'UlBlU Iff OF CONGRESS. I \h.^.^^^^^% \ i ^-^1.-7- I I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. |, T EC El STANDARD O F EXCELLENCE AS ADOPTED BY THE mman f oultrg ^ot'uU. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY J^: 3VI- :E3:.A.IL.STJE]ID. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by A. M. Halsted, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District ol :New York. NEW YORK. 1868. a. A. Whitehobni!. Printer, 43 Ann & 119 Fulton streets, New York. 01 JTi iSlfKllflllSf. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL VOLUME, 1868. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO HORTICULTURE, AGRICULTURE UNO POULTRy, 400 Eoyal Octavo Pages Annually, ABLY EDITED AND SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Our Terms for 1868 are as follows : One Copy, $2.50 Three Copies, .... 5.00 Ten Copies, 15.00 Vols. 1861, bound and post-paid, and Nos. 18 8, 4.00 Vols. 1866 and 1867, bound and post-paid, and Nos. 1868, . . 5.50 Vols. 1865, 1866 and 1867, bound and post-paid, and Nos 1 868, . . . ' . 7"00 Agricultural, Horticultural, A Complete Assortment. Send for a Catalogue. F. W. WOOOWARD, PUBLISHER, 37 Fark Row, New York. 4 THE M^ AS ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN POULTRY SOCIETY, BEING A REPRINT OF THE SAME AS COMPILED AND ADOPTED BY THE LONDON rOULTKY CLUB, WITH ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS, ADAPTING IT TO PUBLISHED BY A. M. HALS TED. 1867, INTEODUCTION. In presenting this book to the public — which is done under the sanction and authority of the American Poultry Society — the publisher has in view solely the diffusion of such information as is imperatively needed by poultry dealers and amateurs throughout the continent. It contains infor- mation not only of value to breeders, but of the utmost importance in securing an impartial award at exhibitions and aiding the judges in their decisions. Trusting that it will meet with a favorable reception, and aid in reconciling the great diversity of opinion nov/ existing, I am, Respectfully Yours, A, M. HALSTED. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. BEAHBIAS. GENERAL SHAPE. TuE Cock. Beak — Very strong, taper and well curved. Comb — Pea, sm;ill, low in tront and firm on the head withont falling over to either side, distinctly divided so as to have the appearance of three small combs joined together in the lower part and back, the largest in the middle, each part slightly and evenly serrated. Head — Small and slender. Ji'ye — Prominent and bright. Deaf Ear — Large and pendant. Waiiles — Small, well rounded on the lower edge. Neck — Long, neatly curved, slender near the head, the juncture very distinct, hackle full and abundant, flowing well on t-he shoulders. Breast — Very full, broad and round ; carried well forward. Back — Short, broad, flat betwixt the shoulders, saddle feathers very abun- dant. PFuj/^s— Small ; the primaries doubled well under the secondaries ; the points covered by the saddle featliers. Tail — Small ; carried very upright, the higher feathers spreading out later- ally. Tail Coverts — Broad, very abundant, soft, and curved over the tail. ThUjhs — Very large and strong ; abun- " dantly covered with very soft fluff"y leathers, curving inward round the hock so as to hide the joint from view. Vulture hocks, that is, those with hard, siiiF feathers projecting in a straight line beyond the joint, are objectionable, but not a disqualifica- tion. Fluff — Very abundant and soft, covering the hind parts, and standing out about the thighs, giving the bird a very broad and deep appearance behind.' te5r.s— bather strong and large ; standing well apart, very abundantly feather- ed down the outside to the end of the toes. Toes — Straight and strong i the outer and middle toe being abundantly feather- ed. Carriage — Vei-y upright and strutting. The Hen. Beak — Strong, curved and taper. Comb — Pea, very small and low, plp.ced in front of the head, and having the appearance of three very small serrated combs pressed together, the largest in the middle. Head — Small and slender. Eye — Prominent and bright. Deaf Eur — Large and pendant. Wattles — Small, rounded on the lower edge. J^.'ecfc— Rather short, neatly curved, slen- der near the head, the juncture very distinct, full and broad In the lower part ; the feathers reaching well on to the shoulders. Breast— Very deep, round, broad, and prominent. Back — Broad aud short ; the feathers of the neck reaching to betvvixt the shoulders, and abundance of soft, broad feathers rising to the tail. Win'js — Small ; the bow covered by the breast feathers, the primaries doubled well under the secondaries, the points of the wings clipped well into the abundance of soft feathers and faifT. Tail — Small ; very upright, almost bur- ried in the soft rump feathers. Thighs — Strong and well covered with very soft feathers, curving round the hoclc i-o as to hide the joint from view. Vubure hocks are objectiona- _ b!e. but not a di -qualificaiion. Fluff — Very abundant and soft, standing oiit aoout the hind parts and thiglis, giving the bird a very broad and deep appearance behind. Legs — Short, very strong, wide apart, abundantly feathered on the outside to the toes. Toes — Straight and strong, the outer and middle toe being well feathered. Carriage - Lev,' in comparison to the cock. DASK OE PENCILLED ESAHMAS. CoLou OF Cock. Coriib, Face, Deaf Ear and Wattles— Bright red. Head — White. Neck^ Hackle — Silvery vdiite, striped with black. Breast, Underpari of Body and Thighs — Black, slightly mottled with white. Back and Slioulder Coueris— Silvery white, /S'acZdte— Silvery white, striped with black. Wing Bow — Silvery white. " Greater, and Lesser Wing Coverts— Metallic green black, forminp; a wide, well dcfltied bar across the wing. Wing