S'F/os SF 103 ■ B9 1 S S 2 . Copy 1 Jrand Book Containing tie Brands of tie Cherokee Strip, AUTHORIZED BY STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION, HELD AT Caldwell, Kans., March 1 and 2, 1882. ALSO, THE BRANDS OF THE Southwestern Cattle - Growers' Association, ORGANIZED AT MEDICINE LODGE, KAS„ MARCH 17 k 18, 1882. W. PROVISO BRUSH, Compiler and Publisher. J.1M' KANSAS CITY, MO. ISAAC P. MOORK, PRINTER AND BINDER, 1882. PREFACE. It is perhaps due the Committee and pat- rons, that some statement be made by the publisher of this book. The unforseen delays in receiving copy, some of which had to be returned for correction, and the inexperience of workmen in this special kind of bookwork, may have occasioned and left some uncorrect- ed errors, which were unavoidable. Hoping that the book as it is may give general satis- faction, and merit a continuance of your confidence and esteem, I am, Your Obediant Servant, W. P. Brush. 30PYRIGHTED. TO Brands Cherokee strip. BRAND. OWNERS' NAME. PAGE. Zl '....Adams, A ^ Atterberry, A. P 6 ^^ Bennett, M. II 1 UUg Bennett & Overall 1 \j£% Buzard,B.F 2 00 Blair, Battin & Cooper 2 +4- Butts, J. C 7 _X Beals ' DT 10 *X~ Bidwell, L. C 11 <] — Bates, F. E. & Co J2 /\ Bridge & Draper 13 H"JI Bickford, H. L 15 / Barnes & Leiss 16 XIV Boyed,J 29 1^ Colson,A.M 3 qO Campbell, W. E 5 SC Cooper, S 9 JJ2 Collins, Chas 15 T Clifford, W. K 19 D Corzine, VVm 22 nvo Casteen, 0. F 23 Qq Cooper, John ^ 28 T"ir Carnegie & Fraizer 4 T m Dickey Bros 3 Dru mm & Snider 4 Index Brands Cherokee Strip. BRAND. OWNERS' NAME. PAGE. ^Q Davis,F.&F. M 6 N f-|[) Donovan, H 8 W JJ. Dawson, J. M 11 VT Donovan, Dennis 18 , j£) Day, A. J. & C. P 20 "yjY Day, A. J. & C. P 20 k £)J) Dean Bros 23 [J[_ EwellBros 17 gQ^ Eatock, Rob't 18 4£) Ford, E. M 15 4]3 • Forbes, A. S. C 17 (p) Forbes, Wm 22 ~V Garland, Ben 10 1f\rp Gorton, Geo. W 13 Q Gregory, Eldred & Co 14 Q Garrettson & Bergin 17 J" Glenn, J. W 23 Q Greenlee, J. H 28 Q Helm, W. B 11 •jnil Henderson, J. C, & Co 16 Hutton, T,S 21 g Haver, L. B 21 '"]"']" Hammers, Jas. A., & Co 23 ppp Harrold, E. B., & Bros 25 yy Harrold, E. B., & Bros 25 Hill,T. L 25 ...Harris & Tolle 25 7^-j- - Hobbs, A 2G HI Houghton & Speers 27 4 Hunt, F. A 27 ' V V X |0 Hoppess, A 29 T r\ Hodgson, H 29 U Holcomb, T. J 30 Horsley, Theo 11 Hewins, E. M., & Co £ Index Brands Cherokee Strip. BRAND, OWNERS' NAME. PAGE. J^ Jackson, J. P 12 ^j_ ....Jaquins & Brady 22 jj.u Johnson & Hosmer 26 y*Q Johnson, A. H 32 "5 Kansas City Cattle Co 2 "| Krider, M. K 19 V< Kellogg, J. L 30 IV Latham, H. A 7 -A- Libby& Moody 16 |7) Lynch, Camp 20 ^ Lane, M. J 21 Miller, Ben. S 2 || X Miller, Cephas 4 JJ Musgrove, L 13 f\]\ Manning,C. H 17 Jl/V Mendenhall,W. S 18

Moore & Nyce 32 Q — Montgomery & Obern 33 J*> Nicholson, John 14 "|"| O'Brien, H 14 P0 Pryor, J. C, & Co 9 Q/ Pryor, T. F., & Co 10 ^ Pickering, L. A 27 101^ Powell Bros. & Arnold 28 -£_> Prairie Cattle Co 32 23 ■- Quinlan, Wm. C 1 O Quinlan & Montgomery 33 O Richards & Sacra 4 /^ Rock, L. E 8 j"L, Raymond, A. L 13 Index Brands Cherokee Strip. BRAND. OWNERS' NAME. PAGE. "/£ Rowden, G. B 20 ffc % Robison, L. P 26 ")(§ Stoller&Rees 5 S^ Stewart, Peter 5 "he Smith, Geo. F 7 Pj Slaughter, Jos 7 + Sanborn, F. A 8 (Vrti * Smith & Lee 18 y]-| Shattuck, Bros., Parker & Rolands 19 ■"L Snow&Cooksey 19 P2 Strout& Foss 24 S_ Scott, H. M 31 \tifY Tread well, Walter 9 Timberlake & Hall 12 T Q Terwilliger& Dutcher 32 \J Trout, M. L 27 ^Jy Volz, John 24 '. Wall, Chas. G.....' 8 Windsor Bros 12 Wilson & Zimmerman 14 Wilson & Zimmerman 1 5 O^ Wilson, A. T. & J. P 21 ~W Williamson, Blair & Co 22 |-|\jy Wisner, Henry 26 \J\J Wykes, Wm 28 || Warlow, B. W, & Co 29 2U|\] Wiley, A. A 30 3| Woods, W. W 31 <^<> Wilson L. Banks 10 )Q( Young, A. R 24V Proceedings Cherokee Strip 34-38 Woods, Parsons & Co 57 W. W. Cook 57 Calendar 57 G G. Means & Son 57 Stockmens' Hotels 57 VVIN vr 4= Brands Cherokee Strip. M. H. BENNETT. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kansas. Range, Saltfork, I. T. Oattle branded Jij or H on both sides; some branded go on right side and tcj on left side. Plorse brand, this cut. same as BENNETT & OVERALL. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kansas. Range Pond Creek, I. T. Cattle brand same as cut and — on right hip; under half crop left ear. Horse brand — I- on right shoulder. WM. C. QUINLAN. Post-office address, Kansas City, Mo. Range, Cimarron River. Cattle brand same as cut. Horse brand, same on left shoulder. Other brands, on cattle, hi any- where ll— on an- imal ; also -| t~ on both hips. rO Brands Cherokee Strip. KANSAS CITY CATTLE COMPANY. Post-office address, Kiowa, Kansas., and Kansas City, Mo. Range, Eagle Chief Creek. All cattle branded same as cut, on both sides. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left shoulder. utiier brands: tn sides. EEN. S. MILLER. Post-office address, Jaldwell, Kas. Range, Big Sandj' and Salt Fork. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, same as cut, on right hip. Other brands, cir- cle bar T, and YZ. BLAIR, BATTIN & COOPER. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Salt Fork, I. T., seven miles west of Pond Creek Ranch. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, S on left hip. Other brands, Cattle are all branded on both sides with the B. F. BUZARD. Post-office address, St. Joseph, Mo. Range, on East Sand Creek. Cattle brand same as cut. Horse brand, same as on cattle. Brands Cherokee Strip. 3 E. M. HEWINS & CO. Post-office address, Hunnewell, Kansas. Range, Pond Creek, I. T. Cattle brand, same as cuts. Horse brand, same as cattle brand, anywhere on the animal. limes 011 left hip, ftuiiicti DICKEY BROS. Post-office address, Cantonment, I. T. Range, North Ca- nadian River. Cattle brand, same as cut. Most all cattle brand- ed on both sides. Horse brand, same as cattle brand; some- es on left shoulder. A. M. COLSEN. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Crooked Creek, I. T. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, Ox Yoke on left shoul- der. Other brands : jpj All cattle branded ^^ on both sides or hips with Ox Yoke. Brands Cherokee Strip. DRUMM & SNIDER. Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Mouth of Medicine River. Cattle brand, same brand as cut, some branded like cut, anywhere on an- imal. Horse brand, same as cattle brand, on left shoulder. UAKM£GI£ & FRAISER. Post-office address, Pond Creek, 1. T. Range, on Coldwa- ter, I. T. Cattle brand, same as cut. Additional brands (principally on left side or hip) : 55 ; Z ; 7 ; H ; J H ; w and H ; •q* and H ; q>;OR. same ats cut without the T. Horse braiiu, CEPHAS MILLER. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Salt Fork. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, X on left shoulder, 1 1 on left side. RICHARDS & SACRA. Post-offics address, Gainesville, Texas. Range, Turkey creek , j I. T. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, same as cattle brand, on left hip. Other brands \^ — on cattle. Brands Cherokee Strip. 5 STOLLER & REES. Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, Salt Fork, I. T. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, XS on left shoulder. Other brands, on cattle, — SX on left side ; also, 4X4 on ijBii left side. W. E. CAMPBELL. P. O. ad- dress, Cald- well, Kas. Range, in Medicine River and Sand Creek Pool. