Class __J!BSiJ^i_^^, Book £" I i :^ s So Copyright N^___ CflEHUGHI DEPOSm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress J. t. NASH, ;:^oGRflPHy rvp evnR^ 1370 BROADWAY, Cor. 37th Street, NEW YORK. /o -:- TEE SPOILERS -:- ACT I. :^il'i:i^•tx%^vt^^'t^^1-x^L7: aej>u.i(iuu 10 ysAniii., 806! n 31 A 01^^ ViK 22AJS E T? I I A V1.AY 1*? ^^^n^ A^'?" n^r p, mhm mid JM1E«? ■MacAHTHUr?, *Th.ara'3 neve ■ :->f of ^-pd oy Men -runr^ ^!o>'ih of F-lftv-i-nr- .^^ /^^■' ^^-b ^ v^^ 5 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received APR 24 1906 OopyriKbt, Entry / ' * i^ jxr.sasrxA^fm&iiiaBamL'mmaiitisiifi^'^. fiiU'r^tr^rtr^ ( The e'haraoter'a ar^ « y' " Vv^ o " '''. if? >'' in "hi ch ■ g.C' --ir-'r^^^^ ) r!' f ' ^-ya- ■ Stmt a ?^R>Ha . PTT?*?? r^T^vT r>.^'r} ecu ■•{^ARr:. ,. q,.. JL m of Ta Favette, ("iTrT TM^^r * . . WN tn ft ■"? A V 'P' ■-• W ^' rtuf^y My r>fs ^T)r r^' A "AT;'' Miners. ^nv*'^ -TTi^'\ of Mv, '. ^. ^>^»ta M aria. JO!?: ")K''Ti^'' i ;^„-v.. ^-'^;v<>?t:^^ tr«iaw'^- >. ^r,n>>^y». kno'*^' f > 3 th© "Bronco "^id'*, owner ;2 V/l7 ■p-i'^ t?™T?TTf-' — — > '.*■-■ ••■ "''"O-" ' '"'• r-f" ** *■''■•< , AEl^mi ■p'ir^d'iir';", :. .'iT 'rv .r'"*^;"'^ "^Vi^s' ATj,* w/^.., ,- SL^ y Z 'c< t ''o?':'.* . A'iLrf ~ * 1 "■■>■'■ T' •'•% '\ :qrMm of i-ht'^ Midas » .. i t m' i 'i i > »fi i«i« . i^fn^ J Jiii f t £ „m, a»i» :^ji^ti*5w(J*T*«sr-.»*ii.'it3»^r«:£. ''■•„,l t'^v. f- <:/■■*:' ''.: ' fi -^ ATTT w^?.A'!:0'^^^ Tawrer for- f^Xarilutey and th^s Miners* ^T--^' ' /"■ ^^^^'^ a ^?yad.uat@ of Yale, vnd b. Tenderf oot » r&y. iu,r^r.nn d&iP at the ^^oythern ^anee -^all. ilrx-'Avfr' m-r^im^i .rtWi'tir.. -*••■-* .■X»K«»»."l»f.*j»«.^l»^ qy^Tni":;-!--^ O'^ q CF.yE3 , X^EX^IJi:. "The land of ^urrae 'Oioti-jnl-uii;- and ^truve, Nogg, Alas ka • ?>• i 4.f--'im<- « r . " The Cnrin? of the Taw." AflL.iI.i_ Th.9 ^'orthe?^ '^y^iace "nij. Ohr»ii .^.tfrag. ^ve . "A *'7o':^thrr-'"^>-'' 'Iron; -^ p® c; f "^r*-^ ar. .j . " ■PT! . iiiiiwiniii~"*-rt~-""*— **»■ -* <*^i*_y*' mnuii. — WW I'll >'■*"' I ***'■'■■" ^3»0^ 11 r> T? T r? -^ Q ♦i>ig r.-rx rT '^urr-lQ "^1 ate noes / The hoitee 11 £jita ai"^ low@red» un--:. :i.i s tage o pen^Tip, ujn^i; ■ j! ) "The T-en^;: j-'ra^i" ■'vJ 11 ^ Vh :: .- ■ : -, ■ :. : :.;. .,'.3« a dr'or. acen^ ( a a f^u^ )- ■ . ; £5tgge as '^ha set Lehin s int-c> ■ylSiW b^ the rt-ys the •_ './Cloa Jr s a reo^-lnta^no■;.^!■:: coast r-:; ■,-:-^:.^^^/,/^ ... raj or^t^c bayrsn r^n'^ - O-; sl^r;] . v.. .. - veak?^ ^mil rtalii^jia '4 ih sno^: :. ■^,,4::-- oa'. vhe I'-i:'^!^? and dJ : ' '■ ' -^ <- '•- 3 a7Vi riMrf-t^Hn/; ^n burnished ccpray ?^ 0^ : '; oily u?at Th-s n:u-^jto reach js its ^^ cu urirullon, rr:\en dlginlshj^s as thji^ r-^^ytj coif.r -^■^ ' ■' ■iayknoiis again* T hQ dror- i;;:. no-y H ftftd, laavlnr:: f-ia i;C9 ne of Act 3. to CQE9 into view. Thi^ r'jsIc o f "The "on- '- Ty'Ali" ig takor" up v,'i 'h guUiv y fi nd r-..n:':.n.'; v-.'-f o^.^/^Q , and ihtf rT^'^H'- bo,s1n :&^««pav^-.^£iKC:d:>.cA»u. -V _.^' _-£iL^. -t 1 ; ■fi ".-*• - /■y ^T^t.TT? , TTie I^nn v of The Golden ?^ovth . Mldn1c;Vit on board ^he ', "« 'i::^^:^- .Hi^^iL At doc;'; In thq •y-r'tor of Unalankci .-t- ^'\\i:-_ t^-iut^ .1-1 .n n gold ;--v/^:-i 'n t.}:^ 3p/-'in:> of Vi'^^^ , A st9el ilU'9 sky beqlna to eppeay .hi;:.''i ..r,>.;.,^^i c " ) .■vi ■-c 1 jan hi i; eiboT/s on; C O 1 la oT -^ ov-'i i etc., at c onv m i ? n t apo t -.: for* ti'-tln^-:. -^1^0 -;l<^ct>-'1 c ieok 11,:;;;at3. _liL c'l.^0 ThHro is a door .o i,h»g d- ck caLUi at ^ 3 vond on the b -ick dr^o? i ;^ ;j-^.^n L?ie 1 'V hjr^-^ >> na 1\ 'r\\.a of Unnliiciks l5lc»;v vhe ::! j i ^sr- I nj;'>. T^-i ^ lock la :3Jl'ro:^^i '-o be o^T stafio n>"- '"» -^ rTo'-'etoh of th? i. ?ick <^^c\• rt. da I' ■■. ' .i '""■ {5':~^ — : — ' , ■ • " . t ' ' ' ' y^—^T^-^— -*r?* s t--^t^:')> ' ,. y. ■:. Or, s. .0 o..- 1 1 c .ar iir- '' « , to g iV'j '..n-^ ■:"i\ ot o:i' r-otion; Ld'. -.s^hrir; ? I^f> t ii; i^ol ' ^.1} ih^ l a'A.i w^l-L n?-ve Ti «tfiv lU!'" ,"^ ' 52. aafor>a the aeene be.TJna to corce into vi'f w, a yiV^-^. 1 ^^r^T to ehig.e in wUh the guit ar and r^aJi k-^'n r ■. J « off star:^, with Ui© .'?oncs -in . - J; . , i ), | | ^■ ! .,. I , IH . M . , I . .,.,..1 , Tvll ITER'S SONG: "THE tONO THAI I." . "It's ^Jorth :'OTi may --im to the rlrro-r^lneea sun, Or South to the blind Horn's hat©; Or Enst nil the way Into Mlsslaaipri ^^(^7$ Or West to the (^olden <^et©: Where the blindest Tiluffa hold socd » 'i«^»^ lassj Ana the wildest tales ara trua, And the r^en bulk big on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail, Ani life runs larse on the tons Trail - the t.