o J A PROPHETIC POEM, WHICH IS RAPIDLY BEING FUL- FILLED, Written August 11th, 1880, — BY— The Indian Doctress, V ANGELINE JENETTE BUDWE, Elkland, Tioga County, Pa. PRICE 10 CENTS. Copyright, 1890, by Budine & Kimball. All rights reserved. /< x^-^^ ^""V: N* The toUowing Prophetic Poem was written prior to tlie election of James A. Garfield to the presidency of the United States, which event it predicts, as also his tragic death. Also some two years before the invention and applica- tion of air brakes. It is obvious to the well-informed that the events which it foretells would transpire up to the present time have been fulfilled, and we are conscientious in our belief that this is a Prophetic Warning to the Inhabitants ot Earth that they may prepare for the worst, which is yet to come. As the end of time seems drawing- nigh, I feel impressed to prophesv. The harvest ripe the nnj^^els reap. Separating: tarns from the wheat; Trim your lamps and keep them burning bright, For the darkest hour is before daylight. Noted men in Death's embrace will lie. Go to meet their God who reigns on high; The Republican candidate^ will bent. But never live to leave bis seat; Abraham Lincoln's fate he will share, — For Depth he might as well prepare. In eighteen hundred and eighty nine The Star of Bethlehem will shine; High winds the tallest Cedars wave, And thousands fill a watery grave: Yes, morgues be filled to running o'er. Those called to leave this mundane shore. Mountain streams will swell and rave, Wash the sleeping dead from their silent grave, Strange deaths resound all o'er the earth- Yes, many die in premature birth — While the angel of Death this planet sweep And mothers, like Rachel, lett to weep. The greatest land-slides jou will see Demolish houses, prison the free; Some will struggle and survive, Thousands be buried in dirt alive, While fires burn great'cities down Human bones in ashes will be found. Strange sights be seen in the evening sky, The river Euphrates will be dry. Consternation seize the people all, The walls ©f China they will fall. When floods descend and lightnings play It will remind you of blest Noah's day. Great wrecks on railroads will prevail, The engine leaps, the air-brakes fail; The mangled bodies that do appear Cause giant hearts to weep with fear, Yet all will sing one jo3'ful strain: The blessed Savior has come to reign. Factories be blown high in the sky, Thousands beneath their ruins lie; Mount Pisgah's top will tumble down; The Queen of England lay down her crown, The Isle of Patraos will be no more; People crowd around the dismal shore. Many new inventions man will declare, People ride in carriages through the air, Great rocks will fall, they can not stand. Destroying cities and crushing man, Death's angel comes with fluted wing; Grave where is tliy vict'ry, Death where is thy itingl Crimes will increase from shore to shore, Such cruel murders never known before; New York city sinks, yes. it goes dosvu, Where it now stands a sea be found. Sure a sudden death to one and all. The old, the young, the great, the small. Mount Vesuvius burst with crash and roar, Melted lava down in torrents pour; Scientists will argue it's nature's laws. That Mars and Jupiter is the sole cause; Devastation will spread all o'er the land, 'Till they will own it's by God's own hand. Tornadoes and Earthquakes they will come. People leave forever their lovely home; Pestilence and famine cause them to die; In plain board coffins thousands will lie; One third our inhabitants will be left To rnourn their loss, to feel bereft. 4 The raging storm o'er tlie Ocean sweep, Cause skeptics there to pray and weep; The life boats smash, tlie ships go down, The grandest structures of great renowu. Until navigation becomes a dread, For the sea will claim her part of dead. At last a fearful war will come. You will hear the bugle, fife and drum; Ancient prophesies will he fullfilled; Many thcusand people will be killed — Yes, fight in every city and town. 'Till friend and foe will both lie down. Next comes the great Pent( costal day — A pure religion will bear the sway; A gifted lady will lead the band. And all will bow at her command. Until comes the great millennial time. Which chauiie the whole world of mankind. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS illtllifiililllllk 015 775 324 1 •