Book_J^64- Co]jyrigM}i°. COPXRSGHT DEPOSHi '^ ^"^ • ^ en fD O c; « .^ ^ o §'^=^ a « c« c3 o ,£; S S o * ^ 2 > ""^^ * s p 4 (C 'g G § " =3 : Oh ii > s « = o o^ oH . o S c ^ (B a; -tJ -d -O ■43 . o to '-' aj — ' 'O S '^ O -t^ H N S£ « ;::; -^ &■ o a^ S ^ \ ■^ 3-0 -^^ Cuaj cc ^ > +^ •-■ •-' f3 a; 0) § ^-^ & S< 1^ ^ a".^ &, Ph 1^ O oa o3'Ci 1h i o 03 ■S« c £ o3 oa the the mati nen ; 55 T3 f- " ZHn c! +i P a ^aj ^ ^:gS Q ^ S ! 3; ^ H =«, s QJ <0 ^ O o 9 M 03 03 T« RY OF THE RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR." OTHER BOOK. GET THE BEST.= INTRODUCTION THIS NEW OFFICIAL WAR MAP ''T,^^ GIVEN FREE fef5^ — - V -<^ , 1 _fGj TO EACH SUBSCRIBER FOR J, MARTIN MILLER'S "OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR." INTRODUCTION == BY GENERAL NELSON A. MILES. BUY NO OTHER BOOK. GET THE BEST. OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE Russian-Japanese War A Vivid Panorama of Land and Naval Battles A REALISTIC DESCRIPTION OF TWENTIETH CENTURY WARFARE THE AWFUL STRUGGLE FOR JAPANESE FREEDOM, THE PEACE AND SAFETY OFTHE ORIENT, AND THE PROTECTION OF HELPLESS CHINA FROM THE GREED OF FOREIGN FOES. ALSO A Complete History of Japariy Russia^ China, Korea and Manchuria Including Progress, National Trdts and Customs, Religion, Philosophy, Personal Adventure, etc. BY J. MARTIN MILLER THB CELEBRATED HISTORIAN, WAR CORRESPONDENT AND TRAVELER Author of" China- Ancient and Modern;" Twentieth Century Atlas and History of the World; Etc., Etc. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY GENERAL NELSON A. MILES The greatest military authority in the country, who recently made a tour of the Far East, where his position as Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Army brought him in close totich with the leaders of the Russian and Japanese forces Graphically Illustrated with Nearly lOO Superb Engravings CONSISTING OF LAND AND NAVAL BATTLES, VIEWS OF WAR SHIPS, PORTRAITS OF RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE COMMANDERS, PICTURES OF FAMOUS CITIES, FORTS, TBMPLBS AND SNAP-SHOTS OF EVERV-DAY LIFE ,A 'V\" \'' THE DOHArcr Of CONGR&SS, ONt Cof» heoeiveo Alls, 22 1904 GopymoHT ENTRY SLASS ft^XXi No 5 o COPY A. COPYRIGHT, 1904 BY J. MARTIN MILLER ^.11 rights reserved INTRODUCTION BY LIEUTENANT-GENERAL NELSON A. MILES {Copyright, igo4, by J. Martin Miller.) A book that will give a fair description of the territory soon to be occupied by two or more great armies; that shall give, in brief, a history of the country, its inhabitants, their industries, their modes of life, their beliefs or superstitions, their ideals and their ideas of gov- ernment, of the rights of man and the duties and obligations of man to hereditary, delegated, or usurped power; the history of the various political and military questions that have led up to the impending war, as well as a description of the two immediate contending armies, their differences in personnel, in discipline, in equipment and experi- ence; as well as a forecast of the probable results — must be exceed- ingly interesting to the reading public at this time in every part of the world. Mr. J. Martin Miller has been a war correspondent in the Philip- pines and in the allied campaign in China. He made the march to Pekin with the Japanese army. He was also with the Russian army during a portion of that cam- paign. He has been over the ground where the war is now being waged, in Korea, Manchuria and Siberia, and now presents a description of the country and an account of the war between Russia and Japan. It is singular that in this enlightened age, progressive in art and science if not in political virtue, there should be at this time more hundreds of millions of treasure, drawn from the industries of the people, expended in preparations for war, in the most expensive and 3 4 INTRODUCTION most terribly destructive implements and engines of war, and more millions of men, civilized, semi-civilized and barbarous tribes organ- ized, drilled, disciplined, instructed and equipped for service or sacri- fice in the great armies and navies of the world, than at any former period. The great bulk of this expenditure of the energy and life, as well as the treasure of the nations, is useless, and would be unneces- sary if reason and justice and humanity could prevail in the place of physical force or high explosives. The best men in many countries have been advocates and cham- pions of peace. A Congress of Nations was the most eloquent theme of one of America's most eminent statesmen fifty years ago. Such a high tribunal has been urged by the first of every land. Even the present autocrat of all the Russias has been the foremost man of his age in urging and calling a congress of nations with a view to relieving the people in some degree from the heavy burdens of great standing armies and formidable navies. Yet, notwithstanding all the better influences and better judgment of many of the best informed and best hearted people of different countries, we find the energies of two great nations being devoted to the bringing together of the physical power of both in a war that must cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of treasure. It cannot but result injuriously to both. Japan, on the one hand, the oldest dynasty in the world, has been making wonderful strides in useful industries and commercial development. Naturally a peaceful, polite people living in a most beautiful country, universally fond of art and skillful to a high degree — the treasure expended in this war, if it could be devoted to the further development of her civil, educational and commercial interests, would place her prominent among the nations of the world Yet the introduction of modern appliances of war, and her experi ence and great success over a powerful neighbor ten times her own INTRODUCTION S numerical strength, have inspired her people with a confidence and martial spirit that will probably be satisfied, whatever may be the result of the struggle, only after a devastating war. Her army and navy are commanded by skillful and experienced officers; both branches of the service are in the main well equipped and under most positive, absolute discipline. Her navy in Asiatic waters is superior to that of Russia, but would not be if the latter were con- centrated. The present and future interests of the great Russian Empire would seem to be best subserved by a long-continued period of peace. Her experience in the last hundred years has demonstrated her military prowess, and the loyalty, fortitude and courage of her people. She has devoted hundreds of millions of dollars in the development of her great civil enterprise, the Siberian Railway, which opens a vast area of sparsely populated country, capable of developing enormous resources and furnishing millions of homes to an industrious, frugal people. She has opened a new avenue of com- munication and commerce "around the old world." And yet, at a time when peaceful enterprises can best be promoted all must be checked or subordinated to the martialing of mighty hosts to settle a disputed question upon the red fields of war. What seems to be the pending battle ground, Manchuria, is prac- tically an open country, undulated by hills and valleys and occupied by millions of Chinamen, but a country well adapted for maneuvering large armies, though poorly supplied with sustenance, required by armies of such magnitude. It is not unlikely that within the next twelve months two navies better equipped with all the destructive engines of war, battleships, cruisers, torpedo boats, torpedo destroyers, submarine vessels, high- power, rapid-fire machine guns, will contend for the mastery of the waters, while two great armies composed of hundreds of thousands of brave men and skillful officers, armed with the most destructive 6 INTRODUCTION rifles, quick-firing artillery, etc., will clash in mortal combat for each other's destruction, and for the possession of the territories of Korea and Manchuria. The daily intelligence of this great tragedy will be flashed around the world by the electric telegraph and cables, while the whole civil- ized world will witness the changing scenes, either with awe or adula- tion. Whether there will be any great question of moral or political significance settled by the result remains to be seen; or whether any result which will compensate for the sacrifice is very problematical. Certainly there has recently been no serious problem in which the great powers have been actively concerned, or so many of the human race affected, as the one now pending. Any book that will enable its readers to intelligently understand the condition of the country and follow the movements of the different armies and navies as the cam- paign develops might well be commended to the reading public. THE JAPANESE POINT OF VIEW BY KOGORO TAKAHIRA Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Japan to the United States. [ The author called upon the Mikadoes diplomatic representative at Washington the day after the war broke outy when he dictated the fol- lozving' for this work as his view of the situation i\ My advices from Tokio tell me that the war now going on between my country and Russia began with a Russian attack at Che- mulpo, Korea, on Monday last, and not with the Japanese attack at Port Arthur. My government broke off diplomatic relations with Russia on February 5th. Even though my government did begin the war by attacking the Russian fleet at Port Arthur, there is nothing irregular about it; the action would need no explanation or defence. I simply mention the fact in the interest of historical accurac}^ The likening of our sinking the Russian ships at Port Arthur to the Spaniards' blowing up the Maine in Havana Harbor, as I see the French papers have done to-day, is amusing. This, probably is the first time the French have ever charged the Spaniards with destroy- ing the Maine. If I remember, at the beginning of the Spanish- American War, the French were indignant at any suggestion made in America that their friends, the Spaniards, committed such an act. I take it for granted that the present crisis in the far East is a matter of grave concern to you and the readers of your book. I hope that I may go further and assume that, in some measure at least, the opinion you have formed is favorable to the cause which my country represents. But whatever your attitude or that of your readers may be, whether in perfect agreement with mine or not, it is not to your 7 g THE JAPANESE POINT OF VIEW sympathy but to your judgment I would appeal. Let me add, also, that I do not seek to gain from you a larger measure of good will because the interests of our countries in the far East are to some extent identical. No one speaking with knowledge in Japan's behalf has ever made that plea. All who are familiar with the Eastern situation know that a num- ber of the powers have interests in common in China — interests of the greatest value. Your own government has shown in the most marked manner that it was fully cognizant of the importance of these interests, and alive to the undesirable results that might follow if they were not properly safeguarded. Yet this fact, and others equally well known and equally significant, have not prevented the attempt to picture Japan as pretending that she was acting from altruistic motives, presumptuously arrogating to herself the role of champion of a common cause. Nothing could be farther from the truth than this cunning device to arouse prejudice and befog the actual situation. Japan took the initiative because the impending peril, while it threatened others in a measure, was to her a matter of far greater moment. There is another matter to which I would ask your attention. It has been frequently said — so frequently that the statement may have gained some credence — that a Chauvinistic and aggressive spirit is so predominant among my countrymen as to render an equitable and honorable accommodation of the questions at issue practically impos- sible. So far as this charge is concerned, I am perfectly willing to let the facts speak for themselves. Undoubtedly the past few months have been a period of public disquiet and excitement in Japan. Equally without doubt, there has been a great deal of irresponsible popular clamor. But in all fairness, was this either unnatural or, reasonably regarded, a just cause for criticism? Supposing that equally vital questions were at issue in this or any other country, and supposing, also, that the negotiations dragged unaccountably or THE JAPANESE POINT OF VIEW . 9 seemed to be intentionally delayed for an unfriendly purpose, would there not be similar manifestations of discontent and unrest? The course of the Japanese government itself under these trying circumstances, its manifest determination to neglect no means of peaceful settlement and to essay every avenue of honorable accord, is sufficient to reply to this accusation. Under the wise guidance of His Majesty the Emperor, my august master, the motto of the Empire, the sole rule of action, first and last throughout this contro- versy, has been peace with honor and safety. In the earnest endeavor to secure this desirable end, His Majesty has had the loyal and cor- dial support of the enlightened public opinion of the Empire, and I feel confident the verdict of history will be that no prompting of self- esteem, no yearning for self-glorification was permitted for an instant to interfere with the patient effort to secure an equitable and lasting agreement upon the questions at issue. The position assumed by Japan was the logical result of her environment and of the inexorable necessities of national safety. Considerations not merely of self-interest or self-respect, but of self- protection, have led her to where she now stands. The increase of her military and naval strength has been criticised as an indication of a desire for national aggrandizement at the cost of others. Even if it were not the fact, as it unquestionably is, that her progress along more peaceful lines has been as notable as her military and naval growth, no more convincing evidence than the present crisis is needed to prove that such preparation was the dictate of wise precaution. The burden upon the nation's resources is not a light one, but think of the infinitely heavier burden Japan would have to bear if, instead of her present neighbors, a potential enemy of uncertain pur- pose and overwhelming strength was firmly intrenched upon her vast threshold. It is this contingency against which we have to guard, but in attempting to do so we have never sought to impede in any manner the development of the legitimate ambitions of other nations 10 THE JAPANESE POINT OF VIEW or the enjoyment by them of vested rights lawfully acquired. From the outset the representations made in Japan's behalf have been con- fined within clearly defined limits. They may be summed up in a word — respect for the territorial integrity and independence of China and Korea; faithful observance of treaty stipulations, and due recognition of the validity of the special interest created by existing conditions. A few days ago I read an editorial in an American newspaper wherein Japan was represented as having interfered without invita- tion and without warrant in the affairs of China and Korea. Only ignorance of the actual situation could suggest such a criticism. Every impartial observer familiar with the facts must acknowledge, I feel convinced, that Japan's action was in pursuance of clear duty and assured right, and was fully warranted by her conventional rela- tions with both China and Korea. Her sole desire was to terminate a state of affairs clouded with uncertainties which threatened present loss and future danger, and to evolve from indefinite assurances and nebulous promises, regard- ing matters in which she was vitally interested, an understanding clearly defining the rights and the duties of all concerned. It may have been over sanguine to attempt such a task, but the attempt itself was justified by the law of nations and by an even more impera- tive obligation in the duty of self-protection. In 1895 Japan gained a foothold in Manchuria by right of con- quest. Russia thereupon took the initiative in intervening on the ground that Japan's occupation of the Li Liao-Tung Peninsula was a menace to the peetce of the East and the integrity of China. After- ward, first through undertakings nominally peaceful and subservient to Chinese sovereignty, then on pretext based on internal disorders in China, but at no time justified by actual conditions, Russia herself took armed possession of the whole of Manchuria. She bound her- self by treaty to withdraw in 1903, but subsequently made withdrawal contingent upon stipulations, an acceptance of which would not have THE JAPANESE POINT OF VIEW n left a vestige of real sovereignty to China. Did not this give Japan as good a right to intervene in 1903 as Russia did in 1895? To the ordinary intelligence it would appear that the peace of the East and the integrity of China were menaced quite as much in one case as in the other. But Japan had another and a stronger reason for intervention. Russia, once the absolute mistress of Manchuria, held Korea at her mercy. When she could, with little effort, sweep away the feeble resistance of that kingdom, it did not require extraordinary foresight to perceive that she would not permit even an independent Korea to remain as a possible embarrassment to her future control of the North Asian litoral. Indeed, the immediate past furnishes signifi- cant proofs that Russian agents, official and unofficial, pursuing the line of policy which some term astute diplomacy, but others know by a harsher name, were blazing the pathway to that very goal. Herein lay the real menace to Japan, not alone to her commercial and indus- trial interests, but to her national repose and security. For this reason she has intervened, not from motives of petty jealousy or hopes of territorial conquest, nor, least of all, because of rankling memories of the Liao-Tung recession. While the present crisis is in a sense the offspring of Russia's action in 1895, t^he Japanese people are content to deal with existing issues and to leave to impartial his- tory the decision of who played the more honest part in that affair. The record of all that has occurred will soon be open to every one, and I feel assured that you will find in it ample justification for what I have said. I am confident also that you will see in it good reason to believe that while this issue was not of my country's seek- ing, she will face it calmly and firmly, not in a spirit of over-confi- dence, as one underestimating a powerful adversary, but with the assured conviction that in the words of your great President, she is following the right, as God gives her to see the right, and in the end justice must prevail. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE MIKADO. A Man of Advanced Ideas, His Habits and Appearance — Twenty-five Centuries of Un- broken Succession — The Oldest Book in the Japanese Language — Records Carefully Preserved — The Theatre a Mirror of Actual History — Celebrated Classics of Japan — The Creation , 19 CHAPTER II. THE GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. The Fujiwara — The Rise of the Shoguns — Influence of the Military Classes — Feudal Etiquette — Armor and Weapons of War — Suicide, a Principle of Honor — Social Forms — The Swords a Divine Symbol — The Samurai 27 CHAPTER III. LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Victories of Peace — The Primal Japanese Type — Religious Institutions — Images, Idols and Bells — Influence of the Priests — Mediaeval Science, Art and Literature — Provincial Barriers — Medicine and Surgery — Court Life — Evolution of the Language 43 CHAPTER IV. INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. Embassies from China — The Chinese Armada — Acts of Personal Bravery — Heroism of Michiari — The Whole Nation Aroused — The Wrath of Heaven — To the Victor Belongs the Spoils — Evil Counsel — The Divinity of Kings — The Temporary Mikadoate 60 CHAPTER V. THE WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Divine Origin of the Mikado — Violent Hands Never Laid upon the Emperor's Person — Two Mikados — The North Against the South — National Heroes — Kusunoki, the Brave — Lust for Land and War — The Succession Settled — Complete List of Mikados 71 CHAPTER VI. RISE AS A MODERN POWER. The Climate and Flora of Japan — The Fuji- San — Origin of the Japanese Race — The "Feathered Men" — Peculiarities of the Japanese Language — Energetic Japanese Em- presses — The Avolition of Christianity — The Ancient Authority of the Mikado Tri- umphs 79 CHAPTER VII. JAPANESE HOME LIFE. Social Customs — Japanese Houses — Marriage Customs — The Family — The Bath— No Mock Modesty — Household Utensils — Very Little Furniture — The Cuisine — Poorly Ventilated Bed-Rooms 91 CHAPTER VIIL RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. Buddhism in Its Early Purity — A Popular Religion — Eternal Life Not to Be Desired- Various Sects — Nichiren — Buddhist Protestants — Shintoism, Its Gods and Symbols — How the Records Were Preserved — Christianity — Its Introduction and Eradication — Early Martyrs — The Jesuits — The Fire Smoldering 99 13 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. ANCIENT RUSSIA. Her Early Domain — Good and Bad Rulers — When Converted to Christianity — Vladimir, a Great Name in Russian History — 'Wholesale Baptism — Translation of Holy Scrip- tures — Destruction of Kief — The Hanseatic League — Moscow 114 CHAPTER X. MEDIAEVAL RUSSIA. Russian's Historical Development — New Races of Men — The Tartar Invasion — Alexander Nevsky — Value of Diplomacy with Force — Mingling of Tartars with Russians — Blood Tax — The Mongol Yoke — The Rise and Fall of Lithuania — Shares the Fate of Poland 126 CHAPTER XL THE MUSCOVITE DYNASTY. The Corner-Stone of the Russian Empire — Early History — The Princes of Moscow — A New Dynasty — Wars between the Muscovite and the Tartar — Historic Battle on the Donskoi River — Dimitri Donskoi— Tamerlane — The Vassilli — The Birth of Russia — Ivan the Great — A Notable Reign 145 CHAPTER XII. THE FIRST CZAR. Ivan the Terrible — Early Demoralization — Shuiski Thrown to the Dogs — Influence of Ivan's Wife — Awful Atrocities— Proposes Marriage to Queen Elizabeth — Feodor the Imbecile — Boris the Evil Genius — The False Dimitri — Vassilli Shuiski 157 CHAPTER XIIL THE ROMANOFFS. The House of Rurik Becomes Extinct — Election of a New Czar — Michael Romanoff, Founder of Russia, Chosen — His Administration Marked by Great Wisdom — His Son Alexis Succeeds Him — Incorporation of Ukraine and Country of the Cossacks — Wars with Sweden and Poland — Civil Rebellion — Feodor III Ascends the Throne — Old Custom of Choosing a Wife for the Czar Abolished — Ivan and Peter Become Joint Sovereigns — Peter the Great, His Remarkable Character — Wars with Sweden and Turkey — Founding of St. Petersburg 170 CHAPTER XIV. THE RUSSIAN EMPRESSES. Catherine I Ascends the Throne — Her Humble Origin — Menzikoff, Her Prime Minister — The Brief Reign of Peter II — Anna of Courland Becomes Czarina — Elizabeth, Daughter of Peter the Great, Crowned Empress — Peter III, Elizabeth's Nephew, Made Czar — His Consort, Catherine, Called "The Great," Succeeds Him — Her Bloodthirsty and Tyrannical Career — Her Immoral Character — The Orloffs — Russian Empire Extended — Catherine's Friendship for America — Her Death 182 CHAPTER XV. RUSSIA DURING THE NAPOLEONIC ERA. The Reign of Paul I — Issues Ukase Limiting Succession to Male Line — His Policy One of Conciliation — His Ignoble End — Alexander I, His Foreign and Domestic Policy — Opposes Napoleon's Despotism— The Battles of Austerlitz and Friedland— French Invasion of Russia — The Retreat from Moscow — Capture of Paris — Overthrow of the Great Corsican — Death of Alexander 198 CHAPTER XVI. THE FIGHT FOR THE BOSPHORUS. A Born Soldier— His Marriage— Abdicates the Throne — Nicholas I— His Cathechisms —Champions the Greeks— An Insurrection— The Crimean War— The Result of a Hasty Policy .- 207 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 15 CHAPTER XVII. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE UNFROZEN SEA. The Serfs Liberated — Internal Disturbances — Russia Advances into Asia Minor — The First Pacific Port — Relations between Russia and the United States — War with Tur- key — The Emperor Assassinated — The Reign of Alexander III — His Son Ascends the Throne 222 CHAPTER XVIII. NICHOLAS IL A Puny Boy — Falls in Love with a Ballet Dancer — Travels Abroad — 'Attempted Assas- sination — The Meaning of Loyalty — The Mikado Orders the Would-be Murderer to Be Executed — Marriage — Coronation — A Disciple of Peace — Finland — Character of Nicholas II 230 CHAPTER XIX. KOREA, THE HERMIT NATION. The Bone of Contention — History of the Country — Seoul, the Capital — Chemulpo — Fusan, the Gateway to Korea — Classes of People — Slavery — Korean Literature — Industries — Commercial Importance 243 CHAPTER XX. SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. Relation of Siberia to Russia — How Separated from Manchuria — Inhabitants — How the Country Was Settled — Siberian Prisoners — Manchuria at the Beginning of the War — Harbin, the Moscow of Asia — A Commercial Power — Natural History of Eastern Asia. 259 CHAPTER XXL THE END OF DIPLOMACY. The First Shot — Port Arthur the Scene — The Russian View — Statement of Japanese Minister at Washington — Hostilities at Chemulpo — Russia's Reply in the Hands of Alexieff — Preparation for War — The Unanimity of the Japanese Nation — The Diverse Elements of Russia— Russia's Presentation of the Diplomatic Negotiations — The Czar's Supreme Manifesto — Secretary Hay's Note 271 CHAPTER XXII. RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. Japanese Armies — Uniform and Accoutrements of the Russian Troops — Transportation Methods — What the Japanese Soldier Wears — His Knapsack — His Pay — Discipline of the Japanese Army — The Drill — Russians and Japanese Equal in Courage and Disci- pline — Number of Troops in Field 279 CHAPTER XXIIL AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. American Nurses Offer Their Services to Japan — The First Expedition — What the 0.f¥er Meant to Japan — The Japanese Red Cross Society — United States Officers Study the War — Uniforms Required — Absence of Swords — Military Etiquette 291 CHAPTER XXIV. INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. Anarchy in China Feared — Secretary Hay's Note — Severance of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Russia — The Daring Torpedo Attack on Port Arthur — Japanese Success Establishes Chinese Influence — Naval Conflict at Chemulpo — First Prizes of the War — Arrival of Japanese Troops at Seoul — Repulse of Japanese Landing Party — Destruction of the Boyarin 302 i6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXV. THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. The Fourth Assault — Wireless Telegraphy Used by Japanese — Thrilling Torpedo Duel — Bottling up the Russian Fleet — The Japanese Send in Fire Ships — The Fifth Attack — Hirose, the Hero — Description of the Beleaguered City — Vivid Account of the Bom- bardment by a Russian Officer 315 CHAPTER XXVI. DESTRUCTION OF THE PETRO PAVLOV SK. The Assassin of the Sea — A Five Million Dollar Boat and Eight Hundred Men Lost — Miraculous Escape of Grand Duke Cyril — Description of the Petropavlovsk — Admiral Makaroff — How a Submarine Fights — Enticed into a Trap — An Eye Witness Describes the Disaster — Russian Torpedo Boats Sink a Japanese Transport — Loss of the Yoshino and Hatsuse 325 CHAPTER XXVII. FIRST LAND BATTLES. The Battle of Chong-ju — The Drama of the Yalu — The First Move — Japanese Gunnery — The Russians Evacuate Tiger Hill — Masterly Strategy — Russian Guns Silenced — A Frontal Attack — Planting the Japanese Flag on the Ridge — A Desperate Bayonet Charge — The Moral Effect of the Victory 342 CHAPTER XXVIII. THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. Nanshan Hill — The Russian Army Strongly Fortified — Caliber of Russian Guns Ascer- tained — Battlefield Lighted by Electricity — A Gap in the Defence — Capture of Kinchou — Storming the Heights — A Famous Victory — Japanese Valor — Evacuation of Dalny — Story by an Eye Witness — Loss on Both Sides 352 CHAPTER XXIX. THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. The Commander-in-Chief Arrives — His Journey from St. Petersburg — Japanese Move- ment Hidden — The Affair at Vagenfuchu — A Cossack Charge — Alexieff and Kouro- patkin Fail to Agree — Mikado's Soldiers Worthy of Praise — Chinese Bandits . . r ^62 CHAPTER XXX. CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. An Outpost Battle — Capture of Saimatze — Advance of the Japanese Army — The Fighting Around Siuyen — The Battle of Vafangow — Thrilling Description by Eye Witness — Mountain Passes Captured 372 CHAPTER XXXL RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. Objective Point of the Japanese Army — The Capture of Kaichou — Haicheng the Goal — A Sanguinary Conflict— Motien Pass — Official Reports of the Engagement — A Russian Rout — A Decisive Victory — Yangze Pass — Death of General Keller 390 CHAPTER XXXII. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Admiral Skrydloff's Raid— The Vladivostok Squadron Escapes— Togo Encounters the Russian Fleet — Sinking a Russian Guardship — Bombardment of the West Coast of the Liaotung Peninsula— Tightening the Grip— The Doomed Fortress— Every Position Occupied— The Beginning of the End 413 (D o3 •<\ Q (U C -«■"" V ■^^ 1 § o3 .0 C5 ■41 1 S =3 bJTj h ^l^ .« 02 ■^ iz; .2-S ^ ^ TS C!^ -C)^ •« 082 ^ 03 ■5 .2 g'O' fH ,« ■-' o3 li^ ^ 2 O o3 ^ "T3 ^ ^ ^i (^ s °:b ■^ CQ C^ -^ 2^ g t/3 Co ■^ ■j: a 0) s ^ (^ ^ - TO f/j ■« s 03 o; ■s Q """f^ CJ h] o 1 o "O 73 CD "^ D9 ^-^ ;h < 03 C CO f3 T3 O D M 13 S^ o (4 OJ g 4^ H s o fl += -4^ ' — ' -^ ^ P! 2 o3 3^3 S rt 3 h2 o3 O ;=iT: ^ '3 S •>. hj O C 03^ ^'!;^^ o^^ \ ^"^"^ % r o c3 tNi i> rt o 03 rS cS d ^ " CI >. 1 ■ " o3 s bJD+l-iS ^ S o3 03 ?? Sh^ o. O o S C3 ^3 03 O o3 c! "descended from heaven on the bird of the clouds." 19 20 THE MIKADO, Jimmu's first task in his mythological role of divine conqueror was the subjugation of the Ainos, a savage, warlike race, whose descendants are still found in the northern extremity of Japan. Having subdued these fierce Ainos, Jimmu proclaimed himself to be "Tenno," the "Son of Heaven," and established the still existing dynasty in 660 B, C. It is no exaggeration, therefore., to say that through the veins of Mutsuhito Tenno flows the very bluest of the blue blood. The Mikado's Personality. Personally, the emperor has a pleasant appearance. He is very tall for a Japanese, almost six feet. He is muscular and well-proportioned. He has a broad, high forehead, and, judged by the most exacting stand- ard of manly beauty, he is a handsome sovereign. The Mikado takes more interest in the government than any of his predecessors. He reads the papers and attends cabinet councils. He takes all the important English and American magazines. He has astonished the upper classes of Japanese by knowing something of the government of his people. - The Mikado lives in a palace built in the American way, with steel framework made in Pittsburg, Pa. This was done to avoid accidents by earthquakes, so common in Japan. Haruko, Empress of Japan, was a daughter of a Japanese noble. She is two years older than her hus- band; her name, Haruko, means "spring time." Emperor By Divine Right. In the Mikado's reign the bands of feudalism that bound Japan to the middle ages were broken ; a constitution was granted by him volun- tarily; the old social order of caste limitations gave way to a more lib- eral order of equality; modern education, literature, arts, science and industry were welcomed; the army an.d the navy were changed from the bow and arrow stage to modern organizations. It was only the remarkable advancement in the reign of Mutsuhito that made it possible for oriental Japan to be equal to the task of a possibly successful war Avith Russia. A dynasty of rulers who ostentatiously boast of twenty-five centuries THE MIKADO. 21 of unbroken succession should have soHd foundation of fact for their boast. The august representatives of the Mikado Mutsuhito, the one hundred and twenty-sixth of the imperial line of Dai Nippon, who, in the presence of the President and Congress of the United States, and of the sovereigns of Europe, claimed the immemorial antiquity of the Japanese imperial rule, should have credentials to satisfy the foreigner and silence the skeptic. In this enlightened age, when all authority is challenged, and a cen- tury after the moss of oblivion has covered the historic grave of the doctrine of divine right, the Japanese still cling to the divinity of the Mikado, not only making it the dogma of religion and the engine of government, but accrediting their envoys as representatives of, and ask- ing of foreign diplomatists that they address His Imperial Japanese Majesty as the "Son of Heaven." A nation that has passed through the successive stages of aboriginal migration, tribal government, con- quest by invaders, pure monarchy, feudalism, anarchy, and modern con- solidated empire, should have secreted the material for much Interest- ing history. Historical Lore of Japan. In the many lulls of peace, scholars would arise, and opportunities would offer, to record the history which previous generations had made. The foreign historian who will bring the necessary qualifications to the task of composing a complete history of Japan, I. e., knowledge of the languages and literature of Japan, China, Korea, and the dialects of the Malay Archipelago, Siberia, and the other islands of the North Pacific, historical insight, sympathy, and judicial acumen, has before him a vir- gin field. The body of native Japanese historical writings Is rich and solid. It is the largest and most important division of their voluminous literature. It treats very fully the period between the rise of the noble families from about the ninth century until the present time. The real history of the period prior to the eighth century of the Christian era is very meagre. It is nearly certain that the Japanese possessed no writing until the sixth century A. D. 22 THE MIKADO. The Earliest Known Writings. Their oldest extant composition is the Kojiki, or "Book of Ancient Traditions." It may be called the Bible of the Japanese. It comprises three volumes, composed A. D. 711-712. It is said to have been pre- ceded by two similar works, written respectively in A. D. 620 and A. D. 681 ; but neither of these has been preserved. The first volume treats of the creation of the heavens and earth ; the gods and goddesses, called "kami ;" and the events of the holy ages, or mythological period. The second and third give the history of the mikados from the year I (660 B. C.) to the 1288th of the Japanese era. It was first printed during A. D, 1624-1642. The Nihonki, completed A. D. 720, also con- tains the Japanese cosmogony, records of the mythological period, and brings down the annals of the mikado to A. D. 699. These are the oldest books in the language. Numerous and very valuable commen- taries upon them have been written. They contain so much that is fabu- lous, mythical or exaggerated, that their statements, especially in respect of dates, cannot be accepted as true history. According to the Kojiki, Jimmu Tenno was the first emperor; yet it is extremely doubtful whether he was a historical personage. The best foreign scholars and critics regard him as a mythical character. The accounts of the first mikados are very meagre. The accession to the throne, marriage and death of the sovereign, with notices of occasional rebellions put down, tours made, and worship celebrated, are recorded, and interesting glimpses of the progress of civilization obtained. Living Pictures of Ancient History. A number of works, containing what is evidently good history, illus- trate the period between the eighth and eleventh centuries. A still richer collection of both original works and modern compilations treat of the mediaeval period from the eleventh to the sixteenth century — the age of intestine strife and civil war. The light which the stately prose of history casts upon the past is further heightened by the many poems, popular romances, founded on historical fact, and th^ classiQ THE MIKADO. 23 compositions called monogatari, all of which help to make the per- spective of by-gone centuries melt out into living pictures. That portion of the history which treats of the introduction, prog- ress, and expulsion of Christianity in Japan has most interest to our- selves. Concerning it there is much deficiency of material, and that not of a kind to satisfy occidental tastes. The profound peace which fol- lowed the victories of lyeyasu, and which lasted from 1600-1868 — the scholastic era of Japan — gave the peaceful leisure necessary for the study of ancient history, and the creation of a large library of historical literature, of which the magnificent works called the Dai Nihon Shi (''History of Great Japan"), and Nihon Guai Shi ("Japanese Outer, or Military History"), are the best examples. Censorship of the Tokugawa Shoguns. Under the Tokugawa shoguns (1603-1868) liberty to explore, chron- icle, and analyze the past in history was given; but the seal of silence, the ban of censorship, and the mandate forbidding all publication were put upon the production of contemporary history. Hence, the peace- ful period, 1600 to 1853, is less known than others in earlier times. Sev- eral good native annalists have treated of the post-Perry period (1853- 1872), and the events leading to the Restoration. In the department of unwritten history, such as unearthed relics, coins, weapons, museums, memorial stones, tablets, temple records, etc., there is much valuable material. Scarcely a year passes but some rich trover is announced to delight the numerous native archaeologists. Records Kept by Local Antiquarians. The Japanese are intensely proud of their history, and take great care in making and preserving records. Memorial-stones, keeping green the memory of some noted scholar, ruler, or benefactor, are am'ong the most striking sights on the highways, or in the towns, villages, or temple-yards, betokening the desire to defy the ravages of oblivion and resist the inevitable tooth of Time. Almost every large city has its published history; towns and villages hav^ their arinal§ written and preserved by local antiquarians ; family 24 THE MIKADO. records are faithfully copied from generation to generation; diaries, notes of journeys or events, dates of the erection of buildings, the names of the officiating priests, and many of the subscribing worshipers, are religiously kept in most of the large Buddhist temples and monasteries. The priests delight to write of the lives of their saintly predecessors and the mundane affairs of their patrons. Almost every province has its encyclopedic history, and every high-road its itineraries and guide- books, in which famous places and events are noted. Almost every neighborhood boasts its "Old Mortality," or local antiquary, whose de- light and occupation are to know the past. In the large cities profes- sional story-tellers and readers gain a lucrative livelihood by narrating both the classic history and the legendary lore. The theater, which in Japan draws its subjects for representation almost exclusively from the actual life, past or present, of the Japanese people, is often the most faithful mirror of actual history. Few people seem to be more thoroughly informed as to their own history; parents delight to instruct their children in their national lore; and there are hundreds of child's histories of Japan. Beautiful but Unreliable Literature. Besides the sober volumes of history, the number of books purport- ing to contain the truth, but which are worthless for purposes of his- torical investigation, is legion. In addition to the motives, equally operative in other countries for the corruption or distortion of historical narrative, was the perpetual desire of the Buddhist monks, who were in many cases the writers, to glorify their patrons and helpers, and to damn their enemies. Hence their works are of little value. So plenti- ful are these garbled productions, that the buyer of books always asked for "jitsu-roku," or "true records," in order to avoid the "zu-zan," or "editions of Zu," so called from Zu, a noted Chinese forger of history. Models of Elegant Diction. The vividness and pictorial detail of the classic historians fascinate the reader who can analyze the closely massed syntax. Many of the THE MIKADO. 25 pages of the Nihon Guai Shi, especially, are models of compression and elegance, and glow with the chastened eloquence that springs from clear discernment and conviction of truth, gained after patient sifting of facts, and groping through difficulties that lead to discovery. Many of its sentences are epigrams. To the student of Japanese it is a narra- tive of intensest interest. The Japanese Book of Genesis. According to 'Japanese mythology, at the beginning all things were in chaos. Heaven and earth were not separated. The world floated in the cosmic mass, like a fish in water, or the yolk in an egg. The ethereal matter sublimed and formed the heavens, the residuum became the present earth, from the warm mould of which a germ sprouted and be- came a self-animate being, called "Kuni-toko-tachi no mikoto." Two other beings of like genesis appeared. After them came four pairs of beings ("kami".) These were all single ("hitori-gami," male, sexless, or self-begotten). The First Man and Woman. Proceeding now to the work of creation, the kami separated the pri- mordial substance into the five elements — wood, fire, metal, earth, and water — and ordained to each its properties and combination. As yet, the division into sexes had not taken place. In (Chinese) philosophical language, the male ("yo") ^"^ female ("in") principles that pervade all things had not yet appeared. The first manifestation of the male essence was "Izanagi"; of the female, "Izanami." Standing together on the floating bridge of heaven, the male plunged his jeweled falchion, or spear, into the unstable waters beneath them, and withdrawing it the trickling drops formed an Island, upon which they descended. The creative pair, or divine man and woman, designing to make this island a pillar for a continent, separated — the male to the left, the female to the right — to make a journey round the island. At their meeting, the female spirit spoke first, "How joyful to meet 26 THE MIKADO. a lovely man !" The male spirit, offended that the first use of the tongue had been by a woman, required the circuit to be repeated. On their second meeting, the man cried out, "How joyful to meet a lovely woman !" They were the first couple ; and this was the beginning of the art of love, and of the human race. The island ("Awaji"), with seven other large, and many thousand small ones, became the Everlast- ing Great Japan. The First Child Becomes a Goddess. At Izanami's first conception, the female essence "in" being more powerful, a female child was born, greatly to the chagrin of the father, who wished for male offspring. The child was named "Ama-terasu o mikami," or, the "Heaven-illuminating Goddess." She shone beauti- fully, and lighted the heavens and the earth. Her father, therefore, transferred her from earth to heaven, and gave her the ethereal realm to rule over. At this time the earth was close to heaven, and the god- dess easily mounted the pillar, on which heaven rested, to her kingdom. CHAPTER II. THE GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM The Fujiwara — The Rise of the Shoguns — Influence of the Military Classes — Feudal Eti- quette — Aymor and Weapons of War — Suicide, a Principle of Honor — Social Forms — The Sword a Divine Symbol — The Samurai. JAPAN, of all the Asiatic nations, seems to have brought the feudal system to the highest state of perfection. Originating and de- veloping at the same time as in Europe, it became the constitution of the nation and the condition of society in the seventeenth century. When in Europe the nations were engaged in throwing off the feudal yoke and inaugurating modern government, Japan was riveting the fet- ters of feudalism, which stood intact until 1871. From the beginning of the thirteenth century, it had come to pass that there were virtually two rulers in Japan, and as foreigners supposed, two emperors. Noble Families Who Furnished the Sho-Guns. The growth of feudalism in Japan took shape and form from the early division of the officials into civil and military. The Fujiwara, to whom the Emperor Kuwammu (A. D. 782) owed his elevation to the throne, controlled all the civil offices, and at first, in time of emergency, put on armor, led their troops to battle, and braved the dangers of war and the discomforts of the camp. In time, however, this great family, yielding to that sloth and luxury which ever seem, like an insidious dis- ease, to ruin greatness in Japan, ceased to take the field themselves, and delegated the uncongenial tasks of war to certain members of par- ticular noble families. Those from which the greatest number of shoguns, or commanding generals, were appointed were the Taira and Minomoto, that for sev- eral centuries held the chief military appointments, As luxury, corrup- 27 2^ GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. tion, intrigue, and effeminacy increased at the capital, the difficulty of keeping the remote parts of the empire in order increased, especially in the North and East. The war department became disorganized, and the generals at Kioto lost their ability to enforce their orders. Acquire Knowledge of Intrigue and Politics. Many of the peasants, on becoming soldiers, had, on account of their personal valor or merit, been promoted to the permanent garrison of household troops. Once in the gay capital, they learned the details of intrigue and politics. Some were made court pages, or attendants on men of high rank, and thus learned the routine of official duty. They caught the tone of life at court, where every man was striving for rank and his own glory, and they were not slow to imitate their august ex- amples. Returning to their homes with the prestige of having been in the capital, they intrigued for power in their native districts, and gradually obtained rule over them, neglecting to go when duty called them to Kioto, and ignoring the orders of their superiors in the war department. The civil engineers of the provinces dared not molest, or attempt to bring these petty tyrants to obedience. Having armor, horses, and weapons, they were able to train and equip their dependents and ser- vants, and thus provide themselves with an armed following. Professional Fighters. Thus was formed a class of men who called themselves "warriors," and were ever ready to serve a great leader for pay. The natural consequence of such a state of society was the frequent occurrence of village squabbles, border brawls, and the levying of blackmail upon defenseless people, culminating in the insurrection of a whole province. The disorder often rose to such a pitch that it was necessary for the court to interfere, and an expedition was sent from Kioto, under the command of a Taira or Minamoto leader. The shogun, instead of waiting to recruit his army in the regular manner — a process doubt- ful of results in the disorganized state of the war department and of the GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. 29 country in general, had immediate recourse to others of these veteran warriors, who were already equipped, and eager for a fray. The Distribution of Military Patronage. Frequent repetition of the experience of the relation of brothers in arms, of commander and commanded, of rewarder and rewarded, grad- ually grew inT;o that of lord and retainers. Each general had his special favorites and followers, and the professional soldier looked upon his commander as the one to whom his allegiance was directly due. The distant court at Kioto, being utterly unable to enforce its authority, put the whole power of quieting the disturbed districts, whenever the disorder increased beyond the ability of the civil magistrate to repress it, into the hands of the Minamoto and Taira. These families thus be- came military clans and acquired enormous influence, enjoyed the monopoly of military patronage, and finally became the virtual rulers of the land. The Power of the Sword. The power of the sword was, as early as the twelfth century, lost to the court, which then attempted, by every means in its power, to check the rising influence of the military families and classes. They began by denying them high rank, thus putting them under social ban. They next attempted to lay an interdict upon the warriors by forbidding them to ally themselves with either the Taira or the Minamoto. This availed nothing, for the warriors knew who rewarded them. They then endeavored, with poor success, to use one family as a check upon the other. Finally when the Minamoto, Yoriyoshi, and Yoshiiye conquered all the north of Hondo, and kept in tranquillity the whole of the Kuanto for fifteen years, even paying governmental expenses from their private funds, the court ignored their achievements. When they petitioned for rewards to be bestowed on their soldiers, the dilatory and reluctant, perhaps jealous, nobles composing the court not only neglected to do so, but left them without the imperial com- mission, and dishonored their achievements by speaking of them as "private feuds." Hence they took the responsibility, and conferred 30 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. upon their soldiers grants of the conquered land in their own name. The Taira followed the same policy in the south and west. The Court Loses Control of the Provinces. When Yoritomo became Sei-i Tai Shogun at Kamakura, erected the dual system, and appointed a military with a civil governor of each province in the interest of good order, feudalism assumed national pro- portions. Such a distribution soon ceased to be a balance, the military pan in the scale gained weight and the civil lost until it kicked the beam. At the end of the Hojo domination, the court had lost the gov- ernment of the provinces, and the "kuge" (court nobles) had been de- spoiled and impoverished by the "buke" (military). So thoroughly had feudalism become the national policy that in the temporary mikadoate, 1 534-1 536, the Emperor Go-Daigo rewarded those who had restored him by grants of land for them to rule in their own names as his vassals. The Law of Might. Under the Ashikagas (fourteenth century) the hold of even the cen- tral military authority was lost, and the empire split up into fragments. Historians have in vain attempted to construct a series of historical maps of this period. The pastime was war — a game of patchwork in which land continually changed possessors. There was no one great leader of sufficient power to overawe all; hence might made right; and whoever had the ability, valor, or daring to make himself pre-eminent above his fellows, and seized more land, his power would last until he was overcome by a stronger, or his family decayed through the effem- inacy of his descendants. During this period, the great clans with whose names the readers of the works of the Jesuits and Dutch writers are familiar, or which have been most prominent since the opening of the empire, took their rise. They were those of Hosokawa Uyesugi, Satake, Takeda, the "later Hojo of Odawara;" Mori, Otomo, Shimadzu, Riuzoji, Ota, and Tokugawa, Lords and Vassals. As the authority of the court grew weaker and weaker, the allegiance GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. 31 which all men owed the mikado, and which they theoretically acknowledged, was changed into loyalty to the military chief. Every man who bore arms was thus attached to some "daimio" (great name) or territorial noble, and became a vassal ("kerai"). The agricultural, and gradually the other classes, also put themselves, or were forcibly included, under the protection of some castle lord or nobleman having an armed following. The taxes, instead of being collected for the central government, flowed into the treasury of the local rulers. This left the mikado and court without revenue. The ''kuge," or Kioto nobles, were thus stripped of wealth, until their poverty became the theme for the caricaturist. Nevertheless, the eye of their pride never dimmed. In their veins, they knew, ran the blood of the gods, w^hile the daimios were only "earth- thieves," and the parvenus of feudalism. They all cherished their empty titles; and to all students of history their poverty was more honorable than all the glitter of the shogun's train, or the splendors of the richest daimio's mansion. The daimios spent their revenues on their retainers, their personal pleasures, and in building castles. In almost every feudal city, or place of strategic importance, the towers, walls, and moats of these character- istic specimens of Japanese architecture could be seen. The strictest vigilance was maintained at the castle-gates, and a retainer of another daimio, however hospitably entertained elsewhere, was never allowed entrance into the citadel. A minute code of honor, a rude sort of chi- valry, and an exalted sense of royalty were the growth of the feudal sys- tem. The Custom of Shaving the Head. Many of the mediaeval military customs were very interesting. Dur- ing this period the habit originated of the men shaving the hair off their temples and from the middle of the scalp, and binding the long cue into a top-knot, which was thus turned forward and laid on the scalp. The object of this was to keep the hair out of the eyes during battle, and also to mark the wearer as a warrior. Gradually it became a universal custom, extending to all classes. 32 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. When, in 1873, the reformers persuaded the people to cut off their knots and let their hair grow, the latter refused to "imitate the foreign- ers," and supposed they were true conservatives, when, in reality, the ancient Japanese knew nothing of shaven faces and scalps, or of top- knots. The ancient warriors wore mustaches, and even beards. The practice of keeping the face scrupulously bare, until recently so univer-. sally observed except by botanists and doctors, is comparatively modern. Military Tactics Copied from the Chinese. > The military tactics and strategic arts of the Japanese were anciently copied from the Chinese, but were afterward modified as the nature of the physical features of their country and the institutions of feudalism required. No less than seven distinct systems were at different times in vogue; but that perfected by Takeda and Uyesugi, in the Ashikaga period, finally bore off the palm. These tactics continued to command the esteem and practice of the Japanese until the revolution wrought by the adoption of the European systems in the present century. The surface of the country being so largely mountainous, uneven, and cov- ered with rice-swamps, cavalry were but^ little employed. A volley of arrows usually opened the battle, followed by a general engagement along the whole line. Foot to Foot and Knee to Knee. Single combats between commanders of hostile armies were of fre- quent occurrence. When they met on the field, their retainers, accord- ing to the strict etiquette of war, gave no aid to either, but encouraged them by shouts, as they called out each other's names and rushed to the combat. The battle slackened, while the leaders strove, the armies becoming spectators. The victor cut off the head of his antagonist, and, holding it up, shouted his name and claimed the victory. The triumph or defeat of their leaders often decided the fate of the army. Vengeance against the victor was not permitted to be taken at the time, but must be sought GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. 33 again, the two armies again joining battle. The fighting over, those who had slain distinguished personages, must exhibit their heads before their chiefs, who bestowed rewards upon them. This practice still continu'es; and during the expedition in Formosa in 1874, the chief trophies were the heads of the Boutan cannibals, though the commander, General Saigo, attempted to abolish the custom. Whoever saved his chieftain's life on the field was honored with the place of highest rank in the clan. These customs had a tremendous in- fluence in cultivating valor and a spirit of loyalty in the retainer toward the prince. The meanest soldier, if brave and faithful, might rise to the highest place of honor, rank, emolument, and influence. The be- stowal of a reward, the investiture of a command, in military promotion, was ever an occasion of impressive ceremony. The Samurai in Times of Peace. Even in time of peace the "samurai," or military nobles, never ap- peared out of doors unarmed, invariably wearing their two swords in their girdle. The offensive weapons — spears long and short, the bows, arrows, and quiver, and battle-axes — were set on their butts on the porch or vestibule in front of the house. Within doors, in the "tokonoma," or recess, were ranged in glittering state the cuirass, helmet, greaves, gauntlets, and chain-mail. Over the sliding partitions, on racks, were the long halberds, which the women of the house were trained to use in case of attack during the absence of the men. The gate of the house was permanently guarded by armed retainers, who occupied the porter's lodge beside it. Standing upright and ready were three long instruments, designed to entangle, throw down, and pin to the earth a quarrelsome applicant. Familiar faces passed un- challenged, but armed strangers were held at bay till their business was known. A grappling-iron, with barbed tongues turned in every direction, making a ball of hooks like an iron hedgehog, mounted on a pike-staff ten feet long, thrust into the Japanese loose clothing, sufficed to keep at a wholesome length any swash-buckler whose sword left its sheath too easily. 34 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. Peculiar Weapons of Offense and Defense. Another spiked weapon, like a double rake, could be thrust between his legs and bring him to the earth. A third, shaped like a pitchfork, could hold him helpless under its wicket arch. Three heavy quarter staves were also ready to belabor the struggling wight who would not yield, while swords on the racks hung ready for the last resort, or when intruders came in numbers. On rows of pegs hung wooden tickets about three inches square, branded or inscribed with the names of the retainers and servants of the lord's house, which were handed to the keeper of the gate as they passed in or out. The soldiers wore armor made of thin scales of iron, steel, hardened hide, lacquered paper, brass, or shark-skin, chain-mail, and shields. The helmet was of iron, very strong, and lined within by buckskin. Its flap of articulated iron rings drooped well around the shoulders. The visor was of thin lacquered iron, the nose and mouth pieces being removable. The eyes were partially protected by the projecting front-piece. A false mustache was supposed to make the upper lip of the warrior dread- ful to behold. Armor Worn by a Noble. On the frontlet were the distinguishing symbols of the man, a pair of horns, a fish, an eagle, dragon, buckhorns, or flashing brass plates of various designs. Some of the helmets were very tall. Kato Kiyo- masa's was three feet high. On the top was a hole, in which a pennant was thrust, or an ornament shaped like a pear inserted. The "pear- splitter" was the fatal stroke in combat and the prize-cut in fencing. Behind the corselet on the back was another socket, in which the clan- flag was inserted. The breastplate was heavy and tough ; the arms, legs, abdomen, and thighs were protected by plates joiaed by woven chains. Shields were often used; and for forlorn hopes or assaults, cavalry- men made use of a stuffed bag resembling a bolster, to receive a volley of arrows. Besides being missile-proof, it held the arrows as spoils. On the shoulders, hanging loosely, were unusually wide and heavy GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. 35 brassarts, designed to deaden the force of the two-handed sword-stroke. Greaves and sandals completed the suit, which was laced and bound with iron clamps, and cords of buckskin and silk, and decorated with crests, gilt tassels, and glittering insignia. Suits of armor were black, white, purple, crimson, violet, green, golden or silver. Details of Army Life. The rations of the soldiers were rice, fish and vegetables. Instead of tents, huts of straw or boughs were easily erected to form a camp. The general's headquarters were enclosed by canvas, stretched on posts six feet high, on which his armorial bearings were wrought. The weapons were bows and arrows, spear, sword, and, rarely, battle-axes and bow-guns; for sieges, fire-arrows. The general's scabbard was of tiger-skin. Supplies of this material were obtained from Korea, where the animal abounds. His baton was a small lacquered wand, with a cluster of strips of thick white paper dependent from the point. Flags, banners, and streamers were freely used ; and a camp, castle, or moving army, in time of war, with its hun- dreds and thousands of flags, presented a gay and lively appearance. Drums, hard-wood clappers, and conch-shells sounded the reveille, the alarm, the onset, or the retreat. How a Battle Was Fought. Owing to the nature of the ground, consisting chiefly of mountains and valleys, or plains covered with rice-swamps intersected by narrow paths, infantry were usually depended upon. In besieging a castle, the intrenchments of the investing army consisted chiefly of a line of pali- sades or heavy planks, propped up from within by hinged supports, at an angle of forty-five degrees, behind which the besiegers fought or lived in camp life, while sentinels paced at the gates. Lookouts were posted on overlooking hills, in trees, or in towers erected for the pur- pose. Sometimes huge kites able to sustain a man were flown, and a bird's- eye view of the interior of the enemy's castle thus obtained. Fire, 36 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. treachery, strategem, starvation, or shooting at long range having failed to compel surrender, an assault took place, in which the gates were smashed in or the walls scaled. Usually great loss resulted before the besiegers were driven off, or were victorious. Rough surgery awaited the wounded. An arrow-barb was usually pulled out by a jerk of the pincers. A sabre-cut was sewed or bound together with tough paper, of which every soldier carried a supply. The wonderfully adhesive, absorptive, and healing power of the soft, tough, quickly wet, easily hardening, or easily kept pliable, Japanese paper made excellent plasters, bandages, tourniquets, cords, and towels. In the dressing of wounds, the native doctors to this day excel. Origin of Hara-Kiri. "Seppuku" (belly-cut) or "hara-kiri" also came into vogue about the time of the beginning of the domination of the military classes. At first, after a battle, the wounded fell on their swords, drove them through their mouth or breast, or cut their throats. Often a famous soldier, before dying, would flay and score his own face beyond recog- nition so that his enemies might not glory over him. This grew into a principle of honor; and frequently the unscathed survivors, defeated, and feeling the cause hopeless, or retainers whose master was slain, committed suicide. Hence arose, in the Ashikaga period, the fashion of wearing two swords ; one of which, the longer, was for enemies ; the other, shorter, for the wearer's own body. The practice of hara-kiri as a judicial sentence and punishment did not come into vogue until in the time of the Tokugawas. The Use of the Ko-Katana. Thrust into a tiny scabbard at the side of the dirk, or small sword, was a pair of chopsticks to eat with in camp. Anciently these were skewers, to thrust through the top-knot of a decapitated enemy, that the head might be easily carried. Besides, or in lieu of them, was a small miniature sword, "ko-katana" (little sword), or long, narrow knife. Although this was put to various trivial uses, such as those for which we employ a penknife, yet its primary purpose was that of the GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. . 37 card of the owner. Each sword was adorned with some symbol or crest, which served to mark the clan, family, or person of the owner. The Satsuma men wore swords with red-lacqiiered scabbards. Later, the Tokugawa vassals, who fought in the battle of Sekigahara, were called "white hilts," because they wore swords of extraordinary length, with white hilts. The bat, the falcon, the dragon, lion, tiger, owl, and hawk were among the. most common designs wrought in gold, lacquer, carving, or alloy on the hilts, handles, or scabbard ; and on the ko-katana was engraved the name of the owner. The Vendetta. Feudalism was the m.other of brawls innumerable, and feuds between families and clans continually existed. The wife whose husband was slain by the grudge-bearer brought up her sons religiously to avenge their father's death. The vendetta was unhindered by law and applauded by society. The moment of revenge selected was usually that of the victim's proudest triumph. After promotion to office, succession to patrimony, or at his marriage ceremony, the sword of the avenger did its bloody work. Many a bride found herself a widow on her wedding-night. Many a child became an orphan in the hour of the father's acme of honor. When the murder was secret, at night, or on the wayside, the head was cut of¥, and the avenger, plucking out his ko-katana, thrust it in the ear of the victim, and let it lie on the public highway, or sent it to be de- posited before the gate of the house. The ko-katana, with the name en- graved on it, told the whole story. Whenever the lord of a clan wished his rival or enemy out of the way, he gave the order of Herodias to her daughter to his faithful re- tainers, and usually the head in due time was brought before him, as was John's, on a charger or ceremonial stand. Etiquette of the Sword. The most minutely detailed etiquette presided over the sword, the badge of the gentleman. The visitor whose means allowed him to be accompanied by a servant always left his long sword in his charge when 38 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. entering a friend's house; the salutation being repeated bowing of the forehead to the floor while on the hands and knees, the breath being sucked in at the same time with an impressive sound. The degree of obeisance was accurately graded according to rank. If alone, the visitor laid his sword on the floor of the vestibule. The host's servants, if so instructed by their master, then, with a silk napkin in hand, removed it inside and placed it, with all honor, on the sword-rack. At meetings betv/een those less familiar, the sheathed weapon was withdrawn from the girdle and laid on the floor to the right, an indica- tion of friendship, since it could not be drawn easily. Under suspicious circumstances, it was laid to the left, so as to be at hand. On short visits, the dirk was retained in the girdle; on festal occasions, or pro- longed visits, it was withdrawn. To clash the sheath of one's sword against that of another was a breach of etiquette that often resulted in instantaneous and bloody reprisal. To turn the sheath in the belt as if about to draw was tantamount to a challenge. To lay one's weapon on the floor of a room, and kick the guard toward a person, was an insult that generally resulted in a combat to the death. Even to touch another's weapon in any way was a grave offense. No weapon was ever exhibited naked for any purpose, unless the wearer first profusely begged pardon of those present. A wish to see a sword was seldom made, unless the blade was a rare one. The owner then held the back of the sword to the spectator, with the edge toward himself, and the hilt, wrapped in the little silk napkin which gentlemen always carry in their pocketbooks, or a piece of white paper, to the left. The blade was then withdrawn from the scabbard, and admired inch by inch, but never entirely withdrawn unless the owner pressed his guest to do so, when, with much apology, the sword was entirely with- drawn and held away from those present. Many a gentleman took a pride in making collections of swords, and the men of every samurai family wore weapons that were heirlooms, often centuries old. Women wore short swords when traveling, and the palace ladies in time of fires armed themselves. GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. 39 The Land of Many Blades. In no country has the sword been made an object of such honor as in Japan. It is at once a divine symbol, a knightly weapon, and a certifi- cate of noble birth. "The girded sword is the soul of the samurai." It is "the precious possession of lord and vassal from times older than the divine period." Japan is "the land of many blades." The gods wore and wielded two-edged swords. From the tail of the dragon was born the sword which the Sun-goddess gave to the first emperor of Japan. By the sword of the clustering clouds of heaven Yamato-Dake subdued the East. ' By the sword the mortal heroes of Japan won their fame. "There's naught 'twixt heaven and earth that man need fear, who carries at his belt this single blade." "One's fate is in the hands of Heaven, but a skillful fighter does not meet with death." "In the last days, one's sword becomes the wealth of one's posterity." These are, the mottoes graven on Japanese swords. Forging a Sword. Names of famous swords belonging to the Taira, Minamoto, and other families are, "Little Crow," "Beard-cutter," "Knee-divider." The two latter, when tried on sentenced criminals, after severing the heads from the body, cut the beard, and divided the knee respectively. The forging of a sword occupied the smith sixty days, and was often a re- ligious ceremony. No artisans were held in greater honor than the sword-makers, and some of them even rose to honorary rank. The names of Munechicka, Masamune, Yoshimitsu, and Muramasa, a few out of many noted smiths, are familiar words in the mouths of even Japanese children. The names, or marks and dates, of famous makers were always attached to their blades, and from the ninth to the fifteenth century were sure to be genuine. In later times, the practice of counterfeiting the marks of well-known makers came into vogue. Certain swords considered of good omen in one family were deemed unlucky in others. The ordinary length of a sword was a fraction over two feet for the long and one foot for the short sword. All lengths 40 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. were, however, made use of, and some of the old warriors on horseback wore swords over six feet long. Elaborate Workmanship. The Japanese sword-blade averages about an inch in width, about seven-eighths of which is a backing of iron, to which a face of steel is forged along its entire length. The back, about one-fourth of an inch thick, bevels out very slightly to near the center of the blade, which then narrows to a razor edge. The steel and the forging line are easily distinguished by a cloudiness on the mirror-like polish of the metal. An inch and a quarter from the point, the width of the blade having been decreased one-fourth, the edge is ground of? to a semi-parabola, meet- ing the back, which is prolonged, untouched; the curve of the whole blade, from a straight line, being less than a quarter of an inch. The guard is often a piece of elaborate workmanship in metal, repre- senting a landscape, water-scene, or various emblems. The hilt is formed by covering the prolonged iron handle by shark-skin and wrapping this with twisted silk. The ferrule, washers, and cleats are usually inlaid, embossed, or chased in gold, silver, or alloy. The rivets in the center of the handle are concealed by designs, often of solid gold, such as the lion, dragon, cock, etc. The Emblem of Social Rank. In full dress, the color of the scabbard was black, with a tinge of green or red in it, and the bindings of the hilt of blue silk. The taste of the wearer was often displayed in the color, size or method of wear- ing his sword, gay or proud fellows affecting startling colors or extrava- gant length. Riven through ornamental ferrules at the side of the scab- bards were long, flat cords of woven silk of various tints, which were used to tie up the flowing sleeves, preparatory to fighting. Every part of a sword was richly inlaid, or expensively finished. Daimios often spent extravagant sums on a single blade, and small fortunes on a col- lection. A samurai, however poor, would have a blade of sure temper and rich mountings, it honorable to suffer for food, that he might GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. 