Glass , IA r- _ Bool .-^uSs PRESENTED BY m HISTORICAL SKETCH CONSTITUTION AND REGISTER OF THE Military Order of the Carabao TOGETHER WITH SONGS That Have Been Sung at "Wallows" in Various Places A.U&D] PRESS OF W. F. ROBERTS CO. WASHINGTON. D. C. 1900- 1913 *••••••••••••••*' Publication Committee Major William E. Horton, U. S. A. Major Joseph M. Heller, U. S. V. Captain James A. Moss, U. S. A. INDEX Page Publication Committee 4 History of the Order 7 Branch Corrals 17 The Manila Corral 18 The San Francisco Corral 20 The Washington Corral 22 The San Antonio Corral 24 The Virginia Corral 26 Constitution 27 By-Laws 41 Officers of the Main Corral 1913 47 Past Officers of the Main Corral 49 Members of the Military Order of the Carabao 51 Veteran Carabaos 51 Tenero Carabaos 109 Heredity Carabaos 109 Honorary Carabaos 109 Associate Carabaos 109 Taps Ill Songs 121 sma Ifteior}} of tly£ ©riter |HE Military Order of the Carabao was organized at Manila, P. L, in Novem- ber, 1900, for the purpose of fostering a high standard of military and social duty and to perpetuate the memories and associations of military service in the Philippines during the early days of American occupation. The origin of the Order grew out of an idea conceived at a dinner at the Officers' Club in Manila shortly after the return of troops from China in 1900. The name was suggested by Major George L. Byram, U. S. A., in recognition of the services rendered to the American forces by the faithful Carabao, the principal beast of bur- den in the Philippines. The Carabao, the patron saint of the Order, has ever since been praised in song and verse by every soldier of the Philip- pine campaigns in honor of the indispensable services rendered in the absence of the Army mule. MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO The founders of the Order had no idea that the organization would ever attain its present pro- portions. Its growth, however, has been rapid and continuous and its roll at the present time contains nearly two thousand names, among which may be found nearly all of the prominent Army and Navy officers who served during the early campaigns in the Philippines. The first regular meeting of the organization was held on April 5, 1901, at the quarters of Lieutenant-Colonel George P. Scriven and Major B. H. Randolph, on Calle San Jose, Ermita, Manila. At this meeting Major Randolph was elected temporary president and preliminary steps were at once taken to draft a constitution. The first regular election of officers was had at a meeting held May 3, 1901, which resulted as follows: President and Grand Paramount Carabao, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, U. S. A.; Vice-President and Patriarch of the Herd, Major B. H. Randolph, U. S. A.; Esteemed Lead Carabao, Major C. B. Sears, U. S. A.; Esteemed Wheel Carabao, Major R. R. Ste- vens, U. S. A. ; MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Main Guy, Captain W. M. Wright, U. S. A. ; Chief Winder of the Horn, Lieutenant-Colonel George P. Scriven, U. S. A. Principal Caratonero, Captain Lyman W. V. Kennon, U. S. A. ; Grand Gamboling Carabao, Captain Thomas Franklin, U. S. A. ; Veterinario, Captain Charles E. Stanton, U. S. A.; Chief Vaquero, Captain William E. Craighill, U. S. A.; Chief Herder, Major John Biddle Porter, U. S. A. ; Main Guard, Captain John R. M. Taylor, U. S. A. June 14, 1901, a committee was appointed to formulate regulations for the organization of branch societies of the Order in the United States and to fix the names of such branches, and upon the recommendation of this committee it was de- cided to call the branch societies "Corrals" and that the society in Manila should thereafter be designated the "Main Corral," the qualifications for membership and officers to be the same as those for the Main Corral. October 11, 1901, a committee which had been appointed for the purpose presented a draft of MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO a constitution and regulations, and the same was discussed and many changes proposed, with the 'result that the committee was directed to prepare a new draft to be acted upon at a subsequent meeting. December 19, 1902, upon the application from members of the Order stationed at Fort Sheridan, 111., and San Francisco, Cal., authority was granted by the Main Corral for the establishment of branch corrals at those places. February 13, 1903, the first action was taken by the Main Corral relative to the moving of the said corral from the Philippine Islands to the United States. Such a change became necessary at this time by reason of the fact that many of the military and naval forces which had been stationed in the Philippines during the formation of the Order were ordered back to the United States and other organizations were sent to take their places, leaving but few of the original mem- bers or those eligible to become members sta- tioned in the Islands. Much confusion also re- sulted in the States by the long delay in getting communications to and from the Islands, and it soon became necessary that the location of the Main Corral should be at a more central and con- venient place. At the above meeting a vote was 10 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO taken to determine where the Main Corral should be located. Some of the members thought it should be located in San Francisco, others thought that it should be located in Washington, but as a majority of the members present were in favor of retaining the corral in Manila, no further action was taken on the matter at this time. February 27, 1903, upon the application of cer- tain members, authority was granted by the Main Corral for the establishment of a branch corral at Camp Bumpus, P. I. April 3, 1903, upon a similar application, au- thority was granted for the establishment of a branch corral at Fort Wayne, Mich. May 1, 1903, authority was granted to estab- lish a branch corral at Jolo, P. I. July 24, 1903, action was taken on a petition from members to establish a Deputy Main Corral in Washington, D. C. After considerable discus- sion it was decided that it would not be advisable to issue a charter for a Deputy Main Corral under the existing circumstances, but that a char- ter for a branch corral might be issued. The application was therefore referred to a commit- tee which recommended that a charter for a branch corral be issued, which recommendation was approved, and a charter directed issued. On 11 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO the same date the committee on the constitution was directed to prepare a perfect draft of the constitution which had been read and discussed at previous meetings, and to have the same ready at the next meeting, and on August 29, 1903, the committee presented the draft of the constitution as directed and the same was finally adopted. This constitution provided for the location of the Main Corral in Washington, D. C. It was also decided at this meeting that all records, books, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the Main Cor- ral in Manila should be turned over on June 30, 1904, to the Main Corral in Washington, and that the corral in Manila should thereafter be known as the Manila Corral. September 11, 1903, the following officers were elected under the new constitution for the ensuing year: Grand Paramount Carabao, Brigadier-General Chas. A. Woodruff, U. S. A. ; Grand Patriarch of the Herd, Brigadier-Gen- eral William P. Rogers; Grand Lead Carabao, Captain J. W. McAn- drew, U. S. A. ; Grand Wheel Carabao, Lieutenant-Commander J. J. Knapp, U. S. N. 12 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO May 27, 1904, a charter was granted to mem- bers of the Order stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and Fort Assiniboine, Mont., for the es- tablishment of branch corrals at those places. June 30, 1904, the first regular meeting of the Main Corral in Washington was held in the office of Paymaster-General Harris, U. S. N., at which meeting the following officers were elected Grand Officers of the Main Corral to serve dur- ing the ensuing year: Grand Paramount Carabao, General Chas. F. Humphrey, U. S. A.; Grand Patriarch of the Herd, Admiral H. T. B. Harris, U. S. N. Grand Lead and Wheel Carabao, Major I. W. Littell, U. S. A. Owing to the delay in copying the records in Manila, the record books, correspondence, etc., which were supposed to have been turned over to the Main Corral in Washington on June 30, 1904, were not received until about a year later. When the records were finally received in 1905 it was some time before the records of the two corrals could be consolidated and put in shape. June 30, 1905, a meeting of the Main Corral was held in the office of the Quartermaster-Gen- 13 < < U o H W U < H w < o w H ON o\ 00 55 < U O o « u § w u < MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Slratttlj Cnrrala While numerous branch corrals have been es- tablished from time to time, most of them have, owing to the withdrawal or changing of troops from one station to another, been abandoned, and at the present time there are only five active corrals, as follows : Manila Corral, No. 1, located in Manila, P. I. San Francisco Corral, No. 3, located in San Francisco, Cal. Washington Corral, No. 7, located in Wash- ington, D. C. San Antonio Corral, No. 9, located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Virginia Corral, No. 13, located at Fort Mon- roe, Va. 17 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO THE MANILA CORRAL. The Manila Corral, which up to June 30, 1904, was known as the Main Corral, has a member- ship of approximately 500, including resident and non-resident members. Due to the constant changing of the organiza- tions in the Philippines during the past three or four years, the officers of the Manila Corral have experienced considerable difficulty in keeping up the proper enthusiasm among its members. Re- cent reports, however, from Major H. C. Rei- singer, U. S. M. C, who has just been elected Lead and Wheel Carabao of this corral, show that the corral is now being reorganized and every effort is being made to bring the members together and place the corral upon a proper busi- ness footing. 18 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO OFFICERS it Paramount Carabao Colonel Guy L. Edie, U. S. A. Patriarch of the Herd Major William M. Wright, U. S. A. Lead and Wheel Carabao Major Harold C. Reisinger, U. S. M. C. Bell Carabao Major James H. Frier, U. S. A. Main Guard Colonel George H. Hunter, U. S. A. Main Guy Colonel William C. Buttler, U. S. A. Winder of the Horn Colonel Randolph Dickins, U. S. M. C. Caretonero Major William C. Cannon, U. S. A. Gamboling Carabao Major Peter E. Traub, U. S. A. Veterinaro Major Richard M. Thornburgh, U. S. A. 19 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO THE SAN FRANCISCO CORRAL. This corral was established by authority of the Main Corral, December 19, 1902. The cor- ral was organized early in January, 1903, and five Hombres were initiated. Two preliminary meetings and the institution of the corral took place on January 24, 1903, in the St. Nicholas Hotel, on Market Street, and the first regular meeting was held on Saturday evening, March 28, 1903, in the Occidental Hotel, General Chas. A. Woodruff being the first Paramount Carabao of the corral. The growth of the San Francisco corral has been steady, and owing to the loyal work of all its members the corral has been highly prosperous, there being carried on its rolls at the present time 111 members. Meetings have been held quarterly, at first in various hotels, but after the disaster of 1906, on a transport, and in the Officers' Club of the Pre- sidio of San Francisco, and later in the Army and Navy Club. The first banquet of the corral, in celebration of its establishment, was held at the Bohemian Club, February 28, 1903, and was a great success. 20 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO OFFICERS Paramount Carabao {President) Captain Henry H. Sheen, U. S. A. Patriarch of the Herd {Vice-President) Lieutenant Frederick Dohrmann, U. S. Vols. Lead and Wheel Carabao {Secy, and Treas.) Captain George F. Connolly, U. S. A. 21 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO THE WASHINGTON CORRAL. The first meeting of the Carabaos in Washing- ton, D. C, took place at the Army and Navy Club, May 9, 1903, for the purpose of discussing ways and means for the establishment of a branch corral. The authority to establish a branch corral in Washington, D. C, was granted to Carabao J. J. Knapp and others, July 24, 1903, and the first meeting of the Washington Corral was held August 1, 1903. This corral has stead- ily grown in size and importance, and on July 1, 1913, the membership consisted of 553 Veteran Carabaos, 2 Hereditary Carabaos, 3 Tenero (Calf) Carabaos, and 3 Associate Carabaos. The Annual Dinner by the Washington Cor- ral, held in Washington, is each year growing in popularity and importance. It is an occasion when the most distinguished men of our nation are gathered about the festive board, memories of the "Days of the Empire" in the Philippines are recalled and acquaintances renewed. The number of guests at these dinners have greatly increased each year. In 1909 there were 150 guests and Carabaos present; in 1910, 250; in 1911, 265; in 1912, 362. 22 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO OFFICERS & Paramount Carabao {President) Major-General James B. Aleshire, U. S. A. Patriarch of the Herd (ist Vice-President) Rear-Admiral Thomas B. Howard, U. S. N. Bell Carabao (2d Vice-President) Major-General William P. Biddle, U. S. M. C. Lead and Wheel Carabao (Secy, and Treas.) Major Joseph M. Heller Main Guy Colonel Henry O. S. Heistand, U. S. A. Winder of the Horn Colonel George Richards, U. S. M. C. Caretonero Captain William H. G. Bullard, U. S. N. Gamboling Carabao Major Thomas L. Rhoades, U. S. A. Veterinaro Captain Julian M. Cabell, U. S. A., Retired Main Guard Paymaster David M. Addison, U. S. N. 23 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO THE SAN ANTONIO CORRAL. * This corral was established by authority of the Main Corral on May 27, 1904. The first meet- ing of the corral was held on March 8, 1904, at which twenty-seven Hombres were elected. The first election of officers was held April 19, 1904, Major R. R. Stevens being elected Paramount Carabao, Brigadier-General J. M. Lee, Patriarch of the Herd, Lieutenant Garrison McCasky, Main Guy, Captain L. F. Kilbourne, Lead Carabao, and Captain Guy Carleton, Wheel Carabao. The membership of this corral has steadily in- creased and at the present time approximately 100 members are borne on its rolls. 24 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO OFFICERS Paramount Carabao (President) Lieutenant-Colonel W. S. Scott, U. S. A. Patriarch of the Herd (Vice-President) Dr. Fred Hadra Lead and Wheel Carabao (Secy, and Treas.) First Lieutenant Harold B. Johnson, U. S. A. 25 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO THE VIRGINIA CORRAL. * It was established by authority from the Main Corral in a letter dated February 9, 1905, signed by the Grand Lead Carabao. The original pe- tition for a branch corral was made on Decem- ber 9, 1904. The organization of the corral took place at a meeting held on February 21, 1905, at which the following officers were elected : Paramount Carabao, Lieutenant H. H. Sheen; Patriarch of the Herd, Lieutenant T. B. Steele; Lead Carabao, Captain Alston Hamilton; Wheel Carabao, Lieutenant Jas. Totten. There has been a slow but steady increase in membership of this corral each year. On March 1, 1905, there were forty-seven members en- rolled, and on June 30, 1913, there was a total membership of seventy. 