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, Circle on left hip or shoulder. Other brands, (on cattle), Perpendicular Bar on both cheeks and shoulders ; also Circle road brand on one or both sides or back ; also Circle on left jaw and shoulder. W. E. Campbell, breeder of Thoroughbred and High Grade Hereford and Short Horn Cattle, Cald- well, Kas. Ranch, at the State Line, on Little Sandy. Cattle branded on both cheeks and shouldeis. O on left shoulder or I on both cheeks and shoulders. Marked underneath in each ear. Also, the road brand, on one or both sides, or I on left cheek and shoulder. Horse brand, on left hip or shoulder. Fine Bulls for snle. PETER STEWART. Post-office address, Wellington, Kas. Range, Red Rock, I. T. Cattle brand, same as cut. Horse brand, same as cattle brand, on left shoul- der. Other brands, same brand, on both sides; some same brand on left side or hip, and some brand- ed with 1 on left hip ; some, 111 on left hip or side. Brands Cherokee Strip. C. M. McC I EEIA N- Post-office address Oto Agency, I. T. Range, Lower Black Bear. Cattle bi and, same as cut Differ- ent ear marks, Horse brand, Qty\ on left shoulder. A. ADAMS. Post-office address, Chetopa, Kas. Range, Red Fork, I. T. Cattle brand, same as cut. A. P. ATTERBERY. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kansas. Range, Crooked Cr'k, I. T. Above brand on either side and bar on either hip. F. & F. M. DAVIS. Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Range, Big Sandy. Other brands, known as F. D. connected, anywhere on animal. Brands Cherokee Strip. A. LATHAM, Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Range, Big Sandy, I. T. Above brand any where on left side 01 hip. Other brands, C\ known as hat brand. JOS. SLAUGHTER, Post-office address, Chetopa, Kas. Range, Red Fork, Ind. Ter. on left side and some B J. C. BUTTS, Post-office address, BlnfF Creek, Harper Co., Kas. Range. Crooked Creek. Horse brand, Cross on right shoul- der. Other brands, Cross-B-cross on right side and some g[] GEORGE F SMITH, Gc-S Post-office address, Keosaqua, Iowa. Range, Pond Creek, Ind. Ter. Brands Cherokee £trip. F. A. SANBORN, Post-office address, Pawn Creek, I. T. Range, Wagon Creek. Horse brand, An- chor on left shoul- der. Other brands, Anchor reversed and Anchor on right side. L. E- ROCK, Post-office address, Pawn Creek, I. T. Range, Wagon Creek. Horse brand, half diamond R on left hip. H DONOVAN, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Barber County, Kas. Horse brand, H D on right shoulder. Other brands, H D on both isdes of cattle. CHAS. G. WALL, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, with, B. F. Buzard. Horse brand, as on cattle. Brands Cherokee Strip. S. COOPER, Post-office address, Altamont, 111. Range, Dry Creek; in charge of W. T. Cooper, Hunnewell, Kas. WALTER E. TREADWELL, Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Range, Circle Bar. Above brand on the side or hip; ear mark, under seven in left ear. Other brands, Thoroughbred and High Grade Cows are marked with metal label or tab in left ear, bearing number of cow, name and address. Walter E. Tread well, ''Prospect Park," Kas. Some take Prospect Park, and some An- thony, Kas. J. C. PRYOR ;& CO, Crop off lett ear- Post- office address, Anthony Kas. Ranch, on Sand Creek, I. T. Cattle brand, P diamond on right hip of cattle, except last spring's calves, which are branded P diamond on right side and dia- mond on left hip. under-crop off right ear. Horse brand, Diamond on left shoulder. 10 Brands Cherokee Strip. T. F. PRYOR & CO, Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Ranch, on Sand Creek, I. T. Cattle brand, C on each shoulder and bar — on each side of neck, Ear mark, Under- hack in each ear. Horse brand, C on right shoulder. D. T. F BEALS, Post-office, address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, in Pan Handle of Tex- as. Horse brand, same as cattle brand, on left shoulder. Other brands on cat. tie, X on left hip or side ; also ^ and \/ on left side or hip. BEN GARLAND, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Pond Creek, I. T. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left hip. Other brands, on cat- tle, A on either or both sides; also pL on left hip. l. banks: WILSON, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, T urke y Creek, I. T. Horse brand, same as cattle brand. Brands Cherokee Strip. 11 W. B. HELM, Post-office address, Hunnewell, Kas. Range, Thompson's Creek. Horse Drand, 1 I on right thigh ; also, H on right hip. Other brands, of cat- tle, 10 on right-side or hip ; also Q-> and -C^" on left side ; also H on left side, hip or loin. THEO. HORSLEY Post office address, Hunewell, Kas. Range, Chikaskia and Bitter Creek. Hor&e brand, Cross on shoulder. Other brands, T on hips; also, Ton sides; also H and T on sides. L. C. BID WELL, Post-Office address, Anthony, Kans. Range, Big Sandy, I. T. Above brand anywhere on animal. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left hip. J. M. DAWSON, Post-Office address, Fort Worth, Tex. Range, Buffalo Creek . Horse brand, L on left shoulder. Other brands on cat- tle, TJ on hip, J -4- on side, — |— 1 1_ on side, on side and shoulder, PEL on side. 12 Brands Cherokee Strip. J. P. JACKSON, Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, south of Salt Fork. Horse brand, J J on left hip. Other brands, snake without J. TIMBERLAKE & HALL, Post office address, Kiowa, Barber Co. Kas. Range, 20 miles south of Drumms,I.T. With or without bar anywhere on animal. Horse brand, "] without bar. Other brands, Ear mark, over bit and under hack each ear. WINDSOR BROS. Post-office address, Pond'Creek, I.T. and Wichita, Kan. Range, Salt Fork. Horse '"Brand, WIN on left hip. Other brands,Yon left loin. F. E. BATES & CO. Post-office address/ Caldwell, Kan. Range, Sand Creek, I. T. Same as cut, on either or both sides of cattle. Horse brand, same on left shoulder. Brands Cherokee Strip. 13 A. L. RAYMOND, Post-office address, .Caldwell, Kas. Range, 'Indian Creek, I. T. Horse brand, same as cattle. Other brands ^ L no on left side. L. MUSGROVE, Post-office address, South Haven, Kans. Range, Polecat creek, I. T. Horse brand, U on right shoulder. Other brands, also U on right side, and I on loin, also 3 on right side, also _j on left side and ON on same side. GEO. W. GORTON, Post-office address, Harper Kans. Horse brand, G on left shoulder. Other brands, on cattle Qy on right side ; also O on right side, BRIDGE & DRAPER, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Little Sand Creek, south of Salt Fork. Horse brand, /\ on right shoul- der. Other brands, /\ on both sides ; some D on both hips. 14 Brands Cherokee Strip. GREGORY, ELDRED & CO., Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Range, Cimarron and Salt Fork. Horse brand, >- on hip or shoulder. Other brands, T Ear mark, crop off left, undor-bit in right JOHN NICHOLSON, anywhere on animal. Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Rang Buzard. Horse brand, same as on cattle. H. O BRIAN, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Driftwood, I. T. Horse brand, -i TI. Other brands, on cattle, TI on either side. WILSON Sz ZIMMERMAN. Post-office address, Skeleton Ranch, LT. Range, Skeleton Creek, I. T. Horse brand, _ on left shoulder. Other brands, I ~ , both brands on left side. -4-- D on leftside, /y on left side, U on both sides. Brands Cherokee Strip. 15 WILSON & ZIMMERMAN, Post-office address, Skeleton Ranche, I. T. Range, Skeleton creek, I. T. | Horse brand, — on left shoulder. Other brands, on cattle, 8 on left side, 8 o> on right side and hip, Q— on left side, on E. M. FORD, Post-offiice address, Hunnewell, Kas. Range, Red Rock creek, I. Ti Horse brand ^J on left shoulder, and ty on left hip. Other brands, ^\ +J W on right side, also P. C. Q. £T) on left side. JY. ZN. V H. L. BICKFORD, Post-office address, Cantonment, I. T. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left shoulder. Other brands, on cattle -}— behind left shoulder. GHAS. COLLINS, Post-office address, Hutchinson, Kas. Range, Ash Grove, I. T. Brand on both sides. Horse brand, t- on left hip. 16 Brands Cherokee Strip. J. C. HENDERSON & CO., Post-office address, Ponca Agency, I. T. Range, South of Bear Creek, I. T. Horse Brand, [ on left hip. Other brands, O U R on left side, and FS on left hip, and various other brands shown by bill of sale given at purchase of cattle. BARNES & LEISS, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Osage Cr'k, I. T. Cattle brand- ed on both hips. A. McLAIN, "Agent, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Red Rock, three miles east of II mine well trail. Horse brand, same as cattle. Other brands, on yearlings and calves, both ears split. EIBBY & MOODY. Post-office address, Maple City, Kas. Range, Red Rock. Horse brand, same as on cut, on left shoulder. Other brands, hat brand up side down, on right jaw: 7 on both hips and both jaws. Brands Cherokee Strip. 17 C. H. MANNING, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range Crooked Creek, I. T. Horse brand, same as on cut, on left shoulder. Other brands, 11, on left side ; 11 on right side; 111 right hip; i left side, some on ria Q. Oj on right on left side; "\/"I on left side; "V" orht: R 8 on riffht qi«1« ^ ARRETTSON & BERGIN, Post-office Address, Kansas City, Mo. Range, Sand Creek, twenty miles south Drumms. P>and on either side of animal. Horse brand, same, on left shoulder. EWELL BROS., Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool, I. T. Horse brand, [J— on left shoulder. Other brands, ^J- C f\ on cattle on i >nth siilps. A. S. C. FORBES* Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Turkey Creek. Horse brand, in- verted B on right shoulder, "a" 18 Brands Cherokee Strip. DENNIS DONVAN. Post-office address, Kiowa, Barber Co., Kas. Range, Driftwood. Horse brand, XT Other brands, the old herd branded X T on right and left loin. SMITH & LEE, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Indian Cr'k, I. T. Some cattle br'd'd K over bar on left side. Horse brand f\J on right shoul- der. Other brands, on cattle 1S1, and J\. on left side. ROBT ETOCK, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Turkey Creek. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left hip. W. S. MENDENHALL, LEWIS CONRAD, Agent, Post-office address, *' W infield, Kas. Brand, with bar un- der on either side or hip. Horse brand, same on either shoulder or hip. Brands Cherokee Strip. 19 >rands, J- on left side, |j M. K. KRIDER, Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Range, Medicine Eiver and Salt Creek Pool. Cattle brand as above, on both hips and sides. Road brand, ^J W on left side. Other on light side of same. W.K.CLIFFORD* Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Range, Medicine River and Salt Creek Pool. Road brand, R Gt. some ani- mals T on both hips. SM/VTTUOK BROS., PARKER & ROLANDS. Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, Wild Horse, Horse brand, same as cattle, on left thigh. Other brands, this brand is on either side or hip. SNOW & COOKSEY, Post-office address* Caldwell, Kas. Range, Red Rock. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left shoulder. Other brands, on cattle branded /^ on toth sides. 20 Brands Cherokee Strip. Young cattle same as cut, b< s'ime on ritrht side. A.J. & C.P.DAY, Post-office address, Cantonment, I. T. Range, North Ca- nadian River, I. T. Some cattle branded only on side. Horse brand, same as cat- tle, on left thigh. CAMP LYNCH, Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, Crooked Creek. Horse brand, same as cattle, on right hip. Other brands, on cattle, C L on on left side and some brand- ed 3 on left side. th sides, and old cattle G. B. ROWDEN, Post-office address, Cantonment, I. T. Range, with A. J. & C. P. Day. Horse brand, same as cat- tle, on left thigh. A. J. & C. P. DAY. Post-office address, Cantonment, I T. Range, North Ca- nadian River. Horse brand, same on left thigh. Other brands, /\ "T on cattle. Brands Cherokee Strip. 21 A. T. & T. P. WILSON, ! Post-office, address, Kiowa, Kas. f* Range,*; Drum m's Ranch, mouth of the Medicine River, I. T. Horse brand, same as cattle. Other brands, bar on left hip, th'is, \ O^ any- .\ here on left yide. 7\ S. KbTTON, Post-office address, Skeleton Ranch, I. T., via. Caldwall, Kas. Range, Black Bear Creek, 1. T. Horse '•? @ O -6"

Range, Bitter CrV, I. T. Brand any- where on right side Horse brand, same on right hip or thigh Brands Cherokee Strip. 25 B. HARROLD & BROS., loulder, and running M :0 on left shoulder and RO on left side rands have various ear marks. ' Post-office address, Archer City, Archer Co., Texas. Range, Three Forks Little Wichita River. Horse Brand, same as this brand, on left shoulder. Other brands, Cow brand, RO on left thigh and side ; — F — F on left side and hip, FAR F on left side and shoulder, ZZZ on left side and neck, TOX on left side and O on neck, half circle F on left side and shoulder, WIT on left side, H on left side and thigh, X on on left side and O on jaw," All these Mb* -H- T. L. HILL, Post-Office address, Morrilton, Arkansas. Range, with Hough- ton, R. H., Black Bear. HARRIS & TOLLE. Post-office address, Ponca Agency, I. T. Range, Black Bear, East Oklohoma road. Horse brand 2 and J-P on left shoul- der. Other brands, some of above brand 2 on right side. 26 Brands Cherokee Strip. A. HOBBS. Post-office address, Kinsley, Kas. Horse Brand, same as cattle on left hip. Road Brand, A anywhere on animal. HENRY WISNER, Post-office address, Inyo, K is. Range, 10 miles east of Medi- cine Lodgi\ Kas. Horse brand, '\J\P on right hip, some A on right shoul- der. Other brands |-|^ on right side, and C on horns, C on neck and T on the ft shoulder. Ranche Brand \\]^[j on right side. L. P. ROBISON, Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Sand Creek, I. T., Reno trail. Ear mark, Crop and split in right, swallow fork in left ear. Horse brand, if any, ^/\ Other brands, same as above on either side; left horn sawed. JOHNSONS & HOSMER, Post-office address, Arkansas City, Kas. Range, Black Bear to Cimarron, with R. H. Houghton. Other brands, Z on right hip, F on left hip. J X H brand is 5 inches. Brands Cherokee Strip; 27 HOUGTON & SPEERSJ Post-office address, Arkansas City, Kas. Range, Black Bear to Cimarron, East Oklohoma road. Horse brand, J~~l on left shoulder. Other brands, U or fl on left side or loin, /\ on left hip, J-^ just back left shoulder, on left hip, L on ft hip. The above are nearly all branded J^X^ three 5es, about 5, 4£ and 3h inches. E. A. PICKERING. Post-office address,. South Haven, Kas. Range, Chikaskia. Other brand, some > on right side. F. A. HUNT. Post-office address, South Haven, Kas. Range, Chikaskia, Ear marks, crop off each and slit in left. M. E. TROUT, Post-office address, South Haven, Kas. 28 Brands Cherokee Strip. POWELL BROS. & ARNOLD. Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, on Cold wa- ter, Ind. Ter. Horse brand, 101 on left shoulder. Other brands, 101 on right side and rail on left. JOHN COOPER, Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, on head of Wild Horse. Cattle branded as above on either side hip or loin. Horse brand same as cattle, on left shoulder. J. H. GREENLEE. Post-office address, Winfield, Kas. Range, Red Rock, I. T. Other brands, — ( Q on left side. WM. WYKES, Post-office address, , Caldwell, Kas. € Horse brand, same as cattle, on right or left shoulder. Brands Cherokee Strip. 