^lUfJt^r J. FISCHER & BRO. 7, 8 & 11, Bible House New York * €J The copying of either the separate parts or of the entire composition by any process whatsoever is forbidden and subject to the penalties provided for by the Copyright Law of the United States of North America, in force July I, 1909. t][ Right of performance can only be secured through the purchase of copies of this publication, one for each performer. €| The right of performance will not be granted where copies are loaned or hired from a third party. PUBLISHERS J. FISCHER & BRO. NEW YORK 7, 8 & U» Bible House New Entertainments in "Fischer's Edition" 3656 Rival Debating Clubs. For male and female characters. Katharine M. Hayes 25 3664 Their Lordships. For male and t> ale character* Edith M* Burrows 35 3668 Seasons and Holidays. Eight tableaux, with reci- tation. Edith M. Burrows net .35 For catalogue of operettas suitable tor amateur organizations address J. FISCHER & BRO. 7, 8 and 11, Bible House New York Publishers of "Sylvia", "A Nautical Knot", "Bulbul". W. Rhys-Herbert "The Drum-Major" • Edward F. Johnston "King Hal" Humphrey J. Stewart J. FISCHER & BRO. 7 t 8 & 11, Bible House New York " DEAR CYRIL 9J By Edith M. Burrows ~P£>L3^ %<\W Z Cast of Characters Mrs. Bates. . . . A widow who keeps a boarding house Maggte Her Irish maid of all work Teddy Bates — The "Imp of Satan/' aged 11, who stutters David Graham — Young would-be-author at the Bates house Alice White — A budding authoress at the Bates house The Postman — Of great importance to David and Alice James Scott — Representing the Columbia Publishing Co. Harvey Loftus — j Representing the Manhattan Publishing Co. A Detective Who complicates matters Scene. The living room of a country boarding house. Time. The present. U-S?fo/ (, /5 ?0f Copyright, 1913, by J. Fischer ° j>j j^j? fe p^ • r|g i Li-ber-ty's form stands in view, Thy banners make tyr- an-ny i^ Pg ^ s urn ■=* ^ tremble, When born by the Red, White and £ t* £ i^ j^ p the erood oh w £ Bring the good old bu-gle,boys, we'll sing an-oth-er song, fe h h .h i ■■ ft ir-j. i j j. P'. J 'p.p.r Sing it with a spir- it that will start the world a -long: With Piano ace. .10 Copyright, 1907, by J. Fischer <& Bro. Published in arrangements as follows: Unison, with piano ace . . 10 Four Male voices 15 Two-part, with piano ace 10 Four Mixed voices 15 J, FISCHER & BRO. NEW YORK Sing it as we used to sing it fif - ty- thou-sand strong, Me ^ g P' d r r f m While we were march- ing- through Geor - gia, Hur- $to r n r ji i A J< J- j J, F i r pgjp te rah! Hur-rah! we bring the ju-bi-lee! Hur- rah! Hur-rah! That m £ §EE£3 )FjF^ p P I J ' F p M J r r flag that makes you free .'For Yankee Doodle came to town f'l> J^ffr m JL H w P P P ^ Rid-ing on a pon-y Stuck a feather in his hat. And # Me ^ § t r* p.p J [7, p p p Farewell,mother,you may nev-er, Press me to your heart a - fefe h i I 1) g J 1 ^ p ? J' 3=^= ft gain, But youUl not for- get me moth-er, ' J> J'pV^-p |o p p £ tt If I'm number'd with And Ral-ly 'round the flag,boys we'll j^ J'JJvjij i j j . .j I J j . J' p i r rp i ral-lyonce a-gain, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom, A * Used by permission of The John Church C? Owners of the Copyright. J.F.