Gass C &f 1 Book ■ V 0k ■ g 7°7 / '■1*0 ) Q Z < o z w Z O Q z o at < » w < X o OS w S o cu >■ oi I* w D3 Is. C w (- < pnm^rng 3Jtt £tormatt&y mib England PR:SS 0- THE FRANKLIN PAINTING £ ENSLAVING CO TOLEDO. OHIO (Enntetttfi Introduction 5 Eltweed the Common Ancestor of the American Pomeroys 9 Romance and History 10 Old Traditions Verified 14 English Parish Church Records 16 The Key to the Genealogical Problem 18 Antiquity of the House of Pomeroy 20 Various Pomeroy Coats-of-Arms 21 Key to Abbreviations in Heraldry (Foot note) 22 Pedigree of the Oldest Sons of the Pomeroy Family. (From Prince's ''Worthies of Devon," 23 Notes Concerning the Above Pedigree 24 Pedigree of Eltweed Pomeroy, (From Duchess of Cleveland's "Battle Abbey Roll," and other authorities.) 26 Notes Relative to Eltweed's Pedigree 29 Calendar of the English Kings (Foot note) 29 Ancient Political Honors ("Fuller's Worthies.") 32 The Pomeroy Ancestors were Norsemen of Norway $2 Ancient Demesne of Alricus the Saxon 33 Ancient and Distinctive Name in Normandy and England. . 34 Comments by the Late Chester Pomeroy Dewey 35 Names and Location of Various Pomeroy Manors and Castles. Berry Pomeroy Castle $7 Guard Room and Chapel in the Tower 41 Berry Pomeroy Church 42 St. Michael's Mount 44 Tragoney Castle in Cornwall 47 Engsden, Good a' Meary, East Ogwell, Up-Otterly, Dunwinesdon, Winch, Branwendine, Pudeford, Toriland, Horewood , Helicon, Tale, Beaver. Nether Storey, Oare, Stockleigh, Branhinch, etc 48 Sanderidge, Devon 49 Tremerton Castle in Cornwall 49 The Barons of Valletort 50 Alverton, Penzance 51 Mocollop Castle, County Waterford, Ireland 51 The Insurrection in Devonshire 53 The Last Siege of Berry Pomeroy Castle 55 Occupation of Pomeroy Castle by the Seymours 56 Fruitless Attempt of the Seymours to Rebuild the Great Castle 57 Beatrice of Nether Stowey 58 Extent of the Pomeroy Estates in Devonshire 59 Some Connections with Royalty 60 Interesting Extracts from English Authorities 60 Authentic Notes and Queries 64 Fragmentary Quotations 66 The Harburton Branch in Ireland 69 At Westminster Abbey 70 Domesday Survey 7 1 The Time Honored Name of Pomeroy 72 Some Legal Documents, Bills of Complaint 72 Partial Epitome of Vicarages 76 Rolfe the Warrior and Eltweed the Gunsmith 76 Eltweed Pomeroy the Puritan Emigrant 78 A Proprietor and First Selectman of Dorchester 80 SUuBtratums Castle of Berry Pomeroy Frontispiece Photograph of Marriage Record of Eltweed Pomeroy. . . . Face p. 16 North and East Views of Berry Pomeroy Castle.. Face p. 37 Berry Pomeroy Church Face p. 42 Stronghold of Saint Michael's Mount, Cornwall. ..Face p. 46 3totr0iMrtt0tt '•rHIS preliminary pamphlet has been prepared with a 1JL view of attracting the attention and interest of every individual of the Pomeroy race in America, and of every family in collateral lines, to the importance of forwarding to the Secretary of the Association all data in their possession concerning the more recent developments in each family, and the missing fragments of earlier statistics, already sent in. Also, for the purpose of informing all those who are interested of the recent discoveries in Romance and History which have resulted from continued explorations among the records and registers in England. There is now no hesitation in asserting that our American emigrant, Eltweed Pomeroy, of 1630, reached his century through the channel of a long line of noted warriors and statesmen, of whom Sir Ralph de Pomeroy, of Normandy, was the progenitor. While the line of descent given in this little book has been verified to an abstract certainty, there still may remain that intangible doubt of absolute certainty Which is so imperative in family genealogy. This absolute proof, it is hoped, will be produced before we are prepared to go to press with the book of record of the Pomeroy Family. The line of descent given here is in each instance sup- ported by dates, not of birth and death, but of periods during which the individual is known to have lived, from the time Sir Ralph de Pommeraie and his brother Hugue were battling on the field of Hastings as companions with William, Duke of the Normans, to the time of the surrender of the old stronghold of Berry Pomeroy to the Lord Protector of England after the affiliation of Sir Thomas de Pomeroy with an insurgent army, which he led 20,000 strong and with which he beseiged Exeter in 1549. The name "Pomeroy," as Professor Phillimore has said, is a distinctive one, and has long been noted in England, mainly in the counties Devon and Cornwall, Dorset and Somerset, and to write the history of this family commensur- ate with its importance would require a large volume, for they seem to have maintained a leading position in Devonshire from the time of the Norman conquest, and sent numerous branches out, which have been projected into the twentieth century, covering a period of 900 years. While it is evident that some of the information con- tained in this pamphlet is familiar to many of the Pomeroy Family, it must be considered that there are thousands of the kinsmen who have no knowledge of any of it. It is, there- fore, suggested that the descendants of Eltweed should bear in mind that the family is now being represented in America by the 10th and nth and even the 12th generations, and that it is a colossal task to trace each individual without the necessary information from the head of each family. It should be understood that the Pomeroy Family Asso- ciation has constituted itself a bureau of exchange or reci- procity, and if heads of families will send in the vital statistics relative to their immediate families such data can be dissem- inated among other families by the process of genealogical history, which will represent the entire race of busy men and women, with their diversified interests. In order to encourage all of those who are descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy to adopt this action universally, the present Secretary considers it proper to state here that he has received through the courtesy of Mrs. Anna Grosvenor (Pomeroy) Rodman, all of the Pomeroy records of her hus- band, the late Dr. W. W. Rodman, a collection covering a period of forty years ; also the data collected by the late Mrs. Rebekah (Pomeroy) Bulkley ; the collection of Mr. Sardis Pomeroy Chapman ; that of Judge George Pomeroy Cobb ; and that of S. Harris Pomeroy, Esq., the latter covering a period of fifteen years ; also that of Chester Pomeroy Dewey and Eltweed Pomeroy. This enormous collection of vital statistics is quite sufficient to justify the Executive Committee to declare that with ordinary interest and application and co-operation dis- played by the family, the Pomeroy Family Book may be ready for publication in the course of two or three years, or as soon as the loose ends of the last generations can be assimilated. But the Association is positively in need of the recent data, assistance from each head of family in verifying that which we have, and sufficient financial aid to carry out the VI plans which have been formulated, and which are clearly set forth in the new Constitution which was mailed to you recently. There is usually some one to be found in every family who takes more than ordinary interest in genealogical lore. If such one would take upon himself or herself the task of forwarding to the Secretary their compilations up to date, it would aid very materially in the solution of many of the elusive problems and the accommodation of many of the loose ends of an unfinished mosaic. The nominal price ($1.00) asked for this pamphlet is not to refund the cost, but to create a fund to be used in obtain- ing absolute verification of «ach proposition advanced and every lineage outlined, in order that the Pomeroy Family Book may be produced as free from errors as a book on Genealogy can well be made. Therefore, the $1.00 you forward for this pamphlet will be considered as so much financial assistance toward a mutually desirable end, and all checks for larger amounts will be highly appreciated. It is proper to state here that the publication of this pamphlet is one of the results of the generosity and interest in the family history of S. Harris Pomeroy, Esq., of New Rochelle, New York. ALBERT A. POMEROY, Secretary of the Pomeroy Family Association. Sandusky, Ohio, March 3, 1909. VII American Itomrrngs It is generally understood that Eltweed Pomeroy is the common ancestor of all of the Pomeroys in America, with the exception of Thomas Pomeroy (Pumroy), who came over in 1730, one hundred years after the advent of Eltweed, and settled in Lurgan township, near Roxbury, Pa., Whose first known ancestor is said to have been a Huguenot, and teacher of languages in Paris in 1572. He escaped into Ireland on the eve of the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Also, a single family who settled in Virginia; and two or three individuals who appeared in the country more recently from England. However, it is a logical presumption that all have descended from the Norman Knight, Sir Ralph, or from his brother, Hugue Pommeraie, as the name is spelled in the more ancient documents. Bardsley, in "English Surnames," says that Normandy first established hereditary surnames in England. "The close of the eleventh century, we may safely say, saw as yet but one class of soubriquets, which, together with their other property, fathers were in the habit of handing down to their children." The derivation of the name "Pomeroy" is not from the "Royal Apple," or "Fruit of the King," as has been so uniformly believed by the Americans who bear it, but from the parish of St. Sauveur (Saint Savior) de la Pommeraye, in the department of La Manche, Normandy. Lower, in his '"'Dictionary of Family Names of the United Kingdom," says: "This Paris'h (De la Pommeraye) gave name to a great family, mentioned in Domesday Book, and by Brompton, and they in turn conferred it upon Berry Pomeroy, county Devon, England." It would doubtless be interesting to the readers of this pamphlet to note the scores of authorities given for the differ- ent methods of spelling this time-honored name, and the facility with which the vowels are changed about, but, how- ever densely it is disguised, it will always be recognized. The 10 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF transition from the original "Pammeraye" is now generally accepted by all authorities, as Webster has printed it in his dictionary, "Pomeroy," and may "virtue and courage be the companions of all who bear it." It has always been the object of writers to invite Romance to the aid of History in the effort to extract in brief but authentic chronicles the germ from the dry storehouse of the archeologist. It is with absolute confidence that the writer believes the interest of the race in the time-honored name, and in the good fame of their progenitors of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, will prompt them to receive this first compilation with good will when it is laid before them. As Sismondi has said, "The eleventh century has a right to be considered a great age. It is a period of life and of creation. All that was noble, heroic and vigorous in the middle ages commenced at this epoch." To our own progeni- tors, beside the more animated interest in the spirit of adven- ture induced by the enterprise of the Norman Conquest, we owe the respect of posterity, although there is a deep and pathetic regret in the disappearance of the Saxon monarchy. Although Freeman, in his "History of the Norman Con- quest," has said that the "Nobility of Normandy in the time of William was the most turbulent and aggressive in Europe," those war-sons of the Old North were a magnificent race of men. While their invasion of England plunged an entire population into the horrors of war, they reproduced the noblest elements of civilization. They had great energy, and a firm determination to secure and maintain individual civil and religious liberty. At times the Knights of the Pomeroy race made some splendid errors in their strife for fame and fortune. However, those mistakes consisted mainly in their efforts to improve the condition of their retainers. It was for this reason that they were so frequently found in arms against the constituted authority ; or in rebellion against undesirable political or religious conditions. But if there were no cause for personal dissatisfaction ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 11 they were always to be found fighting by the side of their king when he was at war with a foreign enemy. Dr. W. W. Rodman has well shown in his ''Study in Heredity" how the years of discipline on that charming coast of Devonshire modified those strenuous ancestors of ours into Stalwart Souls. "The state has no material resources at all comparable with its citizens, and no hope of perpetuity except in the intelligence and integrity of its people." — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. The Family is even a closer bond than the State, and has no material resources at all commensurate to the integ- rity, courage and endurance of its men ; and no hope of perpetuity except in the maternity and intelligence of its women. It has been said in English works on history that the Barons of the House of Pomeroy were exceedingly happy in the alliances they contracted by marriage. But in the present day and age the Pomeroy men and women have been equally fortunate, as we find among the kindred of all degrees of relationship the most ancient and honored names in America, and it is quite evident that the women of the race have reflected as much glory upon the name through their mar- riages, and through their sons and grandsons, as have the men. While the men have the prestige of providing the first Brigadier-General of the regular army, in the person of General Seth Pomeroy, ever commissioned by the Conti- nental Congress, and other important civil and military officers, the women have added honors to the name by alliances with scores of civil and military officers of distinc- tion, such as Generals Pope, Bartlett, Dodge, Force, Tall- madge, Vinton and innumerable ministers, lawyers, authors. inventors, artisans, tutors, farmers and statesmen, and among the latter may be mentioned the Hon. Elihu Root, the present Secretary of State. All of these honors reflect a pretty good class of American nobility, which is that of the mind, and is usually merited. However democratic a man may be, he is usually vulner- able in the matter of wholesome ancestral pride. He is not only glad that he is of a family that has every reason to be proud of its record but he is resolved to live up to the stand- 12 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF ards it has established. The people who inhabited New England from the time of the landing of the Mayflower to the Declaration of Independence were a remarkable race. Todav their names are found in every state of the Union ; and their personal characteristics of mind and body are in evidence. Their influence has been felt in the formation and develop- ment of the government, and the institutions of the nation and of every state ; practically they have made the national character of which we used to be so proud and which late immigration of a different nature has not yet wholly obliterated. An ancestry reaching to that Colonial period is a heritage of wholesome and just pride to any American, and should be an incentive to all to cultivate and encourage the growth of those mental and physical characteristics of endurance which have prompted and enabled men and women of that period to accomplish so much good. Children should be taught to perpetuate those characteristics by their own proper physical, mental and moral development, and by judicious marriages. It is not clearly understood that any member of the Pomeroy family was ever ennobled by a king after the time of Henry III. (1257), except Arthur of Harburton, but the prefix of "de" to a name signifies such nobility ; aside from this we have not yet produced testimony unless it may be inferred from Pomeroy (chequy). whose crest was a lion head crowned with a ducal coronet ; or Pomeroy (St. Columb, counties Cornwall and Devon), whose crest was out of a ducal crescent, or a lion head guarded. It 'has not been learned that any title was borne by the long line of Knights (Barons) of Berry Pomeroy, which descended from generation to gen- eration even while they held the old Castle, from 1067 to 1549. Doubtless the family during this period contained many Knights, and perhaps many of the readers are in accord with the assertion that it is not so much the nobility of rank we have searched for as the antiquity and honor of the name. The title of Viscount now borne by one branch of the Pom- eroys in Ireland dates only to 1791, and that was merited, but ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 13 as an Irish peerage it does not imply an estate in Ireland, the name Harburton being taken from an English village in Devonshire, which was part of the old manorial estate. Neither has it been made clear that the family name is derived from the fruit, but from the town or village of Pom- meraie in Normandy, when it was bestowed upon the founder of the race, Raoule (the French Ralph, pronounced in Eng- land, Rolfe), or his father or grandfather, although it is believed that he was the first to bear the name. Ralph came from that place, Which was probably named from the orchards in which those luscious apples grew, and for which the apple orchards of Normandy are noted. In fact, at the date of the Norman conquest surnames were either not in use or were just beginning to be used, i. e., surnames descending from father to son. It will be remarked that this booklet consists of a com- pilation of interesting extracts from English and French historical authorities concerning the influence and importance of the race in England in the early days of the House of Nor- mandy and that of the Plantagenets, and the remarkable projection of vitality and endurance, observable in the Pom- eroy men and women of the present day, through past centuries. Close study of the characteristics and physique of those of the name, both of the Pennsylvania settlers, whose emigrant was Thomas Pomeroy, and those of New England, prompts the assumption that all are of the same lineage, as none can be traced to any progenitor except the Norman warrior, Ralph, and that all are of kindred well defined. The apparent reproduction of extracts occurring in these miscellaneous paragraphs will be found credited to different authorities. This is done for the purpose of verification, in order that greater confidence may be established in the minds of the readers as to the authenticity of each extract, or to denote the confusion of history as it relates to the private individual. 