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Mr. President and Gentlemen: — It gives me pleasure to comply with the request to relate to you tonight the principal facts connected with the battle of Caulk' s Field, which battle was fought in the early morning hours of August 31st, 1814, on the soil of historic old Kent. Of the land battles of the war with Great Britain, 1812-1814, this one was of signal importance upon the result of the Battle of North Point, and the defence of the City of Baltimore, (September 12th, 1814). The war had been in progress nearly two years and neither country had been able to force its conclusion. Wearying of the rather desultory fighting at last Great Britain determined to make a final effort to terminate the struggle with the United States. In August, 1814, she directed her war vessels to again enter the Chesapeake Bay. The "Annual Register" of 1814, a British publication, says: "The operations of the British Arm- aments on the coast of the southern American States had hitherto been on a small scale and calculated rather to alarm and irritate than to produce any considerable effect, - but in this year the resolution was taken of striking some important blow in these quarters." Tactics in that war were similar to those of earlier date and Eng- land's policy of burning the defenceless shore towns and villages, as well as the pil- 'aging of farms that laid along the water courses, was expected by the American citizens and soldiers at that time. The previous year the British had burned Havre-de-Grace and Frenchtown at the bead of Chesapeake Bay. They then went into the Sassafras River and burned both Georgetown and Fredericktown - incidentally bringing to light the heroism of Kitty Knight. The success attending the operations of the British during the early part of_ 1814 encouraged them to carry out the determination of the Admiralty to strike some formidable blow. The army under Maj. Gen. Sir Robert Ross consisted of 4000 picked troops and these were landed in the Patuxent River about the middle of August. They marched upon Washington, burned Bladensburg as they went, and, meeting with only a feeble resistance from the American army who were supposed to be defending the national capital, the British entered the city, burned the President's house, the Capitol, the Navy Yard and the vessels therein. This was on the 24th of August, 1814. They returned to the fleet in the Patuxent and under the immediate com- mand of Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane proceeded up the Bay to attack Baltimore. The city was then the home of the famous "clipper ships" and "privateers" that were the persistent foe of the British navy and it was determined if possible to capture the city and destroy her shipping. That was the "important blow" spoken of in the "Annual Register." The Maryland forces were preparing to defend the city and soldiers were being drilled throughout the state with the expectation of going to the aid of Baltimore's de- fenders when they were needed. Across the Chesapeake on the Eastern Shore, bod- ies of volunteers were camped ready to move at a moment's notice. In Kent the Twenty-first Regiment of Maryland Militia under Col. Philip A. Reed was encamped at Bellair, now known as Fairlee, a little village about five miles from the Bay shore and about seven miles west of Chestertown. The regiment consisted of five com- panies of infantry, one cavalry and one artillery company, in all just 174 men. They had five pieces of artillery and were fairly well equipped with guns, pistols and swords, but had only twenty rounds of ammunition for each man. It is needless to say that Col. Reed was kept posted by the citizens of the County and he quickly received news from the bay-shore farms whenever a strange sail was seen out on the waters of the Chesapeake. Late Saturday afternoon, August the twenty-seventh, news reached Col. Reed that a frigate was headed up the bay about abreast of Swan Point and with her were two smaller vessels. A strong southerly breeze filled their sails and they came bound- ing up the Chesapeake over the white caps presenting a beautiful sight. This ship was the Menelaus" commanded by Captain Sir Peter Parker, Bart. She carried in addition to her regular crew about one hundred and twenty soldiers. She was armed with thirty-eight guns - only six less than our then famous war ship "Constitution." That Sir Peter