• o > «5<2fc INGRESS Swo Copies deceived Z7 1905 Souyngnt tiiuy Jo-. ii. "? cS Oiw'.SE o^ KXc. Wen J I D >3 OOHY B. 4 "The Old North Shore" jfROM the earliest colonial times the rugged coast line extending northward from Boston to rocky Cape Ann has been called "The North J> Shore." This coast borders upon historic Massachusetts Bay, and the mouths of numerous small rivers and the waters of the sea have formed it into a series of curious peninsulas and remarkable islands which conceal or protect many safe and deep anchorages. The first colonizing efforts of the early settlers were directed toward the less forbidding southern shores of the bay, but the fine harbors and teeming fishing grounds of the north soon proved to be powerful magnets to attract later arrivals. A few years after the landing of the Pilgrims at Plvmouth the seat of power and influence was transferred to the more populous and prosperous colonies of the Old North Shore. During the Revolution the North Shore was intensely patriotic. Thousands of her sons served in the army of Washington from Bunker Hill to Yorktown, and later, in 1812, her bold privateersmen harried the British shipping to distraction. Here has been produced the hardiest of sailormen ; the deep-sea fishers of Gloucester, Marblehead and Beverly, and the world-mariners of Salem who traded in every port on the globe. Steam navigation has driven the clipper-built ships of the North Shore from the seas, but the coast yet retains the premier position in the fishing industry. This ancient Shore has been a favorite with the poets and story-tellers. Longfellow, Whittier, Hawthorne and others have loved to wander along its beaches and to roam among its rocks. They have made it the scene of many of their classics. Although several of the old commercial cities of the North Shore have partially changed their character and have to a more or less degree become manufacturing communities, they have preserved with jealous care much that is quaint and interesting to the traveler. But it is as a summer resort that the North Shore is now especially famous. Magnificent hotels, palatial residences and numberless attractive cottages dot the entire outline of the coast, mingled with the mansions of older proprietors and the homes of the toilers of the sea. Here year after year vast armies of tired humanity gain a new grip on life from breathing the salty winds of the great ocean. Published by L. H. NELSON COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE, Proprietors of Nelson's Internatiokal Series of Souvenir Books. Copyright, 1905, L. H. XpIsoii Co., Portland, Me, r THE RAGING SEA |TIIK waters of the Atlantic are nowhere more beautiful in summer than along the North Shore. Pleasure craft of every description anchorages of the numerous yacht clubs. In the winter season this coast is the scene of fierce storms. It was from the North Shor fated steamer " Portland " were seen for the last time during the big storm of November, 1898. til) the harbors and ( the • thai tin- lights of the ill- SCENES AT BASS KOCKS, CAPE ANK jITHK Bass Hocks, nearly opposite Thacher's Island, are broken, jagged masses of rock where the force of the greatest waves est seas, are churned Into spray and foam. From Bass Rocks, Long Beach stretches toward Land's End. Yacht races an l ape Ann. The summer Meet of pleasure craft is represented in the harbors liy every variety of power and rig. of old ocean, and even the mild- not uncommon in the waters ntf FISHING i'N THE BANKS flTHE men of the fishing fleets ply a dangerous calling. The vessels at anchor on the banks are exposed to many perils, not the least «>l which i^ the possibility of being cut down by the sharp prow of a towering; liner. Dorymen are often separated from their vessel by the fog and never seen again, or rescued only after intense suffering. The story of a successful season is always marred by some tragedies. REPRESENTATIVE NORTH SHORE BOATS 7TTHE schooners of the North Shore fishing' fleets are the best heavy weather small craft ail oat. Tiny are especially made for hard knocks and speed by the most expert designers and builders. Many of them are built on the lines of cup defenders and can show a taffrail to the purely raoing eraft in any kind of rough weather. Tin- coast is the home of many prosperous yacht clubs famousfor their hospitality vjxLOUCESTER i* the