^^ HARMON'S JOURNAL CLASSICS OF AMERICAN HISTORY History of the Expedition Under the Command OF Captains Lewis and Clark tg the Sources OF the Missouri, Across the Rocky Moun- tains, Down the Columbia River to the Pacific in i 804—06. An unabridged reprint of the 1 8 1 4 edition to which all the members of the expedition contributed. With portraits and maps. 3 vols. This is the only convenient, complete and inexpensive edition of the most famous exploration in American history. Voyages from Montreal through the Continent OF North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in 1789 and 1793. With an account of the Rise and State of the Fur Trade. By Alexander Mackenzie. With portrait and map. 2 vols. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Can- ada which are Dependent on the Province of New York, and are a Barrier Between the English and the FrEx\ch in that Part of the World. By Hon. Cadwallader Colden. With portrait and map. 2 vols. The Wild Northland. Being the Story of a Winter Journey, with dog, across Northern North Amer- ica. By Gen. Sir Wm. Francis Butler, K.C.B. With portrait and route map. i vol. A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Inte- rior OF North America. By Daniel Williams Harmon. Portrait and map. i vol. (Just ready.) In size the volumes are a synall i2rno., bound uni- formly in decorated linen. Portraits in photogravure. Pfice $jr.GO, net. per volume. A. S. BARNES & COMPANY PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK '• *>«*», t- „,y^«*«at«A' IDANjEEIL. >V!lILiLIAI^llS MAl^lSHaDllf M S ©"o A JOURNAL of VOYAGES and TRAVELS in the INTER- IOR of NORTH AMERICA Between the 47th and 58th Degrees of N. Lat., extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific, a Distance of about 5,000 Miles INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OCCURRENCES DURING A RESIDENCE OF NINETEEN YEARS IN DIF- FERENT PARTS OF . THE COUNTRY BY DANIEL WILLIAMS HARMON A PARTNER IN THE NORTHWEST COMPANY WITH intr6d»:jctioj^ and map NEW YORK A. S. BARNES AND COMPANY 1903 THP Ltef^ARYOF 00NQRE38, CtA«3 '"^ XYfl No, r ^ 7 r / corV 8. Copyj-ight 1903 By A. S. Barnes & Co. November 12. • •• m % • • • • 3 C t . • • ( • « I C « < r A^^ INTRODUCTION. The world is very considerably indebted to various servants of the great North West Fur Companies, not only for the valuable and useful furs they have obtained for us, but for the different kinds of wealth they have gar- nered in the guise of accurate and scientific knowledge regarding the wild inhabitants, the fauna, flora, and the geographical con- figuration of the immense wilderness in which their lives for the most part have been spent. The debt is none the less because many of these men were obhged to undergo great hardships in their business— cut off for years from all civilized society, and compelled, if human companionship must be had, to be content with the company of the aboriginal savages of the country. Some of these lonely waifs occasionally varied the monotony of their regular employment by studying the strange land and its people and writing down the results either for the benefit of friends in the far-away home, or for a still wider constit- uency, or from sheer lack of anything more congenial to occupy their leisure hours. At all events, whatever the motive might have been, the literary world has been made the vi INTRODUCTION. richer by a number of well written books of great value, on account of the minute and painstaking care they display in describing the denizens of a hitherto unknown world. The Indian and his country are displayed before us; the languages, the folklore, the habits, manners and customs of an alien peo- ple have received patient attention; and all this has been accomplished in the intervals of long sledge and canoe journeys into the pathless solitudes of the North West. Among the books which had their origin in some such way as this, the journal kept for a number of years by Daniel W. Harmon of the North West Fur Company ranks very high. Harmon spent nineteen years of his life in the service of the Company, eight years of which were passed beyond the Kocky Mountains, and between them and the Pacific Ocean. When he first came among them the Indians still wandered through the country in their primitive simplicity, unconscious of the existence of other human beings save them- selves. He passed his life among these sav- ages. He even took a wife, ad interim, from one of the tribes and lived with her until he forsook the country forever. He was there- fore in a good position to study the people from a very near standpoint. Along with these valuable ethnographical studies are interesting details respecting the proceedings of the North West Company and the geographical configuration of the several INTRODUCTION. yii parts of America in which its establishments are situated. Harmon held the position of a partner in that Company, and was Superin- tendent of all its affairs beyond the Rocky Mountains. The Journal was written from day to day among the wild people and the scenes he described. The account is a plain, unambi- tious narrative and is, all things considered, entitled to im.plicit credit for veracity. It is only fair to state, however, that Field gives some color to the suggestion that Mr. D. Haskell, who revised and published the work, introduced some religious reflections into it not made by the Author. Certainly such pas- sages look very strange in the same book with Mr. Harmon's confession of his reasons for accepting female companionship. This confession is worth quoting here: "This day," he writes, "a Canadian's daughter was offered to me; and after mature considera- tion concerning the step I ought to take, I have finally concluded to accept of her, as it is customary for all gentlemen who remain for any length of time in this part of the world to have a female companion, with whom they can pass their time more socially and agreeably, than to live a lonely life as they must do if single. If we can live in harmony together my intention now is to keep her so long as I remain in this uncivil- ized part of the world." This was hardly the unselfish view of the viii INTRODUCTION. marriage state, one would naturally con- clude, and scarcely in harmony with Christian precepts. The consequence of this remarkable state of affairs was that the North West Fur Company became responsible for the main- tenance of hundreds of women and children whose natural protectors had deserted them, left the country and returned to civilized society. Field, who was no mean authority, also believed that the two subdivisions en- titled, ''Account of the Indians Living East of the Rocky Mountains," and ''Account of the Indians Living West of the Rocky Mountains," are written by another hand, although per- haps dictated by Harmon. A very valuable feature of the Journal is the copious vocabulary of the Cree or Knist- enaux Indians. It is rather strange that very few biograph- ical details are extant regarding an author whose repute has been steadily growing for so many years. He must still be judged almost entirely by his book, of which, fortu- nately for the author, the critics long ago unanimously decided that the work had been worthily performed and most of the facts therein cited uncontrovertible. ROBERT WAITE. ' New York, January, 1903. PREFACE, BY THE EDITOR. TTAVING prepared the following work for ^^ the press, I have a few things to say respecting it, and the part in regard to it, which I have performed. The authour of these Voyages and Tr^^vels, had no thought, while in the N. W. Country, of mjaking publick his Journal. It was com- menced and continued, partly for his own amusement, and partly to gratify his friends, who, he thought, would be pleased to be informed, with some particularity, on his return, how his time had been employed, during his absence. When he returned to civilized society, he found that curiosity was awake, in regard to the state of the country which he had visited ; and the repeated ques- tions, relating to this subject, which he was called upon to answer, together with the suggestions of some persons, in whose judg- ment he placed much confidence, that such a publication might be useful, first determined him to commit the following work to the press. X PREFACE. Had he carried into the wilderness a greater stock of general information, and expected, on his return, to appear in this manner before the publick, his inquiries would undoubtedly have been more extensive, and the result of them would be more satisfactory, to men of science. Had literary men been in the habit of traversing the regions which he has visited, he would have left it to them, to give an account of them to the publick. Having re- mained nineteen years in the interiour of North America, without visiting, during that time, the civilized part of the world, and having, many times, changed the place of his residence, while there, he has had an oppor- tunity for taking a wide survey of the coun- try, and of its inhabitants; and if the infor- mation which he has collected, be not equal to his opportunities, it is such as no other existing publication will fully afford. McKenzie's Yoyages give some account of a considerable part of the country which is here described. His residence in it, however, was much shorter than that of the authour of this work, and his personal acquaintance with the different parts of it, was much more limited. It is not intended, by this remark to detract from the reputation, which that respectable traveller and his work, have de- servedly gained. By his toilsome and dan- gerous voyage to the North Sea, and by leading the way, through the Eocky Moun- tainS; to the Pacific Ocean, he has richly PREFACE. xi merited the commendation which he has received. By comparing the following work with that of McKenzie, it will appear, that, though the geographical details are less minute, the country surveyed, if we except the voyage to the North Sea, which is wholly out of the sphere of this publication, is con- siderably more extensive; and the informa- tion, in regard to the inhabitants, is much more particular. Considerable additions are here made, to the existing stock of geo- graphical information, particularly as it re- spects the country beyond the Rocky Moun- tains. The basis of the map, here given to the publick, is that of Sir Alexander McKen- zie, drawn by Arrowsmith. That map has received many corrections, and to it many important additions have been made, by the authour of this work ; so that it is presumed now to be the most correct map of the in- teriour of North America, which has ever been published. Literary men have recently taken much interest in comparing the different Indian languages, spoken on this continent, with each other, and with other languages, par- ticularly with those anciently spoken on the other continent. A very considerable vocab- ulary of the one which is spoken, with a little variation of dialect, through the long tract of country, from a little back of Mon- treal to the Rocky Mountains, and one less extensive of the principal language spoken xii PREPACE. beyond it, are here given. Sir Alexander McKenzie has given a vocabulary of the first, which will be found, on comparison, to be somewhat different from that, which is con- tained in this work. Two reasons may be assigned for this. In the country about the Athabasca Lake, where McKenzie principally resided, the Cree or Knisteneux language is, in some measure, a mixed dialect ; and it is far less pure, than that which is spoken by the inhabitants of the plains. The words, also, are spelled by McKenzie, much accord- ing to the French sound of the letters, which is frequently calculated to mislead an English reader. Thus, the name of God, or the Good Spirit, which McKenzie spells Ki-jai-Manitou, is here spelled Kitch-e-mon-e-too. The above remark will account, in a great measure, for this difference; and for that which will be found, in the spelling of many other words. This is the native language of the wife of Mr. Harmon, (for so I may now call her, as they have been regularly married) and great pains have been taken to make this vocabulary correct, by marking the nice distinctions in the sound of the words, as derived from her repeated pronunciation of them. With this language he is, also, well acquainted, since it has been daily spoken in his family, and by himself, for many years. The education of the authour of this work was not classical; and had it been more ex- PREFACE. xiii tensive than it was, a residence for more than half of his life, since he has arrived to years of understanding, in a country where the English language is rarely spoken, would have poorly qualified him to give to this publication, a suitable English dress. The editor undertook the business of pre- paring this work for the press, with some reluctance, arising from the shortness of the time that could be allowed him for the per- formance of it, and the numerous avocations of the gospel ministry, which would leave but a part of that time at his own com- mand. For undertaking it at all, in such circumstances, his only apology is, that, in the opinion of the authour, there was no other person, conveniently situated for per- sonal intercourse with him, who would be willing to undertake it, whose circumstances would be more favourable. It is by the par- ticular request of the authour, and not be- cause I suppose that I have performed the office of an editor, in a manner creditable to myself, that I have consented to connect my name with this publication. The following work was furnished to my hand, fully written out; and though I have written it wholly over, I should have been much better able to satisfy myself, with re- spect to its style, if I could as fully have possessed the materials, in the form of notes and sketches, or by verbal recitals. Every man's own mind is the mould of his Ian- xiv PREFACE. guage; and he who has attempted to vary that of another, if he be at all accustomed to writing, must have found the task more difficult than original composition. The style of this work is not properly my own, nor that of Mr. Harmon, but something between both. There is one subject, on which I wish especially to address a few remarks, through the medium of this preface, to the christian publick, and to all who feel any regard for the welfare of the Indian tribes, whose con- dition is unfolded in this work. As Mr. Harmon has returned to the interiour of North America, and, therefore, the obser- vations which follow, will not be submitted to his inspection, before they are made pub- lick, the editor alone must be made account- able for them. In surveying the widely extended trade of the North West Company, we perceive evi- dence of an energy and perseverance, highly creditable to the members of it, as men of business. They have explored the western wilds, and planted their establishments over a tract of country, some thousands of miles in extent. They have made the savages of the wilderness tributary to the comforts of civilized society ; and in many instances, they have exhibited a surprising fortitude, in ex- posing themselves to hardship and to danger. The souls of the Indians are of more value than their furs; and to raise this people in PEEFACE. XV the scale of intellectual existence, to sur- round them with the comforts of civilization, to rescue them from the gloom of supersti- tion, to mould their hearts to christian kindness, and to cheer their dying hour with a well founded hope of immortal glory and blessedness, constitutes an aggregate of good sufficient to call forth exertion for their relief. The time is rapidly coming, when christian benevolence will emulate the activity and per- severance, which have long been, displayed in commercial enterprizes ; when no country will remain unexplored by the heralds of the cross, where immortal souls are shrouded in the darkness of heathenism, and are per- ishing for lack of vision. The wandering and benighted sons of our own forests, shall not be overlooked. They are not a race aban- doned by God, to inevitable destruction; though the idea has, strangely, gotten pos- session of some minds. In proportion to the efforts which have been made, perhaps no missions to the heathen have been crowned with greater success, than those to the American Aborigines. To this fact, the fruit of the labours of Elliott, of the May- hews, of Brainerd, of the Moravians, and, especially of the recent establishment among the Cherokees, will bear abundant witness. The Indian tribes, whose condition is un- folded in this work, have claims upon chris- tian compassion ; and some facts, which the authour has disclosed to me, have led me to xvi PREFACE. suppose, that a missionary establishment might be made, with reference to their in- struction, with a fair prospect of success, and with less expense, than ordinarily attends such operations. In the numerous establishments of the North West Company, there are from twelve to fifteen hundred women and children, who are wholly, or in part, of Indian extraction. Women have, from time to time, been taken from among the Natives, to reside in the forts, by the men in the service of the Com- pany; and families have been reared, which have generally been left in the country, when these men have retired to the civilized parts of the world. These women and children, with a humanity which deserves commen- dation, are not turned over to the savages ; but they are fed, if not clothed, by the Com- pany. They have become so numerous, as to be a burden to the concern; and a rule has been established, that no person, in the service of the Company, shall hereafter take a woman from among the Natives to reside with him, as a sufficient number, of a mixed blood, can be found, who are already con- nected with the Company. There are, also, in the N. W. country, many superannuated Canadians, who have spent the flower of their days in the service of the Company, who have families that they are unwilling to leave; and having nothing to attract them to the civilized world, they continue under PREFACE. xvii the protection of the Company, and are sup- plied by them, with the necessaries of life. A plan has been in contemplation, to pro- vide for the future maintenance of these people, and for the relief of the Company from an increasing burden, which is, to es- tablish a settlement on the Kainy Lake Kiver, where the soil is excellent, to which the people, above mentioned, may resort. To enable them to make a beginning, in the cultivation of the land, and in the erection of mills, &c., the Company propose to give them fifteen or twenty thousand dollars, and to appoint one of the Partners to super- intend the affairs of the settlement, for three years, or for a longer time, if it shall be necessary. It appears highly probable, that a set- tlement might thus be formed, which, in a few years, would secure to those who should belong to it, the comforts of life, as the fruit of their own industry; and should they prosper, so far as to raise a supply beyond their own necessities, it might, with mutual advantage, be disposed of to the Company. The Partners and Clerks of the North West Company, who are in the Indian coun- try, as well as some of those who reside in Canada, and elsewhere, have subscribed sev- eral thousand dollars, toward the establish- ment of a school, either at the Eainy Lake, or at Fort William, for the instruction of the children, connected with their establishments. xviii PEEFACE. Some of these children are the offspring of parents, who survey their comparative deg- radation, with the deep interest of a strong- natural affection, who are able to bear the expense of their education, and who would cheerfully contribute, in this way, to raise them to increased respectability, comfort and usefulness. Should this school be established, such persons would be required to support their children, who should belong to it ; while the children of the poor, would be taught gratuitously. These facts have opened to my mind a prospect, to which I wish to direct the eye of christian benevolence. I would ask, with deep interest, some one of the institutions, whose object is the diffusion of civilization and Christianity among the Indian tribes, whether a missionary establishment might not be formed, in concert with the North West Company, which would, with much less trouble and even expense to them, ac- complish the object which the Company have in view, than any establishment which they could independently make; and which would, at the same time, have a most aus- picious bearing upon the religious interests of the tribes of the N. W. Country. A school for the instruction of children in the arts of life, and in the rudiments of science, as well as in the principles of the christian religion, forms the basis of the most efficient missionary exertions among the In- PREFACE. xix dians. The school among the Cherokees, is a most interesting object to christian be- nevolence; and as the fruit of it, the light of science, and' the still brighter light of the Sun of Righteousness, is shedding a cheering radiance over many minds, that would other- wise have been shrouded in intellectual and moral darkness. The school has received the unqualified approbation of men of all de- scriptions who have visited it, among whom are many persons of the most distinguished character and rank in civil life. If such a school were established, at a convenient place in the N. W. Country, it would be as the Day Spring from on High to a region, now overspread by an intellectual and moral midnight. Men, occupied as the gentlemen of the North West Company are, in the overwhelm- ing cares of a vast commercial concern, would find it difficult to bestow all that at- tention on a school for the instruction of the children and youth, now in their estab- lishments, whom they might think it proper to educate, which would be necessary to secure its proper management. Could this care be entirely taken off their hands, by men of known and approved characters, acting under a responsibility to some re- spectable society ; by men who would feel all the interests which christian benevolence can create in the welfare of the children and youth committed to their care, it does ap- XX PREFACE. pear to me, that they would gladly co-oper- ate with them. As the North West Company from motives of interest, as well as from more noble con- siderations, would contribute something to the support of such an establishment, should it meet their approbation, the expense of it would, of course, be less to the society that should embark in the undertaking, than is commonly incurred, in establishments of this sort. The children and youth above mentioned, might be instructed in the arts of civilized life, in science and in Christianity, with much greater ease than the children of the Natives, even if they could as easily be obtained; and when instructed, they would be equally promising, as the instruments of spreading civilization and the religion of the gospel, among the Indian tribes. They have always been habituated to a life, in a great measure settled; and they would, therefore, endure confinement, better than children who have lived among the wandering savages. They are partially civilized, by an intercourse with those, who have carried into the wilderness many of the feelings and habits of civilized society. They would not be liable to be withdrawn, at an improper time, from the place of their education, by the whims and caprice of unstable parents. At the same time, being familiarly acquainted with the manners and customs and feelings of the PREFACE. xxi savages, by a frequent intercourse with them, being able to speak their languages, and having some of the Indian blood circulating in their veins, they would, when properly in- structed, be as well qualified to gain access to the Natives, and to have influence over them, as if they had originally been taken, directly from their families. As this establishment could probably be made, with the greatest convenience, within the British dominions, it might, perhaps, be undertaken with the surest prospect of suc- cess, by some society in Great Britain. The Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge has, heretofore, contributed to the support of missionaries among the Ameri- can Indians; and might, perhaps, be willing to engage in this undertaking. The Society in Massachusetts for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians of North America has, in some instances, if I mistake not, acted in concert with the Society in Scotland, above mentioned ; and might, perhaps, conveniently do it in this instance. Every association, however, who may become acquainted with the facts here disclosed, will be able them- selves, to judge most correctly, of their own resources, and of their own duty.— At Fort William, on Lake Superior, a very consider- able number of the partners of the North West Company assemble annually, about the mid- dle of June, at which meeting, many impor- tant arrangements are made, respecting the xxii PREFACE. business of the Company. At such a meeting an agent from some benevolent association, might ascertain their feelings, in regard to such an establishment as I have proposed. The Aborigines of America, are capable of being exalted in the scale of existence, and of arriving, even at eminence, in the arts and sciences. The native oratory of some of them, is proverbial in civilized countries, and has caused them to be enrolled among the sons of genius. Many of them afford proof, that they possess acute and compre- hensive minds ; and as a people, their mental capacity is certainly respectable. Nor, per- haps, can a people be found on the earth who are not raised above them by superior cultivation and means of improvement, who possess greater elevation of feeling, and who appear more majestick in ruins. Their vir- tues and their vices too, are not those of ignoble minds. Let their condition be im- proved by the arts of civilized life, their minds be enlightened by science, and their hearts be softened by the genial influence of Christianity, and they will assume a respect- able rank among the nations. Could we hear some of their superior geniuses unfold to their countrymen the wonderful scheme of 'redeeming mercy, with the brilliancy and pathos, which have characterised some of their speeches, on the interests of their tribes, — with a brilliancy, rendered more splendid by cultivation, and a pathos, made doubly PREFACE. xxiii tender by the softening influence of the gos- pel, who would not listen to them with ad- miration and with pleasure? Might we not hope that, by the blessing of God, they would be made the honoured and happy instru- ments, of turning many of their countrymen, from the errour of their ways to the wis- dom of the just. Could numbers of them be brought to concert plans for the extension of the gospel, in the North Western wilds, with the skill, and to execute them with the fortitude and perseverance, which they dis- play in warring upon each other, the hap- piest results might be expected. Whether the suggestions here made deserve consideration or not, I cheerfully submit to the wisdom and benevolence of those, for whom they were especially intended. Such has been my own view of the importance of the subject here presented, that I should have charged myself with a culpable neglect, if I had failed to improve this opportunity, to hold it up to the attention of the christian publick. DANIEL HASKEL. Burlington, Yt., August 2, 1820. JOURNAL. April, 1800. Tuesday, 29. La Chine. Yesterday, I left Montreal, for this place, in company with several other Clerks ; and am on my way to the interiour, or Indian countries, there to remain, if my life should be spared, for seven years, at least. For this space of time I am under an engagement to serve as a clerk to the North West Company, otherwise denomi- nated McTavish, Frobisher & Co. The goods intended for the interiour or upper countries, are here put on board of canoes. These canoes which are constructed of the bark of the birch tree, will carry a burden of three and an half or four tons each ; and are sever- ally manned by eight or nine Canadians, who are said to manage them with greater dexterity, than any other people. Wednesday^^O. Point Claire. Rainy even- ing. For the first time in my life, I am to pass the night in a tent. In the former part of the day, I was employed in marking bales of goods, which are to be sent to the Grand Portage or General Rendezvous. About 12 2 HARMON'S JOURNAL. o'clock, I embarked on board of one of the canoes, destined for the above mentioned place. The whole squadron, which consists of thirty canoes, is divided into three bri- gades. One or two Guides or Pilots are at- tached to each brigade. Their business is, to point out the best course up and down the streams and through the lakes, and to take charge of the canoes and property on board. They attend to the repairs of the canoes, which are frequently broken, and have the same command over the men, at- tached to their respective brigades, as the commander of a vessel has, over the men on board. The Voyagers, as the men are called, have many of the customs of sailors; and among them the following. By all those on board, who have never passed certain places, they expect to be treated with something to drink ; and should a person refuse to comply with their requisitions, he would be sure of being plunged into the water, which they profanely call, baptizing him. To avoid such a disaster, I gave the people of my canoe a few bottles of spirits and porter, by drinking which, they became very merry, and exhib- ited the reverse of their appearance a few days since, when, with heavy hearts and keeping eyes, they parted from their rela- tions. Shortly, after we had pitched our tents, an Irish gentleman, whose house was near the margin of the water, politely in- vited me to take tea with him. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 3 Friday, May 2. Chute au Blondeau. We have a strong head wind. But, since yester- day morning, we have come nearly sixty miles, and have passed two Rapids. At these places, most of the property was taken out of the canoes, and carried across the Port- ages, on the backs of the people. The young men, who have never been in the Indian coun- tries, now began to regret that they had enlisted into this service, which requires them, as they say, to carry burdens like horses, when, by remaining in their own country, they might have laboured like men. Sunday, 4. The wind has been so high, during the whole of the day, that we could not go upon the water. I have therefore passed the time in reading, and in the so- ciety of a fellow-clerk. Monday, 5. We are now about one hun- dred and twenty miles from Montreal. This afternoon, our people killed a deer, Vv^ith their setting poles, as he was crossing the river. Tuesday, 6. The Three Kettles. In the former part of the day, we passed a beauti- ful water-fall, where the Riviere au Rideau, or Curtain River, falls into this, which is the Ottawa River. The former is ten or twelve rods wide, and the water falls perpendicularly, about forty feet, presenting at a little dis- tance, an appearance at once pleasing and grand. We are now about one hundred and fifty miles from Montreal; the land on each side of the river is very level, and the soil 4 HARMON'S JOURNAL. appears to be good. William McGilvray, Esq. passed us this evening, in a light canoe, bound like ourselves, to the Grand Portage. Thursday, 8. Au Chat. We now, for the first time, see Indian huts or tents. Friday, 9. We arrived this morning, at this place, where the North West Company have a small establishment; and I have passed the afternoon, in shooting pigeons. Saturday, 10. Grand Calumet. This Port- age is nearly two miles long; and over it, the people carry both the canoes and their loading. Here stands a house, built by those who came here to traffick with the Indians; but which has been abandoned for several ■years, as the Indians, who formerly hunted in this vicinity, are now gone farther north, where Beaver, &c. are found in greater plenty. Behind this house, I found a smaU bark canoe, in which I embarked alone, for the purpose of shooting ducks. Having pro- ceeded some distance from the shore, the canoe overset, and I fell, with my gun, into the water. Having my great coat on, it was with no small difliculty that I rea<3hed the shore; and I was happy to escape, with the loss of only my gun. Sunday, 11. We are encamped on an Is- land opposite to Fort Coulonge. Soon after we arrived here, the person who has the establishment in charge, came to invite a feUow-clerk, who travels in the same canoe with me, and myself, to sup with him, to HARMON'S JOURNAL. H which I readily agreed; but my companion chose to remain with the canoes. I was treated with all the politeness of which a Canadian is master, which is not a little; for in this, as well as in many other respects, the Canadians resemble their ancestors, the French. Monday, 12. We are encamped on a large sand bank. I have had a little conversation with my fellow-traveller, respecting his con- duct the last evening, while I was absent. When I departed for the Fort, I gave him the keys of our travelling box and basket, that he might have the means of making a supper ; and on my return, I was not a little surprised at finding not only him, but sev- eral of the common labourers, much intoxi- cated. I reprimanded Mr. P. with consider- able severity, to-day, and told him, that if I should ever again find him in the like shameful condition, I should be under the disagreeable necessity of informing our em- ployers of his conduct, as soon as we should reach Head -quarters. He promised that he would not again be guilty of such conduct; but I should place more reliance on his promise, had not his mother been a squaw. There seems to be in the blood of an Indian, a kind of predisposition to intemperance. — We barter with the natives, receiving sugar for biscuit, of which, as well as of pork, beef and spirits, they appear to be uncommonly fond. 6 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Tuesday, 13. We are encamped on a rocky bank, where it is impossible to find a smooth place, sufficiently large to pitch a tent; we are therefore obliged to make our bed be- tween two large rocks, and sleep in the open air. On the north side of the river are moun- tains, which appear almost destitute of tim- ber, of any kind. Wednesday, 14. We shall again sleep where we did last night, as the people have been employed, during the whole of the day, in re- pairing the canoes, which had become leaky. Thursday, 15. Roche Capitaine Portage. This Portage is so named from a large rock, that rises to a considerable height above the water, in the middle of the rapid. Dur- ing the day, we have come up several difficult ones, where many persons have been drowned, either in coming up or going down. For every such unfortunate person, whether his corpse is found or not, a cross is erected by his companions, agreeably to a custom of the Roman Catholics; and at this place, I see no less than fourteen. This is a melan- choly sight. It leads me to reflect on the folly and temerity of man, which cause him to press on in the path, that has conducted so many of his fellow creatures, prematurely to the grave. Thus in hope of gaining a little money, which can minister but imper- fectly to our comfort, and that, during a short season, we expose ourselves to death. Friday, 16. Came up a rapid where, a HARMON'S JOURNAL. 7 few years since, two canoes, in going down, were broken, and several men were drowned ; therefore, we see more crosses erected. Saturday, 17. Roderick McKenzie, Esq. agent for the North West Company, passed us, who, with those that accompany him, is on his way to the Grand Portage. Sunday, 18. The Lazy Portage. This day we left the Ottawa River on our right hand, and came up a small river, that falls into it. About noon, we passed a cave, in the side of a high hill. This cave, I am told, is spacious ; but we were in too great haste, to permit my examining it. This I was the more inclined to do, as I am told that the natives relate many remarkable stories re- specting it ; and among others, that a large animal remains in it, which they call a Man- eater, and which devours all those, who have the presumption to approach the entrance, of his solitary dwelling. Monday, 19. The Pines. Came up several bad rapids ; but have been so fortunate, thus far, as to meet with no disaster. The banks on each side of the river, for a considerable distance, are a perfect natural wall, formed of smooth stones; and are about one hun- dred feet high. Tuesday, 20. La Vase, or Miry-place. Dur- ing the whole of this day, we have been crossing ponds, and small lakes. Wednesday, 21. After coming over a num- ber of short portages, and crossing several 8 HARMON'S JOURNAL. ponds, and descending a small river, at the source of which is a height of land, we have at length arrived at a place, called the Meadows, which constitutes the north end of Lake Nipisangue, or, as it is commonly writ- ten, Nippising. Here we find several Indians, who appear to be in poor circumstances. We, however, obtain from them a little sugar, and a few wooden dishes and spoons, for which we give them provisions. Thursday, 22. Sailed a part of the day, on the above mentioned lake; but, towards noon, the wind was so high, that we were obliged to encamp on a small island, which is almost destitute of wood. Friday, 23. The Lost Child. This place took its name from the following circum- stance. Several years since, the natives, be- ing encamped here, lost a child, for whom they made diligent search, but in vain. They imagined, however, that they heard his lamentations in the bowels of the earth; whereupon they commenced digging, but to no purpose; the reason of which they con- ceived to be, that the Devil, or Bad Spirit, as he is called by the Indians, was continu- ally carrying him from one place to another, , in the earth. Many large holes have actually been dug in the earth, as our people have shown me. In the morning we left Lake Nipisangue, and have ever since been descending the French River, which is a considerable stream. HARMON'S JOUBNAL. 