IJff NSoixvenix^ and Illii:>strAted nisstor^ of Paltrier^ Part ofi ^ TheEunouslogCalim Published by Silas Farmer & Company 29-31 Monroe Ave. Detroit, Michigan. LAKK KNANCKS AM Souvenir History of Palmer Park Detroit, Michigan AND SKETCH OF Hon. Thomas W. Palmer Sage of Log Cabin Farm BY Crocket McElroy F57- ,!] + ■ AUG 1 ?3Ub A XXc N.. (3 ilC PALMER PARK HISTORY PALMER PARK, is so named in lidiinr of Hon. Thomas \\ . I 'aimer who gave it to the city of Detroit. It is located in the township of ( ireenfield, Wayne Comity. The entrance is on Woodward Avenue, six and a half miles north from the lity Hall and about two miles l)eyond the city limits. The land embraced in the park was formerly a part of.tlie Log Cabin Farm. It was first owned by the French Government, next by the English government and then bv the United States. In .\pril IS'.'."}. the E. 1-2 of the S. W. 14 of Sec. 11 in T. 1 S. of R. 11 E. was patented by the United States to Francis I'.n.wmiig. This pat- ent was signed by "J. Q. Adams'" then the president. In the \ear IS-.'^ iliis so acre^ \\a> deeded li\' h'rancis Browning to James Witherell the grandfather of .\lr. Palmer. In June ISii:; the W. ' _■ <>i the >aiiie iiiiarter section was patented to James Witherell. This patent was signed liy ".Viidrew Jackson" the president, in a plain bold hand. This 160 acres of land became the property of Mr. Palmer's mother by descent from her father James Witherell and became his property by descent from his mother Mary Amy ^^'itherell Palmer in the year 1S74. ,\bout the year 18T0 Mr. Palmer heg.an biiyint^ land adjoining the Kin acre^ and this continued until he had between TilO and 800 acres. About 1 Ki acres ..I this lan.l was laid out into a park by C^lmstead & Elliot, cele- brated landscape gardeners of ISostnn, Mass., under the general directions of Mrs. Palmer. The plan includes two lakes, several islands, pathways and between ti\e and six miles of roads. Mrs. Palmer designed the L. .g (. aliin and caused it to be built. She then furnished it with "olden time" furniture 50 to l:iit \ears nld. She caused the lakes to be dredged and built .a windmill to suppl\' them with water obtained from wells made in the sand banks. The lakes are now supplied 1)\' the citv water works al- though the windmill is kt-pt in running order and occasionally used. Mrs. Palmer also built the warder's cot- tage and the stable and made many other improvements in the ])ark. In the year 1893, the park was deeded unconditionally to the city of Detroit by Thomas W. Palmer and Lizzie M. Palmer his wife, except that the use of twelve acres including the Log Cabin and the right to take ice from the lake was reserved to Mr. Palmer while he lived. Some years ago this reserve was released to the city antl \V(J()|)\VAKI> AVKMK KNTKAMli since then the city has been the exclusive owner of tlie land and the buildings, including the Log Cabin and it? contents. Previous to the destructi .-doug the sontlnvest side n\ the park to the Casino. Elm shade trees, clusters of jiine and sumac, rows of flowering siniths and beds of tlowers beautifv this part of the park. l_\Ki,- p-RA.\CI-:.S One of the most attractive things in the |iark is thi-, hcaiiiilul lake, uamecl in memo mother, Mrs. Frances Merrill', It i? large for one < kind ;nid its iri-egular shape give- i natural lake. It lies just east of the Log C'al>in. It contains live small inlands the larger o)u Island." These islands are ornamented with native and e\ergreen trees. ( )n one of the - front of the Log Cabin is a light-house built on a stone founilation, which gives it ,in air of ness. It was formerly lighted with an oil lamp and showed a beautiful red, white and liltu\ lamp is now out of use, but the ]jark commissioner contemplates putting in an electric lami the light-house will be a unique ornament to the park. Mrs . Palmer's r.'incc of a nan ted "Duck t wl licit lies in t\- a nd useful- light . The oil ■n til lis is done LAKK. II\K'()|,|) A.