108 >0" .0 '"A^:.-:' %^ ■': ,-s^ \. ^./"Tr;^ <^' ^"^\°^5^^^ <> isA^y'^- \\. .% i EASY LESSONS REASONING. RICHARD WHATELY, D.D., ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN. THIRD AaiERICAN FROM FIFTH LOIVDON EDITION. BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE: • JAMES ]\I U N R O K AND C O INI P A N Y . 1857. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, Br JA]VIES MUNROE AND COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Jtlassachusetts. STEREOTTrED BY S. N. DICKINSON & CO. No. 52 VVashington Street, BOSTON. PREFACE The subject treated of in the following pages is one wMcli has not usually been introduced into the course of elementary studies for young persons of all classes. It is supposed by some that the difference between a better and a worse reasoner depends either wholly on natural ahllity^ or on that combined with practice^ or on each man*s greater or less pro- ficiency in the subjects he is treating of. And others again consider a systematic study of the principles of Reasoning as suitable only to a few persons, of rare endowments, and of a peculiar turn of mind ; and to those, only in an advanced stage of their education. That this branch of study is requisite for all, and is attainable by all, and presents not, necessarily, any greater difficulties than the rudimente of Arithmetic, Geometry, and Grammar, — all this cannot be so well e^dnced in any other way as by experiment. If the perusal of these Lessons, or of the half of them, fail to satisfy on this point any tolerably attentive reader, it is not likely he would be convinced by any distinct argument to the same effect that could be offered. The work has ver}' little claim to novelty, except as to the simplicity and familiarity of its form. But without making any discovery^ strictly so called, of any thing previously altogether un- known, it is possible — since ' discovery ' is a relative word — to be, practically a discoverer, by bringing within the reach of thousands some important branch of knowledge of which they would otherwise have remained destitute all tlieir lives. And in regard to the present subject, a fiimlliar introduction to the study is precisely what has hitherto been wanting. The exist- ing treatises upon it may be compared to ships, well freighted, but which can only unlade at a few wharves, carefully constructed, in 4 PREFACE. advantageous situations. The want is, of small boats drawing very little water, which can carry ashore small parcels of the cargo on every part of the coast, and run up into every little creek. Should the attempt to supply this deficiency prove as successful as there is reason, from the trial that has been ali'eady made in the (^Saturday Magazine,) to hope, an addition by no means unimpor- tant will have been made to the ordinary course of elementary education. To frame, indeed, a system of rules that should equalize persons of all varieties of capacity, would be a project no less chimerical in this than in any other department of learning. But it would certainly be a great point gained, if all persons were taught to ex- ercise the reasoning faculty as well as the natural capacity of each would permit; for there is good reason to suspect that, in this point, men fail quite as often from want of attention, and of sys- tematic cultivation of their powers, as from natural deficiency. And it is at least worth trying the experiment whether all may not be, in some degree, trained in the right exercise of a faculty which all, in some degree, possess, and which all must, more or less, exercise, whether they exercise it well or ill. It was at one time contemplated to subjoin an Index of the technical terms, with brief definitions of them, and references to the Lessons and Sections. But, on second thoughts, it has been judged best to omit this, and to recommend each student to draw up such an index for himself. It is for students, strictly so called, — that is, persons employed in acquiring an elementary knowledge of the subject — that the work is chiefly designed : and for these, no exercise could be devised more calculated to facilitate their study than that of carefully compiling an Index, and also expand- ing the Table of Contents, so as to give a brief summary of the matter of each Lesson. And this being the case, it would not be any real saving of labor to the learner to place before him such an Index and Table of Contents already drawn up. It may be worth while to suggest to the Teacher to put before his pupils, previously to their reading each Lesson, some questions pertaining to the matter of it ; requiring of them answers, oral or written, the best they can think of without consulting the book Next, let them read the Lesson, having other questions, such as PREFACE. 5 may lead to any needful explanations, put before tliem as they proceed. And afterwards let them be examined, (introducing numerous examples framed by themselves, and by the teacher,) as to the portion they have learned, in order to judge how far they remember it. Of these three kinds of questions, — which may be called, L Preliminary questions; ii. questions of instruction; and iii. ques- tions o^ examination^ — the last alone are, by a considerable portion of Instructors, commonly employed. And the elementary books commonly known as * catechisms,* or ' books in question and answer,* consist in reality of questions of this description. But the second kind, — what is properly to be called instructive questioning, — is employed by all who deserve to be reckoned good teachers. The third kind, — the preliminary questioning — is employed, (systematically and constantly) but by few. And at first sight it might be supposed by those who have not had experience of it, that it would be likely to increase the learner's difficulties. But if any well-qualified Instructor will but carefully and judiciously try the experiment, (in teaching any kind of science,) he will be sur- prised to find to how great a degree this exercise of the student's mind on the subject will contribute to his advancement. He will find that what has been taught in the mode above suggested will have been learnt in a shorter time, will have been far the more thoroughly understood, and will be fixed incomparably the better in the memory. 1* INTRODUCTION TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. The author of this little work has not, so far as we know, avowed himself. From internal evidence, one would infer very decidedly that the work was prepared by Dr. Whately. It is marked on every page by that same strong good sense and solid learning which have rendered his works on Logic and Rhetoric so eminently valuable as text-books for students. Many persons of high reputation for their attainments in those branches of learning to which they may have been devoted, have failed disgracefully, in the attempt to furnish a suitable text-book for the young student. Hence it is, that, although most depart- ments of science and literature have been cultivated with con- stantly increasing success, still the number of really good text-books is exceedingly small. The vanity of authorship has contributed much to this result. The writers of text-books for colleges and schools, have been too often tormented with the sorry ambition of saying something ori- ginal, or something fine. They have been prone to forget that originality, as such, is not to be sought for in a work for learners. They have b*een impatient of the careful thought, and literary self-denial, requisite to enable a man to say just what is necessary, and no more. Often, too, mistaking prolixity for clearness, they have burdened and perplexed the minds of the unlearned, with a multitude of vague terms, suggesting many ideas partially, but without giving distinct and sharply-defined views of any. The highest merits of a text-book are brevity, strict method in the arrangement, clearness and pertinency in the statement and illustration of what are the admitted principles of the subject treated upon. It is bare justice to say, that the elementary trea- tises of Dr. Whately are free from most of the defects, and comprise INTRODUCTION. 7 most of tlie excellences above named. Whether he Is the author of this work or not, it shows all the peculiar skill in arrangement, power of definite statement, and graphic illustration, which so strongly characterize his avowed works. To say the least, the freest use has been made of Whately's thoughts and language. The work contains the main principles of the Logic of Whately, somewhat divested of their technical form, but not of their scien- tific accuracy. There are also a few pages showing the application of Logic to the purpose of conviction, which would more strictly come under the head of Rhetoric. Although the author evidently intended the vv^ork for the younger classes of learners, it contains the distinct outlines of a system of Logic, and whoever thoroughly masters this little work, and becomes able to apply its principles to the analysis of arguments, will be no contemptible logician. It is thought that this book will be admirably adapted to the wants of the advanced classes in our High Schools and Academies, as well as to the wants of those who wish for some acquaintance with the theory of reasoning, and have not the time or the resolu- tion to go through any larger treatise on the subject. As a text- book for students in college, it is, doubtless, a more thorough work than that of Hedge, which holds its place in the list of text-books in some of our colleges. However w^ell adapted this work may be to the young and uninstructed, as a digest of the science and art of reasoning, it may become still more valuable to them, as a discipline for the mind. It cannot have escaped the notice of attentive ob- servers, that the vast number of * simplified' books, which have been prepared for the young, proposing to conduct them to learning by a royal road, have had an injurious influence. The practice of imparting knowledge in infinitesimal doses, diluted by leading questions and useless explanations, till it becomes tasteless, is very well, if the only object desired is to relieve the student from the labor of thinking. Though this object be attained, the process will have the effect to weaken the power of attention, to destroy the robustness and vigor of the mind, and to pall that eager curi- osity which nature intended to sustain us under the protracted effort necessary to accomplish a difficult task. It cannot but have a salutary influence upon a young or undisciplined mind, to be 8 INTRODUCTION. brought in contact with the clear and vigorous thinking of such a man as the author of this little work. The comparative abstruseness of the subject of the book, thus becomes one of its best recommenda- tions. Strong studies only can make strong men. Besides, the really efficient teacher will always find that the more difficult the subject, (provided it be fairly within the grasp of the pupil,) the greater will be the interest manifested. There is a pleasure in the act itself of overcoming difficulty, which excites the generous mind, and throws a lively interest around the investigation of the abstrusest subject. There may be those who object to Logic as entirely barren and useless. To such we would recommend a careful perusal of the larger work of Whately. The conmaon objections to Logic, which have been echoed by hosts of writers, from Locke and the Scotch Metaphysicians, and have been rendered respectable by the au- thority of those great names, have been disposed of by Whately in such a way, that no scholar will again attempt to revive them. In the minds of those, however, who readily admit the value of Logic as a part of a course of college study, objections may arise to its introduction as a constituent element of popular education. Still it is believed that the objections that may be urged against the use of such a work as this, in schools and academies, will lie with equal propriety against almost all the scientific instruction ordinarily given in such institutions. The elements of Mathemat- ics, of Natural Philosophy, of Chemistry, and Natural History, have by general consent taken their place among the branches taught in schools, and for good reason. These sciences relate to the subjects with which, and upon which, we are constantly en- gaged in the active duties of life. Aside from prudential consider- ations, it is a gratification of the highest kind to the practical man, to be able, in a partial manner even, to refer the phenomena of nature around him to the general laws by which they are governed. Although the knowledge of such men must, of necessity, be super- ficial, compared with that of the man of science, still, it is gratify- ing to reflect that from this slight acquaintance with natural laws, the noblest practical inventions have often sprung. Not to limit that much abused term practical^ to a narrow sense — how expansive and elevating are such truths to the mind of the learner, however INTRODUCTION. 9 imperfectly conceived ! No teacher can have failed to perceive the effect often produced by the first introduction into the mind of the great principles of the laws of physics. The theory of reasoning has, however, a more extended bearing upon man, — his enjoy- ments and his capabilities, — than either, or all of these. If the science and art of reasoning be applicable at all, it is applicable to every thing. If it is of practical value to any, it is to all, and it has the most important and intimate connection with every art and science, and with the conduct of affairs in every possible situa- tion in life. The process of reasoning, as such, being the same in all cases. Logic has to do with every possible exercise of the rea- soning faculty. The more accurate the definitions, and the more obvious the data, of any science, the more easily can its deductions be subjected to Logical Analysis. Consequently, Mathematical reasonings, depending as they do upon postulates and definitions, (which, referring to quantity and space, are capable of distinct and unambiguous statement,) fall with the utmost readiness into logical formulas. The constant business, then, of a reasonable being, is to draw conclusions from things admitted. On the soundness of ar- guments, as well as upon the truth of facts, we are constantly ac- customed to stake the most vitally important interests. Not only do our most valued interests constantly depend on the soundness of our own conclusions, but often on the reasonings of others. We are, under God, dependent for our national existence and national blessings, on the soundness of the conclusions which are arrived at by the millions of voters In our land. No attempt, however inad- equate and feeble it may be, to infuse intellectual health into this great mass of reasoning power, can be unworthy of our regard. Is it a small matter that the rank and file of our voters should be able to analyze and determine the soundness or unsoundness of those arguments on Politics, or Public Economy, by which they are urged to support, or destroy, systems of public policy ? IIow often, -vvithln a few months, when listening to political haranguers, — discoursing with a logic worthy of the grave-diggers in Hamlet, — have we wished to be able to put into the possession of the lis- tening throng around, a power of analysis, which, like the spear of Ithuriel, might show In Its genuine form the grossness of the impo- eition practised upon them. 10 INTRODUCTION. It may be said that Logic will not remedy the evil, for it will not teach the ignorant political economy or history. True ; but it will enable them, at least, to detect unsound reasoning, when drawn from simple principles and familiar facts. Be- sides, the great majority of those who are dupes of others, or who deceive themselves by specious fallacies, suffer not so much from ignorance of facts and principles as from vague ideas of the relations which these facts and principles, bear to each other, and to the cottclusions drawn from them. Unpractised in abstraction, such persons are unable to fix the mind steadily upon the point at issue in an argument, to the exclusion of what is irrelevant. It is a wise remark of Dr. Barrow, that * confusion is the mother of iniquity.' To no case does this maxim apply with more force than to that confusion of thought, and indistinctness of mental vision, which disqualify a man for ascertaining the justness or fallacy of an argument, in reference to those subjects that vitally affect the peace and welfare of society. The constant resort of sophistical advocates, and politicians, and, indeed of errorists of every class, is the false issue, or in logical language, the irrelevant conclusion. Something is proved, triumphantly it may be, but not the thing requisite, and the conclusion thus obtained is adroitly shifted, un- der the cover of a cloud of words, and is affirmed with the utmost seriousness, of an entirely different subject. So long as the com- munity at large will be misled by fallacious reasoning, bad men will make use of it for their own advancement. Let students in our High Schools and Academies be as well taught in the analysis of arguments, as they are in the elements of other branches of learning, and it will not be unreasonable to hope that a salutary effect may be produced upon those who assume to instruct the people in Politics and Keliglon. Public men under- stand their own interests too well to deal in counterfeits, when there is much danger of detection. There is much said of the de- plorably low standard of attainment to which professional men are contented to arrive. The surest way to secure honesty and intel- lectual ability, in the professions, is to create a demand for those qualities, by instructing those from whom the substantial rewards of professional merit must come. Let the study of a book like this become general, and something, at least, will have been done INTRODUCTION. 11 towards staying the floods of solemn nonsense, that, by the aid of the franking prh^ege, are yearly spread over our land. It is to be hoped that this little work will receive the attention from teachei^ and those interested in education, which its intrinsic excellence and the importance of the subject demand. June^ 1845. EASY LESSONS ON REASONING. PART I. ANALYTICAL INTEODUCTION. LESSON L N. B. In these Lessons, whenever two equivalent words or phrases are employed, one of them is enclosed in angular [brackets,] instead of the common mark of a (parenthesis.) § 1. Every one is accustomed, more or less, to employ Reasoning. There is no one that does not occasionally at- tempt, well or ill, to give a Reason for any opinion he entertains ; — to draw Conclusions from what he sees around him, — to support those conclusions by some kind of Argu- ments, good or bad, — and to answer the arguments brought against him. Now all these expressions, — ' giving a reason ' — ' draw- ing a conclusion ' — ' bringing forward an argument ' — re- late to one and the same process in the mind, that which is properly called 'Reasoning.' And the same may be said of several other expressions also; such as 'inferring' or 'drawing an inference,' — 'proving a point,' — 'establishing a conclusion,' — ' refuting an argument,' — &c. All these expressions, and some others besides, have reference, as we have said, to the process of Reasoning. 2 14 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \_Part I. § 2. And this process, it is important to observe, is, in iV^eZ/*, universally, the same; however different the subject- matter of our reasoning may be, on different occasions. The same is the case with Arithmetic. We may have to add, or subtract, multiply, or divide, certain numbers, either of Pounds-sterling, or of men, or of bushels of corn, &c. ; but though these are very different things, the arithmetical- process itself, in each of the operations, respectively, is always the same. For instance, to ' multiply ' always means to take one number a certain number of times ; whether it be men, or miles, or days, that v^e are numbering. So it is also with Grammar. The Nouns, and Yerbs, and other Parts of Speech that Grammar treats of, may relate to very different subjects, and may be found in various kinds of Compositions ; such as works of Science, History, Poetry, &c., but the rules of Grammar are the same in all. So also the art of Writing (and the same may be said of Printing) is in itself the same, however different may be the kinds of subject-matter it is employed on. Now the same is the case (as has been above said) with Reasoning. We may be employed in reasoning on human affairs, or on Mathematics, or on Natural-history, or Chem- istry, or other subjects widely different from each other. But in every case the Peasoning-process is, in itself, the same. § 3. Any Debate, [or Disputation] w^hen you are endeav- oring to bring others over to your opinion, is one of the oc- casions on which Peasoning is employed; and the word * arguing ' is by some persons understood as having reference only to cases where there is a dispute between those who are maintaining opposite opinions. But this is a mistake. At least, it is a mistake to suppose that the use of ' Arguments ' • — if we understand by that, the use of Peasoning — is con fined to the case of disputes; or even that this is ilio, principal Lesson i.] the keasoning-process. 15 employment of it. There is no set of men less engaged in dispute and controversy than Mathematicians ; who are the most constantly occupied in Reasoning. They establish all their propositions by the most exact proofs ; so complete as not even to admit of any dispute. And in all other subjects, likewise, a sensible man, when he wishes to make up his mind on any question, will always seek for some sufficient ' Reason ' [or ' Argument '] on which to found his conclusion. Thus, a Judge, before whom any Cause is tried, is occupied in weighing the Arguments on both sides, that are brought forward by the respective Advocates. He (no less than they) is engaged in Reasoning; though the Avoeates are disputing, and the Judge is not. A Physician, again, reasons from what he has read, and heard, and seen, in order to draw his conclusions on medical questions; — a Statesman, in political questions; — a Mer- chant, in mercantile matters ; and so, of the rest. § 4. But when any dispute does take place, between per- sons of opposed opinions, it may be observed that the worst educated, — those who are the most unskilful in reasoning, or in clearly expressing their reasons, — are almost always the most apt to grow angry, and to revile each other, and quarrel. And even when they do not give way to anger, they usually, after a long discussion, part, without distinctly under- standing what the difference between them really consists in ; neither of them having clearly expressed his own meaning, or fully understood the other's. Indeed, it often happens that two persons who are dis- puting, do, in reality, disagree much less in their opinions than they themselves imagine ; or, perhaps, not at all. And hence it is that the word ^misunderstanding' has come to signify, a quarrel ; because quarrels so often arise from men's not clearly understanding each other's meaning. 16 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTIOK. \^Part I. Again, it often happens that a person, not without good sense, will give such weak and absurd reasons for his opinion, — even v/hen it is a right one, — that, instead of convincing others, he will even produce an opposite effect. § 5. In order to avoid such inconveniences, and to conduct the process of Reasoning as clearly, as correctly, and as easily, as is possible, it is a great advantage to lay down ac- curate explanations of the principles on which Reasoning proceeds, and to employ, for the purpose, a technical lan- guage ; that is, a regularly-foraied set of expressions, dis- tinctly defined, and agreed on ; and to establish certain plain, simple 7^ules, founded on, and expressed in, this technical language. Even in the common mechanical arts, something of a technical language is found needful for those who are learn- ing or exercising them. It w^ould be a very great inconve- nience, even to a common carpenter, not to have a precise, w^ell-understood name for each of the several operations he performs, such as chiseling, sawing, planing, &c., and for the several tools [or instruments] he works v/ith. And if we had not such words as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, &;c., employed in an exactly defined sense, and also fixed rules for conducting these and other arithmetical pro- cesses, it would be a tedious and uncertain work, to go through even such simple calculations as a child very soon learns to perform with perfect ease. And after all, there would be a fresh difficulty in making other persons under- stand clearly the correctness of the calculations made. You are to observe, however, that technical language and rules, if you would make them really useful, must be not only distinctly understood, but also learnt, and remembered, as familiarly as the Alphabet; and employed constantly/, and with scrupulous exactness. Otherwise technical language will prove an incumbrance instead of an advantage ; just as a Lesson i.] the reasoning-process. 17 suit of elotlies would be, if, instead of putting them on, and wearing tliem, you were to cany them about in your hand. § 6. It has been, accordingly, found advantageous, in what relates to the Reasoning-process, (as well as in the case of mechanical operations, and of calculations,) to lay down ex- planations, and rules, and technical terms ; answering to those of Arithmetic, Grammar, and other branches of study. And the technical terms and rules, of Grammar, are not at all shorter, or easier to be understood and remembered than those pertaining to the present subject. You may, perhaps, meet with treatises professing much more than what we here propose ; ■ — with works pretending to teach ' the right use of Reason ; ' (not Reason 2*72^, or ^Argumentation' merely, but the whole of the Human In- tellect) and giving rules for forming a judgment on every question that can arise, and for arriving at all truths in any subject whatever. But such pretensions, however high- sounding and attractive, are fanciful and empty. One might as well profess to teach the ' right use of the bodily-organs,' and to lay down a system of rules that should instruct a man in all manual arts and bodily exercises at once. If you do but teach a person to ride, or to draw, or to spin, &c., something is gained : but if you should profess to lay down a system of rules to teach all these at once, and also the business of a shipwright, and a musician, and a watchmaker, and everything else that is done by means of the bodily- organs, you would teach, in reality, nothing all. And so it is in all subjects. It is better to undertake even a little, that it is possible to accomplish, than to make splendid professions, which can only lead to disappointment. After all, indeed, it cannot be expected that, in Reasoning, any more than in other mental exercises, men of very un- equal degrees of intelligence sliould be brought to the same level. Nor is it to be expected that men will always be 2* 18 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. rPart I. brought to an agreement in their conclusions. Different men will have received different information respecting facts ; or will be variously biassed, more or less, by their early preju- dices, their interests, or their feelings. But still, there is something gained, if they are taught, in respect of the Reasoning-process itself, how to proceed right- ly, and to express themselves clearly ; and if, when they do not agree, they can be brought at least to understand wherein they differ, and to state distinctly what is ' the point at issue,^ (as it is called) between them ; that is, what is the real ques- tion to be decided. And it is just so, in the case of Arithmetic also. Two persons may differ in their statements of an Account, from their setting out with some difference in the numbers each puts down ; — in the Items (as it is called) of the Account. And no rules of Arithmetic can prevent such a difference as this. But it is something gained if they are guarded (as arithmetical rules do guard us) against differences arising out of errors in the calculation itself. LESSON 11. § 1. We have said that in all subjects, and on all occasions, the Reasoning-process is, in itself, the same. Whether you are occupied in refuting an opponent, or in conveying instruc- tion, or in satisfying your own mind on any point, — and again, whatever kind of subject-matter it is that you are en- gaged on, — in all cases, as far as you are (in the strict sense of the word) reasoning, — that is, employing Argument — it is one and the same process (as far as it is correctly con- ducted) that is going on in your own mind. Lesson II.] THE REASONING-PROCESS. 