1 Sans st. s Rutherford William, tailor, 12 Walworth st. b w Rutherford William, joiner and cabinet maker, 5 Grey st. s Rutter John, shopkeeper, 267 High st. b w Rutter John, ship carpenter, 5 Brougham st. b w Ryder James, flour dealer. Church st. m w s Ryraer George, assistant draper, Williamson terrace, m w s 8t. George's Chapel, (Scotch) 20 Villiers st. b w St. John's Chapel of Ease, Chapel st. s St. John's Chapel, Sunday School, Hat case, s St. John's Chapel Infant School, rope walk, s ; Jane Burn, mistress St. Thomas's Church, Johnst.bw Sacker Bailey, merchant, 141 High St.; h. 8 Frederick st. b w 1 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 417 Salkeld Alexander, brazier and tin-plate worker, 9 Low quay, s Salkeld Robert, butcher and bacon dealer, 31 New market ; h. Mill st. s Salmon James, boot and shoemaker, 105 Low st. s Sanders Ann, pawnbroker, 4 Green st. b w Sanders Robert, letter carrier, 4 Green st. b w Sanderson Mrs. Ann, 1 Frederick st. b w Sanderson John, haberdasher and hosier, 150 High st. ; h. Villiers st.b w Sanderson Joseph, master mariner, 7 Hedworth st. b w Sanderson, Peverley, and Wallace, ship builders, Wreath's quay,m w s Sanderson Ralph, shopkeeper and shoemaker, 26 Coronation st. b w Sanderson Thomas, master mariner, 79 Lawrence st. b w Sanderson Thomas, painter, 8 Castle st. b w Sanderson William, master mariner, 32 South Durham st.b w Satchell Wm., secretary to Sunderland Water Company, 7 Fawcett st. b w Saunders Mrs. Ann, lODerwent st. b w Saunders John Henry, marine store dealer, Ayre's quay, b w Saunders Phcebe, clothes dealer, 151 Newmarket; h. 16 Golden alley, s Saunders William, gent., 27 Nile st. b w Saville & Bulman, surgeons, 11 Villiers st. b w Saville Jas., commission merchant & ship broker, Exchange Buildings, s^ h. Tatham st. b w Savill^e Robert, surgeon; h. II Yilliers st. b w Savings Bank, 13 Barclay st. m w s, William Brown, secretary Sawkill John, tailor, Williamson terrace, m w s Scales Edward, hair dresser, 10 High st, b w Scales William, tailor, 305 High st. b w • Scaling John, vict., Sholdier, 33 Baines lane, s Scarth John, basket maker, 38 Queen st. s Scarth Thomas, farmer, Chester road, b w School of Industry, 2 Sans st., upper, b w, Ann Martin Scorer Henry, ship broker, 10 Walton place, b w Scorer John, wine and spirit merchant, 39 High st. s Scotch Chapel, Hamilton st. m w s Scotch Chapel, Maling's rig, s Scotch Church, North Bridge st. m w s Scott Alexander, baker and grocer, 24 Warren st. s Scott David, master mariner, 6 Barclay st. m av s Scott George, beerhouse, 19 Albert st. b w Scott George, master mariner, 42 Woodbine st. b w Scott Isabella, vict.. Crown and Anchor, 36 xMaling's rig, s Scott James, vict. & ship broker, Albion Hotel, 37 Woodbine st. b w Scott John, ship smith ; 75 Low st. s Scott John, glass bottle manufacturer ; h. 19 Fawcett st. b w Scott John, jun., agent to Leeds and Yorkshire Fire and Life Office, IS Matlock St. ; h. 19 Fawcett st. b w Scott John, Keel owner, 17 William st. b w 2n2 418 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Scott John, chemist & druggist, Whiihurn st. m w s Scott John Harrison Flintoft, grocer, 277 High st, s Scott John, master mariner, 27 Woodbine st. b w Scott Joseph, green grocer, 161 High st. s Scott Oliver, master mariner, 20 Yorke st. m w s Scott Peter, ship owner, 31 Frederick st. b w Scott Rohei t, shoemaker, 80 New mkt., and 26 Sans st. b w Scott Thomas Kidson, clerk customs, 19 Frederick st. b w Scott Thomas, painter and glazier, 11 Hedworth st. h w Scott Walter,joiner and builder, 3 Wear st. b w Scott William, shoemaker, 1 1 Hedworth st. b w Scott William, coal merchant &c. ; h. 5 D' Arcy tsrrace, b w Scott William, shoemaker, 85 New mkt.; h. 26 Sans st. b w Scurfield George, solicitor, 3 William st. b w Scurfield -■ ship owner, 4 William st. ; h. 126 High st. b w Scur Wilfred, butcher, Maling's rig, s Sedgewick John, fruiti3rer, poulterer, game, &c. dealer ; h. 224 High st. b w Sedgwick Thomas, shoemaker, 48 South Durham st. b w Select Library, 14 Sansst. s ; Thomas Brown librarian Sellars George, master mariner, 34 Nile st. b w Service Charles, hairdresser, 259 High st. ; h. 2 King st. b w Service Joseph, hair dresser, 21 High st. s ; h. Durham st. b w Service William, hair dresser, 135 High st.s Sewell Michael, tailor, 14 Flag lane s Shadforth John, boot & shoemaker, 48 Dundas st. m w s Sbadforth Yf illiam, boot & shoemaker, Wear st. m w s Shaftoe John, mattress maker, 44 Sans st. b w Sharaton Miss Isabella, Back Nile st. b w Sharer James & Philip, linen & woollen drapers, 27 High st. s Sharer Philip, draper ; h. 17 Frederick st. bw Sharman George & Mark, grocers, 1 South Durham st. b w Sharp Barnabas, gent, 4 Stockton road b w Sharp Edward, master mariner, 20 Thomas st, s Sharp Jane, shopkeeper, 4 John street, s Sharp Richard, master mariner &ship owner, 32 Cousin st. b w Shaw Angus, corn factor, 42 Nile st. b w Shaw Ann, straw hat maker, 92 Hendon road b w Shaw John, cabinet maker & furniture broker, 50 Coronation st. s Shaw Jonathan, surgeon, Ayre's quay villa, b w Shaw Ralph, grocer & tea dealer. Wear st. m w s Shaw William, master mariner, 2 Miilfield cottages b w Sheldon Robert, shopkeeper, Ayre's quay b w • Shepherd Robert, master mariner, 23 Nesham sq. s Sheraton John, brewers traveller, 21 Yorke st. m w s Sheraton Richard, draper & tailor, 227 High st. ; h. 50 Villiers st. b w Sheridan William, master mariner, D' Arcy ter. b w SUNDEELAND DIRECTORY. 419 Sheriff Benj., librarian literary & philosophical society, 27 Fawceti st. b w Sheriff David, commission agent, 18 Murton st. b vv Sheriff Robert, tailor, 72 Coronation st. b w Sheriff William, carrier, John st. m w Shevill Mrs. Ann, ship owner, 20 Murton st. b w Sbevill John Heppell, agent, 20 Murton st. b w Shevill Wm. Heppell, linen & woollen draper; h. 10 High st. s Shield Georofe, post office clerk, 19 Union st. b w Shields William, slater, Hedworth st. b w Shields John James, master mariner & ship owner, 22 Cousin st. b w Shields John, joiner, builder & cabinet maker, Whitburn st. m w s Shields John, master mariner, Willianason ter. m w s Shields Mary, confectioner, 1 1 Hendon road, b w Shields Robert, shopkeeper & beer seller, Whitburn st. m w s Shimwell Benjamin, primitive methodist preacher, Whickham st. m w s Shippen William Stephen, boot maker, 266 High st. ; h. 17 King st, b w Short Edward, vict. Eagle Tavern, 19 Farringtou row, b w Short John, clothes dealer, and agent for James Dunn's shipping office, 121 Low St. s Short William, shopkeeper, Borough road, b w Shortland Benjamin Hensley, vict. Albion Hotel, 9 East Cross st. corner of Charles st. b w Shotten Robert, shoemaker, 8 Walworth st. b w Shotten William, master mariner, 47 Lawrence st. b w Sibbald Hannah, lodgings. South Durham st=b \v Sigsworth Joseph, master mariner, 13 Howick st. b w Sim Peter, master mariner, Whitburn st. m w s Simey Mrs. Ann, 4 Frederick st. b w Simey Thomas Boyes, Lloyds, surveyor ; h. Frederick st. b w Simmons Jane, milk seller. Little Villiers st. b w Simpson Mrs. Alice, 10 North Bridge st. m w s Simpson Miss Elizabeth, 17 Green st. b w Simpson Humphrey, coach builder, 29 Green st. ; h. 12 Wahvrth. st. b w Simpson Robert, shopman, 9 Moor terrace, s Simpson Robert, master mariner, 18 D'Arcy terrace, b w Simpson William, coach maker ; h. Sunderland st. b w Simpson William, gent. Shields road, m w Sinclair William, master mariner, Moorgate st. s Sinclair William, master mariner, 6 Barclay st. m w s Skead George, baker, Littlegate, b w Skelbeck Thomas, cart owner, 15 Brougham st. b w Skelton Joseph, grocer and provision dealer, 263 High st. b w Skinner Richard, vict. White Swan, 128 High st. s Skipsea Benj. shpwrght. & Margaret straw hat maker, 288 High st. b w Skipsey Rev. Rchrd., A.B. incmbnt. of St. Thomas's Church, 8 John St. b w 420 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Slack Rev. Benjamin, (Wesleyan) ] 1 Dundas st. m w s Small Joseph, vict. Cottage Tavern, Fleet st. b w Small Thomas, boot & shoemaker. North Quay, raws Smart G. teacher Grange School, Stockton road, b w Smart Robert, solicitor, & notary public, I Nile st. ; h. 187 High st. b w Smart Thomas, linen & woollen draper ; h. 44 Villiers st. b w Smart Thomas, shopkeeper. Strand st. m w s Smart William, master mariner, 19 South Durham st. b w Smetham Miss Margaret, 57 Fawcett st. b w Smiles Thomas, corn miller, 9 West st. b w Smirk Nicholas & son, sail makers & c anvas merchants, 88 Low St., s h. 18 South Durham st. b w Smith Andrew, tailor, 13 York st. b w Smith Ann, shopkeeper, 45 Union st. b w Smith Cuthbert, manager. Railway Station, Union pi. m w Smith Dorothy, day school, 9 Hind st. b w Smith Edward, stationer, bookseller, & printer, 188 High st. s j h. 5 Tav- istock pi. b w Smith Capt. Edward, R. N. 4 Derwent st. b w Smith Elizabeth Jane, stay maker, 231 High st. b w Smith Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Farrington row, b w Smith Ferrer, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 293 High st. b w Smith Foster, carter, 20 North Durham st. b w Smith George, painter & glazier. North Quay ,m w s Smith George, fruiterer, 245 High st. b w Smith Henry, shipsmith, North Shore; h. Hedworth st. m w s Smith James, hair dresser Wear st. m w s Smith Mrs. Jane, 6 Grey st. s Smith James, master mariner, 3 Nicholson st. b w Smith James, surgeon, Whitburn st. m w s Smith James Hodson, surgeon, 1 Ayre's quay rd. b vr Smith James, saddler, brace & belt maker, Wear st. m w s Smith Jane, clothes dealer, 141 New Market,; h Lombard st. s Smith James, master mariner, 30 Union st. b w Smith Mrs. Jane, Church st. m w s Smith John, chain & anchor manufr. & mercht. h. 12 Norfolk 8t. b w Smith John, banker's clerk, Sans close, b w i Smith John, Marine store dealer, 10 Low quay ; h. 12 Minorca pi. s i Smith John Rontree, stone & marble mason, John st. m w ; h. 79 Dundas street, m w s Smith John, mariner, 28, Union st. b w * Smith John Newton, tailor, Johnson st. b w Smith John, master mariner, 96 Hendon road, b w Smith John, shoe maker, 20, West st. b w / Smith John, baker & flour dealer, 139 High st. s Smith John, butcher, 22 Coronation st. b w I SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 421 Smith John, gardener & greengrocer, 208 New market, s; h. Tunstal lane Smith Joseph, assistant draper, 14 Bedford st. b w Smith Joseph Michael, linen & woollen draper, Wear st. m w s Smith Maria, day school, 7 Moor st. b w Smith Oliver, earthenware dealer, 109 New market; h. 14 Woodst. s Smith Samuel, master mariner, 72 Lawrence st. b w Smith Sarah, vict.. Fox Hounds, Sheep fold, m w s Smith Sarah, lodgings, 7 Hendon terrace, b w Smith & Steveuson, ironmongers, braziers, chain, anchor, and sail cloth manufrs.,sail makers, & general merchants. Wear st. m w s Smith Mrs. Susan, 34 Nile st. b w Smith Ralph, master mariner, 1 Moor st. b w Smith Rawling, brazier & tin plate worker, 31 High st. b w Smith Richard A., master mariner, 27 Woodbine st. b w Smith Robert, master mariner, 6 Woodbine st. b w Smith Robert, shoemaker, 87 New Market ; h. 22 Queen st., s Smith Stephen Walton, painter & glazier, Ayre's quay, b w Smith Thomas, quarry owner & lime burner, Hilton road, b w Smith Thomas, gardener, Tunstall lane, b w Smith Thomas, shoe dealer, 168 New Market ; h. Robinson's lane, s Siifith Thomas Robson, master mariner, 7 Hendon rd., b w Smith Thomas, farmer. Broad Meadows, Durham lane, b w Smith Wm. Venus, tinner, brazier, plumber & gas fitter, Hanover st. b w Smith Wm. Johnston, secretary to the Ocean Mutual Insurance Associa- tion. Hill St. b w ' Smith Wra., master mar. & vict. Crown, 34 Tatham st. b w Smith William, master mariner, 16 Dundas st. m w s Smith William, joiner, &c. Hallgarth square, raws Smith William, painter and glazier, 90 Hendon road, b w Smith William, school, 18 George st. s, and shopkeeper, 12 Queen st. b w Smith William, coal owner, 135 High st. b w Smith William, tinner, 135 New market; h. Baines lane, s Smithson Mr. Charles, 26 Union st. b w Smurthwaite Robert, cartwright, 20 Low row, b w Snaith Alexander, master mariner, 14 Barclay st. m w s Snaith George, vict. Durham Monument, 109 High st. s Snaith George, boot and shoemaker. Woodbine ter. b w Snaith John, woollen draper and tailor, 10 Villiers st. b w Snaith Peter, vict. Royal Oak, 38 Numbers garth, b w Snaith Robert, shoemaker, 17 Sans st. s Snowball Mrs, Elizabeth, 1 Nile street, b w Snowball John, cartowner, 63 Brougham st. b w Snowball John, painter, 33 West Wear st. b w Snowball William, solicitor, 20 Lambton st. b w Snowball William, taiLr, 29 Zion st. b w Snowdon Thomas, butcher, 59 New market; h. Lombard st. s 422 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Snowdon William, master mariner, 14 William st. b w Snowdon William, boot and shoemaker, 37 Coronation st. s Softly Mary, pawnbroker, 141 High st. s Soppit Mrs. Jane, 21 Woodbine st. b w Soppit Mr. Jonathan, 24 King st. b w Sorsbie Benjamin, agent to Helton Coal Company, 22 Bridge st. ; h. 25 Fawcett st, b w Souter Richard, master mariner, 13 Howick st. b w Souter WMUiara, master mariner, 48 Woodbine st. b w Spain Thomas, vict. Rose and Thistle, North quay, m w s Spain William, block and mast maker, North quay; h. 18 Barclay st.mw s Spark George, ship owner, 79 Tatham st. b w Spark James, \ict. Crown and Thistle Inn, and organist, Monkwearmouth church, 208 High st. s Speciall Joseph, schoolmaster, 30 Villiers St. b w Speed Mr. John, 28 Union st. b w Speed John, tailor, 24 North Durham st. b w Speeding Thomas, sail cloth manufacturer, sail maker, and ship owner, Ferry Boat landing, m w s ; h. Thomas st. m w Spence David, master mariner, 45 Woodbine street, b w Spence Mrs. Elizabeth, 21 Norfolk street, b w Spence Misses Jane and Emma, 6 Fawcett street, b w Spence Jelf, ale and porter merchant, Bedford st; h. King street, b w Spence Nicholas, marine store dealer. North quay, m w s Spence William, master mariner, 17 Lawrence street, b w Spencer Rev. William, B. A. mathematical master, Grange School ; h. 3 High street, b w Spencer William Collingwood, chain cable and anchor manufacturer, ship smith, &c. 17 Union lane, s; h. 13 Nicholson st. b w Spoor John & Co., woollen drapers and hatters, 192 & 193 High st. s ; h. Borough road, b w Spoor Richard, fire brick maker, North shore, m w s Spraggon Gawen, grocer & tea dealer, 68 Coronation st; h. 12Zion st. b w Spurs Thomas, master mariner, 25 Yorke street, m w s Spurs William, sail maker, North quay, m w s Stabler Mrs. Margaret, 21 Union street, b w Stafford Anthony, beer house, North Moor street, s Stafford Ford, master mariner, 36 West VVear street, b w Stafford George, running fitter, 112 High st. s Stafford John, second harbour master, Rendlesham st. m w s Stafford John Collin, flour dealer, 148 High st. s; h. Hendon st. b w Stafford Miss 33 Lawrence street, b w Stafford Ralph, master mariner, D'Arcy terrace, b w Stafford Richard, shoemaker, 2 Zion street, b w Stafford Robert, master mariner. Broad street, m w Stafford Thomas, joiner & cabinet make'-, Moor st; h. 22 D'Arcy ter. b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 423 Stafford William, butcher, 12 New market ; h. Minorca place, s Stalker John, shopman, 3 Hendon road, b w Stamp Office, 46 Villiers street, h w ; Mary Hartforth, sub-distributor Staples Francis, baker, 20 East Cross street, b w Steabler Timothy, butcher, 64 Moor street, b w Steam George, green grocer, 22 High street, b w Steel George, master mariner, 12 Waterloo street, m w s Steel Jonathan, tailor & draper, 22 Nile street, b w Steer Edward, vict. Sussex Arms, 35 Low street, s Stephen James, painter, 21 Queen street, s Stephenson Elizabeth, school of industry, Waterloo place, m w s Stephenson Mrs. Elizabeth, 40 Villiers street, b w Stephenson George, potatoe dealer, 34 High St., & Ferry Boat Landing, s Stephenson John, clerk, 45 George st. s Stephenson Mrs. Margaret, 25 Olive st. b w Stephenson Robert, joiner & cartwnght,30 Hendon road, b w Stephenson Robert, ship owner, 6 Tatham st. b w Stephenson Smith, master mariner, 119 Coronation st. b w Stephenson Thomas, vict.. Ship, Hamilton st. m w s Stephenson Thomas Dixon, painter & glazier, J 6 Sans st. s Stephenson Thomas, beerhouse, Hilton road, b w Stephenson William, painter & glazier, 26 North Durham st. b w Stephenson William, shopkeeper, Hamilton st. m w s Stevenson Eiizabath, milliner, 33 Dun Cow st. b w Stevenson Henry, chain & anchor manfr. & mert. ; h. Murton st. b w Stevenson Rev. Humphrey, (Wesleyan),4 Murton st. b w Stevenson Jane & Isabella, milliners, 216 High st. b w Stevenson John, tinner & brazier, 62 Hendon road, b w Stevenson Richd., ship & insurance bkr., 9 Fligh st. s ; h. 2 Wear st. b w Stevenson William, confectioner, 3 High st. s Steward Robert, master mariner, 11 Bedford st. b w Stewart Duncan, brazier & tin plate worker, 31 Low st. s Stewart John, master mariner, 48 Lawrence st. b w Stewart Jonathan, keel owner, 36 Nile st. b w Stewart Mrs. Margaret, Ward ter. b w Stewart Robt., vict. & ship bkr.. Commercial Inn, Ferry boat landing, s Stewart Robert, master mariner. Dock st. m w s Stewart Thomas, mariner, 30 West Wear st. b w Stewart William, running fitter, ct. 110 High st. s Stewart William, master mariner, Howick st. b w Stewart William John, Esq., comptroller customs, John st. b w Stobart John, ship bldr., & ship owner, Ayres qy. ; h. 53 Brougham st. b w Stockle Readhead, foreman, New Ropery, m w s Stodart John, master mariner, 51 Sans st. b w Stoddart James, brazier & tinner, 23 Spring Garden In. b w Stoker Nicholas, joiner, 23 Union lane, s 424 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Stoker W., teacher, Grange School, Stockton road, b w Stokes Sarah & Eleanor, milliners, 25 Bridge st. b w Stokes Thomas, shoemaker, 10 Moor st. b w Stokoe James, draper, &c. ; h. 13 Norfolk st. h \y Storers George, shoemaker, Hopper st. b w Storey Dorothy & Ann, straw hat makers, 56 Brougham st. b w Storey John, Monkwearmouth Improved Patent Rope manufacturer, sail maker & ship owner, Monkwearmouth house Storey John, master mariner, 9 Lawrence st. b w Storey John, shopkeeper, Bonner's field, m w s Storey Richard, vict., Albion Vaults, 2 Low quay, s Storey Thomas, furniture broker, 17 Covent Garden st. b w Storey William, vict., Bird, North quay, m w s Storr Dorothy, shopkeeper and register office, 24 Nile st. b w Storrow Mrs. Mary, D'Arcy ter. b w Story Sarah & Son, pntrs. & glzrs., 3 Bdlwll. lane, s; h. 19 Cousin st. b w Story Thomas, saddle and harness maker, 7 Bridge st. b w Story William, brewer & maltster. Moor street, b w Stothard James, painter & glazier, 5 South Durham st. b w Stothard James, master mariner, 6 Dock st. m w s Stothard Mary, vict. Mariners Tavern, 88 Low st. s Stothard William, master mariner, Hendon st. b w Stothard William, vict. Odd Fellows Arms, 44 Barclay st. m w s Strathmore William, commission agent, 7 Charles st. b w Straton Walter, saddler and harness maker, 208 High st. b w Straughton Mrs. Elizabeth, 39 Hedworth st. b w Stringer Benjamin, tailor & draper, 86 High st. s Stringer Robert, shoemaker, 39 Silver st. s Strong John, cart owner, East st. b w Strong Thomas, master mariner, 82 Wear st. b w Stubbs Philip, tinner & brazier, 33 Low st. s Stubbs Thomas, umbrella maker, 37 George st. b w Suddick John, joiner & cabinet maker ; h. Railway st. b w Sumby Jane, green grocer, 197 New market; h. 3 Church st s Summers William, master mariner, 24 Zion st. b w Sunderland Church, Church st. s Sunderland Dock office, 12 Sunniside, b w, Michael Coxen, Secretary Sunderland Eye Infirmary, 40 Numbers Garth b w; E. H. Maling surgeon Mrs Atkin, Matron. Sunderland Corporation, Gas Companies Office, 61 Fawcett street b w ; Gilbert Port«>cus, secretary. Sunderland Subscription Gas works, Russell st. s; R. H.Roseberry, sec. Sunderland Joint Stock Banking Company, 188 High st. b w; draw on Glyn,& Co. Thomas Brown & Hill Parker, managing Directors. Sunderland (Port of) Public Testing Machine, for proving chain cables, 18 Bishop wearmouth pans, John Thompson, manager r SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 425 Sunderland subscription library, 191 High st. b w ; Geo. Garbutt, librarian Sunderland Water Company's office, 7 Fawcettst, b w ; Wm. Satchell, sec- Sunderland Lying in Chrty., 29 West Wear st. b w ^ Eliz. Ginnison, matrn. Surtees Mrs. Elizabeth, & Jane dress makers, 39 Nile st. b w Surtees George, master mariner, Liddell terrace, m w s Surtees John, stenciller, 11 Thomas st. s Surtees Robert, sbip owner, 14 North Bridge st. m w s Surtees & Wilkin, rope manufacturers, Church st. m w s Surtees William, rope manfr. b w Wardle Charles, shoemaker, 45 Castle st. b w Wardle James, butcher, Hamilton st. m w s Wardle John, vict. Canteen, Barracks, s Wardropper Anthony, stone mason & builder, 23 William st. b w Wardropper Mr. John, 18 Dunning st. b w Wardropper John Kendray, master mariner, 18 Dunning st. b w iYardropper Margaret, green grocer, & earthenware dealer, 95 High st. : h. 18 Dunning st. b w 4/^ SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 433 Wardropper Paul, chemist & druggist, 251 High st. b vr Warner James, block maker, 83 Wear st. b w Warwick John, tailor, 6 Walworth st. b w Wassermann & Co. gnral. mrchnts.,4 Russell st. s; h. Rock Lodge, m w s Watch House and tide surveyor's office, Railway wharf, s Waterhouse Mr. John, 6S Lawrence st. b w Waters Alexander, shopkeeper, and master mariner, 7 East cross st. b w Waters Mrs. Elizabeth & Eliz. dress maker, 17 LTnion st. b w Waters Fiances, vict. & shopkper., Vine Cottage Tavern, Borough rd. b w Waters Mrs. Mary, 48 Lawrence st. b w Waters Thomas, master mariner, 82 Wear st. b w Wath George, master mariner, 20 Yorke st. m w s Watkinson Rev, Samuel, (Independent,) 21 Dundas st. m w s Watson Mrs. Alice, Queen st. open, s Watson Mrs. Elizabeth, 66 Dundas st. m w s Watson George, ship and insurance broker, commissson agent &c. ^ b. 60 Tatham st. b w Watson George, excise officer, 22 Dundas st. m w s Watson George, agent, 56 Wear st. b w Watson George, butcher, 304 High st. ; h, Chester lane, b w Watson Jacob, farmer, Chester road,b w Watson Misses Jane & H. Salem Cottage, b w Watson John, ship builder, Pallion^ h. 2 Chester road, b w Watson John, Bank cashier, 5i Frederick st. b w Watson John, ship owner, 25 Frederick st. b w Watson John, surgeon ; h. 64 Fawcett st. b w Watson John, superintendent, Durham &c. railway, 17 Lawrence st. b w Watson John, gent., 33 Woodbine st. b w Watson John, painter. Green ; h. Church Jane, b w Watson Joshua, beer retailer, 27 High st. b w^ Watson Margaret, green grocer, 202 New mkt. ; h. 35 Golden alley, s Watson Mary, vict.. Nautical Tavern, Black Bull quay, s Watson and Parker, surgeons, 229 High st. b w Watson Robert, butcher, 105 Coronation St.; h. I Hedworth st. b w Watson Robert Moon, merchant ; h. 20 Murton st. b w Watson Sarah, butcher, 265 High st. b w Watson W. H. & G., merchants, ship and insurance brokers, commission agents, and shipowners, Sunniside buildings, b w Watson William Hunter, ship and insurance broker, commission agent &c.; h. Sands close, b w Watson William, shoemaker, 20 Dun Cow st. b w Watson William, vict., Sunderland Pier, Strand st. m w s Watson William, master mariner, 21 Barclay st. m w & Watt James, shopkeeper, Waterloo place, m w s Watt John, tailor, 27 Co vent garden st. s Watt Sarah, vict.. Ship Friend, Strand st. m w s 434 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Waugh Ann, shopkeeper, 13 High row,h w Wayman George, master mariner, 9 Wear st. b w Wayman John, running fitter, 30 Lawrence st. b w Wayman Mr. Watson, 15 Cousin st. b w Weatherburn James, vict., Argour Frigate, 8 West Wear st. b w Weatherby Robert, master mariner, 16 Green st. b w Webb Rev. William, B. A., Rector of Sunderland, 10 John st. b vr Webster George, shoemaker, Wear st. m w s Webster Thomas, translator, 170 New market, and 36 Low st. s Weddall William, carver and gilder, 26 East Cross st. b w Weddle Francis, cooper, 72 Low st. s Weighell Bartholomew, vict., Crown & Sceptre Inn, post horse & hackney coach proprietor, 235, High st. b w Weighili John, painter & glazier, 145 High st. s Weighill Thomas, draper, &c.; h. 16 High st. s Weighili Thomas, ship owner, 10 Sans st. upper, b w Weir Thos., block & mast mkr., Ferry Boat Indg.; h.9 Barclay st. mw s Weir William, master mariner, 6 Barclay st. m w s Welands Thomas, butcher, Bodlewell In. & 1 & 2 New market s; h. 25 South Durham st. b w Welsh Edward, vict., Globe, Wear st. m w s Welsh John Robson, grocer. Wear st. m w s Welsh Pattison, ship owner, 4 Dock st. m w s Welsh Ralph, vict.. Mount Pleasant, Hudleston st. m w s Welsh Thomas, running fitter, 37 Church st. s Welden George, green grocer, 74 High st. s Weldon Stephen, green grocer, 14 Silver st. s W^ellbury Mary Ann Eleanor, dress maker, 26 Queen st. s Wells William & Co., marine store dealers, 111 Low st. s Wesleyan Chapel, 163 High st. b w Wesleyan Chapel, 85 High st. s Wesleyan Chapel, 59 Fawcett st. b w Wesleyan Chapel, (Tabernacle), South Durham st. b w Wesleyan Chapel, Whitburn st. m w s Wesleyan Chapel, Zion st. b w Wesleyan Chapel, (Bethel), Assembly garth, s Wetherald Mary, hosier, 1 11 Coronation st.. b w Wetherald Walton, bookbinder, 21 Sussex st. b w Wetherell John Anthony, cabinet maker, 29 Bridge st. b w Wethevill William, tailor, 42 Wear st. b w Welsh George, pilot, 40 Barclay st. m w s Westland Charles, master mariner, 40 Wear st. b w Wettle Thomas, master mariner, 70 Wear st. b w Wharton Thomas, master mariner, 4 Wear st. b w Wheatley Ralph, tailor, 14 Dun Cow st. b w Whinham William, brewer, 13 Nesham sq. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 435 Whitaker Benjamin, woollen draper & rag merchant, 38 Flag lane, s White Amada, school, 2 Dock st. m w s White Mrs. Frances, 20 King st. h w White Mrs. Isabella, 59 Nile st. h w White James, master mariner, 30 Queen st. b w White James, shoemaker, Hendon road, b w White James, shopkeeper, 54 Silver st. s White Jane, baker, Hanover place, b w White John, tailor, Whitburn st. m w s White Michael, master mariner, Rendlesham st. m w s White Richard, merchant and coal fitter, I William st.*; h. Thorney Close, b w White Thomas Blair, agent, 65 Wear st. b w White William, iron founder ; h. 31 Lawrence st. b w White William, solicitor, 234, High st. b w Whitehead Henry, master mariner, Hedworth st. b w Whitehead William, master mariner, 127 Coronation st. b w Whitelaw John, hair dresser, perfumer, and agent to Price & Co., perfu- mers, London, 207 High st. s Whitfield Allison, sail maker and ship owner, 3 Lawrence st. b w Whitfield Ann, dress maker, 12 Bedford st. b w Whitfield George & William, house agents, 72 Crowtree road; Geo. h. 1 High row, b w Whitfield Mrs. Isabella, 12 Bedford st. b w Whitfield Isabella, vict.. Black Bull, 309 High st. b w Whitfield Mark, cooper. Low st. s; h. 4 Hendon road, b w Whitfield William, painter and glazier, 72 Crowtree road, b w Whitfield William, vict., King's Head, 4 Spring Garden lane, s Whittle Isaac, shoemaker, 3 Hodgson's buildings, b w Widdrington Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 147 High st. s Wigham George, wood turner, and ship wheel maker, 37 Charles st. ; h. 19 William st. b w Wight Robert & Son, cast iron & brass founders, iron merchants, whole- sale and retail ironmongers, and manufacturers of ship's hearths, patent pumps, timber winches, windlass work, chain cable, anchors, &c., 83 High St., s ; and Seaham Iron Works Wight Robert, iron and brass founder, iron merchant, &c. ; h. Seaham Harbour Wight William, iron founder, &c. ; h. Tatham st. b vr Wilburn Isabella, lodgings, and Eliz., school, 71 Wear st. b w Wilburne, Matthew, ship owner, 64 Dundas st. m w s Wilds Charles, vict.. Marine Tavern, 108 Low st. s Wilkie Jane, school, 23 Pemberton st. b w Wilkin George, rope manufacturer ; h. Broad st. m w Wilkin Joseph, marine store dealer, 135 Low st..s Wilkin Robert, butcher, Hendon road, b vr 436 SUNDERLAND DIRECTOHY. Willdn Robt., butcher, 18 New market, s, & Hendon, b w; h. Church st. s Wilkinson Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 13 Bedford st. b w Wilkinson George, coal viewer, Monkwearmouth Colliery Wilkinson George, shopkeeper and druggist, 76 Hendon road, b w Wilkinson George, vict., 20 Nile st , and brewer, Walworth st. b w . Wilkinson Isabella, shopkeeper, 7 Walworth st. b w Wilkinson John, tailor, 12 Cumberland st. b w Wilkinson John, vict.. Bees Wing Tavern, 37 Numbers garth, b w Wilkinson John, grocer and tea dealer, 275 High st. b w Wilkinson John, ship owner, Waterloo place, b w Wilkinson John, clerk, 12 Dunning st. b w Wilkinson John, master mariner, 10 Zion st. b w Wilkinson John, vict.. Dray Cart, 6 Church st. s Wilkinson Joseph, joiner and cabinet maker, 41 Silver st. s Wilkinson Moses, jun., chemist and druggist, 167 High st. s; h. Soutk- wick Lodge Wilkinson Pratt, master mariner, 12 Cumberland street, b w Wilkinson Robert Thomas, solicitor, and clerk to tha trustees of Durham and Sunderland turnpike roads, and agent to the London fire and life insurance company, Sunniside buildings j h. Scotch house Wilkinson Simon, master mariner, 81 Hendon road, b w Wilkinson Thomas Bartholemew, grocer and tea dealer, 30 High street, s Wilkinson Thomas, shoemaker, 31 Dunning street, b w Wilkinson William, vict. and tailor, Social Tavern, Nelson square, m w s Wilky Alexander, master mariner, 20 Woodbine street, b w Willerton Robert, merchant and ship owner, 12 John street, bw Willey George, engineer and millwright, 5 Howick street, m w s Willey Michael, ship owner, 32 Lawrence street, b w Willey Moses, marine store dealer, 23 Low street, s Williams Benjamin, shoe maker, 13 Back Fawcett street, b w Williams Charles, currier, leather seller, boot tree and last maker, 42 George street; h. 9 Sussex street, b w Williams Isaac, master mariner, 4 Yorke street, m w s Williams James, stationer and news agent, 9 Bridge street, b w Williams John, master mariner, 45 South Durham, street, b w Williams Lighton, painter, 4 Howick street, m w s Williams & Morrison, printers, 9 Bridge street, b w Williams Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Howick street, m w s Williams Rev. William, (Wesleyan,) 22 Frederick street, b w Williamson Mrs. Elizabeth, 72 Moor street, b w Williamson Sir Hedworth, Bart., Manor office. Wear street, m w s; h, Whitburn Hall Williamson John Wm. Esq. coal fitter. Manor office. Wear street, m w s Willis Edward, veterinary surgeon, and smith, 39 George street, s Willis William, butcher, 58 New market; h. Stafford street, s Wills David, master mariner, 37 Nile street, b w SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 437 Wilson Abraham, vict. Hope & Anchor, North quay, m w s "Wilson Ann, confectioner, 23 Church street, s Wilson Caleb, shopkeeper, 77 Wear street; h. 7 Woodbine street, b w Wilson David, boat builder, Matlock street ; h, 74 Lawrence street, b \f Wilson Edward, carrier's agent, 6 George street, s Wilson George, tailor, draper, and hosier. Broad street, m w Wilson George, boot and shoemaker, 28 Church street, s Wilson George, grocer, 113 Coronation street, b w Tilson Henry, grocer, tallow chandler, merchant, &c.; h. 10 Tavistock place, b w Wilson James Crosby, draper, &c. ; h. 46 Frederick street, b w Wilson James, shopkeeper, 25 Dundas street, m w s Wilson John, tobacco pipe maker, Topliffe street, m w s Wilson John, shipping inspector, 44 Lawrence street, b w Wilson Jonathan, vict. Shipwrights Arms, 2 Low street, s Wilson Joseph Norman, ship owner, 34 Frederick st. b w Wilson Joseph, land agent, 13 Tavistock place, b w Wilson Joshua & Brothers, grocers, tallow chandlers, tobacco mfrs. and merchants, 174 High street, s ; h. 43 Frederick street, b w Wilson Lancelot, ship owner, 29 Lawrence st. b w Wilson Mrs. Margsiref, 13 Queen st. b w Wilson Peter, beerhouse. Back Church st, m w s Wilson Robert, shopkeeper, 32 Vine st. s Wilson Robert, pilot, 11 Matlock st. b w Wilson Robert, solicitor, 142 High st. s Wilson Robert, joiner, cabinet maker, and builder, 8 Sans st. s; h. 1 Upper Sans st. b w Wilson Robert, sheemaker, John st. m w Wilson Robinson, joiner and builder, 18 Olive st. b w Wilson Thos. Reed, linen & woollen draper, and hatter, 222 High st. b >v Wilson Thomas, vict.. Holly Island Castle, 20 Coronation st. b w Wilson Thomas, carver and gilder, 80 Dundas st. m w s Wilson Thomas, blacksmith, 43 West Wear st. b w Wilson Thomas, hair dresser and bookseller, 9 Silksworth row, b w Wilson Turner, roaster mariner, 3 Woodbine st. b w Wilson Watson, painter, 28 Bridge st. b w Wilson William, grocer, flour, and provision dealer. Church st m w s Wilson William, master mariner. Back Wear st. b w Wilson William, accountant, 45 Woodbine st. b w Wilson William, commercial traveller, 18 North Bridge st. m w s Wilson William, cooper. North quay, m w s Wilson William, baker, 7 Union lane, s Winstone John, light house keeper. North Pier, North shore, m w s Winter Edward, beerhouse, 18 Silksworth row, b w Winter John, veterinary surgeon. North Bridge st, m w s Winter Robert, farmer, Low Barnes^ Durham