14 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF (§lb ©rabitums Bmfefc The tradition has been handed down from father to son that Eltweed Pomeroy, our first ancestor in America, was a descendant of Sir Ralph de Pommeraie, chief-of-staff of William the Conqueror, and that in the division of the Saxon lands in England to the companions of the Norman Duke, Sir Ralph received as 'his portion large estates in Devonshire and Somerset. It is now known that his sons acquired large holdings in Cornwall and Dorset. However, up to the present time the family has been unable to discover tangible verification of these traditions through the mists of time. In fact the English home of Elt- weed was not discovered until 1904; neither was his father's name known until 1907. During that year the father's name and place of residence were found, as well as the date that Eltweed and his brothers were christened. The letters included in this report of the Secretary to the many individual families of Pomeroy in America will define the sources from Which these two important additions to the genealogical history have become known ; and the gratifying- results of further explorations among the English Church and State Registers and Records in the discovery of Richard's father and grandfather, which makes the connection complete with Sir Richard de Pomeroy, the 15th generation from Sir Ralph, temp. Henry VII., 1474-1531, and who was the head of the house of Pomeroy at that time and Avho occupied Berry Pomeroy Castle. Records verifying this assertion have been found at Somerset House and at the British Museum. This Sir Richard de Pomeroy was great-great-grandson of the Chevalier Thomas Pomeroy of Dorset, who married his cousin Joan Chidleigh-St. Aubin-Brian. She was grand- daughter of Sir John de Pomeroy of the nth generation, and he was son of Robert Pomeroy, Chevalier. Sir Philip Brian, her second husband, was also of Dorset. In relation to his descent from this line of warriors and lords of manors there is no degeneracy in the fact that Eltweed Pomeroy Avas a gunsmith with a good reputation, or a black- smith, if you please. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 15 Quoting from an article in the American (Whig) Review, of New York, 1848, from the pen of the Hon. N. S. Dodge : "This Eltweed Pomeroy is represented to have been a man of good family, tracing 'his pedigree back to Sir Ralph de Pomeroy, who accompanied William of Normandy into England. Like most of the Dissenters of that age Eltweed was a mechanic, having for many years carried on the business of making guns to a large extent and with much reputation. Upon sailing for America, he closed his business, and selling most of his stock in trade, brought with him only his tools. After a residence of several years in Dorcester, the province of Massachusetts Bay offered him a grant of 1,000 acres of land on the Connecticut river on the condition of his establishing his business as a gunsmith within the bounds of the province. He did so; and it is a curious fact that, among seven generations which succeeded him, there has been lacking at no time in the direct male branch of descent, a follower of the original trade. The only article of the tools, of the old progenitor of the family, which he brought from England, known to be still in existence, is the original anvil, now in the possession of Lemuel Pomeroy, Esq.,* of Pittsfield, who was for more than thirty years a large contractor with the United States government for arms." Working in iron, fashioning implements of war, was per- haps inherent with Eltweed Pomeroy. In the early days of the Northmen the princes and other nobles of Norway were workers in iron. They made their own arms and armor, battle axes, spears, lances and other implements of war, and the Norman warriors of much later period continued the art or practice. Many Norman youths of generations not long in the past were bound apprentices as armorers in the guilds of England. These facts doubtless have some bearing on the facility with which our ancestors in America took so readily and spontaneously to the occupation of mak- ing arms of offense and defense, swords, guns, pikes and the lances (which the matross carried) during the Revolutionary war. *Now (Jan. 5, 1909) in possession of Mrs. Edward Pomeroy, Tittsfield, Mass. 16 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Jparisl? (Elmrrfj Sirrords It has been said by one of the leading analists of genealogy in this country, the editor of the Genealogical Department of the Hartford Times, that it is desirable to go into the old country a generation or two for antecedents. Since the publication of "Eltweed and Four Generations of His Descendants," by Mrs. Henry Thorp Bulkley, much verified information has been collected concerning Eltweed Pomeroy and his surroundings in England. The following documents will be received with interest by his descendants: (Copy of a letter from Rev. A. A. Leonard, Vicar of Beaminster (Dorset), England, to Henry B. Pomeroy, Cortland, N. Y.) : Beaminster Vicarage, Dorset, England, January 31, 1907. "My dear Sir: — You will remember my giving you, about a year ago, the date of the baptism of Eltweed Pomeroy, son of Richard Pomeroy. You then asked me to let you know if I happened to come across any other entries relating to your family. I have now copied the Diocesan Transcripts to the end of 1624. I find the baptism of two other Pomeroys, probably younger brothers of Eltweed, thus : "Edward Pomeroy, bapt. 4 March, 1591. "Henry Pomeroy, bapt. 5 Aug., 1593. "Edward died before he was two years old and was buried, 19th July, 1592. "Another day I may come across Henry again. ;jc ;jc ;jc ;}c ;fi .,- -^ "You have the record of Eltweed 's marriage with Margery Rockett, Crewkerne, 7 May, 1627, but you may not be aware that Eltweed had previously married at Beaminster, Joan Keech, 4 May, 1617. Two daughters were born to them, Dinah and Elizabeth. I can find no sons. Elizabeth died less than two years after her birth. Joan, the wife of Eltweed, was buried, 27 Nov., 1^20. when her daughter Elizabeth was just a year old. So when Eltweed married Margery Rockett he had been a widower nearly seven years, unless there was another marriage between. "I have now copied 1585 to 1684, inclusive, but unfortun- Q Z < - z aj C/3 I u aS EC u I ■r. Z as u OS < as < I h < as O p O X a. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 17 ately in this period twelve years are missing, so my record is not complete. I am glad to be able to give you the above notes and hope they may be of some interest to you. "If you are ever in the old country again and near enough I hope you will come and see me. Yours faithfully, "H. B. Pomeroy, Esq. A. A. Leonard, Vicar." * * * (From Beaminster Church Records:) Richard Pomeroy, county Dorset, England. Children: i. Eltweed Pomeroy, christened July 4, 1585. (Note by A. A. Leonard, Vicar: "This is the first entry in the Register.") 2. Edward Pomeroy, baptised March, 1591. Buried at Beaminster, July 19, 1592. 3. Henry Pomeroy, baptised August, 1593. * * * (From Beaminster Church Records:) "Married at Beaminster, May 4, 1617, Eltweed Pomeroy, son of Richard, to Joan Keech. Children: 1. Dinah. 2. Elizabeth, who died less than two years after her birth. * * * "Joan, wife of Eltweed Pomeroy, buried at Berminster, Nov. 27, 1620, when her daughter Elizabeth was just one year old. A. A. Leonard, Vicar." * * * (From the Crewkerne Parish Church Register:) "Anno Dom. "1627 "Mar. Eltweed Pomeroy of Berminster and Margery Rockett were married ye 7 daye of May." "The above is a true copy of the marriage register of Crewkerne Parish Church, the said register being legally 18 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF in my custody. Extracted this sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and four, by me. Herbert C. Gaye, Vicar of Crewkerne." SJje 2Crg tfl tlj? Jfroblrm (London (England) letter from Henry B. Pomeroy, Esq., of Cortland, N. Y., to George Eltweed Pomeroy, Toledo, Ohio:) First I secured a readers' ticket to the British Museum and have spent much time there with the pedigree of the Pomeroys. 'The Visitations of the County of Devon,' by J. L. Vivian, an accepted authority by the British Museum, con- tains five large and closely printed pages of the names of Pomeroys who have lived in Devon, Dorset, Cornwall ; also had a letter of introduction from the American Ambassador to Sir John Barnes, of the Somerset House, and have spent some time there. It was there that I discovered a legal paper of some kind from Henry Pomeroy to his son Richard. This letter or paper is written in Latin. This Henry* Pomeroy's father was also Richard and 'he was living in 1531. In 1559 this Henry left this document to his son Richard*. This is the date when Richard, father of Eltweed and Henry, was living; and from material evidence I am inclined to think that this Richard is the father of Eltweed and Henry. * * * * "I have just come from the British Museum, and accord- ing to Vivian, Henry Pomeroy lived at this time and the document at the Somerset Llouse agrees with his assertion. As he lived at the time and was of the same age as our Richard, and was connected with Dorset where we know Eltweed's father lived after marriage, makes me think that he is the Richard we are interested in. "This Latin document was filed at the Somerset House m I 573 or T 578. the last figure being somewhat indistinct, which would seem to imply that Henry, Richard's father, *It is suggested that the Committee on English Investigation learn the birth and death dates of this Henry and Richard; also, verify the names of their wives and the dates of marriage. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 19 died about that time. * * * A gentleman informed me that a search of the records in and about Dorset, Wells, Bristol, Taunton, Exeter and Blanford would be likely to throw more light on the subject than the wills at the Somerset House, as the older wills are kept at those places. He was at the American Embassy and seemed to be intimate with the English system of record." (Translation of the Latin Document referred to by Mr. Henry B. Pomeroy :) "Henry Pomeroy. "On the 5th day of July, , letters of administration of the estate of Henry Pomeroy, late of Totnes, in the county of Devon, deceased, were granted to Richard Pomeroy, natural and lawful son of the deceased, who was sworn to administer truly ; and the letters of administration surrep- titiously obtained by one Richard* Pomeroy, now or lately of Totnes, aforesaid, by hiding the truth and stating false- hood in June, 1559, were recalled as appears from the records of the Courts." Although the analysis above presented by Mr. Henry B. Pomeroy of the interesting facts discovered by him in his study of the records at Somerset House, and in the British Museum, was made two years ago, and his belief in the probability of the lineage thus developed, there has not, until recently discovered, been evidence to corroborate the import- ance of his finding. But now that analysis is so positively in accord with the discoveries and conclusions recently made by the Secretary of the Association, which are comprised in the great volume of historical statistics in his possession, and of which this paper is only a partial epitome, that he has no hesitation in now announcing to the officers of the Associa- tion, and all of the descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy, that the problem of descent from the notable warrior and statesman, Sir Ralph de Pomimeraie, has finally been solved. While more minute details in support of this assertion are desirable, the belief is now firmly established that the pedigree outlined in this report is the correct one and that it *It is not likely that this fraudulent Richard was father of Eltweed as he was, evidently, of unimpeachable character later, although young at this time. 20 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF will be resolved into absolute certainty, so essential in matters of genealogy by further proof, which will result from still further exploration by the committee on the English investigation. It is gratifying to be enabled to state that the traditions which have for nearly 300 years been part of the Pomeroy history in America, are in accord with these facts and that they have now been verified. These sagas will henceforth be resolved into family history instead of family tradition. It is hoped that this pamphlet, with the information it con- tains, will eventually find the way into the family of every Pomeroy in America, and that the interest of each will be quickened so that we may go forward at once and complete the "Pomeroy Family Book," which has for so many years been on the "trestle board." uJlj? Antiqmtg of tljp ijmtfl? of pomrrog (From Burke's English Peerage and Baronetcy.) The family of Pomeroy is one of great antiquity, founded by Sir Rolf de Pomeroy previous to 1050, and established in England in 1066, after the battle of Hastings, and the defeat of Harold the last of the Saxon Kings. Sir Rolf and his descendants possessed large holdings in lands in Devon and Somerset in 1097, during the reign of Henry L, the Wise Beauclerk, the third son of William the Conqueror. The seat of the head of the family was at Engsden, near Harburton, county Devon, now known as Berry Pomeroy. A descendant of this house, in the person of Arthur Pomeroy, M.A., University of Cambridge, was on July 5, 1791, created Viscount Harburton. The coat of arms of some of the ancient branches in England of the House of Pomeroy iiu to the reign of Edward VI., are described here : Pomerei (Berrie Pomerae), county Devon, temp. Henry I, or a lion ramp, guarded, gu, armed and langued: az within a bordeur se, indented sa. Pomeroy (Viscount Harburton), or a lion ramp, guarded, holding in the dexter paw an apple : ppr. within a bordeur sa. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 21 Crest, a lion ramp, guarded, holding an apple in the arms: supported by two wolves, the dexter ppr. sinister, sa. both guarded and chained : or. Pomeroy, Chalfent (St. Giles, county Bucks), or a lion ramp. sa. within a bordeur, indented, guarded. Crest, a fir cone vert, charged with a bez. Pomeroy (Berry Pomeroy, county Devon), or a lion ramp, guarded, within a bordeur, partition sa. Pomeroy (Devonshire and Worcestershire), or a lion ramp, gu., within a bordeur, engr. sa. Pomeroy (Ireland), or a lion ramp, guarded, holding in the dexter paw an apple, within a bordeur, engr., sa. Crest, a lion ramp, gu., holding an apple as in the arms. Pomeroy (Chequy), gu. and or on a chev., sa. three amul. or. Crest, a lion head erased, charged with four bez., crowned with a ducal coronet : ppr. Pomeroy (St. Columb, counties Cornwall and Devon), or a lion ramp, within a bordeur eng. gu., crescent for dif. Crest out of a ducal crescent, or a lion's head guarded, gu. Pomeroy (Weguy, county Cornwall), or a lion ramp., gu. within a bordeur engr. sa. Crest, a lion segant, gu., holding in dexter paw an apple, or. Pomeroy, or a lion ramp., gu. within a bordeur, engr. sa. (Eoats of Arms The sole value or interest of our American coats of arms consists in the remembrance or traditions of an honorable ancestry. Coats of arms were frequently used in New Eng- land during the Colonial period, and it is more than probable that they were used in the rest of the original thirteen colonies. These arms are worthy of preservation since they are valuable evidence for the genealogist. At the date when they were used the English rules were in force here. The time since the settlement of the country was not so long as to forbid the acceptance of tradition as evidence, we may believe that those who displayed armorial insignia had good grounds for their adoption. (From Westminster Review, vol. 60, p. 45:) "The glory of ancestors," it has been observed, "casts a 22 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF light indeed upon their posterity, but it only seems to show what the descendants are. It alike exhibits to full view any degeneracy and any worth. "It is therefore a most desirable custom to preserve the memory of a line of ancestry, tracing, perhaps, back to the old feudal times ; for if any one feels a pride in the reflection that he is descended from ancient worthies, it may prove some incentive to him to maintain the credit of the name, and to achieve a reputation deserving of it. "Besides, there is a moral to be learned in looking over genealogies ; for though, perhaps to many, nothing seems at first sight less interesting than a genealogical table, a mere register of dates and names. Yet, as I once read in an American publication, each of those names in the table is a memorial, perhaps the only memorial of a human heart that once lived and loved — a heart that has kept its pulsations through some certain periods of time and then ceased to beat and mouldered into dust. Each of those names is the memorial of an individual human life that had its joys and sorrows, its cares and its burdens, its affections and hopes, its conflicts and achievements, its opportunities wasted or improved, and its hour of death. Ijrralhtr Keg Az — Blue. Bordeur — Mark of difference to distinguish one branch of a family from another. Bez or Bezant — Flat pieces of gold without impress. Chequy — Divided. Charged — Bearing Device. Dexter — Right. Engr — Line of Partition. Erased — Severed from the body. Gu or Gules— Parallel lines on shield; red. Guarded — Both eyes and ears in view. Indented — Reversed — Changed in order. Or — Gold. Ppr — Party per — Divided into two equal parts. Rampant — Standing upright — Attacking. Langued — One ear in view. Sa — Black. Sal. or Sally — Posture of springing. Segant — Sitting. Sinister — Left. Vert — Green parallel lines sloping to the right downward. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 23 "To study a genealogy, then, may be to a thinking mind like walking in a cemetery and reading the inscriptions on the grave stones." {fefrgrrc of % If Das? cf Punterou, The Pomeroy Pedigree, as given by Sir William Poole, was adopted by John Prince, Vicar of Berry Pomeroy, in his "Worthies of Devon": 1. Ralph de la Pomerai (or Pomorio), (1066). William I. 2. Joel, married natural daughter of Henry I. (Nicholas' "Peerage" has this name William de Pomerai, as has the Duchess of Cleveland in her "Battle Abbey Roll," living in 1102. This daughter of King Henry I., by common law marriage, was sister of Reginald, Duke of Cornwall. Had issue. Henry, living in 1102, and Joscelin. Others give this successor as William instead of Joel, but with the same marriage.) 3. Henry, mar. Matilda de Vitrei ; he died 1208. Henry II. 4. Henry, mar. Alice de Vere ; died 1222. John. 5. Henry, mar. Margaret (or Margery) de Vernon ; died 1237. Henry III. 6. Henry, mar. Joan de Valletort ; died 1281. Henry III. 7. Henry, mar. Amicia de Camoil ; died 1305; aet. 40. Edward II. 8. Henry, mar. Joan de Moels (Mules or Molle). Ed- ward II. He had five or six sons, and was succeeded by (There seems to be a generation omitted here in this pedigree.) 