9 In the latter part of the day, we passed a narrow place in the French River, to which, a number of years since, many of the most abandoned and savage Natives were accus- tomed to resort every spring, and where they built a kind of Fort, or stone wall, which is still to be seen. Behind this, these villains secreted themselves; and, when the voyagers were passing by, discharged volleys of shot into their canoes, and of course, as the distance was small, killed many of them. They would then rush from their hiding place, and fall upon and butcher the remainder, and go off with the plunder, which they had thus seized, into a distant part of the coun- try. But the better sort of their country- men, would not join them in such barbarous and unprovoked hostilities. At length the good Indians, who were well disposed to- wards the white people from Canada, pro- nounced these murderers a nuisance to so- ciety, and made war upon them, until the greater part of them were destroyed. The few that survived, retired into a distant part of the country, and nothing has since been heard, respecting them. ^ The friendly Indians, for their exertions in extirpating their un- worthy relations, were handsomely rewarded by the North West Company. The Canadian Voyagers, when they leave one stream to go up or down another, have a custom of pulling off their hats, and mak- ing the sign of the cross, upon which one in 10 HARMON'S JOURNAL. each, canoe, or at least, in each brigade, re- peats a short prayer. The same ceremonies are observed by them, whenever they pass a place, where any one has been interred, and a cross has been erected. Those, therefore, who are in the habit of voyaging this way, are obliged to say their prayers more fre- quently perhaps, than when at home; for at almost every rapid which we have passed, since we left Montreal, we have seen a num- ber of crosses erected ; and at one, I counted no less than thirty ! It is truly melancholy, and discouraging, seriously to reflect on the great number of my fellow creatures, who have been brought to an untimely end, by voyaging this way, as I know not but I shall myself, also, be doomed to the same watery grave. With such dismal spectacles, however, almost continually before our eyes, we press forward, with all the ardour and rashness of youth, in the same dangerous path, stimu- lated by the hopes of gratifying the eye, and of securing a little gold. Saturday, 24. Lake Huron. We find on the shore of this lake, low Cranberries, in great abundance. Sunday, 25. The wind has been so high, that it has prevented us from sailing, the greater part of the day. We are encamped on an island, of which there are many in this lake. On one of them, it is reported, that the Natives killed a snake, which measured thirty-six feet in length. The length and HARMON'S JOURNAL. 11 size of this astonishing serpent, they have engraved on a large smooth rock, which we saw, as we passed by. But we have often seen other engravings, on the rocks, along the rivers and lakes, of many different kinds of animals, some of which, I am told, are not now to be found, in this part of the world, and probably never existed. Wednesday, 28. Island of St. Joseph. To this place the British troops came and built a fortification, when the Americans took possession of Michilimackinack. There are stationed here one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Ensign, and thirty nine privates. The fort is built on a beautiful rise of ground, which is joined to the main island by a nar- row neck of land. As it is not long since a settlement was made here, they have only four dwelling houses and two stores, on the other parts of the peninsula; and the in- habitants appear like exiles. The North West Company have a house and store here. In the latter, they construct canoes, for sending into the interiour, and down to Montreal. Vessels, of about sixty tons burden, come here from Detroit and Mackana and Soult St. Maries. The whole island is computed to be about twenty miles in circumference; the soil is good; it is distant, nearly nine hundred miles from Montreal, and forty-five from Mackana, and is in Lat. 47° North. Spirits are sold here for six dollars a gallon ; and other things, in the same proportion. 12 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Thursday, 29. Duncan McGilvray, Esq. one of the agents for the North West Com- pany, arrived in the morning, at St. Josephs, from Mackana ; and soon after, we embarked on board of our canoes, to come to this small Island. As the weather is calm, my fellow-traveller and I intend sleeping in our canoe ; but the labourers will pass the night on shore. Friday 30. Soult St. Maries. Here the North West Company have another establish- ment on the north side of the Rapid ; and on the opposite shore, there are a few Americans, Scotch and Canadians, who carry on a small traflBc with the Natives, and also till the ground a little. The soil about Lake Huron, which we have just passed, appears to be good, and the face of the country is low and level.— Here the North West Company have built locks, in order to take uploaded canoes, that they may not be under the necessity of carrying them by land, to the head of the Rapid; for the current is too strong to be stemmed by any craft. The Company are likewise building a saw mill, at the foot of the Rapid, to furnish boards, &c. for the Grand Portage, &c. Here is the outlet of Lake Superiour, by which its waters pass into Lake Huron. On each of these lakes, the North West Company have a vessel. One goes to the Grand Portage, and the other to Detroit, &c. Saturday, 31. We shall sleep where we HARMON'S JOURNAL. l3 did the last night. Several of us have visited the people, who live on the other side of the rapid, where we saw a dance of the Natives, who are Sauteux or Chippeways. Sunday, June 1. Point a,u Pin, or Pine Point, in Lake Superiour. We here find the vessel that sails from this to the Grand Por- tage. I went on board, and the Captain in- formed me, that she would carry about ninety five tons, and that she makes four or five trips every season. I left the Soult St. Maries, in company with three hundred men, who are in thirty five canoes. Monday, 2. Point slux Arable, or Maple Point. We now form four Brigades, in which there are six clerks. Tuesday, 3. A high wind during the wholf day. In the morning, we attempted to sail, but soon found we could not, without ship^ ping a great deal of water; we therefore soon landed again, and are encamped, within one hundred rods of the place where we tar- ried the last night. Wednesday, 4. As it has rained and snowed all day, accompanied by a high wind^ we have not been able to leave our encamp- ment of the last night. Mons. St. Germain, who has the charge of a small Fort, belong- ing to the North West Company, not far from this, visited us, and brought with him a few necessaries. Thursday, 5. Although the swells in the Lake are very high, we have made good 14 HARMON'S JOURNAL. progress, during the whole day. We are encamped near a large rock, on which the Natives, as they pass this way, leave an arrow or two, or some other article of little value to appease the Devil, or Muchamuna- too, as they call him, and prevent him from doing them harm. Sunday, 8. In the course of the day, we have passed several islands, which, as well as the main land, appear to be covered with little else besides moss, with here and there a shrubby spruce. Monday, 9. In the morning we passed another Fort, belonging to the North West Company. Tuesday, 10. We are obliged to anchor our canoes by a small island, instead of un- loading them, as is customary every night, for the whole country is on fire ; but whether by accident or design, I am unable to learn. Our people, who pass this way every sum- mer, say that, almost every year, fire runs over this part of the country, which is, of course, nearly destitute of animals, of any kind. Thursday, 12. Sugar Point. Our people say we have sailed ninety miles during the day. Friday, 13. Grand Portage, where we arrived late this evening. This place lies in the 48th degree of north latitude ; and is said to be nine hundred miles from the Soult St. Maries, and eighteen hundred from Mon- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 15 treal. The Fort, which is twenty four rods by thirty, is built on the margin of a bay, at the foot of a hill or mountain, of con- siderable height. Within the fort, there is a considerable number of dwellinghouses, shops and stores, all of which appear to be slight buildings, and designed only for present con- venience. The houses are surrounded by palisades, which are about eighteen inches in diameter, and are sunk nearly three feet in the ground, and rise about fifteen feet above it. The bay is so shallow that the vessel cannot approach the shore, unless she is al- most without lading. There is a consider- able island, directly opposite to the fort, which shelters the vessel from the winds that blow from the Lake ; and which renders this a tolerably good harbour. There is also an- other fort, which stands about two hundred rods from this, belonging to the X. Y. Com- pany, under which firm, a number of mer- chants of Montreal and Quebec, &c. now carry on a trade into this part of the coun- try. It is only three years since they made an establishment here ; and as yet, they have had but little success. This is the Head Quarters or General Ren- dezvous, for all who trade in this part of the world; and therefore, every summer, the greater part of the Proprietors and Clerks, who have spent the winter in the Interiour come here with the furs which they have been able to collect; during the preceding sea- 16 HARMON'S JOURNAL. son. This, as I am told, is about the time when thej generally arrive ; and some of them are already here. The people who come from Montreal with the goods, go no farther than this, excepting a few who take those articles to the Eainy Lake, which are intended for Athabasca, as that place lies at too great a distance from this, to permit people who reside there to come to this place and return, before the winter commences. Those who bring the goods from Montreal, on their return, take down the furs, &c. from the north. Excellent fish, I am informed, are taken here. White fish are sometimes speared, which will weigh twenty-tu^o pounds. The water in the lake is uncommonly clear. Sunday, 15. The people here pass the Sabbath, much in the same manner as they do, the other days of the week. The labour- ing people have been employed, during the day, in making and pressing packs of furs, to be sent to Canada. This appears, not as it should be, to me, who have been taught to abstain from labour on the sabbath, and to consider that it should be employed in a religious manner. The people, how- ever, who have been long in this savage country, have no scruples of conscience on this subject. Tuesday, 24. I have, for some days past, been employed, together with several other clerks, in marking packs of furs. Almost HARMON'S JOURNAL. 17 every day, for some time past, people have been flocking in from the Interiour, with the returns of the season. Saturday, 28. The last night, a squaw, in a state of intoxication, stabbed her hus- band, who soon after expired. This after- noon, I went to their tent, where I saw a number of Indians, of both sexes, drinking and crying over the corpse, to which they would frequently offer rum, and try to pour it down his throat, supposing him to be as fond of rum when dead, as he was when alive. The Natives of this place are Chippe- ways. Friday, July 4. In the day time, the Natives were permitted to dance in the fort, and the Company made them a present of thirty six gallons of shrub. In the evening, the gentlemen of the place dressed, and we had a famous ball, in the dining room. For musick, we had the bag-pipe, the violin and the flute, which added much to the in- terest of the occasion. At the ball, there was a number of the ladies of this country; and I was surprised to find that they could conduct with so much propriety, and dance so well. Sunday, 13. Yesterday, several gentlemen, on their way to their winter quarters, accom- panied me to Charlotte, at the other end of this Portage, which is nine miles over. My business was to send off a number of canoes, bound for Fort des Prairies. The country 18 HARMON'S JOURNAL. between this and Fort Charlotte, is tolerably level ; and the soil appears to be pretty good. Tuesday, 15. This morning a number of gentlemen, as well as myself, left the Grand Portage, to proceed to winter quarters. I am to accompany John McDonald, Esq. to Fort des Prairies. We left Fort Charlotte, about 3 o'clock P. M. on board of two canoes, each of which will carry about two tons, and is pushed on by six Canadians. This is a small river; and we have passed several places, where the men were obliged to carry the ladings, a short distance, and in some places, to transport the canoes also. Wednesday, 16. The Long Cherry Port- age. In the former part of the day, we crossed small lakes and ponds, connected by several portages, and then came over the height of land. Since passing this, we have descended a small river, which, I am in- formed, after running through several lakes, at length discharges itself into Hudson's Bay, in latitude 51° north. At the mouth of this river, the Hudson Bay Company have a fort, which is called Albany Factory. Friday, 18. Great Pines. We have this day crossed the Flinty Lake, so named from the stones, found on its shore. For some time past, I have had a fit of the ague and fever, every day. It commenced when I was crossing the large Lakes; and, I am told, that it is seldom that a person is attacked with it, in the region where I now am, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 19 Monday, 21. For the last few days, we have been crossing small lakes and ponds, and coming down a small river. The coun- try appears thinly timbered, lies rather low, and the soil is good. Tuesday, 22. This evening, there came here three canoes, manned by Iroquois, who are going into the vicinity of the upper Red River, to hunt Beaver, for the North West Company. Some of them have their families with them. Thursday, 24. Rainy Lake Fort. This is built about a mile and a half down the river, from the entrance of the Lake, where there is a considerable fall. Here the soil is better than any we have seen, since we left the Ottawa River. The timber, also, is of a very good size. The Lake and River are said to contain excellent fish, such as sturgeon, white- fish, &c. In the vicinity, a considerable quantity of wild rice is gathered, by the Natives, who are Chippeways. This is thought to be nearly as nourishing as the real rice, and almost as palatable. The ker- nel of the former, is rather longer than that of the latter, and is of a brownish colour. Friday, 25. In the former part of the day, we overtook several gentlemen, who, like ourselves, are on their way to their winter quarters. This is a beautiful river, and pretty free from rapids. Saturday, 26. This morning, we met twenty-four canoes from Athabasca. They 20 HARMON'S JOURNAL. saj they suffered much for want of food, on their way; and during four days, ate nothing. We gave them a dram, which made them almost forget their late sufferings. They will arrive at the Rainy Lake, later than usual. Monday, 28. We have come down several rapids, at one of which a canoe was broken, the last year, and a man drowned. We are still in the Rainy Lake River, which is about one hundred and twenty miles long, and twelve or fifteen rods broad. The land on each side is low, and is said to be excellent. The timber consists of birch, a species of pine, hemlock, poplar, aspin, cedar, &c. Tuesday, 29. This day we came across the Woody Lake, which is full of islands. It is about thirty-six miles in length; and the soil about it is much like that, along the Rainy Lake River. We are now in Wini- pick River, and have passed a rapid where the last year, three men were drowned. One of our men fired at a black bear, but did not kill him. Wednesday, 30. Passed a number of miry Portages, and a place where, three years since, the Natives, who are Chippeways, fired upon our people, but without killing any of them. One of the Indians was taken, with the intention of carrying him to the nearest Fort, and there punishing him as he deserved. After proceeding a considerable distance, however, and when near a rapid, he jumped - HARMON'S JOURNAL. 21 out of the canoe, intending, as was sup- posed, to swim to the opposite shore, and thus escape. But the current was too strong; and he went down the rapid, and was prob- ably drowned. Thursday, 31. Mouth of the River Wini- pick. Here the North West Company, and the Hudson Bay Company, have each a fort. Here the above named river discharges its waters into Lake Winipick. The River Winipick, through the greater part of its course, is a succession of small lakes; and in several places there are falls, of a con- siderable height. The country around it is broken ; and occasionally, majestick and frightful waterfalls are to be seen, par- ticularly where the White River joins this, about thirty miles above where we now are. A few miles above this, there is a small lake, called Lac de Bonne, from which the Hudson Bay people leave our rout, and pro- ceed toward the Albany Factory. The soil is good ; and among the fruit, I observe the red plum. The grape, also, grows well in this vicinity. In the neighbouring woods, a few moose and deer are found ; and the Lake and River are well supplied with fish.— Our people are employed in drying the goods some of which were wet, in coming down the rapids, yesterday. Saturday, August 2. When I left the Grand Portage, it was expected that I should go up the Sisiscatchwin river, to spend the win- 22 HARMON'S JOURNAL. ter. That river falls into the north western end of Lake Winipick. But, since our arrival here, we have received intelligence from the Swan River Department, which country lies between Lake Winipick and the Red and Assiniboin Rivers, that, in the opinion of Mr. McLeod, who superintends the concerns of that region, it is necessary to make another establishment there. It is therefore deter- mined that I shall go and take charge of it ; and I shall accordingly remain here a few days, to wait for the arrival of the brigade, destined to the Swan River department. — The after part of the day, I spent in shoot- ing pigeons, which I found to be numerous, as at this season, red raspberries, and other kinds of fruit, are ripe, and exist here in abundance. Sunday, 3. In walking in the adjacent country, I saw the bushes and brambles loaded with ripe fruit. WTiile partaking of it, I was led to reflect on the beneficence of the great Authour of nature, who scatters his favours with an unsparing hand, and spreads a table here in the wilderness, for the refreshment of his creatures. This is the first day which I have ever spent, since my infancy, without eating either bread or biscuit. As a substitute for bread, we now make use of what the Natives call pimican, which consists of lean meat, dried and pounded fine, and then mixed with melted fat. This compound is put into bags, made HARMON'S JOURNAL. 23 of the skins of the buff aloe, &c. and when cold, it becomes a solid body. If kept in a dry place, it will continue good for years. But, if exposed to moisture, it will soon be- come musty, and unfit for use. Pimican is a very palatable, nourishing and healthy food ; and on it, our Voyagers subsist, while travelling in this country. Sometimes we add to the two above named ingredients, sugar or dried berries, which we procure from the Natives; and the taste of it is thus very much improved. Monday, 4. I have visited the Hudson Bay people, whose fort is but a few rods from ours. Mr. Miller, the gentleman who has charge of it, informed me, that they obtain their goods from Albany Factory; that, in going down with their barges, they are generally about forty days; but, that they are nearly twice that time in returning, in consequence of the current. The Factory lies to the north east from this. Wednesday, 6. This morning Mr. Mc- Donell, whom we passed a few days since, overtook, and informed us, that one of his canoes broke, in coming down the rapids, that one of the men was drowned, and most of the property on board was lost. Friday, 8. This evening, Mons. Mayotte took a woman of this country for a wife, or rather concubine. All the ceremonies attend- ing such an event, are the following. When a person is desirous of taking one of the 24 HAKMON'S JOURNAL. daughters of the Natives, as a companion, he makes a present to the parents of the damsel, of such articles as he supposes will be most acceptable; and, among them, rum is indispensable; for of that all the savages are fond, to excess. Should the parents accept the articles offered, the girl remains at the fort with her suitor, and is clothed in the Canadian fashion. The greater part of these young women, as I am informed, are better pleased to remain with the white people, than with their own relations. Should the couple, newly Joined, not agree, they are at liberty, at any time, to separate; but no part of the property, given to the parents of the girl, will be refunded. Sunday, 10. Lake Winipick. In the former part of the day, the people for whom I have long been waiting, came up ; and soon after, I embarked with them, and came hither. Although we are not in want of provisions, yet our people have killed a dog to eat, the flesh of which, they say, is delicious. The dogs of this country, which resemble wolves, differ considerably from the dogs, found in the civilized part of the world. Monday, 11. We embarked, early in the morning; but soon, the wind blew so as to oblige us to make the land, which we have done, on a point that projects far into the Lake. Soon after we reached the shore, a number of the Indians of this quarter, who are Chippeways and Muscagoes, came to pay HARMON'S JOURNAL. 25 their respects to us, to whom we gave some rum, tobacco, &c. Sunday, 17. Entrance of the River Dau- phine. Lake Winipick, which we now leave to go up this river, is about two hundred and fifty miles in length, and from three to sixty or seventy, in breadth. The country about this lake, for a considerable distance, is low, and is overspread with pretty heavy timber, and the soil appears to be good. Dauphine river is so shallow, at present, that our people are under the necessity of leaving half their ladings, for which they will return, after having proceeded a certain distance with the remainder. Tuesday, 19. Last night, the wind blew so high, that it drove the water of the Lake to such a distance up the beach, that we were under the necessity of removing our baggage farther into the woods, at three different times. This morning, our people came back for the remainder of the prop- erty; and we proceeded up the river, which is about ten rods wide. The country about it is level. Wednesday, 20. Lac St. Martin. The river Dauphine passes through this lake. We here see a great number of swans, bustards, peli- cans, &c. The country around is swampy; and I am informed, that Moose are numer- ous in the vicinity. Friday, 22. This morning we left Lac St. Martin, and entered the Muddy Lake, 26 HAKMON'S JOURNAL. where we again find fowls, in great abun- dance. Saturday, 23. North End of the Plain Portage. This portage is about two miles over, through a beautiful country, and the soil is excellent. Sunday, 24. Little Lake Winipick. Here we find a number of the Natives, who are Chippeways, waiting our arrival, to get rum to drink, and necessaries, to enable them to hunt the beaver. Mon day, 2 5 . We remain still, where we were the last night; and have been employed, during the day, in making out a selection of goods for the establishment at the en- trance of the river Dauphine, which falls into the west end of this Lake. At that place, a French missionary resided, before the British obtained possession of Canada. We remained there, but for a short time; and great success, therefore, could not have been expected. I am told, however, that there • are some Indians, still living, who recollect prayers, which were taught them by the missionary. Saturday, 30. Encampment Island. Here we arrived, in the fore part of the day ; and we have been employed, ever since, in setting aside goods for the Eed Deer Kiver, which falls into this lake, at the north end. We are now nearly across the lake, which is about one hundred and twenty miles long, and from five, to thirty broad. There are HARMON'S JOURNAL. 27 no mountains, of any magnitude, in this part of the country. The land is generally low, and well covered with timber, which consists of a species of pine, birch, poplar, aspin, willow, &c. Friday^ September 1. In the morning, Mr. McGillis, with most of the people, left us to proceed to the Red Deer River, where they are to pass the ensuing winter. Mr. McLeod, with a number qf people in one canoe, has gone to Lac Bourbon, which place lies nearly north west from this. We here take, in nets, the white fish, which are ex- cellent. Wednesday, 3. I have passed the day in reading the Bible, and in meditating on my present way of living; and, I must confess, that it too much resembles that of a savage. Sunday, 7. Late the last evening, Mr. McLeod returned from Lac Bourbon; and, this morning they again embarked for Swan River, and left me here, with two men, and as many women, to wait for the arrival of a number of canoes, which are still behind, but which are expected in daily. Wednesday, 10. Yesterday, a part of the people arrived, for whom I have been waiting, some of whom I sent to the Red Deer River, and others to Swan River. Sunday, October 4. North End of Little Lake Winipick. From the 29th of August, until the morning of this day, I remained on Encampment Island, waiting for the ar- 28 HARMON'S JOURNAL. rival of the people, who were left behind. But, as they had almost constantly high winds, which, I am told, are common in this late part of the season, they did not make their appearance, until the second instant. During the long stay which I made at that unpleasant Island, we had little or noth- ing to eat, excepting what we took from the water with our nets. There were times when we met with little success. When the wind was high, we could not set our nets; and consequently took nothing. One night the wind was so high, that it took the only canoe which we had, to the other side of the Lake, a distance of five miles, at least. We were thus deprived of the means of set- ting our nets. On the eighth day after this disaster. Providence sent an Indian to the place of our encampment, who lent us his canoe to go in search of ours, which our peo- ple found, uninjured. "WTiile we had no canoe, we were under the disagreeable necessity of living upon the fish which we had. left on the beach, when we took them in plenty. They had, by this time, become almost pu- trid. Unsavoury, however, as they were, they did not last so long ^s we could have wished ; for, when they were expended, we had noth- ing to eat, until a kind Providence sent a black bear near our tent«. One of my men fired, and killed him, which was a blessing, for which we endeavoured to be thankful. We considered it sent bjr Heaven; and felt,, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 29 that we deserved not such a favour. But the rain descends on the unjust as well as the just. — Yesterday, it snowed, during most of the day, which prevented us from decamp- ing. But early this morning, without re- luctance, we left the solitary Island, where many a moment of ennui passed over me. As I had no other book, I read during my stay there the greater part of the Bible. This afternoon, we met two men, in a small canoe, from Swan Eiver, loaded with pro- visions, for the people of the Ked Deer River. We did not suffer so good an opportunity, for furnishing ourselves with a suflBciency of food, to sustain us until we should meet with another supply, to pass unimproved. How delicious is food to a person who is near famishing ! But there are thousands, who know not how to prize abundance, be- cause they have never experienced the dis- tresses of want. Thursday, October 9. Little Swan River. Yesterday, on account of high winds, we could not leave our encampment; but early this morning, we embarked on board of our canoes, and at twelve, left Little Lake Wini- pick, and entered this river, which is eight or ten rods wide, very shallow, and full of rapids. I therefore debarked, and walked along on the beach about four miles, in the snow, mud and water. The people, also, for want of a sufficiency of water, were obliged to debark, and drag their canoes 30 HARMON'S JOURNAL. up the shallow places. But we are now en- camped around a large fire, with plenty of food; I have given to each of the people a dram, and we have all ceased to think of the fatigue and trouble of the day. To make a place to lie down, the people scrape away the snow, and lay down a few branches of the pine, such as this country in every part produces; and on this we spread a blanket or two, and cover ourselves with another. A day of hard labour, and of great fatigue, will enable a person to sleep soundly on such a bed; and to obtain refreshment, such as a sluggard will seek for in vain, on a bed of down. Friday, 10. Swan River Fort. In the morning we crossed Swan Lake, which is nearly eight miles long, and then entered the Great Swan River. This river is about eleven rods wide ; there^ is a sufficiency of water, and there is no rapid from its mouth to the fort, a distance of twelve miles. The country adjoining, is low, and in many places, swampy, and the soil is rich. Mons. Perig-ne, the superintendant of the fort, has a tolerable kitchen garden. The Hudson Bay people once came here ; but it is several years since they abandoned the place. As they have nothing to expect from the Company, but their salaries, they seem, so far as I can learn, to make but little exertion to extend their trade, and, thereby, to benefit their employers. HARMON'S JOURNAi^ ^1 Saturday, 11. The day has been employed in fitting out Mons. Perigne, who, with six labouring men, is to go and build a fort, about fifty miles up this river, where they will pass the winter. A few miles from this, there is a salt spring, by boiling down the water of which, tolerable salt is made. It is less strong than that brought from Can- ada; but, used in suflacient quantity, it will preserve meat very well. Sunday, 12. The people destined to build a fort up the river, left us to day. I shall remain here until some persons arrive from Alexandria, which is situated nearly one hundred miles to the westward of this, among the Prairies. There I shall pass the winter, with Mr. McLeod, or go and build by the side of the Hudson Bay people, who are about three leagues distant from him.— Our men shoot a few horses and ducks. Thursday, 16. We have taken a few fish out of this river, with nets. This evening, two men on horses arrived from Alexandria, by whom I received a letter from Mr. Mc- Leod, requesting me to accompany them to that place. Saturday, 18. Second crossing place in the Swan River. In the morning we left the fort. The country which we have passed through, is low; and the timber, consisting of poplar, aspin, birch, willow, pine and an inferiour kind of maple, is small. Of the sap of the maple, sugar is made ; but its quality 32 HARMON'S JOURNAL. is not equal to that, produced from the real maple. Monday, 20. Bird Mountain. Here Mons. Perigne' and others are building a fort. Yes- terday and to day, our way has been through prairies, interrupted occasionally, by small groves of wood. Cranes and Pheasants are to be seen in the prairies ; and to-day I have also seen and fired at eight Elk, without having killed any of them. They are about the size of a cow, and of a light grey col- our. The males, which have long branch- ing horns, are animals of a noble and majes- tick appearance. Wednesday, 22. The Foot of a High Hill and near a Small Lake. The waters of this lake have a sulphureous taste. In the morn- ing, we left Swan Eiver on our right, after having crossed it on a raft, made by tying several dry trees together. Since leaving that river the country appears more hilly, and almost destitute of timber of any kind. Cranes and pheasants are to be seen, every where. Thursday, 23. Alexandria. We arrived here in the afternoon; and I am happy to find myself, at length, at the end of my journey, and where I hope to pass a few months, at least, in quietness. The fort is built on a small rise of ground, on the bank of the Assiniboine, or Upper Red River, that separates it from a beautiful prairie, about ten miles long, and from one to four broad, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 33 which is as level as the floor of a house. At a little distance behind the fort, are small groves of birch, poplar, aspin and pine. On the whole, the scenery around it, is delightful. The fort is sixteen rods in length, by twelve in breadth; the houses, stores, &c., are well built, are plaistered on the inside and out- side, and are washed over with a white earth, which answers nearly as well as lime, for white washing. This earth is found, in cer- tain places, in all parts of the country.— Here horses are to be bought of the Natives for a mere trifle. They are well built, strong, and tolerably fleet. This place lies in Latitude 52° north, and in 103° west Longitude. Mr. McLeod is now gone to fort Dauphine, on horse back, which lies only four day's march from this, over land ; yet it is nearly two months, since I passed there in a canoe. Tuesday, 28. Mr. McLeod and company have just returned from fort Dauphine; and I am happy in meeting him, after so long a separation, and he appears to be pleased to see me, safely here. Prom the time that I was left at the Encampment Island until now, I have had no person with whom I could converse in English; and I am not yet able to converse in French, though lean read it tolerably well. Sunday, November 9. On the 30th ultimo, I set off, in company with four Canadians, on horse back, for Swan Eiver fort. The S4 HARMON'S JOURNAL. day we left this, it snowed and rained, which caused us to pass a very disagreeable night, as v*'e had nothing but our wet blankets with which to cover ourselves. The people went down for goods; and as there is no person there who can read and write, I went to deliver out such articles as we are in immediate want of here. Sunday, 16. The Indians who come to this establishment are Crees and Assiniboins. The principal part of the former, generally remain in the woody part of the country, and hunt the moose, elk, beaver, &c. and the latter remain in the large prairies, and hunt buffaloes, wolves, &c. Last Wednesday, twelve families of Crees and Assiniboins came from the large prairies, and let us have furs and provisions. Both the men and women have been drinking, ever since, and their noise is very disagreeable; for they talk, sing and cry, at the same time. — Our men play at cards on the sabbath, the same as on any other day. For such im- proper conduct, I once reproved them; but their reply was, there is no Sabbath in this country, and, they added, no God nor devil ; and their behaviour but too plainly shows, that they spoke as they think. It is a lamen- table fact, that those who have been for any considerable time in this savage country, lay aside a greater part of the regulations of civilized and christian people, and behave little better than the savages. It is true, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 35 we have it not at all times in our power, to observe the sabbath as we ought, as the Natives come to our establishment as often on that day, as any other; and when they do come, they must be attended to, and their wants must be supplied. We are, also, frequently under the necessity of travelling on the Sabbath. But it is likewise true, that, if we were rightly disposed, our minds might, on this day, be almost wholly occupied with divine things. I must, therefore, ac- knowledge, that we have no reasonable ex- cuse for violating the Sabbath, as we all do. Wednesday, 19. Last night, there fell about four inches of snow, which is the first that we have had, this season.— Yesterday, eight families of Crees came in. While drink- ing, one of the women, who had a sharp pointed knife about her, fell down, and drove it nearly 'two inches into her side; but the wound is not thought to be mortal. To see a house full of drunken Indians, consisting of men, women and children, is a most un- pleasant sight ; for, in that condition, they often wrangle, pull each other by the hair, and fight. At some times, ten or twelve, of both sexes, may be seen, fighting each other promiscuously, until at last, they all fall on the floor, one upon another, some spilling rum out of a small kettle or dish, which they hold in their hands, while others are throwing up what they have just drunk. To add to this uproar, a number of children, 36 HAEMON'S JOURNAL. some on their mothers' shoulders, and others running about and taking hold of their clothes, are constantly bawling, the older ones, through fear that their parents may be stabbed, or that some other misfortune may befal them, in the fray. These shrieks of the children, form a very unpleasant chorus to the brutal noise kept up by their drunken parents, who are engaged in the squabble. Sunday, November 30. This, being St. An- drew's day, which is a fete among the Scotch, and our Bourgeois, Mr. McLeod, belonging to that nation, the people of the fort, agree- ably to the custom of the country, early in the morning, presented him with a cross, &c., and at the same time, a number of others, who were at his door, discharged a volley or two of muskets. Soon after, they were invited into the hall, where they received a reasonable dram, after which, Mr. McLeod made them a present of a sufficiency of spirits, to keep them merry during the re- mainder of the day, which they drank at their own house. In the evening, they were invited to dance in the hall; and during it, they received several flagons of spirits. They behaved with considerable propriety, until about eleven o'clock, when their heads had become heated, by the great quantity of spiritous liquor which they had drunk, during the course of the day and evening. Some of them became quarrelsome, as the Cana- HABMON'S JOURNAL. 37 dians generally are, when intoxicated, and to high words, blows soon succeeded; and finally, two battles were fought, which put an end to this truly genteel, North Western ball. Tuesday, December 2. As yet, we have only a few inches of snow. Yesterday morn- ing, accompanied by six men on horse-back, I went to the lodge or tent of one of our hunters. The people went for meat, and I, for the pleasure of riding, and seeing the country. We arrived at the place where the Indian was encamped, just as the sun was sinking below the horizon, and when the hunter was about to take a sweat, which is frequently done in the following manner. The women make a kind of hut, of bended willows, which is nearly circular, and if for one or two persons only, not more than fifteen feet in circumference, and three or four in height. Over these, they lay the skins of the buff aloe, &c. and in the centre of the hut, they place heated stones. The Indian then enters, perfectly naked, with a dish of water in his hand, a little of which, he occasionally throws on the hot stones, to create steam, which, in connexion with the heat, puts him into a profuse perspira- tion. In this situation he will remain, for about an hour ; but a person unaccustomed to endure such heat, could not sustain it for half that time. They sweat themselves in this manner, they say, in order that their as HARMON'S JOURNAL. limbs may become more supple, and they more alert, in pursuing animals, which they are desirous of killing. They, also, consider sweating a powerful remedy, for the most of diseases. As the}^ come from sweating, they frequently plunge into a river, or rub themselves over with snow. The country we passed through, is largfe prairies, with here and there a grove of small trees. This evening we returned to the *ort; and the horses of our people were loaded with the flesh of the moose and elk. The buffaloes are as yet a considerable distance farther, out in the spacious prairies. Nothing but severe cold weather will drive them into the woody part of the country, to which they will then come, in order to be less ex- posed to the wii'd and weather, than they would be, to remain in the open plains. Sunday, 21. There is now about a foot of snow on the ground; and, on the 11th in- stant, I left this place, in company with seven Canadians, for Swan River fort. Each man had a sledge, drawn by two dogs, loaded with one hundred and fifty pounds weight of furs, besides provisions to serve man and beast, to perform the trip. On our return, the sledges were loaded with goods. We reached our fort, this afternoon, where I am happy to find Mr. Hugh McGillis, on a visit from Red Deer River, and also, two men with letters, from Fort des Prairies, or Sisiscatchwin River. The former place, lies HARMON'S JOURNAL. 