mB li FAR ROCKAWAY ROCKAWAY BEACH ROCKAWAY PARK LONG ISLAND ILLUSTRATED AMERICA SERIES PUBLISHERS OF 1^1 t\ OPERATING PHOTOGRAPHS IVlv DayandNight 31lustratc&— i2>oohlcts, j'Olbcrs, post 'Cards. Cataloflucj, .maps, pojrftrrs, etc. Published and Copyrighted, 1910, by American Photograph Co., New York. ©CI.A2o9373 C!)e 3^ocIiatoaj)S. HE Rockaways, which constitute the 5th Ward of the Borough of Queens, City of New York, are bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the South and Jamaica Bay and the Village of Inwood on the North and West. The Rockaways are made up of the following places: Far Rockaway, Edgemere, Arverne, Rockaway Beach, Rockaway Park and Rockaway Point. Far Rockaway is fast becoming an all-year-round residential its winter population being about 8,000 and in the summer time about Far Rockaway is known for its high class population, as it has the distinction of numbering among its residents many of New York's million- aires, who in former years leased cottages for the summer season but who are now buying and building beautiful residences and living in the beautiful " City- by-the-Sea" all the year 'round. Far Rockaway via the Long Island P.ailroad is 22 miles from 34th Street, Manhattan, and 16 miles from Brooklyn, and in the summer time there are 35 trains a day to and from New York and Brooklyn and in the winter about 30 trains. The High School is in Far Rockaway and there are three beautiful brick public schools at Arverne and Rockaway Beach , also the % 1 50,000 parochial school of St. Mary Star-of-the-Sea ; the National Bank and the Bank of Long Island, the latter having two branches at Rockaway Beach. It has St. Mary Star-of-the-Sea Church, (Catholic); St. John's Episcopal Church; First Presbyterian Church ; and German Lutheran Church. There are two Carnegie Libraries, one a handsome brick structure located opposite the plaza of the railroad station to meet the view of visitors just as they get ofif the trains. The plaza itself is pleasing to the eye in the summer time, and this station won the prize for being the best kept station on the Long Island Railroad for five consecutive years. The beach is the finest on the Atlantic coast and thousands may be seen each day enjoying " Old Neptune ". Many of the business men of Manhattan at the end of a hot day's work immediately rush for the beach and enjoy the invigorating bath before dinner each evening. Jamaica Bay with its broad expanse of navigable waters provides great pleasure for yachtsmen and fishermen for nearly ten months in the year, and its shores are lined with palatial residences and yacht club houses, among which are the Jamaica Bay Yacht Club with a home second to none in the vicinity of New York. Also the Bayswater Yacht Club, situated in the aristo- cratic Bayswater section of Far Rockaway. Ocean Crest and Wave Crest, as the names imply, present unobstructed and grand views of the broad Atlantic, as they rise in a majestic manner on the edge of the ocean. The brick avenues and macadamized streets afYord many pleasant hours to automobilists and horsemen, as almost all the streets and avenues are lined with large and beautiful trees and concrete sidewalks. The whole Fifth Ward is under the protection of the paid New York Police Department and Fire Department, having five engine companies and three truck