VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress Iittp:// Value and Distribution A CRITICAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE STUDY By HERBERT JOSEPH DAVENPORT Associate Professor of Political Economy The University of Chicago CHICAGO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS 1908 '■i^'l.,. Two Copies rttxei-^. j FEB 20 iy08 Copyright 1907 Bv The University of Chicago Published February 1908 Composed and Printed By The University of Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. To J. Laurence Laughlin: In a field so controversial as this of value doctrine, identity of interest is no pledge of agreement ; much, there- fore, in the following pages must fail to command your acquiescence. Nevertheless, I venture to hold you in some sort responsible for the existence of this book, by virtue of the very fact that it has been only through the freedom of thought and of teaching which you have fostered that it has been made possible. The Author PREFACE Were it ever important to decide in what degree, if at all, a writer may claim priority in the development of doc- trine, the task would be a peculiarly difficult one in the case of the present book. The truth, however, rather than any personal ascription of it being the important matter, it becomes worth while to reflect that for several decades and, indeed, in the main since the time of Adam Smith, economic theory has been in possession of doctrines enough for a reasonably complete, consistent, and logical system of thought — if only these doctrines had been, with a wise eclecticism, properly combined and articulated. The emphasis in the present volume upon the entre- preneur point of view in the computation of costs and in the analysis of the process by which distributive shares are assigned, has nothing new in it; it was necessary only that the point of view be clearly distinguished, consistently held, and fully developed. The present writer has emphasized opportunity cost; but this doctrine is everywhere implied in economic dis- cussion; the marvel is that it has been there only uncon- sciously or half consciously. As far as the present writer is informed, D. I. Green was the first to formulate the doc- trine in entire definiteness — the present writer the first to give it systematic application. To making precise the concept of profit and to elucidat- ing the relations of profit to cost some contribution has perhaps been made in the present book. The insistence that rent is a part of cost of production, in full parallel with other outlays, follows necessarily from the acceptance of the entrepreneur point of view; the doc- trine is as old as entrepreneurship. Nor is it new in economic discussion; political economy began there, but viii PREFACE wandered afield in search of labor determinants of value and of labor standards of value measurement. Cannan has perhaps best led in the return to the better way. The cancellation of the distinction between value-deter- mined and value-determining costs was inevitable when once this return was accomplished. Likewise there is little in the marginal analysis that can be offered as new; Ricardo applied it fractionally; the moderns have merel}^ extended the applications : it only remained to point out some aspects and limitations of its service. Precisely so of utility and of its modern refinements; but the relativity of utility on the demand side, and of cost on the supply side, of the market equation, has seemed in especial need of emphasis. But on the demand side all this was fully worked out by Marshall twenty years since. The competitive entrepreneur rendering of the capital concept was fairly well held as far back as the work of Say and of Malthus : Clark, Fisher, and Fetter have con- tributed greatly to the widening of the concept of capital socially considered; Cannan and Veblen to the individualis- tic emphasis : the elaboration of the loan- fund doctrine was perhaps left still to be done. Interest theory, in that formulation which, by title of adequate recognition, systematization, and development, Fetter has rightly made his own, is traceable at least as far back as Say; was adequately formulated — but the result of it unseen — by Wieser and by Clark, and was by the latter valiantly battled for. But, as it seems to the present writer, the relations of concrete productivity to time discount are impossible of explanation otherwise than with the accept- ance of the competitive rendering of the capital concept, and with the recognition of the loan- fund subdivision of competitive capital. Something also has perhaps been accomplished in these pages toward the elucidation, for working purposes, of the distinction between the primary and the secondary dis- PREFACE IX tributive processes and of their interactions ; nothing very serious appears to be the matter with present society from the point of view purely of the traditional production dis- tribution; the difficulties mostly relate to the secondary process. Evidently, then, if anything worth the doing has been accomplished here, any implication of which the author would disclaim further than is inevitably implied in getting oneself published, this cannot be so much in any contribu- tion of new doctrine as in the selection, delimitation, and articulation of the old. To this end the necessary thing has, in the main, seemed to be to rid the science of doctrines that do not belong in it, e. g., labor-time, labor-pain, utility, and marginal-utility determinants or measures of value; real costs; marginal fixation of price or of distributive shares; price-determined and price-determining costs or distributive shares; instrument margins; marginal-produc- tivity distribution; price measures of utility; the social organism; fundings of productive agents; the tripartite classification of productive factors. And if all, or any considerable part of this, has really been accomplished, it is enough. Chicago, August io, 1907 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Vamous Cost Concepts i II. Adah Smith 8 III. RiCARDO 29 rv. Senior : . 44 V. John Stuart Mill 53 VI. Cairnes 62 VII. Further Cost Doctrines 84 VIII. Profit Depined: Profit and Risk as Related to Cost . 94 IX. Early Utility Theory: Say 107 X. The Capital Concept 121 XI. Capital as a Competitive Concept . . . . 141 XII. Competitive Savings and Social Capital: Loan Fund and Abstract Capital 157 XIII. The Standard of Deferred Payments . . . 175 XIV. Interest 189 XV. Interest — Concluded 217 XVI. Rent and Cost — Marginal Cost — Relative Cost 262 XVII. The Modern Movement 296 XVIII. Classical vs. Modern 334 XIX. The Positive Theory and Natural Value . . . 353 XX. The Attempt at Reconciliation: Marshall . 372 XXI. The Attempt at Reconstruction: Hobson . . 405 XXII. Distribution by Value Productivity: Clark . 439 XXIII. The Laws of Return 480 XXrV. The Dynamics of Value and Distribution . . 512 XXV. The Adjustment of Price 53^ XXVI. Distribution 554 XXVII. Summary of Doctrine 569 Index 577 CHAPTER I VARIOUS COST CONCEPTS The scientific development of economic theory began with the attempt to solve the value problem. Almost all early doctrine was cost doctrine in some one or other of its protean aspects. With the earlier writers of the classical school, cost was prevailingly interpreted in terms of labor; but in the detailed working-out of ^the value problem and of its further development, the notion of cost came to be presented in practically all of its different and conflicting senses. A brief analysis of the various ways in which the cost concept was employed in classical discussion will, then, afford a serviceable introduction to the value problem. The work of Adam Smith will be found surpassingly well adapted to the purposes of this analysis. Labor-purchase cost. — The doctrine of the earlier economists that labor is the original source of value con- tained, even at that time, nothing especially novel or recondite ; so much had been announced long aforetime and upon very excellent authority: "In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread." He that will not work neither shall he eat. Labor and the hire of labor appear both ideally and practically to have an intimate association. What one gains at fishing or hunting depends mostly or largely on the quality and zeal of the quest. Give Crusoe his island, and what he will get from it will depend upon the sort of person that Crusoe is — his industry and intelligence, in short, the quality of his work. Set a group of colonists upon its newly found island or continent ; what gets accom- plished there, the results achieved, the well-being attained, will depend upon the more or less of productive effort applied. Product is readily thought ©f as so much commod- ity purchased at the price of effort, a primitive transaction 2 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION in exchange — in the long run also, a method espe- cially satisfactory in character and naive in its simplicity of justice, where deserving and receiving tend to fall out in strict proportion. At any rate, such is the gist of the doc- trine stated by Adam Smith: "The annual labor of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniences of life." Therefore, accord- ingly as this output "bears a greater or smaller proportion to those who are to consume it," is the nation better or worse o&} Labor was the first price, the original purchase money, that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor that all the wealth of the world was originally purchased; and its value to those who possess it and who want to exchange it for someone's production is precisely equal to the quantity of labor which it can enable them to purchase or command.^ It must be noted, however, that his view of the case may be taken to express merely a social or collective aspect of the labor-value doctrine, the national income being regarded as the return upon the national productive energies applied as a unit to the national environment. The terms of pro- curement, the purchase outlays, are the efforts applied. This reasoning is equally applicable to a Crusoe economy ; the income, the wage, the remuneration, is obtained as a result of the labor put forth; nothing need be implied, possibly nothing can safely be deduced, as to the exchange relations to be established between different portions of the product obtained; but conceiving this product as a unit total, the labor stands as the cost with the product as the produced value. This may be termed the labor-purchase concept of cost. Labor-time cost. — But if a basic measurement of value and a method of comparison of different value items be sought, and if it be asked by what method, in this sense, is labor to be taken as cost, other notions emerge. Measure- ment by the hour or by the day lies most readily at hand. The isolated producer would find time the most ^ Wealth of Nations, "Introduction." ^ Ibid., chap. iv. VARIOUS COST CONCEPTS 3 simple and practicable common denominator of costs. So a collectivist community, especially were it of a democratic habit of thought, would incline to apply the labor power at its disposal, and to distribute the product, according to units of time. Labor-pain cost. — But whether or not a collectivist society could practically do better than this, and whether for ordinary purposes Crusoe would attempt anything further, it is certain that in exceptional cases the isolated producer would add some modifications; the crude time reckoning would be amended to allow for considerations of especial hazard or severity or irksomeness. Combinations of the hazardous with the pleasant, e. g., the hunt as against the safe but tedious processes of agriculture, would inevi- tably present themselves. For, after all, the essential fact of time cost is not the time aspect pure and simple, but the burdensomeness involved or the disinclination overcome. As soon, therefore, as the concept of cost receives a more careful analysis, pain cost will, at least in the individual computation, be found fundamental to time cost. Put in other form, the form which, as we. shall see, Ricardo would have especially chosen, the notion would run something as follows : the purpose of productive activity is the attainment of the means of pleasure ; pain is the cost of getting pleasure and may therefore serve adequately to express the relative values of these pleasures obtained or of the facts or media through which the pleasures are obtained. And it is thus that Ricardo came to distinguish so sharply between riches and value; with riches the emphasis is upon utility ; with value it is upon cost.^ ^ "Value depends .... on the difficulty or facility of production. The labor of a million men in manufactures will always produce the same value, but will not always produce the same riches A million of men may produce double or treble the amount of riches, of "necessaries, conveniences and amusements," in one state of society that they could produce in another, but they will not on that account add anything to value Riches do not depend on value." — Ricardo, Political Economy (Conner), chap. xx. 4 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Labor-value cost. — But inasmuch as labor involves, or at all events commonly implies, some degree of pain, is it not logical to conceive of the attendant pain as the neces- sary condition to the existence of labor — the purchase price on terms of which one comes into possession of his own labor power? Just as, in getting control of the services of others' labor, one makes a sacrifice of purchasing power — good or money — precisely so one may be conceived to hire or buy his own labor effectiveness on the terms and at the charge of the pain attendant upon labor. Based, therefore, upon its cost, it has been found possible to ascribe a value to labor itself irrespective of the value of the product, which basic value may be conceived as carried over to the commodity produced, and as incorporated as a cost therein, the value of the product being the incorporated labor value consumed in the process of production. Obvi- ously this view goes further than the labor-pain-cost theory: the labor-value-cost theory explains value not merely by the pain of labor but by ascribing to the labor itself, because of the pain, a value fundamental as cost to the value of the thing produced. Closely related to the foregoing, and with difficulty dis- tinguishable from it, is another concept of labor value: Life being essentially activity in conjunction with con- sciousness, and economic products being the concrete and objective resultant of this activity with its associated and attendant pain, labor appears to take on value by virtue of the fact that labor is the very expression and incorporation of life itself. Value in products is thus conceived as tracing back, through the value of labor as cost, to the thought of draft against life and of expenditure of life; product thereby bears value as the simplest case under the doctrine of costs. All of these computations of cost are, however, open to the objection that they are over-simple in the conditions VARIOUS COST CONCEPTS 5 assumed: no provision is made for production under the capitalistic wage system ; on the contrary, each case is taken as one of independent production, of self -employment. A new classification of costs is therefore to be made, accord- ingly as the case is one of employer cost or of employee cost. The concept of labor-pain cost does not readily find place for itself under the system of entrepreneur produc- tion. Typically and at its simplest, employer cost is outlay cost; employee cost, on the other hand, must, if it apply at all, resolve itself into some one or other of the aspects of labor cost. But even for cases of independent production, the fore- going analysis fails of adequacy in omitting to take account of capital-use and instrument-use costs and of other charges not necessarily included under the head of outlays. What disposition shall, for instance, be made of the item of compensation for the time use of that part of the entre- preneur's circulating or floating capital employed as wage fund in the hiring of laborers ? Here, then, we have also a capital-use cost, whether this be regarded as risk cost or as interest cost or as a composite of both. But if, outside of risk and upkeep, a compensation is to be computed for the owner of saved wealth, upon what basis shall this computation be made? If the capitalist entrepre- neur is, so far as his capital is concerned, to be remunerated for the restraint implied in non-consumption, for the saving involved in capitalization, we arrive at the notion of absti- nence cost. If, however, the rewards are better figured upon the basis of what the capital might have earned if lent out, we must take account of a loan-interest-displacement or an investment-opportunity cost. And if, on the other hand, the capital charge, in the given employment, is to be rated at what the capitalist entrepreneur could have made the capital yield him in some 6 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION alternative productive use, we must make room for capital- product-opportunity cost. And bearing in mind that the entrepreneur might as employee have applied his personal powers on terms of salary or wages, or might under self -employment have applied himself to some other line of production, we are compelled to catalogue, as possible cost concepts, these further cases of personal-zvage-displacement and personal- product-displacement (opportunity) costs. And now under the general head of employer costs are to be catalogued some further concepts acceptable accord- ingly as cost notions have received modification through various theories regarding the determination of wages, rent, and interest. Wealth having been conceived as the product of labor, and capital as stored-up wealth devoted to further produc- tion, interest has sometimes been regarded as the indirect payment of wages; and the different notions of labor cost — time, pain, and value — have been employed as the ulti- mate explanation of interest, thus reducing it to the com- mon denominator of pain. But evidently there must cut across this line of analysis the distinction between employer cost and employee cost — that is, between cost to the borrower and cost to the lender. If interest is indeed wages in disguise, that which is time or pain or value cost to the producer of the capital must be outlay or investment-opportunity or product-opportunity cost to the borrower. In this last sense, also, there is room for argument for the establishment of an investment-opportunity or product- opportunity cost with reference to rent outlays; more than mere mention of this notion is, however, impracticable at this point in the discussion. So far as outlays in wages are concerned, it may be forcibly urged that cost-of -production influences underlie VARIOUS COST CONCEPTS 7 and determine the wage level : to the extent, therefore, that labor is directly or indirectly the source of value, this view would make the subsistence-cost value of labor the deter- minant both of the labor value to the laborer and of the wage outlay to the employer. Under this head of subsist- ence-value cost would fall the two doctrines of standard- of-living-wage cost and minimum-of-existence-wage cost. Without venturing to assume that no other cost con- cepts can be recognized in classical discussion, it may be confidently asserted that all of the foregoing concepts are to be found therein. Nor is it at present attempted to make the catalogue of cost concepts and cost distinctions exhaust- ive. But it is especially necessary to call attention at this point to the distinction between individual (competitive) and social (collective) costs, as of fundamental and far- reaching significance. These concepts, while not readily presented at this time, will come in later for a deal of discussion. CHAPTER II ADAM SMITH After making it clear in his introductory chapter that the population of a country is better or worse off accord- ingly as the total product "bears a greater or smaller pro- portion to those who are to consume it/' Adam Smith goes on to assert that, for the most part, the average share of consumers must depend upon the skill and dexterity of the labor, but also, in some part, "on the proportion between the number of those employed in useful labor and of those who are not so employed. Whatever be the soil, climate, etc., the abundance or scarcity of its annual supply must, in that particular situation, depend upon these two circum- stances," And so, with any particular situation given or assumed, the labor of a nation "is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and the conveniences of life." This we have termed the labor-purchase doctrine of cost. But it is fair to say that Adam Smith does not, at this particular point, make much of this doctrine, or attempt to apply it as an explanation of the value relations between goods. But in chapter v the step is fully taken : Labor was the first price, the original purchase money that was paid for all things. It was .... by labor that all the wealth of the world was originally purchased; and its value to those .... who want to exchange it for some new productions, is precisely equal to the quantity of labor which it can enable them to purchase or command. It is, however, to be noted that the reasoning according to which labor is the first purchase price holds only when the "particular situation" is assumed; so much as this must be taken for granted as somehow given in the reckoning, a con- tinent, or island, or country, in which the labor is put forth ; and only such degree of "originality" in production can be imputed to the labor as may be worked out by regarding the situation, the habitat, as a passive rather than as an 8 ADAM SMITH 9 active fact — as opportunity rather than as productive power. For whatever value there is in the distinction between condition and cause, the environment must, in this view, stand as the condition and labor as the cause. But none the less must the productive output differ with differ- ences in environmental opportunity; the terms of the exchange between man and nature must vary with the varying opportunities for production, labor having a greater or less producing power with the varying bounty or nig- gardliness of the environment. And so, while, socially speaking, the labor- fund-purchase idea is a cost doctrine of the labor sort, it is such by the very fact that it is social in character and treats the whole product as a unit pur- chased by the whole of the labor applied. But evidently, so far as the product is taken as a whole, as a. unit, and as set over against the total of labor producing it, no key is given to the exchange relations between different portions of this product. Even for the Crusoe case, his different units of effort could be represented in products of equal utility, only upon the assumption of absolute uniformity of advantages in the conditions of production, that is, upon the assumption of no extensive or intensive land differentials, and so of no law of diminish- ing returns of any sort. And likewise also, Crusoe himself must always remain at one level of vigor, alertness, and intelligence. That is to say, not merely homogeneity in environmental conditions, but absolute homogeneity in labor quality must be assumed, in order that either for an individual or for society the labor-fund-purchase doctrine could, as a cost doctrine, be adapted for service either as a measure or as a determinant of exchange relations. And it may be remarked in passing and as awaiting a more exhaust- ive discussion later, that precisely the same defects inhere in all applications of labor time, labor pain, or labor value, as cost measures or as cost determinants, unless possibly as somehow worked out from the point of view of the employer rather than of the isolated or self-employed producer. And precisely this change in point of view is to be remarked in the chapter immediately following upon Smith's introduction. This is the chapter containing the famous pin illustration of the advantages of division of labor : per- haps, it is said, the larger application of this principle to manufactures explains the higher productivity of these as lo VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION against agriculture, and the greater opulence of advanced and manufacturing peoples as against backward and agri- cultural peoples. The most opulent nations, indeed, generally excel all their neighbors in agriculture as well as in manufacturing; but they are commonly more distinguished by their superiority in the latter than in the former. Their lands are in general better cultivated and, having more labor and expense bestowed on them, produce more in proportion to the extent and natural fertility of the ground. But oddly enough, Smith remarks, the products are not cheaper with these better methods and time-saving devices : despite the fact that corn lands are better cultivated in England than in France, and in France than in Poland, corn in Poland is as cheap as in France, and in France as in England: "This superiority of produce is seldom more than in proportion to the superiority of labor and expense." But note the phrase, "labor and expense." Does Smith mean more labor in point of time, or merely more expensive labor, labor paid on a higher wage level? Surely — ques- tions of density of population aside — it cannot be more labor in point of time. In fact, in view of the especially marked productiveness of manufacturing industries, it is only the choicer grades of land or of land power that can profitably be utilized; the return per unit of labor should thereby be of still more marked superiority. Thus, on any basis of labor cost in terms of time or of pain, lower rather than higher values must obtain. There is nothing for it but to shift the point of view to that of employer's outlay, — as Smith does, — to labor-value cost under competitive pro- duction, where labor value appears under the guise of wage payments commanded by labor as a productive fact. But note that, in this view, labor-value cost is not a pain or a life value, imposing as cost its value upon the product, but is merely the market value of labor as an agent of produc- tion. The case is more nearly one where the product is reflecting value back upon the labor agent. ADAM SMITH II And yet, if such is the case, it must be- difficult, as Smith sees, to explain the undoubted fact that agricultural prod- ucts bear often the higher price in the opulent country. The high value of the labor when employed in agriculture must find its explanation not merely in the high value of the agricultural product, but in the high productiveness of labor employed in manufactures. The labor of the rich country .... is never as much more productive (in agriculture) as it commonly is in manufac- tures The corn of the rich country, therefore, will not always come cheaper to market than that of the poor. The ultimate reasoning for all this is as follows : The high value productivity in manufactures necessitates that such agriculture as is followed should also be highly value productive; this high alternative productiveness imposes upon the employer a high wage outlay. Thus, in terms of employers' outlay, the higher "labor and expense" bestowed in the more opulent country affect the greater product to such a degree that the prices are often the higher in the opulent country. That Smith worked out fully all the steps of the argu- ment, or was conscious of all the implications of the situa- tion as he outlined it, is obviously not to be asserted ; but it is clear that he is within the field of competitive costs and of exchange values as distinguished from collective cost and social income. More than half consciously he is employing the notion of outlay cost; impliedly, but not consciously, he is making use of the principle of displacement-opportunity cost, in one of its most typical forms. He has, in truth, outlined a situation in which, as a question of labor invest- ment, or of social and collective efifort, labor-purchase cost, corn is cheap instead of dear, but where as a question of competitive cost it is, because of the displacement condi- tions, high in cost and dear in price and in exchange value. It is doubtless on some such basis as this that, after mentioning use value, he distinguishes between value in exchange and real value; by real value is meant labor- burden value as the norm of value, that value which traces back to the ultimate cost — the real price, the natural price — 12 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION a concept which seems to waver between the labor-purchase idea of cost and the labor-value idea. But later, in chapter v, there is a distinct enunciation of labor-pain cost, expressed as a value quantity, as the deter- minant of the real value of labor. Whatever difficulties market values may offer, Smith takes it as clear that, in the isolated economy, equal volumes of labor must always be of equal value to the laborer, because, possible variations in his personal equation aside, "he must always lay down the same portion of his ease, his liberty, and his happiness." One might suppose that with the assumption of a necessary uniformity of labor pain attendant upon equal quantities of labor, there is assumed a uniformity in opportunity and in product; such, however, is not the thought; no matter how great the volume of product in a day, the aggregate value will be invariable ; it is the commodity units that must do the varying, since "it is their value which varies, and not that of the labor which produced them." Labor is their real price and having in itself a value, it carries this value over to the product. Here there is a distinct announcement of the labor- value-cost doctrine, and an implied and uncon- scious, but equally distinct, repudiation of the doctrine of opportunity cost; that is to say, the real value of the product, being irrespective of the volume of it, must the more clearly be uninfluenced by any question of possible alternative product. In this fifth chapter, there is also some foreshadowing of the distinction between riches and value later made so prominent by Ricardo. Smith says that "every man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford the necessaries, conveniences, and amusements of human life." Possibly he would himself have been puzzled to say whether the term "afford" implied the concept of fund or of flow, possessions or income ; but in any case, the thought of riches rests upon enjoyment utilities as the test. How- ever, he believes that inasmuch as under division of labor each man produces but the smallest part of what he con- ADAM SMITH 13 sumes, obtaining through exchange the results of others' labor, one "must be rich or poor according to the quantity of labor which he can command." That is to say, the amount of necessaries, conveniences, and amusements is, after all, reducible to terms of command of labor — a labor- purchase rather than labor-origin basis for value. So the value of any commodity that one has produced to sell "is equal to the quantity of labor which it will enable him to purchase or command. Labor, therefore, is the real meas- ure of the exchange value of all commodities." Noting carefully that we are now arrived at a doctrine of exchange value and not of real value, the perplexity pre- sented by the very first line of the next paragraph will dis- appear ;the thought here reverts to the primary, the real-value concept: "The real price of everything, what every- thing really costs the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it" — labor cost of some sort: but "what everything is really worth to the man who has acquired it is the toil and trouble which it can save to him- self and which it can impose upon other people." Here is a definite enunciation of his antithesis of real price to exchange value. Real value is the labor it took; but when once you have the thing and are estimating the quantum of it as riches, its wealth to you as a salable thing, its utility in exchange, you look simply to the toil and trouble which you can make it shield you from by imposing this toil and trouble on someone else. When you command from another his money or his goods, you are, in final analysis, levying on his labor. "What is bought with money or with goods is purchased by labor, as much as what we acquire by the toil of our body These things contain the value of a certain quantity of labor which we exchange for what is supposed .... to contain the value of an equal quantity." Thus, so far as all this may be made consistent, it means that real price or real value is always the labor of attain- ment; but whether this labor is conceived as in itself a 14 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION value, or merely as burden, is not so clear. Exchange value is the labor that a thing will by sale protect the owner from, or that in purchase it will cost the buyer, in inducing him to let go of a product produced by his own labor. And thus exchange value seems to have a real and ultimate basis in real value. Sometimes also Smith seems to talk of a fourth sort of value, a value which covers the temporary disturbances and variations from exchange value. And it is added that "though labor be the real measure of exchangeable value of all commodities, it is not that by which their value is com- monly estimated." Labor is so different in intensity, skill, and direction, that it is not easy to find any accurate meas- ure; but a sort of rough equality in kind is worked out through the higgling and bargaining of the market. Popu- lar thought, however, does not make any recourse to labor as the measure, at least no conscious recourse ; most people can understand commodities, concrete palpable objects, but labor is "an abstract notion which, though it can be made sufficiently intelligible, is not altogether so natural and obvious." All of which seems to mean that, rightly understood, it is possible to reduce labor to a homogeneous fund. Of time? Evidently not. Of pain? This also will not serve Of value? But if this be a value dependent upon the product, and derived from the product, it is clear enough that homogeneity is attainable and is actually attained, but homogeneity only in terms of the very value that it is sum- moned to explain, a view which would, in the last analysis, conceive labor as receiving value rather than as determin- ing it. And upon the basis that labor derives its value from the value of the product, labor is not competent to give value, unless possibly through some opportunity-cost analysis, later to receive attention. And now we are called upon to note that Smith uses his labor doctrine or doctrines for three different purposes, purposes essentially distinct in nature, though almost hope- lessly confused in the course of his discussion. At one time ADAM SMITH I5 labor is treated as the determinant source of all value, pre- cisely as, in the mechanical sense, it is the creative source of some commodity products. At another time attention is directed primarily or exclusively to the discovery of a medium of measure, a mode of expression, a common denominator, into which values may be resolved and by which they may be made homogeneous and comparable, a standard of value expression. Or, finally, the investiga- tion directs itself toward the discovery of a standard of deferred payments, a medium of comparison over wide intervals of time. Selecting the third of these aspects as first in the order of discussion, it would perhaps be fair that not much be expected from a writer of the eighteenth century, in view of the confusion of tongues lasting without amelioration well over into the twentieth. Proceeding from the general point of view of the doc- trine that labor is the source and the measure of value in ordinary relations, Smith declares for labor as the ideal standard of deferred payments. But since some concrete and tangible fact, in terms of which payment can readily be made, is regarded as desirable, Smith inclines to advise, for long-time purposes, corn, and, for short-time purposes, silver, as the standard commodity. Equal quantities of labor will at distant times be purchased more nearly with equal quantities of corn, the subsistence of the laborer, than with equal quantities of gold and silver, or perhaps with any other commodity. Equal quantities of corn, therefore, will, at different times, be more nearly of the same value, or enable the possessor to purchase or command more nearly the same quantity of the labor of other people.^ It is, indeed, true "that equal quantities of corn will not do it exactly," for standards of consumption vary; other commodities, however, hold command over labor by virtue ^Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, chap. v. 1 6 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION solely of their command over the subsistence of labor and in proportion thereto. Thus a rent reserved in corn is liable only to the variations in the quantity of labor which a certain quantity of corn can purchase. But a rent reserved in any other commodity is liable, not only to the variations in the quantity of labor which any particular quan- tity of corn can purchase, but to the variations in the quantity of corn which can be purchased by any particular quantity of that commodity f the dangers of departure from the labor standard are there- fore squared. Evidently this might do, if only it were safely to be assumed not only that all that laborers earn they spend in subsistence, but also that corn is the only subsistence com- modity; it would then be true that other commodities could command labor only in the measure that they were exchange- able for corn; corn would, then, fall short of an ideal labor standard only in the degree that the laborer's dole of corn were a varying one. At any rate, as Smith believes, since corn spells sub- sistence, corn must approximate more closely to the labor standard than would any other commodity. Nothing is made here of a doctrine of some currency later, that wages in terms of money must rise or fall with every rise or fall in the price of corn, to the result that the laborer's corn wages must remain a practicably unvarying quantity. It is, indeed, held that in short-time relations real wages in terms of command over subsistence necessities vary widely. "The subsistence of the laborer, or the real price of labor, as I shall endeavor to show hereafter, is very different upon different occasions ;" and so, while "the real value of a corn rent" — its labor significance — "varies much more from year to year" than that of a money rent, it varies much less from century to century But the value of silver, though it varies greatly from century to century, seldom varies much from year to year, but frequently continues the same, or very nearly the same, for half a century or a century together In the meantime the temporary and occasional ^ Adam Smith, op. cit., chap. v. ADAM SMITH i? price of corn may frequently be double, one year, of what it had been the year before. Thus, in general purchasing power, as tested by the labor standard, "from year to year silver is a better measure than corn," while "from century to century corn is a better measure than silver." ^ But the attempt to find in labor a common denominator of value had this much at least in its favor — that if labor would not serve for the purpose, nothing else was at hand ^Ibid., chap. v. This is not the place for an adequate discussion of the general problem of the standard of deferred payments ; little more, indeed, can be attempted here than to put in the interrogation points. It is, however, evident that Smith's reasoning assumes the long-time tend- ency of wages to approximate either to the subsistence-minimum requirement, or to the standard-of-living requirement. His argu- ment rests upon the assumption that, over long periods of time, corn varies little in its command over labor. Presumably this stability of relation is due to the assumed connection between population increase and the necessities of subsistence or the established requirements of existence. Thus, while by improvements either in technique or in the conditions of environment, labor might for a considerable period be more generously rewarded in products, this condition, it is thought, is, after all, certain to be a temporary one, population tendencies being safely to be relied upon to take up the slack, whether that slack be reckoned as a differential above the absolute requirements for living, or above some standard of consumption below which laborers will refuse to reproduce themselves. There may be reasons enough to condemn this attempted justifi- cation of the corn standard by the labor standard, consistently with retaining faith in the labor standard itself; it therefore remains to inquire to what extent Smith's acceptance of the labor standard was justifiable in the light of the theoretical equipment of his time, and to what extent and with what modifications it may serve for the purposes of more modern theory. There was for Smith, at all events, this much of justification for the acceptance of the labor standard — that, in his view, to refuse it would be abandon all hope of any standard, while the acceptance of it would assimilate the standard of deferred payments to the standard of value for current exchanges — a consummation still (though per- haps for no very evident reason) devoutly desired by many monetary theorists. To Smith, as to most economists of later years, the prob- lem of deferred payments presented itself as a value problem. Con- ceived as such, the degree of development of theory in Smith's time could possibly have afforded nothing better or other than this labor standard ; nor, indeed, has later theory achieved anything more, so far as, for deferred-payment problems, cost and value solutions have been the object of search. For it is clear that value conceived merely as a ratio of exchange affords no clue to a deferred-payment standard. Only when, as the essence or significance or determinant of value, some 1 8 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION that would. It may not yet be clear on precisely what grounds this common denominator was so pronouncedly a desideratum; but, for whatever it was worth, the labor measure was the only thing possible for the time. And it may fairly be questioned whether later thought, in its endeavor to substitute utility for labor cost as a value deter- minant, thus stating the payment problem in terms of utility truly, but only of utility as working itself out in terms of value expression, has been able to do more upon the utility side than to repeat the error made upon the cost side, that, namely, of seeking to compare things which in their funda- mental nature offer no basis of comparison; with value underlying principle is discovered, is it possible to adopt as a deferred- payment basis a value standard. Whether or not the multiple standard or some variable subsistence or standard-of-living standard may not now be regarded as preferable, it is perhaps sufficient for present pur- poses to point out that these are standards of utility, rather than of cost or of value, and therefore do not, in strictness, concern this stage of the discussion. But it may none the less be possible to justify the labor standard as held by Smith without appeal to value categories. It is evident that the labor and the standard-of-living standards must in the long run come to coincide, or at all events must always be in process of approaching coincidence. The total consumption of wealth depends upon the total productive efficiency of society : average consumption is the derivative of average production. Standards of living express the general or average efficiency in production, as reflected in the habits and customs of consumption. It is, no doubt, true that if the increase in the per-capita output of wealth is rapid, the felt necessities of adequate living may somewhat lag behind the oppor- tunity afforded by the level of production ; but it remains true that the new level of production is all the while in process of becoming fixed as a new level of requirement. In the meantime, however, as the history of the last hundred years abundantly shows, there is, because of this phenomenon of lagging — this slack between the lately acquired power and the earlier established need — room for some shortening of the labor day. None the less a commodity standard of payment which should coincide with the labor standard must be a standard expressive of the changes taking place in labor productiveness ; not, however, productiveness in terms of corn alone, but productiveness in terms of those commodities, whether corn or other, for which incomes are expended — that is, productiveness expressed in terms of the derived consumption. What bearing has all this upon the proposal that the money pay ment should be adjusted at that sum of money affording a command over commodities equal to that of the money loaned — that is to say, the acceptance of the principle of the multiple standard ? Recalling once more the fact that this computation is entirely out- side the value field, that the proposed payment is in terms a utility standard, it is obvious that if, between loan and payment, time enough has elapsed for an appreciable change in the standard of living, in the ADAM SMITH 19 conceived as a mere ratio of exchange, the assertion of equality or of inequality between two values can have, for the purposes in hand, no possible meaning, unless and until some basis of homogeneity between the quantities in the respective value ratios has been established. Thus, in last analysis, equality for deferred-payment purposes will have to be worked out by somehow appealing to concepts of quantity rather than always to mere ratios between quan- tities. So much, for the time being, for the deferred-payment problem ; there remain for discussion Smith's concepts of felt necessities of consumption, payment in an equal command over commodities cannot be a full equivalent for the benefits received, or an adequate indemnity for the benefits foregone. The want-satisfying quality of objective units of goods has fallen ; something must be allowed here not only for changes in the direct service, the want-satis- fying power, afforded by similar items of goods, but more, also, for changes of service consequent upon the rising level of requirement for the maintenance of social position and relative well-being. It is here distinctly to be recognized that in large measure consumption is itself a competitive thing. Neither in theory, therefore, as a value computation, nor in its practical working out as a utility computation, does Smith's labor standard afford an entirely satisfactory basis for the solution of the deferred-payment problem. "Ultimately speaking, things are not useful because they cost effort, but the effort is put forth because the things are useful. It was usefulness and not effort that the debtor borrowed, it was the product of his effort and not effort that the creditor loaned. It is, then, in terms of usefulness that payment should be made. Labor is the producer of utility and not the substance of it. "But it must be remembered that by this very measure of useful- ness, payment must be made in something more than an equivalent command over commodities. The increased effectiveness of labor has brought about a higher level of consumption, a raised standard of comfort and of life. This is a gain to such members of society as are able to attain to this new level ; it is the reverse to those who fall [too far] short of it. A new need plus the ability to satisfy the need is an advance in well-being ; without the ability the need is a mis- fortune. The line then of compensation — of equality in sacrifice — must be found somewhere above equality in purchasing power, some- where below equality in command over human effort. Something must be added to payment on account of the greater necessities of the lender ; something also on account of greater requirements for the maintenance of social position and relative well-being. The point of fair adjustment is to be found where the direct gain from larger satisfactions is offset by the disadvantage of increased requirements and decreased com- mand over social distinction." — Davenport, Outlines of Economic Theory, p. 229. More extended discussion of this problem must be postponed to a later chapter. See pages 175 to 188. 20 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION labor, (i) as determinant of value, and (2) as measure or denominator of coexisting values. (i) That things are valuable more or less in proportion to the labor required in their production is matter of com- mon observation; the Crusoe analysis sets this truth forth in simple form. But the principle is equally manifest in more complex conditions; the more the labor required for the production of any commodity the higher the wage outlay. Not merely this; but for the simpler aspects of produc- tion, and in large measure for production generally, it may be said that products trace their origin to human labor; labor is, technologically speaking, a cause, and, in careless thinking, is prone to be taken as the sole technological cause of the existence of things possessing value. The con- clusion thus lies readily at hand that the quantity of labor content is the determinant of exchange value. Labor is in this view conceived not merely as the mechanical cause of product, but as the quantitative cause of value, just as, in later thought, the utility doctrine has been applied to eluci- date the causal sequence : utility being conceived as neces- sary condition to value, there is constant temptation to explain the quantity of value by the quantity of utility. But in either case, or in any event with labor, the necessity presents itself of arriving at some basis of homogeneity; and to serve as explanation of value this homogeneity must be something other than a homogeneity derived from the value product. Nevertheless, the affairs of ordinary business life, the commonplace facts of the wage relation, make it sufficiently evident that labor has a value, and that in many cases, if not in all, the value of the product is somehow concerned with the value of the labor agents required in its bringing forth. The labor-value-cost doctrine is unquestionably true in the sense that the value of labor takes some part as a determi- nant, whether intermediate or ultimate, of value relations. But precisely here was and is the problem ; is this labor value ultimate and self-sufficing, or is it merely an inter- mediate term in some longer chain of causal sequence? So far as Smith formulated any answer to this question, it was to ascribe to labor a non-derivative homogeneity and a non-derivative value, and to make this value serve as the explanation, in terms of causation, of exchange relations. And so in chapter vi it is argued that if among a nation, ADAM SMITH 21 say, of hunters, it usually costs twice the labor to kill a beaver that it costs to kill a deer, one beaver will naturally exchange for — will be worth — two deer. It seems, indeed, to go almost without saying that what is usually the product of two days' or two hours' labor should be worth the double of that which is the product of one day's or one hour's labor. But the further discussion makes it fairly evident that the hunter case was chosen by Smith as one of approximate homogeneity of labor power, a nation of hunters, and also, be it remarked, as a case of the relatively minor importance of capital or land considerations. And upon this assump- tion of the approximate or complete homogeneity of pro- ductive agents the doctrine sums up in a statement of proportionality : as quantity of labor is to quantity of labor, so is value of product to value of product; labor: labor: : value : value. And neither in Smith's nor at any later time has this been open to question, upon the assumptions made. But the truth admittedly contained in the proposi- tion does not of necessity impose the labor-value explana- tion. The non-mathematical statement of the case is equally exhaustive ; unless the hunter could get as much out of his labor with one sort of game as with the other, he would trap for only one sort, and all of this irrespective of any question of whether hunting be a pleasure or a hardship, or whether labor has or has not in itself a value by its own right. In point of fact this doctrine of proportion is nothing more or less than an example of opportunity cost applied under the assumption of homogeneous agents of production. In the next paragraph, however, it is said: If the one species of labor should be more severe than the other, some allowance will naturally be made for the superior hardship; and the produce of one hour's labor in the one may very frequently exchange for that of two hours' labor in the other; all of which is correct as matter of everyday fact; but note that in just so far does the proportion doctrine fail ; and at the same time there disappears the last vestige of time cost. Indeed, there appears some suggestion of pain cost. And yet, by the sentence next following pain cost is excluded : Or if the one species of labor require an uncommon degree of dexterity and ingenuity, the esteem which we have for such talents 22 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION will naturally give a value to their produce superior to what would be due to the time employed about it — the old labor-cost doctrine, but supplemented by a new and non-cost explanation for the evident and perplexing incre- ment of value, the esteem in which talents are held. But in the succeeding sentence the pain-value doctrine is rehabili- tated : Such talents can seldom be acquired but in consequence of long application, and the superior value of the produce may frequently be [no?] more than a reasonable compensation for the time and labor which must be spent in acquiring them. In the advanced state of society allowance of this kind for superior hardship and superior skill are commonly met in the wages of labor. That is to say, the greater wage must at least counter- balance, for the individual worker, the greater hardship of the work or the greater expense of preparation, else the occupation will not be undertaken or will be abandoned. But evidently this gives no explanation for the superior wages of native skill. The discussion continues : "Over and above what might be sufficient to pay for the price of the materials and the wages of the workmen" — employer's outlay cost — "something must be given for the profits of the undertaker of the work who hazards his stock in the venture." Risk cost? "The value which the workmen add to the materials, therefore, resolves itself, in this case, into two parts, of which one pays their wages, the other the profits of the employer." But that, in Smith's thought, this profit includes something more than risk profit is not open to doubt: though there is not yet any necessary sug- gestion of wages of superintendence: "two parts, of which the one," etc., the other the profits of the employer upon the whole stock of materials and labor which he advanced. He could have no interest to supply them unless he expected from the sale of their work some- thing more than what was sufficient to replace his stock to him, and he could have no interest to employ a great stock rather than a small one, unless his profits were to bear some proportion to the extent of his stock. This might well be justified as a doctrine of opportunity cost, but such seems not to be Smith's thought ; he appears to have in mind merely abstinence cost, as a quantity addi- tional to risk cost. ADAM SMITH 23 In every great work almost the whole labor .... is committed to some principal clerk. The owner of the capital, though he is thus discharged of almost all labor, still expects that his profits should be a regular proportion to his capital. In the price of commodities, therefore, the profits of stock constitute a compo- nent part altogether different from the wages of labor and regu- lated by different principles.* Here Smith, perhaps with good justification, argues that abstinence cost cannot, at all events proportionately, be explained or defended as pain cost. But later this position was abandoned ; and it is clear enough, if the case is looked at from the point of view of the employer — whether as outlay cost to the borrowing entrepreneur, or as either investment-opportunity or production-opportunity cost to the capitalist employer — that interest and wages must be regarded as upon the same footing. And as we have seen, this is not infrequently the point of view of cost adopted by Smith. For example, in chap- ter vii he sets forth natural price (normal exchange value) as the general average of "what it really costs the person who brings it to market." But at the same time this price must cover the profit which the producer could else- where have made; "If he sells at a price which does not allow him the ordinary rate of profit in his neighborhood, he is evidently a loser by the trade ; since by employing his stock in some other way he might have made that profit ;" — opportunity cost.^ His profit, besides, is his revenue, the proper fund of his sub- sistence. As, while he is preparing and bringing the goods to market, he advances to his workmen their wages, or their subsist- ence; so he advances to himself, in the same manner, his own subsistence Unless they yield him this profit, therefore, they *Adam Smith, op. cit., chap. vi. ^ While there is no doubt that Smith in many places adopts — and never in terms repudiates — this entrepreneur-cost point of view, it is equally clear that at other times he as definitely accepts and emphasizes the labor-pain and the labor-value doctrines. Whittaker certainly goes much too far in the following: "As a theory of value .... Adam Smith left us an early form of the law of entrepreneur's cost and a labor-command measure of value. But he disowns what is naturally thought of as the genuine classical theory of value, that labor cost regulates market value. This theory was Ricardo's and really his alone." — Albert C. Whittaker, History and Criticism of the Labor Theory of Value in English Political Economy, Vol. XIX, No. 2, of "Columbia University Studies," p. 31. 24 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION do not repay him for what they may very properly be said to have cost him. The natural price must, then, also recoup him for these expenses of living — an employer's subsistence or standard- of-living cost. True, he may not get this price, but this is the lowest price "at which he is likely to sell — for any con- siderable time." But this subsistence-cost doctrine does not, after all, appear to Smith quite to suffice; the price is set forth as safely to be assumed as the lowest long-time price only upon the assumption that there is freedom of changing occupations. But where such freedom exists, it is really the principle of displacement that is being appealed to; these possible alternatives of employment offer a typical example of opportunity cost. In this chapter vii consistent account first begins to be taken of the fact that capital and land are important agents in the productive process. Henceforward, the talk of homogeneity in productive powers ceases ; henceforward, the discussion mostly goes on the basis of employer's cost as against pain or time cost; the doctrine, so far as con- sciously formulated, is that of outlay cost, and in the main, impliedly as well as consciously, is outlay cost as against opportunity cost. And so, in addition to the claims of the capitalists, "as soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords .... demand a rent even for the natural produce. The laborer .... must then give up to his landlord a portion of what his labor either collects or produces." Now here, again, the land is conceived as passive oppor- tunity rather than as productive agent ; the laborer is repre- sented as giving up a part of what in its entirety his own labor has produced. "This portion, or what comes to the same thing, the price of this portion, constitutes the rent of the land, and in the price of the greater part of commodities makes a third component part." So, from the point of view of outlay cost and of exchange value, rent, like interest, disturbs the labor-cost principle as a causal and determi- ADAM SMITH 25 nant fact for exchange relations, unless, indeed, it be pos- sible to regard land and capital as substitutes for labor and as, so far, making labor unnecessary to be done or to be paid for. Formally, this would, perhaps, imply no lack of loyalty to the labor standard, loyalty, however, not to labor in terms of pain, but solely to labor in terms of pain or of something instead of pain ; nor, indeed, is it, in last analysis, an insistence upon labor in any aspect, but only upon some- thing, production-wise, a substitute for labor. And if this interchange between labor and substitutes is accepted as possible, it should be equally open to reverse the process and to regard labor as the substitute for land or capital services, thus reducing all costs to equivalents in rent or interest. But this comes perilously near to surrendering the whole labor-cost position, and to adopting in its entirety the out- lay-cost point of view. But — and now we come to an example of Smith's treat- ment of labor as value standard or measure — nothing of all this necessarily bears to disturb labor as the best and per- haps the only medium of expression and common denomi- nator of real value. The real value of all the different component parts of price, it must be observed, is measured by the quantity of labor which they can, each of them, purchase or command. Labor measures the value, not only of that part of price which resolves itself into labor, but of that part which resolves itself into rent, and of that part which resolves itself into profit. Here evidently, the thought is simply and purely one of measure — of standard — and not of cause. But a shift in concepts has nevertheless taken place — a shift later to be exploited at the full by Malthus — from labor as the basis of value by virtue of the labor-pain investment, to labor as basis in tenns of pain-purchasing power or of pain-avoid- ing power — ultimately, therefore, of service-rendering power.