McCONKEY. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I MIS V?\Tfi UNITED STATES OF AMERICA J CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE Houscl i old Eriend; UNING VALUABLE PRESCRIPTIONS AND FORMULA Thai HAVE BBBM SUCCESSFULLY U < BY HIK Li ADING PHYSK uK Li ROPE AND Ami Kli \. PRESCRIPTIONS AND D • .11-11 JO Ill\l ANY -M I w UMDERS1 \M> I MEM. PRICK, - : • O U KD IND PUBLISHED BY Proi i - E. Mc( ON K l.Y. CHICAGO ILL - Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by Prof. E. McC'onkey, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Fergus Printing Company. Chicago. THESE Prescriptions have been secured at great expense from noted physicians and specialists, who are using them successfully in their practice, and have all beeo thoroughly tested Having traveled throughout the United States far twenty-five years in the medicine business, and a close observerj I have found that thousands Whooping-Cough, Buperior to any in the market, l'I Piles, cured hundreds and never known to fail, - L'l Rheumatism, sun- cure; also Chronic Kln-uiiiatisin, J.; Headache Cure, Headache, Pain in the Bonos, etc., 20 La Grippe, recommonded by leading physicians, 20 Sore Eyes, l>;, Mouth Wash, for Ulcerated Gums, Breath, etc, 27 Worms, Vermifuge for Wortu in Children, 29 Great German Salve, hat do equal on earth, - 29 Dyspepsia, ;'«>. 1 General Family Remedy, T!i'- best mediciiie known today. Alcohol, - _ - 3 ounces. < >il < Origanum, - - 1 • Irani. < iil Sassafi - - 1 .Iran.. oil Hemlock, - - 1 dram, (t;i Cloves, - - - ] drama Sulph. Ether, - 6 drama Apia Ammonia, - - •) • Ira ii is. ( iimi < iamphor, - - l 'Irani. D — !•' r an adult "ii i teaspoonfu] in a \\ i ii. - watei When gn en to children, reduce the ding t.» tip- age of the child. I Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lame Back, [nnamma- : • tin- Kidneys, take internally three times a -l.-i\ nally with tin- clear medicine. Toothache, bathe each side "I' tin' gums; Head ache, bathe freely; Cramp Colic, take a dose in hot \ ery half-hour. I r Bites or Stings <>f [nsects, Reptiles, or Dogs, appl) 'I"' clear medicine, For Sore Throat mix a teaspoonfu] in a wine glass of water and gargle the throat and bat! d the out- side leveral times a 'lay. CYCLOPEDIA 01 MEDICINE. 9 Cholera Mixture. I BOLERA MORBUS OB SIMMER COMPLAINT. positive cure and may truthfully be said that in twenty years it has never been known to fail in a single a K Spts Lavender, Comp. - 2 ounces. Tinct, Rhubarb, - - -2 ounces. Tinct, ( > [ . i u 1 1 1 . 2 ounces. Tinct < Samphor, - - 2 oun< Tinct * Satechu, - - 1 ounce. Synip Simple, . - - I ounce. Dosi : — For ;m adult, one teas] nful; for a child nnder 12 years one-half teaspoonful; for a child under •_' yean ten drops To be given in a little sweetened Scrofula, This remedy lias been used with perfed success after si i era] physicians had foiled K Byrup of Stillingia, - - 2 onnoec iparilla ('» ounces Iodide Potassium, - - .'< drams Dirs i ions Take one teaspoonfbJ before meals CYCLOPEDIA Of MEDICINE, I r Alcoholism. BUB >B DEPSOMANl \ I >B DBUNEENNESS. This i^ a positive cure, if properly put up, a> thou- - can testify today. R T;ik>- one pound of Red Cinchona Bark; use the quill; crush it in a mortar; it does not want to zed fine, simply crushe I into small pieces. Put it into «-i percolator and pour about a half-pint <»f diluted Alcohol "iito it, and let it stand two <>r tin- layB t.. become thoroughly snaked. Thru grad- ually i >■ mi- on more diluted AJcohol until you have one pint of the tincture run through