LIBR ARY OF CONG RESS, Chap.Y.5. „ Copyright No. I V) Q UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Areal's Imagination ...BY.. Silence. piXl By The J. Henry Porter Co. Boston, Mass. 10895 Lil*r»ry of C€>*nrir ****** Twi C0HES RtCF»*f • | -p r - ^ \ JUN 25 I9CU !' ^r, Ojyrtfht why l 07^"/ secc-mo corv. Dll'vti** to ORDER DIVISION. I JUN 26 IQfin 11«> . 68901 Copyrighted April 17, 1900 By The J. Henry Porter Co. AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Represented. Conrad Almont. John Almont, son of Conrad, friend of Garrett. Charles Almont, son of Conrad, friend of Ver- ness. Verness, a gentleman. Roya'l Carroll, a gentleman. Anthony, cousin of Carroll. Edward Garrett. Olt, Xen, robbers, friars, servants, etc. Marion Almont, daughter of Royal, Mary Carroll, sister of Royal. Agnes Nance. Hostesses, etc. ACT I. ' Scene I. Before a cottage, Garrett ahorse, Cottager and Boy. Gar. What said I my name? Pretty blushet. Dreaming dolt have you so soon forgot? Boy. Good. Gar. Bright light of wit — champion of intellect ! 4 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Dost know thou ? Hum ! look a blaze of ignorance. [To Cottager. Here a thread portends — a spanking colt When curried out. Sir, guard him as you can. Lavish not too much on finer niceties ; Expound, deliver with impressiveness his nobleness ; To become man and master of propensities ; Virtue-proof against the proverbs of indulgence. Show through the hall of truth, the devil's exit ; For truth, old man, in youth is perfection. No coward, nor alloyed with deception, Mighty honor sword up in impeachment. This open time's receptacle of much it is to be. Cot. Efforts best shall be my pleasure. Gar. Greatest greatness is born in lowness. Mind, boy ; poverty routs petulance, And tribulations whet the ends Of extrication. — There are horse in my rear. Quick, curl you in your chrysalis And sleep. I'll tax each act. — Sleep ! [Exit. Cot. The outlaw of — come, come to sleep. [Exeunt Cottager, Boy. Enter Pursuit and Exeunt. Scene II. Nance's; Agnes writing. Enter Garrett. Gar. Thou of many metaphor, thou of little simile — Agnes. He's outlaw I am warned. I am warned. I dread my love, and drunk in it. [Aside. ACT I. SCENE II. J Gar. In ripples is bland flowing life. Agnes. A breathing presence insouls its lazy current. Gar. Things falling 'twixt the sun in their shadow Are first seen. What fear reflected here? Agnes. Ah, 'tis a stately tree in vanity Leaning o'er the mere. Gar. Spreads thy face's fire. Far thy temples 'twill set thy hair Afire. — I read it now ; suspects me truly. Beholds she loves that black thief, In public terror's painting, mounted nondescript. The roads are choking, hounds are baying. [Aside. In the distance hounds are heard. Agnes. Sir, why so dreamingly? Hast tumbled in Soft sleep's oblivion ? Gar. Oh, yes, musing on a joke. 'Twas o'er the road. — Undone in that killing. [Aside. Dogs are heard again. Agnes. Then to all false angles, and more a seat uneasy. Gar. Instead of cheer the alchemist spilt In me a double dose severe ; formation From waste scraps of truculence sorted out My face. So, Agnes, the danger in a smile Is that I rip the patcher's lace. I came to no more than say, I go. Agnes. To strip a couplet of its fairest rhyme ? Gar. Time points his commanding digit 6 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. To the door. — The wolves are yet outwit. [Aside. [Picks up writing. What's the matter on this paper? Agnes. Pray do not read ! Gar. 'Tis not unfit, and so, not I for it unfit. [Reads. Thought draws to thee, sits at its feast ; And leap in presence breasting the aurora. The sluggard is creation' s sin— thee creation's king^ Apparelled in the poetry of nature' s garnered rhymes. Impossible is fossil, of prowess you the euphony, Roaming glory free, men as timid shadows — Voids about a burrow creep to their retreat : Moon of houses of ideal, lord of every mansion. Man, sublimity inthroned in immortality ; Action gowned of awe and wonderment. Nature' s grand imposing, nature' s dainty artist : Thy form the fading of all amaranth. Balance not a bird on any desperate lie. To whom ? To whom ? Agnes. To thee but ne'er to see. Gar. I love thee intensely. But I must go. Agnes. 'Tis a sad tale. Gar. The dogs on guard ; 'tis death delay. [Aside. Agnes. Stay ; come we'll ope the flood of har- mony ACT I. SCENE II. 7 Borne on debacle of chords ; come, we'll make Dead silence dance and fill a heavenness In the air ; come, music's key admits To court of ecstasy ; come attendants be In sumptuous sympathy. Trim necessity, And together travel the jeweled heights To Jove. Or while dost sing shall I play. Gar. Is sentiment security? I must depart. — If speed's to win I should be gone e'er now. [Aside. Agnes. Art in danger? Gar. Danger? I saw no one enter. Agnes. But to-night less firm, furtive for assault. Gar. I should gone e'er this ; pardon my trans- gression. [Dogs in the distance. Agnes. O sweet transgression ! in my heart Most pardonable. Fy ! Love levels insolent laws. Six may swing upon the gate when sixty Were deranged. Love alone may break these laws Of porcelain when custom common Makes it wanton. Gar. I beg a thing of you. Agnes. I wish 'twere less you begged and more You asked, for grants grieve to see thee Begging and make a pleasure weep. Gar. A kiss. Agnes. A kiss? A sip of bliss; 'tis thine. [Kiss. Exit Gar. Good-night my love ; dream o'er this dream to- night. — Quick upon the lips, a report within the soul. The lips cushioned for its guest: — 8 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. King expectant — tender throne of sweet Ravishment. — Adieu ; and may sleep Bedew thee thou vading rose intrepid. — A spirit started from the pout In frighted flight a dart unto divine ! That touch ! that yielding pressure ! Torrent of intoxicant, subtile wine of slavery. My lord, love ; how blithe thou makes t me ! \_Exit* Scene III. Room in Carroll's. Mary Carroll and John Almont. John. Farewell till then. How long till then ! Mary. Farewell. My wish so short I will not. John. How hard to say ! Mary. 'Tis not forever. John. Farewell. Mary. Farewell. \_Exit John. Pledged to him and promised to his brother. But, what is a promise but a breath Sealed in mortal's less assurance, — Her wind shaped to some well meant intent. More, 'tis effect of antidote exaction. A naked thought unwintered in to come, — Determination rich courting treacherous Chance. The shall is sighing strength ; The infant wants a dangerous toy. A promise is a bubble on the providential — A feather in fate's weather. We speculate, But as future elicits must guide To further pike. My yea implied ability bereft. ACT I. SCENE IV. 9 Charles, I fling your ring into the burning. [ Throws it into thejire. The remnant of remembrance pity for thee. Enter Royal Carroll. But none are thee look and bone of noble ; [ To Roy. Fair to view within a falling water-fall. Roy. The hunt collected ; will you start? Mary. In spirits tumbling up, and my heart Is soaring. Like winged Fortune lead them. [Exeunt. Scene IV. An Inn. Charles Almont reading letters of business. Chas. How soft disorders steal the throne Intentions like the velvet tread of night. If courage is a sect of science, And sweat the bread of genius, My fortune t*isks, my brain in scheming council Till thou dost strut in servitude. He says, I hold all moneys, I am master. [Reads. Master ? He ? Ridiculous ! The party and the power What mad opposites in all particularities That pair. I can afford the toll, to time. Enter Servant with another letter ; exit. Ho ! a letter. It smells of love. Within Too I wager in sweets' erotic savor. Deferential sure. Obedience shines [Opens. IO AREAL'S IMAGINATION. As in that time bends she her mind to mine. Mine eyes ! No, no, no ! Cohorts of fire Could not change her so ! Light inverteth, Sight inebriate. Read o'er again the facts ! Tour life and mine must never blend. Defeat. Shocked my rock of prospect ! Too warm of bosom to bleed your brother 's faith In tale 9 s recital. — The same ! same antagonist. Again, Tell him not that Tve loved thee. Keep it in thy sorrow' s secret heart. For then — no more. Dear friend am I Mary Carroll. Is her money, her manner, and her beauty — Money (else is tail) gone to my brother, Born to hate, life to despise and fight, Whom in his cradle pommeled, saucy brat, Enmity's intensity freak of unity, To win the fortune of my plotting? No. I'll wed thee at the altar as I there thee Have led ! Conjured is pity poniard, tipped \_A tear falls. In deadly tear. I'll powder this god Of your adoration ; I'll efface his face And charge again the gates, And were immured in steel My thymy pleadings' pressure percolate. — This night I'll slip him in his sleep. The hushed hour muffle him, the angel To ensnare him in eternity. Dream thou Deeper in the fathoms of unconsciousness. John in sleep art gone I'll bolt the door ACT I. SCENE IV. 1 1 From thy return. Mary Carroll reigneth, remain- eth, mine ! Enter John. John. Disappoint, deject thou seem'st and sad. Dost peruse thy life of wrongs for mammon ? Chas. Paddling in the past ; wooing when We were more of friends. John. Humph ! you were. Chas. I thought of time and we were boys Blown in pride and love afore stole This nipping, bickering blight. When Vain heaven in ceaseless tissues clad ; The earth elastic to our tripping spirits ; The air was rare in brotherhood ; Buoyant, bounding in unbounded freedom. Then, quicker than a woman's wit Changed the smiling scene to snarling sullen. John. The well of your imagination must be foul In dead cats of most pervert. Chas. I step forward to renew — [Steps forward to clasp. John. Is love Thus impulsive? There's no good in thine eye. Suave extorter what of me is it envy'th ? Twinkling scoundrel a fico for your love. [Exit. Chas. Soon that stiff tongue in a stiffer sticks ; And vSatan stirs sensation in the mix. Where the grains of penetration Are magnified to suffer ; fires the choicest Prompt to twist in excruciation's tangle ; Groans trample pomp, souse in pool convulsions. 12 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Pain sweep thy domain of excellence ; Collect eccentrics torture, and if aught Beyond my thought within the walls Of agony, prepare : I speed him shrouded In the night. — Stuff ! I should be tried for it. Lo, 'tis so. Wisdom have your inning. When murder haps his nearest and his dearest First suspected. Direct am I the mark And accurate arrows of his popularity. — Ah, for one to blood devout, had taste of this. Who'd do the deed for money, suspicions could not find. Enter Garrett. I possess his past. He is my resurrection. [Aside. Gar. What ails? Woman's treachery? man's perfidy ? Or is it as methinks thine are golden troubles ? Beware, in region paved with diamonds Are a host of counting damned. Boy, ambitions bred in pockets are things Loathsome making plagues 'mong men. Boy, put thy mountain at the bottom ; Nor try to top a thread with a mountainous Head. Chas. In tender tumult, vexed, perplexed. — Gar. Oho, art charmed by the art of some Young rustling widow's tricksey petticoat ; Fascinated by dame's lavishness to shape : And passions like the setting sun Present the sluggish beauty's frieze ; Whiles the friar winks, lo, the crimson mist Is gone. ACT I. SCENE IV. IJ Chas. I love, I lose. Gar. Love's loss is sad loss. But hope is yet. While there's hop there's hope. Chas. Hope ? Hope ? Yes, holds a stench Unto the nose and tickles the nape With emblem flower ; with sulphur stuffs The stomach, puts sweet fragrance in the hair. I say, will you lock this secret I now say ? Gar. Love. — Jealous. Corollary of too long wooing. Perchance, existence ; a rival. Perchance. Two jealous cats around an offal barrel. Chas. Pity me ! all devices dead in me ! [Droops. Gar. Effeminate ; woman intended in the match. Chas. But a draught of your grand acumen ; Environ with your rescuing counsel. She doth recant and to my brother goes ; She's a mine — rich — riches — fabulous. Gar. His wretched sprawl some antic to deceive me. Thief, her home and not her heart he'd own. [Aside. Chas. My heart is rent. Gar. Mend it. Chas. How? Gar. Mend imagination. Thou rolleth love Up a hill. Like a hog made your golden Palate god grunting under much Thy groans are more. 14 AEEAL'S IMAGINATION. Ckas. My brother he — Gar. Men fling sparrows crumbs to hear them sing ; To nuptial they thee invite to see thee grin. I must