afth EBENEf —A SOLDIER OF t Glass^ CSlI Book__L'K<^ G PRESENTED BV \%3 Ebenezer Robinson [All old wood cut used in the "History of Reading. \t , and loaned by Gilbert A. Davis, of Windsor, Vl.] A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE Robinson Family OF THE LINE OF EBENEZER ROBINSON A Soldier of the Re'voluiion. Born at Lexington, Mass., Feb., 14th, 1765. Died at South Reading, Vt., Oct. 31, 1857. BY JANE BANCROFT ROBINSON, Ph. D. Member oj A fneric'a// Historical Society. •) ■% t -i ) 1 J ) O 4 9 > > > J 1903 Detroit, Michigan '^^ ^v Speai(_er Printing Company Detroit, Michigan ^^B -71 •1 \ ct etc (etc c t c '/ / tccc c *C TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGES Sketch of the life of Ebenezer Robinson — Witnessed the British retreat from Lexington — Entered the Naval Privateer Ser- vice — Taken prisoner — Long imprisonment in "Old Prison Ship Jersey" — Exchange — Enlistment in the Continental Army — His service — His discharge after two years' service — Settlement in Vermont — His long, nseful life and citizen- ship — His death — His children 5-16 CHAPTER n. William Robinson, of Newton, or of Watertown — Earliest known Robinson ancestor — Organizations of towns of Water- town, Cambridge and Newton — His probable emigration from the north of England — Married, abont 1665-68, Eliza- beth Cutter, daughter of Robert Williams, the ancestor of the founder of Williams College — His death and will 17--3 CHAPTER HL The children of William Robinson — William Robinson, Jr., who owned a large farm where Auburndale is now located — Map of part of Newton of 1700 — Samuel Robinson, AncestcT of Bennington, Vt., branch of Robinsons 24-30 CHAPTER IV. Jonathan Robinson, ancestor of the Reading, Yt.. branch of Robinsons — Purchased the Robinson farm in Lexington, Oct. II, 1706, still held in the family of his descendants — Reminiscences of the old farm house — View of the site of its ruins — Descendants of Jonathan Robinson — Sketch of the late Governor Geo. D. Robinson, a descendant — Children of James and Margaret Robinson — Eour sons in the Revdlu- tionary War, Joseph, Asa, James and Ebenezer — Family of James Robinson, Jr 31-41 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued. CHAPTKR V. PAGES Sketcli of life of Lewis RDliiiiMHi, eldest son of Ehi-nozer — An extensive pnlilislier of copper ])lale maps — Successfnl hnsiness career — Picture of his Vermont home — Sketcli of lives of children — Caroline and Alden Speare — Of Calvin L., of Eliza Ann, of George O., and other children 4-^-53 CHAPTER VL Sketch of life of .\iar\in Ruhinson — Man of great energy and strength — His career — Of his children, hVanklin M., W'a lace F., 'and Elmer D. — Successful, capahle business men and good citizens — Other children 54-5S CHAPTER VIL Sketch of Ehenezcr Rohinsnn, Jr. — Of his sons, Stillman \V., a professor and inventor, Ehia .A. and Albert A., who built, as chief engineer, nearlv- the whc'e Santa Fe Railroad Sys- tem, President of Mexican Central Railway — Also sketch nf Eliza, the youngest daughter of Ehenezer Robinson, who married Washington Keyes — Sketch of their descendants.... 59-63 CHAPTER Vin. Origin of the Robinson name — Study of genealogy — Surnames — Derivaticns from name — Robinson mottoes — Conclusion.... 64-68 INTRODUCTION. It is with some degree of pleasure and satisfaction that the undersigned present this "Historical Sketch of the Rob- inson Famdy" to the descendants of Ebenezer Robinson, whose life is herein descri])ed. While on a \'isit to Boston last August, we had the pleasure of attending the biennial meeting of the "Ivobinson Family Association" at (lloncester, Mass.. of \isitino- the birthplace of Ebenezer Robinson at historic Lexington, and of viewing the lane where young Robinson, hearing the noise of the battle, ran down and witnessed the retreat of the British troops along the turn-pike to Boston. It was an eventful summer day to us when with our kodaks, we inspected the patriotic scenes about Lexington, and the interest awakened there and at the "Robinson Fam- ily" gathering at Gloucester is the responsible cause of thib sketch. If the descendants of Ebenezer Robinson take anything like the pleasure in reading- and tracing this family history that has been enjoyed in its pre])aration. we shall l)e amply repaid for the time and effort expended. In preparing this sketch there were many facts as to per- sons and families much to be desired, which we were unable or found difficult to obtain. This will account for any lack of uniformity in the facts given of the several families. We regret that we were not able to obtain pictures of the home of Ebenezer Robinson in South Reading and of other home- steads of Robinson families. viii INTRODUCTION. We are indeljted to Mr. Charles E. Robinson, of Yon- kers, X. ^'., the Historiographer of the "Robinson Family Association" for the "Rtibinson l'\'iniily Crest." as gi\en herein, and for many facts and snggestions relati\e t this history ; also to Rev. S. L. B. Speare, of Newton Mass.; to Mr. Georoe A. Gordon, of Boston. Recordin"' o Secretary of the New England Historic Geneal-ogical Soci- ety; to yiv. Arthnr H. Keyes, of Rntland, Yt.. and several other nieml)ers of the Robinson Eamily for \alnal)le infor- mation contained herein. With the l)est wishes of the nndersigned, this historical sketch is respectfnlh' submitted to the numerous descend- ants of our Revolutionary Hero. George O. Robinson, Jane B. Robinson. 425 Cass Avenue. Detroit, Mich., June i, 1903. Note. — Any person dfsiring one or more copies of this Historical Sketch of tlie Robinson Family, can obtain snch by addressing Miss Hertha M. Gates, 21 Adams Ave. East. Detroit. Mich., and remitting 50 cents for each copy in paper cover and $1.00 for each copy in cloth board cover. CHAPTER I. EBENEZER ROBINSON. The State of Massachusetts has furnished many "good men and true" to the upbuilding of the great Repubhc of the New World. Among these are statesmen and leaders far out of proportion to her population. The subject of this sketch, however, is one of the rank and file, one of the many up- right, substantial men, who have made New England what it is in influence and in history. New England has developed through its religion. Love of church privileges led the people to settle near one another, so that they could build meeting houses. They desired to educate their children to become not only good citizens but intelligent, exemplary citizens, and so they built school- houses. These conveniences gave rise to their town organ- izations, and to the town-meeting which did more to improve and elevate the people than any other political institution. The town-meeting assembled all the freemen on a level, public questions were openly discussed, and every freeman understood his civil and political rights, and to maintain them was ready to fight. Hence the citizens of New England kept up a military organization, selecting their wisest and most reliable men as officers, and often the same man held the office of both captain and deacon. The religious idea was the foundation stone of their civilization. We may call the Puritans of New England stern and austere, but their conceptions of life tended to elevate and ennoble. Their climate was cold and rigorous ; their land infertile ; their privations many. They were trained in the school of adversity. Yet it remains true as has been said : 'Tn wealth, in learning, in social order, in everything which make a people truly great, the Colonies settled by the Puri- tans are decidedly in advance of any others." 6 HISTORICAL SKETCH It was to such an envirnnment that Ebenezer Robinson was born b\'b. 14. 1765. His father, j^randfather and great- ofrandfather had all lived their hves in similar surroundings. fc> His mother died when he was a little boy of nearly three years, and his father when he was nine years of age. He con- tinued to live (ju in the old homestead, with his step-mother and four younger children to ])lay with, and to care for. Meanwhile the clouds on the political sky were gathering, and the young men of the fanuly shared in the indignant, resentful feeling of the colonists. Three of his older broth- ers were Reyolutionary soldiers, and his oldest brother, Jo- seph, took part in the battle of Lexington, the first outbreak of the war of the Reyolution. In yiew of these facts it is not strange that as a boy of sixteen, Ebenezer entered the service, becoming one of the defenders of his country. We ha\-e the story of his life from his own lips, as told to his grandson, George O. Robin- son, wdio had completed his college course at the Uniyersity of Vermont and was over twenty-five years of age wdien his grandfather died.* "One of the most remarkable of the early settlers of Reading-, Vt., was Ebenezer Robinson, a soldier of the Rev- olutionary war. who was born on the 14th day of Eebruary, 1765, in Lexington, Mass.. near the i)lace where afterwards occurred the battle of Lexington. He was the sixth son of James and Margaret Robinson ; who lived at this time on the old homestead farm, which Jonathan Robinson, the father of James, purchased of Lsaac Powers in 1706, and on which James was born August 30th, 1715. Ebenezer Robinson settled in vSouth Reading, Yt., in the Spring of 1788, with his elder brother, James Robinson, who was then married. They located on the farm near South Reading recently owned and for a long time held by Wash- ington Keyes, which was then a wilderness. They built here a log cabin, and, immediately after, was born a son of James Robinson, Ebenezer Robinson, 2d (named after the subject *This narrative was prepared for and mainly taken from the "Hist, of Read- ing, Vt., G. A. Davis, Bellows Falls, Vt., 1874." ROBINSON FAMILY. of this sketch ) , who subsequently was a resident of Felch- ville, a village which sprung- u]) in the southeast part of Reading. He was familiarly kncnvn as Capt. Eb. In this log house the two brothers lived for several years, Ebenezer clearing and settling his farm adjoining, afterward so long owned and occupied by himself, till the summer of 1792, when he built a frame house, which is still standing as the wing or kitchen part of the present house, and to which in November, 1792. ha\-ing married Aliss Hannah Ackley, he took his bride and established his own happ_\- home. Pre- vious to this, the Ackley faniily had migrated from the vi- cinity of Haddam, Connecticut, and settled above South Reading-. In this frame house this devoted couple reared a large, intelligent, prosperous family and spent a happy life of sixty-six years together. In 1824 he Ijuilt on a large two-story frame mansion as an addition in front, which in those times was considered an unusually hue residence, and still stands as a respectable edifice. The hardships of clearing this hardwood wilderness farm were great, but he was always undaunted, and nothing baf- fled him. During this early period he successfully dealt in the real estate of this vicinity and secured many permanent settlers for the town. In his ninety-first year, while he was in the full vigor of intellect, he gave his grandson, Frank M. Robinson, of Dubucjue, Iowa, the following account of his early life, which was taken down in his own words : T was born in Lexington, Mass., on the 14th day of Feb- ruary, 1765. I was, therefore, only a lad of about ten years when the great struggle which ga\e freedom to the Ameri- can