lending fishing port "I the known fishing ground of the North Atlantic, time quaintneps. GLOUCESTER FROM THE HAKBOK vorld. H was settled hi 1633, ami from that date has been renowned for its daring sailors. They frequent everj The city, with $ present population <>f 30,000, j> ;i progressive community . and lias preserved imieh of its olden- GLOUCESTER HARBOR .qLOUC'ESTER Harbor i» well-protected frorn the sea. The inner harbor is guarded by Ten Found [sland, while rugged Eastern Romt stands sentinel tor the outer harbor. Four hundred vessels may anchor in the outer and two hundred in the inner harbor. It is not uncommon to see a fleet of seyeral hundred sail beat out from this port. The trim Gloucester fishing schooners can walk into the wind like steamers - ; 2 > Z X p,*3 z z 53 ™ 01 H+3 ft K -3 e 5 " ce Z g / < 1 ~ - i 1 — >." +3 O - « c i s a, r z. c > w if < s (3 H — 7 2 s<3 Z -^ £ = *'S «!«3 3 iB -.5 .. !. -. « o 5 c? 2 5 . o » s « -/ " - x w S " Z_ — .1 s fi « © BEAUTIES OF MAGNOLIA rocky and sometimes precipitous shore, Kafe*s Chasm is i heavy sea is running the roar of the waves as they sweep through is appalling. The Flume is another uleftjn^the trap rock . Lover's Lane is a pleading hit of road where the shore is more accessible. v -v\A<.N< >LIA, to the west of Gloucester, presents to the passing mariner a view of soft green hills ami a r< a remarkable fissure in the great cliff which fronts the ocean. When a heavj sea is running the roar < * lopyright, 1904, Detroit Photographic t oinpan> OCEANSIDE HOTEL AM> ITS COTTAGES flTHIS grand hotel, one >>i the Largest on the North Shore, is delightfully located on one "i the raosl e manding sire* i growing popularity as .1 summer resort of tlii- coast, where " ;h sup of New England's air is hetter than .1 whole drau in Magnolia- It 1- a splendid proof <•! the lit mi Old England's ale " r £■;. - •§? i- n %l 5 is « i] K g i j the people. The great willow trees, from which the spot has derived its name, are magnificent spe girth. and are known to have been in existence for more than one hundred and twenty years ctric service with the city and is much ■iniens. Mam "1 them are of rnornion- PAVILION AT THE WILLOWS jTrHE Willows is provided with manj attractions for those who are seeking either rest or pleasure. Beautiful music, gardens, pavilions, restaurants, boating. and all the ace issories of a popular recreation park may be enjoyed here at any time during the sum r season. A fine steamboal Bervice connects the Wil lows with several other adjacent resorts, and also with the city of Boston. MARBLEHEAD jmANV buildings ami other places or historical Interest may be found In this olty. The Moll Pitcher birthplace and the Old Town House, built in 1727, are yet Btanding. The Well of the Old Fountain Inn, where Sir Henry Fraukland hist met the fair Inn-servant, Agne« Surplage, whom lie afterwards made Lady Frankland, ' v still pointed out. TneVer's Wharf has been •■* landing since 1(U?. Old Fori 8ewajl was built in 174?, HOTEL PRESTON, BEACH liLl II JJTHIS immense hotel Is situated in Beach Mutt, .1 picturesque seaside resort on the North Shore wlthlu a halt-hour's rule by express from Boston. The charm of Beach Bluff lies in the combined beaut] of the sea and wooded country, making it possible to please every lover of Nature The hotel commands distant views of Xahant, Boston Harbor and Xastasket on the south, and Marblehead on the north I J ! if t. i * ft ' oq •?-- I •r. a ~ C (U o S5 4) «j rt ■< — / o - fierce storms. JtTHE residences are buill ;is closely as possible to tl has been known to dash eighty feet into the air. It is an awe-inspiring Furiously against man's endeavor to restrain its destructive power. SURF AT LYNX BREAKWATER Breakwater in many places. The surf run sight. eedingly high at times, and during an easterly storm The booming and roaring of the angry sea can he heard for miles as it dashes THE ROADS OF LYNN WOODS li y NN Woods is again the property of the people as it was previous to division among 1 the freeholders in 1700. The well-kept roads wind for miles through the foresl and permit the traveler to enjoy many glorious \ lews. In this public forest are the great Wolf Pits dug over two hundred years ago and the Pirates' iil. n where Hiram Marble and his son wasted life and fortune in the search for buried treasure. I ^vasssnnnrf ail- .'•''. .