ass p 2^D7 PRESP%NTi;n r,\ CAPTAIN HECTOR McNEILL OF THE CONTINENTAL NAVY BY GARDNER WELD ALLEN BOSTON 1922 ^y^G/^^o^*^^ a^ y-tn^a^ c/rto/iCoa^ ^-Tmyt/t^en^ c/^x>7^yu/yL^ a.f/J'^-C'yio a j^^<^ 74^1/^'^ art' rtraa^ /^t- .^fe^^ -t^^Xy^ M^ 7 aUy ^^t^^ iyvr Q_i^ CAPTAIN HECTOR McNEILL OF THE CONTINENTAL NAVY BY GARDNER WELD ALLEN BOSTON 1922 From the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society FOR November, 192 i CAPTAIN HECTOR McNEILL, CONTINENTAL NAVY. Last year Mr. Frederick W. Denton, of Cambridge, pre- sented to the Society a letter-book of Captain Hector McNeill of the Continental Navy, which was reported at the May meeting of 1920. Captain McNeill commanded the frigate Boston in 1777 and the letter-book covers the period of an eventful cruise made in that year. When McNeill turned the ship over to her next commander. Captain Tucker, early in 1778, he presumably left the book on board. In 1780, when Charleston, South Carolina, surrendered to the British, the Boston, being in the harbor at that time, also fell into their hands. The letter-book had probably been taken ashore before the surrender. It was found many years later among the papers of Mr. Denton's aunt, Mrs. W. S. Adams, of 28 Church Street, Charleston, a pre-revo- lutionary house, though not occupied at that early period by Mrs. Adams's family. Whether the book remained in this house for nearly a century after it left the Boston or whether it led a migratory existence is a matter of conjecture. The contents of this letter-book comprise not quite a third of the material which has been collected for publication in the Proceedings of the Society. A still larger proportion of the whole is furnished by a collection of papers belonging to the Hon. Charles W. Gray, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, who has kindly allowed us to take copies; these were heirlooms in the McNeill family, descending through his youngest daughter. Some of them were printed several years ago in the New Hampshire Genealogical Record^ The remaining papers come chiefly from the Massachusetts Archives and the Library of Congress, the latter mostly John 1 January, 1907. Paul Jones manuscripts. The Chamberlain Collection ih the Boston Public Library and the Bostonian Society each contributes one letter. To the officials of all these institu- tions we are indebted for very interesting and valuable material. A number of other items are reprinted from the Proceedings of this Society; also two letters from the Publications of the Naval History Society and two from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Among the papers in the Gray collection is an autobio- graphical sketch which throws much light on McNeill's ante- cedents and early life. Unfortunately it comes down only to the period of the French and Indian War. From this account it appears that he was of Scotch descent and was born in County Antrim, Ireland, October lo, 1728. He came to Boston with his parents in his ninth year, arriving Sep- tember 7, 1737. He was educated in the Boston schools and in later life followed the sea. November 12, 1750, he was married in the First Presbyterian Church to Mary Wilson.^ Their first child, Robert, was born April 12, 1752, and died in September the following year. In November, 1753, came the birth of another son, Hector, and just two years later that of the eldest daughter, Mary. Another daughter, Lettice, was born at some time after the period covered by this sketch. Entering the king's service in April, 1755, McNeill, then master of a vessel, carried General Monckton to Nova Scotia and apparently remained during the siege of Beausejour. He returned to Boston in October, but about the end of the year i7^'5 was again in the Bay of Fundy. He was soon captured with his ship by Indians, near Passamaquoddy Bay. With this incident the sketch comes abruptly to an end. We have a bit of information, however, derived from Indian sources and recorded in a journal kept in 1764 by James Boyd, a settler on Passamaquoddy Bay. Boyd learned from the natives of that region that McNeill, after his capture, had been taken to St. Andrews and thence to Quebec." He there disappears from recorded annals for more than nine ^ Boston Records, xxviii. 341, where the date given is November 10. 2 2 Proceedings, 111. qi. There is no record in the Massachusetts Archives of any service of Captain McNeill in the French and Indian War. years. He may have been held a prisoner until the end of the war, but at all events he resumed his seafaring life in course of time. In a list of " Port Arrivals " it is noted that on April 19, 1765, " Hector McNeill, Sloop Phenix from Hallyfax," with a considerable number of passengers, arrived in Boston, and on November 24, 1766, he came from Quebec in the sloop Fanny and Jeany. Three other entries of his vessels from Quebec are reported: August 10, 1767, the sloop Brittania, August 25, and December 15, 1768, the sloop Swallow} This last arrival is mentioned in the Diary of John Rowe.' Captain McNeill's first wife died February 7, 1769, and lies in the Granary Burying Ground, where her stone may been seen.^ On December 26, 1770, he married Mary Watt. By this union he had one child, a daughter named Sarah.* At the outbreak of the Revolution McNeill was living in Quebec with his wife and daughters. They are mentioned several times between June and October, 1775, in the " Jour- nal Kept in Quebec in 1775 by James Jeffrey," and under the date August 29, it is stated that " Hector McNeill arrived this evening from Dominica in Drummonds Scho"". He says that at Canso he heard that at Roxbury had been another battle, and most of the light horse were killed in the engage- ment — but we must wait for particulars." ^ At this time McNeill's son was a member of Captain Nicholson Brough- ton's company of Colonel John Glover's regiment in the American army before Boston; his name appears on two rolls of the company, dated June 27 and December 20, 1775.® Two years later the younger McNeill was a seaman on his father's ship. 1 Boston Records, xxix. 264, 288, 295, 307, 311. 2 2 Proceedings, x. 71. 3 MS. Records in Boston City Hall. Data received from Mr. Charles A. Coolidge. * Boston Records, xxx. 349. McNeill's will mentions his son and three daughters, the youngest by his second wife. It was through this daughter, Sarah, that the Gray collection of McNeill papers descended to their present owner. On December 6, 179S, Sarah was married by Rev. Jeremy Belknap to Thomas Neil {Boston Records, xxx, 95). Their daughter Jane married Shadrach H. Sise. ^ Hist. Coll. Essex Inst., l. 132. 8 Mass. Archives (Rolls), xxxv. 86, lvii. 13. There are two letters dated " Camp before Quebec," April 25 and 26, 1776/ the first from Colonel James Lockwood, the other from Major General David Wooster, both addressed "To Cap" Hector McNeill at Point au Tremble," giving orders which indicate that he was then engaged in operations on the St. Lawrence River, in the service of the United Colonies. McNeill must have returned to Boston not long after this, for he was appointed, June 15, 1776, a captain in the Continental Navy, and on October 10, when the relative rank of naval captains was established, he was placed third on the list. Before this arrangement of rank Captain McNeill had been selected for the command of the frigate Boston, of 24 guns, which had been built at Newburyport and was fitting out at Boston. Cruising orders for some of the new frigates built in New England were issued by the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress in the fall of 1776. The first, dated September 21, applied to the Boston and Raleigh alone. Later orders, of October 23, included the Hancock with these two, and their captains were given detailed instruc- tions for a cruise which, it was expected, would soon take place." But the ships were not ready for sea until the following year. Among the Commodore Tucker Papers, in the Harvard College Library, is a photostat copy of Tucker's commission as " Captain of the armed ship called the Boston," dated March 15 1777.^ It may have been the purpose of the Marine Committee to supersede McNeill at this time, but if so, it was not carried out. Tucker took command of the ship a year later. In 1777 the above mentioned instructions of the Marine Committee to McNeill and other captains were followed in a modified form and the long deferred expedition took place. The Raleigh, Captain Thompson, was still unready for sea, but the Hancock and Boston, during the spring and summer, made one of the memorable cruises of the war, beginning 1 N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., xxx. 333. 2 Out-Letters of the Continental Marine Committee {Publ. Naval Hist. Sac, Vol. IV), I. 14, 42. 3 Tucker Papers, i, 18. with hope and ending in disaster, as many of the Revolution- ary Navy's undertakings did. The Hancock was commanded by Captain John Manley, senior in rank to McNeill. The General Court of Massachusetts, in resolves adopted April 24 and 26, 1777, urged these officers to put to sea at once, in pursuit of certain of the enemy's cruisers which were harassing the coast and waters of the state. Inducements, in the form of prize money and insurance, were offered to privateers to accompany the frigates. Nine private armed vessels accepted the terms. The squadron finally sailed May 21. The privateers were of no use whatever; becoming separated, they soon dropped behind and took no further part in the enterprise. Private vessels were ill adapted for cruising in squadrons and during the Revolution failed in nearly all attempts at cooperation with regular ships or with each other. Early in the cruise the frigates fell in with a superior force, but escaped. In June they captured the British frigate Fox. In July they encountered three British ships, the Rainbow, Flora, and Victor, and the engagement which ensued resulted in the sur- render to the enemy of the Hancock and Fox. The Boston escaped, took refuge in the Sheepscott River, and later re- turned to Boston Harbor.^ In a cruise of this sort, hazardous at best, the utmost harmony and perfect understanding between the captains was essential to success. That the opposite was true on this occasion was notorious before they sailed; Manley and McNeill were at swords' points. Dr. Samuel Cooper wrote to John Adams, April 3, 1777: " Manly and McNeal do not agree. It is not, I believe, the Fault of the first ... If they are not better united, infinite Damage may accrue." ^ In McNeill's letters will be found sharp criticism of his supe- rior's conduct during this cruise. He also had trouble with the officers of his own ship. James Warren, a member of the Eastern Navy Board, in a letter to John Adams, Septem- ber 7, 1777, in speaking of the frigate Boston, said: "And great misunderstanding between the Captain and his officers, 1 In the papers here collected, Captain McNeill gives detailed accounts of all these operations. For British accounts, see Allen, Naval History of the Revolution, i, 205, 208-214. 2 Adams mss. 8 who it is said will not again go to sea with him, and who say he never will again man his ship. Capt. McNeill's repu- tation on his first appointment was extremely good; it seems to be now reversed. The last cruise was at first very suc- cessful, but did not end so. There was certainly great blame somewhere, I won't pretend to say where. He lays it on Manley, as you may see by his letters to the Marine Com- mittee; while his officers dont scruple to say that if he had followed Manley's orders we might have had not only the Fox, but the Flora and Rainbow." In a later letter (Octo- ber 12), Warren speaks of McNeill's "overbearing haughti- ness and unlimited conceit." ^ Yet it would appear from some of the captain's letters that he was at heart devoted to the interests of his ship's company, both officers and men, and solicitous for their welfare, demanding recognition of their rights especially in the matter of pay and prize money. McNeill had a good friend in Captain John Paul Jones, who expressed sympathy in letters included in this collection. No report of the cruise by Captain Manley has come to light and his side of the story remains unheard. Neverthe- less, public opinion in general was with him, and McNeill was held responsible for the loss of the Hancock, in not hav- ing come to her rescue. That this sentiment was not unani- mous, however, is shown in a letter, dated March 30, 1778, of William Wetmore, of Salem, to Timothy Pickering. In recommending Captain John Fisk for the command of a Continental frigate, he says: "I am confident he wd. not give her away like a Coward as perhaps has been the case with some others, nor lose her like a blockhead as M did his." - The frigate Boston remained in port until February, 1778, when she sailed for France under the command of Captain Samuel Tucker. In the spring of 1778 Captain Manley, who had been many months a prisoner, was released by exchange and returned to Boston. A Court of Inquiry was held, no report of which exists, but it is alluded to in a letter of 1 Warren- Adams Letters, Vol. lxxii. i, 366. 373. See Out-Letters of the Marine Committee, i. 164, 170. 2 Pickering mss. (Mass. Hist. Soc), xvii. 128. Doubtless Manley is meant. James Warren and John Deshon, of the Eastern Navy Board, to William Vernon, the third member. Under date of Boston, June lo, they speak of Manley's Court Martial, then taking place, and add: " Capt. McNeill's comes on Friday next. He conducts in the present Similar to what he did in the former Court of Enquiry, which is to Create as much Charge and perplexity as possible." ' The verdict of acquittal in Manley's case, signed by Dudley Saltonstall, President, and dated June 13, 1778, is printed in the Publica- tions of the Rhode Island Historical Society^ A letter of June 16, from John Deshon to Joshua Huntington, after mentioning Manley's acquittal, says that " McNeill is on Tryal. I fancy he will not come of so well." ' No report of McNeill's trial has been preserved, but a sentence either of suspension or dismissal was imposed. On June 30 he made a protest which has also apparently been lost, but is referred to in a petition to the Continental Congress, dated Philadel- phia, July 25, in which he expresses himself as being "ex- ceedingly Agrieved." This petition was referred to the Marine Committee, which recommended, January 15, 1779 " That the Sentence of the Court Martial against' Capt! McNeill be not caried into execution." Consideration of this report was postponed and this seems to have ended the matter. McNeill never again served in the Continental Navy.^ Little is known of Captain McNeill's subsequent career. Soon after his trial he went to Philadelphia, apparently with a view to conduct more effectively his attempts at reinstate- ment in the naval service. There he seems to have remained many months, perhaps until the spring of 1779. Later he was engaged to some extent in privateering. On October 26, 1779, he signed as witness the bond of the brigantine Charming Peggy.' His name appears on a petition, dated May 22, 1780, praying to be commissioned commander of 1 Pttbl. R. I. Hist. Soc, vin. 246. - lb., vin. 247. 3 Wolcott Mss. (Mass. Hist. Soc). * Papers of Contin. Congress, xlii. 5, 73, xxxvii, 163. See Out-Letters of the Marine Committee, i. 243, 252, 271, 280. ^ Mass. Archives, v. 163. lO the privateer Pallas} This vessel sailed for Europe, bound to Amsterdam. A business letter of August 22, 1780, from that place, says: " We are sorry to mention you that to this day the Brigantine Pallas, Hector McNeill, is not yet arrived, so that in all appearances said Vessel is fallen into wrong hands." " The fate o^ the Pallas is here left in doubt. Another petition, dated November 21, 1780, pertains to the ship Adventure, which also had a Continental commission. In this case McNeill's signature is not in his own handwrit- ing. These were all Massachusetts privateers. On May 10, 1782, McNeill witnessed the bonds of two Virginia privateers with Continental commissions.^ He may have been on a Southern trip at this time, but that he was living in Boston in 1782 is shown by letters written to him by Paul Jones. The only further knowledge we have of the subject of this sketch concerns his end, which was befitting a sailor. In answer to inquiry Mr. Gray of Portsmouth writes: " Capt. Hector McNeill was lost at sea on Christmas night, 1785." A considerable correspondence in later years between his widow and General Knox gives the impression that the cap- tain left his family in far from affluent circumstances.* Autobiographical Sketch ^ Brigantien Minerva July 13th, 1773. I, Hector McNeill, being now at sea and (blessed be god) find- ing my mind composed, and sound, do now in His name (and I trust for his Glory) begin a work, which I have long had in mind to accomplish which is to Leave to my children, and Freinds, that may survive me, some account of my Predecessors, and kindred, and of mine own Life, and Perigrinations, throu this troublesome World. That they may know hereafter, from what quarter of the Earth, and from what Stock of People they are descended. That they may thereby be Excited to Excel in allworthyness of life, and conversation rather than debase the blood of their An- cestors, by a degenerate and wicked Life. — and that they may be ^ Ibid.. VI. 266. CLXxi. 164. - Commerce of Rhode Island, n. 104. 163. 3 Mass. Archives, clxxi. 307; Naval Records of Amer. Rev. (Calendar). 221, 406, 494. * Knox Mss. (Mass. Hist. Soc). ^ From Uie Gray Papers. II Taught by the Goodness of God Manifested, Particularly to me, in many verey Pressing dangers, to have theire trust in him, and in him Only; who has offten saved me, where even hope, reather might take the name of Presumtion, and when no vizible door was left for my Escape. For all which may I while I live; and may my children when they read this, have a due Sense of his mercy's, and of theire dependance on him, impressed on theire minds, for ever, from one Generation to another. I cannot help Lamenting that my Father (who had it much in his power, because blessed with an uncommon Memory, and a good understanding; as well as a very Particular knowledge of his Clan and Kindred,) did not leave me some such help, as I intend (throu god's goodness) this which I am now writeing shall be to my children,) for I hold it a great blessing, to be well as- sured of being descended from a Stock of People who have been distinguished for ages, for Vertue reather than riches. Therefore am willing that mine should know from whence they came, which few in this country do. Our removal from our native country, to a strange land in the ninth year of my life, (where since my Fathers death I have not been able to get much information) my memory is all I have to trust to. Yet shall I Endeavor to relate my Story strictly consistant with truth, wishing that what I com- mit to these Sheets, may be believed, and received, with all that integrity of Soul with which I write them, fully determined that my account of things shall be true be it ever so Lame and im- perfect in other respects. First, the People from whom I am descended, by the father's side of the house, (of the name Macniel) were natives of Kintyer in the West highlands of Scotland, from which country my Grand- father (Neal Macneil) followed the fortunes, of the infortunate family of Stuart. This at last led him abroad where he spent his youth and some of his Blood in Foreign Service, so that after his return, he was allways call'd to the day of his death, Neal nafrankah, (or Neal the frenchman). He at last returned and married a wife (of the Name of O Neil) in the north of Ireland, within 5 miles of Bellycastle in the county of An- trim, who lived with him 55 years, and then died, leaving him a numerous family of children, chiefly sons, some of whom I re- member to have seen. Namely, Charles, He[nry], John, and Mal- colm, which last was mine own Father, [who] was the youngest child of his fathers family. Secondly the People from whom I am descended by the mothers Side, are also from the West of Scotland, of the Name of Stuart, 12 deriveing theire Pedegree from that Ancient, and illusterous, family, of Stuarts, which has cost so much blood and Treasure to keep theire Simple Sons in Possession of theire fathers inheriteance. My Mother, whose name was Mary Stuart, was verey Proud of her ancestors, and loved her name to folly; and tho she never reaped any great good from her attachement to them, yet it cost her many a Painfull and sorrowfull hour, to my certain knowledge. She was a Pious, devout woman, and I verely believe a true Christian, the hapy fruits of which I trust she now reaps in Glory. She was the fondest mother that ever had a son, and of all her sons none so loved as me who was her fa[vorite]. I do remember to have heard my father, and mother, both say; they were married that verey week in which King George the Second came to the crown, (I mean the time of his accession). I was born on thursday Octr. loth, 1728, and christened the Sabath following in Bellentoy church by the reverend Doctor Stuart, who was a distant relation of my mothers. The Place of my birth was at a little Village near the Sea Side not far from the giants Casuaye, call'd (dounesevrick) Dounsev- rick and in the Parish of Bellentoy aforesaid, the County of An- trim, 10 miles from Collrane, 8 miles from Bellemony, 5 miles from Bellycastle, and 3 from Bushmills. In July 1737, my father with his whole family consisting of six souls, viz. himself, my mother, my self, my Sister Jean, my Sister Margret, and Sister Mary, (then only six months old) Embark'd on board the Sygemanh, Daniel Gibbs commander at Port [rush], and on the Seventh of September following arrived at boston, haveing lost my second Sister (Margret) on the Passage. This was but a Prelude to our suceeding troubles, for before we had been three months in the country among a Set of Strangers, who were not verey Sympathetick, my other two Sisters also died. These repeated Strokes of Providence was most sensibly felt by my dear Parents, who now too late begann to repent theire re- moveing to a land of Strangers, where none seem'd touched with theire heartfelt misfortunes, theire anguish was the greater, as they had to blame theire removall from home for the loss of theire children; who haveing taken the Meazles on board the Ship, and being Verey much wet with the Seawater in a Storm (in which the Ship lost her masts,) they took cold, and never after recover'd, but died as above recited. Here I cannot Pass Remarking, a Singular instance of the Provi- dence of God Manifested, in our Preservation in this Storm which overtook us in our Passage to America. The Ship in which we pass'd, was about 240 Tons burthen, the 13 Captain, (whose name was Daniel Gibbs) had for his own emolu- ment letten his cabin, and State-rooms, to Passingers and had built for himself a convenient round-house on the after Part the Ships quarter-deck. He had Also built two Smaller ones, one on each side the companion, cappable of containing five Passingers each. My father, on Viewing the Ship, took a Particular fancy to have one of those little Lodging Places for his family, thinking it better to be where we might allways enjoy the benefit of fresh Air, and be also, intirely detached from the nauseous stench, and filth, of a crowd of Passingers, (which all who Lay below were constantly exposed to,) the Ship being verey much crowded (for at our departure from Port [rush] in Ireland, we reckoned near 470 Souls on board). He Accordingly Agreed with the captain for that birth on the Larboard side the Companion, for which he Paid him three pounds five Shillings per Passinger, those who lay below only Paying three pounds. It so happened that when the Ship broach'd too in the Storm, her Ballast, Water, Pasingers, and Everything below shifted, and keept her down on her beam-ends, until the water run in abund- antly at all her hatch-ways. In this Distress our birth being to Leward; 'twas with great deficualty my dear Parents, could save theire helpless infants from drowning, but holding them up as high as the top of our wretched cabin would Permit. In this horid Situation we remained some time untill the masts went away of themselves. Then