Class E ^ i,3 1 23d Congress, 2d Session. ,BLiC t,,^ L t43 %WLLt#^ .,, REPORT PEOM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY In obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the I6lh of June last, with statements showing the amount of land scrip issued, (satisfied antj unsatisfied) to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the continental army, durinp- the Revolutionary War. '' Decembes S, 1834. Kcad, and ordered to be printed with the documents. GENERAL Land Office, 1 5th November J 1834. Sir: In obedience to the resolution of the Senate bearing date the 16Ui of June last, and which is in the following words, viz: " Resolved^ That the Secretarj'- of the Treasury be directed to report to the Senate, at its ne: Surgeon 4,565 6,000 6,000 Dawson Cook* • Midshipman 4,636 2,6662-3 e, 666 2 3 Clideon Underwood* - Sergeant _ 590 200 200 Wan-en Ashby* - Midshipman C4,637 2,666 2-3 2,6662-3 William Holloway Soldier » 4,910 100 100 James Thorp _ Boal'n's mate 4,941 • • 200 200 Thomas Sundy ^ Private « 4,707 100 100 Henry Vowles Captain ■ - 4,864 6662-3 6662-3 Thomas Marshall Colonel - 1;349 6,666 2-3 670 Josiah Valentine Lieut. . 6,740 1 ,333 l-t3'- 1 ,333 1-3 Do Do - 6,741 1 ,333 1-3 1 ,333 1-3 Silas Tucker _ Prize master 4,689 2,6662-3 2,6662-3 William Musgrovc - Corporal 988 200 200 Thomas Pritchctt Private . 4,703 100 100 William Humplett - ' Seaman 1,959 100 100 WilliajTi Butler Soldier , 3,458 100 100 James Gloucester Dd - 1,175 200 200 John Crump Sergeant . 516 400 400 John Wheat Soldier _ 441 200 200 George Gibson Colonel - 6,747 2,222 2 ;222 Edward Johnson Soldier _ 4,290 100 100 John Hutchinson Do . 4,281 IGO 100 WiUiam Miller Do' - 4,277 100 100 Benjamin Garton Do 4,233 100 100 Samuel Boulware Do 4,280 100 100 AVilliam Strong Corporal . 3,935 200 200 Jamea Cason* Soldier C 1,807 100 1«0 William Cason* Do - Cl,806 i 100 100 5 A. rn officers and soldiers oflhe Virginia State line and navy, (under the and navy, and of the Continental army, during the revolutionary war,^ same object,) showing the name of the person who performed the se7'vice; her of certificates or sc7np of eighty acres each; together with the amount acres for which scrip has been issued; name of the person or persons to was delivered. is . t^ bo r- IH Acres for Name of the person or per- Name of the agent to o'^^ %^% which scrip sons to whom the scrip whom the scrip was ^o« ^^^S has bee m is- was issued. delivered. ^ss .--:§d sued. S .S -J « < 66 531-3 5,3331- 3 John W. Green - Thomas Green. 50 - 4,000 Benjamin Roberts - Col. James Watson. 58 262-3 4,666 2 3 Elizabeth Bressie J. W. Murdaugh. 33 26 2-3 2, '666 2- 3 Joseph Saunders Thomas Green. 20 100 Joseph Duncan, assignee Joseph Duncan. 20 100 Do Do. 20 100 Do Do. 20 100 Do Do. 20 100 Do Do. 2 40 200 Do Do. 1 20 100 David Kinnaird Hon. John S. Barbour. . 65 i55 Humphrey Marshall Hon. R. P. Letcher. 75 - 6,000 Charles Chapin, assignee of Charles Chapin. 33 26 2-3 2,666 2 3 Dawson, Henry and Silas Cook, devisees of William Lambert. 2 40 200 Nathaniel Sawyer, assignee Suspended. 33 262-3 2,666 2 3 David Campbell, do - John Campbell. 1 20 100 James Taylor, do - James Taylor. 2 40 200 CadwalladerWallace,dx) - Cadwallader Wallace. 1 20 100 Thomas P. Massie James Taylor. 8 26 2-3 6662 3 Maria, Daniel, Mary Briggs and others, heirs of Do. 8 30 ero John J. Marshall and T. Alex. Marshall H. Marshall. 16 531-3 1,333 1. 3 Mary Eliza Calvert J. W. Murdaugh. 16 531-3 1,3331 3 Do Do. 33 26 2-3 2,666 2 -3 Thomas Green, assignee - William Lambert. 2 40 200 \ViUiam Musgrove James l^aylor. 1 20 100 Thomas rritchett Do 1 20 100 Robert Alexander, heir to tiie assignee Matthew St. C. Clarke. 1 20 100 Jonas Stanberry, assignee Jonas Stanberry. 2 40 200 Henry Asbury, assignee - Henry Asbury*. 5 - 400 Do Do. 2 40 200 Do Do. 27 62 2,222 Francis, George and John Bannister Gibson George Gibson. 20 100 CadwalladerWalIace,assVc Cadwallader Wallace. 20 100 Do Do. 20 100 Do Do. i 1 20 100 Do Do. 20 100 Do Do. 40 200 Do Do. .20 100 James Cason James Cason. 20 100 WiUiam Cason William Cason. [4] 6 Statement A — Name of the person No. of Amount of Acres due on who performed the Rash- war- acres. the warrant. service. rant. 479 State line. State navy. John Penny Soldier 100 100 William Munroe Do _ 3,148 100 100 George Reardon Sergeant - 489 400 400 Kobert Clod Corporal _ 663 200 200 Thomas Gaines Private . 6,424 100 100 Wharton Ctuarles Lieut. - 6,766 2,6662 3 2,6662-3 James Marshall Captain - 6,767 1,000 1,000 Do Do , C>,767 2,000 2,000 Do Do - 6,768 333 1-3 333 1-3 Do Do _ 6,771 1,000 1,000 Do Do _ 6,772 166 2-3 1662-3 Do Do - 6,770 1662-3 1662-3 Ephralm Beasley Private . 6,328 200 200 Bascow Herbert Lieutenant 4,638 2,6662-3 2,6662-3 James Biscoe* Boatswain Cl,953 200 200 Charles Owen Soldier _ 566 200 200 James Russell Sergeant « 1,009 200 200 Obadiah Boulware Soldier > 457 100 100 Drury Petteford Do - 3,537 100 100 Edward Lindsey Soldier « 3,466 100 100 William Vickers Do - 3,361 100 100 John Monroe Do 4,400 100 100 William Smith _ Boatswain 3,507 100 100 Michael Jourdon Soldier _ 525 200 200 William Deshazo Do _ 4,597 100 100 AViUiam Underbill - - Captain 6,773 1,3331-3 1,3331-3 William Underbill - Do 6,774 1 ,333 1-3 1,3331-3 William Lumber Gunner 6,775 444 1-3 4441.3 William Lumber Do _ 6,776 444 1-3 444 1-3 David Murry - - Sailingmaster 6,786 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 James Wallace Soldier _ 1,531 100 100 Johannis Watson - Captain 6,930 5,3331-3 5,3331-3 William Cliristain Lieutenant 6,787 2,000 2,000 Do _ Dp G,788 2,000 2,000 Levin Melson * Carpt'rs mate 6,923 1661-3 166 1-3 Do " Do 6,922 166 1-3 1661-3 Do . Do 6,021 1661-3 166 1-3 Do . Do 6,920 1661-3 1661-3 Do - Do 6,919 6662-3 6661-3] Do Do 6,918 666 2.3 666 2-3 Do _ Do 6,917 666 2-3 6662.3 Richard Servant „ Lieutenant 6,799 800 800 Do - Do 6,798 800 800 Conthiued* [4] u d u o ^ rt ii a .S -^ cc 20 20 40 20 26 2. 40 33 1-3 40 62-3 62-3 40 262 3 Acres for which scrip has been is- sued. 100 100 400 200 100 2,6662-3 1,000 2,000 333 1-3 1,000 1662-3 1662-3 200 2.6662-3 2 40 200 2 40 200 2 40 200 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 40 200 20 100 53 1-3 1 ,333 1-3 531-3 1 ,333 1-3 5 441-3 444 1-3 5 441-3 444 1-3 33 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 1 20 100 66 531-3 5,3331-3 25 2,000 25 _ 2,000 2 61-3 166 1-3 2 6 1-3 166 1-3 2 61-3 166 1-3 2 61-3 1661-3 8 262-3 666 2 3 8 26 2-3 6G6 2-3 8 26 2.3 6G6 2-3 10 _ 800 10 „ 800 Name of the person or per- sons to whom the scrip was issued. Name of the ag-ent to whom the scrip was delivered. Henery Asbury, assignee - Henry Asbury. Do Do. Samuel Brents, assignee Samuel Brents. Do Do. ?? Do Do. Jane Clements, alias Sarah Jane Clements Y. J. Clements. Thos. S. Young and Frances, his wife Gustavus A. Myers. Ann Armstead Collier Do. Do Do. Thomas Haughton Do. Do Do. Thomas S. Young and Frances his wife Do. Robert S. Noel, assignee Robert S. Noel Henry Wilkins, John Ridout, John G. Rogers, and Sam'l B. Owings Samuel Ridout. Henry Wingate Henry Wingate. Matthew Rhea Matthew Rhea. Robert Craddock Robert Craddock. Do Do. Do Do. Robert Craddock Robert Craddock. Edmond Rogers and Thomas Rogers Edmond Rogers. Do do Do. Do do Do. Do do Do. William Deshazo Nath'l H. Claiborne Ths. Underbill, co-heir with EUzabeth Trader - Thomas R. Jovncs. Do do Do. Martha Melson P. P. Mayo. And. Lee and Nancy his wife Do. John Murry Do. James Richey J. Richey. Rosey Bloxom, Asbury Blox- om, Peggy Bloxom, and Sally Dix - P. M. Tabb. Wilfiam Christian - Thomas R. Joynes. Richard and Margaret Ames Do. Henry, Casey, Samuel, and Tliomas Melson - Do. Nancy White Do. Ixvhi Lewis Do. i James Melson Do. I Henry, Samuel, Thomas and / Casey Melson Do. Nancy White Do. Levin Lewis Do. Ann W. Servant Thomas Green, Eliza Servant Do. [4] Statement A — Name of the person who performed the service. Richard Servant Do Do Scarborough Bloxam Charles Mag"!!! Richard Loving Jacob Bowman James Pettit - John Hinds - Joseph Woodbridge - Maxy Stewart Tljomas Mitcliell Isaac Rice Matthew Block Florence Mahoney - Robert Tate - " - William Thomas George Mechea Jedethan Elliot William Slaughter - Do Frederick Warnick John Thruston Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Bernard Glenn Thomas Inloe Jenifer Marshall Hancock Simpson Thomas Litchfield Bartholomew Mears William Underbill William Beatley Levin Bird Robert V/ebb John Broadwater Rank. State line. State navv. Majo^ Private Major Private D(x Do D» Soldier Do d6 Soldier Sergeant Lieut. Do Lt. Col. Cornet Do Do Do Da Do Do Do Do Do Do Lieut. Soldier Lieutenant Do Do Midshipman Sailor Sailor Carpenter Sailingmaster Coxswain Sailor (iunner Captain Sailor Pilot Pilot Cunnpr No. of war- rant. 6J97 6,796 6,795 6,800 6,793 6,802 6,803 6,619 6,536 4,552 6,671 4,382 4,380 4,381 4,220 4,383 541 3,199 2,924 3,075 212 829 6,936 6,937 6.938 6,939 6,940 6,941 6,942 6,943 6,944 6,945 6,946 4.462 4,571 6,784 6,785 6,786 5,923 6,835 3,270 6,835 6 , 834 6,833 Amount of acres. 