^ail that is always new» CHOKllS OF MINI?Rr>s ( Repeat*) And tlie ir.en bulk big; on the old tr«ll, our ovm trail, the out trail, And liffe ^un3 large on the Ions '^r'«-il» ^^i® trail that is always ner " (V %:m tho Gon.^ Is finished, the ahir-'n bell st rikes the Rid- nic^t 'i.ou^^ - H bell i») ...t--^T ^-^T^-^^ ^nter^ f^nr^- 1. ^. -ATTM^ r^I^^^r^^'^ Well - any 3 i^n of tho i.-... ,->,-. ^ No, C?.ptain. -"e'-j hardly had time yet.- CAPTAIN: ( Wj th s C9p t i ce I -i r^T -^ t i 3nc« J Tij^e? TToavr.n^i, Ki-.n, if he dallies ttuch longer, hi> il lana lis in quarantln(^. ^'ye know what that means? It apella ruin, ir! Ruin! And the .ievil to pay I I. »ty - ay, It r?ay b© fifty thousand ■m st£>n.i to loa®! Tf they tie us up for tx nonth It will rnin ;-o thr«<'i tlrcas that. I wouldnU think of It, Cf.ptaln. 2ven If ihe Ohio is AiuaJ»antlned with sitallpox, rre should I© able to eiear. CAPTAIN: ( More hopo fully . ) Rie^t! That'o the talk, isate* K©^. the steair. up and b© reac^ to let /;© at a reoKent'a notlc©. Better tur>Ti the lights on. FIRST OFFICEF: (C^cAner to n.) Rich'., C«ptaln. (Exit X P.)^ (Qeck lights are switch'^ on./ ( An Flr^g o ^fl c^v^ ^xe^ . v.nv.^^ ..y, .. ., ''^'- . r'VA'Wl'.^r.^j a -r: o n :1 •■> ^^ , ' ;: ^y -""I'-gl ' :l l.^'^ '.^^ H ^ '■■ j^ ii^'-"'L y 'lf:t, gonocle. .-'I ll: ' '"; ' ■ •/■ " -^-Trr-f^ryf :*,; , ■ j .^^ithor ■^Idijii; legglng£>. Ah, there you <'r9, ^apt^ln dear -- I vmnt to make you acquainted vvl th my dliitln^ua f-^ler.d - the Count du ?:pHrc. (S ho pronounces it "TTyo-Tnt dew ^panrrk" and "dlstawn/ray.") **'^'' ' ^r mlt u t am iwM i to i lu i m^uw .m nrawtoa o>^- 1 , J ;■ ) -f, ; , 4, Count - Captain oi-ephana - i ? r g s on 1 1 nr ther: a ) . ( C: -v;-. . ';AF^-/t-" --,:., t,;jpped hla gur to ?^r-':u Chasirlan; looks the Cc-UYii^ ^ly ^nvi d ovm ratter cont-^jap^Uo^aaly - J fH H^^. 4^A^.!^^A^f In all smr^BB.j Clhs r;nr?^'^^Mjo-- ■';: --^^'^ -;i?'^^'r:'-- like a' dancing IR as tor .) CAFTAIT': How do I C Entay '\ ^e -^-TITW ^^atott^,^;. handao^e ^ iXonao« a dull -^'jA haired 1, -Jo. i"^" ""^^^i -=5 di i >''a v -^ iTi n/-; dP &sa * ^i^r< ha-uis '^V' '^» ^'^''3- 1 1 stens.) (C'^^J^Hy shov/a a'-itat.1on jg^a she ove-!^i<^ars hJQ answerg. } C 0,^^-TA1^- ..,t.::t^^c'\c ^l^-.a i'3 C-"^lTf coKas forward. f^H!^ hAq ts U f o;-@ l^^r.,. CiiattT-Jan as the It- Iter a tar 6 s at her throiiz-h^he r lc :-:^nette, Th.» CnU^Vi: ja incline:! ?: o e£lo Oh^vrie, MK-^ . c^HAlviy I AN (msAalnfurlv.) > The braa«n croatuw! ■-•HRRny: ("'''''^ t/l a loud lauyjil.) uv onorgtm fo " ' t:, wrs. ChawrUn. ... . (T ^n -.-ir^nln:^. to CAPTAIN, who has a fool on the sters wO bridge) ird i-y fT'OlRi^nl, Captain? (Exit '.ho CnUMT .:nd?^Hr. fPTAN " i ./-■'Jv . J^V* '•'J 5. Hello 9 Charry! "^on hew'^ You are not sailing before? clay 11 <^i, ai:^ yo^7 t hsard you say just now - - - That we rcay eall any Rinut©. That's so. V/e uf Qoi a sweet- heart corr.ln;' on l.oar(.l, eh 9 "o - no <- but Mr. ^^lenister r\':jnH corse back y>^i. -- CAT' T Alt?; het*a 70U- -ajse, '^y, youWe chassed ihat i^uns fellow froR on to ^rrver and back age in, end 1»ii ^c®i^ ^^ ^® ^^^'^^ ^^"^ ^r© h«j'd Btuy on sho?« to avoid yoiu 1 3 - - C?ffiT>atien'cly« Croaalng h«r to B. P.; looking off . ) 1 »ip 3or*«y; but T can't vmlt. Yom don't understand whe> t ' o i n h« wind. OHKRRY: ( With ^ tion. ) Captair ....,..., " '^■' rust no I »ail wnho'at hlc. ^e owni: \ A.-' Mldasy the richest relne In Aiaeka. ^^e*£j been in the States all winter", and nhey* 1 Jiucp hla ciaia if he doasn't raach Norc© on th9 first boat. CAPTAIP: (Tur'nini frog badk rgjla end e^03sin.^ ag If to p-o nT> «tep a) Well - that*.: his lookouts isln't It? I told hlic end ">oxtry not -0 risk QoirxQ a*j or©, but th»y would do It. ( A cnttrotlon is hoard off ^. and TVJQ r>AlT.ORr> anter, dragg l ng JiQiMLgs^. d^"" ■'"'• :7:^n''^ ■::.,, ^. ^ nd ^«^ t^tlkJn;; nr ' - - ^ nen and woieen In ^'roat varl^i;; -r ■.•ojf-iite -» :oge c .."' ^-^roc^od, aof te in pi?feat.9r;^« ot.h::.'\: •■'o.i:h und in ir-'o', " :^ e^^nvaa rlothir- „ "r-'Z.^- ;,i.i. d ■;'-^i<;;i.^d loudjy -> .::■;/"; ^^ . nu cheap IJ. T.. .g^T^R"v 1:-. .!o,.n '\ Thr "•)UnHEf^-" la Jn ii%j -von t, and OAFTAU: ( Froa bridrta^ ) Whot*s the row hare? r;AlTOR: •Era's a b loon In* stowaivay, sir. *E was 'Idln' in the forrad *cld, sir. CAT'TAITT; ^911i rry rron, bound for J^OBse wlih'th© bl^ rush, oh? ^^TOWAWAV: Yda, air. HAP TAT r; Can you pay yoir fara? * V V , j_.J-;,i«.