19 And what this process is, must be the next point to be inquired into. Although (as has been said) all men do occasionally reason, thej are often, at the time, as unconscious of it, as of the circulation of their blood, and the various other processes that may be going on within the body. And even when they do, knowingly and designedly, use arguments, or are listening to those of another, they will often be as much at a loss to explain why one argument appears to them strong, and another less strong, and another, utterly worthless, as if the whole were merely a matter of taste ; like their preference of one prospect, or one piece of music, to another. In order, then, to obtain correct rules for forming a judg- ment on this subject, and clear expressions for explaining such judgment to others, it is necessary to analyze, — as it is called, — (that is, take to pieces) the Reasoning-process. And for that purpose, we should begin by examming the most plain, short, and simple arguments, and inquiring on what it is that their validity [or conclusiveness] depends, examining also some of those appai*ent-arguments which are not valid, and therefore are not, in reality, arguments at all, though they are often passed off for. them, as counterfeit coin is, for genuine. § 2. You will perceive, on examination, that what is called a ' Conclusion,' — that is, a Proposition proved by Argument, — is drawn, in reahty, from two other Propositions. And these are called its ' Premises ; ' from their being (in natural order) ' premised^^ or put before it. At first sight, indeed, some might suppose that a Conclusion may follow from one Premise alone. For it happens oftener than not, that only one is expressed. But in this case there is always another Premise understood, and which is sup- pressed from its being supposed to be fully admitted. That this is the case, may easily be made evident, by sup- 20 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I. posing that suppressed Premise to be de7iied ; which will at once destroy the force of the argument. For instance, if any one, from perceiving that ' the World exhibits marks of de- sign,' infers [or concludes] that ' it had an intelligent Maker,' he will easily perceive, on reflection, that he must have had in his mind another Premise also ; namely, that ' whatever exhibits marks of design, had an intelligent Maker : ' since if this last proposition were derded, the other would prove nothing. It is true, that, in some cases, one proposition im- plies another, by the very signification of the words, to every one who understands those words; as, ^negroes are men; therefore they are rational-beings : ' now ' rational-being ' is implied in the very name ' man.' And such examples as this, have led some people into the idea that we reason, — or that we may reason, — from a single premise. But take such a case as this ; some fossil-animal is discovered, which Natu- ralists conclude to have been a ' ruminant,' from its ' having horns on the skull.' Now, the laborers who dug up the skeleton could not draw this inference, supposing they were ignorant of the general law, ' that all horned animals are ru- minat : ' — and they might be thus ignorant, though using the name ' horned-animal ' in the same sense as the Naturalist : for the name itself does not imply ' ruminant,' as a part of its signification : and again, a Naturalist, at a distance, w^ho knew the general law, but who had heard only an imperfect account of the skeleton, and did not "know whether it was horned or not, would be equally unable to draw the inference. In all cases of what is properly called ' Alignment,' there must be two premises assumed, whether they are both ex- pressed or not. § 3. Such an argument as the above, when all the three propositions are stated at full length, and in their natural order, is called a ' Syllogism.' And this is the form in which all correct reasoning, on whatever subject, may be exhibited. Lesson ii.] the reasoning-process. 21 When one of the Premises is suppressed, — [or, under- stoocT] which, for brevity's sake is usually the case, — the argument is called, in technical language, an ' Enthymeme : ' a name derived from the Greek, and denoting that there is something left out, which is to be supposed [or understood] as being well-known. It is to be observed, that, when an argument, stated in this last form, is met by opponents, their objection will some- times lie against the assertion itself y that is made ; sometimes, against ii^ force as an argument. They will say either 'I deny what you assume,^ or ' I admit, indeed, what you say, but I deny that it proves your conclusion.' For instance, in the example above, an atheist may be conceived either deny- ing * that that the World does exliibit mai'ks of design, or again, denying f that ii follows from thence that it must have had an intelligent Maker. Now, you are to observe, that these are not, in reality, ob- jections of different kinds. The only difference is, that, in the one case, the expressed Premise is denied ; in the other, the suppressed Premise. For ihQ force as an argument, of either Premise, depends on the other Premise. If either be denied, the other proves nothing. If both be admitted, the Conclusion regularly drawn from them, must be admitted. § 4. It makes no difference in respect of the sense of an argument, whether the Conclusion be placed last or first; provided you do but clearly mark out what is the Conclusion. When it is placed last, (which is accounted the natural or- der) it is designated by one of those conjunctions called ^ illative,' such as ' therefore,' — ' thence,' — ' consequently.' When the Conclusion is put first, the Premise is usually called the ' Reason ; ' and this is designated (whether it comes ^ As many of the ancient atheists did. .-. t As most of the modern atheists do. 22 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I. last or first) by one of the conjunctions called causal,'' such as ' since/ — ' because,' &c. And here it is to be observed that each of these sets of conjunctions have also another sense ; being used to denote, respectively, sometimes ' Premise and Conclusion,' — some- times ' Cause and Effect.' And much error and perplexity have often been occasioned by not attending to this dis- tinction. When I say ' this ground is rich ; because the trees on it are flourisliing ; ' or again, when I express the same sense in a different form, saying, ' the trees on this ground are flourish- ing ; and therefore it must be rich,' it is plain that I am em- ploying these conjunctions to denote merely the connection of Premise and Oonclusion ; or, (in other words) I am implying that the one may be inferred from the other. For it is evi- dent that the flourishing of the trees is not the cause of the ground's fertility, but only the cause of my believing it. The richness of the soil folloivs as an inference, from the luxuri- ance of the trees ; which luxuriance follows as an effect [or, natural consequence] from the richness of the soil. But if, again, I say, ' the trees flourish, because the ground is rich,' or (which is the same in sense) ' the ground is rich and consequently [or therefore] the trees flourish,' I am using the very same conjunctions in a different sense ; name- ly, to denote the connection of Cause and Effect, For in this case, the luxuriance of the trees, being a thing evident to the eye, would not need to be 'proved; and every one would un- derstand that I was only accounting for it, § 5. But again, there are many cases also in which the Cause is employed as an Argument, to prove the existence of its Effect. So that the Conclusion Y^hioh follows, as an In- ference, from the Premise, is also an Effect which follows naturally from that same Premise as its Cause. This is the kind of argument which is chiefly employed Lesson iii. fallacies. 23 when we are reasoning about the future : as, for instance, when, from favorable or unfavorable weather, any one infers that the crops are likely to be abundant, or to be scanty. In such cases, the Gause^ and the Reason [or Proof] coin- cide ; the favorable weather being at once the Cause of the good harvest, and the Cause of our expecting it. And this circumstance contributes to men's often con- founding together ' Cause ' and — what is strictly called — 'Reason;' and to their overlooking the different senses of such words as ' therefore,' ' thence,' ' consequently,' &., and again, of such words as ' because,' ' inasmuch as,' &c., and also, of the words ' follow,' ' consequence,' and several others ; which have all of them that double meaning which has been just explained. LESSON III. § 1. In such an argument as that in the example above given, (in § 2, Lesson ii.,) it is clearly impossible for any one who admits both Premises, to avoid admitting the Conclusion. If you admit that, ' Whatever exhibits marks of design, had an intelligent Maker,' and also, that ' the world exhibits marks of design,' you cannot escape the Conclusion, that ' the world had an intelligent Maker.' Or again, if I say, ' All animals with horns on the head are ruminant ; the Elk has horns on the head ; therefore it is ruminant;' it is impossible to conceive any one's doubting the truth of the Conclusion, supposing he does but allow the truth of each Premise. A man may, perhaps, deny, or doubt, and require proof, that all animals thus horned do ruminate. Nay, it is con- 24 a:nalytical introduction. \_Part i. ceivable that he may even not clearly understand what ' ruminant * means ; or he may have never heard of an ^ Elk ;^ but still it will be not the less clear to him, that, supposing these Premises granted, the Conclusion must be admitted. And even if you suppose a case where one or both of the Premises shall be manifestly false and absurd, this will not alter the conclusiveness of the Reasoning ; though ihQ conclu- sion itself may, perhaps, be absurd also. For instance, ^ All the Ape-tribe are originally descended from Reptiles or In- sects : Mankind are of the Ape-tribe ; therefore Mankind are originally descended from Reptiles or Insects : ' here, every one * would perceive the falsity of all three of these proposi- tions. But it is not the less true that the conclusion yb//o^^s from those premises, and that if they were true, it would be true also. § 2. But it often happens that there will be a seeming con- nexion of certain premises with a conclusion which does not really follow from them ; although, to the inattentive, or un- skilful, the argument will appear to be valid. And this is most especially likely to occur when such a seeming-argu- ment [or Fallacy] is dressed up in a great quantity of fine- sounding words, and is accompanied with much vehemence of assertion, and perhaps with expressions of contempt for any one who presumes to entertain a doubt on the matter. In a long declamatory speech, especially, it will often happen that almosj^ any proposition at all will be passed off, as a proof of any other that does but contain some of the same words^ by means of strenuous assurances that the proof is complete. Sometimes, again, sound arguments will be distrusted as fallacious ; especially if they are not clearly expressed ; and the more, if the conclusions are such as men are not willing to admit. ^ Except certain French Naturalists. Lesson i.] arbitrary symbols. 25 And frequently, also, when there really is no sound argument, the reader or hearer, though he believes, or suspects, that there is some fallacy, does not know how to detect and explain it. § 3. Suppose, for instance, such seeming-arguments as the following to be proposed: — (1.) ^ Every criminal is de- serving of punishment ; this man is not a criminal ; therefore he is not deserving of punishment:' or, again, (2.) 'All wise rulers endeavor to civilize the People ; Alfred endeav- ored to civilize the People ; therefore he was a wise ruler/ There are, perhaps, some few persons who would not perceive any fallacy in such arguments, even when thus briefly and distinctly stated. And there are, probably, many who would fail to perceive such a fallacy, if the arguments were en- veloped in a cloud of words, and conveyed at great length in a style of vague, indistinct declamation ; especially if the conclusions were such as they were disposed to admit. And others, again, might perceive, indeed, that there is a fallacy, but might be at a loss to explain and expose it. Now, the above examples exactly correspond, respectively, with the following ; in which the absurdity is manifest : — (1.) 'Every tree is a vegetable; grass is not a tree ; there- fore it is not a vegetable ; ' and (2.) 'All vegetables grow; an animal grows ; therefore it is a vegetable.' These last examples, I say, correspond exactly (considered in respect of the reasoning) with the former ones ; the conclusions of which, however truBj no more foUoiu from the premises than those of the last. This way of exposing a fallacy, by bringing forward a similar one, where a manifestly absurd conclusion professes to be drawn from premises that are true, is one which we may often find it needful to employ when addressing persons who have no knowledge of technical rules ; and to whom, consequently, we could not speak so as to be understood, con- cerning the principles of Reasoning. 3 26 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \^Part I. Eut it is evidently the most convenient, the shortest, and the safest course, to ascertain those principles, and on them to found rules which may be employed as a test in every case that comes before us. And for this purpose it is necessary (as has been above said) to analyse the Reasoning-process, as exhibited in some valid argument, expressed in its plainest and simplest form. § 4. Let us then examine and analyse such an example as one of those first given : for instance, ' Every animal that has horns on the head is ruminant; the Elk has horns on the head ; therefore the Elk is ruminant.' It will easily be seen that the validity [or ' conclusivenes,' or ' soundness '] of the Argument does not at all depend on our conviction of the truth of either of the Premises ; or even on our understand- ing the meaning of them. For if we substitute some unmean- ing Symbol, (such as a letter of the alphabet,) which may stand for anything that may be agreed on — for one of the things we are speaking about, the Reasoning remains the same. For instance, suppose we say, (instead of ' animal that has horns on the head,') ' Every X is ruminant ; the Elk is X ; therefore the Elk is ruminant;' the argument is equally valid. And again, instead of the word ' ruminant,' let us put the letter ^ Y : ' then the argument ' Every X is Y ; the Elk is X ; therefore the Elk is Y ; ' would be a valid argument as before. And the same would be the case if you were to put ' Z ' for ^ the Elk : ' for the syllogism ' Every X is Y ; Z is X ; there- fore Z is Y,' is completely valid, whatever you suppose the Symbols X, Y, and Z to stand for. Any one may try the experiment, by substituting for X, Y, and Z, respectively, any words he pleases ; and he will find that if he does but preserve the same ybrw of expression, Lesson iii.] arbitrary sy:\ibols. 27 it will be impossible to admit the truth of the Premises, with- out admitting also the truth of the Conclusion. § 5. And it is worth observing here, that nothing is so likely to lead to that — very common, though seemingly strange — error, of supposing ourselves to understand dis- tinctly what in reality we understand but very imperfectly, or not at all, as the want of attention to what has been just explained. A man reads — or even writes — many pages perhaps, of of an argumentative work, in which one or more of the terms employed convey nothing distinct to his mind : and yet he is liable to overlook this circumstance, from finding that he clearly understands the Arguments. He may be said, in one sense, to understand ivhat he is reading ; because he can perfectly follow the train of Reason-- ing, itself. But this, perhaps, he might equally well do, if he were to substitute for one of the words employed, X, or Z, or any other such unknown Symbol ; as in the examples above. But a man will often confound together, the understanding of the Arguments, in themselves, and the understanding of the words employed, and of the nature of the things those w^ords denote. It appears, then, that valid Reasoning, when regularly ex- pressed, has its validity [or conclusiveness] made evident from the mere form of the expresssion itself, independently of any regard to the sense of the words. § 6. In examining this form, in such an example as that just given, you will observe that in the first Premise {' X is Y, ') it is assumed universally of the Class of things (what- ever it may be) which ' X' denotes, that ' Y' may be afiirmed of them : and in the other Premise, Q Z is X') that 'Z' (what- ever it may stand for) is referred to that Chiss, as compre- hended in it. Now it is evident that whatever is said of the whole of a Class may be said of anything that is compre- 28 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I. bended [or ' included/ or ' contained/] in that Class ; so that we are thus authorized to say (in the conclusion) that ' Z ' is Thus also in the example first given, having assumed uni- versally, of the Class of '^Things which exhibit marks of design/ that they ' had an intelligent maker/ and then, in the other Premise, having referred ' The world ' to that Class, we conclude that it may be asserted of ' The world ' that ' it had an intelligent maker.' And the process is the same when anything is denied of a whole class. We are equally authorized to deny the same, of whatever is comprehended under that Class. For instance if I say, ' No liar is deserving of trust : this man is a liar ; therefore he is not deserving of trust : ' I here deny ' deserv- ing of trust,' of the whole Class denoted by the word ' liar ; ' and then I refer ' this man ' to that Class ; whence it follows that ' deserving of trust ' may be denied of him. § 7. This argument also will be as manifestly valid, if (as in the former case) you substitute for the words which have a known meaning, any undetermined Symbols, such as letters of the alphabet. ' No X is Y ; Z is X ; therefore Z is not Y,' is as perfect a syllogism as the other, with the afirmative conclusion. To such a form all valid arguments whatever may be re- duced : and accordingly the principle according to which they are constructed, is to be regarded as the Univeksal Prin- ciple OF Reasoning. It may be stated, as a general Maxim, thus : ' Whatever is said, whether affirmatively, or negatively,' [or ' whatever is affirmed or denied '] ' of a whole Class, may be said in like manner/ [that is ' affirmed in the one case, and denied in the other,'] ' of everything comprehended under that Class.' Simple as this Principle is, the whole process of Reasoning is embraced in it. Whenever we establish any Conclusion, Lesson iii.] principle of reasoning. 29 — that is, show that one thing may allowably be affirmed, or be denied, of another — this is always in reality done by re- ferring that other to some Class of which such affii'mation or denial can be made. The longest series of arguments, when fully unfolded, step by step, will be found to consist of nothing but a repetition of the same simple operation here described. But this circum- stance is apt to be overlooked, on account of the brevity with which we usually express ourselves. A Syllogism, such as those in the examples above, is seldom given at full length ; but is usually abridged into an ' Enthymeme.' * (See Less. II. § 3.) And moreover what is called ' an argument,' is very often not one argument, but several compressed together ; sometimes into a single sentence. As when one says, ' The adaptation of the mstinct of suction in young animals to the supply of milk in the parent, and to the properties of the Atmosphere, as well as other like marks of design, show that the world must have had an intelligent Maker.' For most men are excessively impatient of the tedious formality of stating at full length anything that they are already aware of, and could easily understand by a slight hint. LESSON IV. § 1. We have seen that when an Argument is stated in the regular fyrm, (as in the foregoing examples,) which is what is properly called a ' Syllogism,' the validity [or conclusive- ness] of the reasoning is manifest from the mere form of the expression itself, without regard to the sense of the words ; so that if letters, or other such arbitrary unmeaning Symbols, * That is an argument witii one of die Premises understood. 3* 30 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \_Part I. be substituted, the force of the argument will be not the less evident. Whenever this is not the case, the supposed argu- ment is either sophistical and unreal, or else, may be reduced (without any alteration of its meaning) into the above form ; in which form, the general Maxim that has been laid down will apply to it. What is called an unsound [or fallacious] argument (tliat is, an apparent-2^Tgam.QTit which is in reality none) cannot, of course, be reduced into such a form. But when it is stated in the form most nearly approaching to this that is possible, and especially when unmeaning Symbols (such as letters) are substituted for words that have a meaning, its fallaciousness becomes evident from its want of conformity to the above Maxim. § 2. Let us take the example formerly given ; Every crim- inal is deserving of punishment ; this man is not a criminal ; therefore he is not deserving of punishment : this, if stated in letters, would be ' every X is Y ; Z is not X ; therefore Z is not Y.' Here, the term (^ Y ') ' deserving of punishment ' is affirmed universally of the Class (X) ' criminal ; ' and it might therefore, according to the Maxim, be affirmed of any- thing comprehended under that Class ; but in the instance before us, nothing is mentioned as comprehended under that Class: only ^this man' ('Z') is excluded from that Class. And although what is affirmed of a whole Class may be affirmed of anything which that Class does contain, we are not authorized to deny it of whatever is not so contained. For it is evident that what is truly affirmed of a Class, may be applicable not only to that Class, but also to other things besides. For instance, to say that ^ every tree is a vegetable ' does not imply that ^ nothing else is a vegetable.' And so also, to say that ' every criminal is deserving of punishment,' does not imply that ' no others are deserving of punishment : ' for how- Lesson iy. apparent-argidients. 31 ever trite this is, it has not been asserted in the proposition be- fore us. .And in analysing an argument we are to dismiss all consideration of what might have been asserted with truth, and to look only to what actually is laid down in the Premises. It is evident therefore that such an apparent-argument as the above does not comply \A\h the Rule [or Maxim] laid down ; nor can it be so stated as to comply with it ; and it is consequently invalid. § 3. Again, let us take another of the examples formerly given ; ' All wise rulers endeavor to civihze the People ; Alfred endeavored to civilize the People ; therefore he v/as a wise ruler.' The parallel example to this, was, ' All vege- tables grow ; an animal grows : therefore it is a vegetable.' And each of these, if stated in Symbols, would stand thus : every ' Y is X,' [or the thing denoted by Y is comprehended under the Class for which X stands] ' Z is X ; therefore Z is Y.' Now in such an example, the quality of ^ growing ' [X] is, in one Premise, affirmed universally of ' vegetable,' [' Y,'] and it might therefore have been affirmed of anything that can be referred to the Class of ' vegetable ' as comprehended therein : but then, there is nothing referred to that Class, in the other Premise ; only, the same thing which liad been affirmed of the Class ' vegetable,' is again affirmed of another Class, ' animals ' (Z) ; whence nothing can be inferred. Again, talie such an instance as this ; ' food is necessary to life ; com is food ; therefore corn is necessary to life.' Here, * necessary to life ' is affirmed of ' food,' but not universally ; for every one would understand you to be speakhig not of ' all food,' but of ' some food,' as being ' necessary to life.' So that, expressed in Symbols, the apparent-argument would stand thus : ' Some X is Y ; Z is X ; therefore Z is Y ; ' in which you m^y see that the rule has not been complied with ; since 32 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. J[Part I. that which has been affirmed not of the whole of a certain Class, [or, not universally^ but only of part of it, cannot on that ground be affirmed of whatever is contained under that Class. § 4. There is an argument against miracles by the well- known Mr. Hume, which has perplexed many persons, and which exactly corresponds to the above. It may be stated thus ; ' Testimony is a kind of evidence more likely to be false than a miracle to be true ; ' (or, as it may be expressed in other words, we have more reason to expect that a witness should lie, than that a miracle should occur) ' the evidence on which the Christian miracles are believed, is testimony ; therefore the evidence on which the Christian miracles are believed is more likely to be false than a miracle to be true.' Here it is evident that what is spoken of in the first of these Premises, is, ' some testimony ; ' not ' all testimony,' [or any whatever,'] and by ^ a witness ' we understand, ' some wit- ness,' not, ' every witness ; ' so that this apparent-argument has exactly the same fault as the one above. And you are to observe that it makes no diffisrence (as to the point now be- fore us) whether the word ' some ' be employed, or a diffigrent word, such as * most ' or ' many,' if it be in any way said or implied that you are not speaking of ' alU For instance, ' most birds can fly ; and an ostrich is a bird,' proves nothing. § 5. In order to understand the more clearly, and to des- cribe the more accurately, the fallaciousness of such seeming- arguments as those of which we have just given examples, and also, the conclusiveness of the sound arguments, it will be necessary to explain some technical words and phrases which are usually employed for that purpose. This is no less need- ful (as was remarked in Lesson I.) than for an Artisan to have certain fixed and suitable names for the several instru- ments he works with, and the operations he performs. The word ' Proposition,' (which we have already had occa-l Lesson iv.] technical words. 33 sion to use) signifies ' a Sentence in "which something is saior — [or predicated] — that is, affirmed or denied — of another/ That which is spoken of, is called the ' Subject * of the propo- sition ; and that which is said of it is called the ' Predicate ; ' and these two are called the ' Terms ' of the Proposition ; from their being (in natural order) the extremes [or boundaries] of it. You are to observe that it matters not whether each of these Terms consist of one word, or of several. For whether a Proposition be short or long, there must always be in it, one — and but one — thi£g of which you are speaking ; which is called (as has been just said) the Subject of it : and there must be (in any one Proposition) one thing, — and only one — that is affirmed or denied of that Subject : and this which we thus affirm or deny of the other, is called — whether it be one word or more — the Predicate. § 6. You are to observe also that though, (in our language) the Subject is usually placed first ; this order is not at all essential. For instance, ' it is wholesome to rise early,' or ^ to rise early is wholesome,' or 'rising early is wholesome,' are only thi-ee ways of expressing the same Proposition. In each of these expressions, ' rising early,' (or ' to rise early,' for these are only two forms of the Infinitive) is what you are speaJdng of ; and ' wholesome ' is what you say [or predicate^ of it. W^ien we state a proposition in arbitrary SymhoJs, as ' X is Y,' it is understood that the first term ( ' X ') stands for the Subject, and the last (' Y') for the Predicate. But when we use the teiTns that are significant^ [or, have a meaning] we must judge by the sense of the words which it is that is the Subject, and which the Predicate ; that is, we must ask our- selves the question ' ^ATmt am I speaking of? and what am I sapng of it ? ' For instance, ' Great is Diana of the Ephesians ; ' here 34 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \^Part I. ^ great' is evidently the Predicate. Again, 'Thou art the man ; ' and ' Thou hast given occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme ; ' by asking yourself the above question, you will perceive, that in the former of these examples, ' Thou * is the Predicate, and in the latter, the Subject. § 7. That which expresses the affirmation or denial, is call- ed the ' Copula J For instance, if I say, ' X is Y,' or ' X is not Y,' in each of these examples, 'X' is the Subject, and ' Y ' the Predicate ; and the Copula is the word ' is ' in the one, and ' is not,' in the other. And so it is, in sense, though not always in expression, in every Proposition. For either the Affirmative-copula, ' is ' or the Negative-copula, ' is not,' must be always, in every Pro- position, either expressed in those words, or implied in some other expression. Any Sentence which does not do this — in short, which does not affirm or deny — is not a Proposition, For instance, of these sentences, ' are your brothers gone to school ? ' ' they are not gone ; ' 'let them go,' the second alone is a Proposi- tion ; [or ' Assertion '] the first being a Question, and the last a Command, or request. LESSON V. § 1 . AYe have seen that in every Proposition there is some- thing that is spoken of ; which is called the Subject; and something that you affirm or deny of it ; which is called the Predicate. And it is evidently of great importance to under- stand and express clearly, in each Proposition, w^hether the Predicate is said of the whole of the Subject, or only of part Lesson v.] propositions. 