people began, when injtu'ed rights were to be \indi- cated, when I heard the report of musketry, in the (jpening scene of this conflict for freedom of conscience and freedom of country, in the streets and upon the Green of my own native town. Well do I remember the roll of the musketry and the noise of this battle of Lexington, and the excitement consequent upon the retreat of the British soldiers down the valley S HISTORICAL SKETCH past ni\- honie to Boston, and of the subsequent severer con- flict at Bunker's Hill, but a few miles distant. Thus earlv in life did I begin to cherish a warm love of country, amounting even to patriotism, and to be moved by a true sense of the dangers that seemed to threaten, not only the peace and c^uietude of the family and town, but the ruin of the whole colonial fabric. The engagements at Lexington, at Concord and upon Bunker's Height warmed my lx)som with more than a child- ish ardor to join the contest against British insolence and what savored of perpetual thralldom. Early in the spring of 1 78 1 I entered the service, accompanied by my brothers, Asa and James Robinson, on board the ship Belisarius, carrying 20 guns. The number on board, including officers, sailors, and soldiers, was 125. We set sail from Boston under the command of Capt. James Munroe. We cruised off south, along the coast of Pennsylvania, and about the mouth of the Susquehanna River, thence still southerly till we were in the region of the Equator, where one day we discovered at early dawn what appeared in the dim distance to be a ship. We gave chase, and after the lapse of many hours so neared the stranger that we were within cannon range of her. It was a much larger ship than our own and carried many more guns. We supposed her a heavy man-of-war of the British line, aufl began to prepare our noble vessel for an engagement. As is the custom in such instances, or in naval contests, all the sails were furled, except the top-sails and some of the stay-sails, which were just sufficient to govern the ship and change her position when necessary. Our cannon were charged and our torches burning, and wc waited for a change of position before we should salute her with a broadside. Meanwhile our enemy had eased her flight, furled sail, cleared deck, prepared for fight, and was the first to dis- charge her cannon. This assault was unexpected by us, as it was not attended by the usual formalities of naval warfare on the part of the stranger. In view of this cowardly act ROBINSON FAMILY. 9 our coniniaiuler at once ordered us to draw alongside the unknown sliip, to grapple and hoard her as (piickly as pos- sible, but no sooner was this movement commenced than, to our surprise, not to say our chagrin, the vessel, which we had regarded all along as an English man-of-war, hcjisted Spanish colors, and thereby took away all pretext of war- fare, except the ill-treatment we had received. Capt. Mun- roe was at first inclined to resent this indignity, this violation of the usages of allied nations in their intercourse on the high seas in time of war. He however, gave vent to his irritation and anger by adressing the Spanish ccnumander in the most pre-emptory and decisive manner and terms, in relation to his cowardly, dastardly conduct. The Spanish Captain very coolly submitted, and offered to accompanv us and do us service when he could. The reply of Capt. Munroe was in these laconic words: "Go your wav. 1 prefer rather to be alone than attended by such a d d coward as you have shown yourself," and so we separated. From the equatorial regions, after capturing one or tw^o smaller prizes, we cruised northward off the West India Islands. We shifted about here for several days, until early one morning we discovered a fleet composed of several ships, vet at the distance thev were from us, we could not discern their number. They were steering directly toward us and bore every evidence, as they afterwards proved to be, of beino- a fleet of the British line. We endeavored to make our escape by flight. They gave us chase and followed in hot pursuit until past midday. During their pursuit, when they had gained upon us so much as to be within cannon range, they gave us occasional shots from the bow or gun- wale of the ship, though without nmch injur)- to our ship or crew. One of these shots, however, took off both legs, close to the body, of a man who stood next to me, on my left hand, and at the same instant a splinter from the side of the vessel struck my foot and benumbed my whole leg, from which I suft'ered much. The fleet neared us, and it being satisfactorily determined that it was a British fleet of 10 HISTORICAL SKETCH fourteen sliips. fwe of which \vere lars^'er tlian our own, and all hope of escape being abandoned, we concluded to sur- render. A\'e were di\ided camong the ships of the enemy, being about twent}' [persons to each. We were well treated \vhile in this situation. 1 he fleet directed its course to New York City, where we were all put on board the 'Old Jersey,' the notorious I>ritish prison ship, then lying up East River, abo\'e the City, and entirel}' without rigging. We had been cruising aljout three months when we were captured. Our sufferings while confined in this old hull of a ship were unaccountably severe, and many of our number perished on account of the stench, the damp, deathly atmos- phere in which we were confined and the miserable food which was furnished us to support life. It may not be uninteresting to know of what our fare consisted and what humanity is capable of enduring, when controlled b}' the force of necessity. The account is brief, but heart-sickening. Bread was a constant part of our ration and the chief source of our nutriment. It came to our hands in an}- but a palatable condition. The loaves were badly eaten by insects and then abandoned b}' them, or well inhabited by vermin on their reception bv us. W hat was not in this condition was very full, I had almost said literally ali\e, with insects, insomuch that it was inij^ossible for us to get them all out, and we were obliged to dexour these animated communities, these bee-hives of activity, or to lie reduced to the utmost wretchedness and starvation. Besides our bread, we had pease twice a week. Wdien the day came in which we were to ha\e boiled pease, the stew- ard would put about two bushels into a large kettle with a f|uklay 8, 1678) "to grant us our freedom from Caml:)ridge and that we may be a township of ourselves without any more dependence upon Cambridge — and that you would please give the place a name.'"" This petition ccjmmonly called "The Petition of Seces- sion," was granted, Cambridge Village was set off from Cambridge, and later was christened Newtown, taking the former name of Cambridge. William Ixobinson was the eleventh name of the fift}'-two sturdy signers of the Peti- tion. At that time there were sixty-five freemen in Cam- bridge Village. To become a freeman in those earl}- days was deemed by the fathers a boon greatly to be desired. If their descend- ants had guarded the sacred rights of citizenship as carefully through the years as did they, the present days of the Re- ])ublic would not ])resent so man\' ])rol)lems. To [jrocure this pri\'ilege, a man had first to be or to become a member of the church ; then he must obtain permissic^n to liecome a fieeman from the General or Quarterly Court, after which the freeman's oath was taken bef(!re a magistrate. A note of the cercniiin\- was then carcfull}- entered in the town record. "The Records of the Town of Cambridge, (formerly iSmith's Hist, of Newton, p. 41, gives the names of the settlers of the town, previous to 1700, and William Robinson is marked "1(579." *Jackson's History of Newton, p. CO. *History of Cambridge, by L. R. Paige, Cambridge, 1877, p. 89. ROBINSON FAMILY. 19 Newtowne) 1630- 1703, printed by order of the City Coun- cil, 1901," does not once mention William Robinson who, as we have learned, lived at Cambridge Village away from the central ])art of Cambridge. He seems to have been a C|uiet. peaceal)le, law-abiding citizen, and the signing of the ''Petition of Secession" is the only publicly assertive act of W'illiam Rdbinson, so far as history can prove. His father-in-law. Richard Cutter, was of quite another stamp. He was admitted freeman June 2, 1641, and was made a member of the "Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co." of Boston in 1643. ^^ l''^ "Town Records of Cambridge" mention Richard Cutter thirty-eight times for various rea- sons. He seems to have been a wheel-wright by trade, as one of the entries state that the town grants timber to Rich- ard Cutter for a "payre of wheeles." Again he is granted permission to fell "foure trees for his trade on the South side the river." Again a grant of land was divided among the freemen and Richard Cutter receives eighty acres. Richard Cutter was also a signer of the petition pre- ■sented October 19. i6f)4. to the honored General Court of Massachusetts, which while assuming loyalty, manifested the same unwillingness to submit to arbitrary government that was exhibited a hundred years later. Evidently he was an active man of affairs. The first wife of Richard Cutter was Elizabeth Williams, some facts about whom are worthy of preservation for her descendants. She was the daughter of Robert A\'illiams and Elizabeth (Stalham) Williams and was born in England about 1626. Robert Williams was born about 1607. The record of William Williams of Hat- field, England, says that the emljarkation records reads : "April 8, 1637, Robert Williams, Cordwyner ( Cordwainer — i. e., shoemaker) of Norwich Co.. Norfolk. England, in the 'John and Dorothv' of Ipswich, William Andrews, Mas- ter. For New England to Inhabit." Robert Williams settled in Roxbury, was admitted free- man in 1638, and died Sept. i, 1693, at 86 years of age. He was the common ancestor of many distinguished men who liave honored the countrv. He had a son named Isaac (born 20 HISTORICAL SKETCH Sept. I, 1638), who owned a farm of 500 acres in the west part of Newton (now Aubnrnclale), near the farm of Will- iam Robinson. He also had a son named Stephen, born Nov. 28, 1640. Elizabeth Williams was daughter of Robert Williams, and great grandmother of Ebenezer Robinson. She was admitted to the church in Roxbury in 1644 and married about the same time to Richard Cutter, of Cam- bridge, and died June 15, 1693. In his will Richard Cutter asked to be buried by the side of his wife Elizabeth. Their gravestones are still standing in the graveyard, near Harvard Square. Cambridge. ]\Iass. Of such good ancestry came their eldest daughter. Elizabeth Cutter, born July 13, 1645, who became the wife of \\'illiam Robinson as early as 1667.* The Middlesex (Mass.) Probate records give us the only glimpses we have into the life and character of Wm. Robin- son. He made a will dated March 22. 