& B. 3090-5 MAR S 1913 ^m ^0 ^ ^^ waydown South in Dixie, Hurrah! Hur-rah! In Dixieland Pll ^ j> J* ji i j) & i iJ ^ i Fr p n j j> j> J takemystand,To lib and die in Dixie Say darkeys, nab you m * gE5 ^5 I^PP? £ £=5 i'j. J ' 3 J' ^ seen de massa,Wid de muffstash on his face , Go long de road some pm ft p p i'JIJ "I'p'pN- J> I Jl JJ J time dis mornin\Like hegwine to leab de place?He seen a smoke,way fft J>, J J J Jji l J) ^ ^ j^jpM j 1 j , j, J up de ribber,Whar de Linkum gumboats lay; He took his hat, an* w J'P p p-pJj.Jij> J yp-M-T p i b V'- lef ber-ry sudden, An 1 I spec h^s run a-way,Then Hur b ^ ^ :£= Ff rah for the Red, White and Blue, Then Hur - ^LJ- J>. J J ft- p^rrJ— K f 2 I |T f |T iD J> J> # rah for the Red,Whiteand Blue, Thy banners make tyr- an-ny F~ h j v ^=Ht-^ ^=^- ^ ' 'J»n tremble Then Hur- rah for theRed,White and Blue. Fischer's Edition Plays/ Dialogues, Drills, Monologues, Recitations, etc. 1456 Knaves and Fools. Comedy for males A. J. Schindler .25 1457 The Discontented Sisters. Comedy for females . . . A. J. Schindler .20 3259 Kris Kringle* Play for females A. J. Schindler .25 3260 Lily and Rosebud. Play for males and females A. J. Schindler .25 3261 Our Merry Making Minstrels. Play for males. . . . A. J. Schindler .25 3262 The Golden Slipper. Play for females A- J. Schindler .25 3263 Cousin Charlie. Play for male and females .A. J. Schindler .25 3264 A Grain of Salt. Play for males A. J. Schindler .25 3265 Little Mischief. Play for females A. J. Schindler .25 3266 Tim and Tom. Play for males A. J. Schindler .25 3372 The Old Ship. Dialogue for 3 boys Clara J. Denton .20 3373 Seeing Uncle Jack. Comedy for females Clara J. Denton .25 ii7A The Hoe Drill. Drill for Boys ) r*i i r\ . <>ti 3374 The Club Drill. Baseball Bat Drffl [ Clara * Denton M 3377 Flower Drill. For girls Clara J. Denton .15 3378 The Birthdays. A Lincoln and Washington Birthday Dialogue for boys and girls Clara J. Denton .10 3379 Sammie's Lesson. Dialogue for boy and girL For Flag- day etc Clara J. Denton .15 3380 The Yellow Law. Play for girls and boys. For Thanksgiving day Clara J. Denton .20 3381 Three Recitations. For Washington-Lincoln, etc. celebrations Clara J. Denton .15 3497 A Rural Telephone. Monologue for lady Jessie A. Kelley .35 3556 De Trouble Begins at Nine. A negro farce for 2 males Chas. White .15 3557 The Train to Mauro. Comic Dialogue for males and female S. A. Frost .1 5 3^58 No Peddlers Wanted. Comic Dialogue for males 15 3559 A Cup of Tea. A comedietta for males and female... . Albert Smith .15 3560 The Great Arrival. A farce for males G. W. H. Griffin .15 3561 Aunt Charlotte's Maid. A farce for males and females J. M. Morton .15 3562 All that Glitters is not Gold. Comic Drama for males and females Thomas and J. M. Morton .1 5 3563 No Cure, No Pay. Farce for males G. W. H. Griffin .15 3564 Mischievous Bob. Comic Drama for males 15 3565 Aunt Vinegar's Money. A dialogue for females. . . . Arzalea Hunt .10 3566 Handy Andy* Drama for males and females W. R. Floyd .15 J. FISCHER & BRO. NEW YORK All prices are strictly net LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^""1 YOUNG AMERICA C ' W™? 1 <» SELECT COMPOSITIONS Specially Arranged for School and Amateur Organizations 10 14 Full Pla. Pts. Pts. Orch. Ace. .60 .80 J.00 .20 .90 J.00 .40 S. C Yon .90 J.JO J.25 .40 Under the Palm Trees; Waltz. R. Sinnhold / Alma Polka G. F. Alice Lagarde ) Hosanna P. Wachs ) The Perfect Day P. Scheuren ) Camellia ; Melodic ) Knickerbocker ; Intermezzo-Gavotte ) The Rally; March. S. T. Paul 40 .60 .J5 Viennese Waltz. J. Lewis Browne 40 .60 .J5 A Nautical Knot ; Overture. W. Rhys-Herbert J .00 J.25 J. 50 30 The Harvest Moon; Waltz (from "Sylvia"). W. Rhys Herbert 60 .80 J. 00 .20 For Violin and Piano with Second Violin, Cello, Flute ad libitum FISCHER'S AMERICAN ALBUM Two Volumes MODERN RECITAL PIECES Volume ii. The above mentioned volumes can be had in f olio wing arrangements * Violin and Piano 75 Two Violins & Piano J.00 Violin, C ello & Piano J.25 Two Violins. Cello & Piano J.50 Violin, Flute & Piano, J.25 Two Violins, Flute & Piano J.50 Violin, Cello, Flute & Piano J.75 Two Violins, Cello, Flute & Piano 2.00 Send for contents list ; also for catalogue of other collections for Violin & Piano, Two Violins & Piano, Violin, Cello & Piano, etc* J. FISCHER & BR0. 7 & 11, Bible House New York