Class ___U-C_5_ti^JI- Book l:^X . COFk'RIGHT DEPOSIT. IOWA BAPTIST SCHOOLS COL. ALONZO ABERNETH\. A HISTORY OF IOWA BAPTIST SCHOOLS BY ALONZO ABRRNETHY Osage. Iowa 1907 ^5. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies HeC6\vrij JAN 23!J08 (^SS A XXc. Nu. COPY 6. Copyright 1907 BY Al,ONZO Abkrnkthy PRESS OF THK WOOLVBRTON PRINTING AND PUBLISHINS 60. OSAOE, IOWA 1907 Introductory The preparation of this history was begun at the request of the Iowa Baptist Education Society, at its annual meeting in 1905; though the work has taken a much wider scop* than contemplated in the society's resolution. A like request was made many years earlier by my life-long friend, Rev. George .T. Johnson, D. D., founder of Burling- ton Collegiate Institute, and has been often repeated since by others. Having come to Iowa in April, 185 4, and having made the history of its Baptist educational institutions a study since 185 6, a large part of what is written is from personal knowledge, and original documents have been extensively consulted and used. The primary aim has l)een to collect for preservation and future use the essential facts and factors in the origin, growth, and work of the several schools, with brief mention of the earnest, self-sacrificing men and women, who have given devoted service as teachers, administrators, and con- tributors, to carrying forward this most useful and neces- sary branch of Christian work, and made it possil)le and helpful to the young people of their time. I have drawn freely from Rev. S. H. Mitchell's Historical Sketches of Iowa Baptists, pu))lished twenty years ago, a most valuable contribution to the early history of the denomination in Iowa. Others have given valuable aid, notably Presidents Osborn and Garrison, Principal Lee, and Mr. John M. Mercer, of Burlington, Iowa, to all of whom I desire to make due acknowledgement. If the painstaking labor devoted to thib volume shall receive the approval of former co-laborers, or prove in any measure interesting and helpful to the hosts of young people who have received intellectual or spiritual quickening in these schools, I shall be well repaid. If it shall further aid in stimulating more earnest and resolute effort among ray brethren in the state to bring our educational work and in- stitutions to the highest rank of efficiency and usefulness, I shall be doublv rewarded. ALONZO ABERNETHY. Osage, Iowa, June, 1907. Contents. I. Pioneer Iowa 9 II. Pioneer Baptists, 1833-1849 24 III. Early Interest in Denominational Education, 47 1844-1868. IV. Burlington Collegiate Institute, 1852-1901 . 64 V. Central College, 1853-1906 104 VI. Des Moines College, 1865-1906 .... 138 VII. Some Notable Movements for Co-ordination, 175 Report of the Western Advisory Committee. 1870-1874. VIII. A Second Movement for Co-ordination, . . 198 The Committee of Fifteen. 1880-1886. IX. A Change of Policy, 1888-1896. ... 209 The Iowa Baptist Education Society. X. The Marshalltown Conference, 1896-1899 . 227 XI. The Cedar Valley Seminary, 1863-1906 . . 251 XII. Sac City Institute, 1894-1906 317 Index 329 CHAPTER I. Pioneer Iowa THE OF LOUISIANA. The tcrriturv truiu wliirli tin* state (if Iowa \va;s formed beeaine a [»art of tin- luitcd Stal(s thioiijih the Louisiana IMirehase of April 30, I8O0. The title was a«Mjuirerospeetiv humiliation of its capture by tin* English. The ANcsteruers had blazed their way down the Ohio, and into tlu' M's- sissippi valley. New Orleans was the only onticl for their ]>roilu(e but an order had been issued to close the ^Jississippi. "The intendant al New Orleans deliberately threw down the gage of battle to the western<'rs.'" They :it once united in earm'st protest against this injustice. Tkey threatened to organize an a]ni,> of invasion to captuic New <>i- leans. Presiilent JelVerson ha<1 dispatched Moni-oe to I'rance I0 t?-y to buy the city with a liDle leiii 9 10 Iowa Bapti-'tt Schools. tory adjoiiiiiig u i ilw c ;i«l, but before lie reae'lied i'aris JNapoieon said to ijivingstor., our minister, '*! will sell you Louisiaua/" Without authority to buy, without money to pay, Livingston hesitated. "Jefferson had led his party into power as the special champion of states' rights, and the special opponent of national sovereignty." Impatiently iNapoleon pressed his offer to sell, and after some parleying, |15,000,000 was named in the treaty of purchase. This province cost our government less than two cents an acre. It solved some national and some international problems that had already become acute and serious. Most of all, it settled in the simi^iest possible manner and for all time, the civil, industrial, and international status of North America. It dedicated the continent to govern- meiits "of the people, by the people, for the people." It made later acquisitions easy and natural. At the end of a century, the power and possibilities given this government by that purchase, over the destiny of humanity, are beginning to be revealed. IOWA TERRITORY UNDER SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS. Our Iowa part of this territory, about one-twen- tieth, passed under various names in its progress toward statehood, eight altogether. In the original treaty of cession it was termed, the colony or prov- ince of Louisiana, or simply Louisiana. March 26, 1804, congress passed an act dividing the territory ; that lying north of the 33d degiee of north latitude being organized as the District of Louisiana, and attached for civil purposes to Indiana Territory, which at that time joined it on the east, and was under the administration of Mr. William Henry Harrison as territorial governor. The act to take effect October 1, 1804, and continue for one year. Pioneer loica. 11 This act of (%hii;k'ss vestiiijj^ the executive power iu the j;overiior of another territory >\'as not satis- factory to the i>eoi>le of the district. They held that they A\'ere heiug i»hiced under "tlie dictates of a foreign government/" that is, across tiie river. They objected strongly also to tlie proN ision author- iziiiii tlie ]>resi(h'nt to ai-range with Indian Irihes owning hinds east of the MississipjM to reiuvernirieut of their own, changing the name to tlie tei-ritory of Louis- iana, and pi'o\iding for a g<>vernor, secretary, and three jut, uni>ers. who were as a rule scattered at long distances fi-om each otiicv over this vast teri-itoiy. l»nt now that .MisNouvi was tilling up on the sonlli, and Illinois on the east. with the steady and e\'ei-increasiug army of '\u\:\ sion crowding westward, it was in the nature of things imjKhssible for the fairest rc^gion in all this gi'eat ANestcrn world to much lougei- remain the JO Iowa Baptist Schools. liappv hunting ground.s of the roving and un- tutored red men, in their eager and exultant pas- time of scalping each other. June -8, 1834, congress rather tardily attached this region to the Territor3^ of Michigan for the purpose of temporary government. In the meantime, however, what is now eastern Iowa Imd been opened up for settlement, and for thirteen months a steady stream of immigration had been jjouring across the river and spreading itself out everywhere miles away to the Avest. Two months after the transfer of this territory a legislative council convened at Detroit and or- ganized two counties west of the Mississippi — called the Iowa district — divided by a line running due Avest from tlie lower end of Kock Island. They were named Des Moines and Dubuque, and con- stituted each a township, namely, Flint Hills and Julieu. This act gave the first send)lance of govern- ment to this new district, and soon led to important results. George ^^^ Jones was sent as a delegate to congress the next year and soon secured the law creating the Territory of Wiscula- tion of 22,850. l)eceud>er 28,'lS4H; the state of Io^^a \Nas foinied with its present boundaries. IMUAX OCCUl'ANCY AND OW .N'EH8Hir. During the forty-three years from the Louisiana purchase to the organization of our state the Indi- ans had exclusiA'e control for thirty \'ears and par- tial control the remaining thirteen. Their right to the territory occupied was rec.ognize\as opened for settlement five months after Iowa territory was created nearly three hundred town- ships of land, which was about one-fifth of what eight years later became the state of Iowa. PURCHASE OF CENTRAL IOWA TERRITORY. When, however, the government had once per- mitted the steadily advancing army of civilization to plant its feet on the nether banks of the Father of Waters, no second halting place could long be maintained within the beautiful land, short of the Missouri, and the government agents were kept busy seeking new treaties. At the end of another four years so many had come into tlie new territory to tind homes, and crowding up to I he borders, while wild game v/as seeking refuge in the forests of vcestern rivers, that when Gov. .John CMiaud)ers met 18 Iowa Baptist Schools. thp ^ac aud Fox Indians at their agency near the Des Moines, ten miles west of the border, and a few miles east of where Ottumwa now stands, October 11, 1842, he Avaw linalij able to convince them that Iowa would no longer afford them hunting grounds suited to their needs; and a treaty was concluded by which they conveyed all their remaining lands in Iowa to the United States. They were to vacate the eastern portion May 1, 1813, aud the remainder October 11, 1815. The line of division was to be: "A line running due north aud south from the l*aiuted or Red Rocks eton bands of the tSioux tinally surrendered the Spirit Lake country, by treaty of' July 23, 1851, more than 200,000 white people had homes in Iowa, yet a year later than that event, a fierce battle was fought six miles north of Algona in Kossuth county, between a band of Muscjuakies and a party of Sioux Avho had come to hunt on Ihc Fj^pcr Dcs Moines. They defeated their enemies, leaving sixteen dead Sioux to be sc;il]>c(l by their victors, left on the field and ue\er buried nor removed. ' Dr. William Raltor's "Iowa, the First Free State in th? Loni°iana Pnrrhar.e," p. 251. 20 Iowa Baptist Schools. Allusion was made above to the fact that Avhen low a Territory Ava.s urgauized iu 1838, L'o,UOO peo- ple AA ere residing within its bounds on the 6,000,- 000 or more acres previously opened for settlement by the tirst and second Black Hawk purchases; and that the government was not yet ready to sell an acre of land. The people had simply gone in and selected their claims, some of them — many of them — had been there waiting to buy for more than fi\e years. Homesteaders in those days had no special privileges, as in later years, of securing their homsteads Avithout cost, nor even to buy at a fixed price. Tiie law then provided that when the lands had been surveyed, and land offices opened, the lauds must all be offered at public auction, to the highest bidder; no bid to be accepted for less than |1.25 an acre. The tirst sur\eyors who entered the IJlack HaAvk I'urchase to lay otf township lines cauie in the autumn of 1880, after Governor Dodge's census takers had recorded the names of 10,531 residents. At the end of two years' surveying enough land had been divided into (juarter sections to open land offices. One Avas opened at Dubuque, NoAem- ber 5, 1838, and the other at lUirliuiitou, NoA'ember 19, 1838. At the I)u))U(iue office tAventy-three toAvnships Avere plnced on sale, in toAN]isliii>s raugiug from 78 to 1)2, and ranges from 1 to 8. At the Hurliugton office twenty-five townships Avere ])laced on sale, in townships ranging from 07 to 77, and ranges from 1 to 10. October 21, 1839, six more townshi])s were }ilaced on sale, all at the I'urlington office; and Pioneer Iowa. ' 21 iu 1840, 140 additional toAvnsliips had been divided up and were placed on sale. The following extract gives a very good picture of pioneer life in loAva in the earlier years. It is taken from an article published iu the April, 1868, uuinber of the Annals of Iowa, one of a series of articles written by Capt. F. M. Irish, an earl}^ settler of loAva City : The pioneer settlers of a new country may be compared to the vanguard of an army, the majority of them being young men witliout families, who have left the parental roof in the older settlements, and set out in search of a home upon the frontier, there to commence the great battle of life. The representative of this class is not encumbered with extra baggage, often performing the journey on foot, provided with a gun and ammunition, an ax and an auger, he penetrates into a region recently abandoned by the savage, and selecting a location where wood and water are convenient, he erects his cabin, and from the nearest trad- ing post or town he procures his furniture, consisting of a water bucket, two or three tin cups, as many plates, knives and forks, a cast iron Ijake oven, with cover, a coffee pot and frying pan. His provisions consist of as much corn meal as he can pack at one time, together with a side or shoulder of bacon. With this load upon his back he fre- quently travels thirty or forty miles before reaching his cabin. He is now ready to commence the staking-off of his claim and preparing for improvenaents; and noth withstanding the great labor required to procure his little store of provisions, he shares it most freely with anyone who may come to him destitute. There is a custom universally observed among them, namely, when leaving the cabin in the morning, they leave provisions cooked for the benefit of the way-farer who may call during the day. The writer of this article has often realized the benefit and convenience of this cus- tom. After traveling fifteen or twenty miles on foot, it was with pleasure I came in sight of a bachelor's cabin. My guide who was acquainted in this region, said, "Now, we will have something to eat." On entering, we found the owner absent. But my guide, examining the bake oven, found that it contained a fine "pone" well baked and yet warm. He then went to the cupboard, which had once done service as a dry goods box, finding there coffee. Put- ting that to boil, he cut and fried some bacon. We sat 22 Iowa Baptist Schools. dowu and ate a hearty meal with as good au appetite as is enjoyed by any epicurean visitor of Delmonico's. Then by the use of a piece of chalk, we left our names accom- panied with our thanks, upon the door, and went our way. This was a universal custoni among the pioneers, who were proverbial for their hospitality. When any considerable number had settled in one vicin- ity, the first act toward the organization of civilized society was to form a "claim association" for mutual protection in the possession of their new homes. They drew up a constitution and by-laws, elected a president, secretary, and treasurer, and kept a proper record in which each member's name was entered, and the number of his claim recorded, in the possession of which the association were bound to protect him until he had an opportunity of purchasing at ^he government sales. There has been much said in certain quarters against these claim associations; but it is evident this was the only means by which the pioneer could secure his home and receive any compensation for the many hard- ships he had endured; and as an evidence of the justice of the custom, congress has from time to time passed pre- emptioB laws, and more recently the "homestead law," all of which are virtually legalizing the principle upon which the "claim associations" were founded, and serve to pro- tect the early settler against the rapacity of the speculator and the more wealthy emigrant, who are sure to follow when the way has been opened and improvements com- menced. The pioneers of our county are fast passing away. Those that are left often look back with pleasure upon the happy days of the early settlements when our real wants were few and simple, and our pleasures and enjoyments had not the drawbacks of older communities, when there were no doc- tors, and very little sickness, no lawyers and disputes and quarrels very rare, those that did occur l>eing justly settled by arbitration, without cost. In the autumn of 183 9, the location of the seat of govern- ment at Iowa City, attracted many travelers from the east and north to this point, and there being no roads, strangers found it difficult to keep the course they wished. In cross- ing our large prairies, they often l)ecame lost and wandered far out of their way. This was especially the case in travel- ing from Iowa City to Duljuque. To remedy this, the cit- izens employed Lyman Dillon, Esq., to plow a furrow be- tween the two points, in as direct a line as practicable. Mr. Dillon started from Iowa City with his large breaking I)low, drawn by five yoke of oxen, accompanied by his driver. Tie had also wilh him a two-horse wagon contain- Pioneer Iowa. 23 Ing cooking utensils and provisions for the trip. Through the day they would plow, anu at night turn the oxeu upon the prairie to feed, sleeping in the covered wagon. In this way they continued until Dubuque was reached, a distance from the starting point of 100 miles. This is believed to be the longest furrow on record, and served as a guide to travelers, and a well beaten road was soon made along side of Dillon's furrow. During the autumn of 1839, his excellency, Robert Lucas, governor of the territory, visited Iowa City, accompanied by two of his daughters and Gen. Fletcher of Muscatine, who acted as their guide. The whole party were on horse- back, this being the most comfortable mode of traveling at the time, the roads being very rough. The governor and his party met with a most cordial reception from our small community, his party being quartered in the most com- modious cabin in the city, and the only one boasting of an attic for a lodging room. This apartment was not reached by a spacious stair-way, but by ladder made in the most primitive style, by which a person ascended through a very narrow aperture in the upper floor. Here the governor and his party were very comfortably lodged. During this visit the governor purchased a claim near the city, and had the same recorded, becoming a member of the association. A few years later he built a comfortable residence upon this property, removed his family here, where he resided until the close of his life. On the first of January, 1840, about twenty families were living in Iowa City, who had prepared as best they could, to spend their first winter in their new home, and though no one suffered for the absolute necessaries of life, yet all were compelled to live very plainly and to observe the strictest economy. - No flouring mills v/ere nearer than the Mississippi, and most of our flour and meal was brought from Warren county, Illinois, a distance of seventy miles. CHAPTER II. Pioneer Baptists The first J>aptij^t luiui.ster kiiowu to have settled iu Iowa was Eldei- Hezekiah Johnsou. He was boru iu ]Maryhiiul, .\laicli 0, 1799. He came to Iowa territory in the spriiii; of 18o(l from Frauk- forl, Oliio, aud served under appointment of the American Baptist Home Mission society from 1839 to 1841 as itinerant missionary. He preaclied tlie introductory sermon at the organization of the first J>aptist association organ- ized in the territoiy at the Long Creek, afterwards J)aiiville, l!a])tist churcli in August, 1839. Octo- ber 2, 1841, lie preaclied at the organization of the Washingtcm r>a]itist church. His name occurs as (h'legate from the Pisgali church at the organiza- tion of the Iowa IJaptist state convention, June 3, 1842, at Iowa City. Later iu the year he was lU'esent a( the ordination of Kev. AVm. Elliott. In 3813 he attended the second meeting of the con- vention aud served as moderate^-. \\'hile the con- \ (Mil ion ^\•as in session the following year at \\'ash- iugtoii, oTi his motion a commitlee was a])i»oin(('d "to rake into consideration the expediency of es- tablishing an instil n( ion of learning." This com- mitiee of which he was a niend>er, lal<'r brongld in a r«'|>orl which is (iu<>lctized Brother Elihn Chandler at Danville in 1837. He was elected first clerk of the old Des ^Foines association ora^anized at Lons: Creek in Anj^Mist, 1830. He also attended the organization of the state convention at Iowa City 26 Iowa Baptist Schools. in 1842. Was present also at the Davenport meeting the next year. He removed to Oregon in 1845. Rev. Ezra Fisher, another of the earliest pastors and missionaries in Iowa Territory, was born at Wendel, Mass., Jan. 6, 1800. He graduated from Newton Theological Seminary in 1829 and was ordained the following January. Two years later he was sent by the Home Mission society to Indian- apolis, Tnd., and in 1839 to Iowa. He organized the Bloomington (Muscatine) Baptist church. Was present at the first three meetings of the state convention and was its third moderator. After an active ministry in Iowa he crossed the plains in 1845 to Oregon and organized, the first Baptist church west of the Eocky Mountains in Washing- ton county, Oregon. He continued as missionary until 1852 when he became the general agent of Oregon territory. At one time was in charge of the Bai>tist school at McMinnville, returning later to the pastorate in which he continued until the time of his death, November 1, 1874, at The Dalles, Oregon. Bev. Jonah Todd came to Iowa, from a pastorate of some Tears' if'notli in Pennsylvania, as early as 1839. He WPS chosen moderator at the organiza- tion of the first nsso<"iation in the territory at Long OreoV in August, 1839. He was also present at the organization of the state convention in 1842. In ■J 848 was reported rtastov of the Pisgah church and seems to have lost his health soon after. After some yenrs' residencp at Burlington he died uf'ar Dodgeville. "Hps Moines coun+v. May 12, 18fi3. Bev Onlvin OrccnVnf wns another of the earli- est pioneers. He came to Davenport as a mission- Pionrrr B(rptists. 27 Mi'v in 1S80 from Orij>osvillo, 111., but uo later mention of him is found in the early annals of Towa. In 1841 two more pastors came to Iowa: Bnrton Tarpenter to Dnbnqne and Warren B. Morey to Towa r'ity, both nn" his personal friends. It ijives a ♦iTnpbic ]>icture of pioneer missionary life in the early days. The Baptist Annual of 1001, paire 64, contains the following: Rev. Charles E. Brown died at the residence of his son in Ottumwa, July 23. 1901, at the ripe age of 88. In the death of Brother Brown we bid farewell to the last mem- ber of this state convention who was present at its organi- zation in 1842. He was a pioneer of the pioneers, serving the state in its legislature; and in all questions of reform or religion he stood a tower of strength. We owe him a 28 Iowa Baptist Schools. debt we never can repay. We can truly say, Servant of God, well done: rest from your loved employ. Hiram Burnett, born in Georgia, February 19, 1700, was ordained in Ohio in 1832, and came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1842, organizing that churcli and preaching tlier(^ for twelve .years. He aided in the organization and growth of a number of other churches in southeastern Iowa. "His piety was warm, manly and enlightened, and his cheer- fulness a ]ierennial spring. He was a daily, living exemplification of Christian cheerfulness." His death oc<-urred at his home in ]\It. Pleasant, Jan- uary 8, 1881, in his eighty-second year. ^r. .1. Post was born in Franklin county, Ver- mont, June 8, 1812, and came to Iowa early in 1812, settling in Van Buren county, being ordained soon after. In June he rode horseback a hundred miles to attend the organization of the state con- Aention at Iowa City. He ])reached the gospel with great earnestness and power until the time of his death. In 1847 he pilotenren county. He traveled one hundred miles on foot to attend the organization of the Iowa Bap- tist state convention at Iowa City in June, 1842, and in the following October was ordained by a council of ministers at the Rochester church. He was by nature and choice an evangelist and missionary. He served a large number of churches for short pastorates in southeastern Iowa and was associa- tional missionary. He spent some years in Neb- raska and returned for a pastorate in 1897-1809 at West Chester in the Washington association. Later he removed to California and died at the home of his daughter in San Francisco, December 11, 1900. He was a man of great earnestness and a good preacher and baptized many hundreds of converts during his long ministry. William Sperry came to Iowa in 1842, and was ordained the same year. He was present at the state convention in 1844 and 1845 from Agency City, and member of the executive board, but re- moved to Oregon about 1851. John P.ond came from Indiana to Iowa as early as 1842, and was present as delegate at the ordina- tion of William Elliott in October of that year, a member of the executive board of the state conven- tion in 1848 from Portland, also again from 1849 to 1852. Was a delegate to the state convention in 184fi as a licentiate from the Oskaloosa church, and was probably ordained there that year or the next, as in 1847 he was again reported present as 30 lona Buptht Schooh. K»'v. J. lioud, thougli no lueutiou has beeu found of his ordination. He preached the introductory sermon at the organization of the Central associa- tion in 1852, and soon after left the territory for Oregon. Rev. Jesse N. Seeley, was born May 15, 1^15, studied at Hamilton and Granville, and graduated from the Hamilton Theological Seminary. He came to Iowa in 1843 and conducted a revival at Le Clair-e, twenty-two joining by baptism and eight by letter. This church was first named Bath. The next year he became pastor at Bloomington, and went to Keokuk in 1847. His health failing, he went south where he preached for eight years, and re- turning in 18(U, accepted a call at Cordova, 111. Later returning to Iowa he settled at Clinton, where he died Aju'il 15, 1898, at the ripe age of 8.'?, most of his life having been spent in Iowa. He occasionally attended our state conventions till near +he end of his life, and his face had long been familiar in these gatherings. Rev. Lyman Carpenter came as early as 1813, and attended the state convention that year and the following from Bloomington. He was or- dained at the Blue Grass church, Scott county, February 11, 1847, where he remained as a much love< truly idouecr f^orvict', and us we look back to it aud its results, after more than sixtj'' years of growth aud expansion, we may realize something- of its vast importance. In 1851 he accepted an appointment from the American Sunday School Union, as general Sun- day school missionary- for the state. While in this service, continuing until 1858, he raised large sums of money Avhich were applied to establisfiing Sunday schools and supplying libraries at many points in the territory. At a union meeting held by him in the Baptist church at Davenport a single subscription was made for these purposes of .|],000, and later paid in twenty-dollar gold pieces. Nearly all these Sunday schools became a little later nuclei for churches. In 1858 he was pre- vailed upon to accept the financial agency of the Iowa Baptist state convention which had incurred a lai'ge debt in the effort to supply the call for gos])el preaching in the new settlements and towns every wliere springing up. After serving the con- vention with great ability for two and a half years, he was compelled to resign by reason of ill health. He was twice elected president of the convention, and pi'eached two of its annual sermons. The doctor was a broadminded and nseful man in every cause he espoused. He took great interest in the efforts of young men to prepare for the gospel ministry, had a prominent part in the orgi- nization in 18fi7, of the Iowa Baptist Union for ministerial education. He served as secretary of the union for tAvelve years, and was instrumental in securing funds to aid large numbers in their efforts to educate themselves for the Master's work. He was a genial and kind hearted Christian Pioneer Baptistfi. 33 gentleman, and with his lovely wife, had always a hospitable home alike for friend or stranger. After a useful life of nearly forty years in Iowa, he removed to the Parific^ coast in 1883, and re- sided at Santa Ana, Cal., with their son Carey. In 1887 they releln'ated tlieir golden wedding, he having been married and ordained on the same day, July 11, 1837. Dr. Smith's life work was largely in Iowa, wh(M'e he h^ft a great of friends who loved and h(mored him, and who will cherisli jn's memory as of an elder and greatly beloved brollioi. ^May his life and labors and ex- ample continue to inspire young men to the noble Christian manhood and service illustrated in his useful life. Samuel Pickai-d was anoUier young man of great force of character and of consecrated life. And he gave some to be evangelists. Such was the com- mission issued to Samuel Pickard; and faithfully he fulfilled the mission for more than tifty years. It is not so easy, sixty years later, to do justice to such a mission and its results, but it is written on high in a myriad of saved souls, and that is enough. The following beautiful tribute was written by his old friend, l^ev. S. H. :Mitchell, for the Baptist Annual of 1899 : Rev. Samuel Pickard died at Berwick, 111., August 20, 1899, in his 79th year. He was born in Indiana, of Quaker parents, who are said to have disinherited him liecause he l)ecame a Baptist. He came to Iowa when quite young, and though in recent years Illinois has been the scene of his active ministry, he spent many years in Iowa in very active work for his Lord. In the stirring revivals of thirty-five and forty years ago he was a prominent figure, along with Morgan Edwards, William Elliott, and Dr. G. .1. Johnson. "The Stalwart Soul Winner," the latter calls him in an appreciative tribute since his departure. In many of the churches in southeast Iowa twenty and more years ago, i^n4 •34 foil- a Baptist Schools. even later, it would be found on inquiry that a considerable l)ortion of the active workeis and burden bearers had been converted in meetings held by Brother Pickard, a striking testimony to the value of the evangelistic method in church work. Tlic year lS4(i l)roii|nlit to Towa many emigrants, inclnding doubtless many Hai^tists. Of the minis- ters wlio (aiuc tliat year Ave Iuiac the names of six ^\ho remained long' enough to hnn*' some record in tlic siil)S('ly songht both resto- ration of health and a nsefnl tiai»tists, ])age 471 : Rev. Peter Rol)insou died at Marion in September, 1846. I was associated with him as a student at Madison Univer- sity, and in 1S46 hailed him as a fellow laborer in Iowa. But while admiring his work of faith and brightening pros- pects at Marion, the summons came. Tt only remained to comply with his request, go to Marion and preach his funeral sermon, comfort the bereaved church, accept the situation, be faithful unto death and meet him in Glory. Tver. Isaac AA'hitemoie, another Uaptist minister, fell l>y the way in l.ce county, as re])orted by Rev. r>. V. TJrabroolv in his o1)ituary report to the DaA'eniM)rt association for that year. Kl'^•. 1). V. IJrabrook had been rort association and several times later. Pioneer Baptists. 35 There were at this time thirteen churches and seven pastors in the association, and a note ai" peuded to the statistical report published In the minutes jT^ives a characteristic view of pioneer life in those days: Pastors in the association, seven. Note, of these one has left the state, another has removed from the bounds of the association, another is In the east making collections to aid in the erection of a meeting house, another is suffering under protracted indisposition, another is occupied mainly in the practice of medicine, and still another relies chiefly upon the cultivation of his lands for support. Surely we may say, the laborers are few, but the harvest truly is great. The Davenport association comprises the whole country lying between the Mississippi and the two Iowa rivers. ~SJv. I>rabrook was a man of rare ability, insis^ht, and .«oii(l. He was licensorl to jivcach at Kdd.vvilh' in 1840. The church sent a letter tliat .v<^ar to tlie association for his ordina- tion, hut after exaniinafion th<' request was il'Miied. The next vcai-, lie attended the state convention as a deleiiatc from the Princeton churdi, and ».vas or- (hiined in 1S4S, ]{cv. William Elliott ]>reachin« r!ie ordination sermon. ITc serve«l the Aurora church near l*ella one year and the Knoxville church one year, and in 1852 removed to Oregon. Kev. William T\nai>i» attended the state con- vention in 1840 as a licentiate of the church at Farminj^ton. Tie was ]>resent at tlie three follow- iuii sessions (d' tin' cathetic story on ]>a!ie 172 of his sketches: Rev. William R. Knap]) of Charleston and his entire fam- ily, consisting: of wife and two or three children, died of cholera in 1849. The family had entertained a stranger at their home, who either before or immediately after leav- ing, sickened and died with the fatal disease. They had entertained an angel unawares but it proved to be the angel of death. Mr. Knapp left his home to fill an appointment at Denmark, and while there was attacked with the cholera and died in a few hours. .Wiout the same time death smote his wife and one of the children, and while a messenger was bearing to his home the sad news of his death, another was on the way to convey to Denmark the sorrowful tidings that he never received. Rev. S. H. ^ritchell, in des<'rihin}>' the annual uu'etino- of the old Des Moines association In l*'4fl, says ; Pioneer Baptists. i^7 Elder Shaply Elmore and J. Moore are among the ministers not named above. But no other mention of these names has b('en found. Rev. William Rutledge, died at Le Claire, October 27. 1868. Born in England August 19, 1804; he rendered ex- cellent service in London in the temperance cause, and as a laj' preacher in Essex county. He came to America in 1845, and the following year was ordained in Philadelphia. He came to Davenport in 1847 as a colporteur of the Ameri- can Baptist Publication society. He was pastor of the churches at Le Claire and Princeton, Iowa, and CordoYa and Port Bryon, 111., laboring in this vicinity for twenty- tv,'o yeai's. He preached his last sermon October 18, and died just nine days later, in his sixty-fifth year. — Historical Sketches, p. 4 83. Rev. A. H. Taylor, came in October, 1847, under appointment of the Home Mis.siou society, to labor at Bloomin.o'ton, but remaiiwd little more than a year. When the convention of 1849 was in session at lovfa City, June 2, the following resolution was passed : Resolved, That this convention unanimously records their high appreciation of the v/orth and labors of the esteemed Rev. A. H. Taylor, who in consequence of the con- tinued illness of his family since his first arrival in Iowa, October, 1847, has felt constrained to return to his native New York. — Baptist Annual, 1849, p. 5. Rev. T. TT. Archibald, came to Dubuque in 1847, and was elected clerk of tlie Davenport association in October of that year. He remained there throu,£>h 1848, goiuo- in 1840 to DaA'enpori, where he labored for two yenrs more. At the ]\Tay con- vention in 1851, Dr. Oeorge J. Johnson offered the following, which was unanimously passed : Resolved, That with unfeigned regret we have learned of the intention of our brother, T. H. Archibald, to leave our state, and we do hereby particularly request him to recon- sider his intention, and if possible to remain among ub. But should he however on doing so, still feel It his duty to go; be it also 38 h>v'(i liitpilst i^chftols:. Resolved, That he carry with him our hearts' desires for his welfare and the hope of a speedy return to us. ^Ir. Aicliiltiild retiirued to Vermont, and in lf>00 ]\o wjis still liviiifi' :it Afiddlohnry that state. Tiov.. Tames M. }ro]>e, came from New York io Towa in 184S, and was ])i'(^sent at tlie Jnne meetinti- of the ((mA-enlion at Davenport. He came nnder a])])ointment of the Home ^lission society to T)n]»iiqne. lint lie was not i»ermitteloomin2,ton, sncceedinii' pastor Taylor, The name of tlie town and chnrch was chanii'ed in 1840 to ^Fiiscjitine. Mi*. Johnson after tliree yeai's' snc- cessfnl ]);!storate, removed in 1851 to ^Tissonri. Rev. A. Thompson was ordained in Indiana in 1847, and came to Towa in 1S4S, and located in the new and destitute region southwest of the Des Moines river. In 185 7 he was appointed missionary of the Eden association and the state convention, and labored with great success, baptising with- in the year 'not less than ninety-nine converts with his own hands." He died in the Eden association in 1859.- — Historical Sketches. Dnriiiii the year 1840 the Asiatic cliolera spread over the Avhole land east and west, paralyzini;' eveiv enler]>rise, and espe<-ially immi- gration. Tvev. Geor.ue AY. Gorham and O. S. Rardinj; came to Towa. Gorham from Gonnecticnt to Dnhnqne, and Hardinp; to l^iirview. Gorham re- turned to Connecticut the following year. Hard- Pioneer Baptists. 39 iiig seems to have remained at x\iiamosa several 3^ears, but no mention has been found later than 1855. Rev. Elilni Gnnn, came from Massachusetts to Keokuk in Octobe]% 1849, and remained there as ]!astor until called to Pella for the presidency of Central University in 1S5T. In 1802 he returned to the pastorate at V.\. Pleasant, remaining there until about 1870, He then I'emoved to Kansas for twelve years, returning to Tovv'a for short pas- torates at Ft. Madison and Keokuk. His marked ability as preaclier and pastor is s])oken of else- wliere. Re vras for one \'ear president and two years secretary of ihP' convention. Ilev. George T. Johnson, came from New York to Burlington in 1818 under appointment of tlie Home ]Mission society. .Wt(>r a few months he or- ganized a church of twelv-' members, and built and paid for a good house of worship. At the end of a ten years' pastorate he lesigned, leaving a church of more tluin two hundred i^iendiers, the largest jind strongest in the s[ate. Going to Ft. Madison he remained five years, baptisijig nearly two hun- dred more into the church's membership. He later spent nineteen years in the service of the American Baptist Publication Society, mostlv in the west; raised a hundred tliousand dollars for Shurtleff college; returned in 1880 for a second three vears' pastorate at Burlington, helping them to erect and pay for another elegant house of worship; dedi- cated a hundred churches or more, and in a mar- velou.s way niaintained his unbounded energy almost to the end of his long and most useful life. Tn addition to the ministers named above there were doubtless many lay members, both men and 4:0 hum Jhipliat Schools. womoii, Avbo took an oqiially active part in pro- niotiiiji tlio s|»iritiial iiitorosts of their time. In ilic iiKMoev records of that period now available, a few names only can be added. Deacon Edwin r*ady of Long Treek, came to the territory probably in 1839, and his name appears at a nnmber of the early sessions of the state con- vention as trustee of the convention, and of P.iir- linii'ton T^niversity, and a most liberal supporter of churcli work. Tn 1840 ^Nfrs. Lydia <^''ady, his wife, is said to have made the first Towa ccmtribution to llic AuHM-ican T>a]>tist ^Mi.ssionary T^'nion, in the sum of -fl. .")(). Two years later ^fr. fady j^ave |5 of the second contributicm from Iowa, amonntinj? to lll.fiT. When the Burlington association met at Pisgah church in 1881. Danville mentioned in their letter the loss by death of Deacon E. Cady, who has been an active member of that church for forty-two years. Few meeting houses or other Baptist enterprises anywhere in this part of Towa, but have some offering fiom him registered within their walls. — Historical Sketches. William I>. Ewinjj; was born at (lettysburj;. Pa., :May 1, 1T!I3, and came to Ilurlinot.m in 1830. Tie lirsl went into the dry j>oods busin<\ss, and at the cud of five years chanjied to the hardware busine.«5S in company with ^Mr. John (4. Foot, which he con- tinued for many years. For over fifty-two years he was a devoted member of the r>a]>tist church, a true standard bearer, and to his many friends one whom they loved and i'es])ected. Deacon Henry A. Txitner, son of Governor Ritner of Pennsylvania, was at the oioanizati5, 1885. Josepii T. Fales was another acti\e and very use- ful, public sjjirited citizen, and honored member of the denomination in its earliest history in Iowa. In 184li and 1843 he resided at Dubu(|ue. and was at ditt'erent times both moderator and clerk of the state convention. In 1846 and 1847 he resided at Iowa City, and later at lUirlington, from which place he received an appointment from the govern- ment and removed to Washington, D. ('. He took great interest in all religious and educational en- terprises of his tiuK', and died in the city of Wash- ington at an early day. The writer well remem- bers his tliree beautiful daughters, Carrie, Sarah. and Emma, who used to sing in the choir of the Ba]>tist church at lUirlington. One later married Mr. E. A. Van Meter, another A. G. Barrett, and the third F. T. Parsons. Deacon Calvin Craven anil his good wife were the first Baptists in Washington county in the early forties, where they renuiined for many years to serve wisely their day and generation. Tliey 42 Iowa Baptist Schools. came in 1840, aud aided in the orgauizatiou uf the Washington Baptist church, October '2, 18J:1. Other names made prominent in that pioneer period, deserve mention by devotion to the public interests of their time : Deacon Benjamin liupert of Dubuque, Dr. J. M. Withenvax and Deacon C. G. Blood of Daveni)brt, H. II. Hawlej" and Ar. in Parsons of Burlingt(m, all personaljy kno^vn to the writer, in the later fifties, belong to thio cla^s, but one more mention must suffice. Judge Joseph M. Beck of Ft. Madi.Si.=n belonged also to this period, as also to all Iowa at a mucli later period. He came to Iowa in 18X7, and at once became prominent in religious and all other enterprises for promoting the public good. He was born in Ohio, April 21, 1823; was educated at Hanover college, Ind., and taught school for a time in Kentucky. He came to Montrose, Iowa, in 1817, and two years later removed to Ft. Madison. In 1850 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Lee county, and in 1867, to the Iowa supreme bench. In this high office he served twenty-four years, his fourth term ending in 1891, "the peer of any mem- ber old or new." He was a man of the highest character, broadest learning, and kindliest spirit, devotedly attached to the church of his choice, to education and everything tending to promote hon- esty, morality, and temperance. May 30, 1903, he came in jteace to his grave in a full age — 80 years — in his beautiful home in Fort Madison. It was the original intention to extend this list through (lu> years 1850 and 1851, so as to include all tlie Baptist ministers wlio had served up to the time when the movement began for establishing the school at Burlington. Tliis would li.nve added Pioneer Baptists. 43 the names of uboui tweuiy more pastors besides some lay bietlireu and sisters. It tliialiy seemed better to limit these iutroductory chapters, iu or- der to keep the A\hoh' withiu siualier bounds. The t'oHowing excerpts are taken from Ifev. Charles E. Brown's Personal Reminiscences, j)ub- lished in 1893, and jn-esent a real picture of pioneer life in the forties. In October 1841, our wish was laid before the board of the New York State Missionary convention, at its annual meeting, held in Whitesborough. In the application noth- ing was said about salary or any local field — only send us to Iowa territory. The convention endorsed the application and recommended an appointment by the board of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. In due time the ap- pointment came, designating the Forks of the Maquoketa, Jackson county, territory of Iowa, as the field, on a salary of one hundred dollars per annum and seventy-five dollars for traveling expenses to the field. As household goods could not be transported so far, we sold all except clothing, bedding, a common table and stand, which could be con- veniently packed in boxes, and a kitchen rocking chair, for the comfort and convenience of the mother in caring for the two children on the journey. We also bought a cook stove of small size, which we took to pieces and packed In straw. Our goods, well packed in boxes, weighed about 1600 pounds. Monday, May 2, 1842, we left Utica on a canal line boat for Iowa. We had pleasant sailing to Chicago, where we arrived Sunday at 1 p. m.. and put up at a small two story tavern called the New York" house. In the evening we attended meeting at the Baptist church, and heard Elder Thomas Powell preach. The house stood upon the lot now occupied by the Chamber of Commerce building. On Monday we hired a man from Rock ford who had been in with a load, to take us and our goods to Savanna, on the Mississippi river. It was a lumljer wagon. After loading the boxes, the rocking chair which we had brought from our New York home was fastened on top of one of. the boxes; a little chair from a furniture store was fastened to the side of the rocker. My good wife cheerfully mounted and took her seat in the locking chair and the youngest child in her lap and the other one by her side, remarking: •"Now this is first rate." I took a seat on the box beside the driver with our feet resting on the whiffletrees, ready for a 44 Iowa Baptist Schools. trip of 200 miles to our future home iii the territcry of Iowa. We met a cordial reception, uot only by the Baptist faui llioa, but by the settlers generally. We arrived on our field Thursday night. May 26, 1842, having been twcuiy-iour days on the journey. An appointment had been arranged at the Des Moines association for a meeting at Iowa City, commencing June 3, 1842, for the purpose of organizing a territorial mis- sionary convention. We were furnished by Brother Doolittle with horse and wagon, a kind of half-and-half vehicle between a buggy and a lumber wagon. We started June 1, and were directed to take a trail at the west side of Reuben Riggs' field, which would take us to Bergoon's ford, on the Wapsipinicon river- — no inhabitants on the route. We missed the trail, but, having a correct idea of the direction, v,e did not get lost. When in sight of the Wapsy settlement we came up to one of the peculiar brooks from three to five feet wide and from three to four feet deep, with perpendicular banks or sides. We tried to coax the horse to jump, but there was no go. He was willing to go back, or in almost any direction, rather than to jump the chasm. But we were not to be balked in that — twenty miles on our road, on an un- inhabitated prairie. So I got Mrs. Brown across and our baggage. Then, starting far enough away to get the horse on a fast trot, on reaching the bank I gave him a hard blow with the whip and over we went, and, of course, the wagon followed, while the seat and some other things left in the wagon took various directions. But, mind you, the driver took the precaution to be on his feet when that run was made. We got over and stopped at the first house for din- ner. We left an appointment for preaching Tuesday the next week, at 1 p. m., on our return, and proceeded on our journey, and stopped for the night at Tipton, the county seat of Cedar county, where we left an appointment to preach on the following Monday evening. There was a log court house and a log tavern. The next day, thureday, we arrived at Iowa City. There were no railroads then west of the state of New York. The weGtem boundary of lands open for settlement at this time was about eighteen miles west of Iowa City, and the western border counties of Iowa were> beginning at the south, Van Buren, Jefferson, Wash- ington, Johnson, Linn, Buchanan, and Fayette, and Clayton on the' north. It was good to meet the brethern and sisters at the meeting from different and distant parts of the ter- ritory. The business was csoon and easily attended to, so Pioneer Baptists. 45 that the sessions extending ihiuusli Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were mainly for preaching and devotional exercises. The settlers very generally and generously turned out, with teams and axes, and went live or six miles west to a small grove and cut and hauled logs for a house about twelve by sixteen or eighteen feet. In a week or two the body of the house was up, logs hewed on two sides. With rough, loose boards for lower and chamber floors, we moved in without doors or windows. 1 had to go to Dubuque, forty miles, for stove pipe. But we were happy when we were settled in our own house, although without furniture except table, stand, stove, rocking and a little chair, and a few dishes, all of which we brought with us. • Our first bedstead was made of hickory poles. We, for- tunately, brought a few carpenter tools along, with which we could make such needful articles of furniture. " With one of our boxes we made shelves for dishes; with another we made a cupboard for books, etc.; with another we made a place for the oldest little l)oy to sleep. We, including our neighbors, went right to work and put up a log school house. This was located a few rods south of our house, and before there were any floor, door or windows, we started a Sunday school, with Thomas Flathers superin- tendent. This was the lirst schoolhouse built either iu tendent. This was the lirst school house built either in Clinton or Jackson counties, and this was the first Sunday school organized in Clinton county. This school house fur- nished a place for one of my preaching appointments. On the 31st of August, a meeting was held at the house of Brother Earl for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church. The organization was effected and embraced the following members: C. M. Doolittle and wife. Jacob Pangboru and wife. William Y. Earl and wife. Levi Decker and wife. Elder C. E. Brown and wife. Esquire Taylor and wife. Mrs. Eliza Mallard. Mrs. Mitchell. " ' At the meeting in June at Iowa City, arrangements were made for a meeting the 16th of the next September at Davenport, for the purpose of organizing^ an association, embracing all the churches north of the Iowa river. When the time came to prepare to go to Davenport, our good Brother Doolittle would furnish a horse, but the wagon we had for the trip to Iowa City had left the settlement. The horse I could ride but that would not fill the bill. All 46 Iowa Baptist Schools. were anxious that M,rs. Brown should go. So I secured the loan of the hind wheels and axletree of a Hoosier lumber wagon, went to the fence and got poles suitable for thills, and with a board on wooden pegs, we were soon ready for the forty mile trip. We liad a bundle of oats for a cushion and enjoyed the ride across the prairies and through groves unmarred by the vandalism of man. The first human habitation after leaving our immediate neighbor- hood we saw was at Point Pleasant, where we crossed the Wapsy river by Kirtley's ferry. A few miles further on was Long Grove. Here two or three faniiiies, l)rotIiers, lived — Scotchmen, by the name of Brownlee, and here we stopped for the night with very kind good people. The next day we arrived at Davenport in good season. Although road carts were not as common and popular then as now, we felt not the slightest embarrassment iu riding along the main street of that young city and in driving up in front of the residence of Dr. Witherwax. The meetings were held in the chamber of a small frame building on Front street. The following churches were represented: Bath, now Le Clair, organized June, 1839, with six members; Davenport, organized September, 1839, with seven members; Dubuque, organized August, 1840, with eleven members; Blooming- ton, now Muscatine, organized October, 1841, with eleven members; Iowa City, organized June, 1841, with eleven members; Forks of the Maquoketa, organized August, 1842, with fourteen members. Also the church at Rock Island, 111. Every church north of the Iowa river was represented except one on the line between Jones and Delaware counties. The following named pastors were present: B. Carpenter of Dubuque; W. B. Morey, Iowa City; E. Fisher, Muscatine; T. Gillet, Rock Island; C. E. Brown, Maquoketa. The pastor of the church not repre- sented was Ira Blanchard. The following which we quote expresses the spirit of this meeting, which continued through Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: "This first meeting of the Davenport association v.-as one of sweet and precious interest. After singing the hymn at the close. From Whence Doth This Union Arise, the brethren relunctantly parted to their homes and to their work." These were not days of railroad coaches and cushioned carriages, but emigrant trails, unbridged rivers, creeks and sloughs, old lumber wagons, prairie schooners and old dilapidated saddle^;. But preclouf- enjoyment in this pioneer missionary life and work. How sweet the mem.ory still. OHAPTEli III. Early Interest in Denominational Education A.s alivady stalt*d in the iutroductory chapter, white ]HM>ple were ])ei-]iiitted to cros.s the Misis,sip}>i to settle in territory north ot the Mis- souri bonuihiry June 1, ISoo. Thirteen mouths later eoniires.s attaclied this part of the Louisiana pureliase to Micliinau territory for purposes of tem}»orary government. Settlers were rro\vdin<; ovei- the boi-der all the way from Fort ^fadison to l)ubu(iu<', and October 20, 1834, the Lonji;- ('reek Uaptist church was or- ganized with <'leven meuibei-s in a settleuu'ut thir- teen miles west of Burlington, wliere the town of Danville now stands. The ni'.vt Baptist church organized seems to luive been the ]{ock Spring ehur«-h about six miles southwest of IJurlingtou in 1838 in what had then become NN'isconsin terri- tory. The third was ju-obably the IMsgali church organizeened May 1, lS4o. Among its earliest settlers was Lewis F. Tetn]»le. In Ai»ril. 1844 he Avas ehn-ted on<' of I he three tivst county coiiimissioners of \\'a!)e!lo coimty. In L'>4(> he Avas a delegate to the Baptisl stale conveulion from the lioimd Point rluiich, and llie next yeai', frOm tlie Agency City (linich. Agency City Avas probably selected for Early Interest in Education. 51 the site uf the .school largely through his iufluence, but a year later he Avent to Califoruia iu the great gold rush of that period, and died of cholera at New Orleans on his way home in 1849. The general and laudable interest early mani- fest among pioneer liaptists in favor of providing means for the education of their children, and es- pecially of those who should eventually enter the ministry, had already degenerated into local ambitions for securing the coveted "university," and it soon became evident that the introduction of these questions tended toward division, and depression of the common interest in missionar}^ work. BURLINGTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. tse^eral jear.s elapsed before the subject of edu- cation came again under discussion at the annual meetings, but at the May convention held at Mus- catine, 1851, Kev. T. H. Archibald, who was about to leave the state after three years' service at Dubuque .aud Davenport, offered the following resolution, Avliich Avas adopted : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to correspond with Baptist ecclesiastical bodies of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois, in regard to the establishment of a Baptist theological institution for the northwest, and report at the next session of this anniversary. B. B. Johnson, G. J. Johnson, aud D. 1*. Smith were appointed on the committee. The conven- tion voted to hold a second session that 3'ear, and at tlie couclusiou of its program, adourned to meet in Burlington, September 26, folloAving. In this latter conAention, seventeen diurrlies were represented out of forty-six rei)orted tlint 52 loioa Baptist Schools. year; by scveuteen pastors, and twenty-two laj- iiieii ; (hiity-niue altogether, as follows: First Ues Moines association; organized 1839. Burlington— Rev. G. J. Johnson, Rev. Isaac Leonard, Josepli T. Fales, William B. Ewing, Edv/ard Marlow, W. R. Hinckly, Tliomas W. Newman, William Clark, Thomas Sawtell. Charleston — John Holton, J. N. Morris. Danville — Rev. William A. Wells, Edwin Cady, J. Alter, H. A. Ritner. Farmington — Rev. W. H. Turton. Keokuk — Rev. H. Worden, Rev. E. Gunn. Mount Pleasant — Rev. H. Burnett, W. W. Marker, J. Tyner. Pisgah — Rev. Thomas J. Penny. K. Turner, N. B. Rhodes. Second Des Moines association; organized 1851 (after- wards named Oskaloosa association). Brighton — Rev. WMlliam Elliott, A. Fisher, S. T. Fisher. Fox River — Rev. O. Ormsby. Keosauqua — J. Beesecker, O. F. Jones. Knoxville — Rev. G. W. Bond. Oskaloosa — Rev. John Bond. Davenport association; organized 1842. Davenport — Rev. B. F. Brabrook. Marion — Rev. John Williams, Michael Cramer. Muscatine — Rev. S. B. Johnson, George Alexander. Cascade — Rev. John Bates. Ft. Des Moines — Rev. J. A. Nash. Two visituis A\(*re also ])reseut who later be- came i>astors in Iowa, namely, Ilevs. A. G. Eber- hart and T. S. Griffith. Dining the sessions of this convention the coin- inittee previously appointed on establishing a theological institntion in the northwest made Its report. After giving reasons why it seemed im- practicable to join with any other state in such an enterprise, they conclude their report as follows: We would immediately set about the establishment of a university to })e strictly under the control of the Baptists of Iowa. Pedo-Bai)tists know from the history of other states with their flourishing institutions, what is the true policy in this matter. The Congregationalists, Presbyteri- ans, and Methodists have each a college prospectively in this state. Shall a denomination whose regular conimuni- Early Interest in Education. 53 cants iiiimber more than any other in the Union consent that others may do the work of educating the youth of this state? Or shall we do our share in this great work? Believing, as Ave do, that it would be inexpedient to unite with any other state in our educational operations, we recommend to the convention the adoption of the following: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed whose duty it shall be to make investigations, solicit proposals, etc., with reference to the immediate establishment of a denominational university in this state, and that this com- mittee be authorized to call an educational convention at such time and place as they may deem expedient, when the whole subject can be considered in detail. Respectfully submitted, S. B. Johnson, chairman. The report, after remarks sustaining it bv Brethren G. J. Johnson, Nash, Brabrook, Griffith, and Burnett, was unanimously adopted. A com- mittee of live was then appointed in accordance Avith the recommendations of the report, after which, on nomination of the chairman of the com- mittee, the president of the convention was added to the committee as its chairman, making the com- mittee to consist of the following six : Brethren J. T. Fales, B. F. Brabrook, S. B. Johnson, J. A. Nash, G. J. Johnson, and John Williams. This committee took the matter up, and called an educational convention, which met at Iowa City, April 13-14, 1852. The convention was at- tended by delegates from Ft. Des Moines, L)a>eu- port, Brighton, Muscatine, Knoxville, Pella, iiur- lington, Le Claire, Iowa City, Marion, Coluitibus Cit}^ Wapello, and from St. Louis, Mo., under an invitati«m of visiting friends, to a seat in tlie con- vention. The i>roceediugs of this convention leading to the founding of Burliugton University are given elsowlit'Vc in (lir liisvorr of (hat school. 54 Iowa Baptist Schools. LOCATION OF CENTRAL UNIVliRSlTl'. Tlie Ceutral Uiiiveisitj ol' Iowa, like Burliugton Uuiverwitj, had it« origin witliiu the pioueer period of the histoiy of the state, aud of the deuojuiua- tioii; both of them iu the year i^'>'2, before the state was six years old, aud but uiueleeu years after the first ludiau title had been extiuguished aloug our eastern borders perniirting white settle- ments any where upon the soil of our state. The Iowa Baptist state eou\eution held its ses- sion that year, September 24-26, at Marion, Linn county. It was the eleventh auniuU gj'thering of that body, but a perusal of its proceedings pub- lished in the minutes shows clearly ihe piom3er character of both the state and deiK»i;iiuatiou at that date. Eighteen churches Avere represented by thirty-live delegates, seventeen pastors and eighteen laymen, of whom one pastor, Rev. John i\ Ward, and four laymen, Deacon K. Ives, \V. Vingau, N. C. Gageby, and E. C Whipple, were from the Marion church. The Des Moines association, organized in 1839, was represented b}^ delegates from five churches, namely, H. A. Ritner, 8r., and H. A. Ritner, Jr., Danville: Rev. Elihu Gunn and A. \Y. I'utnani, Keokuk; Rev. Obed Si)erry, Pisgali; Rev. G. J. Johnson, Burlington ; and Rev. E, (). Towne, Isaac .Vycnes and B. Swan, Mt. Zion. The ^a^■eu])ort association, organized in 1842, was represented 1>y J. A. Telfair, First churcli, Davenport; Revs. I>. l-MJrabrook, and E.M. Miles, and Di-. J. M. Witlierwax, Second rhurch, Daven- port; Rev. George Scott, ^laquoketa; Rev. J. Cur- rier, LnAfotte; J. P. Shirley, Hickory Grove; and Early Interest in Education. 55 Revs. Dexter l\ {Smith, and A. R. Belden, Dr. E. Metcalf, aud Joliu Higgius, Iowa City; and Rev. John Bates, Cascade. The Oslvaloosa association, organized in 1851, was represented by Rev. John Bond, Nelson Davis, and A. J. Morrow, Oslcaloosa; Rev. Ueorge W. Bond, Kuoxville; Rev. A. N. Atwood, and M. C. Vanlandiughain, Middle Creek; and Rev. 1. C. Cuilis, and Dea. A. Foulk, Aurora. This Aurora cliurch A\as dropped from the minutes a year or two later, the Bella church taking its place. Also Rev. J. A. Nash, Ft. Des Moines. The associalioual tables report the names of thirty ministers and fifty churches, with a total membership of 1,878. Tile report of the executive board published in the minutes, contains many items of liistorical in- terest. iSpace may be given for the following par- agraphs illustrating the pioneer conditions then existing: The past year has Ijeeii one of unusual healthfulness. That fearful epidemic and scourge, the cholera, which two years and also three years since prevailed so fearfully among us, not only in our larger towns and commercial points, but also in several instances in sparse neighbor- hoods and agricultural districts, removing many of the loved ones in our families and promising ones in our churches, from the watchman upon the walls to the citizen within the gates, during the year now closing has rarely been permitted to find a victim in our ranks. So far as we have been able to gather there have been baptized 17S, making our net increase the past year 252. Three years ago our convention numbered only about one thousand members in the churches composing it. Since then over one thousand have Ijeen added, making our gen- eral summary for the present year 2,032. We have no agents for collecting, no funds for appropria- tion })y our 1)oard, no missionaries under our appointment, and no churches looking to us for support. This work in our state is done liy the Home Mission society. Our part is simply to give to the society as we may l)e able. 56 Iowa Baptist Schools. At the last anniversary it was resolved to raise the com- ing year it' possil^le $1,000 for the society. The whole sum and over has since that time been pledged, and about $500 paid as shown )jy the report of the treasurer at this date, a result, under the circumstances, of which we are not ashamed. It is to be remembered that with very few exceptions our churches are all yet so feeble as to be necessarily de- pendent upon the Home Mission society for help, and that most are either without houses of worship, or in the hard struggles of erecting them, or liquidating debts upon them, which, together with what they are doing toward maintain- ing the ministry, supporting the Sabbath school, and meet- ing the incidental expenses of pu))lic worship, are making unusually large drafts upon a people as a general thing poor at first, and made poorer by the initiatory taxes of a settlement in a new country. The Home Mission society has supported in our state the past year in part or entirely eighteen different mis- sionaries, and one exploring agent and general itinerant. Emigration though for several years continued and rapid has not as yet spread itself to any considerable degree over less than half the state, and yet already we have a popula- tion numbering but little less than 250,000. In our state, as our last census shows, are about 3 3,000 dwellings, 15,000 farms under cultivation, and 500 manufacturing establish- ments. In twelve years our population has increased from 43.111 to 240.000. Tlie usual eouunittees were appoiiited uu home missiou.s, -foreign mis.sious, Bible cause, aud Sab- bath schools; all making reports which Avere dis- cussed aud acted upou. The educational committee appointed the pre- vious year on location of Baptist school, made its report of the establishment of the school at Burlington. The report Avas referred to a com- mittee consisting of Brethern Belden, Towue, Curtis, and ]Miles. This committee later brought in the following report : After due consideration of the proceedings of the com- mittee of five appointed at the last session of the Baptist state convention of Iowa, and of the educational meeting held in Iowa City in April last, your committee would recommend the passage of the following resolution: Early Interest in Education. 