\0 ro.NllAC ( ASCA I )K On the east bank of this lake the city has recently built a commodious resthouse where several hundred peo- ple can find shelter, the sides of the building are composed mostly of windows arranged to be hoisted and af- ford a free circulation of air. On the west bank of the lake stands a substantial and picturesque windmill (heretofore mentioned) with a pump-house and an elevated tank. Surrounding the lake are a number of mounds and pretty little grass covered hills made by the ingenious disposal of the earth obtained in excavating the lake. These elevations add materially to the beauty of the locality. A goodly number of park seats are placed in the vicinity of the lake. A rustic bridge crosses a narrow neck of the lake on the direct path to the Log Cabin. In the words of Senator Palmer, "the lake is a perfect breed- ing pond for gnldfi-^h." Many thousands of these aquatic beauties have their home in the lake and they multi- ply rapidly, liviii- ilure ihc year round; not only this, but they grow to an unusual size approaching two pounds in weight. Sunietinie> -warms of them give the surface of the water a reddish cast like clouds reddened by # setting sun. The overseer states that he placed 66 goldfish in the lake eight years ago, that he has since taken out 50,000 and there are thousands left. Much pleasure is afforded little children visitors, when crumbs of liread are thrown into the water to at- tract the fish, and then to see the fish disappear like a flash when the ducks come rushing over the top of the water to get the bread. The white house near the Log Cabin is the overseer's residence and is not open to the public. A little north of the Log Cabin is a rustic drinking fountain and two buildings for the convenience of visitors. A pen of fence rails surrounds three venerable beech trees scarred with the names or initials of many persons cut into the bark. The fence was built to save the lives of the trees. Sixteen electric lamps light a portion of the park. Improvements are being made slowly as the Park Commissioner thinks they are called for. In the south part of the park are some apple trees that were formerh- in the Log Cabin Farm orchard. There is a rustic shed and poultry house with bark roofs near the stable. In the poultry yard is a fine flock of large white Wyandotte hens and a beautiful peacock of the common variety that spreads a tail eight feet wide as he struts through the yard. Two beautiful white peacocks purchased lately in the city of Washington are among the attractions. There is a pigeon house and a fine asortment of pigeons, white ducks called Pekins and colored ducks called Rouens. also black and white turkeys. TIIK FAMOUS LOC CAlilN A fine liberty pole adorns the lawn south of the Log Cabin from which often floats the — Star Spangled 1 lanner. Near the western entrance to the Log Cabin is a large bell hanging in a rustic frame, this bell was designed and cast by Paula Gomez, a founder, in Spain in 1793. It was taken to Mexico more than 100 years ago. The late William A. Moore, and the late Senator McMillan and a few other friends raised a fund and bought the bell and presented it to Senator Palmer, who gave it to the city of Detniit. The weight of (his bell is 1015 pounds. On the Log Cabin lawn is a large boulder of light gray granite that was found on the Lut when the sun shines tells it right. No shooting is allowed in the park antl wild birds are not afraid to come there. Red squirrels are the only kind kept in the park. They are banished from P.elle Lsle Park because of a peculiar vicious habit which in- clines them to exterminate the other squirrels. Under a shed at the pump-house is a plow and ox yoke such as were used in Spain in 1492. The yoke is made of wood in the usual form, the bows or collars are made of cmii liusks or similar leaves plaited: they are left open at the bottom it is supposed so they can be tied. The plnw beam is made of a natural crook of wood of the right size and shape, to the top of the beam is attached a ])ole left round as it grew, which runs between the oxen and enters a mortise in the yoke. There is an iron point on the plow ; that and a few bolts constitute nearly all the iron that is used. These things were found in the dining room of the convent of La Rabida, an institution made famous by the fact that Christopher Columbus in ] 190 applied there for food for his little son Diego. He was kindly treated by the prior Juan Perez who had been the queen's confessor and through whose influence the queen was induced to give Columbus the means to start on his voyage which led to the discovery of .