Secondaries— Whiia on the outside web, black on the inside web, large green, black spot on the end of the feathers. Wing Primaries — Narrow edging of white on the outside web, black on the inside web. Tail—mack. Tail Goverts—Uich green black, lesser coverts edged with white. Legs — Scales yellow, feathers black, mot- tled with white. Color of Hen. Comb, Face, Deaf Ear and Wattles — Rich bright red. Head — Grey. Neck — Silvery white, striped with black. Remainder of the Plumage — Dull white, minutely and distinctly pencilled throughout with dark pencilling, so close as almost to cover the ground color, the pencilling reaching well up the front of the breast. ie^s— Scales yellow, with a dusky shade. LIGHT ERAHMAS. Color of Cock. Comh, Face, Denf Ear and Wattles -Rich bright red. Read -White. Neck — White, with a distinct black stripe down the centre of each feather. Breast, Underpart of Body and Ihighs — White. Back, and Shoulder Coverts — White. Saddle — White striped with black. Wing Bow, and Coverts — White. Wing Primaries — Black. Wing Secondaries — White on outside web, black on inside web. TaiZ— Black, Tail Coverts — Glossy green black ; lesser coverts silvered on the edge. Legs — Scales bright yellow ; feathers white, slightly mottled with black. CoLOK OF Hen. Cojnb, Face, Deaf Ear and Watiks — Bright red. Head — White. Neck — White, distinctly striped down the middle oi'each feather with rich black. Breast and Back — White. Wing — White, the primaries above being black. Tail — Black, the two highest or deck- feathers edged with white. Thighs and Flu^'— White- Legs— Bvight rich yellow ; feathers white, slightly mottled with black. Points in Braiimas. Size 3 Color 4 Head and Comb 1 . Wings. Primaries well tucked under secondaries 1 Legs, and feathering of ditto . . 1 Fluff 1 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 15 DISQUALIFICATIONS. Birds not matching in the pen, combs not uniform in the pen, or falling over to one side, crooked backs, legs not feather- ed to the toes, or of any other color except yellow, or dusky yellow. BRAHMAS. Singled Combed — Pencilled and Light. Co?)!?) -Single and erect, not too large, and uniformly serrated. Wattles— Longer than the peacombs, and well rounded. All else same as in peacomb birds. COCHINS. GENERAL SHAPE. The Cock. r/ojnJx— Single, fine, rather small, perfectly straight and upright, with well-defined serrations, and quite free from side sprigs. Beak —Curved, stout at the base and ta- pering to the point. Head — Small for the size of the bird, and carried rather forward. Eye —Very bright and clear. Deaf £"(»•— Large and pendant. Wattles -Large, well rounded on the low- er edge. A^ecfc— Hackle very full and abundant, the lower part reaching well on to the back, so as to produce a gradual slant from near the head to the mid- dle of the back. Back — Broad, with a gentle rise from the middle to the tail : saddle feathers very abundant. Wings — Very small ; the primaries dou- . bled well under the secondaries, so as to bo quite out of sight when the wing is closed. Tai?— Very small ; the curved feathers numerous, broad, glossy, and soft ; the whole tail forming a small hunch, carried rather horizontally than up- right. Breast — Deep, broad, and full. Thighs — Very larsrc and strong ; plenti- fully covered with perfectly soft feath- ers, which on the lower part should be curved inward round the hock, so as nearly to hide the joint from view. Vulture hocks are objectionable, but not a disqualification. Fluff — Very abundant and soft, covering the hind part and standing out about the thighs. Legs — Rather short ; very thick and bony, wide apart, well feathered on the outside to the toes. Toes — Straight and strong ; the outer and middle toes being well feathered. Carrkge— Not so upright as other breeds, with a contented, intelligent appear- ance. The Hen. Com'^— Single, very small, fine, low in front, erect and perfectly straight ; with small and well defined serrations. Beak — Small, curved, and tapering. Head — Very small, neat, and taper. Et/e—Varj bright and clear. Be'if E (r—Rathor large. Wattles — Small, neatly rounded on the lower edge. Neck — Short ; carried forward, the lower part very lull and broad ; the feath- ers reaching well on to the back. Bxck — Broad, with abundance of soft feathers rising from the middle of the back to the tail. Wings — Very small ; primaries doubled well under the secondaries, so as to be quite out of sight when the wing is closed ; bow of the wings neatly covered by the breast feathers, anil _ the points sunk well into the fluff. Tail — Very short arid small ; carried hor- izontally and almost hiddden in soft feathers. Breast — Broad and full, carried low. Thighs — Large, abundantly covered with soft fluffy feathers, curving inward around the hock, so as to nearly hide the joint from view. Vulture hocks are objectionable, but not a disquali- fication. Fluff — Very soft and abundant, covering the hind parts, and standing out about the thighs, giving to the bird a very deep and broad appearance behind. iegrs— Short, thick, and bony; standing wide apart, and well feathered on the outside to the toes. Toes — Strong and straight, the outer and middle toes well feathered. Carrl'ige — Low, with a contented, intelli- gent appearance. BUFF COCHINS. Color op Cock. Comb, Face, Beaf-eir and Wattles —Bvil- liant red. -ZTecffZ— Rich, clear buff. Hackle, Back, Wings and Saddle — Rich, deep, golden butf ; the more uniform and even in color the better ; quite free from mealiness on the wing. Breast, Thighs, and i^/«/r— Uniform clear, deep bluff ; as free from mottling or shading as possible. Tbi?