018 604 059 4 V [Copyright, 1881, by "Robert Sinnickaon, author.] COMETARY. Zu.Uj- i f a body meet a body, coming thfougti the sky, M a body kiss a body, need a body shy? Every comet has his lover — none, say they, have I ; [sky. But all the planets smile on me, when roaming through the Madam Sola and her daughters— I admire them all ; And, as I am near their homestead, I will make a call. Miss Mercury clings to her mother— she may be too young. Miss Venus is a very beauty — oft I've heard her sung. Miss Earth is most bewitching, but— ah, me ! has she increase? Bright little Moon around her plays— perhaps it is her niece. Miss Mars is blushing at my coming — Asteroids seem .shy. Grand Jupiter must be a Avidow, with four children spry. Miss Saturn is perhaps a "school-marm :" — eight are circling round ; — -Ind Miss Uranus— well , four young ones must her friends confound. Miss ^Neptune, with her little daughter, wanders far from home. Perchance I'll meet her in my travels, ere 1 cea.'^e to roam, [f to Earth I make proposal, will lier friends agree For her to leave Ovarian home* — to Wombland go with me? / passed through there in coming here, and left my army there, To build a palace for my bride, both po^iable and rare. And when our growth demands more room, we'll move to realm outside. [bride. Tis there my father dwells, who sent me here to seek a ff Earth will not consent to go, and leave her friends behind, 1 '11 take the entire group with ine, and tlius relieve her mind. On our millennial bridal tour, we'll sound the jubilee, And .slaves, of every grade and kind, shall evermore be free. Then every maid snail have her mate — each man his gentle* dove ;— , Then every heart be free from hate, all souls be filled with love. '-, Then man shall Nature's law discern— from one truth, trace «)u' all : •jp'roji. s;>r"u(ing seed, a Nation's rise ; decay, a kingdom's jail. 'T.l.ie : -:<'ipriiists .shall prophets prove, and history foretell, B\ ; • *:)n from known facts, through germinating EXCEI.,SIOR. ■ *-w Jer.sey, U. S. A.,J7th mo., 1st, 1881. ! rjr's universal " grand man," I conceive to be a ^ .• ; our solar system occupying an ovarian posi- t it of primary impregnation, by cometary visit- c ^ from the Universal Father.) R- S. m. r-- \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 604 059 4