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Some experience with Cholera, in this city in 1849, 1850, and 1854, and in the latter year at Columbia, Pa., and the perusal of most of what has been written upon the subject, have impressed me with opinions, some of which amount to strong convictions ; the truth of which — if they be true — is so important as to make it justifiable, if not a duty, to give them publication at the present time. Without claiming novelty for my views (some of which were published in a medical journal more than ten years ago*), my purpose is to endeavor to give the results of a careful analysis of the facts, and, if possible, an approach to a consistent theory, with direct practical applications. To this end, it will be best to attempt a brief digest of the subject, in a methodical form. Principal Synonyms. — Epidemic, Spasmodic, Malignant, Algid, Asiatic, Indian Cholera ; Cho- lera Asphyxia, Mort de Chien ; in India, Vishuchi (vomiting and purging) ; at Bagdad, Haouwa (tor- nado). * Philada. Med. Examiner, Aug. 1855; On Animal De- composition as the Chief Promotive Cause of Cholera, etc. (3) ON CHOLERA, DEFINITION. An acute systemic epidemic disorder (endemic in parts of India), not contagious, but produced under certain local circumstances by an unknown specific cause, which appears to be in rare in- stances and to a very limited degree portable; the symptoms being, in most instances, a premoni- tory, painless, and mostly watery diarrhoea of variable duration, followed by vomiting, also watery, and increased diarrhoea, with weakness, coldness, intense thirst, difficulty of breathing, loss of voice, cold breath, cramps, disappearance of pulse, suppression of the action of the kidneys, restlessness, and a blue or livid and shrunken aspect of the skin ; which symptoms may end in death in from ten minutes to forty -eight hours — in relief and rapid recovery within twelve hours or more — or, in a partial reaction and low fever {chiefly urasmic), the result of which is either death in a few days, or recovery in a week or two. APPEAKANCES APTEK DEATH. Rigidity occurs soon; sometimes in less than an hour ; generally within two hours. Startling movements of the corpse have been several times noticed ; as of a patient, dead with cholera, slowly APPEARANCES AFTER DEATH. 5 lifting both hands over the chest and joining them ; opening the eyes and rolling them downward, etc. Increased heat of the body, cold during the attack, has been sometimes observed after death. Intern- ally, several of the great organs, the brain, spleen, and kidneys at least, are commonly gorged with blood. So are the right cavities of the heart; but the left side of the heart empty or with but little blood, and firmly contracted. The lungs are al- most bloodless. The liver varies in appearance ; but the gall-bladder is almost always full of bile. The urinary bladder is, constantly, greatly con- tracted. The- stomach and intestinal canal are congested, and swollen ; the late Prof. Horner ob- served the frequent throwing off of the " epithelial" lining of the canal ; Bohm, of Germany, confirmed this ; Drs. Parkes, Gull, and Lindsay assert it to be a post-mortem occurrence.* The intestinal glands are found considerably enlarged. The blood has been carefully examined by Drs. Garrod, Schmidt of Dorpat, and others, f Its water and salts transude into the alimentary canal, with some of the albumen and fibrin ; also the contents of the blood-cells transude into the serum. The blood drawn from a vein during life is (as I have seen it) dark, thick, and tarry, scarcely capable of * Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, Jan. 1855. f Brit, and For. Medico-Chirurg. Rev., July, 1854. 6 ON CHOLERA. flowing. Schmidt found the amount of oxygen in the blood-corpuscles less than half the normal pro- portion. The blood is acid sometimes in cholera ; the reverse of its natural reaction. The ganglia of the "sympathetic" system have been often examined, and are frequently changed in appearance; congested, softened, altered in color; but no special change has been shown to belong to them in cholera. DIAGNOSIS. Common cholera morbus alone {absurd name, hybrid of Latin and Greek; as absurd also is cholera, from the Greek for bile, a cognomen for a disease in which the excreta are remarkable for the absence of bile), when severe, resembles epi- demic cholera so much as to be easily mistaken for it. The collapsed stage of the one, preceding death, is almost identical in appearance with the collapse of the other. But cholera morbus is caused by some irritant of the stomach and bowels, and is clearly an affection of those organs, not a toxaemia or systemic disorder; it is sporadic, not epidemic ; in it the discharges are always bilious at first, and mostly so to the last ; collapse in any degree is rare, and death, under judicious treat- ment very uncommon. In all these things, it differs greatly from Asiatic cholera. HISTORY. HISTOEY* Putting aside some possible resemblance to this disease in descriptions of Aretus and one or two other ancient authors, probably the epidemic in France of 1545, " trousse-galant," came more near to it. The earliest distinct account of cholera was that given by Bontius, a Dutch physician of Ba- tavia, 1629. Willis (1684), Morton (1692), and others, described epidemic fluxes and " dysenteries" in England in such terms as strongly to remind us of cholera ; and so did Degner of Nymwegen, in the Netherlands (1T36), and Morgagni in Italy, in 1733. Some British physicians (Greenhow, Ait- ken) now believe that cholera may have repeatedly visited England. It appears to me more probable, however, that this opinion is due to an overesti- mate of the resemblance between the autumnal cholera morbus of Great Britain (like our own) and the pestilential disease. Certainly cholera must have existed in India for an indefinite time. From 17 8 1-2 dates its extended * In this sketch I am chiefly indebted to Dr. A. Brig- ham's Treatise on Cholera, Dr. E. H. Greenhow's and Dr. Gavin Milroy's papers in the Brit, and For. Medico- Chirurg. Review (April, 1856, and October, 1865), and Boudin's Traite de Geographie et de Statistique Mddicales, tome ii. 8 ON CHOLERA. prevalence, in a most destructive form ; at Cal- cutta, in Madras, on the Coromandel coast, and in Ceylon. In August, 1817, Jessore was the birth-place of the first great migratory epidemic. Shortly after, in Calcutta, 36,000 were attacked in three months. At many military stations, it was very severe. Roads were covered with dead and dying, unable to reach their homes. In November, the grand army of the Marquis of Hastings was devastated by it. Of 90,000 men, in twelve days 9000 had died. On marching the army across a river to dry and elevated ground, the commander was relieved of this otherwise invincible enemy. In 1818, the Birnian empire was invaded by cholera; and there and elsewhere in Asia, its ravages were fearful. In 1819, 150,000 died of it in the Presidency of Bombay. It also reached Mauritius, 20° S. latitude, three thousand miles from any place before visited by it. The Island of Bourbon was visited in 1820; as well as the Philippine Islands. In 1821, Borneo and Java were affected ; and a large Persian army was re- pulsed by it from before Bagdad, without a battle. In 1822 its limits were much narrowed, and its destructiveness abated. India almost escaped in 1823, but China was ravaged by it; and it extended northwestward, HISTORY. 9 in that year, to Orenbourg, on the Ural, near the borders of Europe and Asia. In 1826 it passed the great wall of China in its northward progress ; but almost left Western Asia. It reappeared in Persia in 1829. Orenbourg was revisited in that year, and the epidemic there lasted from August to near the end of February. This city had a population at that time of 11,000, of whom 6000 were soldiers. Those first affected had no communication what- ever with any infected place. 1831 saw the cholera in the north of Europe, as far as Archangel, near the Arctic Ocean, more than 64° N. latitude. It reached Warsaw in April, during an insurrection, and was very fatal. Hun- gary suffered from May to September; losing 100,000 of its population. In June, St. Peters- burg, and in September, Moscow, were reached by the pestilence. Berlin had it also for three months and a half, beginning in August. Mecca was attacked during the visitation of throngs of pilgrims, in May; of 50,000, as many as 20,000 are said to have perished. In this year, while Hungary was infected, the Austrian s surrounded Vienna by a double cordon militaire; but in vain. The disease began there in August and continued for three months. The southern provinces of Austria and the Khineland were exempt. Con- 10 ON CHOLERA, stantinople was affected by it, but not with very great severity. The Turkish government, that year, maintained no quarantine. Cairo suffered dreadfully in 1830-31 ; and so did Smyrna. Attacking Hamburg on the 11th of October, 1831, it was officially announced at Sunderland, England, October 26th. It had occurred in several cases in England months before. Three or four weeks later it appeared at Newcastle ; and in De- cember, at Haddington, a Scottish town on the Tyne. Edinburgh and Glasgow first had cholera in January, 1832; London in February ; Dublin and Paris in March. London then suffered but mod- erately ; Paris terribly — especially in April and May ; 20,000 deaths. On the 8th of June, it first invaded our conti- nent, at Quebec ; and within a week, at Montreal. In the same month it was in New York and Albany. Philadelphia had its first cases in July. Between the 1st of July and the 18th of August, New York had reported 5337 cases, with 2068 deaths. That city lost 3513 in all.* From the 27th of July to August 18th, Philadelphia had 1610 cases, with 615 deaths. Boston and Balti- more were moderately affected in August. * Dr. A. Clark, Lect. on Cholera. In 1834, New York lost 971; in 1849, 5071*; in 1854, 2509. HISTORY. 11 Detroit, Buffalo, Elizabeth City in North Caro- lina, Wilmington and Newcastle, Delaware, Nor- folk and Portsmouth, Virginia, and New Orleans were the principal of more than fifty towns in the United States reached by cholera in 1832. It had entered twelve different States before September. Havana and Mexico were attacked in the spring and summer of 1833. The City of Mexico, not- withstanding its great elevation above the sea, did not escape. Portugal was also first visited in that year; Spain but slightly until 1834. Northern Italy was affected in the autumn of the same year. In 1835, Alexandria and Malta; in 1836, Rome, Naples, Egypt, and Central America especially suffered. North Germany, South France, Rome, Naples, Sicily, Malta, Egypt, and Syria, in 183T. After that, cholera disappeared from Europe and America for nearly ten years. It still existed, in variable violence and extent, in India. In 1847, it ravaged a Russian army west of the Caucasus; and in September returned to Moscow. In 1848, Turkey, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Bel- gium, Holland, Great Britain, and Prance (though not Paris) were successively attacked. Then the cholera showed its power to traverse the sea with- out human aid or agency, by attacking two emi- grant ships, a thousand miles apart, one sixteen and the other twenty-seven days out from Havre, 12 ON CHOLERA. when no cholera was prevailing at that port* The cholera-cloud itself also reached New Orleans about the same time, and progressed up the valley of the Mississippi. New York was not affected by the visit of the infected ship ; the disease not occurring again there until May, 1849. Paris was reached by it in February of that year, but suffered the worst in June. Lyons now had it for the first time. Tunis and Algiers were visited toward the end of the year. In January, 1849, after Memphis, St. Louis, Missouri, was attacked. Chicago, Buffalo, and other towns on the lakes, in May. New York and Philadelphia in the same month. Baltimore had this year only a local epidemic, in July, in the Almshouse ; the restriction of which to one side of the building was very remarkable. As in 1832, the mortality in Philadelphia was much less for the population than in New York : 1022 deaths occurred in our city ; New York had a mortality 450 per cent, greater, f Canada was reached this time from the westward. In 1848-9, the number of deaths from cholera in England and Wales was over fifty-four thousand (54,398); in 1832-3, nearly thirty-one thousand * Report on Cholera in the United States, by Dr. James Wynne; and Dr. Gavin Milroy, Brit, and For. Medico- Chirurg. Review, Oct. 1865, p. 444. f Dr. J. H. Griscom, Medical Record, March 15th, 1866, p. 35. HISTORY. 