26 Constitution PREAMBLE. Whereas, In the Providence of God, the forces of the United States of America having been drawn to the Philippine Islands in the conflict known as "The Spanish- American War of 1898/' and the subsequent insurrection against the United States in the Philippine Islands, we, the survivors and descendants of those who partici- pated in that contest, have joined together to fos- ter a high standard of military and social duty; to perpetuate the memory of military services in the Philippines; to strengthen the ties of fellow- ship; to collect and secure for preservation rolls, records, relics, books and other documents relat- ing to that period; to encourage research and publication of historical data, and to cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom. 27 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO ARTICLE I. Name. Section 1. The name and title of this Order shall be "The Military Order of the Carabao" and its members shall be designated "Carabaos." ARTICLE II. Organization. Section 1. For the purpose of administration and of companionship the Order shall be divided into a Main Corral and local corrals. Corrals duly organized under the Manila Corral before the adoption of the Constitution of the Order shall be recognized as duly organized corrals. Sec 2. The Main Corral shall be composed of the officers and ex-officers of all corrals, of one delegate from each corral, and of one additional delegate for each 50 members thereof. The dele- gates shall be elected annually, and all members of the Main Corral shall be designated "Grand Carabaos." Sec 3. The Main Corral shall be the general legislative and administrative body of the Order, and shall be located in the City of Washington, D. C. It shall prescribe the blank forms to be used by the Order for all official purposes, and generally supervise the methods under which the 28 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Order shall be conducted. The Main Corral shall have supervision over the affairs of the Order and shall be the sole judge of constitutional points arising thereunder. The local corrals shall each make an annual report to the Main Corral on July 1st of each year, which shall embody a full statement of the affairs of the local corral and be forwarded in time to be considered by the Main Corral at its annual meeting. The question of the admission of local corrals shall be determined by the Main Corral. The Main Corral shall be supported by the annual dues of twenty-five cents ($0.25) for each member, other than an honor- ary member, carried on the membership rolls of each of the several local corrals, and payable July 1st of each year. Sec. 4. Local corrals may be established by authority of the Main Corral whenever ten (10) or more persons or members, or who are eligible to become members of the Order, shall apply in writing to form such corral, but only one corral shall be established in each locality. Sec. 5. Local corrals are to be serially num- bered according to the date of their organization, the charter number to be issued within three months after receipt of the application for char- 29 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO ter, and will bear the name of the locality in which they are organized. Sec. 6. No corral established in a locality shall be removed therefrom except by authority of the Main Corral. Sec. 7. The Main Corral may, after due no- tice and hearing, discontinue local corrals which fail to render prescribed reports, or fail to remit the proper funds to the Main Corral for a period of more than one year, or who have shown them- selves to be unworthy to be retained. ARTICLE III. Officers. Section 1. The officers of the Main Corral, who shall also be the Grand Officers of the Order, shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secre- tary, and a Treasurer, who among Carabaos shall be respectively known as the Grand Paramount Carabao, the Grand Patriarch of the Herd, the Grand Lead Carabao, and the Grand Wheel Carabao. Sec. 2. (1) The officers of each local corral shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secre- tary, and a Treasurer, who shall be known among Carabaos respectively as the Paramount Carabao, the Patriarch of the Herd, the Lead Carabao, and 30 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO the Wheel Carabao. Each local corral may also elect the following additional officers; a Main Guy, a Winder of the Horn, a Caretonero, a Gam- boling Carabao, a Veterinario, and a Main Guard. These additional officers, however, if elected, shall be recognized in their local corral only and shall not by virtue of their office be members of the Main Corral. (2) The presiding officer may at any meeting appoint a Bombinero for that meeting. (3) The office of Secretary and Treasurer of the Main Corral or of local corrals may be com- bined in one person, and he shall perform the duties as usually pertain to such offices. Sec. 3. The Grand Officers of the Order shall be elected annually by the Main Corral to serve until its next annual meeting, or until their successors have duly qualified, and they may be re-elected. Sec. 4. The Grand Paramount Carabao shall preside at the meetings of the Main Corral, and he shall perform such other duties as usually per- tain to the office of President. Sec. 5. In the absence of the Grand Para- mount Carabao the Grand Patriarch of the Herd shall perform the duties of the Grand Paramount Carabao, and in case of the absence of both of 31 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO these officers, the members present may elect an officer to preside at that meeting. Sec. 6. The Grand Lead and Grand Wheel Carabao shall perform the duties prescribed in the By-laws of the Main Corral. The Lead and Wheel Carabaos of the local corrals shall exer- cise similar functions in their respective corrals. ARTICLE IV. Membership. Section 1. Any person who shall have hon- orably served in the Philippine Islands between May 1, 1898, and July 4, 1902, both dates inclu- sive, as a commissioned officer of the United States Regular or Volunteer Army, Navy, Ma- rine Corps, Philippine Scouts, or as a Naval Ca- det or Midshipman, or as Acting Assistant Surgeon, Contract Surgeon, Contract Dental Surgeon, or any person who so served as an enlisted man in the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps and subsequently received a com- mission for appointment in any of the above- named classes, shall be eligible for election as a Veteran Carabao; and any accredited war corre- spondent who served in the Philippine Islands between May 1, 1898, and July 4, 1902, both dates inclusive, shall be eligible to election as an 32 0\ 00 CO X u PS <; H i— i Cm < u w o « w W H O o I— I H P u u O 00 ON 00 < H W p MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Associate Carabao, with all the privileges of Carabaos, except those of voting and holding office. Sec. 2. Honorary membership in the Order may be conferred by the Main Corral upon the President of the United States and upon the Gov- ernor Generals of the Philippines or upon those who have held that office. Sec. 3. The oldest lineal male descendant over 21 years of age of a veteran Carabao or person eligible to become one shall be eligible to join the Order as a Tenero during his ancestor's life, and at his death the Tenero shall become a Hereditary Carabao. Sec. 4. The officers and additional officers of the local corrals shall constitute a council thereof, and two-thirds of the council may at any time between meetings elect candidates to member- ship in the corral, and their action shall be con- sidered as confirmed until set aside by a three- fourths vote of the corral. Sec. 5. (1) Upon the election of a Carabao his name shall be forwarded to the Grand Lead Carabao for final action and entry on the official register of the Order, and he shall be issued a serial number. Notice of such number shall be 33 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO forwarded to the member through the corral by which he was elected. (2) The Grand Lead Carabao shall, upon ap- plication, also issue a certificate of membership, serially numbered, at a cost not exceeding $1.50. Sec. 6. A Carabao may, upon application, be transferred from the corral in which he is a mem- ber to any other corral by order of the Grand Paramount Carabao, provided the corral from which the Carabao is to be transferred offers no valid objection thereto, after due notice of the proposed transfer. Sec. 7. All Carabaos shall be borne on the membership roll of the Order which will be re- tained in the custody of the Main Corral, but their active participation in the work of the Order, except as provided in Section 2, Article II, shall be with the local corral. Sec. 8. (1) For conduct that is detrimen- tal to the interests of the Order, a Carabao may be expelled therefrom by the local corral with which he is affiliated, notice of the action of the corral being at once forwarded to the Main Cor- ral for notation on the records of the Order. The expelled Carabao shall have the right to ap- peal to the Main Corral, whose action shall be final. 34 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CAR ABAO (2) The offender shall be notified in writing of the charges against him at least ten days in advance of the action taken on them. Expulsion shall only be had as the result of the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Carabaos present. (3) The Main Corral shall have the right to take similar action in the case of any member of the Order, the local corral with which the of- fending Carabao is affiliated being notified of the action taken. (4) Any Carabao dismissed from the military or naval service of the United States shall be ipso facto dropped from the rolls of the Order. ARTICLE V. Meetings. Section 1. The Main Corral shall meet once each year for the election of officers of the Order and the transaction of other business, and nine members shall constitute a quorum. Notice of meetings shall be mailed to each corral at least four months in advance. Sec. 2. Each local corral shall establish its own quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 3. Corrals, when they deem it expedient, may name as delegates to the Main Corral mem- bers of the Order who are not members of the 35 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO corral. Any delegate to the Main Corral not able to attend a meeting shall appoint some other member of the Order as his proxy, who shall act and vote in his place. ARTICLE VI. Fees, Dues and Assessments. Section 1. The initiation fee for those join- ing the Order, otherwise than as honorary mem- bers, shall be $2.50. The annual dues shall be as may be determined by the local corrals, pro- vided that honorary members affiliated with a local corral shall pay no dues, and provided fur- ther, that the local corrals shall annually (July 1st of each year) contribute for the support of the Main Corral the sum of twenty-five cents ($0.25) for each member, other than honorary members, carried on their rolls. ARTICLE VII. Insignia. Section 1. (1) The insignia of the Military Order of the Carabao shall consist of an equilat- eral triangle of bronze 1% inches at base line, point upward, thereon in gold relief the head of a carabao, en profile; at the apex of triangle in 36 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO relief, a rustic monogram of the letters "M. O. C." (2) The insignia shall be pendant from a bronze bar by a ribbon of khaki color 13/16 inch wide, edged with dark blue % inch wide. The bar is inscribed with the legend "Military Order of the Carabao" in relief, surmounting it a sea and rising therefrom a volcano. (3) The reverse of the insignia then is rep- resented in bas relief the Coat of Arms or flag of the so-called Filipino Republic. Sec. 2. The insignia will be worn conspicu- ously on the left breast, except that the Grand Officers and the Past Grand Paramount Carabao of the Main Corral, and the Paramount Carabao, Patriarch of the Herd, and the Lead and Wheel Carabaos of the various corrals shall wear the badge suspended by a ribbon around the neck; and that the additional officers of the various corrals shall wear a rosette on the ribbon. Sec. 3. The seal of the Order shall be cir- cular, the size of the United States silver dollar, bearing on its face a carabao in relief, and around the edge the words "Military Order of the Carabao," and the dates "1898-1902," one above, the other underneath, the Carabao. 37 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Sec. 4. The flag of the Order shall be of the regulation size. The border to be of blue, and the center of khaki gold, inlaid with a repro- duction of the lapel button, consisting of the cara- bao head and monogram of the Order in gold relief. Below the triangle in blue letters and figures, on khaki gold background, shall be in- serted the following: "1898— Philippines— 1902." ARTICLE VIII. By-Laws. Section 1. The Main Corral and all local corrals may adopt such by-laws as may be de- sired, not in conflict with this Constitution. All by-laws adopted by corrals shall be subject to approval of the Main Corral, and shall not con- flict with the by-laws of the Main Corral. Sec. 2. A majority vote shall be decisive on all questions coming before the Main Corral ex- cept amendments to the Constitution and dismis- sals of members, for which a two-thirds vote shall be necessary. ARTICLE IX. Amendments. Section 1. (1) Amendments to this Consti- tution may be proposed at any meeting of the 38 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Main Corral and acted upon at its next special or regular meeting, not earlier than six months thereafter. (2) Notices of proposed amendments shall be mailed to all corrals at least four months in advance of action thereon. 39 2ig-3£aiu0 * ARTICLE I. Order of Business. The order of business at stated meetings shall be as follows : 1. Call to order by the Presiding Officer. 2. Roll call of members. 3. The minutes of the previous meetings not heretofore read and adopted. 4. Introduction of new members. 5. Special business of the meeting, if any. 6. Unfinished business. 7. Reports of officers and committees. 8. Written communications. 9. New business. 10. Adjournment. 41 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO ARTICLE II. General Rules and Regulations. Section 1. Cushing's Manual of Parliamen- tary Law shall govern in the decision of parlia- mentary questions. Sec. 2. All official orders, communications, records, and proceedings, of whatever character, shall conform as nearly as possible to the general regulations, usages and customs of the military and naval service of the United States. ARTICLE III. Initiation of Officers. Section 1. A Grand Carabao elected to any office in the Order, before being installed, shall make a formal declaration upon honor that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of the office upon which he is about to enter, and comply with all the established laws and usages of the Order. ARTICLE IV. Additional Duties of Officers. Section 1. (1) In addition to those pre- scribed by the Constitution, the following duties shall be performed by the several officers of the Main Corral: 42 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO (2) It shall be the duty of the Grand Para- mount Carabao to appoint all officers and com- mittees not otherwise provided for, and coun- tersign all checks drawn by the Grand Lead and Wheel Carabao, for sums necessary to defray ex- penses, and for other appropriations. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Grand Lead and Wheel Carabao to keep: 1st. The Constitution and By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Order. 2d. Copies of all official letters. 3d. A ledger, to contain the accounts of the Main Corral with its members. 4th. A book in which shall be recorded the names of those Carabaos who may have been expelled from any corral, together with the rea- sons therefor. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Main Corral and notify the Grand Carabaos and the several corrals from time to time as they may occur, of applications, withdrawals, admissions, rejections, suspensions, expulsions, resignations, restorations and deaths. He shall have the care and custody of the seal of the Order. He shall, at the last stated meeting in his term of office, make a full report of all moneys received during his term, and of all arrearages of Grand Cara- 43 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO baos and transfers to his successor in office, within two weeks after the expiration of his term, all books, papers, or other property in his possession belonging to his office. 