41 have a worthy emblem of his social rank. A description of the various styles of blade and scabbard, lacquer, ornaments, and the rich vocabulary of terms minutely detailing each piece entering into the construction of a Japanese sword, the etiquette to be observed, the names, mottoes and legends relating to them, would fill a large volume closely printed. A considerable portion of native literature is devoted to this one subject. Japanese Bow and Arrows. The bow and arrows were the chief weapons for siege and long- range operations. A Japanese bow has a peculiar shape. It was made of well-selected oak ("kashi"), incased on both sides with a semi-cylin- der of split bamboo toughened by fire. The three pieces composing the bow were then bound firmly into one piece by thin withes of rattan, making an excellent combination of lightness, strength, and elasticity. The string was of hemp. Arrows were of various kinds and lengths, according to the arms of th/s arches. The average length of the war- arrow was three feet. The "turnip-head," "frog-crotch," "willow-leaf," "armor-piercer," "bowel-raker," were a few of the various names for arrows. The "tur- nip-top," so named from its shape, made a singing noise as it flew. The "frog-crotch," shaped like a pitchfork, or the hind legs of a leaping frog, with edged blades, was used to cut down flags or helmet lacings. The "willow-leaf" was a two-edged, unbarbed head, shaped like the leaf of a willow. The "bowel-raker" was of a frightful shape, well worthy of the name; and the victim whose diaphragm it penetrated was not likely to stir about afterward. The "armor-piercer" was a plain bolt- head, with nearly blunt point, well calculated to punch through a breast- plate. Barbs of steel were of various shape; sometimes very heavy, and often handsomely open-worked. The shaft was of cane bamboo, with string-piece of bone or horn, whipped on with silk. Quivers were of leather, water-proof paper, or thin lacquered wood, and often splendidly adorned. Gold-inlaid weapons were common among the rich soldiers, and the outfit of an officer often cost many hundreds of dollars. 42 GROWTH AND CUSTOMS OF FEUDALISM. Old Tools of War as Symbols of Peace. Not a few of these old tools of war have lost their significance, and have become household adornments, objects of art, or symbols of peace. Such especially are the emblems of the carpenters' guild, which consist of the half-feathered "turnip-head" arrow, wreathed with leaves of the same succulent, and the "frog-crotch," inserted in the mouth of a dragon, crossed upon the ancient mallet of the craft. These adorn temples or houses, or are carried in the local parades or festivals. As Buddhism had become the professed religion of the entire nation, the vast majority of the military men were Buddhists. Each had his patron or deity. The soldier went into battle with an image of Buddha sewed in his helmet, and after victory ascribed glory to his divine de- liverer. Many temples in Japan are the standing monuments of triumph in battle, or vows performed. Many of the noted captains, notably Kato, inscribed their banners with texts from the classics or the prayers, "Namu Amida Butsu," or "Namu mio ho," etc., according to their sect. Amulets and Charms. Amulets and charms were worn almost without exception, and many a tale is told of arrows turned aside, or swords broken, that struck on a sacred image, picture, or text. Before entering a battle, or perform- ing a special feat of skill or valor, the hero uttered the warrior's prayer, "Namu Hachiman Dai-bosatsu" ("Glory to Hachiman, the incarnation of Great Buddha"). Though brave heroes must, like ordinary men, pass through purgatory, yet death on the batle-field was reckoned highly meritorious, and the happiness of the warrior's soul in the next world was secured by the prayers of his wife and children. CHAPTER III. LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Victories of Peace — The Primal Japanese Type — Religious Institutions — ^Images, Idols and Bells — Influence of tlie Priests — Mediaeval Science, Art and Literature — ^Pro- vincial Barriers — Medicine and Surgery — Court Life — Evolution of the Language. HISTORY, as usually written, gives the impression that the normal condition of mankind is that of war. Japanese students who take up the history of England to read, lay it down convinced that the English people are a blood-loving race that are perpetually fighting. They contrast their own peaceful country with the countries of Europe, to the detriment of the latter. They turn most gladly from the monoto- nous story of battle, murder, and sieges, to Buckle, Guizot, or Lecky, that they may learn of the victories no less renowned than those of war which mark as mile-stones the progress of the race. A Period of Peace. Permanent, universal peace was unknown in Japan until, by the genius of lyeyasu in the sixteenth century, two centuries and a half of this blessing were secured. Nevertheless, in the eight centuries in- cluded between the eighth and the sixteenth of our era were many, and often lengthened, intervals of peace. In many sequestered places the sandal of the warrior and the hoof of the war-horse never printed the soil. Peace in the palace, in the city, in the village, allowed the development of manners, arts, manufactures, and agriculture. In this period were developed the characteristic growths of the Japanese intellect, imagination, social economy, and manual skill that have made the hermit nation unique in the earth and Japanese art productions the wonder of the world. 43 44 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. The Chinese Influence. The introduction of continental or Chinese civilization into Japan was not a simple act of adoption. It was rather a work of selection and assimilation. As in this twentieth century, the Japanese is no blind copyist, he improves on what he borrows. Although the traveler from China entering Japan can see in a moment whence the Japanese have borrowed their civilization, and though he may believe the Japanese to be an inferior type to the Chinese, he will acknowledge that the Japanese have improved upon their borrowed elements fully as much as the French have improved upon those of Roman civilization. Many reflecting foreigners in Japan have asked the question why the Japanese are so unlike the Chinese, and why their art, literature, laws, customs, dress, workmanship, all bear a stamp peculiar to them- selves, though they received so much from them. The reason is to be found in the strength and persistence of the primal Japanese type of character, as influenced by nature, enabling it to resist serious altera- tion and radical change. The greatest conquests made by any of the imparted elements of continental civilization was that of Buddhism, which became within ten centuries the universally popular religion. Japanese Buddhism. Yet even its conquests were but partial. Its triumph was secured only by its adulteration. Japanese Buddhism is a distinct product among the many forms of that Asiatic religion. Buddhism secured life and growth on Japanese soil only by being Japanized, by being grafted on the original stock of ideas in the Japanese mind. Thus, in order to popularize the Indian religion, the ancient native heroes and the local gods were all included within the Buddhist pantheon, and declared to be the incarnations of Buddha in his various forms. A class of deities exists in Japan who are worshiped by the Buddhists under the general name of "gongen.". They are all deified Japanese heroes, warriors, or famous men. Furthermore, many of the old rites and ceremonies of Shinto were altered and made use of by the "bonzes," or priests. LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 45 It may be doubted whether Buddhism could have ever been popular in Japan, had it not become thoroughly Japanized. Some of the first fruits of the success of the new religion was the erection of temples, pagodas, idols, wayside shrines, monasteries, and nunneries; the adop- tion of the practice of cremation, until then unknown ; and the cessation of the slaughter of animals for food. The largest and richest of the ecclesiastical structures were in or near Kioto. The priests acted as teachers, advisers, counselors, and scribes, besides officiating at the al- tars, shriving the sick and attending the sepulture of the dead. Mediaeval Monasteries. Among the orders and sects which grew and multiplied were many similar to those in papal Europe — mendicants, sellers of indulgences, builders of shrines and images, and openers of mountain paths. The monasteries became asylums for the distressed, afflicted and persecuted. In them the defeated soldier, the penniless and dissatisfied, the refugee from the vendetta, could find inviolate shelter. To them the warrior after war, the prince and the minister leaving the palace, the honors and pomp of the world; could retire to spend the remnant of their days in prayer, worship, and the offices of piety. Often the murderer, struck with remorse, or the soldier before his bloody victim, would resolve to turn monk. Not rarely did men crossed in love, or the offspring of the concubine displaced by the birth of the legitimate son, or the grief-stricken father, devote himself to the priestly life. In general, however, the ranks of the bonzes were recruited from orphans or piously inclined youth, or from overstocked families. To the nunneries, the fertile soil of bereavement, remorse, unrequited love, widowhood furnished the greater number of sincere and devout nuns. In many cases, the deliberate choice of wealthy ladies, or the necessity of escaping an uncongenial marriage planned by relatives, undesirable attentions, or the lusts of rude men in unsettled times, gave many an inmate to the convents. 46 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Class Who Entered Religious Institutions. In general, however, natural indolence, a desire to avoid the round of drudgery at the well, the hoe, or in the kitchen, or as nurse, sent the majority of applicants to knock at the convent doors. Occasionally a noble lady was won to recluse life from the very apartments of the em- peror, or his ministers, by the eloquence of a bonze who was more zeal- ous than loyal. In a few of the convents, only ladies of wealth could enter. The monk and nun, in Japanese as in European history, romance, and drama, and art, are staple characters. The rules of these monastic institutions forbade the eating of fish or flesh, the drinking of "sake," the wearing of the hair or of fine clothes, indulgence in certain sensuous pleasures, or the reading of cer- tain books. Fastings, vigils, reflection, continual prayer by book, bell, candle, and beads, were enjoined. Pious pilgrimages were undertaken. The erection of a shrine, image belfry, or lantern by begging contribu- tions was a frequent and meritorious enterprise. There stand today thousands of these monuments of the piety, zeal, and industry of the mediaeval monks and nuns. Those at Nara and Kamakura are the most famous. A Celebrated Image. The "Kamakura Dai Butsu" ("Great Buddha") has been frequently described. It is a mass of copper 44 feet high, and a work of high art. The image at Nara was first erected in the eighth century, destroyed during the civil wars, and recast about seven hundred years ago. Its total height is 53]^ feet; its face is 16 feet long and 95^ feet wide. The width of its shoulders is 28 7-10 feet. Nine hundred and sixty-six curls adorn its head, around which is a halo 78 feet in diameter, on which are sixteen images, each 8 feet long. The casting of the idol is said to have been tried seven times before it was successfully accomplished, and 3,000 tons of charcoal were used in the operation. The metal, said to weigh 450 tons, is a bronze composed of gold (500 pounds), mercury (1,954 pounds), tin (16,827 pounds), and LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 47 copper (986,080 pounds). Many millions of tons of copper were mined and melted to make these idols. Japanese Temple Bells. Equally renowned were the great temple-bells of Kioto, and of Miidera, and various other monasteries. Some of these were ten feet high, and adorned with sacred texts from the Buddhist Scriptures, and images of heavenly beings, or Buddha on the sacred lotus in Nirvana, in high relief. As usual, the nimbus, or halo, surrounds his head. The bell was struck on a raised round spot, by a hammer of wood — a small tree-trunk swung loosely on two ropes. After impact, the bell- man held the beam on its rebound, until the quivering monotone began to die away. Few sounds are more solemnly sweet than the mellow music of a Japanese temple-bell. On a still night, a circumference of twenty miles was flooded by the melody of the great bell of Zozoji. The people learned to love their temple-bell as a dear friend, as its note changed with the years and moods of life. The Casting of a Bell. The casting of a bell was ever the occasion of rejoicing and public festival. When the chief priest of the city announced that one was to be made, the people brought contributions in money, or offerings of bronze gold, pure tin, or copper vessels. Ladies gave with their own hands the mirrors which had been the envy of lovers, young girls laid their silver hair-pins and bijouterie on the heap. When metal enough and in due proportion had been amassed, crucibles were made, earth- furnaces dug, the moulds fashioned, and huge bellows, worked by stand- mg men at each end, like a see-saw, were mounted; and after due prayers and consultation, the auspicious day was appointed. The place selected was usually on a hill or commanding place. The people, in their gayest dress, assembled in picnic parties, and with song and dance and feast waited while the workmen, in festal uniform, toiled, and the priests, in canonical robes, watched. The fires were lighted, the bellows oscillated, the blast roared, and the crucibles were brought 48 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. to the proper heat and the contents to fiery fluidity, the joy of the crowd increasing as each stage in the process is announced. When the molten flood was finally poured into the mould, the excitement of the spectators reached a height of uncontrollable enthusiasm. Religious Observations. Another pecuniary harvest was reaped by the priests before the crowds dispersed, by the sale of stamped kerchiefs or paper containing a holy text, or certifying to the presence of the purchaser at the cere- mony, and the blessing of the gods upon him therefor. Such a token became an heirloom; and the child who ever afterward heard the solemn boom of the bell at matin or evening was constrained, by filial as well as holy motives, to obey and reverence its admonitory call. The belfry was usually a separate building apart from the temple, with elaborate cornices and roof. In addition to the offices of religion, many of the priests were useful men, and real civilizers. They were not all lazy monks or idle bonzes. By the Buddhist priests many streams were spanned with bridges, paths and roads made, shade or fruit trees planted, ponds and ditches for pur- poses of irrigation dug, aqueducts built, unwholesome localities drained, and mountain passes discovered or explored. Many were the school-masters, and, as learned men, were consulted on subjects beyond the ken of their parishioners. Some of them, having a knowledge of medicine, acted as physicians. Japan Owes Much to the Priests. The sciences and arts in Japan all owe much to the bonzes who from Korea personally introduced many useful appliances or articles of food. Several edible vegetables are still named after the priests, who first taught their use. The exact sciences, astronomy and mathematics, as well as the humanities, owe much of their cultivation and development to clerical scholars. In the monasteries, the brethren exercised their varied gifts in preaching, study, caligraphy, carving, sculpture, or on objects of ecclesiastical art. LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 49 The monuments by which the memory of many a saintly bonze is still kept green exists today as treasures on the altars, or in the temple or its shady precincts, in winged words or material substances. A copy of the Buddhist Scriptures, a sacred classic, in roll or bound volume, might occupy a holy penman before his brush and inkstone for years. The manuscript texts often seen in the h'all of worship on silky paper bound in damask, in Japanese monasteries, could not be improved in elegance and accurac}'- by the printer's art. The transcription of a sutra on silk, made to adorn the wall of a shrine, in many cases performed its mission for centuries. The Many Accomplishments of the Bonzes. Another monk excelled in improvisation of sacred stanzas, another painted the pictures and scrolls by which the multitude were taught by the priest, with his pointer in hand, the mysteries of theology, the symbols of worship, the terrors of the graded hells and purgatories, and the felicities of Nirvana. Another of the fraternity, with cunning hand, compelled the wonder of his brethren by his skill in carving. He could, from a log which today had its bark on, bring forth in time the serene countenance of Buddha, the ravishing beauty of Kuanon, the Goddess of Mercy, the scowling terrors of the God of War, the frightful visage of Fudo, or the hideous face of the Lord of Hell. Another was famous for molding the clay for the carver, the sculptor, or the bronze-smith. Many articles of altar furniture, even to the in- cense-sticks and flowers, were often made entirely by clerical hands. The Industrial Arts in the Middle Ages. During^ the Middle Ages, the arts of pottery, lacquering, gilding, bronze-casting, engraving and chasing, chisel and punch work, sword- making, goldsmith's work, were brought to a perfection never since ex-* celled, if indeed it has been equaled. In enameled and inlaid metal work the hand of the Japanese artisan has undoubtedly lost its cunning. Native archaeologists assert that a good catalogue of "lost arts" may 50 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. be made out, notably those of the composition and application of violet lacquer, and the ancient Cloisonne enamel. The delicacy of tact, freedom of movement, and perfection of finish visible on Japanese work, are the result of long hereditary application and concentrated skill. Hidden away in sequestered villages, or occupy- ing the same workshop in cities for centuries, generations of craftsmen wrought upon one class of objects, until from the workman's hand is born the offspring of a long pedigree of thought and dexterity. The Discovery of Lacquer Ware. Japanese antiquarians fix the date of the discovery of lacquer ware variously at A.. D. 724 and 900. Echizen, from the first, has been noted for the abundance and luxuriant yield of lacquer-trees, and the skill of her workmen in extracting the milk-white virgin sap, which the action of the air turns to black, and which by pigments is changed to various colors. In the thirteenth century the art of gold-lacquering attained the zenith of perfection. Various schools of lacquer art were founded, one excelling in landscape, another in marine scenery, or the delineation, in gold and silver powder and varnish, of birds, insects, and flowers. The masters who flourished during this period still rule the pencil of the modern artist. Kioto, as the civil and military as well as ecclesiastical capital of the empire, was the center and standard of manners, language, and etiquette, of art, literature, religion, and government. No people are more courtly and polished in their manners than the Japanese. The direct influences of court life have made themselves perceptibly felt on the inhabitants of the city. Kioto, the Holy City. From this center radiated the multifarious influences which have molded the character of the nation. The country priest came as pilgrim to the capital as to the Holy City, to strengthen his faith and cheer his soul amidst its aspirations, to see the primates and magnates of his sect, to pray at the famous shrines, to study in the largest monasteries, LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 51 under the greatest lights and holiest teachers. Returning to his parish, new sanctity was shed from his rustling robes. His brethren welcomed him with awe, and the people thronged to see and venerate the holy- man who had drunk at the very fountains of the faith. The temple coflers grew heavy with the weight of offerings because of him. The sons of the nobleman in distant provinces were sent to Kioto to be educated, to learn reading and writing from the priests, the per- fection of the art of war in the army, the etiquette of palace life as pages to, or as guests of, the court nobles. The artisan or rich merchant from Oshiu or Kadzusa, who had made the journey to Kioto, astonished his wondering listeners at home with tales of the splendor of the pro- cessions of the mikado, the wealth of the temples, the number of the pagodas, the richness of the silk robes of the court nobles, and the wonders which the Kioto potters and vase-makers, sword-forgers, gold- smiths, lacquerers, crystal-cutters, and bronze-moulders, daily exposed in their shops, in profusion. The Seat of Learning. In Kioto also dwelt the poets, novelists, historians, grammarians, writers, and the purists, whose dicta were laws. By them were written the great bulk of the classic literature, embracing poetry, drama, fiction, history, philosophy, etiquette, and the numerous diaries and works on travel in China, Korea, and the remote provinces of the country, and the books called "Kagami" ("mirrors") of the times, now so interesting to the antiquarian student. Occasionally nobles or court ladies would leave the luxury of the city, and take up their abode in a castle, tower, pagoda, or temple room, or on some mountain overlooking Lake Biwa, the sea, or the Yodo River, or the plains of Yamato; and amidst its inspiring scenery, with tiny table, ink-stone and brush, pen some prose epic or romance, that has since become an immortal classic. Almost every mansion of the nobles had its "looking-room," or "chamber of inspiring view," whence to gaze upon the landscape or marine scenery. Rooms set apart for the aesthetic pleasure still form 52 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. a feature of the house of nearly every modern native of means. On many a coigne of vantage may be seen also the summer-houses or rustic booths, where gather pleasure parties or picnics. ~ Provincial Customs. In the civil administration of the empire, the chief work was to dispense justice, punish offenders, collect taxes, and settle disputes. After the rude surveys of those days the boundaries of provinces and departments were marked by inscribed posts of wood or stone. Before the days of writing, the same end was secured by charcoal buried in the earth at certain points, the durability of which insured' the mark against decay. The peasants, after the rice-harvest was over, brought their tribute, or taxes, with joyful ceremony, to the government granaries in straw bags, packed on horses gaily decorated with scarlet housings, and jing- ling with clusters of small bells. A relic of this custom is seen in the bunches of bells suspended by red cotton stuff from the rear of the pack-saddle, which dangle musically from the ungainly haunches of the native sumpters. Barriers Between Provinces. From earliest times there existed "seki" (guard gates or barriers) between the various provinces at mountain passes or strategic points. As feudalism developed, they grew more numerous. A fence of palisades, stretched across the road, guarded the path through which, according to time, or orders of the keepers, none could pass with arms, or without the pass-word or pass-port. Anciently they were erected at the Hakone and other mountain passes, to keep up the distinction between the Ainos and the pure Japanese. The possession of these barriers was ever an important object of rival military commanders, and the shifts, devices, and extraor- dinary artifices resorted to by refugees, disguised worthies, and for- bidden characters, furnish the historian, the novelist, and dramatist with some of their most thrilling episodes. LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 53 An Interesting Anecdote. It is related of Yoshitsune, after he had incurred the wrath of Yori- tomo, that, with Benkei, his servant, he arrived at a guard gate kept by some Genji soldiers, who would have been sure to arrest him had they discovered his august personality. Disguised as wandering priests of the Buddhist sect Yama-bushi, they approached the gate, and were challenged by the sentinel, who, like most of his class at that time, was ignorant of writing. Benkei, with great dignity, drawing from his bosom a roll of blank paper, began, after touching it reverently to his forehead, to extemporize and read aloud in choicest and most pious language a commission from the high-priest at the temple of Hokoji, in Kioto, in which stood the great image of Buddha, authorizing him to collect money to cast a colossal bell for the temple. At the first mention of the name of his reverence, the renowned priest, so talismanic in all the empire, the soldier dropped down on his knees with face to the ground, and listened with reverent awe, unaware that the paper was as blank as the reader's tongue was glib. To further lull suspicion, Benkei apologized for the rude conduct of his servant- boy, who stood during the reading, because he was only a boor just out of the rice-fields ; and, giving him a kick, bid him get down on his marrow-bones, and not stand up in the presence of a gentleman and a soldier. The ruse was complete. The illustrious youth and his servant passed on. Medical and Surgical Science. Medical science made considerable progress in the course of cen- turies. The materia medica, system, practice, and literature of the heal- ing art were borrowed from China; but upon these, as upon most other matters, the Japanese improved. Acupuncture, or the introduction of needles into living tissues for remedial purposes, was much improved by the Japanese. The puncturing needles, as fine as a hair, were made of gold, silver, or tempered steel, by experts. The bones, large nerves, or blood vessels were carefully avoided in 54 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. the process, which enjoyed great repute in cases of a peculiar violent colic, to which the natives are subject, and which sometimes becomes epidemic. On the theory that this malady was caused by wind, holes were made in the stomach or abdomen, to the mystic number of nine — corresponding to the nine apertures of the body. Popular Remedies. "Moxa" (Japanese, "mokusa;" "mo," fire; from "moyeru," to burn, and "kusa," herb, grass), or the burning of a small cone of cottony fibers of the artemisia, on the back or feet, was practiced as early as the eleventh century, reference being made to it in a poem written at that time. A number of ancient stanzas and puns, relating to Mount Ibuki, on the sides of which the mugwort grows luxuriantly, are still extant. To this day it is an exception to find the backs of the common people unscarred with the spots left by the moxa. The use of mercury in corrosive sublimate was very anciently known. The "do-sha" powder, however, which was said to cure various diseases, and to relax the rigid limbs of a corpse, was manufactured and sold only by the bonzes of the Shin Gon sect. It is, and always was, a pious fraud, being nothing but unefficacious quartz sand, mixed with grains of mica and pyrites. Wine, Women and Song. Of the mediaeval sports and pastimes within and without of doors, the former were preferred by the weak and effeminate, the latter by the hale and strong. Banquets and carousals in the palace were frequent. The brewing of sake from rice was begun, according to record, in the third century, and the office of chief butler even earlier. The native sauce, "sho-yu," made of fermented wheat and beans, with salt and vinegar, which the cunning purveyors of Europe use as the basis of their high-priced piquant sauces, was made and used as early as the twelfth century. The name of this saline oil ("sho," salt; "yu," oil) appears as "soy" in our dictionaries, it being one of the three words (soy, bonze, moxa) which we have borrowed fraaj tke Japanese. At the feasts, besides the LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 55 wine and delicacies to please the palate, music, song, and dance made the feast of reason and the flow of soul, while witty and beautiful women lent grace and added pleasure to the festivities. Court Life. In long, trailing robes of white, crimson, or highly figured silk, with hair flowing in luxuriance over the shoulders, and bound gracefully in one long tress which fell below the waist behind, maids and ladies of the palace rained glances and influence upon the favored ones. They fired the heart of admirers by the bewitching beauty of a well-formed hand, foot, neck, face, or form decked with whatever added charms cosmetics could bestow upon them. Japanese ladies have ever been noted for neatness, good taste, and, on proper occasions, splendor and luxuriance of dress. With fan, and waving long sleeve, the language of secret but out- wardly decorous passion found ample expression. Kisses, the pressure of the hand, and other symbols of love as expressed in other lands, were then, as now, unknown. In humble life, also, in all their social pleasures the two sexes met together to participate in the same delights, with far greater freedom than is known in Asiastic countries. As, however, wives or concubines have not always the attractions of youth, beauty, wit, maidenly freshness, or skill at the "koto," the "geisha," or singing- girl, then as now, served the sake, danced, sung, and played, and was rewarded by the gold or gifts of the host, or perhaps became his Hagar. Diversions Peculiar to the Palace. The statement that the empress was attended only by "vestals who had never beheld a man" is disproved by a short study of the volumes of poetry, amorous and otherwise, written by them, and still quoted as classic. As to the standard of virtue in those days, I believe it was certainly not below that of the later Roman empire, and I am inclined to believe it was far above it. In the court at Kioto, besides games of skill or chance in the house, were foot-ball, cock-fighting, falconry, horsemanship, and archery. The 56 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. robust games of the military classes were hunting the boar, deer, bear, and smaller game. Hunting by falcons, which had been introduced by some Korean ambassadors in the time of Jingu Kogo, was almost as extensively practiced as in Europe, almost every feudal lord having his perch of falcons. Fishing by cormorants, though a useful branch of the fisherman's in- dustry, was also indulged in for pleasure. The severe exercise of hunting for sport, however, never became as absorbing and popular in Japan as in Europe, being confined more to the profession of huntsman, and the seeker for daily food. Favorite Forms of Amusement. The court ladies shaved off their eyebrows, and pointed two sable bars or spots on the forehead resembling false eyebrows. In addition to the gentle tasks of needle-work and embroidery, they passed the time in games of chess, checkers, painted shells, and a diversion peculiar to the palace, in which the skill of the player depended on her sensitiveness in appreciating perfumes, the necessary articles being vials of fragrant extracts. Their pets were the peculiar little dogs called "chin." They stained their teeth black, like the women of the lower classes ; an example which the nobles of the sterner sex followed, as they grew more and more effeminate. One of the staple diversions of both sexes at the court was to write poetry, and recite it to each other. The em- peror frequently honored a lady or noble by giving the chosen one a subject upon which to compose a poem. A happy thought, skilfully wrought stanza, a felicitous grace of pantomime, often made the poetess a maid of honor, a concubine, or even an empress, and the poet a min- ister or councilor. The Origin of a Classic. Another favorite means of amusement was to write and read or tell stories — the Scheherezade of these being a beautiful lady, who often composed her own stories. The following instance is abbreviated from the Onna Dai Gaku ("Woman's Great Study") : Ise no Taiyu was a daughter of Sukeichika, the mikado's minister of festivals, and a highly LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 57 accomplished lady. None among the ladies of the court could equal her. One day a branch of luxuriant cherry-blossoms was brought from Nara. The emperor gave it to her, and asked her to extemporize a verse. She did so, and the courtiers were all astonished at the beauty and deli- cate sentiment of the verse. Sei Shonagon was the daughter of Kiyowara no Motosuke. She was one of the imperial concubines. She was well read in Japanese and Chinese literature, and composed poetry almost from infancy, having a wonderful facility of improvization. One day, after a fall of snow, she looked out from the southern door of the palace. The emperor, having passed round the wine-cup to his lords and ladies at the usual morning assembly of the courtiers and maids of honor, said, "How is the snow of Kuraho?" No one else understood the mean- ing, but Sei Shonagon instantly stepped forward and drew up the cur- tains, revealing the mountains decked in fresh-fallen snow. The em- peror was delighted, and bestowed upon her a prize. Sei Shonagon had understood his allusion to the line in an ancient poem which ran thus : "The snow of Kuraho is seen by raising the curtains." Lacking in Artistic Taste. Once when a certain kuge was traveling In a province, he came, on a moonlight night, to a poor village in which the cottage had fallen into picturesque decay, the roofs of which gleamed like silver. The sight of the glorified huts inspired him with such a fine frenzy that he sat up all night gazing rapturously on the scene, anon composing stanzas. He was so delighted that he planned to remain in the place several days. The next morning, however, the villagers, hearing of the pres- ence of so illustrious a guest among them, began busily to repair the ruin, and to rethatch the roofs. The kuge, seeing all his poetic visions dis- pelled by this vandal industry, ordered his bullock-car, and was off, dis- gusted. 58 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. The Spoken and Written Language. During the first centuries of writing in Japan, the spoken and the written language were identical. With the study of the Chinese litera- ture, and the composition of works by the native literati almost exclu- sively in that language, grew up differences between the colloquial and literary idiom and terminology. The infusion of a large number of Chinese words into the common speech steadily increased; while the learned affected a pedantic style of conversation, so interlarded with Chinese names, words, and expressions, that to the vulgar their dis- course was almost unintelligible. Buddhism also made Chinese the vehicle of its teachings, and the people everywhere became familiar, not only with its technical terms, but with its stock phrases and forms of thought. To this day the Bud- dhist, or sham-religious, way of talking is almost a complete tongue in itself, and a good dictionary always gives a Buddhistic meaning of a word separately. Familiar Expressions. In reading or hearing Japanese, the English-speaking resident con- tinually stumbles on his own religious cant and orthodox expressions, which he believes to be peculiar to his own atmosphere, that have a meaning entirely different from the natural sense; "this vale of tears," "this evil world," "gone tO' his reward," "dust and ashes," "worm of the dust," and many phrases which so many think are exclusively Christian or evangelical, are echoed in Japanese. So much is this true, that the missionaries, in translating religious books, are at first delighted to find exact equivalents for many expres- sions desirable in technical theology, or for what may fairly be termed pious slang, but will not use them, for fear of misleading the reader, or rather of failing to lead him out of his old notions into the new faith which it is desired to teach. So general have the use and affectation of Chinese become, that in many instances the pedantic Chinese name or word has been retained in the mouths of the people, while the more beautiful native term is LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. 59 almost lost. In general, however, only the men were devoted to Chin- ese, while the cultivation of the Japanese language was left to the women. This task the women nobly discharged, fully maintaining the credit of the native literature. Most of the Poetry the Work of Women. Mr. W. G. Aston says, "I believe no parallel is to be found in the history of European letters, to the remarkable fact that a very large proportion of the best writings of the best age of Japanese literature was the work of women." The "Genji Monogatari" is the acknowledged standard of the language for the period to which it belongs, and the parent of the Japanese novel. This, with the classics, 'Tse Monogatari" and "Makura Zoshi," and much of the poetry of the time, are the works of women. It is to be noted that the borrowed Chinese words were taken entirely from the written, not the colloquial, language of China, the latter having never been spoken by the Japanese, except by a few interpreters at Nagasaki. The Japanese literary style is more concise, and retains archaic forms. As in the English speech, the child of the wedded Saxon and Norman, the words which express the wants, feelings and concerns of every-day life — all that is deepest in the human heart — are for the most part native ; the technical, scientific, and abstract terms are foreign. Hence, if we would find the fountains of the musical and beautiful language of Japan, we must seek them in the hearts, and hear them flow from the lips of the mothers of the Island Empire. CHAPTER IV. INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS Embassies from China — The Chinese Armada — Acts of Personal Bravery— Heroism of Michiari — The Whole Nation Aroused — The Wrath of Heaven — To the Victor Be- longs the Spoils — Evil Counsel — The Divinity of Kings — The Temporary Mikadoate. DURING the early centuries of the Christian era, friendly inter- course was regularly kept up between Japan and China. Em- bassies were dispatched to and fro on various missions, but chiefly with the mutual object of bearing the congratulations to an emperor upon his accession to the throne. It is mentioned in the "Gazetteer of Echi- zem" ("Echizen Koku Mei Seiki Ko") that Embassies from China, with a retinue and crew of one hundred and seventy-eight persons, came to Japan A. D. 776 to bear congratulations to the Mikado, Konin Tenno. Early Expeditions. The vessel was wrecked in a typhoon off the coast of Echizen, and but forty-six of the company were saved. They were fed and sheltered in Echizen. In A. D. 779, the Japanese Embassy, returning from China, landed at Mikuni, the sea-port of Fukui. In 883, orders were sent from Kioto to the provinces north of the capital to repair the bridges and roads, bury the dead bodies, and re- move all obstacles, because the envoys of China were coming that way. The civil disorders in both countries interrupted these friendly relations in the twelfth century, and communications ceased until they were re- newed again in the time of the Hojo, in the manner now to be described. In China, the Mongol Tartars had overthrown the Sung dynasty, and had conquered the adjacent countries. Through the Koreans, the Mon- gol Emperor, Kublai Khan, at whose court Marco Polo and his uncles 60 INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. 6i were then residing, sent, letters demanding tribute and homage from Japan. Chinese envoys came to Kamakura, but Hojo Tokimune, en- raged at the insolent demands, dismissed them in disgrace. Six embas- sies were sent, and six times rejected. Repulse of the Invaders. An expedition from China, consisting of ten thousand men, was sent against Japan. They landed at Tsushima and Iki. They were bravely attacked, and their commander slain. All Kiushiu having roused to arms, the expedition returned, having accomplished nothing. The Chinese Emperor now sent nine envoys, who announced their purpose to remain until a definite answer was returned to their master. They were called Kamakura, and the Japanese reply was given by cutting off their heads at the village of Tatsu no kuchi (Mouth of the Dragon), near the city. The Japanese now girded themselves for the war they knew was imminent. Troops from the East were sent to guard Kioto. Munitions of war were prepared, magazines stored, castles re- paired, and new armies levied and drilled. Boats and junks were built to meet the enemy on the sea. Once more Chinese Envoys came to demand tribute. Again the sword gave the answer, and their heads fell at Daizaifu, in Kiushiu, in 1279. Fighting Against Overpowering Odds. Meanwhile the Armada was preparing. Great China was coming to crush the little strip of land that refused homage to the invincible con- queror. The army numbered one hundred thousand Chinese and Tar- tars, and seven thousand Koreans, in ships that whitened the sea as the snowy herons whiten the islands of Lake Biwa. They numbered thirty- five hundred in all. In the Seventh month of the year 1281, the tassled prows and fluted sails of the Chinese junks greeted the straining eyes of watchers on the hills of Daizaifu. The Armada sailed gallantly up, and ranged itself off the castled city. Many of the junks were of immense proportions, larger than the natives of Japan had ever seen and armed with the engines of European 6^ INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. warfare, which their Venetian guests had taught the Mongols to con- struct and work. The Japanese had small chance of success on the water; although their boats, being swifter and lighter, were more easily managed, yet many of them were sunk by the darts and huge stones hurled by the catapults mounted on their enemy's decks. In per- sonal prowess the natives of Nippon were superior. Swimming out to the fleet, a party of thirty boarded a junk, and cut off the heads of the crew; but another party attempting to do so, were all killed by the now wary Tartars. Hand to Hand Battles. One captain, Kusanojiro, with a picked crew, in broad daylight, sculled rapidly out to an outlying junk, and, in spite of a shower of darts, one of which took off his left arm, ran his boat alongside a Chinese junk, and, letting down the masts, boarded the decks, A hand-to-hand fight ensued, and, before the enemy's fleet could assist, the daring assailants set the ship on fire and were off, carrying away twenty-one heads. The fleet now ranged itself in a cordon, linking each vessel to the other with an iron chain. They hoped thus to foil the cutting-out parties. Besides the catapults, immense bow-guns shooting heavy darts were mounted on their decks, so as to sink all attacking boats. By these means many of the latter were destroyed, and more than one company of Japanese who expected victory lost their lives. Still, the enemy could not effect a landing in force. Their small detachments were cut off or driven into the sea as soon as they reached the shore, and over two thousand heads were among the trophies of the defenders in the skir- mishes. A line of fortifications many miles long, consisting of earth- works and heavy palisading planks, was now erected along-shore. Be- hind these the defenders watched the invaders, and challenged them to land. Fighting for Their Native Land. There was a Japanese captain, Michiari, who had long hoped for the invasion. He had prayed often to the gods that he might have op- portunity to fight the Mongols. He had written his prayers on paper, INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. 63 and, burning them, had solemnly swallowed the ashes. He was now overjoyed at the prospect of a combat. Sallying out from behind the breastwork, he defied the enemy to fight. Shortly after, he filled two boats with brave fellows and pushed out, apparently unarmed, to the fleet. "He is mad," cried the spectators on the shore. "How bold," said the man on the fleet, "for two little boats to attack a thousand great ships ! Surely he is coming to surrender himself." Supposing this to be his object, they refrained from shooting. When within a few oars' lengths, the Japanese, flinging out ropes with grappling-hooks, leaped on the Tartar junk. The bows and spears of the latter were no match for the two-handled razor-like swords of the Japanese. The issue, though for a while doubtful, was a swift and com- plete victory for the men who were fighting for their native land. Burn- ing the junk, the surviving victors left before the surrounding ships could cut them off. Among the captured was one of the highest officers in the Mongol fleet. Petitions to the Gods. The whole nation was now aroused. Re-enforcements poured in from all quarters to swell the host of the defenders. From the monas- teries and temples all over the country went up unceasing prayer to the gods to ruin their enemies and save the land of Japan. The emperor went in solemn state to the chief priest of Shinto, and writing out his petitions to the gods, sent him as a messenger to the shrines of Ise. It is recorded, as a miraculous fact, that at the hour of noon, as the sacred envoy arrived at the shrine and offered the prayer — the day being perfectly clear — a streak of cloud appeared in the sky, which soon over- spread the heavens, until the dense masses portended a storm of awful violence. The Elements Favor the Japanese. One of those cyclones of appalling velocity and resistless force, such as whirl along the coasts of Japan and China during late summer and early fall of every year, burst upon the Chinese fleet. Nothing can withstand these maelstroms of the air. We call them typhoons; the 64 INVASION OF TflE MONGOL TARTARS. Japanese say "tal-fu," or "okaze" (great wind). Iron steamships of thousands of horse-pov/er are almost unmanageable in them. Junks are helpless; the Chinese ships were these only. They were butted together like bulls. They were impaled on the rocks, dashed against the cliffs, or tossed on land like corks from the spray. They were blown over till they careened and filled. Heavily freighted with human beings, they sunk by hundreds. The corpses were piled on the shore or floating on the water so thickly that it seemed almost possible to walk thereon. Those driven out to sea may have reached the main- land, but were probably overwhelmed.. The vessels of the survivors, in large numbers, drifted or were wrecked upon Taka Island, where they established themselves, and cutting down trees, began building boats to reach Korea. Utter Destruction of the Chinese Army. Here they were attacked by the Japanese, and, after a bloody strug- gle, all the fiercer for the despair on the one side and the exultation on the other, were all slain or driven into the sea to be drowned, except three, who were sent back to tell their emperor how the gods of Japan had destroyed their armada. The Japanese exult in the boast that their gods and their heaven prevailed over the gods and heaven of the Chinese. This was the last time that China ever attempted to conquer Japan, whose people boast that their land has never been defiled by an invad- ing arm.y. They have ever ascribed the glory of the destruction of the Tartar fleet to the interposition of the gods of Ise, who thereafter re- ceived special and grateful adoration as the guardian of the seas and winds. Great credit and praise were given to the lord of Kamakura, Hojo Tomkimune, for his energy, ability and valor. The author of the Guai Shi says : "The repulse of the Tartar barbarians by Tokune, and his preserving the dominions of our Son of Heaven, were sufficient to atone for the crimes of his ancestors." Nearly six centuries afterward, when "the barbarian" Perry anchored his fleet in the Bay of Yedo, in the words of the native annalist, "Orders INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. 65 were sent by the imperial court to the Shinto priests at Ise to offer up prayers for the sweeping away of the barbarians." MilHons of earnest hearts put up the same prayers as their fathers had offered, fully ex- pecting the same results. To this day the Japanese mother in Kiushiu hushes her fretful infant by the question, "Do you think the Mogu (Mongols) are coming?" This is the only serious attempt at invasion ever made by any nation upon the shores of Japan. Desire for a Supreme Ruler. The first step to be taken after the defeat of the Hojos and the overthrow of the military usurpation of Kamakura was to recall the Mikado Go-Daigo (1319-1336) from exile. With the sovereign again in full power, it seemed as though the ancient and rightful government was to be permanently restored. The military or dual system had lasted about one hundred and fifty years, and patriots now hoped to see the country rightly governed, without intervention between the throne and the people. The rewarding of the victors who had fought for him was the first duty awaiting the restored exile. The methods and procedure of feudal- ism were now so fixed in the general policy of the Government, that Go-Daigo, falling into the ways of the Minamoto and Hojo, apportioned military fiefs as guerdons to his vassals. Among them was Ashikaga Takauji, to whom was awarded the greatest prize, consisting of the rich provinces of Hitachi ; and to Nitta, Kodzuki and Harima, besides smaller fiefs to many others. The Ambition of Ashikaga. The unfair distribution of spoils astounded the patriots, who ex- pected to see the high rank and power conferred upon Nitta and Kusunoki, the chief leaders in the war for the restoration, and both very able men. It would have been well had the emperor seen the importance of disregarding the claims and privileges of caste, and exalted to highest rank the faithful men who were desirous of maintaining the dignity of 66 INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. the throne, and whose fear was that the duarchy would again arise. Such a fear was by no means groundless, for Ashikoga, elated at such unexpected favor, became inflamed with a still higher ambition, and already meditated refounding the shogunate at Kamakura, and placing his own famih^ upon the military throne. Being of Minamoto stock, he knew that he had prestige and popu- larity in his favor, should he attempt the re-election of the shogunate. Most of the common soldiers had fought rather against Hojo than against duarchy. The emperor was warned against this man by his ministers; but in this case a woman's smiles and caresses and importu- nate words were more powerful than the advice of sages. Ashikaga had bribed the Mikado's concubine Kadoko and had so won her favor that she persuaded her imperial lord to bestow excessive and undeserved honor on the traitor. Discontent Prevails. The distribution of spoils excited discontent among the soldiers, who now began to lose all interest in the cause for which they had fought, and to murmur privately among themselves. "Should such an unjust government continue," said they, "then we are all servants of con- cubines and dancing-girls and singing-boys. Rather than be the puppets of the Mikado's amusers, we would prefer a shogun again, and become his vassals." Many of the captains and smaller clan-leaders were also in bad humor over their own small shares. Ashikaga Takauji took advantage of this feeling to make himself popular among the disaffected, especially, those who cling to arms as a profession and wish to remain soldiers, pre- ferring war to peace. Of such inflammable material the latent traitor was not slow to avail himself when it suited him to light the flames of war. Had the Mikado listened to his wise counsellor, and also placed Kusunoki in an office commensurate with his commanding abilities, and regarded Nitta as he deserved, the century of anarchy and bloodshed which followed might have been spared to Japan. INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS.' 67 Sampson and Delilah. Go-Daigo, who in the early years of his former reign had been a man of indomitable courage and energy, seems to have lost the best traits of his character in his exile, retaining only his imperious will and susceptibility to flattery. To this degenerate Sampson a Delilah was not wanting. He fell an easy victim to the wiles of one man, though the shears by which his strength was shorn were held by a woman. Ashikaga was a consummate master of the arts of adulation and po- litical craft. He was now to further prove his skill, and to verify the warnings of Nitta and the ministers. The emperor made Moriyoshi, his own son, shogun. Ashikaga, jealous of the appointment, and having too ready access to the infatuated father's ear,' told him that his son was plotting to get possession of the throne. Moriyoshi, hating the flatterer, and stung to rage by the base slander, marched against him. Ashikaga now succeeded by means of his ally in the imperial bed in making himself, in the eyes of the Mikado, the first victim to the conspiracies of the prince. So great was his power over the emperor that he obtained from the imperial hand a decree to punish his enemy Moriyoshi as a "choteki," or rebel, against the Mikado. The Emperor AU-Powerful. Here we have a striking instance of what, in the game of Japanese stat^-craft may be called the checkmate move, or, in the native idiom, "Ote," "king's hand." It is difficult for a foreigner to fully appreciate the prestige attaching to the Mikado's person — a prestige never dimin- ishing. No matter how low his actual measure of power, the meanness of his character, or the insignificance of his personal abilities, he was the Son of Heaven, his word was law, his commands omnipotent. He was the fountain of all rank and authority. No military leader, however great his resources or ability, could win the popular heart or hope for ultimate success unless appointed by the emperor. He who held the Son of Heaven in his power was his master. Hence it was the constant aim of all the military leaders, even down to 1868, to obtain control of the imperial person. 68 INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. However wicked or villainous the keeper of the Mikado, he was master of the situation. His enemies were choteki against the Son of Heaven; his own soldiers were the ''kuan-gun," or royal army. Even might could not make right. Possession of the divine person was more than nine-tenths — it was the whole — of the law. Murder of the King's Son. Moriyoshi, then, being choteki., was doomed. Ashikaga, having the imperial order, had the kuan-gun, and was destined to win. The sad fate of the emperor's son awakens feelings, and brings tears to the eyes of the Japanese reader even to the present day. He was seized, deposed, sent to Kamakura, and murdered in a subterranean dungeon in the seventh month of the year 1335. His child in exile, the heart of the emperor relented. The scales fell from his eyes. He saw that he had wrongly suspected his son, and that the real traitor was Ashikaga. The latter, noticing the change that had come over his master, left Kioto secretly, followed by thou- sands of the disaffected soldiery, and fled to Kamakura, which he had rebuilt, and began to consolidate his forces with a view of again erect- ing the eastern capital, and seizing the power formerly held by the Ho jo. Nitta had also been accused by Ashikaga, but having cleared himself in a petition to the mikado, he received the imperial commission to chastise his rival. In the campaign which followed, the imperial forces were so hopelessly defeated that the quandam imperial exile now became a fugitive. With his loyal followers he left Kioto, carrying with him the sacred emblems of authority. Allegiance of the People Divided. Ashikaga, though a triumphant victor, occupied a critical position. He was a choteki. As such he could never win success. He had power and resources, but, unlike others equally usurpers, was not clothed with authority. He was, in popular estimation, a rebel of the deepest dye. In such a predicament he could not safely remain a day. The people would take the side of the emperor. INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. 69 What should he do? His vigor, astuteness and villainy were equal. The Hojo had deposed and set up emperors. It was Ashikaga who divided the allegiance of the people, gave Japan a "War of the Roses" (or Chrysanthemums), tilled the soil of feudalism and lighted the flames of war that made Kioto a cock-pit, abandoned the land for nearly two centuries and a half to slaughter, ignorance, and paralysis of national progress. To clothe his acts with right, he made a new Son of Heaven. He declared Kogen, who was of the royal family, emperor. In 1336, this new Son of Heaven gave Ashikaga the title of Sei-i Tai Shogun. Kamakura again became the military capital. The duarchy was re- stored, and the War of the Northern and Southern Dynasties began, which lasted fifty-six years. The Temporary Mikadoate. The period of 1333-1336, though including little more than two years of time, is of great significance as marking the existence of a temporary mikadoate. The fact that it lasted so short a time, and that the duarchy was again set up on its ruins, has furnished both natives and foreigners with the absurd and specious, but strongly urged argument that the Government of Japan, by a single ruler from a single centre, is an impossibility, and that the creation of a dual system with a "spiritual" or nominal sovereign in one part of the empire, and a military or "secular" ruler in another, is a necessity. During the agitation of the question concerning the abolition of the dual system, and the restoration of the mikado in 1860-1868, one of the chief arguments of the adherents of the shogunate against the scheme of the agitators was the assertion that the events of the period 1333-1336 proved that the mikado could not alone govern the country, and that it must have duarchy. Even after the overthrow of the shogun Keiki, known as the "Tycoon," in 1868, foreigners, as well as natives, who had studied Jap- anese history, fully believed and expected that in a year or two the present mikado's Government would be overthrown and the "Tycoon" fo INVASION OF THE MONGOL TARTARS. return to power, basing their belief on the fact that the mikadoate of 1333-1336 did not last. Whatever force such an argument might have had when Japan nad' no foreign relations, and no aliens on her soil to disturb the balance between Kioto and Karaakura, it is certain that it counts for naught Vv'hen, under altered conditions, more than the .united form of the whole empire is now required to cope with the political pressure from without. CHAPTER V. THE WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS Divine Origin of tlie Mikado — Violent Hands Never Laid Upon the Emperor's Person — Two Mikados — The North Against the South — National Heroes — Kusunoki, the Brave — Lust for Land and War — The Succession Settled — Complete List of Mikados. THE dynasty of the imperial rulers is the oldest in the world. No other family line extends so far back into the remote ages as the nameless family of mikados. Disdaining to have a family name, claim- ing descent, not from mortals, but from the heavenly gods, the imperial house of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun occupies a throne which no plebian has ever attempted to usurp. Throughout all the vicissitudes of the imperial line, in plentitude of power or abasement of poverty, its members deposed or set up at the pleasure of the upstart or political robber, the throne itself has remained unshaken. Unclean hands have not been laid upon the ark itself. As in the procession of life on the globe the individual perishes, the species lives on, so, though individual mikados have been dethroned, insulted or exiled, the prestige of the line has never swerved. Enshrined in the Hearts of His Countrymen. The soldier who would begin revolution, or who lusted for power, would make the mikado his tool; but, however transcendent his genius and abilities, he never attempted to write himself mikado. No Japanese Caesar ever had his Brutus, nor Charles his Cromwell, nor George his Washington. Not even, as in China, did one dynasty of alien blood overthrow an- other, and reign in the stead of a destroyed family. Such events are unknown in Japanese annals. The stujdent of his people, and their 71 y2 WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. unique history can never understand them or their national Hfe unless he measures the mightiness of the force, and recognizes the place of the throne and the mikado in the minds and hearts of the people. The Japanese Wars of the Roses. There are on record instances in which the true heirship was de- clared only after bitter intrigue, quarrels, or even bloodshed. In the tenth century, Taira no Masakado disappointed in not being appointed Dai Jo Dai Jin, left Kioto, went to Shimosa in the Kuanto, and set him- self up as Shinno, or cadet of the imperial line, and temporarily ruled the eight provinces of the East as a pseudo-mikado. In 1 139, the military families of Taira and Minamoto came to blows in Kioto over the question of succession between the rival heirs, Shutoku and Go-Shirakawa. The Taira being victors, their candidate became mikado. During the decay of the Taira, they fled from Kioto, carrying with them, as true emperor, with his suite and the sacred insignia, An- toku, the child, five years old, who was drowned in the sea when the Taira were destroyed. The Minamoto at the same time recognized Gotoba. It may be more analogical to call the wars of the Gen and Hei, with their white and red flags, the Japanese Wars of the Roses. Theirs was the struggle of rival houses. Now, we are to speak of rival dynasties, each with the imperial chrysanthemum. Two Mikados in the Field. In the time of the early Ashikagas (1336-1390) there were two mikados ruling, or attempting to rule, in Japan. The Emperor Go.- Daigo had chosen his son Kuniyoshi as his heir, but the latter died in 1326. Kogen, son of the mikado Go-Fushimi (1299-1301), was then made heir. Go-Daigo's third son, Moryoshi, however, as he grew up, showed great talent, and his father regretted that he had consented to the choice of Kogen, and wished his own son to succeed him. He referred the matter to Hojo at Kamakura, who disapproved of the plan. Those who hated Hojo called Kogen the "false emperor," re- WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 73 fusing to acknowledge him. When Nitta destroyed Kamakura, and Go-Daigo was restored, Kogen retired to obscurity. No one for a mo- ment thought of or acknowledged any one but Go-Daigo as true and only mikado. When, however, Ashikaga, by his treachery, had alienated the emperor from him, and was without imperial favor, and liable to punishment as a rebel, he found out and set up Kogen as mikado, and proclaimed him sovereign. Civil war then broke out. A Story of Bloodshed and Treachery. Into the details of the war between the adherents of the Northern emperor, Ashikaga, with his followers, on the one side, and Go-Daigo, who held the insignia of authority, backed by a brilliant array of names famous among the Japanese, on the other, I do not propose to enter. It is a confused and sickening story of loyalty and treachery, battle, mur- der, pillage, fire, famine, poverty, and misery, such as make up the pic- ture of civil wars in every country. Occasionally in this period a noble deed or typical character shines forth for the admiration or example of succeeding generations. Among these none have exhibited more nobly man's possible greatness in the hour of death than Nitta Yoshi- sada and Kusunoki Masashige. Heroism of Nitta. On one occasion the army of Nitta, who was fighting under the flag of Go-Daigo, the true emperor, was encamped before that of Ashikaga. To save further slaughter, Nitta sallied out alone, and, approaching his enemy's camp, cried out : "The war in the country continues long. Al- though this has arisen from the rivalry of two emperors, yet its issue depends solely upon you and me. Rather than millions of the people should be involved in distress, let us determine the question by single combat." The retainers of Ashikaka prevailed on their commander not to accept the challenge. In 1338, on the second day of the Seventh month, while marching with about fifty followers to assist in investing a fortress in Echizen, he was suddenly attacked in a narrow path in a rice-field 74 WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. near Fukui by about three thousand of the enemy, and exposed without shields to a shower of arrows. Some one begged Nitta, as he was mounted, to escape. ''It is not my desire to survive my companions slain," was his re- sponse. Whipping up his horse, he rode forward to engage with his sword, making himself the target for a hundred archers. His horse, struck when at full speed by an arrow, fell. Nitta, on clearing himself and rising, was hit between the eyes with a white-feathered shaft, and mortally wounded. Drawing his sword, he cut off his own head — a feat which the warriors of that time were trained to perform — so that his enemies might not recognize him. Death Rather Than Dishonor. He was thirty-eight years old. His brave little band were slain by arrows, or killed themselves with their own hand, that they might die with their master. The enemy could not recognize Nitta, until they found, beneath a pile of corpses of men who had committed hara-kiri, a body on which, inclosed in a damask bag, was a letter containing the imperial commission in Go-Daigo's handwriting, *T invest you with all power to subjugate the rebels." Then they knew the corpse to be that of Nitta. His head was carried to Kioto, then in possession of Ashikaka, and exposed in public on a pillory. The tomb of this brave man stands, carefully watched and tended, near Fukui, in Echizen, hard by the very spot where he fell. A shrine and monument were erected in his native place during the year 1875- The Story of Kusunoki. The brave Kusunoki, after a lost battle at Minatogawa, near Hiogo, having suffered continual defeat, his counsels having been set at naught, and his advice rejected, felt that life was no longer honorable, and solemnly resolved to die in unsullied reputation and with a soldier's honor. Sorrowfully bidding his wife and infant children good-bye, he calmly committed hara-kiri, an example which his comrades, number- ing one hundred and fifty, bravely followed. WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 75 Kusunoki Masashige was one of an honorable family who dwelt in Kawachi, and traced their descent to the great-grandson of the thirty- second mikado, Bidatsu (A. D. 572-585). The family name, Kusunoki ("Camphor"), was given his people from the fact that a grove of cam- phor-trees adorned the ancestral gardens of the mansion. The twelfth in descent was the Vice-governor of lyo. The father of Masashige held land possessed at two thousand "koku." His mother, desiring a child, prayed to the god Bishamon for one hundred days, and Masashige was born after a pregnancy of fourteen months. The mother, in devout gratitude, named the boy Tamon (the Sans- krit name of Bishamon), after the god who had heard her prayers. The man-child was very strong, and at seven could throw boys of fifteen at wrestling. He received his education in the Chinese classics from the priests in the temple, and exercised himself in all manly and warlike arts. In his twelfth year he cut off the head of an enemy, and at fifteen studied the Chinese military art, and made it the solemn purpose of his life to overthrow the Kamakura usurpation, and restore the mikado to his power. A Lost Opportunity. In 1830, he took up arms for Go-Daigo. He was several times be- sieged by the Hojo armies, but was finally victorious with Nitta and Ashikaga. When the latter became a rebel, defeated Nitta, and entered Kioto in force, Kusunoki joined Nitta, and thrice drove out the troops of Ashikaga from the capital. The latter then fled to the West, and Kusunoki advised the imperialist generals to follow them up and annihi- late the rebellion. His superiors, with criminal levity, neglecting to do this, the rebels collected together, and again advanced, with increased strength by land and water, against Kioto, having, it is said, two hun- dred thousand men. Kusunoki's plan of operations was rejected, and his advice ignored. AVith Nitta he was compelled to bear the brunt of battle against over- whelming forces at Minato gawa, near Hiogo, and was there hopelessly defeated. Kusunoki, now feeling that he had done all that was possible 76 WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. to a subordinate, and that life was no longer honorable, retired to a farmer's house at the village of Sakurai, and there, giving him the sword bestowed on himself by the mikado, admonished his son Masatsura to follow the soldier's calling, cherish his father's memory, and avenge his father's death. Sixteen of his relatives, with unquailing courage, like- wise followed their master in death. A Patriot of the Highest Type. Of all the characters in Japanese history, that of Kusunoki Masa- shige stands pre-eminent for pureness of patriotism, imselfishness of de- votion to duty, and calmness of courage. The people speak of him in tones of reverential tenderness, and, with an admiration that lacks fitting words, behold in him the mirror of stainless loyalty. Every relic of this brave man is treasured up with religious care ; and fans inscribed with poems written by him, in fac-simile of his handwriting, are sold in the shops and used by those who burn to imitate his exalted patriotism. His son Masatsura lived to become a gallant soldier. The war, which at first was waged with the clearly defined object of settling the question of the supremacy of the rival mikados, gradually lost its true character, and finally degenerated into a free fight on a national scale. Before peace was finally declared, all the original leaders had died, and the prim.e object had been, in a great measure, forgotten in the lust for land and war. Even the rival emperors lost much of their interest, as they had no concern in brawls by which petty chieftains sought to exalt their own name, and increase their territory by robbing their neighbors. Abdication and Coronation. In 1392, an envoy from Ashikaga persuaded Go-Kameyama to come to Kioto and hand over the regalia to Go-Komatsu, the Northern em- peror. The basis of peace was that Go-Kameyana should receive the title of Dai Jo Tenno (ex-emperor), Go-Komatsu be declared emperor, and the throne be occupied alternately by the rival branches of the im- perial family. WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 77 The ceremony of abdication of surrender of regalia, on the one hand, and of investiture, on the other, were celebrated with due pomp and solemnity in one of the great temples in the capital, and the war of fifty-six years' duration ceased. All this redounded to the glory and power of Ashikaga. The period of 1336-1392 is of great interest in the eyes of all native students of Japanese history. In the Dai Nihon Shi, the Southern dy- nasty are defended as the legitimiate sovereigns, and the true descendants of Ten Sho Dai Jin, the sun-goddess ; and the Northern dynasty are condemned as mere usurpers. The same view was taken by Kitabatake Chikafusa, who was the author of the Japanese Red Book, who warned the emperor Go-Daigo against Ashikaga, and in 1339 wrote a book to prove that Go-Daigo was mikado, and the Ashikaga's nominee a usurper. This is the view now held in modern Japan, and only those historians of the period who award legitimacy to the Southern dynasty are considered authoritative. The Northern branch of the imperial family after a few generations became extinct. The Mikados of Japan. Jimmu Emperor 660 B. C. Suisei Emperor 581 B. C. Annei Emperor 548 B. C. Itoku Emperor 510 B. C. Koshio Emperor 475 B. C. Koan Emperor 392 B. C. Korei Emperor 290 B. C. Kogen Emperor 214 B. C. Kaikua Emperor 157 B. C. Sujin Emperor 97 B. C. Suinin Emperor 29 B. C. Keiko Emperor 71 A. D. Seimu Emperor 131 A. D. Chuai Emperor 192 A. D. Jingu-Kogo Empress 201 A. D. Ojin Emperor 270 A. D. Nintoku Emperor 313 A. D. Richiu Emperor 400 A. D. Hansho Emperor 405 A. D. Inkyo Emperor 411 A. D. Anko Emperor Yuriaku Emperor Seinei Emperor Kenso Emperor Ninken Emperor Buretsu Emperor Ketai Emperor Ankan Emperor Senkuwa Emperor Kimmei-Tenno Emperor Bitatsu-Tenno Emperor Yomei Emperor Sushun Emperor Suiko-Tenno Empress Yomei Emperor Kokioku Empress Kotoku Emperor Saimei, the name assumed by ex- Empress I^kioku when she resumed the crown 453 A. D. 456 A. D. 480 A. D. 48s A. D. 488 A. D. 499 A. D. 507 A. D. 534 A. D. 536 A. D. 540 A. D. 572 A. D. 586 A. D. 588 A. D. 503 A. D. 629 A. D. 642 A. D. 645 A. D. 655 A. D. 78 WAR OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Tenji Emperor 668 A. D. Kobun Emperor 572 A. D. Temmu Emperor 673 A. D. Jito-Tenno Empress 690 A. D. Mommu Emperor 697 A. D. Gemmei Empress 708 A. D. Gensho Empress 715 A. D. Shomu Emperor 724 A. D. Koken Empress 749 A. D. Jungin-Tenno Emperor 759 A. D. Ex-Empress resumed throne as Koken-Shotoku 765 A. D. Konin, grandson of Tenji, Em- peror 770 A. D. Kuwammu Emperor 782 A. D. Heizei Emperor 806 A. D. Saga Emperor 810 A. D. Junna Emperor 824 A. D. Nimmio Emperor 834 A. D. Montoku Emperor 851 A. D. Seiwa Emperor 859 A. D. Yozei Emperor 877 A. D. Koko Emperor 885 A. D. Uda Emperor 893 A. D. D'aigo Emperor 898 A. D. Shujaku Emperor 931 A. D. Murakami Emperor 947 A. D. Reizei Emperor 968 A. D. Enyu Emperor 970 A. D. Kuwazan Emperor 985 A. D. Ichijo Emperor 987 A. D. Sanjo Emperor 1012 A. D. Go-Ichijo Em.peror 1017 A. D. Go-Shujaku Emperor 1038 A. D. Go-Reizei Emperor 1046 A. D. Go- Sanjo Emperor 1069 A. D. Shirakav/a Emperor 1073 A. D. Horikawa Emperor 1087 A. D. Toba Emperor 1108 A. D. Sliutoku Emperor 1124 A. D. Konoye Emperor 1142 A. D. Go-Shiraka\va Emperor 1156 A. D. Nijo Emperor 1159 A. D. Rokujio Emperor 1166 A. D. Takakura Emperor 1 169 A. D. Antoku Emperor Go-Toba Emperor Tsuchi-Mikado Emperor Juntoku Emperor Chukio Emperor Go-Horikawa Emperor Shijo Emperor Go-Saga Emperor Go-Fukakusa Emperor Kame-Yama Emperor Go-Uda Emperor Fushimi Emperor Go-Fushimi Emperor Go-Nijo Emperor Hanazono Emperor Go-Daigo Emperor Komio Tenno Emperor Go-Murakami Tenno.. .Emperor Shuko Emperor Go-Kuwoogon Emperor Go-Kame-Yama Emperor Go-Enyu Emperor Go-Komatsu Emperor Shoko Emperor Go-Hanazono Emperor Go-Tsuchi-Mikado. . . Emperor Go-Kashiwabara Emperor Go-Nara Emperor Oki Machi Emperor Go-Yozei-Tenno .... Emperor Go-Miwa Emperor Miosho Empress Go-Komio Emperor Gozai-in Emperor Reizen Emperor Higashiyama Emperor Naka-Mikado Emperor Sakura-Machi Emperor Momozono Emperor Go-Sakura Machi. . . . Empress Go-Momozono Emperor Kokaku Emperor Niako Emperor Komei Emperor Mutsuhito Emperor 181 A.D. 186 A. D. 199 A. D. :2ii A. D. 221 A. D. 221 A. D. :23i A. D. 244 A. D. 247 A. D. :266 A. D. 270 A. D. A. D. :299 A. D". :30i A. D. 308 A. D. 319 A. D. ■336 A. D. 339 A. D. :349 A. D. 352 A.D. 368 A. D. :372 A. D. 393 A. D. :4i3 A. D. 429 A. D. •46s A. D. SOI A. D. ■527 A. D. SS8 A. D. 587 A. D. 612 A. D 630 A. D'. 