BookiJ\/\^5„ OET^IOIAT^ DONATION. GU ID E TO IVtlSSISSIFI^I 'RICHAED GRIGGS, ofTmjyai^ratiou and Agriculture. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE LEG-ISLATURE. JACKSON, MISS.: PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS. 1874. rrrrrf^ SPECIAL I^^ATES FARE AND FREIGHT TO IMMIGRANTS TO MISSISSIPPI, OVER THE Illinois, Central, New Orleans, St. Louis and Chicago, Mobile and Ohio Railways, Can be secured by addressing KICHAED GRIGGS, Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture, JACKSON, MISS. DO YOU WANT A HOME Before you select, be sure and VISIT ]MISSISSIFPI, "Where the best FARMmG AND GRAZI]JS:G LAN'DS can be Purchased^ Rented or Leased^ AT VERY LOW RATES. These LANDS are situated in HEALTHY LOCALITIES, and are easy of access. An abundance of Wood and Water at band. Write to RICPIARD GRIGGS, Commissioner, &c. / ir- GUIDE 1 Iv/TISSISSIFPI ^7 EICHARD GRIGGS, Commissioner of Imm^igration and Agriculture. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LEG-ISLATURE. JACKSON, MISS.: PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS. 1874. F34-. QS 3 3 1907 :^ CONTENTS. Page. I. Introduction — Kichard Griggs 5 11. Agricultural Resources — Jas. J. Spelman 7 III. Pine Timbered Region — " Moderator." 10 IV. Health — Wm. M . Compton 19 V. Our System of Public Schools — T. W. Cardozo 22 VI. Taxation and Finance — W. H. Gibbs 25 VII. Manufactures — Richard Griggs 28 VIII. Labor and its Rewards — T. H. Whipple 30 IX. Administration and State Officials — T. H. Whipple. ... 32 X. Churches, State Lands, U. S. Lands, and Railroad Trans- portation — Richard Griggs , 34 INTRODUCTION, The Legislature, at its session of 1874, passed an Act entitled "an Act amendatory of and supplementar}- to an Act to cre- ate the office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agricul- ture, and for other purposes," approved April 6th, 1874, au- thorizing the Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture to have printed in a proper form a description of all the lands held by the State for taxes, and lands held by the United States, subject to entry under the laws of this State, and the Homestead Laws of the United States, together with such in- formation relative thereto as will tend to induce Immigration. In accordance with the provisions of the above recited Act the Commissioner presents this pamphlet to the public, and requests that its contents may be perused with care and with profit. THE POSITION OF THE STATE. The geographical position of the State is described as fol- lows by Wailes, in his admirable Report of the Agriculture and Geology of the State: "The State of Mississippi lies between the thirty-first and thirty-fifth parallels of north latitude, with the addition of that portion Ij'ing between the first mentioned parallel and the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Borgne, and east of Pearl river* On the west it is bounded by the Mississippi and Pearl rivers, and on the east by a line dividing it from the State of Alabama, which is drawn from the mouth of Bear creek, on the Tennessee river, to the north-western corner of Washington county, Ala- bama; and thence south to a point on Grand bay on the Gulf of Mexico, about seventeen miles due west from the Bay of (5) 6 Mobile. The State also embraces the islands in the Gulf with- in six leagues of the northern shore, the principal of which are Home, Ship, and Cat Islands. The width of the State along the northern boundary is one hundred and twenty miles; on the sea shore seventj^eight miles, and along the 31st degree of north latitude one hundred and eighty- six miles. The greatest length from north to south is three hundred and thirty miles. It embraces an area of 55,500 square miles, or 35,520,- 000 acres." POPULATION. The population of the State, as appears from the census of 1870, is 827,922, or about 14 inhabitants to the square mile, an increase of 36,G17 over the Census of 1860. This increase in the population was, as the records show, largely domestic im- migration. The State has never before presented inducements for the encouragement of immigration, and in consequence thereof millions of acres of fertile lands, situated in ever}^ part of the State, invite thrifty and industrious settlers to an inde- pendent competence. AaRIOtJLTtJBAL RESOtJiRCES, Itt order to present an interesting view of our productive qualities we have divided the State into four geological sec- tions, as follows: The Mississippi Bottom; the Marls, Lignites, and Green Sands Sections; the Prairie Country; and the Pine Timbered Region. TllE MISSISSIPPI BOTTOM. This section represents the great body of alluvial lands in the Mississippi Delta, and contains about 4,000,000 acres of the richest and most productive soil in the State. It is com- posed of the counties of Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Sunflower, Leflore, Washington and Issaquena, with portions of the coun- ties of Warren, Yazoo, Holmes, Carroll, Grenada, Tallahatchie, Panola and DeSoto. Cotton is the staple product of the State, and in this section the yield is enormous, averaging a bale and a half to the acre. Corn and potatoes also grow in abundance. The "Bottom Lauds," so called, otherwise included in the term Delta, having reference to the best cotton section of the State, in depth and fertility of soil, are only equalled by the valley of the Nile. This soil never exhausts, and requires no fertilisers to maintain its richness. Reference is made to the statistics to show the fabulous magnitude of the productions of this section, and yet scarcely one-third of its area is under cultivation. When fully reclaimed and made productive, the Delta of the Mississippi, largely within this State, is capable of sustaining a nation. The productive power of thes j lands is not only of national but of international interest and im- portance. Purchasable now at what is really a nominal value, he who soon becomes the owner of a reasonable body of the bottom lands of Mississippi, will, with the growth of our State, find himself the possessor of a princely inheritance. The entire possessions of many a European Prince cannot compare with some of the magnificent plantations to be seen (7) 8 in the counties above named. Personal inspection of these lands and an insi^eetion of the following statistics are earnest- 13- invited: FROM THE UNITED STATES CENSUS OF 1870. Counties. Bales Cotton. Bushels Corn. Bolivar 15,571 182,728 Coahoma 11,456 151,985 Washington 35.902 248,99 L Issaquena 15,821 82,825 Ynzoo 26,047 290,448 Warren 32,175 213,073 MAPXS, LIGNITES AND GREEN SANDS. The counties composing this section are Marshall, Benton, Tippah, Tishomingo, Lnfayette, Itawamba, Yallobu3ha, Cal- houn, Montgomery, Choctaw, Attala, Winston, Madison, Leake, Neslioba, Scott, Newton, Lauderdale and Clarke, together with portions of the counties of DeSoto, Alcorn, Prentiss, Union, Lee, Pontotoc, Panola, Tallahatchie, Grenada, Carroll, Chickasaw, Monroe, Lowndes, Colfax, Oktibbeha, Noxubee, Kemper, Holmes, Yazoo, Warren, Hinds, Rankin, Smith, Jas- per, Clarke, Wayne, Claiborne, Jefferson, Adams and Wilkin- son. Cotton, corn, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, sugar, wheat, tobacco, indigOy turpentine, peas, beans, oats, fruits of all kinds, including many varieties of grapes, are grown suc- cessfully within this broad and productive area. On the line of the railroads market gardening is carried on extensively, and early vegetables are shipped to northern mar- kets, where a ready sale is made, and good prices obtained. For health, this section is, perhaps, the best in the State or in the world, it being high and the air dry and bracing. Timber is plenty, and easil^^ obtained for either building, fencing or fuel. The lands can be either rented or purchased at very low- figures, and upon easy terms. Stock is easily raised and but little care is necessary. We seldom have more than one snow in one 3'ear, and our winters are so very mild that farmers cul- tivate the soil the entire year. The average price of lands in this State is five dollars per acre, and, considering its immense and great productive qualities, affords to the poor man, parti- 6 cularly, inviting prospects no where else presented. In short, a home for rich or poor, with all the adornments of fruit, shade trees, shrubbery and flowers, atforgied by a bountiful climate, can be created in Mississippi in a shorter period, and with less expenditure of labor and capital, than any where else on this beautiful earth. PRAIRIE COUNTRY. The world-famous prairies of Mississippi run through the counties of Kemper, Noxubee, Lowndes, Oktibbeha, Colfax, Chickasaw, Monroe, Lee, Pontotoc, Union, Prentiss and Alcorn. This section of the State is gently undulating, heavily tim- bered, and with water in abundance. The soil is black and rich, growing corn and cotton in abundance. The Mobile and Ohio Railway runs through the entire prairie section, from Mobile to the Ohio River. The climate is perfectly healthy, and during the heated term is daily visited with the most de- lightful breezes, which produce a cooling and pleasant effect. Land can be purchased here as reasonable as in an3' other part of the State, and upon as liberal terms. This, taking into consideration the splendid facilities offered in transportation, presents to the immigrant an acceptable location for a home, where he and his family can dwell in peace, and by earnest labor obtain a livelihood with an ease and certainty not ex- celled by any other country. G— S PINE TZMBEBED BEGIOIT. This region is composed of the counties of Jackson, Har- rison, Hancock, Pearl, Greene, Perry, Marion, Pike, Amite, Franklin, Lincoln, Lawrence, Covington, Jones, Simpson and Co[)iah, with parts of the connties of Wayne, Jasper, Smith, Rankin, Hinds, Claiborne, Jefferson, Adams and Wilkinson. A description of this section of the State is very ably pre- sented by one of our most distinguished citizens, long well kn'^wn in the political and literary annals of the State, in a series of letters to the Pilot, over the non de plume of " Mod- erator." We insert them here, and ask a careful and thought- ful perusal: THE PINE WOODS OF MISSISSIPPI RURAL LIFE — THE RESOURCE* OP THE COUNTRY. The whole country east of Pearl river, and south of the northern line of Covington county, may be designated as the "Pine Woods." The entire region is remarkable for its salu- brity. People make a comfortable living with so little effort that their energies are not exerted, and the country does not improve like those sections \yhere there are more difficulties to overcome. A young man marries a fine, blooming, industrious girl, who knows how to rear poultr}^ make cheese and butter, ply the wheel and shuttle, and do up her own and her husband's apparel. He begins life with half a dozen cows, a pair of oxen, a pony and an ax. His wife's dower is a feather bed, three or four quilts, a frj'ing pan, a spinning-wheel, and a tew fowls. He chooses a settlement five or ten miles from any other; builds a camp; then cut down the sapling pines, strips off the bark, calls in the neigiil)ors for twenty miles round, and in one day they complete his cabin of one square room. This contains the bed, table, a row of shelves, and his long rifle hangs over the fire-place on wooden hooks. In one corner stands the spinning-wheel, seldom silent, and on the shelf, near (10) 11 the door, a water bucket and gourd, one or two milk piggins, scoured as fair and bright as sand and water can makt; tlunn. A small "truck patch," and a little field planted in sweet pota- toes, rice, and a few i)lants of inciigo and tobacco, lay ailjoining. A sparkling spring bubbling near by, from its bed ol" ferns and rushes, supplies the purest water, and the lightwood for resin- ous remains of the decaying pine), furnishes fuei and brilliant light. Here they live without expense. In many instances the land belongs to the Government. He pays no tax, no law- yer's fee, no doctor's bill, and needs no raone}'. The woods abound with deer and turkeys, raccoons and squirrels, opossums and patridges; the 3'ard with fowls; the livinir brooks with fish. His cattle range over a thousand hills, up to their shoul- ders in grass or succulant reed-brakes, requiring neither shel- ter nor winter forage, and, in the sea-board counties, not even salt. These supply his table, and the wild bees, reveling amidst a boundless variety of flowers, provide for him, in many a hol- low tree, the most aromatic honey. Visit this young couple five 3'ears aftcward, and \'ou will find an addition to the dwelling ; a loom in the rear, under a shed; the herd increased to fifty or a hundred; the fireside made joyous by the bright e3'es and gladsome voices of three or four white headed little ones; as like each other as so many peas. Mem.: I never saw a child in the pine woods witii dark hair. During all this time he has never had a fever; never been within fifty miles of a doctor; never been called to a funeral. The rose on the cheek of his wife is even more beautiful than when he first wedded her, and, aided by her thrift and cheered by her smiles, he has lived comfortablv, not expending over ten d(jllars a year, while his little capital has quadrupled; and all this without wearing physical labor or anxiety of mind. He is, in fact, a practical philosopher. He feels none of the surges that sway the busy world. From day to day, events flow oii in the same smooth channel, without a ripple on the surface. His temper is unruffled. He seldom hears a sermon, but he sees G.)d in "the sunshine and the shower," and the smiling stars. The great volume of nature, spread out before him, in sky and forest and river, with the changing seasons, and the phenouivnia of vegetation, provide occupation for his mind, and he finds himself growing richer and wiser ever^'' year, without any new 12 tastes or vicious habits, and without making any struggles for riches. Can there be a happier than this dreum-like life ? They are, indeed, the most contented and virtuous people in the world, exempt from debt and litigation, living plentifully and hospitably, and with no lock or bolt on door and window. The soil of this region is generally thin, interspersed with emMll tracts of fertile land. Grass of the c6arsc, rank species peculiar to pine woods, grows luxuriantly, and upon it the cat- tle feast and fatten. In winter they find a rich pasturage in the cane and reed-brakes, and in marshes and ravines, and the long moss that hangs from the drooping limbs of the swamp and live oaks. Horses, cattle, mules and sheep may be bred with profit, and without stables or grain. But the great source of wealth for this section must ultimately, be the trade in lum- ber. It is thickly p'anted with a vast forest of yellow pine; on low lands with pitch pine ; on lower and water lands with meadow pine — all valuable for sawing. Then on the watiT- courses there are large bodies of white oak, water oak, hickory or gum, of many varieties and of gigantic proportions. The swamps are studded with juniper, cedar and cypress. Finer, straighter, loftier trees than these forests can show, are no- where found. For a hundred and fifty miles on a stretch, one may traverse these ancient woods, and see them, as they have stood for countless years, untouched bj^ the hand of man, scathed only b}^ lightning or the hurricane. This growth of giant pines is unbroken, save where rivers or large creeks in- tervene, and then we find oaks, chestnut, gum, hickory, dog- wood, sassafras, poplar, ash, beech, magnolia, white bay, elm, maple, box-elder, linn, and blackberry of colossal growth. Water puwer, of great capacity and unfailing, is abundant. But no railroad taps it, and the district and its resources are unknown. No country is more favorable for railroads. For a hundred miles or more it slopes to the sea-shore. Numerous streams, with their level valleys, run in the same direction. No mountains to tunnel. No rock to blast. The surface is dry and solid, and the heart of oak or pine are close at hand. And A capacious harbor, ready for the reception of the road. ^i 13 PASCACrOULA AND ITS ATTRACTIONS — OYSTER BKEKDING — CAPACI- TIES OF THE COUNTRY' — MR. DUCAYETTE's EXPERIMENTS. There is no mf)re delightful place on this, or any other sca- coast, than East Pascagoula and its surroundings. Its location is beautiful, and the salt-water bathing perfect. It is renowned for its o,ysters — for flavor, fatness, and size they are equal to any in the countr}'. The bayous and creeks here seem to be specially adapted to the growth of first-class oj'sters, and the bedding and breeding of them might be made a remunerative enter|irise. I wonder it has not atti'acted attention and capital, when we know how successfully' and extensively the business is followed in Europe and at the North in localities, and under circumstances, not near so favorable. In this view, there are many lagoons and bayous between Pascagoula and Mobile, that would become valuable. The production would be im- mense, but there is no limit to the demand. The whole North- west migtit be supplied with oysters of a higher grade than they can find tiiere, and the shipraent in the shell, in cans, aad in pickle, pould give employment to many hands and bring a great deal of money inf^o the countr}'. I have spent many happy days at Pascagoula, at various times, enjo3Mng the hospitalities of Maurice and Antonio — Ijrtth first class artists, priding themselves on their science and in- vention. Their tables were generally served in the French st3de, and their dishes after the most famous Parisian recipes; but ever3^ n(»w and then, under an inspiration, they improvised a chef crouvre, that Vathel himself, miirht env}'. Who will ever forget their portage a la tortue, their ^jurte de gibier, filets de j9omy:)'aio, fricasie de poulefs, dindon a la financier, and ealade unique — tiie child of their own brain — an inspiration of their own genius — in comparison with which all other salads, whether French, Spanish, or Italian, are insiped and tasteless. Tliese gentlemen, or their successors, it is presumed, are yet at Pascagoula, and if so, I advise all gourmands to pay them a visit. Or whv should they not open an institute, and invite pupils to study the divine art, on which human comfort and health so much depend. You have asksd me, and so have numerous correspondents in the North and West, who have read my letters in the Pilots whether farming, fruitgrowing and stock breed cau be profitable 14 followed on and near the coast. Perhaps I had better tell 3^011 what I saw, some years ago, in the vicinit}' of Pascagoula. The farm and pastures of my friend, Mr. F. Ducayette, consisted of about 6,000 acres, embracing Point Le Chene, celebnited for its game, and Baj'ou Casotte, for its oysters, that command a premium wherever they are sold. SHEEP. South Mississippi has the reputation of being peculiarly adapted to sheep. Mr. Ducayette showed me some imported Oxfordshire and Southdowns, uncommonly fiue, designed chiefly for mutton, as the}^ are a hard}', well formed breed, with a singular faculty for accumlating fat and flesh, in the exact proportion required for the table. Various crosses had been made with these animals. The cross on the Merino had lowered the qualit}' of the wool of the latter, but had increased the weight of both his wool and carcass. The cross on the imported Saxony had produced a beautiful and close-wooled sheep, and the cross on the native had quite changed its appearance and doubled its value. This enterprising gentleman had, likewise, procured, at great expense, and no little diplomacj^ a pair of Merino's from Rambouillet, of the isolated breed sent originally from the Escurial to Louis XIV, which have ever since remained the propBrt}' of the crown, and been preserved so pure that the Spanish breeders themselves esteem it a great privilege to ob- tain a buck to recuperate their flocks. Tlie celebrated sheep of Saxony consist of the Infantado or Niggretti, and the Electorals, all originall}^ from Spain, but greatly improved by high culture and feeding. The first were introduced when Spain and Germany were one; the latter were imported for the Elector of Saxony, m 1765. A first class buck, of either of these will command, in Germany, five hundred dollars and upward. CATTLE. INIr. Ducayette showed me imported Durhams, Devons, and Ayreshires, besides some short-horns from Kentucky, and «ome beautiful ^-earlings, crosses on the indigenous stock; heavy in the hind quarters, broad in the loins, wide across the 15 hips, straight on the back, deep in the brisket, small head and uei'k, and legs tapering like a lady's finger. The most remark- able