PS 3535 .U233 T8 1900 Copy 1 i I m I m m ;>% m * I 1 I m TWO LEGENDS- »^««3«C:C««t A SOUVENIR OP odua BY MRS. B. e. RUDE. Sis I I I I iti \li iH ia m m m %t^ S AUG 16 J900 TWO LEGENDS A SOUVllNII^ or SODUS BAY BY MRS. D. C I^UDC Copyright, 1900, by Mills Bros.' Publishing House Sodus, New York AA 35396 Librfliry of Conpr**^ Iwo CoptES Received AUG 16 1900 Copyrrght tntty SECOND COPY. Dtf'VBred tf) ORQtrt DIVISION, SEP 21 1900 U^e'^sT? /-/c;c> 80112 TO HON. LEWIS H. CLARK Teacher; Historian and Patriot In kindly remembrance of his efforts when, in years gone by, he first guided the author's youthful steps in the paths of litera- ture and learning, and as a testimonial to the public spirit and devotion to duty with which, during half a century he has continuously and unselfishly labored to raise the moral and intellectual tone, and to fur- ther the interests of this community, this little effort is respectfully dedicated MRS. B. C. RUDE Sodus, New York, July 4th, 1900 ^ Sc &0 THE SPRITE. A LEGEND OF SODUS BAY. °