— Rich, dark chestnut, or bronzy chest- nut mixed with black. Dark chestnut preferable. Legs -Blight yellow ; feathers clear, deep buff. Color of Hen. Comh, Face, Deaf-ear and IFa^fes -Brilliant red. Plumnge —Vmhrm clear, deep buff throughout ; the more uniformly clear and free from mottling or shading, the better. A clear hackle preferred, but a slight marking at the end of the feathers of the neck not a disqualifi- cation. ief/s - Bright yellow, with feathers same color as body feathers. LEMOiS COCHINS. Color op Cock. Go7nh, Face, Deaf-ear and Wattks — Bril- liant red. ^erwZ— Lemon, or light orange buff. Hackle, Bick, Wings and Snddle —'Rich, light orange buff; the more uniform- ly clear and even in color, the better ; as free as possible from mealy tinge on the wings. Breast, Thighs, and Huff— Clear, uniform lemon buff. T!(iZ— Rich chestnut. iegs -Bright yellow ; feathers lemon buff. Color of Hex. Comb. Face, Deaf-ear and IFi/rt/es— Bril- liant red. Plumage— (jViViW lemon buff; uniform and even in color throughout, and per- fectly free from being mottled or shaded in any part. Legs — Bright yellow, with feathers same color as body feathers. In Buff and Lemon Cochins the colors may be either as aljove, or intermediale betwixt the two ; but the colors must be even and as free from mottling or shading as possible. The birds must also match in the pen. - SILVER BUFF COCHINS. Color of Cock. Comb, Face, ^eaf-ear and Wattles—Bril- liant redP* 6 iJeffd— Li.2;ht, yilvery bliff. Hackle - Rich, gold color. Back. Shoulder Coverts, and TFin7s— Bright silvery buff ; the more even and uu^ form in color the better. SncZd/e- Rich gold color. Breast, Thighs and Fluff-Clear, light silvery bulf. TuiZ — Light chestnut ; a slight mixture of white not objectionable, though not desirable. ie<7S— Bright yellow, with silvery buff feathers. Color op Hen. Coinb, Face. Deaf-mr and TFaSZes — Bril- liant red. Hackle - Rich gold color. Rema'mdcr of I'lumage - Clea, light silvery buff ; the more even and uniform in color, the better, iegs— Bright yellow, with fealhers same color as body leathers. SILVER CINNAMON COCHINS. Color oi^ Cock. Comh, F/c, Deaf-ear and Waltles Bril- liant red. Head—VwXc light cinnamon. ii(yc7de- Cinnamon, or rich bright cinna- mon, slightly striped with white. Bade, Shouldfrs. and Tt' inys— Pale buff, or rich bright cinnamon, mixed with white. /S'«cZtZte -Light cinnamon, or rich bright cinnamon, slightly striped with white. Breast, Thhihs, and Fluff -Fale buff. Tail - Rich light cinnamon, or rich bright cinnamon, mixed with white. Lp(/.s -Bright yellow, with leathers of a pale buff color. CoT.oR OF Hex. Comh. Face, Deaf-mr and Wallles Bril- liant red. 7iac/f/e -Rich, deep cinnamon or choco- late. Remnnder of l^lmnage - Pale buff ; the more uniform and even in color, the better. L-(js — Bright yellow, feathers same color as body leathers. TrtiZ- Rich bronzy black, the lesser coV- erts edged with very dark reddish cinnamon. Zfiys -Bright yellow, with feathers color of the breast leathers. Color of Hen. Comb, Face Deaf-ear and TFaWfes— Bril- liant red. Flumage — The color of wetted cinnamon, or de 'p chocolate throughout ; the more uniform in color and free from being mottled, the better. ie;/s— Bright yellow, with feathers same color as body feathers. Points in Buff, Lemon, Silver Buff, Silver Cinna- mon, and Cinnamon Cochins : Size "3 Color • 4 Head and Comb 1 Carriage of Wings 1 Legs 1 Fluff 1 General Symmetry 2 Condition 2 Disqualifications in Buff, Lemon, Silver Buff, Silver Cinna- mon, and Cinnamon Cochins : — Birds not matching in the pen, or with primary wing feathers twisted or turned outnde the wing, twisted combs, crooked backs, birds without feathers on the legs, or legs of any other color than yellow. GROUSE or PARTRIDGE COCHINS CINNAMON COCHINS, Color of Cock. Comh, Ficp, Deif-ear and Wattles -'QvW- liant red. Head. Hac.'de, fl.ick. Wings and Saddle- Rich, dark reddish cinnamon ; the more uniform and even in color, the better. Breast, Thighs, and Fluff—'Yhc: color of wetted cinnamon. Color of Cock. Comh, Faci\ B^af-e^r and Wattles - Rich brilliant red. ifracZ— Rich red. Hackle. - Rich brigh* red, v/ith a rich black stripe down the middle of each feath- er. Back and Shoukhr Covrls- Rich dark red. Wing Boio - Rich dark red " Greabr, and Lesser C'oufrZs— Metallic greenish black, forming a wide bar across the wings. " Primary Quills -Bay on outside web, dark on inside web. " Secondary Quills - Rich bay on the outside web, black on the inner web. with a metallic black end to each feather. Saddle -Rich bright red, with a black stripe down the middle of each feather. Breast. Underpart of Body, and Thighs — Rich deep black. TutZ- Glossy black. White at the base of the feathers objectionable, but not a disqualification. Legs-Dusky yellow, with black feathers. GROU SE COC HINS. Color op Hex. Comb, Face, Deof ear and Wattles— Bn\- liant red. //fad— Rich brown. iVec/f— Rich reddish gold color, with a broad black stripe down the middle of the feathers. Bemunder of the Plum''ige — Rich brown, distinctly pencilled with darker brown ; the pencilling reaching well up the front of the breast, and iollow- ing the outline of the feathers. Legs — Dusky yellow, with feathers same color as the body feathers. PARTRIDGE COCHINS. Color op Hex. Comb, Face, Dtaf-ear, and >T'«///es— Bril- liant red. JVecfc— Bright gold color on the edge of the feathers, with a broad, black stripe down the middle. Rtmainder of the P/Miwrf/e— Light brown distinctly pencilled with dark brown ; the pencilling to reach well up the front of the breast. The shaft of the feathers on the back, shoulder cov- erts, bow of the wing, and sides, creamy white. ic(7s— Dusky yellow, with brown feathers. Points in Grouse or Pprtridge Cochins ; Size 3 Black breast, thighs, fluff and leg feathers, in the Cock. Breast of the Hen distinctly pencilled up the front 2 Color of the remaining plu- mage 2 Head and Comb 1 Carriage of Wings 1 Legs 1 Fluff 1 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 15 Disqualifications ln Grouse or Partridge Cochins :— Birds not matching in the pen, cocks with mottled breast, hens with pale buff or clay breast without pencilling, twisted combs, flight feathers turned outside the wing, crooked backs, absence of feathers on the legs. WHITE COCHINS. Color of Cock and Hen. Cowl), Face, Dtaf-ear and Wattles- Bril- liant red. Flumage — Vnre white throughout. The cock as free from yellow tinge as possible, iegfs— Bright yellow. SLACK COCHINS. Color op ObcK and Hen. Oj?n'j, Face, Deaf ear, and Wa«/es— Bril- liant red. riumage — Perfectly black throughout. The cock as free from coppery red or brassy color as possible. Legs-Dvivk, with yellow tinge, and black feathers. Points in White or Black Cochins ; Size '^ Color of Plumage— Purity_ of white in the whites, and rich- ness of bhick in the blacks. . 