go. [ Going. Ckas. Hold ! Haste not yet ! Despair depleting me, in issue strength. [Droops. Pulp as jelly-fish. Gar. Loose indeed who lose in loss. Wailing licks lean sleek sides of life. Omit To think of it and in bus'ness beat your brother. Ckas. Dost not believe I love ? Gar. As fain Would he be cunning who slobbers over Craft, so oft is too much diligence thief Of the mask. Ckas. I meet thee on the guileless level. Gar. Thou art gymnastic hypocrite. Ckas. My brother tells, — O so abhorrent to the ear, — Tales, that one must strike his breast, exclaim ; — Of thee, with more blood than eloquence, Less love than either, till they, I say, Are murderously plain and murder Is their key, — thou wert freebooter butchering : Thy past was robber pillaging, killing men. Silence him or John doth hang thee with his tongue. Draw a dagger for salvation's sake ; Whip and whittle quickly happy fortune. An instant's jab of thy rapier, my gold The gain to wipe away the stain. ACT I. SCENE IV. 15 Thou art gentleman in need I know. He calls thee friend but he's thy foe. t say, put a dagger in thy danger For he is malice worse than wrath ; He squints, he's tricky and he's sweet ; Proclaims thee outlaw and outlawry is death. She is rich admit, hers I seek admit ; Love her wealth more than self ; But if thou my brother'll kill due part I'll pay, — Mistake ! O soft the fiery fiend till I am out ! [Aside. Gar. Is Garrett sought dark arch to dastardy? The hushed hope, silent gate to depths' descent? Crime's vicegerent ? black Depravity's villain ? No, I must stay the hand. Wriggle viper ! Fly ! for blood is surging to avengement ! [Exit Chas. Garrett move again. Roam where wilt The devil of my past seems informer. But happy yet and blest not my origin Addressed — the ungracious crime that bore me. His and not his brother's is the idle tongue Plays suitor to my evil record. O the family ! The father and his favorite 'Gainst the mother and her son. Such hate ! Pernicious, unnatural and unrootable. Edward Garrett, wherever got the name, Possessed thou but maternity — well — well — 'tis my hobby ; And grace is guest where least received. — He lives and gone to work his way. 1 6 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. But for thee, Agnes, Charles were dead and done of earth. 'Twas thee, dear, in vision kept in peace. In temptation celestial lily in the path ; Or in rage floating fore forgetting fury. What conquering witchery is in a woman ! Steal a tempest and hide it so completely ; Can enchant the passion, still destruction's sea. Persuasive, and in sweet power replete ; Within whose dependency the subjects To inthrall strong, stupid, musing man. Aye, wise was the wisdom and not stint Of matter said thy sacred seed was small. Good-night, my darling, good-night. [ Going. My wrong must stand but thee I never wed, Lest learn, or guess, hold hidden intercourse, As quiz my maund'ring dreams that I'm not holy born. [Exit. Re-enter Charles. Chas. On the hill miserable in his hut The hermit kill ; John's crime prove it to my father. If banish not the statutes do behead. And then to Mary Carroll shall I prove it. Our love and reconcilement suckling on the udder My brother's villainy. I taste success. Re-enter Garrett unnoticed. Straight to hermit. [Exit. Gar. I'll walk round see the hermit. There's mischief in his mind, mischief in his mission. I'll myself walk round and see the hermit. [Exit. ACT I. SCENE V. 1^ Scene V. Room in Almonf s. Enter Conrad to seat. Con. Ow ! that leg. Pangs and spleeny pain. Ugh ! Each move roots a groan each muscle — Oh ! why am I drawn to suffer so ? Brain in drugs' periphery, in pericarp Of care ; charged with cure, physic plenty To purge Satan, and still rheumatics Mock the doctor's acids rapidly deleting me. Time eats all sides, trouble through the middle. My day rolls on. Hydrangea in the winter I soon shall leave my slender stem And blow and roll away. Enter Charles. Chas. Fondest father — Con. 'Morning son, achievement of my years. Chas. 'Feels my father ? Con. Dressed for death, summed up for de- struction . By my love, some evil ails ! Say my son. Our wealth fell from hazard ? hast blast With risk ? Scattered is my life ! Chas. Father I falter. Con. Have I taught thee Where to feed in famine starved now In prosperity? Age in shameful poverty? Chas. Not fortune lost but in the coil's disgrace. 'Tis bad for me and sad for me but worse For thee. 1 8 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Con. Praised ! [Aside. Chas. Thy son, thy son ; my dear beloved brother. Con. Disgrace? Chas. And knits the very face Of heaven in abhorrence, makes molten Hell run o'er in glee. I revolt at broaching. Con. Our name a light in honor beamy, — Chas. 'Tis part spoils. But I must guard ! Con. I bid speak ! Chas. I fear thy weakness. Can courage cut the cancer from our side — ? Thou art sickly and not staunch to't. Con. A boy I fought a tiger. When right Stands to be wrought, my deed defies, Thy father does defying ! Chas. O, father sweet, Thou hast command me and I speak. I would my tongue might hire my will, My mouth could fly ; or in my mouth Each sense to grind that here can signify : To your guidance my fealty were dead. O poor hero triumphant o'er your love ! Pray, must I breathe in banishment? Must I lop the silent felon and stamp him In his crime ? Distress me not with his deserts ! Con. Son, face thy father, see into his eyes, Speak unto my hearing ; let thy lips work loose^ From round thy heart come its concealings. Speak as by thy brother's bier and thou wert Compelled to speak ; speak as thou wert ACT I. SCENE V. 1^ Judge before his soul and could not utter Falsely : of all thou knowest of any act Or rank intentions his, that bear the blush Completion or in part erected, 'gainst God ; Serious and substantiated 'gainst the state. C/ias. Father most wise my brother he, I love ; I love though loathe he you, mother's dotage. Proximity exasperates the yearning ; He must be filed in the unknown, Or our simple feelings feed of fire. I invoke your heights of lustrous leniency, And not in vain your clemency with eagle's wing To hie along the transverse of his ill-deserving. Pray imprison nor behead him here ; Banishment enough. — Put on thy sterner habit. Loving father I shall not stand accusant. Con. Wherefore shalt not? C/ias. I fear my weakness. Con. I tell thee, to the marrow of the # matter ! Chas. Softly; John your son, a murderer. Con. Consuming violence ! O word of agony ! This falling form in the storm of scorn. Age, how thou collect'st misery in thy shank ! Defied, despised, scorned in his youth Annuled my counsels now manhood run aground. Ah, has seldom reason power to rescue Youth in mistuition schooled. Murderer. What's our disgrace ? Chas. The hermit killed took his famous jewels. Con. May not fatality be building of thy Fallibility? 20 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Chas. Down his hoary channeled chest, Strange on its unwonted ground, Trickled the disappointed stream of life. I pulled it out from where 'twas plunged, This hunting-knife thy gift upon a time. [Displays a knife. It wears corrosive scurf of his depreciation ; But these mute marks are not the gore of doe. Home I shadowed him, after to his room ; Through a crevice peeped. My eyeballs stuck ! It sucks my strength relate : hid them in his clothes. Con. Hither bring him in my presence. Chas. Keep close from notice till he denies. [ Gives the knife. I will not call. 'Twould seem result's exulting In enormity's fall. I'll be by when you arraign. Curb acerbity and remember, banishment. [Exit. Enter Marion. Con. Find out John ; summon him before me. [Exit Mar. Some crimes aweep pawn pearls In propitiation, but this dread congress sin In its edificial treachery is mined about For pity. Praised be ye guardian gods Of disasters not me or mine he stole upon ! Enter John. How hang the folds of thy demeanor ! Innocence o'er thine aspect waves so redolent. Siree, I am about to charge thee with a crime. ACT I. SCENE V. 21 John. The monarch abdicates, and dome of man Crashes in a chaos. 'Tis sad when this intellect Topples in the river of such ravings. Re-enter Marion. Con % Where wert riding darkness' hour of evil? John. Base curiosity what baser service cloy it? Con. In the mouth of culprits little eloquence. John. Hate loves to toy with this thing In his throat, soon ascending wreath Of suspicion's smoke. Con. This loon More voluble soon. Mar. Prithee, let lenity Deploy more gracious ardor ; spite eat not A parent's proper premise. [To Con. Con. Circumstances fit thee ; Besides thou wert seen in it. Dost wear jewels ? Like a sphere trembling on a tremulous plane, He stands unsteady on his stand. On the hill the hermit murder'd. Deny thou ? Mar. Should my brother so befoul his breath? Fastidious tooth thou tak'st my heart ! [Aside. Con. Son, list to the suffering lips of edict. Stern perforce, believe me I am weeping. I have prayed the lofty hosts of this Mine thine despised nature as they In council o'er thy crime were met, And verdict thus in mitigative moment. Who sows contracted stealth may he reap Astringent consequence, ran my answer. To speak't 'tis tears sopping my shorn years. 22 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Go, nor enter in thy life the portals Of a thousand miles. Go, or axed to-morrow. Mar. Thy accusation thin, senile, base and bias. 'Tis illusion's impress. Hast not fetched proof. Con. They are on his person or grind my knees Till pardon's dust. Mar. Each word girdled certainty. [Aside. Then a monster milks the truth And poisons with immensity. Re-enter Charles. Chas. Trouble ? Trouble ? Mar. Oh, mother, if but thou wert here to interpose ! [Aside. In a noisome cloud he would confound, Drive afar forever our love and brother. [To Chas. Con. I am thy father. John. I thy hated son ; Now foul, baseless passion vomit judgment. Con. Be not submit to search thou goest. Mar. I'll pry each pucker, pick each plait — Con. 'Tis not his play comply. [John shifts. John. Search Marion. Mar. Not there — not there — not there — Con. What if hast erred? [Aside to Chas. [Marion finds, fumbles and jewels fall. Huzza ! honor's shouter captive. John. Did put them there? [7!? Chas. Con. And that telleth tale of how. [Throws knife on floor. John. The bound and bitten victim of cabal. ACT I. SCENE V. 23 Time soon shall whisk me out of thought. [ To Mar. Meanwhile immunity from misery Is bare benefit, and privilege of none. A kiss, and give it to my mother. [Kisses. Going-. Mar. Life of my love, stay I pray ! \_Prostrates before her father . The gray ugsome bugs and worms That fat neath damp decaying log Are fear in fear of size and man's might. Man front infinite and valorous, Oh — ah — eh — shall he scurry fore the worm ? Or shall he crawl and prejudice be grand ? See, on my knees I plead as at The chancel rail of Favors ; my prayer I place diamond in salvation ; O father, see it ! Ope love or ope dungeon. Make silence, this hush of hollow bidding Beautiful — spray in fragrant speech. See Marion in tresses of your praises ; Eye of brown tone nigh your own ; There, look the mirrored flexless face That crushes in distracted crouch. Waiting — waiting — is't caress or scowl perverse ? The richest, rarest, warmest tunic Is forbearance ; the very crumbs That give a grace to majesty wet Of these assuaging oils. Pardon him. And zephyrs comb the lion's mane, whispers Striate the eagle ; the grasses sway, The oak bends to the wind ; nature Weak and mighty bows before benign : 24 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Canst not the gentle breath of Marion's agony? Granite to endure in sufferance the umber time's, Mortal wilt not mantle in love's desperation? Mountains massive and abrupt, piles Teeming angles sightly, grotesque in liberty, Canst not thou be grotesque in love ? In melting treaty ascend not scorn, With a blaze blot out life, quiet gleaming : — That dear is he t > me that if he goes I die. Chas. Advance the crucial step. [Aside to Con. Con. 'Tis too late. John. My stay but galls thy anguish, sister. Say to mother I am innocent. Exiled ! [Exit. Enter Garrett. Gar. What means this face in this sour mash? Mar. See upon the floor — Gar. Tell me aside. [Aside. Converse apart. Con. He denied. Chas. A pleading and denying world. The towns-folk are in arms. [A noise without. Con. Suspect they John ? Chas. Seems. Con. Admit them in. [Chas. Going. Gar. Stay. Chas. Guests of my attraction. [Aside. Gar. Age in stormy locks and bushy tragus, [ To Con. Massy brows and rheumy brills, plunge In supplication for this act of tears and thorns. Burst in several of the towns-people. ACT I. SCENE V. 25 Be still gentlemen. 