F 474 . K2 T2 Copy 1 APRIL, 1889. J EW'S Q V — cX^. Price, 10 Cents. WITH Street Railw'y System A Compendium of Reliable Information for Strangers and Residents. § PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE TEW-LYLE PRINTING CO., 6th and Central Sts. KANSAS CITY, MO. WHITON'S Medical + Lake + Remedies Are not a patented medicine or quack nostrum, but are obtained from Nature's own laboratory by evapor- ating the highly medicated water of this— Situated in Spokane County, Washington Territo AND ARE NATURE'S INFALLIBLE CURE FUR Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Liver and Kidney Complaints, and all Diseases of the Blood and Skin. IN FACT, IT IS ONE OF NATURE'S GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIERS! For Sale Dy all Druggists. For former Particulars, address if. dh:- whiton, 819 Walnut St., KANSAS CITY, MO. TEWS Pocket Guide -TO- Kansas City -with- COMPLETE MAP OF CITY, SHOWING STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM. CONTENTS: Street Guide, Street Railways, Public Buildings, City Government, Churches, Relief Associations, Se- cret Societies, Railways and Railway Time Tables, Hotels, Banks, Public Libraries, Opening and Closing of Mails, etc., etc., etc. COPYRIGHT, 1889. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Tew-Ltle Printing Co., Sixth and Central Sts., KANSAS CITY, MO. Bollman Bros. Co Successors to CONOVER BROS. -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- Pianos and Organs CONOVER BROS. STEINWAY & SONS IP I " " .A. E. GABLER & BRO. - 1ST AND THE C^ J. & C. FISCHER - S HERMAN H. BOLLMAN, Manager, No. 613 MAIN STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. lano Tuning sk, &T£>e>c±a,l.ty, INDEX TO CONTENTS, Page. Amusements 40 Banks 33 Board of Education 43 Cemeteries .'. 66 Charities, Bureau of. 67 Christian Associations 68 Church Directory 58-66 City Government 35-38 City, Division of. 46-49 Custom House 45 Exchange for Women's Work 68 Express Companies 57 Fire Department 39 Freight Depots 56 Hospitals, Asylums, Etc 67 Hotels 34 Humane Society 68 Libraries and Reading Rooms 43 Office Buildings 41-42 Police Department 38 , Post Office 44 Postage, Rates of 44 Public Halls 42-43 Railway Ticket Offices 50-51 Railway Time Table 52-55 Relief Boards 76 Secret Societies 69-76 Street Directory 5-26- Street Railways 27-32 Taxes — City, County and State 50 Telegraph Companies 56 Telephone 57 Unions, Associations, Etc 76 CUTLER BROS., Artists' Materials, ARCHITECTS', ENGINEERS' AND SURVEYORS' SUPPLIES, Mathematical Instruments and Drawing Papers. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING. Novelties in Ladies' Pocket Books. Progressive Euchre Outfits. 20 West Twelfth Street, - - Kansas City, Missouri. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. Map No. Altman, F. G Inset. — Bolen Coal Co 12 11 tollman Bros 2 — Cutler Bros 4 4 Dunham, C. N. & Co Inset. Edgerton & Lowe 10 5 EyssellHugo 6 9 Glick, B Inset. Huntsville Coal Co Inset. — Jaccard Jewelry Co 3 ('over. 6 'Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis R. R .. L8 Kansas City Optical Institute Inset — Koehler Cancer Hospital Inset — Merchants National Bank 4 Cover. 13 Midland Hotel 8 2 National Bank of Kansas City — Map. — Petersburg Coal Co 14 — Phillips House ....Inset. — Quay, David M. Plumbing ... Inset — Samuel, Thos. D 12 14 Spalding's Commercial College 10 3 Tew-Lyle Printing Co 16 — The Real Painless Dentists Inset — Theatrical Programme Inset — Whiteman, G. R 6 15 Whiton's Medical Lake Remedies 2 Cover. — Young, James G 10 7 STREET DIRECTORY. On all streets running north and south odd num- bers will be found on the east side, and on all streets running east and west odd numbers will be found on the south side Houses are numbered by the decimal system, that is, 100 numbers being assigned to each block, beginning at the Missouri river going south, and at Main street going east and west. In that portion of the city east of Highland Avenue, and north of Independence Avenue, all streets running north and south are numbered from Dora Avenue, com- mencing with 1 at Dora. Independence Avenue, east of Oak street, represents Sixth street, for the purpose of numbering streets cross- ing at right angles. STREETS— Alphabetically Arranged. Adaline — from Belleview Avenue to Prospect Place, be- tween 16th and 17th. Agnes^ Avenue — north from Dora Avenue to C. & A. railroad track, south to city limits. Aldine Place — from 1221 Washington east to alley. Alexander Avenue — south from Blue ave. to Alexander Place. Allen Avenue — from 1710 Holly, southwest to 22d. Allen Street — east Front, south Guinotte's addition. Alton Avenue — from East Front, south to Dora Avenue. Amie— from Garfield, east to Ord. Anderson Avenue — from Agnes Avenue, east to Monroe, Hugo Eyssell, PHARMACIST AND DEALER US •J>ir)G • ^©ilel • yppiicl^s, Largest Assortment ot 3mporteb perfumes* « > »» AND -^ — ^5 anc y ®°^ s IN THE CITY. „ Corner 12th and Broadway, Kansas City, Mo, G. R. WHITSMAU, (Successor to Phillip Dopplkr,) MANUFACTURER OF No. 6 and 8 East Third St.. PAPER BOXES File Boxes and Tubes for Mailing Made io Older, Tel. No 1005. KANSAS CITY, MO. (7) Anna Avenue — between 17th and 18th, east of Indiana to City limits. Anthony Avenue — from County road, south to C. & A. R. R. Ash — from Independence Avenue, south to Seventh. Askew Avenue — second east of Indiana Avenue, south from 12th to City limits. Bales Avenue — first east of Indiana Avenue, *rom 10th to 12th. Baltimore Avenue — from 19 west 9th, south to City limits. Bank— from 411 West 6th, south to 11th. Barton Avenue — (changed to 30th.) Bay — from 16th, south Myrtle Park Addition. Beacon Avenue — West Ridgeway Addition. Bell— from 1801 West 12th, south to 19th. Belleview Avenue — south from 901 west 12th to city limits. Bellefontaine Avenue — from Independence Avenue north, and from Blue Avenue south to K. C. Belt R. R. Belmont Avenue — south from 4th to Sunny Side Ad- dition. Belvedere — east from 551 Troost to Lydia. Bennington Avenue — from Indepencence Avenue to 23d. Benton Avenue — 3d west of Porter road, from St. John Avenue to Norledge Place. Benton Place — Fairmont Park Addition. Bernard Place — south from 10th Street to Blue Avenue. Bigelow — from Mo. Pac. Ry., south Chamberlain's 1st Addition. Blaine— Garfield" Park. Blue Avenue — continuation of 15th Street, east from Woodland Avenue to Independence, Mo. Bluff"— Southwest from 519 West 4th to 12th. Bridge Avenue — south from 223 West Levee to West 2d. Brighton Avenue — east Kensington Addition. Broadway — south from 401 West Second to Springfield Avenue. Midland Hotel -! Grandest and Most Perfect Hotels i- OF THE AGE. Absolutely Fire Proof The Largest and Finest Turkish Bath Establishment IN AMERICA, Run in Connection with the Hotel. C. M. HILL, Vice-President and Manager. (9) Brook Avenue — from West 22d, southeast to 23d, first west of Fairmount Avenue Brooklyi Avenue — south from Dora to city limits. Brownell Avenue — first north 01 Independence Avenue, east from Woodland tc Maple Bullene Avenue — southeast from Blaine (Garfield Park) to city limits. Campbell — south from 901 East Front to city limits. Canyon Avenue — changed to North Prospect. Carey Avenue — north from Independence Avenue to St. John Avenue. Cedar— between 9th and St Louis Avenue, Wyoming and Genesee Central — south from 301 West 5th to city limits. Charlotte — south from 801 East Front to city limity. Chelsea Avenue— east Kensington addition. Cherry — south from 601 East Front to city .lira its. Chestnut Avenue - second east of Prospect, south from Blue Avenue to 21st. Chicago Avenue — Troost Highlands, from Holmes to Troost Avenue Cincinnati Avenue — Troost Highlands. City View Avenue — from Main east to Grand Boulevard. Clairmont Avenue — from 5th to Pacific, between Lydia and Highland Clare Avenue — Springfield Highlands. Cleveland — same as Porter Road, from Independence Avenue south to city limits. Cleveland Avenue — First, east of Porter Road, from Independence Avenue north to Norledge Place. Cliff — first south of Reservoir Avenue, west from Holly to Terrace Place. Cliftou Avenue — from 616 - Washington to Bluff. College Avenue — south from Blue Avenue to Alexander Place. Colorado Avenue — from Independence Avenue north to Norledge Place. Commercial — east, from 101 Main to Walnut; west, from 100 Main to Delaware. COMMERCIAL BLOCK, Cor. 11th and Main Streets. Established October 25, 1865— Incorporated July 11, 1867. All EDglish and Commercial Branches, Phonography, Type- Writing, etc., taught at lowest rates. Unsurpassed Advantages, Large and Experienced Faculty. Ten Elegant College Room?. Day and Night Schools. No Vacations. Catalogues Free. Reduced Railroad Rates secured for Attending Students. &B" Be sure to visit or address this College before going else- where. 4®=-Business and Ornamental Penmanship awarded First Premium for Sixteen Years overall Home and Foreign Competitors. edgerton & lowe, Picture Frames Etchings, Engravings, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAVURES, &c. Large Stock. Fine Goods. Careful Attention to Orders. TjOipest Prices. 16 W. Twelfth St., near Main, - KANSAS CITY. PATENTS. Obtained in the United States, Canada and all Foreign Countries. Official Gazette of the Patent Office received weekly, and all patent laws on hand and free lor consultation to clients. The largest and best selected Patent Library west of Washington, D. C, embracing a complete list of all patents issued from the organization of the office, 1790, to the present time. Rejected cases, appeals, re-issues, caveats, assignments, forfeited cases, design patents, trademarks, labels, copyrights, interferences and infringements attended to with skill and fidelity by James Gr. Young, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Examiner of Titles, Notary Public, Solicitor of Patents, and United States Claim Agent. Office Rooms, 62, <^3 and 64 Hall Buiiding, Northwest corner Ninth and Walnut streets, Kansas City, Missouri. (11) Cora Avenue — Hutchinson's Addition. Cottage Avenue — east from Flora Avenue to Woodland, between 22d and 23d. Cpttage Lane— alley from 813 Independence Avenue south to 6th. Cottage Place — west from 1432 Genesee to alley. Cottonwood — H. S. Owen's Addition. County Road— i 25th Street). Crescent Avenue — from North Prospect Avenue to St John Avenue. Cypress Avenue — south from Independence Avenue to 17th. Delaware— south from 101 West Front to 0th. Denver Avenue — second Street west of Fairview Ave- nue, north from Independence Avenue. Detroit Avenue — Troost Highlands. Dickson Avenue — from Porter Road east to Steele, be- tween Sullivan and Blue. Dofflenieyer — from St John Avenue north, between McKinney Heights and Belgravia Addition. Dora — continuation of Alton Avenue east to Prospect Avenue. Dripps — changed to Belleview. Duncan Avenue — Gregory Place. East Front — from No. 1 Main east to Rochester Avenue. East — changed to Pacific. Fast Lynne — from Morris Avenue, Gregory Place, south to Missouri Pacific Railroad. Edgar — Guinotte Addition, east from lith on line of Missouri Pacific Railway. Elaine — south from 36th, between Troost and Forest Avenues. Eleventh — from Front south, Guinotte's Addition. Elizabeth — south from 2oth to 27th, South Park Addi- tion. Elkins — Whipple's 3d Addition. Elm — southeast from 201 west Front to Second. Elm — second, east of Prospect Avenue, south from In- dependence to Seventh. Thos. D. Samuel, WHOLESALE Dealer in Liquors ER OF Wines * Brandies. ^i Family and Ranch Supplies AND IMPORTER OF A SPECIALTY. No. II East 5th St. South Side Public Square, KANSAS CITY, MO. Jas. A. Bolen, Ora Darnall, J. E. Florance, President. V.-Pres't & Mgr. Aud. & Cashier. BOLEN COAL CO., DEALEKS IN ALL KINDS OF . ^^ irw am jm\ Canned Piedmont, Semi-Anthracite, Anthracite, ^LaxriD COKE. General Offices: 532 Delaware Street, Telephone 544. KANSAS CITY, MO. "2T.A. EDS: Cor. Troost and Guinotte Aves Telephone 596. Grand Avenue and Levee Telephone 1020. Hickory St. and Union Ave. Telephone 1339. (13) Elma — second, north, of Independence Avenue, from Garfield east to Ord. Eimwood Avenue — south from Norledge Place to 17th, Belgravia Addition. Emma Avenue — changed to Colorado. Euclid Avenue — south from 2000 east Seventh to city limits. Eunice Avenue — Ingleside Place. Fairmount Avenue — south from 22d to 24th. Fair- mount Park Addition. Fancher — Chamberlain's First Addition. Fairview Avenue — (Same as Hardisty. Flora Avenue — south from 1501 East 9th to city limits. Florence Avenue — south from Eleventh to Sullivan Avenue. T. J. Emery's Addition. Forest Avenue — south from 1201 East Front to city limits. Fort Scott Avenue — from Milwaukee Avenue to Mastin Place, between Wyandotte and Central. Fourteenth — from Front south, Guinotte's Addition. Francis — from 1310 East 1st, south to 4th. Franklin— from 1001 West 12th, southwest fo 16th. Freight — changed to Lincoln. Fremont Avenue — west Ridgeway Addition. Front — H. S. Owens' Addition. Fulton Avenue — west Ridgway Addition. Gardner Avenue — Sub-Division Malone Estate. Garfield Avenue — from St. John Avenue south to 7th. Garland Avenue — from County Road south to C. & A. R. R. Howard & Scott Addition. Garnett Avenue — south from Moody .A venue to West- port Road, Grand Boulevard. Highland Park Add. Garner — from Walrond Avenue. E. A. Phillips' Sub- division. Garrett Avenue — Orchard Place. Genesee — from 1700 West Levee south to St. Louis Avenue, and from 1700 West 12th, south to 22d. George — from Southwest Boulevard west. South Park Addition. Telephone 1721. _.