LIBRARYJ3F^0NGRESS. Shelf ..^_^C^\Q_ \ '1 •? --■ LQnix UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA. w General Catalogue OF COLBY UNIVERSITY, 1882. i~ ^1 ___J , va. h 1— ( if} I w 1 > i ^ is U.J li::illlllilllillllllllllilllllllilliliiiiiiiiilliiiinillllililliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimmiiii '^1 [ . &-s=l I 'f^^i :,' ^^fr" . 4(^r^ ^^|!^|^,(^i^!,!Jr '■ !|l l! ' '■'-i^'""' \ .':•" General Catalogue OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF ./ COLBY UNIVERSITY, Waterville, Maine, 1820-1882. WATERVILLE, ME.: PUBLISHED FOR THE ALUMNI, JUNE, 1882. '^10^1 Chartered by the Legislature of Massachusetts as The Maine Lit- ERAKY AND THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION, February 27, 1813. Theo- logical Department opened, July, 1818. Literary Department opened, October, 1819. Authorized by the first Legislature of Maine "to confer such degrees as are usually conferred by Universities," June 19, 1820. Name of the Institution changed to Wateeville College by Act of Legislature, February 5, 1821. Name of the Corporation changed to ''The President and Trustees of COLBT Univeesitt," by Act of Legislature, January 23, 1867. PRINTED AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE, LEWISTON, MAINE. # CATALOGUE. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION, PRESIDENTS. Note. The asterisk indicates decease. Titles and degrees of officers are given as they "were during the term of office. 1822-1833. * Rev. JEREMIAH CHAPLIN, D.D. * 1841. 1833-1836. *Rev. RUFUS BABCOCK, D.D. * 1875. 1836-1839. * Rey. ROBERT EVERETT PATTISON, D.D. * 1874. 1841-1843. * ELIPHAZ FAY, A.M. * 1854. 1843-1853. Rev. DAVID NEWTON SHELDON, D.D. 1854-1857. *Rev. ROBERT EVERETT PATTISON, D.D. * 1874. 1857-1873. * Rev. JAMES TIFT CHAMPLIN, D.D. * 1882. 1873-1882. Rev. HENRY EPHRAIM ROBINS, D.D. 1882- Rev. GEORGE DANA BOARDMAN PEPPER, D.D. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1835-1847. * Hon. Timothy Boutelle, LL.D. * 1855. 1847-1849. * Hon. William King. * 1852. 1850-1853. « Hon. Nathan Weston, LL.D. * 1872. 1853-1859. *Hon. John Hubbard, M.D., LL.D. * 1869. 1859-1874. Hon. Abner Coburn. TREASURERS. 1831-1832. * Hon. Timothy Boutelle, LL.D. *1855. 1832-1834. * Daniel Cook, M.D. * 1863. 1834-1851. * James Stackpole, A.M. * 1880. 1851-1881. Eld RIDGE Lawrence Getchell, A.M. 1881- Hon. Percival Bonney, A.M. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 1822-1874. 1874- PRESIDING OFFICERS. The Phesident or the College, ex officio. Hon. ABNER COBURN, Chairman. SECRETARIES. 1820-1834. * Rev. Otis Briggs, A.M. * 1842. 1834-1841. * Hod. Lemuel Paine, A.M. *1852. 1841-1842. Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, A.M. 1843-1847. * Hon. Isaac Redington. *1878. 1847-1848. *Rev. Handel Gershom Nott, A.M. *1873. 1848-1852. EldPwIdge Lavtrence Getchell, A.M. 1852-1862. * Rev. Nathaniel Milton Wood, A.M. *1876. 1862-1866. Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper, A.M. 1866-1867. Rev. Joseph Ricker, A.M. 1867-1875. Rev. Benjamin Franklin Shaw, D.D. 1875-1879. Rev. Samuel Pierce Merrill. 1879- Hon. Percival Bonney, A.M. 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- 1821- ■1825. -1826. ■1827. ■1842. 1855. ■1842. ■1828. ■1822. ■1859. ■1849. ■1829. ■1842. ■1826. 1832. TRUSTEES. *Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D.D. * 1825, . * Elijah Barrell. *1866. * Rev. Sylvanus Boardman. * 1845. * Rev. Lucius BoLLES, D.D. *1844. *Hon. Timothy Boutelle, LL.D. *1855 * Rev. Otis Briggs, A.M. *1842. . * Rev. Stephen Chapin, D.D. * 1845. * Ebenezer Delano. * Nathaniel Gilman. * 1 859. * Rev. John Haynes. * 1863. . * Cyrus Hamlin, M.D. * 1829. * Hon. Mark Harris. * 1843. . * Hon. Mark Langdon Hill. * 1842. *J0HN HOVEY. * 1851. of Boston, Mass. Greene. New Sharon. Salem, Mass. . Waterville. . Hampden. Wasbiugton, D. C. . Livermore. . Waterville. . Mount Vernon. . Paris. Portland. . Pbipsburg. Mount Vernon. COLBY UNIVEKSITY. 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821- 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821- 1821 -1837. -1823. -1848. -1838. -1848. -1833. -1833. -1842. -1840. -1835. -1840. -1833. -1832. -1830. 1821-1^5.3. 1822-1834. 1822-1833. 1823-1836. 1825-1830. 1826-1852. 1826-1855. 1827-1849. 1828-1871. 1829-1834. 1830-1852. 1831-1841. 1832-1834. 1832-1839. 1833-1842. 1833-1838. 1833-1840. 1834-1840. 1834-1851. 1834-1856. 1836-1845. 1836-1842. 1837-1847. 1838-1847. 1838-1858. 1839-1870. 1840-1851. 1840-1860. 1840-1843. 1841-1855. * Uriel Huntington, M.D. * 1839. * Rev. Adoniram Judson, Sr. * 1826. * Hon. William King. * 1852. * Rev. Robert Low. * 1848. * Hou. JuDAH McLellan, A.m. * 1864. * Rev. Daniel Merrill, A.M. *1833. *Rev. Phineas Pillsbury. *]859. Bowdoinham. . Nobleboro. . Bath. North Livermore. Skowhegan. . Sedgwick. Greene. *1872. ' 1839. * 1850. 1857. *Rev. Thomas Baldwin Riplet, A.M. * 1876. Portland. * Hon. JosiAH Willaed Seaver. *1847. South Berwick. * Benjamin Shepard. * 1835. . . . Waterville. * Rev. Silas Stearns. * 1840. .... Bath. * Calvin Stockbridge. * 1833. . . . Yarmouth. * Rev. John Tripp, A.M. *1847. . . . Hebron. * Hon. Ebenezer Tucker Warren, A.M. * 1830. Hallowell. Augusta. Hallowell. China. Portland. Boston, Mass. Bangor. Thomaston. Winslow. . Waterville. . Readfield. Boston, Mass. Bangor. . Waterville. Portland. Gorham. Portland. Rowley, Mass. . Portland. . Waterville. Bluehill. Skowhegan. Eastport. Portland. Bangor. Hallowell. . Waterville. So. Berwick. * Hon. Nathan Weston, LL.D. * Rev. Daniel Chessman, A.M. *Japheth Coombs Washburn. * Hon. Albion Keith Parris. *Rev. Daniel Sharp, D.D. * 1853. *RoTAL Clarke. * 1858. *Rev. John Butler, A.M. * 1856. * Hon. Lemuel Paine, A.M. * 1852. * Rev. Adam Wilson, D.D. * 1871. * Rev. Joseph Torret. * Rev. Baron Stow, D.D. * 1869. . * Samuel Garnset. * 1873. . * Daniel Cook, M.D. * 1863. * Alpheus Shaw. * 1869. * Hon. JosiAH Pierce, A.M. * 1866. * Rev. John Sharp Maginnis, D.D. * 1852 *Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, D.D. * 1841. * Hon. Alford Richardson. *1854. * James Stackpole, A.M. * 1880. * Rev. James GiLPATRiCK, A.M. *1865. . * Eleazer Coburn. * 1845. * Neal Dennison Shaw^ *1864.- . * Hon. George Evans, A.M., LL.D. *1867. * Hon. Edward Kent, LL.D. * 1877. * Andrew Masters. *1881. *Rev. Arthur Drinkwater. *1874. * Charles Traeton, M.D. * 1855. Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, D.D. Newton Centre, Mass * Rev. John Billings. * 1864. . . . Fayette * Byron Greenough. *1871. . . . Portland 6 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1841-1862. 1841-1847. 1842-1855. 1842-1849. 1842-1853. 1842-1850. 1843-1849. 1843-1849. 1843-1850. 1845- 1847-1873. 1847-1S:)5. 1847-185(). 1849-1862. 1849-1862. 1849-1856. 1849-1855. 1849- 1849-1853. 1850-1858. 1850-1866. 1850-1863. 1852-1858. 1852-1855. 1852- 1853- 1853-1855. 1853-1858. 1855-1881. 1855-1868. 1855-1860. 1856-1858. 1856- 1856- 1856- 1857- 1857- 1857- 1857- 1858- 1858- 1858- 1859. 1869. ■1863. 1862. ■1867. 4 864. 1871. * 1849 A.M. Rev. Handel GIershom Nott, A.M. *1873. . Hon. Elijah Livermore Hamlin", A.M. * 1872. Daniel Merrill. * 1864 Hon. Otis Crosby Gross. Rev. Caleb Bailey Davis Rev. Lewis Colby, A.M. Hon. JosiAH Pierce, A.M. Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, A.M. Rev. Amariah Kalloch. * 1850 Hou. Abner Coburn. Samuel Garnsey. *1873. Hon. Isaac Davis, LL.D. Hon. Hiram Belcher, A.M Hod. John Hubbard, M.D., LL.D Hon. Henry William Paine, LL.D. , Hon. Thomas Robinson. *1858. . Hou. Elisha Madison Thurston, A.M Bath. Bangor. Belfast. New Gloucester. 1855. . . Paris. Cambriclgeport, Mass. 1866. . . Gorhara. Newton Centre, Mass. . Tbomaston. Skowhegan. Bangor. Worcester, Mass. Farminston. *1857. 1869. Rev. Joseph RicKER, D.D. Rev. Edgar Harkness Gray, A.M. Hon. Josi AH Pierce, A.M. *1866. Rev. Abraham Holley Granger, D.D. Rev. Samuel Lunt Caldwell, D.D. Alpheus Shaw. * 1869. Hallo well. Boston, Mass. . Ellsworth. * 1859. Charleston. Augusta. Vallejo, Cal. Gorbam. Burrillville,R.L Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Portland. Rev. William Lamson, D.D. East Gloucester, Mass. Moses Giddings Bangor. Rev. David Newton Sheldon, D.D. . . Waterville. ■George Washington Keely, LL. D. *1878. Waterville. ■Rev. Lorenzo BiCKEORD Allen, A.M. *1872. Yarmouth. Rev. William Hosmer Shailer, D.D. *1881. Portland. Hon. Noah Smith, Jr. *1868. Abial Wood Kennedy, M.D. *1861. . Hon. aud Rev. Ebenezer Knowlton, A.M. . Calais. Warreu. 1874. Moutville. Hailowell. Waterville. Waterville. Bangor. Portland. Rev. Na.thaniel Butler, D.D. . John Barton Foster, A.M. Nathaniel Rogers Boutelle, M.D. . Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, LL.D. . Hon. JosiAH Hayden Drummond, LL.D. Rev. William Lamson, D.D. East Gloucester, Mass Joseph Story. Boston, Mass Hon. Mark Hill Dunnell, A.M. Owatonna, Minn Rev. George Knox, A.M. * 1864. Lawrence, Mass Henry Brown Hart. *1871. . . . Portland COLBY UNIVEESITY. 7 1859-1879. * Hon. DEKifis LiBBY MiLLiKEisr. *1879. . Waterville. 1859-1862. Geoege Feeemait Emery Portland. 1860-1865. * Hon. Thomas Stanley PuLLEN. *1865. . Foxcroft. 1860- Rev. Albiois^ Keith Paeris Small, D.D. Fall River, Mass. 1860- Hon. William WiLS02f. .... Hallowell. 1861-1875. * Hon. HE2fRY Kennedy. *1875. . . . Waldoboro. 1862-1869. « Rev. Nathaniel Milton Wood, D.D. *1876. Lewistou. 1862-1869. Hon. Lot Myrick Morrill, A.M. . . Portland. 1862- James Hobbs Hanson, LL.D Waterville. 1862-1880. * Hon. Benjamin Day Metc ALE. *1880. Damariscotta. 1862-1863. Hon. Joseph Warren Merrill. . Cambridge, Mass. 1863- Rev. Franklin Merriam, A.M. . . Danbury, N. H. 1863- Rev. Henry Vatjgh an Dexter, D.D. Baldwinville, Mass. 1865-1879. * Gardner Colby. *1879. . . . Boston, Mass. 1865- Rev. Georg^J Whitepield Bosworth, D.D. Newton Centre, Mass. 1865-1868. * Joseph Barrows. *1868 Readfield. 1866-1881. Rev. Ebenezer Edson Cummings, D.D. Concord, N. H. 1868-1876. * Hon. Charles Rendol Whidden, A.M. *1876. Calais. 1869- Hon. Joseph Warren Merrill. . Cambridge, Mass. 1869-1870. Rev. Alvah Hovey, D.D. . Newton Centre, Mass. 1869-1880. Hon. Calyin Hopkins Mount Vernon. 1870- Hon. William Edward Wording, LL.D. Plainvievp, Minn. 1870- Rev. Oakman Sprague Stearns, D.D. Newton Centre, Mass. 1870-1876. Hon. Alexander Campbell. . . Clierryfield. 1870- Rev. Benjamin Franklin Shaw, D.D. . Waterville. 1871- Rev. Abijah Robinson Crane. . . East Wiiitbrop. 1871-1879. Hon. George Henry Pilsbury. . ' . . New York. 1874-1874. * Chapin Humphrey. *1874 Bangor. 1875-1881. *Rev. James Tiet Champlin, D.D., LL.D. *1882. Portland. 1876- Hon. Percival Bonney, A.M. . . . Portland. 1877- Hon. William Johnson Corthell. . . Gorbam. 1877- Hon. Almore Kennedy, A.M. . . Waldoboro. 1879- Gardner Roberts Colby New York. 1879- Benjamin Franklin Sturtevant. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1880- Rev. Henry Ephraim Robins, D.D. . . Waterville. 1880- Prof. Charles Edward Hamlin, LL.D. Cambridge, Mass. 1881- Hon. Robert Oliver Fuller. . Cambridge, Mass. 1881- Rev. William Harrison Alden, D.D. Portsmouth, N.H. 1881- Rev. Henry Sweetsir Burrage, A.M. . Portland. 1881- Rev. Francis Wales Bakem:an, A.B. . . Auburn. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. PROFESSORS. Sacred Theology/. 1822-1828. * Rev. Stephen Ciiapin, D.D. * 1845. 1829-1832. * Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, D.D. *1841. Languages. 1822-1827. Rev. Avery Briggs, A.M. 1827-1833. Thomas Jefferson Conant, A.M. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy . 1827-1828. Rev. Avery Briggs, A.M. 1828-1829. * Robert Everett Pattison. * 1874. 1829-1852. * George Washington Keely, LL.D. *1878. 1853-1855. Rev. Kendall Brooks, A.M. 1856-1872. Moses Lyford, A.M. f Institutes of Medicine and Materia 3fedica. 1830-1833. * Joseph Adams Gallup, A.M., M.D. *1849. ■f Anatomg and Surgery. 1830-1833. WiLLARD Parker, A.M., M.D. I Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence. 1830-1833. * David Palmer, M.D. Rhetoric and the Hebrew Language. 1831-1838. *Rev. Calvin Newton, A.M. * 1853. Latin and English Languages and Literature. 1832-1833. * John O'Brien Chaplin, A.M. * 1872. t In the Clinical School of Medicine at Woodstock, Vt., then connected M'ith the College. COLBY UNIVERSITY. Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. 1834-1839. *Phinehas Barnes, A.M. * 1871. 1839-1840. * Rev. Asa Drury, A.M. * 1870. 1841-1858. *Rev. James Tift Champlin, D.D. *1882. 1858-1872. John Barton Foster, A.M. Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. (The Babcock Professorship since 1868.) 1836-1839. *Rev. Robert Everett Pattison, D.D. *1874. 1841-1843. *Eliphaz Fay, A.M. * 1854. 1843-1853. Rev. David Newton Sheldon, D.D. 1853-1858. * Rev. Robert Everett Pattison, D.D. * 1874. 1858-1873. *Rev. James Tift Champlin, D.D. * 1882. 1873-1882. Rev. Henry Ephraim Robins, D.D. 1882- Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper, D.D. Chemistry and Natural History. (The Merrill Professorship since ISB.").) 1838-1852. Rev. Justin Rolph Loomis, A.M. 1853-1873. Charles Edvtard Hamlin, LL.D. 1873- William Elder, A.M. Rhetoric. 1843-1850. Martin Brev^^er Anderson, A.M. 1851- Rev. Samuel King Smith, D.D. Modern Languages. 1866- Edward Winslow Hall, A.M. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 1872- Moses Lyford, LL.D. Grreek Language and Literature. 1872- John Barton Foster, LL.D. Latin Language and Literature. 1873- Julian Daniel Taylor, A.M. Mathematics. 1875- Laban Edwards Warren, A.M. 2 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP History. 1881- Albion Woodbury Small, A.M. TUTORS. 1822-1823. * George Dana Boardman. * 1831. 1823-1827. *Ephraim Tripp. * 1871. 1823-1824. * Elijah Foster. * 1834. 1824-1826. * Addison Parker. * 18C4. 1827-1828. * Leonard ToBEY. * 1851. 1828-1832. *J0HN O'Brien Chaplin. *1872. 1830-1831. Henry William Paine. 1833-1835. Jonathan Everett Earn am. 1833-1837. * Samuel Randall. *1862. 1835-1836. William Lamson. 1836-1838. Justin Rolph Loomis. 1837-1839. Edwin Noyes. 1838-1839. Danford Thomas. 1839-1841. * Samuel Sawyer Johnson. * 1842. 1841-1843. Martin Brewer Anderson. 1846-1847. Samuel King Smith. 1850-1850. Junius Artemas Bartlett. 1855-1855. Henry Allen Sawtelle. 1855-1862. HoBART Wood Richardson, A.M. 1868-1873. Julian Daniel Taylor, A.M. INSTRUCTORS AND LECTURERS. 1828-1831. * Frederick Augustus Willard, A.M., Lecturer on Cherai- cul Philosophy and Botany. * 1866. 1833-1834. * Phinewas Barnes, A.M., Acting Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. * 1871. 1833-1837. * EzEKiEL Holmes, M.D., Lecturer on Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, and Botany. * 1865. 1834-1841. Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, A.M., Acting Professor of Modern Languages. 1835-1836. Stephen Benson Page, A.B., Instructor in Elocution. 1839-1843. Rev. Calvin Emmons Park, A.M., Acting Professor of Rhetoric. 1852-1853. Theopiiilus Capen Abbot, Instructor in Chemistry and Natural History, 1852 ; Instructor in Greek and Latin, 1853. 1874-1875. Rev. Nathaniel Melcher, A.M., Acting Professor of Mathematics. COLBY UNIYEESITY. 11 1875-1878. Atwood Crosby, A.M., M.D., Instructor in Gymnastics and Military Drill. 1875-1878. Fred Morse Wilson, M.D., Instructor in Gymnastics and Military Drill. 1880- Frederick Crosby Robertson, Instructor in Elocution. LIBRARIANS. 1822-1828. Prof. Avery Briggs, A.M. 1828-1833. * Prof. John O'Brien Chaplin, A.M. * 1872. 1833-1835. Tutor Jonathan Everett Farnam. 1835-1837. * Tutor Samuel Randall, A.M. * 1862. 1837-1842. Prof. Justin Rolph Loomis, A.M. 1842-1850. Prof. Martin Brewer Anderson, A.M. 1851-1873. Prof. Samuel King Smith, D.D 1873- Prof. Edward Winslow Hall, A.M. FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION, 1881-1882. Rev. henry EPHRAIM ROBINS, D.D., President, BABCOCK PROFESSOR OF INTELLECTUAL AND HORAL PHILOSOPHY. Rev. SAMUEL KING SMITH, D.D., PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC. MOSES LYFORD, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY. JOHN BARTON FOSTER, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. EDWAUD WINSLOW HALL, A.M., PROFESSOR OP MODERN LANGUAGES AND LIBRARIAN. WILLIAM ELDER, A.M., MERRILL PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND NATURAL HISTORY. JULIAN DANIEL TAYLOR, A.M., PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. LABAN EDWARDS WARREN, A.M., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS. ALBION WOODBURY SMALL, A.M., PROFESSOR OF HISTORY. FREDERICK CROSBY ROBERTSON, INSTRUCTOR IN ELOCUTION. THE ALUMNI Note. The degree of A.B. has been conferred upon each graduate. The date of receiv- ing the degree of A.M. is three years after graduation when not otherwise stated. The year of ordination and of admission to the bar is not mentioned when identical with the date of entering upon the pastorate or the practice of law. Clergymen are Baptist if no denomina- tion is specified. The age of deceased graduates is given as at last birthday. Class of 1822. * George Dana Boardman, A.M. Tutor, 1822-23 ; Resident Licentiate, Ando- ver Theol. Sem., 1823-24; Missionary to Burmah, Bapt. Bd. For. Missions 1825-31; Founder of the Karen Mission ; died near Tavoy, Burmah, Feb. 11, 1831, aged 30. *Ephkaim Tripp, A.M. Priu. He- bron Acad., Me., 1822-23; Tutor, 1823-27; Teacher, Fayetteville, N. C, and in Ala. and Miss.; Clerk of Courts, Carroll Co., Miss.; died, Winona, Miss., April 7, 1871, aged 72. 2 Class of 1823. * Elijah Foster, A.M. Tutor, 1823-24; Resident Graduate, 1824-25; Li- centiate, Beverly, Marblehead, and Wo- burn, Mass., and Dover, N. H., 182.5-29; Pastor, Dover, N. H., 1829-31; Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass. ,1831-34 ; died, Ames- bury, Mass., Sept. 27, 1834, aged 35. * Henry Paine, A.M. Prin. East- port Acad., Me., 1824; Teacher, Windsor, Vt., 1825; Licentiate, Whiting, Vt., 1826; Prin. Monmouth Acad. , Me. , 1827-31 ; Prin. Waterville Acad., 1831-35; Prin. China Acad. , 1835-44 ; Teacher, Rockland, 1844-49 ; Prin. Thomaston Acad., 1849-56; Teacher, Rockland, 18.56-68; died, Rockland, Me., Nov. 12, 1868, aged 75. * Hadlet Procter, A.M. Pastor, China, Me., and Prin. Cliina Acad., 1833- 26; Pastor, Rutland, Vt., 1826-35; Prin. Vermont Lit. and Sci. Inst, Brandon, 1835- 36; Pastor, Rutland, 1836-38; China, Me., 1838-42; died, China, Me., April 13, 1842, aged 48. Class of 1824. *JoEL Perez Hayford. Resident Graduate, 1824-25; Licentiate, in Vt., 1825- 27 ; Pastor, Morristown and Johnson, 1837- 31 ; died, Johnson,Vt.,Dec. 21, 1831, aged 32. * Calvin Holton. Missionary to Afi'ica, Bapt. Bd. For. Missions, 1836; died, Monrovia, Liberia, July 23, 1826, aged 29. *Ebenezer Hutchinson, A.M. Lawyer, Waterville, Me., 1824-29 ; Athens, 1829-62; Repr. Me. Legisl. ; Sec. Me. Sen- ate, 1827-30 ; County Attorney for Somer- set Co.; died, Athens, Me., May 19, 1862, aged 68. 3 Class of 1825. *J0HN O'Brien Chaplin, A.M. Prin. Preparatory Dcpt., 1826-28; Tutor, 1828-32 ; Prof. Latin and English, 1832-33 ; Librarian, 1828-33 ; Prof. Greek and Latin, Columbian College, D. C, 1833-43; died, Conway, Mass., Dec. 22, 1872, aged 65. *WlLLARD &LOVER. Pastor, Lim- erick, Me., 1827-29; Acting Pastor, Par- sonsfleld, Buxton, Waterboro, and Paris, 1829-32; Wiscasset and Newcastle, 1832; Blooinfleld, 1833; Assoc. Pastor, Water- boro, 1836; Acting Pastor, Heath, Mass., and Lyndeboro, N. H., 1837-38; Acting Pastor and Teacher, Cumberland, R. I., 1839-40; Vinalhaven, Me., 1841-46; Swan- ville, 1847-54; Addison, 1855-60; Pastor, Deer Isle, 1860 ; Acting Pastor and Teach- er, Belfast, 1861-66; died, Jonesport, Me., Sept. 18, 1866, aged 70. Benjamin Hobart. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1854; Farmer and Lumber Mer- chant, Edmunds (Dennysville P. O.), Me. 14 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP John Hovet. Teacher, Perry, N. Y., 1826-28; Prin. Select Scliool, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1828-30; Farinington, 1830-5'2; Rose, 1852-64; Postmaster, Danby, 1875-79; ad- dress, Daub}-, Ionia Co., Mich. * Alonzo King. Pastor, No. Yar- mouth, Me., 1826-31; Northboro, Mass., 1832-34; Westboro, 1835; died, Westboro, Mass., Nov. 29, 1835, aged 39. Author of Memoir of George Dana Boardman. *FiiANCis Green Macomber. Pas- tor, Beverly, Mass., 1825-27 ; died, Beverly, Mass., July 1, 1827, aged 29. * Thomas Ward Merrill, A.M. Nevrton Theol. lust., 1828; Prof. New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., N. H., 1828- 29; Prin. Classical School, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1829-30; ordained, 1831; First Mis- sionary, Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc., Prai- rie Ronde, Mich., 1832; Pounder of Kala- mazoo Coll. ; died, Lansing, Mich., April 8, 1878,, aged 76. * Henry Moor. Midshipman, U. S. Navy, 1825; Lieut., 1835; killed by boiler explosion near Marysville, Cal., March 21, 1853, aged 46. * Joshua Randall. Prin. Fox- ' croft Acad., Me., 1826 ; Me.Wesleyan Sem., Kent's Hill, 1827; Lawyer, Phillips, 1828- 40; Farmingtou, 1840-47; Dixfleld, 1847-48 ; died, Dixfleld, Me., Nov. 12, 1848, aged 50. Harrison Avery Smith. Law- yer, East Vassalboro, Me., 1829-33 ; Water- ville, 1833-55 ; since 1855, Kalamazoo, Mich. * Arthur Thompson. Teacher in Maryland, No. Carolina, and Georgia, many years; died, Pownal, Me., Dec, 1853, aged 55. 11 Class of 1826. * S A M u e L F A R R A R. Merchan t, Skowhegan, Me., 1829-34; Manager Wool- en Factory, Dexter, 1838-56; Pres. Mer- cantile Bank, Bangor, 1844-57; Sec. and Treas. R. R. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1857-61 ; died, Geneva, Wis., Dec. 6, 1862, aged 56. * George Clifford Getchell. Lawyer, Anson, Me., 1829-70; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1836, 1837, 1846; Clerk Me. House of Reps., 1838, 1841; State Land Agent, 1854; died, Waterville, Me., Aug. 22, 1881, aged 75. * Moses Gould. Student of Medi- cine, 1826-29; Druggist, Baltimore, Md., 1830-43; died, Boxford, Mass., June 30, 1843, aged 43. Albert Gallatin Jeavett. Law- yer, Bangor, 1829-45; County Attorney 5 years; Charge d'Affaires, Peru, 1845-48; Mayor, Belfast, Me., 1863, 1864, 1867; since 1858, La^vyer, Belfast, Me. * Elijah Parish Lovejoy. Prin. China Acad., Me., 1826; Teacher, St. Louis, Mo., 1827; Editor and publisher The Times, 1828-32; Student, Princeton Theol. Sem., 1832; Licentiate, 2d Presb. of Phila., 1833; Editor and publisher St. Louis Observer, 1833-36; ordained 1834; Observer remoYed to Alton, 111., 1836; shot by a pro-slavery mob, Alton, 111., Nov. 7, 1837, aged 34. *Ebenezer Mirick. Pastor, Sedg- wick, Me., 1829-34; Brooks ville, 1834-57; died, Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 1, 1879, aged 81. *Orlando Holbrook Partridge, A.M., M.D., Bowd., 1829. Physician, Tru- ro, Mass., 1829-36; Phila., Pa., 1838-59; died, Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1859, aged 53. 7 Class of 1827. *JoHN Francis Howard Angier. La'wyer, Montville, Searsmont and Bel- fast, Me., 1830-56; 'died, Belfast, Me., June 17, 1856, aged 48. *Freeman Bradford, A.M. Law- yer, Portland, Me., 1831-64; Auburn, 1864- 72; Portland, 1872-73; Register of Pro- bate, 1849-56; died, Portland, Me., Oct. 23, 1873, aged 71. *Harvey Bingham Dodge. Pas- tor, West Plattsburg, N. Y., 1830-31; Mis- sionary, N. Y., 1831-32; Pastor, Farmers- ville, 1833; Greene, 1834^36; Fort Coving- ton, 1836-39 ; Parma, 1839-41 ; Newton Falls, Ohio, 1841-42; Garrettsville, 1842-44; West Plattsburg, N. Y., 1844-47; died, Platts- burg, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1866, aged 65. * William Augustus Evans, A.M. Lawyer, Livermore Falls and Jay, Me., 1830-41; Clerk, Treasury Dept., Washing- ton, D. C, 1841-62; Lawyer, Athens, Me., 1863-65; Fort Fairfield, 1865-71; BluehiU, 1871-74; died, Bluehill, Nov. 21, 1874, aged 64. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 15 *HAiFtVET Evans. Lawyer, Har- mony, Me., 1830-31 ; West Waterville, 1831- 33; Oldtown, 1832-34; Sebec, 1834-36 ; Ben- ton, 1836-40; died, Beuton, Me., July 11, 1840, aged 43. * Thomas Fitch, A.M. Farmer, Windsor, Conn., 1827-29; Hartland, 1829- 31; Montgomery, Mass., 1831-34; West- field, 1834-45; West Springfield, 1845-72; died. West Springfield, Mass., July 20, 1872, aged 70. *Enoch Weston Freeman. Pas- tor, New Gloucester, Me., 1827; Lowell, Mass., 1828-35; died, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 22, 1835, aged 36. Published A Selection of Hymns. * Henry Joseph Hall. Orclaiuecl, 1820; Pastor, Moukton,Vt., 1828-30; Corn- wall, 1830-32 ; Missionary in Indiana and Mich., Mass. Home Miss. Soc, 1832-39; Pastor, East Bloomiugton, N. Y., 1840-45; Agent Am. Bible Soc, Alexandria, Va., several; died, Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 31, 1872, aged 76. *Albert Gallatin Lane. Law- yer, Eastport, Me., 1830-33; Machias, 1832- .59; Register of Probate ; Clerk of Courts, 1852-59; died, Machias, Me., March 27, 1859, aged 50. *Lyman Eawson. Lawyer, Rum- ford, Me., 1830-74; Repr. Me. LegisL, 1838, 1839; Judge of Probate, 1839-46; died, Rumford, Me., Aug. 22, 1874, aged 75. * Isaac Redington. Lawyer, Wa- terville, Me., 1830-50 ; Member Me. Senate, 1846-47; Treasurer A. & K. R. R., 18.50-53; Lawyer, New York, till 1875; died, Skow- hegan, Me., Oct. 6, 1878, aged 75. * Thomas Robinson. Lawyer, Jef- ferson, Me. ,1831 ; Ellsworth, 1831-58 ; Repr. Me. LegisL, 1848 ; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1849-56; died, Ellsworth, Me., July 2, 1858, aged 57. *Timothy^ Pickering Ropes, A.M. Pastor, Hampton Falls, N. H., 1829-30; Weston, Mass., 1830-33; Lexington, ia33- 34; Prin. Lexington Acad., 1834-38; Teach- er, Winchester, Va., four j'ears; Pastor, Lexington, Mass., 1845-46 ; Parmer, Hamp- ton Palls, 1847-52; Pastor, 1852-.54; Cari- mona, Minn., 1854-55; LeRoy, 1855-65; died, LeRoy, Minn., July 3, 1873, aged 70. * Samuel Stevens, A.M. Student of Medicine, 1829-30 ; Prin. Foxcroft Acad., Me., 1831-32; died, Dover, Me., March 4, 1832, aged 31. 14 Class of 1828. *James Brooks. Teacher and Law Student, Portland, Me., 1828-29; Editor Portland Advertiser, 1829-30 ; Repr. Maine LegisL, 1835; Editor and Proprietor Keiv York Express, 1836-73 ; Repr. N. Y. LegisL, 1847 ; Member 31st, 32d, 38th, 39th, 42d, 43d, U. S. Congress, 1849-73; died, Washington, D. C, April 30, 1873, aged 65. Jeremiah Chaplin. A.M., 183.3; D.D., 1857. Prof. Greek and Latin, New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., N. H., 1834- 37; Student of Theology, Madison Univ., 1838-39 ; Prof. Hebrew antl Moral Science, Theol. Sem., Wiusboro, S. C, 1839-41; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1843-49 ; Pastor, Bangor, Me., 1841-46; Dedham, Mass., 1850- ; Newton Corner, 1863-65; Theol. Instructor, Home Miss. Soc, New Orleans, La., 1865-68; since 1868, in literary pur- suits, Boston, Mass. ; address, Newton Centre, Mass. Aiithor of Memoir of Jiev. Duncan Dunbar ; Life of Charles Sumner ; Life of Benjamin Franklin ; Life of Presi- dent Dunster ; The Evening of Life ; The Memorial Hour ; compiler of The Riches ofBunyan; Chips frum the White House. Ebenezer Edson Cummings. a. M.,1848; D.D., Dartmouth, 1855. Pastor, Salisbury, N. H., 1828-32; Concord, N. H., 1832-68; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1866-81; address, Concord, N. H. * Charles Foster. Student of Medicine, 1828-29; died, Pembroke, Me., April 23, 1839, aged 31. * Jacob QuiNCY Kettelle. Law- yer, Calais, Me., 1831-41; Boston, Mass., 1841-65; died, Boston, Mass., Dec. 2, 1865, aged 62. * Samuel McClellan. Tutor, College at Jackson, La., 1830-33; Lawyer, Dexter, Me., 1835-68; died. Dexter, Me., Aug. 1, 1868, aged 58. *NicholasMedbert, A.M., Bow- doin, 1836. Pastor, Middleboro,- Mass., 1828-32; Watertown, 1832-43; Newbury- port, 1843-.53; Ashland, 1853-55; Peabody, 1855-57 ; City Missionary, Portsmouth, N. 16 G-ENERAL CATALOGUE OF H., 1857-71; died, Dover, Mass., May 30, 1878, aged 77. * Sullivan Sumner Raw son. Lawyer, Eastport, Me., 1831-51; Collector of Customs, 1840-41 ; Member Me. Senate, 1844; Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal., 1851- 66; Member Cal. Legisl., 1851-52; (Jied, San Francisco, Cal., June 11, 1866, aged 60. Abraham Sanborn. Lawyer, Le- vant, Me., 1833-47 ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1852, 1870 ; since 1847, Bangor, Me. *Hermon Stevens. Lawyer, Rockland, Me., 1831-65; died, Waterville, Me., March 15, 1867, aged 61. *Albert Carlton Thayer, M.D. Cohnnbian, 1831. Physician, Benton, Me., 1832-33; Skowhegan, 1833-34; died, Skow- hegan, Me., Dec. 28, 1834, aged 25. *Manlt Burt Townsend. Law- yer, Calais, Me., 1831-42; Alexander, 1842 -49; Member Me. Senate, 1844-46; Presi- dent of Senate, 1845-46 ; died, Alexander, Me., Dec. 7, 1849, aged 46. 