1st. T. John Almont — Gar. Be still. Thy brother John is innocent. I'll confess to it. I am innocent. Thy brother Charles the guilty. [Aside to Mar. This din is thy sin. I heard thee say thou'd go ; On call mine own find dead, Thy cloak and gory glove. Thy sister saveth. \_Aside to Chas. As time dipped it in the dawning [ To Ts. And life 'gan to scroll the day, My eyes flew ope to lung of revenge. A petty grievance. Hath marked the time? On the morn of yesterday. Does any doubt it? I've said a petty grievance, but prodigious Is growth of working germ, soil and time. Black soil ye say for virgin growth ; Black souls I say — but yet, I'll let ye guess it. All day despite my will it tarried there, Despite commands and man, Till grievance grew my conqueror, Like a tragedy ramped and tore my hair, My teeth were clashing swords. 'Tis last night Mine eye doth drop upon a knife, borrowed, Resolved I'm to return it. Not to his palm But to John Almont's bosom's deeper keeping. I'm journeying on, 'tis midnight hush and awful, Lo, a thought speaks blackly to my heart. Up the hillock the miser's lodge I gain. The moon in eclipse beblood is aegis 26 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. To my stealth ; buckled 'bout me darkness, Unexplored endowments crime exploring. Night's desolation convened in multitudinous Assemblement round Taurus slain ; Or like some god to worship ; from gloom to gloom The bolts of hidden huntress in the chase. What magnificence and I so shrunken ! The moon emerging and the world asleep ; Frowning her effulgence on Crime's form, Recoiling self and calling self a coward, — ■ I make a botch of it. I'll not meddle in't. [Aside. Girl I'll not confess to it. [ To Marion] Men 'tis crime none o' mine. ist. T. If art not guilty John Almont we sus- pect. Gar. He's gone. 1st. T. All pursue him ! All haste, pursuit ! Exeunt Ts. Gar. I go, too, Marion, for good, so attached to thee. [Exit. Chas. To the top o' the house and — Con. I'll not a jot. Chas. Wilt breakfast ? Con. Appetite? I have none. Pick up those stones. What would they bring? [Picks up jewels. Chas. Come out into the sunlight, there we'll tell. Con. Thy arm. Chas. Of his poor case how careful. That result be true as thou art worthy ! [Aside. Exeunt Conrad and Charles. Exit Marion. ACT II. SCENE I. 27 ACT II. Scene I. A room in Carroll's. Enter Mary Carroll. Mary. In the baldric of betrothal unbright, un- blithe, For like black angel Charles thee appeareth In my dawn of bliss. Charles, why doth not reply? Is't from height of hope dropped in despair, Numb to reproach, opprobriate or answer? Again this morn is rippleless rest A storm emotion, dreams drunk in destruction ; And sorrow's stream harbor in my pillow. 'Tis said perturbation wafts a warning, She soon imbrued of sorrow weighed. — But, that he were here of knightly look, This purling spirit limbed and strong, My John. Heaven keep me in the pomp of purity. Enter Charles feigning 7tot to see her. Chas. How ruthlessly she tampered with this Ingenuity of heav'n ; how malevolently Trod she the infinitesimals of divine structure. Lit the fires of love, man destroying, corpse Consuming, then flung upon the buffet Of the riderless, reinless, raging sea. Hopes in ruin, denied, tempest-tossed and rent. Took and then denied me. Ah me, poor wretch ! And there was an infant in my life. 28 AREAI/S IMAGINATION. Ah, that I did die in my crib's innocence Before burst blue bands of understanding ; Or sense was saddled neath her excellence And urged to this dire anguish. — Crime's concomitant, to my brother gone 5 Approval of his lust the nodding idol Deed's to it. Mary. Silence ! Ckas. My joy ! my joy ! Ah, yes, its path of death. My heart ! my heart ! Ah, yes, its grave, my soul its solitary. Lost love in labyrinth, bruised and broken In bewilderment, too great to retreat, Flounders forward stripped, graceless, giant. [Advances* Speak, O woman ! speak, Mary, mine ! Mary. Not thine ; I am of another ; promise soon possession Of your brother. I know I am flag To four forces of contumely, flouts ; I stand where conscience bids me ; I stood where convenience stood me. If transit through thy sorrow, One way without a sourceless circle, How preserve and persevere? My fault In thought ; I grieve it, yet am glad. A babe may lisp deprive reply, accuse Nor I excuse. Or may you have it be Love with him is selfish, life with thee Beyond my charity. Ckas. O, cold condolence ACT II. SCENE I 29 To clothe my shivering hope ! — Thy faith [Aside. In him is not for faith ne'er found him. Mary. As swung on malice thy tongue It creaks unjust. Chas. He is tangled thoughts intrigue — Mary. Presume not on my ears. Thou art menial Unto jealousy. 'Tis ten of any sin to scandal Blood and brother. Chas. Brother ; that roundest concord E'er struck upon the mortal firmament ; Drinking in the giddy cups of music In my soul's still and dismal residence of sorrow. — Thou doth rope-dance unto his heart. Caution is the cause of sanctity. Below The victims gone before do writhe in ruin. Mary. Mute of mouth or turn it out ! Stay yet Charles ! I kneel for my asperity. [Kneeling. Chas. My mission out. Our rash fancies Are a handsome fool ; lash on admonition, Palm to peril, unhappy skein of contraries. Or as now the sun full looking in the muddy pool In blinding splendor and may betray the drinker ; — So he the waters poison. For life imbibe not. Woman this heart you have in hand Is much possessed. Interrupt me not. Is now betrothed to quite twice a score ; Thrice twice a score mad in perplexity, Peopling the pale of his passion. Mary. In foul gullet of your obloquious mouth Must I look warrant ? To me apparelled 30 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. In less guile than seems thy tale of him. Leal lord of truth nor fustian fool, A rock of temperance. Chas. More casts than has the sky. Glig in the tavern he's dog dure at home. If maiden one he wooes shy and sheepish, His number two in boorishness he hurtles. Proteus-like his habit as declares finesse, Each twitch taut some intention. Ah, if could speak the cemeteries dotted In the precious gems of his perfidiousness. Would but walk upon a night for thy sight, The teary ghosts of his grave-yard host, The grass still young and thin bedewing. The ring of gold, the creep of pleasure, A surface fair, delight this man's. Beware. Mary, I have light to study him. All wavers Is not lost. Repulse we read is oft but van Of victory. My trust but lapseth to retrench. If my faith in John is now lopped a limb, I am sure investigation will strengthen in its trunk. Chas. Last night he murders, — ah, yes, mur- ders. Old age in its bed succumbs to him. How many more suspicions are not estimate. Father cried in accusation till was puddle On the floor. Then proof dropped in searching, The weapon and the prize, and sister plead For guilt. Mary. Step another word 'tis death ! Serpent ! thou tedder'd engine Satan's ! ACT II. SCENE I. JI May all deputies of agony crowd thy blood And cry your warning broad ! May that Body bloat in black stench all fall Who approach ! May you become hideous As your song affrighting dogs and virtue ! Tales hell-bearer unto my heart May that mouthed snake increase, coil round Your neck and squeeze, dangle in The leaping, lapping flames — I hate — My veins are rushing virulence ! Yes, revenge, drench't in his sordid soul ! \_Attempts to stab. Exit Chas. Fortune, deformed and gnarling god destroying, Thou blood-brain of revolt, thou hissing hand Of hundred fangs, and heart's stilliform of evil — \_E spies John approaching. Wast but designs you dug in my idolatry, And practice made thee pliant? Yes. Enter John. Yet what gaudy creature is this man In foul court of accusation. [Aside. From base suspicions free thee fore further Thou com'st near. John. In dense dishonor 1 see no light to innocence ; guiltless still. Then no nearer dear I come, helpless on this guilt. It is the rock detimbers. Mary. Hast now learned The shining superficial needs quicker patching Than the drab ? — to life is lustre little value But makes the mender harder matching ? 32 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. And insincere stumbling in suspicion Dead or petrified? Then true, no more fraud. Since lives like plots complex in extrication cheap ; For dissimulation wears a danger, And the slink oft leaves his sleeve Upon a nail ; since hypocrisy must sleep And exposure is a stealthy tyrant of the night. Hark and hear : Sir, I do bid you, go. John, Ah, I met thee but to mourn thee, kissed thee But to weep thee, and love's illimitable delight Illimitable sorrow braves my confines of endurance. The ocean thought on the humble shores Of each succeeding day to be the briny drink Of gaunt despair. Abject ! sneered ! despised ! Yet, ever still the consort of my sorrow. [Exit. Mary. Two stars met, two luminaries shattered Into nothingness. The firmament effluvia, To me no more the flowers afflatus. Ah me ! What word of world now but woe ! Gone with that voice the cup-bearers Of exquisiteness unto my felicity. The world wearies on in apostolate of pain. [Exit. Scene II. Robbers' camp in wood. Garrett a robber. Gar. From culture's hills to gullies vulgar ; From the kiss society's spurs of flight ; From life to vice, from man to baseness. Thief. Again. Again a thief. A chief of thieves. Ah, but for a Monica to pray for me ! ACT II. SCENE II. 33 Before my Rome mother plead with me ! To be low methinks my lot for nature's black, My heart is grisly, — they are not. How quick in quaint's nomenclature We can rig defect in disfavor and must stay ! In soft phrase couch our compunctious grief, In palliating accusation build our abomination, In mud another term bed thick end exact ! And yet, heard me any say it — I'd kill him ! I'm not bad at heart, but bad in manner gotten. My birth's to blame that I'm a thief and full of villainy. Yea, as once a maiden wantoned in crime's Unhallow'd sheets, behold the collied fire The phenix springs, thou thee of — Perhaps the girl I do condemn her. Some polished scoundrel used in conning strumpets, And virtue deigning dalliance promenade, then to meet persuasions from the street. Now for charnel-house I'd change their shame — My portion in the world for asylum with the dead. And then, a robber ; dishonor welded to dishonor. 1 am crowded madness ; thus forever dwelling. I must deck the present in carnations Pleasant. Oho, this — Oh no, this sore Too old and sore to soothe in the absurd ; This ache to tickle in the gewgaw of an empty word. Enter Agnes masked and garbed a robber. He'll cut this tension. Fellow, hither. Agnes. Commend my mind to your command. 34 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Gar. 'Twas thee, fellow, when sped the steely Tooth eternity from midnight's ebon ambush Swerved the assassin's sword ? Saved my life ? Agnes. Ay, ay. Gar. 'Twas adroit, and timed in time's Own nicety. Undoubtedly divine prevention. My tongue is fool in softer school, To thank were mockery's mutt'ry. — Thou art not masculine, excuse me if I say't, But tender built ; thy flesh in folds nor knotted To resistance. Had he killed me he'd turned on thee. Had thou not fear in failure? Agnes. Sir, none. Gar. Thy voice is soft ; it stirs a skeleton. — But ; I am burning gratitude. Tell me for thee Within the province possible aught act may repay, And I'll do't if 'twere to pick mountains off Sahara. Agnes. Ne'er to wed determined yet lovest me thou dost. Ay, determination like a sleepless savage That peep'th perdu behind that soul strains to me. Behind thy gratitude thou art brute ; In night's black shift that brow my love I now Unfolded. When thou art weaker in thy will Time am opportune. Till then must wait Fore again to plead my heart, this cursed strangeness Keeps thee from me. My dear request I will not now. [Aside. Gar. A secret chacks in silence ; say it. ACT II. SCENE II. 35 Lad, did not thy lady love thee fairly? These grains of thymy mischief Weigh a fodder woe upon the man. Is't this weights thy gait? I have much Observed thy solemn step, o'erweary pace In stately sad and tempered gravity. Unmask thy face, confide thy sorrow. Agnes. 