^- 7. No, alr». CAPTAIM: Then what In hell sr® you doing on ay ahip? Show hi» nh» Gang plank. STOWAWAY: For (rod's sake, don*t do that, Captalni ^*11 work nsy way. 0A?TA1^I: My crew Is fun. T»V9 no jaace for you. Get out - 'lulekl '^TOWA^AY. ''leas©, sir - let rce go with you, I've (^ot to set to the sold fields, 1 can*t find wor-k at ''TOKe, i;,m\ there's a sick wife and biiby In 'Prlsoo - for* food's sake, lot Jte work icy way through. CAPTAIN ; Bah.' I rjet that aaif© story every trip - pay your paaaase oir g«t out. (^AlTO ^.>gln^ ^TO^AWAY off when th« "lIJCHEg;?;'' .^.t apa out. '^^^ I3 ; typical hard» faced gcrudy dance h«ll» peroxide b londe , ) ' ' Say, thiit'a what I coll e. blooaln*- share© - chuckln* a w.a.n that»£i Willi n» to v/ork. let's I'txy his tvay, fellows. I'li go iry shar«. (raiTOln hjAlt with nTOWA'A'AY.) (.HJriiii^y.; a'^^rf^suea' HATTAIW on bMdg Q . ) What's your ox to "t ion, old "hylockv OAFTAJN: i-ior* thttn you can psy, ^nucetox! The fare frow "nalaaka to Woe© I3 ona hunilr«d dollars this trip. Ono hundrv^d plunks 1 0«e, but you're a nsrvy hold-up. My benk- I'^ll ain't >-- ^-- :^nt, but har''' — v^' to start with. ,' t^, ,0^1 3 B. ,ffw ftariT '1 Jl£X5i. y».#>i .)•• (Tak08 yur^o fvom hay ^.^toekinfi- ) Ten d©i;iar»o, a powder puff, u lui-ksn hcok and a haJi^ln. 3 a1n*t agoln* to so© you hHch th© ho?^«»s to a guy what'a srtllin' :o,work, not if it takes isy last baan. That sick wifo at ornr don't get nono of sn^l aoney. All /"Isht, aonny, we'll just tak** the loan of you?* hjU, f T^ikJnr hat fy*Q« feinar's hg^ad..) o oath©)? ih© i^oiish 5n, Ly way of a small cont?'lbut1on to the fund. CoEQ on, ioya, dig inie j'our clothes • (Sullclly.) 1 paid Ev ?3ay, and it broke rc^. If he ain*t sot the r,rlc0» throw iffi ov©rboar<;l and lot hitt run behind. Ci^-Li 1 z ?^^ t P^ rauao-'JLs laU"5itar '.) Oh, ain't :-£• v/ittyJ My, whe-t a Jokal Ain't you diagjiast^d f.o call yourselves n^sn and put tha laugh on a poor lad that's tryin* to provide for a sick wife and baby? C^htjy look hiinrAor: and uhaKe faced.) CA3r>IAR CHARTS/': ■J' 11 tot hf5 ain't rearrisd at all. ^@11, sr ihic 'uji a court of 'law, ^ ' d b e t -/o coala n^^e :ii,^ up for allHiony. ( Tu >' ns •Jio 1 au /h on h i k . ) 3 will 39»ve - - 9. DonH be foolis^ij »ouna@»r». W*at e«s i&o mettalp©? ^*at has •© coerU? R»*s Jtist o truffiP, Count. H« Ma no money, '^ut you cell In 3'-ou.f country a cimallle, COUNT J Ah yes! If ^5^3 '3'. A 3hlpr-3 canal! V^i*' *oodt Well, say, yln't you a bunch of t1 iiJit wads! You wouldn't s^pivate fr'orr your Konoy under an amies th-Ul c. 1 aln*t boegi"* ^or this , has -ot ft wl'> and kid we've got to help there. It's a law in icy country, ^ere T caice from jre j don't have to clv« a i^an cocaine to Euk® Ttl k loosen W on a doner. A V/0].'AN: That's rJc^^» '''*' can't lake a chance* (The '.gni'EN 3tep fr>f*vyayd and put, goney in the h?'t.) Bull, for :-ou, slrla. Vou can teach .i=^' COUNT : (? ^t»?fp1n.^ fpyward*) .. - "^j r .rfA 10. Thtinks, i^r©nchy. Vou Fcaj' be ti h^m count, but you" haart'a all rlsht, and I'll help you to lick the Ear, that bwks your ap©etacl®9» CAr^SlAR CHART. r5Y: Aw, coffi» f>«^ ^eilaj!»st y ainU goin* to ).© outdone iy e dago. ( V\i%s c:.::. : the hat: other ^■^ ^'' follow ^uil.j T)UOTTKS<=;: Thill's the ticket. Now you're talkln* loud eno^ach to hear, (To Che'^rry.) , . ^ You look Ilka a cood sort. Won' . u chip In to pay this poor devil's passas®^ , f rif^npy puts fhr^^B ."lold coins In r-he ha,t ./ -o, that'll r?*ke It. You're rey kind, all right. (T o nr^l:^^'\ -/^lo has watch'^d the acene ?yl th gtruaeieant o n br«ldgo. ) ire, Captain ^Idd - there's your ^mtar bill, and I hope ^t I "angles you* , ♦««!>.<» (iirt t»k,>«-the hat,i e!T1^tl^8 1. '.■» and thro^^>3 tne ^n:;i v^- xiat on \.m d"eek."^ho THNSK picks It up.) (Tn r.»ilor£t.J — .. All rl^ht. I3t hire sttiy. SAILORS: f Re lears 1 nrt s towaway« ) ^ Ay, ay» 'Captain. STOWAV/AY: (As sailors releas e hlE.) Thi\nk yotji, m^a - 'i'hcmk you. (r!T?0'n begins to .