1693. the will being made and witnessed on his death-bed, in which he bequeathes all his "estate lands, goods and Chatties here in Watertown to my dafter Elizabeth," and states that "my two children David and Jonathan shall have their maintenance and be carefully brought up by my dafter." In this will Wm. Rob- inson, twenty-one years of age, Mary Robinson, about twenty years of age, and Samuel Robinson, about fifteen years old, w^ere left w'ithout mention. David, then seven- teen years old, was lame and helpless, and Johnathan was thirteen years of age. This will was presented for probate June 26, 1693, ^^'^^t was disallowed on account of informality. The probate records state that it was probated later, Nov. 21, 1698. Evidently Wm. Robinson, Jr., the oldest son was not *XoTE — The identity of the wife of William Robinson has occasioned con- siderable search to verify the fact that she was Elizabeth Cutter. Richard Cutter was married twice; first as we have seen to Elizabeth Williams. He mar- ried as his second wife, Frances Perriman, widow of Isaac Amsden, Feb. 14, IfiO.'i, who survived him. Each wife was the mother of seven children. We find by the records in those early days that in case of a second marriage it was not unusual to have two children by the same name, one by each wife. So Richard Cutter was the father of Elizabeth Cutter, b. July 15, 1045, who became the w'ife of William Robinson, of Newton, and the eleventh child, Elizabeth Cutter, b. March 1, 1GG9, who became the wife of Nathaniel Hall, of Medford. The Middlesex (Mass.) Probate Records make these facts plain. ROBINSON FAMILY. 21 satisfied with the will, and had himself appointed adminis- trator Oct. 21. 1695. and he swears to the inventory of the estate as here given. "This is an inventory oi the whole esteat of william Robeson of watertwin in the county of midlesex taken this 14 of August 1695 and apprised by us the subscribers huse and Lands and orchid 30. o. o. for worcking touiles of Iron i. 12. 6. for beden and all things argrabell to it 2. 01. 6. and for ould lumber o. 6. o. and for Jron and brass poute and citelles 2. o. 6. and tabels chistes and weeles i. 8. 0. and for tobes and braller o. 7. o. and for puter and wooden dishses i. 2. 6. and for gunn and arnies I. o. o. and for books o. 10. o. and for one hoge i. o. 0. and for money 2. 0. o. 43. 17. 0. Apprised the day and yer abouesayed By us Mickell fflagge and Samuel Bigelo." That Wm. Robinson wanted to shield himself from unjust judgment on the part of his older children and his friends is shown by the following entry : "Charlestowne, Nouembr 21: 1698. Thomas, Woolson and Frances Fullam, the two witnesses, swear, 'which was ommitted by ye scribe being in haste and for- getting to enter ye same according to his Deced's Direction in ye will and that then ye said Wm. Robinson when he so did was of good understanding and of disposing minde, then declaring it his omission of his other children in sd will was not for want of afifection to ym, but only out of his undue Care for ye providing for his lame childe and also ye youngest that was not Capable of help it Selfe and yt Goodwife Sanders, Elizabeth Stimpson & other women were in and about ye house till said will was makeing and read to ye deacese and to his full Conteent and Satisfaction Jurator Cora JAS RUSSELL" 22 HISTORICAL SKETCH The division of the estate : "9 May 1698. Isaac Williams Phillip Shattuck and Abraham Brown Com^ appointed hy the court return division of the Robinson estate, viz.: "The housing and fences being now out of repaior and Sum of ye land worne out and the moueables being worne and sum of them loste in consideration of the Land being A Small parcel and not capable of being deuided witlmut ye damnif^'ing: and Spoileing of 3'e whole, whereupon the eldest son of the abousesd william Robeson, deceast, claiming his birth-right which the law of this province alowes, he haueing alredy taken administration on said Estate, we order william Robeson eldest son of William Robeson decease to take the at one mentioned twelue acres of land and houseing and all that properly beiongeth thereto and also all ye moueables, and after all just debts are paid and necessary charges alowed the remainder to be divided into seven ecjual parts, and that the eldest son pays to each (if his brethren and sisters their propertion. reseruing to himself his duble portion, according to the direction of the law. 22:8:98 considered of. allowed and entered." As is seen, at the time of \\'il]iam Robinson's death he possessed only twelve acres of land, but his thrifty son Will- iam must have added to it, as on the map of Newton for 1700 (see map) the Robinson farm is given as 200 acres. The above are the sole records that touch directly upon the life and character of "\\'illiam of Newton." There are, however, in the Middlesex (Mass.) Deeds, many identifying references. Abstracts Vol. XXXIII: MUX (Mass.) Deeds, p. T13, 'AA'ilham Robinson of Newton, and Jonathan Rob- inson f)f Lexington acknowledge all rights, etc., in the estate of their honored grandfather. Richard Cutter, sometime of Cambridge, deceased." "William Robinson engages to dis- charge the claim of his sister, Elizabeth Gregory, a grand- daughter and heir to the same." 8 Jan.. 1726. P. Ti(S, "Samuel Robinson of Marlboro, as heir to his father, William Robinson, dec'd, and his mother, Elizabeth Robinson, alias Cutter, quitclaims all interest, etc., in the estate of his grandfather, Richard Cutter, formerly of Cam- bridge, deceased. 20 Jul. 1728." Are we not justified in inferring from the above facts ROBINSON FAMILY. 23 certain qualities of Wm. Robinson? He evidently nuist have had enterprise and courage, as a young man, to seek his for- tunes in the New \A'orld. He must also have had substan- tial good qualities of character to secure as a wife Elizabeth Cutter, the granddaughter of Robert Williams, the daughter of Richard Cutter, and niece of Isaac Williams, all well known and respected citizens. He was a good and loving father, taking especial pains to have his older children under- stand why he made exclusive provision for the vounger helpless ones. Those early days of the Colony were filled with hard work and privation. The settlers had to endure the rigors of a severe climate, work hard to subdue the land and strug- gle to maintain their local and general political rights. William Robinson must have died about sixtv ^•ears of age, after a life of toil and struggle. leaving a small estate, but he reared a family of children, who were sensible, able men and women, and, with the exception of the lame son David, they \\ere able to take their part in the world's work. William, who remained in Newton, Samuel, who removed to Cambridge, and Jonathan, who settled in Lexington, were all founders of families who have provided good citi- zens and practical men of affairs, and quite often dis- tinguished leaders for the communitv. CHAPTER III. WILLIAM ROBINSON'S CHILDREN. The children of William and Elizabeth Cutter Robinson were as follows : * 1. Elizabeth^ b. 1669; m. Dec. 20, 1693, Daniel IMaggrigge of Watertown. 2. Haxnah Ann, b. July 13, 1671 ; d. Oct. 5, 1672. 3. William, b. July 10, 1673. 4. AIekcv. b. Aug. 7, 1676. 5. David, b. May 2^,. 1678. "Lame and helpless." 6. Samuel, b. April 20, 1680. 7. Jonathan, b. April 20, 1682. All the children except Hannah were living at the time of William Robinson's death, but evidently his wife had pre\i()nsly died, as we see from his will, that his sole reliance for the care of the two helpless children was "my dafter Elizabeth," the oldest child, then a young woman of twenty-six years. Her father died in March, and the records show that the following December she married "Daniel Maggrigge of Watertown." The name Maggrigge was evidently a corruption of McGregor, and later generations have adopted Gregory. David, "lame and helpless," a boy of fifteen, continued to live with his sister for four years, until April 9, 1697, when from the "Watertown Records," Vol. H, pp. 114 and 121, we learn that he lived for a time with Samuel Begelo, and then Joseph Eovewels. He remained single. There are no further records concerning him, and as his brothers be- came more prosperous, it is probable that they assumed his entire care. *The record of the children of William and Elizabeth Robinson is best preserved in Hist, of Cambridge, L. R. Paige, p. 644. 24 SECTION OF PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWTON i?^ 1700 Showing Farm of William Robinson, now a part of Auburndale. Taken from a map in the History of the Early Settlement of Newton, Mass., by Francis Jackson, 1854. Scale, ijo Rods to an Inch. 26 HISTORICAL SKETCH William Robinson. Jr.. third child and oldest son of "William of Xewton." evidently remained (in his father's farm, and added to it. We have seen that he applied to have his father's will set aside and insisted on his right as the oldest son to have a "dnble portion." which was granted him. The estate was divided Alay 9, 1698. and the land is men- tioned as twelve acres. But the Robinson Farm marked on the plan of the town of Newton in 1700 ( see map) gives 200 acres to the Robinson farm. Smith's His. of Xewton has some paragraphs relating to this farm, which we will here quote. "A survey of the map of 1700 furnishes a good view of the division of the territory of Newton among the early proprietors. and of the relative location of their estates." Page 115. "Southwest of the Fuller farm was Captain Isaac Williams (1659), five hundred acres. All the names in this trace of land, in the map of 1700, were on the easterly side. Isaac Williams, Jr. 1686); John Knapp (1688); Captain Isaac Williams (1861),— suc- cessors, Colonel Ephraim Williams (1714), (founder of Williams Col- lege). Page 118. "Southwest of Captain Isaac Williams was the Robinson farm about two hundred acres, covering the territory since called Au- burndale, and extending to Charles River. On this territory stood Nathaniel Whittemore's tavern (1724), the Bourne House, at the southeast ])art; then Jnhn Pigeon, Henry Pigeon, Joel Houghton, north of the tavern; near the middle. William Upham (1740), Elisha Seaverns. Elisha Ware; near the northeast part. William Robinson (1678) . successors. William Robinson. Jr. (1705), John Robinson (1753), Jonathan Williams (1767), Elisha Hall, M. Collier." Page 118. Evidently William Robinson. Jr., had the gift of ac- quisition, and became a man of substance, judged l)y the standards of his age. "Robin.son, William ( d. 1754) hy will, dated Dec. 25th. 1742. proved March 11. 1754, bequeathed house, barn, and seventy- nine acres of land in Newton to his son Jeremiah; fifty-eight and a half acres to his son John; to son Ichabod £660. He had a large farm at what is now .^uburndale, and land in .Mendon. One ROBINSON FAMILY. 27 of his sons lived on the site of the Seaverns house; one in the Bourne house, once a tavern, and one in the house enlarged for the former Newton Poor House. His real estate was appraised at £~22\-^sh. Personal, £ioi4-i7sh.-6d." f W illiam Robinson, Jr., was a selectman of Newton for the year 1735. and that he was a man of consideration in the community is manifest. His wife (hed in 1747, and he (hed in 1754, at 81 years of age. Their children are as follow^s : William. Daniel, m. Mercy Seger, 1726. Jeremiah, h. Oct. 22, 1705; d. 1754. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 11, 1707, m. Wm. Uphani from Maiden, March, 1741- Hannah, b. Sept. 16, 1709. Josiah, b. Sept. 17, 1711. Ichabod, b. Sept. 2, 1713, m. Sarah Mirick, Feb., 1744, went to Mendon and died 1756. Thankful, b. Sept. 3, 171 5. John, b. 1722. Samuel, the sixth child of William Robinson, had a note- worthy line of descendants. He, himself, must have been a capable, energetic man, for in 1707, when he was 27 vears of age, he bought a house and three-quarters of an acre at the S, \\\ corner of Battle Square and Brattle Street, in Cambridge, where he kept a tavern until June 13, 1721, when he sold his estate and moved to Westborough, where he died. Administration was granted to his wife Elizabeth, April 24, 1724, and her In-other, Jedekiah Brigham, was appointed guardian to the only son, Samuel, then in his 19th year, Feb. 2^. 