COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT (JjjMjA^LCU'iri^lXj^^ ^/ tyr)-'r/4J^ yUAM^'l'^^'^ n oaMA-/P^2yTytyay2yt.^yyQ (3'Trnll^ayvi(J^/7yiHy^ THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Two Copies Received MAR. 1 1901 COPTRISMT ENTRY CLASSY XXo. No. COPY 8. f^2)/335' ^1 '^/lAJ/r/'iJiA /[pj I ( 19 0/ Sfai^ .'] A/}^i/liA4yt,l M U/imj/ coyyvi JayOTrr O-trr '^rA/r /ihAryi. ■i^yiJTr'ryncUM'j'i aA'k>(. l/lATiyCuiMljJ cPh^^ruQyk^ ^tt OylAA^ (J-trryvv: UyiAM^ qQ-ZMA^ e^-iWA^ UnAJLHT^(A''i^£AA.fl^' Q-zry e^-TO^i/MZ^-^Jyi Co^ AUAe^ ^ C^AlMQA-^AAbn^/OiAyiAltyy ^aA 14/-^ A-Uy^-^A^UA^C a S'W^ oleA'JiAJl- '^tAin. (KAYCAAXOAr AAyt AjPM q/fA£n4.y^^ . )nAyi .(AAAlXlOcl ■^ -OT^yyyjAyiA^ ^^U- /^-^ -frAiJ'i^ .^M/!€AAaAUot/iiA .u-otA(^^^iA, OAi^r^ 0X1 //' *' ^a&^AL^ (f/^K^ tSAryn- jtuAOA/CAVt. £^eA2/Ai/ie. Ti^z.-'uzn^u-iy^ e/uoAec/^ a o6e/^n^^(z■nA'^ALri^^e-i■t^ i4/^i4^^tA.x__^ AAryAi>-'CA^f {AAAia^M-i Ia /Oaa/iJi^ <,- AJ-^ Ji^ uc/a-atka ayyy^/a^VTJ >/ ru s /vruZ^tyzyC M h-OAAAttrrT^tnyiA^ ^^/7A&^ ^^^'/f ^^ -/^U-^'-yc^ ■ TiCc -HO/in. ^mAAjiQTm, . ^o(. OAi/^uti AiA OAA oyT/y^j^yc/. Mtl L-o^AnJ ciAZnAt^ a^i^c/ o /-yi-u / ij inA- <0 ^cl ■MjU^/JAA) cIaa c ZunybO cAi /^a at^^AU OAAi^A^ciJ^je. .^riA^ o-/ aAxJt-/t/if/yi.? 'j J /if SrnnA/ViAAyuLAA J^a/'ollAUA^ T^^^JyiA. . / /,^ i ^ I'hf- tAOAiyi/TA, Ai''i-'i'-^^(yin^ )^^ ^XoiAAAji AAAi O QATinollAAjAcl j^^^n'^nn. /fhfAl^eAryt>CJ]^/77C^ QA^O-^Ai^''^ f^ff-i■^ Ari-j^e^aAoAlAC^yuU^aJ^fL /lJtu/I CJA ^(>( / 1 A-t^-n^e-ii L^AT //-c/c/irz OAAa AlAUCX-AAuAAf^ UT')rZ-'iA/ (T^f^CJL oUoJ/yT/l f AytriyCAt. AO^. (l^O^?/ I- 1 1 '^JZ^VI CA^^ O/l/l^ c/Ly/LXcC-c/.. AAaU^ lAPylAGAl Oj^^A^ '•/ ^^< '(a-4 •yUt/^AA! (a QXAOAlAAyAAf^ Oa^CrZAJaCti/l c <2Al/iayi^.on/iQ^ EAa^L^j/yUA/yyv, 6€ry7C^M4.4/^f, '^'Q ATLAyt ^^tLy!rra/2/nA . . 7"""'^' ^•^'" '• ^-^--"^^ /^t^^fiyX /2^^ ^SAAyyi^lAAAAA^iAi yO^/T^i^iAa/tAA id L (hri^iM ^ii w/z/jJ/j/jmij. /UT^Malt'i LtnVK 'smMl {V-i'^-ol dk/ayQ.yTM44y ? l/UrPkiyi/u1jA^ dAya^rra/1/i.i (^iry7n//wA4^^ -oa/inu LtnMtL tttiauiA CfaSa ^nyfUi^ I 3. b/fi/VMnnn-g/i-;/ {nr^.tin^Aytr^iA ayl.^zlJt^l/tl(/nf vhalsi .cf'-^-i-nn/j <7 irti yzi/^-inj oejoi- It^ /y-^ ^y~fQjjUS li''?~o /'trd.o / S' / /•i ro ^oXm /■js^a /ir6o 7i7o / fgo QJ/Zi^m/i-^va 1 1 io / 3 20 10 "60 /'Jj.O /^A 1 '>'Mo 7 7.0'i n v9 ii'iAAtm'1?- . - . .... a.b o /6irf OcoOiJ-im^a. 1 UMO 9SO 1/6/ 9.H 1 /';,3 3 /3./ ' M'mJayym. IPt/frzuJux - - - - / 320 Sr, / 3 1 H.'/7 nil UnnTUcZiouJ /•r,^<3 n 3o y oo 7 /i 9. 6-i- /3 3:3'7 1 l.oo /2 to / f.'J9 7397 (ll4^1A--0 /^ (,0 10. Go n.09 /■:. 32- , , . . 3 23 '^ yo mti/v7yWMi/PU^ J/ //// . 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H' ->zr/^. ly oMa "^JoAi^ WSJ "SumA^ ^um6 "S^S7 WJ^o iJ^aAi ^M a/mn^ JJJjjywvi .J/ncLAyCt/lA Jm. tPwnuLA / 2.1 I I 3,^y /3,4 7 l'i.0 9 tZ^i / 0. V y I 7.1 H I C,.o nil /z.n I Z ic S16 / I Z 6/ 9.7 7 i.i7 13.0 3 %7(> /? i-b /v. 7 7 n.zy '9.3/ 17.%'^ ■'97^ 7 0^0 I OM3 I 3. KT- -'. 10.7% lO'S'o fi- fh clru to 9 I LbU 7 3.77 I y.7'>' 1 9.^G 7 7.6'ij 7 7.7,(> I 1.1 (:■ 9 n I x.xo I '>''i7 I r. I i' Zb.O'? I 7. fb // i7 / /, ^ 3 (JlJu^mt4ryyva 7l4l'faJ(yUia'Psd S;7 Q-aA'D'U/yya fJ/ZA^i/wnJ^ /i.79 21.1 1 1707 i,7.r^ 1 0.7Z I ^7.01 i.O I %r/ /-y 46 I i.'i'i 7sy 7 A3 S' 7 Z.'iH 70 3^ / '>: 7 / /: (^7 7.1"' 70.7 7 7fM7 i.9 / 7/6' i.23 19.^5 / 7.?3 I Z 67 7. X i' 7Z "iG Z0.9 7 I 0.->.(r, tn / 79t 1 7 ';7 771.0G /Li7 71 77L / ri v7 70 y r i.7'r Wt^'t^'STta^ Il7'^^ 7 3.-13 I 7 "> 7)(y^ zo.y G 1 6. 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LLLL 4ymAAyVl/nj- ±11 9 01 i'.3l 7.U lAR _im u± fl/AA^A/Ti'iA 1a. ~ (.■{/j/i^/n/^-'f/inAyurrJ. jy/fACAn^lAMAJ liitAA/VlAAA- 9.',^ I lAl i A~l ii ^y JA2: JUJL S/niAMt-ClMML UAJf/aMAOA iftUA-Oi'ii^'U '{Ju^AtAJA'Wb (SmAAAA/amo » f-)' ■^/3 9 (J^ _Slil ?V^ •riMI i0« iL-lW.' tAnAAytm/ . 'ktB ■lAAAf/L lv§:. ^yO$)aAi'fm 6.?5 JA ■^^ .Z^ i Ci 6ii k.Qii A^^ ■J-A'i 6' 14 I '•-7' /O.'j I tro /3 3i I 3 ■TO 1 7 Zl -i.i-' I i./'ii /O.J79 3 73 ^'J-U fa -{/ll^/Vi/di -^4 oil SjoATCfrrct' c-nivi I 7v^ / 1.0 3 /6 (>>>- 2^ yv /•<:// 2<)-vv ^-i%o 7./1- 27.r/ 9.0 3 I9%H 10 %7 H.y3 io 00 2/r/ 273 / I "6.0 3 lb V 6 7/ /7.9r 1 /.o9 /^ 90 2 A* if 7 /I'.O'i' i.N3 7 / f.OV i%.0',- 23 7y 6'.(, 4' i7 '/'t 9.(1 o / 7 ''"'■I 5f.V3 10 7 (a :if.OL. ^3% I0.3C 12.k I /9.T3 / 9 i- / 17 'it / 76/ 2 -f.^/ 73 7^- /H 13 10 67 V / O 10 ;<; 7 0.0 1 6t-9 I 1 .1 1 7 6 i=y / 3.H I ■^19 72.10 76 f(= 70 oy 6 ;-i 9'^'f /7(>^ 7321S /^'.■i''! /3.-S-0 J 2 07 ii.9(' 1 11,0 8 77 -Y' -^ytrnti/TA-dAi/zl . CjAUy^ :hr=ikJ Qn/irr i^ijtuA liOcJ TAavMa ihu/lm/r(mnrl mu /SC<56 /V J7 H/'i% / /.U2 5aItUh/a Wak brf Gi-i id. -JO 3.i,% if OH itc7 1 1(= %X n-b 3 "^a-M A'Pit^m' 3i^ 2vf-i tr.%0 7b.)it- 7S.3^ 23 •?« 13.4? ]it.l% iH.Ji '7:'^9 /9r'i 3. HO 1 ^.fyyyt/rmllfmMi If. /i /J:// 6 3 70 /3 36 (9fiJiAmtl (Hnl /V/f / f.fV 71 >,'(=■ /■3 7 ' 2 0.37 10. zG rs.f/ //.■yy 'UnwJki 4A //■7o / /. 'fD llSil 7HI 7i.)i-1 /79C i-(>i-i 7 3.22 Od^.'Tac.UAi n4.§ 7'r.':>^ .'97^ C(,.3Z 1^.77 (Patuouot ifA. 2-3 73 i3 C2 'i t i-H 1 3. f ^- OJ^.o b 2.^./ 3 'fO.%(, /7.^6 (jaeyvrvya 1/kiM. 9.tf7 <7.'/7 U^.i7 6 // (Pxxm^ m. /lOH /f-3f (=7.^0 /J,i)6 (JOAAM^l yllOAA 22.//^ %t.'>-7 7(^7,'6 /&.90 ^ Z, 6 7 '11.%% 'r73¥ /•^'. 61 6 tfl/IM ^(hutlclmi /7.3/ /(>-f^ C (>.9C= 11.1-2^ i/.Vt) 2/,-C6 YQoy /2, 6^/ nXvu, a 2.^33 l6',17 7 /.3 7-i.H'i / y. fo l^i (,9 6'69o /6' t.^h- n^'i 7.6'0 I'd. 7 7) /7.V^ 70.9(o //.J-7 ^/nnn/clMul^.S tl (,b ^tl% ^7.5-3 7G.0H 1-7 0% ■2 7c''i5 702.n 79.-17 Q/jyoi.nou mI 73.9:7 / 3^7 Li^A-i 70.03 Ulij-ta rt.oL XJo'i i>LlA~V n.t) '." rucjnj-i.-vi-yd d/a 11 ^V 1 'j'.li 1 •I'l i-iu / Vh ytoJuf^hM. Zh-.Yr 7<9.79 7 7.2-'!