800 800 800 2,6662-3 888 8-9 200 5,3331-3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 200 200 100 6662-3 2,6662-3 5,000 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 29613 981-2 98 3 4 983-4 2.666 2-3 100 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 100 1 ,333 1-3 2,6662-3 100 ^ 2,666 2-3 2,6662-3 2,6662-3 Acres due on tlie warrant. 800 800 800 ,666 2-3 888 8-9 200 ,333 1-3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 200 200 100 666 2-3 2,666 2-3 2,000 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 296 1-3 2961-3 981-2 98 3-4 98 3-4 2,666 2-3 100 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 100 1,333 13 2,6662-3 100 2,66d2-3 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 d C4J Conlinued. 1 33 33 26^: 262»3 20 53 1-3 2623 20 262 3 Acres for which 9 rip has been \% sued. 800 800 800 ,665 2.3 888 8 9 200 ,3.]^ 1 3 10) 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 2 20) luO 6662-3 2,6662-3 2,000 2961.3 2^6 1-3 296 1-3 296 M 296 1-3 296 U3 2961-3 296 13 98 1-2 983 4 98 3-4 2,666 2 3 100 2,666 2.3 3,6662 3 100 2,6662«3 100 2,6662-3 2,666 2 3 2,6662.3 Name of the p rson or per- sons to wh m the icrip wus issued. Name of the agent to wlu)m the scnp w»» delivered. R'jbt'rt Servant Samuel B. ^ errant - R churd B Servant • Scar^oro gh Bloxom Archibald and J no. S. Magill Richard l.oving .Jacob Bowt>.aa James Hettit • Robert Allen, a^S'gnec Allen Latham, ass'gnee Do do Kdmund H. Taylor • Do do Do do Do do Do do Robert Campbell, assignee Do do Do do Edmund H Taylor 8t Austin l». Cox • Do do Do do Charles V!. Thruaton Alfred Thruston Lucius Faidkland T ruston Algernon -ydney Thruston Mary U. January Elizabeth T. Pope . fJatharine Lucket • Francis B. Ti igg KliZa Conway Mount j -y Thrust en » Sally thruston Bernard Glenn Bernard Glenn, assignee Samuel Watson and Eupha- mia Watson Leah Cameron Seymcre Litchfield • Thomas VI. Bailey, assignee El zabeth Trader co»heir with T. Underhill William Kendall, assignee Sally W, Ames, Betsey B Hornesley, Anna Ames Wash. H. Ames, Mary R Ames, Richard T. Ames, and Anathey Ames Betsey, Jonathan, I horogood and' ^arah A Young Sally Beava s,Elzabet'%Wi Ham, bnd Rebecca Broad water • • Thomas Green. Do. Do. Mw. St.C. Clarke. Wm. A. Bradley R. Loving. • has. A. VVicklifTe. William F. Gordon. Mon. R Desha. Allen Latham. Do. Edmund H. Taylor. Do, Do. Do. Do. Robert Campbell. Do. Do. E.H Taylor and A. P. Cox. Do. Do. Thomas Green. Do. Do, Do, Do. Do. Do, Henry Northup. Thomas Green. Do. Do, Hon W. S. Nuckolls. Do. Thomas R, Joynes. Do. Do. Thomas M. Bailey Richard Smitli. Thomas M. Bailey. Do. Po. [4] 10 Statement A— Name of the person who performed the Alexander Lang Frederick Warneck* Do» Do* Do* Do» William Lumber Do Do Laban Bailey Do Beverly* Copes Do Do Do Do Isaac Waters Ralph Graves John Piper - Edward Travis* Edward Dybby Samuel Demovill John Cropper William S. Wliite - Do Do Nimrod Perkins Thomas Fletcher John Fields - /Do John Pettigrew Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do John Best Do Do Do Abraham Chapline - hjlnk. State line. Lt. Col. Do Do Do Do Cornet Lieut. Soldier Lieut. Do Do Do Captain. State navy. Boatswain Gunner Do Do Quartermaster Do Midshipmen Do Do Do Do Boatswain Captain Sailor Seamen Carpenter Surgeons' mate Do Do Drummer Steward Do Lieut. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do No of war- rant. 6,832 C830 C831 C832 C 833 C834 6,826 6,827 6,828 6,846 6,847 6,842 6,841 6,840 6,839 6,838 6,837 6,804 4,658 2,653 3,508 3,219 6,845 6,958 6,957 6.956 6,959 373 6,843 6,844 6,963 6,964 6,965 6,966 6,967 6,969 6,968 6,970 6,971 6,863 6,864 6,866 6,865 C4,634 Amount of acres. 2,666 2.3 200 200 200 200 200 444 444 444 1 ,333 1-3 1,333 1-3 533 530 533 530 533 2,666 2-3 2,6662-3 2,6662-3 5,3331-3 100 100 2,6662-3 2,000 1,000 1,000 100 200 1,333 1-3 1 ,oS3 1-3 2,000 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 666 2-5 666 2-3 666 2-3 666 2-3 1 ,333 1-3 Acres due on th« warrant. 2,666 2^ 200 200 200 200 200 444 444 444 1 ,333 1-3 1 ,333 1-3 533 530 532 530 533 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 2,6662-3 5,333 1-3 100 100 2,6662-3 2,000 1,000 1,000 100 200 1 ,333 1-3 1 ,333 1-5 2,000 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 6662-3 6662-3 666 2-3 6662-3 1,3331-3 11 [4] Continued. sl. Aferes for' ■ Name of the person or per- Name of the agent ^«^S which scrip sons to whom the scrip was to whom the scrip O M M has been is- sued. issued. was delivered. |...|. ...... 33 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 Sarah Lang - - - Thomas M. Bailey. 2 40 200 • Edmund H. Taylor and A. P. ) Austin P. Cox & E. 5 H. Taylor. Cox 2 40 200 Do do Do. 2 40 200 Do do Do. 2 40 200 Do do Do. 2 40 200 Do do Do. 5 44 444 James Lumber Richard Smith. 5 44 444 William Lumber Do. 5 44 444 Jane, Samuel, William, and Thomas Lumber - Do. 16 531-3 1,3331-3 John Bailey - Thomas M. Bailey. 16 531.3 1,3331^ John J. Bailey Do. 6 53 533 Hetty Copes Do. 6 50 530 Barshaba Martin Do. 6 53 533 Nancy Merrill Do. 6 50 530 Beverly Copes Do. 6 53 533 Parker Copes Do. S3 2623 2,6662 3 Patty, Thomas & Sally Waters Do. 33 262-3 2,6662-3 John M., Letetia P., and Wil- liam R. Gregory - JohnM. Gregory. 33 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace. 66 531-3 5,3331-3 Thomas Green, assignee Thomas Green. 1 20 100 Edmund H. Taylor and Aus- tin P. Cox Taylor and Cox. 1 20 100 Do do Do. 33 26 23 2,666 2-3 John and James Lilleston and ) John G. Joynes and S T. M. Bailey. James Hickman 25 . 2,000 Littleton White Thomas M. Bailey. 12 40 1,000 Do do Do. 12 40 1,000 Elizabeth White Do. 1 20 100 Nimrod Perkins Do. 2 40 200 Thomas Fletcher - Hon- Ths. Davenport. 16 531-3 1 ,333 1-3 William B. Fields - John D. Fields. 16 531-3 1 ,335 1-3 JohnD. Fields Do. 25 " 2,000 Ann T. Greer, co-heir with Leah Millichops - Thomas M. Bailey. 3 10 250 Ann T. Greer, co-heir with Matilda Millichops Do. 3 10 250 Ann p. Millichops - Do. 3 10 250 Mary Millichops Do. •> 3' 10 250 Lavinia Millichops - Do. 3 IC 250 James H. Millichops Do. 3 10 ' 250 Clara Millichops Do. 3 10 230 Margaret T. Naudain Do. 3 10 250 Sarah G. Cowgill - Do. 8 26 2-3 666 2-3 Lydia Adams J. W. Murdaugh. 8 26 2-3 666 2-3 William Bruce Philo Hale. 8 26 2^ 666 2-3 Nancy Airs - - . J. W. Murdaugh. 8 26 2-3 666 2 3 Polly Arrengton Do. 16 53 1-3 1,3331-3 Isaac Chapline, Jacob Rogers Chapline, William B. Har- rison, Abraham Chapline, Wiilis Chapline and Ann M. Chapline p ■■ - R. M. Johnson..; CO 13 Statemsmt a— Name of the person No. of Amount of Acres fhie on who performed the war- awe*. the warrant. lervice. rant. State line. State navy. William Corb'm Master at arms 6.973 666 2.3 61^6 2-3 1 Do 6 974 666 2.3 666 2-3 1)0 Do 6 975 666 2.3 666 2 3 Do Do 6.976 666 2 3 6662 3 Garvin Ptttigrew Seaman 6.»55 100 100 James Burk* • Gunner 1,958 100 100 Do • Do 6.884 2,5662.3 2,5662-3 William Phillips . Seaman 6.872 100 100 Wilham Wallace - Sailor 6,879 100 100 So'omon Powell ?eaman 5,985 100 100 lieorge Gooseley . Captain 6,867 1,3331-3 1 ,333 1 3 Do e Do 6,^"69 1 ,.3.'>3 ]«3 1,333 1-3 Do • Do 6 868 1 .333 1 3 1 ,3.33 1 3 Jacob Phillips - Boatswain 6,873 2,6662-3 2,6662-3 William Campbell • Brig. Gen. - 2,200 5,000 5,000 Hancock Chambers . . Seaman 6,882 100 100 R.chard Parker - Lieutenant 6,883 1,000 1,000 Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,987 1777M00 177 77 100 Do a Da 6,988 17777-100 177 77 100 Do - Do 6,989 177 77400 177 77-100 Do • Do 6.991 22222.100 22222-100 go . Do 6.992 222 22tl00 22222.100 t)o » Do 6 993 mil 100 llllMOO Do • Do 6.994 llllMOO 11111-100 Do • Dp 6,995 22222 100 222 22-100 Do . Do 6 996 44444.100 44444 100 Do 9 Do 6,986 37777-100 177 77.100 Do « Do 6,997 44444-100 444 44 100 Jacobus White • Carpenter 7,003 1 ,333 1-3 1,3331.3 Do • Do 7,104 1,353 1-3 1,333 13 William Bennett . Master 7,005 513 1 3 533 1-3 Do . Do 7.006 5:^3 13 533 1-3 Do . Do 7,007 533 1-3 533 1-3 Do • Do 7,008 533 1-3 533 1 3 Do . Do 7 .