Vv*T'sAr*»*Y*v 15 CKNTS. ^ > *:) PRTCE] » O ^ THE AMATEUR STAGE No. 4(). THE LAST DROP. NEW YORK: Happy Hourg Company, Publishers, No. 1 CHAMBERS STREET. Hot f e Mmi Oir Private Tleatricals. In Avhich. will bo found plain directions for the construction and arrangement of tlie Stage, painting tlic Scenery, getting up the Costumes,- making the Properties and Accessories, Ilints on Stage Effects, full and complete instructions for making ^'alcium Liglit.s, etc., etc., with numerous illustrations and diagTams. To whicli is added "PENixoric AxxE," a roaring f;;rce for home i)erformancc. Prepared lor tlie use of schools, private families, and dramatic clubs. Price Ji5 Cents, le Actor's M. Its Pequisitcs and how to obtaiji them, its Defects and hovr to remove them. Containing clear and full directions in every brancli of the Art; with complete and valuable instructiv)ns for beginners, relative to rehearsals, entrances and exits, gen- eral hints on action, cjualities of voice, etc., etc. In short, an indispensable book to the amateur. Pi-ice l.">CcistG. Parlor Talileaiii ; or, kmM Pictires. Por the use of Families, Scliools and Public Exliibitions. Containing about eighty popular subjects, with plain and explicit directions for arranging the stage, dress- ing-room, lights, full desci-iptions of costumes, duties of stage manager, projierties and scenery required, and all the necessary directions for getting them up, so that any one can act in them. Everything is stated in a plain, simple manner, so tliat it will be easily understood ; everything like style or unnecessary shoA\' has ben aA'oid- ed, in order that all may readily grasp at the author's meaning. Por public or private entertainment, tliere is iiothing which is so interesting and instructive as the tableaux. Price ^5 Cents. Slaiow Paiitflinies; or, Harlepinin the Sliafle. How to get them up and how to act in them ; v ith full and concise instructions and numerous Illustrations. Also full and ^pea/.^^^^^ Sweet little scorpion, don't you look queer. (Sings.) J^^\'^l^-^-^y baby, mother is here." (Baby cries, he looks round. ) No, she isn , i/o .such luck. (Bocks again violently.) Go to sleep you ittle m- sect and let me indulge in my literary labor of love-that ot readmg and writing at the san.e time. Killing two stones with one bn-d ; no, hittin- two birds on the head with one stone, that's it. (Bcd^y leaves off crving. ) That's better, the insect sleeps once more and ' ' Richard s mnisel a-ain. " Let me see, where was 1 ? f Looks over book. ) Let rsee Ssee! ( Scratches his head. ) I shall never get out ot that seL Another author drowned ! Died from want of idea on the bran (Suddenly.) Ah! I have it, "The Ghost ot my Murdered Mother-in-law." ' That shall be the title for my new drama 1 represent a mother-in-law upon the stage and murder her Whatu biilUant idea ! glorious ! The title itself is sufficient to (ads) har- row up the soulT freeze the young blood and make one s two eyes star from their spears like quills." (Baby cries, Abe hits it over the head \cUha roll of paper./ Shut up, you little imp, and don t cry. I V n-tJpeakinI o^f youreyes, butmine. (Ads.j "Round, roundas he glob s, you ethereal 'heavens. "_ (Mks. Wateby Lotx oaWs/mu T.E.ii.,'Abyr' Starts, strikes a position.) That'sme! (Callsotf^^-) 4: THE LAST DROP. Y-e-e-e-s. ( To audience. ) ThaVfimyma,stev'&molIiey-in-l(UO. (Palls a face. ) She's a beauty, boiled vinegar ! Tiiat's a mother-in-law, as has always got her weather eye open and when that gorgon looks an- gry this child (meaning himself) has got to look out for squalls! (Mes. W. L. calls off, "Aby !") C-o-m-iug ! (Shuts the hook and ikrows it away. ) There ! ' " The Ghost of my Murdered Mother-in-Law " may rest in peace for this day. (Comes down.) Now, my master isu factory hand, works hard, earns a pile o' money, and is a decent sort of a fellow, but when he married into the family of the Watery Lotts, he not only partook of a wife belonging to that unsavory beverage, but he Lad also to betake unto himself the crocodile of a mother-in- law of that same j:)nmp water stream of Watery Lotts. (j\Ies. W. L. calls again, "Aby!" Imitates her voice.) Coming! (Baby cries — Abe Idts it. ) Shut up ! what with the baby and its mummy of an old grandmother, this (meaning Idmself) promising child of genius has a queer and lively time of it, Mrs. W. L. (Witt tout v.