■Vf;' ely-v>■-;^,<^-;,.•■ . . .■'.:'■■ ■)! f- - l:^^'!-^'^'' "ij-k-i-i'!:- Book ' /4^ UNIT /^/^ Entry Catalogue Number __ __....-^-£;'P'.^-a. C/a55 PRESENTED BY 1923:1 b— 20 m r^ AGAMEMNON'S DAUGHTER. (^ 2tn (*Bp0??cc y\ X)' nj BY DENTON J. SNIDER. NEW EDITION. ST. LOUIS. SIGMA PaBLISIIING CO., 210 PINE STREET. 1892. MAY 19 189,? %1'^ \2 r^ Kntorod acconliiiK to Act of CoiiKroHS in tlic year 1886, By DKNTON J. SNIDEll, 111 the olllce of Hio Librnriau at WiiBliiiiKtoii, D. C. By Tra.Ti8fei jLU ' ~'j( Press of Nixon- Jones rrintmg Co, N CONTENTS. Canto I. — Ipiiigenia at Mycenve. Innocence and Guilt 5 Canto II. — Ipiiigenia at Aulis. Sacrifice and Rescue 51 Canto III. — Iphigenia at Tauris. Service and Release 07 Canto IV. — Iphigenia at Delphi. Return and Restoration 141 A.PPENDIX. — Iphigenia in Pkose. . . . 187 (^c- 'ynM^c o-tu^ n^yi^c-u. cC^iti^z^^e^j dlcv^ 'U/i'vedj ■i.-pt d'C-l-a-n^ c-afnj^^ci'id ccyj^i j/f^-i. ■^n^e ^