the Ship righted a little, so as to free our birth of the water; Except now and then an Extraordinary high Surge of the Sea overwhelmed us. The Goodness of God in Preserving us at this time was verey Extraordinary, when the Little defence we had to resist the Violence of the Waves, was none other than a poor Cabin made on the Ships deck, with half inch deal boards and but slightly secured to the Ships Companion. My dear father, (who had by nature a good Mechanical genius,) had Examined (but a day or two before the storm) the maner in which the birth was secur'd, and Observed that it did not ap- pear solid Enough to resist bad weather, on which he applyd to the Ships Carpenter, who gave him some nails, and a few Staves of an old Beef Barrel; with theese he fastened the Birth to the Companion [with] his own hands, not careing to trust to a Person who seemed very indiferent about that and also the Ship. We soon had reason to thank the Almighty, for haveing Sug- gested to my father such a thought — for to this Precaution (under the direction of Providence) was oweing our Preservation 14 in the succeeding Storm, for in the condition the Ship then lay, our birth was Suspended Sideways in such a manner, that, 'twas marvelous indeed, that our weight, and the weight of water in it, had not forced it bodyly off from the companion, into the sea. In which case the poor little family, must have gone all togeither, and in one moment, finished a trip which most of them had but just begun; but that good God who had more mercys in Store for us. Preserved us in this great Extremity. The Scene of this disaster, was in the night, which made it appear more dreadfull and Allarming, the Sea itself, Seemd to be a body of fire reather then water, the cracking, and bursting of the Sails, and Masts, was like thunder; the Ship Lying down on her beam-ends, her Ballast, and Passingers Shiffted to Leeward, her masts and tiller broken, the Sea makeing a free Passage over her, the Shrieks, and Crys, of helpless Mothers and infants, whose Eyes were now in vain turn'd towards theire husbands or fathers for safety, in short the whole Exhibited such a Scene of distress, and look'd so like enevitable death that the stoutest heart failed, even the hardy tars (who are commonly wont to despise dangers) gave all up for lost, so that of fourteen Stout Seamen, besides Officers, be- longing to our Ship, only Six men Stood the deck in this Ex- tremity. All the others haveing Slip'd away into holes and Cor- ners, reather than meet death openly; when thus awfully armed against them. Those men who stood the deck and bravely did theire duty, ought to be remembered with gratitude, I will therefore transmit theire names to Posterity, as far as in my Power. Daniel Gibbs the Captain, Mr Demmick, chief mate, Mr Smith second mate, George Fitzgerrald, Boatswain, John McKown, Sea- man, John Dunn, a Seaman who wrought his Passage. The names of the others I have mostly forgot (as I would have all Posterity forget them). There was one Josiah Cox of casco-bay among them, I saw him a few years afterwards mas- ter of a ship; he was a fair outside of a man, but not very Valiant. His name was Tom Adams, who had the helm and suf- fered the Ship to Broach too at first. He was also a fine, fair- weather Sailor, When day light appeared, and brought to our view the deplor- able State in which we were, the stoutest heart trembled. When we considered our numbers on board, our Ship a Wreck, the great distance we were from land (then near 300 Leagues), the im- possibility of approaching it without masts, and sails, (of both which we were almost distetute) the small quantity of water now 15 on board (which by the buy was and had been the whole Voyage very bad) I say when all theese deficualtys were considered; 'twas then we began Sincerely to repent our haveing quited our native shore. Better had it been to have still tarryed there, and to have struggled on with Oppression, and Tyranny for the term of our natural lives, then to thus Perrish in the Ocean without any eye to Pitty us. Various were the complaints, and Pityable the case of such a Multitude. Nothing but the recent memory of theire late deliverance, and a firm confidence in that Mercy full God who had saved them in theire great distress, could compose theire Spirrits, on this Occasion. When our first Surprize and Perturbation of mind was over; we next began to think what means was yet in our Power for our own Preservation. The Seamen began to contrive Jury-masts. The Passingers Produced all theire winnow Cloths, and coarse Sheets. With theese and the remainder of the Ships Sails, were such new ones made, as put her once more in a condition to Pro- ceede (tho slowly) towards our Port, so that the first Part of our Passage haveing been fortunate, the latter creeping part of it; lengthened out the whole to Eight Weeks and three days, from our leaveing Portrush in Ireland, to our Arival at Boston in New England. Here we met with a verey indifferent reception from the People of the country, who seem'd to have a contempt for Strangers, of what denomination soever; more Especially those who came from Ireland (whom they took for granted were all Roman catholicks). Add to this our haveing the Meazles on board the Ship of which distemper twenty seven Persons had died on the Passage, so that we were not suffered to Land, but Order'd down to Spectical Island, there to Perform a quarentine. While we lay there, a relation of my mothers, whose name was Nancy Stuart (now married to one of the name of Boyd) who had been some two or three years in the country came to see us, and haveing brought a Permitt from the Selectmen of the town, brought us on shore, and conducted us to her house in long-Lane. On our Landing at Hubbards Wharf, my Father was accosted by that churlish old man himself. He ask'd in an angry tone, from whence we came; who sent for us; why we came there; and why we did not stay in our own country. To all theese ques- tions, my father answered him in few words, telling him with some heat and firmness, that 'twas not him who sent for us, nor were we accountable to him in any respect whatever. The Vile wretch snarled as he went and shut his window, growling out something about takeing the Bread out of childrens mouths, etca., etca. This verey uncouth Salutation from the first man we met at i6 Landing, lookd verey discouraging and wrought so deeply on my fathers spirrits, that he did not recover himself for some moments. At length the Tears running freely over his manly cheeks, gave Way to that Passion he could no otherwise vent, and he became calm before we reached the house of our Benefactors. A Little Lad who lived next door Observeing me a Stranger, fell into conversation with me, and being highly diverted with my manner of Pronounceation, (whither to amuse himself or some of his comrades to whom he intended to introduce me) led me out into the streets where we soon met with other Boys who were going to see a Ship Launched. Thither I accompany'd them where were gathered togeither great numbers of Spectators among others many small boys, some of whom began to make remarks on my dress and appearance. At length one more Audacious then the Others, singled himself out, and endeavour'd to Provoke me by his Scurrilous Language, which I for some time bore with christian Patience, (considering my self a Stranger, and haveing taken great notice of the reception my father had but just received from Old Hubbard I expected but little favour from those who were now round me). At length this uimiannerly boy most unhappily for himself, call'd me Irish. The word was scarcely out of his mouth, before he had my little fist — dab — in his Eyes. A Battle ensued and he was beaten most unmercyf ully ; for tho I had but just come on shore from a fateaguing half starved Passage, the Agitation of Spirrits into which I had been thrown by that days Adventures supply'd my want of Strength and Experience too. For I had never been bred to a fighting or quarelsome life. I returned to our Lodgings highly Extol'd by the Spectators for my courage and dexterity, little thinking of the train of Mischiefes and hardships, which began to follow me from that moment for- ward. For dureing the whole time of my Boy-hood in the town of Boston my life was one continued State of warfare. Scarcely ever did the day Pass, but one, two, or more Battles, was my sure lot. As the country boys were verey apt to cast reflections on me or my country, so never did I let them Pass unpunished. Even those who were much too old, and too Strong for me, I never Permitted to insult me with impunity. Untill at last I be- came such an Adept at Boxing, that they became civil and Com- plisante to me for theire own sakes. This was Perfectly Agree- able to me, for my Nature abhorr'd quarleing and contention all my days, but I was drove into that kind of Life, by the incivility and barbarous Partiality; of these People, among whom I was obliged to spend my time. 17 On my first appearance at a Publick School, where we were upwards of two hundred boys, (our Masters name was Allen,) I happened to be the only Stranger (for not being country born in those days made one an Alien to all intents,) here to theire ever- lasting Shame, I was cruely treated. For they Seldome contented themselves with threshing me one at a time, but would frequently shew me foul-play, and get at me two or more at once, untill they had master'd me for that time. This I allways revenged singley whenever an Oppertunity offer'd, untill at last, being brought by custom, to suffer a great deal of Bruseing and in my turn to Pay as well, they let me alone in peace. Here I would not be understood to glory in haveing been the cock of the school. Nor would I have any body think, that I approve of a quarelsome fighting life, in Either Boys or Men; but I reather mention theese things (tho meer childish triffles) to Shew Posterity how hard the fate of Strangers was in those days in New England; and of all Strangers none so disliked as those whom they called Irish, of whom they thought as the Jews of Old, with respect to the Gali- leans (can any good thing come out of Ireland). But blessed be god the times are much alter'd; the People of New England, have now a better Oppinion of us; they haveing found by Experience, that the Protestant Settlers from the North of Ireland, are the most invaluable Set of People theire New country can boast of, they being in generall industrious. Sober, honest, people; and Vailant in theire Wars with the french and Indians, from which incumbrance this country has not been long Exempted. This more than can be said of the People of any Other country what- ever who have yet come among the New-Englanders. Since the late greveious Administration of Lord Hillsbourough commenced, I have offten thought within my self, how strange a thing it seem'd to be, that a whole country should (in the course of Providence) be Oppressed, and Persecuted; by a Single Person of that nation; of whom (formerly) they themselves made a Merrit of Persecuting an individual. I would not overstretch this idea, but I think a good Lesson may be learned from it. Shall however Pass it at this time to follow more Particularly my in- tended Story. We had not been ashore more than ten days before my youngest Sister Mary, died; and in about six weeks afterwards, my Eldest sister Jean, followed. The sorrow of my afflicted Parents was inexpressible, who now saw themselves in a strange country, strip'd of theire Relations, Acquaintance and children (except my self), and that in little more than 3 months time. Thus they spent the first winter in mourning and Sorrow, resolving to return home i8 again the next Succeeding Sumer. But Providence Order'd it Otherwise; and with the new year New Scenes opened more Agreeable then we Expected so that from thenceforth my Parents became in a good measure reconciled to theire fate, and En- davourd to make the best of it in New England; in decem[be]r, 1738, my sister Elizabeth was born, and in Jan[uar]y, 1740, my Brother William; in Feb[ruar]y, 1742,, another Sister Jean; and in May, 1744, my Brother Isaac; in June, 1746, my Brother Jacob, and in Sept[embe]r, 1748, another Sister Mary, which last did not live above a month. I had from my Infancy allways discover'd an inclination for a Sea Life, which my Parents discouraged by Every means in theire Power, which I do now think (and Long have thought) Proceeded from theire fondness for me. The Arguments made use of, and the Love and respect I allways had for my Parents, proved hither- too sufficient to deter me from it. Happy for me had it still been so. Yet being now grown a little too headstrong, and longing to be from under that restraint, my Parents had a right to exercise over me I did (and sory am I now to say it) I did Break Away from my indulgent Loveing Parents, and much against theire inclination, go to sea. I veryly do believe that in all my life, I never did any thing which cost my Parents one Moment's Sorrow, except this one thing of going to sea. For which act of disobedience the Allmighty has in the course of his Providence Punished me severely. I was now in the 17th year of my age, well grown and verey active; add to this a strong Propensity for that kind of Employ- ment, by which (for the future) I did intend to get my Bread. I soon became much Esteemd by all I saild with, and met with great Encouragement. So that in June, 1750, I was made master of a Vessell in a Verey Snug trade, and constant Employ. Several years before this Period I had contracted an inclina- tion for Mary Wilson, daughter to deacon Robert Wilson of Bos- ton. I can truely say when it first began with me, I knew not what it meant. Riper years at last Suggested to me what was my complaint, but I remained so verey Bashfull, that 'twas not without great deficualty I disclosed my mind to her. I found her also so overcome with Shamefacedness that I could Easyly see her mind and inclinations was but a counter part of mine own. I do acknowledge my self much indebted to the care of heaven, and have great reason to bless my god for ever, for haveing in the course of things, directed mine eyes, my heart, and every affection to that aimable and worthy Object; for whose sake alone I gave up every thought of all others; and found my self Extremely 19 happy, Expecting in due time to Possess her who was the mistress of my desires. This helped to Ballance my unwary youth, and Proved too much for every other Temptation; so that instead of being toss'd about by a desire of change, and Exposed to diseases and Pains, togeither with a remorse of conscience the sure Pur- sveiant of early Vice, I was Enabled by the Preserving goodness of God, to bring my self to her chaste arms. Pure, and undefiled, from all crimes, and theire consequences ; which are but too off ten the silent, selfaccuseing, bedfellows of many a new married man. On the 1 2th of November, 1750, I was married to this lovely woman, myself being then just turned of twenty tow, and she within two months of twenty years of age. I was married on Mon- day Evening, and sail'd for Annapolis Royal on Thursday morning following; leaveing all freinds in Perfect health. Which blessing did not continue long amongst us, for on the succeeding Sabath I arrived at Annapolis so bad of a Pluresie fever, that no life was Expected for me; and remaind dangerously ill so long that my Vessell was sent home again before the dead of Winter shou'd set in, not Looking for my recovery. While I lay in this fever, given over by Physicians as well as all others who saw me, I had something Verey uncommon Com- municated to me, whither in a dream, or by means of some Super- natureal Agent, I cannot say; nor is it in my Power to this day to account for it; 'twas no less then the awfull, and lively, repre- sentation of the Great day of the Lord; which I am Persuaded will surely come and in a manner not far different from what I then saw and shall one day Experience. May God of his infinite Mercy prepare my Soul for the dreadfull, Pleaseing, moment. Methought, some one came to my bedside and asked me if I knew my mother was dieing. I answer'd no, and seem'd much alarm'd. I then fancy'd I heard the children crying and could Verey plainly distinguish their different Voices. Soon after which my mother appear'd at my bedside, and ask'd me if I knew that she was dead. I answer'd no, and told her I hoped 'twas not so. She said 'twas realy so, and that she was then instantly going to appear before the Judgement seat of Christ. Every thing appear'd so plain and my mothers answers so naturealle, that I begann to be in doubt whither I my self was in the Body or not, to be assured of which, I asked my mother whither I was dead or not. She told me that I was not yet dead. I then asked her where my father was. She said she had left him in great trouble and Perplexity, and to my surprize seem'd very indifferent about him or her chil- dren, as if her whole Attention were fixed on the trial just before her. She desired me to stretch my sight around me and take the 20 last View of all Nature, for that now time was going to end and Eternity commence. I look'd and beheld a Vast shining body of light coming towards us, and was told by her that what I then saw was God in Majesty comeing to Judge the world, I plainly saw all nature bend before this dread appearance, the hills and mountains mouldering away, like heaps of dry sand ; sinking down to rise again no more, I then began to be fearfuU about my self and would have gladly been found among the righteous, I asked my mother what she aprehended would be her fate. She smiled and said, my child, you shall see me Presently seated on the right hand of my Judge and Saviour who laid down his life for my salvation, I then asked her what would become of me and my father. She said it would go verey hard with us. I then cryd out, O my mother, will there be no favour shewn to the Seed of the rightious. She said none, but that every one must stand or fall by themselves. I then saw the earth opening, the dead riseing, and Millions of People, small and great hastening towards this awfull throne which had the Appearance of an immense Large Temple of fire, within which were Multitudes of Voices singing Praises to their Almighty King. I asked my mother what the different crowd of People meant, who seemd to huddle togeither in bands. She answered, that these were the different classes, and different Persua- tions, among mankind, who were to be Judged each class by them- selves. All those people seemd Exceeding earnestly Employ'd in prepareing themselves for an Examination before this awfull throne of light. Among the different crowds, I observed one Particular Set, who seem'd to have bundles with each of them; on the open- ing of which bundles, Vast numbers of little Packages were seen which by their appearance put me in mind of those little round things found in the fields, which the Sheepherds call Blindman Balls. No sooner were theese produc'd but they burst, and van- ished, like smoak; leaving a very disagreeable smell, and almost blinding all those who were near the place. I asked my mother what those things meant. She said theese were the Pardons for Sins and Absolutions Obtained by Papists and others from Priests, in which those poor deluded People had trusted, depending on them for theire Justification, but now found when too late to be of no service to them. The first that I observed was call'd to give an Account of them- selves was the Ministers of the Gospel. These were commanded to Produce Lists of their communicants. I then saw, the founda- tions of the churches turned over like a heaps of ruins, from under which was brought forth books in which was written the names 21 of all who had been members of theese churches since the begin- ing. The writeing appear'd plain Except in Some Places where it lookd mouldy as if it had been wet, and dry'd again,. I look'd long to see if I knew any of those Ministers. At length I saw Doctor Sewall with a goodly List of Communicants in his hand going toward the Throne. Theese with many other circumstances I saw, and have to this day as Plain in my memory as if it had been yesterday. Whither to call this a dream, or Vision, or the Phrinzeys of a distemper'd brain, I know not; but this I am certain of: that in the self same hour (which this Happened to me at Annapolis, as was remarked by Everybody round me in the house where I lay) my dear mother, departed this Life at Boston, of a verey slight illness indeed of which she had complained but a few days. For I had left her in Perfect health the 15th, and she died the 27th of that same November, 1750, in the 40th year of her age. It pleased god to recover me from this dangerous Sickness and to return me safe home again about the middle of february, where I found my disconsolate Father surounded with a family of helpless infants, Mourning the loss of the much-loved Partner of his Life. I was Prepaired for this event by the warning I had of it before, on which I depended from the verey moment 'twas communicated to me, as much as if I had been in my fathers house, and had seen what happened. It was nevertheless some comfort to me at my return to find my dear Mary in Perfect health. I then pitty'd my afflicted father, of whose irepairable loss I began to have some faint idea of by comparing my own Mercy's with his bereavements. His Griefe was unbounded, and his mourning without ceaceing, in- somuch that I vereyly believe 'twas the means of shortning his days. He had not only burried my mother in my Abscence, but had himself undergone an opperation by the chiugions hands for a cancer in his Lip, so that he was worn to a Skeliton with Sorrow of heart and pain of Body. This Weight alars Proved too much for him and made him totter on towards the Grave with rapid Progress. For notwithstanding some hopes of a cure after his Lip was cut off, yet the roots of the disease lying too deep for the incision Knife, it rekindled again with double force and carried him out of this troublesome world in October following, in the 47th year of his age, so that he did not live quite Eleven months after my mother. I happened to be at home a few days before his death, time Enough to receive his last Commands which was a great comfort to me, as it was also the only thing my dear father desired most on Earth; that he might only be spared to take me by the hand, 22 give me his Blessing, and deliver over to my care his helpless in- fants. Oh heart of Adament canst thou hold togeither when thou recollectet the tender Sceene — a dieing father committing to thy care five helpless orphans, who must henceforth look up to thee, and call thee father, Mother, and Brother too. He said my dear child I have (notwithstanding my suffering the most Excruciating pain) desired of the Lord that he would spare me untill your re- turn, that I might take my last farewell of you in this world, trusting in the Almighty to meet you again in glory. My worldly matters I have settled as you will find in that paper, which if you approve of 'tis well; if not, I will make Any Alteration in it you think proper. I leave you no riches, my Blessing Excepted which I trust in the Lord will fall on you for good; but I leave you a great deal of care. I leave you at the head of this poor little flock, trusting that by the blessing of the Almighty and your honest improvement of your own abilitys you will be Enabled to bring them up to the age of Ma[nhood] without theire falling a Prey, or being Exposed to an ingrateful world; and may they prove loveing dutyfull children to you who is henceforth to be theire Only Parent on Earth. The little I leave among you will wear well and I am Confident no one will ever do you an injury for my sake. May god be with you, and unite you in one band of love, and may his Blessing rest on you for ever. After this he continued but a few days and gave himself no other trouble concerning us while he did remain Except to restrain our griefe for his sake. After the funerall was over I gave up the house in which I had Lived heretofore and removed into that which was my fathers. Here I found myself (tho young and just begin- ning the world) surrounded with a family of children whose whole