lane, b w 2p 438 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. AVintersgill William, vict., British Flag, Prospect row, s Wintrope George, tailor, 27 Bishopwearmouth Pans Wiseman John, cooper, 124 High st. s Wiseman Skipsey Thomas, gardener and seedsman, Little Villiers st. b w Wiskins James, master mariner, 10 Lawrence st. b w Wolfe James, tailor, 20 Sunderland st. b w Wolfe James, brazier and tin-plate worker, 33 High st. b w Wood Ann, vict., Friendly Tavern, Covent Garden st. s Wood Charles, master mariner, Dock st. m w s Wood Edward, tin-plate worker. North quay, m w s Wood Mrs. Frances, 262 High st. b w Wood George, ship broker, general agent, clerk to Commissioners of im- provement act, and agent to the Phcenix Fire Insurance, 14 Villiers street, b w Wood George, shipsmith, North quay, m w s Wood Isabella, vict., Mowbray Arms, Borough road, b w Wood John, vict., Green Di'agon, Hanover place, b w Wood Mrs. Mary Ann, 76 Lawrence st. b w Wood Mrs. Mary Ann, 1 1 Bedford st. b "w Wood Richard, master mariner, Hedworth st. b w Wood Robert, joiner, and Mary, school, 17 West sU^ w Wood Thomas, sail maker, 13 Low st. s, & ship owner, 54 Fawcett st. b w Wood William, shoemaker, Ayre's Quay road, b w Wood William, mariner, Back Villiers st. b w Wood William, shoemaker, 69 New Market; h. 23 Covent Garden st. s Wood William, butcher, Hanover place, b w Wood William, master mariner, 13 Hendon road, b w Woods, Spence,& Co., general merchants, 136 High st. b w Woodifield Frederick John, clerk, 38 Wear st. b w Woodifield Mrs, Margaret, 38 Wear st. b w Woodifield William Joseph, merchant; h. 22 Derwent st. b w Woodifield William, boot and shoemaker, 36 Church st., and 64 New market, s Woodland James, shopkeeper, 49 Vine st. s Woodman Miss Isabella, 26 Crowtree road, b w Woodruffe William, master mariner, 32 Hendon road, b w Woodwith John, master mariner, 9 D'Arcy terrace, b w Wolstgnholm John, grocer and tea dealer, 90 High st. s Woolaych Rev. Humphrey Fitzroy, B. A., curate, Wear st. b w Worley James, vict.. Three Admirals, 21 Bishopwearmouth Pans Worley Robert, shopkeeper, 109 High st. s Worthington Mary, eating house, 19 Low st. s Wray George, tide waiter, 6 Thomas st. s Wray John, tide surveyor, 9 Hedworth st. b w Wright Abigail, lodgings, 18 Northumberland st. b w Wright Charles, hat manufacturer and furrier; h. 169 High st. s SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 439 Wright Dorothy, shopkeeper, 5 Ettrick place, s Wright George Walton, solicitor ; h. High st. b w Wright George, master mariner, East st. h w Wright Henry, grocer and vict., Hendon Hotel, 36 Hendon road, and 1 Hendon st. b w Wright J. & G. W., solicitors, 19 High st. s Wright John, iron forger; h. Ayre's quay, b w Wright John, clothes and marine store dealer, 147 New market; li. 93 Low St. s Wright Joseph John, solicitor; h. 18 Fawcett st. b w Wright Robert, grocer and ship chandler. Wear st. m w s Wright Thomas, professor of music, music dealer, and organist of Bishop- wearmouth Church, 4 Fawcett st. b w Wrightson Ralph, master mariner, Liddell terrace, m w s Wrightson Robert, grocer, tea dealer, and baker, 62 High st. s Wrightson Robert, master mariner, 46 Barclay st. m w s Wrightson Stephen Thomas, baker and grocer, Williamson st. m w s Wynn Anthony, bacon dealer, 8 New market; h. Burleigh st. s Wynn Matthew, timber merchant, Walton place; h. Hedworth st. b w Wynn Richard, mast, block, and pump maker. Low quay; h. 34 Edward sireet, b w Yallowley John, bookseller, stationer, & news agent, 57 High st. b w Yeal James, master mariner, Back Lawrence st. b w Youldon John, master mariner, Wall st, b w Youll Peter, corn miller, Bonners field steam mill, m w s Young Andrew, master mariner, Howick st. b w Young Ann, vict. ship, 31 Pan lane, b w Young Ann, vict. Three Crowns, 40 Union lane, s Young Grace, hosier, 37 Dundas st. m w s Young George Moor, builder & general mason, 32 Nile st. b w Young Hannah, vict. British Tar, 25 Maling's rig, s Young & Harrison, solicitors, & agents to the Alfred life &Law fire Assu- rance Companies, 2 William st. b w Young Janes, master mariner, 46 Barclay st. m w s Young Jane, shopkeeper, 5 Moor st. b w Young John, master mariner, 20 D'Arcy terrace, b w Young John, mason, 34 Crowtree road, b w Young John, butcher, 45 New market, s ; h. Coronation st. b w Young John, chemist & druggist, 209 High st. s Young Joseph, solicitor, &c. ; h. Eden Hoiise^ b w Young Mark, painter & glazier, Borough road, b w ; h. Mark quay, s Young & Proud, linen and woollen drapers, 125 High st. b w Young Thomas Brown, merchant, ship broker, and sail maker, 5 Russell street, s; h. 3 Nile st. b w Young Thomas, searcher, Customs, 72 Wear st. b w Young William, woollen draper and hatter, 125 High st. b w 440 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Young William, master mariner, 46 Wear st. b vr Younger Alice, vict., Wheat Sheaf, Johnson st. b w Younger Margaret, straw hat maker, and register office, 13 Sans st. s Yule Miss Jane, 7 Fawcett st. b w Yule Peter, shoemaker, Hamilton st. m w s. CLASSIFICATION TRADES AND PROFESSIONS Academies. Marked * take Boarders, Augas Mary Ann, 14 Nile st. b w Atkinson Robt., Green, b w Atkinson Robt, 30 Crescent row, b w Baharie Alex., 7 Lawrence st. b w Bailey Mary Ann, 28 Yilliers st. b w Blakey Robt., 53 Dundas st. m w s British, Nicholson st. b w, Robert Cameron & Janet Atkinson Campbell John, 24 Lambtonst. b w Catholic, Back Bridge st., Thomas Hoop and Mrs. Dacy Chambers Jas. M., 17 Murton st.b w Chapman Wm., Back Villiers st. b w Charlton John Ayrey, 26 Silver st. s Clark Thomas, Chapel st. s Clark Wm., Whitburn st. m w s Cook John, 55 Burleigh st. s Coxon Hannah, 51 South Durham street, b w Curtis Jane, J 2 Upper Sans st. b w Cuthbert Eliz., Hedworth st. b w *Dewar Jane Eliz., 26 Green st. b w Dickinson Thos., 23 Baines lane, s Dixon Eliz., 2 East Woodbine st.b w Donnison's Charity, Church Walk, s, Eliz. Purvis Doubleday Mrs., 13 South Durham street, b w Douglas Cphr., Dundas st. m w s Graham Rev. Joseph, Hallgarth square, m w s * Grange Boarding School, Stockton road, b w. Rev. F. Iliff, D.D., head master Greig Mary, Hallgarth sq. m w s Harvey Margt., 23 Lambton st. b w Heemskerk, John A. 35 Frederick St. b w Heughan & Harvey, 23 Lambton Street, b w *Higginson Rebecca, I Fawct. st. b w Horner Joseph, 9 Zion st. b w Howe Alice, 3 Millfield Cotgs. b w Howse Richd., Whitburn st. m w s Infant Schools, St. John's, Rope walk, s, Jane Burns; Garden st. b w, E. Birkinshaw; Pan lane, b w, Eliz. Carr; and Spring Gar- den lane, s, Margaret Hicks Irwin Jane, Broad st. m w Jackson Mary Ann, 6 Millfield Cottages, b w Jolly Robert, 34 Wear st. b w Jones James, 4 King st. b w *Lee John, 30 Green st. b w Longstaff Thos., 10 Norfolk st. b w Martin John, 22 Lambton st. b w Martindale John, Hedworth ter. b w Menmuir William, Hill st. b w Millar Mary, 22 Olive st. b w ♦Milne T. A., 58 Fawcett st. b w National Schools, Low row,b w, Wm. Armstrong ; and Numbers garth, b w, John Armour and Elizabeth Mofi'att Parochial, 2 Vine st. s, Wm. Henry Edney, and Dorothy Ann Cole Neil Mary, 13 Green, b w Overing John, 116 High st. s Owen Peter, 24 Golden Alley, s Parkinson Robt. W., William st.b w TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 441 Penn Eleanor, 44 Northblnd. st. b w Peacock Jane, Silkswortb row, b w Porteous Wm., Sussex st b w Punshonlsbla.jSO West Wear st. b w Rannie Mary Ann, South Durham street, b w Robinson Christiana, 15 Waterloo street, m w s Robson Wm. Geo., 17 Nile st. b w School of Industry, 2 Sans st. upper, b w, Ann Martin ; and Waterloo place, m w s, Eliz. Stephenson Smith Dorothy, 9 Hind st. b w Smith Maria, 7 Moor st. b w Smith William, 18 George St. ? Speciall Joseph, 30 Yilliers st. b w Swan Eliz., 23 Derwent st. b w Tarbit Wm., Williamson ter. m w s Thorburn Mary, Green, b w Wake Jane, 76 High st. s Walker Mary Ann, 14 Green, b w Walsh Wm., 17 Nicholson st. b w White Amada, 2 Dock st. m w s Wilburn Eliz., 7? ¥/ear st. b w Wiikie Jane, 23 Pemberton st. b w Wood Mary, 17 West st. b w iLgents« See also Brokers^ S^c, Adamson John & Co., 140 High street, b w Almond John, 28 Lawrence st. b w Barker William, 39 Viiliers st. b w Baty Joseph Smith, (coms.) Little Viiliers street, b w Best Jas. & Son, (timber) North shore, m w s Bradbury Henry, 141 High st. b w Catchasides Jas., Wear st. m w s Colling Rt. (house) 4 Vine pi. b w Crawford John, 1 1 Yorke st. m w s Crosley James, (book) West Wear street, b w Croudace John, 2 Norfolk st, b w Crow R. (land & house) 123 High street, b w Davison David, Stamp's lane, s Dunn James, (coms.) 10 Low quay, s Ewart & Routledge, (house and es- tate) Williamson ter. m w s French Wm. (genl.coms.) 8 Low st. s Galley Wm., 41 Viiliers st. b w Gehrels Gerhard, A. B., 206 High street, s Givens Wm., Manor Office, Wear street, m w s Hanson & Thompson, (coms.) 6 Russell St. s Howard Thos. G., 4 D'Arcy ter. b w Hudson R. & Sons, (Customs) Cus- tom House entrance, s Jameson W. B., (Property) 4 West street, b w Marwood & Bird, (Custom hs. and Coal) 63 Sans st. b w Myers Matthew, (comms.) 10 High row, b w Parkin Joseph, 195 High st. s Patterson Thos., 19 Bridge st. b w Patton Robt. 47 Woodbine si. b w Raven William, 16 Olive st. b w Robertson Alex. H., 2 Ferry Boat landing, s Robinson Thos. H., (land & house) 8 West Wear st. b w Robson Wm., Portobellolane, b w Rutherford Jas., (book) 11 Sans st. s Saville Jas., Exchange bldngs, s Sheriff David, 18 Murton st. b w Smith, Wm. J., Hill st. b w Strathmore Wm., (coms.) 7 Charles street, b w Swan Thos., 59 Frederick st. b w Thirkell Thos., 6 East Woodbine street, b vv Whitfield, Geo. & Wm., 72 Crow- tree road, b w Wilson Joseph, (land) 13 Tavistock place, b w Anchor Smiths , and Chain Cable Manufacturers. Haddock & Clay, 2 Queen st. s Holsgrove Dvd., Bishop wearmouth pans Lumsdon Edwd., Strand st. m vv s Nicholson Wm. & Sons, Wellington Iron Works, 115 High st. s Penman Henry, 112 High st. s Smith & Stevenson, Wear st. m w s Spencer Wm. C, 17 Union lane, s Wight Rbt. & Sou, 83 High st. s Architects and Surveyors. Drysdale Wm., 8 Sussex st. b w Middlemiss Geo. Andrew, 22 Bed- ford st. b w Moore Thos., 110 High st. b w Pratt Thos,, 31 Union st. b w 2p2 442 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY, Artists. Goodall John, 12 Hedworth st. b w Grant Jas. G., 9 Tavistock pi. b w Lightly Anthony, 2 Sussex st. b w Attorneys. Alcock Thos. Crowhall, 1 Nile st. b w Allison Wm., 13 Barclay st. m w s Bowlby Russell, Howick st. m w s Brown Robert, 57 Yilliers st. b w Brunton Thos., (Town Clerk) Sun niside, b w Burn Thos., 20 High st. s Cooper John M., 207 High st. b w Davidson Robt., 4 Villiers st. b w Eggleston Hy., 31 Barclay st. m w s Fell Chas. Rd., 56 Frederick st. b w Hay ton Wm., 1 Coronation st. b w Hines Chas. Hy., 48 Nile st. b w Hines John, jun.,7 Yilliers st. b w Hutton John R.,5 Yilliers st. b w Jones Thos. Rock Smith, 134 High street, b w Kidson John, 15 East Cross st. b w Moore A. J. & W. 7 Bridge st. b w Ogden John Maude, 7 Bridge st. b w Potts Chpr. Thos., I & 2 Sunder- land St. b w Ranson Geo. S.,215 High st. b w Reed & Parker, 2 Back Fawcett street, b w Robson Wm. W., 25 Bridge st. b w Robinson James Septs., 54 Yilliers street, b w Scurfield Geo., 3 William st. b w Smart Robert, 1 Nile st. b w Snowball Wm., 1 Charles st. b w Taylor Charles, 69 John st. b w Thompson Thos., 53 Yilliers st. b w White William, 234 High st. b w Wilkinson Rt. Thos., Sunniside, b w Wilson Robert, 142 High st. b w Wright J. J. and G. W., 19 High street, s Young & Harrison, 2 William st. b w Auctioneers & Appraisers. Allason John, 9 Fawcett st. b w Barker W. I. 5 Bridge st. b w Crow Robert, 123 High st. b w Dale Peter, Yilliers st. b w Dunn Jas., 10 Low quay, s Ewart & Routledge, Williamson terrace, m w s Flower Matthew, 65 High st. b w Hardcastle George, 3 Norfolk st. b w Heward Benj., 10 Nile st. b w Jameson Wm. butler, 4 West st. b w Middlemiss Geo. A., 22 Bedford street, b w Baby Linen Warehouses. Berry Elizabeth, 185 High st. b w Davie & Thompson, 55 Yilliers street, b w Bacon Factors, &.c« (See Provision Dealers.) Bakers <& Flour Dealers. Marked 1 are Bakers only, and 2 Flour Dealers only. Adamson Robt., 129 Low st. s Bell John, 88 High st. s Birlison John, Church st. m w s 2 Butterfint* Mary, 23 Coronation street, b w 1 Cameron John, Topliffe st. m w s 1 Carr John H., Maudes open, s 2 Catchasides Jas. Wear st. m w s 1 Clark Charles, 11 William st. b w Clark William, Stamp's lane, s Clarke Thos., 73 High st. s Clarkson John, Wear st. m w s Clement John, 90 High st. b w Davidson Wm., 34 Union lane, s Davison John L., 2 Matlock st. b w Dawson Henry, 63 Moor st. b w 1 Douglas Jas., Spencer's lane, s Fleming John, 6 East Cross st. b w Fleming Wm., Wear st. m w s Fowler Alexander, Wear st. m w s Fox Anderson I., 15 Covent Garden street, s Gledstone George, 24 Spring Garden lane, b w Graig Robert, George st. m w Hall Anthony, 13 George st. s Hall Jas., 103 High st. s 2 Hall John H., Smyrna pi. b w Harvey Geo., 118 Low st. s Hind Wiu., Church st. m w s Holmes Robt., 84 Low st. s Hutchinson Luke, 290 High st. b w King Wm. Henry, 107 Coronation street, b w 2 Leyburn Thos., 45 Coronation street, s 1 Liddle Isabella, 4 Cumberland street, b w TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 443 Lilburn Wm., 125 High st s Maclain Wm., 50 High st. b w 2 Nickless Mary, 16 High st. b w Patterson John, 5 Flag lane, s Pennock Jonth., 45 Sans st. b w Riseborough Thos., 158 High st. s 3 Ryder Jas., Church st. m w s Scott Alexander, 24 Warren st, s 1 Skead George, Littlegate, b w Smith John, 139 High st. s 2 Stafford John Collin, 148 High street, s Tate John, 35 High st. b w I Taylor Geo., 133 High st. s I Taylor Jas., 81 Coronation st. b w 1 Taylor Jas., Hendon lane, b w 1 White Jane, Hanover place, b w I Wilson William, 7 Union lane, s Wrightson Robt., 62 High st. s Wrightson S. T., Williamson st. m w s Banks. Lambton W. H. & Co., 54 Villiers St. b w, (draw on Barclay, Bevan, & Co.) J. S. Robinson, agent Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland Union Joint Stock Banking Co., 2 Yilliers st. b w, (draw on Messrs. Barnett & Co.) Henry Armstrong, manager North of England Joint Stock Bank- ing Co., 160 High St. b w, (draw on London and Westminster,) Edward Forster, agent Northumberland and Durham Dis- trict Banking Co., 171 High st. b w, (draw on Barclay, Bevan, & Co.) H. Thompson, manager Sunderland Joint Stock Bank, 188 High St. b w, (draw on Glynn & Co.) H. Parker and Thos. Brown, managing directors Savings Bank, Commercial build- ings, Barclay St. m v»^ s, (open on Sat. from 12 to 1 o'Clock noon, and 7 to 8 evening,) Wm. Brown, sec. Basket Makers. Dobson Robt., 5 New market, s Scarth John, 38 Queen st. s Walker John, 46 High st. b w Baths, Brown Edward, Boker Baths Ray Wm., Neptune Baths, 5 East Woodbine st. b w Thompson Mary, Hendon, b w Thompson Rachel, Waterloo Baths, 34 Lawrence st. b w Blacksmiths. See also White and Shipsmiths. Adamson Robt., 39 Queen st. s Bryars James, 16 Bedford st. b w Csrse William, 7 Queen st. b w Clark William, 19 Golden alley, s Cook Thomas, 39 Flag lane, s Easton James, (& edge tool maker)^ Ayre's quay, b w Gibson Henry, Grey st. s Gibson John, Sunderland Pier Gray Thomas, 13 Matlock st. b w Hall Charles, 44 Low row, b w Hall George, Durham road, b w Hunter Robert, Southwick lane end, m w Maughan Wm., Black Bull quay, s Moore John, 1 Middle st. b w Ogle & Douglas, Ayres quay, b w Ord Robert, 24 Sans st. b w Robertson William, 16 Queen st. s Rawes Henry, 3 East Cross st. b w Thwaites Thos,, Bonner's field, mw s Trewitt Robert, 19 Low row, b w Willis Edward, 39 George st. s Wilson Thos., 43 West Wear st. b w Block and Mast Makers^ See Master Block and Pump Makers. Board and Iiodging Houses. Johnson John, 246 High st. b w Taylor Robt. Thompson, 14 Church street, s Tipson Mrs., 52 Yilliers st. b w Vaux Barbara, 32 Bridge st. b w Boat Builders. Brown and Archer, Bank st. s Cunningham and Hetherington, 25 Lambton st. b w Hodgson Moses, Low quay, s Huddleston Jno., North shore, ra w s Lamb George, 89 Low st. s Mitchell George, 79 Low st. s Potter William, North quay, m w s Potts Cuthbert and Brothers, North shore, m w s 444 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Proctor and Morrison, Sheep Fold, m w s Robson M. & W., Strand st. raws Wake Nelson, Strand st. m w s Wake Thos. & Sen, Hardcastle's slip, s Wake Wm. Morgan, North shore, m w s Wilson David, Matlock st. b w Bookbinders. Barnes Wm. Barnes, 18 Lombard street, s Burnett Geo., 210 High st. b w Comins Thos., 5 Zion st. b w De Lacy Charles, J 2 Sans st. s Dixon Hy. John, 217 High st. b w Gregson Rain, 3 Middle si. b w Herron Thos., 29 Spring Garden lane, s Booksellers, Stationers, «fec. Atkinson M. Church st. m w s Burnett Geo., 210 High st. b w Chapman Wm., 65 Nile st. b w Dixon Henry Jno., 217 High st. b w Garbutt Geo., 190 High st. b w Graydon Robt., Wear st. m w s Hollis William, 136 High st. s Huison Rt., 106 Coronation st. b w Huntley Joseph, 282 High st. b w Huntley Thos., 11 High st. s Peacock John & Wm., 186 High street, b w Reed Thos. & Co., 185 High st, s Robson Thos. & Son, 12 Bridge street, b w Smith Edward, 188 High st. s Tarbit Wm., Church st, m w s Vint R. & Carr, 175 High st. b w Williams Jas., 9 Bridge st. b w Yallowley John, 57 High st. b w Booksellers, (Old) Clayton Robt., 189 New market, s Dickinson Thos. ,53 Coronation st. s Ferguson John, 9 Queen st. s Robertson Edw. B. E., 183 New market, s Boot and Shoemakers. Marked * are Translators. Adamson C.,5 Silkswoith row, b w Adamson John, Wear st.^m w s Atkinson John, Hudson's bldgs. b w Barkes James, 249 High st. b w Barkes James, jun. 7 Union st. b w Barnett Robeit, Church st. raws Bell George, 9 Back Zion st.b w Blackett Thomas, 19 William st.b w Bland Robert, 82 New Market, s Brown Phillis, 42 Sans st. b w Brown Thomas, 4 Howick st. m w s Buglass Alexander, 2 Church st. s Burden James, 14 Lombard st. s Camsey Robert, Topliffe st. m w s Chaplain Thomas, Tatham st. b w Charlton Rt,,36 Covent Garden st.s Coates Richard, Prospect row, s Cockerill Anthony, 77 High st. s Cockerill John, 5 John st. s Collingwood Jph., 81 Crwtree. rd. b w Colvin Benjamin, 56 Nile st. b w Copeland Elizabeth, 67 Moor st. b w Cornish John, 4 Baines lane, s Coulson Nicholas, North quay, m w s Cowans Jonth., Fisherman's row, s Cullen Ann, 1 14 High st. b w Cummerscn George, Ettrick place, s Cummins Robert, 6 Matlock st. b w Davison John, 37 Grey st. s Dawson Joseph, 52 Sans st. b w Deans Chas. R., Sth. Durham st. b w Diston William, 96 High st. b w Dobbing Thomas, Cross place, s Dodd William, 7 Albert st. b w Edmundson G., Liddell ter. mw s *Errington John, 94 Low st. s Eves Charles, 18 Harley st. b w Gee John 1 1 Pemberton st. b w Gibson Jph. Ayre's quay, b w Gibson Wm., 46 Middle st. b w Graham George, Ayre's quay, b w Graham John, 157 High st. b w Graham Ralph, 172 High st. s Gray Robert, 84 Moor st. b w Hamilton John, 317 High st. b w Hardy William, Back Wear st. b w Harrison Thomas, Zion st. b w Hastie George, Hill st. b w Hastie John, 150 High st. s Hastie James, Hendon st. b w Hastie Wilson, 12 Wear st. b w Heslop George, 75 High st. b w Hickson William, 30 Grey st. s Holdforth Robert, 29 Low st. s Hugall Rt. D., 39 Northumberland street, b w Humphreys Geo., North qy» m w Hunter Thomas, 7 George st. b w TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 445 Hurrell Hy., Silksworth row, b w Jackson Thomas, East st. b w Jefferson Wm., 74 Coronation st. b w •Keeller Richard, 95 Low st. s Kent Jph. D., 71 Lawrence st. b w Kerr Charles, 5 Grey st. s Laidler William, 145 High st. b w Lamb Christphr., Nelson sq. m w s Lawson Cphr., Lombard st. b w Lawson David, Whitburn st. m w s Longmire Thomas, East Moor st. s Lowes Geo., Back Church st. m w s Lowes John, Nelson sq. m w s *Mc Lochlin Mark, Low st. s Mc Pherson Donald, 37 George st. s Maling William, Hedworth st. m w s Matthison Stephen, 40 Queen st. s Meldrum Robert, 8 Moor terrace, s Miller George, 256 High street, b w Miller William, 25 East Cross st. b w, and 81 New Market, s Mills John, 23 Queen st. s Mitchell Thomas, 141 Low st. s Moore Martin, 1 King st. b w Neal Adam, 77 Coronation st. b w Neel John, 6 Pemberton st. b w Newton Thomas, 98 Low st. s Newton Wm., Hanover place, b w Norris Andrew R., South st.b w North Charles, Railway st. b w Ord Ralph, 6 Nesham square, s Ord William, 22 Crowtree rd. b w Ormandy John, 28 Bishopwear- mouth, pans Pace Robt., 14 Dun Cow st. b w Pattinson Mark, Moorgate st. s Paxton Wake, 31 Queen st. s Pearson Edward, 66 South Durham street, b w Petrie Arthur, Wear st. m w s Philips James, 18 Spring Garden lane, b w Potts Matthew, Thomas st. m w Potts Thos., Ayre's quay, b w Pounder Matthew, 9 1 New market, s Price Thos., 9 Church st. s Pyle John, Broad st. m w Ray Ralph, 3 East Woodbine st. b w Renney Henry, 42 Northumberland street, b w Rentoul John, 79 New market, s Richan Wm., Back Villiers st. b w Robinson Jas., 1 16Coronationst.bw Robson Jas., North quay, m w s Robson Jas., Whitburn st. m w s Russell Jas., 72 New market, s Salmon Jas., 105 Low st. s Sanderson Ralph, 26 Coronation street, b w Scott Robert, 80 New market, s Scott Wm., 26 Sans st. b w Sedgwick T., 48 South Durham street, b w Shadforth Wm., Wear st, m w s Shippen Wm. Stephen, 266 High street, b w Shotton Robt., 8 Walworth st. b w Small Thos., North quay, m w s Smith John, 20 West st. b w Smith Robt., 22 Queen st. s Snaith George, Woodbine ter. b w Snaith Robt., 17 Sans st. s Snowdon Wm., 37 Coronation st. s Stafford Richard, 2 Zion st. b w Stokes Thos., 10 Moor st. b w Tarbett John, Williamson st. m w 3 Tarbett Wm., North quay, m w s Thompson William, 26 Covent Gar4 den St. b w Trueman Rt., 84 New market, s Usher & Son, 3 East Cross st. b w Walker Crosby, 22 Church st, s Walker Matthew, 19 Sussex st.b w Waters Geo., 14 Hopper st. b w Watson Wm., 20 Dun Cow st. b w Webster Geo., Wear st. m w s * Webster Thomas, 36 Low st. s White James, Hendon road Whittle Isaac, 3 Hodgsons bdgs. b w Widdrington Thos., 147 High st. s Wilkinson Thos. 31 Dunning st. b w Williams B. 13 BackFawcett st.b w Williams Thos., Howick st. m w s Wilson Geo., 28 Church st. s Wilson Robert, John st. m w Wood Wm., 69 New market, s Woodifield Wm., 36 Church st. s Yule Peter, Hamilton st. m w s Brass Founders and Coppersmiths. Dannatt James, 1 Norfolk st. b w Glaholm Wm. & John, Wear Brass Foundry, Bridge crescent, b w Haddoclv & Clay, 15 Garden st. b w Nicholson Wm. & Sons, 1 14 & 115 High St. s Wight Robert & Son, 83 High st. s 446 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Braziers & Tin Plate Wrkrs. Marked * are coppersmiths also. Brown Wm., I North Durham st. b w Calvert Wm. & Son, 177 New mkt. s *Cogdon John, 27 East Cross st. b w ♦Cooper Rd. & Eras. S., 194 High st. b w Cornforth Wm., 28 Low st. s *Dannatt Jas., 1 Norfolk st. b w *Glaholm Wm. & Jno., 8 East Cross St. b w Frail Joshua, Brewery bank, m w s Hutchinson Lewis, 99 Low st. s Lamb James, ct. 200 High st. s Kirkaldy Robert, Wear st. m w s Kirton William, Church st. m w s Newton Matthias, 120 Low st. s Ogle & Douglass, Ayre's quay, b w Rontree John, Bodlewell lane, s Salkeld Alexander, 9 Low quay, s Smith Rawling, 31 High st. b w Smith & Stephenson, Wear st. m w s *Smith Wm. Venus, Hanover st. b w Smith William, 135 New market, s Stevenson J. D., 62 Hendon rd. b w Stewart Duncan, 31 Low st. s Stoddart J., 23 Spring Gard. In. b w Stubbs Philip, 33 Low st. s Taylor William, 20 Low st. s *Thew Thomas, 21 Low st. s Todd Ralph, Wear st. m w s Wolfe James, 33 High st. b w Wood Edward, North quay, m w s Brewers. Marked * are Maltsters also, * Allison James, North quay, m w s Austin John, Dixon's sq. m w s *Brown Samuel, 23 Queen st. s Clarke William, 44 High st. s Denton John, Walton lane, s *Fenwick Rt. & Co., 17 Low st. s Gallon Thomas, Queen st. Brewery, 42 Matlock st. b w Hindmarsh E. M. & S. S., 1 1 1 High St. s Hodgson Geo., Hodgson bldgs.b w Lockie John, Ayres quay, b w Lowes Robert, Robinson's In, s Oates Robert, Lombard st. s Overing Jno. Dinning 116 High st. s Rayne William, Spring Garden In. s ♦Reed Thos., Mark Quay Brewery, 100 Low St. s *Story William, Moor st. b w *Taylor Maria, Horns lane Brew- ery, s ♦Trewhite Francis, Hind st. b w Vaux Cuthbert, 9 Union st. b w Whinham William, J 3 Nesham sq. s Wilkinson George, Walworth st. b w Bricklayers- *#* See Stone Masons, ^c» Brickxnakurs. Bramwell Chpr., Hendon, b w Cloughton John, Deptford Dixon & Fallow, 18 Cumberland st. b w Hartley Jas. & Co., New Town, b w Henderson John, 21 Johnson st. b w Noble Thos., 24 Derwent st. b w Oates Johnson, 7 Chester road, b w Spoor Richard, North Dock, m w s Turner Geo., 21 King st. b w British Wine Dealers. Atcheson Thos., 192 High st. b w Johnstone John, 246 High st. b w Mears & Co. 224 High st. b w Ord John W., 193 High st. b w Park Eliz., 209 High st. b w Ritson John & Sons, 4 High st. s Brokers <& Agents. Marked 1 are Ship Brokers ; and 2, Ship and Insurance Brokers, *** See also Agents §• Merchants. 1 Alcock Charles, 54 Sans st. b w 2 Andrews Jas. & Co., Little Yilliers street, b w Barker W. L (corns.) 5 Bridge st. b w Boldeman, Borries, & Co., (genrl. comsn.) 152 High st. b w 2 Booth George Robert, 1 Russell street, s 1 Bradley & Potts, North qy .,m w s 1 Briggs William & Co., Exchange buildings, s 2 Burn William, 20 High st. s 1 Candlish John, 34 Bridge st. b w 2 Carr Wm. & Co., 1 Bedford st. b w 2 Charleton J. & R. 2 Sunniside, b w Cormack Josiah, George st. s 2 Crossby James, 6 Nile st. b w 1 Curths J. V. (& corns.) 127 High 1 street, b w TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 447 Davison Thos., 4 Sunderlrnd st. b w 1 Denniston John, 53 Sans st. b w i Elliott Thomas, 51 Sans st. b w 1 Gehrels Gerhard, A. B. 206 High street, s 1 Halcro Rd. & John, 56 Villiers st. b w 1 Hannington James, 1 High st. s 1 Hanson & Thompson, 6 Russell street, s 1 Hay James, Exchange bldgs. s 1 Heppell Rd. Bryan, Custom house entrance, s 2 Heward Benj., 10 NUe st. b w 2 Heward Wm. N., Little Villiers street, b w 1 Hudson & Haddock, Custom House entrance, s 1 Humble Chas. I., 136 High st. b w Husdell Jacob, Wear st. m w s 2 Kirk Wm. & Co., High st. b w Lee Thomas, 45 Villiers st. b w 1 Liddell John, Church st. m w s 1 Lonie Martin, Exchange bldngs. s 1 Los P. R. & Co., Sunniside, b w 2 Lumsdon & Byers, 4 Russel, st. s 2 Marwood& Bird, 53 Sans st. b w 1 Micklam & Carr, Wreath's quay, m w s 1 Mills Sampson, 11 Bridge St., b w 1 Munro John, Old Fish landing, s 2 Murray John & Co., 9 High st» s 1 Parkin Joseph, 195 High st. s 2 Peacock Brothers, 67 Nile st. b w Peacock William, 12 Nile st. b w 1 Rahn Francis Hy., Sunniside, b w 2 Reed Jas., 193 High st. b w 2 Richardson G. & C, 13 Barclay street, m w s 1 Romyn & Co., Sunniside, b w 1 Rudolphi & Co., 26 High st. s Robinson Thos. Temple, Custom House entrance, s 1 Saville Jas., Exchange bldngs., s 1 Scorer Henry, 10 Walton pi. b w 1 Scott Jas., 37 Woodbine st. b w 2 Stephehson Richd., 9 High st. 1 Stewart Robt., Ferry Boat landg. s Taylor John, Custom House en- trance, s Thompson Mark, 6 Sunniside, b w Tully C. & Co., 136 High st. b w 1 Walker Thos., Wear st. m w s 2 Watson W. H, & G., Sunniside, b w 1 Wood George, 14 Villiers st. b vr \ Young Thos. Brown, 5 Russell street, s Builders. See also Joiners and Builders, Charlton Wm., Barclay st. m w s Drysdale Wm., 8 Sussex st. b w Oates Johnson, 7 Chester road, b w Pratt Thos., 3] Union st. b w Roseberry Thos., 36 Queen st. b w Thompson Wm., 17 Cousin st. b w Tone John Carr, 23 Olive st. b w Tone Wm., 17 Derwent st. b w Wilson Robt., 1 Sans st. upper, b w Young Geo. Moor, 32 Nile st. b w Butchers. Adamson Edward, Nelson sq. m w s Adamson James, 274 High st. b w Adie Michael, 127 High st. s Atkinson F. 2 Walworth st. b w Barker Jacob, 14 New Market, s Barnes George, 18 Coronation st. b w Barron John Saml., 42 High st. s Barwick Robert, 18 High st. b w Barwick Wm., 14 Coronation st.b w Benson Robert, Whitburn st. m w s Benson William, Church st. m w s Blackit Thos. Edw., Railway st. b w Bone William, Liddell ter. m w s Brabant Wm. 6b New Market, s Brewis James, 237 High st. b w Brewis Robert, 40 High st. s Brown Robert, 103 Low st. s Burden Francis, 47 High st. b w Burrell George, Ayre's Quay rd. b w Butler Cuthbert, 13 New Market, s Carter John, 54 High st. b w Cockburn Jph. 54 New Market, s Crisp Robert, 24 Silksworth row, b w Crowther George, 25 New Market, s Curry William, New Market, s Dickeson Richard, 31 Sans st. b w Dickison John, Union place, m w s Dixon Susannah, Church st. m w s Dobson George, 232 High st. b w Dowthwaite James, 31 High st. and 6 New Market, s Dunn William, 6 Sans st. s Evans Thomas, North quay, m w s Fairlam George, 2 Grey st. s Fenwick John, Wear st. m w s Gibson Margaret, 19 New Market, s Gibson William, 80 High st. b w 448 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Greenfield Thos., 38 New Market, s Greenfield Wm., 36 New Market, s Greenwell Edwrd., Nelson sq. m w s Greenwell Joseph, 5 High st. s Hall John, Queen st. b w Hall John, 315 High st. b w Hammond Robert, Ayre's Quay,bw Havelock William, 35 New Market, s Hay William, 47 New Market, s Hedley John, 76 Coronation st. b w Henderson Fras. Whitburn st. m w s Holmes William, 47 High st. s Horsman John, 16 Hendon rd. b w Hudson Rt. H.,51 New Market, s Hunter Thos., 50 High st. b w Hunter William, 119 High st. s Huson John, Wear st. m w s Hutchinson Edw., 39 New Mkt. s Hutchinson John, 27 New Mkt. b w Hutchinson John, 50 New Mkt. s Hutchinson Thos., 59 New Mkt. s Hutchinson William 28 High st. b w Jordison George, 44 New Market, s Lambert Francis, 40 New Mkt. s Longstafl" Geo., sen., 70 High st. s Longstafi" Geo. jun., 68 High st. s Longstaff Henry, 43 High st. s Longstafi" Thos. 59 High st. s Lowson Wm., 6 Maling's rig, s Matthew Edward, Church st. m w s Millburn Thomas, 7 Charles st.b w Moore M. & T. P., 92 Low st. s Moore John Geo., 72 High st. b w Morrell William, 22 Hendon rd. b w & 52 New Market, s Nelson John, 48 Vine st. s Nixon Luke, Whitburn st. m w s Nixon Thos., 59 Dundas st. m w s Proctor Robert, 84 High st. s Puncheon Wm., 46 New Market, s Ramsay Robert, 10 New Market, s Ramsay Rt., 1 10 Coronation st. b w ReedJno.