^ * Thus the following states only one of the two positions held by Smith with regard to the labor standard: "To Smith, labor is the great, homogeneous, undiflferentiated common denominator to the wonderfully diverse mass of goods which come into existence out of it, and the value or 'real worth' of each of these goods follows the quantity of the source-stuff turned to its production." — Whittaker, op. cit., p. 34. 26 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION In chapter vii it is written that, when the price of any commodity is neither more nor less than what is sufificient to pay the rent of the land, the wages of the labor, and the profits of the stock employed in raising, preparing, and bringing it to market, according to their natural rates, the commodity is then sold for what may be called its natural price. There is here no attempt to explain these natural rates, either as costs to the employer or as incomes to the owners ; they are simply normal or natural rates, and the produced commodities incorporate these rates into the natural cost, with the result that the corresponding price is the natural price. There is here, however, unconsciously but neces- sarily implied an opportunity-cost analysis, as the explana- tion of these existing rates of compensation to which, as costs, the production of every particular commodity is subject. And this opportunity doctrine is, in fact, recog- nized, so far as the employers' profits are concerned: Though in common language what is called the prime cost of any commodity does not comprehend the profit of the person who is to sell it again, yet if he sells it at a price which does not allow him the ordinary rate of profit .... he is evidently a loser by the trade; since by employing his stock in some other way he might have made this profit. But in the paragraph next following appeal is made, as we have already seen, to the doctrine of subsistence cost : While he is preparing and bringing the goods to market he advances to the workmen their wages, or their subsistence; so he advances to himself in the same manner his own subsistence which is generally suitable to the profit which he may reasonably expect from the sale of his goods. It is now to be remarked that here the standard is one not of necessary subsistence, nor accurately one of permanent and established standard of Hving, but a sort of short-time standard based upon the expected profit: but the stand- ard serves for the purposes in hand as does the laborer's wage ; it is the amount necessarily paid, or at all events the amount actually paid to one of the producing agents — out- lay cost. However, Smith is not faithful to this concept; nor can he well be so, for evidently one is not held to con- sume all of his profits; and whether he does or does not consume them all, and whether they are great or small, it is ADAM SMITH 27 probable that he will take them if they are the best that he can get. If at any time it [the supply] exceeds the effectual demand, some of the component parts of the price must be paid below the natural rate. If it is rent, the interests of the landlords will immediately prompt them to withdraw a part of their land; if it is wages or profits, the interests of the laborers in the one case and of their employers in the other, will prompt them to withdraw a part of their labor or capital from this employment.'' This is opportunity cost so extended as to include all forms of outlay of productive goods or for productive goods, rent included ; and the same argument is applied in reverse order to higher prices. Smith proceeds : "The natural price is, as it were, the central price, to which the prices of all commodities are naturally gravitating." However, Smith's ideas as to the relation of rent to cost and to price were especially and notoriously vague and vacillating. In chapter ix, the rent of land, these notions of outlay cost and opportunity cost get, so far as rent out- lays are concerned, a serious back-set : Rent enters into the composition of the price of commodities in a different way from wages and profit. High or low rent is the effect of it. It is because high or low wages or profit must be paid in order to bring a particular commodity to market that its price is high or low; but it is because its price is high or low, a great deal more or a little more or no more than what is sufficient to pay the wages and profits, that it affords a high rent or low rent or no rent at all. This distinction between rent outlays and other outlays can evidently not greatly signify from the point of view of outlay cost. But there is another point of view from which the distinction is important. Rent arises only as a question of individual and competitive cost. Socialized production would meet with land differentials, but the aggregate prod- uct would stand as the aggregate remuneration for the total social outlay and effort : some of the product would, it is true, have required less outlay than other ; but if any sys- tem of exchanging, by barter or otherwise, existed, these differences in land quality could have no significance for the terms of the exchanges ; nor could they figure as addi- tions to cost; at the most, as differentials, they would only ^ Adam Smith, op. cit., chap. vii. 28 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION be differentials of saved cost. But in a competitive society these differentials of productivity have to be paid for under the guise of outlays made for the privilege of enjoying them. So again, but for a different purpose, we return to the distinction between competitive and collective cost. Every improvement in production, whether of developing technique, or of better land, or of more abundant land, or of better capital or more abundant capital, is, from the social point of view, the occasion and cause of diminished labor cost — a larger product for a given total of production burden.^ * Note, however, that this discussion of collectivist labor cost has in view only such productivity differentials as concern only one line of products. But commonly, of course, differentials of quality for, say, wheat production are accompanied by differentials for other lines of product. In such cases another cost computation requires attention in the collectivist reckoning. Displacement cost — opportunity cost — is really the leading and almost the exclusive form of cost for collectivist economics. Labor cost is, in fact, of extremely small significance, excepting in this aspect of alternative applications. All that the text intends to assert is that instrumenal differentials of productivity for any one line of production can have no significance in collectivist computations. CHAPTER III RICARDO At the present day it is a task neither of great difficulty nor of great merit to convict Adam Smith of inconsistency and even of direct contradiction. Were the purposes here in view essentially those of criticism, it would thereby be the more necessary to keep in mind that the strength of Adam Smith lay in his breadth of information, his accuracy of observation, his suggestiveness of comment, and his catholicity of doctrine. He was not in his time, and could hardly have been in any time, a close worker in systematic theory: He failed to see the town for the houses, the forest for the trees ; but he knew wondrous well the houses and the trees. His habit of mind was concrete and prac- tical. Despite, however, this consistent practicality, almost every theoretical aspect of every question struck him at one time or another. In economic doctrine, as has been said of Shakespeare in observation of life, the ocean of his sympathy lapped all the isles of thought. For the present purposes, therefore, which are, in the main, expository and analytic rather than historical or critical, Adam Smith offers an incomparable field for profitable discussion and illustration. Not precisely so with Ricardo or with his contem- poraries, Malthus, James Mill, and MacCulloch. Ricardo was in purpose and method a systematizer, with a theorem to expound and a theory to establish; consistency and logi- cal coherence were parts of the task to which, despite slight equipment in style and in expository skill, he had set him- self ; and in this purpose, so far as consistency and logical unity were concerned, he was, on the whole, surprisingly successful. His defects of exposition, however, render the task of interpretation especially difficult: it may thus be possible that one more attempt at restatement and reinter- 29 3© ' VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION pretation of his doctrine may be serviceable, even after the sympathetic and masterly and, in the main, definitive study of Mr. E. C. K. Gonner.i / Very confusing in Ricardo's discussion is the fact that there are two senses for each of the terms value and value of labor; value meaning (i) real value, in the sense of labor-investment value — concreted pain cost; (2) power in exchange. Value of labor sometimes means (i) mere exchange power, market value of labor; (2) labor as a ratio to profit, a distributive fraction, a relative share in a product the absolute value of which is irrelevant to the concept. And thus with regard to the famous proposition that neither wages nor profits can rise or fall unless to the corresponding loss or gain of the other factor, James Mill makes it clear that this is never asserted by Ricardo except in the sense of relative shares : If a change in the amount of commodities is meant, it will not be true, in that sense, that profits so depend upon wages as to fall when wages rise, and rise when wages fall; for both may fall and both may rise together. And this is a proposition which no political economist has ever called in question.^ But note that in the sense neither of exchange power nor of ratio shares does Ricardo commit himself to the doctrine that the value of the labor is derived from the value of the ^ All references are to Conner's edition of Ricardo. ^ James Mill, Elements of Political Economy (3d ed., London, 1844), chap, ii, sec. 3. "Ricardo never asserts or imagines that wages and profits cannot increase together, so far as the amount of commodities that measure them is concerned What he denies is that one can obtain a larger share of the total value without the other experiencing a diminution in its share." — Conner (Ricardo) : "Introductory Essay," sec. 15. "Each commodity represents a certain amount of force, and thus the total quantity produced represents the total force of the country. Should invention facilitate production .... each commodity subject to the invention must cease to represent as great an amount of force ; .... in other words, its real value would be less." — Ibid,, sec. 9. RICARDO 31 product. His is consistently a cost-of-prnduction view. But he equally carefully avoids making the exchange value of the labor the cause, through costs, of the exchange rela- tions of the products. He does not deny that labor has value; this is as clear as that land has value: but with land he denies, and with labor he declines to assert, any cost-causal relation. To grasp this point is crucial to any right understanding of Ricardo. He has no explanation for the value of labor excepting by the necessities of living according to the established standard, a sort of cost doc- trine for labor. He terms labor the "foundation of exchange value;" it is the very essence and significance of real value. Exchange values are merely proportional to real values. "The connection between exchange value and so-called real value is simple. On the degree to which a commodity as compared with other commodities is pos- sessed of the latter, depends its position in the ratio of exchange." ^ Labor is conceived by Ricardo as a leveler of exchange value, and this solely through the efforts of holders of it or of purchasers of it to apply it at the maximum of advan- tage. It is true that the working-out of this by entrepre- neurs is in terms of cost to them but, according to Ricardo, their computations do not express the ultimate fact; cost is not decisive excepting in this sense of proportionment ; production costs in the ordinary sense depend upon real costs, that is, upon the quantity of labor applied; and so the doctrine formulates, value : value : : cost (=labor) : cost (=labor). And it thus comes about that labor, the basis and essence of real value, may serve as a standard and common denominator of exchange value. In final analysis, labor does not determine value through its own value, but merely determines, by the proportion of it incorporated in different commodities, the relations of exchange value between these commodities. Labor might halve or double in productive power, and yet no effect be felt in the ratios ^ Ibid., sec. 9. 32 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION of exchange. So wages might vary indefinitely in rise or fall without modifying these market relations: No alteration in the wages of labor could produce any altera- tion in the relative value of these commodities The same reasons which should make the hunters and fishers endeavor to raise the value of their game and fish would cause the owner of the mines to raise the value of his gold The relative situation being the same before and after the rise of wages, the rela- tive .... value would remain unaltered.* But if the labor quantities change relatively, changes will follow in value. Every improvement in machinery, in tools, in buildings, in rais- ing the raw material, saves labor and enables us to produce the commodity to which the improvement is applied, with more facility, and consequently its value alters." In what direction Ricardo would look for the explana- tion of all this may not be clear; but it is certain that he does not find it in any invariability in the value of labor. Labor does vary both in ratio value, its share relative to profit, and in commodity-purchasing power, its exchange value : Therefore it cannot be correct to say with Adam Smith "that as labor may sometimes purchase a greater and sometimes a smaller quantity of goods, it is their value that varies," — ^but it is correct to say that the proportion between the quantities of labor necessary for acquiring different objects seems to be the only cir- cumstance which can afford any rule for exchanging them for one another.' Nor would Ricardo have concurred in the assertion of an invariable real value in labor; but only of invariability in the exchange relations of things invariable in their rela- tive labor content. Labor value as reality in contra-distinc- tion to labor value as an exchange fact, Ricardo did not recognize, or, for that matter, deny ; he had no need for the distinction. For any purpose of his the value of labor is * Ricardo, Political Economy, chap, i, sec. 3, par. 16. ^ Ibid., chap, iv, par. 18. ^ Ibid., chap, i, sec. i, par. 10. RICARDO 33 variable ; "being not only affected as other things are by the proportion between supply and demand .... but also by the varying prices of food and other necessaries on which the wages of labor are expended." '^ But how does this proportion doctrine, this function of labor as a leveler of values, come to be in any sense a cost doctrine, or justify the repute of Ricardo as the great cost- of-production theorist? As generally interpreted, and by his own express assertion, he holds that the value of any given article depends upon its cost of production; but the connection between labor cost and cost of production in the sense of outlay cost comes about through the entrepre- neur working-out of the proportion principle. As regards the value of any one commodity, its cost, its selling-price, the mere outlay investigation would be an adequate solu- tion ; with wages so much, materials so much, etc., the price would have to be so much. But Ricardo was attempting to see the value problem whole, not merely as a question of this commodity or that, considered separately — a purely individualist-entrepreneur standpoint — but of all commodi- ties taken together in their interrelations of exchange. For this purpose the various cost outlays would not serve as a basis of explanation, but would themselves be simply so many more items of fact awaiting each its separate explana- tion. Summarizing, therefore, the case as thus far stated, we may say that Ricardo makes labor important only as the basis and inner meaning of real value. The doctrine of ''Ibid., chap, i, sec. i, par. 9. In view of Ricardo's distinction between value and riches, as set forth in chapter xx, it must be admitted that the above interpretation might fairly be questioned. But in a letter to Say, dated January 2, 1820, Ricardo writes : "You seem to me to have misunderstood one of my propositions. I do not say that it is the value of labor that determines the value of the product ; this is a view which I am trying with all my power to refute. I say that it is the comparative quantity of labor necessary to production which determines the relative value of prod- ucts." [This is translated from the French ; I have not been able to place my hand upon the original, which I take to have been in English.] 34 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION real value is still everywhere a cost doctrine of the labor sort; the purpose of activity is to secure pleasure or to avoid pain ; in either case, pain is the method and the price of attainment, the cost, and thereby an expression of the value of the thing or fact attained, or of the external agent or implement affording it. Thus it comes about that Ricardo distinguishes sharply between riches and ' real value; with riches the emphasis is upon quantity of utility, of weal ; with value, upon cost. All of this, as we have seen, falls under the head of real value. But for exchange value he recognizes that, even in the simplest cases, labor gives only a method of arriving at relations between commodities, their exchange ratios ; it is a measure in this sense only, and comes to serve as such only through the leveling influence of costs, by virtue of the constant tendency on the part of producers to apply labor at its greatest advantage. Pain cost has here nothing to do with the case, excepting as pain may have something to do with the sums which must be paid for labor in order to get it. Neither labor, nor pain as in some way implied in labor, has any significance for exchange value otherwise than as standard or measure or common denominator. An indirect significance is worked out only through the leveling or proportioning mechanism.* In point of fact, with all the Ricardian group, as with Smith, the desideratum in the exchange-value prob- lem was to get at a measure ; the real-value doctrine was * In the light of the foregoing, sharp dissent must be expressed from the view of Ricardo held by Whittaker : "Ricardo contributed very little to the advancement of the empirical, that is, the entre- preneur account as such. The direct line of descent of this doctrine is traceable from Smith's Wealth of Nations through the Principles of Malthus and J. S. Mill to Marshall. Neither Ricardo nor Cairnes can be considered to stand in the line Ricardo never stated a law of entrepreneurs' cost plainly, formally, as such, though he gave it an obscure recognition as a source of difficulty to the pure labor theory of value" (Whittaker, op, cit., pp. 14, 15). The following appears to be by much the more accurate state- ment : "Ricardo's real conception of normal value is this : the total cost of a commodity determines the total wages charges that must be paid by the entrepreneur, or series of entrepreneurs, producing it" (ibid., p. 51). RICARDO 35 sufficient for more fundamental consideration of causes, and as bottoming economics upon some final, definitive, and underlying substratum of reality. If land, the Physiocratic basis, was discarded, what else could serve, if it were not labor? In view of the comparative utility of water and wine, or of corn and gold, and in the absence of any notion of marginal utility, utility could not serve for the case — whether or not we shall now say that the required homo- geneity has later come with the marginal notion. And even if utility could have been made to apply, this was not that bed-rock of reality which was in quest. And so much the more this search for the ultimate could not content itself with simple exchange ratios. Ratios of what? Determined by what? A mere ratio of exchange was as if a man should stand firmly, resting neither on one leg nor on the other, but held upright by the mutual support of the two. Possibly the situation was of this sort for the moving equilibrium of the heavenly bodies — tied to nothing and upheld by nothing — but if so it was admittedly not greatly to their credit. The only exit from the dilemma appeared to be by the way of labor, as definitive and real, causal and determi- native. But for exchange value, nothing of the sort was claimed for labor, but only that it was adapted to serve in the second of Adam Smith's roles, that of value denominator.^ It must now be admitted that Ricardo's essential posi- tion that commodities rise or fall in exchange value in ° Malthus concurring in this notion that a common measure for value must be discovered, and that labor offered the only hope, was yet disposed to disagree with Ricardo and to adopt not the common denominator of labor in the cost aspect — ^by test of what had been done, a system of byegones — but by the forward-looking method of what the product, once produced, would command in labor or in the products of labor. For clearly, said Malthus, if a manufacturer really makes a profit, he must get back for his product the power to control more productive energies than he put into his commodity. If the less labor of today will now do the work of the more of yesterday, an equal con- trol of labor must imply a profit. It is the purchasing power of any product that really signifies to the producer of it, and if labor is agreed to be the measure-medium, it should be so in the sense of labor- purchase rather than of labor-investment. True, these quantities may commonly coincide, but if the coincidence fails, the preference should be accorded to purchasing power. — T. R. Malthus, Political Economy, chap. i. Possibly so ; but it is sufficient, for our present purposes, to point out that Malthus is here vaguely feeling toward the utility measure of value ; that is to say, his doctrine is fundamentally not a cost doctrine. 36 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION proportion to the rise or fall in the labor requirement in their production would hold, if (i) labor could be reduced to homogeneity excepting in terms of value productivity, and if (2) the doctrine could be made to account adequately for the roles of land and of capital in production. As to land, Ricardo felt no considerable difficulty. He ruled rent out of the problem, by a course of reasoning familiar to all economists and still commonly accepted. It is unnecessary to inquire here whether modern theory has done well in accepting this Ricardian doctrine as to the relation between rent costs and values — there is much wait- ing to be said in this regard, — but it is certain that Ricardo did not do well in attempting to fit this doctrine into his general system. His doctrine of cost was one of competitive and not of collectivist cost; it was worked out in terms of entrepreneur competitions by the sheer necessity of its character as competitive; the doctrine of the proportion- ment of value to labor, the leveling doctrine, finds its basis in the principle that each entrepreneur will use his costs, as a total, in the way to get from them the greatest total of exchange power. In short, Ricardo's doctrine of propor- tion was worked out through the entrepreneur mechanism and was nothing more or less than competitive opportunity cost; and had he only furnished the doctrine forth with an apparatus of margins and of producers' differentials, and had he disposed of rent, as well as of interest, by frankly and freely making room for both within his formula, much in modern value theory might have been other — and better — than it is today.^** However, there would of course have remained the old difficulty about the homogeneity of labor; and a new diffi- culty would forthwith have arisen — how to make land costs homogeneous with labor costs, otherwise than on the seem- ingly question-begging value basis. And then, again, " Malthus' view was more consistently in line with the entre- preneur-cost concept : "It appears to me essential .... to say that the cost of producing any commodity is made up of all the wages, all the profits, and all the rents which .... are necessary to bring that particular commodity to market in the quantity required" (Malthus, op. cit., I St ed., pp. 102, 103). "Malthus proceeds to a thorough criticism of Ricardo's law of labor cost There are (i) the temporary alterations of prices too rapid to be met by changing the volume of production ; (2) monopoly in the product itself, or some raw product used in its making; (3) seasonal fluctuations in all products of the soil . . . . ; (4) the different proportions of fixed capital employed, the different RICARDO 37 finally, the same questions would immediately have pre- sented themselves with regard to capital. But they presented themselves as it was. Ricardo was perfectly well aware that, in getting rid of rent, he had merely postponed his difficulty, and that in point of fact, this difficulty was insurmountable. But he had done his best; and then, with his customary candor, a candor which would have done credit to a trained scientist, admitted that this best was not well. Not so with his disciples, MacCulloch and James Mill. Ricardo's argument appealed to them as wholly satisfac- tory; they were unable to appreciate the difficulty which Ricardo himself felt with it. For is it not clear that mid- way between man and environment, labor and land, there are those modifications in environment — new items of environment — due to the activity which men have exerted in their traffic with the original endowment? Genetically speaking, capital is mere stored-up labor, and that part of the entire productive output of society that is due to capital is, in last analysis, it was said, rightly to be ascribed to labor; interest is therefore indirect wages. Taking the hunter illustration, Ricardo had formulated the argument as follows : Value is regulated not solely by the time and labor [directly] necessary, .... but also by the time and labor necessary for pro- viding the hunter's capital, the weapons ; [so if] the weapon neces- sary to kill the beaver was constructed with .... more labor than, etc., the beaver would be of more value than two deer The same principle would hold true, that the exchangeable value of the commodities produced would be in proportion to the labor bestowed on their production; not on their immediate pro- quickness of the returns of the circulating capital; (s) the quantity of foreign commodities used in manufactures ; (6) the acknowledged effects of taxation; (7) and the almost universal prevalence of rent in the actual state of all improved countries ; . . . . it is certainly not the quantity of labor which has been employed in the production of each particular commodity which determines their relative values in exchange, at the same time and at the same place (Malthus, op. cit., pp. 104, 105). Ricardo acknowledged all this, but the claim that rent," etc. — Whittaker, op. cit., p. 85. 38 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION duction only, but on all those implements or machines required to give effect to the particular labor to which they were applied;" and he enumerates as among these other applications of labor, a portion of the labor bestowed on building the ship in which it [the cotton — taking the stocking industry as an example] is con- veyed, .... a portion of the labor of the engineer, smith, and carpenter who erected the buildings and machinery, .... and of many others whom it is unnecessary further to particularize. The aggregate sum of these various kinds of labor determines the quantity of other things for which these stockings will exchange, while the same consideration of the various quantities of labor, which have been bestowed on these other things, will equally govern the portion of them which will be given for stockings." And to show that these same concltisions apply to the com- modities exchanged against the stockings, he inquires what effect would be felt upon prices, if any of the labor processes were shortened. But in paragraph 17 of the same section he finds it necessary to take account of the influence of time; he recognizes that where the capitals applied are not of equal durability or of similar sorts, changes will be worked in exchange ratios — as, for example, by differences in propor- tions of fixed as against circulating capital, subsistence goods, etc., where time becomes an important element in fixing profits on stock. And he points out that if different commodities require different proportions of labor and capital in their production, changes in the value of labor must affect one commodity more than another. But note that while this might appear to regard labor not only as an equalizer and leveler of exchange values, but also as somehow independent and as possessing in its own right a value in such wise as to make it definitely and ultimately a cost, this would not be a fair interpretation of Ricardo's position. He is reasoning merely that as sheer matter of time and of the corresponding interest charges, or ^^ Op. cit., chap, i, sec. 3, pars. 14, 15. ^Ibid., par. 15. RICARDO 39 as a question of some departure — due perhaps to changing conditions with lapsing time — of the fixed capital from the value level of its labor cost, which departure he does not attempt to explain, or through changes in wage require- ments, due, we will say, to subsistence influences, — com- modities may differ in exchange value, because of the larger or smaller share of fixed-capital outlays as compared with wage outlays, or of fixed-capital outlays as compared with circulating-capital outlays. And labor, as he often says, may vary both in exchange and in ratio value. But this variability, as Ricardo thought of it, is especially of the ratio sort; but in any event this variation in the relative share in the productive output must be allowed for by employers in combining labor and capital as productive agents, precisely because a difference in cost must obtain with different combinations of these agents. And thus it appears that labor and capital, while they may have been shown to be homogeneous in origin, are not necessarily under this argument reducible to labor homogeneity for purposes of cost computations. It is worthy of remark that Ricardo does not at this point very closely distinguish how much of his difficulty is due to time, as it expresses itself in interest charges, as against time as offering opportunity for changes in the exchange value of labor or in the exchange value of the capital goods — ^machines, buildings, etc. — or in the ratio value of labor and capital — wages and profits. James Mill, however, approached the problem without misgiving and left it in entire contentment : This reduction of capital and labor to homogeneity may, he says, be attempted either (i) by the method of reducing labor to terms of capital, or (2) by reducing capital to terms of labor. The first method is declared impracticable; true, the capi- talist pays the wages of labor and reckons the wage pay- ment as a capital outlay ; but this is only to say that laborers and capitalists in co-operation have produced the com- 40 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION modity in question [as technologically they have, but as cost-wise they have not], and that the product should belong to them both, except for the fact that one partner has bought out the other before the returns are in; this, however, it is said, does not transform the case into a production by capital alone. The second method of arriving at homogeneity is accepted upon the line of argument falteringly and dubi- ously worked out by Ricardo. But how about the diffi- culty as to time interest? Interest, Mill replies, is merely the slow payment for the wearing-out of capital; all the partial payments will equal the whole value of the stored- up labor. But even so. Mill asks, what shall be said of the increase which comes with time to the value, say, of wine? Where is the labor in this? There is no more capital by which to explain the increase. "It is no solution to say that profit must be paid, because this only brings us to the ques- tion, why must profit be paid?" This must be because the capital applied elsewhere, e. g., upon the land, would during the same time have earned a profit, and so must have a profit here. The wine which works is like a machine which works without superintendence, and pay- ment for the work of the machine is really payment for the work which made it.^^ And so, having said nothing of why the capital would, in agriculture, have had any better right to command inter- est, he dallies sentence-long with the principle of oppor- tunity cost, and finally, having reduced the working of wine, and logically as well the energy of all the winds and tides, and, indeed, of every labor of the whole universe groaning and travailing in pain together, to terms of human labor, goes on his way unafraid and rejoicing. And so with MacCulloch, though not quite so humorously so. But with Ricardo the petrified-labor interpretation of capital was not completely satisfactory. In his corre- ** James Mill, Elements of Political Economy, chap, iii, sec 2. RICARDO 41 spondence with MacCulloch," he regretfully admits, but none the less stoutly argues, that exceptions must be recog- nized to the general doctrine of proportionality between exchange value and labor cost ; but all the exceptions to the general rule come under the one of time — I sometimes think that if I were to write the chapter on value again which is in my book, I should acknowledge that the relative value of commodities was regulated by two causes instead of one, namely by the relative quantity of labor necessary to produce the commodities in question, and by the rate of profit for the time that the capital remained dormant I am not satisfied, as I have often told you, with the account I have given of value, because I do not know exactly where to fix my standard/'' [He is] sure that the general idea is right, [but] I cannot get over the difficulty of the wine which is kept in the cellar for three or four years, or that of the ash tree which perhaps originally had not 2s. expended upon it in the way of labor, and yet comes to be worth iioo There is no difficulty in measuring all this in a standard such as ours, but the difficulty is in showing why we fix on that measure, and in proving it to be, what a measure of value must be, itself invariable." And on August 2, 1823, Ricardo wrote to Malthus: As far as I have yet been able to reflect upon MacCuUoch's and Mill's suggestion, I am not satisfied with it. They make the best defense for my measure, but do not really get rid of all the objec- tions. I believe, however, that though not without fault, it is the best {ibid., p. 160) . That is to say, Ricardo believed that the variations due to capital influences are, in short-time adjustments, rela- tively unimportant, labor thereby remaining "for many commodities a fairly good standard, and with many more an excellent standard." And now, very briefly, attention must be called, not to the confusion of cost concepts involved in including inter- est in cost while excluding rent, for this has already occu- pied us overlong, and will later call for still more of time ^* Publications of the American Economic Association (J. H. Hol- lander), Vol. X, Nos. 5, 6, pp. 70, 71, 177, 178. " Ibid., p. 96. ^^ Ibid., p. 153. 42 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION and attention, but to the confusion of capital concepts necessarily associated with this cost discussion. How much of truth is there, for example, in James Mill's notion that labor cost cannot be translated into capital terms, since, despite the fact that the employer must reckon his wage payments as capital outlays, it remains true that both capi- tal and labor have co-operated to produce the value in question, capital having simply bought out the laborer before the goods are marketed? And if it is true that the production was not by capital alone, but by capital and labor in co-operation, is this equivalent to asserting that in point of cost the production process was shared? And if so, in what sense are these co-operating costs commensu- rable and homogeneous ? The employer has incurred outlay and abstinence costs, and possibly, also, as Mill blunders into recognizing, opportunity costs. As for the wage- earner, he has undergone his labor burden, and having received his wages therefor, would appear to have disap- peared, for the purposes in hand, from the cost reckoning. His wages, while costs to his employer, are not cost, but compensation to himself. To the employer they are not pain quantities, but outlays, and as such enter for him into the cost reckoning solely under the capital denominator. And his are the only costs which have to do with the sale aspect of the goods. The truth is that, under competitive production, costs are mostly outlay costs, and, whether out- lay or other, are mostly or entirely reduced to the capital denominator,^'' This is the sense in which Ricardo and Mill were, for the time being, using the term capital, viz., in the com- mercial, competitive, acquisitive sense, inclusive of moneys, credits, supplies, in short all forms of labor-employing or gain-acquiring funds. But this is not at all the sense in which the capital notion must sound, if anything is to be done with the proposition that capital is stored-up labor in such wise that interest may thereby be conceived as redu- cible to wages. For in the competitive-acquisitive sense, capital, so far at least as it is of the circulating sort, is something that is constantly changing its form ; it is merely basis for expenditure, and may be invested in labor or in materials, or as the hire of capital goods, or as interest on " But outlay costs themselves express in turn one aspect of opportunity cost, or may do so, viz., the value of the agents in hand for their best alternative application; but all this must wait its time. RICARDO 43 credit loans, or as rent of land, or for that matter in pretty much anything else; that is to say, it is a form of capital not at all corresponding to capital taken in the techno- logical sense, as one of the three primary categories of socially productive factors, but is a form now labor, now land, now materials, now machinery, now subsistence goods, everything by turns and nothing long, with only one unifying and constant characteristic, that it is all the while a basis of charge in the individual computation of costs, thereby a competitive category of the purest quality. And, indeed, it may as well be noted in passing, that this tripartite division of productive agents is (i) purely social, (2) purely technological. Competitive society has entirely different categories. But the various concepts of capital must await their turn for discussion ; see chapter xi. CHAPTER IV SENIOR Any other cause limiting supply is just as efficient a cause of value in an article as the necessity of labor in its production. And, in fact, if all the commodities used by man were supplied by nature without any intervention whatever of human labor, but were sup- plied in precisely the same quantities that they now are, there is no reason to suppose either that they would cease to be valuable, or would exchange in any other than the present proportions.'^ No writer of the cost school is fairly to be charged with overlooking the fact that utility is a fundamental condition to the existence of value; utility and the market demand resting upon it are merely assumed — taken for granted — as reasonably going without saying. But water and wine, iron and gold, etc., are taken as cases demon- strating that the fixation of value — all the while inside the limits set by utility — must be found on the cost side of the value investigation. True, there are goods of a distinctly scarcity sort, but these Ricardo and his associates left out of the reckoning, as exceptional in quality and relatively unimportant in volume; the investigation confined itself mostly or entirely to cases of freely reproducible goods. But Senior has something to add here; he puts the causes of value as utility and scarcity. Ricardo, less accu- rately, had said: "Possessing utility, commodities acquire value from two causes, labor and scarcity." - But evidently the truth was with Senior; the necessity for the labor is in the scarcity; labor and scarcity point to one and the same fact. If goods were supplied gratui- tously but in precisely the same quantities as now, the exchange relations would be in no wise affected; the labor requirement is purely an influence affecting the supply side of the value equation. 'Senior, Political Economy, 6th ed. (London), p. 24. ^ Op, cit., chap, i, sec. i, par. 3. 44 SENIOR 45 Ricardo had regarded labor cost, in the pain aspect, as the essence and ultimate significance of real value, but had regarded exchange value not as a question of labor content but only of proportion to labor content. And he had found infinite difficulty in getting interest costs into this formulation — to say nothing of rent. Senior purports to find a solution for this perplexity. Homogeneity between capital cost and labor cost can, to his thinking, be worked out through his discovery of abstinence pain as the condi- tion to which the existence of capital is subjected. There- by labor and saving are conceived to be reducible to a common denominator of pain. Just how much this doctrine would have profited Ricardo is not altogether clear. It is to be remembered that Ricardo employed pain cost only as, in terms of ultimate content, the explanation of real value; and so far as real value was concerned, he was not conscious of needing more for the further strengthening of his doc- trine. Exchange values were not, in his view, a question of pain cost in any other sense than that, through wage- cost outlays, exchange values become proportional to labor pains. But could he not have made exchange value a proportion resting upon the combined pain of labor and of abstinence? Recalling, however, that Ricardo worked out his doc- trine only through the medium of outlay cost, as a question of employers' wage expenditures, and was able to formu- late his proportion only upon the assumption of such homogeneity in labor as would require employers to pay wages for it in precise proportion to its quality of burden, it becomes evident that capital-saving, pain of abstinence, can be fitted into the proportion only upon the twofold assumption, (i) that saving is homogeneous in pain qual- ity so that interest payments can be safely regarded as pro- portionate to savings pains, and (2) that savings pain and labor pain are in such wise homogeneous that labor pain and savings pain command equal remuneration per unit of pain. But whether or not, in close analysis, all this would have turned out to be thoroughly practicable, it is certain that Senior himself did not attempt the necessary analysis; nor is it clear that he adopted Ricardo's distinction between real value and exchange value. 46 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Senior makes labor and natural agents the primary factors of production; abstinence, while not primary, is none the less important: The power of labor and of the other instruments which produce may be indefinitely increased by using their products as the means of further production By the word abstinence we seek to express that agent, distinct from labor and the agency of nature, the concurrence of which is necessary to the existence of capital, and which stands in the same relation to profit [interest] as labor does to wages. ° And plainly enough, from the point of view of laborer and saver — in purpose and possibly in moral deserving — interest is the reward of abstinence as wages are the reward of labor. But equally plainly, from the point of view of borrowers and employers, this identity of relation does not hold; wages are paid for the services of labor as a pro- ductive agent ; interest is not paid for the services of absti- nence as productive agent, but for the services of capital. To the objection to calling abstinence an active agent of any sort. Senior replies : "To abstain from the enjoy- ment which is within our power, or to seek distant rather than immediate results, are [sic] among the most painful exertions of the human will." * However, even if it be true that abstinence is painful, this is world-wide from showing that it is productive, and still farther from showing that remuneration according to productiveness and remuneration according to pain fulness must lead to one and the same result. But in point of fact it is not clear that abstinence is an independent fact of pain. When one has produced wealth the question before him is when and how to spend it; the wealth is a good thing to have; whatever grief there may have been in its getting is all past, and the time for the other side of the account has arrived. How to take one's enjoyment, the manner as well as the time of it, may be a puzzlesome matter and may give occasion to a deal of doddering. And it is true that the abstinence may involve the denial of satisfaction to a present and pressing want; it is equally true, however, that the choice may lie between positive ' Senior, op. cit., p. 59, * Senior, op. cit., p. 59. Precisely in the same sense and for the same argumentative end, Courcelle-Seneuil uses the term travail de I'epargne. SENIOR 47 gratifications; it would be a waste of sympathy to grieve with one who has to choose between two pleasures, and to call either pleasure a pain because it is conditioned on going without the other pleasure. The term sacrifice might be serviceable here for expressing the truth of the case, though the cost argument, as one of pain, would not thereby be greatly strengthened. But all of this has, of course, nothing to say as to the proposition that, with- out some compensation, the considerations making for present as against deferred enjoyment might be the stronger, and the saving fail to take place: nor is anything to be inferred as to this or any other justification, mor- ally speaking, for the receipt of interest. But, in itself, abstinence is not pain, and may not remotely imply pain; it is often only one of the different data in a choice between pleasures. Whether or not, were it always a pain, it could be reduced to a common denominator with labor pain is, therefore, not a pressing problem. Bearing in mind the sense in which Senior stands for the proportionality of value to cost, there need be no sur- prise in meeting his assertion that neither profits nor wages are costs, but only abstinence and labor.^ In a sense and as bearing on the concept of real value, Ricardo would have assented to this; and as bearing on market value also, Ricardo would have been keen to insist that wages and interest are not ultimate determinants of value but only that values are proportioned to them ; but it would have sounded strange to Ricardo to hear it denied with reference to market value that wages and interest are costs. This doctrine of Senior is, in fact, a definite aban- donment of the notion of outlay cost;® his doctrine of pro- portionality does not perhaps thereby of necessity fail, but it certainly awaits the making of its case. If labor and abstinence cannot be made homogeneous and commensu- rable as items of pain cost — and particularly, if abstinence (or, for that matter, labor) is not necessarily a pain cost at "Senior, op. cit.j p. loo. • "Want of the term sacrifice, or of some equivalent expression, has led Mr. Malthus into inaccuracy of language When he termed profit a part of cost of production, he appears to have meant, not profit, but that conduct which is repaid by profit ; an inaccuracy pre- cisely similar to that committed by those who term wages a part of the cost of production ; meaning not wages, which are the result, but the labor for which wages are the remuneration." — Senior, op. cit., p. loo. 48 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION all, and if the common denominator of market value under the entrepreneur outlay-cost analysis is abandoned, it only remains to wonder what the solution will be. But after all. Senior has a proportion doctrine ; he says : When the only valuable agents employed are those which are universally accessible and are therefore practically unlimited in supply [that is, when there is neither capital nor land, or where there are unlimited capital and land, and so no differentials of advantage], the utility of the produce, or, in other words its power [in exchange?], must be in proportion to the sacrifice made to produce it, ... . since no man would willingly employ a given amount of labor or abstinence in producing one commodity, if he could obtain more advantage by directing them .[it] to the produc- tion of another.' This is one of Senior's italicized theorems; it is to be objected that there is no reason why the utility of products should be proportional to the sacrifices of production, unless upon the assumption not only of the homogeneity of labor pain, but also of the reduction of utility to a mar- ginal basis. Otherwise it must merely be true that, if a producer could, with a given sacrifice, produce something of greater utility than the thing in hand, he would change his direction of production. But in essentials Senior's doctrine is really a doctrine of opportunity cost — requiring, however, some modifica- tion. Opportunity cost may as well lie in some alternative between pleasures or benefits, as between pains or burdens ; at the day's-end margin, labor may be still a pleasant thing, and yet be abandoned, if only the attractiveness of recrea- tion be such as to outweigh the pleasures of the labor process taken in conjunction with the advantages of the resulting product. Among those different possibilities of activity in which products outweigh burden, that one will be selected in which the ratio of product to effort is most favorable, or, more accurately, in which the surplus of sat- isfaction is greatest.® The opportunity cost involved in the case would be found in the advantages of that course ' Senior, op. cit,, p. 97. * Patten and Clark have, perhaps, best elaborated this truth. And it may be remarked that this also is not quite accurate ; we are not necessarily committed to any homogeneity-and-quantity calculus of pleasure. All of the requirements of the case would be met — and better met — ^by substituting the clause : in zvhich the surplus of satis- faction is the most desirable. SENIOR 49 of activity between which and the selected course the prob- lem of choice was actually presented — that is, in the most attractive course among the competing and vanquished alternatives. But Senior makes it clear that commodities may be of sorts that cannot be reproduced, or that can be had only at remote and uncertain intervals; here the values "are sub- ject to no certain rule, and depend altogether on the wealth and taste of the community." ® That is to say, the supply term being inelastic, the value is left to be determined by the utility, or by the demand, or, at all events, by some- thing taken for granted and unanalyzed on the demand side. But, for most commodities — ^the kind that we are considering — "the obstacle to the supply .... con- sists .... in the difficulty of finding persons ready to submit to the labor and abstinence necessary to their pro- duction. In other words, the supply is limited by the cost of production." ^° Here it is evident that Senior abandons the opportunity computation and goes back to pain cost. For with him abstinence is not intended to carry its possible implication of the foregoing of products alternatively producible. He is talking about the grief and groan of saving and the burden and backache of labor; and in this absorption he neglects to ask himself the very simple question why in actual society so many men are indisposed to enter the business of hat production. Is it really true that the dis- comforts of the occupation are an adequate explanation of the facts? Senior admits that, to be accurate for short periods, his cost doctrine must presuppose perfect mobility in capi- tal and labor ; but it is to be noted that even this inadequacy would disappear if his doctrine of cost really rested on the sacrifice of alternative opportunities. But admitting these temporary variations, he reflects : Political Economy does not deal with particular cases, but with general tendencies; and when we assign to cost of production • Op. cit.j p. 97. ^Jbid., p. 97. 50 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION the power of regulating prices in cases of equal competition, we mean to describe it not as a point to which price is attached, but as a center of oscillation which it is always endeavoring to approach." And then he goes on to show that production in which no appropriated natural agent has been concerned is the only case of perfectly equal competition; all others are cases of monopoly more or less marked. Just why, from the point of view of outlay cost — the only tenable point of view for the proportion doctrine — it should be alleged that free competition fails, so long as, on terms of paying the market charge, all competitors have equal opportunity of enjoying the advantages attending the control of appropriated natural agents, is not clear, though it is clear enough from the point of view of pain cost. But Senior makes full and frank admission that, in actually existing conditions, his doctrine of pain cost leads nowhere, so far as explaining market values is concerned; he has arrived at the very impasse that Ricardo faced : It is difficult to point out an article, however simple, that can be exposed to sale without the concurrence, direct or indirect, of many hundred, or, more frequently, of many thousand, different producers, almost every one of whom will be found to have been aided by some monopolized agent. There are few things of which the price seems to consist more exclusively of wages and profits than a watch [MacCulloch's favorite example] ; but if we trace it from the mine to the pocket of the purchaser, we shall be struck by the payment of rent .... at every stage of its progress. Rent was paid for the privilege of extracting from the mines the metals of which it is composed; for the land which afforded the materials of the ships in which those metals were transported to an English port; for the wharves at which they were landed, and the warehouses where they were exposed for sale; the watch- maker pays a rent for the land covered by his manufactories, and the retailer for that on which his shop is situated. The miner, the shipwright, the housebuilder, and the watchmaker, all use imple- ments formed of materials produced by the same processes as the materials of the watch, and subject also in their different stages to similar payments of rent When we speak, therefore, of a class of commodities as produced under circumstances of equal competition, or as the result of labor and abstinence, unassisted by any other appropriated agent, and consider their prices as equal " Op. cit.j p. 102. SENIOR 51 to the sum of wages and profits that must be paid for their pro- duction, we do not mean to state that any such commodities exist but that, if they did exist, such would be the laws by which their prices would be regulated." All of which may fairly be described as a dissertation, by a great labor-value authority, upon how labor does not regu- late value. But note that by some method of swift trans- formation the point of view has now become that of competitive-outlay cost, and that rent as well as interest outlays are now included in the charges that go to make up market price. Nevertheless, Senior in his discussion of rent implies his acceptance of the Ricardian doctrine that rent is not a part of value-regulating cost. Still it must be said that he does not so declare in terms; he does, however, point out that Ricardo, in his controversy with Say, committed the fault of inaccuracy; Ricardo should have made his stand for price-determining cost at the intensive margin. And with this amendment Senior appears to acquiesce in the Ricardian doctrine, so far as it asserts that price tends to coincide with the cost of that part of the product pro- duced at the greatest expense : nor does he seem to recog- nize that, from the point of view, not of social, but of outlay cost, there is no reason why costs on better land should be either greater or smaller than costs on poorer or on marginal land. But there is possibility or misinterpreting Senior at this point — for it is hard to see how he can regard interest as a value-determining cost and still exclude rent. For he makes it clear that the distinction between rent and interest ceases to have significance, as soon as the capital has become the property of someone to whose exertions and abstinences it did not owe its origin. And he rightly remarks that there is, of course, abstinence in not selling property, of no matter what sort or origin, and in not spending the proceeds in current enjoyment. Evidently, however, if this were fully worked out, all rent would become interest. And Senior finds also great difficulty in "Op. cit.^ pp. 1 12-14, passim. 52 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION drawing the line between wages and rent, and inclines to regard as rent all cases of extraordinary compensation for unusual ability.