r ITT H5 CHURCH MEMBERS, MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS, AT HANOVER, MORRIS CO., N. J., DURING THE PASTORATE OF Rev. JACOB GREEN, AND TO THE Settlement of Rev. Aaron Condit. 1746— 1796. So \z. PREFACE. The first Church established within the bounds of the pres- ent County of Morris was the '• Hanover" Church at Whippanong, or Whippany as it is now called. An account of the establish- ment and early history of this Church, evidently written by Dr. Jacob Green, and taken from the ancient book of Church records, is as follows : — " About the year 1710 a few families moved from Newark & Elisabeth Town &c & settled on the west side of pesaick Eiver in that which is now Morris County. Not long after the settlers erected an House for the publick worship of God on the Bank of Whippenung River (about three miles west of pesaick river), about one hundred rodsbelow the Forge, which is and has long been known by the name of the old Iron works. There wasaChh. gath- ered and in the year 1718* Mr. Nathaniel Hubbel was ordained and settled there by the Presbytery of New York. About this time this place obtained the name of Hanover and became a township but the place was most commonly known by the Indian name Whippe- nung. Mr. Hubbil continued minister here till 1730* when for some uneasiness between him and the people he was dismissed. This Chh, had then no proper book of records and if Mr. Hubbel kept any Chh. records, upon paper of his own, they were not left to those that came after. In the year 1730* Mr. John Nutman was ordained pastor of the Chh. in Hanover. About this time or not long after there was a new parish erected at Morris Town not without much contention and difficulty between Hanover con- gregation and them. In the year 1745 Mr. Nutman was dis- mist from his pastoral relation to the church, occasioned by unea- siness subsisting between him and the people. This Chh. had still no book for record and if Mr. Nuttman kept any on paper of his own they were not known of by those that came after. Novem- ber, 1746, Mr. Jacob Green was ordained pastor of the Chh. in Hanover. The meeting house was then old and small and there were proposals for building a new one. But some families in the * Date left blank in original. 2 PREFACE. south end of the Town and neighboriniJ^ parts, thinking they should not be suited with the position of the meeting House went off, and contrary to the endeavours of the presbytery erected a new meeting House in the south end of the town which has been called South Hanover. Mr. Green continued to preach at the old meeting House till the beginning of the year 1755 when accord- ing to the determination of the presbytery two places were erected for public worship the one at Precipining the other on the neck, about half a mile west of Pesaik River on the road that goes to Newark about eastward of the old meeting House. Mr. Green was ordered by Presby to preach at both tlaese places ; which he continued to do till the year 1760. When Precipining were allowed by the Presby to seek a minister for themselves, and Mr. Green was continued at the new meeting house on the neck, and the Chh. at that house has been properly considered as the first Chh in Hanover, for but a small part of the old congregation went to Persipining, and all the elders and the deacons that belonged to the chh. at the old meeting house, were within the bounds and belonged to the congregation that met at the new meeting House on the neck. When Mr. Green settled there was no Chh. Book he often applyed to the Chh. to procure one ; but by one means or other it has been neglected till this present year 1767. After he was settled in the ministry Mr Green began to record baptisms &c. on papers of his own. But after some years, by one means or other he began to be negligent so that for the space of several years or from anno 1757 to 1769 but few baptisms are recorded. The records that have been kept since Mr. Greens Settlement are now inserted in this Book." The earliest record of the church is the deed dated 2d of September, 1718, from John Richards, " schoolmaster," for three and a half acres of land adjoining the Whippanong River, " in consideration of ye love, good will and affection which I have and do bear towards my Christian friends and neighbours in Whippa- nong," " and especially of those who shall or may mutually cov- enant by subscription to erect" " a Decent and Suitable Meeting house for the Public Worship of God." The land was granted " for a Meeting house, school house, burying yard, training field and such like Public uses." The lot so conveyed covers the old burying ground at Whippany and upon its North-west corner the first Church was erected, probably of a very humble character. It was in December of 1718, after the death of Mr. Richards, that Mr. Hubbel was settled and became the first pastor of the church. He ministered to this church, a part of the time conjointly with the church at Westfield, Essex County, until 1730, when he was dismissed as stated by Mr. Green. Mr. Nutman, for the first three years of his pastorate, had for his parish all the settled por- tion of Morris County. The first church at Mendhani or Roxsiticus was commenced about 1745. The settlement of the South-westerly section of the County, made principally by Germans, coming from PREFACE. 3 the Delaware, had been begun, but there was no church in that region until 1747, (possibly 1748,) when a church was in existence at " Foxenburg." The Dutch Reformed Church atPonipton, just over the line in then Bergen County, was built in 1736, and Bask- ingridge Presbyterian Church in Somerset Co., Dr. Eankin says, was built after 1720. When Mr. Green began his ministry the parsonage was at Lower Whippany, nearly opposite the Grist Mill, but in 1757 a new one was erected near the new church, to which the pastor re- moved his family in the spring of the following year. This house is still standing and is on the opposite side of the street from the present parsonage, but a little farther to the East. The record of church members, marriages and baptisms kept by Mr. Green continued to the beginning of the ministry of Rev. Aaron Condit, July 1st, 1796, is contained in this pamphlet. W. OGDEN WHEELER, EDMUND D. HALSEY. September 14, 1893. CHURCH MEMBERS. December 13, 1747, March 6, 1748, August 7, " November 5, 1749, March 4, 1750, ti 20, '' August 19, " February 1752, November 26, " May 20, 1753, List " of persons received into full Communion in the first Chh. in Hanover by Jacob G-reen," Those marked with a star are noted as being members living in 1790. 