\merica. Manv Americans hold a reverent feeling for the famous convent. Senator Palmer purchased the plow and the yoke in Spain, brought them to the Log Cabin and gave them to the city of Detroit. THE BIG IX)(i. In the yard near the stable is a h"^ cut fmni a spruce tree in tlie state of Washini,'ton : it is .'U! feet l'< feet lip from the butt of the tree to get where the (hameter was small enongh for it to pass through the railroad tnnnels. Tt was exhiliited at the World's Fair ill St. T.<)iiis and in many other cities throughout the cmmtry. There is a bear's cage in one end. some shelves and seats in the other end forming a sort of caiiin. The inside of the log has been mostly cut away. The city of Detroit paid one thousand dollars for the lug. It was kept for some time in I'.elle Isle Park and then transferred to Palmer Park. TIIK FORR.ST. A large portion of the ])ark is covcrcil with a for- est of thrifty native, deciduous trees, of all sizes from tiny shrubs and saplings to high and stately trees three feet and more in diameter. The trees average small, stand close together and thus afford to jieople who know little of the wild woods, the charm nf a thick fiirest. rilK N.VTIVK KOKEST The trees are in great variety, there being more than seventy kinds. There are seven kinds of oak, eleven kinds of willow, five kinds of thorn and the trees common to this section of the country, such as elm, maple, beech, hickorv. ash. basswnnrl, tamarack and birch. Among the rarer trees are sassafras, walnut, butternut, balm of gilead. >li]i|n.T\ -I'lni, plum and cherry. There is claimed to be a greater varicl>- .>t trees in Talmcr Park indigenmi- in llic s^il than there is in the whole of Europe with its millions nf acre- of furests. At a con- vention of park CDmmi.ssiiiners helil al tlie park a few years ago. it was agreed that there was no other such a primeval park, as Palmer Park, within thirty miles of anv cit\ in the United States. If the reader will halt here and gi\e his mind time t : .^rasp the grandeur of this unique forest, and the charm- ing features of the improved portion of the park, he will be thrilled with admiration for the grand work of na- ture as beautified by the ideal handiwork of man, and his heart will swell with gratitude for the generosity of Hon. Thomas W. Palmer and the liberality of the peo^le of Detroit, by whom this famous producer of health and happiness is made free for the enjoyment of everybody. Ali.xed with the trees and native to the park there are more than fort\- kinds of shrubs and plants, including flowering dogwood, hazelnut, wintergreen, huckleberry, raspberry, blackberry, hnncysuckle, poison ivy. goose- berry, currant and rose. In the wooded portion of the park not many improvements have been made. There is a small section cleared in which are a few swings, a teeter boanj, a merry-go-round, a may pole, lunch tables and seats for small parties and long tables and seats for large parties. There is an open pavilion on the east side large enough to shelter 500 people. It has a refreshment staml attached where soft drinks, cakes, fruit, ice cream and other refreshments are sold at moderate prices. Several |5aths and roarls meander through the woods. LAKE HIGIXIO. Near the west side of the wider portion of the park is a beautiful small lake bearing the above name, it con- tains one island called "Inselruhe." which is connected with the main land by two rustic bridges. There is a high mound on the north side with a rockv face toward the lake broken into pools and dams. When the water is turned on it pushes from a small hole in the to]) and falls into pool after pool and over dam after dam on its way down to the lake, forming a beautiful miniature cataract. This fountain has been named — Pontiac Cas- cade. This lake is now called ""Tlarold" in honor of Mr. Palmer's son. THE CASINO. On the east side of Lake Harold is a large and handsome Casino, two and a half stories liigh with porches on each side. It has a commanding view and stands on high and beautiful gnnnids. THE NURSERY. In the north end cif the park is a large nursery used for starting the growth of the various ornamental trees, shrubs and plants n^ed in beautifying all the parks owned by the city of Detroit. Thousands of shrubs and plants and hundreds nf trees having a value of six thousand dollars and upwards, are taken from this nursery yearly, thus proving it to ]je a very impm-tant adjunct to the park system of Detroit. HOT HOUSES. .