dependence was (under Providence) fix'd on me alone. On this Occasion I could not help remarking to my wife how suddenly she had become a mother of so many children and asked her what she thought of the task. She said that inasmuch as God in his Providence had cast so great a care upon her, she hoped he would Enable her to do her duty towards them with a good conscience, and so far was she from repining at the thoughts of supporting such a burthen, that she undertook it with cheerfullness. This Obliging repply indear'd her to me more if Possible then before, and the unwearied pain she took from that time to her dieing day for those poor children may possibly be Equall'd, but never out- done by the fondest mother on earth; this remains as a lasting proof how conscientiously she acquited herself of so great a charge. On 1 2th April, 1752, our family was increased by the birth of our first child (a boy) who was christened Robert for his Grand- 23 father, Mr. Wilson. He, with his mother, and all my brothers and sisters (Except my Brother William) had the small Pox togeither before he was two months old. They all did well notwithstanding they took it in the naturall way, as at that time inocculation was not verey generaly approved of. My Brother William not being then in Boston but at school in the Country (whither I had been oblig'd to send him on account of his Truant playing in town) was the Cause why he Escaped the small pox at that time. For I could not think of calling him out of the country 50 miles to town to punish him with sickness the Event of which I dreaded. He had also a weakness in his left Eye some time before which added to my fears in case of his have- ing that distemper which is so offten fattall to weak Eyes. In all this I thought I was right and did for the best. But alass, how blind are we to the future. So it happened with me in this case. He was afterwards Exposed to have the small pox on board a Ship where he could have few or none of the Necessarys or conveniences of life about him and was thereby the innocent means of his own and my imprisonment severall months, as will be found in the Sequell. In August, 1753, my Wifes Brother William Wilson died, and in September following my fine Boy, while I was abscent. At my return I was told of my Loss a Little abruptly as I Landed on Long wharf by Sam. Sloane. Here for the first time I was sensible of the feelings of a Parent. I had been Accustomed to deaths and had now worn mourning for three years togeither, but never did any death make such an impression on me before as I found the death of this child made. May God forgive the weakness of my Nature and give me allways a due resignation to his will. In November, 1753, our second son was born and christened after me (Hector). In March, 1754, my Wife's mother Mrs. Wilson died much Lamented. She was a good freind, Neighbour, and I hope and be- lieve a Good Christian. In April, 1755, I was taken into the King's Service and did cary Generall Monckton on the Expedition against Beausejour in the Bay of Funday (now Fort Cumberland), from which place [I] did not return untill October following. In November, 1755, our first daughter Mary was born, and on the 24th december following I saild for Annapolis Royal takeing with me my Brother William meerely to keep him from Beating the Streets and playing Truant, to which he had allways been adicted, and not in the least intending him for a Sea Life. How- 24 ever the Lord, who disposes of all things as he thinks best had now set before him and me a long chain of Suffering. After being toss'd at sea some days and running from one har- bour to another along the Coast for Shelter, we did on the 29th of december aforesaid put into Harbour — Letonge [Etang] a little to the Eastward of Passcadamaquady. Being at an Anchour I order'd the boat out and went on shore my self with Capt. Wm. Martin of the Royal Artillery, then a Passinger on board, and 4 men. I set the men to cut wood and to search for water (which last they found not by reason of the severe frosts which had been for some days before). Capt. Martin and my self strol'd about in hopes of shooting sea-fouU, and after being wearey of that I took the boat and went round the harbour to sound it. As I had never been in it but once before I thought it my duty to be Acquainted with it. In this Manner did we spend the first day in the harbour aforesaid, with- out finding the least Vestige of any humane creature Except our- selves. The second day was Verey stormy, so that we cou'd not well go on shore untill towards Evening. Then thinking it more adviseable to move our Birth so as to be able to sail before day light, which we could not well do from the Place we then lay in, at sunset therefore we hove up our Anchours and turnd up to the N Wt. side of the Harbour, then anchour'd again to waite a Convenient Oppertunity for quiting that place. At bed- time we set a watch of one hand which was the common Practice in all places where we were not afraid of Indians. As we had seen nothing of indians those two days past, thought ourselves quite secure. I order'd the watch to give me a call at 4 Clock next morning, and was accordingly called by Charles Conner, one of the Sailors. There was at that time a thick fogg or Vapour on the water so that we could not see the land. Consequently could not see our way out of the Harbour. I then order'd Henry Linkletter (the present watchman) to call me at day-light or before if the wind brees'd and cleard away the fogg, then went to bed again and after some time fell asleep. The watchman had walk'd the deck untill he Judged me asleep and then came down to the fire in the Steerage, call'd up Capt. Martins Servant (one Chandler) with whom he began to play at Cequers or somewhat like it. In this stupid careless way he spent his time untill at last hearing something move over his head and being ask'd by Chandler what Noise that was on deck, he Atempted to go up to see, but to his great Surprize was stop'd by two indians at the door of the Companion with each a Musquet presented at him. He suddenly Jump'd backward and 25 caird out, the Indians at the same time giveing the usuall yells by which awfuU noise I was awaked in great Surprize. I instantly took off my capp and threw it at the candle to prevent being blinded thereby going out in the dark. I then took my Gun (which I had ashore shooting) and running as fast as possible to get on deck, was seized by Linkletter and Chandler who saw the danger I was running into. They hauled me back again, so that I fell with my face and Breast upon the Ladder. I soon saw the narrow Escape I had met with. For scarcely was I fallen when one of theire Hatchets which miss'd me as I fell stuck into the Ladder Just by my head. Had this blow reach'd me 'twould in all Probabillity have ended my days; but the great Pre- server of man, who has his own purposes in View was pleased to spare me at that time. I had no time for recollections or Considering of my danger before this, being surprized out of my sleep; but now on looking round I saw my Situation clearly. Nevertheless I did not despair of Extrecating my self in a little time, knowing full well that if by any means we cou'd get on deck so as to attack those Vermin Vigorously, they wou'd soon give way. My first care was to place two men with Musquets in hand one on each side the Steerage, with theire arms pointed upwards, cross ways to guard the Companion door, for I perceived that the Indians were watching an oppertunity to take aim at some of us, of which they were now prevented. For no sooner did they offer to peep in at the door then they saw the Musle of a Musquet pointed at them from below, without being able to see the person who presented it. I then placed another man at a Loop hole in the bulkhead of the Steerage on the Larboard side looking forward to prevent them from cutting the Cable by which we rid. I then put on my own cloths and order'd all the people to do the same. By this time it was clear day-light. My first intention was to begin a random firing throu the deck at the Savages, thinking thereby to clear the quarter deck and then get out. But as we might probably fire a good many shot without doing Execution, it was necessary to Examine what quan- tity of ammunition we had before we began. On searching we found only a pound of Powder, very bad, mix'd with dust, in the Bottom of the Barrel. This made my heart faint within me; nor could I help curseing the ill-timed Parsimony of my owners, who had reffused me Powder before I saild from Boston, 'twas in the end the loss of theire Vessell and my Liberty and Verey nearly my Life. 26 I never doubted beating off the indians untill I found my self so short of Powder. In order therefore to make the most of what little we had 'twas Necessary to make a Push for our Lives with all the resolution immaginable. I then told my People and Capt. Martin, as we had so Little Powder our guns could be of little use to us and that 'twas best to load each man a Pistol with which in one hand and a Cutlass in the other we might force our way out among the indians ; assureing them that they would jump over board the moment they saw us all on deck. Capt. Martin, John Whitty my mate and Charles Connor one of the Sailors were willing to Accompany me, but the others were all against it. In vain did I tell them that in case of delivering our- selves up to such a Barbarous Enemy as the indians we could hope for nothing more then to have our lives spared untill they got drunk (which coud not be long, considering the quantity of Liquor we had on board the Vessell) that therefore 'twas better to die like men endeavouring to set our selves free then to have our hands tied and be killed Like Sheep, in a few hours. No, in vain was all this repeated severall times. Nothing could rouse theire Spirrits or tempt them to Exert themselves on this Ocasion. I then began to reproach them who had by theire stupid neglect betrayd me into the present delima, and now throu Cowardice refused to asist me in Extrecating my self and them. One (whose name was John Jermyne) being stung to the heart with these reproaches, said, Sir, I am not a coward, nor is it throu fear that I refuse going out with you; but 'tis because I see no probability of succeeding. In the first place there is no Possibility of getting out more than one man at a time, and he must crawle out of this doorway on hands and knees, in which case two indians with theire hatchets may kill us as fast as we go up. In the second Place they are verey numerous upon deck so that there is the less cause to Expect they will be so soon frightened overboard as you think. To convince you that I am not afraid I will go up by my self, but it shall be naked as I am, not with arms. If I live long Enough to be able to reckon them I will let you know their Number. If they kill me instantly you will know the better what to Expect and may do as you think proper, I then told him that he shou'd not go up so; for to what purpose was it to lessn our numbers by puting himself naked into theire hands, when his takeing arms might be of so great Consequence to us all. He however continued to insist on it and the other People seeming to relish this proposeall better than mine, he did go up with only his Shirt and drawers on. For I could not persuade him even to put on his cloths, altho the 27 Cold was so intense a man might have been froze to death in a little time. On seeing him come up to them naked they did not atempt to kill him, but haveing ask'd him severall questions they Orderd him to come down again and put on his Cloaths. At his return he told us they were thirty at least upon deck, and appear'd all Exceeding well arm'd. We then held a Consulta- tion what we had best do, and haveing lost all hopes of geting quit of them, we came to a resolution to give ourselves up to them. Especially if there should be none of the Mickmack Tribe amongst them. For I had come to a resolution within my self not to give my self up to them whom I had allways known to be a Cruel Bloody Bigoted Cowardly race of Vermine who took delight in sheding the blood of the English for religions Sake. Observeing the whole time they were on board to keep a cen- tinall on the Cable they were prevented once or twice from cutting it by my giveing orders to fire at the Indian who made the attempt. Happily for us the Gun did not go off. For had we shed the blood of one of them we must have Expected no Mercy. However it had the desired Effect, which was to hinder them from Cutting. Extract from the Journal of James Boyd, 1764 '^ Some time before Quebeck was taken from the French, Capt. Hector McNeal was taken prisoner in the harbour Le Tong, It was Indians which took him. One Frenchman, who married an Indian, was with the Indians. They gave Capt. McNeal the names of sundry places. The Indians carried McNeal's vessell to Cona- squamkook [St. Andrews, New Brunswick], and there unloaded a good deal of the Cargo. McNeal had some small guns and swivels. The Indians kept one gun to give an alarm when needed. The Indians then carried the Vessell to Saint Johns River, and carried their Captives up this river to Quebeck. From James Lockwood^ Camp before Quebec, April 2Sth, 1776 Dear Sir: I have just received your favour of yesterday and say in answer — The Gen' * thinks it will be better that M"" Lizott 1 2 Proceedings, iii. 91. Winslow Papers. Deposition of James Boyd. 2 A^. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, xxx, 333. 3 Major-General David Wooster. 28 should be sent by Water than through the Country. With regard to the two Vessels, Cap* Tenyck who takes command of Peppers Schooner has Orders to take up all suspected Vessels and boats, and those two have been mentioned to him; he will stop at Point au Tremble. The Gen' therefore desires you to direct him at any rate to secure those Vessels, he will receive proper information from you concerning them. Remember me affectionately to your family and believe me your most obed* Serv* Ja^ Lockwood ^ Cap* McNeil [Addressed] to Cap" Hector McNeil at Point au Tremble. From David Wooster ^ Camp before Quebec, April 26th, 1776 Dear Sir, — I am much obliged to you for the information you give me in yours of yesterday which I have received and say in answer — I shall write Gen' Arnold concerning the Acadien and also to arrest Palmer. I have Ordered four Bar'^ Pork to be sent you from here, should be glad you would send two of them to Cap" Scott. If you can possibly procure flour at Point au Tremble I hope in a few days to be able to replace Cash for it. I am informed that M"^ Cole with a large sum was left at Crownpoint and was every hour ex- pected at Montreal. With regard to the Gaspee please to procure a Pilot and put some hands on board of her from Cap" Church's party and send her to Jackes Cartier with Orders to be left ashore there. Let Matherman follow his Cap*. The Articles for the Maria with a Gunner were sent from this place yesterday. I have sent for Cap" Goforth from Three Rivers, a very good man, to take charge of her — Prince, Peppers Mate, I shall send after immediately. Give me leave to congratulate you upon the Good News from Boston and believe me most affectionately your very hble Serv* My Comp*^ to your family David Wooster Cap* McNeil [Addressed] To Cap" Hector McNeil at Point au Tremble. [Superscribed] On the Service of the United Colonies. ^ Colonel James Lockwood, aide to General Wooster. 2 N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, xxx, 333. 29 From the Marine Committee ^ In Marine Committee. Philadelphia, Septem: 21 1776. Sir: — In consequence of a letter from the president of Massa- chusetts Bay dated the 13 Instant to the President of the Congress which was by Congress referrd to this Committee; we have de- termined to Comply with the wishes of your assembly by Ordering the Frigate ^ Commanded by Capt. McNeill and that ^ by Cap- tain Thompson of Newhampshire to be fitted immediately and proced on a Cruize on your Coast in hopes of taking the Milford Frigate * or of drawing her or any other Enemy away from those Seas. We therefore authorize you to accept the Profferd assistance of the said assembly or any Committee they appoint to assist in fitting equipping arming and manning that Frigate, You are also to accept their offer of Twenty four nine Pounders (cannon) and to Cooperate with them in getting this Ship to sea with the utmost Expedition, and we agree to reimburse the State of Massachusetts Bay for all Just and necessary Expences they incurr in Effecting this Bussiness. We shall in due time also cause their Cannon to be returned, unless they think proper to make Sale of them for the use of this ship and in that case we woud choose to purchase them provided their are good guns quite suitable for the service. You will please to purchase a proper number of swivell guns, good musketts, Blunderbusses, cuttlasses, Pikes and other arms and instruments suitable for this ship. You will apply to your state for powder. Ball, muskett shott other millitary stores to be paid or returned by the Congress and in short as this Ship will instantly go into Danger we hope nothing will be neglected that ought to be done in fitting and manning her. We are very sincerely, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, John Hancock. Richard Henry Lee. RoBT. Morris. Samuel Huntington, Joseph Hewes. Samuel Chase, JosiAH Bartlett, 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. mss. 2 The Boston. 3 The Raleigh. Thomas Thompson was later made sixth on the list of captains. * A British man-of-war cruising in Massachusetts Bay. 30 P. S. If Mr. Langdon applys to you Mr. Bradford or to your State for assistance in fitting out the Frigate under his care we hope it will be granted and we shall reimburse all Just Expences and Charges. The intended Enterprize should be kept as secret as possible. Hon. Thomas Gushing, Esq. The above is a True Coppy. Thomas Gushing, Jun'r. [Endorsed] The Hon'ble Thomas Gushing, Esq., Boston. [Memorandum] Letter from Jo. Hancock Esq'r and others a Ma- rine Committee of Congress to Thomas Gushing Sept. 21, 1776. relative to the Continental Frigate call[ed] the Boston, Hector McNeil Master. Marine Committee to Captain McNeill^ [Philadelphia], September 21, 1776. Sir, — The Assembly of Massachusetts having offered their as- sistance in equipping, Manning and Arming the Frigate under your command, we have accepted the same, and therefore hope you will very soon be ready for the sea. We expect the same from the Frigate in New Hampshire commanded by Captain Thompson and our design is that you should join company as soon as possible and cruize in Concert. We are informed that the Milford Frigate now infests the Coasts of these states and does much injury to their trade. It is our duty to prevent this soon as we are able and as the two frigates mentioned will be an over match for the Milford or any single frigate of the enemy, and go in quest of that or any other of the enemies Ships in those Seas, provided they be such as you are able to Cope with, and we hope in due time that you have taken, destroyed or drove the enemy off the Coast. The rank betwixt you and Captain Thompson is not yet established, you are therefore to act in Concert and consult each other in all things that relate for the good of the service, to the safety and preservation of your Ships or to the Interest and honor of the United States of America. The Continental Agents in any State you put into will supply Provisions or any necessaries that may be wanted — to some of them you are to address your Prizes; and must advise this Com- mittee of your proceedings as opportunitys occur. You are also 1 Out-Letters of the Continental Marine Committee, i. 14. 31 to furnish us in due time with a Copy of your log book and Journal, and advise us of any important intelligence that may come to your knowledge. With the best wishes for your success We are Sir your friends, etc. [Captain Hector McNeill] Instructions of the Marine Committee for Captains John Manley, Hector McNeill and Thomas Thompson ^ [Philadelphia], October 23, 1776 Gentlemen, — We expect the Continental frigates Hancock, Boston and Raleigh, under your respective commands, are either now ready for the Sea or shortly will be so. You are hereby directed to act in concert and Cruize together for the following purposes and on the following Stations. Your first object must be to inform yourselves in the best manner possible, if any of the British men of war are Cruizing in the bay of Boston or off the Coast of Massachusetts, and all such you are to endeavour with your utmost force to take, sink, or destroy. Having effected this service you are to proceed together towards Rhode Island and there make prize of or destroy any of the enemies Ships of war that may be found Cruizing off the Harbour or Coast of Rhode Island. The Prizes you make are to be sent into the nearest Port. When you arrive at Rhode Island, if Commodore Hopkins - should not be already sailed on his Southern expedition and the two frigates ^ built in that State should not be ready for the sea, in that case you are to join Commodore Hopkins and proceed with him on the said expedition, producing these orders to him to justify the meas- ure. But if the Rhode Island frigates should be ready for the sea there will be no occasion for you or either of you to go Southward. And you will then proceed taking with you any Con- tinental Vessel that may be at Rhode Island and ready, if Com- modore Hopkins should be sailed before you come there, and pro- ceed to Cruize against the enemies Ships and Vessels that may be found off the Coast between the Harbour of Newport and the Banks of Newfound Land. We have no doubt from your zeal and attachment to the cause of America, that you will execute this service with all possible dispatch and vigor, and so bid you heartily farewell. 1 Out-Letters of the Continental Marine Committee, i. 42. 2 Esek Hopkins, senior officer of the Continental Navy. 3 The Warren and Providence. 32 To The Massachusetts Board of War^ Gentlemen, — I am in want of good Swivle guns and as I understand there are fourteen such as would Suit very well now in Store at Rowes Wharf, which have been taken out of the Brig^° Charming Sally and the Ship Julius Ceasar, I humbly pray that you would Supply me with the above mentioned guns and their implements, the agent, or my Self will pay the price they may be apprized at with Thanks, I am Gentle- men your Most Obed' Servant Hector McNeill. Boston Jan^ i^' 1777. [Addressed] To the Hon*''" Board of War To the Council of Massachusetts ^ To the Honourable the Council of the Massachusetts State. Gentlemen, From the frequent proofs I have had of the baseness of the lower Class of Mankind, and from the proness I can observe in the different ranks above them to make use of the folly's or Vices of the common people, to serve their own particular private Views; I have often look'd with Surprise and infinite con- cern, on the inatention of the Fathers of this People, who are (in my Opinion) as much accountable, for the Conduct of those under their Charge, as any head of a Family can possible be suppos'd, if for want of proper regulations, they suffer the individuals under their care, to stray from the paths of Virtue. What I would more particularly point out at this time, is that there is scarcely a day passes but instances offer, of desertions from Regiments and Ships in the Continental Service, yet within my Knowledge there has not been a single instance of punishing an offender; nor is there a Law in being, to bring them to Justice. This is an evil which Gentlemen in your high distinguish'd rank sometimes hear of, but do not feel, nor are you in the least acquainted with the weight and discouragement it is to Officers who are more immedi- ately concern'd with these unguarded Mortals, and who from the nature of their Employments, are accountable to the Publick for their line of Conduct. With what Spirit can an Officer carry ^ Mass. Archives, clh. 22. 2 From the Gray Papers. No date; probably January, 1777. 