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"> V ^o yf s ,\ A- ^. !-■ ^i-'-r-x V ^C V^ ■"■-*\' "-y ■-. -■ " '' ^^ * 3 ^ .. 5 • • / -^ o " o ■-'^-' - , .f^ >^>rf,'„ .-^ O * o „ o ' O * ■'■■ : GEN. JACKSON'S JSTEGRO SPECULATIONS, ASH HI9 TRAFFIC IN HUMAN FLESS, EXAMINED AND ESTABLISHED BY POSITIVE PROOF. %'•) ^^ GEN. JACKSON'S rraflfjc in human flesh seems now to be generally condemned by •all the civilized nations under the sun. The slave trade, though not entirely suppressed, is denounced under heavy penalties by most of the christian powers of the world, and its crying Injustice acknowledged by all. The buying, selling and transferring slaves as merchandize, from one state of this union to another, is pro» hibtted under severe penalties by many of ths slave states, while the practice, even where toleriited by law, is becoming exceedingly odious. The humane slave holder in those states where this spe- cies of servitude is recognized under the constitution detests it as cruel and subversive of the dearest ties of domestic affection : but the non slave holder of the free states, condemns it, as war with human rights, republican principles, and every feeling of the human heart. What then shall we say of those who follow this ignoble traffic ? Are not private citizens, lo say the least, liable to the reproach of all good society and of christians, who are giiilly of this odious prac- tice ? Such we find to be the light in which those who are termed " negro buyers,'''' and " negro sellers,^'' are viewed. If citizens m the private walks of life are obnoxious to censure on this account, what should be the measure of disapprobation of such conduct in those who aspire to high trusts and exalted stations in the govern- ment. Generally, what may pass only as a reproach on a private citizen, operates in the minds of a virtuous community and a free people, as a total disqualification and unfitness for office. We have been led to these preliminary remarks by a circam- stance growing out of the pending presidential election. General Jackson has set up extraordinary claims to the president cy ; is a prominent candidate — and stands charged with being guilty of the odious practice of " negro trading,''^ and '■'■trafficking in hu' man flesh.'^ This charge, if true, we think, ought forever to si- lence his claim and pretensions to that high office. This, of itself, (if there were not a hundred other good reasons why he ought not to be president) should be deemed and taken as conclusive against him by the free citizens of America. That this chargeis true, we verily believe and aver, and offer the following proof to establish its truth i When the subject of General Jackson's " negro trading'^ was first mentioned, it was stated there existed a written agreement in the General's own hand writing, in his bank book, which had been lying in the Nashville Bank for years, which shewed a partnership for the purchase and sale of negroes between him and Messrs^ Coleman and Green. After the bank book was referred ig as con- taining the celebrated instrument of writing. General Jackson had it withdrawn from bank and deposited in the hands of the Editor of the Nashville Republican, a paper exclusively devoted to his cause. The Editor came out with a statement attempting to palliate, and, in some respect, to deny the charge as made against his patron j and censuring the bank officers for having let the bank book be seen. W. Tannehill, Esq. Cashier, and a gentleman of the first standingj made the following statement in the " National jBanner" of the 15th of July last ; <' During the last year, a charge of 'negro trading was preferreJ against Geo. Jackson in one of the Kentu ky |)apers. This charge, the editors of the republican, in their usual temperate style p«o nouiiced an infamous falsehood. A few days subsequent to this de- nial, I was informed by a gentleman of this place of some circum Stances which tended to establish the fact, and a short time after whilst looking over some old bank books, which had been lying ir the Nashville bank almost unnoticed for twelve or fifteen years, 1 laid my hands on one belonging to Gen. Jackson, in which his ac- count with the bank had been made up and settled, and which hac been lelt there before I went into the bank. 1 am not aware tha it was left in bank under any other than ordinary circumstances that is, for settlement, and after being written up was never calle( for. In the first page of this book was a memorandum of the char acter alluded to in the Republican, the tenor of which satisfied mi of the fact, that the General was concerned with Coleman am Green in trading in negroes. This memorandum 1 did " exhibit' to dve or six persons, amongst whom was a firm and decided friem of Gen. Jackson. The exhibition of this paper or memorandun was not made with any design of injuring Gen. Jackson in publl estimation, or of producing any effect whatever on the approach ing election ; but for the purpose of showing to those few indivi duals that the editors of the Republican, in their great zeal toserv their friend and patron, had been too hasty in their denial, and th£ there were some grounds at least for the charge. If I had intendec (as charged by the Republican) to have used this memorandum t the prejudice of the General, why did I show it to one of his pai ticular friends ? to one with whom he had freely conversed, a shoi time before, on the subject of this very charge against him of negr trading ? Why did I not furnish