the percolator. Then take this one pinl of tincture and evaporate >w fire until re luced t" one half-pint. Doei One teaspoonful thr r four times a day. any time it should produce a ringing sound in the head, reduce the size of the dose. Constipation. LAXATIVE IND ~i RE I JRE FOB CON8TTPATION. K II i:-.i Belladonna, - | dram PI l ra Sagrada, - 1 ounce ip Rhubarb, - - :i ounces I » ■ . I poonful every three hours unl il aci ion then t.ik'- as Deeded. CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 13 Fever-and-Ague Cure. FOB A'il'K, CHILLS; AN1> FEVER. R Salicylate Soda, - - \\ drama Sulphate Quinine, - - 1! drama Syrup of Rhubarb, - i> ounces. D06E:— Teaspoonful three times a day. Keep the patient in t»-'l the 'lavs they «x | ><-.-t a chill and ^\\i\ doable doses every two hours until you u r iv>' fhree commencing five hours before time for the hill. Kidneys. For the Kidneys when there is any deposit or sedi- • iit in the urine. i; Nitrate of Potassium, - .'> drama I'ulv. < Hibebs, - - -2 drama I; stifled Spirits, - - 1 dram. Water sufficienl to make - 3 ounces i 1 T | nt'ul three times a 'lay. in water. Chronic Dysentery Pills. 1: P ptonic Pills, - - - No. txx Dosi < >ne after each meal as needed. (. V< LOPEDLi OP MEDICINE, 1 5 >«>. it Blood Purifier. No better Blood Purifier known. Recommended by physicians, and superior t<> any medicine advertised. It V\ K\t Cascara Sagradaj 4 drama FL K.\t. Sarsaparilla, - - 4 dram-. PL Ext Stillingia, - - 4 drain-. [odide Potash, - - - 4 drams. Simple Syrup, to make 8 ounces. DoBE: — Teaspoonfu] three tunee a day. Cramp-Colic. COm CRAMPS, IND GRIPING PAINS in Tin: BOWELS. 8 Tiint. < iapsicum, - 4 drama Tinci < iamphor, - • 4 drains. Sulphuric Ether, - 4 drams. Spirits Peppermint, ■ 4 drams. Qlycerine, - 1 ounce. Do i One-half to one teaspoonfu] in a little water hour till relieved. Relief will follow immedi- ately by using Qua remedy. CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDH INK. i~ ETo. 11 Female Tonic. R Elixir Beef, Wine and Iron, 6 ouncea Oaxbonate of Iron, - -4 'hams. Elixir Calisya Bark, - + ouncea Simple Syrup, - - -2 ounoea Dose: Teaspoonful to tablespoonful three times ■ day. Catarrh Salve. R Bi-carb Soda, 1 dram. < Sosmoline, - 1 ounce. Mix thoroughly. Place a little of the Balve on the end of the Hit!.- finger and grease the inner nostril* • the Qose and between t hi [ring for the night Coughs. \\ \ comonia < Shloride, - 4 drama r Acid, diluted, 16 dropa 1 1 mbane, - - ^ drama 1 ii i J *.. - - <; .hams. ip Licorice, - - .". ouncea 1 1 I mI'iiI ever} three hoars for adults. CY< LOPEDLA OF MEDICINE. 19 NO. II Cough Mixture. POB COUGHS COLDS AM. PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. Thia is the most wonderful cough remedy known, ami has euifl s.\ ij al eases wlinv they were supposed to have consumption K Hope, ... - 1 ounce. Wild-Cherry Bark, - 1 ounce. Spiknard, 1 ounce. Elecampane, - - - 4 drama Put the herbe into three pints of water and simmer down one-third; do nol boiL Strain through a cloth; add one poun 1 of Loaf Bugar, then take quarter of a •iit'ul of tar "ii a >t iik and atir mixture. To • add quai ter of ;i pint of alcohol. blespoonful three timee a day. To Break up a Cold. K I tovera Po^ der, - - 20 grains, Nitrate Potash, - - 20 -rains. < Samphor, - - - 10 graina I'ulv ( nbebe, - - -20 graina Drai 1 pions lib and divide into ten capsules me ever) bu houra or CY< LOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 21 N<». Ml Whooping-Cough. iperior to ull remedies in the market. K Onions and Garlic, braised, each 4 ounces. • ( >il, - - - 4 ounces. Stew and strain. Then add Bon< y. - - -4 ounces. gone, 4 drams. Spirits < lamphor, - - - 4 drams. Dose: Teas] nt'iil three or four times a day. pro. 17 Piles. BUR] CUR1 FOB I'll.i'.s. Have known t K i- t" cure hundreds, and oever knew it t-. fad. K Acetate of Lead, - - l dram. it i: Uadonna, - - I dram Tanic A'-id. - - - l dram. ( tpium, I'ii I \ - - .'