animal was a 3'oung Brama bull, bred hy the late Clias. Mcllatton, of Baton Rouge, Irom a pair imported from the jungles of the Ganges. He was milk white, with red ears and tail, hair as fine as silk, of noble proportions, the muscles unu- sually developed, and of gentle disposition. His magnificent head reminded me, in its grandeur and majesty, of the head of Jupiter, by Praxiteles, and of Ovid's description of the same deit3% when, in the disguise of a bull, he undertook to carry oft' the daughter of Agenor: "Large rolls of fat about his shoulders clung. And from his neck the double dewlap hung; His skin was whiter than the snow that lies Unsullied by the breath of tropic skies. Small, shining horns on his curl'd forehead stand, As turn'd and polished by the workman's hand." His eye-brows rolled, not frantically bright, But gazed and languished with a gentle light; His every look was peaceful, and express'd The softness of the lover in the beast. In certain antigue intaglios, representing the combat between Hercules and the Cretan bull; and in the celebrated cartoon by Raphael, of St. Paul preaching at Athens, where a Roman sacrifice is exhibited in the bull about to be slain, in his grand proportions and general expression, one may almost fancy that the poet and the artists must have had in view some ancestor of this noble Pascagoula bull. The peculiarity of this breed from the Ganges, is the hump over the shoulders and their union of the strength of the ox — with the action and move- ment of the horse. These steers in harness will walk six miles an hour, and thej' move through marshes and mud with celerity. The breed would be invaluable to the South, and far cheaper than horses or mules, for the plough. HORSES. In the stables I noticed several fine mares, and a beautiful stallion by imported Messenger, out of a Morgan mare. He had been bought not with reference to the turf, but to improve 16 our saddle and htii'uess slOL-k. Willi sufli a sire, suuiLi AlitibiJi-; sippi might rival ancient Thessaly, "Whose generous courses of immortal breed, Sired by the winds, and like the winds in speed." HOGS. Ml". Ducayette had long tested every variety of hogs on his; famous stock farm on the Bayou St. John, near New Orleans, and he prefers the Suffolk and Middlesex, as most thrifty and prolilic. FOWLS. Every domestic fowl to be found in the four quarters of the earth, he had here on his farm. I observed the Seckle and Bartlett pear trees loaded with fruit; several varieties of apple; the jujube, French chestnut, quince and peach, all dwarfed by rigid pruning and fruiting finely; apricots, plums, and some fifty variety of grapes. GRASSES. An interesting experiment was going on with grasses. Tho disideratum is a nutritious and palatable grass that will stand heat and drought, which will furnish winter gi-azing and good liav. I noted the Paraguay, a great runner, the joints striking down rootlets, and matting the surface completely — valuable, I should say, on blow}^, barren, sandy land. Mofia grass from Hungary, with b'ades like our crop-grass, and heads like mil- lett, filling well in defiance of the protracted drought then prevailing. An East India specimen, with a rapier like blade, but succu- lent and tender, with an aromatic root, well adapted, I should say, for alluvial soils, imported by the late Gov. Roman, of Louisiana. A fine lot of Resare grass, a self-sowing grass, first found in the old Indian fields in Georgia. Sowed in Sep- tember it lurnishes a winter pasture; in the spring a heavy cutting of hay; and the second growth will yield seed (excel- lent for poultry) at the rate of ten to twenty bushels per acre. 17 bctaiucsi lepiuiiting iLseli'. 1 do not know ihe bolauicai ciiissjli- cation of tiiis valuable grass. This enterprising gentleman solved the problem of what can be done in South Mississippi. His experiments in farm- ing, in stock, in fruits, grasses, and in the chemistry and analysis of soils, and the composition and adaptation of fertil- i::ers, were invaluable. Such men, if they do not grow rich themselves, contribute even by failures, to the wealtli of the country. Every experiment is a step forward in progress and development. We profit by disaster quite as much as by suc*- cess. The moral courage — the perseverance — the liberality — ■ the science of one such man as Ducayette, is worth more to the Republic than a regiment of orators and politicians. If the example could be followed — if his spirit of improvement could be diffused — the extensive district of our State, between Pearl and Alabama rivers, south of latitude 31, would become productive and remunerative beyond all present calculation. As it is, I look forward to material progress with trust and confidence. Perfect order and good feelings prevail in this gection of Mississippi, The country is filling up with intelli- gent and educated men. Society at and around Pascagoula is cultivated and refined. Immigration is invited. The lumber trade has drawn here both capital and enterprise. It only needs tlie fostering hand of Government to make this point a great commercial mart, whose exports would enrich our whole interior, and whose imports from foreign countries would con- tribute materially to the national treasury. It is hoped that Congress and the Legislature will adopt a liberal and enlight- ened policy, and convert the great natural advantages of Pasca- goula and the vast resources of our pine woods into a national blessius. A&RICTJLTXJEAL STATISTICS. As an evidence of the agricultural development of the State, we insert tha following table, based on the United States cen- sus returns of 1870: Cash value of farms .$81.7! 0,576 Cash- value of implements and machinery 4J56.(yi3 Numhcr of acres improved 4.209,116 Number of acres unimproved 8^) 1 1 .Oij? Cotton, bales 504 938 Corn, bushels 15,037.316 Rye, " 14,852 Oats, " 4 1 4,580 Barley, " 3.973 Buckwheat, bushels 1.019 Tobacco, pounds 01,012 P^as and beans, bushels 1 '0.417 Potatoes, Ii'ish, " 214.189 Potatoes, sweet, " • 1,743,432 Hay, tons ^.324 Rice, pounds . , 374. (i27 Molasses, gallons . 152,104 Wool, pounds 28S,i85 Butter, " 2,0i 3.521 Cheese, " - 3.099 Milk sold, gallons 1 7,052 Orchard products, value $i) 1,735 Wine, gallons 3.055 Honey, pounds 199,581 Beeswax, " 9.390 Slaughierod animals year, value $ 4,090.818 Value of all farm products 73.137,953 Value of all live stock 29,940,238 Number of horses 90.221 Mules and asses S5.886 Milch cows 173,899 Working oxen 58,146 Other cattle 209,030 Sheep 232,732 Swine 814,381 (18) HEALTH, While the subject of health is a veiy important one to the man who seeks a permanent home for himself and his family, it can scarcely be supposed that, in a publication like this, we can give a very minute account of the diseases peculiar to this State. To the general inquiry, "Is it healthy?" we unhesita- tingly reply "Yes." By this we do not mean to convey the impression that men, women and children do not get sick in Mississippi. Men get sick everywhere, and they die every- where; whether in the frigid, temperate or torrid zones; wliether on the land or on the sea; whether on the mountain top or in the valley. We may saj^ in general terms, that in the vicinity of our water-courses — in the great alluvial valle}' of the Father of Waters, and in the prairie counties, at certain seasons of the year, man}'^ of the people have intermittent and remittent fevers, and other diseases common to malarial districts; but, as a rule, these are easily controlled, and with proper precautions, may, to a great extent, be avoided. The uplands and table- lands are as exempt from disease as the most favored portion of the United States. We do not make these statements be- cause they ma^-^ look well in a report which is intended to in- duce immigration. We have the figurei* with which to prove what we say — that Mississippi, in |)oint of health, will com- pare favorably with any State in the Union. The mortuary Statistics, as recorded in the ninth census of the United States, will bear witness to the truth of our statements. By way of illustration, we will take, at random, four States, two northern and two southern, and see how they compare. Sn|)pose we take Illinois, Michigan, Alabama and Mississippi. We make two tables, one showing the total population and the total number of deaths in the year 1870, as follows: ILLINOIS. MICHIGAN. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI. Total population. . .2,539,891 1,184.059 996,992 8l7.922 Total deaths, 1870.'. 33,672 11,181 10,771 9.172 (19) 20 It will be pui'ccived iVom the above, ihut itie ratio ol' d^.i»,Liis is very favorable for Mississippi, Taking Illinois for illustra- tion, we find, at the outset, tliat the population of that State is only a small fraction more than three times the population of Mississippi, whereas the number of deaths in 1870, in I'linois is nearl}^ four times the number in Mississippi. In fact, the figures show that while the deaths in Mississippi amount to one in ninety of the population, the deaths in Illinois amount to one in seventy -five. Keeping in view the relative population of the States, tlie same ratio will be found to approximate very closely in the following table, which shows some of the principal causes ©f death. For further particulars, we refer the reader to the census report itself; 21 HOSTUARY STATISTICS OF 1870. SOME OP THE PRINCIfAL CAUSES OF DEATH, AXD THE NUJ1I5ER OF DEATH. CAUSES. ILLINOIS. MICHIGAN. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. Scarlet fever 21(12 707 13 24 Cereliro spiniil fever. 8S 8 22 6 Enteric tever 1758 660 409 333 Interuiittent fever.. . 613 153 408 377 Rem i stent fever 275 97 346 256 Tvplio malarial fever 17 3 13 5 Cliolera 3v 603 5 2G4 149 4 141 2 106 30 5 45 5 51 53 7 Di})theria 46 Tnliuenza. 7 Krv sipelas 50 Puerperal fever 45 Rheumatism. 167 65 71 67 Cousumption 30 11 1S44 761 695 Dropsy 388 174 275 192 Encephalitis. 12)0 306 235 283 Meningitis 124 10 310 125 Paralysis 275 186 9( 59 Convulsions 1231 301 156 180 Croup 880 150 268 282 Pneumonia 2882 702 1505 117t Phirisy 40 21 30 11 DysDensia. 5S 604 1284 17 258 303 20 203 335 16 Dysentery. 103 Diarrhea 325 Cholera infantum. . . 1809 425 130 143 Diseases of uterus. . 40 20 54 23 Childbirth 316 173 103 132 Skin diseases 97 2 104 07 Stili-born 1112 345 57 101 152 16 202 98 14 130 Old age 85 Alcoliol. 8 OTJR SYSTEM OF PTJBLIO SCHOOLS. Public SL^hools in Mississippi were very rare previous to the war; Init since the State has been reconstructed an effective system lias been inaugurated, and it is daily growing into popular favor. There are only four out of the seventy-three counties in the State, that have not levied taxes for school purposes for the j-ear 1874. These are, however, vevy poor counties, and they depend upon the assistance that will be given them by the State, If the maintainence of public schools will induce immigration into the State, Mississippi will get her share, as the people are read}^ and willing to main- tain and cherish their school sj-stera. TEACHERS. There are employed in this State about three thousand teach- ers. iNIany of them are excellent scholars — graduates of Northern and Eastern colleges, academies and high schools. They are devoted to their work, and a commendable spirit of Emulation exists between the different counties to see which can secure and pay the highest salary to the best teachers. The teachers are also imbued with the same spirit, and labor zealously to make their schools completely successful. Many of the teachers employed are connected with some of the best white families in the State. And though not exactly accus- tomed to the work of teaching in the public schools — they never having attended them — succeed admirably, and became quickly adapted to Lheii' work. The average term of the public schools, in the cities and large towns, is nine months; in the country six months; and the average salary paid to teachers is fifty dollars per month. Principals of schools, in which there is an average attendance of one hundred or more pupils, get a salarv of one hundred (22) 23 dollars per school month, viz: twenty days. First grade teach- ers get from sixty to seventy-five dollars per month; and second grade teachers get from thirtj^-five to sixty dollars per month. SCHOOL HOUSES. In all the cities and large towns the school houses are com; modious, comfoi'table, neat, and have the most of the modern improvements, while in most of the counties the}' have from twelve to thirt3' plain, neat and comfortable school houses. In places where they have not a sufficient number of school houses, the authorities hire churches, or other buildings, for school purposes. RESOURCES. The resources from which the public schools are to derive their support would be ample could all of them be productive, and be given exclusively to the cause of public education. We liold them, however, in reserve, and in a few 3-ears we hope to be able to derive the full benefit of them. There is a State tax of four mills on the dollar levied upon the real and [)ersonal property in the State, that is used exclu- sively for the payment of teachers' salaries. It is the duty of the County Sui)erintendents to make an estimate of what the above levy amounts to, report the same to the Board of Super- visors of his county, and they are compelled, by law, to levy for a sufficient amount to meet the deficit that may occur be- tween the amount the State levy will raise, and the amount re- quired to pay the requisite salaries to the teachers. In addi- tion to these, the money derived from the sale of licenses to retail vendors of liquor and keepers of dram shops, is appro- priated to the Common School Fund. This fund the law re- quires to be invested in government bonds, never to be diminished, the interest of which is to be used for common school purposes throughout the State. The money deiived from the redemption or sale of lands belonging to the State is used for the same purpose. The interest on what is known as the Chickasaw School Fund amounts to about twenty-five thousand dollars per annum, and is used in twenty three counties. The sixteenth section of every township in every county also belongs to the 24 common schools, but the}' were leased a quarter of a century ago for a long period of years, and in many cases the money was stolen or squandered. A portion of it, however, yields an income still, and assists materially in supporting our public schools. It would be safe to say that about a million and a quarter of dollars are spent annually in support of our public schools. OTHEK SCHOOLS. In addition to our public schools, we have at this writing, two large, flourishing Normal schools, for the purpose of training teachers for the public schools. These schools are supported by the State, are provided with an efficient corps of teachers, and are doing efficient service. We also, have two universities that receive large annual ap- propriations from the State, and are rapidly educating our young men. With the hearty co-operation of the people, an efficient corps of teachers and county superintendents, we hope to niake the public school system of Mississippi second to no other State in the Union. TAXATION AlTD FIITAITCE. There is uo subject in wliich all the people of a State or community' are as vitally and personally interested, as that of taxation. All are interested, because all are required to bear, to a greater or less degree, its burdens. As this is true of those who are alread}^ citizens of the State, so is it also of those who may desire to become citizens and purchase property, or engage in any of the various enterprises involving the investment of labor or capital. To induce this, one of the first and most important steps to be taken, is to show b}' facts and figures that what are usually designated as the "burdens of taxation" are light and bear equally and justly on all classes. To do this is the object of this article, and in no better way can this be done than to give briefly and concisely a statement of the financial condition of our State at this time. Being just in the midst of the financial or fiscal year, it will be difficult, or in fact impossible, to give the exact figures, but the}^ will be near enough for all the practical purposes of this article. Statement of the amount of taxable propert}^ in the State as found on the Assessment Rolls; the rate of taxation for the year 1874; the amount of the Bonded Debt of the State, and the Floating Indebtedness to be met on the 1st of Jan- uary, 1875: Assessed valuation of real property $106,007,233 00 " " of personal property 48,528,929 00 Total valuation $154,536,162 00 Amount of tax for general purposes at 6f mills on the dollar, allowing 20 per centum for insolvencies and commissions for collect- ing, &c $834,571 52 G— 3 (25) 26 Amount outstandiug Avarrants issued up to Oct. 1st, 1874. . . $478,536 00 Amount certificates of indebted- ness outstanding, receivable for taxes 294,000 GO Amount of warrants to be issued on unexpended appropriations up to January 1st, 1875 100,000 00 S872,536 GO Amount of warrants paid into tlie treasury and cancelled. . . $ 75,000 00 Amount certificates of indebted- ness received on account of privilege tax 5G,000 00 $125,00 00 Total amount outstanding obligations to be met January 1 st, 1875 $747,536 00 Excess of receipts above expenditures 87,035 52 Amount of tax to pay bonded debt and inter- est at 3i mills on the dollar 6401,837 41 AMOUNT OF BONDED DEBT. Scries D. Act 1870, due January 1st, 1875 $10C,000 00 Series A. Act 1872, » " " " 150,000 GO $250,000 GO Series B. Act 1870, due January 1, 1876 $100,000 00 Series B. Act 1872 " " ' " 150,000 00 $250,000 00 Series C. Act 1872, due Januarv 1, 1877 $ 65,000 00 Series A. Act 1874, " " " 203,850 GO $268,850 00 tuOctobcr 1st, 1874. * INTEREST TO BE I'AID JANUAKV IST, 1875. Scries D. Act 1870 $ 4,000 00 - E. Act 1870 4,000 00 - A. Act 1872 12,000 00 - E. Act 1872 12,000 GO - C. Act 1872 4,800 00 '^ A. Act 1874 10,000 GO $ 46,800 00 Principal 250,000 GO Total $296,800 GO 27 The above statement shows a levy of 6| mills for current expenses, and 3:^ mills to pay bonded debt and interest, making a total levy of 10 mills, or one per centum, on the as- sessed valuation of the taxable property of the State. In ad- dition to this there is a tax of 4 mills levied upon the taxable property of the State, designated and known as a Teacliers' Fund, amounting in the aggregate to $490,000. This fund is collected and distributed pro rata among the several counties of the State according to the number of educable children in each, and is suflicient alone to employ and pay 1000 teachers for six months in the year at a salary of $75 00 per month each. The several counties pay on an average, for county purposes, a tax about equal to the State tax, making a total for State and county purposes a lev}- of from 2-\- to ?