13 (30,924). In London,* probably owing to greater attention to sanitary means, the mortality was two-fifths less the second time than the first. Some parts of Southern Rhin eland were visited in 1849; especially the filthy City of Cologne. Cholera lingered in various places almost spo- radically, in Europe and America, from 1850 to 1854. Canada and the far West (Indiana also had cases every year) suffered the most, in this way, on our continent. In the West, emigrants' camps and military stations seemed especially to furnish its required local conditions. In 1853, Persia had it severely ; also some parts of Northern, Central, and Southern Europe (Co- penhagen, Hamburg, Berlin, Piedmont, Lyons, Paris, and Southern Portugal). Before the end of the year it was again in New York, New Orleans, and the West Indies. Mexico had been visited in the spring, and through the summer. 1854 was still more a cholera year in Europe and in this country. Scarcely any European state or kingdom was exempt. The French, English, and Russian troops suffered from it much in the Crimea. Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, in short, all Europe was traversed by it : 150,000 died of it in France alone; in England * London had 13,098 deaths from cholera in 1849; in 1854, about 10,000. 14 ON CHOLERA. and Wales about 20,000. Newfoundland, on our side of the ocean, was reached for the first time in 1854. This was the year of the epidemic at Columbia, Lancaster County, in this State ; so remarkable for the absence of some of the usual promotive conditions of cholera. Our great cities, however, did not suffer nearly so much as in 1849. In 1855, the disease was widely spread in Eu- rope, though not very malignant except near the seat of war, before Sebastopol. Egypt and Pales- tine had it also. In Switzerland, which had been slightly touched before, Basle, Geneva, Zurich, and other places now suffered by it. The next year, 1856, still did not witness its withdrawal from Europe. Since that period, until 1865, I have no means at hand for tracing the movements of epidemic cholera. Dr. Gavin Milroy says that the countries hitherto exempted have been as follows : Australia, New Zealand, and other islands in the Pacific ; the Cape of Good Hope and adjoining settlements; the coast of Africa from the Cape as far north- ward as the Gambia, and including the islands of St. Helena and Ascension ; the Azores, Bermuda, Iceland, Faroe islands, and also the Orkney and Shetland; the southern half of the. eastern coast of South America, from the Rio Plata inclusive, Cape Horn, and the whole of the western coast of that continent, from the Cape and along the shores of Chili and Peru to Panama. HISTORY. 15 In last year, every one was familiar with the accounts of cholera in Arabia and Egypt in the spring, at Constantinople in July,* and afterward in several parts of Europe, extending, though with but moderate violence, as far as England. While its vast migrations seem to be as capricious or in- calculable as the flight of locusts, two local causes contributed at least to its severity in Mecca and on the Nile. These were the crowds of religious pilgrims at the former place, in the spring, and, in Egypt, the insalubrious circumstances attending the operations at the new Suez Canal. In both, " crowd-poison" was intensified to the greatest de- gree; so that the pest-cause might well find there strength for the renewal of its flight onward to the northwest. In Paris, in 1865, 6383 deaths oc- curred during the late visitation. I take from Dr. Brigham's treatise (published in 1832) the following table, of the deaths from cholera in 1832, and their proportion to popula- tion : Population. Deaths. Equal to Moscow, 350,000 4690 1 in 74 • Petersburg, 360,000 4757 1 74 Vienna, 300,000 11,896 1 159 Berlin, 340,000 1401 1 242 Hamburg, 100,000 446 1 224 London, 1,500,000 1223 1 1228 * The first case occurred in that city on the 28th of June. 16 ON CHOLERA. * Population. Deaths. Equal to Edinburgh, 150,000 72 1 in 2033 Glasgow, 180,000 395 1 455 Hungary, 8,750,000 188,000 1 46 Paris, 800,000 20,000 1 40 Montreal, 25,000 1250 1 20 Quebec, 22,000 1790 1 12 New York, 200,000 2000 1 100 Albany, 24,000 311 1 77 Supposing the population of Philadelphia to have been at that time 150,000, this, with a little over 600 deaths, would give a proportion for our city of 1 in 250 of the inhabitants. In 1849 the ratio was considerably less.* It is an important fact in the history of cholera, that before, during, and after the epidemic has visited a place, many cases, greatly exceeding in number those of typical cholera, occur, of diarrhoea, sometimes also with vomiting, not violent, yield- ing easily to treatment. To these the name of cholerine is often given, f * Moreau de Jonnes estimates the number attacked as, in France, 1 in 300 of the population ; Russia, 1 in 20 ; Austria, 1 in 30 ; Prussia, 1 in 100 ; Poland, 1 in 32 ; Bel- gium, 1 in 120; Great Britain and Ireland, 1 in 131; Hol- land, 1 in 144; Germany, 1 in 700. f The coincidence or anticipation of cholera by epidemic influenza and the potato blight, has been several times noticed. But there is, clearly, no uniformity in any such association. NATURE. IT NATTJEE OP CHOLEEA, Without discussing opinions at length, it may be asserted that cholera is not at all, like our ordin- ary cholera morbus, a disorder simply of the stom- ach and bowels. Being clearly an acute systemic affection, changes in the blood are proved to occur in it, and may well be believed to be primary; that is, that the morbid cause acts through the blood. But that is not all. Cullen placed cholera, in his nosology, in the class neuroses, order spasmi. Many medical ob- servers (Binaghi, Loder, Orton, Delpech, Lizars, Coste, Favell, C. W. Bell, Greenhow, G. Johnson, etc.) consider its principal effects to be referable to disturbed innervation, involving chiefly the ganglionic centres of organic life. Dr. Charles D. Meigs, years ago, graphically called the attack the "cholera squeeze." Yelpeau, of Paris, lately re- peats this, " le mal vous tortille." There, I think, is the pathology of cholera, in one word. As Dr. C. W. Bell says, it is not an adynamic, but a dynamic, or sthenic, collapse. The heart, its left side at least, is, after death, contracted. The pulmonary artery and its branches are narrowed, making the lungs pale and anaemic. The gall-bladder is full of bile, but the duct is spasmodically closed, and detains it there. The 18 ON CHOLERA. urinary bladder is shrunken to half its size or less. The blood-vessels of the whole alimentary canal press rigidly upon their contained fluid, and force its serum out into the stomach and bowels ; whence it is, by spasmodic ejections, thrown out. The very skin is, by its involuntary muscular fibres, as well as by vascular constriction everywhere, drawn tightly and closely upon the body. The voluntary muscles suffer with cramps. All is cramp, cramp, within and without. The brain is almost in anaesthesia during the collapse — no delirium, but apathy — as from cerebral anaemia. The blood, so compressed, grows thick as tar — it scarcely flows, is not aerated, and cyanosis follows ; — it is detained in the capillary and venous networks of the in- terior organs, in which congestion is found after death. Cholera is, then, I say, a poison-spasm ; a gan- glionic tetanus. CAUSATION. Here we enter, unavoidably, the region of specu- lation. Not, however, without facts to give us hope and promise. By exclusion, we can first see what the cause of cholera is not. 1. Is it heat, moisture, electricity, ozone, or any modification or combination of the pervading physical forces of nature? Surely not. Those CAUSATION. 19 forces are cosmic, not localized in their operation. Observation would hardly be needed to show that no state of physical conditions marks the presence of a cholera epidemic ; but observation has shown it. Sir Henry Holland* compared the atmospheric conditions of five different places in which cholera was prevailing ; there was no correspondence at all. Barton has found a high dew-point during cholera in New Orleans ; but it prevails often in India where the air is dry. Dr. Moffatt lately has asserted that the equatorial current of moist, ozo- niferous air is fatal to the prevalence of cholera. Berigny, in 1856, thought a deficiency of ozone to coincide with cholera ; but Berigny has, just now, asked and obtained the appointment of a learned commission of the French Academy, to ascertain definitely whether there is such a thing as ozone ! Dr. Hammond, in Kansas, found no ozonometric reaction during cholera; but Prof. Ellet, of New York, proved, in 1849, that there was no constant relation between the two.f Schultze, Yoltolini, and others assert the same conclusion. As to climate, the disease has prevailed from Archangel to the Isle of Bourbon, and from China to Mexico. No telluric causation, therefore, can suffice for it. Elevation has no fixed relation to its occurrence. * Medical Notes, Philadelphia ed., p. 349. f Hammond on Hygiene, pp. 164-165. 20 ON CHOLERA. In London, Dr. Fan* found the mortality to be directly in proportion to the lowness of site. But cholera has prevailed 9000 feet above the level of the sea, at Bogota, in 1849 ; ^000 feet, at Enimeneh in Persia, in 1853;* more than once in the City of Mexico, at an elevation of T990 feet; and in a citadel built upon an isolated rock ( Jaragurth, in Bengal), f 1000 feet above the plain. We must explain the influence of lowness of site, as Dr. Baly pointed out, merely as one of the circum- stances which modify the prevalence of cholera; not as accounting for it. Coming and going, then, across the earth, from time to time, its cause cannot be conditional merely. Nor, if it were so, could it happen that, among multitudes of persons, in the same spot, " one should be taken and the others left." 2. If, then, not dynamic or cosmic, this cause, though occult, must be material. Nor could a mineral solid, or liquid, possibly so traverse the earth undetected per se. It must be, if inorganic, volatile, to cross the ocean alone. That it can do so, has been proved in a number of instances. Those of the emigrant ships, New York and Swanton, in 1848, from Havre, have been already alluded to. In 1854, I had direct cognizance of * Gavin Milroy, op. cit., p. 449. f Brigham, op. cit., p. 33. CAUSATION. 21 such occurrences, in the packet-ships Tonawanda and Tuscarora, Cope's line, between this city and Liverpool. The first was attacked when two weeks at sea, there being no cholera at Liverpool when she started. After a number of days' pre- valence, this vessel neared a large iceberg, which reduced the temperature of the air 30°. The day before the iceberg was met, the largest number of cases occurred ; after that, no new one at all. The epidemic was frozen out. In April, 1866, other instances occurred, to which allusion will be made hereafter. Since, then, I say, the cholera cause can travel far over sea, or land, it must be volatile, or ex- tremely mobile. Is it a gas? Chemists have not found such ; but that does not quite disprove it. But the diffusion of all gases through space, aided by the winds, prevents the local accumula- tion of gases everywhere, unless constantly eman- ating from a terrestrial source. Thus the mephitic poison of the celebrated deadly valley of Java, and the carbonic acid stratum of the Cave of Dogs in Italy, are accounted for. No poisonous gas, according to all physical experience, could pos- sibly maintain concentration enough to destroy human life, during weeks and months together, at one place, and then leave it to rest upon another — unless a source of emanation were as migra- tory. As no such mobile source is known, the gaseous hypothesis must explode of itself. 22 ON CHOLERA. 3. What possibilities, then, are left ? I have observed that, if inorganic, the " cause" in ques- tion must be a gas ; but it has been shown, just now, that no such gas can have existence ; there- fore the cause must be organic in nature. I see no escape from this dilemma, however wanting we are in physical demonstration of the conclusion it brings on. The source^ at least, of the cholera- cause must be organic. 4. What organic sources are possible for it? Conceivable theories are — I. That it is a contagi- ous effluvium from the bodies of those sick with the disease. II. That it is generated by a pecu- liar chemical change in the excreta, either of the sick or the well. III. That it is a cryptogamous vegetation, a microphyte, requiring certain pecu- liar and only occasional conditions for its ex- istence. IY. That it is minutely animalcular in nature, existing, migrating, and propagating itself only where local circumstances permit. I. Is cholera contagious ? The word is vari- ously defined. I follow La Roche and others in regarding a disease as contagious, only, when its cause is a material produced by a morbid process in the bodies of the sick, and generating the same disease in those whom it reaches, either by con- tact or at a short distance through the air. In this sense it is proper to assert most emphatically that cholera has never been shown to be contagi- CAUSATION. 