>' /^.to 2■ 2 7 /6, 3 / i^apAMWf {•^m'.'VX. ^ xo.rc 7<=.7o 7 3.^-3 SvcJiMt'A (lUj. 17 3*, / ^.3<7 -('(i, /'7 7r.77 71-3 1 7'i./3 6;^^7 3 /■!(• 7-9/0 7 9. 71^ 77.90 73.3 / y-PcuJ ^/[my^ 7 b.%'7 /6 7v ;^ '79 r6Sr if^T-yiJ-UAA •^.'^. I1Y9 /7'(i 7,6:6i 7i.O 5 ^jAjty^T^ 7ha.d4. Z 3 67 77^/ 1 ',•'4 9 * / *-. ^ ,'. 9 7 (fiA-mrfiJAjon. .kAJ. J 1 2. 03 •^^'m^uiijl'-j 1 f.fO 'E>a-le-n^^-.Qfk/LAA. [ 1 1. yu au/^ffcdo/h^- If Tl P-trr^X^i^^. ^'/iii- 1 I.LIb- ^imisl^'^''^''^^^- 1 1 >>~.I0 (B^/yt^ ^itZ'T-m ttnx ■ 'f't 'J- 1 1.17 ^U/yi^t77^/tiJ- /V, 7 7 'i,'lfrra.eA^yui..-^1'0f. 11.11 S^ '. 1 in/rj-vM.'^^"^ 1 1 H.I 1 &<:oa/vutlt'Vi. , ^/ / 0.1H'. 1 1 u.i^o d'cMAOiTin-.cmoAA. 1 ■S CUmXi/vuAJxL ^ IdmfA C f 'Jit'U. un?>/J--;' '•A/i^flyin^. )-o ':j -Th-fi^rA-o oo 5/. ']n/i in-^-j '' -I J M Co 7--^. i^ JTJTf^u :jj_ (Pa /?^/./5^r;y/>3. f^ 'i)a^tin^ (D /Lt£UZ/yLWf If' I d'AxK/wA Iri/tl iS) gayi. %mi\ &y~ui I n I I / o.on H^id^ayi^Q'yyv ! Q-J Q^AA^''] 111 /,) PI ■f , / EiimMinUt ^'< JUJ_ fj'oA/r e 0-1 Xtfy (Pi> S 77 L^2_..i Soa-tAA'anv^c^' J_iJ _lio. _4i:5_ Juiii 6: 'is I i.3 6 JlJLU^ i.-Xb 4r flnji^/i>1^i^ 'lfl4,Wmttj<*l'yi *>!■ 'jtlfaxJ'I'H*!^' VnUiiAJlniVUL loll '^. J)fyi4M en.''-"' J o. & H r /a,^ 3 7 3 3 H ? Il at, A. hfiijA&oAJiAA^^M/ifiyl/< tfo b/fiA-Ui (^M^tiijQ)A/inA4yrn) < ^ y s- dl-V' /UVliA/^ t'vunm (X&a. 1 1.7-3 IDtG JJL±2^ '^■If I Z j-o II ^ <=i >>-(= "iS "fo •■^lAA/ (Drr-^jua/'Ayi-xfia tJ/ytLM/^KAn/riPi'iiimyy (firwc^dnZti ;'i5 RiJWt/^Un. ll 2 i/ &irvCdi.l4/J yi-tl^AA.' Q.imy}/b£lJ!{ jrHi ScUATiAZmv 1M-- /i ■i'!< S^-vi QyviAvyvio "Sj^ 1 . n.(>t Sa.-M Bintutn c^be^ C'ol /6 10 ^fA^i/irtry. CV^ /-(■.-»"■»" o/Vt. QyVi:SJi-ii^ ^< SilA I _— £ (/rxAJjjiriryiy(A:c I y /a 'i„oy\AS^/ray^t/iy:iix> I ■»'. 4' V I ^.3% 1^7' "jj-r (firr^. Q/yu^ji-'U^ 'S a CA ciyyyxjyvtXA> QaJiJoyvvtl fljl/yvi n'XiXdXj LAt innnyxfr- -, , /?M-M 'f'itaX^ , i/ryi/yij^ caj caaJt /' ^ ; 3 ^gjiZfzn-^^ /3it^- / 3 -)- 3 /Ai2_ / ^' 3 7 li/iAcLj^eA-^n-A- TAaXiA^ln^oiAj -t/LUjo 'ho-ariAA, (Zi/TA^. SI '-i/aXs ^P'xJynAyVUAJl /2.13 l'^.u^ 'WAJ/uviA^yi^'^' /{jt/wy J^ %/aXj ^(^ny^. ll.T^ I d,2o 1 1.1b 7./-I- r^-g^ 'SciAr^i^tyiyv^'-^ iiA^ c, 4y(-ylA'a CuClayVnTa fZin^ ^"iAO jjjlL. I /.^ 3 Tl^ '^jLO-ma. "5^ e/OQA .AotAy^ (A) g^ y d/y^^ ^%/aXj ^/yytJA^pyi'yrx I Xtr It to 10 79 f 10 a ir ^llAAJL Q^CLfAX-e Jfyyztl/ayyt a^-7 irCl-^ giAn^yyoAfn 1 ^jX/X*An.^U/-Ln-lji^aA^i/i ^ Liii fh./!-:'-! ^■k/eJj ^^f^ > ' 1 *i\/0 (fj.yia^y^ hcty t'-viytin,-x i^.n SyU^y-n (LyUtyi^L. /U.l^ Q^-ny-yx-tna. 1 3.2% ^^ ^ (3-/j n.(,i Y^n Q^ayuti'- /Jrt-t^-i-, -, ^ AiA/i^yl'i/iXt Hi f/l^/yiJ/}yLUJ JJlSL- IH f h 'ion ;^!t«'t-t-t^i--<^'t^ / l.Oi. fh-t-^^-LA eJtt^' IG Ofi ^po--7r-u-i ctr^-v^ r c_ IHAl /Zeyuvi ^^ytaZA cJtAi-rA^ /2f7/V -^ aJyo^T^yvdrvi / i)-3« Siczym Ci^t^Con/x^L^ /3.3X &aU.CL-^ 4' 3 V fJai^^^i^ 2,hJ (U'UVl ,^ S/^/ 7Jj(pzlA 3. 4 is ^.6 3 (flAtn ^'i_tati M 'Ay'l/tjJ, VZAS /ia^wi.^'iJtaZii ■/inn. 'AyWM/t -otOaAAfaAX. /tA-trUj Si/and "iylau/iAj. '^^^Za/taZctvu SA4l~yLi / -J". (, o f 2.7 t /J.l ■■- I 3A~& / 3.6~3 1 1 ^3 / 2 O 7 / i> 1', i ^ i- 1 /•»" 2 ? 141 f.'J'l 9 re 11.91 23.37 • / b". TO //3 o<7 6 / / -Z- yi To '"'■iOA/SA Itu/fryiA/vi^ <^/lWbSxAnA'Un/» 6 Jf.' 6. 2 -2 & Cf f.9^ 103 'S".'r^ 71 T, 7 i~/ ' 9.^ 'r I 7.1/:, I 7 y II. '^ y I l.t L 1 m I 3 >,- o //.73 Ar LI I'l' 9 3 0.(> C 3 6.2-0 il/HA/i'yi'Ti iiUi/'MlAf.^C^ l\ 'rn U^n^yun/V J 9': i' H s ;' 2v 1 1 / (^ i.6 3 U 7 o 3 6V / ■il.t-i' /i-.3 130 Cg 73 ti. tio~m & S/lyf/l/m/WT^/l/U (J/!/}yiteA' ^/atfA I 3i'3 S /^ fri? Sr.^7 a.^0 9.IZ ■/6'.7/- /♦ / <5 / 1.73- I ■>".',- o i'M7 /■»'. 3 / Li I 71-io 73 IfC ^f.c7 /n0 y/iMtip PyytLi"' ^-^>^ ^'' ------- ^- ■^-^-'- >^- 7^' — a/yriMtM /Iffi^rm a/oMj) Ptnoia^ /wzt n /m aQ^yuiQaAj^i/ii-/ivu/titu^ dec fj/iacyf, (J /yi^T/tn^kiMM i^a^fU mz^uM^Tft^ n'^i-t^ JifPTAAXoM^ryL ygry- .^cryu vzuucl /tAJ/Z4m /ttZictz/^l Im/ia 'Prmn^ aJJ p^uAyCi n Pm 6-irzA/yL^hAf /nvuA^ ^I~z. - ^ 10 a \ou^^t*>iu.f7friyyyyti/if 2<--^^ CA-1--7U11 / I.I 'f ■f.^-7 I l.'il II. if3 1 0.-i'9 13 20 f J/ '7.^ Z 7 II & /% I icy I I to ^'7-6 if i--i,¥ 2 J /7 2 7. 7f ^ /. 7^ 2 /.it 2 /,/ r / YrC 1 6X0 ly 12 /^ 3 -(■ I i 7C /-? f 7 'aAyo-LA-Zi-i trj u^£'i ■^ (Dc CAJ^yVJJi^'tinA.yi li'-iH 2 ■i'- ^ ^ ij f - (!,H GyvlP/yz/r tU^ AJ-'i ■Jc^^. n'tf-tt'o^iA^COffanrzIiUf? Jkr^yi ( ItjxAtAy^ ij <- 7 3 t(6 3 2 1 I I 1.0 3 i, 1/ X. -)'9 2 G I (<■(■ 1 3 / / y f I f 'J-6 I" 't O ^ 7 7 1 7 V L '! % » VV 2 1 / (, 70 i 3 3 / '^7 I7I t 7 nil is t^v / 6 ic ■i Vi 9 I 3 II ro ->".•(■ f J^ u y 'i II- / -ii I N .7 I 2 ^ ti '7' 3 3 ? 3 6 '« ■•■ 37 I I III iC ','0 3 H 7 c-y- 3 6 •( ^ 17 17 I "iu 7 t 3 6", ^ ■> V 2 z i 7t 3 ^-i 3 I L, 2 I V 1 Y(, I 7 fc 10. ZL, I 3 i/ 3 '> C 3 VI 3 L' '■ I 't' h 3 9 I O.loN 3 -i 1 3Z- 2 10 I i I'i I I I c i, 70 H 1/ I « 3 V i o f^ 3 ti'! 3 itv 3 3lr 3 / fe 2 3y ■^ "S-tJ! O'^'T^ti ^ oA-eyyyU ^hi-o-Zi. tM. m{u>&,3^, QfynJiAJ^/r . (9/1 Me ^ I %^ - ■^/uruJ/Ui xAyyyzliA ^fki/n^^^^tuA^yi^ ayi^mJdJ!a4/iA e^ Q-n^rryn ^^- ^ ^^Oia. hr^ &zi4Z^. U//H /ikx o-^ruyy i^cuyi/z/ .^yyyrz/iAAJ ihj/u>.y(n/i/) .^^i/y^^a^ji ^A^Z<htry iff -win/!, -cas tcrs /syyyyaz/ cZ/T/yzC/fia PART V. CLASSIFICATION OF RISKS BY OCCUPATION. 1. Manufacturing Industries. 2. Mercantile and Trading 3. Official and Clerical. 4. Personal Service and Entertainment. 5. Police, Military, Naval and Other Water Service. 6. Professional and Semi-Prof essional. 7. Skilled Labor, Trades and Mechanical Pursuits. 8. Transportation, Mining, Quarrying. 