> per centum on the valuation of the taxable property. In some few counties the per centum is greater on account of aid voted to railroads and the building of courthouses or jails, but only in a few is this the case. Taking into consideration the very low value at which property, real and personal, is assess- ed, this showing compares most favorably- with the rate of taxation in other States; and but few, if any, can make a more favorable exhibit. Besides this, there is every reason to be- lieve that the present rates can and will be materially reduced b}^ wholesome legislation at the coming session of the Legis- lature in January next. To accomplish this greatly to be de sired result, should, and doubtless will be, the earnest endea- vor of every department of the present State Government to the end that enterprise and capital may seek an investment among us, and the material interests of the State p'-onioted and advanced, MANUFACTTJEES. Manufacturing interests in Mississippi are stili in their infancy. Several factories, located in cliflereut parts of the State, successfully turn out shirtings, sheetings, 3'-arns, and other cotton goods. Possessed ot remarkable facilities for the establishment of factories, an inviting field is presented to cap- italists to make profitable and safe investments. The follow- ing figures, compiled from the census returns of 1870, show what has actually been accomplished: MANUFACTURES. Establishments ■ 1,731 Horse-power steam engines 10,019 Number of steam engines 384 Horse-power water-wheels 2,453 Number water-wheels 225 Hands employed above sixteen, males 5,500 Hands employed above fifteen, females 191 Youth 250 Capital $4,501,714 Wages 1,547,428 Materials 4,364,200 Products 8,154,758 MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Carriage and wagon establisliments 85 Steam engines 4 Hands, male, above sixteen 291 Youth 2 Capital $138,495 Wages 91,469 Materials 74,911 Products 268,031 Flouring-mill products, establishments 45 (28) 29 Hands employed 113 Capital $171,518 Wages 18,472 Materials 3c»6,734 Products 468,576 LUMBER. Including planed, sawed, staves, shocks and headings. Establishments 274 Steam engines 200 Water-wheels ^° Hands employed 1,992 Capital $1,174,117 Wages 558,906 Materials 877,093 Products 2,229,017 It will be seen that this field of enterprise in our State would be almost without competition to manufacturers of practical experience. That such will avail themselves of these advantages is our earnest desire. LABOR AND ITS REWARDS. As in the case of other States which are almost wholly de- pendent for their productions, and hence for their annual profit and income and wealth, upon agriculture, Mississippi is anxious to secure labor. In fact, labor is the capital most required in the State, and the capital which will pay even bet- ter returns than any other investment capable of being made. Hence, it is for the advantage of the people to encourage the immigration of the laboring classes; as we hope, and are a^ble to show, it is for the best interests of the citizen and the mechanic, as well as the unskilled laborer, to seek our borders and make a home among us. In no other portion of the world can labor find better or more profitable employment than in Mississippi. Especially is this true reuarding agricul- tural laborers. Here you have the virgin soil, enricired by centuries of accumulations from the luxuriant grasses anil herbage, and the soil which has been cultivated, and all at the very lowest valuation possible. All it needs is labor to erect a log house, break down and cut oft^ the trees and the vegeta- tion, and the cultivation of the soil. No elaborate prepara- tions for the first few years. No great labor to erect a house to keep oft" the frosts, for it is never so cold as to freeze very hard in at least the southern portions of the State, and no great labor in irrigating and in enriching the earth. The very first year's labor sometimes realizes sufficient to give the small farmer enough to make himself comfortable for the future. If this course is not pursued, then working on wages for a year or two for a reliable planter will enable the immigrant to pur- chase land and erect upon it such buildings as his wants may demand. It makes no dirterence what a man's trade or calling may be, he can find employment at some price in all parts o'f the State. The prices paid may not be as high as in ^ome other sections of the United States, l)ut thev are reasonable as compared with the cost of livino-. Board for laborers is (30) 31 cheap. Housekeei)ing, us it is elsewiieix', is lIk!;!!)!!!' and bet- ter, if the circumstances l)e [)i-opitious. The following list of prices for journeymen mechiinics. which we have taken some pains to collect, will be found correct. Where we have given but one price, it has reference to only first-class workmen. Where two or three prices are furnished, they allude to tirst- class, second-class and third-class workmen: Watchmakers, $15.00 to $20.00 per week. Hack-drivers, $35.00 to .$40.00 per month. Wagoners, in towns, $30.00 to 40.00 per month. Salesmen, in towns, $40.00 to .$75.00 i)er month. Book-keepers, in towns, $1,000.00 to $1,800.00 per year. Wagon-makers, $2.00 to $3.00 per day. Blacksmiths, shoers, etc., $2.00 to $3.00 per day. Saddle and harness makers, $15.00 to $25.00 per week. Tailors, $20,00 to .$25.00 (during business season) per week. Carpenters and builders, $2.00 to $3.50 per da^'. Boot and shoe makers, $12.00, $15.00 and $25.00 per week. Machinists, $2.50 and $3.50 })er da^-. Plasterers, $2.50 to $4.00 per day. Brickmasons $2.00 to $4.00 per day. Printers, 60c per 1,000 Ms, or $25.50 per week. Field lal)orers. $10.00 to $16.00 per month (and found.) Other (K'cupations do not differ materially from the prices paid at the North and West. ADS^IITISTBATZON AND STATE OFFICIALS. As may be judged from the character of its population, the State of Mississippi is at present Republican in its dominant politics, and it is fated long to remain so, provided the major- ity is permitted to rule. But it is not so partisan as to inter fere with any man enjoying his own opinions and giving ex- pression to them to the fullest and freest extent. In fact, among Republicans, no man meets ostracism or outrage for saying what he thinks and believes upon political topics. We say come here and settle, and labor for the interests of the State and for yourselves, be 3'ou Republicans or Democrats, or of no politics at all, and j^ou will meet a cordial welcome. It is not the question to be asked by Republicans, are j'ou rich ? Are you a Methodist, or are you a Baptist ? Are 30U a Re- publican or Democrat ? But, are 3'ou honest, industrious and truthfrl and fair-dealing in your intercourse with your fellow- man. All are welcome; all are needed. If you have capital, good; if 3'ou have no capital excepting your strong muscles and hard hands, still well and good. You are welcome to the best you can earn for j^ourself in the State. You are more than welcome; 3'our presence is desired. This is the feeling of the men and women forming the dominaut party in the State. This is the feeling of all in the State who are not blinded to their own best interests by passion and prejudice; and these latter are, from day to day and from year to 3'ear, growing less and less powerful in the country. At the head of the present State administration is Governor Adelbert Ames, late of Massachusetts, a man of foresight ex- perience and integrity. He has recommended, and the Legis- lature has originated and put in practice, a financial scheme which, if not interfered with, will soon clear the State from the limited debt now hanging over it, and place it among the most independent in the Union. Aided by the following (32) :iblo ana cllicient stati of otlic-ials. l.y a Legislature second to none in intelligence and devotion to State interests, the suc- cessful career of the State is guaranteed past question. MISSISSIPPI STATE OFFICERS. Adelbert Ames, Governor. Alex. K. Davis, Lieutenant Governor. L D. Shadd, Speaker of the House of Representatives. James Hill, Secretary of State. W. H. GiHBS, Auditor of Public Accounts. Geo. H. Holland, Treasurer. Geo. E. Harris, Attorney General. Tiios. W. Cardozo, Superintendent of Education. Richard Grigqs, Commissioner of Immigration and Agri- culture. Finis H. Little, Assistant Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. Chas. W. Bush, Assistant Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. E. G. Peyton, Chief Justice Supreme Court. Jonathan Tarbell. Associate Justice. H. F. Simrall, Associate Justice. G. E. Harris and G. H. Simrall, Law Reporters. H. W. Warren, Levee Commissioner, John Williams, State Librarian. A. G. Packer, Adjutant General. With an administration thus constituted; with no serious troubles of a political nature within our borders; with a climate unsurpassed, and a soil capable of the highest state of cultiva- tion ; with skies that rival in beauty and softness the far- famed skies of sunny Italy; with fruits, birds and flowers and rare exotics that vie with those of any other clime; with water power, timber and other material in alnmdance, all that xMississippi needs is the presence of the people to enjoy and to till the land to make it the Paradis-B of the Western Hemis- phere. G— 4 CHUHCHES. Churclies of the several denominaLions are plentiful, and at- tended liberally. The Baptist and Methodist are perhaps the rnost numerous, while the Presbyterians, Episcopalians, "Disci- ples, Catholics and others have their share of attendants. STATE LANDS. The list of lauds printed in the appendix have been forfeit- ed to the State for non-payment of taxes. The counties that do not appear were not ready when this volume went to press but will be printed hereafter and copies supplied to these who may desira them. These lands are subject to entry under an Act entitled "an Act amendatory of and supplementarv to an Act to create the office of Commissioner of Immioratimi and Agnculture," and for other purposes, approved April 14lh 1873. Approved April 6th, 1874. a copv of which is printe.l m tlie appendix for informati.)n. UNITED STATES LANDS. There are qniie 4,000,000 acres of these lands, located prin- cipally in the Southern part of this State, in what is known as the '•! n.e Timbered Reoion." These lands are valuable, and can be secured by the im.nigrant at a ve.'v small cost. All ap- plications for inforn.ation to Commissioner Grio-os will be promptly attended to, tmd complete satisfaction gi^^n. Railroad transportation The Department of Immigration and Agriculture has com- pleted arrangements with the Illinois Central, New Orleans St Louis, nnd Chicago, Memphis and Charleston, and Mobile and Ohio Radwaysto transpoit actual immigrants over their res- pective roads with their baggage, at reduced rates. Certifi- cates to secure these ,-ates will be furnisiied upon application. ( •^'^ } ■ APPENDIX. The lands described in this Appendix have been forfeited to the State for taxes, and are subject to entrj^ upon the condi- tions set forth in the following Act : AN ACT amencTatory ot and supplementary to an Act to create the office of Commissioner of Imniigratiou and Agriculture, and for other purposes, approved April 14, 1873i Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Missiasippi, That an Act entitled an Act to create the office o Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture, and for other purposes, be so amended as liereinafter directed. Sec. 2. Be it further enncted,T{\Vi\: the Commissioner of Im- migration is hereby authorized and directed to have printed, in a proper form (by the State Printer, "for which he shall re- ceive the same compensation as is now fixed by law for similar work), a description of all the lands held by the State for taxes, and all lands held by the United States which are open for entry in this State under the Homestead laws of the United States, said description to be printed showing the locality and qualify of the lands, ihQViXQVuga (\\x^\\t\X,y and kind of crops which can be most profitably raised thereon, and to furnish such other statistical information as he may be able to acquire in reference to the different sections of the State, climate, bus- iness to be pursued, and the cheapest and most reliable ex- peditious route by which immigrants can reach the State lands. Said Commissioner shall report to the Governor, from time to time, the num^ber ®f immigrants, their nativit}^ and where located, and the number of acres of the State lands or United States lands entered by them under the provisions of this Act5 ; Provided, the printing authorized b}^ this Act shall not exceed $3,000. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That there shall be sold, bar- gained and conve3'ed to every head of a familj' who may set- tle on the public lands belonging to the State of Mississippi, who shall reside upon and cultivate said lands for two consecu- tive years, and shall otherwise conform to the provisions of this Act not more than one hundred and sixty acres of said public *1 lands of the State of Mississippi, in the payment of five cents per acre, at or before the termination of the fourth 3'ear resi- dence for said lands to the Auditor of Public Accounts ; Pro- vided, That all applications for titles under the provisions of this Act, the sale shall embrace the lands actually occupied and cultivated by the settler thereon ; Provided, That the actual citizens, heads of families, who novr reside in the State of Mississippi, and who have no homestead, or owners of lands in this State, be and are hereby authorized to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land under the restrictions pro- vided for in this Act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That within twelve months after the surve3'S have been made before the settlement, then within twelve months from the time the settlement was com- menced, each person claiming a title under the provisions of ihis Act, shall prove to the satisfaction of the Auditor of Pub- lic Accounts, or such other officers as the law may provide for that purpose, that the settlement and cultivation required by this Act had been commenced, specifying the time of com- mencement; and at any time after the expiration of four years from the date of such settlement, he or they shall prove by two or more disinterested Witnesses the fact continued residence and cultivation, as required by the provisions of the third sec- tion of this Act, and upon such proof being made, the Auditor of Public Accounts shall convey the proper titles to said lands, on payment of the amount per acre, as provided for in section 3 of this Act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all persons claiming lands yiider any of the provisions of this Act, by virtue of settlement and cultivation commenced on or after the first day of Mnv, 1874, shall first make affidavit before a Justice of the Peace, or other officer as may be empowered to take such oaths or afflma- tions, that the lands claimed hy them is for their own use and cultivation; that they are not acting directly or indirectly as agents for or in the employ of others in making such claims, and that they have made no sale or transfer, or any nrrange- ment or agreement for any sale or transfer or alienation of the same, or by which the said lands shall enure to the benefit of ftny cAther person; and affidavits required by the provisions of this Act shall be entered on a record in the office conve3'iug the titles, in a well bound book, to be Tised for that purpose, and on proof before a Court of competent jurisdiction, that any of such oaths, affirmations are false or fraudulent, the person or persons making such false or fraudulent oaths or affirmations shall be subject to all the penalties of perjury, and the landis forfeited to the State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That for the purpose of more effectually carrying out the good intend and merit of this Act to the interest of the State, the Commissioner of Immigration of this State, whenever he may deem it advisable, with the ap- proval of the Governor, shall be and is hereby empowered to 3 appoint one or more Commissioners to assist and co-operate witli the Commissioner of Immigration in bringing settlers to this State, and the sum of two thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be found necessary, shall be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, said amount, or an}^ part thereof to be used for the within named purpose, and to be drawn on the order of and at the descretion of the Governor; Provided, that this Act shall not apply to the State lands around and in Jackson. Sec. 7. Be it ftcrther enacted, That if any of said Commis sioners shall directly or indirectly take or receive any fee, com pensation or reward, except the salary allowed by law, or by the agreement of the Coiumissioner of Immigration, he shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentary for a term not less than sis months or more than five years. Seo. 8. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, April 6, 1874. [-^ee Acta of 1874:, page 62.] Office of Commissioner of IxMmigration and Agriculture. ADAMS COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jfississippi. DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT. > Pa7^t of Section. S. T. II. 01 One lot Miner tract Glencaman residence .... 130 One lot west side Fairfield plantation lOCO Mrs. L. Renied}^ 19 5 Iw 195 One lot south side of Main and east of Pine street, Natchez Two lots Belleview, near cotton press, Natchez One lot west side Franklin, between Com- merce and Main streets, Natchez Part of Magnolia plantation 300 Mount Airy 1110 Part of Kilmarnock plantation 130 Kesidence and 75 Morelaiid plantation 750 One lot east side of Canal, corner of Jeffer- son, Natchez One lot east side of Rankin, between Jefferson and Hig'h streets, Natchez On Liberty road 20 Jingle, Johnny, fiehl on old river 829 One lot west side ot Pearl, between Franklin and Jert'erson Near Jackson Point 160 Plantation on T^ine Ridge 915 One lot east side of Lower River road Beach Land plantation 650 One lot Woodburu, Natchez One lot east side of Canal street, Natchez . . . Morrisana plantation 653 Allendale plantation 400 Sandv Creek plantation 260 Sprinlield plantation 1400 Part Providence plantation 153 Berkley' plantation 1280 Plantation Old River 460 One lut on Old River road, Natchez Lower River Road 19 Wilderness tract 20 One lot west side Broadway Office op Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. ADAMS COUNTT— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. S. Two lots west side Canal Pine-Log plantation Travelers' Rest plantation Wilderness tract Part Etama Southwood Lodge plantation Near Franklin City line China Villa plantation Cerro Gorde plantation Dead Man's Bend Next to Palmetto plantation Residence east side of Pine street, Natchez One lot north side of Franklin, between Wall and Pearl Oak Grove plantation Moss Hill and Woodstock plantation One-third lot north side Main, between Wall and Canal B. 1000 3000 22 10 2700 200 500 250 185 250 840 850 Note. — These lands entered in Auditor's Book 9, folio 19i. Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. ALCOBN COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. I description of the tract. Part of Section. S. T. M. » Tippah count}' 100 acres s e , 17 24 34 27 35 3 4 13 14 23 2 IG 1'^ 21 22 27 16 19 7 10 6 35 3^ 36 11 U 12 12 2 2 3 28 6 6 6 8 8 8 18 18 2 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7' 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 100 Alcorn county n e 80 W 1 n w 80 N w 160 S e 160 E ^ s w 80 70 acres s e 70 134 acres n w 53^ 106 acres w 4^ 106^ 53^ acres n \v 53^. 11 11 acres n e 20 acres s e 20 60 acres s w 60 N w 160 S w 160 40 acres s e 40 11 acres s w 11 N w 160 S w 160 S e 160 14 acres n w 14 40 acres s e. , 40 3 18 acres s w 18 H 40 S w :|^ s e 13 30 acres s w 30 4 10 acres n e 10 10 S e 160 10 acre interest 10 10 acre interest 10 5 acre interest W ^ 5 320 2 2i acres s e 2^ 30 acres s e . 30' 70 5 acres n w 5 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. ALCORN COUNTT— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jlississipjn. — [Continued.] description of the tract. > a Pari of Section. S. T. B. c;2 S e 29 1 2 7 5 18 5 18 29 81 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 9 I 9 9 9 160 80 acres n e 80 E ^ s e ^ 80 80 acres n e 80 E A 320 2 30 acres s w 30 N e 160 N 4^ s e 80 S e 160 N e 160 central CORINTH. Lot 12, block 13 Lots 13, 14, 15 & 16, block 88, One lot, block 88 Lots 1 & 2, block 124 Part of block 168 2 lots, block 170 N^ block 172 Lots 5 & 6, block 179 S ^ block 226 E I block 370 Balance of block 370 Block 379 Lots 7 & 8, block 409 Lots 13 & 14, block ilO. .... N e Jr block 412 S acres WEST CORINTH. Block 2 Block 19 Part of block 21 Part of block 22 N ^ block 33 3 lots, block 33 Block 70 Blocks 201 & 202 WEST CORINTH. — [Continued.] Block 203 Block 209 Block 210 Block 211 Part of block 215. Part of block 215. Block 225 Block 226 S 4- block 239 Pal-t of block 241. Block 251 Block 253 Block 257 WALKER S ADDITION OF CORINTH. 1-6 interest in block 518 50x200 feet in block 518 Block 575 Lots 3, 4, 35 & 36, block 576 .. . Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 31, 32, 33 & 3i, block 576 S e block 580 Graham's addition to corintii. Block 10 : Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agricultttre ALCOBN COUNTY— Lands subject to sals by the State of 3Iississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Graham's addition to corinth. [Continued.] W 4 block 11 PROPER ADDITION TO CORINTH. [Continued.] Block 7 N w block 13 Block 8 Wi^ block 14 Block 10 Block 17 Block 11 100x200 feet block 19. Block 17 -T acre block 19 . . . Block 19 N w block 30 Part n e block 20 TOWN OF RIENZI W ^ block 20 ADDI Hot BELL, YOUNG & m'CORd's TION to CORINTH. S e block 6 TOWN OF JACINTO. Lots 9, 102 & 103 10 acres. 1 house and lot PROPER addition TO COR INTH. Lot 41 & 1 acre, section 2, town- ship 4, range 8 Block 1 Part s w, section 2, township 4, range 8 Block 6 Note. — This laud entered in Auditr^r's office, book 9, folio 243. Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. A3IITJS COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jfississippu description of the tract. Part of Section. N w ^ of n e 1^ S ^ of s e :^, and s e ^ of s w ^ N ^ of n e ^, and n ^ of n w :^ S w ^ of s w ^ W -J^ of s e ^, and e ^ of s w ^, and s e^ of n w ^. and nw:^ofsw^ N ei N wi S w :| an d pt of n ^ • • N e ^ an d s w ^ W^of nei ■ of s w 1 • • Pt of n I Undivided -^ interest in s e ^ Undivided ^ interest in n e | Undivided ^ interest in s e ^ of n w ^ Undivided ^ interest in w ^ of s w ^. Undivided ^ interest in n e ^ N e :^ of s e ^ and w i of s e ^ W pt of s w ^ E 1^ s e ^ and s w :^ of s e ^ S e^ S e ^ of n e :^ and n e ^ of s e ^. Nav^ Part of w 4^ sei ....: N e :|^ and n -| of s 6:1^ , .. N e ^ of n w"^ N w ^ and n w :^ of n e ^ E| of n e ^ Lot No. 5 and part of lot 5 Se:^ofse:J Nei Ne:^ofnw:^ S ^of N w :| and w-^of sw:^ E part of lots' 2 and 4 Lots 1 and 2 Part of s e :|^ Part of s w ^ W ^ and part e^ofse^ T. B. 6e 6 G 6 5 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 6 6 40 120 IGO 40 240 160 160 160 320 80 160 160 40 80 160 120 120 ' "so' 160 240 40 200 80 40 160 40 10 Office of Commtssioner of Immigration and Agricultitre. AMITE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued J. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > Part of Section: 6: T E. 00 S ^ n w ^ and n w :^ n w -^ 14 15 41 41 20 7 9 16 17 17 17 8 18 16 32 32 28 28 28 19 9 12 10 11 3 13 16 24 24 24 24 19 N e i S e ^ E^of s wi 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 4 4 4 4 4e 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 e| of ne J^ Se^ofse;^ Swlswi 40 Part sec Se4s wi 40 Nei 160 N 4- of n w i 80 Seiofs e i 40 Lot 1 Nei 160 W A s e 1 80 S in e ^ 80 E^of swi Nelofswi 80 40 Sw^ofse:^ 40 S A n w 4 80 S w i 160 Lot 4 3 3 3 G W 4- of s e -1- .... 80 Pt N4 of uei SO Swiofsei 40 N wi 160 N e ^ : 4 4 5 5 5 5 G 160 W i of s e :i 80 Neisei 40 E ^ of n w 80 W|of n w^ 80 Note.— These lands entered in Auditor's Book 9, Folio 241. 11 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. ATTALA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Iftssissippi. description op the tract. Part of Section. E -^ of s w :^ and s e J of n e :^ and w 4- of n e ^ Lot No. 3 or e i of n w ^ N \, and s ^ of s w J S w :| of n W :^ Sei 120 acres s end n e :^ W|of u tv J- S w ^ N e i W ^ of u e ^, and u e :^ of n e ^ Nw^ofsw| S e :^ of s e ^. N e :|- of s vv ^, and s w ^ of n e ^ less 6 acres, and s e ^ of s w I, and 20 acres off east side of S W ^ of S W :^ W^of w^ S^ofne^ S e ^ of n w ^, and nw^ofsw^ N e :J^, and e^of n 'Vf \ E -^ of n w ^, and n e :|^ of s w ^, and n w :^ of s e ^ ^ofw| N w ^ of s w |- S W :|^ of S W :^ N w :^ of n w |.- 04 ac. in s -I" E^n wi E I of n e ^ Nwj S. T. li. 200 SO 40 16(8 120 80 160 160 120 40 40 134 160 80 80 240 160 160 40 64 80 80 160 Note.— These lands entered in Auditor's OfiSco Book 9, Foiio 206. 12 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. BEN'TON COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. description of the tract. > o Part af Section . 8. T. ■B. CO S i n w i U 1 1 1 18 24 30 31 32 33 33 33 34 33 7 26 28 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 80 N ei 160 120 acres u w ^ 120 S wi 160 IS 1-5 acres n yv ^ m 38 38 acres se:J S w ^ 160 N w 1 160 All 640 vSwi 160 8 e i, 160 N w^ 160 W 4 320 35^ acres e 4- 35^ 160 S w i ■ 20 acres e -J- 20 East 1 ) 320 Nw^ \ 33 7 •^9 160 160 W i S W i: 80 13 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. BOLIVAR COUNTY.— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. description op the tract. Part of Section. Ei Lotsl, 2, 7, 8,9,10, 14 and 15, Nw:^ne^ W^n w ^ Swi Nei E^sei Interest E -^ of s e :^ and s w ^ and w A of n \y ^. Ei All, 26 interests diag'l ^. E| of ne:i Eisei Ni Lots 1,2 5 and 9 . AH Wi All e of Bogue P and n w :^. Eisei W I w ^ of e A All ; Sei Sei All N \ and s e ;|^. Ne^ N i- and s e :|- ^ interest in all except 100 Interest Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35 36, 37 and 38 Lots 27 and 30 Lot 40 N \ and w ^ s w | W ^ n w :|^ and n e :^ of n w :^ Interest s w :3^ s und w Lane's Bayou N e q and sc:^ W I n w J: All fractional •23 •2t) •24 8 21 R. 320 322 40 81 162 76 39 200 320 318 72 26 80 80 320 125 640 323 190 80 480 640 162 460 '480* 160 480 ISO 130 600 40 400 120 12 40 liO 1 u Ob'flCE OP CoMMISSIONEK OP IMMIGRATION AKD AGRICCLTtRi.'. JWLIVAR COUNTY— Lands subject to iale by the Slato of 3fississippi — [Continued j . DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > Part of Section. S. T. R. en JB 4s TV i 20 30 33 26 26 26 5 5 6 120 N TV :^ and s w ^ n e ^ and w-^se^ N w ^ 280 160 Town of beulaii. Lot 1, Block 9 . TOWN OF RIVERTON. liOts 8 and part of 10 Block A . Lots 1, 2, S, 4, 5, 6j 7> 8, 9 and 12, Block A Lots 2 and 3, Block B Lots 4 and 5, Block B Lots 8, 9 and 12, Block B All Block All Block D TeWN OP FLOREYVILLE. Lot 2 in Block 1 Lots 7 and 9 Block 4 . Part lot 14 Block 5 . . Part lot 17, Block 6. . Part lot 17, Block 6. Part lot 20, Block 7 . , Part lot 23, Block 8 . , Part lot 46, Blo(;k 13 IfoTE»^These lands entered ia Auditor's Office Book 9, Folio 2tM. 13 Office of Comsiissioker ok Immigration anO AGRiCtLTtJRE. CARROLL COUNTY— Lands subject to sal'', by the Stat-^ of Mississippi. DESCKIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. E .V of s e ^ . . . s • E t} of S W :^ N e ^ of n e ^ 8 ^ of n w :^ I W 4 of n e ^, and i\ Vf \\ .....:...;. N^i '. ^y ^ of n ei W|ofn w ^ : Nw^ofsw^ W^ of nw^.. .>.... E I s w i W J- of n e i N e I of 8 w I S w :^ of 8 e :^, and e 4^ of .s e i Part of e i of n e ^ Part of n w ^ . . . Part of n e ^ Nwi E I of 5 w^ :^, and W \ of 3 e | E I n e ^, and s ^ less 23 a , W I, and W I of e ^ W" 1^ n e ^ and e ^ of n w 1 and s e ^ of n e ;^ Part s w ^ 63 acres, and part n e i 35 acres. S-v^^^ofne^, Nwi Ne| Part nc:^ S. T. R. 1318 3619 2521 26|21 3318 80 SO 40 80 160 160 80 80 40 80 80 80 40 120 30 22 160 160 377 480 200 9« 40 160 160 56 16 Office OP Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. CHOCTA W COUJSTTY— Lands subject to sale % the State of Mississippi. description op the tract. I*art of Section. Se^s e ^ ; SW:^SW^ E ^ n w :^ Se:|:se| N e :| n e :|^ S w ^ W^n ei S W ^ S W :| Se:^SW| S|-sw^w-|ne:^ Nw^ne:^. ...•••• Except 2 acres S ^ and s "l^ n e :^ except 5 acres, and e -^ n w ^ and sw^nw;^ S -^ n e ^ and n w :^ n e :^ and s e :|: Einei N w i E^ne i S W;^nw ^ Ne|nw| E 4^ s e :J and s w :^ n w ^. E I n w I N w :^ n e :|^ S w :^ s w ^ Se:^sw^ W A W4 se i W}n w i S vv -^ W I s w i W -^ n e ^ and e ^ n w ^ W|n wi N w i Se:|:SWd^ N e :^ and e^se:^ N w :^ and n ^ s ^ and n w :^ n e ^ . N e ^ s w ^ Nei N w :^ s e I Se^^ne ^ li. 9 9 10 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 9 8 10 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 40 40 80 40 40 160 80 40 40 160 38 515 280 80 160 80 40 40 120 80 40 40 40 320 80 80 160 SO 160 80 160 40 240 360 40 160 40 40 17 Office of Comjiissioner of Immigratiox and Agriculture. €HOCTA W C0U:N'TY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] description of the tract. Part of Section. W ^ n e ^ and u e :^ n e :^. S w 4 s w i N e i n w :^. . N 4 and s w and s e :|^ s and n w i s e:^ , W -g- s e :^ and s -i- s w :|^ . Se^SW:^ W 4- s w :| s w ^ W i s w ^, Nw^sw ^. N e ^ n w :|^. Nw^nw:^ E I s w i - . . . . N ^ n e i N e ^ n e I N w i S e :^ and e|^sw|^ N w ^ s e :^." S e ^ n w :^ and s e ^ s w :|^ , E ^ s w \ W I s e E |"s w ^ N w :^ n W :^ S w i s w i. . X 4 • X N -^ n e :^ and n w | of s e ^ . W E ^"'s e I. S e :^ n e :^ S e ^ n e :^ and e |^ n w | and w ^ n e ^ . S e ^ s e :^ and nw^sw:^ W ^ n e :^ and e | n w :^ N ^ and n -^ s w |^ W ^ s w i • Seiswi Nwinei W -^ s e :^ and b e :^ s e |. N w :^ n e i Kw^nw;^ S e i n e i Nw^n w ^ *2 S. 18 B. 10 120 10 40 10 40 11 540 11 160 11 40 11 20 11 80 11 40 9 40 9 40 9 80 9 80 9 40 9 IGO 9 240 10 40 10 80 10 80 10 80 10 11 11 40 11 120 11 80 11 80 11 40 9 200 9 80 9 160 9 400 9 80 9 40 9 40 9 120 9 40 9 40 10 40 11 40 18 Office of Commissioneu of Immigration^ and Agriculture. CHOC T A W COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3fiss iss ipp i — [Continued.] DESCRII'TION OF THE TRACT. Pari of Section. S e ^ n e ^ S w ^ n e ^ and n w i n W ^ part s e ^, 85 acres E -^ s w :^ and s w -J- s w :^ and s e ^ n w ^ . . . . W -^ s w ^ and s c ^ s w ^ and n e ^ and s e :| n w ^ and e |^ s e ^ and s vv | s e ^ and pari n w ^ s e ;^, 8 acres Se^ne:^ N w i n e i S w ^ 3 w ;^ and w ^ n w ^ s w | and part n w ^, 3 acres J^ei E^sei Nw^ne| N e I n e I E ^ n w I and w J^ n e | Einei " , S W ^ 8 W :[ E ^ n w ^ .N e :^ n w :^. . . N w :^ n e :^ N ^ n e -^ E ^ s w i E^n w ^ Sw^Jnw^ 8w^ne| 8 e l and n w ^ W 4 s e 1 ef N e :^ s w ^ S e i n w I S e i n w I s w ^ s e -}..... . E ^- n w i S "I" n e i n w \ Se^ne;]^ Sw:^se^ Ne isc:^. N w i n e ^ and ii e ;| n w | E^n ei S^i ■' s. 11 11 9 9 10 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 40 80 ■85 160 548 40 40 63 160 80 40 40 160 80 40 80 40 40 80 80 80 40 40 320 80 160 40 40 80 80 20 40 40 40 80 80 160 I 19 Office of Commissionkpw of Imaiigration and Agriculture. CnOCTA W COUNTY— Lmuls subject to sale by the State of 3fississippi — [Continued. | DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT. o Pv Part of Section. S. T B. S wl 7 8 20 29 30 30 32 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 160 N 4^ s e :^ 80 S w -^ s e :^ 40 N w :| s e ^ and n e :| s w ;J 80 Ne:|nw;| 40 W 4^ s e :^ 80 Seinwi 40 TOWN OF GREENSBOROUGH. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 16, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 8.. One lot in Cumberland.. TOWN OF LAGRANGE. Lot 1, block 9, TOWN OF LAGRANGE — [Contin'd] Lot 2, block 13 Lot 4, block 13 Lots 1 and 4, block 17. Lots 1 and 4, block 18. Lots 2 and 3, block 18 . Mote.— Tiiose lands entered in Auditor's office, Book 9, folio 264. 20 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. CLARKE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jfississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > Part of ^Section. S. T. ] 1 3 4 3 2 Jl. m Sw:^nwJ 27 13 16 24 24 23 15 16 16 17 15 16 40 S w ^ of n w ^ 40 E lot's e :^ 80 nw|^SW:|^ 40 E^ne^^ofsw^ and n w | n w |^ s e ^ of n w ^ and sw^ofnw^ 200 W 1 of n w :i 80 One house and lot east side of railroad in Sliubuta , S w ^ and n w ^ of s e ^ and n e ^ of s e ^ , . . . Ne :^of se^ 12 25 23 1 1 3 17 14 16 240 40 N e^ of n e :^ 40 One house and lot in west Enterprise One house and lot in west Enterprise S i of n e ^ 4 4 18 24 18 19 2 2 4 4 4 4 17 17 17 17 18 18 80 Se ^ 160 S e :^ of s w :i and w ^ s e | and n e ;| of s e | Ne i ". 160 160 S e ^ of s w ^ and w ^ of s e ^ and n e :| of s e i 160 N 4- n w 4 80 Lot 7 and part of lot 32 in Shubutsf W^ofse^ofse^ 36 '^1 2 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 14 15 17 18 18 18 18 16 14 SO E-|ofsw^.... 80 E 1 n e ^ and e-|se^ 24 4 15 15 15 24 160 SW:jnW:f 40 Nei 160 S e^ 160 E|sw:^ofnw:^ _ 240 S e^ of s w :| and n w ^ of s e ^ 30 acres of s e :| of n e :|^ SO 30 One house and lot in Shubuta Siofsei 32 4 17 16 4 32 3 10 10 10 1 1 16 8 8 7 14 14 Swi 160 Neinwl 40 E -^ of n w :^ and 10 acres w | of n e :| W Aof ne i 90 80 Nw^ofne;!^ 40 One house and lot in Quitmau 21 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. CLARKE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. — j^Continued]. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of Section. S. T. 7^. cc N e ;^ of S W ;J .' 12 24 35 30 30 19 5 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 15 15 15 17 16 16 15 40 Lots 8 and 12 Lots 11, 12, 14 and 15 N e ^ of n e ^ " '46' N w ^ of s w 4 and n e ^ of u e :| 80 NW:jOfs w^ 40 Undivided ^ interest in n w ^ and w -^ of s e ^ Lot 36 in Shubuta N e ^ of n e :jf less 10 acres 1 28 20 29 30 30 8 2 15 17 14 14 15 15 15 30 S wi 160 S 4 of s w ^ and s w ^ of s e ;J 120 E ^ of n w ^ SO Sw:^ 160 S ^ of s e 1 . 80 S 6 :^ of n w ^ 40 Lot in DeSoto S w ^ of s e 1 and s | of n w :^ of s e ^ N e :| of s e ;|: and e^ofne^ 24 18 20 22 22 30 30 30 30 10 14 18 22 26 28 2 8 10 34 22 22 12 12 13 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 11 3 3 3 3 3 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 5 w 17 17 15 15 15 60 120 Ne^ 120 160 S e i 160 Nei 160 N w^ .. . 160 S e i 160 S w i 160 W-^ofsw| 80 E ^ of n e I 80 W ^ of n e^ 80 S e is w 4 40 N ^ of n w ^ 80 Eiofsw^ 80 S ^ s w :5 and s e :|^ of s w :| 120 Se^n W:|: 40 E^ofsei 80 Lots 2 and 3 E -^ s w ^ and n W;|ofsw:^ 120 W^ofswi 120 80 Se:^ofsw^ 40 E -^ n w ^ and e -^ s w ^ and nw^ne:| 200 Note — These lands entered in Auditor's Office Book 9, Folio 260. 22 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculturk. COAHOMA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. description of the tract. Part of Section. S w :^- of s w ^, and n e :^ of s e | VV I less 14 82-100 acres E ^ of n vv ^, and u e :^ of s w ^ S w :^ of s e ^ N^ ofs 6:1, ands ^ n e l, and 18 acres in w.^ of n e^ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 N ^, and s e ^ E -^ of n w ^, and n w | of n w ^, and s e -| of s w ■^, and s w :^ of n w :|: of n e ^ held b}' the Levee Board S -^ n e ^, and e -^ n w |-, and n e :^ of s w ^, and ne:|:Ofse:^ N w I of n e ^, and se^ofnc:^ E -,V of n e ^ except 57 acres S e i N w I ^-h 8 ^, and n e ^. . N w ■} N"w ^, and s 4.. N w I of n w ■^. W-M w^ Ef of n e ^ .. . W ^ S w^. E ■^, and s e :^ of w ^-, and s w ;^ of n w | E|of e I " N 4- of n w I, and s w ^, and n e :^ of s w ^ . . . . W^i S -^ of s w ^ and sw^ofse^ 8 e ^ of s w ^ and s e :]: of s e ^ N e :^ and e I of W I and wiofse^ W -} of n e ;| and n w ^ and n w ^- of s w ^ and s 4 of s w I Lot 13 Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 Lot 4 Lots 1, 2, 6 and 7 13 25 IJ 25 14 25 •23 25 ■14 ■ir, 25 25 25 25 26 25 10 25 U 25 23 25 27 25 25 25 15 27 2] 27 2C 27 27 27 34 27 35 28 2 -9 8 29 11 29 11 R. 2 80 316i 120 40 178 'so" 340 240 120 23 160 160 320 40 480 40 80 SO 320 160 160 520 160 280 320 120 80 400 360 23 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. COAHOMA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. — [Continued,] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o a Part of Section. .v. T. Jl. x Lot 5 less 24 acres 14 35 15 16 10 19 5 31 9 '33 2 3 24 34 29 30 29 29 28 29 30 31 25 25 26 26 26 21 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Interest in lot 10 N e 4 of s w i All E ^ of s e ^ 80 N + Lot 5 Fractional Lot 11 All 640 Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 Se J; 160 Lots 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 N e :^ and n e :^ of s w ^ and s w ^ of s w ^ . . . S e |- of s e :^ 240 40 Lots 12 and 13 36 18 17 20 21 28 29 3(. 1 34 3 4 5 32 33 o4 3 17 18 18 20 n 24 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 29 29 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 25 27 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 All 640 Si 320 All : 640 W i 320 AIL 640 All 640 All 640 Lots 3, 4, 6 and 7 S w ^ o f n e :| 40 W 1 320 E i- 320 80 6 e 1 and s e ■^ of s w ^ and a ^ n. e ^ ol 320 Si 320 160 N i and s w ^. .' 80 Si Three-fourths interest in e i of s e x 320 240 "N i and w ^ s w ^ and n e :^ of s e :^ and 19 acres in s i of s e i 459 s i of s w +: , 80 24 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. COAHOMA COUNTY — Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continned.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of /Section. .5^. T. i?. Hi All 25 27 4 lo 21 27 28 29 30 30 31 8 8 21 22 il 31 30 1 2 3 8 11 13 14 1 2 12 3 5 6 9 9 16 17 IS 2( 10 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 640* S w ^ of n e |- and s ^ 360 El 320 Alf 640 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and & W i^ of s w ^ 80 Lot 3 Lots 5 and 6 less 14 acres Lots 10 and 11 Lot 5 . . E 1 of n e i E 1 of s w ^ 80 80 Lot 3 Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 All 640 Se^ofne^ 40 All less e^ofne ^ J>60 Lots 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Se i 160 Lot 10 W 4^ s w ^ 80 Interest in S e ^ 160 Lots 1, 2, 13, 14 and 15 Si 3 All 640 All 640 W i of w 4^ 160 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 32 acres off w ^ of lot 4, and less 15 acres off lots 6 and 11 All less l.'iO acres in s end 170 All less 100 acres 540 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Lot 15 All 640 480 E^ofse ^ 80 N e i of n e 1 40 25 Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. C0A2103IA COUNTT—Lcmcls subject to sale by the State of Mississij^jn. — [Continued.] description of the tract. > Part of Section. S. T. H. OD ^ vf ^ oi' n e ^ and s e :5 less 4 acres 10 15 U 2( 3 9 10 4 9 9 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 26 26 25 26 26 28 28 29 29 29 29 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 196 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 S w I 160 Lot 2 Lot ] N 1 lots 2, 3 and 4 S 1 lot 1 S 4 n w 1 80 Lots 2 and 3 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 Lots 11, 12 and 13 N e ^. 160 Lots 1 and 8, 3 10 15 2 19 26 19 20 2(> 19 30 ] 13 23 25 26 3(1 E ^ of n e :^ and s ^ 240 N e :| and e ^ of n w :^ Lots 2 and 3 240 S e i 100 W -i of n e 4 and n w 4 240 s + 320 S w ^ 160 S-|ofnw:|^ 80 i"'^ Ne 4: 320 160 E4- of s w ^ and nw:^ofsw^ 120 S w :^ and w -^ of e -| and n e ^ of s e ^ N ■!■ of n e :|^ and n w ^ 280 240 S-i-ofsw^ 80 S ^ 320 All 640 FRIARS POINT. Lot 45 E^ lot 46 Part of lot 107. TULLER S ADDITION TO FRIARS POINT. Interest in lot 3. TULLER S ADDITION TO FRIARS POINT. — [Continued.] Two-thirds interest in lot 19. . Lot 10 and 11 LOTS IN DELTA. Lot and buildins: Note.— These lands entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio 208. 26 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agricultuke. COPIAH COUXTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. description of the tract. > o Part of Section . S. T. R. N w J; s e -i- o o 30 23 1 2 2 2 I w L 2 2 40 E 4^ s e 4 and u wlsel 120 E ^ s w :^ and 10 acres in n w ^ s w :^ W 4^ s w :|^, 14 acres 90 94 S e i 160 N e :^ and n 1^ s e ^ and n e ^ 21 13 14 20 21 21 22 14 10 K 10 10 10 9 \) oe 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 S^^sw^swi Se^se^ S i lot 6 and s ^ of lot 1 8 w ^ Sw^ W A n e i and n w 4- N wi s e ^ 3 acre lot 17 acres in a ^ n w 4 23 20 16 34 9 10 u 11 2 '11, ii 5-1 9 ii 9 j9 23 23 3t) 4 5 1 10 1 2 . 1 1 9 : ^- 2 2 1 1 1 2 w 1 8 e Nw^se^..^ 8 e ^- s w ^ regard S e ^ s w 1 and s w :| s e :| E J n ei 1 w 1 1 L I 2 2 2 2 2 2 ■} 2 2 2 3 3 3 N -|- n w :i and s | s w :| and s e :J n e ^ 20 acres in e 4^ s e i S w :i- n w 4 4 acres in w i- N 4 n w 4 Ne^ W ^ s e i N e :j s e ^ less 2 acres Selsei N e :^ s w ^ less 3 acres. 10 acres in n w corner of s w :^ 3 acres in n \v corner of n w -| n. w ^ Se4-se4 27 Office of CoMJiissiONER of Immigration and Agriculturk, COPIAH COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Misslssijyn — [Continued.] DESCRirTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Sect/on 6 acres in w ^ N W :^ E ^ S C :^ N w ^ s e|. . . S e ^ s w ^ W |- s w :^ s e ^. W.>s wi N w ^ s w I . . . E I s w i Nei E J^u w i S I S e -L. E^ A\\.. W I e I of s G i S w :|^ s e ^, less 3 iicres E ^ s w ^, less 16 acres W -^ w :| s w ^ and e -^ s w -| . . . W 1^ e -^ e ^ and e4-se^se+. W|s w^ ' S e '';:^ s w I S w ^ and s vv ;^ s e :|: All E i n e i N w ^ n e j- S w i N e:^ n w I S w :|^ s w ^. N e I n w ^ VV I n w -| Wisei W^s w^ S -^ less w 4- s e I Wi n wi" W I n w ^ N w ^ n w ^ N e ^ n w j 5-. 7'. 9 If) IS 2! 30 4 4 26 ■27 28 33 34 5 (■ i) 7 8 U 9 5 16 18 2' ■ j .^ 3;') 37. 9 3 10 I- 15 :o 24 27 33 P. 214 4 4 4 4 4 4 28 Office op Commissioner of Immigratiok and Agriculture. COPIAH COUNTY — Lands subject to sale hij the State of 3Iiss iss ipiJ i. — [Continued]". DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o SI w Part of Section. S. T. P. CO E 1 S W i: 35 1 13 13 •23 1 1 3 25 25 25 2 15 14 6 9 19 31 10 28 9 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 5e 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 N e 1 W .Uot 1 Lot 2 W|n w^ N i lot 4 . ■ Lot 5 N w i Lots 1 and 2 ♦ Lot 5 Lot 6 S w i n w i 6 acres in n end of s w ^ n w ^ W ^ n w 1 W 1^ n w i All less n w ^ of n w :|^ of s e |^ N .V S nV W'is'e i W^^n w ^ W4- n w^ Nw^se^ Lots 5 and 6 and s + lot 7 and lots 8 and 9 and lot 10 less 24x60" feet in Gallatin Lot 23 less 75x50 feet in Gallatin Lot 26 2 ^ acres inw^ne^ 12 12 12 30 6 17 18 24 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 23 acres in s w i 5 acres in w side of w^-se^ S e 1 s w ^ ." Nei E 1 ii e 1 and n w :^ of n e ^ and n w i and n | s e :^ N e ^ n w ^ E ^ lot 2 sqr 19, Beauregard 2 acres in nw4swi 1 6 8 12 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 24 acres in n w 4 s w 4 W 1 s w 1 n Av ^ 29 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Ageiculturf. COPIAH COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued]. Note.— These lands entered in Auditor's OfiSce Book 9, Folio 248. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > Part of Section. ci\ T P. CO S w i se ^ 21 34 J 5 6 7 11 ■2b 3r. 