644 A. D. 655 A. D. 663 A. D. 687 A. D. ID A. D. 736 A. D. 747 A. D. 763 A. D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. 771 780 :8i7 :847 :867 CHAPTER VI. RISE AS A MODERN POWER The Climate and Flora of Japan — The Fuji-San — Origin of the Japanese Eace — The "Feathered Men" — Peculiarities of the Japanese Language — Energetic Japanese Empresses — The Avolition of Christianity — The Ancient Authority of the Mikado Triumphs. ENTWINED in the limpid arms of the great Pacific Ocean Hes a clustering chain of over three thousand islands, called by its an- cient inhabitants — from its fancied' resemblance to a dragon-fly — "Siet- Eish-Ieu," — the "Dragon-Fly Land." x\lso, owing to its position in the extreme East, it has been named "Dai Nippon," or "Birthplace of the Sun." Fair As the Garden o£ the Lord. This ocean home of the rising sun, is one of the most beautiful spots on our globe, with its endless line of foam-fringed coast, its rich plains and fertile valleys, its green hill slopes and forest-clad mountains tower- ing one above the other in grandeur, and its picturesque harbors, safe and lovely. It has a cold, crisp, bracing climate in winter, with not too fervid a sun in summer. It has a magnificent flora of over one hundred and fifty evergreens alone, and no end of rare deciduous trees — the camphor, the wax, the violet-scented paulownia, the pomegranate, the cotton, and wax tree, the magnolia, the chestnut, maple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, apple, myrtle, orange, with an endless variety of flow- ers — camelias, lilies, roses, side by side with the azalea and the mikado's armorial flower, the chrysanthemum. The glory of autumn foliage is unrivalled except by that of North America, / But of all beautiful objects of nature in Japan the most famous is the volcanic mountain, Fuji-san, or "Heaven Seeker," often written Fuji- 79 So RISE AS A MODERN POWER. yama. Daily the imaginative children of the great Nippon gaze toward this most sacred object. Its snow-crowned peak towering in solitary grandeur guides thousands of devout pilgrims. The devotee climbs its volcanic sides, toiling and fasting and praying, and resting anon at each of the lava huts. When he has reached its awful summit he spends the night at a lava temple, where he abjures the past, and makes promise of a better future. Before dawn, bathed, clothed in pure white, he sa- lutes the rising sun with a hymn of praise. He then performs the circuit of the lofty Fuji-san, gazes with awe on the mouth of its crater, over five hundred feet deep, shaped like an eight-petaled lotus flower! Celebrated In Picture and Story. Etherealized by the beautiful story that the lofty Fuji-san burnt its great heart until it took on the shape of a lotus-flower — the sacred sym- bol of the Buddhist religion and which blooms for every true Buddhist a divine meaning — it is held to be a conscious being, looking down with love and pity upon humanity toiling at its feet. Fuji-san is celebrated by Japanese poets and artists, in song and hymn, in legends and pic- tured story, in glowing colors and golden outlines on pots, and pans, trays, vases, urns, incense-burners, panels, cabinets, and stately mauso- leums. Ranking next to Fuji-san is the Biwa or "Lute-shaped Lake," said to be the twin sister of the Fuji-san, both miraculously produced by the same earthquake. Who Are the Japanese ? This land, the great Dai Nippon — corrupted into Japan — is inhabited by the sunniest people on our planet. Their manners, customs, amuse- ments, language, religion, history, poetry, art, fiction all give us pictures of a nation simple, joyous, imaginative, artistic, and neither too labori- ous, nor too superstitiously religious. But when we inquire who are they, when come they, what at- tracted them to these sunny isles, when settled they there, and how are they related to us and to the rest of our Asiatic Cousins — then we find ourselves groping in the dark. RISE AS A MODERN POWER. 8i To judge from their mental and physical characteristics, the Japanese seem allied to several distinct races. The Mongolian type is everywhere prevalent; the oblique eyes are common among the aristocracy, who indeed are of pure Mongolian descent; this form of eye is held as a dis- tinguishing mark of beauty. Nevertheless there are faces among them strictly Semitic; and there are others of the Aryan type. Wholly Different From the Chinese. As to customs they have little in common with the Chinese. They do not dwarf the feet of their girls. The "pigtail" is not preserved — on the contrary a lock of hair is often worn in front; a shipwrecked sailor escaping death invariably lays his front lock as an offering on the altar of the sun goddess Ise. The peculiar gait of the Chinese is never seen ; the dull air is replaced by a brisk, off-hand manner. In fact the Japanese is unlike the typical Asiatic who is sober, sedate and reflective. He is far less conservative than the Chinese, more influenced by new ideas, and has little or no dread of change. He is, in truth, an Asiatic Yankee. In view of these peculiarities and in the absence of fuller scientific research, we conclude that the Japanese, though chiefly of Turanian stock, are not without some large mixture of Aryan blood; that in their formation as a people they have assimilated some of the finer qualities of both the Turanian and Aryan branches of the human family; and also that they are undoubtedly allied to a very curious and ancient people called Ainos, a race of prehistoric times, which is rapidly disappearing before Japanese civilization. A Peculiar Race. When the Japanese took possession of the beautiful dragon-fly shaped land is a matter of uncertainty. Search their annals, consider their legends and traditions, question their archives and historical books — all we can discover is that from time immemorial there were strange spectres, the "Khon Bal Yai," or "Feathered Men" — which name was given them by the Mongolian invaders, because of the long, soft hair with which their bodies are covered — and that these were the ancient people called Ainos. But how and when the Ainos themselves obtained 82 RISE AS A MODERN POWER. a footing on the Dragon-Fly Land, is a subject of deep mystery to the ethnologist. All we know is that the Ainos, or "hairy Kuriles," as they are some- times called (now mostly to be found in the island of Yesso), once oc- cupied the greater part of the country; and that they were driven north by adventurous races coming from the southwest. They are small, well-proportioned, strongly-built, of an Aryan type of countenance, and of a singularly kind and gentle disposition. Their women, however, ren- der themselves hideous by tattooing their hairy bodies with grotesque figures, and letting the hair of their heads fall over their shoulders to their knees. The winter dress of both sexes consists of robes of wild beast skin; in summer of cotton tunics reaching to the knee, with a leathern girdle. Habits and Customs of the Ainos. They now live in communities of fifteen or twenty families, under a patriarchal chief. Their huts are of mud, thatched with dried leaves, straw, or branches of trees plaited together. Their manners are bright and cheerful at home, and extremely courteous when abroad ; they salute one another by bowing to the ground. Their judicial cases are presided over by the chiefs of adjoining villages; and law is administered with something of the quiet dignity of a religious ceremony. Although they obtain from the Japanese rice, tea, sugar, and many other necessities, by bartering furs and skins, still the sounds of some few industries may be heard in their villages : the thumping of the cloth- m^aker, the song of the cord-twister and the net-maker; the elder women turn the soft tree-wool into thread wherewith to spin their garments, the younger women rock their children to sleep to the v/ildest and most plaintive airs ever tuned by a savage tribe. The young men are hunters, trappers and fishermen. When evening draws on the Aino villages resound to the drum, bag- pipe and flute, a bonfire crackles and flames on the village common, an itinerant trader, or Shinto priest with his wondrous tales of the sun goddess or demons, and heroes, or perchance a more civilized Buddhist RISE AS A MODERN POWER. 83 missionary, is hospitably regaled with the best the village affords; the Ainos boys and girls, shy as wild deer, will by degrees cluster around the one or the other, examine the peddler's wares, listen to the stories of Ise, the sun goddess, or sit drinking in the tale of the good Buddha which never fails to move to love the most savage of human hearts. Early Settlements. About 290 B. C. settlements were founded on the main islands of Japan by Mongols. They drove north large numbers of the Ainos, and absorbed the more peaceable into their own population. This invasion was succeeded by formidable ingressions of the "black savages" of Japanese history; probably Malay tribes from Papua, New Guinea, or Dyacks from Borneo and the adjoining lands. It would seem that these various tribes established colonies and, intermarrying with the Ainos and Mongol invaders, became the progenitors of the present Japanese. Origin of the Language. The language of the Japanese has been a source of equal perplexity to the philologist. He is at a loss to understand certain marks of origi- nality and isolation exhibited by this form of speech. It shows traces of an early Aryan influence, but such as rather to deepen than to clear up the mystery. One thing is clear — that if the structure of the Japanese language was fundamentally Aryan, the separation from the parent tongue must have taken place at an early period, when the Aryan branch of the human speech was still in its infancy. The language is extremely melodious in sound, and vigorous In ex- pression. It is agglutinative — that is, it preserves its roots in their simple form. In fact the peculiarities of the ancient Japanese tongue are so many that it is difficult to establish its true relationship to the other languages of the world. It has been enriched since A. D. 255 by the adoption of Chinese words, symbols, and written characters, much in the same way as the English is constantly being added to by the bor- rowing of Latin and Greek words for literary and scientific purposes. 84 RISE AS A MODERN POWER. Style of Printing and Writing. Though the written language of the Japanese is exceedingly pure and classical, it is difficult to read, owing to a complex style. of writing and printing. There are in use two styles of writing; the one called the square character — borrowed from the Chinese — is employed in literary manuscripts, official documents, and state papers; the other — the run- ning or short hand — is used for all ordinary purposes ; its lines run per- pendicularly and are read downwards, beginning with the column to the right of the reader. Thus a Japanese book begins where our books end. The language shows one striking affinity with that of the Turanian family — it possesses a complete dictionary of fine-sounding and extrava- gantly laudatory terms, appropriate to only royal and noble persons, and held too sacred for the use of ordinary people. The language is s,poken with greater purity by the Japanese women than by the men. All that we know as yet, with regard to the language of the Ainos, or aboriginals, is, that this ancient tongue is not now understood by the Japanese. History Repeats Itself. The more we study the varied annals of India, Persia, Phoenicia, Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, China, Thibet, Korea, Japan, the more are we struck with the truth of that old saying: "History repeats itself." The same causes produced the same results in Japan as in other parts of Asia and Europe. The Japanese do not, like the Chinese, trace their origin to a Dar- winian idea of evolution. Like the Hindoos, Persians, and Jews, they claim to have been created by a Supreme Being; to be the offspring of two celestial persons, Izanagi and Izanami. The emperors pretend to a direct descent from the beautiful sun-goddesses Amaterasu and Ise. The sacred histories of Japan, ignoring the fact that the Ainos were the aboriginal population of Japan, relate with much detail that about 660 B. C. Jimmu Tenno, the Son of Heaven, or first mikado, began his reign. His immediate ancestors were created somehow or other in that re- RISE AS A MODERN POWER. 85 fulgent orb, the sun, floated down to the earth, were deposited on a high mountain in the Dragon-Fly Land and furnished with the three insignia of their solar origin — the sacred metallic mirror which reflects their celestial birth (now preserved in one of the temples of Ise), the sword of retribution to enable them to punish evil-doers (now treasured in the magnificent temples of Askasa), and the ball of crystal, emblem of eternity (in the possession of the present emperor.) Thus from time long past the mikado was held too sacred for or- dinary mortals to approach. Only a few trusted individuals were al- lowed to see and converse with him. As for the government of his kingdom he was far too holy to attend to such sublunary affairs. Hence he gradually came to be regarded as a divine being, fit only to be en- shrined and worshiped, while the princes aided by the empresses of Japan administered the affairs of the country. Royal Women Workers. Naturally the empresses became energetic and powerful rulers ; the divinity of their lords and masters seems to have stimulated rather than to have blunted their zeal in promoting the material prosperity of their country. These royal women superintended the building of cities, bridges, temples, ships and harbors; they reformed the ancient laws, started agricultural industries, patronized the manufacture of silk, cot- ton and fine crepe stuffs, and even caused good roads to be laid out where the foot of man had never trodden. In the first century of our era a Japanese empress had her first-born son instructed in all civil and military exercises. When he had finished his schools, she placed him at the head of a large body of trained men and sent him to the north, commanding him not to return until he had subjugated the rebellious Ainos, who had taken up arms against the ^ Japanese government. Yamato Dhake, as brave a man as he was an obedient son, carried out the queen-mother's instructions, and having subdued the rebels, acted with such good judgment and clemency that he induced the Ainos chiefs to acknowledge the supremacy of his en- shrined father, the Mikado Keiko, and was himself so Iove4 and rev- 86 RISE AS A MODERN POWER. erenced that he is to this day worshiped as a pure deity by the simple- hearted Ainos. Two centuries later another Japanese empress, the beautiful Jeengho, exasperated by the ravages on her country of vast bodies of Korean pirates, placed herself and her son, the Prince Ohjeeu, at the head of an army, sailed across the straits of Korea, invaded that exclusive land, reduced to submission its king and returned home triumphant, bringing back with her from the Chosen Land the first books ever seen in Japan ; but the crowning act of her life was her conversion to Buddhism and the encouragement she gave to Buddhist missionaries to teach the hu- manizing religion of the Indian saint. Embracing a New Religion. Then was witnessed the sight of a whole nation penetrated by the higher moral teaching, and embracing a new religion, without any at- tempt to persecute or abolish the old — the Shinto or nature-worship of ancient Japan. From this moment the door of progress was opened; architects, paint- ers, japanners, musicians, dancers, chroniclers, artisans, potters, porce- lain-manufacturers, fortune-tellers, all crowded into Japan, and were welcomed by the empress who left nothing undone to further both the spiritual and material advancement of her country. But this happy state of things soon closed. The imperial family was composed of various heterogeneous elements from which there had emerged into prominence two lines of dynasties (with no end of feudal chiefs), out of which there arose about this time two princely families. Both having acquired immense possessions, and a vast influence over the minds of the people by means of their military talents, they now began to claim, each in its own respective right, the hereditary title of Military Dictator of the realm. Like the houses of York and Lancaster, the hatreds and discords of these two families involved the country in civil wars. They adopted a red flag and a white flag as their respective standards, and were known as the Taira and Minamoto clans. The annals of these wars are filled RISE AS A MODERN POWER. 87 with wonderfully romantic incidents, deeds of exalted coiirage, chivalry and devotion, strangely identical with those of the feudal times of Euro- pean history. Religious Discussions. And now when the higher life and progress of Japan would undoubt- edly have been stifled under the despotic rule of the daimios and sho- guns, there appeared on the scene certain Portuguese trading vessels, closely followed by a band of Roman Catholic priests, headed by the famous St. Francis Xavier, who were invited b^ the then dominant sho- gun, Nobunga, to set forth the merits of their religion. The Christian priests and Buddhist monks met in the council hall of the military despot, and joined in long discussions on the doctrines of their respective religions before rapt and discriminating audiences. Christianity obtained a firm and vital hold on the affections of the Japanese. The Christian priests were not only encouraged to remain, but a church and monastery were built for them, wherein to teach and preach the doctrines of their church. It is impossible to describe the joy with which these priests vvere heard, or the enthusiasm with which the people flocked to the little Christian temple, bringing their children with them, to be instructed and baptised in the name of Christ. The Japanese Christian, with that manly independence which knows no shame in professing a new religion, rejoiced openly in the purity, beauty and freedom of the Gospel. Many and many a noble embraced Christianity, and at last Christian societies were formed in several of the great cities, and imperial Rome began to consider the subjugation of the whole island to Portugal. But the despotic spirit of the shoguns, which had been softened by the influence of Christianity, suddenly revived and kindled into hatred of the new religion. In spite of the Portuguese missionaries having placed themselves under the protection of certain powerful Christian - nobles, they were seized, and nine were burned alive at Nagasaki. Never- theless the new religion continued to attract converts from all part's of the island, and found protection during one or t\TO of the succeeding reigns. 88 RISE AS A MODERN POWER. Persecution of Christians. In the battle of Sekeghara, A. D. 1600, the shogun of the house of Minamoto came off victorious. Taking up his residence at the castle town of Yedo, he and his successors swayed the destinies of the beau- tiful island; and no sooner was he established as supreme military dic- tator than the persecution of both foreign and native Christians was renewed with fury. Such of the daimios as embraced Christianity were prohibited on political grounds from favoring the new religion; two hundred foreign missionaries were ordered on pain of death to quit the country. The greater number departed. Only a few souls, who pre- ferred death to abandoning the cause of Christ which now numbered over two million souls, refused to obey the mandate. Concealed in re- mote village inns, or in nooks and corners of the mountain regions, they stole out at night to teach, encourage, and pray with their perse- cuted followers. One by one they were discovered, taken prisoners, and each put to death; while the native Christians were hunted down and killed like wild beasts. Finally came the awful tragedy of Shimbara in 1637, when thirty thousand Christians were massacred, and whoever escaped and was retaken was hurled from the summit of Takaboko-Shima into the foam- ing waves of the beautiful harbor of Nagasaki. Then the spread of Christianity in Japan seemed to be effectually arrested. Reforms Instituted. For, two hundred and fifty years, Japan was shut in, as if with bolts and bars, from all foreign intercourse. Every vestige of her foreign trade w^as abolished. Only a few Chinese and one or two Dutch traders were permitted to remain unmolested at a small port called Deshima Christians were denounced as the "wicked sect." But lyeyasu himself, the ruthless persecutor, could not resist the impetus given to his country. He instituted many reforms in the gov- ernment, and caused the first great history of Japan to be composed and published. T'sunayoshi, his successor, founded a university for the RISE AS A MODERN POWER. 89 study of Chinese classics, and the teachings of the great Mongol sage Confucius. An observatory was built, and the heavens were scanned with wonder and delight; and those matchless mausoleums at Nikko, now the national shrines of Japan, were erected to the memories of the great shogun rulers, lyeyasu, and lyemitsu, his grandson. An Event of Importance. While these great works were being carried on, there happened one little event, insignificant enough at the time, but which, unfolding in the light of future history, seems to stretch forth until there is no measuring the length and breadth of it. There was in 1771 an adven- turous young physician in Yedo named Sugita. One day as he was rambling through the city, he chanced in a shop upon a Dutch book on anatomy. He could not read a word of its contents, but he was so struck with its wonderful illustrations of the human body that he bought .the book and did not rest till he had succeeded in getting copies for two of his young friends ; night and day they pondered over the illustrations, and then determined to test their accuracy. At a medical dissection Sugita and his friends compared and verified beyond all doubt the strict fidelity of the pictures in the Dutch treatise. The three obtained secret instruction from the Dutch at Deshima, and having mastered the book, they translated it into Japanese, reproduced the illustrations, and as if by some miracle, it found favor with the authorities, and soon became the text-book on anatomy at the medical school of Yedo. Little by little the fruits of this labor of love began to appear; and the desire for true knowledge once more rekindled was never again utterly extinguished. First Step Towards a Greater Civilization. In 1854 Commodore Perry appeared in the harbor of Japan, and succeeded in making a treaty between Japan and the United States. Four years after Lord Elgin secured a similar concession for Great Britain — and then, when everything seemed most propitious, there fol- lowed a sudden reaction. Jealousy and suspicion entered the minds 90 RISE AS A MODERN POWER. of the feudal lords. The government was shaken to its centre. In- trigues and assassinations filled the beautiful island. The factions of the shogun and the mikado contended for supremacy. No life was safe. Native, American, French, Dutch, and English officials were openly- assailed, insulted, or basely assassinated in the public highways. One dark deed followed another, until the very elements began to take part in the work of devastation; earthquakes, typhoons, great tidal waves, devouring conflagrations and pestilences followed one another and swept the Dragon Fly Land, which seemed like a huge cauldron, boiling and seething over. " ^ In 1868 the mikado's party triumphed over that of the shogun. In 1877 the regime of the military despotism was abolished. The ancient authority of the m.ikado was re-established; a political crisis exactly similar to that which took place in England in the time of Edward IV. The mikado was re-enthroned, as a responsible and human sovereign. A council assisted him to regulate all state affairs. A governor was placed over each province. A man of experience and integrity was ap- pointed over each of the departments of Foreign Affairs, Finance, War, Marine, Public Works, Agriculture, Commerce and Education. Chris- tian teachers, professors and scientists, were welcomed to aid in the reformation ; and our Asiatic cousins of the Dragon-Fly Land seemed absolutely to leap onward towards a great civilization. CHAPTER VII. JAPANESE HOME LIFE Social Customs — Japanese Houses — Marriage Customs — Tlie Family — Tlie Bath — No Mock Modesty — Household Utensils — Very Little Furniture — The Cuisine — Poorly Venti- lated Bed-Eooms. IMPLICITY is the key-note of the Japanese home-hfe, and because of it Japan, as an empire, has been able to endure and grow strong under such adverse circumstances as might have wiped it out of exist- ence had it been endowed or cursed, with our modern civiHzation. Every family has a home. There are no boarding-houses, and the hotels, which are comparatively few, considering the size of the population, are used only by travelers, A stay of a couple of weeks al^a hotel is con- sidered a long one. Love Not the Motive in Marriage. The men and women marry young, but rare is the man Vv^ho is able or who cares to take his bride to a home of his own. The social unit in Japan is the family, not the married couple. It is for no such trivial matter, in their eyes, as love or mutual attachment that marriages are made among the Japanese. Far weightier the reason, which is the pur- pose of continuing the family, that sons and heirs may be born to per- form the ancestor-worship and keep alive the family name. If a family is so unfortunate as to have no son, or to have lost the son by death, then either a son must be legally adopted, or, in case there is a daughter, a suitable husband is chosen, who, upon his mar- riage, assumes the family name, and in all respects, legal and personal, is given the place of a true son and heir. Children are carefully reared and trained to meet the emergencies 91 92 JAPANESE HOME LIFE. of their existence, and to fill the sphere they are likely to occupy. A girl knows that when she is married, no matter what the social position of the family she enters, her place will be that of servant to her grand- mother-in-law, mother-in-law and husband, just as long as they live, and that when her eldest son arrives at an age of dignity, she will become his chief servant as well. Houses Inconceivably Small. The domestic economy of the household is of the simplest character, and so, of necessity, the houses are small and simple beyond American imaginations. A family of eight persons will live in perfect comfort in a one-story house twenty-four feet square, with no cellar and only a small air-chamber above, hardly large enough to call a loft, which is sometimes used for storage. This house will probably have a small vestibule entrance, while directly joining this entrance is the kitchen, for what corresponds to our better living-rooms are always at the back of the house, and the kitchen and bath in the front. The rear portion of the house is usually arranged so that It may be divided by sliding screens, called "fusuma," into two rooms, and these overlook a garden that may be very small or of dignified proportions; but a garden there is sure to be, even if it covers only a few square feet. Whether the house be in a city or a country village, it will be set directly on the line of the street, for a garden front is almost unknown. Except in the Europeanized Tokio, and in the foreign concessions of the port cities, there are no sidewalks, and so one enters from the roadway through a gate into a small covered recess where odd-shaped stones serve for stepping-places to the vestibule. A tradesman, or one on un- pleasant business, gets no farther than this entrance ; but the bride, con- ducted after the wedding ceremony to her husband's home, is ushered in with much formality; the members of the family take their places in the vestibule in proper order of precedence, and prostrate themselves in reverences of the deepest respect. JAPANESE HOME LIFE. 93 The Mother-in-Law Supreme. The age of the bride will probably be twenty years, and the bride- groom's, twenty-one. He, let us say, is the eldest son, and so the first to marry. Pleased are the mother and the aged grandmother to have added to the household a new and willing handmaid. The family consists of the "obaa-san," the honorable elderly one, the mother of the lord and master, who may be an honorable judge of the local court; his wife, who really, will not regret the day the aged mother-in-law passes on to the land of the Sun Goddess, that she, at last, may be mistress in her own household instead of chief servant. Then come two younger children — a boy of seventeen, who attends the modern schools, and is taught strange and incredible things, and a dear little girl of twelve, who is not larger than the American child of eight. A maid servant, of perhaps thirty, but far older in looks, completes the household. None of these is a stranger to the little bride, who has lived all her life in the neighborhood, but her heart is heavy and filled with foreboding, for fear she may fail in her chief duty, which is to please and serve each member of the household, not excepting even the old family servant, who may prove to be the most fault-finding of them all. Little or no Privacy. Beyond the kitchen there are two other rooms of the house, and, as the screens separating these rooms are removed at early dawn, the occupants have no privacy as we know it. But privacy is the last thing a Japanese wants. He is sociable by nature; he likes his fellow-beings, and to be alone would be unhappiness to him. So far does his love of society lead him that he much prefers to take his public bath at the public bath-house, where he may chat and gossip, while he scrubs and soaks himself, in company with a number of his fellow townspeople. When this pleasure was denied him, he formerly used to have his own private bath-tub removed to the roadside by his doorway, where he could pass the time of day with his neighbors and the passing traveler while enjoying his ablutions. 94 JAPANESE HOME LIFE. This custom was likewise held to by the women of the family. Now, however, since the restoration of '68, and the enactment of new, and, to the Japanese, incomprehensible laws, the local police will permit no tubs by the village roadside, and they may be found there only in dis- tricts so remote and isolated that the visits of the watchful police are few and far between. The Rooms Bare of Furniture. A Japanese household has no need of separate bedrooms, dining-room or parlor, for one room easily serves the purpose of all three. Rooms are absolutely bare of furniture, no matter how wealthy the family, with the exception, possibly, of a lacquered table raised from the floor about one foot. The furnishings of a house consist of the beautiful, spotlessly clean straw mats, three feet wide, six feet long and two inches thick, that lie snugly over the entire floor-space. Every room is built just such a size that it holds a certain number of mats, and is spoken of as a three-mat, six-mat, eight-mat or ten-mat room. On these mats are laid cushions stuffed with layers of cotton wadding, and covered with linen covers of soft, dull shades of blue, green, gray or brown, or, rarely, of a soft brov/n or gray leather. The Hibachi. The "hibachi," or fire-box, might be considered a piece of furniture, for there are always one or more of these in every room of the house. They are bowls or boxes of metal, wood, china or pottery, and vary in size from ten to twenty inches in diameter. The hibachi is well filled with charcoal ashes, on the top of which are placed pieces of live char- Coal. A tripod of metal or pottery sets over the live coals, and on it rests the ever-present water-kettle, in which water for the tea is kept boiling. In cold weather, the hibachi serves a double purpose, for it is the only means employed for heating. Small and insignificant as it appears, it really does temper the air in a room when the ''shoji" and "fusuma" are closed, and around it the family will crouch, warming their hands and wrists over the glowing coals. JAPANESE HOME LIFE. 95 Objects of Utility and Beauty. A second household utensil never lacking is the "tabako-bon." This is a small square box, usually of wood, containing a tiny little bowl, also filled with ashes, on the top of which is some live charcoal for lighting the pipes and cigarettes that are smoked by both men and women, and in the box is also a section of bamboo, which forms a tall, slim cup into which are dropped the ashes from pipes and cigarette-ends. Some object of beauty is necessary to the life of every Japanese household, however humble, and so in one of the rooms is always a recess called "toko-no-ma," which is raised a few inches above the floor. In this recess hangs a '"'kakemona," or picture on a scroll, and below it stands a vase containing some arrangement of flowers or branches of a tree. These pictures and floral arrangements have special significance, and are changed from day to day and according to the season. The members of the family sit on their heels on the cushions, with the hibachis and tabako-bons beside the elder, and therefore most hon- orable, personages in the household; for age is truly venerated in the East, and the older one grows, the greater the veneration inspired, and the more consideration and courtesy one is shown. When a guest arrives, a cushion is placed in front of the toko-no-ma, which, being the place of honor, is offered as a proof of extreme polite- ness. Articles of Food. Usually, the kitchen is of such tiny proportions that it is a marvel to foreigners how a meal can be prepared there. The cook-stove, or range, will probably be a plaster contrivance of only two holes, upon which the pots and pans rest, and under which are poked short pieces of wood or small pieces of charcoal. The rice is boiled here, and the fish fried or broiled, the vegetables cooked, fish-soup made, and also delicious omelettes ; but no bread or butter, milk, cream or cheese ever enters a Japanese house. The few cakes and sweets used, and dainties such as eels fried in "shoyu," and sweet potatoes, are always bought at the public shops, and "sembe," or biscuits of various sorts, also come 96 JAPANESE HOME LIFE. from the manufacturers. The sweet potato is to the children what candy- is to the foreigner. There are shops that sell nothing but boiled sweet potatoes, and a Japanese would as soon think she could cook a sweet potato at home as a foreigner would think she could make French candy. Table Manners. At meal-time lacquer-trays are spread In the kitchen; one for each member of the family, and on the tray are placed the covered empty- bowl for the rice ; the tiny dish of pickles to eat with the rice ; the bowl of fish-soup, in which is floating a square of snow-white bean curd; the small dish with the fried or boiled fish, and the dish of vegetables, such as egg-plant, lotus-root, bamboo-shoot, beans, or possibly artichoke, ac- cording to the season. There are also the chop-sticks with which to eat the food. The maid brings in each tray, places it before each mem- ber of the family, making a reverence each time, and then goes out, returning with a small, white wooden tub, tightly covered, in which is the smoking rice. The rice is beautifully cooked, each flake being sep- arate ; for gummy, ill-cooked rice Is looked upon with disgust, and eaten under protest. It is customary to eat three bowls of rice at least at each meal (the bowls are the size of a small teacup), but not one grain must be left in the bowl when the meal is finished, for that is a sign of ill-breeding. While the meal is in progress, the maid sits by the rice- tub and serves the family, and refills the bowls. With the last bowlful, hot tea is usually poured over the rice, and later the rice-bowl may be used in place of a teacup. The trays are all removed when the meal is over, and the dining- room again becomes the living-room, which purpose It continues to serve until bedtime arrives. Japanese Beds. Then the maid brings forth from some well-concealed cupboard the ''futons," which serve both as mattresses and bedding, and these she- lays upon the straw mats of the floor, one close to the other, side by side. In the rooms of the house we have described there would be space for four in each room, with no uncomfortable crowding, so in the JAPANESE HOME LIFE. 97 first room would sleep grandmother, father and mother and the little daughter.; while in the next room would be the bride and bridegroom, the seventeen-year-old son and the servant, unless by chance the latter had a family and home of her own, to which she would go each night. The futons are about six feet long and three wide, and are much heavier than our comfortables. They are covered with bright-colored cotton cloth, and no sheets or counterpanes are used. Two are given to each person, one to sleep on and one to sleep under, and with them goes a wooden pillow, or rather block, that fits into the nape of the neck, or perhaps a small round roll stuffed hard with rice-husk. x\n "andon," or lantern, stands on the floor, containing a saucer of oil and a wick formed of the pith from a plant, or maybe, a malodorous kerosene lamp. All night long these lamps burn, for ghosts cannot see their way about unless it is dark, and ghosts are not desirable companions, day or night. Stuffy Sleeping Apartments. The fear of ghosts clings pertinaciously to the Japanese people in spite of the influence of Western education and conversions to Chris- tianity, and this trait causes them to suffer the most unhygienic condi- tions to accompany their sleep. In the daytime, the Japanese cannot have too much fresh air, and winter or summer, rain or shine, at the first peep of dawn, the "amado," heavy wooden shutters, that really are the outside walls of the house, are slid back on their iron groove, and neatly stacked away in the recess built for them at the end of the house. Inside the amado, just three feet distant, are the "shoji," or fragile sliding paper screens, and these too, are pushed back, one upon the other, or lifted out entirely, and thus, with both the outside and inside walls removed, the household prac- tically lives in the open. The one thing they seem to require In super- abundance by day is fresh air, but their desire for this vanishes suddenly the moment bedtime comes, and first the shoji and fusuma are put back in their places, and then the heavy amado, with much pushing and creak- ing, are slid snugly home and fastened shut with a long iron or wooden bar. 98 JAPANESE HOME LIFE. When this has been done, the household is prepared for its slumbers, but the only fresh air that can possibly get into the house at night must force itself through the one or two small crescents that may perhaps have been cut in the amado, to give a ray of light for the maid who comes to open them in the morning. It is needless to say that a night spent in such an atmosphere is not conducive to the maintenance of a healthy body, and the two conditions that contribute most to the alarming spread of consumption in Japan, and make its cure almost hopeless, are those of the sleeping-rooms being shared by so many people, and the lack of ventilation at night. CHAPTER VIII. RELIGIONS OF JAPAN Buddhism in Its Early Purity — A Popular Religion — Eternal Life Not to be Desired — Various Sects — Nichiren — Buddhist Protestants — Shintoism, Its Gods and Symbols — How the Records Were Preserved — Christianity — Its Introduction and Eradication — Early Martyrs — The Jesuits — The Fire Smoldering. THE indigenous religions of Japan are Shintoism and Buddhism. The religion founded by Buddha, which is older by six centuries than that founded by Christ is professed by nearly one-third of the human race, and has a literature perhaps larger than all other religious literatures combined. Christians must surely be interested in knowing of the faith they are endeavoring to displace, and when it is considered that Buddhist temples are already erected upon American soil, that a new development of this ancient faith may yet set itself up as a rival of Christianity, the subject will be seen to possess an immediate interest. True Estate of the Human Soul. Buddhism originated as an atheistic system, with a philosophy and a code of morals higher, perhaps, than any heathen religion had reached before, or has since attained. It taught that the souls of all men had lived in a previous state of existence, and that all the sorrows of this life are punishments for sins committed in a previous state. Each hu- man soul has whirled through countless eddies of existence, and has still to pass through a long succession of birth, pain, and death. All is fleeting — nothing is real — this life is all a delusion. After death, the soul must migrate for ages through, stages of life, inferior or superior, until, perchance, it arrives at last in Nirvana, or absorption in Buddha. The true estate of the human soul, according to the Buddhist, is blissful annihilation, i .^ (^ , . 99 100 RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. Besides the cardinal prohibitions against murder, steaHng, adultery, lying, drunkenness, and unchastity, "every shade of vice, hypocrisy, an- ger, pride, suspicion, greediness, gossiping, cruelty to animals, is guarded against by special precepts. Among the virtues recommended, we find not only reverence of parents, care of children, submission to authority, gratitude, moderation in time of prosperity, submission in time of trial, equanimity at all times ; but virtue such as the duty of forgiving insults, and not rewarding evil v^ith evil." Whatever the practice of the people may be, they are taught, as laid down in their sacred books, the rules thus summarized above. Buddhism Becomes a Theological System. Such, as we may glean, was Buddhism in its early purity. Besides its moral code and philosophical doctrines, it had almost nothing. An ecclesiastical system it was not in any sense. Its progress was rapid and remarkable. Though finally driven out of India, it swept through Burmah, Siam, China, Thibet, Manchuria, Korea. Siberia, and finally, after twelve centuries, entered Japan. By this time the bare and bald original doctrines were glorious in the apparel with which Asiatic imagination and priestly necessity had clothed and adorned them. The ideas had been expanded into a com- plete theological system, with all the appurtenances of a stock religion. General councils had been held, decrees had been issued, dogmas defined or abolished; Buddhism had emerged from philosophy into re- ligion. The Buddhist missionaries entered Japan having a mechanism perfectly fitted to play upon the fears and hopes of an ignorant people, and to bring them into obedience to the new and aggressive faith. If there was one country in which the success of Buddhism as a popular religion seemed foreordained, that country was Japan. It was virgin soil for anything that could be called a religion. Before Buddhism came, very little worthy of the name existed. Day by day, each new ray of the light of research that now falls upon that gray dawn of Japanese history shows that Shinto was a pale and shadowy cult, and RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. loi that the coming of Buddhism quickened it, by the force of opposition, into something approaching a religious system. If the heart of the ancient Japanese longed after a solution of the questions v\^hence? whither? why? — if it yearned for religious truth, as the hearts of all men doubtless do — it must have been ready to welcome something more tangible than the emptiness of Shinto. Life Has No Charms for the Asiatic. Buddhism came to touch the heart, to fire the imagination, to feed the intellect, to offer a code of lofty morals, to point out a pure life through self-denial, to awe the ignorant, and to terrify the doubting. A well-fed and clothed Anglo-Saxon, to whom conscious existence seems the very rapture of joy, and whose soul yearns for an eternity of life, may not understand how a human soul could ever long for utter absorp- tion of being and personality, even in God, much less for total annihila- tion. But, among the Asiatic poor, where ceaseless drudgery is often the lot for life, where a vegetable diet keeps the vital force low, where the tax-gatherer is the chief representative of government, where the earth- quake and typhoon are so frequent and dreadful, and where the forces of nature are feared as malignant intelligences, life does not wear such charms as to lead the human soul to long for an eternity -of it. New Schools of Thought. Among the various sects of Buddhism, however, the understanding of the doctrine of Nirvana varies greatly. Some believe in the total nonentity of the human soul, the utter annihilation of consciousness; while others, on the contrary, hold that, as part of the divine whole, the human soul enjoys a measure of conscious personality. Persecution and opposition at first united together the adherents of the new faith, but success and prosperity gave rise to schisms. New sects were founded in Japan, while many priests traveled abroad to Korea and China, and came back as new lights and reformers, to found new schools of thought and worship. Of these the most illustrious was Kobo, famed not only as I02 RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. a scholar, but as an eminently holy bonze, or priest, and the compiler of the Japanese alphabet, which, with diacritical points, may be increased to the number of seventy. The Golden Century of Buddhism. The thirteenth of the Christian era is the golden century of Japanese Buddhism ; for then were developed those phases of thought peculiar to it, and sects founded, most of them in Kioto, which are still the most flourishing in Japan. Among these were, in 1202, the Zen; in 121 1, the Jodo; in 1262, the Shin, and in 1282, the Nichiren. In various decades of the century several other important sects originated, and the number of brilliant intellects that adorned the priesthood at this period is re- markable. Of these, only two can be noticed, for lack of space. In A. D. 1222, there was born, in a suburb of the town of Kominto, in Awa, a child who was destined to influence the faith of millions, and to leave the impress of his character and intellect indelibly upon the minds of his countrymen. He was to found the Nichiren sect of Bud- dhism, which should grow to be one of the largest, wealthiest, and most influential in Japan. Characteristics of the Nichirenites. No other sect is so fond of controversy. The bonzes of none other can excel those of the Nichiren in proselyting zeal, in the bitterness of their theological arguments, in the venom of their revilings, or the force with which they hurl their epithets at those who differ in opinion or practices from them. In their view, all other sects than theirs are use- less. Among the Nichirenites are to be found more prayer-books, drums, and other noisy accompaniments of revivals, than in any other sect. They excel in the number of pilgrims, and in the use of charms, spells, and amulets. Their priests are celibates, and must abstain from wine, fish, and all flesh. They are the ranters of Buddhism. To this day, a revival meeting in one of their temples is a scene that often beggars description; and may weaken deaf ears. RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. 103 The Youth of Nichiren. Nichiren ("sun-lotus") was so named by his mother, who at con- ception had dreamed that the sun ("nichi") had entered her body. This story is also told of other mothers of Japanese great men, and seems to be a favorite stock-belief concerning the women who bear children that afterward become men of renown or exalted holiness The boy grew up surrounded by the glorious scenery of mountain, wave, shore, and with the infinity of the Pacific Ocean before him. He was a dreamy, meditative child. He was early put under the care of a holy bonze, but when grown to manhood discarded many of the old doctrines, and, being dissatisfied with the other sects, resolved to found one, the followers of which should be the holders and examplers of the pure truth. A Menace to the Public Peace. Nichiren founded numerous temples, but was busy during the whole of his life, when not in exile, in teaching, preaching, and itinerating. He published a book called Ankoku Ron ("An argument to tranquilize the country".) The bitterness with which he attacked other sects roused up a host of enemies against him, who complained to Hojo Tokiyori, the "shikken," or holder of the power at Kamakura, and prayed to have him silenced, as a destroyer of the public peace, as indeed the holy man was. Nichiren was banished to Cape Ito, in Idzu, where he remained three years. On his release, instead of holding his tongue, he allowed it to run more violently than ever against other sects, especially decrying the great and learned priests of previous generations. Hojo Tokiyori again arrested him, confined him in a dungeon below ground, and con- demned him to death. The Gods Intervene. On a certain day he was taken out to a village on the strand of the bay beyond Kamakura, and in front of the lovely island of Enoshima. This village is called Koshigoye. At this time Nichiren was forty-three I04 RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. years old. Kneeling down upon the strand, the saintly bonze calmly uttered his prayers. The swordsman lifted his blade, and, with all his might, made the downward stroke. Suddenly a flood of blinding light burst from the sky, and smote upon the executioner and the official inspector deputed to witness the severed head. The sword blade was broken in pieces, while the holy man was unharmed. Through the clemency of Hojo Tokimune, Nichiren was pardoned and sent to Sado Island. He was afterward re- leased by his benefactor in a general amnesty. Nichiren founded his sect at Kioto, and it greatly flourished under the care of his disciple, his reverence Nichizo. After a busy and holy life, the great saint died at Ikegami, a little to northwest of the Kawasaki railroad station, between Yokohama and Tokio, where the scream of the locomotive and the rumble of the railway car are but faintly heard in its solemn shades. The Shin Sect. The Protestants of Japanese Buddhism are the followers of the Shin sect, founded by his reverence Shinran, in 1262. Shinran was a pupil of Honen, who founded the Jodo shiu, and was of noble descent. While in Kioto, at thirty years of age, he married a lady of noble blood, named Tamayori-hime, the daughter of the Kuambaku. Devout prayer, purity, and earnestness of life, and trust in Buddha himself as the only worker of righteousness, are insisted upon. Other sects teach the doctrine of salvation by works. Shinran taught that it is faith in Buddha that ac- complishes the salvation of the believer. To treat of the doctrinal difference and various customs of the dif- ferent denominations would require a volume. Japanese Buddhism richly deserves thorough study, and a scholarly treatise by itself. Sacred Shinto Books. Notwithstanding the fact that Shintoism is the state religion of Japan, that it has its sacred books and symbols, its gods and goddesses, its temples and priests, many claim that it is more of a political than a religious system, its main tenet being absolute obedience to the mikado. RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. 105 who is its head. The two most sacred Shinto books are the Kojiki and the Nihonki. Anciently, Japanese books were committed to memory and historical records were not put in written form until the eighth cen- tury. According to a well known authority, in 415 A. D., officials were sent into the country to verify and describe the names of all the families. Later, a transcription of these records, in Chinese characters took place, and in 644 A. D., an historical account of the emperors, the country, the officials and the people is said to have existed, which was destroyed when Iruka was murdered, and his father's palace, in which these records were kept, was burned. Only the history of the country was saved. From this work, as well as from what the old men of the whole empire remembered, a new compilation was made under the Emperor Temmu (673-690 A. D.), and in order that it might not be lost again, it was read to a peasant girl, named Are, who was said never to forget anything she had once heard. From this record, and from what Are still remembered, the first historical record of Japan known to us, the Kojiki, was compiled about thirty years later. These books contain the mythology of Japan, which is in many ways superior to that of Greece. In another chapter of this work, the reader will find many interesting facts regarding the above-mentioned books, including the Japanese story of "The Creation," which describes the origin of the gods and goddesses, of man, and of the earth. What the Shintoist Believes. Shintoism was introduced into Japan about 1,200 years before Bud- dhism; it is called by the Japanese, Kami-No-Michi, or "The Way of the Gods." A well known writer on the subject states that the char- acteristics of Shintoism are absence of a doctrinal code, of idol-worship, of priestcraft, and of any teachings concerning the future, and the state of beatification, of heroes, emperors and great men, together with the worship of certain forces and objects in nature. It is said that the Kami, or gods, number 14,000, of whom 3,700 are known to have shrines ; but practically the number is infinite. Each hamlet has its special god, io6 RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. as well as its shrine; and each child is taken to the shrine of the dis- trict in which it is born, a month after birth, and the god of that shrine becomes his patron. Each god has its annual festival, while many have particular days of each month on which people visit their shrines. There are good gods, who are worshiped in order that there may be an increase of good gifts, and there are bad gods to be appeased. There is the sun-god, and the moon-god; there are gods of storms, winds, rain, thun- der, fertility, mountains, fields and streams. Objects of Worship. Among the Shintoists, perhaps the most common object of worship is the sun, hence, Japan is called "The Land of the Rising Sun." Then there are the "Seven Patrons of Happiness," who have charge of long life, riches, daily food, contentment, talents, glory and love. Their im- ages are carved in ivory, wood, or cast in bronze, and found in every house, sold in the stores, painted on shop signs, and seen in picture books. The Shinto temples are very plain, being constructed of wood with thatched roofs. They contain no idols, but in the courtyard figures of animals are frequently seen. Probably the most sacred places of Shintoism are the shrines of Ise, visited every year by thousands of pilgrims, but Fugi-Yama, the sacred mountain, its snow-covered heights rising over 13,000 feet above the sea, is first in the hearts of the people of Japan. It is a frequent sight to see hundreds of Shinto pilgrims gathered on the mountain side, robed in white, singing their chants to the rising sun. Outside of its sacred character, however, this majestic mountain rising from a level plain and reaching its snow-capped top above the clouds, possesses a majestic beauty that strikes the beholder with awe and admiration. Christianity, Firearms and Foreigners. Mendez Pinto, a Portuguese adventurer, was probably the first European who landed on Japanese soil. Pinto, while in China, had got on board a Chinese junk, commanded by a pirate. They were attacked by another corsair, their pilot was killed, and the vessel was driven off RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. " 107 the coast by a storm. They made for the Liu Kiu, but, unable to find a harbor, put to sea, and after twenty-three days beating about, sighted the island of Tanegashima ("Island of the Seed"), off the south of Kiushiu, and landed, , , The native histories recount the first arrival of Europeans on Tane- gashima in 1542, and note that year as the one in which fire-arms were first introduced. Pinto and his two companions were armed with ar- quebuses, which delighted the people, ever ready to accept whatever will tend to their advantage. They were even more impressed with the novel weapons than by the strangers. Pinto was invited by the daimio of Bungo to visit him, which he did. The natives began imm.ediately to make guns and powder, the secret of which was taught them by their visitors. In a few years, as we know from Japanese history, fire-arms came into general use. To this day many country people call them "Tanegashima." Thus, in the beginning, hand-in-hand, came foreigners, Christianity and fire-arms. To many a native they are still each and equal members of a trinity of terrors, and one is a synonym of the other, Christianity to most of "the heathen" still means big guns and powder. Missionary Work Begins. The pirate trader who brought Pinto to Japan cleared twelve hun- dred per cent on his cargo, and the three Portuguese returned, loaded with presents, to China. This new market attracted hundreds of Portu- guese adventurers to Japan, who found a ready welcome at the hands of the impressible people. The daimios vied with each other in attract- ing the foreigners to their shores, their object being to obtain the weapons, and get the wealth which would increase their power, as the authority of the Ashikaga shoguns had before this time been cast off, and each chief was striving for local supremacy. In 1549, Xavier and a brother priest, with two Japanese converts, landed at Kagoshima, in Satsuma. Xavier, after studying the rudiments of the language, beyond which he never advanced, soon left the capital of this war-like clan, for the city had not been favored with the com- io8 RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. merce of the Portuguese ; and, as the missionaries had not come to im- prove the material resources of the province, they were not warmly welcomed. He then went to Bungo and Nagato. Besides having an in- terpreter, though unable to preach, he used to read the Gospel of Mat- thew translated into Japanese, and Romanised. There trade was flour- ishing and enriching the daimios, and he was warmly received by them. His next step was a journey to Kioto. The mikado's authority, he found, was merely nominal ; the shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiteru, ruled only over a few provinces around the capital. Every one's thoughts were of war, and battle was imminent. He attempted to preach several times in the streets, but, not being master of the language, failed to secure attention, and after two weeks left the city. Not long after, he departed from Japan, disheartened by the realities of missionary work. Success of the New Faith. He had, however, inspired others, who followed him, and their suc- cess was amazingly great. Within five years after Xavier visited Kioto, seven churches were established in the vicinity of the city itself, while scores of Christian communities had sprung up in the south-west. In 1 581, there were two hundred churches, and one hundred and fifty thou- sand native Christians. In Bungo, in Harima and Omura, the daimios themselves had pro- fessed the new faith, while Nobunaga, the hater of the Buddhists, openly favored the Christians, and gave them eligible sites upon which to build dwellings and churches. In 1583, an embassy of four young noblemen was dispatched by the Christian daimios of Kiushiu to the pope, to declare themselves vassals of the Holy See. Eight years afterward, having had audience of Philip 11. of Spain, and fulfilled their mission to the pope at Rome, they re- turned, bringing with them seventeen Jesuit missionaries. Spanish friars from the Philippine Islands, with Dominicans and Augustans, also flocked to the country. The number of Christians at the time of the highest success of the missionaries in Japan was, according to their own figures, six hundred thousand. RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. 109 Internal Strife and Dissension. At this time, political and religious strife was almost universal in Europe, and the quarrels of the various nationalities followed the buc- caneers, pirates, traders, and missionaries to the distant seas of japan. The Protestant, Dutch, and English stirred up the hatred and fear of the Japanese against the Catholics and finally against each other. Span- iards and Portuguese blackened the character of their rivals and as vigorously abused each other when it served their interest. All of which impelled the shrewd Japanese to contrive how to use them one against the other, an art which they still understand. All foreigners, but espe- cially Portuguese, then were slave-traders, and thousands of Japanese were bought and sold and shipped to Macao, in China, and to the Philip- pines. The daimio, Hideyoshi repeatedly issued decrees threatening with death these slave-traders, and even the purchasers. The seaports of Hirado and Nagasaki were the resort of the lowest class of adventurers from all European nations, and the result was a continual series of up- roars, broils, and murders among the foreigners. The Law Defied. While Nobunaga lived, and the Jesuits were in his favor, all was progress and victory. Hideyoshi, though at first favorable to the new religion, issued, in 1587, a decree of banishment against the foreign missionaries. The Jesuits closed their churches and chapels, ceased to preach in public, but carried on their work in private as vigorously as ever, averaging ten thousand converts a year, until 1590. The Spanish mendicant friars, pouring in from the Philippines, openly defied the Japanese laws, preaching in their usual garb in public. This aroused Hideyoshi's attention, and his decree of expulsion was renewned. Some of the churches were burned. In 1596, six Franciscan, three Jesuit, and seventeen Japanese converts were taken to Nagasaki, and there crucified. Still the Jesuits resided in the country. The Christians next looked to Hideyori for their friend and quasi-leader. The battle of Sekighara, and the defeat of Hideyori's following, blew their hopes to the winds; and no RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. the ignominious death of Ishida, Konishi, and Otani, the Christian gen- erals, drove their adherents to the verge of despair. The new daimios began to persecute their Christian subjects and to compel them to renounce their faith. The native converts resisted even to blood and the taking-up of arms. This was an entirely new thing under the Japanese sun. Hitherto the attitude of the peasantry to the government had been one of passive obedience and slavish submission. Measures to Blot Out Christianity. Color was given to this idea by the fact that the foreigners still secretly or openly paid court to Hideyori. lyeyasu became more vigi- lant as his suspicions increased, and, resolving to crush this spirit of independence and intimidate the foreign emissaries, met every outbreak with bloody reprisals. In 1606, an edict from Yedo forbade the exer- cise of the Christian religion, but an outward show of obedience warded off active persecution. In 1610, the Spanish friars again aroused the wrath of the government by defying its commands. In 161 1, lyeyasu obtained documentary proof of the existence of a plot on the part of the native converts and the foreign emissaries to reduce Japan to the position of a subject state. The chief conspirator, Okubo, then governor of Sado, was to be made hereditary ruler by the foreigners. lyeyasu now put forth strenuous measures to root out utterly what he believed to be a pestilent breeder of sedition and war. Fresh edicts were issued, and in 1614 twenty-two Franciscan, Dominican, and Augustinian friars, one hundred and seventeen Jesuits, and hundreds of native priests were embarked by force on board junks and sent out of the country. In 161 5, lyeyasu pushed matters to an extreme with Hideyori, who was then entertaining some Jesuit priests; and, calling out the troops of Kiushiu and the Kuanto, laid siege to the castle of Osaka. A battle of unusual ferocity and bloody slaughter raged on the 9th of June, 161 5, ending in the burning of the citadel, and the total defeat and death of Hidevori and thousands of his followers. RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. in Early Christian Martyrs. The exiled foreign friars, however, kept secretly returning, appar- ently desirous of the crown of martyrdom. Hidetada, the shogun, now pronounced sentence of death against any foreign priest found in the country. lyemitsu, his successor, restricted all foreign commerce to Nagasaki and Plirado; all Japanese were forbidden to leave the country on pain of death; and in 1624 all foreigners, except Dutch and Chinese, were banished from Japan. The Christians suffered all sorts of persecutions. They were wrapped in straw sacks, piled in heaps of living fuel, and se-t on fire. All the tortures that barbaric hatred or refined cruelty could invent were used to turn thousands of their fellow-men into carcasses and ashes. Yet few of the natives quailed, or renounced their faith. They calmly let the fire of wood cleft from the crosses before which they once prayed consume them, or walked cheerfully to the blood-pit, or were flung alive into the open grave about to be filled up. The Way of the Cross. If any one doubt the sincerity and fervor of the Christian converts of to-day, or the ability of the Japanese to accept a higher form of faith, or their willingness to suffer for what they believe, they have but to read the accounts preserved in English, Dutch, French, Latin, and Japanese, of various witnesses to the fortitude of the Japanese Chris- tians of the seventeenth century. The annals of the primitive church furnished no instances of sacrifice or heroic constancy in the Coliseum or the Roman arenas that were not paralleled on the dry river beds and execution grounds of Japan. Finally, in 1637, ^^ Shimabara, the Christians rose by tens of thou- sands in arms, seized an old castle, repaired and fortified it, and raised the flag of rebellion. Armies from Kiushiu and the Kuanto, composed mainly of veterans of Korea and Osaka, were sent by the shogun to besiege it, A siege of two months, by land and water, was, however, necessary to reduce the fortress, which was finally done with the aid 112 RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. of Dutch cannon, furnished under compulsion"! by the traders at Deshima. The intrepid garrison, after great slaughter, surrendered, and then the massacre of thirty-seven thousand Christians began, and was fin- ished by the hurling of thousands more from the rock of Pappenberg, in Nagasaki harbor. Thousands more were banished to various prov- inces, or put to death by torture. Others escaped and fled to the island of Formosa, joining their breathren already there. The Dutch gained the privilege of a paltry trade and residence on the little fan-shaped island of Deshima in front of Nagasaki. Here, under degrading restrictions, and constant surveillance, lived a little company of less than twenty Hollanders, who were allowed one ship per annum to come from the Dutch East Indies and exchange com- modities of Japan for those of Holland. A Scar on the National Memory. After nearly a hundred years of Christianity and foreign intercourse, the only apparent results of this contact with another religion and civilization were the adoption of gunpowder and firearms as weapons, the use of tobacco and the habit of smoking, the making of sponge-cake (still called Castira — the Japanese form of Castile), the naturalization into the language of a few foreign words, the introduction of new and strange forms of disease, and the permanent addition to that catalogue of terrors which priest and magistrate in Asiatic countries ever hold as weapons to overawe the herd. So thoroughly was Christianity supposed to be eradicated before the end of the seventeenth century, that its existence was historical, remembered only as an awful scar on the national memory. It was left to our day, since the recent opening of Japan, for them to discover that a mighty fire had been smoldering for over two centuries beneath the ashes of persecution. The Leaven at Work. As late as 1829 seven persons, six men and an old woman, were crucified in Osaka, on suspicion of being Christians, and communicating T— I -C fe o 09 03 :3 o 2 ^- 72 C3 03 fe -^ -S Eh d, o o ,, &t) sT >-, EMBARKATION OF RUSSIAN TROOPS Far East— many of them never to return. ^^T, SF ^.^ 4.^ ^\ ^i A* !a EH M o -..^■>i«r^o;, -^.^■, -i. ^.ici'"»K TYPE OF PEASANT WOMAN, CEN- TRAL RUSSIA TRAVELING SCHOOL TEACHERS BLIND BEGGAR— TYPE OF NORTH- ERN RUSSIA PEASANT WOMAN OF MOSCOW " THE MAN WHO IS WAKENG UP " The above shows a group of Russian peasants enjoying what we in America would call a "picnic." The peasants were for many years merely serfs or slaves, but Czar Alexander II. gave them their freedom and they are slowly working out their destiny. MONUMENT AT KIEV In memory of Grand Duke Vladimir, who introduced Christianity in Russia PEASANT TYPES OF CENTRAL RUSSIA RELIGIONS OF JAPAN. 