&Hy.78&79Highst.bw Reed John, jun., 283 High st. b w Reed Thomas, 23 New Market, s Renney Wm., 67 High st. b w Ridley Thomas, Church st. m w s Rippon Thomas, 24 High st. b w Robinson William, Ayre's quay, b w Robson Joseph, 9 New Market, s Robson Robert, 76 High st. s Salkeld Robert, 31 New Market, s Scurr Wilfred, 5 Malings rig, s Smith John, 22 Coronation st. b w Snowdon Thos. 59 New Market, s Staflford William, 12 New Market, s Stealler Henry, 64 Moor st. b w Swan Isaac, 43 New Market, s Swan Thomas, 56 New Market, s Swan William, East st. s Swainson Geo., 48 New Market, s Swain son William, 53 New Mkt. s and 22 Moor st. b w Taylorson Thos., George st. m w Thompson Robt., 281 High st. b w Thompson T. W., Thomas st. m w Thwaites Hy., 81 Coronation st.b w Walker James, 4 Sans st. s Walker James Aird, Moor st. b w Wallace & Dormand, 3 High st, s Walls Thos., 134 Coronation st.b w Wardle James, Hamilton st. m w s Watson George, 304 High st. b w Watson Robt., 105Coronatin. st. b w Watson Sarah, 265 High st. b w Welands Thomas, Bodlewell lane, s Wilkin Robert, Hendon road, b w and 18 New Market, s Wills William, 58 New Maket, s Wood William, Hanover place, b w Young John, 45 New Market, s Cabinet Makers and Uphol- sterers. *;,i*See also Joiners, Sfc, Alcock & Son, 64 Nile st. b w Brown Robert, 112 High st b w Chater Wm.,47 and 8 Sans st. b w Ciow Robert, 123 High st. b w Fenwick Robert, 69 High st, b w Nelson James, 10 Sans st. s Smith Ferrer, 293 & 294 High st. b w Taylor Robert, 4 Queen st. b w Wetherell John A., 29 Bridge st. b w Wilson Robert, 8 Sans st. s Cartwrights. Robson John, 1 7 Walworth st. b w Smurthwaite Robt., 20 Low row,b w Stephenson Rt. 30 Hendon rd. b w Trewitt Wm. 27 Low row, b w Carvers & Gilders. Marked * are Ship Sign Makers, Alcock & Son, 64 Nile st. b w *Bridge W. Hy. North quay, m w s Lindsay John, 13 Bridge st. b w •Marshall John, Yilliers st. b w ♦Marshall Jh., Back Yilliers st. b w I TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 449 *Tate Geo., 11 Brougham st. b w Weddall Wm., 26 East Cross st. b w •Wilson Thos., 80 Dundas st. m w s Chemists <& Druggists. Best John, Thornton pi., b w Bird Willia^m, Nelson square, m w s Brumwell JpfcrC., Church st. m w s Cuitt Wm. Henry, 71 High st.s Dixon John, 37 High street, s Dobinson Wm. 239 High street, b w Dodshon Edw., 33 Bridge st. b w Fairley Robert, 158 High st. b w Forster & Dixon, 163 High st. s Leadbitter Walter F., 6 Bdg. st. b w Matthew Edw., Huddleston st. m w s Marshall Eras., 300 High st. b w Meldrum Alex. Geo. 269 High st. b w Ord John W., 193 High st. b w Palin Benjamin, 78 High st. s Parker Rd., 31 Coronation st. b w Rennison James, 99 High st. s Ridley Anthony, Wear st. m w s Ritson John & Sons, 4 High st. s Scott John, Whitburn st. m w s Thompson Eras., 48 Coronation st. s Thompson Harrison, 8 Moor st.b w Thompson Henry, 3 George st. s Thompson Wm., 87 High st. s Vint & Farrar, 147 High st. b w Walton Ralph, 261 High st. b w Wardropper Paul, 251 High st. b w Wilkinson Geo., 76 Hendon rd. b w Wilkinson Moses jun., 167 High sts Young John, 209 High st. s Clothes Brokers. Barkas Ann, 106 New market, s Barlow James, 6 Grey st. s Cash Elizabeth, 154 New market, s Copland James, 156 New market, s Davison Wm., 33 Golden alley, s French Alice, 159 New market, s Grieves William, 144 New market, s Hutchinson N., 61 New market, s Hardy Thomas, 42 Low st. s Jameson Robert, North qy. m w s Lawson Hugh, 105 New market, s Marrington J., 31 Coronation st. s Mattison Ann, 4 Grey st. s Palmer Susan, 3 Grey st. s Pladdie Joseph, 148 New market, s Queinn Catherine, 155 New mkt. s Saunders Phoebe, 137 New mkt. s Short John, 121 Low st. s Smith Jane, 141 New market, s Thompson Joseph, 145 New mkt. s Thompson Mary, 146 New mkt. s Treanor Hutchinson, 37 Low st. s Valantine Wm., 152 New market, s Wanless Heath, 136 New market, s Willey Moses, 23 Low st. s Wright John, 93 Low st. s Coach Builders. Simpson Humphrey 29 Green st. b w Usher Edw. H., 21 Dunning st.b w Coal Fitters. Beamish South Moor Fitting Office, North quay, m w s; John Halcro, fitter Bell Wm. Thos. & Co., 133 High St. b w Brown R. Jas. & Co., 140 Higb street, b w Candlish John, 34 Bridge st. b w Charleton J. & R., 2 Sunniside, b w Chartershaugh Fitting Office, 147 High St. b w ; Burnett Whitfield Collingwood J. W., 31 Fawcett street, b w Denniston John, 53 Sans st.b w Derwent & Charlow, Fitting Office, Dock St. m w s ; Dawson Ranson, fitter Elliott Thos., 51 Sans st. b w Greenwell Richd., 3 Villiers st. b w Hannington Jas., 1 High st. s Harty William, North quay, m w s Haswell Coal Co.s Fitting Office, Hardcastle's Slip, s ; Chas. Tay- lor, fitter Hendon Fitting Office, Borough road, b w ; John Ray & Co. Hetton Coal Co., 22 Bridge st. b w^ Benjamin Sorsbie, agent Husdell Jacob, Wear st. m w s Lambton Fitting Office, Dock st. b w; John Todd, agent Lee Thos., 44 Villiers st. b w Los P. R. & Co., Sunniside, b w Mesnard & Hudson, 134 High street, b w Mitchell James, Church st. m w s Moore & Co., 53 Sans st. b w North Durham Fitting Office, Wear St. m w s ; Wm. Thompson Northern Coal Mining Co., 195 High St. s j Joseph Parkin, agent 2q 450 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Pemberton Messrs. & Co., Monk- wearmouth Colliery, mw; Mar- tin Douglas, agent Reed James, 193 High st.b w Romyn & Co., Sunniside, b w Whitwell Colliery Fitting Office, 1 William St. Rd. White, fitter Williamson Jno. W., Wear^st. m w s Coal Depots, (Land Sale.) Harrison & Scott, Town Moor, s Hendon, Town moor, Wm. Hopper, managing partner Hetton, New Town, Ogden Brown, manager Lambton, Hylton Road,b w; J. G. Black & Co. Monkwearmouth Land Sale Depot, Portobello lane, m w, Dawson Ranson, agent Cofiee Roasters, Braithwaite William, Stob lane, s Gordon Donald, Chapel st, s Redmond Jas., Back Villiers st. b w Thompson Thos., Crowtree rd. b w Confectioners. Armstrong Chpr., 233 High st. b w Atcheson Thos,, 192 High st., b w Baillie& Hull, 22 High st. s Cochran Elizabeth, 83 Moor st, b w Coxon John, 10 Charles st. b w Cranston Hewson, J 81 High st. s Cranston William, 173 High st. s El stob Jane, 9 High st. b w Garbutt John, 85 Coronation st. b w Johnston John, (wholesale & retail) 246 High St. b w Marley Richard, Hill St. b w Mowatt Robt., 29 High st. b w Mowatt Wm., 155 High st. s Murray Isabla., Hamilton st. m w s Park Eliz., 209 High st. b w Pulman Richard, 7 Bridge st. b w Shields Mary, 11 Hendon Road, b w Stevenson Wm., 3 High st. s Taylorson Richard, 89 High st. s Tomlinson Geo. H., New market, s Wilson Geo., 113 Coronation st.b w Consuls. TJms * are Vice-consuls, andf Consu- sular Agents. American, Robt. Smart, 187 High street, b w Belgian, Jas. Reed, 193 High st.li tt *Danish, R.Hudson & Sons, Cus- f tom House entrance, s " f France, Jas. Reed, 193 High st. b w Netherlands and Hanover, Richard Greenwell, 3 Villiers st. b w *Portugese,Hugh Panton, 140 High street, b w Prussian, Geo. R. Booth, 1 Russell street, b w Swedish & Norwegian, L. T. Wang, 8 Villiers st. b w Coopers. Anderson Geo., North quay, m w s Ayre James, 87 Low st. s Brown William, Low st. s Drysdale Geo., ct. 33 Low st. s Forester John, North quay, m w s Frost John, 74 Low st. s Gill Thos., North quay, m w s Hetherington Wm., Bonner's field, m w s Hutchinson Edward, North quay, m w s Johnson Geo., 48 Walworth st. b w Kirkbride, Wm., North quay, m w s Lawson Wm,, Wear st. m w s Smith & Stevenson, Wear st. m w s Walker John, 46 High st, b w Waddle Francis, 72 Low st. s Whitfield Mark, Low st. s Wilson Wm., North quay, m w s Wiseman John, 124 High st. s Corn Merchants. Dickinson John, 60 John st. b w Robson & Peacock, 46 Queen st. b w Shaw Angus, 42 Nile st. b w Corn Millers & Flour Dealrs. Bowmaker Edwd., Hendon rd. b w Crisp Elizabeth, Millfield, b w Dunn John, Hind st.b w Richardson C.&W., Durham rd.bw Robson & Peacock, 46 Queen st.b w Smiles Thos., 9 West st. b w Tyzack Samuel, Hendon road, b w Youll Peter, Bonner's field, m w s Curriers & Leather Cutters, Adamson Thos., 6 Lombard st. s Dove James, 2 Queen st. s Flintofi" Thomas, 175 High st. s TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 451 Lackenby Thos. Hy., 51 Northum- berland St. b w ; and Sale Shop, Grey st. s Lackenby William, 45 High st. b w Marshall Andrew, 93 Coronation street, b w Williams Chas., 43 George st. s Cutlers. Marked * are Truss and Surgical Instrument Makers. Ridgeway Henry, 206 High st. b w * Waddle John, 6 Bridge st. b w Dentist. Cafferata Jas. Lewis, 21 Bdge. st. b w Dyers. Barker Jas., Waterloo place, m w s Carruthers Eliz., 24 Queen st. s Dalziel & Co., 66 High st., b w Foster Jos., Pestle and Mortar Dye Works, 15 Nile st. b w Foster Ann, 54 Nile st. b w Hall John C.,8 Church st. s Pomfret R. H. & J. 54 Yilliers st. b w Earthenware Manufacturers. Dixon, Phillips, & Co., Sunderland Pottery, foot of High st. s Marr Sarah, North quay, m w s Moore Saral. & Co., Bridge & Wear Potteries, m w s, and Low South- wick Rickaby & Blakelock, Sheep Fold Pottery, m w s Scott, Brothers, & Co., Southwiuk Pottery Eating Houses. Dodds Joseph, Broad st. m w Hudson John, 17 High st. s Lowe Robert, Wear st. raws Ramsey Henry, 202 High st. s Reid Alexander, Thornton pi. b w Richardson James, 1 17 Low st. s Seymour Thomas, 114 Low st. s Todd Ralph, Wear st. m w s Trotter Robt. Postick, 122 Low st. s W^orthington Mary, J 9 Low st. s Engineers. See Millwrights, 8fc, Engravers and Copperplate Printers. Marked * are Lithographers also. Joseph Lionel, 162 High st. s *Peacock J, & W., 186 High st.b w *Robson Thos. & Son, 12 Bridge street, b w File Manufacturers. Blake John, 38 Cumberland st. b w Morton Joel, 39 High st. b w Fire and Life Omces. Albion Cargo and Freight, (Ship Ass.) Hugh Dixon, Field House, b w Albion Premium, Alcock & Smith, 54 Sans st. b w Alfred, (Life) Harrison & Young, 2 William st. b w Atlas, Ed. Forster, 160 High st. b w, & M. Atkinson, Church st. m w s British and Foreign, W. I. Barker, 5 Bridge st. \w Crown, (Life) C. T. Potts, ) Sun- derland St. b w Dissenters, John Dixon, 37 High street, s Equitable Marine Premium, Wm. Burn, sec, 20 High st. s Guardian, J. Crosby, 6 Nile st. b w Imperial (Fire) Geo. Palmer, South Durham st. b w \ Law (Fire) Harrison & Young, 2 William st. b w Leeds & Yorkshire, John Scott, jun., 1 8 Matlock St. b w London, Robt. Thos. Wilkinson, Sunniside, b w Manchester (Fire) & Pelican (Life) John Murray, 9 High st. s Marine, C. T. Potts, 1 Sunderland street, b w Mariners (Life) J. M. Cooper, 207 High St. b w Medical Invalid, and General (Life) J. V. Curths, 127 High st. b w Nautical Law & Fund, (Life; Thos, Burn, 20 High st. s North British, J. W. Ord, 193 High street, b w Norwich Union, Hugh Panton, 140 High St. b w Ocean Mutual, W.J. Smith, 54 Sans street, b w 452 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Phoenix (Fire) Geo. Wood, 14 Yil- Hers St. & C. T. Potts, 1 Sunder- land St. b w Royal Exchange, H. J. Dixon, 217 High St. b w Scottish Union, T.C.Alcock, 1 Nile street, b w Yorkshire, G. S. Ranson, 215 High St. and Thos. Parker, 2 Back Fawcelt st, b w Fishmongers. Blankley John & Co., 2 Fawcett Street, b w Mason Eliz., New Market, s Peacock Wra., New Market, s Potts Margaret, New Market, s Wake Elizabeth^ Now Market, s French Polishers. Gilbert Saml. T. 5 Walworth st. b w Hunter Michael, 15 Sans st. s Flour Dealers. See Bakers and Fwur Dealers. Fruiterers. Atcheson Thos., 192 High st. b w Brown John, 52 High st. s Chapman & Brown, 25 Low st. s Fleming Robert, Wear st. ra w s Gibson Thos. & Co., 1 13 High st. b w Hewart John, 76 Wear st. b w Hewart Robt., Arcade, s Hunt Wm., 80 High st. s Lynn Robt., 22 Low st. s Mears & Co., 224 High st. b w Pardo John, 192 New Market, s Smith George, 24o High st. b w Wandless Wm.,24 Coionatn. st. b w Funeral Furnishers. See Joiners and Cabinet Makers, Furniture Brokers. Marked * are Cabinet Makers also. Anderson Alex., Church bank, b w Blacket John, 28 Grey st. s *Browell David, 11 Lombard st. s Brown Joseph, 9 Grey st. s *Crawford John, 18 Grey st. s Eagle Ann, Minorca, s Earle Alex. S.,128 Coronation st. b w *Heap John, 51 Vine st. & 5Malings rig, s ♦Hutchinson Dixn.,29Malingsrig,s Lanchester Isab., 19 Cmtion. st. b w *Laybourn Wm. 79 Crontion. st. b w *Liddle Henry, 6 Crowtree rd.b w Lord John, 57 Coronation st. s *Maddison Philip, 115 CoronatioB street, b w Marr Emelia, 24 Grey st. s *MetcalfThos.,86 Coronation st. b\r *Neagle Nicholas, 10 Lombard st. s Parton Wm., 14 Covent Garden st. s Redford Geo., 30 Coronation st. b w Redford Wm.,27 Charles st. b w Robinson J., 52 Coronation st. s *Shaw John, 50 Coronation st. s Softley John, 129 High st. s Storey Thomas, 17 Covent Garden street, b w Sutherland Wm., 27 & 28 Sans st. b w ♦Swinburn William, 44 Silver st. s Thompson John, 28 Queen st. s *Todd Robert, Church st. m w s Tomlinson Ann, 66 Northumberland street, b w Furriers. See Hatters, Sfc, Crardeners & Seedsmen* Archer Wm., 87 Hendon rd. b w Bradford Ths., Back Tathaia st. b Tf Cairnes Thos., 26 Hendon rd. b w Cairns Thos., 1 Pembeiton st. b w Cockfield Edw., 25 Walworth st. b w Cowel William^ 45 Hendon rd. b w Davison Andrew, 37 High st. b w Elliott Anthony, 32 Tatham st. b w Fair Robert, Borough rd. bw Farrow W^m., Tunstall lane, b w Gibson H. & Son, 1 High st. and Tunstall lane^ b vr Gibson Jacob, Middle Hendon, b w Harrop John, 14 High st. b w Hay John & Son, Fore st. b w Hunter Roberts, Stockton rd.b w Murray Hy., 194 New Market, b w Murray John, Tunstall lane,b w Smith George, 245 High st. b w Smith John, 208 New Market, s Smith Thomas, I'unstall lane,b w Wandless Wm.,24 Coronation st.b w Wiseman S. T- Little Villiers st. b w Glass, China, & Earthenware Dealers. Atkinson Mary, 183 High st. b w TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 453 Balmbra James, 108 New Market, s Bowey William, 125 New Market, s Burnside John, 8 High St. b w Haddock Robert, 71 Low st. s Hunter Watson, 15 High st. b w Lindlay Wm., 1 1 1 New Market, s Mears & Co , 224 High st. b w Parton Rosannah, 127 New mkt. s Reed Mary, 10 Bridge st. b w Robertson James, 126 Low st. s Robinson Robert, 155 High st. b w Smith Oliver, 109 New Mkt. s Taylor Ann, i23 New Mkt, s Thomas John, 53 High st. s Wardropper Mrgrt., 95 High st. b w 01ass Manufacturers. Attwood Edward & Co., Wearmouth Crown Glass Works, Low Sthwck. Ayre's Quay Bottle Co., Bridge and Ayre's quay, b w Featherstonhaugh Walker, Ayre's q. and Deptford Bottle Works, b w ', J. W. Phillips, agent Hartley James & Co., Wear Glass Works, New Town, b w Southwick Glass Bottle Company, Low Southwick, Henry Scott, managing partner Sunderland Glass Co., (Bottle) Pan Bank, b w 0reen Grocers. Anderson Peter, Dock st. b w Archbold Alice, 200 New Mkt. s Bennett John, Hanover pi. b w Cairns Thomas, 199 New Mkt. s Chapman Isaac, 107 Coronation street b w Charlton Margaret, 20 New Mkt. s Cook Margaret, 3 Russell st. s Dalziel John, 51 High st. b w Ewarl John, 198 New Mkt. s Fletcher William, Moss lane, s Fothergill James, 5 Charles st. b w Golighlly Jph., George st. m w Graham Thomas, 2 Grey st. s Harrison William, 207 New Mkt. s He wart Robert, Arcade, s Jakes Ed war J, Ayre's quay rd. b w Johnson Geo., 48 Walworth st. b w Kitchen John, 78 Coronation st. b w Melvin Joseph, 2 Bodlewell lane, s Morley Jph. Thos., Ayre's qy. b w Riseborough Thos., 158 High st. s Robinson Robt., 4 Matlock st. b w Robson Wm., 20 Coronation st. b w Scott Joseph, 161 High st. s Sheriff Robt., 201 N«w mkt. s Steam George, 22 High st. b w Stephenson George, Ferry Boat landing, s Sumley Jane, 197 New mkt. s Wardropper Mgt., 95 High st. b w Watson Margaret, 202 New Mkt. s Weldon Stephen, 14 Silver st. s Grocers and Tea Bealers. Alderson Geo., 13 Northumberland street, b w Andrews J, & Son, 177 High st. s Armstrong John, Church st. m w s Armstrong Thos., 16 Warren st. s Armstrong Wm., 67 High st. s Athey John, George st. m w Baynes William, W^ear st. m w s Bedford John C, 44 Wear st. b w Bentley Joseph, Whitburn st. m w s Birlison John, Church st. m w s Bone Robert, 6 Liddell st. m w s Booth Thos., Williamson ter. m w s Buwey John, 60 High st. b w Bowmaker Edward, 91 Coronation street, b w Bowron John & Son, 198 High st. s Braithwaite Wm., 8 Bridge st. b w Branfoot Hannah, 28 Walworth street, b w Branfoot John, 252 High st. b w Brantingham George, 72 High st. s Brown James, Williamson ter. m w s Bruce John, 61 High st. s Burn Thomas, 284 High st. b w Bygate John, 38 High st. s Cariing Wm., (whol.) 42 Queen st. s Catchasides James, Wear st. m w s Clarke Thomas, 73 High st. s Clarkson John, Wear st. m w s Cook John, Whitburn st. m w s Cox John, 308 High st. b w Crosby Jas. & Co., 1 19 Low st. s Dauson Ralph, 14 and 15 High st. s Davidson Mary, 144 Coronation street, b w Davies W^illiam, 115 High st. b w Davison John L., 2 Matlock st. b w Dodds Thomas, Wear st. m w s Dodsworth Henry, 70 Moor st. b w Oodsworth John, Moor st. b w Douglas Mark, 33 High st. s 2q2 454 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Doxford John, 98 High st. b w Dunn John, 21 Silksworth row, b w Elsdon Henry, Wear st. m w s Eltringhan Stphn., George st. m w Ewart John, 66 High st. s Fleming John, 6 East Cross st. bw Forster & Dixon, 163 High st. s Fox Geo. L., 85 High st. s Gibson James, Wear st. m w s Gibson Joseph, Ayre's quay, b w Green George, 226 High st. b w Gregson Isabella, 2 High st. s Grimshaw John, 68 High st. b w Grimshaw Wm., 86 High st. b w & II Silksworth row Hall Anthony, 13 George st. s Haswell John, Bonner's field, m w s Herring Andrew, 271 High st. b w Hills John, 26 High st. s Hodgson William, 102 Low st. s Holmes Robert, 84 Low st. s Ho ward Btbl., 25 Coronation st.b w Humphrey Jph., 182 High st. s Hunter Thos.& Co., 55 & 56 High St. b w Hutchinson Geo., 6 High st. b w Hutchinson & Gill, 29 East Cross St. b w Jairett Wm., Church st. &Wearst. m w s Johnson Thomas, 38 Church st. s King John, Williamson st. m w s Kirkby John, 5 High st. b w Liddell Ann, 27 Dundas si. m w s Longstaff William, 17 Bridge st. b w Mc Donald Moses, 94 High st. s jMacdonald Alex., Church st. m w s ]VJillburn Thos., Broad st. ra w Mitcheson Martin, 312 High st. b w Moffat Alex., 19 High st. b w Moore Geo., 244 High st. b w Morgan Nicholas, 3 Ravensworth ter. m w s Moyes James, 75 High st. s Newrick James, 52 High st. b w Nixon William, 95 High st. s Patterson John, 5 Flag lane, s Paxton Robert, Broad st. m w Pennock Jonth., 95 Sans st. b w Pickard John, Whitburn st. m w s Pickard Wm., Hanover pi. b w Porteous John, 67 Coronation st b w Proud Margaret, 168 High st. s Richardson John W., 179 High street, b w Richardson T. & J., 186 High st. s Roberts John, 65 High st. s Robson John, 60 High st. s Ross John, Church st. m w s Scott Alexander, 24 Warren St., s Scott John H. F., 277 High street, b w, & Arcade, s Sharman G. & M., 1 South Durham street, b w Shaw Ralph, Wear st., m w s Skelton Jph., 263 High st. b w Spraggon Gawen, 68 Coronation street, b w Swinburn Michael, Church st. mw s Taylor Henry, 13 High st. s Taylor William, Dock st. m w s Tindell John, 142 High st. s Todd Wm. 85 High st. b w Tomlinson Ann, 67 Northumber- land St. b w Trewitt Wm. 27 Low row, b w Tyzack Ann, 58 Dundas st, m w s Urwin G. Wm. Wear st. m w s Tint & Farrar, 147 High st. b w Wake Mary, 76 High st. s Walker John, 58 Hendon rd. b w Welch JohnR., Wear st, m w s Wilkinson John, 275 High st. b w Wilkinson Thos. B.,30 High st. s Wilson Geo., 113 Coronation st. bw Wilson Joshua and Brothers, 174 High St. s Wilson Wm., Church st, raws Wolstenholme John, 90 High st. s AVright Henry, 36 Hendon rd. b w Wright Robt,, Wear st. ra w s Wrightson Robert, 62 High st. s Wrightson S. T., Wilmson. st. m ws Gun Maker. Booth Richard, 200 High st. s Hair Dressers. Marked * are Perfumers* Barkes William, 6 John st. s Bell George, 3 Church st. s Bevan Charles, George st. m w Bowey Matthias, 44 High st. b w *Brooks Benj., 176 High st. b w Collin John, Wear st. m w s Cummins Ralph, 1 1 Matlock st. b w Davis John, 97 High st. b w Dawsey George, Grey's bldngs. b w *Doualdson Thos., 110 Low st. s j '4 TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 455 Emmerson Geo., 69 Corontn. st.b w Fleming Robt.,SO High st.b w Greig Wra., Church st. m w s Hazard Thos., 48 George st s *Jackson William, 122 Coronation street, b w Leighthead Andrew, Wear st. m w s Low James, 117 High st. s Muckle John, Hat case, s *Neal John, 2 Sans st. s Parkinson Geo., 26 William st. b w Price John & Son, 34 Low st. s Price John, jun., 116 Low st. s Raine Thos., 74 High st. s Robinson Bygate, 78 Coronation street,!" w Scales Edward, 10 High st. b w Service Joseph, 21 High st. s Service Wm., 135 High st. s Smith James, Wear si. m w s Smith John, 21 High st. b w *Whitelaw John, 207 High st. s Wilson Thos., 9 Silksworth, row,b w Hardware Bealers. Joseph Jacob, 204 Hii^h st. s Marks Abrm. I., 109 Low st. s Morton Joel, 39 High st. b w Ridge way Henry, 206 High st. b w Hatters and Furriers, Marked * are Hut Manufacturers, Cockburn Ann, 35 High st. s Cropton & Croiser, 25 High st. s *Dobbing& Co., 169 & 170 High st. s Elliott Thos. R., 19 High st. s *Fairlamb R. & G., Bodlewell In. s *Foyer Walter, 6 High st. s Gibson & Stokoe, 184 High st. s Henderson Alex. & Co., 20 High st. s Hopwood John, 46 Robinson's In. s Mc Kenna John, 21 Church st. s *Ritson Isaac, 28 Wear st. b w Spoor John & Co., 193 High st. s Hosiers <& Haberdashers. Ballantine John, 285 High st. b w Burlison Ann, 32 Coronation st. s Burnett James, 118 High st. b w Calvert Wm. & Son, 36 High st. s Chrisop Ann, Waterloo place, m w s Clark Mary, 176 High street, s Cornforth Margaret, 156 High st. s Hill D. & J. G. & Gray, 187 High street, s Hodgson William, 11 High st. b w Jameson Margt. & Ann, 278 High street, b w Mason Jane, 44 Coronation street, s Miller J., (laceman) 84 High st. b w Moore Wm. Tho3., 22^ High st. b w Pearson Francis, 160 High st. b w Pearson F. jun., 153 High st. b w Potts Margaret, 7 Waterloo st, m w s Sanderson John, 150 High st. bw Teasdale Mary, Whitburn st. m w s Wetherald My., Ill Corotn. st. b w Wilson George, Broad st. m w Young Grace, 37 Dundas st. m w s Hotels, Inns, and Taverns. Aberdesn Arms, Robert Wandlass^ Wear st. m w s Albion Hotel, Benjamin H. Short. land, 9 East Cross st. and Charles St. b w Albion Hotel, Jas. Scott, 37 Wood- bine st, b w Albion Vaults, Richard Storey, 2 Low quay, s Alnwick Casile, Geo. T. Atkinson, 15 Lombard st. s Angel Inn, Thomas Seymour, 1U4.: Low St. s Angel Inn, John Nichol, Wear st. m w s Arcade Spirit Vaults, Wm. W. Lam. bert. Arcade, s Arcade Tavern, Ann Pittre, Low Flag lane, s Argo Frigate, James Weatherburn, 8 West Wear st. b w Artichoke, John Robson, Church St. m w s Artichoke, Jane Miller, Middle Hen- don, b w * Bath Hotel, Robt. Grimes, 74 Moor St. b w Bee Hive, Thos. Reed, Bee Hive lane, s Bees Wing, John Wilkinson, 37 Numbers garth, b w Black Bull, Isabella Whitfield, 309 High St. b w Black Horse, William Jefferson, 8 South gate, b w Black Lion, Thos. Joplin, 144 High street, s Black Lion, James Gibson, 32 Church St. s 456 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Black Swan, James Britton,31 Mat- lock St. b w Black Swan Inn, G. Hodgson, 2 Hodgson's bldngs, New Town, b w Board, John Swan, 4 High st. b w Board, Jane Swalweli,43 Nile st. b w Board, G. Wilkinson, 20 Nile st.bw Board, Jas. Moves, 75 High st. s Board, John Atkin, 157 High st. s Board, John Denton, 191 High st. s Board, John Harrison, 90 Corona- tion st. b TV- Board, I. M. Husdell, Whitburn st. m w s Board, Wm. Lawson, Wear st. m w s Board, Eliz. Rowniree, Barrack st. s Board, James Goodman, 19 Robin- son's lane, s Board, George Thompson Gowland, 130 High St. s Board, Johnson Davison, Wear st. m w s Board, Jane Mitchieson, 143 High St. b w Boar's Head, Thos. Campbell, 134 High St. s Borough Tavern, Michael Latham, 15 Yorke st. m w s Brandling Hotel, Jno. Clark, Broad street, m w Brewer's Arms, James Mc. Cain, 93 High St. s Bridge Hotel, (Coml.) Jas. Donkin, 144 High St. and 24 Sunderland St. b w Bridge Inn, Dorothy Ainslie, 27 F;ag lane, s British Flag, Wm. Wintersgill, Pros- pect row, s British Queen, Thos. Hall, 15 Num- bers garth, b w British Tar, Hannah Young, 25 Malings rig, s Britannia, James Atkinson, George street, m w Britannia, Mary Ann Blakeburn, 4 Mark quay, s British Oak, Ann Rowntree, 33 High St. s Bull & Dog, Eliz. Emmerson, 42 High St. s Bull & Dog, John Addy, Wear st. raws Burns Arms, Wm. Robertson^ 70 Coronation st. b w Bush Tavern, Peter Dove, 27 Bur- leigh St. s Butcher's Arms, John Ord Carter, 54 Coronation st. s Caledonian Tavern, Thomas Cum- mings, 18 Low st. s Caledonia Arms, Mary Mills, Wear st". m w s Canteen, John Wardle, Barracks, s Carpenter's Arms, John Liddell, Church St. m w s City of Edinburgh Steam Packet, J. D. Eraser, Hardcastle's slip, s Coach & Horses, John Graham, 68 High St. b w Coble, Joseph Kirton, 7 Warren st.s Commercial Hotel, Thomas Hunter, 1.95 High St. s Commercial Inn, Robert Stewart, Ferry Boat landing, s Commercial Tavern, John Glenden- ning, 39 Church st. s Commercial Tavern, Alex. Hooper, S3 Low st. s Commercial Tavern, Thos. Dinning, Wear st. m w s Cottage Tavern, Joseph Small, Fleet street, b w Cottage Tavern, Francis Davison, Hen don roacl,b w • Cross Keys, Jane Gowland, 91 High street, s Cross Keys,B. Brown, North quay^ m w s Crown Inn, Wiliam Smith, Tatham street, b w Crown Inn, Wake Paxton,31 Queen street, s Crown, Eleanor Forster, 257 High » street, b w fl Crown, John Robson, 8 Low quay, s Crown Wm. Burton, North quay,. m w s Crown & Anchor, Ann Gordon, 73 Low street, s flj Crown & Anchor, Isabella Scott, 36 ■ Maling's rig, s Crown and Sceptre Inn, Barthw. Weighell, 235 High st. b w Crown & Sceptre, George Craggs, Maud's lane, s Crown & Sceptre, Ann Royal, 11 Millfield Cottages, b w Crown & Thistle Inn, Jas. Sparky, 208 High St. s TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 457 Custom House Hotel, Wm. Mead- ley, 13 High St. s Custom House Tavern, R. Maddi- son, Thomas st. s Daniel O'Conuell, Alison Birkley, Williamscm st. m w s Dock House, Ann Viney, 22 Bishop Wearmouth pans Dog& Pheasant, Rd. N. Ditchburn 13 Coronation st. b w Dray Cart, John Wilkinson, 6 Church St. s Drop Tavern, William Usher, Wear street, m w s Drop Tavern, Francis Garry, Wreath's quay, m w s Duke of York, John Hazard, Bar- rack St. s Dun Cow, Benj. Ord, Ayre's quay road, b w Durham House, Wm. Hollis, 33 Silver st. s Durham House, Edmund Hayton, Low quay, s Durham Monument, Geo. Snaith, 109 High St. s Eagle Tavern, E. Short, 19 Farring- ton row, b w Earl Grey, John Maddison, 29 Robinson's lane, s Earl Grey, Wm. Liddell, North quay, m w s Earl of Durham, James Keys, 69 Low St. s Earl of Durham, John Richardson, 30 Low St. s East House, John Nesbit, North shore, m w s Edinburgh Castle, Aitchison & Co., 149 High St. s -Edinburgh House, Wm. Barclay, 64 High St. s Exchange Tavern, John Greaves, 201 High St. s Ferry Hotel, Wm. C hater. Low st. s Field House, Thomas Huntley, Borough road, b w Forester's Arms, John Rafferty, 32 Spring Garden lane, s Forge Tavern, Chapman Braith- waite, Ayre's quay, b w Fox & Goose, Mary Clarker, 17 J High St. s Fox & Hounds, Robert Craggs, 99 High St. s Fox & Hounds, Jas. Proudfoot, 32 Bishopwearmouth pans Fox Hounds, Sarah Smith, Sheep. fold, m w s Freemason Tavern, Thos. Hutchin- son, Thomas st. m w Friendly Tavern, Thomas Wardell, 1 1 1 High St. s Friendly Tavern, John Bows, 15 Nesham sq. s Friendly Tavern, Ann Wood, 6 Covent Garden st. s Friendly Tavern, Jas. Mc Donald, 22 Yorke st. m w s Gardener's Tavern, Pattison Elliott, 22 High St. s Gardener's Tavern, Thomas Arm- strong, 69 Crowtree road, b w General Wolf, Ralph Croudon, 166, High St. s George IV. Geo. Kirkbride, Ayre's quay, b w George Hotel, Charles Edw. Fuller^ 29 High St. s George and Dragon, Joseph Green, 302 High St. b w Glass House Tavern, Wm. Cowell, Ayre's quay, b w Glass House Tavern, Thos. Lawson^ 34 Bishop Wearmouth pans Globe Tavern, Mary Ord, 34 Coro=. nation st. s Globe, James Goodwell, Huddleston St. m w s Globe, Edw. Welch, Wear st. m w s Golden Anchor, Robert Carter, 91 Low St. s Golden Anchor, Andrw Moody, 12S Low St. s Golden Anchor, William Bull, 105 High St. s Golden Lion, Wm.Jobling, William- son St. m w s Golden Lion, John Harrison, 38 High St. s Good Intent, Peter Keenan, 18 Warren st. s Grace Darling, William Rayne, 17 Coronation st. b w Grapes, John Ranson, 69 High street, s Grapes, Roger Lumsdon, 33 Dundas St. m w s Green Dragon, Ann Buchannau, Pan Bank top, b w 458 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Green Dragon, John Wood, Han- over place, b w Grey Horse, John Tongs, 17Bishop- wearmouth pans Grey Horse, Peter Lockie, 203 High St. s Grey Linnet, Roht. Fenwick, Far- rington row, b w Hair Moon Inn, Thos. Bewick, 199 High St. s Hendon Hotel, Henry Wright, 36 Hendon road, & 1 Hendon st. b w Hetton Brewery, William Oliver, 41 High St. s Hetton Colliery Tavern, Joseph Dobson, Pier quay, s Hetton Staiths, John Potts, Ayre's quay road, b w Hibernia Tavern, Peter Carrall, 36 Robinson's lane, s Highlander, James Burgon, Wear St. m w s Highlander, John Campbell, 58 High St. s Holy Island Castle, Thos, Wilson, 20 Coronation st. b w Honest Lawyer, Robt. Lowes, 112 Low st, s Hope & Anchor, Abraham Wilson, North quay, m w s Hope Tavern, Thomas Dodds, 11 Church St. s Horns Tavern, Geo. Heslop, 164 High St. s Jim Cr jw, Richard Jordan, 132 Low Street, s Joiner's Arms, Robert Milton, Gol den alley, s Joiner's Arms, Geo. Heaton, Lom- bard St. s Joiner's Arms, Wm. Reid, Ford,b w Jolly Sailor, Thos. Gill, North quay, m w s Jolly Sailors, Thomas Bainbridge, 123 Low St. s Kean's Head, William Whitfield, 4 Spring Garden lane, s King's Arms, Fras. Hunt, Ann st. b w King's Head, John Robinson, 15 Warren st. s King William IV., James Douglass, 17 Queen st. s Lambton Ai'ms, Simpson Hodgson, 19 Crowtree Road, b w Live and let Live, Sarah Booth, Low St. s Live and let Live, Jane Burlinson, 6 Gerald st. b w Londonderrv Arms, Jchn Pattison, 287 Highest, b w Lord Byron, Wm. Lawson, 50 Vine St. s Magpie, Thos. G arth, 20 Church st. s Mariner's Return, Robert Raine, 143 Low St. s Mariner's Tavern, Richard Bolton, Moorgate st. s Marine Tavern, Mary Stothard, 88 Low St. s Marine Tavern, Charles Wilds, 108 Low St. s Marquis of Granby, Wm. Thurl- beck, North Moor st. s Market Hotel, John Murray, 65 Coronation st. s Market Tavern, Chpr. Rodgers. 29 Church St. s Mason's Arms, Edward Lightly, 50 Union st. b w Mason's Arms, Alexander Reed, 37 Dunning st. b w Mechanics' Lodge, Matthew Fee- tham, 4 Silver st. s Mechanics' Tavern, Jph. Marshall, Back Villiers st. b w Mount Pleasant, Ralph Welch, Huddleston st. m w s Mountain Daisey, Jno. L. Ferguson, Hylton road, b w Mowbray Arms, Isabella Wood, Borough road, b w Nag's Head, Anthony Robson, Whitburn st. m w s Nag's Head, Robert Gray, 139 Low St. s Nautical Tavern, Mary Watson, Black Bull quay, s Napoleon, R. T. Robinson, 14 Ma- ling's rig, s Neptune, Jas. Gray, 9 Dunning si. b w Neptune Bath Hotel, William Ray, 5 East Woodbine st. b w Neptune Tavern, John Fallder, 39 Low St. s Newcastle Arms, John Newton, 19 Sunderland st. b w m 3TB| Noah's Ark, Wm. Maling's rig, s Hy. Dixon, 13 TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 459 North Pier Lighthouse, Matthew \Vardell, North quay, raws North Star, Joseph Milner, North shore, m w s Northumberland Arms. Thos. Davi- son, 34 High St. s Nutwith Inn, Robt. Ord, 135 Coro- nation St. and 23 Sans st. upr. b w Oak Tree, Isabella Swan, North Bridge st. m w s Oak Tree, Robert Emmerson, 31 Bishopwearmouth pans Odd Fellows' Arms, Wm. Stothard, 44 Barclay st. m w s Odd Fellows' Arms, George Taylor, 4 Burleigh st. s Olive Branch, Matthew Oliver, Back Zion st. b w Patent Slip, M. P. Charlton, Strand St. m w s Paul Pry, Wm. Atkinson, 8 Silver St. s Peacock Tavern, Robert Liddell, 110 High St. s Pemberton Arms, William Gibson, Southwick lane, m w Phoenix Tavern, James Downey, 26 Lombard st. s Plough, Isaac Graham, 45 Low row, b w Queen's Head Inn, James Potts, 25 Low row, b w Queen's Head, John L. Jackson, 3 Queen st. s Queen's Head, Thos. Kay, 14 War- ren St. s Queen's Head, James Potts, Low row, b w Queen's Head, Jph. Fells, 22 John son St. b w Queen Hotel, Anne Curry, 14 Hen- don road,b w Railway Tavern, Eleanor Crinton, Broad st. m w Railway Tavern, John Elliott, Rope walk, s Railway Tavern, Thos. Bays, 1 Low quay, s Red Lion, George Robinson, John St. m w Red Lion Jnn, Wm. Clarke, 44 High St. s Red Lion, I. Johnson, Wear st. raw s Red Lion. George Mitchell,? I Crow- tree road, b w Regale Tavern, William Bellass, Oak St. b w Rising Sun, Rose Maighin, Low Flag lane, s Robin Hood, M. Crake, Wear st. m w s Robin Hood, Robt. Defty, 122 High St. s Roker Baths Hotel, Edward Brown, Roker Rose & Crown, W. Jolly, 40 High St. b w Rose & Thistle, Thomas Spain, North quay, m w s Rowland Burden Arms, Jno. Garth- waite, Bridge Cres., b w Royal Arcade, Thos. Cook, 22 Lorn. bard at, s Royal Oak, Peter Snaith, 38 Num- bers garth, b w Royal Oak, Wm. Gibson, Wear st. m w s Royal Oak, Geo. Pusey, Maude's court, b w Royal Tent, Jane Lloyd, 320 High street, b w Royal William, Francis Ramsey, Dock St. b w Russell Tavern, Robt. Oates, 6 Low St. s Ryhope Ox, Geo. Hastie, 151 High street, s Saddle Inn, Geo. Davison, 17 High street, s Scotch Arms, Thos. Curry, Church St. m w s Seven Stars, C.Gallen, 43 Low st. s Shakespeare Tavern, Mgt. Curry, 1 Spring Garden lane, s Shades, Antill, Fairman, & Co., 24 High St. s Shamrock, Michael Murray, 36 George st. s Sheet Anchor, Mary Berry, 24 Dundas st. m w s Ship Albion, George Ridley, 31 Nesham sq., s Ship Burlinson, Jane Anderson, 16 Vine St. s Ship, George Clark, Portobello lane,m w Ship Carlisle, Ann Young, 31 Pan lane, b w Ship Friends, Sarah Watt, Strand St. m w s 460 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Ship Inn, Jas. Hannington, I High street, s Ship, Thos. Stephenson, Hamilton street, m w s Ship Isis, Hartley Campbell, 14 Silksworth row, b w Ship Loyalty, George Parkinson, 46 Silver st. s Ship William, Thomas Halliday, Railway Wharf, s Shipwrights Arms, Jnthan. Wilson, 2 Low St. s Smiths Arms, My. Lumsdon, Church St. m w s Social Tavern, William Wilkinson, Nelson square, m w s Social Tavern, Robert Graydon, 138 Low St. s Sons of the Wear, Robert Taylor, 4 Queen st. b w Souldier Inn, Jn. Scaling, 33 Baines lane, s South Dock, — Rickaby, 31 War- ren St. s Star & Garter, John Graham, 23 Cumberland st. b w Steam Ship, Stephen Crosby, High street, s Sun Inn, John Austin, Thomas street, m w Sunderland Dock, Margaret Hogg, 13 Vine St. s Sunderland Pier, William Watson, Strand st. m w s Sussex Arms, Edwd. Steer, 35 Low street s Three Admirals, Jas. Worley, 21 Bishopwearmouth pans Three Crowns, Geo. Walker, 94 High St. b w Three Crowns, Ann Young, 40 Union lane, s Turf Hotel, Nicholas Hodgson, 41 West Wear st. b w Turk's Head, William Overing, 116 High St. s Tynemouth Castle, Anthony Elliott, East St. s Union Flag, William Oliver, 130 Low St. s Union Flag, Rt. Lay, Wear st. m w s Union Tavern, Elizbth. Dodsworth, Vine St. s Yictoria Inn, Joseph Dodds, Broad St. m w Vine Cottage, Frances Waters, Bo- rough rd. b w Walworth Castle, Joseph Arkel, 13 Walworth st. b w Waterloo House Inn, Michael Flan- agan, 8 Warren st. s Waterman's Arms, George Ross, 8 Grey st. s Waterman's Tavern, Wm. Bulmer, 18 North Moor st.s Watermam's Tavern, John Hind, Hat Case, s Waterman's Hotel, Roger Tongs, 23 Burleigh st. s Wear Inn, F. Proctor, Wear st. m w s. Wearmouth Bridge, Ralph Harker, Thomas st. m w Wear Street Hotel, Robert Robson, 69 Wear st. bw Wear Tavern, Ann Moon, Long Bank, s Wear Tavern, Thomas Chambers, 63 High St. s West Country Arms, Watson Bert- ram, 3 Mark quay, s Wheat Sheaf Inn, Wm. W. Lambert, 4 Moore st. b w m^ Wheat Sheaf Inn, John Crowe, Tho-f mas St. m w Wheat Sheaf Inn, Hannah Wilson, 1 Home's lane, s Wheat Sheaf, William Alderson, 7 Sans St. s Wheat Sheaf, Alice Younger, 42 Johnson si. b w Whitby Abbey, Rd. Hutchinson, Strand st. m w s White Bear, Ann Taylor, 5 Kobin- son's lane, s White Hart, Lancelot Herring, 18 Queen st. b w White Lion, Mary Fuller, 48 High St. s