^^ " "We may be asked, then, whether the improvements which form the greater part of the value of the soil of every well-cultivated district are all, and forever, to be termed capital ; whether the payments received from his tenants by the present owner of a Lincolnshire estate, reclaimed by the Romans from the sea, are to be termed not rent, but profit on the capital which was expended fifteen hundred years ago. The answer is, that for all useful purposes the distinction of profit from rent ceases as soon as the capital, from which a given revenue arises, has become,.whether by gift or by inheritance, the property of a person to whose abstinence and exertions it did not owe its creation. The revenue arising from a dock, or a wharf, or a canal, is profit in the hands of the original constructor. It is the reward of his absti- nence in having employed capital for the purposes of production instead of those of enjoyment. But in the hands of his heir it has all the attri- butes of rent. It is to him the gift of fortune, not the result of a sacrifice. It may be said, indeed, that such a revenue is the reward for the owner's abstinence in not selling the dock or the canal and spending its price in enjoyment. But the same remark applies to every species of transferable property. Every estate may be sold, and the purchase money wasted. If the last basis of classification were adopted, the greater part of what every Political Economist has termed rent must be called profit." — Op. cit., p. 129. Professor Whittaker does not appear to experience the difficulty that I have met in interpreting Senior's position as to the relations of rent to cost. To me it seems impossible, upon any classical level of discussion, to include rent payments within pain cost ; it is equally diffi- cult to exclude rent payments from outlay costs, unless the distinction is set up between value-determining and value-determined costs. Whittaker writes (Whittaker, op. cit., pp. 102-4) : "According to Senior, land rent enters into price. So far both 'profits' of stock and rent of land exist to destroy the proportionality of values to labor cost. This is the result to which Malthus' criti- cism of Ricardo led. But Senior's criticism goes beyond Malthus'. Wages, as an element in entrepreneur's cost, are not even in proportion to the labor remunerated. That is to say, that is what Senior says, if we keep his thought while reforming his language. He states that the actual income, which we always call wages, is really composed in many cases of wages, profits, and rent. He says this because he wishes to define wages as that remuneration which is in proportion to sacri- fice Senior's rent to skill is really an excess of wages over the amount required to be in proportion to disutility" (pp. 102, 103). "Piecing together for ourselves what Senior says, it is his position that the value of commodities must include (if the commodities are to be produced) rent, profits, and wages ; rent and profits, being different percentages in the whole entrepreneur's cost of different goods, make values out of proportion to labor cost ; there is no necessity of consid- ering profits as an element in entrepreneur's cost approximately in pro- portion to wages ; and lastly, wages are not in proportion to labor, which is disutility" (p. 104). CHAPTER V JOHN STUART MILL With John Stuart Mill the transition is approxi- mately complete to the point of view of entrepreneur cost. We need delay long neither upon his doctrine of the determination of wages — the wage- fund theory for short periods, and the population-subsistence doctrine for long- time tendencies — nor upon his determination of interest payments according to the cost-abstinence analysis as related to the supply of capital; no matter how these outlays get determined, it is sufficient, for present pur- poses, to note that, accepting them as the market gives them, Mill treats them as items of outlay cost, and finds market values to be fixed according to the law of costs as formulated in the entrepreneur sense — but all the while with two modifications, one of addition and one of sub- traction : for, following Ricardo's doctrine, rent is made no part of price, and wages of superintendence, as an element in minimum profit, are included in price. Mini- mum profit is defined as "that which is barely adequate, at the given place and time, to afford an equivalent for the abstinence, risk, and exertion implied in the employ- ment of capital." ^ After covering all outlays, and after remunerating the capitalist owner for forbearing to con- sume, there must be something left to recompense the labor and skill of the person who devotes his time to the business; but how much? The amount is variable depending on the amount necessary to compensate the abstinence, and still more variable to compensate the risk. "That portion, too, of the gross profit which forms the remuneration for the labor and skill of the dealer or ^ John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy, Book II, chap, XV, sec. 2. S3 54 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION producer is very different in different employments." ^ Mill does not say why, but cites apothecaries as an exam- ple of a trade where "a considerable amount of labor and skill is required to conduct a business necessarily of limited extent A higher than common rate of profit is necessary to yield only the common rate of remunera- tion After due allowance is made for the various causes of inequality" giving greater or less wages of super- intendence or of risk, "the rate of profit [interest] on capi- tal in all employments tends to an equality." ^ There is certainly no hint of opportunity cost here; so far as any determinant of minimum profit is indicated, it is one of pain or burden. But at any rate, as it is elsewhere said, "the cause of profit is that labor produces more than is required for its support." * Still it is not clear whether this phrase, "required for its support," points to a minimum-of-subsistence principle, or to a standard-of-living principle, or whether the proposi- tion is a mere mathematical truism. "The reason why capital yields a profit is because food, clothing, materials, and tools last longer than the time which men take to pro- duce them:" so that there is a surplus to the capitalist. This might appear to look toward some subsistence doc- trine, if only Mill had not elsewhere repudiated that doc- trine, — at all events for short-time adjustments, — setting up, instead, the capital limitation and wage- fund determination : but the better interpretation seems to be merely that, prod- ucts having exceeded outlay, there is a remainder left over for the employer. "If the laborers of the country collect- ively produce twenty per cent, more than their wages, profits will be twenty per cent., whatever prices may or may not be." ^ This is Ricardo's ratio idea. Outlays for materials and implements are resolved into wage payments : "he thus repays to a previous producer the wages which that previous producer has paid." ^ True, there is a profit with it, but had the present em- ployer produced these supplies for himself, there would ^Mill, op. cit.j sec. 3. ''Ibid., sec. 5. " Ibid., sees. 3, 4. * Ibid., sec. 6. * Ibid., sec. 5. JOHN STUART MILL 55 also have been, to be reckoned in the cost, a profit for him- self (but how much is again not said) ; and so in the sum- ming up, "all the advances have consisted of nothing but wages," excepting what have already gone for profit. Note that profit in Mill's use here includes not only interest, but something more than interest, something for superin- tendence and risk. The gains of the capitalist employer depend, then, on the magnitude of the produce; .... secondly, the proportion of that produce obtained by the laborers themselves; the ratio — the rate of profit, the percentage on the capital — depends on the second of the two elements, the laborers' proportional share, and not on the amount to be shared Wt thus arrive at the con- clusion of Ricardo and others, that the rate of profit depends on wages However, .... instead of saying that profits depend on wages, let us say — what Ricardo really meant — ^that they depend on the cost of labor.'' It is well to note in passing that this was not what Ricardo meant: Mill is hesitatingly and gradually deserting the doctrine of relative shares in the product — the ratio- value concept — and is going over to the notion of profit, not as fraction but as absolute residuum, — surplus above out- lay : "What labor brings in to the laborer and what it costs to the capitalist, are ideas quite distinct, and which it is of the utmost importance to keep so." ^ True, there are all levels of wages, but if at the same time the efficiency is of a sort to correspond, the cost of labor to the capitalist may be no greater. And note again that there is still nothing here about causes; the reasoning is entirely mathematical; the prob- lem is not treated as distributional in the sense of looking for the ultimate forces of determination, and one is left to wonder how, efficiency remaining the same, etc., the wages should so rise or fall, or why the supplies which the laborer buys with his wages become more or less costly. If one resorts to the wage-fund doctrine for help, he is confronted by the suspicion that this doctrine also is merely mathematical, and as such, is a truism. Thus far, then, the entire discussion has amounted to a descriptive treatment of wages, interest, and profits, as elements entering into cost of production; and so far as the exposition has yet ''Ibid., sec. 7. ^ Ibid., sec. 7. 56 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION proceeded, these remunerations stand as ultimate opaque unyielding facts, unexplained and irreducible data, furnish- ing the basis for entrepreneur cost. Turning now to Mill's formal discussion of value in the chapter under that caption, and especially to his dis- cussion of "Cost of Production in Its Relation to Value,"^ we find it said that value, no matter under what law of return, is always the result of demand and supply. The minimum price must be sufficient to pay the cost and the ordinary expectation of profit, else capitalists will not go on producing the commodity. Note that profit is here treated as something over and above cost, cost being regarded as substantially the equiva- lent of expenditure. "They will not even go on producing at a profit less than they can live upon" — seemingly a doc- trine of subsistence minimum for employers; but what will they do instead? Doubtless, as it is said, they may submit to temporary loss in hope of better times, but, broadly, "the cost of production together with the ordinary profit may be called the necessary price." And here, again, we remark there is as yet nothing to indicate how much must be this necessary profit, or what are the ultimate forces in its determination. But Mill shows that by the influence of prices upon the outflow and inflow of capital, profits are always tending toward equal- ity; and precisely this trend toward equality is presented as the guarantee that things will exchange against one another in the ratio of their costs. Perhaps, after all, this may, for present purposes, be accepted as a sufficient explanation for the determination of profits, so far as profits are held to mean interest only ; but as so under- stood, the doctrine, fully worked out, will resolve itself into a case of opportunity cost. Mill's "Ultimate Analysis" " is most difficult of ade- quate summary or even pf fair paraphrase. Tracing capital to its ultimate origins, ]\Iill finds that labor is "so much the principal cost of production as to be ' Mill, op. cit.. Book III, chaps, i-iv. " Mill, op. cit., Book III, chap. iv. JOHN STUART MILL 57 nearly the sole cost." And so it is approximately accurate to resolve interest into wages ; so cost, as regarded from the employer's point of view, is a question of wage out- lays, — wages, and not labor, being from this standpoint the basis of cost. But wages are cost only as modified by considerations of efficiency, that is, only with reference to the quality and quantity of product. In substance, the doc- trine is that a given sum of products costs the wages directly or indirectly paid out to produce it. But, after all, values of commodities are exchange relations of commodi- ties with one another ; values are, then, purely relative ; and therefore costs of production as bearing on value are not absolute but relative quantities. So value relations are independent of influences of cost, whether of rise or of fall, if only the commodities under comparison are proportion- ally affected. "Otherwise, there could be no such thing as a real rise of wages ; for if wages could not rise without a proportionate rise in the prices of everything, wages could not rise at all." But if wages are higher in one industry than in another, values will be affected through costs. Note that these differences in wages are not explained as due to differences in the values of the products ; it is just the other way about. "Things .... which are made by skilled labor exchange for the products of a much greater quantity of unskilled labor, for no reason but because the latter is more highly paid." Thus there is no proportion of value to labor, but only to entrepreneur costs; and these costs are presented as causal and ultimate. "So wages do enter into value; the relative wages of the labor necessary for producing different commodities affect the value as much as the relative quantities of labor The abso- lute wages paid have no effect upon value, but neither has the absolute quantity of labor." But, in substance and effect, values are nevertheless proportional to quantity of labor: "In considering, however, the causes of variations in value, quantity of labor is the thing of chief impor- tance," for that varies now with one commodity and now 58 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION with another, but variations in wages are usually general, and thus, by the very fact of being general, have no signifi- cance for value. Note, however, that this proposition really goes no farther than to say that variations in value come, not through a rise in general wages, but through changing methods of applying labor to production. But changes in machinery and appliances are at least as frequent and as radical as changes purely of the labor sort; it therefore fol- lows that variations in values due to causes working on the side of profits (interest) are at least equally important with those working on the side of wages. But all of this must allow for modification through the bearing of profits (interest+risk-charge4- wages of super- intendence) on value, in so far as some industries are more capitalistic than others in their methods of production. But here also it is evident that not absolute profits but only relative profits have significance for exchange relations. And, as Mill rightly insists, profits are found to differ in this relative way, butchers, for example, gaining higher profits than bakers. And time, with its correlative of inter- est, also becomes of great importance, as in the aging of wine. [If to] attain the desired quality, the wine requires to be kept five years, the producer or dealer will not keep it, unless at the end of five years he can sell it for as much more .... as amounts to five years' profit, accumulated at compound interest. Here, then, is a case in which the natural values . . , . do not conform to cost of production alone, but to cost of production plus something else. Unless, indeed, for the sake of generality in the expression, we include the profit which the wine merchant foregoes during the five years, in the cost of production of the wine : looking upon it as a kind of additional outlay, over and above his other advances, for which outlay he must be indemnified at last. Evidently Mill is not entirely clear as to the basis on which this time charge is to be counted a cost, if, indeed, it is to be so counted at all ; in a sort, values seem to conform "to their costs of production plus something else. This, however, disturbs the general consistency of the theoreti- JOHN STUART MILL 59 cal formulation ;" there may, then, after all, be nothing for it but to recognize opportunity cost in this exceptional case. Mill does not, however, in terms commit himself abso- lutely to this view; but "all commodities made by waiting are assimilated, at least approximately, to the wine in the preceding example." And he closes with regarding these time-charge items as, in the relative bearing, very impor- tant influences upon values, although nothing further than this suggestion of opportunity cost is accomplished in the direction of telling why. At any rate, it is clear that "in comparison with things made wholly by immediate labor, profits enter more largely into the cost of production" of all commodities made by machinery; whereupon there fol- lows an excellent example of all this, under cover of which the explanation meanwhile gets forgotten; which, by the way, is precisely as far as Ricardo got, the only difference being that Ricardo was perfectly aware that something was the matter, while Mill is not. In general. Mill appears to hold by pain or abstinence cost as the ultimate explana- tion of interest. But if neither of these things is adequate, perhaps, he thinks, opportunity cost may have some efficacy for the case.^^ But whatever may be the explanation, it stands for true that, because of the differing degrees in which production is capitalistic, "every rise or fall in general profits will have an effect on values; not, indeed, by raising or lower- ing them generally, but by altering the proportions in which the values of things are affected by the unequal lengths of time for which profits are due." But to return to the cause underlying the values of these cost items of outlay : In the main the explanation is found by Mill in the fact that these items themselves depend for their value on their respective costs of production. When, how- ever, these are not cost but scarcity values, they are equally and similarly carried over as costs into the value of the product. The typical case of this sort of cost is found with limited natural agents, as water-powers and the like. But these cases, not being marginal, have, as Mill appears to think, no bearing upon value. And this brings us to the ""[With Mill] the profit of capital is stated explicitly to be the remuneration of abstinence, but nothing is made to depend on this. Abstinence is not elevated into a position logically co-ordinate with labor, nor are the two conceived of together as constituting subjective costs, as distinguished from entrepreneur's costs, consisting in profits and wages." — ^Whittaker, op. cit., p. io6. 6o VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION question — does rent enter into cost? "No one can deny that rent sometimes does enter into cost of production; if I buy or rent a piece of land and build a cloth manufactory on it, the ground rent forms legitimately a part of my expenses of production which must be paid by the product." But this does not necessarily imply that the value will thereby be the greater, that is, that these costs are value- determining. And in chapter v, on "Rent in Its Relation to Value," Mill writes: "Rent forms no part of the cost of production which determines the value of agricultural products" — an assertion which must stand either as setting up an entirely indefensible distinction between agricultural and other products, or as imposing the conclusion that not all outlays involved in production may be ranked as value- determining costs, but only those involved in marginal production — which opens up questions too wide-reaching for present discussion, viz., whether the marginal product has any peculiar value-determining quality, and whether, if it has, we shall find this marginal item of product to be a marginal-man item or a marginal-land item. Mill, however, elsewhere says : "But when land ca- pable of yielding rent in agriculture is applied to some other purpose, the rent which it would have yielded is an element in the cost of production of the commodity which it is employed to produce," ^^ — a most important and much-dis- cussed admission — still, however, leaving it possible that no influence upon value need be inferred, if only it be defen- sible to distinguish between different outlays in their bearing on costs; or, if it be somehow possible to exclude these cost rents from marginal, price-determining outlays. But for our present purposes it is sufficient to remark that this case of rent cost, accepted by Mill, is distinctly an illustra- tion of the opportunity-cost principle. In point of fact, also, all this proof that cost is impor- tant only as relative cost is, in last analysis, merely another opportunity-cost doctrine. The main difference in this regard between Mill and Ricardo is that Ricardo attempted far more than did Mill in the way of explaining the reduc- tion of wages and interest to a basis of homogeneity, and of tracing the proportionality of outlay cost and of market value to the labor costs of real value. Ricardo can hardly be said to have succeeded : Mill hardly tried. But it is, at any rate, sufficiently evident that capital and " Mill, op. ctt., Book III, chap, vi, prop. 9. JOHN STUART MILL 6i labor services, under the form of interest and wages, by the very fact that they are producers' outlays reckoned in terms of money, have somehow for the purposes in hand been reduced to a common denominator of value. The sheer obviousness of it all suffices, in Mill's view, to excuse him from all labor of attention or examination. But this homogeneity being assumed as a datum, some- thing is done by Mill toward tracing out the determination of these costs, non-relatively, that is, as costs in the ordi- nary sense rather than as ratios or distributive fractions. Interest is explained as determined through abstinence as cost, — wages by the proportion between capital and the laborers employed by capital, — profit by what is left from price after the expenses of production are covered. Nor does the mechanism by which market value becomes proportional to outlay cost, or, more accurately, to entrepreneur cost as a whole — rent, however, excluded — receive further elucidation than is contained in the doctrine of the mobility of capital, which, by the way, is a simple application of the principle of opportunity cost. The pro- portionality of value to profit, so far as profit is some- thing other than interest, is left to be explained by "normals." CHAPTER VI CAIRNES Cairnes's special task was the rehabilitation of the labor- cost theory of value, after the damage visited upon it through the half-hearted support or the semi-abandonment of John Stuart Mill. In the Leading Principles Restated, labor cost is set up as the value determinant — not, however, labor cost in terms of time, but in terms of pain, burden, irksomeness. Nor does the doctrine appear to conceive labor as having in itself and in its own right, as an expres- sion of pain, an independent value of its own, which value is, as cost, carried over into the exchange value of the commodities produced by it. Often the thought is more like that of Ricardo, in recognizing, though not with full consistency, the principle of proportionment of value to out- lay cost; occasional recourse, that is to say, appears to be made to the mechanism of entrepreneur expenditure. But on the whole Cairnes's doctrine seems rather to be that of labor-purchase cost. Cost means sacrifice, .... and the problem of cost of produc- tion as bearing on the theory of value, is to ascertain how far and in what way the payment thus made by man .... in the barter between him and nature, determines or otherwise influences the exchange value of the products which result.^ Under Cairnes's treatment the issue between labor-pain cost and entrepreneur cost is for the first time in English economics clearly drawn. Ricardo, it is true, had worked out a doctrine of entrepreneur cost based upon labor cost as its underlying determinant, but had too often failed both of clarity and of strict consistency in preserving the sepa- rateness and the antithesis. Senior had taken the pain-cost point of view, but, scarcely attempting the reconciliation, had over and again lapsed into entrepreneur-cost analysis. ^ J. E. Cairnes, Some Leading Principles of Political Economy Newly Expounded, chap, iii, sec. 5. 62 CAIRNES 63 Mill, while in the main an exponent of entrepreneur cost, had, at fairly frequent intervals, made some more or less vague appeal to labor-pain cost as basis. But, whatever else may be said in criticism of Caimes, it must be admit- ted that, in full consciousness of this confusion, he sets himself earnestly at work to avoid it and to make the appli- cations and the limitations of the labor-cost doctrine clear and precise. But following upon this preliminary sketch of Cairnes's position, some detail of exposition and criticism is now called for. It is, indeed, to be admitted that as cost items, choice must be made between labor as against wages, and between abstinence as against interest: Of all ideas within the range of economic speculation, the two most profoundly opposed to each other are cost and the reward of cost — the sacrifice incurred by man in productive industry, and the return made by nature to man upon that sacrifice Cost and remuneration are the economic antitheses of each other; so com- pletely so that a small cost and a large remuneration are exactly equivalent expressions.* But if, on the other hand, wages and profits are to be accepted as the ultimate items, costs, as Cairnes argues, must increase as product increases, since wages and prod- ucts increase with product and exhaust the product; an increase in the general productiveness of industry would require that wages and profits .... as an aggregate would rise exactly in proportion as industry had become more productive, and the cost of producing a given commodity, measured in wages and profits, would then remain precisely as before There would be less labor and abstinence exerted, but this smaller exertion being more highly remunerated, the cost, measured in the remuneration, would suflFer no change: (ibid.) all of which, it is to be remarked, is equally serious for labor as the value determinant; costs, from any point of view, are significant, for value purposes, only as ratios, as purely relative facts. * Cairnes, op. cit., chap, iii, sec. 3. 64 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION But that solely in this relative sense are entrepreneur costs conceived by Mill to be relevant to value is not appre- ciated by Cairnes ; though he later makes it quite clear that in no other than this relative sense has labor cost any bear- ing on the case.^ But his objection to the wages-and-profit method of explanation goes deeper than this ; he rightly condemns the method as fundamentally explaining nothing; wages and profits are mere remunerations for productive services; as later thought would term them, they are mere distributive shares. The various distributive shares do, of course, exhaust the value product. But to call them, or any of them, costs, and to suppose that thereby the value of the costs is explained, is the sheerest of circular reasoning — if, indeed, it is not worse: If it be true that the wages and profits received by the pro- ducer of a commodity are the measure of its cost of production, then it follows that all commodities whatever, it matters not under what circumstances produced, whether of competition or of monop- oly, exchange and cannot but exchange, in proportion to their costs of production In truth, the principle that "cost of produc- tion determines value" becomes, when thus understood, little more than an assertion of an identical proposition, since it merely amounts ^ This, as is well known, is emphasized by Cairnes with reference to international values and international trade, under the principle of comparative costs. In this connection, however, the case is put by him much more strongly than it will stand : "International values .... are admittedly, or at all events are demonstrably .... not governed by cost of production, and we have thus- normal values which are not con- nected with cost, but come under the influence of some other prin- ciple What, for instance, is now the grand argument with the people of the United States for the maintenance of protection? Why the high cost of production in that country? And what is the evi- dence of this high cost of production? Simply the high rates of wages which prevail. How, they ask, can we, with our high-priced labor, compete with the pauper labor of Europe? I must frankly own that accepting the point of view of the current theory of cost, I can find no satisfactory reply to this question, and I am quite sure that Mr. Wells, who implicitly adopts this point of view, has wholly failed to furnish one" (Cairnes, op. cit., chap, iii, sec. 4). Without doubt, the doc- trine of comparative labor cost may often, — perhaps commonly and adequately, cover this case ; but so does the doctrine of comparative entrepreneur cost ; and so, for that matter, would the doctrine of displacement or opportunity cost. CAIRNES 65 to saying that values are in proportion to the aggregate of the elements of which they are made up.* It must, of course, be held in mind that all of this dis^ cussion assumes, in conformity with the classical doctrine and with Mill's version of it, that rent may be and must be excluded from the cost category. But even so, Cairnes's attack looks to be more serious than it really is; this is in part due to the ambiguous use of the term profit: Cairnes is using the term as the equivalent of interest, the reward of abstinence. But limited to this meaning, Mill would not and could not have assented to the proposition that wages and profits exhaust the value product; only when the unnecessary profits- as well as the necessary — the quasi-rent share as well as the cost share in the remunerations of entrepreneurship — are accounted for, can it be said that wages and profits exhaust the total value product. In Mill's use of terms, cost of production commonly falls considerably short of the full value of the product; that is to say, there are unnecessary profits ; there are, as later thought would put it, non-marginal producers to whom are accruing quasi- rents of production. But for the purposes of the present issue, the general nature of cost, Cairnes correctly interprets Mill's position and makes admirably clear the contrasted points of view : • Mr. Mill discloses with perfect clearness the line of thought by which the view in question has been reached : "What the produc- tion of a thing costs to its producer, or its series of producers, is the labor expended in producing it. // we consider the producer the capitalist who makes the advances, the word labor may he replaced by wages: what the produce costs to him is the wages which he has had to pay." In other words the point of view is shifted from the ground of human interests to the partial and limited standpoint of the capitalist employer; and the cost of producing an article, which really consists of the sacrifices required of human beings for its production, is only considered so far forth as it is "cost to him," that much more important portion of the cost which is cost to the laborer being put altogether out of view. This point of view being once taken, the rest follows simply and naturally. What is cost to the capitalist, that is to say, his advances, consist- ing of the profits of previous producers as well. as of the wages of laborers, profits as well as wages, must evidently be included in cost; and not only the profits of previous producers, but .... the * Cairnes, op. cit,, chap, iii, sec. 3. 66 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION profits of the producer of that particular commodity whose cost is considered — an extension of the theory which involves this curious consequence, that among the elements of the cost of pro- ducing a commodity is counted [part of] the profit obtained on that commodity by the producer, a profit which I need scarcely say is not realized till after the commodity is produced That the laborer's share in the industrial sacrifice is by the current doctrine excluded from the conception of cost of production does not appear to have been seen, or, if seen, to have been adequately appreciated by its adherents. Mr. Mill's language seems to imply that the wages advanced by the capitalist, .... though he admits that they only represent "the cost of producing to him," may yet in some way be taken to represent the cost to the laborers also, for, having dealt with this portion of the case, he leads on to the next with the words : "Thus far of labor or wages, as an tkment of cost of production There is also capital, etc." But I must absolutely deny that wages can in any way be taken to represent the labor element in cost of production. Wages, as Mr. Mill observed in the passage already quoted, may be regarded as cost to the capitalist who advances them; though it would perhaps be more correct to say that, so far as they go, they measure his cost, which really consists in the deprivation of immediate enjoyment implied in the fact of the advance. But to the laborer wages are reward, not cost; nor can it be said that they stand in any constant relation to that which really constitutes cost to him." Cairnes's affirmative position also is clearly set forth : Cost means sacrifice, and can not, without risk of hopelessly confusing ideas, be identified with anything that is not sacrifice. It represents what man parts with in the barter between him and nature, which must be kept eternally distinct from the return made by nature on that payment. This is the essential nature of cost: and the problem of cost of production as bearing on the theory of value is to ascertain how far and in what way the payment thus made by man to nature in productive industry determines or other- wise influences the exchange value of the products which result.* Bearing in mind, then, that labor-pain cost is here set up as the determinant of value, it remains logically open to Cairnes to take the position that wages and profits are results of value and not causes — are distributive shares and not costs. This is, in fact, his view; product — in the sense of value product — is the source and determinant of all "Cairnes, op. cit., chap, iii, sec. 3. ^ Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 4. CAIRNES 67 remunerations. This, of course, leaves it the more neces- sary to discover the determining causes of value. Whether the fact that value is proportional to labor fully satisfies this requirement must for the present be left as an open question. At any rate, Cairnes declines to admit that wages and profits are in any sense determinants : The value of the product resulting from industry forms .... the source from which .... industry is remunerated. Nor is this conclusion invalidated by the fact that .... the laborer commonly receives his reward in the form of wages advanced by the capitalist before the product is completed; since what he receives is subse- quently recouped to the capitalist, the sum being drawn from the value of the product; so that it is still the value of the product from which the remuneration of all concerned in the creation of that product ultimately comes. Wages and profits in each branch of industry are thus derived from the value of the commodities pro- ceeding from that branch of industry, and, as ... . wages and profits also absorb the whole of that value, it follows that, other things being the same, the aggregate of wages and profits received by any given group of producers will always vary with the aggre- gate of the value of the commodities which they produce.'' And then follows this remarkable and important passage: Where wages and profits, therefore, in different occupations are in proportion to the sacrifices undergone, the value of the com- modities proceeding from those occupations will always be in pro- portion to the same sacrifices, that is to say, the commodities will exchange in proportion to their [labor-pain] costs of production. Precisely how much does this mean? Since it is prod- uct which fixes compensations, it must follow that to assume wages to be in proportion to the sacrifices undergone is merely another way of asserting a proportionality of pro- duction results to labor burdens ; and so it is, for example, true enough that where in two different industries the value products are equal, and the pains of production are equal, the exchange relations will be those of equal values for equal labor pains. This is susceptible of being interpreted as a mere mathematical re-expression of the assumptions made. But is there more in it? Does the thought go upon the Ricardian principle of proportionment of entrepreneur cost to labor-pain cost? Have we here any attempt to explain entrepreneur costs, or to make use in any way of ^ Ibid., chap, iii, sec, 5. 68 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION the entrepreneur mechanism for the purposes of the value problem? The thought is difficult of interpretation — per- haps impossible of interpretation — in this regard. But when and how far will this proportionality between the labor burdens invested in commodities and the exchange relations of these commodities hold? To the extent that the proportionality is found to hold, and only to this extent, and for the conditions under which it holds, and only for these conditions, does Cairnes stand for the determination of value by labor cost. It may, indeed, turn out that this labor-cost determinant applies only within very narrow limits ; but, at any rate, so far as it may be made to apply, something will have been done toward attaining an expla- nation of value in terms of this ultimate cost; for in -^Cairnes's view there is no justification for talk of any other kind of cost than this of labor pain. Pain is presented as the condition on which all commodities, or, at all events, all freely reproducible commodities, arrive at man's disposal — it is their purchase price, their cost in the barter of labor for product between man and nature. Mill's fallacy in calling the entrepreneur's outlays costs of production lay, Cairnes insists, in the patent fact that the entrepreneur is not the producer, excepting, of course, to the extent that he is him- self a laborer. Not the employer in the shade, Cairnes urges, but the wage-earner sweating in the sun is the person submitted to the pains of production. True, the laborer gets a reward, a wage, more or less adequate ; but this reward is not his cost; he is the producer — actually, visibly, mechanically, technologically — and his pain is the cost through which and on terms of which human society obtains possession of its store of consumable goods. And it is hopeless to attempt the justification of the entrepre- neur notion of cost as, in terms of expenditure, a market expression of the underlying and ultimate labor-pain reality. Ricardo, it is true, had attempted this, or, more accurately, had assumed it out of hand ; but neither to Mill nor to Ricardo was it open; the pains are not in any constant CAIRNES 69 or necessary relation to the wages received, else in differ- ent occupations and in different countries, and at different times in the same country, wages could not vary as they are found to vary. If wages stood in any constant relation to that which really con- stitutes [the laborer's] cost, .... wages in all occupations, in all countries, and in all times would be in proportion to the severity of the toil which they recompensed.* * Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 3. Ricardo had assumed without argument, that, as a general proposi- tion and in broad averages, wages are paid in proportion to the pain- fulness of the employment : thus the entrepreneur outlays and the attendant market values become proportional to the pain costs of real value. In full sympathy with this general point of view, and in the full conviction that the only definitive and really explanatory concept of cost is the pain-cost concept, Cairnes is yet conscious that wages^ — labor cost to the employer — are in many cases far wide of proportionality to labor pain. He therefore sets himself to Ricardo's unfinished task, that of finding out when and why and with what necessity of supplementa- tion, the labor-cost theory may still be regarded as tenable. Ricardo had said that the remuneration must be proportionate to the disutility — the pain — of labor, else the laborer would change to other lines of production, and thereby a readjustment of supplies of product and supplies of labor take place so as to bring the situation back into nearer approach to the normal. That, at the best, this doctrine could go no farther than to assert that the compensation must, at the minimum, be proportional to the disutilities, neither Ricardo nor Senior had ever perceived : nor by either had allowance been made for differences in skill and productiveness relatively to the pains of productive effort. Cairnes, however, makes this allowance. He sees plainly that the rate of remuneration is derivative from the value product, and the distinction is clear in his mind between mere weight-and-tale produc- tiveness and value productiveness : "Under a system of separation of employments, industrial rewards consist for each producer, or, more properly, for each group of producers, employed on a given work, in the value of the commodities which result from their exertions, I say in the value of the commodities not in the commodities themselves The value of the product resulting from industry forms thus the source from which .... industry is remunerated. The laborer commonly receives his reward in the form of wages advanced by the capi- talist What he receives is subsequently recouped by the capi- talist, the sum being drawn from the value of the. product ; so that it is still the value of the product from which the remuneration .... comes." — Cairnes, op. cit., chap, iii, sec. 5. But all of this being true — and all of it is in point of fact true — •' what have costs, in the sense of pain, to do with the case ? How can they fee determinant of value or value be proportional to them ? The labdr may be the mechanical cause of the product, but with all the existifig- differences in skill, and with all the differences in the felt 70 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION But how far can the principle that values are propor- tional to the pains of production be extended? Not far certainly, and Cairnes did not claim it to be far : Wages and profits will be in proportion to the sacrifices under- gone wherever, and only so far as, competition prevails among producers — wherever, and so far only as, laborers and capitalists have an effective choice in selecting among the various occupations presented to them in the industrial field.* No perplexity need be caused by the fact that the dis- cussion refers here only to the proportion between remun- erations and pains, since, as Cairnes has sufiEciently shown, and as, in fact, all cost theories assume, values of products and remunerations of agents are parallel, and indeed, sub- stantially identical facts. But in order that the remunera- tions be proportionate to the pains must there not also be necessarily implied an equality of productive powers? Otherwise it will not be true that "each competitor, aiming at the largest reward for his sacrifices, will be drawn toward the occupations which happen at the time to be best remunerated," ^^ but only to the occupations in which his remunerations are his best, which is, by the way, precisely the manner and the direction in which each and every man in actual society is now drawn. True, the supply of prod- burden of labor, how can labor be determinant or measure of value ? — that is, be that kind of cost which will express itself in exchange values and determine them ? For this Cairnes's answer is that among men of the same grade of skill, and under substantially similar conditions — and only here — can it be said that painfulness of employment commands wages to correspond : so only here are "wages and profits .... in pro- portion to the sacrifices undergone," and therefore here only is it true that "the value of the commodities proceeding from these occupations will also be in proportion to the same sacrifices, that is to say .... will exchange in proportion to their costs [pain costs] of production." — Cairnes, op. cit. But, nevertheless, Cairnes was, in point of view, essentially right ; entrepreneur cost is at the best a superficial explanation of value, and, as explanation of any sort, is valid only for a competitive, pecuniary, exchange economy. Cairnes was groping toward a general value doc- trine which should base the supply category upon cost in terms of charge or draught upon the life and the life values of the human race ; if, over against this life cost, on the supply side, there could be worked out, on the demand side, a value-in-use or utility calculus expressive of service for the life processes and life purposes of the genus homo, value, as the point where human utility-demand forces are equated against pain-supply resistances, could fairly present itself as ultimate interpretation and explanation of the economic process in society. " Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 5. " Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 5. CAIRNES 71 ucts proceeding from "the better paid employments will then be increased, and that from the less remunerative reduced," but only upon the assumption of equal skill and effectiveness in production will this process continue "until supply, acting on price, corrects the inequality" : otherwise than upon this assumption these inequalities can never be corrected so as to make A's reward stand to A's sacrifice as B's reward is to B's sacrifice, that is to say, so as to bring "remunerations into proportion with the sacrifice undergone." But it is further to be noted that in order to make this pain-proportion doctrine tenable it must not only be assumed that all men concerned in it are alike in their productive capacity and in their aversion to productive effort, but also that they are alike with respect to the forces of temptations playing upon them to divert them toward non-productive activity; and — what is still more difficult — it must be assumed that each man taken separately is always at one and the same level of skill, of feeling-attitude toward labor, and of feeling-attitude toward the diverting temptations. Free and unlimited competition is, therefore — but in a much more limited sense than Cairnes had in mind, and perhaps hardly even then — "the security for the correspond- ence of industrial remunerations with sacrifice, and also, and because it is so, the security for the correspondence of the value of commodities with their costs of production."^^ But how far and under what conditions did Cairnes believe his principle of labor cost adapted to function as the determinant of values? Only under conditions of free and equal competition — that is to say, only within certain industrial groupings termed by him non-competitive groups — non-competitive in the sense, that is, that this free and equal competition is not to be found across group lines and between the differ- ent groups, but only inside each group and between the dif- ferent members of that group: "What we find, in effect, is, not a whole population competing indiscriminately for all occupations, but a series of industrial layers, within each of which the various candidates for employment pos- sess a real and effective power of selection, while those " Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 5. 72 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION occupying the several strata are, for all purposes of effective competition, practically isolated from each other." And inside these different non-competitive groups Cairnes believes competition to be an effective fact, with the pro- duced values and their remunerations proportionate to the pains of production. The foregoing criticism is, therefore, not, for the most part, to be understood as bearing upon the doctrine of non-competitive groups, but only upon the incompleteness and inaccuracy of the description thus far given of the nature of the group within which the competi- tion proportion holds. Surely, for whatever it is worth, it must be admitted that groups of this product-and-sacrifice equality sort could be imagined, and, indeed, may be theo- retically constructed, in which the doctrine set up by Cairnes might find itself illustrated. Possibly enough, also, the proportionality of remuneration to sacrifice might be established, were sacrifice interpreted to include not merely the burdens and pains of pro- duction but as well the foregoing of alternative opportuni- ties of product or of recreation. This, however, is not ,/Cairnes's thought, but only that the exchange ratios must be conformed to the direct disutilities of production, else such a readjustment would take place in the application of productive powers as to allow of a larger result in utility relatively to the discomforts imposed. And, as we have seen, there are cases in which the doctrine would, at first sight at least, appear to hold ; and other cases also might be admitted, if only still other conditions were accepted as limitations ; no serious difficulty would, for example, attach to the doctrine when applied to the Crusoe case, if only Crusoe's environment were homogeneous in opportunity and Crusoe were himself, on all days and during each hour of every day, a constant in strength, in zeal, and in need; or the doctrine would be adequate for a collectivist society, if together with homogeneity of opportunity there were a society made up of men each unchanging as an individual, and absolutely like all of his fellows in his feeling-attitude toward labor and toward the products of labor — or ade- quate for a competitive society made up of precisely similar human beings, each of whom was self-employed as an inde- CAIRNES 73 pendent producer, in an environment affording no differ- entials of advantage from either land or capital. And now we inquire as to the basis upon which, in Cairnes's view, the non-competitive group is constituted and as to the extent to which these groups may be regarded as actual facts in modern competitive society. For a society of this sort to fulfil Cairnes's requirements, more is necessary than that there exist what is commonly regarded as freedom of competition; for both capitalists and labor- ers not merely the legal right but the practical power must exist of effective choice between occupations, without obstruction of law, ignorance, or povert}'^, so that the pro- ducer may pass freely from the less to the more lucrative occupation; otherwise "there can be no security .... that remunerations shall be brought into correspondence with sacrifice How far does competition in this sense prevail in this and other industrial communities?"^^ It is admitted by Cairnes that a great measure of immobility attaches to both capital and labor — that capital, "once em- bodied in a form suited to actual work .... is for the most part incapable of being turned to other uses," and that "the dififiLCulty of transferring labor .... is even greater, since we are here in contact with mental as well as physical obstacles." But while all this is true, it is likewise true that not all labor need be mobile in order to have sufficient mobility for the case ; new laborers are all the while maturing. So with capital; enough is mobile to make, in conjunction with the streams of new supply, a total of mobility sufficiently large to care in a reasonably short time for irregularities as they arise. And it is further admitted that this new labor is not in nature, in intelligence, or in acquired skill, adapted to all occupations equally; at the best the choice is within certain tolerably well-defined limits; and it is as subject to these limitations and restrictions, and by virtue of them, that non- competitive groups are constituted; and it is only within ^ Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 5. 74 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION these groups that competition is effective and that the prin- ciple of cost of production as a pain quantity can be traced in the determination of value. This limitation or failure in the cost principle does not, however, manifest itself with capital, but only with labor. "Thus all the products of unskilled labor will," it is said, "exchange for each other in proportion to their costs ; as will also all the products of ordinary artisan labor as among themselves." ^^ This equality may extend from one depart- ment of production to another, e. g., from barometers to watches, if the lines of exclusion are not applicable. It is only within such relations of equality that cost can be a proportioner of value. Cairnes has now to take account of the fact that many commodities are the product of labor belonging to differ- ent industrial circles or levels : What then ? So far as the two commodities are the products of workers in competition with each other, their values will be governed by cost of production; but so far as they proceed from workers not in com- petition, they must be governed by that other principle" yet to be expounded — demand and supply. And here again we stop to question, not the group idea, for this is perhaps intelligible, but the basis of the grouping as it lay in Cairnes's mind. Is it a grouping of laborers according to lines of occupation precisely or substantially similar? Or is it a grouping cutting across these occupa- tion classifications and conforming to levels of ability? And what shall be the test of grading for ability, if not the wages ? And as to the equality of laborers inside the group or the equality in the pain quality of their labor — the group homogeneity — one doubts. And in view of the fact that, the bulk of the value of each commodity follows one law — say the law of cost, or what we shall afterward find to be the law of reciprocal demand, while a small remaining portion is governed by a different principle," the determination of value gets passably indeterminate. ^^ Cairnes, op. cit. " Ibid. " Ibid. CAIRNES 75 Certainly, as Cairnes explicitly admits, it cannot be that we are justified in asserting that the commodities in question exchange .... in proportion to their costs of production We can only say- that they [the values] are so mainly and in their chief ele- ments The true conception of a law of costs is thus, not a law governing universally the values of any class of commodities, but that of one governing the values of certain commodities in certain exchanges." The pain of labor is treated by Cairnes partly as a" matter of duration; but the product must also compensate in value for the dangerous quality of the labor required; otherwise, one infers, the labor will change to less hazard- ous employments. But Cairnes deliberately takes no account of skill as value-determining: "Skill is no part of cost; and I add that no article is dearer than another simply in virtue of the skill bestowed upon it." ^'^ But, of course, skill may be the result of labor or of abstinence in its acquirement, and in such case it would be an element of cost. Cost-wise, the increase in value is not in proportion to the skill, but to the cost of acquisition of the skill. And thus the group appears to contract yet more and to include only those producers who, experiencing equal disutility in labor, and reaping equal returns in product, fulfil also the condition that their qualities and capacities were obtained through a training — or lack of training — of precise equality in point of pains and burdens. But, Cairnes says, As a matter of fact the products of most kinds of skilled labor exchange against those of unskilled in a proportion much more favorable to the former than cost of production .... would pre- scribe. But .... when the products of skilled labor command these high terms of exchange, the conditions of production are not those in which cost of production would give value." And sometimes, it is remarked, works of high literary and scientific excellence get lower compensations than lower degrees of skill command. But here as elsewhere there is no intimation of the "/fcid. "Ibid., chap, iii, sec, 6. ^^ Ibid. 76 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION manner by which abilities are rated as higher or lower. "No more is this elevated value due to the skill which such products represent, but to the circumstances which limit the possession of the skill to a small number of persons as com- pared with the demand for these services." ^^ But in a note attention is called to the fact that the dis- cussion "relates to skill of different kinds as existing in the different departments of industry. Within the limits of the same trade or profession, differences of skill will, in gen- eral, be accompanied with corresponding differences of remuneration." But here again no notice is taken of the difficulty of measuring skill otherwise than according to the amount of remuneration. And there seems to be entire unconsciousness that in admitting this difference of remuneration inside the same industry, it must follow, either (i) that differences in skill always correspond to differ- ences in cost of attainment, or (2) that the group contem- plated by the doctrine is an ability-and-pain rather than an occupation-and-pain classification. Surely, if the classifi- cation is one of ability, remunerations will be the same, if ability is measured according to remuneration ; but is it to be assumed that the remuneration is proportional to costs of attainment? And if the group is constituted by those only whose costs correspond at the same time with their ability and remunerations, whence shall such a group be selected? But in point of fact, Cairnes appears to admit that all cases where values remunerate forms of skill not acquired through labor burden are cases where the labor- pain-cost principle does not apply — that is to say, are cases falling under the principle of "monopoly." Seemingly also, rent remunerations fall under the monopoly principle, and capital remunerations would do so but for the fact that the creation of capital is presented as having a homogeneous pain cost in the abstinence involved. To Cairnes, as we have seen, it seems clear that the principle of outlay based upon the market value of the pro- ductive agents employed cannot be an ultimate basis and explanation of the market value of the commodity product. "Employers, we are told, cannot afford to pay any class of workers more than their services are worth. Now what is the standard of worth here adopted?" It cannot fairly be ** Cairnes, op. cit. CAIRNES 77 replied that the services are worth what they command, if this is offered as an explanation of cost, for this would be to explain value by cost and then cost by value, — the old difficulty of how to stand firmly with both feet in the air: According to this conception of "worth" the statement that wages are low because the services they remunerate are of little worth, and high because the worth of the services is high, merely means that wages are high or low because they are high or low, which does not greatly elucidate ^he problem.^" Or if the standard of worth is referred to "the actual terms of the exchange, it amounts to saying that employers cannot afford to pay their workmen more than they actually do pay them." It seems clear to Cairnes that the notion of "worth as something varying with the utility embodied in the services or ... . with the skill which is productive of utility," ^^ is, as an explanation of cost or of value, the sheerest of circular reasoning ; as, indeed, it is, unless some- thing can be done for the case from some other point of view. And yet Cairnes applies the same notion to explain the different wages "within the limits of the same trade," but refers it all to the monopoly principle working through demand and supply, and- denies that it is a question of cost in any sense. All of which seems to mean that this principle of pain cost is a good working principle wherever it will apply — which is, as Senior showed, passably rare,-- even upon the assumption that the severity and irksomeness of labor are not as variable in quantity and quality as are men in industry, capacity, and feeling. There is, however, one resource for the case still untried, and to this Cairnes proceeds to appeal ; it is the principle of averages, with especial reference to capital costs. Those who deny the actuality of abstinence pain and the necessity of its remuneration, if capital is to be had for productive purposes, must be supposed to regard the act of abstaining from present enjoyment as in itself agreeable, and, coupled with the risk which always attends abstinence '"Ibid. '^Ibid. "^ See page 50, ante. 78 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION when practised for industrial purposes, as constituting, in some inscrutable way, irrespective of the gains which flow from it, its own reward'^ — as, we may remark, is sometimes the case, though clearly not to an extent to supply the full existing amount of capi- tal. And even assuming the saving, it does not follow, Cairnes rightly insists, that these savings would be placed at the disposal of industry. So self-denial is posited as the underlying fact, whereby the furnishing of capital becomes a cost in the pain sense of the term. But of the fact that "the sacrifice involved in a given act of abstinence is very different in the case of different persons or at different times for the same persons," Cairnes says we are to take no account: "The sacrifices .... which govern exchange value are, not those undergone by A, B, or C, but the average sacrifices undergone by the class of laborers or capitalists to which the producers of the commodity belong." ^^ But one stops here to object that in this application of the group idea we have a sort of group-abstinence jelly, as before we found for labor — as qualified by skill — a group- labor jelly: We may therefore state broadly that differences in the sacri- fices incident to production, whether of labor or of abstinence, which are due to peculiarities either in the physical, mental, or moral circumstances of individuals, are to be excluded from consid- eration in estimating cost of production. What we have to do with is, not individual sacrifice, but the average sacrifice of each indi- vidual class.^° But precisely how average sacrifices could assign indi- vidual men to this or that line of activity or to this or that industrial group, is not discussed; and why the average sacrifice should, as a question of cost, have anything to do with the individual remuneration is not clear. Nor evi- dently would the case be better for Cairnes's purposes if the concept of margins were substituted for that of aver- ages; the same or greater inequality of ratios between padn and remuneration would still obtain. *^ Cairnes, op. cit., chap, iii, sec. 6. " Ibid. *" Ibid. CAIRNES 79 But Cairnes's answer to all this would probably be that within the group a more detailed and accurate distribution takes place; the discussion, at the point in hand, having only to do with that cost which bears upon market value, and the thought facing not in the direction of distribution but of cost. In fact, all the way along in this part of the argument, criticism is especially difficult because of diffi- culties of interpretation; it is, as we have seen, impossible to make out of what sort these groups are — whether con- stituted on the basis of the class of commodities produced, or of the pains of production, or of the skill applied, or of the rate of remuneration received. If distribution inside the group is made to depend upon relative pain, it is hard to see how the grouping can be either by skill or by product ; and yet it is clear that the grouping cannot be by compen- sation or by pain. So, precisely of what constitution the labor jelly must be in order that the average of sacrifice should govern the exchange ratios is — at all events to the present writer — incapable of determination. And in any case, the detail by which values come to be proportional to sacrifices — for after all the doctrine seems to be essentially one of proportions — needs elucidation. Whether we have labor as direct determinant through pain, or as proportioner, or as common denominator measure, is past making out with anything approaching certainty. Sometimes there is a suggestion of opportunity cost, but referring strictly to the laborer or to the abstainer as against the employer or the borrower; that is to say, the relative attractiveness of different industries is calculated, not purely on the basis of burden, but in part upon the basis of the remuneration as somehow related to the burden. What at bottom maintains the connection between value and cost of production is, it must always be remembered, the power of choice residing in laborers and capitalists to decide between dif- ferent occupations. Now what is it determines the choice? No doubt the prospects of the pursuit, the remuneration being com- pared with the sacrifice. But what sacrifice? .... Each takes account of the incidents of the course proposed, as it bears upon himself, and considers how it stands with others equally open to him.