t^l dp -ZOKK. LIFE OF TSHOP PR0Y00ST, OF NEW YORK. JOHN N. NORTON, A.M., RHCTOR OF ASCENSION CHURCH, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY J AUTHOR OF "rockford parish," "short sermons," "life of BISHOP STEWART," ETC. " How sacved is the relation between two persons, who, under the appointment of a Christian Church, had been successfully engaged together in obtaining for it the succession to the Apostolic office of the Episcopacy ; who, in the subsequent exercise of that Episcopacy, had jointly labored in all the ecclesiastical business which has occurred among us ; who, through the whole of it, never knew a word, or even a sensation, tending to personal dissatisfaction or disunion I" Bishop White. NEW YORK: (Keneval Protestant 2Epfscoj)al