. dram. mm-. 1 ounce. Dirk i ions: Applj night and moi oing. < Y< I.OPEDIA OF MEDIt'I.N'E. 2$ No. 1^ Rheumatism. BUBI CUBE FOB RHEUMATISM. K Tr. I ' ilchicum Seed, - 1 ounce. - la Salicylate, - - I ounce, l-'l. Ext Black Cohosh, - 1 ounce. Fl. Ext Poke Root, - - 1 ounce. Syrup Rhubarb, 6 ounces. 1>ikk< noN8: Teaspoonfu] in water every 4 hours. Apply No. 1 externally .three or four times a day. Chronic Rheumatism. K Bi-carb. Potassa, - - 1 ounce. Salicylate Soda, - - 1 ounce. Potaasi [odidi, - - 2 drama Water sufficient to make <» ounces. Filter solution. Directions Teaspoonfu] in ;i little water three times daily before meala I m going to bed, take a quarter-grain gelatine-coated Podophyllin Pill CYCLOPEDIA OF HEDI( INK. 2$ Headache Cure. POB HEADACHE, I'AIN IN THE BONES, BREAEBONE l \\ I l: OB DENGUE FEVER. R Phenacetine. Have powders made containing seven grains each. Take a powder every five or six until relieved; Bhould be taken in a little wine, ii be taken dry and washed down with water. La Grippe. unended bj the leading physicians of the South. R Phenacetine and Quinine, Directions: Have capsules made <"iit;ii!iiiiL r _'. grains of Quinine and •'>'. grains of Phenacetine. Take two capsules every five hours until relieved. Sore Eyes. R Sulphate Zinc, - - _ grains. Acid Boradc, - - -6 grains, Iforphine, \ grain. I; \\ atei - - 1 ounce. Diri ■ i ions I toop a fe* drops in the eye, and bathe frech once a day. CYCLOPEDIA OF MED* WE. Mouth Wash. Ulcerated and Inflame 1 Hums, Soiv Mouth, Offensive Breath, and Preservation of Teeth. K .\. ; ..l ( 'ark Scherin^s, - -2 drama Oomp. Spirits Lavender, - LJ- ounces. Tinct Myrrh, - - - 1 ! ounces ( »il Wintergreen, - - 4"> drops Oil l'.i.jM'rmint, - - 30 drops Oil Clov - - - 2() drops l'ulv. Orris Florentine, - - drains Bi-carbonate, '1 drams White Sugar, - 1 ounce, hoi, 4 ounces A pia, - - - - 11 ounces Macerate - !■ hours and filter. Dirb pionb For Toilel LTses^pul ■ few drops on brush night and morning, thereby imparting a delight- ful and refreshing taste to the mouth. I ■ Sore Qui etc., put half a teas] nt'ul in two tablespoonfuls of water, and rinse the mouth every ii three hours CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 29 Worms. Vermifuge for Worms in t'liildren. II Pulverized Santonin, - 1 dram PL K\t < lascara Sagrada, - 1 ounce. Syrup Rhubarb, - - _ ounces, ace Peppermint, - - 1 dram. Dirkctions: — Teaspoonfu] night and morning till worms are expelled. Great German Salve. II - oo equal on earth; acknowledged to be the besi Balve in use t.. lay by thousands \{ White Wax, - ( iiim < !amphor, - I. • - 1 oil, Precipitate Powder, A'M a piece "i' fresh Butter in. -It all i cep< III'' p .-.I put in the poM der, an cm. I enough to prevent tin- powder from Bettling. Keep in air-tighl I »ir I ■ clean thi ire with < 'a bile it' th< re i • .us proud Be h sprinkled on pul- I burn! alum. Apply on rofl cloth twice a day. >\ ho have used it. 1 ounce. - 1 ounce. 1 ounce. - I ounce. the i\\ 1 li size "i' ;ni egg; >r. When all is 1 ke ep Btirring until CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. Dyspepsia. R I Sarbonate Magnesia, Bi-carbonate Soda, Bismuth, Sugar of Peppermint, D - ! Teas] nful or after eating. in water bh 4 drama 1 ounce. 