5th. He shall pay all orders signed by the Grand Paramount Carabao, and none others, and retain these orders as his vouchers. He shall keep accounts of his receipts and expenditures and shall pay over and deliver to his successor in office all moneys, vouchers, books and papers belonging to the Main Corral. ARTICLE V. Introduction of Members. Section 1. A Carabao upon being introduced as a Grand Carabao in the Main Corral shall, orally if present, and in writing if absent, make declaration upon honor that he will maintain the Constitution of the Order, conform to its By- Laws and rules, and use his best endeavors to promote its objects and advance its interests. ARTICLE VI. Fines. Section 1. The fundamental principles of this Order, recognizing loyal citizenship as its only test, the discussion or introduction of sectarian 44 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO or partisan topics at meetings is prohibited, under penalty of such fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, as may be imposed by order of the Main Corral. Sec. 2. All other violations of the principles and obligations of the Order or neglect of duty may be fined at the option of the Main Corral. ARTICLE VII. Amendments. Section 1. Amendments may be made to the By-Laws of the Main Corral by a majority vote of that body. 45 <©f i i«ra tA t\\t Main Corral X0X3 * GRAND PARAMOUNT CARABAO Major-General Chas. F. Humphrey, U. S. A., Retired GRAND PATRIARCH OF THE HERD Rear Admiral Thomas B. Howard, U. S. N., Retired GRAND LEAD AND WHEEL CARABAO Major William E. Horton, U. S. A. 47 > O Pi P O OS O Q 55 < 13 O <: I < en < PL. as H > (5 o o < w u en MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO |tast ©f f it2t& af tlj£ Main Cartal November, igoo — January, 1914 GRAND PARAMOUNT CARABAOS Charles A. Woodruff .... May 3, 1901— December 19, 1902 Cyrus S. Roeerts December 19, 1902 — June 5, 1903 Robert R. Stevens June 5, 1903 — September 11, 1903 Charles A. Woodruff .. September 11, 1903 — June 30, 1904 Charles F. Humphrey June 30, 1904 — GRAND PATRIARCH OF THE HERD B. H. Randolph May 3, 1901— April 25, 1902 A. H. Russell April 25, 1902— May 23, 1902 Jesse M. Lee May 23, 1902— September 11, 1903 W. P. Rogers September 11, 1903— June 30, 1904 H. T. B. Harris June 30, 1904— November 29, 1910 Thomas C. McLean . November 29, 1910, December 16, 1912 Thomas B. Howard December 16, 1912 — GRAND LEAD CARABAOS C. B. Sears May 3, 1901— April 25, 1902 Geo. G. Greenough April 25, 1902— May 23, 1902 R. R. Stevens May 23, 1902— September 11, 1903 J. W. McAndrews September 11, 1903— June 30, 1904 I. W. Littell June 30, 1904— November 29, 1910 William E. Horton November 29, 1910 — GRAND WHEEL CARABAOS Robert R. Stevens May 3, 1901— May 23, 1902 Chas. H. Whipple May 23, 1902— September 11, 1903 J. J. Knapp September 11, 1903— June 30, 1904 I. W. Littell June 30, 1904— November 29, 1910 William E. Horton November 29, 1910— 49 a ■— . . Mzmbttz of tlj* iWilttarjj ©riter A Carabao No. Abbott, J. C, Lieut., Signal Corps 1851 Abbott, S. G., Lieut., 28th Infantry 1625 Abernethy, Robert S., Major, Coast Artillery 1977 Adams, Frank H., First Lieut, 12th Infantry 441 Adams, Robert W., First Lieut., 8th Infantry 1568 Addison, David M., Paymaster, U. S. N 1975 Adler, A. C, Lieut., 1st California Volunteers 1618 Admire, Eli, Lieut., 22d Infantry (Resigned) 273 Ahern, George P., Major, U. S. A., Retired 265 Albright, Frank H., Major, 14th Infantry 1689 Aleshire, James B., Major-General 118 Allaire, William H., Lieut-Col., 7th Infantry 1583 Alexander, Robert, Major, U. S. Infantry 411 Allen, Charles C, Captain, 30th Infantry 364 Allen, Henry T., Lieut-Col., Cavalry 154 Allen, James, Brigadier-General 125 Allen, John H., Major, Medical Corps 2002 Aloe, Alfred, Captain, 1st Infantry 1480 51 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Ames, Robert F., Lieut-Col., Retired 1810 Anderson, Everett A., First Lieut., Medical Reserve Corps 912 Anderson, George S., Brigadier-General, Retired... 80 Anderson, Martin A., Comdr., U. S. N., Retired.. 2088 Anderson, Thomas M., Jr., Captain, 7th Infantry 284 Anderson, William H., Second Lieut, 30th Infantry. . 500 Anding, Sheldon W., First Lieut., 30th Infantry 610 Andrews, Henry M., Colonel, Retired 13 Andrews, Lincoln C, Captain, Cavalry 370 Apple, W. E., late Surgeon U. S. Volunteers 214 Archer, Deas, First Lieut., 26th Infantry 1433 Armitage, G. H., late Lieut. Volunteer Infantry 1114 Armstrong, G. K., late Lieut. Volunteer Infantry. ... 1189 Arnold, Alfred C, First Lieut., 26th Infantry 857 Arnold, Conway H., Rear Admiral, Retired 1223 Arnold, Percy W., Captain, 7th Cavalry 516 Arnold, Samuel B., Captain, Cavalry 1687 Arrowsmith, George D., Captain, Infantry 963 Arthur, William H., Colonel, Medical Corps 1230 Ashbrook, Roy W., First Lieut, Infantry 1461 Ashburn, Thomas Q., Major, Coast Artillery 1376 Athey, W. L., Contract Surgeon 869 Atkinson, Benjamin W., Lieut-Col., Infantry. 1762 Austin, F. C, Lieut., Coast Artillery 1577 Awl, F. A., Lieut., 9th Infantry (Resigned) 1778 Ayer, Ira, late Contract Surgeon 980 Ayer, Waldo E., Major, 2d Infantry 548 B Babcock, Campbell E., Captain, 28th Infantry 231 Babin, Provoost, Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 2081 Beach, Christian A., Captain, Sub. Department 309 Baer, Joseph A., Captain, 6th Cavalry 424 52 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Bailey, Guy G., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 547 Bailey, Hobart K, Colonel, Retired 131 Baily, Howard H., Captain, Medical Corps 1640 Bains, Thos. M., Lieut, 9th Infantry 477 Baird, George H., First Lieut., 11th Cavalry 1076 Baker, Charles T., Captain, Quartermaster Corps (Resigned) 207 Baker, David J., Jr., Major, Infantry 155 Baker, Frank Cole, Major, Medical Corps 2073 Baker, Jesse M., Major, Retired 381 Baker, Leonard T., Captain, 8th Infantry 1853 Baker, William B., Captain, Quartermaster Corps.. 2065 Baker, William P., late Asst. Surgeon U. S. Volun- teers 1046 Baldridge, Harry A., Lieut., U. S. N 1944 Baldwin, Frank D., Brigadier-General, Retired 282 Baldwin, Frank P., Lieut.-Comdr, U. S. N 908 Baldwin, Murray, Captain, 8th Infantry 995 Baldwin, Theodore A., Jr., Captain, 26th Infantry.. 1856 Ballard, R. T., Lieut, Philippine Scouts (Resigned) 1190 Balentine, A. T., Captain, Artillery Corps (Resigned) 1576 Ballin, Alfred, Captain, Philippine Scouts 1631 Bandholtz, Harry H., Major, 22d Infantry 753 Banister, William B., Lieut-Col., Medical Corps.. 1216 Bankhead, Henry M., Captain, 17th Infantry 303 ' Bannon, Philip M., Major, U. S. M. C 2079 Barber, Charles W., Captain, Infantry 602 Barber, Henry A., Major, Retired 737 Barker, Albert S., Rear Admiral, Retired 1974 Barker, John W., Captain, 3d Infantry 1544 Barnard, Joseph H., First Lieut, 5th Cavalry 257 Barnes, Harry C, Captain, 166th Co. Coast Artillery 1501 Barnes, John W., Captain 18th Infantry 1488 Barney, Fred M., late Contract Surgeon 1662 53 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Barnhardt, George C, Captain, 15th Cavalry 813 Barriger, William S., First Lieut, Cavalry 809 Barry, Archie W., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1883 Barry, John A., First Lieut., 2d Cavalry 1034 Barry, Michael H., Captain, Coast Artillery 1715 Barry, Thomas H., Major-General 781 Barton, Frank A., Captain, 3d Cavalry 389 Barton, John K, Engineer-in-Chief, U. S. N., Retired 190 Bates, John C, Lieut-General, Retired 1966 Bates, Walter T\, Captain, 27th Infantry 449 Bates, W'illiam G., late Captain U. S. Volunteers.. 1566 Batson, Matthew A., Captain, Retired 1994 Battle, John S., Captain, 11th Infantry 881 Battle, Marion S., Captain, Coast Artillery 1507 Beacham, Joseph W., Jr., Captain, 29th Infantry 302 Beach, William D., Colonel, 4th Cavalry 1222 Beacom, John H., Lieut-Col., Infantry 520 Bean, E. S., late Major U. S. Volunteers 1622 Bearss, Hiram I., Captain, Marine Corps 450 Beaumont, John C, Captain, Marine Corps 726 Beck, Paul W., Captain, 17th Infantry 961 Beckurtz, Charles L., Major, 5th Infantry (Resigned) 1593 Behr, Francis J., Captain, Coast Artillery 1725 Belknap, Reginald R., Comdr., U. S. N 1239 Bell, George, Jr., Lieut-Col., Infantry 934 Bell, Henry A., First Lieut, 18th Infantry 321 Bell, John A., Comdr., U. S. N., Retired 261 Bell, James E., Captain, 2d Infantry 351 Bell, J. Franklin, Major-General 1782 Bell, Ola W., Captain, 14th Cavalry 1367 Bell, William D., late Major U. S. Volunteers 600 Bell, William H., First Lieut., 11th Cavalry 1197 Benjamin, Julian A., Captain, 3d Cavalry 605 Bennett, Charles A., Colonel, Coast Artillery 1729 54 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Bennet, John B., Major, 27th Infantry 534 Bennett, William C, Major, 16th Infantry 210 Bent, Charles L., Captain, 30th Infantry (Resigned) 507 Benteen, Frederick W., Captain, 12th Infantry 1491 Benton, Frederick L., Surgeon, U. S. N 1682 Berkeley, Randolph C, Major, Marine Corps 1214 Berrien, Frank D., Lieut.-Comdr, U. S. N 1897 Berry, Lucien G., Lieut.-Col., 4th Field Artillery.. 1463 Berryman, Otway C, Colonel, Marine Corps, Retired 336 Bernard, Thomas P., First Lieut, 7th Cavalry 1201 Bertsch, William H., Captain, Quartermaster Corps 2056 Betts, Arlington U., late Captain Volunteer Infantry 1179 Biddle, David H., Captain, Cavalry 58 Biddle, John, Colonel, Engineers 15 Biddle, William P., Major-General, Comdt. U. S. M. C 1241 Bidwell, W. P., Lieut.-Col., Volunteers 1623 Bierbower, H. C, late Contract Surgeon U. S. N . . . 1403 Birkhimer, William E., Brigadier-General, Retired. 842 Birmingham, Henry P., Colonel, Medical Corps 16 Bisbee, William H., Brigadier-General, Retired 632 Bishop, Giles, Jr., Captain, Marine Corps 1736 Bishop, Harry G., Major, 5th Field Artillery 1777 Bishop, Hoel S., Colonel, 15th Cavalry 608 Bishop, William H., late Major U. S. Volunteers.. 1096 T3ispham, Harrison A., Captain, U. S. Navy 679 Bjornstad, Alfred W., Captain, 28th Infantry 1064 Black, A. J., Contract Surgeon 1004 Blackwood, Norman J., Surgeon, U. S. N 2064 Blaine, Robert, First Lieut., 10th Cavalry 1886 Blasland, Harry D., Captain, Quartermaster Corps. 1429 Blatchford, Richard M., Lieut.-Col., Infantry 93 Blocklinger, Gottfried, Rear Admiral, Retired 1933 Blockson, Augustus P., Lieut.-Col., 6th Cavalry 730 55 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Blue, Victor, Commander, U. S. N 909 Boak, Siebert D., First Lieut., Dental Surgeon 1047 Boiseau, Louis T., Captain, Field Artillery 1533 Bomford, George N., Captain, 22d Infantry 247 Bomus, Peter S., Colonel, Retired 233 Bonnaffon, Edmund W., Pay Inspector, U. S. N 1790 Bonnaffon, Sylvester, 3d, Captain, Quartermaster Corps 324 Bootes, James T., Captain, U. S. M. C 1307 Booth, Alfred J., First Lieut., 2d Infantry 906 Booth, Ewing E., Captain, 7th Cavalry 1413 Boschen, Frederick W., First Lieut., 16th Infantry.. 1656 Bottoms, Sam F., Major, Coast Artillery 1132 Boughter, Francis, late Lieut. U. S. N 678 Boughton, Daniel H., Lieut.-Col., 8th Cavalry 957 Bourke, James, Captain, Medical Corps 1434 Bourns, Frank S., late Major and Chief Surgeon U. S. Volunteers 1198 Bowdish, Myron B., Lieut., 10th Cavalry (Resigned) 594 Bowen, Frank S., Captain, 20th Infantry 556 Bowen, William H. C, Colonel, 12th Infantry 634 Bowen, William S., Captain, Coast Artillery 1536 Bowie, Hamilton, Captain, 13th Cavalry 1195 Bowne, William R., Paymaster, U. S. N 1131 Bowman, George T., Captain, 6th Cavalry 1018 Bowman, Walter O., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 674 Boyer, Perry L., Captain, Medical Corps, U. S. A. 950 Brackett, William, Captain, U. S. M. C 672 Bradley, Alfred E., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps 490 Bradshaw, George B., Commander, U. S. N 1399 Brady, John R., Lieut-Commander, U. S. N 1282 Brainard, David L., Colonel, Quartermaster Corps . . 1998 Brander, William W., Chaplain, 15th Cavalry 811 Brazee, A. J., late Capt. U. S. Volunteer Infantry.. 377 56 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Braunersrenther, William, Commodore, U. S. N., Re- tired 1328 Brechemin, Louis, Colonel, Medical Corps 244 Brechemin, Louis, Jr., Major, Medical Corps 798 Breckenridge, James C, Captain, U. S. M. C. ..... . 1381 Brees, Herbert J., Captain, Cavalry 1431 Brewer, Isaac W., late Lieut., Medical Reserve Corps 1800 Brewster, Andre W., Major, U. S. Infantry 1761 Bricker, Edwin D., Major, Ordnance Department.. 1554 Bricker, William F., Lieut-Commander, U. S. N 1986 Briggs, Allan L., Captain, 26th Infantry 1368 Briggs, John B., Commander, U. S. N., Retired.. 1351 Briggs, Raymond W., Captain, Field Artillery 522 Bright, Albert J., Lieut., 2d Infantry (Resigned) . . 914 Brister, John M., Surgeon, U. S. N 1133 Brittain, Carlo B., Commander, U. S. N 1281 Brooks, J. C. W r ., late Major U. S. Volunteers 1920 Brooks, John D., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A . . 1679 Brooks, Robert E., Captain, Philippine Scouts.... 1185 Brooke, William, Captain 30th Infantry 1866 Brown, Arthur W., Captain, Infantry, U. S. A 996 Brown, Ira C, First Lieut, Medical Reserve Corps 616 Brown, George Le. R., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired.. 1458 Brown, Preston, Captain, 17th Infantry 658 Brown, Philip S., Captain, U. S. M. C 1699 Brown, Robert A., Major, Cavalry 1605 Brown, Thomas W., First Lieut., 27th Infantry 966 Brown, William C, Lieut-Col., Cavalry 953 Brush, Daniel H., Brgiadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 404 Bryan, Benjamin C, Captain, U. S. N 151 Bubb, John W., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 1483 Buchan, Fred E., Captain, 6th Cavalry 1639 Buchanan, Allen, Lieut.-Commander, U. S. N 501 57 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Buchanan, Edmund A., First Lieut, 2d Cavalry 1818 Buck, Carroll D., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A 1150 Buckey, Mervyn C, Major, Coast Artillery 1769 Buffington, Abraham P., Major, 21st Infantry 755 Bugge, Jens, Captain, U. S. A 2072 Bujac, Etienne de Pellissier, late Lieut. Volunteer Infantry 2006 Bull, James A., Paymaster, U. S. N 1414 Bullard, William H. G., Commander, U. S. N 1324 Bulmer, Bayard T\, Lieut, U. S. N 1651 Bulmer, Roscoe C, Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 1596 Bundy, Omar, Lieut-Col., 11th Infantry 1775 Bunker, Clarence G., Captain, Coast Artillery 1706 Burkhardt, Samuel, Jr., Major, 19th Infantry 834 Burnett, Charles, First Lieut., 4th Cavalry 793 Burnham, William P., Lieut-Col., 20th Infantry.... 297 Burns, Robert, late Major U. S. Volunteers 527 Burroughs, James M., Captain, 2d Cavalry 1569 Burt, Andrew S., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 425 Burt, Charles C, Captain, Coast Artillery 1704 Burt, Charles P., Lieut-Commander, U. S. N 1672 Burt, Reynolds J., Captain, 27th Infantry 350 Burt, William H., Captain, 4th Field Artillery 1829 Burtt, Wilson B., Captain, 20th Infantry 972 Bussche, Carl F., late Lieut. 18th Infantry 366 Butler, Henry V., Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 1280 Butler, Lawrence P., Captain, 4th Infantry 659 Butler, Rodman, First Lieut., 2d Cavalry 571 Buttler, William C, Colonel, 24th Infantry 17 Buttrick, James T., Captain, U. S. M. C 586 Byram, George L., Major, Cavalry 1 Byrne, Charles, Lieut-Col., U. S. A., Retired 138 Byron, J. C, Major, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1789 58 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO C Carabao No. Cabell, De Rosey C, Major, 11th Cavalry 1668 Cabell, Julian M., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1226 Caldwell, H. H., late Captain U. S. A 1314 Caldwell, Robert G., First Lieut, Infantry 383 Caldwell, Samuel, First Lieut, Philippine Scouts (Re- signed) 1676 Cameron, Francis H., Jr., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 792 Campbell, Archibald, Lieut-Col., Coast Artillery... 1256 Campbell, Chandler, Captain, U. S. M. C 1113 Camp, Beauford R., First Lieut, 9th Cavalry 1887 Canby, James, Major, Quartermaster Corps 1467 Cannon, William C, Major, U. S. A 454 Capehart, Edward E., Captain, U. S. N 203 Capps, Washington L., Chief Constructor, U. S. N. 1834 Carleton, Guy, Lieut-Col., 3d Cavalry 598 Carleton, William A., Captain, 30th Infantry 1100 Carnahan, Earl C, Major, Quartermaster Corps 102 Carpenter, Charles C, Captain, U. S. M. C 1904 Carr, Clark M., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1636 Carr, Daniel J., Major, Signal Corps 1312 Carr, Irving J., Captain, 7th Infantry 1155 Carson, Adam C, late Captain, 28th Volunteer In- fantry 1811 Cartmell, Nathaniel M., First Lieut, 3d Cavalry 1819 Case, David B., Captain, Quartermaster Corps 1634 Cassatt, Edward B., Captain, U. S. A. (Resigned) . . 1665 Casteel, Delphey T. E., Captain, 6th Cavalry 1409 Castle, Chas. W., Captain, 11th Infantry 1820 Castle, Guy W. S., Lieut, U. S. N 1862 Castle, William A., Captain, 9th Infantry 657 Castleman, Kenneth G., Lieut., U. S. N 1298 Catlin, Albertus W., Major, U. S. M. C 1929 Cavenaugh, William A., Captain, 15th Infantry 332 59 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Chadwick, Francis L., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1235 Chaffee, Adna R., Lieut-General, U. S. A., Retired.. 184 Chalmers, T. C, late Major U. S. Volunteers 260 Chambers, Washington I., Captain, U. S. N 1301 Chamberlain, Fred V. S., Captain, 2d Infantry 892 Chamberlin, De Witt W., Captain, 2d Infantry 582 Chandler, Chas. de F., Captain, Signal Corps 1637 Chappelear, Louis S., Captain, Coast Artillery 1523 Chase, Alpha M., First Lieut, Medical Reserve Corps 1732 Chase, George F., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 1978 Cheatham, B. Frank, Major, Quartermaster Corps.. 119 Cheatham, Lindzy E., Captain, Philippine Scouts... 