35 of it : — in other words, whether it is 'predicated ^ universally^ or '"particularly^ [^ partially J~\ If, for instance, I saj, or am understood to imply, that ' all testimony is unworthy of credit,' this is a very different asser- tion from saying or implying, merely that ' some testimony is unworthy of credit.' The former of these is called a ' Uni- versal ' Proposition ; the Subject of it being taken universally as standing for anything and everything that the Term is ca- pable of being applied to in the same sense. And a Term so taken is said (in technical language) to be ' distrihutedJ The latter of the two is called a ' Particular Proposition ;^ iYiQ Subject being talcen particularly^ as standing only for part of the things signified by it : and the Term is then said to be ' undistributed^ The technical word ' distributed ^ (meaning what some wri- \ ters express by the phrase ' taken universally') is used, as you perceive in a sense far removed from what it bears in ordina- ry language. But, — for that very reason, — it is the less likely to lead to mistakes and confusion. And when once its • technical sense is explained, it is easily remembered. When 1 1 say, ' birds come from eggs,' and again, ' birds sing,' I mean, in the former proposition, ' all birds ; ' [or ' every bird ' ] in ' the latter proposition, I mean, not, ' all^ but ^ some ' birds. In the former case the term ^ birds ' is said to be ^ distributed ; ' I in the latter ' undistributed.' You must be careful also to ikeep in mind the technical sense (already explained) of the word ' parti cidar,^ In ordinary discourse, we often speak of * this particular person ' or thing ; meaning ' this individuaU f But the technical sense is different. If I say 'this city is J large,' the Proposition is not 'Particular,' but is equivalent to a Universal ; since I am speaking of the ivhole of the Sub- ject, which is, ' this single city^ But ' some city is large,' or, * some cities are large,' is a particular proposition ; because the Subject, ' city^ is taken not universally^ but partially. 36 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I. The distinction between a ' Universal ' proposition, and a ^ Particular/ is (as I have said) very important in Reasoning ; because, as has been akeady remarked, although what is said of the whole of a Class may be said of anything contained in that Class, the Rule does not apply when something is said merely of part of a Class. ( See the example ' X is Y ' in § 3 of the preceding Lesson.) § 2. You will have seen that in some of the foregoing ex- amples, the words ' all,' ' every,' or ' smj,' which are used to denote the distribution of a Subject, and again, ' some,' which denotes its non-distribution, are not expressed. They are often understood, and left to be supplied in the reader's or hearer's mind. Thus, in the last example, 'birds sing,' evidently means ' some birds ; ' and, ' man is mortal,' would be under- stood to mean ' every man.' A Proposition thus expressed,, is called ' Indejinite ; ' it be- ing left undetermined [_' undefined '] by the form of expression, whether it is to be considered as Universal or as Particular. And mistakes as to this point will often give a plausible air to fallacies ; such as that in the last Lesson (§ 4.) respecting ' Testimony.' But it is plain that every Proposition must in reality he either Universal or Particular ; [that is, must have its Sub- ject intended to be understood as distributed, or, as not dis- tributed] though we may not be told which of the two is meant. And this is called, in technical language, the distinction of Propositions according to their ' Quantity;' namely, into Uni- versal and Particular. ' Every X is Y' and ' some X is Y,' are propositions differing from each other in their ' quantity/ and in nothing else. § 3. But the Predicate of a proposition, you may observe, has no such sign as ' all ' or ' some/ affixed to it, which denote, when affixed to the Subject, the distribution, or non-distribu- Lesson v.] quality and quantity. 37 tion of that term. And yet it is plain that each Term of a proposition, — whether Subject or Predicate — must always be meant to stand either for the whole, or for part, of what is signified by it ; — in other words, — must really he either dis- tributed or undistributed. But this depends, in the case of the Predicate, not on the ' quantity ' of the proposition, but on what is called its ' Quality ; ' that is, its being Affirmative or Negative. And the invariable rule, (which will be ex- plained presently) is, that the Predicate of a Negative-propo- sition is distributed, and the Predicate of an Aflirmative, un- distributed. When I say ^ X is Y ' the term ' Y ' is considered as stand- ing for part of the things to which it is applicable ; in other w^ords, is undistributed. And it makes no difference as to this point whether I say ' all X,' or ' some X is Y.' The Pre- dicate is equally undistributed in both cases ; the only thing denoted by the signs ' all ' or ' some,' being the distribution or non-distribution of the Subject. If, on the other hand, I say ' X is not Y,' whether meaning that ' No X is Y,' or that ' some X is not Y,' in either case, ^Y' is distributed. § 4. The reason of this rule you w^ill understand, by con- sidering, that a Term which may with truth be affirmed of 3ome other, may be such as would also apply equally well, and in the same sense, to something else besides that other. Thus, it is true that ^all iron is a metal,' although the term ^ metal' is equally applicable to gold, copper, &c., so that you could not say with truth that ' all metal is iron,' or that ' iron, and that onlg, is a metal.' For the term ' iron ' is of narrow- er extent than the term ^ metal,' which is affirmed of it. So that, in the above proposition, what we have been com- paring, are, the tvhole of the term ' iron,' and part of the term * metal;' which latter term, consequently, is undistributed. And this application applies to every affirmative proposi- 4 38 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I, tion. For tliougli it ma^ so happen that the Subject and the Predicate may be of equal extent [or ' equivalent ; ' or as some express it, ' convertible/] so that the Predicate which is affirmed of that Subject could not have been affirmed of any- thing else, this is not implied in the expression of the proposi- tion itself. In the assertions, for instance, that ' every equilateral trian- gle is equiangular,' and that ' any two triangles which have all the sides of one equal to all the sides of the other, each to each, are of equal areas,' it is not implied that ' every equian- gular triangle is equilateral,' or that ' any two triangles of equal areas have their respective sides equal.' This latter in- deed is not true : the one preceding it is true ; that is, it is true that ' every equiangular triangle is equilateral,' as well as that ' every equilateral triangle is equiangular : ' but these are two distinct propositions, and are separately proved in treatises of Geometry.** If it happen to be my object to assert that the Predicate as well as the subject of a certain affirmative proposition is to be understood as distributed — and if I say, for instance, ' all equilateral triangles, and no others, are equiangular,' — I am asserting, in reality, not one proposition, merely, but two. And this is the case whenever the proposition I state is under- stood (whether from the meaning of the words employed, or from the general drift of the discourse) to imply that the whole of the Predicate is meant to be affirmed of the Sub- ject. Thus, if I say of one number — suppose 100 — that it is the Square of another, as 10, then, this is understood by every one, from his knowledge of the nature of numbers, to imply, what are, in reality, the two propositions, that ' 100 is the Square of 10,' and also that Hhe Square of 10 is 100.' Terms thus related to each other are called in technical language, ' convertible ' [or ' equivalent '] terms. But then, i Lesson v.] conyektible terms. 39 you are to observe that when you not only affirm one term of another, but also affirm (or imply) that these are ' ^onvertiUe* terms, you are making not merely one assertion, but two, § 5. It appears, then, that in affirming that ' X is Y,' I as- sert merely that VY ' — either the whole of it, or part^ (it is not declared^ which) is applicable to ' X ; ' [or ' comprehends,' or * contains ' X.] Consequently, if any part of a certain Pre- dicate be applicable to the Subject, it must be affirmed, — and of course cannot he denied — of that Subject. To deny therefore the Predicate of the subject, must imply that no part of the Predicate is applicable to that Subject; in short that the whole Predicate is denied of that Subject. You may thus perceive that to assert that ' X is not Y ' is to say that no part of the term ^ Y ' is applicable to ' X : ' (for if any part were applicable, ' Y ' could be affirmed, and not denied, of ' X ') in other words, that the whole of ' Y ' is de- nied of 'X;' and that consequently 'Y' is distributed.' "When I say, for instance, ' All the men found on that island are sailors of the ship that was wrecked there,' this might be equally true whether the whole crew or only some of them, were saved on the island. To say therefore that ' the men found on that island are not sailors of the ship, &c.' would be to deny that any part of that crew are there ; in short, it would be to say that the whole of that Predicate is ^?^applica- ble to that subject. § 6. And this holds good equally whether the negative pro- position be ' universal ' or ' particular.' For to say that ' some X is not Y ' (or — which is the same in sense — that ' all X is not Y ') is to imply that there is no part of the term ' Y ' [no part of the class which ' Y ' stands for~\ that is applicable to the whole without exception, of the term ' X ; ' in short, that there is some part of the term 'X' to which ^ Y' is wholly in- applicable. Thus, if I say, ' some of the men found on that island ai'c 40 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \^Part I. not sailors of the ship that was wrecked there/ or, in other words, ' the men found on that island are not^ all of them, sailors of the ship, &c.' I imply that the term ' sailors, &c.' is wholly inapplicable to some of the ' men on the island ; ' though it might perhaps be applicable to others of them. Again if I say ' some coin is made of silver,' and ' some coin is not made of silver ' (or in other words, that ' all coin is not made of silver ') in the former of th^se propositions I imply, that in some portion (at least) of the Class of ' things made of silver,' is found [or comprehended] ' some coin : ' m the latter proposition I imply that there is ' some coin ' which is contained in no portion of the Class of ' things made of silver ; ' or (in other words) which is excluded from the whole of that Class. So that the term 'made of silver' is distribut- ed in this latter proposition, and not, in the former. Hence may be understood the rule above given, that in all Affirmative-propositions the Predicate is undistributed, and in all Negative-propositions, is distributed. The ' Subject' is, as we have seen above, distributed, in a Universal-proposition, (whether affirmative or negative,) and not in a Particular. So that the distribution or non-distribu- tion of the Subject depends on the ' Quantity ' of the proposi- tion, and that of the Predicate on the ' Quality.' LESSON VI. § 1. The next thing to be learnt and remembered, is the names of the three Terms that occur in a Syllogism. For you will have perceived from the foregoing examples, that there are always three terms ; which we have designated by , ZeSS07l VI.] TERMS OF A SYLLOGISM. 41 the Symbols X, Y, and Z. Each Syllogism indeed has, in all, three Propositions ; and every Proposition has two Terms ; but in a Syllogism each term occurs twice ; as, ^ X is Y, Z is X; therefore Z is Y.' Of these three terms, then, that which is taken as the Sub- ject of the Conclusion (^ Z ') is called the ' Minor-term ; ' the Predicate of the Conclusion [' Y '] is called the 'Major-term ; ' (from its being usually of more extensive signification than the ' Minor,' of which it is predicated) and the Term [_' X '] which is used for establishing the connexion between those two, is thence called the ' Middle-term^ [or ' medium of proof ,^'] Of the two Premises, that which contains the Major-term, {' X is Y,') is called the ' Major-premise ; ' (and it is, proper- ly, and usually, placed first ; though this order is not essen- tial) and that which contains the Minor-term (Z is X) is call- ed the 'Minor-premised And in these two Premises, respect- ively, the Major-term and Minor-term are, each, compared with the Middle-term, in order that, in the Conclusion, they may be compared with each other; that is, one of them affirmed or denied of the other. § 2. Now it is requisite^ as you will see by looking back to the examples formerly given, that, in one or other of the Premises, the Middle-term should be distributed. For if each of the Terms of the Conclusion had been compared only wdth part of the Middle-term, they would not have been both com- pared with the same ; and nothing could thence be inferred. Thus, in one of the above examples, w^hen we say ' food ' (namely, 'some food,') ^is necessary to life,' the term ^food' is undistributed, as being the Subject of a Particular-proposi- tion : in other words, we have affirmed the term ' necessary to life,' of part only, not the wliole^ of the Class denoted by the term ' food : ' and again, when we say ' corn is food,' the term ^ food ' is again undistributed, (according to the Rule given in the last Lesson) as being the Predicate of an Affij-mative : — 4* 42 ANALYTICAL INTKODUCTION. Part I. in other words, though we have asserted that the term ' food is applicable to ' corn/ we have not said (nor, as it happens, is it true) that it is not applicable to anything else ; so that we have not been taking this term ' food ' universally, in either Premise, but, each time, ^particularly.' And accordingly nothing follows from those premises. So also, when it is said, ' a wise ruler endeavors to civilize the People ; and Alfred endeavored to civilize the People ; ' [or ' Y is X, and Z is X,'] the Middle-term is here twice made the Predicate of an Affirmative-proposition, and con- sequently is left undistributed, as in the former instance; and, as before, nothing follows. For, (as was formerly observed) we are not authorized to affirm one term of another, merely on the ground that there is something which has been affirmed of each of them : as the term ' growing ' (in the example formerly given) is affirmed of ' vegetables ' and also of ' animals.' In each of these cases, then, such an apparent-argument is condemned on the ground that it ^ has the middle-term undis- tributed.^ § 3. The other kind of apparent Syllogism formerly given as an example, is faulty (as was then shown) from a different cause, and is condemned under a different title. ' Every tree is a vegetable ; grass is not a tree, therefore it is not a vege- table : ' or, ' every X is Y ; Z is not X ; therefore Z is not Y.' Here, the middle-term ' X ' is distributed ; and that, not only in one Premise, but in both ; being made, first, the sub- ject of a Universal-proposition, and again, the Predicate of a Negative. But then, the Major-term, 'Y' which has not been distributed in the Premise, is yet distributed in the Con- clusion ; being, in the Premise, the Predicate of an Affirma- tive, and in tlie Conclusion, of a Negative, We have therefore merely compared part of the term [^ Y '] ' vegetable ' with the Middle-term ' Tree ; ' [^ X '] and this does not authorize Lesson yi.] terms of a syllogism. 43 our comparing, in the Conclusion, the whole of that same term with [Z] ' grass ; ' which, as was explained above, we must do, if we deny the term ' grass' of a Vegetable/ Nothing therefore follows from the Premises: for it is plain that they would not warrant an affirmative Conclusion. To affirm that ' grass is a vegetable,' (or, as one might equally well, that, ' a house is a vegetable,' because it ' is not a tree,' would not have even any appearance of Reasoning. No one would pretend to affirm one term of another (as, Y, of Z) on the ground that it had been affirmed of something (^ X ') which had been denied of that other. Such a fallacy as the one we have been above considering, is condemned as having what is called in technical language, an • illicit process ; ' that is, an unauthorized proceeding^ from a term, w/zdistributed in the Premise^ to the same term, dis- trihuted^ in the Conclusion : or, in other w^ords, taking a term more extensively in the Conclusion than it had been taken in the Premise ; which is, in fact, introducing an ad- ditional term. § 4. The examples that have been all along given, both of correct-reasoning and of Fallacy, have been, designedly, the simplest and easiest that could be framed. And hence, a thoughtless reader, observing that the rules given, and the tech- nical language employed, though not difficult to learn, are yet less easy than the examples themselves to which these are ap- plied, may be apt to fancy that his labor has been wasted ; and, to say, ' w4iy, common-sense would show any one the sound- iHess of the reasoning, or the unsoundness, in such examples 'as these, with less trouble than it costs to learn the rules, and jjihe technical terms.' I ■ And a beghmer in Arithmetic might say the same. For, (the examples usually set before a learner, are, purposely, such 'easy questions as he could answer ' in his head ' (as we say) I with less trouble than the arithmetical rules cost him. But 44 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I.j then, by learning those rules, through the means of such sim-' pie examples, he is enabled afterwards to answer, with little difficulty, such arithmetical questions as would be perplexing and laborious, even to a person of superior natural powers, but untaught. It is the same, in the learning of a foreign Language. Tlie beginner has to bestow more pains on the translating of a few simple sentences, than the matter of those sentences is worth. But in the end he comes to be able to read valuable books in the Language, and to converse with intelligent foreigners, which he could not otherwise have done. And so also, in the present case, it will be found that, sim- ple as are the examples given, not only all valid Reasoning, on whatever subjects, may be exhibited, and its validity shewn, in the form that was first put before you, but also, most of the Sophistical-arguments, [Fallacies] by which men are every day misled, on the most important subjects, may be reduced into the same forms as those of the examples lately given. Hume's argument against Miracles, as believed on Testimo- ny , which was explained in a former Lesson, is an instance of this. And numberless others might be given. § 5. For example, there is an erroneous notion commonly to be met with, which is founded on a fallacy that may be thus exhibited as a case of undistributed middle-term : ' A man j who is indifferent about all religion, is one who does not seek to force his religion on others ; ' (for though this is far from being universally true^ it is commonly believed) ' this man does not seek to force his religion on others ; therefore he is indif- ferent to all religion.' Again, as an example of the other kind of fallacy above- mentioned, the * illicit process' of the Major-term, we may exhibit in that form the sort of Eeasoning by which one may i suppose the Priest and Levite, in the Parable of the good Sa-| maritan, to have satisfied themselves that the poor wounded! Lesson vi.] common fallacies. 45 stranger had no claim on them as 2i neighbor ; — a kind ol procedure of which one may find instances in real life in all times ; ' A kinsman or intimate acquaintance has a claim to our neighborly good-offices : tliis man, however, is not a kinsman, &c., therefore he has no claim, &;c.' Again ' A Nation which freely admits our goods, ought to be allowed freely to supply., us with theirs : but the French do not freely admit our goods: therefore, &c.' Again, ' Nations that have the use of money, and have property in land, are subject to the evils of avarice, of dishonesty, and of abject poverty ; but savage nations have not the use of money, &c. &c.' And again, ' A kind and bountiful landlord ought to be ex- empt from lawless outrage ; but this man is not a kind and bountiful landlord ; therefore, &c.' It will be found a very useful exercise to select for yourself a number of other arguments, good or bad, such as are com- monly to be met with in books or conversation, and to reduce them to the most regular form they wdll admit of, in order to , try their validity by the foregoing rules. You must keep in mind, however, (what was said in the first Lesson) that technical terms and rules will be rather an in- ; cumbrance than a help, unless you take care not only to un- ' derstand them thoroughly, but also to learn them so perfectly ' that they may be as readily and as correctly employed as the ■ names of the most familiar objects around you. j But if you take the trouble to do this once for all., you will '. find that in the end much trouble will have been saved. For, y the explanations given of such technical-terms and general I rules, when thoroughly learnt, once, will save you the necessi- ty of going through nearly the same explanation over and over again on each separate occasion. In short, the advantage of technical terms is just like wliat 46 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [_Part I we derive from the use of an?/ other Common-terms.* When, for instance, we have once accurately learnt the definition of a ' Circle/ or have had fully described to us what sort of a creature an ' Elephant ' is, to say * I drew a Circle,' or ' I saw an Elephant,' would be sufficiently intelligible, without any need of giving the description or definition at full length, over and over again, on every separate occasion. LESSON vn. § 1. We have seen that all sound Reasoning consists in referring that of which we would (in the conclusion) affirm or deny something, to a Class, of which that affirmation or denial may be made. Now, ^ the referring of anything to a Class,' means (as you will perceive on looking back to the examples that have been given) to orffirm of it a Term denoting a Class ; which Term, you will have observed, is the Middle-term of the Syllogism. We are next led, therefore, to inquire what terms may be affirmatively predicated of what others. It is plain that a proper-name, or any other term that stands for a single individual, cannot be affirmed of anything except that very individual. For instance, ' Romulus ' — the ' Thames ' — ' England ' — ^ the founder of Rome ' — ' this riv- er,' &c., denoting, each, a single object, are thence called ' Sin- gular-terms : ' and each of them can be affirmed of that single object only, and may, of course, be denied of anything else. When we say ' Romulus was the founder of Rome,' we ^ This will be more fully explained in the subsequent Lessons. Lesson vii.] common-terms. 47 mean that the two terms stand for the same individual. And such is our meaning also when we affirm that ' this river is the Thames.' On the other hand, those terms which are called ' Common * (as opposed to ' Singular ') from their being capable of stand- ing for any, or for every, individual of a Class, — such as ' man,' ' river,' ' countiy ' — may of course be affirmed of whatever belongs to that Class : as, ' the Thames is a river ; ' * the Rhine and the Ganges are rivers.' And observe, that throughout these Lessons we mean by a ' Class ' not merely a Head or general-description to which several things are actually referred, but one to which an indef- inite number of things mighty conceivably ^ be referred ; name- ly, as many as (in the colloquial phrase) may ' answer to the description^ For instance, we may conceive that when the first-created man existed alone, some beings of a Superior Order may have contemplated him, not merely as a single in- dividual bearing the proper-name ' Adam,' but also (by Ab- straction, which we shall treat of presently) as possessing those attributes which we call, collectively, ' human-nature ; and they may have applied to him a name — such as 'Man' — implying those attributes [that ' description^~\ and nothing else ; and which would consequently suit equally well any of his descendants. \ When therefore anything is said to be ' referred to such and ^such a Class,' we mean either what is^ or what might be a ^ Class, comprehending any objects that are 'of a certain de- 'scription;' which description (and nothing else) is implied by •the ' Common term,' which is a name of any, or all, of those i objects. § 2. A Common-term is thence called (in relation to the "** Subjects ' to which it is applicable) a 'Predicahle ; ' that is, oj^rma^zVeZy-predicable ; from its capability of being affirmed of another Term. 48 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \_Part I. A Singular-term, on the contrary, may be the Subject of a proposition, but not the Predicate : unless of a Negative-^vo- position ; (as ' the first-born of Isaac was not Jacob ') or un- less the Subject and Predicate be merely two expressions for the same individual ; as in some of the examples above. You are to remember, however, that a Common-term must be one that can be affirmed of an indefinite number of other terms, in the same sense^ as applied to each of them ; as ' veg- etable,' to ' grass,' and to an ' oak.' For, different as these are, they are both ' vegetables ' in the same sense ; that is, the word ' vegetable ' denotes the same thing in respect to both of them : [or, ' denotes something common to the two.'] But there are several proper-names which are borne, each, by many individuals ; such as ' John,' ' William,' &c., and which are said to be, (in ordinary discourse) very common names ; that is, \evj frequent. But none of these is what we mean by a ' Common-term ; ' because, though applied to sev- eral persons, it is not in the same sense, but always, as denot- ing in each case, one distinct individual. If I say ' King Henry was the conqueror at Agincourt,' and, ' the conqueror of Richard the Third was King Henry,' it is not in sense one term, that occurs in both those proposi- tions. But if I say, of each of these two individuals, that he was a ' King,' the term ' King ' is applied to each of them in the same sense. § 3. A Common-term, such as ' King,' is said to have sev- eral ' Signijicates ; ' that is, things to which it may be applied : but if it be applied to every one of these in the same sense, [or denotes in each of them the same thing] it has but one ' signification^ And a Common-term, thus applied, is said to ' be employed ^ univocally.' If a term be used in several senses, it is, in meaning, not one term only, but several. Thus, when ^ Henry ' (or any Other such name) is applied to two individuals to denote, in I Lesson vii.] common terms. 49 each case, tJmt one distinct person, it is used not as 07ie term, but as two ; and it is said to be aj^plied to those two, ' equivo- cally.^ The like often occurs in respect of Common-terrns also ; that is, it often happens that one word or phrase, will be not merely one but several Common-terms. Take, for example, the word ' Case,' used to signify a kind of ' covering ; ' and again (in Grammar) an inflection of a noun ; (as ' him ' is the accusative [or objective] ca^e of 'he') and again, a ' case ' such as is laid before a lawyer. This word is, in sense, three ; and, in each of the three senses may be applied ' univocally ' to several thmgs which are, in that sense, signified by it. But w^hen applied to a hox and to a grammaiical case^ it is used ' equivocally.' § 4. That process in the mind by which we are enabled to employ Common-terms, is what is called ' Greneralization ; ' Common-terms being often called also ' Ce^ieraZ-terms When, in contemplating several objects that agree in some point, w^e ' abstract ' [or draw off'\ and consider separately, that point of agreement, disregarding everything w^herein they differ, w^e can then designate them by a Common-term, appli- cable to them, only in respect of that which is ' common ' to them all, and which expresses nothing of the differences be- tw^een them. And w^e obtain in this way either a term de- noting the individuals themselves thus agreeing considered in respect of that agreement, (which is called a concrete-doxmviow- term) or again, a term denoting that circumstance itself ivliere- liw they agree ; which is called an a^s^rac^-common-term. I Thus we may contemplate in the mind several different I* kings ; ' putting out of our thoughts the name and individual .character, of each, and the times and places of their reigns, land considering only the regal Office wdiich belongs to all and 'each of them. And we are thus enabled to designate any or tvery one of them by the 'common' [or general] term, 5 50 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \_Part I. ' king/ or again, by the term ' royalty ' we can express the circumstance itself which is common to them. And so in the case of any other common-term. The 'Abstraction' which here takes place, is so called from a Latin-word originally signifying to ' draw off;' because we separate, and as it were, draw off, in each of the objects be- fore us, that point, — apart from every other, — in which they are alike. It is by doing this, that ' Generalization ' is effected. But the two words have not the same meaning. For though we cannot ' generalize ' without ' abstracting^ we may perform , Abstraction without Generalization. ^ § 5. If, for instance, any one is thinking of ' the Sun,' with- out having any notion that there is more than one such body in the Universe, he may consider it without any reference to its jplace in the sky , whether rising, or setting, or in any other situation ; (though it must he always actually to some situ- ation) or again he may be considering its heat alone, without thinking of its ligJd; or of its light alone ; or of its apparent mog^ nitude, without any reference either to its light or heat. Now in each of these cases there would be Abstraction ; though there would be no Generalization^ as long as he was contem- plating only a single individual ; that w^hich w^e call the ' Sun.' But if he came to the belief (which is that of most Astro* nomers) that each of the Jixed Stars is a body affording light and heat of itself, as our Sun does, he might then, by abstract- ing this common circumstance, apply to all and each of these (the Sun of our System, and the Stars) one common-term de- noting that circumstance ; calling them all, ' Suns.' And this would be, to ' generalized In the same manner, a man might, in contemplating a single I mountain, (suppose, Snowdon) make its height alone, inde- f pendently of everything else, the subject of his thoughts ; or Lesson Yii.] generalization. 