4 Head and Comb 1 Carriage of Wings 1 Legs 1 Fluff 1 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 15 Disqualifications in White or Black Cochins : Twis'ed combs, crooked backs, flight feathers turned outside the wing ; birds not feathered in the legs ; scales on the legs of the whites, either green or yeU low. CHITTAGONGS. GENERAL SHAPE. The Cock. Beak — Strong and taper, (jomft— Single, erect and firm on the head, without falling over ; medium size and distinctly serrated. iZefld— Large. 77ye— Prominent, bold, and bright. i)fa/-ear— Large and pendant. WaWes —Large and well rounded on lower edge. iV'ecfc— Long, well curved, hackle full and long. Breast — Full and broad. i?acfc— A little longer than theBrahmas, and not as broad ; saddle feathers abundant. Fin^r-?— Medium s-ze, well doubled un- der, and points covered by saddle feathers. Ta(7 — Small, carried upright, with the higher feathers more curved than the Brahmas. Thighs -Larce and strong, well covered with soft fluffy feathers. Flvff— Full and soft, but not as heavy as in the Cochins. Zc7s— Rather long, strong, and perfectly clean of feathers. Toes- Straight and sti'ong. Carnage— Yevj upright and strutting. The Hen. Beak— Strong and taper. Comb — Single, small, and distinctly ser- rated. Head — Medium size, i'ye— Prominent and bright. Deaf-ear — Large and pendant. Waltles — Small in proportion to the cock, and well rounded. i\^ecfc— Rather long, well curved, with full hackle Breast— h\i\l and broad, i^uefc— Rather long, the neck feathers flowing well over fhe shoulders, and saddle feathers quite full. Wings — Medium size, well doubled, and bow and tip covered by breast and saddle feathers Tfl)'/— Small, carried upright, and rather pointed. Thighs — Strong, and well covered with fluffy feathers. Fitiff — Abundant and sofi, but rather close fitting about the hind part and thighs. Legs — Rather long, strong, and perfectly free from leathers. 7bM— Straight, long, and strong. Carriage — Upright and jjleasing. Color of Cock. Comh, Face, iJeaf-ear, and TFa/^ks— Bright red. i/ead— White. Neck — White, with a golden tinge ; hackle distinctly penciled with black. Breast, Under part of Body and Thighs — White. Back and Shoulder Coverts — White. Saddle— While or golden white, slightly penciled. Wing Bow — White. Wing Greater and Lesser Corcr/s— White, with golden tinge. Wing Primaries— Eii\ge(\. with black and white. Wing Secondaries— ^'h.\ie on outside web, black on inside. Tail -Metallic black. Tail Coverts — Glossy green black, with white edgings. Ze^s— Bright yellow. Color of Ken. Comb, Face, Deaftar and )' aWes— Bright red. IZead-White. iVicfc— White, with each feather distinctly penciled with black. Saddle— Vdriie, striped with black. Wmg Primaries — Black, with white edg- ing. Wing Secondaries — White. Breast and Back— White. Tail-Black, with occasionally deck fea- thers white edged. Ttdghs and Fluff— White. Legs — Bright yellow. Points in Chittagongs : Size. 3 Color 3 Head and Comb 1 Wings 1 Legs, clean and smoth 2 Fluff 1 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 15 Disqualifications In Chittagongs : Birds not matching in the pens, combs not unilorin or falling to one side, crook- ed baclrs, legs not perfectly clean of fea- thers, and any other color than bright yellow. BOEKINGS. '" general¥hape. The Cock. iJfaA— Rather short and stout. C'cmf> — Either single <^v rose; if single, erect, straight, serrated, tree from aide sprigs ; if rose combed, square in front, straight on the head, without hollow in the middle,' large peak behind, inclining very slightly up- wards. //ea-cZ— Neat. , Watdes— Broad, stout, rounded on the lower edge. -A^cfc— Very taper and well hackled. Breast— Yery deep, broad and full ; breast bone long. Body— harge, deep, compact and plump, the back, belly, breast and behind, forming almost a sqtiare. ^acfc— Very broad. Wings — Large. Tail—Yerj largo, expanded, feathers broad and carrid well up. Sickle Feadiers, and Tail Coveris—Jjong, broad, sound and well arched. Thighs- Short, stout and straight. ie^s— Straight, short, stout, clean and perfectly free from feathers, spurred on the inside. Feet - Eive toed, the extra or supernumer- ary toe. well develoijed, distinctly separated from the others and inclin- ing upwards. Carriage and Appearance — Noble, bulky and grand. The Hen. ^wA-— Rather short. Com6— If single, to be well developed, and falling over one side of the face ; if rose, square in front, straight on the head, peak behind, inclining slightly upwards. Wattles — Broad, rounded on the lower edge. Head — Neat. i\"ecfc— Short and taper. Breast— Yevy deep, broad, and full. Body— Large, compact, plump, and deep. ^'JcA;— Broad. Wings — Large. Tail — L;irge, expanded, the feathers broad. Thighs — Short and stout. Legs — Short, straight, thick, and strong. Feet — Five-toed, the extra toe well de- veloped, distinctly separated from the others, aud inclining upwards. Carriage and