| YARDS : First and Grand Avenue, Twelfth, Opposite C. & A. Frt. Depot. (15) Gillis — south from Front to Pacific, between Harrison and Troost. Goldenburg — third street west of Fairview Avenue, north from Independence Avenue. Goodrich Place — from Wyandotte to Broadway, be- tween 19th and 20th. Grand Avenue — from 200 East Front, south to 23d. Grand Boulevard — continuation of Grand Avenue, from 23d to Westport, Mo. Grauman— East Grauman, from Union Cemetery to Holmes, between 27th and 28th; West Grauman. from Grand Boulevard to Summit, south to 27th. Grandy Avenue — 1st north of Independence Avenue, from Prospect to Kansas Avenue. Grove — south from 1500 East 6th to city limits. Hale — third north of Independence Avenue from Wood- land Avenue east to Maple Avenue. Hardesty Avenue — Bluff to limits, 1 mile east of Porter road. Harris — from Park in Milrose Addition to Dofflemeyer Street, Belgravia Addition. Harrison — from 1001 E. Front, south to limits. Harrold — wes* from South West Boulevard, South Park Addition. Heacock — Chamberlain's 1st Addition. Heims Avenue — Gregory Place No. 2. Henning — south from 1101 West Levee to 8th. Hickory — south from 1401 West Levee to Kansas. Highland Avenue — south from 1701 East Front to limits. Highland Avenue — Highland Park Addition. Holly — southwest lrom Franklin to 17th and south to George. Holmes — south from 701 East Front to limits. Hopkins — From 1001 West Levee, south to 8th, Howard — east from Grove Street to Prospect Avenue, between 24th and 25th. Howell Avenue — from Independence Avenue to Smar Avenue, east of limits. ^ ^* LV -t^ 'Printing do. v ~< T) PRINTERS, 'ubllshers, Jiinders, § Jilai jSook ^\frs. Show and Commercial Printing, Legal Blanks, etc. S. E. Cor. Sixth and Central Streets. We employ more skilled workmen, pay them better wages, work them harder, proouce finer work, and deliver it more promptly, than any other Printing House in the West. This is strong-, but neverthe- less true. Our charges are just what the product is •worth— uo more, no less. Hunter Avenue — Highland Park \ddition. Illinois Avenue — south from 12th to Blue Avenue, Ber nard Place. Independence Avenue — east from 535 Walnut, to and beyond limits. Indiana Avenue — south from 10th to limits. Irving Place — from Oak to Locust, between 13th and 14th. Jackson Avenue — south from 12th to limits. James — west from Southwest Boulevard, South Park Addition. Jarboe — south from 1101 West 17th to limits. Jefferson — south from 623 West 8th to limits. Johnson Avenue — south from 2101 East 9th to limits. Joy — west from 1322 Mulberry to Liberty. Kansas — from Hickory to Liberty, between 14th and 15th. Kansas Avenue — south from Lexington Avenue to 20th» Graham Addition. Kensington Avenue — south from St. John Avenue to 17th Street to limits. King Street — southeast from Front to intersection of Woodland and Lexington. Kirkwood — Garfield Park. Knickebocker Place — Dudley & Hornbeck Addition. Krey Avenue — changed to Agnes. Lake — Orchard Place. Laurel Avenue — south from 4th to McElroy, Laurel Hill Addition. Lawndale — Kensington Annex. Lawrence Avenue — Flournoy Heights. Lawton Place — east from 1319 Washington to alley. Lexington Avenue — east from Highland to Bellefontaine Avenue, Pendleton Heights. Liberty — south from 1501 West Levee to Turkey Creek. Lincoln— northwest from 816 West 12th to Bluff. Lincoln — Changed to 4th. Linwood — south of city limits, from Cherry east. WHEN YOU GO SOUTH You will wish to be fully informed as to the cheapest, most direct, and most pleasant route. You will wish to purchase your ticket via the route that will subject you to no de- lays, and by which through trains are run. Before you start you should provide your- self with a map and time table of the Mem- phis Route (Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mem- phis R. R. ), the only direct route from and via Kansas City to all points in Eastern and Southern Kansas, Southwest Missouri, and Texas. Practically the only route from the West to all Southern cities. Entire trains with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and Free Reclining Chair Oars, Kansas City to Memphis; through first-class coach, Kansas City to Chattanooga, Knoxville and Bristol; through Sleeping Car, Kansas City to New Orleans. This is the direct route and many miles the shortest line to Little Rock, Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, Fort Smith, Van Buren, Fayetteville, and all points in Arkan- sas. Send for a large map. Send for a copy of the Missouri and Kansas Farmer, an eight-page illustrated paper, containing full and reliable information in relation to the great States of Missouri and Kansas. Issued monthly and mailed free. Address, J. E. LOCK WOOD, G. P. & T. A., Kansas City, Mo. (10) Lister Avenue — south from Independence Avenue to 17th Street, Bloomfield Addition. Lockridge Road — southeast from 22d and Woodland, to 27th and Prospect. Locust — south from 501 east Front to city limits. Long Meadow — east from Grand Avenue to Holmes' lialsey & Dudley's Addition. Lucas Avenue — changed to 29tn. Lydia Avenue — south from 1401 east Front to limits. Lynn AvenUe — southeast from Vine to "Woodland Ave- nue, Beecher Heights. Madison Avenue — south from 901 west 13th to South- west Boulevard. Main — south from 1 East Front to limits. Maple Avenue — 1st east of Woodland Avenue, from Lexington south to Independence Avenue. Mason Avenue — south from 12th to Blue Avenue, Carl- ton Place. Mastin Place — from Wyandotte to Central, between 20th and 21st. .May — south from 327 west oth to 9th. Mayfield Avenue — between Woodland and Brooklyn Avenues, south of 19th, Ridge Heights. McCoy Avenue — south from 20th to city limits, between Holmes and Cherry. McElroy — continuation of 5th, east from Laurel Avenue. McGee — south from 301 Independence Avenue to limits. Merchants Alley— from 9th to 12th, between Broadway and Central. Mercier Place — southwest from 1217 west 19th to 20th, thence south to 25th. Mersington Avenue— south from 23d, Mersington Heights. Michigan Avenue — south from 1901 east 9th to limits. Mill— south from 901 west Levee to 8th. Minnesota Avenue— Blue Avenue Park Addition. Minnie— Garfield east to Ord, Matthew & Hill's Ad dition. ( 20 ) Milwaukee Avenue — southwest from 2032 Baltimore Avenue to Broadway. Milwaukee Avenue — 1st east of Indiana Avenue, be- tween 23d and 27th, Zahl's Subdivision. Missouri Avenue — east from 533 Main to Lydia Avenue; west from 532 Main to Delaware. Monroe — 1st west of Porter Road, from Scarritt Avenue to 27th. Montgall Avenue — south from Blue Avenue to 21st, Ar- lington Addition. Moody Avenue — west from Broadway to Southwest Bou- levard. , Morrell Avenue — 1st south of St. John Avenue from Waldron to Cary Avenue. Mulberry — south from 1300 west Levee to Joy. Myrtle Avenue — south from Blue Avenue, Myrtle Park Addition. Nettie Avenue — Garfield Park. Neville — Subdivision Malone estate. Nicholson Avenue — extension of Front from Rochester Avenue northeast. Norledge Place — from Hawthorne Avenue to Elmwood Avenue east, Melrose Addition. Northwestern Avenue — south from 21st to Milwaukee Avenue. Norton Avenue — from 9th south, McGrail & Felton's Addition. Oak — souiH from 401 east 2d to limits. Oakley Avenue — 1£ miles east of limits, from Indepen- dence Avenue, north. Olive — north from Dora Avenue to C. & A. Railway, south from Dora to Springfield Avenue, from Main east to Grand Boulevard, Vineyard's 4th Addition. Orange Avenue — Dickson Park Addition, from 9th to Pith. Ord— 1st east of Garfield Avenue, from Lexington south to Elma. Otis Avenue —south from County Road to C. & A. Rail- way, Howard & Scott's Addition. Owing Avenue — south from 20th, Zahl's Subdivision. (21) Pacific — east from 547 Holmes to Highland Avenue. Park Avenue — from Dora Avenue south to 2301 east 18th, thence south to limits. Park — from Front south, Guinotte's Addition. Peerv — from Olive east to Indiana Avenue, between 11th and 12 th. Pendleton Avenue — Pendleton Heights, from Garfield east to Prospect. Pennsylvania Avenue — (Penn street) south from 601 West 5th to city limits. « Phelps Avenue — 2d north of Independence Avenue, from Highland east to Garfield Avenue. Pine — east from Olive to Prospect, Campbell's 2d Add. Poplar — south from Independence Avenue to Blue Avenue, 2d west of Elmwood. Porter Road — eastern city limits (Cleveland Avenue). Prospect Avenue — from 2000 Independence Avenue south to city limits, north from Independence Avenue to C. & A. Ry. Prospect Place — extension of Jarboe, north from 17th to 16th and Belleview Avenue. Quest Avenue — changed to Brooklyn. Randolph Avenue — Subdivision of Malone Estate. Regent — Belgravia Addition. Reservoir Avenue — first south of 20th from Holly west to Terrace. Ridge Avenue — from Woodland east to Brooklyn, between 20th and 21st, Ridge Heights. Roberts — trom Walrond Avenue east Phillip's Subdiv. Rochester Avenue — from Commercial east to Mo. Pac. Ry. Sailors Avenue — from 18th north, City Park Addition. Salisbury Avenue — Changed to North Prospect Avenue. Santa Fe— from 1200 West Levee, south to 12th. Second Street — H. S. Owen's Addition. Scarritt Avenue — from Hawthorne Avenue east to Elm- wood Avenue, Belgravia Addition. Scott Avenue — from Nicholson Avenue to C. & A. Ry., Hamlin's Addition. (22) Scott Avenue — 1st east of Montgall Avenue, from 21gt south, Chestnut Hill Addition. Shawnee — Garfield Park. Shelly Avenue — from east Front, south Guinotte Add. Short — south from 119 east Front to First. Sidney Avenue — south from 16th to Blue Avenue Park Addition. Smart Avenue — 4th north of Independence Avenue, from Bellefontaine east to Blmwood Avenue. South Park Boulevard — from Southwest Boulevard to limits, Madison Place. South West Boulevard — from Junction of 19th and Baltimore Avenue, southwest to Rosedale, Kansas. Springfield Avenue — from Porter Road west to city limits. State — from 1800 West Levee, south to limits. Steele Avenue — same as Jackson. St. John Avenue — Pendleton Heights Addition from Garfield Avenue east to city limits. St. Louis Avenue — west from 802 Bluff to State. Stone Avenue — north from Independence Avenue to St. John, Bethseda Place No. 2; south from Smart Avenue to 7th, Bethseda Place. St, Paul Avenue — from Milwaukee Avenue to 20th, between Baltimore Avenue and Wyandotte. Sullivan Avenue — east from Porter Road to Steele Avenue, between 14th and Dickson Avenue. Summit — south from 801 W. 10th to limits. Sycamore — H. S. Owen's Add , Terrace Place, South- west from Allen ave. to Cliff, thence south to 25th. Terrace Ave. — 1 st. west of Grand Boul., from 25th south Vineyard's 4th Add. Third— H. S. Owen's Add. Thirteenth — south from Front, Guinotte' s Add. Thomas Ave. — extension of St. John Ave., east to limits. Thompson — 2nd North of Independence Avenue from Bellefontain east to Elmwood Ave. Tichenor — Chamberlin 1st Add. Topping Avenue — Fairview Place. (23) Tracy Avenne — south from 1301 east Front to limits. Troost Avenue — south from 1101 east Front to and beyond limits. Twelfth — from Front south, Guinotte's Addition. Union Ave. — west from 802 Bluff to Liberty Vine — south from 1601 east 6th to limits. Virginia— south from 1325 East 10th to 17th. Wabash Avenue— south from C. & A. R. R. to 2500 E. 18th, thence south to Springfield Avenue. Walnut — south from 101 east Front to limits. Walrond Avenue — north from Independence Avenue to St. John, D. O. Smart's Subdivision. Walter Avenue — south from 10th to Blue Ave., Bernard Place. Warner Avenue — south from Nicholson Ave. to C. & A. R. R., McElroy Addition. Washington — south from 501 west 3d to 27th. Washington Park Boulevard — southwest from Independ- ence Ave., to 9th, \h miles east of limits. Watkins Avenue — south from Nicholson Ave. to C. A A. R. R.. Hamlin s Addition. West Levee — River from Broadway west to State. Wall— south from 113 W. Seventh to Ninth. Wheeling Avenue — south from 9th, McGrail & Felton's Addition. William — west from Southwest Boulevard, South Park Addition. Windom — Garfield Park Addition. Windsor Avenue — from Hawthorne Ave. to Dafflameyer- Melrose Addition. Woodland Avenue — south from Lexington Ave. to city limits. Woodland Court — east from 335 Woodland Ave. to Euclid Ave. Woodward Avenue — Chadwick's Second Addition, from Grand Boulevard east; second west of Porter road from Independence Ave. north to Norledge Place. Wyandotte — from 201 West Front south to limits. Wyman— Chamberlain's First Addition. Wyoming — South from 1600 W. Eighth to Liberty. (24) STREETS— Numerically Arranged. First — east