1865 Cheney, Sherwood A., Major, Engineers, U. S. A... 1816 Childs, Marshall, Captain, 25th Infantry 1487 Christie, A. La Rue, Captain, 22d Infantry 609 Clare, James P., late Lieut., U. S. A 1799 Clark, Albin L., 2d Lieut, U. S. A., Retired 911 Clark, Charles A., late Lieut., U. S. Volunteers 1923 Clark, Charles C, Major, 15th Infantry 1547 Clark, Elmer W., Captain, 21st Infantry 1941 Clark, Wallis O., Major, U. S. A., Retired 264 Clarke, Adna G., Captain, Coast Artillery 1714 Clarke, Walter L., Captain, Signal Corps 174 Clayton, Bertram T., Major, Quartermaster Corps.. 699 Clayton, Powell, Jr., Captain, 11th Cavalry 993 Clement, Henry C, Jr., Captain, 29th Infantry 1038 Clifford, William H., late Captain U. S. M. C 1347 Clinton, James W., Captain, 12th Infantry 220 Cloman, Sydney A., Major, 26th Infantry 837 Clotworthy, H. Lee, late Lieut., U. S. Volunteers . . 1987 Cocheu, Frank S., Captain, 10th Infantry 1788 Cochran, William B., Captain, Quartermaster Corps 349 Cole, Casper W., Captain, 15th Cavalry 676 Cole, Cyrus W., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1291 60 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Cole, Frederick W., Captain, Quartermaster Dept. (Resigned) 222 Cole, James A., Major, Quartermaster Corps 734 Cole, Otis R., First Lieut., 27th Infantry 1143 Collins, Edgar T., Captain, 6th Infantry 625 Colman, N., Veterinary Surgeon 1422 Colwell, John C, Captain, U. S. N., Retired 229 Combe, F. J., late Major and Surgeon U. S. Vols.. 611 Comegys, William H., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 230 Comer, James McD., Lieut., 16th Infantry (Resigned) 444 Comly, George B., Captain, 3d Cavalry 394 Commiskey, Archibald F., Captain, 7th Cavalry 974 Como, James H., Captain, Quartermaster Corps 1690 Compton, Goodwin, First Lieut, 13th Infantry 1731 Conger, Edward H., First Lieut., U. S. M. C 1765 Cone, Hutch I., Engineer-in-Chief, U. S. N 1958 Conklin, Arthur S., Major, Coast Artillery 162 Connolly, George F., Captain, Coast Artillery 622 Connolly, Patrick A., Captain, 26th Infantry 1439 Conrad, Caspar H., Jr., Captain, Cavalry 391 Conrad, William D., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 529 Constien, Edward T., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1756 Conway, James, Lieut, Philippine Scouts (Resigned) 1122 Cook, Norman E., Captain, Philippine Scouts 783 Cook, William H., late Major and Surgeon U. S. V. 89 Cooke, George F., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 758 Cooke, Lorenzo W., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 566 Cooley, William M., First Lieut., 6th Cavalry 448 Coolidge, Charles A., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 839 Cooper, George F., Commander, U. S. N 1353 Cootes, Harry N., Captain, 13th Cavalry 1141 Coppock, Edward R., First Lieut., 2d Cavalry 397 61 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Corbly, John B., First Lieut., 25th Infantry 1693 Cordier, Constant, Captain, 26th Infantry 607 Cordray, David P., Captain, 26th Infantry 1658 Corey, John B. W., Captain, Field Artillery 1036 Corey, Milo C, Captain, 23d Infantry 1067 Corliss, Robert C, Lieut., Philippine Scouts (Re- signed) 1099 Cornish, Lester W., Major, U. S. A., Retired 1542 Corwine, R. M., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteer Infantry 681 Cotten, Lyman A., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1262 Cotter, John, Major, U. S. A., Retired 1774 Coughlan, Timothy M., Captain, 1st Cavalry 1033 Coulter, Richard, Colonel, Pa. National Guard 2034 Cowin, William B., Captain, 3d Cavalry 241 Coxe, Alexander B., Captain, 8th Cavalry 1543 Crabtree, George H., Major, Medical Corps 707 Crago, Thomas S., late Captain Volunteer Infantry 2007 Craig, John W., Captain, 12th Cavalry 1050 Craig, Malin, Captain, 1st Cavalry 40 Craighill, William E., Lieut.-Col., Engineers 4 Craigie, David J., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 211 Cralle, G. Maury, Captain, 11th Infantry 301 Crank, Robert K., Comdr., U. S. N 1400 Cranston, Arthur, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1972 Cravens, Lanier, Lieut., Artillery Corps (Resigned) 1527 Cravens, Richard K., Captain, Coast Artillery 1535 Crawford, Charles, Major, 20th Infantry 310 Crawford, Samuel D., First Lieut, Philippine Scouts 1857 Creary, William F., Captain, 8th Infantry 1609 Crimmins, Martin L., Captain, 16th Infantry 829 Crockett, Thomas B., Lieut, 24th Infantry (Re- signed 480 Croft, Edward, Captain, 19th Infantry 850 62 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Crosby, William D., Lieut-Col., Medical Corps 1780 Crosley, Walter S., Comdr., U. S. N 1770 Crossfield, A. C, late Captain U. S. Vol. Infantry.. 347 Crowder, Enoch H., Brigadier-General, U. S. A 1319 Crozier, William, Brigadier-General, U. S. A 1225 Cruse, Fred T., First Lieut, 5th Field Artillery.... 1927 Cruse, Thomas, Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps . . 77 Cullison, Jesse M., Captain, 2d Infantry 913 Culver, Clarence C, First Lieut., 7th Cavalry 808 Cunningham, Mack K., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.. 1051 Curry, George, late Captain U. S. Volunteers 200 Curtis, Lawrence A., Captain, 22d Infantry 317 Curzon, H. E., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1615 Cushman, Guy, Captain, 11th Cavalry 563 D Dabney, Ward, First Lieut., 21st Infantry 785 Dale, Frederick A., Major, Medical Corps 1264 Dallam, Samuel F., Captain, 5th Cavalry 779 Dalton, Albert C, Captain, 29th Infantry 323 Dalton, Harry F., Captain, U. S. Infantry 2030 Daly, Beverly C, First Lieut, U. S. A., Retired... 508 Daly, Francis J., Passed Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. 1877 Darnall, Carl R., Major, Medical Corps 1943 Darrah, Thomas W., Captain, 29th Infantry 1056 Davidson, Fred L., Captain, 7th Infantry 1633 Davidson, Joseph T., Major, Quartermaster Corps 741 Davies, A. L. B., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1850 Davis, Alexander M., Major, Quartermaster Corps 353 Davis, Cleland, Commander, U. S. N 1268 Davis, Edward, Captain, 13th Cavalry 1097 Davis, Frank B., Captain, 14th Infantry 952 Davis, George B., Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps. 832 63 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Davis, Glenn H., Captain, 12th Infantry 1485 Davis, Thomas F., Colonel, 18th Infantry 1001 Davis, William R., Captain, Medical Corps 1913 Davison, Lorenzo P., Major, U. S. A., Retired 409 Davison, Peter W., Captain, 15th Infantry 456 Day, Frederick R., Major, 30th Infantry 18 Day, John H. A., Captain, U. S. M. C 1219 Day, Matthias W., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 1048 Dean, Warren, Captain, 15th Cavalry 1545 Decker, Corbin J., Surgeon, U. S. N., Retired 1302 De Court, Julian, Captain, Philippine Scouts 1158 Deems, Clarence, Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 1970 Deems, Clarence, Jr., Captain, 1st Field Artillery.. 969 De Funiak, Frederick R., Jr., Captain, 6th Infantry. 526 Degen, John Alden, Lieut, 12th Cavalry 2031 De Laney, Matthew A., Major, Medical Corps 1697 Delano, Frederick H., Captain, U. S. M. C 923 Delaplane, Channing E., First Lieut, 11th Infantry.. 887 Denny, Frank L., Colonel, U. S. M. C 1352 Dent, Elliott J., Captain, Engineer Corps 983 Dent, John C, Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 238 Dentler, Clarence E., Lieut-Col., U. S. A 1981 De Russy, Isaac D., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 470 Dessez, P. T., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 670 De Valin, Charles M., Surgeon, U. S. N 1735 Devore, Daniel B., Major, U. S. Infantry 2032 De Witt, John L., Captain, 20th Infantry 307 De Witt, Wallace, Major, Medical Corps 283 Dickey, W. E., last Assistant Engineer, U. S. N . . . 1739 Dickins, Randolph, Colonel, U. S. M. C 61 Dickson, Thomas J., Chaplain, 6th Field Artillery.. 1186 Dinger, Henry C, Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1244 Diss, J. W. F., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 865 64 0\ ON oo o O MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Doane, William G., Captain, 25th Infantry 123 Dodds, Frank L., Lieut-Col., U. S. A 495 Doherty, William H., Paymaster, U. S. N 874 Dohrman, Frederick, late Lieut, U. S. Volunteers.. 1089 Dolph, Cyrus A., Captain, 8th Infantry 1455 Donnelly, Edward T., Captain, Field Artillery 1705 Dorcy, Ben H., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1678 Dorey, Halstead, Captain, 4th Infantry 943 Dorrington, La F. H., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers. 357 Dougherty, William E., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 72 Douglas, Richard S., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1248 Downey, George F., Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps 120 Doyle, Fred C, Captain, 1st Field Artillery 739 Drake, C. M., late Major and Surgeon U. S. Vols. 750 Dravo, Edward E., Colonel, Quartermaster Corps.. 1546 Du Bois, Frank, late Captain and Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A 720 Dudley, Clark D., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1022 Duggan, Walter T., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 617 Duke, Thomas T., First Lieut., 18th Infantry 960 Duncan, George B., Major, 9th Infantry 181 Duncan, George O., First Lieut, U. S. A., Retired.. 1017 Dunn, John H., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1797 Dunning, Samuel W., Lieut-Col., Infantry 639 Durfee, Lucius L., Major, 26th Infantry 365 Dutton, Robert McM., Major, U. S. M. C 922 Dutton, Salmon F., Captain, Quartermaster Corps.. 941 Dyer, Jesse F., Captain, U. S. M. C 2025 E Eastman, Frank F., Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps 295 Easton, Alpha T., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1931 65 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Eastwick, P. G., Jr., late Major U. S. Volunteers.. 867 Eaton, Charles P., Comdr., U. S. N., Retired 1398 Eberle, Edward W., Captain, U. S. N 1272 Eberle, H. A., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A 1023 Echols, Charles P., Lieut.-Col., U. S. A 1563 Edgar, Webster A., Comdr., U. S. N 1808 Edger, Benjamin J., Jr., Major, Medical Corps 872 Edie, Guy L., Colonel, Medical Corps I 1334 Edwards, Clarence R., Brigadier-General, U. S. A.. 1252 Edwards, Oliver, Captain, 5th Infantry 345 Ekwurzel, George M., Major, Medical Corps 877 Ellicott, John M., Captain, U. S. N 1700 Elliot, Duncan, Captain, 5th Cavalry 1401 Elliott, George F., Major-General, U. S. M. C, Re- tired 1251 Elliot, H. W., late Captain and Surgeon, U. S. Vols. 1146 Elliott, Walter B., Captain, Infantry 1644 Elliott, William, Captain, Quartermaster Corps 227 Ellis, Nolan V., First Lieut, 19th Infantry 889 Ellis, Richard T., Captain, Coast Artillery 1950 Elmore, Vincent M., Captain, 24th Infantry 650 Eltinge, Le Roy, Captain, 15th Cavalry 815 Ely, Eugene J., First Lieut., 5th Cavalry 817 Ely, Frank D., Captain, 16th Infantry 2033 Ely, H. E., Captain, 7th Cavalry 1172 Emery, Jonas A., Major, U. S. A., Retired 1010 Endicott, Francis C, First Lieut, 5th Infantry.... 984 England, Lloyd, Captain, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1734 Enos, Copley, First Lieut, 1st Cavalry 920 Eppley, Kurtz, Lieut., 8th Infantry (Resigned) .... 988 Errington, Charles H., Captain, 11th Infantry 886 Erwin, Isaac, Captain, 30th Infantry 1053 Eskridge, Oliver S., Captain, 10th Infantry 998 Estes, George H., Captain, 20th Infantry 331 66 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Esty, Thomas B., First Lieut., 14th Cavalry 1257 Evans, Frederick D., Major, Infantry 1648 Evans, Frank T., Lieut. -Comdr., U. S. N 796 Evans, Herbert L., Captain, 17th Infantry 1357 Evans, Robert K., Brigadier-General, U. S. A 88 Evans, William P., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 75 Exton, Charles W., Captain, 20th Infantry. . . . 300 F Fairchild, David S., Jr., late Surgeon U. S. V 1940 Fairfax, John C, First Lieut., 21st Infantry 1673 Faison, Samson L., Lieut-Col., 5th Infantry 51 Falconer, Walter M., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1287 Falls, Moor N., Captain, 28th Infantry, U. S. A.... 1477 Farenholt, Ammen, Surgeon, U. S. N 875 Fassett, William M., Captain, 22d Infantry 638 Faulkner, Albert U., Captain, Field Artillery 1918 Faulkner, William S., Captain, 23d Infantry 1124 Fauntleroy, Powell C, Major, Medical Corps 1999 Fechet, Eugene O., Lieut.-Col., U. S. A., Retired... 206 Feeny, John M., late Contract Surgeon 1134 Felker, Luther, First Lieut., 2d Cavalry ,.. 1874 Feland, Logan, Captain, U. S. M. C 1549 Felts, Robert L., late Contract Surgeon 1005 Fenner, Edward B., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1408 Ferguson, Arthur M., Captain, 14th Infantry 1258 Ferguson, Flenry T., Major, U. S. Infantry 1875 Ffoulkes, Bruce, late Contract Surgeon 1627 Figgins, D. W., late Lieut.-Col. U. S. Volunteers.. 1680 Filmer, George, late Colonel U. S. Volunteers 1602 Finch, Charles C, Lieut., 12th Infantry (Resigned) 1110 Finley, John P., Major, U. S. A 2035 Finley, Walter L., Colonel, 1st Cavalry 973 67 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Fischer, Charles H., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1807 Fisk, Asa F., late Captain, U. S. A 1088 Fitch, Roger S., Captain, 2d Cavalry 891 Fitzpatrick, Charles, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers 2086 Fleischhauer, William G., Captain, 25th Infantry 1667 Fleming, Lawrence J., Captain, 6th Cavalry 1284 Fonda, Ferdinand W., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.. 596 Foote, Stephen M., Colonel Coast Artillery 1240 Ford, Clyde S., Major, Medical Corps 49 Foreman, Albert W., Captain, 20th Infantry 90 Forney, James, Brigadier-General, U. S. M. C, Re- tired 716 Forse, William, Captain, 45th Coast Artillery 1903 Forsyth, William D., Captain, Cavalry 986 Fortescue, Granville R., Captain, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1356 Foster, Herbert S., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 1486 Foster, Leo F., Captain, 109th Co. Coast Artillery.. 1703 Foulois, Benjamin D., First Lieut., 7th Infantry.... 1153 Foxworthy, Frank W., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 2010 Franklin, Thomas, Captain, U. S. A. (Resigned) . . 7 Fredendall, Ira L., Major, Quartermaster Corps... 746 Frederick, Daniel A., Colonel, 22d Infantry 1006 Fremont, John C, Jr., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1938 French, Francis H., Colonel, 2d Infantry 360 Frier, James H., Captain, Infantry 1145 Frisbee, Floyd L., late Lieut. Philippine Scouts 982 Frissell, Thomas T., Captain, 11th Infantry 100 Fuger, Albert S., Captain, Field Artillery 1582 Fuger, Frederick W., Captain, 13th Infantry 493 Fuller, Arthur L., Captain, Coast Artillery 1956 Fuller, Ben H., Lieut.-Col., U. S. M. C 1835 Fuller, Elverton E., First Lieut., 12th Infantry 1795 Fuller, Lawson M., Major, U. S. A., Retired 1350 Fulmer, John J., First Lieut, 7th Infantry 1496 68 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Furlong, Francis M., Surgeon, U. S. N 1663 Furlong, John W., Captain, 6th Cavalry 731 Furlow, James W., Captain, 7th Infantry 577 G Galbraith, Jacob G., Lieut.-Col., 4th Cavalry 240 Gale, George H. G., Colonel, Cavalry 1156 Galleher, Paul C, Captain, 13th Infantry 1065 Gambrill, William G, Major, Quartermaster Corps 759 Gandy, Charles M., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps 569 Gardener, Cornelius, Colonel, 16th Infantry 840 Garrard, Joseph, Colonel, 15th Cavalry 1964 Garrard, Louis F., Jr., Major, Quartermaster Corps 691 Gasser, Lorenzo D., Captain, Infantry 958 Gearing, Henry C, Commander, U. S. N 1382 Geere, Frank, Captain, 170th Co. Coast Artillery... 1137 Getty, Robert N., Colonel, 27th Infantry 44 Gherandi, Walter R., Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 1320 Gibbon, John, late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1906 Gibbons, John H., Captain, U. S. N 19 Gibson, Robert J., Lieut.-Col., U. S. A., Retired.... 981 Gibson, William R., Captain 2d Infantry 355 Gienty, Daniel H., Captain, 12th Cavalry 1370 Gill, William A., Captain, U. S. N 1261 Gillmore, James C, Commodore, U. S. N., Retired 1654 Gillmore, William E., First Lieut, 28th Infantry.... 621 Gilmer, Ellison L., Captain, Coast Artillery 1579 Gilmore, John C, Jr., Major, Coast Artillery 1390 Gilmer, William W., Captain, U. S. N 905 Gillis, George S., First Lieut., 12th Infantry 1432 Gillis, Irvin V., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1149 Gilpin, Chas. Edward, late Lieut. U. S. N 2005 Gilson, R. M., Captain, U. S. M. C, Resigned 219 69 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Glasgow, Edward L., Captain, 156th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1726 Glenn, Edwin F., Colonel, 23d Infantry 269 Glennan, James D., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps 130 Godfrey, Edward S., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 2022 Godson, William F. H., Captain, 10th Cavalry 1779 Godwin, Edward A., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1619 Gohn, Joseph F., Captain, 19th Infantry 1657 Goldsborough, Washington L., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 205 Golderman, Philip S., Captain, 22d Co. Coast Artil- lery 1532 Goodale, William M., Captain 19th Infantry 515 Goodrich, George K, Captain, 30th Infantry 949 Goodrich, Paul M., First Lieut, 11th Infantry 488 Goolsby, William E., late Lieut. 