0* ''i. ■v^'^ ^o ^V:V ^^^ -^^ '>:mr^ y^^^-^^ <''i^^ ^ ..^". ^oV' ^^^^^^x^ ,*MC^? .0^ '/ ..^ ^-o i^ '^bv^' ^o. •' .0 ^"-^^^ k'^' :t M' N^' o V ^f^:' .0^ ^•\/- o. *-.,,•' .0-' %., '^^- o*/ "», "^b O^ "^..s^ A »bv^ •^o. .0^ * o* % :t ^ CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS ACCOMPANYING REPORT OF PARK COMMISSION, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. EXHIBITION OF DRAWINGS, DESIGNS AND MODELS, Illustrating the Report of the Commission on the Improve- ment of the Park System of the District of Columbia. :: :: Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D, C. January— Fem^'Arv, iqq:^. Co joy ^ ■ , 5 L ofy3 r^-? -^m'^O' GALLERY. CENTRAL GROUP. 1 Map of District of Columbia, showing existing pub- lic spaces. 2. Map of District of Columbia, showing existing and proposed public spaces. 3. Map of District of Columbia, showing proposed ad- ditions to Park System. 4. Diagram of the Parks of New York. 5. Diagram of the Parks of Boston. 6. Diagram of existing and proposed Parks of Wash- ington. 7. Diagram of the existing Parks of Washington. 8. Diagram of the Parks of Paris. 9. Diagram of the Parks of London. 10. Typical section of Potomac Quay. 11. Typical section of Rock Creek Parkway. Treat- ment recommended. 12. Typical section of Rock Creek Parkway. Alterna- tive project with covered channel. 13. Typical section of one of the Valley Parkways, such as Piney Branch, Soapstone Creek and Georgetown Parkways, showing the preservation of existing natural scenery. 14. Typical section of Potomac Drive, short distance above Aqueduct Bridge. 15. Two Panoramic Views showing present conditions. 16. Typical section of Potomac Drive below Chain Bridge. 17. Section of Savannah Parkway. 18. Plan of Savannah Parkway. SOUTH WALL (Left). MALL DIVISION. 19. General Plan, describing area included between Capitol and Lincoln Monument, White House and Potomac Park. 20. Birds-eye View of General Plan from point taken 4,000 feet above Arlington. 21. Birds-eye View of General Plan, from point taken 4,000 feet over Insane Asylum, Anacostia Heights. WEST WALL. CAPITOL DIVISION. 22. Plan of Capitol grounds (L'Enfant) 1791. 22 «. Plan of Capitol grounds (Thornton) 1803. 23. The Capitol. West elevation, showing proposed Terrace, restoration of the Bulfinch gates and boundary fence, fountains and approaches. 24. Section through same, East and West. NORTH WALL. MONUMENT DIVISION. 25. Plan showing proposed treatment of Monument Garden, 26. Section through Monument Garden on White House axis, showing proposed treatment of approaches and terraces forming a setting for the Washing- ton Monument. (Looking East.) 27. Section through Monument Garden on Capitol axis, looking North toward White House. 28. Section through Mall at 15th Street looking West, showing Monument approaches and terraces. 29. Section through Canal, looking East, showing ter- races and approaches to Monument Garden. EAST WALL. LINCOLN :monum]:nt division. 30. Plan shoAviug proposed treatment of Lincoln Memorial site. 31. Elevation of same on proposed site. 32. Section of same. 33. General section, Lincoln Monument site, showing proposed Memorial Bridge connection at this point. HEiVilCYCLE. 34. Model of Mall, including areas between Capitol and Twenty-seventh Street, White House and Poto- mac Park, showing present conditions. Scale, one foot equals one thousand feet. 35. Model of Mall, showing treatment proposed bv the Commission. Scale, one foot equals one thousand feet. 3 CAPITOL DIVISION. 