9. Various Out-Door Pursuits and Occupations not otherv/ise specified. NOTE BY THE AUTHOR. The following Classification of Risks is based upon deductions from Part IV of this work. But although that is the basis and has been followed approximately in a majority of cases, the author has not hesitated to ignore it whenever the facts seemed to justify a departure or variation from it. There are several reasons for an occasional, and in .some instances, for a radical variation from the classifications suggested in Part IV. ( I ) The data for Part IV was derived practically from the Northeastern Division of States. In some occupations no amount of data from that section alone would correctly represent the whole country. Since that is not to any great extent a mining region, it follows that data for the classi- fication of miners, and for that part of railroad business that is contingent upon mining, must be drawn from other .sources. The foregoing will apply to a number of other occupations. ( 2 ) In a number of the occupations referred to in Part I\' there were not lives enough in any of the age groups to constitute a basis from which to deduce reliable and satisfactory mortuary averages, and we were therefore obliged to gather information from a wider field. (3 ) In many instances the groupings in Part IV are not .satisfactory and separations and sub- classifications had to be made, involving a more extended search. In short, we have not hesitated to avail ourselves of any information from any source that seemed authentic, reliable and trustworthy. The various classifications are arranged, as will be seen, in nine General Divisions, following in a general way the arrangement in Part I\', thus securing approximate uniformity. With reference to mortuary exposure, the occupations are divided into eight classes, as shown below, and classes stand related to each other approximately as shown in the right hand col- umn, counting C as 100: A. Preferred 66 B. Select 80 C. First-CIass {00 D. Medium. 125 E. Doubtful 150 F. Hazardous 200 G. Extra Hazardous. 300 H. Not Insurable 450 It will be noticed that a D risk represents a mortuary exposure nearly double, F three times, and H nearly seven times that of class A. These classifications have no primary or direct reference to exposure to accident or injury, as the Accident Company Classifications have, although in some instances there is a tolerably close parallel. This follows naturally, since wherever there is a//v risk of injury there is some risk of death. In some instances the increased hazard is almost wholly due to the risk of accident or in- jury, as in the manufacture or handling of highly explosive substances; but there are also many others where the exposure to accident is very .slight and the mortuary risk very great, owing to the inherent unhealthfulncss of the occupation itself. 1. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Acetyline Gas Manufacturers. ill] Prop, or Manager, office duties onlx. ( /' ) Proprietor or Ivniploye, workiuo-. Acid Makers, working. ( l>) vSulphuric acitl ( xitriol ) ( c) Wood acid. Agricultural Implement Makers. { n ) Hand tools only. (d ) I'sing machinery Artificial Flower Makers Artificial Limb Makers. ( a I Hand tools only ( /' ) Using macliiner\- Automobile Makers or Repairers Awning or Tent Makers, employe in shop or factory . . Axe Makers Axle Makers Axle Grease Makers Baliy Carriages, employees in shop or factory Badge Makers. Bag Makers. Baking Powder I{mployees in shoji or factory. Barbed Wire Employees in factory Basket Makers. ( a ) Splitter and Weaver ( d ) Splint vSawyer. Bell Makers or Founders Belt or Belting Makers, employees in factory Bent Wood Works, employees in factory. Bessemer Steel Workers. Bicycles, workmen in factory Billiard Balls Billiard Tables, emjiloyees in shop or factory Blacking or Dres.sing Makers , Blank Books, employees in shop or factory. Blast Furnace Workers, all emjiloyees Blinds, Sash and Door Operatives. ( ) Bone or Ivory, using awls U ((') Composition, using screw, jilate or buffer.. D Candy Makers, employees in factory. I) Candle Makers, Tallow Chandlers. D Can Makers. la) Not using die. F) I /' ) Using die F" Canning Factory Employees. E Carl)on Black Makers. F) Car Manufacturers, employees in shops F Card and Card Board Makers D Carpet Bag Makers D Carpet Makers in factory E Carriage or Wagon Makers. {(t) Hand tools only. F) ( /' ) losing machinery F" Cartridge Makers H Catsup or Soup Makers D Celluloid Workers F" Cement Workers in factory F"' Chain Makers. , . F Charcoal Iron Workers F" Chemical Works Employees F" Chewing fium, employees in factor}-. tl Chocolate or Cocoa Makers D Cider Vinegar Makers D Cigar Makers, employees in factory F Circular Saw>'er (see Lumber Mills.) 1. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES-CONTINUED. Clay or v'>toneware Pipe Workers (see Tile Makers ) Clock and Watch Makers, employees in factory Coffin or Casket Makers. ( a ) Hand tools only. {b) losing machinery ( (- ) Trimmer Collar and Cuff ^lakers Color Makers Concentrator, vSmelter and Quartz Mill em- ployees. . Confectioner Working Condensed Milk Factory Employees Converting Department Operatives Cooper Manufacturers. ia) Hand tools only. (b) Using barrel machinery Cordage or Rope Makers Core Cutters and Core Makers Cork Cutters. Cornice Makers or Molders (plaster, tin, iron, zinc or copper ) {a) Shop work only. {b) Outside work or setting Corn Shellers, employees in factory. Corset Makers Cotton or Woolen Mill Operatives Crucible Steel Workers Cutlery Manufactory Workers Dental Supplies Manufactory Workers. Distillers and Rectifiers. (a) Prop, or Manager, office duties only (b) Supt. or Foreman, super\-ising