9. Henry, mar. (no name given). Had issue: Sir John; Joan, who mar. Sir James Chidleigh ; and Margaret, who mar. Adam Cole. Henry VI. 10. John, mar. Joan, daughter and co-heir of Sir Richard Merton, of Merton, widow of Sir John Bampfield, and died without issue. (Joan Chidleigh, sister of Sir John, had issue, Joan, who mar. (1) Sir John St. Aubin, and had issue, John ; mar. (2) Sir Philip Brian of Dorset ; (3) Sir 24 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Thomas Pomeroy of Sandridge, Kt., son of Robert Pomeroy, unto whom and his heirs Sir John Pomerei conveyed Beri. This Robert was sixth son of Henry, above numbered 9. Temp. Henry VI. The line proceeds as follows :) 10. Joan, mar. Sir James Chidleigh. Her daughter — 11. Joan, mar. (3) Sir Thomas Pomeroy, and had — 12. Edward de Pomeroy, who mar. Margaret, daughter and heir of Peter Beavil and Margaret his wife, who was daughter and heir of Richard Colaton. He had three sons, and was succeeded by — 13. Henry, who mar. Alice Raleigh, daughter of Walter of Fardell, and had issue, Richard and Thomas. The latter was made Knight of the Bath at the coronation of the Queen of Henry VII. (1468). This Henry mar. (2) Amy Camel. 14. Sir Richard, mar. Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Richard Denzel of Filley, in Devon. 15. Sir Edward, mar. Jane, daughter of Sir John Sapcote. Sir Edward was made Knight of the Bath when Prince Henry, afterward Henry VIII., was made Prince of Wales, which was in 1502, after the death of his (Henry's) elder brother. 16. Sir Thomas, mar. Jane, daughter of Sir Pierce Edge- combe. They had issue — 17. Thomas, mar. the daughter of Henry Rolle of Stephenston, and had — 18. Valentyne, who mar. (1) a daughter of Sir Thomas Reynel of East Ogwell, and had a daughter ; he mar. (2) Margaret, daughter of John Whiddon of Chang- ford, Kent. They left issue — 19. Roger, who is still (1701) flourishing there (in Sand- ridge), having been Justice of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenant and a Member of Parliament. He mar. Joan, dau. of Elias Wills of Saltash, Cornwall. Notes (£tmtttnm$ iljr Abofo jfroujm (From llayden's "Book of Dignities":) "The Pomeroy Barons end with Henry de Pomeroy, in Edward I., when they ceased to be ranked as Peers of the. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 25 realm, until 1783, when Arthur Pomeroy, the heir male of this Henry, was created Baron Harburton in Ireland." In Nicholas' "History of the Peerage of England," after Sir Ralph, is the following: * * * "Held diverse lordships in the survey general, principally in Devonshire, whereof Berry Pomeroy was the head of his Barony." Valentyne, 18 in the above list, left a son Valentyne, by Margaret Whiddon, who married a daughter of Gilbert Hody. He also left a son, Gilbert Pomeroy, who was still "surviving at Sandridge, an honest, pious and charitable gentleman." It is not clear from Prince's book where the quotation from Sir William Pole ends. The words, "still flourishing," referring to Roger, 19, and still "surviving," referring to Valentyne in above note, doubtless are from Mr". Pole's record, as another account makes Roger a Member of Parlia- ment in 1601, and gives the marriage of Valentyne (18) to Margaret Whiddon in 1628, and to the daughter of Thomas Reynel in 1615. Henry Pomeroy (6 in the above list), in 1258, joined King Henry III. against the Welsh at Chester. He afterward revolted with Simon Montfort, Earl of Leicester (1258- 1264). Edward I. summoned him to service against Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, and he acknowledged service in one Knight's fee in Berry Pomeroy, in 1281. Henry Pomeroy (7 in the above list) served in Wales as a lad when 16 years old, and was married when his father died. When he came of age he was released from the scutage of Wales by Edward I. None of this Henry's descendants were ever called to Parliament and they ceased to be "ranked with the Peers of the Realm." (The scutage was a species of tax or tribute levied against lords of manors for the prosecution of war.) "The last of the quality of Peer of this family in Parlia- ment," says Prince's "Worthies of Devon," (p. 646), "war. Henry de Pomeroy, who in the 41st year of Henry III. (1257), doing his homage, had livery of 38 fees in Biry and Harburton, etc., all of which he held in capite of the King by the service of barony." "In 1399 (12th of Edward III.) the then Knight de Pomeroy (Sir Henry, 9 in the above list) released to the eldest son of the King, the Duke of Cornwall, all of his 26 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF interest in his estate of Trematon (?), in Cornwall. An annuity of £40 was then granted by the King, which grant remains (1701 or 1801) in custody of Roger Pomeroy, Esq., the direct heir." — Ibid. The old Raleigh seat (see Henry, 13 in the above list) Fardel was near Cornwood, 8 m. N. of E. of Plymouth. Sir Walter was born 1552 at Hayes, Barton Farm, near Budleigh, 5 m. S. W. of Sidmouth. Amy Camel is said to have been the second wife of King Henry IV., and that her crest, a camel, was set up at Berry Pomeroy Church. It was not there when Sir William Pole wrote. — Hume, vol. 2, p. 343. Of the sons of Sir Richard (14 in the above list) were John and Henry. The former had a son St. Cleer, known as St. Clere, in Dorset. Hayden's "Book of Dignities" says: "The Pomeroy Barons end with Henry de Pomeroy, Edward I. (1272), when they ceased to be ranked as Barons of England, until 1783, when Arthur Pomeroy, the heir male of this Henry was created Baron of Harburton in Ireland." (The student will find some inaccuracies in the above notes; he is referred to notes accompanying the pedigree of Eltweed Pomeroy. — A. A. P.) •prfctgr*? of iElttowd Pompro^ The dates given here do not represent in every case birth and death dates, but periods when the individual is known to have lived, most of them being by authority of the Calendar of the English Kings: 1. 1035- 1080 — Sir Rolfe de Pomeroy of Normandy. At the battle of Hastings, October 14, 1066, the Norman conquest of England. (The name is printed Rodolphus de Pommereis in the index of the Domes- day Book.) 2. 1080-1130 — Sir William de Pomeroy, married the sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, natural daughter of King Henry I. In 1080 the whole of the manor of Alverton, Penzance, passed from the Earls of Cornwall to the ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 27 Barons of Pomeroy. (Prince, who used Sir William Poole's mss. in his "Worthies of Devon," assigns this succession and marriage to Joel Pomeroy. There seems to be a generation omitted here; perhaps Joel?) 3. 1 160-1208 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married Maude de Vitrie ; 9th of the reign of King John. 4. 1208-1222 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married Alice de Vere. In the 17th year (1216) of King John, he joined the rebellion and his lands were confiscated ; next year he submitted and his estates were restored; he died in the 6th year (1222) of King Henry III. 5. 1222-1237 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married Margaret de Vernon. He came of age in the 16th year (1232) of King Henry III. He died in the 21st year of the same reign, 25 years of age. 6. 1237-1281 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married Joan de Villetort. In the 42d year of King Henry III. (1258), he joined the King against the Welsh at Chester, but was after- ward in rebellion with Simon Montfort, Earl of Leicester, in the 48th year (1264) of King Henry III. ; he was pardoned for this, but in the following year he was again in arms against his sovereign and his estates were confiscated. In the fifth year (1277) of King Edward I., he was summoned to service against Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, and acknowledged the summons by service of one Knight's fee in Berry Pomeroy. He died in 1281. 7. 1281-1305 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married Amicia de Camville, daughter of Geoffrey, who became his guardian. He was married at the time of his father's death. In the 15th year (1287) of King Edward I., coming of age, he was released from the payment of the scutage of Wales, because as a minor of 16 he had been in service there. He died in 1305, aged 40, and had been four times in the King's service. 8. T305-1338 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married unknown. None of his descendants ever being summoned to 28 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Parliament, they ceased to be Barons of the Realm. 9. 1338-1371 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, this 7th Henry married Joan, daughter of John, Lord Moels. They had sons: Henry, William, Nicholas, Thomas, John, Robert. 10. 1371-1404 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married unknown; had a son and two daughters, Joan and Margaret. 11. 1404-1422 — Sir John de Pomeroy, married daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Merton, widow of John Bomfylde, Esq. They had no issue. Sir John's sister Joan married Sir James Che(i)dley (leigh) ; Margaret married Adam Cole. Sir John died 1st year (1422) of King Henry VI. 11. 1422-1426 — Joan de Pomeroy, daughter of Sir Henry and sister of Sir John, who married Sir James Chedleigh, had a daughter Joan. 12. 1426-1440 — Joan de Pomeroy-Chedleigh, married (1) Sir John St. Aubin (Arebin) ; (2) Sir Philip Brian of Dorset ; (3) Chevalier Thomas Pomeroy of Dorset (1420-1443), a cousin to whom Sir John had willed the Lordship of Berry Pomeroy. By the 3d marriage a son was born. 13. 1440-1454 — Sir Edward de Pomeroy, married Mar- garet, daughter of Peter Bevil. He sold the Lordship of Berry Pomeroy. 14. 1454- 1490 — Sir Henry de Pomeroy, married (1) Alice, daughter of Walter Raleigh of Fardel ; (2) Amy Camel (of the family of Beaumont of Engsden). Hume says that Amy Camel was the 2d wife of Henry VI., and that her crest, a camel, was set up in the Church of Berry Pomeroy. 15. 1474-1531 — Sir Richard de Pomeroy, son of Alice Raleigh, married Elizabeth, the daughter and heiress of Richard Denzell. They had Edward, who suc- ceeded in the line of the eldest son ; John and Henry. 16. 1531-1570 — Henry Pomeroy, married unknown. 17. 1560-1593 — Richard Pomeroy, married (as yet un- known.) According to Beaminster Church Register he had : Eltweed, bapt. July 4, 1585 ; Edward, bapt. March, 1591 ; Henry, bapt. August, 1593. 18. 1585-1673 — Eltweed Pomeroy, married (1) at ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 29 Beaminster, May 4, 1617, Joan Keach (Keech), who died Nov. 27, 1620; (2) at Crewkerne, May 7, 1627, Margery Rockett. They were emigrants to America in 1630 (5th of King Charles I.*) in the ship "Mary and John," set- tling at Dorchester, Mass. He died in Northampton. Richard Pomeroy, father of Eltweed, had at least three sons : Eltweed, Edward who died in 1592, and Henry. United in this family of Richard's we find his own name to conform to that of Sir Richard of the 15th generation, whom we now hold to be his grandfather; Eltweed, which in Saxon nomen- clature is consistent with Ethel ward (Ethelwold or Ethel- wood), the name of Sir William's younger son; Edward, *dalen&ar of tlje lEtmltBl} Kings The House of Normandy Reigned from Years William I. 1066 — 21 William III. (3d son) 1087 — 13 Henry I. 1100 — 35 Stephen 1135 — 19 The House of Plantagenet Henry II. 1154 — 35 Richard 1. 1189 — 10 John 1199 — 17 Henry III. 1216 — 56 Edward I. 1272 — 35 Edward II. 1307 — 20 Edward III. 1327 — 50 Richard II. 1377 — 22 The House of Lancaster Henry IV. 139 9 — 13 Henry V. 1413 — 9 Henry IV. 142 2 — 39 The House of York Edward IV. 1461 — 22 'Edward V. 1483—- Richard III. 1483 — 2 The House of Tudor Henry VIT 1485 — 24 Henry VIII. 1509 — 38 Edward VI. 1547 — 6 'Mary dau of H. VIII. 1553 — 5 E El'z'b'th dau of H. VIII. 1558 — 44 The House of Stuart Reigned from Years James I. 6th Scotland 1603 — 22 'Charles I. 1625 — 24 Charles II. 1649 — 36 Oliver Cromwell, int'r 1649 — ■ 9 Rich. Cromwell, protec 1658 — 1 Mames II. 1685 — 3 William III. 1689 — 19 Anne dau of James II. 1702 — 12 The House of Hanover George I. 1714 — 13 George II. 1727 — 33 George III. 1760 — 59 George III. Regency 1801 — 19 George IV. 1820 — 10 William IV. 1830 — 7 Victoria 1837 — 63 The House of Saxe-Coburg Edward VII. son of Victoria 1901 — 7 'Murdered. *And Catherine of Aragon. 'And Anne Boleyn. 'Beheaded. "Deposed. 30 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF which was the name of the successor in the 13th generation, and Henry, which was the name of the lord of the manor of Berry Pomeroy in the 14th generation, and also the name of Eltweed's grandfather. It is more than a remarkable coincidence to find in one family the names of the last three available ancestors, and one similar to that borne by a kinsman of a more remote period, either of which might have been changed in the confusion of history. It can also be taken into consideration that Richard's father Henry also bore the name of the Baron of the 14th generation. This Thomas Pomeroy who married Joan, the grand- c'aughter of Sir John Pomeroy, was Thomas Pomeroy, Chevalier of Dorset. Joan Pomeroy Chidleigh had previously married (1) Sir John St. Awbin; (2) Sir Philip Brian. Among the Dorset Plea Rolls is the following entry : "Dorset — Thomas Pomeroy, Chevalier, and Joan his wife, sued Hen. le Scrope for one-third of the Manor of Pompk- noole, as dower of Joan of dotation of Philip Bryan, her former husband, March 5 (He. IV.), 1404." One may assume from the Duchess of Cleveland's "Battell Abbey Roll" that Joel and Hugue (or Hugh) were brothers of Sir Ralph, and that during the minority of William, son of Ralph, Joel held the succession as guardian until the lad came of age. Hence the confusion in history of the time, which gives the succession to both Joel and William. The historian, Mr. Eyton, asserts that Ralph and William were brothers, while the Duchess of Cleveland in her "Battell Abbey Roll," vol. Ill, p. 10, insists that William succeeded Ralph ; and that William had a younger son, named Ethel- ward, who refounded Buckfast Abbey in the time of Henry I., and "whose name suggests an alliance with some Saxon house." However, logic seems to favor William as being the true successor, and the burden of the evidence is with him. Sir Ralph would doubtless christen his son and heir in honor of his chief and companion-in-arms. The marriage of a daughter of King Henry I., who was sister to Reginald, Ear! of Cornwall, is assigned to both William and Joel. The Duchess does not find a brother William in the "Battle Abbey Roll," but she does find Hugue Pomeroy. In the event that William was the successor, his son ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 31 Sir Henry was a grandson of King Henry L, and half-brother to King Richard L, and to John with whom Sir Henry had joined in conspiracy against Richard. That Sir Henry was also a cousin in a degree to the Kings Edward I., and Edward II., all of the House of Plantagenet. Concerning the above marriage and the succession in the Pomeroy line, the ground is tenable that Joel was the son of Ralph, and that William was the son of Joel, or the reverse. In marking down the generations, and understanding that William of Normandy and Sir Ralph de Pomeroy were of the same generation, as they were companions-in-arms, and that William's son Henry and Ralph's son (say) William were of the same generation, we must have a representative of a third generation to espouse the daughter of King Henry I., and that may have been Joel, unless Sir William married into a younger generation than his age would represent. Thus : 1. William of Normandy. 1. Sir Ralph de Pommeraie. 2. King Henry I. 2. Sir William de Pommeraie. 3. Beatrice (probably) bis dau. mar. 3. Sir Joel de Pommeraie. 4. Sir Henry de Pommeraie, who married Maude de Vitrie (or Matilda), temp. King John. From this point the line continues without confusion until we reach the nth generation, when the succession passes to Joan, a sister of Sir John ; thence to a grand-daughter of Sir John, who was daughter of Joan and Sir James Chid- leigh, and who rescued the name to the succession by her third marriage with Chevalier Thomas Pomeroy of Dorset, to whose father, Robert, Sir John had willed the lordship of Berry Pomeroy, thus retaining name and succession through a younger son. The next salient point for controversy is in the 17th generation. It has been held by some historians that Sir Thomas de Pomeroy left no issue, but this is not true, as Sir Thomas has mentioned Thomas and Arthur in his will as sons, with other remainders to go to other children, one of whom was Richard, who received a provision, although inade- 32 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF quate, in Engsden, Devon. There was also a daughter, Joan, perhaps, who married Richard Penkerell of Rosuma, whose descendants were ruined in the time of Charles I., and sold their manor to Hugh Boscowen, Sheriff of Cornwall, in whose family it was settled on the Lady Ann Fitzgerald, Who carried it to her second husband, Francis Roberts, a younger brother of the Earl of Radnor. Joltitral honors of tb,r ^ousr of Jlomrroy (From "Fuller's Worthies," ''Gentry of the County.") "In the 12th of King Henry VI., 1433-4, Edward Pomeray, arms. Of the 78 names in this list, 34 have arms (Esquire), after their names ; 6 have Chevalier, and 28 have no distinction." "Sheriffs — In the 50th of Edward III., 1376, Niclius la Pomeray; 2d of Henry IV., 1201, Theo. Pomeroy of Berry Pomeroy; 13th of same reign, 1214, Ric. Pomeroy; 2d of Henry V., 1415, Tho. Pomeroy; 10th of Henry VI., 1432, Edw. Pomeroy; 13th of Edward IV., 1474, Richard Pomeroy; 8th of Henry VII., 1493, Richard Pomeroy, mil ; ut prius (as before) follows these names, under the heading 'place,' meaning of 'Berry Pomeroy.' " Then we pass to Elizabeth, 1585, when the Sheriff is Edward Seymour, mil. of Bery Castle. (It was in 1549 that Sir Thomas Pomeroy 's estates passed to the Seymour- Somersets.) "37th Elizabeth, 1595, Ed Seymour, arm. and ut prius of Bury Castle; and again, 3d of James I., 1606, Edward Seimour, arm. . . . and ut prius." ©Ijr Jhmtprou AnrrBtora forr? $farB?mrn of Norfoay Sir Rolf de Pomeroy, who was born among the apple orchards of Normandy about 1025, was descended from Rolf, the Norsemen, who, under Rollo, landed on the shores of Neustra, France, with Rolf Ganger (Rolf the Walker), a Prince of Norway, in the ninth century, for the conquest of that province. This Sir Rolf de Pomeroy, who was a Sire ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 33 and Tenant-in-Chief in Normandy, embarked with Duke William of Normandy at St. Valleries in 1066 for the subju- gation of England. His name is in the muster roll of the army of invasion at St. Valleries, and is borne on the roll of the Domesday Book at Battell Abbey. His services were so efficient at the battle of Hastings, October 14, 1066, that William the Conqueror placed him in possession of fifty-eight townships in Devonshire, and seventeen in Somerset. Mp Attrwnt Semifine of Alririta tlje ^axon (From the "Guide Book of Pomeroy Castle," Devon, England.) "The ancient manor of Berri Pomeroy, Which in the time of King Edward the Confessor (1060), belonged to Alricus the Saxon, was bestowed by William the Conqueror on Sir Rolfe de Pomeroy, who, after accompanying the Norman Duke to England, rendered him such valuable assistance