Parker was ordered to make a "diversion" on the Eastern Shore is verified by the following extract from a letter to the Admiralty written September 1st, 1814, by Vice Admiral Cochrane then on board the Flagship "Tonnant" in the Patuxent River. "Captain Sir Peter Parker on the Menelaus with some small ves- sels was sent up the Chesapeake above Baltimore to divert the attention of the en- emy in that quarter." (Annual Register 1814 page 223). The most important part of "diverting the attention of the enemy" was to prevent the troops from crossing the Bay to the assistance of Baltimore. Captain Sir Peter Parker was ordered to capture when possible the small bodies of Amer- ican soldiers, to burn the farm houses along the Bay shore and to harass the people in every possible way. Following the instructions of his superior officer he brought his vessels to anchor late Saturday night off the mouth of Fairlee Creek. Sunday morning, August 28th, Captain Parker landed about one hundred men on the farm known as "Skidmore," then owned by Mr. John Waltham, where they burned every building on the farm to- gether with all the wheat in the granary, as well as in the stacks in the fields. Accord- ing to a letter written from Chestertown on September 6th, 1814 to the "Weekly Star" published in Easton, Talbot County, Maryland (a copy of this old paper can be seen in the library of the Maryland Historical Society) Mr. Waltham sustained a loss of eight thousand dollars. On the following Tuesday morning, August 30th, the farm belonging to Richard Frisby, Esq., then living in Baltimore, was raided and buildings burned. His farm of 422 acres in Kent County just north of Fairlee Creek was part of the grant known as "Great Oak Manor." He sustained a loss of not less than six thousand dollars. That night the "Menelaus" dropped down the Bay and anchored off the shore about a mile to the north of the farm on which Tolchester Beach is now lo- cated, abreast of "Chantilly" the farm recently owned by Captain William I. Rasin. The day had been hot and sultry and the ship's crew as well as the marines wel- comed the cool evening breezes off the bay as the vessels swung to their anchors. Captain Parker had watched from the deck of the "Menelaus" the golden path on the waters of the Chesapeake that led straight out to the great red orb - had watched with thoughtful gaze the great red sun set behind the hills of the West- ern Shore. His thoughts were of home and loved ones. Far away in his home in England his wife and his three little sons, Peter, Charles and George were looking forward to his return to them. When Sir Peter was twenty-two years of age (in 1809) he had courted and married Marianne, second daughter of Sir George Dallas, Bart. To her he now sat down and wrote: - "H. M. S. Menelaus, August 30, 1814. My darling Marianne: I am just going on desperate service, and en- tirely depend upon valor and example for its successful issue. If any thing befalls me, I have made a sort of will. My country will be good to you and our adored children. God Almighty bless and protect you all!-- Adieu, most beloved Marianne, Adieu! Peter Parker. P. S. I am in high health and spirits." That he had a premonition that his end was near is borne out by this very touching letter to his wife. Certain are we that he reahzed the risk he was taking and as certain are we that he did not shirk what he regarded as his duty. He had been told by one of the negroes on Mr. Frisby's farm that morning that about two hundred militia were encamped behind a woods about a half mile inland from where his vessel lay at anchor. The negro intentionally misled them as the troops under Col. Reed were five miles away! Sir Peter Parker determined to surprise and capture this body of soldiers later in the night. It has recently been stated in one of the weekly papers printed in Chestertown that Sir Peter Parker made the statement on leaving the vessel that night that he would eat his breakfast in "Chestertown or h ell " This statement is entirely without foundation and is an unwarranted aspersion on the char- acter of the man. There is no historical evidence that he even thought of attack- ing Chestertown. Captain Sir Peter Parker, his chief officer Henry Crease and his Lieutenant Pearce together discussed that evening the proposed attack on the American camp. They formed their plans and determined to wait until after midnight to land the soldiers and