(.09 53315 533 13 Ph'lip Chambevlayne . Lieutenant 6.849 4,000 4,000 William Cuiit.ini'ham . J)o 6.811 800 800 Do . . Do 6,812 800 800 D3 ^ I'o 6.813 800 800 Dp • i Vq 6,8U 800 800 Continued. 13 [4] eighty acres fiac- certi- Acres for which scrip Name of the person or per- sons to whom the scrip was Name of the agent to whom the scrip was ^ ^ 2 w has been is- issued. aehvcred. 'SsS saed. fzi £ .= -^ ys 8 262 3 666 2-3 John Corbin Thomas M. Bailey. 8 26 2.3 666 2-3 .'^nn Corbi.i . - » Do. 8 26 2-3 666 2 3 Ki:z .betii Waters - Do. 8 26 2.3 666 2 3 Harriot Bevans Uo. 1 20 lOJ Ann T. Greer, Matilda, Ann P., Mary, Laniiu, Clara, anc James U. Mil c'lops, Mar- ffaret Naudain, and Sarah P Cowgill - Do. 1 20 100 James Murk - Matthew St. C. Clarke. 52 62-3 2,566 2-3 Do - . . Do. 1 20 100 •Jacob Phillips John G. Joynes. 1 20 100 William Wallace, Cary Wal- lace, Joseph Wallace, I,u cretia Willey, and Rebcccs Garret . William Wallace. 1 20 100 Elizabeth Ph Hips » . .{ohn G. Joynes. 16 53 1-3 1 ,333 1-3 Sarah C. Gooselcy - . Sarah C. Gooseley. 16 53 1-3 1 ,333 1 3 Fiancis Brown J mes Urov/n, jr. 16 53 1-3 1,333 1-3 Ann 11 8{rown . Edmund Brown. 33 26 2»3 2,6662-3 El za. Margaret, and John P Walker - John G. Joynes. 62 40 5.000 Francis P res' on, and Sarah B. his wife - . Francis Preston. 1 20 100 Harriet Savage and E. W Chambers - John G. Joynes. 12 40 1 000 Mary Ann Chambers, Edm'c Ciiandler, Henry Slokis and Janjes Stokes Do. 2 ir 77-100 17777-100 Peggv Bovellur ■ Thos. M. Baile>', and 2 1777-100 177 77-100 W m. Damoral, Wm. Topping M. A. and T. Topping , John G. Joynes. Do. 2 1777-100 17777-100 Jno. and Colburn Sauisbury Caty M ster, and Nanc) Savage Do. 2 6222.10(5 22222 100 John Sauisbury Do. 2 62 ^100 22222-100 Emlin Sauisbury Do. 1 SI IMOO in iMoo James Sauisbury Do. 1 SI IMOO 11111-100 Betsey Sauisbury Do. 2 62 2^.100 222 22 lUO Elisha Sauisbury Do. 5 44 44 100 44444.100 Abram J'omers, sen. Do. 2 17 77-100 177 77-100 Geoj'ge Sauisbury - Do. 5 44 44.100 44444 100 Abram Vomers, jr, = Do. 16 53 1-3 1 .333 2-3 ^largaret Ann Evans - Thomas Ewirig. 16 5"> 1-3 1,333 1-3 Catharine H. Evans - J W. Murdaugb, 6 53 1-3 53;3 1 3 CovenU)!) Bennett - Chailes Stan'j rry. 6 53 1-3 533 1 3 Rowland B nnett Do. 6 53 I 3 53:i].3 Samuel Bennett Di). 6 53 1-3 533 I 3 Littleton Bennat Do, 6 5313 313 1-3 Polly HtMinett Do, 50 . 4,0)0 Richard H. Chamberlayne J. F, Bretf, 10 - 800 James B Cunningham Mut.hew St. C. Clarke, 10 » 800 Robert B. Cunningham Do. 10 o 8 Mary Wilson • Da. 10 e so;) ELzabtth G;it?v»-oo77 873 50 51 49 48 3,062 6.948 4,633 8 5 7.015 7,014 7.019 7 016 7,018 7,017 7,124 6,9;i6 2221 6 'i22 1-6 222 -6 222 1 6 2221-6 2,6662 3 100 200 200 2,666 2-3 4.50O 1 500 2C0 3H0 20 21 380 20-21 100 3 ,3j2 1-3 100 6u0 6u0 1.000 1,000 3,000 100 100 27 i lo 160 400 500 100 100 2,000 2, 00 J 1,400 5331-3 5?3 1-3 533 1-3 533 1-3 177 lo 1771-3 177 1-3 1 )w33 1-3 Acres due on I he warrant. 222 1-6 222 1 -6 ,2221.6 222 1-6 222 1-6 2,6662 3 100 200 200 2,6662^ 4,500 1.500 1 ,333 1-3 200 .^80 20-100 380 2U- 100 100 3 ,333 1-3 100 600 600 1,000 1,000 3,0(M) 100 100 27313 160 400 oOJ 100 100 2,000 2,000 1,400 553 13 533 1 -3 533 1-3 .^33 1 3 177 1-3 177 1-3 177 13 1.3331-3 ir C43 Continued. t'i't, Acres for Name of the person or per- Name of the agent to ^^^ which scrip sons to whom the scrip whom the scrip was 'S^'^^ has been is- was issued. dehvered. o S £ ^;is sued. 6l5S g .S -43 tfS goc < 2 621-6 222 1-6 Elizabeth Silverthorn Thomas M, Bailey. 2 621-6 222 1-6 Samuel Mears Do. 2 621-6 222 1-6 Jonathan Mears Do. 2 621-6 222 1-6 Henry Mears Do. 2 621-6 222 1-5 Wm. , David M., Mary, and Comfort Shrieves Do. 33 262-3 2,6662-3 Thomas Lilleston, Ann Lil- leston, Edmund Lilleston, Samuel Nock,Sally Bowen, and Polly Nock DO. 1 20 100 George Hall Mr. Mavo. 2 40 200 David Wood, assignee N. D. Coleman. 2 40 200 Do Do. 33 262-3 2,6662-3 Sarah Langley and Mary Ann Rodgers Matthew St. C. Clarke. 56 20 4,500 John W. Sneek Do. IS 60 1,500 Do Do. 16 531-3 1,3331-3 Sarah P. Burton Thomas M. Bailey. 2 40 200 Charles Baird C. Baird. 4 6020-21 380 20-21 Benjamin Roberts - Henry Northup. 4 6020-21 38020-21 Nancy Toole Do. 1 20 100 Robert Craddock, assignee - Robert Craddock. 41 531-3 3,3331-3 Ann Graiff, Mary C. Brooke, Walter T. Brooke, Lucy A. I Henry S. Handy and 1 PhiloHale. Brooke, Sarah ViBrooke, and Benj. E. Brooke 1 20 100 George Blakeley George Blakeley. 7 40 600 Howard Watkins Thomas Green. 7 40 600 Mary Thomas. 12 40 1,000 Marg't Saunders,MaryThomas, Ann Hope, and H. Watkins, and Mary Servent Do- 12 40 1,000 John C. Hunter Henry Stanberry. 37 40 3,000 Do Philo Hale. 1 20 100 John Hutt John Hutt. 1 20 100 Frances Royal! Frances Royall. 3 331.3 2731-3 Ann W. Mallory, and Martha F. S. Parks Thomas Green. 2 _ 160 Do do Do. 5 » 400 Do do Do. 6 ' 20 500 Do do Do. 1 20 100 Abraham Dunavant W. S. Archer. 1 20 100 Rodham Luttrell John Lamuei. 25 2,000 Jacob Bowman, assignee T. M. T. McKennon, 25 _ 2,000 Charles Baird, assignee Do do Thomas D. Baird. 17 40 1,400 Do. 6 €31-5 533 1-3 Mary S. Duffield - Philo Hale. 6 53 1-3 533 1-3 Margaret Moore Do. 6 531-3 533 1-3 Catharine Craine Do. 6 531-3 533 1-3 John W. Strother - Do. 2 17 1-3 177 1-3 James W. Pendleton J. Strother. 2 171-2 177 1«3 Catharine T. Nicklin Do, 2 jn-3 1771-3 Benjamin S, Pendleton Susp'd in the ofSce, 16 531-S 1,3331.3 Aiw ]). Shirley Thomas Oreen. [4] IS SrATlSMXHT X Name of the person BASK. No. of Amount of Acres due on who performed the war- acres. the warrant. service. rant. State line. State navy. Hugh McGavock Lieut. 45 66 2-3 66 2-3 James Wright Private . 5,052 100 100 John Revell - Gunner's mate 7,145 2 ,22s 1-3 2,2221-3 Do . Do 7,146 444 1.3 4441-3 Brawson Dalby . Seaman 7,150 100 100 Tully Robinson - Captain 7,149 4,000 4,000 John Braidefoote . Chaplain 7,160 6,000 6,000 Jonathan Barret - Lieutenant 7,161 4,000 4,000 Richard Dale « Do 7,162 1,000 1,000 De . Do 7,163 1,000 1,000 Do - Do 7,164 1,000 1,000 Do . Do 7,165 1,000 1,000 Levin Walker Lieut. . 2,849 2,666 2 3 2,6662.3 Thomas Hamilton Captam - 60 1 ,333 1-3 1.3331-3 Do Do - 61 1,333 1-3 1,3331-3 Do Do . 62 1,3331-3 1 ,333 1-3 Francis Bright . Captain 7,168 2,666 2-3 2,666 23 Do . Do 7,168 533 1-3 533 1-3 Do . Dj 7,167 533 1-3 533 1.3 Do « Do 7,169 533 1-3 533 1-3 Do . Do 7,170 533 1-3 533 1-3 Do « Do 7,171 533 1-3 533 1-3 WiUiam House . Gunner 6,935 320 320 Do . Do 6,931 1,2831-3 1,2831-3 Do • Do 6,933 320 5-6 320 5-6 Do . Do 6,934 320 5-6 320 5-6 Do - Do 6,932 320 5-6 320 5-6 Stark Moss - - Carpenter 7,178 37113 371 1-3 William H. Parker , - Lieutenant 7,172 1,3331-3 1,3331.3 Stark Moss - . Carpenter 7,177 4'i4 4-9 4444-9 Do - Do 7,181 1722-3 1721-3 Do _ Do 7,176 222 2-9 222 2-9 Do - Do 7.175 222 2-9 222 2-9 Do . Do 7.174 4444-9 4444.9 Do - Do 7; 173 4444-9 444 4-9 Do • Do 7,179 1721-3 1721-3 Do . Do 7,180 i 172 1-3 172 1-3 William Roberts Lieut. 6,984 38020-21 38020-21 19 E4] — Continued. O m o 1 27 1 SO 75 50 12 12 12 12 33 16 16 16 33 6 6 6 6 6 4 16 4 4 4 4 16 In e« t< - o o 66 2 3 20 621^ 441-3 20 40 40 40 40 262-3 531-3 531-3 5313 26 2-3 531-3 53 1-3 531-3 531-3 53 1-3 31-3 5-6 ' 5-6 5-6 511-3 531-3 444-9 121-3 62 2 9 62 2-9 444-9 444 9 121-3 121-3 6020-21 Acres for which scrip has been iu- Bue 'tli sued. = li a.s,S 764.21 764-21 Augustine Roberts > Henry Northup. «• 76 4-21 764-21 Sally Hughes Do. , „ 764-21 764-21 Elizabeth Gregory - Do. « 764-21 764-21 Willis Roberts Do. „ 76 4-21 764-21 John Roberts Do. 16 531-3 1,3331-3 Wm. Thomas, Thos. Thomas, and Alice Thomas Philo Hale. 32 62-3 2,5662-3 Lee Ann Ruddle, and Corde- lia Charlton Thomas F. Foster. 25 ^ 2,000 Samuel Barron Thomas Green. 25 „ 2,000 Elizabeth R. Armistead Do. X 20 100 John H. Warder - Michael Nourse. 1 20 100 Do DO. 1 20 100 Do Do. 1 20 100 Do Do. 2 40 200' Do Do. 1 20 100 Southy W. East, Severn East, and Mary Bloxom P. P. Mayo. 1 68 148 Sophia Gardner John G. Joynes. 1 68 148 Sally Gunter Do. 2 40 200 John H. Warder - Michael Nourse. 1 20 100 Jonathan Kenyon Suspended, (in the of- fice.) 1 20 100 John Deane J. W. Nash. 33 262-3 2,6662-3 Mary Edwards Joseph Segar. 11 8 8-9 888 8-9 John Bulky Do. 11 88-9 888 8-9 Thomas BuUey Henry Stanberry. 11 87-9 888 7-9 Elizabeth Sherrard • Do. 33 262-3 2,6662-3 Mary Binford Joseph Segar. 33 262-3 2,666 2-3 William Holt William S.Nicholls. 16 53 2-3 1 ,333 1-3 Joshua Singleton William S. Scott. 12 40 1,000 William S. Ware, and Samuel C.Ware - Charles Hatcher. 