^" But here it must be objected that just so far as the question is one of remuneration it is not one of burdens — 8o VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION that is, it is not a question of cost in Cairnes's sense of the word, but at best is only for each individual a question of the most desirable ratio between burden and remuneration — this ratio of pain to compensation differing with each dif- erence "in the physical, mental, or moral circumstances of individuals." And if, for the case, refuge should again be taken in the doctrine of averages, the reply would be a fair one that men do not choose occupations or change occupations on this average basis. At any rate, Cairnes puts it that "carried over into any field of industrial competition," individuals are not remun- erated in conformity with the sacrifice which each under- goes ; but the conformity holds among the aggregates of those engaged in the several competing occupations ; so that the total remunerations falling to each branch of industry shall bear the same proportion to the total sacrifices undergone in that branch as the total remunera- tion falling to any other in the same field .[industry? grade of labor?] bears to the sacrifices in that other.^' ,/ The total remuneration is, as we have seen, the value of the total product; "this value, therefore, will bear the same proportion to the sacrifices undergone in producing it, as the value proceeding from any other industry within the same field of competition bears to the sacrifices of which it is the result." ^^ So the sacrifices constituting cost, in any field, class, or group, are average sacrifices.^® But after all we are inclined to ask ourselves whether the clue to all this is not in the fact that a group means ^ Cairnes, op. cit. ^* Ibid. '' "The relation which competition establishes between cost and value is one, not between the value of particular commodities and the sacrifices of the individual .... but one between commodities taken as sorts and their costs of production We cannot, for example, assert that a particular pair of shoes will exchange against a par- ticular coat in proportion to the sacrifices undergone respectively by the shoemaker and the tailor in the actual case ; but we may assert that, within a given field of competition, shoes, as one sort of com- modity, will exchange against coats in this proportion. The costs, therefore, to which the values of particular commodities correspond are not the particular sacrifices undergone in producing each commodity, but the average sacrifice undergone in producing each sort of com- modity .... what we have to do with is, not individual sacrifice, but the average sacrifiice of each individual class." — Ibid., chap, iii, sec. 6. CAIRNES 8i nothing more than those producers with whom there exists the same ratio between sacrifices and remunerations. Surely, for a group of this sort, values would be propor- tionate to sacrifices. But finally, it is to be remembered that Cairnes does not claim any very wide field for his doctrine: it holds simply where it holds, and where it does not hold the law of demand and supply — reciprocal demand, as Cairnes terms it — is adequate; perhaps also, we may add, for the cases, if any, where it does hold.^** If, then, this review of Cairnes is adequate,^^ and if this attempt at rehabilitation of the labor-cost doctrine of value is really the best that can be done, as it is the last important and systematic attempt among English economists, an impartial judgment will probably declare that the effort has served merely to give the doctrine its coup de grace; a dogma already in its last gasp has been unkindly done to in the house of its friends. If, however, any faith should still remain in it for any , purpose there is in reserve a seemingly final and crushing argument against it, if once there can be established the possibility of values and exchanges without anything ^^ "The law of reciprocal demand fails completely of being a principle co-ordinate with, and similar to, that of costs. Instead of ruling exchange values in the same way as cost of production, only in another field, it turns out that the force of reciprocal demand is incapable of determining the value of any single good The pur- port of the argument of Cairnes is no more than this : the law of reciprocal demand merely requires the general level of international exchanges to be such that in the long run the exports of a nation just discharge its liabilities, or, in other words, that its exports and imports will be led to balance, except for the payment of interest on foreign debts, cost of carriage to foreign ship-owners, etc. Cairnes applies the law without changing line or point to interchange between non- competing groups Cairnes's famous doctrine merely adds emphasis to a point already made by Senior, namely, that the wages of skilled labor are out of proportion to the amount of labor cost remunerated. Though Cairnes rejected the definition of cost as entre- preneur's cost, his whole argument signifies that subjective cost, or pain-cost, can control market value only by way of controlling the wages and interest elements which compose entrepreneur's cost The doctrine of non-competing groups signifies that the comparative wages cost of different commodities may fail to represent their comparative labor costs, or specifically, that they do so fail, when we compare the costs of commodities produced by different non-competing groups." — Whittaker, op. cit., p. 123. ^^ I am not, however, sure that it is adequate. I confess to a deal of bewilderment. I can only claim to have tried to understand, but this without much confidence in my accomplishment. 82 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION remotely resembling labor-pain cost in the Senior-Cairnes interpretation of the term, or in any interpretation yet con- sistently formulated. Let us see: In view of the fact that each independent producer has his evening limit of labor at which more product is at the point of indifference as against more effort, and in view of the old-time doom that, for society as a whole, it is only by the sweat of the brow that bread may be had, there might appear to be, for some purposes, force in the labor- cost doctrine. And if it is objected that work is oftentimes pleasant, that there are countless producers happy in their work — a veritable bliss of toil — it is none the less evident that as long as the desire for product remains unsaturated, as long as more would still be desirable, as long, that is, as the product still retains utility to the individual pro- ducer, so long work must be sharply distinguished from play; so long must work be carried beyond the point to which it would go for the mere joy of the working. And it may thus be argued that a positive pain cost will still at the margin bar the way against any possible pleasure economy in the productive process. But even so, the theory of labor cost by averages or by any scheme of proportion between pains and values, could derive small support from this marginal development of the labor doctrine, so far as it should purport to serve as a method of explaining the terms of exchanges in a com- petitive, unhomogeneous, wage-earning society. Some- thing, however, might be made out of the doctrine as apply- ing to an isolated — a Crusoe — economy, or, by averages, to a collectivist economy. But it has by different later writers ^^ been made clear that cessation of labor is something more than surcease of the sorrows of working — that leisure has a positive quality, in the recreation that it offers and in the opportunity that it presents of enjoyment through the consumption of those goods to which labor has created the right. Thus, the eight-hour day with its possibly lower wage will reckon, as part offset against this possible loss, an added two hours of leisure. So the artist may have enjoyed every hour of his productive activity, and may leave it, not at the behest of health or eyesight, but at the call of some greater alterna- tive pleasure awaiting him. The choice, indeed, for many workers is — and for all workers conceivably might be — a ** Notably by Patten, Clark, and MacFarlane. CAIRNES 83 choice between pleasant productive activity, on the one hand, and pleasant leisure on the other; and even at the margin, therefore — for even the labor-cost doctrine will have to adopt the marginal analysis — there is no necessity of pain cost. That is to say, the positive aspect of leisure, in its significance for the cessation of commodity productivity, serves merely to lead us to a newly discovered application of the principle of opportunity cost. But, in truth, a new difficulty here presents itself, though a difficulty with which the present argument has no concern : Is not recreation to be regarded as, in the personal estimate and reckoning, an alternative method of utility production? Is not play pro- ductive? And where is the true line of distinction between work and play? (See chap, xxvi.) CHAPTER VII FURTHER COST DOCTRINES Labor cost in non-competitive production. Opportunity cost. — Attention will later be directed to the fact that, for the analysis of exchange value, there is obvious danger in the identification of desire with market demand: only when purchasing power attends desire can economic demand be said to exist. But pushed back into the field of produc- tion the difficulty vanishes; here desire and demand are one, since the problem is merely what shall be produced; the ability to produce attends the desire for product. True, the disposition to produce may be wanting; but if so, the case is one which for present purposes requires no consid- eration. All this is corollary to the fundamental principle of economic science, that for questions of production, need and desire are fundamental, control supply and direct it. Not merely this, but, in the isolated economy, produc- tion includes within itself the essential phenomena of exchange. Inasmuch as not all the things desired can be had in the quantity desired, there must be a choice between the things to be had and the things to be postponed or fore- gone. Each product costs some other, and the sequence of production follows item by item the course of the demand- desire curve. Interpreted thus — in the sense of sacrificed opportunity — the labor-pain cost doctrine of value, as applied to an isolated economy, and applied upon the assumption that land and other instruments are non-existent or of incon- siderable influence, is not very seriously wide of the truth. Whatever differences in utility may possibly exist between two products attainable by the same quantity of labor, the more useful can have a power of displacement — of exchange against another — only upon the basis of the equality pre- scribed by the similar labor costs. Marginal production, 84 FURTHER COST DOCTRINES 85 in the sense of the point of cessation from work, is reached, when, in each line of product, more product will possess utility not greater than the disutility attending the further production of it, whether the disutility take the form of pain, or of pleasure displacement, or of both. And thus, while the value determinant may conceivably be found in the utility quantum of the marginal product instead of in its pain price, it is still true that this marginal quantum can equally well be expressed, in point of significance, in either of the two ways: (i) as a quantity of utility enjoyed — the hither side of the cessation margin, or (2) as a quantity of advantage foregone — the further side of the margin, since the two quantities are, by the terms of the analysis, equal. And so, while the utility of Crusoe's marginal prod- uct could not be stated in terms purely of pain — unless, indeed, Friday were altogether a tiresome companion, the island a savorless island^ and Crusoe himself vacant of resources for self -amusement — the utility could always be stated in terms of marginal disadvantage, which marginal disadvantage would serve equally well with marginal utility as the value measure and common denominator of the derived value relations. But it is important to remark that this equation between the importance of the product and the importance of the items of resistance — whether of disutility or of foregone utility or of both — could convey to no second person any information as to the absolute nature or volume or quality of the opposing and balancing items, but would speak only of the relation between them. The value of the ratio at the margin could be asserted as unity, but nothing could be implied or inferred as to the importance of the terms in the ratio. And evidently with different producers, no basis of comparison could be found either for the utility of the respective products, or for the burdensomeness of the respective efforts, or for the attractiveness of the recrea- tions respectively foregone. Abandonment of production might, for one person, be consistent with great signifi- 86 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION cance of product as against great aversion to labor or great disposition toward recreation, while with a second person, the same hours of work and the same commodity- output might obtain, consistently with small pains of labor, low appraisal of product, and with little or no interest in the alternatives of pleasure. Only the ratio between the two opposing quantities can be inferred, which ratio is always to be expressed as, at the margin, one of equality, whether the opposing quantities are 5 : 5 or 2 : 2 or J^ : J^. And, in fact, not even as much as this may seem to imply, is legitimately to be inferred. The principle of homogeneity, precisely as it is inapplicable to the individ- ual's entire day's activity, and is serviceable only as a day's-end margin and measure, fails as a method of com- parison over intervals of time. That is to say, Crusoe on different days is, for the purposes of the present analysis, so many different men, with different levels of zeal, vigor, capacity for pleasure, and sensitiveness to pain. Nothing but the equality of ratios holds. Collectivist production would, for the most part, pro- ceed parallel-wise with production in the isolated individual economy. Production would of necessity accommo- date itself to the principle of diminishing item utility with increasing product, and of increasing resistance to produc- tive effort with lengthening hours of labor; the day's-end margin of cessation would be fixed where the group aver- age and aggregate of utility from added effort should appear to be at balance against the effort pain and recrea- tion loss incident to further production. But here again, not all the product obtained, and con- ceivably none of it, would be at the cost of pain. In a loose group way, by an estimate of some sort, a margin of effort would be established at which the desire for more product should be equated against the resistance to further pro- duction; but this resistance would be in part, and might be in its entirety, the expression of the pull of recreation FURTHER COST DOCTRINES 87 utility; that is to say, the retirement margin would rarely, if ever, be entirely a weariness margin, and might be in no measure due to weariness. Thus, interpreted broadly enough to include not merely labor pain but also — if the case is of the sort so to require — all labor sacrifice reckoned in terms of displacement, whether of pleasure or of product or of both, — a value determinant, or at all events, a value denominator in terms of cost may be found, either for the isolated or for the collectivist economy, if and when the problem can be taken as presented clear of instrument complications ; but equally clearly, the denominator may also be stated in terms of the utility product against which the cost stands equated as the purchase price.^ Opportunity cost and outlay cost in competitive produc- tion. — In no case can the pains or the pleasures of produc- tion have significance for market value otherwise than as they bear upon supply — that is, upon the relative volumes of goods seeking exchange against one another. All market- ^ But the labor-cost margin — in no matter what ameliorated sense — will not, as the only margin or as the margin of chief significance, apply where allowance must be made for the presence of productive instru- ments. With land instruments and capital instruments, the problem is evidently not one of pain, but of displacement. It is even questionable whether the weariness margin is — even for the independent producer — comparable in degree of significance with the margin of choice between industries. Occupations are chosen each as an aggregate and total and for long periods, and mostly by comparison of the totals of value return. And during all the day, up to the marginal effort, the labor product is affording a differential above its pain cost ; but the aggre- gate magnitude of these quasi-rent quantities differs with different employments, and renders any comparison between industries possible only as employment units and totals : the problem, then, even were no instrument complications involved, could never present itself in terms of pain, but only — if a labor-unit or labor-item question of any sort — as a question of how most advantageously to apply the total labor outlay in view of the aggregate results. Nor even at the margin can the cessation problem with the inde- pendent farmer be one solely of weariness against product : if there is no question of the hired men, their wages and their acquiesence, there are, in any event, to be considered the comfort and welfare of the work-animals. No issue is intended to be offered here as to the right of pain to stand as one among the many different cost considerations to be over- 88 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION cost doctrines are supply doctrines, and explain value only in the sense and to the degree that supply explains value — that is, only upon the assumption that demand may, for the purposes of the case, be taken for granted. Taking as accepted this principle that, under the cost problem, we are set to investigate exclusively those influ- ences bearing upon supply to limit it, certain typical doc- trines of cost, and of the relations of cost to price, await examination. Let it be assumed that a manufacturer of hats faces the following situation : per unit of product he expends $i for wages and 50 cents for raw materials ; the capital employed in producing a hat would elsewhere earn him 15 cents; as employee in someone's else service, he could earn 15 cents for each hat now produced; transferring himself and his productive equipment to the shoe industry, he could obtain a product of $1.85 in place of each hat now produced; he sells his hats at $2 each : What is his cost of production and what his profit per hat? According to the older reasoning and the older termi- nology, the 50 cents accruing to the employer, after the $1 in wages and the 50 cents in materials were covered, born by the remunerations in prospect. Our wheat-producing farmer, as we shall later more fully see, presents at the same time many differ- ent supply margins ; e. g., a rent-outlay margin, a wage-outlay margin, an indefinite number of seed, fertilizer, and implement margins, a corn- displacement margin for some portions of his product, a bean-displace- ment margin for other portions, capital-wear and land-wear margins for some acres of his crop, and, among all the others, pity margins for his draft cattle, his wife, and his children, a mixed decency-and-expedi- ency margin for his employees, and, finally, a weariness margin for himself. And all these margins may be effective at the same time to set a limit, in different places and directions, to his production, and might conceivably converge in influence to dictate the non-production of any particular line of product, or of any particular item of that par- ticular line. And at different price levels for products, and with different producers, new and different combinations of margins would be presented ; different supply volumes have different supply prices. And among all these different margins, no one seems to be more distinctly supply or price determining than any other, excepting in degree of influence ; and in fact no one of them appears, from the individual producer's point of view, quite so emphatically price-deter- mining as price-determined : but more of this later. FURTHER COST DOCTRINES 89 would be capitalist's profit. But what part, if any, of this profit should be reckoned within cost of production? Keeping closely in touch with the habit of thought of business men, Hadley would, as the present writer under- stands him, regard profit as that which remains over and above cost of production, and would confine the cost reckon- ing to outlays.^ There is room for question as to the 15 cents for interest: if this were paid for borrowed capital, the cost would certainly, in Hadley's view, be $1.65, and the profit 35 cents; perhaps it should be inferred that the same result would present itself were the capital that of the manufacturer himself. It appears, also, to have no bearing upon the present problem that interest outlays are, in Hadley's thinking, to be regarded as mere wages of past labor and to be ranked under the general head of wage payments. Recurring, however, again to the principle that cost, for the purposes of economics, whatever may be the preferable view for purposes of bookkeeping, is important only as the master-key to the supply problem — that our quest is the determination of what the French call the prix de revient — it becomes evident that $1.50 or $1.65 bears not the slightest relation to cost when conceived as the point ^ "The excess of return above cost is known as proiit. The profit of an individual is the difference between money advanced in produc- tion and money received from the sale of the product Profits are neither more nor less than the excess of the selling price of the products of industry above the money advanced as wages. It is true that some of the investments of an individual capitalist are not made in the form of wages, but in payments for materials and machinery which other capitalists have made ready for use. But if we look at the relation between capitalists as a class and laborers as a class, we shall find that the capitalists as a body advance wages, and appro- priate the difference between the price paid to the laborers and that received from the customers." — Arthur Twining Hadley, Economics, p. 124. This appears to leave the question of interest in about the condi- tion that James Mill left it ; but the problem in hand is another prob- lem ; were it true, however, that our present concern led us in the direction of interest theory, it would be worth while to point out that Hadley's definition of interest as commuted profits is open to this same line of criticism — that it leaves the time-discount aspect of interest inadequately accounted for. — Ibid., p. 270. ^o VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION below which the producer under consideration will decline to produce; he could do better than $1.65 as wage-earner and better yet in shoe production. Mill's view, while confused in terminology and not fully consistent in reasoning, approaches more nearly to a formulation of the influences affecting the producer's choice between his different industrial openings. Profit is dis- tributed by Mill into interest, wages of superintendence, and compensation for risk. It is true that in one chapter Mill speaks of profit as the excess of receipts over cost of production,^ while, in another place, he treats minimum profit as a part of necessary price,* but as this necessary price is the money magnitude for which we are seeking, and as, in the general trend of his doctrine. Mill identifies cost of production with necessary price, it is in the spirit of his doctrine to regard minimum profit as a constituent part of cost of production. It is in this sense that we are to interpret his statement that the necessary price must be an amount sufficient to cover cost and the ordinary expectation of profit. Nothing very satisfactory is offered as to the quantum of this ordinary profit: In one place a subsist- ence-minimum determinant is suggested for capitalists : "They will not even go on producing at a profit less than they can live upon." ^ But not much is made of this view. In general, the doctrine runs : The cost of production, together with the ordinary profit, may- be called the necessary price or value of all things made by labor and capital." .... The latent influence by which the values of things are made to conform to cost of production is the variation that would otherwise take place in the supply of th"e commodity.'' That is to say. Mill divides profit into the two parts, one, a minimum or necessary profit, the other, a surplus ^Principles, Book III, chap, iii, sec. i. * Ibid., Book II, chap, xv, sec. 2. ^ Ibid., Book III, chap, iii, sec. i. ^ Ibid., Book III, chap, iii, sec. i. ^ Ibid., Book III, chap, iii, sec. 2. FURTHER COST DOCTRINES Qi over this necessary minimum. Some part, therefore, of the 35 cents left over after outlays and interest have been cov- ered, is included within the necessary price, the true cost, — enough to allow to the entrepreneur the ordinary rate of profit. Here, it may be noted, is a distinct foreshadowing of the concept of producer's quasi-rent. But Mill makes nothing further of it. Walker, on the contrary, regards these producers' dif- ferentials as of controlling importance in the problem of necessary price. Marginal cost of production is taken as the determinant of price, and precisely as land rent is con- ceived as a surplus over and above cost — a price-determined distributive share and not a cost — so producers' differen- tials are computed as surpluses above the price-determining margin of production and as such are made irrelevant to price fixation. For, in order to find the price point with manufactured goods, we must, it is said, find the marginal producer's cost, just as with agricultural products we are supposed to find the cost upon marginal land — a point at which there is no differential to be computed.® Entrepreneurs are evidently of differing capacities, pre- cisely as lands are of different grades of fertility; thus, to find the cost-determining production, we must, it is said, find the marginal entrepreneur, the lowest paid among all those producers who can afford to remain in production. Whatever the more skilful entrepreneurs get above this mar- gin is unnecessary, or differential, or surplus profit, or pro- ducers' quasi-rent, accordingly as one's choice of terms may dictate. And thus — returning to our hat manufacturer and his cost problem — it would seem that, in Walker's view, we have not yet sufficient data, either for determining the cost in the sense of the profit necessary to keep the manufac- ture in the business of production, or for measuring his surplus, his differential gain; we must, it seems, first know * Walker, Advanced Course, sees, 1 19-143, 297-299. 92 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION how much his less skilful competitor is making, before we can fix upon the lowest price at which he himself will con- tinue to produce. But according to the principle of opportunity cost, the best alternative open to our hat-producer is not to lend out his capital and to accept a salaried position ; this would give him but 30 cents as his total of interest and personal remuneration, whereas in the shoe industry his unit of product would have a market value of $1.85, permitting 35 cents of return to himself and his capital holdings — that is, 20 cents for his personal remuneration. In the hat industry, however, he is getting $2 of market product; his return in the hat industry may fall to the $1.85 limit before he will decide to change from hat to shoe production. And it is evidently beside the point to urge that his least skilful competitor is deriving, from this market price of $2, only — say — 10 cents of personal remuneration. This fact, clearly, gives no basis for arriving at the first man's occupation differential. Nor, more important still, does it necessarily imply that the second man is the man upon the margin of withdrawal or nearest to it. If, getting in the hat business only 10 cents of personal remuneration, his best alternative were yet one cent in shoes, he would still be nine price points distant from withdrawal, whereas another man of very considerably higher absolute profit might be fewer points distant. It is, in truth, entirely credible that the largest profit-maker in the industry should be the marginal producer in that industry. All producers' cost dift"erentials are reckoned from this alternative basis, as quantities deriva- tive from the opportunity-cost margin. Obviously, only the most general notions and the simplest of the applications of opportunity cost can be presented at this time. One caution, however, appears to be immediately called for; the doctrine of opportunity cost, rightly under- stood, does not point fundamentally to the question of how much could be realized of gain in some alternative occupa- FURTHER COST DOCTRINES 93 tion or activity, but only to how much must be realized in the occupation or activity under consideration in order to insure its continuance. Opportunity considerations, alter- natives, are mere data, among others, in the computation, and may or may not be controlling — that is to say, questions of taste, of health, of reputabihty, of strain or severity of requirement, all may be important factors in the choice. Again, the choice may not lie between two gainful occupa- tions, but between some one gainful occupation and idleness. In short, each man's cost is simply his prix de revient, the price requirement upon which the con- tinuance of production by him depends. And evidently his price may differ for differing volumes of product.^ * The relations of opportunity cost to price, as presented by several of the later writers, will best be examined in connection with the concept of profit — and its relation to cost ; see note at close of the next chapter. So far as the present writer is informed, David I. Greene is entitled to the credit of first having given adequate formulation to this doctrine of opportunity cost — see an article published by him in the January (1894) number of the Quarterly Journal of Economics. With- out acknowledgment of this contribution, and, indeed, in entire igno- rance of it, an article covering very much the same ground was, by the present writer, published in the September (1894) number of the Journal of Political Economy, under the title of "The Formula of Sacrifice;" see also, by the present writer, the May (1902) number of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, "Proposed Modifications in Aus- trian Theory and Terminology;" and the November (1905) Yale Review, "Doctrinal Tendencies — Fetter, Flux, Seager and Carver." CHAPTER VIII PROFIT DEFINED : PROFIT AND RISK AS RELATED TO COST Risk profit. — Mill's formulation that necessary price must cover, among other things, compensation for risk, is incontestable for all cases where risk is really a fact of cost; but when, if ever, is this the case? Is it, indeed, clear that it is ever the case? And where, then, is the room for risk profit ? If the risk compensation is only sufficient to cover the risk, there is no room for profit. The unharvested crops form, in the long run, part of the cost of the harvested. So the bad debts of the merchant are a part of the cost of get- ting goods into the hands of the paying customer. Here is evidently a class of risks that are to be included within production costs ; and the compensation, being the correla- tive of a risk assumed and not a reward of personal skill or effort, is, by this very fact, not a part of profit. It is only when the risk remuneration is more than the risk burden that profit can be derived from taking risk. And in some cases, doubtless, profits of this sort are obtained, as with insurance contracts typically, and with well-organized businesses in the speculative markets. But what shall be said of the risk to which the wholesaler is submitted when he buys his supplies, that prices may fall, or of his hope that prices will rise? Is the gain, if gain befalls, more than compensation for the risk, or is the loss other than the equivalent of the gain which was equally in prospect when the purchase was made? In point of fact, analysis of risk must distinguish two cases, (i) where the danger of loss has no correlative of gain, and where, therefore, the question is solely as to who shall carry the hazard,— cases which easily lend themselves to the business of making profit off the carrying of risk; 94 Profit defined 95 (2) where profit and loss are equally in prospect, or are somehow in the market equated against each other. It is probable that in this second case, utility falling per item with increased supplies of goods, the chance of gain must, as a computation in terms of dollars, outweigh the appraised money equivalent of the chance of loss, else the falling utility attaching to each dollar would leave the balance slightly one of loss in the individual utility schedule. But it is only in cases falling under the first class that risk is properly to be reckoned as appreciably an item of cost. Risk interest. — The relations of risk to interest and of risk interest to profit are perhaps not more intricate in theory, but are even more disastrously confused in tradi- tional economic discussion. Viewed as the reward of absti- nence, interest cannot include the risk share in the amount received. Viewed as any sort of compensation to the owner for investment opportunity foregone, risk must be excluded. And as the difference between the present value of goods and their future value, interest cannot cover risk; only as the difference between a certain present value and a contingent future value could the risk charge be included in interest. Adopt, however, the standpoint not of the lender but of the borrower, and the question takes on another aspect. Dishonest borrowing aside, interest becomes a pay- ment for the use of wealth, or, more accurately, a payment for the difference in desirability, to the borrower under consideration, of present over future goods — or, more accurately still, of present over future purchasing power as reckoned in the prevailing standard. For the marginal borrower the interest is the approximate equivalent of this difference. That is to say, the risk payment is received by the lender in one character and is paid by the borrower in another. It advantages the marginal lender nothing or nearly noth- ing; the risk fact may, in truth, diminish his net or pure 96 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION interest, by its effect to retire some part of the total demand; it burdens the borrower as a cost; it is Hke a tax imposed on the loan relation. To whom, then, goes the gain to correspond with the aggregate of loss to borrowers and lenders? It does not necessarily follow that the entire benefit of this intermediate quantity — this tax — accrues to defaulting borrowers. There is room for lenders' quasi-rents in the relation, — that is to say, there may be, in favor of the non-marginal lenders, differentials between what it really costs to carry the risk and the compensation which the market premium upon risk allows.^ And this is the only case of true risk profit in the interest relation; subject to this modification, the premium is the precise equivalent of the loss danger accepted. But it remains to ask what name shall be given to this equivalent. It is commonly regarded as a portion of profit ; but as it is evidently not remuneration for the personal fac- tor in production or in business activity of any sort — ^not pay, that is, for labor of superintendence or for any other form of effort, but only compensation for the danger incurred of failing to get compensation — there is force in the view that the special category of risk profit should be recognized. The objection to this is that, just as when one lends his capital he charges something extra for risk, and calls it interest or risk interest, so when he puts his own capital at risk in his own business, he should, it would seem, reckon his risk gain as compensation for the hazardous capital use — another form of risk interest. The losses of an enterprise must ordinarily be paid out of the operator's wealth. Profit-makers pay losses, when losses come, in the capacity of wealth-owners and not of mere operators. But it has still to be recognized that the thing at hazard is not necessarily and solely the capital invested. The operator may, indeed, be investing nothing but his time and effort; or his hazard may be such as not to extend farther ^ Cf. Carver, Quarterly Journal of Economics, March, 1891. PROFIT DEFINED 97 than, the value of the time and effort devoted by him to the enterprise. There is, then, room for a concept of risk wage; and for this there could be no valid objection to the term risk profit, were the term profit not already overweighted in point of duties and overclouded with accumulated ambigui- ties. The question, then, whether there is any place for the term risk profit is to be decided by the meaning intended to be attached to the term profit itself; and in regard to the precise meaning of this term there exists lamentable uncer- tainty. There is, however, a general consensus of opinion for the exclusion of interest from the concept; and some disposition must be recognized toward the exclusion of wages of superintendence; and if the foregoing analysis of risk be accepted, there is small justification for continuing to include anything commonly indicated under the term risk profit; and for whatever need really exists the term risk profit and not profit recommends itself. Risk interest should be extended to cover not merely the hazard compensation of actual lenders but also the hazard compensation of him who adventures his own resources under his own management.^ The question remains whether the term profit shall serve (i) merely for exceptional, unclassified, lawless gains — conjuncture profits as they have sometimes been called, or whether, on the contrary, the term should stand (2) for. the broader notion of compensation for the independently work- ing human factor in production, or (3) for the still broader notion of compensation for the independently gain-acquir- ing human factor in economic activity. For it must be noted that here as elsewhere there is danger of confusing the technological and socially produc- ^ Cf. Veblen, Theory of Business Enterprise, pp. 120-30, as to the difficulty of finding a time unit for the hazards and gains of high finance. 98 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION tive aspects of business with the competitive and gain- making aspects. Number (2) would conceive profits as compensation for independent productive activity, and would thus make no place for a large part of what fall under the general head of conjuncture gains, but would stand, rather, as an opposed and alternative notion. Num- ber (3), the competitive view, would harmonize (i) and (2) by including them. It has been the writer's preference to use the term profit in this third sense, as denoting, that is, the residual compensation falling to independent business activity after such apportionment as is possible has been made for rent, interest, wages, and other outlays. In this sense, profit stands as merely one form of the remuneration of labor and is thereby a subhead under the broader interpretation of the term wages.^ It points to gain without the intervention of an employer; it is, then, remuneration to the entrepre- neur for entrepreneur activity as such. This profit goes, truly, to him who takes the risk, but does not, therefore, go as compensation for the risk or in proportion to it.^ ' For wages, it should be remembered, are not derivative solely from technological or other productive activity. I may pay my wage- earner to destroy your property or to besmirch your reputation. *The concept here presented is believed to be, in a general way, in harmony with the later trend of economic thought. Taking the recently published works of Professors Carver, Fetter, Flux, Seager, and Seligman, as representative in this regard, it will be profitable to glance at their respective usages. Thomas Nixon Carver, The Distribution of Wealth, Macmillan, 1904; Frank A. Fetter, The Principles of Economics, The Century Co., 1904 ; A. W. Flux, Economic Principles, Methuen & Co., 1904; Henry Rogers Seager, Introduction to Econom.ics, Henry Holt & Co., 1904 ; Edwin R. A. Seligman, Principles of Economics, Long- mans, Green & Co., 1905. Professor Fetter's notion of profits is more easily arrived at than that of any one of the other writers under examination : "Profits are the net gain of the enterpriser after counting the rent of material agents and contract wages Profits are the income attributable to the enterpriser's services Economic profits are not contract wages, not Tjeing paid by agreement, but being yielded impersonally by the industry. Profits are, however, economic wages or the earnings of services Profits are due, not to risk, but to superior skill in taking risk. They are .... earned in the same sense that the wages of skilled labor are earned." — Fetter, The Principles of Eco- nomics, chap, xxxi, passim. This is not, one infers, a denial that the taking of risk may be the PROFIT DEFINED 99 characteristic and distinguishing mark of entrepreneurship, but it is a denial' that compensation for risk is profit, unless in the measure that compensation is more than the value and burden of the risk. This falls in with Professor Carver's view that the "profits of insurance are a kind of risk-taker's rent. They owe their existence to the fact that they are not the reward of risk-,taking, but that they are a surplus over and above the real risk assumed. [The entrepre- neur's risk rent] is due not to the risk he assumes, but to the risks that he does not assume Stated more accurately .... his net income or profit arises from the fact that he is able to reduce his own risk below that which others would h-ave to bear." — Carver, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1901. Professor Seager defines profits as "balances left over from the sale of products after all of the expenses of production have been paid," a production-category concept. — Seager, Introduction to Eco- nomics, p. 55. In a state of normal equilibrium the competition of entrepreneurs would bring it about that "the profits of entrepreneurs would just cover wages of management." — Ibid., p. 172. It is thus evident that in arriving at the profit remainder, Seager would conceive of compensation for one's own land and capital as a form of expense, "virtually an expense," as he puts it elsewhere ; this leaves profit substantially as Fetter conceives it, with some doubt possible as to the precise relation in Seager's view between risk and profit, and, for Fetter's case, with some ambiguity as to whether profit is a pro- duction category or a gain category. Professor Flux's notion of profit is more difficult to make plain : but it is formulated in better recognition of the latter-day forms of business organization. Under entrepreneur, that is, under non-corporate management, profits are seemingly regarded as in approximate parallel with wages : "So long as the business man was in large degree owner and manager at the same time, his remuneration naturally covered the return to capital and to organizing effort The growing use of capital by other than its owners required the separation of the remuneration of the capitalist .... from that of the undertaker Later we have seen the growth of a great system of joint stock enter- prise The replacement of the independent owner of business enterprises by a salaried manager seems to suggest a further analysis of profit." But under the non-corporate form of organization, "the capable entrepreneur reaps a reward corresponding to his superiority over the less capable man with whom he is in competition If he gets the use of capital on better terms, it is because of the lower risk associated with his control than with that of the others who pay a higher rate The gains of the highly remunerated entrepreneur .... are certainly not secured by enforcing harder terms on labor than labor secures from rivals Whether the earnings of employers who just maintain themselves as employers be regarded as made up wholly of wages .... and in no degree of profits ; whether we call the whole of the earnings, even of these entrepreneurs, profits, the important implication of this view of the case will be substantially the same tore 100 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION [But] the later organization separates the remuneration of the manager from that of the owner The distributive share known as profits, then, has in practice, had the remuneration of the services of manage- ment cut out of it. What is left, profits proper, represents the share of those who take risks and assume the responsibility of directing the general lines of policy which the manager is to carry out." — Flux, Economic Principles, chap, x, passim. Fully worked out, however, this more actual treatment would not diverge, for theoretical purposes, and for terminology, from the wage- view of profit. Doubtless different forms of personal activity are included within the function of ordinary entrepreneur managership ; some of the these activities are more detailed or more clerical in nature than others ; but in any case all are personal activity and are remuner- ated as such. That a part are delegated — the less responsible part — to salaried employees, leaves the residuum of remuneration none the less a remuneration for personal activity, a wage impersonally received from the market without the intervention of an employer. The divi- dends to stockholders are, then, in part true interest, in part higher gains received because of the danger of not getting any gains or of losing the principal, in part profit due to differentials between the burdensomeness of the risk and its compensation, and in part reward for the function of ultimate supervision. It is not to the point for present purposes to ask whether, as an ethical or social problem, these last are more or less than adequate. Professor Carver's concept is more nearly in line with the later German terminology ; wages of management are excluded. Notwithstanding the fact that in one place he notes that "it would be expensive . , . . to grow wheat on land worth $i,ooo an acre for market gardening; such land is worth $i,ooo an acre for that purpose because of the large profit that can be made in that business ; to grow wheat would be a sacrifice of these profits" {ibid., p. 42) — a use of profits in the sense of aggregate net return — his more careful formula- tion restricts the notion to "only that which is left over after all the other shares are paid" {ibid., p. 278). Risk profit, by which is meant the excess in the payment for the risk over the actual burden of it, and skill in bargaining whereby productive agents are "more fre- quently employed at a price slightly under than slightly over their marginal productivity, explain the fact that business men as a class receive a share in addition to their net wages, rent, and interest" {ibid., p. 269) ; that is to say, profits are something over and above wages of management. But on the whole, if these authors may be taken as representative, there appears to be in economic usage some clearing-up of the old indefiniteness in the meaning of the term profits, together with a marked tendency to regard profit as merely a subhead under the general principle of wages — one form of remuneration for the personal factor in economic activity. Professor Seligman's general notion of profit would appear to be in line with this trend : The remuneration of the entrepreneur, or the man who carries on the enterprise, is called the profit. Among them, wages, interest or rent, and profits exhaust the whole income. (Seligman, Principles of Eco- nomics, p. 352.) Profits are the income from business enterprise. PROFIT DEFINED lOi (Ibid., p. 353.) But on p. 427 it is said : "Profits .... are the chief inducement to enterprise. The anticipated gains to be derived from fluctuations in value constitute the real incentive to business activity, and hence to modern production." In this last it is implied, not only that profits cover merely such part of entrepreneur income as is due to value fluctuations, but also that modern productive enterprise would cease to function were these con- juncture gains eliminated — if, that is to say, "a state of normal equilib- rium" were realized. And with profit so defined, what becomes of that part of the entrepreneur's share not due to value fluctuations? For we are to remember that "wages, interest or rent, and profits exhaust the whole income." This share must seemingly be regarded as falling under the head of wages of mianagement. What, according to Professor Seligman, ,is to be computed as profit in the hat-and-shoe problem (p. 88) ? "The remuneration of the entrepreneur, or the man who carries on the enterprise, is called profit Wages, rent or interest, and profit exhaust the whole income," Under this formulation 35 cents per hat is profit ; but under the second formulation — "the gain to be derived from fluctua- tions in value" — no answer is yet forthcoming. If it may be assumed that the cost investigation is important only as bearing on the supply term of the value equation, and that with any individual producer the problem of cost is the problem of how much pay he must receive in order not to abandon or restrict his production, it must be clear that the hat-producer in our assumed case will submit to a price of $1.85 before shifting to the shoe industry, and that the wage opening of 15 cents has no immediate bearing on the case: $1.85 is the cost of production; 15 cents is a producer's differential, a "quasi- rent of production," or an "unnecessary profit" — or an excess above minimum profit, or whatever else it may be preferred to call it. But how about the following formulation ? "Profits are always a surplus ; they are the difference between the cost of production and the selling price" (p. 353). "The excess of price above cost of pro- duction constitutes profit" (p. 354). On p. 357, however, it is said that "wages are a stipulated income, and profits a residual income" — suggest- ing again the 35-cent solution ; but it is immediately added : "Wages are part of cost; profits a surplus over cost." And likewise on p. 356 it is asserted : "Profits are the return from the conduct of business enterprise" — a 3S-cent view ; but shortly afterward, upon the same page : "Interest is a part of cost ; profit is a surplus above cost" — probably, as it now looks, a 15-cent view. But this must finally depend upon what cost of production is held to be. But evidently a producer must have something for his services ; only this something need not be called profit ; still it is, as we have seen, sometimes so called. Sometimes, however, the usage falters : "The gross earnings would suffice to give him a bare compensation for his services, for otherwise he would enter some other employment as a wage-earner. [Necessarily as wage-earner? or necessarily, if as wage-earner, in some other line of employment?] Gross profits must include interest and wages. But there would be no net profit, or surplus profit, or profit in the real sense of the word" (p. 354). Merely noting, in passing, that the necessary wage i? here made part of cost, it becomes evident that this necessary wage is not made a part of "net, or surplus profits, or profits in the real sense ;" profits are, on the contrary, here presented as that part of personal compensa- I02 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION tion above the amount required for the continuance of the business ; they are differential profits in the sense of that other terminology that holds that "the remuneration of the entrepreneur, or the man who carries on the business, is called profit" (p. 352) ; "Profits are the income from business enterprise" (p. 353). This net, surplus, or real-proUt concept, then, denotes a differential above necessary cost, and gives us 15 cents as the solution of our problem ; and this goes logically along with the doctrine that, "profits .... are the difference between the cost of pro- duction and the selling price (p. 353). The excess of price over cost constitutes profit (p. 354). At the bottom of the scale is the marginal producer working under the least favorable circumstances, and who can nevertheless get no more for his goods. With him price equals cost. The excess of price over cost constitutes profits" (p. 354). But still another concept of profits presents itself : "Profits are the surplus of the intra-marginal over the marginal producer" (p. 353) ; not now, be it noted, a surplus above what one must have to keep him in the business, but a surplus above what someone else, the marginal pro- ducer, must have to keep the marginal producer in the business. This, as will be recalled, was Walker's view ; and profit with Walker was likewise presented as no part of cost; what you get more than some- body else gets is no part of your cost ; it follows that price is deter- mined by the cost of the poorest incapable in the trade, it being irrele- vant that he may also be so entirely worthless for any other possible thing that he would not change occupations at any, no matter how great, fall in price ; and the profits unyiecessary to hold in the trade the master-minds of the entrepreneur world are whatever they are getting more than this rear-guard good-for-naught. And in line with this terminology it appears — as it consistently ought — that this poor fellow is getting no profits ; which must mean, according to the earlier formulation, that he is getting no differential above his best alternative — which obviously may or may not be true, and is, perhaps, as likely to be true of the most prosperous among his competitors. Consistently with this concept, no solution is possible for our problem ; upon the data given, no single entrepreneur, other than this single-footed incapable at the alleged margin, could ever by any possi- bility determine his own or anyone's else cost of production. Bearing in mind that "net or surplus profit, or profit in the real sense," has been defined as surplus over cost — producer's differential above necessary remuneration — we approach still another concept of profit — a notion something like the German Conjuntur-Pro-fit. Those compensations accruing to personal activity and management, over and above what must be ascribed to the land and other equipment of the entrepreneur, may undoubtedly be divided accordingly as they are or are not due to changing conditions — to market fluctuations — tardy com- petition — conditions which are, in any society, always in process of coming not to be, and which in stationary conditions must in time be canceled through the complete working of competition. That is to say, there is one portion of the entrepreneur's income which may be said to belong to him by a sort of permanent desert and right ; full and complete competition would only serve to make this share more secure and definite ; while there is another part which befalls irregularly, by luck and hazard, and without ethical basis, or claim of any merit other than, possibly, of farsightedness, and only through the perversities and tangles of things. There are, we repeat, gains of this latter sort, as PROFIT DEFINED 103 truly as there are residuals which the disappearance of these fortuitous influences would never reduce or menace. Our author's present concept of proiits contemplates these fortuitous quantities : "Profits are a result of price, not a cause of price. Products at a lower cost create profit ; competition forces prices down to lower cost and eliminates profits. Profits can be maintained only by the creation of a continually newer cost-level lower than the new price (p. 357) For as soon as profit appeared, the entrepreneurs in other fields who were just mak- ing expenses would at once bid against each other to secure capital and labor, until they would capture their share of the market, and the profits would dissipate themselves, on the one hand in the higher rate paid for the factors of production, and, on the other hand, in the lower price of the product due to the greater supply (p. 354) It may conceivably happen, indeed, that all the producers at a particular moment are men of precisely the same abilities and subject to the same conditions There would be only one identical cost for all units of the supply. There could, then, .... not be any permanent profit to all the producers, because prices could not permanently remain above the mere cost of producing" (p. 245). It is evident enough that, on this basis, no precise answer can be given to the inquiry as to how much of the entrepreneur's gain is due to his own productive activity, and how much to the gifts of fortune, through the flux and change of processes and values. Neither our prob- lem as stated nor any other problem could present materials from which this notion of profit could arrive at a money statement. And with this uncertainty as to the competitive share of the remuneration there must go also an equal indefiniteness as to the other share — the right, due, earned, just, enduring share. Thus this fifth or sixth variety of profit appears to promise greater service in ethical — or possibly sociological — discussion than in the field of economic analysis. It remains, however, certain that something of this rightful and natural share there must be — quantitatively and qualitatively vague doubtless, but existent. But we find it written : "Wages differ from profits in that wages are a stipulated income and profits a residual income Wages are a part of cost, profits a surplus above cost. The entreprenuer may think that he deserves a return for his services, but whether he secures one depends upon his competitors. There is always a certain level below which wages cannot fall, because no work would otherwise be done ; but the very continuance of competitive profit depends upon the abler producer cutting down cost to the point where the marginal producer earns no profits (p. 357). In society in a state of rest .... the marginal producer would hardly make both ends meet, but would earn nothing above his cost" (p. 246). This last statement seems to imply that all compensation that does not accrue as gift of fortune is cost — that is, is necessary compensation. Thus the doctrine which under stable equilibrium would deny to any producer anything above his necessary remuneration would amount to assigning to him in his best field of activity precisely what — and no more than what — he would be worth in his next best field, this ethically just ending in the strange perversity of measuring what one can do, not by what he does, but by what he would do if he did not do so much. It is evident enough that we are thus far all the while within the field of individualistic entrepreneur cost ; and in this field there is still one more cost concept to be presented : I04 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION "To the employer cost means total cash outlay expended in produc- tion ;" and it is added : "Here the cost is usually less than the price, the difference between cost [cash outlay] and price being profit." This, however, may possibly not be fairly interpreted as a fifth — or sixth — profit concept, since the notion of profit here held would finally resolve itself into total remuneration for entrepreneur activity. Professor Flux's interpretation of the relations of profit to cost is to be deduced from the following : "The influence of cost is felt in determining whether it is profitable to produce that supply in view of securing the price so determined, whether the supply can be, economically speaking, maintained The term 'supply price' here used means a price adequate to induce producers to prepare, and offer for exchange, a supply corresponding to that price. It must therefore be a price suificient to cover cost of production, and, if competition be vigorous, the excess over cost of pro- duction will not be more than sufficient to afford such profits as com- petitors need to secure in order to continue in competition. Some writers use the phrase 'necessary profits' to apply to the level to which competition tends to reduce profits, and such 'necessary' profits are often taken to be included in cost of production" (pp. 52 and 57). Stopping merely to note that expenses of production and cost of production are here used as interchangeable terms, we deduce from the passage cited that the amount to be fixed as the cost requirement is not necessarily $1.85 or $1.80, but is a sum "not more than sufficient to afford such profits as competitors need in order to continue in pro- duction," Profits which would content other producers are the "neces- sary profits" for this producer, whether or not — one takes it — he finds himself on any other ground able to be contented. Fetter holds that, "the value of the product as a whole cannot be related to the psychic cost or sacrifices ["pain, fatigue, irksomeness of labor"] and therefore it cannot serve as a measure of cost in every- day business. Alternative cost is any good or gratification that must be given up when any other good is chosen. In this sense each thing is a cost of every other thing that might be chosen in the place of it. Alternative cost is, therefore, manifold and indefinite. The thought is significant at the moment of choice, but is not constantly measurable for practical purposes. Money cost is the practical cost generally implied in the term cost of production The enterpriser's costs determine the lowest price at which he can continue to sell, but if suc- cessful, he may have a wider margin of profit" (p. 274). Recalling that Fetter's definition of profit is "the income attribu- table to the enterpriser's services," and remembering that displacement costs must not be regarded, and that only the "money paid out by the producer" is "practical cost," $1.50 or $1.65 must be Fetter's solution of the problem in hand. And yet $1.65 is clearly not "the lowest price at which he can continue to sell ;" it is much lower than the lowest. With Seager the distinction between cost of production and expenses of production is significant. In cost he reflects the old doctrine of pain cost — ^psychic cost, as Fetter has it — ^but with the addition of some modern doctrine about displaced leisure and displaced consumption- time. "The sum of the efforts and sacrifices that are involved in PROFIT DEFINED 105 production constitute .... the cost of production Effort, .... exercise which involves some discomfort or pain .... sacri- fices, .... the doing of things that are less pleasurable than other things that might have been done but free from any element of pain" (P- 53)' Just what use or part this kind of cost has in Seager's system of theory is not easy to get at ; but "contrasted with the costs of pro- duction which are psychological or subjective, are the expenses of production — advances made for materials and other things which co-operate in bringing about productive results. The latter are objec- tive and may be expressed as sums of money comparable with the prices received for products" ,(?