seamen on the shores of historic old Kent. The night was hot; the breeze had died out and the mist hung over the water almost shutting out the shore along which the little waves chased one another on the pebbles. The "lap" of the waves and an occasional plaintive call of a whipporwill in the woodland bordering the shore were sounds that added to the oppressiveness of the night. At Bellair, out in the country about five miles from where the vessels lay at anchor, Col. Reed, who had fought the British in the War of the Revolution, dis- cussed with his officers and a few of the leading citizens of the County, the plans to meet the threatened attack of the British. He had sent pickets to the Bay shore to give warning when there was a landing made by Sir Peter Parker. About twelve o'clock at night, one of those pickets brought word to Col. Reed that Captain Parker "had landed about one hundred and fifty men" and was marching eastward out the road past the north end of the "Big Swamp." The moon had risen and threw long shadows over the fields, making objects in the mist less distinguishable than they otherwise would be. Col. Reed lost no time but ordered the militia to ad- vance at once. They proceeded toward the Chesapeake Bay, crossing the "Tulip Forest," "Eccleston" and the "Everest" farms and reached the ridge on the high ground on Mr. Isaac Caulk' s farm just to the south of his house, at about half past twelve. To the left of the ridge the main road ran down towards the Bay. To the to the right of this road a strip of heavy timber stretched away to the west. Imme- diately in front of his position Col. Reed could see the open low land of iVIoore's Field" - fifty acres perhaps of cleared land. Here Col. Reed halted his men, forming in position to cover the probable advance of the enemy. The following letter written by Col. Reed to Brig. Gen. Benj. Chambers gives a very excellent description of the arrangement of the troops as well as a fair account of the eng-agement and result: "Camp at Belle Air. 3rd Sept., 1814. Sir: I avail myself of the first moment I have been able to seize from incessant labor, to inform you that about half past eleven o'clock in the night of the 30th ult. , I received information that barges of the enemy, then laying off Waltham's farm were moving in shore. I con- cluded their object was to land and burn houses, etc., at Waltham's and made the necessary arrangements to prevent them and to be prepared for an opportunity which I had sought for several days, to strike the enemy. During our march to the point threatened it was discovered that the blow was aimed at our camp. Orders were immediately given to the Quarter Master to re- move the camp and baggage, and to the troops to countermarch, pass the road by the right of our camp, and form on the rising ground about three hundred paces to the rear - the right towards Caulk' s House, and the left retiring on the road, the artillery in the centre, supported by the infantry on the right and left. I directed Captain Wickes and his Second Lieutenant Beck with a part of the rifle company to be formed so as to cover the road by which the enemy marched, and with this section I determined to post myself, leaving the line to be formed under the direction of Major Wickes and Captain Chambers. The head of the enemy's column soon presented itself, and re- ceived the fire of our advance party at seventy paces distance, and being pressed by numbers vastly superior, I repaired to my post on the line, having ordered the riflemen to return and form on the right of the line. The fire now became general along the whole line and was sustained by our troops with the most determined valor. The enemy pressed our front; foiled in this he threw himself upon our left flank which was occupied by Capt. Chambers' company. Here, too, his ef- forts were unavailing. His fire had nearly ceased when I was informed that in some parts of our line the cartridges were entirely expended, nor did any of the boxes contain more than a fevi' rounds, although each man brought about twenty into the fie'd. The artillery cartridges were entirely expended. Under these circumstances, I ordered the line to fall back to a convenient spot where a part of the line fortified when the fev remain- ing cartridges were distributed amongst a part of the line, which was again brought into the field, where it remained for a considerable time, the night preventing