57 Resolved, That this convention can not sanction the pro- ceedings of the educational meeting held in Iowa City in April last in locating an institution of learning. Report accepted and adopted. Dni'iiii; the sessions of tlie convention, or after its adjournment, some brethren united in calling an educational meeting, at which fourteen of the tliirty-tive <1(^leiiates wcn'e present. As a result of this latter pitherinji', the following call was issued for another educational convention : To the Baptist church in , Dear Brethren — You are requested to appoint at least three delegates and not more than five, with your pastor, to meet delegates of all other Baptist churches in the state of Iowa, in a convention to lie held at Oskaloosa, Mahaska county, Iowa, on Wednesday, the 10th day of November, 1852, to take into consideration the propriety and expediency of locating a college to be owned by, and subject to the con- trol of the Baptist denomination of the state. Proposals of great value and importance will l^e made to the conven- tion, and it is expected that a location will lie selected be- fore the adjournment of the meeting. The following names were appended to tlu^ call : E. O. Towne, j! C. Ward, G. W. Bond, H. Burnett, A. N. Atwood. A. Foulk, E. M. Miles, J. Currier, I. C. Curtis, E. Metcalf, .Tohn Bates, O. Sperry, .John Bond, H. Ritner, G. S. Hampton, S. Ayers, B. Swan. F. A. Barker. Tn the minutes of the Iowa Tity conventiim, given on subsequent i)age, it was stated that the vote of that body on location was unanimous, but this latei' call contains the names of two of the memlters of the former convention. The convention met at Oskaloosa on the day named and was attended by delegates from Des Moines, Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, Marion, .Jefferson, and Van Buren coun- ties. However, in view of the inclemency of the weather and therefore sparse attendance, a resolution for adjourn- ment was passed to meet at Bella on the first Thursday of June, following. They also invited every Baptist church In the state to send delegates to tlie adjourned convention. There were present at this Oskaloosa meeting, H. A. Ritner and E. Cady, Danville; A. Fisher, Brighton; J. Waldriss, Steady Run; J. Bond and ^8 loica Baptist Schools. N. Davis, O.skaloosa; G. W. J>uud, J. Jones, (i. Jones, and William Jones, Knoxville; I, C Cnri'iH, F. A. Barker, A Foulk, B. F. Millen, and J. Millen, near Pella; A. N. Atwood, T. Corner, ]M. I*. Crowder, and J. Jeffrey, Middle Creek, near Oskaloosa; P. Ooff, Libertyvi'lle, and F. O. Towne, Bonaparte. The adjonrned convention met in Pella, June 2, 1853, and at the second day's session voted to locate tlie school at that place, by the adoption of the following' resolution: Resolved, That this convention accept the proposed dona- tion of the citizens of Pella and vicinity and hereby locate our denominational institution at said place. The delegates were 1. C. Curtis, J. ^Miller, S. S. Manornm, M. Reynolds, E. O. Towne, from in and near Pella; IT. A. Bitner, Danville; William Elliot!, Brigliton; P. Goff, Libertyville; M. Stonei', and D. J. Gnthridge, Oskaloosa; and W. IT. Tnrton, Farmington. From a comparison of these lists it will be seen that but seven of the sixteen Avho signed the call at- tended the Oskaloosa meeting, and but three of them were at the later meeting at Pella; while bnf four of the twenty-one ]U'esent at Oskaloosa in November returned foi' the June meeting at which the location was finally made. The next session of the state convent iE'. Taylor, B. Stahl, .J. A. Nash, H. Burnett, S. M. White, R. Cole, R. Stockton, E. Cady, W. Matthews. H. N. Kendall. Isaac Leonard, J. Warren, J. S. David, R. Storer, G. J. .Johnson, E. W\ Bwing, R. Chalfant; total, 33. Nays— E. M. Miles, C. G. Blood, E. Bookenoogen, P. Goff. W. H. Tur- ton, D. Jewett, H. A. Ritner, J. Philpot, E. O. Towne, E. Gnnn, O. Sperry; total, 11. Any study of Iowa l>;iptist liistoiy reveals the eoiistant reeiiiTence to tlie flisoiission of its educa- tional problems. The misfortune has been that snob discussion has been focnssed on the merits or claims of our denominational schools, rather than on the need and value of the education itself to the denomination. Nearly all of our denomina- tional ori>anizations are foi' missionary purposes purely, and the introduction of divisive topics, iiowever im]>ortant, tends to de]U'ess and hinder their pro]»er woi-k. This fact has frequent illustration in our Iowa history. In 185fi, when the state convention was held with the church in Fremont, Mahaska county, Rev. J. (\ Burroughs, president of the T"rniversity of Ohicaji'o, visited the convention as corresjmnd- ini>- delegate from the Illinois General associa- tion. He was asked to sjive an account of rhf orig'in and present condition of that university, at the close of which: (>0 loini I id pi i. si i- of the Biirlini>ton board held June 26, 1860, Key." T. S. Griftith offered the followino" resolution, which Ava« ado])ted : Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by this hoard to whom shall be referred the consideration of the educational interests of the Baptist denomination of this Btate and any propositions that may be submitted for the reconciliation of the divided feelings and various interest.s of education among us, aiming to effect the union and concentrate the entire efforts of Iowa Baptists in their educational movements. Rev, T. S. Griffith, J. K. Hornish, Esq., Rev. G. J. John- son, Rev. S. H. Worcester, Rev. C. H. Remington were ap- pointed the committee required by the above resolution. The Standard of July 4th says in an editorial report of the meetinu : The board at Burlington has appointed a committee to have under advisement the subject of a combination of Baptist strength in Iowa for the promotion of collegiate education. The committee is made up of members of the hoard, with some who are not members, judicious brethren, who wd trust will be able to devise some scheme whereb; i>^ loa-a Baptist ^l. the denomination may he brought together, as a unit, in this important work. This committee seems to have been appoiut(.'.'T on the ]»asis of some reasonable hope that '1 plan eonld l)e mutually a(>^reed upon for securing unity of art ion in our educational work, Tn the follov,- ino- Afarch representative men both of Kuril ngt on and I'clla aiireed mutually to abandon those places and unite in purchasing? Oskaloosa college and concentrate there; and the compact failed be- cause the ]n-o]ierty could not be secured. At tli«» annual meeting' of the Burlino'ton board Chairman Griffith reported the failure of the cfToi-t 1)eo'iin the previous year. Again in 1864 a call was sent from Pella for a meeting, 'to consider whether it will be for the denominational inter- ests to vigorously take hold of our educational matters In Pella, or give up and get out of the way of the denomina- tion uniting on some other point.' ^ .Vt resent a memorial to the convention rej^ardin?; that school. Thc<^e brethren requested that a committee be appointed to confer with them as to the advisabilitv of their mnkin,']f a brief report to the convention, brethren Darbv, Eaton, C. Traven, Wilson, and TTolme^. 'Rev. J. A. Nash, in Standard Oct. 25, 1874. Early Inicrcsl in IJdnaifion. i-:j were appointed siuli coinniittoe. This eoiuiuittee reported the following resolutions which were adopted without dissent : Resolved, That this convention cordially endorse the University of Des Moines as one of the denominational in- stitntions of the state, and commend it to the Baptists of Iowa as worthy of their confidence and support. Resolved, That the effort about to be made to secure for It an endowment of $20,000 meets our entire approbation. This hearty endorsement by the state conven- tion at the home of Central University indicated the existence of friendly S(^ntiment toward the new school throughout the state, and j^articularly among the special friends of Pella and Burling- ton, both of which were well represented in the convention. This was the first official action of the denomination regarding Des ^Nfoines rollege. The Iowa Baptist union for ministerial educa- tion was organized at this meeting, taking tlie place of earlier h)cal organizations of similar character. At the Marshalltown convention of 18(>S, the following record was made: By the courtesy of the convention, Brethren Westover and Hayhurst were invited to speak in relation to the Des Moines University. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved. That we as a denomination do earnestly unite In paying off the indebtedness of our educational institution at Des Moines. The later history of the denomination in rela- tion to its schools is given in subsequent chapters. CHAPTER IV. Burlington Collegiate Institute At a ine<4ing of the state conventioii in May, 1851, in Muscatine, it was resolved: That a committee of three be appointed to correspond with the Baptist ecclesiastical bodies of Minnesota, Wis- consin, and Illinois, in regard to the establishment of a Baptist Theological Institution for the northwest, and report at the next session of this anniversary. Tlie committee named was as follows : Rev. S. B. Johnson, ^Inscatine; Rev. G. J. Johnson, Bur- lington ; and Rev. I). P. Smitli, Iowa (Mty. The convention held a second session in Bur- linuton the ensuing September of the same year, at which tlie committee made a lengthy report, at the close of which they say: Believing as we do that it would be Inexpedient to unite with any other state in our educational operations, we recommend to the convention the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed whose duty it shall be to make investigations, solicit proposals, etc., with reference to the immediate location of a denomi- national university in the state, and that this committee be authorized to call an educational convention at such time and place as they deem expedient, when the whole subject can be considered in detail. Tlie report, after remarks sustaining it, by Brethren G. J. Johnson, Nash, Griffith, and Bur- 64 Burlington Collegiate Institute. 65 nett was unaniiiioiisly adopted. President Fales named B, F. Brabrook, S. B. Johnson, J. A. Nash, (i. J. Jolmson, and John Williams to serve on the ('ommitt(H^ after which on nomination of jMr, Bra- brook the president of the convention was added to the committee as its chairman. This committee issned in the followino; January a call directed To all interested in the establishment of an institution of learning in Iowa nnder the auspices of the Baptist denomination. After quotino' the antlioi-ity and commission delegated to them by the state convention tliey say : We are confirmed in the conviction that we need a denominational school in this state. The sons generally of Baptist parents and many of the younger members of our churches are growing up without the advantages of a lib- eral educatiorf. Our fathers in the field and all those upon whom now rests the responsibility of the church will soon be gone. We need a generation to succeed them equally, and more so, if possible, enlightened and qualified to do the work of the ministry, the deaconship and the laity. In order to do this, it is necessary that, while we seek for the conversion of our young men, that we also provide for their education. Several other denominations in our state are moving bravely forward in this work, and shall we consent that the multiplying youth of our denomination shall go uneducated, or even be left to seek elsewhere what ought to be found at home? Nothing less than a school of our own with a collegiate charter and privileges will meet our wants. We believe that our denomination ought to immediately establish such a school. Not only do the facts that we need it and can do it make it our duty, but our obligations to the general cause of education, to the cause of religion, to the cause of denominational truth, and especially the cause of ministerial education, demand it at our hands. We have satisfactory reasons to believe that, if we now had a school in progress in Iowa, ten young men at least could be immediately gathered in this state who would gladly enter upon a course of study preparatory to the work of the sacred ministry. A few of these brethren may be induced to go abroad and prepare, but most could not. ^^ louxi Baptist Schools. Their pecuniary inal)ility, generally, to bear the expense, their unacquaintance often with men and things beyond their own state, and not infrequently their exceeding defi- ciency in the first rudiments of an education would effec- tually embarrass their doing this. The committee are unanimous in calling a mass educa- tional convention of the Baptist denomination and friends in the state of Iowa, to be held on the 13th and 14th days of April, 1852, at Iowa City; the opening sermon to be preached on Tuesday the 13th at 7 o'clock, p. m., by the Rev. .J. A. Nash, of Fort Des Moines, or his alternate, Rev. John Bates, of Cascade; and the following days, Wednes- day, the 14th, to be devoted to the special consideration of this subject, in its detail. Be sure and come to the convention and bring a large delegation along with you from the church and community where you live. But little time now remains before we must assemble to decide upon this matter, and to com- mence operations if anything is done the present year. May the Lord crown this great and good enterprise with success, is the prayer of your fellow servants in truth and good works, J. T. Fales, B. F. Brabrook, S. B. .Johnson, J. A. Nash. G. .T. .Johnson, John Williams, college committee of the Iowa Baptist state convention. Tho ((Hiventioji was held at Iowa (Mty, April 13 and 14, 1851?. Without railroads, Avitli strt^anis and sloniih.s iniln-idiicd, followinii a violent storm of rain and snow, and \\ ith foarfnl I'oads. yet representative men from ditTerent ]>arts of the state were ])resent, the leading- chnrches, (»s]'>ecially, be- inii,' (piitc^ generally represented. As this eonvention was held at so early a date in onr history, and the spirit manifested was so eharaeteristic of early Iowa Raptist sentiment, it seems AAorth while to insert the I'ecords of the meet in a; in full. IMINT'TICS OF TTIE EDUCATION.AL CONVENTION. Towa City, Iowa, Tuesday, April 13, 1852. In pursuance to a call of a committee of six brethren ap- pointed at the last session of the Iowa Baptist state con- Burlington Collegiate Institute. 67 vention, an educational convention assembled in the hous* of worship of the Baptist church, at 7:30 o'clock, p. m., to consider the subject of ministerial education, and if thought proper, to proceed to the establishment of a denominational university. An exceedingly appropriate introductory sermon was preached by Rev. J. A. Nash, founded upon Matthew 5:14. "Ye are the light of the world." At the close of the sermon the convention organized for the evening, by the appoint- ment of Brother Nash, chairman, and G. J. .Johnson, secre- tary. The following committees were then appointed, to report at the opening of the morning session: On nomination of permanent officers for the convention, Brethren John Williams, Obed Sperry, and S. B. .Johnson. On resolutions expressive of the sense of the convention. Brethren B. F. Bral)rook, G. .J. .Johnson, and William A. Wells. On propositions for the location of the university, Breth- ren Elihu Gunn and D. P. Smith. Prayer was offered by Rev. A. R. Belden, and after a voluntary from the choir, the convention adjourned, to meet again in the morning, for a season of prayer, at 8:30 o'clock, and for business at 9. Wednesday, April 14. Assembled agreeably to adjournment, at 8:30 o'clock, a. m., for prayer meeting, and at 9 o'clock for business; prayer was offered by Rev. E. D. Brown. The names of delegates being called for, the following were enrolled: J. A. Nash, Ft. Des Moines; B. F. Brabrook, Davenport; William Elliott, Brighton; S. B. .Johnson, Mus- catine; G. W. Bond, Knoxville; A. E. Dudok Bousquet, Pella; J. T. Fales, Burlington; William A. Wells, Musca- tine; William J. Parkhurst, Le Claire; A. R. Belden, Iowa City; John Williams, Marion; G. J. Johnson, Burlington; William Crowell, St. Louis; G. S. Hampton, Iowa City; E. D. Brower, St. Louis; William B. Morey, Columbus City; Obed Sperry, Wapello; D. P. Smith, Iowa City; J. Bronson, Wapello. On motion of S. B. Johnson visiting friends and citizens of the place were invited to a seat in the convention. The committee on nomination, through Brother Williams, reported the following officers: Rev. William Crowell, pres- ident; Rev. J. A. Nash, vice president, and Rev. G. J. John- son, secretary. The report was accepted, and the nomination adopted; whereupon Brother Crowell took the chair, and made a few appropriate remarks. Brother G. J. Johnson presented the following, in behalf of the committee on resolutions: 68 Jovxi Baptist Schools. Whereas, We regard an educated ministry as inseparably connected with the more speedy and universal extension of the kingdom of Christ; education in general as most highly conducive to the interests of men. next to evangelical reli- gion; and that to the Baptist denomination above all oth- ers, the education of the people is indispensably necessary, and. Whereas, We believe that an institution of learning of the highest order, under the control of this denomination, is especially needed in this state, and that under God, we are fully competent to esta])lish such an institution; there- fore, Resolved, That it is the deep and settled conviction of the Baptists of Iowa, that the time has now come when an institution of liberal and sacred learning, under the control of the Baptist denomination, should be established in this state. Also, Resolved, That we will proceed immediatelj^ to this work, and untiringly, laboriously, and self-denyingly, if need be, persevere in it, until, by the blessing of the Lord. it shall be accomplished. And, linally. Resolved, That in all questions that may arise in regard to the location and character of this institution, a full and free opportunity shall be given for the expression and inter- change of opinion, after which, however, the decision of the ma.1ority, fairly expressed, shall always be considered unanimous, and that we will thenceforth faithfully and heartily co-operate to carry out every such decision. The report was accepted, and on motion of Rev. S. B. .Tohnson, accompanied with remarks by Brethren Brabrook, Nash. Sperry. Bousquet, Brower, Williams. Gunn, Hampton, G. J. Johnson, Parkhnrst, and Crowell. The preambles and resolutions were separately and una7i- imously adopted. The committee on propositions for location, next re- ported, through Brother Gunn, propositions for the location of the university from Ft. Des Moines. Bella. Mt. Pleasant. New London, Burlington, Wapello, Davenport, and L*» Claire. The report was accepted, and after prayer by Rev. Mr. Hazard, president of Des Moines College, the convention ad- journed to meet at 1:30 o'clock, p. m. Met pursuant to adjournment; prayer was offered by Rev. J. A. Nash. The report of the committee on proposi- tions was again taken up and discussed at much length by different brethren. On motion of Rev. .T. A. Nash, after an extended, free, and full interchange of opinion, it was unanimously BurUngtoii Collegiate Institute. 69 Resolved. That the contemplated university be located at Burlington. On suggestion of Rev. Brother Brabrook, the president of the convention, led in a prayer of thanksgiving to Al- mighty God for the happy and harmonious conclusions to which the convention had been brought in its deliberations. On motion of the secretary, the two following committees were appointed: A committee to present a draft of articles of incorpora- tion, and a constitution for the government of the univer- sity. Brethren G. J. .Johnson, J. A. Nash, G. S. Hampton, E. Gunn, and .John Williams. A committee to nominate a hoard of trustees and their officers, for the first year, Brethren D. P. Smith, S. B. .John- son, B. F. Brabrook, William A. Wells, and J. T. Fales. Prayer was offered by Rev. B. F. Brabrook, after which adjourned to meet again in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. Assembled according to ad.iournment. Prayer was of- fered by Rev. A. R. Belden. The committee appointed to present articles of incorporation and constitution, etc., re- ported through their chairman, as appended on subsequent page. The I'eport was accepted, and recommended to the in- corporators of the university for adoption. The committee on nomination of board of trustees and officers, for the first year, etc., reported through their chairman, as also appended on subsequent page. The report v.'as accepted, and the nomination recommended to the in- corporators for adoption. On motion of Rev. B. F. Bra- brook, Resolved, That this convention entertains a high and grateful appreciation of the enlightened lil)erality and enterprise of those several places that have presented propositions to this convention for the location of our proposed university. The minutes of the proceedings of the convention were read and approved, and the secretary was instructed to publish and distribute the same, together with a catalogue of the board of trustees, the articles of incorporation and the constitution. William Crowell, president. J. A. Nash, vice president. G. .1. Johnson, secretary. Tlio lo:inrlingt(m, and a num- ber of lots hing west and south of it, some donated and some purchased. The city conyeyed its title in consideration of other grounds to be nsed for cemetery. The first annual meeting was held ^lay 11, 1853, J. A. Nash being elected president of the board, G. J. Johnson, secretary, and T. W. Newman, treas- urer. Work was begun on the ne\y building early in the year. A copy of the first annual re])ort of the exec- utiye committee of the board of trustees was pub- 72 loir a Baptist t^^chooh. lislu'd ill 1853. Tlie report states that a contract had been made for the erection of a beantifnl and substantial editice, designed for the preparatory or academic (b*i)a]tiiient. In dimensions it was 05 by 44 feet n])on the ground, tliree stories in lieight, or 40 feet above the foundatiosited beneath the corner stone. PRINCIPAL GUNNISON;, 1854-1856. October '2i\, 1858, Rev. George W. Gunnison of Newton (\mter, :Mass., was elected principal at a salary of |4()0, a\ liich a year later was increased to |500, and Mrs. M. A. V. Darwin, lady ])rincipal, to receive the tuitions of her pupils for her pay. The following year her salary was made |450. The two departments of the sch(»ol were opened January 4, 1854, Piof. Gunnison in charge of the boys in the basement of the Baptist church, and Mrs. Darwin in charge of the girls in the base- ment of the Congregational chundi. Al>out ninety students were enrolled, thirty of them engaged in Burlington CoUefjhife Institute. 73 the study of tli(- nm-ieiit laugiiages, and twenty in modern languages. The following items of interest connected with the earliest period of (lie existence of the univer- sity are gleaned from a copy of the second annual rejjort of the executive committee and abstract of exei-cises of the s4: The second annual meeting of the l)oard of trustees was held in the lecture room of the new college edifice, July 3, 1854. The second annual report of the executive committee was read and adopted. A plan for an endowment of $100,000 was presented by the secretary and adopted. On motion of Mr. Newman it was voted that we commence upon the work of endowing Burlington University by raising within the ensuing year at least $5,000 to be paid or secured, and draw interest as soon as all is subscri)>ed. The l)Ook was then opened and $1,200 were immediately pledged. At S o'clock p. m. of the same day, in accordance with a widely extended notice, a convention of friends favorable to the formation of a Ministerial Education society was held in the Baptist house of worship. An excellent and ap- propriate sermon was preached by Rev. A. R. Belden of Iowa City, after which the convention began by the ap- pointment of Rev. H. Burnett, president, and Prof. G. W. Gunnison, secretary. After a season of free conference, and the announcement of the fact that two young brethern having the ministry in view had made application to the friends of Burlington University for aid, it was unanimously resolved, that prelim- inary steps be now taken for the formation of an Iowa Baptist Ministerial Education society. A collection Avas taken amounting to about $50.00 in pledges and cash, which amount has since been appropri- ated to a young brother studying in the university. Tuesday morning, the 4th of July at 1 o'clock, a large congregation of citizens and visiting friends assembled in the chapel of the new college edifice to attend upon the ex- ercises appointed for the celebration of the completion and dedication of the building. The Declaration of Independ- ence was then read by Rev. James M. Morgan of Burlington. Rev. J. C. Burroughs of Chicago, next delivered an excel- lent and appropriate oration, after which a poem was read ty Dr. Philip Harvey of Burlington. At 8 o'clock on the 74 ■ loica Baptist Schools. eveuiug of the 4th a public literary festival of the Eonadel- phian society of the university was given in the chapel to a large and appreciative audience. The young gentlemen were much applauded and performed their parts with credit to themselves and the institution. The erect iuu aud completion of the building had cost .f7,So8.7o, and |281.85 had been .spent in im- proving and enclosing the grounds, making the total expended |8,120.08. Of this amount Mr. H. ^'. Kendall of 8t. Louis, Mo., gave |1,000. The building was later named Kendall Edifice in rec- ognition of this generous gift. The faculty Avas increased by the additicm of the following named instructors: Rev. E. M. Fish, Dr. John H. Ranch, Mr. A. E. Van Meter, Mrs. C. Augusta II ickok, Mrs. 8arah L. Gunnison, aud 31iss Larissa M. Hill. The first annual catalogue issued in January, 1855, reported 167 pupils. At the opening of the fall term, 1855, Mr. Leonard Urowu, a student from P\. Des Moines, was elected tutor, and later taught two years in the school, Trof. Fish retiring later to accept another ]>osition. A set'oud iiimual catalogue was issued in 1856, giving tlie names of ninety-two gentlemen and seventy lady students. Among the number are recognized the familiar names of Leonard Brown, Addison ('. Williams, George (\ Remey, his brother, William B., and Thomas G. Troxel. Mr. Brown has been well known in ToAva as a teacher, lecturer, and Avriter for near half a century. WiF liams afterwards a\ ou a national reputation as Methodist divine and pulpit orator. Remey, be- ginning at the F. S. Xaval academy, Avent suc- cessiA'ely throngli all the grades of promotion bv fn'thful and distinguished serAice to highest Jionors his goA^ernment could bestoAA' — admiral in Burlington CoUcyiate Institute, 75 the iitiYj. Troxel beeaiue au able aud eloquent lawyer in southeastern Iowa. PRINCIPAL IND;, 1856-1857. June 9, 1856, Rev. Thomas M. lud was elected principal, succeeding Prof. Uuunisou, resigned. Mr. Ind was a genial, earnest, cultured young Englishman who remained one 3'ear aiul then re- signed to accept tlie pastorate of the South Hill JJaptist church, Ijurlington. ►Septembei- 4, 1S5<», the chronicler of these his- torical data entered Burlington University (acad- emy) as a student, aud the record of the next three aud a half years may possibly assume somewhat the hue of rennniscence. The instructors for that year, 185()-1857, were, besides the principal, who taught the ancient languages, Mr. George \V. Dow, professor of luathematics and the natural sciences; Horace H. Hawley, vocal music; Leonard Brown, a student from Ft. Des Moines; Misses Anna M. J. Chamberlain, Maria M. Parmenter, Anna G. Monroe, and Emma Taylor. During the anniversary exercises of the Eona- delphian society, July 7, 1857, Rev. Dr. W. G. Howard, of Chicago, delivered the oration, and Jesse Clement, of Dubuque, a. poem. In the stu- dent program which closed the exercises the final oration was delivered by Addison C. Williams, of Burlington, and a i)oem read by Leonard Brown, of Ft. Des Moines, entitled "Our Country," which was worthy of even wider publication than it received in the author's Poems of the Prairies ]nib- lished some months later. Space can be given liere for the opening stanza : 76 towa Baptist Schools. On a ehore far remote, in days now long past. Some God-fearing men, wliose possessions were vast, Bade adieu to their liomes and fields of bright grain, In a small ship of burden to cross the rough main. Nor treasures nor plunder tiiey sought o'er the seas, The flag of religion they spread to the breeze, Displaying this motto, expressive and odd, 'Rebellion to tyrants is duty to God.' Tliougli the .state was not jet ten years old, many of the .settlements widel}' separated, the loads were merely trails over the prairies, and through the brush and woods, the streams geu- erall}' uubridged, conveyances in the most part limited to lumber wagons dra\\ii by oxen or horses, ail the people, pioneers, living fur the most part in rude log houses of their own building, and struggling to plant and harvest sufficient produce for themselves and their animals, yet boys and girls were nowhere lacking, eager to enter when- ever a school was opened. Of the eighty-tAvo young men and seventy-six young women who entered lUulington that year some came more than 150 miles, and one or two at least, more than 300 miles. They were of all ages from fourteen to thirty years. Among the number were at least two who later entered tiie ministry, H. S. Cloud, from Toledo, and Uriah R. AA'alton, from Dubuque. Some went into law and a larger num- ber entered the teachers' profession and made good records. One of the number, Thomas Hedge, afterwards served his district for a number of terms Avith credit in congress, and another, John H. Hungate, became a leading banker in Peoria, III., also James B. Gregg began the foundation for Iiis future law jtractice. At a meetin,^^ of the executive committee in X)ecember, 18or>j it A\'as decided to undertake the Burlington Collegiate Institute. 77 ereetiou of a set-uud biiildiug to be used for ladies' seiuiiiary and boaidiug hall. The coruer stone of this Itiiildiiii;- was hiid July 4, 1857, (lov. Jjiuies A\'. (Iriiiics deli\'i'riiig the oration on the occasion. AN'itli .*!j;8,()00 subscription to erect the building and pay ott* a small indebtedness tlie coniniittee com- pleted the foundation. Then came the unparalleled iinancial enibai-rassment of 1857 which spread a pall over the entire business of the country. The work was abamloned and never renewed. Kev. John A. Xash of 1^'t. Des Moines, so well known afttlenieii. Among the nnnd)er were ti\'e yi>ung men who la.tei- entered the Baptist ministry, munely, John E. (Mough, AVilliam A. Eggleston, 78 Iowa Baptist Schools. Jerome i>. Kiiigbt, Tliomas Martin, aud Alexander D. McMiebaeJ. Que of the number, Clough, as all Cbri.steudom knows, became fortj-two years ago, aud remains to tbis day, tbe great apostle to tbe Telugus. Another, McMichael, after fifty years of useful ministerial and other labor in tbe far west is still living at Spokane, Wash., iu 1907. Some of these boys entered tbe school as Chris- tians, and oue or two to prepare for the ministry, but young ( 'lough had never made any profession, probably bad never had the benefit of any religious training or instruction. Several years before, he had joined a surveying party and spent his sum- mers out on the frontier, working his way up to the position of surveyor. At the close of the sur- veying season for 1857 his emj^loyer, a Mr. Ander- son, living at Tivoli, near Dubuque, desiring to place his own son, who was disposed to be a little Avild, iu some school for the winter where he would be surrounded by good associations, sug- gested to Clough that he should go to Burlington with Ids son. Clough was converted there the first Avinter in a college revival, and decided to remain at school. God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. After two years' service the gifted and cultured lady principal, Miss Chamberlain, resigned and was soon after married to Prof. George W. Dow of Chicago. Later they removed to Moline, 111., where they still live in person, as they live also in the mejuory of many an old-time Burlington student. In 1858 Dr. Richard F. Barrett of St. Louis, Mo., pledged the university |20,000 conditionally Burlington Collegiate Institute. ^9 for eudowiiieut. A poitiou of the gift was realized after liis death, two years hiter. At the opeuiug of .sehool in September, 185^, the iiaine.s of two more uoith Iowa boj'S appear for enrollment. Alva lUish, from Htrawberr}^ Poiut, was under «-ou\ ietion that he ought to preach the gospel, and Omar T. Conger had been found at work in a wagon shop at Decorah b}' that Nestor of Iowa IJaptist pioneer preachers, Charles E. Brown, and pcdnted toward a place of preparation for his life work. l>oth names have been house- hold words for nearly half a century among Iowa Baptists. At the following January public literary exhi- bition Conger and Clough were matched in debate, and Bush gave an oration on Neglect of Mental Powers. Again, .March 1<>, at another entertain- ment Conger delivered an oration on The Cancer of Amei'ica, and Ihisli on Iniegiiiy of ruii)ose. Bush was ordained at his home church, Straw- berry l*oiut, in No^'ember, 185D, i»reached and taught in Fayette county until 18p(*5ns in the faculty. Rev. S. W. Marston, Avhose name is yet well reniembered as" an earnest teacher, ])reacher, and missionary laborer in Iowa, and later in ^lissouri. ^liss ]Mary E. Burn- 80 Iowa Baptist Schools. ham is teacher of French. 178 students are en- rolled, 60 ladies, and 118 gentlemen. Here ap- pears some more names that become familiar in Iowa, in later rears, such as Austin D. Bush, Loreu T. JUish, and Jabez T. Sunderland. All of them, after completing their education here or elsewhere, spent years of successful pastoral and other labor in Iowa and other states. Other names well remembered were, among the girls, Julia and Lucy Allen, Carrie Rogers, and Matilda Yv'illiams, and among the bo^'s not before men- tioned, ^AM]liam P. Allen, Elisha P. Hickok, Wes- ley C. Hobbs, T. J. R. Perry, John T. Remey, Thomas J. Turlock, and Eugene Ware, all from or near Ilurlingtou. Everyone of them honored the institution where they got their initial .training, and, with marked distinction; the first named, Wm. P. Allen, ex-state senator and wealthy lumber mercimnt of ?»linuesota, still lives in St. Paul, and the last named, Eugene F. Ware, the brilliant poet, historian, and late U. S. Commissioner of Pensions at AVashington. We have lingered on these few earlier years of our earliest Baptist school, partly because it 'was to the writer hallowed ground, full of precious memories, and also because it affords a real though partial picture of what a denomination secures when it maintains a school of higher learn- ing in any grnde for its own young people. The school was probably maintained, by the Baptists of lov/a and western Illinois, as ad- equately, possildy more adequately, than dur- ing any other four j^ears in its jlity years' liistory. There were many evidences of personal interest and instances of personal Burlinyto)i Collegiate Institute. 81 sacrifices to help the school along in those days of small beginnings. Following this jjeriod came the war, then the financial depressions, and the bickerings regard- ing location, all of which tended to paralyze effort everywhere. In this brief four year period the school attracted and helped and inspired at least fifteen young men to enter the gospel ministry in our churches, out of probably not far from 500 young men and A\omen. How many went out from this number as physicians, lawyers, teachers, or laborers in other fields, or to establish Christian homes, can never be known. But this may well ])i' iissdUKHi, tJiat every one of (henuini»?M' wcui iulo life's labors better fitted therefor, often in many ways, by reas(m of the high ideals maintained and diffused alike by teachers and students. The school was maintained in pioneer territory and in true pioneer spirit. Its students were often stir- red to entliusiasm and consecration by those matchless pioneer preachers and princely fishers of men, Jacob Knapp, Lewis Raymond, and Mor- gan Edwards, who were always welcome in Bur- lington. What was accomplished in this school in this four years has been accomplished probably, and will l)e accomplished with variations by every Christian school adequately maintained by any people. It is a lesson that our people both of to- day and tomorrow ought to learn. For the school year 1861-1862 the teachers were : Principal Allen, Dr. Robert and his son, James A., Rev. F. Fnnsel, CcTinan; Miss Josephine A. Cut- ter, princii)n] of tlie Indies' flepnrtment; ^(issc^s Emma R. Browa, ^Fartha A. Robert, and [Martha 82 loiva Baptist Schools. 11. Cutter besides ^iv. H. H. Hawley. and his wife; Mrs. Jaue K. Hawlej, iu iiiusie. For a number of years diiriug tlie Civil War the school continued substantially under the same management. The number or names of students attending is not now attainable as catalogues or other student records are not preserved. For the year 18G1-18G2 the number exceeded one hundred. Of this number, thirteen were preparing for the A\ork of the gospel minislry and vec<'ived aid trot.u the Educational society, heretofore mentioned, amounting to folO. The same society paid that year |200 for tlieological instruction at the school. In June, 1801*, the tenth annual report of the executive committee was published. It gives some account of the first Ten years of arduous labor amid many embarrassments. For the first five years the work moved on prosperously. A boarding hall was erected, a new edifice was begun. Sev- eral thousand dollars of the endowment has been secured and invested. The library of 2,000 volumes embraces the best literature of the age. We have a $500 telescope, and valuable apparatus. And now came a change in the financial affairs of the country. In the midst of prosperity, like a hurricane at the close of a fair day, occurred the financial crash of 185 7. Then came in IS GO the currency collapse. Upon the rear of all this have fallen the adversities of a gigantic and pro- longed civil war. Twenty-five of our boys are today in the Union army. Still, over 100 pupils have been in attendance during the past year. Professors Allen and Robert, and Tutor Robert, and the Misses Cutter and Brown are in charge of the school. As the income was no longer adequate to sup- port the school on the old basis, and it was impos- sible to raise money, and they must not imperil the pi-o]H'rty, the board decided to give the use of the bnibliugs to such teachers as could remain and take the receipts for compensation. Burlington Collegiate Institute. 83 Dr. Allen decided to stand by the ship through the storm, and remained at the head till April, 1805, near the close of the war. During these jears his eldest daughter, Julia, proved a most efficient helper. He had brought to the school broad scholarship, a diguitied and kindly demeanor, and the lofty zeal and piety of one whose life was wholly devoted to his Master's service. After eight years of service here he removed to Minneapolis, Miuu., accepting the call of the First Baptist church of that city. During this pastorate a new church edifice was erected, but soon after, ^is health failed, compelling him to resign. He be- came greatly interested in educational matters and frequently with voice and pen urged the es- tablishment of a denominational school by the Baptists. He was a member of several committees and chairman of one, appointed by the state con- vention to interest the Baptists of the state in this subject. In 1870 Dr. Allen went to Wasioja, a small town in the south-eastern part of the state and opened a school named Groveland Academy, carrying on this school for several years, largely with the assistance of his Avife and two daugh- ters. Meantime he continued actively his efforts for the establishment of a denominational school, which finally after his death culminated in the Owatonua academy. Dr. Allen AAas born June 11, 1816, at Jefferson, ]Maiue, where his father, Bev. NN'illiam Allen, Avas for forty years pastor of the Jefferson Baptist church. He was a graduate of Colby and entered the ministry in 1830. After nearly thirty-five years of cousecraled service 111 is good man was called up higher. 84 Iowa Baptist Schools. In 1864 the executive board decided, iu view of the academical character of the school, to name it Builiugtou Collegiate Institute, without chang- ing the articles of incorporation. September 28, 1804, treasurer Newman re- ported receipts of |5,000 from Mr. E. Gove of Quincy, 111., on endowment and invested in U. S. bonds, and |5,100 on paying debts, and at the next annual meeting he reported the institution entirely out of debt with a little more than |5,000 in the treasury. November 11) and -0, 18(51, a foreign missionary mass-meeting A\'as held at the First Baptist church, Burlington, in connection with a council for the ordination of John E. Clough about to sail with his Avife for India. Dr. S. M. Osgood of Cliicago, western secretary of the American Bap- tist Missiouar.Y Union, was present, and Kev. ]>r. Nathaniel Colver, of Chicago, delivered the mis- sionary discourse. PKlNCirAL H.WHURST. 1865-1SG6. August 10, 18G5, Rev. L. W. Hayhurst was elected principal to succeed Dr. Allen. Desiring to reenter the ministry, and having reftect at the end of the spring term, which request was granted by the board. PltlNCirAL HKNOEHSOX. 18 66-1860. .Vumisi :\, lSH(i, l*i(»f. .Tames HcnihMsoii. A. M., of M'>niiHin! )>. nrmois, futcrc*! info o conti'act Burlington Collegiate Institute. So for the luanageinent of the school for a period of tive yeary. At the begiuuing of the fall term, 1807, Dr. Joseph T. Robert who had served as professor of Greek in the iState University for sev- eral years re-entered the Burlington school as teacher of theology. His daughter. Miss Martha A. Eobert, and Miss Laura Derby were elected in place of Miss Allen resigned. Rev. Elisha P. Hickok and Edward A. Van Meter taught during the year. Dr. Robert remained in the school three years, resigning June 30, iSTO, going from Bur- lington to Georgia, where he served another long period as president of the Atlanta Baptist Semi- nary, supported by the American Baptist Home MiSvsion Hociety for the edur-atiun of colored uiiu- isters, where he died prior to 1886. "A scholar of the highest order and a perfect Christian gentle- man." At the annual meeting of the board June 24, 18H8, the following preamble and resolutions Avere adopted : Whereas there are so many growing divisions among the Baptists of Iowa in educational matters as to cut off all hope that any sufficient endowment can very soon be realized from abroad for the support of the institution, and Whereas the community immediately surrounding the institution has from the beginning manifested so little in- terest in its welfare, and yet is so indifferent as to give no hope of endowment either from this source; therefore, Resolved, That the executive committee be instructed to sell the building and grounds occupied by our school in- cluding one lot east of Boundary street, and also so much of the personal property as they may find expedient at such prices as they may be able to obtain but not less than $35,000 for the whole, and with part of this money to purchase or rent another building, and the other part in- vest in some productive manner for the support of the school, or if to make such sale of the school is not immedi- ately practical)le, then the committee be instructed to divide lui the grounds into small lotR, as may be most saleable, and sell so fast as they may ])e able at prices that 8B Iowa Baptist Schools. shall secure $30,000 for the whole, excepting that part upon which the main building stands. August 5, 18G8, a plat was «old olit the east eud ot the campus to the city school board for |l',UOO. The Burliugtou high school building was later erected ou this plat. Professor Heudersou continued at the head of the school for three years, during which time ap- parently no catalogues or other publications were issued. If the records were .preserved of the teachers and students of that period they are not now available. PIUXGIPAL FRIESE^ 1869-1872. At the annual meeting of the board June 7, 1869, Dr. Johnson declined a re-election as secre- tary since his residence at St. Louis, was at too great a distance from the institution. Judge T. AA'. Xewmau \\as elected secretary, and Mr. Eras- tus Chamberlain, treasurer. At the same meeting Rev. V. Friese, A. M., of Norristown, N. J., was elected principal, taking Prof. Henderson's place by mutual agnvment, for the two remaining years of his contract. In ad- dition to the principal, the followiug named in- structors were elected: Dr. Joseph T. Robert, Prof. James A. Robert, Misses Elizabeth L. Gei- ger, and ^Irs. Louise Blatchley. Later Rev. L. W. Hayhurst and ]Mrs. M. A. P. Darwin. The follow- ing year Princi])al Friese, L. W. Hayhurst, Miss Geiger, and ^Irs. Darwin, Avere placed in charge of the school. In 1871, Mrs. Darwin withdrew and was replaced by INlrs. J. A. Woods. Burlington Collegiate Institute. 87 The same lack of records exists during Prin- cipal Friese's administration as during tiie prev- ious one. Annual written reports were made by the principals to the executive committee but geem not to ha^ e been recorded or preserAed. PRINCIPAL WORTMAN^ 1872-1879. iSeptember 7, 1872, Mr. L. E. AVortman, a scholarly young man from New Brunswick, was elected principal. His assistants in the teaching force were as follows : Miss A. S. A. Norwood, preceptress, mathmetics and English; Miss Isolde Schilling, German; Miss Florence Littlefield, English; L. W. Williams, music. A catalogue was issued for the year 1872-1873, giving the names of seventy-two students enrolled the tirst year, fifty-five in the advanced department and nineteen in the primary. The catalogue for 1873- 1874, shows the faculty increased by the addition of C. C. Pratt and Hattie E. Newman. Sixty- four students Avere enrolled, fifty-tAVo in the ad- vanced department and twelve in the preparatory. The next year the same teachers remained, with ail enrollment of ninety-one students, sixty-nine in advanced A^ork and two completing the course, Miss Emma Coombs and Miss Anna M. Nesbit. At the annual meeting in 1875, the treasurer reported that the paid up endowment fund ex- ceeded 112,000. In the catalogue for 1875-1 87(), there were sev(Mity-seven students, fifty-nine in the academic depnil nicnci and eiglitecn in ])repnratory and music. 88 Iowa Baptist Schools. Prof. Wortmau was au excellent teacher and scliool man, and with hi,s associates was doing thorough work in the school, while the number of students continued rather small. Miss Norwood, his cjiief assistant, Jiad x^i'^^ved a most coiiipeleut and valuable teacher and assistant in the school. After some four years' work she resigned to accept an appointment from the American Baptist Mis- sionary Union for missionary service in China, where she went soon after giving up her work at liurlington. Later she married a minister who was also an American missionarj' in that country. A frame building adjoining the main college building used for boarding teachers and students having recently been burned, the bojii-d decided iu 1877, to erect a brick addition to the rear of the main building 32 by 32 feet and three stories in height, to be paid for out of the endowment fund. This gave them much better accommodation for boarding hall and some needed additional rooms. The catalogue for 1877-1878 gives the in- structors Prof. L. E. Wortman, Eev, J. V. Hurd, M. I)., Miss Amelia A. Field, and Miss Mary E. Taylor, Louis Ivichards, and >Mrs. L. W. Williams, music. There were eighty-seven students, sevent}- one in academic department and three graduates receiving the degree of bachelor of science, JX. A. King, Emma F. Parsons, and (Tcorge S. Russell. Prof. Wortman closed his seven year headship of the sciiool by resignation at the end of the scliool year in June, 1879, having made a very ex- cellent record of faithful and efficient service under the conditided, in tlie leugtli of service, in the his- tory of llic school only by Principal Allen. BurliiHjtmi Collcfjidtc Institute. 89 PRINCIPAL STEARNS, 1879-1882. At the annual meeting of the board, June 13, 1870, Dr. (reorge J. Jolmson resigned his mend)er- ship on the board as he had removed to Phihidel- phia. lie had given the school twenty-seven years of eminent and unrequited service and now felt compeUed to retire from the number of its active su]>porters. To his indefatigable labors it owed first its existence, and afterwards cliietly also i(s rapid and substantial growth. :May 10, 1879,Prof. Edward F. Stearns of Chi- cago, was elected principal of the institute for the ensuing school year. Associated witli him were ;Miss Amelia A. Fields as his chief assistant and preceptress, and several others. March 3, 1880, a bequest of |500 was received from the estate of ^lartha Rogers of Middleton, Conn. For the succeeding year Principal Stearns liad also associated with liim Thomas C. Roney, a most excellent Christian gentleman and teacher. At the close of his second year's work the boai'd passed the following: Resolved, That this board returns thanks to Prof. Stearns and his wife for the labor, energy, and money expended in improving and adorning the college grounds and for their interest and efficiency in the management of the school, buildings, and grounds. ^frs. Stearns is the daugliter of the late ex-pres- ident J. C. BuiTonglis, D. D., the founder and builder of the old T'niversity of Chicago, and is a woman of rare ability, attainments, and charm. Prof. Stearns remained another year at the head of the school, liaving as assistant Mr. W. M. Ege, in place of Mr. Roney, and then resigned, J>0 Iowa Baptist i^chooh. tho iiK'oiiie of the .scliool uot seeming to warrant his remaining longer. Prof. Stearns was and is a born teacher and has given his life to teaching, for the last fifteen years as principal of one of the public schools of Chicago. The following named students received diplo- mas by vote of the board June 8, 1882, for com- pletion of their courses of study: :\foses n. Neally, Bertha E. Ball, :\tary A. Tady, Laura ^IcFarland, Josephine M. Newman, and Estella Woodworth. PRESIDENT SPINNEY, 1882-1887. Reptember 4, 1882, Kev. Edmund (\ Spinney, D. D., who had been pastor at Bella from 1871 to 1873, and pastor of the First church in BurlinG;.- ton since 1880, was elected president. He was ably assisted this and the following year by Mr. Ernest ^A'. Clement, a son of ^Mr. Jesse Clement, for many years a brilliant and poetical writer, and ])rominen( Baptist, residing at [)ubu<|ue. Other members of the faculty were. Misses Ina Elder and ^fary C. Alexander, A. J. and Mrs. Florence Goodrich, Dr. H. G. Griffith and Kev. C. E. Higgins, who was at that time pastor of the Walnut street church in the city. Dr. Spinney took up a task of no light ]iropor- tions as Professors Wortmau and Stearns and others before them had done. Both these men had come to Burlington with excellent equipment for the work, and both had given to it energy, cour- age, patience, and endurance. Roth had asked to b<^ relieved when they felt the burden was too heavy to carry longer. The board was willing to Burlinytoii Collegiate Institute. 91 give him, as they had given them, all the income from tuitions, interest on endowment, rents, etc., and help in other ways as they could, but were un- willing to promise the payment of fixed salaries and other exi)enses which might, by the accu- mulaUim of debts, imperil the existence of the in- stitution. He was well acquainted with the conditions in Iowa, and entered upon Ihe work under a live year contract because he had faith in himself and in the character of the work the in- stitute Avas doing. During the first year one hun- dred students were enrolled. At the beginning of the school in September, 1883, there were some changes in the teaching force, Misses Elder and Alexander retiring, and ^Ir. Higgins had removed as pastor to Independ- ence. Mr. Joseph G, (lardner was added, also ;Miss ]\rartha E. Rudd, ]Nfrs. Jesse Clement, and Albert B. Zimmermann, Tlie number of students was greater than for the preceding year, one hun- dred tliree being enrolled in the literary depart- ment, besides large classes in music and art, as shown by an announcement issued July 1, 1884. There were six graduates this year, Howard R. :Mcrullough, Mary A. Scholes, Hattie T. Sheldon, Stella ^\. Smithers, Emma J. Taylor, Minnie L. Mitchell. At the end of this second year Prof. Clement resigned to accept the chair of Latin at Wayland Academy, Reaver Dam. Wisconsin. Later he went to Tokyo, Japan, where he has labored for many years, and done a great work as principal of Duncan Academy, established and maintained by the American Baptist Missionary ITnion. With the close of the school year two other instructors ^w Iowa Baptist Scliooh. retired, Mrs.Clemeut and Mr. Zimiiiermauii; aud Iheii- j)la<'es wore lilhMl by Mr. (Maieiice Gardner for Latin and Greek, and Miss Florence Frazee f<)r German and French. Dr. S. H. Stutsman tanj»hi physiology for several years about this time, and Miss Alice M. Hrown in the department of art. Hy these additions the strength of the faculty was maintained, and additions made as fast as the increased enrollment would warrant. There was an increased number of students for 1884-1885, but the total number cannot ])e given. The grnduating exercises were held at the opera house, June 10, 1885; the graduating class number- ing seven, as follows: Harry D. Stoddard, Nel- son Stull, Leroy M, Coffman, Letta McCrary, Lillie P: McGhesnev, Nellie Burrows, ^lollie K. Dnke. Several changes in the faeulty occurred in 1885, Joseph and Glarhine C. Spinney, Benjamin F. James, and Miss ^fyra E. Gall, the two last named remaining for a year. Two hundred fourteen students were in attendance during the year, two of them were preparing for the ministry, and there were eight in the class of 1880, as follows: Libbie P. Banner, H. Mn7.e Schofield, Sadie P. Frev, Grace A. Wood, Anna J. Gollen, Inez L. Goodin, Charles F. Le- Brock, and William D. Ketchem. For the school year 1886-1887, the faculty was further strengthened by the addition of such able teachers as Professors Albert TiOUghridge, DeWitt D. Forward, and iNFisses Grace F. Harvey and Fannie F. Forward. The catalogue issued in 1887, gives the names of one hundred and seven stud- BurJliKjloii CoJIcyiafc In-itltute. 93 ents in the literary department, also nearly as many more in music, art and shorthand, contain- in»» many names given more than once. In the an- nnal exhibiticm this year the names of two stud- ents appear, Samuel F. Tracy and Homer E. Nor- ton, who afterwards made excellent records, one in business, the other in the mitfistry. Twelve seem to have completed the literary course: J. L. Benbow, Theo. Forbey, Carl A. Stutsman, Frank Sejo^ner, Mae Hayden, Lizzie Frame, Mame ]\rcrullougb, Nellie Wyman, Mamie Gilbert, Ernest Toad, William Mc(;iintock, Harlan S. Frey. PRINCIPAL FORWAIID, 18S7-1888. At the annual lueeting of the board June 8, 3887, Prof. DeWitt D. Forward was elected prin- cipal at a salary of |700. The other members of the faculty were William H. Stutsman, Afiss Sophia Forward, ifiss Fannie Forward, ^liss Maud Love, and Mrs. Grace Forward. At the close of this year's work as principal, which had been highly satisfactory, Prof. For- ward declined a re-election, and the board placed on reerioe p(>r- mitted to surrender his lease at the close of the school year. The request was granted on condi- tion that he maintain the best school he could and give the best rdosing exercises practicable. The school was suspended in 1889, and re- mained closed for three years. Dr. Johnson, pres- ident of the board, in a report dated June 19, 1890, explains the causes leading to the suspension. The following excerps give the causes in brief and the views of the board regarding its future. First: The changes in the times. The public schools, both municipal and state, have not only greatly increased In number and efficiency during the last twenty-five years, but as a rule, have come to furnish instruction free of all expense to pupils or in consideration only of the smallest fees. Second: Crushing taxation by the city. This was for constructing a sewer, curbing with stone, and paving with brick the long street bounding one whole side of the campus that was being preserved as a public ground. In closing allow me to suggest a few considerations which I am sure would weigh largely in our minds as against any idea that the institution has already accom- plished its mission or should upon any pretext whatever be allowed at this point to finally close its history. 1. The truth universally admitted by evangelical people, that Institutions of Christian learning are today among _the most potential and hopeful agencies existing on earth for pro- motion of Christianity and human welfare, and that, there- fore, instead of the blotting out of any of these already established institutions for which continued exitence and usefulness are possible, many additional ones rather should be planted. 2. This institution has a property too well located where the school has flourished in the past, and where if properly provided for, it could unquestionably as largely again flourish in the future, and also a property already acquired that Is too valuable (consisting of a school edifice and BurliiKjloii ('oNcyiatc Institute. 95 campus and five residence houses and a number of unoc- cupied lots and a tract of land in an adjoining state, al- together estimated to be worth at least $50,000, and if full prices could be realized, probably worth nearer $75,000, and all practically unincumbered), all too valuable, as well as too favorably located, to be sacrificed or in any manner perverted from the direct purpose for which it has been acquired. In 181)1 till effort was made on tlie part of some Towa fiieiKls of the school in the state to hav<^ llie in*o])evty transfeied to the Amerieau Raptist E«lueati paid, the ]>ropresent liabilities, showing that the city assessments on the college property during the last six years for street grading, paving, and sewering had ex- ceeded |4,350, and that more than half that sum had also been expended in the same time for re- pairs and improvements, and thai the present debt was about |5,379. These facts reveal some of the burdens under which the board was stag- gering to maintain the school. A catalogue was issued this year which showed some changes among teachers, and tiie coming of Perrv ''^- I»i'(rt Mary Tlurg, Mary L. Donnohue, Mrs. J. V. Royal, and Mrs. C g. June. There were seventy-six students in the literary classes, and still larger numbers in music, elocution, and kindergarten. The board granted diplomas to the following graduates : Linda G. Avery, Amanda 1>. Dover, Harriet E. Gunn, Thomas J. Kaster. Early in June Mr. and Mrs. Luke ])resented a request to the executive committee for authority to secure funds and erect an Ofldition, 20 by 24 feet and two stories high, to r lough cottage for the accomodation of the art department, and for ^huiiiKjioii Collegiate Institute. 99 recitation rooms. Leave was giauted anil thes« two indefatigable workers raised the money and erected and paid for the needed addition. MRS. R. C. LUKE'S HEADSHIP^ 1897-1898. November 12 of the same year, Mr. Luke who had worked assiduousl}' for three and a half years, found his health entirely brok(»n and asked for and received an indefinite leave of absence. Mrs. R. C. Luke assumed control by the advice and ronseiit of the executive rommittee and went courageously at work to carry forM'ard the school. July 12, 189S, Mr. Luke was accidentally killed on the railroad in Burlitigton while walk- ing from the station to his home. In the 1897 catalogue Prof, and Mrs. II. H. Severan's names appear, also those of Ella C. Gill, Rose Talbot and Louise M. Smith as teach- ers. There were one hundred forty seven students including eleven graduates, as fr>llov\'s : Rebecca E. Donahue, Olive C. Huey, Ethel ^lary Bnri;, Marv L. Donohue, Mrs. J. P. Royal, M. Huff, Eriiia Jewell, Nellie Z. Leacock, John R. Ping, Mary A. Powell, Carrie Talbot, Cynthia Talbot, T, D. T. Umberger, and Agnes Weinrich. Mrs. Luke continued in charge of the school for another year, reporting at the annual meeting, June 3, 1898, the list of teachers serving during the past year, and the number of students as one hundred twenty-seven. She declined to continue in cliarge of the school for another year. Finally, August 18, Mr. H. L. Atldnson of Phil- adelphia, Penn., entered into a contract to take charge of the school for one year, a considerable LOFC 100 Iowa Baptist Schools. portion of last year's faculty remaining'. The school went on till the holiday vacation, when Mr. Atkinson returned to Philadelphia, was taken sick and did not return. The other teachers car- ried forward the work to tin' end of the yrar. S-keei> of a first class academy, de])ending as it did to a considerable extent on the tuition of students; especially was this the conditi(m in recent years, requiring the utmost economy in management, innsF^ed I'e-endorsing the project and con- ferring full ]iower u]ion the executive committee, but the committee found itself powerless, and nothing- was done. The dean submitted a report urging that immediate provision be made for un- paid bills, not apparently realizing that the more a]ii)ro])r'iaie appeal would have been from the board to the dean, to make bills and means corre- spond. So far as the records show neither remedy was applied. The announcement issued June, 1901, shows an enrollment of one hundred eighty-one students for the school year. The faculty list shows an entire 102 Iowa Baptist Schools. clianj>o ill tlic teaclnnii force f»x<-ei>t the denn and the iiinsic teaeliers. The institute opened in September bnt it soon became evident that tliere was too wide a gap between l)ills and funds. T\y October 12th, resig- nations l)e<>an to come from members of the facnltv, and on tlie 28tli Dean Pentuff presented tlie following : I hereby wish to tender to you my resignation as dean, trustee, and treasurer of Burlington Institute. The reason for this action is sufficiently evident to you. The task of building up a school here on the present basis seems now to me quite impossible. If a good beginning toward new buildings and a permanent endowment could have been made before the present term opened, and the incumbranc* on the school property paid, the future of the school would appear very different. This is what we tried most strenu- ously to do but failed. At a special meeting of the board hehl October 31, 1001, it was voted to close the school. The board met again NoAendier 1st and ordered all i^ersonal i)roperty sold to ]>ay debts, and thns ended the history of onr school at Rnrlington. The trustees subsequently transferred the pro- perperty, or its net proceeds to the American Baptist Education society for the benefit of Des ^foim's ('o]l(\iie, adding ihereby a few thousand dollars to its assets. Allusion was made on a previous page to the retirement of Dr. Johnson from active seiwice for the school on his removal to Philadelphia in 1870. Ten years later he was again asked by the board to assume res])onsibilities and accepted for a time the service. Among all the good friends who con- tributed to the building and successful work of Burlington Institute Dr. Johnson was always and easily foremost. From the inception of the enterprise in 1851, to its close fifty year$ later he Burlington Collegiate Institute. 103 stood ready to j^ivo tiiiic, tliouglit, meaus, and labor to lu^l]) tiic school (o fiiliill its high and holy mission. He was a man of profound convictions, of marvelous energy, endurance and perseverence. He was founder and builder of the school and always its enthusiastic friend and helper. He was born October 9, 1824, at Trenton Falls, N. Y., was a graduate of Madison ITniversity and Hamil- ton Theological ^Seminary, the latter in 1848. INIis- siouarv zeal brought him to the frontier, then in eastern Iowa, the day after Taylor was elected pres- ident in November of the same year. For fifty years he vrrought heroically, mostly in the west, and then lingered four years more, his death occuring July 7, 1902, his wife having gone on before, De- cember 28, 1898. A sentence in the editorial announcement in the Standard of ejuly 19, 1902, illustrates the sweet spirit of this noble man of God : He has continued to make his sick room melodious with songs about heaven up to within a few days of his death. He passed away fully ready for the beginning of his new life, having served faithfully his God and his fellow men on earth. CHAPTER V. Central College Tlio folli^win^;' brief history of the founding of rViitval Collejue, is taken from ^Trs. Kate Keables Beard's liistoi'iral sketoli, pnblisheelected before the adjournment of the meeting.^ The convention thus called convened at the appointed time and place. Possibly realizing the unsatisfactory haste and action of the last committee and convention, they determined to be more deliberate for we find the following resolution spread upon their minutes: Resolved, That in viev/ of the inclemency of the weather, which has caused a sparse attendance of delegates from the churches, it is deemed inexpedient to make a location of the college at this time. Resolved, That we feel a more lively interest in the cause of education than ever, therefore, we recommend the ap- pointment of a committee of fifteen (five of whom shall constitute a quorum) whose duty it shall be to visit and examine the various points within the central portion of the state and ascertain what amount of reliable subscrip- tions and donations can be secured from each, carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages connected with each point which shall offer a site, and report the result of their investigations at an adjourned meeting of this convention to be held at Pella, Marion county, Iowa, on the first Thursday in June next, at 10 o'clock a. m. Resolved, That we earnestly solicit every Baptist church in the state in connection with our denomination to send a delegation of not less than three nor more than five with their pastor to said adjourned meeting. ' The following eighteen names were appended to the call: E. O. Towne, .T. C. AVard, G. W. Bond, H. Burnett, A. N. Atwood. A. Foulk, E. M. Miles, ,r. Currier, 1. C. Curtis, E. Metcalf, John Bates, O, Bperry. John Bond, H. Ritner, C S. Hampton, S. Avers, P.. Swnn, F. .\. Barker. Central College. 107 The committee provided lor in tlie resolutions was ap- pointed, and the convention adjourned, i Pursuant to adjournment, the convention met in Pella, June 2, 1853, at lU o'clock, a. m. The introductory ser- mon WHS preached Ijy Brother Turton of Farmington, after which the convention was called to order by the president, H. A. Ritner. Delegates being called for appeared and took their seats as follows: From Drigliton, William Elliott; Aurora, 1. C. Curtis, S. S. Mangrum, «nd J. .Miller; Union, M. Reynolds; Oskaloosa church. Milton Stoner; Oskaloosa city, D. .J. Guthridge; Bonaparte, i'l O. Towne; l<'armington, \V. H. Turton; Dan- ville, H. A. Ritner: Ijibertyville, P. Goff. Brethren and friends present not delegates from churches were invited to take seats in the convention and to participate in its deli berai ions, vvliich invitation was accepted by .J. A. Nash, of Fort Des Aloiues; H. P. Scholte, A. E. D. Bousquet, and Prof. L. Dwight, of Pella. Communications relative to the object of the convention were received from G. S. Hampton of Iowa City, B. Luce of Fort Des Moines, and D. Jewett of Farmington. The minutes were read and approved. References were made Ijy several members of the conven- tion to the wishes of brethren and churches in different parts of the state. Propositions for the location of an insti- tution of learning under the direction and auspices of the Baptist denomination were read from Oskaloosa and Pella, each of v,hich was particularly considered Ijy the conven- tion. The question, "Shall we proceed to locate?" was then considered and the following resolution passed: Resolved. That the interests of the denomination, the cir- cumstances by which we are surrounded, and the wants of the rising generation of our state call loudly upon this ' There were the following named twenty-one delegates present at this Oskaloosa meeting: H. A. Ritner and E. Cady, Danville. A. Fisher. Brighton. J. Waldriss, Steady Run. J. Bond and X. Davis, Oskaloosa. G. W. Bond. .J. .Jones, G. Jones, and William Jones, Knox- ville. I. C. Curtis, F. A. Barker, A. Foulk, B. F. Millen, and J. Millen, near Pella. A. N. Atwood. T. Corner, M. P. Crowder, and J. Jeffrey, Middle Creek, near Oskaloosa. P. Goff, Lil^ertyville. E. O. Towne, Bonaparte. 