from 101 Mam to Troost Avenue. Second — east from 201 Main to Highland Ave.; west from 200 Main to Broadway. Third — east from 301 Main to Highland Avenue; west from ,»00 Maiu to C & A. R. R. Fourth — east from 401 Main to Highland Avenue; west from 400 Main to Bluff. Fifth— east from 501 Main to Highland Avenue; west from 500 xMain to Bluff. Sixth — east from 601 Main to Woodland Avenue; west from 60C Main to Bluff. Seventh — east from 701 Main to and beyond city limits; west from TOO Main to Summit Eighth — east from 801 Main to and beyond city limits, west from 800 Main to Jefferson, and from Mill west to limits. Ninth — east from 901 Main to and beyond limits: west from 900 Main to Bluff, and from 900 Santa Fe to limits. Tenth — east from 1001 Main to and bevond limits; west from 1000 Balto. Avenue to Summit and from 1000 Santa Fe to Liberty. Eleventh — east from 1100 Main to and beyond city limits; west from 1100 Main to Summit and from 1100 Santa Fe to Liberty. Twelfth — east from 1201 Main to and beyond city limits; west from 1200 Main to limits. Thirteenth — east from 1301 Main to and beyond city limits; west 1300 Main to Belleview Avenue, and from 1300 Mulberry west to Liberty. Fourteenth — east from 1401 Main to and beyond city limits; west from 1400 Main to Belleview Ave., and from 1400 Hickory to State. Fifteenth — east from 1501 Main to Woodland Avenue; west from 1500 Main to Pennsylvania Avenue and from 1500 Genesee west to State. Sixteenth — east from 1G01 Main to and beyond city limits; west from 1G00 Main to Belleview Ayenue aim trom ioOO Liberty west to State. ( 25 ) Seventeenth — eastrfrom 1701 Main to and beyond city limits; west from 1702 Main to Holly and from 1638 Liberty west to State. Eighteenth — east from 1801 Main to> and beyond city limits; west from 1800 Main to Holly and from Hickory west to limits. Nineteenth — east from 1901 Main to and beyond city limits; west from 1000 Main to Broadway and from Hickory west to State. Twentieth — east from 2001 Main to city limits; west from 2000 Main to Mercier Place. Twentv-first — east from 2101 Main to city limits; west from 2101 Main to Holly. Twent3 r -second— east from 2201 Main to city limits ; west from 2200 Main to Genesee. Twenty-third — east from 2301 Main to city limits; west from 2300 Main to Southwest Boulevard, and from Belleview Avenue to Fairmount Avenue. Twenty-fourth — east from 2401 Main to Porter Road; west from 2400 Main to State. Twenty-Fifth — east from 2501 Grand Boulevard to city limits; west from 2500 Main to State. Twenty-sixth — east from 2601 Grand Boulevard to city limits ; west from 2600 Main to Southwest Boule- vard. Twenty-seventh — east from 2701 Grand Boulevard to city limits; west from 2700 Main to Southwest Boulevard. Twenty-eighth — east from 2801 Grand Boulevard to city limits; west from 2800 Main to Southwest Boulevard. Twenty-ninth — east from 2901 Grand Boulevard to city limits; west from 2900 Main to Summit. Thirtieth — east from 3001 Grand Boulevard to city limits; west from 3000 Main to Fairmount Avenue. (26) PRINCIPAL STREETS East and West of Main. East from Main. Walnut. Grand Ave McGee. Oak. Locust. Cherry. Holmes. Charlotte. Campbell. Harrison. Troost Ave. Forest Ave. Tracy Ave. Virginia Ave. Lydi Aave. Grove. Flora Ave. Vine. Highland Ave. Woodland Ave. Michigan Ave. Euclid Ave. Garfield Ave. Johnson Ave. Brooklyn Ave. Park Ave. Olive. Wabash Ave. Prospect Ave. Montgall Ave. Chestnut. Kansas Ave. Agnes Ave. Bellefontaine. Ash Ave. Bernard Ave. College Ave. Emma Ave. Indiana Ave. Mason Ave. Askew Ave. Cleveland. Porter Road. City Limits East. West from Main. Delaware. Ann. Baltimore. Wyandotte. Central. May. Broadway. Washington. Penn. Jefferson. Sumit. Bluff. Madison Ave. Dripps. Jarboe. Holly. Franklin. Mercier. Terrace. Santa Fe. Mulberry. Hickory. Liberty. Wjoming. Genessee. Bell. State Line. STREET RAILWAYS. LOCATIONS OF LINES, OFFICES, ETC. KANSAS CITY CABLE R'Y CO. President — Wm. J. Smith. Secretary — Wm. H. Lucas. Auditor— E. P. Bates. Gen'l Supt. — M. K. Bowen. General office, 9th and Washington sts. 9th Street Line. — Begins at Union Depot at Union avenue and 9th street, thence east on 9th to Crana avenue, north on Grand avenue to 8th street, east on 8th to Woodland avenue. The Independence avenue extension continuing on Woodland north to Indepen- dence avenue and east on Independence avenue to Prospect avenue. The east 9th street extension con- tinuing on Woodland from 8th to 9th, thence east on 9th to Prospect avenue The Troost avenue extension branches at 8th and Troost running on Troost avenue south to Fussell avenue. Take green cars for Independence avenue. Take red cars for East 9th street. Take yellow cars for Troost avenue. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Commences at 9th and Washington streets ; thence south on Washington to 13th; thence west on 13th to Summit; thence south on Summit to city limits. TRANSFER TICKETS are issued by the Kansas City Cable Railway Co. as follows: At 8th and Troost, to passengers from points east of Troost to points south of 8th on Troost, and to passengers from points south oi 8th on Troost to points east of Troost. ( 28 ) METROPOLITAN. President — C. F. Morse. General Manager — R. J. McCarty. Auditor and Cashier — J. A. Harder. Purchasing Agent — J. M. Pitkin. General Offices — 4th Floor Security Building, cornei 6th and Wyandotte sts. 5th Street and Wyandotte Line. — Cable. Begins at 5th and Main (Market Square), thence west on 5th to Bluff st. . on Bluff to Union avenue, thence to Mulberry st., thence to West 9th, thence to James, thence to 3d St., Wyandotte, thence to Minnesota avenue, thence on Minnesota, ending at 10th st. Div. Supt. — H. V. Luvster, office 9th and Wyoming 12th Street Line. — Cable. Begins at Eastern City Limits on 12th St., thence on 12th to Bell st., thence on Bell to 16th, returning east on 16th to Genesee St., north on Genesee to 12th st. Div. Supt. — D. Barnes, office 12th and Charlotte sts. 18th Street Line. — Cable. Begins at Junction of Main and Delaware sts., running south on Main st. to 19th ; thence east on 19th to Olive, thence north to 18th, thence to City Limits, returning via 18th st. and Main. Div. Supt. — A. Rogers, office Power House, 18th and Olive. Broadway Line. — Horse. Begins at 6th and Main, thence west on 6th to Broadway, thence to 14th st., west on 14 st. to Madison avenue, thence south to 17th. Div. Supt. — A. J. Burson, office 17th and Madison avenue. Independence Avenue Line. — Horse. Begins at Market Square on 5th st, thence east on 5th to Grand avenue, thence south on Grand avenue to Independence avenue, thence east to Woodland avenue. Div. Supt. — D. O. Connell, office 4th and Wyandotte. Armourdale Line. — Horse. Begins at Stock Yards, corner 16th and Bell sts.. thence south on Bell St., crossing Kaw River to Armourdale, ending at 22d and Osage avenue. Div. Supt. — M. McGinley, office 22d and Osage ave. The only institution in the world where Can- cers and Malignant Tu- mors are permanently removed without using knife, ligature or caus- tics, and in all cases a permanent Cure is guar- anteed. Consultation Free. Call or address : Koehler Cancer Hospital Co. 1430 Grand Ave. KANSAS CITY, MO. DAVID M. QUAY, CONTRACTOR FOR Plumbing § Heating. PUMPS, HOSE, ETC. Telephone ii23. 817 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. GEOKGE ZF>_ SCCTT, MANAGER OF TEWS POCKET GUIDE 213 W. Sixth Street. Notary Public. Telephone 793. The Real Painless Dentists TEETH EXTRACTED. NO PAIN OR DANGER. We have the Only System for Extracting Teeth Without Pain, that is Perfectly Sate and Harmless. We make the Best Teeth and warrant a Perfect Fit, at a lower price than any other First -Class Dentists in the City. Gold and all kinds of fillings inserted. THE REAL PAINLESS DENTISTS: Operations Guaranle d. 725 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. OVER ALTMAN'S JEWELRY STOKE. G£0»GE 3P. SCOTT, PUBLISHER OF THEATRE PROGRAMMES. The Best General Advertising Me- diums in Kansas City. 913 X*T. SIXTIES ST. TELEPHONE 792. (29) Rosedale Line. — Horse. Begins at Junction of 9th and Main streets, thence south on Main to 19th, thence southwest on Boulevard to Rosedale. Div. Supt.— W. B. Kelley, office St. Ry. Barns, Southwest Boulevard. Delaware Street. — Horse. Begins at 5th and Dela- ware sts., thence south on Delaware to 9th and Main. TRANSFER TICKETS are issued by the Metropolitan Railway Company a3 follows . To and from Armourdale and 12th Street Lines at 10th and Bell. At Mulberry street, to passengers from Wyandotte Line west of Mulberry to 12th Street Line, and to pas- sengers from 12th Street Line to points west of Mul- berry street on Wyandotte Line. To passengers from Wyandotte Line, east of Mulberry street, to points west of Mulberry street on 12th Street Line. To passengers from 12th Street Line west of Mulberry, to points east of Mulberry street on Wyandotte Line. At 12th and Broadway to passengers from Broadway Line south of 12th street, to 12th Street Line, and to passengers from 12th Street Line to points south from 12th on Broad wa}\ At 12th and Main, to passengers from 12th Street Line to points on Main Street Line north of 12th street, and to passengers from Main Street Line to points east of Main on 12th Street Line. At 5th and Main, to passengers from 5th Street Line to Independence avenue, and from Independence ave- nue to Fifth Street Line. At 5th and Delaware, to passengers from Delaware Street Line to points west of Delaware street on 5th Street Line, and to passengers from 5th Street Line west of Delaware, to Delaware Street Line. At Junction 9th and Main, to passengers from 18th Street or Rosedale Line to Delaware Street Line, and to passengers from Delaware Street Line to 18th Street, or Rosedale Line. At 18th and Vine, to and from Vine Street Motor Line. (HO) GRAND AVENUE R'Y CO. President — W. H. Holmes. Gen'l Manager — C. F. Holmes. Secretary — I). B. Holmes. Treasurer — O. P. Dickinson. Auditor— T. J. Fry. a tr g ~+„ 1 A. B. Southard. AsstSupts. } Thog BarraU General office, 15th and Grand avenue. 15th Street Line. — Cable. Commences at 1st and Grand avenue, thence west to Walnut, thence south on Walnut to 13th, thence east on 13th to Grand avenue, south on Grand avenue to 15th street, thence east to Elmwood Cometery. Yellow cars. Westport Line. — Cable. Commences at same point, continuing on Grand avenue from 15th street to 27th street, thence west on 27th street to Main street, thence south to Westport. Blue cars. Prospect Avenue Line. — Horse. Commences at 15th and Prospect, thence south on Prospect to Springfield avenue. Holmes Street Line. — Cable. (Under construction.) Continues from 15th Street Line at Holmes, running south on Holmes to Springfield avenue. Transfer tickets are issued to passengers to and from 15th street and Prospect avenue lines at 15th street and Prospect avenue. MOTOR LINE. Commences at 30th and Maha; thence west on 30th to Broadway to City of Westport; thence to Mellier Place, PEOPLES CABLE R'Y CO. President — Robert Gillham. General Superintendent — Walter Gillham, General Office — 10th and Euclid Avenue. 10th Street Line. — Commences at 10th aad Main on 10th; thence east to Brooklyn avenue; thence south to 27th street. (31) INTERSTATE CONSOLIDATED RAPID TRANSIT RAILWAY CO. (elevated.) President — L. G. McNair. Secretary — D. D. Hoag. General Manager — Waterman Stone. Ceneral Office, 6th and Minnesota avenue, Wyan- dotte, Kansas. Commences corner 8th and Delaware on 8th; thence as cable through tunnel and over viaduct to Union Depot; thence as elevated steam motor on St. Louis avenue over Wabash freight depot and tracks to 9th Street: thence on 9th street crossing Kaw river to Riverview on Bridge street ; thence north to Edgerton Place, branching at 5th and Garrett streets for Chelsea Park. • RIVERVIEW CABLE. Commences at Riverview avenue and 6th streets running west If miles to County road. K. C. & INDEPENDENCE RAPID TRANSIT R'Y. President — Walton H. Holmes. General Manager — James R. Chapman. Auditor and Cashier — T. J. Fay. Offices, 1500 Grand Avenue. Line commences at 15th street and Askew avenue, runs north to Porter Road; thence to Washington Park and Independence. Depots on 12th and 15th St. Cables. ( See time table, page 55. ) VINE STREET MOTOR RY. President — A. J. King. General Manager — R. G. Tileston. Offices, 18th and Vine streets. Line commences at 18th and Vine; thence south on Vine to 29th diagonally to 30th; thence to Euclid ave- nue ; thence southerly to 37th. ( 32 ) EAST FIFTH STREET R'Y CO. (motor line.) President— Wm. J. Smith. Treasurer — E. L. Martin. Secretary — Wm. H. Lucas. General Superintendent— Frank C. Peck. Offices, King street and Guinotte avenue. Line commences on 5th street corner Grand avenue, runs east toLydia; thence north to Guinotte avenue; thence east to Otis street. Proposed. — North on Otis to Nicholson avenue, east on Nicholson avenue to Monroe; thence north on Mon- roe to County Road (3d street); thence east to city limits. UNION RAILWAY CO. (cable, under construction.) President — P. S. Adams. Secretary — Ashley M. Gould. Treasurer — Wm. T. Matthews. Chief Engineer — Wm. Weston. fv ffi ) Room 432 Nelson Building, umces, j 0th and charlotte str eets. Line commences corner of Missouri avenue and Oak street; thence north on Oak to 6th, west on Gth to Wal- nut, north on Walnut to Missouri avenue, east on Mis- souri avenue to Oak thence north on Oak to 4th, east on 4th to Lydia; thence diagonally to 3d, and east on 3d to Highland; thence northeast to St. Johns ave.; thence east to Agnes avenue ; thence north on Agnes to Guinotte avenue; East Bottoms. BLUE AVENUE LINE (proposed.) Commences at 3d and Highland, runs southeast on King to Lexington avenue, east on Lexington to Belle- fontaine, north on Bellefontaine to St. John, east on St. John 1£ miles east of city limits. BANKS. American National Bank — northwest corner 8th and Delaware. (Branch) 1300 Union avenue. Bank of Grand avenue — 1401 Grand avenue. Central Bank of Kansas City — 929 Main street. Citizens National Bank — northwest corner 6th and Del- aware. Commercial Bank of Kansas City — 18th and Troost. First National Bank — northwest corner 9th and Main. German American National Bank — north west corner 7th and Delaware streets. Home Savings Bank — 1212 Grand avenue. Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings Bank— north west corner 8th and Delaware. Kansas City State Bank — northeast corner 7th and Del- aware street. Kansas City Stock Yards Bank— Kansas City Stock Yards. Merchants National Bank— northeast corner Delaware and Missouri avenue. See advertisement on outside cover. Midland National Bank — 500 Delaware street. Mercantile Bank — 518 Delaware street. Mills H.S. & Son — southwest corner 9th and Walnut street. National Bank of Commerce — 545-7 Delaware street. (Branch) 1080 Union avenue. National Bank of Kansas City— 501 Delaware street. See advertisement on map. National Exchange, Bank — northwest cor. 9th and Wyandotte streets Norton Bros. — 537 Main street. Peoples' Guaranty Savings Bank — 319 west 9th street. Security Savings Bank — northwest cor. 6th and Wyan- dotte streets. Thanhouser S. & *ions — No. 5 west 9th street. Union National Bank — 901 Main street. United States Bank — southwest cor. 12th and Main sts. LEADING HOTELS. Blossom House — 1048 — 1050 Union avenue. Centropolis — northwest corner 5th and Grand avenue. Coates House — southeast corner 10th and Broadway. Delmonico— 305— 307 West 5th street. Grand Missouri — southwest corner Grand and Missouri avenues. Hotel Brunswick — northwest corner 11th street and Broadway. Hotel Warder, northeast corner 9th and Holmes. Metropolitan — southeast corner 5th and May. MIDLAND— 7th. Walnut and Grand avenue. See Advertisement page 8. Pacific — southeast corner 4th and Delaware. PHILLIPS HOUSE— 904-906-908 Main street. Rates, $2 per day. D. C. Phillips, Prop. St. James — 546 Walnut. Union Depot Hotel — Union Depot. Victoria — 9th and McGee streets. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor — J J. Davenport. Office, room 202, Nelson building. Telephone 1699. Treasurer — William Peake. Office, basement, Nelson building. Auditor — S. B. Winram. Office, basement, Nelson building. Recorder — Michael Boland. Office, Old Court House. Telephone 528. City Attorney — W. K. Hawkins. Office, room 614, Nelson building. ALDERMEN. First Ward— John Grady, 936 Genesee Street. H. L. Pague, 1521 W. 12th Street. Second Ward— A. P. Foley, 414 Main Street John May, 5th and Broadway. Third Ward— A. N. Church, 13th and Main Streets. John McClintock, room 46, Times building. Fourth Ward— John Thomas, Street. Wm. T. Payne, 1416 Walnut Street. Fifth Ward— A. W. Love, 2135 Madison Avenue. D. H. Bowes, 2000J Belleview Avenue. 6th Ward— Con. O'Sullivan, Street. Martin Regan, 425 Walnut Street. Seventh Ward— H. B. Stewart, Thomas Walker, Eighth Ward— D. Pullman, Robert W. Gary, 6i2 Walnut Street. Ninth Ward— F. M. Hayes, Street. F. A. Faxon, 1206 Union Avenue. Tenth Ward— E. H. Phelps, 121 W. 6th Street.' J. S. Risley, (36) CITY OFFICERS. (appointive.) Subject to change during April. Counselor — R. W. Quarles, Lockridge building;, 5th and Main Streets. Recorder of Voters — John C. Hope, Water Works building. Engineer — John Donnelly, rooms 328 to 334, Nelson building. Telephone 475. Superintendent of Buildings — W. B. Everhart, rooms 529. 530, 531, Nelson building. Telephone 2132. Comptroller— A. E. Thomas, rooms 301, 302, 303 Nel- son building. Telephone 345. Assessor — T. H. Edwards, room 435, Nelson building. Telephone 1291. City Clerk— H. P. Langworthy, rooms 220, 221, 222. 223, Nelson building. Telephone 345. City Physician— John Fee, M. D., 1228 Walnut. Tele. phone 2516. City Chemist— R. R. Hunter, M. D., Medical College, 10th Street, between Harrison and Campbell. Tel. 2254. Clerk Board of Health— Edwin Middlebrook, 1228 Walnut Street. Telephone 2516. Superintendent of Workhouse — Thomas Phelan, 20th Street and Flora Avenue. Telephone 369. Market Master — James C. Henry, Market House. Telephone 528. Street Commissioner — James Brice, Old Court House. Telephone 528. License Inspector — William D. Scovill, basement Nelson building. Stock and Meat Inspector — J. Chailes Herold, 1529 Grand Avenue. Elevator Inspector — F. E. Turner, 530 Nelson build- ing. Telephone 2132. Boiler Inspector — Thomas Cody, Old Court House. Telephone 528. Sidewalk Inspector — Edward O. Flaherty, room 435, Nelson building. Telephone 1291. City Scavenger — Henry Middleton, Old Court House. Telephone 528. Public Impounder — A. J. Hiscox, foot of Wyandotte Street. Janitor — Harry Dixon, Old Court House. J. S. Chick, President. W. H. Chick, Vice-President. W. J. Anderson, Cashier. F. N. Chick, Asst. Cashier. W. F. Sargent, 2d Asst. Cashier. National Bank»fKansas City (United states Depository) Capital, - - - - $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 350,000 COR. FIFTH AHD DELAWARE STS., KANSAS CITY, MO. Transacts a General Banking Business. We have Special Rates with all the Express Companies for Shipment of Currency -oyer F. G. ALTMAN, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Manufacturing of Fine Jewelry, Repairing, Engraving and Plating. Telephone 1431. Notice City Clock. 725-MAIN ST.-725 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. PHILLIPS HOUSE 904 and 906 Main St., KANSAS CITY, MO., D. C. PHILLIPS, Prop., Rates $2.00 Per Day. HUNTSVILLE COAL CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hard & Soft Coal. O. M. BILES, Manager. 22 East 8th St., KANSAS CITY, MO. ! w < < 4 < < 8 < M « < W > V|V|V|V|V|V|V MAP 8 GO > 0) * < > < hH -3 < r ^ < < < ^ < c > gj < FOR A LITTLE MONEY -YOU CAN- -AT- tuns JO MAMMOTH -:- BOOK STORE 21 EAST FIFTH STREET, Than you Can Carry out of the House. Drawing Instruments, Tracing Clotri, Steel Tapes AND ALL SUPPLIES. INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED. C. IT. DUNHAM <& CO. 120 West Eighth St., KANSAS CITY, MO. COMMON COUNCIL Subject to change during April. OFFICERS AND STANDING COMMITTEES. President — George W. Lee. Clerk — H. P. Langworthy. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance — MeClintock, Wood, Caiy. Public Improvements — Cox, Faxon, Welsh. Claims — Welsh, Bowes, Green. Auditing — City Auditor, Wood. Streets and Alleys — Phelps, Green, May. Grades — Green, Love, Looney. Sanitary (Hospital) — Faxon, Payne, Phelps. Fire — Ingram, Faxon. Water — Bowes, Finlay. Gas — Car} 7 , MeClintock, Regan. Public Buildings and Grounds — Finlay, Payne, In- gram. Parks — Ingram, Grady, Love. Workhouse — Payne, Phelps, Grady. Appointments — Pague, Regan, Welsh. Ordinances — May, Cary, Looney. Police — Wood, Payne, Cox. Rules — Lee, Cox, MeClintock. Sergeant-at-Arms — Joseph Glynn. MEETINGS. The Common Council meets in regular session the first Monday of each month. The Mayor may call special sessions of the Common Council by proclamation. ( 38 ) COUNCIL CHAMBER Rooms, 532, 533, 534, 535 Nelson Building The Auditing Committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. in City Auditor's office. Nelson building. The Public Improvements Committee meets' every Monday at 3:30 p. m. in City Engineer's office, and at other times and places upon call of Chairman of said Committee. The Street and Alley Committee meets every Tuesday at 3 p. m. in City Engineer's office, and at other times, and places, upon call of Chairman of said Committee. The Finance Committee meets every Friday at 3 P. m in City Comptroller's office, Nelson building, and at other times, and places, upon call of Chairman of said Committee. All other Standing Committees meet by call of their respective Chairman. The annual election for City Officers takes place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April of each year. The Fiscal Year commences at noon on the second Monday after the day of election. POLICE DEPARTMENT. President— J. J. Dayenport, (Mayor.) Commissioners— W. J. Ferry, Jas. Lillis. Secretary— W. 0. Huckett, office 202 Nelson Building. Telephone, 1699. Chief of Police— Thomas M. Speers, office 4th and Main. Telephone, 528. FIRE DEPARTMENT. OFFICERS. Chief — Geqrge C. Hale. Assistant-Chief — Jos. McArdle. Second Assistant-Chief — Edward Trick k;tt. Master Mechanic — L. E- Hale. Secretary— Wm. B. Dawley. Headquarters^ 807-809 Walnut. ENGINE HOUSES. No. 1 — Union Avenue, between Hickor} r and Mulberry. No, 2— Walnut, between 8th and 9th. No. 3— Walnut, between 11th and 12th. No. 4 — Penn, near 14lh. No. 5 — 11th and Troost. No. 6— 5th and Bluff. No. 7— 16th and Liberty. No. 8 — 16th and Locust. No. 9 — 24th and Southwest Boulevard. No. 10 — Vine street, between 18th and 19th. Chemical Engine No. 1 11th and Troost. , C. Hal Holmes. Veteran Firemens Association — Walnut street, between 11th and 12th. FIRE DISTRICTS. 1st "District — All that territory north of 9th and east of Main. 2d District — All that territory south of 9th and east of Main. 3d District — All that territory south of 9th and west of Main. 4th District— All that territory north of 9th and west of Main. J5th District— All that territory known as "the bot- toms." PLACES OF AMUSEMENT And Attractions for April. Warder Grand Opera House — 9th and Holmes Streets. Week of April 8th, Cora Tanner. Fascination; 18, 19, 20 Delsarte Dramatic Club, Twelfth Night; 22d, Fire- men's Ball; 23d and Matinee 24th, Ben Hur Tableaux, auspices of Ladies of 1st Congregational Church. Coates Opera House — 10th and Broadway. April 8th Emmett; 15th, Abbott; 25th, Docstader's Minstrels. Gillis Opera House — 5th and Walnut. April 8th, Paul Kauvar; 15th, Mrs. McKee Rankin; 25th, Den. Thomp- son Two Sisters Company. Y. M. C. A. Hall— N. W. cor. 9th and Locust. German Stadt Theater — 12th and Oak. Newmarket Theater — 3d and Walnut. Variety. Ninth Street Theater— 9th and May. Week of April 8, 'One of the Bravest." People's Theater — 108 W. 9th Street. Two perform- ances daily. Music Hall — Broadway, between 9th and 10th Streets. Walnut Street Theater — 4th and Walnut. Variety. Fountain Theater — 7th and May. Variety. Cyclorama — Battle of Missionary Ridge. 8th and Broadway. Base Ball Park — 15th and Kansas Avenue. April 4, 5, 6, K. C. vs. Pittsburg; April 7, 8, 13, 14, K. C. vs. St. Joe; April 25, 26, 27, 28, K. C. vs. Louisville; April 29, 30, K. C. vs. Cincinnati. OFFICE BUILDINGS. Alamo Building — N. W. corner 7th and Delaware. American National Bank — N. W. cor. 8th and Delaware. Baird — S. W. cor. 6th and Wyandotte. Baltimore — N. W. cor. 12th and Baltimore. Barnaby — 1115 Main. Bayard— 1212-1214 Main. Beals— 200 W. 9th. Bunker— 100 W. 9th. Burlington— 900 Main. Central Bank— N. E. cor. 10th and Main. Commercial — S. W. cor. 11th and Main. Commonwealth— 319 W. 9th. Deardorff— S. E. cor. 11th and Main. Delaware — S. W. cor. 7th and Delaware. Emmons— 123-125 W. 6th. Essex — 614-616 Delaware. Exchange— N. W. cor. 8th and Wyandotte" Gibraltar— 818 Wyandotte. Granite — Wyandotte, between 6th and 7th. Hall— N. W. cor. 9th and Walnut. Hammerslough — 500-502 Main. Humboldt— S. E. cor 6th & Main. Irving— 1118 Main. James — N. E. cor. Delaware and 6th. Journal — N. W. cor. Walnut and 10th. King — 543, 545, 547 Grand Avenue. Keith & Perry— S. W. cor. Walnut and 9th. Law — N. W. cor 5th and Main. Lockridge Hall — S. E. cor. 5th and Main. Long — N. W. cor. Missouri Ave. and Main. Mason— 1009-1011 Main. ( 42) Merchants Exchange (old)— S. W. cor. 5th and Delaware Milwaukee — S. W. cor. 6th and Delaware. National— N. E. cor. 9th and Main. National Water Works— S. W. cor. 6th and Walnut. Nelson — S. E. cor. Missouri Ave. and Main. New England Life— N. E. cor. 9th and Wyandotte. New York Life— N. E. cor. 9th and Wall. Pennock— N. W. cor. 12th and Main. Quincy — 1623 Main. Rialto— S. W. cor. 9th and Grand Ave. Schutte— 1209-1211 Grand Ave. Security — N. W. cor. 6th and Wyandotte. Sheidley— S. E. cor. 9th and Main. Thayer — N. W. cor. 9th and Broadway. Times — Junction 9th, Main and Delaware. Union Pacific — N. E. cor. 9th and Broadway. Wales— N. W. cor. 6th and Delaware. Walworth— 110-1 is West 6th street. Willard — S. E. cor. Broadway and Ninth. Wood — S. W. cor. 9th and Baltimore. PUBLIC HALLS. Arion Hall— 1209 Walnut. Armory— N. W. cor. 15th and Grand Ave. Board of Trade (old) — S. W. cor. 5th and Delaware. Casino — 1025 Broadway. Dose's — S. E. cor. 22d and Penn. Druids — S E. cor. 14th and Grand. Knights of Labor — 1038 Main. Kumps — S. E. cor. 10th and Main. (43) Knights of Honor— 1208 East 9th. Masonic — N. E. cor. 14th and Grand. Music — Broadway, between 9th and 10th. Mutual— 800 Main Noonan's — 1201 East 5th. Priests of Pal'as — S. W. cor. 6th and Lydia. Progress— 1208-1210 Main. Pythian — N. W. cor. 1 1th and Main. Turner — S. E. cor. 12th and Oak. Woodland — S. E. cor. 18th and Woodland. Wright— 720 Main. BOARD OF EDUCATION Office northeast corner 8th and Walnut. Tel. 935. President — Robert L. Yeager. Secretary — Henry C. Kumpf. Treasurer — E. L. Martin Business Agent — W. E. Benson. Superintendent of Schools — J. M. Greenwood, re- sidence 1312 Oak street. Board meets 1st and 3d Thursday of each month. LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS. K. C. Law Library Association — W. J. Custer, Librarian. Southeast cor. Main and Missouri Avenue. K. O. Public Library— Carrie W. Whitney. Libraiian. Northeast cor. 8th & Walnut. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Library— A. M. Wilson, secretary and treasurer. West end Union Depot. Y. M. C. A. Library— J. W. Hansel secretary. North- west cor. 9th and Locust. POST OFFICE. Walnut, Southeast Corner 9th Street. Post Master- -R. S. Adkins. Asst. Post Master — R . P. Callaway . Office Hours — 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m.; Sundays from 10 to 11 A. M. Money Order Department — Open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Stamp Department — 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Register Department — 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. RATES OF POSTAGE DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. 1st Class Matter — Letters and Postal Cards. The postage upon all letters within the United States, Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Van Coovers Island, 2 Cents for each ounce or fraction thereof. w 2d Class Matter — Newspapers and Magazines sent from the office of publication only, 1 Cent per pound. J 3d Class Matter — Includes nearly all kinds of printed matter, such as books, newspapers and circulars. Such matter must not be sealed or closed against inspection. The postage upon such matter is 1 Cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof, except upon newspapers and periodicals, which may be sent at 1 Cent for each four ounces or fraction thereof. Any writing other than the name and address, the date and signature, subjects the whole to letter postage, and the sender to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars. 4th Class Matter — Includes all kinds of merchandise, samples, etc., except such as are unmailable and do not weigh more than 4 pounds. Postage upon such matter is 1 Cent per ounce or fraction thereof. Registered Matter — All mailable matter may be registered between all offices, and carried with absolute safety, upon the payment of 10 Cents in addition to regular postage. fc Unmailable matter includes liquids, poisons, glass, sharp intruments, explosives, or any other substances liable to injure the other mail matter. (45) MONEY ORDERS. For Orders not exceeding $ 5 5 cent* 10 8 Over $10 " " 15 10 15 " " 30 15 30 " " 40 20 40 " " 50 25 50 " " 60 30 60 " " 70 35 70 " " 80 40 80 " " 100 45 A single order may include any amount from 1 Cent to $100 inclusive. POSTAL NOTES. Three (3) Cents for any sum from 1 Cent to $4.99. CUSTOM HOUSE. Southeast Corner 9th and Walnut Street. u. S. SURVEYOR OF CUSTOMS : Jas. Burnes. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR : C. E. Hasbrook. U. S. MARSHAL: Elijah Gates. u. s. commissioners: Louis E. Wyne. Wm. V. Childs. U. S. PENSION EXAMINERS : M. C. Fosnes. Charles B. Anderson. DIVISION OF CITY. The City is divided into 10 Wards and 30 Precincts, as follows : FIRST WARD. Bounded on north by Missouri river, on south by 22d Street, on east by Allen Avenue and Bluff Street, and on west by State Line. SECOND WARD. Bounded on north by Missouri river on south by 7th Street, on east by Grand Avenue, and on west by Bluff Street. THIRD WARD. Bounded on north by 7th Street, on south by 14th Street, on east by Grand Avenue, and on west by Bluff Street. FOURTH WARD Bounded on north by 14th Street, on south by 21st Street, on east by Grand Avenue, and on west by Allen Avenue. FIFTH WARD. Bounded on north by 21st and 22d Street, on south by Springfield Avenue, on east by Grand Avenue, and on west by State Line. SIXTH WARD. Bounded on north by Missouri river, on south by 6th and 8th Street, on east by Troost Avenue, and on west by Grand Avenue. SEVENTH WARD. Bounded on north by Missouri river, on south by 6th and 9th Street, on east by City Limits, and on west by Troogt Avenue. ( 17 ) EIGtHTH WARD. Bounded on north by 6th, 8th and 9th Streets, on south by 13th Street and Blue Avenue, on east by City Limits, and on west by Grand Avenue. NINTH WARD. Bounded on north by 13th Street and Blue Avenue, on south by 20th Street, on east by City Limits, and on West by Grand Avenue. TENTH WARD. Bounded on north by 20th Street, on south by Spring- field Avenue, on east by City Limits, and west by Grand Avenue. PRECINCTS, FIRST WARD. 1st. Bounded on north by 12th Street, on south by 22d Street, on east by Allen Avenue and Bluff Street, and on west by State Line. 2d. Bounded on north by Missouri river, on south by 12th Street, on east by Bluff Street, and on west by State Line. SECOND WARD. 3d. Bounded on north by Missouri river, on south by 7th Street, on east by Delaware, and on west by Bluff Street. 4th. Bounded on north by Missouri river, on south by 7th Street, on east by Grand Avenue, and on west by Delaware. THIRD WARD. 5th. Bounded on north by 7th Street, on south by 14th Street, on east by Grand Avenue, and on west by Wyandotte Street. 6th. Bounded on north by 7th Street, on south by 14th Street, on east by Wyandotte, and on west by Washington Street. (48) 7th. Bounded on north by 7th Street, on south by 14th Street, on east by Washington Street, and on west by Bluff Street. • FOURTH WARD. 8th. Bounded on north by 14th Street, on soutli by 21st Street, on east by Madison Street, and on west by Allen Avenue. 9th. Bounded on north by 14th Street, on south by' 21st Street, on east by Wyandotte Street, and on west by Madison Avenue. 10th. Bounded on north by 1 4th Street, on south by 21st Street, on east by Grand Avenue, and on the west by Wyandotte Street. FIFTH WARD. 11th. Bounded on the north by 21st and 22d Street, on the soutli by Springfield Avenue, west by State Line v and on the east by Penn Street and W T estport Road. « 12th. Bounded on the north by 21st Street, south by Springfield Avenue, east by Grand Avenue, and on the west by Penn Street and Westport Road. SIXTH WARD. 13th. Bounded on the north by Missouri river, south by Independence Avenue, on the east by Holmes Street, and on the west by Grand Avenue. 14th. Bounded on the north by Missouri river, south by Independence Avenue, east by Troost Avenue, and on the west by Holmes Street. 15th. Bounded on the north by Independence Avenue, south by 8th and 6th Street, east t by Troost Avenue, and on the west by Grand Avenue. ' SEVENTH WARD. 10th. Bounded on north by a line 1 block south of 1st Street, on south by 9th and 6th Streets, on east by Garfield Ave., and on the west by Troast and Woodland Avenue. *■ 17th. Bounded on north by Missouri River, on south by a line 1 block south of 1st Street, on the east by City Limits, on west by Troost Avenue. 18th. Bounded on north by a line 1 block soutli of 1st Street, on the south by 9th Street, on east by city limits and on west by Garfield Avenue. ( 49 EIGHTH WARD. 19th. Bounded on north lr^ 9th Street, on south by Blue Avenue and 13th Street, on the east by city limits, and on west by Brooklyn Avenue. 20th. Bounded on north by 6th and 9th Streets, on the south by 13th Street, on east by Brooklyn Avenue, and uo west by Lydia Avenue. 21st. Bounded on north by 6th Street, on south by 13th Street, on east by Ly-dia Avenue, and on west by Harrison Street. 22d. Bounded on north by < Q th and 6th Street, on the south by 13th Street, on east by Harrison Street, and on west by Cherry Street. 23d. Bounded on north by 8th Street, on south by 13th Street, on east by Cherry Street, and on the west by Grand Avenue. NINTH WARD. 24th. Bounded on north by I3th street, on south by 17th Street, on east by Harrison Street, and on west by Grand Avenue. 25th. Bounded on north by 17th Street, on south by 20th Street, on east by Harrison Street, and on west by Grand Avenue. 26th. Bounded on north by 13th Street, on south by 17th Street, on east by Woodland Avenue, and on west by Harrison Street. 27th. Bounded on north by 1 7th Street, on south by 20th Street, on east by Woodland Avenue, and on west by Harrison Street. 28th. Bounded on north b}' 13th Street and Blue Avenue, on south by 20th Street, on east by City Limits, and on west by Woodland Avenue. TENTH WARD. 29th. Bounded on north by 20th Street, on south by City Limits, on east by Troost Avenue, and west by Grand Avenue and Grand Boulevard. 30th. Bounded on north by 20th Street, on south by City Limits, on east by City Limits, and on west by Troost Avenue. CITY TAXES Land Tax, Personal Property Tax and Merchants' Licenses all due May 1st, and delinquent Sept, 1st. A Rebate of 6 per cent, if paid in May. " 4 June. " 2 " " July. August. Penalty added after Sept. 1st at the rate of 24 per cent, per annum. Land Tax Sales commence the first Monday in November each year. Personal Property Books returned delinquent November 1st. Miscel- laneous Licenses expire May 1st and November 1st. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES. Land Tax, Personal Property Tax and Merchants Licenses all due and paj^able Nov. 1st and delinquent January 1st. No rebate on County Taxes. Penalty added January 1st at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum. RAILWAY TICKET OFFICES. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; 812 Main and 1050 Union Avenue. H. E. Moss, Pass. Agent. Burlington & Missouri River (in Neb.); southwest corner 9th and Main, and 1044 Union Avenue. H. C. Orr, Gen'l S. W. Pass. Agent. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; southwest corner 9th and Main, and 1044 LFnion Avenue. H. C. Orr, Gen'l S. W. Pass. Agent. Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska ; 532 Main Street, corner Missouri Avenue, and 1042 Main Street, A. H. Moffatt, Pass. Agent. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; 532 Main Street (corner Missouri Avenue), 1042 Union Avenue. A. H. Moffatt, Gen'l S. W. Pass. Agent. (51) Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; (iOO Delaware Street, (corner 6th), Depot Grand Avenue & 22d Street. Geo. H. Foote, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Chicago & Alton, 814 Main Street; 1046 Union Avenue. D. Bowes, Gen'l West, Pass. Agent. , Chicago, Santa Fe & Cal.; 812 Main Street, 1050 Union Avenue. Geo. Hagenbuch, City Pass. Agent. Hannibal & St. Joe; southwest corner 9th and Main Street, 1044 Union Avenue, H. C. Orr, Gen'l S. W. Pass. Agent. Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis ; 532 Main Street. corner Missouri Avenue, 1042 Union Avenue. J. E. Totten, Sol. J. Speyer. Kansas City, St. Joe & C. B.; southwest corner 9th and Main, 1044 Union Avenue. H. C. Orr, Gen'l S. \Y. Pass. Agent. Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern ; 600 Delaware Street, corner 6th: Depot Wood Street. Geo. H. Foote, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Kansas City & Southern Railway; 600 Delaware Street. Geo. H Foote, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Missouri Pacific; 533 Main, cor. Missouri Avenue ; and 1048 Union Avenue. E. S. Jewett, Pass, and Ticket Agent. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway; 1046 Union Avenue. S. A. Welsh, Passenger and Ticket Agent. Southern Kansas; 812 Main, and 1050 Union Avenue. H. E. Moss, Pass, and Ticket Agent. Union Pacific 528 Main, and 1038 Union Avenue. Charles A. Whittier, T. A. Shaw. Wabash Western ; 531 Main, cor. Missouri Avenue, and 1040 Union Avenue. H. N. Garland, General Western Agent. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Corrected, April 3d. Explanatory : "a" daily trains ; "b " daily except Sunday daily except Monday ; "d " daily except Saturday. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R . TRAINS. LEAVE. Cal. & Denver Ex Mexico, Ariz. & Texas Express Denver & Utah Express Galveston & Ark. City Topeka Express Emporia Local. Leavenworth Express a 9 :30 p. ni. 9:28 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 9 :00 p. m. 5 :00 p. m. 5:20 p. m. 7:45 p. in. ARRIVE. 6:30 a. in. 5 :00 p. ni . 6:00 p. m. 7:00 a. ni. 9:30 a. m. 11:40 a. in. 5:55 p. ni. SOUTHERN KANSAS DIVISION A., T. & S. F. R. R. So. Kas. Passenger Ex la 9:45 a. m.la 6:25 p.m. Texas Pan Handle Express |a 9:05 p. ni.