1747, John Ball, Jr, and ^Elizabeth his wife. Paul Leonard. Phebe, wife of Joshua Ball. Hannah, wife of Thomas Day. William Brant. Zechariah Baldin & Rebecca his wife. John Carmichael. Sarah, wife of Isaac Tuttle. -- Sarah " '' John Stratten. Ehoda, " " John Cobb. 5, 1754, John Cobb. June 30, Nathan Price. September 21, 1755, Sarah, wife of John Mitchel. Mercy Barker. December 28, Mary Kelly. July 25, 1756, Lois, wife of Alexander Johnson. March 20, 1757, Sarah, wife of John Conger. February 12, 1758, Ephraim Stiles. May 10, 1761, Samuel Tuttle. 17, *Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Beach. 24, Jane Burnet. June 28, Elizabeth, wife of Matthias Hoppen. July 12, Abigail, wife of Richard Parrot. August 2, *David Bates. April 8, 1763, John Conger. 10, *Samuel Ball. 24, Phebe, wife of Daniel Ball. May 8, David Young and his wife. J^ily 31, Joanna, wife of John Tuttle. — August 7, * Joseph Tuttle, Jun., and * Jemima his wife. September J4, *T. Cooper Ward and Elizabeth Crane. MEMBERS. January 15, 1764, February 12, Ncveraber25, 1764, December 2, March 10, 1765, May 5, June 2, 23, July 25, August 4, September 8, 15, November 15, 1767, April 16, 1769, Caleb Ball and Hannah Tompkins. *^V^illiain Ely and his wife and Silvanu; Hedges. Edward By ram and his wife. *Mary, wife of Samuel Dalglish. Matthew Campfield. Jacob Drake. Silas Tompkins. *Enoch Beach and Susannah his wife. Joseph (longer. Kezia, wife Gilbert Thornton. Cornelius Atwood. * William Broadwell and *Uzal Kitchel. Jemima Bill. Hellen, wife of Jacob Drake. * Jemima Gardner. Anne, the wife of Samuel Ball. Suzannab Tichner, wife of James Tichner. Phebe, wife of John Tuttle. " Memorandum. — At the time of writing this, 1770, there are three persons, viz : — John Hopper and his wife and William Dixon who from other Chs. joyned with us have for a considera- ble time neglected to come to our communion and behave in an unbecoming manner of whom tis hard to say whether they belong to our ch. or not. To these may be added also Ezekiel Halsey." *' Persons now belonging to the ch. in 1771 who were in the ch. when Mr. Green was settled 1746. Deacon John Ball — Dea- con Joseph Tuttle — Elder Joseph Kitchel — Elder Ephraim Price — Noah Beach & his wife — Deacon Ball's wife — John Kitchel — Elder Price's wife — Widow A.llen — Widow Ruth Kitchel — Jonathan Squire's wife— Elder Kitchel's wife— * Widow Mott." Phebe, wife of David Bates. At Wantage in Sussex, Michael Crossman. Elizabeth Halsey, widow of Elihu. Ebenezer Bradford. Mary Johnson. *Anna, wife of Uzal Kitchel. *Ezekiel Hoppen, Matthew Moore and *Stephen Kitchel. Deborah Beach and Jemima Green. Anna Munson and *Hannah Darling (Mrs. Stephen Kitchell.) *Caesar, negro man of Sam Parrot. Stephen Burnet. Asa Kitchel and his wife Roda ; Samuel Beach ; John Tuttle ; *Letitia, wife of Stephen Munson. March 24, 1771, June 2, 23, October 20, (( 18, 1772, December 25, 1774, January 15, 1775, 29, April May 9, 23, 30, 7, MEMBERS. July September November February April June Sept. August 2, 1775, 10, 12, 26, 18, 1776. 14, 2, 1, 17, 1777, November 2, May Jnue November Juue October July December 31, 1778, 28, 8, 6, 1779, 2, 1780, 9, 1781, 29, 1782, Jauu.iry 5, 1783, 1784, April 3, 1785, September 4, October 30, November 6, 20, December 11, 1785, March 12, ] 786, 26, May 21. August 6, July 29, 1787, December 16, April 6, 1788, November 2, Dec. 21 (or 4), September 20, 1789, October 3, " Mary, wife of Stephen Burnet, and Mary, wife of John Hambleton. *Mary, wife of Moses Fairchild, and Kezia, wife of Peter Parsel. *Moses Fairchild. Phebe Beach. Jemima Tuttle Sarah Beach and Lidia Price. Nathaniel Wade. * Mercy, wife of Benjamin Fuirchild. * Widow Hannah Fairchild and *Deborah, wife of Samuel Ball. *Widow Elizabeth Cooper. *David Young. *Mary, wife of David Dickinson. Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Wade. Hannah, wife of John Ochletree and *Mary, wife of Prudden Allen. Isabel, wife of John Wilkinson. John Tappan. *Dorothy, wife of William Cocker. *Oornelius Yorres. Total 102 Aaron and Hannah Tompkins ; Jonathan and Abigail Smith ; *Christopher and *Jane Mulford. Joseph and Roda Harrison and *Ebenezer Sayre. *( Peggy), wife of Stephen Osbourn. *Phinehas Kitchel. *Nath'l Dalglish and *Sarah his wife. Daniel Kitchel and Rachel his wife. *Hebry Wade, (d. 1793.) * Jemima Ball, (wife of Solomon Fairchild.) *Jos. Wade and *Dorothy Wade. Total 121 *Jeptha Morehouse and *Abby his wife. Lois, wife of Samuel Hinman, and *James Beach and *Elizabeth his wife. Rachel Smith. *Phebe, wife of David Cory, and *Sarah, wife of Stephen Brant. *David Cory. *Jotham Gardner (d. 1796), *Darling Beach (d. 1793). 132 *Hannah, wife of John Smithson. *Achsah, wife of John Young, and Phebe Chatfield. *Sarah, wife of Samuel Squire. * Jonathan Wade and *Amy Orr (d. 1792). 138 *Thomas Glover. 8 MEMBERS. 18, *Calvin and *Hannah Green. 141 *Ebenezer Cooper. February 28, 1790, *Daniel Woodruff and his wife *Agnis, *Sa- rah Johnes (d. 1792). March 14, *Phebe, wife of Dr. Darcy, and *Keturah Green. May 2, *Jolin Brown (d. 1797), *John Dalglish and his wife *Mary, *Jesse Crane, *Aray, wife of Isaac Fairchild, *Betsey Fair- child (d. 1793), ^Katharine Smith and *Lidia Young. Note at date of Mr, Green's death in addition to those marked with a star, the following persons were said to have been mem- bers : Elizabeth Green (Mrs. Bradford), Phebe, wife of David Bates, Remington Parsel (d. May 15, 1800), and David Leddell. Mr. Green died May 24, 1790. Rev. Calvin White began to supply the pulpit July 11, 1790, and Oct. 18,1795, he preached his farewell sermon. Rev. Aaron Oondict began his long ministry July 1, 1796. The following members were admitted between Mr. Green's death and the settlement of Mr. Condict : June 20, 1790, Hannah, wife of Enoch Beach ; Patience, wife of Stephen Beach ; Phebe, wife of Aaron Kitchel ; Mary, wife of Jesse Crane : Elsy Smith (widow), John Kitchel with his wife Abigail, Lent Winchel Fairchild, Nancy B^ach (Mrs. Abra- ham Halsey), Electa Beach (Mrs, Silas Dick- erson), Esther Mulford. Dency Ross, Martha Dalglish (Mrs. E. Pruden), admitted by Mr. Chapman. Timothy Mulford, Jun. July 4, Timothy Tuttle and Mary his wife, Abraham Fairchild and Phebe his wife, Mary, wife of Cornelius Voorheis ; Rebekah, the