1 20 100 John CaiT, jr. Joseph Watson. 1 20 100 Do Do. 1 20 100 Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace. 1 20 100 Elcany Andrews John |». Drummond. 1 20 100 Thomas Moth Thomas H. Harvev. 2 40 200 Polly Dozier and Nancy Raines Do. 50 « 4,000 Benjamin Field Richard Elliott. 25 . 2,000 Hugh McGavock - Thomas J. Boyd. 1 20 100 Edward Rundick Vespasian EUis. 6 20 500 Elizabeth C. Ware - John Coke. 50 , 4,000 Wm. Collier and Polly Collier Hon. Thomas Ewing. 33 262-3 2,6662-3 Lovell Pierce and Nancy Car- ter - . . Richard Smith. 16 531-3 1 ,333 1-3 Patsy Row - Thomas Green. 33 26 2-3 2,6662-3 James B. Daughety and Jane Wildy Thomas H. Harvey. 1 20 100 Fanny Harmon or Hammons Vespasian Ellis. 1 20 100 Do do Do. 50 . 4,000 Ann M. Barron J. W. Murdaugh. 2 62 222 Stephen Drummond John G. Joynes. 11 9 889 Keturah Wciton Do. 5 4413 444 1-S Do ©0. [4] 22 Statement A Name of the person who performed tlie service. XJlKK. Luke Cannon Do Do Richard Barron Jesse Cannon Do Do Do Do Do Jolm Gibson Samuel Timpson Do Do Thomas Armistead Do James Watkins Thomas Lumber Thomas Humplett George Wilson Do Do Do Jonathan jCalvert George Wilson Do Do Do Benjamin Rush Samuel Timpson Do Do George Chamberlaine James Markham John Kearney Peter Goffinger Do George Glendenny James Markbttm State line. State navy. Chaplain Do Do Captain Do Midshipman Do Do Captain Lieutenant Do Do Do Do Do Gunner Lt. Col. Do Do Do Bur. mate Lt. Col. Do Do Do Captain Do Do Captain Lieutenant Gunner's mate Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Pilot Do Sailor Captain No. of war- rant 7,206 7,207 7,208 7,233 7,201 7,200 7,202 7,203 Amount of acres. 198 199 232 64 65 66 36 53 7,184 4441-3 222 444 1-3 1111-9 66^ 2,6662-3 7,236 4,000 7,190 275 7,192 375 7,193 375 7,194 375 7,257 2,6662^ 7,262 1871-2 7,261 1871-2 7.260 375 7,259 375 7,258 1,333 1-3 68 3331-3 67 333 1-3 69 333 1-3 751 4,000 7,151 911-4 7,117 8882-3 7,217 7,218 4,431 6,174 1,3331-3 1,3331-3 100 2773-4 Acres due on the warrant. 3331-3 3331.3 666 2-3 666 2-3 6662-2 666 2-3 333 1-3 333 1-3 1,3331-3 1 ,333 1-3 6662-3 6662-3 2,6662-3 2,666 2-3 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 750 1,000 1,000 1,800 1,800 4441-3 222 444 1-3 111 1-9 2,6662-3 4,000 375 375 375 375 2,6662-3 1871-2 1871-2 375 375 1,33313 333 1-3 333 1-3 3 no 1 o oo l-o 1,776 911-4 8882-3 1,3331-3 1 ,333 1-5 100 3773.4 23 [4] — Cotttinuftd. «1> ^^§ Acres for Name of the person or per- Name of the agent to X box: ^^? which scrip sons to whom the scrip was whom the scrip was has been is- issued. delivered. O 03 "^ '^ O 57 1,230 7,362 7,547 97 133 . 134 7,284 136 137 138 139 140 4,000 100 100 100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 200 1,3331-3 4,000 2,6662-3 55554-100 2U 46.100 1 ,333 1-3 400 2,000 400 400 400 2,6662-3 6,000 6662-3 666 2-3 6662-3 2 ,000 4,000 2.6662-3 4,000 100 100 100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 200 1,3331-3 4,000 2,666 2-3 555 54-100 21446-100 1,3331-3 400 2,000 400 400 400 31 [4] Continued. Acres for which scrip has been is- sued. Name of the person or per- sons to whom the scrip was issued. 33 75 8 8 8 25 50 33 50 1 1 1 18 18 18 18 2 16 50 33 6 2 16 5 25 5 5 5 262-3 26 2-3 26 2-3 26 2-3 26 2-3 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 40 531-3 26 2-3 55 54- 100 5446-100 531-3 2,6662-3 6,000 6662-3 666 2-3 6662-3 2,000 4,000 2.6662-3 4,000 100 100 100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 200 1 ;333 1-3 4,000 2,6662-3 535 54-100 21446-100 1,3331-3 400 2,000 400 400 400 Name of the agent to whom the scrip was delivered. James Withers Hugh Nelson Robert Archer Eliza Tally Susan Valentine Robert Archer Elizabeth Webb Clement M. Spencer, Pitman C. Spencer, Sion G. Spen- cer, Thomas F. Spencer, Nancy C. Price, Harriet P. Price, Edwin J. Spencer, Isaac P. Spencer, Caroline M. Spencer, Ann E. Spen- cer, Maria S. Spencer, and Julia F. Spencer - John Rogers, and Elizabeth D.McCowen Betsey, Rosey, and Rachel Bloxum - - - Elkanah /Andrews, Jacob An- drews, Southy Row, Caty Hinman, and Isaac and Joice Andrews - - - Demas Adams Elizabeth Andrews - Catharine Wilkinson John Andrews Robert Randolph, and Catha- rine Taylor Richard W. Shipp, assignee John Rogers and Elizabeth Rogers - - - George Enslow William Bufort, assignee Geo, W. Kinkade, Elizabeth Pottenger, Phoebe Potten- ger, Nancy Orr, and Aley Miller Jane V/. McCallister, and Mary A. Patterson Wm. Daugherty, Samuel B. Daugherty, Jas. B. Daugh- erty, and Jane Wildy Henry G., and Drusilla M. Segar - - . Elizabeth Tunstall, Maria W. Brooke, and Lucy G. Hill - Jas. Munroe, and Augustine Munroe - - - Wm. Duiing, and Augustine Duling Plinney, Nefrow, Smedley, Candis, Roenna,Lyra,Lucy, Nancy, Henry, William, & Betsey Garnett, heirs of - John S.Barbour. A. Buckingham, & Co. Thomas Keeran. Do. Do. Do. J. W. Murdaugh, A. Buckingham, 8c Co. Do. Vespasian Ellis. Do. Demas Adams. Philo Hale. Do. Do. Do. R. M. Johnson. A. Buckingham, 5c Co. Suspended. Austin P. Cox. A. Buckingham, & Co, Do. Thomas H. Harvey. Robert Hord. Do. Do. Do. Do. [4] S2 Statement A — Name of the person who performed the Henry Garnett Ambrose Lewis Rodham Kenner James Rogers Christopher Henry- James Martin Robert Thruston Frederick Barnes Do Daniel Kent William Garner Artax. Benmtt Peter Moore Do Joseph Selden Do Do RAIVC. State line. Captain Soldier Do Corporal Lieut. Soldier Do Ensign Private Captain Do Lieut Do Bo State navy. Sailor Do Gunner No. of war- rant 141 1,847 3,780 150 548 459 7,384 7,372 7,382 7,386 164 4,437 165 166 7,658 7,771 7,562 Amount of acres. 400 100 100 100 200 400 2.6662-3 Acres due on the warrant. 400 100 100 100 200 400 2,6662.3 Grand total Recapitulation of scrip issued on copies, or duplicate war- rants, as designated by asterisks (•) in the foregoing state- ment -,.---. 100 100 100 100 2,666 2-3 2,6662.3 100 100 2,6662-3 6662-3 800 6662-3 656 2-3 666 2-3 89 8-9 178 1.3 148 89 8.9 178 1-3 148 557,61739-100 525,50261-100 35,1662-3 30,413 2-3 General Land Office, I5lh November^ 1834. Continued. 33 [4] o - S f^ a ^ •i- c 2 " g .5 -^ cf: <5 20 20 20 40 26 2-3 20 20 26 2-3 20 26 2-3 26 2-3 9 8-9 181-3 68 Acres for which scrip has been is- sued. 17,42262-100 653 1.3 400 100 100 100* 200 400 2.666 2-3 100 100 2,6662-3 100 800 666 2-3 6662-3 89 8-9 178 1-3 148 525.50261-100 Name of the person or per- sons to whom the scrip was issued. ' Name of the agent to whom the scrip was deUvered. Ann M. Right, and J. H. Gar- nett Phoebe Dillon, Cynthia Lewis, Sally, Ely, & Nancy Chew - Phoebe Dillon, Cynthia Lewis, Sally, Ely, & Nancy Chew . Martha Bonnewell, Richard Rogers, and EUzabeth Wil- ley - - . Wm. H. Todd, assignee Do do Edmund J. Thruston, John F. Thruston, and Francis B. New - Margaret Bumbuger L. R. Cameron, and Leah Monday - Juditl^Currell, F. A. Ed- munds, J. N. K. Edmunds, and Daniel Kent - William Garner, George Gar- ner, Hezek. Garner, Theo- docia Beach, and Elizabeth Mills Daniel Call - George Moore, Peter Moore, Jane McClanahan, Mary Barton, and Thos. L. Moore Wm. S. Moore, Rob't Moore, and Martha Moore Thomas J. Leigh Thomas and Richard Watkins Do do 10,4131-2 Robert Hord. Suspended. Do. Richard D. Webb. WiUiam H. Todd. Do. Henry L. Brooke. Charles Hatcher. Vespasian Ellis. Do. William Prout. Daniel Call. Charles J. Faulkner. Do. John E. Heath. William Selden. Suspended. ELIJAH HAYWARD, Commissioner. [4] 34 REMARKS. Acres. Acres. There was appropriated by the act of 30th of May, 1830, for the Virginia Navy, State, and Continental line, 310,000 acres,- viz. For the State line, including the Navy - For the Continental line . - - - The act of 13th July, 1832, appropriated for both esta- blishments ...... The act of 2d March, 1833, appropriated for the same • - 260,000 50,000 300,000 200,000 Total appropriation Agreeably to the foregoing statement A, scrip has been issued on warrants for the State, Line, and Navy, amounting to • Agreeably to statement B, for the Continental line % 525.502 61-100 271,318 51-100 810,000 796,82112-100 - Leaving a balance of 13,178 88-100 This balance is covered by warrants, but the title to whioh has not yet been completed, for various causes. General Land Office, 25th October, 1834. ELIJAH HAYWARD, Commissioner, STATEMENT B, EXHIBITING AMOUNT OF MILITARY LAND SCRIP ISSUED TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OP VIRGINIA CONTINENTAL LINE. [4] 36 B. I Statement exhibiting the amount of Military Land Scrip issued to " t^ct for the relief of certain officers and soldiers of the army and and under the subsequent acts containing appropriations of land to the rank; No. of warrant; amount of acres; acres due on the ivarrant; num- of acres embraced in the fractional certificate issued on each ivarrant-, whom it was issued; and the name of the agent to whom, the same Name of the person who Rank.