-ro off, "^'^ ■""'■^- ^^^ CAMniET: Gentieirftn, T»tr about to op^n a faro <^me ir ^ ■rfSiT- i'i* iitQp jjjyjjj'i } 11. That lis tana spod frorr where I all. M«, too* (ThQ a^n^'n me out.) Ah, 1 ajt cl©d I coiMs h3re, Th»9a oountr»e Is fln^^l T are In 8«ardi of adventu^, Ktidarce - aorreslnc nfivfl T »« tired of ^wroe! t look for" adventure - r-romenc®! *^^« 1 aha 11 find It, May T •av9 z» pleaaur*©? (Offara ^H^"?. CT'ATI'Iam his ara v/lih «x«gc®3^t«d gallantry. ( ^hlr'a boil alrikf^a half* ^vyftT^*^ » ^ ^■^l"' . ) (The ship's !:)Or!Tnn corqs on hurriedly frpg ^> Tt,)^wg CAT? TAT ^! pn LrJdr«;') C»p*o1n - - f!AFTAlN: ( Con; 1 n.q ^wn }Ul ekly « ) ^'^«11, well - v;ht>t newj^., doctor? . ( y^ET?RY is up n... lUt^minr.,) ^ " noCTOfJ; Th« rapo^t is true. Saailpox haa biTokon oai on board the Ohi o, | and 3h«'D in quarantine for thirty daj^s. CAVTA1?J; Good ^?eav©no'. ^^icl you g ee the health 1 nap ^'C tor? 1«. Y«s. H» says If w»»ra not out of pen by dayHsht, h^'ll tl» us up too* H«Mi p\u the crew of the revenua cutter tiboard. (Agitated.) Thon ihere'^ no lire's to lose. We cuat cl-sar is^lle w» have a chance - (Aatf^ndn stera rapidly* Jl Orflftt Heavons! '^irailpox! (On ihe brM;-^. he Llo^a a vi^iaf^ .J (C oBeIn;-!: do 'n; 'o "doctor .) Whi\ t is the re Iter, doctof^''-' You' re no t real l^"^ /]je 1 1 i ng unde r way*'? Yea - we'll le free in five iclnutes. CAPTAIN: Stand by to lot ^o nhat head line. C"SI?RY: (Shoiilnff '.y to Cp,rtaln.>% Cap'aln Rtepheno - OAPfATN: ^•r aorry, but ' can't va^ t to listen now - - (r'> ATTn^t> erxirr B* "» and b-j/'ln unwlnd lns njpe frorr ata nchlona pt LUiwAl*it 'o i(>t~F!o«) trilCRRV: Oh, It's a ahp.ffe - a perfect sheree - Where can Gi'jnlater and t>extry be? ; vji ; ■■' ;'7' ■ ^ w ^■|. ' Ma «nv^apftyatfll?.) Captoln Stephana, ' tell yon ^ >«t>n*t let youa© It, I'll co <>h, ycwj. won't let »©, eh'^ (laurVi^t gocklnrlyJ '»'/«ll, ycfn RJc^t as well understand that this ship aln*t no dance htill. f'm b oaa hej*e' ( Con.: Q- icn h-3ard o^r H,.) CAT'TAIM: (GoUn'^ n« on b'^ldiT©*/. Kello, w'uit'G thlaV Thore they are no^, - It's « ftsht. Oh, ^eii - wit - CAPTAIN: By Jove, they're pu^'sued. took, fJlenlster* s knocked on© of thea tJo^vn. Ah! '^oxtry's c©'' ^-^^ other - They're coKlng - ( Puts hanl to n-oith: shouts,.) Hurry upl We're cadt ing off I ( f^ t e a fne r "/'1 1 a t le s or^n la , ) (Tll'-»n;3 dOV.Tl, ) Thnt younf: .iri Id n»an f'lenlster is always In trouble , OTTfSRRV: (JLLalMil_ They're .-jhtly f ron; '^, to t., an .. o^.» to IndU'ato 'hat th-i ahl^la free oV h^:?i* feo<>»*)-n7;:^T~tnrt no i atwrted yot, ; ~ on Tftqftft^) » ^■^»-Y! -. - v/ wfrji.CB*?' iJW (*t» ri; mi^il.^ *-'i r- >'7 l'j'^nt;»-r, - ;l a* on Via \, (OfTT . r- 5 (. ei J G ! f ^v- V. CITERnVs (At bftdr •) The re* a aorc® one with thee - It's a wocan - ( Qoicea clovm») He-was f^chtins for a woitf-n. ' wonder i*io she 1 3I (CHCTHV eocoB T. ""?.« \m<\oy- cover for the entrance of "TEm^ TER and lE^-TT^ r.rMi ^\^Ti:r' C'T.nT:^n, efLgr snatdi of chorus frog ttin evs ofr .zt ^v^Ot a s '-'t' L "id. 'l 'cp 33 ■'^cliecl i.nd indicates that the ahip ^u GalllM.':..^ It's "Oanr-r lank up and in," dear laas, It's "H&waers '.rarp her th:"0 ifx » T ^ad-shoulclarad younA-; Rt-n of iUit clean-^s hy-ven, heavy Lrov/a; JH^greaal ve, fo-^"> unrestrained nrianner; a •yplcal ^^a tamer. T'^eara IJght. '^tetpon sottbrero Afl ih lea the r Land: vhlt'? "Ir.nnei 3h3?^t; soft coHr.g turned up and roi»t. 3 faatenad to/:niher under chin vrith r^ld safety pin « scarr. Hq voat - corduroy coat and trQ-tsers, the latter tucked In to i.Rn Ino^d loots.) _ rffi^r;r. 55 -oara old, fz^ny hulr, p frouatache, ahc'csy eyeirows -^ cyio of old f^rorTn^r^Kun. ^'o hat - Hiue flavmel shirt; gray ^ fr ock CQgit &nA ifnts; soft knee Loots. He has a ke en shrewd e ve. •iti„itl":'' ncr^'-. n-jyar 3ftl?.:^.j; ^IraJCal drawling .tethod o f o; I'-^ch. <^.--TMbi'' c " ' . (^!ETEW, toauM nil ^^l-"l In early twenties, dark brown hair; dr^ts^^ieQ Tn Al].lm^ coatUT'^^ ^;an laced boots beneatn anorX •. ik'yit "^h e ' ■ ' ^^ " V in ■v.-' 1^ 'ifnd ;>.a ' ■■-K^'i;.';h ii ;->ad coco ,«■; "JfSa'T.J ,'fOV 'f. ^,rl-^ >'■" J. ! '■^rfav: ''t\ is tyt t ':;:i. lo :)0 ^':;: «»;■';.; U :o V /i?.:';^'-. ^rJJ^-^J %■' '.■ ^) 13. CTISRRY: fA» TV>f^v ^TT-.^ar: with 3*eatraln'Xl .'^ladtl^gs and a >ialf sobt) Roy - : C^he ruts her cl" -' ^d to her llv ^-fi -^^utsg un- (ITRT.^r kooT's w Gtar^g badk to aulienceg lusy fixing her (To l^extrr/.) Close ahiwo '.hnt, '>9x! ( ^QelD 'r) .; neck glrif'.erly.) Whew! ^*V0 occur l©d the seat of honor at a tMler explosion; been fondiod Ly & snow slide, and flc/r^red In a Jail delivery, but. for do^mric'^t ap^icH'-ly diversion of Kind, 1 don't reenll a core strenuo'ia five islnutes t-han ih^ om we are juat closln . Two as* In six ffakes a nice sociable party. ■ Tft\i:-'hinr;. ) 1 woulln't have riased it for a forty dollar do;;. But say, what's coff9 of your headgear? (^f?oHnr hlo bare 'n^ad .) Run out without rey hi^tt By Cosh: That's the ninth eamr T^'ve left clothoa 1r. ( \Qio has L-^on rubber In/! in Helen* 5 illroctlona) W«li, Miaa, let's hav« a look at :'ou In the li,^t, f sur tnr'iv;. arid ocr''-.g -lo-.r, <. vstap or two.) (I.;0"r M?