only. (c) Laborers in Driven Well Points Dolls, Notions and Toys, employees in factory Drop Forger, or one using drop press. Dynamite, Powder, Nitroglycerine, etc., man- ufacturers Emery Cloth and Paper Makers. FCmery Wheels and Grinding Machinery Mak- ers. Envelope Makers. Excelsior Factory Operatives, not specified elsewhere Extract Makers Feather Duster Makers Felt Makers , Felt Roofing Makers. , , it Fertilizer Makers. . E Fiber Manufacturers' employees. D File Makers, employees working , F Fire Engine, F^scape or Hose Makers E Fire Works Makers H Fi.shing Tackle Makers D Flaging Stone Makers. E Flour and Talc Mill Employees E Foreman of Mill or Factory, supervising only, unless otherwise classified C Forgeman, not drop forger F Fork Mill PImployees F Foundrymen. F Furnace and Grate Makers E Furniture Factory Employees. F Furriers, not dealers D Garden Tool Makers. F Gas Fixtures, Gas Machine and Gas Burner Makers , E Gas Works Employees. E Gas or Water Meter Makers E Glass Workers and Glass Blowers, emplojees. F Glove Factory Employees D Glucose Works Employees F Glue or Mucilage E Gravity R. R. Employees F Makers. E Grindstone Makers E Hammock Makers. D Hat and Cap Makers, em])loyees in factory. F Hat or Boiniet Block Makers F) Hollow Ware Makers. (a) Iron, not handling hot metal ... F) ih) Handling hot metal. F (<-) Hollow wooden ware. . E Hoop Makers. ( a ) Not using machinery E (b) Using machinery . F Hoop Skirt Makers D Hosier}' Mill I{mployees D Shoe Makers E India Rubber W'orkers D Ink Makers. J) Iron Workers ( structural ) F Iron Tube Workers F Iron and Steel Workers ( .see different cla.ssifi- cations) 1. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Contimued Iron Railing Makers Lace Makers Ladder Makers. ( a ) Not using machiner}' ( 1^ ) Using machinery Lamp and Lantern Makers Last Makers. (a ) Hand tools only ( /' ) Lathe work ( (■ I Circular saw Lead Pencil Makers Lead, Sheet, White or Pipe Makers Leather Board Makers Level or Rule Makers ... Lightning Rod Makers Looking-Glass Makers Lumber Mills, all employees in nulls or yards not doing office or clerical work Malleable Iron Workers. Manager, office duties only (unless otherwise classified ) Manufacturer, office duties only ( unless other- wise classified ). Marble and Granite Workers, not (piar- riers Mat and Matting Makers. Match IVLakers Mattress Makers Mineral Water Makers Model or Pattern Makers Molder and Molding Machine Workers Muck Rolls ( iron and steel workers) Nail Makers or Choppers. Nautical Instrument Makers Needle Makers. Nitroglycerine or its Coinpounds, Manufact- urer or Custodian Oil Cloth or Linoleum Factory, employees Oil Mills (cotton or linseed) Operatives. ( (/ ) Cakeman, Ganger, Foreman of Ma- chinery, Pressman ( /' ) luigineer, iMreuian, Shaver, Laborer. Oil Wells and Refineries. ( a ) Proprietor, General Manager, Ope- rator or Producer, Broker, Sales- man, Superintendent of Pipe Line, office duties only. K C E F D D E F E F D E E n F p; A A p: D E E E E G F p: I) D H F (r) (d) [(■) (/ ) ( /> ) .Sup]ily Dealer, Business Manager, supervising onl}- . B I''oreman at Crude Stills, Ganger, In- spector, Stillman, supervising only, vSuperintendent of Pipe Line otitside. Weigher C Still Cleaner, Casing Puller, F'ilter- men, Hoisters, Loaders or Fillers, Machinists, Operators working about wells, Paraffine WaxMak- ers. Pumpmen, Riggers, Tank Builders, Treaters of Oil in Refin- ery, Watchmen V, .Stationary luigineer or Fireman, Driller, Laborer at Yard, Plat- form or Well F I^aborers on Pipe Line, Line Con- structor, vStillman firing or run- ning Stills at Refinery G Oi)en Hearth Steel Workers V Optical Instrument Makers E Overseers in Mills and Factories, supervising only (unless otherwise classified; C Packing Case Makers F) Packing House lunployees F Pail Makers . . . F Paint Makers D Pajier Bag or Bo.\ Makers . D Paper Mill Operatives D Paper Maclie Molders or Carvers E Pattern Makers V. Pen or Pencil Makers E) Percussion Ca]) Makers , H Perfume Makers D Phosphate Works Ivmploj-ees . E Piano Makers. E Pickle Makers D Picture Frame Makers F) Pin Makers D Pistol or Gun Makers. \\ Plaster Makers (same as Cement Workers. I Pocket-Book Makers D Pottery Workers. . D Powiler Mill lunployees H Printing Press Makers E Pro])rietors, office dutiesonlx- ( unless otherwise specified ) A 1. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES— CONCLUDED. Pulp Mill Kmployees . Pump Makers. (a) Metal (b) Wood. Putty Makers. Pyrotechnists Quartz Mill Employees Rail Mill Employees Rattan and Reed Workers. Rolling, Rod, Plate and Sheet Mills Rosin, Tar and Turpentine Makers. Rubber Works Employees Rule or Level Makers Sail Makers Safe Makers Salt Works Employees Satchel Makers Sausage Makers Saw and Tool Makers. Scale Makers Screw Makers. Scythe and Sickle Makers Sheet Lead Makers Shirt Makers.. Shoddy Makers Shingle Mill Operatives Shoe Peg Makers . Shovel Makers Show Case Makers Shuttle Makers. ( a ) Not using circular saw. {d) Using circular saw Silk Mill Employees Smelter Employees Soap Factory Employees Soda Water Makers Spectacle Makers. Spindle Makers . Spool Makers Spring Makers. {(7) Bed or sofa springs (/') Wagon or buggy springs Stamp Mill Employees Starch Makers D E E H F F D F F D E D E E D E E D E E F D E F E E E E F D F E E D E E E F F D Stove Works Employees F Sugar Refinery Employees , F Superintendent, supervising only (unless otherwise cla.ssified ) C vSurgical Instrument Makers. . E Suspender Makers. D Tack Makers D Tallow and Makers E Tank and Vat Makers U