33 on the publick Service, if he be not guarded by the Laws of the land, or instead of being guarded, should find himself insulted by a petty constable with Benj'a Rents Authority in his hand, for having acted consistent with his Duty, in endeavoring to stop desertion, or quell mutiny among men in the publick Service, under his command? This has been the case with some Officers already. With what Spirit can an officer advance Monies to Cloathe the Naked Objects, who offer themselves, as willing to serve in their severall Capacity's, if the next moment those Men may with impunity go away in a Privateer, or enter into any other Corps, either by Sea or Land? and run no risque by being detected? For mine own part I expect to be accountable to the publick, not only for my Conduct, but also for all Sums I receive from the Agents from time to time, and notwithstanding, I see myself Exposed to bad Men who may leave me, and the Service also, (as many have done) within twenty four hours after I advance them Money; yet I cannot see them pinch'd for want of Cloath- ing at this rude Season of the year, without giving them at least what will keep them from Perrishing with Cold. In this day of Trial your Honors know, that one Months pay will buy but little Cloathing for either Seamen or Marines, more must be advanc'd otherwise no Service can be expected from them. The Conse- quence frequently is, that those Men run off, either in Privateers, enter into some Regiment, or walk off to the next Town and there do by some other as they have done before by me. What recom- pence have I, or how is the Publick Service to be carried on in this way! how shall I be accountable for Monies thus Expended, or (which is a consideration still more alarming) what will become of the Morrals of the common people, unless a stop is soon put to such infamous practices! Would it not be consistent with the Wisdom and Justice of the Legislative body of this State, to do as in like cases has allways been done by prudent people, in time of War in ail Countrys ; and which is now practised by our Sister States, to the Southward of us, that is to make some regulation whereby all Travellers, on the Publick Roads, should be obliged to give an account of themselves, to proper persons of the Com- mittee's of Safety, in each Town as they pass? This regulation would not be burthensome to honest Men but would Effectually stop all runaways of every denomination, and prevent many abuses which in our present deplorable Condition happens every day. Had such a regulation been attended to, some Months past, I had not been now loitering inactive in this port, nor would it have been in the power of the owners and Commander of the Rising 34 States'^ to have carried on their iniquitous Schemes and Laugh'd with impunity at your Authority. [Memorandum] Copy to Council. To THE Council of Massachusetts ^ Boston, January 30th, 1777. Gentlemen: — I did apply last Monday Morning for an Order of your Honourable Board to Search a Certain Privateer call'd the Rising States, on board of which I had reason to think some of my Men were embark'd with an intention to desert the Publick Service. The Order was Granted and a proper Officer appointed for that Service, but before these could be Accomplished the Vessell Sail'd. Your Honours thought proper on further information to order Mr. Cudworth down to Plymouth, as it was reported the Privateer would call in there to receive on board a Certain Captain Thomp- son and others, who were to proceed on a Cruise in the Vessell Aforesaid. Mr. Cudworth did proceed to Plymouth, or near it, and return'd to this Town last evening, and reports as follows: That being met on the road by the Hon'ble B. Genl: Warren to whom he related the Business on which he was going, the General told him that no such Vessell was or had been lately at Plymouth, on which Mr. Cudworth return'd in Company with the General and were met on the Road by our Captain of Marines whom I had dispatched after Mr. Cudworth to Assist him if Necessary. He also returns with Genl. Warren and Mr. Cudworth and having taken Lodgings on Tuesday evening at Mr. Cushing's of Hingham, they were soon joined by the aforesaid Captn. James Thompson of the Brigt. Rising States who brought with him in a Coach five sailors. Capt: Thompson seem'd a little alarm'd at seeing Mr. Cudworth and our Officer of Marines at that place before him, but as none of the five Men with him were personally known by our officer, Mr. Cudworth let them all pass. Genl. Warren advised our Cap- tain of Marines to return to Plymouth, which he Accordingly did yesterday Morning before the Coach or its passengers were stiring. Mr. Cudworth informs no farther of his proceedings. 1 A privateer which sailed from Boston January 26, 1777, and in April was captured by the British. 2 Mass. Arch., cxcvi. 180. 35 I had sent two Officers on Tuesday to Marblehead having had information that Men were to be collected at that place and sent over to Plymouth. Those Officers are now return'd and report to me that they found a Certain Mr. Fritz, now Captain of Marines, and a Certain Mr. Martin, now Carpenter of the Rising States, with them. They also found about Nine Men who were then waiting an opportunity to go off on board the above mention'd Brigantine, which was then in sight Lying off, and on; on the Harbours Mouth. My Officers apply'd to the Committee, who could give them no other Assistance than to call those Officers before them, and on examination they did confess that they were bound on a Cruise on board the said Brigantine Rising States, but would give no farther Satisfaction. I thought it necessary to give your Honours the above informa- tion as soon as possible; and am Your Honours most Obedient, Humble Servant Hector McNeill Records of the General Court of Massachusetts ^ [Extract] April 26, 1777. In the House of Representatives. Whereas the Ships of our Enemies are daily making Captures of Vessels belong- ing to the Subjects of the United States and of their Allies and Friends, even within sight of our very Towns — which, if not prevented by a Superiour Force, may ruin the Trade of the said Inhabitants, etc. and be of the worst Consequences to the Interest of the United States at large — , and whereas the Owners of numbers of Armed Vessels belonging to the Inhabitants of this and some other of the United States now ready for the Sea are willing to go and Act for twenty-five days from their Sailing in Concert with the Continental Frigates the Hancock, commanded by Capt. John Manly, and the Boston, commanded by Capt. Hector McNeil, which Frigates are represented to this House as also ready for Sea, provided Capt. John Manly be furnished by this State with the Sum of four Hundred pounds and the said Capt. Hector McNeil the sum of One thousand six hundred and thirty- five pounds, eighteen Shillings and eleven pence, to enable them to put the said Ships to Sea, the said Manly and McNeil being accountable for the several Sums by them received. Therefore it is 1 Mass. Archives. 36 Resolved, that there be paid out of the Treasury of this State to Capt. John Manly for the purpose aforesaid the Sum of Four Hundred pounds; and to Capt. Hector McNeil for the purpose aforesaid the said Sum of one Thousand six hundred and thirty- five pounds, eighteen Shillings and eleven pence. They being accountable for the same respectively. In Council Read and Concurred, Consented to by fifteen of the Council. In the House of Representatives. The Owners and Agents of the Privateers hereafter mentioned expect that this State will Insure their Vessels at the full amount of their Outsetts from all Dangers of Seas and Enemy while under the Command of the Officer Appointed by the Court. The Commanders and Privates of the Private Armed Vessels expect in Case of Accident to be upon the same footing exactly that the Captains Manly and McNeil and their men are, as to pensions and one months pay. The Owners expect the Ammunition expended in time of Action on this Cruize shall be made good by this State. If any Vessel should be parted by accident from the Fleet and should take a prize or prizes before the Expiration of the Time agreed on, the prizes so taken shall be equally divided amongst the whole Fleet as tho' they had all been in Company. The Vessells shall Cruize under Command of Captain Manly or Commanding Officer of the Continental Ships for the term of twenty-five days from the day of Sailing, unless the Commander shall come into port and discharge them sooner. The State shall pay a Months pay to American Tarter 24 Guns 200 Men Capt. Grimes General Mifflin 20 do 200 do Capt. Day Portsmouth 20 do 180 do Capt. Parker Brig Hawk 14 80 do Capt. Oaks Sloop Satisfaction 14 100 Capt. Wheelwright Schooner America 14 100 Capt. [Daniel] McNeil Schooner Active 10 65 Capt. Gardner Schooner Speedwell 8 60 Capt. Greely Schooner Buckram 6 45 Marony Upon their producing a Certificate of their having performed the agreement from the Commanding Officer of this Fleet . . . The Owners shall give Bonds and the Masters be on Oath to comply with these terms and not to leave the Fleet, but through absolute Necessity untill the Time is expired . . . 37 And the Officers of the above Vessels are permited to Inlist any man that Offer, they not belonging to the Navy or Army or any French Ship or Vessel that has or shall arrive in in this State . . , To John Paul Jones* Sir You are hereby Order'd and directed to attend at a Court Martial tomorrow Morning at Nine o Clock on board the Hancock in Con- gress Road, there to try the following Persons, Viz't: Leblun Baker, Pilott Robert Stoutly Phillip Bass Jun'r David Ensigne Nath'l Winchester Joseph Petters and Peter Jennis Thomas Carren all of whom Stand Charged by Captain John Manley Commander of the said Ship for Mutiny. Fail not. Given on board the Ship Boston in Nantasket Road this 7th day of May 1777. Hector McNeill. To William Mackay and Jonas Clark Minott * Gentlemen, — You being unanimously appointed by the Ships Company of the Boston as joint Agents for them to receive any prize which shall be sent in to any of the Ports of the four eastern States of New England by the said Ship — This is to direct and order you in all cases which may hereafter happen how to Con- duct yourselves in the Libeling, unloading, and sale of such Prize or Prizes, Namely: as soon as any prize arrives, in this, or the States above Mention'd, you do in our Names and for our behalf — instantly Libell the same, taking care to keep our prize Master with some faithfull Persons constantly on board to attend to the unloading etc. of her Cargo. This you may do in concert with the Continental Agent, taking care that himself or some one by him appointed have sufficient warning from you to attend also, and receive whatever Share of the Goods may be allotted by Congress for the Continent their Share of the Prize. This Division must be made immediately on unloading of all such Articles as can 1 John Paul Jones mss., Library of Congress. 2 Letter Book. 38 admitt of a division — the Hull of the Prize, or any thing else which cannot be divided and shared before the Sale, may be sold at publick outcry, the Money as soon as received must be divided, you taking care to Secure our parts in the most faithfull Manner — after the dividend made and you have taken our Share of the Prize into your Possession you are then to make the best of it for our advantage and keep proper Accounts of your Transac- tions, for which we shall allow you a Commission as in such cases is common, you will pay due attention to all such Instruc- tions as we may hereafter send you. I am Gentlemen at the de- sire and in behalf of myself, the Officers and Men of the Ship Boston — Dated on board the Ship Boston H. McN. igth May 1777. To THE Marine Committee^ To the Honourable the Marine Committee of The Honourable the Continental Congress. Gentlemen, — The long wish'd for hour is at last come in which I bid farewell, to the sleepy Agents, disheartned Tradesmen and distress'd Seamen who frequent the Streets of Boston. Happy should I account myself on my return from a Successfull Cruise, were I assured to find matters better conducted in this quarter than they have hitherto been but alas. Complaints Vanish into Air and there is nobody at home knock where we will. I have formerly taken the freedom to mention the most extraor- dinary conduct of the Agents in withholding prize Money and Wages from the poor distress'd Seamen who have hitherto Served in the Continental Vessells — 'tis true I have no reason of Com- plaint myself because I never have been in the way of taking prizes, but the common feelings of humanity for my fellow Men, and the regard for public Justice which should inspire every honest Man, makes me renew this Complaint, even at the risque of your Neglect. Is it Possible for your honest hearts to Suggest That many of the Men who first enter'd into the Service on board the Ships Equip'd at Philadelphia, Winter was a year, are now in a suffering condition, Scatter'd about our Sea Port Towns in this State; nay some who have Served as Officers are reduced to such Misery and distress that they have neither Cloaths to put on nor Victuals to eat. The cry among those unhappy Men is that they 1 Letter Book. 39 can neither recover Wages nor Prize Money for their past Services — can it be expected such Men will offer themselves again when we want our Ships Man'd, — or with what face can we ask them to enter, for heavens sake Gentlemen be pleased to enquire into the cause of such Complaints, and let the Wretches who would de- fraud the Labourer of his hire or the honest Seaman of his just due, be brought to Light; that the Odium be not cast (by our publick enemies) on the worthy managers of our affairs — indeed Gentlemen I have seen enough of this Misconduct to believe almost any Complaint in the power of Man to make — and there are such made every day by those Suffering Mortals, would Shock the heart of a Mussulman. For mine own part, I have Suffer'd so much in fitting out the Ship I now have the Honour to Command, that I do not think I would undertake such a Task again for any Sum whatever unless I was better Supported than I have been hitherto. The very Interest of Money which I have borrowed and ad- vanced to Carry on the Service of this Ship, would have mentained my Family in Credits, and Mr. Cushing expects that I take all this trouble, and risque on myself without a Commission, nay I have been Obliged to quarrell for Money to pay Men and Officers their Wages up to the 31st of March last — so unreasonable has he been as to insist on the Men's going to Sea, some with Six, others Nine, and some a Twelve Months Wages due. This kind of Treatment to Officers and Men will not do. Gentlemen. They must be duely paid their prize Money as soon as the prize is Sold and the Accounts wound up. They must be paid their Wages allways up to one Month. This will enable them to sup- port themselves and their Familys. Whereas the Mode to this time has left both to starve, on which conditions no good man will stay in the Service. For my part I will freely tell you my Thoughts, be the event what it will, or may it respect whom it will. I have no croneys, or Acquaintance to whom I will either Sacrifise the Publick Service or rights of my Brother Seamen. I will not live, where they are oppress'd or de- frauded — you will therefore I hope Excuse my plain dealing — as what I Sincerely intend is the good of the Service I am Engaged in, and I know it is impossible that can be carried on to good purpose, unless the Strictest Justice be done to the honest fellows who must do the work. To secure which my present plan is to have Agents appointed by the Ships Companys, Officers as well as Men — which Agents shall Libel and receive the true proportion of all Prize Goods allowed the Ships Company by the Resolves 40 of Congress and let the Continental Agent appear also and receive that Share which of right belongs to the Continent. This Rule to be observed in all things that can possibly be divided — the hull of the Prize or any thing which cannot be so divided to be Sold at Publick outcry and the N'tt Proceeds divided instantly to those Separate Agents for the use of their Constitutents. We have no Idea of the Justice there may be in the Continental Agents taking possession of a Prize the instant she arrives in Port — putting in creatures of his own making to attend the delivery and Sale of her Cargo — then keeping the Captors for Months and Years out of their dividend of Prize Money while they are Starving in want and Misery. This Method which I now propose if approv'd of by the Honourable Congress will cutt off all reasons of Complaint against the Publick Agent on the Score of Prize Money, and he may also be a Check on the Companys Agents; Then their will be a prob- ability of Mens receiving their Money as soon after the Prize is Sold as Possible — Whereas the Contrary has hitherto been Mani- fest. We are much at a Loss how to Conduct ourselves and earnestly wish for some Solid plan for the better regulation of our affairs. I think in Conscience a Man who takes so great a Charge on himself both in providing things for the Ship and paying the Men, ought to have a Commission on the Business he does and not the Lazy Agent who rather Mars than forwards things. I sub- mitt the whole to your Candour and am with all possible respect Your most Obedient and most humble Servant, H. McNeill Ship Boston at Sea, 2ist May 1777. Supplement to the foregoing Letter to the Marine Committee of 2ist May 1777. I cannot let this Letter go without putting you in Mind of two Sorts of Men who appear to be much Neglected by the Hon'ble Congress, I mean the Surgeons and Chaplains of the Navy, if something better be not done for them, you may be Assured that all the Able Men of both Professions will quit the Service. I am Gentlemen with true respect Your most Obedient Servant H: McNeill Ship Boston at Sea, 2ist May 1777. 41 1777 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE NAMES OF OFFICERS AND MEN BELONGING TO THE SHIP BOSTON^ Starb<^: watch. Austin Cato Gun N°: i Starb<^: watch. Larb^: watch. Larb'^: watch. Starb'^: watch. Larb'': watch. Starb Seamen. The above is a List of the Prisoners dispatch'd from Wichcassett, July 17th, 1777. To Thomas Thompson ^ Capt: Thompson, I have this moment receiv'd your welcome Letter of the 19th Inst: On my arrival here I would have wrote you a Narative of our proceedings this last Cruise, but for want of an opportunity which could be trusted I refrain'd writing. On Friday last I had some thoughts of stoping one who call'd himself Harris, he was in a Whale Boat which he said he had hired of a Butcher at Portsmo: by this Harris I wrote a Letter to you, thereby intending to deceive him in case he had been what I sus- pected, a Spy. Should you receive that Letter burn it, for I had no other Motive in writing it then those already mention'd. To return now to Business I will tell you that I have spent a most painfull two Months on this Cruise. The General opinion which had prevail'd, that I was dissatisfied with being under Man- ley's Command, made me sett up a resolution to obey implicitly every one of his Commands, (as for Signals, I never could get any from him) to the utmost of my power. I did however endeavour to advise him now and then when in a good mood, and he often appear'd to attend to what I said; but the unstableness of his Temper led him rather to do as he pleas'd. Nevertheless I foUow'd him as the Jackall does the Lyon, without Grumbling except in my Gizard. 1 Letter Book. Captain Thompson's ship, the Raleigh, was fitting out at Portsmouth. 6i On Thursday 29th May we took a small Brigg from London Bound for New York, by this Brigg we found she was part of a Convoy which came out with the Somersett and Mercury. The next day, at day dawn we made four large Ships, the leading Ship I was well assured was the Somersett. I made the Signal to Speak with Manley that I might perswade him not to run directly into their Tract a head of them, they being to windward, in which possition 'twould be very hard to discover their Force before they were very near us. No notice however was taken of my Signal. I then made Sail to overtake him which I did and told him that I was perswaded the headmost Ship was the Somersett. Our Prize was still in Company and sail'd dull, so that we fear'd we should loose her. Capt. Manley then told me to Stand to the Southward, the Wind being at ENE, the Prize and myself stood to the South- ward and Manley Lay with his Courses up and small Sails handed untill the Somersett came within the reach of Grape Shott. Being then convinced of his Mistake he made all the Sail he could, but so Slowly did he get out of her way, That her Shott flew over him for an hour, by which Time I Tack'd to the Northw'd upon the Three Ships a Stern of her, and when I came within long Shott of them, the Somersett left chasing Manley and return'd to her Convoy; having Spoke with them, she wore and Chac'd me Six or Seven hours. At first she seem'd to Gain, but having alter'd the Trim of our Ship we then gain'd on her, A little before Night she return'd to her Convoy. Manley had run so far to the Southw'd that we were not able to see him till Sunsett and did not fall in with him untill the next day. We then stood to the Northw'd and Eastward in hopes to fall in with some of the Scatter'd Ships of the aforesaid convoy, but the weather was so bad for ten or twelve days that we see nothing untill we got on the Bank. On Friday June the 6th we took a Brigg belonging to Dartmouth; her Capt: Manley order'd to be burnt for Country Sake. The next morning we fell in with the Fox about 7 Oclock forenoon. Captain Manley being a head exchanged two broadsides. She then made Sail and endeavour 'd to gett off. She sail'd so fast that twas half after noon before Manley got along side of her, when a Spitefull Short Action Ensued for 45 Minutes before we came up. We did not fire untill within Pistol Shott and they struck the first broadside, but by some Mis- take of their Marines or Topmen, they again Fired into our Ship after I had spoke to one of the Officers and desired him to throw a burning wadd overbboard which had Lodged in the Miz'n Chains, there was no withholding our People and they return'd a few Shott 62 before I could stop them. As the Hancock and Fox had Engag'd with all their small kites out, they were both in the most helpless condition at the end of the Action. The Fox had pegg'd Mr. Manley's ribbs so well that he had his pumps going, and both Ships were by the Lee, — with every Sail abroad. I sent my first and 2 Lieutenant on board the Fox, order'd the first to Stay and the 2d to take the Captain of the Fox on board Capt: Manley as a Compliment to my Senior Officer. This was immediately done and the rest of the Officers with about 96 of the Men were brought on board me, a dozen of Fishermen came down to see the Sport as I had hoisted British Colours immediately after the Action ceas'd. Towards evening Capt: Manley came along side and order'd me to put all the common Men on board one of those fishing Vessells and Let them go about their Business. I en- deavour'd to perswade him to come on board that I might tell him my thoughts on that Step. He said he could not enter on Acco't of Lameness but order'd me once more to sett about em- barking them before Night. I accordingly put 85 of the Fox's Men on board one of the Fishing Vessells by Sunsett, the Sea and Wind rising after Night prevented puting any more on board and it coming bad weather before Morning they left us and made the best of their way for St. Johns. I immediately foresee the Conse- quence and the next day wrote to Capt: Manley praying him to make the best of our way to the Southw'd and proceed with all possible dispatch for South Carolina, — there 'twas probable we might not be watch'd by a Superior Force, but so sure as we offer'd to return home we were sure to be way laid by Ships from York and Rhode Island, who would be sent out as soon as the Somersett arrived, and were sure to be pursued by the Newfound- land and Halifax Ships. Capt: Manley at first acquiess'd, but in a few days alter'd his Mind and his Course, upon the whole we spent three weeks before we Sett our faces to the Westward, in all which time we saw Nothing but Spaniards and French Men, who run us to the Eastward a great way from the place we had first met with the Fox. We at last sett out for home, and keeping well to the North- ward we made the High Land of Portmuttoon [Port Matoun]. On Sunday Morning the 6th Instant about 8 o Clock A.M. Capt: Manley brought too an old Sloop, Coal Loaded from Cape Britain. We Lost severall hours dallying with the Sloop untill the Morning breeze which was at N was Spent. He then took her in Tow and stood to the Southw'd and Westward. About 4 o'Clock that after- noon we Saw three Sail astern of us who appear'd to be in chace of 63 us. Far from taking notice of the Signal made by the Fox who was then astern, Capt: Manley Tow'd the Sloop all Night and we to keep astern had our Miz'n Topsail to the Mast half the Night. When day come on we see the headmost Ship^ forward of our Lee Catthead, the Second Ship ^ (a two decker) on our Lee Quarter and the third Ship ^ right a stern. The headmost Ship, Tack'd upon us and pass'd under our Lee within Gun Shott, at 8 o Clock, as soon as she had our weak, She Tack'd after us, we being the Sternmost Ship Exchanged some Shott with her; about noon I got within hail of Capt: Manley, and he proposed Tack'g to Engage this Ship before the others came up. We did so immediately and both Exchanged a few broad Sides with her as she pass'd. The Fox did not Tack with us which Exposed her to this Ships Fire. She then attempted to Tack but Missing Stays was Obliged to wear which brought her under the Lee of the first Ship and just to Windward of the two decker. We then had all our heads to the Northw'd, the Wind at WBS. Manley being the Weathermost Ship he Tack'd and stood to the Southward. The Large Ship Tack'd after him. The Fox bore away and Run to the Eastward and I kept the Wind to the North- w'd. At 4 P M we discover'd two Square lofty Vessells to the Northw'd of us standing our way. We then put about and stood to the Southward for one or two hours, when we made another right to Windward coming down with all the Sail she could make. From this one we also Tack'd and stood on to the Northw'd untill the Moon was down. We then hove about to the Southw'd and in less than an hour saw her lights crossing our Weak right astern about I of a Mile. Next Morning we had five Sail and the Land of Cape Sable in Sight; the Wind coming to the Southw'd we hauled across the Bay of Funday and thick weather coming on that Night and next day, we see no more of them Except one at 2AM Wednesday Morning. We were within hail of her before we discover'd her, but She being on one Tack and we on the other we Saw her Top light time enough to avoid her. We heard a Signal Gun of hers about two hours before. Now to come to our own Affairs, the State of my Ship is nearly as follows, Sixty Men short of what I brought out, the Scurvy taking every day, my Vessells Bottom very fowl. I intend to take the first good opportunity of running along shore as far as Casco Bay, or if the weather be favourable, as far as Portsmouth where I will certainly put in if I can. We have seen none of the Enemys Ships from the Mouth of this river this five ^ Flora. 