29 A. HOPPESS, Post-office address, South Haven, Kas. W. WARLOW & CO., Post-office address, Caldwell, Kas. Range, Pond Cr'k. Same brand on right side, laying down. Horse brand, — on left side. H. HODGSON, Post-office address, Pond Creek, I. T. Range, Turkey Creek, I. T. Above brand on either or both hips or sides. Other brands, JZ! on right hip. J. BOYD, Post-office address, Inyo post-office, Har- per Co., Kas. Range, on Little Sandy, Barbour Co. Horse brand, J3 on right shoulder. Other brands, XN ion both sides; also, road brands P R, C, B, — W — , P J, J F, all on left side except the J F, it on right side and hip. 30 Brands Cherokee Strip. J. L. KELLOGG. Post-office address, Wellington, Kas. Horse brand,same cattle. T. J. HOLCOMB. Post-office address, Anthony, Kas. Range, Sand Creek, I. T. The above brand on both sides, some laying, on either side. Horse brand, same, on right hip. S. MANN, Post-office address, Wellington, Kas. A. A. WILEY. Post-office address, Winfield, Kas. € Range, Red Rock^* I. T. Horse brand, S on either shoulder. Other brands, -L "^^^^^^^^^^t^^^ rm left jaw, \ / D I on left side or hip. Brands Cherokee Strip. 31 H.M. SCOTT, Post-office address, Chetopa, Kas. Range, Red Fork, I.T. W. W. WOODS, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, on Medicine, 10 miles south of Kiowa. 31 on left hip, both hips or both sides. Ear marks, crop off right, split in left. Horse brand, the same. In addition to above, 16 head two- vear-old bulls with bar under tail. G. W. MILLER, Post-office address, Hunnewell, Kans., Sylvester Flitch, in charge. Salt Fork Ranch. Brand, con- nected LK on left side. N on left side and 101 and brass knob on either of the horns. Also the fol- lowing brands: JY on left side, T cross T on left side, IC on left loin, connected LK lying down on left loin, circle bar on both jaws, X on left side, LE on right side. Also JA/ on left hip, 11 on left side, X on left hip and dulaped. Horse brand, _J«^ on left shoulder. 32 Brands Cherokee Strip. ru u A. H. JOHNSON, Post-office address, Kansas City, Mb. Range, Canadian River. Other bra nVl s , ACE either side, ED on left bide, with numerous other brands. For particulars, private brand book will be furnished free, by A. H. Johnson, No. 15 W. Missouri Avenue, Kan- sas City, Mo. Principal brand Adobe Wall Eanche w either or both sides; owned bv A. H. Johnson. PRAIRIE CATTLE COMPANY. Post-office address, 15 W. Missoure Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Range, Cimarron, N. M. With or with- out tip on L. Horse brand, same as cattle. Other brands, LIT on right side, JJ on left hip, ~Jf\ on right side, L on right side and JJ on left shoulder, with other brands. Write to Prairie Cattle Co., 15 W. Missouri Ave., Kansas City, for private brand book. MOORE & NYCE, Post-office address, Cald- well, Kas. Range, Deer Creek, I. T. Horse brand, same as cut, on left shoulder. TERWILLIGER & DUTCHER, Post-office_ address, Cald- well, Kas. Range, Deer Creek, I. T. Horse brand, T on left shoulder and D over bar on left hip. Brands Cherokee Strip* 33 QUINLAN & MONTGOMERY, Post-office address, Kansas City, Mo. Range, Salt Fork, Ind. Ter. MONTGOMERY & OBERN, Post-office address, Kansas City, Mo. Range, North Ca- nadian, I. T. SYNOPSIS OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE Stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, HELD AT CALDWELL, MARCH 1 & 2, 1882. ' Meeting called to order by S. S. Birchfield, Presi- e Officers chosen for the ensuing Z eOT , w £ re /^' ®* Miller, President, W. E. Campbell and H. 0. Mann- ing, Vice-Presidents, and M. H. Bennett, Treasurer On motion of W. E. Campbell, John A. Blair was elected Secretary, and W P. Brush, of the .Kansas City Commercial Indicator, Te]\ Walton, Caldwell Post W B. Hutchinson, Caldwell Commercial, 1. A. Mc- j Neal, Medicine Lodge Cresent, Will Eaton Cheyenne Transporter, and Joe Carter, Hunnewell Independent, Assistant Secretaries and honorary members ot the Association. . , , . Mrt The Treasurer, Mr. Bennett, was instructed to pro- vide a register for the names and post-office address of each member, with instructions that such book be used as a reference book by the Association ; and on motion, the membership fee was increased to *l.uu. The Treasurer, Mr. Bennett, made his annual re- port for last year as follows : " Receipts from membership fees and advertising for^ brand book, $287. On expenditures for brand book of last > ear, ?1M, leaving a balance on hand in the treasury ot ?1U0. Hon E M. Hewins moved that a committee of three take charge of publishing a brand book contain- ing the brands of the Association. Motion adopted and chair appointed M. H. Bennett, Asa Overall and P. Carnegie as such committee. Mr Hewins moved that a committee of five be ap- ^ pointed on stock inspection, to appoint and employ an % inspector for Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago, and to report to the convention on Thursday. E M Hewins, A. H. Johnson, W. Timberlake, Ben Garland and J. C. Pryor were appointed. The following resolution was read by Secretary Blair and unanimously adopted : Resolved That the respective pool captains, and executive com- mittees not fv the surrounding pools of any and all persons who have kno\vingly and willfully turned loose without their consent or pay, or remuneration therefor, and that it said per- Proceedings Cherokee Strip. 35 sons fail to pay, not only their assessments and proportion of the expenses, the established price for wintering cattle to the pool tney turn loose with, on or before the 10th of April, 1882, they shall be denied the privilege of gathering cattle with any pool or members of this Association. And that the names of all per- sons, so refusing to pay. as aforesaid, be published in a dead-beat list in the Caldwell, Anthony and Medicine Lodge papers On motion, adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock a. m. Thursday. THURSDAY— MORNING SESSION. The meeting was called to order by President Mil- ler, at 10 a. m. The following communication was received and read by the President : fr n „ „ . . , Medicine Lodge, Kas., February 27, 1882. n r i/ r \? n % s avd Co-workers, the Cattlemen, in Convention, at Lalaiveu, Greet in g : «.?£ °?- r sinc : c T 1 e desire that you favor us with your presence at the meeting of the cattle men. to be held at Medicine Lodge on SnPPPrUn 11 ^ 8t ft ° f ^ rch ' 1882 ' and Participate in the business Proceedings, ball and banquet, on that occasion. This done by order of committee. W. F HOUGHTON, E. W PAYNE iv/r ht • Secre tary Chairman. Mr. Hewins moved that a vote of thanks be tender- ed the citizens of Medicine Lodge for the invitation. Carried. Mr. T. F. Pryor then offered a resolution to the effect that a committee of three be appointed by the chair, to draft an address to the cattle drovers, em- bodying in it the resolution adopted by this Associa- tion, at its meeting in this city, March 17, 1881. The resolution was adopted, and the following named gen- tlemen appointed as such committee : W. E. Camp- bell, T. F. Pryor and W. S. Snow. The address is as follows: TO TEXAS CATTLE DROVERS. An Address to the Texas Cattle Drovers from the Southwestern Kansas and Indian Territory Stock Association. At a meeting of the above named Association, held in the City of Caldwell, on the 1st and 2nd days of March, 1882, the follow- ing resolution, adopted at its meeting in March. 