White Swan, James Hodgson, 29 Low row, b w White Swan, Richard Skinner, 128 High St. s Whitwell Colliery, Thomas Kirk, 7 Low quay, s Williamson's Arms, John Marshall, Church St. m w s Beer Houses. Addy William, Dixon's square, m w Annison James, 47 Burleigh st. s TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 461 Bell John, Stockton rd. b w Catchaside John, Ajre's quay, h w Cowan Francis, 31 Trimdon st. b w Chapman Eliz. Ayre's quay, b w Davison Chas. 19 Johnson st, b w Ditchburn Jph. N. 3 Bedford st. b w Dodd Thomas, Ayre's quay, b w Dodsworth Henry, 70 Moore st. b w Dodsworth John, Moore st. b w Evans Mary, Back Zion st. b w Fairbairn Alexander, 26 High st. b w Haswell John, Bonner's field, m ws Foster Thomas, 23 Low row, b w Graham Thos. Shields road, m w Hall Elizabeth, Low row, b w Hall John, 89 High st. b w Hall William, Dundas st. m w s Hayton Edmund, Thornton pi. b w Hunter John, 43 Crescent row, b w Jackson Sarah, 22 Union st. b w Johnson Jph., Rendlesham st. m w s Kimpster William, 2 Bedford st.b w Kirkup James, Back Nile st. b w Langton John, 49 High st. b w LarmontJno. East Woodbine st. b w Mackbeth Sarah, Brewery bk. m w s Maxwell Thos. 13 Waterloo st. m w s Parkinson Peter, Liddell st. m w s Purvis Robt.,86 Wear st. b w Richardson Wm. Silksworth row,b w Ridley Thos., 39 Brougham st. b w Rush David, 39 Walworth st.b w Scott Geo., 19 Albert st. b w Stafford Anthony, North Moor st. s Stephenson Thos., Hylton rd. b w Varty John, Shields road, m w Walker John, 58 Hendon rd. b w Watson Joshua, 27 High st. b w Wilson Peter, Back Church st. m w s Winter Ed w., 18 Silksworth row, b w Xronfounders. Burrell Barbara, Bridge Foundry, m w s Haddock tfe Clay, 15 Garden st. b w Holsgrove Dvd., Pemberton's fd. b w JoblingThos. & Son, 34 Walworth St. b w Lee William & Son, 97 Coronation St. b w Nicholson Wm. & Sons, Wellington Iron Works, 1 15 High st. s Ogle and Douglas, Ayre's quay, b w Wight Rt. & Son, 83 High st. s ; & Seaham Iron Works Iron Manufacturers. Derwent Iron Co,Bishopwearmouth Iron Works, New Town, b w Ray & Wright, Ayre's quay, b w Wakinshaw James & Co., Wear Iron Works, Bonners field, m w s, John Thos. Bell, manager Iron Merchants. Cargill, Mousey & Co., Bishop wear- mouth Iron Wks., New Town, b w Haddock and Clay, (and copper), 2 Queen st. s Wight Rt. & Son, 83 High st. s Ironmongers. Atkinson Gales, Church st. raws Cooper Richard 6c Fras. S., 194 High street, b w Haddock & Clay, (whl.) 2 Queen st.s Haddock Wm. & Jno, 179 High st s Hills Jas,, 236 High st. b w Hudson Jph., 18 Hind st. b w Morton Joel, 39 High st. b w Nixon Thos., 169 High st. b w Penman Henry, 112 High st. s Potts John, 183 High st. s Ridgeway Henry, 206 High st. b w Rodgers John, 34 Lombard st. s Smith & Stevenson, Wear st. m w s Wight Rt. & Son, (whl.) 83 High st. s Jewellers, ©old & Silversmiths Ellidge John, 196 High st. b w Gowland Clement, 178 High st. b w Gowland Wm. & Son, 8 High st. s Joseph Jacob, 204 High st. s Joseph Lyonel, 162 High st. s Joiners «fe Builders. Armstrong Thomas, John st. s Atkinson G., North Durham st. b w Charlton Wm., Barclay st. m w s Clarke Duncan, Sunniside, b w Clarke Ralph, 7 Howick st. b w Dowell James, 46 George st. s Drysdale Wm.,8 Sussex st. b w Fraser John, ct. Silver st. s Grimes Robert, 74 Moor st. b w Hamilton W., 4 Silksworth row, b w Heaton George, 22 Charles st. b w Hodgson Wm., 3 William st. b w Moody John, 8 High row, b w Murray Charles, Villiers st. b vr Gates Johnson, 7 Chester rd. b \\ 2 b 462 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. PattiDson John, 299 High st. b w Scott Walter, 3 Wear st. b w Shields John, Whitburn st. m w s Taylor Wru., Dock St., m w s Thompson Wm., Cousin St., b w Turnbull Robert, 22 Northumber- land St. b w Wanles Simon, 22 Woodbine st, b w Wilson Rt., 8 Sans st. s Wilson Robinson, 18 Olive st. b w Joiners & Cabinet IVIakers. Marked * are Funeral Furnishers also. •AUinson J., 130 Coronation st. b w *Allinson Wm. 121 Coronation st. bw Atkinson John, 6 Nesham sq. s Blackit John, 18 Hendon rd. b w Blackit John, 28 Grey st. s Bolam John, 5 Middle st. b w *Browell David, 11 Lombard st. s Cliburn & Suddick, Suderlnd st. b w Cook David, Whitburn st. m w s Corner Watson, I'opery bank, s *Crawford John, 18 Grey st. s Cummings Mk., 18 Crowtree rd. b w Ditchburn Rd. N., 133 Coronation street, b tv Dixon Tobias, 140 High st, b w Douglass Wm., 4 Brougham st. b w Edmundson Wm, Liddell ter. m w s Eggers John, 28 Brougham st. b w Foreman Hy., Sussex st. b w Graydon G., 46 Dundas st. m w s *Heap John, 51 Vine st. and 6 Ma- ling's rig, s Herbert Henry, 7 Green st. b w *Hutchinson D., 29 Maling's rig, s Hunter Watson, 15 High st. b w Lax George, Golden alley, s Lewis William, 9 Hendon road, b w Mackenzie Jas., 264 High st. b w *Maddison Php., 1 15 Corontn. st.b w Maxfield Benjamin, Flag lane, s Moor Leonard H., Russell st. s Mowatt Robt. John, Walton pi. bw Munro Thos. Middle st. b w *Neagle Nicholas, 10 Lombard st. s Richardson S., 87 Coronatn. st. b w Robson Geo., 6 Liddell st. m w s Roseberry Jas., Waterloo pi. m w s Rutherford William, 5 Grey st. s Shields John, Whitburn st. m w s Smith Wm., Hallgarth sq. m w s Stoker Nicholas, 23 Union lane, s Stafford Thomas, Moor st, b w Swinburn William, Silver st. s Thompson Johnson, 6 King st. b w Ward William, 25 Sans st. b w Warden Matthew, Wear st. m w s Wilkinson Joseph, 41 Silver st. s Iiand Surveyors. Cox John, 308 High st. b w Hugall Thos., 4 Woodbine st. b w Iiast and Boot Tree Maker. Williams Chas., 43 George st. s Lath Render. Armstrong Thos., 69 Crowtree rd. b w Libraries- Atkinson M. Church st. m w s Burnett Geo , 210 High st. b w Brown Sarah, 12 Lambton st. b w Garbutt Geo.', 190 High st. b w Huntley Joseph, 282 High st. b w Huntley Thos., 11 High st. s Philosophical, Benj, Sheriff, 27 Faw- cett street, b w Subscription, Select, 14 Sans st. I. Brown, librarian Sunderland Subscnption, Gqo. Gar- butt, 191 High St. b w Xiime Burners. " Bowes Wm.& Sous, High Southunck BurdesEdwd. & Co., High Southwick Williamson Sir Hedworth, Bart., Fulwell, and Noith quay, office, Wear st. m w s Zilnen & Woollen Drapers- Alderson & Shevill, 10 High st. s Binns Hy., 173 High st.b w Blackett Wm., 242 High st. b w Bradley & Robinson, 180 High st. s Clarke Dvd. & Co., 151 High st. b w Cropton & Croiser, 25 High st. s Eggleston John, Church st. m w s Gibson & Stokoe, 184 High st. s Henderson Wm., 87 High st. b w Joplin & Tuer, 184 High st. s Lee & Ainsley, 7 High st. s Mc Kenzie & Wilson, Sunniside,bw Millar & Smart, 179 High st. b w Miller John & Eliz.,Sunniside, b w Moore Wm. Thos., 225 High st. b w Muschamp & Weighill, 16 High st. s Ord & Humphrey, 148 High st. b w TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 463 Richardson & Robertson, 167 Higli St. b w Rickaby & Dale, 184 High st. b w Rochester Geo., 203 High st. b w Sharer Jas.& Philip, 27 High st.s Sheraton Rd., 227 High st. b w Smith Joseph, Wear st. m w s Spoor John & Co., 193 High st. s Thompson John, 21 1 High st. s Wake John Harrison, 12 High st. s Whitaker Benjamin, 38 Flag In. s Wilson Thos. Reed, 222 High st.b w Young & Proud, 125 High st. b w IVIarble Masons. *** See Sculptors 8f Marble Masons. Marine Store Dealers. Adamson Kenneth, East st. s Adamson Thomas, Barrack st. s Ayre Jonathan, 2 Crowtree rd. b w Bamborough Mary, Wear st. m w s Codling Elisha, North quay, m w s Cook Thomas, 32 Low st. s Dixon Margaret, 2 Silver st. s Dodds William, 132 High st. s Donaldson Joseph, 26 Low st. s Douglass Geo., North quay, m w s Fairbairn Barbara, Moss lane, s Fallder John, 39 Low st. s Fulton James, Church st. m w s Gibson Edward, 40 Low st. s Graham John, 3 Dunning st. b w GreatrexRobt.,5 Cumberland st. b w Hardy Peter, Long bank, s Harvey George, 1 18 Low st. s Jackson Andrew, Dark entry, s Jackson Thomas, 6 Charles st. b w Kirtley John, North quay, m w s Lamb George, 41 Low st. s Lennox John, 12 Low st. s Mackaw Peter,7 Silksworthrow,b w Marshall George, S6 Low st. s Marshall William, 58 Silver st. s Moore John, 1 Middle st. b w Miller William, 147 Low st. s Munro John, Low st. s Nesbitt Ann, 4 Cross st. b w Readhead Jph., North quay, m w s Kippon John, Williamson st. m w s Saunders Jno. Hy., Ayre's quay, b w Smith John, 10 Low quay, s Spence Nicholas, North quay, m w s Thompson Geo., 40 Corntion. st. b w Waldon Thos., Whitburn st. m w s Wells William & Co., Ill Low st. s Whitaker Benjamin, 38 Flag In. s Wilkin Joseph, 135 Low st. s Willey Moses, 23 Low st. s Wright John, 93 Low st. s Mast, Block, & Pump Makers. Barry & Hemsley, Hrdcstle's. slip, s Buckley -( ^ ^ O o CO p^ •l < H m o P5 hH P=H P^ O H c« O Pk ?5 S CS o a © -^ 'f' W 55 S ;^^ 60 o fl S £ a < M m "2 a> 02 O O) rcJ 5 © © ,a 60 '^ 'O (T) © >H a s CD CO © © C^ >-i ^^ S ^•^ © "3 60 f3 ^^ fl O a ^^ § § ^ -s g © -S §cr2o2 O © O ^ O ^ ;2i 12; ^q c^ h5 W r^ © eg © '^ P il © CD © pP P ® o »; p ** ns © (P o 2 S3 O CD s p* § o o p rt © 22 P »s (D a 'z O ^ CO .T^ rd P Q © ^ P* 05 © P o — © la *S eg S ^ S W tc © ^ P -P P3 -^ \, t> 602 P P > 2 © a i4 ft s s rP " ^ © © ^ t« Pi 2 -s »o § P —• r © P-4 © 02 O o a o «o =3 >► es © © ^ ,p © ^-B P.S •^ '5 M ^ * P a s p* r CO a (?* o p OQ O © . © " .S i5 © 5 © ^ Pi >-5 -^ © © g-^ H ©^ o .2 ^-p a-? ^ >> © o 2s2 'v3 •fiii Pi 478 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. Coaches, Durham, The British Queen, 8 morning and 4 afternoon, daily; and half past 6 Sunday evening, from the Gardener's Tavern, High st. s Seaham, John Davison's omnibus, 10 morning and J to 7 evening, daily, Sunday excepted, from the Grey Horse, High st. s Railway Conveyance* York and Newcastle Railway Sta tion, (Sunderland Branch) Broad st. m w, Cuthbert Smith, manager. Sunderland and Durham Railway Station, Town Moor, s. For particulars see the monthly time tables, published by the Cos., and may be had at the Stations. Carriers by Railway, To all parts of the Kingdom, Carver & Co., 22 Sunderland &t. b w, and Railway Station, ro w, Matthew Coltman, agent Pickford & Co., 6 George st. s, and Railway Station, m w, Ewd. Wilson, agent York and Newcastle Railway Co., Broad st. m w, Cuthbert Smith, manager. Water Conveyance. Vessels weekly to Lo>idon, from the following Wharfs: Holmes' Wharf, Low street, s. Wm. Walker, agent. The Railway Wharf, Low quay, s, John Ray, agent Wylam Wharf, Ferry Boat land- ing, s, the General Steam Naviga- tion Company^s Steamer, William French, agent. CARRIERS FROM THU l^l^B, Barnard-Castle, Christopher Holiday, 17 Northumberland st, b w> Tuesday; Ann Allason, 34 Sans st., b w, Tuesday ; John Crellen, 19 King St. bw, Tuesday ; Queen's Head, 3 Queen St., s. William Wrightson, Thursday; Half Moon Inn, 199 High st., s. ; Rd. Alderson, Thursday. Bishop Auckland, Christopher Holiday, 17 Northumberland st. b w, Tuesday; Half Moon Inn, 199 High st. s, Rd, Alderson, Thursday. Castle Edenj Half Moon, 199 High st. s, Sarah Clark, Saturday. Durham, Christopher Holiday, 17 Northumberland str b w, Tuesday; Ann Allason, 34 Sans st. b w, Tuesday; Haif Moon Inn, 199 High st. s, Rd. Alderson, Thursday. Easington, Gardener's Tavern, High st. s, George Robinson, Thursday and Saturday. Greatham, Queen's Head, William Scott, Saturday. Great Hetton, Gardener's Tavern, High st. s. Wm. Pattison, Tuesday and Friday. Ilaitlepool, Saddle Inn, High st. s. John Summers, daily. Houghton-le-Spring, Half Moon Inn, 199 High st. s. Joseph Davison, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and John Hewitt, Tuesday, Thurs- day, and Saturday. Ilylton, Grey Horse, 203 High st. s. Geo. Walker, daily ; General Wolfe, 165 High st. s. H. Thompson, Saturday. Newhottle and Lumley, Half Moon Inn, 199 High st, s. Wm. Featnby, Tuesday and Friday, SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 479 Newcastle, Jackson Thompson, 25 King st. b \t, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Philadelphia, Black Bull, High st. b w, M. Mellaburn, Saturday. Pittingtm, Half Moon Inn, 199 High st. s. William Raine, Tuesday and Friday. Seaham, Steam Ship, 166 High st, s. Keenliside, daily; General Wolfe, 165 High st. s. M. Hobson, daily; Homes Inn, 164 High st. s. Andrew Kerr, daily. Shiney Row, Gardener's Tavern, High st. s. George Carr, Wednesday and Saturday. Siaindrop, Christopher Holiday, 17 Northumberland st. b w, Tuesday; Grey Horse, 203 High st. s. Robert Holiday, Thursday. Stanhope, Half Moon Inn, 199 High st. s, Wm. Miller, Tuesday. Stockton, John Hutchinson, 6 Cross place, s. Tuesday ; Queen's Head, Queen St. s. William Scott, Saturday ; Half Moon Inn, 199 High st. s. Thomas Sedgwick, Tuesday and Friday. Wolsingham, Grey Horse, 203 High st. s. John Brown, Friday. MEMBERS OF PAB-MAMENT FOR THE BOSlOUGHr I>. BARCLAY, ESQ. AND GEORGE HUDSON, ESQ. COBPORATSOia'. QUARTERLY MEETINGS —First Wednesday in February, May, and August, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon; and on the 9th of November (the day appointed by Act of Parliament), at 12 o'clock noon. WATCH COMiVIITTEE MEETINGS.— Fortnightly, on the Tuesday evenings, at seven o'clock. KOBEKT BROWN, ESQ., MAYOR. Aldeemen. East Ward. Mr. Eichard Spoor . . Thomas Reed Sunderland Ward. Mr, Edward Bowmaker . . John Cropton Bishopwearmouth Ward. Mr. Anthony John Moore .. Joseph Brown, M D. Bridge Ward. Mr. William Gregory .. John Hutchinson St. MlchaeVs Ward, Mr. Richard White .. Andrew White West Ward. Mr. Barnabas Sharp . . Henry Morton Monkwearmouth Ward. Mr. James Allison .. George Wilkin Hall GOUNeiLLOBS. East Ward, Mr. William Nicholson . . John Barry . . William French .. Robert Wight .. Thomas Reed .. Henry Taylor Sunderland Ward, Mr. John Murray . . William Carling .. Kobert Brown . . Sanderson John Howe .. John Dixon .. Thomas Thompson Bishopwearmouth Ward. Mr. John Ray . . Thomas Brown . . William Ord • • Samuel Alcock . . Richard Halcro .. Robert Vint Bridge Ward. Mr. William Thomas Bell Mr. Robert French . . John Lindsay .. William Mordey .. William Dixon St Michaels Ward. Mr. James Hills . . William Dobinson .. Francis Marshall .. G. S. Ranson ,. Thomas Pratt . . Whitfield Burnett West Ward. Mr. James Richardson .. Matthew Kearney .. James Hartley ,. Joseph Simpson .. W. Featherstonhaugh .. John Hills Monkwearmouth Ward^ Mr. William Burdes .. William Bayues .. John Scott * SirH. Williamson, Bart. Mr. William Morgan Wake .. John Ewart .. William Muschamp Mr. Thomas Brunton, Town Clerk; Mr. Thomas Coates, Treasurer; Mr. Hepburn Thompson, and Mr. Henry Armstrong, Auditoi-s; William Brown, Superintendent oi" Police, and High Constable. 480 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 1 BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. The Justices hold their meetings at the Police Court, 27 West "Wear street, b w, on Mon- day and Thursday, at 12 o'clock, and on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, at 11 o'clock. County business every Saturday, at 1 o'clock. Sir H. Williamson, Bart. Andrew White, Esq. Richard Spoor, Esq, Joseph Brown, Esq. Joseph Simpson, Esq. Edward Backhouse, Esq.J William Bell, Esq. W. Featherstonhaugh, Esq Ralph Carr, Esq. James Hartley, Esq. Kidson, Clerk to the Magistrates. Richard White, Esq. Nathan Horn, Esq, George Hudson, Esq. Philip Laing, Esq. John Scott, Esq. 1 Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Birth Day of Her Majesty. EXCISi: OFFICE, J SUNDERLAND CUSTOM HOUSE. Collector,— James Abbott Lloyd, Esq. j morning until 4 in the afternoon; out- Comptroller, — W. J. Stewart, Eso . I door officers from 8 to 6 in summer, and Ist Clerk, Long Room, — Wm. Robinson | from 8 to 4 in winter. 2nd Clerk, Long Room,— T. M. Mitchell | Holidays kep^at the Custom House :— • 3rd Clerk, Long Room, — I. K Scott 4th Clerk, Long Room, — James Goble Landing Surveyor. — Jacob Ord Landing and Coast Waiters, — Thomas; " No. "9, Villiers street Youne, Richard Addison, and Joseph! Collector, — Robert Elwin, Esq. Kirk. j Clerk,- Mr. Bolton Tide Surveyor,— John Wray Supervisor,— M. John Taylor Wei&hing Porters,— John Blacklock and Permit Writer, — Mr. C. E. Lulman William Dixon Officers, — Mr. George Watson, Mr John Door Keeper and Messenger, — William Carr, Mr. Richard Howse, Mr. Robert Lowry I Brodie, Mr. John M'c Dowell, Mr. John Hours — In-door officers from 10 in the 1 Towse. Vnion Worlhouse, 34 High st. b w, Opened 1838 will accomodate 300, average number 200, Alexander & Elizabeth Baitey, master & matron; Messrs Reed & Brunton, clerks; N. C. Reed, superintendent registrar; Re- gistrars of Marriages, Wm. Allison & Wm. Richardson ; Relieving Officers, H. B. Taylor, Sunderland District; W. T. Hutchinson, Bishopwearmouth District; John Phillips, Monkwearmouth District. Registrars of Births and Deaths, Thomas Swan, South District; Jonathan Dunn, North Dis- trict; Isaac Hare, Monkwearmouth District; George Lord, Sunderland District. Sunderland Sf Bishopwearmouth Infirmary §- Dispensary^ Comer of Chester road, hw ; Patron, The Lord Bishop oi DxxThs^m, Presidents, His Grace the Duke of Cleveland, The Most Noble the Marquis of Londonderry, The Right Hon. Lord Ravensworth, The Lord William Powlett, The Hon. & Rev. G. V. Wellesley, D. D., Sir Hedworth Williamson Bart, and William Russell, Esq. ; Proprietary Trustees, The Most Noble The Marquis of Londonderry, Andrew White, Rev. William Webb, R. B. Cay, Esq., and Edward Backhouse, jun., Esq. ; Acting Trustees, The Honourable & Rev. G. V. Wellesley, D. D.,Sir Hedworth Williamson & Bernard Ogden Esq.; Treasurer, Rev. Richard Skipsey, A. B.; Consulting Physician, Dr. Clanny, Physicians, Dr. Brown & Dr. Burn ; Consulting Surgeons, Dr. Atkinson &. ml C. Ferguson Esq.; Surgeons, William Mordey, E. H. Maling, Wm. Dixon and T. P. Parker, Esqs, ; Apothecary 8f Secretary, Mr. Smetham Lee. Eye Infirmary, 40 Numbers garth, b w, Patrons, The Most Noble The Marquis of Londonderry, & the Right Honourable the Earl of Durham^ SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 481 PresidentSy Hey. lioheYtGr&y, A. M., Rector, & The Mayor of Sunder- land, Surgeon, E. H. Maling Esq., Treasurer, Mr. John Wilkinson, Secre- tary, Mr. James Reed, and Mrs. Atkin, Matron. HARBOUR AND NAVIGATION. BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE RIVER WEAR AND PORT AND HAVEN OF SUNDERLAND. Engineer's OfficCt Sunderland Pier, Sunderland Harbour is situated in the County of Durham, in latitude 54° 55'' ', longitude, P 22" west of Greenwich; and lies ahout 5 leagues N. f E. from Hartlepool, and 2 leagues south of Tynemouth Light. It is rated as the fourth port in this kingdom for shipping as respects the amount of tonnage, and is the principal port in the kingdom for ship- building. The Harbour is now considerably improved, having two excellent Piers. The Buoys in the Roads, marking the Commissioners* boundary seaward, are laid in 5| fathoms, at low water, spring tides. The Beacons are erected on the extremity of the North and South Rocks. The bearings from the North Pier Light-house as it formerly stoodj, and as situated at present, are — As stated from former As taken from present position of Lighthouse, position of Lighthouse . Souter Point (by the compass) N.E. by N N.E, by N. North Beacon, N.E. § N N.N.E. J E. North Ballast Buoy, N.E. by E .E.N.E. South Ballast Buoy, E.S.E. E.S.E. f S. SouthBeacon, S.S.E S. | E. TIDES AT SUNDERLAND PIER. The mean high water of ordinary spring tides is 14 ft. 6 in. above the mean low water of the same tides at Sunderland Pier. The high water of an equinoctial spring tide (6th Sept. 1819) was 3 it, 9 in. above the mean high water of ordinary spring tides. The mean high water of neap tides is 3 ft. 6 in. under the mean high water of ordinary spring tides. The mean low water of neap tides is 9 ft. 6 in. under the mean high water of ordinary spring tides. The establishment of the port is 3 hours 12 minutes. The best tides are 48 hours after full and change, say 4 to 5 o'clock. N.N.W. to N.N.E. winds, by compass, make the highest tide, and check the ebbs on the Sunderland coast. S.S.E. to S.S.W. depress the high waters and make low ebbs. E.N.E, to E.S.E. winds produce the heaviest seas. 482 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. NORTH PIER LIGHT-HOUSE. This Light-house is situated at the east end of the North Pier. The Light is stationary, 73 feet in height above the high water mark, and can he seen 6 leagues distant at sea. In addition to this bright light, there is a red-coloured or distinguishing light 18 feet below. Both are ex- hibited from sunset to sunrise throughout the year. Carte's Rockets for saving life are kept in readiness on the Pier. SOUTH PIER TIDAL LIGHT. This Light, situated on the east end of the South Pier, is exhibited from half flood to first quarter ebb, or while the wind and tide are favourable for entering the harbour. With a westerly wind it is put out at high water. In the day time a Flag is hoisted half-mast high when there is 8 feet water on the bar. When there is 10 feet with a smooth sea, it is hoisted to the mast head, and continued till high water in a westerly wind; and with the wind from S.S.E. to N.N.E. it is kept up one hour and a half after high water. During the night, when stormy and dangerous to enter, Blue Lights are let ofif every quarter of an hour ; also, during foggy weather, a Bell will be rung, for the guidance of vessels, at intervals of a quarter of an hour, during the time the Lights are exhibited, or the Flag hoisted. Dennett's Rockets for saving life are always kept in readiness at the Light-house. TIDE GUAGES. The standard Guage, indicating high water, (spring tides) as fixed by Rennie, in 1819, is on the wall of the North Dock Bason, at the steps. Other Guages, to the same level, are fixed at difi'erent places in the har- bour and river. On the floating Guages, at the Mark Quay and North Ferry-boat Landing, the Red Figures shew the height of the standard Pier Guage ; the White Figures the depth of water on the bar ; corrected monthly. These two Gauges are lighted throughout the night. The Tide Tabl*?, outside the Engineer's OflSce, indicates the depth of water on the bar, taken from actual observation, from the morning tide of each day ; with the direction of the wind at the time of high water Altered daily at noon. CHANNEL. The White Shell Rocks, at the entrance of Sunderland Harbour, have b«en deepened to 5 ft. 6 in. or low water spring tides, or the same depth below Zero on the harbour Tide Guages. A Buoy, painted black, has been laid down 500 feet due east of the South Pier flag-staff, and 20 feet to the northward of the remaining high- est part of the rock, in 5 ft. 4 in. water at low water spring tides, and bearing S.E. by S. from the North Pier Light-house. All vessels, entering or leaving the harbour, to keep to the northward of this Buoy. I SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY. 483 The deep water Channel of this harbour, between the Piers, lies about 40 feet distant from and nearly parallel to the line of the North Pier, and running out to sea in an easterly direction. The depth of water on the bar varies from 4ft. to 5ft. 6 in. at average low water spring tides, and from 18 ft. to 21 ft. 6 in. at average high water spring tides. Vessels drawing 16 feet water have entered the harbour at neap tides, HARBOUR MASTERS. Three Harbour Masters are appointed for the whole river ; but for general convenience the river is divided into three districts, each under the especial superintendence of a distinct Harbour Master, viz : — ■ No. 1. — From the Piers to the Ferry-boat Landing. John Halliday, No. 18, North Moor- street, Sunderland. Boatman to do. — Ralph Thornton, Maude's Lane, do No.^2. — From the Ferry-boat^'Landing to the Bridge. Guy Potts, No. 7, North Moor- street, do. Boatman to do.— William Scott, 14, North Moor- street, do. No. 3. — From the Bridge upwards. John Stafford, Rendlesham-street, Monkwearmouth. Boatman to do. — Robt. Harrison, 91, Silver-st., Sunderland. TIDE TABLES. Tide Tables, compiled from Documents in the Engineer's Office at Sunderland Pier, and shewing the time of high water and depth of water at the bar daily, are published annually by Messrs. Thomas Reed & Co., 185, High-street, Sunderland^ by Authority of the Commissioners of th© River Wear. THOMAS MEIK, Resident Engineer to the Commissioners. Large and commodious Docks are now in course of erection, on the South side of the South Pier, Sunderland. Places of Worship. Sunderland Church, (Holy Trinity) Church St., Rev. Wm. Webb, B.A. Rector, and Rev. I. F. Pettigrew, Curate St. John's Chapel of Ease, Chapel street, s Episcopal Chapel of Ease, Spring Garden lane, s Bishopwearmouth Church, (St. Mi- chiie]), High St., The Honourable and Rev. G. V. Wellesley, D.D., St. Thomas* s Church, John st. b w Rev. Rd. Skipsey, A. B., Incumbt, Mo'i'ikwea.rmouth Church, (St. Pe- ters), Church St., Rev. Btnj. Ken- incott, Jncumbent, and Rev. James Milner, Curate All Saints Chapel of Ease, Broad sf., to be converted into a school, a new one now in course of erection in Fulwcll lane, in w. Rev. Ben- jamin C. Kemucoii, I ncumlent 7?<^c ►^ O HH H CO O P •« H Ci J CO n .J »l ^j^ W o o ^ ^ hH I— 1 1-^ Ph k) i-H ^^ o H C/D O Ph 'So nSco d .m; a f^ a O W a -^ -^3 > ! M < £ «; S 5 - o ■i o O «^ SI QJ O is s ■2 1 .0 t 0) 5 e!3'" i- C CO o ;?: a o •3 fl d to c c o a o a W 23 ^ *j CJ S •n'S o r-! =«■§,! ° o^ o o tl Mo ^ o ft 7 ^ . s .s .2 «5 'c -^ 5 4A CO , 3 g^ O -s W S '£ « ,S . S ® S ^ •d 2^s*^^'§j P3 ® I. a ^ O .rS SI .« O r2 CO 2 oqWW ;S or. ii F^ W P, o II DURHAM DIRECTORY. MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE CITY. Thomas Coalpits Granger, and John Bright, Esqrs. CORPORATION. WILLIAM DAYISON, ESQ., MAYOR. Aldermen, 1850 H. J. Marshall 1850 Robert Hoggett 1850 William Shields 517 1 847* John Bramwell 1847 JohnBurrell 1847 Robert Robson Councillors tor North Ward. J847 John Edwin Marshall 1847 Samuel Monkhouse 1848 John Hancock 1848 William Davison 1849 Robert Stafford 1849 Emmerson Beckwitb Councillors toe South Ward. 1847 Edward Peele 1847 Anthony Wilkinson 1848 John Henrj Forster 1848 Richard Thompson 1849 George Shaw 1849 Edward Shafto Councillors for St. Nicholas' Ward. 1847 John Hardin ge Veitch 1847 Robert Tiplady 1848 William Henderson Henry Taylor 1848 Mark Story 1849 William Marshall 1849 Nicholas Oliver Auditors. William Hutchinson. Assessors. Mayor's Ward, John W. Hays William Darling North Ward, Matthew Thompson Robert Thwaites South Ward, Robert I. Shafto G. Caldcleugh St, Nicholas' fFard. John Thwaites J. Telfair John Tiplady, Town Clerk, John Allison, Treasurer. * When out of Office. CITY AND BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. The Mayor, The Venerable Archdeacon Thorp, John Bramwell, John Henderson, William Shields, John Shields, and Robert Hoggett, Esqrs. William Marshall, Clerk. 518 DURHAM DIRECTORY. Diocese of Durhaxn. Bishop The Right Rev. Edward Maltby, D. D., F. R S., A. S. 1836. Archdeacon of Durham The Ven. Charles Thorp, D.D, 1831 . Archdeacon of Northumberland The Ven. W. F. Raymond, M. A., 1842 Archdeacon of Lindisfarne The Ven. Geo. Bland, M. A., 1844 Official of the Archdeacon of Durham The Rev. J. D. Fade, M. A. Chancellor of the Diocese The Worshipful & Rev. Jas. Baker, M.A., 1818. Principal Surrogate The Rev, James Raine, M, A. Registrar The Hon, & Rev. L. J. Barringtony M.A. Deputy Registrar Joseph Davison, Esq. Bishops Chaplains Ven. ArcLd. Raymond, M. A. Ven. Archd. Bland, M. A. Rev. H. J. Maltby, M. A. Rev. John Standly, M. A. Rev. Hugh Hodgson, M. A. Rev. Leonard Jenyns, M. A. Secretary to the Bishop J. Burder, Esq., 27 Parliament st, Westminster. Provincial Secretary Joseph Davison, Esq., Durham CHAPTER OF DURHAM. DeaIt — The Very Reverend George Waddington, D. D. 1840 Canons The Kev. David Biirrell, D.D 1801 The Lord Bishop of Chester, D D 1 820 The Rev. John Saville Ogle, D D 1820 The Rev. George Townsend, D.D .... 1825 The Rev. W. S. Gilly, D.D 1826 The Rev. Q. V. Wellesley, D.D 1827 The Venerable Archd. Thorp, D.D .. The Lord Bishop of Exeter, D.D... . The Rev. Henry Douglas, M. A The Rev. Henry Jenkyns, D.D The Rev. John Edwards, M.A The Ven. Archd. Raymond, M.A. . . . 1829 1831 1834 1839 1841 1846 Honorary Canons. Eev. T. L. Strong, B.D 1844 Rev. J. CoHinson, M.A r 1 844 Rev. H. J. Maltby, M.A 1844 Venerable Archd. ScOtt, M.A 1845 Eev. R. C. Coxe, M.A 1845 The Right Hon. and Rev. R. Viscount Hereford 1845 Rev. T. Chevallier, BcD 1846 R.Gray, M.A 1846 Minor Canons. Kev. J. Cartwright, M.A., Precentor 18.34 i Rev. W. S. Temple, M.A... Rev. W. Hayes, B.A 1 798 Rev. J. Miller, D.D Rev. Thos Ebdon, B.A., Sacristan.. 1812 Rev. Edward Sneyd. M.A, Rev. P. Penson, M.A 1816 I Rev. B. Simpson, B.A 1821 1822 1831 1838 Organist. — William Henshaw, Esq. Lay Clerks. Ash ton Charles, 114Gilesgate Brown Matthew, 199 Gilesgate Brown Thomas, 53 Claypath Freemantle W. L., North Road Lingard Frederick, 81 New Elvet Martin W , 12 Hallgartb st Peele Edward, 44 Hallgartb st Smith John, 17 Allergate Lambert James, 132 Gilesgate Vergers. — William Hartley and John Moor. DURHAM DIRECTORY, 519 Public Offices, &c. Officers of the Bishopric. Eeceiver-general— Edward Maltby Clerk of the Hanaper— T. Cxiiffith Deputy — Percival Forster Auditor— R. A. Douglas Gresley Deputy — Henry Gieenwell Porter — Isaac Halse Keeper of Franklaud Park— the Eev. Choi, Edward John Deering Officers of the Dean and Chapter. Steward of the Manor Courts — W. Gray Kegistrar — W. Charles Chaytor, office, Cloisters Deputy Treasurer— S. Eowlandson, office, New Exchequer, College Deputy Receiver — Wm. Peele, office, New Exchequer, College Land Steward— T. Davison, office, North Bailey Official to the Dean and Chapter — C. Thorp, D.D. Deputy Registrar— John Burrell Keepers of the Woods— John Eorster, and Witton Gilbert Clerk of the Works— Geo. Pickering, North Bailey Porter— Anthony Tyler Ecclesiastical Court. Lord Bishop of the Diocese, The Right Rev. Edward Maltby, D.D. Chancellor and Official Principal, Rev. Jas. Baker, M.A. Registrar — Hon. and Rev. Lowther John Barringtou Deputy and Provincial Secretary to the Bishop of Durham— Joseph Davison Principal Surrogate— J. Raine, M.A. Proctors— R. Burrell, Thos. Marsden, and John Burrell Apparitor— Robert Berkeley Deputy— John Lightfoot Registrar to the Archdeacon of Durham, J. Burrell Registrar to the Archdeacons of Northum- berland and Lindisfa)ne, Robt. Burrell. Deputy — J. Burrell Court of Chancery > Chancellor— R. T. Kindersley, Esq. Registrar — Walter Scruton Cursitor — Josepli Davison Exammer— Henry Greenwe» Counsel— R. C. Askew, Thos. Purvis, T. o, Grainger, James Losh, Hedley Vicars, Esqrs. Court of Pleas, Judges— the Judges of Assize, and others named in the Commission Prothonotary— Rev. Edwd. South Thurlow Deputy— John Ward, 8 Kew Elvet Halmote Courts. Steward — Alex. Atherton Park Deputy -Thomas Griffith Clerk— Samuel Price Deputy— Thomas Griffith Steward of Bedlingtonshire, Alex, A. Park Deputy — Thomas Griffith Steward of Howdenshire — Lord Howden Steward of Allertonshire — Earl of Hare- wood Officers of the County. Sheriff*— Ralph Stephen Pemberton, CJs- worth House, near Gateshead Under-sheriff", William Emerson Wooler, North Bailey Clerk of the Peace, Gerard Blisson Wharton Deputy Clerk of the Peace, W. Scruton, offices, Exchequer, and North Bailey, Durham Clerk of the general meetings of Lieute- nancy, W. Trotter, Bishop Auckland C®unty Treasurer, George Dale Trotter, Bishop Middleham County Bridge Surveyor, Ignatius Bonomi, Architect, North Bailey Bridge Inspector, J. Simpson, Heighington Chief Constable of Rural Police, Major Wemyss, 22 North Bailey High Constable for Durham Ward, W. Caldcleugh, '6\) Silver street Coroners^ Chester Ward, J. M. Favell, Eighton Cot- tage, Gateshead Deputy, W. Hudson, Surgeon, ChesteMe- Street Darlington Ward, W- Trotter, Bishop Auckland Deputy — Mr. Hodgson, Bishop Auckland Easington Ward, Thomas Christopher May- nard, Durham Deputy, Rbt. Middleton, Solicitor, Durham Stockton Ward, T. H. Faber, Stockton Deputy, John Settle, Stockton University of Durham Founded and Incorporated by Royal Charter 1833. Visitor. The Lord Bishop of Durham, D.D. Governors. The Dean and Chapter of Durham Warden. The Venerable Charles Thorp, D.D., F.R.S. Suh-Warden. The Rev. John Edwards, M.a. Senate. The Warden, The Professors of Divinity, Greek and Mathematics, The Proctors, and the Rev. S. A. Peais, B.D. 520 DURHAM DIRECTORY. Professor of Divinity and Ecclesiastical History. The Eev. Hemy Jenkins, D .D. Professor of Greek Sf Classical Literature. The Eev. John Edwards, M.A. Professor of Mathematics ^ Astronomy. TJie Rev. Temple Chevallier, B.D. F.R. Ast. S. Proctors. The Rev. Charles Thomas Whitley, M.A. The Rev. David Melville, M.A. PrO'Proctors. The Rev. S. A. Pears, B.D. The Rev. W. G. Henderson, M.A. Reader in Lav:. "Wilham Gray, M.A. Header in Hehrev). The Rev. Temple Chevallier, B.D. Header in History and Polite Literature. Thomas Greenwood, M.A. Header in Natural Philosophy. The Rev. Charles Thomas Whitley, M.A. Lecturer in Chemistry. James F. W. Johnson. M.A. F.R. SS.,L. &E. Lecturer in Modern Languages. Registrar. The Rev. Temple Chevallier, B.D. Lihrarnan. The R€v. Charles Thomas Whifley, M.A. Sub-Lihrarian. The Rev. William Greenwell, M.A. Observer. The Rev. R. Thompson. Treasurer. W. C. Chaytor, Esq. Fellows. The Rev. Thomas Garnett, M.A. The Rev. John Gibson, M.A. Thomas Charles Thompson, M.A. The Hon. Wm. George Grey, M.A. The Rev. Hugh Evans, M.A. The Rev. W. Featherstonhauah, M.A. The Rev. James Skinner, M.A. The Rev. Cyril W. Wood, M.A. Arthur Beanlands, B.A. The Rev. Robert Taylor, B.A. The Rev. George R. Kewley, B.A. The Rev. Hopkins Badnall, B.A. John Pedder, B.A. Joseph Waite, B.A. The Rev. C. T. Erskine, B.A. George E. Green, B.A. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Master. The Venerable Archdeacon Thorp, D.D. Warden of the University. Vice Master. The Rev. Charles Thomas Whitley, M.A. Tutors. The Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A. The Rev. David Melville, M.A. The Rev. S. A. Pears, B.D. The Rev. W. G. Henderson, M.A. Burser. The Rev. William Greenwell, M.A. Chaplains . The Rev. W. Greenwell, M.A. The Rev. Lewis Morgan, M.A. Pemberton Fellow. The Rev. WiUiam Greenwell, M.A. BISHOP HATFIELD'S HALL. Principal. The Rev. D. MelviUe, M. A. Chaplin and Censor. The Rev. R. Taylor, B. A. Jan. 23 Feb. 2 Mar. 24 Apr. 12 Apr. 24 May 4 Ju7ie 14 June 17 June 22 June 23 Oct. 16 Oct. 20 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Dee. 22 Dec. 25 TERMS. Epiphany Term begins. Convocation. Epiphany Term ends. Easter Day. Easter Term begins. ConvocationforconferringDegrees Examination for the Degree of B.A. and M. A. begins. Theological Examination begins. Convocation. Easter Term ends. Michaelmas Term begins. First and Second year examination of Students in Arts and En- gineer Students begins. Convocation for admitting Proc- tors to their Offices. Election of Fellows. Michaelmas Term ends. Christmas Day. UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM. Fellowships 6; Scholarships. 1 There are Twenty-tour Foundatioij Fellowships, of which two or three are filled up every year from a list of B. A. candidates. They are tenable by Clergymen for ten years, and by Laymen for eight years. DURHAM DIRECTORY. 521 The Pembbrton Fellowship is tenable for ten years. There are Twenty Foundation Scholarships, value £30. per annnm, tenable for three years. 4 The Two Van Mildert Scholarshtps, value £50. per annum, are ten- able for two years The Two Pemberton Scholarships, value £30. per annum, are tenable for three years The GisBORNB Scholarship of the same value, is tenable for two years. The Thorp Scholarship, value £21., is filled up annually on the nom- ination of the Warden. Four Barrington Scholars enjoy annual stipends of £60. each, for three years The Lindsay Scholarship, value £40. per annum, tenable by natives of the Diocese of Durham, who shall have been educated for three years at the Grammar School at Durham The Bishop of Durham's Exhibition, with a preference to a Theologi- cal Student of Bishop Hatfield's Hall. And Crewe Exhibitions, with stipends of £20. for four years, are, from time to time, given by Lord Crewe's Trustees, to the sons of Clergymen of the Diocese. DURHAM SCHOOL. ^ Governers, The Dean and Chapter. Head Master. The Rev. Edward Elder, M. A., late Scholar of Balliol College Oxford. Second Master* The Rev. Henry Stoker, M. A., late Fellow of the University of Durham. Mathematical Master, The Rev. J. A. L. Airey, B. A., Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge Assistant Classical and Mathematical Master, John Earle, B. A., of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. French Master, — Monsieur Bouet. There are Eighteen King's Scholarships, of the annual value of £30 tenable at the School for four years, to which period a fifth year may be added at the discretion of the Dean, The Dean and Chapter fill up the vacancies every year (usually in November) by examination, and any on© under 15 years of age, whether previously at the school or not, is admissi- ble as a candidate. The following Scholarships are attached to the School at the Univer- sities: — Two Scholarships of £10. a year each, founded by Dr. Hartwell, and tenable at any College at Oxford or Cambridge. One Scholarship of £30. a year at the University of Durham 2t 522 DURHAM DIRECTORY. One Scholarship at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, of £16. a year, for ■which a preference is given to Durham and Newcastle Schools. One Exhibition of £40. a year, founded by Ralph Lindsay, Esq., and tenable at the UniTersity of Durham by natives of the Diocese, -who shall have been educated for three years at Durham School. Durham Biocesan Training School. ESTABLISHED OCTOBEB, 1841. Chairman of Cominiitee, The Dean of Durham. Director.— The Rev. John Cundill, M. A,— Treasurer.— J, F. Elliot Esq. Secretary.— The Rev. J. D. Eade, M. A. General Master. — Mr. Finlej.— Master of Model School. — Mr. Goundry. Singing Master. ^Mr. Freemantle. House Superintendent. — Mr. T. Tuer. Candidates being at the age of sixteen years and upwards, and mem- bers of the Church of England, are admitted at Michaelmas, Whitsuntide and Christmas, on the production of certificates of character signed by the Minister of their respective Parishes, of baptism and of health, after pass- ing the admission examination. Application to be made to the Rev. J. Cundill, Director, or to Mr. T. Tuer, House Superintendent. The payment required from the pupils is at the rate of £14. a year, pay- able in advance, at the commencement of each term. For this they are furnished with education, board, lodging, the use of books and station- ary, medical attendance and washing. Certain returns are made to those who have resided a year with good conduct, and pass the annual ex- amination with credit. The pupils are lodged and boarded together under a strict system of domestic discipline. 1 Public Buildings, Offices, Institutions, c&c. Assembly Rooms, 40, North Bailey — Mr. Wetherell, Proprietor. Billet Master — Matthew Emmerson, 28, Market place Billiard and Bagatelle Tables, 1, Sadler street — Mr. W. Simpson, owner. Catholic Free School, 8, Hallgarth-street Christian Knowledge Society Depot, 81, Claypath. City of Durham, Conservative Association Rooms, 12 Elvet Bridge County Constabulary Offices, 22 North Bailey— Major Wemyss, Chief Constable. County Gaol, Head of Old Elvet — Mr. W. Green, Governor. Excise Office, Waterloo Hotel— Mr. R. Barnes, Supervisor. Gas Company's Works are about to undergo considerable improvement, Tempory Offices, 21, Marketplace DURHAM DIRECTORY. 523 Infant School, head of Church street. Infant School, 100 Framwellgate. Infirmary 3 and 4 Alergate. Lord Crewe's Charity for putting but Poor Children Apprentices, E. Peele, Clerk, 44, Hallgarth street. Lying in Charity — Miss C. Sal vin, Treasurer and Secretary. Mechanics' Institute, 29, Market place— J. Farrow, and J. Usher, Librari- ans; John Clark, Treasurer; W, H. Engledew, Secretary. Public Sale and Exhibition Room, 49 Sadler street— F. Humble Proprietor, Parochial Schools, Head of Churcli-street. Police Station, 27 Market place— Richard Pearse, chief Constable for the City and Borough, J. Liddle, Superintendent. Stamp Office, Sadler street, Hon. G. Liddell, Distributor. Subscription Library and News Room, Queen-street— C. Reed, Librarian Theatre, 61, Sadler-street— S. Roxby, Lessee. Town Hall, 27, Market place. Tract and Bible Depot, 9, Elvet bridge. Training School, Pelaw Leazes. United Blue Coat & Sunday Schools, 81 Claypath— G. Goundry, Master. Union Workhouse^ Crossgate, opened November 25, 1828, will accommo- date 125, average 100, Thomas Clayton, master, & Jane Veitch, matron ; Thomas Crawford Esq., chairman; Henry Bell Esq., vice; Thomas Clamp, relieving offi^'er and registrar of births and deaths for St. Oswald disirict, and marriages for the united district of Durham and Lanchester; and John Dobson, relieving officer and registrar of births and deaths for St. Giles District. University Museunif near the College, W. Procter, sub-curator. Water Works are about to be erected on an extensive scale, by a Joint Stock Company, for the supply of the City & Suburbs; it is proposed that the Water shall be pumped from the River above Shincliffe Bridge, and forced into a copious Reservoir at the top of Mountjoy Hill, a loftv eminence at the South side of the City; Temporary Office, 21 Market pi Places of Worship. The Cathedral • Service performed twice every day, Morning at 10, afternoon at 4 The Gallilee Service from Easter to Michaelmas, on Sunday evenings, commences at 6 Parish Churches. St. Giles's, Gilcsgate, Rev. Francis Thompson, M. A., Curate & Rev. Lewis Morgan, M.A., Sub-curate St, Margaret's, Crossgate, Rev. John Cundill, M. A., Curate and Rev. J. L. Low, B. A., Sub-curate St, Marys, North Bailey, Rev. Wm. Clark King, M. A., Rector St. Mary's, South Bailey, Rev. Jus. Raiuf, M. A., Rector St. Nicholas s, Market pi. Rev. Edw. Davison, M. A., Curate St. Osivalifs, Church st., Rev. Peter Penson, M. A., Vicar Catholic Chapel, Old Elvet, Rev. Wm. Fletcher, Priest 524 DURHAM DIRECTORY. Independent Chapel, S\ Claypath, Rev ^ Methodist New Connexion Chapel, 15 OldElvet Primitive Methodist Chapel, Back In. Samuel Goodall Weskyan Chapel, 57 Old Ehet Friends Meeting House, 80 Claypath Durham Hackney Coach Fares. WITHIN THE TOWN. Not exceeding two persons, Is. — For each person extra, 6d. Out of the Town. Not exceeding a mile, 2s. — Each mile extra, Is. For every Passenger above four, an addition of one-fourth of the whole fare. For every stoppage (after the first fare), to take up each one additional, 6d. Where the fare amounts to four shillings, the person hiring may detain the Coach not exceeding one hour and return again for half fare. The driver at liberty to charge either by time or distance. Persons hi- ring to pay tolls. A child under seven years of age not to count, but two to count as one person. For every quarter-hour waiting, after being sent for, 6d. No detention beyond 15m. , unless the fare amounts to 4s. Where a Coach shall take up a fare after 12 o'Clock at Night to be en- titled to double fare. — This rule not to apply to fares the same Coach has taken. Sending for a Coach and not using it, Is. Market is held on Saturday, and is numerously attended by Farmers & Corn Merchants. Fairs are held March 31st. for Horses, Tuesday in Pentecost week^ September 15th., and Satui day before Martinmas Day for Cattle. Population of the City, according to the Census taken June 7th, 1841t amounted to 14151. BARNARD-CASTLE DIRECTORY. Post Office, Horse Market, Thomas Kipling, Postmaster. Letters ar- rive from London, North, West, Darlington, Piercebridge, Gainford,and Staindrop, at 11 5 A.M.; from Middleton, Romaldkirk, Cotherston, at 9 30 A. M. ; from Penrith, Appleby, Brough, and Bowes, at 1 6b P. M. And are dispatched to London, Staindrop, Gainford, Piercebridge, Dar- lington, North, and West, at 155 P.M.; to Bowes, Brough, Appleby, and Penrith, at 1 1 5AM.; and to Cotherston, Romaldkirk, and Middle- ton, at 11 35 A. M. MISCELLANY. Comprising the Addresses of Gentry, Clergy, Partners in Firms, and others, not arranged under the Classification of Trades and Professions* Appleby James Thompson, cattle dealer. Horse market Appleby Mr. John, Newgate st. Appleby Mr. William, Newgate st. Atkinson Mrs. \nn, Queen st Atkinson Mrs. Hannah, Galgate Atkinson Mr. Robert, King st Bainbridge George, carrier, Galgate Bainbridge Wm., cowkeeper, Galgt. Barker Thos., cowkeeper, Galgate Barnes Richd., solicitor; h. King st Bass Miss Martha, King st Bell Wiiliam, farmer, Galgate Benning Henry, surgeon : h. Bank Benson Miss Mary, Newgate st Blenkinsop Miss Mary, Grove Bradley Mr. Mathias, Newgate st Brass Mr. George, King st Brownless George, farmer, New Broom ley Law Cansfield George, sexton, Church yd Croft Rev. G.,(Wesleyan) King st Davison Rev. John, Incumbent, Newgate st Dowson Mrs. Elizabeth, Galgate Edwards Jas., horse and gig letter, Newgate st Elliott Wm., police sergeant. Hall st Fielding Miss Ann Matilda, Galgt. Fryer John, cowkeeper, Bridgegate Garforth John, union master, Galgt Gibson Mrs. Jane, Newgate st Gibson Misses Margaret, Fanny, and Elizabeth, Galgate Griffin Mrs. Esther, Galgate Harker Mrs. Mary, Bank Harrison Thos., carrier, Newgate st Henderson James, professor of lan- guages. King st Heslop Mr. William, King st Hilton Miss Dorothy, Bank Hodgson John, farmer, Galgate Hodgson Thomas, farmer, Galgate Holmes John Dickinson, solicitor, King st Horner Mrs. Jane, Galgate Horner Rev. Thos., (Ind.) Grove Hughes Thos., cowkeeper, Galgate Hullock Lady Mary, Thorngate Hurrell Rd. H., solicitor. Demesne Johnson Mrs., Grove Johnson Mr. Thomas, Galgate Hutchinson H., gent.. Bridge end H utchinson J., manager. Bridge end Kellette Wm., woodman and manor bailiff, Marwood Cottage Kirby Jas., solicitor; h. Markt. pi. Knapton James, foreman, Bdge, end Laidman Mrs. Ann, Galgate Lakeland Mr, Robt., Galgate 2y2 526 BARNARD-CASTLE DIRECTORY. Lamb Misses Ann*& Martha, Bank | Lawson John, land agent, King st I Lougstaff John Charles, shoemaker's ! thread manufacturer; h. Grove | Longstaff Owen, shoeiuaker's thread manufacturer; h. Newgate st Mc George Mr. Thos., Galgate Matthews Mrs., Newgate st Metcalfe Leonard, attorney's clerk, King st Middleton Geo., relieving officer & registrar of births and deaths, Queen st Middleton Mrs. Mary, Newgate st Middleton Rt., horse breaker, Galgt. Monkhouse Jeremiah Rt., carpet manufacturer; h. Galgate Monkhouse Joshua, carpet manu facturer; h. Market pi Monkhouse Joshua Coke, carpet manufacturer ; h. Newgate st Nesbitt John, farmer, Bank Peacock John, attorney's clerk, Newgate st Raine Edwd., carpet mfr., Bdggt. Railton Mr. John, Galgate Rayson Mr. Henry, Galgate Robinson Miss Francis, Bridgegate Robinson Wm., maltster, Newgt. st. I Routledge Thos., farmer, Galgate Sanderson Michael, weaver. Bank Shaw Jacob, farmer, Galgate Shield Fras., grdnr., Baliol's Tower Sirapson Charles, sergeant major of the Durham Militia, King st. Simp^n Chpr., farmer. King st Slader Geo., surgeon ; h. Galgate Softly Mrs. Mary, Church yard Sparrow Geo., cartowner, Bridgegt. Sieele J., currier, &c. ; h. Chapel yd Steele Mr. Richard, King st Stubbs James, farmer, Galgate Sweeten Mrs. Sarah, King st. Thornton Mr. John, King st. Thwaites Mr. Thomas, Queen st. Ullathorn Mrs. Barbara, Galgate Winpenny Mrs. Hannah, Galgate Walker Jas., mrne store dlr.,Mkt pi Watson Miss Mary, Galgate Watson Mrs. Sarah, Horse Market Watson Wm.,solr. ; h. Newgate st. Watson W. jun., solr.; h. Horse Mkt Weaver Elizabeth, stay mkrs. Bdggt. White Geo., carrier, Newgate st. Willey Wm., manager, Gps Works Winskill Henry, carrier, Galgate Young Stephen, farmer, Newgate st. CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS Academies. Hopper John, Hall st- Hutchinson Jonathan, Chapel yard Infant School^ Demesne, Margaret Dougall National, (Boys), Church yard, Wm. Button, (Girls), Chapel yd., Mgt. Ewbank Sutherland John, Demesne Thirkell Joseph, ct. Market pi Timms Eiiz. Mary, King st Ullathorn Eliza, Galgate Attornies. Barnes & Kirby, Horse Market Charlton John, Galgate Coulthard Ralph, Newgate St.; h. King St. Hutchinson W'm. Johnson, Grove Lamb John, Bank; h. Galgate Richardson Thompson, and clerk to Magistrates, Hall st. ; h. Galgt. Watson W. & W., Newgate st. Wheldon Thomas, Galgate Auctioneers 6c Appraisers. Bentley Thomas, Queen st. Croft Robert, King st. Lax John, Galgate Bakers <& Flour Dealers. Anderson James, Bank Raine Ann, Thcrngate Teasdale Wm., Bridgegate I TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 527 Banks. Backhouse & Co., Market pi., (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co.,) Joshua Monkhouse, agent Darlington Distnct Banking Co., Market place, (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co.,) Thomas Caldwell, agent. National Provincial Bank of Eng- land, Market pi., (draw on Lon- don & Westminster), Geo. Pippet, manager Savings Bank, Market place, open Wednesday from 12 to ^ past, and Saturday, from 2 till 3, Joshua Monkhouse, treasurer, & Thomp- son Richardson, actuary- Basket Makers. Marked * are Dealers only *Sirapson Elizabeth, Bank ^Simpson Thomas, Horse Market Tabbnor John, Bridgegats Blacksmiths. Hedley Robert, Bank Hedley William, Galgate Smith William, Market \)\. Booksellers, Printers, and Stationers, Atkinson Henry, Market place Atkinson John, Market place Brawn George, clerk to the union, and superintendent registrar of births, deaths, & marriages, Mar- ket place; h. Galgate €lifton Thomas, Market place Boot and Shoe Makers. Arrowsmith William, Bank Bainbridge John, Chapel yard Bayles William, Newgate st Brass John, Wear street Brown Joseph, Marketplace Carter John, Bank Chapelow William, Hall st Cliver Thrmas, Bridgegate Davis Thomas, Tliorngate Douthwaite Thomas, Market place Hall Josep!), Horse market Johnson Jonathan, Thorngate Longstaff Joseph, Hall st Lyon Robert, Bridgegate Middlewood Robert, Bank Moor George, Bank Parkin Thomas, Bridge end Raper George, Newgate Raprr Thomas, Bank Stephenson Joseph, & parish clerk^ Bank Brasiers and Tinplate Wkrs. Cust Isaac, Market place Peel William, Bridgegate Raine William, Horse market Raine William, Bank Brewer and Maltster. Milburn Humphrey Wm., BridgegL Butchers. Arrowsmith Robert, Bridgegate Bradley George, Bank Bradley John, Newgate st Dalston George, Horse market Howson Thomas, Bridgegate Peat William, Horse market Cabinet Makers. See Joiners, Carpet Manufacturers* Dunn Rd., Bridgegate; h. Bdg. end Monkhouse Joshua & Sons, Thrugt, Pratt, Son, & Co., Bridgegate Clof and Patten Makers. Carnell James, Bank Carnell William, Bank Harker Ralph, Market place Thompson John, Bank Thompson Joseph, Bridgegate Coach Makers. Atkinson Thomas, King st Bell John, Queen st Coffee Houses. Dobson Thomas, Bridgegate Vasey Thomas, Horse Market Confectioners. Marked * are Tea Deahrs aha. Howson Robert, Bank *Railton Hugh, Horse Market *Walton Jane, Marketplace Weatherilt Dorothy, Church yard 528 BARNARD-CASTLE DIRECTORY. Coopers. FenwickThomas, Bank SimpsonThomas, Horse Market Young John, Newgate st. Corn Merchants, Chisman John, and flour dealer, Horse Market Raine Henry, Bridgegate Corn Millers & Flour Dealers Marked * are Flour Dealers only, Ainsley Henry, Deepdale *Bousfield John, Bank Harrison Robert, Lendings Mill & Bank Lodge Robert, Bridge end Waile Edward, Demesne Mill StringerTobias C, Bank & Thorngt. Curriers & Xieather Cutters Coles Henry, Bank Rablah John Steele, Bridgegate Steele Anthony & John, Newgate st. Druggists. Badcock John, Market pi. Gibson Benjamin W., Bank Graham Thomas, Bank Proctor Harrison, Market pi. Raine Henry, Bridgegate Weatherilt Thomas, Bridgegate Dyer. Grose Daniel, Galgate Fire and Life Offices. Clerical & Medical (Life), G. Pippet Market pi. Royal Exchange, Abrhm. Thomp- son, Bank Royal Farmers, G. Pippet, Mkt. pi. Star (Liie), Hy. Atkinson, Mkt, pi. Yorkshire, J . iVJ onkhouse, Mkt. pi. Flax Dressers. Ullathorn & Longstaffs, Hall st. Gardeners, Nursery & Seedsmen. Brown William, Newgate st. Hoggett George, Newgate st. Warwick Robert, Bank Glass, China and Earthenware Dealers. Harrison William, Queen st. Simpson Elizabeth, Bank Simpson Ralph, Horse market Grocers and Tea Dealers. Arrowsmith William, Bank Badcook John, Market pi. Brass George, Bank Dawson Jonathan, Market pi. Dixon Jeremiah, Horse Market Gibson Benjamin W., Bank Graham Thomas, Bank Gregson Thomas, Bank Hall Jonathan, Horse market Hall Wm., & tallow chndlr., Galgt. Harrison Richard, Newgate st. Hilton Abraham, Galgate Howson Robert, Bank Pratt John, Bridgegate Procter Harrison, Market place Raine Ann, Thorngate Raine Henry, Bridgegate Rogers John, Bank Sanderson William, Newgate st Gun I^Iakers. Hesketh John, & engraver, Mkt. pi Rowntree William, Bank Hair Cressers- Gofton George Spencer, Market pi Gunson Matthew, Bank Hall Jonathan, Thorngate Stevenson Thomas, Horse market Hatters, Marked * are Manufacturers. Catherick John, Bank Dixon Joseph, Horse market ♦Jackson Benjamin, Bank Patton Richard, - arket place Pulman Thomas, Market place ♦Softly Samuel, Bank Weatherilt & Marshall, Market pi Hosiers. Alderson John, Thorngate Winskill James, Newgate Hotels, Inns, and Taverns. Angel, Parker Crossby, Market pi Bay Horse Inn, Robt. Brotherton, Horse market Black Horse, Jane Wilkinson, New- gate street Blue Bell, Geo. Thompson, 'Bdgegt. Board, John Davison, Market place Boar's Head, John Thompson, Thorngate TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 529 Bum's Head, Thomas Harrison, Church yard Dun Cow, Ann Brass, Newgate st Durham Ox, Mary Atkinson, Galgt. Golden Lion, J. Errington, Mkt. pi. Goliah's Head, Geo. Wilson, Horse market Greyhound, Ralph Kay, Market pi. Half Moon, J. Dalkin, Horse mkt. King,s Head, Richard Harrison, Market place Oak Tree, Wm. Collinson, Bdgegt. Old Black Horse, Mary Richmond, Newgate st Queen's Head, Mgt. & Han. Shield, Market place Red Lion, Geo. James, Market pi. Rose tx, Crown Inn, Isabella Don- kin, Market place Ship Inn, (Old) Peter Dent, Bank Ship (New) Geo. Taylor, Bridge gt Shoulder of Mutton, J. Loftus,Bnk Stag's Head, Thos. Bainbridge, Bnk Three Horse Shoes, Math. Hedley, Galgate Traveller's Rest, Jas. Carnell, Bank Turk's Head, John Barnintham, Market place Waterloo (Old) Mary Hunt, Mkt. pi Waterloo (New) M. Sweeten, Mkt. pi Weaver's Arms, Thos. Borrowdale, Bridgegate White Swan, Geo. Raper, Edge, end Beer Houses. Arrowsmith Charles, Bridgegate Arrowsmith Thomas, Bridge end Borrowdale Robert, Galgate Harrison Jane, Galgate Iron and Brass Founders. Down Henry, Thorngate Hutchinson James, Queen st Iron Merchants Bayles William, Market place Wharton John, and seed merchant, Newgate St.; h. King st Zronmong^ers. Bayles William, Market place Bell Thomas, Newgate st Gust Isaac, Marketplace Humphreys Thomas, Market place Raine William, Bank Softly William, Bank Ware George, Market place Wilson Thomas, Market place Joiners and Cabinet Makers, Appleby Percival, Newgate Atkinson Christopher, Galgatp Bayles William, Market place Clark Thomas, Bridge end Cooper William, Bank Harrison Richard, Newgate st Hutchinson Jonathan, Newgate st Hutchinson John, George st Ladderdale John, Horse market Monkhouse George, Horse market Thompson Samuel, Galgate; h« Hallst Wheldon George, Bridgegate White John, Queen st White William, Horse market Linen and Woollen Drapers, Catherick John, Bank Dixon Joseph, Horse market Kay John, Market place Patton Richard, Market place Pratt John, Bridgegate Pulman Thomas, Marketplace Walker Jonathan, Newgate st Watson Charles, Marketplace Weatherilt John, & Marshall John, Market place Winpenny Francis, Horse market Machine Makers and Mill Wrights. Elliott Robert, Queen st Turnbull John, Hall st Milliners and Dress Makers- Brass Ann, Wear st Brown Ann & Charlotte, Market pi. Burrows Ann, Bridgegate Chapman Sarah, Bridgegate Ford J. Galgate Nicholson Mary Ann, Wear st Richardson Jane, Galgate Thompson A. E. & M., Hall st Waite Jane, Galgate Nail lyiakers. Cooper George, Bridgegate Softly William, Bank Walker John, Horse market Watson Wm., Court, Horse market 530 BARNARD-CASTLE DIRECTORY. Fainte-ris and Gilders. Appleby Joseph, Bridgegate Cook John, Market place Cooper Thomas, Galgate Ferrier Henry, Bank Raine Smith, Market place Pawnbrokers, Heslop Christopher, Bank Mankin James, Bank Physician, Edger Thomas Stamp, King st Plumbers and Glaziers. Armstrong Daniel, Bridgegate Cust Isaac, Market place Raine William, Horse market Raine William, Bank Porter Merchants. Croft Robert, King st Jeffersou Richard, Galgate Provision Dealers. Bradley Thos., Thorngate wind ; h. Bank Errington John, Market place Rope and Twine Maimers. Brass George, Market place Dalkin Thomas, Horse market Hodgson John, Galgate Metcalfe William, Bank Saddlers «§: I€arness Makers. Bell Martin, Galgate Blackburn Thomas, Newgate st PowellJohn Kipling, Market pi Wilson George, Galgate Shoe Thread Manufacturers. Ullathorne & Longstaffs, Bridge end Shopkeepers. Arrowsmith George, Bridge end Airowsmith Robert, Bridgegate Blamire Isaac, Thorngate wind Dalston Thomas, Horse market Danaldson John, Galgate Etheringion John, Horse market Graham William, King st Heap John, Bridgegate Lodge Robert, Bridge end Metcalf Cornelius, Galgate Pattison George, Bridgegate Peel Richard, Bridgegate Teasdale William, Bridgegate Wade Saml. John, Bridgegate Thirkell Joseph, King st Wrathall John, Horse market Stone Masons <^ Bricklayers. Borrowdale Thomas, Bridge gt Brown Harkless, Queen st Carter George, Galgate Dalston Thomas, Horse market Graham William, King st Johnson James, Bridge end Jones James, George st Kimpster William, Hall st Temple Henry, King st Straw Hat Makers. Braithwaite Ann, Bridgegate Brecken Hannah, Bridgegate Green Martha, George st Harrison Margaret, Galgate Johnson Philis, Bridgegate Metcalf Margaret, Bank Richardson Rebecca, Galgate Stubbs J, Horse market Surgeons. Benning & Slader, Bank Cusl Isaac, Galgate Kipling Thomas, Horse market Kipling William, Newgate st Tailors & Drapers. Bainbridge George, galgate Bland Matthew, Bank Brown John, Bank Brownless Ralph, Newgate st Foster William, Bridgegate Gunson Thomas, Bank , Heslop Christoplier, Bank Hudson William, Galgate Jackson John, Ntwgate st Lee Joseph, Church yard Metcalf William, Bank Riddle William, Horse market Sanderson John, Horse market Westwood Thomas, Galgate Welford John, Horse market White William, King st Wild Joseph, Newgate st Young Thomas, Hall st Tanners. Rablah John Steele, Bridgegate Steele Anthony and John, Newgate TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 531 Tea Dealers, Travelling. Dixon Edward, Queen st Herbert Christopher and Thomas, Thorngate wind Turnbull Govine, Broadgate Timber Merchants. Bayles William, Market place Ladderdale John, Horse market Toy Dealers. Gunson Thomas, Bank Railton Hugh, Horse market Rowntree William, Bank Turner in "Wood, Kirtley Stephen, Bank Watch and Clock Makers. Humphreys Thomas, Market place Raper Thomas, Bridgegate Thwaites Robert, Bank Wilson Thomas, Market place WTieel'wrights, Clark Thomas, Bridge end Hedley John, Newgate st Hutchinson Jonathan, Newgate st Hutchinson John, George st Thompson William, Galgate ^?7hitesmiths <& Bellhangers. Bell Thomas, Newgate st Kilburn John, Galgate Rutter Thomas, Bridge end Ware George, Market place Wine & Spirit Merchants, Dent Peter, Bank Hilton Abraham, Galgate Jeflferson Rchd , (spirit only) Galgt. Taylor Robert, Market place Coaches. To Barling ton, from the Old Ship and Shoulder of M utton Inns, Bank, at 6 a.m. daily, Sunday excepted; from the King's Head, the Nonpe- riel, at 1 15 p.m. daily, Sunday ex- cepted ; the Royal Mail at 2 p.m. daily, and an Omnibus mon.,tues., thurs., and sat., at half- past 6 Morn. Durham.^ via Bishop Auckland^ from the Rose and Crown Inn, at 6 a.m., daily. Penrith, from the King's Head, the Royal Mail, at 11 a.m. CAKRIEHS. Brough, from the Angel, James Dent, Wed. Red Lion, Rt. Hylton, Wed. Cockfield, from the Turk's Head, George Hodgson, Wed. Darlington, George Bainb ridge, Galgate, Thomas Harrison, New- gate street, daily; George White, Newgate St., daily. Evenwood, from tlie Red Lion, James Welford, Wednesday. Kendal, George White, Newgate Street, daily. Newcastle^ George White, New- gate Street, daily Penrith, from the Angel, Thomas Parker, Wednesday ; Red Lion, Joseph Proud, Wednesday; Henry Winskill, Galgate, Monday. Staindrop, from the Angel, John .Jackson, Wednesday ; Turk's Head, J. Richardson, Wednesday. Stainmoor, from the Angel, John Hilton, Wednesday, Sunderland, from the Old Ship Inn, Henry Sayer, Wednesday. Stockton, Thomas Harrison, New- gate street, daily. Pett^j Sessions are held the last Wed. in every month. Thompson Richardson, clerk to Magistrates. Police Office, Hall street, William Elliott, sergeant. Witham Testimonial, is a large handsome building, situated in the Market place, built by public sub- scription, and opened May, 1846, and contains the Mechanics Insti- tution, of which the late Henry Witham, Esq. was the founder, and which is at present in a flourishing condition; J. Bowes, Esq., M. P. president; Mr. I. R. Monkhouse, treasurer; Mr. Geo. Brown, secre- tary; and Mr, Witmer, librarian. 532 BARNARD-CASTLE DIRECTORY. The Public Dispensary is also in the above buildiug, Messrs. Ben- ning & Slader, surgeons; attends, tues., wed., and frid., from 10 till 12. And the Public News Boom is also in the above. Union Workhouse, top of Galgate, will accommodate 158, average 80; John and Jane Garforth, master and matron ; George Brown, clerk, and superintendent registrar; Geo. Middleton, relieving officer and re- gistrar of births and deaths, for Barnard Castle district; William Nichols, relieving officer and re- gistrar of births and deaths, for Staindrop District ; William Lynn, relieving officer and registrar of births and deaths, for Middleton district ; Archdcn. Headlam, chair- man. Gas Works, near the Castle, Wm. Watson, secretary, and Wm. Willey, manager. Places of W^orship. Church (St, Mary's) Market place, Rev. John Davison, Incumbent. Catholic Chapel, George street Independent Chapel, Hall street Wesleyan Chapel, Bank Primitive Methodist Chapel^ Bank. Market is held on Wednesday. Fairs, Wednesday after Easter^ and July 11. Population, according to the Cen- sus taken 1841, amounted to 4452. BISHOP AUCKLAND DIRECTORY. Post Office, Market place, William Harris Walton, Postmaster, arrive at 9 30 a.m., and are dispatched 3 30 and 6 30 p.m. Letters MISCELLANY. Consisting of the Names of the Inhabitants not arranged in the Lsit of Pro ' fessions and Trades. The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Durham, Castle Adamson Mr. John, Newgate st Addison Mr. John, Silver st Ambler William Hammond, draper; h. Newgate st Askew Wm., police sergant, Silver s Berkley Roht., hutler, Market place Berrett Mrs. Maria, Newgate st BJackett Mrs. Margt., High Bondgt. Brewer Mr. James, High Bondgate Briggs Mrs. Ann, Durham road Brown Timothy, farmer. Deanery Brown Wm., superintendent rural police, Silver st Bumstead Rev. John, (Wesley an), Back Bondgate Burdon James, farmer, Binchester Burrell William, coal viewer, New- gate st Calvert Robert, clerk. South ter Canney George, jun., surgeon ^ h. Market pi Christie Thomas, exciseofficer, New- gate st Collins Benj., gent., Back Bondgate Crawford William, Railway station master, Broom pi Dakers Thomas, draper, &c.; h. Market pi Dean Thos., registrar of marriages. South ler Denman Rev. Lewis Wm., curate, Newgate st Dodds Mr. John, Back Bondgate Duran Hugh, feather dealer, South terrace Eden Rev. John Patrick. M. A., per- petual curate. Market pi Elliot Charlton, gent., Back Bondgt. Elliott Hannah, lodgings, South ter Etherington James, gardener, High Bondgate Fairless Misses Jane & C, Newgt. st Fell Mrs. Mary, Durham road Fletcher Mr. Wm., Elm Cottage Furhy Ann, glove maker. Fore Bondgate Gallon John, brewer; h. South Church Gibson Rev. James, catholic priest, South ter Gibson William, clerk goods depart- ment, Railway station Gornal Henry, bird and animal preserver. Back Bondgate Gresley Robert Archibald Douglas, gent.. Market pi Graham Mrs. Eliz., High Bondgate Hall Mrs. Elizabeth, Newgate st Hall Mrs. Elizabeth, Newgate st Hammond Wm., draper ; h. Mkt. pi Harris Christopher, manager. Gas Works, Broom pi Hick Rev. Jas. Watson, M.A., S. rd. Hodgson G., solicitor; h. Elm Ctg. Hodgson Miss INIargt., Market pi Hodgson Wm., Esq., Newgate st Hull Mr. Thomas, Flintoffst Hutchinson Misses Mariah and Hannah, Hiiih Bondgate Hutcliinson Wm., Hold forth house lansou Mrs. Ann, Back Bondgate relieving officer, 534 BISHOP AUCKLAND DIRECTORY. Johnson feler, carpet manufac- turer ; h. Newgate st Joplin Ralph, registrar of births & deaths, Back Bondgate Kilburn Henry, gent., Newgate st Kilburn Thus, gent.. Fore Bondgate Kinmont John, gardener, Mkt. pi. Kirkup Mr. Thos., Newgate st Laidler Edward, excise officer, High Bondgate Lawson Isaac, farmer and land agt. Flintoff st Lawson Wm., file cutter, South Ch. Lee John, land agent and surveyor, South ter Linton John, farrier. Fore Bondgt. Longstaff Hy., farmer. Blue House Longstaff Mr. Thos., South road Lonsdale Mrs. Ann, High Bondgt. Maw Geo., tanner ; h. Wear Cottage Maw Geo., jun., tanner ; h, Mkt. pi. Matfin John, primitive methodist preacher, South ter Minchin Arthur, banker's clerk, Newgate st Monkhouse Ebenezer, carpet mnfr. h. High Bondgate Morgan Mrs. Martha, Market pi Moss Mr. Edward, Silver st Newton Math., porter. Fore Bondgt Owen Rev. John, (Wesleyan) New- gate st Pattison John, joiner; h. Back Bondgate Peacock John Wood, corn merchnt. Market place Peacock Thomas, land agent. High Bondgate Pen ter Mr. John, Newgate st Pickering Ralph, pig killer, Fore Bondgate Proud Misses My. and Eliz., New. gate street Ramshaw William, Esq., Mkt. pi Reynolds Thomas, union master, Newgate st Rippon John, gamekeeper. Wear Cottage Robinson Wm., coachman, Slvr. st Robson Jas., farmer, Binchester Robson Peter, farmer. Lodge Rowlandson Mrs. Frances, South ter Sanderson Misses Barbara & Ann, High Bondgate Scaife Hugh Nanney, supervisor of excise. Great gate Seymour Luke, farmer,Hen Knowle Seymour William Hatton, farmer Deanery Simpson Eliz., maltster, Newgate st Smith