it in reply to various letters whic had been written me from other states, asking for information o this subject ?" Dr. Boyd McJVairy, President of the bank, also made a slatemei in the same paper, in reply to the imputations of the Republicai that he had improperly exhibited Gen. Jackson's Bank book t public view. The following extract will shew the nature of Jacl son's palliation or defence against this charge : " You have been charged — but not by me, for I expressly dis! vow any agency in the matter — with having been engaged, in on or more instances, in NEGRO TRADING — with having employe your capital and credit in the purchase and sale of slaves, for tl sakf of pecuniary profit. Is this charge true, or is it not? If be true, why do you not magnanimously and heroically admit i and defend yourself upon the ground, that the habits prevalent the country and the peculiar state of our society, in a coramunit where slavery unfortunately exists, justified such speculations But I have already said that you are responsible for the statemen of fact contained in the article in the Republican of the 11th ins and permit me \n tell you, that it was indeed an evil hour for yo when you suffered it to be sent forth frem your official press.- •ii ■5 'ion have there admitted too much, and yet you presumed too much upon 'he supposed " profound ignoranee'" of your accusers, 'ind the imagined weakness of their proofs. Before you venture again to make a public statement on the subject, 1 advise you carefully to review all those books and papers, which you have now so snuj^ly concealed, but the contents of which m^iy, perhaps, at some future day, be made to rise up in judgment against you. But I repeat it, you have admitted too much, and I now quote a sentence from thiSy your labored defence, as most conclusive against you. 'On the 18th May, 1811, Joseph Coleman, Horace Green and Andrew Jackson entered into articles of agreea>ent with R. Epper- son for the purchase of a number of negroes. The terms of pay^ ment were, $'^,050 in hand, ^4000 at the expiration of six, and <^4,000 more at the expiration of twelve months. — For the payment of the two lasr mentioned sums, Coleman, Green, and Jackson, were to give their bills on a bouse in Philadelphia, and for further securi- ty in case the bills were dishonored, they gave their notes for sim- ilar sums, payable in the Bank of Nashville. These are the pro- visions of the contract, on which the charge of negro trading has been preferred against Gen. Jackson.' " Here, sir, is your own confession, and what more is required to fix upon you conclusively the correctness of the charge ? It is no longer necessary to search for old bank books, or papers, or secret memoranda. Here is your own statement published to the world, and founded on a copy of the original agreement, deposited with your printer?. You did then, in company with two other persons, enter into a written agreement for the purchase of negroes, amount- ing to ^10,050, and you gave your notes and drew your bills — in the name of the firm I suppose, " Coleman, Green, and Jackson" — for the payment of the purchase money. It is not pretended that these negroes were bought for the permanent use of either of the partners. Neither yourself, nor Coleman, nor Green, intended to keep them. The avowed object of the purchase was a sale for profit. Here then the matter is at rest. You were, according to your own admission, concerned in negro trading. You were a partner to a contract — a deliberate written contract, — for the pur- chase of negroes nmounting to ^10,050, which negroes were bought solely for the purpose of being sold again for the sake of profit. It surely then is not necessary to argue further on this subject, nor to search among old rubbish for private papers to prove the charge. You have yourself publicly admitted it. I am not about to enquire into the degree of criminality or impropriety, if any, attendant on such a transaction. The fact is all I have now to do with. Whether it be right or wrong to deal in human flesh with a view to gain, to buy up and transport to a distant market, like so many cattle, unfor- tunate fellow creatures, wbo happen to be of a different color trom ourselves, is a question which 1 leave for every man to settle for himself. But that you, Andrew Jackson, were once a partner to a speculation of that kind, cannot now be denied, for it has beeni admitted by yourself, and is proved by the written contract deposit- ed by yoa in the hands of your printers. " But ni« *HU said, you were not a principal in tlie speculation-— you were only a security. I will presently examine the strength of this amusing and shallow apology ; but I must, in the first place, express my admiration of the conclusive and able argument by wh'ch it is attempted to establish the fuel of your securityship from the contract itself. The following is an extract from your defence : ' The very face of the agreement indeed, would be sufficient to convince a man of business of this fact. Gen Jackson was known to be a man of property and credit. Green was a young man just commencing business, without fortune, and Coleman's circumstan- ces any thing but flourishing. If then it had been the understanding of the parties, that Gen. Jackson vvas a principal in the transaction, wo.ild not his name have been putjirst in the contract ? Would it not have been Jackson, Coleman, and Green, instead of Colemnn, Gi t-eo, and Jackson ? This consideration of itself is sufficient