23 ous in a single instance ; while the always difficult negative proof is abundant. Every apparent case of contagion (and such are extremely rare) is susceptible of a different explanation. Against contagion we have, especially, the fol- lowing points : A. Cholera is often preceded in a place by a considerable increase in the amount of diarrhoea; showing the presence of a general atmospheric cause, the intensification or accumulation of which brings on the epidemic. B. It subsides in a locality, after days, weeks, or months, with no constant reference to the num- ber of persons susceptible to it, but obviously in relation to local sanitary conditions. G. It attacks, simultaneously, places as far apart as London and Newcastle; and often hundreds the same day in a large city. Thus seven thou- sand perished from it in Paris in eighteen days, in 1832. In the Massachusetts State prison, four within an hour, and two hundred and five within forty-eight hours, were attacked. D. Cholera is sometimes limited to a part of a town (Oxford, England, according to Drs. Baly and Gull) or even a part of a house ; as at Balti- more in the Almshouse, in 1849. Dr. Buckler then reported its existence, when there was no cholera elsewhere in the city, in one-half of the Almshouse building, in which seventeen fatal cases 24 ON CHOLERA. occurred ; none whatever in the other half, simi- larly occupied. The difference was, that under the walls of the affected side of the house was " a large and foul overflowing cess-pool, whose con- tents mingled with the washings of the dead- house, etc." In several instances, also, it has been confined to a part of a ship.* E. An army or other encampment may be affected terribly while in one locality (as with the Marquis of Hastings in India, mentioned before), and then, by a short march, escape from it alto- gether. Such occurrences are frequent and fa- miliar in India. (See S. Clark, Hygiene of the Army in India.) F. In Hindostan, where cholera is annually present, the facts are of such a nature that the idea of contagion is scarcely entertained by any medical men or others. Dr. James Johnson wrote, many years ago, that "in India, the con- tagiousness of cholera is denied by ninety-nine out of every hundred medical men." And in a work published in 1864, on the Hygiene of the Army in India (Stewart Clark, M.R.C.S., Inspector- General of Prisons, etc.), I find statements corro- borative of this. For example, the following : "After the Hurdwar and other large fairs in India, cholera almost always appears in the vil- * E.g. steamers England and Virginia, April, 1866, etc. CAUSATION. 25 lages on the lines of roads leading from them ; but the cases are generally confined to people who have been at these fairs. For instance, at Deyrah Doon, about forty miles from Hurdwar, there are often two annual visitations of cholera: viz., one in April or May, confined to individuals returning from the Hurdwar fair ; and one later in the sea- son, of the usual epidemic type, among the gene- ral inhabitants of the town."* In the words of Dr. A. Flint, f " compare its course as an epidemic, in this respect, with typhus, small-pox, or scarlet fever !" G. Nurses and others brought into contact with cholera patients, even in hospitals, are not more liable than others to the disease. An official re- port to the French government stated that in 1831 ; of over two thousand persons employed in nursing in hospices or hospitals, during an epidemic of cholera (which produced in all eighteen thousand deaths), only one hundred and sixty-four were attacked. At St. Petersburg, 1 nurse in 58 had the cholera ; in Moscow, of 253 persons connected with x>ne hospital, 4 only were affected by it. In the latter city, also,J 587 patients affected with cholera were admitted into a hospital with 860 patients, laboring under other diseases, yet not a * Op. cit., p. 13, note. f Practice of Medicine, p. 425. % Brigham, op. cit., p. §24. 26 ON CHOLERA. single one of the latter was attacked by cholera. Dr. Alison (himself half a contagionist) recorded the fact* that, in Edinburgh, in 1832 and in 1 848-9, the dissecting-rooms were supplied almost exclu- sively by cholera subjects; and in neither year was there a single case of the disease among the numerous students attending those rooms. Post- mortem examinations have been made freely, by physicians everywhere, during cholera, without any evidence of danger therefrom. H. No effort to produce cholera by direct con- tact or otherwise, experimentally, has ever suc- ceeded. Dr. Foy and ten others, at Warsaw, f inoculated themselves with the blood of cholera patients, tasted their dejections, and inhaled their breaths, without receiving the disease. So did the surgeons and medical students at Moscow and Dantzic in 1832; and similar experiments with like results and conclusions were tried by Lizars, Coste, Schmidt, Meyer, Marshall, and others. A late article in the Richmond Medical Journal, by Dr. Houston, mentions that a man in Wheeling, during a cholera epidemic, lay all night in the clothes of another who had just died of the dis- ease ; but was unhurt by it. * Brit, and For. Medico-Chirurg. Review, Jan. 1854, p. 22. f Gazette M^dicale, 1831, CAUSATION. 21 Dr. Lauer Lindsay* made elaborate experi- mentation with dogs; and thought he had suc- ceeded in giving them cholera. But it does not appear so to me, in reading his account. The dogs were exposed in no case less than seven days to the combined effects of confinement, swallowing and breathing the matters of evacuation and per- spiration of cholera patients. Then the symptoms ought not at all to be regarded as specific, as the discharges were "decidedly biliary, green, and greenish feculent matter," and " emitting an intol- erable stench." Dog No. 1 is also stated to have become somewhat lively and greatly better, after having eaten a quantity of the flesh, fat, and blood of dog No 2, which died on the previous day. The expression of Mr. Marshall, another investi- gator, is clearly correct — that this evidence is still "short of proof" of any contagion belonging to cholera. I cannot but anticipate that a similar conclusion would follow a scrutiny of the experiments of like character more recently performed by Thiersch in Munich, and Robin at Paris, f They have made dogs sick by injecting the excreta of cholera pa- tients into the trachea and veins. No wonder! * Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, April and October, 1854. f London Lancet, Jan. 13th, 1866. 28 ON CHOLERA. But, against all this we have the familiar fact that dogs do not get the cholera at all by exposure to the companionship of patients, nor by presence during its epidemic prevalence. Every experi- ment of the kind is simply toxicologieal, not clini- cal or a propos in any sense. The influence of drinking water, the occasional occurrence of new cases in hospitals to which cholera patients are admitted,* and all other seem- ing instances of contagious transmission, are, as will be shown hereafter, clearly susceptible of a different explanation, which embraces all the facts. I. Cholera does not follow regularly, nor de- pend for its migrations upon, human intercourse. Instances proving this abound in the whole his- tory of it ; a few must suffice us here. Whatever the amount of travel, cholera moves with extreme slownessf against the wind. This is especially observable in India ; where, as Orton has recorded, it takes sometimes three months to pass over the distance of a ten days' voyage, not- withstanding constant communication. When the epidemic first reached England, in 1831, after having been in Berlin and Hamburg, it appeared in Sunderland October 26th. It did * Brit. Med Journal, Dec. 9th, 1865. I Parkes; vide Aitken's Practice of Med., vol. i. p. 659. CAUSATION. 29 not reach London until February, 1832 ; notwith- standing constant communication between that city and the infected district.* One of the Western Islands, beyond the coast of Scotland, on the other hand, was attacked by the disease, although the intercourse between it and the main land was so rare, that the clergyman of the island continued to pray every week for King William the Fourth, for eighteen months after Queen Victoria had ascended the throne, f In 1832 and 1848, the town of Annan, nearly equidistant from Carlisle and Dumfries, and right upon the main line of traffic between those towns, escaped cholera altogether, while it prevailed both at Dumfries and Caiiisle.J I repeat, that these are only instances of a large class of facts, which show a capriciousness in the career of cholera epidemics, altogether adverse to the supposition that it is either contagious or in any way dependent for transmission upon human intercourse. But the advocates of the view just now most prevalent, urge that on all occasions cholera has crossed the ocean only in ships. Each by each of * G. Milroy, Brit, and For. Medico-Chirurg. Review, Oct. 1865, p. 438. j- Aitken, op. cit., p. 650. % Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Med. Sci., April, 1854. 30 ON CHOLERA. the asserted instances of this has been or could be met and shown to be quite unproven. A single case of such disproval would establish for us the important proposition, that cholera certainly does not depend for its migrations upon human agen- cies or contingencies. What do we say of the New York and Swanton, vessels, in 1848? They have been already alluded to on a previous page. I say, first, that there was no cholera at Havre when they started, nor for some time before ; Dr. James Wynne* and Dr. Gavin Milroyf being my authorities for the statement. Secondly, I regard it as a decisive fact, that in all the accounts of the voyage of these vessels referred to, one is said to have been sixteen and the other twenty -seven days out at sea before any cholera occurred on board. Now what, according to the strictest contagion- ists, as well as those who believe in the theory of excretory fermentation (Pettenkofer), is the time of incubation of the cholera poison ? Budd,J Niemeyer, and Greifswald make it from six hours to three days; Kierulf,§ of Bergen, from one to * Report on Cholera in the United States, f Brit, and For. Medico-Chirurg. Review, Oct. 1865. J Association Journal, 1854 ; Memoranda on Asiatic Cholera, 1865. § Aitken, Practice of Medicine, vol. ii. p. 657. CAUSATION. 31 four days; Rilliet, Madin, Weissbrod, Hielman, and others, twelve hours to eight days. How absurd, therefore, to endeavor to construe the case of the Swanton as one in which the cholera was transported from Havre to New Orleans by that ship ! The arrival of the New York at the port of that name was not followed by the infection of that city. I would say, that the arrival of the epidemic at New Orleans simply coincided, pretty nearly, with that of the Swanton; which had been overtaken by it on its way. While these pages are being written (April, 1866) two analogous cases are attracting attention ; those of the steamers England and Virginia, from Liver- pool; attacked by cholera when five and eight days out.* J. But something must be said of the authenti- cated instances where transportation by persons seems to have occurred. With a good deal of re- search, I have been able to collect together only the following, as allowable in evidence. Certain cases mentioned by Dr. Jameson, in the Bengal Report, in 1824. Eight persons taking cholera at Toulon, shortly * Some conjecture that German emigrants must have brought the disease to the England and Virginia; but, if so, why did they not likewise infect Liverpool ? 32 ON CHOLERA. after the arrival there of the frigate Melpomene f from Lisbon, with cholera on board, in 1833.* No other cholera cases occurred at Toulon for two years. A woman attacked at Edinburgh, in 1832, when no cholera prevailed there, after nursing her son, who got the disease at Musselburg and came home sick with it.f Some instances mentioned by Dr. Simpson (Edin. Med. and Surg. Journal, April, 1838, and Edin. Monthly Med. Journal, 1849), quoted with only partial details by Dr. Alison (Brit, and For. Medico-Chirurg. Review, Jan. 1854). Three women took cholera after washing the clothes of some sailors who had died of cholera, at Banff, Moray Firth, Scotland, 1832.J Two men died of cholera, in 1849, at Campbell- town, Scotland, after the arrival of a woman from Glasgow, with some blankets which had been used by her sister-in-law who died of cholera. The disease then existed nowhere else within fifty miles (Dr. Robertson, Edin. Monthly Journal, August, 1849). Several instances are given by Dr. Berg, in his * London Medical Times, N. S., vol. iii. p. 515. f Ten days afterward cholera became epidemic in Edin- burgh. t Alison, loc. citafc. CAUSATION. 