wife of Eben- ezer Tuttle, and her daughtei- Amy ; Hannah, wife of Jothara Gardner ; Jacob Kitchel, Sim- eon Jones, John Teasmau (negro), Rec'd by Mr. Austin. Aug. 29, Sissel Cooper (widow), Phebe Cooper, Charles Smith, Noah Beach, John Woodruff, John Hed- dy. Betsey Mulford, Hannah Mulford, Jenny Mulford, Thomas Eckley, Ira Ball. Sarah, wife of Benj. Kitchel; Jean, wife of Moses Tappan; Catharine, wife of Zenas Davis ; Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Cooper ; Joanna, wife of Stephen Morehouse, Jr. ; Lydia Ball, Sarah Whitmore, Obadiah Kitchel and Sarah his wife, David Kitchel and Rachel his wife, Susannah Mussel. MEMBEBS. y Jan. 12, 1791, Lucy, wife of Ellis Cook, Hannah Perkins; Anna, wife of Joseph Green ; Mary, wife of Pierson Green ; Mary, wife of Will'm Runnels ; Eliz'a, wife of Calvin Ely ; Widow Phebe Parrot ; Sa- rah, wife of Joseph Wade; Mary, wife of Isaac Wining ; Cisellea, wife of Charles Smith ; Ket- urah Tuttle ; Hannah ? Wade ; Mary, wife Zebu- Ion Cook ; Joseph Green ; Joanna, wife of Ezek- iel Cory; Phebe, wife of Benj'm Johnson; Hannah, wife of Obediah Wade ; John Can- field ; Deborah Taylor ; Rebekah Dickison ; Eu- nice Fairchild ; Jemima Beach, now widow of Caleb Tuttle ; Sarah Dalglish ; Rachel Williams ; Bil Kise, Negro; Benj'm Griffis; Anna Smith; Abigal Fairchild ; Lucy, wife of WM'm Ely ; Margaret, wife of Henry Wade ; Sylvesta Wade, now widow of John Dickerson ; Jemima Wade; Phebe Dalglish ; Kezia, wife of Robert More, (from Morris Town Ch.) ; Thomas Dor- rington and Pamelia his wife, (from Newark Church) ; Matthew Kitchel ; Isaac Farchild ; Sa- rah Ely; Mrs. Baldwin, wife of Ezra, from Tur- key Chh. ; Widow Phebe Young ; Marian Ochel- tree ; Mary, wife of John Squire: Sarah, wife of Dea'n Morehous, (from Con't Farms Chh.) ; Cole (Negro), (d. 1793) ; David Tuttle & Sarah his wife, (she d. 1793) ; Farrand Kitchel; Apol- los Prudden ; Jeremiah Mulford, Junr; Mrs. Jemima Mor N. York Chh. ; Hannah Tut- tie, Anna, wife of James Haines, (from Morr'tn Chh.) ; Thomas (Negro). 1793, Josiah Post ; Lucretia Green ; Mary, wife of John Kingham, (fr. Caldwell Chh.) ; Jacob Osborn ; Mrs. Phebe White, (from Newark Chh.) ; Will'm Wick & (Phebe ?) his wife, (from Morristown Ch.) 1794. Susannah Tappan,(fromCranbury Ch.) ; Peggy, wife of Stephen Squire ; Theodosia, wife of Da- vid Young. After Mr. Green settled in the ministry he for some years admitted (according to custom) some people to covenant & receive Baptism themselves & offer their children to Baptism, without coming into full communion to receive the Lord's Supper. These persons were said to enter into covenant or own their covenant or renew covenant & by some were sometimes called half members. This custom was tolerated till October in the year 1764. After that time he thought it his duty to baptize no children but those of parents in full communion. And here follows the names of the 10 MEMBERS. persons thus admitted. N. B. Those with a cross to their names were afterward admitted to full communion : — 10, 1748. Renewed Covenant. Joshua Leonard. fJohn Conger & fhis wife. Helen, wife of Satn'l Parrot. tSarah, wife of John Strat- tan. Timothy Riggs. tSam'l Tuttle & Rachel, his wife. Joseph Dalglish & Esther, his wife. Lucretia Ball. Barnabas Brant. tMary Kelly. Jemima, wife of David Tut- tle. Sam'l Fairchild & fHannah his wife. Ephraim Stiles & f Rebecca his wife. Mary , wife of Issacher Hunt- ington. fjacob Drake & fHelen his wife. Sarah, wife of Stephen Beach. fJoseph Tuttle, Jun. & fje- raima his wife. Oct. 1761, ^Enoch Beach & ^Suzannah his wife. fPhebe, wife of David Bates. Jan. 15, 1764, Covenanted. Thomas Millage & Baptized him. July 1, Renewed Covenant. Lucy, wife of Wm. Ely, Jun. April Dec. Jan. July 10, 1748. 11, 8, 1749. 23, Aug. Feby 12, 1750. 10, 1751. Dec. 8, July March Sept. Dec. 19, 1752. 17, 1754. 22, 15, Sept. 7, 1755. March 21, 1756. July 25, Feby 6, 1757. Dec. 28, 1760. MARRIAGES November 12th, 1746, November <6th, 1746, December 29tb, 1746, March 12th, 1T46-7, July 3cl, 1747, November 2oth, 1747, November 31st, 1747, Feb. 18, 1748. May 8th, 1748, November 17th, 1748, Deremb 8th, 1748, January 5th, 1749, January 11th, 1749, November • 14th, 1749, December 4th, 1749, January 1st, 1750, Jan. 4th, 1750, Jan. 18th, 1750, Jan. 20th, 1750, Jan. 24th, 1750, April 18th, 1750, May 14, 1750, August 9th, 1750, August 10th, 1750, August 16th. 1750, October 11th, 1750, October 20th, 1750, November 19th, 1750, Married Edward to Elizabeth Kilburn. Married Joshua Ball and Phebe Carmon. Married David Cory & Mary Hambleton. Married John Conger and Sarah Tuttle. Married John Tuttle to Johannah Canfield in Newark. Married Henry Smith & Hannah Beach. Married John Slater & Abigail Chidester. Married John Williams to Rachel Wade in Connecticut Farms, Married John Merrit & Ruth Canfield. Married Jacob Minton & Mary Carter. Married Caleb Ball & Martha Sergent. Married Samuel Riggsand Elizabeth Tomp- kins. Married Thomas Coe and Sarah Dalglish. Married Sam'l Tuttle «&: Rachel Gould. Married John Brant & Temperance Hoppen. Married John Steward & Jemima Chitester. Married Abial Cobb & Sarah Van Winkle. Married Benj. Green & Mary Dalglish. Married Wm. Cumberford & Jane Waters. Married Moses Ball & Lucretia Dalglish. Married Joseph Duglas& Esther Baldin. Married Richard Woods to Tjucy & Philip Price to Sarah Jones in Morristown. Married Sam'l Crane & Sarah Clark. Married Jonathan Stiles & Joanna Tuttle. Married Rubin Riggs and Sarah Carter. Married Joseph Woodruff & Mehetabel Cobb. Married Zebediah Potter aud Mary Carter. Married Stephen Hambleton & Jane More. > 12 MARRIAGES. Januarv 28th, 1750-1, April April May June August Aug, Decmb. January Feb. Feb. April April June July /July Aug. October November Decemb Jan. Feb. April May July July October Nov.. Jan. Feb. Feb. April Mav Aug. Decemb. April June 10, 1751, 24, 1751, 4, 1751, 25, 1751, 22, 1751, 27, 1751, 19, 1751, 12, 1752, 4, 1752, 6, 1752, 14, 1752, 28, 1752, 8, 1752, 4, 1752, 16, 1752, 7, 1752, 26, 1752, 29, 1752, 20, 1752, 16, 1753, 27, 1753, 2, 1753, 10, 1753, 12, 1753, 23, 1753, 11, 1753, 20, 1753, 10, 1754, 10, 1754, 18, 1754, 18, 1754, 24, 1754, 15, 1754, 24, 1754, 3, 1755, 5, 1755, Married Icabod Blaricum & Mary Riker. Married Gershom Mott & Deborah Carman. Married Nathaniel Squire & Mary Beach. Married James Aakens & Mary Budd. Married Mark King & Elizabeth Miller. Married John Genung to Sarah Clark & Jeremiah Poste