39 about one hundred and fifty miles from this and the latter, four or five hundred, in nearly a north direction. Wednesday, 24. Yesterday, I went to see the fort of the Hudson Bay Company, which is situated about nine miles down this river and is in the charge of a Mr. Sutherland. He has a woman of this country, for a wife, who, I was pleased to find, could speak the English language, tolerably well. I under- stand, also, that she can both read and write it, which she learned to do at Hudson's Bay, where the Company have a school. She speaks, likewise, the Cree and Sauteux languages. She appears to possess natural good sense, and is far from being deficient, in acquired knowledge. Friday, January 2, 1801. The weather, for several days past, has been severely cold. Yesterday, being the commencement of a new year, our people, according to a Canadian custom, which is to get drunk if possible, spent the day in drinking, and danced in the evening ; but there was neither scratching nor fighting on this occasion. Sunday, 4. In the morning, the greater part of our people, consisting of men, women and children, were sent away to pass the remainder of the winter, about two days' march from this, in the prairie. They will subsist on the flesh of the buffaloe, which they will themselves kill in abundance. Dur- ing their stay there, they will reside in tents 40 HARMON'S JOURNAL. or lodges, made of the skins of the buffaloe, moose or elk. These skins, after having been dressed, are sewed together; and one tent will contain from ten to twenty five of them. These tents are erected on poles, and assume the form of a sugar loaf. Ten or fifteen persons will reside in one of them ; for while there, they are either sitting or lying down. The Indians, who come to this establish- ment, are, as has been already observed, Crees and Assiniboins ; or as some call th6m, Kinistinoes and Stone Indians. Both of them are numerous tribes ; and as they often meet and intermarry, their manners and customs are similar; but there is no resemblance in their languages. Both tribes are well fur- nished with horses. The Assiniboins, how- ever, are, by far, the best horsemen; they never go any distance on foot, and it is generally on horse back, that they kill their game. They mount their horses, and run down and kill the buffaloe, and some other animals with bows and arrows, which they find every way as convenient for this purpose, as fire arms. But the Crees, when they can procure them, always make use of guns. Their cloth- ing consists of leggins of cloth or dressed Antelope skins, a shirt or frock of the same materials, and a blanket or dressed Buffaloe skin, which they wrap round their bodies, and tie about their waists. To the above HARMON'S JOURNAL. 41 they will often add a cap or bonnet, of the wolf skin, and shoes for their feet. Last evening, I wrote to two fellow travel- lers with me from Montreal; and the letters will be taken to them by the winter express, which leaves this, tomorrow, and is to pass by the way of Fort des Prairies, thence to the English River, and thence directly to Athabasca. And, I am informed, there is an express, which every year leaves Atha- basca, in the month of December, and passes through the whole country called the North West, and in the latter part of March, reaches the Soult St. Maries. Thus the gentlemen who come up from Montreal, obtain from the interiour, intelligence respecting the trans- ' actions of the preceding summer and fall much earlier than they could otherwise do. This information, it is important that they receive, as soon as possible. This convey- ance of intelligence, extending to the dis- tance of nearly three thousand miles, is at- tended with but a trifling expense to the Company. . Thursday, 15. Beautiful weather. On the eleventh, I accompanied six of our people to the tent of one of our hunters ; and the day following, they returned with their sledges loaded with meat; but I remained, to go along with the hunter, farther in the prairie. Accordingly, the next day, I proceeded with him, and saw, in different herds, at least a thousand buffaloes, grazing. They would 42 HARMON'S JOURNAL. allow us to come within a few rods of them before they would leave their places. At this season, they are tame, and it is not at all dangerous to go among them. But, in the fore part of the summer, which is their rutting season, it is quite the reverse. Then, if they perceive a human being, the males will pursue him, and if they can over- take, will trample him under their feet, or pierce their horns through his body. The male buff aloe, when fat, will weigh from one thousand, to fifteen hundred pounds, and the female, from eight hundred, to a thousand. Their meat is excellent eating; but is not generally considered so dehcious, as that of the moose. Wednesday, February 11. On the 1st inst. accompanied by eight of our people, and one of the Natives as a guide, I set off, with a small assortment of goods, to go and trade with about fifty families of Crees and Assiniboins. In going to their camp or village, we were three days, and at all times, in an open country. After we had encamped the first night, there came on a terrible storm of snow, accompanied by a strong and cold north wind; and as we were in an open plain, we had nothing to shelter us from the violence of the weather. In the morning, we were covered with snow, a foot in depth. Our people, however, soon harnessed the dogs; and we proceeded, hop- ing to warm ourselves, by running. This HARMON'S JOURNAL. 43 we found it difficult to do, as the wind was strong, and directly in our faces. At the close of the day, after we had encamped, our guide killed a fat buffaloe, which supplied food, both to men and beasts. While eating it around a large fire, we almost forgot the suffering which we endured, by the cold of the preceding night and morning; and, if we were not thankful for the blessing be- stowed upon us, we were, at least, glad to enjoy it. After having passed one or two cold days without eating, there is a relish in food to which the sons of indolence and of pleasure, are perfect strangers ; and which they can purchase only, at the expense of toil and hardship. When we had approached within about a mile of the camp of the Natives, ten or twelve of their Chiefs, or most respectable men among them, came on horseback, to meet, and conduct us to their dwellings. We arrived at them, through a crowd of people, who hailed us with a shout of joy. Immediately after our arrival, the principal Chief of the village sent his son, to invite me and my interpreter to his tent. As soon as we had entered it, and were seated, the respectable old Chief caused meat and berries, and the best of everything which he had, to be set before us. Before we had eaten much, we were sent for to another tent, where we received a similar treatment ; and from this, we were invited to another; and so on, till 44 HARMON'S JOURNAL. we had been to more than half a dozen. At all these, we ate a little, and smoked our pipes ; for, my interpreter informed me, they would be greatly affronted, and think that we despised them, if we refused to taste of every thing which was set before ns. Hospi- tality to strangers, is among the Indian virtues. — During several days that we re- mained with these people, we were treated with more real politeness, than is commonly shown to strangers, in the civilized part of the world. While I was at the camp of the Natives, I was invited to attend and see them dance. The dancers were about thirty in number, and were all clothed with the skins of the Antelope, dressed, which were nearly as white as snow ; and upon their heads they sprinkled a white earth, which gave them a very gen- teel appearance. Their dance was conducted in the following manner. A man, nearly forty years of age, rose with his tomahawk in his hand, and made, with a very distinct voice, a long harangue. He recounted all the noble exploits which he had achieved, in the several war-parties with which he had engaged his enemies; and he made mention of two persons, in particular, whom he first killed, and then took off their scalps; and for each of these, he gave a blow with his tomahawk against a post, which was set up, expressly for that purpose, near the center of the tent. And now the musick began, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 45 which consisted of tambourines, and the shaking of bells, accompanied by singing. Soon after, the man who had made the harangue, began the dance, with great maj- esty; then another arose, and joined him; and shortly after, another; and so on, one after another, until there were twelve or fifteen up, who all danced around a small fire, that was in the centre of the tent. While dancing, they made many savage gestures and shrieks, such as they are in the habit of making, when they encounter their en- emies. In this course, they continued, for nearly an hour, when they took their seats, and another party got up, and went through with the same ceremonies. Their dancing and singing, however, appeared, to be a succession of the same things; and there- fore after having remained with them two or three hours, I returned to my lodgings; and how long they continued their amuse- ment, I cannot say. In this excursion, we saw buffaloes in abundance; and when on a small rise of ground, I think I may with truth afiirm, that there were in view, gazing on the sur- rounding plains, at least five thousand of them. Of these animals, we killed what we wanted for our own subsistence, and the support of our dogs; and this evening, we returned to the fort, well pleased with our jaunt, loaded with furs and provisions, and without having received the least affront or 46 HARMON'S JOURNAL. the smallest injury from the Natives, not- withstanding most of them became intoxi- cated with the spirits, with which we sup- plied them. Tuesday, February 17. We have now about a foot and a half of snow on the ground. — Mr. Monteur, accompanied by two Canadians, arrived, with letters from our friends, in Fort des Prairies. — This morning, one of our people killed a buffaloe in the Prairie, opposite to the fort; and another came within ten rods of the fort gate, when the dogs pursued him, and he ran off. Thursday, 19. This day, I am twenty three years of age, and how rapidly does this space of time appear to have passed away ! It seems as if it were but yesterday, that I was a child. The truth is, the time that we are allowed to remain in this fleet- ing world is so short, even if we should be permitted to reach the utmost boundary of human life, that a person can scarcely have passed the threshold of existence, before he must set his house in order to die. Friday, 20. During the last night, we sat up to deal out spirits to the Indians. One of them has his own daughter for a wife, and her mother at the same time ! Incest, how- ever, is a crime, of which the Indians of this quarter are not often guilty. "VMien one of them does commit it, he is regarded by the rest of his tribe, as void of sense. Saturday, March 14. The greater part of HARMON'S JOURNAL. 47 the snow is now dissolved. On the sixth inst. accompanied by eighteen of our people, I left this, to go to Swan River fort. We had thirty sledges, some drawn by horses, and some by dogs, which were loaded with furs and provisions. Saturday, April 4. Swan River Fort. Here I arrived this afternoon, and have come to pass the remainder of the spring. While at Alexandria, my time passed agreeably in company with A. N. McLeod, Esq. who is a sensible man, and an agreeable companion. He appeared desirous of instructing me in what was most necessary to be known, respecting the affairs of this country; and a taste for reading I owe, in a considerable degree, to the influence of his example. These, with many other favours, which he was pleased to show me, I shall ever hold in grateful remembrance.— -But now I am comparatively alone, there being no person here, able to speak a word of English; and as I have not been much in the company of those who speak the French language, I do not as yet, understand it very well. Hap- pily for me, I have a few books ; and in pe- rusing them, I shall pass most of my leisure moments. Monday, 6. I have taken a ride on horse- back, to a place where our people are making sugar. My path led me over a small prairie, and through a wood, where I saw a great variety of birds, that were straining their 48 HARMON'S JOURNAL. tuneful throats, as if to welcome the return of another spring; small animals, also, were running about, or skipping • from tree to tree, and at the same time, were to be seen swans, bustards, ducks, &c. swimming about in the river and ponds. All these things together, rendered my ramble beyond ex- pression delightful. Friday, 10. Fine pleasant weather. This afternoon, I took a solitary, yet pleasing walk, to the ruins of a fort, which was aban- doned, a few years since, by the Hudson Bay people, to whom it belonged, but who do not now come into this part of the country. While surveying these ruins, I could not avoid reflecting on the short duration of every thing in this fleeting and perishing world. I then went to a spot, where a num- ber of their people had been interred, far from their native country, their friends and relations ! And while I was lamenting their sad fate, my blood chilled at the thought, that what had happened to them might, very probably, befal me also. But my prayer shall ever be, that a merciful God will, in due time, restore me to my friends and re- lations, in good health, and with an un- blemished character. Sunday, 19. On Friday last, there fell nearly a foot of snow, which, however, was soon dissolved; and it caused the river to overflow its banks to such a distance, that our people who were making sugar, were HARMON'S JOURNAL. 49 obliged to leave the woods and return to the fort. Tuesday, 21. All the snow has left us; and we are again favoured with fine weather. The last night, the ice in this river broke up. Monday, 27. It has snowed all day, and has fallen to the depth of six inches.— I now begin to feel the want of books, having brought but few with me, on account of the short time that I expect to remain here. Saturday, May 2. It has rained all day, which is the first time that any has fallen, since the last autumn.— As I have but little business that requires my attention, I em- ploy the greater part of my time in reading the Bible, and in studying the French lan- guage. Sunday, 10. It has rained constantly, dur- ing three successive days, which has caused the water in the river, since yesterday, to rise more than four feet.— Yesterday, one of my men went out to shoot ducks, and lost his way, and was therefore under the neces- sity of passing the night in the woods, with- out any covering from the cold and the rain, which poured down in torrents. This morn- ing, however, by chance, or rather directed by an all protecting Providence, he fell upon a small foot path, which brought him di- rectly to the fort, where he was not a little pleased to arrive. Experience only can teach us how to value such a deliverance. 50 HAKMON'S JOURNAL. Wednesday, 13. The late rains have caused this river to overflow its banks to such an uncommon distance, that when I arose this morning, to my surprise, I found seven inches of water, on the first floor of the house, which is an event that the oldest person here does not remember before to have witnessed. We are obliged to leave the fort, and to pitch our tents on a small rise of gTOund, at no great distance off, where we shall re- main until the deluge is abated. Friday, 15. Sent five men with a canoe, two days march up this river, for Mr. Mc- Leod and company, as the face of the coun- try extensively lies under water. Wednesday, 20. The water has left the fort ; and with pleasure, we leave our tents, to occupy our former dwellings. This after- noon Mr. McLeod, and company, arrived, and are thus far on their way to the Grand Portage. Tuesday, 26. Yesterday, our people fin- ished making our furs into packs, of ninety pounds weight each. Two or three of these make a load for a man, to carry across the portages. This morning, all the hands, des- tined to this service, embarked on board of five canoes, for Head-quarters. To Mr. Mc- Leod, I delivered a packet of letters, to be forwarded to my friends, who reside at Ver- gennes, in the state of Vermont, and tomor- row, I shall set out for Alexandria, where I expect to pass the ensuing summer, and to HARMON'S JOURNAL. 51 superintend the affairs of that place and of this, until the next autumn. Monday, June 1. Accompanied by two men, I arrived at Alexandria, this afternoon ; and I here found six families of Crees, en- camped about the fort. I have with me one clerk, two interpreters and five labouring m^en, also six women and thirteen children, belonging to our people, and a number of women and children belonging to the Na- tives, whose husbands have gone to make war upon the Rapid Indians, or as they call themselves, Paw-is-tick I-e-ne-wuck. This is a small but brave tribe, who remain a con- siderable distance out in the large prairies, and toward the upper part of the Missouri river. We shall have nearly one hundred mouths to fill, for the greater part of the summer, out of our store ; but to furnish the means, we have hired two of the Natives to hunt for us, during the season; and moose, elk, &c. are considerably numerous in this vicinity. We hope, therefore, that we shall not want for the means of subsistence. Buf- faloes have now returned several days' march from this place, into the spacious prairies; but this is no serious loss to us, since, if they were near they would be but indifferent food, as at this season of the year, they are always lean, and consequently, rank and tough. Wednesday, 10. It is currently reported and believed, that the Rapid Indians are 52 HARMON'S JOURNAL. forming a war-party, in order to come against the Indians of this quarter, whom they consider, and I think with sufficient reason, as their enemies. Should they come this way, they will as probably fall upon us as upon the Natives themselves ; for they say that we furnish the Crees and Assiniboins with what fire arms they want, while they get but few. I have, therefore, thought it expedient to direct our people, to build block-houses over the fort gates, and to put the bastions in order, that we may be pre- pared to defend ourselves, in case of an attack. Sunday, 14. This afternoon, a number of the Natives danced in the fort. Their dance was conducted in the following man- ner. Two stakes were driven into the ground, about twenty feet apart; and as one per- son beat the drum, the others, consisting of men and women, danced round these stakes. The men had a different step from that of the women. The latter placed both feet to- gether, and first moved their heels forward and then their toes, and thus went twice round the stakes. But the men rather hopped than danced, and therefore went twice round the stakes, while the women went once. They all kept exact time with the music, for they have excellent ears. Indeed, I believe that all their senses are more acute than those of the white people. Thursday, July 9. This day, there came HARMON'S JOURNAL. 53 here an American, that, when a small child, was taken from his parents, who then re- sided in the Illinois country. He was kid- napped by the Sauteux, with whom he has resided ever since; and he speaks no other language excepting theirs. He is now about twenty years of age, and is regarded as a chief among that tribe. He dislikes to hear people speak to him, respecting his white relations ; and in every respect excepting his colour, he resembles the savages, with whom he resides. He is said to be an excellent hunter. He remains with an old woman who, soon after he was taken from his re- lations adopted him into her family; and they appear to be mutually as fond of each other, as if they were actually mother and son. Thursday, 30. Different kinds of berries are now ripe, such as strawberries, raspber- ries, and what the Canadians call paires, which the Natives denominate Mi-sas-qui-to- min-uck. The last, if they are not the same in kind, exactly resemble, in shape and taste, what in the New England states are called shad berries. When they are found in the prairies, they grow on bushes, four or five feet high ; but in a thick wood they often reach to the height of fifteen or twenty feet. Of this wood, the Natives always make their arrows. These berries, when properly dried by the sun, have an agreeable taste, and are excellent to mix with pimican. The Natives 54 HARMONS JOURNAL. generally boil them in the broth of fat meat ; and this constitutes one of their most dainty dishes, and is introduced at all their feasts. Mr. A. X. McLeod has a son here named Alexander, who is nearly fire years of age, and whose Mother is of the tribe of the Rapid Indians. In my leisure time, I am teaching him the rudiments of the English language. The boy speaks the Sauteux and Cree fluently, for a child; and makes him- self understood tolerably well, in the Assini- boin and French languages. In short, he is like most of the children of this country, blessed with a retentive memory, and learns very readily. We have made about ten tons of hay, to feed those of our horses which we intend shall work, during the winter season. The others live the whole year, upon the gTass which they find in the prairies. In the win- ter, to procure it, they must scrape away, with their feet, the snow, which is generally eighteen inches deep, excepting on the highest hills, from which the wind drives most of it into the vaUeys. Thursday, August 27. All the provision which we now have in the fort, consists of only about fifteen pounds of pimican; and when we shall be able to add to our supply, God only knows. All our dependence is on our hunters; and it is now a considerable time since they have killed anything, though moose and elk are numerous in the vicinity. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 55 Sunday, 30. Yesterday, three of our peo- ple arrived from the Grand Portage, with letters from Mr. McLeod, &c., which inform me, that the above mentioned people, to- gether with others who remained at Swan River fort, were sent off from head quarters, earlier than usual, with an assortment of goods, supposing, that we might need some articles, before the main brigade arrives. Sunday, September 6. This is the third day, during which it has rained, without the least cessation.— There are five families of Crees, encamped about the fort, who have been continually drunk, during the last forty eight hours ; but now they begin to be troub- lesome, for they have nothing more to sell, yet they wish to continue drinking. One of the Indians who was of the party that last spring went to war, has recently come in. When he arrived, his face was painted entirely black, which I am informed, is always their custom, when they return from such expeditions. As he drew nigh to the fort, he began to sing a war song. He states, that his party, the Crees and As- siniboins, have made great slaughter among , their enemies, the Rapid Indians, and are bringing a number of their women and chil- dren home for slaves. He was sent for- ward, as he says, to inform us of what they consider glorious news. Monday, 7. More of the Indians, who have been to war, have reached this place, 56 HARMON'S JOURNAL. and have brought several slaves, and a few scalps, with them. This afternoon, thej danced and sung their war songs. Agreeably to the custom of the country, I gave them a few trifling articles, not as a reward for having been to war, but because they have done us honour, as they think, by dancing in our fort. Sunday, 27. It has snowed and rained all day. This afternoon, Mr. McLeod and com- pany, returned from the Grand Portage, and delivered to me letters from my friends in my natiye land; and I am happy in being in- formed, that they left them blessed with good health. Self -banished, as I am, in this dreary country, and at such a distance from all I hold dear in this world, nothing beside, could give me half the satisfaction, which this intelligence affords. I also received sev- eral letters from gentlemen in different parts of the widely extended North West Country. Friday, October 2. Montague Aiseau, or the Bird Mountain. In the morning, I left Alexandria, on horse back, and arrived here this, evening where, by permission of Provi- dence, I shall pass the ensuing year. I have with me three interpreters, six labouring men and two women. The fort is built on the bank of Swan River, a little more than fifty miles distant from its entrance into Swan Lake. The Indians who frequent this estab- lishment are Sauteux, Crees and Mus-ca- goes, all of whom speak nearly the same HARMON'S JOURNAL. 57 language. Moose and elk are considerably numerous, in this vicinity; but buffaloes seldom come thus far, into the woody coun- try. Thursday, 29. On the 22nd instant, Mr. McLeod, with ten of his people, arrived on horseback; and on the day following, I ac- companied them to the lower fort, where I met Mr. William Henry, a clerk. Mr. McLeod has also brought another clerk into this country, by the name of Frederick Goedike. This evening, Messrs. McLeod, Henry and myself returned, but left the people behind, whose horses are loaded with goods, for this place and Alexandria. Tuesday, November 3. Snow has fallen to the depth of three inches, which is the first that we have had, this fall. Thursday, 19. A foot and a half of snow has fallen. Wednesday, December 23. Clear and cold. On the 16th inst. I went to Alexandria, where I passed several days agreeably, in the company of Messrs. McLeod, Henry, and Goedike. We have now more snow than we had at any time the last winter. In con- sequence of lameness, I returned on a sledge drawn by dogs. Friday, 25. This being Christmas day, agreeably to the custom of the country, I gave our people a dram, and a pint of spirits each. Monday, 28. Payet, one of my inter- 58 HARMON'S JOURNAL. preters, has taken one of the daughters of the Natives for a wife; and to her parents, he gave in rum, dry goods, &c. to the value of two hundred dollars. No ceremonies at- tend the formation of such connexions, as I have before remarked, excepting that the bridegroom, at the time to retire to rest, shows his bride where their common lodging place is; and they continue to cohabit, as long as both parties choose, but no longer. One thing is secured by this arrangement, which is by no means always found in the civilized world, and that is, while persons live together, in a state of wedlock, they will live in harmony. Friday, January 1, 1802. This being the first day of the year, in the morning, I gave the people a dram or two, and a pint of rum each, to drink in the course of the day, which enabled them to pass it merrily, although they had very little to eat ; for our hunters say they can kill nothing. One of them will not go out of his tent ; for he imagines, that the Bad Spirit, as they call the devil, is watching an opportunity to find him in the open air, in order to devour him. WTiat will not imagination do ! Saturday, 9. Several days since, I sent a number of my people to Alexandria for meat, as neither of my hunters kill any thing; though there is no scarcity of animals in this vicinity. But they have just returned, without any thing. They say that the buff a- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 59 loes, in consequence of the late mild weather, have gone a considerable distance, into the large prairie. We are therefore under the necessity of subsisting on pounded meat, and dried chokecherries. This latter article, is little better than nothing. When we shall be in a better situation, God only knows. Hope, however, which seldom abandons the wretched, denies us not her comforting aid ; and past experience teaches us, that it is possible our circumstances may suddenly change for a better. Sunday, 17. Last evening, our people brought from the tent of the hunter, the meat of a moose, which hghted up a smile of Joy upon our countenances. We were happy to find, that a kind Providence, in- stead of abandoning, had favoured us with one of the richest dainties, that this coun- try affords. It would be well if our joy was true gratitude to our kind Benefactor.— There are twelve persons in the fort; and yet for the last fifteen days, we have sub- sisted on what was scarcely sufficient for two people! These were certainly the darkest days that I ever experienced, in this or any other country. Tuesday, 19. I have taken a walk, ac- companied by Pa^^et, a short distance from the fort, where we found hazelnuts, still on the bushes, in such plenty, that a person may easily gather a bushel in the course of a day. I am told, that when sheltered from the wind, 60 HARMON'S JOURNAL. all of them do not fall off, until the month of May. Monday, February 1. For several days past, the weather has been excessively cold; and this has been, I think, the coldest day that I ever experienced. In factj the weather is so severe, that our hunters dare not ven- ture out of their tents, although they, as well as ourselves, have little to eat. Sunday, 7. During the last three days, we have subsisted on tallow and dried cherries. This evening, my men returned from Alex- andria, with their sledges loaded with buffaloe meat ; and the sight of it, was truly reviving. Had this favour been withheld from us a few days longer, we must have all miserably perished by famine. Monday, 8, All the Indians of this place, excepting my hunters, have gone to pass about a couple of months, as they are ac- customed to do, at this season, on their be- loved food, the buffaloe. Friday, 19. At present, thanks to the Giver of all good, we have a pretty good stock of provisions in store, and there fore expect not to want, this season. Saturday, March 6. I have just returned from a visit to my friends at Alexandria, where I passed four days very pleasantly, in conversing in my mother tongue. This is a satisfaction that no one knows, excepting those, who have been situated as I am, with a people with whom I cannot speak HARMON'S JOURNAL. 61 fluently. And if I could, it would afford me little satisfaction to converse with the igno- rant Canadians around me. All their chat is about horses, dogs, canoes, women and strong men, who can fight a good battle. I have, therefore, only one way left to pass my time rationally, and that is reading. Happily for me I have a collection of good books ; and mine will be the fault if I do not derive profit from them. I, also, begin to find pleasure in the study of French. Saturday, 20. The greater number of our Indians have returned from the prairies; and as they have brought little with them to trade, I, of course, give them as little; for we are at too great a distance from the civilized world, to make many gratuities. Yet the Indians were of a different opinion; and at first made use of some unpleasant language. But we did not come to blows, and are now preparing to retire to rest, nearly as good friends as the Indians and traders generally are. With a few exceptions, that friendship is little more, than their fondness for our property, and our eager- ness to obtain their furs. Wednesday, April 21. The most of the snow is now dissolved; and this afternoon the ice in the river broke up.— All our Indians, who for several days past encamped near the fort, have now departed, to hunt the beaver. While they were here, they made a feast, at which they danced, cried, sung and howled, 62 HARMON'S JOURNAL. and in a word, made a terrible, savage noise. Such feasts, the Crees are accustomed to make, at the return of every spring; and sometimes also at other seasons of the year. By so doing, they say they appease the an- ger of the Evil Spirit or devil, and thus prevent him from doing them harm, to which they consider him as ever inclined. They have, also, certain places, where they deposit a part of their property, such as guns, kettles, bows, arrows, &c. as a sacri- fice to the same Spirit. To the Supreme Being, however, the creator and governor of the universe, whom they call Kitch-e-mon-e- too, that is. Great Spirit, they address their prayers; yet they say there is no necessity of paying him any sacrifice, since he is a good Spirit, and is not disposed to do them injury; whereas the Evil Spirit is malicious, and therefore, it is proper that they should strive to appease his anger.— The above mentioned feast was made by the Chief of the band, whose name is Ka-she-we-ske-wate, who for the long space of forty eight hours, previous to the entertainment, neither ate nor drank any thing. At the commencement of the feast, every person put on a grave countenance; and the Chief went through a number of ceremonies, with the utmost solemnity. After the entertainment was over, every Indian made a voluntary sacrifice of a part of his property to the devil, or as they call him, Much-e-mon-e-too. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 63 Sunday, May 2. Accompanied by one of my interpreters, I have taken a ride to a place where I intend building a fort, the ensuing summer. The animals in this vicin- ity are moose, red deer, a species of the antelope, grey, black, brown, chocolate col- oured and yellowish bears, two species of wolves, wolverines, polecats or skunks, lynxes, kitts, beavers, otters, fishers, martins, minks, badgers, muskrats and black, silver, cross and red foxes. Of fowls, we have swans, geese, bustards, cranes, cormorants, loons, snipes, several species of ducks, water-hens, pigeons, partridges, pheasants, &c. &c. Most of the above named fowls, are numerous in spring and autumn; but, excepting a few, they retire to the north in the summer, to brood. Toward the fall, they return again ; and before winter sets in, they go to the southward, where they remain, during a few of the coldest months of the year. Thursday, 6. This morning, I received a letter from Mr. McLeod, who is at Alexan- dria, informing me, that a few nights since, the Assiniboins, who are noted thieves, ran away with twenty two of his horses. Many of this tribe, who reside in the large prairies, are constantly going about to steal horses. Those which they find at one fort, they will take and sell to the people of another fort. Indeed, they steal horses, not unfrequently, from their own relations. Wednesday, 12. It has snowed and rained, 64 . HARMON'S JOURNAL. during the day. — On the 7th inst. I went to Alexandria, to transact business with Mr. McLeod. During- this jaunt, it rained almost constantly; and on my return, in crossing this riyer, I drowned my horse, which cost last fall, one hundred dollars in goods, as we yalue them here. Monday, 17. This afternoon, Mr. McLeod and company passed this place, and are on their way to the Grand Portage. But I am to pass, if Proyidence permit, another sum- mer in the interiour, and to haye the su- perintendence of the lower fort, this place and Alexandria, residing chiefly at the latter place. Tuesday, 18. All the Indians belonging to this place, haye now come in with the produce of their hunts, which is abundant ; and to reward them for their industry, I clothed two of their Chiefs, and gaye a cer- tain quantity of spirits to them, and to the others. With this they became intoxicated, and continued so during the last night, which preyented our closing our eyes in sleep; for it is at all times necessary to watch the motions of the Indians, and especially is this the case, when reason has been dethroned, and passion has assumed the sole dominion oyer them, through the influence of ardent spirits. While in that condition, they, hke other people, often do things which they will regret in their sober moments. Sunday, 23. It has snowed all day; and HARMON'S JOURNAL. 65 about six inches have fallen. I am waiting the arrival of Mr. Henry to take charge of this post, when I shall proceed to Alexan- dria. Two women brought me a few hazel- nuts, which they this day gathered from the bushes. Monday, 31. Alexandria. Here, accom- panied by two of my people, I arrived this afternoon. In crossing Swan River, I was so unfortunate as to drown another horse; and I was therefore obliged to perform the remainder of the journey on foot, with noth- ing to eat. Here, thanks to the Bestower of all good, I find a tolerable stock of pro- visions. Mr. Goedike is to pass the summer with me, also two interpreters, and three labouring men, besides several women and children, who together, form a snug family. Wednesday, June 23. On the 16th inst. accompanied by two of my people, I set off for Swan River fort, on horseback. The first night, we slept at Bird Mountain; and the day following we arrived at the lower fort. From that place, I returned in one day, which is a distance of ninety miles. I, however, took a fresh horse at the Bird Mountain. One of my people, who travelled less rapidly, has arrived this evening, and informed me, that he drowned his horse, at the same place where I had before drowned two. On my return here, those in whose charge I had left the place, had nothing to offer me 5 66 . HARMON'S JOURNAL. to eat, excepting boiled parchment skiiis, which are httle better than nothing, and scarcely deserve the name of food. I have therefore sent a part of my people, to en- deavour to take some fish out of a small lake, called by the NatiA^es Devil's Lake, which lies about ten miles north from this. If they should not succeed, and our hunters should not be more fortunate than they have been for some time past, I know not what will become of us. All our dependence is on a kind Providence; and we cannot but hope for a speedy relief, from our truly sad condition. Friday, July 2. For six days, after I sent the people to fish in the above men- tioned lake, we subsisted at the fort on parchment skins, dogs, herbs and a few small fish, that we took out of the river opposite to the fort. But now, we obtain fish in greater plenty. One of our hunters has been in, and told me what he thought to be the cause why he could not kill. He said that when he went to hunt, he generally soon fell upon the track of some animal, which he followed ; but that, as soon as he came nigh to him, he heard the terrible voice of the Evil Spirit, that frightened both himself and the animal. The animal would of course run off, and the pursuit would end.