Frances, lodgings, Flintoff st Snaith Geo., ironmonger; h. South terrace Snaith William, clerk of the market. Market pi Sutton Thos., farmer, Cockton hill Thompson Rev. Robt., Silver st Thompson William, land surveyor and agt., & stamp office, Newgt. st Thornton Thomas, solicitor. South terrace Trotter William, clerk to the union & superiutendent registrar. Back Bondgate Todd Mrs. Mary, South ter Tuke Henry, bank agent, Mkt. pi Waggitt John, cowkeeper, Mkt. pi Wilds Ann, lodgings, Market place CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Academies Bainbridge Mary, Fore Bondgate Bowness Dorothv, High Bondgate British^ Thos. Hawkyard, Newgt. st Bumstead Misses T. & C, Back Bondgate Dove Thos.. Newton, (Barrington) Market place Dove Richd., Flintoff st Grammar, South terrace, Rev. Robt Thompson, Jph. head master, and J. Colling, assistant In/ant, Jane Lambert, South Churcl: National, (Girls) Anne Reynolds Silver st 1 TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 535 , Attornies. Bowser Richard, Market pi. Hepple William, Market pi. Trotter & Hodgsoc, clerks to Ma- gistrates, Back Bondgate Auctioneers, <&c. Middlewood John, & Sheriffs officer, Newgate st. Shanks William, & sec. to Gas, Co., Newgate st. Bakers <& Flour Dealers. Dalton Geo., Fore Bondgate Nevison Sarah, Market pi. Smith John, Yorkshire Flour Ware- house, Fore Bondgate Wilkinson Isabella, Newgate st. Banks. Backhouse J. & Co., Market place, (draw on Barclay, Bevan and Co.,) Henry Tuke, agent Savings, Bank, Silver street, open Thursday, from I to 2 Noon, Rev. Matthew Chester, sec, and Wm. Thompson, assistant Blacksmiths. Adamson Robert, Durham road Dodds George, Fore Bondgate Garry William, Back Bondgate Gill Thomas, Market pi, Powell Robt. & Geo., Newgate st. Booksellers, Printers, Sec. Braithwaite Matthew jun., & binder, Market pi. Fair Peter, Market pi. Hollis Joseph, Newgate st. Boot <& Shoe Makers. Allan Wm., Mkt. pi. & Newgate st. Bilton Thomas, Back Bondgate Bradford John, Newgate st. Campbell William, South Church Coulson John, Newgate st. Dent Thomas, Wear Chare .Duff Joseph, Market pi. Elwin John, Newgate st. Featliarston Joseph, South Church Garry James, Fore Bondgate Greear Robert, Market pi. Hudspeth John, Fore Bondgate Longstaff Robert, Newgate st. Longstaff Robert, jun., Newgate st. Mc Millan James, Back Bondgate Maw John, Silver st Parkin Thomas, South Church Powton George, Newgate st. Rhodes John, Newgate st. Smith William, Back Bondgate Brass Founders. Snaith Thomas, Newgate st Welford & Hines, Newgate st Brasiers and Tinplate ^Vkrs. Brown James, Fore Bondgate Snaith Thomas, Newgate st Welford & Hines, Newgate st Wouldhave Wm., Newgate st Brewers and Maltsters. Bainbridge John Hall, Market pi Hall John, Fore Bondgate Lawson J. & Co., South Church Bricklayers. ***/S^e Stone Masons, Brick and Tile Makers. Adey Matthew, South Church Brown John, Broom place Butchers, Bellerby Chpr., Newgate st. Dewell John, Newgate st. Dibbs William, Fore Bondgate Dobson Robert, Durham road j h. Newgate st. Fell Matthew, Newgate st. Fell Ralph, Fore Bondgate Fletcher Thomas, Newgate st Furby John, Fore Bondgate Gill Ingram, Newgate st. Heslop Charles, Newgate st. Jewitt Josiah, Newgate st. Salkeld Robert, High Bondgate Smirk John, Newgate st. Todd John, Market pi. Walton Henry, Back Bondgate Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers. *#* See Joiners 8f Builders. Carpet Manufacturers, Monkhouse, Johnson, & Co., High Bond gate o36 BISHOP AUCKLAND DIRECTORY. Coal Owners. Backhouse Edmund, Black Boy Colliery, South Church, Christo- pher Walton, agent Me. Lean Daniel Woodhouse, Close Colliery Peacock John Wood, Market pi. Pease Jph., jun. & Co., Adelaide's Colliery, South Church, Robert Garbutt agent Confectioners* Easton Ann, Market place Rutherford J as., Newgate st Coopers. LongstafF George, Back Bondgate Longstaflf William, Fore Bondgate Pinder Thomas, Newgate st Robson Thomas, Market place Corn Millers. Fletcher William, South Church Brownbridge William, West Mill Marley Thomas, Market place and Garnless Mill Carriers & Iieather Cutters, Maw George & Son, Wear Chare & Market place Salkeld George, Market place; h. South Church Walton William Harris, Market pi Wilkinson George, Newgate st PruggistSo Davison Robert, Market pi Hetherington Jph., Newgate st Hull Thomas, Newgate st Jopling Thomas, Market pi Robinson Joseph, Market pi Thompson Robert, Fore Bondgate Wilkinson Thomas, and oil mer chant, Newgate st Dyers- Featherston John, Market place Morgan Catherine, Greatgate Fire and Xiife Offices. Leeds & Yorkshire, Matth. Braith- waite. Market pi. Norwich Union, Peter Fair, Mkt.pl Phoenix, (Fire) Hy. Tuke, Mkt. pi Royal Farmers and General, Henry Tuke, Market pi Gardeners. Dodds Wm., nursery and seedsman, Clarence cottage Gibson Walter, Durham road Calvert Thomas, Wear chare Sibbald Robert, Market pi Crlass, China, & Erthwr. Blrs. Gill Thomas, Market pi Kipling James, Newgate st Kipling Lionel, Newgate st Grocers. Davison Robert, Market pi Davison Robert, Newgate st Elwin John, Fore Bondgate Hutchinson Jas., funeral furnisher and parish clerk, Newgate st. Hull Thomas, Newgate st Janson John Dixon, Newgate st JopliDg Thomas, Market pi Lawson Robert, South Church Love William, Market pi Fawton Ralph, Newgate st Peverell Henry, South Church Powell Robert, Fore Bondgate Robinson Joseph, Market pi,; h. High Bondgate Thompson Robert, Newgate st Turner Robert, Newgate st Wade I'hos. L., Newgate st Wilkinson Thomas, Newgate st Hair Bressers. Adair Richard, Newgate st Blades William, Newgate st Smith Jesse, Fore Bondgate Hatters* Angus John, Market place Ord George Miller, Market place Robinson James, Market place Hosiers & Haberdashers. Bowness George, Newgate st Donaldson John, Newgate st Hotels, Inns, and Taverns. Angel, John Thompson, Market pi Bay Horse, Oswald Pearson, Fore Bondgale Black Horse, Michael Longstaflf, Newgate st Board, J.Hall Bainbridge, Mkt. pi Board, Jph. Manners, Blue row 11 TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 537 Coach & Horses, Thomas Preshans, Market place Coach & Horses, Thomas Hedley, South Church Cross Keys, Jas. Graham, South Ch. Crown & Anchor, Elizabeth Furby, South Church Dun Cow, Henry Salkeld, High Bondgate Engine Inn, Jph. Lawson, Sth. Ch. Golden Fleece, J. Hall, Fore Bndgt. Grey Horse, Joseph Iceton, Mkt. pi Hare & Hounds, J. Proud, Mkt. pi King's Arras, Cuth. Morson,Mkt. pi Masons Arms, John Peacock, New- gate stree Malt Shovel, Elizabeth Simpson, Newgate street Queen's Head, Eliz. Brownbridge, Market place Red Lion, Jane Cockerton,Newgt.st Shepherd's Inn, Wm. Hall, Fore Bondgate Sportsman's Inn, Thomas Robson, Marketplace Talbot Inn, J. S. Seaward, Mkt. pi. Three Blue Bells, George Powton, Newgate st Three Blue Bells, Mark Musgrave, South Church Three Tuns, Jane Longstaff, Fore Bondgate Three Tuns, Washington Smirk, Newgate st Tiger, Elnr. Thompson, Fore Bngt. Tile Sheds Inn, M. Scevel, Broom pi Turf Hotel, John Hay, Newgate st Wheat Sheaf, Charles Addison, Fore Bondgate White Lion, G. Bellerby, Newgt. st Beer Houses, Andell John, High Bondgate Binks Thomas, Market place Brown Joseph, High Bondgate Dinsley Henry, Wear chare Dixon William, South road Dodsworth James, Broom place Parkin Thomas, South Church Rowels John, High Bondgate Trotter Christopher, Newgate st Ironmongers* Kilburn Thomas, Newgate st Powell Robt. & Geo., Newgate st Snaith Thomas, and brass founder, Newgate st Wei ford & Hines, Newgate st Iron and Tinplate Merchant. Kilburn Nicholas, nail & chain, & proprietor of the Soho iron ware- house, Newgate st Joiners and Builders* Marked * are Cabinet Makers, also. *Braithwaite Matthew, Durham rd *Edgar Wm., Mkt.pl,; h. Silver st *Heslop Robert, Back Bondgate Jewitt Thomas, Newgate st *Morson Cuthbert, Market place Nelson Robert, Market place Pattison & Walton, Newgate st Pearson Oswald, Fore Bondgate *Preshous Christopher, Newgate st Snowdon Thomas, Fore Bondgate Libraries. Braithwaite Matthew, jun., Mkt. pi Fair Peter, Market place Linen Manufacturer. Nevison John, Greatgate Linen and Woollen Drapers- Ambler & Hammond, Newgate st Angus John, Market place Dakers & Emmerson, Market place Love William, Market place Robinson James, Market place Watson Cuth., and hatter, Newgt. st Maltsters. *^* See Brewers, Marine Store Dealers- Bowness Thomas, Newgate st. h. High Bondgate Donaldson John, Newgate st Milliners and Dress Makers. Airey Jane, Newgate st Craggs Margaret, Newgate st. Cutomin Hannah, Newgate st Curry Isabella, Marketplace Rtherington Ann, Fore Bondgate Featherstone Ann, Market place Greener Alice, South terrace Herons M. & M., Back Bondgate Rowling & Tate, Fore Bondgate Taylor Mary, Newgate st 2z 2 538 BISHOP AUCKLAND DIRECTORY. Painters and Glaziers* Edwards Thomas, Market place Johnson William, Newgate st Fallister Thomas, Fore BonJgate Thompson John, Silver st Walton Thomas, Newgate st Wilson Avery, Back Bondgate Patten and Clog Maker. Butterfield Cphr., Fore Bondgate Plumbers, g establishment. North villa Infant Schools, 63 Bondgate, Mary Buckton Feethams, Sarah Linney & Bridge st., Ann Tate Kelsey Eleanor, 16 King st. *Miller Miss, Grange road National aScAoo/,. (Trinity), Commer- cial St. Horace Armstrong and Mary Wilson, & Lead yard, John Arrowsmith Storey and Ruth Dowell Stevenson Wm., ct. 8 High row; h. Northgate Stockton Mary, 7 Union row Tennant Henry, 30 Albion st. TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 549 Architects- Dixon Thos», Bakehouse hill; h. SHarewood grove Middieton John, 85 Bondgate Attorneys- Allison George, 9 Bondgate; h. Cockerton lane Bowes Thomas, 19 Houndgate ; h. 5 Harewood grove Horner Thos., 4 Post House wynd ; h. 5 High ter. Mewhurn, Hutchinson & Mewhurn, 13 Horse market Mewhurn Thos. M., Market pi.; h. 6 Blackwellgate Ornsby Hy. Wm. 34 Blackwellgate ; h. 6 Paradise ter. Myers William, Chancery lane ; h. North terrace Peacock John Shields, and clerk to Magistrates, 8 High row ; h. Northgate Robinson Thomas, 21 Commercial St. h. Cockerton Rymer William, 36 Bondgate Simpson Thomas, 8 High row; h. Blackwellgate Steavenson Addison Thomas, 40 Priestgate ; h. 1 Harewood hill Auctioneers 8c Appraisers. Bowman Thomas, Archer Cottage, ConisclifFe lane Frank Edward, Victoria street Robinson John, 40 Blackwellgate Watson Thomas, commercial agent, and paper merchant. Grange rd. Bakers. Cansick Thomas, Park st. Proven Isabella, 28 Union st. Robinson John, 89 Northgate Watson Elizabeth, Watson's yard Banks. Backhouse & Co., 27 High row, (draw on Barclay, Bevan, & Co.,) Thos. Charles Shephaid, cashier Darlington District Joint Stock Banking Co., Prospect pi., (draw on Barclay, Bevan, & Co.,) A. Dinsdale, manager National Provincial Bank of Eng- land, 25 High row, (draw on Lon- don and Westminster,) Thomas Mc Lachlan, manager Savings Bank, Public Buildingsopen Monday 12 to I noon, & Sat. 6 to 7 evening, John Harris, actuary Basket Makers. Billam Henry, 60 Skinnergate Brotherton Alice, 38 Blackwellgate Jackson Wm., dealer, 17 Clay row Jameson Francis, Mill bank Baths (^^arm and Cold.) Baker John, 59 Northgate Blacksmiths. Hedley Robert, ^^ Priestgate Malthouse George, .33 Tubwell row Pattison William, Clay row Smith John, 14 Tubwell row Thompson Robert, ct. 21 Bondgate Walton & Lightfoot, King's Head yd Whftelhouse William, 10 Northgate Bleacher. Toulmin Edward, North road Bookslrs., Binders, & Stationers. Marked * are Printers, and f have Circulating Libraries, *Coates and Farmer, 8 High row *Harrison George, 3 Horse market *Manley John, Bondgate Marsh John, birider only, 17 Bondgt *f Oliver William, lithographic and copper plate printer, and music seller, 2 Market pi *f Readman John, 9 Prebend row Sans Joseph, 10 Prebend row f Stockdale George, 32 Priestgate Walters George, 23 High row Boot and Shoe Makerso Marked * are Dealers only. Barker Ralph, 1 Prebend row Bell George, J 2 Regent st Bell John, 2 Bondgate Bell Robert, 1 Houndgate *Bowron Margt., 10 Blackwellgate *Braithwaite George, 8 Priestgate Britton Robert, 19 Tubwell row Brownless John, 89 Bondgate 31 550 DARLINGTON DIRECTORY. Burn George, 42 Skinnergate Dent John, 9 Union st Dixon Robert, 4 Northgate Dodds William, Watson's yard Dodds William, 34 Northgate Dodsworth Thomas, Park st *Domville John, 13 Albion pi Doughty James, Silver st Dunning Robert, ct. 8 High row Elcoate Thomas, 31 Skinnergate Fowler Henry, 17 Freeman's pi Freer Reuben,? Wellington pi Gale Matthew, 20 Post House wynd Gibson Henry, 13 Priestgate Grey William, 5 Horse market Hardy William, 3 Deanery Harrison John, 14 Pump st Herbert William, 88 Bondgate Hindle Joseph, 5 Union st. Hutchinson John, Town Hall Leeming Robert, 21 Priestgate Lumley Richard, 17 Upper Cmrcl. st Marwood John, Clay row Milburn Edward, Park st Pearson William, Chapel st • Pomfret and Simpson, 33 High row Richardson Joseph- ?3 Tubwell row Richmond Thos,, C5 Commercial st Robinson John, 1 Wellington pi Robinson Wm., ct. 28 Tubwell row Robinson William, 4 Skinnergate Robinson William, 15 Union st Smith Christopher, 16 Archer st Smith James, 30 High row Sterenson Michael, Chapel st *Stobbart Ann, 9 Skinnergate Thompson Peter, 9 Priestgate Todd Robert, 14 Skinnergate Towler Samue], 8 Post House wynd Tyson David, 50 Northgate Waller John, 18 Post House, wynd Ward John, Carters row Watson John, 23 Northgate Watson John, 23 Skinnergate Watson Thomas, ct. 10 Skinnergate Wilson John, 22 Blackwellgate Young Thomas H., 40 Northgate Braziers and Tin Fiate Workers. Johnson Edward, 39 Blackwellgate Martin Christopher, 41 High row Mowbray John, ct. 10 Skinnergate Ogilvie James, 13 Bondgate Russell William, 24 Blackwellgate Storrow George, 6 Tubwell row Tweddell John, 7 Blackwellgate Brewers, Forster Joseph, 13 High low Hinde George, 18 Horse market Potts George, ct. 13 Blackwellgate Brick and Tile Makers. Oxendale Thomas, 10 Paradise ter W^ alters William, Bank top Walton William, Freeman's place, Brick and Tile sheds Bricklayers and Builders. Boyd Thomas, Clay row Bulmer Jeffery, 4 Skerne place Carter George, East terrace Garbutt — Garbutt's square Hurworth David, 13 Archer st Kipling John, 55 Bondgate Naylor Henry, 10 Silver st Priestman John, 2 Arden st Robson Thomas and VVilliam, 14 and 1 I Queen street i Taylor John. 5 Deanery Watson Christopher, Church st Watson Joseph, 49 Bondgate White Thomas, 17 Backhouse sq Brush Maker* Lear John, 6 Horse market Butchers. Atkinson Ralph, 9 Northgate Best James, Mill bank Bowser John, 10 Upper Comrcl. st Clark John^ 9 Blackwellgate Clark William, 69 Northgate Coates John, 28 Northgate Crawford Thomas, 2 Brunswick st Dixon W^illiam, and game dealer, 54 Skinnergate Downs Hodgson, 11 Wellington pi Dryden Leonard, Park st Edmondson John, 14 Tubwell row Flowers George, 17 Tubwell row Glendening George, 19 Clay row Hammond John, 61 Skinnergate Hall Peter, East terrace Hinde Perkins, 10 Bakehouse hill Horner Thomas, Bridge end March Joshua, 17 Bondgate Middleton Michael, Chapel st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 551 Pigg Thomas, 12 Tubwell row Bobinson John, Clay row Robinson John, 93 Northgate Sterzel William, 35 Blackwellgate Stockdale Robert, 98 Bondgate Strickland Henry, 5 Priestgate Suggett John, Carters row Taylor Thomas, 7 Skerne place Theakson Francis, a ad farmer, 6 Union row Thompson George, 7 East st Thompson William, 56 Northgate Thompson Stephen, Lister's bldngs Tutin Thomas, 92 Northgate Tutin William, 18 Skinnergate Walker George, 65 Skinnergate Wetherell Richard, 25 Clay row Woodhouse John, 19 Post Hs. wynd Wrightson John, Bank top Cabinet Makers. Marked * Upholsterers also. * Doddsand Robson, 9 High row * Dunn Ralph, 25 Blackwellgate ; h. 71 Northgate * Hall Thomas, 28 Blackwellgate Hindle James, 48 Bondgafe Hindle Joseph, 77 Bondgate Hogg William, & clock case, Post House yard Kipling John, Wellington place *Lithgo Robt., 5 Northumberland st *Peverley William, 108 Bondgate Pigg John, 26 Tubwell row *Spencer George, 12 W^ellington pi Spencer TH^mas, 25 Blackwellgate Teasdale Jas., Siubb'syard, High rw •Thompson John, 3 High row Carpet Manufacturers. Kipling John & Francis, Northgate Carver and Gilder. Martin Edward James, High row Cheesemongers. *#• See Bacon Factors. Coach Builders 8c Harness lYIkrs. Carlton Stephen, 14 Priestgate • h. 4 High ter Harrison John, 17 Commercial st Martin Richard, 5 Commercial st Walton Benjamin, Bridge end Wilkinson & Horner, 16 Cmrcl. st Coal Owners and Merchants. Adelaide's, South Durham, and St. Ellen's Colliery office, 83 North- gate, Alex. Cockin, agent Black Boy and West Auckland Col- liery office, Conlscliffe lane, Rchd. Carter, agent York and Newcastle Railway Co's. depot. Bank top, George S. Hall, agent Peacock John Wood, 6 High ter Stockton and Darlington Railway Co*s. depot. North road, G. and J. S. Lightfoot, agents Coffee Houses. Hutchinson John, Albert st Johnson Barbara, 7 Church row Longstaff William, 31 Priestgate Oliver Margaret, Punch's coffee rooms, & private hotel, 2 Mkt. pi Coffee Roaster. Froggitt William, 40 High row Confectioners. Dodgfon Timothy, 91 Bondgate Heron William, 6 Prospect pi Jackson William, 17 Clay row Porter James, 29 Post House wynd, & refreshment room, Great North of England Railway Station Shavgold Jane, 15 Blackwellgate Siokes David, 30 Post House wynd Spence Hannah, 6 Bondgate Thompson Isabella, 5 Blackwellgate Coopers. Billam Henry, 60 Skinnergate Brotherton Alice, 38 Blackwellgate* Charlton Thomas, 16 Tubwell row Dresser Cuthbert, 21 Post House wnd Robson William, Bridge st Corn Merchants. Appleton Richard, 45 High row Dawson Thomas, 7 Skinnergate Johnson John, 8 Ard(ui st Kendall Robert, 36 High row Lonsdale, Thompson, & Sou, 8 Pre- bend row Peacock John W^ood, 6 High ter Pollard Edmund, Norlhgt, bridge Robson John, 4 Silver st Sutherland George, 80 Bondgate Thompson John, 11 Nrthmbrlnd.pl Wood James, Pump st 552 DARLINGTON DIRECTORY. Corn Bliilers TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 657 Casey Patrick, Bank top Chalton George, 13 Clay row Clyde William, 58 Skinnergate Comes George, 45 Skinnergate Cooper Ann, 39 Skinnergate Deacon Richard, 1 Brunswick st Elwin Thomas, 38 Bondgate Emery Joseph, 3 Skerne pi Eskin Thomas, 13 Upper Cmrcl. st Footitt Ann, 24 Northgate Foster Thomas, Bank top Fox Elizabeth, Bank top Gatenby Thomas, 40 Albion st Glendening George, 19 Clay row Hobson Robert, 62 Skinnergate Hodgson Henry, 47 Bondgate Hutchinson John, Albert st Kay Jane, 30 Ncrthgate Kingo William, 40 Northgate Kirton John, 7 Blackvvellgate Law Geo.,& cowkpr.,'20 Skinnergt. Leeming John, 21 Priestgate Longstaff Ann, 28 Priestgate Musket Mary, 8 Commercial st Outhwaite James, 71 Northgate Pigg Henry, 33 Skinnergate Richardson Hannah, Park st Richardsou Joseph, 23 Tubwell row Rielly Patrick, 16 Brunswick st Robson Mary Ann, 37 Skinnergate Rossman Christopher, Clay row Rutledge George, 34 Tubwell row Scollick Jonathan, 63 Skinnergate Shutt James, 58 Bondgate Simpson John, 41 Blackwellgate Temper Mark, 9 Clay row Taylor John, 5 Deanery Thistlethwaite Hannah, 64Bondgt Thompson Francis, Bank top Thompson Geo., 16 Post Hs. wynd Tomlinson Math., 1 1 Post Hs. wynd Turnbull Ralph, Lister's Buildings Unthank Robert, 33 Priestgate Wallis Jonathan, 104 Bondgate Watson Christopher, jun.. Church st Watson John, 23 Skinnergate Watson Joseph, 49 Bondgate Watson Thomas, Chapel st Slater. Bowness Robert, 25 Archer st Soda Water <& Zimonad. Mfrs. Davison Wm. H., 12 Commercial st Mowbray John Hunter, 6 High row Taylor William John, 20 High row Stay Makers, Barnby Sarah, 7 High row Bowron Margaret, 10 Blackwellgt. Calvert & Charlton, 13 Freeman's pi Straw Hat Makers. Barton Elizabeth, 4 Deanery Bond Isabella, 79 Bondgate Brown & Longsbotham, 57 Sknrgt. Brown Mary, 4 Upper Commercl. st Bulmer Jane, 75 Skinnergate Cowle Isabella, Northgate Dawson My. Ann, 24 Post hs. wynd Forster Margaret, Bridge st Geldart Eleanor, 14 Post hs. wynd Gledden Hannah, 21 Bondgate Goldsburgh Ann, 35 Skinnergate Hobson Sarah A. & My.,6Wlngtn. s Jordon Mary, 34 Albion st Metcalfe Ellen, 37 Priestgate Simpson Magdalen, 31 Northgate Smith Harriet, Bakehouse hill Thompson Rachael, 1 6 Post hs. wynd Thompson Jane, 90 Northgate Watson Diana, 18 Northgate Watson Hannah, 3 Tubwell row Watson Mary Jane, Carters row Stuff Manufacturers. Fell Richard & Co., Railway mills Wilson Christopher, 51 Skinnergt. Wilson Matthew, 66 Skinnergate Surgeons. Fothergill John, 96 Bondgate Haslewood William, 73 Northgate Jackson Thos. Hayes, 19 Horse mkt Patton George, Northgate Piper Stephen Edward, 2 Grange rd Strother Arthur, 1 Paradise row Surgeon Dentist. Fothergill William, 72 Northgate Tailors and Drapers. Barras Thomas, 7 Priestgate Bowman Richard, 11 Northgate Brown Robert, 78 Northgate Campbell James, Park st Charlton William, 62 Bondgate Cutter John, ct. 13 Blackwellgt Dorm an John, 10 Clay row Elgie Robert, 8 Church row Fletcher Robert, 7 Archer st Furby John, 2 Priestgate Gowland Thomas, 5 Freeman's pi Hamilton George, ct. 95 Bondgate 3b 558 DARLINGTON DIRECTORY. Harker Thomas, 64 Northgate Hastwell Hutchinson, 26 Comrcl. st Hudson William, ct. 63 Skinnergt Kay William, 11 Silver st Laverick Thomas, 47 Northgate I/ear W^illiam, Chancery lane Littlefair Thomas, 12 Brunswick st Martin William, ct. 10 High row Moss Benjamin, 24 Union st Mountford William, 29 High row Kevison S. and A., 3 Horse mkt. Outhwaite James, 71 Northgate Oxley Joseph, Prospect yard Parkin John, 5 Northgate Robinson John, 22 Horse market Rymer Henry T., 25 Blackweilgt. Sidgwick William, East ter. Simpson Ralph, 4 Church row Stohbart John, 3 Priestgate Tate James, 29 Albion st. Thomas Joseph, Lislei's bldngs. Todd James, Chancery lane Tubbs Leonard, 35 Priestgate Walker George, 6 Skinnergate "Wallace Thomas, 40 Skinnergate Waller James, 13 Union st W^ailis Stephen, 9 Post House wynd "Watson Matthew, Church st Tallow Chandlers, Kay John, 31 Priestgate Lightfoot Wm., 27 Northgate Short Major, Catericks yard Tanners. Child Eliz. & Sons, & fellmonger, 22 Ciay row Dove James, 16 Clay row j h. 1 Paradise ter Middleton Geo. & Sons, & fellmon- gers& glue mnfrs., 15 Clay row Tea Dealers. See also Grocers. Gibson Geo., (wholesale), Bondgt.j h. Hur worth Cottage Wilson Ellen, 15 High row Tea Dealers and Drapers, Trvlng. Harked * are Drapers. ♦Brunton George, 3 Clay row Bygate William, 10 Bowes st Coates John, 20 Archer st Carruihers W^m., 8 Queen st ♦Forster Thomas, Bridge st Graham Oavid, 17 Albion pi Graham W^ilJiam, 2 North ter *Hird Matthew, 3 Paradise row Longsbotkam David, 56 Skinnergt. Macadam Robert, 21 Northgate Macadam Wm,, the (excts. of) Al- bion bldngs.,Chas. Oliver, mngr» Metcalf Henry, 1 4 Brunswick st. Moss Thos., 15 Upper Cmrcl. st Nicholson Rt., 37 Brunswick st Patterson Alex., 3 Union st Reid John, 1 Bowes st Timber Merchants. Laidler Thomas, Union row j h. 26 King st Milner Rd., Union st; h. 7 Bondgt* Oxendale Chpr., 10 Paradise ter Tobacco Manufacturers. Baker & Cooper, 17 Biackweilgate Tobacco Pipe Makers. Furniss Wm.Jun ,54 Bundgate Skelton Thomas, 109 Bondgate Toy Dealers. Coulson Thos., 6 Post House wynd Dresser Jonathan, 4 Prospect pi Gowlaud Ambrose, 7 Prebend row Hutchinson John, 19 Bondgate Simpson Thomas, 80 Northgate Trunk Makers. Birtell William, 13 Tubwell row Hildreth VYm., 10 Tubwell row Turners and Chair Makers. Clark James, 107 Bondgate Coulson Thos., 6 Post House wynd Kirton Geo., Post House yard Veterinary Surgeons. Cleaver John, 4 Paradise row Flintoff Edward, 9 Arden st. Phillips Edw., Post House wynd Walker Geo., farrier, 25 Skinnergt. "Watch and Clock Makers. Marked * are Jewellers Sf Silversmiths *Binks Anthony, }6 Biackweilgate *Harris()n John, 4 High row Hutchinson John, 19 Bondgate *John3on Robert, 35 High row f TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 55^ Myers Richard, 102 Bondgate Piikington John, Park st Thompson Co verdale,ct. 8 High row , Wheelwrights, Baister William, Clay row- Potter Thomas, 94 Bondgate Whitesmiths and Bell Hangers. Bell Caleb, 6 Arden st Harrison Samuel, Park st Ridley John, 1 1 Union st Stokes Moses, 25 Post house wynd Walton Benjamin, ct. 8 High row Wray William & Joseph, and patent axle makers, 13 Tubwell row "Wine and Spirit Merchants. Bunkton John, 18 High row Dobson Thos., 70 Skinnergate; h. 13 Paradise ter. Foster Joseph, 13 High row; h. 8 Harewood Hill Heslop Robert, 8 Paradise row Hird Christopher, 7 Houndgate Kendall Robert, 36 High row Plewes & Birchall, 5 Houndgate Steains Frederick, 24 High row Todhunter & Milner, Union st Wilson Geo» J., 81 Northgate Worsted Spinners, Fell Richard & Co., Railway Mills Pease Hy.& Co., High & Low Mills COAGHSS. Barnard Castle, The Nonpareil from the Sua Hotel, at 8 Morning daily, Sunday excepted, and an Om- nibus at 5 Evening daily, Sunday excepted, and from the Pack Horse an Omnibus, Mon., Tues., Thur. & Sat., at 5 Evening. Penrith, via Barnard Castle, The Royal Mail, from the Kings Head Inn, at 9 Morning daily Railway Conveyance. Newcastle, York, DarUngtony Sfc, Hallway Station^ Bank top, Thomas Waldie, Station master Stocliton, Darlington, Bishop Auck- iandy^c, Railway Station, Head of Northgate, George Stephenson, su perintendent Omnibuses leave the various Inns about 15 minutes before the arrival and departure of each train. For other particulars see the Monthly Time Tables, published by the Companies, and may be had at the Stations. Carriers to all Parts of tiis king- dom by Railway, From the Stockton and Darlington Railway Station, head oj Northgate, York and Newcastle Railway Co., Samuel Jordan, agent Stockton and Darlington Rail- way Co., Elias Smith, agent Carver & Co., Elias Smith, agent Deacon & Co., Richd. Imeson, agt Pickford & Co., Titas Parker, agt Wilson Ann& Son, J.Wallace, agt Carriers from the Inns. Brough, William Rudd, Skinner- gate, tues. and fri. (7o6/t/i6^W, Slain drop and Ingleton, from the Sun Hotel ; Rd. Thornton, mon. wed. and fri. Barnard Castle, from the Boot and Shoe, William Shaw, mon. from the Turk's Head ; John Pratt and Co., tu. & fri., from the Railway Tavern, Geo. White, mon. thur. & sat.; and Mary Harrison, mon, and — ;Monk- house, tu. and fri.; William Rudd, Skinnergate; tues. and fri. Gillin, from the Black Bull, — Rodham, mon. Kendala, Wm. Rudd, Skinnergate, tu. and fri. Newcastle^ G eorge Whi te, by Rails Penrith, Wm. Rudd, Skinnergate, tues. & fri. Redworth, from the Hat and Fea- ther, Thomas Bell, monday Richmond, Beadle, Ripon ^ Leeds, Matthew Tomlinson, 1 1 Post House wynd mond.& thur., Edw. Pilkmg- 30 Bondgate, daily Staindrop, form the Turks Head, Wm. Walker, mon., wed. & fri. Stockton, Edward Piikington, 30 Bondgate, daily Thirsk, John Heslop, 44 Skinner- gate, mon. Yarm, from the Hat & Feather, James Smith, mon. o 00 ^ Q O Eh O 12^ O m W o 1-5 O o fa O >f5 O O O O O Oi 05 Ol ^ Ti4 Ti* o 6 m" 2 c^ OS §l|ti la «-?- p F in C-tN t>oooo •^■^■^^'^ Ti^oot^ t^ t^ t>tN.Goa5 g 1:^ ^ ^Sil .*j ••-< .i-« 2 aJ d •flic t:jO =i o fl 2 3 &* cd '^'" o- 2 W'TJ c: a5 o O « . r; is ^ CO O * 'O „ fl fl -c« S O O <5 S .;h^.^ o a "s o "T o S3 o 25 '1. .S e o £ -3 . I O "S) hi a o 5l to :=: W3 O '^ d •■•a fi^ 51 ©.2 spa, 0*3 Tc WPH a o DARLINGTON DIRECTORY. 561 Acting Magistrates. Rev. William S, Temple John H. Aylmer, Esq. Henry C. Blackett, Esq. H. P. Smith, Esq. Robert Henry Allan, Esq. William Allan, Esq. R. M. Dinsdale, Esq. Sir W. R. Carter Chaytor, Bart. Rev. John Swire R. S. D, R. Roper, Esq. John Arrowsmith, Esq. Samuel Smithson, Esq. George John Scurfield, Esq. John S. Peacock, clerk Petty Sessions are held every Monday at the Police Court, Grange road, Anthony Robson, superinten- dent, of police and Thomas Finkle, sergeant. Stamp Office, 81 Northgt., George J. Wilson, distributor New Public Buildings, Horse mkt. is a large and elegant structure, erected by a number of sharehold- ers in 1846 and 7, at a cost of about £6000, and contains the Mechanics Institution and liibrary, the Sub- cription Library, the News Room, Dispensary, Savings Bank, Bible Repository, Gas Company's & seve- ral other oflices, a large Committee Room, and a large Room to be let for public purposes, John Middle- ton, Esq,, architect; Kipling and White, builders Newcastle^ Darlington, York, §- O 30 o o L-> o »o ^ '0 1 »*» Tj« •-• ri CS T*< CC p- CO CO o< —• ?2» 2 j^oco«o«C',o CO CD Oi Oi Oii> a • fe5 s^^2;5.^ § S:2^^S;2 : t) . t> l> t> l^ 05 C5 O O 00 O • «0 30 O to 00 O «(5 «r5 >o »o o o SrHCOn^Tt^uO rM CO OO ; .. CO ^ii5uO»0«t)0 CO 1>QC00XCCX • '*(N'^0*0 c«Ovno«c> y . 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Nathaniel, (\Vesleyan), Sunderland st Anderson John, Esq., Houghton Hall Angles Geo., tailor, Newbottle lane Appleby Mr. Jonathan, Sunder- land st Appleby William, vict., Maltsters Arms, Market pi Appleton Rd., shopkpr., Hill side Archbold Wm., clerk to the Union superintendent registrar, clerk to Magistrates, agent to Newcastle Fire & Annuity Ins. Association, and Sun Life Office, Sndrlnd. st Armstrong Paul, confectioner and shopkeeper, Church st Atkinson Collin Watson, shoemkr., Newbottle lane Atkinson Thos., shoemaker, New- bottle lane Balmer John, drpr., Sunderland st Baxter William, police sergeant, Sunderland st Bee Geo., schoolmstr., Sndrlnd. st Bell John, surgeon, Quality hill Bell Mrs. Mary, Quay Bellerby Thos. frmr., Sndrlnd. st Binks Arthur, vict. White Lion Hotel, Sunderland st Binks Math.,potatoe dlr.,Sndrld.st Binks Thos., joiner, Market pi Bone John, tailor & draper, New- bottle lane Booth Benjamin, assistant draper, SunderJand st Bowden George, grocer and draper, Newbottle lane Bradley William, excise officer, Sun- derland st Briggs Wra., tlor.,Rainton bridge Bromley Wm., brewer »Sc maltster, Newbottle lane Brown Hannah, straw hat maker, Market pi Brown Mgt., shopkpr., Sndrlnd. st Brown Mr. Thomas, Market pi Bulmer Rev. John, M. A., Second Master, Kepier Grammar School Burn Jacob Dixon, tailor & draper, Sunderland st Burne Robert Thomas, chemist and druggist, Sunderland st Burnett Eliz., ladies schl., Sndrld. si Burnett Mr. Jas., Sunderland st Calbraith Mrs. Ann, Sndrlnd. st Calbraith George^ teacher Grammar School, Quay Carr Mrs. Jane, Newbottle lane Carr Chpr. Cooper, Church st Carter Wm., butcher. Hill side Cawdell Miss Mary Ann, Quality hl# Cawthorne Fred., actneer. Sndrld. si Chapel Wm., coal dlr., NewbtL lano Charlton John, auctioneer & dyer, Newbottle lane Coates Wm., frmr., Newcastle lane Cook C. & J., spade & shovel manu- facturers, Newbottle lane Cook Jph., spade & shovel manfr. j h. Hill side Cook Nicholas, blacksmith, Mkt. pi Coulson Thos., bookseller & con- fectioner, Sunderland st HOUGHTON-LE-SPRING DIRECTORY. 