21st Infantry 452 Gordon, Charles M., Jr., Captain, 6th Infantry 540 Goulding, Timothy F., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1754 Gove, Charles A., Captain, U. S. N 1306 Gracie, William B., Captain, Infantry 2076 Grady, John, Lieut., U. S. N 1905 Graham, Alden M., First Lieut., 1st Cavalry 921 Graham, James M., Captain, 19th Infantry 836 Graham, William B., Captain, 20th Infantry 599 Grant, Frank A., Major, Quartermaster Corps 698 Grant, Homer B., Captain, 117th Co. Coast Artillery 1513 Grant, Walter S., Captain, 3d Cavalry 393 Graves, William S., Major, 20th Infantry 330 Green, Frank E., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 579 Greene, Francis V., Major-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1979 Green, John F., Lieut, U. S. N 1012 70 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Green, Ned M., Lieut, 15th Infantry 2074 Greene, Henry A., Colonel, 10th Infantry 1231 Greenough, Ernest A., Captain, 150th Co. Coast Ar- tillery 1505 Gregg, Harry W., First Lieut., Infantry 1910 Gregg, La Vergne L., First Lieut., Infantry 315 Gregory, Daniel D., First Lieut., 5th Cavalry 955 Greig, Alexander, Jr., Captain, 96th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1515 Griffin, Francis W., Captain, Field Artillery 1664 Griffith, Thomas W., Lieut.-Col, Infantry 1617 Griffiths, Joseph H., Captain, Infantry 2016 Grimes, George M., Captain, 30th Infantry 287 Grove, Washington B., Surgeon, U. S. N 1973 Grubbs, Robert B., Major, Medical Corps 700 Grunert, George, First Lieut., 11th Cavalry 1465 Guest, Middleton S., Surgeon, U. S. N., Retired.. 224 Guilfoyle, John F., Colonel, 9th Cavalry 1249 Gulick, John W., Captain, Coast Artillery 1575 Gulick, Louis M., Captain, U. S. M. C 1589 Gustin, Morrow C, late Lieut. Philippine Scouts.. 1423 Guthrie, Joseph A., Surgeon, U. S. N., Retired.... 1741 Guthrie, James V., Lieut., 20th Infantry (Resigned) 333 Guyer, George D., Major, 16th Infantry 535 H Haan, William G., Lieut.-Col., Coast Artillery 20 Hack, Charles W., late Captain U. S. Volunteers.. 985 Hadra, Fred, Medical Reserve Corps (Resigned).. 1338 Hacker, Theodore B., Major, Quartermaster Corps 145 Haines, Henry C, Lieut.-Col., U. S. M. C 2012 Haines, John P., Major, Coast Artillery 524 Hale, Harry C, Lieut.-Col., Infantry 12 71 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Halford, Elijah W., Lieut-Col., U. S. A., Retired.. 1212 Halford, Frank, Captain, U. S. M. C 1112 Hall, Charles B., Major-General, U. S. A., Retired 472 Hall, Eugene F., Paymaster, U. S. N 2023 Hall, Harrison, Captain, 42d Co. Coast Artillery... 1953 Hall, Herman, Major, 12th Infantry 1608 Hall, J. De Camp, Capt, 4th Infantry 1441 Hall, James F., Major, Medical Corps 1101 Hall, Reynold T., Captain, U. S. N 1377 Hall, William E., First Lieut, Medical Corps 1163 Halloran, Paul S., Major, Medical Corps 1864 Halsey, William F., Captain, U. S. N., Retired.... 1992 Hamilton, Alston, Major, Coast Artillery 1498 Hamilton, Louis McLane, Lieut, 14th Infantry (Re- signed) 1162 Hamilton, Robert L., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 278 Hampton, Kensey J., Major, Quartermaster Corps. . . 990 Hancock, William F., Major, U. S. A., Retired.... 825 Hand, Daniel W., Captain, 2d Field Artillery...... 1524 Handy, Joseph B., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 2014 Hanford, E. C, Lieut, 1st Cavalry (Resigned) . . . 1671 Hanna, N. J., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1921 Hannay, John R. R., Captain, 22d Infantry 1935 Hanson, Linwood E., Captain, 9th Infantry 1503 Harbord, James G., Captain, Cavalry 1821 Hardaway, Benjamin F., Captain, 17th Infantry.... 1666 Hardin, Edward K, Lieut-Col., U. S. A., Retired.. 2009 Hardin, Joseph S., Captain, 142d Co. Coast Artillery 1707 Harding, Arthur E., Captain, U. S. M. C 2015 Harding, John E., Lieut., U. S. Volunteers 2077 Hardman, Albert, First Lieut., 4th Infantry 1481 Hare, Luther R., Major, U. S. A., Retired 1427 Harker, Thomas R., Captain, 20th Infantry 645 Harlee, William C, Captain, U. S. M. C 782 72 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Harper, Roy B., Captain, Cavalry 168 Harris, Archer ]., Captain, 2d Infantry 776 Harris, H. S., late Lieut., 3d Field Artillery 1855 Harris, Henry S. T. s Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps... 82 Harris, Henry T. B., Paymaster-General, U. S. N., Retired 189 Harris, Hunter, First Lieut., 9th Infantry 476 Harrison, Archibald I., late Lieut. 21st Infantry 481 Harrison, William R., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.. 1712 Hart, Verling K., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1C58 Hart, William H., Major, Quartermaster Corps.... 942 Hartigan, Thomas L., late Major U. S. Volunteers. 1095 Hartman, John D. L., Major, Cavalry 631 Hartmann, Carl F., Major, Signal Corps 173 Hartmann, Edward T., Captain, 7th Infantry...... 649 Hartsock, Frederick M., Major, Medical Corps 1421 Harvey, Walter, Captain, 14th Infantry 504 Hasbrouck, Alfred, Captain, 141st Co. Coast Artil- lery 1954 Hasbrouck, Alfred, Lieut-Col., 18th Infantry 2042 Hasson, John P., First Lieut, 6th Cavalry 521 Hatfield, Charles A. P., Colonel, 13th Cavalry 1683 Hathaway, Forrest H., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 140 Hausserman, John W., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers. 1192 Hawkins, Frank B., Captain, 27th Infantry 1495 Hayes, Jack, Captain, Infantry 510 Hayes, Webb C, late Lieut.-Col. U. S. Volunteers . . 803 Hays, Melville A., late Contract Surgeon U. S. A.. . . 1084 Hay ward, George N., Commander, U. S. N 1388 Hazzard, Oliver P. M., Captain, 9th Cavalry 395 Hazzard, Russell T., late Lieut., 1st Cavalry 530 Heard, John W, Lieut.-Col, U. S. A 1895 Heap, Samuel L., Pay Director, U. S. N 1229 73 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Hearn, Roscoe H., First Lieut., 9th Infantry 541 Heath, Herbert Lee, late Captain 2d Oregon Vol- unteer Infantry 2061 Heavey, John W., Major, 14th Infantry 1015 Hedekin, Charles A., Major, 15th Cavalry 388 Hegeman, Harry A., Captain, 21st Infantry 831 Heiberg, Elvin R., Captain, 5th Cavalry 561 Heidt, Grayson V., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1086 Heidt, James V., Captain, 1st Infantry 248 Hein, Otto L., Lieut.-Col., U. S. A., Retired 163 Heller, Joseph M., late Major and Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers 289 Hellweg, Julius R, Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1685 Helm, Francis P., Jr., late Ensign U. S. N 900 Helm, James M., Rear Admiral, U. S. N 193 Hemphill, Joseph N., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 1271 Heintzelman, Stuart, Captain, 6th Cavalry 96 Heistand, Henry O. S., Colonel, A. G. Dept, U. S. A. 503 Heizmann, Charles L., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired.. 87 Hennessey, Peter J., Lieut, 15th Cavalry 1917 Henry, Guy V., Captain, 13th Cavalry 1574 Henry, J. N., late Major U. S. Volunteers 147 Herbert, William C, Captain, U. S. N., Retired.... 1861 Herr, Charles F., First Lieut., 22d Infantry 322 Herringshaw, William F., Captain, 13th Cavalry 994 Hersey, Mark L., Major, 18th Infantry 489 Hershler, Fred W., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.... 1612 Hess, Louis T., Major, Medical Corps 1182 Hickey, James B., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 603 Hickok, Howard R., Captain, 15th Cavalry 1019 Hicks, George L., Jr., Captain, 17th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1600 74 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Higgins, James A., First Lieut., 25th Infantry 1489 Hilgard, Milosh R., Captain, 15th Infantry 514 Hill, Charles S, Major, U. S. M. C 1801 Hillman, James W., Chaplain, 16th Infantry 545 Hines, Frank T., Captain, Coast Artillery 91 Hitt, Parker, Captain, Infantry 320 Hirshinger, Herbert J., Captain, U. S. M. C 1930 Hobbs, Charles W., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 851 Hobbs, Horace P., Captain, 17th Infantry 1963 Hogue, G. I., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A 848 Holcomb, Richmond C, Surgeon, U. S. N 2089 Holden, George J., Captain, 13th Infantry 790 Holley, Dwight E., Major, 23d Infantry 1361 Holley, George M., Captain, 8th Infantry 1148 Holliday, Milton G., First Lieut, 8th Cavalry 1020 Hooker, Richard S., Captain, U. S. M. C 1387 Hopkins, Frank E., Captain, 1st Field Artillery 1511 Hopkins, Jay P., Captain, 74th Co. Coast Artillery.. 765 Hopkins, William, Captain, U. S. M. C 380 Horton, William E., Major, Quartermaster Corps . . 1227 Houston, James B., Lieut.-Col., Quartermaster Corps 736 Howard, Charles E. N., Captain, 55th Co. Coast Ar- tillery 833 Howard, Harold P., Captain, 14th Cavalry 1183 Howard, John, Captain, 19th Infantry 560 Howard, Thomas B., Rear Admiral, U. S. N 1274 Howard, William L., Captain, U. S. N 2011 Howell, James F., Captain, 52d Co. Coast Artillery 1791 Howland, Charles R., Captain, 21st Infantry 47 Howland, Harry S., Captain, 16th Infantry 106 Howland, Stanley, late Lieut. 24th Infantry (Re- signed) 568 H'owze, Robert L., Major, 11th Cavalry 1303 75 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Hoyt, Ralph W., Brigadier-General, U. S. A 879 Hubbard, George O., Captain, Coast Artillery 1528 Hughes, John A., Captain, U. S. M. C 743 Hughes, John L., Captain, 26th Co. Coast Artillery 1578 Hughes, Leonard S., Lieut., U. S. M. C 2066 Hughes, William N., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.... 1610 Huguet, Adolphe H., Captain, Infantry 245 Hull, John A., Colonel, J. A. G. Dept 1342 Humphrey, Charles F., Major-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 112 Humphrey, Charles R, Jr., Captain, 12th Infantry.. 290 Hunsaker, Irvin L., First Lieut., 11th Cavalry 403 Hunt, Henry J., Major, 11th Infantry 1460 Hunter, Charles H., Colonel, Coast Artillery 60 Hunter, George K., Colonel, 7th Cavalry 127 Hunter, Thomas M., First Lieut, 6th Infantry 1200 Huntington, S. D., late Captain U. S. Volunteers.. 784 Huston, James, Captain, 10th Cavalry 1879 Hutcheson, Grote, Major, Cavalry 122 Hutchins, Charles T., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 1391 Hutchinson, James B., Captain, Philippine Scouts . . 1653 Hutton, Franklin S., Captain, 12th Infantry 1479 I Ingram, Ralph E., Captain, 10th Infantry 635 Ireland, Merritte W., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps.. 1217 Irons, James A., Colonel, 20th Infantry 68 Irwin, George Le R., Major, Field Artillery 1442 Irwin, William M., Comdr., U. S. N., Retired.... 2036 Izard, Walter B., Paymaster, U. S. N 1299 J Jackson, Franklin P., First Lieut, 2d Infantry 654 Jackson, Thomas W., Lieut., U. S. M. C 1990 76 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Jackson, Victor S., Paymaster, U. S. N 99 Jackson, William P., Major, 3d Infantry 115 Jacobs, Douglas H., First Lieut., 12th Cavalry 1093 James, Harry L., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 820 Jeffers, William N., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1588 Jennings, Thomas H., Lieut., U. S. A. (Resigned).. 1383 Jervey, Henry, Lieut. -Col., U. S. A 660 Jervey, William St. J., Jr., First Lieut., 10th Infantry 1492 Jeunet, E. Alexis, Captain, 13th Infantry 1344 Joselyn, Stephen P., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1628 Johnson, Evan M., Jr., Major, Infantry 74 Johnson, Franklin O., Lieut. -Col., 15th Cavalry 558 Johnson, Graham L., late Lieut. 11th Infantry 559 Johnson, Harold B., First Lieut., 3d Cavalry 1985 Johnson, L. B. T., late Major U. S. Volunteers.... 1237 Johnson, Moulton K., Surgeon, U. S. N 1220 Johnson, Wait C, Captain, 18th Infantry 772 Johnson, William G., Major, 8th Infantry 439 Johnstone, E. K., late Contract Surgeon 2067 Johnston, Edward N., Captain, U. S. A 1254 Johnston, Frederick E., Major, Coast Artillery 1567 Johnston, Gordon, First Lieut., 15th Cavalry 2020 Johnston, John A., Brigadier-General (Resigned) . . 1584 Johnston, Marbury, Captain, U. S. N 1260 Johnston, Ruf us Z., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1273 Johnston, William H., Lieut.-Comdr., 26th Infantry. 550 Jonas, Edwin A., Major, U. S. M. C 686 Jones, Carl C, Lieut., 7th Infantry 2051 Jones, Clarence N., Captain, 3d Field Artillery 1713 Jones, Edward N., Jr., Major, 17th Infantry 266 Jones, Frederick M., Captain, 12th Cavalry 894 Jones, Lewis B., Lieut., U. S. N., Retired 1364 Jones, Thaddeus W., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 1040 77 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Jones, Walter C, First Lieut, 10th Infantry 888 Jordan, Lambert W., Jr., Captain, Infantry 799 Joyce, Kenyon A., First Lieut., 6th Cavalry 902 Justice, James, Captain, 5th Infantry 279 K Kaiser, Louis A., Comdr., U. S. N 1402 Karmany, Lincoln, Colonel, U. S. M. C 465 Karnes, William L., Lieut., 6th Cavalry (Resigned) 161 Kay, Joseph C, First Lieut., 2d Infantry 1060 Keck, Frank, late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1645 Keck, Morris M., First Lieut, 12th Infantry 1796 Keef er, Frank R., Lieut-Col., Medical Corps 1674 Keleher, Timothy D., Major, U. S. A., Retired.... 761 Keller, Charles, First Lieut., 29th Infantry 1912 Keller, Daniel F., Lieut., 30th Infantry (Resigned) . 606 Kelly, William, Major, Engineer Corps 1737 Kemp, James F., Actg. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A.... 2068 Kemper, James B., Captain, 11th Infantry 1655 Kendall, William P., Lieut-Col., Medical Corps.... 1776 Kendrick, William J., Captain, Cavalry 1373 Kenly, William L., Lieut-Col., 6th Field Artillery.. 14 Kennedy, Chase W., Lieut-Col., 16th Infantry 358 Kennedy, John T., Surgeon, U. S. N 1321 Kennon, Lyman W. V., Colonel, 25th Infantry 22 Keohane, D. J., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 1836 Kephart, Samuel A., Major, Coast Artillery 1747 Kernan, Francis J., Lieut-Col., Infantry 1457 Kerr, James T., Colonel, Adjutant-General Dept... 239 Kerrick, Harrison S., Captain, 54th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1724 Kerth, Monroe C, Captain, 6th Infantry 715 Kerwin, Arthur R., Captain, Infantry 1624 Key, Albert L., Commodore, U. S. N., Retired 376 78 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Kilbourne, Lincoln F., Captain, 26th Infantry 685 Kilburn, Dana W., Captain, 26th Infantry 893 Kimball, Gordon N., Captain, 4th Cavalry 398 Kimbrough, James M., Jr., Captain, Infantry 1454 King, Campbell, Captain, 1st Infantry 928 King, Edward L., Captain, 2d Cavalry 1029 King, Harry L., First Lieut., 3d Cavalry 1456 King, Harry R., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1191 King, Wesley, Lieut., Philippine Scouts (Resigned) . 1080 Kingsbury, Henry P., Colonel, Cavalry 216 Kinney, Clifton C, Captain, 9th Infantry 483 Kinnison, Henry L., Captain, 12th Infantry 1888 Kinzie, Hunter, Lieut., 20th Infantry (Resigned)... 308 Kirby, Henry, Colonel, 3d Infantry 787 Kirkpatrick, George W., Captain, 15th Cavalry 970 Knabenshue, Frederick G., Captain, 12th Infantry.. 564 Knapp, John J., Captain, U. S. N 94 Kneedler, H. D., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. Vols. 664 Kneedler, William L., Major, U. S. A., Retired 1650 Knepper, Chester M., Captain, U. S. N 1783 Knight, Henry Edward, late Lieut. 1st Infantry.... 907 Knox, George H., Captain, Infantry 1867 Knox, Thomas M., First Lieut, 1st Cavalry 1858 Kobbe, Ferdinand W., Captain, 22d Infantry 684 Koch, Frederick, Lieut, Philippine Scouts (Re- signed) 1642 Koehler, Benjamin M., Major, Coast Artillery 826 Koerper, Conrad E., Major, Medical Corps 1003 Koester, Francis J., Major, 12th Cavalry 1411 Krauthoff, Charles R., Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps 1616 Kreps, Jacob F., Lieut-Col., Infantry 314 Krueger, Walter, First Lieut., 3d Infantry 1822 Kumpe, George E., Captain, Infantry 1135 79 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO L Carabao No. Lacey, Francis E., Jr., Major, 18th Infantry 926 Lahm, Frank P., First Lieut, 7th Cavalry 732 Lander, Frank C, Captain, U. S. M. C 1830 Landers, Howard L., Captain, 162d Co. Coast Artil- lery 1472 Landis, Irwin F., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1415 Lang, Charles J., Comdr., U. S. N 1945 Lang, Louis M., late Captain U. S. Volunteers .... 