\bout 10(1(1 feet east of the Casino are the liot houses and glass sheds where thousands of flowers are got ready for transplanting in the many flower beds of the park. The hot houses co-operate with the nursery. THE LOG CABIN. This building is about 30 feet wide and 45 feet long, besides a large chimney at each end built ofltside and a frame addition on the west side called the kitchen. The house is two stories high, it is built of round logs with the bark on, most of them are oak and one foot in diameter. The house rests on a brick foundation, the chim- neys are made of logs four to six inches in diameter, above the roof the logs in the chimneys are four inches thick, the wooden shades over the windows are made of sticks three inches in diameter. The house has a shingle roof. On the outside, the Log Cabin looks like a substantial, genuine log house, on the inside it comes pretty near being a very good modern house. The inside walls and ceilin.i.^- are plastered, the floors are laid with white maple and walnut, in places with alternate strips of each. The finishing wood is oak throughout, carved in some places. The house is w-ell planned ; on the first floor a wide hall runs through the house, with a substantial oak staircase at one end. On the north side is a large dining room with sliding doors between it and the hall, on the south side is a large parlor also provided with sliding doors. ■ In each of these rooms are large fire-])laces built of pressed red brick. Over the front door outside, is a pair of large elk's horns. THE LOWER HAEL. Ill this hall is a good large portrait of Senator Palmer and small |i(irtraits of Charles Merrill, Thomas T'almer and lames W'itherell, alsn Inr-e portraits of Mr. and Mrs. James Witherell. .Senat...- ralmerV oraii.lparents. A pictnre nf the liattle ni Lexin.<;lMn lian.--, on the wall. There is a |ieii ],ortrait .,f .Senat., r Palmer in very fine writin-. It being hi-, hiograi.liy. .\ .[ufi,-,] elk\ head is fastened 1,, the wall. .\ stuffed hlne henm rest.s on a m-namental tahleware, jiijies, moecasins ^\:e, .Vc. There is also an old writing desk. 'llanging to tl'ie eeiliiig are two large old style -i|nare lanterns. Hanging on the wall is a gronp pictnre of Senator Palmer and his three sisters, it was taken when he vva.s seventeen years old, one sister was yonnger and two were older than he. ( )n the landing of the stairway is a clock that stands eight feet high which has an interesting history. A hrass plate attached to the clock hears the following inscription: — "I'nrchased bv I'.enjamin Palmer 1702, • Uescended to his son Benjamin Palmer. Taken from the honse wdiere his son Thomas Palmer was born, bv bis grandson Thomas W. Palmer. An.g. 11, is.s.V THE DINING R()( )AI. Fastened to the ceiling are strips (jf wood (log cabin style) to which are hung a birch bark canoe, bunches of herbs and other things. In the firejilace is an iron crane with an iron pot and iron tea kettle hanging on it and andirons on which to lav the woml. There are several primitiw cooking utensils and a warming pan made of two copper bowls about ten inches wide united with a hinge and having a handle of wood about three feet long. This pan was f(nMiierl\- used for warming beils; hot coals were placed in the bowds wdiich were then tightly closed, then the hot bowl was pushed back and forth across the bed under the covering until the Ijed would lie quite warm. A dinner tabic cuvcrc-d witli a white spread lias on it a set of old style blue dishes placed ready for use. There are several kinds of old chairs, a wrxjden high chair thnt Senator Palmer occu])ied before he could say "dough- nuts," and a similar high chair that .Mrs. Palmer occupie.l when she was cutting teeth. On the mantel are sev- eral brass girandoles with glass pendants. ( )ver the mantel hanging to the chimney is a tlint Iwk musket, such as the early pioneers used to rely ui>on when threatened by savage beasts or savage men. and which was fre- (|uently used to down a deer to sujjjjly fresh meat for the family tabic. There is a common spinning wheel, a reel, a flax spinning wheel, a bed ready for use. a dash churn, a cherry sideboard, a bellows, a sword, an Indian bow. (|uiver and arrow, some Indian baskets, a brass coffee pot. sugar snips for crushing loaf sugar, two silver casters, six ivorv napkin rings, a stand of candle moulds, and hanging to the wall are |)i)rtraits of Ccorgc \Va>hington. .Martha Washington and John Ouincy .