1881, was re- affirmed, and the undersigned appointed a committee to publish a suitable address in accordance therewith : Resolved. That in order to prevent the spread of disease among the wintered cattle held on the Cherokee Strip, there ought to be established, and rigidly maintained, a proper line of separation and quarantine between through cattle and said win tertd cat- tle; and that this convention recommend the establishment and maintenance of the following quarantine line, and request the active co-operation of the Cherokee Council and all stockmen driving through cattle into the Cherokee Strip, in maintaining said hue. Osage Creek shall be the western boundary for through cattle ; a line running east from Osage Creek, parallel with the northern boundary of the Nez Perces reservation, shall be the southern boundary for through cattle ; the Arkansas River will be the eastern boundary for through cattle, and the State of Kansas shall be the northern boundary. The undersigned, after careful consideration of the subject do not deem any formal address necessary at this time, believing that every cattleman who will drive from Texas this year fully understands the situation of the cattle interests in the Tenitory 36 Proceedings Cherokee Strip. and on the boundaries of Kansas, and will, so far as he can, use all due care to complv with the request of this Association, and respect the rights of those holding wintered and domestic cattle in the Territory. , . _ The Association feel satisfied that the country selected as a holding ground for through cattle is of sufficient scope to fur- nish ample grazing for all cattle that may be driven to the Caldwell and Hunnewell markets. We would also state that the grounds selected are well adapted for grazing purposes . having a reasonable amount of timber, abundance of water, and are within easy reach of the stock yards at both Caldwell and Hunnewell. * ,.,,... Further than stating the above facts, we do not believe it nec- essary to dwell at length on this subject, feeling assured that our through cattle friends will fully appreciate the spirit in which the above resolution was adopted and this address put lorth. In conclusion, we assure all driving to the above named markets that the members of our Association will do all in their power to make their sojourn among us both pleasant and profit- able. Respectfully, W. E. CAMPBELL,^) T. F. PRYOR, > Committee. W. S. SNOW, J AFTERNOON SESSION. Convention called to order at 2 p. m. by the Chair- man. / The Committee on Inspection, by its Chairman, Mr. Johnson, offered the following report, and asked that the committee be discharged. Report read and ap- proved, and committee discharged : We the undersigned committee, appointed at the convention of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, held March 1st, 1882, for the pursose of drawing up resolutions regarding inspection and assignments, recommend— That this convention appoint Maj. A. Drumm, Jesse Evans and A. M. Colson, as a Standing Committee on Inspection, and give them full power to assess and collect in their divisions such amounts as in their judgment they may deem necessary to defray the expenses of inspection, not exceeding the sum of fo per 1 000 head, and turn over all amounts of collection to the Ireas- urer of the Association ; the committee to select one from their number, whose duty it shall be to draw amounts on the Treas- urer for all expenses appertaining to inspection. That they shall have the power to employ one inspector tor Kansas City, one for St. Louis, and one for the Cheyenne and other Indian Agencies. . , , _, ,. . That thev shall confer with the Committee of the Medicine Lodge Convention and be empowered to make such arrange- ments and take such action as they deem necessary to the inter- ests of this convention. A. H . JOHNSON, E. M. HEWI^S, BEN GARLAND, J. C. PRYOR. W. H. TIMBERLAKE. The Committee on Round-ups, by its Chairman, ^ Mr. A. H. Johnson, asked leave to submit its report and be discnarged from further consideration of the subject. Report received, read and approved, and the committee discharged. We, the undersigned committee, appointed at the convention of the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, held March 1, 1882, on round-ups, herewith submit the following report : W T e recommend that the Territory known as the Cherokee Strip be divided imo three divisions, to-wit: • Division No. 1 to be composed of what is known as the Keel Fork and Salt Fork country, including the territory north of Proceedings Cherokee Strip. 37 there to the south line of the State of Kansas, and thence west, including the Crooked creek and Sand creek country, on the State line, to the east line of Comanche County Pool, said di- vision to begin round-up at the crossing of Redrbck creek on the Arkansas City wagon road, and Abner Wilson to be appointed as captain of said division ; the day of the meeting of this division to be decided upon by the committee appointed for that pur- pose. Division No. 2 to be composed of the country lying south of Division No. 1, as far south as the Cimmarron and west to the line of the Barbour County Pool ; this division to meet to begin round-up where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skele- toncreek.and John Miller to be appointed captain of said division; the day of meeting to be decided upon the same as in Division No. 1.. Division No. 3 to be composed of the country lying south of Division No. 2 to the North Canadian river, thence west to the western line of A. J. Day's ranch; said division to meet at Caldwell or the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Canadian river, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain of said di- vision ; the day of meeting to be decided upon in the same man- ner as the other divisions. And we recommend that the captains of above divisions be authorized to subdivide their respective divisions in such man- ner as they deem advisable, and appoint captains for such sub- divisions, but to retain absolute control of the same. We recommend that the following named gentlemen, viz: Maj.A. Drumm, M. K Krider, Oliver Ewell, H. W. Timberlake, C. H. Manning and John A. Blair be appointed as the commit- tee to set the time for each division to commence work, and such time shall be set on or before the 18th day of March, and shall be published in the Barbour. Harper and Sumner county and Darlington papers, and that said committee confer with the Barbour County Stock Association at their meeting on the 17th day of March, and solicit their cooperation in the coming round-up. A.H.JOHNSON, J.A.BLAIR, A. DRUMM, JOHN REES, W. E. CAMPBELL, OLIVER EWELL, MARION BLAIR, J. MILLER, H. W. TIMBERLAKE, C. NELSON, J. K. ZIMMERMAN, J. NICHOLSON, M. K. KRIDER, PAT. CARNEGIE, C. F. PLOWMAN, A. J. DAY, JESSE EVANS, W r . E. QUINLAN. SYLVESTER FLITCH, J. W. CARTER, JAS. MURRAY. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the respective captains be empowered to dis- charge all paities not doing satisfactory work, or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be authorized to employ other men to fill such vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were represented by the parties so discharged. Mr. E. M. Hewins offered the following resolution, which was read and adopted without a dissenting voice : Resolved, That it is the sense of the stockmen and ranchmen of this Association, that the six-shooter is not an absolute ne- cessity and necessary adjunct to the outfits of cowboys working on the ranges of the Cherokee Strip, and that we deprecate its use, except in extreme cases of necessity while on duty in pro- tecting the rights of property against Indians and outlaws ; but we deprecate the carrying of six-shooters in all cases while vis- iting the towns along'the border. On motion adjourned, subject to the call of the President. 