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8e 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 LO 10 10 10 10 10 LO 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 2w le Seine! S w :|^ n w :^ and n ^ of n w J; N w ! and w -^ n e :^ and n e -)r n e ^ E 1 n e :| E A s e i E| s e^ N w ! s w ^ and s e :^ of s w :^ and n w :| n e ^ Lots 7 and 8 W 1" n e ^ and sw :|^se^ 10 k; 18 24 34 8 12 14 19 21 1 6 1(5 19 20 30 .SO 30 34 6 31 18 19 20 11' 10 u 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 W -^ and w -^ e 4- N e :|^ s e :|^ less 124- acres i N w ^ s e ;^ s. N As e4 Sw^SC:!^ NW^SW;^ Lot 4 less 30 acres Neisei 6 acres in w 4- s w 5 Nei Seinwi S W :| S W |- Ne i N tL n w 4 N w 4 s e 4 ancT sw4swi Lots 3, 4 and 5 N e :|- n e .-^^ and e ^ s w ^ and s w :^ s w :^ . . . . Ne4nw4 N e 4 s w i and sw4sw 4 40 Win e4 32 }0 9 1 80 W "1^ 8 w :^ and 86:^ nvv ^ 120 30 Oi'FICE OP CoMMISSIOXEK OF I.AIMIGKATION AND AgUICULTUKE. COVINGTOH COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ilississi^ypi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. S ^ of s e :^ vS ^ of n w ^ w ^- of s e ^ and n e :^ of s \v ^. W Jf of n w ;^ and s w :^ of n e :|^ 8 e :|^ of s w ;|- and seofse 8 W :^ of S W :j^ E |- of s e :^ , S e ^ of s e :J^ 8 w ;^ of s w ;^ N (' ^ of 3 6:^ and n e ^ of n e 4- 8 ^ of n w ^ and w -^ of s w | S e ^ of s e :^ N e ;^ of n w :|: and s -Jt of a e \ S w .1^ of s w ^ N e ^ of n e ^ S e ^ of s w I N w ^ of s w ^ X w ^ of s w \ and c \ of n w ^ and s w :^ of 8 w ^ N w ^ o f n w \ S vv i l*art of n ^ of n w ^. N e ^ of n e ^ N e I of n w ^- S 1 of s w ^ and a c; :]^ of s w ^ E *of s e ^, W4-ofs w i S w :5^ and a w |- of n c N vv i E. 16 16 16 16 16 14 17 17 14 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 16 14 15 15 16 14 16 16 16 16 80 200 120 80 40 80 40 40 80 80 40 120 40 40 40 40 160 40 160 40 40 160 80 80 200 160 Note,— These lauds entered iu Amlltor'a office, boot 9 folio 297, 31 Office of Cj-m^iissionkr of lMjiiaKATi(;N and Agkicultuke, a HICK ASA W COUNTY— Lands snbject to sale by the State of 3fiss iss ipp i. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of Section. S. T. B. (/J S e:^ 2 8 3 3 13 17 24 25 29 32 35 '^1 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 43 13 13 14 15 16 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 U 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 U i4 14 2 2 ' 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 . 2 ■ 2 2 2 2 2 . 3 3 . 3 3 . 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 3 4 . 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 N w 1 N w 1 N w 1 S wi S vv -i N w ^ 8 e ^ S 6:^ N^nei N e i N w^ ... S4 8 10 10 17 9 34 12 8 12 13 23 25 25 25 26 9 3 13 18 22 26 26 31 32 2 28 31 32 8 wi 50 acres \v ^ n e ^ 25 acres n^^ne^l: Swi N ^ n w ^ 93 acres ne^ N A 11 e 1 36 acres n e | NtvI 30 acres se \ N e 1 S w i S e i N e^ Nwi N e -i 20 acres n e |- Nei 84se4 , N ^nei ..., XO acres e cod u w -j 40 acres n c i Nei 20 acres n e -| 120 acres swi , Nei N^sei 32 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture, CHICKASAW COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iiss>ssippi. — [Continued]. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. 120 acres n e ^ 10 acres n w cor. s w :^ Ne| 140 acres n w :^ Nwi 60 acres n part s w :^. 48 acres n e ^ W I S W :L Sei 70 acres e |^ n w ^. . . . Nwi Sw^ R. TOWN OF HOUSTON. S h lot 1, square 3 less 20x60 ft. Square 33 6^ acre lot n w :^ S. 4, T 14, R 3. TOVv^N OF EGYPT. M. o Part of Section, S. T. B. W \ and s e :^ and s -^ of n e ^ 5 7 9 11 5 7 19 23 27 27 31 33 13 15 30 35 36 26 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 E ^ and sw:|^nw;J Sw^ofn W:|8i and ne^iw^ne^nw:^ se^n^ne-Jnw^ N w ^ n e :i and w^ne ^ 120 W ^ 320 Ww|ne^ne^3e:^se:^ and n e ^ Sw^sw:|^n w^e^sw^ and e 4- Ne:|^ne:|^ 40 S w^ All • • • • All All E^ S e ^ and w :^ n w :^ S w ^ S w i n e ^- N 4 n w :| . . . ."* Se^^nw^ W^sw^ .... E4-sw:^w^sej: 32 6 8 10 13 18 20 22 23 24 28 4 6 14 28 30 34 20 25 E^ All Sw^sw^ Balance All W 4 AH S 4 Balance N4 S 4 N e i . , Sw^hw^e4sw^iie^ Sw^ 160 Nei N ^ n w ^ 160 80 320 E- 4 n e :J and s 4 n w i 35 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. GREENE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT, > o Part of Section. S. T. R. CD W ^ and se^ofse^nw^ne^ 31 17 19 20 20 28 28 35 33 35 8 3 20 ^9 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 E^ 320 Whole 640 S ^ and nw|sw|s^se|n^ne^nw:|-... N W;|sw:|sw^n w^ Ni^ s w 1 80 S4-se4nw4se4 N w^ 160 S^ W ^ AIL E4- Sw:{-se:^ Ne^ All 26 28 30 32 34 1 4 5 8 10 13 21 24 26 21 28 1 5 6 8 9 13 15 18 26 30 Ne4r N A 2 N ^ n w :|^ and n e \ Einw4- S wi E -^ n w ;| and ne:|^sw:| All W Fractional N w :| e 4- and ne^iiw^ N 4- s w ^ and ne^ne^ N w ;^ and w -^ n e :^ and w^sw^ E fractional Se^^ne^ Ne:|^swisw^sw4 W i 320 Ni^ 320 E4^ 320 Si 320 All 640 N^ 320 W^SW:^ 80 All 640 Ni 320 36 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. GEE EN E COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ifississippi. — [Continued. ] description op the tract. Part of Section. S T. b: 02 W -J- and s-^ofnw^n q \. 36 t) 3 4 7 2 13 14 29 31 34 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 25 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 G 7 12 13 17 27 29 30 31 32 7 8 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 E ^ and n w ^ and n. ^sw^ofsw^ s 1 320 S w 1 and n w ^ of s w ^ and w ^ s e ^ S w :^ and s -^ n e ^ and n w ^ of n o J N^ ". 320 N e :|- and n o M Part of Section. S. T R. en S el 2 3 11 12 19 20 21 25 27 32 33 34 2 4 5 9 10 21 5 6 11 14 19 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 160 S 1^ n w ^ and ne^sw^ N e ^ of n e 1 120 40 E i n w i and wAse ^ 160 eI....* \...^. 320 Se:|^SW:|:.... 40 S i s w 1 80 All 640 S 4- se4 80 N-^se:|^andn-|se^ and sw:^se^- W ^ n e ^ n ^ and sw|ofnw^w-| and ^ e i s e 4 N -^ n e ^ and se^ofswl E -i n e :|: and w 4 All '^ 640 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 N4 320 N ^ and se^^ S w| 480 160 Win w^ SO Se:|^nW:|^ 40 Lot 3 Lot 106 and w ^ lots 4 and 5 Einei NoTE.—These lands entered in Auditor's Office Book 9, Foiio 2^8. 39 Office OF Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculturh. GliENABA COUNTY — Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississipin. DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT. Part of Section. Lot 5 Lots 1, 5,6, 8, 12 and 13 W ^ n e ^ and e ^ n w :| Lots 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 Lots 8, 9, 10, Hand 12 Lots 2 and 7 Lots 2, 3, 5 and 6 Lot 13 Lots 13 and 14, section 6, and lot 2. W k ' w s e Part of 100 acres in s e :^, S wi N^se:^nw^ and n e ^ Part of 12 acres in s e :|, corner lot 13 . S -^ n w :^ Nwisw^ Lot 7 Part of 35 acres s e W|s wi Sw^sw^ W ^ s w I N w i N e :^ and n w ;|^, E I n w ^ and e S w 1 he^^ne^ Nw^nw^ S W :^ Wis w^ Se^^ne^ ...,. Nw^nw^ Lots 6 and 7 south of ri\ Lots 77, 78 and 79 Sw^sw^ Ne^nw ^ Nw^ s i er. se|ne|s\v|. s w |. T. B. 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 22 22 23 18 8 11 11 21 .Sw^ne^.... 4 520 160 160 320 240 160 40 40 160 80 40 40 40 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. GRENADA COUJSTTY— Lands subject to sale hij the State of 3Iississippi. — [Continued.] description of the tract. Part of Section. Lot 6 N e ^ and e ^ n w ^ less 21 acres west side. N -| s w ^ and n w^se^ N e I n w I W^n e i Nw^nw^ Part of 8 acres s w corner n e |. S e I s w ^ and sw^se^ Se 4- in e W f 11 e -$■ S-J-se^se^ S wi ,. Nw^n e| Se^se^ W -^ ei less 30 acres. E iw^ n w :^ n w ^. . N e i s w ^. Se^se^nw^ Part 1^ acres inw ^se^l Lot 109 and n division 34 feet, Lot 6 e w Gre nada Lots 27, 133 and 136, e w Grenada Lots 169 and 206 Lots 22 and 23 8. T. R. Note. — ^This land entered in Audit >i'':j office , book 9, folio 222. 41 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. HANCOCK COUNTY — Lands subject to sale by the State of 3IississipiJi. description op the tract. Part of Section. Front lot 38, Shieldsborough Part of Chalbert's claim, 31 and 32. All Rear lot No. 160, Shieldsborough. . . . Lot No 4, not assessed Lots 54 and 55, square H, Gainsville N e -i '^ o J. is et Front lot 138, Shieldsborough Front lot 174, Shieldsborough A. Frazier's claim S ^ lot No. 1 Rear lot 151, Shieldsborough S 4- lots No. 5 and 6 Lot 57, square I, Gainsville Lot No. 2 All of J. B. Ladner, except w ^ of n w ^, 27 28 and 33 " S W :| of S e :^ Fractional part of Lots No. 2 and 3 Wiof E -J of n e :| and w-^of ne^^ S w ^ of s vv ^ N e|of n e^ E -^ of n w ^ E -J of n e ^ and sw^of ne^ 11 35 T. R. 14 17 18 40 40 320 80 40 40 80 120 Note.— These lai;ds ontcrnd in Auditor's Book 9, Folio 221. 42 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. IIIXD8 COU^sTTY— Lands subject to sale by the Slate of Jfississiiypi . description of THE TRACT. > to Pa7't qf Section. S. T. B. Si IS 19 13 24 17 26 26 27 4 4 4 7 4 3 3 3 1 w 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 320 N -L n e ^ 80 N 4 n e 4 80 N w i u w ^- - 40 30 acres s e corner e | 8 w ^ . corner s w |^ T ind fl acres n e 89 S e 4 160 Sw4 160 S e 4- n e 4 80 S "I e ij- and w | of 1 acre in 5 Jackson acre lot 4, south 160| 83 240 E I n e ^ and 3 acres n end o S A s w 4 and se 4 ^^i sei 14 27 31 35 33 34 8 28 21 8 4 4 4 3 3 3 7 3 14 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 2 2 2 N w ^ and n e :^ except 5 acres s e e ^ s w ^ and w 4 s e ^ corner and 475 N w ^ except 3 acres in s w corner E4s e 4 157 80 Ni ...: 320 N w |- n e ^ and 32 acres in n S w ^ n e ^ and s e ^ n w ;|: . . S w ^ wi. 112 80 160 E4 se i , SO 160 N w4 160 73 acres n end e | of n e ^ , 73 N 4 of lots 7 and 8 3:. 12 20 19 1 9 11 12 13 14 31 6 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 2 Lot 3 and w 4 lot 4, square 2, W i of s w f In R xjmond . . . ' 'so 14 acres s end e4sw:^ 4 N 4 n w 1 ". , 80 E ^ n e ^ and w -^ s e ^ and e 6 e ^ s w :^ and s | s e | and w ^ n e ^ ^ s w i n w :^ and 240 320 6 Av 1 s w :^ and e4s w^ 120 N w 4 " 160 N e :| and e ^- n w 4 240 E4sei...: * 80 43 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. HINDS COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ifississippi. — [Continued.] description of the tract. > Pi Part of Section. S. 9 10 15 9 10 11 12 8 17 14 25 12 T 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 8 S 13 R. GC S e 1 n w ^, and s h n e ^, and 20 acres n end w^ se;^ 3\v 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5e 140 20 acres s w cor. n vv ^ 20 All 640 S e 1 160 S 1^, and s -^ n el, and s e :^ n w ^ , 480 W> s w i. !" 80 N e ^ n w :|, and ne^ 200 Seise 4r 40 Ne4ne4 40 Lot 7 E 4- n w 4 SO N w 1 . 160 House and lot assessed to A D McKay Bolton's Depot ^ Lot L square 6, Raymond 6 acres n w cor. n w 1 , 10 16 4 21 22 24 25 26 3( 19 4 5 6 17 31 3ti 20 21 i Q 4 5 5 6 6 G 6 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 Iw le 1 Iw 1 1 1 1 1 1 le 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 W -^ s w 4 " SO 2 acres e ^ n w + 2 14 acres s^end of e ^ of s e :| 20 acres s end w ^ s w |^, and s e ;|^ of s w ^. . S w :|^ of s w ^, and w ^ of s e ^, 14 60 120 W ^ n e ^, and w ^ 400 160 Nw :^nvv:^ 40 820 W A n w4 SO N ^, and 91 acres in s w ^ N e :^, and e 4- s e :| 411 240 S w :|: n e ^, and n w :|^ of s e ^, and e i of e 4. ■ ■ S w 4 " . . ". 240 160 E+ 320 80 3'8 acre in Cohea Survey .a Part of lots 1 and 2, and 11 ft. off lots 3 and 4 Part 5 acre lot 6 3 1 44 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. HINDS COUNTT—Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iiss iss ipp i — [Continued.] description of the tract. >■ Part of Secdo7i. S. T. li. CO 5 acres n 4 e ^ n e 5. . . 16 5 le 5 1 acre next to Alex. Penn on Clinton road. . . 1 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 1 5, & w ^ lot 10, Clifton surv. ^ acre lot 11, Huntsman's survey 4 acre lot. Huntsman's survey Ft. 2 acre lot 10, South Jackson 1 acre lot, Clilton sul)urbs Lots 3 and 4 except 11 feet off end S. Jackson . Called 10 acre lot 5, North Jackson 13^ 3 5 N w corner n w ^ 3 acre s e corner s e ^ 5 acres e ^ s w ^- 16 26 3 6 Iw 4 E i lot 13, Brownsville N e :j u e ^ and \v ^J^ n e 5 and n w ^ 6 7 31 10 35 4 5 17 7 7 8 15 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 5e 1 2 2 2 280 N Jy S W :^ 80 W -^ s w 5 and w 4- s e :^ , . . . . 160 Lot 1 W ^ e -J and n e ^ n w ^ and e | n e ^ 19 ^ acres n e corner s w :| 280 19 46 acres e -^ s e j 46 Lot E 1^ 5 acres, lots 11 and 12, North Jackson. . . 5 acres, lot 16, North Jackson 5 acres, lot 17, North Jackson Lots 61 and 62, North Jackson Pt. lot 8, Court Square, South Jackson Pt. lot 14, South Jackson Pfc. lot s sqr. 7, South Jackson 6 acres, lot 23, South Jackson Pt. 10 acres, lot 3, South Jackson Pt. 10 acres, lot 3, South Jackson Pt. 10 acres, lot 3, South Jackson Pt. 10 acres, lot 11, South Jackson Lot 58 124 Lot 10, West Jackson Lot 31, West Jackson Lot 32, West Jackson 20 acres in e 4- s e ^ 16 32 33 34 5 3 3 3 le 2w 2 4 20 E -^ s e ^ less 26 acres 54 W -^ s w ;^ and w4-e4-sw ^ 120 Eisei 80 45 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. HlJirnS CO UN'TT— Lands subject to saU by the State of 3£iss iss qjp i. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Fart of Section. S. T. Jl. Vt N 4- n w 1 29 30 34 9 3 7 8 1 5 6 7 8 31 27 l.^ IG 29 4 4 5 6 G 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 14 4 r. 5 Iw 1 2 3 3 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 3 5e 1 1 1 80 E ^ n e ^ n e ^ 20 4 acres n e ^ corner n e :^ s e ^ and s | ne ;^ . W ^ n e ^- and e ^ n w -^ 84 160 N 6 ;^ n e^ 40 N w X s e 4 and e 4- s e 4- 20 W -2- s w ^ and s w ^ n w ^ 120 S e :^ e -I" s w ^ 40 S 6 i 160 E -i- s w 1 and n w 4 s w 1 120 N |- s w :^ and s e ^ s w :^ and s w :| s e -^. . . . N w ^ n e ^ and e^Vne ^ 160 120 E A s w i and se^se 1 120 House and lot, Cavusia 12 acres sw:^sw:|^ 12 5 acres nAe4-ne4 5 E^s e^ 80 W pt. lot 1, sq. 3, S Jackson Pt. lO^icras, Igt 2 4-^ acre lot, Gohea survey, Jackson S w ^ S W :f C 28 29 7 5 5 Iw le 1 40 ■J lot 8, Baukston's surve}-, Jackson Lots 4 and 6 Ne^ne-^ 40 Note— TLis land entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio 270. 4G Office of Commissioner of Imjiigratiox and Agriculture. ISSAQUENA COUXTY—Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of Section . S. T. R. w S is e i 35 30 IC 1 3 4 13 33 1 2 32 11 25 12 12 12 13 10 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 \ 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 80 All less -10 acres in n w :^ 900 Interest w4-sA 123 All s 620 All Interest 84 \V -i n w 1 80 N w ^ 160 N w i 151 Elof n e i 80 8 ei 160 Interest n e :|. 31 N i Note.— These lands entered in Aiiditor's office, book 9, folio 203. 47 Office of Commissioner of Immigkation axd Agriculture. iTAJfAMBA COUKTY— Lands subjfict tosalebij the State of MinsisaippL . DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of Section. 6'. T. R. S4nwi . 28 6 34 .34 23 36 20 32 10 11 11 11 13 U 18 1 23 23 26 35 2 3 12 14 15 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 34 23 36 12 20 32 10 11 7 S 8 8 7 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 18 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 7 8 8 7 8 10 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 9 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 160 120 a,cre3 n e ;^ 120 80 aci'es s w 80 20 lie res se4- .. ... 20 75 acres n w :^ 75 N w ^. 160 Se| 160 80 acres u w ^^ 80 N e 160 N + 320 2 8 e i 160 ^ ^ * 120 acres s w \ 120 N w 160 Nei 160 W -^ s e 80 N+ 320 -^^ T • • > ' S w^ 160 N A 320 EJr > 320 160 Nw| 160 Ni S 4 320 320 160 Swi 160 S e ^ 160 S A 320 9 640 All 640 160 S ^ of n W :^ 80 120 20 acres se| 20 75 N wi 160 160 S e 1 160 80 Nel 160 Ni 320 48 Office of Commissioner of Ijiimigratiox and Agriculture. IT A WA3IBA COUNTY.— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iisslssippi. — [Coatinued. 1 LiESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part oj Section. Sei 120 acres s w 1. . Nwi :.. Nei W^sei Ni S w ^ Ni Ei SwJ- N w i NJ S* Nei S wi Sei Si All All S w^ Sw^ S w^ Ne i N w ^ 120 acres u w :^ Swi W^of s ei.... 80 acres s e ^ . . . N wi N^ofse^.... East side n w^. . S J-of n e-1-.... Se^ S e I 60 acres s e ^ . . . N w i S wi 80 acres s w ^... 145 acres n e :^. Swi R. 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IGO 120 160 160 80 320 ]60 320 320 160 160 320 320 160 ItO 160 320 640 640 160 160 160 160 160 120 160 80 SO 160 80 'so' 160 160 60 160 160 80 145 160 49 Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. IT A WAMUA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3£ississi2)i)i.—\Q'0Xiiin\xQ(\.^ DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. S w Nwi Nwi 120 acres s w i. S w I Sei 40 acres s w ^. S ^ of n e :^ . . . S wi E ^ n w ^ Sei Nwi Nei N wi Nei Se i S w| S ei Nwi S wi Sei Sei S wi S w ^ S w^ W^swi Sei Swi. N ei Ei 8W i N^nei S ei Sei Sei S wi Nei Nwi Nei Nei S w |. . ., . . . . 4* r. 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 u 11 11 7 R. 160 160 160 120 160 160 40 80 160 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 80 160 160 160 80 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 50 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. IT A WA3IBA COUNTT—Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. — [Continued.] description op the tract. > o w Part of Section, s-. T. B. ai S e 1 26 24 31 29 33 36 21 28 28 29 31 15 11 9 10 13 14 14 15 21 21 22 33 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 IC 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 160 N w i 160 Sw^ 160 Ni s wi ; 320 160 Sei 160 Nei 160 Nw^ „ 160 Sw4 160 N4- 320 S w :^ 160 N ei 160 S e i ■. 160 S ei 160 S wi 1,60 Nw| 160 S w i 160 ^ Q I 160 S4- 320 320 S w 1 160 320 Nw| 160 2o 11 15 34 160 E-l s wr^ SO N w I 160 Nw:^ 160 S ei 32 3 4 7 2C 22 19 9 20 33 12 17 17 160 N wi 160 160 Swi 160 Se 1 160 S w i 160 N ^ n w ^ 80 120 acres nw:|^ 120 N e i leo S w^ 160 S w i : 160 N w^ 160 Sei 160 51 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. IT A WAMBA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ifississippi — [Continued.] description of the tract. > o Part of Section . S. T. li. E A n e 1 18 1 13 5 2 8 34 15 27 28 2 6 7 8 30 7 20 30 ni 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 80 S w^ 160 E|s e^ N w ^ 80 160 N w 1 160 E ^ n e 4r 80 S e 1 160 E^ n e i 80 S w i 160 N w i 160 E 4- 320 N e i 160 N w 1 160 N e i 160 S e i 160 N ^ 320 N w i 160 Nei 160 N w ^. . . . 160 Note. — These lands entered in Anditor's ofiBcc, book 9, folio 224. ■52 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. JACKSON CO UJ^TY— Lands subject to sale by the State of JlississippL DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. JPaj't of Section. S W |- S W :^.. 8 ^ of s e i S-|-nw^s^ne ^ N -|- s w ^ of s e ^ and s ^ of s w f o-jSS ^ 1 Lot in N e ^ of n w ^ : . . . S e ^ of s w ^ Si lot 4 S I lot 7 Residence in . . . House and lot. House and lot. E|of s w^ Grant in Grant in ......... . . Lot No. 1 E ^ n e :^ and s w ^ of a e f . . . . S W ^ of n e and n e ^ of s w ^. . Sw|sw ^ E pt. lot No. 1 Se^ofn W:^ Lot No. 2 in N w f of s w ^ K e i of n e 1 S^of s w i' House and lot S e |- of s w ^ N w :|: of s e I E :^ of n w ^ and n w :^ n e -| . . . S^ofsei N^of n e i S e":^ of n e ^ S e :^ of n e ^ and w ^ of s e ^. . S ^ n e ^ and n tJ^ of s e ^ W ^ of n w i and s e -^ of n w ^. N. e :^ of s V,' I S ^ of n w i S. 10 26 15 16 21 22 21 28 7 1 8 12 25 29 12 20 26 20 21 28 9 11 20 5 28 22 19 1 T. B. 40 80 160 160 80 40 40 80 120 80 40 40 40 40 80 40 40 120 80 80 40 12G 160 120 40 80 53 Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. JACKSOjSF COUNTY — Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississijjpi — [Continued. ] description of the tract. Fart of Section. S. T. B. Oi S e :|^ of n w i 11 18 27 7 2 6 8 9 7 40 Se:^ofse|:. 40 N i of s w 1 and n e 4 of s w 4 120 Z ^ * ■* ' Nw^ofnei 40 S^ 4 9 26 21 22 6 6 6 5 2 6 6 7 5 8 320 Fractional , . . . S w ^ of s e :|: and se:jOf sw:|^ 80 W -^ of n w :^ and ne:^of nw:| 120 In Sautup's cliain Lot 40 acres 40 In section 12 8 7 House and lot in East Pascagoula W|of s w i W ^ of B Q ^ and n^of sw^ 20 28 34 28 15 15 9 24 24 9 23 25 36 30 20 16 17 20 24 25 36 2 2 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 6 6 3 5 3 3 3 9 9 7 6 5 5 7 8 8 8 5 5 5 4 5 7 6 5 5 5 W-^ofnw:^ N e :|^ of n e ^ 40 Seiofsei W -^ of s e :|^ and ne :^of sw^ S e ^ of n e :^ and n w ^ of n e :^ In Youngblood claim In Abner claim S e :^ of 11 e :| 40 N w ^ of n e ^ of s w :^ and u w :^ of s e ^. . . . S i of s e ^ and s ^ of s w :^ and n w ^ of s w \ and s w ^ of n w ^ 240 S e ^ of n e i (26) w^ne^ofne^ Sw^^ofsw:^ 120 40 E 1 and s w 1 of n w i (25) n e ^ (36) s e ^ 720 S 1 of s e i (4) I 80 Lots 2, 3, 5, and 6 E4 320 Ne^^e^of n W:^ne:^of sw:^n|^ofse:^. W A of n w 4 and s w i 360 240 NuTE. — These lands entered in Auditor's office, Book 9, folio 274, 54 Office of Commissioner of Immigratiox and Agriculture. JASPEB COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ifississippi. DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT. o w PI Part of Section. 