Tannery Employees . E Tar, Turpentine or Rosin Makers F Tent or Awning Makers E Terre Cotta Makers. D Thermometer Makers D Thread and Yarn Makers. D Tile Makers E Tool Makers. ( a ) Not using machinery E ( l> ) Using machinery F Trunk Makers D Tub and Pail Makers F Tube Works Employees F Type Founders D Typewriter Makers or As.semblers E Umbrella Makers. D Valve or Steam Gauge Makers. E Varnish Makers E Vinegar Makers D Vitriol Makers F Watch and Clock Makers, employees in fac- tory F Wax Flower Makers D Whip Makers ' . D White Lead Makers F Wig Makers D Window Screen and Shade Makers , D Wind Mill Makers, shop work only, not put- ting up. E Wire Makers, employees in factory F Wire Mattress Makers D Woolen Mill Operatives D Yarn Makers or Spinners D Yeast Makers. U Zinc Works Emploj'ees F 8 2. MERCANTILE AND TRADING. Apothecaries, Druggists, Dealers in Drugs, Clieniicals and Druggists' vSundries. (a) Proprietors, not \v(_>rking, or super- vising onl> D ( /' ) Pharmacists, prcjfessional and store duties only , D {)-) Clerks (not pharmacists), general du- ties K Bakers. i ir ) Proprietors or Managers, office and counter duties onl>' C ( l> ] Clerks, store duties only D ((•) Clerks or employees dri\-ing wagon E ]5ird Dealers B Coal Dealers. ( ci ) Proprietors or Managers, office duties only. B { /' ) Proprietors working in \-ard or deliv- ering E if) Ivraployees, loading nr unloading car> or \vag(jns F Ctinnnercial Travelers. ( II ) Selling goods by sample onl\- A ( /' ) With teams, selling goods from wagon. C iMsh and Oyster Dealers. ( a } Proprietor or Manager, store duties only C ( />) Clerks, store duties and delivering D Florists, Dealers. (a ) Pro]irietors nr managers, store duties only B ( /' ) Clerks or emplo\ees, store duties and deli\ering C Fruit Dealers. ( (/ ) Proprietors or managers, office or store duties only. B id) Clerks, packing, luipaeking or deliv- ering D CiUns and Anununition Dealers.. E Hucksters and Peddlers (any class of goods) E Junk Dealers E Marketmen, stall, shop or wagon. 1', Merchants and Dealers, Wholesale or Retail, in any of the lines specified below: Advertising Novelties. Agricultural Iniplenients. Architects' Supplies. Artists' Materials. Art Stores. Automatic Engines. Bab}' Carriages. Bakery (office or counter work only.) Bee Keepers' Supplies. Bicycles, Sundries and Supplies. Books and Stationery. Boots and Shoes. Builders' Supplies. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Mattings, etc. Cash Registers. Cigars and Tobacco. Clothing. Connnission Merchant, not handling goods. Confectionery. Crockery, China, etc. Dairy and Creamery Supplies and Products. Dolls, Notions and Toys. Dry Goods. Electrical Goods and Supjilies. Flour, Grain, Hay and Feed. Furnaces ami other Heating .Apparatus. F'urniture. Gents' Furnishings. Groceries. Hair Gooils. Hardware. Hats, Caps, Gloves or Furs, Hides and Pelts. Ice. Iron anL general store. Poultry, F'ish or Game. Seedsmen. Stoves and Tinware. Tea Dealers. Wagons and Carriages. Woodenware. Wood Dealers. Wool and Woolen (ioods. MERCANTILE AND TRADING-Concluded. Classification for the foregoing mercantile lines: («) Proprietors or General Managers, not working or office duties only. A (h) Chief Clerks or Business Managers, supervising only A (fj Buyers.. A {d) Manager Advertising Department A (c) Floor Walkers . B (/ ) Cashiers - C ig) Clerks or Salesmen, counter duties only. C (//J Clerks, packing, unpacking, wrap- ing and preparing for shipment or delivery.. , D (/; Shipping Clerks or Checkers, not C {J ) Clerks or Apprentices, handling pack- ages, delivering or driving deliv- ery wagon . E Merchants, General Stores. (a) Proprietors or Managers, general du- ties . C ( b) Clerks or Salesmen, store duties only. D ic) Clerks or Salesmen, delivering goods. E Milk Dealers. (a) In store, not delivering C ( /' ) Delivering from wagon D Mineral Water Dealers ( not bottling or man- ufacturing. . C News Agents on trains E Traders C vSecond Hand Stores ( any class of goods ) E Wine and Liquor Dealers (wholesale or retail ). F 3. OFFICIAL AND CLERICAL. Abstracters. C Accountants C Adjusters (insurance and the like) . A Agents — Advance, Advertising, Baggage, Book, Commercial, Financial, Insurance, Land, Lightening Rod, Loan, Nursery, Passen- ger, Real Estate, Sewing Machine, etc. Office duties, traveling or soliciting only A Asses.sors A Auctioneers B Auditors — City, County or State A Auditors, office duties or traveling. A Bailiffs or Court Officers C Bankers. (a) Officer, not working, or office duties only. A (b) Ca.shier, Teller, Inspector B {(•) Clerk, Messenger, Collector. C Bookkeepers, office duties only D Brokers — Bonds, Chemicals, Cigars, Cotton, Glass, Gold, Grain, Investments, Insur- ance, Live Stock, Merchandise, Provisions, Railroad Tickets, Stocks, etc. Office du- ties or soliciting only.. A Capitali.sts, Pri\-ate Bankers, Money Lenders, A Conveyancers, office duties only. C Coroners D Cu.stom House Officers or Inspectors A Claim Agents A Clerks. ( a ) Civil or official positions, office duties only. B (b ) Mercantile lines, office or store duties only (see classification elsewhere.) (c) Hotel or restaurant, desk or super- vising duties only. D id) Boat, steamer or sea-going ves.sel G Collectors or Deputy Collectors. ( a ) Government . . C ( b ) Private accounts, office duties only A (c) Outside or traveling B Constables, civil writs only D Consuls, government office B Copyists. D Court Reporters. C Employment Office C Financial Agents. A Highway Commissioners, no other