575 Craggs Stephen, boot & shoe mkr., Sunderland st Crofton Wm., shoemkr., Church st Crowe Miss Eliz , Market pi Curry Harris, painter and glazier, Quality Ilill Davison John, tailor, Market pi Davison Jph., shopkpr,, Market pi Davison Thos., blacksmith & grcr., Newhottle lane Dickson Mrs. Eliz., ladies school, Market pi Dixon Dorothy, school, Sndrlnd. st Dixon Francis, grocer, flour & gen- eral dealer, Sunderland st Dobbing Rd., tailor, Newhottle lane Dobson John, grocer & corn mill- er, Market pi Dodgshon VVm., painter & glazier, Sunderland st Dawson Wm., joiner & cartwright. Church st Duncan Thomas, grocer & draper, Newhottle lane Dunn Math., mathematical teacher, Grammar School, Quay Dunn Philip Jas., Esq., Quay Earle Wm. & S., linen & woollen drapers, straw hat makers & milli- ners, Quay Elliott Mark, gent, Villa Elstob John, joiner & cabinet mkr. Sunderland st Elstob Jonathan, joiner & builder, Sunderland st Fairbairns Henry, Union master, Sunderland st Fenwick Bryan, corn mlr., Hill Mill Foss Eliz., schlmstrss., Newbtl.lane Fothergili Wm., sdler., Newbtl. lane Frankling Rev. William, curate. Church st Fraser Mrs. Margaret, Hill side Gardiner Edward, watch & clock maker, Quay Gibbon Edw. Blackwell, auctioneer, appraiser & general commission agent. Quality hill Gibbon Wm. B., auctnr., Church st Gibson Jacob, tailor and draper, Sunderland st Gibson Jcb.jun., talr., Sndrlnd. st. Gibson Jno., hr. dresser, Sndrlnd. st Gibson Thos., tailor, Sunderland st Good Rt.jbkr, & gcr., Newhottle In. Goodricke Mr. Wm., Market place Goodricke Wm.jun., Nesham Hall Academy, Church st. Gray Js. Jph., surgeon. Quality hill Grierson Margaret, straw hat mkr., Newhottle lane Hall John, boot & shoemaker, New- bottle lane Harrison Christopher, jun., vict., Black Lion, Sunderland st. Harrison Christopher, bricklayer and builder, Sunderland st. Harrison Mrs. Eliz., Quality bill Harrison John, tailor, Sunderlnd. st Harrison Mark, grocer, New Town Harrison Matthew, mason and brick- layer, Sunderland st. Hedley Wm., butcher, Sunderland st Henderson Jn., brckmkr., Nwbtle. In Henderson Rlph., shpkpr., Nbtle. In Henderson Rt., shmkr., Nbtle. lane Henderson Thomas, watch & clock maker, Sunderland st. Henderson William, butcher. New- bottle lane; h. Sunderland St. Heron William, grocer joiner, and cabinet maker, Newhottle lane Hewitson Thomas, National school master, Newhottle lane Hodgson Mary, milliner, Church st Hodgson Ralph, beerhs., Nwbtle. In Hopper Geo.jiron & brass fndr.,iron manufacturer, ironmonger, spade and shovel manufacutrer, and timber merchant, Sunderland st Horton John, vict. and blacksmith, George & Dragon, Market place Hutchinson Thos., tin plate worker Newhottle lane Ironside Miss Frances E., Qlty. hill James & Co., brewers, maltsters, and agents to the Yorkshire Fire Life office, Newhottle lane James Geo., wine & spirit merchant and post master, Newhottle lane James Robert, land agent, Nbtle. In James Robt., jun., chemist, druggist, and grocer, Newhottle lane Johnson John, tobacco pipe maker, New Town Johnson Thos. bk. bndr., New Town Johnson William, superintendent of police, Sunderland st Johnstone Jane, furniture broker^ Sunderland st. 576 HOUGHTON-LE-SPRING DIRECTORY. Kennicott Nathan, surgn., Sndrld. st Kirtley Wm., tailor, Sunderland st Laws Jane, vict., Ryl. Oak, Nbtle. In Laws Wilson, baker & flour dealer, Sunderland st Lawson David, -vict. and blacksmith, Mill Inn, Rain ton bridge Lawson George, school, Market pi Lee Mark, vict., Wht. Sheaf, Mk.pl Legge John, gntlmn., Sunderland st Legge John Robinson, solicitor, Sunderland st Legge Miss Sarah, Sunderland st. Legge Lewis Pattison&Co.,brewers, maltsters, and corn millers, Rain- ton Brewery ; h. Grove Leighton Wra,, hair dresser, and bell- man, Sunderland st Lewins Philip, shmkr., Market pi Liddell Anthony, malstr. Market pi Liddell Robert & Co., brewers and maltsters, Market pi Liddell R. vict., Red Lion, Church st Lonsdale Miss — Quay Lynn Thos., railway cntrctr., Hill sd Maddison George, chimney sweep, Hill side Makepeace Rt, sexton. Church yard Makepeace W., tailor, Newbottle In March Robert, butcher. Quality hill Minto John, vict., brewer & maltster, Lamb Inn, Newbottle lane Mitchell Miss Mary Ann, Church st Mitcheson Hy., butcher, Sndrlnd. st Mitcheson Geo., cartwright & joiner Sunderland st. Mitchinson Geo., currier & leather cutter, Newbottle lane Mair John, butcher. Market place Morrow Jn.,grcr. & drpr., Sundrld. s Morton Robert, printer, bookseller, and stationer. Quay Moses Isaac, farmer, Sunderland st. Nesham Ralph, blksmith.. Church st Nevison Mrs. Elizabeth, Sundrld. st North Hetton Colliery Co., Rainton bridge, John Robinson, agent Nowley Alex., vict. Queen's head, Sunderland st Outhwaite Jas., saddler, Sundrld. st Phillips Js., pntr. ealers. Appleton Richard, 107 High st Audus Francis, High st Charlton Thomas, 94 High st Cibson R. Ill High st. & New mill Gibson William, 32 Dovecot st Lax John, Mount pleasant Ledsham George, South Stockton Wren Thomas, and Sons, Old mill, and 28 High st Cotton Spinners, Thornaby Co., South Stockton ; Geo Cussons, managing partner Curriers <& I^eather Cutters. Jackson Richard, 27 High st Ord Richard and Son, and tanners, 113 High st Passman John, Smithfield Dentist. Ferguson Ralph Hodgson, 14 Cla- rence ter Druggists. Marked ^are Tea Dealers also, ♦Adamson William, 112 High st *Brayshay Wm. Bolam,36 High st ♦Dodshon John & Co. (wholesale and retail) 1 19; h. 144 High st *Hardcastle William, 2 Finkle st ♦Hodgson Edward, 105 High st Taylor Thomas, 30 High st *Wade Joseph, 130 High st Walker John, 59 High St.; h. Green 588 STOCKTON-UPON-TEES DIRECTORY. Cust William, 7 Castlegate Earthenware Manufacturers. Harwood T. & Co. Clarence Pottery Smith VVm. & Co. South Stockton Smith W, jun. & Co. North shr. Ptry Sating and Cofiee Houses. Dunbar James, 23 Dovecot st Riches Robert, 29 Dovecot st Ryder Sarah, 31 Dovecot st Watson Thomas, 5 High st Engraver, Chapman James, 13 Dovecot st Fire & Xilfe Offices. Agriculturist Cattle Ins., Thomas Wright, 15 Brunswick st Atlas, Chpr. Salmon, South st City of London, (Life), Jas. Read man, 66 High st Farmers & General, John Watson, 71 High st Farmers & Graziers Mutual Cattle, Thomas Jordison, 116 High st Globe,'A. W. Dobing, 9 Regent st Guardian, Hy. Howsin, 61 Westrw. Leeds, John Smith, 9 Church row London Corporation, W. W. Child, 3 Finkle st London Union, Thomas Wright, 15 Brunswick st North British, Thos. Hutchinson, 4 West row Norwich Union, Fras. Laidler, 124 High st Royal Exchange, Alfred Brady, 49 High st Sheffield, Rotherham & Chester- field, Thos. Jordison, 1 16 High st Standard, (Life), C. A. Wawn, 26 Silver st Sun, Thos. Appleby, 58 High st Yorkshire, E. Hodgson, 105 High st Flax Merchant. Walker R , 66 West row ; h. High st Game Dealer. Thornton Geo., 29 Silver st Glass, China & Earthenware Dealers* EUerker George, 1 Dovecot st Harrison John, Square Murray Rea, (glass cttr.),87 High st Wardle Chpr., 15 Bishop st Wright Wm., 18 Finkle st Glass Manufacturers. Tees Crown Glass Co., South Stock- ton, Jph. Scott, managing partner, and James Scott, agent Glue Manufacturer. Proctr Smul., Carol st; h. Prads.pl Grocers i& Tea Dealers. Allan Wm.,126 High st Applegarth Geo., 58 West row Bennington Wm. & Co., 39 High st Braithwaite Samuel, 1 1 Silver st Charlton Thomas, 9 4 High st Cole Vallans, 160 High st Crosby John & Co., whol. & ret., 106' High st Clephan & Son, 28 Silver st Close, Bowron & Co., Calvert st Dickinson Thos. Page, 56 High st Graham William, 20 High st Hanson Joseph, 63 High st Hunton Wm., 14 Church row Jordison Robert, 116 High st Kirk W. & Co,, High st ; h. King st Knaggs John, 20 Silver street Ledsham James, South Stockton Mills Thomas, & whol. si. 40 High st Pringle Henry, 65 Brunswick st Ranson Richard, 73 High st Robinson Matth.,57 Brunswick st Sanders, Weatherall & Co., whol., 6 Silver st Stonehouse Charles, 76 High st; h. Aycliffe Sydney John, 7 Finkle st Walker Henry, 129 High st Walker Jno. Robinson, 117 High st Willan James, South Stockton Wren Thomas, 25 High st Gun Maker. Cooper Geo., & cutler, 108 High st Hat Manufacturers & Dealers Marked * are Manufacturers » Ableson John, 38 High st Russell John, 37 High st Hosiers and Haberdashers. Brayshay Isab., & Berlin wool de- pot, 2 Dovecot st Howe Edward^ Park row TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 589 Wobster & Smith, worsted dealers, 114 High St West George, South Stockton Wheatley & Booth, & Berlin wool depot, 121 High st Wooler Joseph, 113 High st Hotels, Inns, and Taverns. A. D. Inn, Wm. Bowser, Quay side Baltic Tavern, Titus Higgin,Quy.sd Black Boy, Ed. Hudson, Bik. Boy st Black Lion Hotel, Benjamin Mur ray, 64 High st Blue Post, My. Skipsey 116 High st Board, Geo. AValton, 19 Bishop st Bolton House, George Thompson, 31 Thistle green Bridge Inn, Eliz. Ballantyne, South Stockton Britannia Inn, Jn. Leigh, South Stck Brown Jug Inn, Robert Cussons, Mount pleasant Brunswick Arms, R.Wilson, Yrm. In Buck Inn, Wilson Ward, 34 Silver st Castle and Anchor, Philip Palph raraand. Town hall Ciareuce Tavern, Thomas Simpson, 33 Commercial st Cleveland Inn, John Snaith, South Stockton Collingwood Inn, Ann Cummins, South Stockton Commercial Tavern, Thos. Dixon, Norton road Custom House Tavern, Ths. Snaith, 15 Finkle st Dun Cow, Jn. Fenney 1 Clarence tr Enterprize Inn, John Cowling, 12 Bishop st Fleece Inn, Han. Patrick, 29 Quay s George Inn, Eliz. Hornby 54 High s Golden Cup, J. Simpson, 24 Dvct. st Green Drgn., D. Henderson, Fnkl. st Green Tree, C. Gregory, i9 Rmgt. st Grey Horse, Jn. Gowland 86 High s Greyhound and Commercial Inn, Thomas Turner, 125 High st Half Moon, Jn. Dobson, 1 8 Church r Hambletonian Inn, Thomas Wil- kinson, 1 10 High st Locomotive Engine Inn, Jn. Brown, and horse breaker, Norton road Mariners Tavern, Jph. Smith, Cotg. r Masons' Arms, James Mellanby, 23 West low Nag's Head, Ths. Smith, 21 Dvect. s Oak Tree, M artha Watson, 1 9 High s Phoenix, Robert Todd 9 Clarence st Punch Bowl, W. Dawson, 3 Rmsgt. s Raby Castle, Mary Sudron, 7 Mari- time st Railway Tavern, Stephen Morris, Guisbro' road Red Lion, Geo. Todd, Ramsgate st Regent Inn, Rt. Watson, 1 3 Regent s Rokeby Hotel, William Holberry, South Stockton Ship, Jas. Skinner, Black Boy st Ship & Commercial Inn, Elizabeth Cowley, 115 High st Ship, Robert Kelly, South Stockton Ship Launch, Wm. Young, Quay sd Shoulder of Mutton, Geo. Fortune, 102 High st Spotted Cow, Thos. Lumley,Major st Spread Eagle, R. Riches, 29 Dvect. s Steam Packet, Robert Alderson, 10 Cleveland row Stork and Castle, George Manners, 66 Brunswick st Talbot Inn, John Ponitt, 9 High st Tees Inn, Geo, Garbutt, Quay ^ide Three Tuns, Rt. Ayre, 52 Thfstle gr Turf Hotel, T. Farthing, 18 John st Turks Head, Sh. Carter, 15 Clarnc. t Unicorn, Wm. Sugget, 72 High st Victoria Inn, Ann Brown, 98 High st Vane Arms Inn, J. Hunter, 61 Highs Weavers Aims, Rt. Eden, 18 West r Westmoreland Inn, Jph. Turnbull, 16 Silver st Wheat Sheaf, W. Sugget, 51 High st White Swan Inn, R. Moodv,34 H. s William IV. Rt. Halton,68 High s Beer Houses. Alderson Elizabeth, 9 Union st Allan Thomas, South Stockton Anderson John, South Stockton Bowman William, II Albion st Bradley Abraham, 10 Smitbfield Chapman Thomas, 28 West row Consitt Francis, Lodge st Davison Thos. South Stockton Gray John, 23 Silver st Grey Robert, South Stoclrton Kitchin Thomas, Norton road Laing John, Park row Robson R. 15 Commercial st Sanderson John, South Stockton 590 STOCKTON-UPON-TEES DIRECTORY. Stephenson William, Bishop st Surridge William, Smithfield Woodhouse Robert, South Stockton Iron Founders. Marked * are Engine Builders and Millwrights also, *Brown G. & Brothers, & manufac- turers of forged iron,&c. Portrack lane Iron Works *Fossick & Hackworth, Norton road MainwaringJohn,& cut nail manu- facturer, and flint grinder, Eagle Foundry, Skinner st Roger Robert, 37 West row; h. 3 Clarence ter *SkinaerChas. Henry, South Stock- tun J h. I Park ter Ironmongers. Allan William, 126 High st Farmer AVm. and Thos. 50 High st Hunter Thomas, 31 High st Kirtley John, 103 High street Smith and Hind, 44 High st Walker and Palmer, 41 High st Iron I^erchant- Hutchinson Thomas and Co. Yarm lane ; h. High st Joiners and Cabinet Makers. Marked * are Builders, andf Upholsterers, ♦ Armstrong Wm., H Regent st Best Martin, Castlgt; h. 8 Albn. st Clephan William, Queen st Colling John, 70 West row Cowper Richard, 17 Finkle st Dent Thomas, 6 Cleveland row *f Dickinson Geo. Cowell, Middle st Dixon Henry, 60 Brunswick st •Dobing Anthony, 122 High st *f Hunn & Taylorson, 92 High st Eshelby Wm., Smithfield *tForster Wm., 90 High st Gregory Benj., 12 Silver st.j h. 5 Bishop st •Hardy Robert, 2 Smith st *t Hewitt & Hey, 152 High st •Hudson Edward, 10 Finkle st Hudson W., Mason's ct. ; h. Cus- tom House ct. ♦Hunton Christopher, 3 North ter Hunton William, 14 Church row Leng William, West st Parkin Robert, 1 John st fRowntree John, Clarence ct. ; h. Castlegate j *Smith & Bage, Mill lane f Smith Joseph & Co., & corns, agls., i 21 High st j Sudron Wm., Little Brown st I Taylor Robert, 22 Castlegate j Unthank William, 17 High st j*Whorlton Thomas, 7 Regent st I Wilkinson Jas. & John, 56 West I rowi h. 4 Smith st Iiand agents. Marked * are Surveyors. Boynes Wm. Howston, Portrack In, Raysin Robert, 1 1 Finkle st *Reed Anthony, 1 Paradise row Richmond John, 30 Silver st Ijibraries, Firth Robert, 108 High st ! Mechanics, Mason's ct. Jph, Flock- ton, librarian Robinson William, 42 High st Iiinen & Woollen Drapers, Marked * are Hatters also, •Cass Robert, 46 High st Dixon George, 57 High st Eeles John, 55 High st Henderson Edward, 45 High st Maughan John, 70 High st •Watson John, 71 High st Watson, Wood, and Robinson, 48 High st Weldon George, 62 High st Weldon William & Co. 32 High st •White and Wilkinson, 47 High st Wooler Jph. (whl. & ret.) 1 1 3 H igh st ♦Wilson George, 52 High st.; h. 68 West row Iiodgings. Co wen Mary, Yarm lane Cust Margaret, 24 West row I Elgie Dorothy, 54 High st j Henderson Jane, 50 West row I Heslington Ann, 6 Smithfield I Hopkinson Sarah, Thompson st ! Kirtley Robert, 57 West row I Spark William, 1 Church row I TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 591 Stables Ann, 79 High st Stamp Ann, 21 Thistle green Swahvell Eliz., 64 Brunswick st Thompson Ann, 34 Thistle green Waine Eliz., 37 Skinner st Walton Mrs. Mary W., 17 Park row IVEarine Store Dealers Bainbridge W., & statnr., Calvert st Carter William, Quay side Coates & Co., Quay side Harrison John, Square Gates John, Quay side Wright William,*^18 Finkle st Master Mariners. Beswick William, Lodge st Campbell Wm.,36 Brunswick st Cook John, Lodge st Curchin John, Stamp st Devey Edward, South Stockton Devey Nathaniel, Yarm lane Elliott Edward, 70 Brunswick st Finlay James, 11 Smith st Fletcher George, Stamp st Gaudie George, Stamp st Hamshaw Joseph, 51 Brunswick st Humble John, West st Tnnes Wm., Black Boy st Mallenby Wm., 41 Brunswick st Ring John, I Middle st Rippon Nicholas, Stamp st Sherwood Wm., Ramsgate st Simpson Thomas, 11 Cleveland row Spence Andrew, Paradise pi Stamp J(>hn, Stamp st Thompson Charles, 7 Skinner st Trotter John, 9 Smith st Watson John, 166 High st Whitfield John, 6 Brunswick st Merchants, Close, Bowron,& Co., Calvert st Crosby John & Co., 1 06 High st Jordison Robert, 1 16 High st Lodge John, 66 West row Romyn & Co., Cottage row Sanders, Weatherall & Co. 6 Slvr. st Skinner George, South Stockton Tennant & Laidler, hemp and tar, Norton road Milliners and Dress Makers. Alderson Sarah, Quay side Atkinson Susan, 2 Johri st Ayre Martha, 5 Dovecot st • Bell Ann, 68 Brunswick st Brown Ann, 9 Park row Clappison Harriet, South Stockton Coward Elizabeth, 6 Dovecot st Dent Elizabeth, 5 Square Dove Mary Ann & Mgt., 7 Castle^rt. Elgie Jane & Mary Ann, 54 High st Elliott Eliz., Housewife lane Foulston Ann, 44 Thistle green Harrison Rachael, 12 Dovecot st Hawman Jane, Bishop st Kay Margaret, 32 Bishop st Lancaster Mary, West st Mallabar Elizabeth, 10 Middle st Manners Elizabeth, 15 Albion st Pallister Sarah, 12 Brunswick st Patterson Elizabeth, 40 Skinner st Randyll Jane, 9 Ramsgate st Randyll Mary, 72 Brunswick st Richmond Margaret, 12 Church row Robinson Joanna Mary, 122 High st Stackard C, 36 Thistle green Todd Susan, 14 West row Unthank Jane, 109 High st Wastell My. & Hannah, 120 High st Watson Mary, 62 West row Webster Jane, East st Wright Ellen, 24 Skinner st Young H. & A., 14 Regent st Millwrights. Lax Wm., Skinner st ; h. South st Stratford Bryan, 61 Brunswick st Music Professors. Faith John, and instrument maker, 1 Albion st Hill Jph., & organist, 157 High st Nail Makers. Brown Thomas, Major st Burnham Harrison, 44 Brnswck. st Mainwaring John, (cut.) Skinner st Oil Mrchts. i& Seed Crushers. Sanders, Weatherall, & Co. 6 Silvr. st Painters and Gilders. Allison James, Finkle st Barker Richard, Blue post yard Hind John, Bishop st; h. Finkle st lanson Isaac, Sraithfield Johnson James, 20 Castlegate; h. 16 York st Paul Robert, 29 Dovecot st ; h. 10 Ramsgate st Prince John, 154 High st; h. Bish- opton lane 592 STOCKTON-UPON.TEES DIRECTORY. Robertson James, 23 Dovecot st Russell Samuel, 14 Smith st Ward Robert, 18 Park row Williams Thos Reed, 25 Dovecot st Pawnbrokers. Dodds Matthew, 32 Commercial st Harrison Thomas, 11 Smithfield Perfumers & Hair Dressers. Marked * are Perfumers and f Toy Dealers, •Booth William, 2 Silver st *Eden Sampson, 104 High st; h. Skinner st f Fenny William, 16 Bishop st Hunter Francis, 99 High st *f Laverick William, 20 Dovecot st *f Simpson William, 33 Dovecot st Stoker Joseph, South Stockton Physician. Keenlyside Rd. Hedlam, Victoria tr Plumbers and Glaziers. Marked * are Gas Fitters also, Atkinson Thomas, 11 Regent st ♦Charlton Thomas. & organ builder, 77 High st Christopher Rbt., ct. 17 High st Claxton Joseph, 128 High st Hind John, Ship yard Laiug Thomas, 5 Regent st Watson Jas., 24 High st; h. East st Portrait Painters. Allen Robert, East st Taylor James Hume, 158 High st Provision Dealers. Appleton Richard, 107 High st Charlton Thomas, 94 High st Cole Vallans, 160 High st EUerker George, 1 Dovecot st Dixon William & Son, 19 Finkle st William Pybus, agent Ramson Richard, 73 High st Register Offices. Smith Davison, 143 High st Taylorson Ann, 6 Church row Walton Mrs. M. W., 17 Park row Rope Makers. Barratt John, 40 Thistle green Fentimen Henry, 14 William st Outhred Honnor, South Stockton Outhred Wm. & Sack dlr., South Stockton ; h. Hinds pi Tennant and Laidler, patent rope manufactory, Norton road Watson Chas. Cummins, William st Wilson Robert, 142 High st Saddlers and Harness Makers. Sanderson James, 60 High st Sharper Benjamin, 127 High st Todd Wm., Town hall ; h. 3 West rw Sail Cloth Manufacturers, Atkinson and Dixon, Commercial st Harker John & Co., 12 High st Main waring John, Skinner st Tennant & Laidler, Norton road Saw Mills. Brown Thomas, near Clarence Rail- way Station Haworth James & Ventress Joseph, South Stockton Hutchinson Andrew, South S'ockton Phillips William, South Stockton Spence & Co., Quay side Share Brokers. Taylor John, Corporation hall Wright Thomas, \o Brunswick st Ship Builders. Langdale & Craggs, South Stockton Newton John, Bridge end TurnbuU Wm. & Co., Quay side Ship c^ Insurance Brokers, Fawcus Henry & Son, South Stock- ton ; h. 7 Park ter Lee Wm. Havelock, 17 Park row, and Comrarcl. st. Middlesborough Ship smiths. Coates Francis, Quay side Mason William, Quay side Shopkeepers, Best Sarah, South Stockton Blackburn Wm., 31 Thistle green Blenkinsop Thomas, and post office, South Stockton Bradley Thomas, Lodge st Burnicle John, South Stockton Burnip William, Oxford st Clappison Richard, Quay side Cole Maria, 20 Bishop st Consitt Francis, Lodge st Corner Thomas, Maritime st Cumminns Cuth, 10 Dovecot st TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 593 Dale Robert, 59 West row Davison Thomas, South Stockton Dunbar James, 23 Dovecot st Eells William, South Stockton Farndale Robert, East st Galloway Wm. South Stockton Gatenby Francis, Haffron st Gibson Peter, Carol st Hall Ann, South Stockton Hanan Hugh, South Stockton Hardy George, 13 Maritime st Harll John, 10 Bishop st Harrison Thomas, 11 Smitbfield Hartley Jane, South Stockton Hill VYiirum, Park row Hobson Michael, South Stockton Hopkinson Sarah, Thompson st Hunton John, 31 Square Hunton Thomas, 5 Ramsgate st Ingledew Mary, Bulmer's buildings Johnson Jane, 20 Ramsgate st Keay, William, South Stockton Kitchin Thomas, Norton road J^ynas William, South Stockton Mallabar Robert, 23 Dovecot st Mark William, Hafifron st Mallanby Thomas. Henzell st Miller John, South Stockton Mullar John, 8 High st Nesbitt Henry, Black Boy st Paxton Robert, Middle st Payler James, South Stockton Pratt Nathan, 8 Maritime st Robinson Eleanor, 29 Thistle green Robinson Thomas, Thistle green Robson Roger, 8 Union st Rymer Thomas, 60 West row Simpson Thomas, 20 Thistle green Slater Thomas, 8 Dovecot st Spark Ann, Henzell st Swenson Thomas, Park row Storrow William, Catholic st Watson Thomas, 5 High st Webster Jane, East st Wilson George, 25 Tees st Wilson Joseph, 23 Smitbfield Slate Merchant Percy Thomas, 22 Dovecot st Boda "Water & Lemonade Manftr. Jordison Christopher, Blue pusts Stone P/Tasons. Marked * are Marble also. ♦Bulmer William, 163 High st Pearson Robert, 2 Regent st *Sigsworth James, 7 Park row Straw Hat Makers. Alderson Sarah, quay side Bell Mary Ann, lOfHigh st Burlinson Isabella, 8 Square Cleugh Ann, 45 Brunswick st Hampton Maria, 81 High st Laing Jane, Regent st Robinson Joanna My., 122 High st Steel Ann, 31 Silver st Todd Elizabeth, 14 West row Unthank Elizabeth, 109 High 8t Ward Jane, Ropery st Wastell My.& Hannah, 120 High st Wilkinson Sarah, 16 Square Young Eliz., Bishopton lane Young H. & A., 14 Regent st Surgeons. Foss Williaoi, 21 High st Milburne Henry John, 4 Bishop st Oastler William, 27 Dovecot st Prilie James Denholra, 162 Fligb st Richardson William, 65 Fligh st Trotter Charles, 93 High st Whiteside James Hutchinson, 79 High st Tailors. Marked * are Drapers aho, Appleby William, 17 Ramsgate st Blackburn William, 31 Thistle green *Clemmet J. 29 High st j h. 8 Park tr Cook Joseph, Albion st Coulson William, West st Brown Joseph, 24 High st *Devereux Thomas, 26 Bishop st *Dixon George, 57 High st Dodsworth Wm. 19 Brunswick st Elgie John, 6 Silver st Elgie William, 4 Smitbfield *Fernie Solomon, 16 Dovecot st *Garnett Williaui, 4 Regent st ♦Gray ton John &l Robert, 9 Silver st Harwood Wm. South Stockton Heaviside Matthew, 16 Ramsgate st Hind William, 10 Finkle st * Hutchinson John, 69 West row Hutchinson John, Park row Button Mead, James street Jackson Jonathan, Norton road Lowes John, 19 Ramsgate st Merry weather Aaron, 13 Ramsgt. st Middleton Charles, 35 l.'runswick st Middleton John, ct. 102 His^li st Middleton Thomas, Bhick Boy st Pattison Joseph, Thistle green 5e 594 STOCKTON-UPON-TEES DIRECTORY. Rayne William, 11 Bishop st Sankell Robert, Thomas st Scaife William, 21 Dovecot st Sharpe George, 9 Henzell st Smith Thomas, Little Brown st Smith Wm., 39 Commercial st Stamton Thomas, 3 High st Stevenson Edward, 11 Tees st Walker James, 16 Square Watson James, 62 West row Williamson William, Smith st •Wooler Joseph, 113 High st Tallow Chandlers. Ayre Thomas and William, 1 Smith 'st.; Wm. h. Smith field Jordison Robert, 116 High st Timber B/Ierchantsa Brown Thomas, near Clarence rail- way station Byers J,, and lead, 15 Silver st Fawcus Hy. and Son, Sth. Stockton Hutchinson A., Sth. Stck. ; h.Yarm 1 Laidler Thomas, Yarm lane Langdale and Craggs. Sth. Stockton Milner Richard, Cottage row Robinson Hall & Co., Bridge end Stagg J, C, Smithfield ; h. John st Spence & Co., Quay side Todd Geo. W.,S. Stctn.; h.Yarm In Turnbull Wm. & Co., Quay side Tin Plate Workers and Braziers. Clemmet George, High st Higginbothara Rt., South Stockton Hunter Thomas, 31 High st Kirkham Rd. Bonneypart, & furni- ture broker, 12 Ramsgate st Unthank Barnabas, 109 High st Tobacco Pipe IM[akers- Andrew John, South Stockton Sepbton Geo., 37 West row Tobacco <& Enuff Manfr> Mills John, Bishopton road Turners (Wood, »0 05 '0i- riwA-^ , ■ : 5 . o : CO (U ^ , tfi (•^ "d (4 a > OS s 1 a*^ e3 ■ • 4J >^ -S^^ M C '5'^S ^ O 1. -go ,-1KIS!HlaH li 1 o 1 1 c t 1 o 1 S P 1 1 , 1 Ifl a a 1 » O CO s-^ • O _ 1 . w ja ham . Stock Sout •§^ a. 10 S5:2 a 2^^-^ 4^ l^i (^ oi ^ §• §|s ^ ■s s-S Q 11^ ■ Stri Ivis arli in b ^-^ p >» > s- o^ ;=! Sf5 ci- -" c ^^ < -2^ § o ^ -c -^s .S -d fl S3 & a n 0^ ft g ■s « 1— » & aaasa c3 cdp, d d O C O O O lO rH "^C"* ^ o rneooooTi* /— »— > • A . ■i^ d 1 a CO a a> O) 5 : t> i Tj 1? > i • •g .s eS h a : ^ < a 1 a eti § ^ S '^^ . 1) s s'l- 1 S <=> d • >> E ■« -3 o 5 ,^<5ilg5 J 1 J a 01 li o 1 J T S a . (13 O rd ID O 03 d *£ (13 t^ .-3 t3 CO *^ d bo *® •".2 a CO ^ a d a (S o S3 o M to o 0) .';:; Sf o a s a 1H CO O c3 O o ^ o a^ a ?^ ^ "•-§ s d=^ S d « Q 60 g t ca til o o o STOCKTON-UPON-TEES DIRECTORY. 507 John Eeles Robinson Watson Charles Trotter CO:aPOBATION. JOHN CROSBY, Esq., Mayor. Aldermen. William Skinner Joseph Wade COUNCILLOBS* Richard Walker Francis Thompson Thomas Page Dickinson Edward Hodgson Robert Cass John Eeles Henry Walker John Robinson Walker John Watson Joseph Hanson John Smith George Cooper Thomas Plewes Robert Smart William Watson Child William Richardson Sampson Longdale, jun. Benjamin Murray Thomas Henry Faber, Esq., Town Clerk. James Ward, Town Sergeant. Acting Magistrates. Marshall Fowler, Esq. William Skinner, Esq. William Grey, Esq. Thomas Robinson Grey, Esq. Thomas William Waldy, Esq. Watson Alcock, Esq. John Arrowsmith, Esq. Thomas Richardson, Esq. Rev. James Allan Park Rev. John Brewster Wilson and Faber, Clerks. Petty Sessions are held every other Wednesday, in the Town Hall, at Twelve Noon. Borough Police Office, Corporation hall. Dovecot st. Jas. Ward, superin- tendent, & John Atkinson, sergeant. Rural Police Office, High st. Thos« Jobson, sergeant. Custom House, Quay side, Alex. Dixon, Esq. collector Robert Welch, Esq. comptroller Mr. L. Jackson, recvr. of Port dues Mr. Jamos Donelan, landing survyr Mr. M. B. Young, 1st clerk Mr. G. Metcalf, 2nd clerk Mr. W. Swenne, 3rd clerk Mr. T. A. Sadler, 4th clerk Mr. G. Gust, receiver of light dues Mr. C. Hodgson, guager and land- ing waiter Mr. R. Wilson, landing waiter Mr. T. Todd, landing waiter lees Navigation CoJs Office, Thistle gr L. Jackson, Esq. sec. Mr. J. Johnson, superintendent Mr. F. Marshall, harbour master Dispensary, High st. Wm. John- son, Apothecary Public News Room, Corporation h Mechanics Institute, Mason's court Gas fVorks, foot of High street, Samuel Wade, manager, and F. Laidler, sec. Union Workhouse, Bishop street, will accommodate 40, average 20, William M. and Mrs. Snaith, master and matron; Wm. Best, clerk and superintendent registrar; W. M. Snaith, relieving officer, and regis- trar of births & deaths for Stockton 5 c 5 ^8 STOCKTON-UPON-TEES DIRECTORY. district, and of marriages for the Union ; William Banks, relieving officer, aud registrar of Ijirths and deaths for Yarm district; and Edw. Spence, relieving officer, and regis- trar of births and deaths for Hartle- pool district ; Marshall Fowler, Esq. chairman, and John Grey, Esq. vice. Places of Worship, Parish Church, (St, Mary's) High street, Rev. Robert Gray, Vicar Trinity Church, near Park row. Rev. Richard Dutton Kennicott, B. A. Incumbent Catholic Chupel, Norton roaJ, Rev. Joseph Dugdale, Priest Baptist Chapel, High street Congregational Chapel, Norton road Independent Chapel, West row Wesleyan Chapel, JVJill lane Primitive Methodist Chapel, Mari- time st Unitarian Chapel, High st Friends Meeting House, Mill lane Market is held on Wednesday, and is well attended by Farmers and Corn Merchants from the surround- ing Country. Fair, held every fortnight for Cattle Pcpuhtion, according to the Cen- sus taken June, 1841, amounted to 10,071. NORTON PARISH, If Miles N. of Stockton, DIRECTORY. Post Office, at Mrs. Sarah Robin- son's, letters arrive at 10 20 a. m. and are despatched 3 13 p. m. Alderson John, agent Appleton John, coal fitter Backhouse Mrs, Fliza, Grange Bell Miss Isabella Brady Henry, accountant Chapman Mrs. Ann Cleaver Thomas John, clerk Clemmet George, tinman Coates George, gent. Coates George, jun. coal owner, and bone merchant Conkerton Mrs. Diana Crosby Mrs. Mary Darnell Mr. Thomas Dixon Alex., Esq. coir, customs Dixon Francis, millwright Dobbinson Wm., cornel, traveller Eramerson Mr. Stephen Fothergill Francis, glue manufctr Fox Mrs. Elizabeth Fox Thos. wine and spirit merchant Fox and Ward, brick makers, Grove Gibson John, gent. Gibson Mrs. Sarah Goundry Mrs, Ann Grey Thomas R., Esq. Grey William, Esq. Guy Mr. William Harwood Mrs. Mary, Grove Harwood Thos. & Co., brown earth- enware manfrs., Clarence pottery Heltus Mrs. Jane Hinderwell Thos, watch maker Hogg John, Esq. , banister Holderness Mr, Henry Hutton Mrs. Jane Jackson Edwin Ward, gent* Jackson Mrs, Knox Mrs. Ann Longsiaff Elizabeth, dyer McDowell Rev.Jas., Unitarian min Maine Miss Jane Mellanby Miss Elizabeth Metcalfe Mr. Francis Nicholson Mr. Charles Noad Wm. D., locksmith, &c. Page John, tanner Peacock Mrs. Hannah Plumber Rev. Chas. Jn., M.A. Vicar Potts William Ramsey, surgeon Preston Mr. Thomas Raymand Rev. John M., St. Clare Curate Seymour Miss Christiana Scurfield Mrs. Dorothy Sheraton Mrs. Jane Sidgwick James, painter and glazier Smailes Mrs. Margaret Smith Mary, dress maker Smith Mr. Thomas Snaith Elizabeth, dress maker Stewart John, mattress maker Storey Mr. Henry Taylor Anthony, ship owner Taylor Mr. Anthony Thompson Miss Ann Treen William, teacher Trenholm Francis, coal fitter Walker Mrs. Elizabeth NORTON PARISH DIRECTORY. 599 Walker James, carrier Walls William, cowkeeper Walton Stephen, gent. Ward William, painter Watson Margaret, straw hat maker Wilkinson Mrs. Ann Wilkinson Capt. Mentor, Grove Wilkinson John, parish clerk Williams Stephen, excise officer Wilson Mrs. Jane Maria Wilson Mr. Robert Academies. Corbet William Humble Charlton, Na tional School Richardson John Robinson M. E. Inns 80 Taverns. Brown Jug Inn, Robert Cussons, Mount pleasant Fox and Hounds, John Richardson George & Dragon, Rbt. Hutchinson Harabletonian, George Almond Highland Lady, Joseph Hind Red Lion, James Readman Unicorn, William []all Wheat Sheaf, Joseph Hall White Swan, Thomas Miller Wade Henry, Gram- mar School Whitfield Eliz. Blacksmiths. Barton Sheraton Hall Thomas Talbot Thomas Boot & Shoe makers. Bell William Benson Robert Hutchinson Robert Jones Henry Jones George Robson R-obert Stoddart Ralph Wild John Wilson Thomas Brewers & Maltsters Fox John Hesiop Thomas Bricklayers. Crosby Anthony Fletcher Henry Readman James Readman Joseph Butchers, Chapman Nichls. Knowles William Cartwrights, Mitchell Robert Nelson Thomas Waugh Robert Corn Millers. Eels Thomas Ellerby John, & flour dealer Lax John, Mount pleasant mill Hodgson William Farmers. Adamson John Atkinson John Atkinson Thomas D. Barratt Charles Brantingham Joshua, Norton hill Brough George L. Chapman John Charlton William Colpitis William Colpitis William, jun. Corner Robert Crisp James Crisp Thomas Dee William Elcoate Phoelis Farthing George FletcherRt.&Abm.P Gascoyne Thomas Gibbon Jane Hall Thomas Harbour Thomas Hardy John Hikerley John Hill James Hogg Charles Hutchinson Joseph Hutchinson Thomas Laing John Linton Robert Maughan Joseph Mellanby James Mellanby Joseph Moon John Noddings James Noddings Robert Punder William Revely George Robinson George Robson Ralph Smith James Stockburn William Thompson Ralph Unthank William Walls George Walls Joseph Wanless Joseph Wass William Watson Robert Wilson Alexander <7ardeners. Adamson Thomas Dabron Arthur Dewel John Fevvster John Hart John Jackson Jonathan Johnson Robert Radley Patrick Roper Thomas Twentyman John Joiners. Swenson William Wilkinson William Shopkeepers* Barker John Barker Elizabeth Boardman George Hodgson Thomas Swinburn Ann Swinburn Mgt, Usher James Wilson Joseph Tailors. Clemmet John Hall Joseph Hickson Robert Usher James MIDDLESBOROUGH-ON-TEES DIRECTORY. Post Office, North street; Mrs. P. Thompson, Postmistress. Letters arrive from all Parts, at 9 40 a. m. and 6 p. m., and are dispatched at 3 40 and 6 40 p. m. MISCELLANY, Comprising the Addresses of Gentry, Clergy, Partners in Firms, and others not arranged under the Classification of Trades and Professions, Groves Harrison, clerk. East st Groves Robert, coal agent. East st Gumersall Thomas B., Stockton & Darlington Railway Go's, agent, h. 17 Sussex st Guy John, clerk, Sussex st Archer Mr. Wm., Cleveland street Arnett Frederick, porter, West street Atkinson Francis, elk., Graham st Blenkinsop W., tax coltr., South st Blore Robt., ptry. mngr., Fvrshm. st Bolckow Henry, engineer & iron mfctr.; h. Cleveland street Bowron Jph, coal agnt.; h, Cmrsl. st Branagan Rev. Bernard, catholic priest, Feversham street Broom William, pilot, Graham st Brown Thos., wood turner, Stktn. st Bulmer Mrs. Ann, Mason street Coates Mrs. Mary, East street Crosby Richard, ironmonger, &c. ; h. South st Davison Thos., cowkeeper, Dacre st Duncan John, pilot, Graham street Davison W-m., pilot, Garbutt street Dunn Pearson, principal coast oflBcr Fairbridge Jph., farmer. Dairy Knoll Fallows Wm. coal fitr. ; h. Comrcl. st Fossick Gratton, coal fitter, &c. ; h. Sussex street Foxton W., green grocer, Durham st Garner Luke, ship crpntr., Grahm. st Gibbon Mrs. Jane, East street Gilkes Edgar, engineer,ironfounder, &c. ; h. 2 Sussex street Glyde Rev. Jabez, town mission, 3 St. James place Golagar Fergus, chief boatman, Stockton st Gray Walter, chief coast guard offi- cer : h. Sussex st Harris James, sail maker, &c. ; h. Sussex st Henderson Thos.,ldgns.,Stockton st Hoggett Henry, clerk, Turton st Hordan John, agent, Feversham st Hudson Ann, lodgings, Suffield st Hutchinson Wm. shopman, West st Ingledew T., cart owner, Stockton st Jowsey John, cooper, Stockton st Jowsey Richard, staith mastr. Dock ; h. Queen's terrace Kipling Jph. farmer, Swathers Carr Lambton Edward, agent, Stockton and Darlington Railway goods department.. Commercial st.; h. West street Lawson Robert, agent, Sussex street Lidbetter Bridger, lodgns.Yictoria pi Lister John, pilot, Feversham street Moorsom Eliz., lodgings, Clevlnd. st Mowbray William, transport fitter, Victoria place Mutter James, clerk, Feversham st Newsam Rev. James, curate. East st Oliver Mrs. Ellen, Sussex street Oliver John, manager Middles- borough pottery; h. Sussex st Ord Jph. horse & gig Itr., Grahm. st Ord Richard, police officer, Town hi MIDDLESBOROUGH DIRECTORY. 