51 its total hdk ; disregarding its shape, and the substances it is composed of ; or again, its shape alone; and jet while thus abstracting, he might be contemplating but the single indivi- dual. But if he abstracted the circumstance common to Snowdon, Etna, Lebanon, &c., and denoted it by the common- term ' Mountain,' he would then be said to generalize. He would then be considering each, not, as to its actual existence as a single individual, but as to its general character, as being of such a description as would a]3ply equally to some other single objects. § 6. Any one of these Common-terms then serves as a "' Sign ' [or Representative] of a Class ; and may be applied to, — that is, affirmed of — all, or any, of the things, it is thus taken to stand for. And you will have perceived from the above explanations, that w^hat is expressed by a Common-term is merely an in- adequate — incomplete notion [or ' view ' taken] of an indivi- dual. For if, in thinking of some individual object, you re- tain in your mind all the circumstances (of character, time, place, (fee.,) w^hich distinguish it (or which might distinguish it) from others, — including the circumstance of unity [or singleness] — then any name by w^liich you might denote it, w^hen thus viewed, w^ould be a Shigidar-tevm ; but if you lay aside and disregard all these circumstances, and abstract [con- sider separately] merely the points which are common — or which conceivably might be common — to it w^itli other indi- viduals, you may then, by taking this incomplete view [or I ^ apprehension '] of it, apply to it a name expressing nothing ithat is pecidiar to it; and w^hich consequently will equally , well apply to each of those others ; in short, a Common-term ; J such as those in the above examples. I § 7. You are to remember, then, that there is not, in the ' case of these ' general ' [or common] Terms, (as there is in the case of Siiigular-tevms) some real thiiig corresponding to 52 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [Fart I. each Term, existing independently of the Term, and of which that term is merely the name ; in the same manner as Leb- anon ' is the name of an actually-existing single individual. At first sight, indeed, you might imagine that as any ' in- dividual man ' of your acquaintance, or ' Great Britain,' or * the Sun,' &C.5 has an existence in Nature quite independent of the 7iame you call it by, so, in like manner, there must be some one real thing existing in Nature, of which the Common- term ' Man ' or the term ' Island ' is merely the name. And some writers will tell you that this thing, which is the subject of your thoughts when you are employing a general- term, is, the • abstract idea ' of Man, of Island, of Mountain, &c. But you will fiijd no one able to explain what sort of a thing any such ' abstract-idea ' can be : w^hich is one thing, and yet not an individual, and which may exist at one and the same time in the minds of several different persons. * All the obscure and seemingly-profound disquisitions that you may perhaps meet with, respecting these supposed ' ab- stract ideas ' will but perplex and bewilder you. Whether the writers of these disquisitions have themselves understood their own meaning, we need not here inquire. But the simple explanation that has been above given of the origin and use of Common-terms, you wdll be able, with mo- derate attention, clearly to understand. And you will find it quite sufficient for our present purpose. § 8. You will perceive from it that the subject of our thoughts when we are employing a Common-term, is, the Term itself, regarded as a ' Sign ; ' namely, a Sign denoting a ^ The question here briefly alluded to, and which could not properly be treated of at large in a short elementary work, is that which was at one time fiercely contested, throughout nearly all Europe, between the Two rival sects of Philosophers, the Realists and the Nominalists. There are several well known w^orks in which the student may find it fully discussed. — See Whately's Elements of Logic, B. iv. ch. 5. Lesson viii.] abstract-ideas. 53 certain inadequate notion formed [or, view taken] of an indi- vidual which in some point agrees with [or ' resembles ' j some other individuals : the notion being, as has been said, ' inade- quate ' or ' incomplete,' inasmuch as it omits all peculiarity that distinguishes the one individual from the others ; so that the same single ' Sign ' may stand equally well for any of them. And when several persons are all employing and under- standing the same Common-term in the same sense, and are thence said (as some Writers express it) to have ' one and the same Idea ' at once in the mind of each, this means merely that they are (thus far) all thinking alike; just as several persons are said to be all ' in one and the same posture,^ when they have all of them their limbs placed alike ; and to be of one and the same complexion when their skins are colored alike. LESSON vni. § 1. It has been shown, how, by taking an inadequate view of an individual, disregarding every point wherein it differs from certain other individuals, and abstracting that wherein it agrees with them, we can then employ a Common- term, as a sign to express all or any of them : and that this process is called ' generalization.' It is plain that the same process may be further and fur- ther extended, by continuing to abstract from each of the Classes [or Common-terms] thus formed, the circumstance wherein it agrees with some others, leaving out and dis- regarding the points of difference ; and thus forming a still more general and comprehensive term. 5* 54 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \_Part I. From an Id dividual ' Cedar/ for instance, you may arrive in this manner, at the notion expressed by tlie Common-term ' Cedar,' and thence again proceed to the more general term ' Tree,' and thence again, to ' Vegetable,' &c. And so, also, you may advance from any ' ten ' objects be- fore you, (for instance, the fingers ; from which doubtless arose the custom of reckoning by tens) to the general-term, — the number ' ten ; ' and thence again, to the more general- term, ' number ; ' and ultimately to the term ' quantity.' § 2. The faculty of Abstraction, — at least the ready exer- cise of it in the employment of Signs, [Common-terms] seems to be the chief distinction of the Human Intellect from that of Brutes. These, as is well-known, often display much in- telligence of another kind, in cases where Instinct can have no place : especially in the things which have been taught to the more docile among domesticated animals. But the Faculty of Language^ such as can serve for an Instrument of Reasoning , — that is, considered as consisting of arbitrary general SignSj — seems to be wanting in Brutes. They do possess, in a certain degree, the use of Language considered as a mode of communication : for it is well known that horses, and dogs, and many other animals, understand something of what is said to them : and some brutes can learn to utter sounds indicating certain feelings or perceptions. But they cannot, — from their total want, or at least great deficiency, of the power of Abstraction — be taught to use language as an Instrument of Reasoning. Accordingly, even the most intelligent Brutes seem in- capable of forming any distinct notion of number : to do which evidently depends on Abstraction. For, in order to count any objects, you must withdraw your thoughts from all differences between them, and regard them simply as units. And accordingly, the Savage Tribes (who are less removed than we are from the Brutes) are remarked for a great defi- Lesson viii.] deaf-mutes. 55 ciency in their notions of number. Few of them can count beyond ten, or twenty : and some of the rudest Savages have no words to express any numbers beyond five. And universally, it is in all matters where the exercise of Abstraction is concerned, that the inferiority of Savages to CiviHzed men is the most remarkable. §. 3. That we do, necessarily, employ Abstraction in order to reason, you will perceive from the foregoing explanations and examples. For you will have observed that there can be no Syllogism without a Common-term. And accordingly, a Deaf-mute, before he has been taught a language, — either the Finger-language, or Reading, — can- not carry on a train of Reasoning, any more than a Brute. He differs indeed from a Brute in possessing the mental capability of employing Language ; but he can no more make use of that capability, till he is in possession of some System of arbitrary general-signs, than a person born blind from Cat- aract can make use of his capacity of Seeing, till the Cataract is removed. You will find, accordingly, if you question a Deaf-mute who has been taught Language after having grown up, that no such thing as a train of Reasoning had ever passed through his mind before he was taught. If indeed we did reason by means of those ' Abstract-ideas ' which some persons talk of, and if the language we used served merely to communicate with other men, then, a person would be able to reason, who had no knowledge of any arbi- trary Signs, But there are no grounds for believing that this is possible ; nor, consequently, that ' Abstract-ideas ' (in that sense of the word) have any existence at all. I You will have observed also, from what has been said, that 'the Signs [Common-terms] we are speaking of as necessary jfor the Reasoning-process, need not be addressed to the ear. The signs of the numbers, — the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, &;c., liave 56 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. \_Part I. no necessary connexion with sound; but are equally under- stood by the English, French, Dutch, &c., whose spoken lan- guages are quite diiFerent, And the whole of the ioritten-\2iHgVi2igQ of the Chinese is of this kind. In the different Provinces of China, they speak different Dialects : but all read the same Characters ; each of which (like the figures 1, 2, 3, &c.) has a sense quite inde- pendent of the sound. And to the Deaf-mutes, it must be so with all kinds of Language understood by them ; whether Common Writing, or the Finger-language.* * There have been some very interesting accounts published, by tra- vellers in America, and by persons residing there, of a girl named Laura Bridgman, who has been, from birth, not only deaf and dumb, but also blind. She has, however, been taught the finger-language, and even to read what is printed in raised characters, and also to write. The remarkable circumstance in reference to the present subject, is, that when she is alone, her fingers an generally observed to he moving, though the signs are so slight and imperfect that others cannot make out what she is thinking of But if they inquire of her, she will tell them. It seems that, having once learnt the use of Signs^ she finds the neces- sity of them as an Instrument of thought, when thinking of anything be- yond mere individual objects of sense. And doubtless every one else does the same ; though in our case, no one can (as in the case of Laura Bridgeman) see the operation; nor, in general, can it be heard; though some few persons have a habit of occa- sionally audibly talking to themselves ; or, as it is called, ' thinking aloud.^ i But the Signs we commonly use in silent reflection are merely mental conceptions of uttered words : and these, doubtless, are such, as could be hardly at all understood by another, even if uttered audibly. For we usually think in a kind o^ short-hand, (if one may use the expression) like the notes one sometimes takes down on paper to help the memory, which consist of a word or two — or even a letter — to suggest a whole sen- tence ; so that such notes would be unintelligible to any one else. It has been observed, also, that this girl when asleep, and doubtless dreaming, has her fingers frequently in motion : being, in fact, talking in her sleep. Lesson viii.] habits of abstraction. 57 § 4. By the exercise of Abstraction, (it is to be further re- marked) we not only can spf>arate, and consider apart from the rest, some circumstance oelonging to every one of several individuals before the mind, so as to denote them by a general [' common '] term, — and can alia^by repeating the process, advance to more and more general terms; — but we are also able to fix, arbitrarily, on whatever circumstance we choose to abstract, according to the particular purpose we may have in view. Suppose, for instance, it is some individual ^ Building ' that we are considering : in respect of its materials we may refer it to the class (suppose) of ' Stone-buildings,' or of ' wooden,' &c., in respect of its use^ it may be (suppose) a ^ house,' as distinguished from a Chapel, a Barn, &c., in respect of Orders of Architecture^ it may be a ' Gothic-building,' or a ^ Grecian,' &c., in respect of size^ it may be a ' large,' or a ' small build- ing,' in respect of color ^ it may be ' white,' ' red,' ' brown,' &c. And so, with respect to anything else that may be the sub- ject of our reasoning, on each occasion that occurs. We arbi- trarly ^:l on, and abstract, out of all the things actually exist- ing in the subject, that one which is important to the purpose in hand. So that the same thing is referred to one Class, or to another, (of all those to which it really is referable) accord- ing to the occasion. For instance, in the example above, you might refer the ^ building ' you were speaking of, to the Class [or Predicable] of ' i^^/^e-buildings,' — or even of ^ white-o^>c^5,' — if your purpose were to shew that it might be used as a land-mark ; if you were reasoning concerning its danger from Jire, you might class it (supposing it were of wood) not only with such buildings^ but also with hay-stacks and other combustibles : if the building were about to be sold, idong with, perhaps, not only other buildings, but likewise cattle, land, farming im])le- ments, &c., that were for sale at the same time, the point you 58 ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. [^Part I. would then abstract would be, its being an article of value. And so, in other cases. § 5. You thus perceive clearly that we are not to consider each object as really and properly helonging to and forming a portion of, some one Class only, rather than any other that may with truth be affirmed of it : and that it depends on the 'particular train of thought we happen to be engaged in, what it is that is important and proper to be noticed, and what, again, is an insignificant circumstance, and foreign from the question. But some persons, who have been always engaged in some one pursuit or occupation, without attending to any other, are apt to acquire a narrow-minded habit of regarding almost everything in one particular point of view ; that is, consider- ing each object in reference only to their own pursuit. For instance, a mere Botanist might think it something ' strange and improper, if he heard an Agriculturalist classing together, under the title of ' artificial grasses,^ such plants as Clover, Tares, and Ryegrass : which, botanically, are widely different. And the mere Farmer might no less think it strange to hear the troublesome ' weed ' (as he has been used to call it) that is known by the name of ' Couch-grass,' ranked by the Botanist as a species of ' wheat,' the ' Triticum repens,' the farmer having been accustomed to rank it along with ' nettles and thistles,' with which it has no botanical connexion. Yet neither of these classifications [or ' generalizations '] would be, in itself, erroneous and improper : though it would j be improper, in a Work on Natural- History to class plants I according to their agricultural uses ; or, in an Agricultural ; Treatise, to consider principally (as the Botanist does) the structure of their flowers. So also, it would be quite impertinent to take into considera- tion a man's learning or ability, if the question were as to the Lesson VIII. habits of abstraction. 59 allowance of food requisite for his support ; or his stature, if you were inquiring into his qualifications as a statesman ; or the amount of his property, if you were inquiring into his state of health ; or his muscular strength, if the question were as to his moral character : though each of these might he im- portant in reference to a different inquiry. The great importance of attending to these points, you will easily perceive hy referring to the analysis of Reasoning which has been above given. For as the proving of any Conclusion consists in referring that of which something is to be affirmed or denied, to a Class [or Predicable] of which that affirmation or denial can be made, our ability in Reason- ing must depend on our power of abstracting correctly, clearly, and promptly from the subject in question, that which may furnish a ' middle-term ' suitable to the occasion. PART 11. COMPENDIUM, LESSON IX. § 1. We have now gone through, in the way of a slight sketch, the Analysis of Reasoning. To analyse (as has been already explained) means to ' take to pieces,' so as to resolve anything into its elements, [or component-parts.] Thus a Chemist is said to ' analyse ' any compound substance that is before him, when he exhibits separately the simpler substan- ces it is composed of, and resolves these again into their elements. And when, again, he combines these elements into their compounds, and those, again, into further compounds — thus reversing the former process (which is called the ' ana- lytical ') he is said to be proceeding synthetically : the word * Synthesis ' — which signifies ' putting together,' — being the opposite of ' Analysis.' Accordingly, it has been shown in the foregoing Lessons that every train of Argument being capable of being ex- hibited in a Series of Syllogisms, a Syllogism contains three Propositions, and a Proposition, two Terms. And it has been shewn how ' Common-terms ' (which are indispensable for Reasoning, are obtained by means of Abstraction from Indi- vidual objects. This analytical method is the best suited for the first intro- duction of any study to a learner ; because he there sees, from the very beginning, the practical application of whatever is taught. But the opposite method — the synthetical — is the Lesson ix.] system of rules. 61 more convenient for storing up in the mind all that is to be remembered. We shall therefore now go over great part of the same ground in a reversed order ; merely referring to such things as have been already taught, and adding such further rules, and explanations of additional technical-terms, as may be needed. § 2. The act of the mind in taking in the meaning of a Term, is called, in technical language, the act [or ^operation'] of ^Simple-apprehension;' that is ' mere-ajy-pve- hension,' [or 'apprehension-only.'] When a Proposition is stated — which consists, as we have seen, of two terms, one of which is affirmed or denied of the other, — the ' operation ' [or ' act ' j of the mind is technically called ' Judgment.' And the two Terms are described in technical language, as ' com- pared ' together, and as ' agreeing ' or as ' disagreeing,' accord- ing as you affirm, or denT/, the one, of the other. When from certain Judgments you proceed to another Judgment resulting from them, — that is, when you infer [or deduce] a Proposition from certain other Propositions — this * operation ' is called ' Keasoning,' or ' Argumentation,' or (in the language of some writers) ' Discourse.' And these are all the mental operations that we are at pres- ent concerned with. Each of these operations is liable to a corresponding defect : namely ' Simple-apprehension ' to indistinctness, ' Judgment,' to falsity, and ' Reasoning ' to inconclusiveness ; [or falla- cioueness.] And it is desirable to avail ourselves of any rules and cautions as to the employment of language, that may serve to guard against these defects, to the utmost degree tliat )is possible : in other words, to guard, by the best rules we jean frame, against Terms not conveying a distinct meaning ; ^^ against /a^5e Propositions mistaken for true, — and against apparent-arguments [or ' Fallacies ; ' or ' Sophisms '] which 6 .. - 62 COMPENDIUM. \_Part II. are in reality inconclusive^ though likely to be mistaken for real [valid] arguments. And such a System of Eules*, based on a scientific view of the Reasoning-process, and of every thing connected with it, is what the ancient Greeks, among whom it originated, called the ' Dialectic-art ; ' from a word signifying to ' discourse on,' or ' discuss' a subject. § 3. You are to observe, however, two important distinc- tions in reference to the above-mentioned defects : 1st, you are to remember that which is, really , a Term, may be indis- tinctly apprehended by the person employing it, or by his hearer ; and so also, a Proposition which is false, is not the less a real Proposition : but, on the other hand, any expres- sion or statement which does not really prove anything, is not^ really, an Argument at all, though it may be brought forward and passed off as such. 2dly. It is to be remembered that (as it is evident from what has been just said) no rules can be devised that will equally guard against all three of the above-mentioned defects. To arrive at a distinct apprehension of everything that may be expressed by any Term whatever, and again, to ascertain the truth or falsity of every conceivable Proposition, is mani- festly beyond the reach of any system of rules. But, on the other hand, it is possible to exhibit any pretended Argument whatever in such a form as to be able to pronounce decisively on its validity or its fallaciousness. So that the last of the three defects alluded to (though not the two former) may be directly and completely obviated by the application of suitable rules. But the other two defects can be guarded against (as will presently be shown) only in-^ directly, and to a certain degree. I . -Ij ^ YoTi are to observe that a Science, properly, consists of general truihs'l that are to be known : an Art, of practical rules for something that is to j be done. i Lesson ix.] the * dialectic art.' 63 In other words, rules may be framed that will enable us to decide, what is, or is not, really a ' Term,' — really, a ' Prop- osition,' — or really an ' Argument : ' and to do this, is to guard completely against the defect of inconclusiveness ; since nothing that is inconclusive, is, really, an ' Argument ; ' though that may be really a ' Term ' of which you do not distinctly appre- hend the meaning ; and that which is really a ' Proposition^ may be sl false Proposition. § 4. When two Terms are brought together (or ^ compared,' as some express it) as Subject and Predicate of a Proposition, they are (as was above remarked) described in technical lan- guage, as ' agreeing ' or ^ disagreeing,' according as the one is a£irmed or denied^ of the other. This ' agreement,' however, does not (you are to obser^'e) mean coincidence ; [or that the two terms are ' equivalent '] for when I say ' Every X is Y,' or ^ Every Sheep is a rumi- nant-animal,' this does not mean * X is equivalent to Y ; ' [or ' X ' and ' Y ' are terms of equal extent'] indeed we know that ' ruminant-animal ' is in fact a term of greater extent than ' sheep ; ' including several other species besides. We only mean to assert that it is a Class [or Predicable] comprehend- ing under it, at least, the term ' Sheep ; ' but whether it does or does not comprehend anything else besides, the proposition before us does not declare. Hence it is that (as was formerly explained) the Predicate of an Affirmative-Y^YO-i^o^iiiow is considered as undistnhuted : the Subject being compared with part at least of the Predi- cate, and asserted to ' agree ' with it ; but whether there be, or be not, any other part of the Predicate which does not agree with that Subject, is not declared in the proposition itself. There are, it is to be observed, two apparent exceptions to this rule : 1st, the case of a Proposition which gives a Defini- tion of anything ; as when I say ' a triangle is a three-sided 64 COMPENDIUM. [Part ii. figure ; ' which would not be a correct definition^ unless it were also true that ' every three-sided figure is a triangle ; ' and 2dly by the case of an affirmative-Proposition, where both terms are singular, and denote of course one and the same Individual ; as ' Ishmael was the first-born of Abraham.' In both these cases the Subject and Predicate are, in each proposition, what are called ' convertible ' [or ' equivalent '] terms. But then, to assert or imply both that a certain af- firmative-proposition is true^ and also that its terms are equiv*^ alent^ is to make (as was formerly remarked) not merely one, but two assertions. Now if I am understood to mean not only that it is true that ' a triangle is a three-sided figure,' but also that this is the definition of a ' triangle,' then, I am understood as making two assertions ; that not only ' every triangle is a three-sided figure,' but also that ' every three-sided figure is a triangle.' But this is understood not from the Proposition itself, looking to the form of expression alone, but from what we know, or think, respecting the sense of the Terms themselves, or fro-n what we suppose the speaker to have intended by those Terms. For, all that is implied in the mere form of an affirmative-proposition, — as ' X is Y ' — is simply that some part at least of the term ' Y ' (whatever that Symbol may stand for,) is pronounced to agree with the term ' X.' § 5. And a like explanation will apply in the other case also. If I understand from the sense of the terms in some affirmative-proposition, that the Subject and the Predicate are each a Singular-term, (denoting, of course, one and the same individual) — as ' Ishmael was the first-born of Abra- ham,' then I understand, as implied by the meaning of the words (though not by the form of the Proposition) another proposition also ; namely, that ' the first-born of Abraham was Ishmael.' In short, it is from my knowledge of the sense of the terms themselves that I understand them to be ' convert- Lesson ix.] convertible teems. ^ ible ' [or equivalent] terms. For you may observe tliat a Singular-term must, from its own nature, correspond to a Common term taken universally ^ [or, ' distributed J inasmuch as it cannot hut stand for the whole (not merely some part) of that which it denotes. In such cases as the above, then, that which is expressed as one proposition, is so understood from the meaning of the words as in reality to imply two. And there is, therefore, no real exception to the rule, that an Affirmative-proposition does not, hy the form of the expression^ distribute its Predicate. § 6. That which pronounces the agreement or disagreement of the two Terms of a Proposition [or which make it affirma- tive or negative'] is called, as has been above said, the ' Cop- ula.' And this is always, in sense, either ^ is ' or 'is not.' For every Verb, except what is called the ' Substantive-verb ' to ' be,' contains something more than a bare assertion of the agreement or disagreement of two terms. It always contains in it the Predicate (or part of the Predicate) also. Thus, the proposition 'it rains' (which in Latin would be expressed by the single word 'pluit') is resolved Siibj. Cop. Prod. into ' Pain — is — falling ; ' or in some such way. ' Jolm Siibj. Cop. owes William a pound,' is resolved into ' John — is — owing [or indebted to] William, a pound.' And so in all such cases. Sometimes, indeed, even the Substantive-verb itself is both Copula and Predicate ; namely, where existence alone is affirmed or denied ; as ' God is ; ' ' one of Jacob's sons is not * ; ' in which cases ' existing ' is the Predicate. You are to observe that the Copula has in itself no rela- tion to time. If, therefore, any other tense besides the Present, "^ Gen. 42. xiii. 6* 66 COMPENDIUM. \^Part i. of the Substantive-verb, is used, it is to be understood as the same in sense with the Present, as far as the assertion is con- cerned ; the difference of tense being regarded (as well as the person and number) merely as a matter of grammatical pro- priety : unless it be where the circumstance of time really does affect the sense of the proposition. And then, this circum- stance is to be regarded as part of one of the Terms ; as, ' this man was honest;' that is, ^he is one formerly -honest J In such a case, an emphasis, with a peculiar tone, is laid on the word ^ was.