12 Class of 1829. *AsA Matthews, A.M., 1833. Prin. Hampden Acad., Me., 1831-37, aud 1838-41 ; Prin. Acad., Williamstou, N. C, 1842-52; Farmer, Newport, Me., 1852-77 ; died, New- port, Me., No%'. 28, 1877, aged 73. Leander Smith Tripp, A.M., M.D. Bowdoin, 1834. Physician, East Dixfleld, Me., 1836-37; Norway, 1837-41; Teacher, Bridgton, 1842; ordained, 1843; Pastor, Waterboro, 1844-46; Limington, 1846-47; Limerick, 1847-50; Shapleigh, 1850-.53 ; Ef- fingham, N. H., 18.53-55; Sabattus, Me., 1855-60; No. Sedgwick, 1861-67; Luuen- burgh, Vt., 1867-69; Siirry, Me., 1869-80; address, Bluehill, Me. *Erastus Willard, A.m., 1844. Newton Theol. Inst., 1833; Pastor, Graf- ton, Vt., 1833-35; Missionary to France, Am. Bapt. ISIiss. Union, 183.5-56; Mission- ary to Ottawa Indians, Kansas, Home Miss. Soc, 1857-60; Pastor, Washbui-n, 111., 1861-62; So. Hampton, N. H., 1862-64; Sa- lem, N. Y., 1865-71; died, Newport, R. I., Dec. 29, 1871, aged 71. Robert. Williams Wood, M.D., Bowdoin, 1832. Physician, Aurora, Me., 1833; Orono, 1834^38; Hospital for Am. Seamen, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, 1839- 49; introduced sugar growing, 1848, and since engaged in that business; returned toU. S., 1866; Libn. Am. Statistical Assoc, Boston, Mass., since 1872; address, Ja- maica Plain, Mass. Class of 1830. * Moses Lark Appleton. Lawyer,^ Sebec, Me., 1833-35; Bangor, 1835-,59; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1849-50; State Banlc Commis- sioner, 1856; died, Bangor, Me., Sept. 25, 1859, aged 48. Caleb Burbank. Lawyer, Cherry- field, Me. ; Member Me. Senate, 1841 ; San Francisco, Cal., several years; address, Stockton, Cal. William Henry BuRRiLL. Lawyer, Searsport, Me., 1833-37; Register of Pro- bate, Belfast, 1837-49; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1872; address, Belfast, Me. * Edwin William Garrison, A.M. Acting Pastor, Cherryfield, Me., 1831-32; Ellsworth, 1833; Sedgwick, 1834-35; Han- cock County, 1835-36; Pastor, Cherryfield, 1836-38 ; Acting Pastor, No. Sedgwick, 1839- 40; died, Sedgwick, July 4, 1840, aged 35. Author of Memoirs of Mrs. R. B. Pinkhani. *Joseph Hodges, A.M., 1834. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1833; Pastor, Weston, Mass., 1835-39; Amherst, 1840-41; Cole- raine,1841-43; Palmer,1843-47; East Brook- field, 1847-52; No. Oxford, 1852-55; Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, 1855-61; died, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 23, 1863, aged 57. * Eaton Mason. Pastor, Spring- field, N. H., 1831-32; Acting Pastor, Effing- ham, 1832-33; Bridgton, Me., 1833-35; Pas- tor Cong. Ch., Sweden, 1835-45; died, Dix- field, Me., Nov. 1, 1845, aged 41. Henry Willi AM Paine, LL.D., 1854. Prin. Waterville Acad.,Me. ,1829-30 ; Tutor, 1830-31 ; Lawyer, Hallowell, Me. ; Member Me. Legisl. ; Member Bd. Trustees, 1849- 62; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1851; Fellow of Am. Academy; Lecturer on Real Es- tate, Law School of Boston Univ.; Law- yer, 53 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. * William Richardson. Prin. Fox- croft Acad., Me., 1830-31; Law Student, 1831-34; Prin. Acad., Enfield, N. C, 1834r- 40; Gatesville, 1840-42; Planter, Waynes- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 17 boro, Tenu., from 1854; died, Wayne Co., Teiiu., date unkuo^yn. Wilson Crocker Ryder, A.M., 1834. Pastor, Mariaville, Me., 1830-33; Cor- inth, 183-2-34; Clierryfleld, 1834-36; Nortli- boro, Mass., 1837; Leeds, Me., 1837-39; Wayne, 1840; since 1841, 1'arniingand lum- bering; address, Keck, Plymoutli Co., Mass. Author of Lectures on Future Pun- . ishment. 9 Class of 1831. *Lucius Henry Chandler. Teach- er, Capeville,ya., 1831-34; Lawj^er, Tliom- aston, Me., 1836^5 ; Boston, Mass., 1845-50 ; Norfolk, Va., 1850-68; U. S. Consul, Ma- tauzas, Cuba, 1861-63 ; U. S. Dist. Attorney for Eastern Va., 1863-68; Commonwealth Attorney for Richmond, 1868-70; V. S. Pension Ageut, 1875-76 ; drowned, Norfolk, Va., AprU 6, 1876, aged 64. * Jacob Mott Cook. Prin. High School, New Sharon and Norridgewock, Me., 1831-33; died, Norridgewock, Me., - Nor. 13, 1833, aged 29. * Samuel Glidden Glidden. Sea- man, 1839-40; Ship-master, 1841 ; Commis- sion merchant. New York, several years ; died, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1869, aged 53. Frederick Lord. Lawj-er ; Judge of Probate 4 yrs. ; 2d Judge County Court ; Farmer, Paw Paw, Van Buren Co., Mich. * Wyman Bradbury Sevey Moor, A.M. Lawyer, Waterville, Me., 1834-49; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1842 : Attorney General of Me., 1844-48; U. S. Senator, 1848; Law- yer, Bangor, 1849-52; Waterville, 1852-57; LT. S. Consul General, Montreal, Can., 1857- 61 ; Army supplies and tobacco business, 1861-68; died, Lynchburg, Va., March 11, 1869, aged 57. 5 Class of 1832. Albert Ware Paine. State Exam- iner of Banks and Insurance, 1868-70; State Insurance Commissioner, 1870-73; State Tax Commissioner, 1874 ; Menib. Me. Hist. Soc, 1881; since 1835, Lawyer, Ban- gor, Me. Author of Paine Genealogy. *H0SEA QuiNBY, A.M., D.D., 1866. Prin. Par sonsfleld Sem., Me., 1832-39; or- 3 daiued,1833 ; Pastor F. W. Bapt. Oh., Mere- dith, N.H., 1839-40; Prin. Lapham lust.. No. Scituate, R. I., 1840-54; Pastor and Teacher, Meredith, N. H., 1855-57; Pitts- field, 1857-61 ; Lebanon, Me., 1861-64; Lake Village, N. H., 1864-68; Chaplain N. H. State Prison, 1869-71; Pastor, Nottingham N.H., 1872-74; Pittsfield, 1874-76; Milton Mills from 1876; died, Milton Mills, N. H., Oct. 11, 1878, aged 74. Author of Reviews of Butler's Letters ; Treatise of Faith and Usages ; Christian Baptism. * William Henry Ropes. Prin. Foxcroft Acad., Me., 1832-35 ; Prin. Acad., Milton, Mass., 1836; High School, Wal- tham, Mass., 1837-40; Farmer, Bedford, Mass., 1843; died in Florida, about 1864. Cornelius Arnold Thomas, D.D. Middlebury, 1854. Newton Theol. Inst., 1835; Pastor, Brandon, Vt., 1835-75; ad- dress, Brandon, Vt. 4 Class of 1833. Daniel Francis Cook. So. Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio. * Oliver Augustus Dodgk, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1833 ; Pastor, Lexing- ton, Mass. ,1835-40; died, Lexington, Mass., May 28, 1840, aged 27. Jonathan Everett Farnam, A.M., LL.D., Mercer Univ., 1868. Tutor and Librarian, 1833-35; since 1838, Prof. Nat. Sciences, Georgetown College, George- town, Ky. *RocKWOOD GiDDiNGS. Pastor, Shelby ville, Ky., 1835-38; Pres. George- town College, Ky., 1838-39; died, Shelby- ville, Ky., Oct. 29, 1839, aged 27. Walter Gould. Adm. to the Bar, 1836; Lawyer, Alabama (? ). William Howe. Newton Theol. Inst., 1836; Minister at large and Pastor, Boston, Mass.,1840-63; Pastor, Cambridge, 1863-70; address, Cambridge, Mass. Josiah Pillsbury. Prin. Pillsbm-y High School, Bowling Green, Ky. William May Stratton. Asst. Clerk of Courts, Kennebec Co., Me., 1834- 45; Clerkof Courts, 1845-81; adcU-ess, Au- gusta, Me. 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF *Nahum Howard Wood. Lawyer, from 1836; Prof. Math., Frauklin Coll., Athens, Ga., about 1840-52; Planter, near Blakely, Ga., about 1852-55; died, Ogle- thrope, Ga., Sept. 8, 1859, aged 49. 9 Class of 1834. * Francis Barker, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837; ordained, 1838; Teacli- er, Jackson Co., Miss., 1838; Missionary to Shawnee Indians, Kansas, 1839-56; Farm- er and Missionary, near I^awrence, 1856- 63; died, Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 13,1863, aged 56. * Allen Barrows, A.M. Pastor, Hallowell, Me., 1834-35; Leeds, 1835-37; Ellsworth, 1837-45; Calais, 1845-50; East Machias, 1850-52; Leeds, 1852-54; Fayette, 1854-57; Litchfield, 1857-64; Acting Pas- tor, East Sumner, 1864-72; died, East Sum- ner, April 24, 1875, aged 67. * Charles Webster Bradbury, A. M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837; Pastor, Saco, 1838-39; Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, 1840; Prin. Hampton" Acad., N. H., 1841-42; High School, Amesbury, Mass.; Teacher, California, 1849-51, 1858-66, 1874- 75; Pastor, East Winthrop, 1853-55 ; Agent Peace Society ,1871 ; died, Salisbury, Mass., May 4, 1877, aged 69. *Zabdiel Bradford, A.M., 1844. Newton Theol. Inst, 1834-36; Pastor, No. Yarmouth, Me., 1837-44; Providence, R. I., 1844-49; died, Providence, R. I., May 16, 1849, aged 39. * Ivory Clarke, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837; ordained as Evangelist, 1837; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Bexley, Africa, 1838-45; Edina, 1845-48; died at sea, April 24, 1848, aged 41. Author of Dictionary of the Bassa Language. Enoch Hutchinson, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837 ; . ordained, 1837 ; Pastor, FramJngham, Mass., 1840-41 ; Prof. Theol. Inst., Thomaston, Me., 1841; Editor Bap- tist Memorial, ti.Y., 1846-51 ; address. New York. A uthor of Music of the Bible ; ti'aus- lated Syriac Grammar. Silas Ilsley, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837; Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y"., 1837- 41, Portsmouth, N. IL, Albion, N. Y., Es- sex, Conn., Warren, Me., East Thomas- ton, Damariscotta ; Agent and List. Sec. Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1861-70; Dover Plains, N. Y., 1870-75; address, Syracuse, N. Y. * Thomas Leishman. Admitted to the bar, 1838; died, East Vassalboro, May 8, 1838, aged 32. Joseph Cushing Loring. Boston, Mass. * Edward Payson McKown, A.M., Prin. Hallowell Acad., Me., 1834-35; Pri- vate Tutor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1836-37; Cambridge Divinity School, 1839; died, Worcester, Mass., March 20, 1854, aged 43. Charles Nickerson. Farmer, Big Creek, Edgefield Co., S. C. * Carleton Parker. Prin. Kenne- bunk Acad., Me., 1834-35; Prin. Vermont Lit. andSci. Inst, Brandon, Vt, 1836-40; Groton Acad., N. Y., 1841-44; Home School for Boys, Framingham, Mass., 1848-51; Wayne, Me., 1852-56; Hebron, 18.56-63; Home Missionary, So. Ca., 1864; Pastor, Canton, Me., 186.5-69; Norridgewock, 1869- 71; died. No. Livermore, Aug. 22, 1874, aged 67. * Albert Welsted Poole, A.M. Teacher, Clinton, La., 1836-38 ; Planter and circuit preacher. Woodland, La. ; died, Portland, Me., Sept. 27, 1865, aged 52. *Lkmuel Porter, A.M., D.D., Mad- ison, i854.; ordained, 1830; Newton Theol. Sem., 1834-35 ; Pastor, Lowell, Mass., 183.5- 51; Pittsfield, 1851-62; Bloomington, 111., 1862-63; Dist Sec. Am. Tract Soc, 1864; died, Chicago, 111., Oct. 17, 1864, aged 55. Sylvanus Gilman Sargent, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst, 1837; Pastor, Belfast Me., 1838-46; Frankfort, 1846-56; Agent and Missionary, Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., 1858-74; Acting Pastor, Windsor, So. Gard- iner, Sidney ; address, Augusta, Me. * William Stockbridge, A.M., M.D., Berkshire, 1836. Physician, Wood- ville, Miss., 1840-41 ; West Feliciana Parish, La., 1841-53; died. West Feliciana, La., Oct. 2, 1853, aged 39. 16 Class of 1835. * Lorenzo Bickford Allen, A.M., D.D., I860. Prin. Richmond Acad., and Waterville Acad., Me., 1835-39; Teacher and Student, Theol. Sem., Thomaston, 1839; COLBY UNIVERSITY. 19 Pastor, Thoniastou, 1840-49; Sec. Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., lS4.5-.')6; Pastor, Yar- mouth, 1S49-.56; Member Bel. Trustees, 18o3-.58; Prof. Aucieut Languages, Bur- lington Univ., Iowa, and President, 1857- 6.5; Pastor, Minneapolis, Minn., 186.5-68; Assoc, pastor, and Prin. Grovelaud Sem., Wasioja, Minn., 1868-72; died, AVasioja, Minn., Aug. 20, 1872, aged 60. *Henry Padelford Brown. Law student, Bangor, Me., 183.5; died, Bangor, Me., Oct. 1, 1835, aged 19. * Rich AKD Gakl AND Colby. Prin. Bath Acad., Me., 1835-36, Lawyer, Lowell, Jlass., 1838-45; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1841; City Solicitor, 1842; died, Lowell, Mass., Oct. 14, 1845, aged 33. Oliver Emerson. Lane TheoL Sem., 1840; Missionary, N. E. Iowa, 1840- 41; ordained, 1841; Trustee Iowa Coll. since 1852; Agent Am. Home Miss. Soc, 1855-61; Pastor Cougl. Ch., Elk River, Iowa; address, Miles, Jackson Co., Iowa. Jonathan Goodhue Fellowes, A.M. Dartmouth, 1839. Admitted to the bar; Teacher in Ky., Tenn., La., and Miss. ; since 1866, merchant. Canton, Mad- ison Co., Miss. Amariah Joy, A.M. Oidained, 1835; Newton Theol. Inst., 1838; Pastor, Farmington, New Sharon, Hampden, Ken- uebunk, Me., Great Falls, N. IL, Cornish, Me., Akron, O.; since 1864, address, Joy- fleld, Mich. Author of The Pastor's Gift. William Lamson, A.M., D.D., 1856. . Tutor, 1835-36; Pastor, Gloucester, Mass., 1836-39; Newton Theol. Inst., 1840^1; Pas- tor, Thomastou, Me., 1841-42; Gloucester, Mass., 1842-48; Portsmouth, N. H., 1848- 49; Brookllne, Mass., 1849-75; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1852-55, and 1857-63 ; address, East Gloiicester, Mass. William Mathews, A.M., LL.D., 1868. Dane Law School, 1836 and 1839; Lawyer, Benton, Me., 1840; Editor and Publisher The Watervillonian, Waterville, 1841 ; The Yankee Blade, Gardiner, 1843, and Boston, Mass., 1847-55; engaged in litera- ry pursuits, Chicago, 111., 1856-59; Libra- rian Y. M. C. Assoc, 18.59-62; Prof. Rhet- oric and Eng. Lit., Univ. of Chicago, 1862- 75; address, Boston, Mass. Author of Getting On in the World ; The Great Con- versers; Words, Their Use and Abuse j Hotirs iviih Men and Books ; Oratory and Orators ; Literal-}/ Style ; translated Mon- day-Chats. Stephen Benson Page, A.M., D. D., Denison, 1865. Instr. in Elocution, 1835-36; Newton Theol. Inst., 1839; Pastor, Massillon, O., 1840-44; Wooster, 1844-50; Norwalk, 1850-.54; Cleveland, 1854-66; Fi- nancial Agent, Denison Univ., 1866-67; Dist. Sec. Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, 1867-80; Memb. Bd. Trustees, Denison Univ. ; address, Cleveland, Ohio. * Thomas Hobart Perry, A.M., 1845; M.D., Phila., 1847. Prof. Math., U. S. Navy, 18.37-44; Coast Survey, 1844; Min- ister, Swedenb. Soc, St. Loms, 1847-49; dieil, St. Louis, Mo., May 7, 1849, aged 35. Benjamin Osgood Peirce. Prof. Math, and Lang. , New Hampton Lit. Inst., N. H., 1835-37; Prin. Fem. Acad., Madi- son, Ga., 1838-39; Prin. Penlield Fem. Sem., 18S9-40; Prof. Chem. and Nat. Phil., Mercer Univ., 1840-49; since 1849 in busi- ness pursuits ; address, Beverly, Mass. James Stone, A.M., M.D., Har- vard, 1838. Physician, Haverhill, Mass., 1839-43 ; since 1843, Druggist, Salem, Mass. * Albert Freeman Tilton, A.M., 1840. Prin. To\rashend AcacL, Vt., 1835- 36 ; Teacher, Boone Co., Ky., 1836-37 ; Prin. Bapt. Inst., Franklin, Ind., 1837-41; or- dained as Evangelist, 1841 ; Missionary in Indiana, 1841-44; Pastor, West Waterville, Me., 1844-46; Acting Pastor, Brunswick, Richmond, and Leeds, 1846-49 ; Franklin, Ind., 1849; died, Franklin, Ind., Sept. 26, 1850, aged 40. James Upham, A.M., 1840; D.D., 1860. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837-39; or- dained, 1840; Prof. Theol. Inst., Thomas- tou, Me., 1840-41; Pastor, Manchester, N. H., 1842-43; Milbury, Mass., 1843-45; Prof. New Hampton Lit. Inst., Fairfax,Vt., 1846- 59, and President, 18.59-66; Editor Watch- man and Reflector, Boston, Mass., 1868-75; New England Editor Religious Hei-atd since 1875; address, Chelsea, Mass. 14 Class of 1836. * Moses Burbank, A.M., 1853. Teacher, Hampton Falls, N. H., 1836-38; Shelby ville and Taylorsville, Ky., 1838-45; Newton, Mass., 1845-54; Prin. Ludlow 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Acad., Vt., 1854r-66; Editor Black RiverGa- zette, 1866-67; died, Ludlow, Vt., March 11, 1867, aged 55. Isaac Miller Comings, M.D., Ma- con, 1842. Prill. Kichmond Acad., Me., j 1837; Elizabctli City Acad., N. C, 1838-39; Zebulou Acad., Ga., 1840; Prof. Anat., Med. Coll., Macon, Ga., 1843-48; 'Worcester Med. Inst., Mass., 1848-50; Va. Med. Inst., 1850-52; Prof. Anat. and Surg., Metrop. Med. Coll., N. Y., and Bot. Med. Coll., Ga., 1857-60; Reform Med. Coll., Atlanta, Ga., 1881; siuce I860, New York. * Jonathan Garland Dickerson, LL.D., 1865. Lawyer, Thomaston, Sears- port, and Frankfort, Me., to 1849; Depy. Collector Customs; from 1849, Lawyer, Belfast; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1842; Collector of Customs, 18.58-61; Assoc. Justice, Su- preme Judicial Court of Maine, from 1862; died, Belfast, Me., Sept. 1, 1878, aged 66. Ahira Jones. Newton Theol. Inst., 1836-38; Pastor, Saco, Keunebunkport, Hallowell, Me., 1838-52; Agent Bapt. Tri. Conv., Vt. State Conv., Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc. , 1852-74 ; Pastor, Jericho, Vt. , 1874-80 ; address, Jericho, Vt. OziAS Millett, A.m. Civil and Mining Engineer, Golden, Colorado. * Otis Hackett Morrill. Prin. Bartlett School, Lowell, Mass., 1836-51; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1851; died, Lowell, Mass., June 9, 1852, aged 36. * Ivory Quinby. Lawyer, Mon- mouth, 111., 1837; Judge of Probate, 1849- 53; R. R. Contractor and Banker, 1853-59; Mayor; Trustee and Treas., Monmouth ColL; died, Monmouth, 111., Oct. 23, 1869, aged 52. *Hall Roberts. Prin. Union Acad., Keunebunk,Mc., 1836-43; Prof. New Hamp- ton Lit. Inst., N. H., 1843-47; Prin. High School, Concord, from 1847, sevei'al years; Sec. N. H. Board of Education; Pres. State Nat. Bank; died. Concord, N. H., Oct. 13, 1862, aged 48. * George Anson Sargent. Prin. Freedom Acad., Me., 1836-37; Teacher, Newton Upper Falls, Mass., 1837-38 ; Salem Grove, N. C, 1838-40; died, Salem Grove, N. C, Sept. 7, 1840, aged 28. MOSESMlGHELS SMART, A.M., M.D. Central, 1850. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1839; Resident Licentiate, Audovcr Theol. Sem., 1840; Pres. F. W. B. Theol. School, sonsfleld. Me., 1840-42; Adm. to the bar, 1843; Pres. F. W. B. Theol. School, Lowell, Mass., 1842-44, and Whitestown, N. Y., 1844-49; Prof. Bibl. Theol., Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y. Author of liiblical Doctrine. * William Smith, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1839; Pastor, Chelsea, Mass., 1840-41; died, Chelsea, Mass., July 26, 1841, aged 30. Frederick Augustus Wadleigh. Rector Episc. Ch. Guilford, Vt., 1841-45; Arlington, 1845-65; East Berkshire, 1865- 79; address, Enosberg Falls, Vt. James Sullivan Wiley. Prin. Foxcroft Acad., Me., 1836-38 ; Member 30th U.S. Congress, 1847-49; since 1838, Lawyer, Dover, INle. William Edward Wording, A.M., LL.D., 1858. P.-of. Greek and Latin, New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., N. H., 1836- 41; Prin. High School, Cheraw, S. C.,1841- 44; Lawyer, Cheraw, 184.5-47; Racine, Wis., 1847-62; Judge of Count>' Court, 1850-62: U. S. Tax Com'r, S. C, 1862-70; Member Bd. Trustees since 1870; Lawyer and bank- er, Plainview, Minn. Class of 1837. * Martin Luther Bickford, A.M., 1851. Newton Theol. Sem., 1838-40; Teach- er, Hanover Co., Va., 1840-44; Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Riclimond,Va., 184.5-52; Pas- tor, Waltham, Mass., 1852-63; Chicopee, 1863-65; Merchant, Cleveland, O., 1866-71; Pastor, Oberlin, 1871-72; Elyria, 1874-76; died, Elyria, Ohio, April 9, 1876, aged 61. George Whitfield Bosworth, A. M., 18.54; D.D., 1862. Newton Theol. Inst., 1841 ; Pastor, Medford, Mass., 1841-46; So. Boston, 1846-55; Portland, Me., 185.5-65; Lawrence, Mass., 186.5-69; Haverhill, 1869- 79; Cor. Sec. Me. Bapt. Ed. Soc, 1856-65; Cor. Sec. Northern Bapt. Ed. Soc, 1865-79; Memb. Bd. Trustees from 1865; since 1879, Sec. and Supt. Mass. Bapt. Convention, Newton Centre, Mass. * Francis Alonzo Gates, A.B., Co- lumbian; A.M., 1871. Teacher, Zebulon, Ga., 1837-40; Campbellton, 1840-41; Mari- etta, 1841-43 ; Cave Spring, 1843-45 ; East COLBY UNIVERSITY. 21 Corinth, Me., 1845-48; Farmer, Bradford, 1850-53; Massillon, Iowa, from 1853; died, Philips Co., Kansas, Nov. 21, 1880, aged 70. Eldridge LAWRE>fCE Getchet.l, a. M., 1849. Since 1839, Lawyer, Waterville, Me.; P.M., 1845-49, and 1854-01; Cashier, Waterville Nat. Bank, 1863-79; Sec. Bd. Trustees, 1S4S-.5-2; Treasurer, 1851-Sl; Wa- terville, Me. Franklin Merriam, A.M. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1840; Pastor, East Wiu- throp, Me., 1840-47; Richmond, 1847-48; Searsmont, 1848-50; China, 18.50-54; Exe- ter, N. H., 1851-56; China, Me., 1850-.59; New Boston, N. H., 1859-62; East Jaflrey, 1862-05; Hanover, 1865; Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, 1851-54; Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1856-57; Member Bd. Trus- tees, from 1863; since 1872, Pastor, Dan- bury, N. H. Charles Morrill. Prin. Dracut Acad, Mass., 18.38-39; Teacher, Lowell, Mass., 1839-45; Prin. Green Gram. School, 1845-67; since 1867, Supt. Public Schools, Lowell, Mass. CONSTANTINE BATES MARSTON, A. M. Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, and Agent Am. Tract Soc, to 1861; ordained, 1858; Farmer, West Waterville, Me. Benjamin Franklin Shaw, A.B., Dartmouth, 18.37; A.M., 1871; D.D., 1872. Newton Theol. Inst., 1839-40; ordained, 1843; Pastor, China, Thomaston, Water- ville, Dexter, Me.; Missionary, Me. Bapt. Miss. Convention ; Member Bd. Trustees since 1870; address, Waterville, Me. Obed Burnham Walker, A. B., Co- lumbian, 1837 ; A.M., 1870. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837-38; Pastor, Livermore, Me., 1839-43; Foxcroft and Dover, 1843-46; Waldoboro, 1846-.50; Brooklin, 18.50-55; Guilford, 18.55-63; Monmouth, 1863-66; Athens, 1869-77; address, So. Norridge- wock, Me. Nathaniel Marshman Williams, A.B., Columhian, 1837; A.M., 1854; D.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1871. Newton Theol. Inst., 1837-39; Pastor, New Sharon, Me., 1840-42; Farmington, 1842-46; Saco, 1846- .52; Somerville, Mass., 1852-61; Ellsworth, Me., 1861-65; Peabody, Mass., 1865-68; Me- thuen, 1868-71; Wickford, R. I., 1871-77; Acting Pastor, Andover, Mass., 1877-81; since 1881, Pastor, Warner, N. II. Author of Notes on the Gospel of Mattheio. 10 Class of 1838. Benjamin Franklin Butler, A.M., 1852; LL.D., 1862, and Williams, 1803. Lawyer, Lowell, Mass., 1840-61; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1853; Member Mass. Senate, 18.59-60; Brig. Gen. Mass.Vols., 1861; Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols., 1861-65; Member 40th, . 41st, 42d,43d U. S. Congress, 1867-75; Law- yer, Boston, Mass. Franklin Everett, A.M. Prin. Black RiverAcad.,Vt., 1839-40 ; Prin. Acad. , Canajoharie, N. Y., 1841-43; Otsego Acad., Cooperstown, 1844r-45; Everett Acad., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1846-72; City Re- corder, 1854; address, Grand Rapids, Jlich. Author of Memorials of the Grand River Valley. Oliver Cromwell Gardiner. As- soc Editor Democratic Review ; in literary pursuits. New York. Author of Life of S. J. Tilden ; Life of Gen. W. S. Hancock. Edgar Harkness Gray, A.M., 1854; D.D., Rochester, 1864. Pastor, Free- port, Me., 1839-43 ; Shelburne Falls, Mass., 1843-47; Bath, Me., 1847-50; Shelburne Falls, Mass., 1850-63; Washington, D. C, 1863-69, and Chaplain U. S. Senate, 1864- 68; Shelburne Palls, Mass., 1869-73; Wash- ington, D. C, 1873-78; San Francisco, Cal., 1879-80; address, Vallejo, Cal. *Levi Beals Hathaway. Newton Theol. Inst., 1838-40; Pastor, Farmington, Me., 1841-42; Rockport, Mass., 1842-43; died, Rockport, Mass., Aug. 1, 1843, aged 33. Crosby Hinds. Lawyer and P.M., Benton, Me. MoSES Jones Kelley, A.M., 1842. Newton Theol. Inst., 1842; Pastor, East Longmeadow, Mass., 1842-43; Saugerties, N. Y.,1844; Amenia, 1845-46; Evangelist, in Mass., 1846-48; Pastor, Oldtown, Me., 1848-49; Frankfort, Gardiner, Noblehoi'O, to 1855; Liberty, Jefferson, Cherrylield, to 1863; Chaplain 6th Me. Vols., 1862-64; Evangelist, in 111., 1865-66; Missionary, Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., 1868-69; Chaplain, Asylum Disabled Soldiers, Togus, 1869-70 ; Post Chaplain, U. S. Army, Oregon, Minn., 22 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF and Dakota, 11^70-79; address, Damaris- cotta, Me. Stp:phen Harvey Mirick, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1843; ordained, 1843; Prin. Young Ladies' Inst., Charlottesville, Ya., 1845-53, and Wasliingtoii, D. C, 18.53- 57: I'astor, Camden, X. J., 1858; Lewis- Inirg, Pa., 1859-66; sines 1867, Clerk 3d Au- ditor's Office, Washington, D. C. * James Oliyek. Teacher in Me., 1838-39; Clerli, arranging Archives of Mass., Cambridge, Mass., 1840-11: Teacher, Concord, 1843; Boston, 1844; died, Cam- bridge, Mass., Jan., 1845, aged 36. Joint author of Wreck nf the Glide. *Nathaniel Gilman Rogers. Prin. * Waterville Acad., Me., 18.38-40; Clerk, U. S. ship Boston, 1840-41; Purser, 1842-43; Teacher in Va., 1845-47; U. S. Army, 1847; died, Mexico, 1847, aged 39. William Albert Shepard, A.M. Civil and Mining Engineer, New Y'ork. Nathaniel Tobey Talbot, A.M., 1853. Lawyer, Rockport, Me., since 1840; Judge of Probate, 1864-68; since 1866, partner in lumber and ice business; ad- dress, Rockport, Me. *Danford Thomas, A.M., 1841; LL.D., 1876. Tutor, 1838-39; Prof. Greek and Latin, Georgetown Coll.,Ky , 1839-69; Prof. Greek and German, 1869-82; died, Georgetown, Ky., May 17, 1883, aged 64. *Elisha Madison Thurston, A.M. Prin. Charleston Acad., Me., 1838-44; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1843; Member Me. Senate, 1846, 1847; Sec. Me. Bd. of Education, 1850-52; Member Bd. of Trustees, 1849-.55; Lawyer, Manhattan, Kan., 185.5-59 ; Mayor, 1859; died, Manliattan, Kan., March 17, 18.59, aged 48. * Frederic Slocum Wiley. Law student, Phila. ; Theol. Seni., Alexandi-ia, Va., 184.5^8; Asst. Rector, Brooklyn, N.Y'., 1848-49; Rector, Episc. Ch., Honesdale, Pa., 1849-.50; Saratoga, N. Y., 18.50-51 ; Phil- adelphia, Pa., 1852-.55; NewY'ork, 18.5.5-63; Cliaplain, 71st N. Y. Vols., 1862; died, Flor- ence, Italy, Jan. 20, 1864, aged 44. 15 Class of 1839. Lewis Barrows, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1842; Pastor, Woolwich, Dex- ter, Hampden, Oldtown, Me.; Rock Isl- and, 111.; Agent Am. and For. Bible Soc, Davenport, Iowa. Andrew Howard Briggs, A.M., 1849. Lawyer, Carmel, Me., 1841-47; Hampden, 1847-.53; Bangor, 1853-65 ; since 1865, Boston, Mass. Samuel Lunt Caldwell, A.M., D.D., 18.58. Newton Theol. Inst., 1845; Pas- tor, Bangor, Me., 1846-.58; Providence, R. I., 18.58-73; Member Bd. Trustees, 18.50-63; Trustee Brown Univ. since 1859; Prof. Eccl. Hist., Newton Theol. Inst., 1873-78; since 1878, President Vassar Coll., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. *ISAAC Chipman, A.m. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil., Acadia Coll., N. S., 1838-52; drowned, near Cape Blomidon, June 7, 1853, aged U. Stephen Coburn, A.M. Represen- tative, .36th U. S. Congress, 1861; Lawyer, Skowhegan, Me. Nathaniel Thomas Fay. Andover Theol. Sem., 1839-40; Bangor Theol. Sem., 1843; since 1843, Pastor Cong. Ch., Mont- gomery, O. ; address, Prairie Depot, Wood Co., Ohio. Abraham Holley Granger, A.M., D.D., 1864. Newton Theol. Inst., 1843 ; Pas- tor, Warren, Me., 184.3-54; Providence, R. L, 18.54-78; Member Bd. Trustees, 1850-66; Trustee Brown LTniv. from 1863; since 1878, Pastor, Biirrillville, R. I. John Johnson, A.M. Bangor TheoL Sem., 1839; Pastor, Charleston, Me., 1839- 43; Addison, 1843-45; Cherryfleld, 1845- .53; business and travel, 18.53-57; Pastor, Charleston, 18.57-75; Sullivan, 1875-80; Repr. Me. Legist., 1866; address. East Sul- livan, Me. * Samuel Sawyer Johnson. Tu- tor, 18:39-41; died, Ludlow, Vt., March 14, 1843, aged 33. RUFUS Lapham. Lawyer and in- ventor; New York. Mylon Merriam. Hamilton Lit. and Theol. Inst., 1842; Pastor, Grafton, Vt., 1842-46; Derby, 1846-48; Waterville, Me., 1848-49; New Gloucester, 18.50-.51; Sharon, Mass., 18.52-58; Newport, N. I-L, 1858-.59; Cavendish, Vt., 18,59-60; Shafts- bury, 1861-63; West Hartford, Conn., 1870- COLBY UNIVEESITY. 