• 54)- Whether these costs are confined to those technological facts which aid in bringing about productive results — a social concept of produc- tiveness — or whether "all other things" includes expenses for patents, royalties, franchises, privileges, good-will, legislative and municipal favors, etc. — that is, whether the production under consideration is conceived private-wise and competitively, as matter of individual acquisition, need not concern us here. At any rate, "the expenses of production include every item of outlay which producers must normally and regularly incur to put goods on the market and effect their sale, and also such compensation as producers normally and regularly require as the condition of their continuing to serve industrial society in the capacity of entrepreneurs. These items are as follows: (i) Outlay for materials, wear and tear of buildings and machinery, etc., which may be included under the expenses of repla- cing capital goods used up in production. (2) Premiums paid for the insurance of capital goods, (3) Interest for the use of capital. (4) Wages to laborers of all grades, (s) Rent of land and natural power used in production. (6) Taxes. (7) Minimum profits to the entre- preneur to remunerate him for his own time and trouble" (p. 157.) What then would be Seager's answer to our hat-cost problem? How much- as cost shall be allowed under the head of minimum profits ? Seager has a displacement-cost doctrine ; but wage or salary alternatives are the only ones admitted to consideration : "The amount that should be charged as wages of management or minimum profit is what the entrepreneur could obtain for his services if he worked for wages or for a salary for a corporation or other employer" (p. 159). One dollar and eighty cents is then the answer. But it is nevertheless clear that at anything short of $1.85 he will shift to shoe production. Now let the problem be modified somewhat ; let the raw materials and the wages aggregate $1,50 as before, but assume an interest out- payment of 10 cents, the employer using his own capital to the interest value of 5 cents. Will this modify the solutions given? Not with Seager : expenses are to be understood as including interest items of this sort : "The item appears whether, in the particular business, bor- rowed capital or capital belonging to the firm is used It is virtual outlay," Precisely so : but expenses strikes one as a passably poor term to denote the interest on one's own capital ; and it is outlay of any sort only in the sense of a displacement fact — an opportunity cost. It is difficult to be certain of what Fetter would make of this case, though it is fair to suppose that, by some sort of recognition of this phase of displacement cost, he would somehow arrive at a conclusion similar to that of Seager. And for him also the awkwardness would io6 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION present itself of making this cost fall within "the sum of money paid out by the producer." With Flux likewise the solution would probably be the same, though it does not clearly appear how, unless upon the ground that other and competing producers would not be satisfied were their capital not earning a certain specified rate, which rate the shoe manu- facturer is thereby justified in computing as within his expenses. Carver's definition of profit as what is left over "after the other shares are paid," these other shares including wages of superintend- ence, obviously excludes profits from the case, but none the less leaves it to be asked what relation entrepreneur activity holds to costs and to value. Accepting one formulation, "The amount of effort which is neces- sary to produce a given quantity, say a pound, of one commodity may be widely different from that which is necessary to produce the same quantity of another When it requires a great deal of effort to produce an article, no one will ordinarily be tempted to make that effort unless the article has a great deal of value Speaking generally, an article must have value enough to persuade men to make whatever effort is necessary to its production, or it will not be made at all That is to say, its value cannot be permanently much above or below its cost of production" (p. 31) — we are far from any answer to our problem ; the principle of value is here stated as one of pain costs to the employed producer ; the doctrine is not an entre- preneur money-cost doctrine in any sense ; the "efforts necessary to its production" are not employer facts. For the purposes of the problem in hand, this is an impasse. But Carver has an opportunity-cost doctrine which promises better : "If there are many and excellent opportunities for the employ- ment of one's labor and capital, and their earnings consequently large, much will be sacrificed in withdrawing them from those other possible openings, and only the surplus above this large amount can count as the earnings of the land If a certain individual with a certain amount of labor and capital at his disposal can earn $1,000 a year by working for other people .... a piece of land upon which he with his capital could produce a total crop worth only $1,000 would be worth nothing to him, but one upon which he could pro- duce a crop worth $1,200 would be worth approximately $200 a year" (p. 188). Like Seager's view, this appears to conceive the displacement cost as fixed by the wage or salary opportunity; $1.80 is therefore Carver's solution. CHAPTER IX EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY Dr. Sewall ^ has made it clear that, in the main, early value theory — for what there was of it — was of the labor- cost tenor. Mercantilism, for the most part, conceived labor as the basis of value, the notion standing, both for labor and for product, as one of intrinsic or natural value as an objective quality. The Physiocrats also were pronouncedly objective in their notion of value, identifying wealth with material objects, and value intermediately with cost of production, truly, — but finally and essentially, with the material land product embodied in a commodity, and especially with the subsistence material consumed by the artisans. And if it be historically the fact that the wage level of French labor left no surplus above the subsistence requirement of that time, it must be admitted that the doctrine as held did not seriously misinterpret the facts with which it had to do; wages cost and subsistence cost must, under the conditions assumed, be approximately equal. But there were in Italy, even as early as the sixteenth century, the beginnings of the other line of thought. Da- vanzati (1588) recognized clearly the notion of utility as subjective fact and as determinative of exchange value. "A disgusting thing is a rat; but in the siege of Cesalino one of them was sold for 200 florins, on account of the great scarcity; and it was not dear, for he who sold it died and he who bought it escaped." So Turgot (France, 1775), following Galiani (Naples, 1750), explained value, ^ Hannah Robie Sewall, Ph.D., "The Theory of Value before Adam Smith," Publications of American Economic Association, 1901. 107 lo8 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION psychologically and subjectively, as the effect of conditions acting through feeling. But the first systematic exponent of the utility school of value was J. B. Say.^ Inasmuch as the need of things must lie behind the labor production of them, and the need of product lie behind the esteem accorded to instruments of production, desire being the psychological explanation for the putting- forth of effort, it seemed clear to Say that the ultimate explanation of value must be found, not in cost, but in utility. From the point of view of motive, consumption is fundamental to production; thereby the process of valua- tion must, in the last analysis, be a question of the relation of product to consumption, and not of product to produc- tion. But note that, accordingly as economic affairs are dif- ferently conceived, this may or may not involve the propo- sition that demand precedes supply and controls it. In the collectivist or in the isolated-individual economy, desire and demand, as we have seen, are one. And in a competi- tive exchange-value economy, viewing society as a whole, and regarding, for the purposes of the case, the existence or non-existence of a money intermediate as irrelevant, total supply is total demand; demand and supply are merely different aspects of the same aggregate of commodities. But if, on the other hand, commodities are regarded, not as an aggregate but as made up of separate kinds and classes, it must be true that only effective demand, demand coupled with purchasing power, can control and direct supply; and this is especially and obtrusively true under a money economy. Say, however, saw no occasion to trouble himself with these refinements. He accepted the obvious truth that price cannot continuously remain beneath cost of production ; nevertheless, not the cost but the utility determines what the purchaser may be made to pay; if the product is not useful, no one will pay anything for it, no matter what the cost : * Say, Traite d'economie politique; all references are to the 8th edition, Guillaumin et Cie, Paris, 1876. EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY 109 Where a receptacle is placed under a fountain, the sides of the receptacle do not determine the flow of the water, though they do prevent the level of the water from falling below a certain point.' Ricardo would, however, have taken no issue here. On August 15, 1815, he wrote to Say, The utility of things is unquestionably the basis of their value. But the degree of their utility cannot be the measure of their value; the measure is in the difficulty of production. But Say, on his part, is careful not to assert that utility measures value, but only that value measures utility.* His position seems to be that the utility determines the value, causes it, and thus, under the general principle that the quantum of cause may be inferred from the m.agnitude of its effect, gets measured in it; utility, being purely an indi- vidual matter, cannot express or measure market value, but, through demand, it determines the market value, which market value is thus the sole medium of expression, the sole common denominator, in which, whether accurately or approximately, the social or general esteem for utility receives its statement. Thus interpreted, the issue between Say and Ricardo may be formulated about as follows : Ricardo, admitting the fundamental role of utility and not at all denying the directive character of demand, treats demand as practically a constant, and explains value varia- tions through variations in the relative labor application. Say emphasizes variations in demand as fundamental and directive, but gives to variations in supply full account by way of variations in entrepreneur cost : The need of a thing causes the demand; the expenses necessary to produce the thing limit the supply. If to the consumer the thing is worth its cost, the thing gets purchased.' ' Say, op. cit.. Book I, chap, i, p. 61. * "You accuse me of saying that utility is the measure of value. I thought I had always said that the value that men attach to a xning is the measure of the utility that they find in it." — Letter to Ricardo, December 2, 1815. "Say to Ricardo, July 19, 1821. liO VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Value, in Ricardo's doctrine, is proportional to labor — through entrepreneur cost, it is true — ^but exclusive of land and capital disturbances. With Say, value is proportional to entrepreneur cost inclusive of rent and interest outlays. Ricardo would have labor measure value, labor itself the while receiving no measure. With Say, value measures utility, value receiving no measure. In answer to Ricardo's vigorous denial that the value of the labor determines the value of the product, "a view which I strive with all my might to refute," and his insistence that it is only the comparative quantity of labor that rules the relative value of products,® Say objects that there is really no distinction, since "you cannot determine the quantity of labor except according to the price that you pay for it"7 — that is to say, labor, unless it can be shown to possess some basis of original and fundamental homogeneity, must be rendered into terms of value before a proportion can be based upon it; but thereby labor must itself have received a measure. Still, it was not fairly open to Say to condemn this for its question-begging quality, in view of the fact, as we shall later see^ that his own course of argument ran as follows: having traced value upon the demand side, to utility, he appeals upon the supply side, as does Ricardo, to the entrepreneur mechanism and explains the values of the products by the values of the costs ; and then, to explain the values of the costs, reverts to the value of the products.^ 'Ricardo to Say, January 15, 1820. ''Say to Ricardo, November 2, 1820. ^ It will, perhaps, be well to report the precise words of this correspondence, in the terms of the authority from which it is taken ; Ricardo's letters, were, however, originally written in English : Ricardo to Say, August 15, 1815 : "L'utilite des choses est incon- testablement le fondement de leur valeur ; mais le degre de leur utilite ne saurait etre la mesure de Icur valeur. Une marchandise d'une pro- duction difficile sera toujours plus chere que celle que Ton produit aisement, quand meme les hommes conviendraient unanimement quelle est plus utile que I'autre. II est bien vrai qu'il faut qu'un produit soit utile pour avoir de la valeur ; mais la difUculte de sa production est la seule mesure de sa valeur." Say to Ricardo, December 2, 1815 : "II faut que je me sois bien mal explique, puisque vous m'accusez d'avoir dit que l'utilite etait la EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY m Ricardo in a letter to Malthus, October lo, 1820, says of Say: He pretends that a commodity is valuable in proportion to its utility. This would be true if buyers only regulated the prices of commodities But the buyers have the least in the world to do with regulating the price; it is all done by the competition of the sellers. And again, on November 24, 1820: I do not dispute the influence of demand on the price of corn or on the price of other things, but supply follows close at its heels, and soon takes the power of regulating price into its own hands.' It is not, however, dear that Say asserts value to be in proportion to utility. His position is merely that value measures utility; in ultimate analysis, also- — though it is not clear that Say recognized it — value cannot be in pro- portion to utility, since being a purely personal category, utility to one man is not commensurable with utility to another man; only through affecting demand can utility be relevant to market value. And the case stands the same if mesure de la valeur ; tandis que je croyais avoir toujours dit que la valeur que les hommes attachent a une chose est la mesure de I'utilite qu'ils trouvent en elle Je conviens de meme, avec vous, que la valeur d'un produit ne peut pas baisser audessous de ce que coutent les difficultes de sa production. Si les hommes estiment que son utilite vaut ce prix-la, ils le produisent ; s'ils estiment que son utilite ne vaut pas ce prix-la, ils ne le produisent pas." Ricardo to Say, January ii, 1820: "Vous me paraissez avoir mal comprit une de mes propositions. Je ne dis pas que c'est la valeur du travail qui regie la valeur des produits ; c'est une opinion que je cherche, de tout mon pouvoir, a detruire. Je dis que c'est la quantite comparative du travail necessaire a la production qui regie la valeur relative des produits." Say to Ricardo, March 2, 1820 : "Je vous avoue que je ne com- prends pas trop la difference que vous etablissez entre la valeur du travail qui ne determine pas la valeur des produits, et la quantite du travail necessaire a leur production qui determine la valeur des produits. II me semble que vous ne pouvez determiner la qtiantite et la qualite du travail que par le prix que Ton paie pour I'obtenir. C'est du moins ce que j'ai toujours entendu par la quantite de ce service productif que j'ai appelle service industriel. Son prix fait partie des frais de production, et vous-meme etablissez tres-justement que I'ensemble des frais de production regie la valeur du produit." — CEuvres diverses de J, B. Say, Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, 1848, Vol. IV, pp. 409-15, passim. • Bonar, Letters of Ricardo to Malthus, p. 1 72. 112 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION carried out to the marginal analysis ; the marginal buyer may consume at a very high rate of utility or at a very low rate. At the margin, as elsewhere under the competitive system, things go, not according to the highest utility, not to those persons to whom the greatest service would accrue, but to those whose estimate of utility is highest relatively to other things, — to those persons, namely, who will forego the largest market-value total; the rich man buys what the poor man goes without. But Say is nevertheless right in asserting the value measure of utility to be a fact, in the sense that by price some sort of appraisal of utility is expressed in terms of a standard, no matter how wide of strict proportionality to utility the price may fall, or how loose and inaccurate a measure it may be, and no matter to what, marginal or other, it may be a measure — and would perhaps be right in asserting that there can be no other rneasure ; and he might, perhaps, have also done well to deny — if, indeed, he did not deny — that there can be any measure of value, except, of course, in some conventional standard, like this of money. Has, in truth, value any other statement than by equiva- lency in other things of value? Will values reduce to homo- geneous utility? Say did not assert that they would; later writers, fortunately or otherwise, have so asserted. The value of a thing, in Say's view, rests upon the fact that the thing has utility; this value indicates that "it is esteemed as highly as a certain quantity of another indi- cated thing." ^° But this value presents not the owner's valuation nor that of any other individual : it is a fact of general estimation, a question of what will be paid — seem- ingly some sort of vague foreshadowing of the society-as- an-organism concept. "The price of products is established in each market at the limit fixed by the cost of production, provided that the utility which is ascribed to the products promotes the desire to acquire them." ^^ It remains, then, to seek out the causes " Say, Traite d'economie politique, Livre II, chap, i, p. 333, 8th ed. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie, 1876. ^ Ibid., p. 341. EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY 113 whicTi determine the prices of the productive agents (fonds productifs) . ^^ Say's doctrine is that utiHty is primary and cost the resistance, which cost is determined by the values borne by the productive agents employed. This makes value in the agent a cause of value in the product; but directly the value of the product will be made the source of value in the agent. And it is not made clear what relation the entre- preneur's services hold to the result. Do these also give value at the same time that they receive it? Say admits that if production were merely a matter of labor, with all labor at one level of efficiency and of wage, those products requiring equal amounts of labor would have relative prices to correspond. But land and capital come in, and different qualities of men and of land come in, and products are the dearer the more and the dearer are, in the aggregate, the productive energies employed in bringing them to market. "The price will be the sum necessary to pay the expenses indispensable to the creation of the commodity." ^^ Say has small regard for the view that all differences in wages are explained by the different costs of rearing and of preparation, so that, all the data being considered, all wages are equal. And if exception is made of native talent and of circumstances of environment, these exceptions, he rightly insists, invalidate the rule.^* It is interesting to note that Say has, nevertheless, a doctrine of real value and of real cost. In general con- formity with the reasonings of Smith and Ricardo, real value and real cost are worked out as dependent upon the pain conditions of production and expressive of them. So real value may fall while exchange values are not affected — a clear recognition of the fact that only relative costs are important for exchange value.^^ But to return to Say's explanation for the valuation of *^ Ibid. J p. 342. Fonds productifs are something more, in Say's thought, than the mere objective physical facts : they are valued — funded — and thereby capable of functioning as cost data. ^Ibid., p. 342. ^^Ibid.j p. 343. ^ Ibid., pp. 343-52. 114 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION cost goods : It is interesting to note that all of this discus- sion falls, with him, under the head of distribution. Say, like J. S. Mill, takes value and distribution to be parts of one problem. And if wages and interest are costs and, as such, influence value, this conclusion seems to be inevitable ; incomes, while distributive shares to their recipients, are costs to those who disburse them as production outlays. There is no escape from this unless in denying that dis- tributive shares are determined by values. And this seems to say that it is only the classical school who can separate value and distribution; and in the main they did not, though it is true that subsistence cost for wages and abstinence cost for interest were each, upon occasion, appealed to as determinants of the com- pensations fundamental to value. The later school can- not logically make the separation — and yet, as we shall see, they somehow make it. It is, however, to be said that, other- wise than upon this separatist treatment, the position of the later school would appear somewhat too obtrusively to involve this circuity of explaining costs by value and value by costs.^® The current value of these productive agents (fonds) .... is established according to the same principle as the value of other things But the quantity demanded cannot have as motive the satisfaction of consumption. A field or a factory does not directly procure any satisfaction for its possessor. Their value comes, then, from the value of the product which can be derived from them, this depending, in turn, upon the use that can be made of the product, the satisfaction that can be derived from it." " Nor, if scientific explanation or intelligible exposition is the end in view, is it a sufficient disposition of the case to declare it organic, and thereby to assert or infer that circular reasoning is both justifiable and inevitable. This is simply to throw up the hands, to abandon the problem. There may, it is true, be nothing else for it, but if this is so, let it be so said and an end made of the talking : surely by those who assume explanation to be impossible, the offering of further explanations is gratuitous. In this connection, a note of Say's at the bottom of page 373 will be of interest : "I have long doubted whether in the plan of this work I should develop what relates to value before what relates to pro- duction, that which shows the nature of the produced fact before the manner of its production. It has seemed to me that in order to under- stand the foundations of value it is necessary to know in what the costs of production consist, and, to that end, to form in advance wide and accurate notions of the agents of production and of the services which may be derived from them." " Say, op. cit., p. 367. EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY 115 The foregoing would seem to deny the influence of cost and to place the determination of value entirely with utility. And to assert, as does Say elsewhere, that each cost has its value as such in proportion to the value that it produces, does not, as has already been noted, appear greatly to help the case. But later, this doctrine receives a supplement which may perhaps sufQce to save it; agents of production do not get their value directly from the product, but as agents to be combined with entrepreneur activity, and to function with it and under the hire of it, in the production of value ; their remuneration, therefore, is not precisely the market value of their product, even if, as Say believes, this be, with accuracy, separately ascertainable, but is merely the market value of their co-operation in value production — a quite distinguishable thing: Whoever controls labor or land or capital is a merchant of that commodity which we call a productive service Entrepreneurs [note the term] are nothing but intermediaries who, according to the demand there is for a product, bid for the productive services necessary for the making of it. By comparing the prices with the costs necessary to the production of this or that product, entre- preneurs decide to produce this or that product, and establish the demand for all productive services, and, on the demand side, furnish the basis for arriving at the market value of these services. The quantity of services offered is the supply basis for this value.^^ Sympathetically interpreted, nothing quite so modern as this is to be found in any of the modern books : no doubt, however, this sympathetic interpretation reads into Say's doctrine more than he himself saw in it ; his explanation of the value of the agent really errs in being over-direct — in making the value of the agent to be in theoretically strict proportion to the value of the product. Still, he does not precisely say this ; according to him, the different distribu- tive shares, however received — whether directly from pro- duction, or as hire-paid, daily or weekly, or yearly, and whether wages or rent or interest — are derived through the entrepreneur, "but in whatever manner this revenue is ^' Op. cit., p. 372. Ii6 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION received, it is always in the same right, and its source is always a produced value:" in objection to which, or in amendment of which in point of possible ambiguity, it is to be remarked that when a remuneration is received through an entrepreneur, there is no knowing precisely what the value product of the agent is ; and were this know- able, there is no theoretical warrant for believing that the remuneration will equal the product or be proportional to it. (See below, chap, xxii.) Say's doctrine of rent also reads like some chapter out of the latest of modern thought: Whether land be good or bad, its annual revenue will be the same ratio to its total value, — say the twentieth; this rent may be expressed as a per cent, or as a per-acre quantity, and it is in the latter sense only that good land may command rent a hundred times greater than poor land. "Comparing the value of the product with the sale price gives the rent of the land, and the rent of good land cannot be higher than the rent of poor land" (in this sense of ratio) .^^ We must note, however, that this perfect equality of ratio between the total value of different lands and the term value productivity of these respective lands assumes, not merely the distinguishability and separate appraisability of the product, but also a perfect homogeneity in the quality of the cultivators. Were these all alike in preferences and ^^ Op. cit., p. 433. This paragraph is so important as to call for the author's precise words : "En comparant un bon terrain avec ce qu'il coute, on pour- rait croire qu'il ne rapporte pas plus qu'un mauvais ; et, en effet un arpent dont on retire cent francs et qui coiite d'achat trois mille francs, ne rapport pas plus qu'un arpent dont on retire seulement dix francs et qui ne coute que trois cent francs. Dans I'un et I'autre cas, la terre rend a son proprietaire, chaque annee, le trentieme de sa valeur. Mais qui ne voit que c'est le produit annuel qui a eleve la valeur du f onds ? La valeur du produit compare avec le prix d'achat fait la rente de la terre, et la rente d'une bonne terre peut n'etre pas superieure a la rente d'une terre mediocre ; tandis que le profit fonder est la valeur du produit annuel compare avec I'etendue du ter- rain ; et c'est sous ce rapport que le profit que rend un arpet de bon terrain peut etre cent fois superieur a celui d'un mauvais." This, it will be noted, is the view in support of which Professor Fetter has marshaled all the resources of wide historical research and of keen theoretical analysis. It may now be hoped that this truth, having so long awaited its second statement, may, in its later and more scholarly presentation, have the good fortune not to be again forgotten. EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY n? aptitudes and in cleverness of bargaining, or were all land alike in point of adaptation to varying methods, e. g., to intensive and extensive methods of cultivation, and alike also in adaptation to the varying preferences, tastes, aspira- tions, and skill of the cultivators, the proportion would, truly, be a constant between the market value of the agent and its value productivity. With facts as they are, this pro- portion can be asserted only between the market value of the land and the market value of its value productivity; this last proportion, however, means nothing for the present purpose, since the market value of the rent-bearer is nothing but the capitalization of the prospective rentals according to the current market rate for such invest- ments. Savings and capital applied to the land become part of it; ... . they lose the nature of capital and become land funds.°° One part of the national capital is diminished to the corresponding increase of another part. It is thus evident that Say cannot possibly concur in Ricardo's notion of the relation of rent to cost and to value. Ricardo arrived at his labor -proportion doctrine of value, first, by reducing capital to labor and, second, by excluding rent from the computation — that is, by placing value fixation at the land margin. It is probable that this service to the labor-cost doctrine was all or nearly all that, in Ricardo's mind, these tributary doctrines were ever good for. Recalling, however, that the labor-proportion theory was worked out by him through the entrepreneur mechanism, the notion becomes untenable that as a problem in entrepreneur cost the expense of pro- duction is greater upon marginal land than upon other land, or that as a question of entrepreneurship — of the personal margin as against the instrument or agent margin — the marginal cultivator is more likely to be upon mar- ginal than upon other land. The question is, therefore, ultimately — and we have finally arrived at it — whether in the cost investigation we are concerned with social labor- purchase cost as against competitive entrepreneur cost, or with agent and instrument margins as against that marginal entrepreneur in whose processes of choice all agents and instruments, marginal or other, are mere data. And finally — but as less difficult — there is the problem whether, upon a value basis, marginal land or marginal capital or marginal '"Op. cit., p. 435. Ii8 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION labor can mean anything more than valueless land, valueless capital, or valueless labor — the equivalents of free land, free capital, and free labor — economically, that is to say, no land, no capital, no labor. At any rate, it is clear that the argument that the rent of better land does not enter into cost of production, since, for whatever more is advanced as rent, there is a corre- sponding increase of product, would equally well apply to exclude wages or interest from cost. As we have seen, there is never, in the crucible of entre- preneurship, any accurate correspondence between the out- lays of different entrepreneurs and the addition to product; in truth, the varying proportions in which different entre- preneurs employ the different productive agents should suffice as proof of this ; but for the purposes in hand this need not be insisted upon. Rent as a differential of price paid for a differential of service is, as cost, not distinguish- able from wages or interest. Ricardo .... shows that the rent is not the cause but the efifect of the need felt for wheat; and the reasons which he adduces will serve to prove against him that the other expenses of pro- duction, notably the wages of labor, are likewise not the cause but the effect of the current price of the product.^ And in summary Say remarks : The ideas of David Ricardo have been of service to me in cor- recting several parts of this treatise, principally in what has rela- tion to money; but he has supplied me with no single improvement to introduce in that which relates to rents (profits fonciers).^ Verily Say was a modern of the moderns. ^ Say, op. cit., p. 438, note. ^Ibid., p. 438. Malthus : Despite marked shrewdness of observation and great originality of insight, Malthus' muddle-headed quality in theoretical thinking leaves not much to be had from him for value doctrine. Bearing in mind that the purpose of the work in hand is constructive rather than primarily historical or critical, and therefore does not con- cern itself with tracing the growth of theory, or with outlining the systems of thought of different writers, excepting to the extent that — as a method of presentation and mostly irrespective of the personal or systematic interest, as such — these different positions may, illustratively or by statement and criticism, be made to serve the purposes of expo- sition, we shall decide that the views of Malthus need not long detain us. As has been already noted, he was by full and frank profession, a disciple of the labor theory of value — ^but all the while with some EARLY UTILITY THEORY: SAY 119 misgivings and with some reservations. For even though, causally speaking, labor was admittedly the determinant of value, yet, as a question of exchange power, of relations between commodities, and as a problem of the choice of a value measure, it appeared to him much more relevant to ask how much a commodity will command of labor wherewith to produce more commodities, than to inquire into the quantity of labor invested some time in the past in its production. And so Malthus stood for the labor measure of value, but this in terms of labor purchasable instead of labor expended, and with the emphasis upon service in terms of labor spared to the purchaser or of the service offered through the purchased goods. In Malthus' controversy with James Mill as to the possibility of a general glut, this same issue is in the background and takes a position of controlling importance. In that controversy Malthus restates the issue as substantially whether commodities in general may be selling at less than their costs of production. His argument {Definitions in Political Economy, London, Johni Murray, 1827, pp. 44 ff.) pro- ceeds upon distinctly entrepreneur cost lines, regards rent payments as, for purposes of cost, precisely like other outlays, and finds the prac- tical test, for that practical man who is trying to decide whether the market is overdone, to be in the equality of money intake with money outgo : "The hop planter who takes a hundred bags of hops to Wig- hill fair, thinks little more about the supply of hats and shoes than he does about the spots on the sun. What does he think about, then? And what does he want to exchange his hops for ? Mr. Mill seems to be of opinion that it would show great ignorance of political economy to say that what he wants is money ; yet .... it really is money which he wants and .... this money he must obtain, in the present state of society, in exchange for the great mass of what he has brought to market, or he will be unable to carry on his business as a hop- planter ; .... he must pay the rent of his hop ground in money [this being presumbaly so fixed by agreement] He must pay for his poles, his bags, his implements, etc., in money He must pay the .... laborers which he employs upon his grounds, during the course of the next year, in money, and .... it is in money alone of all the articles brought to the fair, that he can calcu- late his profits True, .... the landlords and laborers who are paid in money will finally exchange it for something else, as no one enjoys money in kind except the miser: but the landlord .... would be little likely to accept from the hop-planter the articles which he could get at the fair in exchange for his hops And as matter of fact, the laborer .... is paid in money. Foreign trade is no doubt mainly a trade of barter. But the question whether British woolens find an adequate market in the United States does not depend upon their purchasing the same quantity of tobacco as usual, but upon whether the tobacco, or whatever the return may be, will purchase the British money or the British labor necessary to enable the woolen manufacturer to carry on his business successfully. If both woolen manufacturers and tobacco are below the cost of production in money or labor, both parties may be carrying on a losing trade This is the answer to the pamphlet which Mr. M. Say addressed to me several years ago The power of replacing capital will mainly depend on the power of commanding labor Commodities in general, and corn most particularly, are continually rising or falling in money price .... while the money price of labor remains much I20 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION more nearly the same What are the costs of production? They are either the amount of money necessary to pay the labor worked up in the commodity, and in the tools, etc with the ordinary profit, etc or they are the quantity of labor in kind, etc Now surely, it cannot be denied theoretically, that all commodities produced in this country may fall in comparison with a commodity produced in Mexico. As little can it be denied, theo- retically, that all commodities produced by British labor may fall as compared with that labor." From another point of view, and for other purposes, Malthus' doctrine of a general glut will later occupy us further. For the present, the sole concern is to make clear the distinction, as it lay in Malthus' mind, between labor as the cause of value and labor as the measure of value — and particularly to make it clear that this labor- purchase notion, this forward- rather than backward-looking view, is a groping effort toward utility rather than cost as the basis of value. The value of the goods is taken to rest rather upon the service to be obtained from the goods than upon the labor expended in their production. CHAPTER X THE CAPITAL CONCEPT Precisely why the distrihuendum in society should be taken to be the produce annually to be divided, as against a weekly or monthly or decennial division, is not clear ; but it is clear that unless the distributive process is conceived as carried on concurrently with the productive process, there is no reason why the annual term is not as serviceable as any other. / We are not yet ready for a full consideration of the notion and nature of the social dividend;^ broadly, how- ever, it may be taken to indicate the aggregate social output of consumption goods — commodities, benefits, enjoyments — all things, in short, accruing to men as economic income, in any given unit of time. It is, indeed, sufficiently difficult to make precise the content and limitations of this social-divi- dend concept and of the distributive-income concept; and it may be inexpedient to attempt here even to place the inter- rogation points. If the textile worker makes you a suiting, and the tailor makes this into a suit, no one would question that both the making of the cloth and the making-up of it into a suit are services — items contributing to your real income. But how if you make your own cloth? or mend your own coat? These also are facts of income, results enjoyed, but are they thereby the subject-matter of the dis- tributive process ? Are they parts of the social dividend for any purposes of theoretical analysis or of the practical applications of doctrine? Are you a producer when you cook your own food ? The restaurant-keeper and the board- ing-house mistress render utilities of a highly important order; their activities are productive, and the products thereof are parts of the great distrihuendum. So the house servant and the house cook are likewise productive ^ See chap. xxvi. 122 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION of distributed utilities — goods of attention, conven- ience, comfort, or show, as well as of cleanliness, palatability, and digestibility. It is, then, inadmissible to deny productivity to the housewife equally with the bread-winner; house-bound women are something more than supervisors and directors of the consumption process; they are producers. But, even so, does this avail to include their products within the goods which get dis- tributed? Or is there a line of distinction between pro- duced goods and distributed goods, accordingly as these goods do or do not go through the crucible of market valua- tion? And if this be the dividing line, must not the home- grown and home-consumed eggs and chickens and pork of the farmer be set outside the distributive problem merely because they never reach the market? And this is not the only difficulty, nor is it, for theo- retical purposes, the most perplexing difficulty. A goodly part of each man's purchasing power is expended in the direction of services, in the more limited sense of goods not fixed and embodied in matter.^ One pays to be cured ^ No one will today deny the productivity of the preacher or singer or actor ; nor is today the distinction between material and immaterial of great significance anywhere for economic science — quite irrespective of the long-standing but lately much-litigated prob- lem as to the philosophical justification for any such distinction. It is well, however, to appreciate the aspect in which the question appealed to the earlier economists. Mercantilist thought had, it is true, abandoned the cameralistic point of view, according to which all economic inquiry regarded solely the prince's welfare in the administration of his private estate — the ends proposed being simply the maximum possible revenue and the highest level of dynastic prosperity. But Mercantilism was none the less consistently national in its point of view, as distinguished from individualistic and personal ; and it was competitively national as distinguished from social or cosmo- politan. How, indeed, shall any people grow in economic power as against its neighboring enemies ? by piling up wealth, by goodly accu- mulations of munitions and moneys and credits against the time of con- flict. And how shall any man or nation become wealthy, except by sell- ing more than is bought in, by keeping consumption under production? And how so well extend your personal economic dominion over your neighbor and over your neighbor's possessions — his desirable daughter included — as by getting him into debt to you ? Or how so well render yourself strong, and at the same time your competitor nation weak, as by getting it into debt to you, or better yet, by getting its purchasing THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 123 of his ills, or of his ennui, to be passively exercised by the masseur, to be solaced by the ministrations of the pianist, the vocalist, and the elocutionist. Instead of our looking at pictures, the orator or the actor paints pictures in our minds. But suppose one plays the violin, not for another's, but for his own enjoyment, and without monetary recom- pense ; or provides his own exercise, paints revery-wise his own dream pictures, cures his own ills, basks in the sun to his own great warmth and enjoyment, and, in general, has a good time; once again, is all of this production? Or, if not, is the basis of the distinction that these activities or passivities fail of getting valued in the market? Or is it rather that they are entirely internal ? Or is it that they are free goods to be had without any sort of sacrifice, by play rather than by work? In truth, we are again in face of the difficulty of defining play. Is the essential characteristic of it in its non-productivity, or rather in its non-sacrifice char- acter, the free-goods quality of its product? In fine, what, accurately, do we mean by production? Putting aside for the time being these more or less power into your own control, through cornering its medium of exchange? And how accomplish all or any of these things unless by selling your victim neighbor or nation more than you buy back? Thus conceived, with the nationalistic emphasis, the whole question becomes not primarily one of income, or of aggregate satisfactions and total consumption, but of accumula- tion, and especially of growth in wealth under the form of foreign credits or other ready international purchasing power. Proceeding from substantially the same point of view, the physio- cratic school seemed to itself to have discovered a method better yet — accumulation truly, but accumulation rather of population than of wealth. Artisans consumed as much wealth as they produced ; the social cost of their product was as great as their product. Manu- facturers were regarded as, in Dr. Franklin's phrase, "subsistence meta- morphosed." Agricultural laborers also consumed all that they produced or, at all events, all that they received in wages, and seemingly must always command so small a wage as to make this a permanent fact ; whatever the product of labor and land together might be, the excess in produce over the laborers' wage and necessary subsistence must go to the landowner as the equivalent and expression of the pro- ductiveness of the land. So with agricultural, also, as with artisan labor, the social cost canceled the social product ; only the land was productive of net product. But even so, there was this difference between artisan labor and agricultural labor, that artisan labor did not increase the total population maintainable in the country, gave forth no 124 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION gratuitous difficulties, it may be said that economic com- modities — products for economic purposes — are restricted to those desirable things which are not free. But especially is it to our present purposes to note that this is not quite the same thing as a restriction to those facts produced by labor or attainable only through labor. For there is much value no part of which, or but a small part of which, is labor-pro- duced; and some of it is not labor-wise obtainable. The productivity of what is broadly called land manifests itself in part in values of this sort based upon qualities of origi- nal fertility, or upon non-produced facts like scenery, loca- tion, springs, mines, water-powers. It is the fact of limited supply of products and of their value standing derivative from this limitation, rather than of mere labor origin or labor limitation, that gives any agent or instrument its right to claim productivity for itself; environment is as truly productive as is organism. Utility and the necessity of sacrifice for its enjoyment appear, then, to be the only requisites of value. All valuable subsistence product, no life material, while the product of agriculture may be regarded as population, expressed in the form of its raw material. And it seemed clear that national supremacy was rather a question of population than of accrued wealth. It follows also that, inasmuch as the laborer received only enough to live upon anyway, there was small use, and some harm, in trying to tax him ; the only man who, having a product net, a surplus, could pay, was the landlord, the rent-gatherer ; if the laborers paid taxes, it must be at the expense of their number. It followed from all this, then, that the program fundamental to national greatness was to foster agriculture as a life-maintainer, the sole source of increasing population, and to tax the land. Adam Smith, coming into the national point of view as an inherit- ance from earlier thought, set himself deliberately to the investigation of the causes, and to the formulation of the rules, making for the increase of the opulence of nations, and found that while manu- factures were productive, they were not so in the same sense as agri- culture, while labor as mere service was not productive at all. The shadow of physiocratic reasoning was still over Adam Smith. Not having arrived fully and consistently at the individual point of view in economic analysis, John Stuart Mill followed substantially in the footsteps of Adam Smith : Unproductive consumption is con- sumption that does not furnish maintenance for productive labor ; productive labor is, in turn, that labor which affords an addition to the aggregate accumulated wealth possessions of society ; thereby he arrived at the distinction between material and immaterial. But this distinction THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 125 consumption goods are products either of labor or of environment; and the problem of distribution has ulti- mately to do only with consumption goods. If all consumption goods are products, it remains to ask of what they are the products; and how many are the factors of production, through which contribution is made to the supply of things, facts, and conditions possessing value ? It is to be kept carefully in mind that even though the question is stated as one of the factors making for value product, this search for factors is none the less a search for the objectively existing facts, means, intermediaries, and instruments, conditioning the existence of the value product, and standing, with reference to the product-result, in a physical-causal relation as the first term in the force- cause sequence. That is to say, the point of view and method of approach are, in the more inclusive sense of the terms, mechanical and technological in significance. Surely in a sense, hut in a quite different sense, monopolies, patents, good-will, trade-marks, etc., are productive; incomes go between material and immaterial rested not at all upon considerations of utility, of importance for consumption, in the aspect of service to human needs, nor finally and fundamentally upon some test of con- crete reality, or of tangibility, or of materiality in any philosophical sense, but solely upon the aspect of permanency. For in a general way, that which is material and tangible is enduring ; at any rate, that which is not material, which has no substantiality, is evanescent ; in coming to be it ceases to be. Thus only material things can add to national wealth. And that some forms of material wealth are them- selves very temporary in their existence, e. g., ice cream, leaves the line between the material and the immaterial none the less an actual line and, at the same time, a line which coincides practically with the line between the things that add to national accumulated riches and the things that do not. All of which was excellent for its purpose, and need have occa- sioned no perplexity or controversy, if only Mill had not fallen into the error of following his predecessors in their bad choice of terms ; for the line which he was really seeking was not that between the pro- ductive and the non-productive, or between the material and the imma- terial, or between the tangible and the intangible, but merely the line between the accumulatable and the non-accumulatable. Interpreting his terms productive and non-productive in this sense, no difficulty is pre- sented, excepting, perhaps, with regard to the significance of the dis- tinction, as seen from the point of view of a more modern analysis and of its theoretical needs. 126 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION with them, they are capitaHzed into market values, and are sold in the investment markets ; that is, they are acquisitively productive for the purposes of private interests and of indi- vidual ownership; they are, in fact, differential opportuni- ties reduced to private property, and enjoyed, as is the essential fact of private property, under the right of exclu- sion of all other claimants. These property rights, many of them purely distributive in ultimate bearing, are neverthe- less not readily distinguishable, excepting upon technologi- cal grounds, from ownership in lands or other rentable and productive instrumental goods. But conceiving of the productive process technologically, what different productive categories demand recognition? The fundamental distinction would seem to be that between man, as agent-laborer and producer, as over against the aids, auxiliaries, and instruments employed by him. This parallels the distinction between organism and environ- ment, and corresponds accurately with the nature of income as received (i) by virtue of personal activities, and (2) as derivative from possessions. Accepting, for the time being without question, this first category, that of the human actor manifesting himself in economic production under the aspect of human labor, we turn to inquire whether the aggregate of productive possessions is to be further distributed into the prevailing land and capital categories, and, if so, whether the distinc- tion between land and capital is to be rested solely upon their different relations to the technology of industrial pro- cesses, or is to be justified under some further and different principle. Waiving for the present the question whether, as factors of production, any distinction other than technological is admissible, we confine our inquiry to the validity of the dis- tinction as based solely upon technological considerations. For technological purposes, then, is land weath to be dis- tinguished from other weath? THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 127 The extractive industries — the industries of raw ma- terial, the industries primary and basic in human hfe — depend upon the land, land in this sense being, of course, taken to include seas and rivers and mines. This distinction between extractive, or primary, and industrial, or secondary, coincides for the most part with the distinction between agriculture and manufactures, and is doubtless of very con- siderable significance for certain purposes. But it evi- dently will not serve as a basis for a distinction between land wealth and other wealth, since not the extractive indus- tries alone, but all industries, employ land; and since all extractive industries make, under present conditions, use of capital. Even as a distinction of degree it will not hold; some of the extractive industries, mining for example, are pronouncedly, even prevailingly, capital-using in their tech- nique : and even the most simple and primitive of extractive employments make appreciable use of non-land instru- ments. It is, however, none the less true that not merely food and raw material, but building-sites, standing-room, air, climate, scenery, neighborhood, etc., are markedly and em- phatically of land character or of land origin. And it is equally unquestionable that capital goods achieve some things not attainable through any possible substitute, pre- cisely as other commodities are in a peculiar degree, or exclu- sively, dependent on labor. You cannot have timber from labor or capital; neither land nor capital will dance you a skirt dance ; and if you desire a certain peculiar quality of screeching, you must resort to a phonograph or to a calliope as against any form of land or labor. But note once again how purely technological all of this is; for while it is true that labor and capital, when denied recourse to land in the non-value and purely con- crete and physical sense, will yield no timber, it is at the same time true that they will give timber plenti- fully enough if strictly limited in their application to valueless land, that is, if confined to what, in the economic 128 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION and value sense, is no-land. And some day the technology of timber production may make of timber a laboratory product. And it is all the while to be remembered that these tech- nological differences and specializations, while of unques- tionable actuality, are, in fact, as marked between one item of land and another, or between one item of capital goods and another, or between one laborer and another, as between capital goods and labor, labor and land, or land and capital. For market purposes agricultural machinery is more closely akin to wheat land than to machinery for watch or chro- nometer production; cotton lands are, from the same point of view, more like sheep than like timber lands or iron lands, or wheat lands; in point of products, violin and sea are not more unlike than virtuoso and sailor, or than prima donna and stoker. In truth, also, if productive factors are to be distin- guished according to technological considerations, not two or three but countless categories of productive factors will have to be recognized.