33 Treatise on the Cholera in Sweden, in 1850; of which I have not details. One case is narrated by Dr. S. H. Dickson, in Charleston, 1832 (Am. Journal of Med. Sciences, vol. xiii. p. 309). The outbreak of cholera at Arbroath, in Scot- land, in 1853, described by Dr. T. Traill (Aitken, op. citat , p. 656). Some instances in the Nor- wegian Reports of 1850-53. Others in the Report of the College of Physicians of London, 1854. A few cited from a Bengal Report, 1853, by Dr. Aitken.* A few cases mentioned by Boudin in his " Traite de Geographie et de Statistique Medicales" (tome ii. p. 37 4), viz.: Three- persons in the commune of Masles, in France, affected, in 1849, subsequently to the arrival of a person who visited Paris while cholera was prevailing there, returned to Masles, became ill, and died of cholera. One person, in the same year, in the commune of Conde, attacked after handling the clothes of a woman who had died of cholera ; there being no other cases at Conde at the time. Three individuals, in the same year, affected at Aubees, after the arrival there of a person from * Practice, p. 656. 2 34 ON CHOLERA. Courville, where cholera prevailed, that .person becoming ill and dying of cholera after his arrival. According to M. Bucquoy,* two wet-nurses, going from Paris to Peronne, and falling ill there with cholera (1865), communicated the disease to eight other persons ; some of whom died. In Dr. Burrall's recent work on Cholera, received since the above was written, several other exam- ples of an analogous kind are given. All of these, together, would count, I suppose, since 181?, possibly fifty or a hundred individuals, who might be acknowledged to have taken cho- lera, in immediate sequence upon exposure to con- tact with the persons or clothing of cholera pa- tients, in localities not at the time under the epi- demic influence. Granted, then, that such was the case. They are, clearly, exceptional instances. If cholera was in any proper sense contagious, could the instan- tise crucis possibly be so few and hard to find or prove ? No ! But how do we account for these ? On the principle of fomites; of occasional, very rare, carrying of the cause of cholera, the " germs" of it, in clothing, merchandise, or by the person of a human being ; as one might carry skippers on a * Discussions of Parisian Hospital Med. Society ; Phila- delphia Med. News and Library, Feb. 1866, p. 22. CAUSATION. 35 piece of cheese in his pocket, or a paper of flower- seeds in his carpet-bag. Practically, what is the difference between this and contagion ? Much, indeed ! When the cause of the disease is a somatic {bodily) contagion, no prevention of it is available, except the total and remote avoidance of those persons who have it, and of things which have been in contact with them. When the cause is an eatfra-soniatic infec- tion, depending, for its production, multiplication, and transportation, on local and atmospheric con- ditions, not personal — then those conditions may be met preventively; and the very rare carry- ing power of fomites may be reduced to nullity, by sanitary precautions. Against contagion, we would have only quarantine ; a most "lame and impotent " defence. Against infection, we have the amply sufficient measures of sanitary police and management. Contagion, as a theory, would explain only a minority of the facts concerning cholera, and is not required to explain them. Infection will ex- plain all. Let me here state briefly the main facts in refer- ence to the three vessels which have reached our shores within a few months, having cholera on board. The Atalanta arrived off New York on the 2d of November last, with emigrants, from Havre. 36 ON CHOLERA. In the steerage there were a number of cases of cholera during the voyage; none at all in the cabin. The steamer England reached Halifax April 8th (the present month) from Liverpool, with 1202 passengers, chiefly emigrants, Irish and Ger- man. When five days out, she was attacked with cholera. The disease did not then exist, and has not since (as shown by a number of arrivals from that port later) existed at Liverpool. It was, on the voyage and at the quarantine, confined entirely to the steerage.* The Virginia arrived, also from Liverpool, April 18th, at New York quarantine station. She had 1043 passengers, 14 saloon and 1029 steerage, most of the latter being German and Dutch. Leaving Liverpool on the 4th, on the 12th cholera broke out among the steerage passengers, in the " orlop," below the deck and beneath the water line : 37 died during the voyage. After reaching quaran- tine, being detained there, the disease increased, but still was exclusively confined to the steerage passengers. Now, how did these vessels get the cholera ? * Eight passengers escaped from the England, and one died of cholera at Halifax ; without any other cases fol- lowing there. Dr. Slayter, of Halifax, went on board of the vessel, took the disease, and died of it. CAUSATION. 31 Not at Liverpool, for there was none there. Did German emigrants bring it on board ? If they could have, why, as they stopped at Liverpool, did they not infest that city also ? But yester- day (April 30th), a steamer arrived direct from Hamburg, with no tidings at all of cholera in Ger- many. Dr. E. B. Dalton, Sanitary Superintendent of New York, and Dr. Elisha Harris, a distin- guished sanitarian, went officially on board the Virginia, and carefully questioned v the passengers in regard to their original starting-places. They had none of them knowledge of any epidemic in any place they came from or through. The near- est possible approach to anything whatever of the kind was said to be that, "during the past ivinter, the disease had appeared in certain towns in Sax- ony, near which some of them had resided !" Determined, indeed, must any one be to insist upon the communication theory, who will account, by a vicinity dating back to "last winter," for an epidemic commencing out at sea, in April, which, yet, in neither of three ships successively so af- fected (including the Atalanta of November), can be or has been communicated from the steerage to the cabin of the same vessel ! So palpable was the contrast of safety and of infection between the saloon — spacious, clean, and well aired — and the steerage — crowded, close, and unwholesome — that the cabin passengers on one of those vessels pre- 38 ON CHOLERA. ferred to remain upon it, in their apartments, to being removed elsewhere, in the immediate and in- salubrious company of the emigrants among whom the disease had proved so destructive. These cases appear to me extremely important, as explicable, clearly and consistently, only upon the view that the cholera-cause has the power of migration across the sea ; a crowded vessel, like a filthy city on land, affording the local conditions for its manifestation, propagation, and extension. Wishing to give fall legitimate effect to all that can be asserted of a different tenor from what I maintain, I quote the following from Dr. Harris, in a recent report:* "In studying the history of fourteen epidemics of cholera that have occurred within the walls of our New York quarantine establishment, the writer has seen abundant evidence of the infec- tious agency of the sick and their 'rice-water 7 evacuations. " Concerning these repeated outbreaks of chol- era at quarantine, it should be stated, that while they proved how fatally infectious the cholera poi- son may become in the midst of crowded hospi- tals and public institutions, they have utterly failed * Report on Epidemic Cholera by the Council of Hy- giene and Public Health of the Citizens' Association of New York. November, 1866. CAUSATION. 39 to prove that from the same exclusive cause — viz., the contagion of the cholera evacuations — a world- wide epidemic could be caused. These outbreaks did prove, however, that the stools and besmeared clothing of the sick with cholera can, under cer- tain circumstances, propagate the disease ; while, on the other hand, a series of events at quaran- tine and in the city demonstrated, that, for the production of a wide-spread epidemic, other im- portant causes than the presence of the rice-water stools and vomitings must be present. " II. Let us now examine, briefly, the theories which connect the propagation of cholera exclu- sively with the discharges of those who have the disease. They are, that of the late Dr. Snow, of England, and those of Pettenkofer and Thiersch, of Munich. Snow's theory was, that a poison is generated by the morbid process of the cholera attack ; which poison passes from the bowels of the patient ; that this poison is conveyed by the water which ab- sorbs it from the tainted atmosphere about him ; and thus, through " continuous molecular change," it taints destructively the systems of those who drink such water, or the water of streams polluted by sewage or drainage into which cholera excre- ments pass. It has already, I consider, been shown — 1st, that there are facts which this theory will not account 40 ON CHOLERA. for; and, 2dly, that all the facts (many as they are) proving the important influence of drinking water over the mortality of cholera, can be ex- plained as well upon another, wider view. Pettenkofer's theory is much like Snow's ; but he supposes the poison not to pass as such from the bowels of the patient ; but that it is produced by a sort of post-excretory fermentation, which re- quires several days of time, and is effected in the water beneath the surface of the ground. He makes a very large estimate of the importance of the soil and substrata of a place in determining its liability to cholera. He denies that it can ever prevail over rock. On this I would remark — 1st, that it has pre- vailed upon rocky sites ;* 2dly, that this theory cannot, any more than Dr. Snow's, explain all the facts ; 3dly, that a theory which will account for all other facts, will also explain those on which he relies. Dr. Parkes and others seem ready to make use of a recent modification of Pettenkofer's views, which is certainly convenient and ingenious. This is, the hypothesis that the "germs" of cholera poison, once produced, are not destroyed for some * See Brit, and For. Medico-Chir. Review, Jan. 1857, p. 66; also, Brigham on Cholera, p. 33; Drasche, Die Epi- demische Cholera, Vienna, 1860; Kiehl, Ueber den Ur- sprung und die Veihutung der Senciien, etc., Berlin, 1865. CAUSATION. 41 time by desiccation ; that the tainted faecal mat- ters, though formed in water, may become dry enough to be carried, as dust, through the air. This is, I believe, at the present moment, the theory which has the greatest number of influen- tial advocates in England ; and some elsewhere. I ask, can it be imagined that such cholera dust (if not endowed with the vitality of microphytic sporules or animalcular ova) could multiply as the cholera cause must, or could be swept over the ocean far enough to reach a vessel two weeks and more from the shore it had left ? The parenthetical words of this last sentence imply the direction in which my reasonings (and, I hope, those of my reader also) are, by exclusion, impelled. III. An organic nature, that of a living organ- ism, is thus suggested as most probably belonging to this undiscovered cause. The combination of persistent identity, with extensive mobility, can, I think, be no otherwise explained. I regard this as not at all a vague conjecture, the mere resort of ignorance ; but as a logically obtained scientific hypothesis ; needing but little, if anything, to make it a theory worthy of universal adoption and appli- cation. It has been, in such a sense, considered seriously by such careful reasoners as Sir H. Hol- land, Prof. Alison, and Prof. Max Pettenkofer. I repeat the question — can it be imagined that 42 ON CHOLERA. an excrementitious "dust," not organic or vitalized at all, should multiply itself so as to account for the world-wide spread of cholera ? If it could, observe then the other horn of the delemma ; how could it ever cease doing so ; how could cholera ever stop, until the human race was destroyed ? At all events, how could it disappear as it does, after visitation, from Europe and Amer- ica, for long terms of years ? Variability in reproduction, under complex and partly unrecognized causes, is a characteristic of animal and vegetable life. This would account for such facts, and this alone. The organic theory has been asserted in two forms:* the vegetative or microphytic, and the * Vide Holland's Med. Notes and Reflections; Essay on the Hypothesis of Insect Life as a Cause of Disease. I cite from this work the following curious facts : " The Hessian fly, on its first appearance in America, afforded a singular example of slow progressiva movement. First observed in Long Island, in 1776, it proceeded into the interior, at the rate of ten or fifteen miles in the year, destroying all the wheat in its progress. The spread of the Blatta orientalis in northern Europe is another fact of a similar kind." "In October, 1836, a vast swarm of minute aphides passed over a wide district in Cheshire, Derbyshire, and other counties. The air was so thickly filled with them, that the clothes and faces of persons walking out of doors were completely covered. From observations taken, the CAUSATION. 