108 Towa Baptist Schools. convention to locate an institution of learning at the present time. After the subject had been seriously and patiently con- sidered and before putting tire question it was proposed that the convention spend some time in prayer to Almighty God for direction. Brother Elliott led the conventii.n in prayer. The resolution was then unanimously adopted. Propositions were received from Oskaloosa and Pella. The proposition from Pella was to put up a building suit- able for a college, and to donate it and a large campus to the Baptist denomination of Iowa. This proposition together with the beautiful site of the proposed location was strongly urged. Both the Oskaloosa and Pella proposi- tions had been duly considered, when it was resolved, That this convention do now proceed to vote by ballot upon the question, but before doing so a sliort time be spent in prayer. Brother Turton leading. It was then agreed that the churches near Oskaloosa should be entitled to the same number of votes as those near Pella, and that the question be determined by simply voting for one place or the other, as they were the only contending points. The ballots being examined, the pres- ident declared the decision to be in favor of Pella, where- upon it was unanimously resolved that Pella be the place of location. A committee of three was then appointed to draft articles of incorporation and constitution. Articles of iueoi'poratiou Avere prepared and sigiied. Two of the articles are appended to show the purpose of the incorporators ; Article II. Name and object. The name and style of this incorporation shall be the Central University of Iowa, and its object shall be the establishment and holding and gov- ernment of a literary and theological institution at Pella under the particular auspices of the Baptist denomination. Article X. Amendments. The board of trustees shall have power, at any regular meeting, to amend these articles, provided due notice shall have been given to all the members, of the proposed amendment; and it shall pass by a majority vote, except that part of article second, which defines the object of the incorporation, and that part of article fourth, which requires that twenty-four memljers of the board shall be members of Baptist churches, and which shall be unalterable. The conventou also appointed a hoard of trustees of thirty memhers. This board ori>jmizpd at once by the election of the following officers : Central College. 109 president, Rev. H. P. Scliulte; vice-presideut, W. Nossamau; secretary, Kev. 1. O. Curtis; treasurer, J. Smeiuk. Au executive committee was ap- pointed to consist of the above named officers, and the three following named additional members: L. C (Jonrey, Ira Kelsey, and B. F. Miller; also a committee to commence the work of erecting a suitable building. A resolution was adopted to open the academic department of the school as soon as practicable. At the first annual boanl meeting held in June, 1JS54, plans were made to secure the necessary teaching force, and, even though the college build- ing was not ready for occupancy, to open the academical department of the university in Sep- tember of thai year. Hev. K. H. Scarff, of Dayton, Ohio, who hail been higlily recommended, was secured as [uincipal of the departuient, with Miss Julia Toljuau, of the Monticello Seuiinary, aud Mr. (/ah'lt rnhlwcll, of Marietta College, as assistants. The school w as advertised to open on the 17th of Se}>tember, but when the principal arrived upon the tiebl of action a short time before. tliis date, he found scanty pre]>arations had been luade. How- ever, willing hearts and active hands co-operated, and in a short time most satisfactory results were api>arent. A school room was secured four blocks Avest of tlic juiblic sqtuire on Washington street. It was a two-story brick abotit 20 by 30, and with- out piirtitions. Dr. Scarff writes: The scliool furnitme was still growing iu the Des Moines timber, .vet in three weeks after our arrival in Pella the timber was cut, drawn to the mill, sawn into lumber, made into two-seated desks, and placed in the school room. Thus su|>)>licd with teachers, school room, and furuituic, tlic juademical department of Central 110 loiva Baptist Schools. University was opened to students October 8, 1854, I (^■au do no better than present a picture of those first daj's in the words of Dr. Scarff : The enrollment the first day was only thirty-seven. I quote from memory: quite a number of these were from abroad, the nine American resident families then in Pella gave us a few, and the Holland families tlie rest of our patronage. This small beginning was, liowever, increased almost daily, till at the close of the term our enrollment had attained to seventy-three. This was one of Iowa's most prosperous years. The crops were good, money wys plenty, and the immigration large. This last was most favorable to our infant school. About twenty of these immigrant families wintered in Pella and gave the school their patronage — there was no other American Echoul in town that winter. Though most of our students were young men and women, they range doAvn from these classes to beginners in the common branches. In those days school privileges ^ ere of a very inferior nature. Many teachers did not pretend to teach English gramnaar. and many who did make the pretence, did it with the dictionary ever open before them, in order to determine the part of speech a word might happen to be marked; from the dictionary there could be no appeal. PRINCIPAL SCARFF S ADMINISTRATION, 1854-1857. Principal Scarff submitted his first annual re- port showing that the preparatory department was opened October 8, 1854, th«^ instruetioii beiiK-: given by himself and two assistants, Mr. C. I). Caldwell, and Miss Julia E. Tolman, and that the first academic year closed May 29, 1855, with an enrollment of one hundred twenty-two stud- (mts, seventy-one boys and fifty-one girls. Prof. Scarff remained at the head of the school for two years more, assisted by Miss Tolninn, Mr. Caldwell, and Inter by Mr. Waterman. Central College. Ill The secoud aiiiuial ineetiug of the board con- veued Jime 7, 1855. Kev. I. O. Curtis, the tiiiau- cial agent, submitted liis report, showing three mouths' service with bil! of .|125 i'oi- saljuy. Secretary E. O. Towne reported as folk)ws: Efforts to pusli forward the building of tlie college editice liave lieeii made, but partly on account of the sub- scriptions for this ol)ject Ijeing iu yearly payments, and partly on account of tightness in the money market, the necessary funds could not ))e raised to accomplish that which otherwise might have been done. While we have failed in completing the building which was so much to be desired, it is a source of gratification to your committee tliat the valuable services of Rev. E. H. Scarf f as principal of the i)reparatory department have been obtained. The school was opened last Octo))er. It was well attended, considering the want of suital)le accommodations. The sublime faith and courage of those hardy young pioneers wiio began a half century ago to lay foniidations in Iowa, is well illustiaicil by the following excerpt: Your committee on endowment would present the fol- lowing as their report: Having examined with some care the plan of endowment at the last meeting of the Ijoard. we are decidedly of the opinion that it is altogether feasil)Ie, and admirably calculated to secure the highest prosperity and success of the school. The income of fifty thousand dollars well secui'ed and invested at ten per cent, will amount to five thousand dollars a year. This sum will pay the salaries of the following teachers: A president at $1,000, two professors (at $750) $1,500, two tutors (at $500) $1,000, one female ))rincipal at $500, and three females assistants (at $333,33) $1,000; total, $5,000. On the sui)position that every one of the five hundred scholarships are full at any one time, and that there are in the school no paying scholarships aside from tliose on scholarships at the same time, the above faculty of nine teachers would be amply sufficient to give instruction to five hundred pupils. We would recommend that efficient measures be taken for filling up at the earliest possible day the endowment, putting the school in operation upon this basis. In behalf of the committee, E. H. Scarff, chairman. 112 Iowa Baptist Schools. In a country where everything was in the be- ginning, where there was little money of any kind, eren for home building or support, and indeed of what little there was, except a small fraction in gold, no one could be sure that the money that he received today from his scanty store of produce would be good tomorrow; yet every locality was tilling up with newcomers, and already there were, as the above shows, plenty of young people ready and eager to enter the first school. If some seer had risen up in that enthusiastic l)oaid meet- ing and expressed the opinion that after the lapse of a half century their grandchildren a\ ould still be struggling to secure that |50,000 endowment, he would have been laughed at, if nothing more. If, however, he could have divined some of the other results of those early builders, such as the steady flow of students to tlie halls, and class rooms of their founding, with all its helpful training in knowledge, and character and power for the ensu- ing half century the total issue would present another aspect. Any study of Iowa Baptist history reveals the constant recurrence to the discussion of its educa- tional problems. The misfortune has been that such discussion has been focussed on the merits or claims of our denominational schools, rather than on the need and value of such education to the denomination. IS'early all of our denomina- tional organizations are for missionary purposes purely, and the introduction of divisive topics, however important, tends to depress and hinder their proper work. This fact has frequent illus- tration in our Iowa history. In 1856, when the &tate convention v\'as held REV. EMANUEL HENGSTENBERG SCARFF, D. D. Central College. 113 with the church iu Fremout, Mahaska icounty, Rev. J. C. Burroughs, president of the Uuiversity of Chicago, visited the convention as correspond- ing delegate from the Illinois General association. He was asked to give an account of the origin and present condition of that university, at the close of which Brother Brenton Hughes offered a set of resolutions hav- ing reference to the educatioual interests of the state. Alter several substitutes had been offered and rejected or withdrawn, the following offered by Brother Gunu was adopted : Resolved, That while the action of a large number of ahsucialious in this state has been such as to indicate sufficiently that a large majority of the Baptists of Iowa are disposed to support the institution located at Pella, yet in view of the paramount importance of our domestic mission work, we do not think it on the whole best to take any further action iu this body on the subject/ PKINCIPAL GUNX'S ADMINISTRATION, 1857-1862. In the summer of 1857, Kev. Elihu Gunn, an alumnus of Colgate, and of Hamilton Theological t?eminary, N. Y,, avIio had been pastor at Keokuk since October 1819, >\as elected principal and as- sumed the headship of the school. Hon. Joseph K. Horuish, an alumnus of Colgate, a\ ho had come to Keokuk in 1855, gave the uniAersity |10,- 000 this year to endow the president's chair. Amos N. Cunier a recent graduate of Dartmouth, had been added to the faculty at the opening of the si)ring term. In the catalogue issued at the close of the s:]M)oi \<'iM\ one Inmdred ninety students were en- rolled, one hundred nine gentlemen nnd eiolify- ^ Iowa Baptist Annual, 185fi, p. 10. 114 Iowa Baptist Schools. one ladies. Among the list is noticed the names of 10im']v l'\ Speirv and Xathan ( '. Townc, lamil- iar ar-d honored names in later Iowa history, also Hjivester S. Howell, who later became a teacher in the college. The catalogue names the follow- ing faculty for the ensuing year: Rev. Elihu Gunn, A. M., principal; A. ^. Currier, A. B., Greek and Latin; John Peter Peters, A. M., French; and Miss Fllen E. Mitchell, and Mrs. Amy U. Gunn. Miss Mitchell later went to the foreign held as a missionary to Burma \>'here she served for many years in medical missionary work. Her home was still at ^lonlmein in 1898. The catalogue i'oi i8o8-18-"')9, gives ihr name oi a new teacher, Mrs. D. C. A. Stoddard, a graduate of Troy l'\>mah' Academy, X. V., and a iMMuiiicd missionar}^ from India, as principal of the ladies' department. The roll shows sixty-five gentlemen and thirty-five ladies, ten collegate, thirty pre- paratory, sixty academic; total, one hundred. In this list appears the name of David Ryan, from Prairie City, who remained in the school till the war broke out, when he enlisted in the 8th Iowa Infantry, was captured at the battle of Shi- loh, and remained many months in southern pris- ons. He later rose to the rank of colonel, and at the close of the war was elected to the Eleventh General Assembly from his county, entered the profession of law, and in 1866 was elected district judge, Nerving several terms. Judge Ryan was a splendid example of the best typii of American citizen. Doubtless his early training and associa- tions at Central College oontribnied its full share to his excellent record. Central College, 11 5 For the year 1850 00 a <'atalogiie Mas also issued. Prof. Scarff occupied the chaii' of iijatheuiatics, H. Neyenesch became instructor of Geriuau and French, and C O. (^orey teichei* of vocal music. The list of student.s gives: gentlemen, twenty-two collegiate, seventeen preparatory, sixty-two aca- demic, thirty-three primary; ladies, nineteen col- legiate, forty-eight preparatory, twenty-six prima- ry. Total two hundred twenty-seven. In this list is seen the name of H. G. Curtis, another Iowa bov \\h«) left ]jis classes to carry the musivet against the revolt of a slave holding oligarchy bent on either rule or ruin. He too brought home the iiisip,nia of brave and brilliant service, a major'f^ coiiiiiiissioii, and lived to honor his profession and his alma mater. The Central Record of July 3, 1861, gives the faculty about the same as the previous year, and the number of students two hundred twenty. Here appears at least one other Central hero of the civil war, Capt. E. G, Barker, a generous ben- efactor of the college in later years. At the opening of the war in 1861 many of the students responded to the call for volunteers, and at the close of the summer term in 1862 there was not an able bodied man of sufficient age to bear arms left in the school. One hundred fourteen students had enlisted in the army and two teach- ers. Profs. A. N. Currier and S. S. Howell. The school greatly decimated by the war, lost most of its financial support, and in 1862 Presi- dent Gunn resigned to return to the ministry. "His energetic labors in the school and through the state, had gathered students from every quar- ter. His s])irited gospel sermons were blessed in 116 Iowa Baptist Schools. the salvatiou of in;)."v souls. The blessed revival spirit of those yea . > remaius as a sacred legacj^ to the iustitiition/' says oue writer. Dr. Gumi was boiu Jauuary o, 1818, at Montague, Mass., aud died at Fort Seott, Kan., October 31, 1895, at the ripe age of seveuty-eig'it after a most useful life in the ministry. j'];i;sii)!;.\T scauff's seco.nd akmimstkatiox. 1862-18.71. With the departure of i)r. (Juim, Trof. ^Seartf Avas again placed at the head, and the school for the next three years was chiefly under his instruc- tion aud that of Mrs. Stoddard. Prof. Scarff says the school did not miss, a term during the long A\ ar period, Init that Nvliik' the hoys weic in the army the scliool kept on graduating girls, though more boys fell in battle than girls were graduated. Though thv school was kept up, the (h'hts con- tiuued to grow. Rev. Ira J. Stoddard served the college eight years as financial secretary and treasurer without compensation. He traveled at his own charges in the interest of the college, especially in 1864 and 18 65 to save it from impending ruin, which was averted by the liquidation of a $12,000 debt. In 1865 Prof. Currier returned from the army and re- sumed his place in the school. For ten years, minus his four on the tented field, as scholar, teacher, and disciplina- rian, he i)roved that he was a college Iniilder of the first class in every respect, and that he had no superior in his profession. He served until called in 1S(>7 to lli«' chair of J^atin in the stat<' uuivcTsity. At the of the war many of the former studciils returned, aud the school ^^ as g]-eatly en- larged. In the catalogue i>ublished in June, Central College. IIT 1865, the student list was reported as follows, not couutiug duplicates: Collegiate, gentlemen live; ladies thirty-one; academic, gentlemen eighty- nine, ladies ninety-seven; total, two hundred tAveuty-two. The teachers were: E. H. SScarii", A. N. Currier, F. W. Corliss, S. S. Howell, Mrs. D. C. A. Stod- dard, J. B. Cotton and Miss Mary P. Johnson. This year's catalogue contains the army list of the institution, and a most creditable one it is in fact, of the ;;allaut boys who left the school to help save their country . They laid down the books and took up the muskets thinking only of home and country and right. When they came back four years later, one, David Ryan, was a colonel; eight, C. J. Amos, E. G. Barker, J. A. P. Hampsou, Albert Hobbs, Warren Olney, William A. Rankin, John L. Ruckman, and William A. Stuart were captains; H. G. Curtis was adjutant. Two teachers, A. N. Currier, and S. S. Howell, and fourteen students had won lieutenants' shoul- der straps; seveuteen were non-commissioned offi- cers, and seventy-one enlisted men made the total one hundred fourteen. Ten of this number, though, had falleu on the field of battle ne\er to return, and eleven had succumbed to disease. For the year liS(J5-l!St)0, tlie facility leiiiained, with two or three exceptions. Miss Ellen E. Mitchell, who later went as a missionary to Bur- ma, becomes principal of the female department, and Miss Fannie Barker takes charge of history and geography, with Miss Lizzie W. Cleveland in instrumental nnisic, C. C. Corey becomes princi-^ pal of the grammar school. 118 loiva Baptist Schools. . Three were graduated, seventy-six were report- ed in tlie scientific and ladies course, fifteen in preparatory, and two liuudred nineteen in gram- mar school, making a total of three hundred thir- teen. Key. and Mrs. Ira E. Stoddard had come to I'ella in 1S5S, on their return from India on ac- count of his broken health. Mrs. Stoddard at once took up her work in the school as lady princi- pal. She ^^■as in the prime of life, an experienced teacher of scholarly- habits and fine presence. During her eight years service at this time her in- fluence over students was very marked and al- ways helpful. Many of them learned to love her and have treasured the memory of this noble woman long after her great heart had responded to appeals to duty elsewhere. Mrs. Anna Howell Clarkson, the brilliant wife of Hon. James S. Clarkson, of Xew York City, has written a loving tribute to her old teacher, entitled. A Uenutitul Life, au iuteresiiug volume published by the state historical department of Iowa. Mrs. Clarkson is the daughter of Dr. John G. Howell, for many years a prominent attorney of Pella, and was a member of the class of 1867. In the spring of 1866, Mrs. Stoddard felt it her duty to lay down her college work and return with her husbaud to their labors among the Garos of India. Tliey remained about seven years, when failing health again required their return to this country. Coming to Pella, Iowa, Dr. Stod- dard served Central College for some twelve years as financial secretary or treasurer, and recently removed to the east. Central College. 119 The following year the instructors remained about the same, one or two being added who taught part time. There were four graduates; sixty-four in the scientific and ladies' course, eighteen preparatory, . and two hundred nine in the grammar school; total, two hundred ninety- five. Miss Kate F. Keables' name appears in the list of students. She afterwards gave long and distin- guished service as a teacher in the college. PRESIDENT Dunn's administration. 1871-1881. At the annual meeting in June 1870. tlie board resolved to raise |10,000 as the nucleus of an en- dowment fund. The effort was successful. At the annual meeting of the board iu -lum', 1871, the |10,000 having been secured, the board resolv- ed to prosecute the work of end., languages, Rev. K. A. Ostegren, A. B., classics, Mrs. 1). C. A. Stoddard, prin(ii)al of ladles' department. Miss E. (\ Hunt, Latin and math(Mnatics, ^Nliss Lucy A. Dunn, preparatory department. Prof. J. B. Cotton, music, Miss A. E. Cotton, misic, and W. H. Price, penmansliip. » A star placed after Prof. Loughridge's name directs at- tention to the line at bottom of page, "Resigned at close of summer term for a foreign field." Neitlier tliis good man nor his saintly companion could quite satisfy their abiding sense of duty to remain at home even in performance of the real and elTective missionary service they were already performing, in face of the greater mil to the distant Telugu mission. After ten years' service there, climate compelling a change. Prof. Loughridge returned to school and missionary work at Burlington College, and later at the State Normal at Cedar Falls, Iowa. From this work he was called in 1898 by the American Baptist Home Mission Society to the headship of Bishop College, Marshall, Texas, until the apparent recovery of Mrs. T^oughridge's health again iuii)elled them to return to the perishing Tf^lugus. A still later Itreakdown again brought them home in the hoi)f' of prolonging life and service. JORDAN HALL OP NATURAL SCIENCE. Central College. 121 111 I )(H'enibei', 1875, lv(n . l'\ Adkiiis, who had been pastor at Iowa City since 1870, entered the faenlty temporarily to till a vacancy, and remained until 1877. He was a man of scholarly attain- ments, genial si)irit, and an admirable teacher. The catalogue names three hundred fifty-six stu- dents, but there are many duplications, and the list appears to contain the names of students en- rolled for at least a part of two school years. The catalogue ]>ublished in the autumn of 1877, contains the new names of ^^. F. Prouty, A. B., who had just completed his course in the college, as yu'ofessor of Latin and natural science, Rev. H. Jl. Schermcrhoru, A. ^I., in rhetoric, and !\liss ^fartha E. Rudd, another member of this year's class, as instructor in Greek and mathematics; a list of students also, of two consecutive years. In 1879, Dr. Scarff resigned on account of par- tial paralysis, and at the annual meeting June 10, when his retireuKmt was announced, tlie lioard ndo]»ted the following resolutions: Whereas Rev. Dr. Scarff has been compelled on account of severe and protracted bodily affliction to resign his posi- tion as professor of mathematics which for so many years he has successfully and satisfactorily filled, and, Whereas, the institution owes much of its present pros- lierity and standing, if not, its very existence to his influ- ence, clinging to it in its days of adversity as well as Itrosperity. and often with but small pecuniary reward. Therefore. Resolved, That while accepting his resignation we express our regrets at the necessity which compels him to sever his connection with our lioard of trustees. He had served the college for twenty-four years, fourteen years as nominal head of the school. Prof. I. M. DeLong, A, B., took his place in mathematics. Miss Rudd remained two years as instructor in Greek and mathematics, and then 122 _ Iowa Baptist Schools. resigDed. Later she taught in Burlington insti- tute for two years, 1883-1884. President Dunn served faithfully until 1881, when he resigned because of advanced age, and a desire to secure relief from responsibilities of leadership. He afterwards spent a year in the Orient, and published a book entitled, The Foot- steps of the Redeemer, an interesting and valu- able little work describing his observations and conclusions from a visit in the Holy Land. PRESIDENT GARDNER^S ADMINISTRATION, 1881-1884. In February 1881, the management of the uni- versity was reorganized by the choice of Rev. George W. Gardner, D. D., as president, and Mr. T. E. Balch as chancellor, with full charge of all financial interests. At the same time it was de- termined to raise ]iermnnent endowments to the amount of |1 00,000. Mi'. Balch took up his work in June following, and soon succeded in placing the finances of the college in a much im- proved condition. Debts were paid, current ex- penses met, and considerable endowment secured under his energetic labors. President Gardner had the courses of study re-arranged, enlarged, and strengthened. Numerous and valuable addi- tions were made to the library; the reading room was su]iplied with a good selection of the best magazines. The laboratories were strengthened by the addition of a new 3.5 inch reflecting tele- scope, microscopes, surveyors' compass, and sets of chemicals and apparatus. The catalogue is- sued in 1882 gave the names of the faculty in addi- Central College. 123 tioii to ]H('si(leiit (Tarduer. as follows: Kobeit IT. Tripp, ^i. A., Latin; Ira ]M. DeLoug, M. A., mathe- matics; Alfred B. Trice, M. A., physical science; Mrs. S. L. Thickstnn, lady principal; Miss Leona Call, Greek and French; ]Miss Ada G. Gardner, rhetoric and English; Miss Kate F. Keables, mnsic; ]Miss Garrie L. Thickstnn, English. A mnch more advanced class of stndents was at-' tracted to the school. The fonr college classes were all represented. We see the familiar names of Snsie J. Pratt, of New Harford, who completed the clas- sical conrse that year, Gyrenns Gole, and John S. Xollen, of Pella, among them. There were two gradnate students, thirty-six collegiate, fifty pre- paratory, thirty-six English academic, and four- teen in music; a total of one hundred thirty-six. President Gardner and Chancellor P>alch work- ed heroically to build U]) the school and make it worthy of the patronage of the denomination in Iowa, and to place its finances on a solid basis. At the end of three years. Dr. Gardner's health was so broken that he was compelled to surrender his work and seek rest . Mr. Raich continued his efforts a year or two longer, when he, too, found it necessary to lay down his work and seek rest. Roth of these men did a heroic service for the col- lege, and gave a new impetus to its work. The en- dowment fund was materially increased during this period. ^liss Amv R. Harris of the class of 18S4, later went to Rurnia, as a missionary, and in 1891, she was serving at Rassein, and continued till her health failed. Miss Ada G. Gardner who taught English and rhetoric was a daughter of President Gardner. Another daughtei% a young woman of unusual ability and accomplishments, 124 Iowa Baptist Schools. married Dr. Edmund (J. Spinney, who was for sev- eral years pastor in Iowa, and president at Bur- linofon. Dr. Gardner harl been tlie first iniuripal of Colby Academy, New^ London, Conn., to which place he returned on his retirement from the col- lege, and later taught again in the academy. He was born at Pomfret, Vt., October 8, 1828, and died at New London, April 27, 1895. ACTING PRESIDENT TRIPP 'S ADMINISTRATION, 1884-1885. In 1884 Prof. Tripp was ])laced at the head of the school as acting president, with a good faculty to support him, as follows: I. M. DeLong, Leona Call, Mrs. M. R. Tripp, Frederick Hall, John Lear, Kafe F. Keables, and Ellen A. Hewins. The cata- logue issued late in 1884 gives the whole number of different students for the three terms of the calendar year 1884, as follows: college forty-two, preparatory thirty-nine, acarlemic fifty-six, art thirty-two, music fifteen, special eighteen, total, excluding duplicates, one eighty-seven. Prof. Tripp was a most excellent teacher, and a man of good administrative ability. After leaving Pella he was in charge of the Iowa City academy for a number of years. PRESIDENT read's ADMINISTRATION. 1885-1886. T?ev. Daniel Read, LL. D., was made president in 1885, retaining substantially the same faculty as the previous year. Chancellor Balch retired, and was replaced by ^Mr. S. F. Prouty ; Pev. W. H. Dorward also becoming financial agent. Central College. 125 Dr. Kead had seived witli juicat ability as [nesi- dent of Sliuitleff Pollege, for fourteen years, siir- renderino- tlmt work in 1870 because of broken health. But his early love of school work and its associations had never waned, and he accepted the call to Tentral Tollege. His coming, however, ])rove Iowa Baptist iivhools. for it than any other in its history. After his death the board placed on record appreciative resolutions, from which we quote the following as typical : That coming to us as he did at first in the days of great need, serving as only an earnest, unselfish man could, in the Interest of the institution and returning in 188 6 in a time of sore distress looking always to the prosperity of the institution, and being evei- desirous to step out when he thought another could do more, or to step in the gap when no one else could well do so, he has proved himself to be to Central University as much a father as a president. We highly appreciate the manner In which he ever dealt with the questions which agitated this board in the manage- ment of Its affairs, and mourn in his death as children for a father. In the catalogue of 1887 a number of changes are reported in the list of teachers, but the new names disappear in the next catalogue. The num- ber of students reported is 153. Among the num- ber Dwight C. Townsend and Cyrenus Cole com- plete their course. One entered the ministry, the other has since made an enviable record in news- paper work in Iowa. PRESIDENT AXTELL^S ADMINISTRATION^ 1888-1890. In 1888 Rev. S. J. Axtell, A. M., became pres- ident nnd remained some two years, when he re- signe«l to accept a professorship nt Kalamazoo Col- lege, Kalamazoo, Mich. The second year he was assisted in the faculty by Rev. John Stuart, Ph. D., in mental and moral science, and Bible studies; John P. Baerecke, Ph. D., mathenmtics, French and German, Kate F. Keables, Rev. F. W. Gardner, and Carrie Edmond. Central Colhye. 127 PRESIDENT STUART'S ADMINISTRATION, 1890-1895. In 1800 Rev. John Stnart became president. In the oalalogne of 1801 liis associates are named as folknvs : Itev, John J). IUut, moral science and sacred literatnre; Miss Kate F. Keables, Latin; William AV. Cook, mathematics and science; Miss Lnella -McCnll.y; John A. Munsen; and Miss Sarah M. Stnart. Abont 120 students were reported, be- sides some S])ecial. students in music. In the cataloiiue for 1893 the names of two new teachers a])pear, Miss Martha Firth, history and En^^lish, and Fred E. ^lorjTjan, Greek and science. The number of students re])orted is, literary and Biblical 107, music 73, total 210. The followino- yea]''s catalogue names about the same faculty, and ogives an unclassified list of stu- denls for 1803-91, includinii' music students, of 175. The number of students rei)orted foi' 1891-95 was 114, unclassified. Dr. Stuart was born in Scotland. He came to ]*(^lla ill 1889 as pastor of the Ba])tist church. A year later he was made acting- president, remaining president until 1895, during which time he literally wore liimself out with his incessant Avork, and was obliged to resign. TRESIDENT CHAFFEE'S AD:\riNISTRATION, 1895-1899. In 1895 Rev. Arthur B. Chaffee, D. I)., a grad- uate of Princeton College, and of Rochester Theo- logical Seminary, was elected i)resident, coming from a pastorate at South Bend, lud. He had pre- 1-8 loiva Baptist Schools. viouslv (Kcupicil the chjiir of L;iliii;i( I'ljiokliii < 'ol- lejio of that state for a series of years. President Chaffee tanf»ht mental and soeial philosophy, anaptist denomination." This institution has always been true to tliis purpose by ]irovidin,o- liberally for P>ildo and theolosfical instruction, by tryinc: to mnke it n distinctly Christian school, and by tenchiu"; thnt the noblest life is a life of faith in Jesus Christ. Courses have jienerally been mainlained in P>ible and church history, in theolooy, Christian ev- idences, and church i^olity, for both youns; men and younnjf women, sometimes doubtless amono- iiu- matnre students, the purpose beiu"' to prepare the former for the ministry, and the latter for mission work. A reliofious atmosphere has always pervaded this school to the pric^eless advantniije of manv of its students. The first year of Dr. Chaffee's headship there were twenty-one college, and six P»iblical students, and a total of 15S enrolled, Lemuel A. Garrison beino^ one of the three irraduates. The followin£i- year the work and faculty aurl the number of students remained about the same. Dur- in.o- the two vears from 1S07 to lSf)0, the number of students steadily increased, and the latter year a RHV. LEWIS A. DUNN, M. A., D. D. Central College. 129 new teuclicr was added, Prof. Asa B. Bush for Greek. PROF. BUSHES YEAR^ 1899-1900. After the resignation of Dr. Chaffee in 1899 the board phieed Prof. Bush in charge for one year as chairman of the facult3\ During this year L. A. Garrison was added as professor of Hebrew and Biblical literature. In the catalogue of 1900, 203 students are repoi'ted, 106 in the college, academy, normal, and business courses, the remainder in elocution, music, and summer school. PRESIDENT garrison's ADMINISTRATION^ 1900— On the retirement of Prof. Bush, Hex. Lemuel A. (hwrmon, who graduated from the college in 18fH), and from the Rochester Theological Sem- iiiary in 1899, was placed at the head as vice pres- ident. He held this position for three years and was then made president. His associates in the faculty the first year were: Kate F. Keables, Latin; William W. Cook, mathematics; Martha Firtb, history and English; William A, Young, Frencli and German ; Thomas G. Davis, Greek ; Joseiih H. Hart, science; Julia H. Watson, elocu- tion; H. G. Cox, music; and three or four tutors. The number of students reported in the 1901 cat- alogue was 234; 107 of them in elocution and music. The following year Mr. Jesse P. F. Smith replaced Prof. Cook in mathematics for one year, when Prof. W. A. Young took his place, and Rev. 130 Iowa Baptist Schools. George ('. IN'ck aiul Heiiiy Scliolt*' wcrc'julded for sj,st('in;!l ir thcoloL-v, <-lnii-es have Immmi made in the tcaehinii frogress has been made in the mate- rial e(|ni]mient of Ihe college. J'rcsident Garrison besides carrying forward and maintaining the effi- ciency of the school, has been able to add and equip several n(nv buildings well adapted to the needs of the institntion, and materially increase the en- dowment at the same time. The following statement of material eqni]nnent is taken from a recent catalogne. University Oainims. The university oampns of nine acres, finely ornamented with trees, is located within the city limits, with broad streets on four sides, affording clear siinlisht. pnre air. and freedom from noise nnd fire. Main Building. The main college Imildins is of brick, three stories above the liasement, and stands in the center of the grounds. This building is used chiefly for class-room work. The Miller art museum is being placed in the old chapel. The building is heated by furnace and the rooms used in the evenings are lighted by electricity. Jordan Hall. The .Jordan hall of natural sciences was erected in 1905. This building is forty-seven and a half by seventy-five feet, Central College. 131 three stories high. It is built of pressed brick, ornamented with stone and finished in oak. It is arranged with modern conveniences and will be equipped with the best equipment. It contains laboratories and offices, a dark-room built upon its own l)ase, for experiments in physics and psychology, and a shop with lathes and tools. The Randolph geological museum has been placed in this building. It has been planned as soon as the demands are sulflcient to devote this building exclusively to physical, biological, and chemical laboratories. College Chapel (Y. M, and Y. W. C. A. Building). The Y. M. and Y. W. Christian Association building is a brick structure of two stories above the basement, contain- ing a chapel, library, gymnasium, bath rooms and several recitation rooms. The building was erected at a cost of about $16,000. It is well equipped, and furnishes gym- nasium privileges second to none in the state. The value of this building to the college and student body cannot be overestimated Athletic Field. The athletic field is situated on the west portion of the college campus. The field has been graded, leveled and fenced, and furnished with an amphitheater of sufficient size to meet the present needs. These grounds afford ample opportunity for the various out-door athletic sports attractive to college students. All athletic sports, not held in the gymnasium, are held in this field. The Observatory. We can point with pride to our astronomical equipment, largely the gift of Mr. R. R. Beard, of Pella, Iowa. The cost of Mr. Beard's gift was $5,000. Cotton Hall. One lilock north of the campus is Cotton Hall, for young ladies. Its rooms are neat, commodious, and well ven- tilated, planned for the health and comfort of the students. This building is heated by furnaces and lighted by electri- city. Recently, through the kindness of Mrs. R. R. Beard, the double parlors were entirely refurnished. In the management of the hall every possible effort has been made to give the young ladies a pleasant and attractive home. In the building are twenty-two rooms besides the dining room, kitchen, etc. Only young ladies occupy rooms in the hall, but table board is here furnished for students 132 I OIL a Baptist Schools. of both sexes. The dining room \Yill seat seventy-five boarders. President's House. Brick, thirty-five by thirty-five, two stories and basement. Modern conveniences. Libi'ary. The library ot about 4,000 volume.^ is well supplied with the works of standard English and American authors, be- sides cyclopedias and other books of reference. The card system of cataloging has been adopted so that every book and every subject treated is available to the student. The library is open to the use of all students from 8:3 to 4:00 o'clock each school day under proper regulation. In the reading room can be found files of leading newspapers and magazines, secular and religious. By both purchase and gift the library is steadily growing. Aluuiui. 1861. Herman F. Bousquet, A.B., merchant, Bella. J. A. B. Hampson, A.B., deceased, 1893. Alouzo F. Keables, A.B., farmer, Winthrop, S. D. Hon. W. J. Curtis, San Bernardino, Cal. Hon. Warren Olney, Oakland, Cal. H. Kellenbarger, Grinnell. 1862. George A. Jewett, B.Fh., Des Moines. 1863. Aristine Wells, deceased. Mrs. Fannie G. B. Cutler, B.Bh,, Carthage, 111. Mrs. Mattie Morgan Baskal, Des Moines. 1866. David Ryan, A.B., lawyer, Des Moines. Mrs. Anna Howell Clarkson, A.B., New York City. Eliza Tupper Wilkes, A.B., minister Unitarian church, Los Angeles, Cal. Sarah Sumner Shouji, A.B., Berkeley, Cal. 1867. John Morgan, A.B., deceased, 1872. Roltort Ryan, A IJ., lawyer, Lincoln, Neb. Thomas Ryan, A.B., lawyer, Lincoln, Neb. Jyhn W. Harvey. A.B.. lawyer, Leon. Central College. 133 1868. Mrs. Liiella Keables Cox, A.B., Pella. Cyuthia Jewett Sumner, A.B., Eddyville. 1872. Zachary Taylor Houuold, A.B., merchant, California. 1874. Ella Stoddard Ryan, A.B., author, Lincoln, Neb. John W. Wolf, A.B., deceased. 1875. Rev. T. L. Crandall, A.B., deceased, 1903. Will H. W'olf, A.B. Francis Marion Xeff, A.B., printer, Grand Island, Neb. 1877. J. Harve> Applegate, A.B., lawyer, Guthrie Center. E. M. Cathcart, A.B., minister. George A. Hertzog, A.B., Baptist minister, Laramie, Wyo. Samuel Francis Prouty, A.B., lawyer, Des Moines. Anna Livingston Prouty, deceased, 1885. Martha Rudd, A.B., Washington. Lilly Viersen, A.B., teacher, Pella. 1878. Ida Agnes Baker. S.B., teacher, Whatcom, Wash. Ida L. Dunn Kruger, S.B., Pella. Lois Adeline Martin, A.B., teacher, Des Moines. Wilholmina DeHaan, A.B. Charles Wayland Scarff, A.B., Burlington, Vt. Emily Vinyard Bonsall, A.B., teacher, Hoyt, Kan. George P. Sheesley, A.B., lawyer, Denver, Colo. Mrs. Kate Frances Keables Beard, A.B., Pella. 1879. William Wormser, A.B., Burlington, Vt. 1880. Will L. Allen, .\.B., physician, Pella. Jacob Howard Cole, A.B., lawyer, Miller, S. D. Melvin A. Hanimell, A.B., lawyer, Sioux City. Mrs. Mandelia Weigand Harsin, A.B., Knoxville. Mrs. Cornelia Vander Linden Betten, A.B., Orange City, 134. Iowa Baptist Schools. John Newton Dunn, S.B., farmer, Central City. Mrs. Mattie Peyton Mayfield, S.B., Sharon Springs. Kan. .lames A. Rice, A.B., lawyer, Stnart, Neb. M. M. Whiting, A.B. Margaret Doolittle, A.B., teacher, Grand Island. Neb. 1883. Tennis Veenschooten, A.B., deceased, 1901. Mrs. Susie Pratt Gardner, A.B., Verdon, Neb. Ella May Edmund Mair, A.B., teacher, Pella. 1884. Evert G. Beyer, A.B., minister, Maynard. Flora Etta Harris, A.B., teacher, Des Moines. Mrs. Luella McCully Applegate, B.S., Guthrie Center. William W. Cook, A.B., Pella. Amy B. Harris, deceased, 1895. Elizabeth Hayes, teacher. South Omaha. Neb. 1885. J. W. Blattner, A.B., teacher, Austin, Tex. Henry Scholte Nollen, A.B., Des Moines. John Scholte Nollen, A.B., president Lake Forest Univer- sity, Chicago, 111. Mrs. .losie Jordan Dunn, A.B., Central City. Edward S. Plimpton, A.B., merchant. Salida. Colo. Mrs. Nellie Cassatt Brown, A.B., Estherville. 1886. William Arbuckle Nelson, A.B., minister, Cambria. 1887. Cyrenus Cole, A.B., editor and publisher. Cedar Rapids. Marietta Josephine E. Nolile. A.R., teacher, Chicago, 111. Dwight C. Townsend, A.B., minister, Paonia, Colo. Caroline Edmand, A.B.. teacher, Berlin, Wis. Herman Rietveld, A.B., Pella. John T. Forest, A.B., teacher, Chehalis. Wash. 1889. Benjamin Samuel Knapp, A.R., minister. Las AnimaB, Colo. Mrs. Mary Howell Stuart, A.B., Monon, Ind. Central College. 135 1890. Mrs. Nettie Bryson Douglass. A.B., Waterloo, 1891. John A. Munson, A.B., teacher, Ithica, N. Y. Wilson M. Cooney, Eng. Theol., minister, Kahoka, Mo. Mrs. Hattie M. Bousquet Egan, B. Mus., Atlantic, la. 1892. Irene Sraedley, A.B., physician, Tama. Mrs. Hilda B. Johnson Bain, B.Ph., Hrteman. Mrs. Anna Carolina D. Bousquet La Force, A.B., Paris, France. Wilson Mills, Eng. Theol., minister, Des Moines. Frank Horace Webster, Eng. Theol., minister, Port Townsend, Wash. Dora Markel Keables, B. Mus.. deceased. Ollie Bowen, B. Mus. Millie Palmer Cole, B, Mus., Pella. 1893. Fred Enno Morgan, A.B., minister, Penryn, Cal. Hervey James Shutts, A.B., farmer, Corydon. John Louis Ruckman, lawyer, Aberdeen, S. D. Martha Firth. B.Th., teacher, Pella. Jennie M. Kuyper, A.B., teacher, Rochester, Wis. Magdalene Baker Bale, B.Th., teacher, Hoqulm, Wash. K. S. Douglass, Eng. Theol., minister, Middleton, Ida. A. L. Bain, missionary, Africa. 1894. Mrs. Vada Beal Shutts, A.B.. Corydon. Clarence W. Heady, Eng. Theol., minister, Churdan. 1895. Tony Louis Ketman, A.B., minister, Chicago, 111. Frances Ketman Morgan, A.B., Penryn, Cal. Charles W. Aikins, B.Ph., merchant, WInterset. 1896. Carlton Ellsworth Douglass, B.Ph., teacher, Montezuma. Elbert Cummlngs Miller, A.B., teacher, Cavite, P. I. Lemuel Addison Garrison, A.B., president C. U. I., Pella. 136 Joiim Baptist Schools. 1897. Charles Lebbeus Custer, A.B., minister, St. .Joseph, Mo. Thomas Martin Phelps, A.B., deceased, 1904. Mrs. Johanna W. Van Pilsum Overing, B.Ph., Red Cloud, Neb. Mrs. Mary t'irth Garrison, A.B., Pella. Philetus Harold McDowell, A.B., Baptist minister, Omaha. Neb. 1898. .John D. Collins, Baptist minister. Sac City. William Albert Young, A.B., teacher, C. U. I.. Pella. Julia Bousquet, B.Ph., teacher, Saguna, P. I. 1899. John Bunyan Smith. A.B., Baptist minister, Webster City. Mrs. May Keables Smith, A.B., Webster City. 1900. Herbert Findlay Rudd, A.B., missionary, China. William Charles Farmer, B.Ph., teacher. Pella. 1901. Elizal)eth Scholte, B.Ph., music teacher, Pella. Richard D. Douwstra, A.B., Reformed church minister, Chicago, 111. George H. Douwstra, A.B., Reformed church minister. Gradus Remley Hagens, A.B., lawyer, Casper, Wyo. George G. Gaas, B. Ph., lawyer, Pella. Kruyn Van Zante, B.Ph., lawyer, Pella. Thomas Price, B.Ph., Hiteman. 1902. Joseph Horace Johnson, B.Ph., lawyer, Chicago, 111. David M. Hand, A.B., Baptist minister. Central City. Sterling Price Shaw, Eng. Theol., Baptist minister, Marion. 1903. Mrs. Cornelia DeHaan Hand, B.Ph., Central City. Fannie Winifred Smith, A.B., teacher, Pella. William Rufus Yard, A.B., Baptist minister, Eddyvill*. 1904. James John Hollebrands, A.B., Holland, Mich. T.eroy Bobbitt. A.B.. Baptist minister. Chicago, Til. Margaret De Haan, B.Ph., Pella. J. Milton Whisler, Eng. Theol., Baptist minister, Gold- field. Central College. 137 1905. O. W. Bowea, Minneapolis, Minn. J. F. Catlin, Westchester. R. R. Hopton, Fremont. Wilhelmina Vander Linden, Ft. Dodge. 1906. W. R. Strickland, Denver, Colo. W. J. Smith, Sandwich, 111. Charles H. Robinson, Newburg, N. Y. CHAPTER VI. Des Moines College The lirst sugy;estiou leading to tlie lotatiou of a IJaplist school at Des Moines seems to have beeu made by a party of three jolly Iowa Baptist pastors returning from a summer vacation tour in northwest Iowa. At the Baptist state conven- tion held in Des Moines, October 23, 1862, Revs. T. S. Griffith, of Keokuk, was elected president; D. P. Smith, of Iowa Oity, vice president; and J. F. Childs, of Oskaloosa, secretary of the conven- tion. During the following summer of 1863 these three officers desiring to take an outing decided to form themselves into a self-appointed Baptist ex- ploring committee for the couAentiou, up through the new settlements in northAN est IoA^ a. Secretary Childs, in his annual report to the board in the succeeding October, describes the territory they visited as follows: A Survey of the Field, Supposing for the present the eye be withdrawn from three-fourths of the state, in a large portion of which a missionary might not find in entire counties a living church, or a fellow laborer, and which contains thriving settlements, county seats, and rail-road towns without a missionary, and turn it upon the northwestern part of the state, included in a line directly north of the capital to Minnesota, and west from the same place of beginning to the Missouri river. This includes about forty counties, many of Avhich are pretty well settled and in many of them are centers of important rail-road, commercial and social interest. In all this vast territory 138 - Des Moines College. 139 there are not more thau two Baptist ministers, aud one of these is in too infirm liealth to preach, at most, only occasionally. To say it is destitute, extensive, important, and very needy conveys only a very inadequate idea of the real state of things. It was the privilege of three of your board to visit a good portion of that field during the last summer. Tliey were convinced from actual observation that at least six missionaries are needed in that portion of tlie state. It is gratifying to learn that Brother George Scott has been sent by the ilome Mission Society to the very center and heart of that great field. (Sac City.) Ou tliejr return from tki« trip they passed, through Des Moines. As they entered the city irom Llie northwest the lirst building that attracted their aUenl ion was the old Lutheran college build- ing, a three story briciv edilice. Tlie walls had been put up, aud the loot X)Uton; thetinancial crash of 185G-18G0 followed, and the work was abandoned. The property had passed, into the hands of the creditors. In this condition the three brethren saw it. One remarked, ''Why might not the Bap- tists of Iowa purchase that property and unify the educational work of our denomination in this cen- tral point, at tlie capital of the state?" Passing on they called on the pastor, Kev. J. A. Nash, and the project was discussed. After re- turning to their homes letters were addressed to the pastor at Des Moines to ascertain for what price the propert}^ could be secured. The result of the inquiry was that the property could be pur- chased for |y,UOO, and on reasonable terms. As a consequence, a consultation was had by several brethren at Oskaloosa at the eTanuary, 1864, meet- ing of the Iowa Baptist state convention board. It was deemed of so much importance that a further consultation was thought advisable at a subsequent meeting of the board at Iowa City, the following April. At this meeting friends from 140 Iowa Baptist Schools. Uiiiliniitoii ;iiijiy off tlie indebted- ness on those institntions and the.v feared this new movement wonld embarrass them. That if we wonld defer tlie Des ^Toines movement for a time, and nntil their ]H'oi>ert\' sljonld be seenred, if the JJaptists of Towa wanted an institntion at Des !\[oines (liey wonld not only not op]>os(\ bnt favor the eiilerjuise. Tnw illinii lo ev<'n seeiiiini[»ly throw obstaeles in their way the friends of Des ^foines took no fnrtlier ste])s, and as tlu' ■NFetliodists were also neiiotiatini*' for tin' same ]»roperty, and it beinji, ])nblished that Ihey had se. Tt Avas afterwards fonnd that the ^Fethodists had not ]nirehased it, and had abandcmed the ])roje<'t. Negotiations were ac'ain o])ened ; the refnsal of the ]>roperty was •i'iven to Mv. Nash nntil the meetin.i? of the state eonvente(l after fnll discnssion. with iireat nnanim- ity: Resolved, That we commend the efforts of onr friends at Pella to liquidate their debt on the Towa Central Univer- sity, and that we pledg:e them all possible ro-operation in snr-h a necessary work. Resolved. That we re.ioice in the success that has at- tended onr institntion at Burlington in the good accom- plished in raising up and sending ministers into the field, and in otherwise promoting the cause of education in con- nection with our denomination, and also in the fact that recently its entire indebtedness has become liquidated and Des Moines College. 141 a liberal siiiu secured towards au endowment, and we hope that this prosperity may ever attend the school. Resolved, That we deem it of very great importance to the Baptist cause in Iowa that the whole state be thorough- ly united in our educational interests, and believing that the providence of God . indicates such a result possible through an offer coming to us from the state capital, we therefore recommend that a mass meeting of the Baptists of the state be called to assemble in the city of Des Moines, on Wednesday, November 16, at 2 o'clock, p. m., to con- sider and decide the whole question. Resolved, That every church in the state be requested to represent itself in such meeting, and if unable ro do sd through its pastor or some member, that it may do so by letter to such educational convention, directed to Rev. J. A. Nash, Des Moines. Jiist before the time for the mass meeting ;i violent storm of rain and snow rendered the rojuls nearly impassable. The attendance at the meetino," was small, and it was deemed wise to defer \h^ act of incorporation till a later meeting. A committee consisting of J. A. Xash, J. E. Guild, and T. (.\ Townsend was ap,pointed to negotiate with the owners of the property and see what arrangements could be made for its purchase. Providentially Rev, Luther Stone, of Chicago, was nt the meeting. He felt a deep interest in our educational matters in Iowa, and remained a few days in Des Moines. On advice he finally con- sented to purchase the property, make the neces- sary advance payments, and finally transfer it to the Baptists when they shall raise the money there- for. It vras purchased dating from November 4, 18fi4, for 18,000, bearing interest at ten per Qf^n\. It is due the gentlemen who held the property to record that having given their personal securitv for a loan on the college building, which they had to pay, the amount thereof, principal and interest, was at the time, November 4, 18fi4, |9,300. The difference between this and the |8,000 for which 142 Iowa Baptist Schools. they sold it to the Baptists, they paid from their own pockets, and should therefore be regarded really as a donation to the college of that amount. In vieAV of the arrangement tius made for the purchase of the property, a meeting Avas called pursuant to the following notice in the Christian Tiuies of January 5, 1805: Educational Meeting in Iowa. As was announced a few weeks since, the college property in Des Moines has been purchased by a Baptist brother and is now within our reach, as soon as an organization can be effected and the funds for the purchase secured. The importance of every month during the present financial prosperity is obvious to every one. It has, therefore, been deemed advisable to organize this winter if possible. And to save extra expense of time and travel it has been suggested that we hold a meeting for the organization of board of trustees, and the transac- tion of necessary business, during the meetings of the ministerial union and the board of the state convention, which meet at Oskaloosa the week preceding the fourth Sunday in January. Will the friends of the Des Moines movement make a strenuous effort to be there? It is be- lieved that all the essential business can be attended to there as well as at Des Moines. Will not this be an additional incentive for making the other meeting un- usually well attended? J. A. Nash. Des Moines, December 2 2, 1864. The meeting was held in Oskaloosa, Iowa, Ja'i. 18, 1865, for the purpose of perfecting an organization an'^1 adopting articles of incorporation. The meeting v/as organized by the election of Rev. J. T. Westover, of Keokuk, as president, and Rev. J. O. Wilson, of Eddyville, ab clerk. Articles of incorporation were adopted and signed by the following named incorporators: John T, Westover, John O. Wilson, Jairus F. Childs, John A. Nash, Samuel H. Mitchell, John Williams, Oscar A. Wells, Robert M. Tracy.' Tbene articles were th^ii acknowledged bef(;re a notary public. Art. 2. Object — The object of this corporation shall be to establish, support, and govern in Des Moines, Polk county, Iowa, a university to consist of a primary department, an academy, and a college, and such other departments ap- ^J. A. Nash, in Des Moines College Record, 1S6I-1878, pp. 5-8. Des Moines College. 143 propriate to a university as the patrons and trustees shall find themselves able, and shall deem it advisable to main- tain. Said university to be forever under the special con- trol ol' the Baptist denomination. xVrt. o. Trustees — The said university shall be under the management, direction, supervision, and government of a board of forty-live trustees, which number may at any time be increased to sixty. The trustees to the number of two-thirds shall be me fi- bers in good standing in regular Liaptist churches (such churches believing in the articles of faith set forth as the i\ew Hampshire confession of faith published in the En- cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.) Seven members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all ordinary business. Art. 12. Amendments — These articles of incorporation may he altered or amended ))y the board at any regular meeting by a majority of the members present, excepting Art. 2 pertaining to the object, and Section 2 of Art. '6 which requires two-thirds of the Ijoard to be members of regular Baptist churches, and that part of Art. 5 which re- quires a majority of the executive board to be members of Baptist churches, which shall Ije uncliangeal)le. A Ijoard of forty-live trustees were appointed — Rev. J. T. Westover, Keukuk, was elected president of the board, a position which he tilled with great, acceptance for more than five years; Rev. J. A. Nash, Des Moines, was elected secretary and financial agent, and Dea. W. A. Galbraith, Des Moines, treasurer. The property was ti-imyfeired to the trustees who requested I'astoi- Nush to resij^u his pastorate and areept the tiuaueial ageucy. He undertook the A\ork with reluctance. During tlie summer of ISO.j, a subscription was raised in Des Moines of |12,00(). Tart «d' the proceeds were applied on the debt and the remainder to enclose the building. Duiing the tall and winter, part of tlie tloius wvvv laid, windows put in, and some rooms were tinished. One of the ]u-ominent ])ioneer Uaptist ministers in Iowa, who ])robably gave more years of unseltish labor and nmde greater personal sac- rifice than any other person in the state to tlic 144 Iowa Baptist Schools. cause of education and missions, truthfully said a few years later: If there ever was an enterprise the inception of which was purely unselfisli and for the future of the Baptist cause, in Iowa, especially, the University of Des Moines is that one. The future will vindicate the wisdom and self- sacrifice of the present in this regard. The movement seemed quite spontaneous. It met iJOiDular approval and general commendation as the foregoing recital of facts tends to show. There had been more or less of antagonism between the special friends of the two older schools planted and supported by the denomination, neither one in a flourishing condition at the time. The Baptists were generally congratulated on securing at small cost so great and substantial a building of biick, three stories in height, with high basement, and 40 by 80 ft. in dimensions, one of the best college build- ings then in the state, situated on an elevated and elegant site near the present corner of Fifteenth street and Woodlawn avenue; enjoying all the advantages of a central location, large x>opulation, facility of access at the commercial, social, and intellectual center of the state, and its capital. The trustees arranged to open a young ladies' department of the school, ISo^ember 27, 1805, iu the Baptist church which then stood west of the old court house on Cherry street, and placed it in charge of Miss Josephine A. Cutter, who had previously taught iu the school at Burlington, and April 1), 1866, the school was transferred to the col- lege building, a boys' department added, and Mr. Nasli i>laced at the head as principal. The school closed June 22, witli an enrollment of 76 ]>u])ils. Later iu Hk^ season Briucipal Nash felt iin])elh^d 1o resjign because of luoken liealth, and Rev. T. W. Hay hurst, of jMissouri, a brother of Rev. L. W. REV. J. A. NASH, D. D. Des Moines College. 145 Hayliurst, avIio had recently become pastor of the First church, Des Moiues, was choseu acting prin- cipal, assisted by Miss Cutter and other instruc- tors. Principal Hayhurst, however, resigned be- fore the end of the school year, and at its close. Miss Cutter desiring to give up her work, the board complimented her by placing in the record their "cordial testimonial as a teacher of rare capacity, of wonderful energy, and of decided success." She ^^'as afterwards married to Mr. John A. Woods, of Des Moines. At the annual meeting Rev. Thomas Brande was elected financial agent, and undertook to make collections and secure additional subscriptions to complete the building, but the severe financial depression foUoAviug the close of the war hindered his work wiiich continued about a year. Dr. W\ H, Dickinson was elected treasurer, August 10, 1807, and served many years. In October, ISOT, the state convention met at Pella, and the following resolutions "reported b}^ a committee to confer with brethren from Des Moines" were adopted : Resolved, That this convention cordially endorse the University at Des Moines as one of the denominational in- stitutions of tlie state, and commend it to the Baptists of Iowa as worthy of their confidence and support. Resolved, That the effort about to be made to secure for it an endowment of $20,000 meets our entire approba- tion. The school was suspended from 1807 to 1808, but ill September of the latter year it was re-opened by Messis II. A. Ill-own and If. ^1. Rtone, who had charge for oii<' y<'ar, willi an ciivollment of seventy- five students. 146 loiva Baptist Schools. Tlie state couveutiou being iu session at Mar- slialltowii, October ID, 1808, tlie followiug record is made: By the cuuiteay oi' the convention Brethren Westover and 1 lay hurst were invited to speali in relation to Des Moinea University. Tire folluwing resolutioou way unani- mously adopted: . That we as a denomination do earnestly unite in paying olT the indebtedness of our educational in- stitution at Des Moines. Iu February, 1869, uo adequate provision liaving been made to pay oft' tlie indebtedness in tlie pur- chase ol (lie property, liev. J. F. Cliilds, of Oska- loosa, >\as finally prevailed on to undertake the task of securing cash and pledges for this purpose, as iinaucial agent and trea.surer. He ivsigned his pastorate and entered at once upon this arduous work. He spent the whole season travelling o\er the prairies of Iowa, taking in town and farm alike, and the result of the strenuous year's work >\as some money and a subscription of more than 112,0(10 that gave good pioniisc of paying tlie debt and moic too. Late iu the fall, Mr. Stone, who had put his money into the ju'operty, and still had most of it tliere, wrote 31 r. Childs that if the college would pay hi ill oif, he would deduct a thousand dollars from tlie amount yet due. As the subscrip- tions ali-eady taken were not due till August 1, J 870. .Mr. Childs, believing that tlie property ought to be liebl for a Baptist school, and that the way would (►]) debt liimself on behalf of I he trustees, and caiiied ii agaiiisl his will for many a long year. I Ihisdc it is due to this grand man, who put nlso many years' of unrequited service into tliis Des Moines College. 147 child of his love, to quote a little from a private letter received from him mauj years after, when he had passed his eighty-fourth birthday. The let- ter says: 1 can iioL write yuu the tiwful load I carried for years, and the aleepless nights, in order to save the property to the Baptists oi Iowa. Many times I was approached with a proposition to foreclose the mortgage and realize on the sale, Init I felt that it was the will of Providence that I should hold it. The outcome to me was the loss of the larger portion of our little patrimony, and much forced economy in our living expenses. But I am glad now that it was saved, aud do not regret all the cost to iue. There can be no real good secured in this world without sacrifice by somebody. After about fifteeu years the debt was paid by the sale of the properly, and the removal of the college to another site. In September 18G9, Kev. D. N. Mason resigned the pastorate at Cedar Falls, and accepted the principalship at Dos Moines. The attendance dur- ing the year was small — sixty altogether — and the income from tuitions very small the spring term. A search for another victim was begun which final- ly succeeded in landing a young man from his farm near Denison, by the name of Alonzo Aber- netliy, for the school 3^ear beginning in September. The school opened September 15, 1870, with a good number of students and a very small number of instructors, but temporary help was secured for several Aveeks when Rev. P. S. Whitman and wife arrived and took up their work. Miss Alice Lee taught during most of the year, and Mr. John Stewart during the spring term, after Mr. and Mrs. Whitiiian left to look after their Howard county farms. There were ninety-three students enrolled payiiip: hiitious. Tluse tuitions, with room rents and a liille other incoiiK', paid Me expenses of the lis Iowa Baptiat Schools. school (lui-iiii^ the year, paid lor f>ioiiie addifioiial fnniiturc^ needed to furuish student's rooms, and left a small balance of income for the ensuing year. The annual report of the board adopted at the close of the school year in June, 1871, and spread upon the record, contained the following- comidinien- tary personal mention: Arrangements were made with Col. Abernethy to take charge of the school, and he entered upon his duties at the beginning of the September term. Prof. P. S. Whitman came about the middle of the fall term and entered upon teaching soon after. Mrs. Whitmnn took charge of the in- strumental music and of modern languages. Thej' re- mained until February and then closed their connection with the school. Prof. J. W. Stewart was employed at the beginning of the spring term and continued until the close of the year. During the last term Miss Denisou had charge of the instrumental music, and Miss Alice Lee was em- ployed as teacher during the first and second terms. To the energetic labors of Prof. Abernethy, the principal, who for a small compensation has devoted his time and talents, the school is chiefly indebted for the ])rosperity which has attended it. The labors of Prof. Stewart have been remarkably acceptable. The school, notwithstanding the change of teachers, has been a marked success, and, as will be seen by the report, has been entirely self-supporting. It is, we l)elieve, in the person of its students commending itself to public favor, and could we continue our present teachers with necessary increase of help, we believe the school ere long will justify the most sanguine hope of its friends. The principal believed then, as he does now, that the institution ought to have a successful and honorable future, but did not wish to undertake the carrying the work forward toward this end under the conditions then existing, though the debt was about |8,000, and one citizen of Des Moines Avas willing to bend a subscription with .fl,000 to secure its payment. He had therefore given a conditional promise to accept the princioal- ship of the preiiaratorv department of the old T"^ui- versity of Chicago for the ensuing year. Before Des Moines College. 