^ But in point of degree of technological ^ specialization, is this threefold classification better founded? Capital is, for 'It must, however, be admitted that this does not quite cover the difficulty ; nor at this stage of the discussion is adequate treatment of the difficulty readily possible. For, after all is said, it must remain true that, technologically con- sidered, as mechanical and instrumental facts, a broad and general dis- tinction between land and other production goods will require recogni- tion. But it is the more necessary to determine the precise purposes for which the distinction is important, and the extent and accuracy with which the distinction applies. To perform this service fully must, however, be left to a later chapter. (See chap, xxiii.) That the law of diminishing returns applies only to land, or at all events applies with some especial force or in some peculiar manner to land, is a conviction appealing strongly to careful thinkers as warrant- ing the distinction between land and other instrumental goods. It is, for example, clear that Malthus was right in insisting that, as long as the human race must depend upon agriculture for its food. * Etymologically speaking, there are manifest objections to this use of the term "technological" as referring especially to capital regarded in the mechanical and industrial sense ; but no better term seems to be at hand. THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 129 example, said to be mobile, not spatially alone, but in indus- trial applications in general. In point of fact, no distinction in this regard, other than of degree, has been anywhere urged or attempted; and evidently any distinction along so long population cannot continually multiply without somewhere coming upon the harsh pressure of the subsistence limit. And it is true also that this is due to the existing limitation upon the land supply — elastic limits possibly, but none the less real and permanent. Land cannot be harder and harder pushed for product excepting upon terms of less and less generous response. Postponing for a moment the question of why this is, it is first to be noted that the fact is not only primarily social in significance, but is also a fact the significance of which is purely by forecast or prophecy. While the private and competitive cultivation of land is interested solely in the value of the product, and is interested in the volume of the product only as bearing upon its value, this Malthusian discussion adopts purely a social point of view, regards the food product not as value but as volume, and concerns itself not with the present time, but with later centuries. That is to say, the law of diminishing returns is, for Malthusian purposes, a social law in the dynamics of production, and a law having no concern with value problems or with any distributive problem present or future. Doubtless, however, the botanical or zoological or agricultural facts upon which Malthus based his doctrine in social dynamics may afford a sufficient basis for inferring other laws for present problems of com- petitive activities and of market values. Surely there could be no such thing as land rent, were there no limit upon the supply of land ; but this is merely to say that all value, whether for land or for machines, or for shoes, or for hats, exists only as dependent upon some degree of scarcity. And surely, if, with any given piece of land, increased expenditure in non-land directions were not attended with a costantly falling com- pensation both in volume and in value, there could be no land scarcity and no land value. But this is equally true of mowing machines or horse rakes : so, if one pound of phosphate would suffice to fertilize a continent of land, phosphate would be safe from ever becoming dear in price ; or if one hour of labor would do all the work to be done, labor and its products could manifest no rarity. If the cultivator will apply all his outlays to land only infinitesimally under the margin — that is, to land unlimited, rentless, and valueless — no difficulty will be experienced in getting returns proportionate to out- lays ; in truth, not in the value sense here but only in the technological sense is land being cultivated ; as none is used, none is paid for. But if, with land that is valuable, only the non-land expenses of production are doubled, there must result less than a doubled product : the pro- duction undertaking as a whole was not doubled. If this fact is all that is intended to be formulated under the competitive rendering of the law of diminishing returns, the law must be pronounced to be axiomatically valid, but valid equally for capital instruments and for labor agents in all their various combinations. Each case under the I30 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION this line must be of a most hazy sort, as applied to dis- tinguish, one from another, land, capital, and labor. It is, indeed, true that capital is commonly declared to possess a mobility far surpassing that of labor or of land ; but capi- law stands as mere illustration of the fact that if only a part of the productive factors are increased, the product will not respond with the same increase as if all the factors were doubled. But the law is often formulated to assert that if the applications of expense to the land are doubled, but not the land, the extra returns will fail of proportion to the increased expense. And this formulation of the law is also valid, even if not quite axiomatic ; proper proportions of land value with other values must be maintained, or the returns will be a disappointment ; a bad combination gives bad results. But this also all holds equally for capital goods and for labor. Too much or too little of any productive factor, relatively to the others, gives bad results. So far, then, nothing has yet presented itself in the field of current, competitive value production to justify any line of dis- tinction between land capital and other capital. And it is now to be added that for most purposes in production, land, labor, and capital may be used as substitutes one for another. Just as the original qualities of the soil may be exhausted by withholding of upkeep, so they may be replaced and renewed by capital expense ; the poorest of land may be made into good land, if only sufficient capital expense be applied. And precisely as machinery may take the place of labor, or labor of machinery, so more labor may often be hired rather than more land rented or more machinery purchased ; or, again, more capital expense may be applied to a given holding of land rather than more labor hired or more land rented. This is constantly illustrated in actual farming ; one farmer rents more land or better land and thus, through his larger rent outlay, excuses himself from correspondingly large outlays for machinery or fertilizers or labor ; another farmer iinds it to his advantage to restrict himself in rent outlays and to extend his investment in the direction of capital goods or labor. But that at the margin this principle of substitution holds, and even that transportation activity or improvements in agricultural tech- nique may have the effect either to increase the land supply or to make more effective the existing supply, does not prove that the principle of substitution is indefinitely applicable at no matter how distant removes from the margin of substitution ; for were such the truth, there could be nowhere any disadvantage from an increase of capital expense upon a fixed supply of land, or any loss from twenty laborers working with one loom, or any reason why indefinite wagons should not dispense with the need of horses or drivers. For it is clear that in the main the relation between the different production goods is one of complementarity and interdependence rather than of the infinite possibility of substitution. More men and more machinery may make call for more land rather than for less, or for the old land at a higher rate of rental. Machinery does not displace men indefinitely, but, under stable conditions of technique, calls instead for men to fashion or to tend ; wagons furnish demand for drivers, ships for sailors„horses for drivers, drivers for wagons, and so on without limit. THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 131 tal used in this connection points to something distinctly non-technological in nature. Some of this capital mani- fests its quality of mobility simply because it is unspecial- ized in application ; it is money, demand credits, funds in Stopping to note, however, that there is in these facts no war- rant for the threefold division of productive factors, since it is equally true that bricklayers furnish a demand for hod-carriers, car- penters for masons, wagons for horses, sailors for cooks, engines for cars, rails for ties, meadow land for pasture, and both of these last for timber lands, and so on indefinitely, we return to our postponed ques- tion, why does the point always arrive at which nothing serves as a substitute for more land, — a point, that is, at which more and more intensive cultivation gives more and more meager returns ? To what particular attribute of land is this to be ascribed? And, for that matter, to what quality or characterisitc of machinery is it due that only so many men can work with one unit of capital goods? The answer must be shortly given and be left to approve itself: the one attribute of land which finally discourages all attempts at sub- stitution and assures to land its ultimate relation of complementarity, appears to be the spatial attribute, the impossibility of compressing agricultural or building or climatic or scenic aspects of land utility into ever-smaller compass and without limit of disadvantage. With machinery as related to labor, the spatial fact seems to be sometimes important ; but the complementarity more commonly traces to the recurrent necessity, in all machine processes, for the interven- tion of volition and direction. In further enforcement of the truth that there is in this common and general fact of complementarity no slightest support for the three- fold division of productive factors, it may suffice to recall that a parallel necessity exists for supervisory and directive labor to go with unskilled labor, that many different occupations occupy the comple- mentary relation one to another, and that in a general way each grade of labor is complementary to most other grades. Despite the consistently private-acquisitive nature of the capital concept adopted by Professor Carver in his Distribution, and despite his fundamental thesis that all agent remunerations are received upon the basis and by the measure of their marginal value productivity, he yet finds it possible to distinguish land from capital. The basis of his distinction is technological so far as it is not imposed by certain doctri- nal exigencies on the side of costs : and yet the following is from Carver's Distribution : "There are various kinds of labor, of land, and of capital. Two different kinds of labor may be performing functions which differ almost as widely as those performed by labor and capital, or by labor and land. The work of a bookkeeper differs as widely from that of a ditch-digger, as that of a ditch-digger does from that of a steam shovel. Therefore, the same reasons which favor the separation of labor and capital, in order that they be treated as distinct factors, will also favor the separation of one kind of labor from another, or one kind of capital from another, and of one kind of land from another" (p. 8s). 132 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION general — abstract capital in the accurate sense of the term, mobile, fluid, unspecialized purchasing power — a capital cate- gory of surpassing importance, and later to receive most careful examination; other of this capital is such by the fact that, like stocks of goods, it is readily, speedily, and advantageously marketable, and so, private-wise viewed, is easily, through sale, turned into the abstract condition as an intermediate form, and thence into whatever else the private owner may desire. But evidently, in this last sense of mobility all forms of capital and all wealth of any sort are mobile in different degrees; all — as valuable — are salable on some terms and at some time. But as a technological fact, capital is not characterized beyond land or labor by mobility; it is even questionable whether it is not the most specialized, the least mobile, of the three. Some machinery — indeed, much machinery — is serviceable for only one purpose or in only one line of pro- duction, and is only at great, or even at entire loss, to be readapted to another use; and this is true, in varying degrees, of all the different forms and conditions of capital goods, of labor, and of land. Neither mobility nor immo- bility can be, in this technological sense, regarded as peculiarly a characteristic of any one class of productive agents. But how about spatial mobility? There is, possibly, a distinction of degree : laborers do migrate, though so tardily as to have given them the traditional stamp of marked immobility. Land is, physically and spatially speaking, of pronounced immobility ; capital is mobile in varying degrees accordingly as it has become attached to the land or incor- porated with it; improvements in mines or in water-powers are prone to stay where they are originally placed; while, on the other hand, by carting of loam and by grading, by filling of swamps and of water fronts, to say nothing of the action of winds, the seeming fixity of land is appreciably disturbed. THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 133 This seeming fact of fixity in land appears, then, to have Httle in it, otherwise than as a matter of mere extension or superficies ; and as to this question of superficies it is fair to say that it is in no sense the point at issue; for, in its aspect of effectiveness for production — its technological significance — land can be worn out, displaced, or renewed, as readily, as capital, and sometimes much the more quickly.^ There appears to be more in the notion that land pre- sents an especial degree of fixity, or at all events of inelas- ticity, in supply. And it must be admitted that, in any given state of industrial technique, this fact of relative inelas- ticity may hold. While it is true that there is today no poor land that capital will not make into good land, that moun- tains may by capital expense be razed, valleys filled, dry land created out of swamp, or river, or lake, or ocean, it remains true that this is merely a substitution of capital for land, that it is a limited process by reason of the fact that capital is at any time a limited quantity, and that, after all, the opportunities for the profitable application of capital to land are, by the very reason of this deficiency of capital, limited both in quantity and in quality, and, as such, con- tinue to be scarce and valuable. But in last analysis all this is merely to assert that both ^ With these spatial qualities of land are more or less closely associated certain legal, jurisdictional, and territorial aspects possess- ing great social and institutional significance. It is, in truth, a com- monplace that the civil law of England, and in large measure the economic, political, and social organizations, trace their origin back to feudalism, a system in which land ownership was the controlling and directing fact for almost all purposes, political and economic, theo- retical and practical. The line of cleavage between real property and personal property runs deep through all English jurisprudence. It would, then, be a most interesting investigation — if only one had the necessary learning — to trace out the manner and degree of connection between the legal distinction of realty from personalty and the economic distinction of land from capital. That the parallelism is more than merely fortuitous may be taken as beyond doubt. It only remains, then, to inquire whether the common-law distinc- tion between real property and personal property recommends itself as in any way essential or necessary, or can point to other than a purely historical explanation or warrant ; Roman law and the derivative sys- tems suffice for testimony to the contrary. 134 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION land and capital are similarly limited in quantity, and are thereby scarce and valuable, and that the device of substitu- tion is not indefinitely applicable; if, then, any real distinc- tion is to be established, it must be based upon the fact that with the passing of time, differences of tendency with regard to supply come to characterize land and capital respectively. And it must be admitted that land appears likely, in the long future, to manifest a peculiar degree of inelasticity in supply, of which fact of inelasticity the law of diminishing returns in its ordinary formulation will be a probable expression, and the menace of overpopulation is a socio- logical inference. But it must be noted, (i) that all this is matter of prophecy, and (2) that instead of approaching, as is ordi- narily assumed, to moral certainty, it is not much better than conjecture. The past three or four hundred years appear to have presented the phenomenon of increasing land-plenty relatively to labor and capital; with the forces of exploration and of developing transportation, new sup- plies of land have far outrun the increase of population ; elasticity has, indeed, in a surpassing degree — probably, it is true, hardly again to be duplicated — characterized the land supply. Capital meanwhile appears not to have increased beyond the expansion of demand afforded by the increase of land supply and the growth of population, since interest appears to have been, in some countries of Europe, as low one hundred and fifty years ago as today, then, with advancing capitalistic opportunities, to have risen, now, with the progressive exhaustion of the new opportunities offered by increasing population and enlar- ging land supply, to be again falling. Thus, while it seems probable that the future will meet an especial shortage in land supply, this is not at all certain. Food may, for aught we know to the contrary, one day become a laboratory prod- uct. "It is ... . possible that chemistry may some time solve the problem of food production without recourse to agricultural methods. The secret once learned, the THE CAPITAL CONCEPT I3S nitrogen in the air of the back yard and the ton of coal in the bin may furnish food for an ordinary family for a year." ^ And it is to be added that in the future, as in the past, much will be accomplished by improving transportation to mitigate, if not to prevent, the conjectural dearth of land. But, having, for the time being, and in a very broad and general way, accepted, for purposes of retrospect or of prospect, the tenability of the distinction between land and other instrumental goods, we have thereby the more to recognize the difficulty that expanding knowledge, — develop- ment in the human factor of production,— or improving transportation — development in both the human and the capital factors — may function technologically as substitute for land. Bettering transportation is more land; true, geo- graphically speaking, land is not made, but accessibility is made, and upon an enormous scale: land sufficiency, like land value, is in large measure positional. But further : if, as technological facts, these probabilities in the dynamic field are taken to justify, for purposes of economic theory, a separate category of land wealth as against other wealth, there is forthwith to be undertaken an indefinitely large task of further classification or of sub- classification ; for while grain land may be becoming seriously scant, range lands, or champagne lands, or mines, or fish- eries may disclose a contrary tendency. So, also, while the provision of wooden implements is becoming increasingly inadequate, the different sorts of machinery and tools of metallic material may be growing progressively cheap; and meanwhile electrical apparatus is likely to abound. And similarly for the human factor ; as one quality of man, say the athlete or the unskilled workman, is becoming relatively scarce, doctors of philosophy may more than generously multiply. Technological classification, then, on the basis of the supply outlook, is a hopeless undertaking. We have even ' Davenport, Outlines of Economic Theory, p. 324. 136 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION come to question whether, technologically speaking, human labor itself is a tenable economic category. A further argument in support of this threefold classi- fication now requires attention — the retrospective and genetic view, the argument from origins. Pausing merely to question whether, as bearing upon the classification of the factors of production — a techno- logical problem — questions of origin are logically germane, it is nevertheless to be recognized that the genetic view, whether or not acceptable as a technological view, possesses, for certain purposes, great importance. The only query is whether these purposes are economic in bearing as dis- tinguished from historical or sociological. Not all wealth was created by man. It need not be here disputed whether capital preceded labor, or the other way about. It looks, truly, as if environment were present as early, at least, as was man. At any rate, there exist unproduced riches ; only the presence of man, his needs or desires, and not his productive activity, is neces- sary to the emergence of some forms of wealth. Utility being a relationship between a human want and an objective (external?) fact, it suffices that both terms of the relation- ship be present in order that wealth come into being. Land, then, according to this genetic view, is conceived as the original environmental situation, capital as a human, a labor-produced, addition. It is argued that man, in his reactions upon his environment, has imposed some modifi- cations upon the original situation; and it is urged that such changes in the environment as have not been due to environment itself are properly to be attributed to man; capital is thus conceived as this intermediate term — this aggregate of modifications, so far at least as these modifi- cations have been advantageous. There is no denying the logical adequacy of this point of view; but from any other point of view than this of logical and schematic accuracy, the distinction will not THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 137 serve; it leads nowhere when an attempt is made to apply it. From among all the changes of all the ages, who can assume to tell what environmental changes have been due to environmental processes as against human agencies? What part, for instance, of the fertility or the infertility of the land has been due to its treatment at the hands of man, to his fertilizings, his exhaustings, and his denudings ; what part to fostering or wasting winds, to corals, to birds, to bugs, to worms, to microbes ? What share of the value of the house traces back to the timber values of the natural forest, and what part to industrial processes? Even with the case of machinery, the typical form of capital, human wisdom would fall far short of distributing the final value between the original ore value as against the labor value, the coal value, and the timber value ; nor, for any one of these vari- ous shares, would it be possible to determine how far land rents, as expressed in warehouse and transportation charges, have counted in the case. And finally, if anyone could succeed in this allotment of origin-credits, either for the land or for the warehouse, is it to be supposed that, as shares in the total hire of the machine, these remunerations would forthwith, either in the collective or in the competi- tive reckoning, take on a new relation to the cost of the product or to its value ? '^ '' Senior was fully aware of all this — as a difficulty — but did not see precisely what to do with it : "It is difficult to point out an article, however simple, that can be exposed to sale without the concurrence, direct or indirect, of many hundred, or, more frequently, of many thousand, different producers, almost every one of whom will be found to have been aided by some monopolized agent. There are few things of which the price seems to consist more exclusively of wages and profits than a watch [MacCulloch's favorite example] ; but if we trace it from the mine to the pocket of the purchaser, we shall be struck by the payment of rent .... at every stage of its progress. Rent was paid for the privilege of extracting from the mines the metals of which it is composed ; for the land which afforded the materials of the ships in which those metals were transported to an English port ; for the wharves at which they were landed, and the warehouses where they were exposed for sale ; the watchmaker pays a rent for the land covered by his manufactories, and the retailer for that on which his shop is situated. The miner, the shipwright, the housebuilder, and the watch- maker, all use implements formed of materials produced by the same processes as the materials of the watch, and subject also in their 138 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION But is there, after all, nothing for theoretical purposes, in any of these technological distinctions, as bearing upon the classification of productive factors? What, for example, does the socialist mean in his demand that all capital be owned by society? Note, however, that he as often insists that all instruments of production be socialized, and in this way of putting it denies, or at least ignores, all distinctions between land wealth and other wealth. The line of distinc- tion is substantially that of the traditional separation of consumption from production goods; land and capital are equally included within production goods and are equally excluded from consumption goods ; they are intermediate instrumental goods. It may as well be said forthwith that this distinction between production goods and consumption goods is serviceful for many purposes : it will be the task of later different stages to similar payments of rent When we speak, therefore, of a class of commodities as produced under circumstances of equal competition, or as the result of labor and abstinence, unas- sisted by any other appropriated agent, and consider their price as equal to the sum of wages and profits that must be paid for their pro- duction, we do not mean to state that any such commodities exist, but that, if they did exist, such would be the laws by which their prices would be regulated We may be asked, then, whether the improvements which form the greater part of the value of the soil of every well-cultivated district are all, and forever, to be termed capital ; whether the payments received from his tenants by the present owner of a Lincolnshire estate, reclaimed by the Romans from the sea, are to be termed not rent, but profit on the capital which was expended fifteen hundred years ago. The answer is, that for all useful purposes the distinction of profit from rent ceases as soon as the capital, from which a given revenue arises, has become, whether by gift or by inherit- ance, the property of a person to whose abstinence and exertions it did not owe its creation. The revenue arising from a dock, or a wharf, or a canal, is profit in the hands of the original constructor. It is the reward of his abstinence in having employed capital for the purposes of production instead of those of enjoyment. But in the hands of his heir it has all the attributes of rent. It is to him the gift of fortune, not the result of a sacrifice. It may be said, indeed, that such a revenue is the reward for the owner's abstinence in not selling the dock or the canal and spending its price in enjoyment. But the same remark applies to every species of transferable property. Every estate may be sold, and the purchase money wasted. If the last basis of classification were adopted, the greater part of what every political economist has termed rent must be called profit." — Senior, Political Economy, 6th ed, (London), pp. 112-29, passim. THE CAPITAL CONCEPT 139 pages not to attack it but, through a more careful reformu- lation of the productivity concept, to extend it. But mean- while it is necessary again to point out that, as a technological classification, the distinction holds only as socially viewed. Private interests have little occasion for the distinction; productivity for competitive purposes is quite another thing from technological productivity. But now, finally, even if it be possible, from the point of view of origins, to establish between land wealth and other wealth distinctions at once theoretically tangible and prac- ticably workable — and even admitting that the techno- logical outlook is so far clear and its problems so far susceptible of present formulation, as to make the distinction one of manifest relevancy to the welfare outlook and of definite significance for the terms of the future situation within which the value and distribution problems must one day be worked out, — admitting, that is to say, that over long intervals of time, in the dynamics of value and of distribu- tion, important tendencies are especially associated with the land category, is it at the same time at all to be admitted that in any current investigation of the process of present value fixation — the value problem in cross-section — these possible or probable outlooks, these long-time prophecies, have any bearing to suggest that, in a competitive society, the pro- ductive powers of land are differently remunerated, or bear a relation to costs and to values different from other productive powers and agents ? If it were proved, or other- wise accepted, that labor is likely to get more scarce, would this suffice to exclude present-day wage outlays from present-day costs? Some difficult problems with regard to the capital concept and to the basis of interest may be avoided through holding in mind that our problem is the value problem, and that the correct formulation of the capital concept is primarily and chiefly important as bearing on this problem. Laborers may get more numerous and more skilful or less skilful; capital goods may increase I40 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION relatively to other productive agents, or possibly decrease; land may get better or worse with climatic or other changes, and relatively to the situation become more or less abundant or more or less adequate ; but in each new situation there will be nothing new but the situation and the distributive outcome; the value problem in its setting of new terms will remain in principles, and in methods of analysis, the same problem.® * Not only with students, but in economic literature, does this dis- tinction between the static analysis and the dynamic aspects of the conditions under which the static analysis is to be applied, present itself as the occasion of great perplexity. But if for no other reason, the purely problematic quality of these dynamic forecasts should suffice to deny them a controlling influence in value theory. Take it, indeed, as true that during the last few centuries of exploration and of develop- ing transportation, new supplies of land have far outrun the increase of population, that elasticity has especially characterized the land supply ; or take the contrary of all this for true ; what of it, for purposes of rent as an element then or now in the cost computation? or how does the past trend of the interest rate, or the probable future trend, bear upon the question as to whether interest shall or shall not at any given time rank as an element of cost ? By virtue of wars suffi- ciently grievous and of plagues sufficiently decimating, population may turn toward decrease ; would wages then become no part of cost, though now, and for any probable future, they are accepted as properly included? And how, again, if the late tendencies toward a restricted birth rate become still more marked? Will then a new value doctrine have to be recognized, or will it be merely true that the old doctrine will remain valid for a new application under the new setting of the changed conditions? CHAPTER XI CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT It is chiefly as bearing upon cost of production in its relation to market values, that the concept of capital becomes of surpassing concern in theoretical economics. And regarded from this point of view, the field of investigation widens surprisingly : What are the relations of capital hire to market prices ? Is a tenable distinction to be drawn between these and rent outlays on the one hand, and wage outlays on the other? Or, so far as cost and value purposes are concerned, might not rent or wages be logically extended to cover all forms of remuneration to any sort of produc- tive agent or instrument? In fact, is cost of production an everyday business concept, or is it something peculiar to economic analysis? And if this latter, are capital outlays to be confined only to expenditures for the use of inter- mediate goods in the time aspect, or are they to include all forms of burden and subtraction imposed upon the capital reserves of the entrepreneur producer in the business pro- cess of supplying goods to the market? In sum, may we not, for cost purposes, accept a point of view of capital which regards it solely as the source of expenditure — capital conceived in such fashion that interest payments are to be regarded as paid from it rather than for the use of it, and that rent outlays are as truly burdens upon it — and cost elements under it — as were outlays ever burdens or costs, whether under the later theory, or under the earlier wage-fund capital notion, with its attendant wage-capital cost outlay ? And further: having recognized hires of labor, of land instruments, and of all other instruments as equally cost outlays, must we not likewise go on to recognize, as also of cost relevancy, the question of when these various hire 141 142 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION outlays have to be met, and of the time elapsing between the expenditure and their recoupment by sale? Not at all denying- that, for certain purposes, capital has rightly been and must continue to be discussed as a social category, as production goods, it is intended sharply to raise the question whether this concept of capital has any significance for the cost-of-production analysis or for any purpose connected with the value problem — whether, also, the social concept of capital, the purely industrial and mechanical and non-competitive concept, is not entirely irrelevant to the processes of competitive society and of entrepreneur production, and to the thought and conduct of the actual business world. It is doubtless true that classical economics contains a considerable number of distinct and antagonistic concepts of cost, but it is none the less true that whenever the argu- ment shifts from the Crusoe discussion to the competitive market, and becomes definite in its analysis and tangible in its applications, the concepts of time cost and pain cost somehow shade off, as we have seen, into some aspect of \ahor-value cost as the basis of employer's outlay; or, as especially with Ricardo, by regarding pain cost as the basis and explanation of the remuneration to the wage-earner and thereby of the wage outlay to the entrepreneur, values are made, through the mechanism of entrepreneur costs, to be proportional to the labor-pain investment in produc- tion. Whether or not labor was thus susceptible of reduction to a common denominator either of pain or of time, and, even if so, whether labor could serve as the ultimate expla- nation of the very evident market reduction of it to the common denominator of money wages, and whether or not Ricardo's marginal device for getting rent payments out of the category of price-determining costs may in any view be accepted, it remains in any case clear that Ricardo's reckon- ing of costs is essentially a business man's computation as CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 143 a question of money outlays — outlays of the sort which a business man always reckons as demands upon business capital, outlays of the sort which the trading or manufacturing corporation provides for through its sub- scribed capital or through capital-borrowings upon the market. And it is in this sense, and rightly, but only in this sense, that wages may be spoken of as paid out of capital; but in this sense also raw materials are purchased out of capital — office furniture purchased out of capital ; business connections, insurance, and advertising paid for out of capital; in this sense interest and rent are paid out of capital; and so likewise with all other business expenses incurred in the process of getting goods upon the market. This concept of capital is now to be presented as the only concept which can be articulated with the business world's notion of cost of production, and the only concept which, in the development of economic theory or in close economic analysis, can be regarded as having any relevancy to those cost-of-production considerations which have to do with an inquiry into price and value. And again be it repeated that it is chiefly as bearing upon the value problem that the need exists for a re-examination of the capital concept. Social capital and competitive capital. — Whatever might be the accepted theory of value in a collectivist society — whether a labor theory or a utility theory, or quite as possi- bly no theory at all and no need of any — it is clear that differences in land as used for productive purposes would receive recognition; per item of product obtained, outlays upon some land would be appreciably lower than upon other land. It is equally clear that some of the product of this society would need be saved as raw material or as tools for further production; but it is not clear that' these saved products would be exclusively traceable either to land or to labor; in fact, it is certain that some labor product would get embodied in the land, and that some land product would be traceable in all or nearly all forms of collectivist wealth, 144 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION whether of the production or of the consumption type. Probably, however, in any given situation of environmental conditions, distinctions between wealth as land product and wealth as labor product would not, to this coUectivist society, be especially interesting, — the problem all the while remaining one of how to get the best results out of the various forms of wealth at hand. If, however, the society were semi-predatory in character, and were making com- parison of different habitats to be contested for, it might well find itself at indifference as between one habitat of poor original quality and of medium ameliorations, but with great store of agricultural appliances, as against another of great natural fertility, an inferior measure of land amelioration, and very defective agricultural appli- ances. So, in the application of its labor power, land at one time, and at another time the tools and appliances of culti- vation, might lead in the call for reinforcement. In short, a coUectivist society would not need to, and could not if it needed, distribute its productive possessions into land and capital categories. As this society would be without competitive production and without competitive markets, it would have no need for exchange-value methods or measures. Production would take place according to some sort of utility standard in consumption, and productive agents would be rated in esteem according to their efficiency in utility creation. Land agents and capital agents would stand on a common basis of esti- mation. The different members of the society being regarded as substantially equal, both production and con- sumption would necessarily be worked out according to considerations of utility — marginal utility, of a vague and average sort doubtless — instead of, as now, according to exchange values, wherein purchasing power, and not utility (excepting as utility may more or less affect the purchasing disposition), selects the consumers and determines the direction of production. Under such conditions, what portion of the social posses- CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 145 sions would rank as capital, and what would be the the essential meaning of the concept? In accurate analysis, would it be possible to accept the technological notion of capital as comprising all wealth held for purposes of further production — all technologically intermediate products — in the ordinary industrial sense, productive wealth, non-con- sumption goods? Would the time element count for any- thing, in other than this industrial-mechanical aspect? Or must all wealth be regarded as capital ? How about the ice stored till summer; or the wine aging in the collectivist vaults ; or the wheat stored for winter ; or the total of con- sumption goods waiting the time of maximum service in consumption ? It is past question that, especially with capital socially viewed, the earlier notions of capital, like the later, have not merely referred capital to productivity, but have inter- preted productivity in the light of technological applica- tions, and as, on the whole or mainly, a technological phenomenon, a category of instruments, tools, and appliances. This test once accepted, and the attempt being at the same time made to articulate it with the test of origins, capital emerged as all non-land forms of instrumental goods. But more and more the especial function of machinery was per- ceived to be the utilization of the forces and energies of the environment — of "nature." More and more Adam Smith's naive handicraft view that "no equal quantity of labor employed in manufactures can ever occasion as great a reproduction as in agriculture ; in this nature does nothing, man does all/' was seen to be misleading. A windmill is merely wealth set where natural forces will achieve, in > co-operation with it, or will enable it to achieve, desirable results. But precisely this is the case with the cider matur- ing to vinegar, or with the wine acquiring age and flavor, or with the sapling reaching up to become a tree; whereat, as we have seen, Ricardo was sorely puzzled, and James Mill blundered into a great joke. But it has now become clear enough that the techno- 146 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION logical concept of capital takes account of only one aspect of capital productivity. That the ice is melting away or the wine falling off in point of gallon measures is not con- clusive of the productivity problem. If the utility grows, whether by one sheep growing into two, or one small sheep to one large one, or one poor-mutton sheep to one of good quality, or one superfluous sheep to a famine-time sheep, there is, at least under a collectivist reckoning, eco- nomic productivity. So long as either the objective good changes its character so as to change its utility relation to man, or so long as man so changes in needs and desires, or in provisionment, as to modify the utility relation between goods and men, there is room for value productivity. The collectivist definition of capital would then run somewhat as follows: wealth held for increment — zvealth in time. However clear, then, for technological purposes, may be the distinction between land wealth and other wealth, the distinction remains mostly valueless for the theoretical economics of a collectivist society.^ Capital in the competitive sense. — Examining now some- what more closely the capital concept as adapted to a com- petitive society, we ask how far and with what modifications the collectivist capital concept of wealth as fund, wealth in time, can be made to serve for competitive pur- poses. There will come, at all events, this change — that we shall be talking in terms of exchange-value denominators, exchange-value production, exchange value of agents, exchange-value computations of gain, rather than in terms of average service, or of some sort of group-marginal utility. In a general way doubtless, technological produc- ^ Perhaps it should go without saying that a collectivist society would, for this purpose, have no concern with any question of absti- nence, otherwise than as bearing upon the store of goods waiting to be named. Abstinence, so far as it applied at all, would apply to all forms of the society's wealth ; and all of the wealth would stand as capital. Abstinence would bear only upon the volume accumulated. But there would, of course, remain questions enough as to the forms and uses into which this store of wealth should be distributed. CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 147 tivity in terms of utility product will be paralleled in com- petitive society by a technological productivity in value product. But not everywhere; for it sometimes falls out, in competitive society, that the short output commands an aggregate sale value higher than the bountiful output; that the spices have to be sunk — mechanical destruction, but value creation — or that monopolistic combinations are formed, to the result of diminished product and higher prices — a plus in value, but a minus in utility. But none the less, such and so many productive agents, technologically considered, as there are in competitive society will, under the value denominator, rank as capital, whether these be land agents or other; all consumption goods, also, will in strict logic be so included, since all are held because an advantage, an increment, lies with post- poned consumption. Even with goods deteriorating or decaying, as objectively considered, the advantage is on the side of delay; it is not conclusive that half the apples stored in the cellar will rot, or that the ice in the shed will lose half its weight before summer.^ ^ Up to this point Professor Fetter's views seem to be in the main worthy of acceptance. However, his formulation of capital as material goods conceived in one aspect, their market value, does not quite accu- rately apply, and, indeed, was not intended to apply, to the collectivist economy ; market value is not a collectivist category. As applied to competitive society, the formulation appears to be much too narrow, the criticism centering mostly upon the word "material." — See Fetter. Quarterly Journal of Economics, November, 1900; May, 1901 ; Novem- ber, 1902. But in his Principles, Professor Fetter occasionally manifests small - faith in this requirement of materiality : "Capital today may be defined as economic wealth expressed in terms of the general unit of value" (p. 115) ; a definition wide enough to include immaterial goods privately owned; and on page 129 it is said: "Men seek to convert into marketable capital any increase of income in their wealth or busi- ness The basis of capital value is income, and whatever be its cause, political or economic, material income can and will be capi- talized and added to the capital value of the privilege, wealth, or indus- try on which the income is conditioned." But, interpreting this definition given on page 115, it is said: "By this definition, capital at any given moment of time includes all eco- nomic goods in existence, when they are thought of in terms of their value. But things have different durations Most capital is composed of things durable in a large degree The things composing capital are concrete things, scarce forms of wealth." 148 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Perhaps this is all that need be said for capital in a com- petitive society, so far as there is occasion or justification for a distinctly social concept for capital in a competitive society; and doubtless there are for some purposes both occasion and justification. But for most purposes the social concept does not apply, simply because the activities of men in society are competitively and not socially organized. But, as a computation of competitive costs, regarded from the point of view of supply-determining influences and as having thereby bearing upon the value adjustments of the market, another and quite different, and even a radically inconsistent, concept of capital demands atten- tion. Actual business computations of the expenses of pro- duction include a wide range of expenditures made out of what, in the individual reckoning, stands as the total busi- ness investment, and functions in the terminology and reckoning of the business world as business capital. It is, for example, in the sense of Mill's doctrine, this sort of capital that limits labor, this sort of capital out of which wages are paid.^ ^ Capital in the technological sense has evident bearing upon the wages of labor, not indeed by determining whether or not labor shall be employed — for this is in ordinary times certain, whatever may be the volume of capital — ^but by determining the manner and effectiveness of its employment, the productive equipment at its disposal, its outillage. It is in this sense only that capital may rightly be said to limit labor and to stand in causal relation to the wages of labor. But this is not the sense in which the term "capital" is used in the wage-fund doctrine ; it is there used in the sense of an employment fund, a sub- division of- business capital, rather than as a technological quantity ; in this business sense of capital, subsistence goods are properly included only to the extent that they are actually a part of the entrepreneurs' holdings ; that wage outlays, whether finally expended in subsistence or in other goods, are made out of the cash or banking credits in the employer's control, proves merely that from his point of view this cash or these credits must be regarded as capital. There is little connection, if any, and certainly no direct connection, between the volumes of business capital or credit in society and the real wages of labor. True, any one employer can hire more labor if he controls a larger business capital, but only upon the assumption that competing employers have not a like increase of capital. The old fallacy of reasoning from one to all is well illustrated here. And in any case, it does not follow that having more business capital, an employer can afford to pay, or will for any reason pay, a higher wage rate. CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 149 In the computation of competitive entrepreneur costs, that is to say, interest charges are reckoned upon something quite other than technological capital. Entrepreneur capital — capital in the guise in which the type-form of modern business, the corporation, presents it — includes not merely consumption goods in stock, but banking balances, counter money, funds tied up in customers' accounts and in bills receivable of many varieties, corporate stocks and securi- ties, whether held for sale or for investment, and generally all that fund of working capital, more or less unspecialized, requisite for the successful functioning of a business. The manufacturing entrepreneur or the corporation manager would find it a novel and perplexing doctrine which should restrict the capital investment to the buildings, machinery, and raw materials of the undertaking; the corporation really possesses nothing that is not capital. But it is still true that these non-technological forms of capital deserve not so much greater recognition than they have in the past received, as more careful analysis and classification; for, as has already been pointed out, classical discussion, as indeed all economic discussion, early or modern, is full of this entrepreneur-capital concept. Adam Smith, for example, rarely failing somewhere to formulate or to employ the correct as well as the incorrect doctrine on almost every economic question, is now and then entirely satisfactory in his treatment of the entrepre- neur-capital concept. Perceiving clearly that the funda- mental and essential characteristic of capital is found in the acquisitive purpose, the increment purpose, of its holding, and observing that individuals often gain by lending to others or by employing their wealth in some socially non- productive application — on which question of non-produc- tiveness he was notoriously much confused — it all the while remaining true that communities as isolated aggregates can gain only through productive processes of some sort, he divided acquisitive goods into the two categories, social ISO VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION and private. And out of this, as Boehm-Bawerk believes, has grown up the idea that private capital is connected with interest and is especially a category of distribution, while social capital belongs rather within the field of production.* And doubtless such an idea has developed ; but, so far as Adam Smith had any choice between his different idea- vistas, this could hardly have been the doctrine of his pref- erence. For the most part he was talking of private capital as a category of private — that is to say, of competi- tive — business ; not of interest-getting, but of any sort of gain-acquiring through business activities, whether indus- trial or merchandizing or what not. It is in this sense of entrepreneur capital that in the Introduction he starts off the wage- fund doctrine on its course with the remark: The number of useful and productive laborers, it will hereafter appear, is everywhere in proportion to the quantity of capital stock which is employed in setting them to work, and to the particular way in which it is employed. So, likewise, in his comparison of corn prices in England, France, and Poland, where he explains that, despite the greater productiveness of agriculture in the more advanced countries, the prices are rarely lower in the more advanced countries, since the superiority of produce commonly not more than balances, and often does not fully balance, the "greater labor and expense bestowed on them," he is employing a competitive, an entrepreneur, concept of cost, in terms of wage payments and of all outlays and disburse- ments in general. These outlays and disbursements are never made in terms of technological capital, and rarely in terms of laborers' supplies — consumption goods ; and for the purposes of Smith's argument, as well as for the entre- preneur's business computation, it does not at all matter in what form or terms the payments are made. And so again, in chap, vi : Over and above what may be sufficient to pay the price of materials and the wages of the workmen, something must be given * Positive Theory of Capital, p. 27. CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 151 for the profits of the undertaker of the work who hazards his stock in the adventure .... the profits of the employer upon the whole stock of labor and materials which he advanced. No employer, however, can be regarded as advancing a stock of labor in any other sense than that of advancing the wages ; Adam Smith is plainly within the concepts of entrepreneur cost and of entrepreneur capital. And again in chap, viii, on "Wages," he explains that labor is rightly treated as a commodity like any other; if capital is increas- ing faster than population, wages get the benefit; employers fall into sharp competition: The demand of those who live by wages, it is evident, cannot increase, but in proportion to the increase of the funds which are destined for wages. Ricardo, as we have seen, found his way over from real value to market value through the mechanism of entre- preneur competition, with its leveling and proportioning effects; all of his reasoning on market value goes upon entrepreneur costs, and thereby, tacitly or in terms, assumes the entrepreneur concept of capital : Whilst every man is free to employ his capital where he pleases, he will naturally seek for it that employment which is most advan- tageous; he will naturally be dissatisfied with a profit of 10 per cent, if by removing his capital he can obtain a profit of 15 per cent It is perhaps very difficult to trace the steps by which the change is effected; it is probably effected by the manufacturer not absolutely changing his employment, but only lessening the amount of capital he has in that employment The monied class .... are engaged in no trade, but live on the interest of their money, which is employed in discounting bills or in loans to the more industrious part of the community. The banker, too, employs a large capital on the same object There is per- haps no manufacturer, however rich, who limits his business to the extent that his own funds will allow; he has always some portion of this floating capital. When the demand for silks increases, and that for cloth diminishes, the clothier does not remove with his capital to the silk trade, but he dismisses some of the workmen, he discontinues his demand for the loans from bankers and monied men (Ricardo, Political Economy, chap, iii, sec. 33).'^ " If further evidence is necessary that prevailingly throughout eco- nomic discussion the working concept of capital is the entrepreneur 152 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION With the acceptance of this entrepreneur concept of capital — an acceptance not to be avoided so far as the capi- tal category is to retain its significance for cost-of-produc- tion purposes — there must evidently go the abandonment of the threefold division of productive factors as essential or important in the value analysis ; for while the technological distinctions may and must, to a limited degree and for certain purposes, hold their place, the services of the vari- ous factors in value production are, in competitive business, reduced to the common denominator of money price, stand with regard to entrepreneur outlay in an entirely indistin- guishable relation, and are paid for as costs out of one common fund of resources, the capital fund of the entre- preneur. All things, then, that can be traded in, or valued, or rented, or capitalized, may fall within the meaning of the capital concept. In this sense of the term, capital includes, in the price aspect, patents, copyrights, trade-marks, busi- ness connections, reputation, good-will, privilege, govern- ment favor, franchises, royalties, rights of toll and tribute, rents, annuities, mortgage rights, personal claims ; ^ and further, it includes monopolies of no matter how various concept, the citation of authors to the required degree is evidently impracticable here ; it remains true, however, that economic literature is full of his concept, particularly in those directions showing the strong influence of John Stuart Mill, practically all of whose cost analysis is of the entrepreneur type. But perhaps it may be sufficient again to point out that the wage-fund doctrine would be outside the pale of possible discussion on any other basis than this of entrepreneur capital. What force is there, on any classical plane of discussion, in calling subsistence goods capital otherwise than from the employers' point of view? Or what force in the distinction between fixed and circulating capital? Or in the doctrine as expounded that labor is limited by capital? At Mill's time it had become no longer possible to be overlooked that society was in a regime of employer production ; Mill accepted from the business world the business basis of reckoning — a computation according to competitive entrepreneur costs. Since Mill's time, with the exception of Cairnes's belated and reactionary crusade, there has been practically no systematic cost doctrine that has not sounded in terms of entrepreneur cost, with its implied recognition of the underlying concept of entrepreneur capital. * To deny the term "capital" to these immaterial value items, and to call them merely property, as would (sometimes) Fetter, does indeed CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 153 kinds and degrees, so far as they may become the subject of invested cost in obtaining them, so far as they are bought and sold as steps in competitive-productive invest- ment, or are vendible upon the market as capitalized divi- dend-paying properties. All of these are capital for our present purposes, the value investigation, since they get into costs in the actual competitive market production of such commodities — hats, wheat, machinery, stocks, etc. — as are actually marketed. All things which, from the entrepreneur point of view, appear to be expedient expenditure for the purposes of creating either a commodity or a situation of market value are outlays of capital taking rank as costs of production. When the purchase of machinery is an advis- able move in business policy, capital goes into it, as at another time into land or labor; when, in good busi- ness policy, a franchise must be had or a patent procured, capital is, in either case, so directed as to accomplish the necessary thing. When, for equally cogent business rea- sons, legislatures or city councils must be bought, the neces- sary outlays are, for cost and value purposes, precisely like expenditures for machinery or for the control of patented processes ; tramway franchises and sugar-refining tariffs, as situations business-wise obtained by the expenditure of capital, disclose in the current market values of the stock the present worth of the forecasted gains. So the expenses of stifling competition are capital outlays, invested as the costs of a monopoly to be obtained; so also the tribute paid to escape cut-throat competition is a capital cost of pro- duction,'^ That for purposes of competitive production the only important fact for cost is the outlay, and not at all the obviate any necessity for distinguishing between social and private capital, but the necessity still remains for doing something with this property — a serious matter in itself, or of excluding it from economic consideration — a still more serious matter. ^ Cf. Veblen, "Modern Business Capital," The Theory of Business Enterprise, chap. vi. 154 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION direction of it — technological or other — may perhaps be made clearer if we set ourselves to observe the different ways in which different entrepreneurs in the same line of production go about to achieve precisely similar ends. Of six farmers, with substantially similar farms and inheriting or borrowing an equal fund of purchasing power, one will buy more land, another more machinery, a third will hire more labor, a fourth will buy more draft cattle, a fifth will increase his herds, a sixth will enlarge or improve his sheds and barns; but all will, in essential similarity, be devising ways of most gainfully putting product upon the market. True, there would be room enough here, were it to the purpose, for technological distinctions between the various factors of production, but it is clearly not to the purpose; no one of these productive outlays is any more or any less a cost than any other ; and no one of them is a cost by virtue of its labor or its pain content, or of its abstinence quality, but only of its capital outlay. Lest the argument seem to imply too much, or its con- clusions to extend too far, it may be permissible again to repeat that no abandonment of the technological concept of capital is advocated or could be admitted to be desirable, but only that this technological concept be accepted as such, and that its distinctly social bearing and significance be recognized. Nor is any attack intended upon the principle that, from the social as well as from the individual point of view, all wealth postponed in consumption is capital. But it is here insistently urged that the category of private capital must not be abandoned, but enlarged to be as wide as the concept of competitive capital; and that this latter concept needs not only recognition, but a markedly increased emphasis as surpassingly important among capital concepts ; and all this to the end that economics may preserve some practical relation to the actual business life of a competitive entrepreneur society.