1725. The name of Samuel Robinson is enrolled among the inn-keepers of Cambridge, as having received a license from 17 14- 1720,* His son Samuel, the only one who survived him, was brought up in the bus}-, Inistling life of his father's tavern. Noting- how prominent, and aggressive, and public-spir- tHist. of Newton Mass. S. F. Smith, D. D., Boston, 1880, *Hist. of Newton, p. 4(11. Jackson 28 HISTORICAL SKETCH ited was Samuel Rol)ins()n, J''-, we recognize the broaden- ing, stimulating etTect of his environment, which must have early made him familiar with the prominent men of his time and the events that were hapj^ening. Samuel Robinson, son of William Roljinson, was twice married; first m. Mar. 2t,, 1704. to Sarah Manning (b. Aug. 26, 1681, d. July 19, 1709), whose father was a man of means and a Representative.* Second, m. (^ct. 16, 171 1, to Elizabeth Brigham, daugh- ter of Capt. Samuel Brigham. of Marlborough. Children: Sarah, bap. July 22, 1705; died young. Samuel, b. April 4. 1707. Dorothy, b. April 19, 1709. Persis b. Sept. 7, 1712. Edmund, b. June 7, 1714, d. Nov. 25, 1716. Sarah, ]). Oct. 3, 1717. At his death in 1724 his only surviving son Samuel was then in his 19th year. Samuel Robinson, Jr., 1). .\pril 4, 1707. m. May, 1732, Mercy Leonard, His children are recorded in Hardwick, Mass., and their names are as follows : Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1733. Leonard, b. July 16, 1736. Samuel, b. Aug. 9, 1738. Moses, b. March 15, 1741, settled in Bennington, and vva.s the Colonel of Militia in Vermont, was first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Senator in Congress, and second Governor of the State. Received the honorary degree of A. M. at Yale College, 1789, and at Dartmouth College in 1790; died May 19, 1813. Paul, b. Dec. 17, 1743; d. 1754. Silas, h. March 17, 1746; Revolutionary soldier; d. at an advanced age at St. Albans, Vt. IMercv, b. Oct. 8, 1748; m. Colonel J. Safford. Sarah, b. Nov. 13, 1751: m. first Benj. Fay; 2d., Gen. H. Swift. David, b. Nov. 4, 1754; ni. three times, was in the Bennington Battle, afterward .\Iajor-Gencral of .Militia and U. S. Marshal for eight years, and sheriff for 22 years ; d. November, 1843. Jonathan, b. Aug. 24, 1756; was Chief Justice of the Supreme ♦Note. — See the History of the Manning Family, by Wm. H. Manning^, Salem Press, 1902, Page 142. ROBINSON FAMILY. 29 Court, 1801-1807, and United States Senator. Received honorary degree of A. M. at Dartmouth College, and d. Nov. 3, 1819. Anna, b. Oct. 4, 1759: m. Isaac Webster. Samuel Robinson, the father of this large family, was a man of marked individuality and left his impress upon the men and events of his times. He removed to Hardwick in 1735 and remained there until 1761. \\d'iile there he was selectman, assessor, town clerk and deacon. He was Captain of a military company in the old French war, and in 1748 was stationed at Fort George. On his return to Massachu- setts by the Hoosac River route, he was attracted by the fer- tility of the countr}-, sd that later he induced a company of his associates to join him in purchasing a former grant of this territory, made by Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire in honor of whoiu Bennington was named. In October, 1761, he, his family and friends removed to Bennington, where he became prominent politically and was appointed first Justice of the Peace. Mr. Robinson cast in his fortunes with the original set- tlers of the New Hampshire grants in the famous land grant controversy between New York and New Hampshire, in which New York claimed jurisdiction over the territory of Vermont. He was chosen as a bearer of a petition to King- George, signed by over a thousand settlers asking for relief against the New York patents. Sailing on Christmas Day, 1766, after a six weeks' passage, he reached London, and succeeded in obtaining an order from the King, dated July 24, 1767. prohibiting the Governor of New York, "upon pain of his Majesty's highest displeasure from making any further grants whatever of the lands in question until his Majesty's further pleasure should be known, concerning the same." Later, in October, he was seized with smallpox and died Oct. 2^, 1767, and was buried in London. Tlie family of Samuel Robinson has been prominent in the annals of Vermont* and has been described as follows : "The most remarkable among a number of Vermont families prolific of public usefulness — a family *Men of \'ermoiU, Transcriiit Pub. Co., 1894, p. 54. 30 HISTORICAL SKETCH that has in the past century furnished two governors, two United States senators, six judges of one degree and an- other, the acknowledged leader of the Democratic party in the state in three different generations, and United States marshals, generals, colonels, state's attorneys, town clerks,, etc.. almost without number." Moses Robinson, second Governor of A'ermont. left six sons, the fourth of whom was Nathan, a lawyer who died at the age of forty. His son, John S. Robinson, the only Demo- cratic Governor of Vermont for more than half a centurv, was born at Bennington, Nov. lo, 1804. He graduated at \\'illiams College, became a lawyer and identified himself with the Democratic party, and was Governor for 1853- 1854. In i860 was Chairman of the Vermont delegation to the National Democratic Conventi(^n at Charleston, S. C, was stricken with apoplexy and died there the 24th of the month. He was a man of a hio"h order of talents. CHAPTER IV. JONATHAN ROBINSON. Jonathan Ivobinsim, the 3'uungest child of "Wilhani R able that Jonathan Robinson accunnilateinson (son of Jonathan), as the father of El)enezer Robinson, merits a larger notice than we shah be able to give to his life, for the recorded facts are few, and there is no other kn(jwledge of him extant which we have been able to obtain. The farm evidentl}- descended to him and he must ha\'e there li\-ed a (|uiet life of contentment in daily duties. He married three times, and had eleven chil- dren. He was admitted to the Church, INIarch 10, 1765. James Robinson married ]\Iay 23, 1751, Anna Trask. She died, and he married JMargaret , by whom he had eight children. She died Nov. 5, 1767, and he married third. Elizabeth , by whom he had three children. f He died Aug. 12. 1774. CHILDREN OF JAMES AND MARGARET. Ri-TH KoiiiNsoN, b. Jan. 28, 1753. Joseph Robinson, 1). ]March 1755; Soldier of Revolution; d. July 5, 1784. Silas, b. Feb. 20, 1757; m. Lydia. Asa. b. Jan. 19, 1759; Soldier of Revolution in the campaign to New York, 1776. James, b. Nov. 26, 1760; m. ]\Iay 25, 1787, Judith Reed, of Wo' burn ; Soldier of the Revolution. Rhoda, b. May 10, 1763; d. young. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 14, 1765; d. 1857. Persis, 1). Jan. 2-,, 1767; baptized Feb. i, 1767. CHILDREN OF JAMES AND ELIZABETH. Jonas, b. May 18, 1770: baptized L")cc. 5, 1773. RiionA. baptized Oct. 20. 1771 : m. Simeon Snow, May 24, 1781. Lydia, b. Jan. 2, 1773. *For the above facts of Governor Robinson's career, acknowledgment is due to his widow, Mrs. Susan E. Robinson of Chicopee, Mass. tThe records of early colonial days were generally carefully kept, but as time passed on, less care was exercised, and the difficulty of obtaining exact names and dates increases. W'e have not been able to ubtain the family names of the second and third wives of James Robinson. Note — The facts concerning the last three children are incorrectly given in Hudson's Lexington. Cambridge records are here followed. o l) rt _o u a u aj N V a V ^ W .,4_ z w w J3 « O z In o H -J "o z ^ o >^ t/: w ^C > [5 O 2i o 40 HISTORICAL SKETCH It will thus he seen that James Robinson had four sons who served as patriots in the Revolutionary war — Joseph, Asa, James and Ebenezer. His oldest son, Joseph, was a member of Capt. Parker's company and participated in the battle of Lexington, the first act' of the Revolutionary drama.* He married ]\Irs. Betty Hadley, the widow of his comrade, Samuel Hadley. who was killed in battle on the immortal April 19. 1775, at the battle of Lexington. Joseph Robinson enlisted with the eight months' men in 1775. and ser\e(l with the twehe months' men the year following, and subsequently entered the C\)ntinental Army. Hudson says : "He lived to enjoy the bounty of his coun- try and to see her prosperous and happy, and died April 14, 1830. His wife died Feb. 9, 1831." Children: Rhoda, b. ]\Iay 17, 1781 ; m. May 17, 1810, John Gam- mell, of Charlestown, and d. Sept. 11, 1861. Margaret, b. Feb. 20, 1783. Nancy, b. Jan. 30. 1785; ni. July 20, i8og, Thomas Cutter, of West Cambridge. Joseph, b. July 14. 1787; m. Lydia Gair, of Boston; d. May 18, 1822. John Gammell, the husband of Rhoda Robinson, born Nov. 12, 1785, died Oct. i, 1866, was the son of William Gammell, a soldier of the Revolution, (b. 1750). They were married Alay 17, 18 10. Their children were : JoKN^ b. Jan. 13, 1812. Eliza, b. Aug. 21, 1813 ; d. July 14, 1848. Franklin, b. May 29, 1815; d. Feb. 22, 1842. Eben. b. March 7, 1817; d. ^lay, 1890. Margaret Ann, b. Nov. i, 1818; d. Nov. 12, 1850. Jonas, b. Oct. 10, 1820 ; d. (1878?). Lucy, b. Jan. i, 1822; d. Dec. 22, 1889. James Robinson, Jr., who was the brother and comrade of Ebenezer, and settled with him in South Reading, Vt., in *NoTE — His name is found on the Roll of the Company in Hudson's History of Lexington, p. 383. ROBINSON FAMILY. 41 1/88. had a large family of children whose history does not properly come within the scope of this sketch. He married Judith Read and their children were as follows : James Robinson. 1). Nov. 26th, 1761, Lexington, Mass.; m. May 25, 1787; d. Nov. 29th 1836. Judith Reed Robinson, his wife, b. March 6th, 1768, Woburn, Mass. ; d. Jan. 27th, 1857. Children : James, Jr., b. March 20th, 1788: d. April 19th, 1847. Lucy F., b. Dec. 8th, 1879; d. Sept. 4th, 1869. Ebenezer, b. April 8th, 1791 ; d. ALirch ist, 1883:'^ Mary Reed, b. Dec. 17th. 1792; d. May i6th, 1842. Betsy, b. Oct. 3rd, 1794; d. Dec. 12th, 1842. Sally, b. May 19th, 1797; d. Sept. nth, 1814. Nancy, b. Nov. 27th, 1798; d. Jnly 25th, 1893. LvDiA. b. Nov. 23rd, iSoo; d. Aug. 31st, 1886. Ezra and Lois, b. Dec. 8th, 1802; Ezra died June 26th, 1875; Lois died June 14th, 1888. Eleanor, b. Jan. 22nd, 1806; d. June 25th, 1900. Rosilla, b. July 29th, 1809; d. Dec. 17th, 1891. Allen Reed, b. April 28th, iSii ; d. Oct. 6th, 1840. Noah B., b. July 2nd, 1813; d. Oct. ist, 1839. James Robinson and his wife lived and died in Reading and their large family mostly lived and died in that vicinity. CHAPTER V. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER ROBINSON. TJic Oldest Soil, Lczcis Robinson, and Descendants. Of the children of Ebenezer Robinson we note that Jonas (hed in infancy, Sally Town when a girl of fourteen, and Cahin when a ])romising- young- man of twentv-one years. Two unmarried daughters. Hannah and Rhoda, continued to live in the old homestead, and both died, ad- vanced in years, in 1873. The nephews of Rhoda Robinson speak of her as an ideal maiden aunf. kind, affectionate and sprightly. Although quite deaf, she was active and indus- trious and helpful to her many relatives. Lewis Robinson, the oldest son. became a man of prom- inence in his native town. The following sketch of his life was written by his oldest son, Calvin L. Robinson, for "The History of Reading." "Lewis Robinson ( b. Aug. 19, 1793: d. Nov. 16, 1871). was the eldest child of Ebenezer and Hannah Acklev Robin- son. He was raised on the farm cleared bv his father, being employed nine months in the year in tilling the land, and attending school for three months in the winter. To these advantages for an education were added one term at the old Academv at Duttonsville. and another at a High School in Granville. N. Y. The sons rmd daughters of the early settlers of Ver- mont were content to build their homes around their ances- tral hearth stones, and the subject of our sketch with his five brothers and sisters, all settled in or near the village of South Reading, Vt., lived and died there, and were buried in the <>ld \illage grave}-ard on the hill. Lewds Robinson proveuilding', heing directtjr for many years of the Santa Fe & Mexican Central R. R. Systems. His judgment, energy, and foresight were potent factors in the estal)lishment of several important railwa}- lines. He was also the second mayor of the City of Newton. Alden Speare was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was lay delegate to the (General Confer- ence of 1888, and became one of the Board of Managers of the Missionary Society of that denomination. He also did much work in connection with the Young Men's Christian Association, being I'resident of this Association in Boston in 1857, and also of the Boston Wesleyan Association for many years. Since 1872 Alden Speare has been a Trustee of Boston University, to which he contributed noble gifts. His benefactions were large to many other educational and charitable institutions. Alden Speare was a man noted for his business and per- sonal integrity. But greater than his business capacity and his tireless service for every good cause, is the unsullied char- acter he bore through life. He died suddenly at Pasadena, Cab, Mar. 22d. 1902. The following were the children born to Air. and Mrs.. Speare: 1. Sarah Jane. ]jorn August 22ii(l, 1S51, and died Sept. 14th, 1851. 2. Herbert Aldex. born Aug. 27th, 1852. He was marrieii June 14U1, 1875, to Rhoda H. Brickett, of Newton Centre, Mass., and became a business man of much prominence, entering tlie firm of Alden Speare's Sons & Co., of Boston. He died Oct. 14th, 1887. Their chihlren are: Florence, li. June 6, 1876. Emma, b. Sept. 28, 1879; m. Feb. 19, 1901, to Frederick Gould and to them a daughter Lois was born April 5, 1903. Alden Hebrert, b. May 18. iS'S^. 3. liMMA Caroline, b. Dec. 8ih, 1855; m . Oct. 3rd. 1876, to Rev. William Edwards Huntington, and died .Marcli 3rd, 1877. ROBINSON FAMILY. 47 4- Ella :\Iaria, 1). March 28th, 1858; m. May loth. 1881, Rev. Will- iam Edwards Huntington. William Edwards Huntington was born in Hillsborough, Illinois, July 30th, 1844. He served in two campaigns in the war ; in 1864, as private in the 40th Wisconsin and as First Lieutenant in 1865 in the 49th Wisconsin Regiment. He was graduated at the L'niversity of Wisconsin in 1870, obtain- ing there his degrees of A. B. and A. AL From the Boston L^niversity he received the degrees of S. T. B. and Ph. D. He preached in Nahant. Jamaica Plains, Rosindale, Newton, Harvard St. Church, Cambridge, and in 'Fremont St. Church, Boston. He studied in Germany in 1880 for one year. In 1882 he was made Dean of the College of Liberal Arts of Boston University. On the resignation of Dr. Warren, he was elected Acting President of Boston University. Dr. and Airs. Huntington have four children as follows: Raymond Edwards, b. June 28th, 1882, Emma Caroline, b. Jan. i6th, 1884; died September, 1884, Genevieve, b. July 29th, 1892. Miriam, b. Nov. 21st, 1897. 5. Lewis Robinson, b. June 6th, 1861 : m. Nov. 20th, 1883, to Edith Burgess Holway, daughter of Rev. Dr. W. O. Holway, a retired chap- lain in the U. S. Navv. They have one child. Caroline Alalvina, b. April 20th, 1885. Mr. Lewis Robinson Speare received his education in the Public and High Schools of Newton. In 1880 he entered the employ of Speare, Gregory & Co., and in 1882 was admitted as a partner. In 1886 a special partnership of Alden Speare's Sons & Co. was formed, Mr. Speare was soon made senior partner of the same. The business has grown to large proportions, being now an incorporated company with houses in Boston. New York and Chicago. He is at present the President of this Company. He is also President and Treasurer of the Ashland Emery & Corundum Co., and President of the Crystal Springs Manufacturing Co., and Wheat Starch Co. Air. Speare is a man of large business interests, and his success is accounted for by the devotion and ability that he has given to his interests. 6. AIinnie Gertrude, b. Oct. 22nd, 1862; m. April 25tli. 1894, to William Ingraham Haven. Thev have one child, Gladvs, b. Julv 26th, 1895. William Ingraham Haven, D. D., son of Bishop Gilbert Haven of the Alethodist Episcopal Church, b. in Westfield, Alass., Jan. 30, 1856; graduated from Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., in 1873 ; from Wesleyan L'niversity, Aliddletown, Ct.. in 1877, and from Boston University School of Theology in 1881. Entered the New England M. E. Conference in 1881, was pastor of Eggleston Square Church, Saratoga St. Church, Boston, and of the Church in Newton Centre and Brookline. In 1898 he was elected Secretary of the Ameri- can Bible Society, which position he still holds. 48 HISTORICAL SKETCH 7. EinvAKi) Ray, b. Sept. 21st. 1872; m. Oct. 30>h, 1894, to Dorothy Simmons. 1). Fel). u, 1874. She was graduated from Boston University with the degree of Pli. 1!.. June, 1894. Mr. Edward Ray Sjjcare is ^i graduate of the College of Liberal Arts, of Boston University. .After graduating he became connected with the business founded by his father in 1851. He is the \'ice- Presiclent and General Manager of the Alden Speare's Sons & Company, Secretary and Treasurer of the Water Paint Company of America. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Boston University ; is Treasurer of the Blair and Le Larm Veneer Company; secretary of the Ashland Emery and Corundum Company, and director in various other industrial concerns. His children are: Albert Robinson, b. April 1.2th. iSg6. Dorothy, b. Dec. 13th, 1897. Virginia, b. Aug. 7th, 1899. II. Calvin Lewis, eldest son of Lewis Robinson, was born June 3rd. 1828. He was educated in the ])til)lic schools and at the Newbury and Springfield Seminaries and at the Norwich University, finishing with a two years' course in the L^niversity of Vermont. He was married March ist, 1855, to Elizabeth Seymour, b(M-n Jan. 28th, 1834, in Broome, P. O. \\ ith failing health, he entered commercial business in December. 1857, settling in Jacksonville. Florida. Here he carried on a large commercial trade, and in the early part of the War of the Rebellion was. with his family. (lri\en from home, and his store and dock were burned, to- gether with much ^•aluable property, by the rebels. He was succored by the gunboats of the L^nited States navy, which reinstated the Federal authority in that locality. He was a member of the National Republican Convention held in Bal- timore in 1864. that nominated Abraham Lincoln the second time, and was a delegate to General Conference of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, held in Baltimore in 1876. He con- tinued his residence, as a staunch. lc\val citizen of the Gov- ernment, in that city until the time of his death, which oc- curred July 4th. 1887. He had the following children: I. Arthur Seymour, b. Dec. 2nd, 1857; m. Dec. 25th, 1880, to Mag- gie Alosser. b. Oct. 19th, 1859. Their children are: Arthur Mosser, b. Oct. 12th, 1881 ; d. Aug. 21st, 1901. Joseph Ai.hert, b. Feb. i8th, 1890. ROBINSON FAMILY. 49 2 Edward Tkvinc. b. Nov. i2tli, 1859: m. Dec. i6th, 1884, to Alice Barber. Tbeir children are : Ralph Howard, b. July 2n(l, 18S6. Carl Lewis, b. Jan. 30th, 1889. Reginald Barker, b. July 20th, 1891. Edw.vkd Irving, m. October, 1894, to Lillian Martin. Their children are : Solon. Dec. 5th, 1895. Lewis ALxrtin, ]\Iay 9th, 1897. 3. George Lewis, b. Nov. 2nd, 1861 ; d. Nov. 7th, 1861. 4. William Calvin, b. May 7th. 1864; d. Dec. 17th, 1865. 5. Annie, b. Sept. ist, 1869; m. June 13th. 1889, to Roland Wood- ward, a civil engineer; b. Oct. 4th, 1868 at Irvington, 111. Their children are : Roland Woodward, Jr., b. March 20th, 1890. Rose Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3rd, 1892. Harold Robinson, b. Dec. nth, 1893. Dorothy Russell, b. July 7th, 1895. 6. Alice Manning, b. July 12th, 1872; m. July i8th, 1896, to David A. Disbrow, b. Feb. loth, 1866. 7. Ruby Elizabeth b. June 15th, 1875; d. Sept. 9th, 1877. III. Eliza Ann, second daug-hter of Lewis Robinson, born Marcli 29th. 1830. She was educated as were the other members of the family, and was mar- ried Sept. 19th, 1849, ^^ Jo^in S. Clark, of Lunenburg, Vt.. who was born Sept. 4th, 1822. They settled on the well-known Judge Clark meadow farm in the oxbow of the Connecticut River in Lunenburg-, Vt. At the breaking- out of the War of the Rebellion, Mr. Clark entered the military service of the Vermont Volunteers and was appointed cap- tain of Company K, Eight Vermont Volunteers, Col. Stephen Thomas, which regiment was ordered to New Or- leans in the fall of 1862. He performed military service until the following spring' in the expedition of Major Gen- eral Butler, when he was stricken with dysentery and died 50 HISTORICAL SKETCH in the hospital ]\Iarch 20th. 1863. The following children were born t<» them : 1. Lewis S. Clark, b. Dec. 17th. 1850. He now resides in Seattle, Wash. 2. John C. Clark, b. June 3rd. 1852. He was educated in Detroit, Mich., while Hving with his uncle. George O. Robinson, and afterwards returned to Vermont. For several years he was cashier of the Chelsea ( Vt. ) National Bank, and subsequently was cashier of the First National Bank of St. Johnsbury, \'t.. and represented the town of St. Johnsbury in the State Legislature in 1894-5. He is now secretary and treasurer of Messrs. E. and T. Fairbanks & Co. Scale Works, of St. Johnsbury. He was married April 14th, 1881, to Lida Puffer, of Grand Isle, \'t., who was born March 4th, 1863. Their children are: Robert Puffer, b. INIarch 20th, 1882. He was educated in St. Johnsbury Academy and is now connected with the Fair- banks" Scale Co. Margaret Robinsox, b. May 15th, 1884. Arthur Daxa, b. March 26th. 1889. Dorothea, b. Nov. 5th, 1898. 3. Flora Ella. b. Dec. 12th. 1853. She was married Nov. i8th, 1875, to A. D. Rowell, who was born February, 1839, and died June 17th, 1893, in St. Johnsbury. V^t. Mr. Rowell carried on the business of jewelry, silverware and watchmaking in St. Johnsbury, to which busi- ness his wife succeeded. 4. George Robinson Clark, b. Sept. 9th, 1859. He was educated at the St. Johnsbury Academy, and entered the profession of dentistry. He married Mona Maynard, of Northfield, Vt., and settled in his profession in Boston, Mass. He has been a member of the celebrated Ruggle Street Baptist Church choir for twenty years. Mrs. Eliza Ann Clark re-married Nov. 12th. 187 1, her second hnsband being Edward E. Brown, a merchant of St. T''>hnsbnry. Vt.. who was born in Berlin. \'t.. in 1819. Both ]\Ir. and Mrs. Brown are still residing in St. Johns- bury. JV. George O., second son of Lewis Robinson, was born at South Reading. Yi.. June 14th. 1832. enjoyed the usual advantages of a public school education, as- sisted his father in various de])artments of busi- ness and at the age of seventeen commenced teaching school and studied to fit himself for college at ROBINSON FAMILY. 