^ An Infinitive, you are to observe, is not a Verb, (since it can contain no affirmation or denial) but a verbal-noun-sub- stantive. And a Participle again, is a verbal-adjective. A Participle, or any other Adjective, may be made a Pred- icate, but not (by itself) a Subject of a proposition ; as ' this grass is green,' ' that grass is mown.' An Infinitive, though generally placed (in English) at the end of a sentence, is almost always (when it is by itself a Term) the Subject ; as 'I like to ride ; ' that is> Sub. ... . ^^^^• ^ To ride ' [or ' riding '] is — a thing I like.' And observe that there is, in English, an Infinitive in ^ ing^ the same in sound with the Participle, but different in sense. When I say, ' Piding ' [or ' to ride '] ' is pleasant,' and again nhat man is riding,' in the former sentence the w^ord 'riding' is a Substantive, and is the Subject ; in the latter it is an Adjective [Participle] and is the Predicate. One Infinitive, however, is sometimes predicated of another Infinitive ; as, ' seeing is believing ; ' ' not to advance is to fall back ; ' Ho be born is not to be perfected.' § 7. A Term may consist (as was formerly explained) of one word, or of several. And care must be taken, when you are examining a proposition, not to mistake for one of its Terms a word which, though it might have been used as a Lesson IX.] clearness of expression. 67 Term, is, in that proposition^ only a part of a Term. Thus, in one of the above examples, the word ' pound ' is not one of the Terms, but only a part of the Term ' owing a pound to William.' A description of some object will some- times occupy a page or two, and yet be only the Predicate of a single Proposition. You are to observe also that one single sentence will often imply what may be regarded as several distinct Propositions ; each indeed implying the truth of the others, but having their Terms different, according as we understand the drift (as it is called) or design of what is uttered : that is according to what we understand the person to be speaking of, (which is the Subject) and what it is that he says [predicates] of it. 1 2 3 4 Thus ' He — did not — design — your — death ; ' may be regarded as any one of at least four different propositions. If (No 1) the word ' He ' be marked by emphasis in speaking, or by Italics, it will be understood as the Predicate ; and the drift of the sentence will be that ' whoever else may have de- j signed your death, it was not he : ' if the emphasis fall on No. 2, the Predicate will be ' designing,' [or ' by design '] and the drift of the sentence will be that, ' though he may , have endangered your life, it was not by design : ' and so with the rest. I You should endeavor, therefore, so to express yourself as to ■ make it clearly understood not only what is the meaning of each ivord you employ, but also w^hat is the general drift of the whole sentence ; in short, what is the Subject of your I Proposition, and what it is that you say of it. And, as far as you can, you should make this clear by the structure of each sentence, without resorting to the expedient of italics or under- scoring oftener than is unavoidable. There is frequently a great advantage, towards such clear- ness, gained, by the English word ' it ' in that sense in which 68 COMPENDIUM. [^Part II. it stands (not as the neuter pronoun, answering to ' He ' and ^ She/ but) as the representative of the Subject of a Proposi- tion, of whatever Gender or Number ; so as to allow the Sub- ject itself to be placed last : as — Subj. Cop. Pred. Subj. ^ It — is not — he — that had this design ; ' or again — Subj. Cop. Pred. Subj. < It — is not — by design — that he did this/ &c. LESSON X. § 1. A Proposition is, as has been said, an act of judg- ment expressed in words ; and is defined to be a ' Sentence which asserts ; ' or, in the language of some writers, an ^ in- dicative Sentence:' ^indicative,' [or 'asserting'] meaning * that which affirms or denies something.' It is this that dis- tinguishes a Proposition from a Question, or a Command, &c. Propositions, considered merely as Sentences, are distin- guished into ' Categorical ' and ' Hypothetical.' The Categorical asserts simply that the Predicate does, or does not, apply to the Subject : as ' the world had an intelli- gent maker ; ' * Man is not capable of raising himself, unas- sisted, from the savage to the civilized state.' The Hypo- thetical [called by some writers ' Compound '] makes its assertion under a Condition, or with an Alternative ; as ' If the world is not the work of chance, it must have had an in- telligent maker : ' ' Either mankind are capable of rising into Lesson x.] propositions. 69 civilization unassisted, or the first beginning of civilization must have come from above.' The former of these two last examples is of that kind called ' Conditional-propositions * ; ' the ' condition ' being denoted bj ' if,' or some such word. The latter example is of the kind called 'Disjunctive;' the alternative being denoted by ^ either ' and ' or.' The division of Propositions into Categorical and Hypo- thetical, is, as has been said, a division of them considered merely as Sentences: for a like distinction might be extended to other kinds of Sentences also. Thus, ' Are men capable of raising themselves to civilization ? ' ' Go and study books of travels,' are what might be called categorical sentences, though not propositions* ' If man is incapable of civilizing himself, w^hence came the first beginning of civilization ? ' might be considered as a conditional question ; and ' Either admit the conclusion, or refute the argument,' is a disjunctive command. At present we shall treat only of Categorical Propositions. § 2. It has been above explained that Propositions (of this class, — the Categorical) are divided according to their ^ Quantity ' into ' Universal ' and ' Particular : ' — that an * Indejinite-^Yoi^osiiion ' is in reality either the one or the other ; though the form of expression does not declare ichich is meant : — and also that a ' Singidar-^vo])Oiii\o\i ' is equiva- lent to a ' Universal,' since its subject cannot but stand for the whole of what that Term denotes, when that whole is one single Individual. You have also learnt that Propositions are divided, ac- cording to their ' Quality,' into ' affirmative ' and ' negative.' ^ Or ' hypothetical,' according to those writers who use the word ' com- pound ' where we have used ' hypothetical.' 70 COMPENDIUM. [^Part II. The division of them, again, into ' true ' and ' false ' is also called a division according to their ' quality ; ' namely, the ' quality of the Matter : ' (as it has relation to the subject- matter one is treating of) while the other kind of quality (a proposition's being affirmative or negative) is ' the quality of the expression^ The ' quality of the matter ' is considered (in relation to our present inquiries) as accidental, and the ' quality of the expression ' as essential. For though the truth or falsity of a proposition — for instance, in Natural-history, is the most essential point in reference to Natural-history, and of a mathe- matical proposition, in reference to Mathematics, and so in other cases, — this is merely accidental in reference to an inquiry (such as the present) only as to forms of expression. In reference to that, the essential difference is between affirm- ation and negation. And here it should be remarked, by the way, that as, on the one hand, every Proposition must be either true or false, so, on the other hand, nothing else can be, strictly speaking, either true or false. In colloquial language, however, 'true' and ' false ' are often more loosely applied ; as when men speak of the ' true cause ' of anything ; meaning, ' the real cause ; ' — the ' true heir,' that is, the rightful heir ; — a ^ false prophet,' — that is, a pretended prophet, or one who utters falsehoods ; ' — a ' true ' or ' false ' argument ; meaning a valid [real] or an apparent-sirgwcueni ; — a man ' true,' or ' false ' to his friend ; ^. e, faithful or unfaithful &c. A Proposition, you are to observe, is Affirmative or Nega- tive, according to its Copula ; i. e. according as the Predicate is affirmed or denied of the Subject. Thus ' not to advance, is to fall back,' is affirmative : ' No miser is truly rich ' [or ' a miser is not truly rich'] is a negative. 'A few of the sailors were saved,' is an affirmative ; ' Few of the sailors were Lesson X.] categorical propositions 71 saved/ is properly a negative ; for it would be understood that you were speaking of ' most of the sailors,' and denying that they were saved. Since then every Proposition must be either Affirmative or Negative, and also, either Universal or Particular, Proposi- tions are considered as divided (taking into account both Quantity and Quality) into four Classes ; which, for brevity's sake, are usually denoted by the Symbols A, E, I, O ; name- ly A. Universal-affirmative, E. Universal-negative, I. Par- ticular-affirmative, and O. Particular-negative. § 3. Any two Propositions are, technically, said to be ^ opposed^ to each other, when 'having the same Subject and Predicate, they differ either in Quantity, or in Quality, or in both.' In ordinary language, however, (and in some technical treatises) propositions are not reckoned as ' opposed ' unless they differ in Quality, It is evident that with any given Subject and Predicate, you may state four distinct Propositions, A, E, I and O : any two of which are said to be ' opposed.' And hence there are (in the language of most technical writers) reckoned four kinds of ' Opposition.' 1st, A and E, — the two Universals, Affirmative and Negative, (always supposing the Terms the same) are called ' Contraries ' to each other ; 2nd. The two Particulars, I and O, ' Sub-contraries.^ 3rd. The two Affirm- atives again, or the two Negatives, (A and I, or again, E and O) are called ' Suhalterns,^ And 4th, those which differ both in Quantity and Quality — as A and 0, or E and I, — are called ' Contradictories! It is usual to exhibit in a Scheme (such as that in p. 72) these four kinds of ' Opposition ; ' by placing at the corners of a Square the Symbols A, E, I, O, as representing, respectively, the abovementioned four classes of Propositions. 72 COMPENDIUM. [^Pait II. n. t. A - - - i. /. [Every X is Y.J c./ Contraries. - E. n,/. [No X is Y.] i. ^ c./. 03 g- CD 3 P % if cF ..- % •3 (/2 n. #. I - - Subcontraries. n./ i./. [Some X is Y.] [Some X is not Y.] i. t. c. t. c.t. You may substitute for the unmeaning Symbols X, Y, (which stand for the Terms of the above Propositions) what- ever significant Terms you will; and on their meaning, of course, will depend, the truth or falsity of each Proposition. For instance. Naturalists have observed that ' animals hav- ing horns on the head are universally ruminant ; ' that, of ^ carnivorous animals,' none are ruminant ; and that, of ^ ani- mals with hoofs,' some are ruminant, and some not. Let us take then, instead of ' X,' ^ animals with horns on the head,' and for ' Y,' ^ ruminant : ' here, the real connexion of the Terms in respect of their meaning — which connexion is called the ' matter ' of a proposition — is such that the Predicate may be affirmed universally of the Subject; and of course the affirmatives Cwhether Universal or Particular) will be time, Lesson yii.] opposition. 73 and the ' negatives ' false. In this case the ^ matter ' is tech- nically called ' necessary ; ' inasmuch as we cannot avoid be- lieving the Predicate to be applicable to the Subject. Again, let ^ X ' represent ^ carnivorous animal/ and ' Y ' ^ruminant: ' this is a case of what is called ^ impossible mat- ter ; ' (i, e. where we cannot possibly conceive the Predicate to be applicable to the Subject) being just the reverse of the foregoing ; and, of course, both the Affirmatives will here be false, and both Negatives true. And, lastly, as an instance of what is called ' contingent matter,' — i. e, where the Predicate can neither be affirmed universally, nor denied universally, of the Subject, take * hoofed animal ' for ' X ' and ' ruminant * for ^ Y ; ' and of course the Universals will both be false, and the Particulars true : that is, it is equally true that ' some hoofed animals are ruminant,' and that ' some are not.' § 4. You will perceive, then, on examining such a Scheme, that ' Contrary ' Propositions can never be both of them true, though they may (viz. : in ' contingent-matter '] be both false : that ' /Sw^contraries,' on the other hand, may be both true, but never both false : that ' Contradictories ' [^diametricaUy-oppo- site Propositions] must in every case be, one true, and the other false : and that ' Suhalterns ' (of which the Universal is called the ' Subaltenza/i^,' and the Particular the ' Subalter- nate ') may be either both true, or both false, or the one true and the other false. These last Propositions, however, though reckoned, as has been said above, by most dialectical writers, among those op- posed, are not so accounted in ordinary discourse. The four kinds of Propositions, A, E, I, O, have been, in the Scheme, marked, each, with the letters t for ' true ' and f for ^ false,' and also Avith the letters n, i, c, to denote the three kinds of matter, (necessary, impossible, contingent,) in 7 74 COMPENDIUM. \_Part ii. order to point out which propositions are true, and which, false, in each kind of matter. The technical terms ^q have here explained, are needful to be learnt, as being, some of them, in frequent use, and as being convenient for the avoiding of circumlocution and of indistinctness. ' Contradictory-opposition ' is the kind most frequently al- luded to, because (as is evident from what has been just said) to deny^ — or to disbelieve^ — a proposition, is to assert^ or to helieve, its Contradictory ; and of course, to assent to, or main- tain a proposition, is to reject its Contradictory. Belief, therefore, and Disbelief, are not two different states of the mind, but the same^ only considered in reference to two Con- tradictory propositions. And consequently, Credidity and Incredulity are not opposite habits, but the same ; in refer- ence to some class of propositions, and to their contradictories. For instance, he who is the most incj^edulous respecting a certain person's guilty is, in other words, the most ready to believe him not guilty ; he who is the most credulous * as to certain works being v^^ithin the reach of Magic, is the most incredulous [or ^slow of heart to believe'] that they are not within the reach of Magic ; and so, in all cases. The reverse of helieving this or that individual proposition is, no doubt, to dishelieve that same proposition ; but the vq- Y^Y^Q o^ belief generally, i^ (not belief; since that implies be- lief; but) doubt. And there may even be cases in which doubt itself may amount to the most extravagant credulity. For instance, if any one should ' doubt whether there is any such Country as Egypt,' he would be in fact helieving this most incredible proposition ; that ' it is possible for many thousands of persons, unconnected with each other, to have agreed, for successive =^ As the Jews, in the time of Jesus, in respect of his works. Lesson x.] si3iple-c on version. 75 Ages, in bearing witness to the existence of a fictitious Coun- try, without being detected, contradicted, or suspected/ All this, though self-evident, is, in practice, frequently lost sight o£ § 5. A Proposition is said to be ^ converted^ when its ^ Terms are transposed ; ' ^. e., when the Subject is made the Predicate, and the Predicate the Subject. And when no other change is made, this is called 'simple conversion.* When for instance I say ' no carnivorous animal is a rumi- nant,' the ' ^vccc^^-conversQ ' of this would be, ' no ruminant is a carnivorous animal.' The ' conversion ' of such a proposition as this, ' No one [is happy who] is anxious for change,' would be effected by altering the arrangement of the words in brackets, into * who is happy.' The Conversion of a Proposition is said to be 'illative^ when the truth of the ' Converse ' is ' implied ' (looking mere- ly to the form of expression) ' by the truth of the original proposition : ' [or ' exposita '] which is the case in the exam- ple above : it being evident that if the former of those Propo- sitions (whatever may be the meaning of the Terms) be true, the Converse must be true also. For to say that ' No X is Y,' is to imply that ' no Y is X.' You are to observe, however, that the Converse of a true Proposition may happen to be true also, without the Conversion's being ' illative ; ' that is, when the truth of that Converse is not implied by the truth of the ' Exposita ' [the (original proposition]. Thus, ' Every X is Y ' does not imply khat ' every Y is X,' though it may happen that both proposi- jtions may be true. i For instance, that ' Every tree is a vegetable,' does not 4mply that ' Every vegetable is a tree ; ' and this last hap- jpens in fact to be not true. But no more is it implied, when ||I say, ' every equilateral triangle is equianguku',' that ' every 76 COMPENDIUM. l_Part II. equiangular triangle is equilateral ; ' for though both these propositions are true, the one of them does not imply the other ; and they are separately demonstrated as distinct propositions, in geometrical treatises. In order to understand why the simple-conversion of * every X is Y/ into ' every Y is X/ is not ' illative/ you have only to observe that, in the * Exposita,' [original proposition] ' Y is undistributed, as being the predicate of an Affirmative ; while, in the ' Converse,' it is ' distributed,' by being made the Subject of a Universal, A new Term is therefore, in fact, introduced ; since instead o^ paii of the Term ^ Y ' we have employed the whole of it ; and the agreement or disagreement of one Term with some part of another Term, does not imply its agreement or disagreement with every part of it ; that is, with the whole. For though a part is implied by a whole, a whole is not implied by a part. When, for instance, I say ' every tree is a vegetable ' I am employing (as was formerly explained) the Term ' vegeta- ble ' to stand only for part of its ' significates ; ' and this does not authorize me to employ it (in the Converse) as standing for all its Significates ; as in saying that ' every vegetable is a tree.' And vStrictly speaking, that is not a real ' conversion,' — but only an ' apparent conversion,' — which is not * illative.' For, (as has been above said) there is not a mere transposition of the terms, but a 7ieiv term introduced, when a term which was undistributed in the ' exposita,' is distributed [taken univer- sally] in the Converse. But as it is usual, in common discourse, to speak of ^ an unsound argument,' — meaning, ' an apparent-^vgxxiaeiii, which is in reality not an argument,' so, in this case also, it is com- mon to say, for instance, that ' Euclid proves first that all equilateral triangles are equiangular, and afterwards he proves the Converse, that all equiangular triangles are equilateral ; { Lesson x.] illatiye-conyersion. 77 or again, to saj, ' It is true that all money is wealth ; but I deny the Converse, (in reality, the c//;^are/i^-converse) that all wealth is money.' § 6. Conversion, then, strictly so called, — that is, ^ illa- tive-conversion,' — can only take place when no term is dis- tributed in the Converse, which was undistributed in the ' Exposita.' Hence, since E [a Universal-negative] distributes both terms, and I, [a Particular-affirmative] neither, these may both be simply-converted illatively. As in the example above, ^ no carnivorous animal is ruminant,' implies by the very form of the expression, that ' no ruminant is a carnivo- rous animal.' And so also ' some things which are strange are believed,' im^plies that ' some things which are believed are strange.' We may also illatively-convert A [a Universal-affirmative] by altering its ' Quantity ' from Universal to Particular. For ' Every X is Y ' does imply that ' some Y ' (though not that ' every Y ') 'is X.' So in the example above we might allowably have stated (though not that ' all vegetables,' yet) that ' some vegetables arc trees.' This procedure is called ' conversion by limitatiGn : ' or according to some writers, ' conversion per accidens.' And it may be applied to E also ; as, for instance, in the example above, you might have said ' Some ruminant is not carnivo- rous ; ' though this would have been to come short of what you were warranted in stating. But in [particular-negative] the conversion will not be illative, on account of the rule that the Predicate of a Nega- tive is always distributed. The proposition, therefore, ' Some X is not Y ' does not imply that ' some Y is not X ; ' since X is distributed in the ' Converse ' and was not, in the ' Ex- posita,' in which it was the Subject of a Particular. It is true 7* 78 COMPENDIUM. [^Part ii. that ^ some men are not negroes : ' but this does not imply that ' some negroes are not men.' A Particular negative [0] cannot be converted illatively, except by changing its Quality from negative to affirmative, (without altering the sense) by regarding the negation as attached to the Predicate instead of to the Copula. Thus S. ^ Cop. rr. * Some X is not Y ' may be taken as an affirma- S. Cop. Fr. tive, namely, ' Some X is not Y ; ' and this latter proposition [I] may of course be simply-converted illatively ; jS. Cop. p. as ' Some not Y is X.' Thus, ^ Some men are not-negroes ' implies that ^ Some who are not negroes are men ; ' or (as such a proposition is often expressed) ' One may be a man without being a negro.' So again ' Some who possess wealth are not happy,' implies that * Some who are not-happy possess wealth.' § 7. This procedure is technically called ' Conversion-by- negation,^ [or, by ' Contraposition.'] It is applicable also to [A] Universal-affirmatives. For, to affirm some Predicable of a Subject, or [to assert the presence of some attribute] is the same thing in sense as to deny its absence. Hence a Univer- sal-affirmative may be stated as a VmYevsal-negative ; which (as we have seen) may be simply-converted. Thus Every ' X is Y ' is equipollent [or equivalent in sense'] to ' No X is not Y ; ' which may be illatively converted into * nothing that is not Y — is — X : ' or ' whatever is not Y is not — X.' So the proposition, ' Every true poet is a man of genius,' may be stated as ^ No true poet-is — not-a-man-of-genius ; ' which (being E) may be illatively converted into ^no one who is not a man of genius is a true poet : ' (as such a propo- sition is very commonly expressed) ' None hut a man of genius can be a true poet ; ' or again, ' a man of genius alone Lesson x.] conversion-by-negation. 79 can be a true poet ; ' or again, ' One cannot be a true poet without being a man of genius/ And here it is worth remarking, by the way, that in such examples as the above, the words ' may,' ' can,' ' cannot,' &c. have no teference (as they sometimes have) to power ^ as ex- ercised by an agent ; but merely to the distribution or non- distribution of Terms : or to the confidence or doubtfulness we feel respecting some supposition. To say, for instance, that ' a man who has the plague may recover,' does not mean that ' it is in his power to recover if he chooses ; ' but it is only a form of stating a particular- proposition : [I] namely, that ' Some who have the plague recover.' And again to say, ' there may be a bed of coal in this district,' means merely, * The existence of a bed of coal in this district — is — a thing which I cannot confidently deny or affirm.' § 8. So also to say ' a virtuous man cannot betray his Country ' [or ' it is impossible that a virtuous man should be- tray &c.'] does not mean that he lacks the power, (for there is no virtue in not doing what is out of one's power) but merely that ^ not betraying one's country ' fonns an essential part of the notion conveyed by the term ' virtuous.' We mean, in short, that it is as much out of our power to conceive a virtuous man who should be a traitor, as to conceive ' a Square with unequal sides ; ' that is, a square which is not a square. The expression, therefore, is merely a way of stating the Universal-proposition [E] ' No virtuous man be- trays his Country.' So again, to say, ' a Aveary traveller in the deserts of Arabia 7nust eagerly drink when he comes to a Spring,' does not mean that he is compelled to drink, but that / cannot a/void believing that he will ; — that there is no doubt in my mind. In these, and many other such instances, the words ' may,' 30 COMPENDIUM. [^Part II, ' mast,' ' can/ ' impossible/ &c. have reference, not to power or absence of power in an agent, but only to universality or absence of Universality in the expr-ession ; or, to douht or absence of douht in our own mind, respecting what is asserted. LESSON XI. § 1. An Argument [or Act of Eeasoning expressed in words] is defined ' an Expression in which, from something laid down [assumed as true] something else is concluded to be true, as following necessarily [resulting] from the other.' That which follows from the other, is called (as was formerly explained) the ' Conclusion ; ' and that from which it follows, the ' Premises ; ' or in the language of some writers, the ' An- tecedent.' The above is the strict technical definition. But in ordi- nary language the word ' Argument' is often employed to de- note the Premises alone ; or, sometimes that one of the Premises which is expressed, when the other is understood : as when one speaks of proving so and so hy this or that argu- ment ; meaning, by such and such a Premise. And you may observe, by the way, that of the two Premises, the Major (formerly explained) is, in common dis- course, often called the ^ Principle,' and the Minor-premise, the ' Peason.' Frequently also in common discourse ' an Argument ' is used to signify a ' Series of arguments,' leading ultimately to the Conclusion maintained. An Argument, if stated in such a regular form that ^ its conclusiveness [its being really an Argumentl is apparent Lesson XI.] an argument defined. 81 from the mere form of expression alone, ^ (independently of the meaning of the words) is then called a ' Syllogism.' As, ' Every X is Y* ; Z is X, therefore Z is Y ; ' in which, as was formerly explained, the truth of the Conclusion, — assum- ing the Premises to be true, — must be admitted, whatever Terms you may make X, Y, and Z, respectively, stand for. You are to remember, therefore, that a Syllogism is not (as some have imagined) a peculiar kind of argument ; but only a certain form in which every Argument may be ex- hibited. § 2. One circumstance wliich has tended to mislead persons as to this point, is, that in a Syllogism we see the Conclusion following certainly [or necessarily] from the Premises; and again, in any apparent-syllogism which on examination is found to be (as you have seen in s^me of the examples) not a real one [not ' valid '] the Conclusion does not follow at all ; and the whole is a mere deception. And yet w^e often hear of Arguments wdiicli have some weight, and yet are not quite decisive ; — of Conclusions wdiich are rendered prohahle, but not absolutely certain &c. And hence some are apt to im- agine that the conclusiveness of an argument admits of de- grees ; and that sometimes a conclusion may, probably and 'partially, — though not certainly and completely — follow from its Premises. This mistake arises from men's forgetting that the Premises themselves will very often be doubtful ; and then, the conclu- sion also will be doubtful. As w^as shewn formerly, one or both of the Premises of a perfectly valid Syllogism may be utterly false and ab- surd : and then, the Conclusion, though inevitably following from them, may be either true or false, we cannot tell which. And if one or both of the Premises be merely probable, we =^ See a])ove. Lesson IX. § 4. 82 COMPENDIUM. [^Part ii. can infer from tliem only a probable conclusion ; though the conclusiveness, — that is, the connexion between the Premises and the Conclusion — is perfectly certain. For instance, assuming that ' every month has 30 days ' (which is palpably false) then, from the minor-premise that ' April is a month,' it follows (which happens to be true) that April has 30 days : ' and from the minor-premise that ' Feb- ruary is a month ' it follows that ' February has 30 days ; ' which is false. In each case the conclusiveness of the Argu- ment is the same ; but in every case, when we have ascer- tained the falsity of one of the Premises, we know nothing (as far as that argument is concerned) of the truth or falsity of the Conclusion. § 3. When, however, we are satisfied of the falsity of some Conclusion, we may, of course, be sure that (at least) one of the Premises is false ; since if they had both been true, the Conclusion would have been true. And this — which is called the ' indirect ' mode of proof — is often employed (even in Mathematics) for establishing what we maintain : that is, we prove the falsity/ of some Proposi- tion (in other words, the truth of its contradictory) by showing that if assumed, as a Premise, along with another Premise known to be true, it leads to a Conclusion manifestly false. For though, from a false assumption, either falsehood or truth may follow, from a true assumption, truth only can follow. Let us now look to the case of a doubtful Premise. Sup- pose it admitted as certain that ' a murderer deserves death,' and as probable that ' this man is a murderer,' then, the Con- clusion (that ' he deserves death ') is probable in exactly the same degree. But though when one Premise is certain, and the other, only probable, it is evident that the Conclusion will be exactly as probable as the doubtful premise , there is some liability to Lesson xi.] degrees of probability. 