to Martha Genung. Married Henry Tunis & Phebe Burnet. Married Thomas Dickson & Hannah Ste- phens. Married David Harris & Catharine Ridner. Married Jacob Wright & Mary Wade. Married Benjamin Pettet & Phebe Potter. Married Jonathan Biglow & Sarah Ladd. Married Jedediah Leonard & Sarah Baldin. M irried Sylas Hand & Sarah Burnet. Married John Carr & Sinte Turens (?) Married Nathaniel Coggswell & Marget Shingleton. Married Jt)hn Francisco & Hannah Van Zile. Married John Tichener & Mary Sergeant. Married Joseph Wood & Mary Allen. Married Isaac Winchel & Lucretia Ball. Married Daniel Lyon & Elizabeth Force. Married Garrerdus Drake & Sarah Beach. Married Gidion Hoel & Sarah Gordon. Married Manan Force & Lucretia Wirxhel. Married Margaret Cocker to Ellis Cook, Married Uriah Hand & Mary Hygby. Married George Cooper & Sissel Tappen. Married Fredreck Miller & Ann Van Win- kle. Married Japhet Byrom & Elizabeth Tap- pan. Married David Wheler & Elizabeth Mol- leneaux. Married John Plumb & Nancy Hanneon. Married Joseph Bright & Deborah Zer- reckson. Married David Ball & Sarah Dikins. Married Laban Ward & Hannah Hoppen. Married John White & Orriongery Ailing- ton. Married John King & Margret Miller. Married Caleb Ball & Mary Parrot. Married Williams Cook & Sarah Cocker. Married Jonathan Squire, Jun'r & Eunice Crane. MARRIAGES. 13 December July Aug. October Decern b Decemb January Jan. March July No^ 23, 15, 1756, 1756, 25, 1756, 17, 1756, 28, 1756, 20, 1757, 26, 1757, 8, 1757, 25, 1757, November 16, 1757, 30, 1757, January 5, 1758, Jan. 31, 1758, March 2, 1758, March 8, 1758, March 29, 1758, May May 11, 1758, 15, 1758, May July 31, 1758, 7, 1758, July 13, 1758, Octob 18, 1758, Nov. 8, 1758, Nov. 17, 1758, Decemb 3, 1758, May Aug. Decemb 5, 1760, 27, " 25, Feb. 2, 1761, March 12, Sept. 3, Octob. 21, Octob 4, 1762, (( 26, " March 16, 1763, Jan. 23, 1765, Married Jacob Allerton & Martha Baley. Married Thomas Baldin & Anna Allen. Married Sylas Howel & Ruth Halsev. Married Matthew Canfield & Rachel Bond. Married James Hill & Sarah Tompkins. Married Aaron Meleck & Sherlotle Miller. Married Samuel Ford & Grace Kitchel. Married Jedidiah Tompkins «& Martha Bur- net. Married John Gould & Anne Cobb. Married Joseph Tuttle, Junr & Jemima Hains. Married Ebenezer Farrand, Junr & Rebec- ca Parrot. Married Jonathan Cook & Margret Tap- pan. Married Jonas Genung & Deborah Carter. Married Stephen Stiles & Elisabeth Taler. Married John Riker & Married Jacob Gould & Rachel Kimble. Married Elisha Sutton & Mary Small- piece. (?) Married Ezekiel Goble & Phebe Peck. Married David Osbourn and Hannah Fair- child. Married Ephraim Stiles & Anna Farrand. Lambert Decamp & Mary Wood. William Dixon & Hannah Dalglish. Michal Vanwinkle & Phebe Carter. Married James Johnson & Eunice Sergeant. John Smith & Elizabeth Williams, Solomon Finn & Elizabeth Wheeler. Married Jacob Baldin & Baley. Daniel Ball & Phebe Tuttle. Thomas Millage & Mercy Berker. Married Isaac Gould & Anna Stephens. Married Joseph Tuttle, Esq. & Mary Merry. Married Deacon John Ball & Katharine Winchel. Married Aaron Gillet & Jerusha Cooper. Married Joseph Linsly & Anna Lum. Married Robert Philips & Margery Free- man. Married John Benjamin & Hannah Burnet. Married Epaphras Cook & Sarah Smith. Married Elijah Gardner & Mary Hymes. Married Thomas Cooper & Elisabeth Dixon. Married Jacob Philip & Mary Clason. 14 MAERTAGES. June Aug. Sept. Octob Octob Nov. Decemb Jan. Decemb Feb. March Decemb Jan. Feb. Aug. Sept. Octob. Decemb May June Aug. Nov. Decemb. Jan. Feb. March Mav July Nov. Decemb January 21, 1765, Married John Parrot & Anne Rioson. 8, Married Constantine Prat & Phebe Wil liams. 3, Married Zopher Williams & Sarah Hedden 10, Married John Edeson & Sarah Ogden. 16, Married William Dixon & Elizabeth Crane '28, Married Joel Wilkinson & Martha Fair child. 26, Married Joseph Tayler & Martha Parrot. 30, Married Sam' I Tisler & Jerusha Hoppen. 1, 1766, Married Stephen Beach & Patience Bedford 22, Married John Bridge & Joanna Kitchel. 2, 1767, Married Jarte^Tuttle & Anne Green. 24, Married Sam'l Serren & Sarah Hoel. 24, Married Samuel Stiles & Margret Vander hoof & George Bolsebv & Phebe Stiles. 21, 1768, Married John Miller & Mary Kelly. 25, Married Joseph Youngs & Phebe Youn^ & Elijah Stiles & Betty Price. 31, Married James Leonard & Rachel Daton. 22, Married Thomas Parsel & Lois Ely. 29, Married Bedford & Rebecca Hoppen 10, 1768, Married Daniel B;ill & Martha Price. 18, " Married John Wilkinson & Isabel Tappan 25, Married Lion Loper and Hannah Halsey. 19, Married Joseph G-ould & Sarah Ward. 26, Married John Dixon & Mary Williams 29, 1769, Married Hezekiah Broadwell & Abigai Green. 1, Married Joseph Wood & Abigail Kitchel. 7, Married Jesse Price & Phebe Ball. 21, Married Christopher Strait & Katee Mas saker. 23, Married Linsly Burnet & Elizabeth Halsey 24, Married William Baldin & Sarah Mai'tin. 2, Married Josiali Post & Dosia Dalglish. 21, Married Thomas Bealton & Hannah White 16, 1770, Married Thomas Day & Diadema Gardner 7, Married Robert Kelso & Puah xMerry. 6, Married Jonas Tompkins & Jane Lion & Squire Force & M. Johnson. 28, Married Uriah Smith & Abigail Allen. 31, Married William Cocker & Dorothy Green 11, Married Asa Kitchel & Rhoda Baldin. 26, 1770, Married Robert Gill & Phebe Shipman. 5, Married Moses Fairchild & Mary Gardner 3, 1771, Married Ezekiel Hoppen & Eunice Price. Married David Dalglish & Jane Dixon. MARRIAGES. 15 May 8, Sept. 19, Octob. 3, 17, Nov. 28, Jan. 7, 1772, 29, June 7, July 2u, Aug, 12, Jan. 1773, April 27, 1773, Sept. 23, March 23, 1774, July 30, Jan. 9, 1775, 12, 19, 26, Feb. 15, 1775, March 1775, June about the 20th, July 4, 1775, Octob 17, 18, 24, March 4, 1776, 21, April 4, Aug. 29, Feb. 18, 1777, 17. May 1777, Sept. 11, Nov. Decemb 31, Feb. 12, 1778, March 18, 19, March 30, 1778, April 1, 23, 1, May 27, 1779, Married Philip Poste & Jemima Ball. Married Joseph Dalglish & Martha Dixon, Married Caleb Ward & Ruth Lane. Married Jonathan Rainer &Triphena Ford- am. Married Ebenezer Tuttle & Rebecca Broad- well. Married John Hamilton & Mary Green. Married David philips & Hannah Ball. Samuel Lum & Dorcas Riggs. Samuel Campfield & Aber. Fredrick Jones & Elizabeth Halsey. Henry Lyon & Martha Tompkins. Married William Campfield & Sarah Squire. Married Henry Wade & Margeret Ward. Married Ezekiel Day & Joanna Bridge. Married James Pritchard & Leah Saunders, Married Ephraini Ball & Mary Hedden. Married Amos Crane & Elizabeth Luker. Married John Ball, Junr & Lidia Jones. Married Levi Shadick & Joanna Johit&on.