1882 BRANDS OF THE Southwestern Cattle Brewers' ASSOCIATION, AS (HKIANIZEL) AT MEDICINE LODGE, KANSAS, March 17 & 18, 1882. This Division of the Book contains Brands belong- ing to the Comanche County Pool, Barbour County Stock Growers' Association, and ethers, West and South. I^TOES:. SOUTHWESTERN ASSOCIATION NAMES. PAGE. Andrews, J. V 52 Blair, William 41 Brisbin Bros 45 Blackstone, C...'. 46 Boon, Ira 49 Brand, M. W , 49 Ballenger, Schlupp & Wyeth 53 Ballenger & Schlupp... 53 Colcord, W. R 44 Conner & Tucker 46 Carter, R. L. & Co 48 Curry, John 50 Doyle, J. B 43 Doran, Thos 41 Davis, W. T 44 Douglass, C. H 52 Evans,Hunter & Evans 41 Ewing & Potter 45 Ewing, Finis Y 51 Elsea, J. P 50 Edwards Bros. & Bene- dict 52 Estell, VV. J 50 Farrar & Bro 45 George, King& George 46 Greever, Houghton & Co : 53 Gorham, Arthur 54 Hunt, F. B 47 Hall Bros. & Lockard.. 47 Harrelson, W. H 49 NAMES. PAGF. Hopper Bros 51 Inderlaid, A. W 52 James, C W. (in chg.) 43 Kirk, R, (in charge).... -42 Lane, J. A 51 McCarty, J. A 43 McKinney Bros 47 Mills C. C. (in charge) 53 Mills, Sherlock & Co.... 54 Nelson, C. D 41 Phillips, R. W 42 Payne, E. W 42 Rawlins, J. M 43 Rowley, N. G 54 Stewart, R 44 Strong, S. W 47 Strong, M 48 Staniford, Yeomans & Co 54 Tatum Bros 45 Thomlisson, Frank 46 Thomason, Christman & Payne 48 Wilson, John 42 Weeks Bros 44 Watson, A 49 Whitney, H. H. & Son 48 Proceedings, 55-56 Brands South -western Association. 41 EVANS, HUNTER & EVANS, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Comanche Co. Pool, Comanche Co. Kas. Cattle branded on left hip or side. Ear mark, smooth crop off left ear and swal- low fork in right. Old brand, rail brand and jingle-bob ear mark. Horse branded on left hip with heart brand. Other brands, cross and oblique bar on left side, jingle-tob in both ears. Also TF con- nected and rocking-chair, with various marks. WM. BLAIR, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Comanche Pool. Horse brand, Cross on left hip. THOS. DORAN, Post-office, address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Comanche County Pool. Ear mark, crop off the right and overbit in left. Horse brand, J on left hip. by Hunter, Evans & Hunter. C. D. NELSON, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Comanche Pool. Brand on both hips- Ear marks, crop off each ear and under hack in both. Horse brand, same as cattle. Owned now 42 Brands Southwestern Association. R. W. PHILLIPS, Post-office address, Sun City Kas. Brand, same as cut on each side or left hip. Additional brands, seventy - four con- nected on left hip. some stock. H H K on left neck, side and hip of some cattle. Horse brand, seventy-four connected on left hip. E. W. PAYNE, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Range, Comanche Pool. P on each hip or left loin. Ear mark, crop off each ear and underbit in left. Horse brand, P on left shoulder. Other brands, HP connected, on each side. R. KIRK, in Charge, Post-office address, Larned, Kas. Range, Comanche Co. Pool. Same as cut on both sides. Horse brand, same, on left hip. JOHN WILSON, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Comanche Co. Pool. Horse brand, J on left shoulder. Other brands. W on left hip. Brands South-western Association- 43 DOYLE, Post-office address, Evansville. Range, Comanche Pool. Horse brand, JB connected on left hip. Other brands, seven-six connect- ed, on right side or neck. Ear marks, under bit right and under slope left. J. M. RAWLINS, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, in Coman- che Pool. Old stock, no ear marks. Branded triangle R on left hip and I bar on right hip. Horse brand, tri- angle R on left hip. Ear marks on young cattle, crop and under bit on left and split in right, same as cut. C. W. JAMES, in Charge, Post-office address, Lake City. Same as cut, and half circle cross J on right hip. Horse brand, half circle cross J on left hip. Other brands, 500 cross half and circle cross J, any- where on animal. J. A. McCARTY, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Comanche Pool. Same as cut, on left hip and side. Horse brand, same as cattle, on left shoulder. Ear marks, crop off .right and over and under bit left. 44 Brands Southwestern Association. W. R. COLCORD, Post-office address, Lake City Kas. Range, Comanche County Pool. Horse brand, jug brand and XL con- nected, anywhere on animal. Othtr brands, cross XL connected on left hip and COL on right side. W. T. DAVIS, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. On either side. Additional brand, circle 5 on left hip. Ear mark, under slope and upper bit. Horse brand, same as cattle, on the left shoulder. R. STEWART, Post. office address, Kansas City, Mo-, Range, Eagle Chief and Salt Fork Pool, I. T, Brand same as cut and S on left hip. WEEKS BROS., Post-office address, Kinsley, Edwards Co. , Kas. Range, Lone Tree, Clark Co-, Kas. Brand same as cut, on each hip. Ear marks, slop- ing under bit in left, swallow fork and under bit in the ri Brands Southwestern Association. 45 BRISBIN BROS., Post-office address, Medicine Lodge. Kange, Medicine River. Horse brand same as cattle. Others brands,same as above and AK con- nected over bar and AK connected and TATUM BROS., Post-office address, Soldier Creek, Co- mache Co., Kas. Range, head of Thompson Creek. Horse brand, TH over bar on left thigh. Ranch brand, TH over bar, any- where on animal, ears split. Other brands, flying W, UO, AK, 08, all on left side, and TH, the Hying W and UO are to be branded with TH over bar. The AK brand to be branded with TH. EWING & POTTER, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge. Range, on Drift- wood, I. T. Horse brand, same as cattle,on left shoul- der. Other brands, HK connected on left loin or left hip. The UI cattle branded on either or both sides. W. P. Ewing, in charge. FARRAR&BRO. Post-office address, Soldier Creek, Co- manche C, Kas. Range Thompson Creek. Horse brand 18 on left shoulder. Other brands, some cattle 18 on left jaw, 81 on left shoulder. 46 Brands Southwestern Association. FRANK TOMLINSON, Post-office address, Lake City, Barbour Co., Kas. Range, West Log Creek, 10 miles south of Lake City. Horse brand, same as cattle. Other brands, D A connected, any- where on animal and DAL on right in right and split in left. C. BLACKSTONE, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, I. T. Cattle branded on both hips or sides known as reversed L and B connected. Ear mark, crop off left and slit, and slit in right. Horse brand same as rattle. CONNOR & TUCKER, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Salty. Hoi se brand, 5 on left shoulder. Other brands, D bar, D5, 5. Ear marks, crop and slit each ear. NO 5 OEORGE, KING & GEORGE, Post-office address, Elm Mills, Barbour Co., Kas., or Wel- lington, Sumner, Co., Kas. Range on Up- per Elm. I or cross on left jaw. Addi- tional brands, V on left shoulder. Cross 7 on right side. Half circle I'on left shoul- JAL on leftside. Brands Southwestern Association. F. B. HUNT, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Range, 5 miles n. w. on Medicine River. Horse brand, same as cattle, on the left shoulder. Addition- al brand, HK discon- nected over bar, any- where on animal. * HALL BROS. & LOCKARD, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge. Range, Sand Creek and Hackberry Pool. Horse brand, 075. Other brands, 075 on left side, HLO on (side, connected, on right hip. McKINNEY BROS., Post-office address, Lodi, Kas. Range, Sand Creek and Hackberry Pool. Brand anywhere on animal. Addi- tional brands, OX on left side, O on left side of neck, box and circle on left side ; crop and under bit in each ear. Horse brand, WM on left hip. S. W. STRONG, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge,Bar- bour Co., Kas. Ranch, on Upper Elm. Brand known as I bar anywhere on animal. Horse brand, same, on either shoulder. 