43 animalcular. The first is not set aside by any positive facts ; but it does not explain any more than the second ; while the remarkable mobility or migratory power of the mysterious agent in question points rather to the animalcular theory. IY. To this, then, we are brought at last ; with only one other alternative, as, not a substitute, but an amendment for it. I mean the view advanced recently by two members of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, the late Dr. Wilson and J. Cassin ;* that reason exists for distinguish- ing a third kingdom of nature, besides animals and plants ; for which they propose the name of Primolia. If such organisms as sponges, many infusoria, volvocineae, diatoms, and desmidise, have attributes neither animal nor vegetable, and yet clearly organic, it is evident that our previous classifications of natural forms are incomplete. superficial extent of the mass must have been at least twelve miles in one direction by five miles in another ; but detached notices from other places make it certain that the continuous swarm was much more widely spread. No proof was obtained as to its rate of movement ; but Man- chester was infested for two or three successive days. Wherever generated, there is cause to suppose that the swarm was in transit from one place to another, and pos- sibly brought nearer to the earth by some peculiar state of the atmosphere." * Proceedings of Acad. Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia. 44 ON CHOLERA. So are our observations. With each increase in their means and facilities, come new discoveries. No limit to microscopic, any more than to tele- scopic possibilities. Because we have not found any peculiar cholera animalcules, or primalia, it does not at all follow that they have no existence. The chief haunt and residence of cholera being in warm or hot climates, with luxuriance of or- ganic development, this is strongly in favor of the hypothesis. So is its general prevalence in tem- perate regions during the warmer part of the year.* Against it, we have two facts especially ; as fol- lows: Firstly, cholera has, on a few occasions, prevailed in cool or cold latitudes ; as in winter in the north of England, and the north of Russia. As to this, it has been recorded that the winter of 1831-32, when it existed in the north of England, was, as shown by Mr. Losh's Meteorological Journal,f exceptionally mild. In Russia, also, the summer of 1830 was oppressively warm, and the disease began at Moscow in September. In the cities of northern Russia, moreover, the domestic habits of * September has had, altogether, the greatest number of deaths. Vide Brigham on Cholera; G. Milroy, loc. cit., etc. f Brit, and For. Medico- Chirurg. Review, April, 1856, p. 304. CAUSATION. 45 the population, in heating their houses, maintain a sort of green-house, or internal warm climate, throughout the winter. Thus, any " germs" trans- ported thither in the summer or autumn, if other favoring circumstances were present (as they are), might well be kept alive. Moreover, as Dr. Routh has shown, the poorer Russians throw out everything around their houses ; and then melt the snow for their drinking water. It may be incidentally mentioned, that the me- teorological conditions most frequently coinciding with the outbreak and continuance of cholera, are, those of moderately high temperature, and stag- nation, or deficiency of atmospheric change or movement.* Secondly y it has been very plausibly assertedf that no parasite, invading or residing in the human body, ever causes violent or destructive acute disease; but only slow local disorders. Before trichiniasis attracted the attention now drawn to it, this statement had more weight than now. Of animal or vegetable parasites there had been, per- haps, before, only one record of any that had en- dangered life by residence in or upon the body ; that of the mycetoma, or disease produced by a * Glaisher, Meterology of London during cholera, etc.; T. H. Greenhow, loc. cit. f J. Simon, Lectures on General Pathology. 46 ON CHOLERA. peculiar fungous vegetation attaching itself to the limbs, in India, as described by Dr. Carter, of Bombay. And the effects of this were slow; no acute systemic malady was produced. But the lives destroyed by trichinae lately in some of the German towns afford instances of importance. It is especially notable that these last parasites seem to act by numbers; a few may be detected in the flesh of animals or men, without serious injury to either ; it is by multitude that they disturb seri- ously or even kill. However, the "organic" theory does not require parasitic action to make it possible. Life is only predicated as an attribute of the cholera-cause in accounting for its variable multiplication and mi- grations. Its mode of action upon the human body is a separate question. It is most probable that it is not by parasitic residence ; but by enter- ing the system as an organic poisonous material. For the action of such material, of animal origin, abundance of analogy exists ; as in the toxic effects of cantharides, of in sect- stings, venom of serpents, and of rabid animals ; of dissecting wounds, and spoiled meat or sausage used as food. My theory, then, is as follows : That the cause of cholera is a (yet undiscovered) protozoon, or primal organism, of extreme individual minute- ness ; which, on entering the human body, affects it as an organic poison. That the varying quan- CAUSATION. 47 tity or number of these organisms may in different cases account (along with individual predisposi- tions and exposures) for the unequal violence of dif- ferent epidemics ; as in the case of trichiniasis. Cho- leraic diarrhoea or cholerine, so frequent before as well as during and after the prevalence of cholera, may in some instances at least be explained by the action upon the alimentary canal only, of a mini- mum quantity of the cause. The dreadful fatality of some Indian seasons, is on the same view re- ferred to an extreme accumulation of it. A most important part of the theory is, further, that which concerns promotive causation. What conditions favor and maintain in life, multiplica- tion and migration, this ens primalis f All the facts answer, as I believe, that animal matter in a state of rapid and foul decomposition, putrefaction, along with moderately high (not the highest) temperature, and ordinary moisture, will afford those conditions ; and that nothing else is required to explain the whole history of the pro- pagation and extension of cholera. Nothing, I mean, but the admission of the existence of the "protozoon," which in ova or in maturity, or both, may fly "on the wings of the wind;" or be conveyed to less distances by water; and, with these the above-named conditions of its vital main- tenance, as its food and " habitation. '? It is, in my mind, obvious that this theory will 48 * ON CHOLERA. explain all the facts. I believe, also, that some well-known facts can be explained by it alone. As to the general facts, I can scarcely do better than repeat, with some extension, words written eleven years ago, and referred to at the beginning of this essay.* The Gangetic delta being the great focus or centre of cholera, certain traits in the usages and circumstances of that locality and its population have a direct bearing upon the subject. Among these may be named the peculiarity of the inhab- itants in disposing of the dead. Most of them either burn the bodies, and this very imperfectly, or throw them into the Ganges or its tributary streams; that river being held to be sacred ■ — a gateway to heaven. In the Hooghly river, Stewart Clark says,f he has seen "upwards of fifty dead human bodies, besides numbers of carcasses of lower animals, floating within sight at one time." At Allahabad, at the junction of the Ganges and the Jumna, many persons drown themselves as devotees, and others are often drowned by the pressure of crowds immersing themselves in the sacred spot. J The worship of Juggernauth has * On Animal Decomposition, etc. By H. Hartshorne, M.D. Philadelphia Med. Examiner, August, 1855. f Hygiene of the Army in India, p. 63. % Stocqueler, Handbook of India, p. 366. CAUSATION. ' 49 produced a greater mortality still. The average of pilgrims annually visiting the temple of this deity was, a few years since, 120,000. Of these, thousands die from famine, fatigue, and exposure, and are left on the road to rot. The annual wide overflow of the Ganges, and its withdrawal in the dry season, must increase the amount of animal decomposition. The Nile also inundates, every year, the land of Egypt. How is it, then, that cholera has but half a dozen times invaded the latter country, while always at home in India ? I conceive the difference to have a twofold, and yet very simple explanation. The climate of Egypt is proverbially dry, from the vicinity of the great deserts. Decomposition there meets with its minimum of rapidity. The skin of an Ibis, shot for me in Upper Egypt, simply cleaned without anything antiseptic, and hung up on the deck of a boat in the sunshine, kept for two weeks without any odor or other sign of putrefaction. Further, the inhabitants of Egypt neither bury nor drown themselves from superstition in the river Nile. If their habits were not, in some lo- calities, especially when crowded away from their homes, uncleanly, there ought, and would, I be- lieve, never be any cholera in Egypt. The Hindoos, however, must be inconceivably filthy in many ways. S. Rogers, F.R.S., a British 50 ON CHOLERA. army surgeon, gives the following example, in a Report on Cholera in Madras : " The Coom river nearly encircles the village of Chintandrepett. This river was made a privy of ' by hundreds of natives, daily ; when the water be- came low, the smell was most offensive. In the hot weather, an attack of cholera was the certain result, the only victims being those residing with- in a short distance of its banks. " In Europe and the United States, as well as in India, influences belonging to closely aggregated communities have always been observed to dis- play a power to propagate cholera. It comes most often, stays longest, and is most destructive, in the densest and filthiest cities, and in the worst quarters of those cities. In even the densely pop - ulated country of Holland, Suermann found the mortality to be 1*54 in 1000 in rural districts; in the towns, 8*93 in 1000. Moscow, Paris, Mar- seilles, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, New York, and Quebec have had great mortality from it. That of Moscow, in 1832-33, was 1 death from cholera in 32 of the whole population. Dr. Baly says, in his " Report" upon cholera in England, that "in the evidence received, lowness of site is not very prominently set forth among the unfavorable sanitary conditions; being, in fact, specifically mentioned only five times ; while, out of 68 places where cholera raged, bad ventila- CAUSATION. 51 tion and overcrowding of houses are mentioned fifty-four times, defective drainage twenty-eight times, cess-pools, open sewers, etc., sixteen times." Three prisons at Wakefield, all on one plot of ground, seventeen acres in extent, differed* in chol- era mortality precisely in proportion to their re- spective sanitary conditions. Stewart Clark men- tions corresponding facts in India. This author also mentions a case narrated by Dr. Thompson, in which cholera affected one side only of a ship, which was foul ; the disorder ceasing when purifi- cation was effected. Very important testimony exists as to the influ- ence of the drinking water of localities. Having shown that Dr. Snow's theory is insufficient, we find such testimony available still in regard to the propagating and extending power of animal con- tamination. Thus, Bethlehem Hospital, supplied by an artesian well, had, in 1849, among 400 in- mates, no case of cholera. It was the only large lunatic hospital in London which escaped ; as it was the only one supplied with spring water. In the districts of London supplied from the Thames above the entrance of the sewers, the mortality ranged from 8 to 33 in 10,000 of the inhabitants; in those supplied from below the entrance of the sewers, from 28 to 205 in the same number. * Baly, op. cit, p. 20. 