113 with foreigners. When the French brethren of the Mission ApostoHque, of Paris, came to Nagasaki, in i860, they found in the villages around them over ten thousand people who held the faith of their fathers of the seventeenth century. The Japanese mental constitution and moral character have been profoundly modified in turn by Shintoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, but the early waves of Christianity that passed over Japan left no sedi- ment teeming with the fertility, rather a barren waste like that which the river floods leave in autumn. The leaven has been at work, however, and the indications are that the Christianity of the present will bring about a revolution in faith and moral practice. CHAPTER IX. ANCIENT RUSSIA Her Early Domain— Good and Bad Rulers— When Converted to Christianity— Vladimir, a Great Name in Russian History — ^Wholesale Baptism — Translation of Holy Scrip- tures — ^Destruction of Kief — The Hanseatic League — Moscow. THE Russian empire is comparatively young. It is practically a modern structure in its political composition. It is a medley of many peoples. This is quite as true of the Tsar's empire as of Great Britain, but the geographical solidity of Russia might deceive the casual observer in the one case, whereas the vast dominions of Edv^ard VII., being scattered to the four corners of the earth, are obviously of different tongues and complexions. So it is with Russia. The Tsar's subjects embrace the fair-haired nations of the Baltic, the wild Cossacks of the Don, the Turcoman races of the mountain regions to the south of the Caspian, Kurds, Kalmucks, Mongols, Eskimos, and all the tribes that stretch from the Ural east- ward to the Pacific without name and without number. We have, therefore, to consider an ethnological conglomerate. The Scourge of the Steppes. The ancients knew very little about what is now Russia in Europe. The Greeks had colonies and factories about the shores of the Black Sea, but they never made much headway toward a knowledge of the country. The people were called Scythians and some Were known to be farmers and established in settlements along the Dnieper River, while others were nomads. The headquarters of such government as they had seems to have been in the vicinity of the Azof Sea. A little later we find a Greeco-Scythian state on the Bosphorus, while the cities of Olbia and Chersonesos exercised a civilizing influence 114 ANCIENT RUSSIA. 115 upon the barbarians to the north. The Chersonese of the Greeks cor- responded to the modern Crimea. When the power of Rome rose and became heir to the Greek con- quests in Asia, the wild Scythian was a source of constant trouble. Many a time Rome's legions were put to the test to keep this scourge of the steppes on their own side of the Danube and away from the Mediterranean. One w^ave after another of Asiatic tribes pressed west- ward — everywhere a catastrophe. They were nomadic nations of widely different races, which rolled into Europe one after the other. One of these movements resulted in the founding of the vast empire in eastern Scythia by the Goths under Hermaneric. They were driven out and overthrown by a cloud of Finnish people, Avars, Bulgarians, Magyars and Khazars, v^^ho followed upon the heels of the Huns. In the midst of this melee the Slavs came to the front and appeared in history under their proper name. Rurik the Peacemaker. The seat of the Roman empire, having now in the fourth century been established at Constantinople, a struggle between the Romans and the Greeks on the one hand, and the barbarians on the other, ensued for the mastering of the Balkan peninsula. We may pass over a long series of more or less mythical and unim- portant semi-savage wars and migrations until we approach the historic period when the Slavs began to take a national name and form, under the name of Russians, a word which comes from the appellation of one of their tribes known as the Russ or Rossani. In the midst of dissension and rebellious faction we find a noted Varangian chief, Rurik, who appears upon the scene as peacemaker, with the result that he restored quiet, suppressed factions, made him- self master of the country and laid the foundations of the Russian empire. After a reign of fifteen years and a career of victorious con- quest Rurik died, leaving his infant empire to his son Igor, who was a child and whose crown was kept for him by a kinsman named Oleg, who assumed the reins of power in the year 879. ii6 ANCIENT RUSSIA. The Throne Held in Trust. Oleg existed only for the aggrandizement of his country, which he sought to accomplish without scruple, so far as means to his end were concerned. He had but one purpose at heart, and that was to make a greater Russia. He was a tyrant, a soldier and brute. His capital was at Novgorod, called "The Great," but as he observed that the city of Kief had a milder climate and was farther advanced in civilization, he decided to move. There was a little difhculty in the way, because it did not belong to his dominions, being under the rulership of another family of princes. He resolved to remove them from his path. Under a pretense of mak- ing a treaty, he drew them into an ambuscade and, capturing them, had them put to death. Proud of this nefarious crime, he issued a proclamation in which he declared, "Let Kief henceforth be the mother of all Russian cities." In accordance with his words it remained the capital of the empire for three hundred and fifty years. Igor Comes to His Own. Oleg died in 912 A. D., having reigned thirty-three years, during which time he had greatly enlarged and consolidated the government. At his death his kinsman, Igor, who seems to have simply looked on up to that point, succeeded to the crown. He was nearly forty years of age at the time he came to his father's throne. He appears to have been a well-meaning man, but as might have been expected from the fact that he allowed Oleg to hold the government so long, he proved to be an inefificient sovereign. Fortunately, he was married and his wife, Olga, was a woman of more than ordinary ability. She was likewise ambitious, and poor Igor seems to have been little else than her husband. What was done for Russia during this reign she seems to have been responsible for, and at Igor's death, in 945, she became regent. Their young son and heir, not being yet fitted for the responsibilities of government, Olga took charge of public affairs with the dignity and title of Queen. Iliuiocriiiaii ANCIENT RUSSIA. 117 A Famous Character in History. This woman is a favorite character in Russian story. Many old romances hung about her and many ballads were tuned to her praise. She is represented as having been a very beautiful peasant girl, whom Igor met while traveling through the country in disguise, and who managed to win her without disclosing his true rank. It was during her reign that Russia became Christian, she being the first sovereign to renounce paganism. She publicly embraced Christianity at Constantinople, being baptized into the Greek-CathoHc church. The country at that time, however, would not accept Christianity and Queen Olga's efforts were unavailing. The people clung tenaciously to their old idols, and the stone gods of the ancient Scythians were still worshipped. The chief of the Russian deities was called Perune and about this divinity hung all sorts of gro- tesque superstitions to which the people were wedded. Queen Olga's heir and son, Sviatoslav, to his mother's grief and disgust, remained a true pagan. He was a chivalrous and valiant prince, however, and the idol of his army. He was emphatically a soldier monarch, succeeding to the crown in the year 957. He was ever at the front with his forces, whose dangers and privations he shared, Hving in all respects like the humblest soldier in the ranks. He won fame as a sovereign in war and conquest, and, under his administration, Russia grew in territory and power. At his death, however, which occurred in the year 972, there was a war over the succession. A Celebrated Sovereign. \ \ \ He had three sons w^ho fought for the crown. In 980, Vladimir, a great name in Russian history, the youngest of the brothers, gained the sole dominion. He made Russia Christian; he undertook a careful investigation of all known religions, he conferred with learned men and received those doctors of divinity who had made theology a profession; he consulted Monks, Buddhists, Brahmins and expounders of various other doctrines, taking ample time and no end of trouble in the enquiry. ii6 ANCIENT RUSSIA. The Throne Held in Trust. Oleg existed only for the aggrandizement of his country, which he sought to accomplish without scruple, so far as means to his end were concerned. He had but one purpose at heart, and that was to make a greater Russia. He was a tyrant, a soldier and brute. His capital was at Novgorod, called "The Great," but as he observed that the city of Kief had a milder climate and was farther advanced in civilization, he decided to move. There was a little difficulty in the way, because it did not belong to his dominions, being under the rulership of another family of princes. He resolved to remove them from his path. Under a pretense of mak- ing a treaty, he drew them into an ambuscade and, capturing them, had them put to death. Proud of this nefarious crime, he issued a proclamation in which he declared, "Let Kief henceforth be the mother of all Russian cities." In accordance with his words it remained the capital of the empire for three hundred and fifty years. Igor Comes to His Own. Oleg died in 912 A. D., having reigned thirty-three years, during which time he had greatly enlarged and consolidated the government. At his death his kinsman, Igor, who seems to have simply looked on up to that point, succeeded to the crown. He was nearly forty years of age at the time he came to his father's throne. He appears to have been a well-m.eaning man, but as might have been expected from the fact that he allowed Oleg to hold the government so long, he proved to be an inefficient sovereign. Fortunately, he was married and his wife, Olga, was a woman of more than ordinary ability. She was likewise ambitious, and poor Igor seems to have been little else than her husband. What was done for Russia during this reign she seems to have been responsible for, and at Igor's death, in 945, she became regent. Their young son and heir, not being yet fitted for the responsibihties of government, Olga took charge of public affairs with the dignity and title of Queen. ANCIENT RUSSIA. 117 A Famous Character in History. This woman is a favorite character in Russian story. Many old romances hung about her and many ballads were tuned to her praise. She is represented as having been a very beautiful peasant girl, whom Igor met while traveling through the country in disguise, and who managed to win her without disclosing his true rank. It was during her reign that Russia became Christian, she being the first sovereign to renounce paganism. She publicly embraced Christianity at Constantinople, being baptized into the Greek-Catholic church. The country at that time, however, would not accept Christianity and Queen Olga's efforts were unavailing. The people clung tenaciously to their old idols, and the stone gods of the ancient Scythians were still worshipped. The chief of the Russian deities was called Perune and about this divinity hung all sorts of gro- tesque superstitions to which the people were wedded. Queen Olga's heir and son, Sviatoslav, to his mother's grief and disgust, remained a true pagan. He was a chivalrous and valiant prince, however, and the idol of his army. He was emphatically a soldier monarch, succeeding to the crown in the year 957. He was ever at the front with his forces, whose dangers and privations he shared, living in all respects like the humblest soldier in the ranks. He won fame as a sovereign in war and conquest, and, under his administration, Russia grew in territory and power. At his death, however, which occurred in the year 972, there was a war over the succession. A Celebrated Sovereign. I He had three sons who fought for the crown. In 980, Vladimir, a great name in Russian history, the youngest of the brothers, gained the sole dominion. He made Russia Christian; he undertook a careful investigation of all known religions, he conferred with learned men and received those doctors of divinity who had made theology a profession ; he consulted Monks, Buddhists, Brahmins and expounders of various other doctrines, taking ample time and no end of trouble in the enquiry. ii8 ANCIENT RUSSIA. He finally accepted Christianity and forthwith abolished paganism and ordered his people to the rivers to be baptized and, according to the stories which have come down to us, he caused his words to be obeyed and his subjects proceeded by thousands to carry out the order. It is said that thirty thousand were baptized into the Greek church upon the same day as their sovereign, who received, when he was christened, the name Basilius. Out of compliment to the young sovereign, who had thus embraced the true faith, the Greek emperor gave his daughter Anne in marriage to his brother of Russia, and henceforth the country belonged to the patriarchate of Constantinople, and Kief became the cathedral city of the Russian empire. The Heroic Epoch of Russia. Under this reign the idols were destroyed, churches were built, learn- ing and the arts were cultivated. This regime is considered the heroic epoch of Russia. It v/as the age of poetic enthusiasm, with "Sunny Prince Vladimir" as the topic of the minstrel, who sang the glory of his reign. Historians have called Vladimir "The Great," because of his superiority over those who had gone before him, and because of his conspicuous brilliancy in the rude age in which he lived. It is shocking to note, however, that this "Saint" Vladimir, as the Russians called him, with all of his greatness and chivalric qualities, murdered his brother and was a polygamist. Wise as was this monarch in statecraft, in his death he made a great blunder in disposing of the government by dividing the empire among his seven sons. By so doing other divisions followed, until finally Russia, which had been unified and solidified by the efforts of centuries, was torn to shreds. Its power was frittering away; its political importance disappeared, and the people were re-plunged into barbarism, from which they were just emerging. Long and sanguinary wars ensued among the rival brothers and their partisans, until finally, in 1026, Jaroslov and Matislas made amicable arrangement to rule jointly, which they did for ten years, when his brother having died, Jaroslov assumed sole control of the shapeless colossus which the empire had become. ANCIENT RUSSIA. 119 Jaroslov the Wise. This monarch is honored in Russian annals by a surname, "The Wise." He is also sometimes called "The Great," quite a common appellation for Russian sovereigns, at least among Russians. This ruler seems to have been a student. He had a taste for making laws and he prepared a code for the settlement of disputes among his sub- jects upon recognized principles of right and w^rong. He first established schools quite generally, and, although himself a stout adherent of the Greek church, he suffered no persecutions for the sake of religion. He caused the Holy Scriptures to be translated into the Russian tongue, and is said to have transcribed several copies with his own hand, for it will be remembered that he died just five hun- dred years before Gutenberg had begun to print. As might have been expected from a man given to letters and the law, he was a good poli- tician and arranged marriages for the members of his family with a view to the dynastic value of the alliances. His sister became Queen of Poland, and his three daughters. Queens of Norway, France and Hungary respectively. For his sons he selected wives who were Greek, German and English princesses. This sover- eign, also, following the example of his father, divided up the realm among his five sons. Fie died in 1054, and his last act in the division of the country proved equally disastrous as in the previous case, his five sons fighting against each other to the bitter end, and in turn leaving similar quarrels to their own posterity. Famous in Politics and Peace. "^ During the next hundred and eighty years Russia was ruled by no less than seventeen princes and the country made little progress, no name being conspicuous among them until we come to Vladimir 2nd, surnamed Monomachus, who ruled from 11 13 to 1126. He was crowned in 1 1 14 and stands out in history as a great genius in an age of darkness and barbarism. He waged no wars but those which the safety and the integrity of I20 ANCIENT RUSSIA. his country demanded. His greatness was not demonstrated so much upon the field of battle as in the arts of poHtics and peace. No stain rests upon his character. On his death bed, like the late General Grant, he wrote the record of his life, which he interspersed with much good advice and wise counsel for his children and his successors. He ex- horted his followers to be fathers to the orphans and judges for the widow. He was opposed to capital punishment, saying, "Put to death neither the innocent nor the guilty, for nothing is more sacred than the life and the soul of a Christian. Praise God and love men. It is neither fasting nor solitude, nor monastic vows that can give you eternal life but beneficence alone." War Over the Succession. This prince had come to the throne practically by vote of the people, not being in direct succession, and having twice refused the crown be- queathed to him by the dying king. It seems that he finally took it only to save the country from fratricidal strife and ruin. He reigned thirteen years with signal success and was succeeded by chaos. There were two branches of his family which engaged in bloody war over the succession. His first wife was Gyda, daughter of Harold, the last Saxon king of England. Mstislas, the son of this marriage, succeeded to the throne. He inherited the virtues of both parents, and in a brief reign of six years carried out the wise and pacific policy of his father, but his rule was too short, unfortunately, and, upon his death in 1 1 32, the struggles between the warring factions at the head of the various principalities had full swing. In the course of thirty-two years eleven princes grasped the sceptre, each holding it only until another more powerful wrested it from his hands. Moscow Assumes Importance. The Poles, taking advantage of the distracted state of affairs, invaded the empire on the one hand, while the Tartars swept out of Asia and overrun the country from the east. In the midst of the struggle, Kief, "the Mother of Cities," was destroyed, being given over to pillage by the forrces of the princes of Moscow and Gallitch. With the warring ANCIENT RUSSIA. 121 parties one capital after the other arose to pre-eminence. Upon the destruction of Kief, Moscow began to assume new importance. Nov- gorod, always a seat of power of greater or less magnitude, likewise had its ups and downs. The Institutions of Novgorod. In considering the early history of Russia, Novgorod deserves more than a passing mention. From the most remote antiquity this city was the political center of Northwest Russia, and from her location had a character of people and institutions peculiar to herself and quite inde- pendent of Eastern Russia in many particulars. Her character was Gothic rather than Asiatic, or Tartar. While her people seem to have possessed an insatiable hankering after a prince, the government was in reality a republic, in some points resembling that of the free cities of Germany during the first half of the nineteenth century. According to tradition her foundations were laid by the Slavs of the Ilmen, whose origin is uncertain, some authorities holding that they came from tribes originally situated in the South, while others maintaining that they were Slavs of the Baltic from the earliest antiquity. At any rate, we find the Novgorodians at the opening of Russian his- tory at the head of a confederation of tribes which exercised a powerful influence upon the course of events, and which was able by its strength to protect itself from many of the calamities which befell other capitals, notably Kief. Resembled a Modern City. From very ancient times the city was divided into two parts, sepa- rated by the course of the Volkhof which rises in Lake Ilmen and empties into the Ladoga. On the right bank was the side of St. Sophia, where Jaroslov built the celebrated cathedral, and where the Kremlin was located, enclosing both the palaces of the archbishop and the mov- able prince. This is the site of the famous Russian monument which was consecrated in 1862. On the left bank of the river was the side of commerce, the two parts of the city being united by a grand bridge, often celebrated in the annals of Novgorod. 122 ANCIENT RUSSIA. It is noticeable that the city was composed of certain quarters, in each of which dwelt respectively separate nationalities or trades, just as in ancient Rome, Pompey, after he conquered the Samnites, brought them to the capital and planted them across the Tiber between the river and the Janiculum hill, a division which retains its character to the present day, under the name of The Trastevere. To-day there is the "Ghetto," the quarter of Jews, and in Paris we find the "Latin Quarter," and in London and New York the great "East Side" settle- ments, where races and classes find a congenial home in a colony within the city.' So in Novgorod we find allusions to the quarters of the Prussians, the Slavs, the porters, the carpenters and so on. A Population of One Hundred Thousand. Gilbert of Lannoy, who visited the republic about 1413, has left a description of it, in the course of which he says, describing the city of his day, "Novgorod is a prodigiously large town situated in a beautiful plain in the midst of vast forests. The soil is low, subject to inundations, and marshy in places. The town is surrounded by imperfect ramparts, formed of gabions; the towers are of stone." Portions of these fortifications alluded to above still exist, by which we are able to form some idea of the immense extent of the ancient city. She seems to have had within her walls at least one hundred thousand people, while within her domains, which stretched northward to Lapland and eastward to the Ural mountains and northeast into Siberia, she could not have had less than three hundred thousand subjects. Elected Their Ruler. These rude republicans were governed by a burgomaster or mayor, but at the sam.e time the}^ always desired a prince, whom they selected from the large stock constantly on hand throughout the empire. The crown, however, was firmly held in check, and whenever the people tired of their nominal ruler they simply discharged him and selected a successor. In the meantime the city took little part in the wars which ANCIENT RUSSIA. 123 raged between rival factions, being too strong to make attack safe and caring little for the turbulent questions which disturbed the Russians of the far-away Dnieper. The spirit of the place may be gathered from a tradition which has come down to us, to the effect that when upon one occasion a grand prince of Kief proposed to place his son over them they sent a formal message advising his father that they would receive him, but unless he had a spare head he had better keep the young man at home. It is curious to note that the power of a prince once chosen rested practically upon the fortunes of the political party which had selected him. It thus happened that when the opposing party grew too strong he was dethroned. In this particular we observe a resemblance between the position of the prince and that of the prime minister of a modern constitutional monarchy such as Great Britain or Italy. From the circumstance that no dynasty of princes could firmly establish itself at Novgorod and no royal line be built up as the head of a military aristocracy of titled landholders, it follows that the republic kept her ancient liberties and customs intact under the short reigns of her elected monarchs. The town was more powerful than the prince, who reigned by virtue of a constitution which was the crea- tion of the citizens. Each new monarch was compelled to obey the laws and observe the provisions of this constitution, which was devised to limit the power of the princes and protect the rights of the people. Various Classes of Society. From a social point of view the constitution of Novgorod somewhat resembled that of Poland. Great inequality then existed between the different classes of society. There was- an aristocracy which, while not depending upon the crown but rather of it, was extremely arrogant and powerful. First there was a sort of political nobility called the Boyards, whose intestine quarrels constantly agitated the city. Then came a kind of inferior nobility; then the different classes composed of the merchants, laborers and artisans, and, last of all, the peasants of the rural districts. 124 ANCIENT RUSSIA. The merchants formed an association of their own, a sort of guild, around the Church of St. John. Military societies also existed — bands of independent adventurers who sometimes made independent forays afar on the great rivers of northern Russia, engaging in indiscriminate pillage or establishing military colonies among the Finnish tribes. The soil of Novgorod was sandy, marshy and unproductive, a cir- cumstance which led to periodical famines and pestilences, resulting in great loss of population. These conditions also compelled Novgorod to extend itself in order to live, and she therefore became perforce a commercial and colonizing city. Thus we see them exchanging iron and weapons for the precious metal found in the mines of the Urals and making their way around the cataracts of the Dnieper to the mouth of the river, spreading themselves over all the shores of the Greek empire. They traded also with the Baltic Slavs and with the Germans. When the latter began to dispute the commerce of the Baltic with the Scandinavians, Novgorod became the seat of a German depot. The vicious commercial instinct which is so conspicuous in the Teutonic race to-day seems to have been just as marked in the early times when the Germans first got a foothold in Novgorod, in the twelfth century. The Germans in Control. When the Hanseatic League became the mistress of the North we find the Germans in absolute control of commerce. They obtained considerable privileges, even the right to acquire pasture land. They fortified their depots with stockades of thick planks, where no Russians had the right to penetrate without their leave. This German trading company was governed by the most narrow and exclusive ideas. No Russian was allowed to belong to the company, nor to carry the wares of a German, an Englishman or a Fleming. The company only authorized a wholesale trade, and to maintain her goods at a high price. She forbade imports beyond a certain amount. During three centuries this league concentrated in her own hands all tiie external commerce of northern Russia, with the result that ANCIENT RUSSIA. 125 Novgorod and her sister city, Pskof, were deprived of free commerce with the West, abandoned to the good pleasure and pitiless egotism of the German merchants. But while Novgorod and Northern Russia, of which she was the center, fell under the commercial sway of the Germans, and finally was obliged to bow the knee to Moscov/, the church had steadily grown in power and at length became thoroughly established throughout the north. The Ecclesiastical Forces. The church constitution of Russia presents some special features. In the rest of the empire the clergy was Russian Orthodox, but at Novgorod it was Novgorodian. It was not until the twelfth century that the Baltic Slavs, vv^ho had been the last to abandon paganism, were allowed to have an archbishop who was neither from Constantinople or Kief. From this time forward, however, their chief ecclesiastic was one of their own race, elected by the citizens. He was at once installed in his Episcopal palace, without waiting approval from the head of the Russian church, and at once became the chief personage of the republic. In public acts and proclamations his name was always placed ahead of that of the prince and burgomaster. Thus we have essentially a national church which lasted so long as Novgorod maintained its pre-eminence, and the Archbishop of St. Sophia was one of the grand dignitaries of Europe, while his revenues would suffice the treasury of a kingdom. But with a rise of the Muscovite princes, the Novgorodian church naturally became subject to that of Russia in general, whose patriarch has been established at Constan- tinople. We have thus reviewed hastily the beginnings of Russia, with a glance at its chief personages and a sketch of the racial, ecclesiastical and commercial forces which have worked together for the develop- ment of society under civilized conditions, and which combined to prepare a foundation for the vast fabric which was subsequently to be erected upon it. CHAPTER X. MEDIAEVAL RUSSIA Eussia's Historical Development — New Races of Men — The Tartar Invasion — ^Alexander Nevsky — Value of Diplomacy with Force — ^Mingling of Tartars with Russians — Blood Tax — The Mongol Yoke — The Rise and Fall of Lithuania — Shares the Fate of Poland. jURING the twelfth and thirteenth centuries a series of three great invasions occurred which were destined to modify the historical development of Russia, and three new races of men were to make them- selves felt for all time upon the nation. The Russians of the Northwest were destined to become Germanized, while Russia of the East and South made the acquaintance of the Tartar-Mongols, and Western Russia with the Lithuanians. The Evolution of a Race. Lithuania, if we may name a country from its people, was a not very clearly defined region of central Europe. It extended from the south- eastern shore of the Baltic sea between the mouth of the river Vistula and the Duna southward through a region now comprised within mod- ern Prussia, parts of Poland and the Western Russian province. The region consisted, in a great part, of a flat, marshy, wooded country, with many lakes. These people were divided into tribes, and they continue under various names to occupy the same territory in which they lived at the beginning of history. Their origin is unknown. Their principal branch has given its name to modern Prussia. The Livonians were a tribe also living upon the Baltic farther to the north and were of Finnish origin. This region was considered by the Russian princes and republics of the northwest as subject to their dominion. A son of Vladimir, Monomachus, had conquered a portion 126 MEDIAEVAL RUSSIA. . 127 of the territory, but German merchants and Latin missionaries appeared upon the shores of the Baltic, even pressing toward the north and east, and the country fell temporarily under the influence of the Church of Rome. The monk, Meinhard, sent by the Archbishop of Bremen, converted the Livonians, and was created Bishop of Livonia, but under the cloak of Christianity the Germans really brought to the Baltic tribes the ruin of their national independence. The German m^erchant and the German missionary cam.e together, and the apostle Meinhard built a church and a fortress at Uexkull in 1187. From this day these tribes lost their lands and their liberty, and soon saw to what this mission was leading. They rose against the missionaries, and, in 1198, the Bishop of Livonia lost his life on the battlefield. The natives returned to their pagan gods and plunged into the Dwina to wash off the baptism which they had re- ceived. The Sword Bearers. Pope Innocent III., hearing the direful news of what had happened in the north, preached a crusade against them, and Albert of Buxhewden, their third bishop, and the father of German authority in Livonia, ap- peared upon the scene with a fleet of twenty-three ships and built the town of Riga, which became his capital in the year 1200. Next year he installed the order of the Brothers of the Army of Christ, or the "Sword- Bearers," to whom the bishop gave the statutes of the Templars. They wore a white mantle with a red cross on the shoulders. Most of these knights were Westphalians and Saxons ; Vinno Rohrbach was their first Grand Master. The Livonians, terrified at the impending crisis, appealed for help to the Princes of Polotsk, and marched bravely to attack the crusaders at Riga and suffered signal defeat. This was in the year 1206. The Princes of Polotsk, however, came upon the field and laid siege to the city during the absence of the bishop, but it was saved from capture 1)}^ the timely arrival of a German fleet. There were various causes which led to the success of the "Knights of the Sword." In the first 128 MEDIAEVAL RUSSIA. place, the internal quarrels at Novgorod prevented this powerful city from vi^atching over Russian interest as she should have done in keep- ing v^^ith her claims to pov^er and dignity among Slavonian capitals. Again the Princes of Polotsk, who came forward as the chief cham- pions of the Livonians, were a weak set. Again many of the Slavonic tribes failed to do their duty against the invaders, on account of not having yet come to a realization of their proper relations to the nation as a whole. Under German Authority. The knights were also far superior in arms and military science. The German fortresses were solidly built of hewn stone, while those of the natives were simply rude pits, surrounded by earth and loose stones. While they showed ample bravery, they vainly tried with their rude appliances to pull down the walls and palisades of the invaders. A little later the "Sword Bearers" assumed the offensive and pushed farther, by a series of campaigns, into the Russian country. They defeated the Livonians and Semgalli of the Dwina, the Tchouds of the north and the Letts to the southeast. If a tribe declined baptism and submission it was delivered over to destruction by fire and sword. When it submitted, hostages were taken, fortified castles were built upon commanding places in its territory, or old fortresses were rehabil- itated under German occupancy. In this manner Riga, Kircholm, Creuz- burg and other strongholds were built on the Dwina, and Neuhausen, Wolmar, Wenden, Kremon, Fellin, and Weissenstein, among other im- portant places, were established in various parts of the conquered ter- ritory. In the North, Kolyvan, the modern Revel, was purchased from the King of Denmark to the intense outrage of the Finnish pride, because it was the site of the grave of the chief hero of their mythology. The country was divided into counties, some of which belonged to the order ^of the "Sword Bearers," by whom they were distributed among the knights, and the rest fell to the share of the Archbishop. The new towns received constitutions like the merchant cities of Lnbeck, Bremen and Hamburg, the chief of which was Riga. 0-73 IB It* ^ o) P^ ^ to O ''^rri pel 3 ? 2 0.23 ^ s I ^ h"! O d CO » 03 ,^5 -w ri3 -M in ^ m Tl crt .-^ E LIF let wa vered 02 P O W '-^ V ^ fn oS Z^ -1^ oS P4 . -t^ r -^ 02 "S ^ TOM ,st is undei oa 1^ p W QJ '^ !3 S w CJ pl-l CO a^ >-, 6 "E, +3 hj o q; o •S S- Qu ^ o "+3 ^^ o ^ -|j cc -u (U fi ?■ ^ -w u a o o > flj «ij :g a W -^ M ^ °^ W "11 H .Si c^ h -5 <^ 03 +J <» ti . .Si ? 6 °^ t. ?^ <»'? o CO E- -t-- r-j « ao) -^ 1-5 q; o T3 O C - 5^ ° =! >.^ P4 S bC q3 02 o _ CQ S "^ o a- a; o s^ w i'M*' oj s^ £ia O P 'S'O ^ fi ^^ S "2 O^ o -^ i^ Pi S- , M c_, sh H "^-2 ris X -U QJ ^-^ -u OJ OS apan It 1 g war. ^ ^ ^ Oi O >T3'*-' O St5 r^ -S 0) -;SS oj a Dh SSS -^^ o a. o o ■5.§"g 2 (» cS Eh ? 03 (C &I aa o'5 £1^ -u » ■ ?: hH mts 0-5 _jq g 5p £ K c d aB^-^^t. rf) - aj *^ -»J \r ■ ■--t ^ S _e a

^ gp-r ~" " S -o«-'S:5J=.2ao! 2.2~.2 5o5,S H'^'&^sSaa I ^ o ' ft Qt^OeOt^OOO O rt -, ,(( j^ 03 1^ to =s is fi -5 n -hs ag- in a ^'si >,B o si a. 1. - ■ ° - - T^ 'S > S * "< - ..P .a3 r- > fl ^ s s? •ti-soi r- § O "S--^ >,=*H « 03 O g &5f S 4J .-H _ oj-O 1^ Ore oun tie, ^^.^ ^^ o — q;T3^ H f^ . 1^ SS. ,tte: ith ory aj 03 > ->-■ iz; m a ^2 M SI cj-c ^ 'i^ "-^ ^ § s?,.^ g ^ i; (U w G'*^ CIS Pij ^.Si^i H §^-S^ S H ^ O T >.r^ QJt*!, h -2 ^W ? O ^'^ s 1 — ' ^ . zi Pij P t-ij"" K Terr t late :S era son's ,^t3 o 1 a X2 1 CS KOREA, THE HERMIT NATION. 257 Then there is the chunk-kok, or upland rice, which is drier than the paddy-field variety and is used largely for making rice flour and brewing beer. The third kind is grown on the slopes of mountains and is a wild rice. It is smaller and harder than the other kinds, and, as it will withstand the weather and remain perfectly sound for ten years, it is used to provision garrisons. Varieties of Beans. A principal staple of export from the peninsula is the "horse bean." It is supposed by Koreans to have originated in the northwestern China, and derives its name from the fact that it is used largely for fodder. The horse bean grows most abundantly in Kyong-syang (the southern prov- ince), though it is common all over the country. Other varieties distributed in different provinces are the black bean, the green bean, the oil bean, the white cap bean, the yellow bean, the brown bean and the chestnut bean. According to Mr. Hamilton, the importance of these different species of pulse to the Korean cannot be overestimated. They provide him with the oily and nitrogenous ele- ment which are lacking in rice. As a rule, they constitute about one- sixth of his food. Other Products. The value of barley to the Koreans is due partly to the fact that it is the first grain to germinate in the spring. It carries the people on until the millet and rice crops are ready. Barley and wheat are raised more or less extensively throughout Korea for the purpose of making wine and beer. Barley yields spring and autumn crops, and wheat yields only a winter crop. The crops of wheat, by the way, are small, except in Pyong-an, the northwestern province. Of millet there are six varieties, the price of the finer qualities being the same as that obtained for rice. Oats are a staple food in the more mountainous regions. From the stalk of the oat the Koreans make a famous paper which is used in the Emperor's palaces. Of sorghum, three kinds are grown in Korea, but sugar cannot be 258 KOREA, THE HERMIT NATION extracted from it. Herein lies a marked difference between the penin- sula and China. As regards animal food the Korean, like the Chinese, may be said to be omniverous. Dog meat is in great request at certain seasons. Pork and beef are eaten with the blood undrained from the carcass. Birds are cooked with the lights, giblets, heads and claws intact. Fish that are sun-dried, and highly malodorous, are acceptable. Cooking is not always considered necessary. In Korea, as in China, a species of small fish is preferred raw, dipped into some piquant sauce. CHAPTER XX. SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA Relation of Siberia to Russia — How Separated from Manchuria — Inhabitants — How the Country Was Settled — Siberian Prisoners — Manchuria at the Beginning of the War — Harbin the Moscow of Asia — A Commercial Power — Natural History of Eastern Asia. AMERICANS "have been accustomed to look upon Siberia as one of the most miserable countries of the world, inhabited only by ticket- of-leaye men, or convicts, and it is only during very recent years that this estimation of the northernmost country of Asia has been modified. Today it is traversed by the longest railway line in the world, its length being more than twice that of the connecting systems comprising any one of the lines between New York and San Francisco. The Amur River, one of the greatest waterways of the world, forms the boundary line between Manchuria and Eastern Siberia for the greater distance across the north of Manchuria. What Exile Really Means. To most men in our country "exiled to Siberia" is looked upon as a banishment from home and home associations. The great majority of the exiles are composed of peasants who, through want of sobriety or steady work, failed to lay by sufficient money to transport them to the land of gold, as they called Siberia, and hence committed offenses of sufficient gravity to secure a passage to thi_s Eldorado at the expense of the Czar. Should the convict prove obedient to the penal regulations he is immediately paroled and very little thought paid in old Russia to the incident of his life for which he was sent to Siberia. There are today in the larger towns of Siberia very many leading citizens, prominent men in the professions of law and medicine and even in civil administration, who have been banished from that society 259 26o SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. into which they were born. In the new land these men have, in a very great majority of cases, begun new lives and have proved themselves good citizens and most desirable acquisitions to the civilization of the rough frontier life. The Class Known As Colonists. Fully one-half of the exiles are not, strictly speaking, criminals at all, but are sent across the Ural Mountains into Asiatic Russia because they are a nuisance and expense to the parish in Russia where they formerly lived. These are the ones that the police are subject to keep their eyes upon. They are classed as colonists. The purely criminal prisoners are of two classes: First, those who have forfeited all civil rights; second, those who, though condemned and undergoing long sentences, are allowed to retain the hope of paying their debt to society and of regaining their lost positions in the world at some future time. The convict of the first category is indeed un- known to the world; his property goes to his heirs, his wife can remarry without divorce. The sentence which has been imposed upon the hus- band-criminal carries with it for the wife a divorce. Family Ties Severed. The passage across the Urals severs all ties between family and friends. His name is taken from him, consequently his signature is legally worthless. He is a roving, nameless creature. The second class, those who are not deprived of their civil rights by sentence of court, however heavy the sentence may be imposed upon them, have really nothing to complain of, except the lot of a colonist in a new land. If they behave well, they, too, are almost immediately paroled; they be- come free colonists in every respect save one : they cannot return to Russia until the expiration of the sentence to which they were originally condemned. In this way many of them are probably saved from the degrading associations into which they fell. Such a colonist is given a piece of land, an outfit and a sum of money. The government seeks to draw the veil of charity over his past. Nearly all of his neighbors are men with unfortunate antecedents similar to his own. They shift for SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. 261 themselves and average well as citizens. Wives are permitted to ac- company their husbands when exiled to Siberia, except in the first class. The most conclusive proof as to what the Hfe of the average con- vict really is is furnished upon the best of evidence by convicts them- selves, who certainly ought to know when they are well off. Not more than one-fourth of the exiles, according to the government reports, elect to return to Russia when their time expires. It is claimed that they have found life in Siberia much more agreeable than in Russia, so they become colonists of their own free will and choice and remain in Siberia. The Liberty of Political Prisoners. The political prisoners have great liberty. The usual short period of confinement before the ticket-of-leave is granted to this class is gen- erally sent in the prison at Nertschinsk. So far from the political pris- oner being worked to death, as is generally represented, they neither work in mines nor perform manual labor anywhere else, they are not compelled to work. When prisoners of this class are without the means to purchase the luxuries which they are permitted to enjoy, the prison authorities endeavor to procure for them remunerative work so that they may with their savings eke out the rude fare of the prison table. Convicts Divided Into Bands. Among the Siberian prisoners are found Japanese, Chinese, Koreans and Russians, all messing and rooming together. They are divided into companies of ten, each division electing a captain, who becomes responsible in the eyes of the prison authorities for the nine men who have honored him with their votes. Whenever a detachment of ten men is responsible for some infringe- ment of prison rules and the individual delinquent cannot be ascertained the captain receives the punishment. This system works well, for when the captain has to bear the brunt of all punishment, his nine com- panions not unnautrally feel bound to spare him the infliction of pun- ishm.ent as often as they reasonably can out of the brotherly feeling which has sprung up from among a common misfortune. 262 SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. The Largest Country of Asia. It was more than three hundred years ago when Vasll Yermak,. a Cossack criminal, set out with a band of followers across the Ural Moun- tains to what was then an unknown country. He penterated Western Siberia and held the territory. He died soon after his arrival there, however, and the country in 1584 was claimed by Russia. To the original Siberia much has been added on the south taken piecemeail from the Chinese Empire, and strange it is that this immense area of 4,833,496 square miles, remained so long a blank in its possi- bilities. Siberia, the largest country of Asia, has been looked upon as a bar- ren and unproductive country. It has been considered by the world as a land of exile and fit for little else. Today it is traversed by the longest railway line in the world, its length being more than twice that of the connecting systems comprising any one of the lines btween New York and San Francisco. Russian Occupation of Manchuria. Russia furnished in Manchuria a record of amazement in the build- ing of one of her cities, almost rivaling in rapidity the astonishing record of our own great West.^ In the building of such cities as Vladivostock, Dalny, and Port Ar- thur, Russia demonstrated her power and purpose on the Pacific in line with the world's conception of her character; but in the construction of the wonderful city of Harbin she displayed an altogether different type of activity from what we are prone to attribute to her. It is in this city more than in all the others combined that Russia asserted her intentions of becoming an active industrial force in the affairs of the Orient, and her people gave the place the title of the Moscow of Asia. The City of Harbin. The city is located on the Sungari River, at the point where the Manchurian branch of the Siberian Railway crosses the stream and SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. 263 where the Chinese Eastern branch starts south to Dalny and Port Ar- thur. It is about 350 miles west of Vladivostock and 600 miles north of Port Arthur. Its location is the geographical center of Manchuria, and from present prospects it is to become the commercial center as well. The city is surrounded on all sides for hundreds of miles with a rich and productive agricultural country, producing corn, wheat, oats, bar- ley, beans, millet, hemp, tobacco, vegetables, and some fruits. Minerals and timber and great areas of grazing lands also surround it. The place consists of the old town, three miles from the central de- pot; Prestin, or the river town, the present commercial center; and the administration town, in close proximity to the railway station. Be- fore the railway engineers established this as their headquarters there was no native town in this vicinity, and the entire place is therefore a Russian oroduct. A Russian Metropolis. At the beginning of the war it v^as as distinctly a Russian city as though it were located in the heart of Russia, and none but Russians and Chinese were permitted to own land, construct buildings, or en- gage in any permanent enterprise. The city was created by the Russian Government, under the management of the Manchurian Railway Com- pany. The land for many miles in each direction had been secured SO as to make it impossible for any foreign influence to secure a profit or foothold close to the city, and foreigners were not recognized as having any rights whatever, but were permitted there by sufferance. The chief railway engineer was the administrator of the city, and had complete control of everything, but a new scheme for the government of Man- churia suggested some form of municipal organization. Population of Harbin. In 1900 the place began to assume importance as a center of railway management, and in 1901 the population had grown to 12,000 Russians; in 1902, to 20,000; by May, 1903, to 44,000; and in October, 1903, a census showed a population of 60,000, exclusive of soldiers. Of these, 400 are Japanese and 300 of all other nationalities, including Germans, 264 SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. Austrians, Greeks and Turks. All the rest were Russians. There were no Americans. The railway and administration employees, including families, con- stituted 11,000 of the population. The Chinese population was about 40,000, located in a special settlement. The ratio of women to men was as follows: Japanese, 120 per cent; Russians, 44 per cent; Chinese, 1.8 per cent; average of women, 14.3 per cent. A Railway Center. In 1904 Harbin was the center of the entire railway administration of Manchuria, and, as the Russian commercial enterprises of the far East were under the direction of the railway company, it was also the center of Russian industrial and commercial development. It was the headquarters of the civil courts and the chief military post, and the main center of control of all the vast army of railway guards. The ad- ministration city, therefore, consisted of all the public and private build- ings and shops necessary for these various departments. Residences for the employees covered the largest area of this division of this mar- velous city. The total administration expenditure on the city at the outbreak of hostilities was $15,450,000., Harbin was started primarily as a military center and an adminis- tration town for the government and direction of railway affairs. Its growth into a splendid commercial and manufacturing city was not originally provided for by the promoters and it was somewhat of a surprise to them, but the fever of making it a great Russian commercial and manufacturing city took possession of the railway management, and every system of promotion and protection that could be devised to in- crease its growth along these lines was energetically encouraged. The capital for most of the private enterprises was furnished by Siberian Jews. Chinese furnished mone)'' for the construction of some of the finest private buildings, such as hotels, store rooms, etc. In the administration part of the city no private buildings of any kind were permitted. The Russian-Chinese Bank was the only banking institution in the place. SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA.. 265 Industries of Harbin. The leading industry of Harbin was the manufacture of flour. The next industry of importance was the production of the Russian Hquor, vodka. In 1904 there were several companies engaged in the meat- packing business. They cured hams, bacon, and all varieties of smoked meats and produced excellent articles. The hogs and cattle were grain fed and make splendid meats, and the Russians are experts in preparing it for markets. Manchuria is productive in wheat, cattle, sheep, hogs, millet, barley, oats, corn, beans, furs, hides, wool, bristles, bean oil, bean cake, hemp, tobacco, and timber, and has various undeveloped mineral resources; in fact, it has all the natural elements for the foundation of a great city. Russian Investment in Manchuria. The chief engineer in charge of the construction of the Russian railways in Manchuria, stated that Russia, at the time of the war with Japan, had expended in railways in Manchuria $139,050,000. Add to this her investments in fortifications and in the construction of the cties of Port Arthur, Dalny, Harbin, and other places and it is a very mod- erate estimate to place her investments in permanent properties in Man- churia at a total of $257,500,000 Russia's Commercial Advantage. The following is from a United States government report issued just before the commencement of hostilities between Russia and Japan : "A study of conditions in Vladivostock, Harbin, and other districts is not particularly encouraging to the idea of extension of American trade in Manchuria in any line that Russia is prepared to supply. A knowledge of the earnest intention of the Russo-Chinese Bank to press the sale of Russian goods, a slight insight into the methods and determi- nation of Russian railways to find a market for the products of Russia, and the interest displayed in developing resources along their lines for Russians and Chinese only, taken in connection with the natural wealth and resources of the country, do not favor the hope that under a Rus- sian regime our trade in Manchuria will be as large as it was before. 266 SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. A Great Problem. "If we take into further consideration the fact that the Russian gov- ernment — by subsidies and bounties and through its banks and railways — is engaging in industrial and commercial pursuits and calculate the cheap food, cheap and reliable labor, and the vast mineral resources that she will have at her command on the Pacific, the question of the Man- churian market becomes comparatively insignificant, and we find our- selves face to face with the greater problem of the market of all Asia. "With millions of cheap and efficient Chinese laborers, with vast coal fields bordering on the Pacific, with mountains of iron and copper, vast forests, and enormous areas of agricultural land— producing now the cheapest food in the world — what is to prevent Russia, if her apparent plans are realized, from becoming a dominating factor in the commer- cial development of the Far East. One cannot view the marvelous growth of a city like Harbin or observe the cities of Vladivostock, Dalny, and Port Arthur, and the great Siberian Railway without pondering seriously the meaning of it all in the future of Russia on the Pacific." Chief Food Crops of Eastern Asia. In the plains country of Manchuria around Mukden, the Manchurian farmers raise vast quantities of indigo, while the coast regions and river bottoms yield rice, one of the chief food-crops of the Eastern Asiatic peoples. Further up, we find fields of wheat, barley, and millet, according to the character of the soil and the altitude. While the weather is very cold in winter, falling to ten or fifteen degrees below zero, it is likewise hot in summer, the thermometer reaching ninety to one hun- dred degrees, and hence the Manchurians also raise cotton and tobacco, in those sections where the soil is suitable. %, Domestic Animals of Manchurians. The principal domestic animals of the Manchurians are the shaggy little pony, common to all China, and horned cattle. One of the most important creatures of the country, however, is SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. 267 the dog. This animal is about the size of the American setter, with a long ridge of hair running down the back, with long legs and ears, giving it a very wolfish appearance ; in color they are black, white, fawn, mottled, and some brindled. The skins of these animals have become an important article of commerce, being exported to the London fur market, where they are sold for robes, to the amount of three to four hundred thousand dollars' worth a year. There are thousands of small dog farms, scattered over the country, and along the eastern border of Mongolia, where from a score to some hundreds of dogs are annually reared on each farm, where they con- stitute in many cases the chief source of wealth. Their value principally lies in the fact that the skins take a brilliant black dye, and thus colored are manufactured into sleigh robes and are seen throughout all the colder parts of the world, where they are used by people who generally do not know what they are. This, however, is true of most furs. There are also many goat farms of a similar character, whose prod- uct not only produces food for the natives, but is sent all over the world in the shape of rugs and robes. The Russian Sable. Northern Manchuria is one of the chief fields for the production of the famous "Russian sable," a little animal somewhat resembling the American mink in general appearance, except that it lives in the forests instead of taking to the water. This sable is the most valuable fur in the world, in proportion to the size of the skin; while no larger than a small mink, it usually brings in the market not less than $25 in an unfinished condition. This costly fur, while found throughout Siberia, is most abundant in the lower Amur valley and in Northern Manchuria of any place in the world. Its pursuit forms a very important business in these regions. The hunter has many a hard day of exposure and toil in its chase, following it through the snow through the vast wastes of the mountain and tim- bered regions during the most inclement season of the year. The little 268 SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. creature is taken in traps, and if the Manchu hunter can only succeed in getting three or four of them during the winter he thinks himself fortunate. Many of these skins are used for Mandarin robes, while the tails are exported to the London market. The complete skin is also sent all over the world, where it is highly appreciated in all the fash- ionable capitals of Europe and America. Inasmuch as one of the most popular furs sold by dealers in America is jet black, called sable, which is in reality American skunk, it may be interesting to mention the exact color of the Russian sable. The skin is from nine to twelve inches long, including the tail, which is four to five inches; the color varies considerably, brown and dark brown being the predominant shades ; light brown, silvery, and animals inter- mixed with silvery or white hairs are by no means uncommon. Once in a great while, a pure white one is foimd. From some neighborhoods the ground of the fur, close to the skin, has a bluish tint, and the tail is sometimes tipped with white. The finest dark or almost black skins are usually bought for Paris, London and New York, while the silvery skins are sent to Russia. The Thibetan Bear. One of the largest wild animals of Manchuria and Korea is the Himalayan or Thibetan bear. This is the animal which the Germans call Kragenbar. This animal, which extends from northern India north- eastward, lives in the caves of the mountains, and is a fierce animal, diffi- cult to dislodge from his native haunts. His color is black, grizzly, or light brownish grey. The best known form of this animal has a black, glossy coat, with a white crescent on his chest and a patch of the same color on the chin. The animal is very retiring in his habits, and it is said that he is willing to be let alone, but that when pressed and hunted to his den he is a very difficult customer to handle. Like "B'rer Rab- bit," he lies low in the daytime, but at night sallies forth, and will eat most anything that comes to hand. He will ravage the crops growing in the fields, will pluck the fruits, gather acorns and nuts, and does not despise now and then a kid or a puppy from the Manchurian stock farms. SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. 269 The Bushy Tailed Cat. In Manchuria is found an animal wiiicli is very little known, although of late years its skin has found its way into the fur markets of the world in considerable numbers. It is called the red-spotted or bushy-tailed cat. The animal is also found in Japan; its general color is of a light brown, covered with numerous red spots, from whence it derives its name. It is about the size of an ordinary cat, perhaps slightly larger, and while its life story has not yet been written it presumably comes from the wilder mountainous regions of the countries it inhabits. Other Wild Animals. Manchuria also possesses wolves of two kinds — the red, or mountain wolf, and the common wolf, which is spread throughout the Eastern con- tinent, formerly reaching to the British Isles. There is also a bright- colored, rather small red fox, a beautiful little animal, recently popular for the manufacture of ladies' collarettes, both in natural tints and dyed a glossy black, or smoky blue. There are also to be found the stag, roebuck, reindeer, lynx, hedge- hog, rat, ermine, pole-cat, bat, and the squirrel, common to the northern half of the Eastern Hemisphere, and well known to commerce. In Manchuria, the back of the squirrel is a very dark blue. It is a pecu- liarity of this animal that starting in the British Isles and France of a grayish color it gradually grows darker until by the time it reaches Siberia it has become blue, and when it reaches Japan it is black. It is the same animal all the way from England to Nippon ; white under- neath and gray, blue or black above. Birds of Manchuria. Manchuria has likewise an abundance of birds, perhaps the most famous of which is the Mongolian lark ; this little fellow takes the place occupied by the mocking-bird in America. It is trapped in great num- bers and shipped to the cities of China and the East, where it is very popular as a cage bird. It is a remarkable vocalist, imitating the sound of any Hving thing almost with which it comes in contact ; it learns the 270 SIBERIA AND MANCHURIA. songs of other birds, the crowing of cocks, the cackling of hens, the barking of dogs, the hissing and mewing of cats, and from this pecuHar- ity it is held in the highest esteem as a pet in almost every Chinese home. The catching and marketing of this lark forms a no-inconsider- able source of revenue for the Manchurian peasants. Among other birds observed in various parts of the country may be mentioned the Mongolian crane, the eagle, doves, kingfisher, pintail duck, dusky duck, several varieties of teal, black duck, blue heron, buzzard, one or two varieties of hawk, the raven, kestrel, white crane, oyster-catcher, bank swallow, several gulls, wagtail, the osprey or fish hawk, blue-jay, several varieties of wood-pecker, nut-hatch, white- winged tern, common tern, short-eared owl, red-necked nightingale, one or two members of the partridge tribe and the black thrush. Trees and Plants. • Among the trees and plants we may mention the fir, two varieties of maple, alder, columbine, wormwood, several varieties of birch, dog- wood, hawthorne, three or four varieties of cypress, spindle tree, gen- tian, walnut, juniper, pitch pine, poplar, wintergreen, Mongolian oak. Rhododendron, the bramble, elder, spiraea, thyme, lime-tree, several varieties of whortleberry. One of the failures morally of the Chinese is opium smoking. While the English by force of arms have opened the ports of China in order to give a new market to the poppy farmers of India, the Manchurians produce a considerable amount of the opium used in China, and large fields of poppies are cultivated in this province. CHAPTER XXI. THE END OF DIPLOMACY The First Shot — Port Arthur the Scene — The Russian View — Statement of Japanese Min- ister at Washington — Hostilities at Chemulpo — ^Russia's Reply in the Hands of Alex- ieff — Preparation for War — The Unanimity of the Japanese Nation — The Diverse Elements of Russia — Russia's Presentation of the Diplomatic Negotiations — The Czar's Supreme Manifesto — Secretary Hay's Note. WHEN Japan broke off diplomatic relations with Russia, on Feb- ruary 5, 1904, Asia, containing half of the world's population, be- came a theater of war. Actual hostilities, however, were not inaugu- rated until February 8th, three days after diplomatic relations had ceased. Reports early indicated that Japan fired the first shot of the war, Port Arthur being the scene of conflict. Russia likened the sinking of her warships at Port Arthur to the blowing up of the Maine in the harbor of Havana. The case, how- ever, is far from analogous to the opening up of the Spanish-American war. This comparison was advanced by Russia and her friends, the French, in the heat of their excitement over the Russian losses. When Hostilities Really Began. The Japanese minister to the United States at Washington wrote a statement on February nth for the author of this work, in which he declared that the war began at Chemulpo, Korea, when the Rus- sians fired upon the Japanese fleet which was convoying transports loaded with soldiers to go ashore on Korean soil. However this may be, the hostilities at Port Arthur and Chemulpo began on the same day, namely, Monday, February 8th. It was on February 4th that the Russian reply to Japan regarding the former's intentions in Manchuria and Korea was forwarded to Vice- roy Alexieff. It remained in his hands for approval with a view to pre- senting it to the Japanese government at Tokio. 271 272 THE END OF DIPLOMACY. The Japanese had a very correct idea concerning -what Russia's answer was to be, and the ^'Little Brown Yankees" of the far East decided that it was not satisfactory. This conclusion being reached, carried with it the determination, on the part of Japan, that the only alternative was war. Preparations for War. There is abundant evidence to show that Japan had been preparing for war during several weeks. Great quantities of supplies in the way of ammunition and food products were purchased in the United States. The ships of the Nippon Yusem Kasia (Japan Steamship line), as well as the ships of other Japanese merchant lines, were impressed for army transports and auxiliary cruisers. There is evidence, also, that Japan had sent some troops into Korea before hostilities between the naval fleets actually began. On the 'Other hand, there is no doubt but that Russia had secretly invaded portions of Korea adjacent to Manchuria with her troops. In other ways also, Russia, undoubtedly, was making every preparation for the anticipated war with Japan. 3ut Russia is big and massive. Her population is a very mixed one, creating a great diversity in the sentiments of her people. Unanimity of Purpose. This is not true of Japan. When it comes to war the Japanese, as a people, stand with their government to the last man. There is no country in the world, without a doubt, where patriotism is a passion more than it is among Japan's fprty odd million people. This condition tended to inflame the entire Japanese population to a war fever of the most intense type. The sentiment for war, on the part of the Japanese against Russia was universal. There was not a single element among the Mikado's subjects which did not actually favor immediate war. The Japanese have been in a warlike attitude towards Russia ever since the former's complete victory in 1895 over the Chinese. In that war Japan took possession of the Lia-o-tung Peninsula of Manchuria, at the extreme point of which is now located Russia's naval and mili- tary city, Port Arthur, and the new commercial city and port, Dalny, THE END OF DIPLOMACY. 273 fifteen miles from Port Arthur, which Russia has essayed to establish as the great mart of the far East. The name of Dalny was adopted in 1901 by Russia. The maps and atlases made previous to that year indicate the place where Dalny is located by the old Chinese name, Talien-wan, Lost the Fruits of Her Victory. The Japanese believed, and with a strong element of truth on their side, that she had lost the fruits of her victory over China 'to Russia. The world knows that Russia, by diplomacy with the cowed and fear- stricken Chinese, has secured a foothold in Manchuria which made that province of the Chinese Empire, to all intents and purposes, a Russian possession. Russia is a land-locked nation, with, practically, no territory facing on the great oceans. If there is on ambition of Russia's that is para- mount to all others, it is the desire to control the gateway to northern China, the Gulf of Pechili, into which the sharply pointed Manchuria Peninsula projects for more than two hundred miles. Japan Justified in Her Suspicions. Korea is a peninsula also. In connects with the main land of the continent right against Manchuria. The two countries border each other for nearly four hundred miles. With the exception of the penin- sula end of Manchuria that country is entirely shut off from the sea by Korea. Korea extends into that part of the Pacific Ocean called the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan for five hundred miles against the waters of the former and seven hundred miles against the waters of the latter. This indicates what an enormous peninsula Korea is and the extensive coast line of navigable waters which she possesses. The Korean Peninsula commands the approach to the Manchurian Penin- sula. Should Korea ever become a possession of one of the great powers it will be seen what advantage would accrue to its possessor as a naval and military base commanding the situation in the north of the far East better than any other territory that could be occupied. There is no doubt but that Russia has had longing eyes on this choicest of strategic points 274 THE END OF DIPLOMACY. in the far East. There is every reason to believe that Japan was justi- fied in looking with great suspicion upon Russia's intentions regarding Korea. Korea extends its long arm out from Manchuria in a southeasterly direction until its farthest end is very close to the southern end of Japan. Fusan, Korea's southernmost port, faces the entrance to the Japan Sea, the ideal and placid sea of the world. From Moji to Nagasaki it is a little more than a long ferry-boat ride across to Korea's extreme point. Japan Fighting for Her Life. It will be seen how Russia would become a menace to Japan should she become possessed of Korea. The Japanese believe that their very existence depends upon Korea maintaining her independence and in- tegrity. Korea, the hermit nation, is powerless to defend herself against any power that might attack her. To sum up, Russia desired to come into possession of these two far Eastern countries, in particular, to give her complete command of the ocean in the far East. In other words, Russia's greed for territory led her to encroach upon Japan regardless of the duties and rights of the latter in the far East, as well as those of the other great powers of the world. At least, this was the Japanese way of looking at the question. Those who look at the problem from the Japanese stand- point claim that Russia has brought this war upon herself by exasperat- ing Japan with her consummate greed and selfishness. On the other hand, Japan is fighting for her life as a nation. Russia's Presentation of Diplomatic Relations. On February 9th the Russian foreign office at St. Petersburg sent out a lengthy official statement of the diplomatic negotiaions which led up to the rupture. The full text of the paper from the Russian point of view follows : "Last year the Tokio cabinet, under the pretext of establishing the balance of power and a more settled order of things on the shores of the Pacific, submitted to the imperial government a proposal for a THE END OF DIPLOMACY. 275 revision of the existing treaties with Korea, Russia consented, and Viceroy Alexieff was charged to draw up a project for a new under- standing with Japan in co-operation with the Russian minister at Tokio, who was instructed with^the negotiations with the Japanese govern- ment. Ahhough the exchange of views with the Tokio cabinet on this subject were of a friendly character, Japanese social circles and the local and foreign press attempted in every way to produce a warlike ferment among the Japanese and to drive the government into an armed conflict with Russia. Under the influence thereof the Tokio cabinet began to formulate greater and greater demands in the negotiations, at the same time taking most extensive measures to make the country ready for war. "All these circumstances could not, of course, disturb Russia's" equanimity, but they induced her also to take military and naval meas- ures. Nevertheless, to preserve peace in the far East, Russia so far as her incontestable rights and interests permitted, gave the necessary atten- tion to the demands of the Tokio cabinet and declared herself ready to recognize Japan's privileged commercial and economic position in the Korean Peninsula, with the concession of the right to protect it by military force in the event of disturbances in that country. At the same time, while rigorously observing the fundamental principle of her policy regarding Korea, whose independence and integrity were guar- anteed by previous understandings with Japan and by treaties with other powers, Russia insisted on three points : Insisted on Three Points. "i. On a mutual and unconditional guarantee of this principle. "2. On an undertaking to use no part of Korea for strategic pur- poses, as the authorization of such action on the part of any foreign power was directly opposed^ to the principle of the independence of Korea. "3. On the preservation of the full freedom of navigation of the straits of Korea. "The project elaborated in this sense did not satisfy the Japanese government, which in its last proposals not only declined to accept the 2/6 THE END OF DIPLOMACY. conditions which appeared as the guarantee of the independence of Korea, but also began at the same time to insist on provisions to be incorporated in a project regarding the question of Manchuria. "Such demands on the part of Japan, naturally, were inadmissible, the question of Russia's position in Manchuria concerning in the first place China, but also all the powers having commercial interests in China. The imperial government, therefore, saw absolutely no reason to include in a special treaty with Japan regarding Korean affairs any provisions concerning territory occupied by Russian troops. The im- perial government, however, did not refuse, so long as the occupation of Manchuria lasts, to recognize both the sovereignty of the Emperor of China in Manchuria and also the rights acquired there by the other powers through treaties with China. A declaration to this effect had already been made to the foreign cabinets. "In view of this the imperial government, after charging its repre- sentative at Tokio to present its reply to the last proposal of Japan, was justified in expecting the Tokio cabinet to take into account the con- siderations set forth above, and that it would appreciate the wish mani- fested by Russia to come to a peaceful understanding with Japan. In- stead of this the Japanese government, not even awaiting this reply, decided to break ofif negotiations and to suspend diplomatic relations. The imperial government, while laying on Japan the full responsibility for any consequences of such a course of action, will await the develop- ment of events, and the moment it becomes necessary will ^ake the most decisive measures for the protection of its rights and interests in the far East." Nicholas' Supreme Manifesto. The Official Messenger, the Russian government organ published at St. Petersburg, printed on February loth the following "supreme manifest" : "By the grace of God we, Nicholas II., emperor and autocrat of all the Russias, etc., make known to all our loyal subjects: "In our solicitude for the maintenance of peace, which is dear to THE END OF DIPLOMACY. 