8. T. R. Se:^ofse|^ 32 9 9 29 29 3 4 5 K 7 12 18 18 IS 23 30 2 4 8 12 16 28 34 34 9 6 11 13 19 2fi 27 29 22 23 1 20 9 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 40 Ne^ofse^ 40 N e g^ and s w :| and se:^ofnw:|^ 360 S e :^ of n e :|^ 40 Se:|of n e, ^ 40 W ^ of n w^ 80 E -| of n w ^ and w -}y of s w ^ and w -i of n e ^ N e i of n e 1 "". ". 240 40 S e :^ of s e ^ 40 S w ;|^ of s e :|^ 40 Ne:|^ofnw^ 40 E ^ of n w ^ 80 E 1 of n w ^ 80 WAofnei 80 N w ^ of s w :|^ 40 S w :|^ of n w 1 40 N w 1 of n e ^ 40 E -^ of s e :J and s w :| of s e -^ 120 N \v \ and n e :^ aud nw^ofse:^ N w } 360 160 N w ^ and w | of n e :^ and w ^ of s w :^ N e ^ and e4-ofnw4 ..*. 320 240 N W ^ of S W :j ' 40 N e :J of s w ^ 40 S e :^ of s w :^ less 30 acres on west side W ^ of n w 1 . 10 80 30 acres in n e 4 of s e 4 ... 30 S e :|^ & n \v ^ & w ^ of n e ^ o R Part of Section. S. T li. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 IS 18 19 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 8 10 9 8 9 8 10 9 10 ti 10 8 10 9 S 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 4e I 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 Iw 1 1 2e 1 2 lAV le 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 228 200 14 333 1200 960 160 900 400 100 200 80 160 160 304 535 House and lot, Olive street, Rodney 7 > %/ 480 58 315 House and lot, Rodney 200 1700 1220 Ei^of n wi 1 W -^ of n e :| and e-^ofse ^ s e 4 1 S w ^ of s e :^ and w -^ of n e :^ and s e ^ of *774 W ^ of n w 4 Note. — These hinds entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio 247. *The Circuit Clerk of this county gave 774 acres as the amount of land oppo- »ite, but on examination there will tie found as per list, jlOO acres. 57 Office op Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. JONES COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of MississipjH. description op the tract. > o Par-t of Section. S. T. B. Ne ^ ^2 15 2- 23 G 6 9 9 13 13 13 13 160 W|ofnw^ 80 N w ^ of 8 w ^ and s e :^ of n e ;^ and n e ^ of n e i 120 Nw:^ofs\r^ 40 NoTE.~Ib:£e lands entered jn Auditor's Book 9, folio 220, 58 Offick of Commissioner op Immigkation and Agriculture. KEMPER COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississij)pi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > Part of Section. S. T. B. 00 N w ^ of 8 W J 12 14 3 10 10 10 12 9 14 14 14 15 40 Se^of se:^ 40 Neiofnwi 40 S e 4 160 Fractional n e of s e 4 S 4- of n e :^ and n-j^of se \ 20 18 21 33 20 9 4 13 14 17 30 12 17 23 30 19 12 16 30 17 31 5 11 31 13 14 23 26 13 10 n 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 9 10 10 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 V> 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 15 15 15 15 15 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 18 14 19 14 14 16 17 17 17 17 18 160 N w :^ of 8 W :^ 40 W|of sei Nw of sw 1 40 N e s w i . . 40 N e i 160 S-tofswi 80 W ^ of n Q ^ and nw:^ofse:| 120 W-^of s w4 80 Se"l....: 160 S e i 160 E;Vofnw4: 80 S e 1 and nei 40 S w :^ 160 40 N w ^ of n w ^ 40 Wiof n e 4 80 Fractional sw| E JL of s e 1 80 Fractional eiofsc:|^ N w 1 and fractional n e ^ E ^ of n e 1 80 N w ^ of n w 1 40 W 1 of n e i Swine 1 80 40 W4-of sw^ 80 E ^ of n w :^ and w 4^ of n e :| and e ^ of s e ^ E ^ of s Q ^ and e ^ n e :| '. ... 240 160 E ^ of n w :J 80 Lots in the town of Scooba W 1 of n \v ^ and e ^ of n e J 19 30 35 9 10 11 14 14 U 400 80 40 59 Office of Commissioner of Immigkatiox ano Agriculture. KEMPER COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] description of the tract. Part of Section. E -^ of s vv ^ Fractional s w ^ of s w ^^ Fractional w^ofn w^ Fractional n w ^ and frac'l n e :^ W ^ of n e^ S. R. 80 Note. — These lands entered in Auditor's Office, Book 9, Folio 220. 60 Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agrioulture. LAFAYETTE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jlississii^pi. description of the tract. --■-■». > o Part of Section. S. T II. cc Ne i 31 14 15 15 13 21 7 13 14 22 23 23 23 26 26 30 9 20 21 32 34 34 35 34 35 35 10 12 19 19 20 27 2 2 8 11 12 14 17 3 6 7 7 7 n I 7 8 8 S 8 S 8 8 8 8 S 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 D 9 9 10 10 10 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 160 S -^ of s w J 80 Frac'l ^se^^sw:^ 13 Frac'U w|se i ... 26 Frac'l }se^ se^ Frac'l n w ;^ 13 90 Frac'l w 1 Frac'l se^ 15 15 Frac'l sei 18 Frac'l se4 80 Ne^ 160 Fraction of s e ^ 60 Fraction of s e ■ 20 Fraction of s e i 10 S e^ 30 EAofnwl 80 s Ji ....' .;•.. . 160 35 Fraction of n e ^ 80 Fraction of n w | Siof s w i 80 Sei...^ Nwi Fraction 160 37 Fraction n e ^ 104 Fraction uw;^ ,..., . 116 Fraction 50 Fraction nc;^ 80 76 Fraction n ^ 7 160 Ne^ 160 80 sei ^ :::::::::::: 160 Frac. s w 1 53 Nef ...* ; ; 160 60 Frac. s e ^ .... 25 40 Frac a e | 3 61 Office of Commissioner of Ihmigkatiox and Agkiculture, LAFAYETTE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by tht State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. o Part of Section. '9. T. li. M Frac. se^l: 4 U 15 22 19 10 10 29 26 34 ] 11 17 18 24 5 1 36 32 26 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 19 22 23 10 11 10 11 23 27 7 7 7 / 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 1( 10 10 10 10 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Prac e 4- > » » . > > 3J Fi'dc of n W i- . ... I . . . 80 Nw^ 160 f rac ....... 9 Frae. se i . 40 Frac. nei. 12 Frac nei ....... . ......... 53 NW;^ 160 N 4- of s w ^ 80 K^ofsW;^ .. 80 S e^ of 160 Frac. of s e i . . . ... . . 80 S e^ . . " 160 Frac , 120 Ei. ... 320 ^ ^ r rac. ... . 66 Frac. sw^. .... .. ..... 6 34 18 Frac of s w ^ 18 Frac. 60 Frac. of n e :J 30 80 Frac. of s ^- of n w ^ . . 80 40 Frac' nw:J^ 65 254 Frac 57 45 S ^ of S w 1 80 8 S w i 160 80 tS t'rac Block M, in Oxford Lot No, 420 in Lot No. 415 in Lot No. 30 in ( Lot No. 1 in A Oxfo Oxfo )xfor bbevi rtl . . Lot No 32, in Oxford Lots in sec 21 in Oxford Lot No. 124 in Oxford rd.. d... He.. 62 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. LAUDERDALE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississqrpi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. N i s w i Sv/:ise ^ E ^ n e i S I u e :|^ W -^ s e :| and sesw ^ Nwne ^ S w -^ and w ^ n w :^ N e ^ and n e n w :|^ and s e n w ^ . . . S w I s w ^ Part n w :| n e ^ N e 8 e ^ and part s-^se:^ S e :^ and s e s w :^ N e n w ^ and n e n e ^ W I n w ^ Nwnw:| S w s w :^ N e n e :^ E I s w ^ and w ^ s e :^ Nene^ N w s w :|: W I n w i S w ^ less 28 acres E I s e :J and w ^ n e :^ Sw^se^ N w ^ n w ^ and n ii- s w ^ W I n w i " N ^ n e i Part n e :|^ N e s w :|^ Part w ^ s e ^ house and lot Part w ^ n w ^ House and lot (Marion) S e n w :^ and s w n e :^ N|ne i E ^ n e i • W ^ n w i S e ^ and s e s vp ^ and n ^ s e n w :^ S e^. S w :^ s w :^ and n e s e |- S w u w :^ 8. 33 R. U 16 16 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 80 80 80 120 40 240 240 40 20 64 200 80 80 40 40 40 160 40 40 80 132 160 40 120 SO 80 30 40 80 80 80 80 220 160 80 40 63 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. LAUDERDALE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Miss iss ipp i. — [ Co n ti n ii ed . ] description of the tract. Part of Section. S e n w 1^ and swne^ N e s e ;^ E "I s w :^ and part w ^ s e | N e s w :| and sene^w-^ne^^&e^nw^ Sw:^nw^ E ^ n e ^ and e^se^ Part e ^ n M ^ E I s w :^ S w :^ and n e n e ^ and nese:^ S ^ n w ^ E ^ n w I Lots 2, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20 N w ^ W ^ n e I W|s w^ E^nei W |n e i Lot 18 Lots 11 and 12 N-^ n w-| Part se^ House and lot, Lauderdale Lots 1, 4, 62 Lot 12 and house. Part lot 99, 101, 121 and 123 S w S w :^ Lot, Lockart N w ;J n e ^ and se^^^ne^ 8. E. 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 f) 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 Lot 4 and w ^ 5, block 35, Rey- nolds Lots 3 and 4, block 2, Balls All blocks 3, 4 and 5, Balls. ... Part 9 and 10, block 14, Balls . . 4, 5, 16 and 17, block 30, Balls Part block 74, Balls 80 40 130 210 40 160 20 80 240 80 80 24 J 80 80 80 80 SO 40 17 80 60 Part block 92, Balls .... Part block 92, Balls Lots 6, 7, 8, Mobile and Railroad Part lot 95, Mobile and Railroad Ohio Ohio Note.— These lands entered in Auditor's Office, Book 9, F.jlio 256. 64 Office of Comsiissioner of Immigkatiox axd AonicuLTURE. LA WRENCE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. S. T. li. •• K vv i 8 8 29 11 10 13 3 10 24 27 3 28 33 6 7 6 5 6 6 5 5 9 9 6 8 9 11 11 20 10 10 10 20 20 10 20 20 21 19 160 N w 1 100 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 E ^ s e ^ 80 S w :| n w :^ and nw^sw:| 80 S i s w 1 80 Fractional Fractional E ^ s e i 80 Lots 3, 4 and 5, and s ^ lot 6 iS w 4- n e 4 40 N e t 8 w :^ and w ^ s e ^ and s c :|^ s e 4 S e i n w 1 and ntv:^sw \ 160 80 NoTE.^— Theee bnda entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio — 65 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and AaaicuLXURE. LEAKE C'OUJSrTT— Lands subject to sale by the State of j\fississip2yi. description of the tract. JPart of Section. Lot No. 9, Goodhope. Part of e -^ of s e ^ 30 acres n ^ N e ^ of n e ^. . . , W ^ E ^ of n e i N ^ of n e :^ of n w ^ , W -^ of s e ^ less 20 acres , Efof s w| E ^ of s e ^ W-|of s w i Ne^l^ofs W;^ , N w ^ of s e :^ , S e :^ of 11 e ^ , N -i of s e i E-^ofnw^ , N e ^ of n w :^ Sw^ofsw;^ Lot No. 8, Thomastovvii Lots 12, 14, 22, 34, 36, 38, Thomastown Lot 32, Thomagtowa Sw:^ofne:j^ , Nw^ofsw ^ Nw|ofne | , S e :^ of 3 e i- . . . W "I" of s e ^ , S w i N ^ of n e ^ , S e i S e I of 8 e 'I W^of sei- E I of n w ^ N w ^' of s w ^ , N ei W ^ of n w ^ of n w ^ , S e I of n e ^ , E^ofsei N w^ W ^ of s w i S e ^ of n w :^. , *5 S. R. 30 40 320 »0 20 140 80 80 80 40 40 40 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 40 SO 160 80 160 40 80 80 40 160 20 40 80 160 80 40 66 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. LEAKE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jfississi2:>2)i. — [Continued. J description op the tract. > o Part of Section. s. T. B. WJ.of swi 34 29 32 6 9 12 4 23 31 16 19 34 7 31 9 10 10 U 12 12 9 9 10 12 12 12 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 80 W ^ of n w ^ 80 30 acres ine^-sw;^ 30 N e i 160 S e :^ of n e ^ ' • • • . 40 Neiofnel 40 S w :| of n e ^ 40 E ^ of n e ^ 80 Neiofsei 40 Sw^ofne^ 40 N w ^ of s e ^ 40 S wi 160 W Aof n w 4 80 Ei^of n w ^ 80 67 Office of Commissioner of Immigratiox axd Agriculture. LEE COUJSTTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3£ississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. » IS Part of Section. 6. T. B. cc ■i of s w 4 10 10 10 11 30 16 21 1\ 20 ■10 20 2M 20 20 20 31 St 1 1 8 8 11 8 5 5 5' 5 5 6 80 S w i 160 85 ficres s w^ 85 W |ofs w^ 80 E 4^ of s vv i 80 S i- of s e| . . . 80 N -|- s4- s w :^ Part Block In w ^ Lot 9, Block 6, 11 w ^ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ,Q 8 9 9 9 9 9 ;i 9 9 9 1(1 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 Lot 10, Block 15, n \y i Lot 4, 2^ acres ae:^ , Lots 5 and 6 1\ acres ne^ i| Lot i> 3^ acres n e^ ■^4 31 Lot 17 5:^ acres n e ^ 5l Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8se^ ^■i S 4 Lots 14, 15, 16 and s J- 17 s e ^ Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 s e 1 8 acres n e 4 8 113 acres se^ 113 Nwi 1 2 3! 31 31 3] 31 32 3: 1 Ui 19 19 3'i 160 N e i 160 Lot — n e 4 Lot — n e :^ Part sw4 Lot — se4 Lot — s e -} 1 acre n m' 4 1 1 acres n w :^ Ne i 'ioo' 88 88 acres iiw4 1-20 acre sf Irac. block 2 n w ^ 8 acres block 8sw4 8 9 acres n e cor n ^ n w :|^ . . ] acre frac. lot n e cor e ^ of e^- OH acres u e 4 24 9 611 40 acres s w 4 40 4 acres nw^ 4 40 40 acres n e 4 '(■• 40 acres n ^- s w :^ •. IG 40 68 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. LEE COUNTY.— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iisslssip2n. — [Contin ued. ] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part oj Section. S. T. B. C/i N w i 1 7 16 21 22 30 3 a 7 8 30 38 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 7 9 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 8 9 11 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 160 W^ofsw^ 80 E^ofnw^ 80 10 acres se^ 10 E^-ofse^ 80 40 acres s w :|^ 40 55 acres n w ^ 55 Nw^ 160 80 acres se ^ 80 20 acres n e ^ 20 110 s e ;^. 110 Lot — n w ^ 27 31 4 21 21 5 31 32 32 19 10 19 31 6 30 20 29 31 W part lot 59 n e ^ N e 1 of n e ^ 40 Lot 12, Block 12 n w ^ Lot 20, block 15 n w :^ Sw4 160 1 Part nw ^ Ei s e i Block 6sw^ 1 acre s ^ Block 7s w^ 1 1-20 acre n ^ lot 1 frac. Block 2 s w ^ 6 acres s w :|^ 7 acres n w -| S e i 160 Sw| 160 S e i ... 160 Part lot s w :| . Note.— This land entered in Audit tr'a office , book 9, folio 219. 69 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. LINCOLN COUNTY — Lands subject to sale by the State of 3fississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. o Part of Section. S. T. B. Ul 2 acres in block 2, Brookhaven N e ^ of n w ^- and n w ^ of n e ^ 11 25 30 26 21 28 35 27 7 36 5 8 8 7 6 6 8 5 5 6 7 9 8 9 7 7 9 9 8 7 80 E ^ of s w ^ and n w ^ of s e ^ SO Part Part n w 1 S e ;^ of s w ^ 40 N e :^ of n vv ^ and s e ^ of n w ^ 80 S e :|: of s w ^ 40 Ne^-ofse ^ 40 E 1 of n w :^ and u e :^ and e ^ of s N 4- of s e 4. ei 320 80 Lots 1 and 2, block 4, Boguecliitto Lot 14, block 1 Fractional part block 6, square 15, and block 1, Boguecbitto lot IG, S w^ 31 32 3 11 12 26 18 24 30 36 2 25 3o 13 14 25 13 4 5 24 25 19 6 6 S 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 5 5 8 7 5 5 5 8 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 6 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 5 7 7 7 8 160 S e 4. . . . 160 S wi 160 S e :|: and s e ^ of s w ^ 120 S w :^ of n w :^ 40 E -^ of s e :^ and s e 4- of n e ^ and e 4 r. u w iof s 1^0 S e :|- and e 4 of s w ^ 240 E i of n e :^ 80 Ne:^ofne:^ 40 N w 1 160 •N i of s w 4. . . S e ^ and n -^ of n w :^ and s e :^ of N 4- of n 4- and s w ^ of n w :^ and e^ ..." s w s w J. Vof n 240 8 iof n w ^ 80 E ^ of n e ^ and e -^ of n w :|^ 160 E 4 of w -^ and w ^ s e ^ and s w ^ of n E i of n w 4. . . . r ei.. 280 80 S ^ of s e ^ and s e :|: of s w :^ 120 15U 3-ards square in s w ^ andn w \ S e ^ and part s w ^ east of Boguec N -J- less n w ^ of n w -J of n W :|^. hitto 40 W ^ of s w ^ 80 Fractional lots 7 and 8, block 6, Boguecliitto. . 70 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture . LINCOLJSr COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued. ] description of the tract. > o SI C=1 Part of Section. s T. E. : S w ^ of n e :^ and n e ^ of n w ^ Part lot 3, block A, Brookliaveu 28 6 9 18 acres IS 11) 19 i 7 7 8 8 8 67 acres ^ interest in w 4- of n e ^ Lots 5 and 6, and part lots 9 and 10, block 0, Brookhaven Sw:jof se ^ 9 29 14 23 8 6 8 8 8 6 6 8 40 W i-of nw^ 80 NA of s ei .■ 80 N W :j of S W :|: . 40 Lots 1 and 2, block 72, Brookhaven N w :| of n w ^ 2 12 20 24 2 21 8 6 6 6 G S 8 8 6 7 7 9 40 Ne:Jofsw^ 40 W ^ of n w 1 80 S^of SW:j W -^ of s w ;|^ and s -|^ of n w ^ 160 sa: 320 Note — This land entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio 229. 71 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture . LOWNDES COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. description of the tract. Part of Section. Wiof s ei S e :^ of s w ^ Pt. s e i 2 lots in Caledonia N e ^ of s w ^ S pt. s e ^ of s e ^ W^sei S w ^ of n w ^ N pt. w ^ of n e J N pt. e -| of n w ^ N pt. w ^- n w -^ E I of s w i S w ^ of n e ^ E -|- s e ^ and sw^ofse^ Middle pt.-s ^ S e ^ of s w :|^ S e 1^ of s w :^ and s w ^ of s e ^ N pt. e I of s e ^ Pt. sw^ofse^ S e fraction of Lot 20, block 1 Lot 22, block 1 Lot 23, block 1 S w :^ of n w :|^ and w 4^ of s w :|^ S e ^ and s e ^ of n e | N e :^ of n e -^ W -^ of n e ^ and e ^ of n w ^. . . N w ^ of n w ^ W -| of w -^ of n e ^ li. 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 19 19 19 17 18 19 19 17 17 17 18 17 16 16 16 17w 18 18 18 18 17 80 40 40 80 40 60 60 20 80 80 120 100- 80 80 120 200 40 160 40 40 city of COLUMBUS. S 1 sqr. 57, North Main St N % sqr. 26, and sqrs. 31, 32, 33, North Main St E -J- of sqr. 68, north of Main St. Sqr. 16 CITY OF COLUMBUS. — [Cont'd.] W ^ sqr. 12 N ^ sqrs. 7 and 8 S w fraction sqr. 27 Pt lot 6 and 7, sqr. 7 N w I sqr. 26, south of Mait St. 72 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. LEFLORE COUXTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 31 ississippi . DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. o 73 Part of Section. S. T. li. All 15 8 9 31 24 29 32 29 30 29 10 11 12 24 28 34 35 46 20 20 21 30 26 3 8 19 15 7 2] 29 1 36 31 32 1 9 11 24 1 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 20 21 21 21 20 lb 16 18 21 18 18 21 2] ■'0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 16 le 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2w 2 2 le 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2w 640 Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10 W ^ of s w ^ 80 W-J-ofsw^ 80 W 4- of n w -i 80 S w ^ 160 W -i of n w 1 80 Lots 9 and 10 E |of s w ^ SO Lot 13 E -J and e -J of w ^ . 480 N W J: 160 N e ^ 160 Lots 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 W An e 4 80 N e :|- and e ^ of n w ^: N w ^ and se^ 240 320 S 4 . . 320 W "I- of n e :^ and e -J- n w ^ and s ^ 480 All .' \ 640 S -^ of n w ^ SO S e ^ 160 S w^ 160 Lot 5 west of Yazoo river Lots 20, 21, 25 and 26 240 E A 320 All fractional west of Yazoo river W -^ of n w^ SO Lots 8, 11 and 12 W iV of s e ;^- and n ^^ of e A of s e ^ 120 E 4-''. '. 320 All 640 S w 4 160 2 5 interest in s e ^ 2-5 interest in n e | Lots 7, 8 and 9 73 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. LEFLOBE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Contioned.] DESCRIPTION of THE TRACT. Part of Section. N e :^ and e -|^ of n w :^- Lot 8, block 9 Lot 16. block 10 Lot 14, block 9 EJ-s w^ ^ interest in n 73- and e -^ of c ^ , ^ interest in e ^ of e -^ I interest in e | I interest in w -^ of n w ^- and s w :^ and w \ o " s e ^ Lot 13 Lots U, 12, 13 and 14 N \ less 5 acres Lots 3, 4 and 6 , N -^ n e ^ and n w :^ All fractional N .^ of n w ^ N |- of n e ^ Lots 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, block S Lot 13 S I of n e ^ W -^ ot n \v ^ S ei Ni W^ Ni Lots 10, 13, 2, 7, 9 and 14 S e i .^ Lots 3, 4 and 5 in town of Sidon . . . . Lots 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 W I of s w :! Part s w ^, one acre N wi All block 23 W I S e i, Ne^of Nw| Lots 9 and 10 Nel R. 2e 1 1 1 1 2 2 9 2 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 le 1 Iw le 2^^• 2 2 2e 1 1 M 2 2 le 1 1 1 1 1 1 160 240 SO 240 SO 40 80 160 320 320 320 160 1 160 320 160 40 160 74 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. LEFLOBE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale bij the State of 3Iissiiisippi. — [Continued. J description op the tract. > n 53 Part of Section. S. 3 4 8 9 12 13 14 10 4 7 T. B. en N ^ of s W :|- 21 21 ■1\ 21 2J 21 21 19 20 20 le 80 N e ^ 160 E+ 320 Ne^jW^SG:!^ 240 Lots 4, 6, 11 and 13 Lots 3. 4, 5, G and 14 All 640 S \ Ijlock 7, Greenwood S w 1 160 Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, town of McNutt Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 9 Part lot 9 10 10 18 19 19 19 21 19 2 Lot 2 W^-of s w| NorE.— These lauds eutered in Auditor's Book 9, Folio 235. 75 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. 2IADIS0N COUNTY— Lands subject to saU by the State of M(ssissi2)2}i' description of the tract. > o H Part of Section. S. T. li. en S i of w ^ of s e ^ and s ^ of e .V of s w ^ . . . . E i of n e :^ 9 24 8 11 2 5 e 80 80 1 vacant lot fronting Liberty street, in Canton 1 lot fronting N. 0. and J. R. R , in Canton . E^ofne^ 6 24 5 6 7 8 9 7 11 8 8 8 8 8 1 4 I w 1 1 I L 80 W 4 of n vf ^ less 30 acres 50 All 640 E4^ 320 N ei 160 N ^ and 40 acres off north end of s ^ W i of n w 1 ". 360 SO *House and lot in Canton W "I of Q ^ and e ^ of w -^ and w 4- of s w | . . S e ^ and all s w ^ e of road less 10 acres in north end. 29 22 23 27 21 22 28 1 19 28 33 S 31 20 9 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 11 9 11 1 2 e 2 2 1 Vy- I 2 2 e 2 2 3 I w 3 e 400 Lot No. 3 Lots 1, 2 and 3 . S e i W|0f S W ^ : N -^ except that portion s of Brownsville and Lexington road and sw:^ W 4- of 3 e i 80 W :^ of n e 1 S e i 80 160 Nei 160 W 1 of n w 1 80 W 1 of w 1 160 N -J of e ^ and n ^ of e -^ of s vv ^ 120 ■| of two vacant lots s of Dr. Lee's, in Canton S ^ of n e ^ and s |^ of e | of n w | and s e ^ and e ^ of s w ^ and 26 acres off e side ot s w i . .