897 Langdon, Russell C, Captain, Infantry 482 Langhorne, Cary D., Surgeon, U. S. N 1871 Langhorne, Geofge T., Major, 5th Cavalry 618 Laning, Harris, Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1294 Lansing, Cleveland C, Captain, 4th Field Artillery.. 256 Larimer, Edgar B., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 910 Lassiter, William, Colonel, Infantry 436 Lawson, Laurin L., Captain, 4th Field Artillery.... 1891 Lawton, Dwight B., First Lieut., U. S. A., Retired. . . 978 Lawton, Edward P., Alajor, U. S. A., Retired 1591 Lawton, Frank H., Major, Quartermaster Corps... 23 Lay, Harry R., Captain, U. S. M. C 1872 Lear, Ben., Jr., Captain, 15th Cavalry 968 Leary, Edmund M., Captain, 11th Cavalry 1075 Lee, Fitzhugh, Captain, 7th Cavalry 1873 Lee, Harry R., Major, 11th Infantry 1016 Lee, Jesse M., Major-General, U. S. A., Retired 471 Leigh, Richard H, Comdr., U. S. N 1277 Leisenring, Franklin S., Captain, 4th Infantry 1136 Leitch, Joseph D., Major, 28th Infantry 369 Lemly, William B., Major, U. S. M. C 1831 Lenihan, Michael J., Major, 7th Infantry 249 Leonard, Charles F., First Lieut, 28th Infantry.... 334 Leonard, Henry, Major, U. S. M. C 1960 Leonard, Ivers W., Captain, 26th Infantry 316 80 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Leonard, R. W., late Lieut-Col. U. S. Volunteers.. 41 Leonard, John C, Captain, U. S. N 1331 Leonard, Thomas, late Captain U. S. Volunteers... 1823 Lesher, Robert W., First Lieut., U. S. A., Retired.. 400 Lewis, Edward M., Major, 19th Infantry 1174 Lewis, John H., Captain, 13th Cavalry 780 Lewis, William F., Major, Medical Corps 987 Liddell, James W., late Captain U. S. Volunteers... 687 Lilienthal, A. W., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1698 Lincoln, Charles S., Captain, 2d Infantry 346 Lindsay, Julian R., Captain, Cavalry 156 Lindsay, W. M., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 1753 Lininger, Clarence, First Lieut., 1st Cavalry 1730 Liser, Ralph B., Captain, Infantry 426 Littell, Isaac W., Colonel, Quartermaster Corps.... 253 Little, J. Millard, Captain, 28th Infantry 976 Little, William L., Captain, Medical Corps 940 Littlefield, William L., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N.... 1696 Lloyd, Charles R., Captain, 6th Field Artillery 1445 Loeb, Abraham U., Captain, 9th Infantry 485 Logan, James A., Jr., Captain, Quartermaster Corps 497 Lomax, Francis H., Captain, 91st Co. Coast Artillery 1793 Long, Andrew T., Comdr., U. S. N 1757 Long, Charles G., Lieut-Col., U. S. M. C 1786 Long, Charles J., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A 1041 Long, Edwin C, Captain, 86th Co. Coast Artillery.. 1629 Long, Frank S., Captain, Coast Artillery 1717 Longan, Rufus E., Captain, 25th Infantry 1107 Loring, Sylvester C, First Lieut., U. S. A., Retired. . 997 Love, James M., Jr., Captain, 15th Infantry 177 Lovell, George E., Captain, 14th Cavalry 1371 Low, Theodore H., Major, U .S. M. C 671 Low, William W., Captain, U. S. M. C 1661 81 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Lowe, Thomas S., First Lieut, Medical Reserve Corps 1630 Luhn, William L., Captain, 10th Cavalry 1070 Lukesh, Gustave R., Captain, Engineer Corps 555 Lung, George A., Medical Inspector, U. S. N 150 Lutz, William J., Captain, 28th Infantry 821 Lyman, Charles H., Captain, U. S. M. C 1959 Lyman, Frank E., late Lieut., Signal Corps (Re- signed) 464 Lynch, Arthur J., First Lieut., 14th Cavalry 791 Lynch, Charles, Major, Medical Corps 134 Lynch, Ralph A., late Lieut., 16th Infantry (Re- signed) 511 Lyon, Dupont, late Lieut. 16th Infantry 1688 Lyon, Palmer H., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 667 Lyster, William J. L., Major, Medical Corps 410 M McAdams, John P., First Lieut., 11th Infantry 1059 McAlexander, Ulysses G., Major, 13th Infantry 1620 McAlister, John A., Jr., First Lieut, Dental Surgeon 1837 McAlister, Samuel D., Captain, U. S. A., Retired... 1424 McAndrew, James W., Major, Infantry 50 McAndrew, Patrick H., Major, Medical Corps 165 McAndrews, Joseph R., Captain, 6th Cavalry 766 McBride, John, Jr., Captain, Coast Artillery 1531 McCabe, Albert C, late Captain U. S. Volunteers.. 588 McCabe, Edward R. Warner, First Lieut., Cavalry. . . 1885 McCain, Henry P., Colonel, Adjutant-General Dept. 1552 McCaleb, Thomas S., Major, U. S. A., Retired.... 775 McCaskey, Douglas, Captain, 1st Cavalry 419 McCaskey, Garrison, Captain, 15th Infantry 228 McCaskey, William S., Major-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 328 82 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. McCaw, Walter D., Lieut-Col., Medical Corps 39 McCawley, Charles L., Lieut-Col., U. S. M. C... 1233 McClaskey, John W., First Lieut, U. S. M. C 373 McCleave, Robert, Captain, 2d Infantry 801 McCleery, John S., First Lieut, 20th Infantry 335 McClernand, Edward J., Brigadier-General, U. S. A. 1471 McClintock, John, Captain, Cavalry (Resigned) 1772 McClure, Charles, Colonel, 30th Infantry 1934 McClure, Nathaniel F., Major, 5th Cavalry 416 McCook, Paul H., Captain, 26th Infantry 964 McCormack, Province, Jr., late Lieut U. S. M. C... 280 McCornack, Willard H., Captain, 10th Cavalry 1071 McCoy, Frank B., Lieut-Col., 24th Infantry 71 McCoy, H. B., late Colonel U. S. Volunteers 337 McCroskey, Benjamin B., First Lieut., 23d Infantry. 1838 McCulloch, Champe C, Jr., Major, Medical Corps 1805 McCullough, Frank K, Surgeon, U. S. N 1915 McCully, Newton A., Comdr., U. S. N 1279 McDonald, Fred, late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1755 McDonald, John B., Lieut-Col., Cavalry 1203 McDonald, Mitchell C, Pay Director, U. S. N 1587 McDonell, William N., P. A. Surgeon, U. S. N 1394 McDougal, Douglas C, Captain, U. S. M. C 1195 McElgin, Hugh J. B., Captain, 131st Co. Coast Artil- lery 1601 McGinness, John R., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 9 McGrann, William H., Comdr., U. S. N., Retired.. 652 McGree, Joseph L., Captain, Philippine Scouts 2054 Mclntyre, Frank, Brigadier-General, U. S. A 843 McKean, Josiah S., Comdr., U. S. N 2017 McKeeby, George L., late Lieut., U. S. Volunteers.. 864 McKibbin, Chambers, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 143 83 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. McKinley, James F., Captain, 11th Cavalry 1078 McLaughlin, Clenard, Captain, 21st Infantry 1611 McLean, Allan F., First Lieut, 7th Cavalry 1372 McLean, Ridley, Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 378 McLean, Thomas C, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 1781 McLean, Walter, Captain, U. S. N 1270 McMahon, John E., Lieut.-Col., Field Artillery 1343 McManus, George H., Major, Coast Artillery.... 1896 McMaster, George H., Captain, 3d Infantry 2028 McMaster, Richard H., Captain, 5th Field Artillery. 1718 McMillan, Marion, late Captain U. S. Volunteers... 2004 McNair, William S., Major, 6th Field Artillery 744 McNally, Reginald E., Captain, 8th Cavalry 392 McNamara, Wallace, First Lieut, 12th Infantry... 1119 McNamee, Luke, Comdr., U. S. N 1224 McVean, William A., Contract Surgeon, U. S. A . . . 2070 Mabry, William C, late Contract Surgeon 1493 Macfarland, Horace G., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N., Re- tired 1359 Mackall, Samuel T., First Lieut, 18th Infantry.... 895 Mackinlay, William E. W., First Lieut., 11th Cavalry 519 Macomb, Montgomery M., Brigadier-General, U. S. A Ill Macon, Edward N., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1044 Magill, Louis J., Major, U. S. M. C 1392 Maginnis, Thomas F., Captain, U. S. A., Retired... 653 Mahoney, James K, Colonel, U. S. M. C 466 Maize, Sidney D., First Lieut., 12th Cavalry 396 Major, Samuel I. M., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1961 Mallory, Charles K, Lieut, U. S. N., Retired 1586 Mallory, John S., Colonel, 29th Infantry 1983 Maney, James A., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 644 Mann, William A., Colonel, Infantry 1638 84 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAC) Carabao No. Mapes, William S., Captain, 25th Infantry 445 Marix, Adolph, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Retired 43 Markham, Edward M., Major, Engineers, U. S. A.. 572 Markley, Alfred C, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 457 Marmon, Joseph A., First Lieut, 25th Infantry 1474 Marquart, Peter E., Captain, 2d Infantry 418 Marshall, Albert W., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1386 Marshall, Francis C, Major, 2d Cavalry 814 Marshall, T. R., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 708 Martin, Carl A., Captain, 4th Infantry 343 Martin, Charles H., Major, Infantry, U. S. A 64 Martin, George C, Captain, U. S. A., Retired 628 Martin, George W., Major, 17th Infantry 1104 Martin, Isaac S., First Lieut., 15th Cavalry 967 Martin, John R., Pay Director, U. S. N 584 Martin, Medad C, Lieut.-Col., U. S. A., Retired.... 574 Martin, William F., Major, 5th Infantry 2027 Mason, Charles F., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps 1548 Mason, Charles W., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 1140 Massee, Edward K., First Lieut., 11th Infantry 859 Massey, George B., late Assistant Engineer, U. S. N. 1968 Mathews, George W., late Lieut., Medical Dept 24 Matile, Leon A., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 492 Matson, Joseph, Captain, 143d Co. Coast Artillery.. 1993 Matthews, Hugh L., Captain, U. S. M. C 1362 Maus, L. Mervin, Colonel, Medical Corps 129 Maxey, Robert J., Captain, 24th Infantry 139 Maxwell, William J., Captain, U. S. N 1011 May, Willis T., Lieut.-Col., 28th Infantry 642 Mayers, George M., P. A. Surgeon, U. S. N., Re- tired 1013 Meade, William G., First Lieut, Cavalry 1073 85 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Mearns, Robert W., Captain, 20th Infantry 294 Menges, William H., Captain, 59th Co. Coast Artillery 1708 Menoher, Charles T., Lieut-Col., 1st Field Artillery 59 Merillat, Alfred C, Captain, U. S. A., Retired.... 1946 Merrill, Dana T., Captain, 10th Infantry 2000 Messer, M. O., late Major U. S. Volunteers 862 Metcalf, Wilder S., late Colonel U. S. Volunteer Infantry 1997 Michaelis, Otho E., First Lieut, 16th Infantry 620 Michael, William N., Captain, Field Artillery 1722 Miller, Archie, Captain, Cavalry 901 Miller, Claude H., Captain 24th Infantry 382 Miller, Crosby P., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1234 Miller, Floyd C, Lieut., 1st Infantry (Resigned) 929 Miller, Frank J., Captain, 84th Co. Coast Artillery.. 1530 Miller, Howard S., Captain, 94th Co. Coast Artillery 1711 Miller, John J., Captain, 19th Infantry 852 Miller, William G., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A... 1462 Mills, Fred H., Lieut., Medical Reserve Corps 2080 Mills, Stephen C, Colonel, Inspec.-Gen. Dept, U. S. A. 38 Miner, R. EL, late Lieut. U. S. X 1317 Minor, James C, late Major, U. S. Volunteers 509 Minus, Josiah C, Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1031 Mitchell, Americus, Captain, 5th Infantry 636 Mitchell, Burton J., Lieut., 12th Infantry (Resigned) 126 Mitchell, Harry D., Captain, 6th Infantry 543 Mitchell, William, Captain, Signal Corps 1300 Moloney, Isaac, Lieut, 16th Infantry (Resigned) . . 544 Montfort, Eugene Chas., late Captain U. S. Vols... 1894 Montgomery, George, Lieut-Col., Ordnance Dept. 262 Moody, Thomas M., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 440 Moore, Charles B. T., Rear Admiral, U. S. N 1967 Moore, Dan T., Captain, 5th Field Artillery 525 86 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Moore, Francis, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1045 Moore, George D., Major, 18th Infantry 312 Moore, Henry H., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1129 Moore, Jairus A., Captain, Coast Artillery 1242 Moore, James T., Captain, 27th Infantry 1061 Moore, John W., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1890 Moore, Tredwell W., Major, Infantry 344 Morgan, Casey B., Commander, U. S. N 1161 Morgan, George H., Lieut-Col., 11th Cavalry 158 Morhart, Frank H., late Captain U. S. Volunteers.. 1556 Moritz, Albert, Commander, U. S. N., Retired 1278 Morrell, Henry, Commodore, U. S. N., Retired 1550 Morris, Lewis, Surgeon, U. S. N 1375 Morrison, John F., Lieut.-Col., 21st Infantry 299 Morrow, Charles H., Captain, 18th Infantry 1880 Morrow, Henry M., Major, J. A. Gen. Dept 1832 Morrow, Jay J., Major, Engineer Corps, U. S. A... 1785 Morrow, William M., Captain, 5th Infantry 1607 Morse, E. K., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 870 Morse, John Wise, Paymaster, U. S. N 1187 Morton, Charles, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1559 Morton, Charles E., Captain, 11th Infantry 538 Morton, James P., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1803 Moseley, George V. H., Captain, 1st Cavalry 562 Moses, Lawrence H., Lieut.-Col., U. S. M. C 2083 Moss, James Alfred, Captain, 29th Infantry 172 Mott, T. Bentley, Lieut.-Col., U. S. A 1635 Mould, Stephen H., Captain, Coast Artillery 1522 Mowry, Philip, First Lieut, 15th Cavalry 810 Mudgett, John J., First Lieut, Infantry 944 Muir, Charles H., Major, U. S. Infantry 748 Muir, John G., Captain, U. S. M. C, Retired 1738 87 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Mullay, Patrick H., Captain, 14th Infantry 1063 Munro, Horace N., First Lieut, Cavalry 956 Munro, James N., Captain, 3d Cavalry 1204 Munson, Fred L., Captain, 9th Infantry 95 Murphy, Ernest Van D., Captain, 27th Infantry 903 Murphy, John F., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A.. 1180 Murphy, Terence E., Captain, Coast Artillery 1519 Murphy, Thos. P., First Lieut, U. S. A 2046 Murray, Arthur, Major-General, U. S. A 1784 Murray, William E., Captain, 127th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1743 Musgrave, William E., Contract Surgeon, U. S. Vols. 2084 Mustin, Henry C, Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 1652 Myer, Albert L., Brigadier-General, U. S. A„ Retired 880 Myers, Hu B., Captain, 6th Cavalry 447 Myers, John T., Major, U. S. M. C 1384 N Nardell, Bonaparte P., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A 1164 Naylor, William K., Captain, 9th Infantry 1339 Neff, John H., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1168 Neill, Walter H., First Lieut, 13th Cavalry 1042 Neisser, Stanislaus M., Captain, Philippine Scouts.. 1118 Nelson, Valentine S., Commodore, U. S. N., Re- tired 1561 Nesbitt, William F., Captain, 4th Infantry 1121 Neville, Wendell C, Major, U. S. M. C 690 Newberry, Charles P., late Major U. S. Volunteers. 433 Newbill, Willard D., Captain, 3d Field Artillery.... 1418 Newell, Isaac, Captain, 22d Infantry 271 Newman, William, Captain, 1st Infantry 931 Newton, Harry W., Captain, 85th Co. Coast Artillery 1502 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Newton, Ralph W., First Lieut., Medical Reserve Corps 1924 Niblack, Albert P., Captain, U. S. N 25 Nichols, Charles B., late Major, U. S. Volunteers.. 202 Nichols, William A., Colonel, U. S. Infantry 1285 Nicholson, Rishworth, Paymaster, U. S. N 951 Nicklin, Benjamin P., Captain, 9th Infantry 459 Nightingale, Garrard P., late Ensign U. S. N 1177 Nippert, F. A., late Captain, U. S. Volunteers 1839 Nixon, Courtland, Captain, 3d Infantry 722 Noble, Charles H., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 549 Noble, Robert E., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A.. 624 Noble, Robert H., Major, 12th Infantry 124 Noble, William H., Captain, Infantry 1911 Nockolds, Coleman, Veterinarian, 1st Cavalry 1416 Nolan, Daniel A., First Lieut, 5th Infantry 637 Nolan, Dennis E., Captain, 30th Infantry 1293 Nolan, Robert M., Captain, 1st Cavalry 453 Normoyle, James E., Major, U. S. Infantry 896 Norton, Albert L., Commander, U. S. N 1333 Novak, Martin, Captain, 25th Infantry 583 Nowlen, Edwin J., Captain, 28th Infantry 774 Nuttman, Louis M., Captain, 4th Infantry 1764 O O'Brien, T. P., late Lieut, U. S. Volunteers 1840 O'Connor, Marr, First Lieut., 14th Cavalry 593 Odell, Albert S., Lieut., 11th Cavalry (Resigned)... 1069 Oden, George J., Captain, 10th Cavalry 595 Offley, Robert S., Captain, 1st Infantry 1043 Ohnesorg, Karl, Surgeon, U. S. N 1246 O'Leary, Charles R., Paymaster, U. S. N 431 89 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. O'Leary, Timothy S., Paymaster, U. S. N 432 Olin, Hilden, Captain, U. S. Infantry 719 Oliver, P. A., Lieut., U. S. A. (Resigned) 945 Oliver, Robert T., First Lieut., Dental Surgeon, U. S. A 1098 O'Loughlin, William J., First Lieut, 13th Infantry.. 751 O'Neil, Joseph P., Lieut-Col., U. S. A 1824 O'Neil, T. F., late Colonel U. S. Volunteers 1841 Oman, Charles M,. Surgeon, U. S. N 1899 Ord, Edward O. C, Captain, U. S. A., Retired.... 1914 Orr, S. G., late Lieut, Artillery Corps 1510 Osborne, Thomas D., First Lieut, 5th Field Artillery 1719 Osterhaus, Hugo, Rear Admiral, U. S. N 1245 Osterhaus, Hugo W., Lieut, U. S. N 1181 Oury, William H., Captain, 3d Infantry 1410 Ovenshine, Englebert G., Captain, 28th Infantry.... 