Mad jm Regent: I hasten to inform von of an important piece of news relating to improvements to be nude in the vicinity of our lot purchased for Memorial Continental Hall. The Washington papers of this date announce that the Columbian University has just purchased the old Van Ness Estate which includes the square just south of our lot and facing Seventeenth Street. The announcement is made that "no money will be spared by the University authorities to gather about its new home one of the finest colleges in the United States. Plans have been submitted for a large University Building to front on Seventeenth Street, which will cost $350,000, and three additional buildings to front respectively on Eighteenth Street, C Street, and on B Street." As is generally known to the members of our Society the Corcoran Gallery is only one block north of our building site. The construction of the main University building 011 the block immediately south of our lot will add greatly to the value of our property and makes this locality a specially desirable one for our purpose. I trust that the members of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion will be encouraged to make renewed efforts to secure the necessary funds for erecting our Memorial Continental Hall at an early date. Very sincerely MARTHA L. STERNBERG Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means 2144. California Avenue N. W. Washington, D. C. June 20th, 1 90s LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■ n "I II II II II I I 011 800 658 6 Gift. Ov ^o Sox.. 1 1 Ap'G5 UBRARY OF CONGRESS 011800 658 6 • Hoi linger pH 8.5 Mill Run F03-2193