— I told the hunter, that I had a certain powerful medicine; and pro- vided he would do with it as I would direct HARMON'S JOURNAL. 67 him, it would not only frighten the Evil Spirit in his turn, but would also render him at first speechless, and that shortly after it would cause him to die. I then took several drugs and mixed them together, that he might not know what they were, which I wrapped in a piece of white paper, and tied to the but-end of his gun, and thus armed him to encounter great or little devils ; for they believe in the existence of different orders. I told him to go in search of a moose or deer; and as soon as he should hear the voice of the Evil Spirit, to throw the paper tied to his gun behind him into the air, and that it would fall into the mouth of the Evil Spirit pursuing him, and silence and destroy him. I warned him not to look behind him, lest he should be too much frightened at the sight of so monstrous a creature, but to pursue the animal, which he would undoubtedly kill. The same day, the Indian went to hunt- ing, and fell upon the track of an animal, which he followed, as he has since told me, but a short distance, before the Evil Spirit, as his custom was, began to make horrid cries. The Indian, however, did with the medicine as I had directed him, and heard no more of the frightful voice, but continued following the animal until, approaching him, he fired, and killed a fine fat red deer; and he has since killed several others. Not only he, but the other Indians place, from this 68 HARMON'S JOURNAL. circumstance, perfect confidence in my medi- cines. What will not imagination, aided by great superstition, make a person believe ! it may be caused, however, at times, to re- move the evils of its own creation. Sunday, 4. Mr. William Henry and com- pany arrived from the Bird Mountain, and inform us, that they are destitute of pro- vision there. They will, therefore, come and pass the remainder of the summer with us; for we now have provisions in plenty. Monday, 17. In consequence of the great increase of our family of late, we are again poorly supplied with provisions. In order, if possible, to obtain a supply, I have sent seven of my people several different ways, in search of the Natives, who will be able to relieve our wants, should our men chance to find them. For this is the season of the year, when almost all wild animals are the fattest ; and therefore, it is the best time to kill them, and make them into dry pro- visions. Friday, 23. There are at present, in this vicinity, grass-hoppers, in such prodigious numbers, as I never before saw in any place. In fair weather, between eight and ten o'clock, A. M. which is the only part of the day when many of them leave the ground, they are flying in such numbers, that they obscure the sun, like a light cloud passing over it. They also devour every thing before them, leaving scarcely a leaf on the trees, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 69 or a blade of grass on the prairies ; and our potatoe tops escape not their ravages. Tuesday, August 3. The most of the mosquetoes and horse flies, which are so troublesome to man and beast, have left us, as the nights now begin to be cool. Yesterday, six families of Crees came to the fort; and they have been drinking, ever since. An Indian had a few wrangling words with a squaw, belonging to another man, to whom he gave a slight beating. At that time, the chief, who was the friend of the Indian, was passing by; and he was so en- raged at the abusive language given by the woman to his friend, that he commenced beating her on the head with a club, and soon terminated her life. This morning, the Indian women buried her corpse ; and no more notice is taken of her death, than if a dog had been killed ; for her relations are at a considerable distance, in another part of the country.— An Indian is not much re- garded or feared by his fellows, unless he has a number of relations to take part with him in his contests while in life, or to avenge his death, in case he should be murdered. This is true among all the Indian tribes, with whom I have been acquainted. Wednesday, 11. On the ninth instant, a Chief among the Crees, came to the fort, accompanied by a number of his relations, who appeared very desirous that I should take one of his daughters, to remain with 70 HARMON'S JOURNAL. me. I put him off by telling him, that I could not then accept of a woman, but prob- ably might, in the fall. He pressed me how- ever, to allow her to remain with me, at once, and added, "I am fond of you, and my wish is to have my daughter with the white people; for she will be treated better by them, than by her own relations." In fact, he almost persuaded me to keep her; for I was sure that while I had the daughter, I should not onh^ have the father's furs, but those of all his band. This would be for the interest of the Company, and would there- fore, turn to my own advantage, in some measure; so that a regard to interest, well nigh made me consent to an act, which would have been unwise and improper. But, happily for me, I escaped the snare. Saturday, 28. I have sent Primault, one of my interpreters, with a letter, about six days' march from this, where I expect he will meet Mr. McLeod and company, on their way from the Grand Portage. Two of our people, whom I sent a few days since into the large prairie, have just returned with the news, that buffaloes are numerous, with- in two days' march from this. They say, that the Natives, during the two days that they remained with them, killed upwards of eighty, by driving them into a f)ark, made for that purpose. Sunday, October 3. Yesterday, a little snow fell, which is the first that we have HARMON'S JOURNAL. 71 had this season. We now begin to think some disaster has befallen our people, on their way in, as they do not make their ap- pearance so soon as usual. Monday, 4. One of our men has just arrived from the Grand Portage, and deliv- ered me a letter from Mr. McLeod, informing me, that he is going to Athabasca, and is to be succeeded here by Mr. Hugh McGillies. The canoe in which this man came, left head- quarters alone, some time before the main brigade was prepared to leave. Thursday, 21. This afternoon, Mr. Hugh McGillies, accompanied by one man on horse back, arrived, and informs me, that they were stopped by the ice, fifteen miles below Swan River fort, whence they will be obliged to bring the goods, on sledges. Monday, 25. A large band of Indians have been here, who were continually drink- ing, during the last forty eight hours. They have now taken their departure; but an- other band has Just arrived, and, therefore, we must pass another night without sleep; for when the Natives are at the fort, and have the means of purchasing spirits, they expect to drink both night and day. Saturday, 30. Several of our people ar- rived from Swan River, and delivered me letters from my friends in the United States, the perusal of which, has afforded me much satisfaction. Samuel Holmes, a clerk and interpreter, 72 HARMON'S JOURNAL. and a countryman of mine, has left us, to go and join our opponents, the X. Y. people. [*Soon afterwards, he left the service of the last mentioned company, and went to live with the Natives, the Assiniboins, by whom, a year or two after, he was killed, while he was on his way from the Red River to the River Missouri.] Monday, Novemher 1. I have taken a ride, accompanied by my interpreter, down to see the Hudson Bay people. A Mr. Miller has charge of the place, and has with him fifteen labouring men, the gTeater part of whom have just returned from Albany fort, which stands at the mouth of Albany River. Tuesday, 9. Bird Mountain, Here I am to pass another winter; and with me there will be one interpreter and six labouring men, &c. Thus I am continually moving from place to place; and when my residence will be more stationary, God only knows. I can- not, however, but look forward, with pleas- ing expectation, to the time, when I hope to be permitted to settle down in some part of the civilized world. Friday, 19. I have just returned from the lower fort, where I have been accom- panied with part of my people, for goods. I find here a band of Indians, who have been waiting for my return, in order to pro- cure such articles as they need, to enable *The remarks included in brackets were added at a later date. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 73 them to make a fall hunt. The Indians in this quarter have been so long accustomed to use European goods, that it would be with difficulty that they could now obtain a livelihood, without them. Especially do they need fire arms, with which to kill their game, and axes, kettles, knives, &c. They have almost lost the use of bows and arrows ; and they would find it nearly impossible to cut their wood with implements, made of stone or bone. Thursday, December 25. Severe cold weather. This day being Christmas, our people have spent it as usual, in drinking and fighting.— My education has taught me, that the advent of a Saviour, ought to be celebrated in a far different manner.— Of all people in the world, I think the Canadians, when drunk, are the most disagreeable; for excessive drinking generally causes them to quarrel and fight, among themselves. In- deed, I had rather have fifty drunken Indians in the fort, than five drunken Canadians. Thursday, January 27, 1803. I have just returned from Alexandria, where I passed six days, much to my satisfaction, in the com- pany of Messrs. H. McGillies, W. Henry and F. Goedike. While there, I wrote to Messrs. McLeod, A. Henry and J. Clarke, all of Ath- abasca, which letters will be taken to theifi, by our winter express. Sunday, February 20. Yesterday morn- ing, one of the Indian women came to the 74 HARMON'S JOURNAL. fort and said, her husband had cut off her nose, and was determined to kill her, and that she therefore thought proper to leave him, and go to Alexandria, where she would be out of his reach, at least for the present. But, after her arrival here, she altered her mind, and desired my interpreter to put an end to her life, which he, of course, refused to do. Then said she, ' I will do the business myself, for I am resolved that I will live with my husband no longer.' We did not believe, however, that she would execute this determination.— Soon after, she went into the woods, a short distance, and laid down her load of the few things which she had upon her back, and struck and kindled up a j&re, into which she threw the most of her property. When it was nearly consumed, she took a little bag of powder and put it into her bosom, and then set fire to it. The explosion burned a great part of the hair from her head, injured her face very much, and rendered her perfectly blind. She now commenced running about, in order if possi- ble, to catch her dogs, which she was resolved next to burn. When we heard her calling out for them, we went out to see what she was doing; for at this time, we knew nothing of what had taken place.— The spectacle was truly shocking! She was so disfigured, as scarcely to appear like a human being. We brought her to the fort, where she remained very quiet, until we were all in bed and HARMON'S JOURNAL. 75 asleep, when she got up, and went again into the woods. There she tied a cord about her neck, and then fastened it to the limb of a tree. But on throwing herself off, the branch broke, and she fell into the snow, where she remained until morning, when we found her nearly lifeless. On examining, we discovered that she had run a needle its full length, into her right ear. We brought her again to the fort ; but her head is very much swollen, and her face is perfectly black; and whether she will recover, is uncertain. [Sev- eral years afterward, I saw her with her old husband ; and she appeared to enjoy as good health as formerly.] Wednesday, May 4. Alexandria. Here, if Providence permit, I shall pass another sum- mer, and have with me Mr. F. Goedike, one interpreter and several labouring men, be- sides women and children. As Mr. Goedike will be absent from the fort, during the greater part of the summer, I shall be, in a great measure, alone; for ignorant Cana- dians furnish little society. Happily for me, I have lifeless friends, my books, that will never abandon me, until I first neglect them. Thursday, June 2. I have set our people to surround a piece of ground for a garden, with palisades, such as encompass our forts. The X. Y. people are building a fort, five miles up this river. One of our men, a Canadian, gave me his son, a lad of about twelve years of age. 76 HARMON'S JOURNAL. whom I agree, in the name of the North West Company, to feed and clothe, until he becomes able to earn something more. His mother is a Sauteux woman. He is to serve me as cook, &c. Tuesday, 21. This afternoon, we had an uncommonly heavy shower of hail and rain. Yesterday, I sent Mr. F. Goedike, accom- panied by several of our people, with a small assortment of goods, to remain at some distance from this, for several weeks. In the absence of my friend, this is to me, a solitary place. At such times as this, my thoughts visit the land of my nativity; and I almost regret having left my friends and relatives, among whom I might now have been pleas- antly situated, but for a roving disposition. But Providence, which is concerned in all the affairs of men, has, though unseen, directed my way into this wilderness ; and it becomes me to bear up under my circumstances, with resignation, perseverance and fortitude. I am not forbidden to hope, that I shall one day enjoy, with increased satisfaction, the society of those friends, from whom I have for a season banished myself. Sunday, 26. I have just returned from an excursion to the large prairies, in which I was accompanied by two of my people; and in all our ramble we did not see a sin- gle Indian. The most of them, as is their custom every spring, have gone to war again. We saw, and then ran down and killed, buf- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 77 faloes, and also, saw red deers and ante- lopes, bounding across the prairies, as well as bears and wolves, roving about in search of prey. In the small lakes and ponds, which are to be met with occasionally, all over the prairies, fowls were in considerable plenty; and with our fire arms, we killed a suffi- ciency of them, for our daily consumption. Although it rained during the greater part of the time that we were absent from the fort, yet the pleasing variety of the objects which were presented to our view, made our ride very agreeable. One night, we slept at the same place where, a few days before, a party of the Rapid Indian warriors had en- camped. They were probably in search o-f their enemies, the Crees and Assiniboins; and it was happy for us that we did not meet them, for they would undoubtedly have massacred us, as they consider us as enemies, for furnishing their opponents with fire arms. Monday, August 8. We have now thirty people in the fort, and have not a supply of provisions for two days. Our hunters, owing to a bad dream, or some other superstitious notion, think they cannot kill, and therefore make no attempt, notwithstanding animals are numerous. In the civilized parts of the world, when provisions are scarce in one place, they can generally be obtained from some other place, in the vicinity. But the case is otherwise with us. When destitute, we must wait until Providence sends us a 78 HARMON'S JOURNAL. supply; and we sometimes think it rather tardy in coming. Thursday, 18. An Indian has just arrived, who brings the intelligence, that forty lodges of Crees and Assiniboins, who the last spring, in company with forty lodges of other tribes, set out on a war party, are returning home. They separated at Battle River from their allies, who, the messenger says, crossed that river, to go and make peace with their en- emies, the Rapid and Black-feet Indians. The tribes last mentioned, inhabit the country lying along the foot of the Rocky Moun- tains, between the Sisiscatchwin and JMis- souri Rivers. Both parties begin to be weary of such bloody wars, as have long been carried on between them, and are much dis- posed to patch up a peace, on almost any terms. Thus do ruinous wars, waged by restless and ambitious people, in civilized and savage countries, lay waste and destroy the comforts of mankind. Sunday, October 16. This afternoon there fell a httle snow, which is the first we have had, this fall. It is now several days since the X. Y. people arrived from the Grand Portage ; but they give us no news of Mr. McGillies and his company ; neither would they, were their condition ever so bad. Neither company will convey to the other the least intelligence, that at all concerns their affairs in this country. The North West Company look HARMON'S JOURNAL. 79 upon the X. Y. Company as encroachers upon their territories; and, I think, with some reason, since the former company first led the way into this savage country; while the latter people think, that the former have no more right to trade in this part of the world, than themselves. This jarring of in- terests, keeps up continual misunderstand- ings, and occasions frequent broils between the contending parties ; and to such a height has their enmity risen, that it has, in several instances, occasioned blood shed. But here the murderer escapes without punishment; for the civil law does not extend its pro- tection, so far into the wilderness. I under- stand, however, that measures are in con- templation in England, which will remedy this evil. If something should not be done soon, I fear many of us may lose our lives. Wednesday, 19. About six inches of snow have fallen. Mr. McGillies and company arrived from the Grand Portage, and de- livered me letters from my friends in the United States; and I rejoiced to hear that they were in health and prosperity. Saturday, 22. This afternoon, one of our men, an Iroquois, died; and it is thought the foundation was laid for his death, by too great an exertion of his strength at the portages, on his way into the country. The death of our people is not unfrequently occasioned by this circumstance. Sunday, November 6. On the 28th ult. 80 HARMON'S JOURNAL. we sent eight of our men, on horseback, into the plains, to look for buffaloes; and they returned this evening, with their horses loaded with the flesh of those animals. They say that they are still three days' march from this. Tuesday, December 27. Messrs. Henry and Goedike, my companions and friends, are both absent, on excursions into two dif- ferent parts of the country. I sensibly feel the loss of their society, and pass, occasion- ally, a solitary hour, which would glide away imperceptibly, in their company. WTien they are absent I spend the greater part of my time in reading and writing. Now and then I take a ride on horseback, in the neighbour- hood of the fort, and occasionally I visit our neighbours, drawn in a cariol by horses, if the snow is light, or by dogs, if it is deep. This afternoon, I accompanied Mr. McGillies, to pay a visit to our X. Y. neighbours. Wednesday, February 22, 1804. Lac La Pecbe, or Fishing Lake. This lies about two days' march into the large plains, west from Alexandria, which place I left on the 15th ultimo, accompanied by twelve of our people. I have come here to pass the win- ter, by the side of the X. Y. people. For some time after our arrival, we subsisted on rose buds, a kind of food neither very pala- table nor nourishing, which we gathered in the fields. They were better than nothing, since they would just support life. When we HARMON'S JOURNAL. 81 should procure any thing better, I knew not, as the buffaloes at that time, in consequence of the mild weather, were a great distance, out in the large plains, and my hunters could find neither moose nor deer. We hoped, however, that a merciful God would not suffer us to starve; and that hope has not been disap- pointed, for we have now provisions in abun- dance, for which we endeavour to be thankful. On the 11th instant, I took one of my interpreters and ten labouring men with me, and proceeded several days' march into the wilderness, where we found a camp of up- wards of thirty lodges of Crees and Assini- boins, of whom we made a good purchase of furs and provisions. They were encamped on the summit of a hill, whence we had an extensive view of the surrounding country, which was low and level. Not a tree could be seen, as far as the eye could extend ; and thousands of buffaloes were to be seen graz- ing, in different parts of the plain. In order to kill them, the Natives in large bands, mount their horses, run them down and shoot, with their bows and arrows, what number they please, or drive them into parks and kill them at their leisure. In fact, those Indians, who reside in the large plains or prairies, are the most independent, and ap- pear to be the most contented and happy people upon the face of the earth. They subsist upon the flesh of the buff aloe, and of the skins of that animal they make the 82 HARMON'S JOURNAL. greatest part of their clothing, which is both warm and convenient. Their tents and beds are also made of the skins of the same ani- mal. The Crees and Assiniboins procure their livelihood with so much ease, that they have but little to confine them at home. They therefore employ much of their time, in wag- ing war with their neighbours. Thursday, March 1. Es-qui-un-arwacb-a, or the last Mountain, or rather Hill; for there are no mountains in this part of the country. Here I arrived this evening, hav- ing left Lac La Peche on the 28th ultimo, in company with my interpreter and seven men. The men, I ordered to encamp at a short distance from this, and to join me early to-morrow morning ; as it is more con- venient and safe, especially when we are not in our forts, to give the Indians spirits to drink in the day time, than in the night. On our arrival, we were invited to the tents of several of the principal Indians, to eat and smoke our pipes. — Indians show great hospitality to strangers, before they have been long acquainted with civilized people, after which, they adopt many of their cus- toms; but they are by no means always gainers, by the exchange. Monday, 5. On the 2nd, the remainder of our people arrived, and soon after I com- menced dealing out spirits to the Natives; and they continued to drink during all that HARMON'S JOURNAL. 83 day and the following night. We were, there- fore, prevented from resigning ourselves to sleep. For though the Indians are naturally well disposed toward the white people, and seldom begin a quarrel with us, and will even receive many insults, before they at- tempt to defend themselves ; yet when drunk, they often behave like mad men or devils, and need to be narrowly watched. This morning, I sent six of my people to the fort with sledges loaded with furs and provisions, in order to obtain another supply of goods, to enable us to go and trade with another large band of Indians, who are about two days' march from this, into the plains. Tuesday, 6. North side of the Great DeviVs Lake, or as the Natives call it, Much- e-man-e-to Sa-ky-e-gun. As I had nothing of importance to attend to, while our peo- ple would be absent in their trip to and from the fort, and was desirous of seeing my friend Henry, who, I understood, was about half a day's march from where I was the last night, I therefore, set off this morn- ing, accompanied by an Indian lad who serves as a guide, with the intention of visit- ing this place. After walking all day, with- out finding either wood or water, and but a few inches of snow, just as the sun was descending below the horizon, we thought that we descried a small grove, at a con- siderable distance, directly before us. So long, therefore, as the light remained, we 84 HARMON'S JOURNAL. directed our course to that object; but as soon as the daylight failed, we had nothing by which to guide ourselves, excepting the stars, which, however, answered very well, until even their faint twinkling was utterly obscured by clouds, and we were inveloped in total darkness. In this forlorn condition, we thought it best to continue our march as well as we could; for we were unwilling to lie down, with little or nothing with which to cover us, and keep ourselves from freezing. There was no wood, with which we could make a fire, nor buffaloe dung, which Often serves as fuel, when travelling about in those plains. Neither could we find water to drink ; and without fire, we could not melt the snow, for this purpose. We suffered much for want of water, as we had nothing to eat but very dry provisions, which greatly excited thirst. —To be deprived of drink for one day, is more distressing than to be destitute of food for two. — It would not have been safe for us to encamp, without a fire; for we should have been continually exposed to be trodden upon by the large herds of buffaloes, that are perpetually roving about in the plains, or to be devoured by the wolves, which ever follow the buffaloe. We therefore continued travelling, uncertain whither we were going, until at length, the dogs that drew my sledge, suddenly passed by us, as if they saw some uncommon object, directly before us. We did not attempt to impede HARMON'S JOURNAL. 85 their motion, but followed them as fast as we could, until they brought us to the place where we now are. — It is almost incredible that my dogs should have smelt this camp at such a distance; for we walked vigorous- ly no less than four hours after they passed us, before we arrived here. We are happy in finding fifteen tents of Crees and Assiniboins, who want for none of the dainties of this country ; and I meet, as usual, with a very hospitable reception. The mistress of the tent where I am, un- harnessed my dogs, and put my sledge, &c., into a safe place. She was then proceeding to give food to my dogs, which labour, I offered to do myself; but she told me to remain quiet and smoke my pipe, for she added, "they shall be taken good care of, and will be as safe in my hands, as they would be were they in your own." — Notwith- standing it was near midnight when I ar- rived, yet at that late hour, the most of the Indians rose, and many of them invited me to their tents, to eat a few mouthfuls, and to smoke the sociable pipe. But now, all those necessary ceremonies are ov«r; and I am happy in being able to lay myself down on buff aloe robes, by the side of a warm fire, expecting to obtain sweet and refreshing repose, which nature requires, after a day's march so fatiguing. If I was ever thankful for any of God's favours, it is, to find myself here among 86 HARMON'S JOURNAL. friends, and in comfortable circumstances, when a few hours before, I expected to wan- der with weariness, anxiety and danger, dur- ing the whole night, in the open plain. Wednesday, 7. Canadiaifs Camp. This place is so called from the fact, that a num- ber of our people have passed the greater part of the winter here. As there is a good foot path, from the place where I slept last night to this place, I left my young guide and came here alone. Frequently on the way, I met Indians, who are going to join those at the Devil's Lake. I came here in the pleasing expectation of seeing my friend Henry; but I am disappointed. Yesterday morning, he set out for Alexandria. I hope to have the satisfaction, however, of soon meeting him at the fort. — I here find six Ca- nadians with their families, who have passed the winter in this vicinity, and have sub- sisted upon the flesh of the buffaloe, which animals are found in plenty. The people appear to be happy in their situation. In- deed, a Canadian, with his belly full of fat meat, is never otherwise. Friday, 9. North side of DeviTs Lake. In the morning, I left the Canadian's Camp, and this afternoon reached this place, where I found my young guide, waiting my return. He is the son of a chief, among the Crees and Assiniboins. His grandfather was Mon- sieur Florimeaux, a Frenchman, who passed a number of years in the Indian country. HARMaN'S JOURNAL. 87 When he went to Canada, he took his son, the father of my young guide, along with him, as far as Quebec, intending to send him to France. But the lad, who was then twelve or thirteen years old, did not Hke to leave his native country. After remaining in Canada for some time, therefore, he de- serted and returned to this part of the world, where, he, in time, became a famous warrior, and at length, a chief. He is much respected and beloved by his relatives, and is revered by his own family. As a husband he is affectionate, and as a father he is kind. It was perhaps fortunate for him that he did not go to France; for, I am persuaded he could not have lived more happily and at ease, in any part of the world, than in this independent country, which is abundantly supphed with all of the necessaries, and many of the luxuries of life. Saturday, 10. In the middle of an exten- sive plain. Early in the morning, accom- panied by my young guide, I left our last night's lodgings, to go to the place where I expect to find my people, which is about two days' march further into the great plain, than where I separated from my interpreter, on the 6th inst. After walking all day, with- out finding either wood or water^ at eight o'clock at night, we have concluded to lay ourselves down, in order if possible, to get a little rest. In the day time, the snow melted a little; but in the evening it has frozen 88 HARMON'S JOURNAL. hard, and our feet and our legs, as high as our knees, are so much covered with ice, that we cannot take off our shoes; and having nothing with w^hich to make a fire, in order to thaw them, we must pass the night with them on. A more serious evil is, the risk we must run of being killed by wild beasts. Sunday, 11. Ca-ta-buy-se-pu, or the River that calls. This steam is so named by the superstitious Natives, who imagine that a spirit is constantly going up or do^n it; and they say that they often hear its voice distinctly, which resembles the cry of a human being. The last night was so unpleasant to me, that I could not sleep, arising in part from the constant fear which I was in, of being torn to pieces before the morning, by wild beasts. Despondency to a degree took possession of my spirit. But the light of the morning dissipated my fears, and restored bo my mind, its usual cheerfulness. As soon as the hght of day appeared, we left the place where we had lain, not a little pleased,, that the wild beasts had not fallen upon us. It has snowed and rained all day.— Here I find my interpreter, and eighty tents, or nearly two hundred men, with their families. — Along the banks of this rivulet, there is a little timber, consisting principally of the inferiour species of the maple; but no where else, is there even a shrub to be seen. The surrounding country is a barren plain, where HARMON'S JOURNAL. 89 nothing grows excepting grass, which rises from six to eight inches in height, and fur- nishes food for the buffaloe. Here, again, as usual, I meet with a kind reception. These Indians seldom come thus far into the plains, as the part of the country where we now are, belongs to the Rapid In- dians. A white man was never before known, to penetrate so far. Wednesday, 14. Last evening my people returned from the fort ; and as I now had spirits for the Natives, they, of course, drank during the whole night. Being so numerous, they made a terrible noise. They stole a small keg of spirits from us, and one of them attempted to stab me. The knife went through my clothes, and just grazed the skin of my body. To day I spoke to the Indian who made this attempt, and he cried like a child, and said, he had nearly killed his father, meaning me, and asked me why I did not tie him, when he had lost the use of his reason.— My people inform me that there is little or no snow, for three days' march from this ; but after that, there is an abundance, all the way to the fort. Friday, 16. About twelve o'clock, we left the Indians' camp ; but being heavily loaded, considering there is no snow and our prop- erty is drawn by dogs on sledges, we made slow progress. After we had encamped, we sent our dogs, which are twenty two in num- ber, after the buffaloe; and they soon stopped 90 HARMON'S JOURNAL. one of them, when one of our party went and killed him with an axe, for we have not a gun with us. It is, however, imprudent for us to venture thus far, without fire arms ; for every white man, when in this savage country, ought at all times to be well armed. Then he need be under little apprehension of an attack; for Indians, when sober, are not inclined to hazard their lives, and when they apprehend danger from quarrelling, will remain quiet and peaceable. Saturday, 17. North West end of DeviV s Lake. The weather is extremely mild, for the season. The surrounding country is all on fire ; but happily for us, we are encamped in a swampy place. When the fire passes over the plains, which circumstance happens almost yearly, but generally later than this, great numbers of horses and buffaloes are destroyed ; for those animals when surrounded by fire, will stand perfectly still, until they are burned to death.— This evening, we killed another buffaloe, in the same manner as we killed one, the last evening. Sunday, 18. The weather is still mild, and we see many grass-hoppers, which appear unusually early in the season. As I found that we were coming on too slowly with our heavy loads, about twelve o'clock, I left our property in charge of three of my people, and am going to the fort with the others, for horses to come for it. This afternoon we met several of the X. Y. HARMON'S JOURNAL, 91 people, who were in search of Indians; but from the information they received from us, they thought them at too great a distance, and they are, therefore, accompanying us to the fort. — The same success has attended us this evening, which we met with the two preceding days, in regard to supplying our- selves with food. Indeed, in these plains where buffaloes are numerous, it is not cus- tomary, nor is it needful for people who are travelling, to burden themselves with pro- visions; for if they have fire arms, they can always kill a sufficiency for the day. This renders travelling cheap and convenient. Thursday, 22. Lac la P^cbe. Here we have arrived, and I am happy in reaching a place, where I can take a little repose, after so long and fatiguing a jaunt. Yet it has been in many respects, both pleasant and profitable. The country which I travelled over was beautifully situated, and over- spread with buffaloes, and various other kinds of animals, as well as many other de- lightful objects, which in succession presented themselves to our view. These things made the day glide away almost imperceptibly. But there were times, when my situation was far from being agreeable; they, how- ever, soon passed away, and we all have abundant reason to render thanks to a kind Providence, for his protection, and for our safe return to our home and our families. At three different times, while performing 92 HARMOX'S JOURNAL. the tour above described, I was in great danger of losing my life, by the evil mach- inations of the Natives. One escape has been already mentioned, when one of them at- tempted to stab me. While I was dealing out spirits to the Savages, at the last moun- tain, on the night of the 5th inst. an In- dian, who was much intoxicated, told me, that I should never see another sun arise; and he, unquestionably, intended to kill me. The night following, after I arrived at the north side of the Devil's Lake, I was well received by the greater part of the Natives there ; but as I have since been informed, one of them had resolved to take my life. And yet, this villain invited me to his tent, and I visited it, without suspicion. He was pre- vented from executing his purpose by my host, who was acquainted with his purpose, and told him that he must first despatch him; for, he added, ' Kitch-e-mo-cum-mon' (that is Big Knife, w^hich is the name that they give me,) 'is my brother, and has taken up his lodging with me, and it there- fore becomes me to defend him and his prop- erty.' No Indian will suffer a stranger, if he be able to defend him, to be injured, while in his tent, and under his protection. Therefore, he who had intended to massacre me, thought it best to remain quiet. This hostile Indian had nothing against me, but that I was a friend to a person who he con- sidered had injured him; and as this person HARMON'S JOURNAL. 93 was at a great distance, and therefore be- yond his reach, he was resolved to avenge the affront upon me. It is the custom of all Savages, not to be very particular on whom the punishment of an offence falls, whether the guilty person, or a relation or friend of this person. The first of these whom he hap- pens to meet, becomes the object of his ven- geance ; and then his wrath is appeased, and he will not even lift his hand against the person who has offended him. Saturday, 24. Yesterday, Mr. F. Goedike arrived from Alexandria, and delivered me a letter from Mr. McGillies, requesting me to abandon Lac la Peche, and proceed, with all my people, to Alexandria. In the fore part of the day, we all left the former place. There is a woman with us, belonging to one of our men, who has walked the whole day, in the snow and water, and who, this even- ing, gave birth to a son. Tuesday, 27. Alexandria. Here we ar- rived this afternoon. The woman who, on the 24th inst. was delivered of a child, took it on her shoulders the day following, and continued her march, as though nothing un- usual had occurred ! It is a very happy cir- cumstance, that the women of this country are blessed with such strong constitutions, as they would otherwise be utterly unable to endure the hardships to which they are often exposed, and particularly in child-birth. Monday, April 9. Yesterday, the ice in 94 HARMON'S JOURNAL. this river broke up; and to day, we sent off four men in a boat, loaded with pimican, to be transported as far as the entrance of Winipick River. — The country all around us, is on fire. Sunday, 29. Yesterday, the greater part of our people set out for Swan River ; and to 'day, Mr. McGillies, and the most of those who were left, have departed for the New Fort, which is distant about forty-five miles, to the north west from the former general rendezvous, the Grand Portage, which the Americans have obliged us to abandon. It is thought necessary that I should pass another summer at this place; but I am happy in having with me my friends Henry and Goedike. There are here also one inter- preter and several labouring men, besides women and children. We are preparing a piece of ground for a garden, the cultivation of which, will be an amusement ; and the produce of it, we hope, will add to our com- forts. Mr. Goedike plays the violin, and will occasionally cheer our spirits, with an air. But the most of our leisure time, which is at least five sixths of the whole, will be spent in reading, and in meditating and conversing upon what we read. How valu- able is the art, which multiplies books, with great facility, and at a moderate expense. Without them the wheels of time would drag heavily, in this wilderness. Tuesday, May 22. The seeds which we HARMON'S JOURNAL. . 