2 Rainbow. ^ Victor. 64 days but as long as the wind Continues Southerly I cannot pre- tend to get out. If Capt: Hinman^ and you are able to join Company at Portsmouth and there be a Continuation of South'y Winds, should you stretch down as far as Casco, you may find me there. Should I be chaced by a Superior Force any where near Portsmouth I will come as near you as I can, in which case should the Wind be fowl for me to fetch in, perhaps you may be able to come out to my Assistance. As to your Cruising Singly, or even with two of our Ships, there is a great risque — the Enemys Cruisers are so numerous, and most of them Stout Ships so that light Ships stand little or no chance. May God bless and prosper you is the Prayer of your Friend and Obedient Servant, H. McM. P.S. I shall attend to the Continental Signals sent to Capt: Hinman from Philadelphia in case of our Meeting. Wichcassett 21st July 1777. My Compliments to Mrs. Thompson. To His Wife 2 Dear Mary: — I wrote you soon as I arived here, but know not whither you have received it. I sent by way of Salem. This will acquaint you with my health. I intend to see you as soon as possi- ble. I have sent 16 prisoners by Land to Boston, seven of whom were officers of The Frigate Fox. I have wrote the Council that those Gentlemen may be detained until my Arivall That with them I may redeem my Own officers, who I fear are taken and carried to Halifax. You must tell My Friend William, That he must make a point of obtaining one of them to redeem his Son Robert who with Mr. Gross, Mr. Harris, Mr. Knowles and Mr. Millen together with 53 men I put on board that Ship to help man her. My Love and Blessing remain with you and the Children. Your Husband, Hector McNeill. The Doctor sends his Compliments. Ship Boston 21st July at Wichassett. Addressed: Capt. Hector McNeill, Milk Street, Boston, fav- [ore]d by Mr. Ward. Falmouth, July 23. ^ Commanding the Continental ship Alfred. 2 From the Gray Papers. 65 To THE Committee of Falmouth ^ Ship Boston 25th July 1777. Gentlemen: I am inform'd that two of the Prisoners late be- longing to the Fox which I forwarded here by Land from Wich- cassett last week have been Negligently left behind in this place. I cannot help Expressing my astonishment on this Occasion at the conduct of those Gentlemen who had the care of the Prisoners. Were our poor Countrymen who unfortunately fall into the hands of the Enemy no better guarded or let run at loose in this manner we might entertain some hopes of their being able to find their way once more to their own home, but alas the contrary is too well known. Many of them have been constrain'd to take arms against their Country, all who refuse so to do have been close confin'd and treated with such cruelty as would Shock the heart of a Barbarian untill they can be redeem'd by Exchange, suffer they must. Is it not then great cruelty in us to Neglect redeeming our own people knowing full well what hard measure they have while in the hands of the foe, what mistaken pitty that is which only ex- tends to our Enemys when they fall into our hands, and neglects our own people who meet such cruel Treatment among them. This is but poor encouragement for Men to enter into the Service of their Country, who tho they may take and convey home Prison- ers enough to redeem themselves in case of their being taken, yet have only this Melancholy reflection for their Comfort, Namely That their indolent, faithless Countrymen, suffer such to Slip through their fingers, while they poor Souls are sure to perish in a Prison unless they be redeem'd. I therefore call on you Gentlemen as the Active guardians of your Country and your brethren in Captivity, requesting that you would cause those Prisoners to be apprehended and deliver'd again into my Care, or sent under a proper Guard to Boston. I am Gentlemen Your most Obed't Servant H. McN. To the Gentlemen of the Committe of Safety for the Town of Falmouth. 1 Letter Book. 66 To THE Marine Committee ^ Falmouth Casco Bay 4th Aug't 1777 Gentlemen, Above you have copy of my last Letter dated at Wichcasset i6th ulto., since which I arrived with the Boston at this place, but when I shall reach Boston, or even Portsmouth, is uncertain. The Enemy keep such a look out and are so Numerous that 'tis no easy matter to Slip throw among them. Three Nights agone we had four Sail of their Frigates off this Harbours mouth in full sight, and by the letter now in my hand from the committee of Safety at Newb'y Port, it appears that four Ships and a Brigg are Stationed in Ipswich Bay, besides those Stationed in Boston Bay. Thick weather for a day or two has hid them from us, but in clear weather they are allway near in with the Land. They seem now to be posted in three divisions, within the dis- tance of forty leagues Coastwise, one division off Cape Elizabeth and a Little to the east'd of it, the Second off Portsmouth tending South'ly towards Cape Ann, the Third division between Cape Ann and Cape Cod. Notwithstanding all this I hope by the Blessing of God upon our care and good conduct to Save the Boston for a More fortunate cruise then has been our last. There are so many different reports circulated concerning Capt. Manley, That I know not what to write at this time, I am still in hopes, that he has Escaped the Enemy and gone to South Carolina. Happy had it been for himself and all concerned, if he had taken so much of my advice the day after we took the Fox, but alas his Obstanicey and want of refflection at that period, will for ever furnish him with matter for repentance. When I endeavourd to persuade him to go to South Carolina, my reasonings were grounded on the following circumstances — In the first place, the Enemy were well Acquainted with the time of our Sailing from Boston and with the length of our in- tended Cruise (the latter might be known by the quantity of provisions taken in) which was only for Six or Eight weeks. 2dly. Our falling in with the Sumersett in the Tract for New York on the ninth day after we sail'd This Ship's arivall at that place would be the means of heastning out crusiers after us, either from York or Rhode Island. 3dly. The Exceeding bad pollicy he had been guilty of in turn- 1 Letter Book. 67 ing away upw'ds of one hundred men lately belonging to the Fox within Six hours after She was taken. Those men were put on board some fishing Vesselis, and made the best of their way for St. Johns Harbour which was then within 24 hours Sail'g of us. At the Harbour of St. Johns Lay Admiral Montague with the Romney and some other Ships of war, and to me it appeared probable that he would use his Endeavours to recover the Fox, by sending out as many Ships in quest of us as he could muster. Those Ships of his might be joined by Others from Halifax, so that with the help of the Ships already spoken of from N. York and Rhode Island, a chain of cruisers might be form'd between Cape Sable, and Nantucket Shoals, which 'twould be difficult to pass. After considering all these things I was totally Against return- ing home by the way we went out. Therefore I earnestly requested that we might immediately make the best of our way for South Carolina, there refitt and clean our Ships, and if Capt. Biddle could be ready to come out with us so much the better. With four Ships like ours, we might do much Service to our Country and ourselves. Capt. Manley Expressed much willingness to follow this plan at first, when I made him Acquainted with it by my Letter of the ninth of June last, but in a day or two he changed his mind, and his course, and notwithstanding all the remonstrances I could make he continued cruising three weeks or upwards to no purpose. Except that of going farther from home — thereby giveing the Enemy more time to take the proper steps for intercepting us, on our return. Part of the Consequences (namely the Loss of the Fox) you are but too well acquainted with by this time. What Capt. Manleys fate or mine will be, is not altogether yet decided. May God strengthen the Hands of the Congress and save our Country by his Mighty Power, joined with their honest Endeavours, for Sure I am that they have but indifferent prospects from the abillity of many of us Employ'd under them. I am Gentlemen with Sincereley your Most Obed't Servant Hector McNeill. To the Plon'ble the Marine Committee of Congress at Philadelphia. 68 To John Langdon * Falmouth sth Aug't 1777 Sir, I did my self the pleasure of writing you soon after I arived at Sheepscott river, praying the favour of you to forward my Letter to the Marine committee which I had left open for your particular Satisfaction. At that time I was in hopes of Seeing you long before this but the precarious State of a Single Ship in these times, and the want of a good Oppertunity has keept me at so great a distance. We have some Vessells in here now who have been drove in by three or four Large Ships who seem to be Sta- tion'd about the mouth of this Bay; three evenings agone we see them from the forts. When I shall be able to Slip by them I know not. Now My good Sir as my provisions are Nearly out and there appears no prospect of a Supply in or near this place, This is to request the favour of you to Save us from perishing for want of Provisions or being obliged to run a certain risque of Loosing the Ship rather then to Starve here. The Chance of getting any thing of provision kind from Boston at present must be much more uncertain then from Portsmouth. I pray you therefore that you would Send me down, three weeks Bread and flesh, which with the Little I have left will I hope be Sufficient to bring us to Portsmouth. Let it be sent in some small Vessell with some Faithful person and a good pilot so that she may run into aney hole for Safety. I am Sir with great respect your Most Obed't Serv't Hector McNeill. To John Langdon, Esq'r Continental Agent at Portsmouth. To John Browne ^ Sir Inclosed you have an open Arrest for Capt: Richard Palmes,^ you will please to take a Copy of it and keep it by you untill a future day, the Original which I have Sign'd, you will be pleas'd to put into his hands as soon as possible. Yours Hector McNeill Commander of the Boston Ship of War. Sunday 6 o Clock afternoon loth day of August at Sea. To Lieut. Jno. Brov^^ne of the said Ship. 1 Letter Book. ^ Captain of marines. 69 To Richard Palmes^ Sir Your unofficer like behaviour and repeated breach of my Orders, obliges me to confine you to your birth untill it may be in my power to bring you to a Court Martial, where I hope you will have justice done. At your Perril break your Arrest, in which case I shall treat you as you deserve. Yours Hector McNeill. Ship Boston at Sea this loth day of August 1777, 6 Clock afternoon. SlR^ You may thank your own folly and impertinence for what has now befallen you. I dispise your insinuations of Cruelty, as indeed I do Every thing Else you can say of me consistent with truth. You may go to the house of Office as offten as Nature calls, provided you return immediately to your berth and keep your Tounge Still as you pass and repass. This you will attend to at your Perril. Hector McNeill. Monday 11 Clock Aug't nth 1777. To Capt. Palmes. Dr. Mr. John Billard in a/c with Hector McNeill Esq'r.^ Cr. May 20 To i Bed 1.4 June 9 To 3 Shirts 24/ 3.12 To 2 pair Worst'd Hose 12/ I. 4 22d To Cash 11 Aug'st 14 To Ball'ce due J Bill- ard 4. 4 £10.16 14 To Cash p'd more than the above Ballance o By his Wages from - 14th May 1777 to 14th August 1777 is 3 - Months @ 12 Dollars 3 per Month . .£10.16.- Ship Boston August 14th 1777. 5. 3 Errors Excepted. £11. I. 3 1 Letter Book. 70 To THE Marine Committee ^ Boston Aug't 2Sth 1777 To the Hon'ble Marine Committee at Philadelphia. Gentlemen My last of the 4th instant from Falmouth as also copy of my former Letter from Sheepscott river dated the i6th ulto. I hope you have received before now. This comes to Acquaint you with my Arival at Boston on Satur- day last, haveing Stop'd a few days at Portsmouth on my way from Falmouth, it will also inform you of the State the Ship is in at present, and my thoughts of what is Necessary to be done to Equip her for the Sea. As it is my duty to Acquaint you with the property, and Trim of the Ship I command so I hope you will have patience with m.e untill I tell you all that I have been Able to Observe concerning either. In the first place I think something ought to be done in the Standing of her masts, to try if it may not have a good Effect on her Sailing; her bottom is allow'd to be as fine as any thing of the kind will admitt of. We have alter'd her Trim frequently and find great difference in her going, but yet we never have been able to make her go as fast as some other Ships we have fallen in with. One great hope I have that she is cappable of Sailing fast is That She is the most Ticklish Ship to keep in trim that ever I was acquainted with, for I have repeatedly found that the unequal Expence of one days Provisions and water would put her out of Trim. From this circumstance I am Persuaded that She will One day Sail fast if her Trim can be discover'd. One great disadvantage we have had in Triming her, is that we had little or none pigg Ballast wherewith to make the Experiment, consequently when we have been Obliged to alter, the men and Guns was our only resource, both of which bring great inconven- iencys, the one being as defecult to keep Still in the place you want them, as the other is to transport fore and aft. 2dly. Such a quantity of Gravel Ballast as we are Obliged to cary to Stiffen the Ship, takes up a great deal of our room (of which there is but too Little at best) then being mixd in with the water Casks fore and aft, it composes such a dead Mass that a Ship thus ballast [ed] feels her self no more then an Island, and as it Layes so much higher then Pigg Ballast the weight deepens a Ship more then it Stiffens her for carying Sail, con- 1 Letter Book. 71 sequently when her body is in the water Hke a Loaded Vessell, 'tis not possible for her to Sail so fast. This I have frequently found by our Ship, her being commonly so deep That when ever we have press'd her with Sail She has gone less Swift then before. To go best close haul'd she ought to be on an even keel That is 14 feet 3 inches forw'r and aft. To go Large, or afore the wind. She must be 10 or 12 inches deeper aft then forward, and there is not a good property a Ship can have (Except room within, and Speed of foot) but this Ship may boast of. When brought to her courses upon a wind She proved a much more weatherly Ship then the Hancock, but in fine weather the Hancock bore the bill. She has been now Nine Months off the Ground, Six of which pass'd before we saild from Nantasket. How can it be Expected that the finest bottoms will sail foul equal to clean Ships. For the future then let me intreate you Gentlemen to Order Matters so that your Ships may have an equall chance with those they are Obliged to face. Dont suffer them to go out foul nor Cruize long in any particular Station Especially in this our State of infancy when we neither know what our Ships can do nor have expert men to mannage them. When the Marine Board meets here, I shall consult them con- cerning many things Necessary with which I would not take up your time at present. Shall now proceed to mention some things which respect my self more particularly. In my former Letters I gave you the Outlines of our Late Cruize, without entering into a circumstantial Account, or giveing my Opinion of men and things, with that freedom I now propose to indulge my self in this. I take the Liberty to assure you. That when I entered into the Continental Service I had not one Single thought whither I should be placed the third or the Thirteenth upon the List, my ambition was fully satisfied when I was favoured with a Commission place- ing me where I now am, and Altho I did then forsee that one day or other I might possibly fall under the Command of one man, whose Ability I had reason to doubt, yet I was determined that happen whensoever it might I would Obey and follow his instructions with all that Zeal which becomes a faithful Servant to the Publick, who will never neglect or loose Sight of his duty for any private veiw whatever. With these Sentiments I enter'd into the Service and have constantly made them my practice ever since. My conduct on our late cruize under the Command of Capt. Manley will Abundantly 72 prove the truth of what I here advance, for never did a Pilotfish follow a Sharke, or a Jackall follow a Lion, with more Assiduity and Complisance then I follow'd him at Sea for Six or Seven weeks (chiefly in bad weather Latitudes), and that without any regular System of Signals, or instructions for my direction dure- ing which time he led me into severall Scrapes by his misconduct, and at last left me in one to shift for my self. I hold it criminal to asperse the character of any man, much more the Absent, and in some cases Scarcely Justifiable to Speak all the Truth, for which reasons were I not under a Necessity I should now say very little of Capt. Manley, but inasmuch as I find my self involved in a chain of difficultys by his blunders and misconduct, I must in justice to my self say, That he is totally unequal to the Command with which he has been intrusted, he being ignorant, Obstinate, Overbearing and Tyranical beyound discription, a man under whose command none can live with pleasure but such creatures as himself, and those also must be of his own makeing. Such is that Fellow of yesterday, Mr. Stephen Hill, whom he promoted over all Other Officers' heads to Command the Fox, who by his ignorance and Misconduct lost her at last, for had he Tack'd when Capt. Manley and my self Tack'd on the Enemy he might have weather'd them whilst we were engaged with the Flora, or had he keept the wind with me even after Manley left us, and Tack'd to the South'd from us, he might have Escaped, but to bear away, and run to Leward with all the Sail he could crou'd when a Third Ship of the Enemy was then in Sight to Lewward discovered the most Stupid igno- rance in Nature. All these things will Abundantly appear when ever a court martial happens, which God Grant may be soon. I have been curst with another composition of the Fool and Knave, I mean a certain Mr. Palmes who had a Commission as Capt. of Marines on board the Boston, which Commission he has distroy'd by casting it into the fire. His disobedience to orders and frothy foolish conduct Obliged me to lay him under an arrest, but as there is no means here of bringing him to a Court martial I shall leave it to you how to deal with him. In the mean time I shall take Notice of him another way. I am Gentlemen with great respect your most Obed't Servant, Hector McNeill. To the Honourable the Marine Committee of the Hon'ble the Continental Congress, at Philadelphia. 73 To THE Navy Board, Eastern District ^ Gentlemen Your favour of the 2nd I receiv'd yesterday evening to which I shall pay Strict attention. Herewith I lay before you Copys of my different Letters since my return from a Cruise to The Hon'ble The Marine Committe at Philadelphia in the 3rd and last of which you will find the State and properties of the Ship Boston under my command, a Return of her Officers and Men I will furnish you with very Soon. An Indent also for such things as are absolutely Necessary, shall be laid before you as soon as I can examine the remaining Stores. Her Dimentions and Burthen I never have been able to come at my self from either Agents, Builders, or Mastmakers, neverthe- less I will make it my Business to Measure the Ship whenever an opportunity offers. The Ship Boston mounts Cannon Swivels 5 of 12 Pounders] 19 of 9 do. I 2 of 6 do. I ^^ 4 of 4 do. J There are a great number whose times with the Ship are Ex- pired, those Men expect their Wages and discharge incessantly, where am I to find Money to pay them. What Encouragement is to be given Men who may have an In- clination to enter for the Ship and how Long time are they to be Engaged for. What provision is to be made for the Familys of the Men we have Lost in the Fox. How are the relatives of the few Slain to apply for their Bountys. What Stoppages are there to be allow'd on the Men for Venerials, for Barber and for Chaplains. What provision is there to be made for the Officers who live on board the Ship, as to their eatting and drinking. These are questions which I hope you will be kind Enough to Answer Speedily as the impatience of the Multitude requires an immediate application. 