duties. A lO 3. OFFICIAL AND CLERICAL -Concluded. Indian Agents on Reservation C Inspectors. ( ) In time of war H Ste\-edores G Stewards (river, lake, .sound or sea-going ves- sels) . E Submarine Divers H Watchmen. ( « ) In liank or office D ( /' ) .Store, factory, mill or warehouse E 6. PROFESSIONAL AND SEMI-PROFESSIONAL. Actors li Actuaries A Acrol:)ats. . G Aeronauts H Architects. ( a ) Office duties only B ( ^ ) Supervising only C ((■) Naval, supervising only D Artists, painter in studio only C Assayers. . C Attorneys at Law C Authors, or persons engaged exclusively in literary work I) Aurists. B Ba.seball Players ( professional ) H Bicycle Racers ( professional ) H Bicyclists, teachers or exhibitors D Cancer Specialists B Chemists. (a) Manufacturers chemicals and drugs, supervising only A (d) Laboratory work, testing, analyz- ing, etc D Chiropodists or Manicurists, office duties only. B Circus Performers or Riders H Civil Engineers. ( (7 ) Consulting or supervising only. A {/'} Field work. C ( ( ) Mining operations D ( d ) Mechanical D Clay Moulders, or designers D Clergymen A Concert Singers B Cook, chef E Dancing Masters Dentists... Designers or Draughtsmen Editors. ( (7 ) Writing or managing ( /' ) Superintendent Printing Office, super- vising only. Farriers, veterinary surgeons '. . Football Players ( professional ) Geologists Gymnasium Masters, or Instructors.. Interpreters Inventors. Jockeys (rider in races) Lapidaries Lawyers. . Metallurgists . Music Teachers Musicians Nurse, professional, not insane. Nurse, professional — keeper of insane, pri- vate or in hospital Oculists... , Opticians. ( a } Merchant, store duties only A ( /' ) Working in shop C Orderlies, or Nurses in Hospital F Physicians. D Riding School Masters E Roller Skating Teachers D Scientists D Sculptors. ( c7 ) Studio work C ( /') Chiseling E C c c B D H D D A A H C C A D D E F C '.■^ 6. PROFESSIONAL AND SEMI-PROFESSIONAL-ConclUDED. Showmen, not circus performer.' Students. (a) College. ( b) Medical.. (c) Law Surgeons A A A C vSurve\-or.s. ( a ) Office duties only. A ( f>) Field work B Taxidermists C Teachers or Professors in school or college B Theatrical Managers D Writers, authors, composers. D 7. SKILLED LABOR TRADES AND MECHANICAL PURSUITS. Armorers. ( a ) Not using machinery E (d) ITsing machinery, . . F Asbestos Workers, pickers and assorters D Asphalt, floor, walk or street layers E Awning Hangers. D Bakers, working in bakery or factorw E Beef Handlers, in , E Bell Hangers E Bicycle Repairers, shop work only. E Blacksmiths. {(J) General shop work, not shoeing E ( l>) and cattle shoer F ( <•■ ) Ironing carriages E ((/) In machine shop, foundry or factory. F Blasters in Quarries, Wells or Mines G Bleachers. D Book Binders. I (t I Hand tools only. D ( /' ) Using machinery }', Bootblacks D Boot and Shoemakers, or repairers in slujp, hand tools only D Boring Machine Operators or Tenders E Bottle Washers . E Bottlers, (liquors, carbonated waters or .soda) E Brass Finishers or Polishers. {a) Not using emery wheel. , I) ( /' ) Using emery wheel F Brass Founders I£ Brick Layers or .Masons. E Bridge Builders. (a) Contractor or foreman, working. F (l>) Employe F Bridge Keepers D Builders F Building Movers. (ff ) Manager or foreman. E ( /' ) Employe F Burnishers. (a) Not using emery wheel D (/') Using emery wheel. . F Butchers. (a) Proprietor, not .slaughtering, cutting or driving wagon C (/') Meat cutter, keeper of market E (0 vSIau.ghterer . . F Buzz Sawyers. G Buzz Planers. G Cabinet Makers. (a) Hand tools only E (/') Using machinery F Caulkers, ships. !•; Carpenters. (a) vShop or jjench work only D (/') Framer of buildings, and builder working F Carpet Cleaners . , D Carpet Layers E Carpet Weavers E Carvers, wood, bone, metal or ivory. (ii) Hand tools onl\'. E (/') losing machiner>- F Caterers. I) Cedar Block Pavers. I) Cement Walk Layers !•; Chimney Sweepers G Clothing or Cloak Makers. E Coffee Packers or Roasters D Coal Heavers F Coke Drawers or Chargers E 7. SKILLED LABOR TRADES AND MECHANICAL PURSUITE-CoNTiNUED. Compositors. (a) Case work only D (/') Using machinery E Composing Room Foremen, supervising only C Contractors. ( I! ] Office duties only A {/') Supervising only B ir) Working ( see specific classifications. ) Coppersmiths. ( a ) Shop work only D ( d) Outside work E Cornice Setters. F Corrugated Iron Workers, crimping, etc D Cotton Workers. ( a ) Classers or .samplers . C ( /' ) Dyers or printers. D if) Gin feeders E ((/) Packers or pressers E ((■) Weigheis, laborers. E Cracker Makers, working D Curriers (.see Tannery employees.) Cutters, boots, shoes, shirts, gloves or clothing. (ti) Hand work only D (/') Die work. E Creamery Operatives, butter and cheese mak- ers D Decorators, inside work only D Die luigravers or Die Sinkers D Dressmakers, male C Dyers... D lUectrical lunployees E) F^lectroplaters D Electrotypers. . D Elevator Builders E lvle\ator Operators. {(i) Passenger D {/<) Freight E Embalmers C F^mhos.sers . D I{mbroider\' .Stampers C Flnamelers D ICngineers or F'iremen. Dredge boat F FZlectric motor E Hydraulic. D Lake, river or sound, high jiressure G Lake, river, sound or ferr)-, low pre.s.sure. F Locomotive (see Railroad lunployees. ) Mining. (rt) Out.side F (/') Underground.. G Pile Drivers G Portable. E vSea-going vessels. G Stationary engine E Stationary engine in iron or steel works. F Steam .shovel. F Street car motor E Threshing machine F Traction F Tug Boat. (a) River or harbor F (/') Ocean work C Engravers, copper, gold, steel, stone or wood. D