^ * This concept of capital is substantially the same as that which, from another point of view and for entirely different purposes, is set forth by Professor Veblen in his Theory of Business Enterprise. CAPITAL AS A COMPETITIVE CONCEPT 155 In certain important particulars the foregoing argument and its conclusions are obviously at one with the views of Professors Fetter and Fisher. Social capital one may be content to define in harmony with Professor Fetter's formulation ; but there must be sharp dissent from the abandotmient of the private-capital concept. Professor Fetter's formulation, while entirely adequate from the social point of view, and important for theoretical doctrines as viewed therefrom, can scarcely be regarded as of theoretical adequacy or of practical service when carried over into the field of existing facts. Nor does it appear possible to work out anything like approximate coincidence, as does Boehm-Bawerk, between social and private capital, private capital being held as somewhat the more inclusive concept. Fetter and Fisher have sufficiently shown the arbitrary and illogical character of this procedure. Private capital, if there is any such thing, is widely different from a category collateral to and supplementary to the social-capital concept. But it is not so clear whether, under Professor Fisher's reasonings, there may not be room for the entrepreneur-capital concept above set forth. Certainly the citations from ante-Smith usage, as well as from later usage, admit, if indeed they do not impose, the private business concept ; e. g. : 161 2: "La sorte principale que e quella quantita di danari, che pongono i mercatanti in sui traffiche." 1694: "Le sorte principal d'une dette." 161 1 : "Wealth, worth: a stocke, a nian's principal or chiefe sub- stance." 1730: "Capital stock [in trade, etc.] is the stock or fund of a trading company, or the sum of money they jointly contribute to be employed in trade." And so, substantially. Rider, 1759; Dyche, 1750; Nicholson, 181 8, 1859 : "On donne vulgairement ce nom a toute somme amasse, et plus particulierement a celles qui, placees ou pretees, peuvent produire interet." 1883 : "The amount of money or property subscribed or employed in a joint-stock association ; the money assets invested in business by a trading firm or individual ; the net worth of a party." The foregoing citations are all from among those collected by Professor Fisher and quoted by him in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1904 ; which see. Read with the necessary bias, also. Professor Fisher's formulation is wide enough to admit of the entrepreneur concept : a stock (of wealth or property, or the value of either) existing at an instant of time, as distinguished from income, which is a ■flow through a period of time. But inasmuch as this interpretation would make the formulation do duty for two entirely distinct and inconsistent concepts, it is perhaps not fairly to be claimed or imputed ; Professor Fisher's point of view and reasonings are prevailingly social in character. So Processor Tuttle's notion, "surplus wealth as a possession" (Quarterly Journal of Economics, November, 1903), appears to be an unwarrantable joinder of social and competitive considerations, or, perhaps better, an impos- sible compromise between them. In last analysis, however, the objections to Professor Fisher's view are best appreciated by following out rigorously his distinction between fund and flow, a distinction of unquestionably great value, but made overdecisive for the purposes in hand: 156 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Capital and income being made correlative terms, all flow being income, and the fund giving origin to the flow being capital, wages thereby become a subhead of interest, and men, or their productive power, become capital. Fisher himself accepts this conclusion, but recognizes the awkwardness of it, and declines to regard it as essential to his main position. But it is none the less true that giving up this point necessitates the abandonment of the iund-vs.-How distinction, at all events for the main purpose to which it is applied. And there is really insuperable difficulty in the way of making men capital, if the capital notion be taken to imply the reduction of the productive good to the value denominator ; and this, it will be remem- bered, is the view for which Professor Fisher has announced himself to stand: "Professor Fetter .... seems to think that I restrict the meaning of capital to concrete wealth rather than the value of wealth, and that I do not admit 'services' under income. But these are both prominent theses of mine" (Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1904, p. 388, note). But it is, then, impossible that men become capi- tal, inasmuch as, while each man does give off successive productive services, which, so far as they are salable — and sold — in advance of their actual rendering, may each obtain, through the process of dis- count, a present worth, it is not possible to attach a present worth to the whole series in block, that is to the man entire ; that the difficulty of giving the successive doses of upkeep expression in present worth is not insurmountable, is seen in the fact that other productive agents, subjected to upkeep expenses, obtain a net present value. The diffi- culty is that, outside of slavery, no sale is possible, and that thereby there is nobody to do the capitalizing ; free men have no market value. Precisely as nothing is property that cannot be owned, so nothing is capital that cannot be capitalized ; thus no income can be computed as the flow from any fund, so long as the succession of incomes can- not be funded. It would, indeed, be possible, as Fisher rightly urges, for each or any individual man to capitalize himself upon the basis of what his future income was expected to offer as gratification balance over and above the stress and burden of acquiring the income. But even this does not meet the difficulty ; for if men are to be capitalized in such manner as to permit that the concept of flow — interest — ^be articulated with the concept of fund — capital — it must, upon such basis, follow that all income, and not some share or balance of income, be taken as the interest fact, and thereupon be subjected to the discount reduction into terms of capital. Otherwise it will immediately become necessary that all rents upon instrumental or other saved wealth be taken to be capital only to the extent that the incomes therefrom afford a net return over and above the burdens and protests of postponement. Resting upon this view of man as capital, debts and franchises are by Fisher included within the capital concept, as parts of the fund, since they are liens against men, mortgage claims, so to speak, upon the human-capital items. But if it be not permissible to regard men as capital, there is logically no place for choses in action, unless upon the acceptance of the private-capital concept — an outcome which both Fetter's and Fisher's views are especially recommended as avoiding. CHAPTER XII COMPETITIVE SAVINGS AND SOCIAL CAPITAL: LOAN FUND AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL We have seen that the cost-of-production and the value problem here has to do not with capital as a social concept but solely with competitive capital, capital as a fund for the payment of the expenses of production, capital conceived in such wise that interest payments are as correctly to be regarded as paid from it as for it, capital, that is to say, as the source of rent, insurance, tax, and advertising outlays, and of all other costs of production as well. All this follows from the truth that cost of production, as a category in the investigation of market values in a competitive society, is purely a private and competitive fact. Elsewhere it may be our task to elaborate categories of social cost, cost as it would present itself in a collectivist economy, cost in terms of some sort of social labor pain or of displacement of social product, — cost, that is to say, unrelated to private capital and to competitive outlay, and entirely exclusive of all the computations and the detail and the organization of private initiative for private gain. But for competitive economics, and for cost of production as a step in the investigation of competitive market values, all concepts must be competitive in character; capital must, for cost purposes, be taken as the fund out of which pro- ductive expenditures are paid, or as the valued thing or situation or agent into which these capital outlays have been incorporated and value-wise expressed. It follows, then, that competitive capital will comprise not merely machinery and tools and improvements upon land, but also stocks in trade, and counter money, together with any and all cost-obtained means and agents of private gain, land or other ; thus, diverging from the social concept 157 158 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION even at its broadest, competitive capital must include such non-social forms of wealth as debts, franchises, trade- secrets, trade-marks, copyrights, good-will, influence, legis- lative and administrative favor. In sum, as has been pointed out at length, the entre- preneur-capital concept abandons, as purely technological and mechanical and as irrelevant to the computations of competitive production, the traditional threefold subdivision of productive factors; it places all productive outlays as upon the same footing relatively to cost and to value, and forsakes all attempt to make capital a subhead under the category of social wealth. Private capital must logically stand as merely another aspect of private wealth. But it is to be noted that there remains always one fundamental likeness between social capital and competitive capital — the test by virtue of which any good or possession considered from either point of view is entitled to be regarded as capital — the characteristic mark and the essen- tial fact in the capital concept, that of postponed ultimate service. Capital always and everywhere, be it of the social or of the private sort, is a case of wealth held by the owner thereof for the advantage accruing with time. Saving, then, means postponed service; always and everywhere postponed service is the heart of the capital concept. Privately postponed service is private capital; socially postponed service is social capital.^ Thus while, from the social point of view, the distinc- tion between capital goods and land goods might possibly be rested upon either technological or genetic considera- tions, it is clear that, from the competitive point of view, ^ It may be objected — a critical friend has indeed objected — that the ideal and unmitigated miser postpones his consumption without purpose of later consumption, and with the distinct purpose of mere accumulation. This must be granted ; and it is obviously not a satis- factory disposal of the case to term it abnormal, or to put it aside as mere aberration or disease. But in reality no difficulty is presented for the proposition advanced, which is merely that the satisfaction offered by immediate consumption will not be foregone excepting upon terms of a larger service obtained by way of income due to earning power or through a continued and prolonged enjoyment of some sort. SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL iS9 all questions of derivation and origin and all questions of probable or possible modifications of supply are equally irrelevant as bearing upon the content of the term capital. And likewise the distinction between production and con- sumption goods takes on, under the private-capital con- cept, quite a different aspect, if indeed it does not break down altogether. All forms of merchandise must rank as capital; rented pleasure boats serve as basis of acquisition; technological and non-technological goods fall equally within the classification; whatever commands, for the indi- vidual, power of disposal over present goods may be the subject of individual saving — of postponed service. Whether this disposal rests upon the ownership of con- crete and tangible facts or merely of some right or privilege or claim, is for the purposes of the individual computation entirely irrelevant; productivity for the individual reckon- ing is in any case implied by the very fact that postponement of service is decided upon; productivity thereby assumes a new aspect; and consumption goods, technological goods, and immaterial goods all take on, in their time aspect, the character of capital, as in one way or another income-bear- ing, increment-commanding items of ownership. Viewed in the light of these considerations, some of the confusions, both in earlier and in current capital discus- sion, come to be readily explicable; the distinction between the social and the competitive concepts has commonly been but vaguely felt and never consistently worked out. Capi- tal, in the sense of a wage-outlay fund, belongs exclusively to the competitive concept; capital as instrumental goods In ultimate analysis the miser is not indefinitely postponing his enjoy- ment ; instead of this, he is immediately entering upon the preferable alternative enjoyment, the long-time utility-income method. Likewise it is no part of the argument to insist that the principal sum of an investment must some time be consumed, but only that the immediate total of satisfaction offered by the present utility of wealth will be foregone only on the expectation of a larger total of service through waiting, and that this could fail to be true only upon such conditions as, making abstinence an indifferent thing, must make production a motiveless thing. i6o VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION falls equally well under either. Capital as distinguished from other instrumental goods — land and natural agents — is a possible social and technological concept ; but from the point of view of private capital the distinction vanishes. Credit rights, franchises, patents, good-will, privileges, have no existence in the collective reckoning; but as competitive facts they are among the most important of acquisitive goods. The wage-fund doctrine is nonsense from the point of view of social reasonings ; but from the private point of view it is an entirely tenable, though admittedly a not over-important or necessary, concept. Subsistence goods are readily enough regarded as costs and as production items, if only the private instead of the collective standpoint be adopted. That labor is limited by capital, taken in the sense of technological equipment, is, if rightly interpreted, hardly open to question; but the proposition means nothing or worse if asserted with regard to private capital. But, for our present purposes, the most significant of the conclusions resulting from this constant and chronic shifting in point of view is in the treatment of savings, loan capital, and commercial credits. Under what concept are we, indeed, proceeding, in our talk about fixed and circulat- ing capital, the great centers of capital, great capital bor- rowings, the growth of capital, the fluidity and mobility of capital? And what is really the relation between savings and capital? What, for example, is Ricardo talking of in the follow- ing passage, already quoted in part? Capital is apportioned precisely, in the requisite abundance and no more, to the production of the different commodities which happen to be in demand. With the rise or fall of prices .... capital is either encouraged to enter into, or is warned to depart from, the particular employment in which the variation has taken place. Whilst every man is free to employ his capital where he pleases, he will naturally seek for it that employment which is most advantageous; he will naturally be dissatisfied with a profit of lo per cent., if by removing his capital he can obtain a profit of SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL l6l 15 per cent It is perhaps very difficult to trace the steps by which this change is effected : it is probably effected by a manufacturer not absolutely changing his employment, but only lessening the quantity of capital he has in that employment. In all rich countries there is a number of men forming what is called the monied class ; these men are engaged in no trade, but live on the interest of their money, which is employed in discounting bills, or in loans to the more industrious part of the community. The bankers too employ large capital on the same objects. The capital so employed forms a circulating capital of a large amount, and is employed, in larger or smaller proportions, by all the different trades of the country. There is perhaps no manufacturer, how- ever rich, who limits his business to the extent that his own funds will allow : he has always some portion of this floating capital, increasing or diminishing according to the activity of the demand for his commodities. When the demand for silks increases, and that for cloth diminishes, the clothier does not remove with his capital to the silk trade; but he dismisses some of his workmen, he discontinues his demand for loans from bankers and monied men ; while the case of the silk manufacturer is the reverse : he wishes to employ more workmen, and thus his motive for borrow- ing is increased; he borrows more, and thus capital is transferred from one employment to another, without the necessity of a manu- facturer discontinuing his usual occupation.^ Whence come these sums that Ricardo's manufacturer is borrowing- from the moneyed classes? It is a common- place that capital comes from saving; and it is unfortu- nately almost as much of a commonplace that savings are in the same sense capital. But as we have seen, saving is merely the postponement of the consumable services of private wealth ; the people who save, the people whose steady streams of contribution flow into the loan market, are ordinarily merely receivers of income, who, having held their expenditures below their receipts, have something to lend. Their decision to postpone their personal exercise of their rights of consumption is carried into effect, either by the method of holding their purchasing power in hand in the form of money or by transferring this power to other persons by some direct or indirect method of loan. The * Ricardo, Political Economy, Conner's edition, chap, iv, sec. 33. 1 62 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION borrower, whether for purposes of consumption or for purposes of production, desires to obtain disposal over this purchasing- power. It is only as a question of security that it at all matters to the lender whether consumption goods or raw material or machinery or land or labor be the purchased fact. Whether, as the final outcome of individual saving, the productive equipment of society — its technological outillage — will be increased, will depend upon the direction in which the borrowed purchasing power is applied. Private saving, by the very fact of non-consumption, ranks as private capi- tal; but the salary or other income saved and lent may never result in either social capital or social wealth ; socially considered, the case may sum up as merely one of substi- tuted consumption — as simply a different distribution of the consumable products of industry, which in no way become a part of the social technological equipment. But by far the larger part of this loan-fund form of savings capital is not thus easy of analysis ; it is, neverthe- less, essentially of the same character of postponed con- sumption seeking rental openings. Any owner of any form of private wealth may by the sale of his wealth become the possessor of some of this loan-fund form of capital. By obtaining control of some form of purchasing power, whether money or other, in which is expressed and embodied his deferred right of service, he becomes a fact of supply in the market for loan capital. Commpnly by deposit in a bank, his loan-fund capital takes the form of an assign- able demand right against the bank. It is doubtless true that the saving and the lending might possibly enough take place in terms of concrete material wealth, instead of in the form of purchasing power into which this wealth has been converted, were it not for a lack of coincidence between demand and supply similar in principle to that which renders barter so impracticable as a system of exchange. Either the saved wealth may be in the hands of an owner unwilling or unable to grant credit SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL 1 63 on any terms whatever, or the credit medium offered may- be that of a purchaser not sufficiently well known or not satisfactorily approved; thus, without some credit inter- mediary or underwriter, the purchaser's medium of pay- ment fails of the requisite degree of market-ability — is not for the purposes of the case in hand a currency. It is precisely at this point that banking methods take on their great importance in furnishing an investment opportunity for savings, and become also a practical neces- sity for the converting of savings into a fluid and effective loan fund. By the discount of the customer's note at the bank, there is secured for him a medium of payment accept- able to the seller of the property; by the method of check transfer the seller then becomes himself a holder of loan- fund capital, precisely as if the sale had been made for actual cash, and this cash thereupon deposited in bank. For the purpose of making all this clear and of rein- forcing the truth that the existence and the volume of private-savings capital have no necessary connection with the uses to which the borrower devotes the borrowed funds, and no necessary connection with the total volume of existing social wealth, the following illustration will be of service : Let there be assumed an isolated community of one thousand farmers, nine hundred and ninety-nine of whom possess each one thousand dollars of concrete wealth in farms and implements, at the same time that the thousandth man has for sale $999,000 worth of cattle. If now the capi- tal be sought wherewith to finance the building of a rail- road, the project must fail; it is true that there is one wealthy man in the community, a m*an who would gladly, on approved security, lend $999,000 worth — of cattle. But railroad construction cannot be financed on this basis, unless, indeed, to the extent that the cattle can be made to serve as a form of currency. The difficulty is not that there 164 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION is a lack of wealth in the community, but that this wealth is not in practicably lendable form. But if now these cattle can be sold out on credit among these nine hundred and ninety-nine farmers, their notes taken and discounted into deposit credits; or even if against these farmers there are taken contracts or due-bills or acceptances or orders dischargeable on demand in labor or in produce, there will forthwith exist in this society $999,- 000 of loan-fund capital of a character suited to the needs of the enterprise in hand. And if it be objected that this really amounts to the same thing as lending the cattle, only that the method is roundabout and less simple, all this must be admitted, but with the important modification that the other way is, for the purpose of capital-borrowing, an impracticable or even an impossible method; debts must exist, that is, collectible rights in money or in other forms of wealth — for money is for many purposes only a form of credit — must exist, before these credit rights can be lent; and nothing else can practicably be lent. And there is this still more important modification also : suppose all these cattle to have been, immediately after the sale, swept away by disease; if the debtors are still solvent, the loss is theirs and not that of the capitalist ; they are in the aggregate $999,000 poorer, but he is as well off as before, and has not a jot less "capital" to lend. That is to say, the volume of loan fund in a society has no direct or necessary relation — still less, proportion — to the wealth of the society in question. It is true that if these farmers had nothing left to pay with, the debts might be uncollectible and thereby fall out of the lists of capital ; but so also might they not, if only it were still true that the laws of the society or its business code of morality made the debts collectible in terms either of commodities or of services. A debt that is secured by character is as good an investment and as truly capital as any other debt, if only it be really as secure. SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL 165 But this is not the whole doctrine ; from the theory and the methods of discount banking, we are to make some further deductions. It is worth noting that Bagehot, in adopting to the full the Ricardian mix-up of the social- with the private-capital concept, declares that capital includes "two unlike sorts of commodities, co-operative things which help labor, and remunerative things which pay for it ;" ^ and further still — in full conformity with Ricardo — remarks : Suppose the corn trade to become particularly good, there are immediately twice the usual number of corn bills in the bill brokers' cases ; and if of the iron trades, then of iron bills. You could almost see the change of capital if you could look into the bill cases at different times.* But note that Bagehot does not make it altogether clear whose is the capital that is changing; but it is perhaps fairly to be assumed that he takes it to be the capital of the lenders. Cairnes's statement upon this point is hardly more satis- factory; but the loan- fund variety of capital receives equally distinct recognition : The existence of a large amount of capital in commercial coun- tries in disposable form, or, to speak less equivocally, -in the form of money or other purchasing power, capable of being turned to any purpose required, is a patent and undeniable fact. Nor is it less certain that this capital is constantly seeking the best invest- ments, and rapidly moves towards any branch of industry that happens at the moment to offer special attractions." ^ Economic Studies, 2d ed., p. 55. * Bagehot, op. cit., p. 45. ^ Cairnes, Leading Principles, p. 63. "Everyone is aware that England has much more immediately dis- posable and ready cash than any other country. But very few persons are aware how much greater the ready balance — the floating loan fund, which can be lent to anyone for any purpose — is in England than it is anywhere else in the world. A very few figures will show how large the London loan fund is, and how much greater it is than any other. The known deposits — the deposits of banks which publish their accounts — are: in London (December 31, 1872), £120,000,000; in Paris (February 27, 1873), £13,000,000; in New York (February, 1873), £40,000,000; in German Empire (January 31, 1873), £8,000,000 ; and the unknown deposits — deposits in banks which do not publish their 1 66 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION But the interesting question still remains whether, when the business man has borrowed from a deposit creditor of a bank a share in this loan fund, this borrowed portion becomes a part of the business man's bor- rowed capital and constitutes an addition thereto. Does the creation of new capital take place with the coming into existence of a new promise to pay? It must be agreed that the new loan has worked no deduction from the capital of the lender; he now holds a note or a right as valuable as was the thing or right with which he parted. But has there been here a new creation of capital, merely by the fact of a larger volume of cash purchasing power ? The borrower has by assignment come to hold a demand right against the bank — a right obtained on terms of creating against himself an offsetting and equivalent demand ; he has enlarged his cash bills receivable on terms of increasing his time bills payable. If the note signed is a liability, this deposit credit appears to rank for him as a new property acquired to correspond; it is as much an asset as will be any addition to his stock of merchandise purchased through the intermediary of this borrowed deposit credit. In the language of the business world, he has "borrowed capital" for use in his business ; the business now employs so much the larger capital total. And yet if this deposit right is really capital, there is necromancy somewhere; the lender also has not diminished his capital holdings, but has simply exchanged debtors. Something like a similar question arises where a bank customer has had discounted his own note with the bank; has he borrowed a share out of the existing loan fund? If not, is whatever he has borrowed properly to be reckoned accounts — are in London much greater than those in any other of these cities. The bankers' deposits of London are many times greater than those of any other country." — Bagehot, Lombard Street, chap, i, p. 4- A well-informed estimate in 1895 placed the bank deposits of Great Britain at £700,000,000. In the United States at present the deposit liabilities of the national banks alone run upwards of four and one-half billions of dollars. SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL 167 capital? Has he increased his capital investment? or his capital utilized in his business? What has really taken place ? Much confusion may be avoided by getting firm grasp of the truth that a bank characteristically does not — prac- ticably speaking, cannot — lend its deposits. Not that the money deposited might not be lent, instead of, as is the more common case, being retained as part of the cash resources of the bank. But even so much as this can be true only where the deposit is in the form of actual money. Conceiving of the bank system as an aggregate, deposits come mostly to be regarded as mere transfers of credit from one branch to another; the clearing system is an effective demonstration of this. In any case, however, deposits in the sense of demandable rights, as distinguished from the thing deposited — customers' accounts, the things which total for so large a part in the aggregate bank- ing liability — are made up of something not within the disposal of the bank to lend, but solely within the disposal of the depositing customer. Commonly, indeed, the deposit liability running against the bank is the outcome of banking accommodations already given; by just so much it is a diminution from the accommodations remaining possible. The lending power derivative from the accom- modations already granted is that of the deposit customers. But in any case, from whatever source the deposit liability arises, not it — not the liability, but the deposited money, if there be any, is the only thing lendable by the bank, or usable as reserve basis for further lending. And com- monly, as we have seen, no money is deposited, but only an item of account against some other bank — a right of defense against other claims upon which the other bank, debtor in the case in hand, is creditor. The rationale of borrowing from a bank is, as is familiarly known, quite other than the borrowing of money. True enough, money may be borrowed, but this is unusual and incidental — or accidental — and, so far as it occurs, is 1 68 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION precisely similar to non-bank borrowing; it is no part of that which .is peculiar to banking methods and pertinent to banking theory. The transaction of discount and deposit is typically not a lending of cash ; it is commonly described as a lending by the bank of its credit, either in the guise of deposit credit, or of bank bills. In exchange for this demand right the customer gives his note which, whether in form a demand or a time obligation, is, in fact, more or less pronouncedly, a time relation. The case has the appearance of a mere interchange of obligations, the cus- tomer passing over one which is not generally acceptable as current purchasing power, and receiving one which is so current. Making no question of the correctness of this view so far as it goes, it is nevertheless to be said that, despite all the machinery and the terminology of the case to the con- trary, all that the bank really does is to underwrite the credit of the customer; it lends its own credit, truly, but only in the sense of adding its guarantee to the customer's undertaking to pay. It therefore follows that the naive business view of "bank capital" obtained through borrowing misconceives the facts ; the process is merely writing over into acceptable purchasing power the business man's own note. The result may obviously be to place the business man in the posses- sion of goods obtained on this underwritten credit; and for present purposes it possibly does not greatly matter whether the man's personal credit is itself called the capital, or whether the pass-book claim, or the demand note against the bank, be regarded as the capital, or whether finally the goods obtained through the expenditure of the purchasing power be regarded as the capital. It remains true that in any case the business man's total investment, in the sense of his net "worth," is not increased. But whatever the terminology for all this may be and however unclear the merits of the case as matter of termi- nology, this much comes to stand forth clearly: whatever SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL 169 else has or has not been increased by the process of dis- counting a note, the supply of loan funds, the media for the making of exchanges or for the financing of enterprises, the borrowable and lendable and usable current purchasing power of the community, has been increased. The creation and issue of current purchasing power is the chief business of banking institutions. Loan funds — it begins to look as if for some share of these the term capital is of doubtful propriety — are even more intangible and incorporeal than savings capital, since not all of the loan fund has even as much as a previous saving behind it; but such as they are, bank-made loan funds must be recognized as intangible and incorporeal facts, a sheer matter of intricacy and com- plexity in business relations — meshes of obligation — a mere scaffolding of promises — a folding back one upon another of successive layers of credit. And because not necessarily representative of an increase of social capital or even of the liquidated total of private capital, it seems necessary to recognize the loan fund as a distinct economic category. Some important conclusions now require attention as to the nature of much of what is called circulating capital, and as to the qualities of mobility and fluidity said to be especially characteristic of capital as against land or labor, and finally also as to the interpretation and the limitations to be imposed upon the doctrine of abstract capital and of capital as an abstract fund. From the social point of view all technological goods and indeed all social wealth have, in varying degrees, the quality of fixedness. But from the private point of view all capital is mobile, since all wealth facts are salable, and since all wealth is capital in the measure and degree of its market price. From the private point of view, therefore, every possession, whether commodity or right, may be the subject of abstinence,^ and this without reference to the degree of ' See note on Senior, p. 137. 1 70 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION its fixedness, when regarded from the point of view of its technological adaptation, or of its quality as a consumption good. Complete mobility for private purposes is, how- ever, achieved only by the transformation of the vendible item of private wealth into the form of money or of other current disposable purchasing power — that is to say, into the very commercial material or medium of which the loan fund is composed^ It should now be possible to estimate how great is the promise of service and how serious the admixture of error presented by the abstract-capital concept. Looked at from the social point of view, there is no such ^ Approached in this wise, the differences between Smith and Senior, on the one side, and Ricardo and James Mill upon the other, with regard to the nature and characteristics of circulating and of fixed capital, are seen to be merely differences in the choice of point of view. And here, as commonly, when Smith and Ricardo were clearly and definitely at issue. Smith had the right of the controversy. Smith was advocating the private-competitive point of view, while Ricardo's line of distinction was prevailingly technological. According to Smith, "Capital employed .... in such .... things as yield a revenue of profit without changing masters or circu- lating any farther .... may properly be called fixed capital Circulating capital .... is constantly going .... in one shape and returning .... in another, and it is only by means of such circulation, or successive exchanges, that it can yield .... any profit Circulating capital is composed of four parts First, of the money by means of which all the other three are circu- lated and distributed ; .... of the stocks of provisions in the possession of the butcher, the grazier, etc. ; .... of the materials whether altogether rude or more or less manufactured ; .... of the work .... made up and completed but still in the hands of ... . the manufacturer." — Wealth of Nations, Book II, chap. i. So, with Smith, a tailor's needles are fixed capital no matter how short-lived of service. The question is how the wealth is actually handled under the guidance of private interests with reference to the marketing of it — a matter of change of ownership. With Ricardo the question is one of mechanical and technological durability: "According as capital is rapidly perishable, and requires to be frequently produced, or is of slow consumption, it is classed under the heads of circulating or of fixed capital." — Political Economy, chap, i, sec. 4. Senior sides with Smith : "Mr. Ricardo might well remark that the line of demarcation between the two sorts of capital cannot be accurately drawn ; for what can be more vague or more void of posi- tive meaning than such comparative terms as slow and rapid ? The singular circumstance is that both he and Mr. [James] Mill should SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL 171 thing as abstract capital in any other sense than that according to which all social wealth is subject to the value measure and is wealth or capital under this test and measure and expression. And neither from the social nor from any- other point of view is there any "spiritual essence" of value hovering over the material forms of capital ; nor from the social point of view, or of necessity from the private point of view, is it true that material things perish or wear out, while the capital ghost of them is immortal; there is, in fine, no capital entity as distinct from the capital goods themselves, though there is such a thing as the sum of the values of existing capital goods. This value or price aspect of the goods is to be regarded as the attribute or character- have supposed .... that their division followed that of Adam Smith, It is obviously a cross distinction." — Senior, Political Economy, 2d ed., pp. 62-73. John Stuart Mill's use of the two terms hopelessly confuses tech- nological and competitive considerations : "Of the capital engaged in the production of any commodity, there is a part which, having been once used, exists no longer as capital ; is no longer capable of rendering service to production, or at least not the same service nor to the same sort of production [a technological distinction] In the same division must be placed the portion of capital which is paid as the wages, or consumed as the subsistence of laborers. That part of the capital of the cotton-spinner which he pays away to his work-people, once so paid, exists no longer as his capital, or as a cotton-spinner's capital. [Italics the present writer's. The money never had any technological quality ; the reasoning is purely competitive, bearing on private — entrepreneur — costs.] Such portion of it as the workmen consume [money?] no longer exists as capital at all ; . . . . capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office in the production in which it is engaged, by a single tise [technological aspect and private aspect mixed and confused] is called circulating capital This portion of capital requires to be constantly renewed by the sale of the finished product, and when renewed is perpetually parted with in buying materials and paying wages ; so that it does its work, not by being kept but by changing hands. [Mixed concept ; rests in part upon considera- tions of durability, in part, of changes of ownership.] Another large portion of capital consists of instruments of production, of a more or less permanent character, which produce their effect not by being parted with but by being kept, and the efficiency of which is not exhausted by a single use." [Mixed concept ; rests in part on durability, in part on non-change of ownership.] — Mill, Principles, Book I, chap, vi, sec. i. For proof that this same confusion between the social-technological and the private-acquisitive point of view is equally characteristic of late and current discussion, reference may be had to an article by the present writer published in the Yale Review for November, 1905, entitled "Doctrinal Tendencies — Fetter, Flux, Seager, Carver." 172 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION istic by which and according to which the g-oods possess the capital quaHty.^ But from the point of view of private competition and competitive business, the only point of view, be it repeated, which greatly concerns economic theory in general or which at all concerns the cost and value investigation, the question takes on a different aspect; here all capital, by virtue of its quality of vendibility is, in a sense, unspecial- ized, mobile, and fluid; and all stocks of materials and all intermediate products are, as such, mobile in their varying ® From this social point of view, therefore, Professor Carver's analysis of the abstract-capital concept leaves nothing to be said : "The effort to distinguish between capital and capital-goods seems to be simply an attempt to distinguish between a quantitative measurement for capital and the capital itself. Things are measured, of course, by selecting a single property which they possess in common, such as number, extension, or specific gravity, and comparing them on the basis of this property. When we want to say how much there is of a certain thing, we express it in terms of the property according to which it is commonly measured. This is true of wealth and capital as of other things. The primitive herdsman, if asked the amount of his wealth, would doubtless have answered an hundred or two hundred head, as the case might be. The primitive agriculturalist, whose wealth consisted of wheat, might have answered in terms of cubic contents, as so many bushels. It is conceivable, though improbable, that both might have united upon specific gravity as the basis of measurement, and have answered in pounds. But the change to specific gravity as the basis of measurement and quantitative expression, would not have changed one bit the nature of their wealth or their capital. Nor would it have made either clearer or less clear the distinction between capital and capital-goods. "As a matter of fact, value, being the one property common to all forms of wealth, has long since been selected as the property accord- ing to which all wealth is to be measured, and in terms of which quantities of wealth are always to be expressed. When asked how much wealth they have, men will reply, so many dollars, just as the herdsman would have enumerated his animals. Capital, being a form of wealth, is measured, and its quantity is expressed, in precisely the same way. Does this change in the basis of measurement change in the slightest degree the nature of capital ? By no means. When asked how much capital they have, men will express it in dollars : but, if asked in what their capital consists, they will enumerate the instruments. The instruments are the capital, and the amount of value in them is not the capital Every distinction which Professor Clark has made between capital and capital-goods can be made with equal clearness and with equal justice between the herdsman's hundred head and the animals composing it, between the farmer's bushels and the wheat which they contain, or between the pounds of wealth on the one hand, and the animals and wheat on the other." — Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. XV ([August, 1901), p. 589. SOCIAL AND ABSTRACT CAPITAL I73 degrees; and even so-called fixed capitals, technological instrumental goods, are mobile in more or less retarded movement, accordingly as there is or is not a ready market for them.^ It is not, however, true that abstract capital at all coin- cides in volume with the price expression of the aggregate of social capital or of social wealth ; the characteristics of abstractness, of homogeneity, of an entire fluidity and mobility, belong to what we have described as the loan fund, and to it solely. Nor is the size of this fund com- mensurate with the existing fund or total of private capital ; the loan fund is merely a portion or subdivision of private capital. Nor, as we have seen, is the loan fund made up of claims resting for their collectibility solely upon some existing form of social wealth or capital; purely personal claims, if they are enforceable, are as truly capital as are rights secured by collateral or by mortgage ; many debtors put in pledge their future earning power, precisely as may a state its future revenues. So, also, precisely as the present value of a city corner is the discounted value of the trade privileges which it will in the long future control, so the good-will of a business, and the market value of that good- * The private reckoning being solely concerned with the price aspect of the case, there is, from this point of view, in the abstract-capital doctrine, a residuum of truth not quite adequately recognized in Pro- fessor Carver's analysis as it continues : "As to the permanence of capital. Does capital abide while capital-goods perish, or is it only the quantitative expression for capital which remains, while capital, the thing measured, perishes? Evidently, the latter. Though animals perish, the amount of the herdsman's wealth, measured numerically and expressed, for example, as an hundred head, may remain. Is it the same wealth ? Not unless it is the same hundred head. Though wheat perishes, the amount of the farmer's wealth, measured in cubic contents and expressed, for example, as a thousand bushels, may remain. Is it the same wealth ? Not unless it is the same thousand bushels. Though animals and wheat perish, the wealth of both farmer and herds- man, measured on the basis of specific gravity and expressed, for example, as ten thousand pounds, may remain. Is it the same wealth? Not unless it is the same ten thousand pounds. Though goods of all kinds perish, the amount of wealth, measured on the basis of value and expressed in dollars, may remain. Again, is it the same wealth? The things measured, whose quality is expressed in dollars, are evidently not the same ; and it is only by confusing the measure for the thing measured that it can be said to be the same wealth." 174 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION will, may rest, in large part, on the prospect of business relations some day to be established with human beings not yet born; the situation is none the less a present asset in private capital. The essential and important kernel of truth in the abstract-capital concept is, then, the obscure recogni- tion of the loan- fund fact. Abstract capital is a subhead under the private-capital concept, a competitive and not a social fact, a share and only a share, out of the private- capital aggregate.^'^ ^" That for theoretical as well as for practical purposes there is something at issue here will be evident from the following quotation from an address by Professor Joseph French Johnson, delivered before the Pennsylvania Bankers' Association during the year 1905 : "The rate of interest in the last analysis has no relation what- ever to the quantity of gold in the country. It is the product of the demand for and the supply of capital. This word capital is used by the economists to mean all those forms of wealth which are used in production of more wealth ; such for example, as machinery and raw materials. It includes all those goods which are not consumed directly, but which are used to produce things which people desire. Among business men and bankers the word has a different meaning. It denotes a loanable fund for use in business, and consists in money and credit in various forms. It is important for us to see that the business men and the economists both have in mind the same thing when they use the word capital. The loanable funds in the possession of banks are all derived from the loanable capital in the country. When the amount of loanable capital increases, the amount of loanable funds increases in a corresponding degree ; and there can be no increases of loanable funds brought about in any other way. Banks create nothing. All their lending power is the product of industry. Every deposit of money or credit in a bank represents actual wealth or capital that has been saved in a community. The loanable capital and the loanable funds in a country are practically the same thing ; the one a hetero- geneous mass of value in the form of various goods ; the other the same mass of value made homogeneous by the universal solvent, money." CHAPTER XIII THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS The purpose of the isolated producer is the production of utility. Precisely the same statement holds, in a com- petitive society, for the producer under specialization of employments; but all these utility ends are, in this case, worked out through the intermediary of market- value adjustments; from the point of view of the final trade — the consumer's point of view — not valuable things but useful things are of ultimate importance; gain in utility is the sole motive. What one pays less for a thing than he would, if necessary, have paid, — what the thing is good for more than it has cost, the quasi-rent of purchase, — while statable in money, must yet finally resolve itself into goods obtainable through money. Likewise the cost outlay is to the producer ultimately a utility or disutility magnitude rather than a value magnitude. Producers at the margin, like traders at the margin, are such by the fact that the utility in prospect and the utility sacrificed are at balance, — are at a ratio, one to the other, of unit value, — and all this irrespective of how greatly, for the different marginal traders respectively, the absolute magnitudes of the balancing services and sacrifices may diverge — irrespective, that is to say, of whether the marginal case present a ratio of 5 to 5, or of 2 to 2, or of Yz \-0 Yz, provided all the while, of course, that even this much of comparability may be assumed between the feeling magnitudes of different men. (See page 300.) In view of this obvious fact that exchange is ultimately, in individual motive, a problem of comparison between alternatives of utility, that, for either trader in an exchange, the case can have no other significance than this of utility, and that market values are mere price relations — exchange relations — between things of service, that is, between goods 17s 176 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION subjectively viewed, — the invitation is strong, the temptation great, the promise alluring, for the resolution of market values into a common denominator of utility, and thereby for somehow inferring a determination of value by utility as expressed in terms of this common denominator. But the attempt is foredoomed to failure. It is one thing to assert, with Say, that utility — desire, want, need — is the basis, through individual bidding, of the whole value phenomenon — the cause, the motive, and the explanation of price offer ; but it is quite another and a different thing to assert, as sometimes Say appears almost to do, that all market values can be resolved into this general, homogene- ous, underlying utility jelly, or utility denominator. The impossibility of all this was clear enough to Ricardo, though it was not clear just why. He says in a letter to Malthus : He ,[Say] certainly has not a correct notion of what is meant by value when he contends that a commodity is valuable in propor- tion to its utility. This would be true if buyers only regulated the price of commodities.^ But inasmuch as, in Ricardo's view, producers and not buyers regulate price, Ricardo inclines to make value pro- portional to labor — in the sense of labor pain — failing to see that neither utility for different consumers, nor labor for different producers, can be made homogeneous volumes. But notice once again that Ricardo does not assert the determination of the value of the product by the value of the labor, or even that there is any primary value in labor ; he merely asserts the proportionality of value to labor content : Our differences are becoming rather verbal than substantial. Your chapter on value has, in my opinion, gained considerably. You misrepresent me, however, on that subject when you say I consider the value of labor to determine the value of commodities. I hold, on the contrary, that it is not the value, but tlie comparative quantity of labor necessary to production which regulates the rela- tive value of the commodities produced." ^Letters of David Ricardo to Thomas Robert Malthus, 1810, 1828, James Bonar, Oxford, 1887, p, 173. ^Ricardo to Say, November 9, 1819, p. 165. THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS 177 Whether Say also may not in some passages be reason- ably interpreted to assert more than the mere proportion- ality of value to utility, and to have attempted to give to value a measurement in some sort of homogeneous utility medium, may not be clear; but he, in terms, asserts only the measurement of utility by value. Thus on December 2, 1815, he writes to Ricardo: You accuse me of saying that utility is the measure of value. I thought I had always said that the value that men attach to a thing is the measure of the utility that they find in it. And on July 19, 1821, with regard to the use of labor as a measure of value, a measure which^ as we have seen, Ricardo had, with some misgiving, adopted, as the best at hand, but yet not altogether adequate, Say writes: There are multitudes of different qualities of labor; the quan- tity of each of these qualities cannot be measured. I measure the utility incorporated in the product by the different quantities of another product which one would pay. But this seems to measure the utility of one thing by the utility of another, or, what is worse yet, by the mere quantity of another, which quantity is but a mere restatement of the sheer market fact of the relation. And Say explains the difficulty that, with gold and iron equal in utility, or even with iron the more useful, volume for volume, the iron has only 1/2000 part of the value of gold, — by saying that 1999/2000 of the iron utility is free goods, a gratuity of nature. None of this helps much. But it seems fair to say that if value and labor are somehow always in proportion, it must follow, as Ricardo held, that labor may measure value, as it may equally well follow that value may measure labor, and all this irrespective of whether the labor has any primary and non-derivative value of its own; if not, the proposition may be correctly held ; it simply awaits expla- nation of its mystery. Ricardo left the proposition substan- tially a mystery.^ ^ And the socialists mostly accept it as such, and leave it there : "Whenever by an act of exchange we equate as values our different products, by that very act we also equate, as human labor, the different kinds of labor we expended upon them. We are not aware of this ; nevertheless we do it. Value, therefore, does not stalk about with a label describing what it is. It is value, rather, that converts every 178 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Likewise, if value — or price — by virtue of the fact that it is the effect of utiHty, may measure utility, the doctrine ought to work the other way about. But in point of fact, as should be already clear, neither the labor measure or the utility measure, on the one hand, nor the value measure of utility or of labor, on the other hand, will work, in any other sense than that both labor and goods get, visibly, constantly, obtrusively, a price rendering in the market. Laborers differ in all possible shades of feeling toward labor ; labor differs in all possible grades and directions of effectiveness ; the only homogeneity is the homogeneity of market value in terms of price. And as widely as men differ in their attitude toward productive effort they differ also in their attitude toward the products product into a social hieroglyphic. Later on we try to decipher the hieroglyphic, to get behind the secret of our own social products ; for to stamp an object of utility as a value is just as much a social product as language. The recent scientific discovery that the products of labor, so far as they are values, are but expressions of the human labor spent in their production, .... by no means dissipates the mist through which the social character of the labor appears to us to be an objective character of the products themselves." — Carl Marx, Das Capital (Moore and Aveling trans.), Humboldt Publishing Co., New York, p. 28. "It is not money that renders commodities commensurable It is because all commodities, as values, are realized human labor, and therefore commensurable, that their values can be measured by one and the same special commodity, and the latter be converted into the com- mon measure of their values." — Ibid., p. 41. "There is, of course, in present conditions, no possible means of arriving at a definite, concrete labor coin, so to say, which shall establish the value of commodities when and as they are produced. The individual labor time it may take to produce a commodity is, as we have seen, no test whatever of the length of social time necessary to produce the same commodity. "Nevertheless social labor time does measure the value of com- modities with reference relatively to one another. How is this done? "Take the case of weight. What is weight? To say that it is ponderosity doesn't help us a bit. Yet we know well enough what weight is by itself. Moreover, we weigh things relatively to their weight in other things But what the unit of weight is in the abstract we can no more tell than before we weighed the wheat. "In chemistry likewise, .... what was the Daltonic atom? Nobody knew and nobody knows What is a volume in chem- istry? It is just as impossible to say as what is an atom. None the less, though we do not know what they are — any more than we can express in figures 1/ — i — volumes serve the purpose of a common measure of the most diverse chemical compounds. So it is with simple, abstract, social human labor." — H. M. Hyndman, The Economics of Socialism, London, 1896, pp. 51-53. THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS 179 of labor ; the only homogeneity is that expressed in the price offer. The only utility relation possibly to be expressed by market price is that, for some marginal man or men, com- peting utilities, of unstable and unknown magnitude, are at balance. But what has all this to say for the standard of deferred payments? If utilities cannot be reduced to homogeneity, on any basis but that of price — the opaque market fact — it would seem to follow that the problem of deferred pay- ments must be worked out in terms of value rather than in terms of utility. And especially would this appear to be true, in view of the fact that equal market values are inca- pable of expressing any equality of utility in terms of abso- lute subjective magnitude, but only in equivalence of control over those external objective goods which are the bearers of utility. But on the other hand what shall be done with the fact that, carried over into individual interests, values have no meaning but in terms of utility ? And after all, value being a ratio of exchange, what does it mean to say that one thing at one time has the same value as another thing at another time? What, indeed, would it mean to say that a certain thing at one time has the same value as the same thing at another time ? Or finally what does it mean to say that two things at any given time have the same value? Value can be expressed only objectively, in terms of something which is, for the time being, taken as the medium or standard of expression. Thus, to say that two things have today the same value might mean very differ- ent things accordingly ( i ) as different men in different bar- gains should variously choose some one or other particular commodity as standard for the occasion; or (2) as a certain group or congeries of objective goods should some- how — more or less arbitrarily — come to be chosen as a composite standard; or (3) as equivalence should be sought through the intermediary of some conventionally adopted depository of unspecialized purchasing power, a money i8o VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION standard. It is this last case which actually is meant by equivalence in value in practical affairs; and if, instead of this, a group of commodities were chosen, the group would most reasonably be selected as made up of those com- modities into which, for the broad general average of consumers, unspecialized purchasing power gets expended. The possibility first mentioned is outside the pale of consideration and the second case is a subhead under the first, though somewhat modified to include provision against the probable instability attending any particular commodity as standard, where intervals of time intervene. The necessity of providing for this case of time interval is, be it remembered, the problem of the deferred-payment stand- ard. But possible instability in what? And here we are back at our original question : In value ? But this is meaningless, unless translated into command over useful things — goods. And what goods? There is no an?wer but to choose some group or complex of goods selected in such fashion as to represent a sort of average budget. That a of today equate in value against x of next year must require that a hold today to every other good the same exchange relations that x will hold next year. And so, to say that two different things at one and the same time have the same value is merely to assert their actual equality in exchange power as referred to some selected commodity or complex of commodities — a price statement possible only by the temporary or conventional adoption of a standard. And to assert that a certain thing, at one time, has the same value as the same thing at another time, must mean an unchanged control over the same con- geries or budget of goods, — practically the same control over some standard of payment, some medium assumed as main- taining — or selected as nearest approximating — an un- changed relation toward such a budget-complex. The same solution would have to be given to the problem of how to compare in value one thing at one time with another THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS i8i thing at a later time. Equality in price over intervals of time is then intelligible and possible ; but equality in value — as distinguished from price — between two commodities would require that one at one time hold precisely the same exchange relation to every other good as that of the other at the other time.