52 ON CHOLERA. In this country, Dr. James Wynne's report* affords, upon almost every page, matter of exactly the same purport as the above. In St.. Louis, Louisville, Buffalo, New York, Philadelphia, Bos- ton, etc., similar facts were recorded. It is unne- cessary to extract them, they are now so familiar and so commonly accepted. All of Pettenkofer's and Thiersch's observations, in regard to subsoil accumulation and transit, and fgecal fermentation after discharge, range them- selves now naturally under the one general fact which they exemplify, viz., that animal decompo- sition is the one great promotive cause of cholera ; to which heat and moisture, etc. are merely ad- juncts. But, that which suggested first to me this opin- ion was, the singular history of the outbreak at Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn., in Septem- ber, 1854. Cholera had never visited that town before. It is not large or populous, in a rural site, on the Susquehanna, not densely built enough to exclude malarial fevers. Why should it have cholera at all ? Visiting the town, with other physicians of our city, during the epidemic, I learned that an ex- ceeding drought had reduced the channel of the river to an unusually low ebb, and that, in its bed, * Presented to Parliament, and published in 1852. CAUSATION. 53 a short space above the town, a number of car- casses of sheep and other animals, thrown from the railroad trains, etc., were putrefying rankly in the sun. A reservoir which supplied many of the people with drinking water was filled from the river not far from that spot, and the wind blew from it directly over the town. The first subsi- dence in the disease, we were afterward told, at- tended a decided change in the wind. At Pittsburg, shortly after the above events, a similar epidemic occurred. A gentleman on a visit to that locality not many days before the disease broke out, informed me that the same condition of the river existed there, with a like abundance of accumulated putrefying animal matter, exposed to the sun. In Rhode Island, in the autumn of the same year, I was informed that the local existence of cholera in a few spots, otherwise very healthy, might be traced, in coincidence at least, with a practice not uncommon along the shore of the sea or bays, of dragging up fish in quantities by nets, and spreading them out to rot for manure. Enough, then, of these facts and of their argu- ment. There remains the great practical ques- tion, which they ought to help us to solve — what are the best measures ,for the local exclusion or prevention of cholera ? 54 ON CHOLERA. PBEVENTION. Quarantine is now urged by some, and appears to be even contemplated by the Government as a part of its duty. Is it available ? Will it do any good ? I say, no. Theoretically, if the views ad- vocated in the preceding pages are correct, it falls to the ground of course. But we have more than that to say against it. It never has succeeded; and never can. Let us look at the facts. I take the following from Dr. Brigham's work on cholera, published in 1832 :* " In Russia, immense lines of troops were formed for arresting its progress ; St. Petersburg was en- tirely surrounded by cordons sanitaires; but all these regulations, enforced by a powerful despotic government, were unable to prevent the approach and the spread of the cholera throughout the Rus- sian Empire. The efforts of Austria were equally unavailing ; for in a short time the disease passed her triple cordons and invaded the country from Poland. Prussia employed sixty thousand of her best troops to enforce her rigorous restrictions, and travellers bear testimony to their severity. And what (says the American Journal of Medical Sci- ences, May, 1832) have been , the results ? An im- mense expenditure of money, the suspension of commerce, a stop put to industry, multitudes de- * P. 302. PREVENTION. 55 prived of the means of acquiring subsistence, and whole families plunged into misery and rendered favorable subjects for the disease ; but no stop to its extension ; on the contrary, its progress was ren- dered more fatal. As an instance of this, Breslau may serve as an illustration and a warning to other cities. That city contained 90,000 inhab- itants, active, commercial, and industrious,- many of them manufacturers and artisans. A quaran- tine of twenty days, with difficulties almost insur- mountable which it entailed, was established at the borders of the province, and maintained with a rigor which might serve as a model to other na- tions. But, in the midst of this apparent security, a woman living in a damp part of the town was attacked by the cholera, and in a few days the disease spread. The most minute researches on the part of the public authorities could not dis- cover any communication between this woman and any stranger or goods suspected of being in- fected. But when the disease spread, the authori- ties saw too late the deep injury which their sani- tary measures had inflicted ; a multitude of fami- lies, and thousands of individuals, were plunged into extreme misery, for the sudden cessation of commerce, and consequent suspension of labor, had deprived them of the means of subsistence. " Taught by sad and lamentable experience, Russia, Austria, and Prussia withdrew their cor- dons, and acknowledged not only their inutility, 56 ON CHOLERA. but that they are productive of immense evils. Indeed, all the nations of Europe are (1832) aban- doning severe quarantine regulations." Dr. Alison, of Edinburgh, wrote thus in 1854 :* " It is a fact that cholera has made its way, not uniformly, but very generally, in spite of cordons and quarantine regulations." Dr. Gavin Milroy, one of the ablest and most industrious sanitarians of our time, published, about the same year, an essay with this title: 11 The Cholera not to be Arrested by Quarantine." A writer in the Brit, and For. Medico- Chirurg. Review (July, 1861) cites from that and many other authentic sources facts of great interest bear- ing on the subject. This is his account of the state of quarantine in different countries : "What is most remarkable in the quarantine regulations of different countries at present, is the fact of their want of accordance ; hardly any two being alike. Another noticeable point is, that, the more liberal the government of a country gene- rally, and the freer its institutions, the fewer and less stringent are the quarantine restrictions. In the Baltic States, in Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, Holland, the regulations formally enacted may be considered almost as a dead letter ; so in Belgium, where they are rather nominally than really in force. In the United States of America, each *Brit. and Foreign Medico-Chirurg. Review, Jan. 1854. PREVENTION. 57 State of the Union has its own code ; all of them, according to a resolution of the Quarantine Con- vention held at Philadelphia in 1857, inefficient and often prejudicial to the interests of the com- munity. In Chili and Peru, and along the whole western coast of South America, the tendency is to disregard all quarantine regulations, as inter- fering with the freedom of commerce. In that anarchical country, Mexico, quarantine is under no legislation, the Board of Health having unlimited power, which it sometimes exercises most tyran- nically. In the South of Europe, in the old king- dom of the Two Sicilies, the codes are, or were, most elaborate and rigorous. In France and Sar- dinia, they have of late years undergone revisal ; and yet, though somewhat improved, they are still open to great objection ; fortunately, however, they are mildly enforced. In the Ottoman dominions — including Egypt, in which, little before 1840, there were no quarantine restrictions — a system has been established as elaborate as could well be con- trived, and as inefficient as can well be imagined, being totally in opposition to the feelings and habits of the people."* All are familiar with the entrance of cholera from Arabia into Egypt, and afterward Europe, * At Marseilles, in France, the people are said to have lately, under panic, asked for the restoration of the quar- antine. 58 ON CHOLERA. in the spring and summer of 1865. All existing regulations clearly failed then. We cannot but be astonished that, at the late " Cholera Conven- tion," held at the instigation, and almost under the dictation, of the French Emperor, increased rigor of quarantine should have been (against the remonstrance of a number of delegates, it is true) insisted upon as the desideratum hereafter. What- ever validity such an enactment may have in political relations, let us hope that it will have none whatever in a scientific aspect ; as it contra- dicts facts, reason, and true expediency. The inefficiency of quarantine is a matter of demonstration. As the author just quoted re- marks,* " quarantine, even when rigidly enforced, has not kept out diseases of the contagious nature of which there is no question ; such as small-pox, and other exanthemata. In Malta, for instance, we are assured on good authority, that in the short space of seven years, 1829-1835, in spite of quarantine regulations for their exclusion, that island was twice invaded by small-pox, one epi- demic proving fatal to 1500 persons out of a popu- lation of 114,000 ; and also hj measles, scarlatina, and hooping-cough. Yet at Malta the quarantine system has been enforced very regularly, and under more favorable circumstances as to efficiency than anywhere else." * Review, p. 40. PREVENTION. 59 Quarantine, if sound in theory even, could not avail, never has availed in practice. Its infraction for smuggling and other inducements, is every- where constant and notorious ; this cannot be pre- vented. Macaulay (History of England, vol. v. p. 52) states that when a contraband trade was, in the time of William III., carried on between France and England on the southeastern coast, " it was a common saying among the inhabitants, that if a gallows were set up every quarter of a mile along the coast, the trade would still go on briskly." One might think the history of blockade-run- ning, during the late rebellion in this country, might afford ample illustration and confirmation of this. Vain, indeed, would be the attempt to close our coast against the introduction of cholera, were it as contagious as small-pox, or as plague was once imagined to be.* The evils of quarantine are great, almost incal- culable. Sir John Bowring, speaking in the House of Commons in 1841, gave it as his belief that the losses from quarantine in the Mediterranean alone were not less than two or three millions sterling a year. But what if, instead of preserving, quarantine * The Governor of Eupatoria is said to have wished the British and French troops to undergo quarantine, at the opening of the Crimean war! 60 ON CHOLERA. actually involves, often, sacrifice of life? No doubt this has many times occurred. With yellow fever, the quarantine epidemic in New York har- bor, a few years ago, exemplified this. In various quarters reports of travellers show the miseries and dangers of the lazaretto, and of the confine- ment on the vessel detained. What more do we need to show this than the very recent instance of the steamer England, at Halifax? Forty passengers, one account says fifty (out of 1202), died on this vessel during the voyage. She was prohibited from entering port ; all were detained on board, and, by April 14th, 130 more deaths occurred ! In all, 159 died while in quarantine. If the twelve hundred passengers had been landed and scattered, I, for one, doubt the occurrence of the disease in a dozen of their number ; especially as it was reported as altogether confined to the steerage. Were such measures sure to preserve from the epidemic the whole people of our continent, a hecatomb like this might find excuse. In face of facts, I regard it as a barbarity. Pelissier, in Algiers, was thought a monster, for suffocating a band of guerrillas in a cave ; but what is this case of the England more like, except in motive ? It is closing up hundreds of people for death; as though one might lock the doors, and bar the windows, against all escape of a thousand people from a burning church ; such as that of which we PREVENTION. 