8S mistake, in cases where each Premise is merely probable. For though almost every one would perceive that in this case the probability of the Conclusion must be less' than that of either Premise, the precise degree in wliicli its probability i^^ diminished, is not always so readily apprehended. And yet this is a matter of exact and easy arithmetical cal- culation. I mean, that, given the probability of each Premise, we can readily calculate, and with perfect exactness, the probability of the Conclusion. As for the probability of the Premises themselves that are put before us, that, of course, must depend on our knowledge of the siibject-matter to which they relate. But supposing it agreed what the amount of probability is, in each Premise, then, we have only to state that probability in the form of a fraction, and to multiply the two fractions together ; the product of which will give the degree of probabihty of the Conclusion.* § 4. Let the probability, for instance of each Premise be supposed the same ; and let it, in each, be § ; [that is, let each Premise be supposed to have two to one in its favor ; that is, to be twHice as likely to be true as to be false] then the probability of the Conclusion wall be two thirds of tivo thirds ; that is |- ; — rather less than one half. For since twice two is four, and thrice three nine, the fraction expressing the probability of the Conclusion will be four ninths. For example, suppose the Syllogism to be ^ A man who has the plague will die of it ; ' (probably) ' this man has the plague ; ' (probably) therefore, (probably) ' he will die of it.' We are — suppose — not certain of either Premise ; though ^ Those who arc at all familiar with Arithmetic will liardly need to he reminded that, — since afracfion is less than a unit, — what is called (not strictly, hut fiGnirativcly) midtipJifing any thing- hy a fraction, mcan:^, tak- ing it less than once ; so that, for instance, -o+§, that is a lialf nuiUiplied (as it is called) by two-thirds, means two-thirds of a half; ?. e. .2 or J. 84 COMPENDIUM. l^Part ii. we think eacli to be probable : we have judged — suppose — that of 9 persons with the symptoms this man exhibits, two thirds, — that is, six — have tlie plague : and again, that two thirds of those who have the plague — that is, four out of six — die of it ; then, of 9 persons who have these symptoms, 4 may be expected to die of the plague. Again ' Every X is Y ; f Z is X f , therefore Z is Y ' (y^2-==2-) l^t ^^6 fractions written after each Premise express the degree of its probability ; and the result will be that which is given as the probability of the Conclusion. For instance, ' A Planet without any atmosphere is unin- habited : the moon is a planet without any atmosphere ; therefore, the moon is uninhabited : ' supposing these Propo- sitions to be those represented in the former example (of X, Y, and Z) then the probability that ' the moon is uninhabited,* will be two thirds of three fourths ; or one half; since f mul- tiplied by three fourths gives x\=2--^ In the examples just given, you will observe that the probability of each Premise has been supposed more than ^ ; that is, each has been assumed to be more likely to be true than not ; and yet there is, for one of these Conclusions, only ^ Some persons profess contempt for all such calculations, on the ground that we cannot be quite sure of the exact degree of probability of each premise. And it is true that we are. in most cases, exposed to this unavoidable source of uncertainty ; but this is no reason why we should not endeavor to guard against an additional uncertainty, wliich can be avoided. It is some advantage to have no more doubt as to the degree of probability of the Conclusion, than we have in respect of the Premises. And in fact there are offices, kept by persons whose business it is, in which calculations of this nature are made, in the purchase of contingent- reversions^ depending, sometimes, on a great variety of risks which can only be conjecturally estimated, and in effecting Insurances, not only against ordinary risks (the calculations of which are to be drawn from statistical- tables) but also against every variety and degree of ex^ra-ordinaiy risks ; the exact amount of which no one can confidently pronounce upon. But the calculations are based on the best estimate that can be formed. Lesson XI.] degrees of probability. 85 an even chance ; and for the other less. The supposed pa- tient is supposed to be rather less likely to die of the plague than not. And of course when there is a long train of reasoning, — the Conclusion of each argument being made one of the Premises of a succeeding one, — then, if a number of merely- probable Premises are introduced, the degree of probability diminishes at each successive stage. And hence it may happen, in the case of a very long train of reasoning, that there may be but a slight probability for the ultimate Conclusion, even though the Premises successively introduced, should be, some of them, quite certain, and the rest, more probable than not. And hence, we often have to employ several distinct trains of arguments, each tending separately to establish some degree of probability in the Conclusion. § 5. When you have two (or more) distinct arguments, each, separately, establishing as probable, the same conclu- sion, the mode of proceeding to compute the total probability, is the reverse of that mentioned just above. For, there, — in the case of two probable premises, — we consider what is the probability of their being both true ; which is requisite in order that the conclusion may be established by them. But in the case of a conclusion twice (or oftener) proved probable, by separate arguments, if these distinct indications of truth do not all of them fail^ the conclusion is established. You consider, therefore, what is the probability of both these indi- cations of truth being combined in favor of any conclusion that is not true. Hence the mode of computation is, to state (as a fraction) |the chances against the conclusion as proved by each argu- ment; and to multiply these fractions together, to ascertain the chances against the conclusion as resting on botJi the arguments combined ; and this fraction being subtracted from 8 86 COMPENDIUM. [^Part II. unity, the remainder will be the probability ybr the conclusion. For instance, let the probability of a conclusion as estab- lished by a certain argument be f : (suppose, that this man is the perpetrator of a certain murder, frcjm stains of blood being found on his clothes) and again, of the same conclusion as established by another argument, f : (suppose, from the testimony of some witness of somewhat doubtful character) then, the chances against the conclusion in each case, respect- ively, will be |- and -| ; which multiplied together give ;J-| or •J against the conclusion. The probability, therefore, jTor the conclusion as depending on these two arguments jointly (i, e. that he is guilty of the murder) will be f , or two to one.=^ As for the degree of probability of each Premise, that, as , we have said, must depend on the subject-matter before us ; and it would be manifestly impossible to lay down any fixed rules for judging of this. But it would be absurd to complain of the want of rules determining a point for which it is plain no precise rules can be given ; or to disparage, for that reason, such rules as can be given for the determining of another point. Mathematical Science will enable us — given, one side of a triangle and the adjacent angles, — to ascertain the other sides ; and this is acknowledged to be something worth learn- ing, although mathematics will not enable us to answer the question which is sometimes proposed in jest, of ' how long is a rope ? ' Men are often misled in practice by not attending to these circumstances, plain as they are, when pointed out. § 6. It has been already explained that the Maxim [or Dictum] applicable to every Argument when stated in the clearest form, is, that ' whatever is predicated universally of any term, may be predicated in like manner [affirmed, or de- nied, as the case may be] of whatever is comprehended under ^' See Lesson XVn., § 10. Lesson xi.] universal principle of reasoning. 87 that term : ' and that this, consequently, is the ' Universal Principle ' of Reasoning. And you may observe that this Dictum [or Maxim] may in fact be regarded as merely the most general statement of ^ An Argument,^ — not, this, or that individual argument; but any and every ' Argument, abstractedly.' For instance, if you say ' this man is contemptible because he is a liar,' you evidently mean to be understood, * every liar is contemptible ; this man is a liar ; therefore he is con- temptible.' Now if you so far generalize this Syllogism as to omit all consideration of the very terms actually occurring in it, abstracting, and attending solely to, theyb?'m of expression, you will have ' Every X is Y ; Z is X ; therefore Z is Y,' and then if you proceed to make a still further abstraction, saying, — instead of ' Every X ' — ' any-term-distrihuted' and instead of ' Y ' — ' anything whatever affirmed of that term,' and so on, you will have, in substance, the very 'Dictum' we have been speaking of: which may be separated into three portions, corresponding to the three Propositions of a Syllogism : thus, 1. 'Anything whatever' (as *Y') affirmed of a whole class (as ' X ') 2. under which class something else (as Z) is compre- hended, 3. may be affirmed of that (namely ' Z ') which is so com- prehended ; ' These three portions into which the Dictum has been sepa- rated, evidently answer to the Major-premise, IMinor-premise, and Conclusion, of the Syllogism given above. And it is plain that the like explanation will apply (if ' denied ' were put for ' affirmed') to a Syllogism with a Jiegative conclusion. So that the ' Dictum' is, in fact, as we have said, merely the most abstract and general form of stating the Act of Reason- ing y universally. 88 COMPENDIUM. [^Part ii. § 7. Some persons have remarked of this ' Dictum ' (mean- ing it as a disparagement) that it is merely a somewhat cir- cuitous explanation of what is 7neant by a Class. It is, in truth, just such an explanation of this as is needful to the student, and which must be kept before his mind in reasoning. For you are to recollect that not only every Class [the Sign of which is, a ' Common-term '] comprehends under it an in- definite number of individuals — and of other Classes — dif- fering in many respects from each other, but also most of those individuals and classes may be referred, each, to an indefinite number of classes (as was formerly explained) according as we choose to abstract this point or that, from each. Now to remind one, on each occasion, that so and so is re- ferable to such and such a Class, and that the Class which happens to be before us comprehends such and such things, — this, is precisely all that is ever accomplished by Reasoning. For you may plainly perceive, on looking at any of the examples above, that when you assert both the Premises taken in conjunction, you have, virtually, implied the Conclusion. Else, indeed, it would not be impossible, (as it is) for any one to deny the Conclusion, who admits both Premises. § 8. Hence, some have considered it as a disparagement to a Syllogism (which they imagine to be one hind of Argument) that you can gain no new truth from it ; the Conclusions it establishes being in fact known already, by every one who has admitted the Premises. Since, however, a Syllogism is not a certain distinct kind of argument, but any argument wdiatever, stated in a regular form, the complaint, such as it is, lies against Reasoning alto- gether. And it is undeniable that no new truths — in one sense of the word — (and that, perhaps, the strictest sense) can ever be established by Reasoning alone ; which merely unfolds, as it were, and develops, w^hat was, in a manner, wrapped up Lesson XI.] information and instruction. 89 and implied in our previous knowledge ; but which we are often as much unaware of, to all practical purposes, till brought before us, as if it had been w^holly beyond our reach. New truths^ — in the strictest sense of the word — that is, such as are not implied in any tiling that was in our minds be- fore, — can be gained only by the use of our senses, or from the reports of credible narrators, &c. An able man may, by patient Reasoning, attain any amount of mathematical truths ; because these are all implied in the Definitions. But no degree of labor, and abihty, would give him the knowledge, by ' Reasoning ' alone^ of what has taken place in some foreign country ; nor w^ould enable him to know, if he had never seen, or heard of, the experiments, what would become of a spoonful of salt, or a spoonful of chalk, if put into water, or what would be Ae appearance of a ray of light when passed through a prism. § 9. These tw^o modes of arriving at any truth are per- ceived by all men as distinct. And they are recognized in the expressions in common use. The one is usually called * information ; ' the other ' instruction*.^ We speak of trust- ing to the information (not, the instruction) of our senses. Any one who brings news from any place, or w^ho describes some experiments he has witnessed, or some spot he has vis- ited, is said to afford us information, A Mathematician again, a Grammarian, — a Moralist, — any one who enters into a useful discussion cancerning human life, — any one in short who satisfactorily proves anything to us by reasoning, — is said to afford us instruction. And in conversing with any one who speaks judiciously, dne sometimes says ' very true ! ' or ' that is a very just remark : that never struck me before, &c.' In these and suchlike ex- pressions, we imply both that wliat he says is not superfluous, * It is not meant tliat this Ls the onli/ sense of these words. 8* 90 COMPENDIUM. \_Part II. but valuable and important, and also that we are conscious of having ourselves possessed, in our own previous knowledge, the germ of what he has developed, and the means of ascer- taining the truth of what he has said ; so as to have a right to bear our testimony Jo it. But when any one gives us information about a foreign Country, &c. though we may fully believe him, and be inter- ested by what he tells us, we never think of saying ' very true ! ' or ^ you are quite right.' We readily perceive that in this case the knowledge imparted is new to us in quite another sense ; and is what no reasoning alone could have imparted ; being not implied in anything we knew already. These two modes of attaining what are, in different senses, new truths, (and which of course, are often mixed together) may be illustrated by two different modes in which a man may obtain an addition to his wealth. One man, suppose, has property to a certain value, bequeathed to him : another dis^ covers on his estate a mine of equal value. Each of these is enriched to the same degree. But the former of them ac- quires what he had, before, no right to; the latter merely comes to the knowledge and use of that which was, before, legally, his property ; though, till discovered, it brought him no advantage. Any mode of attaining knowledge, distinct from Reasoning^ is, of course, foreign from the present inquiry. , LESSON xn. § 1. The Dictum [or INIaxim] above explained as the Uni- versal-principle of Reasoning, will apply to a Syllogism in such a form as that of the examples given. ' Every (or No) Lesson XII.] terms of the conclusion. 91 X is Y* ; Z (whether some Z or every Z) is X; therefore ' — some, or every — Z is Y ; ' or ' No Z is Y ; ' or ' Some Z is not Y ; ' as the case may be. And in that form every valid argument may be exhibited. But there are other Syllogisms in other forms, to which the ' Dictum ' cannot be immediately applied, (though they may be reduced into the above form) and which yet are real Syllogisms, inasmuch as their conclusiveness is manifest from {h^form of expression, independently of the meaning of the Terms. For instance, ' no Savages have the use of metals ; the an- cient Germans had the use of metals ; therefore they were not savages,' is a valid Syllogism, though the Dictum cannot be applied to it as here stated. But it may readily be reduced into the form to which the Dictum does apply ; by illatively- converting the Major-premise, into ' men who have the use of metals are not Savages.' But the argument as it originally stood was a regular Syl- logism ; and so are some others also in a different form ; although the Dictum does not immediately apply to them. Accordingly, certain rules [or ' Canons '] have been framed, which do apply directly to all categorical Syllogisms, whether they are or are not in that form to which the Dictum is im- mediately applicable. 1st Canon. Two Terms which agree with one and the same third, may be pronounced to agree with each other : and 2-d Canon. Two terms whereof one agrees and the other disagrees with one and the same third, may be pronounced to disagree with each other. The technical sense of the words ' agree ' and ' disagree ' have been explained in a former Lesson. The two Terms which are each compared with the same * See Lesson ix. j 7. 92 COMPENDIUM. \^Part ii. tliird, are the Terms [or ' Extremes '] of the Conclusion ; viz. : the Major-term and Minor-term : and that third Term with which they are separately compared in the two Premises, is the Middle-term. On the former of these two Canons rests the proof of af- firmative-conclusions ; on the latter, of negative. § 2. To take first a Syllogism in the form originally given : ' Every X is Y ; Z is X ; therefore Z is Y : ' or again ' No X is Y ; Z is X ; therefore Z is not Y : ' in these examples, * Y ' and ' Z ' are in the tw^o Premises respectively, compared with ' X : ' in the former example they are assumed to ' agree ' with it ; and thence in the Conclusion, they are pronounced (according to the 1st Canon) to 'agree' w^ith each other; in the latter example, ' Y ' is assumed to 'disagree' with 'X' and ' Z,' to ' agree ' with it ; whence in the Conclusion they are pronounced (according to the 2nd Canon) to ' disagree ' with each other. Again, to take a Syllogism in the other form, such as that in this Lesson, ' No Savages &c.,' or, ' No Y is X ; Z is X ; therefore Z is not Y ; ' you wdll perceive that the 2nd Canon will apply equally well to this as to the preceding example. You will also find, on examination of the apparent-syllo- gisms [fallacies] — of which examples were given in former Lessons, and w^hose faultiness was there explained, — that they transgress against the above ' Canons.' Take for instance, ' Some X is Y ; Z is X ; therefore Z is Y* ; ' and again ' Every Y is X ; Z is X ; therefore Z is Y ; ' or ' every tree is a vegetable ; grass is a vegetable ; therefore grass is a tree : ' in these (as was formerly explained) the Middle-term is undistributed ; [taken particularly, in both premises] the two ' Extremes ' therefore [Terms of the Con- clusion] have been compared each with part only of the ^ See the example from Hume, respecting Testimony Lesson xii.] terms of the conclusion. 93 Middle ; and thence we cannot say that they have each been compared with one and the same third: so tliat we are not authorized to pronounce their agreement or disagreement with each other. But remember, that it is sufficient if the Middle-term be distributed in one of the Premises ; since if one of the ' Ex- tremes ' (of the Conclusion) has been compared with 'part of the ' Middle ' and the other, with the whole of it, they have both been compared with the same ; since the whole must include every part. And accordingly, in the form originally given ^ Every X is Y ; Z is X ' &c. you may observe that the Middle-term is distributed in the Major-premise, and undis- tributed in the Minor. § 3. Again, take the example formerly given, of ' illicit- process ; ' [proceeding from a term undistributed in the Pre- mise, to the same, distributed, in the Conclusion] as, ' Every X is Y ; Z is not X ; therefore Z is not Y ; ' or, ' Every tree is a vegetable ; grass is not a tree, therefore, grass is not a vegetable ; ' here the ^ Extremes,' w^hich in the Conclusion are compared together, are not really what had been com- pared, each, with the Middle. For in the Conclusion, it is the whole of the term ' vegetable ' that is compared with the term ' grass ; ' (since negatives distribute the Predicate) though it was only part of that term that had been, in the Premise, compared with ' tree ; ' the Predicate of an ' Affirmative ' being undistributed. In this instance, therefore, as in the former one, the Canons have not been complied with ; each of these apparent-syllo- gisms having in reality four terms. You will observe, also, that when the Middle-term is am- higiious, there are, in sense, tico Middle-terms, though you may have', apparently, a correct Syllogism : as ' Light is op- posite to darkness ; feathers are ligltt ; therefore feathers are opposite to darkness.' The word 'light' is here used equivo- 94 COMPENDIUM. [^Part ir. colly. (See the explanation in Lesson YII. § 3 of ^univocal' and ' equivocal/) So glaring an equivocation as this, could, of course, deceive no one, and could only be employed in jest.* But when there is a very small difference between the two senses in which a Middle-term is used in the two Premises, then, though the reasoning is not the less destroyed, the equivocation is the more likely to escape notice. And men are practically de- ceived in this manner, every day, both by others, and by themselves. § 4. For instance, there is an argument of Hume's (in the Work referred to in a former example, and which is said to have been convincing to some persons) which may be regu- larly stated, thus: 'Nothing that is contrary to experience can be established by testimony ; every miracle is contrary to experience ; therefore no miracle can be established by testi- mony.' Now the middle-term, ' contrary to experience,' ad- mits of being understood in either of two senses ; sometimes (and this is the strict and proper sense) it means ' what we know by our own experience to be false ; as, for instance, if several witnesses should depose to some act having been done, at a certain time and place, by a person known to me, and in whose company I was, at that time, and in a different place, I should be enabled to contradict their testimony from my own experience. Sometimes, again, the expression is employed to denote ' something which we have never experienced^ and have not known to be experienced by others : ' which would be the case with the ascent of a balloon, for instance, to one who had never seen or heard of such a thing ; or with the freezing of water, to a king of Bantam, mentioned by Hume. * Most jests, it is to be observed, — such as puns, conundrums, &c. — ! are mock fallacies. Lesson xii.] ambiguous middle-term. 95 Now if the Term ' contrary to experience ' be understood in this latter senvSe in both Premises, then the Jia/W-Premise of the Syllogism will be manifestly false ; since it would im- ply that the king of Bantam, or any one living in a hot Country, could have no sufficient reason for believing in the existence of ice. And if the term be understood (in both Premises) in the other sense, then the Minor will be false ; since a Man cannot say that he knows by his own experience (whatever he may believe or judge, and however rightly) the falsity of every individual narrative of every alleged miracle. But if the term is in each Premise to be so understood as that each shall be true, then it is evident that it must be taken as two different terms, (in sense, though not in sound) no less than the term ' light ' in the former example. § 5. As for the truth or falsity of any Premise, or the sense in which any Term is to be undertsood, in this or that Propo- sition, of course no fixed rules can be given ; as this must evidently be determined, in each case, by the subject-matter we are engaged on. But though no rules can be given for detecting and ex- plaining every fallacious ambiguity, it is useful to learn and to keep in mind where to seek for it : namely, to look to the Middle-t^rm (the argument having been first stated in a syllo- gistic form) and to observe whether that is employed precisely in the same sense in each Premise. As for the Terms of the Conclusion, there is not much danger of error or fallacy from any possible ambiguity in one of these ; since in whatever sense either of these is employed in the Premise, it will naturally be understood in the Conclu- sion, in that same sense ; though in itself it might admit of other meanings. If, for instance, any one should conclude that the ' Plantain ' is ' worth cultivation in places where it will flourish, because it produces a vast amount of human food,' you would under- 96> COMPENDIUM. \_Part II. stand him to mean, both in the Premise and the Conclusion, the fruit-bearing ' Plantain ' of the West Indies, and not the herb that grows in our fields. Sometimes, however, in a long train of Reasoning, a person may be led into error, by remembering merely that a certain Proposition has been proved, while he forgets in what sense it was proved. § 6. There are six rules commonly laid down, as resulting from the two Canons above mentioned ; by which rules any apparent Syllogism is to be tested : since none can be objected to v/hich does not violate any of these rules ; and any appar- ent-syllogism which does violate any of them, is not, in reality, conformable to the above Canons. i. A Syllogism must have three, and only three. Terms. ii. It must have three, and but three Propositions. iii. The Middle-term must be one only, [^. e, not douhW] and, therefore, must be unequivocal^ and must be (in one at least of the Premises) distributed, iv. No Term is to be distributed in the Conclusion that was not distributed in the Premise : [or, there must be no ' illicit- process.'] V. One at least of the Premises must be affirmative ; since, if both were negative, the Middle-term would not have been pronounced either to agree with each of the ' Extremes,' or to agree with one and disagree with the other ; but to disagree with hoth ; ' whence nothing can be inferred : as ' No X is Y ; and Z is not X,' evidently affords no grounds for comparing Y and Z together. And vi. If one Premise be negative, the Conclusion must be negative ; since — inasmuch as the other Premise must be affirmative — the Middle will have been assumed to agree with one of the ' Extremes,' and to disagree with the other. All these rules will have been sufficiently explained in what has been already said. Lesson xii.] terms of a syllogism. 