23 72; Allendale, K. I., 1875-77; East Provi- dence, 1877-80; since 1881, Coleraine, Mass. David Purinton. Teacher, Hamil- ton, o., i840-42; La^Yyer, Muscatine, la., 1843-47; Prin. Meclianics' Acad., Iowa City, 1847; since 1847, Farmer, Adams, la. * David Aiken Richardson, A.M. Teacher, Alton, 111., 1840-45; St. Louis, Mo., 1845; died, Bangor, Me., March 10, 1847, aged 37. Joseph Ricker, A.M., D.D., 1868. Editor Zion's Advocate, Portland, Me., 1839-43 ; Pastor, New Gloucester, 1843-47 ; Belfast, 1847-52; Woburu, Mass., 1852-58; Chaplain Mass. State Prison, 18.58-61 ; Pas- tor, Milford, 1861-65; Augusta, Me., 1865- 71, and Chaplain Me. Insane Hosp., 1869- 70; Sec. Mass. Bapt. Con v., 1858-66; Mem- ber Bd. Trustees since 1849 ; Sec. Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv. since 1869; Augusta, Me. Joshua Soule Thompson, A.M., 1844. Lawyer, Waterville, Me., 1841-42; Prin. Acad., Swedesboro, N. J., 1842-44; Lawyer, since 1844; COuntj- Prosecutor of the Pleas, 1849-80 ; Pres. Woodbury and Swedesboro R. R. Co. ; Swedesboro, N. J. * William Harrison Thompson. Prin. Acad., Swedesboro, N. J., 1839-42; died, Swedesboro, N. J., Aug. 16, 1842, aged 28. * Edward Williams. Law student, Augusta, 1839-41 ; on whaling voyage, sev- eral years; in business, New Orleans, La. ; died. New Orleans, La., 1862, aged 45. Thomas Goddard Wright, A.M., Hamilton, 1842, and Madison, 1846. Ham- ilton Theol. Sem., 1842; Pastor, Lyons, N. Y., 1844-47; Claremont, N. H., 1847-51; Sandisfleld, Mass., 1851-53; Newark, N. J., 1853-55; Westport, N. Y., 1855-57; Wap- pinger's Falls, 18.57-60; Eoadstown, N. J., 1860-71; Phila., Pa., 1871; Westerly, R. L, 1872-74; Newfane, N. Y., 1874; Watkins, N. Y., 1875-78; Media, Pa., 1878-81; since 1881, Hoosick, N. Y. 18 Class of 1840. Martin Brewer Anderson, A.M., LL.D., 1853. Newton Theol. Inst., 1840-41 ; Tutor, 1841-43, and Librarian, 1842-50; Prof. Rhetoric, 1843-50; Editor New York Recorder, 1850-53; Pres. Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, 1864; Pres. Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1869-72; Memb. N. Y. State Bd. Charities, 1868 ; Assoc. Ed. Johnson's Cyc. ; Trustee Vassar Coll. ; since 1853, President University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. * Samuel Waters Avery. Teach- er, Richmond, Me., 1841-43; Newton Theol. Inst., 1847; Pastor, Lubec, 1849-51 ; Sears- port, 1851-57; Fayette, 1858-64; Lisbon Falls, 1865-68; Sabattus, 1869-70; Sec. Me. Bapt. Miss. Conv., 1860-67 ; Druggist, 1867- 75; died, Lisbon Falls, Me., Dec. 17, 1875, aged 61. * Marshall Spring Chase, A.M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass., 1843-51; San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1851-59; Martinez, 1859-69; died, Martinez, Cal., Jan. 24, 1869, aged 47. *Arthur Fuller Drinkwater, A. M., Brown, 1843. Member Me. Bd. of Ed- ucation, 1847-52; Judge Municipal Court, Ellsworth, 1869-72; Collector Int. Rev. 5th Dist., Me., 1873-76; Editor Ellsworth Amer- ican, 1872-78; Repr. Me. Legisl.,187S; died, Ellsworth, Me., May 27, 1882, aged 63. Barnabas Freeman, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Wiscasset, Me., 1840-41; East- port, 1841; Bucksport, 1842; adm. to the bar, 1843; Memb. Bd. Overseers Bowd. Coll., since 1857; Lawj-er, Yarmouth, Me. William Franklin Goldthwaite, A.M., 1844. Teacher Lit. Inst., Eufaula, Ala., 1841; LoAvndesboro Acad., 1842; Montgomery Acad., 1842; Bellanger's Acad., New Orleans, La., 1843-44; Prof. English, Greek, and Latin, Jeflersow Coll., 1844r-46; Shipping Agent, New Orleans, 1846-49; since 1849, Bookseller, New Or- leans, La. Lewis Holmes. Pastor, Edgar- tOM^i, Mass., 1841-43; Canton, 1843-45; Groton, 184.5-49; Barre, 1849-54; Edgar- town, 1854-58 ; Middlefield, 1859-65; Scitii- ate, 1865-68; Leicester, 1869-76; address, Plymouth, Mass. Author of The Arctic Wlialevian and Whaling ; Biography of ■ Rev. Thomas Conant. * Lebbeus Kingman. Pastor, Sedg- Avick, Me., 1841-42; Guilford, 1843-45; Surry, 1845-48; Veazie, 1848-50; No. Sedg- wick, 1850-54; China, 1854-58; Dexter, 1858-64; New Gloucester, 1864-66; Fruit raising, Vineland, N. J., 1866-69; died, Vineland, N. J., Nov. 15, 1869, aged 59. 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF * William Stevens Knapf. New- ton Theoi. Inst, 1S40-42; Pastor, Bloom- flelcl. Conn., 1845-47; Jolaistown, N. Y., 1847-50; Canaan, 1850-51; died, Canaan Centre, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1851, aged 38. *Geokge Knox, A.M., 1845. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1840-41 ; Pastor, Topsliam, Me., 1841-45; Cornish, 1845-47; Lewistou, 1847-60; Brunswick, 1860-61 ; Chaplain 1st Me. Vols., 1861; Chaplain 10th Me. Vols., 1861-63; Pastor, Lawrence, Mass., 1863-64; Chaplain 29th Me. Vols., 1864; died, near Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 81, 1864, aged 48. * Simeon Heath Lowell, A.M. Prin. St. Brides Acad., Va., 1840-41; Law- yer, East Machias, Me., 1843-55; Phillips, 1855-61; Farinington, 1861-76; Clerk of Courts, 1861-74; died, Farmington, Me., Aug. 2, 1876, aged 59. * Thomas RaINSFORD. Asst. Bridge- water Normal School, Mass., 1841; Private Tutor, Montgomery, Ala., 1842-43: Prin. Acad. , Benton, 1843-44; died, Benton, Ala., July, 1844, aged 29. * Wilder Brown Start. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1840-43; died, Camden, Me., Mar. 18, 1846, aged 31. Oakman Sprague Stearns, A.M., D.D., 1863. Newton Theol. Inst., 1846; Instr. in Hebrew, N. T. I., 1846-47; Pastor, South bridge, Mass., 1847-54; Newark, N.J., 1854-55; Newton Centre, Mass., 1855-68; Member Bd. Trustees, since 1870; since 1868, Prof. Old Testament Interpretation, Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. William Tilley. Pastor, Sidney, Me., 1842-52; Jefferson, 1852-56; West Waterville, 1856-62; Jefferson, 1862-71; Sidney, 1871-75 ; since 1875, Jefferson, JNIe. 15 Class of 1841. Calvin Bickford. Prin. High Sch., Cherryfleld, Me., 1841-43; Warren Acad., 1843-46; Wiscasset, 1846-47; Vassalboro, 1847-48; Warren Acad., 1848-60; Camden, 1862-64; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1865, 1867; Memb. Me. Hist. Soc, 1867; Farmer, War- ren, Me. Alonzo Coburn, LL.B., Harvard, 1845. Lawyer, Skowhegan, Me. * Samuel Weston Coburn, A.M., 1847. Merchant and manufacturer, Skow- hegan, Me., 1843-55; from 18.55, Farmer; died, Skowhegan, Me., July 30, 1873, aged .58. John Wiggin Colcord, A.M., 1846. Prin. Acad., Hancock, N.H., 1842-47; Asst. Boys' High Sch., Portland, Me., 1847-50; Prin. Portland Acad., 1850-53; Asst. Boys' High Sch., 1853-55; Prin. High Sch. Pea- body, Mass., 18.55-57; Young Ladies' Sch., Chicago, 111., 1857-58; Assoc. Editor Zion's Advocate, Portland, Me., 1858-73; Teacher, Portland, Me. JosiAH Harmon. Merchant, Unity, Me. Charles Collins Long. Pastor, Camden, Me., 1843-46; Sedgwick, 1846-.50; Mariaville, 1850-58; Addison, 18.58-61; Ma- riaville, 1862-68 ; Calais, 1868-71 ; Madison, 1871-74; since 1874, Machias, Me. *Thomas Merrill. Newton TheoL Inst., 1844; Pastor, Baring, Me., 1846-47; Merchant, Newburyport, Mass., 1847-49; died, Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 24, 1849, aged 35. John Leese Moses, A.M. Sec, Treas., and Supt., Knoxville & Ohio K. R. Co., Knoxville, Tenu. Calvin Smith Pennell, A.M., An- tioch. Prof. Latin, Antioch Coll.; Prof. Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics, Wash- ington Univ., and Prin. Mary Institute, St. Louis, Mo. Charles Hathorn Wheeler, A.M. Rector Episcopal Ch., Providence, R. I. *J0HN Webster Wiggin. Prin. Townshend Acad., Vt., 1842-43; Pastor, Wilton, N. H., 1844: Westfleld, Mass. ; Ben- ton, Manchester, and Throopsville, N. Y. : died, Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1862, aged 48. * William Webber Woodbury, A. M., 1854. Prin. High Sch., Augusta, 1840- 43; Bath, 1843-48 ; Prin. Conn. Lit. Inst, Sulfleld, Conn., 1848-56; died, Suffield, Conn.. March 18, 1856, aged 40. 12 Class of 1842. Nathaniel Butler, A.M., D.D., 1873. Pastor, Turner, Me., 1845-50; Agent Am. Baptist Miss. Union, 18.50-52; Pastor, Eastport 1852-.55; Rockland, 1855-59; Au- COLBY UNIVEESITY. 25 burn, 1860-63; Camdeu, 1864-69: Alton, 111., 1869-72; Leavenworth, Kan., 1872-73; Ban- gor, Me., 1873-76; Dexter, 1877-78; No.Vas- salboro, 1878-80; Hallowell, 1880-81; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1880; Member Bel. Trustees since 1856; address, Hallowell, Me. *LuciFS Chickering, A.m., 1848. Pastor, Thetford, Vt., 1846-51; Weston, 1851-54; Farmer and Missionary, Lunen- burg, 1854-69; Agent Am. Tract Soc, 1869- 70; Pastor, Weston, 1870-72; died, Wes- ton, Vt., Sept. 18, 1872, aged 56. Henry Vaughan Dexter, A.M., D.D., 1870. Newton Theol. List., 1845; Pas- tor, Calais, Me., 1845-54; Augusta, 1854-60; Calais, 1860-69; Kennebuukport, 1869-71; Baldwiuville, Mass., 1871-75; Member Bd. Trustees since 1863; address, Baldwin- ville, Mass. Aiithor of The Unerring ! Guide ; The Bible Reader. *Thomas Frte,M.D., Univ. N. Y., 1845. Missionary and Physician, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, to Cherokee Mission, 1845-46; Physician, Louisville, Ky., 1846- 47; Rockland, Me., 1847-74; died, Rock- land, Nov. 20, 1874; aged 61. * Samuel Stanley FUllerton. Teacher, Wilmington, Mass., 1842; died, Dracut, Mass., April 19, 1843, aged 31. * Moses Hanscom. Teacher, Ra- leigh, N. C, 1843 ; Merchant, Lowell, Mass., 1845-50; Miner and Photo. Artist, Marys- ville, Cal., 1852-63; cUed, Marysville, Cal., April 20, 1863, aged 38. James Hobbs Hanson, A.M., LL.D., 1872. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 1843-54; Eastport High Sch., 1854-57; Boys' High Sch., Portland, 1857-63; Private Sch., 1863-65; Member Bd. Trustees since 1862; since 1865, Priu. Classical Institute, Water- ville, Me. Annotated and published Cce- sar's Commentaries; Sallust's Catilinej joint editor of Cicero's Orations ; Hand- Boole of Latin Poetry. * Henry McClellan. Law stu- dent, 1842-44; Leather Merchant, New York, from 1844; died, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1879, aged 59. Alfred Morse. Pastor Congre- gational ch., Aiistin, Minn. Volney Augustine Sprague, 4 A.M., 1846. Teacher in the South, 1842-47 ; Lawyer, Corinna, 1848-71 ; since 1871, Dex- ter, Me. 10 Class of 1843. Amos Fletcher Baker, 1849; A.M., 1849. Farmer, Vevay, Ind. *Zachariah Boody Caverly. Lawyer, Lowell, Mass., 1847-53; Sec. U. S. Legation, Lima, Peru, 1853-60 ; Lawyer, Washington, D. C, 1860-62; died, Beau- fort, S. C, May 24, 1862, aged 40. Lyman Chase, ]869; M.D., Dart- mouth, 1846. Physician, Turner, Me., 1846- 48; ordained, 1848; Pastor, Freeport, 1848- 50; Bluehill, 1850-55; Warren, 1855-57; ^ Pittsfleld, N. H., 1857-59; Lake Village, 1860-65; Kennebuukport, Me., 1865-67; Hightstown, N. J., 1867-69; Teacher Nat. Sci., Peddie Inst., 1869-70; Pastor, Methu- en, Mass., 1871-76; San Francisco, Cal., 1876-78; since 1878, Pastor and Physician, Kennebuukport, Me. John Barton Foster, A.M., ]864; LL.D., 1876. Prin. China Acad., 1844-45; Prin. Lexington Acad., Mass., 1845-46; Newton Theol. Inst., 1850; Editor Zion's Advocate, 1850-.58; Member Bd. Trustees, 1856-59; Prof. Greek and Latin, 1858-72; since 1872, Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Colby University, Waterville, Me. Moses Lyford, A.M., 1848; LL.D., 1874. Prin. Kennebunk Acad., Me., 1843- 46; Townshend Acad., Vt, 1846-50; Boys' High School, Portland, Me., 1850-56; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., 1856-72; since 1872, Prof. Nat. Phil, and Astronomy, Colby University, Waterville, Me. James Weymouth Merrill, A.M., 1849. Teacher, Jackson, Miss., 1845-46 Lawyer, Athens, Me., 1850-66; Depy. U, S. Marshal, 1850; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1857 Clerk of Courts, 1859-63; Qrmr. 28th Me Vols., 1863; Charles City, Iowa, 1866-74 County Supt. Sch., 1870-73; since 1874, Lawyer, Real Estate and Ins. Agent, Rock ford, Floyd Co., Iowa. *Benjamin White Norris. Mer- chant, Skowhegan, Me., 1846-51; Oil-Cloth Mfi-., 1852-64; State Laud Agent, 1860-63; Agent Freedmen's Bureau, Montgomery, Ala., 1865-67; Member 40th U. S. Congress, 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 1867-69; died Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 26, 1873, aged 54. * Samuel Philbrick. Died, Wat- erville, Me., Aug. 16, 1844, aged 21. Charles Thomas Trafton, M.D., Jeft'erson, 1846. Physician, Boston, Mass., 1846-50; since 1850, South Berwick, Me. Jabez Mathews Waters, 1868. rirm of Waters & Barrett, Mfrs. of chairs, etc., Cincinnati, O. * Charles Rendol Whidden, A. M., 1859. Lawyer, Calais, Me., 1848-76, and Mayor, 1864-66; County Atty. 12 years; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1868, 1869; Collector of Customs, 1869-73 ; Memb. Boundary Com. ; Memb. Bd. Trustees, 1869-76 ; died, Calais, Me., Dec. 3, 1876, aged .54. Albert Bowman Wiggin', A.M. Teacher, Saugerties, N. Y. * James Hervet Withington, A.M. Prin. Anson Acad., Me., 1843-46; Hallowell Acad.*, 1846-54; Family Sch., Germantown, Pa., 1854-69; So. Amboy, N. J., 1869-77; died. So. Amboy, N. J., June 3, 1877, aged 64. 13 Class of 1844. William Martin Bkcknell. Prin. Anson Acad., Me., 1844-47; Prin. Acad., Plymouth, N. C, 1847-50; Harvard Divinity Sch., 1853; Pastor, Unit. Soc, Pembroke, Mass., 1857-61; Teacher, Mil- ton, Mass., 1861-63; Prin. Acad., Bridge- water, 1864; since 1867, Pastor, Bowe, Mass. * Charles Coburn. Died, Skow- hegan. Me., Oct. 30, 1844, aged 22. * William Corthell. Teacher, Jefferson, 1844-45; Silver Run, Ga., 1846- 47; Sweet Water, 1848-50; Editor Lincoln JliisceZZanj/, Thomaston, Me., 18.50-54; Pas- tor, So. Waldoboro, Me., 1857-60; Hart- land, 1860-63; Montville, 1865-66; No. Sedgwick, 1867-71; Eden, 1871-77; died, Eden, Me., Nov. 29, 1879, aged 62. *J0HN Reed GREENOUGH. Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1847; Pastor, Oldtown, Me., 1847-48; Asst. Clerk Courts, Bangor, 1848-52; died, Bangor, July 10, 1853, aged 28. Sidney Keith, A.M. Judge 41st Judicial Circuit, Rochester, Fulton Co., Ind. Albert Winslow Paine, A.M., 1851. Teacher, Belfast, Me., 1844-48; Mil- waukee, Wis., 1848-.50; Lawyer, Fond du Lac, 1850-61; Dist. Atty., 1856-58; 1st Wis. Vols., 1861; Clerk U. S. Treasurer's Office, Washington, D. C. Samson Powers, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1844-46; Pastor, Winthrop, Me., 1849-54; Mt. Vernon, 1857-65 ; Alfred, 1865-67 ; South Litchfield, Me. * Lorenzo Dow Royce, A. M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1847; Pastor, Thom- aston, 1848-50; died. Maiden, Mass., Sept. 3, 18.50, aged 29. * G-EORGE WOODBRIDGE StICKNEY. Newton Theol. Inst., 1844-46; Pastor, Cam- den, Me., 1848; died, Waterville,Me., Oct. 15, 1850, aged 24. John Bowen Wheelwright,! 853. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1844-46; Pastor Cong, ch., Whitneyville, Me., 1846-49; Weld, 1849-54; Westbrook, ia54-.59; Bethel, 18.59- 67; South Paris, 1867-76; Deeriug,Me. Edgar Whidden. Newton Theol. Inst., 1845-47; Teacher, Calais, Me., 1848- 53; Postmaster, 18.5,3-61 ; in business, 1862- 74; Judge Municipal Court, 1879-80 ; Cal- ais, Me. *Nathaniel Milton Wood, A.M., D.D., 1867. Private Tutor, Columbus, Miss., 1845-46; Western Theol. Inst., Co- vington, Ky., 1846-47; Pastor, Skowhegan, Me., 1848-52; Waterville, 18.52-60; Lewis- ton, 1860-66; Thomaston, 1866-68; Upper Alton, 111., 1868-72; Member Bd. Trustees, 1862-69; Trustee Shurtleff Coll., 1868-74; Prof. Systematic Theol., Shurtleff Coll., 1872-74; died, Camden, Me., Aug. 2, 1876, aged 54. A volume of his Sermons, edited by N. Butler, D.D., was published in 1877. 12 Class of 1845. Theophilus Capen Abbot, A.M., LL.D., Univ. Mich., 1871. Teacher, ToAvn- shend, Vt., 1845-46; Augusta, Me., 1847; Thomaston, 1848; Bath, 1849; Portland, 1849-50; Houltou, 1851; Insti-uctor, Colby Univ., 1852-53; Teacher, Berrien, Mich., COLBY TJNIVEESITY. 27 1855; Ann Arbor, 1856-57; orilaiued to miuista-y in Coug. cli., 1867; Prof. Eug. Lit., 1858-6:5, and since 1863 Pres. State Ag- ricultural Coll., Lansing, Mich. James Winchell Capen, A.M., 1855. Rector Grace Chiu-ch, Whitney's Point, Binghamton P. O., N. Y. *Charles Green Hanscom. Law- yer, Potosi and Oshkosh, Wis., 1847-50; La Crosse, 1851-63; Member Territorial Legisl., Colorado, 1863; shot by Indians, July U, 1864, aged 40. *Hoi3BS Hatch. Piiu. Elliot Acad., Me.; died, WeUs,Me.,Dec.2,1845, aged25. * Augustus Per LLEN. Prin. New- port Acad., Me., 1845-46; Prin. Acad., Williamston, N. C, 1846-47; Newton Theol. Inst., 1847-48; Teacher, Ne^^port and Union, Me., 1848-49; Missionary, Union and Frankfort, 1849-50; died, Oldtown, Me., Axig. 31, 1850, aged 26. Samuel King Smith, A.M., D.D., 1871. Tutor, 1846-47 ; Newton Theol. Inst., 1847-48; Editor Zion's Advocate, 1848-50; Prof. Rhetoric since 1848 ; Librarian, 1851- 73 ; ordained, 1871 ; Colby University, Wa- terviUe, Me. * Jonathan Van Wagenen. In- str., Vt. Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, Yt., 1845-46; Teacher, Macon and Columbus, Miss. ; Telegraph operator, Cape Girar- deau, 111., and Sniithland, Ky. ; died, Smithland, Ky., March 4, 1852, aged 24. 7 Class of 1846. *HuGH Dempsey, a.m. Newton Theol. Inst., 1849. Colporteur in Me., 1849-52; Pastor, Jay, 1853-59; died, Fair- field, Me.,- May 11, 1859, aged 43. JosiAH Hayden Drummond, a. M., 1849; LL.D., 1871. Prin. China Acad. Me., 1846-47; A'assalboro Acad., 1847-48 adm. to bar, 1850; Lawyer, Waterville 1851-60; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1856, 1857, 1869 Speaker Me. House Repr., 18.57, 1869 Member Me. Senate, 1860; Attorney Gen. of Me., 1860-64; Member Bd. Trustees since 1857; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1878; since 1860, Lawyer, Portland, Me. Author of Maine Masonic Text- Book; History of Portland Lodge. *Thomas Webster Herrick. Prin. Waterville Liberal Inst., Me., 1846- -47; adm. to the bar; Hardware dealer, Waterville, 1852-72; died, Eggleslon's Spring, Va., May 7, 1872, aged 55. George Eogers Starkey, A.M., 1805; M.D. Prof. Anat. and Surg., Penn. Hom. Med. Coll., and Physician, to 1869; of firm, Starkey & Palen, Comp. Oxygen Treatment, Philadelphia, Pa. Greenleaf Augustus Wilbur, A.M., 1849; M.B., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1850. Prin. Union Acad., Kennebunk, Me., 1846; Surgeon 11th Me. Vols., 1862; Sur- geon, Provost Mar. Bd., 3d Dist. Me., 1863-65; U. S. Examining Surg., 1877-80; Physician and Surgeon, Skowhegau,Me. 5 Class of 1847. John Smullen Baker. U. S. Provost Marshal, 2d I)ist. Me.; Memb. Executive Council, 1867; Lawyer, Bath; died, Bath, Me., Apr. 27, 1882, aged 55. Stephen Longfellow Bowler, A.M. Med. Dept., Harvard, 1849-50 ; Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 18.50-52; Pastor Cong, ch., Machias, 1853-54; Orono, 1854r-62; Agent Cliristian Com., 1863-65; Pastor, Hmnpdeu, 1865-71; Saccarappa, 1871-74; Machias, 1874-79; since 1879, Bethel, Me. Elk AN AH Andrews Cummings, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1850; Pastor, Amherst, Mass., 1850-.53; Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 18.53-55; Financial Sec, Fem. CoU., Worcester, 1855-64; Publisher, Bos- ton, 1864^68 ; Postmaster, Maple^^'ood, 1868- 77 ; Minister to Mission ch., 1875-80 ; ad- dress, Maplewood, Mass. HiRAM CUSHMAN ESTES, D.D., 1872. Harvard Divinity Sch. ; Pastor, Auburn, 1850-52; Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1852-55; Pastor, Newton, 1855-60; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1859; Pastor, Leicester, Mass., 1860-62; Jericho, Vt., 1862-72; since 1872, Paris, Me. Author of The Christian Doctrine of the Soul. George Greenwood Fairbanks, A.M., 18.50. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1847-49; NewtouTbeol. Inst., 1851; Pastor, Medlield, Mass., 1851-55; Somerville, 18.5.5- 66; So. Dedham, 1866-69; Pres. Bd. Trus- tees, Peirce Acad., 1869-81; since 1869, Middleboro, Mass. 28 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Alexander Gamble. Broker, Sau Fi-aucisco, Cal. Charles Edward Hamlin, A.M., 1850; LL.D., Univ. Lewisburg, 1873. Priii. Vt. Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, Vt., 1847- 48; Priu. Higli Sch., Batli, Me., 1848-49; Assoc. Prin. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suflield, Conn., 1849-53; Merrill Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist., 1853-73; Necrologist Alumni Assoc; Member Bd. Trustees since 1880; from 1873, Curator of Concliology and Palaeontology, Museum Comp. Zool., and Insti'. in Geogr. and Geol., Harvard Univ., 1875-77; address, 11 Mellen St., Cambridge, Mass. Author of Obituary Record of Graduates. Walter Macomber Hatch. Civil Engr., 1847-48 ; Publisher's Agent, 1849-51 ; Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Atlanta, Ga., 1853-57; Member 111. Bd. of Education, 1863-69; Trustee Univ. of Chicago, 1864-70; since 1857, Lawyer, Bloomiugton, 111. Abner Oakes, a. M. Clerk to Sec. of State, 1847-48; Asst. State Libn., 1849-50; Ballston Spa Law Sch., 1850-51; since 1851, Lawyer, South Berwick, Me. Timothy Otis Paine, LL.D., 1875. Instr. in Ano. Lang., New Church Theol. Sch.,Waltham, Mass. ; address, Elmwood, Mass. Author of Solomon's Temple. * Gilbert Lafayette Palmer. Lawyer, Athens, Me., 1849-58 ; Postmaster, 1852-55; died, Athens, Me., March 14, 1858, aged 33. James Monroe Palmer, A.M., 1850. Prin. Waterville Liberal, Me., 1847-48; Prin. Select Sch., Bangor, 1848-50; Bangor Theol. Sem., 1853; ordained, 1854; Ch. Supply, Fairfield, 1853-54; Topsham, 1854-55; New Market, N. H., 1855-58; Pas- tor, Cong. ch. Rochester, N. H., 1858-64; Biddeford, 1864-67; Insurance Agent, Port- land, 1867-75; Publisher's Agent, Boston, Mass., 1875-76; Sec. and Treas. Gas Econo- mising Co.,1877-80; address, Boston, Mass. *WiLLiAM Sanford. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; Repr., Gen. Assembly, R. I.; Judge, Court of Magistrates; died. Providence, R. I., Oct. 17, 1878, aged 55. * Thomas Milton Symonds, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1850; ordained, 1850; Teacher and Minister, Rock, Mass., 1850- 51; Pastor, Green Bay, Wis. ,1851-53; died. Green Bay, Wis., July 4, 1853, aged 31. ^"Augustus Ebenezer Trafton. Druggist, Great Falls, N. H., 1847-53; died, So. Berwick, Me., July 20, 18.53, aged 24. * David Sawyer True, A.M. Priu. Charleston Acad., Me., 1847-48; East Corinth Acad., 1848-51; Lawyer, Daven- port, Io-\va, from 18.52; died, Davenport, Iowa, April 23, 1873, aged 49. Henry Eipley Wilbur, A.M., 1850. Newton Theol. Inst., 1851; Pastor, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 1853-57; Galena, 111., 18.59-64; Peoia, 1S6.5-66; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1806-67; Sheldonville, Mass., 1868-71; Andover, 1872-74; addi'ess,Andover,Mass. Moses Woolson. Prin. Girls' High Sch., Portland, Me., to 1862; Prin. Piib. Sell., Boston, Mass., several years; Concord, N. H. 18 Class of 1848. Junius Artemas Bartlett, Tu- tor, 1850; Pastor Cong, ch., Reedsburgh, Wis. John Chester Hyde, A.M., Lew- isburg, 1864. Priu. Sem., Bucks Co., Pa., 1851-54; Rochester Theol. Sem., 1854-56; ordained, 1852; Pastor, Hastings, Minn., 1856-59; St. Anthony, 1859-61; Camden, N. J., 1861-64; Cape Island, 1865-67; Finan- cial Sec. N. J. Class, and Scien. Inst., Tren- ton, 1866-69; Pastor, Bristol, Pa., 1871-74; address, Bristol, Pa. Jacob Smith Marshall. Mer- chant and Postmaster; died, China, Me., Aug. 21, 1860, aged 33. Joseph Harriden Seaver. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1851; ordained, 1853; S. S. Missionary, Boston, 1853-55; Pastor, Marshfleld, Mass., 18.5.5-56; Brewster, 1857- 58; Georgetown, 1858-62; Barnstable, 1863- 65; Marshfleld,186S-69; Bethel, Lee, Mass., 1870-71; City Missionary, Salem, 1873-73; address, Salem, Mass. * William Nelson Titus. Adm. to bar, 1851 ; Lawyer, Alna, 1852-54 ; died, Monmouth, Me., July 30, 1854, aged 30. Elliot Walker. Lawyer ; Judge of Pi-obate since 1881 ; Newport, Me. 6 COLBY UNIVEESITY. 29 Class of 1849. * Thomas Flint Barton, M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1852. Physician, Jef- ferson, Me., 1852-65; Oldtowu, ISG.I-GT; died, Oldtown, Me., Feb. 7, 1867, aged 41. Solomon Everett Bixby. Pas- tor Cong-, cli., Holland, Mass. Augustus Keuben Brainerd. Gold and silver raining ; address, Royal Hyde Park Hotel, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Maek Andrew Cummings. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1849-50; Prin. No. Ben- nington Acad., Vt., 1852-54; Black River Acad., Ludlovi', 1854-55; Prof. Math, and Xat. Sci., New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., Fairfax, 1855-60; Pastor, No. Fair- fax, 1857-61; Prin. Boys' Boarding Sch. and Hill's i\.cad., Essex, Conn., 1861-70; supply. No. Lyme, 1870 ; address, Maple- wood, Mass. Stephen Rollins Dennen, D.D., Iowa Coll., 1874. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852 ; Resident Licentiate, Andover Theol. Sem., 1853; Pastor Cong, ch., New Haven, Conn. * Henry Smith Downs. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852; Pastor Cong, ch., Nor- ridgewock, 18.52-58; died, Aiiburn, Me., Nov. 25, 1860, aged 38. Mark Hill Dunnell,A.M., 1852; LL.D., Shurtleff, 1868. Prin. Norway Acad, and Hebron Acad., Me., 1849-54; Bepr. Me. Legist., 1854; Member Me. Sen- ate, 18.55; State Supt. Schools, 18.55, 1857- 59; Lawyer, Portland, 1860; Col. 5th Me. Vols., 1861; U. S. Consul., Vera Cruz, Mex., 1862; Lawyer, Owatonna, Minn., from 1865; Repr. Minn. Legisl., 1867; Trus- tee Colby LTuiv., 18.58-67; State Supt. Pub. Instr., Minn., 1867-70; Member 42d to 47th ' U. S. Cong., 1870-82; Washington, D. C. * William Shaw Greene, A.M. Prin. Ea. Corinth Acad., Me., 1849-53; Judson Fem. Sem., Marion, Ala., 18.53-54; Worcester Acad., Mass., 18.54-.58; Lawyer, Springfield, from 1862; died, Springfield, Mass., .lune 21, 1878, aged .55. Hadley Procter Hanson. Teach- er, Milford, Mass., 1849-50; Book-keeper, Boston, 1852-66; Treas. So. Boston R. R. Co., 1866-77; since 1877, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Boston, Mass. * William HoiT Humphrey. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1850-.52; Pastor, Rich- mond, Me., 1854-58; Halifax, N. S., 1858- 62; Supt. Schools and Prin. High Sch., Minneapolis, Minn., 1862-63; from 1863, Pastor, Hastings; died, Hastings, Minn., Dec. 6, 1865, aged 42. Edward Gushing Mitchell, A. M.,1863; D.D., 1870. Newton Theol. Inst., 1853, and Resident Graduate, 18.54; Pastor, Calais, Me., 18.54-56; Brockport, N. Y., 1857-58; Rockford, 111., 1858-63; Prof. Bib- lical I-it. and Interp., Theol. Dept. Shurt- lefl:"Coll., 1863-70; Prof. Hebrew and Old Testament, Lit. Bapt. Tlieol. Sem., Chicago, 111. ,1870-78; President Bapt. Theol. School, Paris, France. Author of The Critical Handbook ; revised Davies' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, and Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar. James Sullivan Newell, A.M. Prin. No. Bennington Acad., Vt, 1849-50; Troy Acad., 18.50-53; Essex Sem., Conn., 1853-60; firm of J. S. Newell & Co., Me- chanical Engrs. and Machinists, Boston, Mass. * Albion Parris Oakes. Prin. Acad., Waldoboro, Me.; Lawyer, from 1852; died, Waldoboro, Me., June 21, 18,59, aged 34. Andrew Croswell Phillips. Prin. Gram. Sch., Portland, Me., 1850-52; Adm. to the bar, 1853; La-wyer, Prairie du Chien., Wis.; Dist. Atty. three years; Lawyer, Phillips, Me.; Countj^ Atty., 1865-68; Ed. Farmington Chronicle, 1867- 68; U. S. Consul, Ft. Erie, Can., 1868-80; City Atty., Sioux Falls, Dakota Ty. George Augustus Pierce, A.M., 1870 ; M.D., Univ. Penn. Providence, R. I. John Rounds. Newton Tbeol. Inst., 1851; Pastor, New Gloucester, Me., 18.52-60; Freeport, 1860-65; Alna, 1865-68; Chelmsford, Mass., 1868-72; Holden, 1872- ; Northfleld, Miun. Albion Keith Parris Small, D. D., 1879. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1849- 51; Pastor, Buckfleld, 1851-58; Bangor, 1858-68; Portland, 1868-74; Memb. Bd. Trustees from 1860 ; since 1874, Fall River, Mass. George McLellan Staples, A. M., M.D., Harvard, 1855. Prin. Hebron 30 GENERAL CATALOGIJE OF Acad., Me.; Gram. Sch., Portland; Phy- sician, Farmington, 1855; from 1856, Du- buque, la.; Surg-. 