Appearance — Bulky. SILVER'GEEY DOEKINGS. Color of Cock. Head and Neck Hackle — Clear white. Comb, Face, and WaUtes — Bright red. Breast, Uiiderpdrt of Body, and Thighs — Rich glossy black. Back and Shoulder Coverts — Silvery white. Saddle — Clear white. Wing Bow — Silvery white. Wirig Coverts — Metallic green black, form- ing a wide bar across the wing. Wing FTimaries — White on the outside edge of the outer web; black on the inside web. Wing Secondaries — Clear white on the outside web, black on the inside web. and also on the end of the fea- thers. Tail— Rich black. Sickle Feathers— Rich metallic green black Jail Cuverts — Rich metallic green black, the le>£er ones silvered on the edge. Legs — While, with a flesh colored tinge betwixt the scales. Color of Hem. iZertd— Silvery or ashy grey. Comb, Face, and Wattles — Bright red. Neck — Silvery white, striped with black. Breast — Salmon red, shadiug otF to grey toward the sides. Back and Sho}dder Coverts — Silvery or slaty grey, free from dark bars or marks across the feathers ; shaft of feathers white. Wing .5ow— Silvery or slaty grey : shaft of feathers white. Any tendency to red on the wings is highly objection- able. Coverts and Flights — Slaty gr. y. Tail — Dark grey ; inside approaching black. Thighs — Ashy grey. Legs — White, with a flesh-colored tinge betwixt the scales. Points l\ Silver-Grey Dorkings : Size 3 Color 3 Head and Comb 2 Legs, Feet, and Toes 2 Symmetry 8 Condition 2 15 Disqualifications : Birds without the flfth toe, or with ci-ooked backs, wry tails, combs not uni- form in the pen, white in cock's breast or tail, legs of any color except white. WHITE DOEKmGS. Comb, Face, and Watdcs — Rich red. The whole of the plumage in both cock and hen pure white ; the more free from yellow tinge the better. Legs — White. Points in White Dorkings : Siz'3 4 Purity of White Plumage 2 Head and Comb 2 Legs. Feet, aud Toes 2 Symmetry 8 Condition 2 15 DiStJUALIFICATIONS : Birds without the fifth toe, or with crooked backs or wry tails, combs not uniform in the pen, colored feathers in any part of the plumage. COLORED DOEKINGS. The color of these is not material, pro- vided the birds match in the pen. Points in Colored Dorkings : Size 5 Head and Comb 2 Legs, Feet, and Toes 2 Symmetry 4 Condition. 2 15 Disqualifications : Birds without the fifth toe, or with crooked backs, wry tails, combs not matching in the pen, legs of any color except white. HAMBUUGS. GENERAL SHAPE. The Cock. 5efl A"— Medium. Co?ftf) -Double, not so large as to over- hang the eyes or beak, square in front, fitting close and straight on the 10 head, without inclining to either side, no hollow in the centre, unilbrm on each side, the top covered over with small points, with a peak behind, in- clining very slightly upwards. 5ead— Rather short and small. Eye — Full and quick. Bertf-ear — Not pendant, but fitting close ' to the faci', tlit, of medium size, round, and even on the surl'nce. Wattles— By oaA, thin, and well rounded on the lower edge Neck — Taper, the higher part carried well over the back, hackle full, the lower part flowing well on to the shoul- ders. J5reas<— Round, full, and prominent, car- ried well forward. ^acA;— Short, well furnished with saddle feathers. VFrnr/*— Ample, points carried rather low. Taj/— Full, expanded, siokle feathers well curved. TAi(7/is— Short and neat. Legs — Slender, rather short, very neat, and tafier. Plumage — Rich and glossy. Carriage — Upright and strutting, grace- ful, quick, and restless. The Hen. Seak — Rather small. Comb — Same shape as that of the cock, but very much less ; smaller in the pencilled than in the spangled varie- ties. iZead— Small and very neat. JSye Full and very quick. Deaf-ear — Small, flat, rounded in the lower part, fitting close to the face, and not pendant. Wattles — Small and thin, rounded on the lower edge. A^ec^-^Taper and very graceful. Breast — Broad, plump, and carried for- ward. 5aoA;— Rather short, but not so much so in appearance as in the cock. TFiHf/s— Ample, carried very neatly to the body. Tail — Full, expanded, and well carried. T/w;//is— Short and neat Legs— yery slender, neat, and taper. Flumage—C\o e and glossy. Cama^fe— Graceful, quick, and restless. GOLDEN PENCILLED HAMBUEGS. Color of Cock. Comb, Face, and Wattles— Rich red. Deaf-ear — Pure opaque white, free from red on the c'ge. Head and HacJde-~C\ear reddish bay. Back, Saddle, Boio of the Wing, Shoulder, and Wing Coverts — Rich, deep-red- dish bay. Flight — Redd-ish bay on the outside web, black on the inside web. Secondaries — Reddish bay on the outside web, the inside web penciU 'd across with broad black marks, each feather endirg with a rich black spot. Breast and Thighs — Reddish bay. Tail — Black. SicMe Featliers and Tail Coverts — Rich black down the middle of the feather, the entire length edged with bronze, each bronze edge as near one fourth the width of the feather as possible ; the more distinct the two colors the better. ' Legs—Slatj blue. Color op Hek. Comb. Face, and Wattles — Rich red. Dcjf-ear — Pure opaque white, free from red on the edge. Head and iVecfc — Clear, sleep, golden bay Remainder of the Plumage — Clear, deep golden bay, free from either lacing or mossing ; each feather (includ'ng tail feathe.i's) distinctly pencilled across wiih rich black ; the pencilling not to follow the outline of the fea- ther, but to go straight across on each side of thesliaft The two colors distinct, well-defined, and not shading into each other. iejs— Slaty blue. SILVEE PEIJCILLED HAMBUEGS, The same standard will apply to the Silver Pencilled Hamburgs, substituting a clear, silvery white ground for a golden one. The Silver Cock as free as possible from yellow tinge, PENCILLED HAMBUEGS. Points in Cocks : Comb 3 Deaf-ear 2 Color of Plumage, except tail, sickle feathers, and tail