to rebut the supposition, that he was a principal in the transjction.' " Whether this argument were original with your amanuensis, or were suggested by yourself or some of your council of war, I can- not say ; but it is a specimen of logic worthy the brain of a profound attorney at law, a judge of the supreme court, senator in congress, and aspirant to the presidency! The man, whose name is placed l^st in the style of a firm, if he happens to possess more capital or credit than the others, is to be regarded as security and not as a partner ! ! It would be difficult, 1 imagme, according to this rule, to determine whether the 'junior editor,' so called, in your print- ing establishment, is really a partner or only a security. Which of the ostensible members of that firm has the largest amount, either of capital or credit, I at least, am unable to decide. But who does not fee! the full force of the argument contained in the above ex- tract ? ' Gen Jackson was known to be a man of property and credit. Green was a young man just commencing business, without fortune, and Coleman's circumstances any thing but flourishing ;' therefore, it most conclusively and irresistibly follows, that the two last, without money and "without credit, were the principals in the transaction, and that the tormer was involving himself — assuming responsibilities, and running risks, without the slightest chance or hope of profit, merely as security to the triffiing amount of ^ It, 000, for a young man 'just commencing business, without fortune,' and for a man whose 'circumstances were any thing but flourishing! ! !' The irresistible force of this reasoning will not surely be denied by any Jacksonite in the land." But it remained for Col. Andrew Erwin, of Bedford County, Tennessee, who had also been defending himself against some vio- lent personal attacks, made from two of Gen. Jackson's presses, to probe the subject of negro speculations to the bottom, and exhibit full proof of the truth of the icharge. The facts and proof con- tained in bis address to Gen. Jackson, have never been refuted, or denied. It may be found in the National Banner of August 1st, last, and republished throughout the cnion. COLONEL ERWIN'S ADDRESS To Gen. Jindrew Jackson. Sir : I have remained silent for some lime, in order to aft'ord you an ample opporlunity to display your boasted candor and Scorn for concealment, by coming out in your own name, with a full statement of facts in r«>lation to your negro speculations. You have not done so, but have furnished such of your private papers as suited your purpose to the printers of your favorite newspaper, and have per- Hiitted to go forth, in that paper, uncontradicted, statements, pro- fessedly founded on competent authority, not only of your actions, but ot your intentions and desires in relation to your dealing in slaves. You have justly been held responsible for those statements, inasmuch as they were clearly intended to be regarded by the community as your own representation of the case ; and indeed, the information could not have been derived from any other source but yourself. You cannot now shrink from this responsibility, because, although it is not supposed that you wrote the articles in question, it is clear you must have furnished the statements therein contained, and by permitting them to pass uncontradicted, you have given them the sanction of your approbation. To suffer them to go forth through the official organ of your party as your defence and to remain sub silentia, while you know them to contain palpable falsehoods, would be an act of imposition on the public, as gross and as outrageous as if they had b»3n issued under your own signature. I shall continue to regard them therefore, as com* ing from yourself, and shall use them accordingly. You know, Sir, that I have not come forward as your voluntary and unprovoked accuser. If your too-ready vindicators had permitted me to re- main unmolested, I should have pursued my ordinary avocation on the farm on which I reside in Bedford county, without interfering with you or your ambitious projects ; but i was called forth by a slanderous attack upon my own character, and in selt-vindication, I felt it due to myself to throw back in the teeth of my accusers the charge of negro trading as applicable to you, their leader and idol. As an excuse for attacking me, it was falsely asserted that l.was the writer of the numbers signed '■A Tennessean,^^ published, so much to your annoyance, in the Kentucky Reporter, That matter is effectually put at rest, the real author is known, and has received as the reward of his presumption, not only the growlinj^ of the ' sick lion,' and the ' indignant flashing of his eye,'' but the inefficient ravings of his Jackalls, and the still more serioua assaults of his subservient bullies. It seems. Sir, from this scandalous outrage, that if your are muzzled and pinioned down by the strong arm of public opinion, your followers, who partake of the spirit so well described by your friend Col. Benton, are not restrained by the same power, but are perhaps too ready to resert to the pass- a ports by which you resolved to secure a free passage by the agency bouse of Col, Diasmore for yourselt and yovr negroes. Whether this is a specimen of what the people of this nation must expect from your elevation to the presidency, I leave to the people themselves, after viewing all the outrages on personal liber- ty and safety committed by yourself and your followers, impartiall}' to decide As it respects the slander upon my character, founded on Mr. Wirt's one-sided report, I have only now to say, that it is completely refuted, by the certificates given in 1824, by the Jury and Bar at Milledgevilie, Georgia, who heard all the evidence and arguments in court, in refutation to the facts referred to in that re- port. They thoroughly understood the whole matter, and have given an impartial opinion, whereas, Mr Wirt's report was found- ed on ex parte statements, procured by my bitter political enemies, E;iton, Calhoun, and Clarke, and was called up nearly two years after all the ostensible objects of government had been accomplished (by the removal of General Mitchell,) tor the purpose, as I be- lieve, of using it as an electioneering engine against me in this state. 