— Con- No. of Amount of Acres due on o 4J P performed the service. tinental. war- acres. the warrant. rant. No. of < cates of acres ea Samuel Waddy - Sergeant 6,731 200 200 2 ■William, Pound - James McFaden - Private 6,728 50 50 . Captain 6,746 4,000 4,000 50 Edward Armstrong Lieutenant 6,743 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 33 Thomas Minor Captain 6.735 5,333 5,333 66 Casper Myers Private 6,506 50 50 - John Jordan Cornet in Lee's legion. 6,739 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 33 Hug-h Davis Sergeant 6,139 200 200 2 Philip Slaughter - Captain 6,748 1,000 1,000 12 Thomas Ray Do 6,160 1,000 125 1 Barnabas Arthur - Lieutenant 5,963 6662-3 118 1 John Moss Major 5,545 50 „ William Aylett - Colonel 5,606 1 ,333 1-3 338 4 Calohill Minis Captain 5,473 500 111 1 "William Collins - Private 6,150 200 200 2 William Price Lieutenant 6,721 246 1-64 246 1-64 3 Jesse Brightwell - Private 6,751 100 100 1 William Brightwell Do 6,752 100 100 1 David Kirkpatrick Captsrin 6,623 2,000 500 6 William Johnson Do 2,199 4,666 2-3 570 7 Cuthbert Harrison Do 6,660 2,000 500 6 Do Do 6,661 2,000 500 6 James Carson Lieutenant 6,6^6 2,666 2-3 1,737 2 3 . 21 James Raburn *^ Soldier 2,896 .200 200 2 John Overstreet - Do 3,890 100 100 1 Robert Dallis Do 3,891 100 100 1 Nathan Preston Do 3,892 100 100 1 William Scott Captain 6,650 1,000 250 3 Patrick Carnes Do 2,223 4,000 1,000 12 William Woolfolk Cornet 6,473 1,2662-3 1,2331-3 15 Alexander Brownlee Ensign 6,645 2,666 2 3 666 2-3 8 William Spencer - Lieutenant 6,629 888 8-9 444 8-9 5 George Lear Soldier 3,546 200 90 1 John Meanley Lieutenant 5;551 1,3331-3 250 1-3 3 John Stevenson - Major 6,440 3,555 95 1 Henry Small Soldier 2,085 6,480 100 100 1 . Matthew Gumming^ Do 200 200 2 Archibald Alexander Surgeon 6,627 2.000 1,735 21 Do D^o 6,626 2,000 1,760 22 37 B. [4] the officers and soldiers of the Virginia Continental line, ("under the navy, and of the Continental army, during the revolutionary war,^^ same object,) showing the name of the person who performed the service; her of certificates or scrip of eighty acres each; together witli the amount acres for which scrip has been issued; name of the person or persons to was delivered. Acres for Name of the person or persons to Name of the agent to S5^ O which scrip whom the scrip was issued. whom the scrip was ^^-^ii has been is* delivered. .-:ig sued.. < 40 200 William Nelson, jr. William Nelson, jr. A. M. Green. 50 50 Archibald M. Green, assignee - 4,000 John McFaden - . - William Lambert, jr. 262-3. 2,666 2-3 Rebecca Armstrong, Sarah Arm- strong-, Robert Armstrong-, Wil- liam Armstrong-, Edward Arm- strong-, and Thos. Armstrong" - E. B. Armstrong. 531-3 5,3^:^ Thomas Minor Archibald M. Green. 50 50 Joseph Watson, assignee - Joseph Watson. 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 Sarah Kaston Sarah Easton. 40 200 Thomas J. Hodgson Thomas L Hodgson. 40 45 38 1,000 I Philip Slaughter - Philip Slaughter. 50 } 742 Hellen Massie Matthew Bonner. 18 31 40 200 William Collins William Collins. 61-64 246 1-64 James Soutligate - - - James Southgate. 20 100 Lucy Powers Lucy Powers. 20 100 Do - ... Do. 20 500 Thomas Green, assignee - Thomas Green. 10 570 Allen Latham " " A Cadwallader Wallace, assignee * Allen Latham. SO 500 Cadwallader Wallace. 20 500 Do do Do. 57 2-3 1,7372-3 Do do Do. 40 1 20 20 y 500 j Do do Do. 20 10 250 Do do Do. 40 1,000 Do Do. 331-3 1,2331-3 William Woolfolk, Francis Wool- folk, James M. Woolfolk, and Amos Kendall ... Amos Kendall. 26 2-3 6662-3 Allen Latham, assignee - Allen Latham. 44 8-9 444 8-9 Do do - - Do. 10 90 Do do - - Do. 101-3 250 1-3 Do do Do. 15 -) 20 C 395 Do do - - Do. 40 \ 55 1,735 Do do - - Do. - 1,760 Do do - - Do. i:4] 38 Statement B — Name of tlie person who performed the service. Rank. — Con- tinental. Archibald Alexander George Hite John Mullikin Joseph Newcomb James Micure James Thompson Jacob Smock Samuel Johnson - WiUiam Sandford Christopher Daniel Allen McLane Do Do Do Do Do Do Allen McLane George Bruce Allen McLane Do Richard Stevens - Do Do Do Do Charles Snead John Cooke Abraham Nettles Nathaniel Morris - -Solomon Woolford Samuel L Cabell - Peter Faulkner Richard Basye Henry Brock Jonathan Smith - Robert Forsyth Thomas Armistead William Hebb Obad'ah Woodson William Scantling Stephen Lewis Joiin Duncan No. of vv^ar- rant. Surgeon Subaltern Private Do Do Soldier Sergeant Drum major Captain Private Major Do Do Do Do Do Do Major Corporal Major Do Captain Do Do Do Do Do PrivatB Do Do Do Lt. Col. Sergeant Private Qm. sergeant Lieutenant Captain Do Private Lieutenant Sergeant Lieutenant Soldier 6,625 2,608 6,621 6,738 6,737 939 1,022 6,485 5,401 6,528 6,401 6,405 6,407 6,408 6,409 6 6 6 2 6 6 6 Amount of acres. 410 413 414 378 416 419 679 6,672 6,673 6.680 6,674 6,545 6,565 4,786 4,767 4,788 1,177 6,552 6,631 6,709 6,730 7,126 52 6,595 6,700 4,510 2,898 4.441 Acres due on the warrant. 6 c« o 2,000 2,666 2-3 100 66 2-3 100 100 200 400 746 100 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 200 331-3 1 ,777 1-5 307 60-100 307 60 100 307 60-100 307 60-100 307 60-100 ,6662 3 100 100 200 100 .000 400 100 200 8891-2 1 ,333 1-3 2,250 100 222 200 2,6662-3 100 ,860 495 100 66 2-3 100 100 44 100 400 100 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 200 333 1-3 1,7771-3 307 60-100 307 60-100 30760-100 307 60-100 307 60-100 778 100 100 200 100 1,000 400 100 200 539 1-2 1 ,333 1-3 2,250 100 222 200 509 2-3 100 23 6 2 4 22 9 1 1 2 1 12 1 2 6 16 28 1 2 2 6 1 39 [4 J Continued. W 1 • t^ CS t- O t< 4) Acres for Name of the person or persons to Name of the agent to CS '^ o which scrip whom the scrip was issued. whom the scrip was ^^-si has been is- delivered. .-^§s sued. ' g .S -43 tC -«5 ' 20 1,860 Allen Latham, assignee - Allen Latham. 15 495 Palmer H. Winchester, William E. Starr, James W. Stephenson, and Benjamin Stephenson Henry Starr. 20 100 John Mulhkin Henry Asbury. 662-3 662-3 Henry Cooke - - . Henry Stanbery. 20 100 Do ... Do. 20 100 Allen Latham, assignee • Allen Latham. 44 44 Do do Do. 20 100 Do do - - Do. _ 400 Do do - - Do. 20 100 Do do - Do. 10 250 Louis McL^ne, assignee - Louis McLane. 10 250 Do do - . Do. 10 250 Do do - . Do. 10 250 Do do Do. 10 250 Do do - . Do. 10 250 Do do - . Do. 10 250 Do do - - Do. 10 250 Louis McLane - Louis McLane. 40 200 Henry Asbury ... Henry Asbury. 13 1-3 333 1-3 Dr. Allen McLane Allen Latham. iri-3 1,77713 Do ... Do. 67 60-100 307 60-100 Allen Latham - - . Do. ^7 60-100 307 60-100 Do ... Do. 67 60-100 307 60.100 Do ... Do. 67 60-100 307 60-100 Do ... Do. =6760-100 30760-100 Do ... Do. 58 778 Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace. 20 100 James Cook, assigsee Suspended. 20 100 William Price, assignee Do. 40 200 Do do - . Do. i 20 100 Do do - . Do. 40 - 1,000 Samuel L Cabell, Patrick H. Ca- bell, George W. Cabell, Emehne Scruggs, Peggy Higginbothom, and Martha Green, Sarah V. Green, Lucy Ann Green,, Henry Cartwright, Sarah Whitlock - Allen Latham. 400 Rachel Faulkner, James Faulkner, Peter Faulkner, Sally Ann Mc Coy, Daniel Faulkner, John Faulkner, Robert S. Faulkner, Margaret Door, and Morgan Faulkner - . - Dr. James Lawrie. 20 40 100 200 Richard Basye - - - Henry Brock ... H. Asbury (suspended.) Do. 591-2 539 1-2 Jonathan Smith - Allen Trimble. 531-3 1 ,3p3 1-3 John Forsyth ... John Forsyth. 10 2,250 Catharine Pierce - . . Catharine Pierce. 20 100 William >Hebb E.G. Wilson. 62 222 David W. Carson, assignee David W. Carson. 40 200 Cadwallader Wallace, do Cadwallader Wallace. 29 2-3 509 2-3 Do do Do. 20 100 ' Do do Do. [4] 40 Statement E — Name of the person who performed the service. James Hook Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Richard Sevens Thomas Wilkinson John Masters James Hook Do Do Do Do Edline Willoughby John Laine James HoUoway Do •Do Do Do Do Do William Gunyon Richard Stevens # John Thomas George Jordon Do Joseph Varner Sterling Cooper - Do William Brady Christopher Brady John Roberts Phileman Griffeth Do Benjamin Pollard Do Do Do John Lewis Rank.