'Tis my maxim ne'er confide in fens, sir. I'll fly fore I unmask ! [Aside. Gar. Boy, wert bold In truth, astute in subterfuge, in peace, Nor visored in the boggy land of outlaws. — Confide dear friend and gratitude thy server. [Puts his arm upon her shoulder. Agnes. Nay, but thy expressions gratitude my boon To further service. — Didst say thy life before at- tempted ? Gar. Yes, who would have struck me down last night Last week a villain in it. Agnes. ? ra y tell me how. Gar. I'll tell thee. 'Tis dreadful (I'm out of adjectives) , When world of mortal man o'erwhelms In that awful revolution. From unknown wilds Of a body's boundaries lost, from depths Cimmerian nature coming to the struggle With the unseen forces of thy million fears. To save it flesh spending spasms supernatural Pounding void ; steel-plint'ring strength 36 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Emptying in the atmosphere ; frothing efforts Volleys in the catchless ether ; And utmost in a multitude of doves Pouring from the loft of power. Meantime the brain distraught in double tragedy. Thought in terror whiles the mind reviews ; The spirit gasps, a whirlwind in the soul ; There appears a spectacle, the lot of life Tolerably small, sweet illimitable : Grand to ravish, so imposing, verdure unattainted ; Spring as we would say buttoned up In splendors, — a pearly isle perfection Sunk in an ocean innocence. On a sudd'n, Trembles to the tread disdain of surly arbiter. 'Tis I in pride, offense and sin. Behold ! behold ! The isle erupts, the skies convulse, The green and the glitter gone. Mine eyes Plunge in their prisons, talons tear me ; Remorse, remorse, remorse, remorse, remorse. The day of ecstasy in thrall of damned one. For look'st now where leaped purity A carnal torrent — cascades shame ; The emerald elevations nursing fogged, Corruption washing in the ditches ; Holy opportunities disorder's brood Eating each alive. — But yet, let me first ask Wert thou e'er spread in sweat condensed of death ? Of those ominous drops of horror wet and cold Of ulterior hand ? No ? Ne'er in the icy gust Of death's pushed open gates caressed ? Ah ? ah ? Nor thence the diabolical burst of death's ACT II. SCENE II. 37 Licentious laughter ? Nor heard from hell The dread, sonorous resonance As thought ne'er echoed in the corridors of mortal? I mean wert ne'er in accident nigh closed Upon existence ? Shook on the feeble shoot of life ? No? Agnes. No. Gar. Then how may I tell? Agnes. He tells not how, the manner in it or escape ; His poor, tormented conscience venting its experience. [Aside. 'Twere horrible to die unplumed The wing of wrongs. Gar. Hence ! thou art but horn To my melancholy howl. Agnes. Sir, discontent is volant ; From man to man silent envy through the camp. Gar. What do they envy ? Agnes. Sir, thy leadership. Gar. These moral reprobates, rebels of the world Jealous of my standing 'mongst them ? Well said. Dissensions are ever rifest in desertions. But whom dost think is sedition's chief? In that same skin methinks conspirator 'gainst my life. Agnes. Whom do you most love in camp? Gar. Thee. Agnes. But whom most courts your love In manner likely? Gar. Thee. Agnes. But whom with love and laugh, 38 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Commendatory and agreeing? Gar. Anthony? He? Agnes. Be safe ; beware. Upon my heart, be- ware ! \_Exit. Gar. Verily a strange chap and deceptive ; Dipping in demeanor then a sage, There a gosling, here a mountaineer. But for him I were despoiled my title man. Man? Man. What sweet solemnity in a name ! A goblet of unique — - % a rose — a sword — a kingdom ! A gabion of dark profound — the surname of the mystery. Man? What is man more than name? A bone — a poor uncertainty to fears. What is man but putrid matter round a maw ; Meat in mold and movement and a loon yells grand ; A scrawl upon mortality and form yclept a man : Unwound of nothing, and in a circle see it. — Bah ! 'Tis breath and not belief. Positive How complacent while neath your seat The subject plunders. What ! this spirit speaking but the pulse Of parent perfect? No more? We say, Nature's animated atom and consciousness Time's charity to parts ? Monstrous ! These balanced sides, reign of liberal lines Of some wit directed ; these fallals plastic Attempered and arranged in recesses of predestination. Indeed this reservoir of blood in pelt of pattern On business fraught; this putrescence split ACT II. SCENE II. 39 And gashed for some contrivance sure. Ah but — yet — is ? — Ah, 'tis these feast doubt's Dark dinner in the breast. And philosophy Great orb of all, a fool answers sued : But presumption wins with mad assumptions. And with our dainty theories we but drive it Darker ; like pigmies mauling mysteries When we do question ways working in a quarry. We'll call thee mongrel out of mystery and a doubt ; 'Twixt gloom and myth standing in the dappled light. Call — If I knew what to call 'twere thy name I called. A fool's strength is in his theme ; To be a fool 'tis make thy theme supreme. Each fair argument in the meshes questions I'll not think or utter in't. — 'Tis nice thus wise — Enter Anthony. Ant. Ha, ha, captain. Gar. I was thinking. Ant. For thoughts so glum — Gar. Never very merry. Ant. Let me in, I'll drive the laughter out. Gar. Joke. one of thine yesterday. Ant. What soured it? Forsooth you smile exceeding ill. 'Tis gout. Gar. 'Tis mine this disease excess. Hast thou Not met that shallow soul and lean, cheap wit Sickening in senseless excess? I'm sick. I'm sick of hearing thee be funny. Ant. Thy indisposition let me give a potion ; Simple formula will unclog the wheel of health. Gar. If thou depriv'st a mouse of sense Unbless him not of scent. 40 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Ant. Dost distrust ? Gar. Thou stink' st ot treachery and I mistrust Thou seek'st to doctor me to poison me, To make succession easy for I am known Thy sequacious soul aspires a spirit leading ; To wit, command this devilish horde to its hellish victory. Poltroon forbear my life, forbear, forbear. [Exit. Ant. Suspects my schemes, perceives my strategy 'Gainst his being and his precedence. Ah, the moon has two sides, as has he. To me his one side fair and kind, t'other turns ; And now hate he grinds upon my pate, Rancor now replaceth his regard. How calm, Lofty, haughty, walks he inferior earth. Conceit soon weeps and rocks for folly ; This prig soon felled of fortune merit. But for this stranger rider last night wert dead, But for the parry of this most skilless soldier, But for chance last week void same essay rescuing. He's wary now and watching, yet again I'll steer a thrust unherald, I will lead. Enter two robbers. He walks the world and we are incidents Unworthy space and speech. ist Rob. Whom this now? Ant. Our paper captain. 2d Rob. He is reserved. Ant. Mum. Silence stockades him feeble. Were given he to speech his dread countenance Would show character most weak. ist Rob. Alone, sir, ACT II. SCENE II. 41 I've seen him jig and rage and fret for fight. Ant. Let me captain, thee two two lieutenants. 1st Rob. A were- wolf ; blood him not. 2d Rob. Good! How? Ant. Nominate when a wedge will widen Flaw in loyalty. They come ; be in among. Re-enter Agnes, masked, and many robbers. Knights — Agnes. See, he will beguile thee with his wiles ; In vain titles, gentlemen, beware, he'll flatter thee. Ant. Who are you? Agnes. Remains thy riddle, guess it. Can't? Your brains are sop. Ant. Insult me not. — Agnes. Insult me not or I'll make thee a thing to bury ! Ant, Did I draw, thou would run. Agnes. Draw, I declare. See — look — watch — I duel you ! [ They fight. Enter Garrett. Breaks down their swords. Gar. Anthony, dost pick this youth and awkward victim To lay cold ? Coward ! In thy teeth I sling it ! Before the nightingale is in tales to the moon Get thee thy guts and luggage out of camp. Thou soothing salve and pestilence, hence ! Ant. Haughty and catarrhy, cantankerous and dyspeptic Wretch I shall kill thee yet ! [Exit. Gar. Broken points and pieces jounce out [To men. Your discontentedness. Withdraw to election. 42 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Go quick, choose an other head. [Exeunt men. Stay thee. Duty is blunt business. [ To Agnes. Hence, home in spirit orderly. [Agnes going. Stay. Thou art heat unto my friendly heart. Why did you fight Anthony ? Thou art incapable For know'st of swords as dost of manual labor. Agnes. Methought to kill and thus make thee secure ; For restless he till he killed thee ; And if I died to see me dead thou'd kill him. If aught i' the world is valuable 'tis life ; Thou couldst have it, I'd take death. Gar. And because I love thee, because in raging vice I see thy drowning youth to thy home I order thee. Go forth and woo the world as would thy wife. If subsistence afford thee but three hairs, braid them. Or if a toiling modern life awaits thy home-returning, Consider thou art blessed beyond the highest. Endeavor be a current problem in all fortunes ; And if thou be idle hostage wealth's poor fellow, Compelled to ease, and but must spend, Take this to thy heart. In all things Love thou moderation, e'en as Nature, grandess, Scorns extremes ; and minds advanced Perceive the beautiful in simplicity : Since around thy mind means thy manner's mind. And too much you know is multiple of rogues. Then, aspire, but early learn thy limit, For without man's little lot 'tis cold, he's hungry And distressed. Thus : Steady in enterprise, Ready in desperation, calm in confidence. ACT II. SCENE II. 43 Strive ever ; to drift to death is damnable, Despicable to shamble in success. And now about the subject of thy company : Have about thee many friends ; but remember Men are diamonds, some are flawed and small ; Too, that face in fair obtrusive, Beware a tangled tail in darkness. Be discreet, for poor discretion is wretch indeed. Thy past ever lever to thy future, Midst men's emotions taciturn, pond'rous Shalt thou be a spirit i' the world. This ring wear. [ Takes ring from finger. Agnes. No. [Takes her hand. Gar. Thou wilt wear it. [Slips ring on Agnes' finger, kisses her hand and holds it. Agnes. A kiss. O ye ancient fires, how thou blazeth in my love ! [Aside. Take it off, take it off, I'll wear it not, For languish lose or hunger give away ; Better scar, unjoint, the figures more impress ; Take't whole 'twill snap thy hydra-head offense ; Take't 'twill pluck thee to't ; 'twill beckon in thee. Gar. Remove. Agnes. My mask I may not. Gar. Bright suits Seek display, the sockless avoid exposure. Art harpy ? gorgon? I command, unmask ! Agnes. Then through the ring I ask — Gar. I press for pardon. [Kisses Agnes' hand again. 44 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Tell, sir, I beg thee, in what art wise of me. Thou'll never go to hell for being honest ; Then be honest tell art crazy and but warble, Or strange through the ways of artificial man Individuality in facts before my life ? Agnes, A mortal mourns thee on a rock teary, Stark and starless ; she of thy sin. Once lily tall a rakish restant ; Virginity empetalled woeful in its loss, In her swamp this symmetry midst dreams Tormented her corpse is purging dead. Mad? O God ! Distract? O ye demons ! On the moonlight hills the wolves hooloo And mock her meekly calling. She fell. Who ? Weird screaming in thy conscience ! One more round fit the circle of thy fancy ? Ignoble cur to fancy's fitful circumstance ? No ; she says thou lovest her and but her. Return to her. Thy ring I'll keep. Good-bye. \_Exit. Gar. Strange, most strange, uncanny and un- real. I'll take it for an omen and find my Agnes out. To-night I'm to her nor in my birth to bury her. I'll act no more the craven thing but trust to love Thou'll not scorn if learn how I was born. Enter a Robber. Rob. Captain, but thee will lead us the men do say. Gar. Hath Anthony gone ? Rob. No. But this masked stranger Opposed but now is off on his blooded animal. ACT II. SCENE III. 45 Gar. He'll not return. Bid Anthony wait for me. 