1 Letter Book. 74 As to the time t'will take to refitt the Ship for a Cruise, was it possible to know when she would be Man'd, I might easily tell you, but I am of opinion that the Ships Bottom should be the last thing Medled with, her Stores of all kinds ought to be ready and her Provisions ready so that immediately after Cleaning she should have nothing else to do but Take them in and proceed to Sea. I am Gentlemen Your humble Servant. Boston 4th Sept. 1777. To The Hon'ble The Navy Board appointed by Congress for the Eastern district at their Office in Boston. To John Browne ^ Sir You are hereby required and directed to Muster the Ships Com- pany Tomorrow Morning by Seven o Clock. When Muster'd you are to place Centinels so as to keep them from dispersing, then you are to unrigg the Fore Topmast and put it on Shore, in like manner the Main and Mizen Topmasts taking care to have the rigging Tally'd so that no mistakes may happen. The Jebboom you will also have in and ashore, the utmost dispatch must be made to prepare the Ship for Sea. Your humble Servant. Boston sth Sept'r 6 o Clock P M. To Lieut. John Browne of the Boston Frigate. To THE Navy Board, Eastern District ^ Boston 6th Sept'r 1777 Gentlemen Your Letter of yesterday I rec'd and shall Observe your Orders therein Contain'd. As ther are Severall things wanting to fitt the Ship for Sea, I have Set down at the foot, a few of the most Material Articles that you may have time to provide them. Should also take it as a favour, That you would be pleased to Order a Survey on the Ships Standing rigging, as we are of opinion that it is not Sufficient for a winters cruize. It will be Likewise Necessary for you to determine how I am 1 Letter Book. 75 to proceede in fitting the Ship, That is whither the work will de- pend wholley on our own People without any farther encourage't then their monthly wages. I am Gentlemen, Yours. 2 New Cables of i6i inch 120 fatho. each. 3 New Steering saDs 3 New Top sails i Jebb 3 New Top Gain Sails So Tons of Pigg Ballast, Gentlemen ^ In my last Letter to the Hon'ble Marine Committe dated 25th Ulto. you may remember that I have mention'd Capt: Palmes, his being under Arrest. The Solicitations of the other Officers on his behalf prevail'd with me to grant him all the Liberty he desired. Had he resumed his duty and behaved prop- erly since his Enlargement, I might have possibly overlook'd all that was past, but inasmuch as he has again misbehaved and appears incouragable, 'tis my duty to insist on his being brought to Tryal as soon as possible. The crimes I have to accuse him with are misaplication of the Ships Stores, Neglect of duty, dis- obedience of orders, and attempts to Excite Murmuring and Mutiny among the Ships Company, You will therefore be pleased to give orders that a Competent number of Officers be Collected together at this place as soon as may be to hear and determine on this Matter. Another request I have to make is that when those Gentlemen are Collected here for the purposes aforesaid a number of Sea officers only shall be Ordered to form themselves into a Court of Enquiry to hear and Examine Evidencies such as can be found Capable of giving information of the State of things on the 6th, 7th, and 8th days of July last in the little Squadron Command'd by Capt. John Manley. To the Intent that Facts may be Established by the Testimonies of numbers who where then present on board the Boston. I am Gentlemen, Your most Obed't Serv't. Boston 9th Sep'r 1777. To the Hon'ble Gentlemen of the Navy Board at Boston. 1 Letter Book. 76 To Horatio Gates ^ Boston isth Sept'r 1777 To His Excellency Major Gen'l Gates. Sir A certain Benj'a Hall Tappin did inlist for three years in Capt. Jabez Lane's company in Colonel Nixon's regiment haveing had repeated promises that he should be appointed a Serg't. With these assurances he went into the country to recruite, and inlisted four men at one time, three at another time, and brought them to Boston, where meeting a certain Mr. Buckminster, then Adjutant to Nixons Regiment, Tappin was order'd to march as a private. His Captain being absent, Tappin refused to march untill he was reimbursed forty dollars of his own money which he had laid out for the Support and mentainance of the Seven men he had inlisted for the reg't, also insisted on the promises he had of being appointed a Serjant, A Misunderstanding arose between himself and the Adjutant, so that he (Tappin) left him and enter'd on board the Continental Ship under my command, concluding with himself That pro- vided he continued in the Continental Service, and return'd the Bounty he Should do no wrong. As this man proved an Active trusty Seaman, he soon Attracted my attention, so that makeing my self acquainted with his past life I came to the knowledge of the foregoeing circumstances, which I found bore verey heavy on his mind during the Cruize. On our return to this place I waited on Gen'l Heath praying him to give me up this one man as I had already given up a great number of Landmen who had first inlisted with me, and immediately afterwards enter'd into the army. This I have done repeatedly and there is scarcely a week passes but I have an opportunity of doing the like. The Principall I go upon is. That if an able bodied Landman inlists for One year on board my Ship, and in one week after chooses to enter into the Army for three years, I will consent that he shall goe because I think it is of more importance to the Service to have a man for three years in the Army, then it can possibly be to have the same man for Only one year on board of my Ship. With these Sentiments it has been off ten in my power to help officers to men, and it very seldom happens that I have Occasion to ask such favours of the Gentlemen in the Land Service. 1 Letter Book. 77 General Heaths Answer was, That Colnel Nixons Regiment was now in your department; That nothing could be done for me, or my man in this case but by your Excellencys particular direc- tions, and desired me to Lay a State of the matter before you by Letter, which I have faithfully represented to the best of my knowledge. You will be pleased to consider that this man has been bred to the Sea, has been Mate of a Vessell in the Merchants Service, and has freinds who are able to give him good Employ as soon as the War is over, the Soldiers Life is totally disagreeable to him, and if ever he does well 'twill be in that proffession to which he has Serv'd his youth, he is content to Stay in the Continental Service by Sea and is worth prefferment. Will your Excellency be pleased to let me keep this man, on my returning the Bounty, or must I give a Landman in his room, or what Else will you be pleased to have done with him. Your former Friendship for me has encouraged me to hope that you will not refuse me this favour. I will therefore keep him untill your Excellencys pleasure concerning him be known, which I humbly pray may be by return of the post. May God preserve your precious Life and Crowne you with health, Success and Victory, is the ardent wish of your Most obed't Serv't Hector McNeill. To THE Council of Massachusetts ^ To the Honourable Board of Council of the Massachusetts State. Gentlemen I understand that your Hon'ble Board intend to dispatch a Flagg of Truce to Halifax. Suffer me the Liberty to Send you a List of my Officers, and men who are now prisoners there, Humbley praying that you would be pleased to take Such Steps as will Set them at Liberty as soon as possible, more Espacially such' a number of those first on the List, as may be an Equivalent for the officers, and men, of the Fox, now prisoners here. You will be pleased to Consider that many of my men have familys here in a Suffering Situation, which of Necessity will grow greater from their Absences. I am Gentlemen with due Respect y'r Most Obed't Servant. Boston 1 6th Sept'r 1777. 1 Letter Book, 78 To John Bradford ^ Sir I have frequently apply'd at your Office for two peices broad white Bunting, and a piece of narrow also, this is to renew that demand as at present the Ship has no Colours to hoist. It will be necessary for you to provide Pitch, Tarr and Turpentine with Sulphur etc. and two Barrells of Tallow for the Ships use; we have not Tarr enough to Tarr the Yards which is much wanting. Yours Hector McNeill. Ship Boston Octo'r ist 1777. To John Browne Sir You may remember I told you on Tuesday last, That I had heard from Severall hands. That you had often said you did not intend going to Sea in the Ship Boston. When I put the matter to you, the answer you made me was not satisfactory. I do therefore insist on a positive Answer in writing whither you intend to Stand by the Ship the next Cruize, Or whither you intend to quit her before she goes to Sea. Your answer in writing will instantly determine me what to do. I am Sir Your humble Servant Hector McNeill. Ship Boston Octo'r 3d 1777. To Lt. Jno. Browne of the Boston. To Robert Pierpont^ Sir Captain John Johnston, now a Prisoner here, to my certain knowledge did in the year 1775 bring out a Cargo of Goods, and a Gang of Carpenters to Quebec there intending to build a new Ship; in Septem"" that same year I found him with his new Ship in some forwardness, when the news arriv'd of the Garrison of S* Johns being beseiged and Government began to put them- selves in a State of defence. They immediately took all Capt. 1 Letter Book. John Bradford, Continental Agent at Boston. 2 Mass. Archives, CLXxxm. 205. 79 Johnstons hands off the new Ship and insisted on himself entering into the Artillery who were chiefly composed of Masters, Mates, &c. belonging to the Merchant Ships there detained. Sooner than comply, Capt. Johnston left his new Ship, his Cargo, and all, and took passage for England, as also did all his People, one only excepted and he was killed in the Storm of y« 31^* Decem'' when Gen' Montgomery fell. Capt. Johnston retum'd last year a pas- senger to Quebec bringing with him Sails and rigging for his new Ship, but on his arrival he found that she had been taken to peices and her frame carried up to Lake Champlain. He retum'd to Britain and was now on his way to New York in the Merchant Service. Now this poor Man has a family and it is notorious that he has Kept himself as much out of Action as possible. May it not be hoped that he be not long detain'd here but sent to N. York, at which place he has some Bussiness to Transact; in the mean time may he be indulged with leave to stay on Shore at Lodgings here untill the Flagg of Truce be ready to depart. I am Sir with all possible Esteem Your most humble Servant Hector McNeill. Boston 6* Octo' 1777 [Addressed] To M"" Robert Pierpont Commissary of Prisoners Present. To Lawrence Furlong^ Your Letter of yesterday was handed me by Mr. Gregg. In answer to which I tell you that (my orders of the 17th Sep'r last which are placarded on the bulk head in common view) those orders have met with the approbation of the Navy Board, and I expect that you and every other Officer whose duty it is to keep Journals will comply with them. The misfortune has been that yourself and many others of the late Officers of the Boston fancied yourselves totally independent of me — consequently not accountable. The course of your whole conduct the last Cruise and since our arrival, proves this, but I am not that blockhead of yesterday you vainly immagine. I will have you and all Men know that as Officers under my Command you are accountable to me for your Conduct and without my 1 Letter Book. 8o approbation no Man has a right to Wages or Prize Money — as to paying the Wages to Officers and Men, I have done it too Long for mine own advantage. Whenever the Hon'ble Congress appoints a pay Officer it will take a great deal of trouble off my hands. As to your reference to the 9th Article of the Masters instruc- tions, it touches me not, the order I gave the 17th I had a right to give, and none but fools would have refused to comply with them. Yours Hector McNeill. Boston 7th Octo'r 1777. To John Browne ^ Sir On the 3d instant I put the above Letter into your hand, to which I desired you would give a positive answer immediately. This you have Neglected to do, — in any Other way then by Absenting yourself from the Ship, and Neglecting your duty. From this circumstance and many others, togeither with the totall Neglect and contempt with which you have treated my Orders of every kind for some time past, I do conclude. That you Neither intend going in the Ship yourself nor wish that others should go. I shall therefore write to the Hon'ble Congress to Supply your place with some person who may be better disposed to cary on the Ships duty then you have been. In the mean time I think it my duty to Suspend you untill the pleasure of Congress be known. You are Therefore hereby Suspended from the Office of Lieutenant of the Ship Boston in the Service of the united States of America, and are hereby also strictly forbiden any farther Exercise of Authourity as an Officer on board the Said Ship or any thing belonging to the Same from the day of the date hereof. Given on Board the Boston Ship of War in the Harbour of Boston this 9th day of October 1777. To Mr. John Browne. 1 Letter Book. 8i To THE Marine Committee * Ship Boston at Boston gth Oct'r 1777 To the Hon'ble the Marine Committe of the Continental Congress. Gentlemen Your Orders of the Sixth ultimo I have rec'd and shall do my outmost to Execute them with all possible dispatch. We have Shifted our Standing rigging on the Main and Fore Masts since our arival and are well on with evrey other kind of repair of which the Ship stood in need, and I prepose cleaning her Bottom the Next full Moon, as the tides will then fully answer to Lay the Ship ashore. Our main dificualty will be to procure hands, as we are daily robb'd of our men by both privatiers, and merchant men; the Extravigant wages given by the Latter, and the great En- couragements given by the former, togeither with some mismanage- ment amongst our selves has left us a thin Ship. Nevertheless I hope to get to Sea before the cold weather sets in. In my letter of the 25th of August I did inform you that Capt. Palmes of our Marines was under Arrest, and that I could not see how he could be brought to a Court martial as we were only a Single Ship in this Port. As Soon as the Navy Board mett here I did apply to them by Letter of the 9th of Sept'r last requesting that they would call a Suffeicent number of Officers from Providence to Sit on that court martial, Also to hold a Court of Enquirey on our proceedings the Last cruize, That all possible Evidence might be collected from our Ships company (before they Scattered) concerning the Loss of the Hancock and the Fox. I am now told that the Expedition in Contemplation Against Rhode Island, is the Cause why those officers have not been Ordered here as I requested. This happens a Little unluckey at present inasmuch as an Ex- ample of justice is wanting at this time on persons who commit such crimes as Capt. Palmes Stands Charged with — That other men may see and refraine in time from such misdeeds. His crime is Neglect of duty, Misapplication of the Ships Stores, disobedi- ence of Orders, and frequent attempts to raise discontent and Mutiny among the Ships Company. If either of these crimes be proved against him, I flatter my self that the Hon'ble Congress will never give him another Commission to Cast into the fire as he did that with which they Once honoured him. 1 Letter Book, 82 In Consequence of some altrication between Mr. Browne the first Lt. and Some of the people on board I have been led to Ex- amine narrowly into his Conduct, which I find so reprehensible that I have this day Suspended him untill the pleasure of Con- gress be known. I have charged him with Neglect of duty and a Designe of detaining the Ship in Port all winter by persuadeing some and threatning Others to quit the Ship, so that he may live ashore here in ease and idleness, some of his predominate vices. Our 2d Lt. Mr. Simon Gross, is now a prisoner at Halifax, our third Lt., Mr. Hazekiah Welch, is here, and is determined to abide by the Ship. Mr. William Paris, a young man who has served as a Mate and Midshipman on board, is both a Seaman and a Gentleman. Him I have appointed to act as a Lieutenant untill it shall please the Hon'ble Congress to Confirm, or Dis- approve, of my choice. The former I shall look on as a favour; the Latter will not make me uneasy. A Verey Singular instance has turn'd up here which I cannot forbear takeing notice of. When the Agents advertized in the publick prints that the Bostons Prize Money was to be paid I published the following order on board the Ship which I caused to be placarded in the most publick place of the Ship — The Officers, viz. Mates and Midshipmen of the Ship Boston, are to produce fair Copys of their Journals, Signed by their own hands, in order to intitle them to their wages and prize money for the Said Ship. Ship Boston 17th Sept'r 1777. H: McN. The above order gave offence to Severall of our officers, and they refused to give in their Journals, on which I stop'd the payment of their prize Money. As for Mr. Palmes, 'tho I Expected no Journal of him, yet as he was under Arrest I thought proper to detain his, untill his fate was decided by a Courtmartial. In this case those Gentlemen found themselves a Little Em- barras'd and tho they would not acknowledge my authority over them So much as to render copy of their Journals, yet they found that I had Stop'd payment of their prize money untill they should Comply with that Order. Messrs. Vernon and Deshon of the Na[v]y Board being at this time up at Providence, Mr. Palmes went thither and SoUicited an 83 order to Obtain the Prize money for himself, Mr. Browne and Mr. Furlong, the Master, By his false representations of Facts he amused those Gentlemen so much that they wrote to the Hon'ble Gen'l Warren, requesting that he would take some Steps with the Agents to Oblige them to pay those men their Shares whither I would or not. This was not all but the most Extrordinary Step was that they also preposed to appoint Mr. Palmes to go on board the Warren at Providence as Capt. of Marines, and to shift the Capt. of Marines of that Ship into the Boston, and all this to be done without takeing notice of the Arrest under which Capt. Palmes had been, ever since the loth of Aug't last. This I must Complain of as a most unprecedented Step. Never was a man taken from under Arrest and preffer'd to any other Employment without first undergoing a Court Martial. Nor is it possible that ever good order should Exist in armys, or fleets, without takeing care to punnish, cashier, or repremand, such as shall on due trial be found guilty of such offences. If precedents of this kind be permitted once to take place, farewell Discipline- and good Order, farewell Honour, and honesty. The Service will then become a recepticall for unclean birds who will hereby be' Encouraged to take Shelter there, and all men of good principals will totally forsake it. Who the man is whom these Gentlemen propose to put on board the Boston in Palmes his room, as comeing from the Warren, I cannot tell; but I hear he cannot Live on board the Warren. 'Tis an Old Proverb, that two cheats make the bargain even — but my determination is, never to receive a turn'd over Officer from another Ship without he brings an ample certificate in his hand from his former Commander. This I know to be consistant with good discipline and common honesty and nothing but a re- solve of Congress to the contrary will prevail with me to alter my opinion. God and Nature has said, That one head is indispe[n]sibley Necessary on board of a Ship. On that head or principal person, evrey other must have such a Measure of dependence as will urge them to Obey his commands with chearfuUness. His Authour- ity over his Officers and men should be such as to render all his Lawful] commands not only their duty but their intrest to obey them without hesitation. In this channell a Ship full of men may be Governed by a prudent man with ease and certainty, but if ever his authority be disputed by a Second person, a third and a fourth will arise. Consequently the whole will run into Anarchy and Confusion. 84 To return to the duty of officers witii itspect to producing Journals, I must say that I know of no Sea Service in the world where Officers are Exempted from this so interesting a piece of duty. Copys of their Journals must be produced at the pay office with their Captains certificates of their Services. Otherwise they can Expect neither pay nor prize Money, but as we in our Service are frequently in advance for our Officers over and above their wages, their prize money is the only cheque we have upon them. This I think will Justify my proceedings in Stoping their Shares for the reasons already given. Not only this but I will aver that there Never was a Ship on the Continent Either publick or private, whose prize money was paid so soon, and so faithfully as ours has been. I must now beg leave to give my Opinion respecting Marine officers for such Ships as ours, so much hampered for want of room. I think in concience a Subeltern is Enough, three Marine officers takes up so much room to accomodate them that we are pinch'd beyound measure to afford it. Then they have Little or no duty to do, are allways in the way and apt to disagree with the Sea officers so that it takes much trouble to mannage them, then they run away with so much of the prize money from Officers who are realy usefuU, that 'tis painfull to hear the murmerings it Occasions. Might it not be proper to Lessen their Number down to one on board the frigates and give what the other two did Enjoy between the Chaplin and Surg'n. Sure I am that- you must alter the System for the Surgeons in the fleet, otherwise you will not have one Man of abillitys in the Service. I have a young man with me whose Name is William Lamb — in case you think proper to appoint only one Marine officer for our Ship, he well deserves the prefference and I should take it as a favour. A young French Gentleman (his Name is Peter Cavey) who was with us as a Voluntier last cruize appears fond of a Brevet for a Lieutenancy of Marines. If it be Consistent to let him have what he desires, 'twill make him verey happy. I mention this at his request and partly as a recompence for his warm wishes for the wellfare of this country. This will be handed you by Doctor Linn, the Surgeon of our Ship whom I must beg leave to recommend to your particular Notice. I am Gentlemen etc. 8s I cannot close this Letter without acquainting you that I am now upwards of three thousand dollars in advance for the Ship, not haveing rec'd one farthing since my arival either to pay off the old hands or Engage new ones. This has everlastingly been my case since I have been with the Ship — the Service I have Ever been Obliged to cary on unsuported, so that I am weary of such work; as both the publick credit, and mine owne have Suffered for want of due Supply s. To John Adams ^ Sir This will be handed you by Doctor John L. Linn, the Surgeon of our Ship. He goes to Congress with designe to Represent the hardships himself and others in that capacity, Suffer at present, from the inadiquate appointment allow'd to Surgeons on board the Navy; I think that instead of crowding our Ships with Marine officers, who are only a burthen, and of no Service in life on board a Ship, 'twould be well to give the Surgeons more Encouragement, and reduce the Number of the Marine officers to one Subeltarn, on board the frigates; then let the Surgeon Share with the Lieutenants and master, in place of the Capt. of Marines, who is as useless a piece of furniture on board a Ship, as a broken pair of bellows at a fire side. How long shall we Languish here for want of Support — here am I, struggling with dificualtys inumerable; and want of cash has ever been our Lot, since I have been in the service. I was at one time last Spring four thousand pounds in advance for the Ship. I am now more than three thousand dollars in advance, and all this without fee or reward. I must Confess that I am weary of such work. May I ask the favour of you to think of me a Little now and then, if matters of greater importance will permitt your thoughts to range so far from your daily Toils. May God strengthen your hearts in this day of trial, and save our country by his Almighty power, your Most obed't Servant Boston Qth Oct'r 1777. To the Hon'ble John Adams, Member of Congress for the Massa- cussets State. Copy of the above was sent at the same time to Mr. Sam'l Adams. 