1 ask only a candid perusal of the statement furnished by me to the B-dtimore Marylaoder, and republished, at my request, in the Nashville Whig and Banner of the 20th July, in order to satisfy every impartial mind of my complete vindication against those ma- lignant, unfounded charges of my enemies, around which they have rallied for several years, with yeur approbation and advice, as I verily believe. I am warranted in saying so, from the free use made of it in the press of your for{j.er partner and then devoted friend and agent, P. H. Darby, when I was a candidate, with fair prospects of success — for Congress. The free circulation your influence then gave tliiis unfounded and malignant charge, caused me to loose my elections in 1823 and 1825, and I verily believe yo'ir minions circulated and vouched for its truth throughout the disirict on both occasions. And now. Sir, it remains for me to redeem the pledge I have- given to the public, to prove you a negro trader, if you dared to deny it. I consider the publications of the 30th May and 11th July^ in the Republican, as intended to be a flat denial on your part, of the. ctinrge, particularly the latter publication— -and both evidently by your authority. It is manifest indeed you do not wish it to be be- lieved. It has been pronounced by your supporters a calumny seriously implicating your character, and has even been called by your printers, under the impulse of a too hasty zeal, "an infamo^fc falsehood." Yet when a statement is made by those same printers, on your own authority, of the circumstances of one transaction of the kind, enough — more than enough, is admitted, completely to sustain the charge. This has been already shewn in the very con- clusive and unanswerable letter of Dr M'Nairy, which neither you nor any of your partizans have even attempted to controvert. It is remarkable, however, that you did not contrive a story in the first instance, which you and your friends could steadily adhere to. On the contrary, we find your newspaper giving one account on Jhe 30ih of May, and quite a different one on the Uth of July. Besides other material variations, it will be seen that the former represents the amount of the first payment at ^2000, while the latter fixes it at ,^2030. Yet great exultation is expressed, on the presumption of the minute accuracy of the latter statement, in the idea that the i3um of j^929 45 is not a proportional part of ^2050, and consequently could not have been your share of the first pay- ment to Epperson. But before I proceed with any further com- ments on your own admission, I will lay before you and the public, a little evidence on the subject, derived from another source. A purchase of negroes is acknowledged to have been made, in 1811, by the firm of Coleman Green and Jackson. The members of this firm were. Jos. Coleman, Horace Green, and yourself I will. In the first place, present you with the statement of your partner, Mr. Horace Green, who, you know, was in Nashville a few days ^ince, and was seen and conversed with by a number of your warm- est partizans- Why they did not procure from him an account of the tx'ansaction, will be readily seen on the perusal of the following letter ; Nashville, 13th July, 1828. Sir : Your note, inquiring of me information in relation to some aegroes in which Gen. Jackson was concerned, I have received; Tj give a correct view of the transaction, as I understood it, I must connect it with another. In the latter part of the year 1810, Capt. Joseph Coleman proposed to me to join him in the purchase of some cotton and tobacco of a Mr. Bennet Smith, to which I as- sented. He stated to me that Mr. Smith would require security^ which he would procure. Some short time after this understand- ing with Capt. Coleman, he informed me that Mr. Smith would take no other security than Gen. Jackson, and that Gen. Jackson would be such, but that he must be placed in ike light of a PARTNER, in order that he might have a controUmg power if he thought it necessary. The cotton and tobacco were accordingly purchased, and taken by me to New-Orleans. I placed them in the hands of Gray and Taylor, then commission merchants of that place, for sale, as the property of Coleman, Green, k. Jackson. The article of cot- ton being somewhat depressed at the time, I was advised by them to ship it round to Philadelphia. I left it with them, and instructed them to do so for our benefit, and returned to this place. After my return in May, 1811, we purchased a number of ne- groes of Mr. Apperson, for which we were to pay a part in hand — I paid one third, and understood the balance was paid by Captain Coleman and Gen. Jackson. The negroes were taken by me to Natchez/or sale, and a part of them .sold. In the month of De- cember (I think) of the same year, I received letters from Gen. Jackson, (which letters are at this time mislaid,) advising me he had purchased out Capt. Coleman in both these transactions, and offering to sell out to me at cost by securing him, or to buy me out, and re- fund to me the advances which I had made. I thought proper to sel!.