^ Married Zebulon Cook & Mary Jones. Married Joseph Budd & Mary Drake. Married Stephen Brant & Sarah Young. Married David Cory & Phebe Braut. Married Joseph Post & Anna Hoppen. Married Cornelius Genung&Abigal Parrot. Married Stephen Kitchel & Hannah Dar- ling. Married Sam'l Lewis & Lidia Squire. Married Joseph Byram & Esther Dalglish. Married Eben'r Bradford & E.. Green. Married John McKillop & Betsy Degrow. Married Rev. Jedidiah Cha.pman & Mar- garet Lecompte. Married Stephen Osbourn & Marget Hoel. Wm. Ball & Sarah Ball. Wm. Parrot & Phebe Wade. W^m. Bebout & Hannah Ogden. Enoch Beach & Hannah Wheeler,- William Cook & Margret Cooper. John Kitchel & Abigail Parkhurst. Daniel Ball & Anna Beach, Married Alexander Brenan & Sarah Ames^.. David Kitchel «&: Rachal Bates. Abr'm Cooper & Elizabeth Bail. Samuel Hoppen & Sarah Smith. Babbet & Beach of Mendham. 16 MARRIAGES. April June July Aug. Octob May October Jan. Feb. May Aug. Oct. Octob Decemb Jan. Jan. F.b. May 22, Vil9, Phinehas Jones & Jemima Green. 11, Mr. John Joline & Mary Darlington. 15, William Parrot, Junr & Katy Williams. Othniel Luker & Pamelia Clark. 24, Thomas Parsel & Elizabeth Groticlass. Timothy Tuttle & Mary Ward. 9, 1780, Benj Genung & Hannah Whitehead. 10, Cornelius Vooris & Mary Cooper. 18, Abner Fairchild & Phebe Russel. 1780, Abner Wade & Phebe Beach. 1, 1781, David Cory & Hannah Richards. Wm. (?) Rague & Hannah Bonnel. 19, . Jacob Cory & Anne Ball & David Young & Lidia Price. 24, Married John Campfield & Mary Dixon. 15, Thos, Welles & Mary Smith. 2, Thomas Brown & Comfort Squire. 22, 1781, Married Job Colman & Eunice Lee. 31, Jedidiah Beach & Mary Post & Solomon Munson & Lucy Ball, 15, 1782, Nathaniel Dalglish & Sarah Bate?. 22, 1782, Timothy Ward & Hannah Zelop. 26, Ephraim Woodruff & Hannah Price. 19, Nath'l Wyllys & Lois Carter. Memorand; some time in the year 1781 married Ezra Broad- well to Sarah Beach & one Day of Morristovvn to Anne Beach. May June July Aug. Novembr Decembr Oct. Fe). June Feb. Nov. Octob December Jan. March 30. 1782, Married Samuel Baldwin & Lucy Fairchild. 20, Jotham Gardner & Hannah Russel. 4, Solomon Francisco & Phebe Shipman. 22, William Ely & Esther Dalglish. 10, Ephraim Manning & Betsy Dobben. 28, Joseph Britten & Elizabeth Ward. 1, Joshua Seely & BethyahCamp. 25, Joseph Green & Abigail Britten. 3, 1783, William Runnals & Phebe Parrot. 10, 1783, Stephen Tompkins & Lucretia Tompkins. 8, John Roll & Martha Force. 9, William Kitchel &: Martha Cook. 24, Luther Hoel & Mary Young. 2(i, Ruben Shadrick & Jemima Richards. 7, 1783, Married John Beers & Susannah Broad- well. 16, Joseph Fox & Desire Easton. 15, Matthew Campfield & Electa Shipman. 18, 1784, Jacob Brookfield & Jemima Camp. 25, John Warren & Mary Lockwood. 9, Abraham Carle & Joanna Broadwell. MARRIAGES. 17 April October (?) November Deceinbr Feb. March Sept. 22, 27, 19, 25, 29, 28, 6, 1785, 16, 13, 29, 30, 15, 25, 8, 1786, 10, 12, 22, 16, 19, 26, 31, 4, 14, 18, 15, 22, 26, 30, 1787, 12, 20, 17, 8, 22, 27, 28, 1788, 14, 15, 5, 4, 12, 1789, 26, 23, 28, 10, Mathew Bowden & Martha Corbe & James Beach & Elizabeth Morehouse, Abraham Beach & Phebe Kitchel. Samuel Gardner & Elizabeth Ford. David Young & Theodosia Gould. James Denton & Marv Halsey. Asa Crane & Abigail Young. Daniel Farrand & Phebe Plum. Aaron Brown & Phebe Shores. U— -- (Uzal ?) Carter & Rhoda Condit. David Morehouse & Rebecca Montanny & Solomon Zeluff & Elisabeth Taler. Walter Moffat & Jemima Tuttle, Jabez Brown & Hannh Cregere. William Cook & Elisabeth Bedford. Lent W. Fairchild & Jemima Ball. Married Daniel Harrison & Marj Parrot. Benjamin Woodruff & LidiaWil . Thomas Squire & Mary Hardy. William Squire & Sarah Cole. Isaac Vaness & Mercy Consolee. Uzal Ward & Mary Squire. James Cooper & Phebe Young. Aaron Burnet & Dorothy Wade. Isaac Winers & Mary Beach. Benj Johnson & Phebe Wade. Jonathan Brooks & Katharine Mathews. Ebenezer Smith & Sarah Green. Simeon Squire & Abigail Mulford. John Johnson & Lois Robertson. Benjamin Williams & Betsey or Elisabeth Cook. Silas Hoppen & Joanna Miller. John Pierson & Susannah Russel. John Kitchel, Junr & Nancy Kitchel. Joseph Squire & Sally Gardner. Daniel Bates & Mary Kitchel. James Ginnings & Polly Williams. Calvin Green & Hannah Beach. Married Moses Ross & Phebe Ford. Married Joseph Green & Anna Frazey. Condit (?) & f . Moses Broadwell & Fanny Broad well. Moses Stiles & Abigail Jewel. Amos Aber & Jerusha Warren. James Camble & Mary Kilbourn. Stephen Squire & Margret Magee. Ellis Cook of bottle hill & Sarah Wortman. John Morehouse & Betsy Tompkins. 18 MARRIAGES. Jan. March 1791. Aug. Sept 17, 27, 18, 31. David Pierson & Abigail Thompson Jeremv Haven & Polly Merry. 1790, Solom n Brown & Densv Squire. Aaron Burnet &: Patty Harris. Darling Beach & Keturah Green. 12, 20. 1792. Feby Sept Novm. Decmr 1793. February March March May May June Sept Octob. 1794. Jany Jany Jan Jan Feby 1794. June Aug October 1795. Jany Feby ^7, 13, 4, 19, December 28, 1, 30, March April May (Marriages after Mr. White's ordination.) 10, Mr. Benj'm Green, Junrto Miss Sarah El v. Simeon Squier to Miss Lidia Harris. George Dotee to Miss Nancy Cook. Philo Miller to Miss Joanna KitcheJ, Prince (Negro) to Lanah. Rev. Mr. White to Phebe Camp, (Calvir Green's diary). Wm. O. Grigory to Lotta Cook. (E.) Prudden to Patty Dalglish. Dan'l Hoppin to Patty Stiles. Robert Canfield to Pbebe Ball. Stephen Taylor to Nancy Moore. Farrand Kitchel to Ester Mulford. Moses Tappen to Esther Osborn. Benjamin Tappan to Susana Smith. Daniel Camp to Lucy Miller. Mr. Osborn to Betsey Sayre. Horton Magee to Hannah "Green. John Grover to Phebe Dalglish. David Tuttle to Jemima Scaword (?) James Ball to Eliza More. Josiah Kitchel to Sally Ball. Carter to Lidia Stiles. Bowers to Hannah Fairchild. David Plumb to Matilda Cook. Aaron Magee & Rachel Edwards (Baptists). Jacob Green & Polly Cook. Mr. Garner & Miss Pierson, (Mor- ristown.) Doctr. Ambrose Cook & Miss Sally P.Wheeler Matthew Kitchel to Miss Sally Post. Philip Post to Unice Ogden. Elias Reeves to Miss Magee. John Bates to Miss Polly Lindsly. Cyrus to Susanna ' (Blacks). Samuel Merry, Junr. to Betsev Burnet. DeHart to Kitty Campfield. (John ?) Dickinson to Sylvesta Wade. Jonas Young to Miss Glover. (Moses ?) Condit to Miss Electa Ball. to Venas (Blacks). Silas Dickerson to Electa Beach. 3, 23, 29, 30, 27, 12, 8, 12, 20, 26, 5, 21, BAPTISMS. 