\dams. The chairs painted red were bniuglit fmm \\rnioiit l)y Judge Withercll in isiis. They were nulcly constructed, but were strong. Till'. KlTCili'.X. This r<;iim is fully ci|uip])C(l willi a cooking slnve. cooking ulen>ii-, -ink ami ;ill necessary conveniences. Till-: I'ARl.OR. in iJii- room is a vcrv old piano: in front of it is a stool the four legs of which are in one piejc, brace- run from leg to leg. the whole being a natural growth and a real and useful curiosity; the seat i> nia.'e of slats of wood. There is a large bureau, a hook case, several old rocking chairs, high, low and small. L\ing on a table is a large Hint lock jiistol. Poles are fastened to the ceiling from which hang ears of corn and bunches of herbs. In pioneer days apples cut to be dried were .strung on threads and hung to such poles, also seed corn and bunches of herbs, such as our good mother doctors knew so well how to use in making medicine. I'epper- mint. catnij). sage. Ijoneset. thyme, smartwecd and sweet Hag were among the common varieties. Hanging on the wall of the parlor is a picture of Mary Palmer church. There is a comfortable old style bed in one corner on a liigit-])o-.i \v;ilnin liedsleail rag rugs are on the tloor. .\ substantial old style low cradle, lo. d enongli lor a moder attractions. The use of this cradle be^^a'i about IS-.'-.'. In it were rocked all of ."-^enat. nine children and three of her grandchildren. Rag al.v. adds ts an I.DAIiUAU- In the hall in a frame hanging to the wall is an excellent specimen of needle work done in 1820 by a girl twelve years old, named Eliza Bowdoin Pitts, who afterward became the annt of Mrs. Palmer. She died in 1855. THE LOG CABIN GROUNDS. The location of the Log Cabin is very beautiful, the ground is high and is adorned with beautiful shade trees, fine fruit trees, beds of flowers, flowering shrubs, a fine lawn and nicely rounded banks bordering Lake Frances. The view to the south and east is both picturesque and charming. Before the eye of the visitor li^s the pretty lake with its dolly islands, beyond are the little hills, the rest-house, the pathways and roadways leading to Woodward Avenue with its busy traffic and street cars nearly always in sight. Throngs of happy visitors going and coming give animation tn the scene. Directly in front of the Log Cabin a path leads down stone steps to a little dock with a railing around it where children may go to look at the goldfish and the ducks. At the main entrance to the Log Cabin Grounds is a well of excellent drinking water, where the visitor can draw for himself a cool drink with an "old oaken bucket." THE VISITORS. To the great credit of the tens of thousands of people who visit Palmer Park, it must be said that they are respectable, orderly and law-abiding in an unusual degree. The overseer has only been required to use his police powers twice in ten years to maintain order. A majority of the visitors are women, young people and children. Frequently whole families come, especially on Sundays., Church picnics, Sunday School picnics, teachers and their classes, and various benevolent and social organizations are among the patrons. As many as 15,000 persons have occupied the park on a Sunday afternoon. THE OFFICERS. Palmer Park, as well as all the other public parks of Detroit, is under the care and management of Hon. Philip Rreitmeyer, Park Commissioner. The Commissioner has an able assistant in his secretary, M. P. Hurlbut. The Overseer of Palmer Park is R. A. llollister, who Hves in the vvliite cottage. He has held his position for ten years and has thus demonstrated his efficiency. HOW TO GET THERE. Passengers comin'^ fmm tin.