in his successful invasion of England in 1066 that he received from him no fewer than fifty-eight lordships in Devonshire, and many in Somersetshire, as a reward. Selecting a favorable site not far from the river Dart, Sir Rolfe erected thereon the celebrated stronghold that now bears the family name of Berry Pomeroy Castle, the stately ruins of which, perched on a rocky eminence, with a crystal stream flowing at the foot, constitute one of the most ancient and picturesque objects of interest to be found in the county of Devon. It is indeed an old-time relic, and to the present generation is a reminder of the feudal days when armor-clad knights rode out under the great gateway to do battle with a foe. "The subsequent career of some of the members of the family of Pomeroy appears to have been somewhat event- ful ; and they seemed to have formed good matrimonial alliances ; William, for instance, the son of Rolfe, married one of the natural daughters of King Henry I., a sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall. Their heirs were Barons and Members of the House of Lords till the reign of King Edward I. (1338), after which time, according to Dugdale, the antiquarian and historian, they never had the benefit of 34 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF peerage, although they continued in their barony of Berry Pomeroy until the reign of King Edward VI., about 1550, when that was confiscated. "It is also said that in 1257, the 41st year of the reign of King Henry III., the peerage in Parliament of the Pomeroy Family came to a termination, the last peer being Sir Henry de Pomeroy, who in doing homage had livery of thirty-eight fees in Beri (Berry) and Harburton, as well as the manors of Beri and Stockley Pomerai (Pomeroy) and the moiety of the manors of Harburton and Brixham, all of which he held in capite of the King by the service of Barony. In the following year he was summoned to provide himself with horse and arms and to attend the King at Chester in order to join him in resisting the Welsh ; but being afterward found in arms against his sovereign the lands of Sir Henry de Pomeroy were entreated. "In the year 1102 Sir William de Pomeroy is said to have given his Lordship of Biry to the monks of Gloucester, but his brother Joselin, or Gozeline, afterward redeemed it by a grant of some other property in lieu of it. This Sir William had a son called Ethelward, who is declared by Dugdale to have founded the Abbey of Buckfast, which, however, he could not have done, since it was a Benedictine Abbey before the time of the conquest. But he may very probably have refounded and restored it, as his arms are still to be = een there." Attrimi attfc Ststutritfo £fam? in l-nglatifc (From Burke's Landed Gentry.) "The name of Sir Rolfe de Pomerei was variously spelled in England, 'Pommerays,' 'Pomerae,' 'Pomerei,' 'Pomeraye,' 'Pommeraie' and 'Pomeroy,' until 1540, when the latter rendition was uniformly adopted. "Of the great array of time-honored names very few are now borne by direct representatives. They exi?t rather among the old gentry than in the peerage. In the majority of cases the later descendants of illustrious families have sunk into poverty and obscurity, unconscious of their origin ; ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 35 and this was more likely to be the case with the younger branches, since the name or title of the family went with the elder line that inherited the estates. "The name as given here is found in the Doomsday Book, and the bearer, Sir Rolfe de Pomerei, was a genuine follower of the Conqueror, and a Tenant-in-Chief in Nor- mandy. It is obvious that those names which compare favorably with the Doomsday Book are the most reliable. "Much doubt has long existed as to the authenticity of the names of the Norman invaders who survived the battle of Hastings, October 14, 1066, but it is manifest that those recorded, even if they ever were upon the original document deposited with the monks of Battell Abbey and not found to correspond with the muster rolls as tenants-in-chief or under-tenants of Doomsday Book at the time of the survey (A. D., 1086) are subject to suspicion as not being genuine." (From the "Dictionary of Family Names of the United Kingdom," by Lamer:) See concerning the name of Pommeraye in Normandy and Devon. The name is in "H. R." or "Rotuli Hundred- orum," that is "Rolls of the Hundreds," 1273, made by Edward I., as an inquiry into the state of the demesnes, many of which had been resigned. See Bardsley's "Ancient Surnames" concerning deriva- tion of names in Normandv. (Eomntrnts by tlje IGai? (£ij?st?r Jtom? roy Srfofg The Family of Pomeroy deduces its origin from la Pomeraye, a hamlet near Point d'Orrelly on the Orne. Sir Ralph de Pomeroy (or Pomerai), born at the manor of Pomeraye in Normandy, was descended from the Northmen (or Norsemen), who under Rollo, conquered Neustria, now called Normandy, 912. He was a favorite knight of Duke William the Conqueror, whom he accompanied to England in 1066. He acted a conspicuous part in the conquest, after which William granted him sixty lordships and manors (some say fifty or fifty-eight) in Devon and Somerset. In Devon Ralph built a castle called Berry Pomeroy, after the seat he left in Normandy. It is still known by this name, and is a 36 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF noble ruin in tolerable preservation. According to some accounts it was sold in the reign of Edward VI. to Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. It was destroyed by the Par- liamentary arm) r in the Civil War, during the reign of Charles I. Most of the Pomeroy families in England and the United States can be traced to this Sir Ralph. Those that cannot be thus traced, cannot be traced to any other source, so that they are all probably of the same lineage. In the reign of Charles II., the Rev. Arthur Pomeroy went as Chaplain to Ireland with the Earl of Essex. His descendant, Arthur Pomeroy, was made a Baron in 1783. under the title of Lord Harburton of Castle Carberry, and was created a Viscount in 1790. This Arthur had four sons and two daughters. Three sons succeeded him in turn. The story that he was succeeded by his brother, Major-Generai John Pomeroy, a British officer in our Revolution, has no foundation. Eltweed Pomeroy came to Dorchester (Boston), Massa- chusetts, in 1630, in the ship, "Mary and John." bringing with him a wife and infant son named Elded. He was a man of sterling character and took a foremost part in organizing the local government. He is said to have come from Devon- shire, England. Another account refers his family to North- ampton, and another to Wales. Elded died without known issue and no other Pomeroys are known to have come to America at this time. Most of the Pomeroys in the United States can be directly traced to Eltweed, and he to Sir Ralph ; the others can be traced to no other source, and are probably of the same stock. The land Barony of Berry Pomeroy was in possession of the Pomeroy family until the time of Sir Thomas Pomeroy (4th year of King Edward VI.). The spelling Pomerai or Pomeraye was changed to Pomeroy about 1508. "Two miles beyond Shobrook we pass through Stockley (leigh) Pomeroy, one of the ancient estates of the powerful family of Pomeroy." •Names an& Stratum nf Hartnua |tommiy iSJanorB Imij Jlomrniij <£ astir (From Burke's Landed Gentry.) "The Castle of Berry Pomeroy in the county of Devon, one mile from Totnes, took its name from a Norman estate of Rolfe de Pomeroy, by one of which family it was originally erected. They came into England with the Norman Con- queror and resided here until the reign of Edward VI. (1547- 1553), when the manor was sold (confiscated) by Sir Thomas de Pomeroy (about 1550) to Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. From the ruins it may be inferred that the ancient Castle was quadrangular, with a single entrance, upon the south, between two towers, through a double gateway. They were in the form of hexagons, one of them being strengthened by angular bastions and still retaining the arms of the Pome- roys. Over the gateway is a small room divided by a wall, supported by three pillars and circular arches. This was probably the chapel. The ruins of the interior part, or quad- rangle, are much more modern than any other portion of the edifice. "The Castle stood a mile distant toward the east from the parish church of Biry (Berry) Pomeroy. What it w r as in its antique form can hardly be calculated from what at present remains standing, which is only the front facing the south in a direct line of about sixty cloth-yards in length. The gate stands toward the west end of the front, over which, carved in mott-stone, is yet remaining the Pomeroy arms. It had heretofore a double portcullus, whose entrance is about twelve feet in height and thirty feet in length ; which gate is embattled, as are the walls yet standing home to the east end thereof, where answereth yet in being a tower called St. Margaret's, from which several gentlemen of this county recently held their lands. Within this is a large quadrangle at the north and east side whereof the family of Seymour built magnificent structures at the charges of £20,000, but never brought it to perfection, for the west side of the quadrangle was never begun. 38 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF '"What was finished may be thus described: Before the door of the great hall was a noble walk, whose length was the breadth of the court, arched over with curiously carved free-stone, supported in the forepart by several stately pillars of the same stone of great dimensions, after the Corinthian order, standing on pedestals having cornices of friezes finely wrought, behind which were placed in the wall several seats, of frieze stone also, cut in the form of an escallop shell in which the company, when weary, might repose themselves. "The apartments within were very splendid, especiallv the dining-room, which was adorned, besides paintings, with statues and figures cut in alabaster, with admirable art and labor ; but the chimney piece of polished marble, curiously engraved, was of great cost and value. Many other of the rooms are well adorned with mouldings and fret-work, some of whose marble clavils were so delicately fine that they would reflect an object true and lively from a great distance. Notwithstanding which 'tis now demolished, and all this glory lieth in the dust, buried in its own ruins; there being nothing standing but a few broken walls, which seem to mourn their own approaching funerals. But what we think strangest of all, is that one and the same age saw the rise and fall of this noble structure." (From John Timb's "Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales.") "This person. Sir Ralph de Pomeroy, built a castle here which he named Berry Pomeroy, and made it a seat of a barony or honor. The family of the Pomeroys continued to reside here and hold the chief rank in this part of the country until the reign of Edward VI., when the manor of Berry came by forfeiture, cession or sale, it is not agreed which, from the hands of Sir Thomas Pomeroy to the Protector Somerset. one of whose descendants, Sir Edward Somerset, the second baronet, in the latter part of his life lived in retire- ment in the Castle of Berry Pomeroy, upon which he is said to have expended upward of £20,000. His eldest son, Sir Edward, sat for Devon in the last two Parliaments of Charles I., and by adherence to whom Sir Edward had the Castle plundered and burnt to the ground. A mansion was then built * * which has since remained with Sir Edward's ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 39 descendants. The Duke of Somerset is impropriator of the great tytles (or tythes) which formerly belonged to the Priory of Merton in Surrey. * * According to tradition, the tower of Berry Pomeroy was destroyed by lightning." Timb's also gives a brief description of the ruins of Berry Pomeroy. (From the Century Magazine, December, 1883.) "Many and curious in Devonshire are the remains which link the past in picturesque association with the present, and possess for the antiquarian an interest which few other counties in England can rival. The ruins of its ancient castles at Oakhampton, at Plympton, at Tiverton, at Totnes, and at Berry Pomeroy, are among the most striking and beautiful of the relics of feudal times. Though now moulder- ing in decay, and yielding to the general conquest of the ivy- trailers which clinsf round and cover with a thin but denselv picturesque mass of evergreen and crumbling stones of keep, and embattlement, they attest no less by their grandeur, the thickness of their walls, than by the surroundings of their position, that they were once among the proudest of the feudal strong-holds of England. 'Perhaps of all these magnificent ruins, the most beauti- ful in charm and grandeur are those of Berry Pomeroy. They stand on the crest of a lofty cliff, and are embowered in woods ; when viewed from the valley below they impress the beholder with a sense of their exceeding grandeur. Berry Pomeroy Castle was erected by Rolph de Pomeroy, one of the chief knights of the Norman conqueror of England. The original extent of its buildings may be comprehended from the statement that it was a long day's work for a man-at-arms to open and close the casements belonging to them. "According to one tradition the Castle was bombarded by the King's troops during the reign of Edward IV., because the head of the House of Pomeroy refused to obey a mandate of the King to dismantle it. In this task the King was assisted by a terrific thunder storm ; and its exposed position, from which it towers above the highest trees of the magnifi- cent wood which surrounds it, would lend weight to the story. Again tradition recites that it was not until the civil 40 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF war that the Castle was dismantled and the church adornments carried oft* or destroyed by the followers of Oliver Cromwell." As a pendent to this picture, it will not be amiss to give here what Maton has said of the same place, in a tone more picturesque though not more graphic than the description of the old chronicler. "Berry Pomeroy Castle stands upon a rocky eminence rising above a brook. The approach is through a thick beech wood extending along the slope of a range of hills that entirely intercept any prospect to the south ; on the opposite side there is a steep rocky ridge covered with oak, so that the ruins are shut into a beautiful valley and in quite a retired and romantic a situation on the banks of a bright stream which flows into the river Dart, and which "Rushing o'er its pebbly bed Imposes silence with a stilly sound." The remarkable remains of Berry Pomeroy Castle at first suggests only an idea of some peaceful monastic mansion to the mind of the spectator. When he perceives frowning turrets, however, massive walls and gloomy dungeons, his imagination will be wholly at variance with the beauty and serenity of the spot, and he will think only of sieges, chains, torture and death. The great gate, with the walls of the south front, the north wing of the court or quadrangle, some apartments on the west side, and a turret or two are the principal remains of the Castle ; and these are so finely overhung with the branches of the trees and shrubs that grow close to the walls, so beautifully mantled with ivy and so richly incrusted with moss, that they constitute the most picturesque effects that can be imagined. And when the surrounding scenery is taken into account, the noble mass of wood fronting the gate, the bold ridges rising into the horizon, and the fertile valley rising in the opening to the east, the ruins of Berry Pomeroy Castle must be considered as almost unparalleled in their grandeur. The eastern tower is accessible by a passage from the chapel over the gateway; here is the best point for surveying the environs of the castle. The interior part appears to be consid- ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 41 erably more modern than the gate and outer walls, the windows being square or oblong, with lintels and cross-bars of stone. There is, however, in the present mansion a fine apartment called the great hall, 70 feet long and 40 feet wide, while the roof is of oak very curiously framed, and the chimney piece is 14 feet in height. It is going rapidly to decay, however, and the walls being composed of slate, might be entirely demolished with little trouble. To these details should be added that the Castle was dismantled in the time of the great Civil War — about 1650." (Ull* (£uarfc Smut! and (Eljapd in tff? utohwr (From the "Guide Book of Berry Pomeroy Castle.'') Immediately over the gateway giving entrance to the tower of Berry Pomeroy Castle is a small room containing about a dozen loop-holes and divided by a wall, supported by two pillars and circular arches. This chamber is generally called the chapel, but was evidently the guard-room, seeing that the opening for the fall of the portcullus still remains in the walls. The chapel, however, was probably over or adjoining this apartment. In the above room are steps leading down to two small chambers on each side of the gateway which are arched over. They are six feet in width and eleven feet in length and height, and also provided with loop-holes. A passage leads out of the guard-room to the foot of the winding staircase, by which visitors may ascend to the summit of the western tower, from whence a very fine view of the sur- rounding country can be obtained. In a direct line from this wall will be found at the eastern extremity of the ramparts the remains of what are known in history by the name of St. Margaret's Towers, which possess a peculiar interest from the traditionary supposition that in its gloomy basement chambers the proud Lady Eleanor de Pomeroy confined her sister, Lady Matilda, for a lengthened period, and a belief exists that in olden time a communication by means of a subterranean passage was afforded from this same dungeou to Compton Castle, another similarly fortified stronghold on 42 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF the demesne of Sir Humphrey Pomeroy Gilbert, who colon- ized Newfoundland, now occupied as a farmhouse, and is not far distant from Marldon. All the portions of the ruins of Berry Pomeroy Castle encircling the interior were indisputably the work of Sir Rolfe de Pomeroy, on whom the Conqueror bestowed the manor of Alricus the Saxon thane after his subjugation of England in 1066. The comparatively modern parts are indicative of their having contained many apartments, the windows and after recesses showing the building to have been at least four stories high, but the kitchen fire-places here are not nearly so large as those in the older portion, in the northwest angle, which extends to a width of twelve feet and large enough to permit a whole ox to be roasted at one time. The difference in the architectural arrangement is here strikingly exhibited, which may be accounted for by the change in the proprietorship from the Pomeroys to the