36. View of Capitol as seen from Mall (Third Street). 37. View showing proposed treatment of Square at head of Mall. 38. Gate House and Posts, old Capitol grounds. (Bulfinch). 39. View showing proposed treatment of basin, terrace and Capitol approaches, head of Mall. MONUMENT DIVISION. 40. View of Monument and Garden terraces from White House. 41. View of Monument and Garden terraces, seen from Canal, Lincoln Division. 42. Views of projected buildings, restaurants, pavilions, etc. 43. One of the six pavilions in Monument Garden. 44. View in Monument Garden, main axis, showing proposed treatment of approaches and terraces, forming a setting for the Washington Monu- ment. (Looking East.) 45. View from Terrace, base of Monument, looking towards Arlington. 46. View from Terrace, base of Monument, looking towards White House. 47. View of Terrace and approach to Monument, seen from the Garden. 48. View of Monument Garden, looking towards White House. LINCOLN DIVISION. 49. View showing proposed development of site for Lincoln Memorial, seen from Canal. 50. Proposed development of Lincoln Memorial site, seen from Riverside Drive. 51. View of the same, seen from old Observatory site. 52. View of same, seen from Washington Monument. WASHINGTON COMMON DIVISION. 53. View of Memorial structure and Public Playgrounds looking South. 54. View of Washington Common and Public Play- grounds, showing proposed baths, theatre, gymna- sium and athletic buildings. 55. View of Public Square and above group of buildings, showing proposed Memorial structure. MALL DIVISION. 56. View in Mall at Sixth Street. 57. Mall seen from Fourteenth Street, looking towards Capitol. 58. General View of Monument Garden and Mall, look- ing towards Capitol. 59. View of Monument seen from Mall at Fourteenth Street. VESTIBULE. 60. Projected plan of the City of Washington, 1790, designed by Peter Charles L'Enfant, under the direction of Gen. Washington. 61. Plan of the City of Washington, 1791, designed by Peter Charles L'Enfant, under the direction of Gen. Washington. COMMITTEE ROOM. 61a. Model of Monument Garden. Scale, one inch equals thirty-two feet. PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENTS. 02. Fountain of Marcia, Rome. 63. Fountain in front of Farnese Palace, Rome. 64. Fountain, Place Chateau d'eau, Paris. 65. Parade Ground, Boston Common. 66. Column in garden of the Luxembourg, Paris. 67. Broad Avenue, Old Hadley, Mass. 68. Avenue, Cirencester, England. 69. Avenue, Windsor. 70. Broad Avenue, Old Hadley, Mass. 71. "Charles Sumner" Elm, front of Capitol, Washing- ton. 72. View from Terraces, St. Germain, Paris. 73. Terrace, Garden of the Tuilleries, Rue de Rivoli, Paris. 74. Fountain, Hampton Court, London. 75. Piazza del Popolo, Pincian Hill, Rome. 76. Ringstrasse, Vienna. 77. Fountain and Vista, Chantilly, France. 78. Fountains, Versailles. 79. Fountains, Versailles. 80. Fountain, Place Saint Sulpice, Paris. 81. Fountain of San Paolo, Rome. 82. Fountain de I'Observatoire, Paris. 83. Fountain, Versailles. 84. Fountain, Barberini Palace, Rome. 85. Fountain of the Medici, Garden of the Luxembourg, Paris. 86. Fountain, Quirinal, Rome. 87. Terrace, Versailles. 88. Garden Pavilion, Laxenburg, Austria. 89. Fountain and Terrace, Fontainebleau. 90. The Long Walk, Windsor, England. 91. Avenue, Cirencester, England. 92. Avenue, Cirencester, England. 