pursuit. The artillery and infantry for whom there were no cartridges, were ordered to this place (Belle Air). The enemy having made every effort in his power, although ap- prized of our falling back manifested no disposition to follow us up but retreated about the time our ammunition was exhausted. When it is recollected that very few of our officers or men had ever heard the whistling of a ball; that the force of the enemy, as the most accurate information enables us to estimate, was double ours; that it was com- manded by Sir Peter Parker of the "Menelaus" one of the most distin- guished officers of the British navy and composed (as their officers ad- mitted in subsequent conversation) of as fine men as could be selected from the British service, I feel justified in the assertion that the gallantry of the officers and men engaged on this occasion could not be excelled by any troops. The officers and men performed their duty. It is however but an act of justice to notice those officers who seemed to display more than a common degree of gallantry. Major Wickes and Captain Cham- bers were conspicuous; Capt. Wickes and his Lieutenant John Beck of the rifle corps, Lieutenant Enneck (Everest.?) and Ensign Wm. Skirven of Capt. Chambers' company exerted themselves, as did Capt. Hynson and his Lieutenant Grant, Captain L^sselton of the brigade ar- tillery and his Lieutenant John Reed and Adorgan Brown. Lieutenant Tilghman, who commanded the guns of the volunteer artillery in the absence of Captain Hands, who is in ill health and from home, was con- spicuous for his gallantry; his ensign Thomas also manifested much firm- ness. I am indebted to Captain Wilson of the Cavalry who was with me for his exertions and also to Adjutant Hynson who displayed much zeal and firmness throughout. To Dr. Blake, Dr. Gordon and to Isaac Spencer, Esq., who were accidentally in camp I am indebted for their assistance in reconnoitering the enemy on his advance. You will be surprised. Sir, when I inform you that in an engage- ment of so long continuance, in an open field, when the moon shone brilliantly on the rising ground occupied by our troops, while the shade of the neighboring woods under the protection of which the enemy fought gave us but an indistinct view of anything but the fiash of his guns, that under the disparity of numbers against us, and the advantage of regular discipline on the side of the enemy we had not one man killed, and only one sergeant, one corporal and one private wounded, and those slightly. The enemy left one midshipman and eight men dead on the field and nine wounded, six of whom died in the course of a few hours. Sir Peter Parker was amongst the slain; he was mortally wounded by a buck-.shot, and died before he reached the barges to which he was conveyed by his men. The enemy's force consisted of marines and musketeers, was in part armed with hoarding pikes, swords and pistols, no doubt intended for our tents, as orders had been given by Sir Peter Parker not to fire. Many of these arms, with rockets, muskets, etc., have fallen into our hands, found by the picket guard, under Ensign William Skirven which was posted on the battle-ground for the remainder of the night. Nothing but the want of ammunition saved the enemy from destruction. Attached are the names of the wounded ; and as an act of justice to those concerned, I enclose you a list of every officer and soldier engaged in this affair. Certain information from the enemy assures us that his to- tal loss in killed and wounded was forty-two or forty-three, including two wounded lieutenants. I am, sir, your most obedient humble servant, Phil. Reed, Lieut. Col. Commanding." "Names of the wounded of Captain Chambers' Company. John Magnor, Sergeant, slightly in the thigh; Philip Crane, Corporal, a ball between the tendons and the bone of the thigh, near the knee. Of Captain Page's Company. John Glanville, a private, shot in the arm." The "Menelaus" and her two companion vessels were withdrawn on Wed- nesday night August 31st, after taking aboard the body of Sir Peter Parker and the wounded men and an anchorage made across the Bay off Pool's Island. Her Acting Commander Henry Crease reported the Caulk' s Field engagement to his superior offi- cer, Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane. Under date of September 1st, 1814, he says in part: "With grief the deepest, it becomes my duty to communicate the