'Tis safer 'gainst a bear to be in company And if he goes my way I'll travel with him for a day. Rob. Do you go away? Gar. Yes, but ask not many questions. I'll speak with Anthony myself. Come. [Exeunt. Scene III. Two rooms in Carroll 9 s. In Room 2 Garrett and Anthony eating. In Room 2. Gar. Why shifted and perplexed bid I to enter? Ant. Did I look opposed? Gar. And mischief in thy face. Ant. Eagerness behind acuteness tricked the truth. Enter Servant with more food. Gar. Servant of this mansion thine's a goodly act, For since the eve our leaving camp, Long-starved and saddle-sore we've traveled, In this our robber's bold attire not daring Village inn to enter, two days we've hungered Nor tasted more than brackish water. Be thou content to take as giving we. [ Gives Servant gold. Enter Mary Carroll in Room i. Listens. Ant. How long have you been servant here ? Ser. The many year. Since mistress' mother married. Ant. Is thy mistress' mother dead ? Ser. She is. 46 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Ant. Is thy mistress' father dead? Ser. He is. In Room 1. Mary. One voice in habiliments familiar. Who ? Who ? Wits why so wildly run ? The friends in recollection. No? No? I've heard ! somewhere that voice. In Room 2. Ant. How did he die? Ser. I' faith he didn't die, mur- dered was he. Mistress' cousin-german murdered him. Ant. That's me. [Aside. How do you know? Ser. Mistress knows. Ant. Where's mistress now? Ser. A sleepin', behaps a dreamin'. Gar. Anthony I leave thee at the cross-roads. Sir, come with me to the stable. [ To Servant. Anthony follow when art filled. Ant. I'm after soon. I'll make speed with this. Please wait me there. [Exeunt Gar. and Servant. In Room 1. Mary. This last accent culled — This toothed expulsion — chewed knavery. Ant. Time and chance conjoint. My guilt in proof Stirs and sleeps with her. I'll creep To where she dreams and advance her. Mary Carroll as died thy father so groanless thou. ACT II. SCENE III. 47 Enters Room i. Mary. Hold ! Anthony. Behold her in grace Revenge hath given. Shrink, diminish, Canst not escape these weary years precision. [Unfolds a knife. See this cast iron that ploughed My father's simple heart ; stained in't This steel run his sacred stream, — Death's ground edge took up in the temple Of his life. Let clang thy last amen For thy wrong erects reward. 'Twas thou Conjured hallowed home a voiceless hollow ; Dug here in my heart a grave and love A ghostly column. His eyes were open Spoke avengement, embosomed this told tool. Enter Garrett, Room 2. Anthony ! Anthony ! Where has Satan gone ? Enter Garrett, Room i. Mary. Die my father's murderer ! Die ! Die ! Gar. Let not that dagger judge thee ! \_Knife falls ; Ant. picks it up and holds to strike. Mary. Mercy ! Ant. I am mercy's monkey. Punk, plunge ! [Attempts to strike and Gar. kills. Gar. An ape may never more than imitate ! Woman own thou that remarkable reptile Shame for it nor be so dark in horror. When recreants return why grieve ? Graves their rightful keepers. He was coils And snaky instincts clad, in sheen, 48 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Panting in precaution, pernicious in security^ — A tear? he's not worth it. — Anthony, unexampled thief How sleep'st thou ? How stiff thine arm ! How oft i' the night did't lift to cleave my neck To find watchful mine were higher? Let me repose thy arms in harmony, Thy head heavenward. I'll lend thee charity. Mary. Man thou art fair. Gar. Ah? yes; some. Mary. Great — Gar. Great ; but sad in faculty's expression. Mary. How odd. Gar. Greatness is agate oddities. Mary. Thy voice rolls combers on sands golden, Flat and perfect. Gar. Some are deft with pretty phrases, Some mouth out their meaning. Mary. Throne of my — Gar. Ditch of my own. Mary. My prince, my passion,— Gar. Nay, passionate prince Of the tragic palace of Inferno. Mary. What marvels blend you in mine eye ! Thou art the gilt upon the urn of world. Gar. And half the guilt within it. Mary. Sir, thou art my span of destiny. Gar. Thou art surface set of edges Cutting cords of constancy. In love Let thou not straddle more than thou Canst clean recover. Is Carroll not thy name ? Mary. Yes, sir. ACT II. SCENE III. 49 Gar. By my honor thought it was ! Thou art she bestow' d her hand upon two brothers Within a week if thy record I remember right. Mary. Prithee who he — Gar. Mine Ephesian history. Look on this and thank 'tis not answerless. [Points at body of Atxt. Woman, in removal be minute for science Is a sleuth-hound ; too, procrastination Is a sophist dissipating opportunity. [ Going. Mary. Waters in a tumult, scorn a tempest In the heavens wilt launch me to contumely, To depthless dark dishonor? Guilt zigzagging To direct them$ wilt make thy victim's victim? Take the corpse away or I am damned for it ! They'll say I did't. Remove, for remove I can not! Gar. My safety is thy sleep in incident ; Thy head chopped off the circumstance is dead. Mary. Trust me in sworn and solemn secrecy. Gar. Woman's secrecy is hangman's noose for fools. Well, remember speech is specious, Silence is immortal logic. [Exeunt through Room z, Gar. dragging Ant. 50 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. ACT III. Scene I. Cabin in the mountains about Almont manor. Enter Garrett, Olt and Xen, robbers. Gar. Thou swearest loyalty. Yet I know thee not. Olt. Beat of beak, wing and talons prove we re- creants. Gar. I will sound their service. \_Aside. Enzoned in thee, sirs, range provinces incircum- scriptible ; , Yea, sovereigns all — autocrats o'er realms imme- diate. Laugh not. Idiots push where wise men justly pause. Hark thy souFs approval ; try thy minds estimate ; Oppose with limits the ends of thine own nature ; Lords adept with multiples be accurate in thine own. Thou seem'st more serious. Let me go on. Behold thy solemn powers 'gainst forted darkness ; All in grand kneel as thy dependencies ; Hear the crashing shackles of the world Tumbling to thy will. Doth it not breathe Rebellion in the intellect regnant kings to serve The censure of a captious master? Vile, applauseless office, damning. Go if thou will it ; give thy will its wings. Olt. All that we know, but yet we stay. Gar. How oft fair promise proves not in expan- sion ! ACT III. SCENE I. 51 I'll try again. — But once thou wert young. [Aside. Hunt again in innocence ; regale again with truth ; Turn back the deluge of thy blood and guilt ; Villains all recover buried banks of paradise ; Knaves forget the fighting prostitutes in armor Of thy forging ; drink, thieves, thought At freedom's font of fear ; tremble murderers In a conscience's sweet authority. Black child astray bask again I say In those sunsome days bid break away : Behold in pleasant memory valley of thy youth. Didst leave upon thy fortune and fear their ridicule Without it? or jilted by some laughing damsel, Wouldst spite thy life in crime's career? Each is gardener of will. Sow deeds as thou deem'st. Return if it behooveth thee, the way is wide. Xen, Drove me from home crime unspeakable. Olt. I the jailer slew for vile word ; escap'd. Gar, List instructions. I was born a hundred miles from here. My mother had sixteen children ; but of this big brood But I am left ; the rest I murdered. Cousin or second cousin none have I ; So do not question through the country who I am. When am silent I'm in sorrow, leave me in my sorrow. Nor be thou near when destruction in me billows rolls. I'll pay you well nor question how you live ; But with me do not interfere, invite me to confer, 52 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Thy disputes refer, nor be two sycophantic asses. I love a woman. I am seeking her. From home she's gone, friends forgott'n ; This hut is base of operations in her quest. She was wont to visit me in this town below ; On the morrow we shall sally to inquire. [Exeunt. Scene II. Room in Almonf s. Enter Marion. Mar. O triumphal morn ! O bellic, celestial approach ! O multitinted might ! Legions jewels, O flaming host I Silent so potential advancing nations at a stride. O brow of absence how thou art beautified In the noiseless labors of the night ! Nature's Unlearned laws — unblemished erudition's medley; All couplement complete, naught of stealing Singular distinction. Nor in exactness immolate, Grand's one careless execution. O light in love what soul in sea of sympathy ! 'Tis spring. The universe seems sown in sanction ; Filled of balm from Elysium's beaker decant. The sparrow in tonic flight, doves in circling doubt ; A thousand trills proclaiming, e'en music in the crow. Then, too, earth's inwrought vernal vest in beauty ; Hills embossed, immortal mounds in ambient glory. And the gnarled knave does curtsy to his lady elm ; The arbutus tells o'er its eternal tale ; the violets Hardy in devotion to their rugged, pagan regularity. ACT III. SCENE II. 53 Everywhere jacket buds abruiting sweet report Of vict'ry ; and terrene havior make profane To move in less than grace. \_Turns away. Flower, frail defiance, saved I from winter's fang Tell me the things of thy mute world so beautiful To know. Exquisite is thy crimson skirt Thy purple polonaise, golden slippers To tireless sorcery's swift Terpsichore. More pleased in praise, and quicker in my presence, Life and refinement be not a goose and tell Whereof the hues that dyed my lady's texture. Out of clime, in the land a stranger — Charles, Verness, coming toward. How early in affairs. \_J5xzt. Enter Charles and Verness. Ver. Then 'tis agreed paid amount she's mine. Chas. If the farmer follow not his pickers He'll market half his crop. — 'Tis not agreed \_Aszde. As you have granted. Ver. The price is on your lips ; Thy mouth is hollow to't. Chas. The like of her As scarce as snowy sheep save in tale. Double that and doubt not that she is thine. Were mortal else repulsive she would advance The average ; a marvel justly carved in gentle truth. Unbreathed to bloom, in time's persuasive talent What may not be these first principles ? So amorous innocence make us melancholy Of our scandals. A blush burning snow-flakes Make 'em smell. Nor is she flourish of accomplish- ment. 54 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. In pause and poise blue gulf of intellect In swell ; whose noetic powers encompassment re- prove Thine own poverty. Consider logs of ages fired To light time in serving her divinity ; Its vessels laden in each drop of her conception ; Think on delights there dally ; possession, weigh it. Ver. Let be drawn a document of honor. Ckas. Honor needs none. Ver. A mark in understanding oft spoils the devil. Ckas, Will chicanes in obligation obligation jeal- ous. Ver. If men are mailed in a skirmish first with straws, Were not prevision happier in having been particu- lar? Ckas. 'Tis not so. What is my stipend for con- cession ? Ver. A fourth more. Ckas. A third make it. Ver. A third be it. [Sits to a table ; writes. Ckas. Move the fraction. Ver. This statement in a name. Ckas. What a comical sprawl ! If 'tis witty as 'tis written 'Twill destroy a company o' budge objectors. [Aside. [Ver. kands writing. Chas. reads. Quite scribed. Thou in terms, I am naked. Will I sign and lose a sister? Orphan, only tie? ACT III. SCENE II. 55 I will not sign. Is not father dead and mother? As it strikes me, thou wert absent at their funerals? Ver. I was away — Chas. Thou wert not there. Thus parentless and I protector Marion's Dost think would deed to thee, miser? Besides the contract is not equitable. Ver. If that is no, earth contains not contract equitable. Chas. Double thy gift to her, double my agree- ment, Insert to woo and wait a moon, I'll affix. Ver. Would a beggar make ? Chas. Beggary elevate. [Ver. counts out. Chas. signs and recounts. How debts do shrink in memory ! That third. [Ver. counts and gives him. They pass papers. Come; I'll. show where Marion gathereth sunbeams. [ Going. He is ! dread the devil ! hogs and ignorance ! pest ! Enter Garrett. Gar. Did thy tongue turn reptile and attacking ; [To Chas. Did the demons in thee take form and dance before thee ; Thy surprise more blown, nor groan more rooted. I am returned awhile. If monumental sin Of mine cast its shadow thwart thy memory See it not : I mean my past life dare thou not utter- 56 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Me on thy peril never mention or make thy refer- ence. Take care secrete in thy furrows malice Naught unkindly ; or craft crowd thee into killing me. Let not success be thief of other thought, nor push Discretion cross borders anger black and bloody ; For a tempest is my shroud ; my soul a brothel And pernicious vapors. Descend thou into verity I am thy ladder into hell. — And to thee Verness Smug, simpering puppet, be not too native To the spring, and fence thee from that thing. See, I needs but address the wind. Enter Olt and Xen. Their necks. [ They draw and hold close. They love blood ; nor care from whence they take it. Desist. Pathos in your aspects ludicrous. [Olt and Xen drop their swords. Charles Almont, dost remember of that lady Who once upon mine arm took lewd word From thee, and I nigh had plunged my sword In thee but she did grasp preventing? Chas. I don't — Gar. Thou liest ! My men again, his neck. [Olt and Xen hold swords close. Chas. I do. Gar. Men desist; next time knock his head off. [ Swords drop. Hast seen her since ? Chas. No. Gar. I believe thee there. ACT III. SCENE II. 57 Charlie I shall see thee later. Verness beware of him. My men, follow, me ! Verness beware of him. [Exeunt Gar., Olt and Xen. Chas. Come I'll show where Marion gathereth sunbeams. \_Exeunt Chas. and Ver. Enter Royal Carroll in the arm of Agnes Nance garbed a gentleman. Agnes. Thou sayest thy name is Royal Carroll? Is not Marion thy petition here ? Be royal in countenance. 