95 put into the ground on the 10th inst. have sprung up, and grow remarkably well. Tuesday, 29. During the last forty eight hours, it has rained without cessation; and I think I never witnessed so great a fall of water, within the same space of time. The river has overflowed its banks, to a much greater distance than is common; and our garden, which is not far from it, now lies under water. Thursday, 31. In the morning, Mr. Goe- dike, Collin, my interpreter, a young lad and myself, set off for the purpose of paying a visit to our X. Y. neighbours. On leaving the fort, we had the river to cross, which, in consequence of the late rains, is about sixty rods broad. Our only means of cross- ing it was a canoe, made of the skins of buf- faloes, which, on account of the length of time that it had been in the water, began to be rotten. Before we reached the other side of the river, the canoe was nearly half fiilled with water. We drew it on shore, mounted our horses, visited our neighbours, and returned to the place where we had left our canoe, at about three o'clock P. M. Having repaired it a little, we embarked, for the purpose of returning to the fort. We soon perceived that the water came into the canoe very fast ; and we continued paddling, in hope of reaching the opposite shore, before it would fill. We were, however, sadly dis- appointed ; for it became full, when we had 96 HARMON'S JOURNAL. gone about one third of the distance; but it did not immediately overset. The water, in that place, was about five feet deep; but the current was strong, and it soon carried us to a i^lace where we could not reach the bottom, and the canoe overset. We all clung to it and, thus drifted a considerable dis- tance, until the canoe was, at length, stop- ped by a few willows, whose tops rose above the water. Here I had a moment, in which I could reflect on our truly deplorable con- dition, and directed my thoughts to the means of relief. My first object was, if pos- sible, to gain the shore, in order to free my- self from my clothes, which I could not do where I then was. But my great coat, a heavy poniard, boots, &c. rendered it very difficult for me to swim; and I had become so torpid, in consequence of having been so long in the cold water, that before I had proceeded one third of the way to the shore, I sunk, but soon arose again, to the surface of the water. I then exerted myself to the utmost; but, notwithstanding, soon sunk a second time. I now considered that I must inevitably drown; the objects of the world retire from my view, and my mind was in- tent only upon approaching death ; yet I was not afraid to meet my dissolution.* I how- ever made a few struggles more, which hap- *For at that time, I was ignorant of my lost con- dition by nature, and of the necessity of being clothed in a better righteousness than my own, to prepare me to appear with safety before a holy God, in judgment. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 97 pily took me to a small tree that stood on what is usually the bank of the river, but which is now some rods distant from dry land, I remainecl there for some time, to recover strength, and at length proceeded to the shore; and as soon as I had gained it, my mind rose in ardent gratitude to my gracious Preserver and deliverer, who had snatched me from the very jaws of death ! / was now safe on shore; but the condition of my unfortunate companions, was far dif- ferent. They had still hold of the canoe in the middle of the river, and by struggling were just able to keep themselves from sink- ing. We had no other craft, with which to go upon the water, nor could any of our people swim, who were standing on the shore, the melancholy spectators of this scene of distress. I therefore took off my clothes, and threw myself, a second time, into the water, in order, if possible, to afford some aid to my companions. When I had reached the place where they were, I directed the boy, to take hold of the hair of my head, and I took him to a staddle, at no great distance, and directed him to lay fast hold of it, by which means he would be able to keep the greater part of his body above water. I then returned to the canoe, and took Collin to a similar place. Mr. Goedike had alone pro- ceeded to a small staddle, and would have reached the shore, had not the cramp seized him in one of his legs. I next tried to take 7 98 HARMON'S JOURNAL. the canoe ashore, but could not alone effect it. I therefore, swam to the opposite shore, caught a horse and mounted him, and made him swim to the canoe, at 'one end of which I tied a cord, and taking the other end in my teeth and hands, after drifting a con- siderable distance, I reached the land. After repairing the canoe a little, I proceeded to my three wretched fellow creatures, who had, by this time, become nearly lifeless, having been in the water at least two hours. By the aid of a kind Providence, however, they at last safely reached the shore; and so deeply were they affected with their unex- pected escape, that they prostrated them- selves to the earth, in an act of thanksgiv- ing, to their great and merciful Deliverer. Sunday, July 1. We now begin to have strawberries, and the prospect is, that they will be abundant. Tuesday, 17. On the 8th instant, some Indians ran away with three of our horses; and on the following morning, Mr. Goedike and myself mounted two others, to pursue the thieves. We followed them for two days, and then, ascertaining that they were so far in advance of us, and travelled so fast, that it would be impossible to overtake them, before they would reach their camp, which is six or seven days' march from this, we ceased following them. We directed our course an- other way, for the purpose of finding buf- faloe, but without success. We, however, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 99 killed as many fowls, in the small lakes, as we needed for daily consumption; and this evening returned to the fort, having had on the whole a pleasant ride. We have had a frost, so hard, that it has injured many things in our garden. Wednesday, 25. An Indian has arrived here with six horses, who states, that he came directly from the territory of the Black feet Indians. He brings the intelligence, that ^ this tribe have concluded a peace with the Crees and Assiniboins; and that forty tents of the latter tribes, who went into that quarter, two years since, are on their way home, and will reach this place before the commencement of winter. Saturday, September 1. This afternoon, Mr. Ferguson and company arrived, from fort Dauphin, bringing the intelligence, that all the Indians who are accustomed to re- main in that vicinity, have now gone to the Great Winipick lake. Thursday, October 4. This afternoon, Mr. Francis la Rocque arrived, from Mon- tague a la Basse, which lies about five days' march from this, down the river. He brought me letters from several gentlemen in this country, one of which is from Mr. Charles Chaboillez, who informs me that this place will be supplied with goods, this season, by the way of the Red River, of which depart- ment he has the superintendence. As I am to pass the winter here, he desires me to iLofC. 100 HARMONS JOURNAL. axicompanj Mr. La Rocque, down to Mon- tagne a la Basse, and receive such goods as will be necessary for the Indians at this post. Friday, 26. Agreeably to the instructions of Mr. Chaboillez, in company with Mr. La Rocque, and an Lidian, who served as guide, I set out on the 6th instant, for Montague a Ja Basse. Our course was nearly south, over a plain country; and on the 9th, we reached Riviere qui Apelle, where the North West and X. Y. companies have each a fort, where we tarried all night, with Monsieur Poitras, who has charge of that post. The next morning, we continued our march, which was always in beautiful plains, until the 11th, when we arrived at the place of our destination. There I found Mr. Chaboillez, C. McKenzie, &c. The fort is well built, and beautifully situated, on a very high bank of the Red River, and overlooks the country round to a great extent, which is a perfect plain. There can be seen, at almost all seasons of the year, from the fort gate, as I am informed, buffaloes grazing, or antelopes bounding over the extensive plains, which cannot fail to render the situation highly pleasant. I spent my time there very pleas- antly, during eight days, in company with the gentlemen above mentioned. At times, we would mount our horses, and ride out into the plains,' and frequently try the speed of our beasts. On the 19th, I left that en- chanting abode, in company with Messrs. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 101 Chaboillez, McKenzie, &c., and the day fol- lowing, arrived at Riviere qui Apelle, where we found the people, waiting our arrival. They came here by water ; but at this season, canoes go up no further, on account of the shallowness of the river. The goods intended for Alexandria, therefore, must be taken from this on horse back. Accordingly, we delivered out to the people such articles as we thought necessary, and sent them off; and the day following, Mr. Chaboillez re- turned to Montague a la Basse, and Mr. McKenzie and myself proceeded to Alexandria, where we arrived this afternoon, after hav- ing made a pleasant jaunt of twenty one days. Here I shall pass the winter, having with me Mr. Goedike, two interpreters, twenty labouring men, fourteen women and sixteen children. Saturday, November 24. Some people have just arrived from Montague a la Basse, with a letter from Mr. Chaboillez, who in- forms me, that two Captains, Clarke and Lewis, with one hundred and eighty soldiers, have arrived at the Mandan Village on the Missouri River, which place is situated about three days' march distant from the residence of Mr. Chaboillez. They have invited Mr. Chaboillez to visit them. It is said, that on their arrival, they hoisted the American flag, and informed the Natives that their object was not to trade, but merely to ex- 102 HARMON'S JOURNAL. plore the country; and that as soon as the navigation shall open, they design to con- tinue their route across the Rocky Mountain, and thence descend to the Pacific Ocean. They made the Natives a few small presents, and repaired their guns, axes, &c., gratis. Mr. Chaboillez writes, that they behave hon- ourably toward his people, who are there to trade with the Natives. Tuesday, January 21, 1805. For nearly a month, we have subsisted on little besides potatoes; but thanks to a kind Providence, the last night, two of my men returned from the plains, with their slecJges loaded with the flesh of the buff aloe. They bring us the pleasing intelligence, that there is a plenty of these animals within a day's march of us. This supply of provisions could not have come more opportunely, for our potatoes are almost gone. About a month since, I sent Mr. Goedike, accompanied by ten men, out into the plains, in hopes that they might fall in with the Natives, who would be able to furnish us with food; but we have heard nothing from them, and I cannot conjecture what should have detained them so long, as I did not expect that they would be absent, for more than ten days, from the fort. Thursday, February 7. At the most of the forts in the Swan River department, they have not a sufBciency of provisions; and they have therefore, sent the greater HARMON'S JOURNAL. 103 number of their people, to pass the remainder of the winter here. We now have buffaloe in abundance, though our family consists of upwards of seventy persons, who consume, at least, four hundred and fifty pounds, daily. Thursday, 19. On the 8th inst. two men arrived from Montague a la Basse, with a packet of letters, informing me, that a coali- tion took place, the last autumn at Montreal, between the North West and the X. Y. com- panies, which letters I have forwarded to Fort des Prairies. On the 16th inst. I left this, in a cariol, drawn by a horse, to visit a place, about two days' march from this, into the plains, where a number of our people have passed a greater part of the winter ; and in the course of this pleasant ride, I saw thousands of buffaloes. Saturday, March 2. People arrived from Fort des Prairies, with letters from that place, the English Eiver, and Athabasca.— Yesterday, swans passed this place, on their way to the northward. Monday, 18. A band of Crees and Assini- boins came in, a few days since, consisting of more than a hundred persons. As they brought a considerable quantity of furs and provisions, they were able to purchase a large supply of spirits for several days, and of course continued drinking, until their means were exhausted. During this period. 104 HARMON'S JOURNAL. one of the Assiniboins stabbed one of the Crees. The wound, however, is not thought to be mortal. The injury has been atoned for, therefore, by a horse, presented by the aggressor, to the wounded Indian ; and now, they appear to be as great friends, as they were before the quarrel took place. It is a common thing among all the Na- tives, for an offender to offer property in satisfaction for an injury; and when this is accepted by the injured party, contention between them entirely ceases. Even murder is, sometimes, in this way, atoned for; but not commonly. In ordinary cases, nothing but the death of the murderer, or of some of his near relations, will satisfy the desire of revenge in an Indian, whose relative has been murdered. Wednesday, April 10. On the 24th ult. I set out on horse back, accompanied by one man, for Montague a la Basse. When we arrived there, we were not a little surprised to find the fort gates shut, and about eighty tents of Crees and Assiniboins encamped in a hostile manner, around it, and threatening to massacre all the white people in it. They, in a menacing manner, threw balls over the palisades, and told our people to gather them up, declaring that they would proba- bly have use for them in the course of a few days. After having passed several days there, I set out to return home. Just as I had gotten out of the fort gate, three vil- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 105 lainous Indians approached me, and- one of them seized my horse by the bridle and stopped him, saying, that the beast belonged to him, and that he would take him from me. I told him that he had disposed of him to Mr. Chaboillez, who had charge of the post ; and that of this gentleman, I had purchased him, and that I had no concern with the matter, which was wholly between him and Mr. Chaboillez. Perceiving, however, that he was determined not to let go of the bridle, I gave him a smart blow on his hand, with the butt end of my whip, which consisted of a deer's horn, and instantly striking my horse, I caused him to spring forward, and leave the Indian behind. Find- ing myself thus clear of this fellow, I con- tinued my rout ; but he with one of his com- panions, followed us nearly half of the day, if not longer. After this length of time we saw no more of them. Apprehensive, how- ever, that they might fall upon us in our encampment at night, and steal our horses, and probably massacre us, after it became dark, we went a Httle out of the path, and laid ourselves down ; but we dared not make a fire, lest the light or the smoke should discover the place where we were. On my return, I passed four days agree- ably, at Riviere qui Apelle, in the company of a number of gentlemen, whom I found there. On leaving that place, I was obliged to cross the river, and at this late season, 106 HAKMON'S JOURNAL. the ice was bad. My horse, while I was on him, fell through the ice twice, and the last time, I came very near passing under it ; but a kind Providence once more, granted me deliverance. While at Montague a la Basse, Mr. Cha- boillez, induced me to consent to undertake a long and arduous tour of discovery. I am to leave that place, about the beginning of June, accompanied by six or seven Cana- dians, and by two or three Indians. The first place, at which we shall stop, will be the Mandan Village, on the Missouri River. Thence, we shall steer our course towards the Rocky Mountain, accompanied by a num- ber of the Mandan Indians, who proceed in that direction every spring, to meet and trade with another tribe of Indians, who reside on the other side of the Rocky Moun- tain. It is expected that we shall return from our excursion, in the month of November next. IThis journey, I never undertook; for soon after the plan of it was settled, my health became so much impaired, that I was under the necessity of proceeding to Head Quarters, to procure medical assistance. A Mr. La Rocque attempted to make this tour ; but went no farther than the Mandan Village.] Thursday, 18. We are packing our furs, in order to send them to the general ren- dezvous ; and a few days hence, I shall aban- don this fort, and the Indians in this vicinity HARMON'S JOURNAL. 107 will go either into the region of Riviere qui Apelle, or up the Sisiscatchwin River, near Fort des Prairies. Sunday, May 5. We are now about three leagues below Alexandria, which place we abandoned on the 28th ult. All our prop- erty is on board of boats; but some of us travel horse-back. As it has not rained since the last Autumn, the water in the river is uncommonly low, on account of which, our boats make but poor progress. As we have a pit saw with us, I have directed some of my people to go into the woods, and saw a sufficient quantity of boards, to construct another boat, by means of which, we may reduce the loading, in those that we now possess. Wednesday, 8. Riviere qui Apelle. On the 6th Mr. Goedike and several other persons with myself, left our boats, and proceeded on horse-back. As the fire has passed over the plains, this spring, it was with difficulty that we could find grass, sufficient for the subsistence of our horses. Monday, 20. Montagne a la Basse. Here I have been waiting ever since the 15th for the arrival of our boats. They arrived this afternoon. Monday, 27. Riviere a la Souris, or Mouse River. This is about fifty miles from Mon- tagne a la Basse. Here are three estab- lishments, formed severally by the North West, X. Y. and Hudson Bay companies. 108 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Last evening, Mr. Chaboillez invited the people of the other two forts to a dance ; and we had a real North West country ball. When three fourths of the people had drunk so much, as to be incapable of walking straightly, the other fourth thought it time to put an end to the ball, or rather bawl. This morning, we were invited to breakfast at the Hudson Bay House, with a Mr. Mc- Kay, and in the evening to a dance. This, however, ended more decently, than the one of the preceding evening. It is now more than fifty years, since a French missionary left this place. He had, as I am informed, resided here, during a number of years, for the purpose of instruct- ing the Natives in the Christian religion. He taught them some short prayers, in the French language, the whole of which some of them have not yet forgotten. The surrounding country consists chiefly of plains; and the soil appears to be richer, than that which is farther up the river. Tuesday, 30. In the morning, I left Mouse River ; and I have with me upwards of forty men, in five boats and seven canoes. Saturday, June 1. We are now a little below what was called the Pine Fort. It is twenty years since this fort was built, and eleven since it was abandoned. This River is now so low, arising from the fact that we have had no rain this spring, and we have such a number of boats and canoes, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 109 that we drive the sturgeon upon the sand banks, where there is but httle water ; and we have no difficulty in kilHng any number of them, that we please. We now subsist entirely on these fish ; and they are excellent food. Thursday, 13. Portage la Prairie, or Plain Portage, Here the North West com- pany have a miserable fort, the local situa- tion of which, is beautiful, beyond any thing that I have seen in this part of the world. Opposite the fort, there is a plain, which is about sixty miles long, and from one to ten broad, in the whole extent of which, not the least rise of ground is visible.— To this place, the Natives resort every spring, to take and dry sturgeon. Saturday, 15. We are now encamped un- der a beautiful range of oaks, which sepa- rate the river from a pretty extensive plain. Ever since we left Mouse Kiver, the soil on each side of the Upper Red River, down which we are passing, appears to be excellent, and the timber is very different from what it is near its source. We here find oak, elm, wal- nut, basswood, «fec. and I am informed that there are grapes and plums in this vicinity. Tuesday, 18. Not far from the place where we are now encamped, there is a con- siderably large camp of Sauteux. Among them I saw another of my unfortunate coun- trymen, who, like one of whom I have already spoken, was taken from his parents, when a child. Thus, has many a fond 110 HARMON'S JOURNAL. mother, in the frontier settlements, been de- prived of her beloved and tender offspring, — but this fellow is lost, beyond recovery, for he now speaks no other language, but that of the Indians, among whom he re- sides, and he has adopted all their manners and customs; and it would now be as difficult to reconcile him to the habits of civilized life, as it would be, were he a real Indian. Wednesday, 19. The Forks. At this place the Upper and Lower Red Rivers, form a junction. The country around is pleasant, the soil appears to be excellent, and it is tolerably well timbered with oak, basswood, walnut, elm, poplar, aspin, birch, &c. Grape vines and plum trees are also seen. Friday, 21. We are now encamped at the place, where the Red River enters the Great Winipick Lake. It is now nearly five years since I passed this place, which, at first thought, seems but a moment. But when I deliberately recollect the scenes through which I have passed, during that space of time, it seems as if I had passed the greater part of my days in this country. Monday, 24. We are now at the entrance of Winipick River, into the Lake of the same name. We, here, find a number of people, who are from their respective winter quar- ters, and who, like ourselves, are on their way to the New Fort. HARMON'S JOURNAL. Ill Friday, July 5. Rainy Lake. On the margin of the waters, which connect this lake with the Great Winipick Lake, the wild rice is found, of which I have spoken on a former occasion. This useful grain is pro- duced in no other part of the North West Country ; though Carver erroneously states, that it is found every where. It grows in water, about two feet deep, where there is a rich muddy bottom. It rises more than eight feet above the water; and, in appear- ance bears a considerable resemblance to oats. It is gathered about the latter end of Sep- tember, in the following manner. The Natives pass in among it in canoes. Each canoe has in it two persons, one of whom is In .each end, with a long hooked stick, in one hand, and a straight one in the other. With the hooked stick, he brings the heads of the grain over the canoe, and holds it there; while, with the other, he beats it out. When the canoe is thus sufficiently loaded, it is taken to the shore and emptied. This mode of gathering the wild rice, is evidently more simple and convenient, than that which was practised in Carver's day. This grain is gathered in such quantities, in this region, that in ordinary seasons, the North West Company purchase, annually, from twelve to fifteen hundred bushels of it, from the Natives; and it constitutes a principal arti- cle of food, at the posts in this vicinity. I have here received letters from my friends 112 HARMON'S JOURNAL. in Yermont, which left them in April last; and which have, as usual, afforded me much satisfaction. Saturday, 6. Rainy Lake. We are about ten miles from the fort, on this lake; and have been encamped, during the greater part of the day, in order that our people may repair their canoes; for they will soon be obliged to transport them over a number of long portages. Monday, 8. Cross Lake. Here we meet several canoes which, about the beginning of May last, left Montreal, that have goods on board, which will be carried in them to the Rainy Lake fort, and will thence be transported to Athabasca. — At this lake, we leave the route which leads to the old Grand Portage. Tuesday, 9. During the whole of this day, we have been crossing small lakes, and coming down what deserve the name of brooks, rather than rivers. — We have met eight canoes, on their way to the Rainy Lake. Friday, 12. The Plain Portage. In the former part of the day, we met, A. N. Mc- Leod, Esq. who is now from the New Fort, on his way back to Athabasca. We went on shore, and took breakfast with him. He has taken with him my friend Mr. F. Goe- dike, a young man possessed of a good understanding, and a humane and generous heart, who has been with me for four years HARMON'S JOURNAL. 113 past, and from whom I could not separate, without regret. Saturday, July 13. Overtook the Swan Kiver people, and entered Nipignon River, which is nearly ten rods broad. This and Dog's river, excepting a few carrying places, on account of rapids and falls, will carry us to the New Fort. The land in this vicinity is low, and in many places, it is swampy. There are few animals in this region, ex- cepting moose, bears, and a few beavers and martins. This is the rout, by which the French, in former times, passed into the interiour. The Indians in this quarter, are a few Sauteux and Muscagoes. The lat- ter, come from towards Hudson's Bay. Sunday, 14. Dog's Portage, which is about three miles over. After coming down Nipignon River, which is nearly fifty miles long, we entered the Dog's Lake, which may be about forty miles in circumference, and by crossing which, we arrived at this place. Monday, 15. The Mountain Portage. Here the water falls perpendicularly, about seventy feet. The North West company have here a store house, to which they send pro- visions, &c., from the New Fort, as the river from this to that place is generally shallow, and is full of rapids. Those, therefore, who are going into the interiour, cannot take a full load, until they arrive at this place ; and here they usually take their supply of pro- visions. 114 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Tuesday, 16. New Fort, or, as it is called by tlie Natives, Ka-mi-ni-ti-qui-a, is built on the bank of Dog Eiver, which is a consider- able stream, that empties into Lake Supe- riour, about four or five hundred rods below the fort. The vessel that runs on that lake, can come, with a part of her lading, quite up to the quay, before the fort. Here the French, before the English conquered Canada, had an establishment. We here meet a number of gentlemen, some of whom came this summer from Montreal, and others from different parts of the Li- teriour. There are also here, one thousand labouring men, the greater part of whom, are Canadians, who answer better in this coun- try, for the service required by the Company, than any other people would probably do. The country, for some considerable dis- tance round, is covered with heavy timber, consisting of a kind of red pine, poplar, aspin, birch, cedar, &c., but the soil does not appear to be of the first quality. Potatoes, pease, oats, &c., however, grow tolerably well here. Monday, 22. I have passed several days, not unpleasantly, in the company of a num- ber of young gentlemen. They now begin, however, to leave this, to return to their winter quarters ; and to-morrow, I expect to depart, and to proceed for Fort des Prairies. As there will be two other young gentlemen in the same brigade, whom I know to be HARMON'S JOURNAL. 115 sociable and pleasant companions, I expect to have a pleasant passage to my winter quarters. Wednesday, August 28. During nearly a month past we have been coming through a country, which I have already described. We are now at the Grand Rapid, where the Sisiscatchwin River disembogues into the north west part of Great Lake Winipick. This is a noble stream, about two hundred fathoms broad. Thursday, September 5. Cumberland House. This fort stands on the north side of a considerable lake, called by the Natives, who in this vicinity are Muscagoes, Sturgeon Lake. The sturgeon are found in consider- able plenty, in this lake. This post was es- tablished, thirty three years since, by Mr. Joseph Frobisher. At this place, the people who are destined to Fort des Prairies, and those who are proceeding to Athabasca, sep- arate. The former go up the Sisiscatchwin River, and the latter up the English River The latter, is so called, in honour of Mr. Joseph Frobisher, an Englishman, who was the first trader that ever went into that part of the country.— On the 30th ultimo, we crossed Lac Bourbon, which is about forty miles long, on which the North West Com- pany had a fort, formerly ; but it was aban- doned, in 1802. There are few mountains or hills to be seen, between this place and Lake Winipick. The country has a pretty heavy 116 HARMON'S JOURNAL. growth of timber, and the soil is rich. In the lakes and rivers of this region, excellent fish are taken, such as sturgeon, white-fish, cat- fish, pike, pickerel, «&c. This country abounds in fowls, among which are swans, bustards, geese, and many kinds of ducks. Moose are found in considerable plenty ; there are a few black bears, otters, muskrats and martins; and rarely, a beaver is found. Saturday, September 21. South Branch Fort. This is about one hundred and twenty miles above the Fork, or the place where this river forms a junction with the North Branch, after which, it assumes the name of Sisis- catchwin River. Both branches take their rise in the Rocky Mountain, though at a dis- tance of several hundred miles from each other. The South Branch passes through large plains ; but the country through which the other runs is woody, particularly on the north side. From Cumberland House to the Fork, the country on both sides of the river is covered with wood. In these woods, and the small plains that are here and there scat- tered among them, moose, red deer, &c., are to be found. This fort was put up the last summer, and two stores were built ; but the dwelling houses are still to be constructed.— I am informed that buffaloes are in plenty within half a day's march from this. There are four tribes of Indians, who come to trade at this estab- lishment. They are the Crees, Assiniboins, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 117 Sauteux and Muscagoes. A few also of the Black feet Indians resort here. In coming up this river, we saw many places, where forts have stood, some of which were abandoned thirty years since, and some at a later period. One, which was situated about six miles below this, was abandoned fifteen years since, on account of an attack from the Rapid Indians. The following cir- cumstances, in regard to that affair, were related to me by Mons. Louis Chattellain, who, at that time, had charge of the fort. The Hudson Bay Company had a fort in the same, neighbourhood, which was first at- tacked, by about one hundred and fifty Indians on horse back; and the few people who were in it, excepting one man, who secreted himself, were killed. After they had taken out of the fort all the property which they could conveniently carry away with them, they set fire to the fort, and proceeded to the establishment of the North West Com- pany, which was two hundred rods distant from that of Hudson Bay people, with the intention of treating it in a similar manner. The fort gates had providentially, been shut, previously to the approach of the In- dians. There were in the fort, three men, and several women and children. The men took their stations in the block houses and bas- tions ; and vfhen the Natives had come suffi- ciently near, fired upon them. The Indians, instantly returned the fire; and the contest 118 HARMON'S JOURNAL. continued, until the night approached. The savage assailants, having had several of their party killed, and others severely wounded, while the people in the fort had sustained no injury, thought it best to retreat ; and after dragging their dead and dying into the river, they retired. But Mr. Chattellain did not think it prudent to remain there any longer. Accordingly, the day following, they em- barked all their property on board of several canoes, and proceeded down the river, about two hundred miles, where they commenced building another fort. The only object of the Indians, in attacking these forts^ was plunder. Mr. William Smith and myself, together with fifteen labouring men, &c. are to pass the winter here; and a few hundred paces from us, the Hudson Bay people have a fort. Thursday, October 10. This day, a Cana- dian's daughter, a girl of about fourteen years of age, was offered to me; and after mature consideration, concerning the step which I ought to take, I have finally con- cluded to accept of her, as it is customary for all gentlemen who remain, for any len^h of time, in this part of the world, to have a female companion, with whom they can pass their time more socially and agreeably, than to live a lonely life, as they must do, if single. If w^e can live in harmony together, my intention now is, to keep her as long as I remain in this uncivilized part of the HARMON'S JOURNAL. 119 world ; and when I return to my native land, I shall endeavour to place her under the protection of some honest man, with whom she can pass the remainder of her days in this country, much more agreeably, than it would be possible for her to do, were she to be taken down into the civilized world, to the manners, customs and language of which, she would be an entire stranger. Her mother is of the tribe of the Snare Indians, whose country lies along the Rocky Mountain. The girl is said to have a mild disposition and an even temper, which are qualities very nec- essary to make an agreeable woman, and an affectionate partner. Thursday, November 7. The river froze over the last night; but we have yet had but little snow. Saturday, March 15, 1806. This evening the northern express arrived ; and I am sorry to learn that no letters have come from Athabasca, this season. This failure is owing to the great depth of snow in that quarter. — Buffaloes have been found in plenty, within a few miles of the fort, during the whole winter. Tuesday, 25. The snow is chiefly dis- solved. We have sent four men, about a day's march from this, to make sugar. Saturday, April 19. The greater part of our Indians have gone to wage war upon the Rapid Indians, their inveterate enemies, with whom they frequently patch up a peace, 120 HARMON'S JOURNAL. wHich, however, is generally of short con- tinuance. Monday, 28. This afternoon, the ice in this river broke up. — A few days since, a small war party of the Rapid Indians came and killed several Assiniboins, who were en- camped within fifteen miles of our fort. They also stabbed an old woman in several places, and scalped her, who, notwithstanding, is still alive, and, to appearance, likely to re- cover of her wounds. Monday, June 2. Last evening, Messrs. J. Hughes and Alexander Stewart came here, on horse back, from the North Branch) which passes within fifteen miles from this. There, they left their canoes and people; and on their return, they will continue their rout to the New Fort.— Mr. Smith and my- self, if providence permit, are to pass the summer at this place, where we have three interpreters, four labouring men, and a num- ber of women and children. As my com- panion is a sensible, well informed and so- ciable young man, I hope to pass my time both pleasantly and profitably. Friday, August 8. Six Assiniboins have arrived, and inform us, that about eighty tents of Crees and Assiniboins, with about as many of the Black feet Indians, were on their way to wage war with the Rapid In- dians, their common enemy. But the two former tribes quarrelled, in their march, re- specting a horse, which they both claimed, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 121 and which neither would relinquish. This circumstance occasioned a battle between them, which lasted during a day, in which twenty five of the Black feet Indians, and three of the Assiniboins, were killed. This put an end to the expedition, for this season. Wednesday, September 3. Two men have arrived from Cumberland House, situated on Sturgeon Lake, who have brought me letters from my friends below, which com- municate the melancholy intelligence, that my father, after a severe illness of but a few weeks, expired, on the 25th of June, 1805. The protector and guide of my youth, whom I revered and loved, I shall never more see in this world. It would have af- forded me inexpressible satisfaction, could I have seen and conversed with him, previously to his departure. But "the Judge of the earth has done right," and "his will be done." I am not left to mourn, under this severe bereavement, without consolation ; for his christian character and profession, afford the comfortable hope, that he has ceased to sin and to suffer, and now participates in blessedness, such as this miserable world can- not afford. May his pious example stimu- late me, and his other children, to follow him in the path which conducts to a better world. I have also received letters from Mr. A. N. McLeod, and Mr. J. McDonald, which in- 122 HARMON'S JOURNAL. form me, that I am to pass the ensuing winter at Cumberland House, for which place, I shall leave this, a few days hence. Thursday, September 11. Cumberland House. I arrived here this afternoon, and find Messrs. J. Hughes, and David Thomp- son, &c. who have just arrived from the New Fort, and who are on their way to Fort des Prairies. The Hudson Bay people have a fort within a hundred rods of ours, in the charge of Mr. Peter Fidler. Wednesday, 17. Sent Mons. Peras and company, with a small assortment of goods, to go and pass the winter at Moose Lake, which is situated about two days' march from this, and nearly west from Lake Winni- pick. The Lidians, who resort to this estab- lishment, are Sauteux and Muscagoes. Moose and black bears are pretty abundant in this vicinity; and a few beavers are found. We subsist principally upon sturgeon and white fish, which we take out of the lake. Geese and bustards are numerous, in the fall and spring. The surrounding country is very low and level, so that, at some seasons, much of it is overflowed. This accounts for the periodical influx and reflux of the water, between this lake and the Sisiscatchwin River, which are distant six miles. Friday, October 3. Hudson Bay people, in three canoes, have just arrived from York Factory. They bring late news from Eng- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 123 land; and inform us, that war continues to rage as much as ever, on the continent of Europe. Friday, 24. We have now about four inches of snow; and, the last night, the greater part of this lake froze over.