companies. The Queens County Water Company supplies the Rockaways with the best water obtainable, and The Queens Borough Gas and Electric Company lights the ward. At the present there are many new buildings in the course of erection, among which are the magnificent five story brick office building at the L. I. R. R. station, also a mammoth seven story re-enforced concrete l)uilding. Electric trains for the accommodation of commuters make the run to Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, in less than .30 minutes and to 34th Street, Manhattan, in 40 minutes, and the railroad company promises this time will be considerably lessened inside of a year There are five lines of steamboats which run from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Newark during the summer months to Seaside and Rockaway Park. It is an old saying in the Rockaways: "Once a person lives on this peninsula for one year, and then moves away — he is bound to come back .'' # — AMKRICW PHOTOGUAIMI ( 0>I I' A \ V, X. V. -^ \ii:mui;i.\i. r:n uci All ItdCKAWAY. I. ST. MARYS I'AKOCIIIAL SCHOOL, BROADWAY. (^ FAR ROCK AWAY. L. I. 6 #- # ^ #- -AMERICAN PHOTOGItAPH COMPANY, X. Y. 1— — llStl V"* ' fe?^^*^^'- i^JB^vJ-;" WVWlB^lljSBl^p^'' i.f psaH ■■ , i FKANKLIX AVE.NLi:. FAR iJOfKAWAY, #- FUEDERICK COURT, FAR ROCKAWAY, L. I.- ®- ^ # ® ®H- A>I10|{I(A\ I'llO'lMXiKAPH COMPAXV, \. Y, (gP ITKLIC Lir.UAKV. FAR UOCKAWAY. L. I. i / / m BB -PUBLTC SCIIOOL, KOCKA^yAY PARK, I.. -® #- -# VMEilicAN PHOTOGRAPH COMPAXV, N. Y. ^ :X('E OF SMITH X. DIX'KKU, CUK. WILLIAM ST. & CENTUM AVE., EAU UOCKAWAY, L. I. RESIDENCE UF EUGENE C. GILKOV, 104 MOTT AVE., FAR ROCKAWAY. L. I. . # AMEItlCAX PHOTOGRAPH COMPANY, N. Y. ^ RESIDENCE OF AKTIUU HITI-EK, XEILSOX AVENUE, FAR UOCK- AWAY, L. I. # 1 i^^^ ^ 71 -^ rtt K| 1^1 ^1 mm RESIDENCE OF J. FRANK McNAMARA, CLINTON STREET. FAR ROCK- AWAY, L. I. -# ■S) ■® AMRniCAN PHOTOGIIAPH fOMPAXY, N. Y :.\('i'; OK ,\1()i:i;ki,l smith. m:ii.sll"A\ Y, \. V E. S. & S. !■■. Vt)S8 (K1:AL estate and INSLKANCEi. CEDAUIU KS' REAL ESTATE OFFICE OF THE LEWIS II MAY CO , MOTT AV ^ FAR ROCKAWAV, L. 1. 21 ® #- AMKIUCAX PHOTOORAI'II rOMPWV. X. V OFFICE & HOSPITAL OF E. J. DKCKEU, D. V. S., WILLIAM STREET. FAR ROCKAWAY, L. I. #- -# #^ AIIKRICAN IMIOTOCilJ AIMI f OM I' AXY, N. Y --# 1 w rjci 1 '^- - :5-.-;^'-^'c^ff r f3 # <^ /^\\ f- — ^ 1 i^ X *k*^}^J^I - ^p' "il p 1 lli^^ |H IllrlS ^J {pi #- # ■^ AMERirAX PHOTor;n\pii compaw, n. v f -- ' ., -\. . 4k liP'N^^pfiiiPiiliMi ■ WW '----•■^■■'-""'^ ira^wp^ p 1 ""H" ■ ■ ^^ « ■■:■ I il BM i! ct LjJ^^Lt I Xj 1 i,i* |i«iiiiio ■ ■:J 1 p . .- -...-,^ r — =r^ \ AUDWAKI-: i:Sl Ar.l.lSIIMKNT IKXI'KKKIK VIKWi. WILLIAM A. RUGEUS. HOLLAND STA.. UUCKAWAY I'.KACIL L. L (^ INTERIOR VIEW OF WILLIAM A. ROGERS' HARDWARE STORE, ^ ■ ROCKAWAY BEACH, L. I. (^ €> AMERICAN PIIOTOfillAI'Il ( 0:>II'AIV Y, N. A. LAMBERT'S HOTEL (.(iKU. L. LA.MBEKT, I'RDl'K.K BOIMOVARD (HOLLAND), ROCKAWAY BEACH, L. L 41 #- — <$) #- 4 # -<$> ® -AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH COMPANY, N. Y. KOI K AWAY lESIDKME UF DK. GAUKKTT K. \V. SCUENCK (HOF.LAM ROCKAWAY BEACH. L. I. -<# #- AiiKKirw iMi<»r<)<;K AiMi < oiiivwv, x. v. M l.KVAKP. KtK'K- I (^2) TIIK WAVK (Wl'.KKI.V). I'.OI l,i;\ A IID. ItOCKAWAV liKAlII, I.. I. (^ ,*;!AR 14 1910 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS il 014 434 182 P % ^"V-^ •M^ ^ 'H