Sevmours. This structure appears from the architecture to have been rebuilt in the fifteenth century, most probably by Sir Richard de Pomeroy, the elder of the two sons of Sir Henry de Pomeroy. The south aisles, however, must have been added afterward at the expense of sundry persons whose names are recorded on the scrolls encircling the capitals of the southern pillars. At the front of one of the tombs in Berry churchyard are the arms of the Pomeroys, at the western end of the monument, and at the eastern end a shield, supported by two angels, displays Pomeroy arms impaled with those of Sir Richard Denzell, of Filleigh, whose daughter Elizabeth married Richard, who was of the 15th generation from Rolfe, and whose mother was Alice, daughter of Walter Raleigh. Judging from the style of the architecture, the church, it is believed, was erected during the lifetime of this Sir Richard, between 1470-1512, and who may possibly have been incited to undertake the work through the influence of his uncle, St. Clare de Pomeroy, at that time Abbot of Buckfast. o ■■a o a. w Q < pi «4 o ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 43 The magnificent screen with the projection of the rood- loft remaining, is profusely adorned with fern tracery, hand- some perpendicular bosses, carving and gilding. The lower part of it having been much mutilated, it is supposed by the followers of Oliver Cromwell, the carved figures in the compartments into which it was divided are therefore very indistinct. In the tower, which is square and embattled, there was once apparently a chapel opening beneath an arch on the southern side. Above the place where the altar must have stood, there remains a stone shelf which was doubtless a retable. Three of the bells are dated 1607, 1635 and 1715, and are inscribed in the name of the church wardens. A fourth bell was hung in the year 1829. !?rrtr ^i\Bt (EaHtk IHiU The architectural features of the Castle Mill on the manor of Berry Pomeroy are well worth examining. You reach it by a narrow winding path on the northeast side of the Castle at the foot of a hill by which runs a little brook. The water of the brook after being confined by a dam serves 44 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF to turn the mill wheel. Although the water power is at present made use of for the purpose of sawing wood, in ages gone by it was employed in supplying the needs of the Castle. By surmounting the bank on the opposite side of the stream one can obtain a view of the ruins somewhat less obstructed than any that can be had at any other point. %t$?nbs of tip (Eastle Among the variety of legends handed down in regard to the Castle there are many of a sensational character, of the type of which love and violence predominate. According to the superstitious, Berry Pomeroy Castle and its grounds are said to be still haunted. One story avers that a fair maid of the Castle plighted her troth to a son of a neighboring lord, between whom and the Pomeroys a life-blood feud raged, and that a brother of the young lady came upon them in a rose bower and killed both. Tales of this description are innumerable and it is not surprising, therefore, when the shadows of the night fall that ghosts are conjured up in the minds of the imaginative. But perhaps no tale is more cherished than the one relating to the Pomeroys at the time of the last siege of the Castle, when prior to their desperate leap over the precipice the Barons had buried in the soil the gold and spoil their foes had fought for. St. Michael's Mount is on Mount's Bay, a few miles from Penzance, Cornwall. (From Sir James D. McKenzie's "Castles of England," vol. II.) "This is an isolated granite crag in the parish of St. Hilary, 195 feet high and 5 furlongs in circumference, stand- ing in Mount's Bay, east of Penzance. It is said to have been cut off from the mainland by a mighty inundation in 1099, and is now joined to the shore only by a low causeway, 560 yards long of land which is covered by the tide 16 of the 24 hours. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 45 "The hill is covered by an ancient building founded by Edward the Confessor as a priory for the Benedictine monks, and which in later years was fortified. The first military occupation of this structure was effected by Henry de Pomeroy, who having during the absence of King Richard I. at the holy wars, assisted the usurping Prince John. He was summoned by the Vicegerent Bishop Longchamp from Berry Pomeroy (q. v. Devon). He, however, stabbed the messenger who had deceived him into large entertainment, and fled to his Castle of Tregoney, the strength of which mistrusting he thence proceeded with some followers to the Mount where the party, disguised as pilgrims, introduced themselves into the monastic buildings, seized and fortified them and remained there for several months. "On the return of King Richard from his Austrian prison. Sir Henry de Pomeroy, fearing the consequences of his contumacy, is said to have bled himself to death, and the Mount was surrendered to Waton, Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chancellor who was sent to regain the place in 1194. "King Richard then restored the monks, placing a small garrison at the Mount to guard it in future. "This Henry de Pomeroy being son of Sir William and a daughter, by common law marriage, of Henry I., was thus a relation of Richard I. and his brother John. Also of Kings Edward I and Edward II." (From Thomas Fuller's "Worthies of England," vol. I, p. 425. Title "Memorable Persons.") "Henry de la Pomeroy, lived at and was lord of Berry Pomeroy in this county (Devon). "This Henry, taking heart at the imprisonment of Richard the First (born 1157, crowned 1189, died 1199; imprisoned 1192-1194 by Leopaldus, Duke of Austria), sur- prised and expulsed the monks out of Michael's Mount in Cornwall, that then he might be a petty prince by himself. But being ascertained of his sovereign's enlargement, and fearing deserved death, to prevent it he laid violent hands on himself, as Roger Hovedon doth report. "But the descendants from this Pomeroy make a differ- ent relation of this accident, affirming that a sergeant-at-arms of the King's came to his Castle at Berry Pomeroy, and there 46 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF received kind entertainment for certain days together, and at his departure was gratified with a liberal reward. In counter- change thereof, he then, and no sooner, revealed his long concealed errand and flatly arrested his host, to make his immediate appearance before the King, to answer a capital crime, which unexpected and ill-carried message the gentle man took in such despite that with his dagger he stabbed the messenger to the heart. "Then, despairing of pardon in so superlative an offense, he abandoned his house, and got himself to his sister, abiding in the Island of Mount St. Michael in Cornwall. Here he bequeathed a large portion of his land to the religious people dwelling there to pray for the redeeming of his soul ; and lastly, that the remainder of 'his estate might descend to his heirs, he caused himself to be let blood unto death." Another account is briefly stated in "Murray's Hand Book of Cornwall," p. 194: "The military annals of the Mount (St. Michael's) com- mence with King Richard's captivity, when Henry de la Pomeroy gained possession of the place, and reduced it to the service of King John, who was aspiring to 'his brother's throne. Upon the return of the King, however, the garrison surrendered, and according to the tradition, Pomeroy caused himself to be bled to death." Concerning the episode at St. Michael's Mount, another authority says : "St. Michael's Mount was held by the Benedictine Monks until 1 194, when the country being in great confusion by the absence of King Richard I., in Palestine, one Henry de la Pomeroy, a Devonshire Baron, having been summoned to attend the King's court for some misdemeanor, killed the Sergeant-at-Arms and took refuge in the Monastery ; but the monks being unable to screen him, 'he drove them all out, fortified the rocks and sides of it where he defended himself till the accession of John, when making his peace with that monarch he was forgiven and restored to his paternal estates." -4 < o u z o < u z < fan o z o ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 47 ©raganrg (East!* in (Eornfoall (From Sir James D. McKenzie's "Castles of England," vol. II.) "At the lower end of this town (Cornwall) on the east side of Fal river a little below the hospital is an earthwork on a hill, still called the Castle Hill, on which are some scanty remains of a castle built by Sir Henry de Pomeroy (temp. Richard I.). Tradition says that Baron Pomeroy, being appointed Lord of the Manor in the reign of Henry II. on behalf of Prince John, Earl of Mertain and Cornwall, espoused the cause of John when in rebellion against his brother Richard I. The castle was standing and remained a seat of these Pomeroys until the reign of Edward VI. "The last Pomeroy (temp. Elizabeth) left issue a daughter who was married to Richard Penkirell of Resuma, whose descendants having been ruined in the time of Charles I. sold the manor to Hugh Boscowen, Sheriff of Cornwall, in which family it was settled on the Lady Anne Fitzgerald, who carried it to her second husband, Francis Roberts, young- est son of the Earl of Radnor (Hals). "Whitaker ascribes the site of this castle to the choice of the Romans, who placed a fort there to command the lowest ford of the Fal, having a high precipice on each side, and a brook which joined the river, beneath it. The trenches of the later fortress built here are still visible." "Tragoney is a small borough town on the same side of the river, three miles to the southwest of Grampound. It is a place of great antiquity, being mentioned in Doomsday Book as part of the Earldom of Cornwall, given by the Conqueror to his brother Robert, from whom it descended to the family of Pomeroy, who were in possession of it till the reign of Elizabeth, but either by descent or purchase, it is now part of the estate of the noble family of Boscowen." "In the 40th year of King Henry III., the Pomeroy family was returned among the first-class land holders ; they continued to possess considerable landed property in Cornwall for several generations, their chief seat being at Tragoney, and holding thirty librates of land. The manor of Tragoney was at a very early period in the ancient family of the Pome 48 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF roys, who are supposed to have acquired it by the marriage of William, son of Ralph, with a natural daughter of King Henry I., the first sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall." (Ibid.) ''The Pomeroys are said to have come from Cinglais, near Falais, Normandy, where a fragment of their castle still remains. Sir Thomas, the last of the race to occupy Berry, served with distinction in France with Henry VIII. , and acquired his confidence. * * The descendants of Thomas afterward resided in the parish of Harberton till the beginning of the 18th century. A grandson of the Rev. Arthur Pomeroy was raised to the the peerage." (From Palgrave's "Normandy of England," vol. 3. A chapter in the Appendix headed, "The Baronial Castles of the Cotentin, the Avranchin, and the Bessin," contains the following:) "La Pommeraye. This Cotentin family possesses upward of fifty knights' fees in Devonshire. Bury Pommeroye and Stoke le Pommeroye still commemorate their name." "Chateau Gaune. This name is attached to many places in Normandy and it seemeth to be strongly but unaccountably connected with the romances of the Cycle of Charlemagne, and wherever it occurs it seems to be connected with some real or alleged act of treachery or treason. * * * " Bzc'hal. Held by Fulke Pagnel. Within this lordship we find the cradle of the Pomerois, in the Department of Manche. Cotentin is a peninsula in Normandy in the Department of Manche. Its western extremity is Cape la Hague. The principal town was Coutances. Avranchin, a section, adjoined it on the south, and Bessin, another section or territory, on the northeast." "Ingesden belonged to the Beaumonts, who held it till the reign of Edward IV. (1461), when the heiress brought it to the Pomeroy family, in whom it remained many years. The manor of Mamhead was held by Ralph de Pomeroy, at the time of the Doomesday survey." "The manor of Good a' Mearv belonged to the Pomeroy family." "The manor of East Ogwell was held by Ralph de Pomeroy at the survey." ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 49 "The manor of Up-Ottely was given by William I. to R. de Pomieroy." The manor of Tale was given to Ford Abbey by Josce- lynde de Pommeray." g>anteridg? t irfnm (From "Worthies of Devon," p. 285, under "Capt. John Davies.") "Sandridge, Devon, near Berry Pomeroy, became the inheritance of the ancient and honorable family of Berry Pomeroy, and most likely at last, the portion of a younger son of Berry Castle, in the parish of Berry Pomeroy, about four miles from (it) ; though afterwards it yielded a strain for that ancient and noble 'house. For Sir John de la Pom- meraye of Berry Pomeroy, of the 10th generation, having no heirs, settled his lands (about 1404) upon Sir Thomas of Sandridge, aforesaid, who had married Joan, daughter of Sir James Chudleigh, Kt., by his wife Joan Pomeroy, sister of the said Sir John. Sandridge still remains in this honorable name, and is at this time (1701) the dwelling of Roger Pomeroy, Esq., the topmost branch of this ancient stock.'' ^From the "Worthies of Devon," p. 645.) "This family was not only very noble in its original, but in its alliances, matching once with the blood royal, and several times with the daughters of the principal peers of the realm. Here (Berry Pomeroy) this great progeny had their dwelling from the time of the Norman conquest to the days of King Edward VI., about 500 years." Qvtmntan (tell* in (Eornteall (From Camden Society, "Leland's Itinerary," vol. VI, pp. 58-59. — This Itinerary was begun in 1538.) "One of the Pomereis of Devonshire long since lost the most part of his inheritance by killing a messenger or herald sent from the King unto him. At that time Pomeroy was lord 50 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF of Tremington (Tremerton) Castle in Cornwall, and of the Castle of the Monte St. Michael, and of the Lordships of Tamarton. "Pomeroy of told me that the Pomeries were once Lords of Bever Castle that the Lord Rose hath now. * * * Of descent from Pomeroy, now Lord of Byri, there were three Pomeries (brothers) of Byri, and the two younger of them were provided for and endowed with lands." ®lj? Uaronfl of Balktorl (From "Peerage of England," by Nicholas.) "Barons by Tenure," Valletort. Ralph de Valletort held one Knight's fee, Devon, 1 185; next mentioned is, Roger de Valletort, who, in 1186, held the honor of Tremerton in Cornwall ; living 1203, to whom succeeded, Reginald de Valletort, who died 1246 without issue. Ralph de Valletort, brother and heir, died 1259. Reginald de Valletort, son and heir, died 1270; no issue. Roger de Valletort, uncle and heir, died 1290; no issue, leaving Henry de Pomeroy and Peter Corbet next heirs." "Henry II "John. "Henry III "same, "same. 'Edward I. (Henry de Pomeroy married Joan de Valletort, and died in 1281; their son Henry, who was 16 years old at the time of his father's death, succeeded to this Knight's fee of Tremerton, but failed in joint petition for the domains. — A. A. P.) (From Burke's "Dictionary of the Landed Gentry," vol. 1, p. 263.) "Peter Corbet, the second son, succeeded his father, who died in 1300, in the estates of his family, joined with Henry de la Pomeroy in petitioning Parliament for the domains of the Valletort family, but without success." (From the same vol. 3, Supplement, p. 107) "The Pomeroys were of great antiquity in Devonshire and Cornwall, and descended from Joel de la Pomeri, who married a daughter of King Henry I., and sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall." ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 51 ffimwr of Albr rtmt, T$tn%mtt (From "Kings, Earls and True Nobility of England.") "Beatrice (?), daughter of Henry I., and sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, married Sir William Pomeroy, and in 1080 the whole manor of Alverton, Penzance, passed from the Earls of Cornwall to the Pomeroys." Xichols, Topographist and Genealogist, says: "Francis Drew, the second of that name in the Irish line, and the son of John and Margaret Drew, suffered great losses during the war previous to the revolution. His place at Kilwiny, county Waterford, was laid waste by King James' army and the house burnt. He served at the battle of Angheim and at the sieges of Athone, Galway and Limerick in King William's army. He was a devoted Protestant and his remains were interred under his own seat in the church of the Castle in Ireland. "His wife was Rebecca Pomeroy, a descendant of Joel (William) de la Pomeroy of Bery Pomeroy who married a daughter of King Henry I., ist sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall. Rebecca (Pomeroy) Drew outlived her husband many years, and with wonderful resolution protected herself at Mocollop Castle though surrounded by Irish enemies. She could use guns and pistols as dexterously as anybody and always kept them loaded in her bedroom. Her powder-horn was extant a few years ago. She told James, the second Lord Chancellor, in his own court, that if she had him at Mocollop Castle she would have him coursed like a rabbit. She was a daughter of Samuel Pomeroy of Berie Pomeroy, in Devonshire, near Totnes." ( From Burke's "Dictionary of Landed Gentry.") "The Irish branch (of the Drew family) resident for so many generations at Mocollop Castle, county Waterford, descends through the heiress of Pomeroy, from King Henry I." (She was a daughter of Samuel Pomeroy, a younger son.) 52 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF (From Camden's Britannia.) "Here (town of Totnes) British history makes Brutus of Troy, the founder of the Nation, to have landed, and Havilan the poet, following the tradition, sings in his Architrenius : "Hence Brutus and his friend Achates steered, When fraught with Gallic spoils their ships appeared; The Heavens and winds were all at their command, And happy Totnes welcomed them to land." Stye 3lnsurmtton in {femmalprf (From Mortimer's "Berry Pomeroy Castle.") "The Devon insurrection was in 1549. In this rebellion Sir Thomas Pomeroy was deeply concerned, and being the last of his family who occupied Berry Castle it is averred by some historians that he saved his life by making over the manor and Castle of Berry Pomeroy to Lord Protector, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. "Lyson says this estate came into possession of the Seymours by grant or purchase from the Crown, since at the time of the attainder of Sir Thomas, the Protector was in the Tower of London on a charge of treason, of which he was acquitted, but afterwards' being found guilty of felony was beheaded on Tower Hill, December, 1551. His brother. Sir Thomas Seymour, Lord