1 Letter Book. 86 To John Butler ^ Boston Oct'r 14th 1777 Sir I make no doubt but some Sparks of your former Friendship for me will appear, when ever I stand in Need of your good offices ; Such is my case at present. Fortune of war has drawn a young kinsman of mine to Halifax. For him is the inclosed Letter with a bill on our Mutuall Friend Mr. Watson. Shall I intreat of you to pass this bill throu your hands, and give him the Money, he indorseing the Bill. I am Sir your most Obed't Servant, H. McN. To the Hon'ble John Buttler Esq'r at Halifax. To Robert McNeill * Boston 14th Oct'r 1777 Dear Robert This brings you a bill of twenty pounds Sterling on Mr. Brook Watson of London. I have wrote to the Hon'ble John Buttler of Halifax, to take up this Bill and pray him to give you the Cash on your endorse- ing it. I send this to help you and your fellow prisoners (your ship mates in the Boston) and I hope if any of them stand in Need you will not see them suffer, John Garrat, Thos. Lovering, among the common men and Gideon Woodwell if he behaves well. You may Acquaint Mr. Gross and Mr. Harris That I have remitted Cash to both their familys. I would have sent you more credit but that I have hopes of your being soon relieved. Farewell. To Robert McNeill, prisoner at Halifax. To John Hancock * by which means I have got the Ship ready for the Sea (there being nothing to take in at this present time but the Sea provisions 1 Letter Book. 2 Letter Book. The first part of this letter is missing. 87 the powder and a few small Stores), yet for want of money we are obliged to put off the discharged men with Tears in their eyes and are unable to Enter new men, haveing no money Either to pay the former or ingage the Latter. The incessant Complaints I am obliged to hear of those poor men who want their wages, and the poor women whose husbands are in Captivity while they and their children are Starveing is Verey discouraging circumstances, and must in the end be fatall to the Service. For Gods Sake, and for your own Sake and your countrys, be pleased to take some Steps whereby those com- plaints may be redress'd. Wishing you health and evrey bless [ing] I am Sir. To the Hon'ble Jno. Hancock. To THE Council of Massachusetts ^ Boston 28th Oct'r 1777 To the Hon'ble Council! of the Massachusetts State. Gentlemen Last Lords day week a certain Mr. Baker who calls himself a Warden did insult a Centinel which I had placed for the Security of the Ships Stores, now altogether on shore at the head of the Hon'ble Mr. Hancocks Wharfe. The Lower Store on that Wharfe is full of them and the Cannon, Cables, Top- masts, yards, Schott and Water Casks takes up the whole Wharfe as far up as the said Store. The Centinel had receiv'd orders to Let no Person Trample upon, nor even go amongst those Articles thus Exposed, either in the Night time, Or on the Sab- bath, as the officers of the Ship and most of the Men, were then supposed to be absent, either taking their natural rest, or at some place of Publick Worship. The reason why such orders had been given the Centinel, was — that several attempts had been made Secretly to Stop up the Vents of our Cannon as they lay on the Wharfe. These with the Cables, Yards, Topmasts, Anchors, Shott Water Casks, etc. being all Expos'd on the open Wharfe none other Security could be obtained for them Except the Care of the Centinel. I therefore Conceive it was my duty to appoint one and that '■ From the Gray Papers. 88 I had an undoubted right to give such orders, and shall still do what I know to be my duty in this respect, oppose it who will. One thing I am sure of, that none but bad Men would oppose such a Measure, as the Safety of the Ship and Stores depends on the care that we who are intrusted with them may take of the whole. On Saturday last a Person who call'd himself a Peace Officer, the' unknown to me applied desiring I would deliver up that person who had been Centinel on the preceeding Sabbath with whom Mr. Baker had the dispute. This I refused to do being perfectly assured that the Man had only done his duty, and as perfectly Satisfied that Mr. Baker's proceedings was vexatious, Litigious and Spitefull which has been Sufficiently proved by his vile Conduct Last Lords day, for instead of observing the Solem- nitys of the Sabbath, he (Mr. Baker) had made it his Business to assemble a band of ruffians, who came down the Wharfe in a Body, attack'd and partly disarm'd the Centinel, some of them Seising him behind his back, others attempting to wrest his fire- lock out of his hand, and one of them actually Snatch'd the Bayo- net from the Muzell of the peice, with it Stab'd the said Centi- nel, and another person who came to his assistance. Crying out all the time they were about this unhallowed work, that they would Support Civil Government. If Civil Government cannot be Supported without such measures as these, let it be remember'd that all Men may make the same pretences for Committing any outrage whatever. My reason for not permitting the officer to go on board the Ship is obvious to all Men who know the nature of Shiping and the Character of Seamen — in the first place, all Possible Excuses for doing Mischiefe or committing irregularitys shou'd be totally taken away from Seamen, their boisterous rude nature being but too apt to catch at any occasion that may offer as a pretext for their Leaping the bounds of good Government. For this reason they ought to be Strictly governed and closely employ'd about their duty as much as Possible. This I have made my Study and have Govern'd that Ships Company for several Months last Winter alongside of the Wharfe, without having one Complaint against any of them, and I think I can bid defiance to all who shall accuse them with unruly behaviour out of the Ship, either on the Sab- bath or any other day since the Ship has been in this Port. If this be truth as I can abundantly prove, with what face can it be expected I should give up a faithfuU Centinel to the Mallice of an officious durty fellow, who so far from observing the de- 89 sign of his own appointment, was the first who broke through the rules of decency and good order by attacking and disarming a Centinel placed on our own bounds to take proper care of the Stores belonging to the Ship. Another reason I have for not suffering Constables to board the Ship, is that every pettyfogger of the Law have it in their power to send such creatures as Constables on their dirty Business. In this way, groundless, Malicious Prosecutions may be sett on foot. This we have suffer'd in the Course of last Winter more than once. It may be said the Law points out a remedy. I confess it does, but I answer that we have something else to do with our time and Money than to spend them both in disputes at Law. A third reason I have against permitting Constables to Search Ships is, the moral certainty of their receiving ill treatment in the operation. This would be almost impossible to prevent, nay I shou'd think from what I know of Seamen that such a man on such an errand would be likely to Loose his life or some of his Limbs, rather than find the person he was in pursuit of. Therefore I am sure it will only tend to farther mischief to insist upon it. If the Men belonging to the Ship I Command Committ any disorder in the Town or injure the meanest Inhabitant, I Promise to do my utmost that he may be punished according to Law, but if any person comes on board the Ship, or amongst the Ships Stores, or into the Store House hired for the use of the Ship, and there quarrells with my people, I think they ought to reap the fruits of their own folly. On the Contrary whenever a Complaint is brought to me against one of my Men for committing an unlawfull Action, I will deliver up that Man to the officer of Justice ashore, but I cannot think it prudent to permitt an officer to follow a Man on board the Ship, where it is more than probable he will meet with Dammage rather than find the person he wants. The reason of my troubling you with this affair, is that I understand a complaint has been made to your Hon'ble Board concerning my refusing Constables, Wardens, etc. a permition to search the Ship. Whatever that complaint may be I am ready and willing to make my defence when call'd upon before your Honours, where I make no doubt I shall be heard with Candour. I am Gentlemen Your most Obed't Servant Hector McNeill. [Memorandum] Copy of my Letter to the Council Oct'r 28th 1777. 90 Certificate ^ These Certify that Thomas Shaw, Seaman belonging to the Ship Boston, did on the 19th day of June last fall from the head of the Main Topmast, by which accident his Skull was fractur'd, his Collar Bone and Jaw Bone broke and has finally lost the use of his left Arm, he is therefore recommended to the Hon'"® Navy Board for such a Provision as they see Meet. Hector McNeill, Ship Boston, 27"^ Decem*" 1777. Petition to Congress ^ To the Honourable, the Continental Congress. The Petition of Hector McNeill, most humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner, haveing had the honour of commanding the continental ship Boston, did sail on a cruise from Nantasket road, on the 21st of May 1777, in company with, and under the command of John Manley Esqr. commander of the Hancock. That dureing the aforesaid cruise a Brlttish Frigate, call'd the Fox, was captured, by the continental ships above mentioned; which Frigate was lost on the 7th of July last, and the Hancock also on the day following, both taken by the Enemy. That in consequence of this Loss, courts Martial have been held on both the commanders of the Continental ships, by the proceedings of which court and more especially their finall Sen- tence, your Petitioner thinks himself exceedingly Agreived; inas- much as he finds himself thereby rob'd of his reputation and ex- posed to perpetuall infamy (as he humbly conceives) without even the Shaddow of Law, or justice, as will sufficiently appear by the severall reasons set forth in his protest of the 30th June 1778. Your Petitioner humbly presumes, that he can make it appear — That he has not been guilty of any offence within the compass of any of the Articles of war prescribed by the Honourable Congress for the government of the American Navy — and thinks it ex- tremely hard to be condemn'd by Opinion or Prejudice, without Law — he therefore most humbly implores the mercy, and jus- tice of the hon'ble Congress, to save him from the impending ruin, with which he is threatned, and prays that they would order the proceedings of the aforesaid Courts Martial to be re- 1 Chamberlain Collection, Boston Public Library. 2 Papers of Continental Congress xlii. S, 73. 91 vised, or take such other Steps as their Wisdom shall think most Expedient for procureing him that Justice which he finds himself under a Necessity of Seeking from them alone, and your Peti- tioner as in duty bound will ever pray etc. etc. Hector McNeill. Philadelphia, 25th July, 1778. [Memoranda] Hector McNeill's petition to the Hon'ble Conti- nental Congress July 25th, 1778. Read 29 July, 1778. Referred to the marine Com'ee. To John Paul Jones ^ Philadelphu, September 4th, 1778 Dear Sir, — Many are the Trials, Sorrows, and heartakeings which have fallen to my Lot since I had the pleasure of seeing you. There can be no doubt of your being acquainted long 'ere this, with the State of my affairs, and of the treatment I have met with, from those of whom I had a right to Expect better things; but as no Sinner can be completely fitted for damnation, without being guilty of the Sin of ingratitude, by this time 'tis to be hoped. That the Cup of the Measure of their iniquity of my enemies may be nearly full. Such have been my sufferings and so many and mighty are the Numbers of my unprovoked Enemies, That I cannot refrain from comparing my Case, with that of the man (we read of) who fell among the Theives. One of the greatest pleasures I have had, has been hearing from you, by three Letters; which I hereby acknowledge the rec't of; and since that hearing of your prosperity. May God preserve you, and send you safe back, to your american Friends among whom I trust you rate y'rs, Hector McNeill, To Jno. Paul Jones, Esq'r. Addressed, To John Paul Jones, Esq'r of the Ranger, at Brest. Favour'd by Capt. Bell. Forwarded by Dear Sir Your assured h. St., L'Orient 23d Oct'r 1778. Moylan. [Memorandum] From Hector McNeill Esq'r, Philadelphia, Sept'r 4th, 1778. Rec'd Brest Oct'r 28th, 1778. 1 John Paul Jones mss., Library of Congress. 92 To His Wife^ Philadelphia, [September] 14th 1778 My dear Mary, I received your Letter of the 27th of last month. I am re- joiced to hear that you are in health. May that kind God who has hitherto preserved us continue his favours, and make us thankfull. I have been detain'd in my affairs here, by a slight indis- position, but am now in good health again bless'd be God; I have wrote you several Letters since my being here, but none of much importance, so that theire miscarrying gives me no other pain, then that of your Anxiety about me. I have goten all my papers in such forwardness, that I hope Next week will enable me to Lay them before the Committee. Mr. Adams has been as freindly as I could Expect and will, I trust in God, continue to assist me throu with this dreadful Load of care and Sorrow. The heat of this place was exceeding troublesome to me, and the Expence enough to destroy me but as I am here I will see the matter ended if possible before I quit the place but you may be sure I shall make all the haste to your dear arms, that I possibly can. My Compliments to the doctor and all freinds, I would have wrote him but my Neck is almost broke with Stooping at the pen for three weeks past — during the whole week past, I have not stir'd out of my room except to go up and down Stairs to Victuals. As to our Liveing Over the winter, I hope God will open some door for our Support, at least we must comfort our- selves by compareing our own cases with that of other peoples. We shall not be so badly Situated as many others; the cry is generall in this place as well as with you. Many people are re- duced to great Misery here, and the Necessarys of life exceeding dear. My Love to you, and my bles[sing] to my Children. May God preserve you all, Prays your affectionate Husband Hector McNeill. I wrote one Letter by the post this day fortnight, but of no Consequence. You need not write to me after the rec't of this. ^ From the Gray Papers. 93 John Paul Jones to Thomas Bell ^ Brest Nov'r isth 1778 My dear Sir, It was reported and believed here that you had gone to Passy immediately on your Arrival; otherwise I should have written to you as soon as your return to France was anounced. I duely received the letter which you brought from Captain McNeill. I thank you sincerely for your obliging letter of the 3d which un- fortunately did not come to my hands till the 12 th, else I should have written a Variety of letters to America. I fear they would be after this too late to find you at L'Orient. I forwarded a Packet the 13th for Mr. Morris which I beg you to sink together with the inclosed, rather than suffer them to fall into the Enemies Hands. Your account of the particular affection towards me of Mr. Morris, Mr. Hewes and other worthy Characters affords me the truest pleasure. I would far rather have the Esteem and Friend- ship of a few such Men than the empty applause of Millions, who possess less liberal souls. Yet I confess to you that my Vanity is greatly Flattered by your Account of the generous Public appro- bation of my past Services. And I pledge myself to that gener- ous Public that it shall be my first care and my hearts supremest wish to merit the continuance of its approbation, by my future Services and constant endeavours to Support the Honor of Free- dom's Flag. I should have been happy to have received letters from my friends in America: you say they did not expect to find me still in France; but that need be no Objection after your return to Philadelphia, as you will see by the within copy of a letter from the Commissioners to the Minister of the Marine; which I send you in Confidence. Do not however conclude from what you read in that letter, that I mean to draw my Sword as a Commander under any other than the American Flag. The Mystery of my present situation has given foundation to the Vulgar error, that I am on bad terms with the Commissioners at Paris. The Mill'on cannot otherwise account for my not having proceeded in the Ranger — as they have seen a Man ^ in disgrace called back from Nantes to take that Command, who has not had gratitude enough to acknowledge that he owes it either to my lenity towards him- 1 John Paul Jones mss., Library of Congress. 2 Lieutenant Thomas Simpson, formerly first officer of the Ranger, who had been put under arrest by Captain Jones. 94 self, my feelings for his Wife and Family, or to my duty, which obliged me to oppose the Commissioners who were about to super- sede every Lieutenant in the Service, by giving a Captains Com- mission and the Command of the Ranger to Mr. Livingston, who had only made one little Cruise from Bordeaux in the Boston, and had left that Ship immediatly on her return to L'Orient on pre- tence of Bad Health. I am sensible however, that this Vulgar Error has been and may be of great disservice to me as almost every person who has gone from France to America within the last three months, have taken with them, in consequence of it, the belief of my Disgrace. Be you my Friend well assured that tho' it has given me much pain to take the steps I have done with an officer, yet I can and will justify myself. They were measures of Necessity, not of choice; yet strictly within the letter and spirit of the Laws of Congress. And if I am blamable, it is for having shewn an ungrateful Man too much lenity. That however is an Error which the Head only will condemn: the Heart will pardon it. Your account of the situation of Philadelphia and of our Poor Marine distresses much; but let us not altogether despond. Tho' I am no Prophet, the one will yet become the first City and the other the first Navy, within a much shorter space of time than is generally imagined. When the Enemies land force is once con- quered and expelled the Continent, our Marine will rise as if by Enchantment, and become within the memory of Persons now living, the wonder and Envy of the World. I am exceedingly sorry for Captain Youngs ^ misfortune — the more so as I had the misfortune to advise him to go into Ockro- cock. I expect however that he will continue in the Service and have better Fortune. And I hope you have not quitted it. I really feel for my old Friend Captain McNeill and his Family. I'm afraid he has been sacrificed to appease the Cabals of a set of Bad Men, who to my knowledge, owed him the utmost Grati- tude. But without entering into the merits of his case, I attest to you that besides his general knowledge of shipps, he inherits more Marine Knowledge than any other Man, with whom I have had equal conversation, in the Service: Therefore the loss of such a Man would be very Great. I am sorry and much disappointed by not hearing from Young, who said so much about his wife's Friend my Fair Mistriss! by his Silence I fear I have a Rival who by Opportunity and im- 1 John Young of the Continental brig Independence, wrecked at Ocra- coke Inlet, North Carolina. 95 portunity may make great and Dancerous Advances towards the Heart before I can arrive to raise the Siege. I'm afraid this making Love by Proxy will not answer; and I shall Despair of its Success Unless I soon receive some Encouragement. I will write to Mr. Brown that good Friend to whom I owe singular Obligations, I will write to Young also and to McNeill, but that I may not loose this Post I have only time to beg you to send me the best Account you can of the Situation of the officers men- tioned in the within Hst, and if you have any Papers, Resolves, or Rules of Congress respecting the Navy in your hands you will much oblige me by Sparing them if you can. My late faithful Subjects have taken, I will not say pilfered, all mine, among other things " For Ships Use." I will see you if you do not depart very soon. If I should not, may the God of Ocean give you Safe Conduct. I am Sincerely your Friend, [J. Paul Jones] Thomas Bell, Esq'r ^ [Addressed] Thomas Bell, Esq'r, L'Orient. From John Paul Jones ^ Brest, Nov'r 17th, 1778 I have received, my dear Friend, your letter of the 4th Sept'r last from Philadelphia. Beleive me I have felt and do feel for you and your good Family all that affectionate Sorrow and regret that ought to actuate the Mind of a Friend. I am to this hour unacquainted with the detail of your strange misfortune. Strange! It must be, since why did not your Enemies step forth with their Cabals immediatly on your return to Boston? I have had the mortification to see the Boston here, with such Officers! Our Navy makes no very Brilliant or promising beginning. Nine out of Ten of the actors in a certain Sphere as far as my knowledge goes, have the most selfish, contracted Souls that ever animated human Nature. But the supreme power of America will soon I hope have leasure to seperate the Wheat from the Chaff. There are in the World in some Classes a great Majority of Dunces, who wish to root out and extirpate every thing like genius that comes among them, least their little selfish Minds should be exposed and their grovelling actions outshone. And where it is '^ Captain of an American privateer. 2 John Paul Jones mss., Library of Congress. 96 the hard lot of a liberal Minded Man to be connected with such beings, he may well be said to have " fallen among the Theives." I have seen an old Lieutenant of mine on board the Providence, Mr. Pitcher, who tho I had but a moments time with him told me that your treatment had been very personal and Unjust, and that he had publickly given that as his Opinion at the time in Boston. I shall at present only return you my Sincere Thanks for your good Opinion and good Wishes. No man I believe ever had more Credit for a little service in Europe than myself. Yet I can assure you that my Roses have not been without a Superabundance of Thorns. I have experienced Ingratitude from Men to whom I had shewn the highest degree of Hospitallity and Kindness — even after repeated instances of their misbehaviour: But this is the way of the World and we must do good without views of thanks. Captain Bell will inform you further. I have written to him and hope he will favor me with the particulars that re- spect you: In that Case you will hear from me again by him if a letter can overtake him at L'Orient. I wish you Happy in every- thing and I wish America may not overlook your principles and Abilities to support the Honor of her Flag. I am My dear Sir with real Affection Yours, [J. Paul Jones] Hector McNeill, Esq'r Captain in the American Navy. N.B. When you write to me direct to the Care of Mr. James Moylan of L'Orient, Mr. John Ross or Mr. Jon'a Williams ^ of Nantes, or his Excellency Doctor Franklin, Paris. To His Wife ^ Philad'a, Jan'y 13th 1779 My Dearest Mary, May God grant you a happy New Year, and ease your Anxious thoughts concerning me. Little did I think to have been so Long detained in this place when I left your dear company but such has been my hard fate, that all my endeavours to compleat the busness I came upon has only amounted to a Shaddow without Substance. It is now no Longer kept Secret here, That the Com- 1 Moylan, Ross, and Williams were United States commercial agents. 2 From the Gray Papers. 