14tli Iowa Vols., 1861; Med. Director, Gth Div., ICtli A. C, 1863- G4; Bvt. Lt. Col. Vols., 1865; Div. Surg., 111. Central R. E., Dubuque, la. Moses Hakscom Tarbox. Or- dained, 1851; Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855; Pastor F. W. Bapt. ch., Bangor, Me., 185.5-63; Amesburj^ Mass., 1863-65; Cor- nish, Me., 1865-66; Missionary, Penobscot County, 1866-69; Pastor, Dover, 1869-73; Houlton, 1873-74; Missionary, Lewiston, 1874-78; Burnham, 1878-80; since 1880, Pastor, Elk River, Sherburne Co., Minn. *Versal Jesse Walker, A.M. Teacher, Saxton's River, Vt., 1849-50; Prin. China Acad., Me., 1850-.53^; Ea. Cor- inth Acad., 1853^.54; Teacher in Cal., 18.5.5- 59; Prin. High Sch., Winona, Minn., and Supt. Schools, 1859-69; from 1869, Prof. Latin, Univ. of Minnesota; died, Minne- apolis, Minn., May 18, 1876, aged 52. Class of 1850. Moses Clement Blanchard. In- surance Agent, Atlanta, Ga. John Atjgustus Blanchard, A. M. Lawyer, Oldtown, Me. Joseph Blackavell. Lawyer, since 1859, New Liberty, Ky. * Samuel Cole. Theol. Sera., Rochester; Pastor, Belfast, Me., from 1853; died, Beverly, Mass., Nov. 11,1854, aged 30. Charles Fairman, A.M., LL.D., "Shurtleff, 1873. Prin. Litchfield Liberal Inst., Me., 1850-53; Yates Acad., N. Y., 1853-63; Medina Acad., 1863-67; Nunda Acad., 1867-68 ; Prof. Math., Shurtleff Coll., 1868-73; Prin. Cook Acad., Havana, N. Y., 1873-75; since 1875, Prof . Math, and Nat. Phil., Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, 111. Ephraim Hunt, LL.D., 1870. PiiD. Monsou Acad., Me., 18.50-51; High Sch., Gardiner, 1851-.52; lush-., Lafayette Coll., Ala., 185^-53; Eng. High Sch., Boston, Mass.,1854r-68; Head Master Girls' High and Normal Scli., Boston, 1868-73; Supt. Pub. Schools, Portland, Me., 1875-77; since 1877, Supt. Pub. Schools, Newton ; address. Newtonvillc, Mass. Author of Literature of the English Language. * Benjamin Lauriston Knowl- ton. Teacher, Yates Acad., N. Y., 1850- 51 ; Lawyer, fi-om 1854, Jamaica, Vt. ; County Atty., 1856-57; died, Jamaica, Vt., Sept. 19, 18.59, aged 35. George Shepherd Low. Master Commissioner, Circuit Court, Ky., 1862- 68 ; Lawyer, Owenton, Ky. James Harvey Parmelee. Prin. No. Conway Acad., N. H., 1851; Roches- ter Theol. Sem.', 1852-.54; Pastor in Ohio, Iowa, Wis., and 111., 18.54-69; Pastor, Pe- tersham; address, Bernard stou, Mass. * George Marshall Robinson. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.50-53; Pastor, Sid- ney, Me., 18.53-54; Searsmont, 185.5-56; from 1857, carriage maker, Livermore Falls; died, Livermore Falls, Me., Apr. 29, 1873, aged 51. * Lorenzo Austin Smith. Teach- er, in Ohio, 1850-52; Byhalia, Miss., and West Poiut, Ark., 1852-54; Teacher and farmer, Searcy, Ark. ; forced iiito Confed. service, 1864; drowned in White River, Ark., 1864, aged 41. 11 Class of 1851. Thomas Barnes Buck. Merchant, Stockton, Cal. Gilbert Herman Carpenter. Dealer in Musical Instruments, Water- ville. Me. * Albion Byron Clark. Prin. Shelburne Falls Acad., Mass., 1851-54; Newton Theol. Inst., 1854^55; Pastor, Skowhegan, Md, 1855-59; Agent Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, New York, 1859-63; Pas- tor, Columbia, Cal., 1863; died, Skowhe- gan, Me., Sept. 9, 1865, aged 39. *JoHN Oberon CooLiDGE. Prin. Patten Acad., Me., 1851-52; Prin. County School, Woodstock, 111. ; died, Woodstock, 111., Aug. 28, 18.52, aged 35. James Stanley Emery., Prin. vt. Lit. and Sci. Inst., Brandon, Vt., 1851-52; Memb. Kan. Legisl., 1863-64; U. S. Dist. Atty., 1864-67 ; Memb. Bd. Regents, StateUuiv., 1863, 1874; Pres. Bd. Trustees, Ottawa- Univ., 1868-78; since 1854, Lawyer, Lawrence, Kan. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 31 John Gamble. Teacher, Big Oak Flat, Cal. Thomas Herset Garnsey. Prin. Talladega Acad., Ala., 1851-53; Lawyer, Bangor, Me., 1S55; Eepr. Me. Legisl., 1865-66; New York. William Ha.stings Hodges. Civil Engineer and Teacher, Liucolnville Cen- tre, Me. William Godding Lord, A.M. Prin. Limiugton Acad., Me., 1851-.56; Teacher, Ware, Mass., 18.56-57; High Sch., Saccarappa, 1860-64; Prin. Gorhain Sem., 186.5-87, and Village Sch., 1872-75; High Sch., Scarboro, 1876-79; Prin. Limington Acad., 1857-60, 1864-65, 1867-73, 187.5-76, and since 1879; Limiugton, Me. Burleigh Pease, A. M., 1857. Teacher Public Schools, Bangor, Me., till 1880; Bangor, Me. Aaron Appleton Plaisted. Lawyer, Dubuque, la., 18.54-.57; since 18.57, Cashier Ticonic Nat. Bank, Waterville, Me. 11 Class of 1852. Francis Macomber Dodge. Wenhani, Mass. George Washington Dow, A.M., Brown, 18.55. Post-grad, student, Brown, 1853; Prin. High Sch., Lexington, Mass., 18.54; Brighton, 1855 ; Prof. Math. Burling- ton LTniv., 1857-.58; Prin. Ogdeu Sch., Chicago, Hi., 1859-90; U. S. Recruiting Officer, 1863-64; since 1864, in business, Moline, 111. George Boardman Gow, A.M., 1861; D.D.,1881. Prin. Litchfield Inst., Me., 1853; Waterville Acad., 1853-55; Newton Theol. Inst., 18.58; Pastor, Ayer, Mass., 18.58-61; Prin. New London Inst., N. H., 1861-64; Pastor, Gloucester, Mass., 1864- 67; Worcester, 1867-72; Agent, Worcester Acad., 1872-74; Pastor, Millbury, 1874-80; since 1880, Brattleboro, Vt. William Henry Hobbie, A.M. Publisher's Agent, New York. * Ebenezer Hawks Libby. Pnn. Vassalboro Acad., Me., 18.53-.54; Pastor, F. W. Bapt. ch., East Hebron, 1860-61; East Raymond, 1861; 25th Me. Vols., 1862-63; ,32(1 Me. Vols., 1864; Pastor, Windham, 1865; dietl, Windham, Me., Sept. 18, 1868, aged 45. *Selden Fletcher Neal, A.M., 1861; M.D., Harvard, 18.57. Prin. No. Anson Acad., Me., 1852; Hebron Aoad., 1857-61; Teacher of Math., Me. State Sem., Lewiston, 1861-63; Prof. Math., Bates Coll., 186.3-64; Surg.' U. S. Vols., 1864^65; Physician from 1866, Livermore Palls; died, Livermore, Me., Mar. 20, 1872, aged 49. * Richard Means Nott, A. M. Prin. High Sch., Red Creek, N. Y., 1852- 55; Calais, Me., 1855-57; Rochester Theol. Sem., 18.59; Pastor, Rochester, N. Y., 1859- 65; in business, Atlanta, Ga., 1865-68; Pastor, Aurora, 111., 1809-72; Wakefield, Mass., 1872-74; died, Wakefield, .Mass., Dec. 21, 1880, aged 49. Author of Memoir of Abner Kingman Nott. George Marshall Preston. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.55; Pastor, Stur- bridge, Mass., 185.5-58; Medford, 1858-68; Wooster, O., 1869-71; Independence, la., 1871-73 ; Oldtown, Me., 1873-78 ; Lanesboro, Mass., 1878-80; since 1880, Cheshire, Mass. Daniel Webster Wilcox. Eoch- ester Theol. Sem. ; Clergyman, Shelburne Falls, Mass. 9 Class of 1853. Jotham Francis Baldwin, A.M. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me., 18.53-54; Wash. Acad., E.Machias, 1854-55 ; Lawyer, Belle Plaine, Minn., 1856-60; Memb. Minn. Senate, 1858-60; since 1860, Cincinnati, O. William Pitt Bartlett. Prin. Hallo well Acad., Me., 18.53-55; Lawyer, Watertowu, Wis., 18.56; Member Wis. Legist., 1860, 1873; Dist. Attorney, 6 years; County Judge, 2 years; Register U. S. Land Office, 187.5-79; since 1857, Eau Claire, Wis. *George Bradley. Lawyer, Ban- gor, Me., 1855-56; Belle Plaine, Minn., 18.56-65; Speaker, 1st sess. Minn. Legist., 18.58; Receiver, U. S. Land Office, 1860; 2d Lt. 8th Minn. Vols., 1862; Maj. and Lt. Col. 7th Minn. Vols., 1862-65; from 1865, Lawyer, Minneapolis ; died, Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 11, 1879, aged 46. George Bullen, A.M., and Brown, 32 GENERAL CATALOGTJE OF 1876; D.D., 1880. Newton Thcol. Inst., 1858; Pastor, Skowhegan, Me., 1860-03; Cliaplain 16th Me. Vols., 180-2-63; Pastor, Wakefleld, Mass., 1864-66 ; since 1868, Paw- tucket, R. I. Charles Henry Davis. Worces- ter, Maes. John Atkinson Loavell, A.M. Prin. Parsonsfleld Sera., Me., 1853-57; Teacher, Me. State Sera., Lewistou, 1857- 60; Pastor, F. W. Bapt. ch., Lewistou, 1861-69; Newmarket, N. H., 1869-70; Law- rence, Mass., 1870-72; Res. Lie., Amlover Theol. Sem., 1872-73; Member Bil. Trus- tees, Bates Coll., from 1863; since 1873, Pastor, Danville, N. H. Alfred Owen, A.M., D.D., Kala- mazoo, i87i. Newton Theol. Inst., 1858; Pastor, Lynn, Mass., 18.58-67; Detroit, Mich., 1867-77; Chicago, 111., 1877-79; since 1879, President Deuison Universitj', Gran- ville, O. Henry Miller Pierce, A.M., 1857; LL.D., Lewisburg, 1866. Prin. New- castle Acad., Me., 1853-55; High Sch., Clii(% opee, Mass., 1856-.57; Pros. Rutgers Coll. for Women, New York, 1858-71 ; since 1871, in charge Chemical Works, Chicago, 111. ; residence, Grand Rapids, Mich. Harris Merrill Platsted, A.M., LL.B., Albany, 18.55. Prin. Waterville Lib. Inst., Me., 1853; Lawyer, Bangor, since 18.56; Capt. and Lt. Col. 11th Me. Vols., 1861; Col. 11th Me. Vols., 186-2; Brig. Gen. and Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols., 1865; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1867, 1868; Atty. Gen., Me., 1873- 76; Member 44th U. S. Congress, 1875-76; Governor of Maine, 1881, 1882; Augusta, Me. Author of Digest of Maine Reports. * Frank Plumer. Lawyer, Da- venport, la., from 1856; died, Davenport, la., Sept. 11, 1866, aged 39. HoBART Wood Richardson, A.M. Tutor, 1855-63; U. S. Land Office, Wash- ington, D. C, 1863-64; U. S. Coast Survey, . Portland, Me., 1864-66; Editor Portland Press, 1866-68; Supervisor Census, 1880; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1877; since 1868, Editor Portland Advertiser, Portland, Me. Author of Paper Money; The National Banks. Robert Folger Stratton, M.D., Harvard, 1857. Physician, Knox Co., 111., 1857-62; Surg. 11th 111. Cav., 1862; U.S. Exam. Surg., since 1865; Saint Joseph, Mich. Stephen Rollo Thurston, A.M. Commission Merchant, Portland, Me., 1854-67; Ins. Agent, 1867-73; Sec. Seaton Mt. Mining Co., Chicago, III. Joshua Woodman Weston, A.M. Prin. Conway Acad., N. IL, 18.5.3-,54 ; Bridg- ton Acad, 18.5.5-.57; Instr. Math., Antioch Coll., 1858-60; Teacher, Decatur, 111., 1863- 66; Supt. Pub. Schools, La Crosse, Wis., 1872-77 ; since 1877, drug business and real estate. La Crosse, Wis. 14 Class of 1854. * Derrick Stafford Bridgham. Engineer and farmer, in Cal., 1855-58; drowned, Frazer River, Oct. 17, 18.58, aged 24. Albion Keith Parris Knowlton, A.M. Prin. No. Conway Acad., N. H., 1854-55; Thomaston Acad., Me., 1856-,59; High Sch., Lewistou, 1860-63; adm. to the bar, 1860 ; Judge Municipal Court, 187-2-76 ; City Solicitor, 1881-82 ; Lewistou, Me. * Cyrus Wesley Lander, 1875. Prin. Bloomfield Acad., Me., 1854-55; Teacher and miner, Columbia, Cal., 1856- 61 ; Supt. Pittsburg R. R. and Coal Mining Co., 1861-64; from 1867, Lawyer, Martinez ; Cuuuty Judge froiu 1S70; died, Martinez, Cal., Jan. 16, 1874, aged 45. Samuel Worcester Matthews, A.M., 18.58. Prin. Lee Acad., Me., 18,54; Williamston Acad., N. C, 1856-59; Corinna Acad., Me., 1859 ; Lawyer, Hampden, 1800- 79; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1873; Editor and proprietor Aroostook Republican, Caribou, Me. Henry Allen Sawtelle, A.M., D.D., Hillsdale, 1874. Priu. High Sch., Waterville, Me., and Tutor, 1854-55; New- ton Theol. Inst., 18.58; Pastor, Limerick, Me., 1858-59; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, to Hovig Kong and Swatow, China, 1859-61; Pastor, San Francisco, Cal., 1862- 76; Assoc. Ed. The Evangel, 1862-64; Ed. r/te Spare iJo7{r, 1868-70 ; since 1877, Pas- tor, Chelsea, Mass. Author of The Com- munion ; Things to Think Of. *JoHN Butler Wilson, A.M.; COLBY UNIVERSITY. 33 M.D., Jefferson, 1859. Priii. Ea. Corinth Acad., and High Sch., Dexter, Me., lSo4- 57; Pliysician, Exeter, 1860-61 ; Capt. 1.5th Me. Vols., 1861-63; Surg. 7th U. S. Inf.; Med. Inspector, Dist. of Ela.; from 1865, Dexter, Me. ; died. Dexter, Me., Mar. 15, 1866, aged 3-2. 6 Class of 1855. Nathan Weston Blanchard, 1874; A.M., 1877. U. S. Collector, Placer Co., Cal., 1860-61; Memb. Assembly, 1863; Lumber Merchant to 1872 ; Firm of Blanch- ard & Bradley, Flour Mills, Santa Paula, Cal. * James Ttlee Bradbury, A.M. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 1855-58; Vas- salboro Acad., 185S-59; from 1859, West Liberty Acad., West Va. ; died, West Lib- erty, W. Va., June 14, 1863, aged 37. David Fifield Crane, A.M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Larkin Dunton, a.m., LL.D., 1880. Prin. Lincoln Acad., Newcastle, lAIe., 1856-57; Lawj^er, Waterville, 1858-59 ; Prin. High Sch., Bath, 1859-67; Sub-Mas- ter La-\yi-euce Sch., Boston, Mass., 1867- 68, and Prin. 1868-75; Head Master Girls' High and Normal Sch., Boston, Mass. Charles Freeman Foster, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1855-.57; Pastor, So. Amesbury, Mass., 1857-59; Biddeford, Me., 1859-61; Yarmouth, 1861-63; Chap. State Almshouse, Tewksbury, Mass., 1864-66; Chap, and Asst. Supt., State Pri. Sch., Monson, 1866-75; Prin. Fam. Sch. for Boys, Chicopee, 187.5-77 ; High Sch., Chester, Pa., 1877-78; since 1878, Supt. Pub. Schools, Chester, Pa. Reuben Foster, A.M. Prin. Vas- salboro Acad., Me., 1855-56; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1866, 1867, and Speaker, 1870; Member Me. Senate, 1871, and President, 1872; since 1858, Lawyer, Waterville, Me. Oliver Crosby Gray, A.M., 1869, and St. John's, 1868. Prin. Pub. Schools, Minneapolis, Minn., 1855-56; Monticello Acad., 1857-58; Fem. Sem., Princeton, Ark., 1860, 1866-67; Col. Confed. Army, 1861-64; Prof. Math., St. John's Coll., 1868-71, and President, 1872-74; since 1874, Prof. Math, and Civil Engineering, Arkan- sas Industrial Univ., Fayetteville, Ark. 5 * William Solyman Heath. LaAvj'er, Minneapolis, Minn., 1856-58; Vice-Consul U. S., Montreal, Can., 1S58-.59; La\A'yer, Rockland, Me., 18.59-61; Capt. 3d Me. Vols., 1861; Lt. Col. 5th Me. Vols., 1861 ; killed at battle of Gaines' Mills, Va., June 37, 1863, aged 28. * Washington Irving Humphrey. Newton Theol. Inst., 1855; died, Yar- mouth, Me., Feb. 13, 1856, aged 26. John Warren Lamb, A.M. Prin. Lebanon Acad., Me., 1855-59; Waterville Acad., 1862-65; Prof. Math., Bates Coll., 1865-68; Insurance Agent, Hartford, Conn. Samuel Kelley Leavitt, A.M. Insti". Lit. and Scien. Inst., New London, N. H.; Prin. High Sch., Holyoke, Mass., Hallowell, Me., and Evansville, Ind. ; adm. to the bar, 18.59; Lawyer, Evans- ville, 1861-70; Capt. 65th Ind. Vols., 1862- 65; Pastor, Keokuk, la., 1870-72; since 1872, Cincinnati, O. *RuFus Knight Marriner, A.M., 1867. Asst. Boys' High Sch., Portland, Me., 18.55-57; adm. to the bar, 1859; Prin. Waverly Inst., N. Y., 1859-60; Lawyer, Waverly, 1860-62; Teacher, Santa Rosa, Sacramento, and San Francisco, Cal., 1862-67; from 1867, Lawyer; died, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 19, 1875, aged 44. Tristram Franklin McFadden, A.M. Adm. to the bar, 1858; Lawyer, Fairfield, Me.; Publishers' Agent, Cam- bridge, N. Y. John William Parrington. Asst. Boys' High Sch., Portland, Me., 1857; Lawyer, Americus, Kan. Joseph Gancello Pettengill. Lawyer, Emporia, Kan. Charles Jenkins Prescott, A.M. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1855-56 ; Instr. in Classics, Mobile Coll., Ala., 18.56-62; Instr. Math. Eagleswood Mil. Acad., Perth Am- boy, N. J., 1862-68; Prin. Essex Hall Sch., Orange, N. J., 1868-80; since 1880, Prin. Pub. Sch. No. 13, Jersey City; i-esideuce, Orange, N. J. Charles Francis Richards, A. M., 1864. Treas. Camden Savings Bank, Rockport, Me. Henry Kendall Trask, A.M., 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF LL.D., 1881. Prill, moomfleld Acad., Me., 1855-57; Prin. High Sch., and Supt. Sch., Morris, 111., 1857-61; Prin. Wajdand Acad., Beaver Dam., Wis., 1861-68; since 1868, Priu. So. Jersey Institute, Bridgeton, N.J. * Hiram Fuller Wall. Died, Hallowell, Me., Sept. 13, 1855, aged 21. *Legh Richmond Webber. Teacher, New Portland, Me., 1855-.56; Troy, Vt., 1856-57; Teacher and larmer, Kansas, 1857-61; U. S. Vols., 1861-64; died, Augusta, Me., Jan. 5, 1866, aged 35. Charles Frederick Weston, A. M., 1872. Newton Theol. lust., 1855-56; Rochester Theol. Sem., 1858-59; ordained, 1863; Pastor, Lincoln, Fayette, Me.; Rus- sell, Mass. ; E. Avon, N. Y. ; Fowlerville, Mich'. ; Orleans, N. Y. ; Limericli, Me. ; ad- dress, Skowhegan, Me. *EoscoE James White. Lawyer, Belfast, Me., 18.59-60; Merchant and tan- ner, Princeton, Me., 1860-65; died, Augus- ta, Me., Aug. 30, 1868, aged 32. *J0HN Woodman. Drowned, Wa- terville. Me., June 27, 1855, aged 25. 23 Class of 1856. Abi.jah Robinson Crane. New- ton Theoi. Inst., 1861; Pastor, Hallowell, Me. , 1861-74 ; Financial Agent, Colby Univ. , 1874-75 ; Member Bd. Trustees from 1871 ; since 1877, Pastor, East Winthrop, Me. Charles Carroll Low, A. M., I860. Farmer, Guilford, Lake City P. O., Minn. *Charles Andrew Miller, A.M. Adm. to the bar, 1858 ; Lawyer, Rockland, Me., 18.59-63; Asst. Clerk Me. Ho. Reps., 1858, 1859, and Clerk, 1860-63; Major, 2d Me. Cav. Vols., 1863-64; Planter, Mont- gomery, Ala., fi'om 1865; Sec. of State, Ala., 1869, 1870; died, Skowhegan, Me., May 7, 1877, aged 42. Asa Perkins. Newton Theol. Inst., 1858-60 ; Pastor, Rockport, Me., 1860- 62; E. Harrington, 1863-66; Livermore Falls, 1867-68; Limerick, 1870-77; Fayette Corner, Me. Joseph Augustus Ross. 2()th Me. Vols., 1862-65; 1st Lieut. 41st U.S. C. Vols.; from 1875, Lawyer ; County Atty., 1877-78 ; Princeton, Minn. *RoscoE Greene Smith, A.M. lustr. Nat. Sci., F. W. Bapt. Inst., New Hampton, N. IL, 1856-58, and Prin., 18.58- 60; died, Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 31, 1860, aged 28. Charles Henry Smith, A. M. Prin. High Sch., Eastport, Me., 1856-60; Lawyer, Machias, 1865; Member Me. Senate, 1866; Capt. 1st Me. Cav., 1861; Maj.,Lt. Col., and Col., 1863; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1864; Bv. Maj. Geu. Vols., 1865; Col. 28th U. S. Inf., 1866; Bvt. Brig. Gen.,U. S. A., 1867 ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A., 1867; since 1869, Col. 19th U. S. Inf., Ft. Brown, Texas. * Charles Wesley Snow, A.M., M.D., Bowdoin, 1860. Physician, Skow- liegau. Me.,- from 1860; Asst. Surg. U. S. A., Augusta, 1864-65: died, Skowhegan, Me., Sept. 28, 1876, aged 42. Class of 1857. Jonathan Quincy Barton, A.M., 1867. Paymaster, U. S. Navy; U. S. Str. "Nipsic," care B. F. Stevens, 4 Trafal- gar Square, London, Eng. * Stephen BooTHBY. Prin. Select Sell, for Boys, Bangor, Me., 18.58; Lawyer, Portland, 1860-61; 1st Me. Cav., 1861; 1st Lt. and Capt., 1862; Major and Lt. Col., 1863; mortally wounded, Beaver Dam Station, Va., 1864; died, Point Lookout, Md., June 5, 1864, aged 30. *JoHN Brackett Bradbury. Teacher, Grafton, Mass., 1857; died, Lim- ington, Me., Apr. 27, 1858, aged 24. Henry Lewis Chase. Teacher, 18.57-60; East Windsor Theol. Sem., 1861- 62; Audover Theol. Sem., lS(i3; Pastor, Cong, ch., North Carver, Mass., 1863-67; Dyersville, la., 1867-70; Green Mountain, la., 1870-81; Green Mountain, la. William Johnson Corthell. Prin. High Sch., Calais, Me., 18.57; County Supt. Piib. Sch., 1869; Supt. Public Sch., Calais, 1869-70; Repr. Me. Lcgisl., 1873, 1874 ; Member Me. Senate, 1875 ; State Supt. Sch., 1876; Member Bd. Trustees, fi-om 1877; since 1878, Prin. State Noi-mal Sch., Gorham, Me. COLBY UNIVEESITY. 35 Augustus Allen Fletcher. Teacher, Lincoluville, Me. Zenas Paine Hanson, M.D., Chi- cago, isei. Surg. 42(1 111. Vols.; Phj^si- cian, Chicago, 111. Henet Augustus Hart, A. M., 1862. Newton Theol. lust., 1860; Pastor, Rockland, Me., 1860-65; Yarmouth, 1865- 69; since 1809, of firm. Hart & Co., Wool dealers, Portland, Me. Alanson Currier Heerick. Prin. Hebron Acad., Me., 1801-71; Union Theol. Sem., 1866; Kepr. Me. Legisl., 1807, 1808; Pastor, Cauton, Me., 1873-70; since 1876, Freeport, Me. George Mellen Prentiss King, A.M., 1865. Instr. Rhet., Maryland Agric. Coll., 1858-59; Pastor, E. Providence, E. I., 1860-67; since 1867, Pres. Wayland Sem- inary, "Washington, D. C. Francis Mayo. Francis Lyford Morse, A. M., 1805. Prof. Math., Hanover Coll.; New Albany, Ind. * Joseph Odell. Prio. Lebanon Sem., Ivy., and Editor Central Kentuckian, 1857-59 ; Editor liichmond Messenger, 1860 ; Editor Daily Commercial, New Albany, Ind., 1800-67; Assoc. Ed. Journal, La Fay- ette, Ind., from 1867; died, La Fayette,, - lud., Oct. 19, 1871, aged 38. * Moses Jewett Peescott. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1860; Pastor, Kennebunk- port, Me., 1860-03; died, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 5, 1803, aged 31. Russell Benjamin Shepherd. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me., 18.57-58; Girls' High Sell., Bangor, 1859-62; adm. to the bar, 1862; Adjt. 18th Me. Vols., 1862; Major 1st Me. Art, 1863; Lt. Col. and Col., 1864; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1865; Cotton Planter, Ga., 1865-69; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1875, 1876; Member Me. Senate, 1877; Member Executive Council, 1878; since 1875, Agt. Coburn Woolen Mfg. Co., Skow- hegan, Me. Jonathan Godfrey Soule, A. M., 1805. Prin. Hartland Acad., Me., 1857-59; Inst. Evansville Sem., Wis., 1859- 63; Prin. Hartland Acad., Me., 1863-67; Foxcroft Acad., 1867-71; since 1871, La\y- yer, Waterville, Me. Charles Frederick Vent. Pub- lisher, Cincinnati, O. Go WEN Coombs Wilson. Priu. High Sch., Hallowell, Me., 1857-59; Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1801; Pastor Cong, ch., Winterport, 1861-66 ; since 1866, Windsor, Conn. 18 Class of 1858. Thomas Foxwell Bachelder, A.M., 1870. Prin. High Sch., Columbia, Me., 1858-.59; Lawyer, Grand Rapids, Wis., 1859-64; since 1865, San Francisco, Cal. Charles Pierce Baldwin, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Bangor, Me., 1859-61; Capt. 11th Me. Vols., and Bvt. Col., 1864; Lt. Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1865- 00; since 1800, silver mining, Georgetown, Col. Simon Steatton Beown, A.M., 1803. Lawyer, Fi-eedom, Me., 1859-04; Fairfield, 1804-81; Member Executive Council, 1879-80; Waterville, Me. * Sabine Emeey. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me., 1858-60; Prin. High Sch., Eastport, 1800-61; Capt. 9th Me. Vols., 1861; Major, Lt. Col. and Col., 1862-64; adm. to the bar, 1804; Lawyer, Balti- more, Md., 1865-68; died, Baltimore, Md., March 24, 1868, aged 34. Jonathan Cilley Fales, A.M. lustr. Nat. Scien., Morse Acad., New Al- bany, Ind. ; Prof. Natural Sciences, Centre Coll. of Ky., Danville, Ky. Isaac Small Hamblen, A. M. Prin. Waterville Acad., Me., 1858-61; Mer- chant and law student, 1861-65; Newton Theol. Inst, 1808; Pastor, Eockland, Mass., 1868-72; Wichendon, 1872-80; since 1880, Holden, Mass. Amos Lunt Hinds, A.M. Farmer, Benton, Me. Benjamin Feanklin Laweence, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1859-60; Pas- tor, Cape Neddick, Me., 1863-65; Corinth, 1865-67; Dexter, 1807-70 ; Brunswick, 1870- 73; Groton, Mass., 1873-79; since 1881, Mer- iden, N. H. *JosEPH WinslowLevett. Asst. in Seminary, Hernando, Miss., 1859; Prin. 36 GENEEAL CATALOGUE OP Fern. Inst, New Britaiu, Pa., 1860; pri- vate, Confed. Army ; died, Memphis,Tenn., Sept., 1866, aged 28. Horace Baerows Marshall, A.M. Pastor, Turner, Me., 1860-62; Bux- ton, 1862-65; Waldoboro, 1865-68; Mar- tha's Vineyard, Mass., 1868-73; Chelms- ford, 1873-75; Kingston, 1875-80; Oldtown, Me., 1880-81; County Missionary, Pipe Stone City, Minn. * William Tripp Parker. Prin. High Soh., Ellsworth, Me., 1858-59; Prof. Math. Betliel Coll., Ky., 1859-60; Lawyer, Ellsworth, Me., 1861-62; 1st Lieut, and Capt. 1st Me. Art., 1862; killed in battle, Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 19, 1864, aged 24. Everett Wilson Pattison, A.M., Shurtleff, 1866. Prin. W. Gardiner Acad., Me., 1858-.59; Insti'. Oread lust., Worcester, Mass., 1860-61; Private, 2d Mass. Vols., 1861 ; 1st Lieut, and Judge Advocate 1st Div. 12th A. C, 1862; Capt., 1864; since 1865, Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. Author of Digest of Missouri Reports. GrEORGE GilmanPercival, A.M., 1862; M.D., Bellevue, 1863. Sheffield Sci. Sch.,1860; Asst. in Chem., Yale, 1861-62; Asst. Surg. U. S. Vols., 1863-65; Prof. Chem. Homeop. Med. CoU., Pa., 1868-69; Druggist, Phila., Pa., to 1870; Photo. En- graver, New York, to 1880; Mfg. Chemist; Waterville, Me.. Charles Henry Eowe, A. M., 1864. Newton Theol. Inst., 1861; Pastor, Holyoke, Mass., 1861-62; Augusta, Me., 1862-64; Chaplain U. S. Mil. Hosp., 1864- 65; Pastor, Boston, Mass., 1866-71; Wey- mouth, 1871-74; Wollaston Heights, 1874- 78; Cambridge, 1878-81; since 1881, Mys- tic Bridge, Conn. JuDSON Wade Shaw, A.M., 1865. Resident Licentiate, Theol. Sem., Andover, Mass. * Hampton Dunreath Plummer Small. Teacher, Winthrop, Dresden and Dixmont, Me., 1858-62; died, Mt. Vernon, Me., Aug. 23, 1862, aged 29. 16 Class of 1859. Alfred Eliab Buck. Prin. High Sch., Hallowell, and Lewiston, Me., to 1861 ; Capt. 13th Me.Vols.,1861; Lt. Col. 91st U. S. Vols., 1863; Lt. Col. 51st U. S. Vols., 1864; Bvt. Col. Vols., 1865-66; mfr. turpen- tine and rosin, Ga., 1866-67; Clerk Circuit Court, 1868; Member 41st U. S. Cong., 1869- 70; Clerk U. S. Dist. Court, Atlanta, Ga. Stephen Copeland Fletcher, A.M., 1865. Capt. 7th Me. Vols., 1861, and Major; Lt. Col. 1st Me. Vet. Vols., 1864; Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1865-67; ordained, 1866; Pastor, Wilton, N. H., 1867-73; since 1873, New London, N. H. *Alexander Fuller, A.M., 18G5. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1862; Pastor Cong, ch., Plymouth, Mass., from 1863; died, Kingston, Mass., Dec. 5, 1869, aged 30. Foster Goodrich. 2d Lieut. 1st Me. Vet. Vols., 1864; 1st Lieut., 1865; La\v- yer, Blue Earth City, Minn. Levi Ludden. Prin. Boys' Gram. Sch., Bangor, Me., 1860; High Sch., Mil- ford, 1861; High Sch., Prince William, N. B., 1862-63; Private, 1st D. C. Cav., 1864; 2d Lieut. 41st U. S. Vols., 1864-65; Prin. Wilkiusburg Acad., Pa., 1866-69; since 1869, Prin. Preparatory Dept., Western Univ. of Pa., Pittsburg, Pa. *JuDAH Teague Pompilly, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1859-60 ; Asst., Hughes High Sch., Cincinnati, O., 1860-63; from 1863, Insurance Agent; died, Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1870, aged 33. HiEAM Chanet Vaughan, M.D., Harvard, 1864. Prin. Athens Acad., Me., 1859-60; Hallowell High Sch., 1860-61; Hosp. Steward, 14th Me. Vols., 1861-62; Capt. 24th Me. Vols., 1862-63; Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1864-65; in charge Hosp. for Freedmen, Jacksonville, Fla., 1865-66; Phy- sician, Lewiston, Me., 1867-68; Manager Life Ins. Co., St. Louis, Mo'., 1869-78; since 1878, Editor Ellsworth American, Ells- worth, Me. 7 Class of I860. George Brainerd Buzelle. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1863; U. S. Chr. Com., and Am. S. S. Union till 1868; Act- ing Pastor, Princeton, Me., 1868-69; since 1869, in business pursuits, Portland, INIe. Joseph Freeman Elder, D.D., Madison, 1875. Prin. Hebron Acad., 1860- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 37 61; Private tutor, Ohio, 1862-64; Rochester Theol. Sem. 1867; Pastor, Orange, X. J., 1867-70; since 1870, Madison Ave. ch., W. 53d St., New York. JosiAH Manchester Haynes, 1863, A.M. Prin. Lincoln Acad., New- castle, Me., 1860-62; La-^yer, New York, 1864; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1S7G-77; Member Me. Senate, 1878, and President, 1879; since 1865, sliipbuilding, lumber and ice business, Augusta, Me. John Henry Jackson, A. M., M.D., Bowdoiu, 1868. Prin. Acad., Effing- ham, N. H., and Lincoln, Me., to 1862; Union Sch., Grand Rapids, Wis., 1862-65; Pliysician, Vassalboro, Me., 1868-73; since 1873, Fall River, Mass. Henry Abial Kennedy, 1862. U. S. Collector Customs, Waldoboro,JMe. Almore Kennedy, A.M., 1872. Member Me. Senate, 1872-73; Judge of Probate ; Member Bd. Trustees from 1877 ; since 1862, Lawyer, Waldoboro, Me. Ransom Norton, A.M. Prin. High Sell., Livermore, Me., 1860-61; Corinna Acad., 1861; High Sch., Oldtown, 1861-62; High Sch., Eliot, 1862-63; High Sch.,Ux- bridge, 1863; Houlton Acad., 1864; Clerk of Courts, 1868-80; since 1866, Lawyer, Houlton, Me. Levi Merriam Pierce. In busi- ness, Springfield, Mass. Stillman Hersey Record, A.M., 1865. Newton Theol. Inst., 1863; Acting Pastor, Sterling, Mass., 1863-64; Mission- ary, Am. S. S. Union, in R. 1., and Mass., 1864-79; address, Worcester, Mass. Jacob Bartlett Shaw, A. M., 1866. Clei'k, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C, 1861-63; Examiner Pension Claims, 1863-65 ; with Camb. Fruit Preserving Co., Carabridgeport, Mass. * William Wallace West. Med- ical student, 1860-61; Hospital Steward, and Asst. Surg., 8th Me. Vols., 1861; died, Waterville, Me., Feb. 5, 1862, aged 22. 