48 Brands South we stern Association* M. STRONG, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Ranch, on W. Sand Creek. Known as the half circle bar brand, any place on animal. Also invert- ed half circle bar. Horse brand, same,- on either shoulder. R. L. CARTER & CO , Post-office address, Elm Mills, Kas. Known as the 6 H 9 brand, on both hips. In future will use this brand on the horn also. THOMASON, CHRISMAN & PAYNE, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Range, Cimarron River, I. T. Princi- pal brand, seven-six connected ; part of stock branded on both sides, and some WF connected, on right side or hip. Horse brand, sev- en-six connected, on left siiouider. Other brands, on young stock, O.T. Ear marks, crop off right and over- bit in left. Crop off each ear on WF connected, calves. WHITNEY & SON, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Kas. Range, Salt Fork Pool. Other brands, — O — , 57, I K, bar each side and under O. Brands Sonthw astern. Association. 49 over bar on left side, shoulder and hip. A. WATSON, •8.88 Post-office address, Soldier Creek, Kas. Brand on left side or hip. Ranche, at the mouth of Thompson Creek, on the Medi- cine, Comanche county. Additional brands, WK on left side, AK connected, Horse brand, running W on left W. H. HARRELSON, Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks., and Bel ton, Mo. Range, Salt Fork and Eagle Chief pool Above brand any- where on animal, but principally on left side. Horse brand, reversed half circle bar on left shoulder. Other brands, two half circles over bar anywhere on animal, but principally on left side. IRA BOON, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Driftwood. Horse brand same as cattle, on left hip. Other brands, open A on left hip. Crop and two splits in left M.W. BRAND, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range on Cimarron, with F. L. Mayhew & Son. Horse brand same, on left shoul- der. 50 Brands f outhwestern Association. JOHN CURRY, Post-office address, Inyo, Kas. Range, 10 miles east of Med- icine Lodge. Horse brand, half circle C on right shoulder. Other brands, circle bar disconnected on right side and J on right hip. borne half circle U on right side and J on right hip. Some circle bar disconnected on right side and half circle U on left side. Ear mark, half of half under crop off right ear. New brand will be half cir- cle C on right side and J on left hip. J. P. ELSEA, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Bear Creek, twelve miles west of Medicine Lodge. Horse brand, same as cattle on left shoulder. Other brands, G — S and INK on left bide; J G on left side and hip. J. P. ELSEA. Some cattle brand- ed same as cut on both sides. W. J. ESTELL, Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Big Mule, Comanche County. Horse brand, same as on cattle, without bar. Other brands, on young stock, same brand on both sides and crop off right ear. Brands Southwestern Association. 51 FINIS Y. EWING, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Driftwood and Salt Fork. Horse brand r running N on left shoulder, on some U and running N on left shoulder. Other brands, Texas steers branded TJ and run- ^^ n i n g N on both sides. Cattle raised on Ranch are marked with dewlap crop in right and underbit in left ear. J. A. LANE, Post-office address, Sun City, Kas. Range, Big Mule Creek, Comanche County Pool, Kas. Horse brand, same as first cut, on left shoulder. HOPPER BROS. Post-offfce address, Sun City, Kas. Range, Big Mule, mouth of Spring Creek. OC brand any part of animal. On both sides of all stock cattle. Horse brand, same, on left - shoulder. Other brands, S — S, JHT connected, I cross over bar, VD connected, half circle over X, V over bar and circle H. 52 Brands South we stern Association. EDWARDS BROS. &. BENEDICT. Post-office address, Kinsley, Kas. Range, head of the Medicine River, Co- manche Co. Kas. Horse brand, same, on left shoulder. Other brands, A over bar on left hip, OL over bar on left W'hip or thigh, half cir- cle over 7H on lett side on hip, FS over bar on left side, HS on left side, JN on left side or hip, OL on left side with — on shoulder, ^Q on both sides or hips- Ear marks, nn.-'er and upperhjt- with <-rnrt on left, C.H.DOUGLASS Post-office address, Sun City, Kas. Other brands, p on face on one or both hips or left side. Some of old brands are half cir- cle L, and B C. Ear mark, jingle-bob in left ear. A. W. INDERLAID. Post-office address, Kinsley, Edwards Co., Kas. Horse brand, po- nies branded IS on left thigh and I on left side. Cattle in charge of Weeks Brothers until after round-up of 1882. J. V.ANDREWS, Post-office address. Camp Supply, I. T. Range, Indian Ter- ritory. Horse brand, V bar and reel on left hip. Other brands, reel ; also on some cattle, not yet in, V bar brand. Brands Southwestern Association. 53 BALLENGER, SCHLUPP & WYETH, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Other brands, 7 on left jaw; same as cut on any part of animal. BALLENGER &. SCHLUPP, Post-office address, Kiowa, Kas. Range, Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Horse brand, S on left shoulder or hip. Other brands, S on left jaw. Brand on any part of ahimal. C. MILLS, in Charge, Post-office address, Red Creek, Kas. Range, Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Horse brand, W cross on right shoulder. Other brands, running W 5 on left side. GREEVER, HOUGHTON & CO., Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Range Cimarron. Same as cut on both sides. Horse brand, 21 on left shoulder and left hip. Other brands, double circle on hip or side and long E on left side. &4 Brands South-western Association. MILLS, SHERLOCK & CO. Post-office address, Lake City, Kas. Range, Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Horse brand, 5Lon right shoulder. Other brands, 3L, MLS, HA connected over bar, 4L, circle on left hip and 2 on right hip. STANDIFORD, YOUMANS & CO., Post-office address, Medicine Lodge, Ks. Range 6 miles south of Medicine Lodge. Additional brands, half circle S, any- where on animal ; UT, anywhere on animal. Arthur Gorham, Post-office address, Kinsley, Kas. Range Cimarron river, west of the mouth of Buf- falo. Brand on both sides and known as half circle box. Horse brand, box. Additional brand, box half circle. N. G. ROWLEY, Post-office address, Sun City, Kas. Range Sun City and Bear Creek Pool, Kas. 7Y on left shoulder; 7Y bar shot, both sides; both ears smooth crop. Horse brand, 7Y on left shoulder. Other brands: old brands, open cross, inverted C and hat, 66, 6, YH connected, half circle Y and various other brands. All 3 r oung cattle, like cut CONDENSED PROCEEDINGS OF THE Southwestern Cattle ■ Growers' Association, HELD AT MEDICINE LODGE, KAS. f March 17 & 18, '82. The stockmen organized as the Southwestern Cat- tle