'Tis Marion? Roy. So. Agnes. Cling to this I stole from woman's tome. Lover lack quick force the teeth of independence ; Enamored she, hold honor her dependence. Then, hop not In favor down her throat, nor fear at arms-end ; Neither be mechanical, measure not thy mind and mien. Each impulse challenge ; kiss and cool again. In affection ardent not improper ; in flatt'ry Be not spare ; and when thou dip'st in praise Dip in praise entire. Pause betimes. Sue not by brightness, woo by worth. This in hate : no virtue like virtue. I shall watch thy love. Bid me success As I bid thee for I unto my love to-morrow Hiding in the mountains here around. Roy. I wish thee success. Agnes. Good-bye. Roy. Adieu. [Exeunt oppositely. 58 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Scene III. Cabin in the mountains about Al- mont manor ; Garrett. Gar. O space and compass stern minister to that life ; Powers in prospect ope the hand invisible munificence, And be harm pregnant mollify conceptions' wrath. Love, how ill fit thee this gross, unpolished sphere. Point perfect, tower of excellence, untamed degree ; Woman wide, heaven deep, true as truth ; Aye, ne'er did ways so run in quantity and propor- tion. Before I met thee thus and these happy Agnes Nance. But now imhomed, non-bound, unguided and ungov- erned, Lost. — But the curse it stands, I met thee. I met thee. Aye, like havoc in the sleep of innocence, Villain fleet as angel, woe on wings surreptious. Then queendom modesty succeed of scarlet shame ; Beauty poured aloft ornate in simple sanctity Stripp'd, as in pathetic spell-work of the palmer- worm : Purity in obscurity like the snow the shadow shelters Till trespassed laws of lust vast as vanity. Ah, too late does folly speed the errand of regrets, Heed ruptures hard processional on disesteem ; For then my turn straight it spurns, I, spurn of womb, man and world, creation and creator, I of dishonesty thine only honesty refused. Surly, sententious, dogged, fickle fool, outcast send thee. ACT III. SCENE III. 59 Thy face upturned and piteous finds no pity in me ; Kneeling, pleading, advantage falls whip upon com- plaint. Yes, who once was slave can best lash a slave ; Oppression now packet of oppressed torment Can add science to the load. And now my heart Great groan, a tear but it knew the road. A villain may love when men emotioned ordinary Know but vows and mode. eye for a glance ! dispelling daylight thine In these thick senses fast and dark ! Ah ! what fields and cities may grow o'er partition ; What passionless sky stretch its successive length ; This epoch of my longing rumbling in dread flight. Ye age of absence the rushing waters anguish ; Agnes gone and regions mine own inundating. Yea, like swine in mine own torrent swimming Till swimming saw my throat. O bitterness ! But why pout o'er portion when no pity admeasures? Why with fortune haggle ? swordless trouble ? Fight? Badger seeking in the open dogs to throttle? Let love be brain hands do beat the head? Rabbit stamp enjoined by lion? Or senseless still, With grace and tears of antelope fate to captivate ? 1 know what I'll do. Agnes I will learn to hate thee. I will scribble billet muse or read it Ev'ry tolling hour till eternity take care of me. I'll do't though I am maniac's rehearsal. Agnes, ne'er again shall puny impulse gather me to thee. [ Writes. To my pocket ; know thou art to patch a sadness. [ The paper falls to the floor. Exit. 60 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Enter Agnes. Agnes. Heart, hold ! Why knock'st thou about my body so ? Lightly footfalls ; care not too heavy be my tread. What ! my soul dost thou plead to return ? Do I tread in on death's sleeping king? Before the throne of blood a falling, crawling, of- fender ? No ; one my love, my lord, my king, my Jove. He said my slave toiling in my wonders' world ; But in perfect love were we the unit of equality. And though the secret severed love sits equal yet. If he's a monarch, I'm a monarch's queen. In rights I'm splendent ; in wrongs' train parade ; As his idol of affiance again will I front. A paper ; and in his hand ! What largess to kiss ! \_Picks up paper and kisses it. A poem ! Admittance to the strains Elysian ! \_Reads. With a hate as ferce as Jlesh I hate Agnes thee and thy polluted freight. Brittle be my blood, my lids in grip, Nance, fore thou across my vision trip. Strength is passing ; — mind is setting. Ho ! Let me die ! O volumes reason bear me on thy ebb. O ye frowning followers of that nether depth, Hell's frenzy wallowers in torments — come, come, — Swiftly with me in my impotence, burn Out of me all conceit of him for whom I died. Do I not die ? Can I not die ? O black passion give me the drink of death ! ACT III. SCENE IV. 6 1 O ye twisted fires come quick entangle me ! O grave come quick and take my peeling corpse ! Was ever vigil for such dole ? ban violent ? O dread oblivion dissolve till thought in me is not ! Hark, he comes. Ah tears that I were thee remain- ing ! [ Writes and Exit. Enter Garrett. Gar. Agnes' voice and heels, for sure ! Eyes are liars. Like a ghost she followeth. O my senses ! If I see red leaf she had redder lips ; Blue flowers, red flowers, white flowers all remind — Poor Nero. How oft the rosied occasion Dragged thee to thy trough of blood ; Thy deeds tremendous talons tore thee ! [Espies Agnes' note ; reads it. I came in love, vow and ring bringing ; As yore to-day hiss and sting winning. [Sounds his horn. Enter Olt and Xen. A woman, fetch her in. She's nigh round. Be gone ! Olt. Ay, ay, that we will — the elusive flea ! [Exeunt Olt and Xen. Huddling in thy narrowing ambit, trapped in a trice, [Exit. Scene IV. In Almonfs garden. Enter Garrett. Gar. Aye, e'en may his shades of generation To man shoot shafts to split the moon. Why 'tis seen gimcracks borne, adored 62 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Though they be brainless, weak and delicate, Because it happed he happed to be of noble birth. Or a little fellow, God's providence assisting, Wrought a little wonder, on the instant popularity Becomes his hatchet-man from whom he leaps in ordeal Of adulations, feasts, receiving men's esteem. O world thou bubble of idolatry ! O degenerate age ! when dignity will hang on idiocy ; Virgins strut, dissolution angles to enamels banter ; Power's drunk, and orders shoulder with the bold ; Noble sembles base, and fidelity in pushing for posi- tion ; All because a valiant, tyrant or a thief. Or, as I say, because his father was. But O woe wild fault once they turn honor's hounds ! How oft my dreams discover my dishonorable or- phanage. For what of life is worse — hush, words are adders, And guilt in herring hundreds shimmers in my shame. What, guilt? Indeed, and men step back three feet. Is it so ? Am I but flourish of a sin ? Can irregu- larity Before my birth chase me through existence? Are there some circumstances prodigies Beyond consistency ? Tush ! to think of it ! Who may blame result nor know it be above them, — Who contumely on a consequence a cause They can not criticise ? Out of wedlock got, Admit a product infamy, how that poesy transmit? ACT HI. SCENE IV. 63 But fools and fatalists linger in dualities congenital. Out of wedlock got again I say I am but breach of custom, less etiquette, less law ; And law but lines on time, habit harnessed. I am a flower, rootless nor compelled, Grand in will and freedom ; and never May be beauty oblique to ends of ordination. If men are to be weighed by birth At birth they should be weighed. [There is heard a low whistle. Gar. an- swers it.~\ Enter Olt and Xen. To your stations hie. If you see her trail her; If you lose her you lose your carmine, scarlet slush. She is woman wonderful, answers name of Agnes Nance. I am thirsty. When I've obtained a drink I shall visit thee. \_Exeunt Gar. Olt and Xen. Enter Charles. Chas. Happy is the sleep of poverty pious in't, Or scabby crown the vermine errant o'er the bolster, Than head in dread adversity tiptoeing in his snores. Since childhood polished farthing the batten Of ambition ; dangling fore Fortune's Shriveled fist of smothered charity. Cheat and cover lest loss sweat through inducement ; Watching vain moments of possession to disseize ; Remorseless, sleepless years for a gainless gold. And now oh so sad, unhappy, watching Reunion with my blind ideals running in So farcical, and life's best heart assailing To escalade attainment bitter.-: — 64 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. And now to-day comes Verness. Shall I consent My Marion's sale to him and his vile seizen ? Shall I cap career's rapacity in act this? For if she has a single sin 'tis hatred of him. Nor love has he. Then shall I sell to appetence? Sell ? Why I've sold — my orphan sister to Verness. Ye cheerless years of usuries, imbittered memories, Ye my store of inward grievings are ye In this act exceeding all to be augmented in thy store ? No. It must not be. It shall not be. No, Verness, thou shalt not own by force, Snatch and away, but gain thou must her will to wed I am resolved. — How easy to resolve. But for Carroll 'Twere not necessary ; this bashful gatch and awk- ward lover. Were Carroll dead 'twere out of muddle. For then Verness induce I could unto thy bed. Were Carroll dead. Why not make him dead ? Is he not brother of that dame accursed — ? How I hate to think of her ! Carroll thou shalt die. Enter Verness. Ver. This long have I prevailed, longer not. Hear you ? I will not ! She is but a height Increasing and coruscant, insuperable and alluring ; And when from simple matter spring to issue Matrimony, failing, am torn on jutments Of discouragement. I intend to bear her off to-day. Ckas. Thou art bleeding on the precipice of strife. Ver. I've plead in forms cogent would provoke a stone ; In dainty terms spoke of love immaculate, eternal ; ACT ITI. SCENE IV. 65 In emotion's thunder turned the ferment of restraint, Ckas. She never boggles at Carroll's swainish ways. But note I have how playfully with vacancy When thy suit most smokes. Yet I know she loves thee. Ver. I joke and joke, she laughs and smiles. Then again to jokes and thus loud in collision till exhaust. Ckas. And, thereby, lost long applause for few. Lonely soon or gasping the cumulative idol Told all his stories sooner. Ver. Once whet, intent to tally How easy now in ridicule. Give your last kiss For I load on agreement. As fair is fool I put my faith in force. I take away to-day. Ckas. She is cold. Ver. She'd freeze four feet in three. Ckas. And heartless. Ver. As hollow as an oracle. Ckas. But skin and pigment. Ver. Spurious in the human else. Ckas. Ass, what a garland wants thy lust ! Nup, Know not thou she loves thee more than me ? This morn caught musing. List till while I quote. The petals of superb curling on center sterling Summer *s murmur in my cheek when he is near, My blood a quick* ning rill when V ernes s is near, An indejiniteness in billows of entrancement . Carroll, the stolid moon ; and yet Hike the clown ; And as are the tides attracted controller o' my soul. 66 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Ver. Said Marion that ? Chas. Verily I say it. Rise predominance ! quench this debile deity ! In his extinction art thou distinct. Rip his heart Marion's thou art lone lord in favor. Daunted ? Look, I lead to't. War is parent peace. Ah, the orbit of those arms whose touch Will trickle in thy toe ; think, free traffic In those lips like fruit voluptuous in Eden Of temptation. Or, sup hunger with one-eyed Loss. Thou art full facts ; on thee devolves