97 mittee of Congress to whom my affair was commited have given their opinion in my favour and do acknowledge that the treat- ment I have met with, has been most cruel and unjust; but notwithstanding they have Agreed on this more then two months past, yet Such is the Multiplicity of busness, and continual hurry of congress, that no convenient oppertunity has yet offer'd for the committee, to deliver in their report, so as to have the matter finnished by them, So that I am determined (please God) to set out for you in the course of all next week whither it be finnished or not. Pray keep the contents of this Letter as much to your self as possible for some weeks to come, least it should awaken the persecuteing Spirit of mine Enemies who have taken all the pains they possibly could by writeing here to prejudice me with the members of congress. My Love and blessing and the blessing of God rest on you and my poor children who I fear have begun to feel the want of a father. My compliments to Doctor Linn and all Freinds. I have sent by Mr. Brewer the Flour of Zinc which the doctor wrote for so long agon. Your Loveing Husband Hector McNeill. [Addressed] To Mrs. Mary McNeill, Boston. Favour 'd by Mr. Brewer. [Memorandum] January 13 1779. Philedelfe. Hector McNeill to Samuel Adams ^ Sir, — Although I know that your time is constantly taken up with matters of importance, yet I cannot help begging your atten- tion for a few moments to the case of a person now under distress in this City whose situation formerly I was well acquainted with. I believe you are no stranger to the deplorable circumstances our army in Canada were reduc'd to, immediatly after the death of General Montgomrie. I my self am a witness, of the amazeing fortitude and perse- verance of that handfull which remained under Gen'l Arnold, who with a number much less than half the Garrison, keept up the 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, xu. 276. This letter and the three Paul Jones letters of 1782, printed below, were read to the Society at the October meeting, 1872, by the late William Sumner Appleton, Esq. 98 Blockade of Quebec for some months untill reinforcements arived from these States: it was at that critical time the General stood in great need of the assistance and friendship of the Canadians, who although they were well disposed towards the american army, and their cause, yet were frightened by their preists, who threatened them with Excommunication, and had actually refused evrey church privelidge to any who served or inclined to serve on the side of the Americans; On this occasion the person above spoken of step'd forth, and offerd his services as a clergey-man for the Canadians, which good pollicy, and the Exigencey of our affairs, inclined the Gen'l to accept, and Mr. Lobenier was accord- ingly appointed chaplain to a Canadian Reg't, much to the satis- faction of those poor men, who thought their eternall fillicity de- pended on the assistance of a priest. It is beyound a doubt that the part Mr. Lobenier had taken rendered him obnoxious to the Brittish, consequently he was obliged to quit his native country with our retreating army and throw himself on the mercy of a people whose part he had taken in the darkest hour of their distress. Since our arival in this City he has enjoyed, by the Bounty of congress, a small pittance, which has made his Exile Tollerable untill the setting in of the present Winter; but as the times grow worse, even with those who have much greater Resources then this poor gentleman can possibley have, so has it fallen heavyly on him ; for ever since the Last of november he has been retrench'd of fire and candle, which at this pinching season of the year are undoubtedly among the Necessarys of Life; Espacially to a man in his situation, burthened with age, an utter stranger among us, and totally unable even to begg in our Language. I know this man as a Gentleman, to belong to one of the Greatest familys in Canada, and as a clergyman I believe the only one of that country honoured with the Religious Cross of Malta; I know also that he enjoyed a Liveing worth between four and five hun- dred pounds sterling a year, besides a Patrimonial Estate, all of which he has Lost through his friendship for the americans. What pitty it is then, that in addition to the sacrifises he has made for our sakes, he should be suffered to pine away in want and misery, during his Exile from his friends and Countrey — in short I am shocked at the idea of the consequences this mans case may pro- duce hereafter; a time may come once more when we may stand in need of the Freindly offices of the Canadians, who I fear in- stead of assisting us, will have reason to take warning, and re- proach us with the unhappy fate of the Refugees from that coun- 99 try, many of whom are now Exposed to Extream poverty, and Little or no Notice taken of their sufferings. I think it my Duty to make you acquainted with Mr. Lobenier's Case in particular, not doubting of your disposition for doing all the Good you can on evrey Occasion. I am Sir, with due Respect and Defference, Your most Obed't Servant, Hector McNeill. Philadelphia, January 14th, 1779. The address " To the Honb'le Samuel Adams " has a pen drawn through it. The letter is labelled, " Copy to Mr. ... on Lobeniers Situation Jany 14th 1779." — Eds.^ Report of the Marine Committee ^ The Marine Committee to whom was referred the Trial and Sentance of the Court Martial upon Capt. McNeil beg leave to report, That after examining with great Care and attention, the several Charges exhibited against Capt. McNeil, and the Deposi- tions of the Witnesses produced to support them, they are of opinion, the Charges are not supported by Evidence, and that the Sentance against Capt. McNeil ought not to be carried into execution.^ Amendment. That the Sentance of the Court Martial against Capt McNeil be not caried into execution. Memorandum: Report from the Marine Com'ttee on Capt. McNeil's Trial. Read Jan'y 15, 1779. An amendment made then whole post- poned. Memorial * To His Excellency The President of Congress. Sir, — The Sacrifice which I chearfully made of a Large intrest in Canada for the sake of my country, and the Impossibility of ever making good any part of that Loss, renders me but Little 1 Footnote, Proceedings, xn. 276. 2 Papers of Continental Congress, xxxvn. 163. 3 This paragraph is crossed out in the original MS. * Papers of tlie Continental Congress. 100 able to Support the Expences of a journey to this city, and a Residence in it for the Space of eight months; Yet the Reason of my attending upon the Congress, Namely to recover what is dearer to me than Life, my Reputation and Honor, and the confidence I have in the Candour and justice of that Honorable Body, and in mine own Innocence and Integrity, promise me a full Reward for this Expensive Attendance; as soon as the Happy moment Shall arive when Attention can with propriety be given to a Memo- rial which I was permitted to Lay before them in July Last and their Determination can be had thereon. It may be a Misfortune to me to be Little known to the Honor- able Members; but I have carefully avoided makeing personal Applications to any of them, Least I might give offence; being Sensible that this was a point of Delicacy, and that they must be jealous of their Honor as I am of my own. I have on the contrary, perhaps too Scrupulously, kept my Self at a distance from them during the whole time that I have been patiently wait- ing their Leisure. May I be permitted to say, That when I first enter'd the pub- lick Service in the American Navy, I had a Character unspotted and unsuspected; It might be thought vain if I should add, that my Ability as an officer had been Acknowledged by the best sea officers. Viz Admirals Boscawen, Saunders, Durrell, and Colvil, under each of whom I had served as Commander of an Arm'd Vessell of war, and I flatter my Self Should have been Rewarded with a better Ship, had not my Superior Atachment to this country withdrawn me from that service. My Appointment in the continental Navy gave great Satisfac- tion to some of the most Zealous of its Freinds, which unfortu- nately for me they express'd, in such Terms, as tended to render me the Innocent Object of Envy. To attempt to point out the Rocks and Quicksands on which my poor Bark has been Ship- wreck'd, would on this Occasion be impertinent; Although the most Experienced and best officers in the Navy may Suffer the Same Misfortune. I hope however I may be indulged in only Sug- gesting, That by the rules of the British Navy, which perhaps are as well digested as any in the known world, a courtmartial for the trial of a Captain shall consist of captains, who are in full pay and have Ships under their Command. Thus he may be said to be tried by his peers — but for the trial of an officer of the same Rank in the American Navy, it is Otherwise; the court consisting of three captains and three Leiutenants of Ships and three captains and three Leiutenants of Marines — I am by no lOI means Arraigning my court-Martial ; but the circumstance of so great a part of it being not Seamen but Landsmen was mate- rially important in my case; for although I humbly conceive it must be Obvious to any one who Examines the witnesses that appeared against me, that in diverse Material Instances they con- tradicted themselves and each other, my dependance in my deffence was on the Propriety of Navigating the Ship at a Most Critical Juncture, of which those gentlemen with the most upright inten- tions could not possibly form any Judgement. As there is no com- mander in cheife at present in the American Navy, I am deprived of the Benefit which was provided for, by the wisdom of Congress when I was appointed to a Command ; — Namely of Appealing to a most able judicious and impartial Seaman, to determine whither Sentence Should be carried into Execution. Under this circum- stance I was induced to throw my Self on the candour and justice of the Honorable Congress; and it is my most humble and earnest Request that my case may be taken up, considered and finally determined as Speedily as can consist with a Necessairy attention to other Matters of greater publick importance. I am Sir with the highest Respect and deference your Most Humble and Obedient Servant Hector McNeill. Philadelphia Feb'y 15th 1779. To The Honorable John Jay Esq'r President of Congress. Petition State of Mass'tts Bay. To the Hon'ble the Council of the State aforesaid. The Petition of John Tracey and others of Newbury Port Humbly sheweth That your Petitioners have fitted out the Brig, called the Pallas burthened One hundred and forty Tons, mounting Sixteen Carriage Guns and navigated by forty five men, having on board as Provisions twenty Bis. of Beef and Pork and two thousand W. of bread, as Ammunition two hundred W. of Powder and Shot in Pro- portion. Said Brig, is intended as a Letter of Marque. 1 Mass. Arch., clxxi. 164. 102 Your Petitioners therefore humbly request your Honors to Commission Hector McNeil as Commander of said Brig, for the Purpose above mentioned. And as in Duty bound will ever pray etc. Hector McNeill on behalf of the Concerned Boston May 2 2d 1780. In Council May 22, 1780 Read and Ordered that Hector McNeill be Commissioned as Commander of the within Vessel, he comply- ing with the Resolves of Congress. John Avery, D.S.N. [Memorandum] Petition of Hector McNeil in behalf of John Tracey and others of Newbury Port for a Commission for a Letter of Marque, with Order thereon. May 2 2d, 1780. Petition ^ To his Excellency the Governor and Hon'ble Council of the Commonwealth of Mass'tts. The Petition of Hector McNeil and others of Boston Humbly sheweth That your Petitioners have fitted out the Ship Adventure bur- then 'd three hundred Tons, mounting Six Carriage Guns and navigated by forty five men, having on board as Provisions thirty Bis. of Beef and Pork and thirty hundred of Bread, as Ammunition two hundred W. of Powder and Shot in proportion. Said Ship is intended as a Letter of Marque. Your Petitioners therefore humbly request your Excellency and Honors to Commission Hector McNeil as Commander for the pur- pose above mentioned. And as in Duty bound will ever pray etc. Hector McNeil Boston Nov. 21st 1780. In Council Nov'r 22, 1780, Read and Advised That his Ex- cellency Commission Hector McNeill as Com'r of the Ship Adven- ture he complying with the Resolves of Congress. Jno. Avery. Sec. [Memorandum] Petition of Hector McNeill and others for Com- mission for Ship Adventure and Order. Nov'r 22, 1780. ^ Mass. Arch., clxxi. 307. 103 Paul Jones to Hector McNeill ^ Portsmouth, New Hampshire, March 21st 1782 I am honored, my dear friend, with your favors of the yth by Post and by Mr. Brown. I need not tell you I am sorry for the difficulties that seem to stand in the way of what I mentioned respecting you to the Minister of Finance and of the Marine; who wrote me he had given Orders to Mr. Brown in consequence. Mr. Brown has not shewn me his Orders, and I cannot ask him how far they extend; but when we take leave of each other I will mention your subject and say everything I can on the occasion. I think he will do whatever may be consistent with his Orders. — I am greatly obliged by your kind intention of honoring me with a visit here. If this could be done consistent with Business, I should be ernest in Urging it; but purely as a compliment to me, however flattering it is, I must not — I cannot expect it. If your Business should bring you to Newbury, it would be easy for me to meet you there; and if you could then conveniently come on with me to Portsmouth to see the America^ and spend a few Days with your Friends here, I should be very happy in your Company. — It is probable that Business may bring me to Boston in the summer, so that I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you at all events before I again leave the Continent. I am happy to hear Mrs. McNeil and your Family are well, and pray you to return them my respectful Compliments. — Excuse the liberty I take of enclosing a Guinea which I pray you to Invest in good Hair Powder, and ship it to my address, on a Coasting Vessel said to be now at Boston and bound here. Entre nous there is none of that Luxury to be had here; except such as is impregnated with Luxurious Mites. I am always Your affectionate Paul Jones Hector McNeil, Esq., Boston. Paul Jones to Hector McNeill ^ Portsmouth, May 25th 1782 I am honored, my dear friend, with your esteemed favor of the 20th. I am altogether in the dark about what has been done or is doing to re-establish the credit of our Marine. In the 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, xn, 277. 2 The 74-gun Continental ship on the stocks at Portsmouth. 3 Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, xn. 278. 104 course of near Seven Years service I have continually suggested what has occured to me as most likely to promot its honor and render it serviceable to our Cause; but my Voice has been like a cry in the Desert: I know no remedy but patience. No man can be more in suspence than I am — and my reason as well as my feel- ings correspond with yours in lamenting the protraction of Jus- tice to men who have merited the smiles of the Sovereign Author- ity. Whatever I have written or may Write to you on so delicate a Subject must be in confidence — I fondly hope the times will mend, and that Merit and Abilities will yet find encouragement; but were I used ever so ill I determin to persevere, till my Country is Free. When I hear any thing farther I shall not fail to write you, meantime present my affectionate respects to your family and believe me Your Paul Jones N.B, I duly received the Hair Powder; which is very good and is a great favor. Hector McNeil, Esq., Boston. Paul Jones to Hector McNeill ^ Portsmouth, N. Hampshire, Sept. 17th 1782 Your Letter, my dear friend, by Monsieur Ravy, was delivered to me by that Gentleman Yesterday. I conducted him and his companion over the River to see the America, but as he departs this morning I am precluded from showing him the attentions due to every recommendation of yours. I expect we shall launch the America within four weeks, and the present prospect of affairs leaves me some room to think I may shortly visit Boston. You will believe the pleasure of seeing you and yours well will not be my least inducement. I am sincerely and affectionately Your friend, Paul Jones Hector McNeil, Esq., Boston. 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, xn. 279. 105 From John Paul Jones Cape Francois, April 26**^ 1783 ^ Dear Sir, After a variety of Storms on the Coast of America in which while we endeavoured without Success first to join the Ships of War from Portsmouth, and then the Fantasque from Rhode Island, having separated from our Convoy, the Squadron arrived on the coast of Portorico. There we learned that Admiral Hood was off this Harbour with Sixteen Ships of the Line. Having cruised and practiced the Tactic Navale off Porto Rico for a week, we took under Convoy part of a Fleet of Store Ships arrived in the Port of S* Johns from France, and steered to the Southward between Porto Rico and the Mona. On the 10*^ Feby the Triomphant Anchored at Porto Cabello in New Spain, having beat to wind- ward many days along the Coast, We found in that Port the two Ships L'Auguste and le Pluton from Portsmouth, and all the rest of the Squadron arrived afterwards except the Bourgougne of 74 Guns that was totally lost on the Coast with 200 of her Officers and Men. The Transports also at last arrived except a few that bore away for this Island and one that was lost on little Curacoa. We remained at Porto Cabello to refit till the s*^ of this Month and then Sailed for this port, having a few days before received by a Frigate from France the glorious and agree- able News of a general Peace. Porto Cabello was the Rendezvous given by Don Salano to the Marquis de Vaudreuil. We found the Spanish Squadron here, they having learned the News of Peace at Porto Rico. The squadron of France and the Army are Ordered for France — that of Spain with thier Army are ordered to the Havannah. I embark to Night in a Vessel bound for Phila- delphia, I shall be happy to hear from you on my arrival there and to be favored with your opinion on the present situation and the most prudent measures to be adopted for the first three Years respecting the formation of our Marine, both as to Officers, Ships ^ and Regulations, as well as materials and building &°, I have not been Idle since I saw you, but have collected many Ideas on the Subject, If I can render you any Acceptable Service at Philadelphia, you will avail of the Occasion of my being there, and if you please you will mention what is done with my Horses, I pray you present my respectful compliments to M" McNeil and your young Ladies, Accept my compliments that the posi- 1 From the Bostonian Society. 2 This word is crossed out in the original MS, io6 tion of Public Affairs will now enable you to reclaim and withdraw your Interest from Canada, and be assured that no circumstance that concerns you is to me indifferent. It will give you pleasure to know I have been treated with perfect and Uncommon Kindness by all the Admirals, Generals and other officers of the Fleet and Army.^ I am your friend and Servant Hector M'^Neil, Esq"" Boston. J. Paul Jones To John Paul Jones ' Boston June nth 1783 Dear Sir, With inexpressible pleasure I Rec'd your kind Letter of the 26th of April, writen at Cape Francois; it came to hand yesterday, and brought me the wellcome News of your health, and your in- tention of returning once more to this continent. I thank you for the narrative you have given me of your Late Excursion with the Marquis de Veaudrile and find my self ex- tremely happy, that you are so well pleased with the reception you mett with from the french gentlemen; who it must be acknowledged, are truely polite on all Occasions. As to your Horses, Mr. Russell sent them out into the country for keeping, and towards the Spring I sent a certain Colonel Hull (who wanted a pair of Horses) directions where to find them. Whither he liked them or not I cannot say, but I reather think he did not like them, as in case he had Seriously thought of pur- chaseing them he would have call'd upon me again, but Mr. Russell told me that he had a prospect of Selling [them?] to our Mr. Lowell a Member of [illegible] Since which I have said nothing to him about them. Your Sleigh I did endeavour to have it brought to Town, but was not able to effect it oweing either to the want of snow, or the infidelity of the several Messengers by whom I sent. I shall take an oppertunity of answering the other part of your Letter, and in the mean time assure you of my sincere wishes for your health and prosperity. My family who are in good health Joine with me in those wishes. I am Your freind and Humble Servant Hector McNeill. To the Chevelier Jno. Paul [Jones]. 1 Captain Jones was with the French fleet, on board the flagship of the admiral, Marquis de Vaudreuil. 2 John Paul Jones mss., Library of Congress. 107 Henry Knox to Mrs. McNeill^ New York 2 October 1787 Dear Madam, Yesterday I received your favor of the 14th of last month together with the accounts and vouchers, of my much valued friend your late husband. I most willingly undertake the office you have assigned me. I have delivered the papers to the Com- missioner for the marine department and I am flattered with the hope, that in a few days a statement of the accounts will be made. You may rest assured that this business shall be brought to the speediest issue consistent with the essential forms of office. In every instance within my power, I should experience real satisfaction, in being able to promote in any degree your interests and those of your family. I am dear Madam with sincere respect Your most obedient humble Servant, H. Knox 2 Mrs. Mary McNeill. New York October loth 1787 ^ Dear Madam, I wrote you on the 2d instant that I had received the accounts of your late husband with the United States and that I had de- livered them to the Commissioner of the marine department. I now enclose you a statement made by the commissioner which with the explanations accompanying it will point out the difference between it and the account you forwarded. Although I had perfect confidence in the equity and abilities of Colonel Walker,^ the commissioner, yet I conceived that it might afford you more solid satisfaction were the accounts also minutely investigated either by me or some other person on your behalf. I employed a gentleman in whom I could confide, who has satisfied me of the accuracy and propriety and even liberality of the settle- ment of Colonel Walker. You will find that Captain McNeil overcharged the public with the sum of £4,193.8.0 and that he also credited himself for more than he ought by the amount of £3,246.3.9 and that the difference against him in these debits and credits amount to £947.4.3. which sum when reduced to specie is 1018 ^^ dollars. The great article of deduction from the account forwarded is 1 From the Gray Papers. 2 General Henry Knox, Secretary of War. 3 From the Gray Papers. * Benjamin Walker, Commissioner of accounts, Marine Department, Continental Congress. io8 the commissions amounting to £448.8.11, which has never been allowed in any similar case. On the whole the result of the account as stated by the Com- missioner is not different in any considerable degree from the one stated by Captain McNeil of March 30, 1778 and herewith re- turned together with the account settled by Mr. Cushing. Captain McNeil stated a balance due him of 6176-5-^ which when liquidated by the scale of depreciation would be 1992-5^ dollars. The sum in specie allow'd by the Commissioner is 2091-5-^ which is more by qS-S^ specie dollars than the liquidated sum stated by Captain McNeil. It is to be observed that had not the commissioner seperated the articles of pay and subsistence of Captain McNeil from the general account that the balance of specie would have been less by two thirds than it now is for those articles of the account. The article of subsistence is the only article which has been assumed — all the others were supported by evidence in the office: if this article should not be agreeable to you and you can produce satisfactory evidence to make it appear that he was a longer period on shore and will please to forward it, the account will be conformed accordingly as will also any other parts on your producing evidence to support a different statement. But if you should consider the account as stated by the Com- missioner as the proper settlement or the best that can be obtained and will signify the same to me I will receive the certificates from him for the balance due and remit them to you by the first oppor- tunity. It is to be observed that the certificates for the balance will be for specie. It is however to be lamented that they are at present most exceedingly below par, but it is the only payment that can be obtained and such as has been given to the late army and all others to whom the United States are indebted. The certificates will bear an interest of 6 per cent from the time the balance became due. I am Dear Madam with great sincerity Your most obedient humble Servant H. Knox. Mr. NoRCROSS exhibited, with brief remarks, the original return of the coroner's jury on the death of Michael Johnson, alias Crispus Attucks. Remarks were made during the meeting by Messrs. Dowse, Norcross, and Shattuck.