* * It is worthy of note that in exchange relations between goods of the same time, as distinguished from cases of deferred settlement, it has been urged (for example, by most of the socialists, the Marxians especially) that the price of any commodity expresses that the value of it is as much as is the value of a certain quantity of the standard ; the value of the standard and not the standard itself is thus held to be the essential fact in money, or at all events, the essential fact of its money function. And surely the standard itself cannot, in any other sense than that of its value quantity, be held adapted to serve as a measure of value. How much money shall be paid for a commodity depends, of course, in part upon the value of the commodity, but in part also upon the value of the money. The better doctrine appears, however, to be that of Laughlin (Principles of Money, pp. 14-16) : "A standard .... is not, and cannot be, synonymous with a measure of value This is not what we get by the use of a standard The exchange value of gold varies with the number and kind of things priced in it. By pri- cing an article in gold, the value of that article in relation to other commodities is not thereby 'measured' by gold. In such a case, gold serves only as common denominator, and not as 'a measure of value,' because it does not thereby state the relationship of exchange which that article bears to all other exchangeable goods. All that is obtained is the exchange ratio between gold and that particular commod- ity Moreover, there could, of course, be no absolute standard for 'measuring' value, since any one article, chosen as standard, would itself vary in value ; consequently the values of other goods would be compared with a standard itself constantly varying. Not infrequently one hears of an argument in favor of gold as a standard that it is as 'invariable as a yardstick,' This statement contains the fallacy of sup- posing that exchange value is as absolute as linear length, when it is only a relation of one article to another expressed quantitatively." (But see, contra. Carver, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1907.) But however all this may be, it is evident that in deferred-payment relations, merely a given amount of money is stipulated ; the amount of value actually to be received cannot be stipulated, but must neces- sarily depend upon the amount of value which, at the time of payment, may happen to be contained in the amount of money paid. The measure function of money is clearly not here ; a future unknown value cannot be a value expression of the value of other things. But whether, if at all, in current exchanges, and if so in what sense, money may be regarded as a measure of value is a problem of far greater perplexity. It has mostly gone by common acceptance that in order that goods exchange against each other they must be possessed of some common quality by virtue of which they may be related to each other for the 1 82 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION But after all, why bother, even for theoretical purposes, with this budget matter? If the standard requires either justification or rectification by the test of the budget, what shall then serve to justify the budget? There can be nothing for this but the attempt to obtain an average and approximate equality of service through the construction of a budget made up of a widely selected and carefully proportioned variety of consumption goods. Indemnity to the borrower for utilities parted with must be found in an purposes of the exchange process : thus Marx, finding, as he thought, that utility could not be this common quality, forthwith inferred that labor cost must be the quality sought. Recalling that only the two facts, utility and scarcity, must concur for the emergence of value, and that scarcity is essential only because solely on terms of it can all items of a stock possess utility, and recall- ing also that some articles have scarcity and value irrespective of labor cost and independent of it, it has seemed to follow that utility is that common quality by virtue of which different goods come to be com- parable in their appeal to human choice. But that goods appeal to the individual only through their utility to him does not imply the existence of some one aspect or quality of utility common to all articles of value ; there are, indeed, no value facts affording equal utility to all individuals, none that are constant at all times in their service to any one individual, and none even that at all times are serviceable to the same individual in even the slightest degree. But it none the less remains true that for the emergence of value the supply of any good must icanifest some degree of scarcity relative to the desire for it; otherwise there can be nowhere an individual with reference to whom the stock can establish a marginal significance by virtue of which it may impose upon that individual a sacrifice in purchase cost or in productive outlay. Thus the possession of marginal utility — ^but all the while as dependent upon this relative scarcity — is sufficient for the existence of market value. But this utility is in no sense a social or a common or an objective utility, but is in every case purely a relation between the good in question and the desires of an individual. The only fact both constant and objective in the market-value phenomenon is that of com- manding a price, money or other — that is, of possessing exchange power. But does this fact of exchange power, expressed as command over some quid pro quo, imply in any sense, in either of the articles exchanged, the possession of the measure function? In a certain sense, doubtless, any comparison by an individual of the utility to him of different items of goods implies a process of mental measurement ; and it must be admitted that a comparison of utility with utility is the very process and the only process through which the indi- vidual trader arrives at the disposition to trade. But in this trader's barter activity there is rarely for him an equality of utility between the thing received and the thing parted with, never, indeed, an equality THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS 183 equally important aggregate of utilities returned. Here, as everywhere in the individual reckoning, money is an intermediate between utility quantities and not between value quantities. It is possible that a change in point of view may aid in the solution of this not oversimple and very important problem. Suppose the only products in society to be hats and excepting in his marginal trade or in the case of the marginal trader; and there is never in any case, marginal or other, any necessity or occasion for the measure function or calculation, otherwise than to the degree and in the sense that measure is implied in the mere fact of comparison and choice, — a sort of mutual measuring of either com- modity by the other. Nor is the difficulty with the existence of a market-value measure that utility may not be the measure of utility, if only the utility to different persons were the same utility, a common and objective reality. It is, in truth, the very essential of a measure that it possess in itself the quality it is to measure in other things. Only something of length can measure length ; only something of weight can measure weight. And the choice of a measure is necessarily arbitrary ; to express any dimen- sion of any given body is possible only in terms of relativity and only by reporting it as such a part or such a multiple of the dimension of some other body. So many pounds of weight is merely so many times the weight of another chosen body, taken at a certain purity, under pre- scribed conditions of temperature and of altitude. Nor, seemingly, is Professor Laughlin correct in insisting that the psychological necessities of the measure function prescribe that the measure fact be a fixed and definite and unchangeable fact, but is only correct in the implied insistence that, so far as the measure falls short of this test, it so far loses its serviceability for the purposes in hand, and must rank as a defective measure ; the quantity of utility or of value fails of receiving accurate statement and definition in the pur- ported measure. So, whatever the objective fact may be with regard to the precise invariability of the accepted measure, it is fairly clear that, thought of as a seriously variable measure, the measure thereby ceases to be a practicable measure. No one thing of utility or of value can, then, ever, market-wise, by its quantum, serviceably and adequately express the utility or value quantum of another thing ; the first thing, the purported-measure thing, has no stable quantum of its own, but is, by its very nature, constantly varying ; thus it is, by this very fact, not a practicable measure. But there is a difficulty in the case which is decisive against the presence of any measure function, good or bad : All measurement whether vague or precise, is a quantitative comparison; the standard must, then, contain a quantum of some certain quality or magnitude, which certain quality or magnitude must in some degree be present in the thing to be measured. To the individual, therefore, it is not impos- sible that either item in a transaction of barter express in terms of its 1 84 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION shoes, and that it somehow comes about that for each item of either kind of goods today there are tomorrow two items of goods : what does it mean to say that values have increased and that thus there is room for the emergence of interest ? Goods have increased, utihty has increased, goods having value have increased; one hat will not buy more shoes than one hat would buy yesterday, but two hats will buy more than the one hat of yesterday would buy. There- utility, more or less accurately, the utility of the other item. But not so with market value ; here nothing is asserted or implied as to any general or objective utility, nor can the mere brute fact of exchange parity import a parity of utility for traders in general or any sort of market-utility calculus or parity. Utility to whom? Market utility parities or calculations are, indeed, ex vi termini, sheer absurdities. The case is bad enough with any attempt to set up a market-price or market-value measure of utility ; it is still worse with any attempt at the market-value measure of market value. The difficulty here is that value, in this market sense, fails in the requirement fundamental to the notion of measurement, namely, that a measure must be quantitative and must measure things of quantity. But market value is neither a magnitude nor a quantity, but only a ratio. True, a ratio can be restated as a fraction — J4 or J^^ or ^ of unity — ^but it becomes quanti- tative only in becoming concrete, as J^ or ^ or % of something. Thus, that the exchange ratio between hats and shoes is, say, 2 to i, oifers no possibility of giving quantitative expression to the exchange ratios of horses and wheat to each other or to anything else. Nor does the selection of a conventional price commodity avoid the difficulty in any other sense than that it makes possible of comparison the ratio of horses to gold with the ratio of hats to gold — all to the conclusion that while horses stand to dollars as 100 to i, hats stand to dollars as i to i. This expresses merely the two different exchange ratios held by the respective commodities to gold — asserts, that is, two different powers of command over gold, and then declares that one power is one hundred times as great as the other. But merely as different ratios to gold no measure is disclosed: (i) the value of gold is itself possible of expression not as a ratio of exchange to commodities in general, for there is no such exchange possible and no ratio for its expression, but only as one or another out of countless different possible ratios. (2) This same ratio of 100 to i between horses and hats is equally valid to express the ratios of countless other pairs of commodities relative to gold, e. g., pianos to Idtchen tables, houses to sewing- machines, shoes to laces. The ratios of things to one another in Brob- dignag were the same ratios as in Lilliput. The real difficulty is again that all these various ratios to gold are mere ratios of exchange, and are comparable simply and only with this significance and as entirely lacking in any ultimate basis or content. In this respect the case differs from true measure ratios of weight or length. With weight the reference is to the quantitative objective reality of pressure or stress — with length, to the objective quantitative fact of extension. With the value ratio, however, there is nothing but the ratio. THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS 185 fore, measured in shoes, the hats, having increased in num- ber, have more value. But this is to accept shoes as a standard. Shoes Hkewise, since they have increased in volume, can be shown to have proportionately increased in value, if only hats be accepted as the standard: as why should they not ? But, on the other hand, why should they ? Are either hats or shoes invariable in any quality important to value, and, if so, in what quality? There is no quality other than utility that can have claim to consideration. But with these expansions of supply, the utility quantity has fallen, per item of supply. Value can in this case mean nothing but the ratio of exchange between hats and shoes, and this ratio has not changed. How talk about an increase in the total of exchange ratios? By just so much as some things gain in value others must lose; and those that gain, gain only as stated in terms of others. It follows there- fore that to return an equal sum of values means nothing, unless it be merely a poor way of expressing the return of an unchanged quantity of utility. But equality of utility is not a relation capable of expression in terms of value, either for contemporaneous exchange or for exchange over intervals of time or space. And inasmuch as utility is purely a fact of the individual psychology, it is not susceptible of quantitative objective expression of any sort. Thus the return of an equal sum of utilities can be achieved only so far as this is possible — and in the sense that it is possible — through the adoption of some conventional standard or medium. True, price is a special case of value ; and thus to resort to price in arriving at equality of utility is, in this sense and so far forth, a value process. But that gold, like any other commodity, obtains its exchange standing through market-value adjust- ments, and must, as exchange power, itself express a value relation, proves simply that resort is being had to one sort of value fact — and this a special and peculiar case — as mere intermediate to the most expedient solution of a pure utility problem. But no value equality is l86 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION possible in the case, and even were one possible, it would be irrelevant. Appeal to the fundamental principle that all saving is merely postponed consumption enforces the conclusion that the payment of a loan should be made upon the principle of indemnity, that is, should be the return of rights of con- sumption of equal importance with those parted with, which is merely another way of saying that the standard of deferred payments is ultimately a problem in utility rather than in value. Or the argument may be put in another way : All cases of mortgages, notes and bonds, bank deposits, and credits in general are protracted instances of exchange. The whole- saler sells his groceries at three months time. Instead of receiving his pay immediately in commodities, or in money with which to buy commodities, the payment side of the trade is postponed for a term of months When you lend money you really sell the right to things ; when you are repaid, you get things in return. Thus a loan is, in essence, a long-time barter. When you have sold your hats, and allow X to take the money for which they sell, it is the same as if you had sold X the hats, or the goods which he buys with the money. When he pays you, he really returns to you remuneration for the hats. If the payment is a fair one, the money which he pays you must not have gained or lost in its control over the means of satisfying human wants." Clearly, also, this utility indemnity can rarely, if ever, be attained through a return of goods specifically like in kind and volume to the earlier sum. It again becomes evi- dent, then, that to the extent that the equality is attainable at all, the payment will have to be required in terms of general purchasing power, and this according to some standard, conventional or occasional. And while the pay- ment for earlier money by later money is the return of a thing of value in payment for another thing of value, and, in this sense therefore, is a transaction in values, and while it must be admitted that any equality in utility can, in any particular case, be only approximate, it is still true that no " Davenport, op. cit., sec 170. THE STANDARD OF DEFERRED PAYMENTS 187 assertion of an equality in values is in any way possible, since the different money sums are rarely, if ever, exchanged against the same sorts of goods ; and even were they so exchanged, the same bulk, number, weight, or other meas- ure of concrete commodities is, with varying times, a very different and changing fact in its aspect of service, — not, be it noted, to human needs in general — which would be a strong enough case, but rather to the particular needs of the specific human being under consideration.® Thus — forestalling a little the interest problem — there is, restated as a problem worked out in terms of money, no great difficulty in explaining why, with the more goods existing by the aid of capital, a higher price should be obtainable therefor, and thereby a money premium be chargeable and payable. But at what rate? And it should ®A possible difficulty here requires to be provided for — the modi- fications which changes in standards of living impose upon the principle of utility indemnity, in the mere sense of objectively equivalent goods. "With increasing effectiveness of labor, human needs have expanded. That which was once relative comfort has become privation — privation absolutely in view of higher standards of desire — privation relatively in view of higher levels of comfort or luxury in society. The causes which have served to make greater consumption possible have them- selves made greater consumption necessary. Payment in an equal amount of control over the objects of human desire is not an adequate return for the earlier sacrifice. If even exchange of work would be overpayment, even exchange of utility would be underpayment That the creditor receive a volume of commodities — services included — merely equal to the volume lent, would be enough, were the creditor substantially the same creditor in needs and requirements — if, for example, the advance in labor effectiveness had taken place in a night, immediately after the loan was made and its proceeds consumed. By this very measure of usefulness, payment must be made in something more than an equivalent command over commodities. The increased effectiveness of labor has brought about a higher level of consumption — a raised standard of comfort and of life The line, then, of compensation — of equality in sacrifice — must be found somewhere above equality in purchasing power, somewhere below equality in command over human effort. Something must be added to payment on account of the greater necessities of the lender ; something also on account of greater requirements for the maintenance of social position and rela- tive well-being. The point of fair adjustment is to be found where the direct gain from larger satisfactions is offset by the disadvantage of increased requirements and decreased command over social distinction." — Davenport, op. cit., sec. 16$. l88 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION now be clear that interest also is not a problem of value or of value surplus but rather of price and of price surplus. '^ ^ It is perhaps worth while, as illustrative of the general trend of discussion with regard to the standard of deferred payments, to note that Mr, C. M. Walsh, in his brilliant discussion in The Fundamental Problem of Monetary Science, proceeds altogether upon the assump- tion that the problem cannot be other than one of value ; takes this as so far axiomatic as to require no proof, and devotes himself entirely to the attempt to decide which form or concept of value — cost value, esteem value, or exchange value — is best adapted to the needs of the problem. As early as upon page i he sets forth that "that is the best money which approaches nearest to being stable in value." Any variety of utility standard is foreclosed from consideration by the easy dictum that "the idea of use value is of course to be left out of the discus- sion" — page II — and it thereupon gets left out. Then, having ably and convincingly driven the labor-cost standard from the field, and having also, to his own satisfaction, disposed of esteem value — probably meaning thereby subjective value in the Austrian sense — he finds that exchange value, being the only thing left, affords the only possible standard of deferred payments. Just how, finally, the desired equality in exchange power between loan and payment could be ascertained or proved is not, at least to the present writer, made fully manifest. CHAPTER XIV INTEREST While, as has already been argued, and as will later be further argued, interest has its basis in the advantages attaching to present goods over future goods, it is never- theless to be defined, in a competitive economy, as the premium which present purchasing pozver, as money< or in terms of money, commands over future purchasing power in terms of money. But why does this premium exist ? Is it at all due to the technological productivity which present wealth, in form of instrumental goods, manifests with passing time? Or does interest merely express the fact that some men find it to their advantage, or at least to their choice, to promise, against lOO dollars of command over present consumption rights, the payment at the end of a given term of 105 dollars of this purchasing power? x^nd what bearing upon the rate of premium has the common preference for using purchasing power for purposes of immediate con- sumption — the common indisposition to postpone consump- tion — to save? And how about those people who, in their rational or irrational solicitude for the future, would save even without any money agio — persons to whom some forecasted change of need is a sufficient present induce- ment and premium upon saving, if indeed, any premium of any sort is needed in their case ? And what is the precise relation of technological productivity to the problem? After all, is not the entire interest relation one between present consump- tion goods, or rights to consumption goods, as over against future consumption goods, or rights to con- sumption goods? The rate of agio, or of discount, having been established in the consumption-goods market, have IpO VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION these technological considerations more to do with the case than this, that such technological methods and processes as promise a productive agio sufficient to overbalance the market discount to which the future product is to be sub- jected in getting a present worth, are found practicable of undertaking? Or put it as follows: the abstinence protest being such in society that 105 units of purchasing power, expressed in the conventional standard, due a year hence, exchange today against only 100 such units for today's use* — has technological productivity any other relation to the case than this, that such technological uses as can promise 105 a year from today on account of the 100 now, are fea- sible of undertaking? And what of the 100 that can regu- larly and recurrently transform itself yearly into no? Must it not, by this very fact, be said to be not 100 but 200, if, of course, this 10 agio is to be imputed to it rather than to the management of it? That is to say, are not all rentals and all rent-bearers capitalized into a present worth upon the basis of a discount rate which is obtained without reference to them? Land recurrently pays a rent ; machinery also commands a hire : are these hires mere rents or are they time-discount facts? If 100 of land rent is due a year from now, this rent has a present worth of 95-(— And likewise if machinery belonging to me, or a mortgage now running in my favor, will bring 100 a year hence, this 100 suffers a discount to 95+ in the process of getting over into a present worth. If this 100 were itself interest upon an invested principal sum of 2,000, shall not the 5 of interest be taken to show that this time-discount rate is itself based upon some underlying time-discount rate? That is to say, if all rents and hires themselves are subject to the principle of time discount, what becomes of these rents and hires as themselves the explanation of the phenomenon of time discount? Can this discount fact be taken as a mere result of the fact that all machines and farms worth 2,000 each are earning 100 each? Or is it not rather true that if they each earn 100 annually. INTEREST 191 we therefore call them each worth 2,000? And why is this the case? Whence is derived this rate of 5 by which to do this capitalizing? For if the 5 per cent, rate is derived from the fact that the 2,000 earned 100, it will not do to invoke, in the same breath, this rate in order to explain that the rented fact has 2,000 of value. Proof that all instruments earn rentals for time use will perhaps suffice to prove value productivity; but will it also suffice or contribute to explain interest? Or is time dis- count rather a phenomenon belonging exclusively to con- sumption goods or to purchasing power in the time aspect — which time discount is then applied to place a present worth upon each recurring rent payment separately, and to make possible a capital value as the sum of the present worths of a series of rents? It is not uncommonly said that each productive agent, labor, for example, is paid according to its value produc- tivity. But if the laborer is paid before his product is marketable, the wage received must be lower by the measure of the time discount. And it is likewise said of capital that its remuneration is the equivalent of the value productivity of the capital. But why is the total value of the capital scaled down to correspond to the present worth of its future returns? Or to put the problem in still another way — for every possible device must be invoked to the end of getting this most elusive of problems adequately stated: All that the distributive outcome of production can ever show is that, out of the aggregate production, 105 is to be imputed to capital where only 100 of capital originally went in; why was the capital that was going in, and that was to emerge as this 105 of result, worth only 100 in the beginning? Why not originally worth 105? But 100 what? And 105 what? Are these anything but dollars, or purchasing power in terms of dollars as the standard? Is interest anything more than a standard dif- ferential due to the rents which instrumental goods. 192 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION appraised in money, afford in money, and to premiums which present purchasing power or present money com- mands, for consumption purposes, over future purchasing power expressed in terms of the standard? And is there, after all, any problem of surplus value with relation to interest, any more than, with the question of the standard of deferred payments, there was found to be a problem of equality in value? Is it possible to say, because there is a physical net return upon instrumental goods, that there therefore is or is not an increase of value or a net return of value? The increased weight-and-tale total of goods may sell for less as well as for more money; but even in the case of an ad- itted increase capable of being established as a physical net return attributable to a particular and isolated instrument good — a case, we will assume, of a cow worth at the beginning of the year $ioo and represented at the end of the year by the sam^e cow in equally good condition, and, together with her, a net gain of $5 worth of calf ; even in this simplest of cases is it possible to say that there has been any increase of value? The 105 dollars will not, ordinarily, indeed, ci nnot, be used to purchase the same things ; some of the goods which would have been bought and consumed by some one or other, had the cow been sold or killed, its price spent, and its quid pro quo consumed, have risen in price and some have fallen, some are no longer in the market, the while that others, before entirely unknown, have appeared in the market ; and in any case, the utilities attached to the same objective goods cannot be the same utilities; men change, seasons change, temperature changes, food requirements change, fashions change. Is the more of the 105 an increase in point of value, or rather is it merely and purely a question of change in the aggregate of service, a comparison of the total of utility commanded by the 105 of standard as against the earlier 100 of standard? Is interest truly a value problem in any other sense than that, by the process of discount, different and otherwise incomparable utility INTEREST 193 volumes are brought into relation for one and the same time ? ^ But even if all this is satisfactorily answered, there will remain the difficulty of tracing out the process of determina- tion of this rate of discount, and of deciding precisely what parts, relatively to each other, technological productivity and psychological time preference have in the determina- tion. Again, have we here a problem of present goods against future goods, or rather only a problem in the field of abstract capital, of the loan fund, an investigation of the relation of a quantum of the standard, or of purchasing power in terms of the standard, at one time, as against a quantum of standard at another time — the problem of how much of standard a year hence equates against 100 of standard of today? and then, why? If the solution is, indeed, along this last line, it is perhaps easy to see why, with a premium offered by differ- ent borrowers for the present standard for consumption ^ But we may well stop to ask what all this, when resolved, will have to do with the present status and the development of the argu- ment. As a cost-of-production computation, in the competitive reckoning, all hires of productive instruments and all interest charges of any sort must be included in the computation. That is to say, cost includes wages, rent of land, all rents of all other instruments, and also the interest-discount charge due upon the time employment of entre- preneur capital. The value problem, upon the cost-of-production level of analysis, cannot do . otherwise than to accept the discount rate as a datum, an underlying and definitive fact requiring no examination, precisely as the cost-of-production analysis accepts without question and takes for granted all value hires and value rentals upon instrumental or agent facts. On this level we have no concern with the theory of interest ; it is only when we come to the examination of the determinants of entrepreneur cost — to the situation facts — and to a discussion of the distributive process, and to an examination of the fixation of the distributive shares, that the problem of interest is logically before us. But practically speaking, in the exigencies of exposition, it has seemed necessary to treat the problem of interest here, in order to determine what interest payments really are, and upon what sort of capital they are computed, and to justify their inclusion as they are in costs ; and then finally to get out of our path all other associated questions of the ultimate basis of interest and of the process of its determination. 194 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION purposes, and other premiums offered by different entre- preneurs for the wherewithal to acquire present instru- mental goods, and with varying dispositions on the part of savers to save, and of possessors of wealth to abstain from its consumption, and with varying dispositions on the part of owners of wealth to exploit their own possessions, there should result, through the value mechanism of the market, a ratio of exchange, a discount rate, between the standard as a present fact and the standard as a future fact. But now, assuming that for the time we have questions enough and possible solutions enough before us, it may somewhat illuminate the problem, as well as somewhat further the solution, the while, however, possibly raising more questions, if we turn to examine for a little the details of the treatment of the problem by several of those authors who appear best to have appreciated its difficulty, and who have most contributed to its solution. Boehm-Bawerk's explanation of interest rests in part upon the technological productivity of capital and in part upon the principle of perspective in consumption — this latter expressing the preference commonly, though not always, felt for the present good as consumable item, over against the future good — his definition of interest running "a difference in value between present and future goods in favor of the former." ^ That "perspective" means merely the indisposi- tion to postpone consumption, and is thus the same thing, under another name, as abstinence, would per- haps not be admitted by Boehm-Bawerk ; this would sound too much like a cost view — whether pain cost or some other type of cost — and thus would not fit well into the demand- utility point of view in the explanation of value. In the main, however, Boehm-Bawerk's emphasis is upon produc- tivity, perhaps because the "perspective" doctrine has, under its aspect of abstinence, been already sufficiently emphasized. 'Positive Theory of Capital, p. 273. INTEREST 195 But, according to Boehm-Bawerk, all sorts of errors have associated themselves with this principle of produc- tivity. One hundred dollars' worth of capital, or one hundred dollars' worth of labor, must be accounted produc- tive even though productive of only fifty dollars worth of product. Smart has thus summarized this particular aspect of the argument: Capital would still be productive though it produced no inter- est, e. g., if it increased the supply of commodities the price of which fell in inverse ratio The [productivity] theory .... does not explain why capital employed in produc- tion regularly increases to a value greater than itself The theory that explains interest must explain surplus value Labor by no means always produces more value than it consumes. But the plausibility of the productivity theory is the parallelism it assumes between labor and capital, the sug- gestion that interest is wages for capital's work. But .... value cannot come from production. Neither capital nor labor can produce it What labor does is to produce a quantity of commodities, and what capital co-operating with labor usually does is to increase that quantity. [And the value may or may not be more.] How .... can it be that capital employed in pro- duction not only reproduces its own value, but produces a value greater than itself ? ^ Boehm-Bawerk accepts the distinction between land instruments and non-land instruments, and rules out these former, together with consumption goods, from the capital category: "Objects of immediate consumption .... and land, as not produced, stand outside our conception of capital. It does not fall within our province to go into the theory of land rent." * Certainly the principle of "perspective" — of abstinence — does not apply to land instruments directly, since they are not consumption goods : but this would apply equally well to cut out most other instrumental goods. True, the non- land instruments could be marketed, or worn out, and their price used for immediate consumption wants; but this is ^ Eugen V. Boehm-Bawerk, Capital and Interest, translated by William Smart, Introduction, p. ii. *Ibid., p. 6. 196 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION equally true of land. The notion of abstinence applies, then, equally to either, unless in the sense of the original labor of production — an argument from origins, and not a technological argument — a line of distinction in no wise applicable for competitive purposes, because beyond the possibility of application. No one can possibly tell what part of land fertility is or is not produced; and, for pur- poses of competitive production, or of personal abstinence in a competitive society, no one could have the slightest interest to inquire. But of course it may nevertheless be true that the theory of land rent in no wise concerns the theory of interest; possibly enough, no question of rentals of any sort and no question of any hire or remuneration upon any kind of pro- ductive instruments or agents can have any bearing upon the rate of time discount ; this is, indeed, one of our diffi- cult problems ; but if other rents and hires have this bear- mg, so also have land rents; if others have not, land rents have not. At any rate, next year's rent has to be discounted in order to get it into a present value, and the entire series of future rents have to be discounted to find a present market value for the land or other instrument; and it is clear that land is a future good as much as is any other instrument, and is paid for as are other instruments, accord- ing to the duration of the use granted. Before productivity can be used to explain discount, explanation must be found for the division of the gross result of capital into original fact and surplus fact; and this upon the face of it would not appear to be difficult. We started with 100 in value — [price?] — and come out with 105 ; mere inspection would seem to suffice for the discovery of a surplus of 5. Yes, but why is it that the 100 that would accomplish this thing was worth only 100 in the beginning? To get the 100 of present value as the capital residuum after the surplus is deducted, we have to make use of this 5 as the discounted surplus ; and it does not then seem open to explain the existence of the 5 by deduct- ing the 100 from the gross 105. The adherents [of the productivity theory] .... understand it as meaning that, by the aid of capital, more is produced; that capital is the cause of a particular productive surplus result INTEREST 197 The words "to produce more" or "a productive surplus result" may mean one of two things. They may either mean that capital produces more goods or more value, and these are in no way identical That "capital is productive" .... may signify four things : 1. Capital has the capacity of serving towards the production of goods. 2. Capital has the power of serving towards the production of more goods than could be produced without it. 3. Capital has the power of serving towards the production of more value than could be produced without it. 4. Capital has the power of producing more value than it has in itself.' Neither from the point of view of inadequacy nor of irrelevancy need Boehm-Bawerk's criticism of proposition I detain us long ; proposition 2 he rightly declares to be use- ful only as subordinate to 3 and as somehow serving as the basis of 3 ; and then must be confronted the difficulty of getting 4 out of 3. Capital does not produce alone; but it is certain that capital and other production goods working together get a greater total of results by weight and tale than can be had without the capital. But the first difficulty (by Boehm- Bawerk hardly touched, but by Wieser adequately recog- nized) is to find out why, in the distributive process, capital gets any part of this surplus, or does not get more or all of it, and does get just what we find it getting. This, how- ever, may be regarded as a problem in distribution, and, perhaps, for the time being, may be taken, without further ado, as solvable, and as solved; that is to say, the theory of capital rent may possibly, for the purpose of the present argument, be set out of the discussion, precisely as Boehm- Bawerk has in fact declined to enter upon any consideration of the theory of land rent. Even so, however, this other work will have to be assumed to have been elsewhere done. But Boehm-Bawerk does not, so far as non-land instru- ments are concerned, appear to have assumed this, but rather to have taken it as part of his problem, and then to have omitted the necessary anaylsis ; but we shall see. But at any rate, admitting that to capital, in the co- operative production process, more goods or better goods can be traced and ascribed and accounted, this falls a good ^Ibid., pp. 1 1 3-1 5' 198 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION way short of proving that the value of this larger sum is greater than the value of the original holding. For (i) how make sure that the 105 goods have the more of value over the 100? and (2), this explained, how then explain that the 100 of original holding did not forthwith take on this 105 of value? Does the fact that capital when employed is regularly followed by the appearance of a surplus in value, actually contain a sufficient proof that capital possesses a power to create value? .... Is the appearance of the snow a sufficient proof that a magic power resides in the summer snow to force up the quicksilver? .... Value is not produced and cannot be produced. What is produced is never anything but form, shape, material, combinations of material ; therefore things, goods. These goods do not bring value with them ready made, as something inherent that accompanies production Value grows not out of the past of goods but out of the future. It comes, not out of the workshop where goods come into existence, but out of the wants which these goods will satisfy. Value cannot be forged like a hammer or woven like a sheet What production can do is never anything more than to create goods, in' the hope that, according to the anticipated relations of demand and supply, they will obtain value.® That capital does not directly produce value or surplus value, but only the things that have value, or that have value in excess of the original value, must be — for what- ever it is worth — admitted. Nor does it matter to the con- trary that all of this insistence upon value being derived from wants — from utility motiving demand, rather than in any part upon the supply situation — is of most dubious doctrinal validity. It still remains true that (i) the emer- gence of a surplus in value needs more proof than the mere existence of an increased volume of goods; and (2) this value step being accomplished, the problem would then exist of explaining why the greater value of the result was not forthwith reflected back upon the instrument, to the final cancellation of the surplus first established. But evi- dently all of this discussion on the part of Boehm-Bawerk must assume the quantitative comparability of an earlier with a later value. But if there is, in the nature of the case, as has been in earlier pages argued, no such thing possible "Boehm-Bawerk, op. cit., pp. 133, 134. INTEREST 199 as this comparison of values, what then remain to be compared ? Is comparison more practicable between present goods and future goods? This has also been shown to be impossible, even were it not the fact that the case actually presented by capital productivity is one of production instruments at the beginning, and of consumption goods at the close. This objection has been forcibly urged by Wieser : Do the arms, bows, and nets — the capital of von Thumen's illustration — really reproduce themselves in the strictest sense of the term? Certainly not. They produce nothing but fish and the spoils of the chase The return which, in the first instance, falls to be imputed to them is, consequently, a gross return in foreign things .... things with which they may possibly be compared in value but not in quantity The same argu- ment holds for capital in the developed economy, only that here the conditions are somewhat more complicated No capital .... directly reproduces itself; each produces first a gross value in foreign things, in which, physically, its productivity cannot be seen. The capital of a baker produces bread, that of a miller, meal, that of a peasant, grain. In order that the baker may replace his capital again .... the gross return .... must be exchanged against the gross return of other capitals, indeed, against those returns which are attributed to land and labor, in order that the capital may be replaced, and the net return physically cognizable.' Von Wieser's solution of the difficulty is, seemingly, an appeal to the facts of distribution, to the rental remu- neration apportioned to capital through the competition of entrepreneurs. To the detail, the mechanism, and the processes of this distributive imputation, Wieser especially devotes attention. As for Boehm-Bawerk, as has been already noted, this distributive result is taken for granted; for us, however, the only fact of present importance is this — that to explain rentals or to assume their explanation is not to explain interest, although the explanation of interest may — or, for that matter, may not — be somehow hidden in the phenomenon of rentals.^ ^ Friedrich von Wieser, Natimal Value, edited with a preface and analysis by William Smart, translated by Christian A. Malloch. Mac- millan, 1893 (original, Der natiirliche Wert, Prag, 1888). ^ "The task of our theory is, in the last resort, to prove the value productivity of capital ; but for this purpose it is necessary first to 200 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION Our present quarrel is, however, essentially one with the explanation of capital rental as given by Boehm- Bawerk. He insists strongly that the problem is (i) a value problem; (2) a surplus-value problem; the lack of clear appreciation of this value problem is, indeed, the gravamen of his complaint against all preceding interest theory. And why is it necessarily a value problem? Otherwise there can come out of the situation analyzed no surplus value. But in addition — and this receives all emphasis at the hands of Boehm-Bawerk — the problem must be fundamentally one of goods, and at the same time, of goods that are of comparable quality, for there could be no value productivity unless as based upon physical pro- ductivity. Wieser's first criticism of Boehm-Bawerk's position was, then, that even with physical productivity there could result no value productivity, unless as the outcome of some distributional process, or processes, more or less mysterious and more or less shrilly calling for elucidation. prove the fact of physical productivity [gross, not net, one assumes] as the scaffolding on which the other rests. The value productivity already presupposes the determination of the value of capital, but the value of capital can only be determined when the question of how to impute the physical return has been answered, because the value of capital rests on the share of return imputed Isugerechnef] to it. Just as the rent must first be ascertained before the value of any land can be calculated, and just as, generally speaking, the rules of imputa- tion must be recognized before the value of production goods can be determined, so must also the imputation of the return to capital first be settled before we can take up the problem of its value." — Wieser, op. cit., p. 126. "The theory of interest, like that of rent, has always been dis- cussed .... without any previous examination of the general laws of imputation. The result, however, as regards interest, has been immensely less satisfactory than as regards rent In the case of interest, we have to deal with the essential fact in the problem of imputation, while in the case of rent we have to deal substantially with a detail capable of being conceived by itself, that, namely, of the differential imputation." — Ibid., p. 128, note. But, after all, it is evident that three steps are involved in any complete proof — (i) physical productivity, (2) net value productivity, (3) discount. And it is as to this third step, the derivation of the fact of discount upon rentals from the mere fact of rentals, if indeed, the derivation can be accomplished, that Wieser's account of the case appears to be seriously lacking. INTEREST 20I But Boehm-Bawerk answered — not to Wieser, but to Clark, although Wieser's criticism came earlier than that of Clark, Wieser 1888, Clark 1893 — that if a productivity could be established such that less goods of an earlier time could be set over against more goods of a later time, and if an increase of this kind could be established as gen- eral over the entire field of capital employment, a value productivity could thereupon be inferred. It is, then, at this point that the notable controversy between Professor Boehm-Bawerk and Professor John B. Clark comes so exactly to fit our need. Clark's attack," aside from its abstract-capital arguments and aspects which do not at present concern us, was precisely along the line of Wieser's criticisms as to the nature of physical pro- ductivity. Clark makes it clear that it is "not the recogni- tion of time as an element in the problem of interest" that he would criticize, "but the manner in which time is made to act." In reality, "time does not put a discount upon par- ticular goods; particular concrete goods are not, in actual life, subjected to comparison. It is not the driving-horse of '93 that is compared with one in '94." The capitalist does not decide, if he buys, to buy a horse, and finally con- clude to do the buying at the end of a year. Nor, in fact, do the rainy-day savers — "quasi-capitalists" Clark calls them, since they have not definitively abandoned all idea of consumption, but are merely postponing — nor do these rainy-day people have in mind goods of like kind and quantity The marked antithesis between that which they forego today and that which they expect to purchase later affords, indeed, the motive for their postponing. They do, no doubt, compare a sum of wealth [But do they? or only a sum of weal — an aggregate of expected services commanded by alternatives of purchasing power?] existing today with a like sum to be used later. Clark attributes the error charged to Boehm-Bawerk to the acceptance of the notion of capital as concrete goods : * "The Genesis of Capital," Yale Review, Vol. II, p. 302 (Novem- ber, 1893). 202 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION For the common and practical conception of capital as a perma- nent fund or amount of wealth expressible in money though not actually embodied in money, there is substituted the conception of concrete goods distinguishable from others by the place that they occupy in the order of industrial phenomena. For evidently, it is insisted, if capital at the outset and capital in a later aspect are to be compared, there will have to be a comparison of concrete tangible goods, or of these goods as expressed in some measure. And Clark insists that this comparison is actually, commercially, experien- tially, not of goods of like kind and quantity; if it is at all a comparison of concrete goods it must be of machinery for production with products for consumption; failing this, it must be of two aggregates of value — of two "sums of wealth," or of "amounts of wealth expressible in money;" and at this point Clark declares himself as standing for the money expression. But is it possible to express value under any other form, to give it any denominator intelligible as between different men, otherwise than in terms of some conventional stand- ard ? In truth, when capital is expressed as a value quantity, is there anything for it but to use the money standard? Capital is wealth under the money denominator, since there is no other denominator possible. For ordinary purposes, truly, this difference between value and price is not significant. But for purposes of comparison over intervals of time or space, the difference is theoretically of fundamental import. For, whatever may be the truth for current exchanges, it is clear that for deferred-payment relations the only possible device for comparison must be found in some conventionally adopted standard of com- parison. But all this is, to the individual, not so very different from a value comparison ; it is, for his purposes, unlike the ordinary non-deferred payment case only in this, that, with the deferred payment, each of the articles compared is an item out of an entirely different system of value exchanges from that of the other. Prices in current exchanges are merely and simply value phenomena expressed in some one commodity intermediate, conventionally selected for the purpose. As value phenomena, value items, two prices out INTEREST 203 of distinct systems of exchange relations are not possible of comparison ; the equality or inequality is merely one in terms of two bullion weights out of different value situa- tions and systems. That the market price of a given horse is today $100 is the expression of a value relation between horse and metal ; that the payment will be made a year from today in $105 is simply to say that a certain promised quantum of metal, — an aggregate of items out of a later value system, and, from the point of view of the present, of an unknowable exchange significance in that system, — is today exchangeable against the horse or against its equiva- lent 100 items of metal ; no equivalence in value between the two sums of items of metal is asserted in any other sense than as a mere repetition of the brute and opaque fact that the 100 and the 105 are exchanging against each other. Up to this point there is, then, nothing but commenda- tion to be accorded to Clark's formulation. It is, however, true — or seemingly true — that he, as well as Boehm- Bawerk, assumes for capital a concrete tangible material basis, as a body of existing material things, out of which the money or value situation proceeds, and for which it stands ; that is to say, his concept of capital requires, as the basis of the capital, an existing sum of industrial goods and intermediate products, social capital, but, all the while, subjected to a competitive, individualistic value adjust- ment. But in point of fact, as his corporation-illustration of capital, a favorite with him, shows, this price or value- denominator form of capital may be invested in all the various sorts of marketable or intermediately advantageous facts ; there is no certainty — there is, indeed, no probability — that the total corporate capital ever will be, — or even if it ever is, will long remain, made up in its entirety of social capital as distinguished from consumption goods, rights, claims, franchises, good-will, and such other assets of similarly non-concrete character as a going business con- cern may find to its purpose. Boehm-Bawerk appears to accept a goodly share of Clark's contention, still, however, making shift somehow to keep up with his talk of "goods." According to my view the superiority of present over future goods is based upon the very fact that one can, as a rule, make a different and more advantageous use of goods now present than 564 VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION one can make of an equal quantity [?] of goods [?] which are not to be at one's disposal until some future moment.^" But what, Boehm-Bawerk asks, can this equal quantity of goods be, if not the same quantum of the same kind of goods? What sort of equaHty and what guarantee of equaHty can there otherwise be? According to my theory, the man who saves will weigh whether the two hundred florins will have a greater value [ subjective value? ulitity? service?] for him if consumed now as "present dollars," or if reserved for like use as "future dollars." .... Strictly speaking, the example chosen by Professor Clark is not a case of comparing present and future "goods" but only one of comparing present and future uses of the same sum of wealth [money? purchasing power in terms of money?]. But .... the decisive ideas are the same." And still insisting that he has not hereby abandoned his comparison of goods of "like kind and quantity," and declining to admit that he has gone over to a mere equality in terms of the conventional standard, Boehm-Bawerk continues : Why do I add to my proposition that present goods are worth more in the average than future goods, the further qualification that they are worth more than goods of like kind and quantity? Simply because that without the second half of the proposition, the first half would be neither intelligible nor complete To express clearly and correctly the superiority which difference of time gives present goods over future goods one must compare things of like kind, for example, dollars with dollars, and not diamonds with pebbles, and of like quantity, one thousand with one thousand, and not one thousand with two thousand Especially would it be inadmissible .... to place over against each other like sums of value, instead of like sums of wealth One would have to make the logically inconsistent assertion that a certain present value is greater than an equally great future value Professor Clark speaks of a "sum of wealth," or an "amount of wealth." .... But .... if Pro- fessor Clark would force himself to a precise definition of his meaning, he would have to assert either exactly what I assert, or ^° "The Positive Theory of Capital and Its Critics," Qu