— Con- tinental. Captain Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Private Do Captain Do Do Do Do Private Do Lieutenant Lieutenant Do Do Do Do Do Private Captain D6 Serg-eant Do' Private Do Do Chapline Lieutenant Major Captain Do Do Do Do Do Do No. of war- rant. 6,608 6,609 6,610 6,611 6,612 6,613 6,614 6,615 6,616 6.617 6,675 6,753 6,749 6,606 6,602 6,604 6,605 6,607 6,731 6,043 6,816 6,817 6,818 6,819 6,822 6,820 6,821 6,135 148 6,755 6,622 6,663 6,888 7,119 7,120 7,118 ,119 ,112 ,000 ,001 763 762 6,764 6,765 7,025 Amount acres. of 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 307 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 100 ,09345-100 4,000 100 100 100 50 50 4,000 2,6662.3 5 ,333 1-3 2; 000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4.495 Acres due on the warrant. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 307 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 100 .093 45-100 tinental. war- acres. the warrant. ol^. rant. ^o« John Lewis Captain 7,026 1121-5 1121-5 1 Reuben Georg-e Private 7,116 100 100 1 Rawleigh C. Christian - Do 6,848 200 200 2 John Lewis Captain 7,125 449 6-9 449 6 9 5 James Craik Surg-eon 7,127 3,000 3,000 37 Do Do 7,128 1,000 1,000 12 Do Do 7,130 1,000 1,000 12 Do Do 7,129 1,000 1 ,000 12 David Wilson Corporal 6,632 400 400 5 Richard C. Taylor Private 6,725 100 100 1 Wilham Blackwell Captain 6,972 4,000 4,000 50 John Gudrum Private 6,850 100 100 1 Robert Mabry Lieutenant 6,985 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 33 James Mason Captain 7,187 1,3331-3 1,3331-3 16 Do Do 7,188 1,3331-3 1,333 1-3 16 Do Do 7,189 1 ,333 1-3 1,333 1-3 16 Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 38 444 1-3 444 1-3 5 Do Do 39 222 1-3 2221.3 2 Do Do 40 444 1-3 4441-3 5 Obadiah Woodson Do 6,692 222 222 2 Do Do 6.694 224 2-3 224 2-3 2 Do Do 6,699 222 222 2 Do Do 6,698 222 222 2 Do Do 6.701 222 222 2 Do Do 6,702 222 222 2 Do Do 6,703 222 222 2 James Bullifant - Soldier 6,912 100 100 1 Alexander Keith Lieutenant 6,979 2,666 2-3 2,6662-3 33 Thomas Bass Soldier 7,027 100 100 1 James Grinstead - Private 7,141 100 100 1 Thomas BuUett - Colonel 7,153 555 555 6 Do Do 7,152 555 1-2 555 1-2 6 Do Do 7,154 1,4811-3 1 ,481 1-3 18 Robert Layton • Captain 7,121 4,000 4,000 50 Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 35 44413 444 1-3 5 Do Do 36 444 1-3 444 1-3 5 Do Do 37 444 1-3 444 1-3 5 Peter Foster Lieutenant 7,144 '■: 2,6662-3 2 ,666 2-3 33 Harry Terrell - Major 6.100 1 4442-3 444 2-3 5 Thomas BuUitt - Colonel 7,186 1 740 2-3 7402-3 9 Nehemiah Walker Private 7,197 \ 100 100 1 Continued. 43 L"4] CO I _J|^ Acres for Name of the person, or persons to Name of the agent to Cm a; which scrip has been is- whom the scrip was issued. whom the scrip was delivered. Am't in t tion fica sued. \ 321.5 1121-5 Mary P. Pleasants Thomas Green. 20 100 Reuben George William McCoy. 40 200 Catharine C. Rice, Elizabeth Booth, William Christain, and Ann R. Armstrong- Hon. J. W. Chinn. 49 6-9 449 6-9 Frank Stanley, Sarah C. Stanley, Henry Massie, jr., Eugenia Mas- sie and Thomas Massie - John H. Peyton. 40 3,000 James Craik, (devisee) - William Lambert. 40 1,000 Do ... Do. 40 1,000 Do ... Do. 40 1,007 Do ... Do. _ 400 John Vawter Hon. Wm. Hendricks. 20 100 Richard C. Taylor A. H. Shepherd. „ 4,000 Elizabeth Scott - Philo Hale. 20 100 John Gudrum John Y. Mayson. 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 George Mason Do. 531-3 1 ,333 1-3 Edmund Mason Do. 531-3 1 ,333 1-3 George Mason Do. 531-3 1,3331-3 Jane Mason Do. 441-3 4441-3 Catharine Wilkins P. P. Mayo, 621-3 222 1-3 Margaret S. Wilkins Do. 441-3 4441-3 Thos. K. Floyd, Samuel L. Floyd, Eliza A.- Floyd, and T. L. Kendall - . - . Do. 62 222 John Hampton and Judith, his wife John Hampton. 642-3 224 2-3 David Woodson Carson, assignee David Woodson Carson, 62 222 Do do Do. 62 222 Do do Do. 62 222 Do do Do. 62 222 Do do Do. 62 222 William G. Woodson do William G. Woodson. 20 100 James Bullifant Hon. John Tyler. 262-3 2,666 2-3 Kitty Bradford, Charles F. Keith, \ Isham Keith, and Maria G. Nash, Hon. James Standifer. 20 100 Francis Bass, Drury Bass, and R. Birdsong Mark Alexander. 20 100 James and William Grinstead Hon. C. Tompkins. 75 535 Ellen Earnest Hon. William Wilkins. 751-2 555 1-2 Sophia W. Guathraey George C. Gwathmey. 411-3 1 ,481 1.3 Ann Huie, Helen J. King, Ann E. W. King, Luby F. King, and R. W.King John King. . 4,000 Robert Layton ' - Philo Hale. 441-3 4441-3 Mary Ann Stratton, Susan Gordon, Sarah Stratton, Eliza and Lou- isiana Waddy - - . Vespasian Ellis. 441-3 4441-3 Juliet Mason and Amia Ward Do. 441-3 444 1-3 John W- Hall, Robert Hall, Wil- liam Hall, and Eliza Hall Do. 26 2-3 2,6662-3 Peter Foster Philo Hale. 44 2-3 444 2-3 Edward G. Terrell ' - Hon. W. R. King. John King. 202-3 7402-3 James B. Huie 20 100 S. W. Eastj Severn East, and Mary Bloxom P. P. Mayo. [ 4] 44 Statement B- Name of 'the person who performed the service. John Clarke Do Do Do Hezekiah Robinson Henry Lipford Rice Ennis Jesse Parker Erasmus Oakley Charles Mosby John Fisher Do Do Do Do Do Do Do William Dennis Robert Watkins - Do Do John Washington George Mood John Washington Richard Shackleford William Massie John Belvin John Washington Do WiUiam P. Hamlet Thorton Meade - Thomas Bidlett - Reuben Griffis Joseph Spencer - Wm. Hogan Wm. Johnson Samuel Bell John Taylor Anderson Brightwell James Hooper Samuel Mosby Robert Mosbv Do Rank — Con- tinental. Lieutenant Do Do Do Private Do Do Do Sergeant Private Ensign Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Private Ensign Do Do Captain Private Captain Private Fife major Private Captain Do Private Do Colonel Corporkl Captatn Private Corporal Capta'm Private Do Do Sergeant Lieutenant Do No. of war- rant. Amount of acres. 52 53 54 55 6,759 6,757 6,80r 6,756 6,760 7,028 7,230 7,229 7,228 7,227 7,226 7,225 7,224 7,223 7,011 7,236 7.234 7,255 7,237 6,734 7^,238 7,136 7,219 7,237 7,240 7,239 7,158 7,155 7,241 7,248 6,569 7,137 6,801 7,25a 7,253 6,511 6,727 63 666 2-3 666 2-3 666 2 3 666 2-3 100 100 100 100 200 100 266 2-3 2662-3 266 2-3 266 2 3 266 2-3 555 5 9 4444-9 333 1-3 200 888 8 9 888 8-9 888 8-9 2,000 200 666 2-3 100 400 100 666 2-3 666 2-3 200 100 3701-3 200 1,000 200 200 6662-3 200 200 200 200 Acres due on the warrant. 58 I 1,73^2- 59 I 934 666 2 3 6662-3 666 2^3 666 2-3 100 100 100 100 200 100 266^2-3 266 2 3 266 2-3 266 2-3 2662 3 555 5-9 444 4-9 333 1-3 200 888 8 9 888 8-9 888 8-9 ,000 200 666 2-3 100 400 100 666 2-3 666 2-3 200 100 370 1-3 200 950 200 200 6662-3 200 200 200 200 ,732 2-3 934 is . O CO ?i 3 3 3 3 3 6 5 4 2 11 11 11 25 2 8 1 5 8 8 2 1 4 2 11 2 2 8 2 3 2 2 21 11 45 [4] Continued. Acres for which scrip has been is- sued. 6662-3 666 2 3 666 2-3 666 2-3 100 100 100 100 200 100 266 2-3 266 2 3 266 2-3 266 2-3 266 2.3 555 5-9 4444-9 33313 200 888 8 9 888 8-9 888 8-9 2,000 200 666 2-3 100 400 100 666 2-3 666 2-3 200 100 370 1-3 200 950 200 200 666 2-3 200 200 200 200 Name of the person or persons to whom the scrip was issued. ,7322-3 934 Frances Clark, jr. Sally Mumford Patsey Clarke Eliza Clarke John Robinson - - - Henry Lipford Frances Ennis, Elizabeth Cosby, John Ennis, and Alexander T. Boatwrij^ht . - . Jesse Parker . . . Rhodn Oak ey, John Oak'ey, Thos. Oakley, Martha Alderson, Mary A. Crews, John T5 ree, Kmily Ty- ree, Martha Tyree, and Catha- rine Miles . . . Susanna Mosby, Clarissa Mosby, Susanna Allan - - - Edwin Fisher . . . Myers VV, Fisher - Marg"aret Susan Fisher Susan Hopkins John Fisher - - . Thomas Fisher - - . Sally Nelson William Nottin,^ham Wirfiam Dennis Howard Watkins - Ann Hope - - - Mary Thomas - - - Lund Washington Allen Lat' am Robert T. Thompson Richard Shackleford , - Sally Tull, Henrietta Brittingham, ■ John Masbie, and Elizabeth Mas- . sie - - Meade Belvin . - _ Elizabeth Lund Thompson Catharine F. Thompson - William P. Hamlet Thornton Meade - William C. Raines Reuben Griffis Samuel Winston Mary, Elizab., and Frances Hogan William Johnson Joseph and Sarah Bell James Taylor Thomas Graliam Levi Barber Charles W. Mosby, Clarissa Mosby, Susanna Allan Do do Do do Name of the agent to whom the scrip wag delivered. ^Jno. W. Nash and Wil- liam S. Scott. Do. Do. Do. Do. John W. Nash. Do. Joseph Segar. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Philo Hale. Thomas Green. Do. Do. Lund Washington. Allen Latham. William S. NichoUs. R. Shackleford. Vespasian Ellis. « Meade Belvin. W.S.Nicholls. Do. Mark Alexander. William S. Scott. Bernard Hooe. Benjamin F. Michie. Samuel Winston. William S. Scott. T. W. Johnson . Willis Faucett. Vespasian Ellis. Thomas Graham. Levi Rarber. William S. Scott Do. Do. [4] 46 Statement B — Name of the person who performed the service. Thomas Warman Joseph Mitchell Charles Morgan Reaps Mitchell Richard Doggett Wm. Knight Robert Belvin William Belvin Thomas Belvin Peter Jacquett Caleb P . Bennett James Hook Do Do John Waide Alexander Garden Do Thomas Bnllett - Do Do Do Do Peter Goffiinger - Do Robert H. Saunders Litfleberry Mason Nathan Wren Do Do Do Rank. — Con- tinental. Captain r Do Ensign Sergeant Captain Private Do Do Do Captain Lieutenant Captain Do Do Corporal Lieutenant Do Colonel Do Do Do Do Pilot Do Lieutenant Paymaster Ensign Do Do Do No. of war- rant. 7,256 6 752 65 6 ,338 Ex.64 6,999 7,265 7,267 7,266 7,273 7,276 6,596 6,597 6,598 6.644 Acmunt of acres. ,298 ,298 78 79 80 81 82 ,217 ,218 ,268 7,277 7,302 7,303 7,304 7,305 TT^l-"^ 144 2,6662-3 4662-3 4,000 100 100 100 100 4,000 2,6662-3 200 200 200 200 2,6662-3 2,666 2-3 3703-4 3703-4 3702-3 370 2-3 370 2-3 1 ,333 1-3 1,3331-3 2.6662-3 4,000 8888-9 740 20-27 1484-27 4444-9 Acres due on the warrant. niT-'i 144 2,6662-3 4662-3 1 ,000 100 100 100 100 4,000 2,666 2-3 500 500 500 200 700 1,9662-3 370 3-4 3703-4 3702-3 370 2-3 370 2-3 1 ,333 1-3 1,3331-3 2,6662-3 4,000 8888-9 74020-27 1484-27 4444.9 47 [ 4] Continued. res •ac- rti- Acres for Name of the person or persons to Name of the agent to ^^^ which scrip whom the scrip was issued. whom the scrip was "Z^-^B has been is- delivered. < sued. 577-9 7-7777-9 Thomas F. W. Vincent, Elizabeth Belt,Matilda Shirley,Ann McCor- mick, and Harriet Wallace A. M. Green. 64 144 Charles S. and Rebecca Bibb Nathaniel Sawyer. 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 William Morgan James P. Drake. 66 2-3 4662-3 Benjamin Turner, (executor) Gabriel Moore. - 4,000 Thomas Doggett Willis Morgan. 20 100 William Knight G. W. Minor. 20 100 Martha Wright, Robert Belvin, John Belvin, James Belvin, Jas. Dianna, Wm.,and Mahala Stroud, Mary, William, and Elizabeth Belvin John M. Gregory. 20 100 Martha Wright,Robert Belvin, Jno. Belvin, James Belvin, James, Dianna, William, and Mahala Stroud, and Mary, William, and Elizabeth Belvin Do. 20 100 Martha Wright, Robert, John, and James Belvin, James Dianna, William, and Mahala Stroud, Mary, William, Thomas and Elizabeth Belvin John M. Gregory. _ 4,000 Peter Jacquett William Lambert. 262-3 2,666 2-3 Caleb P. Bennett Do. 20 500 Stephen Hook T. M. T. McKennon. 20 500 Do - - Do. 20 500 Do Do. 40 200 Ann Waide, Peggy Waide, Alice Drummond, Susan A. Fennis, James Waide, Sarah H. Waide, and Delia Ann Clayton Matthew St. C. Clarke. 60 700 Allester Garden Joseph Watson. 46 2-3 1,966 2-3 Do Do. 503-4 370 3-4 Helen M. Barnes William C. Barnes. 503-4 370 3-4 Thomas B.Barnes Do. 502-3 370 2-3 Catharine A. Thomas Addison N. Thomas. 502-3 370 2-3 Elizabeth L. Thomas Do, 501-3 370 3-4 Alexander B. Barnes William C. Barnes. 531-3 1 ,333 1-3 Milly Spady Henry Stanberry. 531-3 1,3331-3 Emiline Jones Joseph Segar. 262-3 2,6662-3 R.H.Saunders Thomas Keeran. " 4,000 Henrv Mason, William B. Mason, Nathaniel Mason, Mary Spencer, Mary Louisa, and Eliza Jane Mason Joseph Segar. 8 8-9 888 8-9 Molly Weathers Do. 2020-27 740 20-27 Isaac Bendall, Jesse Bendall, Bar- bara Jones, Judith Adams, and Sally Anderson Do. 684 27 1484-27 Polly and Lucy Zilles Do. 444-9 4444-9 Madison, Minerva, and Benjamin Green Do. [4] 48 Statement E — Name of the person who performed the service. Nathan Wren John Taylor Minson Proby John King Richard Stevens - William Cherry Do James Hook Do Do George John'^on Daniel Miller* WiHiam Eppes* James McDorman Samuel Walker Thomas Dog-g-ett Thomas Davis William Teas James Franklin Do William Crutkerman Henry Macon John Nelson John Hart Major Topping - Jacob Chance Alexander Harrison George Coloney - Jacob K' slow Samuel Owens John Clark John Reins Charles Cameron Rank. — Con tinental. Ensign Lieutenant Sergeant Soldier Captain Do Do Do Do Do Private Do Lieutenant Soldier Captain Private Ensign Cornet Captarn Do Private Ensign Private Do Do Do Do Dp Do Do Cornet Private Lieutenant No. of war- rant. Amount of acres. 7,306 7,283 7,281 5 ,387 148 158 159 6,598 6,601 6,603 6.359 6,682 1,475 7,283 7,282 7.284 7,279 7,289 7,2y0 7,291 6,055 7.289 6,112 7,301 7,298 7,293 7;^99 7,297 7.296 7,295 7,309 6,600 7,310 4494-9 2,666 2-3 200 200 1,09345-100 333 1-3 666 2-3 200 200 200 100 100 4,000 200 4,000 100 2,666 2-3 2,666 2-3 3,750 250 100 2,666 2 3 200 200 100 200 2.666 2-3 100 . 2.6662-3 Acres due on the warrant. 100 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 4494-9 2,666 2-3 200 200 1 ,093 45-100 333 1-3 666 2-3 500 500 500 100 100 4,000 200 4,000 100 2,666 2-3 2 666 2-3 3,750 250 100 2.666 2-3 200 200 100 200 2,666 2^ 100 2,6662-3 ■^ o ^ O M tn ^ (U (U 49 [4] Continued. 4 'o S? Acres for Name of the person or persons to Name of the agent to ^^ s which scrip whom the scrip was issued. whom the scrip was "^^-^.3 has been is- delivered. < sued. 49 4-9 440 4-9 Edwin Adams, James Adams, Wil- liam Adams, Svisaniia Adams, Al- bert Adams, and Ben']. Adams - Joseph Segar. 262-3 2,666 2-3 John' M. Taylor (in trust) J. C. 'i'ayloh 40 200 Geo:g-e T. Massenbur^ - Joseph Segar. 40 200 Elias Barbee Hon. N. Gaither. 53 45-100 1,09345-100 Lucy Stevens, Robert C. Stevens, JudithCimbrevv. Ric'iard, Hiram, Horace and Lewis B. Stevens, and Robert and J aha Ann Winston - Lewis B, Stevens. 131-3 William Cherry Susp'd (in the office.) 26 2 3 666 2-3 William and John Cherry Charles James Faulkner. 20 500 Daniel Hook lIon.r.M.T.McKennon. 20 500 Do Do. • 20 500 Do Do. 2;o •100 Enoch Hartsook Hon. Mr. Lucas. 20 100 Daniel Miller John Floyd. . 4,000 John S. and Robert F. Eppes, r.nd Mary P. Bland Thomas Green. 40 200 Elizabeth Harrison Philo Hale. . 4,000 Jane P. McKaney, John M. and J. H. Walker E. P. Thomas. 20 100 Thomas Dog-^ett Willis Morgan. 26 2-3 2,666 2-3 Thomas Davis and John Davis Hon. J. Y. Mayson. 262-3 2,666 2-3 Eleanor Penon Philo Hale. 70 3,750 Ann C. Davis, Sarah W. Davis, and Elizabeth H. Franklin Do. 10 250 Nancy Franklin Do. 20 100 E. P.Kendrick E. P. Kendrick. 26 2-3 2,6662-3 Ann Maria, John H. Mung-o, R. & Eleanor Macon, Elizabeth B. Reynolds, T. D. and T. Macon, William and Ann M. Frank, and 1 Jane Rodman Jolm Metcalf. 20 100 Rodman Foster, assignee James Foster. 20 100 Leonard Kart A. N. Thomas. 40 200 Sally Topping" '\'e3pasian Ellis. 20 100 Tinney Bell, Sally Scott, Nancy l{arrison, Susan Harrison, John Moore, Nancy Harmond; VVili'am Chance, Elijah Chance, John Chance, Tl;omas Chance, and ^ Marg-aret Chance - • - Do. 40 200 Charles Booth, S. Scarburg, Milson and T. Snead Do. 40 200 James Coloney, Samuel and Polly Hickman Do. 20 100 Margaret Chum Do. 40 200 Jesse, Mary, Sal]}^ Elizabeth, Mil- cah, Ann' and Marg*t Wilkinson - Do. 26 2-3 2,6662.3 John Clarke - . Robert Herd. 20 100 Nicholas McCarty Nicholas McCarty. 26 2-3 2,6662.3 Andrew W. Cameron A. Buckingham, & Co. [4] 50 Statement B — Name of the p'erson who Rank. — Con- No. of Amount of Acres due on •4= >^ performed the service. tinental. war- rant. acres. the warrant. No. of cei catesofeig acres each. Andrew Leitch Private 6,914 100 100 1 WiUiam Powell - Lieutenant 7,322 2,6662-3 2,6662-3 53 Thomas McReynolds Do 7,330 2,666 2-3 2,6662-3 33 Isaac Sterling Private 7,337 100 100 1 WiUiam Coloney Do 7,339 200 200 2 John Sutton Captain 7,328 4,000 4,000 50 William Bennett - Private 7,343 200 200 2 Benjamin Harrison Paymas. Gen. 7,340 6,666 2-3 6,666 2-3 83 John Joynes Sergeant 7,344 400 400 5 Jacob Rodg-ers Priva;te 7,34.2 200 200 2 Griffeth Dickerson, sr. Corporal 7,304 200 200 2 William Bauswell Private 6,683 100 100 1 James Oast Private 7,147 100 100 1 Eli-ha White Captain 7,346 4,000 4,000 50 John Chaves Private 6,300 200 200 2 Richard Carney - Lieutenant 7,353 2,6662-3 2,6662.3 33 Daniel Edmonds - Soldier 7,331 200 200 2 Daniel Haley Private 7,361 200 200 2 William Eskridge Lieutenant 295 1,000 1,000 12 Edward Richards - SoldJer 7,290 200 200 2 Norment Harvey - Private 6,913 100 100 1 Elijah Boston Soldier 7,358 50 50 Do Do 7,359 50 50 _ Do Db 7,360 50 50 „ Do I D6 7,361 50 50 ^ Abram Cole Captain 7,363 4,000 4,000 50 Nathaniel Welch - Do 135 8882.3 8882^ 11 Continued. 51 [4] Acres for Name of the person or persons to Name of the agent to whom the scrip was CS'- 2^ which scrip whom the scrip was issued. 