97 And from these you Avill perceive that in every Syllogism one Premise at least must be Universal ; since, if both were Particular, there would be eitlier an undistributed JMiddle, or an Illicit-process. For if each Premise were I (Particular-affirmative) there would be no distribution of any Term at all ; and if the Premises w^ere I and O, there would be but one Term, — the Predicate of [the particular-negative] — distributed ; and supposing that one to be the IVIiddle, then the Conclusion (being of course negative, by rule vi.) would have its Predi- cate — the Major-term — distributed, w^hich had not been distributed in the Premise. Thus ' Some X is Y ; some Z is not X,' or again ' Some X is not Y ; some Z is X,' would prove nothing. And for the like reasons, if one of the Premises be Particu- lar, you can only infer a Particular Conclusion : as ' Every X is Y ; some Z is X,' v^dll only authorize you to conclude ^ Some Z is Y ; ' since to infer a Universal would be an ' illicit- process of the MinoV'term^ § 7. What is called the ' Mood' [or ' Mode '] of a Syllo- gism, is the designation of the three Propositions it contains (in the order in which they stand) according to their respect- ive Quantity and Quality ; that is, according as each Propo- sition is A, E, I, or O. Looking merely at the arithmetical calculation of permuta' tions, (as it is called) all the possible combinations of the four Symbols, by threes, would amount to 64. For each of the 4 admits of being combined, in pairs, w^ith each of the 4 ; [as A, with A, with E, with I, and with 0, ossihle that neither A is B, nor X, Y ; ' or you might contradict a Disjunctive-^^roposition by two or more Categorical propositions ; namely, by asserting separately the Contradictory of each member ; as ' either some Z is Y, or else some W is not X,' might be contradicted by ' no Z is Y, and every W is X.' LESSON XIY. § 1. It will often happen that you will have occasion to employ that complex kind of Conditional-syllogism (consisting of two or more such syllogisms combined) wdiich is commonly called a ' Dilemma,^ When you have before you as admitted truths two (or more) Conditional-propositions, with different Antecedents, but each with the same Consequent, and these Antecedents are such that you cannot be sure of the truth of any one of them, sepa- rately, but are sure that one or other must be true, you will then, naturally be led to state both of the Conditional-proposi- tions, first ; and next, to assert disjunctively the Antecedents ; and thus to infer the common Consequent. As ' if every A is B, X is Y ; and if some A is not B, X is Y ; but either every A is B, or some A is not B ; therefore X is Y.' This kind of Argument was urged by the opponents of Don Carlos, the pretender to the Spanish Throne ; which he 10 110 COMPENDIUM. [^Part II. claimed as heir-male, against his niece the queen, by virtue of the Salic-law excluding females; which was established (contrary to the ancient Spanish usage) by a former king of Spain, and was repealed by king Ferdinand. They say ' if a king of Spain has a right to aUer the law of succession, Carlos has no claim : and if no king of Spain has that right, Carlos has no claim ; but a king of Spain either has or has not, such right; therefore (on either supposition) Carlos has no elaim.' § 2. When several Conditional-propositions have different Consequents as well as different Antecedents, then we can only disjunctively infer those Consequents : that is, we can only infer that (supposing some one or other of the Antece- dents true) one or other of the Consequents must be true. As, ^ if A is B, X is Y ; and if C is D, P is Q ; but either A is B, or C is D ; therefore either X is Y, or P is Q.' Thus, ^ if the obedience due from Subjects to Kulers extends to reli- gious worship, the ancient Christians are to be censured for refusing to worship the heathen idols ; if the obedience, &c., does not so extend, no man ought to suffer civil penalties on account of his religion ; but the obedience, &c., either does so extend, or it does not ; therefore either the ancient Chris- tians are to be censured, &c., or else no man ought to suffer civil penalties on account of his religion.' So also, ' if man is capable of rising, unassisted, from a sav- age to a civilized state, some instances may be produced of a race of Savages having thus civilized themselves ; and if Man is not capable of this, then, the first rudiments of civilization must have originally come from a super-human instructor ; but either Man is thus capable, or not ; therefore either some j such instance can be produced, or the first rudiments, &c.' § 3. And when there are several Antecedents each with a different Consequent, then, we may have a Destructive- dilemma : that is, we may, in the Minor-premise disjunctively Lesson xiY.] dilemma. Ill deny the Consequents, and in the Conclusion disjunctively deny the Antecedents. Or again, you may have a Dilemma partly Constructive and partly Destructive; that is, in the Minor-premise (which in a Dilemma is always a Disjunctive- proposition) the members — suppose, for instance, there are two, — may be, one of them, the assertion of the Antecedent of one of the Conditional-propositions, and the other, the con- tradictory of the Consequent of the other Conditional. Suppose we say, 'if X is not Y, A is not B ; and if P is not Q, C is not D ; but either A is B, or C is D ; therefore either X is Y, or P is Q ; ' this would be a Destructive-Di- lemma ; and you may see that it corresponds exactly w^ith the example given a little above, only that we have, here, con- verted both of the Conditional-propositions. See § 7 of the preceding Lesson. If we had converted one only, and not, the other, of the Conditionals, (as ' if A is B, X is Y ; and if P is not Q, C is not D ; ' &c.,) then the Dilemma would have been partly Constructive and partly Destructive. For, as has been formerly explained, the Difterence between a Constructive and a Destructive Syllogism consists merely in the form of expression, and it is very easy to reduce either form into the other. It may be worth while to observe, that it is very common to state the J/mo?'-premise of a Dilemma first ; in order to show the more clearly that the several Categorical proposi- tions w^hich are, each, doubtful, wdien taken separately, may be combined into a Disjunctive-proposition that admits of no doubt. And this Minor-premise being disjunctive, some have hence been led to suppose that a Dilemma is a kind of dis- jiinctive argument ; though it is really, as w- e have shown, a Conditional. The name of ' Z^/lemma, again, has led some to suppose, that it must consist of two members only ; though it is evident that there may be any number. 112 COMPENDIUM. [^Paii II. § 4. When there is a long series of arguments, the Conclu- sion of each being made one of the Premises of the next, till you arrive at your ultimate Conclusion, it is of course a tedious process to exhibit the whole in the form of a series of Syllo- gisms. This process may in many cases' be considerably abridged, without departing from the strict syllogistic-form: [that is, such a form as shows the conclusiveness of the rea- soning, from the expression alonSj independently of the mean- ing of the Terms, and equally well when arbitrary Symbols are used to stand for the Terms.] What is called a ' Sorites ' (from a Greek word signifying a heap, ov pile) is such an abridged form of stating a train of arguments. When you state a series of propositions in v/hich the Predicate of the first is made the Subject (distributed) of the next, and the Predicate of that, again, in like manner, the Subject of the next, and so on, to any length, you may then predicate in the Conclusion the Predicate of the last Premise of the Subject of the first. Thus ' A (either " some " or " every ") is B ; every B is C ; every C is D ; every D is E ; &c. therefore A is E ; ' or ' no D is E ; therefore A is not E.' Thus, also, ^ this man is selfish ; whoever is selfish is neglectful of the good of others ; whoever is neglectful of the good of others is destitute of friends ; and whoever is destitute of friends is wretched ; therefore this man is wretched.' § 5. To such a form of argumentation the ' Dictum ' for- merly treated of may be applied, with one small addition, which is self evident. ' Whatever is affirmed or denied of a whole Class, may be afiirmed or denied of whatever is com- prehended in \_any Class that is wholly comprehended in"] that Class.' This sentence, omitting the portion enclosed in brack- ets, you will recognize as the ' Dictum,' originally laid down : and the words in brackets supply that extension of it which makes it applicable to a ' Sorites,' of whatever length ; since Lesson xiiv.] sorites. llfi it is manifest that that clause might be enlarged, as far as you will, into ' a Class that is wholly comprehended in a Class, which again is wholly comprehended in another Class, &c.' You will perceive, on looking at the above examples, that, though the first of the propositions of a Sorites may be either Universal or Particular, all the succeeding Premises must be Universal; since, else, the ' Dictum,' as stated just above, would not apply. You will perceive also that, though the last of the Premises may be either Negative or Affirmative, all the preceding ones must be Affirmative^ in order that the Dictum may be appli- cable. Thus, in the example, first given, it is allowable to say ' no D is E ; therefore A is not E ; ' but then it is neces- sary that ' C ' should be comprehended in ' D ' (not excluded from it) and ' B ' likewise in ^ C,' and ' A ' in ' B,* since other- wise the ' Dictum ' would not be applicable. § 6. It will be seen, on examining the examples, that there are, in a Sorites, as many Middle-terms as there are interme- diate propositions between the first and the last ; and that it may be stated in just so many separate syllogisms in the 1st Figure ; which is the simplest and most common form of a syllogism. The first of these syllogisms will have for its il/cyor-pre- mise the second of the propositions in the series, and for its J/mor-premise, the first of them : and the Conclusion of this first syllogism will be a proposition which is (in the Sorites) not expressed but understood ; and which will be the Minor- premise of the next Syllogism. And of this next syllogism the Major-premise will be the third that is expressed in the Sorites ; and so on. For instance, (1st,) ^ every B is C; A is B ; [therefore A is C;'] and (2dly) 'every C is D;' ['A is C; therefore A is D,'] &c. 10* 114 COMPENDIUM. \_Part II. The portions enclosed in brackets are those which in the Sorites are understood. The only Minor-^YQxm&Q expressed in the Sorites is the first proposition of the Series ; all the succeeding minor-premises being understood. And hence it is that (as has been above said) this first is the only one of all the Premises that may allowably be a Particular : because, in the first Figure, though the Minor may be either Universal or Particular, the Major (as you see from what was formerly said, of the ' Dictum,') must always be Universal; and all the premises in the Sorites except the first, are J[fa;*or-premises. In this way may also be explained what was above said, that the last of the premises of a Sorites is the only one that can allowably be a Negative : since if any of the others were negative, the result would be that one of the Syllogisms of the Series would have a negative minor-premise ; which, in the first Figure (as you will see by again referring to the ' Dic- tum ') is inadmissible. § 7. A series of Conditional-sjlhgisms (which correspond, as has been shown, to Categorical-syllogisms in the first Figure) may in like manner be abridged into a Sorites ; by making the Consequent of the first proposition the Antecedent of the next ; and so on : and then drawing the Conclusion by either asserting the Jirst Antecedent, and thence (construc- tively) inferring the last Consequent, or else, denying the last of the Consequents, and (destructively) inferring the Contradictory of the first Antecedent. ' As, ' If A is B, C is D ; and if C is D, E is F ; and if E is F, G is H,' &c. : and then, if the Sorites be ' Constructive,' you add ' but A is B ; therefore G is H ; ' or, if ' destructive,' ' but G is not H ; therefore A is not B.' The foregoing are all the forms in which Reasoning can be Lesson xiv.] enthymeme. 115 exhibited Syllogistically ; i. e. so that its validity shall be man- ifest from the mere form of expression. For, an Enthymeme, (see Lesson II. § 3) is manifestly not syllogistic; since it is possible to admit the truth of the one premise that it is expressed, and yet to deny the Conclusion. An Enthymeme may indeed be such (since it contains all the three Terms requisite for a Syllogism,) that we can read- ily perceive what the premise is that ought to be understood, and which if supplied, would make the Syllogism complete : as ' Z is X ; therefore Z is Y ; ' [or ^ the Elk has horns on the head ; therefore it is a ruminant '] this would be syllogistic, if you were to prefix ' Every X is Y ; ' but whether this be the Premise actually meant to be understood, we can only judge from the sense of the words that are expressed, and from what we believe respecting the subject-matter in hand, and the design of the Speaker. In a Syllogistic form, on the other hand, — w^hether Cat- egorical, or Hypothetical, and whether at full length, or abridged into a Sorites — that which is actually expressed in the Premises is such that no one can possibly suppose these true (whatever be the meaning of the Terms^ or whether we understand them or not) ivithout admitting the truth of the Conclusion thence drawn. § 8. As for any arguments that are not expressed in a regular form, of course no precise rules can be laid down for reducing them into such a form ; since any arguments to which such rules do apply, must evidently be, on that very ground, pronounced to be already syllogistic. Some general remarks, however, (drawn chiefly from what has been taught in the foregoing Lessons) may be practically serviceable in !he operation of reducing arguments into regular form. i. It has been remarked (in Lesson HI. § 7) tliat men are very impatient of tedious prolixity in Eeasoning; and that the utmost brevity, — the most compressed statement of argu- 116 COMPENDIUM. \^Part II. mentation, — that is compatible witli clearness, is always aimed at, and is, indeed, conducive to clearness. And hence (as was pointed out) a single sentence, — or even a word, — will often be a sufficient hint of an entire syllogism. And it may be added, that such a sentence will sometimes be in the form, not of a Proposition, but of an Exclamation^ — a Question, or a Command; and yet will be such as read- ily to suggest to the mind a Proposition. For instance, in some of the examples lately given, one might say (in place of one of the Propositions) ' Choose which you will of these two suppositions ;*' or ' Who can doubt that so and so follows ? ' The message to Pilate from 'his wdfe* furnishes an instance of a single word {'just ') suggesting a Major-premise, w^hile the Conclusion is stated in the 'form of an exhortation : ' have thou nothing to do with that just man.' And the succeeding sentence must have been designed to convey a hint of Argu- ments for the proof of each of the Premises on which that Conclusion rested. § 9. ii. Kemember that (as was formerly shown) we may change any proposition from Affirmative to Negative, or vice versa, without altering the sense : it being the same thing, for instance, to affirm of any one the term ' not happy,' or to deny ' happy.' So that an argument may be valid which might appear, at the first glance, to have ' negative premises.' But if the above experiment be tried in an argument that is really faulty on that ground, the only effect will be, to change one fallacy into another : as ' A covetous man is not happy ; this man is not covetous ; therefore he is happy : ' here, if you take 'happy' as the predicate of the Major, you have negative-premises : if you take ' not happy ' [or ' unhappy '] ^s the term, you will hdiw^four terms. Matt. 27, 19. Lesson XIV.] conversion-by-negation. 11/ On the other hand, ^ no one is happy ^vho is not content ; no covetous man is content ; therefore no covetous man is happy/ is a valid syllogism. That the Conversion-by-negation [contra-position] of a Uni- versal-affirmative, is illative^ has been formerly explained. And it is very common, and often conducive to clearness, to state such a proposition (A) in the form of this its converse (E) ; as, for instance, instead of 'every motive that could have induced this man to act so and so, must have been purely benevolent,' to say ' no motive but pure benevolence could have induced him to act so.' iii. Remember that one single sentence (as was formerly explained. Lesson IX. § 7) may imply several distinct propo- sitions, according to the portions of it which you understand as the Subject, and as the Predicate. For instance, ' It is the duty of the Judge to decide for him who is in the right ; this plain- tiff is in the right ; therefore it is the Judge's duty to decide for him,' might be understood as having jive terms : but ac- cording to the d?^ift of the first premise (considered as a part of this argument) what you are speaking of is, not, ' the duty of the Judge,' but ' the person who is in the right ; ' of whom you assert that ' he is fairly entitled to the Judge's decision on his side.' And if thus stated, the argument will be seen to be valid. And here it may be remarked, that to state distinctly as Subject and Predicate, that which is really spoken of^ and that which is said o/it, will be often the best and most effectual exposure of a Fallacy ; which will always be the more likely to escape detection, the more oblique and involved is the ex- pression. PART III. SUPPLEMENT, LESSON XV. § 1. There are some other technical-terms, which it la useful to be familiar with, and which we will therefore now proceed to treat of in a supplementary Lesson. They are such as are usually introduced in an earlier place, previously to the matter of the last ^ve Lessons. But it has been thought better to postpone everything that was not indispensable for the right understanding of what has been said concerning the several forms of Syllogism. A ' Common-term,' v/e have seen, is so called from its expressing what is common to several things ; and is thence called also a ' Predicable,' inasmuch as it can be affirmatively- predicated, in the same sense [_' univocally '] of certain other terms. It is evident that the word ' Predicable ' is relative^ i. e. denotes the relation in which some Term stands to some other, of which it can be predicated. And this relation is of different kinds : in other words, there are several Classes [or Heads] of Predicables. When you are asked concerning any individual thing, ^ what is it ? ' the answer you would give, if strictly correct; would be what is technically called its ' Species : ' as ' this is a pen ; ' ' that is a man ; ' ' this is a circle ; ' ' that is a mag- net^ &c. And the ' Species ' of anything is usually described in tech- nical language as expressing its 'whole Essence ; ' meaning, the whole of what can be expressed by a Common-ievm : for Lesson xv.J difference. 119 it is plain, that, (as was formerly shown) it is only by taking an inadequate view of an ' Individual,' so as to abstract from it what is common to it with certain other individuals, disre- garding all that distinguishes it from them (including its actual existence as a single object) — it is only then, I say, that we can obtain any Common-term. § 2. When the same question ' what is this ? ' is asked re- specting a Species^ the term by which you answer, is, that Predicable which is technically called the ' Genus ' of that Species. As, ' what is a 'pe7i ? ' answer ' an Instrument ; ' [a kind, or species of Instrument] ' what is a circle ? ' ^ a curvili- near-plane-figure : ' so also ' a magnet ' would be said to be ^ a Species [or kind] of Iron-ore,' &c. When you are asked ' what kind of [or " what sort of "] instrument is a pen ? ' you would answer, one ' designed for ivriting ; ' this being what characterizes it, and distinguishes it from other instruments : ' what kind of animal is Man ? ' the answer would be ' rational ; ' as distinguishing the Species from other animals ; ' what kind of plane-curvilinear-iigure is a circle ? ' answer, ^ one whose circumference is- everywhere equidistant from the Centre ; ' which circumstance distinguish- es it from an Ellipse : &c. Such a Predicable, then, is technically called the ' Differ- ence ; ' [or, by the Latin name, ' Differentia '] in popular language, frequently, the ^ Characteristic,' or the ' distinguishing point.' And the ' Difference ' together with the ' Genus,' are technically spoken of as ' constituting ' [' making up '] the ' Species.' Any quality [or ' attribute '] which invariably and pecu- liarly belongs to a certain Species, but which yet is not that which we fix on as characterizing the Species, is technically called a ' Property ; ' [or ' Proprium '] of that Species. Thus, ^risibility' [or the faculty of laughter] is reckoned a ' Prop- erty ' of Man : one of the ' Properties ' of a Circle, is, that any Single drawn in a semi-circle, is a right-angle : &c. 120 SUPPLEMENT. \_Part III. The power of ' attracting iron ' might be taken as the ' dif- ference ' [or ' characteristic '] of a magnet ; and its ' Polar- ity ' as a ' Property : ' or again, this latter might be taken as its Difference, and the other, reckoned among its Prop- erties. For it is evidently a mere question of convenience, whichy in any such case, we fi^L on as the Characteristic of the Species we are contemplating. And either the one arrangement, or the other, may be the more suitable, according to the kind of pursuit we may be engaged in. An Agriculturist, for instance, (see Lesson 8, § 5) would not characterize each kind of plants in the same way as a Bot- anist, or again, as a Florist : no more would a Builder, and a Geologist, and a Chemist, characterize in the same way the several kinds of stones. § 3. Any Predicable which belongs to some (and not to other) mdividuals of the same Species, [or which ' may be present or absent, the Species remaining the same 'j is called an ' Accident J And these are of two kinds. A ^ Separable-accident ' is one which may be removed from the Individual ; ' [or, which may be absent or present, in that which we regard as one and the same individual] as, for instance (in an example formerly given) the ' Sun ' is regarded as the same individual thing, whether ' rising,' or ' setting,' or in any other situation rela- tively to the spot we are in : ' rising,' therefore, or ' setting/ are separable accidents of the Sun. So, also, to be in this or that dress, or posture, would be a separable accident of an individual man ; but to be a native of France, or of England, or to be of a certain character, would be an * inseparable accident.' It is by inseparable-accidents that we commonly distinguish one Individual from another of the same species. And to enumerate such Accidents is called ' giving a Description/ (See § 10.) Lesson xy.] division. 121 Of course, it is only from individuals that any ' Accident * can be ' inseparable ; ' for anything that is inseparable from a Species^ [or, which forms a part of the signification of a Term by which we denote a certain Species] is not an Accident, but a Property. § 4. Some writers enumerate among Properties such Predi- cables as are pecidiar but not universal ; that is, which do not apply, each, to every individual of a certain species, but are 'peculiar to that species : as Man alone can be ' virtuous,' — can be a ' philosopher,' &c. which are attributes not belonging to man. But these are more correctly reckoned Accidents ; though Accidents peculiar to the Species. Some again speak of ' Properties,' which are universal but not pecidiar ; as • to breathe air ' belongs to the whole human species, but not to that species alone. Such a Predicable, however, is not, strictly speaking, a Property of the Species ' Man,' but a Property of a higher [more comprehensive'] Species, ' land-animal ; ' which stands in the relation of ' Ge- nus ' to the species ' Man.' And it would be called, ac- cordingly, in the language of some writers, a ' generic-^Yo\)' erty ' of Man. A Property, strictly so called, of any Species under our consideration, would be called its ' specijic-^vo^Qviy.^ Predicables, then, have been usually divided into these five heads : ' Genus, Species, Difference, Property, and Ac- cident.' You are to remember, that, as every Predicable is so called in relation to the Terms of which it can be (affirmatively) predicated, so, each Common-term is to be regarded as belong- ing to this or that Head of Predicables, according to the Term to which it is, in each instance, applied, or which may be ap- plied to it. Thus, the term ' Iron-ore ' is a Species in respect of the term ^ Mineral,' and a Genus in respect of the term * Magnet ; ' and so, in other instances. § 5. AYhen we ^ enumerate distinctly ' [or ' separately '"] 11 122 SUPPLEMENT. [^Part III. the several things that are signified by one Common-term, — ► as the several species included under some Genus — we are said to ' divide ' that Common-term. Thus, ' natural-produc- tions ' are divided into ' Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral ; ' and each of these again may be subdivided into several ' mem- bers ; ' and so on. Perhaps the word ' distinguish, if it had been originally adopted, would have been preferable to ' divide : ' (which, however, has been so long in general use in this sense, that it could not now be changed) because ' Division ' being (in this sense) a metaphorical word, the 'Division' we are now speaking of is liable to be confounded with 'Division' in the other (which is the original and proper) sense of the word. ' Division,' in its primary sense, means separating from each other (either actually, or in enumeration) the parts of which some really-existing single object consists : as when you di- vide ' an animal ' (that is, any single animal) into its several members ; or again, into its ' bones, muscles, nerves, blood- vessels,' &c. And so, with any single Vegetable,' &c. Now each of the parts into which you thus ' physically ' (as it is called) divide ' an animal,' is strictly and properly a ' part,' and is really less than the whole ; for you could not say of a bone, for instance, or of a limb, that it is ' an Animal.' But when you ' divide ' — in the secondary sense of the word ' (or, as it is called, ' metaphysically ') — ' Animal,' that is the Genus ' Animal,' into Beast, Bird, Fish, Keptile, Insect, &c., each of the parts [or ' members '] is metaphorically called a ' part,' and is, in another sense, more than the whole [the Genus~\ that is thus divided. For you may say of a Beast or Bird that it is an ' Animal ; ' and the term ' Beast ' implies not only the term ' Animal,' but something more besides ; namely, whatever ' Difference ' characterizes ' Beast ' and sep- arates it from ' Bird,' ' Fish,' &c. Lesson xv.] division. 123 And so also any Singular-term [denoting one individual] implies not only the whole of what is understood by the Spe- cies it belongs to, but also more ; namely, whatever distin- guishes that single object from others of tlie same Species : as ' London ' imphes all that is denoted by the term ' City/ and also its distinct existence as an individual city. § G. The parts [_' members '] in that figurative sense with wlndi we are now occupied, are each of them less tJian the whole^ in another sense; that is, of less comprehensive significa- tion. Thus, the Singular-term ' Romulus ' embracing only an individual-king, is less extensive than the Species ' King ; ' and that, again, less extensive than the Genus ' Magis- trate,' &c. An ' i/idividual,' then, is so called from its being incapable of being (in this figurative sense) divided. And though the two senses of the word ' Division ' are easily distinguishable wdien explained, it is so commonly employed in each sense, that through inattention, confusion often ensues. We speak as familiarly of the ^division' of Mankind into the several races of ' Europeans, Tartars, Hindoos, Negroes,' &c. as of the ' division " of the Earth into ^ Europe, Asia, Afri- ca,' &c., though ' the Earth ' [or ' the World '] is a Singular- term, and denotes what ^ve call one Individual, And it is plain w^e could not say of Europe, for instance, or of Asia, that it is ^ a World.' But w^e can predicate ' Man ' of every individual European, Hindoo, &c. And here observe that there is a common colloquial incor- rectness, (increasing the liability to confusion) m the use of the ^vord ' division,' in each of these cases, to denote one of the 'parts ' into which the wdiole is divided. Thus, you will some- times hear a person speak of Europe as one ' division ' of tlie Earth ; or of such and such a ' division ' of an Army ; meaning 'portion.^ And so, again, a person will sometimes speak of 124 SUPPLEMENT. \_Part UK. ^ animals that belong to the feline division of the Carnivora,' [ilesh-eating-animals] meaning, that portion of the class ' Car- nivora.' § 7. Division, in the sense in which vv^e are here speaking of it, (the figurative) is evidently the reverse process to ' Gen- eralization.' (See Lesson VII. § 4.) For as, in general- izing^ you proceed by laying aside the differences between several things, and ahstracting that which is common to them, so as to denote them, — all and each, — by one Common-term, so, in dividing, you proceed by adding on the differences, so as to distinguish each by a separate term. When you take any Common-term to be divided and sub- divided, for any purpose you have in hand, — as, the Term ^ Animal ' in a w^ork on Zoology, — that Term is called your ' Summum [highest] geniis^ the several Species into which you proceed to divide it, and which are afterwards divided each into other Species, are called, each of them, a ' Subal- tern ' Species or Genus ; being, each, a Species in relation to that which can be predicated of it, and a Genus, in relation to the Species of which it can be predicated. Thus ' Iron-ore ' (in the example lately given) is a Subal- tern Species, or Genus, in relation to ^ Mineral ' and to ^ Mag- net,' respectively. Any Species that is ^ not made a Genus of any lower Spe- cies ' in the division you happen to be engaged in, — or, in other words, which is not regarded as any further divisible except into individuals, — is usually called (by the Latin name) ^ injima Species ; ' that is, the ' lowest Species.' ' Proximum Genus ' is a technical name often used to denote the ' Genus-next-ahove ' [or ' nearest,'] the Species you may be speaking of: as 'Iron-ore' would be the 'nearest' [proxi- mum] Genus, of Magnet ; and ' Mineral ' would be its more remote Genus ; that is, the Genus of its Genus. § 8. It is usual, when a long and complex course of Di- Lesson xv.] tree of division. 125 vision is to be stated, to draw it out, for the sake of clearness and brevity, in a form like that of a genealogical 'IWe* And, by carefully examining any specimen of such a ' Tree/ (going over it repeatedly, and comparing each portion of it with the explanations above given) you will be able perfectly to ^:iL in your mind the technical terms we have been ex- plaining. Take, for instance, as a ' Summum-genus,' the mathemati- cal-term * Plaue-superficial-figurc ' Mixed Figure Eectilinear Figure Curvilinear Figure (of Rcct. and Curv.) ] r ^ j 1 Triangle Quadrilateral, &c. Circle Ellipse, &c. Such a ' Tree of division' the Student may easily fill up for himself. And the employment of such a form will be found exceedingly useful m obtaming clear views in any study you are engaged in. For instance, in the one we have been now occupied with, take for a Summum-Genus, ' Expression ; ' (i, e, ' expression- in-language ' of any such mental-operation as those for- merly noticed) you may then exhibit, thus, the division and subdivision of — 11% 126 TREE OF EXPRESSION. [^Part III. 