death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart., late Com- mander of His Majesty's Ship "Menelaus" and the occurrence attending an attack on the enemy's troops on the night of the 30th ult. , encamped at Bellair. " "The previous and accompanying letters of Sir Peter Parker will I presume fully point out the respect the enemy on all occasions evince at the approach of our arms." "An intelligent black man gave us information of two hundred militia being en- camped behind a woods, distant half a mile from the beach, and described their situa- tion so as to give us the strongest hopes of cutting them off and securing the largest part as our prisoners, destroying the camp, field pieces, &c., and possessing also certain information that one man out of every five had been levied as a repuisition on the 7 Eastern Shore for the purpose of being sent ove r for the protection of Baltimore and who are now only prevente d from crossing the Bay by the activity and vigilance of the tender and ship's boats." "One hundred and four bayonets with twenty pikes were landed at eleven o'clock at night under the immediate direction of Sir Peter Parker, Bart., Captain, the first division headed by myself and the second by Lieutenant Pearce. On arriving at the ground we discovered the enemy had shifted his position as we were then in- formed at the distance of a mile farther. Having taken the lookout picquet (picket) immediately on our landing we were in assurance our motions had not been discovered and with the deepest silence followed on for the camp. After a march of between four or five miles in the country we found the enemy posted on a plain surrounded by woods v.ith the camp in their rear; they were drawn up in line and perfectly ready to receive us; a single moment was not to be lost, by a smart lire and instant charge we comm.enced the attack, forced them from their position, putting them before us in full retreat to the rear of their artillery, where they again made a stand showing a disposi- tion to outflank us on the right, a movement was instantly made by Lieutenant Pearce' s division to force them from that quarter and it was at this time while animating his men in the most heroic manner that Sir Peter Parker received his mortal wound which obliged him to quit the field and he expired in a few minutes. Lieutenant Pearce, with his division soon routed the enemy while that under my command gained and passed the Camp. One of the field pieces was momentarily in our possession but obliged to quit it from superior numbers. The marines under Lieutenant Beynon and Lieutenaut Poe formed our centre and never was bravery more conspicuous." 'Finding it impossible to close on the enemy from the rapidity of their retreat, having pressed them upwards of a mile, I deemed it prudent to retire towards the beach which was effected in the best possible order, taking with us from the field twenty-five of our wounded, the whole we could find, the enemy not even attempting to regain the ground they had lost. From three prisoners (Cavalry) taken by us, we learnt their force amounted to five hundred militia, a troop of horse, and five pieces of artillery, and since, by fiags of truce, I am led to believe their numbers much greater. Repelling a force of such magnitude with so small a body as we opposed to them, will, I trust, speak for itself, and although our loss has been severe I hope the lustre acquired to our arms will compensate for it." This engagement upon the soil of old Kent though participated in by few men on either side was hotly contested and no one can accuse either side of being cowardly. It is reasonable to suppose that the American forces expected to find at least two hundred men on the British vessels under Sir Peter Parker. On the other hand the British Captain had been purposely misinformed as to the number of the American force opposing them. Col. Philip A. P.eed, who commanded the Maryland Militia at this battle of "Caulk' s Field" was a native of Kent County and at the time of the Battle was in his fifty fourth year. At the age of sixteen he had joined a volunteer company enlisted 8 in Kent County by Nathaniel Kennard, Jr. This company was inspected and passed for service in the Continental Army by William Henry on July 22nd, 1776, just six- teen days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia. Having seen hard service in the Revolutionary War - having risen from private to the rank of Captain, Philip Reed returned to his home in Kent at the close of the War where he entered in the public life of his county. He was a member of the "I. U." Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church and attended , services in the little brick parish church at "I. U." In 1806 he was elected to the United States Senate. He served that time one year and was re-elected and served until 1813. In that year he was made a Lieutenant-Colonel of the volunteers of the State of Maryland, and as previously stated, commanded the 21st Maryland Militia until peace was restored with Great Britain. Col. Reed became a charter member of the Mary- land Society of the Cincinnati and was elected Vice-president of the Society in 1828. He lived to be 69 years old, dying on November 2nd, 1829. He was buried in Christ Church Cemetery at "I. U." and a memorial slab marks the grave of this one of Kent's most distinguished citizens. Captain, afterwards known as Judge, Ezekiel F. Chambers commanded the first company of the regiment under Col. Reed. He was born in Chestertown on the 28th of February, 1788, acquired his collegiate education at the famous old Washington College, where he received his degree. In 1808 he was admitted to the bar, and soon developed into an able advocate. He became identified with the local military organi- zation and was a loyal and capable soldier, rising, as I have already stated, to be captain of his company at the age of twenty-six. At the eleilion of 1824 he was sent to the upper house of the Maryland As- sembly. The legislature of 1828 eleded him United States Senator, to which office he was re-elected in 1832. The following year Yale University conferred upon him the degree of L. L. D. To fill a vacancy occurring upon the bench of the Court of Appeals, he was appointed Chief Judge of that body in 1834, which place he retained until 1857. Owing to ill health he was forced to decline the portfolio of Secretary of the Navy, offered to him by President Fillmore at that time. The famous old Beding- lield Hands Mansion, facing the Chester River, in Chestertown, became the home of Judge Chambers. Here he died in 1866. This beautiful example of Colonial archi- te6ture is now the home of W. W. Hubbard, Esq., a member of this society. Joseph Wickes was second in command, with the rank of Major. He was a brother-in-law to Captain Chambers, and from him is descended two of Kent's prom- inent men. Judge Joseph A. Wickes, now in his ninetieth year, and his brother. Judge Pere L. Wickes of Baltimore. Col. Joseph L. Wickes of Baltimore and Levvin W. Wickes of the State Tax Commission are also descendants. Time will not permit reference to the other men who took part in the defence of old Kent; we will let this suffice at this time. It is, however, proper to speak of the distinguished British officer who was killed in the Battle of Caulk' s Field. As has been stated, his body was taken aboard the " Menelaus," and as soon as possible taken to Bermuda, and there buried with military honors on October 14th, 1814. The fol- lowing Spring his body was taken up and carried to England, where on the 14th of May, 1815, it was placed in the Parker family vault at St. Margaret's Church, West- minster. While the ceremonies took place at the early hour of six in the morning, many notables of the British government were there, to show their respect for the memory of this distinguished citizen and soldier. Caulk' s Field farm was in possession of Mr. Isaac Caulk at the time of the battle. He had inherited the property. It was part of a tract known as "Arcadia," which was granted as 1600 acres to Michael Miller, one of the first vestrymen of old St. Paul's Church, Kent County. This particular part of "Arcadia" had belonged to Isaac Caulk's uncle, John Moore, and upon the death of Mr. Moore, in August, 1812, the property became Isaac Caulk's. The War Department records at Wash- ington call the engagement the Battle of Moorefield '^ or Caulk's Field/' It is also thus spoken of in "Niles' Register". The bricks in the gable of the old Caulk's Field House show that it was built in 1743. It is one of the oldest buildings now standing in Kent, and is now owned by Mr. E. J. Watson. On the initiative of the late Rev. Chris. T. Denroche, in 1902, then rector of St. Paul's Parish in Kent, a handsome granite battle-marker was placed beside the main road that leads from Chestertown to Tolchester, on "Caulk's Field." Assist- ing Mr. Denroche in raising the necessary funds to erect the marker were Capt. Col- umbus A. Leary, Charles C. Hopper of Kent, Col. Wm. M. Marine, James. E. Carr, Jr., Mr. Thomas Hill and W\ H. Gill of Baltimore. That there can never be oflFence given to those who by chance should pass that way the monument bears the following inscription: " ERECTED TO COM.MEMORATE THE PATRIOTISM AND FORTITUDE OF THE VICTOR AND VANOUISHED ". 