'S^'g^' has been is- delivered. jf^on sued. 20 100 Eh"zabeth Craig-, Nancy Leitch, Sarah Stanley, Mary Bahnda Leitch, Algeliza Leitch, and Emeline Virginia Leitch Delivered to claimants. 262-3 2,6662-3 Wm. Powell, Nathaniel R. Powell, Lijcas Powell, and Courtney Powell Philo Hale. 262-3 2,666 2-3 John D. McRevnoMs C. S. Morgan. 20 100 Elizabeth Haylield and Sally Ma- hollerns Vespasian Ellis. 40 200 James Coloney, Samuel and Polly « Hickman Do. , . 4,000 Jolin Sutton Thomas Green. 40 200 Pegg-y Elliott and Sinah Bennett - Vespasian Ellis. 26 2-3 6,666 2-3 Be-jamin Harrison Philo Hale. . 400 Wm. Joynesand Edward Collins - Vespasian Elli ;. 40 200 Nancy Richardson J. S. Barbour. 40 200 Griffeth Dickerson, jr. Hon. Wm. Davenport. 20 100 John Mauks, assignee Susp'd (in the office.) 20 100 James Oast ... Philo Hale. . 4,000 Susan Cornick J. W. Murdaugh. 40 200 Jno., Chs. and Randolph Chaves - Vespasian Ellis. 262-3 2,666 2-3 Charlotte Worthington, Mary L. Gardner, Eliza N. Neblett, Chris- topher Y7. Carney, James W. Carney, Edward L. Carney, and ' Stephen Yi. Carney Thomas Green. 40 200 Daniel Edmunds - ' Philo Hale. 40 200 . David Haley, Joseph Haley, An- thony Haley, Abner Haley, ?ind Phebe Haley - Do. 40 1,000 Wm. D. Young, Mary C. Young, M. Martin, J as. Martin, America Martin, Anthony Jackson Bart- lett, James S. Jackson, Lucy E. Jackson, J. H. Jackson, Richard G. Jackson, Alice M. Ashmon, John Ashmon, David Nelson Ashmon, Cordelia Jackson 40 200 Edward Richards,, - - William Kinney. 20 100 Norment Harvey - - - R. Hord. 50 50 Martha Henderson A. Buckingham & Co. 50 50 Mary Jackson Do. 50 50 Nancy Taylor Do. 50 50 Sally Taylor Do. 4,000 Esther Mahan, Charlotte Jones, Christian Dukes, Dumpsey Byrd, Benton Byrd, Abraham Byrd, Herman Savage, Margaret Har- • rell, and Esther Harrell Richard D. Webb. 8 2^ 8882-3 Oliver and N. J., Welch and Me- linda Mallory - N. J.. Welch. [4J 52 Statement B — Name of the person who performed the service. Rank.— Con- tinental. No. of war- rant. Amount of acres. Acres due on the warrant. No. of certifi- cates of eight} acres each. Beuben Chapman Captain 142 444 4-9 444 4-9 5 Do Do 143 2,222 2-9 2,222 2-9 27 Do Charles Lewis George Walker - Do Colonel Matross 144 145 147 888 8-9 666 2-3 100 888 8-9 666 2-3 100 11 8 1 'John Thornton Lt. Col. 146 6,000 6,000 75 William Gregory - Captain 149 1,3331-3, 1,3331-3 16 Thomas Walker - Do 7,563 4,000 4,000 50 Clement Skerrett William Berry Lieutenant Q.Mast.Sergt. 151 169 2,666 2-3 200 2,666 2-3 200 33 2 I^athaniel Wilkins Do Do Do Do Lieutenant Do . Do Do Do 7,364 7,365 7,366 7,367 7,368 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 2.3 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 2 3 - Alex. Scott Provost Nelson ^ - David Ashley Samuel Gay ' Do Do Do James Upshaw* - Private Soldier Do Surgeon Do Do Do Captain Rev'n 7,369 7.379 7,380 162 161 163 160 3,276 200 200 200 1,500 2.000 500 2,000 4,000 200 200 200 1.500 2,000 500 2,000 4,000 2 2 2 18 25 6 25 50 Thomas Carr James Hollo way - Private Lieutenant 5,928 7,314 66 2-3 81 66 2-3 81 1 Robert Kirkwood Do Wiiliam Pound - Captain Do Private 70 71 6,728 2,000 2,000 50 2,000 2,000 50 • 25 25 Continued. 53 L4] ^ ^ O O Acres for which scrip has been is- sued. 444 4-9 2,222 2-9 888 8-9 666 2-3 100 6,000 1 ,333 1-3 4,000 2,6662-3 200 662-3 662-3 66 2-3 66 2-3 66 23 200 200 200 1,500 2,000 500 2,000 4.000 662-3 81 2,000 2,000 50 Name of the person or persons to whom the scrip was issued. Nancy Hillyard, Maria Hillyard, Moses Hillyard, Matilda Hillyard, James Hillyard, • Jos. Hillyard, and Reuben Hillyard - Robert Chapman, Alexander Chap- man, Matilda Faulkner, Sophia Craxton, & Marg-aret Pemberton Samuel and Reuben Chapman Howel Lewis - . . Winder. Walker, L. Webb, Ahira Sebrill, and Dandridg-e Davis - Isaac Winston, Mary P. Thornton, Matilda A. S. Thornton, Eliz. Thornton, Alfred A. Thornton, Carohne H. Thornton, George W. Thornton, Isaac H. Thornton, andJaneW. Thornton - Jno. M. Greg'ory, Wm. R. Gregory, and Letitia P. Ware John Walker, Henry B. Walker, Sarah Cappes, H. B. C. Walker, and James Walker Harriet Bennet and Eliza Griffeth W_m. and Elizabeth Berry, Wash- ing-ton, Benjamin, Ann, Imogene, and Eleanor Berry George F. V7ilkins Catharine Wilkins Margaret S. Wilkins Susan, Ann, & Thomas L. Kendall Thos. K. Samuel L. and Elizabeth A. Hoy - - . - Alexander Scott - - . Sally Gunnison and L. Beall William Means - . . Peter Gay - - . - Catharine Dunavan Peter Gay Samuel Gay James W. Upshaw, Maria Hawkins, L- Upshaw, Harriet Cockerill, Eliza J. Harwood, Martha F. Edwards, Sarah M^ssie, Mason T. B. Upshaw, and Arthur M. M. Upshaw Elisha Long, assignee Mary Crutcher, Julia Rucher, Mar- tha Clark, William Holloway, James Holloway, Eliz. Holloway, Jane Holloway, Patsey Flourney, Spencer Holloway, and Samuel Holloway , . . Joseph Kirkwood - Mary K. Bowyer - Reuben Pound Name of the agent to whom the scrip was delivered. Robert Hord. Thomas Green. Thomas Keeran. Archibald M. Green, Thomas H. Harvey. Winston and Walden. Philo Hale. Henry L. Brooke. William Lambert. R. Wallace. A. P. Upshaw, suspM Do. Do. Do. Do. T. P. Thompson. V'espasian Ellis. Do. Charles J. Faulkner. Peter Gay. Do. Do. Suspended. Hon. B. Peyton. Samuel Holloway Joseph Kirkwood. J. M. Clayton. J. M. Patton. [4] 54 Statement B — Name of the person who performed the service. Rank.— Con- •• tinental. No. of war- rant. Amount of acres. Acres due on the warrant. No. of certiii- cates ofeighty acres each. Joseph Payne Rsuben Chapman Zachariah Cook - *''- Lieutenant s Captain Soldier 1,656 170 4,144 666 2-3 444 4-9 100 6662-3 444 4 9 100 8 5 1 Grand total • 312,74635-100 271,318 51.100 3,258 Recapitulation of scrip issuec warrants, as designated by going statement ear— 1 on copies, or di asterisks (*)in t iplicate he fore- 8,100 • 8,100 101 General Land Office, I5th November, 1834. REM There was appropriated by the act of 30th May, 1830, for the Virginia State and Contlnen- For the Continental line ......... For the State line, including the navy ..---.. The act of 13th July, 1832, appropriated for both estabhshments - - - - The act of 2d March, 1833, appropriated for the same . - - . . Agreeably to the foregoing statement B, scrip has been issued on warrants for the Continen- Agreeably to statement A, for the State line and navy . - - . This balance is covered by warrants, but the title has not yet been completed for various General Land Office, 1 5th November, 1834. Continued. 55 [4] Ui Acres for Name of the person or persons to Name of the agent to rt*^ s which scrip whom the scrip was issued. whom the scrip was has been is- delivered. -" i^ ■ sued. £.£•2 < 26 2-3 666 2-3 Georsfe V. C. Payne, Richard Cor- nelius, and Joseph Payne, Elz. * Armstrong-, Lavinia Howell, Rt. P^ayne, Kancy Johnson, Mahala D. !P. Williams, Matilda D. ■Williams, Martha B. Williams, Marcus Williams, R. P. Williams, 0. S . Williams, M. P. Williams Suspended. 444-9 4444-9 Ann M. Keese - - . ■20 100 Zachariah Cook ... Suspended. 10,678 51-000 271,318 51-100 20 8,100 ARKS. ELIJAH HAYWARD, Commissioner. V • - Acres. Acres, tal line 310,000 acres, viz: 271,318 51-100 525,502 61-100 50,000 260,000 300,000 200,000 Total appropriation - talline . . - . 810,000 796,82112-100 - Balance 13,178 88-100 causes. ELIJAH HAYWARD, Commissioner. C 4] 56 o 'Ik O ~ ?3 Si, •^ Is. s ^ ^ §^~ ^ 5 ^ ^ §^| 5: ^ "^ t: - ^ § ^ Name of the person who surrendered the warrant. - Allen Latham. J. H, Causten. J. Dandrige for A. f Christian. John Metcalf. Do. William H. Todd. Philip Sale. Richard Booker. William H.Todd. Benjamin Johnson. c it '^ a E ^^ ^ c i-M Cm 1 OQ 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 CO U2 1 .Si 1 I » 1 1 1 .Si ^'rt. Si 'rt « « .S Private Soldier Do Do Do Private -6 i i Daniel Tyler Joseph Seltnan Charles BuHifant Francis Bnllifant, heir of B c n j a m i n Wa i b u rto n David Creighon, heirs of William Jones, heir of James Nickers John Lamkin MathiasMaughan Richard Booker, heirs of Thomas Vaughan [-Mark Thomas, heirs of 1 •3 c OS D ooooooooocooo»c»o«o OOOOOOOCOOOOOOIOIOI .>«,-^r-l^l-0»0«> l>C»C^C^COCOCOCOCOtOCOCO^-«-H'-' 57 [4] C o a> o -^ S :r ^rS ^ ^O o 5K V-I ^ 2 O c3 CO { I I t I I I I I i I i I I I I I a. I I i i bC-a 0) o o o o OP i I O C3 00 i i QP o 02 one] •T3 i-H 'of' vate onel •— " a. •>M F— 4 1-4 c« S-. Q CU, C/) PhQ I I a. PS •s . U^ I > S14 tf QJ 0> cu 1 § ^ ^ ^ ^ <— t? ^ .. 43 - c ^ vard Baber n Canaday s. M. 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