4 drams. 1 ounce. .•.• times a d;p Nervousness. Fluid Extract < Selery Seed, Fluid Iv.tiart Chamomile, Fluid Bxtrad Byoscyamus, Fluid Bxtrad Licorice, m] i!i- Elixir, Filter rig. 1 ounce. 1 ounce. 4 drams. 4 drams. 13 ounces. hi Take a t.-.-i~| nful three tim.-s a day: at o'clock in tli.- morning, .'> o'clock in the afternoon, and !• o'clock at night CYCLOPEDIA OF MLbKINL. 33 Summer Complaint. FOB SUMMEB COMPLAINT AND ALL BOWEL TROUBLE Willi ■ IHLDREN. 11 Rhubarb Etoot, - - 4 drama Anise Seed, - - -.4 drama Licorice II""t. 4 drama Manna. - - - - 4 dianis. Powdered Sugar, 1 pound. Paregoric, 1 <>m ( Sarbonate of Pota , - 80 grains. Directions: -Simmer the Rhubarb, Anise, and . with 16 ounces of water till reduced t<» 12 ounces; then add .Manna an I train Make a Byrup and add Carbonate of Potash and 3 ounces of French Brandy. I ' ■ T tonful tin- •«• or four I imes a daj for an infant; for children from four \<> ten years old, aspoonfuls; for adults, from one t" two table- I nfula Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. K Fluid Extrad Qolden-seal, 3 drams. ire ( lubebs, - - I ounce. - 4 drams. Wat. r to make - - •; ounces h \ I 1 1 it'ul in a tablespoonfu] of water a daj : !• am , .'> p. in. aii'l !» p. in. CYCL<»rEi>IA OF MEDICINE. 35 ><>. 30 Liver, Kidneys, and Blood. A great system renovator. Regulates the Liver and Kidneys, purifies the Blood, and La a splendid tonic. R < arbonate of Iron, - - 4 drains. Pulverized ( 'ubebs, - 2 drams. Tincture Aloes, - - - 2 ounces. Alooholj '6 drains. Boft water to make - - 6 ounces. I I fiE: — A teaspoonful two or three times a day. No. :ji For the Liver. To 1"- used in all cases instead of CalomeL U Irisin, 24 grains. Divide into three powders, Dibb none Take one powder a1 oighl on L r "inu r t-. bed In the morning take Senna Tea or Seidlitz r i ler. Try it and VOU Prill use no more OalomeL . \( I fil'KIUA OF MI. I'll IM 37 Tape-Worm Remedy. will. NEVER IAII is EXPELLING TAPE -WORM. K Take one pin! of Pumpkin Seed, Boak them in twenty minutes, then pour* off the water. Then add "n-- quart of water to the seed and simmer very slowly down to one pint; put all into a cloth and wring dry; set the tea one aide and hull some of the — I you have been using; keep the hulled seed and intil morning. Direi ii"\s: The day the tea is made eat a very light breakfast, and do not eat any more during the ■ l;i\ A- Boon as you gel up in tic morning take 1 drink <>f tin- t»-a and cat as much seed as you can, thus satisfying your hunger for breakfast. I Mink all the tea within an hour after getting up; two hours after taking the last of the tea, take a ■ l i ill, i,, move the bowels Lucorrhea. Injection foi Lucorrhea or Falling of the Womb. K Qolden Seal Powder, - l ounce. Alum Powder, - - - 4 ounces. Powder, - - 2 ounces • noNE Take one teaspoonful and dissolve in a pint of k"t watei and inject eight and morning CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 39 Gonorrhoea. Internal Remedy. Tincture of 1 tabeba, ] ounce. . Copaiba, 1 ounce. Spirit- of Nit iv, 1 ounce. Byrup Tola, - 3 ounces. Dosi Teas] uful three tunes b day: at 9 a.m. :; pjDLj and 'J p.m Gonorrhoea Injection. This is prescribed by the most eminent medical l.ia.-titi.nni- iii Am. lira. ]'. Sulphate Zinc, - - L5 grains. Flu. [den-Seal, - {■ drams. Listerine, 4 drams. Bulphate of Morphine, 5 grains l: Water to make 8 oui D hij.-.t three or four times a day. All injections should be warm when used in anj CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE, 41 ><». 