10 LIST OF SOLDIERS. Among the old papers now in the Hbrary of the Maryland Historical Society we find a list of officers and men who were in the adion at Caulk's Field on the night of the thirtieth of August last under Col. Reed," in the issue of October 4th, 1814, of the Republican Star or General Advertiser, published at Easton, Talbot County, Maryland. The names of the companies and the men in each company are as follows: Of Capt. Chambers' Company: Ezekiel F. Chambers, Captain Thomas Eunick, Lieutenant William Skirven, Ensign Alford, Aaron Bordley, Thomas Benton, Benjamin Chambers, David Chambers, Benjamin Lee Crane, Philip Coleman, Isaiah Coleman, James Comegys, Jvcmuel Constable, Robert Coleby, Edward Dugan, Thomas Dunk, Alexander Deal, Samuel Elliott, William Falls, David Floyd, Samuel Gooding, James Griffith, Samuel Haltzman, George Hickenbottom, James Herbert, Zabedel Haley, James Jones, John Kennard, Richard Kennard, Thomas J. Kemp, John (drummer) Lassell, William S. Lasell, William C. Magnor, John (sergeant) Mansfield, James Miller, James D. Notts, William Rumney, Samuel Russell, Theophelus Robinson, James Toulson, Andrea Usselton, John Vickers, James Vickers, Jesse Watts, George Wickes, Joseph (4th) Wickes, Thomas Of Capt. Hand's Company: (Capt. Hand was too ill to serve). (Volunteer Artillery). Henry Tilghman, Lieutenant Richard S. Thomas, Ensign Barnes, Robert Nichols, Jeremiah Brown, James F. Parsley, Arthur Copper, Henry Ringgold, James, Jr. Eccleston, John B. Redue, Joseph Edwards, James Robertson, Henry 11 Elbert, Samuel Gibbs, Joseph Hyland, William Hague, William James, Thomas J. Maslin, James Middleton, James Martin, William McGuire, Robert Staveley, Wilson Seymour, Richard Tonson, Nathaniel Taylor, Thomas Vickers, Thomas Wilcox, James Wilmer, Lemuel Wilmer, John R. Of Capt. Wickes' Rifle Corps: Simon Wickes, Jr., Captain Joseph Brown, First Lieutenant John Beck, Second Lieutenant Airy, John Pearce, John Beck, Peregrine Rolinson, Levin Beck, John Sparks, Bazilla Coleman, Samuel Stokes, Horatio Dowling, Eliphar Smith, James Fricks, Richard Smith, Richard Fellingham, Robert Swift, Elisha Hartley, Thomas Tharp, James Hyland, John Urie, Henry Jones, John Wickes, Samuel C. Kennard, Richard Yates, James Lamb, William Of Capt. Griffith's Company: Samuel Griffith, Captain Joseph Thomas, Lieutenant Baker, Samuel De Course, Barney Brown, Hiram Harriss, Jonathan Crouch, John Jones, David Crouch, James Kendall, William Dank, Henry Simmonds, George G. Of Capt. Hynson's Company: Thomas B. Hynson, Captain Richard Grant, Lieutenant Hague, William Shaw, James Love, Robert Warum, John Whaland, Peregrine 12 Of Capt. Pace's Company: Samuel Merritt Ashley, George Alloway, Gabriel Beck, Elisha Benton, Benjamin Benton, Thomas Bryan, Stephen Coving:ton, Thomas Covington, Jesse Coleman, Ezekiel Clark, Jesse Cleaves, Nathan Crouch, Thomas Collin, Robert Downey, James Dudley, Nicholas Wickes, Lieutenant Miller, Ensign Dunn, John Eagle, James Frisby, William Glanville, John Hynson, Benjamin Humphrey, John Hudson, James Ivry, William Legg, James Miller, William Simons, William Spencer, Thomas Warum, Abraham Wickes, William, Jr. Yearley, John, Jr. Artillery Company Aquilla M. Ussleton, Captain John Reed, Lieutenant Morgan Brown, Lieutenant Apsley, William, Jr. Nicholson, Edward Apsley, Dulaney Pennington, Benedict Carroll, Philip Rasin, Siras Cannon, Edward Rasin, Philip, Jr. Dugan, John Stewart, Henry H. Forman, Ezekiel LTssleton, James Gedley, Joseph Ussleton, William T. Hatcherson, James W^ickes, Mathias Leatherberry, Charles W^eaver, William FINIS 13 a \ J2 \o9- ^-^ A^ *jr • c" ,0 -^ o '^ V "^ ^r * .^"^ -^ ^^-n^. •^9- ^\ <% <^. -Jv 0' X/~^^\/_^% / -^^ ^<^ ^^«^i^.* ^ y ^ - ^^ ^oV^ r ■^ c\ aO .''*°- '^> V *i.VL% <^ aO *\'°' v^ *rt •^^ '°* ' " A^ <^ *' •• ^' A o xOr.. '^^^^^i^^: .40^ \ .^' ' ^o A s " 'bV' O. 'o . . * A !• "^ A. ^. V .1 •' '5'j, P^^Jr N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA V^ %:^f;^ ..^ ^* ^^ ^^. -