11 Class of 1861. Frederic Dana Blake, A. M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1864; Instr. in He- brew,N. T. I., 1863-64; Pastor, Gardiner, Me., 1864-68; New London, N. H., 1869- 73; Clierryfleld, Me., 1875-80; since 1880, West Waterville, Me. George Stickney Flood, A.M., 1865. Dealer in Wood and Coal, Water- ville, Me. William Allen Hatch, 18G4, A. M., M.D., Harvard, 1867. 2d Lieut. 3d Me. Vols., 1861 ; 1st Lieut, and Capt., 1863; Major 80th U. S. Vols., 1863-65; Agent, Treasury Dept., Rodney, Miss., 1865; Pliysician, Caribou, Me., 1870; Prefect, GirardColL, Phila., Pa., 1871-72; Apoth- ecary, Melrose, Mass., 1873-78; since 1881, Rector Episc. ch., Maryville, Mo. Amos Messer Jackson, M. D., Dartmouth, 1873. 2d Lieut. 24th Me. Vols., 1862, 1st Lieut., 1863 ; Major 10th U. S. Art. Vols.; in business, Lewiston, Me.; Phy- sician, Fall River, Mass. Randall Elvin Jones. Merchant and Shipmaster, Rockport, Me. Albert Prescott Marble, A.M., 1865; Ph.D., 1880. Instr. Math., Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis., 1861-64; Prin. High Sch., Eastport, Me., 1865; Prin. Worcester Acad., Mass., 1865-68; since 1868, Supt. Public Schools, Worcester, Mass. 6 Class of 1862. *Aretas Gustaa^us Barker, A.M. Prin. Masonic Charitable Inst., Effingham, N. IL, from 1862; died, Effingham, N. H., Apr. 11, 1867, aged 31. William Carey Barrows. Private 24th Me. Vols., 1862; 2d Lieut., 1863; New- ton Theol. Inst., 1866; Pastor, Freeport, Me., 1866-68; No. Berwick, 1868-73; Wal- tham, Mass., 1872-75; Biddeford, Me., 1875-78; since 1878, Rockland, Me. Frank Bodfish, M.D., Bowdoin, 1864. Hospital Steward, 31st Me. Vols., 1863; Asst. Surg. 56th 111. Vols., 1864-65; Asst. Surg. 1st Me. Cav., 1865; since 1866, Physician and apothecary. No. Anson, Me. Elias Brookings, A.M. Prin. Clier- ryfleld Acad., Me., 1862-64, and 1865-67; 1st Lieut. 31st Me. Vols., 1864-65; Prin. Hitchcock Free High Sch., Brimfleld, Mass., 1867-69; since 1869, Prin. Central St. Gram. Sch., Springfield, Mass. 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP William Eustis Brooks, A.M. 1st Lieut. iUKl Capt. 16th Me. Vols., 18G2- 63; Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 1 jr.; Theol. Sem., Yale; Pastor Cong. cli.,i)erby, Clin- ton, and West Haven, Conn.; since 1880, Pres.TiUotson Normal and Collegiate In- stitute, Austin, Texas. Alonzo Bunker. Newton Theol. Inst., 1865; ordained, 1865; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Toungoo, Bur- mah. Author of Life, of Christ, in Sgau Karen; Catechism, in Gai-cho Karen; Catechism, in Kareunee; translated Da- vies' Euclid into Sgau Karen. Augustus Champlin, A.M. Prin. Gram. Sch., Evansville, Ind., 1862-63; Chi- na Acad., Me., 1863; in Irasiness, 1864-67; Lawyer, Dexter, 1868-70 ; Ins. Agent, Ban- gor, 1870-78 ; since 1878, Adjuster Fire Ins. Claims, Portland, Me. Whiting Stevens Clark, A.M. Capt. 1st Me. Art., 1862, and Major, 1864; Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Col., 1864; Lawyer, Bangor, Me., 1866-80; Judge Police Court, 1868-73; since 1880, Des Moines, la. William Dyer Ewer, A.M. Sergt. 16th Me. Vols. ; Teacher, Me., N. H., and Cal., to 1874; Prin. Milton Classical Inst., N. H. ; since 1874, Employment Agency, Sau Francisco, Cal. George Gifford, A.M. Lawyer, Cherryfield, Me., 186.5-66; Augusta, 1867; Editor Daily Press, Portland, 1867-73; Member Me. Legist., 1873; Editor Sunday Star, 1872-74; Agent U. S. Treasury, Lon- don, 1878; Sec. to Comr. Gen., Paris Ex- position, 1878; U. S. Consul, Nantes, France, 1878-81 ; since 1881, U. S. Cousul, La Rochelle, France. ^Frederick Hale, A.M. Lawyer, Ellsworth, Me., 1863-68; died, Woodstock, Vt., May 6, 1868, aged 28. Edward Winslow Hall, A.M. Insti-. Oread Inst., Worcester, Mass., 1862- 63; War and Treas. Depts., Washington, D. C, 186.3-66; Univ. Giittingeu, 1872-73; Me. Hist. Soc, 1881 ; since 1866, Prof. Mod. Lang., and from 1873, Librarian, Colby University, Waterville, Me. Samuel Hamblen, 1867. 3d Me. Vols., 1861; 2d Lieut., 1863; Capt. U. S. Vols., 1863; Lt. Col. U. S. Art. Vols., 1864; Bvt. Col. U. S. Vols., 1867; Druggist, Buf- falo, N. Y., 1867-69 ; Lawyer, 1869-71 ; Supt. Pub. Ed. and State Atty., Quincy, Fla., to 1879; since 1879, Lawyer, Hot Springs, Ark. George Langford Hunt, A.M. ; D.D., Wake Forest, 1875. Newton Theol. Inst., 1862-63; Pastor, Barre, Mass., 1863- 64; Athol, 1864-67; Northampton, 1867-69; Mystic River, Conn., 1869-80; since 1881, Hoboken, N. J. Asa Lyman Lane, A.M., 1866. Prin. Reid Inst., Reidsburgh, Pa., 1863- 67; Newton Theol. Inst., 1870; Pastor, Biddeford, Me., 1870-75; Prin. New Lon- don Acad., N. I-L, 1875-76; since 1876, Instr. Nat. Sci. andMath., Classical Inst., Water- ville, Me. *Arch DoRiLLOus Leavitt. Capt. 16th Me. Vols., 1862; Major, 1863; mortally wounded, battle of Laurel Hill, Va. ; died, Washington, D. C, May 30, 1864, aged 23. John Francis Liscomb, A.M. Gen. Ticket Agt., Portland Steam Packet Co., Portland, Me. * Albert Quincy Marshall, M.D., Bowdoin, 1867. Prin. High Sch., Turner, and Oxford, Me., to 1864; War Dept., Washington, D. C, 1864; from 1867, Phy- , sician. New Gloucester, Me.; died, New Gloucester, Me., May 3, 1880, aged 43. Moses Campbell Mitchell, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Farmingtou, Me., 1862- 63; Pratt Free High Sch., Middleboro, Mass., 1864-67; Wilton Acad., Me., 1867- 68; Duke Co. Acad., Martha's Vineyard, Mass., 1868-71, and Fam. Sch. for Boys, 1871-78; since 1878, Propr. Boys' School, Billerica, Mass. Justin Payson Mo.ore, A.M. Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1865; City Missionary, San Francisco, Cal., several years; in business, San Francisco, Cal. Isaiah Record, A.M., 1870. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1869; Pastor, Turuer, Me., 1869-76; since 1876, Houltou, Me. Richard Cutts Shannon, 1863; A.M., 1866. 1st Lieiit. 5th Me. Vols., 1862 ; Capt. and A. A. G.; Bvt. Lieut. Col.; Sec. U. S. Legation, Brazil, 1871-75, and Charge d' Affaires, 1872, 1873-74; President Botanic Gardens R. R. Co., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. COLBY XJNIVEESITY. Zemro Augustus Smith, 1877. Capt. 1st Me. Art. Vols., 1SG2; Major, 1804; Lt. Col., 186.5; Editor Daily Press, Port- laud, Me., 1871-76; since 1876, Assoc. Ed- itor lloston Journal, Boston, Mass. * William Amory Stevens. 2d Lieut. IGtli Me. Vols., 1802; 1st Lieut, and Capt., 18G3; killed before Petersburg, Va., May 10, 18Gi, aged 25. OziAS Whitman, A.M. Prin. Litch- field Acad., Me., iso2; China Acad., 1863; Oak Grove Sem., Vassalboro, 1864; High Sch., Eastport, 186.5-70; since 1870, Supt. Public Schools, Red Wing, Minn. Geoege Adam Wilson, A.M. Pri- vate 21st Me. Vols. ; adm. to the bar, 18G4; since 1865, Lawyer, and froni 1872, Treas. Savings Bank, So. Paris, Me. 26 Class of 1863. Percival Bokney, a.m. Treasury Dcpt., Washington, D. C, 1863-65; Law- yer, Bath, Me., ISGG; from 1866, Portland; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1870, 1871; Member Bd. Trustees, since 1876, Sec. from 1879, and Treas. .from 1881; since 1878, Judge of Su- perior Court, Portland, Me. Simeon Lovell Bearce Chase, A. M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1866; Pastor, Bangor, Ble., 1866-72; Rockland, 1872-78; Bath, 1878-79; since 1881, Freehold, N. J. Charles Melvin Emery, A. M. War Dept., Washington, D. C, 1864^65; Newton Theol. Inst., 1868; Pastor, Thom- aston. Me., 1868-74; Chaplain Hygienic Inst., Dansville, N. Y., 1875-77; Pastor, Greene, Me., 1878-82; since 1882, Fairfield, Me.. Francis Snow Hesseltine, 1866, A.M. Capt. 3d Me. Vols., and Major, 18G1; Lt. Col., 1862-65; Lawyer and Regis- ter of Bankruptcy, Savannah, Ga., 1865- 70 ; since 1870, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. George Calvin Hopkins. 2cI Lieut. 19th Me. Vols., 1862; since 1864, Lawyer, Portland, Me. Author of Digest of Maine lieports ; Oliver's Conveyancing Revised. George Boardman Ilsley, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1866; Pastor, Spring- vale, Me., 1866-73; Yarmouth, 1873-79; Lewiston, 1879-81 ; since 1881, Bangor, Me. Sylvanus Boardman Macomber, A.M. Private, 13th Me. Vols. ; ordained, 1863; Newton Theol. Inst, 186S; Pastor, East Harrington, Me., 1868-69; Alfred, 1870-72; Sterling, Mass., 1872-73; So. Lyndeboro, N. H., 1874; Montgomery Centi'e, Vt. John Oliver Marble, A.M., M.D., Georgetown, 1868. Physician, Worcester, Mass. Nathaniel Meader. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1876, 1877; Pres. Hubbard and Blake Mfg. Co., Waterville, Me. Horatio Nelson Nutting, A.M. Lawyer, Redwood City, Cal. George Stephen Scamman. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me.; Capt. 11th Me. Vols. ; since 1866, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Marcellus Lovewell Stearns, 1877. Private 12th Me. Vols., 1861; 2d Lieut., 1862; 1st Lieut., 1863; Vet. Reserve Corps, to 1868; Member Fla. Legist., and Speaker, 18G9-72; U. S. Surveyor Gen. of Florida; Lieut. Gov., 1873; Gov. of Flor- ida, 1874-77; U. S. Commr., Hot Springs, Ark., 1877-79; Lawyer, Quiucy, Fla. George Dana Stevens. Teacher, Richland, Wis., 1864-69; Hudson, Wis., 1869-71; Pastor, Richland, 1871-74; since 1874, Bloomington, Wis. Charles Dana Thomas, A.M. U. S. Mil. Storekeeper, Knoxville, Tenn., 1864-65; since 18G5, Bookseller, Cincinnati, Ohio. William Ricker Thompson, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1868; Pastor, Brigh- ton, Mass., 1868-71; Fayville, 1874-77; West To^ynsend, 1877-80; since 1880, New Ips- wich, N. H. William Penn Whitehouse, A.M. Prin.Vassalboro Acad., Me., 1863-64 ; Law- yer, Augusta, since 1865 ; County Attorney, 1869-77; since 1878, .Judge of Superior Court, Augusta, Me. 16 Class of 1864. Henry Joseph Cushing, M.D., Har- vard, 18G8. Prin. Bloomfleld Acad., Me., 1864-67; Qra. Sergt. 21st Me. Vols., 1865; since 1868, Physician, Merrimac, Mass. William Smith Knowlton. Prin. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Monson Acafl. Me.; Foxcroft Acacl.: Hitchcock Free High Sch., Brimlield, Mass.; Monson Acad., Me. ; Pastor, ]Mon- sou, 1872-75; since 1875, Prin. Houlton Academy, Houlton, Me. *EdWARD ClAKENDON LiTTLEFIELt). Newton Theol. Inst., 1864; died, Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 22, 1864, aged 20. Henry Clay Merriam, 1867. Capt. 20th Me. Vols., 1862; Capt. 80th U. S. Vols., 1803; Lt. Col. 85th U. S. Vols., 1864; Bvt. Col. Vols., 1865; Major 38th U. S. Inft., 1866; Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. A., 1867; Bvt. Col., 1867; 24th U. S. Inft., 1869; since 1876, Lt. Col. 2d U. S. Inft., Ft. Colville, ■Wash. Ty. Harrison Merrill Pratt. Lawyer, Batli, 1806 ; Insurance Agent, New York ; Teacher, Turner, Mo. Stanley Thomas Pullen. Prin. Foxcroft Acad., Me., 1864-65; Lawyer, Foxcroft, 1866-69; Portland, 1809-72; Rep. Me. Legisl., 1874; since 1872, Editor Port- land Daily Press, Portland, Me. Cyrus Greenwood Richardson, A.M., LL.B., Albany, 1806. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo., 1866-69; since 1872, Denver, Colo. Ira Waldkon, A.M. Newtnn Theol. Inst., 1864-05; Teacher, Cohmibus and Toledo, O. ; Publisher's Agent, St. Louis, Mo. William Peirce Young, A. M., 1808. Lawyer, Milo, Me. Class of 1865. Henry Merrill Bearce. Lieut. 23d and 32d Me. Vols., 1804-05; siuce 1866, Lawyer, Treas. Savings Bank and P.M., Norway, Me. William Thomas Chase, A.M. Or- dained, 1863; Chaplain 4th U. S. Vols., 1863-04; Newton Theol. Inst., 1869; Pastor, Dover, N. IL, 1869-74; Lewiston,Me., 1874- 79 ; since 1879, Cambridge, Mass. George Wyman Clowe, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1808; Pastor, Hud- son, N. Y., 1808-72; White Plains, 1873-75; address, White Plains, N. Y. Grenville Mellen Donham. Of flrm, Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, Booksellers and Publishers, Portland, Me. Howard Haskell Grover, A.M. Private, 25th Me. Vols.; Teacher, Moline, 111. Charles Veranus Hanson, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1868; Pastor, Pea- body, Mass., 1869-79; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1872-73; since 1879, Damai-iscotta, Mc. William Henry Lambert, A.M. Adm. to bar, 1800; Prin. Corinth Acad., Me., 1867; High Sch., Castine, 1867-69; High Sch., Augusta, 1809-71; High Sch., Lewiston, 1871-74; High Sch., Fall River, Mass., 1874-79; since 1879, Supt. Public Schools, Maiden, Mass. Augustus Dennett Small, A.M. Instr. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suffleld, Conn., 1865-66; Prin. High Sch., Rockland, Me., 1867-71; High Sch., Newport, R. I., 1871; Supt. Public Schools, Newport, R. I., 1871- 73; Member Bd. of Education, R. I., 1872- 73; Supt. Public Schools, Salem, Mass., 1873-81; since 1881, Manager Bd. Dept., New Eng. Agency, D. ApiDleton & Co., Boston, Mass. Class of 1866. Francis Wales Bakeman. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1869; Pastor, Newlniry- port, Mass., 1869-71; Janesville,Wis., 1871- 73; Worcester, Mass., 1873-76; Member Bd. Trustees, from 1881 ; since 1877, Au- burn, Me. George Walter Hunt. Prop'r Alliquippa House, Phipsburg, Me., 1880- 81 ; Music Teacher, Benton, Me. Hazen Pingree McKusick. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1869; Pastor, Normal, HI., 1870-71; Teacher, San Bernardino, Cal. Austin Thomas, M.D., Bowdoin, 1870. Private, 150th Ohio Vols., 1804; Prin. China Acad., Me., 1866; Winthrop Acad., 1866-07 ; No. Parish Acad., Augusta, 1867-08; Asst. Phj'sician, N. Y. Asylum for Insane, 1870-72; Physician, Unity, Me., 1872-74; Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1874r-78; since 1878, Nittany, Pa. *Franiv Warren Tolman. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1800-07; Theol. Dept. Shurt- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 41 left" Coll., lS(i7-t)9; Pastor, FarmingtDii, Me.,lS70-7-2; Campton,N.H., 1873-7G; Dex- ter, Me., 187()-77 ; So. Hampton, N. IT., 1877 ; iliecl, So. Hampton, N. H., July 14, 1877, aged 34. 5 Class of 1867. Dudley Perkins Bailey, 1877 ; A. M., 1875. Lawyer, Boston and Everett, Mass. Lemuel Howard Cobb. Editorial staff Daily Press, to 1882 ; Portland, Me. Charles Ransom Coffin, A. M., 1872. Instr. Dio Lewis Sch., Arlington, Mass., 1867-08; Normal Sch., Bridgewater, Mass., 1869; Teacher, Pub. Schools, Mass., 1869-70; since 1871, Instructor in Greek, Western LTniv. of Pa., Pittsburg, Pa. Albert Danforth. Lawyer, Chi- cago, 111. Henry Ware Hale. Bapt. Union Theol. Sem., 1871-72; Newton Theol. Sem., 1872-74; ordained, 1874 ; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Shwaygyecn^Burmah. John Frank Moody, 1874; A.M., Bowdoin, 1871. Prin. Yarmouth Acad., Me.; Hebron Acad., 1872-79; since 1879, Prin. Bridgton Acad., No. Bridgton, Me. 6 Class of 1868. William Oliver Ayer. Newton Theol. Inst., 1868-71; Pastor, Peterboro, N. H., 1871-74; since 1874, Skowhegan, Me. Thomas Melvin Butler, A.M. Pri- vate, lOth Me. Vols., 1861-64; 2d Lieut. 24th U. S. Vols., 1864, and 1st Lieut., 1865 ; New- ton Theol. Inst., 1871; Pastor, Hopkinton, li. L, 1871-74; Somerset, Mass., 1874-76; since 1876, To^vnshend, Vt. Leonard Dwight Carver. Pri- vate, 2d Me. Vols., 1861-6.3; Teacher, Me. and 111., 1870-74; adm. to the bar, 1875; since 1876, Lawyer, Watervllle, Me. William Heman Clark, A.M. Pas- tor, Mt. Vernon, Me., 1868-75; since 1875, So. Norridgewock, Me. Charles Leonid as Clay, A.M. Teacher, Wliitinsville, Mass. John Blake Clough, A.M. Asst. U. S. Dist. Attorney, Memphis, Tenn. 6 George Weston Davis, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1871; Pastor, So. Amesbury, Mass., 1871-76; Orange, Mass., 1876-80; since 1880, Chicopee, Mass. Reuben Wesley Dunn, A.M., 1880. Agent Real Estate Dept, Lockwood Co., ^Vaterville, Me. Henry Carlton Hallowell, A.M. Prin. Collins Sch., Gloucester, Mass., to 1880; with Chas. Scribner's Sons, N. Y'., 1880-81 ; since 1881. Cashier Solomon Val- \ey Bank, Solomon City, Kan. Henry Malcolm Hopkinson. Pri- vate, 16th Me. Vols.; Newton Theol. Inst., 1871; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Bassein, Burmah, 1871-76; Pastor, Hali- fax, Vt., 1877-80; since 1880, W. Wards- boro, Vt. Edmund Franklin Merri am, A.M., 1877. Newton Theol. Inst., 1879; Pastor, Livermore Falls, Me., 1879-80; since 1880, Mission Rooms, Boston, Mass. David Palmer. Newton TheoL lust., 1868-71; ordained, 1873; Pastor, W. Wardsboro, Vt., 1871-74; W. Dummers- ton, 1874; E. Poultney, Vt. ; Adamsville, N. Y. Edwin Subiner Small. Asst. High Sch., Portland, Me., 1868-70 ; Newton Theol. Inst., 1873; ordained, 1874; Pastor, Cherry- field, Me., 1873-74; Brunswick, 1876-80; since 1880, Livermore Falls, Me. Julian Daniel Taylor, A.M. Tu- tor, 1868-73; since 1873, Prof. Latin Lan- guage and Literature, Colby University, Waterville, Me. Frederic Augustus Waldron, A. M. Since 1871, Lawyer, Waterville, Me. 15 Class of 1869. Nicholas Noyes Atkinson, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1869-71; Prin. New Loudon Acad., N. H., 1871-73; Mining Bro- ker, Ashcraft, Colo. Isaac Britton. Merchant, Port- land, Me., 1869-70; Tanner, Bucksport, Me. Charles Wesley Chase. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. GiLMAN Clark Fisher. Prin. High Sch., Castine, Me., 1869-70; Plymotith, 42 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Mass., 1870; For. Con:' Springfield Repub- lican, 1870-73; Prin. High and Gram. Sell., Swampscott, Mass., 1873-75; West Gram. Sell., Maiden, 1875-78; For. Corr. Boston Journal, 1S18; Priu. Sawyer Gram. Sfli., Dover, N. II., 1879; Siipt. Public Schools, Dover, 1879-82; Supt. Puljllc Schools,Wey- mouth, Mass. Author of Teacher's Man- tial in Primary Arithmetic. Abraham Willard Jackson, B.D., Harvard, 1872. Private, 8th Me. Vols., 1861-62; Sergt. Major 1st S. C. Vols., 1863; Lt. and Capt. 33d U. S. Vols., 1865; Pastor, Unit. Soc.,Peterboro,]S[.H., 1873-81; since 1881, Los Angeles, Cal. Charles Holt Kimball, A.M. Prin. High Sch., and City Supt. Schools, Los Angeles, Cal. Ephraim Wood Norwood, A.M. Prin. Hitchcock Free High Sch., Brimfleld, Mass., 1869-79; Harvard Med. Sch., 1879- 82; address, Camden, Me. Edward Stuart Rawson. Rum- ford, Me. Justin Kent Richardson. Private, 23d Me. Vols., 1862; 1st Lt., Capt., and Bvt. Major 30th Me. Vols, 1864; Newton Theol. Inst., 1872; Pastor, Maplewood, Mass., 1872-75; Editor Vermont Baptist; since 1875, Pastor, Rutland, Vt. *HowARD Chandler Rowe, A.M. Instr. Ottawa Univ., 1870; Acting Pastor, North Reading, Mass., 1874; died, New Gloucester, Me., Aug. 21, 1875, aged 29. * Warren Augustus Smith. Prin. Corinna Acad., Me., 1869; died, Corinua, Me., Aug. 31, 1869, aged 22. 11 Class of 1870. Charles Henry Cumston, A.M., M.D., Columbia, 1877. Sub-Master, Eng. High Sch., Boston, Mass., 1870-74; since 1877, Pliysician, Brunswick, Me. Frederic Howard Eveleth. Newton Theol. Inst., 1873; ordained, 1873; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Touu- goo, Burmah. * George Llewellyn F a r n u m, LL.B., Albany, 1873. Private, 11th Mass. Vols, to 1864; Teacher, Ellsworth and Au- gusta, Me., 1870-72; La^vyer, Norway, from 1873; died, Rumtord Centre, IMe., June IS, 1877, aged 33. Alfred Eben Meigs, A.M. Asst. Ed. Bangor Whig and Courier, 1872-80; Night Editor Palladium, New Haven, Conn. Harrington Putnam, 1875 ; LL.B., Columbia, 1876. Lawyer, New York. Edward Payson Roberts. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1873; Pastor, Springvale, Me., 1873-74; Cincinnati, O. Erastus Melville Shaw. New- ton Theoi.inst.,i873; Pastor, Antrim, N. H., 1873-79; since 1881, Beverly Farms, Mass. Charles Rendol Whidden, 1874. Ed. Calais Times, Calais, Me. 8 Class of 1871. SCOTTO Hedge BlEWETT. Pub- lishers' Agent, 1877; Teacher, St. Louis, Mo. Fred Irving Campbell. Law3-er, Cherryiield, Me. Charles Wilbert Foster, M.D., Detroit, 1875. Physician, Deering, Wood- ford's P. O., Me. Alb anus Kimball Gurney. New- touTlieol. Inst, 1874; ordained, 1874; Mis- sionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Sibsagor, Assam. Delwin Augustus Hamlin, A.M. Sub-Master, Lawrence Sch., Boston, Mass. William Ltbbey, A.M. Newton Theol. Sem., 1874; Pastor, Wilton, N. H., 1874-79; since 1879, Sutton, N. H. Walter Forrest Marston, A.M. Editor and prop'r Hallowell Register, Hal- lowell. Me. Willis Bkonson Mathews, A.M., 1879. Priu. High Sch., Ellsworth, Me., 1871-72; in business, Elmira, N. Y., St. Paul, Minn., and Lewiston, Me.; since 1877, Prin. High Sch., Thomaston, Me. George Stratton Paine. Teaciier, Waltham, lU., 1871-72; Newcastle, Cal., 1872-73; adra. to the bar, 1875; since 1876, Lawyer, Ottawa, 111. Charles Howard Sturgis. Book- keeper, Cherryiield, Me. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 43 Arthur Nash Willey. Insurance Agent, Clierryfleld, Me. Fred Morse Wilson, M.D., Har- vard, 1875. Physician, AYaterville, Ble., 1875-80; lustv. in Gymnastics, Colby Uni- versity, 1875-78 ; since 1880, Bridgeport, Conn. 13 Class of 1872. John Harris Barrows. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1875; Pastor, Marblehead, Mass., 1875-78; So. Boston, 1878-79; since 1880, Marlboro, Mass. Elihu Burritt Haskell. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1875; Pastor, Roclilaud, Me., 1875-78; Sauli Centi-e, Minn., 1878-80; since 1880, Fargo, Daljota Ty. Thomas Gould Lyons, A.M. Pri- vate, 1st Me. Cav., 1861-6-2; 16tli Me. Vols., 1864-65; Pastor, Monmoutli, Me., 1872-74; Bryant's Pond, 1874-77; St. George, 1878- 80 ; since 1880, Bliiehill, Me. Howard Rogers Mitchell. New- ton Tlieol. Inst., 1875; Pastor, Oskaloosa, loAva, 187;5-76; Pella, 1876-78; Hinsdale, N. H., 1879-80; since 1880, Couway, Mass. Wilder Washington Perry. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1879, 1880; Insurance Agent; since 1874, Editor and prop'r Camden Her- ald, Camden, Me. Alfred Sweetser Stowell. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1872-75; Pastor, Salem, N. H., 1875-80; since 1881, Derry Depot, N. H. Horace Wayland Tilden, A.M. Private, 11th Me. Vols., 1863-66; Newton Theol. Inst, 1875; since 1875, Pastor, Au- gusta, Me. Louis Albert Wheeler. Sec'y Kennebec Framing Co., Fairfield, Me. 8 Class of 1873. Nathaniel Butler, Jr., A.M. Insti-. Ferry Hall Fem. Coll., Lake Forest, 111., 1873-76; Instr. Highland Hall Coll. for Women, Highland Park, 1876-79; Master Yale Sell, for Boys, Chicago, 1879-80; since 1880, Prill. Highland Hall CoUege for Women, Highland Park, 111. Levi Hoyt Clement. Instr. Frank- lin Sch., Topsham, Me., 1873-74; since 1875, La^Tcr, Boston, Mass. Fred Fuller, M.D., Harvard, 1879. Prin. Presque Isle Acad., Me., 1873; High Sch., Metliuen, Mass., 1873-75; since 1880, Physician, Bi-ooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Hill Kelley, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Eastport, Me., 1873-75; since 1875, Prin. High Sch., Belfast, Me. Frank Herbert Parlin. In busi- ness, Cambridgeport, Mass. John Herbert Philbrick, A.M. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1877; 2d Lieut. 11th U. S. Inf., 1877; Act. Asst. Prof. French, U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point; residence. High- land Falls, N. Y. George Martin Smith, A.M., 1877. Prin. Lit. and Theol. Inst., Fairfax, Vt., 1877-78 ; Prin. Somerset Acad., N. Y., 1878- 80; since 1880, Prin. High Sch., Holbrook, Mass. Jefferson Taylor, A.M. Since 1873, Prin. High Sch., Skowhegan, Me. David Webster. Newton TheoL Inst., 1876; ordained, 1876; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Maulmain , Bur- mah. Clarence Percival Weston. Teacher, Maiden, Mass., 1873; since 1875, Lawyer, Boston, Mass. 10 Class of 1874. Albert Barney Allen. Prin . High Sch., Waldoboro, Me., 1874-76; Prin. Wil- ton Acad., 1876-79; High Sch., Fairfield, 1879-80 ; since 1880, Bditor Fairfield Journal, Fairfield, Me. Abraham Barker Gates, A.M., M.D., Harvard, 1880. Minneapolis, Minn. William Hunt Kelley, A.M., 1881. Prin. Grammar School, W. Waterville, Me., 1875-76; adm. to the bar, 1877; Prin. High Sch., Brownville, 1877-78 ; High Sch., So. Thomaston, 1878-79; High Sch., Cher- ryfield, 1879-80 ; Lincoln Acad., Newcastle, 1880-81; since 1881, Instr. Greely Institute, Cumberland Centre, Me. Horace Wilson Stewart. Adm. 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF to the bar, 1875; Lawyer, Judge Munici- pal Court, Waterville, Me. Theodore Fkelinghuysen White. Ordained, 1872; Pastor, Dexter, Me., 1874- 75; Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1879; since 1878, Pastor, Bllswortli, Me. Chakles Emery Williams, A.M. Asst. Houlton Acad., Me., 1875-80; Med. Student, Columbia Coll.; Address, Houl- ton, Me. Charles Emerson Young. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1877; Pastor, Mt. Vernon, Me., 1877-81; since 1881, Caribou, Me. 7 Class of 1875. Mary Caffrey (Low) Carver. Asst. Higii Sch., Waterville, Me., 1875-81; address, Waterville, Me. Edward John Colcord. Prin. Higli Sell., Beverly, Mass., 1875; Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1881; since 1881, Pastor, Am- herst, N. H. Leslie Colby Cornish. Prin. High Sch., Peterboro, N. H., 1875-77; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1878; since 1880, Lawyer. Augusta, Me. John Hosmer Cox. Newton Theol. Inst., 1878; Pastor, Camden, Me., 1878-80; Newton Centre, Mass. William Goldthwait, A.M. Prin. Simonds High Sch., Warner, N. H. Charles Francis Hall. Vice- Prin. Westbrook Sem., Me., 1876-78; since 1879, Lawyex-, Boston, Mass. George Washington Hall, A.M. Adm. to the bar, 1877; Lawyer, Bangor, Me., 1877-80; siwce 1881, Austin, Minn. George Bassett Howard, M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1879. Physician, Water- ville, Me. Henry Hudson. Since 1875, Law- yer, Guilford, Me. Cyrus Knapp Merriam, M. D., Univ. of N. Y., 1879. Physician, White Bluffs, Wash. Ty. GusTAvus Isaac Peavy. Adm. to tlie bar, 1877 ; of firm, J. Peavy & Bros., Clothing, Boston, Mass. Samuel Austin Read, A.M. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1878; Pastor, No. Sti-at- lord, N. H., 1878-80; since 1881, Tliayer's Corners, Franklin Co., N. Y. Edward Andrew Read, A.M. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1878; Pastor, lleads- boro, Vt., 1879-81; since 1881, Needham, Mass. Edward Hawes Smiley, A.M. Since 1875, Prin. High Sch., Waterville, Me. Herbert Tilden, A.M. Prin. Black River Acad., Ludlow, Vt., 187.5-76; Pastor, Lamoine, Me., 1877-79; since 1879, Bar Harbor, P. O. Sedgwick, Me. JosiAH Oden Tilton, A.m., 1879. Prin. High School, Peterboro, N. H. 16 Class of 1876. Fred Virgil Chase, A.M. Instr. Worcester Acad., Mass., 1876-81; since 1881, Law Student, Portland, Me. Atwood Curtis Hall. Teacher, Vacaville, Cal. Clement Howard Hallowell, M.D., Boston Univ., 1879. Physician, To- peka, Kan. Edwin Collins Long, A.M., 1880. Pastor, Milo, Me., 1877-80; since 1880, Mon- son. Me. Clarence Edmund Meleney, A.M. Prin. Warren Acad., 1876-77; Gram. Sch., Marlboro, Mass., 1877-78; Gram. Sch., Quincy, Mass., 1878-79; Prin. Pub. Sch., No. 2, Yonkers, N. Y., 1879-80; since 1881, Prin. Newton St. Pub. Sch., Newark, N. J. Charles Albert Russell, LL.B., Boston University, 1878. Lawyer, Glou- cester, Mass. Albion Woodbury Small, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1879; Student of Hist., Univ. of Berlin, 1879-80, and Univ. of Leipzig, 1880-81; Memb. Me. Hist. Soc, 1881; since 1881, Prof, of History, Colby University, Waterville, Me. Charles Cofkin Tilley. • Pastor, Nobleboro, Me., 1876-77; Newton Theol. Inst., 1877-79; Pastor, Fairfield, Me., 1879- 81 ; since 1881, St. George, P. O. Mdrtins- ville, Me. COLBY XmrVERSITY. 