^". "v j 3 T'-l^'Jn, ar.4 arr.?:^.a^d 00 i'in i'a^ i ^lrV like her here. ; HKLRM What kInJ. -" "^^n are von t.o f1;::ht In th« dark for a atrans« won; an? (Thoro ^3 a rroreent's ra'iae and alienee.) V/ovl - y/lll vou let n-© - shake hands? ' .dJ-^SiU 16. ( TWEY both Eaka for h'^i* h&npo3e you think I've done aoreethlns dreadful, don't you? But I hav«i*t. (Bvldontiy a bit ahBken and nervous ; nh a andaavftrf tr. rraj<^e ljf;h'. oj' 'S:, un.l ^aln her HeiC'COin^and^ } 1 had -.0 2€tt away froip th« Ol:< i o tonight b<5cause - - for certain reasons. Those aal lora lurauad re - 51 m\s cccd of you to fJ^ht theE Laek. T haven't otolsn anything nor poisoned T,he cr«w. Really I Never Kind, iclaa; we ^jot you aboard after « tussle, ell right But T don't know ^v^t m*ll do with you now you're here. {Vftth alaorlty.) I'n wake U5> the steward «nd have hie; find a pisee for you. It* : wfuily crx>wded thcii^h - - - (Tftyu n^and on C'\ square deal an' no ;U«dt Jens ftskcd* i>4i. rou don't know what 5'v© don's. We don't sivo a daa: ^vhat , Oi done. Igrcbarrasaed and rx> Her teeth Just «wUln' to hoj; out Lhat-a-v^aj'. ('Tia'.'^N laurjha, tplf rc-m^-ly <\nd nitJsed.) So .'/eu -'funt to stowaway? V^^^y mil* "^on fsf'te o-ir cabin, and we'll so h^loif, Bh, "^ax'^ Suits me - •iL Kiii ••t;' iX''V'i> .! m- '^C- •■" -J--"' ■■ '^■■' J It td «o Xc5« Oh, I can*t do that. T'e afi-ald. What are 1 Setting Into? (Aloud* ) lenT th'^ro aom© placo wher® I can hide fbr t-onlsht? Nobody will s»« you In th»5rf», mias. (f)p«w<»> dartlc ftnhln door- at ^ . ) Tfar«*.-j our 3tat«'*ooJR. Just rake youmeif at hom«. TTI?TEN: f^ Vi-3altaLln.'>; under h>jr breath.) Oh, 1*K fr^lchtened! ''^ did I nndartak«> Lhla al saS on? St«p right In, Ml'ds. Any thins you don't like, Just thr'ow ^t out. I notlco you ulnH 30I no bai^sage, hui 5'ou' il find han^ln' frorc a hook at the foot of the borth a peir of ?py - - CtKM (Horrified.) !)95r! " (nteyflnt to^-yard cabin .) ihf^nk :ou 30 cuchi JutiL -130 anyuhlnc: you find lik-3 M was your om. ^n Ihat hook (^anicstlras, ah«k»s h»ad ne£»at1vely.) 13. Eh? Oh^ that's all r»1sht. (To '-?l?T.y. -j>ho is sifUIn/^*) As 1 m^a sayln' t.efcf« If «as so rud^ljf «nt.«»rrui»t«lv.-?8 it tift> and l^ta H g .";o on») You'll notice at ih*9 foot of ih«'tunk a pair of bluo stael slx- shooter»3 - l.Vi-^ don't b»» afraid, they eUn't loaded. GT nir J (Relieved,) Ohl - You've been so kind already. T f jol like a ihlef to take your roott this way. ( ( V. QldinF, door open for ^KtI^m i^ enter, ) W© don't objoct 30 long aa you don't get to like our roflR. better than our can:i>any. ('n^TETT en tors cabin m<\ ahuta door.) ^13X : (W5nklnc.)| How'ij that? SeortB to me T'v« heord H before. ■ 1E\' ; ( serious no7/. cs he f Ilia hlu rife and llj^hta I t.) What sets re '.3 - what b "in.'^s her h(*y*e'^ (?aelnr reBtl'?8aly« ) Whtit b^nes ^i^^r >Br©? B^hl ^hat brines them all? ^at brought the >ich*>3a, and '>i'='rry Mniotte, nr^ «ll the rest? ;»:? ti^'-7 fi \ , t «5 T pf** v.'-.oo- :,Jj.-x:., u*- -J^ :i' ■ yo )' ^•v fify ^*> •'( ^ 1» f ^(i ev'i.'ot^ Off J 20. 'SETT: You*r« in tad - She ain't ^hat kind* y. You think th«y*A^ rll alike - an' ' don't know bur. 4,}v.t th»y ara - ai' •co'pt Viiti on*. Soercs like 3h« Y«t3, viwro'o ^01 bouL th'5 ',....-.-■ »hat rakes rre aavage, !5ex. Thf' air o: . -th whets every . Inetlnct In iro. 1 revert. 1 feel the old primitive paaalona of rey pirate grandad, Away fr'OR: th«? cltleo ^ grow - 1 expand. .jrniij'^^ns "vo - '^r; (,v.r/ ■•<■ ?rr-^^). • Ij. «;;vJ nuo I ir' «^ Xl&« Hf' {.rU 21. G«r©rul you don't liiat. ^'ve aeen rcen drunk on Rountaln aJr b«for«. (Xau-hln-. and reaklnr a faae at !)extr*y»r. tni^^ftft a«M->ka>^ id I ISfhcit a ansu.lco! Vou ou^t to ha In qiiarantlnia '*d rather aire 11 Hki* a i*an than talk like a kid. You desecrate wiTS hour of rjdltetlon ^vlth rhapsodies on nature vvhen yoif aeothatlc ain't hon-Kl vb^ %o th^ beauties of /jood tobacco. at EN : ( T-fturhl n/T : then g us 1 n r af;a 1 n * ) 1 wonder Afho r,he 3 r;I ?;he»3 too beautiful to be /rood. Well, 6h<5 ain't too beautiful to bo hungry. '^*n goln* to ruatle otsB 2 nib for her. (Oooa un r. ta/re w R^ ) Th«^ old i> Irate 1a 'fvhiaperlnc to me, 7)ex, We saya soaethlnc aboU. the opoils o f war'. (I >:^u"h} n - bo 1 3 tore Uij 1?/. ) 1 kno .v the -.^jote, tion. To ;he Victor b«»lonca - - ^^la Master' a Voice*. Thqjr ovm th© copyright. (Rxlta nr^ B. T?. aa ryTJlV., I'l«7fully, th'X)wa aottsthlng aft^jr ■•■ir J ' ; " (c?