277 our heart, we made every exertion to consolidate tranquility in the far East. In these peaceful aims we signified assent to the proposals of the Japanese government to revise agreements regarding Korean affairs existing between the two governments. However, the negotia- tions begun upon this subject were not brought to a conclusion, and Japan, without awaiting the receipt of the last responsive proposals of our government, declared the negotiations broken off and diplomatic relations with Russia dissolved. "Without advising us of the fact that the breach of such relations would, in itself, mean an opening of warlike operations, the Japanese government gave orders to its torpedo boats to suddenly attack our squadron standing in the outer harbor of the fortress of Port Arthur. Upon receiving reports from the viceroy in the far East about this, we immediately commanded him to answer the Japanese challenge with armed force. "Making known, this our decision, we, with unshaken faith In the help of the Almighty, and with a firm expectation of and reliance upon the unanimous willingness of all our loyal subjects to stand with us in defense of the fatherland, ask God's blessing upon our stalwart land and naval forces. "Given at St. Petersburg, January 27, 1904, A. D. (new calendar, February 9, 1904), and in the tenth year of our reign. Written in full by the hand of "His imperial majestv, "NICHOLAS." The Famous Hay Note. The United States department of state, by our Secretary of State, John Hay,, on February loth issued a statement to the powers of the world defining the position of this government and at the same time inviting the great powers to join us in the stand we had taken. This statement will go down in history as the "Hay note." It was Issued after our Secretary of State had obtained a number of preliminary exchanges of views between this government and the other governments interested in Chinese affairs and in keeping the commerce of that 278 THE END OF DIPLOMACY. country open. The note which was sent to Ambassador McCormick, our diplomatic representative at St. Petersburg, and Minister Griscom, our representative at Tokio, as well as to the other leading European powers, and to Peking, China, follows : "You will express to the minister for foreign affairs the earnest desire of the government of the United States that in the course of the military operations which have begun between Russia and Japan the neutrality of China and in all practicable ways her administrative entity shall be respected by both parties, and that the area of nostilities shall be localized and limited as much as possible, so that undue ex- citement and disturbance of the Chinese people may be prevented and the least possible loss to the commerce and peaceful intercourse of the world may be occasioned. "(Signed) JOHN HAY." At the same time this government informed all the powers signa- tory of the protocol at Peking of its action, and requested similar action on their part. A Diplomatic Triumph. In the above short note Secretary Hay added another to his long list of diplomatic triumphs, and the United States was once more en- abled by his diplomacy to head the nations in a concurrent effort to pre- serve the integrity of China, Mr. Hay's note to Russia and Japan, urging them to confine hostilities within as small an area as possible and to respect the neutrality and administrative entity of China, was accepted by Russia as well as by Japan, and all the nations have joined the Washington, government in inviting the combatants to agree to the proposition. CHAPTER XXII. RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES Japanese Armies — Uniform and Accoutrements of the Russian Troops — Transportation Methods — What the Japanese Soldier Wears — His Knapsack — His Pay — Discipline of the Japanese Army — The Drill — Russians and Japanese Equal in Courage and Dis- cipline — Number of Troops in Field. THE style of uniform and the manner of living on the part of Rus- sian and Japanese soldiers pitted against each other in the desper- ate war in the far East, is of particular interest. One who has observed the armies of the Czar and the Mikado in the allied campaign in China during 1900 cannot well forget the dress that was peculiar to each of these armies, as well as the way they lived. Uniform of Russian Troops. The uniform generally worn by the enlisted men in the Russian army is apparently the same for all arms except the distinctive marks. It consists of a soft, flat white cap with sloping visor, a white blouse of cotton cloth, very loose and belted at the waist with a leather strap. The trousers are plain black. The foot gear consists of heavy top boots, reaching to the calf of the leg. The winter coat is of black cloth, similar otherwise to the summer blouse. A characteristic feature of the infantry soldier is that he carries no bayonet scabbard. His bayonet is always fixed and his rifle apparently never out of reach of his hand. The ammunition is carried in pouches on the waist belt. The rations are of the simplest kind, consisting of hard, brown bread, salt, pepper and tea. They are industrious foragers, as was amply proven in the North China campaign, where they supplied meat and other items by this means from the abundant resources of the country. 279 28o RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. Russian Troops Have No Tents. The troops have no tentage. In their camps the men Hve in houses or huts made of native mats or of other similar material. When on the march or guard duty the discipline of the Russian infantry seems to be up to the excellent standard which it has the reputation of maintaining. The handling of their artillery, however, seems to be awkward to those who have witnessed the American artillery in operation. The Russian cavalry consists entirely of Cossacks. They are mounted on rough, shaggy little ponies, of about the size of the diminutive In- dian ponies of the West. They carry heavy, slightly curved saber and rifle slung over the shoulder. The Russian transportation, other than the native Manchurian carts, consists of small, very low four-wheeled wagons, drawn by two ponies, and seem to have no features that any na- tion would consider worthy of making a pattern of. The Traveling Field Kitchen. A notable feature of the Russian equipment, however, is the trav- eling field kitchen, consisting of a boiler, mounted on a special wagon, so arranged that it can be in operation while in motion. The arrange- ment apparently is a very convenient one, and presents some desirable features. The meals of the men is always^in process of cooking during the march, in order to be ready when the halt is made. When it is necessary to travel by rail, this wagon kitchen is put into a fiat car and the process of cooking goes on while the train is in motion. These kitchens on w^heels are also operated on river steamers and steamships when in transport. The apparatus is undoubtedly one that gives a very prompt and satisfactory service of the men's food. The military ex- perts of the United States have recently become very much interested in this idea which originated in the Russian army. Uniform of the Japanese Troops. The summer uniform of the Japanese soldier is of the same cut as that for winter service, but is of white cotton material. It is cool and RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. 281 easily laundered, but has the serious defect of being extremely con- spicuous. The winter uniform, with the exception of the cavalry trou- sers, which are red, is of a dark blue woolen material, warm and very neat in appearance. The cap is slightly bell shaped, with flat crown and small drooping visor. It is ornamented by a narrow yellow band at the junction of the crown and sides, and another band or braid at the top of the sides, about one and one-half inches wide, yellow in all cases, except the commisariat, in which case it is a blue or medium in- tensity. All caps have a star in the center of the front just above the vistor. Picturesque But Conspicuous. The blouse is fairly close fitting, extends about three inches below the belt, and is fastened with five buttons. It has a standard collar faced with the color of the arm, red for infantry, green for cavalry, yellow for artillery, blue for commissariat, and dark red for engineers. A strap about two inches wide extends from the neck to the point of the shoulder and has on it the number of the regiment. In the cavalry this strap is replaced by a braided shoulder knot, and the blouse has the back seam ornamented with yellow stripes and the front with five hori- zontal stripes of yellow, the ends terminating in falling loops. This ornament, together with the red trousers, makes a very picturesque and striking uniform with the attendant disadvantage of being very con- spicuous. In the cavalry the trousers below the knee are cut to fit closely and facilitate the wearing of the boot. In the infantry they fit loosely, but are usually confined by khaki-colored leggings. Japanese Cavalry. The cavalry is furnished with boots and the infantry with a rather coarsely made and low cut leather shoe. The foot gear seems much in- ferior to that used in the United States army. The overcoat is of dark blue, fits loosely, extends nearly to the ankle, is unlined, and furnished with a hood. When not worn it is carried compactly rolled and slung over one shoulder, the ends fastened together on the opposite side of the body. During the warm weather it seems to be carried and used 282 RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. in lieu of a blanket. The fitting of the uniform is simplified by the great uniform.ity in the size and build of the Japanese soldier. It should require but a few sizes to furnish a good fit for all the men. What the Japanese Soldier Carries. The Japanese have a pack of leather, tanned with the hair on. This pack is not in favor and is usually replaced by an elongated cloth bag about nine inches in diameter. In this bag is carried a reserve supply of sixty rounds of ammunition, some spare parts for the rifle, including a first aide's package, a small package of thread, needles, and buttons, and an emergency ration for one day. The pail in which is carried the day's ordinary ration is also carried in this bag, except when the pack is worn. In the latter case the pail is carried on top of the pack. The ends of the bag are tied together and the bag is slung over the shoulder opposite to the blanket or overcoat. The soldier has also a small bag similar to our haversack and carried in thie same manner, but much smaller, in which he carries certain mis- cellaneous articles of his own choice. In the rear pouches thrown across the horses in the Japanese cavalry, is a set of shoes for the horse ; also a leather shield, that can be fastened to the hoof by thong for use in emergency. In the front pouches there is always kept the one day emergency ration of rice for both trooper and horse. The horses are extremely small as compared with the American horse, being no more than ponies. The weight they carry, live and dead, is much less than with our cavalry. What the Japanese Government Pays Its Men. The Japanese soldiers are divided into three classes, first, second and third; the class being indicated by three, two and one stripe of yellow on the lower part of the sleeve. In time of war they receive their pay every ten days. For that period the third class receive forty- five sen, or twenty-two and a half cents, equal to two and a quarter cents per day. The second class receive sixty sen, or thirty cents (3 cents a day) every ten days. The first class receive eighty sen (40 RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. 283 cents) or 4 cents a day. Corporals one yen 80 sen, or ninety cents, equal to 9 cents a day. Sergeants two yen 80 sen, or $1.40, equal to 14 cents a day. The government compels their soldiers to send their sala- ries to their dependent families, in fact, the government mails it to the families direct. The monthly salaries of officers in time of peace are as follows : Sub- lieutenant, thirty-five yen ; lieutenant, forty-five yen ; captain, sixty-five yen; major, one hundred and ten yen; lieutenant-colonel, one hundred and sixty yen; colonel, two hundred and ten yen; major-general, three hundred and ten yen ; lieutenant-general, four hundred and twenty yen ; general, five hundred and twenty-five yen. The officers' salaries are increased by two-fifths in time of war. The Japanese private soldier, when he first enlists, receives a salary of about sixty-seven cents a month. The United States soldier, of the same class, igeceives just about twenty times as much pay per month. It will be seen that the Japanese enlisted men are advanced, in pay, about one- third after they have served a year or two and have become soldiers of the second class. The advance from second to first class amounts to an increase of twenty-five per cent in wages. The highest price paid the private soldier in Japan, and that after they have served for several years, is about $1.20 per month. It will be observed that the pay of the officers in the Japanese army is very much less than in the United States army. Rations of the Mikado's Troops. The rations of the Japanese soldiers consists of about 36 ounces of rice, 4 ounces of meat, and 4 ounces of vegetables! One day's ordinary ration is carried in the soldier's aluminum bucket which serves as his cooking utensil, and the hollow lid of which carries the meat portion. One day's emergency rations consisting of three sacks of very fine quality rice and a can of meat, containing about four ounces, is always carried and can be used only by order of the commanding officer. It is the intention always to keep the regimental transportation sufficiently far to the front to make it unnecessary for the soldiers to carry more than one day's ordinary rations. 284 RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. Japanese Transportation Methods. The Japanese transportation consists of carts and pack animals. The cart is very light and is drawn by one pony attended by one man of the transport service. As compared to our army or escort wagons, there is a great loss of man and draught animal labor, for the combatant force of 18,000 the Japanese, in the war in China during 1900, had 4,000 non- combatants and six thousand horses. The cart does have the advantage of not reqiiiring such heavy or substantial bridges and can go through narrower trails. The pack saddle consists of two padded sides joined by iron arches. The packages are tied to or hung upon the saddle. It is well adapted for supplying ammunition to the firing line. One mule takes two boxes and can be led by the routes giving the most protection. Excellent Discipline. The -discipline of the Japanese army is most excellent. Its military code has been borrowed from those of Europe, and retains the essential features. There are tribunals for the trial of serious offenses and the punishment is usually imprisonment. The division commander has authority to approve the death sentence and to have the same executed. Company, battalion and regimental commanders can order corrective confinement. The length of time that can be ordered increases with the rank of the commander, the greatest being thirty days. Only a few years ago, in what Japanese refer to as "feudal times," corrective chastisement (such as cuffing the offender over the head or kicking him on the shins) was used for inattention at drill and like offenses. Now such proceeding is forbidden by their military code. A Simple Drill. The drill of the Japanese infantry is characterized by simplicity, directness and precision. In the manual of arms there are but three positions of the piece — order, right shoulder and present. The company is divided into three platoons, and each platoon into four groups; the RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. 285 habitual formation seems to be in line or column of platoons at about five yards distance. The rear rank stands and marches at about one yard distance from the front rank. The column of route is in fours if the road allows ; if the road is too narrow for column of fours, then in column of twos. Fours are formed by all facing to the right (or left) and each alternate file stepping to the right oblique, so as to come abreast of the file immediately in front. Battle Formation. In the battle formation, the movements are at a run, the platoon deploys to the front by an oblique fan-shaped movement, the other platoons kneeling. The front seems to be about what the front of a company would be in battalion. The advance is made by rushes of about fifty yards, file firing being at each halt. The two platoons in support follow, taking advantage of the folds of ground to obtain shelter during the halts. The second platoon takes part in the rapid fire preceding the assault, joining under cover of the fire of the first platoon. The third platoon also comes up to immediately in rear of the firing line and takes part in the assault. In the rushes and the assaults the officers and the non-commissioned officers are in front, dropping back into the line on halting. The drill is conspicuous by its precision and the attention paid by each soldier. Each one is wide awake to see what he ought to do and does it without much prompting from the file closers. It is very seldom that one of the latter is heard to speak to any of the men. The Japanese soldier enters the service at twenty-one. serves three years and then goes into the first reserve for five years. After that he goes into the second reserve for four years. Obedient and Patriotic. He receives almost no pay, as the scale of wages indicated above show, but is actuated by a most intense patriotism and pride in his posi- tion as a soldier. He is very obedient, and yet has an individualism that does not always go with such strict discipline, He has a g'reat curiosity 286 RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. to see what is going on, both on and off duty as a sentinel he stands at ease, but with an air of showing that he is a sentinel and that he is constantly on the alert. The compulsory service and strict physical requirements with the system of reserve, allows Japan to put a large body of trained men in the field at short notice. If Japan can keep the armament and equip- ment on a par with her soldiers she is a most valuable ally and a most formidable enemy, Russian and Japanese Soldiers Compared. In the light of history, both the Russian and Japanese soldiers are seen to be first-class fighting men. There is little to choose between them, except that the Russian is far less intelligent and depends more upon leadership than the Japanese. Their courage and discipline may be ranked about equal. The Japanese is a fiery, impetuous fighter, always eager to lead a forlorn hope or storm a battery; the Russian is heavy, dogged and determined to the point of death. Stubborn but Easily Demoralized. The British found in the Crimea that when once the Russian infantry occupied a position and got ready to light it was practically impossible to drive them from that position; it was necessary to kill them all before it could be taken. But, on the other hand, a surprise frequently made them lose their wits and retreat in confusion, and after the loss of their officers they were of little use as an effective fighting force. They simply became a mob, knowing not where to turn or v/hat to do. The estimate of the Russians was given to the writer by a retired British officer who fought them in most of the battles of the Crimean war and was wounded in the attack on the Redan. A Strong Spirit of Brotherhood. The discipline of the Japanese army is not so strict as that of the Russian, but in the judgment of foreign experts it is quite as effective because the men are so keen on doing their duty. They obey readily because they like to be good soldiers, not because they fear their officers. RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. 287 There is a strong spirit of brotherhood among officers and men in the Japanese army, which is largely due to their experiences in the China- Japanese war and the Peking relief expedition. They have tested each other and been satisfied. The Russian soldier's discipline is stolid — perfect from the military point of view, but devoid of all enthusiasm. He obeys the officer because he has never dreamed of doing anything but obey, even before he became a soldier. The Japanese soldiers are mainly drawn from the Cho-su clan, to which the emperor. Marquis Ito, and nearly all Japan's leading generals belong. The officers of the navy, on the contrary, belong, with but few exceptions, to the Satsuma clan. All the officers in the Japanese services come from Samurai stock, and their ancestors for over two thousand years were as fine fighting men as the world has ever seen. Japanese Cavalry Weak. The weakest branch of the Japanese army is undoubtedly the caval- ry. The Japs are not good horsemen, and the breed of horses in Japan is distinctly inferior. Heroic efforts have been made by the Tokio war office in recent years to improve this branch of the service, but without much success. Among other things, a special college, for the education of cavalry officers only, was established. "The Japanese cavalrymen," an English officer once remarked to the writer, "can master with ease every detail of his work — except how to ride decently. He never learns that." The Cossacks. The Cossacks, on the contrary, have the reputation among military experts of being the finest irregular cavalry in the world, and those whom one sees in Russia and central Asia are always splendidly mounted. Of course, it does not follow that they would be equally well mounted in Manchuria and Korea. Native horses will probably be depended on to a large extent, for the transporting capacity of the Siberian railway will be sufficiently taxed in carrying men without bringing their horses. 288 RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. The Artillery of the Two Nations. The artillery of the Japanese is a strong arm of the force in number of guns, excellence of material and training of the gunners. The Japan- ese, as a rule, are not good marksmen, because the eyesight of the entire nation is more or less defective. But men with first-class vision have been picked out for the artillery and the military attaches of the foreign legations at Tokio have praised their shooting over and over again in official reports to the government. The only defect of the artillery — and it is a serious one — ^^is the in- feriority of the horses. The Russian artillery is better horsed and bears a reputation of high efficiency. In the Russo-Turkish w^ar, it may be remembered, the Russian guns were splendidly handled, as a rule. The Japanese infantry was declared by Gen. Grant, Lord Wolseley, Gen, Chafifee and many other competent observers to be as good as any in the world. "The only thing I would object to in it, if I were an officer," declared a former military attache of the United States legation at Tokio, "is the absolute likeness of the men to one another. They are as like as a dish of peas. I don't see how their officers can tell them apart, and that is awkward, you know, when you are commanding a company." Officers of Both Services Educated. Great attention is paid to the education of officers in both services,, but the Japanese probably lead in this respect. The military college and academy at Tokio turn out officers of great intelligence and military knowledge. Gen, Grant said they were among the best of their kind in the world, and quite equal to good West Pointers, Many of them are wealthy men belonging to the leading noble families of Japan, but they live in a simple. Spartan style. True to their Samurai traditions, they regard luxury as effeminate and despise foreign officers who waste their time over social "duties" instead of learning their profession. The Japanese officer is quite satisfied to live on dried or salted fish and rice, like his men. Princes of the imperial family did it when they cam- paigned in Manchuria during the war with China. RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. 289 Many of the Russian officers are equally hardy, if not so abstemious, for they have received a splendid training in Central Asian campaigns, and in outpost, pioneer, survey and exploring work in Siberia, Tibet, the Pamirs and Manchuria. It is these men, in all probability, who will have charge of the fighting forces of the Russians in Manchuria, for Russia's consistent policy is to employ in Asiatic wars, officers with Asiatic experience. The officers whose military career has been confined to Moscow, St, Petersburg and other cities of European Russia are men of an entirely different type. Most of them are social butterflies, and they are held in scorn by their comrades in Central Asia and Manchuria — the regions to which every Russian officer who is worth his salt manages to get sent. Number of Japanese Troops in the Field. At the outbreak of the war it was estimated that the strength of the regular army of Japan, not including the reserves, when placed on a war footing was about 200,000 men; the reserves added 35,000 more, and the territorial army supplied 200,000 more, making a total of 435,- 000 men. It was estimated that Russia could not put into Manchuria, properly provisioned and equipped for service, more than three or four hundred thousand men. Not that Russia had not sufficient men to expand her force almost without limit, but the strain of supplying a larger force than about four hundred thousand made it almost impracticable to depend upon operations of a greater magnitude. The best authorities agreed that the light rails of the Siberian rail- road could never stand the wear and tear of transporting 400,000 troops and the supplies and equipment for such a force that might be required in operations of six months or a year. Many travelers say that only thirty-pound rails were used on the older portion of the road. A thirty- pound rail is as light as the ordinary street car rail. Where the Japanese had the advantage of the Russians was in field artillery, but this was more than offset by the Russian cavalry. The 290 RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES. 200,000 regular Japanese had 19 six-battery regiments and field and mountain artillery organized into 1 14 batteries mounting 684 guns. Russian Soldiers Available for Service. A careful estimate of the organization of the First and Second Siberian Corps showed about 147,000 Russians when the corps were organized on a war footing. There should be added to this number the cavalry force, estimated in the official pubHcation of the French General Staff at about 22,930 Cossacks with 19,300 horses. This organization, according to the French General Staff, was in the districts of Siberia, Semirechensk, Transbaikalia, the Amur and Ussuri and was about 14.7 per cent of the population available for Cossack service. The Russian cavalry was a factor of more than usual importance, and army officers said it would accomplish great things before the war was over. Two new rifle brigades were also created, and the British Army and Navy Gazette figured a total of about 300,000 Russians available for service in Manchuria. But with the two Siberian corps of about 147,- 000 men, there were only 286 guns, which gave the Japanese a decided artillery advantage. CHAPTER XXIII. AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS American Nurses Offer their Services to Japan — The First Expedition — ^What the Offer Meant to Japan — The Japanese Red Cross Society — United States Officers Study the War — Uniforms Required — Absence of Swords — Military Etiquette. THE women of the United States were the first to furnish trained nurses for the war between Russia and Japan. Even before war was declared several American women offered their services to Japan as army nurses. On March 7th, Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, of Wash- ington, started across the Pacific for Japan with a party of nine other women. Nurses Study the Language. Upon deciding to make the venture in the interest of humanity these brave women began the study of the Japanese language. They engaged a teacher in the tongue of that country and retained his services through- out the voyage. The names of the first expedition of American trained nurses were as follows : Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, Miss Barbara Wiedman, who was operating nurse in the ship Relief in the Philippines; Miss Mary E. Gladwin, of Boston, a woman of valuable experience who was chief nurse at the Sternberg Hospital at Chicamauga during the Spanish war; Miss Annie Robbins, who was the chief nurse of the 7th Army Corps and served for a long time in the Philippines; Miss Sarah Welpton, of St. Louis, who was in the army from the beginning of the Spanish war until recently; Mrs. K. W. Eastman, of New York; Miss Elizabeth Stack, of Brooklyn, who was engaged in teaching the hospital corps at Washington Barracks ; Miss Emma Kennedy, who was with the Seventh Army Corps during the Spanish war. She saw service in Cuba and the Philippines and at the Army Tuberculosis Hospital at Fort Bayard, New Mexico; Miss Sophia E. Newell, of Jersey City, and 291 292 AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. Miss Alice Kemmer, of Sweetzer, Indiana, who attained considerable fame for her work in the Philippines and in the allied campaign in China of 1900. Formal Offer to Japan. It will be remembered that the Americans were the only women nurses in China during the war. The Sisters of the Russian Church were at Taku but that was the nearest any but the American women got to the marching armies. Dr. McGee, at the head of this band of women who engaged in this practical work of humanity, was President of the Spanish-American war nurses. In the autumn of 1903, when war between Russia and Japan seemed to be approaching, she took unofficial and finally formal steps toward the participation of the Spanish-Ameri- can war nurses in the work of the war in the Far East, by sending the following letter to his excellency, Kogoro Takahira, the Japanese Min- ister to the United States: To His Excellency, The Minister from Japan, Washington, D. C. Sir: Through your Excellency I have the honor to ofifer to your govern- ment, if war should be declared, the services of a party of American ex-army nurses to assist in nursing the sick and wounded of the Japan- ese army. The party would consist exclusively of women who have graduated from our well equipped training schools for nurses, requiring two or three years residence and work in a hospital, and who have also had large experience in their profession since graduation. A part of their experience was gained by regular service in the army of the United States, during the Spanish war and the Philippines and Chinese cam- paigns ; so that they are familiar with camp life and accustomed to army discipline. Approximately two thousand were appointed to our army during the ten years when the Nurse Corps in my charge (under immediate direction of Surgeon-General Sternberg), and six hundred of those who AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. 293 served in 1898 belong to the Association of Spanish-American nurses, which was organized over three years ago, and of which I have the honor to be President. The number to constitute the proposed party will, of course, depend upon your wishes and the amount of contributions to be received from the American people. Each nurse would be pledged to remain at least six months, if needed so long. I take the liberty of sug- gesting that I could start almost immediately after a declaration of war, taking with me a few nurses with the highest degree of surgical skill, and that additional nurses could be cabled for if the need arose. I presume you would desire to furnish quarters and rations from the time of arrival in Japan. With the earnest hope that this expression of friendship from the people of the United States will meet with the approval and sanction of your government, I have the honor to be, with high consideration, your obedient servant. (Signed) Anita Newcomb McGee, President Society Spanish-American War Nurses (1898 to 1901, Acting Ass't Surgeon of the United States Army in Charge of Army Nurse Corps). The Japanese Minister's Reply. V The Japanese Minister replied : "I am deeply impressed by your offer to my government of the services of the ex-army nurses nov/ belonging to the association under your presidency, in case they should be needed by the Japanese army, I can assure you that the friendship and sympathy on the part of the American ladies who devote their efforts to the noble objects of your association of which your letter is so graceful in evidence, will be widely and cordially recognized in Japan, and to that end I will take pleasure in communicating it to my government at the earliest opportunity." Dr. McGee's letter, offering the co-operation of the American women made an excellent impression in Japan, it is said. The news of Dr. McGee's intention were, of course, cabled to Japan and printed in the newspapers there. But war had not at that time been decided upon. 294 AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. Of course, Japan could not accept any such offer until after the declara- tion, which occurred on Feb. ii. The offer was later accepted by Mr. Takahira in the following letter: The Japanese Government Accepts. "In reference to your offer of services of a party of American ex- army nurses to assist in nursing the sick and wounded of the Japanese army, I have now received a telegram from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, informing me that the Red Cross Society of Japan is prepared to accept their services with full appreciation of the high motives which animated you to make this offer. In doing so, however, I am asked to say the Society wishes to suggest that you would come over to Japan with a few nurses, as you proposed, leaving the others to be cabled for if the actual necessity should call for such a step, as, in the opinion of the Society, it is still uncertain that such an occasion will present itself," Not Equipped for War. An unprofessional person not familiar with the conditions in Japan can hardly realize how much this offer of assistance meant to the army of the Island Kingdom. While Japan was well enough equipped with nurses for peace times, neither she nor, with the possible exception of Great Britain and the United States, any other country is adequately prepared in time of war. Our own experiences in the Spanish-American war gave us some notion of what would very soon be the plight of Japan. Dr. McGee estimated that there were living in this country 25,000 graduated nurses, and yet there were not enough available to supply the needs of the American Navy in the Spanish war. About 1,500 nurses worked with the army in 1898 under the direction of Dr. McGee, who from that year until 1901 was an Acting-Assistant-Surgeon in the United States Army in charge of the army nurse corps. Fully a thousand more nurses could have been employed to a great advantage. These nurses were available for service; but the officers and men were gradually returning to their homes on furlough, afflicted with sickness or wounds, and the nurses were employed to assist in bringing them AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. 295 back to health and strength. So it is that in war times the demands upon this profession in the combating countries are pretty sure to be much greater than the supply. The Red Cross Organization. The Mikado has an immense Red Cross organization, with a mem- bership of 800,000 and over $2,000,000 to work with. This organization is under the direct patronage of the Emperor and the Empress, and is, no doubt, a very powerful and effective society. But it appears that the Japanese Red Cross was not in a position to do all that should be re- quired of such a body in an emergency like the war with Russia. Its principal duty was to collect money and supplies for relief work and to give instruction in the first stage to men who served the army in the field. But army officers know that women nurses are well nigh indis- pensable, and of these the Japanese Red Cross had not a sufficient number. It is true that there was a hospital at Tokio maintained by the Society, and several hundred nurses have been graduated there, among them being young ladies of high position. But this provision, though sufficient in time of peace, is likely to prove sadly inadequate in war times. The Tented Field Had No Terrors. Moreover — and this is doubtless the most important consideration — Japanese women nurses had never been sent outside of their own coun- try, and were utterly devoid of experience on the field of battle. The armed camp, on the other hand, had no terrors for any of the women who went from this country for Japan. These American nurses knew what it meant to live in a tent, without the conveniences of a peaceful home, and to work for thirty-six continuous hours if necessary, and to aid in surgical operations. This is the kind of work they did in the Spanish war, and they were able to show their Japanese sisters many things which those slant and almond-eyed nurses did not thoroughly understand. The Japanese Red Cross Society is under military control, so the American nurseg received orders from Japanese officers. The American 296 AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. party first proceeded to Osaka, the greatest industrial city of Japan, located on that fairy land's famous inland sea. Osaka was the military medical base. The Emperor had established headquarters at the ancient capital at Kioto, about two hours by rail from Osaka, and the American women were able to be on hand to report for duty wherever they were needed. United States Officers Study the War. In the Orient our government established at the opening of nostili- ties a vast war laboratory, and fourteen Yankee officers — the largest delegation ever dispatched by us on such a mission — were detailed to study the bloody science of killing. Eight of these — six military and two naval experts — studied the conflict from the Russian side, while six — five from the army and one irom the navy — observed the struggle within the Japanese lines. On the Russian side we were represented by one brigadier-general, one colonel and five captains, of the army; one lieutenant-commander and one lieutenant of the navy. With the plucky Japs we had one colonel,, one major and three captains of our land forces and one lieutenant- commander of our fleet. All branches of our army — artillery, cavalry, infantry and engineers — were represented within the battle lines of the Slavs; all except cavalry on the side of the Japanese. A member of our general staff was with each army. Five of these military observers were detailed from Manila ; two from this country. Three had already arrived at the seat of war when the first gun was fired at Port Arthur. , Lessons of Value. Our War and Navy Departments realized many months before the war began that a bloody conflict in the Orient was inevitable and that lessons of inestimable value to the United States were to be learned from it. These fourteen Yankee war observers were selected with great care. They were all men of surpassing courage and perspicuity. They kept their ears and eyes wide open, but at the same time carefully observed the delicate formulas of international law governing men of their status. AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. 297 They were entertained as the official guests of the respective bellig- erents to whom accredited. They waded into the gore of battle and divided their time between the headquarters of the highest royal per- sonages in the theater of war and those of the commanders-in-chief. They enjoyed the protection accorded always to non-combatants. Any deliberate attempts against their lives or safety, on the part of either the Russians or Japanese, would have been resented by our government as a serious insult. Such an act might have led to a bloody war between the United States and the offending government. Took Preliminary Tour. Our observer of highest rank on the Russian side was Brigadier- General Henry T. Allen, chief of the Philippine constabulary. Fore- seeing the approach of the conflict, he obtained leave of absence from Manila and, at his own expense, made a long tour of study through Korea and Manchuria. Inasmuch as he was for several years our mili- tary attache at the court of the Czar, he was well known to the Russian officers and was at home among them. Colonel John B. Kerr, who represented our general staff on the Russian side, was a cavalry officer and a native of Kentucky. He went from Manila to join the Russians, as did Captain Carl Reichman, of the Seventeenth Infantry, and Captain George G. Gatley, of the Artillery Corps. Captain Reichman was a German who enlisted in our army as a private in 1881 and worked his way up through the ranks, gaining a commission in three years of service. He was captain and assistant adjutant-general of volunteers during the Spanish-American war and captain of the regular army since that struggle. Captain Gatley was a native of Maine and a West Pointer. He left the Seventeenth Field Artillery in the Philippines to join the Czar's army. The other two military observers on the Russian side were Captain William V. Judson, a Hoosier and a West Pointer who was lately attached to the office of the chief engineer at Washing- ton, and Captain Andre W. Brewster, a Jerseyman commissioned from civilian life in 1885. Captain Brewster was our military attache at Peking, China, where he was doing duty when the present war opened. 298 AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. Our ranking observer on the Japanese side was Colonel E. H. Crow- der, the general staff's authority on military law. He had previously been attached to the War Department as assistant judge-advocate-gen- eral. He was a Missourian, a West Pointer and an ex-cavalry officer. Major Oliver E. Wood, who observed the struggle from the standpoint of the Mikado's army, was our military attache at Seoul and Tokio, at which latter capital he was serving when hostilities commenced. A Connecticut Yankee, who enlisted in the Union army as a private in '62, he won a cadetship at West Point a year later and was a major in the Artillery Corps when accredited to Seoul and Tokio. The three other army officers detailed on the Japanese side were Captain J. F. Morrison, Twentieth Infantry; Captain J. E. Kuhn, Engineer Corps, both of whom departed from Manila, and Captain Frederick Marsh, Artillery Corps, who had been stationed at Fort Strong, Massachusetts. These three captains were West Pointers and men of thorough tech- nical training. Our Intelligence Bureaus. In Washington there is maintained under the War Department a bureau of military intelligence, corresponding to the bureau of the French army to which the martyred Dreyfus was attached. The head of this office, at the time of the Russo-Japanese war, was Major W. D. Beach, Tenth Cavalry, a member of the new general staff. To him all of our military observers in the Orient reported such data as they gathered at the seat of war, the modus operandi being the same as in the case of our regularly accredited military attaches at the great Euro- pean courts. Under the Navy Department there is a similar bureau, in charge of Captain Seaton Schroeder, U. S. N., to whom our three naval observ- ers accredited to the belligerent powers reported. Lieutenant-Com- mander C. C. Marsh, our naval attache at Peking and Tokio, studied the war from the Japanese fleet, while Lieutenant N. A. McCully, late of the United States dispatch boat Dolphin, was attached to the Russian fleet. Lieutenant-Commander R. C. Smith, our naval attache at Paris AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. 299 and St. Petersburg, studied the mobilization of the Russian army on the European side, and accompanied troops across the trans-Siberian Railway, All of these observers ranked as special military and naval attaches. They wore their fatigue uniforms and were required to leave off their swords, as a sign that they were non-combatants. The military observ- ers were lent horses by the Russian and Japanese commanders to whose armies they were accredited. They moved in the fields as members of these commanders' staffs, messed with them and occupied the same quarters. Technically, they were the guests of the Czar and Mikado, who detailed the military and naval commanders to entertain them. In a Delicate Position. For any of these observers to act the part of spy would be a breach of military etiquette, than which none could possibly be more serious. It cannot be predicted what punishment would be meted out to them,' but if found prying into secrets such as all fighting nations hold sacred — such as plans of fortifications — they would immediately become per- sona non grata, and their recall from the field would speedily follow. While viewing battles, and casually conversing with their hosts, they could not give advice of a military nature without transgressing the tenets of international law, and committing a breach of neutrality. In the Russo-Japanese war science played a heavier role than had ever been before attempted in any battle drama. Both belligerents were suspected at the beginning of having, somewhere hidden away, surprises terrible and bloody, to be sprung at the opportune moment. Our mili- tary and naval observers were detailed for the express purpose of acquainting their respective intelligence bureaus in Washington with the newest scientific, administrative and technical developments of the war. They noted all novelties in small arms, ordnance, gun-sighting, uniforms, tents, accoutrements, war balloons, field telegraph devices, signals, steering gear for ships, turrets, searchlights, torpedoes, sub- marine boats and what not. They reported these to Washington. It was, of course, understood that all of these data were to be gathered 300 AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. in an open and legitimate manner. No American military or naval attache was ever accused of corrupting foreign officials for the purpose of securing government secrets. Not Diplomats. These special military and naval attaches, like the regular attaches accredited abroad in time of peace, were technically attached to the mission of our Ambassador to Russia or Minister to Japan, according to which army or fleet they would study. But neither Ambassador McCormick nor Minister Griscom were responsible for them as they would have been for ordinary diplomatic attaches forming a part of their suites. They were detailed not by the Secretary of State, but the Secretary of War or Navy, and they received their instructions directly from these departments. They were attached to the embassy at St. Petersburg or legation at Tokio only that they might be endowed with the extra-territorial and diplomatic immunities and prerogatives ex- tended to the staffs of all diplomatic missions abroad. They ranked with the first secretaries, whereas diplomatic attaches are in a grade below the most subordinate secretaries. Noted Military Attaches. American officers have been detailed to study all great foreign wars of the past century. Scott viewed the occupation of Paris by the allied troops and accompanied the Duke of Wellington during their review. McClellan and two other officers accompanied the allied armies at the siege of Sebastopol. Sheridan and Forsyth studied the Franco-German war from the German side. Our Minister to Paris endeavored to gain permission for Sheridan to view the French side, but the request was refused by the French Minister of War. It became known later, how- ever, that Sheridan had picked the Germans as the winners from the start, and that he never had intended joining the French. During the Russo-Turkish war Francis V. Greene (late police commissioner of New York) was our attache with the Russian army. Colonel Chambers observing on the Turkish side, while General Hazen was dispatched AMERICAN NONCOMBATANTS. . 301 to Constantinople to be ready to accompany the Aiistrians in the event that they took a hand in the struggle. Prince Napoleon was the guest of the Army of the Potomac during our Civil War; Lord Wolseley, ex-commander-in-chief of the British army, traveled v^ith both the Union and Confederate forces. Military attaches have unusual opportunities for developing the friendship of foreign rulers. Sheridan was the special guest of the King of Prussia and became an intimate friend of Bismarck, sometimes sleep- ing in the same room with the latter. General Miles hobnobbed with practically all of the crowned heads of the Old World during his long tour of inspection following the Graeco-Turkish war. More recently, Commander William H. Beehler, our naval attache at Berlin, became a chum of Emperor William, who familiarly addressed the commander as "Bill" and affectionately rested the imperial arm on his shoulder on several public occasions. Commander Beehler breakfasted, lunched and dined with the Emperor twenty-seven times in two years. Just what William tried to learn from "Bill" has never yet been fathomed. But what Bill divulged to William was nothing worth knowing, and he left Berlin with the confidence of his superiors in Washington. He kept his head in spite of royal flattery, wherefore he "ought to have a tablet in the hall of fame." CHAPTER XXIV. INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR Anarchy in China Feared — Secretary Hay's Note — Severance of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Russia — The Daring Torpedo Attack on Port Arthur — Japanese Success Establishes Chinese Influence — ^Naval Conflict at Chemulpo — First Prizes of the War — Arrival of Japanese Troops at Seoul — Repulse of Japanese Landing Party- Destruction of the Boyarin. THE Chinese Minister in Washington, Sir Chen Tung Liang-Cheng, was as deeply concerned at the beginning of hostihties between Japan and Russia as was either the Japanese Minister, Mr. Takahira, or Count Cassini, the Russian Ambassador. The Chinese diplomatic officer in the United States feared that the war would cause a recur- rence of the unrest that preceded the Boxer uprising of 1900. There is a large element of the Chinese which does not appreciate the differ- ence between nationalities, and are disposed to look with equal hatred upon a Russian soldier or an American or English missionary, regard- ing all foreigners in China as her foes. Plans for China's Protection. His Excellency, the Chinese Minister, feared that the Empress Dowager and the entire Chinese Court would take flight and leave the Imperial Palace, at Pekin, as they did on August 14, 1900. With the court away from Pekin, China would be practically in a state of anarchy. Such a state of affairs would completely demoralize the whole of the' Chinese populace — such a condition, with no government head at Pekin, would close every door of communication with the powers. The United States, and several of the European governments, were extremely anxious that this menace to foreigners in China be averted and brought every pressure to bear, that they possibly could, to prevent the Empress Dowager, the Emperor and the court from leaving Pekin. - 302 INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. 303 These timid and easily frightened rulers were given assurances that they would have every protection, but naturally Orientals, particularly the Chinese, are very suspicious of foreigners and their devices. When we consider how they have been trifled with, by several European gov- ernments, this is not to be wondered at. Secretary Hay's note to the powers was intended to bring about a concert so that the Pekin government would not be left without a head. One of the objects of that note was to induce the Empress Dowager to abandon her flight to the interior provinces of the empire. Flight of the Empress Prevented. Only those who have been in China can appreciate the serious results which may follow the flight of the Empress Dowager from the capital in time of war. War is the signal, and the opportunity, for disturbances in various parts of China which always endanger the lives and property of the missionaries and other foreign residents. For this reason, there was an earnest desire on the part of the neutral powers to prevent this contingency. Some, it is said, were inclined to go so far as to guarantee the integrity of China, but the difliculty lay in the close relations of the European powers, either with Russia or Japan. No doubt the neutral European governments were pleased when the United States took the initiative, as expressed in the Hay note. A guarantee of neutrality of China was considered, at that time, a step in the direction of preserving the integrity of China. The powers, with one exception, adopted the policy as suggested by Secretary Hay. It is known that the President of the United States and his cabinet were several days considering the proposition of this government, as sent out to the powers by Secretary Hay, in all its bearings, as an aid to helpless China. Minister Conger, our diplomatic ofHcer at Pekin, was of great assistance in satisfying the Chinese government that the court would be perfectly safe in Pekin. This, it is said, had the effect of quieting the Empress Dowager and her court and they decided not to flee from Pekin for the time being. While the diplomatic relations between Japan and I^ussia were, to 304 INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. all intents and purposes, cut off on Feb. 5th, the Japanese Minister to St. Petersburg, Mr. Kurino, and Baron Rosen, the Russian Minister to Japan, did not actually take their leave until the 7th. This made the severance of diplomatic relations complete. Attitude of the United States. The diplomatic affairs of Japan in Russia and the interests of the Mikado's subjects there were turned over to United States Ambassador McCormick, at St. Petersburg. The attitude of the United States in this v^ar was to observe complete neutrality and this policy was declared at the beginning of hostilities at Chemulpo and Port Arthur. After careful consideration, the United States Navy Department decided that it would make no effort to place naval attaches on either the Russian or Japanese fleets. There was not the least doubt on the part of Admiral Dewey but that the consent of both Russia and Japan could be obtained to send our naval observers with their fighting ships. Even though both governments refused this courtesy to our navy, the United States Government would have had no grounds for complaint. It will be remembered that Uncle Sam would not permit the attaches of foreign navies to accompany our warships during the Spanish war. Russian Fleet Taken by Surprise. On Feb. 9th and loth the press dispatches brought sensational news regarding the attack of the Japanese torpedo boats upon the Russian naval fleet anchored in the roads just outside the entrance of Port Arthur harbor. The attack was made by the swift Japanese torpedo boats during the dark night of Monday, Feb. 8th. They fairly hugged the coast as they approached the entrance and when in close range of that part of the fleet anchored just outside the entraace to the harbor the Japs discharged several torpedoes toward their enemy's fleet. Sev- eral men-of-war, including the Cesarevitch, Retvizan and Pallada, were disabled. The crippled fighting ships of the Czar limped toward Port Arthur and almost at its very entrance were beached. INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. 305 Influence of the Japanese Victory. This was a staggering blow to proud and powerful Russia. The news of the daring feat of the fearless Japs amazed the world. The dispatches descriptive of this attack were at first fragmentary and un- satisfactory to the outside world. But each day the intelligence kept coming over the cables which verified what was bad news to Russia and her friends and good news for the Japanese and their admirers. In every remote corner of the globe where newspapers are published, in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Dan- ish, Japanese and Chinese, the reports of this opening battle of the war was printed. The influence this news had upon the Chinese, in further cementing the friendship that had begun in 1900 for their former enemy, the Japanese, can not be overestimated. Russia had used the opportunity for her encroachments upon China, by making that country fear her. There is no doubt but that the Chinese rejoiced when they learned that the Japanese had punished Russia so severely in the first conflict of the war. If it is true that nothing "succeeds like success," as we look at things in America, then it is more than true that success and victory has a still greater influence over the Chinese. The Chinese, like ourselves, desire to be on the winning side. It is not at all unlikely that the slant eyed Orientals possess that characteristic in a still higher degree than Americans. It can be easily understood then what an influence Japan's victory at Port Arthur had in establishing Chinese influence at the initial battle of the war. The First Attack on Port Arthur. The following is a translation of a letter from the wife of a Russian naval officer stationed at Port Arthur : "At eleven o'clock on the morning of February 8 my husband came to me in great excitement saying I should pack up as quickly as possi- ble as he had heard that our local banker, G., was despatching on his own steamer the families of his employes and had oftered me a passage by the same steamer. The boat, however, was to start in three hours 3o6 INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. time, and as I had many arrangements to make for my little son it was clearly impossible that I could avail myself of his kind offer. Under Orders to Leave. "Therefore we decided that I should start for St. Petersburg by the express on the next evening. On going to the bureau for my tickets they refused to issue them, but booked my name for a seat. I was much hurried as my husband had to be on board his ship by five p. m., his ship being under orders for some expected night operations. For several days communication with the shore had been stopped after eight p. m., by which time both officers and men of the fleet were ordered to be on board. This was my final good-bye to my husband as the next morning the squadron was under orders to start for a cruise, though for how long was not known. ' Packing Up. "Whilst engaged in packing two of my military acquaintances passed by much excited; they told me that a decisive reply was expected hourly. That the prevailing state of uncertainty was likely soon to come to an end gave us all great relief, and I bade them my adieus with all good wishes for their advancement and success. My husband's servant came to tell me that the Chinese were leaving the markets and flying in all directions ; the Japanese likewise were hastily closing their shops and hurrying on board the steamers. I then returned to my packing, though it did not progress very quickly; indeed, the sight of so many valuable things scattered in all directions brought the tears to my eyes. Around me lay exquisite things of every description — silks, laces, curios, down to small models of the ships of my husband's squadron, and the thousand and one articles with which a sailor's wife in the Far East surrounds herself. Where to bestow them all I scarcely knew. An oppressive silence pervaded the atmosphere; the servants had all retired to rest. I was alone. The Sound of Guns. "Suddenly there broke on my ear the sound of volley-firing at in- tervals. It passed through my mind that these sounds came from the INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. 307 docks, where they were working by night. Such, however, was not the case ; there was incessant volleys, followed by the dull roar of heavy guns from the fortress which made the very room shake. I roused the servants, bidding them fetch C. He appeared almost immediately with the news that an engagement was taking place, the Japanese having actually attacked. I went out on to the balcony, and there the whole town seemed illuminated — now here, now there — by searchlights. The town itself was but little disturbed save for a small crowd which had collected outside the residence of the viceroy. I was panic-stricken; I went inside and tried to finish my packing. I could not; the very things slipped from my fingers. What mattered my belongings when a fight for life or death was raging close at hand? Enough that I could save my child. Thus I passed that dreadful night, but morning brought no relief, only the realization of our worst fears. Our great ships, the Cesarevitch, the Retvisan and the Pallada, had all been damaged. The Damaged Battleships. *T next heard that the time of departure of the express had been altered and that I must start at eleven a. m., and soon after we set out for the station. The town was comparatively quiet, but on the lips of all trembled the words, 'the Cesarevitch,' 'the Retvisan,' and again, 'the Cesarevitch.' The huge battleship loomed on the horizon at the en- trance to the harbor. Suddenly the news spread that the Japanese squadron had been sighted and were making for Port Arthur. As I left our ships were weighing anchor and a battle seemed imminent. With some little difficulty we made our way to the station, where the greatest confusion existed. The platform was literally strewn with bag- gage of every description. I was lucky enough owing to the kindness of Mr. C. to obtain a ticket, and with the rest of the crowd I pushed and elbowed my way to the train. Here again I fortunately secured a seat, the train moved off and it was good-bye to Port Arthur and to our husbands, who at that very moment were awaiting the Japanese attack. That God might preserve them was the prayer in every heart. When we reached our first stopping place we could hear the sound of volleys, 3o8 INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. and the express which overtook us later on brought the news that the Japanese attack had lasted forty minutes. We also learnt that not much damage had been done to the Cesarevitch and that both the other ships would shortly be fit for service again. Our journey was very tedious; the train dragged slowly along, stopping incessantly at small stations. All along the line the same confusion as at Port Arthur prevailed, and I had the greatest difBculty in getting even the bare necessaries of Hfe for my little child and myself; sometimes even a little bread was unpro- curable. On the Road to Russia. "On our arrival at Manchuria station all our baggage had to be examined. Here the custom-house officials treated us with great civil- ity, in marked contrast to the railway officials. After a long wait at the station they opened the doors of the wagons and we crowded in quickly, sharing the cramped accommodation with the poor children, many of whom were crying from exhaustion. A police official then appeared and roughly ordered us to get out as the signal to enter the carriages had not been given. We protested, and after fierce alterca- tion on either side we remained where we were. On Lake Baikal. "On our arrival at Baikal the weather luckily became rather less severe, there being no wind, which is the one thing to be dreaded as the cold there is almost unbearable. As we crossed over we passed numberless sledges packed with soldiers, whilst many were proceeding on foot wrapped up in their warm coats. On reaching the other side of the lake there was a long delay, our baggage being again examined. We arrived at Irkutsk at two o'clock in the morning and there found we had a wait of several hours. Never shall I forget the scene which here presented itself. The platform was so crowded with people and their baggage that there was no place for even the children to lie down, I spread out my coat on the floor of the platform intending to lay my little son down but found it impossible; there was only standing room. The little ones were dropping from fatigue and many wept bitterly. INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. 309 ,We gave up the idea of continuing our journey by the first train and decided to book our tickets by the express, and sought shelter in an inn until the morning. We passed some few hours in Irkutsk, which seemed a pleasant town and not so cold as we expected. We caught the express the same afternoon, and the remainder of our journey pre- sented no difficulties. Of course we did not travel as fast as is usual owing to the numbers of troop and goods trains filled with every kind of war material which wete to be met with at nearly every station and siding. The soldiers seemed in great spirits, singing and jesting; all seemed fully confident of success and somewhat contemptuous of their little adversaries. Our journey was completed without further incident, and we reached St. Petersburg nineteen days after our departure from Port Arthur." Difficulty in Getting News. Closely following the news of the Japanese naval victory at Port Arthur came the reports of a naval conflict at Chemulpo, Korea. It probably will always be a question as to which battle occurred first. The Russians held that the war began at Port Arthur, while the Japanese claimed that the first shot was fired at Chemulpo. The difficulties of news gathering in the Far East are not well understood in our country, where we have every facility for obtaining and disseminating the news for each day, so that- the important events are known to the people within a few hours after they happen. The conditions in the Orient are different. It requires time to get across the waters to a cable line. After the cable is reached, there is the censor to be reckoned with and the message is involved in red tape, so that it requires a great deal of time to arrange the preliminaries for filing a news dispatch. After the dispatch is filed there are apt to be delays at other points. The Battle of Chemulpo. The facts, however, regarding the battle of Chemulpo are as fol- lows: On the 8th of February, two Russian men-of-war, the Korietz and Variag were lying at Chemulpo. On the afternoon of that day the 3IO INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. Korietz left Chemulpo for Port Arthur with the mails, but meeting a Japanese fleet convoying transports, and having three torpedoes fired at her, she returned to Chemulpo. The Japanese admiral claimed that the first shot was fired by the Russian ship, whereupon he ordered a torpedo attack. On the following morning the senior Russian com- mander received a letter from the Japanese admiral saying that unless the two ships left the port before twelve o'clock on that day the Japan- ese ships would go into the harbor and attack them. A Forlorn Hope. The Russians, having no alternative, left the harbor shortly before noon, well knowing that they were going to certain destruction. The crews of the foreign ships in the harbor, Talbot (English), Vicksburg (American), Pascal (French), and Elba (Italian) loudly cheered the Russian sailors as the latter left, for the courage displayed. Outside the harbor were fifteen ships of the Japanese fleet. These opened fire at long range. The Variag remained for a time unhit, but getting aground on a sand bank she was terribly punished. The Captain find- ing all hope of escape gone, determined to try to return to the harbor. The Variag, leaking very badly from holes on her water-line, just managed to reach her original anchorage, when she heeled over and sank. Just about this time the Korietz blew up, having been set on fire by her crew to save her from falling into the hands of the Japanese. The crews of both ships were rescued by the boats of the foreign men- of-war. After his ship was disabled the captain of the Variag ordered his officers and crew to jump overboard and save themselves if they could, and then blew up the ship. Scores of Russians Killed. About 200 men were killed and wounded. Many were drowned in the attempt to escape, a great number swam, not to the shore, but to the foreign men-of-war in the harbor, which promptly lowered boats and went to their rescue. About 150 reached the Talbot. Sir Cyprian Bridge, the British admiral in command of the station, ordered that the INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. 311 wounded Russians should not be handed over to the Japanese unless they so desired. No Japanese Loss. The Japanese did not lose a man. None of the fleet, which in over- whelming force, was damaged. The Russian steamer Sungari was also destroyed and sunk. Both war ships tried to escape from the port before dawn but eventually put back. The Korietz accepted the Japan- ese challenge and alone went out to fight the whole fleet. She was com- pletely outmatched; the Japanese broadsides raked her continually until she sank. Many of her crew were killed by shells or drowned, and the few who escaped to shore were captured. Prophetic Words. The captain of the Korietz, writing to a relative shortly before the battle, used these prophetic words : "I am ready to go to sea at any minute. From day to day we have been expecting a fight with the Japanese. We expect sudden attacks without a previous declaration of war. The wooden fittings are being taken ashore. We have no armor; our strength is only in the guns and the courage of our men. We Russians often depend on courage, and the outcome is all right. It may happen that it will not fail us now. I shall do all possible. If they send us to the bottom say a good word for us." A Royal Welcome. Upon their return to St. Petersburg the entire city turned out to do honor to the survivors of the warships Variag and Korietz. A crowd of 100,000 persons gathered at the railway station when the sailors arrived. After being greeted by Grand Duke Alexis and a brilliant staff of admirals, the herpes were escorted to the Winter Palace, where they were received by the czar. The reception was in the magnificent Nicholas Hall, which had been converted into a church. A special Te Deum was sung and then all the sailors remained for a banquet as the emperor's guests. The bluejackets, seated at the imperial table and waited on by the 312 INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. imperial servants, were overcome by the splendor of the feast. The emperor, escorting both the empresses, approached the sailors and said: "I am happy, brothers, to see you all here safely returned. Many of you have inscribed with your blood a record of heroic deeds in our annals. You have made the names of the Variag and Korietz immortal. I am sure you will remain worthy to the last of the crosses which have been bestowed on you. All Russia and I have been moved by the recital of your exploits at Chemulpo. I thank you, brothers, for vindi- cating the honor of the flag of St. Andrew, and the renown of holy Russia. I drink to the further victories of our glorious fleet and to your health, brothers." The emperor took a goblet of wine and drained it and all present followed liis example with a thunderous shout of "Hurrah !" The em- peror then went round the table exchanging greetings with his lowly guests. First Prizes of the War. The first prizes of the war were taken by Japan. They consisted of the capture of one steamer of the Russian volunteer fleet, the Ekate- rinoslav, and the steamer Argun belonging to the Trans-Siberian Rail- way Company. On Feb. lo, the Japanese captured four Russian whal- ers, the Glorige, Nicelai, Alexander, and Michael. On the same day, one of the principal railway bridges, over which the Manchurian Railway passes, was blown up by a Japanese spy. It is said that the Japanese had made every preparation for the destruction of the Manchurian Rail- way, by placing Japanese all along the railway line dressed as Chinese coolies. Disguised in this manner they sought work with the railway company and were in a position to strike blows for the destruction of the railway, thus delaying the recruiting of the Russian army. Japanese Arrive at Seoul. On Febrtiary ii, the dispatches announced that the Japanese troops had arrived at Seoul, the capital of Korea, and that their influence and power predominated there. Along with this war news came reports that the Russians were massacring innocent Chinese in different sec- INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. 