45 Ansley Ezra Woodsum. Newton Theol. Inst., 1879; Pastor, Milfovcl,Ttr;vss., 1879-81 ; since 1881, Rocklan.l, Mass. 9 Class of 1877. William Henet Brownson. Asst. Ed. Daily Advertiser, Portland, Me. Louise Helen Cobuen. Instr. Greelylnst., Cumberland, Me. ,1878; Skow- hegan, Me. JosiAH Hatden Drfmmond, Jr., A.M. Since 1879, Lawyer, Portland, Me. Joseph Howard Files. Asst. Ed. Daily Advertiser, Portland, Me. JoHisr Marshall Foster. With Taylor Mfg. Co., Kew Britain, Conn. William Harris Gibes. Adm. to the bar, 1881; with Domestic Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass. Florentius Merrill Hallowell. La'wyer, Kearny, Neb. Harry Neil Hatnes. Lawyer, Ft. Collins, Col., 1879-81; Greeley, Col. JosiAH Robert Henderson. Rochester Theol. Sem., 1880; since 1880, Pastor, Penfleld, N. Y. William Henry Looney. Siiice 1879, Lawj-er; City Solicitor, 188'2; Port- land, Me. Edward Oliver Lord, A.M. Ed- itor Free Press, Great Falls, N. H. Edwin Francis Lyford. Adm. to the bar, 1879 ; Asst. High School, Water- ville. Me. Charles Francis Meserve, A.M. Prin. High Sell., Rockland, Mass. Charles Dennison Smith, M.D., Bowdoin, 1879. Portland, Me. JuDsoN Andrew Stdrtevant. Prin. High Sch., Hanover, Mass., 1877-78; Newton Theol. Inst., 1878-79; Union Bapt. Theol. Sem., Morgan Park, 111., 1879; ordained, 1880; Pastor, ^onora, Cal. George Weston Young. Prin. High Sch., Wiscasset, Me. Class of 1878. William Carey BtrRNHAM, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Ilavelock, N. B., 1879; Instr. Rockland Coll., N. Y., 1880-81; St. John, N. B. Charles Augustus Chase, A.M. Prin. Derby Acad., Vt., 1878-81; Med. Student, Long Id. Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Isidoro Davis, A.M. Prin. China Acad., Me., 1878-79; High Sch., Gorham, N. H., 1880 ; since 1881, Prin. High Sell., Colquit, Minn. Fred Eli Dewhurst. New_ton Theol. Inst., 1882; Assoc. Pastor, WoUas- tou, Mass. Albert Colby Getchell, A.M. Harvard Med. Sch., 1880-81; Bridge water Normal Sch., Mass., 1881; Prin. Gram. Sch., Worcester, Mass. Frank John Jones. Newton Theol. Inst., 1878-80; since 1880, Pastor, AUenton, R. I. William Gerry Mann. Priu. HighSch.,Milo, Me., 1878-79; Theol. Sem., Yale Coll., 1883; Monson, Me. Walter Herbert Mathews. In business, Tenuant's Harbor, St. George, Me. Emily Peace Meader. Water- ville. Me. Daniel Webster Pike. Prin. High School, Swanzey, N. H. Charles Henry Salsman. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1881; since 1881, Pastor, Lebanon, O. Henry Marcus Thompson. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1878-80; Pastor, St. Ma- ry's, O., 1880-81; since 1881, Iowa City, la. Howard Benjamin Tilden. Since 1880, Pastor, Lamoine, Me. Drew Thompson Wyman. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1878-80; Pastor, Spencer, Mass., 1880-81; Newton Theol. Inst., New- ton Centi-e, Mass. * George Franklin Youngman. Prin. Hartland Acad., 1878-80; High Sch. Fairfield, 1881; died, Waterville, Me., Jan. 21, 1882, aged 27. 15 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Class of 1879. Hattie Emily Britton. Wins- low, Me. Charles Edward Conant. Clerk, Surgeon General's office, Washing- ton, D. G. Everett Flood, M.D., Bowdoin, 1881. Asst. Physician, Lunatic Hospital Worcester, Mass. James Geddes. Stenographic Clei'k, Bradley Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Hannibal Emery Hamlin. Law Sch., Boston Univ., 1882; address, Ban- gor, Me. Nathan Hunt. Newton Theol. Inst., 1882; No. Scituate, Mass. Willis Albert Joy. Assoc. Ed. Free Press, Great Falls, N. H., 1879-80; Clerk, President's office, Chicago & East- ern R. R. Co., Chicago, 111. Charles Stanwood Lemont. Prin. High Sch., Camden, Me., 1880; Law Student, Bath, Me. Will Hartwell Lyford. Sten- ograpliic Clerk, President's office, Chicago & Eastern R. R. Co., Chicago, 111. Lizzie Mathews. Asst. Mon- mouth Acad., Me., 1879-80; Teacher, 11 No. 4tli St., Reading, Pa. William Withington Mayo. Prin. High Sch., Lid^ec, Me., 1879-80 ; Asst. Houlton Acad., 1880-81; since 1881, Prin. Hebron Acad., Hebron, Me. George Merriam. Newton Theol. Inst., 1882; Danbury, N. H. William Emery Morang. Supt. Schools, Wolfboro, N. H., 1879-81; Prin. High Sch., Abington, Mass. George Edwin Murray. In busi- ness, Lawrence, Mass. Charles Edson Owen. Prin. Monmouth Acad., Me., 1879-81; Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. Allen Pelatiah Soule. Prin. Wadsworth Gram. Sch., Danvers Centre, Mass., 1879-80; Prin. High Sch., West Wa- terville, Me. Justin Adfer Walling, M. D., Bowdoin, 1882. Prin. High Sch., Harring- ton, Me., 1879-80; address, Machias, Me. Charles Franklin Warner. Bridgewater Normal Sch., Mass., 1881; Prin. High Sch., Cornville, Me., 1881 ; Prin. Gram. Sch., Augusta; address, Hallowell, Me. Edwin Carey Whittemore. Newton Theol. Inst., 1882; So. Acton, Me. 19 Class of 1880. John Elijah Case. Newton Theol. lust., 1880-82; Missionary to Bur- niah, Am. Bapt. Miss. Soc. ; care Mission Rooms, Boston, Mass. Charles Haynes Case. Teaclier, Pasadena, Cal. Hugh Ross Chaplin. Law stu- dent, Bangor, Me. Carroll Winn Clark. With School Furnishing Co., Boston, Mass. James Edward Cochrane. Theol. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. Edgar Herbert Crosby. Prin. High Sch., Brownville, Me. Caleb Buffum Frye. Law stu- dent; Prin. Sch. of Lang., Boston, Mass. Fred Samuel Herrick. Maine Med. Sch. ; address, Sedgwick, Me. Joshua Loring Ingraham. Instr. Worcester Acad., Worcester, Mass. Herbert Leslie Kelley. In business, FairHeld, Me. Ernest Frothingham King. Instr. Wayland Sem., Washington, D. C. Carl Clinton King. Prin. High Sell., Caribou, Me. Harry Lyman Koopman. Prin. High Sch., Claremont, N. H., 1880-81 ; Asst. Astor Library, New York. Jonathan Titus Mac Donald. Prin. Pub. Sch., Livermore, Cal. Minnie Hartford Mathews. Teacher, Georgetown, Col., 1880-81; ad- dress, Waterville, Me. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 47 Laurentius Melancthon Nason. Priu. High Sell., Saccarappa, Me. Hartstein Wendell Page. Priu. High Sch., Newport, N. H. Arthur Milton Thomas. Priu. High Sch., Richmond, Me. James Elisha Trask. Instr. So. Jersey Inst., Bridgtou, N. J. 19 Class of 1881. Charles ED^YARD Atttood. Exe- ter, N. H. Datid Judsok Bailey. Theol. Sem., Rocliester, N. Y. Asher Hinds Barton. Law Stu- dent, Augusta, Me. Frank Dearborn B u l l a r d. lustr. Houlton Acad., Houlton, Me. Charles Miller Coburn. Skow- hegan. Me. Frank Burton Cushing. Clerk, Insane Hospital, Augusta, Me. John Francis Dayies. Rockland, Me. Alfred Henry Evans. lustr. Woi'cester Acad., Worcester, Mass. Fred Mack Gardner. Theol. Inst., Newton Centime, Mass. Isaac William Grimes. Theol. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. Sophia May Hanson. Water- ville, Me. Clarence LaVerne Judkins. Prin. Sch. of Lang., Boston, Mass. Horatio Bickpord Knox. Prin. Boyntou Sch., Eastport, Me. Samuel Keene Marsh. Prin. Monson Acad., Monson, Me. Carleton Parker Marshall. Prin. High Sch., Liiiwood, N..J. George Albion" McIntire. Law- student, Skowhegan, Me. JosiAH Russell Melcher. Bail- way Herald office, Boston, Mass. George Xathan Merrill. Sur- veying, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Charles Edwin Meseryey. Sur- veying, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Fred Craig Mortimer. Office of Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N. Y. Kate Englesby Norcross. Somerville, Mass. John Howard Parshley. Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. Fred Myron Preble. Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass. Fred Rice Rowell. Law student, So. Thomaston, Me. Horace Eugene Sawyer. With J. A. Sevey, Whalebone Mfr., Boston, Mass. Frank Kingsbery Shaw. With Wehher, Philbrick & Haviland, Foundry, Waterville, Me. Jennie Merrilees Smith. Waterville, Me. Everett Moses Stacy. Teacher, Moawequa, 111., 1881-83; Waterville, Me. Carlton Beecher Stetson. Instr. Bridgton Acad., No. Bridgton, Me. Philo Steward. Law student, Skowhegan, Me, Francis Fremont Whittier. Prin. High Sch., Parniington, Me. Charles Branch Wilson. Teacher, Waterville, Me. John C apron Worcester. Prin. High Sch., Mendon, Mass. ; address, Grafton, Mass. John Monroe Wyman. Theol. lust., Newton Centre, Mass. 34 GRADUATING Class of 1882. George Austin Andrews. West Camden, Me. William Wallace Andrews. North Paris, Me. 48 GENEBAL CATALOGUE OF Waltek Sanger Bos worth. "SV^atervillc, Me. Orie Olivia Brown. New Lon- don, Coun. Edward Mortimer Collins. Georgetown, Col. William Campbell Crawford. Belfast, Me. Hubert Artson Dennison. New Bedford, Mass. George Lora Dunham. North Paris, Me. Henry Dunning. Waterville, Me. Ezra Franklin Elliot. An- gus, Miuu. Frederic William Farr. Hal- lowell. Me. Fred Nathaniel Fletcher. China, Me. KOBIE Gale Frte. Belfast, Me. William Horace FuRBER. Wins- low, Me. George Erastus Garland. Wa- terville, Me. William Emmons Jordan. Deering, Woodford's P. O., Me. Bela Malcolm Lawrence. Cher- ryfleld. Me. Minerva Eliza Leland. New- ton Lower Falls, Mass. ALVIN PeNLEY LeIGHTON. Cum- berland, Me. Manuel Casaus Marin. Madrid, Spain; address, care J. A. Bowman, Bos- ton, Mass. Samuel Joshua Nowell. San- ford, Me. Levi Herbert Owen. Prin. High Sell., Fairfield, Me. Bertis Alvaro Pease. Wilton, Me. William Edgar Perry. Prin. High Sch., Cherryfleld, Me.' Warren Coffin Philbrook. Waterville, Me. William Moor Pulsifer. Wa- terville, Me. William Henry Eobinson. So. Windham, Me. John Charles Ryder. Win- throp. Me. George Dana Sanders. Water- ville, Me. Edward Francis Tompson. Portland, Me. Charles Augustus True. Port- land, Me. Herbert Spurden Weaver. Waldoboro, Me. Benjamin Robertson Wills. Jersey City, N. J. 33 COLBY UNIVERSITY. 49 HONORARY GRADUATES. NOTE. The degree first meationed after each name was confeiTed by this college. The names of Alumni M"ho have received honorary degrees are not included in this list. 1822. * Samuel Wait, A.M., and Colum- bian, 1825; D.D., Wake Forest, 1849. Or- dained, 1818; Tutor, Columbian Coll., 1823- 27; Pastor, Newbern, N. C, 1827-30; Cor. Sec. N. C. Bapt. Cony., 1830-34; Fouudei; of Wake Forest Coll., and President, 1834- 46; Pastor, Caswell Co., N. C, 1846-51; Pres. Young Ladies' Sem., Oxford, 1851- 56; died, Wake Forest, N. C, July 28, 1867, aged 77. 1823. *ElijahLivermoke Hamlin, A.M. ; A.B., Brown Univ., 1819. ' Lawyer, Co- lumbia, Me.; from 1835, Bangor; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1846, 1847; Member Me. Sen- ate, 1858-59; State Laud Agent, 1838, 1841; Member Bd. Trustees, 1841-47; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1859; Mayor of Bangor, 1851, 1852; died, Bangor, Me., July 17, 1872, aged 72. 1824. *EzEKiEL Holmes, A.M. ; A.B., Brown Univ., 1821; M.D., Bowdoin, 1824. Prin. Gardiner Lyceum, Me., 1829; Ed. Farmers' and Mechanics' Journal, 1829; Ed. American Standard, 1831 ; Lecturer in Chem. and Nat. Hist., 1833-37; Ed. ifaine Farmer, fi-om 1833; Eepr. Me. Legisl., 183.5-40, and 18.50; Member Me. Senate, 1840-42; Member Me. Soc, 1846; Sec. Me. AgTicultural Soc, 18.55-65; State Sci. Survey, 1861-63; died,Winthrop, Me., Feb. 9, 1865, aged 63. *J0HN Gale Merrill, A.M. ; A.B., Brown Univ., 1821; M.D., Bowdoin, 1824; died, 1826, aged 29. 1825. * Daniel Lovejoy, A.M. Clergy- man, Cong, ch.; died, Albion, Me., Aug. 11, 1833, aged 58. 7 *J0HN Tripp, A.M. Ordained, 1791; Pastor, Carver, Mass. ; Hebron, Me., 1798-1843; Member Bd. Trustees, 1821-33; died, Hebron, Me., Sept. 16, 1847, aged 86. Author of Strictures on Universal Recon- ciliation; Autobiography. 1826. Clark Lillybriuge, A.M. ;M.D., Bowdoin, 1824. Student, Theol. Dept., 1821; Physician, Stafford, Conn. * Jonathan Wales, A.M. and M.D., 1833. Of Randolph, Mass. 1827. *Elias Cobb, A.M. Lawyer, An- son and Solon, Me.; died, Solon, Me., about 1860. *GustavusFello WES Davis, A.M. ; D.D., Wesleyan Univ., 1835. Ordained, 1816; Pastor, So. Reading, Mass., 1818-29; died, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 17, 1836, aged 39. * Isaac Meeriam, A.M. Clergy- man, Eastport, Me. ; Tremont, III. 1828. * Hiram Belcher, A.M. Lawyer, Farmiugton, Me., fi'om 1813; Eepr. Me. Legisl., 1833, 1839, 1833; Member Me. Sen- ate, 1838-39; Member 30th U. S. Cong., 1847-49; Me. Hist. Soc, 1846; Member Bd. Trustees, 1847-56; died, Farmington, Me., May 6, 1857, aged 67. * Daniel Knight Kennedy, A.M. ; M.D., Bowdoin, 1826. Physician, Booth- bay, Me. ; died, 1873, aged 75. * Charles Otis Kimball, A.M. Clergyman, Methuen, Mass.; died, 1852, aged 60. 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP * Samuel Plaisted, A.M.; A.B., BrowuUuiv., 1825; M.D., Bowdoiu, 1828. Physician, Waterville, Me. ; died, Watcr- ville, Me., April U, 1860, aged 58. 1829. *Hervey Fittz, A.m.; A.B., Am- herst, 1820. Newton Theol. Inst., 1829; Pastor, Waterville, Me., 1829-30; Hallo- well, 1831-32; Middleboro, Mass., 1832-36; Thompson, Conn. ; Marblehead, Millbury, Mass.; Agent Mass. Bapt. Conv., from 1843; died, Middleboro, Mass., June 10, 1878, aged 78. * Leonard Tobet, A.M.; A.B., Williams, 1826. Tutor, 1827-28; died, 1851, aged 51. *Frederick Augustus Willard, A. M.; A.B., Amherst, 1826. Newton Theol. Inst., 1830; Lect. on Chem. Phil, and Bot- any, 1828-31; Pastor, Worcester, Mass., 1832-35; Newton Centre, Mass., 1835-39; Louisville, Ky., 1839-43; So. Dan vers and So. Abington, Mass., 1854-56; Needham, 1856-65; died, Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 17, 1866, aged 59. 1830. *Iraii Chase, D.D. ; A.B., Middle- bury, 1814. . Ordained, 1817; Missionary in Va., 1817-18; Prof. Lang, and Biblical Lit., Columbian Coll., 1818-25; Prof. Bib- heal Theol., Newton Theol. Inst., 1825-36, and Prof. Eccl. Hist., 1836-45; died, New- tonville, Mass., Nov. 1, 1864, aged 71. Au- thor of Lifv. of Bunyan ; Design of Baptism ; Constitution of the Holy Apostles ; etc. Joshua A. Dennison, M.D. * Baron Stow, A.M. ; A.B., Colum- bian, 1826; D.D., Brown Univ., 1846, and Harvard, 1855. Pastor, Portsmouth, N. H., 1827-32; Boston, Mass., 1832-67; Mem- ber Bd. Trustees, 1830-52; Trustee Brown Univ., 1838-58; died, Boston, Mass., Dec. 27, 1869, aged 68. Author of Fii-st Things ; Christian Brotherhood; Daily Manna j Whole Family in Heaven; etc. 1831. *JoHN Cleaveland, M.D. Of Rutland, Vt. * William Graves, M.D. Physi- cian, Deerfleld, N. H. ; from 1826, Lowell, Mass.; died, Lowell, Mass., April 1, 1843, aged 60. * Daniel Huntington, M.D. Of Rochester, Vt. ; died, 1854, aged 72. * Nathan Weston, LL.D. ; A.B., Dartmouth, 1803; A.M., Dartmouth, and Bowdoin, 1807; LL.D., Dartmouth, 1831, and Bowdoin, 1843. Adm. to the bar, 1806 ; Lawyer, New Gloucester, Me., 1807-10; Repr. Ms. Legisl., 1808; Lawyer, Augusta, from 1810; Chief Justice Circuit Court, 1811-20; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, Me., 1820-34, and Chief Justice, 1834-41; Member Bd. Trustees, 1821-53; Trustee, Bowdoin, 1820-72; Me. Hist. Soc; died, Augusta, Me., June 4, 1872, aged 89. 1832. * John Butler, A.M. Pastor, East Winthrop, Me., 1825-31; North Yarmouth, 1831-35; from 1835, Evangelist; Member Bd. Trustees, 1826-55; died, Ohio, July, 1856, aged 67. Pharcellus Church, A.M. ; D.D., Madison, 1847. Pastor, Poultney, Vt., 1825-28; Providence, R. I., 1828-34; Roch- ester, N. Y., 1835-48; Boston, 1848- ; Ed. N. Y. Chronicle, 1855-65 ; address. Tarry- town, N. Y. Author of Antioch; Pente- cost; Memoirs of Mrs. Theodosia Dean; Mapleton; Sad Truth. * Jonas Evans, A.M. Clergyman ; died, 1877, aged 84. * Jonathan Going, D.D. ; A.B., Brown Univ., 1809; A.M., Brown Univ., and Univ. Vt., 1812. Pastor, Cavendish, Vt., 1811-15; Worcester, Mass., 181,5-32; Cor. Sec. Home Miss. Soc, 1832-37; from 1837, Pres. Deuison Univ.; died, Gran- ville, O., Nov. 9, 1844, aged 58. * John Sharp Maginnis, A.B.,A.M., 1835; D.D., Brown Univ., 1844. Newton Theol. Inst, 1832; Pastor, Portland, Me., 1832-37; Providence, R. I., 1837; Member Bd. Trustees, 1833-38; Prof. Biblical Theol., Madison Univ., 1838-50; Prof. Bib- lical and Pastoral Theol. , Rochester Theol. Sem., and Prof. Int. and Mor. Phil., Univ. Rochester, 1850-52; died, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1852, aged 47. *Francis Mason, A.M.; D.D., Brown LTniy., 1853. Newton Theol. Inst., 1830 ; ordained, 1830 ; Missionary to Bur- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 51 mail and Siam, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1830-7-1; died, Rangoon, Burmali, Mar. 3, 1874, aged 7-t. Author of Xoies on the Fauna and Flora of Burmnli; translated tlie Scriptures into the Sgau Karen and Pwo Karen languages. * Peter Renton, M.D. Of Con- cord, N. H.; died, 1866. * Nathaniel Sheldon Wheaton, D.D. ; A.B.,Yale, 1814 ; A.M.,Yale,1817, and D.D., Yale, 1833. Rector, Episc. ch., Hart- ford, Conn., 1818-31; Pres. Trinity Coll., 1831-37 ; Rector, New Orleans, La. , 1837-44 ; died, Washington, Conn., Mar. 18, 1863, aged 69. Author of Journal of a Residence in London. 1833. Joseph Ballard, A.M. Pastor, So. Berwick, Me., 1830-35. *Arthur Drinkwater, a.m. Or- daiued,1816; Pastor, Mt.Veruon,Me. ; Dan- vers, Mass., 1821; Mt. Vernon, Me., 1829; Hallo well, Skowliegau, Ellsworth, Fa.yette, Greene, Sidney, and Norridgewock, to 1863; Member Bd. Trustees, 1839-70; died, Waterville, Me., Sept. 16, 1874, aged 85. *James Gilpatrick, a.m. Pastor, Bluehill, Me., 1829-45; Topsham, 1845-52; Member Bd. Trustees, 1834-56 ; in Kansas , 18.36-59; died, Bluehill, Me., Oct. 14, 1865, aged 64. *Abisha Samson, A.M. Pastor, Tisbury, Mass., 1806-12; Harvard, 1812- 32; Southboro, 1833-40; Worcester, 1840- 44; died, Washington, D. C, 1861, aged 78. *Dyer Hook Sanborn, A.M. Died, 1871. * Samuel Wells, A.M., and Bow- doiu, 1838. Lawyer, Waterville, 1836-35; Hallo well, 1835-44; Portland, Me., 1844-47; Repr. Me. Legisl. ; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, Me. , 1847-54 ; Governor of Me. , 1856 ; died, Boston, Mass., July 15, 1868, aged 67. 1835. John Cookson, A.M. Of Middle- town, Conn. * Francis Augustus Cox, D.D. ; LL.D., Edinburg. Ordained, 1804; Pas- tor, London, 1812-.53; Librarian of Uni- versity Coll., London ; died, London, Eng., Sept. 5, 1853, aged 70. Author of History of the Baptist Mission Society; Female Scripture Biograjihy ; Life and Times of Afelancihon ; Narrative of a Visit to the United States. * James Hoby, D.D. Clergyman, Birmingham, Eng. ; died, 1871, aged 81. * Moses Shaw, M.D. ; A.M., Bow- doin, 1821. Died, Wiscasset, Me., Sept. 13, 1847. Isaac Stevens, A.M., and Brown Univ., 1834. *Daniel Williams, A.M., and Bow- doiu, 1838. Lawyer, Augusta, Me. ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1831; Me. Hist. Soc, 1831; State Treasurer, 1837-40; Judge of Pro- bate, 1848-55; Mayor of Augusta, 1868; died, Aiigusta, May 27, 1877, aged 81. 1836. James Loring Child, A.M. Adm. to the bar, 1812; Lawyer, Winslow, Me., 1813-16 ; Alna, 1832-33 ; from 1833, Augus- ta; Clerk Me. House Reps., 1830-31, and 1835-37; died, Aixgusta, Me., Aug. 16, 1862, aged 70. George Davis, A.M. Of Troy, N. Y. *JoHN Henniker Ingraham, A.M. Ordained, 1817; Pastor, Cong, ch., Thom- aston. Me., 1818-30; Pastor Baptist ch., East Wiuthrop, 1836-39; Hallowell, 1839; Chaplain Insane Hosp., Augusta, 1854-64; died, Augusta, Me., Apr. 13, 1864, aged 70. *Benjamin Tappan, D.D. ; A.B., Harvard, 1805; A.M., Harvard, 1807, and Bowdoin, 1815; B.D., Bowdoin, 1845. Tu- tor, Bowdoin, 1809-11; Pastor Cong, ch., Augusta, Me., 1811-49 ; Me. Hist. Soc. ; Sec. Cong. Bd. Missions for Me., 1849-63; died, Augusta, Dec. 33, 1863, aged 75. E838. * John Newton Brown, A.M. ; A.B., Madison, 1833; D.D., Lewisburg, 1854. Ordained, Buffalo, N. Y., 1834; Pas- tor, Maiden, Mass., 1837; Exeter, N. H., 1839; Prof. Theol., New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Inst., N. H., 1838; Pastor, Lexing- ton, Va., 1845; Editorial Sec. Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1849; died, Germantown, Pa., May 14, 1868, aged 64. Author of The New 52 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF ffampsldre Confession; Editor Encyclopce- dia of Religious Knowledge. Justin Rolph Loomis, A.M. ; A.B., Brown Univ., 183G; Ph.D., Lewisbiirg, 1854; LL.D., Rocliester, 1858. Tutor, 1836- 38; Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist., 1838-52; Prof. Nat. Sciences, Univ. Lewisburg, 18.53-58, and President, 1858-78; Lewis- biu'g. Pa. Author of Principles of Geol- ogy ; Elements of Physiology. 1839. * Timothy Boutelle, LL.D. ; A.B., Harvard, 1800; A.M., Harvard, 1804. Lawyer, Waterville, Me. , from 1804 ; Repr. Me. Legisl.; Member Me. Senate; Mem- ber Bd. Trustees, 1821-55, Treas., 1831-33, and Vice-Pres., 1835-47; died, Waterville, Me., Nov. 12, 1855, aged 78. *RoscoE GODDARD Greene, A.M. Sec. of State, 1831-35. Of Portland, Me. ^Leonard Woods, Jr., D.D. ; A.B., Union, 1827; D.D. , Harvard, 1846; LL.D., Bowdoin, 1866. Andover Theol. Sem. , 1830 ; ordained, 1833 ; Ed. Literary and Theolog- ical Review, 1834-37; Prof. Biblical Lit., Bangor Theol. Sem., 1836-39; Pres. Bow- doin Coll., 1839-6G; Me. Hist. Soc, 1839; Mass. Hist. Soc; N. Y. Hist. Soc; died, Boston, Mass., Dec. 24, 1878, aged 71. 1841. *Hartlet Wood Day, A.M. ; A.B., Columbian, 1837. Clergyman; died, 1877, aged 67. Samuel A. Jewett, A.M. Nathaniel Tuckerman True, A. M.; M.D., Bowdoin, 1846; A.M., Bowdoin, 1868. Prin. Monmouth Acad., Me., 1837- 45; Prin. Gould's Acad., Bethel, 1848-61; Lecturer, 1863-72; Ed. Maine Farmer, 1865-72 ; Prof. Nat. Sci., Normal and Train- ing Sch., Oswego, N. Y., 1872-76; address. Bethel, Me. Author of History of Bethel ; History of Gorham, N. H. 1842. *Caleb Bailey Davis, A.M. New- ton Theoi. Inst., 1837; Pastor, Paris, Me., 1838-54; Member Bd. Trustees, 1842-53; died, Portland, Me., Jan. 12, 18.55, aged 47. Elias Lyman Magoon, A.M. ; D.D., Rochester, 1853. Pastor, Richmond, Va., 1839-45; Cincinnati, O., 184.5-49; New York, 1849-.57; Albany, 18.57-67; Trustee Vassar Coll. ; Pastor, Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Autlior of Orators of the American Revo- lution ; Proverbs for the People ; Living Or- ators in America ; Republican Christianity ; Westward Empire. *Ether Shepley, LL.D.; A.B., Dartmouth, 1811; A.M., Dartmouth, 1814; LL.D., Dartmouth, 1845. Lawyer, Saco, Me., 1814-36; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1819; U. S. Dist. Atty., 1821-33; Member U. S. Sen- ate, 1833-36; Assoc. Justice Sup. Jud. Court, Me.,1836-48, and Chief Justice, 1848- .55; Trustee Bowdoin Coll., 1829-66; Mem- ber Me. Hist. Soc, 1835; died, Portland, Me., Jan. 16, 1877, aged 87. Edward Steane, D.D. Pastor, Camberwell, London, Eng., 1823-67. Au- thor of Christ the First Fruits of the Resur- rection ; Memoir of J. Gutteridge ; Liberty of Conscience ; Religious Persecution in Germany ; European Deputation to Madrid. 1845. James Lawrence Hodge, A.M. ; D.D. , Madison, 1851. Ordained, 1835 ; Pas- tor, Suffleld, Conn. ; Brooklyn, N.Y.; New- ark, N. J. ; since 1864, Mariner's ch.. New York. 1846. Samuel Adlam, A.M. Ordained, 1824; Newton Theol. Inst., 1838; Pastor, Marblehead, Gloucester, Mass.; Hallo- well, Dover, and Foxcroft, Me.; Newport, R. I. ; address, Newport, R. I. 1848. Robert Hallidai^ Gunning, A.M. ; M.D., Edinburg-. Lot Myrick Morrill, A.M. ; LL.D., Bowdoin, 1879. Governor of Maine, 1858, 1859, 1860; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1856; Member Bd. Trustees, 1862-69; U. S. Sen- ate, 1861-76; Sec U. S. Treasury, 1876-77; since 1877, U. S. Collector Customs, Port- land, Me. 1849. *S0L0M0N Peck, D.D. : A. B., Brown Univ., 1816, A.M., 1819, and D.D., 1851. Tutor, Brown Univ., 1818-20; Andover COLBY UNIVERSITY. 53 Theol. Sem., 1S23; ordaiued, 1823; City Missionary, Charleston, S. C, 1824; Pas- tor, No. Yarmouth, Me., 1824-25; Prof. Latin and Hebrew, Amherst, 1825-32 ; Act- ing Pastor, Gloucester, Mass., 1834; Wes- ton, 1835; Asst. Cor. Sec. Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1835-38, and For. Cor. Sec, 1838-58; Beaufort, S. C, 18G2-65; Chap. Home for Disabled Soldiers, Boston, Mass., 1866; Cor. Sec. Fi-eedman's Aid Soc, 1867; died, Boston, Mass., June 12, 1874, aged 74. *En BuRNHAM Smith, D.U. ; A.B., Middlebury, 1823; A.M., Brown Univ., 1833. Andover Theol. Sem., 1823-25; New- ton Theol. Inst, 182G; Pastor, Buffalo, N. ¥.,1826-29; Poultney, Vt., 1829-33; Pres. and Prof. Biblical Theol., Lit. and Theol. Inst., New Hampton, N. H., and Fairfax, Vt., 1833-61; died, Colchester, Vt., Jan. 5, 1861, aged 57. 1850. *Amos Sutton, D.D. English Mis- sionary to Orissa, India; died, 1854, aged 56. Translated the Scriptures into Oriya; author of Dictionary and Grammar of the Oriya Language ; Narrative of the Mission to Orissa. 1851. *Alvan Felch, A.m. Newton Theol. Inst., 18.35; Pastor, New Glouces- ter, Me., 1836-43; Thomaston, 1844:46; Bowdoinham, 1847-54-; Hallowell, 1854-61; died, Hallowell, Me., July 29, 1861, aged 55. *JoiiN Hubbard, LL.D. ; A.B., Dartmouth, 1816; M.D., Univ. of Penn., 1822. Governor of Maine, 1850, 1851, 1852 ; Member Bd. Trustees, 1849-62; died, Hal- lowell, Me., Feb. 6, 1869, aged 74. *Ebenezer Kno wlton, a.m. Clergyman, F. W. Bapt. ch. ; Member Bd. Trustees, 1856-58; Trustee Bates Coll., 1863-74; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1844, 1846, 1848, and Speaker, 1846; Member 34th U. S. Congress, 1855-57; died, Montville, Me., 1874, aged 58. *Adam Wilson, D.D. ; A.B., Bovv- doin, 1819, and A.M. Ordained, 1820; Pastor, Wiscasset,. Me., 1822-24; Turner, 1824-28; Ed. Zion's Advocate, Portland, 1828-38 ; Pastor, Bangor, 1838-41 ; Turner, 1841-13; Ed. Zion's ^rfwocnfe, 1843-48; Pas- tor, Hebron, lS.50-.53; Paris, lS.53-.58; Meni- ber-Bd. Trustees, 1828-71 ; died,Waterville, Me., Jan. 16, 1871, aged 76. 1852. * Joseph Fitch Potter, A.M.; M.D., Bowdoiu, 1835. Died, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1868, aged 59. 1853. HiRAM HovEY Hill, A.M.; M.D., Bowdoin, 1836. Physician, Augusta, Me. Samuel Francis Smith, D.D. ; A.B., Harvard, 1829, and A.M. Andover Theol. Sem., 1832; Ed. Bajitist Missionary Maga- zine, 18.32-34; Pastor, Waterville, Me., and Acting Prof. Mod. Lang., 1S34-41; Newton Centre, Mass., 1842-54, and Ed. Christian Review, 1842-48; Member Bd. Trustees, 1840-60; in literary pursuits, Newton Cen- ti-e, Mass. Author of National Hymn, American Lyric Gems; Life of liev. Joseph Grafton; etc. Daniel Smith Talcott, D.D. ; A.B., Amherst, 1831, and A.M. ; D.D., Bowdoiu, 1858. Andover Theol. Sera., 1834; Instr. in Hebrew, Andover, 1833-36; Pastor Cong, ch., Sherborn, Mass., 1836-38; since 1S39, Prof. Biblical Lit., Theol. Sem., Ban- gor, Me. 1854. Kendall Brooks, A.M.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1841. Newton Theol. Inst., 1845; Pastor, Eastport, Me., 1845-52; Asso. Sec, Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1852-53; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., 1853-55; Pastor, Fitchburg, Mass., 1855-65; Ed. National Baptist, 1865-68; since 1868, Pres. Kalama- zoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich. Robert Cole, A.M. Pastor, Ea. Harrington, Me., 1846-56; Brooklin, 1856- 58; Bookseller, Ellsworth, Me. Lyman Brooks Hannaford, A.M. Priu. Mercantile Acad., Boston, Mass., 1856-63; since 1803, Priu. Pub. Sch. No. 22, Brooklyn, N. Y. Author of Book-keep- ing by Single and Double Entry. *TiMOTiiY LuDDEN, A.M. Lawyer, Turner, Me. ; Repr. Me. Legist., 18.52, 1853; Judge of Probate, 1854-55; Reporter of Decisions, 1857-58; died, Lewiston, Me., Mar. 12, 1858, aged 52. 1855. * Edward Kent, LL.D. ; A.B., Har- vard, 1821, and A.M. Lawyer, Bangor, 54 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Me., from 1821 ; Rcpr. Me. Legisl. ; Mayor, Bang-or, 1836, 1837; Governor of Maine, 1838, 1840; MeniTjcr Me. Boundary Comni., 1842; Consul, Rio ile Janeiro, Brazil, 1819-53; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, Me., 1859-73; Member Bd. Trustees, 1838- 47; died, Bangor, Me., May 19, 1877, aged 75. 1856. Isaac Smith Kalloch, A.M. and Madison, 1857; D.D., La Grange, 1877. Pastor, Rockland, Me., 1850-55; Boston, Mass., 18.55-00; Laight St., N. Y., 1860-64; Repr. Kansas Legisl., 1872; Mayor, San Francisco, Cal., 1879-82; since 1875, Pastor Metrop. Temple, San Francisco, Cal. 1857. Alexander M. Averill, A.M. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 18.53; ordained, 1853; Pastor, No. Cambridge, Middleboro, Hol- yoke, Mass.; Denver, Col.; Emporia, Kan. ; Lancaster, Texas. *Josiah Keely, A.m. Oixlained, 1843; Pastor, Wenham, Mass.; Saco, Me., 1853-64; Chap. 13th Me. Vols, 1864; died. New Orleans, La., June 24, 1864, aged 58. 