Dudley, Lord High Admiral of England, was executed March 20, 1549. "The 1 2th Duke of Somerset, in 1875, writes to the Mortimers, authors of the work above quoted from, and says : "I can state that Berry Castle was purchased in the reign of Edward VI." An old engraving says: "Berry Castle was sold by Sir Thomas Pomeroy unto Ed Seymour, Duke of Somerset, in the time of Edward VI." (The painter of the picture, of which the engraving referred to here is a copy, was at the time in the employ of Ed Seymour and painted the picture to his order; he was also directed to paint in the words of the legend just quoted to make it appear that Berry Pomeroy Manor was acquired by purchase. — A. A. P.) ('From "The Battle Abbey Roll," vol. 3, by the Duchess of Cleveland, 1889.) "The Castle and Honour of Berry Pomeroy in Devonshire, which had been purchased by the Protector, was restored in blood by Edward VI., the year after his (Seymour's) father's execution." (From the same authority, p. 11.) "Sir Thomas Pomeroy is described as a 'simiple gente,' and his life was perhaps spared on account of his feeble intellect, but no mercy was shown to his estate. After a 54 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF short struggle he was forced to relinquish the stately home that had been the head of the house since the days of the Conqueror, and Berry Pomeroy was sold to the Seymours." (This statement or surmise that Sir Thomas Pomeroy's mentality was impaired at this time or later should not be taken seriously. On the contrary, not many years previous to this insur- rection he had attended Henry VIII. in his wars in France, and displayed sufficient force of character and good fortune in arms to attract the attention and confidence of that war-like monarch. However, his action during the insurrection in Devon was not the method or policy of a time-server which a prudent and ambitious man like the Seymour would follow, but that of one whose sympathies were with his people, and who did not hesitate or stop to reckon the cost, which is but a characteristic strongly developed in the American Pomeroys — men, women and children. — A. A. P.) (The following extract from a history of the action at Exeter is in full accord with the above personal assertion:) "St. Mary's Clist, four miles from Exeter, was one of the chief scenes of the rebellion in Devonshire, w r hich happened in 1549, in the month of June, when the insurgents laid siege to Exeter. In August they were attacked by the King's army under Lord Russell. By a stratagem of Sir Thomas de Pomeroy, one of the chief Captains of the insurgents, they obtained a temporary victory, and the wagons belonging to the King's army, ammunition, treasure, etc., fell into the hands of Sir Thomas Pomeroy; but Lord Russell rallied his troops, returned to the attack, and defeated his enemy with great slaughter." Lyson says : "Sir Thomas is said to have saved his life by making over the manor and Castle of Berry Pomeroy to the Protector, the Duke of Somerset." (That statement does not imply that Sir Thomas was demented; nor does it convey the sense that Edward Seymour purchased the Castle and esta f 3. — A. A. P.) (From Froude's "England," vol. 5, p. 181.) "1549. In the West (of Devon) the insurrection had affected a higher grade. Sir Thomas Pomeroy and Sir Humphrey Arundel of the North of Devon, and other men of weight and property, had 20,000 men under the banner of the cross," "Arundel was Governor of St. Michael's Mount. He and three others were hanged at Tyburn." ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 55 fjaat ^trge of % dastlr (From the "Guide Book of Berry Pomeroy Castle.") "The Pomeroys, as descendants of the Feudal Barons, having for centuries enjoyed within their extensive domains a power almost equal to that of the Crown, they could ill restrain that imperative authority which for generations they had assumed as a primogenial right, and which was ever recognized as such by the ruling monarchs. At the order then for dismantling the castles of England, the inheritors of Castle de Pomeroy, tradition affirms, resisted the royal mandates. A siege was commenced in consequence by the forces of King Edward VI. (1549), which was long, obstin- ately, and with bravery withstood by those feudal Princes of the Castle, Sir Thomas de Pomeroy and his kinsmen with their numerous retinue. Spurred on by the most determined resolution to live or die free men, rather than, as they imagined, basely survive the loss of those long-enjoyed honors which were now by the arm of tyranny to be wrested from them, they so incensed the king by their temerity that he forthwith issued most peremptory orders for their subjugation. Mudi time as well as blood and treasure were consumed in front of the walls of the Castle of Berry Pomeroy ere this strong and stately fortress ceased to shelter its valiant defenders ; inside their almost impregnable fortress were the besieged, protected by its turreted and castelated walls, while the besiegers, exposed to the constant showers of destructive missiles, fell on all sides, till the slaughter among the King's soldiers was appalling. At length, however, either by force, stratagem or treason, the Castle was carried. The two brave de Pomeroys, rather than survive their lost or faded glories, rather than submit to do homage to an incensed mon- arch, blindfolded their horses and mounting spurred them to the northern precipice on which the Castle stands, which but to look from might appal the stoutest heart. The terrified animals, as if conscious of their own and their riders' impend- ing fate, plunged and resisted till madly and desperately urged over the fatal steep, they with their lordly and proud masters, were by one wild leap instantly dashed to death. 56 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF "The English poet Keats has inscribed the tribute contained in these lines to the defenders of the Castle of Berry Pomeroy : "Hark! heard you not those shouts of dreadful note? Sounds not the conflict on the heath? Saw ye not where the reeking sabre smote; Nor saved your brethren ere they sank beneath Tyrants and tyrants' slaves? The fires of death, The bale-fires flash on high; from rock to rock Each volley tells that thousands cease to breathe; * GDrnjpatum at Sfrrrtf -pompniB (Easile by % grgnumrB Historians differ widely as to the manner in which the Seymours succeeded the Pomeroys in the ownership of this ancient domain, but in order to correct any erroneous impres- sions we here furnish the written testimony of the late 12th Duke of Somerset, who in a letter from Stover, Devon, under the date of January 5, 1875, said: "I can state that Berry Pomeroy Castle was purchased in the reign of Edward VI." And in corroboration of this statement we copy the following from an old engraving representing the south view of Berry Pomeroy Castle and dedicated to Sir Edward de Seymour of Maiden Bradley, in the county of Wilts, Bart., by Saml. and Nathl. Buck : 'This Castle was built by Sir Ralph de Pomeroy, in the Conqueror's time, and was the head Barony of his Family; his Posterity continued many descents there, till the time of King Edward VI., when it was sold by Sir Thomas de Pom- eroy unto Ed. Seymour, Duke of Somerset, who settled this manor with several others on his issue by his first Lady Catherine, daughter and co-heir to Sir Um. Filliot of Wood- land, from whom the present Sir Edward is directly descended. — S. & N. Buck, Delin, et Sculp., 1734." In the civil wars between Charles I. and Parliament the Castle was dismantled, thus denuding it of its once stately power, but it was occupied in magnificent state until the ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 57 reign of James II. (1685) by Eel. Seymour, who headed a rising against that monarch, and was at that period styled the haughty and magnificent leader of the country party. From the time of this Seymour's decease the mansion seems to have fallen into decay, and tradition ascribes its destruction to a terrible thunder storm, when it was set on fire by the scathing lightning; while another reason declares that the Castle was taken in the time of Charles I., carried by great guns planted on the hills opposite the precipice. The latter story of its having been stormed by artillery sufficiently accounts, says Mr. Bray, for this side being more battered than any other part of the building, various circumstances existing likewise to render the statement more than probable. Note — The evidence offered by the writer as to the reversion of the Castle and Manor of Berry Pomeroy to the Seymours is very meagre and not substantiated, especially as it is an effort to controvert history. During the minority of Edward VI. he was doubtless the King, but his uncle, Edward Seymour, reigned. And it was at this time that the transfer of ownership was consummated. St. Maur (or Seymour), who was a companion-in-arms with Sir Rolf de Pomeroy at the battle of Hastings, had failed to receive the commendation of Duke William, and was envious of the great favors bestowed upon Sir Ralph. Seymour evidently transmitted his hatred to his posterity, and when the opportunity that power would give them had arrived they acted without compunction upon the determination to possess themselves of the manor of Berry Pomeroy. The only consideration that Sir Thomas de Pomeroy re- ceived for being despoiled of his estates through the conspiracy was a life interest as tenant in a small holding called Will, in Stoke Gabriel. The testimony offered by Saml. and Nathl. Buck is equally unsatisfactory. JruttlPBs attempt of tl)£ £>?ymmtrs tn ISrronatntrt t\)t (&vmt (Easth? The Castle dates back to the Norman conquest, being erected by Ralph de Pomeroy. Tradition says there was found on the estate in Normandy a peculiarly sweet and juicy apple, from which the estate was called "Royal Apple," or "Pommeroye." In those days men took their names from their estate, hence Rolf of King Apple, or Ralph de Pomeroy. 58 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF The general characteristics of this family are strong attachment to the principles of civil and religious liberty, and the social virtues ; great moral and physical courage ; and seldom can one be found that is not given to generous hospitality. The Castle is approached through charming woods, its ivy- mantled ruins form one of the most picturesque scenes in the west of England. Over the gate there is a coat of arms, presumably that of the Pomeroys. During the reign of Edward VI. the fortress and manor were confiscated and passed into the hands of the Duke of Somerset, and have remained in the hands of that family up to the present time. After they acquired it there were extensive structural alter- ations, and Mr. Prince, the Devon historian, who was for over forty years Vicar of Berry Pomeroy, states in his book. "Worthies of Devon," that a sum of £20.000 was spent in the work. All that remains today is a magnificent ruin, whose crumbling walls tell an eloquent tale of the glories of the House of Pomeroy of the past. It has been affirmed that rather than obey the mandate of the King to dismantle the Castle, the two last of the Pomeroys present, when compelled to retreat before the royal forces, blindfolded their horses and rode them over the precipice on the northern side ; but this tradition probably owes its origin to the creative genius of some writer of the past. It was not until the civil war that the Castle was dismantled, and the last of the Seymours to occupy it as a residence was Edward, during the reign of James II. The coat armour referred to above portrays a lion in the field rampant, a lion segant holding up an apple by the stem in his dexter paw. The motto of the Pomeroys was: "Virtutis fortuna comes," or "Good fortune is the companion of virtue or courage." Heairir? IJnutfroy of $fath?r l^tahin} (From the Domesday Book.) To the genealogist the Exeter text (Exon Domesday Book), History of Somerset, Victoria Histories, vol. 1, 430. is a record of the greatest value; for it enables us at times to identify those of whom the Exchequer text gives us but the Christian names. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 59 "Again, the Beatrice* who holds of Ralf de Pomerei at Nether Stowey is entered in the Exeter book as Ralph's sister. Mr. Eyton points out that she also held of him a Devon manor; while she held further in that county two manors of William Capra, who is similarly entered as her brother. On the strength of this he asserted that Ralph and William de Pomerei were brothers (Somerset Domesday, vol. I, p. 64), and although this may seem not absolutely clear, it is inter- esting to note that Roger Capra and William his son were benefactors in the next generation to the Pommeraye Abbey of St. Marv du Val. — (Calendar of Documents, France, page 536.) "Ralph, though of small account in Somerset, was a great man across the western border. Coming as his name reminds us from among the apple orchards of Normandy, to make his home among those of Devon, he left his Castle de la Pommeraye, to gain a mightier lordship, and to found that rock fortress in the heart of the English woodlands Which still preserves his name in that of Berry Pomeroy. "Ralph de Pomerei held Stawei (Nether Stowey), and Beatrice, his sister, holds of him. Ralph himself holds Are (Oare)." ultj* lExfent of % jtomrrou, fEalate in irfumafpr? (From "History of Devonshire," Domesday Survey, page 386, Victoria History, vol. 1.) "In the case of Berry Pomeroy, four plough-lands, or lands for one plough, are represented in 1292, by 16x16 or 256 acres, i. e., 64 acres to the plough-land. The cultivated area of Stockleigh Pomeroy was, again, 350 acres in 1292. "The estate of Ralph de Pomeroy with additions and exceptions, went to form the 'honour' of Berry; those of William, his brother, better known as William Capra, the 'honour' of Braneyes or Branhinch. In all he owned 45,000 acres." — See History of Devonshire, pp. 392, 560-3. ♦Probably the wife or widow of his brother. 60 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Bomt (Eflttttprttous with, SotjaUu. (From the "Kings, Earls and True Nobility of England." In possession of George Eltweed Pomeroy, of Toledo, Ohio.) "Joane (called Ioane of the Tower) married David le Brufe, King of Scotland; she was a sister of Reginald, Earl of Guelders. "Avis, daughter of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, married Richard de Rivers, son of Baldwin, Earl of Devonshire. "Beatrice (?), daughter of Henry I., sister of Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, married Sir William Pomeroy, and in 1080 the whole manor of Alverton, Penzance, passed from the Earls of Cornwall to the Pomeroys. ("Reginald was son of King Henry I. Sir Henry Pom- eroy was grandson to King Henry I. and half-brother to King Richard I. and John his brother; his son Henry was cousin in the third degree of the Kings Edward I. and II., of the house of Plantagenet") lExtrarts from iEtujUslj Aitthnrtttrs (From "Notes and Queries," 4th Series, vol. 2, p. 226; 1868, July to December.) "The direct descendants of Sir Thomas Pomeroy who sold Berry Pomeroy to the Lord Protector Somerset, continued at Sandridge, when Gilbert Pomeroy of Sandridge, whose will was proved April 8, 1719, died, leaving all his lands to his kinsman, Daniel Pomeroy, son of Paul Pomeroy of Brixham, Devon, which is S. E. of Totnes, N. E. of Dartmouth." ("Notes and Queries," 6th Series, vol. 2, pp. 328, 493; 1880, July to December.) "Richard Pomeroy of Bowden, Yealmton, Devon, married Eleanor Cooke of Mapowden. He and two sons were living in 1531. His son Henry Pomeroy married Agnes, daughter and heiress of William Huckmore, and widow of Edward Harris; they had a daughter who married Sir Thomas Harris of Kent. 'The Drews of Drewcliffe quartered both Huckmore and Pomeroy through a match with the Irish branch of the Pomeroys." ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 61 (From "The Battle Abbey Roll," vol. 3, by the Duchess of Cleveland, 1889.) Page 10. "Two of the name, Hugue and Raoul de la Pomerie, are in the Dives Roll. Of Hugh I can find no men- tion in Dugdale, but Ralph appears in Domesday, holding 60 manors in capite, all with two exceptions in Devonshire." "William Pomeroy, who succeeded Ralph, had a younger son named Ethelward, who founded Buckfast Abbey in the time of Henry I., and whose name suggests an alliance with some Saxon house." A local legend at Berry Pomeroy concerning Henry de la Pomeroy asserts that he never left Berry Pomeroy, and that when the King's pursuivant came to arrest him he mounted his horse and leaped from the battlements into the valley below. "Out over the cliffe, out into the night, Three hundred feet of fall; They found him next morning below in the glen, With never a bone in him whole; A mass and a prayer, good gentlemen, all, For such a bold rider's soul." "The wishing tree of Berry Pomeroy is the prettiest superstition of the place, and is the only one left in England. It is a lofty, wide-spreading beech. The wisher is to walk three times around the tree with the sun, and three times backward, thinking of the wish that must be unspoken and unknown to any one. The wish will come true." (From Jewett's "Story of the Normans," Putnam, 1887.) "There are Saxon landlords and farmers and statesmen in England yet unconquered, unpersuaded and un-Normanized." (From the "Norman People," London, 1874; no author named, p. 366.) "The Pomerais were Castillians of La Pomerai, in Normandy. Ralph de la Pomeroy held 51 lordships in barony of Devon, 1086 (see Dugdale and Banks)." In Planche's "Conqueror and His Companions," vide passages concerning the perpetuation of Norman names in England, and the relative number of Norman peerages and titles. 62 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF (From Hoveden, vol. 2, pp. 134-5.) "In 1 177 King Henry II. (1154-1189) gave the kingdom of Limerick to Joslan de la Pomerai and others, which they all refused." (J bid, vol. 3, pp. 238-249.) "'Johannes de la Pomerai abjures the realm, April 18, 1 194, and goes into exile." Henry de la Pomerai fortifies St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, and dies of bleeding; temp., Richard I. (1189-1199) ; Feb., 1 194, date of death. (From Grose's "England and Wales," vol. 2, pp. 64-65.) "Ford Abbey, 5 miles N. E. of Axminster, Devon, was built by Richard de Brioni, grand-nephew of William I., 1133-1136." "John Courtney (temp. Henry II.) added to the Abbey lands bought of Galfredus Pomerie for 50 marks." "Jocelin Pomerie by deed conveyed all his town of Thale to the monks of Ford. This deed was confirmed by his successor, John Pomerie. Richard I., in the 1st year of his reign, confirmed all donations made to this monastery." t Extract from the title Harberton, Castle Carberry, county Kildare, Ireland, in Sharpe's "Peerage of the British Empire.") "The Pomeroy descendants are, however, recorded in the county Devon, as late as the beginning of the 18th century ; but from a branch seat at Engsden, time of James I." (Then follow a few lines concerning the Rev. Arthur Pomeroy, founder of the Irish branch.) (From the Hartford (Conn.) Times.) "Crewkerne is a very ancient place and some camp of the Romans existed there. Coins of Trajan, Pius, Gallienus, Constantine II., one eadh were found there. A hoard of about 130 third brass' of the time of Constantine I., Lycinius and Crispus, was found there in 1872, just north of the Combe farm. These will be recognized as names of the latest and weakest Roman emperors, at the time of the Roman occupancy of England. "In the Doomsday survey of Dorsetshire there is a Ralfe de Pomereis who held the manor of Oare. in the wild northwest part of the county. Tie held it of Edric and owed twelve sheep a year for it." ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 63 (It is suggested that the committee on the English investiga- tion make diligent search for records of the families of Ralfe de Fomereis and St. Cleer Pomeroy in Dorsetshire, the county which contains the record of Eltweed Pomeroy's birth and marriage. — A. A. P.) "Alice de Vere, whom Sir Henry de Pomeroy married about 1200, was of the family of the Earl of Guisness, in Normandy, son of Aubrey, High Chamberlain for England during the reign of Henry I. His son Aubrey was the first Earl of Oxford." (From Burke's "Landed Gentry.") "Thomas Aleigli, alias Leigh, or Lee, of Weeke, St. Mary, in county Cornwall, descended from Leigh of High Leigh in the county Cheshire, and lived in the tyme of Henry VI. "Humphrey Aleigh, alias Leigh, of Leigh in Cornewall. married a dau. of Selman. "William Aleigh, alias Leigh, sonne and heire of Leigh in county Cornewall, married Mary, daughter of Andrew Pomeroy, of Newton Ferrers, county Devon, Esq. "William Leigh, of Leigh in county Cornewall, sonne and heire of Andrew Pomeroy, living A. D. 1620, married Eliza- beth, dau. of Wymond Searle of Anthonie in county Corne- wall. Their children were Tomasin, John, Andrew, Eliacon." (From "Camden Soc," vol. 69; by Larking.) "Henry de Pomerai is cited as a considerable benefactor in 1338 to the preceptory of the 'Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem,' of Treligh, Cornwall." (From "Collins' Peerage," vol. 5, p. 319.) "Sir Thomas Pomeroy of Sandridge, Devon, married Jane, daughter of Sir Piers Edgecombe." (From the introduction to Mrs. Bray's novel, "Henry de Pomeroy," London, 1846.) "When Henry VII. ascended the throne he took the Castle of Berry Pomeroy from Baron la Zouch on account of his having espoused the cause of Richard III., and bestowed it on Sir Pierre Edgecombe, who had rendered him such essential service when he was Earl of Richmond." (Sir Pierre, or Piers, Edgecombe was either the father or grandfather of Jane, whom Sir Thomas Pomeroy married, and the Dame Jane referred to in the grant of Ed. Seymour after he had acquired the Manor and Castle of Berry Pomeroy. The grant 64 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF mentioned was a tenement called Will, in Stoke Gabriel, to hold for the term of their lives. The similarity of the name "Pierre" and "Piers" causes the doubt. — A. A. P.) (See "Penny Cyclopedia/' for Berry or Bury Pomeroy. Also, see "Fraser's Magazine," Nov., 1855, "Talk on Devon Worthies.") Here is recounted the Romantic story of Henry de la Pomeroy, elsewhere cited in these pages. One extract, aliunde, we make: "In Darlington Hall the christening of the infant Lord John Holland was celebrated many years ago. On that occasion the infant noble was carried from the hall to the church in the arms of the god-mother, the Lady Pomerai, whose husband walked on one side and Sir John Durham on the other." (From Mortimer's "Berry Pomeroy Castle," Totnes, Devon.) "The ancient manor of Beri (Berry), which in the time of Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066, belonged to Alricus the Saxon, was bestowed by William the Conqueror on Ralph de Pomeroy, who had rendered him much valuable assistance in his successful invasion of this country in 1066, that he received from him no fewer than fifty-eight Lordships in Devonshire as a reward for his services. Ralph de Pomeroy then erected the celebrated stronghold that now bears the family name of Berry Pomeroy Castle." The insurrection in Devonshire was suppressed by Lord Russell, Earl of Bedford. — (See Froude, vol. 5, Hume Ch. xxxv ; vol. 3). It was directed against t'he Reformation as carried out by the Lord Protector, Somerset. — (See Tytler.) In Doyle's "Official Baronetcy," vol. 3, p. 363, it is stated that Edward Adolpnus Seymour II., who succeeded as 12th Duke of Somerset in 1855, is Earl of St. Maur of Berry Pomeroy, created in 1863. (From "Notes and Queries," 1st Series, vol. 3, p. 303, 1851, January to June. "Rev. Arthur Pomeroy, born 1623, Dean of Cork in 1672, was a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, A. B., ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 65 1660; M. A., 1664; S. T. D., 1676, and is said to have sprung from the Pomeroys of Ingeden, in Devon." — (See Lodge's "Peerage of Ireland," article, "Harberton.") (From "Notes and Queries," 3d Series, vol. 3, pp. 196 and 231 ; 1863, January to June.) "Archdeacon John Pomeroy of Cork, by will dated Sept., 1724, bequeathed £100 to a charity school and £50 in books. The library in 1863 consisted of 2,000 volumes." Moore, in his "History of Devon," states on the authority of Polwhele that Sir Thomas Pomeroy, though the principal of the rebels, found the means of making his peace, although at a great sacrifice. Sir Thomas compounded for his life by yielding up his lands and Castle of Berry to the Lord Pro- tector, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. — (See Lodge's "Peerage," also, Tyson's "Devon.") (From "Notes and Queries," 3d Series, vol. 4, pp. 128, 23S, 475; 1863, July to Dec.) It is asked, who was the father of Thomas Pomeroy, gent, of Trethynyk, St. Earney, Cornwall, who, in 1598, married Mary Geffrey, widow. It is suggested that Thomas Pomeroy of Enges(r)den was the father. The mother was a Hurgscott. "Henry de Pomeroy, Lord of the Castle of Trematon, Cornwall, by deed in 1339 (12th of Edward III.), released to Prince Edward, Duke of Cornwall, all his right, title and interest in said castle. An annuity of £40 a year was paid by the Prince." (From "Notes and Queries," 3d Series, vol, 5, p. 424; 1864, January to June.) Mention is made of Rev. Joseph Pomeroy, born 1749, Vicar of St. Kew in Cornwall, 1777, died 1837, wno prepared and placed in his churchyard his coffin some years before his death. (From page 285 "Worthies of Devon," Capt. John Davies.) "Sandridge, Devon, near Berry Pomeroy, became the inheritance of the ancient and honorable family of Berry Pomeroy, and most likely, at last, the portion of a younger son of Berry Castle, in the parish of Berry Pomeroy, about four miles from (it) ; though afterwards it yielded a strain for that ancient and noble house. For Sir Henry (John) de la 66 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Pommeraye of Berry Pomeroy, having no heirs, settled his lands (about 1404) upon Sir Thomas of Sandridge aforesaid, who had married Joan, daughter of Sir James Chudleigh, Kt., by his wife Joan Pomeroy, sister of the said Sir Henry (John). "Sandridge still remains in this honorable name, and is at this time (1701) the dwelling of Roger Pomeroy, Esq., the topmost branch of this ancient stock." ^Fragmentary (jtontaiums (From the "Worthies of Devon," p. 645.) "This family was not only very noble in its original, but in its alliances, matching once with the blood royal, and several times with the daughters of the principal peers of the realm. Here (Berry Pomeroy) this great progeny had their dwelling from the Norman Conquest to the days of King Edward VI., about 500 years." (Same, p. 647.) "This stock, though eminent on several other accounts, was for nothing more illustrious than for the works of piety it yielded, according to the devotion of those times. They endowed abbeys, monasteries, nunneries, etc." Book of Family Crests and Fairbairns' "Family Crests" contains six or more plates of Pomeroy Arms. (In "Beauties of England and Wales," vol. x, 1801, pp. 463-470, there is the history of St. Michael's Mount and its capture.) In vol. 1 it is stated that Sir Ralph de la Pomeroy was rewarded by the Conqueror with 58 lordships in Devon, and that in the reign of Edward VI., Sir Thomas Pomeroy sold the manor to Sir Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, whose descendants still hold it. Mrs. Henry Wood's novel, "Pomeroy Abbey," or under another title, "The Haunted Tower," is pure fiction and of modern date. The novel is in the Argosy, vols. 25 and 26, 1878. Sir William Pole flourished in the reign of Elizabeth and James I. ; died in 1635. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 67 (From Camden's "Britannia," (Ed. 1695) page 28.) "Just by this town (Totnes) stands Bery Pomeroy, denominated from the Pomeries, one of the noblest families in these parts, who, somewhat further to the eastward had a very neat castle, Bery Castle, a little further off from the bank. They derive their pedigree from Rudolph de Pomeray, who in William the Conqueror's time held Wich, Dunwines- don, Brawendine, Pudeford, Horewood, Toriland, Helicom and this Berie ; also Tragony in Cornwall." (From Brewers " Beauties of Ireland," vol. 2, p. 64.) "Castle Carberry is of very old date. In the early part of the 14th century it was the embattled residence of the Be(i)rminghams. In the reign of Elizabeth the castle belonged to Sir Henry Colley, or Cowley, ancestor of the Duke of Wellington, whose descendants (Colley) resided here for many generations. Mary, the daughter of Henry Colley, Esq., married, in 1747, Arthur Pomeroy, subsequently created Lord Harburton of Carberry. Newberry, the seat of Lord Harberton, is near Castle Carberry, and is a spacious and handsome residence." "Lord Harberton is Lord of the Manor of Castle Carberry and Patron of one living." — (Foster's "Pedigree," 1881.) (From Flower's "Patronymica Britannica.") "Pomeray, from Parish St. Sauveur de la Pommeraye, in Province of La Manche, in Normandy, gave name to a great family mentioned in Domesday Book, Berry Pomeroy, in Devon : Ralph de Pomerei had 58 lordships in Devon and Somerset." "The name is in Holinshed's and in Stow's "Roll of Battel Abbey," cited in 3d vol. of Fuller's "Church History." 1 From Collins' "English Peerage," vol. 5.) "The will of Sir Thomas Pomeroy*, made 27th of Henry III., died 31st of Henry III., 1247, leaves Richard, son and heir, aet. 40." "Vol. 6. The will of Th. Bridges, died 1542, left the ♦Doubtless of a younger branch of the family, for at this time Sir Henry was in possession of the Manor of Berry Pomeroy; and without doubt ancestor of Sir Thomas, who married his cousin, Joan Chidley St. Aubin Brian, granddaughter of Sir John Pomeroy of the 11th generation; and of the Dorset family. 68 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Lordship of Chudleigh Common in Devon to his son. The estate was then in possession of Sir Thomas de Pomeroy." (From "Harleian Society," vol. 6.) "Richard Pomeroy married (second) daughter of John Coke." (From Thorn's "Directory of 1885," p. 724.) "Viscount Harberton. County Kildare, 5167 acres; valuation, £3,658." (From Burke's "Peerage," p. 515.) "Rev. Arthur Pomeroy, born 1623, was in 1672 Chaplain to Capel, Earl of Essex, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, and afterward Dean of Cork. The first peer, his grandson, also Rev. Arthur Pomeroy, was made Baron Harberton of Car- berry, in 1783. and Viscount, in 1790. He married Colley of Carberry, niece of Lord Mornington." James Spencer Harberton is 6th and present Viscount, born 1836; married 1881. — (See Foster's "Peerage, etc.," 1881, for full line of Harberton.) The Harberton crest is the lion and apple. The Berry Pomeroy estate was forfeited, as some say. by the treason and execution of Sir Thomas Pomeroy, in the 1st year of Edward VI., 1547-8, and was bestowed on Lord Protector Somerset, a Seymour and Hertford. The Earl of Hertford was Edward Seymour, brother of Jane, 3d wife of Henry VIII. He was afterward Lord-Protector Somerset. His grandson married Lady Arabella Stuart. Somerset was executed in 1552. His brother, Lord High Admiral, Thomas Seymour, went to the block in 1549. The Lord Protector was ancestor of the present Duke. The Somerset estates were restored by Charles II. in 1660. Berry Pomeroy is 9 miles S. of W. from Torquay ; Stock- ley (leigh) Pomeroy is 8 miles N. of W. from Exeter. Berry Castle is a short distance east of Berry Pomeroy. (From the "Worthies of Devon," by Rev. John Prince, Vicar of Berry Pomeroy, p. 649.) "Berry Pomeroy, we are told by Sir William Pole, was sold by Sir Thomas Pomeroy to Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, who gave it to his eldest son, grandfather of Sir Edward Seymour, Bart., by whom it was possessed in his time. It still continues to be the property and occasional residence of the present Duke of Somerset. The beautifui ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 69 scenery which surrounds the ruins of the ancient Castle attracts the notice and gratifies the curiosity of every traveler of taste. "The last of this name that possessed the Castle of Berry was Sir Thomas Pomeroy, Knight, a commander in the wars under King Henry VIII., in France. How he and his posterity came to be dispossessed thereof may be inquired elsewhere." — (i. e., not in the "Worthies of Devon.") QHf* ijarbnrttut Urattrlj tit dfrflattd (Extract from the New York Herald.) "The noble house of Harburton, a branch of the ancient House of Pomeroy in Devon, was created in 1791, temp. George III. James Spencer Pomeroy, Sixth Viscount Harburton, a peer of Ireland, is the head of the race of Pomeroy in Great Britain but the old stock has a number of representatives in America. The Harburton branch has been settled in Ireland ever since Arthur Pomeroy went from his ancestral home in Devonshire to Dublin as Chaplain to the Lord Lieutenant, the Earl of Essex, in 1672, dying as Dean of Cork. Lord Harburton is connected by ties of kin- ship with the Duke of Wellington, one of his ancestors, Henry Collev, having been a brother of the 1st Duke's father, Lord Mornington. The ill-fated British General, Sir George Pomeroy Colley, who was killed at Majuba Hill in the Boer war of a quarter of a century ago, was Lord Har- burton's first cousin. Lady Harburton was a Miss Frances Legge, Malone House, county Antrim, and was of the House of Legge, of which Lord Dartmouth is the chief. In 1783 Arthur, a descendant of Chaplain Arthur Pomeroy, was ennobled with the title of Viscount, under the name of Baron Arthur Harburton of the Castle Carberry. Dying without issue, his brother, Sir John Pomeroy, a British General of the Revolution in the American Colonies, succeeded. His son Henry, who died recently, was his successor to the title." (From Burke's "Peerage.") Below is given the succession to the Harburton branch of the House of Pomeroy, an ancient and knightly family of Normandy : 70 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF i. Rev. Arthur Pomeroy, M. A., University of Cambridge. 2. Henry Pomeroy, his son. 3. Arthur James Pomeroy, successor to his brother. 4. John Pomeroy, in holy orders, who succeeded his brother. George Pomeroy, born March 1, 1764. 5. John James Pomeroy. 6. James Spencer Pomeroy, Viscount Harburton and Baron of Carberry, county Kildare, Ireland : born November 23, 1836. Pomeroy, Hon. Ernest Arthur George, oldest son of 6th Viscount Harburton, 2d Lieutenant of 20th Hussars in 1890; Captain of 3d battalion and Royal Dublin Fnsileers, 1892-95. Pomeroy, John Arthur, oldest son of Reverend and Hon. Arthur Pomeroy, and grandson of 4th Viscount Harburton, married in 1869, Louise L. J. D., daughter of Gaitride Tipping of Rossferry, county Fermaugh ; Justice of the Peace of the counties Tyrone, Fermaugh, Donegal, etc. Pomeroy, Capt. Louis Ralph Legge, second son of 6th Viscount Harburton; born 1869; Captain of 6th Dragoon Guards from 1901. Pomeroy, Hon. Esther Caroline, daughter of 5th Viscount Harburton ; born 1835. Pomeroy, Colley, Edith Althea, Lady Pomeroy Colley, daughter of Lieutenant-General H. M. Hamilton, C. B., married 1878, Major-General Sir George Pomeroy-Pomeroy Colley. Ai Urstmmster Ahbnj (From the East'hampton Daily Hampshire.) "The Abbey, as you know, contains monuments to those who have contributed to the greatness of England ; and as we look about we find a monument bearing the following inscription : "'The Honorable Henry Pomeroy, the only Son of Viscount and Viscountess Harburton, who died at Brighthelmstone, in the County of Sussex, on the Tenth day of March, 1804.' ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 71 "We reached Totnes on April 26, and the next day we spent several hours at Berry Pomeroy Castle. Ivy grows in profusion all over the Castle walls. We explored every nook and corner and there is 'but one impression, that of the grandeur and immensity of the ruins, beautiful, sad, majestic, awful ruins. We saw the dungeon where the Lady Matilda de Pomeroy is said to have been imprisoned by her sister Eleanor ; also, the spot where the last of the Pomeroys who inhabited the Castle at the time, rather than surrender to the King's troops, rode their horses over the precipice to death." — (H. B. P.) (From the Clerk of Westminster Abbey.) "The monument is of white marble. There is a shield on top, and the shield is the St. George's cross, the four quarters being charged with a lion rampant, in each supported by two wolves, but being only painted on the marble it is now much faded, so much so that one cannot now make out the crest nor supporters." "In the visitation of Devon, page 107, under the Ford family, the pedigree begins with Thomas Pomeroy, father of Sir Edward Pomeroy of Berry Pomeroy, Knight, and of John Pomeroy; the latter had a son St. Cleer Pomeroy (named after the great Sinclair family of England and Nor- mandy, known as St. Clere, in Dorset)." Into this Pomeroy family married the Fords of Ashburton, Dorset, in several different instances. From this Ford family no doubt descended the Thomas Ford of Windsor, Conn., who left a widow. Two pedigrees can be found, on the 107th page of the Ford family. The "Sinclairs of England" has also considerable to say of the Ford intermarriages into that family. 