Growers' Association, and elected officers for the ensuing year, as follows : E. W. Payne, President. D. A. Greever, David Stith and F. B. Hunt, Vice Presidents. W. F. Houghton, Secretary. W. W. Cook, Treasurer. The Committee on Credentials were : Messrs. R. W. Phillip, Comanche county; D. A. Greever, Cherokee Strip; F. B. Hunt, Barbour county; Wash Mussett, Indian Territory ; A. Watson, Medicine Lodge ; D. Stith, Indian Territory, and Werk Randolf, Camp Supply, who reported seventy-two persons for mem- bership, and fixed the membership at $1.00. The following resolution was adopted by the Asso- ciation : Resolved, That it is the sense of the stockmen and ranchmen of the Cattle Growers' Association of the Southwest, that the six- shooter is not an absolute necessity and necessary adjunct to the outfit of cowboys working on the ranges of this Association, and we deprecate its use except in extreme cases of necessity while on duty, in protecting the rights and property against Indians nd outlaws. And further, we condemn the habit of carrying six-shooters by cowbows or others, especially while visiting any of the towns along the border. The Committee on Round-ups reported as follows . That the general round-up parties shall meet at the several respective places named below on the 7th of May, so as to pre- pare to commence work on the following day under the manage- ment of the captains appointed to take charge of these outfits. The ranges to be worked by these outfits take in the stretch of country lying between the North Canadian and the head of the Medicine Rivers, which is to be worked from the East to the West. This round-up party is to be divided into six separate divisions. The first division on the south is to meet and start from Dickey's headquarters camp, seven miles west of Fort Canton- ment, under the charge of C. F. Ploughman. The second division to start from Ewell's headquarters camp, on Eagle Chief, under the charge of Nick Sherlock. The third division to start from W. E. Campbell's camp on Sand Creek, under the charge of James Wilson. The fourth division to start from Whitney's camp on Antelope Flat, under the charge of John Mosley. The fifth division to start from Bratton's ranch, on Elm Creek, under the charge of Street Jones. 56 Proceedings South-western Assoc'n. The sixth division to start from the mouth of Thompson's Creek, under the charge of S. H. Farrar. [Signed by] JESSE EVANS, WM. LINDSEY. DAVID STITH. TONY D VY. F. B. HUNT. C. D. NELSON. D. GREEVER. CHA8. DOUGLASS. L. WILSON. NICK SHERLOCK. Adopted. The Committee on Brand Book recommended that the members of the Southwestern insert their brands in the Cherokee Strip Brand Book. Adopted. R. W. Phillips, ") S. K. W. Field, \ Committee. R. T. Greer, J The Committe on Inspection recommended, and was adopted, that Jesse Evans, S. K. W. Field and R. T. Greer, serve as a Standing Committee on Inspec- tion, and that the Association give them full power to assess and collect such amount as in their judgment they may deem necessary to defray expenses of such inspection ; provided, that such sum shall not exceed five dollars per thousand head. The Committee to turn all moneys so pollected over to the Treasurer of the Association. The committee to select one of their number, whose duty it shall be to draw on the Treas- urer for all amounts necessary to defray the expenses of inspection. The Committee to have power to em- ploy one inspector for Kansas City and one for the Indian Territory. The inspector for Kansas City to be employed from the 1st of June to the 15th of Novem- ber, and the one for the Indian Territory from No- vember 1st to May 1st. F. B. Hunt, ] R. Kirk, \ Committee. W. P. EWING, J The following resolutions were passed : Resolved, That all cows and calves he removed from the herd before cutting out the steers. Resolved, That no herds be cut out and driven off the ranges without first having been inspected for strays. Resolved, That we, members of the Cattle Growers' Association of the Southwest, do not think it just or our duty to go to the expense of gathering up all cattle held by parties within the jurisdiction of this Association other than those who have per- manent ranches and co-operate with us. Resolved, That we, the Cattle Growers of the Southwest, in con- vention assembled, do condemn the practice of turning cattle loose on the range without any effort to herd or take care of the same, and the practice of taking cattle on hire, where such in- crease of btock would infringe on the rights of adjoining cattle- men, as conduct unworthy any honorable cattleman. Resolved, That all calves shall be branded in the marks of their dams when found on ranges not their own, and the same report- ed and published in the county papers. Mr. Kirk moved that the present officers of the Association be made the Finance Committee on Brand Book. Motion prevailed. Adjourned, to meet at Medicine Lodge, November 15th, 1882. John G. Woods, President. F. A. Parsons, Cashier. C. C. Curtis. C. G. Larned. E^.^ris:xniTa- house WOODS, PARSONS & CO. HARPER, KANSAS. Do a General Banking Business. Give Special Atten- tion co Stockmen and Collections. Fire-Proof Vaults. Bnrorlnr-Prnof S--ir> and Timf Lo^k. W, W. COOK, LIVE STOCK BROKER, Medicine Lodge, Kas. Cattle Bought and Sold. Correspondence Solicted. E-h w 3 s Jan Fob Mar April May June 11^ 1 1 2 9 15 16 22 23 5 6 1213 26 27 5 12 13 19 20 26 27 2 3 910 1617 23 24 "i II 6, 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 3 4 1011 16il7ll8 23 24 25 2 3 4 9 1011 1617118 23 24 25 30 31 6 7 3 14 19 20 2122 26 27\28,29 5 6 12 13 19 20 CM CO CO July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. *$|£!£ 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 6 7 13 14 2(121 ...I 1 71 8 1445 2 910 16 17 21:22 23 1 24 28 '29 30 31 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 2! 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 lb 13 14 20 2122 27 28,29 61 7 13 14 20 21 27 2S 3 10 17 24 25 26-27i28 5 6 12 13 19 20 5 11 12 18 19 25 ( 26 i Ifa 8l 9; 15 16 22 23 2930 [ 6 7 1314 20 21 27|28 3! 4 10.11 17 18 24 25 "if a 8! 9 1516 22 23 W O -A pZj CZD cz> •-3 C. G. MEANS. C. H. MEANS. C. G. MEANS & SON, Commission j^Eerdisunts, Room 30 Exchange Building, Kansas City Stock Yards. THE KAN! STOCK LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 830 801 2 ft LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE. No Yards are Better or More Conveniently Located. TUB T±5.A.X2iTS o:lt the Kansas Pacific Railway, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R., Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf R. R. y Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas R. R., Kansas City ) St. Joseph & Council Bluffs R. R. y Missouri, Pacific Railway, Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R., Missouri. Kansas & Texas R. W., Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific R. W., Chicago & Alton R. R. and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R. run into these Yards, giving easy access, by short and quick all rail routes to the great markets of the North and East, and to the great feeding grounds of Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa. Illinois. Indian Territory and Texas. Buyers from the Eastern Markets Always Here. Higher Prices are Realized here than in the markets East, as can be attested by hundreds of shippers over the West. The Largest and Most Extensive Horse and Mule Market in the World. C. F. MORSE, E. E. RICHARDSON, General Manager. Ass't Treas. and Ass' t Sec' y.