—- la relation to the purchase of the negroes, although I bad no ^aderstaoding to the effect from either Capt. Coleman of Gen. 10 Jackson, I thought >t probable he stood in the savie situation as Id the purchase of the cotton and tobacco, from the circumstance, as 1 then believed, it was his credit that had enabled us to make the purchase. < apt. Coleman made the negociation, and I made the selection. The negroes were, at the time of the transaction, at Capt Coleman's plantation, near this place, and I do not now re- collect that he saw them before they descended the nver. I am, respectfully. ^' GREEN. It seems then from this statement, that a partnership was formed in the year 1810 between yourself, Joseph Coleman, and Horace Green. You were applied to, in the first place, it is true, to be- come a security, but you insisted on being placed in the light of a partner. A firm was therefore constituted under the style of "Coleman, Green, and Jackson;" and in the spring of 1811. a purchase was made by the firm with your assent, (for your print- ers admit that the contract with Epperson was signed by yourself, as well as by the other partners) for the purchase of negroes to the amount of ten thousand dollars. One third of that portion of the purchase money which was required in advance, Mr Green ex- pressly tells us, was paid by him, and the other two thirds, he un- derstood, were paid by Capt. Coleman and Gen. Jackson. Now, Sir, let us see what you yourself any, as to the payment of the^-e two thirds.— The following is an exact copy of a memorandum, in your own hand writing, which, in connexion with the above state- ment of Mr. Green, leaves no room for the slightest doubt, as to t)ie nature of this transaction. , rt.- u "A. Jackson amount o[ proportion of cash for negroes bot. ot Rich- ard Epperson, $929 45. J. Coleman is to pay the note in Bank for interest on purchase of cotton from B. Smith, for $613 39, and the sum of $191, which he is to pay, and the sum of $125 for boat makes up his proportion. A. Jackson has paid for Keelboat $50. To Capt, Wetherall discount, this 20lh JVov. 1811, on the bill remitted W. Jackson & Co. on James Jackson & Co. $14 51 ; and also $16 on note endorsed by J. H. Smith— JVo'^pl7JtZ\^/"VrT"°''- "' •'"" '" th»l llie 4929 46 -Moken . f T L ' '""' ''"'" '» ". indeed to E,,pe,.l, migh, Ce been /y°" !o ,cU ihe negroes a,cel^!!i j expenses atlend,„K the aifeLt ^n,.gh,hact: Mi^erbTe'tltlt" S'L^r/'S^'"-^-^^^ foil well was paid by vo.i to F, ' -u '''"^^''^ ^'r, jou know leged date of tL con^ra'cr^Mfc rh"a;e ofTh '''' ''''' ''' «'" above memorandum conclosiv.l/shows Unt cl/' "'^''"''' ^"^ ^^^^ sum almost prec^elv eaual R m ^«'eman was to pay q .S«1.3 39, ,91 33, Hrfd'fs wehl: he"''"='''''i:^ three L^m' 's 27 cen(s more than the .^,n ,' d h ''^"^""" /^ ^^29 72, which Pa.d a similar amount , and' e e t T^^^ ^''■^^" ''^e^vise ^^Td, and that the ba lanre ^ 1^. ^'^'"f ''^ ^^'''^ ^^ P^i'l one Coleman, and Gen. Jacton ""'^^^^•ood, was paid b^. Capt. -'^penses attending the tran Z 't " " ^^P'^'""' ''"^ ^'^« «""dry P'ovi«ions, &c. ; !nd this ?s the 17; orol T/'^' P""""^^^^ «''^ ^oal; 'nemorandum, that ^1«5 offhp Probable, as ,t is stated in the f>oat. But it is unnlcCrv foVrr' ^"1 '^ ^'^'^•"^»"' -^« ^or , tails of these tran.act.on' ^it is eno ^^'if "^^^^^^^bout the de! established as a we.rJrarfJnnf^^ '^''.^*'" ''''« conclusively b ridiculous, but ^s^^ ;at:;r thVtr;:?,t ^'^^ '^^^ '^ p-^-*- although nothing special was s^id abo'^Mh '"'."' ^"'"'' ^'■'"' ^«^« ^ha py uMhe negro VecXro't'cot^:^^^^^^^ 3ame situation as in the purchase ofnl.;* ^ " f '^""^'"S "*" the verv obnous reason, th'a ^t .^ec^ ^^S Tu' f '"'°'" ^^^ '"^^ purchase ; and he might have added the .tm ^^^ ^'7^ '° '^^^^ ^he Stances, that you signed the contrac a. ! T^ conclusive circum- dov^n in cash 'one third part oi the amount ^' """' -""^ "^^*"^">^ P^'«J 19 perfectly ridiculous, indeed IAZZ' '"^"""' '" advance/ ft ot .his transaction by ;epre!en;in, ' '''^^'''*' "'^^' '^^ °'^'"^ principal. You paij yo^n oney rlsTj "' ' ^'7"^^ ^"^ '^^t « * name to a contract, drew bilTs I^'p nt'"^ ^'"" ^'•^^"' signed your "'ards purchased out th^m erest of vo '' T'^ '^'''^'' ^"'^ ^'ter- ^'ole owner, went to the bl^r coun^rv"' ^fl"T' ^'''"^^ y^^^'^^^ to sell them to advantage Z bJoS'n . f'!!^ y««rself unable speculation back with /ou passedThf r^^'V^ '^^ «^J^*^*^ «^ yo"r and afterwards, no dou^t ^is^poLif th. '"'' '^"''^^ '" *^"^^P^ admit you sold the greater pa," of thin/" ''°'' "''''' *''^- ^^ y*'" ry to .ay you were not a vo£ iry tent'in H " T ''"" ' P"'^"' 't- were a security forsooth In ^K f '"those transactions ? You «o improbable'a d abslrd Not'bvv f" r'^'T ^'^ P^«^«« thmg concerned in the /ra Ja,'l„ h1 .V "' ^^V^"^'.^*^^ ^^^ ^'^^^If <="nt^, aud insisted on bein.' . ul:2lT f^"^ '^ ^« « -"^^e se- on nein^ a paiiner! !-~tfaat year credit enabled 1^ the Jirm to muke the purchase, and that he understood, you advanced your proportion (one third) of the purchase money. How then do you attempt to prove your ridiculous tale ? The only particle of proof offered bv you, is an alleged copy of a ineinorunduin of your own, by contradicting all your other memoranda, and exhibited only to a few of your chosen confidants. If y.