72 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF ®ljr Q'xmt-^axwttb Nam? of {tammnj (By Prof. W. P. W. Phillimore, M.A., B.L.C.) "The name of Pomeroy has long been a noted one in the West of England, that is to say, mainly in the two counties of Devon and Cornwall, which may be said to be the home of the race. To write the history of this family in a manner commensurate with its importance from the time of the. Norman Conquest down to the twentieth century would require a large volume, for they seem to have maintained a leading position in Devonshire, and sent out numerous off- shoots right into the new world. Bearing this fact in mind, and remembering that the surname of 'Pomeroy' is a dis- tinctive one, it might be thought that it would be a compar- atively simple matter to solve the problem presented to me by members of the family in America. "This in effect is to ascertain the origin and parentage of a certain Eltweed Pomeroy, who is stated to have emigrat- ed to America in the ship Mary and John, and to have landed at Dorchester in 1630. "The Pomeroys are still to be found in Devon and Cornwall, and though the name can hardly be described as a common one, still there is no doubt that they have been pretty widely spread out through the two counties, also extending into the neighboring shires. Thus our first investi- gation shows upward of forty places in Devonshire alone where people of the name have been settled, and in the local probate registry prior to 1852, there are preserved records of upward of fifty wills. These include some of the latest members of the ancient knightly family. ' 'Eltweed' Pomeroy had a son 'Eldad' Pomeroy, another remarkable christian name, which naturally attracts atten- tion. The name Eldad is associated with Devonshire, though not so far as is known at present, with any individual. A correspondent. Mr. R. F. Pomeroy, of Gloucester, England, but belonging to a Cornish family, states that a church near Plymouth, Devonshire, where he formerly lived, is known as Eldad church, and it appears to have acquired its name from being situated in a road bearing that name. "The indexes to the wills proved in the probate registry at Exeter have been searched for the period during which ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 73 we might expect to find some trace of the name of Eltweed Pomeroy. The proceedings in chancery for the reign of King James I. and Charles I. (1603-1649), have also been examined. This task is a very tedious one by reason of the character of the documents, often very long and intricate, and though it has given valuable information relative to the family generally, the enquiry proved negative so far as the name Eltweed is concerned until the church records at Crewkerne were examined by an American representative of the family, and a record of Eltweed's marriage discovered. "Other records have been examined. I may mention the Exeter marriage licenses to 163 1. Chancery proceedings temp. Elizabeth (1558-1602) ; signet bills and privy seals, 1 584-163 1 ; London marriage licenses; lists of graduates and matriculations at Oxford and Cambridge Universities ; and a mass of valuable information accumulated for future use, which must have an equal interest to the bearers of this time-honored name." (While Prof. Phillimore's report was negative and without re- sult concerning the discovery of our American emigrant, which does not matter, it contained some valuable data which has materially assisted the analyst in finding other essential information bearing upon the problem. — A. A. P.) "St. Neat Vicarage. "The registers go back to 1549. There are frequent refer- ences to the Pomeroy family who resided here at one time. Baptism of son of John Pomeroy (Richard) in 1574." (This son was probably St. Cleer, known as St. Clere in Dorset, who would be 43 years old at the time his father's will was probated. — A. A. P.) UUla of (Eotttttteutt "4 Feb., 1629. "Of Valentyne Pomeroy of Sanderidge, Devon, Esq., against Sir John Whiddon and William Whiddon his son. "Recites treaty of marriage between Valentyne Pomeroy and Margaret Whiddon, a daughter of the Sir John Whiddon of Changford, Knight. The marriage took place in April, 1628." "15 Nov., 1634. 74 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF "Of Valentyne Pomeroy of Sanderidge, Devon, Esq., against Dowing. "Relates to manorial rights of the manor of Waton, Stoke Gabriel ; mention made of Sir Thomas Pomeroy, grand- father, and Sir Edward Pomeroy, great-grandfather of Valentyne." "1595, Gloucestershire. 'The Pomeroys had Tragoney Castle, but the registers prior to 1660-1 have been destroyed or lost." "Nov., 1637. "Of Valentyne Pomeroy of Sanderidge, Devon, Esq., against Sir Richard Buller, Robert Collyn, and others. "Recites that Richard Carew of Anthony, Cornwall, Esq.. devised premises in Saltash to Arthur Pomeroy, gent., on Dec. 1, 1605 ; that Athur Pomeroy died ten years ago without issue. Alleges that said premises ought to descend to Valen- tyne Pomeroy as cousin and heir of said Arthur Pomeroy, i. e., as son and heir of Thomas Pomeroy, Esq., deceased, the brother and next heir to said Arthur." "18 Nov., 1640. "Of Valentyne Pomeroy of Sanderidge, Devon, Esq.. against George Rowe. "Recites grant by Edward, Duke of Somerset, to Sir Thomas Pomeroy and Dame Jane his wife (dau. of Sir Perse or Pierre Edgecombe), grandmother and grandfather of Valentyne Pomeroy, of a tenement called Will, in Stoke Gabriel, to hold for the term of their lives : remainder to their son Thomas (Who mar, a dau. of Henry Rolle of Stephenton) : remainder to Arthur Pomeroy, the second son; with other remainders. Thomas Pomeroy was father of Valentyne (also, of Edward)." ("Other remainders'' would imply that there were other children of Sir Thomas who were provided in this way with small holdings or tenements, and of these we find Richard and Joan. Arthur mar. and had a son Arthur, this second Arthur having no issue; Richard mar. Agnes , and had a number of children, among whom were Thomas, John, Edward and Henry, and three daughters. — A. A. P.) '27 April, 1642. "Of Valentyne Pomeroy of Sanderidge and Torrin of Stoke Gabriel, against Edward Lide, gent. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 75 "Relates to premises called Eglisford in Stoke Gabriel." (All of the tenements specified here had previously and for many years formed the patrimony of the younger sons of the house of Pomeroy. — A. A. P.) "Date torn away, B. 71. 14. "Bill of complaint of Honour Pomeroy, dau. of Edward Pomeroy of Brixham, Devon, gent. "Recites that Thomas Pomeroy of Bingley, Devon, Esq., by will dated 29, 13 James I. (1616), appointed Valentyne Pomeroy, Esq., his first son and brother of the said Edward, as his executor. Testator bequeathed debts owing him to said Honour Pomeroy. Valentyne proved the will. Mention is made of Wilmot, wife of Edward Pomeroy and mother of Honour Pomeroy. "Complainant alleges that Valentyne Pomeroy has obtained possession of clivers securities and not accounted for them." "Undated. P. 73. (Probably about 1620.) "Replication of Thomas Pomeroy, Sr., against Mary Pomeroy and Thomas Pomeroy, two of the defendants. Thomas Pomeroy, the father, is deceased; his sons were Robert, Thomas and John. John was father of the defendant." "No date. B. 158. 93. (Document much decayed.) "Bill of complaint of John Boscawen of Tregathnan, Cornwall, and John Rolle of London, gent., and John Haweis of Kelliow, Cornwall, gent. "Relates to manor of Tregoney Pomeroy; mention made of Hugh Pomeroy, Esq." "Undated. P. 12. 5. "Answer of Radford Wilde and Grace his wife to bill of Thomas Pomeroy. Grace Wilde was the widow of Robert Pomeroy. "Answer of Mary Pomeroy and Thomas Pomeroy, son of John Pomeroy. Relates to a bond affecting the three brothers, Thomas, Robert and John." 76 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF Partial Spitump of Utraragra (Rev. M. II. Froher, St. Stephens Rectory, Launceston.) "We have a tablet in our church wall recording the names of John and Mary Pomeroy, date 1630. Also an entry in the book of the burial of their daughter Mary. Also an entry of the baptism of their daughter Dorothy, 1631. Also the marriage of Elizabeth Pomeroy in 1625 to Richard Fowler. '"There is a coat of arms on the Pomeroy tablet. John Pomeroy is styled 'gent.' " (Rev. W. Symonds of Forcester, Gloucestershire.) "The Pomeroys had Tragoney Castle, but the Tragoney registers prior to 1660-1 have been destroyed or lost." (Sir John MacLean of Clifton, Bristol, a well-known Cornish antiquary, writes :) "I have a very large number of extracts from Parish Registers in Devon and Cornwall relating to the name of Pomery and Pomeroy, including other documents. I have looked through my indices and have not found in any instance the christian name of Eltweed, Elwood. Eldad, or even Edward. "The registers of St. Neot, Cornwall, contain a great many entries of the name extending from 1545 downwards. Fowey also contains many entries and it occurs also in many other parishes." (Rev. H. L. Ventris, St. Colomb Rectory, Cornwall.) "The name Pomeroy occurs 47 times in our register. I have looked on the original register of baptisms from 1590 to 1630 but cannot find the christian name you are in search of." Mfllfe tljr Barrinr ano Sllfofpu % miiIj (By Dr. Hiram S. Pomeroy, written from Hotel Seymour, Totnes, England, 1907.) "The fact that Eltweed Pomeroy was a gun-smith proves absolutely nothing relative to his not being of descent from Rolfe de Pomeroy the warrior. In my studies and research I have found that it is one of the universal certainties for members of an ancient and knightly family, noble and even royal, to be submerged in the masses. This is true in ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 77 many cases where there is no special reason for it other than the inexorable law of Dame Nature, that the masses must acquire numbers. But in the case at issue there were special and good reasons for it, namely : That the property of the family was confiscated by the Crown and bestowed on the Seymours ; and that the rank of peer of the realm was annulled by the Parliament. * Sir Thomas de Pomeroy stood by his faith, partly at least, because he very justly believed that justice and fair play to the com- moners was on that side as against the other, which was serving the ends of personal ambition and private greed. "We should be proud of Sir Thomas de Pomeroy, and glad that he took just the stand he did. In his time and place we would doubtless have done the same. But such action is expensive. The most expensive luxury one can purchase without loss of self-respect, is that of being right rather than to be with the King.. His poor neighbors and tenants whom he had tried to aid and defend were now helpless; nay, many of them maimed or dead; others in prison; some of them condemned to death. All this brings up a picture which I think has occurred to few of us, yet it is a true and just definition of Avhat actually happened to him and his. Would it then be any wonder if one of his grandsons or great-grandsons, or one of his nephews or grand-nephews became a good gun-smith? "Many a descendant of even a prouder house than ours has come to a less honorable career, and besides has had behind less than a tithe of the character and social position which our Eltweed possessed. I have studied the matter long and carefully in regard to 'internal evidence' and feel practically certain that Eltweed was a descendant of Rolfe. If you cannot feel that this is consistent, meditate on the humble beginnings of many of the forbears of the most noble families, and if that does not convince you turn to the hosts of their unworthy and obscure descendants. "In truth, it is not a matter of ancient warrior or of more modern gun-smith, the noble man is a product of character and war, self-respect in every-day life and gallantry in battle, and the wholesome pride that is born of either or both. It is a matter of sensitive regard for the things of human weal, which make for the harmony of this universe as the Creator 78 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF intended it should. It is a matter of the manhood that spells out duty to his fellow man, so that it shall be the result of mental and physical courage ; without fear to move a step ahead of his place and time ; to take that step, and with it the penalties and pains, which are always the heritage of the one who dares to lead. Such an one was our grandfather, such an one was our father, but above all and before all such an one our progenitor in America, in 1630, Eltweed Pomeroy." iEUhtwd :|totttpr0y tl|r Emigrant It is not necessary to assert that the force of character demonstrated by the men of the Pomeroy race in England has not deteriorated in any appreciable measure among the men who bear that name in America. Eltweed Pomeroy, the American emigrant, who came over in the ship "Mary and John,'' Capt. Squibb, in March, 1630, brought with him a wife and son Eldad. An impression has prevailed for many years that he was accompanied by one or more brothers ; that is not the case, however. When the initial action was taken to establish a town government in this country, Eltweed readily demonstrated the fact that he had been a man of affairs and that he was familiar with business methods, and at once took a leading place in the community at Dorchester, where the first town gov- ernment was organized. He was one of the proprietors in that plantation and had been chosen as chairman of the board of Selectmen, comprised of 12 of the more notable men in the little colony of what is now known as the Dorchester District of Boston. This town government was organized in August, 1633, and the first town meeting in the United States was held at the junction of Cottage and Pond streets, in that town, over which Eltweed Pomeroy presided, by virtue of his office as first selectman. In those days the governor of a colony or community had no more power than a selectman, but was of equal influence. It is also held with justice that this community over which Eltweed Pomeroy presided as chairman nf the board of selectmen established the first free public school in the ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 79 country, although this school was in part endowed by the proprietors of Thompson's Island. However, Dorchester more completely supported its public schools in 1639 by general taxation than Boston does now. The congregation of the first church of the Dorchester (Mass.) colony held its initial service in June, 1630. The meeting house was on the corner of what is now East Cottage and Pleasant streets, Boston. It was built of logs, surrounded by palisades, and had a thatched roof; and a sentinel was kept on guard, so that it served as a place of refuge and defense against the Indians. On the first day of the week the colony held its meetings as a church ; on the second day of the week the town meetings were held. An extract from the "Outlook" (New York) says: "This Dorchester town meeting, the first in America, was the model of all the town meetings in New England, and the germ of our American commonwealths. Near by was soon established the first free school supported by general taxation in America." It can therefore readily be believed that Eltweed Pomeroy was a man of large influence in this new environment, and believed in fostering all enterprises tending to educate and elevate the colony. Authorities differ concerning the year Eltweed Pomeroy and a number of the colonists of Dorchester moved with their minister, the Rev. Mr. Wareham, to Windsor, on the Con- necticut river. It is probable, however, that it was in 1636 that the migration took place, and the records contrm grants of land in that town in his favor in 1640. When Eltweed Pomeroy and his companions of the colony of Dorchester moved their effects to Windsor, they carried along the records of Dorchester, which they had prepared up to that date. Eltweed's name appears in the list of the proprietors of Windsor, but the first record of lands was not made until 1640. In 1644 he, as an experienced man, was appointed by order of the court, an inspector of linen and woolen yarn. 80 ROMANCE AND HISTORY OF iExirarta from % IjtBtonj of lorrifeBtf r (From the Dorchester Town Records.) "An agreement by the whole consent and vote of the Plantation, made Monday, 8th day of October, 1633 : "Imprimus, it is ordered for the general good and well ordering of the affairs of the Plantation, there shall be every Monday before the Court by eight of the clock in the morn- ing; and be present upon the beating of the drum, a general meeting of the inhabitants of the Plantation, at the Meeting House, there to settle and set down such orders as may tend to the general good as aforesaid ; and every man to be bound thereby without gainsaying or resistance. It is also agreed that there shall be twelve men selected out of the company that may, or the greatest part of them, meet as aforesaid to determine as aforesaid, yet so as it is desired that the most of the Plantation will keep the meeting constantly, and all that are there although none of the twelve shall have a freer voice as any of the twelve, and that the greater vote, both of the twelve and the other, shall be of force and efficacy as aforesaid. "And it is likewise ordered that all things concluded as aforesaid shall stand in force and be obeyed until the next monthly meeting, and afterwards if it be not contradicted and otherwise ordered upon the said monthly meeting by the greatest number of those that are present as aforesaid. More- over, because the Court in in vacancy of this said meeting, to continue till the first Monday in the month. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Eltweed Pomeroy, Mr. Richards, John Pierce, George Hull, William Phelps, Thom. Ford. ELTWEED POMEROY'S ANCESTORS 81 "The proportion which each man is to have of the Town's pasture and other lands accordingly to the same rule for division, for every one on this side of the river "The Maps of the Meadows beyond Naponset River ....85. Eltweed Pomeroy, Ca. Eltweed Pomeroy, Proprietor in 1633 and first Selectman, removed to Windsor. Extract from New England Historical and Genealogical Register published by Xew England Historical and Genealog- ical Society, 1889: "ELTWEED — Ancestor of the American Pomeroys came to this country from Devonshire, England, in 1630. Was in Dorchester, Mass., from 1633 to 1635. In Dorchester he was called Eltwid. In Northampton, Eltwed Pumry. "He removed to Windsor, Conn., about 1635 or lo 36- His first wife died in Windsor, Conn., July 5, 1635. Name not ascertained. "Second wife was Lydia, widow oi Thomas Parsons." "CHILDREN — Mary, died in Windsor. Dec. 19, 1640. John, died in Windsor, (?) 1647. Eldad, died in Northampton, Mass., May 22, 1662. He gave his property (which was of small amount) to his betrothed, Susanna Cunlifte. Her parents were from Dorchester. Aledad. baptized Aug. 19, 1638. Caleb, baptized Alar., 1641, Alarried Heph- sibah Baker of Windsor (his descendants were numerous, many settled in Southampton). Alary 2d, baptized April 21, 1644, died young. Joshua, baptized Nov. 22, 1646, married 1st Elizabeth Lyman, 2d Abigail Cook. (He moved to Deerfield, Mass., [684.) Joseph, baptized June 20. [652. "Eltweed Pomeroy was brought from Windsor, Conn., to Northampton about 1670 or 1671 to be cared for in his old age by bis son Dean (Deacon) Medad. He died in 1073." errata: Page 14, 4th paragraph, 1st line, for gr-gr-grand father read grea t -grand father. Page 14, 4th paragraph, 4th line, for Sir John read Sir Henry. Page 14, 4th paragraph, 4th line, for 11th generation read loth. Page 30, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line, for Sir John read Sir Henry. Page 31, next to last paragraph, for Sir John read Sir Henry. ^ , , a ' LBFe '10 Soman™ ana tSjtHtanj of Attrestara * * 3n Nnrmanoo, ano fEnnlano c,