149 tlio close of the sdiool, liowever, some friends, witL- ont even consnllino' In'm, bad suggested liis name for superintendent of ]>nblie instruction of the state, to wliicli office lie was nominated in June, and electc^l in November, and for two succeeding terms. Some pleasant memories cluster about that nine montbs" assiduous work. Quite a number of these ninety-three boys and girls inacle honorable records for themselves in later Iowa history; two of them al least, entering that year from the farm, later entered the Baptist ministry and served the Master for uiany years with distinction — one, Francis M. Gaines, in Towa, and the other, Joseph V. (rarton, in N(nv England. James M. INfiller and his sister, also, who entered a little later, remained to com- ]»h4e their course in 1875, the brother returning later to his home to practice law, the sister to Tiangoon Burma, as a missionary teaclier in our Baptist school. A most delightful acquaintance began with Prof, Whitman and wife, continuing for thirty years, until both weVe translated, having left to Christian (Mlucation in Towa more than twenty-five thousand dollars. The following year, 1871, Prof. T. N. Snow be- came principal, with ^Miss Florence M. Davis, Louis Buttlvay, and !^^rs. Snow assistants. The numbei' of stud(mts this year increased to 113. Mr. Snow )-emained one year and was succeeded by Pev. J. A. Xash, as acting president, with Miss Davis and souie other lady assistants. At the close of the year Principal Nash reported a total of 83 students. 150 Iowa Baptist Schools. President Nash had been serving as county superintendent for several years, and could give only a portion of his time to the work of the col- lege. Rev. B. H. Brasted was elected tinancial agent, September 16, 1872, and served about a year. At the opening of the school in 1873, the faculty was greatly strengthened by the adding of Profes- sors N. E. (ioldthwait, of Boone, in mathematics, also treasurer of the board, and I. H. De Wolf in Latin. They were both scholarly gentlemen and excellent teachers. There were six instructors altogether. The school began to take on new life. During the year 161 students were enrolled, niue of the number in college work. The following year was also a prosperous (>ne. A catalogue issued during this year, probably for the lirst time, shows an enrollment of twelve in college work, a large number in the preparatory department, and a total of 166 students. I-oubt- less many of this number have made good use of the training they received there, and good records in life. The writer happens to have known two of them later on — Charles J. Kose, who remainerl long enough to develop some sturd}^ qualities of mind and heart, and to capture President Nash's oldest daughter, Jennie, for a wife, and doubtless both these acquisitions have aided him very materially in the excellent record he has madr as a preacher of the gospe], being at this writing, 1906, .secretary of the Ohio "Baptist state convention. The other was Benjamin F. Osborn, from Perry, who showed the metal that AAas in him by remaining till he got his degree, a rather rare thing for an Iowa boy at that day. The exceptional record that he made later in his business and in his public, and i)ublic- Des Moines College. 151 spirited service for the community iu wliich lie lives, aud for the state, both the boy aud his alma mater may well be proud of, having served both as regent of the state university, and trustee of the state college of agriculture. The report of the national educational commis- sion [lublif^hed during this year, reviewing the con- ditions and needs of our Iowa Baptist schools with its conclusions, is given elsewhere under the topic. Some Notable Movements for Co-ordination. ^Yith the close of the school in June, 1875, Pres- ident Nash desiring to withdraw from the headship of the school, Judge F. Mott, of Winterset, who had served on the' circuit bench in his district for a term or more, and was at this time a member of the law faculty of the state university at Iowa City, w'dH elected president and took up his work with the beginning of the fall term. Prof. Nash continued in charge of Greek and natural science, DeWolf in Latin, E. W. Craven in mathematics, and Mrs. J. N. Page, assistant instructor and teacher of music. Prof. Goldthwait withdrawing to devote his time to his business affairs. He had taken a great interest in the building of our college at Des Moines from the first, had consented to leave his large business interests at home, and take up A\ork in the college, only at the urgent request of President Nash and the board of trustees, of which he Avas a member, and l)e('ause he stood ready to aid the school in any possil)h' way he could. I>uring the last year Prof. Goldthwait had charge of tlio school as acting president. Tlu' s-olh'gc classes were all represented this yenr, rlie fresliman by twelve students, the soph- omore by three, tlie jnnioi- ly one. and tlie senior 182 Iowa Baptist Schools. by i\\o; total, eighteen, aud the total euroll- meiit, I.")!. Ivev. (). T. Coiiger served the college as tiuaucial agent. Tlie name of E. S.Hunu, from Perry, ap- pears (his year in the catalogue, who, with his brother, (Miai'les E., entering later, remained to complete their education and settled in Des 31«)ines, so(m l>ecomiug one of the leading law tii-ms iu the city, and always loyal to the college. l*]'(^si(]eut Mott remained iu charge of the school two 3ears, and then returned to his home in Win- terset on account «)f impaired lieallli. having given two years of laborious and excellent service to the school. The enrollment for this year, 187G-1877, Avas reported as eighty-five. On President Mott's retirement the board adopted the following: 1. That we deeply regret the necessity that compels us to sever our official relations witli the retiring president, and tender him our hearty wishes for his success and pros- perity in his future fields of labor. 2. That we fully appreciate the zeal and fidelity with which Judge Mott has performed his official duties in rela- tion to the university, his generous exi)enditure of time and money in the interests of the institution, and we look with pride and gratification to the many marks of improvement and adornment made upon the grounds and buildings dur- ing his administration. 3. That the secretary be instructed to communicate these sentiments of the board of the university to the Hon. P^red. Mott, our retiring president. (Signed.) .1. F. Childs, U. McKay, D. G. Perkins, Committee. In 1S77 Pi-esideut Nasli again assumed the head of the school, rcMuaiuing actually or nominally in charge, doing all I lie time such service as he found himself altlc io pciform. In 1877 he received the (legice of (h»tIoi- of (li\iiiily from the I'uiversity of (Miicago. iM-of. I )('\\'olf rciiiaiued for a number of years as insliiiclor, and i>art (d' the time as treas- urer, lakiiig the ]>lace held for two years efficiently Des Moines College. 153 by Prof. N. E. Goldtliwait, aud Avas always a faith- ful and useful member, rendering valuable service in various ways. E. H. Eastman took up the work of Prof. Craven, and later that of Prof. DeWolf. In the catalogue of 1877-1878, Mrs. O. A. Sa win's name appears as teacher in English. The number of students in college was twelve, preparatory twenty-six, with total of eighty-five. Charles J. Rose and Jennie C Nash were graduated that vear, 1878. Prof. Ira ]\r. Price, at present a distinguished member of the faculty of the University of Chicago, taught Greek and modern languages for the year, 1870-1880. Tlie number of students seems to have been quite small for two or three years, eighty-one are reported for 1878-1870, and seventy-nine for the next year, when a catalogue was published. In 1881 Prof. D. F. Call who had been teaching in the Cedar Valley Seminary at Osage, was elected President, and opened the school with a new faculty, consisting of the following assistants : G. D. Purinton, T. M. P>lakeslee, T. F. ETamblin, :Miss Leona A. Call, Joseph jM. Pilcher, and Miss Sarah Hamblin. Prof. Call, though quite a young man, had already won a tine reputation as a teacher, and so took with him quite a body of good students from northern Iowa, and with his associates was prepared to do thorough work. T?ut it soon became evident that there was no adequate income to sus- tain the school with its organization. The faculty resigned in a body to take effect at the close of the school year. Prof. Call was invited to take the chair of Greek at the state university, early in January, 1882, where he did brilliant work almost up to the time of his death, August 23, 1885. Miss 15i loiva Baptist HvliooU. Leoiia A. Call, oue of his assistants, accepted a cliair at Central College, where she remained till called to tlie nniversity to take temporarily her brotluM-'s place. Her work was so satisfactory that slie was first elected acting professor, and later ]>rofessor of Greek, which ])Osition she still occnpies in 1906. In 1882 Dr. Nash again assnmed control and continued in charge for two years more, ronnding on( a fnll ten yeai's' service which was given with great fidelity. At no time in the service was there any adeqnate compensation other than the con- scionsness of dnty done, and the perennial joy of seeing the boys and girls who came nnder his teaching and within the charm and inspiration of his lovely personality, developing nnder their training strong and earn(»st characters of manhood and womanhood. Eighteen years had ela])se(l since Ihe incorpora- tion of the T^niversity of Des ]Moines. The original ])nr(liase price had not yo\ been paid. The debt had slowly bnt steadily increased, and a part of tlie ]>roperty sold nnder execntion. Dr. Nash tliongli still nominally at the hear! of the school greatly desired to be relieved of the bnrden be- canse of failing sti'ength and increased years. Tn Jnly, 1888, the presidency was tendered by the execntive board to Col. Abernethy, then com- ])leting his second year in the school at Osage, bnt the offer was declined. Three months later Dr. Ira E. Kenney was elected president, and entered at once npon the work of nntangling the knotty con- dition of the finances. At the end of another year the old campns was abaiidoned for the new site on West Ninth street, between College avenue and Des Moines College. 155 Jefferson street, the old building having been taken down and re-erected on the new campus. Early in the year 1884, contracts had been com- ])leted for the erection of a new and larger building flesigned for a central hall. The school took on new life under the vigorous administration of Pres- ident Kenney, who was devoting all his energies to clear away the debts, and give the school a good housing, and devise means to organize a faculty for aggressive work. Col. Abernethy was again ap- pealed to for help, and consented to act for a year as dean, to aid in forming a faculty, and making plans for the ensuing school year, while carrying forward his school work at home. Prof. A. P>. Price, who had previously taught at Pella, was placed in charge, assisted by Professors T. ^r. P>lakeslee and N. A. P>rown, and one or two lady assistants. The school opened auspiciouslv with sixty students, housed temporarilv in the basement of the old Baptist church, at the corner of Eight and Locust streets, until the new build- ing should be ready for occr.pancy, but; The best laid scliemes o' mice an' men. Gang aft a-gley. An' lea-e us nought but grief and pain. For promised joy. The new building when completed would have been paid for according to the contract by a por- tion of the old campus, but the foundation walls were scarcely in place, when the contractor failed and suspended all work toAvard its completion. The br-ight nnd brightening outlook of two new and commodious buildings with the long-time burden of debt reinoved had suddenly faded. The incommodious quarters must be indefinitely en- dured. President Kenney's health, for many years iSd Iowa Baptist Schools. precarious, agaiu failed iiim, conipelliug tlie sur- reuder of ail worii. He resigned early iu 1885, aud Col. Aberuetliy, against his judgmeiil and wishes, was elected to the place. The year's work in the school had ]jroved satisfactory. A good body of students had continued tii rough the year, among w horn are w ell remembered Clyde E. Brenton, from Dallas; Charles E. Hunu, from Terry; Warren Dickinson, E. JJ. McKay, and Ceo. F. Keinking, of Des Moines, and It. 8. Walker, of xllgona. Two of the number became llaptist ministers, Keiukiug aud Walker, both ser\ing in recent years prom- inent Iowa churches. Efforts were begun early in 1885 to devise ways and means for completing the building, and to pay bills that were then beginning to acrue. liny. A. 11. Button, wiio had completed two years" satisfactory service as financial secretary fo the CecUir N'alley ►Seminary, >>as elected financial secretary, taking up the work February 1, 1885, recently laid down lle\'. W. A. Cain, who had given several years' efticient service. Mr. Ijutton continued in this position nearly three years, patiently aud assid- uously aiding toward uiainlainiug tiu' school, aud carrying forward the ikmv buikliug to comple- tion, securing some |(),000 of new sidtscriptions and collecting lialf as much more of i)riucipal and interest on old subscriptions. In Septeml)er, 1886, Rev. C. T. Tucker was added as financial agent, aud continued his A\ork until July 1, 1889, commending himself throughout by the efficiency of his work, and the excelleuc<' of his judgineut iu superiutcMidiug the completion (►f I he new l)uildiug, and collectiug money to pay for it. 1^'of. ]*rice coiiiiuued tit llie head of the srhool Des Moines College. 157 from 1885 to 1887, assisted by Prof. Blakeslee aud others. Mr. Frederick Hall look the uliair of Greek in 188G, aud Miss Emma iSmitli that of German aud seieuce. The movement for uuitiuj^' the Central and Des Moines schools culminating during 188G is (de- scribed elsewhere under the head of ^ome >»'otable Movements for Co-ordiuation. iSee also Uaptist Annual, 188G, pp. ID, 05, and 73. ACTING I'KESIDEXT STEl'lIEXSUX, lSS7-lb!89. August i:, 1887, Kev. J. P. Stephenson was elected acting president and professor of Greek, and his ^^-ife, Mrs. Florence T. Stepheuson, instruc- tor in modern languages, Professors Price aiid lUaivcslee remained, .Miss Frances 11. Wheeler was added as tutor in English branches, and iWw JI. L. Stetson, professor of Piblical literature and Chris- tian evidences. Sixty-nine students Avere eurolled during the year, twelve being in college classes. The school opened in Se})tember, 1888, with about the same faculty aud number of students as. the year before. PRESIDENT STETSON, 1889-1900. March 5, 1889, the executive board spread upu-u the records the following official endorsement from the executive board of the American ]>a]»tist Education Society : Whereas, The trustees of the University of Des Moines, Iowa, have invited for that institution the endorsement of this lioard, and. Whereas, This institution is now. and l)y its articles of incorporation must remain, under Baptist control, aud, 158 Iowa Baptist Schools. Whereas, This institution is well located to serve the educational interests of the people of Iowa, has valuable property in lands and buildings, nearly free from debt, is organized and conducted as a college, and as such promises to supply an important, permanent and pressing need of the Baptists of Iowa, therefore, Resolved, That we heartily commend this Christian col- lege to the active sympathy and financial support of all Baptists and of all others interested in Christian education. Resolved, That we recommend to the board of trustees a change in the name of the institution from university to college, to correspond with its present work and proper scope. MiWih 2(1, followiuo-, Rev. H. L. Stetson, D. D., pastor of the First Ba]itist chiircli, Des Moines, was nnanimonsly elected ])resideut, and soon after signified his aeeeptauce of the offer. The eatah^gue for this year contains the names of 77 students, the first one issned with names of students apparently since 1880. Charles E. Hunn and Marion Walter are «iven as seniors, and Arthur McKay and Joseph Swans(m as juniors. Other familiar names in Des ^loines rolle.2,e history, enrolled this year, are Leon Cassady, Frank H. Dewey, William L. Fer- guson, Adam F. Groesbeck, William V. ^FcVey, Arthur N. INFi^Kay, William M. Plimpton, John A. Earl, John :\r. P. Smith, Lillian M. Plimpton, Winnie St. Olair, Bertha Stetson, Frances R. Wheeler, Lorenzo D. Teter, and Edward O'Dea. At the annual meetinc^ be«>inninsj June 18, 1889, the articles of incorporation were amended chang- mo: the title to Des ^Foines rollesje. With the besjinning- of the new school year under the presidency of Dr. Stetson, the far-ulty was fur- ther strengthened by the addition of Prof. Oold- thwait in mathematics. Rev. 17. A. Rogers in Enolish P.ible, Miss PTattie L. Oroodrich as tutor, and INfrs. R. L. Stetson in paintinii", and others. The course of study was made equal to that of any of the Des Moines College. 159 staiKlard colleges, and the iiiiniber of students in- ereased to 10(1, twenty-one in college work, includ- ing Edwin W. Mecuni, Charles H. H. Moore, and Jose])h E. Tveloar, who later entered the iiiinisiry. Dnviiig (he year two most notable snl)scii()tiy Aiu-il 1, 1801. it was a])]>arent that some additional help was needed to com]>lete the canvass during the short intervening time. V.y joint agreement of the two boards intei'- ested, TJev. N. B. Rairden, I). T)., then general mis- sionary of the state convention, was secured for the remainder of the time. TTe enter(^d lieroically into the work and did splendid service. Prof. N. E. (^JoUlthwait took u.p the work also, with volunteers in different parts of the state. The treasurci-ship of the college becoming va- cant. Rev. William Aitchison, Jr., of Des ^Foines, was elected to the place Xy)v\} 2, 1801. Re at once entered upon a thorough examination of the books and accounts, establishing a complete system for 1(50 Iowa Baptist Schools. i'(v<»r(liiiiA jiiul whowjijg all tissels iiud liabilities, icHM'ipts and expenditures, collections and loans, and tlie like, from which the actual condition of the funds and accounts of the college, or any one of them, may at any time be seen. With great care, accuracy and labor. Treasurer Aitchison has kept the financial condition, and the finances th(Mi)selves thron.iih all the intervening years. When the board and friends gathered June 15, 1801, for the annual meeting, great anxiety was manifest for the final outcome of the strenuous cam]taigu. After an all day canvass by the des- ign;! led committee, jMi*. J. V. Hinchman, Secre- tary F. T. Gates, and Cashier V. F. Newell, of Des ^loines, and the prompt subscription of some needed thousands, Secretary Gates announced the Huc<-essfnl completion of the canvass, amid great iej(»i<'ing. TIk' minutes of this meeting note the death, July 1), ISDO, of Vvov. Luther Stone, D. D., of Chicago, one of Ihe original members of the board, and record ihe following bi-ief historical sketch, and beauMful tribute: Mr. Stone graduated at Brown TTniversity and N-^wton Theologiral Seminary, and came west in 1844, spending romo time that year at Burlington and Davenport. Reti'vn- ing to Cliif'.ago he estaiilished the Watchman of the Prairies, the predecessor of the Christian Times, and the Standard. To Mr. Stone more than to any other man the college owes its origin. In 1864, he had been invited to accept the presi- dency of the school at Pella. He visited and looked over the situation there, and came to Des Moines, at that time fiO miles beyond the nearest railroad. Here he found a college pro])erty, formerly owned by the Lutherans, for sale. With singular foresight and a generous purpose Mr. Stone after consultation with brethren advanced the f'.nids 'for its ptirchase, and held the property until a corporation could be formed, when he deeded the property, takin.g only the unsecured note of the trustees. Dvfi Moines Colleye. 161 .Vs noted olsewlu'ic, l>r. Stone also «»enerously gave the college |1,000 of the amount due him when the above named note was cancelled, after lie had held it for more ttian five years. The work in the school for 1890-1891 had been highly successful, 186 students had been enrolled, 42 doing college work. The list contained the names of .seven boys entering during the year, who later served in the gospel ministry in the state, as follows: John Y. Aitchi.son, Hulberl ii. IJeaman, Frederick W. Bateson, Eugene M. Gillett, Hugh A. Heath, Clarence H, Lockwood, and Oren P. Sonner. The catalogue of 1892 shows a slight diminution in the number of students for that year, being 157, thirty-seven doing college work. One new student, at least, for the ministry, entered, William fP. Canine, from Harlan, also Edward A. Graves, from ^farshalltown, and Miss Kittie McKlveen, from <'hariton. Of the five graduates, four. Earl, Fer- guson, jVlcVey, and Story, entered the ministry, and Dewey, the law. Among the speakers at chapel during the year are seen the names of President W. R. Harper, Drs. Lemuel ^foss, E. T. Hiscox, Henry C. ]\fabie, O, P. Gifford, and Fred T. Gates, besides quite a list of prominent lowans. The college became affiliated, July 1, 1892, with the T^niversity of r'hicago. By virtue of this affili- ation the university provided for and reviewed the college examinations, gave certain scholarsliips nnd fellowships, and aided the college in maintain- ing a high .standard of instruction, lectures, and courses of study, and otherwise strengthening its work. 162 Toiim Baptist Schools. Septoml)er, 1892, Mr. F. E. Goodell enters the faculty fi'oiii Johns Hopkins University, for chem- istry and physics, replacing Prof. W. F. Eoller, who had resigned after three years of excellent and thorongh service. Miss Flora E. Harris also becomes tutor in Greek. Duiiug tlie school year following, 1(>2 students were enrolled, 41) in college work. In this list we recognize the names of Herbert A. Abernethy, Archie W. Tall, William K. Lane, William P. Lovett, and Daniel Peagan, beginning their col- lege traning for the ])ulpit, the bar, and other literary labor. Of twelve seniors this year, seven had mastered the classical course, and three the philosophical. The degi'ee of doctor of laws was most worthily bestowed on Prof. Amos N. rurrier. of the chair of Latin in the state university. The next year Daniel INL SluxMnaker was added for German, and William ^F. Plim])to]i for physiol- ogy. One-hundred and inted on new president, and at a S]>ecial meeting of the board held at Marshalltown, Odober 28, 1000, in connection with the state convention, this commit- tee recommended the election of Rev. George D, Adams, ]mstor of the First Ba])tist church at Kalamazoo, Mich., for president. At an adjourned Des Moines College. IW mcetiug uext day, Mr. Adtims was unauiiiioiislv elected at a .salary of |2,000, his services to begiu Jauuarj 1, 1901. At the animal meet in;;, Jime 20, 1901, the fol- lowing degrees wer" coniened : Rev. H. L. Stetsou, D. D., the degree of doctor of laws. Rev. W. M. Walker, the degi'ee of doctor of divinity. The enioilinent for 1900-1901 was 179, I'Z in college work, and 11 in the graduating class. Miss Ada F. Norton resigned the chair of French aud German at tiie close of her fourth year of most excellent aud satisfactory service. In the catalogue of 1902, several new names ap- pear in the list of instructors, among them, Har- riet lluth Aitchison, French; Homer K. Miller, l^atin; and Airs. Ella (J. Miller, history and l>edagogy. There were 53 students in college, 13 in academy courses, and 28 unclassitied, besides about 200 in music, the Des Moines College of Music having been united with the college. There were 15 in the graduating class, and the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon the follow- ing persons : Kevs. Jolm A. Earl, ^Villiam L. Ferguson, aud Arthur T. FoN\ler, indicating that the college is becoming quite a mill for grinding out this kind of grist. ACTING 1'KK.SIDENT .J. K. RICHARDSON^ 1903-1904. At a s]»ecial Itoaid meeting convened Dec. Ic, 1902, Dr. Adams presented his resignation as pres- ident, whicli, at bis request, was accepted to take effect January 1, 1903. Rev. Dr. J. K. Richardson, pastor of the Talvary P.ajitist cliurch, Des jMoines, 166 Iowa Baptist Schools. and secretary of the board, was asked to take | charge as acting president, and served in this capacity until June, 1904, when he resigned. The catalogue of 1903 gives the names of 144 students in college and academy, and 186 in music and liarmony; total, 330. At the end of this school year the genial and brilliant professor of mathematics. Dr. Thomas M. Blakeslee, who was first elected to this chair in the college twenty-two years before, in 1881, and had taught since the autumn of 1884, with an oc- casional year's absence in Europe or teaching else- where, finally severed his connection with the col- lege, to devote his time to original Avork in the I more advanced realms of this science, for which he had such marvelous equipment, carrying with him the love and admiration of nearly a genera- tion of students. For the year 1903-1904 there were 250 students. At the annual meeting of the board in June, a committee was appointed on the presidency. This committee, after a pretty thorough canvass of the important subject committed to them, submitted a report at a special meeting of the board called at Marshalltown, October 26, 1904, recommending the re-calling of Dr. H. L. Stetson to the presi- dency. The recommendation was unanimously and heartily ratified. The authorities at Kalamazoo, however, strongly urged the doctor to remain in Ills present work, and after having had o])})Oi'- tunity to re-examine all the conditions carefully, he finally decided that it Avould be unwise for him to undertake the Avork, and forwarded his decli- nation. Des Moines College. 167 DEAN J. P. STEPHENSON^ 1904-1905. JJeau J. i'. Htepiienson was agaiu placed iii ciiai-ye ui Liie work of (lie scliooi, for the year be- j^iiiiiiiig September, iU04, while the board was seeking a new president. Migiit studeuts eom- ple(>ed the coiiise this 3'ear, among 57 iu the college classes, and there y^eve 40 in the acadejuy, and a total, incindiiig ail and music, of 257, the increased number of siudenls the past (hree years, being due to (he alliliation of liartlett's school of music with the college. PRESIDENT L. D. OSBOKN^ 1905 — . TJie committee on presidency appointed in 1904, continued its search after the declination of Dr. Stetson, tiioroughly conscious of the diliicuit work committed to them, again renewed their search for the right man. Ileal izing that the only nmn vrho could iiope to take up this onerous burden of car- r3'iug for^^ard the college to greater independence and greater [»ower, must have endurance, faith, patience, and persistence to grapple witli the dif- ficulties as they should confront him, and hold on through the years until they are overcome, spent the remain., [»resident. Dr. Osborn was the son of a i)ion(»er Daptist i)reacher. He had spent his eaily youtli on a farm. He worked liis way iu a jjrinting ohice through the liigh school. He spent four years in learning and practicing the business of banking. He received a call to the ministrv 168 Iowa Baptist Schools. aud went to Aun Arbor for his A. B., aud later to Chicago for his Ph. I). He had spent eleven rears in three brilliant and sucee.ssful pastorates, and had done some literary work. His heart responded to the call to greater and far more difficult \\ ork, requiring rare gifts and resources of the highest order. He accepted and entered upon its duties July G, 1905. The college has a good record for the work done in its classrooms aud laboratories. A high order of excellence has been steadily maintained for many years. \\ hen the college section of the Iowa Htate Teachers' Association took up the work, twenty years ago, of determining Avhat colleges in the state were doing standard grade AAork, l^es Moines College was found to be among the six Idghest in the state, in its requirements aud work. Jt has constantly niaintainrd this high rank. Through the years of its affiliation with I he Uni- versity of Chicago, its term examination papers were regularly passed upon aud accepted by the university examining boards. The athletic record of the college has been highly creditable, and justly the pride of its :?tudent body, in all recent years. The strong religious character of the iuatitution, wholly free from uarroT^ seotariauis^m, has been a marked characteristic. In no school anywhere have higher ideals of Christian life and character been maintained; and couiparatively few students ha^e gone out from Its walls uniuflueu<«'d aud un- t<>u<'hed by the high ideals there taught, main- tained, aud illustrated in ])ersonal life. At thf rlose of the school, June, 190r», jhe foi- lovviui; wft.*! tlie corps of administration and in- REV. H. L. STETSON. D. D. LL. D. Des Moines College. 169 structiou, with the approximate dates of their en- tering the faculty, omitting iustruttois in the school of music, art, and oratory : President L. D. Osborn, 1905. Prof. J. P. Stephenson, 1887, English and philosophy. xMrs. F. T. Stephenson, 1887, liternture. Miss Flora E. Harris, 189 2, Greek. Prof. Homer R. Miller, I'JOl, Latin. Mrs. Ellen C. Miller,' 1901, history. Prof. L. B. White,' 190o, mathematics. Miss Charlene E. Sperry, 1902, German. Prof. G. F. Dasher, 1904, science. Miss Harriet Ruth Aitchiaou, 190o, French. Prof. W. C. MacNaul, 1906, history and political economy. Prof. Forbes B. Wiley, 190 C. W. Goddart, Rev. Dr. H. L. Stetson, Dr. E. C. Spinney, James Callanan, and Deacon W. H. Hendricks, of Des Moines; Mrs. S. R. Bowen, Marshalltown; Mrs. D. A. Belden, Grinnell; Prof. N. E. Goldthwait and Levi Colvin, Boone; Charles Bofink, Jeffer- son; Hon. W. L. Joy, A. S. Garretson, Sioux City; J. R. Vaughan, Mrs. Martha E. Smith, and Mrs. E. B. Smith. Waterloo; Hon. L. Dwelle, Northwood; William H. Hughes. Davenport; Mrs. H. E. Worthington, Cumberland; Mrs. ' Resigned. 170 loiua Baptist Schools. L. W. Hersey, Waukon; Dr. W. A. Hines, Manchester; C. W. Paine, Westside; Hon. John Leonard and J. F. Tate, VViuterset; Clyde E. Joy, Keokuk; H. I. Fosket and father, Shenandoah; William Long, ludianola; J. S. Wheeler, Mason City; B. S. Plimpton, Denison; Dr. W. M. Plimpton, Glenwood; A. D. St. Clair, Hampton; Fred Miller, Wood- ward; Rev. G. F. Reinking, Des Moines; J. M. Straham, Malvern. Alumni Directory, College of Liberal Arts. Abernethy, Herbert A., A.B., 1899, lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. Adams, Helen Grace, A.B., teacher, Newton. Adams, Lawrence J., S.B., 1902, farmer, Fort Dodge. Aitchisou, John Young, A.B., 1893, clergyman, Gales- burg, 111. Aitehinson, Harriet Ruth, Ph. B., 1901, teacher, Des Moineo College. Atkinson, Arthur W., A.B., 1898, clergyman, Manhattan, Kansas. Bacon, Jessie R., Ph.B., teacher, Osage. Bacon, Kittie (Mrs. D. I. Coon), A.B., 1899, Waverly. Baker, Ezra L., Ph.B., 1906, student U. of C, Chicago, 111. Baldwin, Nellie Love, Ph.B., 19 00, high school principal, Atlantic. Bale, G. A., Ph.B., 1893 clergyman, Haquaim, Wash. Barker, Guy, S.B., 189 7, merchant. Plover. Barker, Maude Lee, S.B., 19 00, Colorado Springs, Colo. Bateson, F. W., A.B., 1895, clergyman, Belvidere, 111. Beaman, H. G., A.B., 1895, clergyman, Waterloo. Bennett, Bird E., A.B., 1898, Des Moines. Bessee, Clara E., Ph.B., 1903, teacher, Fort Dodge. Bowman, Ella M., A.B., 1902, teacher California. Brasted, Alva J., S.B., 1902, clergyman, Lisbon, N. D. Brenton, Eva (Mrs. McColl), L.B., 1891, Perry. Bronson, Bertram F., A.B., 1906, student U. of C, Chi- cago, 111. Campbell, Lenora (Mrs. W. A. Guild), S.B., 19 00, Des Moines. Canine, W. P., A.B., 1896, clergyman, Toledo. Cassady, L. M., S.B., 1893, druggist, Denison. Caul, A. W., A.B., 1896, clergyman, Vinton. Chittum, Roscoe S., A.B., 3 902, student, Trevor Hall, Rochester, N. Y. Christ, Amy (Mrs. Jones), S.B., 1881, Laguna, N. M. Clark, Roy P., S.B., 1897, business, Ottumwa. Clifford, Wesley N., S.R., 1893, superintendent of schools. Council Bluffs. Coffin, Nate B., S.B., 1881, lawyer, Des Moines. Des Moines College. 171 ^ Colby, H. E., Ph.B., 1899, editor, Wateiioo. Colver, Author F., A.B., 19 05, student, Newton Center, Mass. Colvin, Auburn, S.B., 1905, Springfield, 111. Cotvin, W. E., Ph.B., 1896, merchant, Ida Grove. Cotman, Perry, S.B., 1879, journalist, Minneapolis, Minn. Crane, Arthur W., A.B., 1903, teacher, Corrall. Curtis, John A., A.B., 1895, missionary, Kanigiri, India. Cutler, W. Alden, Ph.B., 1903, lawyer, Wessington Springs, S. D. Dakin, C. L., A.B. 1895, clergyman, Massena, N. Y. Daniels, Lola (Mrs. Parker), A.B., 1896, East Paris, Me. Davies, George R., A.B., 1899, principal, Armenia, N. D. Davis, Minnie M., Ph.B., 1906, student, Chicago, 111. Davis, Myrtle E., A.B., 19 06, student, Chicago, 111. Delmage, Vera Z. (Mrs. Crane), Ph.D., 1904, deceased. Dewey, Frank H., Ph.B., 1892, lawyer, Des Moines. Jessie L. Duboc, A.B., 19 02, Oskaloosa. Mildred Dunning (Mrs. R. B. Bdmundsou), Ph.B., 19 05. Billings, Okla. Duboc, Jessie (Mrs. R. B. Edmundson), Ph.B., 1905, Billngs, Okla. Earl, John A., A.B., 1892, clergyman, Chicago, 111. Edmundson, Robert B., Ph.B., 1903, lawyer, Billings, Okla. Estle, Roy R., S.B., 1904, farmer, Minburn. Estle, William T., S.B., 1906, farmer, Minburn. Ferguson, William L., A.B., 1892, missionary, Madras, Indiai Foulk, Frank E., S.B., 1901, physician, Des Moines. Fowle, Walter I., A.B., 1902, clergyman, Ames. Fowler, Laura (Mrs. F. E. E. St. Clair), Ph.B., 1902, Hampton. Fowler, Maude, Ph.B., 1900, Jefferson. Frees, Caroline (Mrs. L. B. White), Ph.B., 1903, Kala- mazoo, Mich. Fuller, Benjamin G., Ph.B., 1891, lawyer, Des Moines. Garlock, Cora (Mrs. Guy Barker), S.B., 1899, Plover. Garner, William A., S.B., 1902, physician, Ida Grove. Gillett, E. H., Ph.B., 189 4, clergyman, Cherokee. Goodell, Fred W., S.B., 1899, business, Garwood, Tex. Graves, Edward A., Ph.B., 1895, teacher, deceased, 1903. Griffiths, Jennie (Mrs. Jensen), A.B., 1880, deceased, 1902. Groesbeck, Adam F., A.B., 1894, missionary, Chao-Yang, via Swatow, China. Groesbeck, Fred L., A.B., 1901, lawyer, Des Moines. Groesbeck, Ruth B., Ph.B., 1905, teacher, Lorimer. Guild, Ellie B., A.B., 1879, physician, New York City. 172 Iowa Baptist Scliools. Guild, William Alva, A.B., 19 00, pliysiciau, Des Moines. Hagenian, Arthur C, A.B., 19 04, missionary, Paris, 111. Halstead, Grace, A.B., 1900, teacher, Toledo. Hawkins, E. Jane, Ph.B., 19 05, teaclier, S. C. I., Sac City. Heath, H. A., A.B., 1893, clergyman, Wakefield, Mass. Hunn. Charles E., Ph.B., 1889, lawyer, Des Moines. Hurley, H. H., Ph.B., 1897, clergyman, Belvidere, 111. Jackley, John J., A.B., 1902, business, Pierre, S. D. Jennings, Winifred, Ph.B., 1904, teacher, Corning. Kimball Thomas E., A.B., 1896, clergyman, deceased, March 18, 19 05. Kingsbury, Mary R. (Mrs. H. E. Persons), Kalamazoo, Mich. Kriugel, Beulah M., A.B., 1905, teat "ler, Lewis, 111. Kringel. Mary L., A.B., 1905, student, U. 'of C, Chicago, 111. Lar ', W. K., A.B., 1896, editor, Lawton, Mich. Lai 'am, Anna (Mrs. F. L. Groesbeck), Ph.B., 1901, Des Moines. Lathrop, Frances E., Ph.B., 1895, teacher, Waukon. Latimer, James V., A.B., 1899, missionary, Hunchow, China. Latimer, Thomas E., A.B., 19 04, Newark, N. J. Lee, Ella (Mrs. W. P. Canine), A.B., 1896, Toledo. Lee, George W., A.B., 1896, principal, S. C. I., Sac City. Lee, Judson F., A.B., 19 04, student, U. of C, Chicago, 111. Lee, Royal W., Ph.B., 19 04, Wick. Leemon, Harry K., A.B., 1901, lawyer, Chicago, 111. Lelaud, Nellie (Mrs. Franklin Brown), Ph.B., 1901, Des Moines. Lovett, W. P., A.B., 1899, clergyman. Grand Rapids, Mich. Lowrey, Clara B., A.B., 1902, Corning. Lov/rey, Leulla M., A.B., 1905, Corning. Lucas, Nellie E., Ph.B., 1905, Des Moines. Macy, Wenonah E., Ph. B., 1898, teacher, Des Moines. Magee, James D., A.B., 1902, teacher, Manhattan, Kan. Martin, Addie (Mrs. E. H. McVey), Ph.B., 1894, de- ceased, 1905. McCracken, George L., S.B., 1878, journalist, Chicago, 111. McKay, Adelaide L., L.B., 1893, La Porte, Tex. McKay, Arthur N., Ph.B., banker, 1890. La Porte, Tex. McKay, Edwin B., Ph.B.. 1888, teacher, deceased, 1897. McKlveen. Katherine (Mrs. J. M. P. Smith), A.R., 1896, Chicago, 111. McManus, Thomns. A.B., 1895, physician. Waterloo. McVev, W. P., A.H., 1892, college president, Abington. 111. Bes Moines College. 173 Mentzer, Mabel (Mrs. Ralph Patt), A.B., 1901, Kansas City, Mo. Miller, Ella L., A.B., 1875, missionary, Wraugell, Alaska. Miller, H. C, Ph.B., 189 8, clergyman. Fond dii Lac, Wis. Miller, James M., A.B., 1875, lawyer, Rossland, B. C. Miller, May (Mrs. Black), S.B., 189 0, Norwalk. Mills, Ernest O., A.B., 1906, teacher, Idaho Falls, Ida. Moore, C. H. H., A.B., 1896, clergyman. New Hartford. Moore, Hugh F., A.B., 1898, clergyman, Vinita, I. T. Miyamori, Seuji, A.B., 1902, student, Chicago, 111. Nash. Jennie C. (Mrs. C. J. Rose), A.B., 1878, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Nelson, Frank B., Ph.B., 1901, teacher, Atlantic. North. William A., Ph.B., 1900, business, Spokane, Wash. Norton, James L., A.B., 1900, surveyor, Yuma, Ariz. Norton, Adda (Mrs. F. L. Kern), A.B., 1893, teacher, Des Moines. Ogg. Mason C, S.B., 1901, farmer, Fairmount. Osborne B. F.. S.B., 187 7, druggist, Rippey. Osgood. Henry D., S.B., 1881, business, Marsailles, 111. Page, A. C, A.B., 1895, physician, Des Moines. Page, Eva C, Ph.B., 1902, teacher, Illinois Women's College, Jacksonville, 111. Painter, Charles, S.B., 1879, journalist. Schuyler, Neb. Partch, Mary (Mrs. Wilkins), Ph.B.. 1898, Tacoma. Wash. Parrish, M. C, A.B., 1904, missionary. Patterson, C. F., A.B., 1898, physician, Ankeny. Pederson, J. H., Ph.B., 1901, St. Paul, Minn. Phillips, Nelson G., A.B.. 1876, farmer, Cambridge, Ida. Plimpton, Elfleda (Mrs. Alfred Fisher), Ph.B., 1898, Tacoma, Wash. Plimpton, Lilian (Mrs. S. H. Black), L.B., 1891, Cen- tralla. Wash. Plimpton, Robert P., A.B., 1896, physician, Denison. Plimpton, William M., A.B., 1893, physician, Glenwood. Reed. William W., A.B., 1897, superintendent of schools, Lisbon, N. D. Rex, E. Monroe, A.B., 1903, clergyman. Lake City. Rice, A. C, Ph.B., 1903, teacher, Rangoon, Burma. Rice, James, A.B., 1880, lawyer, Osceola. Richardson. Elizabeth (Mrs. W. Alden Cutler), A.B., 1903, W^essington, S. D. Richardson, Walter G., A.B., 1903, Des Moines. Rogers, Lewis B., A.B., 1904, missionary. Rollinson, Emma (Mrs. J. E. Griffiths), A.B., 1897, Alta Loma, Tex. Rosa, C. J., A.B., 1878, clergyman. Mount Vernon, O. Rowat, Harry, S.B,, 1901, physician, Albia. 174 Iowa liaptist ScJwolfi. Shoemaker, IJiiuiel M., S.B., ISO 8, city batteriologist, St. Louis, Mo. Schull, D. C, S.B., 1881, lawyer, Sioux City. Schull, David S., S.B., 1888, banking, deceased, 1891. Smith, J. M. P., A.B., 1893, professor, U. of C, Chicago, 111. Smith, Linnie, Ph.B., 19 00, teacher, Toledo, O. Sneath, George, Ph.B., 1902, student, Rochester, N. Y. Stanley, Mary (Mrs. Arthur Crane), A.B., 1903, Carroll. St. Clair, Anrelia, A.B., 1906, Hampton. St. Clair, F. B. E., S.B., 1901, physician, Hampton. St. Clair, Winnie (Mrs. Will Ferguson), A.B., 1895, St. Louis, Mo Stetson, Bertha M. (Mrs. Trevor Arnett), A.B., 1894, Chicago, 111. Storey, W. E., A.B., 1892, clergyman. First Baptist church, Sacramento, Cal. Stoughton, H. A., A.B., 1898, clergyman, Windom, Minn. Swanson, .Joseph, A.B., 1890, clergyman, deceased. Tandy, A. W., A.B., 1904, student, U. of C, Chicago, 111. Tate, Homer G., S.B., 1902, Evanston, 111. Thompson, S. H., A.B., 1899, Rock Island, 111. Townsend, Henry S., A.B., 1880, business, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands. Treloar, Joseph E., L.B., 1893, clergyman, Ogden, Utah. Troyer, L. E., Ph.B., 1893, missionary, Soamo, Porto Rico. Troyer, W. L., S.B.. 1897, clrgyman, Gothenburg, Neb. Turrill, Will H., Ph.B., 1903, business, Oak Park, 111. Twomliley, Eva, A.B., 1901, Des Moines." Waldo, W. A., Ph.B., 1893, clergyman, Wilson Avenue Baptist church, Cleveland, O. Walker, Etta (Mrs. R. P. Plimpton"), Ph.B., 1897, Denl- son. Walter, Marion, Ph.B., 1889, lawyer, Kendall, Mont. Welch, Rol)in L., A.B., 1900, lawyer, Knoxville. Wheeler, Frances (Mrs. Brownell), A.B., 18 88, Sac City. Wilkes, Winifred, Ph.B., 1905, teacher. West Branch.. Willis, Katherine G., A.B., 1895, teacher, W. H. S., Des Moines. Woodard, Olive (Mrs. Mason C. Ogg), A.B., 1901, Fair- mount. CHAPTER VII. Some Notable Movements for Co-ordination 1870-1S74. Report f>f the Western Advisory Oommittee. At a Baptist state conTention held hi the city of Plonghkee])sie, X, Y., in October, 1867, tliere developed, under the providence of God, a very unusual interest in the subject of higher education witiiin and for the denomination in that state. Out of the interest there awakened the Baptist Educational Comniission was formed January 1, 1868. Its object was two-fold: To promote education, and the increase of the ministry in the Baptist denomination; to create and foster in our churches and congregations such a general interest in the higher forms of education as should lead to the wider and more effective use by our people of the institutions of learning which we have estab- lished, and to stimulate and sustain by prayer to the Lord of the harvest, and by all proper endeavors, such replenish- ment of our ministry as is required by the magnitude of our numbers, and the greatness of the Christian work which God has committed to our hands. Two years later the president and secretary of this commission, Samuel Colgate, and S. S. Cut- ting, issued a call for a national convention, to meet in tlie city of Brooklyn, April 10, 1870, "liav- ing for its object the consideration of questions of common interest relating to the character and work of our institutions of learning, the increase and increased intelligence of our ministry, and the advancenifMit of education in the great body of our 175 176 Iowa Baptist Schools. peoi)l(\" To this call were also appended (lie fol- lowing names: Alex Caswell, president. Brown University. M. B. Anderson, president, Rochester University. E. G. Robinson, president, Rochester Theological Sem- inary. E. Dodge, president, Madison University. J. R. Looniis, president Lewlsburg University. Alvah Hovey, president, Newton Theological Seminary. Henry G. Weston, president, Crozer Theological Sem- inary. G. W. Samson, president, Columbia College, D. C. Not only were these presidents upon the pro- gram for addresses, but many others, Presidents Ciurmidin of (/olbv, Greene of Worcester, Ray- mond of X'assar, lioardman of Crozer, Curry and Jeter (»f Virginia, Boyee and Broadus of Ken tu(ky, Mitchell of Shurtletf, Stearns of Chicago, Talhot of Deiiison, Cregory of Kalamazoo, and many other notable men in the denomination. Tw(^nty states sent delegates, and moT'e than thirty of the leading schools of the countiT. ^lany Htirring addresses were delivered by the aldi^st men (»f that day, such as Presidents Hovey, Greene, Anderson, Pobin.^on, Caswell, Dodge, Ea- ton, Loomis, Raymond, and Xorthru]). Stirring discuss iotis were had by su<'h men as Colgate, Harknoss, Judson, Kendrick, Bright, Boardman, ^lo,nv4*ii(ion. Whereas. There is a very general desire for uuion, and so far as practicable, consolidation of our educational inter- ests In Iowa, and. Whereas, In submitting the «iuestion of locality to a convention, the following points have been acquiesced in by the executive boards of the Des Moines and Pella schools: 1. Thai (he convention be composed of delegates from the churches and existing boards; that each church in the state shall be entitled to one delegate, and one additional delegate if its membership exceed one hundred, and that each of the existing boards be entitled to three delegates. 2. That any locality may compete for the location with assurance of due consideration of its claims. 8. That they will at an early date appoint a committee to receive veritable propositions, report the same to the convention, and. Therefore, the undersigned, after considerable considera- tion and correspondence, unite in calling upon the Baptists of Iowa to convene in convention, at Iowa City, on the 12th day of July, 1870, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m., to consider our educational inteiests, and decide the locality for the Baptist University of Iowa. Rev. .1. E. Lockwood, Rev. D. H, Cooley, Rev. Rich. King, Rev. A. Chapin, Rev. C. T. Tucker, Rev. .1. F. Childs, Calvin Craven, J. T. Mercer, .1. W. Denison, S. Harbert. Rev. P. S. Whitman, Rev. George Scott, Rev. S. H. Mitchell, Rev. E. Eaton, Rev. W. L. Hunter, Rev. W. R. Pattison, Rev. J. T. Westover, Rev. T. R. Cressey, Prof. A. N. Cur- rier, Rev. J. Sunderland, Rev. O. A. Holmes, Rev. J. V. DeWItt, Rev. J. C. Otis, Rev. J. R. Shanafelt, Rev. O. T. Conger, Rev. T. F. Thickstun, Rev. T. H. Jiidfeon. Rev. N. B. Homan, Rev. T. W. Powell, Rev. O. S. Cnttenden, Rev. E. Qunn, Hon. B. G. Bowen. E. H. SCARFF. In the issue for July 7, the call is repeated with tlie folh)wing addition : The above call contemplates a convocation of Baptists whose action must have a very Important bearing upon the educational interests of the denomination in this state. And as the action locating a first class college or university is to affect the whole Baptist brotherhood of the whole state of Iowa, it is hoped and expected that the pastors and friends of education in all parts of the state will inter- est themselves In this work and bring it before their people. It is greatly to be desired that the friends of education in all parts of the state take a comprehensive view of the 180 Iowa Baptist Schools. enterprise and keep the single object of the convention before them, 'One Baptist University for Iowa." Let the will of the majority be law and heartily acquiesce in their decision. In tlie snino issue Pastoi' F. Adkins, of Iowa City, says : By request of Prof. Scarff I have secured for delegates attending the convention at Towa City, July 12, a reduc- tion of fare. Jnne 28, the followiiiii rocord a|t]>ears at Bur- lington : On motion of E. A. Van Meter, Hon. J. M. Beck, president of the Ijoard; T. W. Newman, secretary; and H. H. Hawley, vice president; were appointed a committee to represent this board at the educational convention at Iowa City on the 12th of July, with full authority to fill vacancies if either member of said committee should fail to go. July 1, tlie executive board at I )es Moines also apj)ointe(l its president, liev. J. T. AVestover, of Keokuk, Secretary J. A. Nasli, and the A-enerahh^ liev. T. R. Cressey, deh'j>aa]»tist church at the time and i>lace api>ointed. A list of the dele- H'ati^s i>resent, with copy of th«' proceed inin's, Avould doubtless furnish an intei-esliiiii, link in this chain of history, as it was at the time considered a i'e]>resentative i»atherini»' of l>aptisls. Probably, the deleiiates a]>i)ointed by the Des ]\roines (\)ll(\i»e board were ]>resent, namely: Tlev. J. T. Westover, Keokuk; Rev. J. A. Nash, Des JMoines, and Rev. T. R. Cressey, Des ^Nfoines. Amono' |h(» othei-s the f. Hoiutiii, rairview; Miltuu lieni- ley, Auaniosa; liev. L. V\'. HayUurst ami T. W. ^'e^\luall, lUiilinj^ton; ami IJev. Dexter P. Smith, Iowa < Mty. Tlie I'olloNN iiii; i-es(>luti(»iis were adopted imau- imously : 1. That it is the sense of this convention that our educa- tional institutions at Burlington, Pella, and Des Moines, hold themselves as, and attempt only the work ot tirst class academies, and that as such we recommend the Baptist denomination ol Iowa to cordially and liberally sustain them by their prayers, their patronage, and their means, provided that this resolution shall not be interpreted as a bar to the selection by this convention of either of these institutions as the one Baptist college of Iowa. 2. That it is the sense of this convention that the Bap- tists of the state should unite in establishing one college, raising at least $;")(), U0(» as additional endowment, when some suital)le locality shall contribute $50,000 at least for endowment, besides proper buildings and grounds. 3. That a committee of five, representing as far as pos- sible, all parts of the state, and not officially connected witli eitlier of tlie existing institutions, \)e appointed to receive propositions to locate the i)roposed Baptist college. Members of committee named were Baton, Barron, Wood- worth, and Gregory. ' The annual meeting of the J)e^s Moiue?^ Collej^e board eou\eiied .June 15, luit adjourned on aeeouut of the proposed Iowa City meeting, to July 11, 1870. At this adourned meeting the rollowiug re[)oit was submit tc'd by the secretary of the com- mittee : Tlie educational convention at Iowa City lias been lield and adjourned. The general result was an almost unan- imous re.solve to go on immediately to establish a college which shall unite the entire denomination. A resolution was also adopted with nearly the ■ same unanimity to locate at some suitable place which, in addi- tion to proper buildings and grounds, shall lay down a subscription of $.")0,O00 endowment on an equal sum raised by the denomination abroad. It becomes us to see that the amount required by this resolution shall be duly raised 'Iowa City Republican, .fuly 20, 1870. 182 loica Baptist Schools. and presented to the committee appointed, which will make its final report at the state convention to assemble in Des Moines in October next. Until such final action be taken, but few measures looking largely to the future can perhaps be prudently adopted. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Nash, secretary. * The conveutiou at Des IMoines met October 24, as per adjournmeut of the Iowa Citj meeting. lu the absence of any minutes of the meeting, the foHowing report of it, published in the Daily Des ]Moines Register of October 25, is inserted: The convention assembled in accordance with its adjournment at Iowa City, July last. Order was called by Dr. Eaton, who announced the fact of the appointment of a committee of five, at the meeting in July, to receive propositions for the location of the proposed Baptist col- lege. The minutes of the meeting held in Iowa City were read as a matter of information. The committee on location of college, reported that the duties assigned had been performed in accordance with the conditions required, but no propositions for the location of the institution were reported. It was voted that any delegate to the state convention be entitled to a seat in the educational convention. A motion to adjourn was here lost, after which Mr. Hayhurst took the floor and addressed the convention upon some questions of importance, which were suggested at the meeting in Iowa City — and important one, academic educa- tion. From an intimate acquaintance with the Baptist uni- versities, Mr. Hayhurst stated it as his conviction, that there is needed a general educational revival with the denomination. The Baptist institutions of the state are largely supported by the patronage of other denominations, or by the people of no particular religious predilections. Mr. Hayhurst suggested the propriety of abandoning the idea of establishing another school at the present, and that the efforts of the denomination be turned to the developing of a general educational revival. Dr. Hanley thought the best way to promote an educa- tional revival, to be the establishment of such a school as proposed, and accordingly, offered a resolution looking to the support of such an institution of learning at the capital of the state. Rev. Mr. Worcester desired to know what kind of a school is proposed to be established, whether ;i first class academy or a flrBt rlanf: univf^rFity. ^ Des Moines College Record, 1865-1878, p. 174. Report of Western Advisory Committee. 183 Dr. Hanley explained that he thought it possible to sup- port a flrat class college in Des Moines. Mr. Tilley thought there was a want of definiteness in the ftction of the convention. Mr. Prescott thought the Baptists of Iowa needed but one college; but it must not be expected that such an institution will come to maturity at once; it is a thing of Blow growth. Thought the denomination was allowing itself to be outstripped by other denominations. He wished to see this body take hold of the matter and locate an institution somewhere. The resolution offered by Dr. Hanley was laid on the table. A motion made to go into committee of the whole, for a miscellaneous discussion of the subject of education, was lost. A motion to consider the resolution before the conven- tion at Iowa City prevailed. The resolution is as follows: Resolved, That the sum of $50,000 be raised by the Bap- tists of this state, toward the endowment of a college, whenever any suitable locality for the purposes of the col- lege, shall furnish the proper grounds and buildings, and in addition a fund of at least $50,000 as a further endow- ment. A motion to re-affirm the action of the convention at Iowa City, in relation to the foregoing resolution, drew forth a lengthy and animated discussion. Judge Mott spoke earnestly in favor of taking a forward step in the matter. He did not wish the matter laid over another year. He had long waited for the denomination to establish a college worthy of its name. If other men had time to wait, he had not. Prof. Scarff thought the denomination had squandered means and labor long enough. It ought now to devise more liberal means. Mr. Holmes believed the time already at hand for the church to take measure for the establishment of an insti- tution. He believed propositions for its location would come in, as soon as assurances were given that the strength of the denomination will be directed to its support. He believed it the true policy of the church to give up local institutions and concentrate its efforts upon one. Mr. Schofield gave reasons why the church in Des Moines had not moved in the matter. In view^ of the fact that the church has already a school located here, he thought this the place to locate the university, and he beliered the $50,000 could be raised. Mr. Nash strongly opposed the plan of selling their col- lege by bidding for the propositions. If the convention will 184 Iowa Baptist Schools. make a direct proposition to Des Moiues to locate a college there, then the people of Des Moines are ready to talk dol- lars and cents. iMr. Shanafelt stated that in conversation with a leading business man in Des Moines, it was intimated to him that, if the church could allow a year or eighteen months for raising the $50,000, and with proper assurance on the part of the church, that the amount could and would be raised. After a discussion of nearly two hours, the previous question was called by Mr. Rupert, which occasioned a sharp and somewhat confused discussion upon a point of order, resulting in the withdrawal of the call for the previous question. A vote was then taken upon an amendment to the original •resolution, making a direct proposition to Marshalltown, which amendment was adopted. The following substitute was then offered by Mr. Cooley, which was adopted by the convention with but two dis- senting votes: Resolved, That the convention unite in making Des Moines the seat of the one Baptist college, and pledge our- selves to raise $50,000 as an additional endowment; pro- vided that Des Moines raise $50,000, in addition to the present grounds and buildings, by July 1, 1871. If the city of Des Moines fail to raise, in good reliable pledges, this sum, by the specified time, we make the same proposition to Marshalltown. On motion of Judge Mott, an executive committee of five was appointed to superintend the raising of the proposed fund, on the part of the church, in case the proi)osition be accepted by the city of Des Moines. The committee are Judge Mott, chairman; Nash, Holmes, Eaton, and Sunder- land. By vote of the convention the time fixed for raising the $50,000, on the part of the church, is one year from January 1, 1871. Adjourned to meet at the call of the executive committee. Immediately on adjournment of the education conven- tion, the state convention was called to order by Judge Mott, to finish up some unfinished business, after which it adjourned sine die. The good people who atteiiurliugton, three at Shurtleff, and one at Kochester, N. Y. This was becjiuse Dr. Dexter 1*. Smith was secretary of tlu* union, and AA liatever he undertook to do he did Avith a will. The next year. May 24-25, 1871, there assembled in the First Kaptist church, Chicago, another large body of representatiA'e leaders in the denomination. It met under the call of the Avestern advisory com- mittee, and the convention Avas again o})ened by Dr. S. S. Cutting, secretary of tlie national com- mission, folloAved by another array of able paper;; and addresses. Among the number present are seen many familiar names, such as Alvah Dovey, ]Marliii 1>. Anderson, Henry G. Weston, vSamsou Talbot, A. H. Strong of Ohio, Kendall Brooks, II. L. Morehouse, A. Owen, and EdAvaid Olney of Michigan, H. L. Wnyland and Silas Tucker of Indiana, O. W. Northi'up, A. N. Ariudd, W A^'. Everts, J. Bulkley, William M. ITaigh, aud J. A. Smith of Illinois; also thirty delegates and visitors from ToAva, most of them representative men in 186 Iowa Baptist Schools. their localities, but very few of the number no?k' living. They ^\ ere as follows : Des iMoines University — Rev. J. V. Bchofield, Rev. Luth«r Stone, Rev. J. W. Denison. Iowa Baptist Union — Rev. Thomas Biaude, Rev. J. F. Childs, Rev. D. H. Cooley, Rev. S. K. Leavitt, Rev. Dexter P. Smitli, D. D. Cedar Valley Seminary — Prof. Alva Bush, Rev. H. H. Burringtou, Rev. A. T. Cole, O. A. Goodhue, M. D., Rev. Asa Marsh. Visitors — Rev. George M. Adams, Rev. P. Adkius, Hon. J. M. Beck, Rev. C. Brooks, F. M. Bruner, Rev. N. S. Bur- ton, D. D., Rev. R. A. Clapy, Rev. O. L. Crittenden, Prof. Amos N. Currier, Rev. R. R. Hanley, Rev. L. W. Hayhurst, Rev. Robert Leslie, A. Mink, Rev. C. H. Remington, Rev. E. P. Savage, Rev. J. N. Seeley, Rev. P. S. Whitman. A tJiird convention met at Philadelphia in Ma}', 1872, at which many new names of men then and since prominent in American Baptist history' took part, lowd was represented by Presidents Dunn and Nash. Judge Francis Way land presided, and Barnas iSears delivered the opening address. The proceedings of both these meetings were published, tlie latter lilling over two hundred pages. Tlie primary purpose of these great gatherings and discussions was to awaken a wider and deeper interest among out- people in supporting and filliug up our academies, colleges, and theological schools as agencies for carrying forward and stiengtliening the churches in the work of world e\aiigclization. The trend of discussion was in favor of establishing and maintaining one college or university in each state, as far as practicable, with as many academies as could hope to receive ade(iuate c.jnipmen' and eudowmfMit, and tijcn to unite in raising them to the liighest efficiency. These meetings made a profound impression upon the denomination. Througli their publislied proceedings, and through the denominational press, Report of Western Advisory Committee. 187 a marked impetus was giveu to the work of the schools generally, and a wide interest awakened in the denomination. To carry forward this great Avork the organiza- tion of the American Uaptist Educational Com- mission A\as completed, with an executive commit- tee in New York, and eastern, southern, and west- ern advisory committees at Boston, liichmond, and Chicago. The Avestern advisory- committee con- sisted of Drs. J. A. Hmith, G. A\ . Northrup, Jesse B. Thomas, G, S. Bailey, A. A. Kendrick, and J. H. Griffith of Illinois, Kendall Brooks of Michigan, Hampson Talbot of Ohio, Henry Day of Indiana, Ijexter P. ^mith of Iowa, Daniel Bead of Min- nesota, and Milo P. Jewett of Wisconsin. It A\ as through this Avestern ad\-isor3- committee, after consultation with Central and Des Moines Colleges, that Dr. S. S. Cutting, of New York, came to Iowa City, October 31, 1872, to consult representatives of these schools in regard to unify- ing the AYork in Iowa. Pella and Des Moines sent delegates, each school having a representative and accredited delegation at the meeting. There were present from Central College, Presi- dent L. A. Dunn, Rev. E. C. Spinney, pastor of Baptist church at Pella ; Kev. Daniel Jewett, Bella, and others. From Des Moines, Kev. J. P. Childs; Oskaloosa, A. Abernethy, and others. Burlington was represented by letter. After the meeting was called to order in the Baptist church, Dr. S. S. Cutting, of New York, secretary of the Am. Baptist Educational Commis- sion, stated the object of his visit to tlie state, to- wit, to ex|)ress the desires of himself personally and of the executive committee of the national com- 188 Iowa Baptist Schools. mission to render any aid in their power toward ►securing unit}' and co-operation of ettort among tile iUiptist scliools of tlie state. . Tile representatives of tlie schools were invited to present their views regarding the situation and the most favorable method of securing the end souglit. After listening to the views of the lepresentatives of the two schools, they were each asked, if they desired to have a committee from the national commission visit the state and examine the situation personally, with a view to gi\'ing advice, liepreseutatives from both schools ex- pressed such a desire. They were asked if they weic v»i!ling to defiay their share of the expenses of such a visit. J>oth answered in the affirmative. They were furilier asked if their schools would pledge to abide by the result of the commission's decision, if rendered. Koth replied that sucli ])Ower had not been delegated to tlieui. At this meeting the writer copied and has pre- ser\ ed the following summary of President Dunn's statement of Central's claim for consideration as the place for locating the Iowa IJaptist college. Iowa City, Iowa, October 31, 1872. Central University of Iowa, founded in 1853, lias now a tliree story (and basement) l)uildiug, Ijrick, 40 by 68 feet, eight acres (railroad cuts corner off). Value of prop- erty, $30,000; endowment, $15,000: mortgage, $2,000 for current expenses and agency. lias educated five editors, five physicians, fifteen ministers, twenty-four lawyers, four hundred teachers. Is in a place free from temptation, moral atmosphere. Easily sustained, easy of access, healthy, religious influence good, voters one-half Holland. Has (October 31. 1872.) seventeen in college classes, twenty-five seniois or suit- freshman students, seven teachers. Pledgv read by I'lesiilent L. A. Duuii: We, the undersigned, agree to pay the sums annexed to our names for every one thousand dollars paid into the treasury east of Chicago. Report of Western Advisory Committee. 181) It was filially agreed that the re|>res«^iitative8 of tlie two schools should iireseiit their elaiuis in writing to the western aflvisory committee at Chicago, with docnmentary evidence. At a s])ecial meeting of the Pes Moines College board, held Jnly 15, 1878, the following resohviion was ado]ited : In response to request of educational commission it was Resolved, That the board of trustees of the University of Des Moines hereljy sulamit the educational interests of the Baptists of Iowa, so far as they are concerned, to the western advisory committee and to the national educational commission, with au earnest desire for early counsel and advice, with the pledge on the part of said trustees to acquiesce in the decision of our commission in the matter. Adopted.^ A meeting was held in Chicago in December, 1r. Cutting with that view. In returning it. Dr. Cutting states that no meeting of the executive committee can be had before the last of Septeml)er, and advises that without waiting for the endorsement of that body the report be at once published. From Dr. Cutting's letter we take this paragraph: 'The dispassionateness and fidelity with which your com- mittee has performed its duty should be satisfactory to all men. You have shown no partiality, except for the cause, and that the general and hearty adoption of your conclusion would promote the cause, seems to my mind very clear.' In another part of his letter he says, 'Should the ques- tion of an Iowa college ever he bi-onght east for securing contributions in money, and be submitted to the judgment of the executive committee, the facts and reasonings of disintere.'^ted western men, as set forth in this report, would be entitled to a very conclusive consideration in determining the recommendations of that committee.' Report of the Committee. The appointment of this committee was occasioned by a suggestion made some time since, that the question of location for the Baptist state college, in Iowa, having lie- come a complicated and difTicult one, should be referred to the executive co7rimittee of the National Baptist Educa- tional Commission, in New York. The reason for such reference was that brethren not heretofore enlisted in the question, and looking at the facts without committal in any sense, might be expected to give advice which the denomination in the state could follow v/ith good results. Brethren interested in the location at Des Moines were wiliing to so refer the question at-solutely. Those at Bella felt themselves with good reason, unable to do so, inasmuch as the property there held had been acquired with conditions and mutual understandings by which the board of trustees are honorably bound. Burlington having of late years come forward less actively as a claimant for the location the question of reference was there less con- sidered than in the other two cases. The arrangement In this form, however, having become impracticable by reason of the ill health of the secretary of the commission, which put it out of his power to visit the west at the present time, the reference proposed was finally made to the western advisory committee, by whom the undersigned were instructed, as a special committee, to visit the three points, Burlington, Fella, and Des MoineS; Report of Wesiern Advisori/ Committee. 