cov- erts 3 Color of Tail, Sickle Feathers, and Tail Coverts 3 Symmetry 2 Condition , 2 16 ii Points in Hen : Comb 2 Deal-ear 2 Purity of Color in Head and Neck 3 Purity of Ground Color and accurate and distinct pencil- ling in every part except head and neck 4 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 15 Disqualifications : Hen-featliered cocks, crooked backs, wry tails, combs single or falliiiu; over to one side, red deaf-;; are, slianks of any other color than blue. GOLDEN SPANGLED HAMBURGS. Color of Cock. Comb, Face, and Wattles — Rich bright red Deaf-ear — Opaque white. Head — Deep reddish bay. IZac/de— Rich, ueep, golden bay ; each feather striped down the centre with rich green black ; each color well de- fined, and not clouded. Breast, Underpart of Body and Tldghs — Gold n bay, free from mossing, streaking, or lacing, each feather ending with a round, l:irge, rich black moon or spangle, the moons increasing in size in proportion to the size of the feathers. Back and Shoulder Coverts— Rich, deep, reddish bay, distinctly spangled with rich metallic black, the texture of the feather giving the spangle a starry or rayed appearance. Saddle - Rich reddish golden bay, each feather striped down the centre with rich metallic green black. Wing i^otw— Rich reiUli^h golden bay, distinctly spangled v.ith black. " Ba7s — The greater and lesser wing coverts clear reddish golden bay, free from lacing, each feather ending with a large round green-black span- gle, forming two distinct parallel green black bars across the wing. " Primaries — Bay, ending with a black spot. " ^Secondaries— Rich golden bay, each feather ending with a ricji green- black spot Tin?— Black. Sickle Feathers and Tall Coverts — Rich green black. Legs — Slaty blue. , Color of Hen Comb, Face, and Wattles — Rich bright red. Be if ear — Op.. que white. iZead — Golden bay, distinctly tipped wi'ih black, iVecfc— Golden bay, each feather distinctly striped down the centre with ricn gieen black, the colors distinct, and not clouded. Breast, Underpart of Body and Thighs — Clear golden bay, free from mossing or lacing, each feather ending with a distinct, large, round, rich, green- black moon or spangle, the moons in- creasing in size in proportion to the size of the feather. Back, Shoulder Coverts, and Rump—K\c\i clear, golden bay, free from mossing or lacing, each leather ending with a distinct, large, round, rich green- black spangle. Wing ^0(0— Rich, clear, golden bay, each feaiher ending with a distinct, round, rich green-black spangle. " i/'fj-s— Greater and lesser wing cov- ens, rich, clear golden bay, free Irom lacing, each feather ending with a large, round, rich green-black span- gle, forming two distinct parallel green-black uars across the wing. " 7Vi?naries- Golden bay, each fea- ther ending with a black spangle. " (S'eco'rtdt/vies— Golden bay, each fea- ther ending with a rich green-black half-moon or ciescent-shaped span- gle. TaiZ— Black. Tail Coverts — Golden bay, free from mossing or lac ng, each feather end- ing with a rich green-black spangle. Xejys —bluty blue, SILVER SPANGLED HAMBURGS- Color op Cock. Contb, Face, and TF««/es— ilich bright red. X)e3r/-ear— Opaque white. Head Silvery whiie. i/acWe— Silvery white, tree from yellow tinge, the longest feathers ending with a small black spangle. Breast, Underpart of Body and Thighs— Clear silvery white, free trom lacing or mossing, each feather ending witb a distinct, large, round, rich black moon or spangle, the moons increas- ing in size in proportion to the size of the feather. Back and Shoulder Coverts — Pure white, free from yellow tinge, distinctly spangled with black, the texture of the feather giving the npangle a star ry or rayed appearance. Saddle — Silvery white, free from yellow, the largest feathers ending with a, small black spangle. 1^ Wing JBow—Vure white, distinctly span- gled with blacii spargles. " Bars— The greater and les?er wing coverts silvery white, free fi om lacing, each feather ending in a large green- blue k moon or spangle, forming two distinct parallel black bars across the wing. " Frmaries — Pure white, each feather ending with a distinct black spangle- " Secondaries ■ — Pure white, each fea- ther ending in a half-moon-shaped green black spot. TaiZ— White on the outside, each feather ending in a large black spangle. Sickle Feathers and Tail Coverts — White, each feather ending with a rich green- black s[)angle. Legs — Slaty blue. Color of Hen. Comb, Face, and Wattles — Rich bright red. Deaf-ear — Opaque white. flead--Silvery while, distinctly spangled wi;ii small black spangles. Neck — Clear silvery white, each leather distinctly striped towards the end with rich black, each color well de- fined, and not clouded. Bread, Underpart of Budy, and Thighs — Clear silvery white, free from lacing or mossing, each leather ending with a distinct, large, round, black moon or spangle, the moons increasing in ^ize i'l proportion lo the size of the fea- ther. Back, i:iliOulder Govcrls, a.ud Lump — Clear silvery white, free from mossing or lacing, each feather ending with a distinct, large, round, rich green- black moon or spangle. Wing Boio — Clear silvery white, each fea- ther ending with a distinct, round, rich green-black spangle. " Bars — Greater and lesser wing cov- ^ erts clear silvery white, free from lacing or mossing, each feather end- ing with a large, round, green-black spangle, forming two distinct iiarallel black bars across the wing. " Frmiaries — White, each feather end- ing with a distinct black spangle. " Secondaiies — Clear silvery white, each feather ending with a large half-moon-shaped green-black span- gle, termed by some fanciers " lacing on the top of the wing." Tail — White on the outside, each feather ending with a large, round, black spangle. Tail Coverts — Clear silvery white, free from mossing or lacing, each feather ending with a distinct, large, round green-black spangle. Zegs—Slaij blue , In both Golden and Silver Spangled Hainburgs the hens in a pen must match in size of markings and depth of color, etc. ToiNTS i\ Spangled Hamw'kg Cocks : Comb 2 Deaf-ear 2 Colors and Marking of Plead, Hackle, Back, Saddle, and Tail 3 Breast, Underpavt of Bodv, and Thighs.... .