51 Newbury (Vt.) Seminary. He g-raduated from the Uni- versity of Vermont in 1857 as salntatorian of his class. He stndied law and was atlmitted to the l^ar in 1858. For two years he practised law in Wisconsin, and in the spring" of 1 86 1 remo\'ed to Detroit, Michigan, forming a law partner- shij) with Da\id A\'. Brooks in 1862. The tirm made a specialty of the collection of claims npon the Government arising ont of the Civil War. The partnership was dis- solved in 1872, when the new firm of Robinson & Flinn was formed, giving special attention to the title, care and sale of pine lands and pine land estates. He has con- ducted large and important business interests, lieing at the present time especially interested in iron mines. He has taken an active interest in the affairs of the city where he has lived, and for some years was an active member of the Board of Education. In charital)le and religious work he has always been acti^•e. He was one of the original members of the Young- Men's Christian Association, and has been an active and influential member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ha\ing l)een a lay delegate to the General Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1896, and was for a time a member of the important Book Committee of the Church. He was the organizer and principal founder of the Michigan Christian Advocate, and has been for a number of years the president of the company which pub- lishes it. He has traveled extensively both in his own coun- try and in foreign lands, and has written of his tra\'els as well as of other sul)jec"s. (leorge O. Robinson married, Sept. 2/, 1859, Helen Mather, who was a daughter of Atla E. Mather, the first crockery merchant of Detroit. He was a direct de- scendant of the Mather familw well known in the eai^ly his- tory of Massachusetts. ( See hist(;ry of the Mather familv.) Helen Alather was educated in the schools of Detroit, and also at the well-known Female Seminarv at Burlington, Vt. Her mother, Lois Yale, was a daughter of Lyman Yale, of Charlotte, Yt., a descendant of the brother of the f(»under of 52 HISTORICAL SKETCH Yale Colleg'e. She was a woman of fine tastes and manners and was liighly gifted in mnsic. She died Jan. loth, 1890, leaving" four children, wdio still snrvive. For his second wife. George O. Robinson married. May 7. i8yi, jane M. Bancroft, the daughter of Rev. George C. Bancroft and Caroline Orton Bancroft. She is a gradu- ate of the celebrated school of Mrs. Emma Willard at Troy, N. Y., the State Normal School at Albanx', and in 1877 of Syracuse l^nixersity. Later she obtained in course, upon examination, the degree of Master and Doctor of Philoso- phy. Miss Bancroft was the Dean of the Woman's College of the Northwestern University, at Evanston, Illinois, from 1877 until 1886. She spent the years 1886 to 1888 at the Universities of Zurich and Paris, making history a special study. \\'hile in Europe she became greatly interested in Christian philanthrophy, and later wrote a work entitled, "Deaconness in Europe and Their Lessons for America." She is at the present time the First Vice-President and Trus- tee of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church and Secretary of its Deaconess Bu- reau. Both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are greately interested in philanthropic work, in the charities of Detroit as also in many other causes. The children of George O. and Helen (Mather) Robin- son are : I. Frederick Austin. 1). July 27, 1S60, was educated in the schools of Detroit and at the Academy in St. Johnsbury, Vt. He graduated from the Literary Department of tlie LIniversity of Michi- gan in 1882. degree A. B., and from the Law Department of the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1883, degree LL. B. He was married May 3, 1888, to Clara Louise Hayes, of Detroit, wdio was Iwrn ALarch 17, 1861, daughter of Josiah D. Hayes, a prominent railroad official, originator of the system of through bills of lading to foreign countries and an authority on inter-state commerce. They have two children. Frederick H.-wes, b. Aug. 24, 1898. AL\RioN Louise, b. Aug. 16, 1901. Mr. Robinson is a citizen of public spirit, devoted to the interests of his city. He has served ten years as a member of the Board of Esti- mates of Detroit, and one term as the President of the Board. He is ROBINSON FAMILY. 53 Managing Director of the Farrand Organ Company, and has been for a number of years connected in business with the firm of Robinson & Flinn, Attorneys, interested in pine and iron lands. 2. Caroline Manning, b. Aug. loih, 1863, was educated at Profes- sor Sill's Detroit Female Seminary and at the Painesville, O., Young Ladies' Institute. She was married to George L. Chesebrongh, Dec. 22nd, 1886, and has resided for the last ten years in the city of Duluth, Minn. George L. Chesebrough was born Feb. 26th, 1862, in Sandusky, O., is the son of Alfred Chesebrough, at one time Controller and Library Commissioner of the City of Detroit, and largely interested in vessel transportation. George L. Chesebrough is engaged in the devel- opment of mining lands. 3. George Alta, b. Jan. nth, 1868, was educated in the Detroit Pub- lic Schools and graduated from the St. Johnsbury, Vt., Academy. He afterwards spent three years in civil engineering on the Santa Fe R. R,, under the direction of his cousin, Albert A. Robin- son, chief engineer of the road. Later he took the engineering course at the L'niversity of ^lichigan, and has since been chiefly employed as a civil engineer in the office of the Detroit City Engineer. He was married Jan. 5th, 1899, to Antoinette Bloom (b. April 6, 1872), of Detroit, a daughter of Mr. Nelson Bloom. They have one child, George Mather Robinson, born Nov. 24th, 1901. 4. William Henry, b. Sept. 9th, 1874, and died Dec. loth, 1878. A most promising boy. 5. Emma Mabel, b. Nov. 13th. 1876, was educated and graduated from the Detroit Home and Day School, and was later at Mt. Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C. The following are younger children of Lewis and Sarah Robinson : V. Sarah Jane, third daughter of Lewis Robinson, born May 11, 1834, was educated in select schools and at Springfield Seminary. She developed a fine talent for paint- ing water colors and for music, but was prematurely stricken with disease and died Alarch 7, 1855. VL Cornelia Eglantine, born Nov., 1840, died Dec. 1841. VIL Flora Ella, born March, 1845, ^Hed Sept., 1845. CHAPTER VI. MARVIN ROBINSON, Fourth Son of Ebc7iezcr Robinson. Compiled from a Sketch Written by his Son, Frank M Robinson, Esq. of Dubuqiie, Iowa, for the History of Reading. "Marvin Robinson, the fourth son and fifth child of Ebenezer Robinson, was born March 24, 1800, on what is known as the 'Old Esquire Robinson Farm' at South Read- ing. Until he was twenty-one years of age he assisted his father in clearing away the forests and carrying on the farm. Soon after reaching his majority he commenced the business of tanning in South Reading, and continued it with such success as to acquire not only what was considered a competence, but an amount sufficient to numl^er him among the wealthier men of Reading. Later he abandoned the tanner and currier's trade altogether and farming was his principal occupation up to the time of his death. He filled several offices of trust in his native town, having been seven times elected one of the selectmen, which position he was fillino- at the time of his death. He was chosen lister one or more years and served his townsmen in other posi- tions of trust and responsibility. In politics he was a Whig, but when the issues upon which that party was founded no longer existed, he gave his vote and his support to the newly formed Repul)lican party. He was not a politician or partisan farther than the principles of his party, in his judg- ment, conduced to the general public welfare. He was a man of great physical strength and endur- ance. Whatever he aimed to accomplish he labored for with a perseverance and energy that distanced many a man of weaker will and less physical power. A man of good judg- ment and sound practical sense himself in regard to all the 54 ROBINSON FAMILY. 55 business and duties that came within the range of his obser- vation, and measuring everything by a matter of fact test. he entertained but poor opinion of all theories and schemes in which he could see no tangible value or practical utility. His early education was limited to that afforded by the common schools, and a wider range of scholastic training he deemed quite unnecessary for the successful business man. His sons he taught the hard lessons of self-reliance and economy by making them, from early boyhood, dependent upon their own resources for all beyond necessary food and clothing, and when they reached manhood, the same austere discipline compelled them, unaided, to make their own place in the world and be the founders as well as architects of their own fortunes. His opinions he held firmly and the fear or favor of nc man ever checked their free expression, while his unswerv- ing integrity of purpose and character were never called in question by friend, neighbor or townsman. By nature, stern and strong himself, his discipline and judgment of others may have sometimes seemed to be severe, but severity was never allowed to overbalance what he believed to be the even scale of justice. New England, almost from the rocks, has been made the Eden she is, through the energy, economy, perseverance and practical intelligence of men of his type." Marvin Robinson (b. March 24. 1800; d. Dec. 22, 1866) was twice married, ist. On Oct. 11. 1826. to Lucinda Ful- 1am (b. Sept. 13. 1797; d. Nov. 25. 1839). They had seven children. 2nd. On Sept. 22. 1840. to Charlotte Wood (b May 2, 1816. in Hartland, Vermont; d. April 14. 1899. in Felchville). They had three children. CHILDREN OF MARVIN AND LUCINDA. I. Eranklin Marvin (b. August 2. 1828; d. March 25, 1885). who married Eeb. 3. 1857, Laura Goddard Spaulding (b. May 6, 1832; d. June 21, 1889). Mr. Robin- son graduated at Dartmouth College class of 1855. In 1856 be removed to Dubuque, Iowa, and practiced law. In 1862 56 HISTORICAL SKETCH he formed a partnershii) with Austin Adams, another Dart- mouth man. the hrm 1:)ecomino- later "Adams, Robinson & Lacey." Mr. Robinsun was a sound lawyer, an excellent business man, and actively interested in the citw where he lived for n\-er thirty years. 1. May Goddaki), h. April 21. i860; m. Oct. 6, 1879, to Judge Ben- jamin W. Lacey; b. March 12, 1849. in Cayuga County, New York; son of Dr. Samuel Lacey and Mary Woodbury Lacey. He graduated from the law department of Columbian College in 1871 ; began the prac- tice of the law in 1872 in Dubuque; was made a judge of the District Court in 1878 and held this position for five years. At present is a member of the law firm of Lacey & Brown, President of the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank, and a Director of the Gas Company, Street Railway and other companies. He has been interested in public insti- tutions, having been President of the Hospital and Library Boards. Of six children born to them, four are living, as follows : Frank Robinson, b. Feb. 22. 