^ 28 33 9 9 11 11 7 7 1 L w 3'e' 3 2 ■7 389 3 acres off n w portion ot e 4^ of n w ^ Lot and residence fronting Liberiy street, in Canton E Jr of n e 1 11 12 19 80 W i of n w i 80 All n e 5 east of railroad N ^ •Belongs to Spencer Bmiis. 76 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. 3rABIS0N CO IT N'T Y— Lands subject to salehij the State of Mississippi — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT, Part of Section. S "1^ of w ^ of s w ^ S -^ of s e :^ and s w ^ E -^ of n c ^ and s e ^ and e^- of s w |^ N w :^ and n-^ofe-^ofsw^ and n -^ of w ^- of s ^ House and lot in Canton W ^ of 11 -^ of w i of n e ^ and n -^ of n w :^ . . E |- of n w ^ and n ^ of w |^ of s w ^ N W;^ ". ". Lots 8 and 9 in Couches plat, in Canton E ^of e| W I of w I Ail "except 14 acres Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8 8 7^ of n w ^ and s w ^ E i of e ^ of n e ^ ". 25 af'resoff n end vv^ of s w ^ and n -^ of e ^ of s w :^ and n ^ of w ^ of s e ^ W i of n e ^ and n w ^ and n ^ of s vv :|. W ^ of e ^ and e ^ of w | . . . . " E :J- of n -^ of e -^ of n e ^^ Lots 5, 6 and 7 W J,- of e 4- and e 4- of w ^- Ef of .." ". "..' 1 house and lot fronting Cameron street, in Canton S e 1 :.. S ^ of e -^ of s w 'I and \v ^ of s w . . . E^ of n e ^ . . . .T ' K i of e I of n w i Lot 1. . . ." W ^Y)f u e -| and e J of n w | and s w ^. N w :| and w ^ of s w ^ Lots 1 and 2 N e ^ and e ■!• of s w ^ S -^ of e|^of s e^ S ^ of w -^ of s w ^ All of lot i, east of Boguechitto Lots 5, 6 and 7 Lots 4, 5 and G 12 T. E. I 1 w I 1 1 1 2 w 2 1 e 1 4 5 5 5 5 1 w 1 2 2 •) 40 240 320 240 120 120 160 160 626 240 160 320 320 320 160 40 320 240 240 40 40 77 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. IfADlSON COiriTTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Hiss iss ipp i. — [ Co n ti n 11 ed . J DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. ACRES . . . Fart of Section. S. T R. Lot 8 33 34 35 25 2G 22 33 9 9 9 10 10 8 9 2w 2 2 2e 2 .3 4 Lois 5, 6, 7 and 8 N w 4 and n 4 of w 4 of s w 1 . . 2ro Ne:fandw4ofnw^ 240 N e ;^ less 30 acres ins w cor. ... . 130 W 4 of n w ^ and 12 acres off n en S 4- of w -]■ of s vv ^ less 5 acres . . d w-J^ of s w ^ 92 35 House and lot in Canton Lot 2 on Couch Hill in Canton 78 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. 3IAESHALL COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Ii,ssissippi. description of the tract. Pari of Section. Part eonti'act part Part n w ^ Part n vv ^ Part s w ^ S part Q ^ Part e pan a w :^ and u part s w ^ Part s w ^ . . Part s e and part s w :^ S wi Part n w ^ an(1 part s w ^ Part unknown Part se \ Part n e ^ Part se:J _Pait ne^ Part n e ^ unknown Part s Q ^ S e corner n e \ N e ^ and n part se^ Part lot 36 Part s ^ of s e i Part e part and part aw^ W part o f n e :|- Part n w :^ Nwi E part of n w :^ S part of s e ^ Part n e :^ N pai't ot n e \ Part of s 1 n w :|: Part s e :^"' Part w I Part se^ Part s :^ W parts \x l S w part s ^ W part ..."'. Part n i)ait Npart n w :^ Part n c ^ T. R. 6 1 2 SO 1S6^ 130^ 10 34 IGO 15 14 50 105 20 80 80 40 10 276 40 U 40 160 160 40 3 18 60 4 20 80 16 3 41 40 140 16 60 6 79 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. MARSHALL COUNTY — Lands subject to sale bj the State of Ilississippi. — [Continued.] description of the tract. > Part of Section. S. T 1 1 2 2 2 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 1 3 4 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 n. CO S ^ of s w ^ 27 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 .) 2 80 S pt . n e :j 81 E pt. of n e :^- 18 22 29 30 3 3 3 4 y 10 36 16 35 25 1 24 '6 50 Pt. ot se ^ 16 E ^ of n w ^ 80 Pt. w ^ of s e 1 10 Pt. n e 1 80 Pt. S W :i 80 Pt. s w :^, unknown 80 Pt. B yf ^ and pt. s e :^ 117 S e ^ 160 W 1 of w i 160 Part *. ." 320 Pt. of n w^ 130 Pt. of n pt. n e :^ -i W^ne^ 80 Part 47 160 Lots 106, 107 and 110 Lot on 35 17 17 18 2(- 21 21 2! r.i 7 18 18 Lot on n e :^ ^ 70 S i)t. s vv -^ 70 50 ■ Pt. s w 1 43 Pt. n w ^ 4 Lot on n w ^ . . 3 Pt. s i 80 2 Part 86 Pt. n pt 100 N pt. s 4- SO S V 320 Pt. lot 365 6 5 6 1 6 6 5 31 Lot 60 S pt. lot 386 Lot 21, pt. 29, 31, 32 and 33 W pt. lot 349 W 4- lot 8, 103, 107, and pt. 109 Lot"223, 22-1 and 383 Pt. s wi 10 80 Office of Commissionek of iMJiiGRAxroy axd Agriculture. MAIhSJIALL COUJ^TY—Lanch subject to sale by the State of 3Iississipin. — [Continued. ] DESCRIFTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section . S. T. E 05 Lot on 6 5 6 32 6 31 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ft. lot 16 Lot 23, and pt. 204 Ft. lot 273 Pt. lot 360, Ft. lots 70, 71, 74 and 75 81 Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. MOKROJE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. . . > o Part of Section, ^'. T. R. W 4 of n \v ^ and u e o f ii e 4 4 6 7 8 9 21 28 30 31 •i-l 33 17 IS 21 31 32 5 6 7 8 18 18 30 ai 6 4 18 10 12 13 15 15 18 21 22 26 26 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 U 14 14 14 14 1 4 [5 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 120 Balance , 15S Balance ..... 200 N^ofnet 80 N e of s w ;^ 40 N + of s vv ;^ 160 S 4 and s e ^ of n e ^ 360 N 4- of w 4 100 •^^ a 3 Balance , 40 Balance 320 Balance . . . . . . . ..... 180 Balance « . 105 Balance 40 Balance 80 Balance 388 Balance ...... ... 240 Fractional w i ii e i and c 4 s e ^ 114 Ne^ne ^ 40 S w 1 a vf i and s e ^ n w :^ 60 Fractional ii A s e ^ , 200 eo Balance 240 80 Balnnce 120 N -^ n w ^- 200 80 Se^sei 184 140 Balance 440 S e j^ n e ^ 40 200 Balance . , 186 40 Balance . 57 Part 240 Balance 80 200 S C ;| s w ^ 40 200 *6 82 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. MOJS'liOU COUNTY — Lands subject to sale by the State of Jlississippi — [Continued. ] description of the tract. > o Part of Section. S. T. E. Balance .■ 27 29 34 85 12 1:> 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 240 Se^se^ 40 Nelse i 40 Winwi 80 WAne:^andse^sw:j ^f) 120 Nw^nwi... ... S5 120 N w 5 n w ^ 36 5 9 8 10 14 15 18 25 32 35 36 1 2 6 6 11 12 12 19 21 25 21 28 2S 29 33 34 34 36 9 9 80 Balance 40 Balance 240 Balance 40 Balan ce 40 Balance 80 N w ^ an d e "l^ n w :^ 120 Fractional n W:^ 106 Balance 120 S w ^ n w :^ and e |^ n w ^ and n ^ s w :^ E|^sw|ne^se^ and sw^se:|e^sw .. 200 540 160 W 4 s w :i and s^se4sw4 100 80 N w 1 s e 1 part n e :i s w :^ and s e :^ of n w 90 E^nw^sw^ and part n e ^ s w ^ and part 94 E^^n e^ 80 W^ne:^se:|^ne-| and ne;^se:^ 160 W -1 s e ^ and n w :|: n e :^ n w :^ and w -^ n w :| 140 Balance 32 240 Swls wi 40 40 Ne4sw4 40 40 Balance 80 40 Balance . . 80 80 N end se:|^sw:^ 30 22 83 Office of CoBnirssioNER of Immigration and Agriculture. IIOl^BOE COUNTY— Lands subject to snle by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part oj Section. S. T. R. en Balance 16 17 19 21 24 i; 19 21 27 28 28 31 33 34 35 V 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 13 17 U) 2h 1 1 1 5 9 13 2] 23 31 3i !3 35 !5 15 15 15 15 U 12 12 12 12 12 12 VJ 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 17 17 17 17 17 IS 18 18 IS IS 18 18 18 18 18 IB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 iS 18 18 18 IS 18 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 18 18 18 90 Balance 40 Balance 52 Balance 120 Balance 40 N^swJ Lot No. A\ 80 400 WAne4uw4 20 Balance 320 W 1 s e ^ 80 ScjSC:^ 40 Sw^se|^ 40 E^ne^ SO N w :|- and s w :^ n e ^ 200 S ^s w^ 80 S w ^ n w ^ and s w :|: n e ^ 160 Balance 40 N e :|^ and frac. parts 200 Balance 40 Sw^ 160 E ^ n w :|^ an d w :^ n e :^ , W ^ s e :|^ and a e ^ sw^ 120 S w ^ s vv :^ and se^^sw^ 80 Sw'4nw4 40 Balan ce 120 N w ^ and w-^n e ^ ?> \ sw:^ 320 Balance 74 Se^sw^ 40 N w 1^ n w :^ and n ^ s w :^ n w ^^ 60 E^ : 320 Balance 80 Lot in Athens 75 W 4 s w i Balance 40 S w ^ n vv \ and e^n W:^ 120 Neiswi Balance 89 Balance 280 Balance Balance 80 160 84 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Aoriculture. MONEOE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ilississqjpi. — [Co n ti n ued. ] description of the tract. 1 Part of Section. S. T. B. Balance . . . 2 3 20 24 30 12 27 32 2 11 23 26 28 36 2-2 13 !2 14 2 1 2 5 9 23 24 26 27 29 3 14 17 18 15 32 8 28 3 15 15 15 15 15 16 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 16 16 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 Ir 15 16 11 12 12 13 13 13 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 n 1 7 7' 7 60 Balance 240 S e :|^ n w ^ & s W 1 n e :| & pt n e cor of s w ^ Balance . . . . 86 120 Part s -J^ 13 Nw:Jnw^ .. . ........ 40 Balance . . . . . . , , 480 S part sw^ 19 Nw^sw^ E^sw^sw|sw| and n ^ n e | p: 4 40 200 320 S4s w^ »... 80 N e ^ s e ^ and lot No. 4 120 Balance 40 Balance 80 Fraction w 4 n w ^ ^ . . . . . ... 20 Balance , 80 AU fraction . , 320 Part n e ^ 30 N w 5 less 10 acreS) church . > . . 150 .S e i 160 Balance . .... . . . . ... 160 Parts ir 40 43? Balance . . 240 BtJauce Balance 160 10 8 tV n e 1 . . 480 Balance 105 Balance 480 N^ 320 6 Seie4-e4e4s\v4: 40 Balance ^ . . 5 Balance 560 Balance. . . . . 210 Balance . 222 EiVs w4 ,. . E ^ and n ^ s w ^ and st^s^nwi Balance ^ . . . , 8 8 200 200 85 Office op Commissioner of Immigratiox and Agriculture MONROE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Coatiaued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. S end, fractional. All fractional. . . . S pt Balance N \ and s e ^. . . . Balance W I n I block 1. Pt. s w ^ W 1^ n e ^ n w ^ Sei N w ^ All S wi Ne i Balance W i Fractional s e |-. , Balance Balance Balance Balance , Balance Fractional s w ^. Pt. n w ^ All fractional. . . . Fractional All fractional. . . , Balance Sei. Fractional s e \. . . . E ^ n e ^ and u w ^. Balance Sw^s w ^ W I Fractional w ^ .... W I s e ^ Balance. Balance Fractional -^ of w ^ N|olne:^sw^. E. 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 LO 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 74 275 280 40 480 320 40 6 80 160 160 640 160 160 344 320 155 110 70 160 80 84 107 148 22 60 80 31 160 154 240 320 160 320 93 80 160 160 150 20 86 Office of Com^iissioneu of Immigratiox and Agricultcre. MONllOE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3fississippi — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. N^se^se:!-. S^ne^se ^. Part Part Balance s. T. B. 7 13 6 7 13 6 8 13 6 34 13 7 34 13 7 9 16 8 20 20 20 35 155 40 OLD ABERDEEN. Lot 7, block 2 Lot 47, block 3 Lot 132, block 10 Lot 137, block 10 Lot 145. block 11 Lot 148, block 11 Lot 150, block 11 Lot 199, block 14 Lots 228, 229, 230, block 16. Lots 232, 233, 234, block 16. Lot 240, block 17 Lots 242, 243, 244, 245, block 17 Lot 247, block 17 Lot 252, block 17 Lot 265, block 18 Lots 267, 268, 269, block 18 . . . Lots 330, 331, block 22 Lots 333, 334, 335, 336, block 22 Lot 382, block 25 Lots 41.3, 415, block 27 OLD ABERDEEN. — [Continued.] Lot 409, block 27 Lot 412, block 27 All of block 39 Lots 654, 655, block 42 ... . Lots 710, 713, 719, block 46. All of block 47 All of block 70 Lot 824, block 96 Lots 863, 865, block 99.... NEW ARERDEEN. Blocks 6, 7, 8 Lots 11, 12, block 12 Lots 14, 15, 16, block 84 Lots 9, 10, 11, block 85 Blocks 92, 106, 119, 120, 12L Block 12 Lot not numbered Unknown balance Note.— These lands entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio 183. 87 Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. NEWTON COUNT Y—Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississi2)2:ii. description op the tract. Part of Section. W^of sw i Ne^ofse^ Lots 7 and 12 j Lot 12 ( S ^ n w ^ and n e :^ of n w :^ W|ofne| S w ^ of s w ^ and s e;|ofse:^ W I of s e :^ S w ^ of n w I and vv .} of s e |^ of n w ^ . S-^ofne;^ Nei N|of se i S w ^ of n e ^ and s ^ of n w ;^ of n e ^. . W|of n w^ ". S e ^ of s e ^ and e ^- of s w.^ of s e :^. . . . N 1 of n w ^ N w ^ of n w I Se^of ne:^ NW:|:OfnW:J S. T. R. 10 12 l2 12 13 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 80 80 120 80 80 SO 60 80 160 80 60 80 60 80 40 40 40 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. NOXUBEE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of JTississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. o l*a)^t of Section . S. T. IL 100 acres in s e ^ 35 25 26 35 13 15 15 15 15 17 17 17 WA of s w4 so S w :^ and w-J-ofse^ 240 N e ^ and e | of n w ^r 240 88 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agricultdre. OKTIBBEHA COUNTT— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi, description of the tract. ACRE Ir'art of Section. s. r. B. vt Fractioual w-Jofne^ 36 1 111 14] li^l 13 1 71 181 61 201 301 361 51 52 82 20 2 42 212 34 2 1 1 101 14, 14 1 141 231 16 1 21 1 21^1 41 281 •14 1 251' 311' 33 1' UV 33 1' 34 1' 3U An 61^ 7 12 812 812 9 12 912 9 13 9 ,3 914 912 9 12 912 012 12 12 012 C 12 012 12 7 13 7 13 713 7 13 713 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 ■ 13 ' !3 n3 ^13 n3 nz <13 W -^ of s e :^ and e ^ of s w ^ 160 W^ofnei 80 N w i 160 E ^ 8 e and w 4 s e 4 160 N w i : 160 E 1 n e i 80 Eisei SO Fractional neisei 4 •* b w ^ 160 E^sei 80 Fractional ne^ne^ E:^ne^nw:^ SO W^^s w^ 80 N 4 s w 4 80 N e :^ s w ^ and fractional n w ^ s e } Frac. e 1 s e :|- and fractional n e -|^ n w ^ s e | EA sw4 80 Ne4ne4 40 N + n e J SO S w :| n e ;^ and n q ^n vf ^ 80 W -^ w 4^ and n e ;J s w 4 200 s e^i..: 160 N4n e4 SO N 4 s e ^ and e-^sw:^ W 4 s e :|: and s 4 n e ^ aud e4se| 160 240 S w :J and w ^ s e ^ T 240 80 E 1 n e 1 SO 80 E 4 s w4 N 4 n w ^ and s w :| n w ^ and w 4 n e 4 S w^s ei - ^ S e :! and e 4 n e :| N e4 Nei E 4 n e ^ NyTE,— These lands entered in Auditor's office, Book 9, folio 238. 89 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. FA:X'0LA COUNTY—Lanch subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > Part of Section. .S'. T. li. All 3;"! 8 9 \) 9 I, 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 (' 10 10 1( 10 1( 10 10 l(' 10 10 10 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 5 5 G 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 6 640 N w ^ 1 16 :5( 31 160 Fi'iictional s w 4- , 80 W J- n w 1 80 I^ vv ^ 160 S w X :^3 160 S e ^, . 160 \ out of s w 4 6 \, 15 16 6 35 1 2 20 .9 3i 6 6 7 .1 31 13 1«> 26 4 16 7 22 24 :l 33 6 32 33 21 \} 80 Fi-actional e iV S w ^ " 161 160 S fiactiou of w A 40 Fractional se4 5 N A of n w 4. . . . 80 AH . . • 640 All 640 All 640 Fractional all 474 89 N fraction n w ^ 50 80 Fractional se4 7 48 S e ^ of n w ^ 40 Fractional w ^ 45 120 10 W Aof s e i 80 160 Fractional n w 4 100 ]17 Blocks 3, 4, 6, 10 and 11. Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 . 200 160 N 4 of s w ^ 480 40 S W ^ Uf S \V ;| 40 Ne4ofsw4 40 40 p'raction of w 4 95 N 4 of s w 4 480 53 90 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. FA^^OLA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3fississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of Section. S. '/'. B. M N 1 of n e 1 Fi'a,ctional s w 4. . 15 32 •23 34 10 2 •25 27 27 27 8 19 17 8 8 8 8 LO 21 22 11 22 25 12 13 23 24 5 22 22 23 2t) 27 21) 31 31 3:^ 34 20 10 G 6 6 7 8 7 i 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 9 9 7 6 7 7 7 7 9 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 80 7] N w ^ of n w :|^ 40* Fractional n w ;^ 55 Part 256 Fractional s e |^ 29 N e i 1(50 Fraclional s w ^- 29 Fractional s e ^ Fractional n w ^ E ^ 53 46 390 E fraction w -^ 188 E i of s w :^- 80 Fractional n w |-. . . . • 30 Fractional n e :^ ! '>8 Fractionnl s w 4- 10 Fractional se^ 127 Fractional s w ^ 6J Fractional 480 S w i 160 Fractional w ^- and w A of e ^ 175 N w ^. . 160 Fractional fi o. \ 7 Fractional n e ^ 70 . 49 P'ractional s 4- south of river 60 N e i ." 160 Fractional se^ 7 N e i 160 Si 30 All 640 All 640 All 640 All 640 E ^ and s w ^ All... 480 640 All 640 All 640 All 640 91 Office of Commissioner of Immigkatiox and Agriculture. PANOLA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jlississi'ppi. — [Continued,] DESCRIPTIOX OF THE TRACT, > Part of Section. S. T. li. t» All 21 28 33 22 23 28 8 15 19 IC) 34 33 8 8 8 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 If 10 10 10 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 640 All 640 All 640 Fraction se4. 76 Fraction nw4- U) Fraction n 4 216 Ne| * 160 S e 4 an d w -i 4S0 S4- 320 Fraction s -V of s w ^ 80 Fraction all 131 Sw| 160 E4-ofsw 1 (•) U 27 16 9 9 30 31 28 31 32 ^3 3? 34 35 80 Sw4-ofnw4- 40 N w ^ 160 Fraction sw4. 50 107 Fraction 24 80 w'l of n e 4- 80 78 Fraction 70 of s w "l^ 480 279 Fraction ne ^ 30 Fraction all 99 Fraction se^ 26 9 9 91 Lot 2, block 57, lots 4, 10, 9 and 15, block 57 2(3 9 9 Lot 14, block 57, Uelniont Lot 8, block A, Batcsville Frac, lots 9 and lU, block Panola 13, in Lot 8, block B, Batesville Lot 11, block 4. Panola Lot 11, block ] Blocks 73 and 3, 74 Pa , I nola 'anoi a 92 Office of Commissioxer op Immigration and Agriculture. PEENTISS COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississ/ppL DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > 3 Part of Section. -S. r. U. ; S W 23 •23 35 23 23 8 16 16 27 27 7 10 K 32 24 14 2 -J 33 4 4 6 4 4 5 5 6 i 4 4 4 5 6 7 4 4 5 5 7 6 4 5 6 r t 20 S e 40 N vv 15 :n e 23 S e 13 N e 5 Ne : 24 N e 16 Ne .. 160 N e .. 160 S w .. 160 S w 64 S e 40 S ^ s w ' 80 S vv 40 Sw 160 N e 160 Se .. .. 160 S e 7 10 18 26 34 18 9 80 S e 10 Se . 144 Se ^ ' 40 N e ^ ^ 80 ) N e i ) jIoTE~-Tbese lands eqteied in ^'iditor's Ofi]:e, Book 9, Folio 27?. Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. I2A:>:^KI^ COUy^TT— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3fississippi. description of the tract. Part of Section. 6'. T. 11. • Lot 6 34 9 2( 16 25 30 17 32 16 5 33 5 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 5 3 1 _ 3 4 5 1 4 2 4 4 3 E ^ of s w t SO S w :^ f 11 e ^ 40 W + of s \v ^ and n e |^ of s w :J^ 120 Pi ^ of s e ^ 80 Lot 2 N 4 320 N W 1 of 8 W :[ . . . . 40 N w ^ of s e 1 40 W i of s w ^ and se:|ofswJ^ 120 Ne^sw^ 40 Nose.— These lands entered in Auditoi-'s Oiiios, Boek 9, Folio 227. 94 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture- SCOTT COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jlississij^pi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section, N e ^ and u e :^ of s w ^ and w -^ of n w :^ E -^ of n w ^ N e :^ of s e :^ E ^ of s e ^ and e-^ofsw:^ N W ^ of S W :|: W ^- of w ^ of s w ^ E I of 11 w" I- S w ^ of s w I -^ interest inn w I and w -} of s w :^ 8 w :^ of n w ^ E ^ of n w ^ and u w ^- of n e :^ S4 W I of se-]-, All N e :^ of s \v ^ W ^ of s e i W -^ of n w ^ and n w -^ of s w ^ . E^of n ei W ^ of s w ^ E -}j of e ^ and s w :^ of s w ^ .... pj^ of s e ^ Nw:lofnc:^ E -1^ of s w :| N w i N w :^ of n w -^ and n w ^ of s w ^ . S e I of s e ^ S e :^ of n e ^ S w ^ of s e ^ S w ^ of n w ^ E ^ ef s e :^ "W ^- of s w ^ and e ^. N e I n vv ^ E^of n e i S ^ of n w ^ and u -^ of s -^ and s 4- of s e ^. W i-o[- s w i ." N W i ^ ^v i 31 •23 •24 29 29 32 21 10 6 26 31 2 25 16 26 35 35 36 30 19 34 32 ■2(: 2] 13 14 15 23 24 34 35 29 33 13 31 32 7 6 E. 280 80 40 160 40 40 80 40 240 40 120 320 80 640 40 80 120 80 SO 200 80 40 80 160 80 40 40 40 40 80 400 40 160 80 320 80 160 16o Note. — Tbese lands entered in Auditor's office, book 9, tVlio 269. 95 Office ok Commissioner of Immigratiox and Agriculture. i_ SUfPSOJ^ COU]SrTY--L'inds subject to sale by the State of Hiss issipp i. DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT. Part of Section. S e ^ n w -^ and ne:^sw:| N e ^ of n w :| and n w :^ of s e ^ and s e ^ of s e ^ W^ofsei N e :^ of n w ^ and nw:|:ofne:| W |of n e i S w :^ of n W :J In s w ^ of n w :|^ N e ; ■■ 1 Si 4 ^i n of s e W ^ of s w ^. W W I s e f S e 4-s e 4 r R. 40 Note. — These lands entered in Auditor's Office, Book 9, Folio 276. Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. SMITH COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of JUississippi. description of the tract. Part of Section. W ^ of n w i- N e i Jl. 80 160 Note. — These lands entered in Auditoi's office, book 9, foUo 225. 96 Office of Commissioner of Immigration' and Agriculture. SUJS^FLO IVjEE COU^TY^ Lands sicbject to sale by the State of Mississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section. S I n w ^ S I n e ^ W ^- se N w i E \ ami e .^ w ^ All All i interest in lots 2, 7, S.-ind 13. . N w ^ E ^ n w -i S w 4~ Si All 4- Interest in lots 3 and 4 , Se \ S w ^ ■'^Lots 14 find 15 Lot 14 Lots 1,2, 3, 5 6 and 7 Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12 Lot 4 Lots 23 and 24 Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 Lotsl 2,7,8, 9, 10, 14 and 15... S w \ and e ^ n w ^ S |- n w E iV and w -J- n w W.^ Nef.. All . . Lot 2 Nei... N e i All Lots 1 and 7 fractional N w4 Ni.' N4 S. T. 80 80 80 160 480 filO 640 ioo" 80 160 320 640 IGO 160 210 80 400 320 160 640 160 160 640 100 320 320 160 *Exieude Part of Section. S. T. li. CO S ^. and nw:^ 29 29 32 32 33 34 34 3.5 7 9 2 13 26 5 8 19 21 22 1 8 12 14 6 8 27 33 33 34 2 3 3 5 5 5 12 17 18 18 20 28 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 17 18 IS 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 480 Ne4 160 Si 320 N 4 320 E A 320 S w i 160 Ei n w ^ 80 N w I 160 All 640 Lot IG . All 640 All 640 Alls. C. B. L Lot 4 J^ots 4 and 5 S w i 160 Lots 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Lots 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 84 "326 Nel 100 All 640 Nei .