^u are so ready to refer to a part of ynur documents, why are you not equally ready to expose them all ? Wl>y have you not candidly exhibited all your books and papers, which c.'onot fail to discover how the transaction really was, and boldly called upon friend or foe to come forward and examine them 1 VVe should then see -when the payment was made to Epper- son, which, I assert, was three days after thp alleged date of your agreement. On the contrary you have hurried all your documents away to your private desk, where they remain carefully concealed ; and in the vain hope of preventing the production of evidence, you have taught your printers not only to hint "at the indignant flushing of your eye,''"' but to attempt to intimidate peaceable citizens by threats, on their part promptly to assail the private character of any man, who shall dare to give testimony untavorable to you. What confidence then, under such circumstances, can be reposed in this alleged memorandum, on the back of your agreement ? — Does it n»t rather create suspicions of something worse than has hitherto been discovered. But sir, without dwelling longer on this point, I will call your attention, and that of the American people, to the following letter from a gentleman whose high standing is well known to the citizens of Tennessee — a gentleman not only above reproach in pri- vate life, but distinguished for his public services in the legislature of the state, and the congress of the nation. ,, , - , „ . LocEELAND, Jane 14, 1828. Col. Andrexv Jbrzoin — Sir : In answer to your letter, addressed to me, of the 26tb ult. making inquiry relative to what knowledge I have respecting Gen. Andrew Jackson's buying and selling negroes for profit, and his bringing negroes from Natchez — in the year 1811 or 12, I under- stood that a Mr. Horace Green, took from Nashville a number of negroes to Natchez, for sale, and that those negroes were the pro- perty of the late Joseph Coleman, of Nashville, Gen. A. Jackson, and said Horace Green, (yet I do not know this of my own knowledge.) Some time after, / /icarc/ Gen. Andrew Jackson say he went to Nat- chez, or somewhere in that country, and had brought said negroes back to Tennessee ; and about that time, a Mr. Dinsmore, the United States agent for the Choctaw nation of Indians, was in the habit of stopping all persons travelling through said nation with a negro or negroes, who had not a passport. The General observed, that he had taken no passport, and on the morning he was to pass the agency, that/ie armed two of his most resolute negro men, and put them in front of his negroes, and gave them orders to FIGHT THEIR WAY, if necessary. He further observed, that a friend had put into his hand, the night before, or that morniDg, a good rifle ; that when he came oppositf: 13 to the agency, he directed his negroes to go on to a branch, and eat their bieakfast,— thai he rode up to the agencj, where he saw se- veral Indian countrymen, inquired of them for Mr Dinsmore. who informed him Mr. Dinsmore was not there, or from home. He told them to tell Mr. Dinsmore he should have been glad to have seea him, but he could not wait, that he was going on home with his ne- proes. A fellow named John Amp. whom I raised, and was sold by Ihe then Capt. John Brahan to the said Joseph Coleman, was one oi the negroes armed and put in front, hs the General then stated. The above is a true statement of what 1 heard Gen. Andrew Jacksoa say in Nashville, after his return from Natchez. It may not be the precise words, but it is the substance, to the best of my own recol- lection. 1 am, sir, yours respectfully, R. WEAKLEY, It seems from this letter, that the purchase from Epperson was not the only negro speculation in which your firm was concerned. You bought of John Brahan, and probably, if all the transactions could be brought to light, of several other persons. But my main . object in introducing the above letter, is to show your respect for the Jaws and constituted authorities of your country. You even boasted, it «eems, of having armed your negro slaves, in order to Jight their way, if necessary, rather than to conform to the regulations of gov- ernment, and procure and produce a passport for them. This sir, is perfectly consistent with your declaration, in your celebrated let- ter to G. W. Campbell, about sweeping from the earth the invader ot legal rights, and involving Silas Dinsmore in the flames of his agen- cy house. Is this a spirit to be patronized and cherished by the people of these United States ? Does this not also explain the height and depth of your untiring, malignant persecution of myself, who, alone, or nearly so, defended my unsuspecting, poor, but honest neighbors, against your swindling combination, to deprive them of their houses and homes, so fairly and honestly bought and paid for by them, as set forth in transcripts from the records by the "Tennessean" in his numbers two to seven, each included. Dinsmore was threat- ened with consuming tire forgiving you the trouble of obtainino;a passport, in strict conformity with the laws of the country, and in the faithful execution of the confidence reposed in him by government. My crime was of a deeper dye. I deprived you of sweeping three or four hundred thousand dollars worth of my neighbors lands into your own pocket, (by taking advantage of your own agency, so