13, 1746, Phebe, dau. 30, (( Joanna, u 11, 1747, Matthigs, son 8, (( Linsley, David, 29, (( David, (( (( u Jotham (( 26, u Matthew, (( 5, (( Silas, (( 26, l( Silas, (( 23, (( Lois, dau. 30, (( James, son '• Martin. (( ti, (1 Samuel " 17, (( Phebe, dau. 8, Kezia, Matthew, son 13, u Jemima, dau. 27, " Enoch, son 28, 10, 1, 3 748, , Stephen, Zephaniah & Elijah, Enos, > sons son (( (( Dotia, dau. 22, <• Sarah, (( 17, (C Matthew, son 21, (( Samuel, (( Mountain. 11, (( Comfort, dau. 23, (( Anne, a 20, h, son of Samuel &: Helen Parrot. David, " " John Kitchel. " Joshua Leonard. Mary & Anne, dau's of Marv Kellv. 25, 22, 29, 13, 27, " 27. " 15, " 1, 1755, 19, - (i (( 16, " 7, " 20, " (( (( 4, " 8, " T, " 21, " Lidia, Bates, Molly, Ralf, Hannah, Timothy, dau. of Daniel & Elizabeth & 26, 9, 21, " " Joshua & Phebe Ball. son " Matthias Burnet, & dau. of Isaac & Lucretia Winchel. Anna & Phebe, child'n of Daniel & Jemima Tuttle. John & Joseph, sons of Daniel & Jemima Tut- tle. Joseph, son of Jacob &: Anna Green, & Sarah, dau. " Benjamin & Mary Green. Dorcas, '^ " Timothy Riggs. Mary, " " Thomcis & Eunice Bates. Mary, " " Joseph Tompkins, & Rhoda, " " John & Rhoda Cobb. Theodotia, " " Nathan Price. John, son " John & Sarah Stratten. Benjamin, Hezekiah &) chil'n of Samuel & Abigail, ) Hannah Fairchild. Sarah, wife of John Mitch el & John & Sarah, chiFn of John & Sarah Mitch el. Martha, Moses, ") chil'n of Samuel & Han- Abraham & Eunice, ) nah Fairchild. Rachel, Mary, 10, 1756, Phebe, 21, " 16, 23, 25, 1, 22, 12, 19, Zenas, Anne, Mary, Mary, ington, & Sarah, Phebe, Ame, dau. of Moses Crane. *' " Josiah Crane. " " William Halsey. " " Ephraim Stiles. John & Sarah Conger. Sam'l & Helen Parrot. Isacher Huntington, & Issacher & Mary Hunt- son dau. " wife " dau." Lidia, Margaret, Levi, son Esther, dau. Alexander & Lois Johnson. Samuel Merry. Samuel & Rachel Tuttle. Eliakim & Joanna Crane. Ephraim Price, Junr. & Eliakim & Joanna Crane. Ephraim «Sc Rebecca Stiles. John Kitchel. John & Esther Dalglish. 26, " 31, " 31, " 8, " James & John, sons of Joseph Kitchel. 28, " Silas, son of Joshua Leonard, 16, 1757, Betsey, dau. " Isaac Winchel. L.ofC. BAPTISMS. 23 Jan. Febv March 30, 1757, Rachel, dau. of Moses Crane. 7, " Moses, son " William Ely. " " Cornelius, Stephen & Mary, chil'n of Jacob Drake. 20, Mary, daa. of William Bates. " " Nathaniel, son " Benjamin Green. After this for the space of ten years are very few recorded. March 26, 1758, Sept. 17, (( Nov. 12, 19, it, Dec. 28, 1760, May IT, 1761, July Janv July August May June Sept. Oct. April Dec. Jan. Feby March April May June June July Aug. Oct. Nov. 12, 15, 1, 176^, 1765, 1768, 12, ^, 11, 2, 30, 18, 29, 19, 23, 4, 18, a 30, 6, 22, 29, 26, Moses Halsey, son of Ephraim Stiles. Betsey & Joanna, daus. of Theophilus Ward. Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob & Elizabeth Green. Johnson, son " John Tuttle. Lidia, Jemima & David,chirn of Stephen Beach. Martha, dau. of Samuel Drake. Three children for the wife of Nathaniel Beach. Gillis, son of Gillis «Sc Mary Groticlap. Pierson, " " Jacob & Elizabeth Green. Lucretia, dau. " Benjamin Green. Ashbel, son *' Jacob & Elizabeth Green. The children of Caleb Ball. William, son of William Ely, Junr, Calvin, " " Jacob & Elizabeth Green. Job, " '* William Dixon, Junr. & Elizabeth, his wife. dau. of Nathaniel & Sarah Beach. 1769, Mary, Aaron, sun ' Helen, dau. ' William, son William, " ' Keturah, dau. Samuel, son ' Huldah, dau. Jacob,^ son ' Phebe, dau. ' Lidia, '' ' Jabez, son ' Jemima, dau. ' Sarah, on, Jr. Josiah, Esther, Bethuel. James Tichner. Azel, son Electa, Calvin, son Martha, dau Samuel Bail. Caleb Ball. David & Phebe Bates. Ephraim Camp. Jacob & Elizabeth Green. John «Sc Hannah Hedges. Edward Byram. Benjamin &: Mary Green & Thomas & Mercy Millage. Gilbert & Kezia Thornton. John & Phebe Tuttle. Jacob &: Hellen Drake. Elizabeth »S: William Dix- son " John Kitchel & dau. •• John »Sc Grace Burnet. son " Suzanuah Tichner, wife of William Broadwell. dau. •' Enoch & Suz. Beach. Stephen Munson. Samuel & Mary Dalglish. 24 BAPTISMS. Feby 11, 1770, John VVickliff, son of Jacob & Elizabeth Green. April 1, " Daniel, son of Ephraim Camp. July 8, " Samuel, " '' Samuel Ball, & David, " " Uzal & Joanna Kitchel. Nov. 4, " Jared, " " Nathaniel & Sarah Beach & Silas, " " JeminaGardner, sinepatre Feby 3, 1771, Wilmot, '^ " Nathan & Sarah Howell, Precipining. Anril 28, " Martha, dau. " John & Hannah Hedges. May 12, " Hannah, " " John «& Phebe Tuttle. Abner, Robert, "^ At Wantage in Sussex June 2, " Samuel, Elizabeth, [-County, children of Mi- Esther & Julia, ) chael Grossman. June 23, " Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, children of the wid- ow Elizabeth Halsey. July 14, " John, son of David & Phebe Bates. Aug. 11, " Hannah, dau." Benjamin & Mary Green & " John, son " Thomas & Mercy Millage & '' " " John & Grace Burnet. Oct, 13, " Moses, " " William Junr. & Elizabeth Dixon. " Elizabeth, dau. " Elihu & Elizabeth Halsey, 18, '' Eobert, son " Deacon John Cobb. December 29, *' Elizabeth, dau. " William Broadwell. Nathaniel, son " Nathaniel Wyllys. Jan. 16, 1772, Sarah, dau. " Sam'l & Mary Dalgish. April 2(i, *' Gabriel, son " Enoch&Suzannah Beach & *' " Phebe, dau. " Ephraim Camp ? Mav 17, " Jacob, son *' Jacob & Helen Drake. Oct. 4, " Electa, dau. " Samuel Ball. 18, " Mary Johnson, adult dau. of Matthew Johnson. May 30,1773, Lydia, dau. of Nathaniel & Sarah Beach. June 27, " Elihu, son " Frederick & Elizabeth Jones. July 18, " David, " " Thomas & Mercy Millage. 25, " David, ^' " David & Phebe Bates. Aug. 1, " Patience, dau. " Ephraim Camp. " 15, " Hagar, a negro child belonging to William Parrot. Oct. 31, " Ari, son of William Broadwell. Nov. 4, " Phebe, dau. •' Henry Ross ? Jan. 23, 1774, " " Samuel Ball. Feby 27, " Abigail, " " Enoch & Suzannah Beach. March 28, " Mary, " " Sam'l & Mary Daglish. May 22, " Sarah, " " Nathaniel Wyllys. June 12, " Anah, " " Elijah Jones, Junr. Jan. 15, 1775, Keturah & Elijah, children of Ezekiel & Eu- nice Hoppen. BAPTISMS. 25 Robert, Elizabeth,] . -^j,^. Philip, Mary, ! Children of Matthew ' ' Sarah, Anne & | Moore. Phineas, J 26, " Joanna, dau. of Gillis & Mary Groticlas. 5, " James, son " Joseph & Roda Conger. 9, " Sarah, dau, " Sam'l Ball. 30, " Caesar, negro man of Samuel Parrot. 12, " children of Asa & Rhoda Kitchil. 28, " William Ames, son of William Smith, deceased. 9, " Sarah, dau. of Ephraim Camp, & " " Sarah, *' '^ John Badglev. 