93. General View, Place de la Concorde, Paris. 94. Avenue of the Champs Elysees, Paris. 95. Fountains, Place de la Concorde, Paris. 96. Station at Frankfort, Germany. 97. Avenue of the Champs Elysees, Paris. 98. Fountain in garden at d'Aranja, Spain. 99. View, Garden of Villa Medici, Rome, showing Ter- race. 100. Basin and Parterres, Fontainebleau. 101. Fountains, Versailles. 102. Fountain, Villa Albani, Rome. 103. Fountain and Canal, Versailles. 104. The Orangerie, Versailles. 105. Palace and Gardens of the Luxembourg, Paris. 106. Temple, Borghese Gardens, Rome. 107. Chateau d'eau, Caserta, Italy. 108. Bernini Fountain, Piazza of St. Peter's, Rome. 109. Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. 110. Canal, Hampton Court Palace, London. 111. Memorial Walk, Thiergarten, Berlin. 112. L'arc de I'Etoile, Paris. 113. Fountain, Versailles. 114. Terrace, Trianon Palace, Versailles. 115. Terrace and Walk, Garden of the Tuilleries. 116. Quays at Lucerne, Switzerland. 117. Quays at Grenoble, France. 118. Bridge and Quay, Paris. 119. Bridges and Quays, Buda-Pesth. 120. Quay at Vannes, France. 121. Bridges and Quay, Anjers, France. 122. Elm, Lafayette Square, Washington. 123. Elms, Capitol Grounds, Washington. 124. Elms, East front of Capitol, Washington. 125. Elms, East front of Capitol, Washington. 126. Elm, Capitol grounds, Washington. 127. Elms, side avenue of Mall, Central Park, New York. 128. Elms, side avenue of Mall, Central Park, New York. 129. Elms, Mall, Central Park, New York. 130. Elms, Boston Common. 131. Mall, Boston Common. 132. Elms, Boston Common. 133. Elms, Boston Common. 134. Elms, grounds of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 135. Elms, grounds of Harvard University. 136. Elms, Avenue, Old Hadley, Mass. 137. Elms, Avenue, Old Hadley, Mass. 138. Elms, Avenue, Old Hadley, Mass. 139. "Charles Sumner" Elm, Capitol grounds, Washing- ton. 140. "Charles Sumner" Elm, Capitol grounds, Washing- ton. 141. The "Tapis Vert," Versailles. 142. General view, Cirencester, England. 143. Fountain and Vistas, Garden of the Tuilleries, Paris. 144. Exedra, Garden of the Tuilleries, Paris. 145. Terrace, Fontainebleau. 146. Garden of the Luxembourg, Paris. 147. Garden Terraces, Chateau Vaux le Vicomte. 148. Gardens, Vaux le Vicomte. 149. Fountain, Garden, Vaux le Vicomte. 150. Vatican Garden, Rome. 151. Borghese Gardens, Rome. 152. Hippodrome, Borghese Gardens, Rome. 153. Pavilion, Borghese Gardens, Rome. 154. Garden, Villa d'Este, Tivoli. 155. Cascade, Garden, Villa d'Este. 156. Cascade, Garden, Villa d'Este. 157. Stair and Fountain, Garden, Villa d'Este. 158. Villa Albani, Rome. 159. Villa Albani, Rome. 160. Villa Albani, Rome. 161. Villa Albani, Rome. 162. Villa Medici, Rome. 163. Villa Medici, Rome. 9 164. Statue, Garden, Schoenbrunn, Vienna. 165. Prater Restaurant, Vienna. 166. Prater Restaurant, Vienna. 167. Prater Restaurant, Vienna. 168. Tiie Long Walk, Windsor, England. 169. Avenue of stone pines, Rome. 170. Monument park, Washington, present condition, from the South. lO Pn i.©ft 0^ .\-°. <;> " ° « -^^ ..'.■' .0^ ^':^M' ^ 5=> i>"^^. ^^ . 1 • ^. ^■^-.i'^' \v ♦ O Ay c -.^\' 0^ ./' im/hr,%^: 0^ *' \v . . . -^^ 'o . » * "-^^o^ C'^o \'' .■V ° " " * ^O' .-STnCV..^.' O .-r .<:;."; v'^ ^z > ,^ > .-5' .{5 S., ... .^^ ^■*?:- " .-^^^ A'" -K -^o .^ ^^ "V-. >^ ^^^^' c ^^ A^- .5^"i?, A^ -. ^--o< /... ^ "^ .^^ °^ *»«» A^ '1) o OOSBS BROS. LiaRARv aiNoiNa