well described in Judge Anderson's letter in the 7th number of the Ten- npssean.) for which you had not paid one dollar ; neither had your partner, P. H. Darby, who got $5000 of the g 10,000 you so unright- eously extorted out of the people, rather than be longer harrassed by you and him. You al?o got 6 to $7000 worth of land from me. for your individual benefit in said compromise, about which yon have been very silent, and are yet, in open violation of that article; of compromise— causing five or six of my worthy, but poor neighbors, to be harrassed with law suits ; although every iota of the a«reement has been coDoplied with on our part. This accounts for the perpe- u tual torture I have undergone for ten years by your printers, partisans, dependaifts and expectan s, anil particularly for rny present persecu- tion here and elsewhere, by co-workers in the^re side hnsiness^ Eaton and Calhoun, who used Wirt's official characler foryour spe- cial benefit, I do not positively say knowingly on his pan Is a man to be elevated to the Presidency who will not only resist, hims-elf, the constituted authorities of the country, and boast of bis arms as his only passports, but will even encourage his negro slaves in rebel- lion, and order them to fight their way, and if resisted, to spill ihe blood ot respectable freemen, engaged in the discharge of public du- ties ! ! ! 1 will now ask your attention to the following brief extract of a let- ter written by you to a gentleman on busmess, (not in bank) and da- ted Hermitage, March 20th, 1812. " Having to attend Wilson circuit court, it will not be in my power to be in Nashville next week. 1 am very much engaged to arrange my business, so that I can leave home on the trip with my negroes for sale:' The letter containing the above sentence is in your own hand writ- ing, and is signed . ANDREW JACKSON. 1 shall not trouble myself to conjecture whether it relates to -ome of the same negroes purchased of Epperson, by the firm of Cole- man Greeu and Jackson, or whether it refers to another speculation, \i is enough to show, at any rate, that you did not hesitate to speak freely at that time of your being actually engaged in negro traffic. Nor is it necessary to dwell upon a dispute between yourself and Ep- person, which was referred to the arbitration of Judge Haywood and Judge Overton, respecting a negro fellow you bought for the express purpose of selling to Kenner and Henderson, at New Orleans, expect- ing to obtain for him the enormous sum of ^2000, provided you could procure the certificate of D. Moore, and others, as to his be- ing a good black smith. You, no doubt, recollect the circumstan- ces of that case, and notwithstanding the reluctance which may be felt, to encounter unnecessarily the '■^indignant flashing of your eye^' something can be produced in relation to it, in your own hand writ- ing likewise, if it should be found expedient to recur again to the threadbare topic. I have already made this communication so long, that I will only trouble you at present with one other little document, relative te another instance of negro traffic in which you were concerned. The writer of this letter is a respectable citizen of Sumner coun- ty, and he is well supported by the records of a controversy about this same negro in court, of many years standing, in the name* of Jackson and Hutchins vs. Rollings. The following is Mr. Blythe'e letter to a friend : "Ash Grove, July 20th, 1828. Sir: Id reply to your inquiry as to my knowledge of General Jackson being concerned in buying and selling slaves, I will briefly state, that about the year 1805 or 6, Gen. Jackson and a Mr. Hutch- ings, (his nephew by marriage) had a store in Gailatm. About that ^ime, they purchased of Dr- Rollings ft negro boy, and sent him to the 15 bonier country to selL The negro had been previously in the hands of Dr. Rollings to cure a sore leg, and was sold by Rollings to them, with a knowledge, by both parties, of that fact, as I understood at the time. Some time afterwards, I had been up the Ohio, and oh my return by the way of Smithland, I came to the place called the Horse Ford, below Eddyville, where boats were compelled to stop by reason of low water, where I saw the negro above alluded to, in a barge, on his return from the lower country, where they had been unable to sell him, by reason of his leg breaking out afresh. • When the negro came home, he was put under Dr. Ward, and died. — Jackson and Hutchings sued Rollings for a fraud in the negro ; the suit was pending several years, and finally decided in favor of Rol- lings. I was summoned as a witness in the case. 1 have heard that there were other slaves purchased by Jackson & Hutchings and sent to the lower country for sale ; but it is so long since, that I do not now recollect any other particular case than the one named ; and this one is impressed on m^ memory from the long and vexatious lawsuit to which Dr. Rollings was subjected, and the other facts re- lated as above. Respectfully Yours, S. K. BLYTHE." It will be clearly seen that you have by your manner of treating this subject, given it much more consequence than it really deserved. You have greatly enhanced the magnitude of your offence against the moral sense of the community by the sensitiveness which yoa have displayed, by the prevarication, shuffling and misrepresenta- tion which have been resorted to, in order to avert from you the eliaracter of a negro trader. Bui. Sir, honesty and plain dealing, are the