— I have sent people to the other side of this lake to fish for sturgeon, which will weigh from ten to one hundred pounds. They are taken in spread nets, which is the manner in which we generally take all kinds of fish, in this country. Some kinds, however, such as trout, cat fish and pike, we at times take, by set- ting hooks and lines. Friday, January 30, 1807. Two of the Hudson Bay people arrived from Fort des Prairies, who were so obliging as to bring me letters from several gentlemen in that quarter. The greater part of the North West and Hudson Bay people, live on ami- cable terms; and when one can with pro- priety render a service to the other, it is done with cheerfulness. Sunday, April 5. The ice in the Sisiscatch- win river, is broken up ; and the great quan- tity of snow which has recently been dis- solved, has caused that river to rise so high, as to give another course to a small river, which generally takes its water out of this lake, but which now runs into it. Saturday, May 23. This lake is free from ice; and we have planted potatoes, and sowed our garden seeds.— Geese have returned 124 HARMON'S JOURNAL. from the south, and we now have them in plenty. Saturday, 30. Mr. John McDonald and others, in seven canoes, have just arrived from Fort des Prairies, and are on their way to the New Fort. Sunday, June 7. Grand Bapid. On the 1st inst. Mr. John McDonald, myself and other people, in seven canoes and one boat, left Cumberland House and arrived here, on the 15th, where we have ever since been, stopped by the ice in Lake Winnipick, which is not yet broken up. — We here spwar as many sturgeon as we please, as they are going up or down the rapid, which is about six miles in length. Monday, 8. Lake Winnipick. The last night there arose a strong north west wind, which broke up the ice, and drove it to the north east part of the lake. We, therefore, embarked this morning, and have sailed all day. Tuesday, 16. White River. In the morn- ing we left the fort, at the entrance of Lake Winnipick River, and this afternoon, Mr. A. N. McLeod and company, from Athabasca, overtook us. With this gentleman, to whom I am under many obligations, I am happy to spend an evening, after so long a sepa- ration. Saturday, July 4. New Fort. Once more, I have arrived at the general rendezvous, and find myself among my friends and ac- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 125 quaintances, from different parts of the coun- try.— Here I have received letters from my friends below, which inform me of their health and reasonable prosperity. It is a great satisfaction thus to hear from them; but this satisfaction would be greatly increased, could I be permitted to see and converse with them. Although the seven years, for which I was under an engagement to the North West Company, have now expired, I cannot with the least degree of propriety, as I think, gratify the ardent desire which I have of seeing my friends, by going down this year. And when the happy time will come, that I shall visit them, God only knows. It is trying to a person who has the least affection for his friends, to be separated from them, for such a series of years, in such a savage country. My duty and happiness, however, require that I endeavour to make the best of my situation. Notwithstanding the bad examples which we daily witness, a person can be as virtuous in this, as in any other part of the world. True it is, if a per- son were here to lead a really religious life, he would find but few associates, who would directly encourage him in his course. But this is in a great measure true in every part of the world. Sunday, July 19. This, which was former- ly called the New Fort, is now named Fort William, in honour of William McGilvray, Esq. the head agent of the North West Com^ 126 HARMON'S JOURNAL. pany. At the time of giving this name, the Company made a present to their Voyagers, of a considerable quantity of spirits, shrub, &c. and also a similar present to the Indians, encamped about the fort. As I am still in ill health, I shall pass the winter with Doctor McLaughlin, at Sturgeon Lake, in the department of Nipigon, which lies to the north west from this. Saturday, 2b. This afternoon, in company with three canoes, I left Fort William; and we are now encamped on an island, in Lake Superiour. Monday, August 3. First long Portage in the Xipigon Road. We yesterday, sepa- rated from Messrs. Chaboillez and Leith, who have gone to winter at the Pic and Michip- cotton ; and to day, we left Lake Superiour, and have come up a small river. Tuesday, 4. South west end of Lake Xipi- gon. This lake is said to be one hundred and fifty miles in length, and from one, to twenty, broad. Trout are here taken, supe- riour to those that are found in any other part of the North West country, which will weigh upwards of seventy pounds, and are of an excellent quality. — The country through which we have passed in coming to this place from Lake Superiour, is rocky and contains but little wood, of any kind. Whortleberries are found in plenty. Friday, 7. Fort Duncan, at the north end of Lake Xipigon. The surrounding country HARMON'S JOURNAL. 127 is very rough ; but where the ground is arable the soil appears to be good. — Moose and carriboo are found in this vicinity ; and there are, also, a few black bears, beavers, otters, muskrats, martins, &c. Great numbers of white fish are taken out of the lake, par- ticularly in the fall of the year. These are hung up by their tails, in the open air, and are preserved good, in a frozen state, during the winter. Most people prefer those that have been thus kept, to fish that are taken immediately out of the water. Sunday, 9. In the morning, we sent off three canoes, and in the after part of the day, some of the people returned, with the melancholy intelligence, that one of their companions was drowned, in going up a small rapid. The canoe overset, and most of the property on board, was lost. The other persons, who were in it, saved them- selves by swimming to the shore. Thursday, 13. In the morning, Mr. Hol- dane, the Doctor and myself, with our com- pany, left fort Duncan, where Mr. R. Mc- Kenzie will pass the ensuing winter. There, also, we separated from two Messrs. Camer- ons, whose route is northward, towards Hud- son's Bay. Our course is nearly south west. Monday, 24. Portage du Fort, or Stur- geon Lake. Here, we arrived, yesterday ; and this morning, Mr. Holdane and his com- pany left us, to continue their route to Red Lake. The Doctor and I, with our company, 128 HARMON'S JOURNAL. shall leave this tomorrow, to go and build at the other end of this lake, which may be about forty miles long, and from one to five broad. — The country through which we have passed, since we left Fort Duncan, is low and level; no mountains, or even hills, are to be seen; in many places it is swampy, and small lakes and ponds and rivers and brooks are numerous. Where the land is dry, the soil appears to be principally a black loam. — This tract of country was formerly well stocked with beavers and otters; but they have now become scarce, as they have been hunted by the Natives, during more than the last hundred years. Moose and carriboo are still considerably numerous, in this region. Tuesday, September 1. Our people are erecting houses for our winter habitations. We now take white fish in considerable num- bers. — The Indians, who frequent this post, are Sauteux and Muscagoes. Saturday, October 3. We sent people to the other end of this lake, to make a fall fishery. They will take white fish, trout, pike, carp, &c., which constitutes the prin- cipal food for those who are in the Nipigon country. In this country, which is at least seven hundred miles long and five or six hundred broad, more people have starved to death, than in all the rest of the Indian country. At this lake, several years since, eleven Canadians lost their lives for want of food. We experience at present, no difficulty HARMON'S JOURNAL. 129 in this respect ; and I am of opinion that the distresses of our predecessors were, in a considerable measure, owing to the want of good management. Monday, November 9. Our people have returned, and inform us, that they have caught only fourteen hundred fish of all de- scriptions. These, however, with what corn, flour, wild rice and meat we have, together with the trout which we hope to take with set hooks and lines, as soon as the lake is frozen over, will, we expect, furnish us with a comfortable subsistence, during the winter. We are in a solitary place, where we see no one, excepting the Natives; and they are few in number, compared with those, among whom I have formerly been. Happily for us, we have a few good books; and in perusing them, we shall pass the greater part of the time. The Doctor, who is of about the same age with myself, is an excellent companion, and fond of conversation; and I trust, that a friendly intercourse will mutually cheer our spirits, and that we shall spend the winter in a manner, that will be both pleasant and profitable. — We have now about four inches of snow, which will probably remain with us through the winter. Sunday, 15. The last night, this lake froze over. Friday, December 4. We now take great numbers of excellent trout from under the ice, with hooks and lines. 9 130 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Early this morning, the woman whom I have taken to reside with me, became the mother of a boy, whom I name George Harmon. Monday, December 28. Doctor McLaugh- lin, accompanied by two Canadians and one of the Natives, has gone to visit Mr. Hol- dane, at Red Lake. Friday, February 19, 1808. The Doctor and company have returned, from their long jaunt; and I am happy in again enjoying his society, after a season of comparative loneliness. Another year of my life is gone, which makes me thirty years of age. This anni- versary leads me to reflect on the rapid flight of time, and the brevity of human life. When I attentively consider these things, it seems surprising that we should encounter so much difficulty and labour in the acquisition of property, which, if it could minister more effectually to our enjoyment than it does, we must very soon relinquish forever. Friday, May 13. The Doctor, with one man in a small canoe, has set off for Fort William, where he will be wanted, as soon as he can arrive, to attend on the sick. Among the great number who visit that rendezvous every summer, there are always some, who need medical aid ; though I firmly believe, that no part of the world is more healthy than this.— The Doctor has not been able to learn, to his satisfaction, what my HARMON'S JOURNAL. 131 complaint is. I think that the medicines, which I have taken, in the course of the win- ter, have been of essential service to me ; and I hope, before long to regain my former state of good health. The Indians of this place have subsisted^ during the greater part of the past winter, upon hares.— There is an old Sauteux woman here, who compels her own son to have criminal intercourse with her. Thursday, June 9. Portage du Fort. Here, we shall wait the arrival of the people of this department ; and we shall then con- tinue our route, with them to Fort WilUam. It is nine months and fifteen days since I passed this place, the last autumn, in going into the country, which evinces that our winter has been long; and I may add too, that it has been dreary. But we have rea- son to be thankful to God, that we have not suffered at all, for the want of the means of subsistence. Wednesda,y,22. Fort Duncan. The people for whom we were waiting at Portage du Fort, arrived on the 12th, and the day following, we set out for this place, which we reached this afternoon. Saturday, 25. Yesterday, we left fort Dun- can, and came to an island in Lake Nipigon, on which we are now encamped, and where we intend to pass a few days, in fishing for trout, which are here in plenty, and are of an excellent quality. 132 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Thursday, July 7. Yesterday morning, I arrived at Fort William, where I had only time to read mj letters from my friends be- low, and answer them, and prepare myself for a long journey. This afternoon I em- barked for Athabasca, in company with Mr. J. G. McTavish; and both of us are to re- main at the place of our destination, for three years, at least. Wednesday, 20. Rmny Lake. We here find all the Athabasca people, excepting one brigade, which is expected daily. Saturday, 22. Ever since my arrival here, we have been busily employed in pre- paring to leave this place, for our winter quarters. Tuesday, 26. Rainy Lake River. In the morning, I left the fort in company with Mr. Archibald McGillivray. Our brigade con- sists of ten canoes. Friday, 29. Portage de Ulsle, in Winni- pick River. In the morning, we met Mr. David Thomson ' and company from the Columbia River. Monday, August 1. Lake Winnipick. This morning, we arrived at the fort on this lake, where we remained until noon. While there, I wrote to my old friend Mr. William Henry, who is at the Lower Red River. I also received a letter from him, in which he in- forms me, that his fort was attacked this summer, by a considerable party of Sieux. Two shots, from cannon in the block houses, HARMON'S JOURNAL. - US however, caused them to retire, in doing which, they threatened that they would be- fore long, return and make another attempt to take the fort. — The Sieux are a numerous tribe of Indians, who are scattered over a large tract of land, that lies between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers ; and they are said to be the greatest villains, in this part of the world. They are the same tribe that Carver distinguishes, by the name of Naudo- wesseis. Saturday, 6. Grand Rapid, at the north west end of Lake Winnipick. The wind has been high, during the day ; and in the latter part of it, one of our canoes filled with water. Happily, it was near an island, when this disaster happened. The people were, how- ever, under the necessity of throwing a part of their property overboard. We find here Mons. Perigne, who was for- merly a clerk to the North West Company, but who, as he informs me, has lately been to Canada, and has come up on his own account. He has brought up a few goods, to enable him to carry on a small traffick with the Natives. He, also, intends, occasion- ally to hunt the beaver, &c., himself. But I am convinced, that, at this great distance from the place of market for furs, the trade cannot be profitably carried on, unless it be done on a large scale, which requires a greater capital than an individual can em- bark in this undertaking. The experiment 134 HARMON'S JOURNAL. has been made, in a number of instances; and it has uniformly failed. Friday, 12. Cumberland House. From this place, I shall take a route, which I have never before travelled. Saturday, IS. Entrance of River Maligne, or Bad Eiver. This is a considerable river, which runs into Sturgeon Lake. Sunday, 14. Beaver Lake. The greater part of the day, we have employed in com- ing up the river last mentioned, which, through its whole course, has a continual succession of rapids. The country around is low, and the timber, like that of the North West country generally, is small. Tuesday, 16. Pelican Lake. Most of the day has been passed in crossing Lac Mar- tin. Wednesday, 17. Portage du Forte de Traite, or Trading Fort Portage. This was so named, from a circumstance which occurred here, thirty four years since. Mr. Joseph Frobisher and company, who were the first traders who ever came into this quarter, here met a large band of Natives, whose canoes were loaded with furs, which they were taking to York Factory, at Hudson's Bay. He succeeded in bartering his goods for their furs, which amounted to more than he could take to headquarters, the next sea- son. He therefore built a fort, and, with his people passed several winters here; and at that time, it was the most northern post, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 135 belonging either to the North West, or the Hudson Bay Company. All the waters from this side of the port- age, pass through Lake Winnipick, and finally fall into Hudson's Bay, at York Fac- tory. But, on the other side of the portage, which is about half a mile over, the stream, which is called Mis-sin-ni-pi or Great River, runs in a different direction, and enters Hud- son's Bay, at Churchill Factory, which is the most northern post belonging to the Hudson Bay Company. The river last mentioned, is called, by the Hudson Bay people, Church- ill River, and by the people from Canada, English River. Thursday, August 18. This afternoon we obtained some dried meat from the Natives, which we find much more palatable than the salted provisions, on which we have subsisted, ever since we left Fort William. In the In- teriour we never make use of salted pro- visions; not, however, for want of salt, which is found in most parts of the country, and which can be obtained in plenty, at all our establishments. Tuesday, 23. Isle a la Cross Lake. Ever since we left Portage du Forte de Traite, we have been in what may with propriety, be called the English River, though it passes through several small lakes; and in this river, our way has been obstructed by thirty six portages. Thursday, 25. Isle la Cross fort. This 136 HARMON'S JOURNAL. fort stands on the north side of the lake of the same name, is well built and has at- tached to it an excellent kitchen garden. Out of the lake, the best of white fish are taken, during the whole jear; and it is the only place in this country, in which these fish can be taken, at all seasons.— The In- dians who come to this establishment, are Chippewyans, in considerable numbers, and a few Crees. I am informed that there are, in this vicinity, many moose and cariboo, and a few black bears, beavers, otters, cats, &c. The country is low; and scarcely any mountains are to be seen. Tueschiy, 30. East end of Portage la Loche, or Loach Portage. This is so named, from a neighbouring lake, where these fish are taken, in abundance. This portage is twelve miles over; and across it, the people are obliged to transport both canoes and lading. The road, however, is excellent, through a level country, thinly wooded with cypress. In coming here from Isle la Cross, we have passed two considerable lakes, and come up a small river, which is between those lakes. The country through which we have passed, is generally level, and the soil is tolerably good. The streams, before we cross this portage, discharge themselves into Hudson's Bay at Churchill Factory; but afterward, the water, after passing through Athabasca, Great Slave, and other lakes, enters the North Sea. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 137 Sajturday, September 3. North west end of Portage la Loche. We here find a small band of Chippewyans, who assist our people in transporting our property across the port- age, and who supply us with provisions, which we very much need, since our former stock is nearly exhausted. About a mile from this end of the portage is a hill, which towers majestically, to the height of a thousand feet, above the plain below; and which commands a most exten- sive and delightful prospect. Two lofty and extensive ridges, enclose a valley, about three miles in width, which stretches, far as the eye can reach. The Little Kiver, which is, also, by different persons, denominated Swan, Clear water, or Pelican River, winds, in a most delightful manner, along this charming valley. The majestick forests, which wave upon these ridges, the delightful verdure of the intervening lawn, and the beautiful stream, which wanders along through it, giving a pleasing variety to the scene, until these objects become blended with the hori- zon, form, on the whole, the most delightful, natural scenery, that I ever beheld. Sun del J, 4. In the morning, we left the Portage; and are now in Little Athabasca River; which is about twenty rods wide. Tuesday, 6. We are now in the Great Athabasca River, which is about three quar- ters of a mile in breadth. In the early part of the day, we passed the Fork, where Little 138 HAKMON"S JOUENAL. Athabasca river and Bed deer, or as some call it, Elk river, form a junction.— At a small distance from Portage la Loche, the naviga- tion of the river is interrupted by several carrying places, in about the middle of which,, are some mineral springs, that are evidently impregnated with sulphur, as appears by the incrustations on their margins. At about twenty miles from the Fork, several bitu- minous fountains are found, into which a pole of twenty feet in length, may be plunged, without the least resistance. The bitumen, which is in a fluid state, is mixed with gum, or the resinous substance collected from the spruce fir, and is used for gumming canoes. WTien heated, it emits a smell, like that of sea coal.— There are some places, along this river, which are of many miles in extent, where there is scarcely a tree standing. They were killed by the fire, and were then thrown down by the winds. At these places, a few buffaloes, moose and cariboo, are found. Wednesdaj^, 7. Fort Chippewvmi. This fort stands on a rocky point, at the south western end of Athabasca Lake, or, as some call it, the Lake of the Hills.— This is the general rendezvous for all Athabasca. Here the goods are set apart for all the different posts, in this extensive department; and to this place, the greater number of persons who have the charge of these posts, come every fall, to receive their merchandise from those, who have brought it from the Rainy HARMON'S JOURNAL. 139 Lake.— This place is in N. Lat. 58° 40' and W. Long. 111°. A few Crees, and a greater number of Chippewyans, resort to this estabUshment. The latter tribe were accustomed, formerly, to take their furs to Churchill Factory, at Hudson's Bay. They were, generally, six months in performing the journey; and many of them have actually starved to death, on their return home, as the country through which they passed, is almost destitute of game. — This lake is, in no part of it, more than fifteen miles wide; but it is, at least, two hundred miles long, and extends east- wardly, toward Churchill Factory. About sixty miles from this, down Slave Kiver, there are several places, where almost any quantity of excellent, clean, white salt may be taken, with as much ease, as sand, along the sea shore. From these places, the greater part of the North West is supplied with this valuable article. The country around this place, is low and level, and, in the spring of the year, much of it is covered with water. A few moose are found, in this vicinity; but, the fish of the lake form the principal dependence for food, and they are abundant, and of an excellent quality.— Every fall and spring, bustards and geese are found in greater numbers, than in any other part of the North West. Wednesday, 21. Ever since my arrival in this place, people, from almost every corner 140 HARMON'S JOURNAL. of this extensive department, have been flocking in, some of whom are from more than a thousand miles down McKenzie's River, which is nearlv north west from this. Others are from Great Slave Lake and Peace River. Mr. Simon Frazer has just returned from the Pacific Ocean. The last spring, ac- companied by two other gentlemen, twelve Canadians, and two of the Natives, he set out from New Caledonia, on the west side of the Rocky Mountain, on this tour. Mr. Frazer states, that his party met with some ill treatment from the Indians who live along the sea coast, but that they were hospitably received by those who reside farther up the country. The Indians in that quarter, he says, are less scattered than those who live on this side of the Rocky Mountain, and reside, not in tents, but in houses or huts, constructed of wood. He also reports, that the country through which they passed, is far from being well stocked with beavers, or any other kind of animals; and that the Natives subsist principally upon fish. Thursday, 22. This afternoon, in com- pany with a number of persons, in several canoes, I left Fort Chippewyan; and, after coming two miles in Athabasca Lake, we en- tered a small river, which is about thirty six miles long, and which now runs out of that Lake into Peace river; but, when this river is high, it discharges itself into the Lake. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 141 Friday, 23. Peace River. This river is about seventy rods in breadth, and has a gentle current. It rises on the west side of the Rocky Mountain, at the distance of nearly a thousand miles from this. Below this, it assumes the name of Slave River; and, after a course of one hundred and forty or fifty miles, it discharges itself into Great Slave Lake. Sunday, October 2. Fort Vermillion. To this post, great numbers of Beaver Indians bring their furs; and there are a few Iro- quois, also, from Canada, who hunt in this vicinity. — About sixty miles below this, where the river is about thirty rods wide, there is a fall, of about twenty feet. Through the whole course, from this fall, nearly to the Rocky Mountain, at a little distance from the river, on each side, there are plains of considerable extent, which afford pasture for numerous herds of the buffaloe, the red deer or elk, and a few moose. Great numbers of black bears are found, that feed on the berries, which are abundant on the hills, on both sides of the river. Friday, 7. Encampment island Fort. This place is, also established, for the purpose of trading with the Beaver Indians. They are the only Indians who live along this noble river, excepting a few Crees, who oc- casionally come to this quarter, from the Lesser Slave Lake. Monday, 10. Bunvegan. This is a well 142 HARMON'S JOURNAL. built fort, pleasantly situated, with plains on each side of the river, in N. Lat. 56° and W. Lon. 119^. About the Fort a number of Iroquois hunters and a band of Beaver Indians, have encamped, who have been waiting our ar- rival, in order to obtain the articles which they need. At this place I expect to pass the ensuing winter. There will, also, be here, Messrs. D. McTavish, J. G. McTavish, J. McGillivray, thirty two labouring men, nine women and several children, which renders this place very different from my solitary abode the last winter. Our principal food will be the flesh of the buffaloe, moose, red deer and bear. We have a tolerably good kitchen garden ; and we are in no fear that we shall want the means of a comfortable subsistence. Wehave,also, a pro- vision for the entertainment and improve- ment of our minds, in a good collection of books. The gentlemen who are to remain with me, are enlightened, sociable and pleas- ant companions; and I hope, therefore, to spend a pleasant and a profitable winter. Friday, 14. This morning, my old friend Mr. F. Goedike, whom I have been happy to meet at this place, left us, with his company, for St. Johns, which is about one hundred and twenty miles up this river, where he is to pass the ensuing winter. Saturday, November 12. About a foot of snow has fallen. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 143 Tuesday, December 20. During the last night, this river froze over; and, at nine o'clock this morning, the thermometer was at 40 degrees below 0. Wednesday, January 4, 1809. Sent the express to the Lesser Slave Lake, which lies about two hundred and fifty miles to the south east from this, whence it will be for- warded to -Fort des Prairies. Wednesday, March 1. A band of our In- dians have come in, who went a considerable distance to the northward, the last autumn, in search of beavers. They state, that where they were, the snow fell to an extraordinary depth, in consequence of which, they suffered greatly for want of provisions. In this vi- cinity, the snow was, at no time, more than two feet and an half deep. Monday, 20. The snow is fast dissolving.— Mr. A. R. McLeod and company, have just arrived from the Encampment Island; and they bring the melancholy intelligence of the death of Mr. Andrew McKenzie, natural son of Sir Alexander McKenzie. He expired at Fort Vermillion, on the 1st inst. The death of this amiable young man, is regretted by all who knew him.— They, also, inform us, that several Canadians have lost their lives by famine, in the vicinity of Great Slave Lake. Those who survived, were under the necessity of subsisting, several days, upon the flesh of their dead companions. It is reported, that one man killed his wife and 144 HARMON'S JOURNAL. child, in order to supply himself with food, who, afterwards, himself starved to death. These Canadians came up into this part of the world, free, to hunt the beaver, &c. and they were at too great a distance from our establishments, to receive any aid from us, until it was too late, for the greater part of them. It is not unfrequently the case, that, the surviving part of a band of the Natives, sub- sist upon the flesh of their dead companions, when compelled to do it for want of other food, sufiicient to sustain life. I know a woman who, it is said ate of no less than fourteen of her friends and relations, during one winter. In the summer season, the In- dians can find food, almost any where; but the case is far otherTvise, when the ground is covered with snow, to the depth of several feet. Wednesday, 22. Sent people to look for birch bark, to make canoes, to take out our returns to the Rainy Lake. The greater part of the canoes, in which we bring our mer- chandise into the country, will not answer to transport our furs below. Thursday, April 6. The weather is mild. The people, whom we sent for bark, have re- turned, with one hundred and eighty fathoms, which will make nine canoes, that will carry about two tons burthen, each. Two men will easily transport one of them on their shoulders, across the portages. HARMON'S JOURNAL. 145 Tuesday, 11. Geese and bustards begin to come from the south. Tuesday, 18. This morning, the ice in this river broke up. Saturday, May 6. The surrounding plains are all on fire.— We have planted our pota- toes, and sowed most of our garden seeds.— Our people are preparing to set out for the Eainy Lake. Thursday, 11. We, yesterday, sent off eleven canoes, loaded with the returns of this place and of St. John's ; and, early this morn- ing, Messrs. D. McTavish, J. G. McTavish, F. Goedike and J. McGillivray, embarked on board of two light canoes, bound for the Rainy Lake and Fort William. But I am to pass the ensuing summer, at this place.— The last winter was, to me, the most agreeable one that I have yet spent in this country. The greatest harmony prevailed among us, the days ghded on smoothly, and the winter passed, almost imperceptibly, away. Tuesday, 16. In the morning, Messrs. Simon Frazer and James McDougall and company, arrived, in four canoes. The former gentleman came from the Rocky Mountain Portage, which is about one hundred and eighty miles, up this River. The later is from New Caledonia, on the west side of the Rocky Mountain, which is distant from this, about four hundred and fifty miles. After passing the most of the day with me, they con- tinued their route toward the Rainy Lake. lO 146 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Friday, June 2. The seeds which we sowed in the garden, have sprung up, and grow re- markably well. The present prospect is, that strawberries, red raspberries, shad ber- ries, cherries, &c., will be abundant, this sea- son. This river since the beginning of May, has risen twelve feet perpendicularly ; and it still continues to rise. This circumstance arises, in part, from the large quantity of rain, which has lately fallen, but more, I presume, from the dissolving of the snow, on and near the Rocky Mountain. Tuesday, 13. An Indian has come here, who says, that one of their chiefs has lately died ; and he requests that we furnish a chief's clothing to be put on him, that he may be decently interred; and, also, that we would supply a small quantity of spirits, for his relations and friends to drink, at his inter- ment; all of which I have sent, for the de- ceased was a friendly Indian. Nothing pleases an Indian better, than to see his deceased relatives, handsomely attired; for he be- lieves that they will arrive in the other world, in the same dress, with which they are clad, when they are consigned to the grave. Wednesday, July 19. A few days since, Mr. John Stuart and company, came here, from New Caledonia, for goods ; and to day, they set out on their return home. During the few days which that gentleman passed here, I derived much satisfaction from his HARMON'S JOURNAL. 147 society. We rambled about the plains, con- versing as we went, and now and then stop- ping, to eat a few berries, which are every where to be found. He has evidently read and reflected much. How happy should I be to have such a companion, during the whole summer. But such is our mode of life in this country, that we meet but seldom ; and the time that we remain together, is short. We only begin to find the ties of friendship, binding us closely together, when we are compelled to separate, not to meet again perhaps for years to come. Baptiste La Fleur, my interpreter, will accompany Mr. Stuart and his men, as far as St. John's, in hopes of obtaining some in- formation respecting his brother, who, it is supposed, was killed by an Indian, the last spring, while on his was from the Rocky Mountain Portage to St. John's. Wednesday, July 19. Baptiste La Fleur has returned from St. Johns, without having been able to obtain the least intelhgence, re- specting his poor brother, and the two In- dians, who were coming down the river, in the same canoe with him. We are, therefore, apprehensive that all three of them have been drowned, in coming down the rapids, as their canoe was made of the bark of the spruce fir tree, and was, therefore, very weak. Friday, 21. We have cut down our bar- ley; and I think it is the finest that I ever 148 HARMON'S JOURNAL. saw in any country. The soil on the points of land, along this river is excellent. The mother of the chief, who died this summer, and who is far advanced in years, now remains in a tent, at the distance of a few rods from the fort. Many of the Natives, of both sexes, when they become old and in- firm, and unable to travel with their rela- tions, who depend upon the chase for sub- sistence, and are frequently moving from place to place, settle down near our fort; and it is easy for us to render them more effectual aid, than their friends could possi- bly afford them. Almost every day. Just as the sun is sink- ing below the horizon, the old lady, above mentioned, goes to the place where her de- ceased son, when alive, was accustomed to encamp, when he came to the fort, and there weeps, and sings a mournful kind of song, of which the following is a translation. "My dear son, come to me ! why do you leave me, my son?" This she repeats for two hours together, in the most plaintive and melancholy tone imaginable. It is customary for the women, among the Beaver Indians, when they lose a near relation, to cut off a joint of one of their fingers ; and, in consequence of so barbarous a custom, we frequently see some of their aged women, who want the first two joints of every finger, on both hands. The men content themselves, on such occasions, by HARMON'S JOURNAL. 149 (Cutting off their hair, close to their heads, and by scratching or cutting their faces and arms, frequently in a most barbarous and shocking manner. The Beaver Indians are a peaceable and quiet people, and, perhaps, the most honest of any, on the face of the earth. Theft is rarely committed among them ; and when one of their tribe is known to have stolen, he is regarded with a detestation, like that w^hich follows a highwayman in civilized countries. Pormerly, their clothing was made of the rskins of the buffaloe, moose, and red deer, and their arms were bows and arrows; but the greater part of them, are now clothed with European goods, and are supplied with fire arms. They have, also, iron axes and knives, in the place of those which were made of stone and of bone. Friday, September 1. Fowls begin to leave the north, to go to the southward. Friday, October 6. As the weather be- gins to be cold, w^e have taken our vegeta- bles out of the ground, which we find to have been very productive. Saturday, 7. Mr. A. R. McLeod and com- pany, passed this place, to-day, in three canoes, which are on their way to the Rocky Mountain Portage, and thence to New Cale- donia. This gentleman delivered me letters, not only from different persons in this coun- try, but also from my relatives below. To be informed, in this way, of the health and 150 HAEMON'S JOURNAL. prosperity of the latter, to attend to the ef- fusions of their hearts, and a detail of many of the circumstances of their lives, transports me in imagination, for a short season, into the midst of their society, and communi- cates a pleasure resembling that of personal intercourse. Excellent invention of letters ! thus to enable us to keep up a kind of con- versation with beloved friends, while sepa- rated from them by thousands of miles. Sunday, February 2d, 1810. On the even- ing of the 15th inst. my woman was de- livered of two living boys. They appear, however, to have been prematurely born; and, from the first, little hope was en- tertained that they would long survive. One of them died on the morning of the 22d, and the other the last night ; and to- day, they were both buried in the same coflBn. He who gave them life, has taken it away. He had an undoubted right so to do; and though his ways are to us, inscrutable, he has the best reasons for what- ever he does. It becomes us, therefore, hum- bly to acquiesce in this aflBiictive dispensa- tion. Thursday, May 3. This day, the ice in the river broke up. Tuesday, 15. Early this morning, Mr. D. McTavish and company, set out for Fort William; and this afternoon, Mr. J. Clarke and company, from St. John's, passed this, on their way to the Eainy Lake. But I HARMON'S JOURNAL. 151 shall remain, if providence permit, at this place, during another summer. The local situation is pleasant ; and we have good horses, by means of which, I can, at pleas- ure make excursions into the surrounding plains, over which are scattered buffaloes, moose, red deers, antelopes, black and grey bears, &c. I shall have no intelligent com- panion, with whom to converse. But this deficiency will be in a measure supplied, by a good collection of books, with which I am furnished. Were it not for this resource, many a dreary day would pass over me. Tuesday, 22. Messrs. J. Stuart, and H. Faries and company, passed this place in four canoes, with the returns of New Cale- donia and Kocky Mountain Portage; and, like many others, they are on their way to the Rainy Lake. Saturday, June 23. The last night was so cold, that the tops of our potatoes were frozen. This morning, as several red deer were crossing from the opposite side of the river, one of our people leaped into a canoe, and pursued them, and succeeded in kilHng one of them. Thursday, September 13. Two men have arrived from New Caledonia, who bring the disagreeable intelligence, that salmon, this season, do not come up the rivers of that region, as usual. As this kind of fish forms the principal article of food, both for the Natives and white people, it is apprehended 152 HARMON'S JOURNAL. that they will all be under the necessity of proceeding towards the Pacific Ocean, until they find a people who have been more favoured by Providence. Weclnesdaj, October 3. We have taken our potatoes out of the ground, and find, that nine bushels, which we planted the 10th of May last, have produced a little more than one hundred and fifty bushels. The other vegetables in our garden have yielded an increase, much in the same proportion, which is sufiicient proof, that the soil of the points of land, along this river, is good. Indeed, I am of opinion, that wheat, rye, barley, oats, pease, &:c. would grow well in the plains around us. Saturday, October 6. JVIr. John Stuart and company, in four canoes, have arrived from Fort Chippewyan, having on board, goods for the establishment at the Rocky Mountain Portage and New Caledonia. This gentleman delivered me a packet of letters from home, and also a number of others from gentlemen in this country, one of which is a joint letter, signed by three of the part- ners, requesting me to go and superintend the affairs of New Caledonia; or, if I prefer it, to accompany Mr. Stuart, as second in command to him, until the next spring, at which time it is presumed, that I shall have learned sufficient of the state of. things in that country, to assume the whole man- agement myself. As Mr. Stuart has passed HARMON'S JOURNAL. 