513 Overton, Winfield S., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.. 1900 Owen, William O., Major, U. S. A., Retired 804 P Paegelow, John A., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1868 Page, Byrd A., Lieut, 11th Infantry (Resigned)... 1581 Page, John H., Jr., Captain, 21st Infantry 371 Painter, George L., late Captain U. S. Volunteers . . 1621 Palmer, Frederick L., Major, U. S. A., Retired 434 Palmer, Leigh C, Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 1976 Pardee, Austin M., First Lieut., 20th Infantry 1030 Parker, Austin Allen, Captain, 24th Infantry 250 Parker, Clyde B., Captain, 26th Infantry 1670 Parker, Graham, Captain, 32d Co. Coast Artillery.. 1539 Parker, James, Colonel, 11th Cavalry 1218 Parker, James S., Captain, 4th Cavalry 518 Parker, William M., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1208 90 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARAjjAO Carabao No. Partello, Joseph K., Captain, U. S. Infantry 655 Partridge, Leon R., First Lieut, 3d Cavalry 819 Patten, Irvine W., Lieut., Medical Dept. (Resigned) 178 Patterson, Robert U., Major, Medical Corps 742 Pattison, Harry H., Captain, 7th Cavalry 1202 Patton, John B., Commander, U. S. N 1232 Payne, Fred R., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N., Retired... 1740 Peck, Luke B., First Lieut, Medical Reserve Corps. 1749 Peed, George P., Captain, Medical Corps 1952 Peek, Ernest D., Captain, Engineer Corps 1341 Penn, Julius A., Major, 1st Infantry 361 Penrose, George H., Major, Quartermaster Corps... 856 Pepper, Kelton L., First Lieut, 15th Infantry 1438 Perkins, Alvin S., First Lieut., 12th Cavalry 1669 Perkins, George T., Captain, 129th Co. Coast Artil- lery 854 Perry, Barton W., Chaplain, 3d Field Artillery.... 1758 Perry, James H., Captain, U. S. N., Retired 1395 Pershing, John J., Brigadier-General, U. S. A 144 Persons, William E., First Lieut., 11th Infantry 1103 Pettengill, George T., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 199 Pettus, Harry L., Major, Quartermaster Corps 1170 Peyton, Ephriam G., Captain, U. S. Infantry 1889 Phalen, James M., Captain, Medical Corps 559 Phelan, Henry Du R., First Lieut, Medical Re- serve Corps 725 Phelps, Thomas S., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Retired 827 Phillips, John L., Colonel, Medical Corps 630 Phillips, William A., Major, U. S. Infantry 2003 Pick, Henry, late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A 898 Pickering, Abner, Colonel, U. S. Infantry 502 Pickering, James N., Captain, 3d Infantry 656 Pickering, Wood A., Lieut, U. S. M. C. (Resigned) 589 Pierce, Palmer E., Major, 15th Infantry 70 91 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Pigman, George W., Jr., Paymaster, U. S. N 1995 Pitcairn, H. H., late Lieut., U. S. Volunteer Infantry 1142 Pitcher, William L., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 65 Pitney, Charles L., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1194 Plummer, Ralph W., Surgeon, U. S. N 196 Plunkett, Charles P., Captain, U. S. N 1928 Poey, Eduardo C, late Surgeon U .S. Volunteers... 1804 Poillon, Arthur, Captain, 1st Cavalry 479 Point, Will H., Captain, 28th Infantry 1884 Pollock, Edwin T., Commander, U. S. N 1560 Pomroy, Frederic H., Major, Quartermaster Corps. 423 Pond, Arlington, late Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers... 443 Pond, George B., Captain, 20th Infantry 79 Poore, Charles L., Lieut., U. S. N. (Resigned) .... 1325 Poore, Benjamin A., Major, 22d Infantry 1340 Porter, David D., Major, U. S. M. C 422 Porter, John Biddle, Lieut-Col., J. A. Genl. Dept.. 2 Porter, Theodoric, Commodore, U. S. N., Retired.. 107 Potter, Ashton H., Lieut, 12 Cavalry (Resigned) . . 1049 Potts, Douglas, Captain, 16th Infantry 92 Potts, Ramsay D., Brigadier-General, U. S. A 342 Pourie, James R., Captain, Coast Artillery 1520 Powell, Junius L., Lieut-Col., U. S. A., Retired 1024 Powell, William G., Major, U. S. M. C 1269 Powers, Edward D, Captain, Coast Artillery 1709 Prescott, Austin F., Captain, U. S. Infantry 860 Prescott, F. C, late Major U. S. Volunteers 1091 Preston, Charles F., Commander, U. S. N 1329 Preston, John F., Captain, U. S. Infantry 85 Price, Butler D., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 221 Price, Frederick S. L., Captain, 8th Infantry 2085 Price, Harrison J., Captain, U. S. Infantry 747 Price, Howard C, Captain, U. S. Infantry 767 92 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Pritchard, George B., Jr., Captain, 5th Cavalry 1009 Prince, Thomas C, Lieut-Col., U. S. M. C 1759 Procter, Andre M., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1942 Pruden, Aldred A., Chaplain, 2d Infantry 764 Pruyn, John McE., First Lieut., 27th Infantry 917 Pulis, Charles C, Captain, Field Artillery 1518 Purcell, Launcelot M., First Lieut., 26th Infantry. . . . 1435 Purington, George A., Captain, 8th Cavalry 402 Purnell, Julius Myers, late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A. 924 Purssell, Benjamin M., Major, U. S. A., Retired... 789 R Radford, Cyrus S., Lieut-Col., U. S. M. C 340 Rafferty, Ogden, Lieut-Col., U. S. A„ Retired.... 1509 Ragan, Charles A., Major, Medical Corps 1115 Rancourt, Louis J., Lieut, 19th Infantry (Resigned) 853 Randolph, John, First Lieut., 23d Infantry 306 Ray, Beecher B., Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps.. 705 Ray, Charles M., Pay Director, U. S. N 187 Raymond, William H., Captain, Coast Artillery. . 2018 Read, Beverly A., Major, J. A. Gen. Dept 217 Read, George W., Major, 9th Cavalry 167 Read, Robert D., Colonel, U. S. Cavalry 1825 Reade, Philip, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 159 Reese, Charles E., Captain, 18th Infantry 646 Reeve, Ernest M., Captain 23d Infantry 640 Reeves, Isaac S. K., Commodore, U. S. N., Retired 1833 Regan, James, First Lieut., 9th Infantry 1869 Reichmann, Carl, Major, 7th Infantry 1551 Reifsnyder, Joseph C, late Surgeon U. S. Volunteers 179 Reiser, Theodore C, late Lieut. U. S. Vol. Infantry 234 Reisinger, Harold C, Major, U. S. M. C 1167 Reno, William W., Major, Medical Corps 713 93 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Rethers, Harry F., Captain, 9th Infantry 704 Rethorst, Otto W., First Lieut, 8th Cavalry 1677 Reynolds, Charles R., Major, Medical Corps 1380 Reynolds, Frederick P., Major, Medical Corps 1236 Rhea, Robert Y., Captain, U. S. M. C 1594 Rhoads, Thomas L., Major, Medical Corps 1991 Rhodes, Charles D., Major, 15th Cavalry 1304 Rice, Sedgwick, Major, 3d Cavalry 531 Rich, Albert T., First Lieut., 3d Infantry 1570 Richard, Charles, Colonel, Medical Corps 1083 Richards, George, Colonel, U. S. M. C 1787 Richards, Robert L., Captain, Medical Corps, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1949 Richardson, Mack, Lieut., 26th Infantry (Resigned) 1440 Ridenour, Edgar, Captain, 16th Infantry 536 Ridgeley, Frank E., Lieut-Comdr., U. S. N 2019 Rifenberick, Richard P., Jr., Captain, U. S. A., Re- tired 1355 Righter, Joseph C, Jr., First Lieut., 4th Cavalry 1613 Ripley, Henry A., Captain, U. S. Infantry 254 Ripley, Henry L., Lieut-Col., U. S. A., Retired 387 Roberts, Charles D., Captain, 7th Infantry 1176 Roberts, Cyrus S., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 469 Roberts, Thomas A., Captain, 7th Cavalry 1553 Robertson, Edgar B., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired.... 363 Robinson, Oliver P., First Lieut, 21st Infantry.... 806 Robinson, William W., Jr., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 499 Robnett, Ausey H., P. A. Surgeon, U. S. N 1932 Robnett, John D., Paymaster, U. S. N 2026 Rockwell, George C, First Lieut., 21st Infantry 1039 Rodgers, Alexander, Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 939 94 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Rodgers, Frederick, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 186 Rodgers, Thomas S., Captain, U. S. N 1315 Rogers, A. C, late Lieut. U. S. M. C 1117 Rogers, James S., Colonel, U. S. Infantry 1027 Rogers, William P., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 797 Romeyn, Charles A., Captain, 2d Cavalry 1209 Ronayne, James, Captain, U. S. A., Retired 1007 Roosevelt, Henry L., Major, U. S. M. C 468 Root, Edwin A., Lieut-Col., 15th Infantry 788 Ro rebeck, Curtis G., Captain, 111th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1957 Roscoe, David L., First Lieut., 1st Cavalry 1068 Rose, Robert W., Major, 12th Infantry 1606 Rosenbaum, Otho B., Captain, 2d Infantry 1173 Ross, James O., First Lieut, U. S. A., Retired.... 794 Ross, Stanley S., Captain, Coast Artillery 1538 Ross, Tenney, Captain, 13th Infantry 2078 Roudiez, Leon S., Major, 30th Infantry 291 Rowell, Melvin W., Captain, 11th Cavalry 1074 Rucker, Kyle, First Lieut, 14th Cavalry 1848 Rucker, Louis, S. D., Jr., Captain, U. S. A., Retired 537 Ruggles, James A., Captain, 51st Co. Coast Artillery 1517 Ruhm, Thomas F., Naval Constructor, U. S. N 718 Russell, Edgar, Major, Signal Corps 1378 Russell, Andrew H., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 133 Russell, Robert L., Captain, U. S. Navy 1263 Rutherford, Robert G., Jr., Captain, 24th Infantry... 554 Ruthers, George W., Major, U. S. A., Retired 673 Ruttencutter, Brady G., Captain, 1st Infantry 933 Ryan, John P., Major, 6th Cavalry 729 Ryan, Thomas F., Captain, U. S. Cavalry 1166 Ryther, Dwight W., Captain, 6th Infantry 1643 95 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO S Carabao No. Sackett, Franklin P., Paymaster, U. S. N 1996 Saffarrans, George C, Major, 17th Infantry 721 Sage, William H., Lieut.-Col., 30th Infantry 1760 Saltzman, Charles McK., Major, Signal Corps 807 Sanford, John B., Captain, U. S. Infantry 517 Sanger, Joseph P., Major-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 113 Sarratt, Edwin O., Major, Coast Artillery 845 Sawyer, Frederick L., Comdr., U. S. N 1275 Sawyer, J. Estcourt, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 146 Saxton, Isaac A., Captain, 11th Infantry 1694 Sayer, Edmund S., Jr., Captain, 21st Infantry 528 Scales, Wallace B., Captain, 5th Cavalry 965 Scher, Bruno T., First Lieut, 28th Infantry 971 Schindel, S. J. Bayard, Captain, U. S. Infantry 1809 Schlageter, Herman J. S., late Captain U. S. Vols.. 663 Schley, Thomas F., Captain, U. S. Infantry 1154 Schmidt, William J., Lieut., 14th Infantry (Resigned) 1443 Schoeffel, Francis H., Major, U. S. A. Retired.... 478 Schoeffel, John B., Captain, U. S. Infantry 463 Schofleld, Richmond McA., Lieut.-Col., Quartermas- ter Corps 1701 Schreiner, Edward Rommel, Major, Medical Corps. 2071 Schroeder, Henry F., First Lieut., Philippine Scouts 1881 Schroeter, Anton H., First Lieut, 1st Cavalry 724 Schudt, Charles O., First Lieut., 50th Co. Coast Ar- tillery 1692 Schwable, Frank J., Captain, U. S. M. C 1951 Scott, Walter J., First Lieut, 10th Cavalry 597 Scott, William P., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 379 Scott, William S., Lieut.-Col., U. S. Cavalry 1980 Scranton, G. G., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1466 96 00 oo PM < w to w" 13 O u o 1-1 pq < 00 ON oo w Ph ft J 1—1 M Q W £ w as S5 O H OS o u o MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Scriven, George P., Lieut-Colonel, Signal Corps... 5 Seaman, A. Owen, Captain, 20th Infantry 578 Sears, Walter J., Commander, U. S. N., Retired 341 Seeby, C. W., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1844 Seigle, Thaddeus B., Captain, 27th Infantry 915 Self ridge, James R., Commander, U. S. N 54 Sellers, David R, Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1250 Seoane, Consuelo A., First Lieut., 3d Cavalry 399 Sevier, Granville, Captain, 119th Co. Coast Artillery 1514 Sexton, Walton R., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1573 Shackford, Chauncey, Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1681 Shapley, Lloyd S., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1288 Shartle, Samuel G., Captain, Coast Artillery 1710 Shattuck, Amos B., Major, 15th Infantry 252 Shattuck, Edwin C, late Captain and Surgeon, U. S. V 1812 Shaw, Frederick B., Captain, 8th Infantry 768 Shaw, Henry A., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps, U. S. A. 1898 Shaw, Melville J., Major, U. S. M. C 1863 Sheen, Henry H., Captain, 13th Co. Coast Artillery 1497 Sheffield, Fletcher L., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1305 Shelby, William B., late Major, U. S. Volunteers.. 570 Sheldon, Raymond, Captain, 18th Infantry 274 Shelton, George H., Captain, 29th Infantry 702 Shepard, John L., Captain, Medical Corps 1813 Sherrill, Clarence O., Captain, Engineer Corps, U. S. A 662 Sherwood, Renel E., late Lieut, U. S. Volunteers.. 802 Shields, George H., Jr., Captain, 7th Infantry (Re- signed) 420 Shields, G. F., late Major U. S. Volunteers 838 Shipp, Arthur M., Captain, 20th Infantry 304 Shoemaker, William R., Captain, U. S. N 421 Shook, J. M., late Lieut., U. S. Volunteers 1404 97 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Shortlidge, Edmund D., Captain, Medical Dept. (Re- signed) 235 Shuttleworth, Edward A., Captain, 2d Infantry 1057 Sidman, Frank E., Lieut., 8th Cavalry 805 Sievert, Herman A., Captain, 9th Cavalry 1860 Siler, Joseph F., Captain,, Medical Corps, U. S. A. 1766 Sime, H. T., late Major U. S. Volunteers 1849 Simonds, George S., Captain, 22d Infantry 318 Simonds, Lawrence B., Captain, U. S. Infantry.... 1000 Simpson, William A., Colonel, Adjt.-Gen. Dept., U. S. A 1054 Singleton, Asa L., Lieut, 30th Infantry 948 Sirmyer, Edgar A., Captain, 9th Cavalry 1555 Sladen, Fred W., Major, 11th Infantry 1771 Slavens, Thomas H., Lieut. -Col., Quartermaster Corps 1310 Small, Edson I., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1870 Smart, Robert, Lieut, U. S. A. (Resigned) 682 Smiley, Samuel E., Major, 21st Infantry 601 Smith, Alfred T., Captain, 12th Infantry 1484 Smith, Allen, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired.. 473 Smith, Allen M., Lieut-Col., Medical Corps 1984 Smith, Clarence B., Captain, Coast Artillery 612 Smith, Cornelius C, Captain, 5th Cavalry 1028 Smith, Emery T., Lieut., 5th Field Artillery 475 Smith, Frederick A., Brigadier-General, U. S. A.... 1323 Smith, George R., Brigadier-General, Quartermaster Corps 580 Smith, Harry A., Major, 28th Infantry 643 Smith, James, late Colonel U. S. Volunteers 1087 Smith, James T., Commodore, U. S. N., Retired... 1564 Smith, Jacob H., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 455 Smith, James W., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A... 1193 98 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Smith, Morton F., Captain, 20th Infantry 298 Smith, Robert M., Lieut., Philippine Scouts (Re- signed) 1178 Smith, Robert S., Major, Pay Dept., U. S. A 830 Smith, W. Strather, Captain, U. S. N 1768 Smith, Wright, Captain, 5th Field Artillery 1843 Smyser, Rudolph E., Lieut., U. S. Cavalry 1184 Snyder, Henry D., Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps 1490 Snyder, John J., Surgeon, U. S. N 1289 Sparrenberger, Frederick H., Lieut., Medicar Re- serve Corps 552 Spaulding, Oliver L., Jr., Captain, 4th Field Artillery 1969 Spear, Raymond, Surgeon, U. S. N 1389 Spence, Robert E. L., Captain, U .S. A., Retired.... 706 Spiller, Robert K., Lieut, U. S. A., Retired 1430 Spilman, Robert S., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A. . 461 Spratling, Leckinski W., Surgeon, U. S. N 98 Spurr, John P., Captain, Coast Artillery 1720 Squier, George O., Major, Signal Corps 237 Stafford, H. E., late Captain U. S. Volunteers 78 Stamford, Henry W., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.. 1562 Standiford, William R., Captain, 5th Infantry 675 Stanton, Charles E., Major, Quartermaster Corps.. 33 Stanton, E. M., Captain, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1590 Staunton, Sidney A., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 427 Stanworth, Charles S., Comdr., U. S. N., Retired.. 1318 Starr, Charles G, Lieut.-Col., U. S. A., Retired 1365 Stearns, Charles H., Lieut, Medical Reserve Corps. 1541 Steedman, Richard R., Major, U. S. A., Retired 884 Steele, Matthew F., Major, U. S. A., Retired 728 Steele, Theophilus B., Captain, Coast Artillery 170 Steere, Henry, late Captain, 36th U. S. Volunteers.. 2057 Steever, Edgar Z., Brigadier-General, U. S. A 386 99 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Stepp, Jacob, Surgeon, U. S. N 195 Sterling, E. Kearsley, Lieut, 3d Cavalry 1205 Stevens, Gustave W. S., Lieut.-Col., Coast Artillery. 28 Stevens, Raymond R., Major, U. S. A., Retired.. 1988 Stevens, Robert R., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 3 Stevens, Thomas H., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 42 Stewart, Cecil, Captain, 4th Cavalry (Resigned) .... 