86 Syphilis. Interna] Remedy. r ( lai bonate of [ronr, - - 4 drama Fluid Ext Burdock, - - 4 drama Fluid Ext Xellow-dock Root, 4 drama Fluid Ext Poke R"<>t. - 4 drama Fluid Ext Stillingia, - 4 drama Fluid Ext Sarsaparilla, - 4 drama Bimple Syrup t<« make - (i ounces. Dose: -Teas] nful four times a day. Thi- worst "t" .-ill diseases ''an be successfully cured by this treatment No. :t7 Syphilis. bernal Application, K Blueetone, 2 drams. Sugar of Lead, - - - 4 drama Saltpetre, ... 4 drama 1 1 olve in two pints of rain water. Ini:i' noNfi A 1 'pi \ to chancree and sores three A 1 » 1 ■ 1 > di \ Sut, Nitrate of Bismuth after Dfling tip above a fen days. CY< LOPKDIA OF MEDICINE. 43 Chronic Gleet. Internal Remedy, re care for this disgusting and noxious ..►. :n> Chronic Gleet. [njecti • A.-i-l, - < ilycerine, - I. • tine, Camphor Water, l dram. I ounce. ■1 ounces. 20 grains. 6 ounces, 1 three times a day, warm. Al injections should be warm when used in any stage, CYCLOPEDIA <>F KEDICiNEL 45 Loss of Vigor. I. • or Failing Vitality, Effects of Errors or tea in old or young. The most successful treat- ment known today. K Tincture « lubebs, 4 ouncea D08I A teas] lif'ul in a little water three times a 'lay. May !>•• continued for three or four weeks. Sores and Ulcers. K Tincture of Iron. Take internally. Ten drops in a little water three times a \;.j.!\ l'".'. ' red Magnesia t<> the Bore, and I •.•in- i Children Chafing. \{ Pon d( n i Starch, - - 1 k ouncea 11 ' Zinc, - - - 3 -Irani-. 1 drain Mix. D l t thoroughly wash the parts with and then apply ;i ^ ; i powder. CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDKINK. 47 IVo. 48 Glycerine Balm. For I happed Bands or Lips. R Glycerine, 7| ouncea Tincture Ifyrrh, - - 3 ouncea Tincture Arnica, - - 1'. ouncea oil Rose, ... 10 drops. Rub Tincture of Myrrh with Carbonate Magnesia; add Wat. r t<> make :• ounces; then add Ami. -a and < Hycerine. DlBEi riONS: — Use three or four times a day. For the Complexion. For I! .-iiit i t ' \ tag the ( Somplexion. K Flake White, - - - 4 ounces. ( Hycerine, ... 4 ounces. Bay Rum, - - - -2 ouncea Rain Water, - . - ,s ouncea Put in Carmine enough to color; dissolve Carmine in water; add Rose Water, 1 ounce, Ladies will find this superior to all other prepara- It will not ml. oil - , and makes tin- tar,, and hands feel lik-- velvet* and you know what you are Nothing injurious. CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 49 Tooth-Powder. Xbia Powder is on the market today, has a larj Bale, and always gives satisfaction, R I' .. i. i..l Orris Root, - 4 drains Powdered Peruvian Bark, 4 drains. Powdered Myrrh, 4 drama Prepared I !halk, - -2 ouncea Oil ■ : I - -15 dropa Mix thoroughly. PION8: — Use with brush as needei Tooth-Powder. ft Powdered Cattle Bone, - 1 ounce. He Soap, White, - 4 drams. 1 I Florentine, 4 drams. ( )il Peppermint, - - -20 dropa White Sugar, Powdered, - 1 ounce. Pink, if desired, to oolor. Dtju .•. itli brush as often as Deeded. CT( LOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. ><». 17 Condition Powder. 1 ounce. 1 ounce. 3 ouncea - 3 ouncea 1 ounce R ( brude Antimony, - Powdered Lobelia, Powdi red ' ringer, - Flour of Sulphur, Powdered Bay Berry •in Tartar. - Powdered Saltpetre, 4 ounces. 4 ounces. 1 >ne teaspo >nful three times a day in feed. Make your own powders, and uot buy old stock. IVo. 48 Chicken Cholera. I by the largest chicken breeders in the l rnited Stat. >. R Sulphate Soda, Epsom Salt-. Powdered Sulphur, I'"U dered ' bpperas, - Powdered Man- Irak. • Root, B ; Pepper, Mix. 8 ounces, 8 ounces. 