153 several years in that part of the country, the information which his experience will enable him to afford me, will be of great service. I prefer, therefore, accompanying him, to going alone, especially in view of the late unfavourable reports from that coun- try, in regard to the means of subsistence. Wednesday, October 10. St. John's. On the 7th Mr. Stuart and myself, with our company, left Dun vegan; and this evening, we arrived here. The current in the river begins to be much stronger than we found it below Dunvegan. On both sides of the river, are hills of a considerable height, which are almost destitute of timber of any kind. At different places, we saw buffaloes, red deer, and bears. During our passage to this place, the weather has been bad. The snow and rain have been very unpleasant, unprotected against them, as we are, in our open canoes. Thursday, 11. In the early part of the day, our people w^ere busily employed in pre- paring provisions to take with us to New Caledonia. This afternoon, Mr. Stuart and company embarked in three canoes, for the Rocky Mountain Portage. Having a little business still to transact, I shall pass the night here. Monday, 15. Rocky Mountain Portage Fort. We here find nearly eight inches of snow. Mr. Stuart and company reached here yesterday; and I arrived this morning. Be- 154 HARMON'S JOURNAL. tween this place and St. John's, the river is very rapid, its banks are high, and the coun- try, on both sides of it, is generally clothed with small timber. Ever since our arrival, we have been employed in delivering goods for this place, and dividing the remainder among our people, to be taken on their backs, to the other end of the portage, which is twelve miles over, through a rough and hilly country. We leave our canoes and take others, at the other end of the carrying place. From the Great Slave Lake to this place, there are few rapids, and only one fall; but at several places, the current is very strong. Yesterday, we came up one of these places; and as our progress was very slow, I went on shore alone, to walk along the beach. Having proceeded some distance, I arrived at a place which I could not pass, without making a considerable turn into the woods. I, therefore, left the side of the river, and, after having walked a mile or two, I fell up- on a well beaten footpath, which I supposed would take me directly to the fort. After I had followed it for several miles, I perceived that it had been trodden by wild animals, and was as I thought, leading me in a dif- ferent direction from that which I ought to' have taken. I was unwilling to retrace iny steps; and I, therefore, proceeded in a dif- ferent direction, hoping soon to come to the river, farther up than the place where I left HARMON'S JOURNAL. ^ 155 it. I marched a good pace, for a considera- ble time, through the snow, eight inches in depth, until I found myself in a swampy country, thickly wooded, when the sun was just sinking below the horizon. Even while the light lasted, I knew not which way to steer; but it soon became so dark, that I could not distinguish any object, at the distance of more than ten yards from me. I had no means of striking fire; and with- out this cheering element, it would have been uncomfortable and unsafe encamping. I must have suffered severely with the cold; and might have been torn in pieces by wild beasts, which are numerous in this region. I concluded it best, therefore, to continue walking, until the light of the morning should enable me to find the bank of the river. Contrary to my expectation, however, a kind Providence directed my way, out of that dreary swamp, where at every step, I sunk up to my knees in snow, mud and water. With great Joy, about ten o'clock, I reached the river side, which I followed down, some distance, where I found our people, encamped around a large and cheering fire. During the greater part of this excursion, the rain poured down in torrents. Wednesday, 17. North West end of the Roeky Mountain Portage. In the morning, Mr. S. myself and our company, left the fort; and, this evening, we reached this 156 HARMON'S JOURNAL. place, where we find some of our people, repairing four, crazy, old canoes, in which, I should suppose that no one would be willing to embark, who attaches much value to life. The remainder of our hands are employed in transporting our baggage, which is still behind, to this place. Thev are assisted in doing this, by some of the Natives, who are Sicannies. They have just returned from the other side of the Rocky Mountain, where they go to pass the summer months. During the winter season, they remain on this side of the Mountain, where they find buffaloes, moose and deer. On the other side, none of these animals, excepting a few straggling ones, are to be found. The Sicannies are a quiet, inoffensive peo- ple, whose situation exposes them to pe- culiar difficulties and distresses. Y^lien they proceed to the west side of the mountain, the Natives of that region, who are Tacullies and Atenas, attack and kill many of them; and when they are on this side, the Beaver Indians and Crees, are continually making war upon them. Being thus surrounded by enemies, against whom they are too feeble successfully to contend, they frequently suffer much for want of food ; for when on the west side, they dare not, at all times, visit those places, where fish are in plenty, and when on the east side, they are frequently afraid to visit those parts, where animals HARMON'S JOURNAL. 157 abound. They are compelled, therefore, often- times to subsist upon the roots, which they find in the mountains, and which barely enable them to sustain life ; and their emaci- ated bodies frequently bear witness, to the scantiness of their fare. We here begin to see lofty mountains at a distance. This place is in the 56° of North Latitude, and 121° of West Longitude. Monday, 22. It has snowed and rained, during the whole of this day.— We are now in the heart of the Rocky Mountain, the lofty summits of which, on each side of the river, tower majestically toward the heavens, and are perpetually whitened by snows, that are never dissolved, by solar heat. They are by far the highest mountains that I have ever seen. The timber, which grows upon them, is chiefly spruce fir, birch and poplar. It is a curious fact, in the geog- raphy of North America, that so many of the lakes and rivers, on the west side of this lofty range of mountains, discharge their waters through one narrow passage, in this great barrier, and eventually enter the North Sea. Wednesday, 24. Although we have found the current in this river very strong, ever since we left the Rocky Mountain Portage, yet, until this day, we have found no place where we were under the necessity of unloading our canoes, in order to stem the current. This afternoon, just as we got through the moun- 158 HARMON'S JOtTBNAL. tain, we passed Finlay's or the North Branchj which appears to be of about the same mag- nitude as the South Branch, which we are following. These two branches take their rise in very different directions. The source of the South Branch, is in the Rocky Moun- tain, at the distance of nearly two hundred miles from the place where we now are. The North Branch runs out of a very large lake, called by the Natives Musk-qua Sa-ky-e-gun, or Bears Lake. This lake, which is so large that the Indians never attempt to cross it in their canoes, and which, those who reside at the east end of it, affirm, extends to the Western Ocean, is situated nearly west from the place where the two branches form a junction, at the distance, as is thought of about one hundred and fifty miles. Both branches, before their junction, run along the foot of the mountain, as if in search of a passage through. Thursday, November 1. McLeod's Lake Fort. This place is situated in 55° North Latitude, and 124° West Longitude. The country lying between this place and Fin- lay's Branch, is thickly covered with timber, on both sides of the river ; and, on the right, in coming up, the land is low and level. Mountains, it is true, are to be seen; but they appear at a considerable distance. We have not seen a large animal, nor even the track of one, since we left the Rocky Moun- tain Portage. About twenty miles from this HARMON'S JOURNAL. 159 place, we left Peace River, and have come up a small river, of five or six rods in breadth, which, a little below this, passes through a small lake. Here, we leave our canoes, and take our goods by land, to the estabhsh- ment at Stuart's Lake, which place is sit- uated nearly one hundred miles to the west from this. There is a passage by water to that lake; but it is so circuitous, that we could not make it in less than twelve or fifteen days. McLeod's Lake may be sixty or seventy miles in circumference. Small white fish and trout are here taken; but those who reside here subsist, during the greater part of the year, on dried salmon, which are brought in the winter, on sledges, drawn by dogs, from Stuart's Lake. The Indians who frequent this establish- ment, are Sicannies, and belong to the same tribe with those who take their furs to the Rocky Mountain Portage. Their dialect dif- fers but little from that of the Beaver In- dians. They appear to be in wretched cir- cumstances, frequently suffering much for want of food; and they are often driven to the necessity of subsisting on roots. There are but few large animals, in this part of the country; and w^hen the snow is five or six feet deep, as is frequently the case in the winter, few beavers can be taken, nor can many fish be caught, in this cold season of the year. Yet after all the difiiculties which 160 HARMON'S JOURNAL. these people encounter, in procuring a sub- sistence, such is their attachment to the country that gave them birth, that they would not willingly exchange it, for any other part of the world. Wednesday, 7. StuRrfs Lake. This lake is called by the Natives Nuck-aws-lay, and the establishment on it, where we now are, is situated in 54° 30' North Latitude, and in 125° West Longitude. On the third instant, Ileft Mr. Stuart at McLeod's Lake, where he designs to pass the winter ; and, accompanied by thirteen labouring men, I arrived at this place, this afternoon. In coming here, I passed over an uneven country, which is in general thickly covered with timber. We saw, on our way, several lakes or ponds, one of which was about six miles long. This fort stands in a very pleasant place, on a rise of ground, at the east end of Stu- art's Lake, which I am informed, is at least three hundred miles in circumference. At the distance of about two hundred rods from the fort, a considerable river runs out of the lake, where the Natives, who call themselves Tacul- lies, have a village or rather a few small huts, built of wood. At these they remain during the season for taking and drying salmon, on which they subsist, during the greater part of the year. Monday, 12. I have sent J. M. Quesnel, accompanied by ten labouring men, with a small assortment of goods, to Frazer's Lake, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 161 to reestablish the post there. That lake lies nearly fifty miles due west from this. We understand that the Indians, this fall, have taken and dried a considerable quantity of salmon, in that vicinity. I have also sent people to the other side of this lake, hoping they will take a few white fish, although the season, in which we usually take them, is nearly past. Wednesday, 14. The lake, opposite to the fort, froze over the last night. To day Mr. Stuart and company, arrived from McLeod's Lake. Saturday, 17. We have now about eight inches of snow on the ground. Sunday, 18. Mr. Stuart and company, have gone to Frazer's Lake. I accompanied them to the other side of this lake, where I saw all the Indians belonging to the village in this vicinity. They amount to about one hundred souls, are very poorly clothed, and, to us, appear to be in wretched circum- stances ; but they are, notwithstanding, con- tented and cheerful. My interpreter informs me, that their language strongly resembles that spoken by the Sicannies ; and no doubt they formerly constituted a part of the same tribe, though they now differ from them, in their manners and customs. The Sicannies bury, while the Tacullies, burn their dead. Monday, 26. The corpse of a woman of this place, who died on the 20th instant, was burned this afternoon. While the ceremony II 162 HARMON'S JOURNAL. was performing, the Natives made a terrible savage noise, by howling, crying, and a kind of singing. Saturday, December 29. Frazefs Lake. In coming to this place, I passed through a country, which is very rough, and thickly covered with timber, consisting of spruce, fir, poplar, aspin, birch, cypress, j&c. We crossed one considerable mountain, and several small lakes. This establishnlent is at the east end of Frazer's Lake, which received its name from that of the gentleman, who first built here, in 1806. At the distance of about a mile from this, there runs out of this lake, a con- siderable river, where the Natives have a large village, and w^here they take and dry salmon. This lake may be eighty or ninety miles in circumference, and is well supplied with white fish, trout, &c. Tuesday, January 1, 1811. This being the first day of another year, our people have passed it, according to the custom of the Canadians, in drinking and fighting. Some of the principal Lidians of this place, desired us to allow them to remain at the fort, that they might see our people drink. As soon as they began to be a little intoxicated, and to quarrel among themselves, the Natives began to be apprehensive, that something unpleas- ant might befal them, also. They, therefore hid themselves under beds, and elsew^here, saying, that they thought the white people HARMON'S JOURNAL. 16^ had run mad, for they appeared not to know what they were about. They perceived that those who were the most beastly in the early part of the day, became the most quiet in the latter part, in view of which, they exclaimed, "the senses of the white people have returned to them again," and they appeared not a little surprised at the change; for, it was the first time, that they had ever seen a person intoxicated. Sunday, 27. This day the Natives have burned the corpse of one of their chiefs, who died in the early part of this month. Shortly after his death, one of his nieces painted her face with vermillion; and, in other respects arrayed herself in the gayest manner possible. Her mother, observing this unbecoming con- duct, reproved her in the following manner. "Are you not ashamed, my daughter," said she, "to appear so gaily clad, so soon after the decease of your uncle? You ought rather to daub your face with black, and to cut your hair short to your head." This re- proach for the apparent destitution of nat- ural affection, so afflicted the girl, that, soon after, she went into a neighbouring wood, and hung herself, from the limb of a tree. Happily for her, however, some people passed that way, before she had long been in this situation, and took her down. She was, at first, senseless; but soon after recovered.— Instances of suicide, by hanging, frequently occur, among the women of all the tribes, 164 HARMON'S JOURNAL. with whom I have been acquainted ; but the men are seldom known to take away their own hves. Wedaesdaj', 30. Two nights since, an In- dian cut a hole in a window in my room, which is made of parchment, at the distance of not more than two feet from the foot of my bed, where I lay asleep, and took from a table, near it, several articles of clothing. The next morning, two other Indians brought back to me a part of the stolen property, and informed me who the thief was, and where he could be found. Soon after, accom- panied by my interpreter, I went, and found the young rillain, in a hut under ground, along with about twelve others, who are as great thieves as himself. I told him, that, as he was young, I hoped this was the first time he had ever been guilty of theft ; and, pro- vided he would return all the property which he had taken away, I would forgive this offence; but if he should ever in future be guilty of any misconduct toward us, he might depend on being severely punished.. I then returned to our house; and, shortly after, two Indians brought me the remainder of the property which had been stolen, and I gave them a little ammunition, for having made known the thief.— Nearly all the TA cul- lies, or Carriers as we call them, are much addicted to pilfering; but there are few among them who dare steal from us. Friday, February 15. Yesterday and to- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 165 day, we found the cold to be more intense, than at any other time this season. Monday, 18. Baptiste Bouche, my inter- preter, has taken the daughter of one of the Carrier chiefs, as a wife. She is the first woman of that tribe, ever kept by any of the white people. Friday, April 5. Stuarfs Lake. In the morning, I left and abandoned the post at Frazer's Lake, and arrived here this evening. Monday, 15. The weather is pleasant, and seems to presage an early spring. — Swans and ducks of several kinds, have passed the winter with us ; but bustards and geese, now first begin to make their appearance. Sunday, 21. A few days since, I sent the greater part of my people to McLeod's Lake, to prepare for the voyage from that place to the Rainy Lake. Tomorrow, I shall leave this place myself, in company with Mr. Quesnel and others, for McLeod's Lake. I shall take with me my little son George, who was three years old last December, for the purpose of sending him to my friends in the United States, in order that he may receive an English education. Mr. J. M. Quesnel will have the care of him, until he shall arrive at Montreal. Wednesday, 24. McLeod's Lake. I find Mr. Stuart and the men very busy, in pre- paring for the voyage to the Rainy Lake.— The spring here is less advanced, by fifteen days, than it was at Stuart's Lake. This 166 HARMON'S JOURNAL. great difference of climate, I conclude, is owing to the fact, that this place lies nearer the mountains. Weclnesdar, May 8. People have just ar- rived from Stuart's Lake, who inform me that the mother of my son was delivered on the 25th ultimo, of a daughter, whom I name Polly Harmon. As the ice in Peace River begins to be bad, it is expected that a few days hence the navigation will be opened, when Messrs. Stuart, Quesnel, and their company, will em- bark, with the returns of this place, for the Rainy Lake. Tomorrow, I design to return to Stuart's Lake, where I expect to pass the ensuino; summer. But mv attention is chieflv taken up with the separation, which is soon to take place between me and mv beloved"..^ son. A few months hence, he will be at af. ,- great distance, from his affectionate father^; and, it may be, I shall never more see him, in this world. No consideration could induce me to send him down, especially while he is so young, excepting the thought, that he will soon be under the fostering care of my kind relatives, who will be able to educate him much better than it would be possible for me to do, in this savage country. As I do that which I apprehend will be for the benefit of my little son, so I earnestly pray, that God would gTaciously protect him, in his absence from me. Sunday, 12. Stuart's Lake. Here, I ar- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 167 rived this afternoon, after having passed four of the most disagreeable days that I ever experienced. My spirits were dejected, in view of the departure of my child ; the snow, which was three feet in depth, had become softened by the late warm weather, so that walking was attended with great fatigue; I broke my snow shoes, on the way, which the Indian lad with me mended as well as our circumstances would permit, though but poorly ; and finally we had scarcely any thing to eat. I am happy, therefore, to find myself at a place where I can enjoy a little repose, after such an unpleasant jaunt. Tuesday, 21. This afternoon, the ice in this lake broke up. Musquetoes begin to come about; and troublesome companions they are in the wilderness. * Wednesday, 22. As the frost is now out of the' ground, we have planted our potatoes, and sowed barley, turnips, &c. which are the first that we ever sowed, on this west side of the mountain. — We now take trout in this lake, with set hooks and lines, in considerable numbers; but they are not of a good kind.— It is, perhaps, a little remarkable, that pike or pickerel have never been found in any of the lakes and rivers, on the west side of the Rocky Mountain. Tuesday, June 11. Three Indians have arrived from Sy-cus, a village, lying about one hundred and thirty miles down this river, who say, that it is reported by others, from 168 HARMONS JOURNAL. farther down, that there is a very extraordi- nary and powerful being on his way here, from the sea, who, when he arrives, will transform me into a stone, as well as per- form many other miraculous deeds ; and the simple and credulous Natives fully beheve this report. Sunday, 16. A number of Indians have arrived, in six large wooden canoes, from the other end of this lake ; and among them are two, a father and his son, who say, that they belong to a tribe, who call themselves Nate- ote-tains. These are the first of that nation, whom we have ever seen here. They state, that their tribe is numerous, and scattered, in villages, over a large extent of country, lying directly west from this; and that it is not more than five or six days' march, to their nearest village. They, also, inform us, that a large river passes through their coun- try, and at no considerable distance from it, enters the Pacific Ocean. They, likewise, say, that a number of white people come up that river, in barges, every autumn, in order to trade wit"h the Indians, who reside along its shores. But I could not learn from them, to what nation those white people belong. I imagine, however, that they are Americans, who come round Cape Horn, to carry on, what is called a coasting trade ; for, I cannot learn that they ever attempted to make es- tablishments, along the sea coast. Tuesday, July 2. Yesterday, five Sicannies HARMON'S JOURNAL. 169 came here, from McLeod's Lake, who form a small war party. Their leader, or war chief desired me to allow them to go where they might think proper; upon which, I inquired of them, whither they wished to direct their course, and what their business was. The speaker replied, that, when they left their lands, their intention was to go and try to take a scalp or two from the Indians of Frazer's Lake, ''who," he added, ''have done us no injury. But we have lost a relation; and we must try to revenge his death, on some one." — This is a custom common to a greater or less extent to all the tribes. I asked him whether he supposed that we supplied them with guns and ammunitions, to enable them to destroy their fellow crea- tures, or to kill the beaver, &c. I added, that should they, in the fall, bring in an hun- dred scalps, they could not, with them all, procure a pint of rum, or a pipe full of to- bacco ; but, if they would bring beaver skins they would able to purchase the articles which they would need. After reflecting for some time on what I had said, the speaker informed me, that they would, in compliance with my advice, return and hunt the beaver ; and they performed their promise, by proceed- ing immediately to their own lands. Monday, 29. Several days since, one of our men, who remains at McLeod's Lake, came here with the information, that there were Indians lurking around that fort, wait- 170 HARMON'S JOURNAL. ing, as was supposed, for a favourable oppor- tunity to attack it. I, accordingly, went over, hoping that I should be able to ascer- tain who they were; but I have not been able to obtain the least information respect- ing them. Probably, they had not courage to make the attack, and have returned to their own lands. Shad berries begin to ripen, which is about twenty days later than they ripen, in the same Latitude, on the east side of the Rocky Mountain. Friday, August 2. Our whole stock of provisions in the fort, for ten persons, con- sists of five salmon, onh^ It is impossible, at this season, to take fish out of this lake or river. Unless the salmon' from the sea, soon make their appearance, our condition will be deplorable. > Saturday, 10. Sent all our people, con- sisting of men, women, and children, to gather berries at Pinchy, a village about twelve miles distant from this, toward the other end of this lake. At no great distance from that village, as I am informed, there is a small lake, out of which the Natives take small fish, which very much resemble a sal- mon in shape and in fiavour, which are not more than six inches long. They are said to be very palatable; but, if they were not so, they would be very acceptable to us, in our present circumstances. Thursday, 22. One of the Natives has HARMON'S JOURNAL. 171 caught a salmon, which is joyful intelligence to us all ; for we hope and expect, that, in a few days, we shall have them in abundance. These fish visit, to a greater or less extent, all the rivers in this region, and form the principal dependence of the inhabitants, as the means of subsistence. Monday, September 2. We now have the common salmon in abundance. They weigh from five to seven pounds. There are, also, a few of a larger kind, which will weigh sixty or seventy pounds. Both of them are very good, when just taken out of the water. But, when dried, as they are by the Indians here, by the heat of the sun, or in the smoke of a fire, they are not very palatable. When salted, they are excellent. As soon as the salmcn come into this lake, they go in search of the rivers and brooks, that fall into it ; and these streams they ascend so far as there is water to enable them to swim ; and when they can proceed no farther up, they remain there and die. None were ever seen to descend these streams. They are found dead in such numbers, in some places, as to infect the atmosphere, with a terrible stench, for a considerable distance round. But, even when they are in a putrified state, the Natives frequently gather them up and eat them, apparently, with as great a relish, as if they were fresh. Tuesday, 17. Between nine and ten o'clock, this forenoon, the sun was eclipsed. 172 HARMON'S JOURNAL. for nearly half an hour, which event alarmed the Natives greatly ; for they considered it as foreboding some great calamity, about to fall upon them. They therefore cried and howled, making a savage noise. Their priests or magicians took their hands full of swan's down, and blew it through their hands toward the sun, imploring that great luminary to accept of the offering, thus made to him, to be put on the head of his sons, when engaged in dancing, and to spare the Indians. They suppose that the sun has children, who, like those of the Carriers, are fond of putting swan's down on their heads, when they dance. — I explained to them the cause of the darkness ; at which they appeared both pleased and astonished, and acknowl- edged that my account of the subject was rational, but wondered how I could obtain a knowledge of such hidden and mysterious things. Monday, 23. Bustards and geese begin to come from the north. In the early part of the day, I found it necessary to chastise the chief of this village, with considerable severity. He is the first Indian that I have ever struck during a resi- dence of eleven years, in this savage country. The following circumstances attended this transaction. The name of the Indian, who was chastised, was Quas. He had a friend, who was a worthless fellow, to whom he wished me to advance goods on credit, which HARMON'S JOURNAL. 173 I declined doing; for two reasons. The first was, that I did not believe that the Indian would ever pay me for them. The other was? that Quas wished to make the Indians be- lieve, that he had a great deal of influence over us, which w^ould be prejudicial to our interest, if he should effect it. He tried every method, which he could devise, to persuade me to advance the goods, but to no purpose ; for I perceived what was his object. He then told me, that he saw no other difference be- tween me and himself, but this only : 'you,' said he, ' know how to read and write ; but I do not. Do not I manage my affairs as well, as you do yours? You keep your fort in order, and make your slaves,' meaning my men, 'obey you. You send a great way off for goods, and you are rich and want for nothing. But do not I manage my affairs as well as you do yours? When did you ever hear that Quas was in danger of starving? When it is the proper season to hunt the beaver, I kill them ; and of their flesh I make feasts for my relations. I, often, feast all the Indians of my village ; and, sometimes, invite people from afar off, to come and partake of the fruits of my hunts. I know the season when fish spawn, and, then send my women with the nets which they have made, to take them. I never want for any thing, and my family is always well clothed." — In this man- ner, the fellow proceeded, for a considerable time. 174 HARMON'S JOURNAL. I told him that what he had said, con- cerning himself and his family, was true ; yet, I added, 'I am master of my own property, and shall dispose of it as I please.' 'Well,' said he, 'have you ever been to war?' 'No,' replied I, 'nor do I desire to take the life of any of my fellow creatures.' 'I have been to war/ continued he, 'and have brought home many of the scalps of my enemies.' I was now strongly tempted to beat him, as his object manifestly was, to intimidate me. But I wished to avoid a quarrel, which might be evil in its consequences; and especially to evince to the Indians, who were spectators of what passed between us, that I was disposed to live in peace with them.— Quas proceeded to try me another way. He asked me if I would trust him with a small piece of cloth, to make him a breech cloth? This I consented to do, and went into the store, to measure it off. He followed me together with my inter- preter, and ten or twelve other Indians. I took up a piece of cloth, and asked him, if he would have it from that? He answered, no. I then made a similar inquiry, respecting an- other piece, to which he made a similar reply. This persuaded me, that his only object was to provoke me to quarrel with him. I, there- fore, threw down the cloth, and told him, if he would not have that, he should have this, (meaning a square yard stick which I had in my hand) with which I gave him a smart blow over the head, which cut it, con- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 175 siderably. I then sprang over the counter, and pelted him, for about five minutes, dur- ing which time, he continually called to his companions, all of whom had knives in their hands, to come and take me off. But, they replied that they could not, because there were two other white people in the room, who would prevent them. It was happy for us that these Indians stood in such fear of us; for there were only four white men, at this time in the fort, and they could easily have murdered us.— As Quas and his company left "us, he told me that he would see me again tomorrow, when the sun should be nearly in the south, meaning between ten and twelve o'clock. Monday, October 1. The next day after I chastised the Indian, as above described, he sent one of his wives to request me, either to come and see him, or to send him some jmedicine. I, therefore, sent him some salve? with which to dress the wound in his head. — A few days after, he became so well as to be able to hunt; and he killed and brought home a number of beavers, with which he yesterday made a feast. He sent an invita- tion to me to attend this feast; and I con- cluded that it would be necessary for me to go, or he might think that I was afraid of him. I, accordingly, put a brace of pistols in my pocket, and hung a sword by my side, and directed my interpreter to arm himself in a similar manner, and to accompany me. We 176 HARMON'S JOURNAL. proceeded to the house of the chief, where we found nearly an hundred Indians, assembled. As soon as we arrived, he requested us to be seated. He then rose, and stood in the mid- dle of the circle, formed by the guests, and with a distinct and elevated voice, made a long harangue, in which he did not forget to make mention of the beating which he had lately received from me. He said, if it had been given to him by any person but the Big Knife (the name which they give to me) he would have either lost his own life, or _ have taken that of the person attacking him. But now, he said, he considered himself as my wife; for that was the way, he said, that he treated his women (of whom he has four) when they behave ill. He said, that he thanked me for what I had done, for it had given him sense.— To this I replied, that, in a remote country, I had left my friends and relations, who wanted for none of the good things of this world, and had come a great distance, with such articles as the Indians greatly needed, and which I would exchange for their furs, with which I could purchase more ; and in this way, I could always supply their necessities; that I considered the In- dians as my children, and that I must chas- tise them when they behaved ill, because it was for their good. 'You all know,' said I, 'that I treat good Indians well, and that I strive to live in peace with you.'— 'Yes,' re- plied the father-in-law to the chief, ' Big Knife HARMON'S JOURNAL. 177 speaks the truth. My son had no sense, and vexed him, and therefore deserved the beating which he has received.'— Quas then told the Indians, that if he. ever heard of any of them laughing at him for the beating which he had received, he would make them repent of their mirth. After this the feast was served up in a manner, which I shall describe in another place.— It will be seen, by this account, that the white people have a great ascendency over the Indians ; for, I believe that this chief is not destitute of bravery. But it is very necessary, in order to secure ourselves from aggression, that we manifest that we are not afraid of them. Saturday, 12. During the last three days, it has snowed continually; and it has fallen to the depth of nearly two feet. Monday, 21. We have now in our store, twenty five thousand salmon. Four in a day are allowed to each man.— I have sent some of our people to take white fish. Thursday, 31. Two men have arrived from McLeod's Lake, and have delivered me several letters, one of which, from Mr. James McDougall, who accompanied our people from the Rainy Lake, informs me, that the canoes were stopped by the ice, on the 12th inst. about three days' march below McLeod's Lake, where they still remain, together with the property which they had on board. Saturday, November 16. Our fishermen 178 HAKMON'S JOURNAL. have returned to the fort, and inform me that they have taken seven thousand white fish. These fish, which, singly, will weigh from three to four pounds, were taken in nine nets, of sixty fathoms each. Sunday, 17. Clear and cold. The last night, the lake, opposite to the fort, froze over. — The greater part of the snow, which fell in October, is now dissolved. Friday, December 13. On the 20th ult. I set off, accompanied by twenty of my people, for the goods which were stopped by the tak- ing of the ice in Peace River, the last October. We all returned this evening accompanied by Mr. McDougall, who has come to pass the holidays with us. Our goods were drawn on sledges by dogs. Each pair of dogs drew a load of from two hundred, to two hundred and fifty pounds, besides provisions for them- selves and their driver, which would make the whole load about three hundred pounds. I have seen many dogs, two of which would draw on a sledge, five hundred pounds, twenty miles, in five hours. For a short dis- tance, two of our stoutest dogs will draw more than a thousand pounds weight. In short, there is no animal, with which I am acquainted, that would be able to render half the service that our dogs do, in this country, where the snow is very deep in the winter season. They sink but little into it, in fol- lowing a person on snow shoes. Wednesday, January 1, 1812. This being HAKMON'S JOURNAL. 179 the first day of the year, Mr. McDougall and I dined with all our people, in the hall. After our repast was ended, I invited several of the Sicanny and Carrier chiefs, and most respectable men, to partake of the provisions which we had left ; and I was surprised to see them behave with much decency, and even propriety, while eating, and while drinking a flagon or two of spirits. After they had finished their repast, they smoked their pipes, and conversed rationally, on the great difference which there is, between the manners and customs of civilized people, and those of the savages. They readily con- ceded, that ours are superior to theirs. Tuesday, 7. On the 4th inst. accompanied by several of our people, I set off for Tachy, a village, toward the other end of this lake. We there saw a number of Indians, who ap- pear to be very indolent, and who are, of course, wretchedly clad, and not better fed. From that place, w^e proceeded up a consider- able river, about half a day's march, to an- other village, inhabited chiefiy by Sicannies, who appear to be more industrious than the inhabitants of the former village ; and, there- fore, they are better clothed, and live more comfortably. Their principal food consists of salmon, white fish, and trout; and they, at times, kill a beaver, or a cariboo. The country around the lake is hilly; but, on both sides of this river, it is level ; and from the appearance of the timber which grows 180 HARMON'S JOURNAL. on it, I should think that the soil is not bad. Monrlnr, 13. On the 9th inst. a Sicannj died at this place ; and the following circum- stances attended his incineration, to day. — The corpse was placed on a pile of dry wood, with the face upwards, which was painted and bare. The body was covered with a robe, made of beaver skins, and shoes were on the feet. In short, the deceased was clothed in the same manner as when alive, only a little more gaily. His gun and powder horn, together with every trinket which he had possessed, were placed by his side. As they were about to set fire to the wood, on which the deceased lay, one of his brothers asked him if he would ever come among them again ; for, they suppose that the soul of a person, after the death of the body, can revisit the earth, in another body. They must, therefore, believe in the immortality, though they connect with it the transmigra- tion, of the soul. The deceased had two wives, who were placed, the one at the head, and the other at the foot of the corpse; and there they lay until the hair of their heads was nearly con- sumed by the flames, and they were almost suffocated by the smoke. \Mien almost sense- less, they rolled on the ground, to a little distance from the fire. As soon as they had recovered a little strength, they stood up, and began to strike the burning corpse with both HARMON'S JOURNAL. 