191 and after inquiry and consultation, to report to the advisory committee what action in their judgment would in the circumstances be proper. The mission was a delicate one, and by no means without its difficulties. The committee have sought to discharge it with all deference to the judg- ment of Iowa brethren, with due consideration for the fact that only in peculiar circumstances, and even then only as expressly invited, could they with propriety have under- taken such a mission at all, and also and especially in a spirit of fidelity to the grave interests involved. The committee find institutions of learning established and in operation at all the three points named, each with more or less claim to represent the denomination in the state, in at least an incipient college organization, and each with evidence of denominational action, earlier or later, more or less distinctly recognizing this claim. Of these three institutions, that at Burlington stands first in point of age, having been founded in 1852. Pella dates from the year following, 1853. The school at Des Moines was opened in 1866. We find each institution in possession of real estate property, and endowment funds or subscrip- tions, as follows: At Burlington, the building and grounds, valued at $37,000; city lots, six in number, valued at $9,000; land in Missouri. $1,000; fund drawing interest, $13,000; total, $60,000. At Pella, building and grounds, $40,000; endowment subscriptions, unconditional. $10,500; scholarships. $8,186; other assets over all liabilities, $1,680; total. $60,266. Toward the endowment of $50,000, now being raised, there is also a subscription amounting to $20,852, conditioned upon the whole sum of $50,000 being secured. At Des Moines, building and grounds. $50,000; endowment subscriptions, $20,000; verbal pledge of a citizen of Des Moines, regarded as reliable, $10,000; total, $70,000. Upon the property there is a debt of $9,000, toward the payment of which $6,000 have been subscribed, leaving a balance of $3,000. At Burlington and Pella the property Is unencumbered. It will be seen that the figures given the committee at the three places sum up nearly the same. Of the three, however, Burlington alone has an endowment fund actually collected and invested; the endowments at the other two places being still in the form, at least mainly, of subscrip- tions and notes. We do not give the estimated values of library and apparatus, as these are highly imperfect in their character, especially at Pella and Des Moines; those at Burlington being superior to what we found at either of the other two places. The attendance of students the last year was, at Bur- lington, 65; at Pella, 204; at Des Moines, 160. As respects 192 loiia Baptist Schools. average age of t^tudents, Des Moines and Pella would seem to have the advantage of Buiiington, while Pella alone has had an organized college course, graduating two at its lust commencement. As respects denominational action, with reference to the adoption of one or the other of these institutions as the state college, the committee find that such action was had at conventions, either the state convention in its regular sessions, or conventions called especially with a view to this question. These special conventions, particularly as affecting Pella or Burlington, were held in the compara- tively early days of the state, when a representation from all parts of it was hardly practicable, so that but a small number of churches appeared by their delegates. The acts of the conventions were to a considerable extent conflif ting, in some instances directly so; being decided by the cir- cumstances of the friends of the one or the other school, finding the place of assembly convenient of access. The latest of these conventions, held, we lielieve, in 1870, and which seemed to strongly favor Des Moines, was not con- clusive in its results. This result took the form of a ])ropo- sition to the citizens of Des Moines that upon the condi- tion that $5 0,000 toward endowment should be raised by them, the denomination in the state would add another $50,000, and locate the college in Des Moines. The condi- tions of this offer were not met, and however, the action of this convention, said to have been a large and influential one, may be of value as indicating views of brethren as to the deslralileness of Des Moines as a site for the state col- lege, it can not be regarded in the light of a derision to locate the college there. Tn view of all, the committee are of the opinion that these acts of convention, viewed as expressions of the denominational will in the case, should be thrown out of the question. No one of them seems to have been such in its characeter and form as to pledge the whole of Iowa in favor of either one of tlie three locations. Meantime, it is only now, or very recently, that it has become practicable to judge of the whole question in the light of its true con- ditions. It seems necessary, before deciding where the educational center of the denomination in a great state shall be. to know where other things center, and this can only be after the state itself has acquired a considerable degree of development. We think it wiser for the Bap- tists of Iowa to look at the question, as much as possible, as if it were now a new one, and to try it faithfully upon its merits. The committee, besides, have felt it right to make much of the fact that both the state of Iowa and the deuomi- Report of Western Advisorjf Committee, 193 nation in it are justified in looking forward to and plan- ning for a great future. The recognized educational cen- ter should, we think, be chosen with a view to this. What will those who shall bear the denominational responsibility and do its work, after we have all finished our work, and have gone hence, see and say that the choice in this regard ought to have l)een, at the time when it was ))eing made? Under the pressure of this consideration the comniitlee have felt that they ought not to be too much influenced in their judgment and in the advice they give by the fact of a school, whether more or less advanced, already in existence fit either one of the three points named. They could say much of the enterprise and zeal shown at Burlington dur- ing the twenty-two years since the institution was founded; of the excellent work in education which has been done there in former years, and of that which is now- done under the judicious management of Prof. Wortmau. They might speak in very warm terms of the self sacrificing labor at Pella. of the new promise assumed l)y the insti- tution there, under the enterprising direction of Dr. Dunn, of the efficient services of its faculty and the earnest spirii .shown l)y its 1)oard of trustees and it financial agent. Rev. Mr. Wood. The alumni of both institutions numlier successful and useful men in perhaps all the professions, especially in the f^aptist ministry; and these former i)U])il.s remember the schools to which they owe so much with warm and grateful interest. The committee might liear testimony, also, to the excellent service in teaching by the faculty at Des Moines, and the honorable record which the institution there has already won among the schools of the state. The question, however, does not turn upon any of these considerations. What, in itself, and in if.s whole pi'oniise for the fnfiiro, is the true center of educa- tional i>laii.s and educational woi'k for the of Towa? This is the question submitted to this committee, and we dare not evade it, under any pretext whatever. The committee assume that the Ba])tists of Iowa wish their college to be in every respect deserving of the college name; that they do not accept any college in the state, of any denomination, nor even the state university itself, as representing all which they mean and propose when they speak of a Baptist college for Iowa. However, they may need time and enlarged opportunity for realizing their ideal, we do them the justice to proceed upon the assump- tion that this ideal is worthy of the denomination they represent, and that they are planning for a college wiiich shall one day equal the best. Inasmuch, besides, as the university name has been adopted in each of the three instances here considered, the committee presume that the 104 Jowa Baptist Schools. simple college does not complete the educational scheme inoposed, but that professional and scientific schools are contemplated, in addition, such as will justify the name of "university" so adopted. Proceeding upon this assumi>tion, the committee will briefly indicate those conditions of the question here examined which in their judgment should control its decision.: 1. The first necessity of an institiition projected upon this scale is adequate buildings. The new building now occupied at each of the places named is a fair one for the use of an academical or collegiate school. A complete organization would very soon find either of them, even the best, which is at Des Moines, quite inadequate. Under what conditions might it be hoped that such increase of buildings could be most readily and most seasonably secured? To the committee it seems clear that this will be in some place of considerable population, where the cit- izens have wealth and enterprise, and where a pride will ))e felt in having such buildings as complete and perfect as possible. 2. Next are endowments of professorships. The equip- ment, in this particular, of a first class college or university is a great undertaking. The original estimates for this pur- pose are almost always found inadequate. The effort must be renewed again, and yet again, with a coml)ination and use of all available advantages. The Baptists of Iowa will not only need to concentrate their strength in the work all that is possible, but to concentrate it at a ))oint where they will work with, not against the essential tendencies of things. They will need all the help they can possibly have from local interest on the part of opulent men. and all that can be gained through the ])restige of a location conceded to be in itself the best. Both in and out of the state, intelligent and thoughtful men will ask, as a first question, where is this great school to be located? What are to be its sur- roundings? What its local patronage? What influences tending to help forward a right training in students will the social character of the place supi)ly? What opportu- nities for contact with intellect, culture, those inspirations which quicken and which help to mould the student mind? If able to answer all such inquiries satisfactorily, the work of raising endowments need not be a forced work. The enterprise is its own justification, and men will see that they are asked to give money where, as an educational in- vestment, it has the promise of adequate returns. 3. The equipment of a college, or a university, apart from the professorship endowments, is in these times not only an important, but a difficult part of the undertaking. In nothing, perhaps, are the newer institutions of this Report of Western Adviaoru Committee, 195 kind more often found deficient and Inferior. Sisrh an institution needs, in this regard, to find friends among per- sons of wealth and culture who will feel an interest in helping forward its acquisitions in library or art store;;, or those who in the interest of science, will take pleasure in helping to provide it with apparatus or enrich it with museums. 4. Should an university organization be proposed, such an organization is really practicable, in these newer states. only at those points where the co-operation of professional men of talent and eminence can be secured, and where professional and scientific interest tends to concentrate. 5. It scarcely need be said that the most accessible and the most central location, other things being equal, is always to be desired. The committee are clear and unanimous in their judg- ment that there is only one place in Iowa where these several conditions are fulfilled in such a degree as to warrant the belief that an institution of a thoroughly creditable char- acter and of the grade proposed, can be there built up. They believe that these conditions are in an eminent degree fulfilled at Des Moines. Indeed, the beauty and salulirity of the place, the enterpri.'^e, wealth and oilture of its cit- izens, the natural concentration there, as the capital of the state, of talent, professional eminence, and social refine- ment, its accessibility, owing partly to the fact that it is geographically central to such an extended district, and partly to its present and prospective railway facilities, all, in the degree that we find them, seem to characterize it as one of the best, if not the best location for such an insti- tution as here proposed, to be found west of the Mississippi. The committee, too, have reason to believe that were the denomination in the state to energetically and unitedly enter upon the work of founding their state college or university there, the citizens would come forward liherally in aid of the enterprise. They have the assurance, also, from one of the foremost lawyers in Iowa, that simultaneously with the opening of a complete college course, a school of law mis^ht be opened under the tuition of some of the most eminent legal gentlemen in the state, the expenses of tuition l)eing met by the fees of students. So strongly are the committee influenced by these convic- tions, that they would regard themselves as delinquent to a most important trust, if they were to do otherwise than advise the denomination to make the very utmost of the splendid opportunity at Des Moines. That this city is the capital of the state ought not to be regarded as a serious objection. Indeed, the committee are of the opinion that considerable misapprehension pre- 106 loir a Baptist ScJiooIs. vails upon that subject. It is certain that Columbia Col- lege owes largely its present promise of a newer and luighter career to the fact of its location at the capital of the republic. It might not have found elsewhere so munif- icent a patron as Mr. Corcoran, nor, certainly, would there have been available for it the magnificent educational ap- paratus now offered it by the government, in the Smith- sonian Institute, the Patent Office, and the Congressional Library. Doubtless, a certain class of influences concentrate at the capital of the state or nation, which are undesirable; l)Ut these are to be found, more or less everywhere, while in the larger towns, with their more cultivated circles, there are social counteractions which in the smaller towns, where student habits find little to control them, are much less .sensibly realized. The tendency of the times, besides, is to fix the educational centers at those points, central in other respects, where helps of many kinds are found upon the spot, and impulse and inspiration are supplied to all surroundings of the school. Indeed, the competition among higher institutions is already so strong, and the standard of excellence increasingly so high, that this be- comes a necessity. The committee are particularly desirous not to be under- stood as implying any disparagement of the other two l^oints that have been named. Burlington affords very many of those advantages which we have indicated as desirable in the location chosen. We find there a popula- tion of some 25,000, with cultivated social elements, and large wealth on the part of other citizens, besides Baptists, which might be made available in the interest of a Baptist college. The fact, however, of the location upon the ex- treme eastern Ijorder of the state is, in the view of the com- mittee, an objection that becomes conclusive, when they find at Des Moines a central location with all those other advantages, and some, which at Burlington would be lack- ing, that belongs to Des Moines as the state capital. Pella is a pleasant ])rairie town, offering the advantages of quiet and comparative seclusion. We find there, how- ever, and we say it in all respect, very few of the recog- nized attributes of a university town. Its population of some 3,000 is one-half Hollander; tlie best, perhaps, of the various foreign elements among our people, but all the same not liltely to supply the sort of local help which Iowa Baptists will need to find in the great work of building their college. We feel bound by our convictions of duty to say that we think the prosecution of a first class college enterprise at Pella will be a work forced and difficult, and that the result must be doubtful and unsatisfactory for a long time to come. The location of the place so near Des Report of Westeiii Advisory Committee. 197 Moines creates a peculiar embarrassment in the determi- nation of this question. The fact that the board consider themselves pledged to a college organization is another dif- ficult element. If it were a question how to evade the complications of the present, we should decide for Pella, but as it is a question how to anticipate and provide for the certain claims of the future, we could not so decide without being false to our own clear convictions. Were our advice as to the location of the college for the state to be accepted, we should propose that the brethren at Pella be left to work on as they feel they must and best can; satisfied in our judgment, however, that their wisest aim would be a first class academical or col- legiate institute. \\'e would propose the same for Burling- ton, with the added suggestion that the preparatory course there be made more complete, by including in it Greek, and perhaps some other studies. The result of our inquiry and consultation l)eyond this is, that for the college or univer- sity that shall be their great work in education, the Bap- tists in Iowa should l)e advised to select their location at Des Moines. In conclusion, the committee would express their cordial appreciation of the courtesy and every way considerate attentions of brethren and friends at each of the three places visited. Every opportunity was afforded for obtain- ing the information needed, while in every respect their mission was made, in case it shall prove effectual to a good result, one which it will be always pleasant to recall. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Smith, M. P. Jewett, Kendall Brooks, Committee. Published by authority and in behalf of the western advisory committee of the National Baptist Educational Commission. J. A. Smith, chairman, G. S. Bailey, secretary. CHAPTER VIII. A Second Movement for Co-ordination The Coiiiniittee of Filtoeu. 1880-1886 Evidences oi: uiirest witbiu the denomination at the unsatisfactory' condition of our educational Avork in the state kept manifestiuj> themselves from time to time as the jears passed. In 1880, Ilev. D. D. I*ropei' Mas the pastor of the East Des Moines Baptist church, and also secre- tary of the Des Moines College board. lie A\'as fa- maliar with the several schools in a general way and knew of the public sentiment among Iowa Baptists regarding them. He had become thor- oughly impressed with their unsatisfactory condi- tion and outlook. Little was doing at Burlington. Dr. Dunn was about to give up work at Pella. There were but few students and a discouraging outlook at Des Moines, and a like condition exist- ed up at Osage. During the autumn of that year, Secretary IMoper took it upon himself to invite Drs. L. A. Dunn, of Bella, and xMva Bush of Osage, and Prof. D. F. Call, the prospective head of Des Moines, to a conference at his home. These brethren met according to ap- pointment and spent a day and most of the following night iji discussing the existing conditions and various proposilioiis hjoking (oward unilication. It was an informal conference held by mutual agreemeiil to inipiiie if «ome basis could 198 The Committee of Fifteen. 199 uot be devised for general actiou by tlie deuomiua- tiuu. No tangible ie«uU« eaine from the ineetiug, but it foreshadowed a seeoud notable movemeut for co-ordiuatiou. W'lieu tile slate eoiiveiiiiou met a little later at Mason City, J)r. JUisli presented the following resolution \\hieh was adopted: That in view of the recognized imijoitauce oi educational work in tlie state, a committee be appointed to report upon the present condition and worli of the various denomina- tional schools of tlie state, and recommend to this conven- tion at its next annual meeting such measures for their increased usefulness as they may deem wise. The eommitlee named were lievs. H. ( Jarton, \V. 1£. iStifier, C. IJ. iMoscrip, A. Robinson, li. 0. IJiistol, W. A. WVlseher, and T. J. Keith. At the next anniversary (his committee reported tiirough its chairman, "That tliey liad attended to their duties and desired simply to report progress.'" Other resolutions regai-ding education at this gathering were as follows: That the presidents of our denominational, colleges and schools be requested to confer together in recommending to our churches a day of prayer for our institutions of learn- ing. That we recognize tlie paramount importance of our educational work, especially in training and providing an efficient ministry; and we recommend to tlie cordial sup- port of the churches the new movements in our institutions of learning, and in the union for ministerial education look- ing in this direction. 31arch 2(1, 188:.', President (larduer, of Central College, jjrepared the following letter addressed to the Des ^loines College board, secured its a])- ]>roval by his executive committee, ami presented it to the l>es Moines board at a sjiecial session AjU'il 4, of that year : Gentlemen and brethren — The cause of liigher Christian and denominational education in our state is one of com- mon interest to you and to us. It is but too painfully 200 Iowa Baptist Schools. evident that in the past the Baytiat denomination has not done all it should have done in this direction. The causes which have led to this deficiency have been many, but spe- cially two, viz., a lack of interest and a division al' effort. It is greatly to be hoped that in the future, as our young but giant state shall come to its fuller development and maturity, the subject of higher education will come more and more to the front, and that our own denomination especially will see the need of educating our own sons and daughters in our own schools as a matter of denominational economy requisite for our growth and strength. In regard to the second point, it is of supreme moment that our divisions, and especially our local and personal prejudices and rivalries, should give place to union and harmony and combined effort. In no other way can we do the work demanded of us, and pass over to our children and our successors in this great Christian stewardship, the trusts which have been committed to our hands. Have we rightly judged that during the recent past there has arisen a desire on the part of all true friends of denominational learning, for a united and concentrated ef- fort at the most available centre? This is a question too broad and too wide reaching in its involved interests to be decided by simple personal preferences, or by local and individual considerations. Any available centre, with a united moral support, is better for all concerned than any other centre without it. Possibly, the question, therefore, has come to bear largely a business aspect. In the present condition of affairs, what rs the available centre of united effort? Our own institu- tion, during the past year, has providentially come into a condition of present and prospective financial strength that seems to assure its permanency and buccessful work. Our increased endowment funds are, however, bound to this one local centre. They are available for a united and vigor- ous effort only here. This especial condition apilies to about $30,000 of assets received since last June, and this same condition has always held in regard to our real estate, including the campus and the college building thereon. We are sacredly bound, therefore, to build on this founda- tion to the best of our ability. So far, then, as the matter of endowment is concerned (a matter which seems to us vital to the question), this would seem to be the only available centre for united and successful effort. Are we justified, then, gentlemen and brethren, in cor- dially inviting you to a generous co-operation with us, and in asking that, in such ways 3m may seem practicable and mutually satisfactory, you will transfer your interest and moral support to this educational centre, with the under- The Committee of Fifteen. 201 stauding that in case of such co-operation it will be our pleasure to place upon our board of trustees, at the earliest opportuuity, a ropresentaLive quota of the members of your present board. Is not the time now ripe for such a movement? Would it not be hailed with a benediction by the friends of Christian learning both in and out of the state? We have ventured thus far, brethren, thinking that in the exigencies which, we are informed, have come upon you, so much may be due to you and the cause we all love, as a matter of Christian and brotherly courtesy on our part, and at the same time hoping that the way may thus be opened for a consummation devoutly to be wished. Feeling assured at least that you will respond to our advances in the same spirit of unprejudiced candor in which they are made, and praying that Divine Wisdom may direct alilie in all your deliberations and in our own, we are, gentlemen, in l)ehalf of the executive committee of Central University, Yours most truly and cordially in the cause of Cliristian learning. Signed: George W. Gardner, president, Theodore E. Balch, chancellor, T. F. Thickstun, secretary. Pella, Iowa, March 26, 1882. The above paper was read in the presence of the board of trustees of the University of Des Moines at a special meeting, April 4, 1882, by Dr. Gardner, Cliancellor Balch also being" present. T. F. Thickstun, secretary. Ill 1882 the coiivHutioii siinplj reHolved: That we hereby express our sense of the importance of education as a factor in the growth of Christ's kingdom, and we urge upon the churches the necessity of supporting our schools more cordially and substantially. In the Sioux Cit}' conventioii of 1883, Dr. G. S. Bailey, of Ottuiiiwa, submitted quite a lengthy report on eduvatioual A\'ork, describing the condi- tion and work of the schools, and urging the sup- port by the denomination of a first class Christian college and tliree or t'ouv good academies. The report was adopted by the convention, and referred to the board for printing. At the Des Moines convention of 1884, a report on educational work submitted by Chairman W. 202 Iowa Baptist iichools. H. iStiller, of Davenport, urgiug vigorous prosecu- tion ol our work for Cliiistiau educatiou, was adopted. At tlie Waterloo meeting iu 1885, Kretbreu H. JJ. Fosliett aud IJ. 11. Tripp of the committee ap- pointed tlie year previous submitted another lengthy report in\olviug some important ques- tions, the concluding paragraph being as follows : The relations involved iu these questions have a mutual interaction. The institutions can take a creditable position alongside of similar institutions and supply denominational necessities, and challenge support, confidence, and goodwill, only as the denomination furnishes the means for so doing; nor win the denomination furnish such means unless the institutions are placed in such relations and conditions as to deserve all the confidence and good will which can be given them. In the adjustment of these relations may come the solution of the 'problem which yet remains,' an adjustment which shall recognize the principle of true economy in the administrative department of the institu- tions, and which shall secure the largest measure of good will from the denomination. That there is at present some want of adjustment must be apparent. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN. Earl}' in 1880 an etfort was inaugurated to unite the (Central and i>es Moines Universities, or academies, as they really should have been called at that date, for that Avas their real rank, xipril 21, of that year, Kev. W. II. Dorward, then huau- cial agent at Pella, came to Des Moines with a proposition signed by President D. IJead and other friends of Central University, suggesting to the Des Moines board, that tlie two boards send out a ere, Amos Weaver, Keota; William Aitchisoii, Jr., Cascade; C. E. Higgins, ludependeuce ; J. ^^^ JJurdette, liinliugtou, J. J. Tollard, iSigoiiruey. The l"ollov>'ing official report of. Secretary Savage of this committee gi\es the essential facts regai'd- iug the oi'gauizaliou, worlv, aud hudiug of the com- mittee : The coiiaulidatiou of Pella and Des Moines. It has already been announced in the Standard that a movement, looliing toward this result was on foot. It has long been felt that a unification of Baptist college interests in Iowa was most earnestly to be desired. But it was a matter that could be handled only with the utmost care. In fact, there were but two bodies in Iowa that were in a position to accomplish anything in that direction, the board of the Central University and the board of Des Moines Univer- sity. Owing to past history and present conditions it was fitting that the board of Central University should take the initiative in any movement of this kind. This at last they have done. They made overtures to the Des Moines board to refer this wliole question to a committee of fifteen, chosen under certain instructions that were specified. Both boards agreed to abide by their decision and each agreed that in the event that the other should be the favored one it v/ould transfer to the custody of the one chosen whatever property of the college under their care was transferable, and abide by the decision of the committee in good faith. According to the terms of this mutual agreement each member of the committee must be a member of a Baptist church in Iowa, but none of them should be persons who are now or ever have been members of the board of either university, or resident within ten miles of either Pella or Des Moines. Those chosen by the board of the Central University were Hon. A. J. McCrary, of Keokuk; Hon. G. W. Dickens, of Competine; Thomas Beal, of Corydon; Rev. A. Cleghorn, D. D., of Marcus; G. G. Clemmer, of Hampton. The board of Des Moines University chose Rev. W. H. H. Avery, of Denison; Hon. George L. Joy, of Sioux City; W. S. Godell, of Emerson; A. K. Sutton, of Grand Junction; Rev. E. P. Savage, of Clinton. These two committees met in the High Street Baptist church in Des Moines, August II, and jointly chose five others as follows: Rev. Amos Weaver, of Keota; Rev. William Aitchison, Jr., of The Conimitiee of Fifteen. 205 Cascade; Rev. C. E. Higgins, Independence ; Hon. J. W. Bnrdette, Burlington; J. J. Pollard, Sigourney. The committee organized by the selection of Hon. George L. Joy, chairman, and Rev. E. P. Savage, secretary, and proceeded to the careful and prayerful consideration of the work committed to them. The financial secretary of the University of Des Moines laid, before them a e-larement of the condition of that institution, which was duly verified. The committee visited the university in a body, inspected the building, the campus and its surroundings, and then on the evening of the 12th of August, proceeded to Pella, and listened to a statement of the financial condition of the Central University presented by its chancellor. Prof. S. F. Prouty, which was likewise verified. The next day build- ings, apparatus, campus and surroundings were duly in- spected, with addresses by the president, Dr. Read, Rev. I. J. Stoddard, Prof. Prouty, Mr. Nollen, a banker; Dr. Dunn, and Prof. Tripp, presenting the history and claims of the institution and the advantages of its location, in a most able and forcible manner. The entire presentation, the earnestness and persuasiveness of the utterances were all that could have been desired by the most ardent friends of the college. In the afternoon of the 13th, the committee retired alone in executive session. Every member had l)een present at every session and divine guidance had been most earnestly and prayerfully sought. All were deeply im- ]iressed with the delicacy and difficulty of the trust, the importance, even the soundness of the responsibility laid upon them. All expressed the feeling that in view of all the interests involved, the tender and sacred associations of the past, the strongly rooted affections, the great hopes and expectations, the financial interests, and present and prospective concerns of greatly diversified character and importance, they would gladly have evaded the responsibil- ity and declined to pronounce a decision that according to the terms of their appointment must be in either case destructive to one or the other. On the other hand, all realized that they had accepted the trust in good faith. The i)ast history of the educational interests of Iowa Bap- tists, with the unfortunate and sometimes unhappj' and acrimonious differences arising from the endeavor to establish two universities where but one could be even passably well sustained; also the knowledge of the fact that it had been at the cost of much effort and persuasion that the movement had been brought about, and that if the committee failed to render a decision it might be many years before the prospect of the unification of our educational interests in Iowa would again present itself, that and other considerations conspired to impress the -Of) lonm BuptiH HvhooU. committee with the conviction that however disagreeable the task a decision ought to be rendered. After a full, free, and courteous interchange of views a ballot was taken and the majority of the votes being in favor of Dea Moines, it was unanimously voted to recom- mend Des Moines University to the cordial support of the Baptists of the state. Thus at length, after so many years of differences this matter has progressed so far toward a harmonious adjust- ment. The memliers of the committee can not hope that their decision will meet the unqualified approbation of all of the friends of both institutions in the state. But they have the consciousness of having discharged their obliga- tions in this matter to the best of their ability, faithfully, as in the sight of God. It is their earnest desire that all the fi'iends of education will aquiesce in the endeavor to liuild uj) the college chosen, that it may occupy the posi- tion of influence and usefullness worthy of the Baptist denomination in the state of Iowa. Let the past be remem- bered only as an incentive to present activity. Let the advantages only of the chosen college be dwelt upon. What good can now be accomplished by invidious comparisons and unfavorable criticism? Let all join in one earnest effort to advance the cause of Christ through Christian ctlii' ah'on in Iowa. R. P. Savage, secretary of the committee.' A( tlio ]8S(> convention held at Cedar Rapids the eonnnillee <»ii edneational work niipoiuted the ]*revions .vear\ ie]K>rted tlironoh TJev. A. W. Fuller, as follows: The educational work of the past year has been full of hope and characterized by important changes. Burlington College, under the able management of E. C. Spinney and a p.trong faculty of instruction, has enjoyed a high degree of prosperity. Two hundred and fourteen students have been in attendance, two of whom have the ministry in view. The present term opened encourag- ingly, with the lai'gest senior class the institution has had for many years. Cedar Valley Seminary is making advancement. One hundred and fifty students were enrolled during the year ending June, 1886. Seven were graduated from the four years' course. Four students are preparing for tlie minis- try. A new building, similar in size to the ladies' hall erected last year, is in jn-ocess of erection. Throughout 'Des Moines College records, p. 170. The Committee of Fifteen. 207 the year a good degree of spiritual life and activity have heen manifest. At Des Moines University the work during the year has gone quietly on. The number of students enrolled last year was fifty-seven. The number of teachers employed, four, with some help from a fifth teacher. We have en- rolled thus far on the new year forty-five students, four of whom are studying for the ministry, and one young lady, who has pledged herself to the work of missions. Central University for the year ending June, 1S86, was prosperous. There was a good degree of religious interest manifest during the year. Several young men were in at- tendance who had the ministry in view. The committee on educational work, appointed by this convention two years ago, embodied in their report the statement that "the Baptists of Iowa are destined to have at least four educational institutions for higher education." The present committee, in the light of recent developments, lielieve that this destiny has been altered. The movement inaugurated during the past year, looKing toward the consolidation of Central University and the University of Des Moines, was hailed with delight by the entire Baptist denomination, both within and without the state. The conviction has long prevailed that union at any point in the state is better than a divided effort in at- temi)ting to maintain two separate instituvior.s. Consolida- tion has been looked upon as absolutely essential to enlarged educational work. The Baptists of Iowa have long been willing to consolidate at whatever material sacrifice. They have only looked for the opportunity of giving expression to this sentiment. That opportunity is now before us. In the recent movement toward consolidation. Central T^niversity took the initiative. The plan was mutually .Tdopted by the two schools that a committee of fifteen, five appointed l)y each school and five by this joint com- mittee of ten, should visit both institutions; listen to the claim of each: investigate thoroughly the standing and condition of each, and determine by ballot which of the two schools shotild hereafter be the one Baptist college of Iowa. Both institutions pledged themselves to abide by the decision of this committee of fifteen and to cause the trans- fer of all transferal)le property, according to such decision. The brethren convened at the August meeting of the board of our state convention, previous to the decision of the committee of fifteen, and passed a strong resolution, Itledging sup])ort to the decision of the committee. This resolution was the express views of the members of the 208 Iowa Baptist Schools. board, and, we believe, indicates the sentiment of tho Bap- tists of the state who are interested in educational progress. The decision of the committee of fifteen was in favor of Des Moines as the location of the united institutions. The board of Central University rejected this decision, and secured from the courts a writ of injunction on the board of Central University, restraining them from carrying out the decision of this committee. That Central University should break faith at this juncture is exceedingly to be regretted. Esijecially so since she herself had taken the initiative in this movement, after she had api)ointed her meml)ers of the joint committee; after she had consented to the expenses acci'ued in the meetings of the board and committee, and after she had in good faith presented her claims before the committee in favor of consolidating both schools at Pell a. Brethren of the convention, your committee l)elieve tho time has come when the unity of Baptist sentiment in edu- cational matters should be given full expression. We be- lieve such a unity exists. Baptists are ambitious to have an institution that will be an honor to the denomination, and that will be equal in standing and influence w^ith schools of other denominations. Only by willing and united effort can this end be accomplished. For years the hopes and aspirations of Iowa Baptists have pointed to such a consummation. Shall it lie done? Shall we unite heart and hand in this advance movement? In conclusion, your committee earnestly recommend that at this gathering the fullest possible vote be ta,ken in expression of our sentiments concerning the present state of affairs; that by ballot without discussion we ratify the decision of the committee of fifteen, and thus also confirm the resolution passed by our board at their August meet- ing. The committee further recommend that in taking this vote, each person voting place upon the ballot his name and the church of which he is a member. Let us walk with one heart and one soul to the support of the one Baptist college in Iowa, and bu.ild it up on a solid and permanent basis. Thus and thus only may we hope for an institution of learning worthy of the great denom- ination which we represent. A. Weaver, W. H. H. Avery, J. B. Thom.ns, Dr. D. Read, B. R. Lewis, A. W. Fuller. TIip i-(']>y a Im'oe ninjorilv. See Iowa Baptist Aiinnal.. 188(>, })p. 10 and ('>.""). CHAPTER TX. A Change of Policy In 18S7 (lie slalc convcnl ion met a( Osage, aiul ihc ('((luinil ice r«*\i<»iis, iiuide (luiir r(.*])<)rl wliicli was ado])((^(l wiili but one dissent i nit,- V(M<\ Ilorarssc nf the value of the rejmrf itself, and l)ecaiise il veciunniended a chanii'e of jjoliev, il is inserled in fnll: "Your oommittee on educational work respectfully pre- sents the following report: The subject of higher Christian education is becoming more important and more vital each year, and the ques- tion how we shall provide the best facilities for the young men and young women of Baptist families to obtain that intellectual and Christian culture that will meet our real needs is still pressing upon us. The fact, however, stares us in the face that we must piovide schools of Christian learning which shall offer ad- vantages equal to the schools of other denominations, or our young people will go where such advantages can be enjoyed. Many of our young men each year go to eastern colleges to pursue a course of study, and not unfrequently the very brightest scholars, such as we greatly need to assist in the development of our growins; state, are detained there by large salaries, or the prospect of more inviting fields: and many more who remain in the west are attracted into schools of other denominations, and not unfrequently are lost to the Baptists. To provide schools equal to the best of other denomina- tions is an imperative necessity for the Baptists of Iowa. When we seriously consider this suject, involving as it does so many grave questions of buildings suitable and suf- 209 210 loir a Baptist Schools. ftcient, of furniture, of appliances for illustrative teaching, of libraries and endowments, we are compelled to believe that the state convention as such can not give the time and attention to this matter that it deserves. Moreover the state convention is essentially a missionary, and not an educational l)ody, and the mission work of our state should be regarded as our most important work as a convention, and ought to be pursued with greater vigor than ever be- fore. The rapid development of the newer portions of our state, the pio.iection of new lines of railroads, the new towns springing up along these lines, demand a more vigor- ous prosecution of our whole missionary work. Tf in addition to these imperative and pressing demands made upon our state convention, we attempt to meet the scarcely less important needs of our educational work, w« shall be liable to let the interests of either one or both suffer. In view of these and other facts it has seemed to your committee a most desirable result if our educational work might at this point in our history become organized in a more thorough and comprehensive manner, and per- haps organized as a distinct society, separate from the con- vention work. We make now no ultimate recommendations as to the main question, ))ut would simply open the way for an intel- ligent consideration of the subject at some future time. We would make these limited recommendations, viz: that a committee of six be appointed to take into consider- ation the propriety of calling an educational convention to meet in connection with the next annual meeting of this b©dy, and that this convention shall, if they think advis- able, i>roceed to organize an education society, which shall b« in auxiliary relation to, and ready to co-operate with th« "American Baptist Education Society" suggested at the anniversary of the Home Mission Society at Minneapolis, should such a society be organized. Tf such a society should be formed it might be thought advisable to have it in some way connected with our so- ciety for ministerial education, and so consider the whole question of Christian and ministerial education together. All of which is resi)ectfully sultmitted. L. N. Call, H. B. Foskett, D. H. Cooley, F. L. Wilkins. M. T. V. Bowman, Committee. Prt'sidoiit ]iiir;aiies papers were read by ile\. E. J I. Hulbei't, I). J)., of the Union Theo- logical t:^eminaij at Morgan I'ark, Hon. J. J. i'oweli, Cedar Kapitls; and Trof. A. Abernethy, of Usage. Con\('ntion voted to extend the hearty thanks of the con\ention to these three brethren for their excellent addresses. Voted to request the publication of I'rof. Abernethy's address in the Stautlard. The Iowa Uaptist l^xlucation Society A\;is organized. Tlu' following officers were elected: Hon. J. J. Powell, president; Kev. L. A. Hall, vice ]>resident; W. It. .Matiesou, secretary; Hon. J. V. Hinchiaan, treasurer; executive coniniittee, Kev. J. IJ. Thomas, IJev. V. L. Wilkins, and Rev. (\ C. Smith. l*rof. Abernethy's .uhli-ess was as follows: EUUCATIONAIi ORGANIZATION. An Education Society is Needed in Iowa to Awaken More Interest in Higher Bdueation Among Our People. Seventy years ago Edward Everett and President Kirk- land, of Harvard University, founded a scholarshii) for the benefit of needy young students in that institution. The first choice fell upon George Bancroft, who immediately accepted the opportunities thus afforded to carry forward his studies. Fifty >ears later, the great historian himself gave $10,000 to found another scholarship; "to requite." as he says, "the benefits, and emphatically to acknowledge the indebtedness." Can anyone doubt the wisdom of such gifts, or the wisdom of all practicable agencies for awak- ening interest in higher education? The reports of the United States Commissioner of Educa- tion lor the last fifteen years show that fi'oni five to ten million dollars are annually given to educational institu- tions in this country. Harvard alone, has In the last fifty years had five and a half million dollars added to her en- dowment. 214 Iowa Baptist Schools. The schools of the west receive as yet but a small pit- tance of these generous benefactions. And yet the endow- ments and other assets of Iowa colleges, even, are growing at a not very unsatisfactory rate, taken in the aggi'egate. Three Iowa gentlemen have in the last few months given one of Iowa's older schools $20,000 each out of their mod- erate and somewhat recently accumulated fortunes. The number of students in the denominational schools of Iowa has doubled within a very few years. There is an awaken- ing interest in this country in the holy cause of Christian education. The Baptists of Iowa ought to join in this awakening. They ought to realize more clearly than they do that to give their children the fullest advantages of higher intellectual, moral and religious training, under the best Christian influences, is incomparably the best thing they can do for them. It was an Iowa Baptist school that edu- cated the most successful missionary worker in modern times. Our schools, though yet "a feeble folk," have al- ready sent out scores of consecrated ministers and mis- sionaries, and yet how few of our people know anything of this work or have ever given a dollar towards it. My brethren, is it not the greatest denominational interest we have today, and shall we not unite in forming a society to aid us in looking after these interests? A society is needed again To Stimulate Interest in Our Own Schools. Our 26,500 Iowa Baptists reported last year $206,000 contributions in their church letters, or a little less than eight dollars per member. Eighty-eight per cent, of this was applied to current expenses, permanent improvements, Sunday school and mission school work. The remaining twelve per cent, was divided not very unequally between state convention, foreign missions, home missions, publica- tion society, and denominational education; making less than twenty cents a member for any one of these objects, and less than seventy cents for all of them together. The amount reported for denominational education, including what was raised for ministerial education, endowment fund and current expenses was but $2,839, or less than 11 cents per member, and less than one and a half per cent, of our total reported contributions. Admitting the incom- pleteness of these statistics, and making all due allowance for omissions, there can be no doubt that the percentages of contributions are all wrong, if the purpose be to build up Christ's kingdom. These benevolent and beneficent enterprises which ap- peal so strongly alike to the convictions of our judgment A Change of Policy. 215 and to our sympathies, ought to receive a mucli larger per- centage of our contributions. Without it, we can not hope to maintain the missionary spirit in our churches; witliout it the sceptre shall surely depart from Judah. Especially is the need for education just now pressing. Our youth are being educated elsewhere, or being left uneducated. In the homes of our 26,500 Iowa Baptists there are at a low estimate 10,000 young iteople between the ages of 15 and 21. Not more than two or three per cent, of these young Baptists are in Baptist schooLs. The Methodists of lovra are doubtless educating in their four colleges and several academies more Baptists than we ourselves are. The Con- gregational and Presbyterian schools together in their five colleges and other schools are educating not less than the Methodists. Othei' denominations are taking their share, and it is not impossible that the Catholic schools, even, here and elsewhere, have nearly as many of our girls as our own schools have. Many are in our state and non- sectarian schools. Few of these schools exert any positive Christian influence. The worst feature of it all is, that lacking schools of our own of sufficient influence to attract our interest, or com- mand our support, our children are sent nowhere to school. If Baptist faith holds its own in Iowa, in the future, it does not appear how we of this generation are going to get much credit for it. It may be hel]>ful to consider what others about us are doing. It is not easy to ol)tain entirely reliable statistics, especially for the purposes of conii)arison, but I give the following as approximating the truth: Our Methodist brethren enrolled last year in their colleges and academies not less than 2,(t00 students. The Congregationalists and Presbyterians, together, about the same number. The Disciples over 000, and even the United Brethren nearly as many. Our four schools had during the same period be- tween 400 and 500. These facts are not only against us, l)ut they are alarmingly against us; and the discouraging feature of it is that the longer this continues, the worse it gets, and the more difficult it will be to recover the lost ground. Again: To Devise >feans for Improving Our Schools. The Baptists of Iowa have not lacked in the pur- pose of promoting Christian education. They have simplv failed to put their convictions into practical exe- cution. They have lacked the power of organized, united, persistent effort. History says that early in the year 183 4, 2^16 loiva Baptist ^chooh. lour years before the Territory ol luwa. was organized, two Baptists crossed the Mississippi river among the earliest permanent settlers on the soil ol" Iowa ; and in October of the same year united with nine others, who had in the meantime come into the settlement, in organiising the first Baptist church. Five years later, the denominational census showed three churches and ninety members. The first as- sociation was organized with ten delegates. "The entire business of the meeting," we i-ead, "was transacted while nine of these delegates sat in a row on a log, and the moderator stood before them supported by the back of a chair." Five years still later, when in 1844 five hundred mem- bers were reported in the newly organized Territory of Iowa, while their ministers and delegates were asseml)led in the third annual "Territorial Association for Missionary Purposes," as the body was then designated, they Resolved, That the establishment of an institution of learning at some eligible point in the territory, by the Bap- tist denomination is a subject of vast importance, and that it is the duty of this convention to take immediate and vigorous measures toward the consummation of this object. Such was the earliest sentiment of Iowa Baptists, that denominational education was "a subject of vast impor- tance," demanding "immediate and vigorous measures for its consummation." Such I believe is the latest sentiment of Iowa Baptists. In the succeeding ten years of our Bap- tist history there was much educational discussion, resolu- tion and procedure that is neither pleasant to read nor to hear. The local and locality strifes of this period have extended, at intervals, all down our history, and have had their full measure of influence in paralyzing efforts to promote what all believed ought to be promoted. Our brethren started out right in this matter, but they soon fell out by the way, perhaps I should say, rather, they soon fell out. When brethren fall out by the way it is bad enough, but when they fall out it is far worse. After all, however, it concerns us little what our fathers did. It concerns us much what we do. We may or may not be proud of their record. But shall they, Avhen the final history is written, or shall they not, be proud of the record we make? The fact remains that we have not the Baptist schools in Iowa to command the influence and the support of Iowa Baptists, and are not likely to have soon, if the whole subject is left to local management. As a matter of fact, the higher schools must creato. at least largely, the demand for higher education, not the demand for higher education create the higher schools. There is no sufP.'-ient reason why we need be discouraged by the past. There is ©very reason why we should join A Change of Policy. 217 hands in promptly, earnestly and strongly improving the schools we have. We are not yet defeated if we will but act upon the reply of the intrepid Dessaix to Napoleon at Marengo, when he said to his chief, pointing to the descend- ing ana in the western sky, "There remains an hour be- fore sundown, and liiiio enough to fight another battle and win a victory." We have, now, the foundation for schools that may yet honor Iowa Baptists. Let ns not talk about hopeless con- ditions, and damaging comparisons. Give Iowa Baptists another fifty ye;n-s, and they may then have more schools, and stronger schools, and more students, and more endow- ments, even than any of the New England states, or even possibly any other one state in the Union. We need a society again, To Secui-e and Disseminate Fuller Information on the Subject of Christian Education. "To furnish," as Dr. Morehouse argued at Washington, "a suitable arena for the consideration of facts and ques- tions pertaining to our educational work." There is no subject that will mure (luickly or more thoroughly interest an Iowa Baptist church, today, than this very subject we are considering. If the National Education Society goes forward in its work, it needs the aid of an auxiliary in Iowa. They can be mutually helpful, and can mutually aid the cause of higher Christian education. In any case, the vital and paramount importance of Christian schools to denominational growth needs a full and general discussion. We all need more light on this subject; to learn what are the facts, and Avhat history and experience can teach us. The eloquent Dr. Eaton, of Louisville, Ky., declared in the Washington convention last May, that "the denomina- tion that takes hold of this work most heartily will be the denomination of the future." Of like tenor is the report of the venerable Dr. Hague, at the Baptist educational con- vention in New York City, in 1870, when it said, "A great denomination failing in the diffusion of mental culture throughout its whole area, must soon cease to keep step with the march of civilization; fall to the rear, and sink, at last into a condition of inoRlciency, inferiority, and utter disintegration." Are these things so, brethren? And, if they are, what i;i our duty; what is present duty? " Again, do we not need a society 218 Iowa Baptist Schools. Tb Aid in Providing an Adequate Ministry for Our. Churches. There is au ever increasing demand for educated min- isters. Ministers wlio lack tlie grasp and the grip of thorough and vigorous training are losing their hold on our churches and congregations. Their places can only be filled by men who are "thoroughly furnished" for their worlc. Where shall they come from except out of our Christian schools? If every fourth church in Iowa is now pastorless, how shall these pulpits be filled and the new pulpits to be set up? And, how shall we fill the places of those pastors who are falling by the way? Surely, not by putting uneducated men in their places. It is an educated ministry only that makes a permanent ministry. It is a notable fact that uneducated ministers drop out of the ministry at a comparatively early age, while their better educated brethren remain in the harness. It is, in fact, the educated minister that enjoys the long pastorate, that feeds his flock and leads his flock. An educated pew can never be fed, or ever be led, from an uneducated pulpit. Mr. Spur- geon has said, "The most important work of the church is the multiplication of laborers." The effectual way to multiply laborers is to train up laborers out of our homes, our Sunday schools and our churches. Then shall they obey, not in word only, but in deed and in truth, that command which reads, "Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest." To Maintain and Increase the Lay-Power of Oui* Churches. The lay-power of the church has become of great im- portance; and its influence increases year by year. The methods of Christian labor are ever multiplying. The busi- ness-management of the church belongs to the laity, men and women; the Sunday school work, the mission work, the benevolence, the charity, the social, the duties of hos- pitality, the going out into the highways and hedges, and .compelling the homeless and wanderers to come in. We need in every church both men and women thoroughly educated and possessing the personal power and training to have charge of these lines of Christian work; also to fill their share of the responsible public positions in both social and civil life, and in the professions, and in the marts of business, to aid in moulding public sentiment aright. We need them in the associations; and ought to h9,ve a host of them interested and active in our state con- vention and state work. But where shall su#h men and women come from, who are thoroughly loyal to us; where shall they come from in adequate numbers, except from our own schools? A Change of Policy. 219 That We May Make Provision to Do Onr Whole Duty to Our Children, Religiously and Educationally. If we continue to entrust our children to the public schools only, and to be satiafied with what they shall obtain there of training for the duties of life, nearly all of them will enter its activities with the elementary education only; and with the minimum of personal trained power derived there- from. How forcibly and beautifully and eloquently was this subject portrayed in the address of last evening. So far as the personal power of education goes, they are lame, and halt, and blind. A writer in the current number of the Century, just at hand, enforces this position in an article entitled. "Chris- tianity, the Conservator of American Civilization." I can quote two sentences only. "The common school system will not do the work of the education that we need, for that system, if it were practically efficient, deals only with children." * * * "We cannot, therefore, rely for the education of the masses upon the public school system." Some of Mr. Patterson's conclusions are clearly wrong. He does not see tlie whole truth, but his premises are correct. If, instead of relying on the public scliools we send to the state and non-sectarian schools, the intellect may be quickened and strengthened, but, too often, at the expense of character and faith-training, which is of infinitely greater value. If we send them into schools where the social and religious atmosphere is hostile to the faith and practice which we hold to be fundamental, are we not in danger of the charge of infidelity alike to parental and denomina- tional obligation? "Our young people will go to schools which offer the largest advantages; and, if we wish to retain them in our denominational ranks, we must provide for them the instruction which, unless we provide it, they will find elsewliere." In failing to provide Christian schools for the education of our children, we are first neglecting our duty to our children themselves. We believe thoroughly that education in Christian schools, and under distinctively Christian influences, is best. We are charged with their intellectual, moral and religious education. We have no right to neglect this duty, nor to shift it off to other shoulders. This is the most sacred of all parental duties. The duty of character and faith-training is sacred above all others. We are a.e:ain. secondly, neglecting our duty to our denomination, and by necesF.ary inference, our duty to our Lord. Finally, 220 lonm Baptist Schools. That U> May Be Able to Do Our Share of the I'atriotic Duty of Educating the Youth of tlie Country. There are certain epochs in history that are radiant with great men and great thoughts; epochs that give birth to ideas that are true for all time. The last quarter of the last century was such an epoch. The period beginning witli 1775 will go doM'n into all history as such an epoch. In it were formulated correct theories of the inalienable rights of man; correct theories of his moral rights, and his relig- ious rights; correct theories of personal liberty, — widely at variance, indeed, with some false theories of personal liberty now current,— right theories of government, and notably some right theories of education. One hundred and one years ago, while that illustrious body of statesmen, presided over by the venerable Washing- ton, were formulating in Philadelphia our present constitu- tion of the United States, another patriotic body, the American congress, were preparing, in their halls in Nev/ York City, the famous "Ordinance of 1787" for the govern- ment of the Northwest Territory. This constitution haa been called by William B. Gladstone, "The most wonderful work ever struck off, at a given time, by the brain and purpose of man." Some portions of the ordinance of 1787 are as justly entitled to command the admiration of mankind. If the first clause of the one document contains the com- pletest and best summary of the purposes of human gov- ernment, the third section of the other enumerates the chief factors of good government, and the best means of attaining it. The memorable clause is in these words: "Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schooly and the means of education shall be forever encouraged." "Religion, morality, and knowledge necessary to good government." Religion tlvM, morality second, knowledge third. That was the best thought of the eighteenth cen- tury. It is the best thought of the nineteenth century. It will be the highest wisdom of the twentieth cen- tury. It was Iowa's greatest governor, James W. Grimes, who said thirty-four years ago, of the ends of government: "Its greatest object is to elevate and ennoble the citizen. It would fall far short of its design if it did not dis- seminate intelligence and build up the moral energies of the people." The best thing for a government, the best thing for a people, the best thing for any man or woman, is "schools and the means of education' to "disseminate in- telligence and build up the moral energies." What a man acquires in jiroperty, in honor or in power, he may carry a day, a decade, or a century. What he acquires in educa- A Change of Policy. 221 tion and moral energy he carries through life, and through all that is beyond. I believe that education is paramount in human life and human character. By education I mean the fullest practicable forth-putting and development of all man's powers, physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. This I believe to be the sole legitimate end of every man's life, as to himself; his own highest and fullest development nnd perfection of character. Religion, morality, and knowledge, are the three great factors in education. They are the three great factors in the formation of right character. Let us not forget that this is equally true of national as of individual character. If we recur again to that memorable period just mentioned, v/e shall find the revered "Father of His Country," himself, in the final hour of that forty-five years which he had dedicated to his country's service, standing up before the American people in his farewell address, using these words: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable sup- ports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriot- ism who should lal)or to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens." As the scroll of our country's history slowly unrolls it be- comes more and more evident with the opening of every new fold, that while we may safely entrust the elementary in- struction to governmental provision and direction, the higher education can best be entrusted to the religious forces of the nation; to denominational provision and con- trol. Neither the scope of my paper nor the time allotted me, will permit me to enlarge upon this subject, nor to digress beyond the briefest statement of some convictions that touch closely and follow logically from our subject. 1 . The Christian schools, whether colleges or academies, make mental training more prominent than high schools and normal schools, and this is by far the most important element in education. The studies whose main purpose is discipline and which point specially to attainments in higher learning, such as the ancient and modern languages, the mental, moral and logical sciences, are not subject here, as in high schools, to constant discussion and division of opinion. If this work comes to be done chiefly by Christian schools, as seems to be the present tendency, it will remove one factor of discord and dissatisfaction from the public school work. 2. The Christian schools seek to employ teachers who have attained to special scholarship in their various depart- ments, and who devote their lives to these special subjects. 222 loiva Lhiptist Hvhooh. Changes in teachers are iufrequeut, giving special oppor- tunity for high attainment and excellence. ?,. These schools are dependent almost wholly for their patronage on the excellence of their work, and hence have a constant and powerful incentive to excellence. 