|a 6:50 a. ni. Chicago, Santa Fe & California Railway. Atlantic Express la 8:35 a.m. California Express a 6 :30 p. no . a 9:00 a. m. Chicago & Alton R. R, Chicago day Express ja 7:30 a. m. St. Louis day Express a 7:30 a.m. Kansas City Limited a 5:30 p.m. Atlantic Express a 7:00 p. m. St. Louis vestibuled lim a 8:40 p. hi. :45 p. m. ;45 p. m. :30 a. m. :00 a. m. :15 a. m. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R. Mail Chicago Express. 7:50 a. m. ! a 8 6:30 p. m.la 9 05 p. m. 05 a. m, Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Railway. Topeka, Manhattan & Clay Center Express Denver, Col. & Cal. Express Topeka, Wichita & Caldwell Mail McPherson, Hutchinson & Dodge City Mail Topeka, Wichita & Caldwell Express- Denver, Pueblo & Cal. Express- 9:50 a. m.'a 9:50 a. m. ! a 11:05 a. in. 'a 11 :05 a. m.'a 9:00 p. m.'a 9:00 p. m.'a :55 p. m- ;55 p. m. 30 p. m. 10 a. m. 10 a. m. 30 p. m. v 53) Burlingrton & Missouri R. R., Neb. TRAINS. Lincoln & Denver Express- Denver & Lincoln Express LEAVE. ARRIVE. b 7:25 a. mJb 8:45 p.m. a 9:20 p. m. a 7:55 a. m. Kansas City, St Joe & Council Bluffs R. R. K. C. & St. Paul fast mail a 11:15a.m. a 4:55p.m. Omaha Express a 9:30 p. in. a 6:00 a. m. Iowa Express a 4:25 p. in. a 10:30 a.m. Iowa Mail i> 7:25 a. m .'b 8:45 p.m. Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R. K. C. & Brookfield Express lb 5:20 p. m. ii 10:50 a. m. Atlantic Express a 8:20 a.m. 'a 8:15 p.m. Chicago Fast Train "Eli" a 6:45 p. m. a 9:15 a. m. St. Louis Express a 7:10 p. m a 7:35 a. in. Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis R. R. Little Rock A Hot Springs a 9:40 a. m. Springfield & Memphis Mail a 9:40 a. m. a 5:20 p. m, Jop, Parsons A Cherryv'le a 9:40 a. m. a 5:20 p.m. Harrisonv'l & Clin. Mail a 9:40 a. m. [a 5:20 p.m. Suburban Passenger a 10:45 a. m. b 6:30 a.m. Paola & Ft. Scott Accommodation b 4:50 p. m. b 10:10 a. m. Harrisonville & Clinton Accom b 4:50 p. m. b 10:10 a. m. Suburban Passenger a 6:10 p. m. a 1:55 p.m. Memphis & New Orleans Express a 8:55 p.m. a 8:05 a.m. Eureka Springs & Ft. -Smith Ex a 8:55 p. m. a 8:05 a. m. Suburban Passenger, Sunday only 9:40 a.m. Missouri Pacific R. R.— East. St. Louis day express.''. a 9:40 a. hi. la 6:40 p. m. Mail and Express a 6:45 a. m. a 7:15 p. m. Limited Night Express a 8:25 p. m. a 7:10 a. m. Fast Mail Passenger a 9:00 p. m.ja 11:00 a. m. Lexington & Sedalia Express b 6:10 p. m.ja 9:25 p. m. Independence Accommodation a 5:45 p.m. a 9:25 a.m. Independence Accommodation... a 2:00 p. m. la 1:45 p. m. Independence Accommodation a 4:00 p. m.ja 3:25 p. m. Independence Accommodation a 5:45 p. m. a 5:25 p. m" Missouri Pacific R. R.— West. Kansas & Colorado Passenger ja 10:20 a. mJa 6:30 p. m. Wichita & Anthony Express |a 9:10 p. m. a 6:20 a. m. Missouri Pacific R. R.— North. Omaha, Lincoln & Nebraska City a 8:20 p. m. a 6:00 a. m. Omaha & Central Branch a 8:10 a. m. a 8:00 p. m. Kansas City & Atchison Acconim . b 4:30 p. m.'b 8:45 a. m. Kansas City & St. Joe Express a 9:50 a. m. a 5:15 p. m. Atchison & St. Joe a 6:55 p. m. a 10:55 a. m. ( 54 ) Missouri Pacific R. R— South. TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE, Joplin & Texas Express a 9.05 a. m. a 8:00 p, m. Joplin & Texas Express lllllli:i ± 1 a 6: 20 p. m. a 8:00 a. m. Main line trains east leave Grand avenue 7 minutes later and arrive seven minutes earlier than time given. Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern. Seneca & Grand Island Mail a 8:25 a. m.ja 11:45 a. m. Seneca & Grand Island Express a 5:45 p. m. 1 a 7:35 p.m. Leavenworth Rapid Transit a 9:55 a. m.ja 8:55 a. m. Leavenworth Rapid Transit a 9:43 a. m.ja 8:37 a. m. Leavenworth Rapid Transit a 3:30 p. m. a 2:45 p. m. Leavenworth Rapid Transit a 5:45 p. m.ja 7:35 p. m. Passenger Depot, 6th and Wood Streets. Union Pacific R. R. Colorado, Utah & Pacific Coast express a lu:00 a. m.ja 5:00 p. m. Manhattan & Lincoln express a 10:00 a. m. a 5:00 p.m. Colorado, Utah & Pacific Coast express a 9:20 p. m. a 7:00 a. m. Abilene, Salina & Col. ex a 9:20 p. m.ja 7:00 a. m. Topeka & Warnego Accommodation.... b 4:10 p. m.jb 9:30 a. m. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Passenger b 8:00 a. m. b 8:15 p. m. Passenger a 4:45 p. m. a 10:32 a. m. Excelsior Springs (Sund ay only) 1 9:15.a. m.|» 8:55 p. m. Passenger Depot Grand Avenue and 22d Street. Reached by the Westport Cable Line. "Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific R. R. St. Louis & Chicago Express a 7:05 a. m. St. Louis & New York Lim'd 'b 9:50 a. m. St. Louis, Des Moines & St. Paul Ex a 8:20 p. m. Chicago Express a 6:20 p. m. Chicago Mail & Express a 7:40 p.m. St. Paul Fast Line b 6:30 p. m. Pacific, Des Moines & St. Paul Express a 7:10 a. m. Kansas City & Chicago Express a 9:20 a. m. Kansas City & Southern Railway. Clinton & Osceola Express | a 5 :00 p. m. | a 11 :00 a. m. Depot Grand Avenue and 22d Street. Reached by Westport Cars. Ticket oflice, 600 Delaware Street. ( 55 ) Kansas City, Independence & Park Railway. Take east bound cars on 12th St. or 15th St. Cables. Winter Time Table. In effect on and after November 18, 1888. Leave Kansas City. Leave Independence. b 6:15 a. m. b 7:00 a. m. a 8:00 a. in. a 9:00 a. m. a 10:00 a. in. a a 11:00 a. 12:00 m Ml. a 1 :30 p. m. a 2:30 p. in. a 3:30 p. in. a 4:30 p. m. a 5:30 p. Ml. a 6:40 p. Ml. a 7:30 p. Ml. a 9:30 p. Ml. c 11:45 p. 111. b 6:00 a. in. b 7:00 a. in. a 8:00 a. Ml. a 9:00 a. Ml a 10:00 a. MI. a a a 11:00 a. 12:00 m 1 :30 p. Ml. Ml. a 2:30 p. m a 3:30 p. Ml a 4:30 p. Ml a 5:30 p. Ml a 6:30 p. 111 a 7:30 p. IM a 8:30 p. Ml c 10:30 p. Ml Explanation.— A Daily. B Daily except Sunday. C Tuesday and Saturday only. Fare to Independence and return 25 cents. Kansas City, +Mt. Vernon Junction, "Westminster, tWest Ridge way, Sheffield, fBlue River, f Washington, fSt. Clair, Washington Park, fEvanston Park, fMaywood, fEnglewood, tNorwood, tPacific, tClark Street, tUnion Street, Independence. f Trains stop on signal only. FREIGHT DEPOTS. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe — southeast cor. J03* and Hickory streets. Geo. Carroll, Agent. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific — northwest cor. 12th and Bluff streets. F. W. Segur, Agent. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul — 20th and Baltimore avenue. J. H. Bojde, Agent. Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska. F. W. Segur. Agent. Chicago & Alton — 12th and Santa Fe streets. Wm. Pratt, Agent. Hannibal & St. Joe— 12th street, near Bluff. C. C. Cum- raings, Agent. Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis — 12th street, near Santa Fe.— E. F, Edgecomb, Agent. Kansas City, St. Joe & Council Bluffs — southwest cor. 12th and Santa Fe streets. W. C. Veiregg, Agent. Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern — 8th and Wood streets. J. C. Woodrow, Agent. Missouri Pacific — southwest cor. Liberty and St. Louis avenue, and foot of Grand avenue. J. C. Darnall, Agent. Union Pacific — northwest cor. Liberty and 12th streets. G. W. Curtis, Agent. Wabash — north side St. Louis and Santa Fe. W. H.. Pickering, Agent. Kansas City & Southern — 20th and Baltimore Avenue. J. H. Boyle, Agent. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Western Union— M. D. Wood, Manager. 10 West 5th street. Home Telegraph and Signal Co.— G. M. Myers, Super- intendent. 123 West 6th street. Pacific Mutual— T. F. Clohesey, Supt. . American Na- tional Bank Building, 8th and Delaware streets. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Co. — Division Headquarters, 2nd floor 540 Delaware street; Pej'ton R. Keim, Supt. Office, 540 Delaware street. R. P. Dodd, General Agent, Adams Express Co. — Office 425 Delaware street. J. H. Butler, Agent. Pacific Express Co. — Office, 814 Delaware street. J. K. Johnson, Superintendent; Eli Lewis, Jr., General Agent. United States Express Co. — Office, 814 Delaware street. Eli Lewis, Jr., General Agent. Wells-Fargo Express Co. — Division office, over Commer- cial Bank, Union avene; E. T. Campbell, Superin- tendent. Office, northwest cor. 5th and Delaware street. E. L. Patch, General Agent. TELEPHONE, Missouri and Kansas Telephone Co. — 51 Wales Build- ing. W. W. Smith, General Superintendent. C. W. McDaniel, Superintendent. CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST. Berean (colored) — west side Vine, bet. 14th and 15th. Rev. Roj^al H, Brown, pastor. Services 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2 p. m. Calvary — Y. M. C. A. Building, cor. 9th and Locust. Rev. J. O'B Lowry, D. D. Services 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. in. Central — Charlotte and 24th. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Emanuel — southeast cor. 18th Street and Michigan Ave. Rev. C. N. Wester, pastor, 1928 Woodland avenue. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sundaj'-school 9 a. in. First — 12th, southwest cor. Baltimore Avenue. Rev. T. E. Vassar, I). D., pastor, 109 W. 12th street. Ser- vices 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 12 m. First (colored) — 1343 east 18th. Rev. Jas. Sweeney, pastor. Services 11a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday- school 3 p. m. First German — 409 east 17th. Rev. F. Sievers, pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday-school 9 a. m. First Swedish— 416 west 14th. Rev. C. A. Sandvall, pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sun- day-school 3 p. m. Missionary (colored) — Turkey Creek, 5th, east of Gene- see. Rev. "VVm. M. Johnson, pastor. Services 3 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. Mt. Carmel— 1322 east 18th. Rev. G. A. Turner, pastor. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2 p. m. Mt. Nebo (colored)- 810 Santa Fe. Rev. H. Mayfield, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- school 3 p. m. (59) Mt. Pleasant Missionary (colored) south side 20th, bet. Genesee and Wyoming. Rev. Wm. M. Johnson, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. rr. Mt. Zion Missionary (colored) — south side 8th, between Mulberry and Hickory. Olive Street — Olive Street, southeast cor. 9th. Rev. \V. T. Campbell, pastor, 2408 East 9th street. Services 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. Pleasant Green (colored) — south side Belvedire, between Forest and Tracy. Rev. John Morgan, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 p. ra. Sunday school 3 p. m. Pleasant Hill Missionary (colored) — east side of Bluff, north of 12th. Second Missionary (colored) — Charlotte, southeast cor, 10th. Walnut Grove Mission— 3209 east 18th. Services 7 p. ra. Sunday-school 3 p. m. William Jewell— 920 west 21st. Rev. W. H. Hatcher, pastor. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- school 9:45 a. m. CHRISTIAN. Colored — 1823 Grove. " Rev. Edmond W. Hayes, pas- tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First — Locust Street, northwest cor. 11th. Rev. T. P. Hale} T , pastor, 2302 Tracy avenue. Services 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. First Mission — Springfield Avenue and Cherry Street. Services 3 p. ra. Independence Avenue — between Brooklyn and Park. Rev. J. A. Brooks, D. D., pastor, 2310 Park avenue. Services 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. Lydia A venue — 1526 Lydia Avenue. Rev. J. H. Hughes, pastor, 2425 Chestnut St. Services 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 3 p. m. Second — 1733 and 1735 Summit Street. Rev. C. Monroe, pastor, 1663 Summit 'street. Services 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m. Sunday-school 9 a. ra. Second Mission— 18th and Prospect Avenue. Services 3 p. m. (60) Second Mission — 18th and Prospect avenue. Rev. Chas. A. Young, pastor, 25th and Forest. Services 11a. m., aud 7:30 p. m. TYestport — Corner Main and Central. Rev. S. G. Clay, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- School 9:4.3 a. in. CONGREGATIONAL. Clyde Congregational — Brooklyn Avenue, northwest cor. 7th. Rev. J. H. Williams, pastor, 2120 east 7th street. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- school 10 a. in. First — McGee, northeast cor. 11th. Rev. Henry Hop- kins, D. D., pastor, 916 Holmes street. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 12 m. and 3 p. m. Fourth — McCo}' Avenue, southwest cor. Howard Street. Rev. John Brereton, pastor, 2440 McCoy avenue. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Olivet — Woodland Avenue, northeast cor. 19th Street. Rev. H. C. Scotfbrd, pastor, 1809 Woodland avenue. Services 11a. m. and 8 p. m. Sundaj'-school 2:30 p. m. S. W. Tabernacle — N. W. cor. 21st and Jefferson sts. Rev. H. H. Russell, pastor, 1829 Penn street. Ser- vices 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. German Evangelical Church of Peace — Cor. Cherry and 28th. Rev. E. Seeger, pastor. Services 10:30 a.m. Sunda3 T -school 2 p. m. German Association — northeast cor. 19th and Highland. Rev. W. F. Wolthousen, pastor, 1831 Highland avenue. Services 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- school 9:30 a. m. St. Peter's (German) — Irving Place, northeast cor. Oak. Rev. John C. Feil. pastor. Services 10:15 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Zion Church— 1418 Oak. Rev. Chas. F. Erffmeyer. pastor, 1418 Oak street. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. I 6] ) FRIENDS. Friends' Church— 416 west 15th. Rev. W. F. Harvey, pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. Sunday-school 12 m. HEBREW. B'nai Jehudah — southwest cor. 11th and Oak. Henry Berkowitz, Rabbi. Services Friday 8 p. m. Sat- urday 10:1)0 a. m. Religious School, Saturday, 9:30 to 10:30 a. m.; Sunday, 9:30 to 12 m. Talmud Torah — Synagogue in annex to Armory Hall, 14th and Grand Avenue. Services daily- : early morning, afternoon and evening. Hebrew School daily from 5 to 7 p. m. No regularly appointed rabbi. Bikur Cholim — 1204 Walnut St. No regular services. Etz Chayim — 511 Delaware St. No regular services. LUTHERAN. Children's Memorial — 6th, northwest cor. Tracj r Ave- nue. Rev. G. D. Gotwald, pastor, 1216 East 6th street. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- school 3 p. m. First — 14th, southwest cor. Cherry. Rev. J. M. Cromer, pastor, 515 East 14th street. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. German Evangelical Immanuel — N. E. corner 16th and Cherry Streets. Rev. E. Jehn, pastor, 608 East 16th street. Services 10 a. m, Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Swedish— 1236 and 1238 Penn Street. Rev. C. J. F. Haterius, pastor, 1240 Penn street. Services 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday-school 3 p. m. M*ETHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. Oliver M. Stewart. D. D., presiding elder, Kansas City District. Residence 25th and Olive. Arlington — Prospect Avenue, southwest cor. 17th. Rev. Julius Smith, pastor, 1805 Kansas ave. Services 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. (62) Asbury Chapel (colored) — 1920 Cherry. Rev. Calvin Keeton, pastor, 1216 East 19th street. Services 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2 p. m. Centropolis — Rev. D. F. Stiles, pastor, Preaching 7:3( p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Dundee Place — corner 15th street and Troost avenue. Rev. W. H. Reese, pastor, 1422 Troost avenue. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday-school 2:3f p. m. First German — 14th, northeast cor. Campbell Street. Rev. J. L. Hilmes, pastor. 1327 Campbell street. Services 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Grand Avenue— Grand Avenue southeast cor. 9th. Rev. Jesse B. Young, D. D., pastor, 816 Oak street; Rev. B. P. White, associate pastor, 802 Forest street. Services 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday- school 2:30 p. m. Howard Memorial — Springfield Avenue, southeast cor. Cherry Street. Rev. C. J. W. Jones, pastor, 605 Springfield ave. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Independence Avenue — Independence Avenue, south- east corner Olive. Rev. Geo. W. Miller, D. D., 2411 Independence avenue. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Liberty Street — Liberty, southeast corner Joy street, Rev. W. S. Courtney, pastor, 1333 Liberty street. Services 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school) 2:30 p. m. Summit Street— 1622 Summit St. Rev. W. Jones, D. D., pastor, 1624 Summit street. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Swedish— 1664 Madison Avenue. Rev. O. J. Swan, pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun- day-school 9:30 a. m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH— SOUTH. Rev. E. R. Hendrix, D. D., LL. D., Resident Bishop. Residence, Norledge Place. (63) Rev. C. A. Briggs, presiding elder, Kansas City district Independence, Mo. Brooklyn Avenue — Cor. 13th and Brooklyn. Rev. J. N. Huggins, pastor, 2206 East 13th St. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Campbell Street — Cor. Missouri Avenue and Campbell St. Rev. J. H. Glanville, pastor, 512 Charlotte street. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday- school 3 p."m. Centenary — Cor. 9th and Lydia Avenue. Rev. J. C. Morris, D. D., pastor, 720 Troost ave. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Garland Avenue — Corner Rochester. Rev. I. S. Smith. pastor, 808 East 3rd. Services 11 a. m, and 7:30' p. m. Sunday-school 3 p. m. Melrose — Cor. Windsor and Kent Avenues. Rev. N. Scarritt, D. D., pastor, Norledge Place, north end Cleveland ave. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. Vine Street— Cor. Vine and 21st Streets. Rev. J. Iff. Nickels, pastor, 1407 Howard street. Walnut Street — Rev. S. A. Steel, D. D., pastor, rooms at the Y. M. C. A. building. Services 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. Washington Street — Washington St., bet. 13th and 14th. Rev. T. W. Watts, pastor, 800 Jefferson street. Ser- vices 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN. Central — (south). Grand Avenue, southwest cor. 8th. Rev. Sam'l M. Neel, D. D., pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. First — Forest Avenue, northwest cor. 10th. Rev. Geo. P. Wilson,. D. D., pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First Cumberland — Oak Street, northwest cor. 13th. Rev. B. P. Fullerton, pastor, 2210 Troost avenue Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ( 64 ) First United — Walnut, between 9th and 10th. Rev. I M. McClellan, pastor, 914 East 17th street. Se vices 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First Welsh Presbyterian— 1622 Main Street. Rev. 1 H. Jones, pastor, 10th and Grove streets. Servic* 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. n Fifth — 12th, northwest cor. Brooklyn Avenue. Rev. ( H. Bruce, pastor, 2405 East 13th street. Servici 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m Hill Memorial — Woodland Avenue, southeast cor. 18t Rev. J. C. Taylor, pastor, 1220 Euclid avenue. Se vices 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Reformed Presbyterian — 2303 Belleview Avenue. Re John Teaz, pastor, 1107 Broadway-. Services 11 ; m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath-School 10 a. m. Second — 13th and Central Streets. Rev. Geo. P. Hay D. D., pastor, 1222 Central street. Services 11 a. r and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m Second United — Corner 14th and Euclid. Rev. j N. Hagerty, pastor, 1827 East 7th street. Servic 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 10 a. m. Third — Corner Walnut and Springfield avenue. Re A. B. Martin, pastor, 3349 Holmes street. Servic 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 10 a. m. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Grace — 10th, southeast cor. Central Street. Rev. Can eron Mann, rector, 1800 Penn street. Services 7f a. m., 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:\ a. m. St. Mary's — Holmes Street, southeast cor. 13th. Pt€ John Sword, rector, 1307 Holmes sireet. Servic 7 and 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9: a. m. Trinity — Tracy Avenue, southeast cor. 10th. Rf Robert Talbot, rector, 1218 East 9th street. Sr vices 7:30, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-schc 9:30 a. m. St. Augustine Mission— 1023 Troost. Services 11a. and 7 p. m. St. Mary's Chapel— 512 east 14th. Sunday-school p. m. (65) REFORMED EPISCOPAL. Christ Church— Place of worship, 1208 East 9th street. Services: Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; Wednes- day evening at 7:45 o'clock. Sunday-school 9:30 a. m. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral of Immaculate Conception — Broadway and 11th. Right Rev. J. J. Hogan, D. D.; Revs.' J. J. Glennon, W. F. Hanley. St. Aloysius — Prospect Avenue and 11th. Rev. J. A. Dowling, S. J. Annunciation — Wyoming and 14th, Rev. W. J. Dalton. St. Francis — Heim Avenue, East Bottoms. Rev. Wil- liam McCormack. Holy Name — Chestnut Avenue and 23d. Revs. J. A. O'Dwyer, 0. P.; E. P. De Chantillon, 0. P. St. John's — Indiana Avenue. Rev. James Phelan. St. Joseph's — Harrison and 19th. Revs. J. J. Kennedy and J. J. Shea. Our Lady of Perpetual Help — Westport road. Very Rev. Joseph Firle, C. S. S. R. St. Patrick's— Cherry and Eighth. Revs. T. F. Lillis and J. T. Walsh. SS. Peter and Paul's (German) — McGee and 9th. Very Rev. E. Zechenter. St. Vincent's— Oak, between 17th and 18th. Rev. P. M. O'Regan, C. M.; Rev. Fr. Antill, Ass't. Sacred Heart — Dripp and 25th. Rev. M. J. O'Dwyer. Chapel of the Convent of St, Theresa — Washington and 11th. Attended from Cathedral. Our Lady of Good Counsel — Westport. Rev. R. M. Ryan. Chapel of St. Joseph's Hospital — Rev. P. J. O'Donnell. (M) UNITARIAN. All Souls — southwest cor. 10th and Broadway. Rev. J E. Roberts, pastor, 2317 Independence avenue. Ser vices 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 9:45 MISCELLANEOUS. Ebenezer African Methodist — 204 Holmes. Rev. B. W. Stewart, pastor, 910 Troost avenue. Services 11 a m., 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday-school 9 a. m. Allen Chapel (colored) — southeast cor. 10th and Char lotte. Rev. J. W. Gaines, pastor. Services 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 2 p. m. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints — 1914 Troost Avenue. David Winn, Pres Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra. Sunday-school 10 a. m. St. John's African — 925 State. Rev. M. B. Beckley pastor. Services 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun da3 r -school 2:30 p. m. CEMETERIES. B'nai Jehudah — Elmwood Cemetery. Bikur Cholim— southwest cor. 18th and Porter Road Elmwood — 12th, head of Elmwood Avenue. Forest Hill— Forest Avenue to Prospect Avenue, opp Waldo Park. German Catholic — Brooklyn Avenue, cor. 25th. Mt. St. Mary's — west side Jackson Avenue, between 21st and 23d. Union— east side Grand Boulevard, bet. 27th and 28th HOSPITALS. ASYLUMS. ETC. All Saints Hospital— 1005-1007 Campbell street. City Hospital— Cherry street, between 21st and 22d. sts. Childrens Home— 1115 Charlotte street; Tel. 1009. Colored Orphans Home. German Hospital — 2307 McCoy avenue. Home for the Aged — Springfield avenue, southeast cor- ner Locust. Home of the Good Shepherd — 20th street aud Porter Road. Newsboys Home — corner 11th and High sts. Sisters of Mercy — 508-10 Penn street. St. Josephs Hospital — 710 Penn st. St, Josephs Orphan Asylum — 30th and Penn st. Wabash Western Ry. Hospital — 209 Campbell. Wayside Home— 2411 Prospect avenue. Women's Refuge aud Maternity Hospital — 1220 Grove street. KANSAS CITY BUREAU OF CHARITIES. Office 105 West 4th Street. Telephone 437. President- L. K. Thacher. Vice President — Rev. Cameron Mann. F. A. Faxon. General Secretary — F. M. Furgason. Superintendent of Visitors — Mrs. A. W. Tinsley. PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. President— H F. Devol. Treasurer — W. B. Clarke. Secretarj-— E. C. White. Superintendent — F. M. Furgason. Office 105 West 4th Street. Provident Wood Yard and Store Room 233 West 4th st. Manager — H. C. Weaver. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. Young Men's Christian Association, Northwest Corner Ninth and Locust. President — E. E. Richardson. Treasurer — J. H. North. General Secretary — J. W. Hansel. Recording Secretary — H. M. Beardslev. Kailroad Young Men's Christian Ass'n. Rooms West End Union Depot. President — E. J. Sanford. Secretary and Treasurer — A. M. Wilson. Women's Christian Association. 1115 Charlotte Street. President— Mrs. Witten McDonald. Recording Secretary — Mrs. Wm. Williamson. Corresponding Secretary — Mrs. D. L. Patterson. Treasurer — Mrs. M. A. Potts. Kansas City Exchange. For Women's Work. 907 Wyandotte Street. President — Mrs. J. C. Salmon. Treasurer — Mrs. Theo. S. Case. Recording Secretary— Mrs. J. E. Thomes. Corresponding Secretary — Mrs. J. S. Stockton. HUMANE SOCIETY. Office 202 Nelson Building. Telephone 1699. President— F. A. Faxon. Secretary— W. 0. Huckett, SECRET SOCIETIES. MASONIC. Masonic Hall — 1335 Grand Avenue. Scottish Rite— 720 Main street, Heroine Lodge No. 104 — meets at Elks Hall, 1st and 3d Monday of each month. Kansas City Lodge No. 220— meets at Elks Hall, 2d and 4th Monday of each month. Rural Lodge No. 316 — meets at Elks Hall 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month. Temple Lodge No. 209 — meets at Masonic Hall 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. Gate City Lodge No. 522 — meets at Keifer's Masonic Hall, cor. 16th and Penn sts., 1st and 3d Saturday of each month. Kansas City Chapter, R. A. M. No. 28 — regular convo- cation Elks Hall 1st and 3d Thursdays of each month. Orient Chapter, R. A. M. No. 102 — meets at Masonic Hall 2d and 4th, Tuesday of each month. Kansas Cit3 r Commandery K. T. No. 10 — regular con- clave Elks Hall 2d and 4th Thursday of each month. Oriental Commandery K. T. No. 35 — meets at Masonic Hall 1st and 3d Friday of each month. A. A. SCOTTISH RITE. Adoniram Lodge of Perfection No. 2 — meets at Scottish Rite Hall 3d and 4th Wednesday of each month. Areiopagus Chapter No. 2 of Knights Rose Croix — meets at Scottish Rite Hall 2d and 4th Wednesday of each month. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, Hesperia Chapter No. 172. — Meets at Hall 8th and Main Streets, 1st and 3d Friday of each month. Harmony Chapter No. 162. — Meets at Masonic Hall 1st and 3d Monday of each month. (70) ODD FELLOWS. Kansas City Lodge No. 257 — meets at I. 0. 0. F. Hall, 531 Main street, every Friday evening. Wyandotte Lodge No. 35— meets at I. 0. 0. F. Hall every Tuesday evening. Lincoln Lodge No. 173 — meets at I. 0. 0. F. Hall every Monday evening. Kansas City Encampment No. 27 — meets at I. 0. 0. F. Hall on 2d and 4th Thursday ot each month. Ridgely Lodge No. 435— meets at A. 0. U. W. Hall, 7th and Main street, every Tuesday evening. Canton City of Kansas No. 14 — meets at Armory Hall, 15th and Grand avenue, every 2d and 4th Monday evening of each month. Triple Link Lodge No. 9 — meets at Hall corner 21st and Belleview avenue, every Saturday evening. Gate City Lodge No. 60— meets at A. 0. U. W. Hall, 21st and Summit street, every Tuesday evening. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Kansas City Division Uniformed Rank No. 3 — meets at Armory Hall, corner 15th and Grand avenue, on 2d Thursday of each month. North Star Division No. 10 — meets at Armory Hall, corner 15th and Grand avenue, on 2d Mondaj' of each month. Davis Division No. 22 — meets at Fireman's Hall, S07 Walnut street, on 3d Friday of each month. Gate City Division No. 24 — meets at Firemcns Hall, 807 Walnut street, on 2d Thursday of each month. Endowment Rank No. 52 — meets at Hall corner (ith and Main streets, on 4th Thursday of each month. Ezel Lodge No. 126 — meets every Thursday evening, at Hall corner 16th and Penn streets. Forest Lodge No. 130 — meets every Thursday evening of each week, corner 5th and Forest streets. Kansas City Lodge No. 1 — meets at Pythian Hall, northwest corner 11th and Main street, every Mon- day evening. Humboldt Lodge No. 4— (German) meets at Hall 617 Main street, every Tuesday evening. Sicilian Lodge No. 39 — meets at Hall 601 Main street, every Friday evening. Svea Lodge No." 93 — (Swedish) meets at Orient Hall, 511 Delaware street, every Thursda}^ evening. (71) - Mechanics Lodge No. 106 — meets at Hall corner 18th and Locnst streets, every Tuesday evening. Western Star Lodge No. 109 — meets at Forester Hall, 2224 West 9th str., every Friday evening. Woodland Lodge No. 116 — meets at Hall corner Ende pendence and Woodland avenue, every Friday ('veiling. Brooklyn Lodge No. 118 — meets at Hall northeast corner 15th and Brooklyn avenue, every Wednesday evening. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Kansas City Lodge No. 1255— meets at 1044 Main 1st and 3d Thursday of each month. Gate City Lodge No. 1256— meets at 1401 Grand avenue on 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month. Corona Lodge No. 3298 — meets at Hall, southeast cor. 6th and Main, oq 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Protection Lodge No. 1024— meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, cor. 9th and Forest, on 1st and 3d Monday of each month. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR. Kansas City Lodge No. 1024— meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1204 Walnut, on 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month. Riverside Lodge No. 371 — meets at Humboldt Hall, cor. 6th and Main, on 2d and 4th Monday of each month. Flora Lodge No. 1084— meets at Hall, 18th and Flora, every Tuesday evening. A. (). U. W. GATE CITY LEGION. Company A, Army of Select Knights— meets at Hall corner 8th and Main street, on 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Company B, Army of Select Knights — meets at Kump's Hall, corner 10th and Main, Monday evenings. Company C — meets at Armory Hall, corner 15th and Grand avenue, every Wednesday evening. Kansas City Lodge A. O. U. W— meets at Pythian Hall, corner 11th and Main, every Friday evening. Summit Lodge No. 272— meets at A. O. IT. W. Hall, northeast corner 16th and Penn, even Monday evening. • ( 72 ) Terrace City Lodge No. 276 — meets at 14th and Grand avenue, every Monday evening. Steuben Lodge No. 280 — (German) meets at Hall south west corner 8th and Main, on 2d and 4th Wednes day of each month. Gate City Lodge No. 290— meets at Hall 1215 West 9th street, every Wednesday evening. Woodland Lodge No. 298— meets at A. 0. U. W. Hall, 1201 East 9th street, every Tuesday evening. Muskegon Lodge No. 303 — meets at j\. O. V. W. Hall, 1420 East 8th street, every Thursday evening. Bacon Lodge No. 325 — meets at Orient Hall, corner 5th and Delaware streets, every Monday evening. Bel lev ue Lodge No. 357— meets at I. O O. P. Hall, corner 21st and Belleview avenve, ever} r Wednesday evening. Hugo Lodge No. 247 — meets at Hall corner 15th and Brooklyn avenue, every Friday evening. Alcott Lodge No. 241— meet at A. O. U. W. Hall, East Bottoms, every Wednesday evening. Mutual Lodge No. 208— meets at A. O. U. W, Hall, corner 8th and Main, every Friday evening. Upchurch Lodge No. 370 — meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, corner 21st and Summit streets, every Thursday evening. A verill Lodge No. 388— meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, corner 5th and Forest, every Tuesday evening. Linwood Lodge No. 396 — meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, Linwood avenue, every Friday evening. SELECT KNIGHTS A. O. U. W. Kansas City Legion No. 33 — meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, 8th and Main streets, on 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Gate City Legion No. 80 — meets at Kump's Hall, corner 10th and Main streets, on 1st and 3d Monday of each month. Advance Legion No. 83 — meets at Orient Hall, 511 Delaware street, on 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Upchurch Legion No. 101 — meets at Armory Hall, corner 15 and Grand avenue, every Wednesday evening. A. O. OF HIBERNIANS. A. O. H. No. 1 — meets cor. 8th and Cherry, 1st Sunday of each month. (*3 A. (). H. No. 2— meets 1717 west 9thstreet, LstTuesday of each month. \' 0. II. No. 3 — meets at 1 101 Grand avenue, 1st, Sun- day of each month. A. (). 11. No. 4— meets at 1519 west 12th street, Ls1 Thursday of each month. A. ( >. II. No. 5 — meets at 1201 cast 5th street on 2d Sunday of each mouth. ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED ORDER OF NOBLES OF THE MYSTIC SHRINK. Ararat Temple— meets at Scottish Rite Hall, 720 .Main street. 2d Friday of each month. S. P. R. S.. Oriental Consistory No. 36— meets at Ma- sonic Hall 4th Wednesday of each month. BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Kansas City Lodge No. 26 — meets at Hall, 7th and Main, alternate Saturday evening and Sunday morning. A. 0. OF FORESTERS. Court Kansas City No. 6351 — meets at Foresters Hall. 1215 west 9th street, on 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Court Pride of the West No. 7289— meets at Hall, 720 Main, on 2d and -1th Thursday of each month. Kansas City Conclave No. 44, knights of Sherwood Forest — meets at Hall, 1215 west 9th street, on alternate Mondays. CHOSEN FRIENDS. Metropolitan No. 1 of Missouri — meets in Hall, 551 Delaware street, 2d and 4th Thursday of each month. C. K. OF A. Branch No. 148— meets at St. Patrick's Hall 1st and 3d Sunday of each month. Branch No. 319— meets at St. Patrick's Hall on 2d and 4th Sunday of each month. Knights of St. Joseph— meets at 19th and Forest on Lsl Sunday of each month. DRUIDS. Oak Grove Lodge No 30 — meets in Hall, 1401 Grand avenue, on 2d and 4th Thursday of each month. (74) I. 0. G. T. Gate City Lodge No. 349— meets at Hall, 104 east 9th street, every Friday evening. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Council No. 24, Knights of Father Matthew — meets at 11th and Broadway on 2d and 4th Monday of each month. IMPROVED OKI) Ell OF HEPTASOPHS. Centropolis Conclave — meets in Hall, northeast corner 15th and Brooklyn, 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Kansas City Conclave 116 — meets in K. P. Hall, 7th and Main, 1st and 3d Friday of each month. ORDER OF THE IRON HALL. Local Branch No. 51 — meet at Hall, southeast cor. 6th and Main, 1st and 3d Thursday of each month. Local Branch No. 236 — meets at Hall, southwest corner 8th and Main, 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. Local Branch No. 270 — meets at Hall, southeast corner Woodland and Independence avenues, every Mon- day evening. Local Branch No. 388— meets at Hall, 1420 east 18th street, 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. Local Branch No. 412 — meets at Hall, southwest corner 8th and Main, every Thursday of each month. Local Branch No. 442 — meets at Hall, southeast corner 14 th and Grand avenue, 1st and 3d Friday of each month. Local Branch No. 665 — meets at Hall, southeast cor. 6th and Main, 2d and 4th Wednesday of each month. Local Branch No. 670 — meets at Hall, corner 21st and Beileview avenue, 2d and 4th Friday of each month. Sisterhood Branch No. 712— meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, cor. 9th and Forest, 2d and 4th Monday of each month. Sisterhood Branch No. 806— meets at Hall, southwest cor. 8th and Main, 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month. ORDER OF THE ORIENT. Alhambra Council No. 1958— meets in Foresters Hall, 1215 west 9th street, every 2d and 4th Saturday of each month. ( 7;. ) Hellespont Council No. 1673 — meets at Orient Hall, 511 Delaware street, every Saturday. Cyclops Council No. 2009 — meets at Hall, southeast cor. Independence and Woodland avenues, 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month. ROYAL ARCANUM. Kansas City Council No. 706 — meets al Hall, southeast cor. 6th and Main streets, 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. ROYAL SOCIETY OF GOOD FELLOWS. Kansas City Assembly No. 27 — meet at Masonic Hall, northeast corner 14th and Grand avenue. G. A. R. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. Major William Warner— Commander-in-Chief. Eugene F. Weigel — Adjutant-General. E. G. Granville — Assistant Adjutant-General. Offices, rooms 9 and 16, Beal's Building, northwest cor. 9th and Wyandotte. posts. Admiral Farragut Post No. 3 — meets at Pythian Hall, northeast cor. 7th and Main, on 2d and 4th Thurs- day of each month. McPherson Post No. 4 — meets at Pythian Hall, cor. 11th and Main, 2d and 4th Tuesday of each mouth. Geo. H. Thomas Post No. 8 — meets at Pythian Hall, 11th and Main, on 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. General Shields Post No. 15— meets at Druids Hall, cor. 14th and Grand avenue, on 1st and 3d Wednes- day of each month. Buford Post No. 381 — meets at Hall, cor. 15th and Brooklyn, on 1st and 3d Thursday of each month. Andrew Hightower Post No. 231 — meets 1st and 3d Fri- day evening. WOMENs' RELIEF CORPS. McPherson Corps No. 10 — meets at Pythian Hall, south- east cor. 7th and Main, on 2d and 4th Wednesday of each month. Geo H. Thomas Corps No. 11 — meets at Humboldt Hall, cor. 6th and Main, 2d and 4th Wednesday afternoon of each month. Gen. Shields' Corps No. 26 — meets 2d and 4th Friday, at Druids Hall, 14th and Grand Avenue. (76) SONS OF VETERANS. William Warner Camp — meets at Armory Hall, cor. 15th and Grand avenue, 1st and 3d Thursday of each month. James G. Young Camp No. 76 — meets at Armory Hall, cor. 15th and Grand avenue, 2d and 4th Friday of each month. RELIEF BOARDS. Masonic — R. McEads, president; W. 0. Huckett, secre- tary. Office, 202 Nelson Bidding. Telephone 1699. Odd Fellows— H. C Weaver, Manager. Office, 233 West 4th street. Telephone 558. Knights of Pythias — E. H. Jenkins, secretary. Office, cor. 8th and Walnut. UNIONS, ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. Butchers Association — meets at Arion Hall every Friday evening. Carpenters Union No. 349 — meets at Hall, 505 east 18th street, every Wednesday evening. Cigar Makers Union No. 102 — meets at Kump's Hall Saturday evening. Grocers Association — meets at Arion Hall every Wed- nesday evening. Kansas City Drug Clerk Association — meets at 301 east 12th street. Painters and Decorators Union No. 30 — meets at 720 Main street. Plasterers Protective Union No. 17 — meets at Hall, L405 Main street, every Wednesday evening. Stationary Engineers Association — meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, southwest corner 8th and Main streets, every Saturday. Typographical Union No. 80 — meets at Sicilian Hall 1st Sunday of each month. The JACCARD tY^atclj cm&3et»elry ■^ Company, JEWELERS 815 MAIN STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. •4«- ir^A VISITING CARDS and dat ^ri I VjvJ Engraved Copper Plate only *P\*rJVJ Wedding, Party and Club Invitations OUR SPECIALTY. Merchants National bank. OF KANSAS CITY, MO. %hc Qfbcfit ?flatiovial ofexxwh 1ST THE CITT. Paid-up Capital, - - $500,000.00. W. B. CLARKE, President. CHAS. S. WHEELER, Vice-President. O. P. DICKINSON, 2d Vice-President. g. w. Mcknight, cashier. DIRECTORS: W. B. Clarke. Chas. S. Wheeler A. A. Tomlinson. W. A. M. Vaughan. O P. Dickinson. J. M. Coburn. Walton H. Holmes. John Long. John C. Gage. G. W. McKnight. Banking in all its Branches. Information Cheerfully Given Strangers Visiting Kansas City. N. E. COR. MISSOURI AVE. AND DELAWARE ST.