Etchers D F'eeders. ((() Cylinder or rotary printing press. . . . D (/') Lithographic printing press D ((') Threshing machine F Ferrymen, steam ferry-boat E Fire I{scape Builders. (n) N(jt putting up E (/') Putting up F Firemen. (ir) F'erry boat F (/') Kiln, cement, brick or tile works. . . . E PMre Patrol or Salvage Corps Members E Firemen— City fire department G P'ish Curers D Flax Dressers D P'resco Painters, inside work D F'urniture Movers D Gang Sawyers F Gas or Steam Fitters, plumbers E Gas pipe line (natural) employees E Gangers. {(i) IL S. revenue service A (/') Store or warehouse A (r) Distillery D ((/) Oil well or tank D ((■) Water, milk, mill, cotton or linseed oil. D Gilders, in shop D Gold Heaters, refiners or workers D Grain PHevator eniplo\ees E Grain Samplers, visiting freight yards E Glaziers D Grave Diggers D 7. SKILLED LABOR TRADES AND MECHANICAL PURSUITS-CONCLUDED. (ii iiulcrs, mill spindles, edged tools, etc Hair Workers Harness Makers Heliotypers Hod Carriers House Painters Ivory, Bone or Wood Cutters or Turners. . . . Japanners Jewelers, working at bench Kalsominers Letter Cutters, marble or stone Lamp Lighters Lath Machine Operators Lathers . . Launderers, employees in laundry Leather Workers, dyers, splitters, dressers, etc. Lithographic Workers Lobster Boilers Locksmiths Loom Fixers Machinists Mail Agents on Trains Mantel or Tile Setters Masons, stone work Metal Refiners or Workers Millers, flour, grain or talc Millwrights Monument Builders Morocco Dressers Morocco Dressers, using acids Oilers in shops, mills or factories Organ Builders or Repairers Organ or Piano Tuners Oven Builders Packers of beef, pork or flour Painters. (ir) Carriage, coach or wagon, in shop.. . . (/>) .Signs, in shop (r) House or sign ((/) Decorative, fresco or scene {r) Artists, studio only ( /') Bridge work Paper Hangers Pavers, working Photographers Piano Movers Plasterers Platers Plumbers, Steam or Gas Fitters. Pressmen (printers) F C D C F E E D F E D D E D E E D D D E E D D E D D E It D E f; E A E f: D D f: D C F D E C D E D E D Printers (see compositors.) Riveters U Roofers, slate, tin, composition, metal, gravel or wood F Saddlers D Saw Filers D Scourers and Dyers D Sewer Pipe Workers F Sewer Workers, employees F Sewing Machine Makers or Repairers F Ship Building Employees F Silversmiths D Sheet Iron Workers E Slaters F Soap Boilers F Spinners, silk warp or thread D vStage Carpenters J5 Stair Builders IJ Stave, Heading and Hoop Mill Eimployees (see Coopers) F Stereotypers D Stone Dressers, cutter, finisher, sawyer or niolder E Structural Iron Workers on Iniildings F Stucco W^orkers F Tailors, working E Telegraph Builders or Repairers F Telegraph Linemen F Telephone Linemen E Tinners. (a) Spouters or Drain Setters E (/') Shop work onh' D (<) Bridge work F Toll Oate Keepers D Truckmen, not drivers. {a) Handling light parcels E (/') Handling heavy parcels F Typewriter Adjusters and Repairers D Upholsterers D Varnishers D Warehouse Laborers F Water Works Employees E Weighers D Wharf Laborers p Wheelwrights E Whitesmiths D Whitewashers E Wire Workers, screens, railings, counter guards, ornamental fences, etc E Wool Pullers, samplers, classers, sorters, etc.. D t6 8. TRANSPORTATION, MINING, QUARRYING. Baggage or Transfer Ageiils, driving wagon or handling goods IC Drivers and Teamsters. (cr) Carriage, hearse, horse car, light par- cel deliver)- wagon, mail van, pri- vate coach or any conveyance for the delivery of household supplies. I) (/>) Cab, dray, express wagon, hack, omni- bus, public coach, stage or truck... I{ (f) Brewery, mineral water, ice or coal wagon, cart or dra>- and s])rinkling carts F ICxpress Agents. ((7) Office duties only B {/)) Handling Goods D ((-) On trains K Hostlers K Livery vStal)le Keepers. [a) Proprietor, supervising only C (6) Proprietor, working and driving D ((■) Hostlers or stablemen ¥, Miners — Coal, copper, .gold, iron, leail, ijuartz, siU'er, zinc and all other kinds (jf mining. (a) Operators, not working, or office duties only A (/') Operators, Managers or vSuperintend- ents, supervising only C (r) Bookkeepers, office duties only I) ((/) Engineers of mining operations E (/■) All other employees outside P" ( /) All employees under .>;ronnd O Ouarrymen. (a) Managers or vSu])erintendenls, not working, or office duties only A (/') Ouarrymen, working F Railroad Officials and F^mployees not classi- fied under Otjuial lutd Clniial. Baggagemen. (a) At station D (/;) On ))assenger trains F^ ((■) On mixed trains F" Boss of Wrecking (-ang, sui)ervisin,i; onl\ .. F Bridge or Trestle liuilders. ((0 Foremen, super\-ising onl\- F (/') Workmen G Brakemeii. (a) Passenger train, air lirakes onl_\' E (/') All other trains G Caller E Car Accountants or Checkers, visiting yards Car Cleaners Car Couplers. {a) Passenger cars without air l)rakes. (/') All other trains {c) In yards Car Repairers Car Tracers, visiting yards Conductors. Dining, drawing room, sleeping car or passenger train Cattle, coal, freight, oil or mi.xed train Construction, gravel, logging or repairing train Cooks (a) Dining or hotel car W^ork train Coal Heavers Cranemen, steam shovel Construction train laborers Dispatchers, in >ard Doormen or Gate Keepers at Stations. . . . FvUiployees. (a) On ditchers (/') On pile drivers F^ngineers. ((!-) Passenger trains (/') Cattle, coal, freight, oil or mixec trains ((■) Constructit)n, gravel, logging or re pair trains F^xpress Mes.sengers, train service F'ence Builders or Repairers Firemen, locomotive Flagmen, Targetmen, Signalmen P'lagmen, freight train Foremen, not working. [a] At freight houses (/') At shops (( ) At round houses (d) At section gang (r) Coal heavers ( /") Pile driver crew (.