'tl ^ o c3 o-^ - c 'ti .tp cog Ph bo -Is. ^ s op e.): S Ph ^ o ci d ^ O O a-'^ XJl -.s ".S m 6 g g5 "SI Lesson xv.] rules for dividing. 127 § 9. The rules for dividing correctly, are, i. That the whole [or Genus-to-be-divided] be exactly equal to all the Parts [or Members] together. Nothing, therefore, must be included^ of which the Genus can 7iot be (affirmatively) predicated; — nothing excluded, of which it can, ii. The Members [Parts] must be ^ contradistinguished,' (or, as some writers express it, ' opposed ') and not include one another ; which they will do if you mix up together tuo or more hinds of division, made by introducing several dis- tinct classes of differences. Thus, if you were to divide ' Books ' into ' Ancient, Mod- ern, Latin, French, English, Quarto, Octavo, Poems, Histo- ries,' &c., (whereof a ' modern-book ' might be ' French,' or * English,' — a ' Poem,' or a ' History,' &c., a ' Quarto-book,' ^ ancient ' or ' modern,' &c.) you would be mixing together four different kinds of divisions of Books ; according to their Age, Language, Size, and Subject. And there are what are called Cross-divisions ; (because they run across each other, like vertical and horizontal sections of anything) being divisions formed according to ' distinct classes of Differences : ' or, in other words, ' on several distinct principles of Division.' It is a useful practical rule, whenever you find a discussion of any subject very perplexing, and seemingly confused, to examine whether some ' Cross-division ' has not crept in unob- served. For this is very apt to take place : (though, of course, such a glaring instance as that in the above example could not occur in practice) and there is no more fruitful source of in- distinctness and confusion of thought. When you have occasion to divide anything in several different ways, — that is, ' on several principles-of-division,' — you should take care to state distinctly hoio many divisions you are making, and on what principle each proceeds. 128 SUPPLEMENT. [^Fart in. For instance, in the ' Tree ' above given, it is stated, that ' Propositions ' are divided in different ways, ' according to ' this and that, &c. And thus the perplexity of Cross-divisioa is avoided. § 10. iiiiy. A Division should not be ' arbitrary ; ' that is, its members should be distinguished from each other by ' Differ- ences ' (see above § 7) either expressed or readily understood ; instead of being set apart from each other at random, or with- out any sufficient ground. For instance, if any one should divide ' coins ' into ' gold-coins,' ' silver,' and ' copper,' the ground of this distinction would be intelligible ; but if he should, in proceeding to subdivide silver-coin, distinguish as two branches, on the one side, ' shillings,' and on the other ' all silver-coins except shillings,' this would be an arbitrary Di- vision. (See below, § 13.) ivly. A Division should be clearly arranged as to its Mem- bers : that is, there should be as much subdivision as the oc- casion may require ; and not a mere catalogue of the ' lowest- Species,' omitting intermediate classes \J subaltern '] betv/een these and the ' highest genus : ' nor again an intermixture of the ' subaltern,' and ' lowest-species,' so as to have, in any two branches of the division. Species contradistinguished and placed opposite, of which the one ought naturally to be placed higher up [nearer the ' Summum '] and the other lower down in the Tree. For instance, to divide ^ plane-figure ' at once, into ^ equi- lateral-triangles, squares, circles, ellipses,' &c., or again ' vege- table,' into ' Elms, pear-trees, turnips, mushrooms,' &c., or again to divide ' Animal ' into ' Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Horses, Lions,' &c. would be a transgression of this rule. And observe that, (as was formerly remarked) although such glaring cases as are given by way of examples could not occur in practice, errors precisely corresponding to them may, and often do, occur ; and produce much confusion of thought and error. Lesson xv.] definitions. 129 § 11. When you state the Genus that any Species belongs to, together with the Difference tliat constitutes it [' charac- terizes ' it, so as to separate it from the rest] you are said to give a ' Definition ' of that species. As, ' the Magnet,' (meaning, a ?ia^?her, sect, party, &c.) must be admitted ; that pain is no evil (or such 156 DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. [^Part V. and such a doctrine, whatever it may be, in each instance) is so maintained ; therefore this must be admitted : ' now a zeal- ous partizan will be so fully convinced of the Premises that he will assent to the Conclusion : others may be so revolted by the Conclusion, that they will thereupon reject the Major- premise. The Argument, therefore, will, to the one, be ' direct,' and to the other ' indirect.' § 5. ivly, "When we speak of arguing from a Cause to an Effect, or of arguing from Testimony to the truth of what is attested, or again, from a known case to an unknown similar case, &c. these kinds of Argument are distinguished from each other ^according to the relation existing between the Premises and the Conclusion^ in respect of the subject-matter of each.' This, then, and this alone, is properly a division of Argu- me7its, as such. When we say, for instance, that in arguing from the ' fall of rain' to the consequent 'wetness of the roads,' the Premise is a Cause, and the Conclusion drawn, an Effect, it is evident we are not speaking of the mere syllogistic connexion of the Premise and Conclusion ; (which, as was formerly explained, is always the same) nor again are we speaking of the subject- matter of thos-e Propositions (as in the iid Head) considered, — each by itself, — merely as Propositions, independently of the Argument : for ' Cause,' and ' Effect ' are relative words ; and the Premise is called a Cause of that Effect which is inferred in the Conclusion. So that it is the relation, in re- spect of matter, of the Premise to the Conclusion, that we are speaking of. And so also in respect of Arguments from Testimony, and the other kinds that have been alluded to. § 6. Arguments, then, may be divided, first, into two class- es : ist. such as might have been used to account for the Con- Lesson xvii.] two classes of arguments. 157 elusion, supposing it had been already granted ; and uYy, those which could not. Or, in other words, ist. Arguments from Cause to Effect ; and iily, all other kinds. For mstance, if I infer from ' a fall of rain,' that ' the roads must be wet,' I am using an Argument of the Ibrmer Class ; [an ' A-prion- Argument '] since if it were knoivn^ and re- marked by any one, that the roads are wet, I should account for that fact by informing him that it had rained. Or again, if a person were known to have committed a mur- der, and it were inquired how he came to perpetrate such a crime, then, any one would be said to account for it, [to show why he did it,*] by saying that he w^as a man of ferocious and revengeful character ; or that he was known to bear malice against the deceased ; or to have an interest in liis death, &c. And these very circumstances might have been used (sup- posing the charge not proved) as an argument to cast suspicion on liim. On the other hand, if his guilt were inferred from the testi- mony of some witnesses, or again, from his clothes having been bloody, or from his having about him some property of the de- ceased, these would be arguments of the other class, since they are such as could not have been employed to account for the fact, supposing it established. § 7. The Arguments of this latter class may be subdi- vided into two kinds ; which may be called Arguments from ^ Sign,' and Arguments from ' Example ; ' [or ' Instance '] each of which may also be further subdivided. ^. As far as any circumstance is what may be called a * Condition,' — more or less necessary, — to the existence of a certain effect, phenomenon, event, result, law, &c. ; in other words, as far as it is a ^ Condition ' of the truth of some asser- * It is to be observed that tlie word ' Avhy ' lias tlircc different senses ; viz. from what cause 7 by what proof ? for ^\'\\iii purpose f 14 158 DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. \^Part V tion or supposition, — so far it (the ' condition ') may be infer^ red [or ' concluded '] from the truth of that assertion or sup- position, — from the existence of that effect, &c. If it be a ' Condition ' absolutely essential to something which we know or assume to be true, it may, of course, be inferred with complete certainty: and the nearer we approach to this case, the stronger will be the probability. Thus, in the instance just above, when a man is suspected of a murder, from being found near the spot, his clothes bloody, and property of the deceased about him ; the perpetration of the murder by him is just so far probable, as it is presumed to be a Condition of the existence of the ' Signs ; ' i. e. so far as it is presumed that otherwise his clothes would not have been stained, &c. [or that they would not have been stained unless he had committed the deed.] So also the w^etness of the roads is a ' Sign ' that rain has fallen,' just so far as we suppose that otherwise the roads would not have been wet ; — in short, that the fall of rain was a condition of that wetness. To this head we may refer all mathematical reasonings. Every property, for instance, of a Triangle, may be regarded as a ' condition ' of the supposition that ' a Triangle,' is what is defined. A figure would not he a Triangle, unless its angfes were equal to two right angles,' &c. It is to be observed, that although in many Arguments from ' Sign ' — as when we infer wetness of the roads from a fall of rain — we infer a Cause from an Effect, this is not inas- much as [or ' so far forth as '] it is a Cause, but inasmuch as it is a Condition, For we should no less infer from finding a certain spot wet, that it had been left uncovered; though the mere absence of covering could not be properly called a Cause of its wetness. And in like manner, a man's having been alive on a certain day, might be inferred as a necessary ' Condition ' (though (>®rtainly not a ' Cause ') of his dying the next day. Lesson xvii.] arguments from sign. 159 § 8. ' Testimony ^ h one, kind of 'Sign.' For it evidently has weight just so far as we suppose the truth of what is attested, to be a necessary ' Condition of the testimony ; that is, just so far as we suppose that the testimony would not have been given, unless the thing attested had been true. The different degrees of weight due to different Testimonies must, of course, depend on a great variety of circumstances : of which we must, on each occasion, judge in great measure from the particulars of the case then before us. There are two remarks, hovv^ever, on this point, which are needful to be kept in mind : ist. we should remember the dif- ference between Testimony to ' matters-of-^/ac^ ' and to ' mat- ier^-oi-opinionJ When the question is about 2ifact, v/e look merely, or chiefly, to the honesty of the witness, and to his means of oUaining information : when the question relates to doctrine [or opinion] of any kind, his ahility to judge must equally be taken into account. By a ' matter [or " question "] of fact,' is commonly under- stood something which might, conceivahly^ be submitted to the senses ; and about which it is supposed there could be no dis- agreement among persons who should be present, and to whose senses it should be submitted. By a ' matter-of-opinion,' again, is meant anything whereon an exercise oi judgment would b<3 called for on the part of persons having the same objects presented to their senses ; and who might, conceivably, disagree in their judgment. Suppose, for instance, a man is accused of a murder ; whether he did or did not strike the blow, or fire the shot, &c., would be a question oi fact ; whether he did so wil- fully and. maliciously (which is necessary to constitute an act, murder) would be a question of \^' judgment,''] or opinion. And observe, that the distinction does not at all turn oh the greater or less degree of certainty attainable in tlie two cases respectively. For instance, whether King Richard the 3d 160 DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. \_Part V* didj or did not, put to death his nephews in the Tower (which is a ' question o^ fact,) is very doubtful, and a matter of dis- pute among historians : but ivhat sort of an act it was, if he did commit it, is a ' matter of opinion/ but one on which no one would be likely to doubt. § 9. In most cases this distinction is very obvious : but it sometimes happens that a person is supposed, — and supposes himself — to be attesting 2^ fact, when in truth he is giving an opinion ; that is, either stating the inference he draws from the fact he has witnessed ; or again, professing to attest a fact which he has not really witnessed, but which he concludes to have taken place, from something he did witness. An instance of the former kind is, when some one who is in attendance on a sick person, bears witness that the patient was benefitted, or was disordered, hy taking such and such a medicine. He was an eye-witness, perhaps, of the medicine's being swallowed, and of the subsequent change for the better or for the worse ; but that the medicine caused that change, (though he may be very right in believing that it did) is evi- dently his judgment » As an instance of the other kind, a man, suppose, will attest that he saw such one killed : though, perhaps, he did not see him dead ; but saw him receive a wound which he judged (perhaps very rightly) could not fail to occasion speedy death. For it is to be remembered that there may be, and often are, ' questions-of-opinion ' relative to facts ; i, e., we judge from such and such circumstances, that so and so is, or is not, Ukelg to occur ; or to exist. It is a fact that there is, or that there is not, a great lake in the interior of New-Hol- land ; but till that interior shall have been explored, every- one is left to form his opinions, and to judge according to probabilities. And hence, it should also be remembered that men are apt to reason unconsciously ; and thus to suppose themselves bear- Lesson xvii.] matter of opinion. 161 ing testimony (as has been said) to something their senses have witnessed, when in truth they are stating their own in- ferences therefrom. The process which usually takes place is this : their senses furnish them with one Premise, (the Minor) the other is sup- plied by their own mind ; and the Conclusion drawn from these two (as you may see in the above examples) is what they describe themselves as having witnessed, § 10. iily. The other remark to be borne in mind, is, that w^hen several independent witnesses [witnesses between whom there could have been no collusion'] attest the same thing, the weight of their testimony depends on this agreement, and not on the weight of each considered separately, or on the mere addition of these together. Thus, if a stranger, or one on whose veracity I have no re- liance, gives me intelligence of some remarkable transaction, or state of things, which he professes to have w^itnessed, de- scribing fully all the details, I may, perhaps, think it more likely than not that the whole story and all the particulars, are a fabrication. But if I receive the same account from another, and again from another person, (equally undeserving of cred- it) who could not have had any communication with the first, nor could have had access to any source of false information common to them all, I should at once believe them ; because the chances would be immeasurably great against several persons (however likely, each, to invent a story) having, in- dependently, invented the same story. And the force of evidence in such an argument depends mainly on the number and minuteness of the 2)artictdars in the thing attested ; because the chances are thus increased against an accidental coincidence. The same rule applies not only to ' Testimony/ but to other ' Signs ' also. As when, (to refer to an example in tlie pre- ceding Lesson,) a person after swallowing a certain drug is 14* 162 DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. [^Pttrt V. attacked with such and such symptoms ; which may have been accidental ; if the same symptoms follow in another case, and another, &c., we are convinced at length that these cannot have been accidental coincidences, but that the drug caused the symptoms. § 11. When we reason from a known case to another, or others, less known, under the same Class, this is called argu- ing from ' Example,' — by ' Induction,' — from ' Experience,' — by ' Analogy,' — by ' Parity-of-reasoning,' &c., all of which expressions, though not exactly synonymous, denote a process substantially the same. And the two cases, — the known and the unknown, — are said to be ' analogous,'' or ' parallel cases ; ' the common Class which they both fall under, being, the point of Resemblance or Analogy between the two. Thus, we show from the example of the French Revo- lution, and that of England in the time of Charles the 1st, that the extreme of Democracy is likely to lead to a military Monarchy. It is in this sense that we speak of ' making an Example * of one who is punished for any faults ; so as to deter others by the expectation that a like fault in them will lead to their punishment. And it is thus that we learn to anticipate such and such weather, in certain situations, at certain seasons ; and in short, become acquainted with the general Laws of Nature, In all these cases we proceed, strictly speaking, by Analo- gy. But this word is most usually employed in those argu- ments where the correspondence between the two cases is not so complete as to w^arrant a certainty in our conclusions. When the two cases do correspond completely, or nearly so, we usually employ the word Experience. Thus, a man would be said to be convinced from ' Expe- rience ' that such and such a kind of diet, or of medicine, or of weather, is wholesome or unwholesome to himself; if he Lesson xvii.] argument by induction. 163 had invariably observed like effects on a number of men, he might, perhaps, speak of Experience as having convinced him that this diet, &c. was wholesome or unwholesome for the whole human Species ; though in this, he would be more lia- ble to mistake : but if he conjectured the same with respect to some other Species of animal, every one would say that he was reasoning by ' Analog}^' § 12. And here observe, that it is not strictly correct to speak of ' Knowing by Experience ' such and such a general truth ; or that so and so will take place under such and such circumstances. Not but that we may often have the most complete and rational assurance of general truths, or future events ; but, properly speaking, what we knovj, ' by experi- ence,' is, ihQ past only; and those individual events which we have actually experienced ; and any conviction concerning a general rule and concerning future occurrences, is what we judge from Experience.* And this distinction is important to be remembered, be- cause, although (as we have said) there are numberless cases in which the conclusion thus drawn is not liable to mistake, many persons are apt — as was above remarked — to make mistakes as to wliat it is that they themselves, — or that oth- ers, — are, on each occasion, bearing witness to. A mere fact, or a number of individual facts, however strange they may seem to us, — that are attested by a person whose veracity we can fully rely on, we are justified in be- lieving, even though he be a man of no superior judgment. But if he states some general fact [or ' law '] as a thing ex- perienced by him, we should remember that this is his in- ference^ from his experience. It may be a very correct one ; and it may be one in which no great ability is needed, =^ See the instance formerly cited from Hume of the argument that miracles ai'c contrary to experience,' &c. 164 DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. [^Part V. for forming a correct judgment ; but still the case is one in which his ability^ as well as veracity^ is to be taken into account. For instance, a Farmer or a Gardener will tell you that he ' knows by experience ' that such and such a crop suc- ceeds best if sown in Autumn, and such a crop again, if sown in Spring. And in most instances they will be right : that is, their Experience will have led them to right conclusions. But what they have actually known hy experience, is, the success or the failure of certain individual crops. And it is remarkable, that for many ages all Farmers and Gardeners without exception were no less firmly convinced — and convinced of their knowing it by experience — that the crops would never turn out good unless the seed were soion during the increase of the Moon : a belief which is now com- pletely exploded, except in some remote and unenlightened districts. § 13. In all cases. Arguments of the Class we are now speaking of, proceed on the supposition (which is the Major- premise) that ' what takes place, — or has happened — or which we are sure would happen — in a certain case, must happen, or take place, in a certain other similar [or analogous] case ; or in all such cases.' The degrees of probability of this Major-premise will, of course, be infinitely various, according to the subject-matter. In the investigation of what are called ' physical-laws,' a sin- gle experiment, fairly and carefully made, is often allowed to be conclusive ; because we can often ascertain all the circum^ stances connected with the experiment. Thus, a Chemist, who should have ascertained by trial, that a specimen of Gold, or of some other metal before him, would combine with Mer- cury, would at once conclude this to be a property of that metal universally. In human transactions, on the contrary, it would be thought Lesson xvii.] invented example. 165 very rash to draw a conclusion from a single occurrence ; or even from two or three. We make, in such cases, a wide ' Induction ' (as it is called) of a number of individual instan- ces, [or ' examples '] before we venture to conclude universal- ly? — 01* even as a general rule — what is likely to be, for in- stance, the result of such and such a form of Government, — of the existence of Slavery, — of the diffusion of Education, — of Manufactories, &c. § 14. We have said that we sometimes argue not only from what has actually happened in certain cases, but also from what we feel certain woidd happen in such and such a sup- posed case. Of this description are instructive ' Fables ' [or ' Parables,' ' Apologues,' ' Illustrations '] in which a general maxim [or ' principle '] is inferred from a supposed case, analogous to that to which we mean to apply the maxim. Thus, the imprudence of a man who should hastily join the disciples of Jesus, without having calculated the sacrifices re- quired, and the fortitude expected of him, is illustrated by the supposed case of a man's beginning to build a house without computing the cost. So also Socrates argued against the practice of some of the Greek republics, who chose their Magistrates by lot, from the supposed case of mariners casting lots, ivho should have the management of the vessel, instead of choosing the best Seaman. And Nathan's parable brought home to David a sense of the enormity of his own crime. Indeed, the ' golden rule ' of supposing yourself to change places with your neigh- bor, and reflecting what you would, then, think it right for him to do towards you, is merely an admonition to employ in one (very numerous) class of cases, such a mode of rea- soning. In every employment of what may be called {' fictitious ' jr] ' invented example,' [reasoning from a supposed case] the 166 DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. [^Part Y argument will manifestly have no weight, unless the result that is supposed in the imaginary case, be such as one would fully anticipate. On the other hand, real instances have weight, even thougl they be such as one would not have expected. For instance, that all animals with horns on the head, should chew the cud, and should be destitute of upper cutting-teeth, is what no one would have originally conjectured ; but extensive observation has so fully established this as a universal rule, that a natu- ralist, on finding the skeleton of some unknown animal with horns on the skull, would at once pronounce it a ruminant, and would be certain of the absence of upper incisors. § 15. When an Argument of the Class now before us, [from Example, Analogy, &c.] is opposed by denial of one of the Premises, it is usual, in ordinary discourse, to say, either, \ the statement is not correct^' which is denying the JH^'/ior-premise, — or ' this case does not apply ^ [or is ' not in point '] — or does not hold good in reference to the one be- fore us ; ' or ' the cases are not parallel : ' which amounts (as you will see on examination) to denying the Major-Pre- mise. Thus, if any one recommends to this patient a certain med- icine, as having been found serviceable in cases of Typhus, it might be either denied that it did prove serviceable in those cases, which would be a denial of the Minor) or again it might be denied that this patient's disorder is the same as those : which would be a denial of the J^%*or-premise. And here observe, that two things may be very unlike in most respects, and yet quite alike — i. e. the Analogy may hold good — in the one point that is essential to the argument : or again, they may disagree in that one, though they are anal- . ogous in many other points. And it is from inattention to this distinction, that just argu- ments from Analogy are often rejected, and fallacious ones admitted. Lesson xvii.] analogy. 167 § 16. For instance, in the Parables alluded to above, if a man should object that ' a lamb is a very different thing from a wife,' and ^ a ship from a Republic,' the differences, every one would see, do not affect the Analogy in question. On the other hand, there is an Analogy in many respects between all ' valuable- Articles ' that Man uses ; as corn, and iron or lead, and again (what are called the precious-metals) gold and silver. And as an increased supply of most of these articles, while it lowered their price, would not diminish their usefulness, and -would thus prove a general benefit, some might infer that this would hold good in respect of gold and silver. If the earth should yield two bushels of corn, or two tons of iron or lead, for one that it now yields, these articles would be much cheaper ; while a bushel of corn would be as useful in feeding us, as now ; and so, wdth most other articles. But if the supply of gold or silver w^ere thus doubled, the chief use of these being for coin, and the utility of coin de- pending on its vahce, the only important change would be, that a sovereign or a shilling would be twice as large as now ; and, therefore, twdce as cumbrous. So that no advantage would result. It is manifest that in a train of Reasoning, it will often happen, that several of the different kinds of argument we have spoken of will be combined. Thus we may, perhaps, have to prove by several examples, the existence of a cer^ tain ' Cause ; ' and from that Cause to infer a certain ' Effect ; ' and that effect again may be employed as a ^ Sign ''to infer a certain ' Condition,' &c. In this, and the preceding Lessons, several interesting sub- jects have been very slightly touched on, which may be found 168 CONCLUSION. [^Part v. more fully treated of, and the views now taken more devel- oped, in treatises on those several subjects.* If you proceed, in following up this course of study, to pe- ruse such treatises, you will have been prepared, it is hoped, to find that perusal the easier and the more interesting, from what has been explained in these Lessons ; and you will be the better able to understand what is valuable in other Works on such subjects, and to detect anything that may be erroneous. ^ In the Elements of Rhetoric, Part I., the subjects of this last Lesson are more fully treated of. CONTENTS. [To be filled up by the Student.] Part I. ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTION. Lesson I., p. 13. Lesson II., p. 18. 15 CONTENTS. Lesson III., p. 23. Lesson IY., p. 29. Lesson V., p. 84. CONTENTS. 171 Lesson VL, p. 46. Lesson YII., p. 46. Lesson VIIL, p, 53. CONTENTS. Part II. COMPENDIUM. Lesson IX., p. 60. Lesson X., p. 68. Lesson XL, p. 80. CONTESTTB. 17S Lesson XEL, p. 90. Lesson XIIL, p, 101. Lesson XIV., p. 109. 15 CONTENTS. Part IIL SUPPLEMENT. Lesson XV., p. 118. PART IV. FALLACIES. Lesson XVL, p. 133. CONTENTS, 175 Part V. DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARGUMENTS. Lesson XYIL, p. 152. 176 INDEX. [Index to be made by the Student.] Lesson. § Page. INDEX. 177 Lesson. § Page. 178 INDEX, Lesson. § Page. INDEX. 179 Lesson. § Page. 180 INDEX. Lesson. § Page. ^0- V !^^f.!y^o%^ ;^^ <•"■'* 'y>^' s ^' - V (^ ^>.^ aO- ^ ^ < O^ / . ■<■ 'V ^ o 4 O, -ft O * 0^ o> 4N -^ O, I '^ k"^ N "^ r^ -' - :f J ^^^' \^- Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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