313 tions of Manchuria and looting at Vladivostok. On account of the mas- sacre of 100 Chinese at Liaoyang, the Chinese officials at Shan-Hai- Kwan became alarmed, lest there might be a general uprising among the Chinese, caused by this practical state of anarchy. They made frequent appeals to the Chinese Government at Pekin for protection, but of course China, as usual, was unable to give her subjects the protection they asked for and needed. This state of afifairs tended to keep the Empress Dov^ager in a state of unrest and alarm and it required the combined efforts of the American Minister, the Am- bassador from England and the other foreign diplomats there to keep the court from taking flight to the interior. Russian Officers at a Circus. One of the most surprising things to the outside world in connection with the Japanese attack upon the Russian warships at Port Arthur, was the announcement which was made to appear as an excuse for the Russians, that they were attending a circus at Port Arthur when the attack upon their fleet took place. The circus, it is said, began on Monday night and did not terminate until early Tuesday morning. It seems remarkable that naval officers and men would be off duty when they well knew that a state of war had existed between their country and Japan for three days, at least. On Sunday, Feb. 14, it was announced that the Japanese had at- tempted to land forces near Port Arthur; and were repulsed, several hundred of them being sabered by Cossacks. The Japanese followed this up with an attempt to land 12,000 troops at Dove Bay. On the following day the news reached this country that the Japanese had blown up the Russian cruiser Boyarin and that her entire crew were lost. Russian Festivities Abandoned. On February 15, the carnival week began, usually the gayest of the year in Russia, but, under the shadow of the war, the merry-making amounted to only an imitation of that of former years. In St. Petersburg all the festivities, including balls, public and private social functions and fa3hipnable weddings, planned months in advance, were abandoned. 314 INITIAL STAGES OF THE WAR. Everybody in Russia was thinking of the war and the future of the Empire. The rush of the crowds to buy extra editions of the news- papers, the intense activity at the War and Marine Ministries and the crowds about the Admiralty, anxiously inquiring about the fate of rela- tives, were grim reminders of what the thoughts of the unhappy people were. Instead of the customary festivities, the theatres gave double per- formances for the benefit of the Red Cross, and the Artist's Ball, one of the biggest events of the social season, which it was intended to abandon, was held in a hall decorated to represent the feast day of Benares, the artists being attired in the costumes of the Hindoos. Gloom in Russia and Joy in Japan. The gloom that was cast over the people of Russia at the beginning of hostilities with Japan, was in striking contrast to the high spirits and pride of the Japanese at the victories they won in the beginning. Everywhere in the cities and villages of the Mikado's land his subjects were singing the patriotic airs of Nippon. The people on the streets and the country by-ways were congratulating each other over the vic- tories of the first week of the war and the object lesson they presented to the outside world and the incentive furnished to all patriotic Japanese. On February 17 it was learned that Japan had succeeded in concen- trating a big army for a land attack on Russia in Korea and Manchuria. At the same time from an authoritative source came the report that Japan would send 250,000 troops into both countries and if necessary follow up this number with as many more. The serious reverses which befell the Russian fleet at Port Arthur led to the recall of its com- mander, Vice-Admiral Stark and the appointment of Admiral Makaroff, one of the most distinguished officers in the service of the Czar. This event was followed by the departure of General Kouropatkin to take command of the Russian army in the Far East. These two appoint- ments had the result of shearing most of the powers from Viceroy AlexiefT, who up to that time had practically been in command of the Russian land and sea forces. He tendered his resignation to the Czar but the latter refused to accept it. ' CHAPTER XXV. THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR The Fourth Assault — Wireless Telegraphy Used by Japanese — Thrilling Torpedo Duel — Bottling up the Russian Fleet — The Japanese Send in Fire Ships — The Fifth Attack — Hirose, the Hero — Description of the Beleagured City — Vivid Account of the Bom- bardment by a Russian Officer. NUMEROUS minor assaults on Port Arthur occurred during the month of February, but Admiral Togo's fourth attack on March lo was the most effective since the first assault of a month before. One Russian torpedo boat destroyer was sunk and several seriously dam- aged. The fortifications and city were subjected to a heavy bombard- ment lasting nearly four hours. The naval bombardments of the land works were generally effective, yet the peculiar topographical condi- tions of Port Arthur were such that serious loss of life from sea attacks were seemingly impossible. The Harbor Bombarded. Admiral Togo's torpedo flotilla opened the action by boldly steam- ing in under the batteries and successfully placing a number of mechanical mines at the mouth of the harbor. Following that there was a desperate bow to bow encounter between the torpedo boat de- stroyers, in which the Japanese scored a clear victory. Then followed a long-range duel between the cruisers, ending in the retirement of the Novik and Bayan, the only Russians engaged. The closing action was the bombardment of the inner harbor by the Japanese battleships. The latter took a position southwest of Port Arthur and used only their 12-inch guns. There were twenty-four 12-inch guns in the squadron of six battleships, and each gun fired five rounds, making a total of 120 huge projectiles that were fired at the city. The bombardment was deliberate and carefully planned. 315- 3i6 THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. In order to aid in perfecting the firing Admiral Togo stationed the cruisers in a position due east of the entrance to the harbor and at a right angle to the battleships. The cruisers observed the range and effect of the firing and signaled the results and suggestions by wireless telegraphy. These observations and reports greatly aided the gunners in their effort to make every shot count. Admiral Togo was unable to learn definitely the results of the bom- bardment, but later private reports indicated that much destruction was caused in the city, where a series of fires broke out. There also was damage to batteries. A Japanese Hero. Captain Shokiro Asai, commanding the flotilla of torpedo boat de- stroyers which engaged the Russian destroyers, was the hero of the attack. He had only three destroyers, but attacked the six Russian destroyers, ordering his craft to close in with the enemy. He steamed so close to the enemy's destroyers that they almost touched, and a most desperate conflict ensued, from which the Russians retired badly disabled. Engineer Minamisawa of the destroyer Kasumi received a small wound. Minamisawa participated in the first torpedo attack on Port Arthur, also in the attempt to bottle up the harbor by sinking commer- cial steamers. He was commended both times for his gallantry. Object of the Attack. The Japanese flotilla which sunk the mines at the mouth of the har- bor later engaged two Russian destroyers. This flotilla was commanded by Commander Tsuchiya. Admiral Togo's object in sending cruisers to Talienwan Bay was to encompass the destruction of a signal station mine depot at Samshantao, This object was achieved and the buildings were demolished. Rear Admirals Dewa and Uriu participated in the operations under Admiral Togo, and when the details of the operations became known in Japan the news created intense enthusiasm. THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. 317 Admiral Togo's Report. Admiral Togo's report of the assault was as follows: "Our squadron, as prearranged, attacked the enemy at Port Arthur on March 10. Our two torpedo flotillas reached the mouth of the har- bor at Port Arthur at i o'clock on the morning of the loth. Finding no enemy and waiting until dawn, one flotilla engaged in sinking special mines in the harbor entrance. Notwithstanding the enemy's fire our flotilla succeeded in sinking the mines. The other flotilla met the ene- my's torpedo flotilla, consisting of six boats, in the Lao Thie Shan chan- nel south of Port Arthur, at 4:30 o'clock. A hot engagement occurred at close range for thirty ininutes. The enemy then took flight, "Our fire greatly damaged the Russian ships, one of which was badly crippled by a shot through the boilers, and another was observed to be on fire. So close were the two flotillas to each other than our destroy- ers, the Asashio, Kasumi and Akatsuki, nearly touched the enemy's ships and our crews even could hear the cries of agony of the injured men on them. Japanese Sustain Loss. "We sustained some damage and loss. The Akatsuki had a steam pipe broken and four stokers were killed thereby. Our loss was seven killed .and eight wounded. Among the latter is Chief Engineer Mina- misawa of the Kasumi. "Our other flotilla, while leaving the harbor entrance, observed two Russian torpedo boats coming from seaward and immediately engaged them, the battle lasting one hour. After causing them severe damage one of them effected its escape, but our destroyer, the Sasanami, cap- tured the other boat, which proved to be the Stereguschtchi. "Notwithstanding the land batteries pouring a heavy fire on our flotilla, the captured vessel was taken in tow. Owing to the high sea the tow line soon parted and the Sasanami found it necessary to take the crew from the Russian boat and abandoned the Stereguschtchi, which finally sank at 10:30 o'clock. "The enemy's cruisers, the Novik and the Bayan, steamed out the 3i8 THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. entrance of the harbor toward us, but, observing the approach of our cruiser squadron, retired to the harbor. Our flotilla suffered some damage, but not heavy. The Sasanami and the Akatsuki had two sail- ors killed and Sublieutenant Shima of the Akatsuki and three sailors were wounded. *'Our main and cruiser squadrons arrived off Port Arthur at 8 o'clock, and the cruisers immediately advanced toward the harbor entrance to protect the torpedo flotilla. The main squadron advanced near Lao- Thie-Shan and opened an indirect cannonade against the inner harbor from lo o'clock to 1 140. Bombardment is Effective. "According to the observations made by one of our cruisers facing the entrance, the bombardment was remarkably effective. During our cannonade, the enemy's land batteries fired, but none of our ships suf- fered any damage. "Another cruiser squadron went to Tahenwan and bombarded the enemy's fortress on Samshantao, damaging the buildings there. The cruisers Takasago and Chihaya, reconnoitered the west coast of the Port Arthur peninsula, but did not find the enemy. "The Russian torpedo boat destroyer, damaged in the third attack on Port Arthur, was found to be the Wnushiterinuy, which had been completely sunk, the mast only being visible above the water. Our squadron stopped fighting at 2 o'clock and returned to the rendezvous." The official reports placed the Japanese loss at nine killed, five seri- ously wounded and seventeen slightly hurt. The Japanese fleet was not damaged in the fighting. Viceroy Alexieff's Report. The following is the Russian Viceroy's report of the engagement : "Admiral Makaroff, commanding the fleet, reported from Port Arthur under date of March 10 as follows : " 'Six torpedo boats, which went out to sea the night of March 10, four of them being under the command of Captain Mattoussevitch, en- THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. 319 countered the enemy's torpedo boats followed by cruisers. On the way back the torpedo-boat destroyer Stereguschtchi, commanded by Lieu- tenant Sergueieff, sustained damages; her engine was disabled and she began to founder. " 'By 8 o'clock in the morning five of our torpedo-boat destroyers had returned. When the critical position of the Stereguschtchi became evident I hoisted my flag on the cruiser Novik and went with the Novik and the cruiser Bayan to the rescue. But as five of the enemy's cruisers surrounded our destroyer, and as their battleship squadron was ap- proaching, I did not succeed in saving the Stereguschtchi, which found- ered. Part of the crew was made prisoner and part was drowned. " 'On the ships which participated in the night attack one ofificer was seriously and three others were slightly wounded, two soldiers were killed, and eighteen were wounded.' " Bottling Up the Russian Fleet. On February 24, the Japanese attempted to bottle up the Russian fleet in Port Arthur by sinking stone-laden vessels at the entrance to the harbor, employing the tactics which were considered, but not exe- cuted, by Admiral Sampson, U. S. N., with the Merrimac, at Santiago, during the Spanish-American war. According to the first account Japanese ships appeared off the harbor with a Japanese fleet behind them and ostensibly in pursuit. The Russians, however, suspected a ruse and their ships sank the stone-laden vessels, engaged and defeated the enemy and drove them off. On the night of March 22 the Japanese fleet renewed the attempt to bottle up Port Arthur. Sixteen warships escorted seven merchant steamers to the mouth of the harbor and under cover of the bombard- ment the steamers ran in and were sunk. Three thousand Japanese officers and blue jackets volunteered for this duty. During the day the Japanese fleet had made its fifth attack on Port Arthur. Japanese Fleet Unharmed. Vice Admiral Togo's report of the event was as follows : "The combined fleet acted according to the plan arranged. Two 320 THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. flotillas of destroyers were outside Port Arthur, as instructed, from the night of the 21st until the morning of the 22d. Although during this time our destroyers were under the fire of the enemy, they sustained no damage. The main fleet arrived off Port Arthur at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 22d. "I dispatched a part of the fleet in the direction of Pigeon Bay, and ordered the battleships Fuji and Yashima to make an indirect bombard- ment against the inner side of the port. During the bombardment the enemy's ships gradually came out of the harbor, and at the time when the indirect bombardment stopped, which was about 2 o'clock, the number of Russian ships was five battleships, four cruisers and several destroyers. We believed the enemy was trying, by making a move- ment of the fleet, to draw us near the forts. The enemy's ships shelled us indirectly, and many of their shots fell near the battleship Fuji, but our ships sustained no damage. About 3 o'clock our vessels withdrew off the port." Another Daring Attempt Fails. Under cover of darkness on the morning of March 2.^, Vice-Admiral Togo made another desperate attempt to bottle up the Russian fleet in Port Arthur, but failed again, and when after daylight Vice Admiral Makaroff steamed out to give battle the Japanese commander refused the challenge and sailed away. The Japanese practically repeated the tactics of Feb. 24 by sending in four fire ships, preceded by a torpedo boat flotilla, with the exception that the fire ships this time were armed with Hotchkiss guns for the purpose of keeping off the Russian torpedo boat destroyers. The enemy's attempt was discovered by means of the shore search- lights, and a heavy fire was opened from the batteries and from two gun- boats which were guarding the entrance to the harbor. The Russian torpedo boat destroyer Silni was outside on scouting duty, and to the dash and nerve of her commander, Lieutenant Krinizki, is chiefly due the complete defeat of the plans of the Japanese. THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. 321 Under Fierce Fire. He at once made straight for the oncoming ships under a hail of fire from the Hotchkiss guns, and torpedoed the leading ship, which sheered off, followed by the others, three of them being piled up on the shore under Golden Hill and one under the lighthouse. The Silni then en- gaged the entire six torpedo boats of the enemy, coming out from a terrific fight with seven killed and her commander and twelve of her complement wounded, but on the Japanese side only one boat's crew was saved. The Japanese cruisers which supported the attack exchanged shots with the batteries, and then drew off, after which Vice Admiral Makaroff took a steam launch and examined the fire ships. An hour later the Japanese torpedo flotilla, followed by Vice Admiral Togo's fleet, came up from a southerly direction. Just at daybreak Vice Admiral Makaroff, with his fleet, sailed out to engage the enemy, but after the ships and batteries had fired a few long distance shots Vice Admiral Togo decided to decline the issue and disappeared to the southward. Joy in Russia. The news orf the repulse of Vice Admiral Togo's attempt to block Port Arthur created much rejoicing in the Russian capital, and among all classes the gallantry of the Silni and her commander was the subject of high praise ; but above all the moral effect of Vice Admiral Makaroff's willingness to engage the enemy, showing that he considered himself strong enough to fight, produced a splendid impression. Honors to a Hero. The Japanese naval hero of the war, in the popular mind, was Com- mander Takaso Hirose, who lost his life when Admiral Togo made the above attempt to bottle up the harbor of Port Arthur. The Japanese greatly appreciated the act of the Russian authorities at Port Arthur in giving a military funeral to the remains of an unknown officer recov- ered by them after that attack, but which from the description of the uniform worn was considered unquestionably to be those of Hirose. A ^22 THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. fragment of his body was found by the Japanese and was brought to Tokio where it was given a pubHc funeral with high honors, according to the Shinto ceremonial on April 13. On May i, Admiral Togo made another attempt to bottle up Port Arthur by sending in eight fire ships. The harbor was, for the time being, sealed, permitting the egress of only the smaller torpedo boats. This temporary sealing of the channel, however, prevented the egress of the Russian ships and enabled the Japanese to dispatch a number of troop-laden transports without fear of molestation. The parting between the Admiral and the heroic volunteers for the venture was most affecting, the former realizing that he was sending his men to almost certain death. After the Battle. A correspondent who visited Port Arthur shortly after one of the bombardments wrote the following graphic description of the be- leaguered city: "Despite the various assaults the external aspect of Port Arthur remains unchanged, although the enemy fired an enormous number of projectiles. The marine monsters in the harbor look like enermous black hulls and the battleships and cruisers bear marks of the fighting. The black clouds 'of smoke vomited from their stacks overhang the town. The cruiser Pallada stands almost ready in the dock. "Near the entrance of the harbor can be seen the charred wrecks of the Japanese fire ships. Aboard one of the farthest out was found the body of a Japanese officer who had shot himself. Beside him lay a chart showing the course of the fire ships and the spot where they sank. "Six hours of firing by the heaviest guns during the last bombard- ment did not demolish a single building, but cost a few lives. The hus- band and child of the Baroness Frank, who was decapitated by fragments of a shell flying in through the window, were unharmed. Fire is Ineffective. "The enemy in endeavoring to stand as far as possible outside the range of the Russian batteries rendered their own fire ineffective. The THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. 323 people are getting used to the bombardments and the Japanese squadron cruising in the offing causes little alarm. Occupations are resuming their wonted course and many stores have been reopened. "Not a few women heroically refuse to leave Port Arthur, regardless of the tragic death of Baroness Frank. During the height of the can- nonading one woman, armed with dressings for wounds, wandered the streets, ready to afford aid to the wounded. "A branch of the Russo-Chinese Bank is doing business, and many wives of the officers and soldiers are returning as Sisters of Mercy. The land defenses are being strengthened every day, and the troops are eager to fight. The gayety and good spirits of the troops are surprising. Fighters at Close Range. "During the engagement between the Russian and the Japanese torpedo boat destroyers the boats came into very close quarters, being within only a few fathoms' length of each other. A torpedo from the Russian destroyer Vlastini tore off the stern of one of the enemy's destroyers, her captain standing on the bridge as she sank amid wild cries. "Port Arthur is exceedingly gloomy at night, all lights being out. Pickets patrol the street, stopping all pedestrians. Three Chunchuses (Chinese bandits) a few days ago attacked a house in the center of the town. The master of the house killed two of the Chunchuses, and a third was killed by the officers." Thrilling Description by an Eye- Witness. A Russian officer commanding a battery on Electric Hill during a bombardment of Port Arthur, contributed the following vivid account: "It was a clear sunlit day and there was a gentle swell on the water. A little spot appeared through the haze on the far horizon and then another and another, until these spots were increased to fifteen. Nearer and nearer they came, and larger and larger they appeared, until, when six miles off, there was a tiny puff of smoke, and all in the battery wondered where the projectile was going to fall. , 324 THE ATTACKS ON PORT ARTHUR. 'Torty fathoms below the diff where we were lay the battleship Peresviet. Bang! A shell burst under her bows, splashing the decks with spray. There was another puff and a projectile whistled overhead, crashing on the rock behind us. Then came a third. It was a moment of terrible suspense. There was a terrific explosion overhead. They had got our range exactly. "It was the signal for us to open fire, and ten batteries and twelve warships joined in the reply. What followed is almost indescribable. The sea underneath where we stood fairly boiled with the swish and plunge of projectiles, and words of command were inaudible to the gun- ners. I tried vainly to shout my orders while 150 guns were belching in a prolonged roar and shells were bursting overhead with a hellish crash. The smoke and dust blinded us. No Death Terrors. "I did not experience excitement, and only that my tooth began to ache, there was a strange sensation of contentment amidst the scenes of death, which had no terrors after the first shell had exploded. Sud- denly a white-faced gunner pointed to a battery of quick-firing guns half-way down the hill, which had been placed there to prevent a Japan- ese landing. I ran down and found the scene one of the wildest. There was a battle orgy of bursting shells and whistling fragments, the smoke stench reeking the earth. "One shell had burst among the gunners. A soldier was lying disem- boweled and another had his skull crushed. A third soldier was deliri- ous, and there were splinters in his head. One gun had been broken like a reed. It was a dreadful sight, with blood everywhere. "After the battle was over Lieutenant General Stoessel, commander at Port Arthur, pinned the cross of St. George on my breast. But what does it matter — I am in the hospital." CHAPTER XXVI. DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK The Assassin of the Sea — A Five Million Dollar Boat and Eight Hundred Men Lost — Miraculous Escape of Grand Duke Cyril — ^Description of the Petropavlovsk — Admiral Makarofi: — How a Submarine fights — Enticed into a Trap — An Eye Witness Describes the Disaster — Russian Torpedo Boats Sink a Japanese Transport — ^Loss of the Yos- hino and Hatsuse. ON THE morning of April 13, a few Japanese were seen approach- ing Port Arthur. Seeing that he did not have a superior force to engage, Admiral Makaroff signaled all the ships of his fleet to follow him to sea and went out to do battle. Before the Japanese fleet was reached, re-enforcements for Admiral Togo appeared on the horizon, swelling the attacking force to thirty ships, big and little. There was no chance for the Russian fleet to win against such odds, and Makaroff signaled a retreat. No Chance to Escape. The squadron was entering the roadstead when the Petropavlovsk either touched a mine or was struck by a torpedo shot from a submarine boat. A huge hole was blown in the starboard side of the ship, near the middle, and she immediately turned turtle and sank bottom up in a few minutes. The crew was at the fighting stations, and the Russians, penned up below the decks and in the turrets, had no chance to escape, for the disaster was over in a minute. Immediately after the explosion the sailors were signaled to flood some of the compartments on the port side to throw the ship on an even keel, but they had no time even to begin this work. It is believed that Admiral Makaroff was in the conning tower, from which there was no chance of escape. With the Grand Duke Cyril on the bridge of the ship, were Captain N. Jakovleff and two other officers, and all 325 326 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. were saved. It was claimed by many that a submarine torpedo boat struck the blow that sank the Russian flagship, that unseen and unsus- pected, the "assassin of the sea" crept up under the ironclad and stabbed it in its vitals. In two and one-half minutes a $5,000,000 armored vessel, the most powerful sea-fighter in the Czar's navy, lay in scrap- iron at the bottom of the sea, with the commander-in-chief and his staff and 800 men wiped out. New Art of Marine Warfare. In every possible way Japan guarded the secret of her new naval weapon and Admiral Togo, in his report of the engagement, was careful to explain that the battleship struck a Japanese mine which had been planted during the previous evening. It was known, however, that three years ago the Japanese bought plans for submarine torpedo boats from an American firm. Inside a walled enclosure near Sasebo the Japanese built and tested three submarines similar in design to the United States submarine Fulton. Newspaper correspondents were for- bidden to follow the fleet, and the usual courtesy of welcoming naval officers of neutral nations as guests on board the ships was declined by Japan. According to a well known authority, Japan, the youngest of all naval powers, achieved the distinction of making a practical demonstra- tion of the new art of marine warfare before the eyes of the world. Heretofore the submarine had been a theoretical weapon ; Japan proved its effectiveness. A moment's study of the disaster to the Petropavlovsk settles beyond question the fact that great fighting ships are helpless and worthless in the presence of this new and overwhelming weapon of war. Hidden under thirty feet of water, the Japanese submarine crept up to the Russian ironclad and detonated two hundred pounds of gun- cotton squarely under the engine rooms of the Petropavlovsk. The explosion of the torpedo tore through the armored underside, letting a flood of cold sea water in upon the red-hot boilers. Instantly the boilers burst, splitting the battleship into halves. A vast column of steam and DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 327 water shot two hundred feet into the air, and through this rose even higher the whirling fragments of boilers, engines, guns and crew from the gutted midship section of the vessel. A Miraculous Escape. A tongue of flame swept aft through the ship and penetrated the powder magazine under the rear gun turret. As the after half of the flagship settled in the water this magazine exploded, splitting off the ship's stern and tearing into fragments the commanding officer's cabin, where sat Admiral MakarofT, with his staff assembled about him in counsel. A moment later the forward half of the battleship had sunk. But a muffled roar, a cloud of smoke and steam and a seething mass of bub- bling suds on the surface of the sea made it plain that one of the forward powder magazines had feebly exploded in the sunken wreck. By a miracle, Grand Duke Cyril, the heir to the Russian throne, escaped. Standing on the captain's bridge with his back to the heavily armored conning tower, he was partly sheltered from the explosion of the boiler behind him. The concussion threw him off his feet, and as the ship heeled over to port the Grand Duke rolled to the edge of the bridge and over, falling to the deck below. Before he could regain his feet the gun-deck, on which he had tumbled, was awash as the ship careened still further to port. At this instant the turret magazine in the severed after-half of the ship blew up, and the resultant towering wave which swept in every direction picked up Cyril and bore him a hundred feet away from the wreck. On the crest of this same wave traveled a broken portion of the Admiral's steam launch, which had been torn from the davits. Fortunately this proved to be the bow section of the launch, which is an air-tight compartment — a veritable life preserver. To this the Grand Duke Cyril clung until he was saved. Nobody will even know exactly how many were lost on the flagship. Of something more than 850 souls only 51 officers and men escaped. Most of the men were at their stations throughout the ship, and were stunned by the explosions and drowned a moment later. Two minutes 328 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. and a half after the guncotton torpedo blew the bottom out of the boiler rooms the ship had disappeared in the sea. Battleship at Mercy of Submarine. The modern battleship, heavily armored against shells and solid shot, and equipped with chain nets to keep off surface torpedoes, has no protection against a submarine boat. Indeed, in a fight between an ii,ooo ton battleship costing over five millions of dollars and carrying a fighting force of 850 men and a tiny, fragile submarine boat of 75 tons, with a complement of only five men, the battleship is completely at the mervy of its diminutive opponent. The cruel, pitiless inequality of such an encounter is, to say the very least, marvellous, especially when the frightful, appalling and almost inevitable result is taken into consideration. The Petropavlovsk cost 34 times as much, weighed 147 times as much and carried 170 times as many men as the Japanese water rat. And yet, in spite of all its apparent disadvantages, the submarine craft had the big Russian battleship at its mercy from the moment the Petra- pavlovsk emerged from the harbor at Port Arthur, enticed on, in fact, by the other Japanese war vessels, which were merely the bait used for drawing the enemy into the submarine trap. Disemboweled the Ship. The first ofificial explanation — that the battleship was accidentally sunk by collision with one of the mines planted in the channel by the Russians themselves — did not survive the first wave of horror caused by the disaster. Just as soon as the exact nature and extent of the ex- plosion were made known naval experts declared that it would have been impossible to have disemboweled the ship with a contact mine. They said a submarine torpedo boat must have attacked the Petropav- lovsk, creeping up close to the enemy and accurately discharging a Whitehead torpedo against the ship's most vital part. The first official Russian verification of this belief came from the Grand Duke Vladimir at St. Petersburg two days after the loss of the battleship. He said: DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 329 "We knew that the Japanese had two submarines, but we did not suppose them rash enough to send submarines such a distance from the fleet or allow them to venture as far as the entrance of the channel of Port Arthur. The submarine which did so must certainly have sunk." Since then it has been very positively stated by an American naval officer, whose name, for diplomatic and other reasons, has not been divulged, that Japan had four submarine torpedo boats of the Holland type when the war broke out. One of these he actually saw in course of construction in a shipbuilding enclosure near Sasebo. The other three were completed and in commission ready for active service. Boat Reduced to Scrap Iron. Admiral Togo claimed for his squadron the credit of sinking the battleship by counter-mining, leaving it for the Russians to confirm the belief that Japan was using submarines. It may seem almost incredible that a powerful first-class battleship on which five millions of dollars had been expendeH could be over- powered by a comparatively insignificant antagonist. The fate of the Petropavlovsk, however, furnished the navies of the whole world with a striking proof of the futility of matching armor-plated monsters against the newest and most deadly of all fighting craft — the submerged tor- pedo boat, which can approach unseen and strike unawares wherever it pleases and at the most unexpected moment. Although the Petropavlovsk was launched at St. Petersburg in 1894, ten years ago, she was not put into commission until 1898. The inter- vening four years were spent in testing various types of guns for her, improving her armament generally and fitting her with the most com- plete coat of armor plate that could be turned out. Resembled the Indiana. The Petropavlovsk was constructed at the New Admiralty Yard at St. Petersburg. She had a displacement of 11,500 tons, and was equipped with English engines of it, 600 horse-power. She was 367 feet long and had a beam of 69 feet. In size and general appearance she resembled somewhat the American battleship Indiana. 330 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. She was provided with an armored belt over fifteen inches in thick- ness, and a protective deck three and a half inches thick. Her two prin- cipal turrets were covered with ten-inch Harveyized steel plating, her four secondary turrets and her casemates being of three-inch armor. Her armament was very formidable, consisting of four 12-inch can- non mounted in pairs, fore and abaft her upperstructure, and twelve 5.9- inch quick-firing guns, eight of which were placed in pairs in her second- ary turrets, the remaining four being in casemates recessed on her main deck amidships. Besides all these, she carried no fewer than thirty- eight small rapid-fire and machine guns, in addition to six torpedo tubes. On her trial trip, under natural draught, she realized a speed of over seventeen knots an hour during a twelve-hour run. Immediately upon hearing of the disaster to the Petropavlovsk, the Czar appointed Vice-Admiral SkrydlofT, known as the "Bulldog of the Russian Navy," to the command of the Port Arthur squadron. A Strange Fatality. Admiral Makarofif's death was really a greater loss than would be that of several battleships. He was the pride of the navy and enjoyed the implicit confidence of his sovereign as well as of the officers and men of the service. Speaking of his death naval officers remarked upon the strange fatality that he should lose his life on a heavily armored battleship, to which he had a particular aversion. The morning of his death he raised his flag for the first time on a battleship. Previously he had gone out on board the cruiser Novik or the cruiser Askold. It was at the urgent request of his friends that he did not risk his life in this fashion and transferred his flag to the Petropavlovsk. It was an open secret that Admiral Makaroff was not anxious to resign his commond of Cronstadt to go to the far East, this necessitat- ing his leaving his wife and family, but the emperor held such a high opinion of him that he declined to consider other candidates, although it was pointed out that Rear Admiral Rojestvensky, chief of the general staff of the navy, who was appointed to command the Baltic squadron, as well as others, were anxious to distinguish themselves. DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 331 Forced to Command. The emperor in his summons to Admiral Makaroff said: "My choice has fallen upon you and I will not take a refusal." So the admiral went to the far East. The emperor's sorrow was doubly keen on this account. By imperial command a requiem service was celebrated at the admiralty church in St. Petersburg for the em- peror's favorite admiral. The grief-stricken widow, according to the Russian custom, had a requiem service celebrated at her residence. She had been much wor- ried over the health of her husband, who suffered from diabetes, refer- ence to which was made in a telegram from the admiral, in which he said he was compelled to disobey orders as to taking regular sleep. The admiral's death was also mourned by his daughter Lillie, a beau- tiful girl of 19, who was the belle of Cronstadt. Both mother and daugh- ter attended the requiem service at the admiralty church. The coincidence was generally commented upon that the ice breaker Ermak, one of Admiral Makaroff's greatest triumphs, steamed majestic- ally up the Neva on the day the Petropavlovsk went down, having cut through the ice from Cronstadt, her enormous black hull dwarfing the war ships moored alongside. Anxious to Win His Spurs. There is a romantic story connected with Grand Duke Cyril's anxiety to go to the front. He wanted to win his spurs and then marry the woman with whom he is very much in love. The match was opposed by his parents. It was an open secret that the grand duke's lady love was his cousin, the divorced wife of the Grand Duke of Hesse and daughter of the late Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who married a sister of Alexander III. How the Deadly Submarine Fights. The average type of the submarine boat is a steel shell fifty-four feet long, and pointed at the ends, and ten and a half feet wide. Within .the comparatively small space inside is stowed away twenty tons of 33-2 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. machinery and fittings. This apparatus consists of a fifty-horse power gasoHne engine, which runs the propeller when the boat is on the sur- face of the water. The engine also charges the storage batteries with electricity. This electrical power is drawn upon to propel the boat be- low the water's surface when the gasoline engine could not be operated, as it would vitiate the air inside the vessel. In the bow of the boat are her means of offensive warfare. The most important is a torpedo tube pointing straight ahead on a line with her keel. This is for discharging torpedoes under water at hostile ships. There is another torpedo tube in the bow pointing upward at an angle of about twenty degrees, which is used for firing aerial torpedoes. Through this tube torpedoes can be hurled through the air for a dis- tance of one mile or more, and it is useful wheri the vessel takes part in a concerted attack upon a battleship or fortification. Can See Without Being Seen. The boat is made to dive under the surface by opening the air cham- bers in the lower part of the hull and filling them with water, and at the same time directing the vessel's course downward by means of hori- zontal rudders, or planes, on either side. Nine tons of water are suffi- cient to sink the boat to a depth of five feet below the surface. Still more water ballast can be taken in to cause her to sink to the depth of 140 feet. When the torpedo boat's commander wishes to come to the surface again he simply gives an order, a valve is turned and the water is forced out of the ballast tanks, leaving a vacuum which quickly changes the specific gravity of the submarine, making it lighter than the water and causing it to rise. The boat is capable of making a speed of ten knots an hour when sailing "awash." That means with all but the boat's conning tower under water. When the conning tower, too, is submerged, and the boat settles to a depth of about thirty feet below the level of the water, she is still capable of maintaining a speed of six or eight knots an hour. The tremendous advantage the submarine has over all other kinds of fighting ships is that it can always see without being seen. The sub- DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. ss3 marine can sink completely out of sight and in that way either creep up until it is within striking distance, or wait for the enemy's approach. There is no "chug-chug" of the engines to warn the enemy, because when submerged the torpedo boat derives its propelling power from storage batteries. Nothing is visible above the surface of the water but a slender tube which rises to a height of one or two feet. This tube contains a powerful omniscope, or "eye," which enables the submarine commander to see a perfect reflection of the whole surface of the water for miles around, just as plainly as if he stood a raft and scanned the horizon through a telescope. Watching Its Prey from Beneath the Waves. In a series of tests to determine what danger the submarine ran of being detected by an enemy, it was proved that in a calm sea the tiny gray speck of the submarine's conning tower cannot be seen, even through the most powerful marine glasses, more than a mile. In a rough sea, the conning tower will hardly be visible at more than a few hundred yards. The danger of the submarine being hit by an enemy's guns is very- small, as the conning tower is only two feet six inches in diameter. It is protected by four-inch plates, capable of resisting the impact of four- inch projectiles. And when the submarine boat was totally submerged — that is, with nothing but the tip of the omniscope projecting above the waves, it was impossible to "pick out" the boat until it was within two hundred yards of the supposed enemy. From this it will be understood how easy it was for the Japanese submarines to creep unobserved right up to the entrance to the Port Arthur channel and lie in wait for their prey there. Not only was Ad- miral Makarofif unaware of their presence; he probably had only a vague suspicion of their existence. In any event, he had no reason to suspect that even the daring Japanese would send a submarine out miles beyond the protection of their own war ships and give battle — a pigmy against one of the most powerful battleships afloat. 334 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. But this. is what probably happened. The submarine which sank the Petropavlovsk waited submerged just outside of Port Arthur. A few of Admiral Togo's ships made a demonstration which plainly meant: "Come out and fight." The Russian admiral accepted the challenge and stepped right into the trap set for him with devilish ingenuity by the wily Japs. Petropavlovsk Enticed Into a Trap. We have already told of the frightful consequences of that fatal step. The Petropavlovsk was singled out by the hidden submarine as its intended victim. Silently and swiftly it approached the enormous battleship which was then on its way back to the harbor after ascer- taining the overwhelming strength of the enemy. Still unobserved, the Japanese submarine drew nearer until it was well within striking distance. Then a Whitehead torpedo was discharged at the Petropavlovsk, which staggered and sank beneath the series of external and internal explosions that followed. Four Years Consumed in Building the Petropavlovsk. About two years are required to build and complete a battleship. In the case of the Petropavlovsk almost four years were consumed in building, and even after she was launched another four years was spent in experimenting with her guns, engines, armor plate and fighting tops before she was considered ready for active service. During all this time an average of one hundred men were employed daily in the ship's con- struction, either in the Adm.iralty yard or in the arsenal or government armor-plate works, where much of the material was turned out. This accounted for almost a million and a quarter dollars in wages. The Petropavlovsk had a displacement of eleven thousand tons, represented for the most part by iron and steel. This, with other items of construction, such as timber and glass, accounted for $950,000 more. Another enormous item of expense was the armament, on which it has been estimated that a round million dollars was, spent. The ship's powerful engines cost fully $450,000 to build, and in con- nection with these must be considered the electric hoists, steering ap- DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 335 paratus, heating and lighting apparatus and all the other modern ap- pliances and contrivances which contribute to the completion of the modern fighting ship. Then there were interior and exterior fittings which cost a large fortune in themselves, and a list of miscellaneous necessary appliances for working the ship, which ran the total cost to the five-million-dollar mark. . Launching the Battleship. A curious ceremony marked the launching of the Petropavlovsk. The battleship was christened, blessed and dedicated to the service of the Czar according to the rules of the Greek Orthodox Church — a procedure in striking contract with that which attends the launching of an Ameri- can or English warship. An altar with shiniag golden candelabra and a generous silver font of holy water was arranged under the battleship's prow, and when the hour for the launching ceremony drew near a score of bronzed sailors assembled under the starboard side of the bow and opened little black hymn books as they prepared to chant the prescribed anthems. Down on the giT)und hundreds of other sailors drew up in line as a guard of honor. Six bishops and priests, wearing their flowing vestments, led the procession of lesser dignitaries, officials of the Russian government and invited guests. How the Battleship Was Christened. As soon as the priests reached the platform erected under the Pe- tropavlovsk's prow they took their places at the altar and the cere- monies commenced. The opening prayer was listened to by all with uncovered heads, and then the sailor choir chanted the first hymn of the christening service. A choral mass followed, during which the ship and name were made one, and were dedicated to the Czar's service. As they concluded the mass the celebrants blessed the battleship thrice, standing directly under the powerful-looking ram. Then they held aloft the golden crucifix which the bishops, priests and officials rev- erently kissed. Then 200 brawny men drove home the wedges and split the keel blocks out. The beams that had shored up the ship in her 336 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. cradle were knocked loose and then the men stood waiting for the sig- nal to cut away the "shoe" pieces, or last restraining timbers. One of the bishops advanced with a large crucifix and a Russian naval officer with a golden sword. Side by side they stood against the prow and waited while a final benediction was pronounced. Then, as the crucifix and sword touched the prow together the workmen tore out the last remaining "shoe" pieces, and the Petropavlovsk was launched upon a career which ended so disastrously just outside of the harbor at Port Arthur, The following graphic description of the loss of the Petropavlovsk is from the pen of a war correspondent who witnessed the disaster : "Tuesday, April 12, Vice Admiral Makaroff took to sea with his entire squadron, including fourteen torpedo boats. The next night, April 13, in the teeth of a gale, eight torpedo boats were sent out to reconnoiter. From Golden Hill, on which I was standing, through the blackness the searchlight of the fortifications flashed over the inky waters of the roadstead and far out to the hazy horizon. Hears Firing at Sea. "At II o'clock I heard firing at sea and counted seven shots, but could see nothing. At daybreak I made out through the light haze to the southward, about five miles from shore, six torpedo boats strung out in line, all firing. In the lead and outstripping the others was a boat heading at full speed directly for the entrance of the harbor. The last in line was beclouded in steam and lagging. She evidently had been hit. It was difficult to distinguish our boats, but finally through my glasses I saw that the leader and the laggard were Russian and that the other four were Japanese. "The flash of the guns and the splash of the projectiles as they struck the water showed the intensity of the conflict. The torpedo boat from which steam was escaping was firing viciously. The four center craft drew together, concentrating their fire upon her, but the crippled destroyer poured out her fire and was successfully keeping off her as- sailants. DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 337 News Is Flashed. "The signal station flashed the news to the man of the batteries that the vessel was the Strashni, The unequal combat was observed with breathless interest, but the net drew close around the doomed boat. The four Japanese vessels formed a semi-circle and poured in a deadly fire. The steam from the Strashni grew denser, covering her like a white pall. Still she fought like a desperately wounded animal brought to bay. Running straight for the adversary barring her way to safety, she passed the Japanese astern and fired at them. "At this stage Vice Admiral MakarofY, who had been observing the progress of the conflict through a telescope, signaled to the cruiser Bayan, lying in the inner harbor, to weigh anchor and go out to the rescue. Cling to Their Victim. "The Japanese destroyers clung to their victim like hounds in a chase. They had become separated, but again resumed their formation. Small jets of flame and smoke were spurting from the light rapid-firers, varied by denser clouds as torpedoes were discharged against the Strashni. "It was the end. The stricken boat loosed a final round, but it was as if a volley had been fired over her own grave, for she disappeared beneath the waves, only a little cloud of steam marking the place where she went down. "Satisfied with what they had accomplished, the Japanese torpedo boats turned and made off at full speed, followed by the Bayan. To their support came six of the enemy's cruisers. Still the Bayan went on, seemingly inviting certain destruction. She soon ported her helm to bring a broadside to bear upon the foe, which was advancing in line of battle. She opened fire on some of them and turned quickly and stood on into the hail of the enemy's broadsides. The Japanese steamed at a slight angle, enabling all their guns to bear, and projectiles rained around the Bayan, raising columns of water as they burst, but none struck home. 338 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. Torpedo Boats Appear. "To the eastward suddenly appeared five more of our torpedo boats, returning to the harbor under forced draught. Two of the Japanese cruisers were immediately detached to cut them off, but the Bayan, noticing the movement, checkmated it by turning a hot fire upon them. The movement was effective. The Japanese cruisers slowed down and the torpedo boats slipped through into the harbor. "Meantime, in accordance with Vice Admiral MakarofT's order, the battleships and cruisers in the inner harbor slipped anchor. Majesti- cally the Petropavlovsk, flying the admiral's flag, steamed through the entrance. On her appearance the more formidable of the Japanese cruisers turned and fled. The admiral signaled the Bayan to return. Then a stream of vari-colored signal flags fluttered out, 'Bravo, Bayan.' "By this time the entire Russian squadron was in the outer harbor. Besides the Petropavlovsk, I saw the battleships Peresviet, Poltava, Pobieda and Sevastopol, the cruisers Novik, Diana and Askold, and the torpedo boats. The flags announcing the admiral's approbation of the Bayan were hauled down and replaced by another signal. Imme- diately the torpedo boats dashed ahead and the heavier ships began to spread out. Enemy Out of Range. "Seeing the flight of the Japanese cruisers, the Petropavlovsk opened fire with her great guns, but the enemy was out of range and soon dis- appeared. Our squadron continued the chase, finally fading from view. I waited anxiously for its reappearance and in about an hour it came in sight. Far beyond it, the number of points from which smoke arose announced the presence of the enemy. Nearer and nearer came the vessels, and at last I made out behind our squadron a fleet of fourteen of which six were battleships and the remainder armored and unarmored cruisers. "Our squadron, with the Petropavlovsk leading, arrived at the entrance to the harbor and drew up in line of battle. Another signal was floated from the flag ship and the torpedo boats at once proceeded DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 339 through the entrance into the inner harbor. Vice Admiral Makaroff evidently was unwilling to risk his vulnerable craft to the heavy pro- jectiles of the enemy's armored ships. Prepared for Death. "I watched the Petropavlovsk closely as she steamed toward Elec- tric Cliff. The frowning marine monster, whose guns were ever turning toward the enemy, was prepared to send huge messengers of death against him. All was quiet. It was the hush before a battle — the hush when every nerve is strained. I looked for the Japanese ships, but they were without movement, save that caused by the heaving sea. "My glance returned to our squadron. The Petropavlovsk was almost without headway, when suddenly I saw her tremble. She seemed to rise out of the water, a tremendous explosion rent the air, then a second and then a third. Fragments flew in all directions and wreckage and men were mixed up in a terrible mass. Sinks in Open Sea. "I was hardly able to realize the horror of it when the ship began to list. In a moment the sea seemed to open and the water rushed over her. The Petropavlovsk had disappeared. The floating woodwork and the few men struggling in the water were all that were left to recall the splendid fighting machine which a few hours before had sailed out of the harbor. "The same shock experienced by the observers on Golden Hill para- lyzed for a moment the men on the ships, but when it passed, torpedo boats and small boats hastened to the rescue of the survivors. "Eager to ascertain what had occurred on board the sunken ship, I hastened to a landing where a small remnant of the crew were being put ashore and conveyed to a hospital. Signalman Bochkoff, who was slightly wounded, was able to give me a remarkably clear statement of the disaster. He said: " *We were returning to the harbor, the Petropavlovsk leading. Some of our cruisers which had remained in the harbor came out and 340 DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. steamed toward the enemy, firing sixteen shots at him with their bow guns. They then retired. The enemy numbered fourteen heavy ships, nearly all armored, while ours were nine. Against their armored cruis- ers we had only the Bayan. I stood in the wheelhouse on the bridge of the Petropavlovsk, looking up the signal book. The admiral's last signal had been for the torpedo boats to enter the harbor. Explosions Are Heard. " 'The Petropavlovsk slowed speed and almost stood still. Suddenly the ship shook violently. I heard a fearful explosion, immediately fol- lowed by another and then another. They seemed to me to be directly under the bridge. I rushed to the door of the wheelhouse, where I met an officer, probably a helmsman. I could not pass him, and I sprang to the window and jumped out. The ship was listing, and I feared that every moment she would turn over. " 'On the bridge I saw an officer weltering in blood — it was our ad- miral — Makaroff. He lay face downward. I sprang to him, grasped him by the shoulder and attempted to raise him. " 'The ship seemed to be falling somewhere. From all sides flew fragments. I heard the deafening screech and the frightful din. The smoke rose in dense clouds and the flames seemed to leap toward the bridge where I was standing beside the admiral. I jumped on the rail and was washed off, but succeeded in grabbing something. I was sucked down. I remember the falling masts and then nothing more. " 'On our ship was an old man with a beautiful white beard, who had been good to our men. He had a book in his hand and seemed to be writing, perhaps sketching. He was Verestchagin, the painter.' '* Japanese Naval Disasters. On April 26, two Russian torpedo-boats of the Vladivostok squadron, while ofif Sinpho, met the Japanese military transport Kinshiu Maru laden with military stores and coal, and carrying detachments of troops. The captain of the ship and three or four officers went on board the Rus- sian. The men on board the transport refused to surrender, and seven- DESTRUCTION OF THE PETROPAVLOVSK. 341 ty-three of them were sent to the bottom with the ship. Some, how- ever, escaped in boats. The same evening the Russians also sank the Japanese steamer Nakamaura Maru whose crew were placed in safety. On May 15, the Japanese lost two warships. The details of the disas- ter, according to Admiral Togo, were as follows : "At fourteen minutes past i in the afternoon of May 15, in a deep fog off Port Arthur, the Kasuga rammed the Yoshino, sinking the latter in a few minutes. The same morning the Hatsuse, while cruising off Port Arthur covering the landing of the soldiers, struck a mine ten knots southeast of the harbor entrance. She signalled for help and instantly struck another mine. She sank in half an hour. Three hundred of her crew were saved by torpedo boats." The crew of the Yoshino comprised 300 men, which would make the list of fatalities on her part 210. The HatsuSe carried a crew of seventy- four, and as 300 were rescued, the fatalities were computed to be 441, making a total of 651 for both boats. CHAPTER XXVII. FIRST LAND BATTLES The Battle of Chong-ju — The Drama of the Yalu — The First Move — Japanese Gunnery — The Russians Evacuate Tiger Hill — Masterly Strategy — Eussian Guns Silenced — A Frontal Attack — Planting the Japanese Flag on the Ridge — A Desperate Bayonet Charge — The Moral Effect of the Victory. DURING the early days of the campaign the movements of the Japanese army on the west coast of Korea were shrouded in mys- tery. It became known finally, however, that the troops of the Mikado had concluded a series of gradual advances with the occupation of Wiju. The preliminary skirmish occurred at 10:30 a. m, on March 28th, when the Russians and Japanese came for the first time into touch at Chong- ju, a walled Korean town to the north of Anju. Previous to this engagement there had been only occasional firing between scouts, but in this encounter six companies of Russians met Japanese infantry and cavalry in Chong-ju in an encounter which lasted for nearly two hours. The Battle of Cheng- Ju. The Russians were advancing to Kasan, where they had heard that bodies of Japanese patrols had been seen. On arriving at Chong-ju they encountered a company of Japanese infantry and a squadron of cavalry. The Russians, with an additional three companies, took up a position on a ridge commanding the town. The Russian account states that "not- withstanding this and our commanding position, the Japanese gallantly held their ground, and it was only after a fierce fight of half-an-hour's duration that they ceased fire and sought refuge in the houses. They hoisted Red Cross flags at two points. Soon afterwards, on the Kasan road, three squadrons of the enemy were seen advancing at full gallop towards the town, which two squadrons succeeded in entering. The third fell back in disorder under the repeated volleys of our troops, men 342 FIRST LAND BATTLES. 343 and horses being seen to fall. For an hour afterwards our companies continued to fire on the Japanese in the town, preventing them from leaving the streets and houses to open fire on us. An hour and a half after the beginning of the engagement four companies appeared on the Kasan road hastening up to attack." The Russians then retired and formed up in line behind the hill. The force "moved on" but not in the direction of Kasan. Eventually it reached Koaksan and proceeded northward. The Japanese account stated that in the army's forward rnovement the Russians were compelled to retire from Chong-ju. This step was followed by the advance of the Japanese through Seng-chen, with which there was a corresponding movement concluding with the occupation of Yongampo and Wiju, and finally of Chyang-syong, a point some little distance from the estuary of the Yalu, and one which once its seizure had been accomplished enabled a wider front upon the river to be secured. The Struggle on the Yalu. The following graphic description of the battle of the Yalu, the first great engagement on land between the Japanese and Russian forces was prepared, for the author, by the military expert of the London Times, who was an eye-witness of the conflict. The operations which resulted in the crossing of the Yalu by the Japanese culminated May i, in the occupation of Kiu-lien-cheng, north of the Bany River and opposite Wiju. Before crossing the Japanese occupied a front extending from Yongampo to a point fifteen miles above Wiju, whence Gen. Kuroki directed movements extending down and slightly beyond the mouth of the river. Their left cannot easily be accounted for, but it is understood to have extended a long distance, one detachment having crossed the river seventy-five miles above Wiju and disarmed a body of Korean soldiers. How the Land Lay. At Wiju the Yalu is split into three streams by two Islands, which were held, respectively, by Russians and Japanese, the middle of the 344 rlRST LAND BATTLES. stream forming the barrier dividing the two forces. The river bed opposite Wiju is two miles wide. One mile above the islands the river Ai joins the Yalu. There is a range of mountains between the islands, culminating in a rocky promontory, Tiger Hill, which juts into the bed of the river one mile from Wiju. Between Tiger Hill and the Korean shore is another island, occupy- ing the river bed some miles above Wiju, Tiger Hill and the adjoining mainland formed the strategic key to the Russian position, and its pos- session was essential to the success of the Japanese plans. First Forward Move. April 28 the Japanese made their first move, occupying the island above Tiger Hill, after a brisk fight, in which they lost nine killed and twenty-four wounded. During the day the Russians opened fire, with field artillery, from Kiu-lien-cheng, upon a number of Japanese and coolies, who were building a trestle bridge from Wiju to the first island. Later in the day- they shelled Wiju for ten minutes, inflicting slight damage. The Japanese refrained from replying. At night, according to the Japanese, the Russians vacated Tiger Hill, an inexplicable step. During the night of April 28 and the following day, various points somewhere above Wiju were occupied. One division of Japanese in- fantry crossed the Yalu without opposition from the island occupied during the day. The Russians evacuated the island adjoining Kiu-lien-cheng April 29, and reoccupied Tiger Hill and its neck, evidently aware of the cross- ing higher up and desirous of strengthening their left against the devel- opment of the Japanese right. The Japanese Marksmanship Accurate. In the afternoon the Japanese upon the island above Tiger Hill were subjected to a heavy rifle fire from the dominating heights, and for the first time the Japanese used artillery. Two batteries north of Wiju castle were employed to search the slopes from which the Russians were firing, and twenty minutes of scathing shrapnel firing was kept up. FIRST LAND BATTLES. 345 The Russians were seen laboriously climbing the steep ascents in a vain endeavor to escape the leaden showers. Many dead and wounded were left. The Russian artillery at Kiu-lien-cheng made ineffectual attempts to quell the Japanese fire, their efforts being in remarkable contrast to the accuracy and concentration of the Japanese shooting. That night the concentration movement, on foot for some days, came to a head, one division being already across the river and the other two massed behind the hill a mile north of Wiju, protected from the fire of the Russian guns at Kiu-lien-cheng. Surprise for the Russians. A great surprise was in store for the Russians. What happened the following day with regard to artillery, deserves to be ranked among the cleverest moves of warfare since the introduction of modern ord- nance. The concentration of the division also appears to have been masterly, not only in the execution of movements, but in the manner in which they were concealed from the enemy, who appear to have been ignorant that the Japanese left had closed upon Wiju. At daybreak, April 30, the scene was peaceful in the extreme. Across the sandy bed of the Yalu meandered three sparkling blue streams. Beyond, the purple mountains of Manchuria stretched in end- less vista. Only on the southern slopes of the hills on the Korean side v/as there evidence of war. Dropping our gaze from the far north to our feet, we saw a valley black with men, horses, baggage, and ammuni- tion trains, and all the paraphernalia of an army on the move. The suggestion was that the army would cross the river, that the crossing was inevitable, and that the possibility of defeat did not enter into the Japanese calculations. What the Daylight Showed. When the rising sun lit up the hills opposite Wiju, Japanese in thou- sands were descried, strung out in single file and streaming along the bridle path traversing the lower slopes. As they wound in and out of 346 FIRST LAND BATTLES. the ravines they gradually ascended, their object evidently being to occupy the heights commanding Tiger Hill and its approaches. Rounding the spur, they came into view^ of the Russians on Tiger Hill neck and were instantly subjected to a heavy shrapnel fire. The Russian gun position was thus revealed and the Japanese batteries north of Wiju opened fire and speedily silenced the Russian guns. The Japanese steadily advanced, and soon scaled the heights, whence they brought rifle fire to bear on the Russians, who were eventually com- pelled to cross the Ai and join their main force. Dramatic Features o£ Day. During these operations the dramatic feature of the day was wit- nessed. The Russians believed the enemy possessed field guns only, and their positions were calculated to deal with artillery of that caliber alone. For the same reason they had taken no pains to mask their guns. When the Japanese opened upon them with several howitzer batteries they were thunderstruck. On the first island opposite Wiju, held by the Japanese, is a belt of trees, vividly green and fresh looking. From out of this innocent-looking gem of nature came a terrible rain of shell and shrapnel, which played upon the Russian batteries on the conical hill, swept men and guns, tore the ground and smashed rocks. In the air around the Russian position were white puffs of smoke, denoting the explosion of shrapnel, while the hill itself, struck by shells from the heavy howitzers, looked like an active volcano, belching clouds of gray, black smoke from a dozen different places. No sooner had the storm burst than the Russian shrapnel streamed through the air in reply to the unexpected attack. The green of the trees was obscured by the smoke of bursting shells. Clouds of sand and dust raised by the missiles striking the ground floated away on the wind, and the booming guns and the deep thunder- ing sound of the explosion filled the valley. For half an hour the Rus- sians stuck to their guns manfully, but gradually their guns were silenced. An attempt was made to bring up horses to remove the guns, but this was foiled by a fresh outburst from the Japanese artillery. The FIRST LAND BATTLES. 347 Japanese fire was then directed on the Russian camp and picket Hnes, creating great havoc. Japanese Well Protected. Trees hid the position of the Japanese from the Russians, which was directed on the belt of trees from which the deadly hail came, but the high angle fire of the howitzers enabled the Japanese to work their guns from pits which the Russian shrapnel fired at random, rarely penetrated. The success of the day was with the Japanese, and the glory with the Russians, who fought their guns to the bitter end. On the night of April 30, the infantry of another Japanese division crossed the Yalu, followed by a third division. At daybreak, May i, they could be seen on the Russian side of the river stretched out in long, thin black lines, sheltered by the depressions in the bed of the river. It was easily seen that the Japanese contemplated a frontal attack. Before any move was made the Japanese guns opened up on the ground behind Kiu-leen-cheng with shrapnel shell, sweeping and searching every inch of the ridges where the Russians were supposed to be. No Russian guns replied. They had departed. Soon the Japanese fire slackened, and then the leading line upon the sand became animated and slowly crept forward toward the base of the conical hill. It advanced quite a long time, during which the suspense was painful to endure. Then there came to listening ears the quick grunting of distant volleys stuttering down the wind and the sound of heavy musketry fire. The line showed gaps, faltered, and melted away, some running backward, others taking to shelter, many mortally hurt, but the second line close behind gathered up the remnants and swept on, followed by line upon line. Closing on the hill, they diverged to the right and left, winding up the precipitous front and swarming the sloping sides. Japanese Flag Unfurled. Meanwhile, at the first volley from the Russians the Japanese artil- lery again began to plant shells .upon the ridge, raising clouds of dust 348 FIRST LAND BATTLES. in every direction. The Japanese continued to climb until they were near the top, when they halted and massed ready to charge over the crest. Then, in the very midst of the dark blot upon the hillside appeared two flashes and two enlarging clouds. It was another of these sickening accidents that occur on battlefields when guns have been supporting an assault. Twenty-seven modest Japanese graves now occupy the spot as the heavy penalty for a slight misunderstanding. Worse of the same nature was to befall the Russians before long. At last the rush was made and the Japanese flag was bravely unfurled, first on one side and then on the other, one dark figure racing along, defying the bullets of the retir- ing Russians, to plant his country's flag in the highest possible place. Japan had beaten the Russians at their first meeting on land and vindicated her claim to a place among nations. Could Not Remove Guns. On May 6 the capture of the Russian position at Kiu-hen-cheng revealed the fact that the Russians were unable to remove eight of their guns, owing, it is believed, to lack of horses, which shows the deadli- ness of the fire the Japanese directed against the Russian picketing lines on the previous day. Evidently the Russians anticipated more deliberation on the part of the enemy, whose dashing onslaught forced them to retire and leave these coveted trophies of war. Hardly had the Japanese scaled the position at Kiu-lien-cheng than the reserves of two divisions, who had hitherto taken no part in the proceedings, were set in motion. Both bodies of men, accompanied by mountain guns, hurried along, right and left of the Peking road, with the intention of cutting off the retreat of the defeated Russians. The reserves of the remaining division fol- lowed more leisurely, employing delayed tactics. The flanking bodies in their haste outstripped their guns, and, after advancing parallel to the road until abreast of the retiring enemy, they suddenly closed in, completely surprising the Russians, who were forced to take a defensive position at Hohmutang. FIRST LAND BATTLES. 