^Er Try enters frx)K '^. n.) CITERRY: Well, boy'. :l (IT EN: ( SurTHoed and /tlad.) Why, f!hei*r*i'! Wi«if«e on tdftrth did yo'i cores ft^jrc? 1 eaa© aboard T,on3cht at Unsiaska. 1 Ys&rfX you «»i?« here. 1*18 glad to -jse :!'ou again, llttio slr*i. nnsRRTs (J«aXoual7>) Who 1'j thia ^/c!*:nn you wre flighting over? Oh, don't ti'y that, 1 saw It all, ^o i•^ she? ^/ho Is sh«? {?au thln;^ &t her* ) Jealous acain. ^»11» there's nothing in 5i. TJqx and I harr«*ned 10 t© catting cJcvm the -fJ^vvf vrhen yhe csaco r-unnln^ out of the d£i:r^ne38 p'^rsued >.y boe^j sailors. She called for help, and natutially yf& ^ev'^ > v t© h-^r. '^e fou^i thetr back, and bro\i£;ht h«r t! board. 1 vjonfler i f you are lying. (OT ISM. shriAf^ his shoulders; lights a c^c'^^rette.) Weix - ^ ne'.vs for yo'S - newa about the irlnso About, the Ml(.!o.s? Whi» t 'it 1 '-? etiM© X Vfi ban' Thsjpe'a » plo*' on foot- lo take It away fPon; you. Oh, COB! 9 no'vJ That's j»4dicuio'Jai W© discovered vhls clna. We own it. And w«'ll keep it. WERRV: 1b ten* Roy. T got the tip strelcht nhat there's a rean cottlng by the naree of McMattara you'll need i-o watch closely. ^n*t let hlffi lay hands on the Mldisa, that's all. But, ny dwftr 3lrl - Conereas h'is glvw us a code of c^r ■ is sending U3 courts Coadminister ihep . '^'^^-^ ^i ll be ju V:'n^ «nd ttarfehals f n;l r-ll rhat aort of thine* CTTi^RYj Th>*'' t Just It. Those nr*e »he best cards In the deck. Your ne-^s doesn't ^rry ise'. In f««jt, I aleost wld^. aotcobody wguld jvror ohe Midas - ^'d enjoy the exercise. CHERRY: ^«1L, rrayb© you'll have iTtie chanoa. Anyway, 7»ve warned you. i-3ll (te - , _( ''Vr-f»B closer Lo hlg; r ' _nalvoxy..* You don't r^all;' care fo. ..>• . other" v/r>fr«n? Why, T never saw '^^'- ^""^ 'onlffht. •mm: Then - k< -, lo^, ( Takes hy coat labels and turns up her face* ^> takes ,t0 crEN J W© - Uia t 13 all ov«r. T told you so when I left !5aw8on. CHSRRY: (yaaslonetoly«)_ No, 3 1 J sn'tJ ^ou think It Is, but It isnH, 1 love you too IE jch to let you qo. fJlEM, (Q lancinn at deck cabin. I.) Wot 30 loud. ;:KERnY: ( Recklasal?/*) Ph, let tharc h?arl I'a not aahajeed of rey love. I thought I could clvo you \ir, tut I never knew .tJii yoi'i 30 no how rt'X&\ 1 wanted yea. T»ve seen ven antl reen, and they've loved ire, but T raver cared for anybody till I aaw you. They ran after rr.e , but you were dl f f *»rent - you aade rce core© to you. 1 can't stand It, Roy. 1 can*t live thla way. I'll do anythlrg . I'll glv'3 anythlnc Ju^t 'o tn where you are. (^fith'?t1 fflalTy.) What do you thinkf of a woaan who ^11 beg? I've loat Ey rrlda • '•a a fool - but T can't help it, (G tKWl<:;T?n la leaning against steps H.) ^*fr. aorry you feel thla way - It ian't cy fault - and It's no Use - "'•ve beon ^Tonest with you olways - - Y«G - y«s - cten: - and ^'m honest with you no*. 1 thou^h^ ^ lov^d you once, uut It wasn't love. Love, 1 believe. Is aoitsthlnc different, but I don't kncvf, for 1 h«ve never loved a \«Mt&n. My life Is 30 full, there's no yoorc, I'lf afr&lrK ^'ve dallied here b bin, or trifled there, but r^v^^y* yet >» ve ^ loved a woaanl I wish I rcli:^t, even tho^Jgh I loat he?*, j srhap^. I've soite. ti: thou,^t that to live through such love ae the poets sine ebnut K)Uld be wor'th any cost, even dlsappolntte^nt. ■ * ' • *^ *'*''*' WA.' \ »"'■'■ ii, ^ ? <* V c^ %* c n i ^-s^'^/.j v-:_n .- ii.'-^j V-' j©M Off adyi C'ERRY; Well, loy, 1 ^sh you nothing but luck. As soon as I g^t set tlsd I'll s«e you I'SR^tt* <^ood-nt>ht. (Qulatly.) Oood nlj^ht, ffhorry. ( iltill 1-7 gter-s« T?..: r'Rgln,-^ fit cihin door T .) 5h<> * ; > not Ilk® - the oth-srs, ani y®t « ^^'ly ll^she alon© In this l-ind? Why , will they? GIEM: (Advaneln-! " If we h»ap anyontj cortlns W9 can so In. Th» old rsan ia down balov raklnj alc*is ^o tha cook. !TETEM: I'va !,eiQn i//ilnking that ^ c'i^t to explain Ey actions to you. Vq don't naod exrifinatlon;:3. Vou wer» in trouble, that waa un- fo^'tunata; '.70 helped .ycu, that was natural; no cjudstions aaked that '3 Alaska. CAPTAIN; (Off staffO .) I'll have tho iuayt»t»ieaet«j!» see to it. arsM 0': ou*, - ha)?e coRes the Captain ( 1-0 TT^ t^ntor stateroor hur"--'? t^dl;/ . ) ( %itm, <*^VrFTA-''? cotf.98 ared on I'^-'-J'^e g-n ? is d^scendin.:; ^^"'^' '^J^TRV --'' --iTr^n. n. P. ^vl ',h trr'.y of IJjhf^s. Aa ha I3 c:'^o >.^Vrt.~ .:.C'o I ^^ ^j^ "., t -^'r. r,. j CAPTAIN?: Whiit lava you ther*^, >?xti'v? _i.^tiaxin,gly. ) Juat a lit tl© lunch for* th» boy. .-vt-, ciTT r M V'^ri (.;avr ■"" ' ': ,H ortr *U. o^ ■■^ Q'>- 27. CAPTATN: lunch I At this tltto of nls^t^ What Is M, »h? W«il, In a ttlnine aaap th®yM call it, "Two cackles, e grunt, and a loud teller.