181 their hands alternately ; and this disgusting, savage ceremony was continued, until the body was nearly consumed. This operation was interrupted by their frequent turns of fainting, arising from the intensity of the heat. If they did not soon recover from these turns, and commence the operation of striking the corpse, the men would seize them by the little remaining hair on their heads, and push them into the flames, in order to compel them to do it. This violence w^as especially used toward one of the wives of the deceased, who had frequently run away from him, while he was living. When the body was nearly burned to ashes, the wives of the deceased gathered up these ashes, and the remaining pieces of bones, which they put into bags. These bags they will be compelled to carry upon their backs, and to lay by their sides, when they lie down at night, for about two years. The relations of the deceased will then make a feast, and enclose these bones and ashes in a box, and deposit them under a shed, erected for that purpose, in the centre of the village. Until this time, the widows are kept in a kind of slavery, and are required to daub their faces over with some black sub- stance, and to appear clothed with rags, and frequently to go without any clothing, excepting round their waists. But, at the time of this feast, they are set at liberty from these disagreeable restraints. 182 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Thursday, -30. On the 17th inst. accom- panied by Mr, McDougall, twelve of my men and two carriers, I set out on a journey to the territory of the Nate-ote-tains, a tribe of Indians, who hare never had any inter- course with white people, and few of whom have ever seen them. After travelling, with all possible expedition, during* seven days^ generally on lakes, we arrived at their first village. The inhabitants were not a little surprised and alarmed to see people come among them, whose complexion was so dif- ferent from their own. As their village stands on a rise of ground, near to a large lake, they saw us coming, when we were at a con- siderable distance from them; and the men, women and children came out to meet us, all of whom were armed, some with bows and arrows, and others with axes and clubs. They offered no offence; but, by man}" savage gestures thej manifested a determination to defend themselves, in case they were at- tacked. We soon dissipated their fears, by informing them, that we came not to make war upon them, but to supply them with articles which they needed, and to receive their furs in exchange. They treated us with much respect and with great hospitalit3^ The day following, we proceeded on our route, and, during our progress, we saw four more of their villages. At the second of these, we found the two men who, the last summer, visited my fort. These people were not, there- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 183 fore, surprised at seeing us among them; for, I had promised these two men, that, in the course of the winter, I would visit their country. They gave us the same account as they had before given at the fort, of the white people, who come up a large river, already mentioned. And to convince us of the truth of the account, they showed us guns, cloth, axes, blankets, iron pots, &c. which they obtained from their neighbours, the Atenas, who purchase, them directly of the white people. The five villages which we visited, contain about two thousand inhabitants, who are well made and robust. They subsist prin- cipally on salmon, and other small fish. The salmon here have small scales, while those at Stuart's Lake, have none.— The clothing of these people, is much hke that of the Car- riers. I procured from them vessels, curi- ously wrought, of the smaller roots of the spruce fir, in different shapes. Some of them are open, hke a kettle, and will hold water. They also, let me have a blanket or rug, which was manufactured by the Atenas, of the wool of a kind of sheep or goat. These animals are said to be numerous, on the mountains, in their country.— They told us that we had seen but a small part of the Nate-ote-tains, who, they say, are a numerous tribe. They speak a language pecuhar to themselves, though the greater part of them understand that, spoken by the Carriers. 184 HARMON'S JOURNAL. The country, which we travelled over, in this route, is generally level. Few mountains are to be seen. A heavy growth of timber evinces, that the soil is good.— We saw no large animals, excepting the cariboo; but we were informed, that black bears, and other kinds of the larger animals, exist in con- siderable numbers, in that region. Sunday, February 2^. I have just returned from a jaunt of eight days, to Frazer's Lake and Stilla. The latter place lies about twenty miles beyond the former. Wherever we went, the Natives, as usual, appeared to be pleased to see us, and treated us hospitably. Monday, April 6. Six Indians have arrived from Frazer's Lake, who delivered to me a letter, written by Mr. David Thompson, which is dated August 28th, 1811, at Hk- koy-ope Falls, on the Columbia River. It in- forms m&, that this gentleman, accompanied by seven Canadians, descended the Columbia River, to the place where it enters the Pacific Ocean, where they arrived on the 16th of July. There they found a number of people, employed in building a fort for a company of Americans, who denominate them^selves the Pacific Fur Company. He also writes, that Mr. Alexander McKay and others, have proceeded to the northward, in the vessel that brought them there, on a coasting trade.— Mr. Thompson, after having remained seven days with the American people, set out on his return to his establishments, which HARMON'S JOURNAL. 185 are near the source of the Columbia River. From one of these posts, he wrote the letter above mentioned, and delivered it to an In- dian, to bring to the next tribe, with the direction, that they should forward it to the next, and so on, until it should reach this place. This circumstance accounts for the great length of time, that* it has been on the way ; for the distance that it has come, might be travelled over, in twenty five or thirty days. Monday, May VI. This morning I returned from McLeod's Lake, where I have been to send off my people, who are to go to the Rainy Lake. While there, one of my men, Pieere Lambert, while crossing a small lake on a sledge, fell through the ice; and, before his companions who were near could ex- tricate him, he was drowned. The day follow- ing, his corpse was brought to the fort and interred. On my way home, the walking was exceed- ingly bad. The snow was three feet deep, and the weather was so mild, that it had become very soft. About ten miles from this place, I left my guide, and came on forward of him. I had not proceeded far, before I wandered from my proper course. I might have followed my tracks back ; but this I was unwilling to do, and I continued, therefore to wander about during the remainder of the day. The night came upon me, while I was in a thick wood; and, as I had nothing to 186 HARMON'S JOURNAL. eat, I could only kindle up a fire, and en- deavour to solace myself, by smoking my pipe.— I passed the greater part of the night in melancholy reflections on the unpleasant condition, into which I had brought myself, by leaving my guide. Very early in the morn- ing, I left my fire, and commenced travelling, without knowing what direction to take. The sun was concealed by clouds, and the rain fell copiously. Before I had gone far, I perceived, at no great distance from me, a pretty high hill, which I at length ascended, with much difficulty. From its summit, 1 was cheered by a prospect of this lake, at a con- siderable distance from me. Having ascer- tained the course which I must take, I de- scended into the valley, and took the follow- ing method to keep in the direction to the fort. I at first marked a tree; and from that, singled out one forward of me, to which I proceeded; and by means of these two fixed upon another, in a straight line ahead; and continued the same operation, for several hours, until, with great joy, I reached the fort. And now, therefore, I desire to return thanks to kind Providence, for having once more directed my steps to my home and my family. Thursday, 21. The last night, an east wind drove the ice to the other end of the lake. Tuesday, 23. This morning, the Natives caught a sturgeon that would weigh about HARMON'S JOURNAL. 187 two hundred and fifty pounds. We frequently see in this lake, those which are much larger, which we cannot take, for the want of nets, sufficiently strong to hold them. Saturday, August 15. Salmon begin to come up this river. As soon as one is caught the Natives always make a feast, to express their joy at the arrival of these fish. The person, who first sees a salmon in the river, exclaims, Ta-loe nas-lay ! Ta-loe nas-lay I in English, Salmon have arrived ! Salmon have arrived ! and the exclamation is caught with joy, and uttered with animation, by every person in the village. Wednesday, September 2. Mr. McDougall and company, who came here on the 25th ult. set out this morning, on their return home, to McLeod's Lake. This visit has afforded me much satisfaction. In this lonely part of the world, we enjoy the pleasures of social intercourse, when we are permitted to spend a little time with a friend, with the highest relish. Sunday, October 25. Early this morning, my people returned from the Rainy Lake. By them I have received letters from home, which have given me more satisfaction than I can express. My friends are in good health, and my beloved son George has arrived safely among them. For these blessings, I cannot be sufficiently thankful, unless a merciful God is graciously pleased to change my heart of stone into a heart of flesh. 188 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Friday, November 6. We have now about six inches of snow on the ground. — On the 27th ult. I set out for McLeod's Lake, where I arrived on the 29th. I there found Mr. John Stuart, who, with his company, arrived the day before, from Fort Chipewyan. His men are on their way to the Columbia River, down which they will proceed under Mr. J. G. McTavish. The coming winter, they will pass near the source of that river. At the Pacific Ocean, it is expected that they will meet Donald McTavish, Esq., and company, who were to sail from England, last October, and proceed round Cape Horn to the mouth of Columbia River. This after- noon Mr. Stuart and myself, with our com- pany, arrived at this place, (Stuart's Lake) where both of us, God willing, shall pas^ the ensuing winter. With us, are twenty-one labouring men, one interpreter, and five women, besides children. Saturday, January 23, 1813. On the 29th ult. Mr. Stuart and myself, with the most of our people, went to purchase furs and salmon, at Frazer's Lake and Stillas. The last fall, but few salmon came, up this river. At the two places, above mentioned, we were so successful as to be able to procure a suf- 'ficient quantity. While at Frazer's Lake Mr. Stuart, our interpreter and myself, came near being massacred by the Indians of that place, on account of the interpreter's wife, who is a native of that village. Eighty or HARMON'S JOURNAL. 189 ninety of the Indians armed themselves, some with guns, some with bows and arrows, and others with axes and clubs, for the purpose of attacking us. By mild measures, however, which I have generally found to be the best, in the management of the Indians, we suc- ceeded in appeasing their anger, so that we suffered no injury ; and we finally separated, to appearance, as good friends, as if nothing unpleasant had occurred. Those who are acquainted with the disposition of the Indians and who are a little respected by them, may, by humouring their feelings, generally, con- troul them, almost as they please. Sunday, February 21. Rocky Mountain Portage Fort. Here I arrived this afternoon, accompanied by five Canadians and one Carrier. We left Stuart's Lake on the 6th inst. and are on our way to Dun vegan, where I am going to transact some business with Mr. John McGillivray, who is there. As the mountains, on both sides of the river, for the distance of seventy or eighty miles, are very lofty, there is generally a strong wind passing, either up or down the stream, which, at this season, renders it extremely cold and disagreeable travelling. On the 18th, we were in the heart of those mountains; and we had to encounter such a strong head wind, that my upper lip became very much frozen, without my having perceived it at the time. It is now much swollen, and very painful. We all caught severe colds, in con- 190 HARMON'S JOURNAL. sequence of a fall of snow upon us, to the depth of eight inches, after we had encamped and resigned ourselves to sleep, the second, night after leaving Stuart's Lake ; and I have become unable to speak, excepting in a whisper. It requires indeed, a strong con- stitution, to conflict with the hardships, incident to our mode of life. We here find no person, excepting two Ca- nadians. Mr. A. R. McLeod, who has charge of this place, is now absent on a visit to his hunter's tent, which is five days' march from this. From such a distance, provisions are obtained for this post, as there are very few large animals at this season, in this vicinity, in consequence, I presume, of the great depth of snow, which always falls in places, so near the mountain, as this. The people who are here say, that the hunters had such difficulty in finding animals of any kind, the last fall, that they all passed five days, without any kind of food. Monday, March 1. Dun vegan. I have, at length, reached this place, where I passed the years 1809 and 1810, and revisiting it, many a pleasing scene is recalled by memory, and many hours of agTeeable conversation, which I passed, with the gentlemen who were then here, rise fresh to my recollection. — Mr. Mc- Gillivray is now absent, on a visit to the Lesser Slave Lake ; and Mr. Collin Campbell has charge of the fort. Sunday, 14. Mr. McGillivray returned, on HARMON'S JOURNAL. 191 the 10th inst. He is an amiable and excellent man ; and I have enjoyed his society, during my short stay here, very highly. Having completed my business here, I shall set out tomorrow, on my return to Stuart's Lake. I here received the intelligence, that Niagara and Makana had surrendered to the British forces; but not before many valuable lives were lost, on both sides. Sunday, April 4. Stuart's Lake. We left Dunvegan on the 16th ult. and arrived here this evening, without- having experienced any disaster by the way. Saturday, May 1. Present appearances justify the expectation, that the ice in the river will soon break up, so that our people will be able to commence their journey to the Rainy Lake with our returns, all of which we have sent to McLeod's Lake, together with letters to people in this country, and to our friends in the civilized part of the world. Thursday, 13. The weather is fine. In the early part of the day, Mr. J. Stuart, accom- panied by six Canadians and two of the Natives, embarked on board of two canoes, taking with him a small assortment of goods, as a kind of pocket money, and provisions sufficient for a month and a half. They are going to join Mr. J. G. McTavish and his company, at some place on the Columbia River; and to proceed with them to the ocean. Should Mr. Stuart be so successful as to discover a water communication, between 192 HARMON'S JOLTRNAL. this and the Columbia, we shall, for the future, obtain our Yearly supply of goods by that route, and send our returns out that way, to be shipped directly for Chma, in yessels which the company, in that case, design to build on the North West coast. ^Tiile the execution of this coniprehensiye plan is committed to others, my more humble employment, in which, howeyer, I am quite as sure of being successful, is to be, the sup- erintendence of the affairs of New Caledonia. No other people, perhaps, who pursue busi- ness to obtain a liyelihood, haye so much leisure, as we do. Few of us are employed more, and many of us much less, than one fifth of our time, in transacting the business of the Company. The remaining four fifths are at our own disposal. If we do not, with such an opportunity, improye our under standings, the fault must be our own; for there are few posts, which are not tolerably well supplied with books. These books are not, indeed, all of the best kind ; but among them are many which are yaluable. If I were depriyed of these silent companions, many a gloomy hour would pass oyer me, Eyen with them, my spirit at times sinks, when I reflect on the gTeat length of time which has elapsed, since I left the land of my natiyity, and my relatiyes and friends, to dwell in this sayage country. These gloomy moments, thank God, occur but seldom, and soon ghde away. A Uttle reflection reconciles me to the lot, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 193 which Providence has assigned me, in the world. Saturday, June 12. A Sicanny has just arrived, who states, that a Httle this side of McLeod's Lake, where he was encamped with his family, an Indian of the same tribe, rushed out of the wood, and fired upon them, and killed his wife. Her corpse he immedi- ately burned upon the spot; and then, with his son and two daughters, he proceeded directly to this place.— All the savages, who have had a near relation killed, are never quiet until they have avenged the death, either by killing the murderer, or some person nearly related to him. This spirit of revenge has occasioned the death of the old woman, above mentioned, and she undoubtedly, de- served to die ; for, the last summer, she per- suaded her husband to go and kill the cousin of her murderer, and that, merely because her own son had been drowned. — The custom, which extensively prevails among the Indians, of revenging the natural death of a relative, by the commission of murder, seems to arise from a superstitious notion entertained by them, that death, even when it takes place n this manner, has, in some mysterious way, been occasioned by a fellow creature. Sunday, 20. Yesterday, an Indian of this village killed another, who was on a visit from the other end of this lake, just as he was entering his canoe to return. The former approached the latter, and gave him five 13 194 HAKMON'S JOURNAL. stabs witli a lance, and ripped open his bowels, in such a shocking manner, that his entrails immediately fell upon the ground; and he, of course, instantly expired. The murderer made his escape; and the chief of the village, wrapped the corpse in a moose skin, and sent it to his relations. Notwith- standing this conciliatory act, the people of this place are apprehensive, that the relations of the person murdered, will make war upon them; and they will, therefore, set out to- morrow, to go a considerable distance down this river, where they will pass a greater part of the summer, until harmony is re stored between the two villages.— This mur- derer has a wife, who is known to be a worthless woman, with whom he supposed that the person murdered had had improper irntercourse ; and it was to revenge this, that the act was committed. — All the Carriers are. extremely jealous of their wives; while, to their unmarried daughters, they cheerfully allow every liberty ! Thursday, August 12. Salmon begin to make their appearance in this river, which is a joyful event to us ; for the stock of pro- visions which we have in the fort, is sufficient, but for a few days, and the Natives, for some time past, have suffered gTeatly for the want of food. We ought to be thankful to our merciful Preserver and Benefactor, who con- tinually watches over us, and supplies our wants. Often has he appeared for our relief, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 195 when we were in urgent need, and taught us, that he is the proper object of our confidence. Wednesday^ Septemher 1. A few days since,- Mr. McDougall arrived here from McLeod^^ Lake, and took all the people, belonging to this fort, with him to Pinchy, to gather ber- ries. Having been left entirely alone, I have! had a favourable opportunity for serious reflection, and for self examination; and I. have been disposed to employ it for this pur- pose. On reviewing the exercises of my heart, and the course of my conduct, during my past hfe, I have been filled with astonishment and with grief, in view of my wide departure^ from the path of duty. My sins have riseii in gloomy array before me, and I have been led to feel, that I am, indeed, the chief of sinners; and that, on account of my trans- gressions, I deserve to be banished forever from the gracious presence of God, and to be consigned to the world of future misery. This view of my guilt would have been over- whelming, had not God been graciously pleased, as I trust, to reveal the Saviour to me, in his glorious fullness, as an all sufficient and an accepted Mediator between sinful men and the offended majesty of heaven. He has appeared to me amiable in himself, and en- tirely suited to my necessities ; and I humbly hope that I have committed my soul to him, to be washed from the defilement of sin in his blood, to be accepted of God through his intercession, and to be sanctified by his 196 HARMON'S JOURNAL. Spirit. The change in mj views and feel- ings, is certainly great; and it is surprising to myself. WTiat I once considered as the foibles and follies of my youth, now appear to be grievous sins, against a righteous and a long suffering God ; and a religious course of life, I regard as the path, not only of wis- dom, but of happiness; and by the aid of Divine grace, it is my resolution, for the time to come, to labour after a compliance with every Divine requirement. Until this day, I have always doubted whether such a Saviour as the scriptures de- scribe, ever really existed, and appeared on earth ! So blind was I, that I could see no necessity for an atoning Mediator between God and men. Before I left the civilized part of the world, I had frequently heard the cavils of infidelity urged; and these cavils followed me into the wilderness, frequently came fresh to my recollection, and con- tributed to overshadow my mind with the gloomy doubts of infidelity. My intention, however, was, by no means to cast off all religion ; but, I attempted to frame to myself a religion, which would comport with my feelings, and with my manner of life. — For several years past, however, my mind has not been at rest. I was taught in early life, by parents whom I respected and loved, the truths and duties of Christianity ; and I had a wish to believe in the same religion which they professed, and from which, I have fre- HARMON'S JOURNAL. 197 quently heard them say, they derived the most substantial consolation. I, therefore, some time since, commenced reading the Bible, with more attention than I had before done; for, from my youth up, I had been accustomed to read it. I also read all other books that I could find, which treated of the christian religion. Some excellent notes, re- specting the Saviour, in the Universal History, affected my mind much; as did, also, the serious letters which I received, every year, from my brother Stephen. I also prayed a gracious God to enable me to believe on I is Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. As I was pray- ing to-day, on a sudden, the faith, respecting which I was so solicitous, was, I trust, gra- ciously granted to me. My views of the Sav- iour,- underwent a total change. I was en- abled, not only to believe in his existence, but to apprehend his superlative excellency; and now he appears to be, in truth, what the scriptures describe him to be, the chiefest among ten thousand, and one altogether lovely. May the grace of God enable me to follow his heavenly example through life, that I may dwell with him in glory, forever ! As I seem to myself to have hitherto led a more wicked life than the rest of my fellow creatures, I deem it proper, for the time to come, to devote the first day of every month to religious fasting, employing it in reading the scriptures, in devout meditation, and in prayer, that I may keep in mind the great 198 HAEMON'S JOURNAL. business of life, which I now consider to be, a preparation for eternity. My prayer shall ever be, that a gracious God would be pleased to blot out my numberless and ag- gravated transgressions, for the sake of the atonement which Jesus has made; and that he would keep me, by his grace, without which, I am convinced I can do nothing acceptable to him, in the path of holiness, until it shall terminate in heavenly glory. Tuesday, 7. I have this day composed two prayers, which I design to use regularly and devoutly, morning and evening. It is not only a duty, but a privilege, thus to ap- proach the mercy seat of the great Sovereign of the Universe, in the name of a prevalent Intercessor, and to supplicate the numerous blessings which we need, as well as to give thanks for those which we are continually receiving. Saturday, 25. An Indian has arrived, from a considerable distance do^m this river, who has delivered to me three letters from Mr. J. Stuart. The last of them is dated at 0-ke- na-gun Lake, which is situated at a short distance from the Columbia River. Mr. Stuart writes, that he met with every kind- ness and assistance from the Natives, on his way to that place ; that, after descending this river, during eight days, he was under the necessity of leaving his canoes, and of taking his property on horses, more than one hundred and fifty miles, to the above HARMON'S JOURNAL. 199 mentioned Lake. From that place, he states, that thej can go all the way by water, to the Ocean, by making a few portages; and he hopes to reach the Pacific Ocean, in twelve or fifteen days, at farthest. They will be de- layed, for a time, where they are, by the necessary construction of canoes. Friday, October 1. The first of my ap- pointe I days of religious fasting, has arrived ; and I have endeavoured to observe it, agree- ably to my resolution. Sunday, November 7. This afternoon, Mr. Joseph La Roque and company arrived from the Columbia River. This gentleman went, the last summer, with Mr. J. G. McTavish and his party, to the Pacific Ocean. On their return, they met Mr. Stuart and his company. Mr. La Roque, accompanied by two of Mr. Stuart's men, set off thence, to come to this place, by the circuitous way of Red Deer River, Lesser Slave Lake, and Dunvegan, from which last place, they were accompanied by my people, who have been, this summer, to the Rainy Lake. By them I have received a number of letters from people in this country, and from my friends in the United States. Tuesday, December 14. On the 1st inst. I set out for McLeod's Lake; and I there re- ceived several letters from my brothers below, which announce the truly afflicting intelli- gence, that my beloved son George is no longer to be numbered among the living ! 200 HARMON'S JOURNAL. He was in good health on the second of March last, and a corpse on the eighteenth of the same month.— For some time, I could scarcely credit this intelligence ; though I had no reason to doubt its truth. This dispen- sation of divine providence is so unexpected, and so afflictive, that at first, I could scarce- ly bear up under it, with a becoming chris- tian resignation. My tenderest affection was placed upon this darling boy; and I fondly hoped, that he would be the solace of my de- clining years. But how delusive was this ex- pectation ! How frail and perishing are all earthly objects and enjoyments. A few days since, in my imagination, I was often wander- ing with delight, to the remote land of my kindred, and parental love centered in this promising son, for whom, principally, I wished to live, and for whom I would have been willing to die. Perhaps this child occupied a place in my heart, which my God and Saviour only may of right occupy. I hope that this affliction may be the means of dis- engaging my affections from an inordinate attachment to earthly objects; and that it may induce me to fix my confidence and hope on things, which will never disappoint my ex- pectation. The Judge of all the earth has done right; and it becomes me to be still and know, that he is God. I, too, must soon die ; and this dispensation is, perhaps, a sea- sonable warning to me, to be prepared to meet my own dissolution. I desire that the HARMON'S JOURNAL. 201 Holy Spirit may sanctify this affliction to me, and make it subservient to this impor- tant end. On my return from McLeod's Lake, I was accompanied by Mr. McDougall and family, who came to mourn with me, and the mother of my departed son, the loss of this dear object of our mutual affection.— Her distress, on receiving this intelligence, was greater, if possible, than my own. I endeavoured, by some introductory remarks, on the uncer- tainty of earthly things, to prepare her mind for the disclosure, which I was about to make. Her fears were alarmed, by these remarks; and, probably, she discovered in my countenance, something to confirm them. When I informed her that our beloved son George was dead, she looked at me, with a wild stare of agony, and immediately threw herself upon the bed, where she continued, in a state of delirium, during the succeeding night. Saturday, Januajry 22, 1814. On the 4th inst. Mr. McDougall and family, left this place, to return home. They were accompa- nied by two men, who have gone to Peace Kiver, with letters. — The same day, Mr. La Roque and myself, accompanied by fourteen of my people, went to Frazer's Lake. On the 9th I sent him, accompanied with two Ca- nadians and two Indians, with letters to the people, who are on the Columbia River. After having purchased what furs I could, 202 HARMON'S JOURNAL. and a sufficient quantity of salmon, I set out on my return home, where I arrived this evening. Friday, February 4. This evening, Mr. Donald McLeunen and company, arrived here from the Columbia Department, with a pack- et of letters. One of these is from Mr. John Stuart, informing me that the last autumn, the North West Company purchased of the Pacific Fur Company, all the furs which they had bought of the Natives, and all the goods which they had on hand. The people who were engaged in the service of that company, are to have a passage, the next summer, to Montreal, in the canoes of the North West Company, unless they choose to enter into our service. Sunday, April 17. As the ice appears to be out of this river, I have sent Mr. McLeunen, accompanied by two Canadians, in a small canoe, with letters to the gentlemen on Co- lumbia River. I am, therefore, deprived of an agreeable companion, who, I expected until lately, would pass the summer with me. — Happy are those, who have an amiable and intelligent friend, with whom they can, at pleasure, converse. Friday, 22. Sent off my people to Mc- Leod's Lake, in order that they may be in readiness to embark for the Rainy Lake, as soon as the navigation opens. By them I have, as usual, forwarded my letters, and accounts of the place. If God permit, I shall HARMON'S JOURNAL. 203 pass another summer at this place, having with me ten persons. As this is the only season of the year when we can leave this country, now it is, that we have the most ardent desire of visiting the land of our nativity. At other seasons, the impossibility of a departure, suppresses the rising wish to go, stern necessity binds us to our situation, and we rest in quietude until the return of another spring. Then all the finer feelings of affection take possession of our souls; and their strength seems to be increased, by the previous restraint, which had been laid upon them. Saturday, May 7. The weather is fine and vegetation is far advanced, for the sea- son. This lake is clear of ice; and the frost is chiefly out of the ground. Swans, bustards, and ducks, are numerous in the rivers and lakes; and, during the last ten days, an incredible number of cranes have passed this, on their way to the north; but none of them stopped here. Three Indians have come to this place from Frazer's Lake, to obtain the piece of a garment, belonging to an Indian of that place, which they say, was cut off by an Indian of this village. They are so super- stitious as firmly to believe, that, by virtue of this piece of garment, the Indian, who has it in his possession, is able to destroy the life of its owner, at pleasure. Friday, August 5. Salmon begin to come 204 HARMON'S JOUl^NAL. up this river. They are generally to be taken, in considerable numbers, until the latter part of September. During about a month, they come up in multitudes ; and we can take any number of them that we please. Tuesday, September 20. We have had but few salmon here, this year. It is only in every second season, that they are very numerous ; the reason of which, I am unable to assign. I have sent an Indian, with letters, to Dunvegan, on Peace River, which is distant from this place, at least, five hundred miles. Friday, 30. We have had but a few sal- mon in this river, during the past season. We hope, however, that a kind Providence has sent them to some of our neighbouring villages, where we shall be able to purchase what will be necessary, in addition to the white fish, which we expect to take, for oti' consumption, during the ensuing winter. But let my condition be ever so deplorable, I am resolved to place all my dependence on that Being, who depends on no one. Tuesday, October 18. This afternoon, I was agreeably surprised by the arrival of Mr. J. La Roque and company, in two canoes, laden with goods, from Fort George, at the mouth of the Columbia River, which place they left, the latter part of last Au- gust. Our vessels arrived there, in the months of March and April ; and, soon after, one of them set sail again, loaded with furs, HARMON'S JOURNAL. 205 for Canton in China. — Mr. La Roque brings the melancholy intelligence, that Messrs. D. McTavish, Alexander Henry, and five sailors were drowned, on the 22d of May last, in going out in a boat, from fort George, to the vessel called the Isaac Tod, which lay at anchor without the bar, in going over which, this disaster befel them. With the former gentleman, I passed two winters at Dun vegan, on Peace River. He stood high in my esteem, and I considered him as one of my best friends; and I shall ever lament the sad catastrophe, which has thus suddenly removed him from my society, and from all earthly scenes. I hope that I may not be regardless of the admonition, addressee^ to me by this providence, to be also ready for my departure, to the world of spirits. Monday, 24. Sent Mr. La Roque, and the people who came up with him, to re- establish the post at Frazer's Lake. Saturday, 29. My people have returned from the Rainy Lake, and delivered me let- ters from my relatives below. They afford me renewed proof of the uncertainty of earthly objects and enjoyments, in the intelligence, that a brother's wife has been cut down by death, in the midst of her days, leaving a disconsolate husband, and two young chil- dren, to mourn over her early departure. I ought, however, to be thankful, that the rest of my numerous relatives, are blessed with health, and a reasonable portion of 206 HARMON'S JOURNAL. earthly comforts. I have also received a letter from Mr. John Stuart, who has ar- rived at McLeod's Lake, desiring me to go and superintend the affairs at Frazer's Lake, and to send Mr. La Roque, with several of the people who are there, to this place, that they may return to the Columbia de- partment, where it is presumed they will be more wanted, than in this quarter. To- morrow, therefore, I shall depart for Frazer's Lake. Thursday, Xovember 3. Frazer's Lake. Here we arrived this afternoon, and found Mr. La Roque and his people, busily em- ployed, in bartering with the Natives, for furs and salmon, and in constructing houses. With this gentleman, I have spent a pleasant evening ; and I am happy to find that, from having been thoughtless and dissolute, he now appears to be the reverse of this. It is manifest, that he has recently reflected much, on the vanity of this world, and on the im- portance of the concerns of eternity ; and he now appears determined, by the aids of God's Holy Spirit, on a thorough reforma- tion. May he be enabled to persevere in this important undertaking. Tuesday, December 20. Messrs. Stuart and McDougall, with a number of men, have arrived from Stuart's Lake, for the purpose of proceeding ^th me to Stilla, in order to purchase salmon. The Indians of this vil- lage have not a sufficiency for themselves and HARMON'S JOURNAL. 207 for us, owing to the scarcity of salmon at several neighbouring villages, whose inhab- itants flock to this place, in hopes of ob- taining a subsistence, during the winter. Saturday, January 7, 1815. On the 29th ult. I accompanied my two friends to Stuart's Lake, where we passed the holidays together, in the intercourse of an intimate and endear- ing friendship. Each related how he had passed his youthful days, and even in what manner he had lived to the present hour; and we all readily acknowledged, that our lives had been very different from what we then wished they had been. I hope and believe, that we all parted, fully determined on a thorough reformation of conduct. May none of us fail to carry this resolution into effect. Friday, February 3. During the whole of the last month, it has been the coldest weather, by far, that I have ever experi- enced, in New Caledonia. On the 11th ult. accompanied by six of my people and two of the Natives, I set out to visit the lands of the Nas-koo-tains, which lie along Frazer's River. This river Mr. Stuart followed some distance, when he left this place to proceed to the Columbia River. The above mentioned Indians never had any intercourse with the white people, until I went among them. We reached their first village, on the 19th; but as they were nearly destitute of provisions, and we had 208 HARMON'S JOURNAL. expended those which we took with us from this place, we passed only one night with them. The next morning, we continued our route down the river, every day passing one or two small villages, until the 22d, when we met people from the Columbia River, with letters,