1881, graduate of Harvard, class of 1902, Harvard Law School. BuRRiTT Samuel, b. ^March 4, 1882, graduate of Harvard, class of 1903. Clive Woodbury, b. Feb. 4, 1893. Margaret, b. April 16, 1899. 2. Belle Fullam, b. Aug. 11, 1862; d. April 5, 1887. 3. Grace, b. March 14, 1S71 ; ni. June 27, 1893, to Westel Woodbury Willoughby, Ph. D., b. July 20, 1867; Professor at Johns Hopkins L^niversity. Children : Westel Robinson, b. Nov. i, 1895. Laura Robinson, b. [March i, 1897. II. Edwin Auretus, second son of Marvin Robinson, was born Oct. 18th, 1829, was educated in the public schools and after arriving- of age he settled in Boston and became a partner in the wdtolesale provision house of W. F. Robin- son & Co., with his two brothers, and died unmarried Nov. 8th, 1892. III. Charles Henry, the third son, was born July i8th, 183 T, was educated in Reading-, settled in Boston and entered the firm of \\'. F. Robinson & Co. with his brothers. He was successful in business, married in Boston, and died April 8th, 1902, leaving no children. ROBINSON FAMILY. 57 IV. Wallace Fullam Robinson^ the fourth son of Mar\in, was born Dec. 22, 1832, and educated in Reading, and when a young- man he entered business in the pro- vision market in Boston. His business grew rapidly when he added to it the wholesale and packing business and soon took in partnership his two older brothers under the firm name of \V. F. Robinson & Co. They were all good busi- ness men and were \Qvy successful. Wallace F. Robinson has accumulated a handsome fortune; has lieen President of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and of the Board of Trade, and has been honored in many ways. He has now retired from business with the respect and esteem of his large circle of acquaintances. He married Aug. 19th, 185S, Mary Jane Robinson (born Aug. 20th, 1838), who was a daughter of Ezra Robinson, son of James Robinson, men- tioned as brother of Ebenezer in this sketch. Their children are as follows : Fred Walter, b. Sept. 10, 1859; d. June 7, 1893. Harry Ezra, 1). Oct. 17, 187.2. V. Forrest Alonzo, b. May 29, i8^s; d. March 19, 1836. VI. Maria France.s, b. Jan. 2, 1837; m. March 2"/, 1857. James Orville Whitten. VII. Elmer Dl^ane, b. July 15, 1838; d. Dec. 4. 1893; m. Sept. 14, 1862, Lorette C. Hawkins ( b. March 11, 1838), Children : Erwin Elmer, 1). Aug. 6, 1865; m. April 30, 1900, to Serena Sheldon, b. Oct. 24, 1868. Arthur Hawkins, b. May i, 1874. Elmer Duane, when about two years of age, his mother ha^'ing died, was adopted by his aunt, Eliza Robinson Keyes, wife of Washington Keyes, whose surname. "Keyes," was henceforth his name. He entered the Ci\il \\\ar as lieutenant, was promoted to 58 HISTORICAL SKETCH the rank of captain, and his company, with its regiment, took a prominent part in the l)attle of Gettysburg. JMr. Keyes went to Rutland. Vermont, in 1870, and entered in the retail grocery business, which gradually assumed large proportions, a wholesale branch being also established. He became the head of the largest firm in the wholesale grocery business in the State of Vermont. In June, 1865, Mr. Erwin E. Keyes was taken into partnership. Mr. Keyes was a man of the most thorough and painstaking instincts; was prominent in business affairs, was a director in banks and other financial institutions, and commanded to an unusual extent the respect and confidence of all who were in any way associated with him. CPIILDREN OF MARVIN AND CHARLOTTE. VIII. Elroy Clement, b. Jan. 30, 1844; d. Oct. 28, 1885. He was a merchant of Weathersfield, Vt., and a member of the Vermont Legislature. IX. Delia Ada, b. Jan. 24, 1847; d. Oct. 29, 1851. X. Addie Lestina, b. Nov. 7, 1852; d. Aug. 9, 1873, CHAPTER VII. EBENEZER ROBINSON, Jr. Ebenezer Robinson, Jr., the youngest son of Ebenezer Robinson, was born in South Reading, Sept. 30, 1809. He received his education in the pubHc schools, and while a young man was an active agent in the selling of copper-plate maps of the States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont for his brother, Lewis Robinson, who was then in the map publishing business. He developed excellent business quali- ties and good judgment, and married Jan. 4, 1837, Adeline Williams (b. Dec. 19, 1814; d. July 18, 1894), the daughter of Samuel Williams and Polly Manning, his wife.* After marriage he settled on his father's farm, which he carried on in connection with his father. He became a citizen much esteemed in his community. He e\'inced those thorough sterling c|ualities of integrity and mechanical and mathemat- ical accuracy which characterized his father, and which have since made themselves manifest in his boys, and was holding office of public trust in the town of Reading when he was suddenly stricken with congestion of the lungs and died Julv 5, 1849, leaving his widow and four childen. In 1853 Mrs. Adeline Williams Robinson was married to Mr. Alba Childs, and settled in Wisconsin. I. Stillman W., b. March 6. 1838, has been twice married. On Dec. 29, 1863, to Mary Elizabeth Holden (b. Jan. 30, 1839; d. July 29, 1885). Chilidren : 1. EcKK.v Mazala, I). Oct. 15, 1S69; m. June 23, 1892, Rev. Geo. E. Rowe. Four children. 2. Erdis Geroska, b. Dec. 20, 1872. 3. Zella, b. Dec. 2, 1877; m. June 4. 1902, to Otto F. Hakes. * Note.— See History of the Manning Family. Page 292. 59 60 HISTORICAL SKETCH Mr. Robinson was married April 12, 1888, to Alary Haines. "From T/ to 2T years, Stillman \\\ Robinson served an apprenticeship as machinist; at 25 he gradnated from the University of ^Michigan witli the degree of civil engineer; from 25 to 28 years, he was assistant on the United States Lake Survey ; from 28 to 7,2 he was assistant in engineering, University of Michigan; from 32 to 40. professor of Me- chanical Engineering and Physics, University of Illinois; from 40 to 57, professor of Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University, resigning in 1895 ^'^^^^ §'i^'i"§" attention tc mechanical and scientific su1)jects. In 1896 he was given the degree of D. Sc. ; and in 1899 was made Professor Emeritus in Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University. In 1880-84 be was inspector of railways and bridges for Ohio ; 1887-90, consulting engineer A. T. & S. Fe R. R. ; and in 1887 consulting engineer for the Lick telescope and mountings. From 1862 to the present time he has been an inventor, having secured S(jme 40 patents, a goodly number of which have proved of value, especially the eight or ten concerned in shoe manufacture." Mr. Robinson is a member of the Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. ; Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. ; of Naval and Alarine Engs. ; a Fellow of the A. A. A. S. ; is author of important articles in soci- eties and periodicals ; of four of Van Nostrand's Science Series; and of a college text book on "Principles and Mech- anism." At the Centennial, three awards were granted on appli- ances of his invention, and at the Columbian Exposition, two. II. Elna Ali'jioxse, b. Dec. 15, 1839, was twice mar- ried. First, April 27, 1861, at Gardner, Alass., to Melora M. Smith (1). Oct. 15, 1839: d. Aug. 16. 1885). Children: 1. Sarah Ann, b. March 4, 1862 ; d. ?*[arcli 4, 1S62. 2. Addie Eva, 1). (3ct. 17, \^()^^: d. Aug-. 27, 1865. ROBINSON FAMILY. 61 3. Gertrude Minnie, b. July 5, 1868; m. Dec. 25, 1887, to W. L. Troyer, b. ; d. April 8, 1893. Children: Fannie F., b. Sept. 2-/, 1888. M.XBEL, b. Oct. 26, 1891. 4. Inez AIakv. b. Nov. 28, 1872; ni. Archiliald Boyd, Aug. 30, 1881. Children; Bert Blaine, b. Jan. 29, 1891. Geo. Archibald, b. Aug. 26, 1892. Wilbur Alphonso, b. Feb. 4, 1895. Neil Dow, b. Dec. zj, 1897. John Robinson, b. July 14, 1900. 5. Fannie Nettie, b. Aug. 30, 1881. Elna A. Rribinsnn m. Nov. 30, 1886, Semphrona E. Stage, (b. ^lar. 4. 1844.) From 17 to 21 ^Ir. Robinson served an apprenticeship as a machinist. In 1870-74 he attended the University of IlHnois, graduating- with the degree of M. E., when he be- came assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the same insti- tution. In 1878 he l)ecame partner with Mr. E. M. Burr at Champaign, 111., for general machine construction, as well as improving and manufacturing specialties, and still con- tinues in business in the same city. III. Albert Alonzo Robinson, third son of Ebenezer Jr.; b. Oct. 21, 1844; twice married; first, Dec. 6, 1869, Julia Caroline Burdick ; d. Aug. 3. 1880. Second, married September, 1885. Mrs. Eliza Frances Williams, and now resides in Topeka, Kan. Albert Alonzo and Julia Caroline had one chikl : Metta Burdick Robinson, b. July 17, 1876. He was born at South Reading, Vt., and was educated in the public schools, and graduated from the University of Alichigan in 1869, taking the degree of C. E. and B. S., and in 1871, M. S. In June, 1900, the honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred on him by his Ahna Ma\cr. His work on railroads i^egan in 1869, when he entered the service of the St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad as axe- man in the engineering corps, and thereafter served succes- 62 HISTORICAL SKETCH sivelv as chainman, levelman, transitnirm, office enpfineer. lo- eating' ent^ineer, and as assistant ens^ineer until April i, 187 1 Then he became assistant engineer of the A. T. & S. Fe R. R.^ in charge of location and construction, and two rears later, April. 1873. was made Chief Engineer, which position he held until August. 1890. during which period he had charge of the entire construction of the Santa Fe Railway System, including the route through the Grand Canon of the Ark- ansas. From June. 1883. to September i. 1883. he was Assistant General Superintendent of the same railroad ; from Septem- ber I. 1883. to March i, 1884. he was General Superintend- ent; from March i. 1884. to February i. 1886. he was Gen- eral Manager; from February i. 1886, to May, 1888, Second Vice-President ; and Second Vice-President and General Manager from May, 1888, until May i, 1893, when he left this system and accepted the Presidency of the Mexican Cen- tral Ry. Co., which position he still holds. During his engineering experience, he has had direct charge of the construction of over four thousand five hun- dred miles of railroad in all kinds of countr}-, cm plains and deserts and in mountains and mountain canons. In 1887, the railroad from Pueblo to Denver was constructed and opened for traffic. 116 miles in 216 days, and also 360 miles of the line from Kansas City to Chicago in 276 days. Mr. Robinson is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The history of his connection with the Santa Fe Ry. is of deep interest frdm the fact of his unusual success in overcoming obstacles inxohing difficult railway problems. His record will now probably show the highest in railway construction mileage. IV. Mary Ella, only daughter of Ebenezer Jr. ; b. Sept. 4, 1847; m. April 24, 1870. Asa N. Phelps, of Spring- field, Wisconsin, where they settled and have since resided, Mr. Phelps carrying on a grocery and grain business at that place. Their children are: Gyrus Alba Phelps, b. Fel). 2, i.'^;!. Adeline Williams Phelps, 1). .'\ugust 4, 1X79. ROBINSON FAMILY. 63 ELIZA ROBINSON. Eliza Robinson, youngest daughter and ninth chi'M of Ebenezer Robinson, was born May 20. 