* QAJPTAJV Two caoklds, a gnmt, and ft loud bellow'^ (WUh a lau;^ of adrjecent.)^ Now what in the iVor*ld - ? Hjiri' and ©ess and a long claes of ttllkJ C/iF TAJ N : Oh, ho - I s«G. ^'«ll, well» ihat'i- not bad* (Thtiin seriously*) You nearly 30 1 left tonighi, didn't you? ??erv0d vou r-ight Jf :'ou he.d. ( Con n den tl ally. ) ^y don't .you rr»k^ Oli^riister cue those Aiasken woEcen? ' see Ch^srry Mnlotte Is after >i1n; ac« in. W»nted to held up th« sh^r lill he rtaae aboj^r^l, ty Jove 1 And 1 saw you tonight, Dextry, - on the dock - fighting over h wocim. Tnke ry advice, there's nothing; In U. '^11 - ilon't let the f^ml got cold. 1 believe I'll go Inside with you f^nd have a bite. ( ^m^ netj botvetm CArT/.l>-^ anc^ crbin doo r . ) Well - *)r - th«» toy ^'t 1-? .- ^ - ■ ''■'"' '^" -^"jt^ - CAPTAIN: ( f^ruf f 1 y -:o od -nti tu re d . ). So Euch the b!?tt««ir, '^'ft nj^ckiQ nnd -runt for his, ^vhl le he bellows'. (T .ftUj:h:.3 ;;t h^:, 0-m Jo:<>?; rf.-.tfiag dec" knob . / Open up, -Ionia tar. Op«n >ji^ for inaiect^on]! sV/ 2i:i, (T^oor op^^nai CrT^Tn'^TgH earea out.: teakeg vo el03» doot* a ftay hiK. 'but CATT.ATM hfta ^apigd^^el^n.) Ho id on! Who's yonr^ frUand? (Sola do-fft tray*) _ ■-iU£;hT. vri-h '.ha c^'oda! rCA^T'T^' •nvolimtaril.y lifts Hi's gar: '-.hen beootses sUf f and fciiaal; ^laalng f'r'ort '-'wlrtr? ;..o. ^xen Ja ■-'^r cyni oally«) Ah, not foellne well, "^^h? 1 thousht "f knew all our lady pass* ncj»fa, ^'7011 - Introduce tm* (5tENj 1 «• i;h - didn't cestch t-h0 na»fi ey 5@lf . CAP TAIN J ^h, vhar^'o not macl'i t© say. "^^ •botird '■-onl^ht. iusiij lad^ m h-'y>n^t CAP TAIN J iJy whos® r-en£?3a1 on'? plioik. ! ?'iich as aver you save is . tho £:*^"C~ (Indlf-nent-ly*)* So you ©r© otowlns away 1^.1 es In your* cabin, dh^ Novel and hi£,hly Bor'al sch<9iR3 thatl Weil .- whose 's she? f^ulc'^l Ansvr«r f"©J -J, c :iOi .? eeorfv/ .\r':!;- ll I ■ II .1 «r -■■ Irto bi' " ^O^nf '^i- _ (r)Jstro3sgd and tremhitn^*) Oh - f.lQ«s©l "^ CAPTAlHj Yours of cotroe, "f auppos©^ ((Quietly.) tlo. Battar 3®t tha bin© pHnfcs of this preposition, ^ap, h^fors yoni ffiake any Kor^ C5*ack3 like that. It was uhin w«y, Th© lady had to K«lw a QUlck get-a-way • w» heip#d hor sSde-atep soe© H^'Jlovis and brought liar a"b08.nas and - - - Thfit stoi^y wonH c-ol ^Ofcit v«as she running away froi£ You custn't fii Ik. about tta like that. 3 can artewer- your questions. lt*s tr\M — t ytm f»v;ay. 3 ht^d to, 'S}\en wh*»n ih'5 sailors followed rc© theaa r^en "c'^at rhoi? off. Thay heir«u r© once and they'll protect ttn ^Qiiin — froR* your Inauits. ^ can't ^xriXr-ir how iaportent It la for t® 1.0 r®ach ??offi® at onc«» f not rty secret. But It was ©now'^ **<> ^s^® fs«> away froE r?y unol** In Seattle at an 'irur'a notic® (^)hor? no one ©Ist ooi,?.'? •" ■ - ., "^ »--♦ get r-o ^^oTJ' 1. It*s life «r>(' d-^/^.th.- ( Biyelnff hq^r ahan^l^-* then softenitY: a blt.^ But, my d«ar rJsa -- the other ahlpa vlll get there Jus t as soon aa -his on J, T'ETEN : Th« ship T iQft will not* tr) J ! 30, (atarta; Points nrn^v at. h'^r flgyceiy.) What's il-^^ Ohlr*' CAP TAIN J The? miia'. ^'«<^^ ^'od'. You Jam t© 3te.nd vh@re and ten r-s that, (Tu^na upon "JftX. «nl ^*lf^n.) )* ye hear t hat ^ V o'i' va ru ined rre. I'll put you all In Si'ons. My" God! Th0 ^Mfil RTJSWJ Whnt do yon iR^anV Whtu*s yp^ CAFTATTi! Wliat'a vji>? Th«>r9's easellpox aboard tn© pni.O..? s>"^- '^'^'^^ a:i-,>ay has irt)ken quarantine. 1 kn^w ihe health Inspector had bottled ur ''h9 Wat at dark, and that* a why 1 puliad cMl so suddenly. How W9»1T be H«ld vr vrh»n >«» £j«t to T^oR«. They'll put u^ In quarantlw for thl ^y days, ^o^, and ^^'ll'navs to l^^/'^^^^® rnonih after th9 la^t syap^-off dlsappf>ary. T^.. ^ ^-^^- ^^^^ s'*^*^'' If fi^a ftlgsaa® k'wps on bri^^'-^^ln •: c\it. Great TToavencl W«»ll lo«« '-^"(e Mldsa. Suz-e thln^: They'll jv-^> -' ' '^'^^^ ^^ ^^"^ '^^"'^ ^^^^ »^®**^ **^ tho rufih. T * ?fnr> ^- rt-7 ■'\ i^' 51. 'J)©n*t blmce thesa K^n, elr; they dltln't know* 1 air. the only on«i at fault. Oh, I had t o get away. CAPTATWs How do 1 know that? ^'hat's that 3>t to do wJth ice and cy (IliST-E?? look^; L&ok at ^ex. and ^lan« '^ho have /rone tip , B . "t . , X. take tha Criptain into h'?y confidence, Th^jy ar^^ "*« ^«) , 1 have rapei^ here that delivered at once. epulis le.rr.