601 Pearson John, shipsmith ; h. Mkt. pi Pearson John, gent. Sussex street Poole Joseph, gent. Cleveland street Ramshaw Mrs. Ann, Sussex street Ranson Jph., moulder, Garbutt st Reede John, sail cloth mfr. ; h. Sx. st Rennoldson William, harbour mastr. Commercial st. ; h. West street Roberts Hy. running fitter, Garbt. st Scales William, gent. Feversham st Shiel Thos., gardnr., Clevlnd. grds Sidney Henry, gent. Sussex street Simpson Jph., brewer; h. Dacre st Simpson Ralph, leather cutr., Sth. st Smaling G. H. trav. tea dlr. Ghm. st Smith Christopr, Dock master, and mngr. of the clock town, Dk, office Spensley Simon, clerk, Fevershm. st Steele Arthur, Dacre street Stevenson Thomas, wharfinger ; h. Sussex street Stockton John, agent, Stockton st Storm Nathan, clerk, Graham st. Tate Robert, running fitter, Cross st Taylor William, agent, Sussex st. Taylorson Ann, lodgings, North st. Thompson Mrs. P., pst. ms.. Nth. st Thwaites Chas., toy dlr.. West st Toward Rph., running ftr., Bdge. st Trenholm William, foreman, ship builder, Commercial st. Turner Andrew, clerk, Feversham st Turner James, secretary to Gas Co ; h. 80 East st Vaughan John, engineer, and iron mnfr. ; h. Cleveland st. Unthack John, coal & lime agent, Stockton St.; h. Bridge st. Wilkinson Mrs. Maria, Fvisha^xi. st. Wilkinson Peter, mngr., gas works, Lr. Commercial st. Wilkinson Thos., cart owner, East st Wilson Isaac, engineer, ironfoundor, &c.; h. Sussex st. Wilson Matthew, Railway station master, Stockton st Wilson Robert, deputy clerk to the cmmsnrs., Dacre st. ; h. Mkt. pi. Wittles Sml., ship crpntr., Grhm. st Wray Samuel, assistant draper, 4 St. James pi Wright Margaret, lodgings. West st Young Rt., shpwrght., 2 St. James pi Wilson Isaac, engineer, ironfounder, ^c. ; h. Sussex st Academies. Ainsworth Wm. H., West st. ; h. Graham st Alcock Nicholas, Stockton St.; h. Richmond st British School, Stockton St.; Wright Darwent Donaldson Miss Esther, (ladies) Stockton st Easby Wm. Cmrcl. st. ; h. Stcktn. st Infant Schools, Stockton st»; Sarah Peirson Millard George, Cleveland it Robinson James, East st. Robinson Margaret, Feversham st Sandell F. M., Sussex st Sunter Elizabeth, Victoria place Attorneys* Myers William, Mkt. place Newsam Thos. Mkt. pi.; h. Sssx. st Peacock John Shields, and clerk to the Commissioners, Dacre st Sidney W. H. M., South st Walker John, East st Auctioneers* Barker Jph., Lr. Commercial st. and manager to the steam Tug Co. Gibson Joseph, West st Bakers and Flour Dealers. Chapman John, Stockton st Coates Joseph, (fiour only) VVest st Hopper Wm., Commercial st Dunkerly Wm., Garbutt st Hughes William, Durham st Hutchinson William, (flour only) Dacre St.; h. West st Sanderson James, Garbutt st Shipley Thos., Lr. Commercial st Smith John, South st. Sutton Henry, Stockton st Thomas George, South st Banks. Backhouse J. & Co., Commercial st (draw on Baiclay, Bevan, & Co.,) Thomas R. Taylor, agent Booksellers & Stationers* Jordison John, printer, compas mkr. and stamp ofhce, North st Richardson Jph., news agent, and patent medicine vender, Cmrcl. st Windross James, & printer, West st 602 TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Boot and Shoemakers. Armstrong George, North st Beel Robert, West st Carter John, Durham st Cooper Jame^, Durham st Douglass John, Market pi Elliott Joseph, South st Fletcher Thomas, Feversham st Gargett Rt.,& leather cltr., East st Green Robert, Durham st Hall Thos., Lower Commercial st Hedley John R., Stockton st Hutton Thomas, West st Jackson John, Commercial st Rank Robert, South st Simpson Wm, Lwr. Commercial st Speck Martin, Commercial st Stokes John Jewitt, South st Thompson Robert, Stockton st Tweddle Jackson, Dacre st Ventreess William, Dacre st Watson William, Dacre st Weastell Wm. L., Stockton st. and Turton st Blacksmiths. See also Shipsmiths, Brown Wm. and Rt., South st Corpse Robert, Lower Eastst Braziers & Tin Plate Wrks. Cooper James, Durham st Goldfinch Henry, Dacre st Caswell Wm., Lwr. Commercial st Brewers, Ellis Isaac, & maltster, Albert st Hawman Samuel, 'liing st Layton James, Church st Morrow Robert, West st Simpson & Co., Mason st Brick and Tile Makers. Middlesborough owners, near the Dock, John Hardy, manager Brokers, General Commission i\ gents, and lYEerchants. Baldeman, Borries& Co.,Cmrcl. st Bell John, Exchange buildings; b. Cleveland st Fallows & Fossick, Commercial st Baxter Robert, Exchange bldngs.; b. Sussex st Fawcus By. & Son, Excbng. bldngs Harding & Fairbridge, Lwr. Com- mercial st Harris Anthony, Dock; h. Grange Laing Joseph, Dock Lee William, 4 Commercial st Martens, Theodor & Co. Lwr. Com- mercial st ; h. East st Matlhewson & Clay, Exchng.bldgs, Romyn wr. Commercial st Parvin Geo. M., Dacre st Earthenware, Glass, &c., Dealrs. Burden Wra , Commercial st Fowler Richmond, Durham st Jowsey John, Stockton st Nicholson Mary, East st Potter John, Dacre st Fire and Life Omces, Law (Life) & luiperial (Fire), Thos Newsam, Market pi Norwich Union, Henry Thompson, North st Phoenix (Fire), Geo. Kirk, East st Royal Exchange, J. Taylor, jun,, Commercial st Grocers & Tea Dealers. Booth Joseph, Market place Brentnail Thomas, Suffield st Buckham Thomas, West st Chapman Charles, Dacre st Chapman John, North st Dawson George, West st Dickinson John, Lr. Commercial st Dunn John, West st Harrison Robert, North st Harrison Robert, Durham st Hopper William, Commercial st Hughes William, Durham st Johnson William, South st Knaggs Thos., Lr. Commercial st Kneeshaw Thos., Commercial st Liddle William, Stockton st M asterman G., & tl w. chdlr., Cml. st Metcalf W., Durham st Robinson James, East st Shipley Thos., Lr. Commercial st Smith John. South st Sutton Henry, Stockton st Smith George, Market place Taylor Jph. jun., Commercial st Thomas George, South st Watson George, and British Wine merchant, East st Whitell Henry, Fevershara st Wood William, South st Wood William, Dacre st Hair Dressers. Appleton Robert, Durham st Bulmer John, North st Dalton Thomas, West st Pearson Thos. Skeltou, North st Richardson Joseph, West st Inns and Taverns. Albion Inn, Jph. Warburton, Lr. Commercial st. Bee Hive, Wm. Rudd, Dacre st Baliick Tavern, Thos. Lanchester, Commercial st Black Bull, Lnrd. Ingledew, Cross st Black Lion, Algernon Akenhead, West street Britannia Inn, W. Harrison, Est. st Captain Cook, G. Trmpley, Drhm. st Cleveland Bay, J. Hedge, Clvlnd. st Cleveland Inn, Francis Peacock, Commercial st Cleveland Inn, Wm. Wastell East st Dock Inn, Rchl. Watson, Lr. East st 604 MIDDLESBOROUGH DIRECTORY. Earl of Zetland, John Turner, Com- mercial st Exchange Hotel, James Minns, Ex- change buildings Fleece Inn, John Snowball, South st Fox & Hounds, J as. Stewart, Mkt. pi George & Dragon, William Liddle, Stockton st Golden Lion, J. Bullough, Drhm. st Hope& Anchor, T. Cummins Wsl. st Jolly Sailors, Wm. Ripley, West st Lord Nelson, Hy. Goldfinch, Dcr. st Majestic Inn, Alex. Shields, Cmrcl.st Marriners Tavern, Thomas Lunn, Stockton st Masons' Arms, Geo. Prest, Mkt. pi. Middlesbro' Hotel, Rt. Manners, & lessee of the Mkt. Tolls, North st Queen's Head, Athr. Steele, Dcr. st Robin Hood, Addison Dobson, Com- mercial st Royal Victoria, John Boville, Lr. Commercial st. Sailors Return, J. Wright, Stcktn. st Ship Inn, Ann Rayner, Stockton st Ship Launch, Mchl. Reed, !)rhm. st Steam Packet, Mrk. Corby, Stcktn. st Talbot Inn, Jnthn. Farnaby, Mkt. pi Tees Inn, Thos. Halton, Stcktn. st Waterloo Hotel, H. Porter, Trtn. st W^hitby Abbey Inn, Wm. Smith, Commercial st AVhitby Arms, Thomas Jackson, Stockton st William IV., John Tweddell, West st Beer Houses. Burdon William, Commercial st Ferguson Wm., South st Murray Peter, Suffield st. Osgerby Joseph, Turton st clobinson John, Durham st ilogers Wm., Suffield st Rudd Thomas, Mkt. place Ironfounders. Bolckow & Vaughan, & mnfrs. of Railway ixoii John, Gosford st Dowell Thomas, Sussex st Fawcus John, Sussex st Few Ralph, Feversham st Fewster Hartas, Albert st Foster J., Graham st Franks Thomas, Cleveland st Harrison John, Feversham st Harrison William, Cross st Hill Isaiah, Market place Jackson — Graham st Kell John, Garbutt st King John, Albert st Law James, Feversham st Mackenzie Eneas, Fevrersham st Meek Richard, Garbutt st Middleton Humphrey, Sussex st Mowbray Thomas, Graham st Peacock John, Feversham st Pearson Joseph, Market place Kobinson Robert, Feversham st Russell William, Feversham st Shadforth Chester, Cleveland st Smales Thomas, West st Smallwood Robert, 8 St. James pi Smith William, Sussex st. Storey Thomas, Bridge st Tindale Thomas, Feversham st Towers Simon, Feversham st Milliners and Dress makers. Coleman Mary Ann, Cleveland st Harrison Isabella, East st Hesp Sarah, Dacrest Johnson Alice, Cleveland st Lowthian Mary, Commercial st Thomas Jane, South st Painters <& Gilders; Marked * are Glaziers also, Elliot Robert, Market pi *Farmer Thos. Vaux, Comrcl. st *Nixon George, Cross st *Windross Edward, West st Plumbers & Glaziers. Beadnall Cuthbert, Stockton st Caswell Wm.,Lwr. Commercial st Peacock John, Commercial st ; h. Stockton st Provision Dealers. Appleby Wm., Commercial st Booth Joseph, Market st, Brentnall Thomas, Suffield st Dunn John, West st Handson George, West st Harrison Robert, Durham st Hughes Wm. Durham st Knaggs Thos., Lower Comrcl. st Metcalf William, Durham st Simpson John, Commercial st Smith John, South st Walker Joseph, East st Saddlers <& Harness Makers. Lunn Thomas, Stockton st Sherwood William, North st Sail Clotli Manufacturers. Middlesborough Co., Victoria W'orks, John Reede, managing partner Sail Makers. Elliott Baxter, Commercial st Harding John Geo., Lwr. Cmrcl. st Harris Anthony & James, Dock Huddart Thos., & agt. for Tennant and Laidler's patent rope, Lower Commercial st Spenceleyh Wm., Commercial st Ship Builders. Holmes John Gilbert, Comrcl. st; h. Cleveland st Scrafton Wm. & Co., Comrcl. st Ship Chandlers. Barker Joseph, Lwr. Commercial st Elliott Baxter, Commercial st Farmer Thos. Vaux, Comrcl. st Harding John Geo., Lr. Comrcl. st Harris A. & J., Dock Huddart Thos., Lwr. Comrcl. st Humphreys John, Lwr, Comrcl. st Knaggs Thos., and nautical instru- ment maker, Lwr. Commercial st Ship Owners. Brown Addison, Queens ter Brown Richard, Market pi Brown Thomas, Queens ter Fairbridge Joseph, Sussex st Fairbridge William, Stockton st Harding John Geo., Sussex st Harris Anthony, Dock ; li. Grange Holmes John Gilbert, Cleveland st Huddart Thos., Lwr. Comrcl. st Scott Robert, West st Stovm James, East st Strakers & Love, Stockton st 606 MIDDLESBOROUGH DIRECTORY. Ship Smiths <& Chain IMtakers. Malthouse William, Turton st Pearson Jpb. & Son, Lr. Comrcl. st and Stockton st West Rd., & engine, Dacre st Shopkeepers. Dawson Francis, Durham st P'letcher Thos., Feversham st Grange Thomas, Stockton st Jowsey Jam PS, Feversham st Knott Michael, Cleveland st Mc Naughton Mary, Dacre st Newcombe Thomas, South st Rowntree Stephen, Dacre st Smith David, East st Unthank Wm., and letter carrier, Suffield st Whorllon Rt., Stockton st, & furni- ture broker. Market pi Wilkie William, !Stockton st Slaters. Kellett Thomas, Feversham st Scaife. Richard, Garbutt st Steam Boat Owners. Blakey David, Graham st Blakey James, Thomas st Hughes William, Durham st Redhead Thomas, Suffield st Shields Alex., Commercial st Sill Francis, Thomas st Strong John, senr., Commercial s Waters Henry, Commercial st Stone Masons, Bricklyrs., and Builders. Boville John, Lr. Commercial st Davison William, Dacre st Doughty Henry, Sussex st Tidier George, Feversham st Johnston Thomas, East st Moore Ralph, Suffield st Shields George, George st Smiih David, East st Sudlow Robert, Cleveland st.; h. Graham st Wynu /inthony, Garbutt st Straw H at makers. Blenkinsop Mary Ann, South st Coopf r Jane, Stockton st Harrison Isabella, East st Johnson Elizabeth, Cross st Lowthian Mary, Commercial st Thomas Jane, South st Thwaites Elizabeth, West st Surgeons, Coates George, Market pi Kirk George, East st Mordue William, North st Richardson John, Sussex st Tailors. Marked * are Drapers and Outfitters* ♦Brown James, Commercial st Dennis John, Cleveland st *Feathersione Robert, East st ♦Grange John, Feversham st *Hcwitt Samuel, West st Holroyd John, Durham st *Jackson Dvd., Nrth. st. ; h. Sussex* Jobling Joseph, Stockton st *Kneesha\v Thos., Commercial st *Langley Jph., Suffield st. and Lr. Commercial st *Marley Thomas, Market pi *Mudd Richard, Durham st Nash Thos. Wm., North st Robinson John, East st Scarth William, Stockton st *Sharp Rd., Lwr. Commercial st *Sewell William, East st ♦Warner William, Turton st Timber Merchants. Carter John, West street Fawcus Hy. & Son, Exchange bldg» Peacock Fras. Commercial st Tobacco Pipe Maker. Smith John, South st Watch mkrs. <& Silversmiths. Langstaff Thomas, North st W^alker John, Dacre st Wood Samuel, North st Wharfingers. Ballast Office, dock, Thos. Stephen- son, agent Fairbridge Jph., Lr. Commercial st Railway Conveyance. Stockton ^' Darlington Railwaj Station, foot of Sussex st, Matthev \A'ilson, station master. For other particulars see Month- ly Time Table published by th« Company, and may be had at \k% Station. TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 607 Stoc"kton & Darlington Railway Co., Commercial st, Edw. Lambton, agent. Loft house, J Cuthbert, from the Ship, mon. & thur. Stockton, Wm. Smith, Gosford st, Geo. Coverdale, Stockton st & Jas. Oliver, George st, daily Whitby 8f Guisbro, from the Bee Hive, Thos. Wiley, wed. & sat. Custom House, Exchange build- ings, Pearson Dunn, principal coast officer. Coast Guard Station, Commrcl. st, Walter Gray, chief officer, and F. Goiagar, chief boatman, and live other men. Dock Office, Docks, Christopher Smith, master. Folice Station^ Town Hall, Richd. Ord & John Thomas, constables. Mechanics Institution Sf Library^ Eastst, Wm. Taylor, sec, Thomas Wilkinson & John Dodds, librarians Subscription News Room, Town Hall, Wm. Taylor, sec. Gas fForks, Lower Commercial st, James Turner, sec. Town Commissioners. John G. Holmes Isaac Sharp Robert Elliot John Graham Henry White William Hughes Wm. Fallows John Unthank Thos. Weastel Hy. Thompson Jph. Warburton Geo. Watson John Shields Peacock, clerk Robert Wilson, deputy Wm. Blenkinsop, collector Places of Worship. Church, North st. Rev. — Benson, Incumbent, & Rev. Jas. Newsam, curate Catholic Chapel,now building, Sus- sex st, Rev. B. Branagan, Priest Independent Chapel, Eastst Wesley an Chapel, Market pi Prim, Meth. Chapel,nesir Sussex st Market is held on Saturday. Population according to the Cen* sus taken 1841, amounted to 5,463 YARM DIRECTORY, (YORKSHIRE.) 4 Miles S. S, W. of Stockton. Post Oificej at Mrs. Elizabeth Stonehouse's. Letters arrive from tbe South, at 9 15 a. m., and from S tockton and the North, 4 30 and 7 45 p. m. j and are dispatched South and all parts at 3 30 p. m., and Stockton, 8 a. m. Sherwood Wm., plumber, tinner, &c. Smith John, earthenware dealer I Allison Mrs. Mary Bainbridge William, paper maker Banks Wm., relieving officer and registrar of births and deaths Binney Hudson Atknsn., tmbr. mert Bradley Rev. John, catholic priest Brewster Matthew, fellmonger, Dales Mrs. Ann • Fawcett William, solicitor Fidler John, gentleman Fidler Wm., coal & lime agent Foggitt James, printer, bookseller, stationer, tea dealer, and patent medicine vendor Garbutt William, solicitor Graves Rev. Henry Harrison Michael, fellmongeer Hutchinson Mr. William Kay Robert, tanner Langdale Sampson, gent Leighton Misses M. & C. Mc Clough Miss Mudd John, fishn^onger Bleynell Miss Anna Maria Maynell Thos. Esq., Friarage Ness Jnthn.,brzr., plmbr. & glazier Prince Miss Jane Reed Jane & Sons, provison and general merchants Robinson Thomas, gent. Robinson William, music teacher Rudd Miss Charlotte Sayer William, gent Scroope Miss Ann Sherwood Hy., plumber & glazier Sherwood Thomas, watch maker Smith Thomas, veterinary surgeon Stockton and Darlington Railway Co's. coal and lime depots, Wm. Fidler, agent Stainsby William, corn agent Todd James, auctioneer & appraiser^ land surveyor, & high constable Walton Mrs. Jane Wed dell Miss Margaret Whytall Benson, beerhouse Windross James, painter Wilson Robt., vitriol manufacture W^inpenny Rev. John, B. A., incum- bent Inns and Taverns. Black Bull, Catherine Phillips Blue Bell, Henry Hills Cross Keys, John Sedman Crown, John Baker Fleece, William Bulmer George & Dragon, Chstn. WiiliaiKs Green Tree, Henry Mawlam Greyhound, George Swalwell Ketton Ox, Thomas Wastell King William IV., John Baker Lord Nelson New Inn, Richard Kirtlan Red Lion, George Wastell Three Tuns, Charles Clark son Tile Sheds, George Heslop Tom Brown, John Walker Union Arms, and Commercial Inn^ John Johnson Academies. Baker Rd., Gram- mar School Clarkson Maria Southeran Miss WindsorJ. &Mrs. Ntnl. School Attorneys. f Auctioneers, &c Garbutt, FawcettjBaker John and Wray and Smith Mark clerk to Magis- Todd James trates Bakers, <&c- Newsam Thomas Nelson William Williams George Nettleship John Tate Thomas Blacksmiths. Burgess James Fen wick William Stainsby Mark Wright Willm. & Thomas. TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. 609 Boot and Shoe Makers^ Chaytor William Graham James Loftus Thomas Ruddick John Smith John Wright George Brewars and Maltsters. Johnson John Medd Jane Phillips Cath Brick Makers Brewster Matth. Reed Jane & Sons Southeran Robert Bricklayers. Bainhridge Mchl. Johnson James Johnson John Ridley Richard Weddell Thomas Butchers. Bulmer William Coates Wheatley Kingston Isaac Laidler Geo. & J. Nettleship John Rowell John Wastell Thomas Chemists and Druggists. Dod Thomas Jackson Rt. & Hy Reed George Coopers. Grainger Phillip Stainsby Matth. Corn Millers and Merchants. ♦Graham Eliz. Graham Margaret TT ji T^ o .Harrison Eliz. HedleyE.&SonSj^^j^^g^^^^^y Gardeners- Duncan Robert Linass John Rowell Denes G-rocers. Baker John Chapman Rt,, and rope maker Dod Thomas, and chandler Dunning Benj. Garbutt John Henderson John Jackson Mary Jackson Rt. Hy. Reed George Smelt Newark Taylor William Hair Dressers. Bradley George Potter James StobartJohn, and hatter Ironmongers. Smith Mark Todd Jas. & Wm. Joiners, cfec Mrkd» * are Wheel- wrights * Harrison Robert * Henderson John *Hill Francis Langdale John *Meynell John Smith Isaac Smith M., & glzr. Smith Thomas Taylor George Taylor William Marked* are^ ^>'^s. Why tall Benson !Linen& Woollen I Drapers. Davison Ann Jackson Mary iLofius Thomas Newsom John ♦Appleton Rd •Britlain George FidlerJno.& Wm Ingledew Matth. Ketton Thomas *Langdale Samp- son, jun.. Farmers. Carter John Curry William Farndale John Hodgson Phillip Smith Thomas Smith Isaac Milliners, c&c. Marked * are Straw Hat Makers. Adamson Mary Cummings Ann Mawlam Eliz. Raper Hannah Paper Manuftrs. Bainhridge Chas. Thos. & Son, & stationers, Tees paper mill Saddlers^ Swinburne Michl* Todd Jas. & Wm. Shopkeepers. Appleton James Cummings John Garbutt John Garry John, Gibbon James Henderson John Martyn John Smith John Stubbs John Taylor William Thompson Ann Surgeons. Dale John Muir Joseph Young Robert Tailors, Appleton James Bradley William Davison George Davison John Dunning Benj. Elwick John Hall John Prince William Robson Robt. Row George Todd Thomas Wild George Tobacco Pipe Makers. Kitching James Marshall Wm. Row Harrison W^ine & Spirit Merchants. Johnson John Medd Jano Stonehouse Eliz. Stockton & Dar- lington railway station, situated in Egglescliffe Pa- rish, about 1 mile from the Town. Omnibuses from the Union Arms & George & Dragon Inns meet every train to & from. Carriers Stockton, James Smith. Thirshyhova the Green Tree, John Sturdy, wed. and sat. Petty Sessions are held in the Town Hall every other Thursday. Places of Worship. St, Mary's Chrh Rev. John Win- penny, B.A., In- cumbent. Catholic Chapel , Rev. John Brad- ley, Priest IndepndL Chpl, fFesleyan ChpL Wesleyan Asso- ciation Chapel Primitive Meth- odist Chapel Friends Meeting House Marhet is held on Thursday, for butter, eggs, &c. Fairs for Cattle, &c. are hid Thurs- day before April 6th., Holy Thurs- day, August 2nd. and iSth., 19th. & 20th. 01 October. Population ac- cording to the Cen. sus taken 1841, a. mounted to loll. APPENDIX CONTAINING ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS IN NEWCASTLE AND GATESHEAD. Allason & Colling, auctioneers, appraisers, house, estate & general com- mission agents, 32 Market st AndersonjJohn, wbol. grcr. & seed mert., Carliol sq. ; h. 3 High Elwck. ter Anderson John & Thos., grocers & tea dealers, 39 Dean st Anderson John, grocer, tea dealer & mustard manfr., 5 Nans st Anderson William, auctioneer, broker, &c.; h. St. James st Anderson & Innes, cabinet makers, 41 Grainger st Angell Samuel, fishmonger & game dealer, 37 Grainger sst Archbold F. & E., victs., Royal Exchange Hotel, 48 Grey st & Hood st Armstrong John, boot & shoemaker, 78 Clayton st Atkin Robert, provision dealer,60 Blackett st Atkinson & Fawcus, ship and insurance brokers, 16 Quay side Attey & Davison, provision dealers, 30 Clayton st Barlow Joseph, bookseller & printer, 2 Nelson st Barron M. & J., linen & woollen drapers, 24 Dean st Beaumont James, eating & beerhouse, 17 Clayton st Bigger Benjamin, provision merchant, 26 Close Blakey R. & Devenport M., ship & gnrl. smiths, blhngrs., &c., 67 Qy. sd. Borries Chpr.,jun., ship Reinsurance broker, 77 Quay side Borthwick & Co., agents for the Experience Life Assurance Co. & Mer chants Captains Annuitant Society and General Commission, Ship Loan and Insurance Co., 62 Quay side Brown Cuthbert,vict., Battery Inn, Forth st Brown Margaret, fancy wool knitter, 3 Westgate Buckham George, hosier, glover,&c. ; h. 16 Oxford st Burnett & Thompson, stock & share brokers, 42 Grey st Cain, Clarkson & Co., Bede Chemical Works ; office 41 Grey st Chambers Robert & Co., whol. tea & coffee dlrs.,grcrs., &c., 90 Newgt. st Clark Fred., linen draper, hosier, &c., 16 Bridge st, Gateshead Coxwell George, ship broker, 17 Quay side Crawhall Thos. Emerson, merchant ; h. 65 Northumberland st Crawshaw George, anchor, &c., manufacturer; h. Wcstgate st Crow William Stephenson, printer, 8 Side CuUey Samuel, corn & commission agent, 29 Sand hill Dixon & Russell, tailors & woollen drapers, 9 Blackett st APPENDIX. 611 Doughty William Septimus, currier & leather cutter, 48 Groat Market Eden James, earthenware, glass, &c., dealer, 9 Nuns st [i Fawcett Joseph & John, grocers & tallow chandlers, 95 Newgate st ^ Ferguson Daniel, mason & huilder, Scotchwood road Floody James, heerhouse, 64 Pilgrim st Forster Joseph John, hosier, &c., 69 Clayton st Fraser James & Co., brass founders, &c., 5 Union st Garbutt William, agent to the Mitre Life Insurance Office, 144 Pilgrim st; h. 2 Leazes pi Gibson George, butcher & shopkeeper, Scotchwood road Gibson John, hosier & haberdasher, 28 Clayton st Gibson Thomas, tailor, 60 Pilgrim st Grey Ralph, hosier, glover, &c.; h. 16 Oxford st Green Robert, yeoman, solicitor, 34 Mosley st Harrison Wm. Jefferson, vict., Blue Posts, 153 Pilgrim st Harttree Abraham, shopkeeper, 19 Newgate st Hastie William, travelling tea dealer, Plumber st Henderson S. & R., grocers & tea dealers, i6 Grainger st Hewett Thomas, general merchant, 103 Side; h. Gibside Hill & Drury, hosiers, haberdashers, &c., 18 Dean st Homoeopathic Dispensary, Hood st, John Mawson, sec Hood William, vict.. Earl Grey, 61 Quay side Horner John, vict., Kemble Inn, 8 Market st Hoyle Robson & Co., seed crushers, turpentine distillers, paint & colour manfrs., 58 Close Humble George, vict.. Chancellors Head Inn, 38 Newgate st Huntley Thomas, bookseller, 30 Mosley st Infant School, 60 Northumberland st, Ann Robertson, mistress Ireland Samuel, grocer, 1 Blenheim st Jameson John, accountant, arbitrator, &c., 34 Blackett st Jameson Ralph, ship & insurance bkr. & genl. corns, agent, 52 Quaysd. Johnson Aaron W., watch & clock maker, 44 Grainger st Johnson & White, confectioners & eating house, 2 Sand hill Journal Office, 47 Grey st, John Hernaman, proprietor Kelly Henry, printer, 8 Bridge st ; h. Brunswick ter Kelly & Waters, bookbinders & pocket book, &c., manfrs., 18 Nelson st Kirk Richard & Co., grocers & tea dealers, 60 Grey st Kuss Garmann, German clock maker, 22 High bridge Laidman Margaret, confectioner, 8 Shakespeare st Leidemann A. & Co., gnrl. mrchts., ship & insurance bkrs., 62 Quay sida Lambert George Anthony, solicitor, 19 Dean st Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle Junction Railway Co's office, 33 Market street Mackliver Peter S., proprietor of the Newcastle Guardian, 37 Grainger »l Mattison Thomas, butcher, 21 Pilgrim street Mawson John, homoeopathic chemist, Hood street 612 APPExNDIX. Mesnard and Hudson, ship brokers and general merchants, 52 Quay side Miller Joseph, accountant, 8 Grey street Mills Robert, vict., Clayton Arms, 43 Clayton st Molten! Alexander, looking glass, barometer, thermometer, &c, maker, 129 Pilgrim street Morrison John Linton, dealer in paper hanging, &c., 25 Nelson st Moore William, fruiterer, 38 Collingwood st Mouat Peter, & Co., lobacconist and cigar dealers, 10 Grainger st Murray Thomas, chemist and druggist. Half Moon lane, Gateshead Neil William, teacher of Deaf and Dumb, Northern Asylum, Wellington place, 68 Pilgrim street Notman and Dawson, cabinet makers, upholsterers, and undertakers 49 Grainger street Ogilvie Robert, beerhouse, 21 Clayton st O'Gorman Daniel, catholic schoolmaster, 9 Melbourn st Owen & Son, curriers & Ithr. cutters, & general coms. agts.,32 High bdge Owen Joseph, general commission agent, currier, &c. ; h. 12 Terrace pi Parker Anthony, coal fitter, ship broker & gnrl. comsn. agt. 50 Quay side Patterson John, vict., William IV, Bells ct. Pilgrim st Payne and Loder, patentees of Payne's wood patent, South shore, Thrmas Lawton, manager Peel William, hat manufacturer, 8 Dean street Perry Frederick, sugar boiler. Barker street, Shieldfield Porter John, beerhouse, 83 Newgate st Potts Thomas, linen and woollen draper, 9 Dean st Powell George, vict., Rose and Crown Inn, 30 Bigg Market Pratt Robert and Co, ship and insurance brokers, coal fitters and general agents, 28| Quay side; h. 1 Walker terrace, Gateshead Pringle George, vict.. Lord Nelson, 37 Trafalgar street Richardson John, tobacconist, 13 Dean st Robson Mary Ann, straw hat and dress maker, 72 Clayton st Robson Mrs. W , millinery and straw bonnet establishment, 6 Mosley st' Robson James, spirit dealer. Manor street Rockett Wilson, fishmonger, pltry. & game dlr. 37 Bottle bank, Gateshd Rowell John, vict.. Farmers Rest, 52 Percy st Rowley Robert, butcher, 179 Pilgrim street Rush and Lawton, railway contractors, 16 Dean street Sargent Frances, vict.. Clarendon Hotel, 32 Grainger st Scaife Stephenson, coms. & house agt., 18 Royal arcade; h. 19 Leazes cres Sharer James and Philip, linen and woollen drapers, 17 Market st Shield Frederick and Co, ship and insurance brokers, coal fitters, and commision agents, 67 Quay side Smith and Co, general merchants, 60 Quay side Spark John, joiner and cabinet maker, ct. 162 Pilgrim st Steel Charles Symes, fishmonger and game dealer, 3 Clayton st Straker Henry Smith, ship surveyor, 33 Quay side APPENDIX. 6J3 Strakers and Love, merchants and coai fitters, 2 Sand hill Tallis I. and F., periodical publishers, 50 Carliol St., Robert Watson, agt Taylor Thomas, vict., Eldon Arms, 54 Biackett st Taylor and Anderson, auctioneers, appraisers, colonial brokers, & general commission agents, Koyal arcade Temperley John, cheese, bacon & prvsn. mert., 1 13 Side & 13 Broad chare Thompson 5c Atkinson, ship &.ins. bkrs. & genrl. corns, a^^ts. 20 Sand hill Towers Jph. Robinson, auctioneer, aprsr. & sheriffs officer, 32 Grainger st Walker Edward, chemist and druggist, 69 Grey st Walton Mary, vict., Earl of Durham Inn, 10 Pilgrim st Wanless William, solicitor, 30 Mosley street Watson Matthew, ale and porter merchant. Manor chare White Edward, cheese and bacon factor, 10 Dean st Wilkinson Elizabeth, confectioner & British wine dealer, 42 Grainger st Williamson Jane, blacksmith and cartwright, Powell's ct., Gateshead Wright John & Co., wine and spirit merchants, 40 High bridge Wright John, working jeweller, 21 Grey street SUNDERLAND & BISflOPWEARMOUTH. ADDITIONS A.ND ALTERATIONS. Armstrong Benjamin, furnishing ironmonger, 194 High st, b w Armstrong Thomas, vict., Three Tuns, 69 Crowtree road Baugh Daniel, vict,. Forge Hammer Inn, 37 Dunning st, b w Bird John Goodman, ship broker & general comsn. agent, 1 Sans st, b w Bolam Ann, patent yeast manufacturer and flour dealer, 22 West st, b w Bygate John, grocer and tea dealer, Arcade, s Cairns Isaac, painter and glazier, 5 York st, b w Cranston H. & Son, chemists, druggists, and tea dealers, 9 High st, s Elliott George, agent to Marquis of Londonderry, Exchange buildings, s Elliott Jane, vict.. Gardener's Tavern, 21 High st, s Gibson and Stokor;, linen and woollen drapers, 162 High st, b w Gourley Edward T., shipbroker and merchant, 56 Villiers si, b w Green Joseph, vict. & corn & hay dlr., George & Dragon, 302 High st, b w Hailiday Cph., carrier to Barnard Castle, 2] Crowtree road, b w Hardcastle George, auctioneer and appraiser, 16 Bridge st, b w Hills James, stock and share brokei, and general furnishing ironmonger, 236 High street, b w Hodgson Gilbert, timber merchant and agent to the Church of England Fire and Life Office, 238 High st, b w Humphrey and Evans, grocers and tea dealers, 178 High st, s Huntley David, linen and woollen draper, 184 High st, s Hutchinson Thomas, vict., Oak Tree, 144 High st, s APPENDIX. 6)4 Johnson Frederick Henry, surgeon, 2 Lambton st, b w Lorimer Emily, vict., Custom House Hotel, 76 Low st, s Mackie William, hat and cap manufacturer, 6 High st, s Marwood & Son, ship brokers and commission agents, High st, s Morton Joel, file manufacturer. Dunning st, b w Ord Thomas, vict., Ship Tavern, 9 Low st, s Proudfoot James, vict.. Fox and Hounds, 99 High st, s Reed T. and M., linen and wouUen drapers, 189 High st, s Rennison George Hugall, pawnbroker. Bridge st, b w Rickaby Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 30 Warren st, s Robinson George, ship broker, and ship owner, Villi^rs st, b w Sanders and Brunton, ship brokers, 56 Villiers st, b w Snaith George, vict., Golden Anchor, 128 Low st, s Ward Maria, flour dealer, 16 High st, b w Whitelaw John, tobacco, cigar and fancy snuff dealer, 207 High st, s Young cfe Harrison, solicitors and agents to the Law Fire, and Alfred Lifo insurance Offices, 25 Lambton st, b w NORTH SHIELDS AND TYNEMOUTH. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. Gallon Mary, tailor and outfitter, Clive st Matthews Mrs. Margaret, lodgings, Tynemouth place Mills Mrs. Jane, lodgings, Tynemouth place Newton William, vict., Star and Garter Hotel, Tynemouth Sanderson John, hosier, 4 Howard st Shanks Mr. Arthur, 16 Dockwray square Smith Peter, vict.. Board, 25 Church st Wharrier Thomas, vict.. Railway Refreshment Rooms, Tynemouth station SOUTH SHIELDS. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. Eddowes and Birkett, surgeons, 69 King st Northern Tea Co., 1 Thrift st, William Reid, managing partner Park John, vict., Staith House, 61 East Holborn Pearson Thomas & Son, butchers, 84 East Holborn Skee S. & Co., ship and insurance brokers C0»O*>^C0C0C0C0»s5 — CO ^D^s — wt^ — — lo — — •— op -- ^^ — to to to OCOJOiOOCOrf^^OOiO* ^ t3 — •— CO o» c< (s:> 00 2 to — to to — to Kl — to>— toco — — W Oi O to "v-l 0» Ot O* P ^5 (in ui ^ !z: ^ 5* as M to O M o^ CO <» — rf^ - - CO -2:42 C/i CO — CO 00 — — •fe , CO O O r «3 Si Id 9 O h3) n o GO o o Ed O to Si Hi ^ H |_| SO o o B SB t?3 H DQ h— ( GO t2l (3) HH r/2 ?d W 1-5 W • desirable to Borrowers — Privacy and Facility of Access. INFANT SCHOOL FOR No. 41, CLAYTON STE,EEIT, sriSW®iiS'ffiak2} [LiKl®Q© [Fiy)[ElMQTiyJ[Ei3 Which, for excellence of Workmanship, superior quality of Woods, and varied and elegant designs, cannot he surpassed. The consignment em- braces every description of Furniture, amongst which may be more par- ticularly specified, SOFAS AND COUCHES; DINING, DRAWING ROOM, CARD, LOO, LADIES' WORK, AND OTHER TABLES; Drawing Room, Balloon, Roman, Smoking, and easy Chairs ; Chimney, Pier^ Cheval and other Glasses ; Cheffioniers and >bideboards, ^-c, ^c. The above Consignment having been imported at the greatly reduced Duty proposed by the New Tariff, can be offered at Prices which must command an extensive Sale. THE WHOLE MAY BE INSPECTED AT THE WAREROOMS. Country Orders promptly attended to, and Goods carefully packed. PHILOSOPHICAL, MATHEMATICAL, & NAUTICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, 138, HIGH STREET, Adjoining the Custom House, SUNDERLAND. Philosophical Apparatus, and Nautical Instruments of every description made, cleaned, repaired, and accurately adjusted. UNION LANE, SUNDERLAND. ^MAH liiii4^l '9 {Late Eidsdale, Porter, and Ridsdale,) MANUFACTURER OF CURRIERS' & TANNERS' KNIYES, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ; SLICKERS, DICE-IRONS, STEELS. &C., Also, Superior Forged Hackles and Pins, MiiSMIIS'E W©®2t] (S(D)1SBE]^(S Brg®ii©iiIE§p §?(Sod WARRANTED. gSMMiailAS Stmilf s lill»Af 1, TIC DOLOREUX. S. BARLO Respectfully informs sufferers and the Benevolent, that his almost never failing POWDERS, for the cure of this painful complaint, are used \)j either sex, under any circumstances 5 occasion no inconvenience whatever, and are nothing empirical. BONA FIDE TESTIMONIALS AND REFERENCES SENT WHEN REQUIRED. THE POWDERS Forwarded POSTAGE FREE, to all parts of the United Kingdom, IKT PACKETS AT Is. 6d, To give them a fair trial, a Douhle Packet should he taken, price 2«. 9d. Payment can be made in Letter Stamps. N. B. — The Testimonials heing very numerous, most remarkable, altogether truthful, and chiefly from the most intelligent and higher classes of society, (to whom reference is kindly permitted,) form therefor* interesting matter for perusal. SAMUEL BARLOW, CnEMroT, Darlifq^ok. ESTABLISHED IN 1806. 169, S; 170, HIGH STREET, SUNDERLAND. CENTRAL AND QUiET SITUATION- MIS. lIlSil"8 COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY BOARDING HOUSE, 52, c3- 53, VILLIERS STREET, SUNDERLAND. 7 300BS FROM HSGH STSBST.-COPFEB ROOMS. PAINTER. GLAZIER, AND PAPER HANGER, LOOKING GLASS & PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURER, CURRIER, AND LEATHER SELLER, GKEir STREET, S0K'BERSiAI'TI>. Engineer., jigricvltttral and General Iron Founder, WIST ^©Wj §T@€Ei'?©?i-®i«Tti§* Manufacturer of Larribei^f s Improved Draining Pipe and Tile Machine. Stove Grate* Ovens, Cooking Apparatus, ^c. Brass Casiin