\ 2 Wings and Bars 2 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 1.5 Points in Spangled Hamburg Hens : Combs 2 Deaf-ear 2 Neck most distinctly and even- ly striped 1 Remainder of Plumage (except tail in Golden), clearness of ground color, evenness and distinctness of spangling, with rich, large, round span- gles 4 Bars 2 Symmetry 2 ( 'onditiou 2 15 DlBQLALmCATIONS : Hen-feathered cocks, crooked backs, wry tails, combs single or falling over to one side, red deat-ears, birds without dis- tinct bars across the wing. Legs of any other color than blue. BLACK HAMBURGS. Comb, Face, ai.d Wattles — Rich bright red ; the face perfectly free from white. Deaf-ear ■ — Pure opaque white ; round and small ; fitting close to the face ; not pendant. Flnmage—Yery rich glossy green black. Legs— Blue, or dark leaden blue. Points in Black HAMBUR(is : Comb, Head, and Face .S Deaf-ear 2 Plumage 4 Shape 4 Condition 2 1 Disqualifications : Combs falling over to one side, or so large as to obsirucl the sight, red deaf- ears, crooked backs, wry tails, or legs of any color except bhie or dark leaden blue. 13 BLACK SPANISH. The Cock. Btak —Dark horn color, rather long and stout. Comb— Bright red, large, single, stiff, erect, straight, free from twists in front or falling over to either side at the back, deeply serrated, rising fiom the beak betwixt the fore part of the nostrils, and extending in an arched form over the back of the head, free from excrescences or side sprigs, and not of too great thickness at the edge. Head — Long, broad, and deep-sided. JS^(/es— Large, the sight perfectly free, and not obstructed by the white, jp'ace— Pure opaque white, long and deep, the greater depth of surface the bet- ter, providing it is smooth, free from wrinkles, and the sight not obstruct- ed, rising well over the eye toward the comb in an arched form, extend- ing towards the back of the head and also to the base of the beak, covering the cheeks, and joining the ear lobes and wattles. Ear-lobes — fare opaque white, very large and pendant, ratlier thin, smooth, well ex,.atided. and tiee from folds or wriuliles, extending well on each side of the neck, hanguig down very low, not poinied, but regularly rounded in the lower part, ;md meei- ing in front behind the wattles. Watiles — Bright red, very long, ihin, rib- bon like, and pendulous ; the inside of 'the upper part and siiin betwixt, white. Neck — Long, well hackled. iireasi— Round, full, and prominent, iiacfc — Slanting down to the tail. Botii/— Wedge-shaped, narrov/ing to the tail. IFtng's— Large, carried well up to the body. Tail— Large, expanded, and rather up- right, but not carried over the buck, or squirrel-tailed. Sickle Feathers— Large and well curved. Thighs — Long and slender. iegs— Long, dark leaden blue, or blue. Flumage — Rich glofsy black, having a metallic green lustre on tiie hackle, back wings, saddle, tail coverts, and sickle feathers. (x/rrio<7e— Upright and striking. Disqualifications in Spanish Cocks : Comb — Falling over to one side, or twist- ed in front over the nostrils, i'uce— So puffy as to ob.struct the sight ; decided red mark above the eye. Plumage — Uf any other color than black, or metallic green black. Legs— Of any other color than dark leaden blue, or blue. Tim Hen. Beak— I^ark horn color, long. Comb — Glossy bright red, large, single, serrated, drooping over to one side of the face, fiee from side sprigs or du- plicatuve. Hend— Long and deep. i5//e— Large. Face— I'uve opaque white, smooth, and free from wrmkles, witlj great breadth of surface, rising well over the eye in an arched form, extending well to- wards the back of the head and also to the beak, covering the cheek, and joining the ear-lobes and wattles. Ear-lobe — I'uve opaque white, large, pen- dant, smooth, well expanded, free from wrinkles regularly rounded on the lower edge. Watiles— Jivlght red, thin, pendant, and round-.'d on the lower edge. Neck— Long and graceful. Breast — Homid and full. Buck — Slanting down to the fail. IFwQf? -Ample, caiiied close up to the body. Tail—Liwge carried i-ather upright, but not over the back, the two highest fea hers slightly curved, especially in pullets. Thigha — Long and slender. Legs — Long, dark leaden blue, or blue Plumage — Black, with a rich metallic lus- tre on the back and wings. Carrwf/e— Upright, movement quick. DlSCJUALIFICATIOXS IN SPANISH HeNS : Dupiicaiure of comb, comb su;all and erect (prick-combed ;) decided red mark over the eye ; plumage of any other color than blactv, or metallic black ; legs of any other color than blue, or dark leaden blue ; birds that are trimmed in any part whatever. Points in S^AN^^H Fowls : Comb 2 Face i Ear-lobe 3 Purity of White, Facj and Ear- lobe 2 Symmetry a (Jouditiou of Plumage 2 15 WHITE LEGHOHlf. TuK Cock. Beak — Rather long and stout. Comb — Bright red, lar^e. erect, single, straigtit, and free from twists or fall- ing over to either side, deeply eer- u rated, extending well back over llie he, id. and tree from side sprigs or es- crescences. Head — ."Short and deep Eyes — L irjj;e and fill. Face — (Jpaque white, free from wrinkles or folds. Ear lobes — Pure opaque while, rather pendant, thin, fitting clnse to ihe head, smooth, and tree from folds and wrinlvles. Wa'Ues—hv.ghl red, long, thin, and pen- dulous, Neck — Long, and well hackled. Breast — Fuli, round, uud carried well forward. Body — Rather square, but heaviest