responsibility. Ver. She is mine to-day to take away. Chas. The contract speaks in peace. Thou shalt not take By rape. While Carroll lives in dominance Her love for thee is dormant. The contract speaks in peace. Thou shalt not take by rape. Re-enter Garrett partially drunk, Olt and Xen. Gar. Verness, doth Charles try thee to manip- ulate — ? Enter unobserving Marion and Royal, arm in arm. Mar. Nature's meek, small man alone thrason- ical. Ah, no, Royal, thou art wrong, nothing parvanimity, Nature's great, nature's grand, nature's big and good. Roy. Love the world enlarges, but loneliness ab- sumes, Thou knowest not I love ; there — therefore am I lonely. ACT III. SCENE IV. 67 Gar. I want to fight. I like thy size. [ZbRoY. Back ! callow youth ! Back ! back ! or fall ! Roy. When Carroll's blood in his feet revolts Then call Carroll coward. Mar. Prithee, peace ! Gar. Pray there and play. Roy. And teach as 'twas taught. Mar. Stop, I do obtest of thee ! [ They fight. Chas. Play well, gentlemen. Olt. A score ! Xen. No. Ver. O match, and what a triumph ! Gar. I shall take thy shoes off soon. Roy. Henceforth can Almont's garden boast a ghost. Enter Agnes. Garrett's sword falls from his hand. Agnes. O warring soul can his young life arbi- trate ? A hecatomb close conscience? Think thought So easy rid? 1 am remorse in memory for ever. Gar. Who art thou ? I know thee not. Agnes. Edward, thou deniest me? Ah, had I denied ! Oh no ! O take it not O love and meant my heart ; For there grating's checkered pris'ner art. Forget thee Edward ? No more than thou Canst me forget. Gar. The woman's mad ; I know her not. Agnes. E'en though faith sailed affinity is found- er'd Thou art my Jupiter e'en as I wert thy Juno. 68 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. But, O unhappy man poised upon thy nature's edge, Thy lie me denying vain for I come not to thee, Nay, my purpose to this couple speak. Aside. Tell, Carroll, art thou honest unto Marion? Roy. Yes. Agnes. Love her? Roy. Aye. Agnes. Love thou him ? Mar. I do. Agnes. Beware the soft, sleepy lutes 'gainst thy vigilance ; Pile thy ardors high heav'n propining. [ Going. Garrett I'll not go till told more my woe. In delirium raging, penned up in a cage ; Nature mad and all invert till e'en pain Seemed ecstacy, and thus her fancy ran. Plucked her scalp my grave the gory strewments ; Chewed her wrists, gnawed her gyves to clasp me ; Her ankles snapp'd in efforts to meet me. Home to spy; I roused and running entered. My bride-maid at her head contort in death ; Home again in hired rags unknown. An aspen on my sorrow, shrieking, shaken ; Agony stenting the unstruck chords of agony. Then some one thrust me out. O mother ! mother ! [Exit weeping. Gar. Mother made from papers, powders, paints and pads. How well I remember too her father, effete, unfaith- ful ; Those two dutiful hairs struggling cross his glassy pate. ACT III. SCENE V. 69 Gone. May thou not bolt. Go, for I care not. Mar. Come away. [To Roy. Roy. Love thou ridest my bridled will. [Exeunt Mar. and Roy. Gar. No more the beast where flow their stale. Olt. Ah, then thou know — Gar. What he durst her speak ! Think 'tis boldness seen — Get thee after her. Bring back. 'Twas she before eluded thee. Olt. \ A Xen. \ A ^ *?• [Exeunt Olt and Xen. Ver. Hip and lip, sheen and scent, rose of all. Chas. Hush. See how necessary 'tis kill Car- roll? Come. If Marion you're to wed Carroll you must kill. [Exeunt Chas. and Ver. Gar. They do not find. I must help look. [Exit. Scene V. Another part of the garden. Enter Agnes, Marion and Royal. Agnes. Wax not swelled for conceit will spoil a king. Girl command him not ; his queen serene. In school are puny wise but love alone Is broad development. Wed and wonder. List ; 'tis twice repeated but 'tis not too oft repeated ; Heed ye sin advancing while we plod along. Friend I kiss thee, and thou art to be happy. \ Kisses Mar, 7<3 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Mar. You are angel in our way. Agnes. Adieu. Roy. Adieu. [Exeunt Mar. and Roy. Agnes. Sweet, jealous, beautiful ; then bold, emotional. Whiles fearing fate yet will is interference, Or I would tell them haste for I mistrust Her mutt'ring brother, that other's indignation. To-gether hither. I'll here in this summer-house. [Hides. Enter Charles and Verness. Chas. Like agrestic culture jostled for his twang- ing Condemnation I enjoy to tease thy terror, Ignoramus ; thy expostulations, thy disquisitions On the nobler, so far without avoiding course Of thy zigzag understanding. Pick him slyly, Thy rival, Carroll, kill him. Thou art coward, don't. Accept the task as it appears ; speed Be steed to it motto of this all actual world. Thine to-night but behold an other taking. Ver. Time is essence of the contract; We should extend that clause. Chas. Thou art wise to think of it ; subjoin the change. \_They sit in a bench; Chas. produces ink, and Ver. writes J\ Before this date Carroll's coffined ? [Reading. Ver. And rotten. [ They pass papers. Chas, Come, let us out. ACT IV. SCENE I. 7 1 Ver. Let us talk not of it. [Agnes picks Verness' pocket. Exeunt Chas. and Ver.] Agnes, A brief ; it may explain. I'll away read its articles. [Exit. ACT IV. Scene I. Enter oppositely, riding, Mary Carroll, two attendants, and Royal Carroll, riding faster. Mary, Brother ! Brother ! Thou dost drink the eye of life ; Cool in joy heart's extended tongues of longing ! Appease my fears, come near that I may feel And know 'tis thee ! Roy. I enjoy thy fuss and flush. Mary. Brother, I've sought thee wide, places ceasing, Hope ceasing. Fears like ivy twined my desperate soul. Me feared thy mortal anger and thou wert bled I' some challenge. Roy. Not a drop but the eye could count. Mary. Some evil keeps thee civil. Tell. What prompt thy travels in this queachy thicket met? Roy. On a run, I jumped the gully the rest go round. Mary. On hunt went and held thee dead in accident. Who follow thee ? 72 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Roy. A Charles Almont, adverting, The nonpareil of fellows ; a — Mary. Escape him. Roy. Surely seems — Mary. Hist, 'tis a way the serpent has. Ride in band of robbers. ist Rob. Careful of her lady ! 2nd Rob. Quench your points in men ! Jrd Rob. Look, my mute orator. 4th Rob. This, will I punch his jugular? Roy. Give me my arm free I'll take any three ! Mary. Buzzards on what pounce? ist Rob. Animals and valu'bles. Enter Garrett. Gar. Leave man his saddle mine he dies ! Part ! Carroll ! Carroll ! In thy soul cool thy sword ! Men of their things thou shalt not. All, forward ! [Exeunt band. Woman I remember thee. Far, down, [ To Mary Carroll. Deep in a hole I buried him. Mary. Sir, stay. \_Exit Gar. Royal, dost know him? Roy. As the humming-bird by its hum. But he says he knoweth thee ? Mary. I fed him once. They do near. Return with me. Roy. At even-tide I'm after. [Exeunt Mary and attendants. Enter riding, Charles, Marion and Verness. Enter oppositely Agnes, garbed a gypsy on an ass. ACT IV. SCENE I. 73 Agnes singing. With the stars I'm in conference ; With wise maids Pm in preference; My jackass bears a burden. Once the huswife of the busy sky, Baked thy future in wide fortune' *s fie ; Long fore Nimrod robbed the race. Mar. Come, good gypsy, ope the moldy coffer of decrees. Agnes. Obolus squeezed or coin round the key. True to relate e'en the gods wait on a fee. Chas. Here are coins a few, but abuse nor spot The lily of her intellect. Ye shameless hags Build in the blood the embers of obscenity ; In concentration scandalizing turrets Peaceful purity. Sibyl, let thy ages wag. Agnes : Sir, thy money's not enough. [To Chas. Ho, there's blood upon thy cuff ! Who thy friend in deed ? an axe ? [Chas. gives more. Stir his hell man's heart am wax. Ichor, spirit, indurate, [To Mar. Wench and cark is cackling fate, Too, oft fright'ning into fits, This puts all tales in eclipse. Mar. Methinks thou art sad and inexact. Agnes. I diffuse the truth ; I have read the pa- pers. Thou art sold unhallowed slave to unholy love. Thy grave is ope, black hands do lower thee 74 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. To death alive beyond all death, beyond all misery. Turn, behold the hole unto whom sold. [Points to Ver. Turn here to him for cash exchanged thee. \_Points at Chas. To him for of this crew but he is true. Thus Dan- ger \_Points to Roy. Hath arranged if wilt not be forewarned. [Exit. Roy. I do believe. Mar. Most puerile of thee thus believe ! Roy. My swelling heart disturbed despite. Dost love me yet ? No reconsideration in regret ? Mar. An intensity scarce knows my being's keeping. Roy. Did I believe I'd have their honorless hearts. Come, for in my mother's tomb I am menial Fury. My will is lightning, my sword is sinning. Mar. In blossom's shower oft whole flowers fall. Be not in the way of wind lest with thy words Misfortune fall. To covert love, lest swept by pas- sion. Come, come ; do not insist now resist. [Exeunt Mar. and Roy. Chas. Who do deny that wrongs do brood abroad At night when the invisible takes arms in daylight. This wizened witch accursed (if she were wizened) No random dam, but as it were incarnate of designs. We pursue unlucky — I say we slump in plans. Ver. Give back my payments, tear — Chas. You shall own her yet ! Stupidity be tickled, furbish that too solemn eye. ACT IV. SCENE II. 75 More risk is repent to it; we must be friends again. We must be friends again till Carroll's neck is cut. [Exeunt. Scene II. Cabin in the mountains about AU mont manor. Lieutenant and band of robbers. 1st Rob. But unhitch our ignorance from the race. Lieut. The race ! The race? Call it not by that For a name as such is less the name So much and hungry as to be thief of it ; A "race" a booted robber of this masterpiece : But demonstrate how easy to be monstrous. Why scabby dogs may race, turn bite a flea Bedding in their stringy tails and that Is named a race. But this grand thing In grandeur's middle made all other sports As seeming distant vices. Elysium's gaydom ; And the women married to all brightsomeness Seemed crowded tulips in this glorious patch Of happiness ; nodding to the winds Of their nervous, anxious ecstasy. But the race ! Lank and lean they were made to stretch. Nimble hounds in ebullient eagerness They looked colossal dogs of purpose. They bunched above the line all trained And temper'd to the time. They plunge And make false starts and come back again. They're off ! The dust ! the rush ! to hear their iron march ! Their jockeys crouching low cowards To every inch of wind ; and arms encircling Their steeled steeds as if fondling speed 76 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. From in their throats. The ground's ablaze ! They go, they're gone ! and furious speed Ensconced between their legs prompts them on. Favorite's in the rear and seems but there to see it ; Alpha third, Princess is nowhere. Quarter : Favorite fourth, Princess is third ; Alpha back. They no longer run, they sail ! Like jugglers' changes and transposition is complete. Half : Favorite has a nose and Princess third ; Money horse takes a drink and Alpha's fifth. They come ! they come ! like a whirlwind mad ! Favorite has a length, Princess comes from place ; Alpha lifts and flies to with Princess even. They're head and head and neck at twenty yards ; The same at ten. Alpha stumbles; few flaps Of fish out of fathoms he is none. What think you then ? ist Rob. Tell. Lieut. False-hearted Favorite — Quit ! and Princess won the race. 2nd Rob. Long race. Hal. Why we were there and saw ev'ry ace of race. Enter Garrett. Lieut. But, I have not ta'en the true accounts of ye absentees. Tell me where wert thou swart Harry ? Hal. Ah me. To church, despite the proverb prayed for riches. Behold a packet product of a prayer. [Holds forth. For whiles he served up the Prodigal Son, On delinquent I in my attentive corner ACT IV. SCENE II. 77 Aimed his eye, I wept, and went with him. Where he did keep it worked on leathers. Gar. Ye pigs ! Ah, had I but parent to return ! [Aside. Lieut. And what did your big arm do ? 3rd Rob. Dent a head. Lieut. Was it a tonsured roundel ? 3rd Rob. What's that? Lieut. Well where wert thou dear Hal? Hal. I met a maid in cambric. But not a poet. The space at your disposal, supply the line. Gar. Oh, ye slimy monsters, ye villains filth. [Aside. Lieut. You? 4th Rob. Don't know. Lieut. How not? 4th Rob. I was drunk. Lieut. What was condition of your leave? 