30, " David, '• " John & Mary Hambleton. 24, " Samuel & Abigail, chil'n of Moses & Mary Fairchild. 10, " Roda, wife of Asa Kitchel. 28, 1776, Joseph, son '^ John & Mary Hambleton, 11, " Nathaniel, " '^ Nathaniel & Sarah Beach, & " Thomas, " '' Thomas & Mercy Millage 28, '^ Phebe, dau. " T. Cooper Ward. 19, " John, son " Moses & Hannah Crane. 9, " Stephen & Hannah, chil. of Nathaniel Wade. 14, " Jemima, dau. of Moses & Mary Fairchild. 8, '^ John, son " Philip & Jemima Post. 1777, " Samuel & Mary Dalglish. 2, " " Timothy Mulford. 11, '' Zenas, son " John & Grace Burnet. 18, " Joanna, dau. " John Badgley, & " '* Ezekiel, son " Stephen&HannaliKitcliel. o/^ u Hannah Winchel, | Chil'n of Benj. & Mercy Eunice & Tirzah, j Fairchild. 3, " Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Wade. 25, 1778, Mary, dau. " Ephraim Camp. 14, " " David Dickinson. 28, " Rebecca, dau." Divid Dickinson. 19, " Marget, " " Tho & Elizabeth Cooper, «S^ " " Calvin, son " Nathaniel Wyllys. 23, " Amos, " " Moses & Hannah Crane, '• " Stephen Munson, son of Sam'l & Anne Day. 18, " Phebe, dau. of Philip & Jemima Post. 8, " John, son " Sam'l & Deborah Ball, & 25, *' Hezekiah, " " Moses & Mary Fairchild. 17, 1779, Jabez, son " Uzal & Anna Kitchel, &: " " Hannah, dau. " Elijah Jones, Junr. " " Mehetable, dau. " John Young, Junr. Deborah, Mahala & Betsey, chil. of John & Hannahi Ockletree. 26 BAPTISMS. Jan. 24, 1779, David, son of Benj. & Mercy Fairchild. Feby 28, '' Sazannah, dau. " Enoch & Hannah Beach. June 6, " Abraham & Suzannah, chil. of John & Isabel Wilkinson. 20, " Tappan & chil. of John & Isabel Wilk- inson. July 11, " children of Moses & Hannah Crane, & '' " John & Hannah Ockletree. Aug. " Suzannah, dau. of Stephen & Hannah Kitchel. Sept. " children of John Badgley. Oct. 31, " Nathaniel, son of Caleb Boylston. Dec. 12, " Abner, ^' " Nath. & Sarah Wade. " 19, " Jonathan, " " David & Mary Dickinson. Jan. 23, 1780, Stephen, "• " John & Grace Burnet. March 19, " Nath'l Wheeler, son of Silvanus & M. Anne Hedges. July 2, " Ann & Marget, dau's of William & Dorothy Cocker. Nov. 26, " David, son of David Little. Dec. 24, " Stephen, '' " John Tappan, & " '' Katharine, dau. " Benj. & Mercy Fairchild. 31, " Jacob Grreen, son " Hezekiah &Abigail Broad- well, & " " Elizabeth, dau " William &DorothyCocker. Feby 18, 1781, Moses, son " Moses & Mary Fairchild. March " " John Young, Junr. " " dau. " Uzal & Anna Kitchel. April 29, " Samuel, son " Ephraim Camp. Aug. 26, " '' " David & Mary Dickinson. Sept. 30, " Anna, dau. " Phineas & Jemima Jones. Nov. 18, " Samuel & Mary, chirn Samuel Herman, & Phebe Pierson, dau. of Nath'l Wade. 23, " Nicolas & Abigail, chil'n of Remington Parsel. Dec. 23, " Elizabeth, dau. " Cornelius & Mary Yoores. Jan. 20, 1782, Joseph, son "' Stephen & Hannah Kitchel. Feby 17, " Rhoda, dau. " David Little. May 12, " Timothy, son " Asa & Rhoda Kitchel. July 7, " Keturah, dau. " Samuel & Mary Daglish. " " Phebe, " " Timothy Mulford. 21, " Suzannah, " " John Tappan. Aug. 11, " Katy, " " Enoch Beach. " " Lidia, " " David Young. Sept. 22, " Patience, " " John Ockletree. Jan. 5, 1783, Samuel, son " Joseph & Rhoda Harrison. 12, " Sally, Betsey & James, children of Eben. Sayre. 25, " Hannah, Jany & William, children of Christo- pher & Jane Mulford. BAPTISMS. 27 Feby April a May June Sept. Nov. Feby Ktay July May 16, 1783, Demas, James & Rufus, children of Joseph & E-hoda Harrison. 6, 18, 25, 1, 29, 7, 2, 22, 9, 16, 25, 22, dau. a son a dau. son 1784 1785, William, Hannah, Mary, Samuel, Ebenezer, Sarah, Benjamin William, " " es, & William, " " Dorothy Wells, dau Gabriel, Amzi, Jerusha, John, Elizabeth, Jared, Zenas, Kitchel, & son of Moses & Marv Fairchild. Nath'l & Lois Wyllys, & John & Isabel Wilkinson. David & Mary Dickinson, David & Phebe Bates, & John Young, Junr. Ebenezer Sayre. Sil'r & Mary Ann Hedg- Cornelius & MaryVoorhes. of Nath'l & Sarah Wade, son of John Tappan. " " Samuel & Deborah Ball. " " Samuel Hinman, & Ebenezer Sayre. David Little. Philip & Jemima Post. Stephen & Hannah dau. son April past, June Sept. Oct. Nov. Jan. 5, 12, 19, 4, 18, 2, 16, 6, 8, 1786, Feby 26 March 25 April May April May 9, 16, 21, June July Oct. 4, 16, 15. Electa, dau. " Christopher Mulford. " Phineas& Esther Kitchel. Harvey, son " Nathan'l & Lois Wyllys. " " Ebenezer Sayre. Ambrose, " " Moses & Mary Fairchild. Lucius Sz Marcus, sons of Nath'l & Sarah Dalg- lish. Jabez, son of John & Isabel Wilkinson. Benjamin, " " Nath'l & Sarah Wade. Jared, " " Uzal & Anna Kitchel. Hamutal, dau. " Henry Wade. Abigail, " " Ephraim Camp, & Asher, son " John Tappan. Jonathan, " " Phineas& Esther Kitchel. Betsey, dau. " Henry Wade. Mary, " " John Woodruffe Sally Ogden, " " James & Elizabeth Beach. son " Benj. & Mercy Fairchild. Rachel Smith, adult. Aaron & Stephen, sons of Remington Parsel. John Buckingham, son of Wm. & Dorothy Cocker. Seth Whitehead, son of Stephen More- house, Junr. .Ruth, dau. Betsey, " child. of Henry Wade. " Lent W. & Jemima Fair- 28 BAPTISMS. Jan. April Mav June Jalj Aug. Nov. Dec. Feby May June Sept. Oct. Dec. Jan. May June Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. April May 14, 1787, 8, *' 20, " 17, " 22, " 19, - 25, " Iti, " Deborah, dau. of Samuel & Deborah Ball. Stephen Whitehead, sou of James & Eliza- beth Beach. 1788, 4, 15, 14, " 19, " 14, " 1781 17, " 20, " 14, - 18, '' 25, " 13, - 17, 1790, 31, " 25, " Harvey, Lecta, Voorhies. Moses, Theodotia. Lecta, Luther, Sarah, Nancy, child. son of David & Pliebe Cory, dau. " Cornelius & Mary son ' David Youngr & bis wife dau. son dau. Isaac, Mary, Aaron, Matthias, Martha, child. John, house. Electa, Mariah, son dau. son dau. dau. Henry Wade. David Little. David & Mary Diekinson. Lent W. & Jemima Fair- Aaron & Dorothy Burnet. Moses & Mary Fairchild. Ebenezer Sayre, & Jot ham Gardner, & Stephen Morehouse, Jr. Benjamin & Mercy Fair- Jeptha & Abby More- Remington Parse!. David & Dotia Young. Christopher Mulford. Cornelius & Mary chil'n of Henry Wade, & Stephen, William ") Pierson&Patience ^ chil'n of Joseph Wade. Bedford, ) Robert, son of John & Hannah Smith son, & ApoUos, son of James & Elizabeth Beach. Hannah, wife " Calvin Green. Nancy, dau. " Calvin & Hannah Green. Suzannah, " '* Stephen & Hannah Kitchel. &'\^Uianr'''^} ^^^^'^ ^^ T^^^^' ^^^^"'- Lois, dau. of Aaron & Dorothy Burnet. Hannah, " " David Little. Dorothy & Charity, dau's of Jonathan Wade. John Stephens, son of John & Phebe Darcy. Elizabeth, dau. " " " " Jesse Crane, ") Lidia Young, j Phebe, dau. of Jothan & Hannah Gardner. Phebe, Voorhies. Mary, Katharine, Wells & Market, Adults. BAPTISMS. 