4. They will gradually provide endowments, scholarships, and fellowships, through the benefactions of their alumni and friends, which tend to give both permanence and special excellence to their work. r>. They will be under the patronage and influence of our religious denominations, which will surround these schools and their students with a moral and religious atmosphere, always favorable to the development of the best types of manhood and womanhood. My conclusions are: 1. That an education society ought to be formed, whose purpose and work shall be to promote the interests of Christian education in our churches, and that its annual meetings should be held in connection with and prior to our state convention. 2. That as a first means toward this end we ought to carry out the spirit of the resolution of our state convention adopted two years ago, wherein it Resolved, That in view of the ever-increasing demand for an educated ministry, and educated laity in our churches, and for educated talent in every department of Christian labor, no higher obligation rests upon our Baptist churches and people, than that of liuilding and maintaining schools of higher Christian learning, adequate to the needs of our denomination; and that we ask all our pastors to preach, at least, one sermon annually, explaining the condition and work of our schools, urging their claims upon all our people. 3. That both the needed interest and the needed funds to build up and fill up our Christian schools can be best secured and maintained by a systematic method of regular contributions in small amounts by the largest possible number of our people, supplemented, as these surely would be, by the munificent gifts, large and small, from those whom God has blessed in being either far-sighted or large- hearted. The oducational romniittpo also made to the eonvention a brief report of their work, announe- iiig: the organization of the education society, and closed their report with the following, which was adopted: A Change of Policy. 223 lu order to promote harmony in our mission work, w« recommend that so much of the educational report of 1888 as pertains to the imputation of wrong upon any brethren in the state be stricken from the record. Signed. J. B. Thomas, F. L. Wilkins, T. R. Evans, and R. Garton. In 1880 the convention was nji^ain at De» jNfoines. The report of the committee on resolutions con- tninert the following: Resolved, That we hail with devout gratitude the awakened interest in our denomination, regarding higher Christian education, and the recent muniflcient gifts toward establishing on a broad and permanent basis our denomi- national schools for higher education. Resolved, That we urge the pastors of the state to in- struct their people on the vital relation which the pros- perity of our denominational schools sustains to the ad- vancement of our cause in Towa; that we urge each church to take a collection each year for Christian education. This re]wrt was arlopted. The next year the con- vention adopted the followin.fij: Resolved, That the hope of the world is in the religious education of the young, and that while the beginning of such education should always be in the Christian home, yet it can be successfully carried to successful fruition only by well supported schools and colleges; we, therefore, urge the duty of fostering and maintaining our denominational institutions of higher education with liberal means and by .sending our children to them. And at the meetins^ of the education society, the followinji' was adopted: Resolved, That we view with pleasure the advancement made in securing the endowment for Des Moines College. Yet, there is now a necessity that all the pastors should lay this subject upon the hearts of their people, and raise the largest possible contribution that we may not even yet fail to secure the conditional pledges. The followino; named papers and addresses were given at this meeting^: Christian Culture of the Twentieth Century, Rev. H. C. Nash, Denison. Culture in Relation to the Correct Interpretation of the Word, Rev. M. D. Bevan. D. .D., Atlantic. Shall Baptists Push Their Educational Work, Principal A. Abernethy, Osage. 224: Iowa Baptist Schools. What Is Included in a Christian Education? President H. L. Stetson, Des Moines. The fiftieth anniversaiy of the state coiiveution was lieia at ^rarslialltown, October 1<)-L*;^, 1891. It was a i>Teat iiu'etiiijj;" and full of entlnisiasni. A ininiher of historical papers prepared for this oe- easion A\'ere oi'dered ])iMnted in the Annual for that year, inchidino- a historical sketch of Towa Baptist schools, lead before the education society. The convention adopted 1h(» following': Resolved, That we recognize with gratitude to God the completion of the endowment of $100,000 for Des Moines College; that we heartily endorse the effort now m.Tl^ing to endow the Cedar Valley Seminary; that we commend oil of our denominational schools to the prayers and support of our people, believing, as we do, that the hope of our church and the world is in the religious education of the young. Tn the education society the followinc^ resolu- tions were adopted : 1. Resolved, That we record our thanks to the Great Head of the Church that he has called so many young men into the Baptist schools of Iowa M^ith many others seeking admission, w^ho give evidence of being called to preach the gospel of Christ. These young men are unable of them- selves to obtain such educational advantages as will make them efficient gospel preachers. Yet, without thorough training the demands of the age cannot be successfully met. Therefore, with all these 'young men to enter the ministry, we recognize that God calls upon the churches to provide the means by which these divinely chosen ser- vants can obtain a thorough collefi;iate and theological education. 2. That we reioice with D(»f^, Moiner, College, in the com- pletion of its $100,000 endowment, through the heroic ef- forts of Dr. Stetson and his co-worlcers. regarding what has been accomplished as but the foundation for still larger achievements in the future, and calling for still farther sacrifices and contributions. 3. That we are profoundly grateful to God for the ad- vance made in the Central University under the leadership of Dr. Stuart and his co-workers. The additional boarding hall now ready for use. the large increase in the attendance of students and the spiritual power manifested among them, A Change of Policy. 225 denote the efficiency of the work. We heartily commend Central University as worthy of the pi'ayers and financial support of our churches. 4 . That we recognize with gratitude God's great good- ness and blessing shown to our educational work at Osage. 1. In selecting and sending to us Prof. Abernethy and his associates, men, and women, so eminently fitted to conduct its spiritual, literary, and financial undertakings. 2. That he has caused such an awakening among the friends of the seminary that the day of solid financial success is already in view. 3. That we do our utmost to bring to a triumph- ant termination the great occasion in the history of the school. F. L. Patterson, J. C. Maple, H. M. Jones, Committee. The followiug was also adopted : Resolved, That this society cordially endorses the present effort to raise $2 8,000 endowment for the seminary at Osage, and we commend this enterprise to the prayers and the liberal contributions of the churches. In the 1892 convention hekl at Mason City the resolutions adopted recognized the isuccessfnl completion of the effort for special endowment at Osage, and the increased prosperity of all our schools, together, with the obligation to support them. The following year the convention met at Davenport. Dr. H. W. Tilden addressed the education society on the Education of Christians, Dr. H. L. ^[orehouse also spoke briefly. In the evening Prof. Nathaniel Butler of the University of Chicago, spoke on the Relation Between Educa- tion, Commonly So-called, and Christianity. The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That we recognize the blessing of God in the con- tinued prosperity of our schools. Central University, Des Moines College, Cedar Valley Seminary, and Burlington In- stitute, and we most heartily commend them as worthy of the confidence and financial support of our churches. 2. That we remind our people that the best interests of our denomination and our schools alike demand that these schools have the attendance of our children, as well as our financial support. 226 loua Baptist Schools. 3. That we congratulate Central University on the pros- pect of a much needed new building now being erected to cost about $13,000, and on the amount already received, about $9,000, and commend to our churches their appeal for the balance. 4. That we notice with gratitude the number of students for the ministry in our schools, and urge upon the churches the privilege as well as the duty of taking a collection an- nually for ministerial education, that we may uphold the educational standard of our ministry. At the Webster ( 'itj meeting of the convention, in 1894, Secretary J. W. Allen of the ecUicatiou society submitted his seventh annual report : It is a concise and very interesting report. It gives a brief history of the accession of Sac City Institute to the list of our schools, with descrip- tion of buildings and other property acquired. It describes the growth of the society's work in col- lecting and disbursing money to aid ministerial students, steadily increasing from |271 in 1888 to over |600 in 1894, and a corresponding increase in the number of students aided. CHAPTER X. The Marshalltown Conference The couvention for 1890 was held at Waterloo. Resolutious were adopted urging the Education Society to set in motion some plan to secure the federation of our educational interests, and the inauguration of a new era for our schools. In the meetings of the Education Society President Chaffee of Pella gave an address on Our Educa- tional Crisis. Prof. Albion W. Small of the Uni- versity of Chicago, addressed a large audience on Education and Religion. In response to the resolutions adopted and the stirring addresses delivered, a meeting was held of such members of the executive committee of the loAva Baptist Education Society as were not con- nected with the schools, who prepared, signed, and forwarded the following memorial to the presi- dents and principals of the several schools : Our Educational Interests. At our state convention at Waterloo, October 19-23, 1896, President A. B. Chaffee expressed the belief that there was an attitude of "armed neutrality," existing be- tween our educational Institutions. Dr. A. W. Small expressed the hope that the time might speedily come when Iowa would arrange her educational interests in such a way as to have one college, centrally located, surrounded by a number of well equipped acad- emies. 227 228 Iowa Baptist Schools. The state convention adopted the following resolution: We recognize the value of our denominational schools, and suggest that the executive committee of the Iowa Bap- tist Education Society set in motion some plan by which our educational interests and the claims of our Baptist schools upon our Iowa Baptists be presented at each as- sociational gathering. We believe that this will be a step in the direction of the federation of our educational inter- ests, of a new era for our schools. Certainly such an expression from within our institu- tions, from without the state, and from the most represent- ative body of Baptists within the state should lead to the inquiries. What is wrong? and. How may it be righted? Federation, interdependence, co-operation, are the watchwords of our denominational life at this hour. Cer- tainly, our educational work is second to no other in the state; and these watchwords should be most effective with reference to it. We, of the executive committee, who are not connected with out educational interests beg leave to suggest that the different presidents of our colleges and academies meet together in conference and ascertain, if possible, what our educational difficulties are, and how they may best be remedied, and, if possible, set some movement on foot to secure relief. We beg leave further to suggest that Col. A. Abernethy be the chairman of this conference, and that, with the con- sent of the others, he arrange a time and place of meeting. A copy of this letter will be sent to the president of each of our institutions, and we sincerely trust that our Heavenly Father will guide them by his wisdom and support them by his grace to the end that our educational interests may be brought to their highest state of usefulness. The above was adopted at a special meeting on Friday morning, October 23, at Waterloo, Iowa. It was signed by the following members: Craig S. Thorns, John A. Earl, E. H. Glllet, J. Wayland Allen, secretary I. B. E. S. While the above plan failed as might have ])een anticipated, in immediate results, yet it served its purpose of aiding to arouse that all powerful factor — public sentiment — which secured expres- sion a year later. In 1897 the anniversaries were held with the First Baptist church at Des :\r(>ines. The Education Society met Tuesday morning, October 26, The Marshalltown Conference. 229 The annual sermon was preached by Rev. John A. Earl, of Waterloo, on the topic, Unused Forces. He said in part: As in nature where in a Niagara river there is latent force enough to set all the machinery of the United States in motion, so there are in our church life unused forces be- cause no one has directed their energies. There is a great amount of unused force in our educational affairs. Educa- tion is not an appendage of the church, but a part of it. If we neglect education, we neglect our churches. There are hosts of boys and girls who have never been spoken to about religion or education. Pastors should be loyal to our Baptist schools, and induce young people to attend them. There is much force unused for our Baptist schools. We have so many schools we cannot conserve our educa- tional energies. There are rival and conflicting appeals which tend to weaken and distract. The time has come for heroic action, and if possible we ought to unify our educational work. We are losing ground, losing gifts and students for lack of unification. There ought to be some action taken at once to remove the difficulties. There is, too, an unused force in the Holy Spirit. God can support and guide our colleges as he does our churches, if we but accept the conditions. The sermon created a decided impression and was an important factor in the proposed movement looking toward unification of the educational interests of the state. Dr. P. S. Henson, of Chicago, being present in the audi- ence, was called out. He bore testimony to the value of the small college. He pleaded with the brethren to get together in the educational work, and declared, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, that if in education Iowa Baptists do not hang together they will surely hang separately, and they will deserve their fate. Baptists ought to hold to- gether to lead the van and raise the banner higher than any other denomination.' A coniinittee ou irsohitious was appointed as follows: Prof. A. l.ouj,'li ridge, Secretary J. AV. Allen, l»resident A. 15. C-haftee, President H. L. St(4son, Prof. Alonzo Abernethy, Revs. J. A. Earl, Waterloo; E. H. Lovett, Davenport; H. AV. Tildcn, I)es Aloines; Prethren W. S. Goodell, Des Aloiues; E. E. Lewis, Sioux City; Revs. Arthur Fowler, Muscatine; S. E. Wilcox, Osage; Airs. W. F. Luke, Purlington. Wednesdav afrernoon tlie committee 'Standard, November 6, 1897. 230 Iowa Baptist Schools. submitted the following resolutions wliicli ou mo- tion of President Chaffee, were adopted : 1. Resolved, That we recognize the self-denying labors of the presidents and faculties of our various educational institutions, and the valuable work they are doing in the education of our young people. 2. Resolved, That we earnestly commend these institu- tions to the members of our churches as worthy of their hearty financial support and patronage. 3. Resolved, That this society appoint a committee of eleven brethren, one from each congressional district of the state to arrange for an educational conference to be held as soon as practicable in some place centrally located, but not at the seat of our own schools, said com- mittee not to include any persons now connected with the faculties of our schools. The proposed conference shall consist of delegates to be nominated by the churches in the ratio of one delegate for each church, and one member for each one hundred or fraction of a hundred members over the first one hundred, and of fifty representative Baptists to be nominated by the aforesaid committee, the heads of our five institutions to be ex-officio included in this number of fifty. The main work of this conference shall be to take into consideration the future policy Of Baptist educational interests in Iowa, with a view to the unification and concentration of those interests. 4. Resolved, That a committee of nine be appointed to nominate the above committee of eleven. Moved by Dr. Stetson that the chair appoint the committee of nine. The chair named the following brethren for the committee: . Rev. L. N. Call, Sac City; Rev. D. R. Landis, Algona; Hon. E. E. Lewis, Sioux City; William Aitchison, Jr., Des Moines; Rev. S. B. Wilcox, Osage; J. F. Tate, Winterset; Rev. L. M. Waterman, Dubuque; Rev. R. Garton, D. D., Burlington; Rev. E. H. Lovett, Davenport. The following is the committee of eleven as appointed by the committee of nine: First congressional district, Hon. A. J. McCrary, Keokuk; Second, Rev. A. T. Fowler, Muscatine; Third, Rev. J. A. Earl, Waterloo; Fourth, Hon. J. F. Clyde, Osage; Fifth, Rev. F. W. Parsons, Marshalltown; Sixth, Rev. F. G. Davies, Ottumwa; Seventh, Hon. J. F. Tate, Winterset; Eighth, Hon. H. S. Glenn, Chariton; Ninth, Hon. J. V. Hinchman, Glenwood; Tenth, E. S. Plimpton, Denison; Eleventh, Hon. E. E. Lewis, Sioux City. The Marshalltoion Conference. 231 This action was reported to the convention Thursday afternoon by Rev. L. N. Call, and was unanimously adopted. The call for the educational conference herein provided for was published in the Standard, Dec- ember 11, 1897, and was as follows : Iowa Educational Conference. — The committee of eleven appointed to arrange for the above conference met at Waterloo on November 3 0. The conference will be held in the First Baptist churcli at Marshalltown, on Tuesday, December 21. at 10 a. m. The conference will consist of fifty members of Baptist churches of the state, nominated by the committee, and of delegates appointed by the churches. The object of this conference is to take into con- sideration the future policy of Baptist educational interests in Iowa, with a view to the unification and concentration of those interests. The committee requests that all our churches appoint delegates in the ratio of one member for each church, and one member for each one hundred over the first one hundred or fraction of 100. It was decided by the committee that no delegate be entitled to sit in the conference without a written credential certifying to mem- bership and appointment as delegate by the local church. Efforts are being made to secure reduced railroad fares on the certificate plan. The programme of the conference will be published next week. It is earnestly hoped that this will be a representative gathering. Matters of the most serious importance will come up for consideration. All delegates who expect to attend the educational conference at Marshalltown, December 21, are requested to forward their names to Rev. F. W. Parsons, Ph. D., Marshalltown, Iowa, at once, so that entertainment may be provided for such. For the committee, Arthur T. Fowler, secretary; A. J. McCrary, chairman. In the same issue the Standard called attention to the conference urging the churches to appoint delegates and send the very best men, especially the largest possible number of laymen. The committee named tifty representative Bap- tists as provided in resolution 3, above, as follows: Judge A. J. McCrary, Keokuk; Rev. O. B. Sarber, Mt. Pleasant; Rev. E. H. Lovett, D. D., Davenport; Hon. Mil- ton Reniley, Iowa City; Rev. John A. Earl, Waterloo; Dr. C. S. Chase, Waterloo; Rev. George Breaker, Mason City; 232 Iowa Baptist Schools. Rev. Robert Bruce, Waukon; Rev. F. W. Parsons, Ph. D., Marshal Itown; Judge Howard Remley, Anamosa; Rev! F. G. Davies, Ottumwa; Rev. Orr Campbell, Oskaloosa; Mr. William Raffety, Grinnell; Mr. George McKean, Perry; Mr. H. S. Glenn, Chariton; Rev. F. G. Reinking, Center- ville; Mr. J. V. Hinchman, Glenwood; Mr. E. S. Plimpton, Denison; Judge Z. A. Church, Jefferson; Hon. E. E. Lewis, Sioux City; Rev. L. N. Call, Sac City; Prof. A. N. Currier, Iowa City; Mrs. J. C. Luke, Burlington; Prof. A. Aber- nethy, Osage; Rev. PI. C. Nash, Sac City; Rev. J. M. Jones, Columbus City; Judge A. H. Stutsman, Burlington; Rev. Arthur T. Fowler, Muscatine; Mr. W. W. Leslie, Clinton; Prof. A. Loughridge, Cedar Falls; Rev. L. M. Waterman, Dubuque; Judge J. F. Clyde, Osage; Mr. F. Y. Whitmore, West Union; Hon. J. J. Powell, Cedar Rapids; Rev. E. M. Jones, Vinton; Dr. E. T. Edgerly, Ottumwa; Mr. William Aitchison, Jr., Des Moines; J. F. Tate, Winterset; Mr. H. D. Aikens, Winterset; Rev. H. W. Tate, Chariton; Rev. D. W. Griffith, Shenandoah; Rev. C. J. Pope, Villisca; Rev. V. C. Rocho, Council Bluffs; Rev. T. S. Bovell, Ft. Dodge; Rev. F. M. Archer, Boone; Mr. W. H. Berkley, Woodbine; Hon. D. C. Shull, Sioux City; Rev. H. L. Stet- son, D. D., Des Moines; Rev. A. B. Chaffee, D. D., Bella. The followiug named delegates were present from the churches : Rev. A. C. Blackman, Ames; M. W. Strickland, Ashland; A. H. Nickel, Beacon; Rev. R. Garton, H. H. Severn, and W. H. Johnson, Burlington; G. A. Bryant, Carlisle; Rev. R. A. Smith and Rev. H. M. Jones, Cedar Falls; Rev. Her- bert Tilden, Cedar Rapids; Rev. J. P. Coffman and R. L. Robie, Cherokee; Rev. George Brewer and A. P. Barker, Clinton; H. C. Miller, Colfax; G. W. Dickens and A. B. Phelps, Competine; Rev. O. W. Catlin, Cumberland; Rev. H. W. Tilden, D. D., Rev. Craig H. Thoms, Rev. E. P. Bart- lett, Rev. F. E. Morgan, Dr. George W. Fuller, E. S. Hunn, F. A. Durham, W. S. Goodell, F. B. Aldredge, and W. D. Lovell, Des Moines; I. S. Riggs, Eddyville; Rev. A. H. Ballard, Eldora; R. P. Horton, Evans; A. B. Smith, Ferry; Rev. Ezra Temple, Frederick; Rev. J. B. Edmondson, Fre- mont; A. L. Ricker, M. L. Norris, and M. Blow, Grinnell; C. H. Marsh and Mr. Merritt, Grundy Center; Rev. D. Mc- Masters and A. D. St. Clair, Hampton; Rev. A. T. Shortess, Hedrick; Rev. S. W. Lee, Indianola; Rev. J. W. Crooks, Rev. C. Smith, and E. R. Calkins, Iowa Falls; Rev. F. G. Lewis and W. G. Jennison, Jefferson; Rev. J. E. Treloar and J. M. Dunn, Jordan's Grove; Rev. J. Shutz, Knox- ville; Rev. D. M. Stiles, Livermore; Rev. E. S. Edwards, Lorimore; Rev. C. F. Lusk and F. L. Durey, Manchester; The Marshalltoivn Conference. 233 John W. Wells, M. Waterman, Ed Erickson, and J. R. Starr, Marshalltown; H. H. Harbaugh, Mason City; Rev. F. M. Gaines, Massena; Rev. Wilson Mills, Monroe; Judge Henry Jayne and G. W. Hutchinson, Muscatine; Rev. S. E. Wil- cox, J. Pope, J. I. Sweney, and A. M. Walker, Osage; Rev. C. L. Custer and Rev. I. J. Stoddard, Pella; Rev. G. E. Morphey and Mrs. Morphey, Perry; G. Drennan, Renwick; Orville Lee, Sac City; Rev. O. P. Sonner and S. Rice, Shell Rock; Rev. Amos Weaver and Mrs. Weaver, Tama; W. H. I-Ialstead, Toledo; L. B. Bobbitt, Vinton; Rev. H. G. Bea- man. Rev. Robert Carroll, B. Howrey, J. R. Vaughan, Mrs. J. R. Vaughan, J. E. Williams, and F. Foulk, Waterloo; Rev. W. H. Sayer and Rev. A. Diem, What Cheer; Rev. A. Jacobs, C. Aikens, and F. G. Lewis, Winterset; Rev. J. W. Allen, WoQdward. The committee of eleven had issued a printed call and sent copies to all the churches in the state, urging representation at the conference. The call recommended four resolutions for discus- sion, and named five speakers as follows : Pres. A. Loughridge of the education society, Rev. C. J. Pope, Judge A. J. McCrary, Prof. A. N. Currier, and Ivev. John A. Earl. All the addresses were listened to with keen in- terest, that of Prof. Currier being written, was preserved, and is copied for the information it contains. BAPTIST EDUCATION IN lOAVA. By A. N. Currier. The history of Baptist education in Iowa is a story of forty years of division in interest, sympathy, patronage, and means forty years of rivalry often degenerating Into detraction and strife. No sooner had a convention properly called and fairly conducted, chosen Pella as the seat of the Baptist college, and pledged the support of the churches to Central Univer- sity, than dissatisfied brethren through another convention set up a rival college at Burlington.^ When Burlington practically ceased to have a following as the college, or ^ An inadvertant error in the order, of precedence, the school at Burlington having been founded in 1852, that at Pella in 1853. See chapter on Early Interest in Denomina- tional Education. 234 Iowa Baptist Schools. indeed as a college, and Central University seemed on the point of securing state wide support, brethren dissatisfied with the location at Pella, seeing no prospect of moving the school, finally united in founding Des Moines University, and so opened a new chapter of the chronicles of division which to this date has seemed endless and hopeless. For thus far decisions decide nothing and settlements settle nothing. What has been ihe result of this policy? I. A Di\isioii of the Small Funds Raised for College Support. From 1853 to 1865 the newness of the state, hard times, and the Civil War, made it impossible to raise much money for buildings, temporary support, or endowment, but the small sum actually obtained would have assured one incip- ient college life, enlargement, and development. Every year would have been a step forward in growth, organiza- tion, and the breadth, quality, and grade of its work. Two so-called universities dividing the meager sum between them, starved and overworked their small faculties, v/ere able to furnish no appliances in the way of libraries and apparatus, and so became marked examples of arrested development. The greater sums obtained in the next thirty years, in- adequate as they were and are for the barest necessities of existence of two institutions, would have carried one col- lege over long strides towards a good equipment and a sub- stantial endov/ment. n. The two colleges have raised far less money than one college would have obtained, and with less importunate begging. The flush times after the war, and in the eighties, ought to have brought a large productive endowment. But most Baptists saw then, as we see now, that two strong colleges only forty miles apart were impossible. The hopes of each college were largely built upon the expected failure of the other. Many excellent friends of Baptist education became disgusted by the bickerings and strifes often un- seemly to say the least. More became disheartened over the seemingly hopeless struggle, and a still larger number became practically indifferent on the college question. . A faithful few made great sacrifices for the college of their choice in money and efforts, but dollars came where hun- dreds were needed, and hundreds feebly represented will- ing thousands that would have flowed into the treasury of one college, cherished in the hearts of all the churches, The Marshalltown Conference. 235 III. Much of the money actually raised for endowments has gone to pay current living expenses, in illustration of the old proverb, "necessity knows no law." Continued exist- ence has often depended upon expenditures beyond income. Temporary transfers have grown into permanent loans from endowments, and when these were exhausted, ugly and threatening debts have loomed up to the dismay of all friends and the indignation of donors to endowments supposed to be sacred and permanent. Even if endowments are untouched, debts grow apace, threatening to absorb all available property. The result is that no more money for endowment can be rafsed in the state while two colleges stand as rivals. One college would not have escaped all misfortunes, for the churches would have given too niggardly, and men with less than perfect wisdom would have managed affairs, but its means would liave been far greater, and the temptations born of neces- sity would have been far less, with no rival to be equaled or surpassed on pain of losing caste. IV. This policy of division has been a bar to the organiza- tion of a stable faculty of able, experienced, and well known teachers and scholars. Such men have for a time served in both faculties, and with decent support and reasonable prospects of the growth and permanence of the college would have devoted their lives to its interests and its work. But hopeless of their own future and that of the college, starved, overworked, without books and other appliances, and deprived of a genuine college atmosphere, it is no wonder that most of them have not resisted the calls to more attractive fields, and so the greater is the admiration due to such men as Scarff, Nash, and Mrs. Stoddard, who persisted to the end of health and strength, or are today leading a forlorn hope. Another result largely chargeable to the state of things described, is the lamentable fact that so few Baptist fami- lies are today represented in our own colleges, or indeed in any institution of higher education. The Methodist colleges in the state have five times as many students as the Baptist schools, and those of the Congregationalists twice as many, and these denominations outnumber us at the university in about the same proportion. University, 189 6-189 7: Methodists, 95; Congregation- alists, 49; Presbyterians, 75; Baptists, 3 4. 236 Iowa Baptist Schools. lu the colleges of the state. 1894-1895: Methodist coll.. 1961; Congregationalist, 615; Presbyterian, 450; Baptist, 300. (?) Counting the graduating classes only, the showing would be far worse for Baptists. We need a crusade in this matter in all the churches, led by the pastors, but it will never be realized until we have one strong college able to offer the best education, the object of the support and the affection of our people. If we are wise, the set time has come to make that a reality. Before I sit down I want to bear emphatic and hearty testimony to the ability and the devotion of the noble men and women who have put their lives into these colleges. I have known many of them personally, and have seen the daily lives of consecrated labor and heroic sacrifice of some of them, whom dead or living, I count among the saints of the earth. I know something of the Stirling worth of the men and women who have been trained by them and are now doing valiant service in church and State and society. Such lives and such labors surely have not been in vain and our only regret must be that narrow means and untoward circumstances have laid upon them too heavy burdens and limited the fruitfulness of their labors. A report of the conference was published by its secretary in the Standard of Janiiaiy 8, 1898, as follows : 'Iowa Educational Conference — A better place could scarcely have been chosen than Marshalltown for the above conference which was held on December 21, last. It is one of the best and most centrally located of our Iowa cities. Everything seemed to conspire toward mak- ing the meeting pleasant as well as memorable. The church through whose invitation and hospitality the confer- ence met is prosperous and aggressive under the scholarly leadership of Dr. Parsons, while the recently remodeled and beautified church building left nothing to be desired in the way of favorable surroundings. As the readers of the Standard are aware, the first steps towards the conference were taken at the last annual meeting of the Iowa Baptist Education Society. At the meeting a resolution was adopted calling for the appoint- ment of a committee of eleven, one member from each congressional district of the state, to arrange for the date, place and program for the conference, to nominate fifty representative Baptists and to issue a call to the churches of the state to send delegates. This movement had its The AlarshaUtoicu Conference. 237 beginning not among the friends of any one institution, but it was the climax of a growing conviction through a period of years. For some time past there has been an increasing desire on the part of our people for unity and co-operation in our educational work. It was felt by many of our best pastors and laymen that Iowa Baptists could never be educationally what they should be on the present basis of carrying on their work. As a result the denomina- tion was doing very little for education, and the young people were often seeking their education in other schools than our own. This was owing not to the lack of ability or culture of the noble brethren who were in charge of the institutions, but rather to the need of equipment, and support which the denomination owed to its educational interests. To assist in making the work of the conference definite the committee presented four resolutions for its adoption, practically as follows: (1) That the best Interests of the denomination will be promoted by having but one institu- tion to do college work in the state; (2) that this confer- ence shall determine where such college shall be located; (3) That on the board of trustees of the college, the prin- cipals of the affiliating academies shall be members ex- officio; (4) That immediate steps be taken toward secur- ing an ample endowment fund for the college and the affiliated schools, and that a general secretary be appointed to raise such fund; forty per cent, of which to be given to the college and the remainder to be divided among the affiliated academies. By the call of the committee a general interest in educa- tion was awakened throughout the state. Some, however, looked upon it with a feeling of trepidation, knowing the outcome of former attempts to solve the problem, while others felt that there was a divine providence in it all, and that a better day was about to dawn. The Conference — The conference was called to order at 10:30 a. m. by Judge A. J. McCrary, of Keokuk. Prayer for divine guidance and blessing was offered by Rev. J. A. Earl, of Waterloo; after which Judge A. J. McCrary was elected permanent chairman, and A. T. Fowler, of Muscatine, secretary. A committee on creden- tials was appointed, consisting of Rev. S. E. Wilcox, Osage; Rev. J. P. Coffman, Cherokee; and Hon. J. J. Powell, Cedar Rapids. While the committee was preparing its report, questions as to the methods of procedure and points of order were discussed. When the committee made its report it was revealed that thirty-nine delegates at large were present out of the fifty nominated, and ninety-six delegates from the churches, making a total of 135, In 238 I una Baptist ."Schools. which every part of the state was represented. It being near the noon hour twenty minutes were spent in fervent prayer, led by Mr. William Aitchison, Jr., Des Moines, and participated in by many of the brethren present. This was one of the most helpful periods of the conference, prepara- tory to the more serious work before the meeting. At the close of this, conference adjourned till after dinner. The afternoon session began at 1:30. Rev. J. W. Allen, of Woodward, opened the meeting with prayer. On motion it was decided to proceed with the discussion of the first resolution recommended by the committee for adoption. Pending its adoption. Prof. Albert Loughridge, of the State Normal School of Cedar Palls, gave an address on "The minimum working force practicable in a respectable college." Comparisons were made among colleges both outside and inside the state, in other denominations and in our own. Averages were drawn and as far as practicable compared with our own schools. Prof. A. N. Currier, of the State University at Iowa City, followed with a succinct address, giving in outline the history of Iowa Baptist educational interests up to the present time, and the prob- lems encountered. The address was wonderfully impar- tial in its treatment of questions and conclusions. Rev. C. J. Pope, of Villisca, was the next speaker. He spoke upon "The ability of Iowa Baptists, present and prospect- ive, to support a college; and the duty of concentration, at whatever cost in the way of change or modifieation of past or present plans, in order to accomplish the practi- cable end." The subject was divided into two propositions: (1) The ability of Iowa Baptists to support a college; the essentials being mentioned as instructors and equip- ments, students, intelligent friends of education among the laymen, able and aggressive pastors, endowment. (2) The duty of concentration In the way of modification of past or present plans. In order to accomplish this end. This duty grows out of our past failures, It also comes from present conviction. It also grows out of future possibilities. Each address was clear, concise. Impartial, showing careful preparation, and made a profound impression upon the con- ference. After a brief discussion the resolution was adopted. Pending the adoption of the second resolution, Judge A. J. McCrary gave a statement in detail of the plant and equipment of the colleges at Pella and Des Moines, fol- lowing it with an earnest address, upon the need of definite action on the part of the conference, for only in concentra- tion can there be substantial progress. At this point it was decided to postpone the adoption of this resolution till im- mediately after the opening of the evening session. A com- The Marshalltown Conference. 239 mittee was also appointed, consisting of Judges Clyde, Osage; Remley, Anamosa; Stutsman, Burlington; McCrary, Keokuk; Hon. Henry Jayne, Muscatine; and Hon. J. J. Powell, Cedar Rapids, to inform the conference of the legal status of the properties and endowments of the colleges, in case of the adoption of the second resolution. The ses- sion then closed with prayer by Rev. L. N. Call, of Sac City. At 7:30 the evening session was opened with prayer by Dr. H. L. Stetson, of Des Moines. The committee on the legal status of the colleges reported that the institutions were so organized as to be able to adapt themselves to the changes proposed by the conference. The resolution was adopted and the conference proceeded without discussion to ballot for the location of the college. Two ballots were taken, the first an informal one, giving Des Moines first place; the second, a formal one, standing as follows: Des Moines, 85; Pella, 26; Waterloo, 5; Osage, 3; Iowa Falls, 2 ; thus giving Des Moines more than the necessary two-thirds as called for in the resolution. After some amendments and brief discussion, the third resolution as recommended by the committee was adopted. Pending the adoption of the fourth resolution Rev. J. A. Earl addressed the conference on the needs of an immediate effort to raise an ample endowment in the state, and of the necessity of someone to take it in charge. With some amendments the resolution was adopted. The conference pledged itself to make good the amount for any losses coming to the institution at Pella in its acqui- escence with the changes involved, and a committee was appointed consisting of William Aitchison, Jr., Dr. A. B. Chaffee, Dr. E. T. Edgerly, Dr. H. L. Stetson, and G. W. Lovell, to confer with the institutions at Pella and Des Moines as to working out the details of the plan adopted by this conference. After a vote of thanks had been passed to the church for its generous hospitality, and to the Western Passenger Association, the conference adjourned with prayer by Prof. Abernethy, of Osage. Resolutions. The resolutions as amended and adopted by the confer- ence were as follows: 1. Resolved. That the best interests of the Baptist denomination in Iowa will be promoted by having but one institution to do a college grade of work. 2. Resolved, That representing Iowa Baptists, this con- ference shall by ballot now determine where the institution recognized as the college shall be located; and that a 240 Iowa Baptist /SV7iot/6\ choice shall require a two-thirds vote of the delegates and members present. 3. Resolved, That in the malting up of the board of trustees of the college herein provided for, the principals of the several Baptist educational institutions of Iowa shall 1)6 members of the college board. Said college and academj^ boards shall make annual reports to the Iowa Baptist Education Society in which shall be stated the number of students in attendance, and the amount of tuition received, the number of instructors employed, and salary of each, and a general statement of income and expense, and the amount of indeljtedness, if any. 4. Resolved, That it is the sense of this conference that the officers and executive committee of the Iowa Baptist Education Society should take immediate steps to raise an ample endowment fund for the benefit of said college and the institutions co-operating therewith, and that a general secretary be appointed to raise said fund, who shall ap- portion the same, 40 per cent, to said college, and the remainder to be equally divided among the institutions co- operating therewith. Afterthoughts. It was the general opinion among the brethren that this was the most notable gathering the Baptists of Iowa have ever held. A large number of professional and business men were present, besides prominent pastors. The harmony and Christian fellowship were remarkable, notwithstanding what the daily press said about "heated debates," which were conspicuous by their absence. It was delightful to see when the final result of balloting was announced that there was no manifestation of one locality trying to triumph over another. During the interval of counting the ballots several brethren sang impressively, and a song service was con- ducted which was intensely inspiring and uplifting. It was with not a little pleasure that the conference found it had completed its work at the close of the evening session. Many anticipated staying over till Wednesday. Still more pleasing was the fact that every one felt that it had been a thoroughly enjoyable meeting. It was seen that when it comes to a conviction and a necessity Iowa Baptists can rally and take hold together in a crisis. The first step has been taken; now it remains for the Baptists of Iowa to give this educational system an equip- ment worthy of the denomination. ARTHUR T. FOWLER. The Mar shall town Conference. 241 Tho 1898 convention was lield at Cedar Rapids. In the report of the committee on resolutions adopted by the convention was the following: Education. We heartily express our pleasure at the dis- position of the Iowa Baptist Education Society to push on with the plan of unification of our educational interests in spite of hindrances in the past. And in the meetino- of the education society the f<)ll()\vin<>- was adopted: Resolved, That we commend the policy recently adopted of unifying our educational work, and congratulate our- selves on the progress already made towards its establish- ment, and urge our schools to consummate their part and put the system into vigorous operation. UNIFICATION. The sul)scquent history of this effort at unifica- tion is summed up in the following report sub- mitted at this annual meeting of the education society at C\-dar Rapids, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1808: Report of Committee on Endowment. Dear Brethren — At your last annual session you author- ized a committee to call a conference for the consideration of the relation of our various educational institutions to one another. This meeting was duly called and held at Marshalltown, on December 21, 1897. This was a represent- ative Ijody composed of one hundred and thirty-five dele- gates duly appointed by their respective churches. It was there unanimously voted "that the best interests of Iowa Baptists will be promoted by having but one institution to do work of a regular college grade." By more than a two- thirds majority it was decided that this institution should be located at Des Moines. Two other resolutions were also unanimously adopted. One of them is: "In the making up of the board of trustees of the college, the principals of the several Baptist educational institutions of Iowa shall be members of the college board. The college and academy board shall make annual reports to the Iowa Baptist Educa- tion Society, in which shall be stated the number of stu- dents in attendance, and the amount of tuition received, the number of instructors employed and salary of each, and a general statement of income nnd expense, and the amount of indebtedness if any." And ihe other is to the effect that the oflBcers and executive committee of your society take •24:2 loir (I .^chooh. immediate steps to raise an ample endowment fund for the college and the institutions co-operating therewith which should be apportioned among them at the ratio of forty per cent, for the college and the remainder to be equally divided among the several co-operating schools. In accordance with this instruction the above named of- ficers met at Des Moines, December 28, 1897, and voted to appoint a committee on endowment which should have charge of all the details involved in carrying out the decis- ions of the Marshalltown conference. Prof. A. Lough- vidge, who was then the president of your society, was ap- pointed chairman of this committee, and he was authorized to select four others to act with him. He choose A. Abernethy, J. A. Earl, H. L. Stetson, and A. B. Chaffee, provided Central University should vote to accept the action of the Marshalltown conference. Rev. C. J. Pope was elected financial secretary. It was decided to raise in the first canvass $100,000. Central University signified its willingness to abide by the resolutions adopted at Marshall- town. President Chaffee never acted with the committee, and later it was increased by the appointment of Rev. F. W. Parsons, Ph. D. and Mr. L. D. Leland and Mr. J. R. Vaughan. Prof. Loughridge was called from the state dur- ing the year, and Rev. A. F. Fowler was elected to fill the vacancy. This committee prepared and sent to all our schools the following plan of co-operation: "In fulfillment of the decision of the Iowa Baptist Educa- tion conference held at Marshalltown, Iowa, December 21, 1897, in accordance with the vote of the Iowa Baptist Education Society, October 2 8, 1897, the following resolu- tions, I, II, III, as a plan of co-operation, are adopted by the officers of Iowa Baptist Education Society, to whom was delegated the duty of carrying out the action of said conference. Resolved I, That the basis of co-operation shall be as follows: 1. There shall be but one college for Iowa Baptists, namely, the one now located at Des Moines. 2. The usual college degree shall be conferred by this college only. 3. The college and other co-operating schools shall, as soon as practicable, secure through their respective boards of trustees: (a) Substantial harmony in course of study, equipment, and methods of instruction, with the view of promoting the highest efficiency in their work, and preparing students for their entrance to the college. The Marshalltoiun Conference. 243 (b) Such changes as may be necessary in their respect- ive boards in order that the college board shall have at least one representative from each of the other boards, and each of the other boards at least one representative from the college board. (c) One annual prize scholarship from the college to each of the other co-operating schools, free tuition in the college to all instructors from said schools, courses of lect- ures, oratorical contests, and other plans, such as may be devised for the mutual benefit of the schools, and for the cultivation of cordial relations among them. Resolved II, That a general financial system under the authority and direction of the Iowa Baptist Education Society shall be instituted and carried on for the purpose of securing funds for the endowment and equipment of the college and the other co-operating schools, according to their respective needs. Resolved III, That in the first canvass the college and each of the- other co-operating schools shall, in accordance with the vote at Marshalltown, share in the receipts in the ratio of eight to three, and shall contribute to the expenses in the same ratio. The canvass for endowment shall be continued beyond the proposed one hundred thousand dollars until the loss from present invested funds, if any shall be sustained by a co-operating school on account of its adoption of the plan of co-operation, shall be fully replaced. No school shall be entitled to co-operate or receive a share of the funds raised, until its board shall have elected a corps of not less than four qualified instructors, at least two of whom shall be regular graduates of a standard grade college, and whose principal administrative officer and not less than two-thirds of the other instructors shall be members of a regular Baptist church where tlie school is located. The schools that have united in these terms of co-opera- tion are Des Moines College, of Des Moines; Cedar Valley Seminary, of Osag6; Burlington Collegiate Institute, of Burlington; and Sac City Collegiate Institute, of Sac City. It was further Resolved, That if any of the co-operating schools suf- fered its present indebtedness to increase, or should incur new debts in maintaining its work during this canvass, such schools should forfeit all claims to a share in this endow- ment fund. Central University replied that legal proceedings were very certain to be begun to recover productive funds now held by it if it should change its grade of work and con- form with the resolutions of the conference, and ask^d that 2U I on- (I Baptist Hchooh. in accordance with the vote at Marshalltown indemnity for any loss it might sustain be provided. The language of Its executive committee is: "Security should be given at once to be available as soon as we may be deprived of the said funds or the income of the same." As neither your com- mittee nor the Education Society had funds in hand to give the security, and as the request for it was based upon a contingency that might arise, your committee adopted the following resolution, which was as far as it could go: "The canvass for endowment shall be continued beyond the proposed one hundred thousand dollars, until the loss from invested funds, if any shall be sustained by a co- operating school on account of its adoption of the plan of co-operation, shall be fully replaced." With this form of promise for indemnity Central University was not satisfied^ but your committee had reached the limit of its power. At a meeting of the trustees of Central University in June, they voted to accept the plan of co-operation on the follow- ing conditions: First, a satisfactory indemnity; second, that Des Moines College honor its outstanding scholarships; and, third, on or before July 1, 1901, give up its academy. Des Moines College voted to accept the second and third conditions, with the first it felt that it had nothing to do. Meanwhile application was made to the American Baptist Education Society to contribute $25,000 toward the fund (h $100,000, l)ut a favorable response has not been received. Mr. Pope began his services soon after his election, but not finding the conditions as they seemed to him favorable for raising money he resigned on June 29. His place has not been filled, and nothing has been done since his resig- nation. While not as much has been accomplished as many hoped when it was voted to hold the conference at Marshalltown, yet there has been performed a great deal of work which will bear good fruit. For the first time all our schools have been brought into pleasant and harmonious relations. There are no differences between them to be settled. Many misunderstandings have been cleared away, and a cordial feeling prevails where formerly there was quite the op- posite. And, we know now exactly what is necessary to secure complete unification and co-operation. All our schools have voted to accept the plan. One of them, however, makes certain conditions; and these, with but one exception, have been met. Only one thing now stands in the way of perfect co-operation. Never before could this be said. The gains and advance which have been made along these several lines are worth all they have cost. No one Is yet justified In saying that the effort started at Des Moines one year The Marshalltown Conference. 245 ago is a failure. It has been very fruitful of good, and we are persuaded that still more will come from it if we are wise and patient. Concerning the future course to be pursued there are several alternatives. One is to leave matters just as they are. Another is to secure at the earliest possible moment the kind and amount of indemnity Central University re- quires before any other work is performed. The third is to push ahead and secure what funds we can for those institutions which have voted, without any conditions, to accept co-operation. Your committee feels that the wisest course can not be now determined, but it believes that such a committee ought to be continued in existence and be ready to act whenever it can forward the great work entrusted to it. Sui-ely God will bring out of these present conditions, which, in so many ways are favorable to the attainment of the great end believed in by the great majority of Iowa Baptists, something beneficial. Trusting in His infinite wisdom and earnestly seeking His guidance we ought to keep ourselves in readiness to improve any opportunity He may send. Respectfully submitted, H. L. Stetson, A. Abernethy, Jno. A. Earl. The above report was referred to a special com- mittee which at a later session, submitted the following: Dear Brethren — Your committee to whom is referred the "Report of the Committee on Endowment'' would ex- press the pleasure of the society that the progress indicated has been made during the year, and advise the adoption of the report. They beg leave to emphasize the suggestion that the committee on endowment be continued, and add that they be instructed to obtain from the trustees of Central University a definite and final statement of condi- tions and seek by every proper means to complete the unifi- cation of all our schools. Report was adopted.^ Long before these reports had been submitted or adopted, however, the failure of this movement had been foreshadowed, as the following facts will tend to show. President Chatt'ee, A\ho i)ers()nally was heartily in favor of the movement decided upon by tlie 'Iowa Baptist Annual, 1898, pp. 83-84. 246 Iowa Baptist Schools. Marslialltown eouveution, deeliued to serve as one of the committee of live to whom was committed the duty of carrying out and carrying forward the plan. The board of trustees of Central College doubt- less intended to join in the new plan agreed upon at Marshalltown for a united and aggressive for- ward movement, by removing the only obstacle — antagonistic interests — and at their annual meet- ing in June, 1898, adopted the following: This board wishing to express its desire for unification, and at the same time to faithfully comply with the trust with which it is charged, and to sacredly protect the fund belonging to the denomination and placed now under its charge expressly to maintain and keep up a college in Pella, Iowa, does hereby endorse the propositions for unification made by its executive committee in their open letter of March 1, 1898, as follows: 1. To have but one college and that at Des Moines, said college to honor the scholarships heretofore issued by Cen- tral University. 2. Des Moines College and Central University to unite upon some plan whereby Des Moines College will cease doing academic work and Central College discontinue col- lege classes after July, 1901, excepting an advanced course of one year. 3. At least practically, if she can nxjt do so legally, Central to drop the name university and assume the name of Central Collegiate Institute. The trustees of Central to be first secured by any just means against possible loss which may be sustained by giv- ing up her college courses. And this board expresses its hope that some such plan of unification be agreed upon. And the executive commit- tee is hereby authorized to withhold the Issuing of the catalogue for 189 8 and 189 9 until after the meeting of the board of Des Moines College during this month. ^ Dr. B. F. Keables also a ])romiuent Baptist, and a resident of Pclla for near fifty years, who had served with distinction in the Civil War, and ^C. L. C. in Standard, June 25, 1898. The Marshalltown Conference. 247 later for several terms as member of the Iowa house of represeulatives, aud always a staiiuch friend of Central College, sent next day the fol- lowing letter to the Des Moines Register : Pella, Iowa, June 15, 1898. Editor Register — It will be remembered that last winter at Marshalltown the Baptists of the state met for the pur- pose of organizing unification of their educational interests in the state. In March the executive committee of Central University issued an open letter, stating that unification was "in. sight"; it now seems certain of accomplishment, or at least Pella can not be charged with its failure. The Marshalltown conference fortunately and, it now seems, most wisely, took action simply on the location of the college for the denomination of the state, leaving the subject of the location of academies without action. Under these circumstances some time in February the presidents of Des Moines College and Central University, in connec- tion with members of the executive committee of each col- lege, held two or three conferences, unofficial, and ^nally agreed upon a plan of unification that should in the near future harmonize with the actions taken at Marshalltown. Yesterday the Central board of trustees unanimously ap- proved tlie plan arranged by the two presidents and mem- bers of their executive committees. Doubtless, next week the board of trustees of Des Moines College will, with equal unanimity, sustain the actions of its president, so both boards will have shown a willingness to do all in their power, consistent with their duties as trustees holding funds in trust, for unification. Then all that is required is for the state education board to make arrangements (which they have intimated a will- ingness to do in case of unification), to secure Central against loss, if any, that may result from the proposed change of grade. This plan of unification is, although long delayed, a wise one. It contemplates that the denomination will, after three years, do all its college work at Des Moines, and its academic work at Burlington, Pella, Osage, and Sac City. It is believed that a college supported by four academies located in different parts of the state may soon become one of the best equipped colleges in tlie state. B. F. Keables. The committee labored assiduously and patient- ly to find some way to meet the requirements for 248 loiva Baptist Schools. posbible iudemuity, ur to yecuic tueh modificalioii as could be provided for, but without result. The American Baptist Education Society had indicated through its officers a willingness to give aid toward raising endowment to be divided among the several schools, if Iowa Baptists would unite on one college, but declined to act until a final settlement was reached. The financial secretary' elected to begin the work of securing endowment found his A\'ork greatly handicapped by the failure of the coiinuit- tee to secure either the co-operation of Bella, or aid from tlie national society and soon gave up the effort, resigning June 29, 1898. President Loughridge, chairman of the commit- tee, was called by the Home Mission Society dur- ing the summer of 1898 to the headship of Bisliop College at Marshall, Texas, and the real work of the committee soon came to an end. A report of the commencement of Central Uni- versity published in the Standard of July 8, 1899, over the signature of "C. L. C." indicates tlie final decision of their board. It is as fo]lo\\'s : A communication through Dr. H. Ij. Stetson from the endowment committee of the Iowa Baptist Education Society was read, earnestly soliciting Central's board to adopt the society's plan of co-operation and offering the first $25,000 out of the general canvass to indemnify Cen- tral for any loss of endowment in consequence of change of grade. In response the board stated in substance that inasmuch as the offer only continued the uncertainty which had already injured both schools it felt that it was unwise to longer dally with the matter, and urged the maintenance of Ijotli colleges as the way to secure harmonious co- operation. The grounds (m wliich the Central board i)l:>ced its claim for indemnity was understood to be that tli(» college A>'as liable to lose a certain portion of REV. ALVA BUSH, D. D. The Maralialltown Conference. 249 its endowment wliirli had been given on condi- tions requiring the niainlentinee of college classes or a school of college grade. Two of the alumni, i^lajor H. G. Curtis of Atlantic, and Captain E. G. Barker of ]\Jacksl)Uig, had secured for the college an endowment fund estimated at one time as high as 150,000 by the gift of some mining stock trans- ferred under conditions. These brethi*en, with others, were said to be opposed to the 181)7 [>lan of unification and had threatened to bring suit for the recovery of the funds derived from the above source if the plan was carried out. At this time tin; possible loss v^as variousl^^ estimated at from 115,000 to |25,000. The succeeding year President Stetson of the sjiuje committee made a brief report to the effect that little progress had been made toward unifica- ti(m (see inige 80, Iowa i;a])tist Annual of 1899), and wi(h thai i'e])orl (he whole subject seems to have been dropped. In HHIO the committee on resolutions in the i*]ducatier, 18 62, H. I. Par- ker presented the prospects of a school in Osage, Iowa, and Revs. Fulton, Alva Bush, C. B. Smith, R. P. Keyes, L. T. Harmon, and H. I. Parker, were appointed a committee to report upon the matter, who reported, in substance, as follows: That the people of said town having proffei-ed commodi- ous and comfortable buildings, free of charge, for the establishment of a school, therefore, Resolved, That we fully approve the acceptance of said buildings, and pledge our hearty co-operation in the execu- tion of the enterprise. The association accepted and adopted the report, but entered into no specific engagement at that meeting. In January, 1863, the school was commenced by general con- sent under the charge of Alva Bush, A. M., in the court house at Osage. At the eighth anniversary of said association, held at Waverly, September, 1863, H. I. Parker, A. Bush, and H. H. Burrington, were appointed a committee to prepare a report upon the "Situation and Prospects" of said school. The committee reported as follows: Whereas, an institution of learning for the young has been opened in the county buildings of Mitchell county at Osage, under the instruction and management of Rev. A. Bush, named and known as the Cedar Valley Seminary, and. whereas, said institution was much needed and promises to Cedar Y alley Seminary. 253 be of great service within ttie boundaries of tliis association, tlierefore, Resolved, Tliat so far as is consistent, we pledge our- selves as an association, to give our influence, and patron- age to encourage and permanently establish the Cedar Val- ley Seminary. This report was accepted and ordered to be printed with the minutes.^ Late iu the aiituiim of 18G2, Prof. Bush visited Osage, and made arrangements to occupy the new jail for a home, and one or more of the rooms in the new court house for the school, the county seat remaining at iMitchell until 1869. Early in Jan- uary, 1863, he started with his family, for their future home, reaching the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sweney near Little Cedar, Friday, January 9, where they remained for the night. Two of Mv. Sweney's children, Charles and Mary, had at- tended school at Fayette, and were acquainted with him. Saturday they came to Osage and took up their home in the jail. On Monday jnorning, January 12, Prof. P)ush oi ened the tirst term of the school which had been designated The Cedar Valley Seminary, with seventeen boys and four- teen girls, the students bringing their own chairs. During the first year there were four terms of eleven weeks each, thus gaining one term, so that the regular academic term might commence in September each year, with three terms of thirteen weeks each, which has since been done.- Tlie teachers were Prof. Bush, l\Irs. Harriet Smith, and Miss O. Estella Oriswold. During the period above named beginning in January, 1863, and ending June, 1864, one hun- dred six students w^re enrolled. Of the forty- three boys in this list several won later prominent pro- ' p. V. S. records, pp 1-3. 'Prof. Bush in Decennial Catalogue, 1863-1872, p. 32. 25-4 loica Baptist >SV7/oo/6'. fessional or official positions. Frauk W. Chase, coiiipleting tlie course in 1871 , followed his father's profession, becoming a ph3^siciau and specialist and resides (1907) at Des Moines, Iowa. \\'illard L. Eaton remained to graduate in 1872, studied law at the state university, and com- menced ])ractice in Osage, where he is still at the head of the leading law firm in Osage. An able jurist, an eloquent speaker he has served in vari- ous public positions, including three terms in the Iowa house of representatives, the last one elected speaker, and at present is state railroad commis- sioner. Forest A. Marsh, also an alumnus of 1872, entered the Baptist ministry, served several churches in Iowa and Wisconsin with unusual ability, and died March 12, 1897, at Beloit, Wis- consin, at the age of fifty-three. John R. Prime served for a series of terms as auditor of INlitchell county, and captain of an Osage company in the Iowa national guard, later was appointed briga- dier general in the same service, and resides in Chicago, Illinois. Augustus C. Tupi)er was in business in Osage for many years, and served one term as state dairy commissioner. Among the sixty-three girls of that first year's school many are still well known in Osage, among whom are Jennie Atherton (Patterson), Abbie Rush (Button), Ada Chase (Whitley), ^lary Merrill (Rood), Cora Moore (Ross), Ella Nixon (Hastings), ^Nlary Skinner (Lovejoy), and Kate Sweney (Eno). For the school year of 1804-1865 one hundred forty students were enrolled, among them a num- ber well known later for the exceptional vecoi'ds they were permitted to make including John E. Cedar \ alley Seminary. 