1858. * John Hubbard, Jr., A.M. Pas- tor, Biddeford, Me., 1855-58, and from 1861; died, Biddeford, Me., May 20, 1870, aged 49. Eugene Francis Sanger, A.M. ; A.B., Dartmouth, 1849; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 18.53. Surgeon, 6th Me. Vols., 1861; Brigade Surg. Vols., 1862; Med. Di- rector, 19th Army Corps, etc., 1862-65 ; Bvt. Lt. Col. Vols., 1865; Physician and Sur- geon, Bangor, Me. 1859. Charles M. Dinsmore, A.M. Hannibal Hamlin, LL.D. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1836-40, and 1847, and Speaker, 1837, 18.39, 1840; Member 28th, 29th U. S. Congress, 1843-47; Member U. S. Senate, 1848-57; Governor of Maine, 1857; Mem- ber U. S. Senate, 1857-61 ; Vice President U. S., 1861-65; U. S. Collector Customs, Boston, Mass., 1865-69; Member U. S. Sen- ate, 1869-81 ; Member Bd. Trustees from 1857; since 1881, U. S. Minister to Spain, Madrid, Spain. *Tii0MAS Kinsman Osgood, A.M. Priu. High Sch., Rockland, Me., 1849-57; Depy. Collector Customs, 1857-61; Repr. Mc. LegLsL, 1862; Paymr. U. S. A., 1862- 65; died, St. Louis, Mo., June 10, 1865, aged 38. I860. Nathaniel Rogers Boutelle, A.M.; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll. Mem- ber Bd. Trustees, 1856-69; Physician, \Va- terville. Me. *George W. Briggs, A.m. ; Ph.D., Madison, 1874. Prin. Fern. Sem., Auburn- dale, Mass.; died, 1874, aged 52. 1862. *Samuel a. Collins, A.M. Pastor, Pahner Depot, Mass. ; died, Cincinnati (?), O., 1877. Hezekiah PIarvey, D.D.; A.B., Madison. Hamilton Theol. Sem., 1847; Tutor, MadisouUniv.,1849 ; Pastor, Homer, Hamilton, N. Y.; Prof. Eccl. Hist., Madi- son Univ., 1858; Prof. Biblical Criticism and luterp. and Pastoral Theol. , 1861 ; Pas- tor, Dayton, O., 1864; since 1869, Prof. Pas- toral Theol. and N. T. Exegesis, Madison Univ.,Hami'lton,N.Y. Author of The Pas- tor ; The Church. 1863. *Thomas Fenner Curtis, D.D. Prof. Biblical Theol., Lewisburg Univ., 1855-65; died, Cambridgeport, Mass., 1872, aged 56. Author of The Communion; Progress of Baptist Principles ; Human Element in Inspiration. * William Addison Pitt Dilling- ham, A.M. Clergyman, Univ. cli. ; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1864, 1865, and Speaker, 1865; died, Waterville, Me., April 22, 1871, aged 47. George Pendleton Mathews, A. M. TJieol. Inst., New Hampton, N. XL, 1844-46; Pastor, Liberty, Me., 1847-51; Alna, 1851-56; Gardiner, 1856-60; Bath, 1860-66; Auburn, 1866-75; since 1875,Thom- aston, Me. *Charles Greenleaf Porter, A. M. Pastor, Wiuterport, Me. , 1843-45 ; Ban- gor, 184.5-66; Iloulton, 1867-70; died, Ban- gor, Me., Mar. 7, 1876, aged 62. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 55 David DINS3I0KE Stewart, A.M., and Bowdoiu, 1S72. Siuce 1847, Lawyer, St. Albaus, Me. 1865. Oliver Otis Howard, LL.D. ; A.B., Bowiloiu, 1850, A.M. 18.53; LL.D., Sliurt- leff Coll., 1865, and Teunesses Coll., 1866. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1851; 2d Lieut. U. S. A., 1855; 1st Lieut., 1857; Asst. Prof. Math., U. S. Mil. Acad., 1857-61; Col. 3d Me. Vols., 1861; Brig. Geu. Vols., 18G1; Maj. Gen. Vols., 186-2; Brig. Gen.U. S. A., 1864; Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A., 1865; Com'r Freed- man's Bureau, 1865-7-2; Pres. Howard Univ., 1869-73; Sup. U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y. 1866. Warren Baxter Eaver, A.M. Sau Francisco, Cal. Edmund Fuller Webb, A.M. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1872, 1873, and Speaker, 1873; JMember Me. Senate, 1874-75, and Presi- dent, 1875; La^Yyer, Waterville, Me. Au- thor of Railroad Laws of Maine. 1867. *Locius Bradford, A.M. Pastor, Sebec, Me., 1838; Guilford, 1839-43; Jay, 1843-45 ; Monson, 1 847-51 ; Sidney, 1852 ; No. Livermore, 18.53-.58; Brooklin, 1859; died, Brookliu, Sept. 9, 1867, aged 56. George Dana Boardman Pepper, D.D. ; A.B., Amherst, 1857. Newton Theol. Inst., 1860; Pastor, Waterville, Me., 1860- 64; Prof. Eccl. Hist., Newton Theol. Inst., 186.5-67; Prof. Christian Theol., Crozer Theol. Sem., 1868-82; President Colby Uni- versity, Waterville, Me. Author of Out- lines of Sy.-itematia Theology ; etc. Benjamin Adams Robie, A.M. Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1865; Res. Licentiate, An- dover Theol. Sem., 1866; Pastor Cong, ch., Waterville, Me., 1866-71; Wilmington, Mass., 1871-74; since 1874, Groton, Mass. Artemas Wtman Sawyer, D.D. ; A.B., Dartmouth,. 1847. Newton Theol. Inst., 1853; ordained, 1853; Prof. Ancient Lang., Acadia Coll., N. S., 18.55-61 ; Pastor, Saratoga, N. Y., 1861-64; Prin. New Lon- don Lit. and Sci. Inst., N. H., 1864-69; since 1869, President Acadia CoU., Wolf- ville, N. S. Jackson Smith Schultz, A.M. Merchant and mfr., New York. Author of Leather Manufacture in United States. Amos Webster, A.M. ; D.D., Co- lumbian, 18()7. Ed. Christian Era, 1856-76; Clergyman, Hyde Park, Mass. 1868. *JoHN McKinley, A.m. New Hampton Theol. Inst., 1861; Res. Licen- tiate, Andover Theol. Sem., 1862; Pastor, Lebanon, N. H., 1862-68; died, Lebanon, N. H., Sept. 20, 1868, aged 36. Philetus Bennet Spear, D.D. ; A.B., Madison, 1836, and A.M., 1842. Ham- ilton Theol. Sem., 1838; Tutor, Madison Univ., 1837; Prof . Hebrew, to 18.50 ; Emer- itus Prof, of Plebrew and Latin, Madison Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. * Cyrus Tibbetts, A.M. Pastor, Farmington, Me., 1852-55; Belfast, 1856- 57; Plaistow, N. H., 1858-61; Eagtport, Me., 1862-66; Damariscotta, 1866-70 ; Rock- laud, 1870-72; fi-om 1872, No. Berwick; died. No. Berwick, Me., Jan. 12, 1876, aged 55. 1869. Elisha Hunt Allen, LL.D.; A. B., Williams, 1823. Lawyer, Bangor, Me., Repr. Me. Legisl. and Speaker, 1838 ; Mem- ber 27th U. S. Cong., 1841-43; Member Jle. Hist. Soc, 1846; U. S. Consul, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 1850-53; Hawaiian Minister Finance, 1853-57; Chief Justice Supreme Court and Chancellor Hawaiian Kingdom, 1857-77; Envoy Extraor. and Minister Plenipo. to U. S. from Hawaiian Kingdom; address, Washington, D. C. Sewall Brown, A. M. New Hampton Theol. Inst., Vt., 1860-61; Pas- tor, E. Wiuthrop, Me., 1862-68; Cherry- fleld, 1868-71; Missionary, Am. Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, Wyoming and Utah Ter., 1871-72; Pastor, So. Dover, Me., 1873-77; Minneapolis, Minn., 1877-81; siuce 1881, East Corinth, Me. Jonathan Young Scammon, LL. D. , and Univ. Chicago, 1862. Lawyer, Chi- cago, 111. 1870. *Levi Sumner Burbank, A.M. Instr. Paducah Coll., Ky., 1856-58; Instr. 56 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Wake Forest Coll., N. C, 1858-59; Pres. Padiicah Coll., 18.59-61; Prin. Lancaster Acad., Mass., 1861; Instr. Kat. Sci. High Sch., Atliol, Mass., 18G2-64; High Sch., Westboro, 1864-66; High Sch., Lowell, Mass., 1866-72; Pi-in. Warren Acad., Wo- biirn, Mass., 1872-77 ; died, Wobnru, Mass., Aug. 20, 1880, aged 51. John Alfred Metcalf Chap- man, A.M.; D.D., Wesleyan, 1871. Pas- tor St. Paul's M. E. oh.. New York. John Frank McKusick, A.M. 2d Lieut. 1st. Me. Cav. Vols., 1864-65; in 1866, Lawyer, Alexandria, Va. David Jonathan Pierce, A.M. Newton Theol. Inst., 1870; ordained, 1870; Prin. Wyoming Inst., and Pastor, Lara- mie, Wyoming Ter., 1870-74; in 1874, Port- land, Or. Llewellyn Powers, A.M.; LL. B., Albany, 1860. Adm. to the bar, 1860; County Atty., 1865-71; U. S. Collector Customs, 1869-73; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1874- 76; Member 45th U. S. Cong., 1877-79; Lawyer, Houlton, Me. 1871. * Am ASA Bryant, A.M. Pastor, Damariscotta Mills, Me., 1852-56; Liver- raore Falls, 1856-60; Topsham, 1860- ; East Wiuthrop, Me., Dover, N.H. ; died. Spring-vale, Me., May 26, 1879, aged 52. James Mitchell Follett, A.M. Pastor, Jay, Me., 1846-47; Dover, 1849-.59; Gardiner, 1861-64; Oldtown, 1864-67; Cor- inth, 1868-70 ; Dover, 1871-73 ; Harrington, 1874-79; since 1879, Presque Isle, Me. William Berry Lapham, A.M.; M.D., New York, 1856. 1st Lieut. Capt. and Bvt. Major 1st Me. Mtd. Art. Vols., 1863-65; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1867; U. S. Exam. Surg, since 1867; Ed. Maine Farmer since 1872; Me. Hist. Soc, 1872; Corr. Memb. Royal Hist. Soc. ; Ed. Maine Gen- ealogist and Biographer ; Augusta, Me. Au- thor of Bisbee, Richer, Chapman, and Lap- ham Genealogies ; History of Woodstock. Samdel Baldwin Morse, A.M. Pro!'. Ancient Lang., Urania Coll., Glas- gow, Ky., 1859-61; Prof. Anc. Lang., Cal- ifornia Coll., Vacaville, Ciil., 1861-66; Newton Theol. Inst., 1866-69; Pastor, Stockton, Cal., 1869-77; Brooklyn, Cal., 1878; East Oakland, Cal. • 1872. Hamlin Fairfield Eaton, A.M. Since 1856, Prin. and propr. Eaton Family and Day Sch., Norridgewock, Me. Walter Taylor Sargent, A.M. Pastor, Damariscutta, Me., 1838-40; Bow- doinham, 1840-42; Mt. Vernon, 1842-48; Acton, 1850-55; Sanford, 1855-.57; Greene, 1857-64; Dexter, 1864-66; Riclnnond, 1866- 68 ; Greene, 1869-70 ; Freeport, 1870-76 ; ad- dress, Frecport, Me. *JosEPH Obeklin Skinner, A.M. Ordained, 1837; Pastor Univ. ch., HolUs- ton, Framingham, Dudley,Concord,Mass. ; Ludlow, Chester, Vt. ; Rockland, Me.; Nashua, N. H. ; St. Albans, Vt. ; Malone, N. Y. ; No. Montpelier, Vt. ; Waterville, Me.; died, Waterville, Me., Jan. 12, 1879, aged 62. Author of History of Waterville Lodge ; Ed. Universalist Register. Henry Olin Walker, A.M. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1863; ordained, 1863; Pastor, Weare, N. H., 1864-67; since 1867, Deerfield Centre, N. H. *WiLLiAM Whiting, LL.D.; A.B., Harvard, 1833, LL.B. 1838, and A.M. 1854. Lawyer, Boston, Mass., from 1838; Solici- tor, War Dept., U. S., 1862-65; Pres.N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, 1853-58; Corr. Member N.Y. Hist. Soc. ; Hon. Member Hist. Soc, Pa.,Wis., and Fla. ; Member-elect 43d U. S. Cong. ; died, Boston Highlands, Mass., June 29, 1873, aged 60. Author of Memoir of Rev. Jos. Harrington ; War Powers of the President ; Military Arrests in Time of War ; Memoir of Rev. Samuel JVliiting, D.D. 1873. William Harrison Alden,D.D. ; A.B., Brown Univ., 1849, and A.M., 1852; Newton Theol. Inst., 18.52; Pastor, No. At- tleboro, Mass., 1852-57; Lowell, 1857-64; Albany, N. Y., 1864-68; Member Bd. Trus- tees from 1881; since 1868, Portsmouth, N.H. *James Tift Champlin, LL.D.; A.B., Brown Univ., 1834, and A.M., 1837; D.D., Univ. Rochester, 1855, and Brown Univ., 1863. Tutor, Brown Univ., 1835-38 ; Pastor, Portland, Me. ,1838-41; Prof. Greek and Latin Lang, and Lit., Colby Univ., 1841-58; Pres. Colby Univ., 1857-73, and Prof. Int. and Moral Phil., 1858-73; Mem- COLBY UNIVERSITY. 67 her Bd. Trustees, 1S75-81; Member Me. Hist. Soc, 1849; died, Portland, Me., Mar. 15, 1SS2, aged 70. Author of Eny/isk Gram- . mar ; Greek Grammar ; Principles of Ethics ; Political Economy ; Intellectual Philosophy ; Text-Book on Constitution, U.S. Ed., with notes, Demosthenes on the Crown; Select Popular Orations of Demosthenes ; Oration of uEschines against Ctesiphon ; Bp. Butler''s Ethical Discourses ; Bp. Butler''s Analogy of Religion; Selections from Tacitus; Scrip- ture Reading Lessons. Trans. Kuhner''s Latin Grammar; Kuhner''3 Latin Exercise- Book. Charles Macomber Herring, A.M. New Hampton Theol. Inst., N H., 1848; Pastor, Dexter, Me., 1849-58; No. Oxford, Mass., 1858-59; Dover, Me., 18.59- (55; Brunswick, 1865-68; Gardiner, 1868- 72; Houlton, 1872-74; So. Thomastou, 1875-78; Supply, Woolwich, since 1878; address, Brunswick, Me. Ammi Storer Ladd, A.M. Pas- tor, M. E. ch., New Sharon, Me., 1864-65; Kent's Hill, 1866-68, and Prof. Mental and Mor. Sci., Me. Wesleyan Sem. and Fem. Coll., 1867-68; Waterville, 1869-71; Bidde- ford, 1872-74; Bath, 1875-77; Portland, 1878-80; Lewiston, 1881-82 ; Bath, Me. Admiral Paschal Stone, LL.D. ; A.M., Bowdoin, 1869. Prin. High Sch., Portland, Me., 1864-73; since 1873, Supt. Pub. Schools, Springfield, Mass. Parkman Shaw Warren, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Castine, Me., 1870-71; Prin. High Sch., Methuen, Mass., 1871-73; Prin. Collins Sch., Gloucester, Mass., 1873- 74; Prin. Oliver Sch., Lawrence, Mass., 1874-79 ; since ISSO, Banker, Solomon City, Kan. 1874. Adoniram Judson Billings, A. M. ; M.D., Albany, 1854. Repr. Me. Legisl., 1862, 1868; Member Me. Senate, 1866-67; Surg. 19th iMe. Vols., 1862; Surg. Bd. En- rolment, .5th Dist., 1864; Physician, Free- dom, Me. Atwood Crosby, A.M.; M. D., Bowdoin, 1864. 3d Me. Vols., 1861-62; Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1864-65; Physician, China, Me., 1865-66; Buckfleld, 1866-67; Insti'. in Military Drill, Colby Univ., 1875- 78 ; since 1867, Physician, Waterville, Me. Nelson Allen Luce, A.M. Prin. Freedom Acad., Me., 1865-70; Supervisor Sell., Waldo Co., 3 yrs. ; engaged in hold- ing Teachers' Institutes, in employ of the State, 1872-73; Asst. Supt. Sch., Maine, 1874-79 ; since 1879, State Supt. Schools, Au- . gusta, Me. 1875. James Gillespie Blaine, LL.D. ; A. B., Washington Coll., and A.M.; LL.D., Bates Coll., 1869. Ed. Kennebec Journal, 1854-57; Ed. Portland Advertiser, 1857-58; Repr. Me. Legisl., 1858-61, and Speaker, 1861 ; Me. Hist, ^oc, 1864; Member 38th to 44th U. S. Cong., 1863-76, and Speaker 41st, 42d, and 43d Cong. ; Member U. S. Senate, 1876-81; Sec. of State Dept.,1881; Wash- ington, D. C. Susan "Maria Hallowell, A.M. Asst. High Sch., Bangor, Me., 1856-75; since 1875, Prof, of Botany, Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. Frank Husset Jackson, A.M. La^fyer, Hallowell, Me., 1875. 1876. Joseph Manning Burtt, A.M. Pastor, Newfane, N. Y., 1843-50; Propr. and Assoc. Ed. Christian Era, Boston, Mass., 1852-56; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1856; Pastor, Georgetown, Mass., 1863-71, 1871- 77, and since 1881, Buxton Centre, Me. David Wass Campbell, A.M. Cherryfleld, Me. Wendall Omar Fletcher, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 1865; Prin. Bapt. Acad., Louisiana, Mo., 1866- 69; Supt. Pub. Sch., Chillicothe, Mo., 1870- 72; Prin. High Sch., Warren, Me., 1873-77; High Sch., Rockland, 1878-79; High Sch., Biddeford, 1879-81; of firm, Clason & Fletcher, Booksellers, Lincoln, Neb. Albert Christopher Hussey, A.M. Ordained, 1869; Newton Theol. Inst., 1872; Pastor, Grafton, Mass., 1872- 79 ; since 1879, Northampton, Mass. Alfred Francis Richardson, A.M. Prin. High Sch., Dexter, Me., 1876. 1877. C. Gr. Harwood, A.M. Ordained, 1870; Pastor, Eastport, Me., 1871-81; since 1881, Camden, Me. 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP Henry Melville King, D.D. ; A.B., Bowdoin, 1859, and A.M., 18G2. Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1SG2; ordained, lS(i3; Insti-. in Hebrew, N. T. I., 186-2-G3; Pastor, Boston Highlands, Mass., 18G3-S2; Al- bany, N. Y. Charles Collins Rounds, A.M. ; B.S., Dartmoutli, 1857, and M.S., 1800; A.M., Bowdoin, 1S70; Ph.D., Bates Coll., 1881. Priu. Gram. Sch., Cleveland, O., 1859-65; Instr. Edward Little lust.. Au- burn, Me., 18(55-07, and Prin., lSfi7-G8; since 1868, Priu. State Normal Sell., Farm- ington. Me. Jeremiah Dearborn Tilton, A.M. Ordaiued, 1851; Pastor, Limerick, Me., 1850-54; Sanbornton, N. H., 1854-66; Milford, N. H., 1866-73; Rumney, N. H., 1873-82; address, Rumney, N. H. 1878. Amory Battles, A.M. Harvard Div. Sch., 18.50; Pastor Univ. ch., Bangor, 1851-72; Unit, ch., West Newton, Mass., 1872-73; Univ. ch.. Dexter, Me., 1873-79; Acting Pastor, Waterville, 1880-81; ad- dress, Bangor, Me. Joshua Howard Millett, A.M. A dm. to the bar, 1870; of firm, Herrick &. Millett, Lawyers, Boston, Mass. 1879. Albert Aaron Ford, A.M. New- ton Theol. Inst., 1870; Pastor, Paris, Me., 1870-72; Belfast, 1873-75 ; B. Aiiburn,1876- 79; Tennant's Harbor, 1879-80; since 1880, Waldoboro, Me. Howard Owen, A.M. Assoc. Ed. Kennebec Journal, Augusta, Me., 1868-79; Ed. Bangor Whig, 1880; Ed. Maine Farmer, 1881; since 1880, Register of Probate for Kennebec Co., Augusta, Me. 1880. Augustus Marion Burton, A.M. Prin. Cherryfleld Acad., Me., 1880-81; Prin. Union Acad., Corinna, Me., 1882; address, Camden, Me. Granville Park Cochrane, A. M. 1st Lieut, and Capt. 7th Me. Vols., 1861; Augusta, Me. Eustace Carey Fitz, A.M. Mayor, Chelsea, Mass., 1864, 1865, 1866; Repr. Mass. Legisl., 1873, 1874; Member Mass. Senate, 1875, 1S76 ; Member Execu- tive Council, Mass., 1881-82; Merchant, Chelsea, Mass. 1881. Comfort Edwin Barrows, D.D.; A.B., Brown Univ., 18.58, and A.M., 1861. Newton Theol. Inst., 1861; Pastor, Pea- body, Mass., 1861-64; Trustee BrownUniv., from 1878 ; since 1865, Newport, R. I. Samuel Kimball Hitchings. B. S. Prin. Greely lust., Cumberland Cen- tre, Me. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 59 GRADUATES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Note. The following uaiues of those who received the degree of Doctor of Medicine after completing the course of stud}- at the Clinical School of Medicine at Woodstock, Vt., then connected with the College, are taken from the Triennial Catalogue published in 1834. 1830. Calvin Allen, M.D. From 'STeston, Vt. Leonard Baston, M.D. From Weston, Vt. John F. Carpenter, M.D. Settled at Lawrence, N. T. WiLLARD Pcttnam Gibson, M.D. Settled at Woodstock, Vt. Abraham Harding, M.D. Fi-om Woodstock, Vt. Isaac Minard, M.D. Settled at Hartland, Vt. Stillman Ralph, M.D. From Reading, N. Y. James Rice, M.D. From Whitefleld, N. Y. * Oliver Russ, M.D. Settled at Pomfret, Vt. * Nathan H. Thomas, M.D. Died, 1881, at Stowe, Vt. Erasmus Wilson, M.D. From Hartland, Vt. 11 1831. Orsan M. Allaban, M.D. Horace Austin, M.D. Volney Church, M.D. Jonathan C. Hall, M.D. Frederick L. Kidder, M.D. WiLLARD KELSEY, M.D. Job Gr. Littlefield, M.D. Jeremiah F. Miller, M.D. Dalson Morton, M.D. Lewis Patch, M.D. Royal Sharp, M.D. Guy Staughton, M.D. Aaron Sumner, M.D. William F. Tilton, M.D. Berkely 0. Tyler, M.D. WiLLARD A. Watkins, M.D. 1832. William R. Adams, M.D. *JoEL Anger, M.D. Settled at Haverhill, N. H. Edward Barton, M.D. J. M. G. Blodget, M.D. From Somers, Conn. Isaac D. Carpenter, M.D. From Strafford, Vt. * Seneca Carter, M.D. Settled at Plymouth, Vt. Ira Clement, M.D. From Cornish, N. H. Oliver J. Corbin, M.D. From Newport, N. H. 16 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF Hiram Crandall, M.D. Physician, Burlington, Vt. Sanford Emert, M.D. Phinehas Fletcher, M.D. From Saratoga, N. Y. Charles Hoit, M.D. From Deerfield, Mass. A. Hartwell Jaquith, M.D. From Ashb}^ Mass. W. B. Lincoln, M.D. From Peru, Vt. William M. Lyman, M.D. From Schenectady, N. Y. Thomas B. Marston, M.D. From Concord, N. H. Horace May, M.D. From Wilmington, Vt. J. H. Morse, M.D. From Hudson, N. H. John Mosher, M.D. ■ From Tinmouth, Vt. John Paul, M.D. Prom Shipton, Can. Hiram Perkins, M.D. From Unity, N. H. Thaddeus Phelps, M.D. From Knoxville, Pa. *JAMES B. PORl'ER, M.D. Died at Rutland, Vt. Horace Powers, M.D. Prom Croydon, N. H. Charles S. Sterling, M.D. Hermon H. Smith, M.D. From Cairo, N. Y. Oliver E. Strong, M.D. From Jones Co., N. C. David Whitney, M.D. From Shelbunie, Mass. I COLBY UNIVERSITY. 61 GRADUATES OF THE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, Note. The following names of those who had completed the course of study in the Theological Department ai-e reprinted from the Triennial Catalogue published in 1825. 1820. Michael Carlton. Bluehill, Me.; Pastor, Hopkinton, N. H.,to 1832. * Samuel Fogg. Pastor, Thomas- ton, Me., 1821-26; Greene, 1828-31; E. AVinthrop, 1831-36; Missionary in Me.; died, Monmouth, Me., Oct. 18, 1868, aged 82. *Ebenezer Nelson. Pastor, Lynn, Mass., 1820-27; W. Cambridge, 1828-34; Sec. No. Bapt. Ed. Soc, 1834-37; Pastor, Middleboro, 1837-50; Agent, Newton Theol. Inst., 1827-28, and 1850-51; died, Lynn, Mass., April 6, 1852, aged 64. 1821. * Samuel Cook. Ordained, Ef- fingham, N. H. ; Pastor, Brentwood, Hampton Falls, Hopkinton, Meredith and Dunbarton, N. H. ; Agent, N. H. Bapt. Couv. ; Chaplain N. H. State Prison ; died, Concord, N. H., Feb. 15, 1872, aged 81. 1822. *JOHN Atwood, A.m., 1832. Pas- tor, New Boston, N. H., 1825-36; Frances- town, 1 yr. ; Hillsboro, 7 yrs. ; State Treasurer, N. H., 1847-53; Chaplain N. H. State Prison; died, New Boston, N. H., Apr. 28, 1873, aged 77. Henry Stanwood. From Bos- ton, Mass. John C. Welch. Pastor, War- ren, r.i., 1823-40; Seekonk, Mass., from 1840. 1823. Samuel Everett. 1824. William Bowen. Pastor, Edgar- ton, Mass. fore 1840. in 1828; Norwalk, Conn., be- SlLAS KeNNET. ham, Mass., 1828. Pastor, Belliug- 1825. *JoHN Billings. Pastor, Addi- son, Me.,.1826-41; No. Livermore, 1845-46 Addison, 1846-49; Mt. Vernon, 1849-56 Norridgewock, 18.56-.58; Parkman, 1861-64 Member Bd. Trustees, 1840-43; died, Fay- ette, Me., Dec. 20, 1864, aged 66. Caleb Clark. Ezra Going. Pastor, Sidney, Me., 1827-29. Whitman Metcalf. Missionary in Me., 1825. *Oren Tract, A.M., 1832. Pastor, East Stonghton, Mass., 1825; Fitchburg, Athol; New London, N. H., Newport; died, Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 6, 1863, aged 65. 62 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF GENERAL SUMMARY. WHOLE NUMBER. ALTJMNI, 730 HON-ORART GRADUATES, 157 MEDICAL GRADUATES, 55 THEOLOGICAL GRADUATES, 15 TOTAL, , .■ 957 DECEASED. ALUMNI, 194 HONORARY GRADUATES 77 MEDICAL GRADUATES, 5 THEOLOGICAL GRADUATES, 6 TOTAL, 282 PRESENT NUMBER. ALUMNI, 536 HONORARY GRADUATES, 80 MEDICAL GRADUATES 50 THEOLOGICAL GRADUATES 9 TOTAL, , . 675 RESIDENCES OF THE ALUJ .1 ^ c :; .2 o ■CO 00 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .6 CO 00 .1 .1 .2 A .6 ID CO 00 '.0 .1 .1 .9 CO CO 00 .1 '.2 '.2 .7 CO 00 .3 .2 '.2 .7 00 CO 00 !i A '.2 .9 03 CO 00 .2 is .2 • i .3 .1 .'i 13 o 00 .1 .2 .2 .'i .6 "id- 00 .'i .8 CM 00 .3 .1 .1 [[ .6 CO 00 .1 .1 "4 .1 .1 00 .'3 .1 .6 00 .3 CD 00 .2 .3 00 "3 .6 A 12 00 "* 00 .1 .1 .1 !i .4 "* 00 .1 .1 .1 • • ; ; 14 10 00 .1 .1 '.2 .1 .2 .7 1 00 .9 lO 00 .3 .6 CO lO 00 .i .2 .1 .2 .2 '.i .2 12 in 00 .2 .1 .3 10 in 00 • • .2 .1 .1 .1 T5 CD in 00 1: .5 in 00 .1 !i .1 .1 .1 • • .1 14 00 in w .1 .1 .1 .1 * " .3 .2 "i .1 .1 . 1: STATISTICS OF THE ALUMNI. CLASS ^ 00 col«* CM CM 00 w CM C< 0000 r^ 00 » o _ CM IM CM CO CO 00 OO 00 00 OO cm'co'«* CO CO CO 00 00 OO in CO IV 00 CO CO CO CO OO 00 00 00 CO 00 18 .5 .3 .1 .1 .8 .1 .1 .1 1840 1841 1842 CO 00 13 .6 .2 .2 .1 .3 !i .2 .1 A A .1 2 2 S l;'2l2'='l-'cM'co'rt'io'cDliv'oo'o> 00 00 00 00 OO 00 eooooooooooooooooooo CO CO CO CD CO 00 00 00 00 00 in'co'iv'oo'o CO ' 00 l" r; I .5 O CO 00 10 is .2 .6 1 CM CO 00 !i !i .1 .2 !i .*i is .3 ' ■ 21 CO CO 00 .'i .1 .1 .{ .1 16 00 'a .1 1 CO 00 ■* .1 is .S .1 .8 CO CO 00 .1 .2 .4 1 CO 00 .1 A .2 .1 111 .6 00 CO 00 1 .s 15 1 CO 00 ,2 .1 ."s .1 .1 .9 o 00 !i A .2 .1 A A .7 00 .1 !i !i '.6 A 12 CM rv 00 !i '.I .2 .8 CO 1^ 00 !i .2 .4 '.2 10 00 .7 r> 00 .4 .1 is 16 CO 00 .1 !i .4 .2 .9 1^ 00 !i .1 .1 '.s .2 !i 16 1 00 .1 .4 .S .1 .1 .1 !i .1 !i 14 05 r>. 00 .1 .2 ".8 .6 19 o 00 00 .1 .2 .1 '.8 o . O A A .2 19 00 00 .2 17 10 A A .S 34 00| 00 .1 .1 26 .S .1 !i < Eh O . .1 . .2 . .1 . .1 . .6 .16 . .6 . .8 . .2 . .5 . .1 . .2 . .2 .11 . .3 .10 . .6 . .6 . .1 212 104 . .9 .14 . .1 . .6 . .1 . .1 .18 . .9 .29 .11 . .7 . .5 . .1 . .2 . .2 . .1 . .8 . .2 . .4 . .1 J536 COLBY UNIVEESITY 63 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Note. Honorary Graduates are indicated by tlie letter h, Medical Graduates by m, and Theological Graduates by t. NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Abbot, Theophilus Capen, 1845 . . 26 Adams, William K., 1832 to. . .59 Adlam, Samuel, 18-46 A. ... 52 Aldeu, William Harrison, 1873 h. . 56 Allaban, Orsan M., 1831 to. . . 69 Allen, Albert Barney, 1874 ... 43 Allen, Calvin, 1830 to 59 Allen, Elisha Hunt, 1869 h. . . 55 Allen, Lorenzo Bickford, 1835 . . 18 Anderson, Martin Brewer, 1840 . . 23 Andrews, George Austin, 1882 . . 47 Andrews, William Wallace, 1882 . 47 Anger, Joel, 1832 to 59 Angler, John Francis Howard, 1827 . 14 Appleton, Moses Lark, 1830 ... 16 Atkinson, Nicholas Xoyes, 1869 . ■ . 41 Atwood, Charles Edward, 1881 . . 47 Atwood, John, 1822 t 61 Austin, Horace, 1831 to. . . .59 Averill, Alexander M., 1857 h. . .54 Avery, Samuel Waters, 1840 . . 23 Ayer, William Oliver, 1868 ... 41 Bachelder, Thomas Foxwell, 1858 . 35 Bailey, David Judson, 1881 ... 47 Bailey, Dudley Perkins, 1867 . . 41 Bakeman, Francis Wales, 1866 . . 40 Baker, Amos Fletcher, 1843 . . 25 Baker, John Smullen, 1847 . . .27 Baldwin, Charles Pierce, 1858 . . 35 Baldwin, Jotham Francis, 1853 . . 31 Ballard, Joseph, 1833 h. . . .51 Barker, Aretas Gustavus, 1862 . . 37 Barker, Francis, 1834 .... 18 Barrows, Allen, 1834 .... 18 Barrows, Comfort Edwin, 1881 A. . 58 Barrows, John Harris, 1872 ... 43 Barrows, Lewis, 1839 .... 22 Bai-i-ows, William Carey, 1862 . . 37 Bartlett, Junius Artemus, 1848 . . 28 Bartlett, William Pitt, 1853 ... 31 Barton, Asher Hinds, 1881 ... 47 Barton, Edward, 1832 to. . . .59 Barton, Jonathan Quincy, 1857 . . 34 NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Barton, Thomas Flint, 1849 ... 29 Baston, Leonard, 1830 m. . . .59 Battles, Amory, 1878 h. ... 58 Bearce, Henry Merrill, 1865 ... 40 Belcher, Hiram, 1828 k. . . . 49 Bickford, Calvin, 1841 .... 24 Bickford, Martin Luther, 1837 . . 20 Bickuell, William Martin, 1844 . . 26 Billings, Adoniram Judson, 1874 h. . 57 Billings, John, 1825 t 61 Bixby, Solomon Everett, 1849 . . 29 Blackwell, Joseph, 1850 ... 30 Blaine, James Gillespie, 1875 h. . 57 Blake, Frederic Dana, 1861 ... 37 Blanchard, John Augustus, 1850 - 30 Blanchard, Moses Clement, 1850 . 30 Blanchard, Nathan Weston, 1855 . 33 Blewett, Scotto Hedge, 1871 . . .42 Blodget, J. M. G., 1832 to. . . .59 Boardmau, George Dana, 1822 . . 13 Bodflsh, Frank, 1862 .... 37 Bonney, Percival, 1863 .... 39 Boothby, Stephen, 1857 . . . . 34 Bosworlh, George Whitfield, 1837 . 20 Bosworth, Walter Sanger, 1882 . . 48 Boutelle, Nathaniel Rogers, 1860 A. . 54 Boutelle, Timothy, 1839 A. . . .52 Bowen, William, 1824 t. . . .61 Bowler, Stephen Longfellow, 1847 . 27 Bradbury, Charles Webster, 1834 . 18 Bradbury, James Tyler, 1855 . . 33 Bradbmy, John Brackett, 1857 . . 34 Bradford, Freeman, 1827 ... 14 Bradford, Lucius, 1867 h. . . .55 Bradford, Zabdiel, 1834 ... 18 Bradley, George, 1853 .... 31 Brainerd, Augustus Reuben, 1849 . 29 Bridgham, Derrick Stafford, 1854 . 32 Briggs, Anda-ew Howard, 1839 . . 22 Briggs, George W., 1860 h . . .54 Britton, Hattie Emily, 1879 ... 46 Britton, Isaac, 1869 .... 41 Brookings, Elias, 18G2 .... 37 Brooks, James, 1828 .... 15 Brooks, Kendall, 1854 h. . . .53 RESIDENCES OF THE ALUMNI CLASS in (o 00 (N M CN a> o — C4 (N CO CO CO CO ^ in CO CO CO CD r> 00 CO CO CO CO »* 00 O — CMCO'* ^rtrt^ininioinin in (o r^ 00 in to in in O) — t^ CO lO (C CO 4 Alabama Arkansas Australia lirazil Kunnali California Colorado (/'onnecticiit Dakota 'I'crritoiy District of Colunibia France Georgia Illinois Indiana Kansas 00 OO 00 ! J ! . . . . . 00 i. 00 .2 00 !i ;; ;; .2 .3 .1 :i " .'i .1 .4 !i .1 .'3 .1 ;i :: ."i .'3 .6 A A '.i '.i A A A A 'a A is is •• ;; '.i u ii .1 A A .2 " .7 .9 .C i2 .2 A 12 .1 ii '.i " '.2 •■ is .2 '.2 A A A i i ;; ii " •• ii .1 .1 ie ii ii ii u .1 A .1 ••' ii i.i .2 ■! ii .1 . 1 1? '[ ii is .•1 "i is .2 .1 ii .1 .2 ■" is i' ii ii ii ii ii .G .3 ii .1 ii ii .'i •• ]' ii ii ii .2 " A is .1 " "i '.7 .3 ii ii i2 ia .1 .. is .1 ii " A A ii .1 .7 " ii .2 ii 'i A ii .7 .ii .4 ii if ii ii ii 16 ii ii .2 ii .9 .1 .1 .1 is .2 ii ii ii ■• 16 ii .S ii ii •] ii .1 ii ii i2 is .6 ii .2 ii ii ii .2 'A 17 10 '\ ii .1 .3 ii .1 2(i ii 83 . .1 . .2 ..1 . .1 . .6 .16 ..6 . .8 ..2 ..6 . .1 . .2 . .2 .11 . .3 .10 ..5 . .5 1 Massacliusutls Miiinesola Missouri New Uruiiswick New .Icrscy New York". Uliodo Island South Carolina Tonnusseo -U.S. Navy Washington Territory Unknown .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 ■■ " t: l; 1. . L. 1. . .1 .1 !i .1 .1 \\ .2 !i .5 .1 ;i .9 .1 A .2 .3 :; .2 .4 .1 is ■■ .3 .1 .3 .1 .. .1 :: .6 ..5 !i .'i .'i 212 104 . .9 .14 . .1 . .6 . .1 . .1 .18 . .9 .29 .11 . .7 . .6 . .1 . .2 . .2 . .1 . .8 . .2 . .4 . .1 Total .3 .1 .3 9 f A r' .2 .G .0 .7 .7 .9 13 .8 .5 .s .6 .3 .3 u .316 .5 .6J10 .6I2I 16 .8 .8 ~' .6 " .9 12 .8J10 14J19 19 84 536 64 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. CLASS. Brooks, William Enstis, 18G2 Brown, Henry Padelford, 1835 Brown, John Xewton, 1838 /*. Brown, Orie Olivia, 1882 Brown, Sewall, 1809 Brown, Simon Stratton, 1858 Brownson, William Henry, 1877 Bryant, Amasa, 1871 h. Buck, Alfred Eliab, 1858 Buck, Thomas Barnes, 1851 Bullurd, Frank Dearborn, 1881 Bnllen, George, 1853 Bunker, Alouzo, 1862 . Burbank, Caleb, 1830 . Burbank, Levi Sumner, 1870 h. Burbank, Moses, 1836 . Burnham, William Carey, 1878 Burrill, William Henry, 1830 Burton, Augustus Marion, 1880 Burlt, Joseph Manning, 1876 h. Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1838 Butler, John, 1832 h. . . Butler, Nathaniel, 1842 . Butler, Nathaniel, Jr., 1873 . Biitler, Thomas Melviu, 1868 Buzelle, George Brainerd, 1860 Caldwell, Samuel Lunt, 1839 Campbell, David Wass, 1876 h. Campbell, Fred Irving, 1871 . Capen, James Winchell, 1845 Carlton, Michael, 1820 t. . Carpenter, Gilbert Hermon, 1851 Carpenter, Isaac D., 1832 m. Carpenter, John F., 1830 m. Carter, Seneca, 1832 m. Carver, Leonard Dwiglit, 1868 Carver, Mary Caffrey Low, 1875 Case, Charles Haynes, 1880 . Case, John Elijah, 1880 . Gates, Abrahaiu Barker, 1874 Caverly, Zachariah Boody, 1843 Champliu, Augustus, 1862 . Champliu, James Tift, 1873 h. Chandler, Lucius Henry, 1831 Chaplin, Hugh Ross, 1880 . Chaplin, Jeremiah, 1828 Chaplin, John O'Brien, 1825 . Chapman, John Alfred Metcalf, Chase, Charles Augustus, 1878 Chase, Charles Wesley, 1869 Chase, Fred Virgil, 1876 Chase, Henry Lewis, 1857 . Chase, Irah, 1830 h. Chase, Lyman, 1843 Chase, Marshall Spring, 1840 1870 PAGE. 38 19 51 48 55 35 45 56 36 30 47 31 38 16 55 19 45 16 58 57 21 50 24 43 41 36 22 57 42 27 61 30 59 59 59 41 44 46 46 43 25 38 56 17 46 15 13 h. 56 45 41 44 34 50 25 23 1862 1868 1868 h. . 1867 1881 1877 . 1841 NAME. CLASS. Chase, Simeon Lovell Bearce, 1863 Chase, William Thomas, 1865 Chiokering, Lucius, 1842 Child, James Loring, 1836 h. Chipman, Isaac, 1839 Church, Pharcellus, 18.32 h. Church, Volney, 1831 m. Clark, Albion Byron, 1851 . Clark, Caleb, 1825 t. . Clark, Carroll Winn, 1880 . Clark, Whiting Stevens, Clark, William Heman, Clarke, Ivory, 1834 Clay, Charles Leonidas, Cleaveland, John, 1831 Clement, Ira, 1832 m. . Clement, Levi Hoyt, 1873 Clough, John Blake, 1868 . Clowe, George Wyman, 1865 Cobb, Elias, 1827 h. Cobb, Lemuel Howard, Coburn, Alonzo, 1841 Coburu, Charles, 1844 Coburn, Cliarles Miller, Coburn, Louise Helen, Coburn, Samuel Weston, Coburn, Stephen, 1839 Cochrane, Granville Park, 1880 h. Cochrane, James Edward, 1880 Coffin, Charles Ransom, 1867 Colby, Ricliard Garland, 1835 Colcord, Edward John, 1875 Colcord, John Wiggin, 1841 . Cole, Robert, 1854 h. . Cole, Samuel, 1850 . Collins, Edward Mortimer, 1882 Collins, Samuel A., 1862 h. . Comings, Isaac Miller, 1836 . Conant, Charles Edward, 1879 Caok, Daniel Francis, 1833 . Cook, Jacob Mott, 1831 . Cook, Samuel, 1821 t. . Cookson, John, 1835 h. Coolidge, John Oberon, 1851 Corbiu, Oliver J., 1832 m. . Cornish, Leslie Colby, 1875 . Corthell, William, 1844 . Corthell, William Johnson, 1857 Cox, Francis Augustus, 1835 h. Cox, John Hosmer, 1875 Crandall, Hiram, 1832 m. . Crane, Abijah Robinson, 1856 Crane, David Fifleld, 1855 . Crawford, AVilliam Campbell, 1882 Crosby, Atwood, 1874 h. Crosby, Edgar Herbert, 1880 COLBY UNIVERSITY. 65 KAilE. CLASS. Cummings, Ebenezer Edson, 1838. Cunimings, Elkanah Andrews, 1847 Cnnimiugs, iNCark Andrew, 1849 Cumston, Charles Henry, 1870 Curtis, Thomas Fenuer, 1863 h dishing, Frank Burton, 18S1 Cushing, Henry Joseph, 18(j4 PAGE. 15 27 29 42 54 47 39 Danforth, Albert, 1867 . Davies, John Francis, 1881 . Davis, Caleb Bailey, 1842 h. Davis, Charles Henry, 1853 . Davis, George, 1836 h. Davis, George Weston, 1868 Davis, Gustavus Fellowes, 1827 Davis, ATalter Isidoro, 1878 . Day, Hartley Wood, 1841 h. Denipsey, Hugh, 1846 . Deuneu, Stephen Rollins, 1849 Dennison, Hubert Artsou, 1882 Dennison, Joshua A., 1830 h. Dewhurst, Fred Eli, 1878 Dexter, Henry Vaughan, 1842 Dickerso.n, Jonathan Garland, 1836 Dillingham, William Addisou Pitt, 1863 h Dinsmore, Charles M., 1859 h. Dodge, Francis Macomber, 1853 Dodge, Harvey Bingham, 1827. Dodge, Oliver Augustus, 1833 Donham, Greuville Mellen, 1865 Dow, George Washington, 1852 Downs, Henry Smith, 1849 . Drinkwater, Arthur, 1833 h. Driukwater, Arthur Fuller, 1840 Drummond, Josiah Hayden, 1846 Drummond, Josiah Hayden, Jr., 1877 Dunham, George Lora, 1882 Dunn, Reuben Wesley, 1868 Dunnell, Mark Hill, 1849 Dunning, Henry, 1882 . Dunton, Larkin, 1855 Eaton, Hamlin Fairfield, 1872 h Elder, Joseph Freeman, 1860 Elliot, Ezra Franklin, 1882 Emerson, Oliver, 1835 Emery, Charles Melvin, 1863 Emery, James Stainley, 1851 Emery, Sabine, 1858 Emery, Sanford, 1832 m. Estes, Hiram Cushnian, 1847 Evans, Alfred Henry, 1881 Evans, Harvey, 1827 Evans, Jonas, 1832 h. . Evans, William Augustus, 1827 NAJIE. CLASS. Eveleth, Frederic'Howard, 1870 Everett, Franklin, 1838 . Everett, Samuel, 1823 t. Ewer, Warren Baxter, 1866 h. Ewer, William Dyer, 1862 . 54 54 31 14 17 40 31 29 51 23 27 45 48 41 29 48 83 56 36 48 19 39 30 35 60 27 47 15 50 14 Fairbanks, George Greenwood, 1847 Fairman, Charles, 1850 Fales, Jonathan Cilley, 1858 . Farnam, Jonathan Everett, 1833 Farnum, George Llewellyn, 1870 Farr, Frederic William, 1882 Parrar, Samuel, 1826 Fay, Nathaniel Thomas, 1839 Felch, Alvan, 1851 h. . Fellowes, Jonathan Goodhue, 1835 Files, Joseph Howard, 1877 . Fisher, Gilman Clark, 1869 . Fitch, Thomas, 1827 Fittz, Hervey, 1829 h. . Fitz, Eustace Carey, 1880 h. Fletcher, Augustus Allen, 1857 Fletcher, Fred Nathaniel, 1882 Fletcher, Phinehas, 1832 m. Fletcher, Stephen Copeland, 18.58 Fletcher, Wendall Omar, 1876 h. Flood, Everett, 1879 Flood, George Stickney, 1861 Fogg, Samuel, 1820 t. . Follett, James Mitchell, 1871 h. Ford, Albert Aaron, 1879 h Foster, Charles, 1828 . Foster, Charles Freeman, 1855 Foster, Charles Wilbert, 1871 Foster, Elijah, 1823 Foster, Johu Barton, 1843 Foster, John Marshall, 1877 Foster, Reuben, 1855 Freeman, Barnabas, 1840 Freeman, Enoch Weston, 1827 Frye, Caleb Buffum, 1880 Frye, Robie Gale, 1882 . Frye, Thomas, 1842 Fuller, Alexander, 1858 Fuller, Fred, 1873 . Fullerton, Samuel Stanley, 1842 Furber, William Horace, 1882 Gamble, Alexander, 1847 Gamble, John, 1851 Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell, 1838 Gardner, Fred Mack, 1881 . Garland, George Erastus, 1882 Garnsey, Thomas Hersey, 1851 Garrison, Edwin William, 1830 Gates, Francis Alonzo, 1837 . PAGE. 42 21 61 55 38 27 30 35 17 43 14 22 53 19 45 41 15 50 58 35 48 60 36 57 46 37 61 56 58 15 33 42 13 25 45 33 23 15 46 48 25 36 43 25 28 31 21 47 48 31 16 20 66 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Geddes, James, 1879 .... 46 Getchell, Albert Colby, 1878 ... 45 Getchell, Elclridge Lawrence, 1837 . 21 Getchell, George Clifford, 1826 . . 14 Gibbs, William Harris, 1877 . . 45 Gibson, Willard Putnam, 1830 m. . 59 Giddings, Rockwood, 1833 ... 17 Gifford, George, 1862 .... 38 Gilpatrick, James, 1833 h. . . .51 Glidden, Sanniel Glidden, 1831 . . 17 Glover, Willard, 1825 .... 13 Goodrich, Foster, 1859 .... 36 Going, Ezra, 1825 t 61 Going, Jonathan, 1832 h. . . . 50 Goldthwait, William, 1873 ... 44 Goldthwaite, William Franklin, 1840 . 23 Gould, Moses, 1826 .... 14 Gould, Walter, 1833 .... 17 Gow, George Boardman, 1852 . . 31 Granger, Abraham Hoiley, 1839 . . 22 Graves, William, 1831 h. . . .50 Gray, Edgar Harkuess, 1838 . . 21 Gray, Oliver Crosby, 1855 ... 33 Greene, Roscoe Goddard, 1839 h. . 52 Greene, William Shaw, 1849 . . 29 Greenough, John Reed, 1844 . . 26 Grimes, Isaac William, 1881 . . 47 Grover, Howard Haskell, 1865 . . 40 Gunning, Robert Halliday, 1847 h. . 52 Gurney, Albanus Kimball, 1871 . . 42 Hale, Frederick, 1862 .... 38 Hale, Henry Ware, 1867 ... 41 Hall, Atwood Curtis, 1876 ... 44 Hall, Charles Francis, 1875 ... 44 Hall, Edward Wiuslow, 1862 . . 38 Hall, George Washington, 1875 . . 44 Hall, Henry Joseph, 1827 ... 15 Hall, Jonathan C, 1831 m. . . .59 Hallowell, Clement Howard, 1876 . 44 Hallowell, Florentius Merrill, 1877 . 45 Hallowell, Henry Carlton, 1868 . . 41 Hallowell, Susan Maria, 1875 h. . 57 Hamblen, Isaac Small, 1858 ... 35 Hamblen, Samuel, 1862 .... 38 Hamlin, Charles Edward, 1847 . . 28 Hamlin, Delwin Augustus, 1871 . . 42 Hamlin, Elijah Livermore, 1823 h. . 49 Hamlin, Hannibal, 1859 h. . Hamlin, Hannibal Emery, 1879 Hannalord, Lyman Brooks, 1854 h. Hauscom, -Charles Green, 1845 Hanscom, Moses, 1842 . Hanson, Charles Verauus, 1865 Hanson, Hadley Procter, 1849 Hanson, James Hobbs, 1842 . NASIE. CLASS. PAGE. Hanson, Sophia May, 1881 ... 47 Hanson, Zenas Paine, 1857 . Harding, Abraham, 1&30 m. Harmon, Josiah, 1841 Hart, Henry Augustus, 1857 Harvey, Hezekiah, 1862 h. . Harwood, C. G., 1877 h. Haskell, Elihu Burritt, 1872 . Hatch, Hobbs, 1845 Hatch, Walter Macomber, 1847 Hatch, William Allen, 1861 . Hathaway, Levi Beals, 1838 . Hayi'ord, Joel Perez, 1824 . Haynes, Harry Neil, 1877 Haynes, Josiah Manchester, 1860 Heath, William Solyman, 1855 Henderson, Josiah Robert, 1877 Plerrick, Alanson Currier, 1857 Herrick, Fred Samuel, 1880 . Herrick, Thomas Webster, 1846 Herring, Charles Macomber, 1873 Hesseltine, Francis Snow, 1863 Hill, Hiram Ilovey, 1853 h. Hinds, Amos Lunt, 1858 Hinds, Crosby, 1838 Hitchings, Samuel Kimball, 1881 Hobart, Benjamin, 1825 . Hobble, William Henry, 1852 Hoby, James, 1835 h. . Hodge, James Lawrence, 1845 A Hodges, Joseph, 1830 Hodges, William Hastings, 1851 Hoit, Charles, 1832 m. Holmes, Ezekiel, 1824 h. . Holmes, Lewis, 1840 Holton, Calvin, 1824 Hopkins, George Calvin, 1863 Hopkinson, Henry Malcom, 1868 Hovey, John, 1825 . Howard, George Bassett, 1875 Howard, Oliver Otis, 1865 h. Howe, William, 1833 Hubbard, John, 1851 h. Hubbard, John, Jr., 1858 ft,. Hudson, Henry, 1875 Humphrey, Washington Irving, 1855 Humphrey, William Hoit, 1849 Hunt, Ephraim, 1850 Hunt, George Langford, 1862 Hunt, George Walter, 1866 . Hunt, Kathan, 1879 Huntington, Daniel, 1831 h. Hussey, Albert Christopher, 1876 Hutchinson, Ebenezer, 1824 . Hutchinson, Enoch, 1834 Hyde, John Chester, 1848 . COLBY TTKIVEESITY. 67 NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Ilslev, George Boardniaii, 1863 . . 39 Ilsley, Silas, 1S34 18 Ingraham, John Heuuiker, 1836 h. . 51 lugraliam, Joshua Loriug, 1880 . . 46 Jackson, Abi-aliam Willarci, 1869 Jacksou, Amos Messer, 1861 Jackson, Frank Hussey, 1875 h. Jackson, John Henry, 1860 . Jaquith, A. Ilartwell, 1832 m. Je\yet.t, Albert Gallatin, 1826 Jewett, Samuel A., 1841 h. . Johnson, .John, 1839 Johnson, Samuel Sawyer, 1839 Jones, Ahira, 1836 . Jones, Frank John, 1878 Jones, Randall Elvin, 1861 . Jordan, William Emmons, 1882 Joy, Araariah, 1835 Joy, Willis Albert, 1879 Judkius, Clarence La Verue, 1881 Kalloch, Isaac Smith, 1856 h. Keely, Josiah, 1857 h. . Keith, Sidney, 1844 . Kelley, Augustus Hill, 1873 . Kelley, Herbert Leslie, 1880 Kelley, Moses Jones, 1838 Kelley, William Hunt, 1874 . Kelsey, Willard, 1831 m. . Kennedy, Almore, 1860 . Kennedy, Daniel Knight, 1828 h. Kennedy, Henry Abial, 1860 Kenuey, Silas, 1824 t. . Kent, Edward, 1855 h. . Kettelle, Jacob Quincy, 1828 Kidder, Frederick L., 1831 m. Kimball, Charles Holt, 1869 . Kimball, Charles Otis, 1828 h. King, Alonzo, 1825 . King, Carl Clinton, 1880 King, Ernest Frothingham, 188i King, George Mellen Prentiss, 1857 King, Henry Melville, 1877 h. Kingman, Lebbeus, 1840 Knapp, William Stevens, 1840 Knowlton, Albion Keith Parris, 1854 Knowltou, Benjamin Lauriston, 1850 Knowlton, Ebenezer, 1851 h. Knowlton, William Smith, 1864 . Knox, George, 1840 ... Knox, Horatio Bickford, 1881 Koopman, Harry Lyman, 1880 Ladd, Anmii Storer, 1873 A. Lamb, John Warren, 1855 . 42 20 45 37 48 19 46 47 54 54 26 43 46 21 43 59 37 49 37 61 53 15 59 42, 49 14 46 40 35 58 23 24 32 30 53 39 24 47 46 57 33 1852 h. . NA5IE. CLASS. Lambert, William Henry, 1865 Lamson, William, 1835 . Lander, Cyrus Wesley, 1854 Lane, Albert Gallatin, 1827 Lane, Asa Lyman, 1862 Laphani, Bufus, 1839 Lapham, William Berry, 1871 h Lawrence, Bela Malcom, 1882 Lawrence, Benjamin Franklin, 1 Leavitt, Arch Dorillous, 1862 Leavitt, Samuel Kelley, 1855 Leighton, Ahin Penley, 1882 Leishman, Tliomas, 1834 Lemont, Charles Stanwood, 1879 Leland, Minerva Eliza, 1882 Levett, Joseph Winslow, 1858 Libbey, AVilliam, 1871 . Libby, Ebenezer Hawks, Lillybridge, Clark, 1826 Lincoln, W. B., 1833 m. Lisconib, John Francis, 1862 Littlefleld, Edward Clarendon, Littlefleld, Job G., 1831 m. . Long, Charles Collins. 1841 . Long, Edwin Collins, 1876 . Loomis, Justin Rolph, 1838 A. Looney, William Henry, 1877 Lord, Edward Oliver, 1877 . Lord, Frederick, 1831 . Lord, William Godding, 1851 Loring, Joseph Cashing, 1834 Lovejoy, Daniel, 1825 h. Lovejoy, Elijah Parish, 1826 Low, Charles Carroll, 1856 . Low, George Shepherd, 1850 Lowell, John Atkinson, 1853 Lowell, Simeon Heath, 1840 . Luce, Nelson Allen, 1874 h. Lndden, Levi, 1859 . Ludden, Timothy, 1854 h. . Lyford, Edwin Francis, 1877 Lyford, Moses, 1843 Lyford, Will Hartwell, 1879 Lyman, William M., 1832 m. Lyons, Thomas Gould, 1872 . MacDonald, Jonathan Titus, 18£ Macomber, Francis Green, 1825 Macomber, Sylvanus Boardman, Maginnis, John Sharp, 1833 h. Magoon, Elias Lyman, 1843 h. Maun, William Gerry, 1878 . Marble, Albert Prescott, 1861 Marble, John Oliver, 1863 . Marin, Manuel Casaus, 1883 Marriuer, Eufus Knight, 1855 1864 PAGE. 40 19 33 15 38 23 1863 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Marsli, Samuel Keene, 1881 ... 47 Marshall, Albert Quiuey, 1863 . . 38 Marshall, Carleton Parker, 1881 . . 47 Marshall, Horace Barrows, 1858 . 36 Marshall, Jacob Smith, 1848 ... 28 Marston, Coustantine Bates, 1837 . 21 Marston, Thomas B., 1833 m. . .60 Marston, Walter Forrest, 1871 . . 42 Mason, Eaton, 1830 .... 16 Mason, Francis, 1832 h. . . . .50 Mathews, George Pendleton, 1863 h. .54 Mathews, Lizzie, 1879 .... 46 Mathews, Minnie Hartford, 1880 . 46 Mathews, Walter Herbert, 1878 . . 45 Mathews, William, 1835 ... 19 Mathews, Willis Brouson, 1871 . . 43 Matthews, Asa, 1839 .... 16 Matthews, Samuel Worcester, 1854 . 33 May, Horace, 1832 m 60 Mayo, Francis, 1857 . . . . ' 35 Mayo, William AVithingtou, 1879. . 46 McClellau, Henry, 1843 ... 25 McClellan, Samuel, 1838 ... 15 McFadden, Tristram Franklin, 1855 . 33 Mclntire, George Albion, 1881 . . 47 McKinley, John, 1868 h. . . .55 McKown, Edward Payson, 1834 . . 18 McKusick, Hazen Pingree, 1866 . . 40 McKusick, John Frank, 1870 h. . .56 Meader, Emily Peace, 1878 ... 45 Meader, Nathaniel, 1863 . . .39 Medbery, Nicholas, 1838 ... 15 Meigs, Alfred Ebeu, 1870 . . . 43 Melcher, Josiah Russell, 1881 . . 47 Jfeleney, Clarence Edmund, 1876 . 44 Merriam, Cyrus Knapp, 1875 . . 44 Mei-riam, Edmund Franklin, 1868 . 41 Merriam, Franklin, 1837 -v . . . 21 Merriam, George, 1879 .... 46 Merriam, Henry Clay, 1864 ... 40 Merriam, Isaac, 1827 A. ... 49 Merriam, Mylon, 1839 . . . .23 Merrill, George Nathan, 1881 . . 47 Merrill, James Weymouth, 1843 . Merrill, John Gale, 1824 A. . . Merrill, Thomas, 1841 . MeiTill, Thomas Ward, 1835 Meserve, Charles Francis, 1877 . Meservey, Charles Edwin, 1881 . Metcalf, Whitman, 1835 t. . Miller, Charles Andrew, 1856 Miller, Jeremiah F., 1831 m. Millett, Joshua Howard, 1878 h. Millett, Ozias, 1836 .... Minard, Isaac, 1830 m. Mirick, Ebenezer, 1826 . . Mirick, Stephen Harvey, 1838 . . 22 Mitchell, Edward Gushing, 1849 . . 29 Mitchell, Howard Rogers, 1872 . . 43 Mitchell, Moses Campbell, 1862 . . 38 Moody, John Frank, 1867 ... 41 Moor, Henry, 1825 14 Moor, Wyman Bradbury Sevey, 1831 . 17 Moore, Justin Payson, 1862 ... 38 Morang, William Emery, 1879 . . 46 Morrill, Charles, 1837 .... 21 Morrill, Lot Myrick, 1847 h. . . 53 Morrill, Otis Hackett, 1836 ... 30 Morse, Alfred, 1842 . . . .35 Morse, Francis Lyford, 1857 . . 35 Morse, J. H., 1832 m 60 Morse, Samuel Baldwin, 1871 h. . 56 Mortimer, Fred Craig, 1881 ... 47 Morton, Dalson, 1831 m. . . .59 Moses, John Leese, 1841 ... 24 Mosher, John, 1833 m 60 Murray, George Edwin, 1879 . . 46 Nason, Laurentius Melancthon, 1880 47 Neal, Seldeu Fletcher, 1853 ... 31 Nelson, Ebenezer, 1820 t. . . .61 Newell, James Sullivan, 1849 . . 29 Nickerson, Charles, 1834 ... 18 Norcross, Kate Englesby, 1881 . . 47 Norris, Benjamin White, 1843 . . 25 Norton, Ransom, 1860 .... 37 Norwood, Ephraim W^ood, 1869 . . 42 Nott, Richard Means, 1852 ... 31 Nowell, Samuel Joshua, 1882 . . 48 Nutting, Horatio Nelson, 1863 . . 39 Oakes, Abner, 1847 .... 28 Oakes, Albion Parris, 1849 ... 29 Odell, Joseph, 1857 35 Oliver, James, 1838 .... 22 Osgood, Thomas Kinsman, 1859 h . 54 Owen, Alfred, 18.53 . . . .32 Owen, Charles Edson, 1879 ... 46 Owen, Howard,- 1879 h. ... 58 Owen, Levi Herbert, 1883 ... 48 Page, Hartstein Wendell, 1880 . . 47 Page, Stephen Benson, 1835 ... 19 Paine, Albert Ware, 1833 . . ' . 17 Paine, Albert Winslow, 1844 ... 26 Paine, George Stratton, 1871 . . 43 Paine, Henry, 1833 13 Paine, Henry William, 1830 ... 16 Paine, Timothy Otis, 1847 ... 28 Palmer, David, 1808 .... 41 Palmer, Gilbert Lafayette, 1847 . . 28 Palmer, James Monroe, 1847 . . 28 COLBY UNIVEESITY. 69 NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Parker, Carletou, 1S34 . . . .18 Parker, William Tripp, 1858 . . SC Parliu, Frank Herbert, 1873 . . .43 Paruielee, James Harvey, ISoO . . 30 Parriiigtoii, John William, 1855 . . 33 Parshley, Johu Howard, 18S1 . . 47 Parti-idge, Orlando Holbrook, 1826 . 14 Patch, Lewis, 1831 m 59 Pattison, Everett Wilson, 1858 . . 3G Paul, John, 183-2 m (iO Pease, Bertis Alvaro, 1883 ... 48 Pease, Burleigh, 1851 .... 31 Poavy, Gustavus Isaac, 1875 . . 44 Peck, Solomon, 1849 h 52 Peirce, Benjamin Osgood, 1835 . . 19 Peunell, Calvin Smith, 1841 ... 24 Pepper, George Dana Boardman, 1867 h. 55 Percival, George Gilman, 1858 . • 36 Perkins, Asa, 1856 . ... 34 Perkins, Hiram, 1832 m. . . .60 Perry, Thomas Hohart, 1835 . . 19 Perry, Wilder Washington, 1872 . . 43 Perry, William Edgar, 1882 ... 48 Petteugill, Joseph Gancello, 1855 . 33 Phelps, Thaddeus, 1832 m. . . .60 Philbrick, Johu Herbert, 1873 . . 43 Philbrick, Samuel, 1843 . . . .26 Philbrook, Warren Coffin, 1882 . . 48 Phillips, Andrew Croswell, 1849 . .29 Pierce, David Jonathan, 1870 h. . 56 Pierce, George Augustus, 1849 . . 29 Pierce, Henry Miller, 1853 . . .32 Pierce, Levi Merriam, 1860 ... 37 Pike, Daniel Webster, 1878 ... 45 Pillsbury, Josiah, 1833 .... 17 Plaisted, Aaron Appleton, 1851 . . 31 Plaisted, Harris Merrill, 1853 . . 32 Plaisted, Samuel, 1828 h. . . .50 Plumer, Frank, 18.53 .... 32 Pompilly, Judah Teague, 1859 . . 36 Poole, Albert Welsted, 1834 ... 18 Porter, Charles Greenleaf, 1863 /t. . 54 Porter, James B., 1832 m. . . .60 Porter, Lemuel, 1834 .... 18 Potter, Joseph Fitch, 1852 k. . .53 Powers, Horace, 1832 m. . . .60 Powers, Llewellyn, 1870 h. . . 56 Powers, Samson, 1844 .... 26 Pratt, Harrison Merrill,, 1864 . . 40 Preble, Fred Myron, 1881 ... 47 Prescott, Charles Jenkins, 1855 . . 33 Prescott, Moses Jewett, 1857 . . 35 Preston, George Marshall, 1852 . . 31 Procter, Hadley, 1823 .... 13 Pullen, Atigustus, 1845 .... 27 PuUen, Stanley Thomas, 1864 . . 40 NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Pulsifcr, William Moor, 1882 : . 48 Purlngton, David, 1839 .... 23 Putnam, Harrington, 1870 . . .42 Quinby, Hosea, 1832 Quinby, Ivory, 1836 Kainsford, Thomas, 1840 Ralph, Stillman, 1830 m. Randall, Joshua, 1825 . Kawson, Edward Stuart, 1869 Rawson, Lyman, 1827 . Rawsou, Sullivan Sumner, 1828 Read, Edward Andrew, 1875 Read, Samuel Austin, 1875 . Record, Isaiah, 1862 Record, StiUman Hersey, 1860 Rediugton, Isaac, 1827 . Renton, Peter, 1832 A. . Rice, James, 1830 m. . Richards, Charles Francis, 1855 Richardson, Alfred Francis, 1876 h Richardson, Cyrus Greenwood, 1864 Richardson, David Aiken, 1839 Richardson, Hobart Wood, 1853 Richardson, Justin Kent, 1869 Richardson, William, 1830 . Ricker, Joseph, 1839 Roberts, Edward Payson, 1870 Roberts, HaU, 1836 . Robie, Benjamin Adams, 1867 h Robinson, George Marshall, 1850 Robinson, Thomas, 1827 Robinson, William Henry, 1882 Rogers, Nathaniel Gilman, 1838 Ropes, Timothy Pickering, 1827 Ropes, William Henry, 1832 Ross, Joseph Augustus, 1S56 Rounds, Charles Collins, 1877 h Bounds, John, 1849 Rowe, Charles Henry, 1858 Rowe, Howard Chandler, 1869 Rowell, Fred Rice, 1881 Royce, Lorenzo Dow, 1844 . Russ, Oliver, 1830 m. . Russell, Charles Albert, 1876 Ryder, John Charles, 1882 Ryder, Wilson Crocker, 1830 Salsnian, Charles Henry, 1878 Samson, Abisha, 1833 h. Sanborn, Abraham, 1828 Sanborn, Dyer Hook, 1833 A. Sanders, George Dana, 1882 Sanford, William, 1847 Sanger, Eugene Francis, 1858 70 GENEEAL CATALOGUE OF NAME. CLASS. Sargent, George Anson, 1836 Sargent, Sylvanus Oilman, 1834 Sargent, Walter Taylor, 1873 h.. . Sawtelle, Henry Allen, 1854 Sawyer, Artenias Wyman, 1867 h. Sawyer, Horace Eugene, 1881 Scaniman, George Stephen, 1863 Scamnion, Jonathan Young, 1869 h Schultz, Jackson Smith, 18G7 A. Seaver, Joseph Harriden, 1848 Shannon, Richard Cutts, 1863 Sharp, Koyal, 1831 m. . Shaw, Benjamin Franklin, 1837 Shaw, Erastus Melville, 1870 Shaw, Frank Kingsbery, 1881 Shaw, Jacob Bartlett, 1860 . Shaw, Jndson Wade, 1858 . Shaw, Moses, 1835 ■ h. . Shepard, William Albert, 1838 Shepherd, Russell Benjamin, 1857 Shepley, Ether, 1842 h. Skinner, Joseph Oberlin, 1873 h Small, Albion Keith Parris, 1849 Small, Albion Woodbury, 1876 Small, Augustus Dennett, 1865 Small, Edwin Sumner, 1868 . Small, Hampton Dunreath Plummer, 18.58 Smart, Mosos Mighels, 18.36 . Smith, Charles Henry, 18.56 . Smiley, Edward Hawes, 1875 Smith, Charles Dennison, 1877 Smith, Eli Burnham, 1849 h. Smith, George Martin, 1873 . Smith, Harrison Avery, 1835 Smith, Hermou H., 1833 m. Smith, Jennie Merrilees, 1881 Smith, Lorenzo Austin, 1850 Smith, Roscoe Greene, 1856 . Smith, Samuel Francis, 1853 h. Smith, Samuel King, 1845 Smith, Warren Augustus, 1869 Smith, William, 1836 . Smith, Zemro Augustus, 1863 Snow, Charles Wesley, 18.56 . Soulc, Allen Pelatiah, 1879 . Soule, Jonathan Godtrey, 1857 Spear, Philetus Bennet, 1868 A. Sprague, Volney Augustine, 1843 Stacy, Everett Moses, 1881 . Stanwood, Henry, 1833 t. . Staples, George McLellan, 1849 Starkey, George Rogers, 1846 Start, Wilder Brown, 1840 . Staughton, Guy, 1831 m, Steaue, Edward, 1843 h. PAGE. 30 18 56 33 55 47 39 55 55 38 38 59 31 43 47 37 36 51 32 35 ■52 56 39 44 40 41 36 20 34 44 45 53 43 14 60 47 30 34 53 27 43 20 39 34 46 35 55 25 47 61 29 37 24 59 52 NAME. CLASS. PAGE. Stearns, Marcellus Lovewell, 1863 . 39 Stearns, Oakman Sprague, 1840 . . 24 Sterling, Charles S., 1832 m. . .60 Stetson, Carlton Beecher, 1881 . . 47 Stevens, George Dana, 1863 ... 39 Stevens, Hermou, 1828 . . . .16 Stevens, Isaac, 1835 h. . . . -51 Stevens, Samuel, 1827 .... 15 Stevens, William Amory, 1862 . . 39 Steward, Philo, 1881 .... 47 Stewart, David Dinsmore, 1863 h. . .55 Stewart, Horace Wilson, 1874 . . 45 Stickney, George W-oodbridge, 1844 . 26 Stockbridge, William, 1834 ... 18 Stone, Admiral Paschal, 1873 h. . 57 Stone, James, 1835 19 Stow, Baron, 18.30 h 50 Stowell, Alfred Sweetser, 1872 . . 43 Stratton, Robert Folger, 1853 . . 33 Stratton, William May, 1833 ... 17 Strong, Oliver E., 1832 m. . . .60 Sturgis, Charles Howard, 1871 . . 43 Sturtevaut, Judson Andrew, 1877 . 45 Sumner, Aaron, 1831 m. . . .59 Sutton, Amos, 1850 h .53 Symonds, Thomas Milton, 1847 . . 28 Talbot, Kathaniel Tobey, 1838 . . 23 Talcott, Daniel Smith, 1853 h. . .53 Tappan, Benjamin, 1836 h. . .51 Tarbox, Moses Ilanscom, 1849 . . .30 Taylor, Jefferson, 1873 .... 43 Taylor, Julian Daniel, 1868 ... 41 Thayer, Albert Carlton, 1828 . . 16 Thomas, Arthur Milton, 1880 . . 47 Thomas, Austin, 1866 .... 40 Thomas, Charles Dana, 1863 . . 39 Thomas, Cornelius Arnold, 1832 . . 17 Thomas, Danford, 1838 .... 33 Thomas, Nathan H., 1830 m. . .59 Thompson, Arthur, 1825 ... 14 Thompson, Henry Marcus, 1878 . . 45 Thompson, Joshua Soule, 1839 . . 23 Thompson, William Harrison, 1839 . 23 Thompson, William Ricker, 1863 . . 39 Thurston, Elisha Madison, 1838 . . 23 Thurston, Stephen Rollo, 1853 . . 33 Tibbetts, Cyrus, 1868 k. ... 55 Tilden, Herbert, 1875 .... 44 Tilden, Horace Wayland, 1873 . . 43 Tilden, Howard Benjamin, 1878 . . 45 Tilley, Charles Coffin, 1876 ... 44 Tilley, William, 1840 .... 34 Tiltou, Albert Freeman, 1835 . . 19 Tilton, Jeremiah Dearborn, 1877 h. . 58 Tilton, Josiah Oden, 1875 ... 44 COLBY UNIVERSITY. 71 NAME. CLASS. Tilton, William F., 1831 m. . Titus, William Nelsou, 1848 . Tobey, Leonard, 1829 h. Tolman, Frank Warren, 1866 Tompsou, Edward Francis, 1882 Townsend, Manly Burt, 1828 Tracy, Oren, 182,") t. . . . Traftou, Augustus Ebenezer, 1847 Traf ton, Charles Thomas, 1843 . Trask, Henry Kendall, 18.55 . Trask, James Elisha, 1880 . Tripp, Ephraim, 1822 . Tripp, John, 182.3 h. . Tripp, Leauder Smith, 1829 . True, Charles Augustus, 1882 True, David Sawyer, 1847 . True, Nathaniel Tuckerman, 1841 h Tyler, Berkely O., 1831 m. . Upham, James, 1835 Van Wagenen, Jonathan, 1845 Vaughau, Hiram Chaney, 1859 . Vent, Charles Frederick, 1857 Wadleigh, Frederick Augustus, 1836 Wait, Samuel, 1822 k. . Waldron, Frederic Augustus, 1868 Waldron, Ira, 1864 Wales, Jonathan, 1826 h. Walker, Elliot, 1848 Walker, Henry Olin, 1872 h Walker, Obed Buruham, 1837 Walker, Versal Jesse, 1849 Wall, Hiram Fuller, 1855 Walling, Justin Adfer, 1879 Warner, Charles Franklin, 1879 Waters, Jabez Mathews, 1843 Watkius, Willard A., 1831 m. Warren, Parkman Shaw, 1873 h Weaver, Herbert Spurdeii, 1882 Webb, Edmund Fuller, 1866 h. Webber, Eegh Richmond, 1855 Webster, Amos, 1867 h. Webster, David, 1873 . Welch, John C, 1822 t. Wells, Samuel, 1833 h. West, William Wallace, 1860 Weston, Charles Frederick, 1855 Weston, Clarence Percival, 1873 Weston, Joshua Woodman, 1853 Weston, Nathan, 1831 h. . Wheaton, Nathaniel Sheldon, 1832 h Wheeler, Charles Hathorn, 1841 . AGE. 59 28 50 40 48 16 61 28 26 33 47 13 49 16 48 28 52 •59 NAME. CLASS. PAGE. AVhecler, Louis Albert, 1872 . . 43 Wheelwright, John Bowen, 1844 . Whidden, Charles Kcndol, 1843 . Whiddcn, Charles Kendol, Jr., 1870 Whidden, Edgar, 1844 . White, Roscoe James, 1855 . White, Theodore Freliughuysen, 1874 Whitehouse, William Penn, 1863 Whiting, William, 1872 A. . Whitman, Ozias, 18G2 . Whitney, David, 1832 m. . Whittemore, Edwin Carey, 1880 Whittier, Francis Fremont, 1881 Wiggin, Albert Bowman, 1843 Wiggin, John Webster, 1841 Wilbur, Greenleaf Augustus, 1846 Wilbur, Henry Ripley, 1847 . Wilcox, Daniel Webster, 1852 Wiley, Frederic Slocura, 1838 Wiley, James Sullivan, 1836 AVillard, Erastus, 1829 . Willard, Frederick Augustus, 1829 h Willey, Arthur Nash, 1871 . Williams, Charles Emery, 1874 . Williams, Daniel, 1835 h. . Williams, Edward, 1839 >Villiams, Nathaniel Marshman, 1837 Wills, Benjamin Robertson, 1882 Wilson, Adam, 1851 h. Wilson, Charles Branch, 1881 Wilson, Erasmus, 1830 m. . Wilson, Fred Morse, 1871 . Wilson, George Adam, 1862 . Wilson, Gowen Coombs, 1857 Wilson, John Butler, 1854 Withington, James Ilervey, 1843 Wood, Nahum Howard, 1833 Wood, Nathaniel Milton, 1844 Wood, Robert Williams, 1829 Woodbury, William Webber, 1841 Woodman, John, 1855 . Woods, Leonard, 1839 h. Woodsum, Ansley Ezra, 1876 Woolson, Moses, 1847 . Worcester, John Caprou, 1881 Wording, William Edward, 1836 Wright, Thomas Goddard, 1839 Wyman, Drew Thompson, 1878 Wyman, John Monroe, 1881 Young, Charles Emerson, 1874 Young, George Weston, 1877 Young, William Pierce, 1864 Youngman, George FrankUn, 1878 TO THE ALUMNI. The General Catalogue has beeu x^i'epared in accordance with a vote of the Ahimni Association, and is issued in place of the Triennial for 1881. An attempt has been made to present a brief record of facts in the history of each graduate which might be of interest to the alumni for whose information the Triennials are published. The obituary notices prepared by Professor Hamlin, the Necrologist of the Association, have furnished material for the record of deceased alumni. The addresses and items concerning the living have been obtained after much de- lay and mainly by direct correspondence. Owing to the difficulty of determining in advance the in-ecise scope of the catalogue and of explaining what was desired, the information obtained in many cases is incomplete. It is hoped, however, that in spite of the omissions and errors unavoidable in a first issue, the General Cata- logue will isrove of jyractical value in promoting the objects for which the Alumni Association exists. Each graduate is now earnestly requested to identify himself with the Associ- ation, and to lend his aid toward making the General Catalogue complete. Please forward to the Secretary any corrections, however slight, of inaccuracies Ti^hich may be noticed, and notify him promptly of any changes or additions. EDWARD W. HALL, Secretarij. Library of Colby University, June 22, 1882. !^SS^ °'' CONGRESS