for- ward. f^ings—Lavge, and carried well up. Tuil — Large and full, carried very up- right ; sickle feathers large and well cuived. r/iigfts— Medium length and rather slen- der. Legs — Long, white or yellow, yellow pre- ferable. Plunvtge—Fave white throughout. The n3ck i ackle and saddle may be tinged wiih gold or straw color Carriage— Upright and pleasing. DlSQUALIFICATIOV« TX WniTE LeGHOBN Cocks : Comb falling over .0 one side, or twist- ed ; decided red about the face : plnniige any other color than pure whie, with a golden tinge on neck hackle and saddle The Hen. 5mA-— Rather long and stout. Comb — Bright red. large, single, ■ and drooping to one Side, serrated, and free from side spr'gs. JScad- -Short and deep. Eyes — Large and fLill. /t(ce — Opaque white, fiee from wrinkles or folds. Ear-lobes -■ Pure opaque white, rather pendant, thin, and fitting close to the h 'ad, smooth, and tree from folds or wrinkles. Wattles — Bright red, thin, and roundfd on lower ed^e. Xeck — Long and graceful. Brmut -Full and round. Body — Deep, broader in front than back. Wings — Large, and well tucked u'l Tai!— Large and full, carried very up- right ; feathers broad. Tliifjhs — Rather long and slender. iej^-Long, white or yellow, yellow pre- ferred. Plumage — Pure white, the more tree from a yellow tinge the better. Carriage— Not as upright as the cock. Disqualifications in White Leghorn Hens. Duplicature of comb, any red about the ear-lobe or face, prick-combed, plumage tlie least marked, or any other color than white. WHITE LEGHORNS. ROSE-COMBED. Comh — Double, or rose, not so large as to overhang the eyes or beak, close and straight on the head, not hollow, the top covered with small points ; square in front and terminating in a peak behind, inclining a very little upwards ; much smaller in the hen than in the cock. In all else the same as the Single-combed AVhite Leghorns. Points in White LEGaoRNS, Single and Rose -COMBED. Comb 2 Face and Ear-lobe 3 Purity of Plumage 3 Size 3 Symmetry 2 Condition 2 15 Disqualifications. Comb not uniform on both sides, hol- low on top, hanging over so as to obstruct the sight ; any red about the face or ear- lobes ; plumage the least marked, or any other color than pure white ; in the cock the neck hackle and saddle may be a golden tinge. BOMIKIQUE LEGHORNS. The same as AVhite Leghorns in every- thing except plumage, which should be greyish-black and white throughout. POLISH. GENERAL SHAPE. The Cock. Crest — Composed of feathers similar in texture to the hackle, very large, round, close, and well fitted on the crown of the head, falling backward, and rather lower on the sides than over the beak, but not so low on the sides as to prevent the bird from see- ing. JifarZ— -With large protuberance on the top, concealed by the large crest. Eye — Large, full, and bright. 15 Deaf-ear — Small, even on the surface, rounded on the lower edge. Wattles — In the uuhearded varieties, thin and pendulous ; in the bearded va- rieties, none ; the underside of the beak and throat being covered with a full, close, muffy beard. 3"ecfc--Medium in length, slightly and neatly curving over the back, and well hackled. Breast — Deep, full, round, and carried prominently forward. Back — Perfectly straight, wide betwixt the shoulders, and tapering to the tail ; hip bones even. Wings — Ample. Tail — Large, rather erect, expanded, and well adorned with sickle feathers. 27ii^/ts— Short in the white-crested black, rather long in the spangled varieties. Legs — Rather short in the white-crested blacks, long in the spangled varieties. Carriage — Erect. TuE Hen. Crest — Very large, round, straight on the head, not inclining to either side ; the surface close, firm, and even. Head — Round, the protuberance conceal- ed by the crest. Eye — Large, full, and bright. i'taZ-ear— Small, even on the surtace, and rounded on the lower edge. Wattls—ln the unbearded varieties, small and thin ; in the bearded varie- ties, none — the throat and underside of the beak being coveied with a lull, close beard. Neck — Rather long and taper. Breast — Very full, round, and. prominent. Back — Straight ; the hip bones even. Wings — Ample. TaiZ— Large, expanded, and broad at the ends. !Z7i%/i,s —Short in the white-crested black, rather long in the spangled varieties. ie^A'— Clean, neat, and taj)er ; short in the white-crested blacks, rather long in the spangled varieties. Camrr^e -Rather upright. WHITE-CRESTED BLACK POLISH. COLOR. Crest— VnvQ white, the less black in front the better. Deaf-ear - Pure opaque white. Remainder of the Plumage — Uniformly rich glossy black. Points in VVuite-crested Black Polish. Size of Crest 3 Shape " 3 Crest of the purest white and most free trom black 2 Deaf-ear 1 Richest black plumage 2 Symmetry 2 Condition and general appear- ance 2 15 Disqualifications. Crooked backs, wry tails, white feathers in any part except the crest, legs of any other color than dark leaden blue or blue. GOLDEN SPANGLED POLISH. Color of Cock. Crest — Golden bay, laced with black ; in adults, while feathers may appear. Hoxkle and Saddk — Golden bay, the end of each feather laced with black. Breast — Clear golden bay, free from moss- ing, each feather ending with a round, rich, black spangle, the spangle in- creasing in size in proportion to the size of the feather. Back, Shoulder Coverts, and Bow of Wing Rich golden bay, spangled with black, the texture of the feather giving the spangle a rayed appear- ance. Bars — Greati r and lesser wing coverts golden bay, each feather laced on the edge with black, and ending with a large black spangle, forming two dis- tinct black bars across the wing. Primaries — Bay, ending with a black spot. Secondaries Golden bay, with a distinct crescent-shaped green black spot on the end of each feather. Tldghs — Bay, spangled with black. T