255 IMsliop, Charles Suiuuer Chase, ^Yarren H. Knoui- ton, William F. Lohr, Ilenrj^ C. VanLeuven, Alouzo Warden, Daniel U. Whitaker, and Wilson \Yhitney. Bishop, Lohr and VanLeuven soon rose to distinction in the law. Lohr removed early to Sionx City, where he continued to practice till the time of his death January 1, 1905, leavini>' a con- siderable estate, which will revert eventually to en- dow the Seminary library. A most honorable and worthy example whicb ought to be followed by many others. Chase after graduation took a course at the state college of agriculture, studied medicine and for fifteen years has filled the responsible position of ]n'ofessor of materia inedica in the medical college of the State Univer- sity of Iowa, at the same time carrying on a large practice in his home city of Waterloo. He has been an earnest and liberal supporter of the Semi- nary from the first and in 1891 was chosen trustee to succeed his father, Dr. S. B. Chase, the father and son having filled the one office from the organ- ization of the board of trustees to the present time. Wilson Whitney entered from Charles City, but remained only for a few weeks as the call came foi' hundred days men for the army, and he answered the call and enlisted. Eight years later he became pastor of the Osage Baptist church, which he served very efficiently, though \e\ a voung man in the ministry. He has held pastorates at Man- kato, Minn.; Goshen, Ind. ; Adrian, Mich.; the Messiah church, of Chicago, etc. At the present time he resides at Bedford, Ind. Many of the girls who entered that year have made good use of their training in later life as the following names will illustrate: Clara E. Bush 256 /owa Baptist iSchools. (Call,) Alice M. Chase (White,) Ellen B. Flint ((juernsey-Wanzer,) Alice Graves (Sawyer,) Mary Sweney (Scamnion,) and M. Libbie Tupper ( l^rown. ) For 18r)5-]8(>6 there were one hundred forty-six students, including such well known names as Albert ( \ Hlackinan, Artliur W. Clyde, George W. Conley, Charles F. Gardner, S. J. McKinley, Syd- ney S. Toman, and John L. AMiitley. Also Misses Louie E. Clyde (^Nlarsh), Clariuda Hitchcock (Hitchcock), Emma 1'^. ]M(\i>,guier (Narey), and Kosa vSkinner (Harmon). Hla.ckmau taught school for ten years or more, then entered the ministry, which profession he has greatly honored in Iowa for the last twenty-five years, C\jde, Whitley, To- man, and (Jardner chose respectively law, medi- cine, ncws])a])er, and fruit and nursery business, each with ability and success. The teacliers for the first tliree year tei-m are given in the triennial catalogue issued in 186G as follows : Rev. Alva Bush, A. M., principal. Miss O. Estella Griswold, preceptress. Mrs. Harriet Smith, Mrs. Martha S. Bush, and Miss Addie Haskell, assistants. A second triennial catalogue was issued in 1809. The teachers reported are : Principal Bush. Miss J. C. Addington, preceptress. P. A. Collet, M. D., language. Mrs. Fannie Turner, French. Miss Emma Megguier, music. Tlie students for 18fi6-1867 numbered one hun- dred forty-five. One of the number, Harrv jMerrill, later studied medicine, and was recently in prac- tice at Maywood, Illinois, In 1867-1868 the enrollment was, Am*mg the number are seen the new names of Jef- I Cedar Valley Seminary. 257 ferson F. Cl^^de, Alonzo T. Conley, and James I. Sweuey, the future lawyer and judge, physician and surgeon, financier and banker. The first named has^ been the very efficient secretary of the Semi- nary board for near twenty years; tlie last named its equally competent and faithful treasurer for near thirty years; and the other always one of its most devoted and liberal supporters. The next year the number of students increased again to one hundred ten. Of those who entered this year and afterward chose professional life were John Wesley Conley, Sanford F. Goodman, and Ira E. Town. Dr. Conley of Omaha, Ne- braska, has won a national reputation as a Bap- tist divine and author. Judge Town has been a leading member of the bar and bench for many years at Tacoma, Wash. Allie Crego (Smith) and Hattie Wedgewood (Olyde) were among the girls who entered this year. This school year of lS68-lSfi9 ended the Semi- nary's work in the old court house. It had been for Prof. Buph a busy six years' work, or seven years as he afterwards estimated it. He had left the impress of his own charming personality on a very large number of these early students. He lind taught them faithfully in the class room, and what they afterward recalled with far greater in- terest and delight — he had left the inspiration of his own pure and loftv ideals engraved in their future lives and characters, as few teachers are ever permitted to do. 258 loaa Baptist Schools. The Seminary and the Cedar Valley Baptist Association. At the ninth anniversary of the Cedar Valley Baptist Association held at Osage, September, 186 4, the following was adopted: Whereas, the Cedar Valley Seminary located at Osage, has continued during another year with a prospect of per- manency and usefulness that justifies a complete organiza- tion; and. Whereas, it is understood by this association that the cit- izens of Osage and vicinity request this body to assume the supervision of said institution, and also that they propose to furnish suitable buildings for the permanent accommoda- tion of the school, with its necessary appurtenances, the perpetual occupancy of which it is designed to give to a corporation formed by this body upon the condition that a school adapted to the wants of the community be sustained; Therefore, Resolved, That we undertake to maintain a school in accordance with the proposed conditions, and for the accomplishment of this object, we hereby appoint a committee who shall for the present act as trustees of this school and report a plan of organization next year. The resolution was adopted, and the following named persons appointed trustees of said school: Rev. Walter Ross, S. B. Chase, M. D., A. H. Moore, M. D., and O. P. Harwood, Esq., of Osage; Rev. John Fulton, of Independ- ence; Rev. A. G. Eberhart, of Cedar Falls; and Rev. H. H. Burrington, of Waverly. Articles of incorporation were re]iortefl the fol- lowino- year, and finally adopted December 12, 1867, as follows : Articles of Incorporation. We, the undersigned, do hereby associate ourselves to constitute a body corporate in accordance with chapter fifty-three (53) of the Revision of 18 60 of the Code of Iowa. Article 1. This incorporation shall be known by the name and style of "The Board of Trustees of Cedar Valley Sem- inary." Art. 2. The object of this incorporation shall be to establish and maintain an academical institution of learning in Osage, Iowa, of such grade as shall be deemed feasible by the incorporation. And the trustees shall have full power by resolution at any time to determine what profess- orships shall be established in such Institution. Cedar T alley Seminary. 259 Art. 3. The powers of the incorporation shall be to have perpetual succession, to sue and be sued in its corporate name, to have a common seal, and to change the same at pleasure. The private property of the corporators shall be exempt from corporate debts. It shall have power to make contracts in the same manner and to the same ex- tent as private persons. Art. 4. The trustees of said incorporation shall consist of the following named persons; namely, S. B. Chase, A. H. Moore, and O. P. Harwood, who shall serve as such for one year; H. H. Burrington, T. F. Thickstun, and C. T. Tucker, who shall serve for two years; and W. W. Blackman, Peter Morse, and C. L. Clausen, who shall serve for three years. Art. 5. Such trustees and their successors in office shall constitute the corporators. Art. 6. Such corporators shall have full power to fill any vacancy in their numbers for the respective terms of each member. Art. 7. The corporate year shall terminate on the Wednesday preceding the fourth day of July. Art. 8. The "Cedar Valley Baptist Association," a vol- iintary religious association existing in the state of Iowa shall have authority to appoint the successors of the trus- tees at their annual meeting each year, and the successors of each class of trustees shall assume the duties of their office on Wednesday, preceding the fourth day of July next following, and until such duties be assumed by each suc- cessor the said duties may be performed by those previously In office. Art. 9. Said trustees shall be invested with all the powers of such incorporation, and may purchase, receive, by gift or otherwise, any real or personal property for the use of said incorporation, and may dispose of all such property in such manner as they may think expedient. They may make, alter, and amend their by-laws in such manner as they may deem for the best, and they may constitute such agents as they may believe useful, and determine their duties and powers, and may provide in such manner as they may deem proper for the conferring of any and all academic degrees, employ teachers, provide for endowments, and generally to make such rules and regulations in rela- tion to the support and control of such school as they may consider necessary. Art. 10. The incorporation shall in no case incur indebt- edness, which in the aggrer:ate shall exceed an amount greater than one-half of the fairly estimated value of the property belonging to said incorporation. 200 lona Baptist idiJiools. S. B. Chase, O. P. Harwood, A. H. Moore, C. T. Tucker, W. W. Blackman, Peter Morse, C. L. Clauson.^ The first officers choseD after incorporatiou were Rev. C. T. Tucker, president; Dr. W. W. Blackman, vice-president ; Prof. Alva Bush, treas- urer; and Dr. S. B. Thase, secretary. REMOVAL TO THE NEW SEMINARY iiUILl)lv(,. The contest for the location of the county seat having finally been settled, it became necessary for the Seminary to find a home of its own. The citi- zens of Osage formed an organization named the "Trustees of Cedar Valley Seminary" in contra- distinction to the older incorporation styled the "Board of Trustees of Cedar Valley Seminary.'' The new organization purchased the north half of block 122 and the south half of block 95 for a campus and secured the closing and transfer of that part of Mechanic street between Fifth and Sixth streets to the north side of the plat pur- chased. A two story brick building, 86 by 72 feet, was erected for the use of the school in 1800. The up])er story was completed by the Osage Baptist church under an agreement that it should have the free use of the chapel for religious purposes for the term of ten years. The fourteenth annual meeting of the associa- tion convened at Osage, Friday, September 24, 1869, and next day adopted the following: Whereas, A communication from the citizens of Osage has been received by this body, tendering to the trustees of Cedar Valley Seminary which are appointed by this as- sociation their beautiful seminary building Just completed "C. V. S. RecordB, pp. 7-11. Cedar Valley Seminary. 261 at an expense of about $10,000, and the grounds attached, on condition that an endowment be raised for the seminary, and we pledge our continued patronage to the school, there- fore. Resolved, That we highly appreciate the liberality of the citizens of Osage, and the untiring energy and perseverance of Prof. Bush, who has been largely instrumental in raising the school to its present elevated position. Resolved, That we cordially accept the proffer made by the citizens of Osage, and undertake to raise an endow- ment for the seminary of $20,000 on condition that the owners of the building agree to transfer in fee simple the building and grounds to the board of trustees when the sum of $10,000 in cash and reliable notes bearing interest shall be raised toward a permanent endowment. The school opeucd au.spiciou.sly iii the new biiihliiig September, ISGU, Prof. Bush haviiig se- eiiied the services of Kev. Thomas Ure as iiistruct- or iu aucieiit laiiguages. Seveiity-five geiitlemeu aiid uiiiet^'-three ladies were eiirolled during the A^ear. The foUowiug year I'eler A. i^laleu became in- structor ill modern languages and Mrs. C. Murray teacher in music. This year there were fifty-four ladies and seventy-two gentlemen; among tbe lavier were several who later entered the professions, Kobert 1). Frost and iJavid P. ^V'ard, the ministry, P^iank H. Forbes, the law, and Dayton Ward, teaching. Forbes remained in Iowa, settling at Northwood, Frost A^ent east, and David Ward, Avest, settling in California Avhere he has long sei'A'^ed as state Sunday school missionary under the American Paptist Publication Society. In the year 1870 the first systematic effort seems to have been made to set-ure funds for the sup[)()rt of the school, including endowment. The board elected Rev. Asa Marsh of Kiceville, financial agent. From the A^ery meager records extant it appears that ^iv. Marsh was (|uite successful in -62 Iowa Baptist Schools. securiujjf notes, but leceiviug very little cash. Five one hundred dollar notes are recorded as given at a meeting of the association, probably at Waverly in 1870. Three of the number, however, are still in the hands of the treasurer, without any endorse- ments. Some needed funds were secured, though, to aid in carrying on the school, in those pioneer timeh when promises were more plenty than money. Mr. Marsh continued to act as agent for two years or Uto hundred fifty-six students had entered the Semi- nary. The folloAving are kuoAvn to ha^e entered the professions : ^Ministry — W. AA\ Pratt, who graduated in 1875 and thirty years later was pastor of a Baptist church at Passaic, N, J., and later assistant pastor at Russell H. Conwell's. Temple church, Philadel- phia, Pa. Cedar Valley Seminary. 265 Law — Fred J. Leouard, David Poiudexter, Walter Byiugtou, Cliaile.s 1*. Reeves, the latter elected several times to the Minnesota house of representatives and the last term chosen speaker. Medicine — J. E. Caldwell and C. Frank Sweney. Teaching— Chancey P. Colgrove, Frank Ham- blin and -Jay A. Lapliam. Colgrove is on the fac- ulty of the Iowa State Normal school, and Lap- iiam, of Central College, at l*ella. Dan H. Houghton entered West Point and the army. The familiar names of Lewis M. Alexander, Charles N, Bliss, Harry H. Dane, and Jerry L>. Sheehan are also in the list. A number of the girls who entered during this period afterwards honored the teachers" profession, among them at least, Eva Button, Leona Call, Leni L. (xardner, and Amelia Lohr, besides, doubtless, many others who made equally good records in the school room, the home or the hospital. Kev. Loreu T. Bush was added to the faculty in 1876 for one year, and then replaced by Prof. David ]'\ Call, who continued in the faculty until he went to Des Moines, in 1881. No list of students for 1876-1877 has been pre- served. Eight this year received diplomas for graduation. For the year, 1877-1878, the Cedar Valley Seminarian in its first issue, June, 1878, contains a list of 187 students, including seven who completed the course. Among the number were two, A. B. Coats from Mitchell and Daniel Reagan from Benson's Grove, who later entered the Baptist ministry; Frank E. Whitley from Jamestown, N. Y., medicine; and Hamlin Garland from Osage. All remained to graduate. ]Miss Call probably iiolds first rank among lad}^ teachers in 266 Iowa Baptist Schools. Iowa, having held for ten years the professorship of Greek in the Iowa State University. Garland long since won national reputation as an original and versatile writer, his always interesting and fascinating works being found in most libraries and homes of the country, east and west. There were probably more students in the school this year of 1877-1878 than during any other year of Prof. Bush's administration, and yet the income was wretchedly inadequate to support a good school. His report to the board dated June 28, 1878, was as follows: Received on tuitions, $1,9 47.25; interest on endowment, $477.75; total, $2,425. Expended — Professor of languages, $600; preceptress, $400; wood, $100; printing and repairs, $50; janitor work, $25; incidentals, $25; on salary, $1,200; total, $2,425. . Three teachers could not adequately instruct 187 students of all grades as these weve^ without over- taxing their energies, and |225 for the expenses was wholly inadequate. In 1878 Mr. John Rehmann was added as teacher of German. The next year's report showed an even worse conditiled the only terms the board Avere willing, or perhaps able under the circumstances, to offer, the same as had been previously given to Prof. Bush, nameW, Cedar Valley Seminary. 269 that he should have the entire management of the Seminary, receiving all the tuitions from the school and all endowment interest after July 1, 1881, to procure at his own expense all teachers, and defray the current expenses of the maintenance of the school. It was a hard contract at best. It involved large personal risk to begin with. It would almost necessarily subject him to criticism, sooner or later. It placed upon him responsibilities that ought to be shared by others. But there was no other alternative, except to refuse what seemed to him a call to duty. He accepted the service, entered upon it witli hope and enthusiasm, and carried it forward to the best of his ability during twenty-one years. He realized that some serious problems confronted him. With the death of Dr. Bush, and the departure of Prof. Call and his sister to take up woik at Des ^Foines, no member of the faculty remained, and but few of the old students were likely to return. A debt must be provided for, the amount of which was not known to any member of the board. Title was yet to be secured to the Seminary prop- erty, where the school had been conducted for the past twelve years. Some plan must he devised to secure support for the school other than tuitions before permanency could be assured. Measures must be adopted to collect interest and principal, as far as practicable, on endowment notes secured during the last eleven years or more. Mr. J. E. James had been elected treasurer on tlie death of Prof. Bush, and had in his possession about one hundred and seventy of these old notes, aggregat- ing 16,385.33. The day after school opened in September, while looking up the subject of title to 27i) foica Baptist *SV7/ oo/s*. the Seminary property, he accidentally discovered in some musty old tiles in the law office of D, W, Poindexter, the deed executed five or six years earlier, and took it to the court house for record. The recording of this instrument led the old cred- itors to look up their interests, and early in the followinji' year suits were instituted in the courts to attacli the property as security for the claims. A committee of the hoard was appointed to deter mine the amount of the old debts, and another to canvass for subscriptions conditioned on the pay- ment of the claims in full. Suffice to say that $4,523. 84 were secured for the old debts, including the creditors' gifts, and $260 additional for repairs and a new roof, placing the property for tlie first time clear of debt. Prof. N. E. Goldthwait, of Boone, who had done four years of the best kind of work in Des ]\foinp« College, and Miss Mattie Eaton, a teacher of ex- ])erience and rare ability, were secured to assist the principal, and the school opened September 21. Thirteen of the old students returned the first term with eighteen others, and the work began. The next term sixteen more students enrolled, in- cluding seven of the last year's students. The enrollment for the year was fifty-eight. At the close of the first term Prof. Goldthwait decided there was not enough work in the school for two stalwart men, and withdrew. Of the forty boys who entered that year nearly half remained to graduate and make enviable rec- ords in life. The writer has followed nearly all of them with special interest and satisfaction, as they have sooner or later won their way to success in their several callings: Fred F. Faville, Conrad Cedar Y alley ^■eminary. 271 F. Hambreeht, Frank T. King, and Tim D. Bheehau in the law; Charles H. Hurd and riiarles C Wiggins in medicine; Dan I. Coon and Frank E. Pelton in the ministry; Geo. P. White at West Point and in the army; Frank Annis, (leorge E. Haskell, Frank and Lewis James, and Franz Rund- borg in sueeessfiil business, Haskell winning a large fortune; Frank Avery and Willis Wilkin while forging to the front paid the debt of natuie soon after completing their studies. One of the compensations in the teachers' life is the keen satisfaction experienced wlK-iiever his or her "boys and girls" win unusual success in life. However little their influence may have contrib- uted to this result, it is a source of perennial joy and pride. July 12, 1882, Treasurer James, desiring to sur- render his office, Cashier James I. Sweney of the Mitchell county bank, was elected treasurer, and still holds the position. Treasurer Sweney has with great labor and pains froni the first kept his books in such a manner as to show in detail the history of every dollar cominn- into any one of the funds of the Seminary, including endowment. Mr. James turned over to Treasurer Sweney en- dowment fund collected during the year, |390. fifi; interest, .|62.13. Treasurer Sweney has not only made full and detailed reports ever since, but the board has preserved them by ordering them copied as part of the records regularly since the year 1886. June 28, 1882, two additional teachers were elected : Miss Emma L. Miller, Marshalltown, Wis., English, and Miss Myrtie A. Stevens, Mt. Carroll, 111., music and elocution. July 19, Rev. A. R. Button was elected financial agent to begin 272 foita Bapti-'it Hdiools. service August 15, at |600 and expenses for self and use of team. The conditions were : "such sal- ary and expenses to be paid fi-om such amounts as the said agent shall secure by subscriptions.'' Of the one hundred and seven students who en- tered in 1882 a considerable number remained long enough to lay the foundation of a good education : Taylor A. Alexander, Alva B. Lovejoy, and George C. Otto, entered the law; Lincoln F. Abernethy, en- tered the ministry; Wm. P. Hunt, Frank W. Lee, and W. S. Pitts, medicine; Frank A. Brush became a banker; H. Arthur White entered West Point, and later the army. A number took up teaching for a time, among them, James F. Hetler, Mal)el Abernethy, Flora Bush, Nellie and Jennie Kidney, and Belle A. Sweney. A large number of the boys became successful business men. With more than a hundred new students addefl this year to the fine body of those returning from the previous year, there was something doing and to do in the school. Additional classes and better equipmeni were required. The teaching fori*e proved inadecpiate. It was difficult to secure good boarding places, and boarding house rates went up. The board was convened March 12, 18^3, and th« principal authorized to solicit siibscriptions for philosopliical ap])aratus. A subscription was forth- with begun, several hundred dollars secured aiul expended for apparatus of various kinds, including a fine electrical machine, air pump, dynamo, etc., making a good foundation which yet after noarly twenty-five years is the bas's of the Seminary's present excellent laboratory equipment, with sid) sequent occasional additions. In the following July it was decided to institute REV. P. S. WHITMAN, D. D. (Jedar \ alley Seminary. 273 a boarding house. A building was rented for the purjiose at the principal's expense and risk, of course, and another subscription started to procure the necessary furnishings. This subscription was raised in the neighboring towns outside of Osage. Its success resulted two years later in the erection of a dormitory and boarding hall for teachers and students. At the beginning of the third year, September 10, 1883, two new teachers were added, Miss Clara Remley, of Iowa City, an alumnus of th<» .•-'tate university and a teacher of experience and ability, for science and German, and Miss Susie J. Pratt, of New Hartford, a graduate of (-entral College, who proved a most excellent teacher, for uiaihemat- ics and English. Later in the year Rev. J•^ W. (lardner was added for history and Lat'u. A large number of new students entered again this year, the enrollment for the year reaching two hundred and tAvo. Among the number some remained long enough to cultivate the love of study, and later to enter the professions. Charles F. Brownlie, Charles S. Dean, and Daniel Ileagau, in the ministry, George S. Coon and Irene Smed- ley, medicine; Samuel W. Beyer, Sherman M. Cr^d- dington, Alice Maud ]McKinley won high rank as teachers; Beyer as professor of geology in the Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanic arts, iud ^liss McKinley a^s professor of Latin in the (Chi- cago high school. Charles W. Alexander, Ed. J. Cannon, Harvey E. Jones, Alfred C. Page, and Afton S. Wright, have to the writer's knowU^dge won imusual success in business. A fine school had been organized, a Siifierio,' class of students gathered, with little iucoaie, ex- 274 loica Bapiiat iiyiliools. cept from student tuitions. A splendid (lass of tliirteen liad rompleted their work and deserved t]ie di])lonias that were given them at the June commencement, 1884. All have honored theif professions and their other stations in life. Willis r. Wilkin died in the south a short time after com- pleting his course, and Lizzie Sweet (Sime) fr»l- lowed some years later. In May, 1884, the board accepted the gift of 40 acres of land, lying a mile south of the present city of Oelwein in Fayette county from Mr. Samuel Strows, of Ft. Atkinson, Iowa, through financial agent, Mr. Button, on condition that he be paid f50 to reimburse him for some expenditure made on the property. This property was sold January 8, 1885, for |12.50 an acre on advice of some Oel- wein friends. Mr. Button resigned his agency at this time and the board accepted the resignation with the following commendation : "That the thanks of the board be tendered him for his able and efficient services." He soon after entered upon like service for Des Moines College. Of the students who entered in 1884, four at least became bankers, Charles H. Beckett, Park C Pratt. Alva H." Shaffer, and Samuel R. Ure. Rush O. Butler entered the law; William O. Rlanchar, medicine; Lee A. Brink, the ministry; Ampelias H. Avery and Horton A. Dwelle rose to prominence as teachers and school superintendents. Vinnie Bush (Moran). Everett A. Fields, William L. Fit- kin, Charles H. Heath, Delos ^1. Palmer, Clarence A. Palmer, Stanton R. Pelton, and Arthur, Eugene, and Wilber Simons, all filled well their places at a later day in their several callings. July 1, 1885, Prof. H. A. Simons was elected to the chair of science. At the same date it was decided to under- Cedar Valley Seminary. 21 o take the ereetion of a ladies' dormitory and board- ing house. Nine days later |1,000 had been sub- scribed and when |1,500 had been secured Col. J. H. Sweney offered the following resolution, which was adopted: That there be loaned from the endowment fund $1,500 to be used In the erection of said building In accordance with plans to be approved by the board, and this on the specific condition and pledge that the income from said building shall be first applied to the payment of interest on said amount loaned. The building was completed at a cost of 14,041.03; cost of furnishing, |467.37; total, 14,508.40. It was occupied in November, 1885. The loan proved an excellent investment, as the revenue from the use of the building has probably always been several times as much as the interest on the loan would have been. The first winter every room was filled with students, the girls oc- cupying the ten rooms on the second floor, and the boys the same number on the third floor. Several of the rooms even (10 by 15 feet in size), having three students each. It was .soon discovered that the building was too small to house properly such a body of students, and three months later a sub- scription was started for a second building of the same size, 38 by 52, to furnish needed room for the business department, and for the young men. The erection of this building proved too heavy a tax on the generous citizens of Osage, and its comple- tion was delayed a year or more until outside help could be secured, the plan adopted being to com- ]»lete the building, after it was inclosed, as fast as the funds could be secured. One thousand dol- lars of endowment fund was added to the funds subscribed for this building. A great deal of criticism was indulged in for years on account of 2.76 loica UaiJtiat ^vJiools. these two loans, by ]>arti(\s in Osage who had con- ri'i])nle(l little oi' nothing toward the erection of Uie buildings, or in fact for any Seminary improve- ment. These anainting; Miss Stella J. Rice, instrumental music ; and Miss Anna J. Kelly, elocution. Among the new students enrolled this year were Hugh A. Heath and Arthur L. Weather- Iv, who later entered the ministry; also E. Clark Rarton, Albert L. Brush, Patrick H. Cannon, Delia Cunningham, Edward E. Johnson, Earl M. Merritt, and Hiram E. Tuttle, who later entered various positions of trust and responsibility. August 21, 1886, Supt. Jay A. Lapham, who had served as county superintendent of Chickasaw county and eity superintendent at New Hampton, was elected financial secretary for six months ; but before he had done much canvassing he was given clinrge of some classes in the school, and preferring that work to the other and succeeding well in it, he Cedar Valley Seminary. 277 Avas given charge of the English work, and con- tinued in the position for many years. The enrollment for 188G-1S8T was one huudied and fift3'-seveu. Among the students entering this year, who afterwards chose professional life, were Herbert A. Abernethy, Guy Guernsey, Herbert L. fc>toughtou, the law ; Clarence H. Lockwood, the ministry; Fred D. Nichols and li. Hart Walker taught for a time and then went into business, as did also J. L. McLaurey, (.'liarles H. Morse, and William J. Starr. vSe\ enty-six new students entered in 1887 ; among them Thonms M. Atherton, Arnold E. Urown, Clark E. Gardner, Gordon W. llandlett, Eay D. Smith, John E. Whirry, James L. Whirry; all of them already more or less widely known as editors, teachers, preachers, and business men. November VI, 1887, Kev\ A. K. Button was again elected tinancial secretary, coming from the same work at i)es Moines College. He continued in this service until October 10, 1890. ■ June 12, 1888, trustee, J. F. Clyde, was elected secretary of the board, and still tills the position by successive annual elections. He has from the tirst taken special care to make the records ac- curate, full, and complete. It has been the custom of the board for years to have all reall}' important acts made a part of the record, including detailed accounts of the annual current expenses, the receipts and disbursements of the treasurer and the like; all transfers of real estate are made by call of the roll, with record of those voting aye and nay. Two of the early trustees. Judge Cyrus l^'oreman and ex-Congressman N. C. Deeriug, both of whom 278 Iowa Baptist Schools. liud gi»eu loug, effieieut, and faithful service, died during the precediug year, aud their deaths were recorded by suitable resolutions. Principal Aber- nethy was elected to succeed Judge Foreman, on the board. For the school year beginniutr September, 1888, Miss Mary E. Farr from Colby College, Maine, became teacher of Latin and Greek, and proved to be a teacher of rare ability. Rev. J. C. Pope, pastor of the Osage Baptist church, was secured to teach New Testament history aud Christian evidences. John E. ANhirry became assistant in English. There were this year two hundred and three students. Among those entering this year C. lIoAvard Babcock later became a lawyer; Ralph L. Whitley, a physician ; George Sneath, a minister ; Karl Johnson, a banker; Ernest Faville, an editor; Kittie F. Bacon and Maude Cunningham, teachers; and Alva B. Coddington and Sumner Samson en- tered the mercantile business. February 4, 1889, Col. Aberuethy reported that he had received a proposition from Rev. P. S. Whitman, of Toccoa, Ga., to deed near 400 acres of land in Howard county, for an annuity of |350 for himself and wife. It was voted unanimouslv to accept the offer and empower the officers to execute the necessary papers. May 10, following, the papers duly executed, were submitted to tlie board, and the following resolution was spread upon the records : Bj' unanimouB vote of all present the property obtained from Rev. Whitman was placed in the endowment fund of the Seminary. In March, 1889, application was made by tlie board to the American Baptist Education Society Cedar Valley Seminary. 279 for aid toward Kecuriug funds for endoAvment, aud iu May the principal was delegated to attend the anniversary of the society at Boston, to present the application before the executive committee. This action resulted two years later in securing |t),G50 from the society for endowment. In June, 1889, I'rof. Simons retired from the school to accept the superintendency of the public scliools, of Hamburg, Iowa. Ue was a conscien- tious, earnest, excellent teacher, and a good man. Miss Mary E. l^ray, a recent graduate of Colb}' College, Maine, Avas elected teacher of science and German. 8he proved to be a most valuable addi- tion to the teaching force of the school. Two hun- dred and thirteen students were in attendance this year. Several of these entered the professions later; Archie W. Caul, the ministry; Frank B. AMiitmore, medicine, and later became a missionary to China; Oliver H. Bemis and Clinton E. Couley, became dentists; Liudsey A. Grimes, Die Halling- by, and Dottie I. Davies, remained to graduate and became teachers for a time. During the school ^ear, 1890-1891, there were two hundred and forty-tAvo students. Of these Charles V. Clark entered the laAv, Luther \V. Ross, the ministry, and Elmer H. DAA^elle, medicine. NoA-ember 1, 1890, Rev. P. S. Whitman loaned the Seminary .|T00, the proceeds from the sale of some Hancock county laud, at six per cent, iuter- (>st. FJAc bundred dollars of this came to the Seminary through his will, ten years later. February 9, 1891, the Seminary board Aoted to establish a chair of Greek language and literature to be named The Spencer Whitman Chair in Greek, in honor of one of its earliest and most j^enerous 280 Iowa Baptist Schools. beuefactors. At au adjourued anuual meetiug held June 23, the board decided to undertake to raise 125,000 for endowment, and |3,000 for debts, and to apply to the American Baptist Education {Society for |0,250 toward the endowment, and |1,200 for salary of agent. A prompt response came to this second application, pledging |6,650 if the school would raise |21,350 ; |25,000 of the total to be for endowment. The principal was at once authorized to enter upon the canvass, and |800 salary Avas voted for the ensuing year, to pay for additional teaching force and other expenses in- cident to his devoting his whole time to the can- vass. Rev. William E. Kaudall, pastor at Iowa Falls, was secured as financial agent to enter at once upon the canvass at a salary of |100 a mouth and his expenses, and a vigorous canvass was in- augurated. The records of October 30, 1891, contain the fol- lowing: We bow with sorrow in the presence of death which has deprived us of our esteemed co-laborer^ Dr. Sumner B. Chase, who departed this life, June 19, 1891. Whereas, We have learned in social and business rela- tions of his deep and abiding interest in this institution, in all matters pertaining to intellectual advancement and the moral upbuilding of the community, for which he was ever ready to contribute of his means and his time. Therefore, Resolved, That we hereby express our deep conviction of the loss of our community at large, and extend to his devoted wife and family the assurance of our high regard for him as a citizen, a Christian, and a public benefactor. A special meeting of the board held April 15, 1892, ccmtains the following record: The following resolutions were presented by Col. Aber- nethy. Whereas, in the Providence of God our board has been called upon to suffer the loss of Mr. J. R. James, who for many years has ))een one of our most active and efficient members, and, Cedar Valley Seminary. 281 Whereas, The Seminary ha^ profited largely by his judi- cious counsel, his untiring zeal in its behalf, his intelligent and most generous giving; therefore, Resolved, That we feel deeply his loss; that we hereby express our high appreciation of his sterling Christian character, that we recognize the fact that in all its his- tory the Seminary has had no more loyal and help- ful supporter, no one v.iio in times of perplexity and em- barrassment, did more to encourage and sustain the school; that in all our relations with our brother, and in business matters, we have found him courteous, thoughtful, and ap- preciative of the opinions of others. We thank God for his life and example, and hope that to the Seminary other friends as true and wise and generous may be raised up. June 27, 1892, the follow inji records appear: Col. Abernethy reported that Caroline Waite of Iowa Falls had conveyed to the Seminary real estate in said cor- poration, and executed her Vv^ill in favor of the Seminary; she to have life lease of property. The deed, will, and the agreement as drawn by Mrs. Waites agent, and executed by her, were read and considered. By a unanimous vote the officers were instructed to execute the agreement, and the doings of Col. Abernethy were fully ratified and ap- proved. Col. Abernethy presented a second agreement en- tered into with Deacon Hosea Lafler, of Cedar Rapids, la., for the conveyance of house and lot in Cedar Rapids, the Seminary to provide one permanent scholarship, the oc- cupant to be nominated by donor or principal; and the preservation intact of the proceeds of the sale of the prop- erty. Board voted unanimously to ratify and approve the agreement. two additions to the eiidowitient w(«re secured throuj^li the effort of A<»'ent W. E. Randall. By the terms of the Education Society's gift, the |21,'350 must be secured h,y July 1, 1892; and as tliis date approached during the spring of that year the canyass became strenuous. It \yas dis- coyered that Iowa was a large state; and that a great many Baptist homes needed to be yisited. Prof, N. E. Goldthwait, that Nestor among Iowa Baptists, was grafted into the seryice. Pastors ( '. J. Pope, A. R. Button, ^V. L. Ferguson, and J. A. 282 Iowa Baptist Schools, Laphaui were each pressed into service for a month or more. President Stetson had rendered etfective work at intervals throughout the year. When July 1 came the canvassers and interested friends gathered to submit reports and learn results. The designated committee, after an all day canvass of the returns, were enabled to announce in the early evening that the required amount had been secured to meet the conditions imposed by the Education Society. July '22 the following record of the board ap- pears : Col. Abernethy submitted the following report on finan- cial canvass, which was adopted and ordered spread upon the records: Gentlemen: I hereby submit the following report of the recent canvass to secure endowment and pay debts of the Seminary. The total sum secured, according to the report of the committee, July 1, 1892, was as follows: Total sum of pledges counted $23,064.25 Total sum of cash collected 2,001.81 Total sum secui'ed and counted $25,066.06 To this should be added gift of American Baptist Education Society 6,650.00 Also: House and lot, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; gift of Hosea Lafler 1,000.00 House and lot, Cresco, Iowa; gift of Rev. P. S. Whitman 700.00 Ten lots. Lime Springs, Iowa; gift of Rev. P. S. Whitman 300.00 House and lot, Iowa Falls, Iowa; gift of Mrs. Caroline R. Walte 1,000.00 Total $34,716.00 The expenses of securing the same are as follows: Salary. Trav'ng exp. Principal, twelve months $800.00 $260.18 Printing, postage, and telegrams. . . 85.77 W. E. Randall, 9 1-3 months 930.00 282.42 N. E. Goldthwait, 1 1-3 months.... 133.33 7S.88 C. J. Pope, 1 month 100.00 31.25 A. R. Button, 1 month 95.00 35.47 W. L. Ferguson, 1 1-3 months 93.75 49.61 Cedar Valley Seminary. 288 J. A. Lapliam. 1 1-2 months 105.00 19.79 N. E. Chapman, 9 days 22.50 6.86 H. L. Stetson 180.00 129.25 $2,459.58 $979.47 Total expenses $3,439.05 Of this |2,459 paid for services, $800 was paid back to tlie eudowiuent fuiid by the same parties, in subscription to the fund. Those friends who contributed fifty dollars or more for this endowment were as follows : Rev. P. S. Whitman, D.D., and wife, Toccoa, Ga.; Deacon Hosea Lafler and wife, Covington; Mrs. C. R. Waite, Iowa Falls; each, $1,000. J. R. James, Osage; J. H. Brush, Santa Rosa, Cal.; Mrs. H. H. Shaffer. New Hampton; C. M. Livngston, Mon- roe; each, $500. J. S. Wheeler, Mason City; A. Abernethy, Osage; each, $300. Charles Sweney, Osage; W. F. Havper.Ottumwa; each, $250. •J. I. Sweney, J. A. Lapham, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hawley, Avery Brush, and J. B. Kingsbury & Co., Osage; F. Y. Whitmore, West Union; L. and A. J. Dwelle, North wood; Mrs. Mary A. Strows, Ft. Atkinson; Dr. A. Cleghorn, Cleg- horn; each, $200. Hon. J. F. Clyde, J. W. Annis, Osage; Dr. E. C. Spin- ney, Des Moines; Hon. J. D. Glass, Mason City; each, $150. A. J. Burtch, Rev. C. J. Pope, O. P. Woodard, E. L. Sawyer, G. B. Lovejoy, Hon. J. A. Smith, S. W. Hastings, W. L. Eaton, E. S. Fonda, Mrs. L. C. Pettit, Misses L. and G. Foreman, Baptist Sunday School, Hon. J. H. Sweney, and Dr. W. W. Blackman, Osage; Mrs. Rebecca J. Grimes, West Union; Prof. N. E. Goldthwait, Boone; L. W. Her- sey, Waukon; Prof. A. N. Currier, Iowa City; J. R. Adams, Mason City; E. A. Hovey, Independence; S. W. Cole, Grln- nell; Col. A. Cochran. Little Sioux; William Hughes, Davenport; Charles Bofink, Jefferson; Mrs. Nellie Black- man, West Mitchell; Dr. G. W. Carter, Mrs. S. R. Bowen. Marshalltown; Prof, and Mrs. Loughridge, Cedar Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Drs. C. S. and F. W. Chase, Water- loo; Mrs. P. W. Miles, Corydon; Mrs. M. Alden, Anamosa; Hon. W. L. Joy, Sioux City; L. M. Alexander, Port Edwards, Wis.; E. R. Barron, La Crosse, Wis.; J. J. Powell and wife, Cedar Rapids; each, $100. 284 loiva Baptist Schools. A. M. Walker, G. M. Stoughton and wife, Osage; Milton Remley, Iowa City; W. H. Barton, Mason City; Prof. T. Tobin, Fort Dodge; each, $75. Rev. W. B. Randall, Boone; $60. Prof. J. E. Whirry, Starr Bros., F. E. James, A. S. Wright, Mrs. E. B. Coffin, C. H. Morse, F. E. Rundborg, O. Rundborg & Co., C. H. Cotter, C. N. Bliss, Dr. J. W. Barrett, Dr. J. L. Whitley, Mrs. J. L. Blakeslee, J. B. Slieehan, J. F. Dailey, George E. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bush, Young People's Union, J. B. Cutler, William Woods, and Mrs. M. May, Osage; H. V. Dwelle, H. A. Dwelle, B. H. Beckett, and O. E. Eckert, North wood; A. B. Tuttle, Mason City; A. Ressler and J. H. Hall, Shell Rock; Mrs. C. S. Crosby and F. S. Crosby, Sheffield; Krebs Bros., Cedar Rapids; Rev. H. W. Tilden, D.D., Des Moines; J. H. A cseler, Plaintield; Mrs. C. Stillwell, Fayette; Rev. N. B. Rairden, Washington; Dr. L. Fuller and Hon. S. B. Zeigler, West Union; Rev. W. P. Thompson, Hudson; H. W. Kohlke, Rockwell; Rev. A. R. Button, Cascade; Allen H. Clarke, Waverly; Dr. W. H. Dickinson, Des Moines; Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Bevan, Atlantic; W. H. Moore, Quas- queton; Mrs. Sarah E. Bigelow, Ames; William Kirtly, Ogden; Dr. F. W. Lee, Riceville; W. A. McHenry and Mrs. Mary S. S. McHenry, Denison; Caleb Stock, West Mitchell; D. J. Patton, Hampton; Miss Belle Hamilton, Ottumwa; Rev. G. F. Holt, E. B. Smith, Baptist Sunday School, Water- loo; Rev. A. B. Coats, Beverly, Mass.; U. Roraback, Daven- port; C. A. Yarns, Spirit Lake; Robert Waddell, Mitchell; Young People's Union, Superior; Young People's Union, Waterloo; H. H. Dane, Washington, D. C; A. D. Maxon, Cedar Rapids; Dr. A. T. Conley, Cannon Falls, Minn.; Mrs. J. V. Hinchman, Glenwood ; Rev. H. M. Jones, Cottage City, Mass.; each, $50. For the j^ear 1891-1892 there were tAvo hundred aud stiideuts enrolled. Among' the new sltidents entering, Rolla E. Brown entered the ministry. George H. Sawyer, after completing his Seminnry course, and later his college course in the University of Chicago, in 1898 taught niatliematics in the Seminary one year, and in 1899 \A'as elected ]>rinci])al of the Osage high school. Later he became sujierintendent, which ])osition he holds in 1907. A splendid class of eleven graduntod this yenr. It would have been twel'\;e but for the deceaNC of Ada E. Bush. Cedar Y alley Seminary. 285 Some changes occurred in the faculty for the ensuing year. Miss May Z. Parker was added for iiiiithematics and elocution; Miss Annette H. Whitney replaced Miss Mabel Abernethy in in- strumental music, and IJev. N. E. Chapman in vocal. Much of the principal's time was devoted the next few 3^ears to the collection of endownu^nt subscriptions, and the care and disposal of the large proi>erties that had been secured as the result of the last year's canvass. When commencement came, eTune 7, 1893, another fine class of eight was graduated, out of two hundred and sixteen students in attendance. Of those who entered this year, Bert H. Coonradt, H. Eastman Colby, and INTiss Gail Sweeney re- mained to graduate. Coonradt entered the minis- try. Colby became a teacher, and Miss Sweney, a lovely, brilliant and noble girl, daughter of ex- Congressman J. H. Sweney, later graduated at the state university, married, but lived onlv a few months to bless the new home. Misses Farr and Pray resigned at the close of this year's work both to enter upon post graduate work at the Universitv of Chicago, with lofty visions of literary careers. Both fell victims a little later to the wiles of that arch little archer, which demolished one kind of an air castle, only to erect a lovelier and better. Their places were taken by J. M. P. Smith and William M. Ege. The one has become the brilliant successor of President Harper in the Universitv of Chicago, as r>rofp«!sor of Semitics; the other has for a number of years been instructor in an Indian school in South Dakota. "Rut the -nrincipal must not be permitted to go on in the good work, which was taxing every fiber 286 loira liapti.^t i^cliooh. and cord of his heart. In the board's reoor*! of November 24, 1893, appears the following: The secretary presented and read a petition from and other members of the Osage Baptist church, asking that the board require the resignation of Col. Abernethy as principal and member of the board. Col. Abernethy retired from the meeting. After full discussion by members of the board, and of the committee from the association, W. L. Eaton moved the adoption of the following, which was seconded, to-wit: Whereas the petition of et al., is merely the ex- pression of the opinions of the petitioners, and the same contains no charge of any kind against the principal; there- fore, Resolved, That in our opinion the same contains no basis for action on the part of this board, and we deem it for the best Interests of all concerned, that we decline to take jurisdiction of the same, and do not think it wise to receive the same or make it a part of our records. Carried. The enrollment for 18S3-1894 was two hundred and twenty. Jannarv 3, 1895, the following record appears : Col. Abernethy reported verbally that Deacon Hosea Lafler of Linn county, Iowa, had recently conveyed to the Seminary certian real estate in Florida without condition (56 acres, lot 2-S-1-3 2-39) , and an undivided two- thirds In a farm of 29 8 acres In Linn county, on condition that he and his wife be given a life lease of said farm, and presented the conveyances and duplicate leases prepared by Hon. J. J. Powell, for said Lafler. He also produced three promissory notes given by Mr. Lafler to the Seminary, and duly endorsed, amounting to $6 00. Thereupon Mr. Clyde moved the adoption of the following resolution, which was adopted on roll call, every member present voting aye, to-wit: Whereas, Hosea Lafler and Rosanna Lafler of Linn county, Iowa, have executed a warranty deed to the trustees of the Cedar Valley Seminary of an undivided two-thirds interest In a farm of two hundred ninety-eight acres of farm land in said Linn county, to become and be a part of the per- manent endowment of the Seminary, on condition that they be given a free life lease of said premises, therefore. Resolved. That the board of trustees of the Cedar Valley Seminary hereby accept said conveyance and authorize and Cedar Valley Seminary. 287 empower the president, secretary, treasurer, and principal, to execute the duplicate life lease prepared and signed by said Hosea Lafler for the aforesaid premises, and that Principal A. Abernethy be authorized to complete and carry out said transaction. Resolved further. That the action of Professor Abernethy, in promising an additional scholarship to Hosea Lafler, in consideration of his gen- erous gifts to the Seminary, be and is hereby approved. For 1894-1895 there were two hundred and thirty-seven students, with twenty-two in the graduating class. In 1895 Mr. Elmer C. Griffith, of :Mt. Carroll, 111., a recent graduate of Beloit Col- lege, replaced J. M. P. Smith, who resigned to pursue graduate work in the University of Chi- cago. The catalogue for 1896 shows the number of students enrolled, during the year, to be two hun- dred eighty-nine, the largest number in any one year in the history of the school. There were nine- teen in the graduating classes. In 1896 ^Ir. Grif- fith was invited to the headship of Warren Acad- emy, Illinois, and Mr. George A. Moore, an alumnus of Denison University, Granville, Ohio, was chosen to fill the vacancy. The number of students for 1896-1897 was two hundred and forty-six. The class of 1897 con- tained twenty-six students, as follows: Literary courses, Clara L. Abernethy, Herbert G. Bartlett, Wilma Benedict, Blanche Brebner, Grace Bush (Gardner), Charles V. Clark, Bird Clark (Tib- betts), Burritt H. Cook, Jared W. Davis, O. R. O. Farel, Marshall A. Fennell, Walter I. Fowle, Ruth Gist, Burton C. Hemphill, Helen Hitchcock, A, O. Wydell, John J. Meyer, Stella P. Odekirk, James Pederson, ^largaret A. Scaramon, Albert W. Sides, Olive Woodard (Og-rr). Business course. Herbert W. Cutler, Arthur N. Harmon, Max Katz, and "jiSS ioini Biiptist ,S'tly and unanimously accepted by the association and the old time liarmonious relations again restored. The on^ source of weakness was eliminated, that had per- ?96 Iowa Baptist Schools. mitted the repetition of etlbrts to have the trustees and other officerss ol" the school removed, which could never get a hearing in Osage where their work was so well known and appreciated. The enrollment for 1900-1901 was two hundred and twenty-five, the graduating class numbering nineteen. For the year 1901-1902, there were one hundred ninety-eight students with a graduating class of twenty-two, four of the number from the business department. Besides these large graduating classes the other upper classes were well repre- sented; there were twenty-five juniors, twenty-two second year, and forty-three first year students. With the close of this year's Avork and the com- pletion of my twenty-one years as principal, my resignation was presented June 17, 1902, in ac- cordance Avith notice given tAvo years earlier. Upon its acceptance the board appointed as committee to draft suitable resolutions, the three members Avho liad served longest in that capacity: Col. J. H. SAveney, twenty-six years; E. S. Fonda, A^ce president, tAvent^^-two years, and Treasurer J. I. Sweney, twenty-one years, and adopted the fol- lowing : On motion Col. Abernethy was requested to perform the duties of principal until such time as the board may make other arrangements to fill the place. Later the folloAving resolutions Avere adopted and spread upon the records : AVhereas, after a service of twenty-one years as principal of the Cedar Valley Seminary, by reason of increasing years and impaired health Col. Abernethy has placed his resignation in our hands, therefore, Be it resolved by the board of trustees of the Cedar Val- ley Seminary, That in accepting his resignation we express our appreciation of his high character as a citizen and Cedar Valley Seminary. 297 eminence as an educator; That through all the years of his association with us and ttie Seminary he has, with un- faltering devotion labored for the cause of Christian educa- tion, for the moulding of youths into noble manhood and womanhood; That falsing the principalship as he did when the Seminary v/as bereft by the death of its revered and beloved founder, Prof. A. Bush, in the stress of financial depression and discouragement, with great courage, born of zeal for a noble purpose, with unusual ability and energy, iie contributed very largely in advancing and more firmly establishing the permanent usefulness of the Sem- inary; That in his well earned retirement from active labor as an educator, he carries our friendship and high regard; That these resolutions be spread upon our records, a copy be presented to Col. Abernethy and to the local press for publication. Prof. George A. Moore, who had entered the faculty iu 189G, wan elected acting principal. Prof. Graves, after t\\o years of excellent work, lost his health, and Mr. Irving Bundy was asived to take his place. A few months later Mr. Graves sub- mitted to an operation for tuberculosis, in the hos- pital at Hampton, from which he did not recover. The normal methods by which institutions of learning are founded and built up are well illus- trated iu the recent history of the Seminary. In 1891 when the first real eifort y\'as begun for endowment, the assets of the school had been slowl}' accumulating for ten ^ears. About |6,000 had been gathered for endowment; two frame school buildings had been added at a cost of |10,000; libraries and apparatus had steadily in- creased; the instructional force kept up to the needs of the school; and the most important as- sets — large number of students — were regularly filling e\ery class room; the enrollment for tlie last 3'ear reaching two hundred and forty-one. At the end of another ten years, the treasurer's annual report showed the following assets : 298 Iowa Baptist Schools. CabU and invested endowments $34,400.54 Secured land sale contracts 8,870.00 Total $43,270.54 The board held also deeds to real estate to the yalue of more than |i5,000, part of it subject tem- porarily, to life lease hold of douors; this iu addi- tion to the school plant proper, including the school buildings and grounds, libraries, apparatus, etc. The annual income was equal to the annual expenditure, and though still small, had steadily increased for a decade, while large classes were being graduated every year. It is worthy of note, also, that the above named last decade period included the four or five years following the general financial revulsion and depression of 1893-1894. The regretable feature in all our Iowa Baptist school history, is that there have been so few in- stances of such normal growth and expansion iu a half century. The Seminary had other assets also of real value. The Tuesday evening prayer meeting, es- tablished in the dim distance, very near the begin- ning, forty years ago, was always well attended, and became a potent factor iu character building. Out of it grew the Students' Christian Association which had charge of these meetings, also of the annual observance of the day of prayer for colleges, and other religious exercises. The courses in New Testament history and Christian evidences were eagerly sought and earn estly pursued in the senior year's curriculum. The Lafler, Livingston, and Klakeslee free scholarships, and the Dailey, Krush, and other an- nual i^rizes established, were, each, in its way, helpful and inspiring. Cedar Valley Seminary. 299 Prof. Moore remained at the head of the school one year and resigned to enter Columbia Univer- sity, New York City, where he remained one year, and has since been teaching in the Minneapolis high school. He was a popular teacher, and all his work was of a most thorough character. In the year, 1903, there were eighteen graduates, four of them from the business course. Rev. Thomas W. Todd, of Nora Springs, Iowa, was elected principal February 23, 1903, and as- sumed charge at the beginning of the spring term. With the close of the school year there was a gen- eral change in the instructional force. All those retiring had done most excellent service for a series of years; Mr. Moore, seven years; Mrs. Moore and Miss Lohr each five; Miss Bacon, four: and Mr. King, three. Their places were filled by Mr. Irving Bundy, for German, Greek, and Latin; Miss Alice Fullerton, mathematics and English; William A. Longley, history and normal ; J. G. Osborne, commercial work; and Miss Ida M. Strike, shorthand. The following November the school lost by death another most valuable and faithful trustee and of- ficer. At a subsequent meeting the board placed the following on its records: The board of trustees of Cedar Valley Seminary has sustained a great loss in the death of Deacon Josiah Pope, November 2 8, 19 03. He was a man of wide experience, lofty ideals, and sound practical wisdom, and was always profoundly interested in all matters pertaining to Christian education in general, and the Cedar Valley Seminary in particular. He served with zeal and faithfulness on the board and its committees. Two new teachers were added in 1901, Mr. H. R, Hick and Miss Emma Parsons to replace others withdrawing. '001 Iowa Baptist Schools. Earlj in 1905 Principal Todd resigned to accept a position in the state normal school, and Prin- cipal George M. Potter of the academy of Tabor College, was elected in his place, to enter upon his work July 1. At the annual meeting in June two of the older members of the board, Messrs. E. S. Fonda and W. L. Eaton, declined re-election and insisted on being relieved from further service; Mr. Fonda having served with a short interruption since 1882, and Mr. Eaton continuously since 1884. And both had given invaluable service for these many years. During this year two additions were made to the endowment fund, one of $700 by the will of the late Mr. William Hughes, of Davenport, who had previously contributed to the 1892 endow- ment; the other of |1,000 for a railroad right of way across the Lafler farm near Cedar Rapids, given in 1895 with life lease reserve. Mr. Lafier had also given most liberally during his life time to the endowment at various times. May 19, 1906, the board was reluctantly con- strained to accept the resignation of Col. J. H. Sweney, presented on account of ill health, after a most honorable and useful service of almost thirty vears. For the years 1902-1903 and 1903-1904 no lists of students were published. For the years 1904- 1905 and 1905-1906, the number of students en- rolled was respectively, one hundred and tliirty- nine and one hundred forty-nine. The faculty for the year 1906-1907 was as fol- lows: George M. Potter, principal; mathematics. M. Alice Fullerton, normal and English. Harry E. Cockrell, commercial branches. Harry G. Burns, science. Cedar Valley tSeminary. 'dbi L. Ethelyn Gibson, Latin and Greek. Hermaii F. Harris, history and modern languages. Martha B. Reynolds, instrumental music. Marie G. Cutler, vocal music. Harriet V. Woodard, violin. Edith G. Pattengill, art. Any history of the Seminary would be incom- plete without some mention of one of its oldest and best friends, Dr. P. S. Whitman, who gave to the school at different times largely the accumula- tions of a lifetime; the proceeds of which have ex- ceeded $25,000. It seems fitting to republish the following sketch, by the writer, from the Standard of August 11, 1900: Rev. P. S. Whitman, O. D, The recent death of Dr. P. S. Whitman at the age of eighty-five years, ends the useful life of a good man who was Icnown and loved by a wide circle of friends, east and west, north and south. Near a third of his long life was spent each in the east, the north, and the south, and his personality was so strong and genial that friendships once formed were never broken nor forgotten. Though he came to his grave in a full age he seems always to have regarded his life as a monument of God's infinite goodness and love and watchful care. During the whole of his life his abiding faith increased to the last hour. During his last day, as he was about the home among friends, he repeated many times to those present that he was "in sweet peace," and on the last evening stop- ped In the midst of the supper to repeat his thank offering for God's wonderful mercy and kindness to him through all his long life. Peleg Spencer Whitman v/as born at Fairfield, Vt., April 27, 1815, and died at Elberton, Ga., May 22, 1900, at the advanced age of eighty-five years and twenty-five clays. His father's name was Jacob Whitman, his mother's Sarah Spencer. He was too frail in early life to attend school. Converted at the age of twelve, he soon after received an Injury that made him a cripple during the rest of his early boyhood. In 1829 he was permitted to enter the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution, now Colgate University, with his older brother. Royal, though still walking on rrutoheM. and remained in this school till the death of his brother in 302 Iowa Baptist Schools. 183 2. After teaching a part of the time for several years at Stockton, N. Y., and Warren, R. I., he entered Brown University in 1836, and remained nearly three years, when he was compelled to give up his studies by failing health. In 183 9 he went south and taught school in Putnam county, Ga., and later entered Mercer University, graduating from its first class in 1841. He was later given the degree of A. M. from Brown University. December 1, 1841, Mr. Whitman married Miss Caroline Crawford Crane at her home in Wilkes county, Ga. In the same year he was licensed to preach by the Union Hill church of Georgia. After teaching a while in the south Mr. Whitman decided to return to New England, and preached for one year at a small church at West Bridge- water, Mass., and in 1846 became pastor at Bolton, where he was ordained. At the end of three summers spent ia Massachusetts, they found the climate of New England too severe for Mrs. Whitman, and returned to the south. In 1847 Mr. and Mrs. Whitman were placed in charge of the Girls' Academy at Monroe, Walton county, Ga., and re- mained two years, going from there to take charge of the Penfield Female Academy, where they remained three years, Mrs. Whitman teaching music and French. In 1852 they decided to remove to northern Illinois, in the hope of improving Mrs. Whitman's health, and traveled the whole distance with horse and buggy, in the months of October and November, locating at Belvidere, 111., where Mr. and Mrs. Whitman taught a private school part of the time, he preaching also as he was able. Among their pupils in their northern home were many whose lives have been given, in stations high and low, to faithful service of the Master, including even the Misses Prances E. and Mary Wlllard, who had entered the Whitman home for their first absence from their own home. Miss Willard in all the sub- sequent years of her busy life kept up the friendship formed here, wrote them many loving letters and once, near a half century afterward, visited them in their Toccoa home. After a residence here for some years they re- turned again to the south, but found themselves wholly out of sympathy with the secession sentiment, and found it advisable to make a hasty and perilous trip north through the confederate lines. In 1864-1866 Mr. Whitman was principal of the Addi- son Collegiate Institute at West Irving, Tama county, Iowa, also pastor of the West Irving Baptist church. In 1866- 1867 he served as pastor of the church at Chariton, Iowa, from which place he niovcd to Lime Springs. Town, and served as p.9stov of its church for several year=?. Mr. and Mr3. Whitman later taught a part of one year, 1870-1871, Cedar Valley l^eminary. 303 In Des Moines College, and twenty-flve years later he re- ceived the degree of D. D. from this institution. In 1874 they found it necessary to return again to the south, locating at Toccoa, in the northeastern part of Georgia, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, he serv- ing the Baptist church there for the space of three years. They built them a commodious home in a sheltered grove beside a beautiful rivulet, where they resided during the remainder of their lives, Mrs. Whitman preceding her hus- band by about three years. They were both persons of sympathetic nature, and of ))eautiful Christian character and life. They loved to teach, and he loved to preach, but neither of them were strong enough for any sustained or continued public service. He said to the writer once in great fervor of disappointment: "It seems to me that we spent the whole of our fifty-five years together in taking care of each other." Mr. Whitman was a nineteenth century Barnabas, a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. He lived a simple life of earnest faith, ever extending the helping hand to somebody. Though giving comparatively little attention to business, he accumulated by frugality considerable prop- erty and gave it all away during his lifetime to worthy persons and worthy purposes, mostly for endowment of Baptist schools. His sympathies were as broad as humanity and as noble as Christianity. He was a man of tireless energy. It was his habit to work incessantly. Whatever work he undertook he went at with the vigor of a giant until his strength was ex- hausted. He was teacher, preacher, and business manager combined till near the age of sixty-five, when his declining strength limited his energies chiefly to study and writing. He was an original thinker of a marked character, and always a close and critical student of the Bible. His opinions were formed from careful study of the text itself, and he had little respect for the loose and shallow methods of modern expositorial writing. His "Scripture Worthies Viewed in a New Light" is a vigorous protest against false methods of exposition. The original name which he gave to his little book, "Defense of Scripture Worthies Against the Attacks of Christian Expositors," expresses more clearly the real character of the work and shows the purpose of much of his writing. He left considerable manuscript more or less prepared for publication, chiefly along similar lines of investigation to the one published. To this kind of work his last years were largely devoted. He v/as a con- stant reader of the religious press, and a regular contributor to the religious papers, especially of the south, where hia home was. 304 luiva Baplifil kicliuoU, The personal friendships he formed everywhere through his long life were of the closest and most enduring char- acter. The aim and purpose of his life was to be useful and do good. By his unselfish and noble life, and especially by his religious writings it can be truly said of Dr. Whit- man that his works do follow him. One other notable name sui'ely deserves appre- ciative mention in any history of Iowa Baptist edncation. Inadvertantly omitted in its proper ph'j-e in the cliapter on Des ]Moines College, it may not inappropriate]}' be inserted here. Mr. J. V. Hinchman, who had in 1889, by pledg- ing and later p-aying liis |25,000, made it possible for the college to cancel its debts and secure its first |100,000 for endowment, continued to show deep interest in the work and growth of the school until the time of his death, which occurred October 4, 1902, in his seventy-second year. The follow- ing year the college received an additional 128,000 from the estate of this good man, wlio by industry and tlirift had accumulated a fortune, and then after making ample provision for his widow, had dedicated it all to the service of humanity, obey- ing literally the injunction : Lay not u}> for your- selves treasures upon earth. But lay up for your- selves treasures in heaven. Trustees Cedar Valley Seminary. Rev. John Pulton - - - - - 1864-1867 Rev. A. G. Eberhart - - - - 1864-1867 Rev. William Ross ----- 1864-1867 Rev. H. H. Burrlngton - - - . 