-E^.n.) Abe, I want you to fetch the wood, and be quick. Ahe. (Ads.) Right, most glorious crocodile. (Acts.) Fetch the wood, bring the sticks, or, it' you tarry j'our head I'll lick. Enter M.i\^. Wateey Lott, u.e.e. 3Irs. W. L. (From heldnd, Juts him over the head lolth a rolling-pin. ) Fetch the wood I Ahe. (L.) 0-h ! (Hand to Jus head.) I've got it. (Aside.) Wood upon my wooden head. (Aloud to her.) " Avaunt ! and quit my sight, thy bones are marrowless —there is no speculation iu those eyes." Mrs. TK L. (n., hits Jiim again.) But there's plentj^ of reality, you idiot. Ahe. (Acts.) Give me a dozen wives. (Aside quicJcly.) But uo mother-in-law. (Aloud- ) * ' Bind up my wounds. " 3rrs. W. L. (Hits him agcun. ) I'll wound you ! Ahe. (Acts.) " Another and another yet ! I'll have no more." Mrs. W. L. Get out, idiot. (Follows him up stage. Ahe. (Folds his arms and scowls.) Get out, idiot! Hn., ha! (Strikes an attitude.) "What's in a name? A rose by, any other — " (Breaks off suddenly and sings and dances to iheinne''of) "Dere's some one in de house wid Dinah, dere's somebody in de house, I know. " Mrs. W. L. Get out of the house, and leave Dinah alone. Do you know me, fellow ? Ahe. Well ! you are my missus' mother and master's mother-in- law ! What's home without a mother-in-law. It may be all very well (smifks vins. 51 Deaf— in a Horn. 52 Challenge Dance. 53 De Trouble begins at Nine. 54 Scenes at Gurney's. 55 16,000 Years Ago. Either of the above will be sent bv 56 Stage-struck Darkey. 57 Black Mail. 58 Highest Price for Old Clothes. 59 Howls from the Owl Train. 60 Old Hunks. 61 The Three Black Smiths. 62 Turkeys in Season. 63 Jul, a. Ci A Night wid Brudder Bones. 65 Dixie. 66 King Cuffee. 67 Old Zip Coon. 68 Cooney in de Hollow. 69 Porgy Joe. 70 Galiu i Jake. 71 De Coon Hunt. 72 Don Cato. 73 Sambo's Return. 74 Under de Kerosene. 75 Mysterious Stranger. 76 De Del)bil and Dr. Faustum. 77 De Old Gum Game. 78 Hunk's Wedding Day. 79 De Octoroon. 80 De Old Kentucky Home. 81 Lucinda's Wedding. 82 Mumbo Jura. 83 ])e Creole Ball. 81 Mishap.s oi Cte^ar Crum. 85 Pete's Luck. 86 Pete and Ephraim. 87 Jube Hawkins 88 De Darkey's Dream. 89 Chris Johnson. 90 Scipio Africanus. 91 De Ghost ol) Bone Squash. 92 De Darkey Tragedian. 93 Possum Fat. 91 Dat Same Old Coon. 95 Popsey Dean. 96 De Rival Mokes. 97 Uncle Tom. 98 Desdemonum. 99 Up Head 100 De Maid ob do Hunkpuncas. 101 Da Trail ob Blood. 1D2 De Debbil and de Maiden. 103 De Cream ob Tenors. 104 Old Undo Billy. 105 An Elepliant on Ice. no A Manager in a Fix. 107 Bones at a Raffle. 108 AuntvChloe. 109 DiMcingI\t.nd. IJO Julianna Johnson. mail, on receipt of price, by HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, lio^ 1 Chambers Street, New York LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tl PRICE 15 CENTS 1 Single Life, Comedj'. 2 The Boarding School, Farce. 3 The Spitlire, Farce. 4 The Irish Dragoon, Farce. 5 The Scliool for Tigers, Farce. 6 Gabriolle de Belle Isle, Play. 7 Tlie Tipp: rary Legacy, Farce, 8 Deeds of Dreadful Note, Farce. 9 A Peculiar Position. Farce. 10 A Private Liquirv, Farce. 11 111 Tidl your Wiie, Farce. 12 The Fast Family, Comedy. 13 Antony and Cleopatra Married and Settled, Burlelta. 14 My Friend in the Straps, Farce. 15 The Scliool for Scheming ^Love and Money), Comedy, W} 017 400 989 2 18 Ai.....^^.-^-„- 19 How to Settle Accounts with yonr Laundress, Farce, 20 Advice Gratis, Farce. 21 A H:isty Conclusion. Durletta. 22 Weak Points, Comedy. 23 Grace Darling, Drama. 24 A Gr.iv Mare, Comedietta. 25 The j\iiddle Temple, Farce. 26 The Original, Interlude. 27 The Sentinel, Musical Bniletta. 28 The Tiger at Large, Comic Bur- let ta. [edr_ 29 Why Did You Die? A Petite Com- 30 Savings and Doings, Farce, THE AMATEU FSICE 15 CEIJT 1 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, 2 The Loves of Little Bo-Peep and Little Boy Blue. 3 Little Silver Hair and the Three Bears, 4 Robin Hood ; or, tlie Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. 5 Little Red Riding Hood, 6 The Frog Prince. 7 Blue Beard ; or. Female Curiosity, 8 Jack, the Giant Killer, 9 Two Gentlemen at Mivart's. 10 Dark Deeds, 11 Marry in Haste and Repent at 12 Wearing of the Green, f Leisure. 13 The Result of a Nap. 14 Monsieiu- Pierre. 15 Virtue Victorious. 16 Love, Burlesque. ] 7 Afloat and Ashore. 18 Tragedy Transmogrified. 19 Fairy Freaks, 20 A Medical Islan. R STAGE. 3 EACH. Harlequin Little Red Riding Hood, A Juvenile Pantomine. Fireside Diplomacy. 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