<,') Switching crew, coupling or switch ing in yard Freiijht .\,nent at station, general duties. . D E F F G F C F F E G E D G E G D E E F E F G E 17 8. TRANSPORTATION, MINING, QUARRYING-CoNCLUDED. Freight Handlers, in freight or ware- houses E Greasers, Wipers, Cleaners or Boiler Wash- ers F Hostlers or Assistants F Laborers. {a) In freight house or elevator F (fi) On construction, work or wrecking train G Machinists or Helpers in shops E Painters. (a) Bridge or yard work E (/') Shop work only D Pilots, coal train G Porters, dining, drawing room or sleeping car D Station Agents. (a) Office duties only C (d) General duties D Stewards, dining car D Store Keepers. (a) Not handling goods C (/') Handling goods D Switchmen, not coupling E Switchmen, switching and coupling G Switch Tenders, not switching, coupling or braking • • E Section Men Cr Tallymen in freight houses. ((7) Not handling freight D (/)) Handling freight E Telegraph Builders or Repairers E Tinners, bridgework F Truckmen. ((?) Inside at depot E (/') In freight or warehouses F Turntable Men E Waiters, dining or hotel cars D Watchmen E Wrecking Train Employees G Yard Master, supervising only F Yard Employees, general duties G Slate Quarriers F Street Railway, cable, horse, elevated or elec- tric. (a) Superintendents or Managers, super- vising only A (/') Superintendents or Foremen of Con- struction or Repairs, supervising only C (r) Car Dispatchers, Inspectors, Roadmas- ters, vStorehouse Keepers, Trans- fermen. Conductors, Time Keepers L) id) All others E VARIOUS OUT-DOOR PURSUITS AND OCCUPATIONS NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Advertising Agents — Outside work, distrilni- tors, bill pesters, etc D Agrictiltural Implements — Salesmen, .setting up and running machines D Bee Keepers B Bill Posters D Cattle Dealers — not tender or drover, not on farm, ranch or in yard and not visiting pens or yards or handling stock A Cattle Dealers — Visiting pens or yards and handling stock F Cattle Raisers or Breeders, on farm or ranch. (a) Proprietor or Superintendent, .super- vising only A (/') Tending or caring for .stock E (() Laborers tending or caring for stock.. F Cattle Shippers and tenders in transit F Chainbearers (surveying) C Charcoal Burners D Cistern Builders and Repairers E Cistern Cleaners E Coffee Plantation. (a) Proprietor or vSuperiiitendent, super- vising only. A (/)) Employees, working C Cotton Plantation. (a) Proprietor (jr Superintendent, super- vising only A (d) Emplo\ees, working in field C Cowboys on ranch or tending .stock in tran.sit... F Dairymen. (a) Proprietors or Foremen, supervising only. - A (/)) Employees milking or tending stock D i8 9. VARIOUS OUT-DOOR PURSUITS AND OCCUPATIONS NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Concluded. Di'o\ers. {ii) Tending stock in transit F (/') Not tending stock in transit C Fanners. (n) Owner or Superintendent, supervis- ing only A (/') Working B (i) Farm Laborers, not teamsters C F'lorists. (ii) Proprietors or Superintendents, out- side, superintending onh' A (/') Proprietors or Superintendents, working B (/") F^mployees C Game Keepers.. D Gardeners. ( (7 ) Superintending only A (/') Working.. B (r) F^mployees. .. C Guides, not trappers or hunters E Hay Pres.sers D Hedge, Shrub and Tree Trimmers E Herders E Horse Breakers or Trainers G Horse Dealers. (a) Not handling, shiiijiing or tending in transit. . B ( /' ) Handling, ship])ing and tending in tran.sit F Hunters F Ice Cutters F Kilnljurners. E Kindling Wood Choppers E Laborers, day. ( a ) Not on farm F ( /' ) Farm laborer C Land Looker. B Land Surveyors, field work B Lumbermen in Woods. (a) Proprietors, business managers or su- perintendents, general supervision only. B (/') Cook, foremen, overseer in woods C (<■) All other employees G Milkmen, milking, tending stock or delivering D Nunserymen. (tj) Proprietors, office duties or general supervision only A (/.) Working in field B (() I'.mployees. C ((/) Tree agent, not delivering or .setting. B (<•) Tree agent, delivering or setting D ( )range Groves. (ti) Proprietors or superinteiulents, sujier- visingonly. A (/>) Iun]iloyees, working E Overseers or vSuperintendents un farms, plan- tations or ranches, supervising only A Planters. in) Proprietors or vSuperintendents, su- pervising only. A (/') Working B Poultrymen, feeders, killers, dressers or pack- ers E Prospectors, mining . . . F Ranclinien. (ir) Projirietor or Snperintendent, super- vising only. , B {/i) Tending stock E Scavengers, Garbage Collectors, Nightnien. F Seed Growers, outside duties only. C Sheep Farmers, Raisers or Breeders. ((r) Proprietors or Superintendents, su- pervising only A (/') Proprietors or Superintendents, working B ((■) F'mployees. C Stock Rai.sersor Breeders (cattle, hogs, horses, mules, etc.) (a) Proprietors or Superintendents, su- visingonly. A (/') Proprietors or Superintendents, tend- ing or caring for stock D (() l{mployees , . E Stock Yards lunployees. F Teamsters. (a) In woods. G (/>) C)n farm or plantation C Threshers with machine F Tile Ditchers E 19 VARIOUS OUT-DOOR PURSUITS AND OCCUPATIONS NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED— Concluded. Tile Layers or Setters. D Timl^er Hewers E Vine Growers B Well Borers, (artesian) D Well Diggers F Well Drillers, any kind of well. (rt) Using explosives G (d) Not using explosives F Wood Choppers F Woodsmen F A'