349 Desperate Charge at Hohmutang. The body pursuing in the rear quickened its movements, and all three simultaneously engaged the Russians. A desperate fight ensued, the Russians at a short range using their guns with deadly effect. The Japanese greatly outnumbered their opponents and inflicted terrible losses with rifle fire. Without guns the Japanese might well have re- tired and waited for support, but the men, jealous of the laurels earned by their comrades earlier in the day, were wild to get at the enemy. With loud cheers all three bodies, with bayonets fixed, charged the Russian positions in almost soHd masses. Such impetuosity, backed by superior numbers, could not be withstood, and the Russians hoisted the V\^hite flag in token of surrender. With the Russians were twenty guns, all of which fell into the hands of the Japanese. Twenty officers were taken prisoners and 400 men, more than half of them wounded. The official figures of the casualties and captures on May i state that the Japanese losses were: Killed, 5 officers and 160 men; wounded, 29 officers and 666 men ; total, 860. So far as the Russians are con- cerned, 1,362 dead bodies were buried by the Japanese, while 475 wounded were conveyed to the Japanese hospital. The captures were 28 guns, 20 officers and 138 men in addition to the wounded. The dis^iribution of the Russian force, which had its center at Kiu- lien-cheng, was approximately 2,000 west of Antung, 20,000 at Antung, and 5,000 at Kiu-lien-cheng. The Russians known to have occupied various points on the Yalu above Kiu-lien-cheng took no part in the operations described, nor did any of those below Kiu-lien-cheng. Russians Were Outnumbered. While the remarkable victory rests with the Japanese, the fact re- mains that they outnumbered the enemy nearly ten to one, and must necessarily have effected a crossing and scored success, but that they should have inflicted calamitous defeat upon the Russians beyond all prediction is accounted for by the fact that Russian methods, guns, and rifles are old fashioned. With the Japanese no fault can be found, except that they achieved results at great expense which might have 350 FIRST LAND BATTLES. been accomplished with but Httle loss, would have held the Russians and permitted a flanking movement on a wider and larger scale, similar to the one which actually took place on the Russian left, seeing that they were in possession of Tiger Hill. Such a move on the part of the Japanese would have been perfectly practicable, considering the number of men and guns at their disposal. Two factors doubtless influenced them, one the necessity of giving an army, clamorous to emulate the deeds of their naval brethren, an opportunity to earn distinction, and the other the political expediency of inflicting a stunning blow on the enemy and demonstrating at one and the same time their ability to cope with European troops in close quarters. These objects they achieved with the loss of about 900 men, three-fourths of whom were soon ready for duty again. Though the fighting strength of the Russian forces in the Far East was impaired infinitesimally — for many of the guns captured were old, and it is as- sumed that they are well furnished with modern weapons — the moral effect on the Russian army was tremendous. They realized that the Japanese soldier was not an object of con- tempt, but an equal, bold, and relentless foe in war. This was not without effect on the ill-paid Russian soldier, who is almost half a slave. The Japanese calculated upon this effect. Ghouls on Battlefield. On the night of the ist instant Japanese headquarters encamped at Kiu-lien-cheng, the troops after their hard day's fighting bivouacking where they were halted. During the night bands of Chinese swarmed over the two battlefields, stripping the dead of clothes and accoutre- ments. The Japanese, greatly enraged, established a system of patrols, which prevented the possiblity of such a recurrence or anything sim- ilar. They are offering rewards for the apprehension of the miscreants. On May 2 a Japanese patrol brought word that on the previous night, near Fang-hen-cheng, two Russian parties met in the dark, each mistaking the other for the enemy, A furious fight ensued, which lasted until daylight, when the Russians discovered their grievous error. FIRST LAND BATTLES. 351 It appears that they were rear flanking parties, retiring on the main Russian force, and had narrowly escaped being included in the net which the Japanese had thrown around the rear guard. Being unable to join their comrades during daylight, they essayed at night to effect a junction, going across country and marching over hills, which in the dark was impracticable. Unfortunately, one party, which had found the road and was making for the Russian camp, heard another party scrambling over the rocks, and opened fire in the direc- tion of the noise, with the unhappy result recorded. Splendid in Battle. The following brief but graphic recital of the battle on the Yalu was furnished by an eye-witness who was with the Japanese forces : "The moonlight night broke into a splendid dawn and revealed the Japanese army drawn up as if on parade. The Russians did not re- spond to the opening of the Japanese fire, but remained silent and invisible. The Japanese line of infantry, two miles long and entirely exposed, advanced from point to point by swift, sudden rushes, smartly executed in the most brilliant style, firing steadily all the while. We watched anxiously, anticipating that each rush would enter the zone of fire. The Japanese were working around the sides of Kiu-Lien Bay to their position when the Russian trenches suddenly poured a hurri- cane of rifle fire into them with deadly effect. "For a moment the Japanese advance weakened and recoiled, then rallied and once more rushed forward across the stream, .obtaining some shelter in a dead angle under the base of the mountain. The Russians, not having guns, were unable to reply to the continuous fire of the Japanese artillery. "The Japanese advance was marked now by prostrate bodies. In one instance two Japanese shells did terrible execution among their own men, who were ascending the slope. Two hours after the advance began an oflicer suddenly appeared at the top of the slope waving a large Japanese flag, sending an electric thrill through the beholders, all far and near shouting 'Banzai.' " CHAPTER XXVIII. THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU Nanshan Hill— The Russian Army Strongly Fortified— Caliber of Russian Guns Ascer- tained — Battlefield Lighted by Electricity— A Gap in the Defence — Capture of Kin- chou — Storming the Heights — A Famous Victory — Japanese Valor — ^Evacuation of Dalny— Story by an Eye Witness — Loss on Both Sides. AT 5:30 A. M., Thursday, May 26, the Japanese army, which began the attack on Kinchou on Saturday, May 21, captured the city, and after an all-day battle drove the Russians from the crest of Nanshan hill, at the point of the bayonet, at 7 o'clock in the evening of the same day. Nanshan hill was taken at a fearful sacrifice of life. Time and again the Japanese lines essayed to storm the height in the face of a terrible rifle and artillery fire. Each time they were thrown back, their lines decimated and shattered. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the Japanese lines were reformed for a last and desperate effort. The Russians fought doggedly, but after a four hours' struggle the Japanese swept the crest of the hill, driving the Russians to the south- ward in confusion and panic. As a feat of arms the capture of Nanshan hill has not been equaled in war since Skobeleff threw the Russian regiments at the impenetrable defenses of Plevna in a vain effort to carry them by storm. Nanshan a Fortress. Nanshan hill, 1,100 feet high, was held by the extreme left of the Russian army, and was believed by the Russians to be impregnable. The hill was the strongest part of the Russian line. A series of bat- teries, strongly emplaced, crowded its crest, while rifle pits extended around its sides. Mines had been placed lower down on this hill, and around the base on the northern and eastern sides were stretched well- made wire entanglements. Another line of defenses, also protected . 352 THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. 353 with wire entanglements, extended from Yenchiatung- near the Vicad of TaHenwan bay, due north of Linchiatien, which hes south of Kin- chou. Jap Valor Severely Tried. This was Nanshan hill, and it was over these mines, through these pits, trenches and barbed wire entanglements, and in the face of bat- tery after battery of artillery and line after line of intrenched infantry that the Japanese troops fought their way, inch by inch, foot by foot, to the battery-crowned crest of the height and drove the enemy south- ward toward Port Arthur. The capture of Nanshan hill was the climax of five days and nights of battle. The Japanese army with only field artillery and no heavy guns, owing to the difficulty of transportation, was in position for the attack Saturday. The Russians had made elaborate preparations to check the Japanese movement south on the Liaotung peninsula toward Port Arthur. They had fortified the high ground on the south shore of TaHenwan bay, their works extending to the east and the west. The extreme Russian right was at Hushangtao, and the extreme left at Nanshan hill. This hill was the strongest part of the line. At Kinchou itself the Russians had a strong force of infantry and artil- lery. The Japanese first occupied the line of hills to the east of Kinchou. Their position had formed an almost perfect right angle, showing its southern front to TaHenwan and its western front to Kinchou, ChiuH- chan village was the apex of this angle; the extreme right of the Japanese lines rested at Chenchatien, which is almost due north of Chiulichan, while the extreme left was at Chaitsuho, a village due east of Chiulichan. Back of this angle the attacking force assembled in complete security. Artillery Opens on Saturday. The Russians apparently attempted to draw the Japanese attack on Saturday, for their batteries opened fire on the enemy on that day. The Japanese, however, refused to be drawn into battle until the 354 THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. positions of the Russians, their guns, and their strength had been fully developed. To this end the Japanese began a series of careful recon- noissances, their officers working their way close enough to the Rus- sian position to draw the enemy's fire. They thus secured fragments of shells for the purpose of ascertainng the caliber of the Russian guns. Caliber of Russian Guns. They discovered that the batteries on Nanshan hill included four howitzers of about 15 centimeters caliber, ten old-style cannon of be- tween 9 and 15 centimeters caliber, and two quick firing guns of 12 centimeters. The Japanese discovered also a number of large emplacements, but they did not learn the number of guns contained therein. These em- placements faced to the north and to the east. The guns fired by the Russians developed a range of 8,500 meters. Eight heavy guns posted on the Russian right in the vicinity of Hush- angtao also were discovered, and another strong Russian position developed by these reconnoissances was on another hill southwest of Nanshan hill, where the Russians had a series of shelter trenches. Electrically Lighted Battleground. On the shore of Talienwan bay, close to the head of the bay, the Russians had established a series of positions. Here were set up the searchlights which all through Wednesday night played over the Jap- anese angle in the hills to the northeast. Probably this was the first instance in the history of warfare that contending armies fought over a battlefield lighted by electricity. Russian's Fatal Error. Further reconnoissances developed the fact that west of Liuchiatien the Russians had no defenses. Extending to the northward from Yenchiatien to the west coast of Liaotung peninsula there were no de- fenses whatever, except the force posted at Kinchou. This gap in the defense was a fatal defect in the Russian position, and when it was perceived the Japanese extended their right to the THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. 355 nortH and east, enveloping Kinchou and the Russian extreme right. The Japanese left also was extended to Wangchiatung, on the shore of Talienwan bay, and the center moved forward. ' Capture of Kinchou. Wednesday morning, May 25, at half-past 5 o'clock, the Japanese attacked Kinchou, and for three hours they had an artillery duel with the batteries on Nanshan hill. The Russian gunners searched the Jap- anese lines with their fire, but failed to inflict much damage. The battle was resumed at dawn on Thursday, May 26, and the land forces had the assistance of a number of warships from Vice Admiral Togo's fleet. Togo Aids the Army. The gunboats Tsukushi, Kei Yen, Amaki and Chokai, and the first torpedo boat flotilla under Capt. Nishiyama, reached Kinchou bay on the evening of Wednesday. From dawn of Thursday the vessels co- operated with the army in bombarding Nanshan hill. The Amaki and the Chokai, being light draft vessels, went in close and bombarded all day. At II o'clock in the morning the army retreated from Suchaton, but they continued to fire from a position behind Suchaton. The cas- ualties on the Japanese warships were ten, including Capt. Hayashi of the Chokai, who was killed. A Russian gunboat in Talienwan bay steamed close to the shore and shelled the Japanese left. From dawn the batteries on both sides hammered away at each other. At daybreak the Japanese infantry moved forward, and, after an hour's fighting, and at twenty minutes past 5 o'clock on Thursday morning, they entered Kinchou, the Russians retiring to the south and taking up a position on Nanshan hill. Nanshan Hill Attacked. The Japanese arm.y lost no time in pressing forward to the assault of Nanshan hill. It had been fighting day and night since Saturday, but its most fearful task was before it. 356 THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. The hill could be carried onl}^ by a frontal attack. The Japanese general realized the sacrifice, but it could not be evaded. The hill stood between the Japanese advance and Port Arthur. He ordered the attack. The Japanese troops advanced with a rush, cheering for the em- peror. They were driven back. Again they attacked and again they were driven back. The dead and wounded covered the ground of the bloody hillside, and yet again the mikado's soldiers rushed at the trenches, broke through the meshes of barbed wire and netting, only to be thrown back. Japs Storm the Heights. In the middle of the afternoon the Russian resistance apparently was as dogged as ever. Japanese reserves were brought up, and at 3 o'clock the Japanese forces lined up for the final, and, as it proved to be, the successful rush up the hillside. The Russians, unable longer to resist the impetuous advance of the enemy, weakened as trench after trench was occupied by the mikado's troops. Finally, at 7 o'clock in the evening, after sixteen hours of con- tinuous battle, the Japanese lines swept the crests and Nanshan hill was won. Russians in Retreat. The Russians retired to the line of hills farther to the southward, toward Nanquanling, where they had constructed a second line of defense, but failed to rally at that point. As the Russians retreated they exploded a series of mines under the railroad, destroying it in many places. A brief official telegram characteristic of Japanese reserve summed up the result as follows : "We attacked the enemy at Nanshan, south of Kinchou. We silenced the enemy's forts upon Roten hill and occupied Nanshan at 7 o'clock in the evening. At Nanshan the enemy offered a stubborn resistance. Each of the forts was surrounded by several trenches coupled together and equipped with additional means of defense and using efficient weapons. Several times we tried to carry the point, THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. 357 but failed to do so. At 3 o'clock p. m. we penetrated the enemy's position with fixed bayonets and the enemy retreated towards Nan- quanling. The enemy destroyed the Kinchou railway station with a mine. We fought for sixteen hours without cessation, and then carried the Russian position at the point of the bayonet despite the enemy's heavy fire." Fought Against Great Odds. Telegrams from the Japanese commanders were forwarded to Tokio, praising the bravery and fortitude of their officers and men. A Japanese officer of high rank made the following statement: "The Japanese in attacking Kinchou and Nanshan hill had to fight against great odds. The Russians were in full command of the strategical advantages afforded by nature, and these advantages were augmented by the newest inventions for defense. The forts on Nan- shan hill were armed with heavy guns. The Japanese had only field guns, heavy guns being unavailable on account of the difficulties of transportation. Our losses were heavy, but we gained the strongest point barring our way to the investment of Port Arthur." Destruction of Russian Mines. A noted military authority in commenting on the Japanese assault on Nanshan hill affirms that it was one of the fiercest and bloodiest affairs in modern warfare. In the earlier rushes of the engagement every man participating was shot down before he reached the first line of Russian trenches. It was found necessary to stop these infantry charges and renew the artillery fire from the rear before the final and successful assault on the Russian position could be made. The success of this assault was brought about by one detachment of Japanese troops, more intrepid than their comrades, who succeeded in piercing the Russian lines. A splendid stroke of fortune was the discovery and destruction by the Japanese of the electric wires leading to the mines at the eastern foot of Nanshan hill. This prevented the Russians from exploding 358 THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. these mines when the Japanese infantry crossed the ground where they had been placed. It is possible that the fortune of the day hinged upon these mines. If the Russians had been able to explode them at the right time the losses among the Japanese troops would have been tremendous, and it is possible also that the Russians would have been able to hold the hill. Nanshan Splendidly Defended. Nanshan was splendidly defended. Nearly fifty guns of various sizes were mounted on the various emplacements and there were also two batteries of quick firing field pieces. The artillery was sheltered behind loopholes trenched on the ter- races of the hill. The infantry manning the field pieces ran with them around the hill, thus using these guns for the protection of the most important points. Russian Batteries Silenced. The Japanese began the fight by bringing all. their field guns into action and concentrating their fire on the emplacements on the hill. By II o'clock in the morning the principal Russian batteries had been silenced. The two Russian field batteries then withdrew to Nanquan- ling hill, and from there continued to fire on the Japanese until night- fall. After the Russian batteries had been silenced the Japanese artillery opened on the enemy's trenches, the Japanese infantry advancing mean- while to within rifle range. The Japanese gradually worked to within * 400 yards of the Russian lines, where they encountered wire and other entanglements. Every Man Shot Down. They succeeded in discovering an opening in these obstacles and getting finally to within 200 yards of the Russian trenches they rushed for the line. Several successive charges were made, but every officer and man in the attacking parties was shot down twenty or thirty yards from the line. THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. 359 The charges were then stopped and the Japanese artillery renewed its preparatory fire on the enemy's position. Towards evening a detach- ment of Japanese carried a section of the Russian trenches, breaking through the enemy's line. Hundreds of the comrades of these men, inspired by their success, sprang forward, and then the entire Japanese line swept up the hill, driving the Russians from their positions. It was in the desperate in- fantry charges that the Japanese sustained the bulk of their losses. The Russians Evacuate Dalny. On May 30 a large force of Japanese troops entered Dalny. The Russian barracks and warehouses, the railway and telegraph stations, and more than 100 buildings were uninjured. The Russians also left 200 railway cars intact, which the Japanese were able to use. All the small railroad bridges, however, in the vicinity of the town were de- stroyed. The Russians demolished the largest pier, but all other docks and smaller piers were uninjured. Several steam launches were sunk at the entrance to the dock, but the harbor jetties were found to be intact. The Russians also destroyed the gunboat used at Talienwan against the Japanese left during the battle of Nanshan hill. It was very evident that the Russians fled quickly when Nanshan hill was lost, probably expecting that General Oku would immediately take possession of Dalny. Driving Home the Wedge. The following story of an eye-witness of the battle of Kinchou is a thrilling recital of unquestioning heroism on the part of the Japanese and dogged resistance on the side of the Russians: "Forty thousand Japanese were massed behind the western spur of Mount Sampson under such small cover as afforded by the twin peaks. The troops were within 2,000 yards of the Russian works. "There was so little room to deploy for attack that battalions of Japanese troops were obliged to stand in the sea waiting for the mo- 36o THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. ment of attack, exposed to a veritable inferno of fire from the Russian batteries. The shells plowed into their serried masses. Jap Artillery in Action. "Meantime battery after battery of Japanese guns went into action upon the Chilichwang and the Kauchiayan flats and a sustained gun- boat fire played upon the Russian works. Their line was fringed with bursting projectiles. "About midday the energy of the Russian defenders in the works in front of Mauchiaying village seemed exhausted by the gunboat fire. Two Japanese battalions appeared over the saddle between the twin peaks and made a desperate effort to carry the nearest Russian works, "At first the straggling walls of Mauchiaying gave them some cover and a moment's breathing space. Then the gallant little infantrymen crept on again up the slopes toward the Russian position. Avalanches of Bullets. "It was an impossible task. As yet the defenders had not been sufficiently shaken. An avalanche of concentrated fire from infantry in the trenches, machine guns in the Russian works, and quick firing field artillery in the supporting defenses struck the Japanese. They melted away from the glacis like solder before the flame of a blow- pipe. A few who seemed to have charmed lives struggled on until they reached the wire entanglements. Two Battalions Wiped Out. "It was in vain. Heroic effort was wasted. Within fifteen minutes these two battalions ceased to exist except as a trail of mutilated bodies at the foot of the Russian glacis. "Seeing the failure of this attack the gunboats and supporting artil- lery concentrated the whole of their fire upon the point where General Oku had determined to drive home his wedge, and by evening the works were practicable for an assault by a general who had such in- THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. 361 fantry as the Japanese and who was prepared to take the responsibility of such fearful losses, "It would seem as if the actual carrying of the works had been another Alma. The word was given for a bayonet attack. Then the whole Japanese front surged forward, and the moral balance went over to the side of the Japanese, the Russians retiring before them." The Japanese Lose 4,304 Men. The total of the Japanese casualties at the battle of Nanshan hill was 4,304, divided as follows: Thirty-one officers, including one major and five sergeant majors, and 713 noncommissioned officers and men killed; 100 officers, including one colonel, one major, and twelve sur- geon majors, and 3,460 noncommissioned officers and men wounded. The Russian losses in the fighting at Kinchou were officially stated to have been 30 officers and 800 men killed or wounded. Gen. Stoessel's report stated that the attack began on May 21 and culminated on the evening of May 26. The real fighting was practically confined to May 25 and 26, the Japanese remaining quiet the two pre- vious days. Gen. Stoessel's Report. "After a fierce battle lasting two days, I ordered our positions at Kinchou to be evacuated in the evening, for we had opposed to us at least three divisions with 120 guns. "The enemy's fire, particularly that from four gunboats and six torpedo boats, completely annihilated our batteries mounted at Kin- chou. The Fifth regiment, which was posted on this spot, stood its ground heroically. The fire of this regiment, as well as that of our batteries and the gunboat Bobr off Khounoueza, inflicted enormous losses on the Japanese. "Our losses amounted to thirty officers and 800 men killed or wounded. We blew up or damaged all our guns which the Japanese had not put out of action. It would have been inexpedient certainly to bring up siege artillery during the fierce fighting. 362 THE BATTLE OF KINCHOU. "The battle of May 26 began at 5 a. fn. and lasted until 8 p. m., when I ordered the position evacuated gradually. The explosion of a number of our mines and fougades was rendered impossible by the Japanese, who turned our position immediately. The Japanese ad- vanced through water up to their waists under the protection of their ships." Gen. Stoessel's reported further, that owing to the absence of the support of warships against the Japanese artillery fire at the time of the final assault on the Russian positions on Nanshan hill during the evening of May 2(i he at 8 o'clock gave the order to blow up the guns and retire. The general stated that the order was only partly executed, as the enemy's flank movements necessitated promptness in retreat, which, he says, was carried out with great coolness, thus accounting for the smallness of the Russian losses. CHAPTER XXIX. THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN The Commander-in-Chief Arrives — His Journey from St. Petersburg — Japanese Movement Hidden — The Affair at Vagenfuchu — A Cossack Charge — ^Alexieff and Kouropatkin Fail to Agree — Mikado's Soldiers Worthy of Praise — Chinese Bandits. HE advance of the Japanese field forces to the banks of the Yalu and the reports of landing upon Manchurian territory shifted the center of interest still further northward and westward. The various centers of interest of the land movements have been in order of progression, Chemulpo and Seoul, Chinampo and Pingyang, Anju, Chong-ju, and, lastly, the Yalu. Then the area of interest shifted across the great plain, at the edge of which lay historic Mukden, from which General Kouropatkin had been directing the Russian prepara- tions, Liaoyang, Haichong, and other Chinese towns of varying im- portance. All this ground was fought over by the Japanese troops during the China-Japanese War of 1894-5, so that it is of extreme interest to follow the movements of that campaign. The Japanese Routes in 1894. The chief route then taken by the Japanese was from Antung through Siuyen to Haichong, south of Liaoyang. In the campaign of 1894-5 the Japanese held these hills against a great host of Chinese. To reach this position the Japanese third division set out from Antung on December 3, 1894, and crossed the intervening mountains by way of Siuyen and Si-mu-cheng, reaching Haichong in ten days. The roads then were frozen hard; the sloppy conditions at present prevailing would probably prevent such a record being again repeated. General Katsura, who later became Prime Minister, had at the same time a force operating on his right at Fengwangchang in the direction of the Motien pass. General Kouropatkin reached Mukden, the base of future opera- 363 364 THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. tions against the invading Japanese army, on Friday, March 25. An account of his journey thither from St. Petersburg along the Great Siberian railway, which lasted some fourteen days, may be of interest. All along the route he was greeted with the most marked enthusiasm, as the Russians firmly believe in his ability and that his presence in command of the Manchurian army will go a long way towards the eventual success of the Russian arms in the campaign which is now about to begin. Goodbye to St. Petersburg and Moscow. He left St. Petersburg at 6 p. m. on Saturday, March 12. Previous to starting he was presented by the Czar with a magnificent iron-grey charger, a thoroughbred from his Majesty's own stables. General Kouropatkin received a most hearty send-off from thousands of spec- tators, many of whom presented him wth ikons and other holy relics. He reached Moscow early on Monday morning and left the same evening. His departure from Moscow station will long be remembered by those who witnessed it. The platforms were crowded, and so indeed were all the streets in the neighborhood of the station. The general, who wore the Order of St. George, recently presented to him by the Czar, was accompanied by his staff and Colonel Gavrielitz, who was in charge of the new armor train. This train, which was to form the head- quarters of the general during the forthcoming operations in Manchuria, consisted only of three carriages — one for his own personal use, one for the use of the staff, whilst the remaining coach was used as a dining-car. Both the engine and carriages were bullet-proof, and the train was the work of a Russian firm of engineers at Moscow, It was modelled on the same plan as the armor trains which were used in South Africa. On the platform to bid farewell to the general were collected all the civil and military dignitaries of the town, including the governor of Moscow. A Grodspeed. An interesting feature of the occasi©n was the presentation by Prince Trubetzki to General Kouropatkin of a white standard which THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. 365 bore the inscription, "God be with you," and "The Lord preserves His Own," whilst the words, "To the Commander of the Manchurian Army, Adjutant-General Kouropatkin," were engraved on the woodwork. The prince made a short speech as follows : "Alexis Nicholievich, all Mos- cow is assembled this evening to bid you farewell ; you carry with you our prayers and best wishes for your success. Without doubt the enemy you are about to encounter is no mean foe, but they will not prevail against the might of Russia. We gladly entrust to you our forces in the Far East, to you who on so many occasions have made your name famous in the annals of war. We are confident that you will lead our troops to victory, and in bidding you farewell we commend you to God's protection." The speech was received with tremendous applause, and shouts of "Kouropatkin" and cheers for his brave army resounded on all sides. In replying to the prince's speech the general spoke as follows : "Russia has passed through far greater trials than those which she is to-day encountering, but in the end she has always emerged victorious. Without minimizing our difficulties or disparag- ing our foes, surely we may trust that in this war success will attend our arms. There is already a large force in the Far East, but should it prove insufficient our resources are large, and we are confident of ultimate success. We will spare neither blood nor money, all must be sacrificed for the Emperor and our Fatherland. I will convey your good wishes to the Manchurian army and will now only ask you to await with patience and fortitude the events of the next few months in the full assurance that Holy Russia will in this war, unsought by her, confirm her prestige in the eyes of the world." Twenty-five thousand roubles were then handed over to the general towards the funds for first aid to the wounded, and shortly afterwards the train left Moscow. The Church's Blessing. Toula was reached on the next day without incident except for the large crowds which collected at the station to bid the general godspeed. On reaching Zlatust, close by the Ural mountains, a special reception waited the general. It was taken by many as a good omen that for the 366 THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. time of year the weather was war;m and springlike and the sun was shining brightly. As before, thousands of people, peasantry and cfifiicials, pressed forward to catch a glimpse of the general. The clergy in the beautiful robes of the Greek Church were also assembled on the platform and a short religious service was held, the general kneeling to receive the blessing. A magnificent ikon was presented him by the municipality and the general and his staff partook of bread and salt, which is a well-known national custom on important occasions. Before leaving, the inhabi- tants of the mountain district gave their offering — a sword of beautiful workmanship. The general seemed much touched by the gift and made a short and feeling speech, addressing his audience as "pravo-slavnie," a term seldom used towards subordinates in autocratic Russia. In Asiatic Russia. At Ufa an address was read to General Kouropatkin, and the citizens further presented him with an ornament of jewelry, a species of charm which is worn by many Russians round their necks. It would be tedious to individualize the various stations and halting places where the train touched, at all of which the general met with the same recep- tion, and in many cases large sums of money were entrusted to him for the use of the sick and wounded. At Irkutsk, where the general halted for a few hours, 12,000 roubles were given to hi mfor the same purpose. Here he was met by the governor-general of the province, Count Kutosov, who had a short conversation with him, and on the morning of the 20th the journey was continued to Lake Baikal, which was reached about mid-day. Here th'e general alighted, and he and his staff proceeded by sledge across Lake Baikal to Tankoi. The train was dragged more slowly across the lake, use being made of the rails which had been laid down over the ice. After leaving Tankoi, the journey was continued and Chita was reached on the 22d at 5 o'clock in the evening. The general arrived at Mukden early on the morning of the 25th. He at once proceeded to confer with THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. 367 Admiral Alexieff, and later on left for Liao-yang, where he took over the formal command of the Manchurian army from General Linievich. A review of the troops was held soon after his arrival, the general making a close and careful inspection of all arms. The Skirmish at Vagenfuchu. On the morning of May 30 the Russian cavalry opened fire near the railroad station of Vagenfuchu, near Vafangow, against an advancing Japanese force, consisting of eight companies of infantry, eight squad- rons of cavalry, and four machine guns. During the ensuing battle the Russians attacked a Japanese squadron on the enemy's left flank, after which they attacked the infantry, but retired under the fire of machine guns. The advance of the Japanese infantry on the Russian left flank was stopped by the fire of the latter's battery, which inflicted con- siderable loss on the enemy. General Sakharofr, in his offiicial account of the action, reported the Russian losses at seventeen men killed and twenty-three wounded. The Japanese losses were considerable. One squadron of the Thirteenth Japanese cavalry was almost annihilated in a hand-to-hand encounter, and another squadron, which came to its assistance, suffered great loss from the fire of the Russian frontier guards and riflemen. The Russians began the battle at 8 o'clock in the morning, and after two hours and a half long range firing the Japanese, under Gen. Akkiama, prepared to charge and crush the force which had been harassing them for several days. In the meantime Gen. Samsonofif was approaching Vagenfuchu with a strong force of cavalry. It was a sight worth seeing, when at the word of command the Russian squad- rons formed and rushed like a whirlwind across the terribly cut-up country, clearing away all obstacles, the batteries at the same time trotting along the frightful roads. Having passed the railroad station the troops carhe under the fire of the Japanese machine guns, but withdrew without suffering much loss. 368 THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. Furious Charge by Cossacks. The Fourth and Sixth companies of the Eighth Siberian Cossacks furiously charged the Japanese cavalry with lances, attacking both flanks. In a few minutes they had nearly cut the whole squadron into pieces. In some cases the lances pierced the riders through and wounded their horses. Some of the lances could not be withdrawn from the bodies into which they had entered. The Japanese troops attempted to advance, but the Russian bat- teries opened fire, and soon the slope up which the enemy was advanc- ing was covered with black spots, and the latter was forced to scatter and retire. Some of the Japanese cavalry were wonderfully dashing, charging with shouts upon the Russians, who met and scattered them. A Cossack who had lost his lance and sword wrenched a swo'rd from a Japanese officer and cut off the latter's head. A Russian who was wounded in the fight said that a cornet of the frontier guards was the hero of the fight. His sergeant was lying wounded and a Japanese officer was about to ride over him when the cornet unhorsed the Japanese, mounted the latter's horse, and placed the wounded man on his own charger. The Japanese cavalry engaged was the Thirteenth regiment. Their horses were splendid animals. The Curtain Down on the War. During the early days of June there was considerable talk of an important Russian move southward from Liaoyang. An unofficial tele- gram from Russian headquarters at Mukden, dated June i, stated that the Russian commander-in-chief was in a position to begin offensive operations on an important scale. The lively skirmish at Vafangow apparently was the opening action by a force sent by Gen. Kouropatkin to relieve Port Arthur, or to create a diversion in favor of its garrison. This force consisted of 14,000 artillery, cavalry and infantry, under Gen. Stakelberg, who left Liaoyang, with Wanfangtien as his imme- diate objective, probably for the purpose of attacking Gen. Oku's rear. Meanwhile the Japanese operations between Kinchou and Port THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. 369 Arthur were screened with the customary secrecy. Such few reports as came in reference to their doings since the battle at Nanshan hill were based on rumor or supposition. It was assumed, from unofficial reports of the stream of troops the Japanese were still sending out, that Gen. Oku would be given an overwhelming force to enable him to act independently of Gen. Kuroki, who also was believed to be receiv- ing a considerable proportion of reinforcement. Troops Leave Japan Daily. Although over 200,000 men, more than 400 guns, thousands of horses and wagons, and tons of supplies left Japan during March, April and May, there was not the slightest sign of a reduction in the rate of the exodus. Transports left the western port daily, each carrying an average of 1,000 men. There was every indication that this rate could be maintained for months. The distances comparatively were so short that the number of transports required was not large, while the available troops, includ- ing the reserves, were far from exhausted. The work went on without a hitch. Every detachment took its own quota of guns, ammunition and stores. Mines Around Liaoyang. Meanwhile the Russians completed eleven fortresses at Liaoyang and laid mines within a radius of 5,000 feet from the town. Gen. Kouropatkin's strategy aimed at checking by every means the Jap- anese approach to Liaoyang and northward to Mukden. The Chinese army, at Admiral AlexiefT's request, engaged to stop the constant activity of the bandits against the Russians. The Rus- sians withdrew all Cossack outposts west of the Liao river, owing to the hostility of the bandits, which, it is alleged, embraced the design to cut the railway north of Mukden. It was stated at this time that the taking of Kinchou and the march of the Japanese on Port Arthur increased the misunderstanding be- tween Viceroy Alexieff and Gen. Kouropatkin. The former, who had 3J70 THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. never seen active service, desired Gen. Kouropatkin to march his army to the relief of Port Arthur, but Kouropatkin insisted he should wait for reinforcements. As a consequence there was a discussion between them when they met at Mukden. The Leaders Disagree. Alexieff insisted on the necessity of saving Port Arthur so as to keep a base for the fleet and obviate the fatal blow its capture would inflict on Russian prestige. He pointed out that after the way in which the Japanese had taken Kinchou there was no guaranteeing they would not sacrifice an enormous number of men to take Port Arthur, so the Russian armies, therefore, should go to its relief. On the other hand. Gen. Kouropatkin argued that the Russian forces at Liaoyang were not strong enough for a forward movement, having Kuroki in his front and the Japanese army under General Oku between him and Port Arthur. Meanwhile every effort on the part of the Russians to communicate with the southern part of the Liaotung peninsula resulted in failure. The Japanese were in control of all avenues of communication and they allowed no messages to pass. A Russian officer of high rank, speaking of General Kouropatkin at this time, said: "He is awakening to the fact that the Japanese are worthy of praise. He declares that their recent operations prove them to be among the greatest strategists in the world, and to this must be added great daring, capacity for work and ability to stand punishment. The general did not believe this before, but now it has been demonstrated." Facts About the Chunchuses. The Chinese bandits, mention of whom has just been made, are the curse of Manchuria. These Chunchuses — the word is a corruption of the Chinese "Hung Hutzu" (Red Beards) — have preyed on Man- churian merchants for many years, deriving their living from gold- washing and occasional raids, together with a system known as brigand THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT MUKDEN. 371 insurance. The suppression of these brigands has been one of the great poHcies of Russian administration ; but, strange to say, great divergence of opinion exists as to its real value. A celebrated writer, who knows the country well, says that in all the principal towns offices existed where the carters or bean boat skip- pers could purchase immunity, the outward and visible sign of which consisted of a small triangular flag, which insured the carrier, cart, or boat against molestation or pillage. Though theoretically reprehen- sible, in practice this system worked admirably, as the premium paid was not at all prohibitive. The Russians, by their expeditions against the brigands, who galled them rather severely, split up these united bands into several lesser sections, and without diminishing their num- bers destroyed in a great measure their organization, with the result that the carters and bean boat skippers, unable to purchase immunity — the flag of one section being unrecognized by the others — could no longer ply their trade with the same degree of safety or, in fact, any safety at all. Accordingly both produce and lightstuff were prevented from coming forward in the usual quantities, the entire trade of the province being disturbed. It will be readily seen that this in its turn helped to swell the ranks of the disorganized robbers as, cut off from the legitimate exercise of their calling, the impoverished agriculturists and carriers had to become the preyers or the prey, the majority throw- ing in their lot with the former as yielding better returns. The same authority says : "It is dangerous to meddle with old- established customs in China, and many of the Chinese modes of pro- cedure, theoretically incorrect though they be, are peculiarly adapted to the conditions prevaiHng. In the time of the China-Japan War these Hung Hutzu bands offered the Japanese the most obstinate resistance they met with in the province. It will be a matter for surprise if in the present war they do not materially contribute to the many dif- ficulties with which the Russian forces will find themselves confronted in operating in an intensely inimical country." CHAPTER XXX. CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE An Out-post Battle — Capture of Saimatze — Advance of the Japanese Army — The Fighting around Siuyen — The Battle of Vafangow — Thrilling Description by Eye Witness — Mountain Passes Captured. THE Russian force sent to the relief of Port Arthur was checked by a severe outpost fight twenty-five miles north of Kinchou. The Russians held their position, but the fact that their advance was checked proved that the Japanese held the roads south with superior numbers and that nothing less than an advance in force of General Kouropatkin's main army would serve to relieve the pressure on Port Arthur. The skirmish above recorded took place June 3, about eigh- teen miles from General Kouropatkin's headquarters at Fengwangcheng and east of Vafangow. Details of the Fighting. The Russian force consisted of an infantry regiment, some artillery, several companies of Cossacks, and a squad of dragoons. The enemy was discovered in the valley of Pwytsiantou. The Russians brought up a battery, opened fire, and cleared the Japanese out of the valley. Then the Russian guns were moved to a move favorable position. The Japanese, taking advantage of this, fired a few shells. The Russian losses were Colonel Sereda and seventeen men wounded. Both sides retained their positions. The other fight was between Major General Mistchenko's Cossacks and the Japanese advance posts along the river Kolendzy, north of Takusan. It lasted from the evening of June 3 till late the following day. A company of Cossacks then tried to cut of¥ a detachment of 372 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 373 Japanese posted on the heights of Ladziapudsy, but the enemy brought up reinforcements and the Russians were reinforced by five companies of Cossacks. Finally 3,000 Japanese were engaged, including artillery. The Cos- sacks repeatedly drove the enemy from their entrenchments. In one case the Japanese fled across the river, but returned with more re- inforcements and the Russians drew off. The Cossacks' commander, Colonel Starkoff, was killed and two officers and nine men were wounded. The Cossacks carried the body of their commander to Siuyen. The Russian Account. - Reporting on this skirmish, General Kouropatkin, in a dispatch to the war office, said: "Our Cossacks were fired upon by Japanese infantry occupying a fortified position on the heights near of the village of Khotsiaputse, eighteen miles from Fengwangcheng. "The Cossacks dismounted, and, with the aid of reinforcements and the fire of two guns, forced the Japanese to abandon their position and retire under cover of their supports. The engagement lasted from I p. m. until 6 p. m. "On the Japanese side six companies took part, four havmg ar- rived as reinforcements. The intrenchments of the enemy were well constructed and perfectly masked. "Our cavalry worked the guns admirably. Their fire contributed principally to our success. Our losses were the gallant Cossack Chief Starkofif killed, two officers slightly wounded and two bruised. The Japanese losses were not ascertained, except that they were larger than ours." Another Version of the Battle. According to one of the correspondents with the Russian army, the fight in the valley of Pwytsiantou took place in an immense amphithe- atre in the hills. The Russian commander threw forward skirmshers to feel out the Japanese positions. The Cossacks and dragoons crept 374 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. forward, examining the steep hillsides, deep ravines, and dry water courses likely to protect Japanese ambuscades. Finally, the Japanese fire on the crest of the hills located them and the assailants swarmed up almost inaccessible cliffs. The Japanese first kept in the shelter of the rocks, but the Russian fire searched them out and they flitted shadowlike across the rocks as the Cossacks continued to advance, while the dragoons cleared the valleys leading from the amphitheatre. The Japanese cavalry retreated, unwilling to risk a collision at close quarters. The Russian line encircled one great hill on which was the prin- cipal Japanese position, and like a living ribbon, crept forward toward the summit. Colonel Sereda led the advance until he fell wounded half way up the clifTs. The command devolved upon Lieutenant Col- onel Chicsville, who continued the forward movement, clearing the Japanese from the heights. In the meantime a Russian battery placed an accurate shrapnel fire among the hilltops, hastening the Japanese retreat. Two Japanese sharpshooters on the summit of a hill seriously annoyed the Russians at a critical period of the advance. An officer of Terileski's company scaled the rocks in the face of almost certain death and killed both the Japanese, returning unharmed. The Capture of Saimatze. On June 8th, General Kouropatkin, in a telegram to the Czar, ad- mitted that his troops had been driven out of Saimatze with a loss of 100 men killed or wounded. This news attracted but little attention. All of official Russia had eyes and ears only for Port Arthur. It was generally believed that the Russian Gibraltar was making its last des- perate fight against capture. Few in St. Petersburg effected to believe that Port Arthur could either defend itself or be relieved. General Kouropatkin again telegraphed to the Emperor as follows : "A Japanese brigade attacked a Russian detachment occupying Saimatze on June 7. The Russians retired slowly because of the ene- CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 375 my's great superiority toward Fenchulin pass. Our losses were two officers wounded and 100 soldiers killed or wounded. According to a Liaoyang dispatch the fight was a stubborn one. The Russian force was commanded by General Erhoff, who engaged the Japanese advance. The Russian infantry advanced steadily, pushing the Japanese from their position, but their attack gradually developed strength and the Russians, finding themselves in the presence of an overwhelming force, retired in good order. Their losses were three officers and about 100 men killed or wounded. Russian observers thought the Japanese lost more. Movements of Japanese Armies. In another dispatch General Kouropatkin gives the following details of the movements of the Japanese armies : "Japanese troops are concentrating southward with a front extend- ing more than ten miles from Pulantien to Fangtsiatung, in the valley of Tassakho. "A Japanese force of two companies of infantry and a squadron of cavalry advanced on June 7, northward from Fengwangcheng, into the Tafanhung district, driving in the Cossack outposts, A detachment of chasseurs and a company of infantry hastened from Ualindi to aid the Cossacks. The Japanese abandoned their attack, having lost one offi- cer and a noncommissioned officer captured and several men killed. We had no casualities." Mikado's Army Begins Advance. On June 9, the situation was as follows: Japanese armies were advancing in force on Liaoyang by four roads, the Russians retreating at all points, Japanese troops had occupied Siuyen, and were pursuing the Russians along the road to Haicheng, The Japanese had, as stated, occupied Saimatze, north of Fengwangcheng, General Kuroki reported that a detachment of Japanese troops had routed a battalion of Russian infantry with two guns at Haimachi, the Japanese losing three men killed and twenty-four wounded. The Japan- 376 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. ese captured two officers and five men. The Russians left on the field twenty-three men dead or wounded and probably lost seventy men. A Japanese detachment dispatched in the direction of Tungyuanpu repulsed sixty or seventy of the enemy's infantry at Linchatai and en- countered six companies of Russian infantry and 300 cavalry at Chan- chiahsi. Drive the Russians Away. After a two hours' engagement the Japanese drove the Russians off in the direction of Tungyuanpu. The Russian casualities were sev- enty or eighty men killed or wounded. The Japanese lost four men killed and sixteen men wounded. On June 8, a Japanese detachment co-operating with another de- tachment from the force landed at Takushan, encountered a Russian force of 4,000 cavalry, with six guns, near Siuyen, and drove them back towards Kaichou, losing thirteen killed and two officers and twenty- eight men wounded. A dispatch from Mukden, dated June 10, stated that General Kuroki had begun his forward movement, that the Japanese had occupied Siu- yen and Russian scouts had discovered the Japanese in considerable force on the roads leading toward Haicheng and Liaoyang. The Battle of Siuyen. General Kouropatkin telegraphed to the Emperor the following de- tails of the fighting around Siuyen : "June 7 the Japanese slowly continued their march toward Siuyen by the Takushan and Fengwangcheng roads. Their' advance guard did not approach nearer than five miles south and east of Siuyen. On the morning of June 8 a Japanese infantry brigade, two mountain bat- teries, and five squadrons of cavalry marched against Siuyen. About II o'clock the Japanese appeared before the town on the south side, but were checked by a successful fire from our batteries. Cossacks Compelled to Retire. "Japanese infantry then began advancing against the town from the east by the Fengwangcheng road, and came in contact with the CHECKIxNG THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 377 Cossacks holding the pass. After two hours' fighting the Cossacks were obhged to retire and our artillery opened fire along the pass, not allowing the Japanese to establish themselves. "At this moment a Japanese mountain battery arrived and took a position to the south, but after firing a few rounds was silenced by our battery. A second Japanese battery did not succeed in getting into action, but was compelled to evacuate its position under the fire of our guns. "In the course of the fight a flanking movement by several battalions of Japanese infantry was observed northeast of Siuyen, threatening our Ime of retreat. Consequently, our Cossacks gradually withdrew five miles from Siuyen, keeping up their fire from a battery on a dense col- umn of the enemy at a range of 600 yards. "The fire slackened about 5 in the afternoon. Among our losses were Cheremissineff, chief of Cossacks, Cornet Komarovski, and Lieu- tenant Colonel Possokhoff. To all appearances the Cossacks were en- gaged with troops of the Tenth division. Tells of Saimatze Capture. General Kouropatkin also sent the following additonal details of the fighting at Saimatze : "On June 7 at 6 a. m. an outpost company on the Aivang road was attacked by the enmy. A detachment of chasseurs was sent as a rein- forcement. More Japanese then appeared, one battalion with a moun- tain battery positioned before Saimatze. "The chasseurs at first pressed the Japanese, inflicting losses and taking rifles and equipment from the killed, but the advance was checked by a severe fire. Reinforcements now joined the enemy, bringing up their strength to a brigade of infantry, two batteries of artillery, and three squadrons of cavalry. Thereupon the commander of our detach- ment ordered a retreat towards Fenchulin pass. "The detachment withdrew slowly and in good order, holding suc- cessive positions. Our wounded included Captain Makharofif and Lieu- tenant Ronjitski. Both ofificers, however, remained in the ranks. About 378 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. loo men were killed and wounded. The enemy suffered severly. Ac- coutrements taken from the Japanese dead show that thy belonged to the Twelfth Division." The Battle of Telissu. On June 15, the Russian army under General Stackelberg attacked the Japanese forces under General Oku at Telissu or Vafangow and suffered a disastrous defeat. In his official report of the affair, the Japanese general said that the Russians began the fight with 25 bat- talions of infantry, 17 squadrons of cavalry, and 98 guns. They were reinforced several times, but the number of reinforcements was not known. Seven Russian ^officers and 300 men were taken prisoners. The Japanese casualities amounted to about 900 men, including eight ofBcers killed and fourteen wounded. The total Russian losses were about 3,000. Like Nanshan Hill. There is a strong similarity between the battle of Nanshan Hill, also won by General Oku, and the one at Telissu. At Telissu the Japanese had to drive the Russians from the hills, while at Nanshan the enemy occupied one hill. The Russian position at Telissu was superior to that of the Japanese and equalized the advantage of the Japanese in having a larger force. The Russian position extended from east to west and crossed the narrow valley through which run the Foochou river and the railway. From their positions on the right and left in the high hills which flank this valley General Oku drove the Russians down into the valley. The Japanese general carried first the enemy's right and then his left. The fight at the left of his line was the most desperate of the day. The Russians held this position with desperate determination, and only lied when they were almost completely enveloped. The field had been disputed all day, and when the Japanese reached it 600 of the enemy's dead Vv^ere found there. CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 379 How Jap Advance Began. General Oku started from a line marked by Pulandien, and the Tassa river on Monday, June 13. His right cohimn moved along the Tassa river, his main column along the railroad, and his left column by a road leading through Wuchiatun, Suchuankon, and Tahoai. The Japanese cavalry started from Pitsewo over a road leading through Shunzo, and the small bodies of Russians opposing this advance were brushed away. The left column reached Nachialing on June 14, and the main, or middle, column, and the right column, keeping in touch with each other, reached g, line between Chiachiatun and Tapingkou, seven and a half miles south of Telissu, the same day. Opens With Artillery Duel. The Russian forces then held a line between Tafangshen and Lung- wangtiao. The entire Japanese line advanced and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the Japanese artillery opened fire. The Russians had ninety- eight guns and they replied with spirit until darkness put an end to the artillery duel. During the night of the 14th, under cover of darkness, the Japanese right column seized a hill between Tsongchiotun and Wengchiantung and the middle column occupied a hill to the west of Tapingkou. Wednesday morning was foggy. The Japanese center's artillery opened at 5 130 a fierce duel with the Russian left center, north of the Foochou river. After fierce fighting the Russians were compelled to fall back slightly. Japs Storm the Heights. Meanwhile a detachment of infantry and artillery had been hasten- ing since dawn along the Foochou road. At 9:30 o'clock this detach- ment occupied the heights west of the Japanese left center, and co- operating with it despite a galling cannonade from the Russian heights, charged through the defiles and scaled the hills, driving the Russians from their position at Tafangshen. While this movement was being carried out the Russians fiercel)^ 38o CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. attacked the Japanese right. It was necessary to reinforce the Japanese right twice from the reserves. In the meantime the Japanese right was suffering. The Russian left had been reinforced until their numbers were greater than the op- posing Japanese. General Oku was twice forced to order up the in- fantry reserves. The Russians made a series of desperate counter attacks, but when the situation was most critical the Japanese cavalry swung around the Russian left and struck the enemy on the flank. At this time additional Russian reinforcements had arrived and the Russians held their position with dogged determination until their front and both flanks were under fire. They then broke and fled. The Japanese cavalry pursued the enemy for a short time, but the rough- ness of the country made it necessary soon to abandon the pursuit. The Japanese left succeeded in ambushing 900 Russian infantrymen, who were discovered retiring toward Wuchiatun. They sent two com- panies of infantry and one battery of artillery to a hill east of Hongchia- tun, and the Russians were completely trapped. Many of the enemy at this point were killed or wounded. The Russians left 600 dead and wounded in front of the Japanese right. Russian prisoners report that the commander of their first divi- sion was seriously wounded and the commander of the first regiment killed. They also state that the commander of the army corps and of the second and third regiments were wounded. Russian Story of the Battle. Further details of the fighting showed that the Russian advance on the Japanese position, when it was hoped that General Stackelberg would drive back the Japanese army, was a most brilliant affair. Soon after dawn the Japanese were discovered in strong force on a hill north of Dyaiwo. The infantry was well intrenched and supported by artillery. Then the Russian left was thrown forward with reserves to clear the hill. They had a little over a mile of open country to cross, their only CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 381 cover being two small hills and two shallow valleys. The Japanese con- centrated a deadly fire as soon as the Russians reached the open. The Russians formed in open order and rushed from point to point, taking advantage of every depression in the ground, dropping and firing, then advancing again, until they gained a hill where they halted for a breathing space. Deadly Japanese Shrapnel. Over the hill the Japanese threw shrapnel which burst with deadly effect. Some squadrons had every officer killed and half their men wounded. In spite of the terrible punishment inflicted, one regiment gained the hill where the Japanese were intrenched. The sixth company of the Third regiment got a rain of shells and shrapnel, concentrated there by the Japanese batteries. The Japanese heavy guns silenced the artillery supporting the Rus- sian attack. Thirteen Russian guns were smashed to atoms and their horses killed. A majority of their gunners were killed or wounded. The guns were useless to the Japanese, as they were literally shot to pieces before they were abandoned. The remainder of the artillery retired to Vafangow. The Japanese at this moment delivered their main attack. A whole division was thrown against the Russian center and two divisions around the right flank. The hard pressed right held out until 11 o'clock in the morning, when two regiments rushed to its assistance. The whole force then advanced to within twenty paces of the Japan- ese intrenchments. They lost all their ofUcers and half of the men. Captain Hasken was the last to fall. He was shot through the stomach. The men lay panting under the Japanese trenches and out of range of their fire. The Japanese raised themselves over the trenches and fired, the Russians greeting the hail of shots with chaff, and the Jap- anese, angry at their inability to dislodge the attackers, threw stones at them. 382 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. Fighting Hand to Hand. The battle then became a hand to hand fight with stones and gun butts, and the remainder of the Russians, taking advantage of this diversion, gained the shelter of a neighboring ravine, but were unable to hold the position in the face of the cheering and actually rolled back the Japanese advance, but General Nodzu poured in fresh troops, regi- ment after regiment. The Russian commander saw that he was being enveloped and rallied his reserves and retired in order. A correspondent who was present at the battle of Vafangow de- scribed the fighting as follows : "The stern, dogged fighting at the battle of Vafangow was like an- other Borodino. The roar of the machine guns and the boom of the cannon still ring in one's ears. "Throughout the three days of combat the officers and men vied with each other in pluck and heroism. They have added a glorious page to Russia's military history. "The enemy's advance originally included the Fifth, Eighth, and Eleventh divisions, twelve squadrons of cavalry, and splendid artillery. Japs Had 200 Guns. "About 200 guns were belching a continuous stream of shot and shell. Large reinforcements enabled them to turn the Russian flanks. A diversion on the right precipitated the battle in the morning of June 15. "Major General Gerngross, who was wounded, commanded the left flank, and Gexieral Loutchkovsky commanded the center, including four battalions concealed in a small wood, whence they dealt death and destruction on the enemy. The Russian right was protected by Cos- sacks, dragoons, and Siberian rifles. "While these big guns were thundering I made my way at about il o'clock a. m. to the Russian right flank and climbed a hill, whence I could view the whole field of battle. "Then black lines of infantry like thread could be seen creeping CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 383 through tne verdure. Nearer, the slope of a hill was dotted by the gray- shirts of the Russian riflemen. A brownish smoke overhung some of the batteries and others showed flashes of flame. The crackle of rifle fire was punctuated by the roar of guns. Occasionally I heard the hiss of a Japanese bullet. "I saw reserves hurrying forward, the Cossacks galloping, followed by columns of infantry at the double. Suddenly they disappeared in an adjacent defile. The, valley where the Russians had camped was emptied as if by magic. Rattling volleys were fired behind the screen of hills which concealed the fighting troops from view in that direction, the sound of the firing being the only evidence of the deadly struggle proceeding there. This continued for half an hour. Cossacks Lead Russian Retreat. "Suddenly a company of Cossacks appeared on the crest of a hill and began to descend. They were followed by infantry. The Japanese gunners promptly pursued them with shrapnel. Horses and men began falling. "A moment of harrowing suspense was relieved by a thunderous shout of 'Hurrah !' "It was from a couple of thousand of Russian troops just brought up by a train. They quickly jumped from the cars, fixed bayonets, and literally ran into the fight. "Again the crackle of musketry under cover, during which the re- tiring Russian regiments formed up and moved off in complete order toward the railroad. While a long line of commissariat wagons, es- corted by Cossacks, took to the road a battery of horse artillery sta- tioned near the railroad banged away furiously as it covered the retreat. The Japanese shells were falling on the station buildings, from which train after train had moved. Main Russian Army Withdraws. "I descended the hill and just succeeded in jumping on the footboard of the last car. Some of the Russian batteries on the left flank were 384 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. still firing. The main force then began slowly to retreat towards Van- tsialin, thirty miles north of Vafangow, and at about i o'clock in the afternoon had accomplished its strategic mission. The battle of Vafan- gow had deflected a considerable Japanese force from Port Arthur. "Many Russians have fallen, but a greater number of Japanese were killed. The Russian shells and bullets mowed them down like wheat. The whole valley was bestrewn with the corpses and the River Tassa ran red. But it was with Japanese more than with Russian blood." Russians Nearly Trapped. According to military experts the forces of General Kouropatkin were now hopelessly entangled in the meshes of Japanese strategy. The General took the field in person to lead the main part of his troops against the army advancing upon Liaoyang from the south. On his front Kouropatkin faced twelve divisions of Japanese troops — 144,000 men — on his left, another army occupied Kuandiansian with at least eighteen guns; this point is located northeast of Liaoyang. Kouro- patkin was thus forced against his inclination to fight nearly all of his army against a superior force on his front and another on his flank. The announcement at Tokio that Field Marshal Oyama had been ap- pointed to the supreme command of all the Japanese armies with Gen- eral Kodama as his chief of staff, indicated that the months of prepara- tion had ended and the real campaign was about to begin. On June 23, General Kouropatkin notified the Emperor that the Japanese army was advancing on Kaichou in force and that the enemy had occupied Kuandiansian and Sapenhai, and that they held Senuchen, on the road to Kaichou, with more than a division of infantry, a brigade of artillery and 32 guns. The Japanese having occupied Siungyoshan were within 25 miles of Kaichou. , General Kouropatkin's official report to the Czar, with dispatches from General Sakharoff, follows: "A Japanese army from Kaichou is gradually advancing northward. General Kuroki's advance from Siuyen has been suspended, evidently to effect an alignment cf the two armies. "The strength of the enem5^'s vanguard is approximately a division s.S e*-l o ■*-• rri U O =4-1 ^ o D .