1864-1872 5. B. Chase, M.D. 1864-1891 A. H. Moore, M.D. 1864-1871 O. P. Harwood 1864-1868 Rev. T. P. Thickstun _ . - . 1866-1869 Rev. C. T. Tucker 1866-1876 Rev. C. L. Clausen 1867-1872 W. W. Blpckman, M.D. . . - - 1867-1875 Peter Morse ------ 1867-1875 Rev. Asa MarBh 1868-1871 Cedar Valley Seminary. 305 Hon. N. C. Deering 1869-1887 Rev. A. Miner 1870-1872 Frank C. Rice 1870-1874 Judge Arad Hitclicock 1870-1876 Josephi Kelly ------ 1871-1880 Jacob H. Brush ------ 1872-1894 E. G. Rice - 1872-1876 Rev. W. Whitney 1874-1876 G. H. Rice - - - - - - 1874-1876 Hon. D. W. Poindexter - - - 1876-1870 Hon. Cyrus Foreman - - - - 1877-1887 Albert Bush ------ 1877-1892 Hon. J. H. Sweney ----- 1877-1906 Rev. Robert Leslie - - - - - 1878-1881 Hon. H. F. Tucker 1878-1881 G. D. Pattengill 1878-1887 Rev. O. T. Conger 1881-1884 E. S. Fonda ------ 1881-1905 J. 1. Sweney 1882- J. R. James ------ 1883-1892 A. J. Burtch 1883-1899 E. S. Hovey 1884-1887 J. S. Wheeler 1884-1896 F. Coddington 1884-1890 W. L. Eaton ------ 1884-1905 J. A. Smith - 1887-1893 J. B. Kingsbury ----- 1888-1891 J. F. Clyde ------- 1888- Alonzo Abernethy ----- 1888- Samuel Strows - - -1889-1891 Charles N. Bliss 1891-1902 W. W. Blackman, M.D. . . - - 1892-1893 J. W. Annis - 1891- Charles S. Chase, M.D. - - - - 1891- Edwin L. Sawyer ----- 1892- S. E. Wilcox - 1893-1899 A. M. Walker 1895- O. P. Woodard 1896- F. E. James 1896- R. R. Watklns ----- 1896-1899 Josiah Pope 1899-1903 Avery Brush - - - - - - 1901- N. J. Berger - 19 02- F. W. Parsons 1904-1906 Karl J. Johnson 1905- Herbert L. Stoughton . - - - 1905- Clark E. Gardner 1906- S. W. Hill - 1906- 306 Iowa baptist Schools. Seminary Alumni. 1871. Dr. Charles S. Chase, Iowa City. Dr. Frank W. Chase, Des Moines. Judge J. F. Clyde, Osage. Dr. A. T. Conley, Cannon Falls, Minn. * Peter A. Flaten. Rev. Robert D. Frost, Bowdoinham Heights, Me. *William F. Lohr. Ferdinand Miller, Park Rapids, Minn. Emma Newell Ure, Washington, D. C. Mary Sweney Scammon, Northwood. 1872. Cynthia Addington Everts, North Muskegon, Mich, A. G. Dunham, Mason City. Hon. W. L. Eaton, Osage. *Fred Flint. *Rev. P. A. Marsh. Frank Scammon, Northwood. Alonzo Warden, Topeka, Kan. Honorary, 1872. John Q. Adams, Chicago, 111. Cartegena Allen Bryson, lov/a Falls. *Carrie Bailey Redfearn. Rev. A. C. Blackman, Sac City. Norman A. Bowers. *Anna Chase Rood. Ada Chase Whitley, Osage. Arthur W. Clyde, Ashley. N. D. *Louise Clyde Marsh. *Hattie Hastings Lyle. Clarinda Hitchcock Hitchcock, Osage. Eugene Huntington, Webster, S. D. Maria Knight Jenkins. Leonides L. Lush. E. E. Lyle, Wahoo, Neb. Cora Moore Ross, Audubon. Libbie Murray Wardall. Frank D. Pease. Anna Richardson Thompson, Spokane, Wash. Arthur L. Smith. *Augustus C. Tupper. Libbie Tupper Brown, Osage. *Henry C. Van Leuven. Melvin H. White, Spokane, Wash. *Dr. John L. Whitley. Cedar V allay iScininary. 307 1873. ♦Prof. D. F. Call. Warren H. Knoulton, New York City. Hattie Morse Leonard, Rochester, Minn. Judge Ira Town, Tacoma, Wash. 1874. Abbie Bush Button, Sioux Falls, S. D. C. E. Budlong. Edwin C. Keeler, Lake Mills. Halver Steinerson Kravik, Marietta, Minn. 1875. Rev. Albert R. Button, Sioux Falls, S. D. Prof. Leona A. Call, Iowa City. O. W. Cummings, Wallula, Wash. Prof. Frank L. Hamblin, Lewisburg, Pa. Emma Lower Farnham, Charles City. *Alice Moore Garey. Rev. W. W. Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. 1876. Mamie Chase Cutler, Osage. George A. Knowlton, San Diego, Cal. Dr. O. O. Sawyer, Dell Rapids, S. D. 1877. H. M. Bushnell, Lincoln, Neb. Dr. J. C. Caldwell, Africa. Charles W. Cutler, Park Rapids, Minn. Gilbert M. Fay, Denver, Col. Dr. Sanford E. Goodman, Rhodes. N. D. Jackson, Neligh, Neb. Kate Poindexter Vosburg, Binghampton, N. Y. Delia O. Stacy, Osage. 1878. * Fannie Cobb. Julia E. Coon, Osage. H. H. Dane, Washington, D. C. Leni L. Gardner, Sioux City. J. F. Leonard, Winterset. Hon. C. P. Reeves, Glenwood, Minn. Dr. F. E. Whitlev, Webster City. 1879. Rev. A. B. Coats, Hartford, Conn. Rosa Clason Bisbee, Osage. Carrie M. Davis, South Kirtland. Ohio. F. E. Owen, Spokane, Wash. Ella Owen Lamberton, Portland, Ore. Dr. C. F. Sweney, St. Paul, Minn. ^08 Iowa Baptist Schools, 1880. Charles L. Ammon, Estherville. Walter W. Byington, Chadron, Neb. *Flora Bush Kingsbury. Cora Call Whitley, Webster City. 1881. Albert Babcock. ♦Walter Blakeslee. E. M. Briggs, Minneapolis, Minn. Orlando Bush, Armour, S. D. John A. Cutler, Osage. Mabel Dailey Reeves, Glenwood, Minn. Lina Evans Goodall, Osage. Hamlin Garland, New York City. Maud Hawley Marsh, Osage. • Myrtle Hess, Ft. Worth, Tex. *Anna Kelly, Tannyhlll. Amelia Lohr, Osage. Albert Moore, Hampton. Lee J. Moss, West Superior, Wis. 1882. Addie Brown Sheffer, Red Oak. Franz E. Rundborg, Chicago, 111. 1883 F. W. Lohr, Sioux City. S. Alta Page, Minneapolis, Minn. Stella J. Rice, Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Charles C. Wiggins, Osage. 1884. Mary Atherton Long, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. D. L Coon, Waverly. George E. Haskell, Denver, Colo. Jennie M. Kidney, Nora Springs. Frank T. King, Omaha, Neb. Dr. F. W. Lee, Riceville. Dr. W. S. Pitts, Philadelphia, Pa. Clara Schmedes Williams, Omaha, Neb. Hon. Tim D. Sheehan, St. Paul, Minn. *Lizzie Sweet Sime. Lloyd Tibbetts, Osage. Capt. George P. White, Leavenworth, Kan. *W. C. Wilkin. 1885. Rev. L. F. Abernethy, Frederick, Kan. T. A. Alexander, St. Paul, Minn. Leva Bascombe Bywater, Spokane, Wash. Cedar Valley Seminary. 309 Ed L. Clark, New York City. Nellie Kidney Palmer, Rolfe. Kate M. Otto, St. Paul, T.ilnn. Trilla Pratt Hulbert, New Hartford. Belle Sweney Eden, Chicago, 111. William P. Wright, Osage. 1886. ♦Frank J. Avery. Dr. George S. Coon, Louisville, Ky. C. F. Hambrecht, St. Ansgar. Alfred C. Page, Austin, Minn. Rev. F. B. Pelton, Shellsburg. Park C. Pratt, Modesto, Cal. Dr. Irene Smedley, Toledo. 1887. *Mabel Abernethy Gillen. E. Clark Barton, Vermilion, S. D. Flora Bush Morse, Spokane, Wash. Eva Kelly Tannyhill, Los Angeles, Cal. Clarence A. Palmer, St. Paul, Minn. S. R. lire, Riceville. 1888. Minnie Montgomery Logan, Independence. Rev. Daniel Reagan, Eldon. John H. Vaughn, West Superior, Wis. Rev. Arthur L. Weatherly, Westerly, R. I. Afton S. Wright, Osage. 1889. Hinkley G. Atwood, Duluth, Minn. W. H. Coulthurst, Santa Rosa, Cal. Dr. W. F. Hunt, Davenport. Alice Jewell, Mason City. *Ideline Melliuger Nakashian. *Mary Pearson Law. William J. Starr, Osage. 1890. C. Howard Babcock, Sisseton, S. D. Galen H. Browne, Osage. William L. Fitkin, Garner. Rev. Hugh A. Heath, Wakefield, Mass. Alice P. Kirkland Bemis, Austin, Minn. Rev. Clarence H. Lockwood, Glendale, Cal. Earl M. Merritt, Grundy Center. Zora Sherman, Wilder, Kan. Eugene S. Simons, Hamburg. N. Eda Ward Patrick, Rockford, 111. 310 Iowa Baptist Schools. 1891. Maud E. Cunningham, Chicago, 111. Albert E. Huesselmann, Osage. Ethel Lovejoy Wilson, Osage. Alice Maud McKinley, Chicago, 111. *Prof. John E. Whirry. George E. Whitcomb, Northwood. 1892. Herbert A. Abernethy, St. Paul, Minn. Rev. Rolla E. Brown, Bvanston, Wyo. Kev. Archie W. Call, Vinton. Clinton B. Conley, LeSueur, Minn. Ole Hallingby, Calumet, Mich. Emery C. Leach, Cedar Rapids. Fred D. Nichols, Chicago, 111. Clara Olson Herwig, New Hampton. Grace Smith Scofield, Osage. R. Hart Walker, Seattle, Wash. Dr. Frank B. Whitmore.. China. 1893. Amy Beebe, Kimball, S. D. Edith Cobb Olsun, Northheld, Minn. Lindsay A. Grimes, West Union. Karl J. Johnson, Osage. Cora H. Johnson, Osage. Mattie L. Odekirk Bowen, Centerville. George H. Sawyer, Osage. Ray D. Smith, Brewster, Minn. 1894. Kittie Banoii Coon. V/aveiiy. Arnold E. Brown, Osage. Mabel Muffley Alexander, Salt Lake City, Utah. Herbert L. Rtoughton, Osage. Business Department: Mabel Brebner Dickinson, Ukiah, Cal. Lennie L. Bright, Algona. George F. Siefjediers, Manly. 1895. Daisy B. Clark, Chicago, 111. H. Eastman Colby, Waterloo. Ward Fallgatter, Canistata, S. D. Lewis E. Gerbig, Canada. Una M. Grettenberg, Minneapolis, Minn. Augusta E. Hitchcock, Osage. Tom Hudson, Tacoma, Wash. Cedar Valley Seminary. 311 Mary Johnson Hudson, Tacoma, Wash. William A. North, Spokane, Wash. Robert A. Powers, Osage. Sumner M. Samson, Chicago, 111. Rose E. Smalley, Las Vegas, New Mexico. Clara Smalley Starr, Osage. Helen M. White, Chicago, 111. Business Department: Dr. G. Elbert Genung, Osage. Otto R. Greene, Osage. William H. Moody, Osage. James R. Sims, Orchard. *Lottie St. John. 1896. Mary P. Brainard, Osage. Rev. Bert H. Coonradt, Marcus. Cora B. French, Waterloo. Alfred Miller, Cresco. Fred A. Moore, Plainfield. Roscoe J. Starr, Charles City. *Gail Sweney Edson. O. Guy Webster, Rockford. Edna White, Zilla, Wash. Emma Wright Pickering, Osage. Business Department: Alva A. Andrews, White, S. D. John E. Dricken, White, S. D. Fred W. Ericson, Elon. Edward J. Hovelson, Osage. Raymond Lewis, Osage. Charles L. Lugg, Osage. George W. Upcraft. LeRoy, Minn. Eliza Weaverling, Chicago, '111. 1897. Clara L. Abernethy, Osage. Herbert G. Bartlett, Osage. Wilma Benedict, Little Cedar. Blanche Brebner, San Jose, Cal. Grace Bush Gardner, Osage. Charles V. Clark, Chicago. 111. Bird Clark Tibbetts, Chicago, 111. Burritt K. Cook, Bonair. Jared W. Davis, Des Moines. Rev. O. R. Olson Farel, Willimantic, Conn. Marshall A. Fennell, Pender, Neb. Rev. Walter I. Fowle, Ames. Ruth Gist, Cedar Falls. 312 Jowa Baptist Schools. Burton C. Hemphill, Swaledale. Helen Hitchcock, Osage. A. O. Wydell, Roland. John J. Meyer, LeRoy, Minn. Stella P. Odekirk, Valley City, N. D. James Pederson, St. Paul, Minn. Margaret A. Scammon, Northwood. Albert W. Sides, Chicago, 111. Olive Woodard Ogg, Fairmount. Business Doyartment: Herbert W. Cutler, Park Rapids, Minn. Arthur M. Harmon, New Hartford. Max Katz, Osage. Hugh M. Nichols, Los Angeles, Cal. 1898. Jessie R. Bacon, Osage. Dr. W. O. Blanchar, Grand Rapids, Wis. Cordelia S. Brown Whitney, Waupun, Wis. Vinton P. Eastman, Litchville, N. D. Harry C. Leeman, Chicago, 111. J. Warren Morse, Estherville. Roy D. Seeley, St. Paul, Minn. Florence E. Wilcox, Des Moines. Department of Elocution: Kate B. Fonda, Osage. Myrta Patterson Albertson, Austin, Minn. Business Department: Nellie R. Brown, Chicago, 111. Ingvold F. Dahl, Otranto. Roy C. Emmett, Minot, N. D. Arthur H. Every, Minneapolis, Minn. John N. Fairbanks, Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Warner H. Gray, Osage. Walter L. Hale, LeRoy, Minn. O. G. Levorson, Dixie. James R. Naden., Orchard. Ernest N. Reynolds, Little Cedar. Harleth H. Whitney, Simpson, Minn. Max M. Muffley, Galveston, Texas. Elsie E. Willson, Osage. 1899. Mary Bailey Evens, Waterloo. *Maurice R. Carter. Mary E. Clyde, Osage. Leven W. Damon^ Cresco. Ella Eddy Peterson, Osage. Cedar Valley Seminary. 313 M. Earl Felt, Twin Falls, Idaho. A. Mabel Goodsell, Grand Meadow, Minn. Arthur H. Hampson, Rolla, Mo. Dr. Wilber J. Hemphill, Estherville. Gertrude Holmes, Chicago, 111. *Burnett J. Lapham. Flora E. Loomis, Elkton^ Minn. John H. Mark, Waudena, Minn. Barbara E. Mark Joyce, Grand Meadow, Minn. Kate E. Mark, Osage. Clara Maxson Brady, Scotch Grove, Ind. Maud Stacy Smith, Spirit Lake. Mary Sutcliffe May, Larimore, N. D. Marshall C. Sweney, Osage. Bruce T. Sweney, Seattle, Wash. Daisy Tupper Nichols, Los Angeles, Cal. Grace B. Tupper, Osage. Charlotte E. Wall, Stacyville. Clara R. Whitley, Osage. Ethel R. Whitmore, Etna, Minn. Elsie E. Willson, Osage. Business Department: Arthur B. Corbitt, Rose Creek, Minn. Bert E. Patchen, Nora Springs. Oscar S. Fenney, Lawton, Okla. Roy H. Skinner, Cedar Rapids. Fred A. Titus, Osage. Fred B. Wolff, Spokane, Wash. 1900. Homer B. Annis, Chicago, 111. Elmer C. Boeck, Springfield, Minn. Charles L. Child, Decorah. Margaret J. Cutler, Orchard. Rev. B. A. Davis, Clarence E. Drake, Minneapolis, Minn. S. Maude Gable, Osage. Palma Harlis Smith, Salt T^ake City, Utah. John A. Junk, Ogden, Utah. Max M. Muffley, Galveston, Texas. Edward D. Reynolds, Brownville. Minnie M. Smalley. Chicago 111. Stanley R. Smith, Osage. Mabel Tomlinson Wright, Chicago, 111. William R. Whitcomb, Osage. Business Department: Dr. Earl V. Cutler, Osage. 314 Iowa Baptist Schools. 1901. Omer E. Bliss, Minneapolis, Minn. Myrtle A. Bliss, Minneapolis, Minn. Janet T. Brown, Osage. Loren C. Button, Sheldon. Anther F. Culver, Boston, Mass. Edward W. Fehling, Ann Arbor, Mich. Nellie Hawkins, Cascade. E. Jennie Hawkins, Sac City. Alice M. McCoy, Osage. Herbert H. Neill, Griswold, N. D. Ada M. Pratt, Blkton, S. D. Anna O. Svanberg Johnson, Osage. Winifred E. Tuttle, Artesia, N. M. Alabel L,. Westlake, Osage. James G. Wright, Chicago, 111. Business Department: George A. Clements, Osage. Jesse L. Pratt, Winona, Minn. John T. Price, LeRoy, Minn. Walter Upcraft, LeRoy, Minn. 1902. Laura Brown Laird, Waverly. Birchard Brush, Osage. Frank S. Clyde, Osage. George L. Fruit, Ash Ridge, Wis. Nela Hill, Little Cedar. Libbie B. Jacobs, Osage. Berenice Katz, Osage. Ethel E. Lee, Des Moines. Frank D. Moore, Osage. Nina A. Nims, Rudd. Anna M. Peterson, Osage. Edna Sheehan, Osage. Jessie Smith Leach, Adel. Mary E. Tomlinson, Gray's Lake, 111. *Merle L. Whitley. Fred B. Wolff, Spokane, Wash. Alice J. Woodard Jenkins, Lane, S. D. Business Department: Elmer O. Clapper, Orchard. Albert V. Clapper, Waterloo. May Duryee, Mclntire. Ray O. Smalley, Liberty, N. M, Cedar Valley Seminary. 315 1903. Otis C. Weigle, Riceville. Elsie M. White, Osage. Helen Katz, Osage. Marie G. Cutler, Osage. Henry C. Zilk, Riceville. Walter B. Nixon, Osage. Frank Smith, Iowa Falls. Elza B. Carr, Swaledale. Maude O. Penney, Lawton, Ind. Ter. Ellanora Schroeder, Grand Meadow, Minn. Herbert R. Addington, Stacyville. Herbert H. Kildee, Osage. Clarence S. Sanborn, Mason City. Ruth E. Sweney, Osage. John E. Wolff, Wallace, Idaho. Business Department: Leonard Sheldon, Osage. Arthur Sprung, Riceville. Theodore W. Zilk, Riceville. 1904. Clara Bowman, Osage. Grace Barker, Osage. May Duryee, Mclntire. Verna T. Burtch, Osage. Charles Tomlinson, Chicago, 111. Ed Dickinson, Osage. Olyne Harris Sweney, Butte, Mont. Ada Holmes, Osage. Eva Smith, Brownville. Jessie Lemon, Little Cedar. Callie Hill Sanborn, Mason City. Business Department: Emma Foster, New Haven. Warren Proctor, Riceville. 1905. Mary Burtch Hudson, Osage. Ada Lewis, Osage. Mamie Mark, Osage. Alice McKercher, Manly. Alyce Hawkins, Cascade. Paul D. Sweney, Butte, Mont. Howard Woolverton, Muscatine. Business Department: Edward Allanson, Carpenter. Leroy Lewis, New Haven. 316 loiva Baptist Schools. Alice McKercher, Manly. Lillian Simmons, Osage. Augustus Tupper, Osage. Zaidie Tupper, Osage. 1906. Floyd Lewis Laughlin, Osage. Business Department: Harold M. Gardner. Stacyville. Mary E. Haight, Osage. Jay W. McCurdy, Osage. Mabel C. Naylor, Osage. Margaret V. Snyder, Osage. Bernice B. Wilson. * Deceased. ff 1 ^ / / t ,/ / t / / : USl i ..I- CHAPTER XIL Sac City Institute The beginuings of Stic City Institute may prop- erly be dated bade to the autumn of 1891, when Rev. F. W. Gardner and his wife, with Prof. George Pierson, opened a private school in two buildings rented for the purpose by citizens of Sac City. Prof, and Mrs. Gardner were experi- enced teachers, and had each done excellent service as instructors for a number of years in the Cedar Valley Seminary at Osage and elsewhere. In opening the school here there was an under- standing that if it should prove reasonably success- ful the citizens would make an effort to provide permanent buildings. The school opened auspi- ciously. By the holidays tlie enrollment had reached nearly a hundred. The next week a public meeting of the citizens Avas called in the court house and a board of directors was chosen. Messrs. J. N. Miller, Judge Early, Asa Piatt, and Col. Phil Schaller were the leading parties in the movement. A company was formed and named the Oak Park College Company, which took an option on Mr. Piatt's farm, south of town, and laid it out into lots. The plan adopted was to turn over to the directors all the money secured above the price of the land. The lots were put up at auction, one hun- dred fifty-two being disposed of at the first sale, 317 318 loica Baptist Schools. and tifty-three at the second. The contract for the buildings was let to a Mr. Anderson of Emporia, Kansas, to be completed September 1, 1892. They were not, however, completed until the summer of 1893, and the delay proved a serious injury to the school for the second year. An arrangement was first made to turn the prop- erty over to the Episcopalians, who were to assume charge of the school that year; but the officials of that organization finally decided not to undertake the work, and the buildings remained vacant for one year. In the meantime, Rev. J. D. Collins was called to the pastorate of the Sac (Jity Baptist church. He preached his first sermon there May 21, 1893, and when the Episcopal people failed to take charge of the school, he looked over the situation locally, and made a study of the location of the Baptist schools of the state, very soon concluding that the Baptists ought to secure this splendid location and l>roDerty. Re, tlierefore, wrote to sur-h men as he knew in the state, including President Stetson, Revs. N. B. Rairden. E. P. Bartlett, H. C. Nash, and J. W. Allen, also to Dr. C. E. Hewitt of the University of Chicago. Receiving favorable replies from all these bretliren. he went to the officers of the Oak Park College Company with the letters, and told them he believed that the Baptists of the state would take the school if given an oi^portunity. In the work of creating local sentiment in favor of Bap- tist control of tho contemplated school, he was ably assisted by the little local church, and by such business men as S. l\l. S^^oufPer, editor of the Sac Sun, Dr. C. Brown, E. N. Baily, cashier of Sac City Institute. 319 Sac Count J State Bank, Judge S. M. El wood, and others. The regular (juarterly meeting of the Iowa Ba])- tist state convention was held at Des Moines, February 7, 1894, also at the same time and place, a meeting of the executive committee of the Iowa Baptist Education Society. The question of estab- lishing a Baptist academy at Sac City was dis- cussed at this joint meeting, and committees were appointed; (me to visit Sac City at an early date, and report to the president of the state convention regarding the property, the conditions found there, and any propositions that might be submitted for the transfer of the property, in case the Baptists decided to assume the responsibility. The second committee was given discretionary poAver to enter into contract for the acceptance of the property, name a person to assume the headship for the new school, and arrange for other instructors. The first named committee visited Sac City February 27, and made the following report, through its chairman : Des Moines, Towa, March 1, 1894, President J. P. Clyde, Iowa Baptist State Convention: My Dear Sir — I have the pleasure to transmit to you the report of the committee whif^h visited Sac City, February 27, to look over the property offered to us on certain condi- tions for school purposes. Sac City is situated in Sac county, on the Coon liver. It is the county seat, and has a population of about seven- teen hundred. Next to the river the country is quite rolling and bluffy, and much of it is covered with trees. Away from the river the surface consists of beautiful prairie. Upon these bluffs and upon the edge of the prairie the town is built. It is finely situated, and has some good bloclts, and fine residences. It has good drainage, and can at any time be supplied with excellent spring water issuing from contiguous bluffs. The people in the tov.fn and surrounding country ave mostly Americans. The character of the people is indi- 320 loiva Baptist Schools. eated by the fact that there are no saloons in the place — they would not be tolerated. We found the people sober, quiet, moral, generous, very hospitable, and at the same time wide awake, and full of energy and public spirit. There are five denominations represented here, viz, the Baptist, Methodist, Presl)yterian, Episcopal, and Catholic; each of which has a house of worship. The Baptists have a new and neat and pleasant church, not fully completed. The Baptists have good standing in the town. The mem- bership has increased from 2 7 to 6 8 within a few months. The pastor's name is Collins, and he has two more years to spend in the seminary. He is highly respected. The school buildings are located in the southwest part of the town, on the edge of the prairie, four blocks from the depot. A sidewalk leads all the way to the buildings. There is, first, a college campus, consisting of about three acres, finely situated, with good drainage, in the center of which is placed the college building. Second, across the street, east, is a tract of about seven acres, called the College Park, through which runs a ravine containing a small stream of water. The banks of this ravine consist of bluffs, which are covered with a beautiful grove of second growth of oak timber. The tract is seeded. There are also forty lots, not situated together in a block, but scattered in different blocks in the college addi- tion. These lots have all been appraised at a fair price, but will bring more than their appraised value if a suc- cessful school is established. The college building is a nice building and has every appearance of being substantial and well built. It has a stone foundation all around and plenty of strong brick piers underneath, dividing up the cellar into rooms. The cellar is seven or eight feet from the ground to the lower floor, and can easily be made deeper. The building is spacious, splendidly lighted, and finished with hard pine, and the walls with hard finish. The celling of the assembly room is of iron. The dimensions of the building are: 67 feet 6 inches by 72 feet. Its height from basement to plate is 47 feet, the tower and roof above that. The first floor has four rooms besides two large cloak rooms, these latter furnished with hooks The dimensions of the rooms on this floor are as follows: 18 by 18 ft., 25 by 20 ft., 23 by 53 ft., and 24 by 24 ft Dimensions of second floor: 2 by 2 4 ft., 17 by 18 ft and 3 6 by 60 ft. This latter is the assembly room, and Is fine- besides a room for office. Third story, a room 26 by 3 feet, and a room In the tower. These are all nice rooms and excellently lighted. PRINCIPAL GEO. W. LEE, A. B. - Sac City Institute. 321 The dormitory is 44 feet square, and four stories high. Including basement. It has thirty-three rooms, with front and back stairways, and a steam radiator in each room. It Is heated by steam. Each room is furnished with a bed- stead, wire springs, mattress, wasli stand, bowl and pitcher, table, and loolcing glass. The basement has a large dining room, laundry, kitchen, bath room, root room, and furnace or boiler room. There is a well, a cistern, and out houses, in good repair. A school was carried on here about two years, with one hundred twenty scholars. There are needed $3,000 at least to put things in running order. It will need ijil.SOO to put in heating apparatus, in the school building. It will want $1,000 or more to furnish it. They give us till April 1, to determine what we will do. They would be pleased if our answer could be given even earlier. Fraternally yours, E. P. Batlett. President Stetson, also chairman of the second committee, visited Sac 01 ty March 10, looked over the buildings and grounds and location in general ; preached there Sunday, the 11th, and the next day met, in an informal way, the members of the Oak Park Company. At a later meeting held May 18, the following members of the two committees were present at Sac Oitv: President H. L. Stetson, Revs. E. P. Bartlett, J. W. Allen, and IT. 0. Nash; also Dr. W. E. Witter and Mr. William Aitchison, Jr., of Des Moines. Mr. Bartlett preached in the Baptist church Friday evening, and the entire company met with the Oak Park Company, on Saturday, at which time the main lines of the agreement were mapped out. The second committee, after considerable con- ference and correspondence, held a final meeting at Sac City, July 12, 1894, and entered into a con- tract with the Oak Park College Company of Sac City, for the transfer of the buildings and grounds and designated lots, to a board of trustees named to take charge of the school, and the payment of an 322 loiva BaptlaL Schools. annual support fund of |1,200 for the period of four years, on condition that an academy of first grade be maintained for a period of ten years, the buildiug-.s kept amplj- insured, and an effort be made to secure a permanent endowment fund of not less than |28,000. Articles of incorporation were drawn up and signed, and the name. Sac City Institute, formally adopted. The incorporators were: J. Wayland Allen, E. P. Bartlett, Caleb Brown, J. D. Collins, E. N. Daily, D. Carr Early, S. M. Elwood, P. J. Finney, .T. W. Martin, James N. Miller, H. C. Nash, H. L. Stetson, Phil Schaller, W. E. Witter, and D. E. Hallet. The first board of trustees was as follows: J. W. Allen, E. P. Bartlett, Caleb Brown, E. N. Baily, S. M. Elwood, P. J. Finnev, J. W. Martin, James N. Miller, H. C. Nash, H. L. Stetson, W. E. Witter, R. I-. Robie, R. E. Coburn, W. A. McHenry, D. F. Bryan, B. F. Lutz, M. E. Jones, S. L. Berkley, E. S. Plimpton, D. Carr Early, and Phil Sclialler. Rev. H. C. Nash, pastor at Denison, who had been a successful high school principal, prior to entering the ministry, was chosen principal. The school was formally opened Sunday, Sep- tember 30, 1894. Rev. H. W. Tilden, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist church, of Des Moines, was present and delivered an a]ipropriate sermon in the large chapel of Academy hall. The next day, October 1, 1894, stutlents were en- rolled and classes formed. The first catalogue was issued in 1894, contain- ing the names of the first faculty : Rev. H. C. Nash, A. M., principal, moral science and literature. Mrs. Mary C. Nash, preceptress; mathematics and English. Frances Tl. Wheeler, A. B., Latin and mathematics. Clyde C. Hammerly, M. D., history and didactics. Irene Smedley, A. B., Greek and Latin. Sac City Institute. 323 Caleb Brown, M. D., instructor physical sciences and chemistry. J. D. Lewis, vocal and instrumental music. Mrs. M. E. Ross, art. Allie F. Harding, shorthand and typewriting. J. O. Hardwick, penmanship. There were one hundred and six students en- rolled tlie first year; one hundred and fifty-four, the second; and one hundred end seventv-two, the third. J\Ieantinie a few changes had occurred in the faculty. Miss Smedley had resigned her work in Greek, and Miss Winnie St. Clair took her place. C. E. Stallcop was added for didactics and commercial law, with some other minor changes. ]Mr. Nash remained one year longer and then resigned to re-enter the pastorate. The secretary of tlie Iowa Baptist Education Society in his an- nual report submitted in October, 1898, says: After four years of self-sacrificing labor to establish an academy in trying times, Principal H. C. Nash retires from Sac City Institute. Prof. Walter Guthridge is serving as acting principal. Mr. Guthridge served as acting principal for one year when Mr. George W. Lee, a recent alumnus of Des Moines College, was chosen prin- <'ipal, and took charge of the school. Mr. Guthridge and the Misses Wheeler and Hutchinson remained in the faculty for one more year. Ettie F. Walker, Ph. R., was added for German and English; Laura N. Hobbs, tutor in normal department; Jennie A. Hannum, painting; and ET. P. Peterson, penmanship. During Principal Lee's first year the attend- ance was small, there being but thirty-nine in the academic department in a total enrollment of one hundred thirty- three. Put this steady nerved, plucky young man did not propose to get dis- 324 loLca Baplist ^'o//«o/s. coiiragpd. Re kept plodding steadily forward, try- ing- to iiiaintaiii a good school, provide means of support, and secure a beginning toward endow- ment. The attendance increased gradually, and in 1902, at the close of his third year, there were seventy-five in the academic department, from a total enrollment of one hundred fifty-one About |5,000 had been secured for endowment. In October, 1903, the annual meeting of the Iowa Baptist state convention was held with the Baptist church at Sac City. During the sessions of the Education Society a committee was ap- pointed to devise plans for the assistance of the Institute. The report of this committee was as follows : Whereas, Property situated at Sac City, in the center of one of the richest portions of our state, worth for educational purposes, $50,000 has been given to our denomination, and Whereas, To complete the raising of $20,000 for endow- ment of Sac City Institute, $5,000 more must be secured by January 1, 1904, and, Whereas, The northwestern part of the state has suf- fered severely from excessive rain for the past two years, therefore. Be it Resolved. That the Baptists of the entire state should contribute to the success of this effort, find, that the repref-entatives of Sac City Institute should everywhere be given all possible assistance in the prosecution of their canvass. W. M. Walker, H. O. Rowlands, John Earl, G. W. I,, the sum of |2,215 was subscribed for ^he Institute. The school, like nearly all such institutions, had its period of struggle for existence, wherein the in- come was small, the equipment meager, and the Sac City Institute. 325 work uecessariiy done under rather discouraging circumstances; but as good fortune would liave ii, tiiere was a man at tlie liead who worked resolutely on, accepting conditions, and improving them whenever and wherever he could. The result has been substantial progress almost from the begin- ning, even though sometimes rather slow. To some of his assistants equal credit is due, for their patient, thoiough, and often self-sacrihcing labors in behalf of the young school. Miss Frances K. Wheeler accepted a position at the beginning, ^^'here she remained some six years, always doing the best kind of work in her department. Dr. Caleb Brown continued instructor and lecturer in physical science for several years. Mrs. Mary C. Nash remained during the four years of her husband's principalship, an instructor and administrator of exceptional ability. Mr. 0. E, Stallcop, entering the second year, re- mained three or more years. The Misses St. Clair, Bessie B. Larrabee, Walker, and Hannum, each gave two years or rnoie of excellent service. Later, Misses Elizabeth J. Moore, Mary R. Kingsbury, Wilfred White, Nellie Sutherland, Eva L. Fitch, and Jessie E. Bacon, came and remained long enough to prove the excellent character of their work, and to be loug remembered with affection by the students they helloed. In the recent years George E. Conj^don, W. J. Findley,M. D., Rev. J. D. Collins, and J. F. Lee ]iave each given several years' service. The Institute is faii'ly equipped with buildingvS for the work it has so far undertaken: Acadeiny Hall is a fine structure of pressed brick with stone trimmings. It contains seven 326 Iowa Baptist Schools. well lighted, well ventilated, and well heated class rooms, neat chapel, an elegant society hall, library, principal's office, and cloak rooms. Ladies' Hall is a large building erected for the special purpose of accommodating a boarding department. In addition to rooms for the accom- modation of students, it contains a dining room, kitchen, bath room with hot and cold water con- nections, and toilet rooms. Piatt Cottage is a building south of and adjacent to Ladies' Hall, donated by Mr. Asa Piatt, of Sac City, and is fitted up for young men, who board at Ladies' Hall. The faculty for the year 1906-1907, was given as follows : G. W. Lee, A. B., principal; economics and normal depart- ment. Daniel Shutts, A.B., science and mathematics. E. Jane Hawkins, Ph. B., German and English. Mrs. J. I. Brown, Latin and oratory. Rev. J. D. Collins, Bible. Rev. Frank A. Chase, lecturer on Bible history. W. J. Pindley, M. D., lecturer on physiology. Chris Nelson, commercial department. Clara M. Austin, piano, harmony, and theory. Edith Morgan, violin. Mrs. Jeanett S. Gesel, art. The Institute was never in better condition than it is at the present time, there is marked develop- ment in eA^ery way. The department of music has grown until three teachers are employed. The addition of a business department has brought many students, and promises many more the com- ing year. In November, 1900, the board of trustees decided upon (me more advance step, namely, to raise $30,000 additional endowment, the movement to be accomplished by January, 1909. Last year the Sac City Institute. 327 atleudance way oue iiuudred sixty-seven. A hope- ful spirit pervades all parties, and they are looking for great things to come to pass in the near future. This school, situated in the center of a magnif- icent territory in northwest Iowa, has an inviting tield of the greatest promise. Like the school at Osage, in northeast Iowa, it is a long way from the college at Des Moines, and in the midst of Baptists who could, of their own resources, in the near future, if once united in the effort, give them each a splendid equipment, endowment, and sup- port. It is quite within the possibilities that the Baptists of Iowa may yet h.ave two colleges of high rank in north Iowa, whether or not it may be their good fortune to enter into some measure of tlieir just heritage in educational achievement at Des Moines or elsewhere. Ind ex. Abernethy, Col. A., 75, 147, 148, 155, 213, 268, 278, 286, 296. Abernethy, Mabel, (Gillen) 272 2 8 '1 Abernethy, H. A., 162, 277. Abernethy, Clara L., 287. Abernethy, Rev. L. F., 272. A Change of Policy, 209. Adams, Pres. Geo. D., 164, 165. Adams, J. R., 283. Addington, Julia C, 256. Adklns, Rev. F., 121, 180, 186. Affiliation, 161, 168. Agency City, 50, 105. Aikins, H. D., 232. Aitchison, Rev. Wm., 159, 204, 230, 232, 321. Aitchison, Rev. J. Y., 161. Aitchison, Harriet R., 165, 169. Alden, Mrs. M., 283. Alexander, L. M., 265, 283. Alexander, T. A., 272. Alexander, C. W., 273. Alexander, Mary C, 90, 91. Algona, 19. Allen, Pres. L. B., 77, 81, 83, 88. Allen, Wm. P., 80. Allen, Mrs. Julia A. Gray, 80, 85. Allen, Lucy, 80. Allen, Rev. J. W., 226, 228, 229, 318, 321, 322. Alumnit Central College, 132,-137 Des Moines College, 170-174. Cedar Valley Seminary, 306- 316. Am. Bap. Miss. Union, 40, 91. Am. Bap. Education Society, 102, 157, 159, 163. 169, 177, 178, 248, 280. Am. Bap. Home Mission Soc. 24, 38, 39. Amos, C. J., 117. Annis, J. W., 283, 305. Annis, Frank, 271. Annis, Dr. Homer B., 289. Archer, Rev. F. M.. 232. Archibald, Rev. T. H., 37, 51. A Second Movement for Co- ordination, 19S. Atherton, T. M.. 277. Atherton, Jennie, 254. Atkinson, H. L., 99, 100. Atwood, A. N., 57, 106. Austin, Clara M.. 326. Avery, Rev. W. H. H., 203, 208. Avery, Frank J., 271. Avery, A. H., 274. Avery, Linda G., 98. Axtell, Prof. S. J., 126. Ayers, S., 57, 106. Babcoek, C. H., 278. Bacon, Kittle, 278, J99. Bacon, Jessie R., 325. Bailey, Dr. G. S., 187, 197, 201. Baily, E. N., 318, 322. Balch, T. E., 122, 123, 124, 201. Ball, Bertha E., 90. Ballard, Prof. S. H., 93, 94. Barker, F. A., 58, 106. Barker, E. G., 115, 117, 249. Barker, Fannie, 117. Barker, A. P., 232. Barrett, Dr. Richard F., 78. Barrett, Dr. J. W., 284. Barron, E. R., 180, 283. Barrows, Wlllard, 14. Bartlett, Rev. E. P., 318, 321, 322. Bartlett, H. G., 287. Bartlett's School of Music, 167. Barton, W. H., 284. Barton, E. Clark, 276. Bateman, Rev. F. W., 161. Bates, Rev. John, 52, 55, 57, 100. Beal, Thos., 203. Beaman, Rev. H. G., 161. Beard, Kate Keables, 104. Beaver, Bessie A.. 288. Beck, Judge J. M., 42, 180. Beckett, C. H., 274. Belden, Rev. A. R., 55, 56, 67. Belden, Mrs. D. A., 169. Bemis, Dr. O. H., 279. Benbow. J. L., 93. Benedict, Wilma, 287. Berger, N. J., 305. Berkley, W. H., 232. Berkley. S. L., 322. Bevan, Rev. M. D., 223, 284. Beyer. Prof. S. W., 273. Bigelovif, Mrs. Sarah E., 284. Bishop, John E., 255. Bishop College, 120. 329 330 Index. Illni'k HH^vk Purchase, 15, 17, 20. Blackman, Dr. W. W., 259, 260, 283. Blackman, Mrs, Nellie, 283. Blackman, Rev. A. C, 256. Blakeslee, Prof. T. M., 153, 155, 157, 166. Blakeslee Scholarship, 298. Blakeslee, Mrs. J. L., 284. Blanchard, Rev. I. E., 48. Blanchar, Dr. W. O., 274. Blatchley, Mrs. Louise, 86. Bliss, C. N., 265, 284. Blood. C. G., 42. Blood, Julia E., 77. Bloomington (Muscatine), 49. Boflnk. Chas., 169, 283. Bond, Rev. John, 29, 30, 36, 52, 57, 106. Bond, Rev. Geo. W., 36, 52, 55, 57, 106. Boug-hton, Maj. D. M., 265. Bousquet, A. E. Dudok, 67, 68, 107. Bovell, Rev. T. S., 232. Bowen, Hon. B. G., 179. Bowen, Mrs. S. R., 169, 283. Bowman, Col. M. T. V., 210. Brabrook, Rev. B. P., 34, 52, 54, 66, 68. Brande, Rev. Thos., 145, 186. Brasted, Rev. B. H., 150. Breaker, Rev. Geo., 231. Brebner, Blanche, 287. Brenton, Clyde E., 156. Brink, Rev. C. M.. 203. Brink, Rev. L. A., 274. Bristol, Rev. H. C 199. Broaddus, Rev. M. E., 95, 9., 98 Brooks, Rev. Kendall, 187, 189, 197. Brooks, Rev. C, 186. Brower, E. D., 68. Brown, Rev. C. E., 43, 46, 48, 50, 79. Brown, Leonard, 74, 75. Brown, Rev. H. A., 145, 155. Brown, Dr. Caleb, 322, 323. 325. Brown. Alice M., 92. Brown, Arnold E., 277. Brown, Emma R., 81. BroAvn, Rolla B., 284. Brown, Dr. C, 318. Brown, Mrs. J. I., 326. Brownlie, Rev. C. F., 273. Bruce, Rev. Robt., 232. Brunen. F. M., 186. Brush, J. H., 267. 283. 298. Brush, Avery. 283, 305. Brush, Frank A., 272. Brush, Albert L., 276. Brvan, D. F., 322. Bundv, Irving, 297, 299. Burdette, J. W., 204. Burg, Mary, 98, 99. Biiriinii^tou lustitute, 40, 51-53, 58, 64, 84, 102, 177, 206. Burnett Rev. H., 27, 28, 52, 57, 106. Burnham, Mary E., 79. Burns. H. G., 300. Burr, Rev. J. D.. 127. Burrington, Rev. H. H., 186, 252, 258. Burroughs, Pres, J. C, 59, 73, 89, 113. Burrows, Nellie, 92. Burt. Perry E., 98. Burt. Maud, 98. Burtch, A. J., 283. Burton, Dr. N. S., 186. Bush, Rev. A. D., 80, 186. Bush, Dr. Alva, 79, 198, 199, 251-253, 256, 260, 262, 264, 266, 267, 268. Bush, Prof. A. B., 129. Bush, Albert, 284. Bush, Rev. L. T., 80, 265. Bush, Abbie F., 254, 262. Bush, Clara E., 255. Bush, Ada E., 284. Bush Vinnie (Moran), 274. Bush, Mrs. Martha D., 256. Bush Flora (Morse), 272. Bush, Grace (Gardner), 287. Bushnell, H. M., 263. Butler, R. C, 274. Butler, Dr. Nathaniel, 225. Button. Rev. A. R., 156, 263, 271, 274, 277 281, 284. Button Eva, 265. Bvington, Walter, 265. Bvron, Rev. E. S., 30, 31. Cady. Deacon E., 40, 52. 59. 107. Cadv Marv A.. 90. Cain, Rev. W. A., 203. Caldwell, Dr. J. E., 265. Caldwell, C. D., 109, 110. Calkins, Mary A. (Chassell), Call, Rev. L. N., 203, 210. 230, 231. 232, 264, 269. Call Prof. D. F., 153, 198, 263, 265, 267, 268. Call, Leona A., 123, 153, 154, 265. 267, 269. Call Myra E., 92, 267. Callanan, James, 169. Campbell, Rev. Orr, 232. Canine, Rev. W. P., 161, 162. Cannon, E. J.. 273. Cannon, P. H., 276. Carpenter, Rev. B., 46, 48. Carter, Dr. G. W., 283. Cassady, Leon, 158. Catlin, Rev. O. W., 232. Caul, Rev. A. W., 162, 279. Indew. 831 Cedar Valley l^emiaary, 79, 206, 224, 251, 260. C. V. Baptist Association, 251. 252, 253, 258, 289, 295. Central College, 39, 54, 60, 63, 104, 130, 131, 132, 204, 207, 208, 224, 246, 248. Chaffee, Pres. A. B., 127, 128, 129, 227, 229, 230, 232, 245. Chamberlain, Anna J. M. (Dow), 75, 78. Chambers. Gov. John, 17. Chandler, Elihu, 25. Chapman, Rev. N. E., 285. Chase, Dr. S. B., 255, 258, 260, 267, 280. Chase, Dr. F. W., 254, 262, 283. Chase, Dr. C. S., 231, 255, 262, 283, 305. Chase Alice M. (White). 256. Chase, Ada (Whitley), 254. Cheedle, Rev. R., 31. Chicago Educational Conven- tion, 185. Child, C. L.. 289. Childs, Rev. J. F., 138, 146, 152, 179, 186, 187. Christian Times, 60. Church, Judge Z. A. 232. Churches: Blomlngton (Muscatine), 25. Long Creek (Danville), 24, 25. Pisgah, 24. Washington, 24. Clapp, Rev. R. A., 186. Clark, Chas. V., 279, 287. Clark, Bird (Tibbetts), 287. Clarke, A. H., 284. Clarkson, Mrs. J. S., 118. Class of 1887 Oratorical Prlne, 288 Clausen, C. L., 259. Cleghorn, Dr. A., 203, 283. Cleveland, Lizzie W., 117. Clement, Jesse, 90. Clement, Mrs. Jesse, 91, 92. Clement, Prof. E. W., 90. 91. Clemmer, G. G., 203. Cloud, Rev. H. S., 76. Clough, Dr. John E., 77, 78, 79, 84. Clyde, Judge J. F., 230, 232. 257, 262. 277. 283. 305, 319. Clyde. Frank S., 289. Clyde, A. W., 256. Clyde. Louie E. (Marsh). 356. Coad, Ernest. 93. Coates. Rev. A. B.. 265, 284. Cockrell. H. E., 300. Coddington, A. B., 278. Coddington, S. M.. 273. Coffin. Mrs. Emma B. (Farn- ham). 284. Coffman. Leroy M., 92. Cole, Cyrenus, 123, 126. Cole, S. W., 283. Cole, Rev. A. T., 186. Colby. H. E., 285. Colgate, S., 175. Colgrove, Prof. C. P., 295. Collen, Anna J., 92. Collins, Rev. J. D., 318, 322, 325, 326. Colver, Dr. Nathaniel, 84. Committee of Fifteen, Report of, 206-208. Conger, Rev. O. T., 79, 152. Congdon, G. E.. 325. Conley, Dr. A. T., 257, 262, 284. Conley, Dr. J. W., 257. Conley, Rev. Geo. W. 256. Conley, Dr. C. E., 279 Conrey. L C, 109. Cook, Burritt K.. 287. Cook. W. W., 127-129. Cooley, Dr. D. H., 186, 210. Coon. Rev. D. L, 271. Coon. Dr. G. S.. 273. Coonradt. Rev. B. H., 285. Corey, Prof. C. C, 115, 117. Corless. F. W., 117. Corner, F.. 58, 107. Cotter, C. H., 284. Cotton, J. B., 117, 119, 120. Cotton, Miss A. E., 119, 120. Cox, H. G., 129. Craven. C, 41, 62, 140, 179. Craven, E. W., 151. 153. Crego, Alice (Smith), 257. Cressey, Rev. T. R., 180. Crittenden, Rev. O. L., 186. Crosby. F. S. and C. S.. 284. Crowell. Wm.. 67. Crowder. M. P., 58, 107. Culver, Rev. A. F., 289. Cunningham, Delia A., 276. Cunningham. Maud, 278. Currier, Prof. A. N., 113-115, 162, 186. 233. 283. Currier. Rev. J.. 54. 106. Curtis. Rev. I. C, 55, 56, 106, 107, 109, 111. Curtis. Maj. H. G..115, 117,249, Custer, Rev. C. L., 246, 248. Cutler, J. B., 284. Cutler, M. G., 301. Cutler, H. W., 287. Cucler, Josephine (Woods), 81, 144, 145. Cutting, Dr. S. S., 175, 176, 185. 187. Dalley PrUe Contest. Dailev, J. F.. 284. 298. Damon. L. W., 289. Dane, H. H., 265, 284. Danner, Libbie P., 92. Darby, Rev. C, 62. Darwin, Mrs. M. A. P., 72, 86. Dasher. G. F., 169. 332 Indeao. Davenport Aasociation, 49. Davles. Rev. P. G., 280, 232, 250. Davis, N., 58, 107. Davis, J. D., 287. Davis, Tlios. G., 129. Davis, Florence M., 149. Davis, Dottle I. (Conley), 279. Day. Henry, 186. Dean, Rev. Chas. S., 273. Deerlng, Hon. N. C, 277. DeLong, I. M., 121, 123, 124. Denison, Rev. J. W., 180, 186. Denominational School, 65. Derby, Laura, 85. Des Moines Association, 47, 54. Ues MoiueM Collegre, 63, 102, 138, 163, 168, 177, 181, 189, 204, 207. 208, 224. DeWard, Chas., 15. Dewey. F. H., 158, 161. DeWolf, Prof. I. H., 150, 152, 153. Dickens. G. W., 203. Dickinson, Dr. W. H., 145, 203, 284. Dickinson, Warren, 156. Dodg-e, Sen. A. C, 72. Dodge, Gov. Henry, 16, 20. Donohue, Mary L., 99. Donohue, Rebecca E., 98, 99. Dorward, Rev. W. H., 124, 202. Dover, Amanda D., 98. Dow, Prof. Geo. W., 75, 77, 78. Dubuque, 20. Duke, Mollie K., 92. Dunn, Pres. L. A., 119, 120, 122, 125, 186-188, 198, 211, 212. Duncan Academy, 91. Dunn, Lucy A., 120. Dwelle. L., 169, 283. Dwelle, H. v., 284. Dwelle, Prof., H. A., 274. Dwelle, Dr. E. H., 279. Dwight, Prof. L., 107. Dye. Rev. Daniel, 30. Early Interest in Denomina- tional Education, 47. Early Settlers, 44, 47. Earl, Dr. John A., 158, 161, 165, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233. 245. Early .Tudge D. C, 317, 322. Eastman, V. P., 289. Eastman, E. H., 153. Eaton, Dr. Edwin, 62, 180, 182, 300. Eaton, Hon. W. L.,254, 283. Eaton, Rev. H.. 31. Eaton. Pres.. 217. Eaton, Mattle, 270. Eberhart, Rev. A. G., 52, 140, Eckert, O. E., 284. Edgerly. Dr. E. T.. 232. Edmond, Carrie, 126. Bdmondoon. Rev. J. B., 232. Educational Convention at — . Brooklyn, N. Y., 175. Chicago, 111.. 185. Philadelphia, Pa., 186. Iowa City, 53, 66, 105, 180. Des Moines, 182. Marshalltown, see Marshall- town Conference. Ottumwa, 209. Edwards, Rev. Morg-an, 81. Edwards, A. J., 283. Ege, W. M., 89, 285. Eggleston, Rev. W. A., 77. Elder, Ina, 90, 91. Elliott, Rev. Wm., 24. 48. 50, 58, 67, 107. Elmore, Rev. S., 37. Elwood, Judg-e S. M..319, 322. Endow iiient— Burlington Col. Inst., 84, 87. Central College, 111, 113, 119, 122. Des Moines Colleg-e, 159, 160, 163, 304. Cedar Valley Seminary. 225, 264, 276, 278, 280, 298. Evans, Rev. Alex., 25. Evans. Rev. T. R., 210, 211, 223. Everest, Geo., 288. Ewing, \V. B., 40. Kales, Joseph T., 41, 53, 66. Fausel, l?ev. F., 81. Fare), Rev. O. R. O., 287. Farr, Rev. G. E., 128. Farr, Mary E. (Bradbury), 278, 285. Faville, Hon. F. F., 270. Faville, Ernest, 278. Fflt, M. E., 281. Kenncll, M. A., 287. Ferguson. Rev. W. L., 158, 161, 165, 281. Fepterson. Rev. John S., 266. Fields, Amelia A., 88, 89. Fields. E. A., 274. I'indlev. W. J., 325. Firth, Martha, 127, 128. 129. Fish. Rev. R. M., 73. Fisher, Rev. Ezra. 26, 46, 48. Fi,<^her A., 5 7, 107. Fitch. Eva L., 325. Fitkin. VV. L.. 274. Flaten, P. A.. 261. Flint, Ellen B. (Guernsey- Wnnzer). 25 6. F"'onda, E. S., 284, 296, 300. Footsteps of the Redeemer, 122. Forbes, F. H., 261. Forbey. Theo., 93. Foreman, Judge C, 267, 277. Foreman, Misses L. and G., 283. Index. 333 Forts, Established, 13. Forward, Prof. DeWitt, D., 92. 93. Forward, Fannie B.. 92, 93. Forward, Sophia, 93. Foslcett, Rev. H. B., 159, 202, 210. Fosltet. H. I., 170. Poulk, A., 55, 57, 106. Fowle, Rev. W. I., 287. Fowler, Dr. A. T., 165, 229-232, 240. Frame, Lizzie, 93. Frazee. Florence, 92. French, Frank P., 263. Frey, Sadie P., 92. Frey Harlan S., 93. Friese, Rev. V.^ 86. Frost, Rev. R. D., 261, 262. Puller, Rev. A. W., 206, 208. Puller. Dr. Geo. W., 284. Puller, Dr. L., 284. Pullerton, Alice M., 299, 300. Fulton, Dr. John, 140, 252. 258. Gaines, Rev. F. IH., 149. Gardner, Dr. Geo. W., 122, 123, 124, 199, 201. Gardner, Ada G., 123. Gardner, Clarence, 92. Gardner, Chas. P., 256. Gardner, Clark E., 277, 305. Gardner, Rev. P. W., 126, 273, 317. Gardner, Mrs. Susie J., 317. Gardner, J. G., 91. Gardner, Leni L., 265. Garland, Hamlin, 265, 266. Garretson. A. S., 169. Garrison, Prep. L. A., 128, 129, 130. Garton, Dr. R., 199, 211, 223. 230. Garton, Rev. J. V., 149. Garton, S. B., 169. Gates, Rev. Fred T., 95, 160, 161. Geig-er. Elizabeth L., 86. Gibson, Lillian E., 301. Glfford, Dr. O. P., 161. Gilbert, Mamie, 93. Gill, Ella C, 99. Glllet, Rev. T., 46. Gillet, Rev. E. H., 161, 228. Gist, Ruth 287. Glass, Hon. J. D., 283. Glenn, H. S., 230, 231. Goddart, C. W., 169. Goff, P., 58, 107. Goldberg, Prof. E. M., 96. Goldthwait, Prof. N. E., 150. 151, 153, 159, 169. 270, 281, 283 Goodell. M'^ S.. 169. 203. 229. Good'^11, Prof. F. E., 162, 163, Goodhue, Dr. O. A., 186. Goodin, Inez L., 92. Goodman, Dr. S. P., 257. Goodrich, Hattie L. (Goodell), 158. Goodrich. Mrs. Florence. 90. Gorham, Rev. G. W., 38. Gove, E., 84. Graves, Chas. L., 262. Graves, Alice (Sawyer), 256. Graves, Edw. A., 161. 295, 297 Greenleaf, Rev. C, 26. Gregg, Jas. B., 76. Gregory, Judge, D. D., 180. Griffith, Rev. T. S., 52, 53. 61, 62, 64, 138. Griffith, Dr. H. G., 90. Griffith, Dr. J. H.. 187. Griffith. Rev. D. W., 232. Griffith, Elmer C, 287. Grimes, Gov. J. W., 16, 77. Grimes. Mrs. Rebecca J., 283. Grimes, L. A., 279. Griswold, O. Estella, 253, 256. Groesbeck, A. P., 158. Guern.sey, Guv, 277. Guild, Rev. J. E., 141. Gunn, Pres. Ellhu, 39. 52, 54. 59, 60, 68, 113, 114, 116, 179. Gunn, Harriet E.. 98. Gunn, Mrs. Amy B., 114. Gunnison, Prin. G. W., 72, 75. Gunnison, Mrs. S. L., 74. Guthridge, Walter, 323. Guthrldge, D. J., 58, 107. Hall, Frederick, 157, 267. Hall, J. H., 284. Halllngby, O., 279. Hamblin, T. P., 153, 265, 267. Hamblin, Sarah, 153. Hambrecht, C. F., 271. Hamilton, Miss Belle R., 284. Hampson. J. A. P., 117. Hampton, Rev. G. S., 49, 5», 57, 106, 107. Hanley. Dr. R. R., 182, 183. 186. Hannum, Jennie A., 323. Harbert, S., 179. Harding. Rev. O. S., 38. Harding. Allle P., 323. Hardwick, J. O.. 323. Harmon. A. N., 287. Harper, Pres. W. R., 161, 285. Harper, W. T., 283. Harris, Amy B., 123. Harris, Flora E., 162, 169. Harris, H. P., 301. Hart, J. H., 129. Harvey, Grace E. (Pro ward), 92 93. Harwood, O. P., 258. Haskell. Geo. E., 271. Ha.-tkPll. Addle, 256. Hastings, S. W., 283. 334 Index. Hawkins, E. Jane, 289. Hawley, Mrs. Jane P., 77, 82. Hawley, Horace H., 42, 75, 82. Hawley, C. W., 283. Hayden, Mae, 93. Hayhurst, Rev. L. W.. 62. 84, 86. 145, 181, 182, 186. Hayhurst. Prin. I. W., 144, 145. Heath, Rev. H. A., 161, 250, Heath. Chas. H., 274. Hedge. Hon. Thos., 76. Hemphill. B. C. 287. Henderson, Prin. Jas., 84, 86. Hendricks, W. H., 169. Henry. Bertram C, 98. Henson, Dr. P. S.. 229. Hersey, L. W., 283. Hersey, Mrs. L. W., 170. Hetler. Jas. P., 272. Hewins. Ellen A.. 124. Hewitt. Dr. C. B.. 31». Hick. H. R.. 299. Hicock, Mrs, C. A., 74. Hig-gins. Rev. C. E., 90. 204. Hill, Larissa M.. 74. Hill, S. W., 263, 305. Hinchman. J. V.. 159, 160. 1«9. 213. 231, 304. Hinchman, Mrs. J. V.. 284. Hines. Dr. W. A., 170. Hiscox, Dr. E. T., 161. Historical Sketches, 25, 34. 36. 37. 38, 40, 48. Hitchcock, Mrs. C, 256. Hitchcock, Helen, 287. Hobbs, Wesley C.,80. Hobbs, Laura N., 323. Hobbs, Albert, 117. Holland, Dr. A., 169. Holmes, Rev. O. A.. 62, 140, 179, 183. Holmes, Gertrude. 289. Holt. Rev. G. F.. 284. Homan, Rev. N. B., 179, 181. Homesteaders, 20. Hope, Rev. J. M., 38. Hornish, J. K., 61, 113. Houghton, E. B., 50. Hovey, E. A., 283. Howard, Dr. W. G., 75. Howell, Hon. J. E., 118. Howell, Prof. S. S.. 114, 115, 117. Huey, Olive C 99. Huff. M., 99. Hughes. Brenton. 60. 113. Hughes, Wm., 169. 283. 300. Hulbert. Dr. E. B.. 213. Hungate, John H., 76. Hunn, E. S.. 152. Hunn, C. E., 162, 156, 158. Hunt, Miss E. C, 120. Hunt, Dr. Win. F., 272. Hunter, Rev. W. L., 179. Kurd, Dr. J. C, 88. Hurd, Dr. C. H, 271. Hutchinson, G. W., 233. iBi'orporation, Article* of, Burlington Coll. Institute, 69, 70. Central College, 108. Des Moines College, 142. Cedar Valley Seminary, 258. Ilsley, Rev. L., 38. Ind, Rev. Thos. M., 75, 77. Indians, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16. Iowa BaptlHt Education .Soc, 209-226. Iowa City, 21, 22, 105. Irish. Capt. F. M., 21. Jainea, J. R., 269, 271, 280, 283, James. F. E. 271, 284, 305. James, Louis 271. James Benj. P., 92. Jayne, Judge Henry, 233, 239. Jeffrey, J., 58, 107. Jewell, Erma, 99. Jewett, Rev. D., 27, 28, 107, 187. Jewett, Milo P.. 189. 197. Johnson, Rev. H., 24, 25, 48. Johnson, Dr. Geo. J., 37. 39, 51, 53, 54, 61, 64, 66, 69, 71, 77, 89, 94, 102, 103. Johnson, E .E., 276. Johnson, Rev. S. B., 38, 51, 52, 53, 64, 66. Johnson, K. J., 278, 305. Johnson, Mary P., 117. Jones, Rev. H. M., 225, 285. Jones, Rev. J. M., 232. Jones, Rev. E. M., 232. Jones, H. E., 273. Jones, M. E., 322. Joy, Hon. W. L.. 169, 283. Joy, Geo. E., 203. Jov, Clvde E., 170. Judson." Rev. T. H., 179. June, Mrs. C. S., 98. Kaater. Thoa. J., 98. Katz, Max, 287. Keables, Kate, 104, 119, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 246, 247. Keables, Dr. B. F.. 247. Kearwille, Elizabeth, 288, 293, 299 Keith, Dr. T. J., 199. Kellv, Anna J., 276. Kelsev, Ira, 109. Kendall, H. N., 74. Kendrlck, Dr. A. A., 187. Kenn^v, Dr. Tra E.. 151, IBS, 169. Kenney, Mrs, Mary E., 169, Index. 335 Ketclium, Wm. D., 92. Kidney, Nellie (Palmer), 272. Kidney, Jennie, 272. King, P. T., 271. King, R. C, 295, 299. Kingsbury, J. B., 283. Kingsbury, Mary R., 325. Kirtley, Wm., 284. Knapp, Rev. Wm. B., 36. Knapp, Rev. Jacob, 81. Knight, Rev. J. B., 78. Knoulton, Warren K., 255. Kohlke, H. W., 284. Krebs, Bros., 284. L.afler, Walter E^dson Scholar- ship, 298. Lafler, Hosea, 282, 283, 285, 287, 300. Lafler, Joanna. 285. Lane, Rev. W. K., 162. Landis, Rev. D. R., 230. Lapham, Rev. J. A., 265, 276, 282, 283, 295. Lapham, Burnett J., 293. Larrabee, Bessie B., 325. Laughlin. Willard, 263. Leaeock, Nellie J., 99. Leavitt, Rev. S. K., 186. LeBrock, Chas. P., 92. Lee, Alice, 147, 148. Lee, Prin. Geo. W., 162, 323- 326. Lee, Dr. P. W., 272. 284. Leonard, Judge John, 170. Leonard, P. J., 265. Leslie, Rev. Robt., 186. Leslie, W. W., 232. Lewis, E. E., 208, 210, 211, 229, 230 232. Llttefleld, Plorence, 87. Uvlnfi^stoii, C. M., Scholarship, 283 298 Lockwood", Rev. C. H., 161, 177. Lockwood, Rev. J. E., 179. Lohr, W. P., 255, 262. Lohr, P. W., 267. Lohr, Amelia, 265, 288. 299. Long, Wm., 170. Longley, W. A., 299. Loughridge, Prof. A., 120, 329, 232, 233, 248, 283. Lovell, W. D., 232. Love Maud, 93. Lovejoy, G. B., 283. Loveloy, A. B., 272. Lovett, Dr. E. H., 229, 230, 231. Lovett, Rev. W. P., 162. Luce, B., 107. Luke, Rev. John W., 97, 98, 99. Luke, Mrs. R. C, 98, 99, 100, 229 232 Luke! Ethel J., 98, 100. Lukens, Rov. J. N., 262. Luek, Rev. C. P., 232. McCrary, Leta, 92. McCrary, Judge A. J., 203, 230, 231. 233, 239. McCully, Luella, 127. McCullough, H. R., 91. McCullough. Mame, 93. McParland, Laura, 90. McHenrv, W. A., 284, 322. McHenry, Mrs.. 284. McKay, Rev. U., 152. McKay, E. B., 156. McKav, A. N., 158. McKean, Geo., 232. McKinley, S. J., 256. McKinley, Alice Maude, 273. McKlveen, Catherine (Smith), 161, 162. McLaurey, J. L., 277. McMasters, Rev. D., 232. McMichael, Rev. A. D., 78. MacNaul, W. C, 169. McVey, W. P., 158, 161. Mahip, Dr. H. C, 161. Mangrum, S. S., 58, 107. Manning. Miss M. C, 119, 120. Maple, Dr. J. C, 210, 211, 225. Mark, John, 313. Mark, Kate E., 289. Mark, Barbara E. (Joyce), 289. Marsh, Rev. Asa, 186. 261, 262. Marsh, Rev. P. A., 254. Marsh, G. E., 284. Mnrshalltown Conference, The, 227-240. Delegates, 231-233. Marston, Rev. S. W., 79. Martin, Rev. Thos., 78. Mason, Rev. D. N., 147. Matteson, Rev. W. B., 211, 213. Maxon, A. D., 284. May, Mrs, M. (Smith), 284. Mecum, Rev. E. W., 159. Megguier, Emma P. (Narey). 256. Mercer, John M., 97, 100. Mercer, J. T., 179. Merrill, Marv, (Rood), 254. Merrill, Harry, 256. Merrltt. E. M., 276. Metcalf. E., 57, 106. Mever. J. J.. 287. Miles, Rev. E. M., 54, 5 6, 57. 106. Miles, Mrs. P. W.. 283. IvTillen, B. P., 58, 107, 109. Millen, J., 58, 107. Miller Perdinand, 262. Miller, Jas. M., 149. Miller, Ella L., 149. Miller, Emma L., 271. Miller, Mrs. Ella C, 165, 169. Miller, .Tas. N., 317, 322. Miller, H. R.. 165, 169. Miller, Pred. 170. AIIlls. Rev. Wilson, 135. Mink, A. 186. 336 Inde.T. Mitchell, Minnie L., »1. Mitchell, Rev. S. H., 5, 33. 84, 36, 179. 180. Mitchell. Ellen E., 114, 117. Ivlonroe, Pres. James, 14. Monroe, Anna G., 75. Moore, Dr. A. H., 258. Moore, Cora (Ross), 254. Moore, Rev. C. H. H., 162. Moore, W. H., 284. Moore, Prof. Geo. A., 287, 297, 299. Moore. Rev. J., 37. Morehouse, Dr. H. L., 217, 225. Morey, Rev. W. B., 46, 48, 67. Morg-an, Rev. F. E., 127, 162, 163. Morphey Rev. G. E., 233. Morse, Peter, 259. Morse, Harleigh, 263. Morse. Chas. H., 277, 284. Mo.scrlp, Rev. C. H., 199. Mott, Judg-e P., 151, 152, 183, 184. Muffley, Max M., 289. Munsen, J. A.. 127. Murray, Mrs. Carrie, 261, 262. Nush, Dr. J. A., 52, 53, 55, 62, 64, 66, 68, 71, 77, 139, 141, 144. 149-152, 154, 180. 182, 183 Nash," Jennie (Rose), 150, 153. Nash, Rev. H. C. 223, 232, 318, 321. Nash! Mrs. Marv C, 322, 325. Neally, M. H., 90. Nesbit. Anna M., 87. Newell, V. F., 160. Newman, Judge, T. W., 159, 71, 77, 96, 97. Newman, Hattle E., 87. Newman, Josephine M., 80. Newman, H. H.. 163. New York Baptist State Con- vention, 175. Neyenesch. H., 115. Nichols, F. D., 277. Nichols, H. M., 287. Nixon, Ella (Hastings), 254. NoUen, John S., 123. Norris. Annie, 77. Norton, Rev. H. E., 93. Norton, Ada F., 163-165. Norwood, Miss A. S. A., 87. 88. Nossaman, W., 109. O'Dea, Rd^ard, 158. Odeklrk, Stella P., 287. Olney, Warren, 117. Ormsby, Rev. O., 52. Osage Baptist Sunday .=;oliool 283 Osborn, B. F., 150. Osborn. Pres. L. D., 167-169 Osborne, J. G., 299. Osgood, Dr. S. M., 84. Ostegren, Rev. K. A., 120 Otis, Rev. J. C, 179. Otto Geo. C, 272. Owatonna Academy, (Pills- bury,) 83. Owen, Will, 263. Page, A. C, 273. Page, Mrs. J. N.. 151. Paine, C. W., 170. Painted Rock, 15. Palmer. Clarence, 274. Palmer, D. M., 274. Parker. May Z., 285. Parker, Rev. H. I., 252. Park hurst, W. J., 68. Parmenter, Maria M., 75. Parsons, Alvin, 42. Parsons, Dr. P. W., 280-282, 250. Parsons, Emma T., 299. Pattenglll, Geo. D., 267. Pattenglll, Edith G., 301. Pattlson, Rev. W. R., 179. Patton, D. J., 284. Peck, Rev. G. C, 180. Pederson, James, 287. Pelton, S. R., 274. Pelton, Rev. F. E. 271. Penney, Rev. T. J., 52. Pentuff, Dean J. R., 100-102. Perkens, G. D., 152. Perry, T. J. R., 80. Peters, John P., 114. Peters, Peter, 114. Peterson. H. P., Pettlt, Mrs. L. C..283. Pilcher, J. M., 153. Pickard, Rev. S., 33. Plerson, Geo.. 317. Ping, John R., 99. Ploueer lo^va, 9. Pioneer Baitti«t«, 24. Pitts, Dr. W. S., 272. Piatt, Asa, 317. Plimpton, E. S., 170, 230, 231, 322 Plimpton, Dr. W. M., 158, 162. 170. Plimpton. Lillian M., 158. Poems of the Prairies, 75. Polndexter, D. P.. 265, 270. Pollard, J. J., 204. Pope, Rev. C. J., 232, 233. 241, 278, 281. 283. Pope, Dea. J., 299. Post, Rev. M. .1., 27. 28, 48. Potter, Prin. Geo. M., 300. Powell. J. J.. 213, 232. 239. 283. Powell. Rev. T. W. 179. Powell. Mary A.. 99. Pratt, Rev. W. W., 264. hide-r. 337 Pratt, C. C, 87. Pratt, Susie J., (Gardner), 123, 273. Pratt, Park C, 274. Pray, Mary E., (Steward), 279, 2S5. Prescott, Rev. Asa. 183. Price Dr. Ira M., 153. Price, Prof. A. B.. 123, 155, 156, 1G3. Prime John R., 254. Pi-obst, Cora. 100. Proper, Dr. D. D., 198. Prouty, Jud^e S. P., 119, 121, 124, 203. Purinton, Prof. G. D., 153. Haffety, Win.. 232. Rainey, F. L., 100. Ralrden, Dr. N. B., 159, 284, 31S. Randell, Rev. W. E., 280, 281. 284 Randiett. G. W., 277. Rankin, Wm. A., 117. Rauch, Dr. J. H., 73. Raymond, Rev. Lewis, 81. Read, Pres. D., 124, 125, 187, 202. 203. 208. Reag-an, Rev. D., 162, 265, 273. Red Rocks, 18. Reeves, C. P., 265. Rehmann, Prof. John, 266. Reinking, Rev. F. G., 156, 170, 232. Remey, Almiral Geo. C, 74. Remey, Wm. B., 74. Remey, Joim T., 80. Remington, Rev. C. H., 61, 186. Remley .Judge Milton, 181, 231. 281. Remlev, Judge H. M., 232, 239. Remley, Clara, 273. Ressler, A., 284. Revnolds, Gov. John, 16. Reynolds, Martha B., 301. Revnolds, M. 58, 107. Rice, Stella J. 267, 276. Richards. Lois, 88. Richardson, Dr. J. K., 165. Ritner, H. A., 40, 50, 54, 57, 106, 107. Robb, Rev. H. 30, 31. Robert, Dr. J. T.. 77, 81, 85. Robert, Jas. A., 81. Robert, Martha A., 81, 85. Robinson, Rev. A., 199. Robinson, Rev. P., 34. Rocho, Rev. V. C, 232. Rogers, Carrie, 80 Rogers, Martha, 89. Rogers, Rev. H. A., 158. Roller, W. F., 162. Roney, Thomas C, 89. Roraback, U. 2S4. Rev. Charles J., 150, 15; Rcss, Rev. AValter, 258. Ross, Mrs. M. E., 323. Ross, Rev. L. W., 279. Roval, Mrs. .J. P.. 98-100. nov.'lands, Dr. H. O., 324. Ruckman, J. L., 117. Rudd. M. W., 41. - Rudd. Martha E., 91, 121. Rundborg, Franz. 271, 284. Rundborg.Otto, 2S1. Rupert Benj., 42, 184. Rutlodge, Rev. Wm., 37. Ruttkay, Louis, 149. Ryan, Hon. David, 115. 11'.'. Sa,- CrAy institute. 226, 317. Hacs and Foxe.s, 14. Ha.rr.son, Sumner, 27o. Sarber, Rev. O. B., 231. Sarpv. Col. P. A., 19. Savage, Rev. E. P., 186, 203, 20 6. Sawins, Mrs. C. A., 153. Sawyer, E. L., 283, 305. Sawyer, Geo. H.. 28 4, 288. Scarff, Dr. E. H., 109, 111, 115, 117, 119. 121, 177, 179, ISO, 183. Scammon, Frank, 263. Scammon, Margaret A., 287. Schaller. Col. Phil., 317. Sclu-rmerhorn, Rev. H. R., 121. Schilling, Isolde, 87. Schofield. Rev. J. V.. 183, ISG. Schofield. H. Maze. 92. Schole.s, Mary A., 91. Scholte, Rev. H. P., 107, 109, 130. Scott, Rev. Geo., 54, 179. Scott, Gen. W. 16. Sears, Barnas, 156. Seeley. Rev. J. N.. 50, 18 6. Segner. Frank, 93. Severan, H. H., 99. Severan. Mrs. H. H., 99. Shaffer, Mrs. H. H., 283. Shaffer. A. H.. 274. Shanafelt, Rev. J. R.. 179, 184. Sheehan. J. B., 265, 283. Sheehan, T. D., 271. Sheldon, Hattie I., 91. Sho'don. Alice (Jennison) 288. .Shoemaker, D. M., 162. Shull, D. C, 232. Sides, A. W., 287. Simons, Prof. H. A., 274. 279. Simons, Arthur A., 274. Simons. Eugene S., 274. Simons, Wilbur H., 274. .Sioux Indi.'ins, 14. 19. Skinner. Mary (Lovejoy), 254. Skinner, Rosa (Harmon). 256. 338 Index. Small, Dr. A. W., 227. Smedley, Dr. Irene, 273, 322. Smeink, J., 109. Smith Dr. Dexter P., 31, 32, 34, 51, 55, 64, 67, 138, 181, 185, 186. Smith Dr. J. A., 187, 189, 197. Smith, Rev. C. C, 211, 213. Smith, M.. 99. Smith, Emma 157. Smith, Harriet, 253, 256. Smith, Wm. H., 119. Smith, Prof. J. M. P., 158, 285, 287. Smith, E. B., 284. Smith, .Hon. J. A., 283, 305. Smith, Ray D., 277. Smith, Mrs. E. B., 169. Smith, J. P. P., 129. Smith, Mrs. Martha B., 169. Sinithers, Stella M., 91. Sneath, Rev. Geo., 278. Snow, Prof. T. N., 149. .Sonic IVotable Movements for Cordination, 175. Sonner, Rev. O. P., 161. Spencer AVhitman Chnir in Greek, 279. Sperry, Rev. O., 54, 57. •;'.•, 106. Sperry, Charlene E!., 169. Sperry, Wm., 27, 28, 29, 68. Sperry, Emery F., 114. Spinney, Dr. E. C, 90, 109, 124, 187 206 283. Spinnev, Mrs. Josephive -2. 92. St. Clair, A. D., 170, 232. St. Clair, Winnie (Oraves- Perg-uson), 158, 325. Stacy, Maud (Smith), 289. Stallcop. C. E., 325. Standard, The, 61 178, 189, 231. Starr Wm. J., 277, 284. Starr, H. J., 284. Stearns, Prof. E. F., 89. 90. Stephenson Prof. J. P., 157, 167, 169. Stephenson, Mr.s. Florence T., 157, 169. Stetson. Dr. H. L., 157 159, 163, 164, 167, 169, 211. 224. 229, 232, 245, 248, 249, 282, 318. 321. Stetson, Bertha (Arnett), 158. Stevens, Myrtie A. (Bennett), 271. Stewart. Prof. J. W., 147, 148. Stifler, Dr. W. H., 199, 202. Stilwell, Mrs. C 284. Stock, Caleb. 284. Stoddard, Harry D., 92. Stoddard. Dr. Ira J., 116, 118. Stoddard, Mrs. D. C. A., 114, 116-118, 120. Stone, R. M., 145. Stone, Rev. Luther, 50, 141, 146, 160, 161, 186. Stoner, Milton, 58. 107. Storey, Rev. W. E., 161. Stouffer, S. M.. 318. Stoug-hton, G. M., 284. Stoughton, H. L., 277, 305. Strahan, J. M., 170. Strike, Ida M., 299. Strows, Samuel 274, 283. Stuart, Pres. John, 126, 127, 224. Stuart, Sarah M., 127. Stuart, AVm. A., 117. Stull, Nelson, 92. Stutts, D., 326. Stutsman. Judge A. H., 232. Stutsman. Carl A., 93. Stutsman, Dr. S. H., 92. Stutsman, Wm. H.. 93-. Sunderland, Rev. James, 179. Sunderland, Rev. J. T., 80. Sutherland. Nellie, 325. Sutton, A. K., 203. Swan, B., 57, 106. Swanson. J., 158. Sweet, Lizzie (Sime), 274. Sweney, Charles, 253, 283. Sweney, Hon. J. H., 275, 296, 305. Sweney. J. L, 271, 283, 296,305. Sweney. Marj' (Scammon), 253, 256, 262. Swenev, Kate (EnO), 254. Swenev, BelleA. (Eden), 272. Sweney, Gail (Edson), 285. Sweney, Dr. C. F., 265. Talbot, Pres. Samson, 187. Talbot, Cynthia, 99. Talbot, Rose, 99, 100. Talbot, Carrie, 99. Tate, J. F., 170, 230, 232. Tate, Rev. H. W., 232. Taylor, Emma, 75, 91. Taylor, Rev. A. H.. 37. Taylor, Mary E., 88. Temple, L. F., 50, 57. Teter, L. D., 158. Thickstun, Rev. T. F., 201, 179 259. Thickstun, Mrs. S. L., 123. Thickstun, Carrie L., 123. Thomas, Dr. J. B. 187, 208, 210, 211, 213, 223. Thompson, Rev. A., 38. Thompson, Rev. W. P., 284. Thorns, Rev. C. S., 228. Tilden, Dr. H. W., 225, 229, 284, 322. Tobin, Prof. T., 284. Todd, Rev. J. W., 26, 48. Todd, Prin. T. W., 299, 300. Tolman, Julia R., 109, 110. Toman, S. S., 256. Town, Judge Ira E., 257. Towne, Rev. E. O., 54, 56-59, 106, 107, 111, 120. Index. 339 Towne, N. C, 114. Townsend Rev. D. C, 126, 128, 141. Tracy, Samuel F., 93. Treloar, Rev. J. E., 159. Tripp, Prof. R. H., 123, 124, 202, 203. Tripp. Mrs. M. R., 124. Troxel, Thomas G., 74, 7.5. Trulock, T. J., SO. Trustees of Cedar Valley Seminary, 260, 304. Tucker, Rev. C. T., 156, 179, 259, 260. Tupper, Hon. A. C, 254. Tupper, Libbie (Brown), 256. Tupper, Will, 263. Tupper, Grace E., 289. Turner, Fannie, 256. Turton, Rev. W. H. 52, 58, 59, 107. Tuttle, Luclan, 263. Tuttle, H. E., 276. Tuttle, A. B., 284. Umbersrer, T. D. T., 99. Universitv of Chicago, 161, 168, 267. Ure, Rev. Thomas, 261, 262. Ure, Mrs. Emma J., 262. Ure, S. R., 274. Vanljeuven. H. C, 255. VanMeter, E. A., 73, 85, 180. Vaughan, J. R., 169. Voseler, J. H., 284. Waddell, Rob't.. 284. Waite, Mrs. C. R. 281, 283, 289. Waldriss, J., 57, 107. Walker, Dr. W. M., 165, 324. Walker, Rev. R. S., 156. Walker, A. M., 284, 305. Walker, R. Hart, 277. Walker, Ettie F., 325. Wall, Charlotte E., 289. Walter, Marion, 158. Walton, Rev. U. R., 76. Ward, Rev. J. C, 57, 105. Ward, Rev. D. P., 261. Ward, Dayton, 261. Wardall, A., 255. Ware, E. F., 80. Wasloja, Academy, 83. Waterman, Rev. L. M., 230, 232. Watson, Julia H., 129. Watson, A. T., 162. Wayland Academy, 91. Wayland, Judge Francis, 186. Weatherly, A. L., 276. Weaver, Rev. A., 204, 208. Wedgewood, Hattie (Clyde), 257. 284. 169, 293, 147, Weinrich, Agnes, 99. Wells, Rev. Wm. A., 52. Welscher, Rev. W. A., 199. ■Western Advisory Committee . .Report of 189-197. Weston, Pres. H. G., 176, 185. Westover, Rev. J. T., 140, 180. Wheeler, J. S., 170, 283, 305. Wheeler. Frances R., 157, 158, 322, 323, 325. Whirry, John E., 277, 278, 284, 290, 292, 295. Whirrv, Rev. J. L., 277. White, Capt. Geo. P., 271. White, Capt. H. A., 272. White, Prof. L. B., 169. White, Wilfred, 325. Whitemore, Rev. I., 34. Whitley, Dr. J. L., 256, Whitley, Dr. F. E., 265. Whitley, Dr. R. L., 278. Whitley, Clara R., 289. Whitman, Dr. P. S., 147, 186, 278, 279, 283, 292, 179, 294, 214, 301. Whitman, Mrs. Carrie, 302, 303. Whitmore, V. Y., 232, 283. Whitmore Dr. F. B., 279. Whitmore, Ethel R., 289. Whitney, Annette H.,285. Whitney, Wilson, 255. Whittaker, D. B., 255. Wiggins, Dr. C. C, 271. Wilbur, Rev. H. R., 60. Wilcox. Rev. S. E., 229, 230. Wiley, F. B., 169. Wilkin, Willis, 271, 274 Wilkins, Dr. F. L., 210, 213, 223. Williams, Rev. John, t>l, 65, 67, 70. Williams, Mrs. L. W^.. 8'. ^^^ Williams, Matilda, 80. Williams, Rev. A. C., 74. Wilson, Rev. J. O., 177. Winnebagos, 16, 19. Witherwax, J. M., 42, 54. Witter, Dr. W. B., 321. Wolff, Fred B., 289. Wood, Grace A., 92. Woodkrd, O. P.. 283 305 Woodard, Harriet V., ^"1- „^. Woodard, Olive B., (Ogg), 287 Woodard, Alice J. 289 Woods, Mrs. J. A., 86. Woods, Wm., 284. Woodworth, W. C., 180. Woodworth, Estella, 90. Worcester. Rev « H., 61, 181. Worden, Rev. H., 35. 5^. Worthington,_ Mrs. H. E., lb». Wortman Prm. L B 87, 88. Wright, A. S., 273, 284. 211, 53, (Jenkins), 340 1 tide J*. Wright, J. G., 289. Wvdell, A. O., 287. Vnrus, C. A., 284. Young-, Prof. W. A., 129, 136. Vouni; People's ITnion, Osage, 284. Superior. 284. Waterloo, 284. Zelglor, Hon. S*. B., 2S4. Zimmerman. A. B., 91. lA^' 23 1908