61 read so harrowing an account, some time back, in South America. As I write, the papers have account of another steamer, the Virginia, with over 1000 passengers, attacked in the same latitude and longitude. A striking confirmation of the view I have advanced. But it will be said or asked, would you abolish all quarantine — abandon all inspection of ships whatever? No; I would not. But I would abandon altogether the whole theory of quaran- tine, as against cholera most particularly. Ships should be inspected on approaching ports, because they may have unsanitary conditions in- tensified in them, on a scale sufficiently large to be important. This is, or should be, a part of sani- tary police. Nor should it (and here is a great point of difference) include any restriction of per- sons; at the most, longer than enough for cleans- ing of the body and of the clothing, and purifica- tion of merchandise, by fresh air, and possibly by some disinfecting process in certain cases. I insist that Sanitary Police includes the sum total of available measures for the prevention of cholera in any place. On this ground, the measures required are obvi- ous, and familiar. The thorough and frequent cleansing of all streets, alleys, courts, wharves, and vessels, private and public buildings, and empty lots ; the abatement of all nuisances ; daily 62 ON CHOLERA. removal of offal ; efficient sewerage ; and conser- vancy, i.e. the cleansing, ventilation, and disinfec- tion of cess-pools and water-closets. Among all signs of danger of the location of cholera, none is more significant than the privy odor. Let it be everywhere annihilated. Lime, charcoal, dry earth, chloride of lime, Labarraque's chloride of soda, liquid coal tar, chloride of zinc, and sulphate of iron are about the most available of disinfectants. The fresh white-washing of cellars is useful; thorough ventilation and drying of them and of all parts of habitations, still more so. Chloride of lime may be placed, in a saucer, in any suspected room or other locality in a house. The same, in the solid form, or solution of green vitriol, may be thrown daily into a foul privy ; and, during cholera time, especially in the case of patients with the disease, every water-closet and vessel used may and should be disinfected constantly, by a dilute solution of chloride of zinc, chloride of soda, per- manganate of potassa, or carbolic acid. The im- mediate removal of all discharges from the sick- room, their disinfection and transportation to the safest possible place of elimination, ought to be imperatively maintained. All foul clothing must be promptly washed, or, if very bad, disinfected or burned. These precautions have been proved to be capa- ble of essentially limiting and mitigating the preva- lence of epidemics. PERSONAL PREVENTION 63 PEBSONAL PBEVENTION. One principle will suffice here : to keep the system at par ; neither above its level of excite- ment, nor below that of its due strength. For this, regularity of life is required, in work, diet, mental movements, and all indulgences. The popular errors most common are, one, to suppose that living on rice or rice-water, avoiding fruits or vegetables, etc. , will be preventive ; another, to • think constant alcoholic stimulation beneficial for that end. Both are certainly wrong. In 1832 and 1849, the late Dr. Joseph Harts- home, my father, then in very large practice, allowed in his family all its usual variety of food : boiled corn, peaches, watermelons, cantelopes, etc., everything but cucumbers; and no cholera re- sulted from the liberty. My own subsequent ex- perience justifies the practice. Of course care is always needed as to quality and quantity. Of all those most likely to die when attacked by this disease, the drunkard stands first, according to all records. Nor is he one whit less apt to be attacked than others. Temperance, in all things, is essential to safety during epidemics of every kind. 64 ON CHOLERA. TEEATMENT. To discuss all the modes of management pro- posed for cholera, would make a volume larger than this is meant to be. I shall merely enumerate those which have attracted the most attention; and then give my view as to what is so well sus- tained as to be worthy of further trial and some confidence. • 1. Bleeding. — This was largely practiced in India, in 1818-1825, by Corbyn, Scot, Annesley, and others. Without entering upon any argu- ment about it, I will simply say, that (as Dr. Brigham's quotations show) as many positive facts have been asserted on behalf of the success of blood-letting as of any other remedy in cholera. My father bled in several cases in 1832, and had confidence in the treatment, as "the most effectu- ally antispasmodic." In 1849 I bled in one case (a boy of twelve years of age), in incipient col- lapse. The blood at first was thick and black as tar ; in a few minutes it flowed more freely, and the patient recovered. I confess that the only thing which makes it unlikely that I will ever try or advise the repetition of this practice is, the want of courage to stem the overwhelming tide of professional and popular opposition now existing against it. In this timidity I may be wrong ; if TREATMENT, 65 so, another generation may afford the demonstra- tion of what is right, in such a way that no one can gainsay it. 2. Calomel. — This, too, was an old East Indian remedy. Suggested by the almost universal ab- sence of bile in the discharges, which was thought to indicate the need of stimulation of the torpid liver, it has been more largely given than any other medicine in cholera. Unhesitatingly, I hold the opinion that calomel is of no earthly use in cholera. The argument in its favor, from the absence of bile in the stools, is rebutted by the fact of its abundance in the gall- bladder ; while the clinical experience quoted for its success is accounted for by the addition to it, almost always, of opium, in the prescription. Nor is the amount of success with it, even then, great. Such is Dr. Gull's conclusion, based upon the ex- amination of a great mass of evidence, given in his report.* Dr. Ayre, a British practitioner of some note, gave prominence to a modification of the old calo- mel treatment (in which twenty grains were some- times given at once), by prescribing a grain of calomel every five minutes during the attack. 3. Saline Treatment. — Dr. Stevens, of Jamaica, proposed this, upon the view that the main patho- * Report, etc. of Drs. Baly and Gull, already cited. 3 66 ON CHOLERA. logical .element in cholera was the loss of salts from the blood in the discharges. After the gen- eral failure of saline solutions (of common salt, car- bonate and phosphate of soda, etc.), given by the mouth, had been conceded, Dr. Mackintosh, of Edinburgh, and others, tried the method of injection into the veins (half an ounce of common salt, and four scruples of sesquicarbon ate of soda, dissolved in ten pints of water, at 105° to 120° Fahrenheit). Under this plan, resorted to during collapse, of 156 patients in Dr. Mackintosh's hands, only twenty-five recovered. Remarkably improvement, almost like a resurrection, appeared in several, who afterward fell again into collapse, and died. The suggestion has been recently made, that it may have been the temperature of the injected liquid which produced the benefit, so promising and yet transient. 4. Eliminative Treatment. — Dr. George John- son, of London, has urged this with especial vigor. The castor-oil medication of cholera owes its trial to him. Some recent lectures of his on the pa- thology and treatment of the disorder give a full and very intelligent exposition of his views. A prominent idea with him is, that the general col- lapse is due especially to anaemia of the lungs, owing to spasmodic contraction of the pulmonary artery and its branches. I regard this as only a part of the universal arterial (and other) involun- TREATMENT. 61 tary muscular spasm, belonging to what I have called the ganglionic tetanus of the collapse. But the essential feature of Dr. Johnson's pathology is the opinion that, the disease being toxemic, a morbid poison exists which must be eliminated from the blood ; and that the discharges are the media of this elimination. Therefore, the vomit- ing and diarrhoea are salutary or relieving ; and ought to be rather encouraged than checked. He goes even so far as to repudiate the commonly accepted belief, that " premonitory diarrhoea" or " cholerine " ought to be checked ; considering it a fallacy to assert that those who are relieved of such symptoms by mild treatment were really, or would have been, cases of cholera at all. I am entirely unable, from observation or reflec- tion, to assent to these views. They have very few advocates or supporters, besides the distin- guished physician whose name and ability com- mand for them at present careful consideration. It is true that patients have died of cholera with- out vomiting or purging. I saw in 1849 a woman in collapse (from which she recovered) for several hours without either; and many such cases are on record ; though, in some, after death, the in- testines have been found to be distended with the rice-water liquid. But the checking of the discharges is almost always the sign of the im- provement and recovery of the patient. And we 68 ON CHOLERA. cannot, on Dr. Johnson's dictum, set aside or quash all the accumulated evidence, in Europe and in this country,* which shows that it is de- sirable and important to check all watery diar- rhoeas in cholera time — such fluxes having been proved to be often premonitory of cholera attacks. 5. Ice to the Spine. — Dr. John Chapman's ice- bags threaten to become the "pathy " or therapy of the day, with those who are zealous and ven- turesome in experimental practice. Upon reasons of a physiological nature, not appropriate for dis- cussion here, I disbelieve altogether in the theory of his therapeutics. In his pamphlet upon " Diar- rhoea and Cholera," lately published, he gives but one case of the latter disease, and does not say whether the patient recovered or died. As ice is so useful when internally given in cho- lera, it may be safe and beneficial when applied to the spine. Not having seen it tried, I am not prepared to deny the possibility. It is one of the experiments to consider, in so desperate a disease. But, if it should hereafter prove useful, I should explain that result quite otherwise than Dr. Chap- man has done, in part at least. 6. Sulphuric Acid. — Dr. Cox, of England, after- * See Lectures on Cholera, by Prof. A. Clark, of New York ; Report to the Royal College of Physicians, 1854 ; also, Madin, Briquet and Mignot, etc. TREATMENT. 69 ward Mr. Buxton and Dr. Fuller, and very re- cently Dr. Jules Worms, of Paris, have especially recommended dilute sulphuric acid in all stages of cholera. Many others especially report well of its action in the premonitory diarrhoea. Such an action would comport perfectly with the view I have taken of the organic nature of the poison of cholera ; sulphuric acid being so potent a destroyer of everything organic, except such mirabilia as the Acarus Crossii. Dr. Worms' treatment (based on the results in 238 cases of cholera, and 150 of cholerine, in 1865) is as follows: For prodromic diarrhoea, he makes a "mineral lemonade," of about half a drachm of concentrated sulphuric acid to a pint or more of sweetened decoction of salep (arrow- root would do as well). The patient is to take of this every hour a wineglassful, till relieved. For confirmed cholera, the patient being kept in complete repose, there is administered every half hour a glass of a similar lemonade, of the strength (about) of a drachm to the pint ; ice and wine also being allowed ad libitum. 7. Opium in large doses. — This practice had once many advocates ; now they are few. Prof. Austin Flint, of New York, is one of them ; at least morphia is advised by him, in full dose, repeated if required. A great deal of evidence of the insufficiency of such a plan has been published ; 70 ON CHOLERA. although it is not worse than several other me- thods. Letting alone would probably be better. The secondary fever is apt to be more severe and more often fatal after treatment of the attack by large doses either of opiates or stimulants. Large quantities of brandy (I add, by the way) have been often used, with no good results. Statistics are given, as follows, of the results of some of the most common modes of practice in cholera, by practitioners in Great Britain, as re- ported to the " Treatment Committee of the Medi- cal Council of the Board of Health," 1854-55. Taking all grades of the disease, the deaths were — Per Cent. With Eliminants 71-7 Stimulants 54 Calomel and Opium . . . .36-2 Chalk and Opium . . . . 