29 The following baptisms were by Mr. J. Grover or Mr. Austen. May 30, 1790, Lucinda, Esther & Munson, chil. Isaac & Amy Fairchild. June 6, " ^/^''''^^w -^^I' \ chil'n of Jesse & Marv Crane. •^ ' Mary & Elijah,) -' " " Elizabeth, David, William, Moses, Mars, chil. of John & Sarah Brown. June 6, " Esther, Olivia, Susannah, chil. of John & Mary Dalglish. " 20, " William, Mary, Daniel, John, chil. of Daniel & Agnes Woodruff. " '• " Sarah, dau. of Jonathan & Wade. July 4, " Ebenezer & Rhoda, chil. of Ebenezer & Lois Say re. " " Mary Voorheis, 1 " " AmyTuttle, a^ u c. T u Tr-4. u 1 > Adults, " ' Jacob Kitchel, j " " John Seasraan, J .^. u James, Timothy, ; Chil. of Timothy & Mary '•^' Ashbel & Phebe, j Tuttle. 4, ^, John, Susannah. 1 Chil. of Abraham & Phebe Solomon, Matilda, j Fairchild. By Mr. White. (Only parents who are in communion are named.) 1790 & 1791. Timothy Jones, son of Phebe Darcy (& Dr. John). Rosalinda, Marshal, Ashbel, Emerald & Polly, children of John and Abigail Kitchel. William, Harvey, Phebe & Nancy, children of David & Rachel Kitchel. Amy, Samuel, Rebekah, Mary, Moses, children of Rebekah Tuttle. Samuel, Hetfield, David, children of Elizabeth Cooper. Elizabeth, dau. of Darling & Kitty Beach. Lydia & Sarah, chil. of Obadiah & Sarah Kitchel. Elias, son of Christopher & Jane Mulford. Lydia, dau. of Lent & Jemima Fairchild. Nancy, dau. of Kezia More. Dorcas, dau. of Sarah Squier. George Whitfield, Betsey, Lucy, chil. of Lucy Cook. Cyrus, son of Moses & Mary Fairchild. Cornelius, son of Elizabeth Cooper. Daniel Parson, son of Hannah Wade. Phinias, Hannah Foster & Pelton, chil, of Benj. Griffis. Jacob Carter, Cyrus, chil. of Mary Wining. 30 BAPTISMS. 1790 & 1791. Wl^itfipM & Harvej, chil. of Ezekiel Hoppen. Polly, dau. of Baldwin. Julia Ann, dau of Tim'th «& Mary Tuttle. Harriet, Will'm, Caty, Polly, Phebe & Hannah Dixon, ch. of John Caufield. Nancy, Joseph, Salley, David & Phebe, ch. of Jo- anna Cory. Keturah, Sarah, Mary & Elijah, ch'n of Jesse & Mary Crane. Rachel, dau. of Sarah Whitmore. Ester, Oliva & Susanna, chn. of John & Mary Dalglish. Anna, Maria, ch. of Charles & Cicelia Smith. Elias, son of David and Phebe Cory. William, Mary, Daniel & John, ch. of Daniel & Agnis Woodruff. Susannah, dau. of John Canfield. 1792. Calvin, son of Jonathan Wade. Calvin, son of David Leddle, Zeptha, son of Zeptha and Abba Morhouse. James Harvey, son of Jotham and Hannah Gard- ner. Ezra, son of James & Elizabeth Beach. Aaron & Phebe, ch. of David Young. Lydia Hanes, dau. of Eliza Ely. Will'm, son of Phebe Darcey. Phebe, dau. of • — Ashbel, son of Mary Green. Gitty & Abraham, ch. of Mary Runnels. Sam'l «& Betsy, ch. of Mary Squire. Phebe, dau. of Remington Parsel. Susannah, Lucy, Electa, Aaron, Polly & Betsy, ch. of Phebe Kitchel. Ashbel, son of John Canfield. John Newton, son of Benj'm & Sara Green. Abner, son of Sarah Squire. Benj'm Petton, son of Benj'm Griffith. John Ross, son of Christopher & Jane Mulford. Jemima, dau. of Joseph & Sarah Wade. 1793. John Wicklif, son of Thomas and Pamelia Doing- ton. Elijah Squire, son of Polly Green. Robert, son of Calvin & Phebe White. Abraham, son of Lent & Jemima Fairchild. Joseph, son of Hannah Smithson. Ira, son of Remington Parsel. Polly & Jacob, chn. of Jirmiah Mulford, Junr. Abba Pierson, dau. of Phebe Johnson. BAPTISMS. 31 1T93. David Ailing, son of Jesse & Mary Crane. John Potter, son of John & Mary Dalglish. Betsy, dau. of Joseph Green. Aaron, son of John Brown, John, son of Mary Wining. Phebe, dau. of Mary Cook. Nancy, dau. of David & Rachel Kitchel. Eliza, dau. of Kezia More. Phebe, dau. of Isaac Fairchild & wife. Sally, dau. of Hannah Wade. Sam'll, son of Stephen and Hannah Kitchel. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Wade. Rachel, dau. of Rebekah Tuttle. William, Martin & Polly, ch. of Cathirine Davis. Stephen, son of David Young. Nancy, dau. of Patty Prudden. 1794. Darling, dau. of James Beach & wife. Mary, dau. of Mercy Fairchild. Moses, son of Jotham & Hannah Garner. Nancy, dau. of Elizb. Cooper. Harriet and Julia, daus. of Katharine Cook. Archibald, son of Susannah Tappan. Sally Lavater, dau. of Calvin & Phebe White. Calvin, son of John Canfield. David, son of Rebekah Wilhm Lewis, son of Cecilia & Charles Smith. Arab (?) & Rhoda, ch. of Squire. Nancy, dau. of Farrand Kitchel & Ester his wife. Elias, son of W Sayre. Susanna, dau. of Tho'mas Glover. John, Son of Widow Phebe Glover. Lucy, dau. of Benj. & Sarah Green. Tnnett Edgar, son of Eliza Ely. Jacob, son of Cornelus & Mary Vorheis. Mildan & Alura, ch. of John & Abigal Kitchel. Jonathan Dixon, son of Catharine Downs. Sally Carlisle, dau. of Phebe Darcy. , of Jeremiah Milford, Jan. Gabriel, son of Calvin & Hannah Green. Nancy, dau. of Henry & Wade. Philemon, son of David & Rachel Kitchel. Joseph, son of Phineas & Kitchel. 1795. Phebe Parson, dau. of Joseph & Sarah Wade. Phebe & Nathan'l Ermon ? ch. of Peggy Squire. Polly Woodruff, dau. of Sarah Squire. David Hervey, of Mary Wining. Nancy Parrot, dau. of Noah Beach. 32 BAPTISMS. 1795. Sam'l, Jacob, Lewis, David & Thomas, vh. of Jacob Orsborn. Pamelia, dau. of Abr'in & Phebe Fairehild. Ashbel, son of Lent & Jemima Faircbild. Ashbel, son of Joanna Cory. Matilda, dau. of Jobn Campfeild. - - Ambrose, son of Tim'y & Mary Tatt'e. Elizabeth Luzetta, dau. of xVlcitt. Kitchel. Harriet, dau of Phebe Doughty. David, son of Stephen & Hannah Kitchel. Phebe Pierson, dau. of Phebe Johnson. Cornelia, dau. of Joseph & Anna*Green. The following memorandum appears in the Book of Minutes : — When Mr. Green settled in the ministry John Ball, & Joseph Tuttle were Deacons in the church ; But. there were no Elders or representatives of the church. June 5, 1747. The Church met and chose for Elders or representatives Mess. John Ball, Joseph Tuttle, Ephraim Price, Joseph Kitchel & Peter Beach. November, 1764. Ephraim Price & Peter Beach having been dead some years & the other Elders advanced in age, the church met and chose three more Elders, viz— Ephraim Price, Stephen Munson and Benjamin Green. November 10, 1775. The Deacons Tuttle & Ball being old and infirm desire the chh. would shoose two more Deacons accordingly at a Chh. meeting this day they chose or Deacons Benjamin Green & Stephen Munson. November, 1777. The Chh. chose for Elders Joseph Tuttle, Junr. & David Bates. LIBRARY OF CONGRE 014 206 374 6 2fW3