105 Stewart, Merch B., Captain, 5th Infantry 587 Stirling, Yates, Jr., Comdr., U. S. N 989 Sticht, John L., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1925 Stockardt, James K., Contract Surgeon, U. S. A. (Resigned) 1751 Stokes, Charles F., Surgeon-General, U. S. N 1292 Stone, Carl L., Captain, Philippine Scouts 1909 Stone, Charles B., Jr., Captain, 17th Infantry 442 Stone, David L., Captain, 25th Infantry 277 Stopford, Frederick W., Captain, 20th Co. Coast Artillery 1598 Storck, John, Captain, 62d Co. Coast Artillery 1792 Stratt, John N., Captain, 29th Infantry 1827 Straub, Paul F., Major, Medical Corps 1684 Strayer, Thorne, Lieut., 17th Infantry 723 Strong, Donald W., Lieut., 7th Infantry 2052 Strong, Frank L., late Lieut. U. S. N 2053 Stryker, Goss L., Lieut., 6th Cavalry 735 Stuart, Edward A., Captain, 2d Field Artillery 1160 Stull, George C, Chaplain, 11th Infantry 883 Sturgis, Samuel D., Lieut.-Col., 3d Field Artillery.. 36 Sumner, Samuel S., Major-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 474 Summerlin, G. T., Captain, U. S. A. (Resigned)... 1349 Sunderland, Archibald H., Captain, Coast Artillery.. 745 Suplee, Edwin M., Major, 14th Cavalry 1908 100 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Supplee, H. Clay M., Lieut, 17th Infantry 1659 Sweeney, Walter C, Captain, 21st Infantry 251 Sweet, P. K., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 1366 Sweitzer, Charles McG., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 1326 Symington, John, Lieut, 1st Cavalry 1072 T Taggart, Elmore F., Lieut.-Col., 4th Infantry 29 Talbott, Samuel G., Lieut., 28th Infantry 1259 Talbot, Thomas, late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1752 Tanner, Earle W., Captain, U. S. Infantry 1092 Tanner, William T., late Captain U. S. Volunteers.. 460 Tarrant, William T., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1330 Tate, Daniel L., Major, 3d Cavalry 296 Taussig, Joseph K., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1557 Taylor, Frank, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 498 Taylor, Hugh K., Captain, Coast Artillery 1721 Taylor, James D., Captain, U. S. Infantry 270 Taylor, John R. M., Major, U. S. Infantry 11 Taylor, Montgomery M., Comdr., U. S. N 1406 Taylor, Theodore B., Captain, 5th Cavalry 740 Taylor, William R., Lieut., 3d Cavalry 1206 Taylor, William W., Jr., Lieut, 12th Infantry 2058 Tayman, Charles K, Major, 1st Infantry 692 Tenney, Elmer S., Lieut, Medical Reserve Corps.. 1746 Terrell, Henry S., Lieut., 10th Cavalry 1878 Thayer, Arthur, Major, 3d Cavalry 1247 Thomas, Charles O., Jr., Captain, 1st Cavalry 919 Thomas, John R., Jr., Captain, 1st Infantry 1108 Thomason, Henry D., Captain, Medical Corps 669 Thompson, Albert C, Jr., Captain, Coast Artillery.. 1526 Thompson, Edwin P., Lieut, 24th Infantry 1444 Thompson, J. Milton, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 1744 101 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Thompson, Robert W., Second Lieut, 1st Infantry.. 938 Thornburgh, Robert M., Major, Medical Corps.:... 1599 Thornton, James W., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A. 979 Thuis, Charles A., First Lieut, U. S. Infantry 1882 Tiffany, Dexter J., Paymaster, U. S. N. (Resigned) 225 Tilford, James D., Captain, 3d Cavalry 557 Tillotson, Charles W., Lieut, 19th Infantry 855 Tillson, John C. F., Colonel, 8th Infantry 1982 Tilson, Ernest R., Captain, 165th Co. Coast Artillery 1512 Tittoni, Renato, Lieut, U. S. M. C 1773 Tobey, Eugene C, Paymaster, U. S. N 430 Tobin, William H., Captain, 64th Co. Coast Artillery 1716 Todd, David W., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1876 Toffey, John J., Jr., Captain, 7th Infantry 1572 Tomb, James H., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1907 Totten, James, Captain, Coast Artillery 1499 Towar, Albert S., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired 57 Townsend, Grosvenor L., Captain, 1st Infantry 786 Townsend, Julius C, Lieut, U. S. N 1806 Train, Charles R., Lieut., U. S. N 1210 Traub, Peter E., Major, 7th Cavalry 169 Treadwell, Thomas C, Major, U. S. M. C 1332 Tremaine, William C, Captain, U. S. A., Retired.. 812 Trotter, Alden, Captain, 79th Co. Coast Artillery.. 590 Trowbridge, Chas. R., late Captain 11th U. S. Vols. 2059 True, W. M., Lieut, 16th Infantry (Resigned).... 542 Truxton, William, Comdr., U. S. N 873 Tupes, Herschel, Captain, 1st Infantry 930 Turnbull, Wilfred, Lieut., Medical Dept 668 Turner, Frederick G., First Lieut., 13th Cavalry 1369 Turner, G. Soulard, Captain, 7th Infantry 975 Turrill, Julius S., Captain, U. S. M. C 727 Tutherly, William, late Captain U. S. Volunteers . . 83 Tuttle, Geo. Bass., Contract Surgeon, U. S. A 1702 102 MI LITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Twining, Nathan C, Rear Admiral, U. S. N 695 Tyner, George P., Captain, 15th Cavalry 1475 U Uline, Willis, Major, U. S. Infantry 491 Upham, Frank B., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1962 V Vance, Zebulon B., Major, U. S. A., Retired 885 Van Deman, Ralph H., Captain, 21st Infantry 69 Van Deusen, George W., Colonel, Field Artillery.. 1482 Van Dusen, James W., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A 2029 Van Duzer, Louis S., Captain, U. S. N 1686 Van Horn, Robert O., Captain, 17th Infantry 1159 Van Leer, Samuel, Captain, U. S. Cavalry 406 Van Orden, George, Captain, U. S. M. C 1266 Van Poole, Gideon McD., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A 1814 Van Schaick, Louis J., Captain, 14th Infantry 1412 Venable, George R., Paymaster, U. S. N 1157 Vidmer, George, Captain, U. S. Cavalry 992 Vinson, Webster, Colonel, Quartermaster Corps . . . 619 Vogdes, Charles B., Major, U. S. A., Retired 1345 Voris, Alvin C, Captain, Signal Corps 2087 Vose, William E., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A.. 573 Vreeland, Charles K, Rear Admiral, U. S. N 1327 W Waddell, Ralph W., late Contract Dental Surgeon . . 1025 Wade, James F., Major-General, U. S. A., Retired.. 204 Wade, John P., Captain, 2d Cavalry 84 103 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Wadleigh, John W., Captain, U. S. M. C 1165 Wadsworth, W. A., late Major U. S. V 1374 Wagner, John A., Captain, U. S. Cavalry 1854 Walcutt, Charles C, Jr., Major, U. S. Cavalry.... 132 Waldo, Rhinelander, late Captain Philippine Scouts 1152 Waldron, Leonard T., Captain, Coast Artillery 1506 Walker, James E., Lieut., U. S. N 1082 Walker, Kenzie W., Captain, 9th Cavalry 816 Walker, William L 1798 Wallace, Charles S., Captain, Signal Corps 709 Wallace, George W., Captain, 8th Infantry 1358 Wallace, Hamilton S., Colonel, Quartermaster Corps 1459 Wallace, William B., Lieut, 20th Infantry 1032 Wallace, William M., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 1021 Wallach, Robert R., Captain, 10th Cavalry 2013 Wallen, Seeley A., Lieut, U. S. A., Retired 1691 Waller, Littleton W. T., Colonel, U. S. M. C 1363 Walling, Burns T., Commodore, U. S. N., Retired 1276 Walsh, Robert D, Major, 11th Cavalry 2008 Walton, Edward S., Captain, U. S. Infantry 846 Waltz, Millard F., Colonel, 19th Infantry 67 Ward, Frederick K., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 777 Ward, Henry C, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 429 Warren, Frank, late Captain U. S. Volunteers 1852 Washburn, F. A., late Major U. S. Volunteers 546 Watkins, Benjamin H., Captain, 2d Infantry 647 Watson, Harry J., Captain, 19th Co. Coast Artillery 701 Watson, James T., Captain, 28th Infantry 1426 Webb, Ulys R., Surgeon, U. S. N 1948 Webb, Walter D., Major, U. S. A., Retired 2024 Webster, Frank D., Major, 20th Infantry 32 104 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Weeks, Frank R., Second Lieut, Artillery Corps (Resigned) 1540 Weigel, William, Major, 23d Infantry 703 Weirick, Samuel T., Captain, U. S. A., Retired.... 754 Wells, Charles, Lieut., 1st Infantry (Resigned) 904 Wells, Chester, Lieut. Comdr., U. S. N 1335 Wells, Edward C, Lieut, 14th Cavalry 592 Wells, Frank L., Captain, 26th Infantry 882 Welsh, William E., Captain, 30th Infantry 710 Wescott, Robert H., Captain, 11th Infantry 505 West, Emory S., Lieut., U. S. A., Retired 413 West, J. J., late Lieut. U. S Volunteers 1845 West, Parker W., Major, U. S. A., Retired 697 West, Robert John, Lieut, 16th Infantry 1436 Wetherill, Alexander M., Captain, 19th Infantry... 259 Wheatley, William F., Lieut., U. S. Cavalry 626 Wheeler, Ernest S., Captain, Field Artillery 1537 Wheeler, James M., Captain, 164th Co. Coast Artil- lery 1529 Whinnery, Jean C, late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A. 1116 Whipple, Charles H., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 417 Whitall, Samuel R., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1127 Whitcomb, Clement C, Major, Medical Corps 714 White, Edward H., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers .... 212 White, George H., Captain, 16th Infantry 539 White, George P., Captain, 9th Cavalry 451 White, Herbert A, U. S. A. (Resigned) 946 White, Harry K, Colonel, U. S. M. C 2001 White, Howard, Captain, Philippine Scouts 1892 White, Jonas S., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A.... 1763 White, William R., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1936 Whitfield, Robert, Captain, 22d Infantry 272 105 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Whiting, William H., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Re- tired 858 Whitmore, Eugene R., Captain, Medical Corps 2060 Whitworth, Pegram, Captain, 10th Infantry 81 Wickham, Frank D., Captain, 12th Infantry 1476 Wickline, William A., Captain, Medical Corps 1916 Wieczorek, George A., Captain, Coast Artillery 752 Wiegenstein, Henry A., Captain, 24th Infantry 405 Wigmore, Hubert L., Captain, Engineer Corps, U. S. A 604 Wilcox, Frank A., Captain, U. S. Infantry 1002 Wilder, William T., Major, U. S. Infantry 1014 Wildman, Leonard D., Captain, Signal Corps 496 Wiley, Noble J., Lieut, 5th Infantry 711 Wilkins, Herry E., Major, Quartermaster Corps... 63 Willard, Frank, late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 1846 Williams, Adrian D., late Contract Surgeon, U. S. A. 878 Williams, Andrew E., Captain, 3d Cavalry 390 Williams, Arthur, Colonel, 11th Infantry 824 Williams, Arthur, Captain, Engineer Corps, U. S. A. 778 Williams, Charles A., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired... 1603 Williams, Constant, Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 1425 Williams, Clarence C, Major, Ordnance Dept, U. S. A 1213 Williams, Dion, Major, U. S. M. C 1937 Williams, Ezekiel J., Captain, 5th Infantry 962 Williams, Richard H., Captain, Coast Artillery 1955 Williams, Richard P., Captain, U. S. M. C 467 Williamson, Llewellyn P., Lieut., Medical Corps, U. S. A 1337 Wills, Van Leer, late Lieut. U. S. Infantry 34 Wills, Will D., Lieut, 5th Infantry 763 106 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Wilson, Alfred McC, Lieut, 20th Infantry (Re- signed) 305 Wilson, Compton, Lieut., Medical Dept. (Resigned) 712 Wilson, Charles H., late Lieut, U. S. Volunteers... 2021 Wilson, Evert R., Captain, 11th Infantry 1077 Wilson, Frederick E., Lieut, 6th Infantry 1102 Wilson, George K., Lieut., 3d Infantry 651 Wilson, Henry D., Surgeon, U. S. N 1926 Wilson, Jennings B., Captain, 6th Infantry 1922 Wilson, William H., Capt, 151st Co. Coast Artillery 1500 Wing, Franklin F., 1st Lieut, Dental Surgeon 2082 Winship, Blanton, Major, J. A. Gen. Dept, U. S. A. 116 Winslow, Richard P., Captain, Coast Artillery 1750 Winter, Francis A., Lieut.-CoL, Med. Corps, U. S. A. 1802 Winterberg, W. H., Captain and Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A 1971 Winterburn, George W., Captain, 5th Cavalry 114 Wise, Frederic M., Captain, U. S. M. C 1379 Wise, Hugh D., Captain, 3d Infantry 30 Witherspoon, Edward T., Captain, U. S. N., Retired 197 Wittenmyer, Edmund, Major, 27th Infantry 311 Wolfe, G. N., late Lieut, U. S. Volunteers 348 Wolfe, Orrin R., Captain, 16th Infantry 201 Wolven, Frank H., Lieut., Dental Surgeon, U. S. A. 1742 Wood, George H., late Lieut U. S. Volunteers.... 1494 Wood, Norton E., Captain, Field Artillery 591 Wood, Palmer G., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1478 Wood, William T., Colonel, U. S. Infantry 1026 Wood, Winthrop S., Lieut-Col., Quartermaster Corps 356 Woodbury, Frank T., Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A. 575 Woodruff, Charles A., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired 31 107 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO Carabao No. Woodruff, James A., Major, Engineer Corps, U. S. A 246 Woods, Robert F., Captain, 30th Co. Coast Artillery 1525 Woodson, Robert S., Major, U. S. A., Retired 506 Woodward, Charles G., Colonel, U. S. A., Retired.. 26 Woodward, Clark H., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 1649 Wooton, W. Turner, late Captain U. S. Volunteers. 494 Workizer, John G., Captain, 21st Co. Coast Artillery 795 Worrilow, Ulysses G., Captain, 15th Infantry 1417 Wotherspoon, William W., Major-General, U. S. A. 614 Wright, Edmund S., Major, 1st Cavalry 918 Wright, William M., Major, U. S. Infantry 6 Wyman, Henry L., Lieut.-Comdr., U. S. N 680 Wynne, R. F., Captain, U. S. M. C 1309 Y Yates, Arthur W., Major, Quartermaster Corps 1828 Yates, Julian E., Chaplain, Coast Artillery 1989 Yost, John D., Major, U. S. A., Retired 868 Yost, Philip, Captain, Coast Artillery 1727 Young, Frederick S., Captain, 23d Infantry 1171 Young, H. P., Captain, Quartermaster Corps 1396 Young, Russell Montague, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N 1188 Young, R. W., late Major U. S. Volunteers 37 Young, Samuel B. M., Lieut-General, U. S. A., Re- tired 1228 Zalinski, Moses G., Lieut. -Col., Quartermaster Corps 818 Zollars, Charles O., Captain, 50th Co. Coast Artillery 1794 108 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO TENERO CARABAOS Carabao No. Clark, Chas. Palmer 2055 Evans, Hornsby, Lieut., 9th Infantry 2039 Hartigan, I. C 2050 Humphrey, Marion B., Lieut, U. S. M. C 2038 Knapp, John H., Paymaster, U. S. N 2037 Steere, Thos. I., Second Lieut., C. A. C 2063 HEREDITARY CARABAOS Grant, Ulysses S., 3d, Captain, U. S. A 2040 Herman, R. G 2062 Mills, Paul D., late Lieut. U. S. Volunteers 2047 Rafferty, William A., Cadet, U. S. M. A 2041 HONORARY CARABAOS Taft, William H., ex-President of the United States. Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United States. ASSOCIATE CARABAOS Adamson, Sydney 2049 Egan, Martin 2045 Hardin, Edward W 2043 Johnson, Arthur C 2048 McCutcheon, John T 2044 McDonnell, Percy Gilmour 2069 109 MILITARY ORDER OF THE CARABAO (Taps Carabao No. Allderdice, William H., Commander, U. S. N., Re- tired, died Oct. 3, 1911.. 52 Allen, Leven C, Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, died Jan. 20, 1912 533 Augur, Jacob A., Colonel, U. S. A., died April 18, 1909 1817 Bachelor, Joseph B., Captain, U. S. A., Retired, died Aug. 7, 1902 153 Beck, William H., Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Re- tired, died Nov. 26, 1911 1207 Benham, Henry H., Major, U. S. A., Retired, died March 21, 1911 1311 Bevington, Martin, Lieut.-Commander, U. S. N., died Oct. 25, 1903 53 Bickham, Charles G., First Lieut., 27th Infantry, U. S. A., died June 16, 1910 1138 Bieg, Frederick C, Commander, U. S. N., died Oct. 14, 1909 1733 Black, William, Major, U. S. A., Retired, died Nov. 26, 1911 213 Blow, William N., Captain, U. S. A., Retired, died Oct. 29, 1907 641 Bonesteel, Chas. H., Major, 23d Infantry, U. S. A., died Sept. 24, 1902 285 111 MILITARY ORDER 7 7 H 7 C A 7 ZA 7 A O Boc :t s 5 untie! B., Captain, Commissary department, V 5 A iied Sept. 26, 1909 1175 Bowyer John M., Rear Ad mi n. V 5 7 Retired, lied March : : 1912 1211 Brandk * First lienf V 5 A^ lied Jet ; :; : m Brown, A. EL, Captain. 4th Infantry 164 Brown Dscar J., Ma; : r If: 3awalry iiei Sept 13, 1906 66 Brereton, TaHmadge EL Second Lienf _: Infantry died July 1, 19! : 208 Butt Archibald Major V 5 A April 15, 1912, it sea 110 Byrne. Bernard A., Lieut-Cold., Retired, died Feb. :■ 191C 141 Zaldwefl Robert A 7:r_ ; : Lieut, Philippine Scoots fied Ang 17 15 : 693 Ganaga Alfred B.. Commander V S. X.. died Dec 24, 1906 97 Carroll, Edwin 7 First Lienf 1st Infantry V c .-. died Jan 28, 1903 ":" '. mdler, Zliis Major U. 5. A Retiree iie: Sept 14 1 Z 932 Chapman, William H. H., Captain, U. S. A., died Dec 18, 1911 1464 Chiles Seaborn EL, Zaptain, 11th Infantry, died Oct 2, 1908 .. : ": Clement John '". L., Jr., Lieut, U. S. X., died Jnry 28, 1904 1290 Cogswell James II Rear Admiral, U. S, X., Re- ared, died Aug. 12. 1908 73 Cole, Eeory G., Major, Quartermaster Corps, V S. A,, died Oct 13, 1912 46 112 o < « < < u K i— i H ON 00 fin o a .3 < < < < O o £ c/) J n < H w On On 00 < Q ■a