• 160 E ^, and W|ne| 400 160 Sw:|^SW:^ 40 200 S w :j, and n 4 of s e :^ of s e :|^ 200 40 Lots 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 Lots 4, 15, 22 Lots 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 Lots 6, 19 and 20 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 All W ^ n w |- N ei ." 160 480 99 Office of Coji.mcssioxer of IirMiGKA.Tiox avd Agricultuke. SUNFLOWER COUNTY.— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.! l/ESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o H Part oj Section. 5. T. n. 03 S e 7 8 IC 10 11 u 15 20 2(' 21 21 22 22 2-. 22 22 2') 22 22 22 22 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 160 Swn e 40 Se| 160 W 4 n e i 80 All 640 W 4 320 S vv i ISO Lots 1 and 7 Lots 12 and 15 E 4- n e ^ and s 4- ot s w ^ E 1 s e ^ ' 160 80 E4-e-^s-^ofsw^sw:^ofse ^ 280 All 24 26 27 •>7 22 22 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 640 N w n w. . . . 40 W 4- n w 80 .„ 2 E 1 s w 80 All 28 29 30 31 34 35 30 V) 14 22 9'i 2: 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 ■>3 640 Lots 1 to 12, and 15, 16 and 17 Lot 12 W 4- n e ^ 80 Lots 2, 3 and 5 E4- 320 N w i 160 N A s 4 and w i n w 240 Si s e i 80 "\V A n e 80 E ^ and s e s w. 360 S w :|^ and nen w 23 24 20 ■'0 23 23 23 23 24 ■■' I All 640 E i n w :^ 80 W A w tV 160 All 1 n 640 All 640 All 14 ■•) 3 4 10 19 2( 24 17 17 17 17 17 17 <'>40 W A 320 All " 640 Lot 8 N A 320 ^ 2 E ^ 320 W|of \v| 160 100 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. SUNFLOWEB COUNTY— Lands siihjer.t to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [ Contin ued. j description of the tract. > Part of Section. S. T. R. t» E4 •21 U 29 80 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 ><' 20 20 2C 20 20 2( 20 20 20 18 18 18 18 15 18 19 19 19 19 19 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 320 S e 4 and n i n w :i . . . . 240 W 4 320 E 4 320 E + n w 4. 31 32 5 20 17 IS 20 22 28 27 36 1 9 12 13 14 15 80 N w 4- ItO •^^ ' 4 4 interest in w i of w -^ N i . 320 All' S. C. B. L Lots 3 and 4 Nt^ 320 S 4 and nwx • • ••• 480 !N4nw4seuwn4ne. 200 S 4 320 All S. C. B. L S 4 320 Sw^ 160 -T interest in all 640 Sw| 160 Se| 160 N 4 s e 80 b e s w ^ 22 23 31 32 2 9 21 28 29 33 8 3 34 35 36 40 Seswn4swsenwn4n\ve4 400 S 4 320 \ interest in s 4- 320 \ interest in all 640 4 interest in s 4 320 4 interest in all 640 \ interest ine4ne^ 80 4 interest in n 4 320 640 4 interest in all 4 interest in all 640 4 interest in s -^^ and w-^nw;^ 400 4 interest inw-^sw^J^ 80 Note.— These lands entered in Auditoi'd Office, Bock 9, Folio 196, 101 Office of Com.missioxeb of Immigration and Agricultuue. TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of MississijJj^i. description op the tract. o JPart of Section . S. T. Ji. CO Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Lots 12, 13 and 14 21 26 27 25 28 34 14 19 4 5 8 h 10 34 33 9 9 15 25 35 36 6 23 29 36 2 12 14 22 3 n 13 13 17 21 27 1 4 22 22 22 22 22 29 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 26 26 26 26 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 1 e 1 I L I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I L I 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Si 3'^0 E ^ of 6 e ^ and e 4- of n e :^- and w ^ of n w ^. E i and n yv ^ 240 480 N w 1 of n w ^ and w -^ of n e ^ and e ^ of n w ^ ' 200 Lots 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 S e 4. 160 All 640 All less lots 3 and 11 Lots 1, 8, 9 and 15 W 1 of w i 160 N w 4 and w -^ of n e i and w A of s w 4 All ^ ' 320 640 Lot 9 W A of w 4 160 S e ^ and e | of n w ^ E ^ of s e :|^ and e ^ of n w ^ and w -^ of n e ^ E 4 of n w ^ and w -^ of n e ^ and w ^ of s e ^ and e ^ of s w :^ >. . •N w :^ and w ^ of n e :| and e ^ of n w ^ E 4^ of n w ^." 240 240 320 240 80 W^of n w^ WXof n w 4 80 S w ^ and e A of s e ^ and n \v 4 of s e :^ W4-of s e^ 280 80 N w :^ less 30 aci'es 130 S e :^ of s e ^ 40 Sejofsel 40 Nw:|^ofse;^ 40 E A ot n w 4 80' Nw^of se ^ 40 80 Fractional s w :|^, , E^^of n w 4 80 35 acres in s w :^ of n e :^ 35 N4-of n ei 80 N ei 160 Nei 160 102 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY— Lrnids subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > a M JPari of Section. ■ S. T jR. Se^ 5 27 30 30 36 21 28 4 10 13 24 24 27 34 30 31 4 8 8 22 26 20 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 23 23 25 25 26 26 26 24 24 26 26 3 e 3 o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 w 2 2 2 2 160 N e ;j and se^of n w-j 200 S w :|^ of s e :^ 40 SW:jOfsW i 40 E 4- of n e :|^ 80 Nw:^ofne:^ S w ^ of n e :^ and s e :^ of n w ^ S 4 and e i of n w ;^ '""80 400 Ne^ofne^ 40 N 1 of n e 1 80 N ^ of n w i Nw^of s e ^ Lot 16 80 40 Lots 6 and 7. Lots 3. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 . . . W|of n w^ Ne:jof nw^ '"'80 80 Lot 2 Lot 3 W -^ of n e ^ and e ^ of n w ^ and w ^ of s e ^ S w ^ , ". 240 160 S e 4 160 N w 4- 160 HARRISON STATION. TOWN OF CHARLESTON. Lot 13 west of railroad Lots 1, 2, 3, block 1 Residence Lots 1 and 6, block 1 , Lot 3 west of railroad |S -^ of lots 2 and 6, block 1 103 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. TIPPAH COUJS'TY— Lands subject to of 3Iississippi . sale by the State description of the tract. o 50 Part of Sectto7i. S. T. P. 60 acres s w :^ 4 30 3 4 5 5 60 S el 160 Note. — These lands entered in Auditor's office, book 9, folio 93. 104 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. TISHOMINGO COUNTY— Lands suhjeot tosaleby the State of Mississip2ii. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o w Part of Section. S T It. CO N4 25 26 33 14 33 3 34 4 30 33 3 15 34 1 1 1 ] 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 r 6 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 .0 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 320 N ^ 320 Swl 160 Fraction n e ^ 28 N ei 160 Part swl 60 Part nwi 15 S w 4 160 Sei 160 W J 320 Wlof s ei 80 N4-of n e i N w^ 160 Part w-^ofnw| Part sel 12 2 36 25 25 25 15 15 20 20 7 19 35 35 27 4 32 14 22 26 17 19 20 29 28 34 11 76 Part nw;|^ 24 W i of n e^ 80" Part sw^ 90 Part s 4^ of s w 1 P ractiou s ^ 10 ISO Part nw^ 70 N wi IGO S A of s e 4 N^ 320 Ne :! 160 Part se^ofse;!^ , . . Pai t n e^of sw^ 10 Part n w 40 H e 4 160 Part s w 60 Fraction 200 Part se^ 50 Part ne^ 5 Part nw^ 4 Part s e ^ 1 S w^ 160 Part nw^ 6 S el 160 Sei 160 Part s w 1 128 105 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. TISHOMINGO COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by th of Mississipp i. — [ Co n t i mi e d . ] e State description of the tract. Part of Section. S. T. B. cc Part 11 w 4 10 11 15 33 10 IS 3 17 33 3 4 4 4 5 r, 5 10 10 40 Part sgI 25 S e i 160 E4^ 3iO Nei 160 Part n w ^ of s w ^ 5 Part n 1 Part sw^ 60 120 Fraction nw;|^ Fraction sw;^ 33 () 5 6 54 N e -]- 31 3 11 160 8 w ^ 160 Pait w 4- 100 town of burnsville. Lots 4 and 13, s e -| S 2, T 3, R 9 Old hotel property Lots 24. 2o, 26, 27, 28 and 29. S 2, T 3, R 9 Unknown lots 66, 67, 68 and 69. Lot 76 Lot 8 Block 20 Block 18 rowN OF eurnsville— [cont'd] Block 17, Block 3.. Lot 20... town OF eastport. Lots 8 and 13, block 4 Lot 4, block .8 106 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. TUNICA COUyTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of 3Iississippi. description of the tract. > o ?3 Part of Section. S. T. P. M W ^ 1 '■J 24 25 8 9 15 U> 17 21 23 25 32 33 3J 1 2 o 9 10 10 11 16 16 17 17 20 21 KS 26 29 33 34 36 31 28 32 33 34 10 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (j 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 320 S w'i 160 S e i 160 Se:i 160 S ^ 320 S w i 160 Si 320 S e :^ n w :^ 3k!0 N e 4 160 E t^ 3i0 N w ^ of s w :^ fractional S w i 160 S -^ 320 E^ of e ^ 160 Pt. of fraction W. C . R 200 Sw4 IGO S "1 of n i and s e-^ 320 320 S e 4 160 S w :^ 160 Wiof e4 160 E. C. W. R 73 Ne ^ 160 N w 4 160 N i 320 S I, E. W. Lake 35 All, E. VV. Lake Nw 4 186 160 Si 320 N 4 320 N4ofs e4 80 All fractional 303 W4of s e i' 80 S i^ 320 El 320 nI :..:.:::::::;::::::: 320 4 of s 4 160 All fractional 1C7 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agriculture. TUXICA GOUjSTTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Ifississipjn. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o 50 Part of Secno7i. ^\ T. B. ■ N — 1 18 19 4 5 7 IS 19 -4 •29 35 85 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 4 4 4 6 7 7 6 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 2!> 28 28 27 27 12 12 12 12 12 13 2 2 160 N+ 3iO -^'2 Ne^ 160 N pt. of n -| and n pt. of s ^ 80 All 640 All 640 All 640 Ne| 160 w \ 320 All 640 N e i 160 T^t off n lit, of s p 4- 15 All 36 32 7 23 25 29 :^0 31 32 28 29 32 33 25 Mj 31 10 23 640 N^ 320 Fractional S. P. B Pt. of 40 acres W i 320 S w" 1 160 S 6 ^ • 160 160 N w ^ and n ^ of s vv :^ 240 W ^ and se -^ Ne 4 . 80 160 S e 4 and e V of n e i '>40 All 640 46 Lot 4 10 S w 1 and s w ^ of s e ' N w i 200 160 108 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. TATE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT. > o SI Part of Section. S. T. R. U) Part n e ;^ 32 21 28 31 15 26 29 21 30 18 21 30 18 19 25 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 F 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 T 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 60 Part se^ 140 Part of n e i 20 Niof n wi SO Part sw^ 30 Lot No. 16 S w ^ 180 N 4- of s w J- 80 Lots 12aud 13 ^ w cor of s e ^ 7 S part of w 4 94 Part sw4 156 E part 130 Part of 595 Part of s w i 60 W A of n e 1 80 S part of w I 30 30 32 35 1 5 22 26 27 31 33 35 14 -0 20 20 29 29 29 29 29 54 5 12 200 N e 1 and part w ^ 240 W 4- 11 w i ^ 80 One lot E part of s w 1 80 Part n w 4 and part s el 60 N e i)art 146 Part u w 4 50 E part of n \v -^ 135 Part n w 4 37 Part s e ^ 20 Part of n w :^ 100 NwJ; 160 694 Part s w 4 4 30 S ^ of n e ^ 80 One lot in 8 Lot No, 62 in Lots 32, 33 and 3^ Lot 56 Part s w 1 and part s ^ of n e -|- Part sw;^ 65 120 S w^ 160 100 109 Office of Cohjiissioxer of Imjiigration and Agriculture. TATE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the of Mississippi. — [Co n ti n uecl . ] State DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > a Part of Section. S IS 18 3 3 7 7 15 15 T. r 5 6 6 6 6 (■> 6 II. 9 9 6 7 9 9 9 9 K W ^ of n w i 80 S e i IGO N e i 100 t * N w i 160 N w ^ and w ^r of ii e :|^ 240 E^ofnei ' W ^ of s w ^ 80 80 Part of s w ^ , 40 \\ \ One lot 29 29 29 31 8 4 4 4 4 6 7 7 7 8 9 One lot One lot S e J~ 160 S 4- of n e 1 80 Note.— These lands eiitt-i'od in Auditor's OHice, Book 9, Folio 231, 110 Office of Commissioner op Immigration and Agricultdre. UNION COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the Stale of Jfississippi. description of the tract. Fart of Section. S. 7'. li. w S e i 14 6 6 (1 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 ( 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 6 8 8 () 4 160 N e i 100 N e i 28 32 32 34 7 35 36 lf> I'.i 27 27 29 30 6 7 16 18 18 8 6 6 19 23 23 9 IGO 17 acres n w :|^ 17 73 acres s e ^ 73 N e ^ 160 Nw| 160 Nei 160 Nei N 1 s w i 160 80 4 acres n e ^ 4 E^se J; N w ^ and 20 acres s e ^ 120 acres s w :^ "iso 120 S e^se:^ 40 S w i 160 E |- w v^- n w |- 40 S e ^ 160 S e 1 160 40 55 acres c t2- s w ^ 55 N w 4 160 S W J: 160 N A 11 w 4 40 S-J-SWJ: 80 N e i- 160 1 1 acres s w 11 JMoTE. — Tliese laudis eatered iu Auditor's uflice, Book 9, folio 219. Ill Office op Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. WASHINGTON COUNTY— Lands subject to sale hij the State of 3fississipj)i. description of the tract. > o Part of Section. S. 3C 31 T U le u If 15 15 IG 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16, H. CD Lot 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 ") ') 5 5 5 3 3 65 Unknown 280 S w corner lot 1 38 Unknown interest 110 Lot 4 ic If) u 12 14 15 22 23 23 27 3 11 16 19 20 21 29 30 4 12 13 3 7 12 15 15 23 2G 24 2 11 11 i\ lb 78 Unkown interest 316 Unknown interest 40 S e :|: and e4sw|^ 200 S w ^, and w ^ n w :J 240 S A n ei SO S A s e i 80 Unknown interest s e :^ 80 W A, and w 1^ n q ^ N e 1 160 N A se i 80 Unknown, interest 160 All 640 EAofsei 80 S ei. . , - 160 200 N ^ n e :^ frac Unknown w ^, SO 320 N w |-, and w^ofne^l: Unknown n w \., and ne^sw:^ Nw 1 279 200 160 Unknown s w ^, and n e ^, and w ^ of n w :| and n A of s e :|^ 159 480 Unknown n w :^ 226 Unknown A interest in lot 2 67 Unknown interest 80 W A n e 1 80 Unknown s w :^, and w ^ n e ^, and e -J n w \.. . . Unknown all 320 640 Lots 4 and 5. .- 162 175 Ne A 160 433 Unknown 320 112 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. WASHINGTON COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jfississipjn. — [Continued. J DESCRIPTION OP THE TRACT, > Part of Section, S. ■11 32 T. B. Lot 7 le 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 IS 18 18 14 15 15 6 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 IS IS 18 19 19 19 18 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 SO S ^ 320 N -V n w 4 . , . 80 il ^ 11 vv ^ , Se| 36 5 17 IS 29 6 19 19 7 17 36 2 7 18 26 6 f) 6 12 26 27 9 10 24 34 3 4 19 20 31 32 83 160 All W. D. C Interest 23 Interes^t .... ... . . . 69 Interest 39 Eh 263 Interest, e 4^ of s w + 16 Interest 37 N w ^. 160 8 1 lot 2 40 Unknown . . ... . . . . ... ... 40 Unknown w 4 . . 3'>0 Unknown interest. ....... Unknown sw-^ 160 160 40 Unknown interest 310 19^^ Unknown n ^ 320 59 E^ " 320 640 N e ^^ 160 80 Part interest 20 480 Part interest ... . . ^ . . 140 160 Sam. Brovvn & Co., interest 62 486 E 4 320 N w :^ 158 E ^1 and e 4 of s w -^ . . » . . ..,.».»....... 395 S w ^ 4 8 lb 146 W ^ and s e 4^, . . . . 439 All 587 N^ 320 W -A- of a w i 80 lis Office of Co5IMiss(oj«s;i of Ijt^siai vriov a^o rVoiiicrTLTnuK. lP'ASin:S'GrOS CUUSVl^-LiivU subject to sale bj the Sf.ate of Missi.ssipjii. DESCIUPTION OF THK TUACT. Par* of SeciioH — .,- — , — . 3(5 3 4 IM r U N 14 14 N 14 14 14 li" 15 i: 15 15 15 15 1;. 15 i:^ IG 17 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 i) 9 <) 9 i) i Sol 140 Lots 7 ami S 160 Ail . , 638 All V . ()I8 All tV^'^'tsojiai > V 20 2! 22 24 2(i •i 1) K iO h \y l') ■9 ■'7 318 In 308 WJr . ... 320 Lot 1. . . . ... 82 Lot 3 117 111. ^ ami a w f . . . IlK s4. 225 30 1 In. s li ^ and e j- ft" n e ^ . . . Ill ... .' 240 38 N vv 1 and vv ^ of s \v } ... Unknown 24l' -too In. all !! •.}.- U ". 320 l(;0 .S w 4- . . . 160 N e ^ .'in I e 1 of s e i: In. lot 1 .... 3, 1 248 3!-i In 240 ' liK. lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 6, !;. 7 ivd.l 8 l!i.:-iots I. 2 and :i 4 1 7 i; i 7 : 18 ir 1- 35!i 119 N w i . . . 1 00 Lots 2 nn(\ 8 '. 1 VA 5 1!' 6 :(' 150 N e 1 All Lots I ai'.d "2 1 m 040 1 4< 1 All 22 li 15 N^ :;20 Lots 8 &'.). aiil l)!'k 1 Lots 15 & 5, block 2 In lo*. !, Ido'k 2 L..t 2, 1)1. .ck 3 . . Pt. (• I lot 21 W \ y'^U^- \ l..t S i,t. of s i. <;f r^ -^ i'M. :..) < SK \ i..t i8 . \Y \ lot :-5<) . } lo-f :i & 1 '. In. lot -}, W|.)'-k '^2 20 a. of? 11 pt. of ',v I of lot 8 E \ lot 4 ......." All lor, 10 9 *8 114 Office of Commissioxer of Ihmigratiox and Agriculture. WASHING TON^ (JOUNTr—Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississippi. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Lot 1 in block 5, Lot 2, block 7 . . . Lot B, block 9 . . , One lot , One lot and store. Lot 16 Lot in block 21 . . , Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. WA YNE COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Jlississippi. description of the tract. Pai't of Section. W fractional N e i S e i S W :^ of S W ^ S e 1^ of n w I Ne i S e ^ and s 4^ of s e |^ of n e ^ . N w ;^ and s w ^. N^ofn w i H. 160 160 40 40 160 240 320 80 Note. — These landa eutsreJ in Aaditor's office, book 9, folio 257. 115 Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. WILKIKSON COUN'TY—Lnnds subject to sale bij the State of Ilississippi. description of the tract. > o Fart of Section. S. T. R. c» A. J. Bran nan 150 Thos. J Brown 300 Wm. J. Bryant ]016 S. J. Beat, one lot in Woodville Estate L. L. Bricrofins 1900 J. H. Barkley 39 Baker & Hawkins . . 40 Baker & Hawkins, three town lots Cage (fe Wall, one town lot John J. Cage, one town lot J. M. Cage 900 W. R. Cage 1500 J. R. Caston . 114 C. PI Duncan 965 Estate H. R. Davis 1992 Anna Davis 1260 Wm. B. Davis 160 James M. Davis 750 V. Freshon, one town lot in \\ oodville Ann E. Frazies 210 C. A. Gildart, one town lot in Woodville. . . . C. A. Jeter 100 John M Hunter 650 Wm Haynes 400 B. Y. Hornsby 550 C. P. Hoslip 250 C. Henderson 100 Willy Johnson, one lot in Woodville E. W. and C. B. Poor 620 M. L. Jamison 1 .0 Charlotte Jeter 160 J. H. Jones 180 C. 8. Kellogg , 760 J. G. Kaiser 450 James Lenox, one town lot in Woodville Lessley & Wedd, one town lot in Woodville. Lessley 230 Jas. Loovie 400 S. Leek 240 Jene Vettewille 905 116 Office of Commissioner of Immigration akd AcEicui-Trun. WILKIXs^SON COVl^l Y— J. ends .-vlject to tale by the ^faie of Ilississijip i. — [ Con t i n u ed . ] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o Part of Section. S. T. a Martin Feriy Benj. Rovve 80 1014 James Ray burn 20 G. H. Simrall Mary Stewart , 8. H. Smith S^iO ]()0 440 Ann Smith 312 8. Scott and wife Wm. H. Wftll, one t(»,(h anhject to sale by the State of Mississippi. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. > o p: Part of Sectio7i. S. T. 13 14 10 If 15 13 13 10 15 !4 14 13 !5 16 14 14 15 15 15 10 13 13 13 13 !3 13 '3 Ii. ■k intei't&t ill ii c -I. and e 4 ^'f '^ ^^' i 13 13 13 11 U 4 10 10 14 11 12 12 10 10 11 13 11 lie 11 13 14 12 12 12 12 11 13 13 13 10 10 13 12 11 11 13 14 14 14 240 W -^ of s e ^ less '20 acres" S e ^ of s \v 1 ... 27 60 PO E ^ of s e^ SO N e-iofse J . . S c :^ of n w ^ 8 30 ■IS \^ :>A 7 1( 5 40 40 W ^ of w -^ N w -J^ of 11 w 1 160 40 N A of n wl /. 80 Vr t]- of s w ^, and n v>" 1 240 E i of 1:1 e i SO W -A of n w 4, and s e 4- t>f n w 1 120 W ^- of s e 4, and s w i 160 E ^ of n w -[ 80 N^of n w -\ 6 i; ;l 10 !0 10 15 80 Se^ 160 l^ int'.^rest w ^ of s o | 80 S w 4 of s w i 40 N w ^ of s e :^ \V i- of s e |. and E i s w }, and \v ^^ of n w 4 . E Vof s w i ' 40 240 1 iulejxst 11 e 1 of ii e ^ N \v ^ 40 160 W J- of n w i W {■ of 11 w 5 SO 80 N w i W|<»f sw-l W -i^ of n c ^ . . , 4 14 100 80 80 E i of n e -I, and e .} of n w :| . . . , E ^ of n e -^, :ind u w ^ ol n e | N e i o f n w 4- 2ti 27 1: 23 18 31 i Ti 19 20 3' 13 15 14 14 o 15 14 13 10 1 Oj 1 oi 160 120 40 S e ^ of s W :^ S w J-. and e J>- of n w ^- 40 2fiO E A of s e i. f. , " 80 N e -1 of n w 4 40 Nelofsel 40 N .§■ and s w ^ W ^ of n w -i 480 80 .N w 1 160 lis Office of Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture. WINSTOJ^ COUNTY— Lands subject to sale by the State of Mississipiji. — [Continued.] DESCRIPTION OF THE TRACT. Part of Section'. S. 17 1 17 18 1 T. Ji. ea N e ^, and w^ofse:|^ I." 15 13 1.3 14 13 13 13 13 13 240 E^ of s e4 80 S wi 160 S e :J and e ^ of n w | 240 W 4- of u e i 80 119 Office of Commissioner of Immigratiox and Agriculture. YALOBUSHA COUNTY— Lands subject to sale hy the State of 3Iississippi. description of the tract. > o PI Part of Section. iS'. T. R. w S w ^- of 11 e :|^ -4 24 24 26 26 26 24 24 25 25 25 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 40 Se^ofs e ^ Part fractional 24 16 20 20 4 12 29 32 35 40 Nwi 160 Ne^ofsw^ 40 Part ne:^ S A 320 Part s \v ^ S e 1^ o f n vv :^ s w ^ of n w :^ Part w ^- of e w ^ W i of n e i N e :^ of n w :^ 10 4 26 32 32 33 33 34 ST) 23 24 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 40 Part e 4- of s e 1 Part n e + . . . Fractional n e i Fractional sei Part nwi Part s w ^ of n e ^ N 4 of s e 4 S wi 160 Part 26 Lot 1, town of Cuffoeville Lots 44, 45 and 46, town of Coffeeville Part s w ^, town of Water Valley 3 3 11 11 4 4 Part s w :^, town of Water Valley Fractional lot No. — , town of Water Valley. Lot 14, block 4, town of Water Valley 5 acre lot Gool tract, town of Water Valle}'. Lots 2 atul 3, block 17 Note.— These lands eutereJ ia Auditor's Office, Book 9, Folio 226. MISSISSIPPI COTTON LANDS FOR SALE CHEAP TO THE Best and Most Fertile Lands ON^ THE CONTIE^ENT! pgRreeTL¥ HeALTtwv Market easy of access, and plenty of YOUKG MEN, WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE OR COLOR, COME TO Where the Choicest Lands can be BOUGHT OR RENTED On Better Terms Than can be obtained in any other State. ADDRESS, RICHARD GRIGGS^ Commissioner, JACKS0:N', MISS. FULL INFORMATION ON SOIL, AGRICULTURE, STOCK RAISING, TIMBER, FRUIT GROWING, VINEYARDS, CLIMATE, HEALTH, WAGES, WITH A FINE MAP OF THE STATE OI^ >xi»sissii*r»i, FRZSE ! Address, RICHARD GRIGGS, Commissioner of Immigration and Agriculture, JACKSON, MISS.