best policy. — This course enables men to go ahead fearlessly, (even in the face of such enemies as I have to encounter,) who are but desperadoes under the discipline of a mob and riot aristocracy, a principle never countenanced by a brave man, a moral man, nor a man who had any regard for the rights of others, and the mild pre- cepts recommended in holy writ. Such men are inoffensive and law abiding, and consider themselves accountable to whoever they may happen to injure or offend by the laws of their country, of their church, or of society, in an open and manlv way, and none other. They require no vaults to conceal their crimes on this side of the grave, to which we are all on our passage. And suffer me, in re- turn for the unauthorized liberties yourself and your weak, inexpe- rienced, and deluded young printers here, and your aspiring parti- zans of higher pretensions, to whom I have alluded, elsewhere, have taken with me, to tell you and them, that every attempt to conceal or misrepresent the occurrences with which you are connected, is a serious injury to you and your cause. You should show by your practice as well as your professions, that you are incapable of manoeuvering, to avoid responsibility. Witness what has befallen you by denying that you made any ad- yances of cash to Richard Epperson, for those negroes, and the in- troduction of your own certificate attested J. A. upon your own agree- meot to buy niBgroes, which you considered conclusive ; when the 16 fact is, it is conclusive against you, as three days after that date, your payment to Richard Epperson for ^929 45, which you stated sis months after, was made for that express purpose, renders your own certificate null and void to all intents and purposes, and places you befot'e the American people in a new dress, which I would no£ wear for ten times as many bubbles as have been floating about you, and the favor of all your aiders and abettors in concealing your crimes. Now Sir, you ought to have had some knowledge, and certainly had, of the brittle glass house in which you live, before you permit- ted your responsible editors to throw stones at every window which was not thrown open to illumine your path to the presidency. How did you expect your declaration of war against me, brought forth by your celebrated biographer of Timber-lake memory, was to pass oa without an effort on my part to place truth in opposition to falsehood ? In that I have succeeded, and I wish never to be put to the trouble again. I confess your superior skill in blood and carnage, and, when dis- played against the enemies of our country, you have always had my hearty approbation. Whether the result of fortuitous circumstan- ces or of generalship, it has been the same to the country, yet I must confess the recital of the slaughter of John Woods (who was in your general order accused of previous desertion, which I know to be untrue, by the express words of his captain and many other raen of first rate character for integrity and truth,) tarnishes your military fame in my estimation, very much indeed, and cannot fail doing so in that of other*. Lastly, I never had a slave brought before me for offending, {•gainst wh»m I gave an unmerciful sentence, such as you are said to have done at or near your own fire side at the Hermitage of late, in the attempt to execute which, it is said your own slave was killed, and all hushed up without any proceedings in court against the man, who, it is said, in executing your order, or on the way to do it, kill- ed sixid slaze. Now, Sir, it is possible you ciay have some preparation for wash* ing the blood of this human being from the escutcheons of the Her- m'tffge, but as there is no bank secret about this matter, and I have been -ivritten to ol the subject, and must still presume you above coucaalment unless in bank matters, it is quite as important to the American people, to know the truth about this affair, as it was that Mr. Wiri should be duped into a false report against me, on ex parte testimony procured by your wire-workers, Eaton, Calhoun, and Clarke, in 13 22, which was proved totally false in the very place where all the facte >q the case were known, in 1824, and again brought into use against me, when in retirement in 1828, for your special benefit and iheiru also, as we ail know you sink or sv.-im to- gether on your late violent South Carolina resolutions. It is with you to say when this organized persecution against me «hall cea&e. I win defend against it until you cause it to cease. You began it of choice, if you hav« been benefitted by it, your objec is answered. ANDRE ^y ERWIN. H31 "(S 53[| •J' T> .^ ;V ^- ^oV N ,0 •s> ■5^ V ■ ^%^< ■">. rs^ o 1 c o r- '^y^ 0^ ^0 o o V n't ^ o .0- •^>. -r. ^ '.<...: ^d^:\>?rA^ <^p .y V- v^ ^^^ > $1 > • /, ,•' .0-' .^■^ 0^ ..0- -X^ "V o -\ r\ \ u •■ • " ^ ' A^ ^ ^<^ <^ «• 1 1 ,0- ••j^ A-^^ 0" ,.c^ '■•:! ■ o 1- -\ 5?-^ .^o ,-S ^' .^ ,0- 0'' . - <^ . " a „ o ' . ^^. ^X' v^ \ \ ^ o ;, ,<^ :^'"^ ^ -^v. .^ 4. O -V • ,v^^ \ O ■1 ' ^^ .x-./'^'-'.^. ' 'X t^o^ -■:> >x>. ? ,. "" c '^ " ■= ' '^b ^0 \'- ,0' V- .\^' ' -J ^K ^'^>^, ' o . i , > '■>^ <-A^' V^^ - - c- rV ? c-'-' ~ 3 ,-> ^ . r " '■ . ^, . %^^:^i^^ ^►^'^^ A. •^-. ,>^^<^,^> -n^^. ..'?> . . , *^ P 'u • »^ • 0^ 'VlVv ,-4, °< , 5 o\-^t^' N^-^ .^' .<^ V o'f, ° ' '^^ J.' o"^ .'•-• .<>■ * O « c ^■ ->^._ o o ,.^ ' ''^V O V •^ , A" 0' * o „ o ' ■(J'- ^ / ■> ° ^V- ^H O^ >#■ >..^ -<<« «■ < o o * -'/' i. ' " o. cv ^,n. ^V ' . . 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