- north mi interurban cars can alight at the jiark. l'asscn^'cr> to Palmer Park. It docs not cross over any steam railroad track or bridge. The tracks arc smooth, the cars large and strong, frequent service is given, and taken as a whole, the road is one of the safest, most comfortable and best managed electric railways in the world. PALMER PARK. Come all who enjoy the country breeze, Or odor sweet of the furest trees: The fragrance of the iirett\- tluwers, Or feel the need of idle honrs. Come you venerable sires and dames. And teach the children at playing games; Join heart and soul in the merry throng. And let happy hours your lives prolong. Von men who b'.'ar the burden of toil. Come here and rest on your own free soil; .Vnd freed for a while from care and strife. Drink your lieart's full of the joys of life. L'ome here you weary mothers and rest. Lay your burdens down on Nati:re's breast: And watching your children romp and play. Let your cares and sorrows tly away. Come Ijoys and girls you are welcome, too. The whole of this park is free to you ; ^'ou can jointly play games that are mild. Or roam as deer through the forest wild. HON. THOMAS \V. I'AL.M .MI.S. r\L.\lKK HON. THOMAS W. PALMER, Sage of Log Cabin Farm. Having in view liis l:)roa(l knowledge of the affairs of the world, his keen insight into the motives that actuate his fellow-creatnres, his extensive reading fastened in his memory by travel and contact, his culture, buoyancy and amiability which enable him to drop from his lips opportune epigrams of wit and wisdom, and his phil- osophic mind which gives him the power to apply the rule of reason to events that occur from day to day affecting his business and his happiness, it seems to the writer that the Hon. Thomas W. Palmer justly deserves the distinction of being called: "The Sage of Log Cabin Farm." Senator Palmer, as he is known to many of his friends, was born in Detroit, January 2oth, 1830. His father was Thomas Palmer, a man of genial qualities and large business capacity. His mother was Mary Amy With- erell, daughter of Judge James Witherell, of Detroit, a woman of many noble qualities, held in very sacred re- membrance by her distinguished son. In 1808 James Witherell, then living in Vermont, was appointed a United States judge for the territory of Michigan by Thomas Jefferson, then president, and he removed to Detroit the same year. Amy Hawkins, wife of Judge Witherell and Senator Palmer's grandmother, was a decendant of Roger Williams, the famous Puritan minister who founded the commonwealth of Rhode Island, and was one of the earliest, bravest and ablest advocates of liberty of conscience and the absolute separation of church and state. Senator Palmer is justifiably proud of his relationship to this great man. In the year 1818 Senator Palmer's father and mother (then Miss Witherell) had the unique experience of being passengers on the steamer Walk-in-the-Water, the first steamboat that ever navigated Lake Erie, on her fir.st round trip between Buffalo and Detroit ; and again when on their bridal tour, on her last trip, when she was wrecked, in the fall of 1821. At the age of twelve years Mr. Palmer was sent to St. Clair to attend Thompson's Academy. During his stay in St. Clair, he formed the acquaintance of men, women, boys and girls of whom he has retained ever since a remarkably vivid recollection. After leaving the Academy at St. Clair, he attended the University of Michigan a year and a half, when trouble with his eyes caused him to leave the University before graduating. SI \ \i'i h; I' \i,\ii.i;s ik imi In the fall of 184S, with five others, he made a voyage to Spain. He landed at Cadiz and traveled on foot for two months, visiting the famous Alhambra and other places of interest. From Spain he went to Rio Jan- eiro, South America. After spending three months in South America, he returned to his home, spending two months in the southern states on the way. While in Spain and Si>uth America he learned to speak the Spanish language to some extent. After a short experience in the mercantile business in \\ iscunsin, he returned to Detroit in lS5.'i. In 1855 he engaged in the lumber trade and in a few years was heavily interested in the manufacture of lumber and the purchase and sale of pine lands. This business enabled him to amass a large fortune. He is now the owner of much valuable real estate in Detroit and has other important interests. He is entirely out of the lumber busi- ness, except that he still has some lands for sale. In the year 1855 he was married to Lizzie P., daughter of Charles Merrill, of Detroit, a wealthy lumber- man. No