4th Rob. Soberiety. Lieut. Where is your horse ? 4th Rob. Gone, methinks he's lost. Gar. Met a rustic with forked stick driving The angles in a cow ; and more in detail, Induced and duped and diced thee Out of horse. Hang him — no ; forgive him. Lieut. Pardon is given thee to beware the crime. Hal. What does Davy grub ? [Referring- to Davy without. 2nd Rob. I've discovered Croesus. Hal. Where ? 2nd Rob. Lousy in a hut on the river front, 78 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. A hungry guard of narration blood-hounds. 5th Rob. Which reminds me five — no, 'tis more, 'tis six — 2nd Rob. Crack that craven's bump of mem- brance. Thou hoary, gory lecher speak I'll stab ! He's still now but like a blister he'll refill. Enter Davy bearing a Jlagon. Hal. Davy, what hast thou there ? Davy. A sum of — Hal. What? Davy. Pray let me see your tongue. Hal. Why? Davy. Methinks you show symptoms curious. Hal. What's it? Davy. Dew and roots and mixture midnight, Words and signs ; hops of kangaroo and sparrow. Who unduly drinks these elements in enmity, This fighting flagon so clear and innocent Shall sup but water delicious, different, Until — well, he'll split himself in madness. 2nd Rob. Ye fools, 'tis jabber, gabble, gad for- ever. Let him rot in squalor, we do not need His currency. Thieves? Old women lack a hump. Lieut. Where away lies this gentleman of your impatience ? 3rd Rob. To the twenty-mile-bend and now to start. Lieut. Who do object? Assenting all. And will you? [_To 3rd Rob. 3rd Rob. What—? ACT IV. SCENE II. 79 Lieut. Captain, 'tis agreed that we sur- prise — Gar % Thou art delegated and to orders held. [Exeunt Lieutenant and band. In this hiatus of society, on broad plains Of principle, aye, since the institution Of things first 'tis ceaseless after pomp and vagaries. From babes to ailments' stagnant years ; From squalling times in the cradle Till come the death rattles in his throat ; From souls to God-seeking free ; Fighting in the rigid rules economy, Fighting, struggling, swimming with ambition's burden And always is the flag that far. Everywhere the life embroiled in strife, Save less boldly to the vantage would creep Into position ; less a few in livery of piety Playing austerity unto this after death. I' the world to be exalted, reign a little ; i' then To be the covet ; wasting in the buzz of assassins. Or zealot with his streaked forms fanatical Of urged adoption, whose only holy wish To unmoor the world and steer it into bliss. Then these thieves, these murderers, to whom Is peace oppressiveness and the knife in one Anxiety the next — on blood achievements hearted. Or one in study would better gauge His ignorance till little learning lead him wise. Or silent genius plugging to read his name in fame. Again, some in appliance crucifying plot disasters, Vampires on misfortune with the golden sucker 80 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Of success. And some — and some — one — Be short with it. Thou art the bull-dog leashed Dear Edward straining to no definite end. — Agnes 'tis — that name again ! and scribbled When 'tis meant mine own ; ending each soliloquy, Pronounced upon my lips or hushed Within my heart. Love her ? Love her ? Love thee ? 'Tis thunder in my bosom reverberating Terrible, and the curse of it flashing In the rolling, rumbling crags of consciousness, No contrition is redemption, or laurel has power. Ha, this fool's brew. I'll quaff his loquacity. \_D rinks from the flagon. Enter Agnes. Agnes — [_Tke drink ajfects. Agnes. Love thou grin'st and chatter'st so To scare me. Gar. False — false — false statement — very false. Agnes. Edward ! Gar. Do not interrupt. Thy feet are dirty — Real estate. Why travel with those lands? Agnes. He — Gar. I too am scorched in rush of fumes. Throw him in — a needle or a furnace — my mem'ry's gone. Ask not a pedant in a pool the qualities of leeches. Pooh ! 'tis too paltry decorate our home. Agnes. Edward, Edward Garrett, know thou not me? Gar. Thou art Agnes. Agnes. He's mad. O God o' mercy ! ACT IV. SCENE II. 8 1 Gar. Say, thy nose is one o' the principal parts o' thy face. — Ho 'tis hell ; those great bugs blasphemies. Whe ! a virgin — floats along — a song of vows. I'll wait. One hand's canary, other hand's a snake. Escape! Escape! Where's escape? She's thousand snakes ! \_Retreats. Agnes. He sweats and beckons me. Sir, sir, I speak — Madness measure me, in his senses bury me ! Gar. Who opes my heart? 'Twas said! I heard't ! Crow, chirp thou slush-logged, blatant coward, I'll carve, I'll scald, I'll chew, I'll spawl ! — Agnes. Garrett thou art insane. I mean wise ! Gar. I say a wasp ! I'll pull in two and pike Thy suffering halves! Drigons ! cats! chimeras! Help ! Help ! My men ! beat back that winged one ! See the eyes in that tail-furious flame. Agnes. 'Tis I is near. Gar. Ah, would corner me to conquer me. Fiend about or I will tip in deeper pit. Thou seek'st to choke and clutch me in thy fist. Return, return, thou hideous burning manner. Cunning, creeping, dummy I am thy death. Agnes. Garrett thou mangl'st me ! thou strang- l'st me ! [ Wrestles Agnes. Gar. Beast, come — die — gum arabic creature, there ! [ Wrestles Agnes without and falls pros- trate after. 82 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Scene III. A trysting-place in the wood. Charles Almont. Chas. In the silence of a father keeps a crime ; The crime, O father, of thy poisoning by me. And who should smell his belly suspecting spill Him in analysis proscribes my necessary Neck. He must be re-interred for I am Fears of late ; and deeper hid his supper dish. True his thread was cut well through ; Yet however slight 'tis appraised a life, And has needs the devil of a beaver Needs I sentence on my sense of guilt. A brother's wrong popping in these open moments ; A blabbing drunkard secure in sober bosom ; Like a poor relation, circumstance of poorer station Appears to grig the taspe slave of little luck, — Second marriage's penalty for divorcing memory : The wrong, O brother, of thy banishment by me. And in its living tail see mother caught ; Holy, sweet and tender death and pining, — " John," her last long sigh minutes after death. And now Royal Carroll down to die ; Within these minutes few noble youth To fall from the sneaking thrust of fell Verness. I like it not. O Verness, that thou hadst not bought ! And if thou stab'st him i' the back or stick him Turned away, is not that murder of most foul, Malignant kind? Is he not murd'rer after manner? And if first thrust do fail and I must finish him, Wherein one whit more excellent or less am I ? We kill her lover to marry her to murderer. ACT IV. SCENE III. 83 O Verness, thou foul fiend, for thy money back Thou sayest thou wilt cancel of the contract. Thou shalt never handle of that money more. Here comes now the heathen to be my brother-in-law. Enter Verness. Health, peace and spirits plenty. Art well? Ver. Not well, not well. I'm weighted with unrest. Chas. Health in the dumps and spirit sulks : 'Tis monotony, monotony ; but felled this calf ; — Ver. No — Chas. The toads shall emulate the songsters Crowding now deserted sprigs of nature. Ver. I will not do it. Last night I dreamt — Chas. What didst thou dream? They say, fancy for a fool, Snares are set for wise men. Go on. Ver. Appeared the ravishing head of an angel. Nearer, nearer, came its orbs of wisdom Like quiet flames of grace, tiny lakes Immortal ; round and wondrous, blue, ineffable. Its countenance was blessed mildness, Innocent, intellectual, transcendent. Faintly in the distance bells and bugles, vanished. Then methought thrust in a demon Dight in dirt, deceit and savage ignorance. Mouthing at a crown 'twould hand a sword ; Detestable sight I woke conjuring it to go. Chas. Say this : Superstition — look. Mind me. Superstition thou heavy cabled gnat, scat ! Ver. I say like Constantine I see a sign. Chas. Disaster sent thee drawing. Ha, ha, ha. 84 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. Hast yet read the pimples in the face ? The lightest fly is held by music ; But thou fly lighter held by dream. 'Tis naught but thy fears and flesh conspired To fright thee. It oft occurs in excitement's sleep Of cowards. Ver. I want my money back. Ckas. Some nights ago thou hadst a sweaty smell ; Thy minatory air like doom arranged to rain ; * Threats in rhythm till his disease was hopeless ; Lifeless did he seem me in the glimpses Of thy performing implement. Fie ! Fie ! Dire in desire wilt be dread in opportunity? Ver. My dream is vivid ; 'tis death to disobey. Ckas. Thou art an imbecile. Ver. Nor thy pigmy judgment, Nor my might of muscle, but this sweet angel Of my sleep. Ckas. Are not these eggs, this nest all thine? Ver. And if I refuse to sit what bus'ness thine ? Ckas. See her, behold her, look at her again ; With her fair all fair the funny part comparison. Her eyes like stars defiance inviting love's Deciphering ; those lips in rapture's riot ; Whose talk is music, — honey in liquid vessels ; Each thought in crimson ribbons, lilies dressing. O fan thy fires ! youth its treasures thine ! A foot and gait like the fox's pretty trail, — He comes. A little I'd have had his angel, [Aside. Rout his dream. — He comes thine solicited. [ To Ver. Ver. going'. Flight in sight? But stay— I say— I'll do't. ACT IV. SCENE III. 85 Enter Royal Carroll. Roy. I received thy message inviting me attend thee here. What may thy business be of me ? Chas. Strike. \_Aside to Ver. Roy. I say your note bidding be here at this hour. Chas. Strike, he cannot parry. [Aside to Ver. Ver. I am gone. [Aside. Going. Chas. Stay. [ Aside. Roy. What may thy business be of me ? Chas. Let me think. I know I sent for thee. Yea, by this sky, by that bird adream on high, — What manner bird bethink you that ? ha ? Sea birds inland forecast a storm. [Stabs him; Car. staggers, falls. Not yet; he breathes. Verness here dispatch him. Aha, would have me guilty only? I say, strike ! What, afraid of the foulness of his matter The serpent of his soul already flown ? Ver. He is not dead, his eyes doth roll. Chas. Hold your sword thus ; dip it, dig it, do it. Ver. I do fear ; he stares at me, he knows me. Roy. Too slow by one. Sister, Marion, I die. [On his back hits Ver. ; Ver. falls and both die. Exit Chas. Enter Mary Carroll, scrutinizes both and brother and sinks there. Drive in several robbers led by Garrett. 1st Rob. Ho ! See ! see ! dead three. Gar. 'Tis a strange case. I know them all ! 86 AREAL'S IMAGINATION. 2nd Rob. What? Gar. I know them not. 1st Rob. She hath no wound. Gar. This methinks to be her brother. [Addressing Roy. 3rd Rob. His hurt is here. [Addressing Ver. Gar. Methought he'd die of fear. Take them up and lay 'gainst yonder knoll. Take the bodies up. I must bring into town. [Exeunt with the bodies. Scene IV. Apartment in a Lodging. Marion and Hostess. Host. I crave my rent. Mar. There's a pearl upon thy nose. Host. I need it now. Mar. It broke upon the floor. Host. I am alone. Mar. All short, all sense, no variation ; The commatic compositions of a boy in school. Thou art as thin as a grave-yard spirit ; Thy soup as thin, as thin as sin. Thy skin's so tight the wrinkles stint ; Thy soul's so tense thy pitch is strange. Be advised thou'll eat three meals Or more a day ; furnish up thy face And move thy nose out of the way. [Sings. Til don my best, Let beggars wear the rest, And spend the night in waking. Signorina, me dies to-night. ACT IV. SCENE V. 87 Host. Dear my lady — Mar. There, feed it. I say to-night I die. [ Throws rent money at her. Host. Good girl what mean'st thou? Nothing rash ? Mar. Good ? said't ? Paid I to lie ? As foul a mess As e'er purity put foot in. Host. A little daft. [Aside. Mar. Gums wet and sliding tongue be gone. \_Exit Hostess. Bawdry's long slave O my soul delivered. Death, doth shudder? Drink O my courage, drink. \_D rinks. Pit dress in red ; red' 's for frolic, Colors dun fore the justice. Come this mirror ; this dam I'll bet skimmed thy back. — [ Takes mirror from the wall. Lost in this besottedness, ah, not a trace ; Beauty's demureness, sterile, compunctionless ; Once simple smiles, hard and knowy. \_Retires and exit. Scene V. An Inn; seated John Almont, Gen- tlemen, and others. Enter Marion to another table. At John Almonfs Table. 1st Gent. I'm a boated cod. 2nd Gent. I'm dog on a desert. 1st Gent. Hie ! thou flabby darling, shaking love ! More ale. [ To Hostess. Notices tears in John ALMONT'sy