20-3 Of collapsed cases, the mortality was — Per Cent. With Calomel and Opium . . . .59-2 Larger doses of Calomel . . 60-9 Salines 62-9 Chalk and Opium . . . . 63-2 Calomel, small doses . . .73-9 Castor Oil 77-6 Sulphuric Acid . . . .78-9 Much is uncertain, obviously, in such statistics, without further account of dosage, circumstances, TREATMENT. fl etc. But this seems to follow ; that neither treat- ment has much to boast of success. 8. Treatment by antispasmodics and mild stimulants, in small doses at short intervals ; with ice, and external frictions, etc. — In 1849, my first two cases of cholera were fatal; although assiduously watched, each for a day and a night. The third, I saw with the late Dr. Wm. E. Horner, Professor of Anatomy in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. I left the treatment to him. He sat down by the bedside of the patient — a man, blue, cold, and with a scarcely perceptible pulse, copiously vomited and purged, with rice- water. Having ordered ice,* Dr. Horner took from his pocket a vial containing a mixture of chloroform, oil of camphor, and laudanum ; which he gave in sweetened ice-water, in small doses, every Jive minutes by the watch. Each dose was followed by a piece of ice. Soon the vomiting diminished, afterward the diarrhoea, and in an hour and a half the veins on the back of the hand began to fill up, and the blood to return in them more rapidly after pres- sure. Diminishing the frequency of the doses, we left him, an hour later, evidently convalescent. When I saw him after several hours again, he was * Ice was used, and lauded, in cholera, by the celebrated Broussais, in 1882, ?2 ON CHOLERA. sitting up in bed, at ease, and so changed, that I doubted at first his identity. No secondary fever followed ; he was cured. Naturally, I repeated this treatment in all my subsequent cases, some of which were of extreme severity; and with gratifying success. The memorandum-book of the number of these cases has, to my present regret, been mislaid. After the treatment of Prof. Horner had been adopted, however, I saw no death, except in the instance of a drunkard, two or three hours in collapse be- fore any medical treatment began. Should I be attacked with cholera, such is the treatment I desire. Conscientiously I believe, that nothing else will afford a better chance of recovery. I merely altered Prof. Horner's mix- ture to a tincture, for better presei^ation ; adding some minor adjuvants. This recipe will be given directly. Frictions and sinapisms may also be added. The great merits of this plan are its anti- spasmodic nature, and the administering of small doses at very short intervals. This is eminently demanded in cholera. Phthisis may be a com- plaint of years ; hooping-cough, of months ; ty- phus, of weeks ; pneumonia, of days ; but chol- era must be numbered by its hours, half hours, or even minutes. Having reached, then, this conclusion, I may TREATMENT. 73 add, that a rationale for such a treatment is dis- cernible. I only follow many good authorities in the opinion that cholera is, symptomatically and pathologically, a poison-spasm, or tetanus of the ganglionic system. Taken early, that condition may be prevented, by mild opiates and stimulants, in the premonitory stage. Later, while any medi- cines will act, these will do the most. What is needed in confirmation of this explanation, more, than is given by the action of quinine in prevent- ing an anticipated chill, or, of the same, in full quininization, curing the paroxysmal disease (a toxaemic neurosis) of intermittent ? An antagon- istic influence against that which so perturbs in- nervation throughout the body ; such is the whole definition that we can give of the remedial power shown in either case. Let me be more specific in reference to treat- ment. Premonitory diarrhoea is very generally admitted to be present in a majority of cases of cholera.* In the East Indies, many writers, of different dates (Lawrie, 1832, Stewart Clark, 1864, etc.), assert such a stage to be an exception instead of the rule. But, in India, they have a premonitory or incipient stage of another kind; * Barraut asserts fixed contraction of the pupil to be the first prodromic sign; M. Worms makes the same state- ment in regard to albuminuria. 74 ON CHOLERA. characterized by great languor or depression, with restlessness, and sometimes ringing in the ears, occurring mostly in the night. Stewart Clark states* that, in this stage, a mild opiate ("with a little calomel or blue pill "), with a cup of warm tea or a small dose of a diffusible stimulant, as a few grains of carbonate of ammonia, or a little weak warm brandy and water, will arrest the at- tack in a great portion of cases otherwise to be- come serious. Such symptoms, as well as diarrhoea, should be noticed here, during a cholera epidemic ; and I be- lieve the same treatment will meet both. Rest, warmth, and mild, composing, but gently stimulat- ing draughts ; paregoric, aromatic spirit of ammo- nia, tincture of ginger, lavender, etc., with a mus- tard-plaster over the abdomen, and a hot mustard foot-bath if coldness of the body increase, or vom- iting begin ; such are safe, and I believe will be efficient remedies. The above may be called the first or prodromic stage, f The next has been well called, by Prof. A. Clark, the rice-water stage. For that, the treat- ment I have described as given to me by Prof. * Hygiene of the Army in India, p. 12. f The recently published experience of Dr. Hamlin, in Constantinople, confirms the importance of the above early treatment. TREATMENT. 75 Horner is particularly adapted. My recipe, based upon his, is as follows : R. — Chloroform, et Tinct. Opii et Sp. Camph. et Sp. Amnion. Aromat, aa f 3jss ; Creasot. gtt. iij ; 01. Cinnamom. gtt. viij; Sp. Vin. Gall, fgij.— M. Dissolve a teaspoonful of this in a wineglassful of ice-water; and give of that two teaspoonfuls every five minutes; followed each time by a lump of ice.* Friction of the limbs with brandy and red pep- per will be, along with large mustard-plasters on the back and pit of the stomach, useful to promote reaction. The third stage is that of absolute collapse; blue, pulseless, shrunken, voiceless. Should a case go on, in spite of the above-mentioned treatment, into this state, what else can be done ? All now * I take from Dr. Aitken's Practice the followhig recipe, much used and approved in India and England : R. — 01. Anisi, 01. Cajeput., 01. Juniperi, aa gss; iEther, gss; Liq. Acid. Halleri {i. e. one part concentrated sulphuric acid to three parts of rectified spirit), £ss ; Tinct. Cinnam., gij. — M. Dose, 10 drops every \ of an hour, in a table- spoonful of water. 76 ON CHOLERA. seems to be desperate experimentation.* Let the ice-bags be tried, and judge them by the trial. I would also try belladonna internally, as an antag- onist of vascular spasm. Leclerc, of Tours, intro- duced it in 1854; Barraut, of Mauritius, used it (£ grain every half hour), and reported success. He also employed hypodermic injections of sul- phate of atropia. This should be tried again in bad cases. So might be, as was suggested by me in 1855, warm baths of infusion of stramonium (Jamestown weed) leaves; on the same indica- tion. Also, the injection of hot liquids into the rectum ; the warm bath (hot baths cause distress in the collapse), with carbonate of ammonia added, as used sometimes in malignant scarlet fever (West) in children ; or, the warm mustard bath. Hot airf bathing, if practicable, in the manner so praised of late by Erasmus Wilson and others, would be worth trying ; and so would even the inhalation of nitrous oxide. Let us confess honestly, for it is wise to do so, our art is here very weak ; fifty per cent, or more of collapsed cases die; shall we not endeavor to discover new * Duchaussoy and Vernois assert the non-absorption of medicines given by the stomach during the collapse ; but Magendie proved that a very slow absorption does occur. f Dr. George Johnson states that he has seen the hot- air bath used without success. TREATMENT. 71 resources ? All honor to those who, at the risk of their own lives, contend yet, with so forlorn a hope, and so little glory to be won. There is room yet for, and possibility of obtaining, a final triumph. Two words remain still to be said, with short comment: house to house visitation, and houses of refuge. These are measures of great conse- quence, shown to be of value during cholera epi- demics. The latter, especially, is of notable im- portance ; that is, the establishment of houses of refuge in salubrious places, into which persons from tainted districts most liable to the disease may be received, on the occurrence there of the first cases. ■ That there are such tainted districts, has been amply proven. Thus, Dr. Laycock has shown that in York, England, the first death from chol- era occurred in the spot where plague had been traditionally the worst, in a badly-drained district. In Edinburgh, the first case in 1848 occurred in the same house as did the first in 1832. In Hol- land, at the town of Groningen, in 1832 and 1848 but two houses in the better part of the town were attacked ; the same houses exactly in both epidemics. Dr. Alison reports that in the first three months of the epidemic at Edinburgh, in 1832, 353 per- sons were taken in at Houses of Refuge, from TO IS ON CHOLERA. tainted districts, houses, and rooms in which de- cided cases or deaths had occurred. Of these, only 15 took the disease, and 7 died after removal. Of the 346 thus surviving brief exposure, it is very probable that more than half would have died had they remained in the midst of the infection. At Glasgow, in 1849, 401 persons were taken into Houses of Refuge from tainted districts; only 19 of these took the disease and but 5 died. At Ox- ford, England, the same year, of TO persons so taken in, none died. The London Board of Health, in its " General Report," gives the fact that of 1691 of whom the Board had accounts as taken into Houses of Refuge, but 33 were attacked, with only 10 deaths. These numbers would have been larger, but for the very common unwillingness of poor and ignorant people to leave their homes, chiefly from want of confidence in the greater safety of so doing. Could this be overcome, I have no doubt that an immense saving of life might be produced by Houses of Refuge, allowing also the places which are proved " foci of infection" to be thoroughly purified at once. House to house visitation, by sanitary inspec- tors to abate nuisances, small and great, and by medical men to treat premonitory symptoms, might also have great preventive value. The establishment of cholera hospitals may be made necessary when the number of cases is great, espe- TREATMENT. 79 daily as the greatest proportion always happens among the poor, who are ill provided for attend- ance at their homes. There should be no panic about cholera ; espe- cially in Philadelphia. Let our authorities do their full duty, in sanitary measures of local im- provement and renovation ; let them give to our city its pristine cleanliness, and cholera may reach and sweep across the continent without a case oc- curring here. Baltimore has had such an immu- nity more than once. And, in our worst visitation, the mortality has not been very great. Pear, moreover, aggravates the danger. While, if it come, those who can leave as well as not, will, undoubtedly, be most safe in the open country, for those whose duties keep them in the city, courage and equanimity are not only becom- ing but expedient. There is but slight exaggeration in the prover- bial assertion, that " Pestilence kills thousands, but Fear tens of thousands." Above all, let us hope that no mistaken terror of contagion will ever lead to the extreme barbarity of desertion of the sick or neglect of the dead. Cholera is not, after all, a hard death to die. To me, it appears one of the easiest modes of exit from the world. K CHOLEEA: FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS AS TO ITS NATURE, PREVENTION, AND TREATMENT. BY HENRY HARTSHORNE, A.M., M.D., MEMBER OF, THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY; FELLOW OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF PHILADELPHIA; PROFESSOR OF HYGIENE IN THE AUXILIARY FACULTY OF MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, ETC. I PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1866. V / /' «^Wj Kji^VvV v - y . 'VW'vw vvvv IVV w V¥* v v ^ W^^v „,VVVW V V\V ^ w v . y V, ' vVVV v vV yy ~v vwJV * fftgf IMS «Mtiraft«W l A/ V % v v rff^ff^nnipfp^^^^^^ *vb«.v -w ^ v xuh ftm WW &»Sw£ W !?yo\a'?yfe 'W«y| ,iW:Vw.s. ^'WW 'St 'W'ww'i/v*. g^yf '^w aie €#«^| -;^v Vj .., y v^yVi m^*: 'CvYOWw b*^