8 ollllcca. 8 ounces. 4 ollliees. 4 ollliees. Dirk h-.ns : Qi ve \ u feed ti, ree time a .lay. CY< LOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 53 Liniment for Man or Beast. This has \>vv\\ in use for over forty years. K Spirits of Ammonia, - 1 ounce. Tincture of C9tf oroform, - 1 ounce. Tincture of Opium, - 1 ounce. Tincture of Capsicum, - 1 ounce. Bed Aconite, - - - 1 ounce. SajM. Camphor Soap, - - 3 ounces. Dirbi noNS: To be applied freely externally two oi three tim< > a day. Horse Liniment. Whit.- Liniment for Stork or Swelled Legs of I [ones, Scratches, <*tc. K Turpentine, - - - 1 pint. Cider Vinegar, - - - 1 pint. <>il. - - - ' pint Beat up tw<. E^ggB and mix. Dirk M"n^. Wash lege clean, and apply it freely oighf and morning. Foj borsei and cattle their i^ no better liniment CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 55 pro. 51 Vermin Exterminator. K Dinohre Alum in hot water, making a very itioa DIRECTIONS: — Apply to furniture or crevices in the wall with a paint-brush. This is a rare destruction to all noxious vermin, ■ad invaluable because easily obtained. It is, more- over perfectly Bafe to use and leaves no trace behind. When you rasped moths have lodged in the boards and carpets, wet their edges with a strong solution; wherever it reaches them it is certain death. No. Bfl Erasive Fluid. For CI. -aning Clothing, Removing Grease Spots, etc. H Spirits of Ammonia, - 1 ounce. Alcohol, - - - - 1 ounce, Sulph. Ether, - - - I ounce. Spirits of Camphor, - - B drama Transparent Snap, 8 drams. Water sufficient for - - 1 pint. Dirk i kwb: Lay ■ blotter or piece of cloth under- neath {anneal to be cleaned ;n>'i »pply with a Bponge. After removing ipots, use sponge with clear water, CTCLQPEDIA OP MEDICINE. 57 Bed-Bugs. Sure preventive against ln-d-Bugs. K Take Quicksilver and mix with Laid Directions:— Take a feather, and apply under- neath tli-- -hits of the bed in tin- spring and fall, and y«>u will aever Bee a bug in your house. No. 5 l Wood Preservative. A man who has tried it says thai wooden posts i a- folloWB, at a cost of two rents apiece, will . Long thai the party adopting it w ill not live his posts decay. DiRBcnoNB: Take boiled [inseed Oil and stir in Pulverized Charcoal to the consistency of paint, and put a coal "\ er tie- timber. Mucilage. Gold Glue or Mucilage. None better in use. IV < : 1 1 1 1 1 Arabic, - - •>} ounces, Bugar, ( Irenulated, - I ' ounces. Water, - - - - 7' ounces, I tissoh e. Ihen add Acetic Acid, - 1} ounces, CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 59 To Clean Wall-Paper. MAKING IT LOOK as BRIGHT as when NEW. Take a loaf of fresh rye bread; remove all of the crust and pour on ammonia, working it into a thick I will of paste. Tak.- this in your hand and rub the paper Be careful not to lot the finger-nails scratch Un paper. No. ->7 To Clean Clothes. PUNCH METHOD OF CLEANING CLOTHES OF ALE KINDS. Put the clothes to be cleaned into a clean tub and cover them with gasoline; let them remain two hours, then take them from the tub and hang on a line When dry, brush thoroughly and press. This method will remove grease and dirt of all trinda CYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE. 6l Hectograph. How t<» iiiak.- Hectograph. K Glycerine, 1| pounda Pulverized Glue Best, - 8 ouncea DiREt riONS:— Dissolve the glue in one pint of hot irater; when thoroughly melted a«l«l glycerine, and have them w.-ll mixed. Pour in graph, and set in nd level place to harden. Use violet hectograph ink. km «