children came to bless this union. Later Mrs. Palmer dropped the P. and substituted M. in her name. For a number of years Mr. Palmer took an active interest in stock-raising and kept on his farm the finest breeds of horses and cattle. He was for a time president of the State Agricultural Society. While taking a lively interest in agricultural matters he employed his friend, Hon. Eber W. Cottrell, to go to Eur&pe and buy for him an Arabian stallion and other horses. Mr. Cottrell found the desired Arabian horse near Damascus, in Palestine. He also bought for the Senator, in France, between sixty and seventy thousand dollars' worth of Percheron horses. He has gone out <>{ horse raising, Init still retains on his farm a large herd of cows all of the Jersey breed. Mr. Palmer has been a consistent member of the Republican party ever since it was organized in the year 1854. In the year 1878 he was elected a state senator and served one term. He was popular, faithful to his duties and was justly regarded as a leading senator. In 1883 he was chosen by the legislature a senator of the United States. In that body he was respected for his .solid a<-i|iiirciiients and his amiability. Although not much given to speech-making, he can, when occasion calls fcir it. niaki- an able speech and express his views in the choicest English words. He did some good work in the Lnited States senate and served one term of six years. In the year 1889 he was appointed hy President Harrison Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary to Spain. This was the first appointment made by President Harrison after lie had selected his cabinet, lie served one year in this |X)sition. Just after his return from Spain, in 1890, he was apjiointcd by President Harrison, commissioner at large of The World's Columbian Commission. He was chosen president of the commission by its 13G members. In this high office Senator I'almer acquitted himself with grent credit. Sometimes differences arose among the fair managers which he reconciled by the exercise of diplomacy and strong common sense. He labored for har- mony and helped materially to make the Worbrs Fair at Chicago in ISU.'i the grand success that it was. When the Infanta Eulalia, a member of the royal family of .Spain, arrived in Chicago, President Palmer was able to converse with her in her native tongue, much to her delight. He served an elegant breakfast to Eulalia and her husband, I'rince .Antonio, which was spread at I P. M. in the .Administration liuilding. By reason of the high ptisitions he has filled and his extensive acquaintance. Senator Palmer must be re- garded as Detroit's most distinguished citizen. His popularity is based on his intelligence, his wit, his adapt- ability, his social nature, his excellent mastery of the ICnglish language, and his generosity. He is the pet of Detroit, and the man who is first thought of for chairman nf public meetings when some famous |)ersoii of national or foreign reputation is to be introduced. As a iiliilanthropist the Senator works quietly and without ostentation. He has contributed liberally to the needy for many years. Among his ])ublic donations may be mentioned •1il.j,()()0 given to lielji build a Methodist church on McDougall .Avenue, named the ".Mary Palmer Church," in memory of his mother. He gave $17,i S|)aiii. and all the jiresidents fnim Hayes to T\oo>fvelt. He likes the good things the earth produces and yet is a moderate eater and Hves mostly on plain food. When in political life he was fond of entertaining his friends with elaborate dinners, choice cigars and some- times with music. As a host he is nigh to perfection as he has the rare faculty of making each of his guests feel that he is receiving special attention. He is fond of poetry and carries a good deal in his memory. Of the American poets he places Oliver Wendell Holmes at the head of the list. Of the ulder I'.ritish poet^ his favorites are Addison. Po]3e and Gold- smith. In his business affairs the Senator has shown unusual capacity. He manages so adroitly that his business gives him ver\- little trouble. He does the planning and trusts the detail work to his agents and clerks. He does'nt believe in worrying, or in wearing life away by hard work. Asked what his motive was in dijnating Palmer Park to the people