1807, and married Washington Keyes. of a well known family in Reading, September 29, 183 1, and died Decemlier 13. i860. They settled on the adjoining farm, next northerly of the Eben- ezer Robinson farm, where formerly James, the brother of Ebenezer Robinson, had lived, and which he had cleared, which farm Mr. Keyes greatly improved and enjoyed until some time after the death of his wife. They had one child, Laura Malvina Keyes, who was born Sept. 7, 1832, and afterwards they adopted into their family Elmer Duane, the sixth son of Marvin and Lucinda Robin- son, whose mother died in his infancy and who grew up as their child. Having used the name of Keyes in his child- hood, he was ever afterward known by that name. Refer- ence is made to him under the head of Chapter VL in giving the children of Alarvin Robinson. Washington Keyes was an intelligent and prosperous farmer and was the representative of his town in the Ver- mont Legislature at the time of the death of his wife. Laura M. Keyes married A\'illiam ALanning Williams Sept. 7, 1853. Thev had four children. Lizzie. Arthur, Frank and Flora Ella, the first three of whom died in child- hood. Flora Ella was born Oct. 31. 1865, and was married to William Wallace White Sept. 2, 1879, who died in New York Dec. 11, 1887. William M. Williams Avas born April 6, 1824, and was the son of Samuel and Polly (Manning) Williams. (See Chapter VIL as to his sister, Adeline WiHiiams, who mar- ried Ebenezer Robinson Jr.) After carrying on a wooden- ware manufactory in South Reading, he settled in New York citv as cabinetmaker, and died in that city May 19, 1897, survived by his wife, Laura (Keyes) Williams, and his daughter. Flora Ella White. CHAPTER VIII. THE ROBINSON NAME.* The person who studies genealogy for the sake of tracing descent from some distinguished ancestor is to be pitied. Disilhision is his invariable experience. Such persons should stud\' Gibbon's sketch of thcvnoble French house of Courte- • . . . na}', and take the lesson home. Rising from a plebian root. active, vigorous individuals pushed forward the fortunes of the Courtenay family until it was C(onnected witli the royal line of France. It remained prominent for a century or two and then it gradually, pitilessly sank until again it was lost to recognition among the masses of the people. The honors had passed away, but the family remained, though its rami- fications were lost among the many. So every family is in- extricably intermingled with all classes and ranks of social life. The studv of genealogiv in itself, however, is in manv ways interesting. To trace the characteristics of a family from generation to generation is a psychological investiga- tion. To note the effect of inter-marriage; to study the immediate, marked result of a capable, energetic individual upon all related to him ; to note how environment affects de- velopment of character ; all of these are questions that must concern those who are interested in the life about them. The (|uestion of en\'ironment is well illustrated in the descendants of Sanmel Rol)inson. He kept a tavern at Cambridge, a town of schools, close to Boston, which even then was one of the most active intellectual and political centers of the New World. Flis son Samuel grew up in this atmosphere of intellectual ferment, and is it surprising Homes of English Names, H. B. Guppy, 1890. English Surnames, Lower, 1875. English Surnames, Bardsley, London, 1875. 6; ROBINSON FAMILY. 65 that his branch of the descendants of WiHiani Robinson has prodnced more statesmen and men of pubhc hfe than any other ? Then the study of names, especially of surnames, has a fascination to a thinker. How did they arise? A little re- search shows us that surnames are a mark of advanced civi- lization. Camden, the great antiquary, says that they were not known in England until the time of the English Con- quest. Before that time, every existing deed is signed with a cross and a single name. About the middle of the twelfth century persons of rank l)egan to have some distinctive name in addition to the baptismal name, but such names were hardly known among the middle and lower classes before the fifteenth century. Then all kinds of designations arose and in various ways. One person would be named by his occupation ; a mason, a carpenter, a miner ; another from local names, as field, grove, lake ; another from the place where he resided, as Norman, Poland, Scott; others from the baptismal name of the father. The English surname of Robinson was derived from the baptismal name of Robert, itself a Teutonic name. A few of the derivations are as follows : Robarts, Robins, Robinson, Roberts, Robertson, Robison, Robson and Roby. Then we have the nickname of Dob for Robert, from which has come Dobbs, Dobson, Dobbins. Dobinson, and Dobynette, and from Hob, another nickname for Robert, has come Hobbs, Hobson, Hobbins, Hopkins, and Hopkinson. From the \\'elsh we have Ap-robert, Ap- robin, and the contractions, Probert and Probyn. Robert was a frequent name among the people, and the following fact may be one of the reasons for its so being : Salverte says that when the European states were converted to the Christian faith, pagan names were laid aside and new names were imposed at the baptism of the converts. Nobles and men of position were given separate baptism, but the plebeian candidates were divided into companies, and as the priest conferred baptism upon a company, he would give the same name to all the members of the company. Now. 66 HISTORICAL SKETCH imagine that a whole company were baptised "Robert!" It certainly would be an impossible task for their descendants to trace their ancestry to one common beginning. Then consider the variety of names derived from Robert, mentioned in the paragraph above, and a little reflection will conxince the most enthusiastic genealogist tliat the attempt to trace back all Robinsons to a common ancestor is a pre- determined failure. Neither should we envy the heroic task of writing a history f^f the Robinson Family, as undertaken bv its de- voted historiographer, Mr. Chas. E. Robinson. Lower (page 177) gives a curious study of statistics concerning sixty of the most common surnames of England, showing the births, deaths and marriages registered for one year, ending July ist, 1838. "In this time, in England alone, 1,445 Rol^insons were Ixirn. 1,223 *^'^'^^ ^'i*' 8/7 ^vere married." Truly a historiographer of such a famil\- has no light task ! The name has figured largely in early English history. There was "Robin of Redesdale," the leader of fifteen thou- sand farmers and peasants who. in 1345, at the time of the peasants' revolt, marched to Bambury and captured the F.arl of Pembroke. The name is also preserved to us in the legendery exploits of Robin Hood, the bold Archer of Sherwood h'orest, the hero of the common people. His name is still used every day in proverbial expressions wher- ever the English language is known. "All around Robin Hood's barn," indicates an unnecessaril\- circuitous way. "Robin Mood's wind," is a name gi\'cn in Lancaster to a wind that blows during the thawing of the snow, so named, it is said, because Robin Hood once stated that he could stand any wind except a thawing wind. The great home of the Robinson clan is in the north of England, its members becoming less as you travel south. There were located its mr)st influential families. Mr. Charles E. Kobinson, Historiographer of the "Rob- inson Family Association." in his book, entitled. "The Rob- LofC. ROBINSON FAMILY. 67 insons and their Kinfolk," has an interesting" chapter on "Heraldry." drawing his facts largely from J. Bernard Burke in his "General Armory." He tells of the mottoes, crests, colors, coats-of-arms of different families of Robin- sons, mostly from the North of England. Some of these mottos are as follows : "Robinson of Yorkshire and Robinson of Lancastershire have the same motto, Jlrfiitc, iioii Z'crbis. (By bravery, not by words.)" "Robinson of Tottenham, 'rirfiis pretiosior aitro.' (Virtue is more precious than gold.)" "Robinson of Buckinghamshire, Fiiicain Malum bono. (I will conquer evil by good.)" Granted in 1731. "Robinson of Beverly House, Toronto. Canada. Propcre et provide. (Quickly and cautiously.)" "Robinson of Scotland, Intcincrata fides. (Uncorrupted faith.)" "Robinson, Earl of Ripon, Onalis ab inccpto. (The same as from the beginning.)" "Robinson of Rokeby Hall, County of Louth, Sola in Deo Sahis. ( Salvation in God alone. ) " "Robinson, Lord Rokeby. Non nobis solum scd toti -niundo iiati. ( Not born for ourselves alone, but for the whole W'Orld. )" "Robinson of Silksworth Hall, County of Durham, de- scended from William Robinson of Durham, living in 1502, Post nubila PJiocbus. (Sunshine after clouds.)" By the kindness of Mr. Charles E. Robinson we here reproduce the coat-of-arms of "William Robinson of ye North," confirmed by the Herald of Arms in the visita- tion of Leicestershire in 16 19, and of London in 1633. {Harlcian. publications, pp. 182, 204.)" This coat-of-arms is simply given as one among the nineteen that are noted by Mr. Charles E. Robinson as belonging to different Robinson families, and as a matter of interest to any one bearing the Robinson name. We have no proof to adduce that "\A'illiam of Newton or Watertown," the most remote direct ancestor of Eben- 68 HISTORICAL SKETCH ezer Robinson, known to us. had any connection with these Enghsli famlHes entitled to possess coats-of-arms, other than the tracHtion of the family that he came from the north of England. W'e know that some of the Robinson families in America brought over from England parchment copies of arms, which appear on early deeds of their prop- ert}-. ^^•hile in the list of indi\iduals for whom crests were made in early colonial times, in this country, there is no one by the name of Robinson. So far as we can learn, the ancestors of Ebenezer Robin- son were hard-working. God-fearing men and women, who deserved well of their generation by their straightforward, useful lives. The descendants of Ebenezer Robinson are content that he possessed the same characteristics of a good husband, a devoted father, a faithful Christian, and that his best claim to be remembered by those coming after him, is that he was a brave patriot, "A Soldier of the Revolution." OFFICERS OF THE Robinson Family Association IPrcslDcnt Hon. DAVID I. ROBINSON, Gloucester, Mass. l)tcc=lprc6lDcnt6 Judge Gifford S. Robinson, Increase Robinson, James H. Dean, Esq., George O. Robinson, Prof. William H. Brewer, Mr. Rosweel R. Robinson, - Capt. Charles T. Robinson, Rev. William A. Robinson, Mr. John H. Robin.son, Mr. Charles F. Robinson, - Mr George W. Robin.son, Henry P. Robinson, - Sioux City, la. Waterville, Me. Taunton, Mass. Detroit, Mich. New Haven, Conn. Maiden, Mass. Taunton, Mass. Middletown, N. Y. Boston, Mass. North Raynham, Mass. Elburn, 111. Guilford, Conn. Sccrctar\2 Adelaide A. Robinson, North Raynham, Mass. treasurer N. Bradford Dean, Taunton, Mass. ?Hi5torto(?rapber Charles E. Robinson, Yonkers, N. Y. JEyccutivc Committee Fred W. Robinson, - - . - Charles K. Robinson, George R. Wright, . . - . Orlando G. Robinson, Bethuel Penniman, - - - - Boston, Mass. New York. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Raynham, Mass. New Bedford, Mass. The next Biennial Meeting of this Association will be held at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in August, 1904. lbU3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESb 021 392 096 C