^ d sS rt Ctf H THE COSSACK LANCE A troop of Siberian Cossacks charged the Japanese h"ne at Vagenfuchu with lances, attacking both flanks. It was a sight wortli seeing, when, at the word of^ command the Russian squadron dashed furiously against the Japanese troops, but hke the thm red line at Waterloo, the Japanese met the onset without a waver. DEATH TO THE SPY The Japanese found it necessary to establish martial law in Korea, and the above picture represents the execution of a Korean spy, who had given information to the Rus- sians. Japan has as a rule, however, made her influence dominant throughout the country by peaceful measures. The people were won over until their cooperation was spontaneous. CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 385 and several squadrons of cavalry, and the Siiiyen force of nine squadrons, supported by a strong column of infantry toward the south. "The enemy's position on June 19 and June 21 extended within seven miles southward to Senuchen along a line from the sea to the mountainous and difficult district east of the railway. Japs Hold Mountain Passes. "The enemy's advance lines are being strongly held by cavalry and a screen of infantry. The passes and defiles in the mountains east of the railway are also vigilantly guarded. "A movement of strong Japanese mounted patrols with infantry supports was noted June 20 from five in the afternoon until dark. We had no losses in the firing which ensued, while the Japanese had several killed and wounded. "An increase in the Japanese forces has been noticed south of Van- fiapudze and near the villages of Manzeapudze, Takziapudze, and Kha- kahei. Reinforcements are also reaching the Japanese at the furthest point of the road between Siuyen and Tanchi via Paiahaniou and Siak- hotan. Erecting Field Defense. "The Japanese are directing field fortifications on the road from Siuyen to Kaichou. The enemy's outposts have occupied the pass be- tween Pangrabsi and Paichang, on the northern road, nine and a half miles east of Siakhotan and the Chapan pass, seven and a half miles south of Siakhotan. On June 19 two Cossacks were wounded by Chi- nese ruffians. "The Japanese have fortified Kuandiansian, mounting eighteen guns, with a strong screen. The enemy has occupied the village of Sapenhai., twenty-five miles northeast of Saimatze, and is firmly intrenched." Tells of Jap Advance. The general staff received the following dispatch from Lieutenant General Sakharofif under date of June 22: "At 8 o'clock on the morning of June 21 the Japanese vanguard 386 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN.ADVANCE. resumed its advance against our outposts four miles south of Senuchen. The outposts retired slowly towards Senuchen and farther on in the direction of Kaichou. "At noon a Japanese column consisting of nine squadrons of cav- alry, a battery of artillery, and a considerable number of infantry, was observed advancing in the direction of Senuchen. Other strong col- umns of the enemy appeared and the Japanese occupied Senuchen to- wards evening with over a division of infantry, a brigade of cavalry, and thirty-two guns. Japs Hold Two Passes. "According to information received from our scouts and the inhabi- tants, the enemy over a division strong is concentrated southwards of Chapan pass near Changtaitien and Longliatien. "The Japanese did not advance beyond Chapan pass in the direction of Tanchi and the enemy on the morning of the 22d had not occupied the pass between Paitsiapei and Panchingine on the Siuyenliahotang road. Russians Nearly Surprised. "Our scouts report that a large detachment of all arms advanced from Siuyen to Khranza on the morning of June 22. A battalion of the enemy taking advantage of a thick fog tried to surprise our van- guard near Vandiapudze, on the road from Siuyen to Haicheng. "The movement was discovered in time and the Japanese received volleys from five companies of Russians. The enemy retired with some losses towards Siuyen. One Russian sharpshooter was wounded. "The Japanese occupied Vafangtien, on the main road to Liaoyang, on the evening of June 19 with a battalion of infantry and a squadron of cavalry. A detachment of the same strength occupied Chandinju, in the valley of the Tsuo river, seven miles north of Fengwangcheng." "The occupation of Siungyoshan by a Japanese detachment indicates that the connection between the enemy's armies is practically assured. Siungyoshan is half way between General Oku's and General Kuroki's positions, at Senuchen and Siuyen, respectively." CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 387 On July I, came the news that the Japanese armies had captured iTa pass, northeast of Liaoyang; Motien pass and Fenshui pass, directly east. According to military observers the object of this movement on the part of the Japanese armies v^as to be able to cut the railroad north of Liaoyang and at the same time hold the Russian forces in check while the army advancing westward from Fenshui and Motien pass would be able to strike Liaoyang. The details of the capture of Fenshui pass are as follows: On June 26, the Toyo detachment of the Japanese army attacked the eastern line of the Russian troops and from daylight to darkness the operations were carried on. As night came on the Japanese soldiers went into camp, but at midnight they resumed the attack, defeated the enemy and occupied the Russian position. On the following day the Russian forces, having been reinforced, attempted to take the position, but were again repulsed. Fearful Sacrifice of Life. The Marui detachment of the Japanese army, on the evening of the 26th, attacked the Russian rear and flank. On the morning of the 27th, the main body of the Japanese troops routed two battalions of the enemy's infantry and occupied Fenshui pass. The Asada detachment which had defeated 2,000 Russian infantry and cavalry on the evening of the 26th, remained under arms at the eastern foot of the pass until the following morning, when the Russian artillery, having been silenced, they stormed and captured the enemy's position. The Japanese casual- ties were 1,170 killed and wounded; the Russian loss was considerably less owing to the fact of their strongly intrenched positions. On June 29, General Kouropatkin sent the following dispatch to the Czar: "Towards 8 o'clock in the morning of June 2y, our troops, having dislodged the enemy's advance guard, composed of cavalry and infantry, occupied the station of Senuchen, but at 9 o'clock it was discovered that a brigade of the enemy's infantry was advancing in front, while other columns were turning our detachment's left flank. 388 CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. "The town of Senuchen, which Is surrounded by walls, was also occupied by the Japanese. Consequently at 1 1 o'clock our troops slowly withdrew. Officers Lost in Reconnoissance. "A reconnoissance carried out on the road from Siakhotung to Erl- tatan and Khanza revealed the presence of six companies of the enemy's infantry and two squadrons of cavalry at Mayaratsa, three miles south- east of Siakhotung. In his reconnoissance Captain Vassilliofif, Lieu- tenant Makaroff, ajid five Cossacks were wounded. Makaroff suc- cumbed. "There was some skirmishing June 25 between the enemy and our outposts at Samiarlkau and Wangtsiafangching, five miles west of Samiarlkau. "At 4 in the morning, June 26, a detachment of the enemy, nearly an infantry brigade, with two batteries, occupied Santiao, firing on our vanposts occupying Black Mount, south of Siakhotung. Our three companies firmly held their ground until reinforced. At 6 a. m. a bat- tery of Cossacks and a mounted mountain battery took up a position and opened fire on the front and flank of a Japanese battery and dense columns of infantry which had appeared against our left. Japs Lose a Skirmish. "At I in the afternoon the Japanese began to retire, pressed by our troops, who had assumed the offensive and pursued the enemy as far as Santiao. Our losses were six soldiers killed, and two officers and thirty-three men wounded. "The battle recommenced at Siakhotung at 6 in the morning. A Cossack battery and a mounted battery repeatedly pursued the enemy's infantry and silenced the Japanese batteries. "A section of our infantry repulsed the Japanese on our right, we counter attac"king; the fighting ceased at five. A section of the Eleventh horse battery, which participated in the fighting, astonished everybody by its gallantry in pushing on so far as the Shanhai pass, and holding CHECKING THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. 389 its own against eight of the enemy's guns until its ammunition was exhausted. "Our losses have not been ascertained definitely, but they are re- ported not to exceed fifty men and twenty horses. "A battalion and a squadron of the Japanese vanguard, June 26, operating north of the Siuyenkaichou road, occupied Cheliuangtien, four miles northeast of Siakhotung. Japs Capture Ta Pass. "A concentration, towards evening, of twenty-six Japanese battal- ions was observed near the village of Wangtsiaputse, on the road from Siuyen to Haicheng. "From the morning of June 2^ the Japanese developed a frontal attack against our troops in Ta Pass, simultaneously turning our right with at least a division of infantry and three field batteries. The fight lasted until 7 140 in the evening. In view of the enemy's great strength and the turning movement our troops retired slowly from the pass. The enemy did not advance. Our losses are undetermined, but are estimated at about 200. "On June 26 the enemy continued to advance from Fenshui and Motien passes frontally and flanking. At least eight battalions and ten guns were concentrated against Motien pass. "At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the enemy occupied Kautia pass, on the Liaoyang main road. "Since June 25 the Japanese have been advancing their right, occu- pying Saimatsze the morning of June 26, three companies advancing beyond. At first they forced back the Cossacks, but subsequently the Japanese were repulsed." CHAPTER XXXI. RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED Objective Point of the Japanese Army— The Capture of Kaichou— Haicheng the G-oal— A Sanguinary Conflict— Motien Pass— Official Reports of the Engagement— A Russian Rout — ^A Decisive Victory— Yangze Pass — ^Death of General Keller. IN THE early days of July dispatches from the seat of war stated that the armies of the Czar and Mikado, almost within striking distance, were stalled in seas of mud. The rainy season had set in and there was only desultory fighting from time to time. General Kouro- patkin was at Tatchekiao and the Japanese forces were at Senuchen and along the roads from Siuyen to Haicheng and Kaichou. Under date of July 7th a dispatch from Liaoyang reported considerable fight- ing in that neighborhood, and according to the views of the war corre- spondents at the front, the Japanese object was to cut off Mukden. Japanese Activity Continuous. On July II, the following dispatch from St. Petersburg indicated persistent activity on the part of the Japanese: "General Kouropatkin, according to private advices from the front, will not make a serious attempt to hold Tatchekiao, above Kaichou, midway between that place and Haicheng, and where the railroad con- nects with the branch from Newchwang. "Developments of the Japanese strength on the Siuyen roads seem to be forcing a Russian concentration between Haicheng and Liaoyang, but preparations seem to be making to defend the former as long as possible. "General Count Keller's force, which was a little southwest of Liao- yang, has apparently moved farther southward, to stay the advance of the Japanese direct from the road between Fengwangcheng and Hai- cheng." 390 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 391 "The pressure on the Russian left rear as it withdraws continues. There is now practically nothing in the way of Japanese occupati@n of Newchwang and the completion of the Japanese line across the head of the Liaotung peninsula. The fortification of the passes of the Fen- shui range and the semi-circle eastward of Liaoyang is reported. "With pressure on two sides, if the Japanese have any serious in- tentions of pushing home their advance in the direction of Mukden, General Kouropatkin's position would seem decidedly dangerous. Opportunities for Flanking. "Whether the Japanese operations north will be pressed in the face of the rainy season, which is not regarded as probable, the Japanese seem assured of the command of the mouth of the Liao river valley, which will give them a new base with two railroads, one direct to Muk- den, and the other to the Sinminting river and the imperial high road. The Sinminting road opens vast possibilities for flanking if an advance is begun at the end of the rains. "Severe fighting is not improbable north of Tatchekiao, but the be- lief is growing that Kouropatkin does not intend to accept a general engagement at this time, even if challenged. Oku's Advance Continues. , "Meantime General Oku's advance continues. His main force, which the general staff believes to be almost 60,000 strong, was yes- terday about five miles north of Kaichou. His skirmishers were about three miles further north. The Japanese cavalry is proceeding to New- chwang, and a heavy force of Japanese is converging upon Siadiamaf, halfway to Tatchekiao, on the Siuyen road. The sentiments of the general staff foreshadow an engagement at Haicheng." Japs Pursue Russians. On July 9, a Russian correspondent who arrived at Tatchekiao sent the following account of the capture of Kaichou with the Russian rear- guard after a running fight from Kaichou: 392 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED, "We evacuated Kaichou today, after a fight lasting throughout Friday. We made a short stand at Pintzan, seven miles north of Kai- chou. The Japanese kept on our heels, and there were constant ex- changes between the Russian and Japanese batteries. The Japanese advance stopped eight miles south of here. The fighting along the road was lively, but our losses were small. "There had been preliminary skirmishing and maneuvering for po- sition around Kaichou since July 5. On that day two companies were caught in the hills to the eastward and surrounded by six Japanese battalions. They cut their way out, however, and returned to Kaichou, bringing many wounded. "On the morning of July 6 our scouts reported that a strong Japanese force was taking up a position in the hills to the southeast. "Early in the morning of July 8 the hills to the southward and eastward of Kaichou were apparently deserted, but we were aware that the Japanese were ready to spring. We had destroyed the railway bridge south of the town and had a strong line of rifle pits along the bank of the river. "It was a brilHant morning. The Japanese began to advance from the defiles, where they were concealed, and, taking cover behind thick trees and in the gardens south of the river, kept their batteries on the hilltops carefully masked. Russians Are Outflanked. "While the Japanese crept forward 100 yards, keeping up a fierce exchange with our riflemen, another column started to work around our left through a deep valley. The sound of a heavy rifle fire at the railway station told us that the column had struck our outposts. Then our battery behind the station opened fire and the advance in that direction was checked. "We had a squadron of cavalry and a battalion of infantry across the river, and through the golden haze we could just see them maneu- vering to meet the Japanese column, which they engaged fiercely. The Japanese finally rolled back. RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 393 Night Ends First Fight. "In the meantime the Japanese cavalry on the extreme west tried to creep around the shore of the gulf of Liaotung, but our batteries headed off the cavalrymen and drove them in confusion. By noon the advance was checked at all points, though growing- numbers of Japanese were seen gathering in the hills and their batteries threw an occasional shot. "Both. sides held their respective positions through the warm, starlit night. Japanese reserves were hurrying up and concentrating for a morning attack, but we had held out as long as advisable in the face of the growing number of the enemy, and quietly prepared to evacuate. "The Japanese advance commenced at dawn, at first quietly and cautiously, and then with a rush thirty-five infantry companies hurled themselves across the river. They must have been surprised to find themselves unopposed and greeted only by the smoke of the warehouses which we had set on fire before retiring, "Our batteries had got away long before the arrival of the Japanese, and were in a position north of the town, from which they greeted the enemy with a hail of shrapnel as he started to follow our retreat. Day of Artillery Duels. "The entire day was marked by a long series of artillery duels. The enemy's front covered the plain on both sides of the road and the defiles in the eastern hills. Wherever an advance movement appeared it was greeted by the bark of the quick firers and the drumming of the machine guns. "There was little rifle fire. The Russian main column was already proceeding north and a few Cossacks were hovering in the rear support- ing the batteries. "At noon the Japanese artillery arrived and engaged the Cossack horse battery. The Russians made no attempt to seriously contest the ground, but retired to a fresh position, at the same time worrying the enemy." 394 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. General Kuroki's Advance. After occupying Kaichou the Japanese army moved northward, with Haicheng as the probable goal. A correspondent with the Jap- anese army contributed the following description of General Kuroki's advance : "The advance of the Japanese over a wide front has been a complete success. It at once deceived the enemy and filled him with paralyzing doubt as to the true direction of attack. We had evidence of this on our march towards Liaoyang. Positions which nature itself seemed to have designed for purposes of defense, and upon which infinite labor and skill had been expended, had been abandoned without a struggle. "These bloodless victories themselves are a tribute to the strategy of the Japanese, and the secrecy and foresight which mark every move- ment of the great army now in the field. Russians Abandon Trenches. "Twelve miles south of Motienling, on the Pekin road, is a saddle- like hill which forms the watershed of the Tsaiho. The ridge runs like a reef across the northern edge of a long, narrow defile through which we have advanced. "This strong position the Russians had made even more formidable by trenches with gun emplacements here and there. Here, if anywhere, we expected they would make a stand, but when we came to the water- shed they were not visible. The trenches were empty and the guns gone. "At Lienchenkwan, four miles further on, we found only traces of the camp which had been the headquarters of the Russians and the charred, blackened slope where they had burned their stores of forage and grain. "But surely we should find the elusive enemy at Motienling — that famous heaven reaching pass about which military experts have written so much — but that, too, was deserted. RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 395 Motien Pass Not Defensible. "On the whole, its abandonment was not surprising. The pass really is not defensible. Its position is forestalled by a mountain about 1,000 feet above the river valley, traversed by a steep winding path. The mountain is crowded with angles and dead ground on which large bodies of troops could lie in perfect security. The slopes were steep and there was no room for field fire. The Russians therefore had formed a correct estimate of the tactical features of the pass, and had not wasted their energies on defensive works. "If the attack on our outpost yesterday was really an attempt to recover it, it must be accepted as an indication that General Kouropatkin suddenly has become alive to his danger and sought to retard our ad- vance accordingly. Russian Attack That Failed. "The attack resembled, in some respects, the onslaught of the Boers at Wagon hill, outside of Ladysmith. "Under cover of darkness two battalions approached the valley at the foot of the northern slope of the pass, which was occupied by a sin- gle battalion of Japanese. The defenders were taken by surprise, and the enemy secured a footing on the road at the head of the valley. "At this point one company of Japanese became involved in a hand to hand fight. It then withdrew a little in order to secure a better field for fire. The second company, being reinforced, came through the woods and subjected the Russians to an enfilading fire, and the third company threw itself on the enemy. A Fully Equipped Army. "A desperate struggle ensued. One sergeant cut down an officer and two men before he fell, pierced by many bayonets. "The fourth company occupied the ridge to the south, lest there should be another attack from the rear, but no such attack was deliv- ered, and in time it joined the pursuit along the river when the Rus- 396 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. siaiis retreated. Only one battalion of the enemy came into action. It lost fifty-three killed and forty-seven wounded and prisoners. "This gallant little fight exemplifies the state of things which Euro- pean critics are apt to ignore — namely; that for the first time in the his- tory of war the field has been taken by a fully equipped, scientific army, which would rather be exterminated to a man than admit defeat." Battle of Motien Pass. On July 17, Russian arms suffered a disaster at Motien pass, when General Keller attempted to surprise the Japanese forces with 20,000 men and fourteen guns at two o'clock in the morning and under cover of a dense fog. The sudden onslaught drove in the Japanese outposts but as soon as reinforcements arrived the Japanese gallantly advanced to the attack, and, after severe fighting, drove off the Russians and re-occupied the position. The Russians retired, their retreat being well covered. The fighting lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon, the Russians losing nearly 2,000 men killed and wounded. Forces Considered Inadequate. General Kouropatkin's report of the action follows: "After the occupation by General Kuroki's army of the passes in the Fonshui mountain chain, our information concerning his forces and dispositons was in general inadequate. According to some reports his army had been reinforced and he had even extended his forces towards Saimatze. Other reports stated^ that a displacement of his troops had been made in the direction of Ta pass and Siuyen. There were even indications that Kuroki had transferred his headquarters from Tskhak- hekan to Touinpu. "On the strength of the information received and on the basis of reconnoissances which had been made the hypothesis was formed that the principal forces of the enemy were concentrated around Lianshank- w^an and that their advanced guards had been strengthened in the passes of Siaokao, Wafankwan, Sinkia, Lakho, and Papau, as well as at Sybel pass, two and a half miles north of the road and half the height of Siaokao pass. RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 397 Keller Ordered to Attack. "On July 17, in order to determine the strength of the enemy, it was decided to advance against his position in the direction of Lian- shankwan. Lieutenant General Count Keller had been instructed not to start with the object of capturing the pass, but to act according to the strength of the force that he would find opposed to him. "The left column of the expeditionary force, consisting of three bat- talions, was dispatched towards Sybel pass. The center column, com- manded by Major General Kashtalinsky, consisting of fourteen bat- talions, with twelve guns, was destined to attack Siaokao pass, the heights surmounted by the temple and Wafankwan pass. "The right column, one battalion strong, was occupying points where the roads leading to Sinkia and Lakho passes cross, in order to cover the right flank of General Kashtalinsky's column. The gen- eral reserve was left at Ikhavuen, and a portion of the force occupied a position at that place. Advance Begins at Night. "At 10 p. m., July 16, the head of the column advanced from Ikha- vuan. At II o'clock a battalion of the Second regiment dislodged a Japanese outpost at the point of the bayonet at the crossing of the Lakho and the Sinkia roads. "The details of this engagement have not yet been verified, but its general course, according to telegraphic reports sent in by General Keller, was as follows: "During the night the Japanese had evacuated Siaokao pass and the heights surmounted by the temple, leaving only outposts there. At dawn General Kashtalinsky's column occupied these passes, driving back the Japanese advance posts. Positions Were Untenable. "At 5:30 on the morning of July 17 the Japanese in considerable strength and with numerous guns occupied Wafankwan pass and the 398 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. . mountainous bluffs to the south on the flank of General Kashtalinsky's column. From this position and from the crest of the mountains to the east of the heights surmounted by the temple the enemy directed a heavy rifle and artillery fire. "General Kashtalinsky advanced to occupy the bluffs, sending for- ward at once one and then three battalions, but the attempt failed, notwithstanding the support given by the horse mountain battery, as our field guns could not be brought into action on account of the nature of the ground. "At 8 a. m. General Keller, who was directing the fight around Ikhavuan, deemed it necessary to lend assistance to General Kashta- linsky's column by bringing up from the general reserve three bat- talions to the heights surmounted by the temple. "In order to maintain the positions we had already occupied, it was necessary, owing to the enemy's pressure, to reinforce immediately with other reserves the troops in the fighting line, but these positions, owing to their situation, were untenable. Keller Decides to Retreat. "General Keller found the strength of the enemy so great compared with ours that he decided not to continue the fight and not to bring up either the special or the general reserves, especially in view of the fact that in case of his ultimately taking the offensive it would be necessary to attack without support of the field artillery. "In consequence of this General Keller decided about 10:30 to with- draw his troops to the positions originally occupied in the Yangze pass. The troops retired slowly, step by step, and in perfect order, covered by the fire of a field battery, which had been brought into action. Japs Take Up Pursuit. "Towards midday an offensive movement by the enemy in the direc- tion of the right flank of the Yangze pass position developed, and at the same time a Japanese mountain battery was brought into position RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 399 in the village of Tsoudiaputse, two and a half miles returned to Ikha- vuan. "After thirty-four shots had been fired from the third battery of the Third brigade, which held the saddle to the south of Yangze pass, the Japanese battery was finally reduced to silence. "The fight ceased at 3 p. m. and the troops returned to Ikhavuan. "The Japanese advance was stopped above the valley of the lan- takhe river at a position occupied and maintained by us. "In consequence of a sleepless night and the heat of the day our troops were greatly fatigued, having been over fifteen hours on foot and fighting. "Our losses have not yet been exactly ascertained, but General Kel- ler reports that they exceed one thousand. "The gallant Twenty-fourth regiment suffered most. General Kel- ler especially mentions the activity, courage, and coolness shown by its commanding officers. Colonel Koschitz was severely wounded in the leg, but remained in the ranks until the end of the action." Kuroki's Brief Report. General Kuroki reported that on July 17, at 3 o'clock in the morn- ing, in a dense fog, General Keller, with two divisions, assaulted Motien pass and the flanking positions. After stubborn fighting the Japanese repulsed the attack and pursued the Russians nearly to Tienshutien. General Kuroki also stated that four officers and fifty-nine men were killed and fifteen officers and 241 men wounded. In one company all the officers were either killed or wounded. The enemy forced the outposts into Motien pass in their first at- tack and attempted to surround the Japanese left wing. It was only by stubborn resistance in the face of great odds that the Russians were forced to retire. Jap Story of the Battle. The Japanese guarded their positions about the pass with a com- pany on outpost. These men resisted stubbornly the Russian advance 400 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. and awaited the arrival of reinforcements. When these arrived they joined in the general attack. The outpost detachment stationed at Hsiamatang held this position all day long. It w^as largely outnumbered by the enemy and every commissioned and noncommissioned officer was wounded, as were a majority of the men. The attack on Motien pass began at 3 o'clock in the morning. How the Attack Began. The Russians engaged the outposts and the Japanese at once went into action. The Japanese artillery, posted on the heights to the north- west of Wufingkuan, opened on the enemy, and the Japanese outposts retired gradually. The Russian cavalry galloped forward and deployed along the ridge to the west of the pass. Two hours later, at 5 o'clock, the entire Jap- anese line was engaged. The Russians were constantly receiving rein- forcements and finally they had four regiments in action. They out- numbered the Japanese. The Russians made vain endeavors to envelop the Japanese left. At this point the Japanese occupied the summit of Motien moun- tain, and they resisted desperately the efforts of the enemy to dislodge them. When the Russians finally retreated they were pursued by the entire Japanese line. Seven battalions of the enemy made a halt on the heights of Tawan and with four guns checked the Japanese pursuit. Three Against One. One company of Japanese soldiers reconnoitering from Hsuikailing encountered and engaged three battalions of Russians. It fought until reinforced by four companies, when the Russians were repulsed. The Japanese seized and held the heights west of Makumenza. The attack on Hsiamatang began at 8 o'clock in the morning. A battalion of Russian infantry and a squadron of cavalry assaulted the Japanese company on outpost there. The Russians received reinforce- RUSSIAN PRISONERS The above very striking pictui-e represents a detachment of Cossack prisoners guai-ded by their little Japanese captors. The desire of the Japanese to appear thoroughly Western was very evident in the care they took of their prisoners, and Russian captives were unstinted in their praise of the kindness with which they were treated. i- !3 A WOUNDED RUSSIAN SOLDIER The Japanese hospital and medical departments were in every way thoroughly equipped and efficient. The army doctors of the Mikado removed the wounded from the field without regard to nationality. The above picture shows two Japanese physicians, assisted by two women nurses of the Red Cross Society, tenderly caring for a wounded soldier, RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 401 ments until they were a regiment strong. The Japanese resisted dog- gedly. All their officers were either killed or wounded, but still the men fought on. The Japanese finally received reinforcements, and the Russians retired at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Attack Was Well Planned. Commenting on the battle at Motien pass, Spenser Wilkinson, the noted correspondent, said: "General Keller was trying to break the center of the long Japanese front — a good plan when the enemy's front is 120 miles long, as it seems to be in this case. A vigorous, successful Russian offensive move along the main road would render precarious the position of the whole Jap- anese right wing and might also compel the left wing to fall back toward Siuyen. "General Kouropatkin's dispatch seems to treat the action as a recon- noissance in force. The Japanese have been holding the passes for the last three weeks, and though they have pushed their left forward through Kaichou there is as yet no sign on their part of a general advance. Maintaining Its Position. "By every plausible hypothesis, Kuroki's army in the mountains merely is keeping its position until the fall of Port Arthur gives it large reinforcements, and when every available battery and battalion can be made to co-operate, operations against Kouropatkin will begin, but if the Japanese field army is not yet ready to attack Kouropatkin he may take the initiative. That seems to be the meaning of the battle, or that the attack at some point or other soon will be repeated. "There are, however, two great difficulties in Kouropatkin's way. The first is that the Japanese have proved at the Yalu, at Nanshan, and at Vafangov/ that they have tactical superiority. They are better ar- tists at fighting than the Russians and are equally brave. "Next, Kouropatkin's army is in awkward strategical position. It is strung out on a line from Tatchekiao to Mukden with its communica- tions a prolongation of its front. 402 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. "If Kouropatkin could make a great left wheel and drive the Jap- anese left back on Fengwangcheng the Japanese army would be in a perilous situation, but the Japanese hold the mountains and the Rus- sians the plain. Kouropatkin, therefore, does better to try and break the center, so as to compel their right wing to fall back on the upper Yalu and left wing on Takushan ; but Kouropatkin's telegram, in which he seems to have been painfully surprised by the strength of the Jap- anese forces at the point where he tried to break through, hardly augurs well for his next attempt." Russians Unmasked. On July i8. General Kuroki advanced his forces with' the object of capturing Kiaotung, otherwise Chowtow, a strong position on the Chi river, northwest of Motien pass and east of Anping, The advance unmasked the Russians, who retired northward along the Chi river. General Kuroki following. Suddenly two Russian battalions with eight guns turned and vigor- ously attacked the Japanese vanguard, which was severely mauled, one company losing all its officers. Supports were rapidly forwarded and fighting continued obstinately. In the course of the afternoon the whole Russian position was deter- mined. It was on a height about 2,000 yards above the Chi river, which protected the Russian left flank, while lofty precipices shielded its right flank, the position only being approachable through a narrow defile. Japs Attack at Midnight. The fighting continued until nightfall, when the Japanese bivou- acked. The Russians made two counter attacks, both of which were re- pulsed. The Japanese renewed the attack at midnght, the main body operating against the Russian center, while detachments were sent to watch the respective flanks. Artillery was posted in the valley and on the heights southward. The engagement became general at dawn. The Russians directed the fire of thirty-two guns at their assailants, pouring in shell persist- RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 403 ently. The Japanese artillery responded and the gun duel lasted for four hours. Then the infantry advanced, and, by 3 o'clock in the after- noon, the Japanese flankers had scaled the height occupied by the Rus- sian right, whereupon the main body was ordered to storm the center. In doing this the Japanese lost severely from Russian rifle fire, al- though the artillery protected the movement to the utmost. Russian Retreat a Rout. The final charge, which was made at half past 5 o'clock, broke the Russians, whose retreat was already partly cut off, and their retire- ment soon became a rout. They fled to the north and east, leaving 131 dead and 300 rifles. The Japanese took forty-seven prisoners and several guns and occupied Kiaotung. Prisoners taken estimate the Russian loss at 1,000. Their force comprised seven battalions of infantry and a regiment of Cossacks, in addition to the artillery. The Japanese lost Major Hiraoka, who was the Japanese attache witnessing the Boer war, fifty-four men killed, and eighteen officers, and 351 men wounded. The Japanese also attacked on July 19 a battalion of infantry and 1,000 cavalry at Choshiapo, north of Shaotientse, and drove them across the Taitsze river, after four hours of fighting. The Japanese lost sev- enteen wounded. In the meantime there were constant skirmishes in this region be- tween Amur Cossacks and Japanese scouts. The Japanese made an unusually heavy attack on the Russian outpost at Tzyanchan, when 100 cavalry and 700 infantry rushed the camp and forced the Cossacks to retire. The following day, however, the Japanese retired and the Russians reoccupied the position. Another Japanese Victory. On July 17th a detachment of the Russian troops gave battle in the Sybel pass to a force of Japanese soldiers. The engagement re- sulted with the retirement of the Russians and the loss of over 200 404 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. killed and wounded. In another fight, on the Mukden road, on July 19th, several companies of dismounted Cossacks offered a strong re- sistance to the Japanese advance guards. As a result of several days' activity, the Japanese secured better strategic lines from their advance and the Russians lost their best defensive positions both on the Liao- yang and Mukden roads. The Battle of Tatchekiao. On July 23, the Japanese commenced to push forward from Kai- chou and force the retirement of the Russian rear guard to Tatchekiao, while a simultaneous Japanese advance began from the valley of the Chi on the east apparently also directed against Yinkow, the port of Newchwang, by way of Tatchekiao, The fourteen hour fight at the lat- ter place with heavy losses on both sides, the evacuation and partial destruction of Newchwang by the Russians and the heavy Japanese movement upon Liaoyang followed hard upon each other. According to the official reports there was considerable hard fight- nig at Tatchekaio before the place was taken. The army of General Oku, combined with what is known as the Takushan forces, attacked Tatchekiao Sunday night, July 24, and on Monday captured all the important topographical keys. The Russian forces consisted of five divisions. In a daring night attack against a Russian force, estimated at five divisions with 100 guns, General Oku succeeded in driving the enemy from their strong line of defense south of Tatchekiao. Advancing on Sunday, General Oku found a superior force con- fronting him, and that a heavy artillery fire from the enemy was check- ing his men. He thereupon decided to hold the positions he then held and to attempt a night surprise. This was successful, the Japanese troops hustling the Russians into retreat to Tatchekiao. The Japanese had only 800 casualties. No estimates of the Russian losses are given. Takushan Army in Reserve. The Takushan army did not participate in this fight, it being located to the east of Tatchekiao, Moving to the northwest, this Takushan RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 405 force fought and won a separate action on Friday, July 22, at Panling, losing thirty-one men. The Japanese began the advance against the Russian positions south of Tatchekiao on Saturday, July 23. On this date the vanguard occu- pied positions in the vicinity of Chulchiatun, to the southeast of Tatche- kiao, developing the position and strength of the enemy. The Russian line was through the hills south of Tatchekiao, extending almost due east and west of the railroad. The position of the enemy was fortified. The strongest point was at Taiping mountain, to the southwest of Tatchekiao, and here the heaviest force had assembled. The Russians had two battalions of artillery posted near Chatenganon, due south of Tatchekiao and ahead of the main line. Russian Batteries Active. In the afternoon the Russian batteries, posted in various positions on the heights, opened with vigor, shelling the advancing Japanese line. The strength of the Russians gradually developed during the day and General Oku estimated it at five divisions and 100 guns. The Russian fire prevented a general advance and determined General Oku to decide to await the advance of darkness to deliver a night assault. Two divisions of Russians occupied the Saicheng road, and Gen, Oku took the precautionary measure of engaging this- force with artil- lery. The Russians replied with artillery and the duel lasted until darkness. Suddenly at 10 o'clock Sunday night the entire Japanese right was hurled against the first Russian position east and west of Taiping moun- tain and easily captured it. At midnight the second position was at- tacked and by daylight the Japanese occupied the eminence to the east of Chuichiatun. The Russians were in retreat toward Tatchekiao. At 7 o'clock Monday morning the Japanese seized Chenyshishan without resistance and pursued the Russian force toward Tatchekiao. Kouropatkin Sends More Details. General Kouropatkin supplemented his own dispatches about the battle at Tatchekiao with the report of Lieutenant General Zarouvaielf^ 4o6 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. who stated that his attempt to take the offensive against the Japanese right flank failed, the Russians losing heavily. He ascertained after the fight that eighteen Russian battalions had been engaged vv^ith at least two Japanese divisions, supported by an overwhelming number of batteries. The report added: "In these circumstances I did not think it advisable to resume the battle on the following day. I resolved to retreat north. The losses have not yet been ascertained, but it is estimated there have been about twenty officers and 600 men killed and wounded. Colonel Auspensky of the Tomsk regiment was severely wounded. Praises His Soldiers. "I must testify to the remarkable firmness of the troops of my com- mand in this difficult action, which lasted fifteen hours. The Siberian regiments particularly distinguished themselves by unwavering endur- ance. They had to meet the main attack. They did not yield much ground despite the enormous numerical superiority of the enemy and repeated attacks on our center, where the fighting on four occasions was conducted at close quarters with the bayonet, which the Japanese could not withstand." Japanese Threatening Haicheng. A telegram from General Kouropatkin was received at St. Peters- burg, on July 27, confirming the occupation of Tatchekiao by the Japan- ese July 25 and adding that a Japanese division had moved on Hai- cheng. General Stackelberg's and General Zarouvaieff's corps were at Haicheng, but the rear guard of the Russian army was half way between Haicheng and Tatchekiao. The Japanese, it was then believed, proba- bly were halting, as usual with them after each advance, to recuperate and intrench. Two Japanese divisions were nearing Sinouchen, which bore the same relation to Haicheng as Tangchi did to Tatchekiao. These forces were also stopping and throv/ing up earthworks eight miles southeast RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 407 of Sinouchen, which was strongly held by the Russians. Skirmishers from either side were within speaking distance. The Japanese continued to menace Liaoyang's communications by concentrating troops at Sikseyan, but no further advance was made towards Liaoyang or Mukden. Russians Retreat to Haicheng. After the battle of Tatchekiao, as stated, the Russian troops re- treated to Haicheng. A dispatch from Newchwang stated that for sev- eral days there had been heavy fighting in the marshes south of Haicheng, during the gradual retreat of the Muscovite army. That the Russian general staff considered the situation serious is indicated in the following statement from St. Petersburg: "The enveloping movement of the three Japanese armies of Gen- erals Kuroki, Nodzu, and Oku around General Kouropatkin's position appears to be almost complete, and the extended line of the Japanese seems to be the only drawback to concerted action. It is realized here that the Russian general must now either fight or withdraw the whole army northward. He is being closely pressed at Haicheng." The Russians Amazed. A Russ special from Liaoyang said the mobility of the Japanese was wonderful. At Tatchekiao they made a feint to the east and let fall the main blow from the south. The Japanese losses are accounted for by their having attacked a fortified place defended by artillery. OfiQcers were astounded at the dexterity and cleverness of Kuroki, who, in spite of the absence of roads, seemed able to focus his troops at any point at any moment. Nemirovich Daschenko, a famous correspondent at the front, wrote : "It is under discouraging circumstances that our forces have to fight. They have the knowledge now that the Japanese have better artillery and are better prepared in every way. Good as our rifles may be, those of the enemy are better. We have little mountain artillery; the Jap- anese have masses of it., and move it about with ease from place to 4o8 RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. place. The secret manner in which the enemy moves about is marvel- ous. We never know on what side they are going to attack. Their cavalry, which we mocked in the early part of the war, scampers all over the country." Japanese Armies Renew Fight. On August I, the Czar received the following dispatch, dated July 31, from General Kouropatkin : "Three Japanese armies have renewed offensive operations on our southern front. Our rear guard made an obstinate defense until the appearance of considerably superior forces of the enemy and then gradually retired in the direction of Haicheng. A detachment near Sinoucheng, fifteen miles southeast of Haicheng, successfully withstood the enemy until in the afternoon. "The attack was directed against our right flank, which from its position at Kanhua pass inflicted great losses on the Japanese. Russian Right Flank Turned. "The efforts of the Takushan army and General Oku's army to- day are being mainly directed to cutting our communications between Sinoucheng and Haicheng, their operations starting from a line travers- ing Yanshukan, Tapuntse and Liaohantse. On our eastern front the Japanese began the offensive this morning against our Ikhavuen posi- tion, the enemy's main concentration being against its right flank which was turned. "The enemy is also acting on the offensive between Liaoyang and Saimatze, almost due north of Fenhuangcheng, against our troops posted at Houtsiatse, twenty-five miles from Liaoyang. "Intelligence has been received of a considerable number of Jap- anese landing off Yinkow under the cover of several warships." A further dispatch from General Kouropatkin to the Emperor said : "All our positions were retained at Sinoucheng when the fighting ceased at 6:45 p. m., July 31, but I have not yet received reports of the operation on our extreme right flank. "We retained all our positions held by our eastern force at Yangze RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. 409 pass. General Keller, commanding, had chosen these as the point from which to watch the fight. A battery near him was exposed to heavier fire than any other and he was mortally wounded at 3 o'clock this after- noon. He died twenty minutes later." General Kouropatkin also reported the retirement of the Russian vanguard on the south front, a short distance in the direction of Haicheng. After determined fighting near the village of Sangchengtse, the Jap- anese apparently concentrated considerable forces on the Saimatze side of Liaoyang. Report of Keller's Death Confirmed. The report of Lieutenant General Count Keller's death was later confirmed. He was killed while resisting the preliminary attack of General Kuroki's army on the Yangze pass, thirty miles east of Liao- yang. The General was standing near a battery which was subjected to a terrific fire, when a shell burst close to him and he fell, mortally wounded, dying twenty minutes later. General Keller was the first high Russian military commander to lose his life in this war. General Zassalitch resumed the command of the First Siberian army corps. The loss of General Keller is deeply felt in court circles. He was a personal favorite of the Emperor. His sister, Countess Kleimmicha, is one of the leaders of St. Petersburg society. Lieutenant General Count Keller at the opening of the war was in command of the Second Siberian army division. He was 54 years old and resigned the Governorship of Ekaterinoslafif in order to go to the front. General Keller took part in the three campaigns of the Russo-Turkish war. In 1887 he commanded the Imperial Rifle regi- ment and later was director of the corps of imperial pages, by which Keller came in contact with the members of the imperial family, with whom he was in great favor. General Keller was considered to be the possessor of cool judgment and to be a fine strategist. Though a strict disciplinarian Keller was a 4IO RUSSIAN ARMY NEARLY TRAPPED. kind and careful officer and popular with his men. His only decora- tion was the cross of the military order of St. George, which he wore on the breast of his tunic. He sustained two reverses at the hands of the Japanese — July 4 and July 17 — being repulsed in attacks on the Motien pass. On August 2 it was reported that in consequence of furious fighting the Russians were compelled to evacuate Haicheng; this was later con- firmed by General Kouropatkin in an official telegram to the czar. A clear idea of the brilliant operations of the Japanese army from July 23 to August 3 may be obtained from the map on the following page. After occupying all the strategic points from Siuyen to Kaichou, the Mikado's troops forced the Russian line northward to Liaoyang. The abandonment of the latter place and the retreat of the Muscovite army to Mukden naturally followed. CHAPTER XXXII. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS Admiral Skrydloff's Raid — The Vladivostok Squadron Escapes — Togo Encounters the Rus- sian Fleet — Sinking a Russian Gfuardship — ^Bombardment of the West Coast of the Liaotung Peninsula — Tightening the Grip — The Doomed Fortress — Every Position Occupied — The Beginning of the End, ON JUNE 13 a telegram was received from Admiral Skrydloff, commanding the Vladivostok squadron, stating that he had moved with the Vladivostok squadron towards Port Arthur. He ar- rived within thirty miles of the fortress, when he ran into a fog. It was asserted that Skrydloff found several Japanese torpedo boats and two battleships confronting him. The Japanese attacked fiercely and inflicted some damage. The Russians returned the fire, but as none of the Port Arthur ships appeared, as Admiral Skrydloff had hoped and expected, he returned to Vladivostok. Story of an Eye- Witness. A Russian correspondent, who witnessed the meeting between the Russian and Japanese squadrons, gave the following particulars: "The Japanese trap for our cruisers was quite cleverly set. A squad- ron fully three times the strength of the Russians lay in wait in the strait of Korea. A strong flotilla of torpedo boats lay in wait at Ta- kasaki, the northernmost point of Tsu island, with the intention of dash- ing out, catching the Russian cruisers between two fires, and forcing them to halt and to fight. "The plan worked up to the point of meeting the Russian squadron, which, when it saw the superior force of the Japanese, rapidly retreated to the northward. The Japanese began a stern chase, firing at intervals, but their shells fell one and one-third miles short. At this juncture 413 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. 413 the Japanese torpedo boats shot out from Takasaki, and for a short time it looked as though we had been badly trapped. "We slipped through their cordon while they were attempting to draw in for a combined attack. Their quick firing guns opened without damaging the Russians in the slightest, while the heavy guns of the Russian cruisers sent two of the torpedo boats to the bottom. The other torpedo boats fled to the protection of their own squadron. "The Japanese mistook their own retreating torpedo boats for Rus- sian boats coming to attack them and opened a fusillade which lasted for three minutes. The Japanese torpedo boats spouted rockets and worked their signal lights desperately before the fire of their squadron ceased. We were unable to ascertain the damage which resulted. "The reason why they did not pursue us farther is not known. It is certain that they were not nearly a match for the Russians in speed. The torpedo flotilla is still hovering around Gensan on the lookout for Admiral Kamimura's squadron." The Japanese Admiral Fails. When the Russian Vladivostok squadron escaped pursuit, and Vice Admiral Kamimura returned to his base at Tsu island there closed what promised to be one of the most spectacular incidents of the war. To discover, to fight, and if possible to destroy three fast cruisers, one of them the most powerful fighting machine of its class in the world, and to do this in an open sea 700 miles long and 500 miles across, was the problem which confronted Kamimura. Wake of the Russian Raid. The Vladivostok ships left a broad path behind them in their dash into the Korean straits. On June 15 they appeared, without warning, in the narrowest part of the strait and sank three transports only forty miles from the coast of Japan. On June 16 they were off Oki island, on their way north. On June 17, still going north, close to the Japanese coast, they stopped and searched the American bark James Johnson, ofiF the west- 414 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. ern entrance of Tsugaru strait, 400 miles directly east of Vladivostok. On June 18 they disappeared off Cape Henashi, steaming north. British naval experts declared Kamimura was guilty of a glaring error in not sending a strong fleet at fnll speed to Vladivostok as soon as he learned that the enemy was in the Korean straits. Kamimura was off Tsu island with his fleet on June 15, when the Russian ships ap- peared near Osima island. He began the pursuit the same day. Russians Double Back. The chase continued and the Japanese scouts were slowly overhaul- ing the enemy when a heavy rain storm came on and the Russians changed their course immedately, thus foiling pursuit. They next ap- peared off Hokkaido and again changed their course to the southward till they were off Heanshisaki. They then evidently steered north when unobserved, though it was known that the Russians were off Oki island. Admiral Kamimura, who was out of touch with his base, kept searching for the Russians in the direction of Vladivostok and was thus aware of the Muscovite ruse. The raid of the Russian Vladivostok squadron then apparently ended and transports resumed their regular trips between Japan, Korea, and the Liaotung peninsula. The raid cost Japan three transports, the lives of nearly 1,000 men, and a large quantity of supplies and material for the railroads being con- structed in Korea. Either Battle or Suicide. The raid of the Vladivostok squadron brought an unwarranted amount of criticism upon Vice Admiral Kamimura from the Japanese, and his failure to catch the Russians in the fog off Gensan on the coast of Korea, when the Japanese transport Kinshiu was sunk on April 26 with a loss of about 200 men, was recalled. Some of these even declared that if Vice Admiral Kamimura failed to catch the Russian vessels before they reached Vladivostok he should either resign from the navy or commit suicide. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. 415 The popular demand for his replacement rapidly grew, but the pub- lic was without information as to the nature of his orders or the plans of the naval campaign, and failed to -make allowance for the limitation of conditions. Vice Admiral Kamimura's squadron was lying off Tsu island when the raiding Russians reached Okino island. He immediately started in pursuit of the enemy, but rains obscured the sea and an electrical storm interfered with his system of wireless telegraphy. Vice Admiral Kam- imura was a splendid officer, and the only possible indictment against him was one of lack of good luck. Japanese Steamers Sunk. The Japanese transport Izumi was returning to Moji on Wednesday, June 15, with a number of sick Japanese soldiers on board, and was surrounded by three Russian warships off Osima, near Tsushima strait. One hundred and eighty soldiers aboard were taken on board the Grom- oboi. The Russian man-of-war had a number of other prisoners on board. These were lined up and compelled to witness the sinking of the Izumi. Later they saw the destruction of the transport Hitachi. They were then put in the hold until 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Thurs- day, June 16, when they were examined and twenty-two of them were put on a passing ship near Okino island. The Gromoboi then steamed northward. Friday morning two small steamers were surrounded by the Russian squadron off Fukyiama, island of Yezo. After they were examined they were released. The Russians placed on board coolies from the trans- port Sado Maru, which had previously been shelled by the Russians. No Fault of Kamimura. Vice Admiral Kamimura made a long report on the movements of his fleet in searching for the Russian ships. The search lasted four days and the Japanese Admiral thought he was fortunate in having no acci- dent, considering the thick weather. He regrets that the search had no results. The loss of the transports he said was due to the fact that 4i6 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. his fleet was too small to watch both the Russian fleets and convoy transports also. Kamimura said he was informed by wireless telegraph that he was within forty miles of the Russians at the time the transports were de- stroyed, but the fog hid them and prevented him from hearing the guns. He could only guess the direction they had taken and wrongly guessed that they were making for Vladivostok. Another Daring Raid. On June 30, it was reported that the Russian squadron from Vladi- vostok was again at large, and making another daring raid into the Korean straits. The squadron, consisting of three cruisers, one torpedo destroyer, and nine torpedo boats, appeared off Gensan on the east coast of Korea. The torpedo boats entered Gensan harbor at 5 130 in the morning, shelled the settlement, and sunk the small steamer Koun, of 2,876 tons, and the small coasting schooner Seitsu. The torpedo boats left the harbor at 7:20. A total of 200 shells v/as fired into the settlement, but no serious damage resulted. Two Korean soldiers were wounded. Afterwards the squadron was reported ofif Anper, about fifteen miles to the east of Gensan, proceeding in a southeasterly direction. Its des- tination was not known. The Squadron Appears Again. Friday afternoon, July i, the Russian warships were steaming be- tween Iki island and Tsuishima, when they were sighted by Vice Ad- miral Kamimura, ten miles distant. The Japanese fleet turned and gave chase, their torpedo squadron leading. The distance had been reduced by some two miles when dark- ness set in. Kamimura then ordered the torpedo boats to dash ahead, but before they were able to use their tubes they were subjected to a concentration of the searchlights on the Russian ships and a fierce fire for fifteen minutes. Suddenly the firing ceased and every light on the fleet was obscured. The Russian tactics succeeded and the fleet dis- appeared. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Togo's Great Victory. 417 On June 23d, the combined Japanese fleet attacked the enemy off Port Arthur. "Early in the morning," said Admiral Togo, in his official report, "the fact that the battleships Peresviet, Poltava, and Sevastopol, with the cruisers Bayan, Pallada, Diana, Novik, and Askold, preceded by several mine dragging steamers, w^ere emerging from the harbor en- trance was reported to me by wireless telegraphy from the scouting ship, "Then, according to arrangements previously made to provide against the enemy's egress, I hastened to the appointed rendezvous, sending my fourth and fourteenth destroyers flotillas to watch the en- emy's movement. "At II o'clock the battleships Cesarevitch, Retvizan, and Pobieda joined the dragging steamers, which commenced cruising about in the mines section, and attempted to make a fairway. We kept troubling them. "At 3 o'clock p. m. my fourth and fourteenth flotillas engaged seven of the enemy's destroyers which were covering the dragging operations and defeated them. One of the Russian vessels, catching fire, fled into the harbor. The cruiser Novik came out to cover the other flotillas and joined the main fleet. Russians Put to Sea. "The enemy having cleared a fairway with the aid of their dragging steamers the Novik steamed out to sea. Our third fighting squadron keeping in contact drew the enemy southward on a southeasterly course. '"Our first squadron, hidden south of Sugan island, waited for the eiiemy and concentrated all its destroyers. At 6:15 p. m. our first squadron sighted the enemy eight miles northwest of Sugan island. The Cesarevitch- wasTeading, with the Novik and the destroyers on its right. 4i8 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. "They steamed south. At 7:30 p. m. our distance from them was 14,000 yards. The enemy changed course slightly to the starboard and we followed them, trying to draw the enemy's van. "At 8 p. m. the enemy altered their course to the north and we turned eight points and steamed in till sunset, at 8:20 p. m., when we parted eight points, and I ordered the torpedo craft to attack the enemy. "At 9:30 p. m., when five miles distant from the harbor, the four- teenth torpedo flotilla made its first attack on the enemy's rear, the fifth flotilla following." Unable to Enter Harbor. "The enemy was thrown into disorder and could not make port, so they anchored at 10:30 p. m. in the roadstead, where we attacked them eight times before dawn. At 10:30 p. m. our sixteenth flotilla dashed from Shoosen point and launched two torpedoes into the bows of a battleship resembling the Peresviet, which immediately sank. We could ascertain no other results till morning, when we saw that one battleship was missing and two vessels of the Sevastopol and Diana class unable to use their engines. On the 24th the enemy's fleet entered the harbor, some being towed and others under their own steam, the last getting in at 4 o'clock p, m." A Russian Guardship Sunk. On the night of June 27 the Japanese torpedo boats approached Port Arthur and were discovered by the Russian picket ships. Despite the heavy fire from ships and forts and the blinding searchlights, the Japanese succeeded in torpedoing one of the Russian men-of-war. At the same time the Russian torpedo boat destroyer attacked the Japanese and the fire from the latter capsized one of the Russian boats. Accord- ing to Admiral Togo, two officers and fifteen men were killed -and wounded. The twelfth torpedo boat flotilla, under the command of Commander Yamada, delivered the attack. The Japanese vessels were revealed NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. 419 by the Russian searchlights and the shore forts opened a heavy fusillade on them. The Russian gwardship was surrounded and attacked by the Jap- anese, who saw this vessel sink amid huge volumes of water thrown up by heavy explosions. Following this the Russian torpedo boat destroyers at once attacked the Japanese vessels, which responded to the onslaught. A Russian destroyer, while within the area lit up by the searchlights, was seen to explode, rise, fall back into the water sideways, and sink. Operations of Togo's Fleet. Admiral Togo devoted a considerable portion of the month of June to a bombardment of the west coast of the Liaotung peninsula. In an official report he stated that the captain of a foreign vessel that left Yinkow on June 8 reported that the recent Japanese bombardment in the vicinity of Kaiping, south of Newchwang, caused Russian forces to the number of 3,000, with twenty guns, to evacuate Yinkow. On the following day another detachment of the fleet bombarded the enemy for two hours near Yingchintsu and Tsantiakao, inflicting much damage upon them. Another detachment of the Japanese fleet, according to Admiral Togo's report, discovered four Russian torpedo boat destroyers in Talienwan bay, near Shaopingtan, and drove them back to Port Arthur. Over seventy mines have been destroyed in Talienwan bay. Thirty floating mines have been found and destroyed. Some of these were drifting into Pechili gulf. The Grip Tightens. Meantime the Japanese grip was tightening on Port Arthur. In the flighting which occurred on July 4 for the possession of one of the hills northeast of Port Arthur, the Russians lost 100 men killed and fifty wounded. The Japanese having occupied the second range of hills around Port Arthur began to march upon the Russian marine camp that commanded 420 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. the principal pass through the hills, which is directly back of Port Arthur. This camp was considered vital to the safety of the fortress, and it was guarded by 20,000 rnarines and sailors. In the Chinese- Japanese war the Japanese occupied this camp for seven days before they took possession of Port Arthur. Port Arthur Harbor Unsafe. The last junk to leave Port Arthur was towed out of the harbor and its passengers were compelled to remain below until it had cleared the harbor entrance. This measure v/as adopted to prevent the passengers from obtaining knowledge of conditions at the entrance to the harbor. Chinese reported the entrance to the harbor of Port Arthur was unsafe for the passage of vessels. One Russian warship was slightly damaged while coming out recently as a result of striking a sunken wreck, and the two other warships collided in the entrance and had to undergo repairs. Japs Nearer Port Arthur. Chinese refugees from Port Arthur stated at this time that the Japanese forces had formed a complete cordon around the land side of the town, and that they were occupying all the commanding hills, including Wolf mountain, within a radius of seven miles of the fortifica- tions. " The Chinese also said that two large warships were missing from the squadron which went out from Port Arthur on June 23, and that the Russian battleship Sevastopol was damaged on that day. The Japanese bombarded Port Arthur from the sea on June 30, but inflicted no damage to the town. A trustworthy Chinaman reported that on July 5 one division of the Japanese army reached the northeast slope of the Takushan moun- tain, the summit of which was less than three miles from Port Arthur. This division parted from another division of the army on the high- way north of Port Arthur, after which it made its way through moun- tainous country. The other division continued along the main road toward the marine camp, to reach which it would have to pass over a NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. 421 plain, but attacked by this division, in conjunction with that of Taku- shan mountain, the marine camp would not be tenable. Japs Take Another Fort. - Fort No. 16, which is on the main Une of defenses surrounding Port Arthur, was taken by the Japanese on July 6. Continuing, the Chinaman declared that Russians in Port Arthur said that a Russian regiment which was out reconnoitering was driven back by the three Japanese regiments, who were in turn surrounded by two regiments of Cossacks and wiped out. Japs Hide War Secrets. Operations of paramount importance went on within the war zone during July, but the government successfully succeeded in veiling them in almost absolute secrecy. Since the occupation of Dalny the govern- ment officials were absolutely silent concerning conditions at Port Arthur. It was generally believed, however, that the Japanese army and navy vv^ere daily tightening their relentless grip on the besieged city, and that a final assault, followed by the fall of the fortress, was now only a matter of weeks. The fleet of Admiral Togo was in motion day and night and was frequently engaged, but the forces and number of guns of the besiegers were secrets which probably would not be revealed until the final and decisive action. Fragmentary information from various sources, espe- cially Chinese, reached Japan, but its publication was forbidden under a severe penalty. Embargo on News Absolute. Much concerning the siege of Port Arthur could b» published with- out injury to the Japanese cause, but the general stafT, resolved to avoid aiding St. Petersburg or Gen. Kouropatkin with a single shred of information, placed an absolute embargo on the transmission of all news. No foreigner accompanied either the Japanese forces which were besieging Port Arthur, the army under Gen. Oku, or the army which 422 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. was landed at Takushan, and the newspaper correspondents and for- eign attaches with Gen. Kuroki were made to remain within a circle having a radius of a little over half a mile. Many false reports concerning the war operations were sent abroad. These the Japanese welcome as being just so much more chaff and sand thrown in the eyes of the enemy. Tell of 800 Russian Dead. A dispatch from Chefoo stated that on Tuesday, July 5, Chinese carriers brought into the town over 800 Russian dead, two of whom were high officials. It also said that a part of the Japanese force had advanced to within six miles of the besieged town, taking another east- ern fort. In the fighting which occurred on July 4 over the possession of one of the hills northeast of Port Arthur, the Russians lost 100 men killed and fifty men wounded. Fifty Chinese carriers were sent out to bring in the Russian dead and wounded. Japs Seven Miles from Fortress. On July 10 a fair wind brought a fleet of junks from Port Arthur, carrying both Chinese and Europeans. Reports which they brought of conditions at Port Arthur were contradictory, but they all said that a Japanese division from the northward was intrenching seven miles from the marine camp, while another division from the eastward was fighting continuously, and with the aid of the fleet was endeavoring to gain a position commanding the town and naval basin. A European stated that the fighting to the eastward of Port Arthur had been heavy for several days, the Japanese ships along the shore shelling the Russian position in the hills. The smoke from the artillery on the hills around Port Arthur was seen almost continuously. Dead and wounded were being brought in at all hours, and many private houses were turned into hospitals. Only skirmishes occurred to the northward. The main Japanese force was ten miles away, but Japanese scouts were seen is the vicinity NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. 423 of the main camp, which commanded the principal pass to the hills, directly back of Port Arthur. On the nights of July 2, 3 and 4 the Japanese fleet bombarded the roads from the south of the town. Togo Attacks Port Arthur. On Friday night, July 8, during a storm, a flotilla of torpedo boats of Admiral Togo's fleet approached Port Arthur. On the following morn- ing one of the torpedo boats found and attacked the Russian cruiser Askold. The Askold fired on the torpedo boat, two petty officers being severely wounded. On Monday, July 11, Japanese torpedo boats approached the boom at the entrance of Port Arthur and attacked a Russian guardship of the Diana type with torpedoes. The Russian cruisers Bayan, Diana, Pallada, and Novik, with two gunboats and seven destroyers, preceded by mine clearing steamers, made a sortie from Port Arthur on the morning of July 9 and reached a point between Senikaku and Lungwantan. They were attacked by Japanese torpedo boats and returned to Port Arthur, which they re- entered at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Jap Cruisers Joined in Fight. Admiral Togo's amplified report of the Russian sortie stated that the Japanese torpedo boat destroyer which signaled the enemy's pres- ence was attacked. The Novik appeared to be crippled. The Bayan steamed ahead, engaging the Japanese destroyers, which retired, but four Japanese cruisers speedily arrived and assisted in the attack. They impeded the Russian steamers that were dragging for mines. One Russian warship, keeping inshore under the batteries, crept nearly to Lungwangtung, probably meaning to support a fort that was meeting a land attack. According to unofficial accounts, the boom at the en- trance of Port Arthur is formed of logs, with their ends outward. They are joined by three cables. The Russians were able to anchor in deep water behind the boom. 424 NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. On August I it was reported that the Japanese occupied every posi- tion surrounding the besieged fortress except Golden hill. It was also rumored Port Arthur had been taken, but the reports were generally traceable to Chinese refugees. There was very severe fighting in the immediate neighborhood of the fortress during the latter days of July. A dispatch from Chefoo, dated July 29, stated : "A junk containing thirty refugees from Port Arthur, who are all foreigners of the better class, arrived here to-night from Port Arthur. "The refugees report that exceedingly heavy fighting by land and by sea to the east and the northeast of Port Arthur occurred on Tues- day, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week, and they express the belief that a general assault was begun on Thursday. "They say that this bombardment was the heaviest experienced since the beginning of the siege, and that the Russian forts made little reply to the Japanese fire. Russians Short of Ammunition. "Ammunition is said to be growing scarce, and the large fort guns are not often discharged. Attempts to manufacture ammunition in Port Arthur are reported to have been failures. "All public buildings are being used for hospitals. The sick and wounded are being well cared for by volunteer nurses. The wounds made by the Japanese rifles are not dangerous except when vital spots are reached. Hundreds of badly wounded have quickly recovered from their wounds." "Field Marshal Marquis Oyama, accompanied by his staff, left Port Dalny on Tuesday. He is conducting the Japanese operations in per- son." ^^*4^^1A