of Detroit, his answer was : "The good of everybody." Senator Palmer holds the view that Heaven is on earth to all who know how to make a Heaven of the earthly life. He thinks that a man's spiritual life is progressive and continues to grow after it pass^ out of the animal body, and that the further advanced it is when transition takes place the higher will be its starting point in tlie spirit world. Hence it follows that the time spent in cultivating and building up the spiritual life while on earth will not be lost. The Senator's favorite pastime is auto riding with one or two intelligent and ji)vial comjianions. He keeps a fine auto-carriage and a careful driver. \\'hen in Spain Mr. Palmer adopted a Spanish boy only three years old, brouglit him to Detroit and gave him the name of Harold Palmer. This boy is now twenty-one years old and, to the credit of his adopted parents, is a fine young man. Mr. F'almer also adopted a daughter and brought her up in the way that girls should grow; she is now Mrs. Rice, and is a robust lady of intelligence and refined manners. ].nr, (WAS I'Ainr. I^xcq.l al ils jmiclinn with Wn-nhvanl Avoinic. ralnuT Park i^ i-titin-ly .urn .nn.lcl hy 1...- Cal)in l"ariu. Tlic- farm contain.-, alx.iu (ido aero of land of whicli r.'i» acres arc ka>c(l to ihc IX-lroit Golf Club. The re- mainder is used as a farm, but it embraces considerable forest. Tlie farm is managed by a competent siiper- tcndent who lives on it. Houses for the farm help, a large bam. several stables, sheds and the other necessary buil(!ings arc located a short ilistancc from the main residence. These buildings constitute a considerable settle- ment. si':.\.\T( H< 1'.\i..mi-;r's iio.mI'.. The family mansion is a comi)osite building with a dre>>ed stone foundation, capjjcd with dressed sand- stone, a steel frame, cement walls and cement lloors covered with quartered oak. The outside walls are made of pressed red brick. It contains three finished stories, although its appearance is that of a two antl a half story house, there being dormer windows in the roof. The finishing wood is black walnut throughout and is liberally used. The door frames, window frames, mirror frames and mantels over the firejilaces are all of black walnut. The .style is massive and the work is adorned with round columns with carved caps, heavy cornices richly carved, and is ])artly veneered with beautiful light-colored French walnut. There is a heavy paneled waiiiscotling thirty-four inches high in the main sitting room and main stairway. The house is l>. where one can enjoy a >ini bath without being e.K- i-iiu when heal is needed. The horse is heated by ide is a wid, .■ ]>ori .-h inclosed po.sed to cold ' rtiud. .\ larj-e -team radi,- itor wann- steam, hut tlu •re are fireplace- in t he -it tiug rooms all. ihe fuel used in the fireplaces is wood; in cold or damp days a brisk fire brings warmth and cheer to the visitor. A fire is made every night in the main sitting room fireplace, winter and summer, as the suction cre- ated carries off the vitiated air and adds to the comfort of the occupants. The house is square in form and about 43 feet by 60 feet in size, with a one-story addition to the northeast end. It is approached by paths and roadways from Walnut Lane on the north and from the Si.x Mile Road on the south. The grounds are large, contain statues of historic characters and statues of deer. There are many handsome shade trees, flower beds, ornamental shrubs and so forth, a pond and a hothouse. Mr. Palmer's library is large and contains many rare and valuable books. There are many fine paintings and articles of interest in the house which want of space prevents being mentioned. An excellent full-length portrait of the Senator, painted by Eastman Johnson, adorns the parlor. REFLECTIONS. The adornment of the Log Cabin grounds will not be complete until a life-size statue of Mrs. Palmer is placed therein, showing her with hand extended in the act of directing some work of improvement. AUG 1 I9U& The Publishers of this Souvenir have on sale at all Bookstores Maps of Detroit, Micliigan, and Wayne County. Also Handy Guide to the City of Detroit. If the dealer is out of them, address, Silas Farmer & Company 29-31 Monroe Avenue Detroit, - Michigan. LIBRARY OF CONGRCi I lii 014 432 920 P % /