^ onv^iore '-^if way fyptr i,o .o:-, of dre^ g . ) My nnrre ia ^*el©n Ch^otor. T'r. ih« li 3co of the new ^«dorsl Jud^o who ^2 corcini2 '-o Norte to open co'jrt, and 1 carry ijtportnnt docTBcents thot coiild not be entniated to the real Is. My uncle sent n.o • - 1 had a raid with rre, but she vms caught aa "we were leaving the Ohio . If these papers are not delivered, It will Jtoan riot and bloodshed and other dreadful things, T can tell you !:-hls iruch -- it oonoems rrinclrJ^lly « rcarvello^ rclne - the r-i cheat In all the North — ^lelrt by desperate men who don»t owtt It, Oh, 0;. ptaln, the issues are tr^jcendouc -- ^ mn^t i2pt (?>Gratchln/^ hla h'^ad.) 1 Bsues t rettoncic as , » h? T'seer ic have !iDard that before tonight, (gyelnr: h>r fihe?Tl:/ and auspi don sly.) ■•'' • : iTo %x.. ->. T.] ^ i5ex, ih«ro nre elghc hun^ired r;'.a rcen e^.board thl:i ship cncitnc; like anlrcftla in leash. '^ »-■ '^ • v '^^n.^ ?t-,1c- o'J. ■v„.>v't: tear us to ileooQ. Th-ty won't l-wive enough of ycM **nd rce to grease a glrrlet with, »e 32, -ut I }^v©n't the sRalu^ox. I wasn't even exposed to U, l*r sorrj/, but 1 ir'Jist do ry duty. Gl IBM: (Crossing to CaraalnJ Captrln, If this ahlp ia delayed w« will lose tYm MJdas. And ^&% d»y© think I stand to loa®V I»ii t.eil rr^n whst — T'n Isolate this .younc lady in on« of th^ atateroonis, and turn her over to the health Inspector at Noi?<9. Oh, you WDUldbi»t do that. You'll havo Eutlny In, an Ijoi^r-, if you do. You?- pasa^nc^rs are all mad with the gold T&vev, and they won't put up with any delay. Why, can, they're piuiRla crazy J Sure'. And your flric is 11 ^l*j in daEages for ;/Dur carelessness In I0ttln3 this snsaiijiox caae i:et aboftrd. CAPTAlKj (Bnraged.) My careleanm^a! Of co^irse - - under the laws of <^allforny that's » statuary offence, and means you'll ^et p life sentence twice. X know,' 1 'r a regular power o^ attorney, I a© I f-nt a ' f OJ l>©a r^T ^?' hH «w Jbt il'i — j'xnois vo ttt 33. Cuj^e yoisp inaoldnce'. % C^r^l^asWssl (Baffled.) ^ I'll hand h^ over to the ahlp's doctor -- 1*11 wash rcy hands of h^v. See her«, now, (5© easyt Thla will eean the niin of vour owners and yo'JTself Just as aur-e tis 1'- will aean ours, for I know your coispanj^ raya five thousand a day for the charter of this ship, Vo'i* 11 lie It up, end lose your joh, that's a cinch. On ih^ other hand, we'll be In ^^ocsse before this girl could show ayntptoKs of the disease, even If she had it. If yoM say nothings* nobody will know. We'll keeprher hidden. (Indicates state roog T. ) You CO up forrad to your irids©, sir, and forget that you stopped In to see yours truly, "'an alive, thlnlc what It aenna to ua a HI (H AVT/TN heal ta tea, looks at TTaien klmliy, end relents.) (To the iten« br'^aguely.) > You'll hf^ve to b-^ careful of the steward, then. (To ^*eien.) ^on't feel hurt over what 1 aald, Miss — I cadje a relstake. These fren will see you through; 3 can't. Then when you Qet to Noire, rtcxke ycur aweeth&art carry you the day you land. You ere too far Worth to be alone. ( C A^TA^^T noos up to bridge, and exits Into pilot houaQ.) {"PannintT h las elf.) Wiowl Tht'. rjk you for therr kind words. (^Inks lovn on a seat.) . Oh, Tb! slad. "^ou have saved re twice tonlfiht. How cpn 1 tjaank you? '.,*,tft,Tf\r rtf ^x'n' rr^D^ ffaiaw XX «;©vo "no ft iinari i-I ' ^ ,«S6fIVv; '^Loiion ^^jfiiiwOit xry. led «aJO»' Xli «»i.i on*t try. Jiiat tackle this smb. (Sottln.'q: ti*ay and going towards cal>in "^ ») ^ lt*s cold, but It's healthy. WETFN : ^ lease no — 7»tt; not hungry. Vea, .you b9. !)R5rr Gt.®y : ■^o try a bit© and a swallow. Well - If yo'a'll let rce aat out h-^re? I don* t feel as if ' could be loft filon* yet. (cihQ beftln.3 t.Q Qat.J Won't you talic to ce? {7o_2axJ Anil do tiffok^^. ^ love it. (C!-T..E*? sr>en:a good? and aU^mt ami fin all -'^ wnnderw >it> to mil et ■'«. while '^^ , taT'Cs lo h'gr. ) (tlr-htln;^ h1.<3 ylre and puffing between tireea.) -hese here economical nutrlaentg you're ^ettln' Inticate with 'iflnds ce of an gxpertence I had once. Fo^ three years> miss, 1 was cooped \xj[> with no^hln' but ho^-bocatie an' brown b^ana to eat. Vea, ra'att — three years without a t»ste of fresh fruit nor meat nor nothin* — 'cert j>ork and beana. ^ly, T»ve st bacon till ry Ircaortal aoul has (*rx>mi a rind. After the third year 1 began to hanker for bony fide cp^nh, some thin' acan'ioua. 3o It book«d ir^asase for ^Jeattla, and on top of three year3 vork an* bean.i , I hud nary a thins to f^at on board for seventeen days 'cert canned salmon. Well, aoon'a I a^^ to town, T pallor >o the bast reatawrant tm* prepare for a hu.'3;e potlatch. Xhi;5 here, T detormlrte, is to be e gcritandl xin' Je/j Which shPll ^a , /■^■ffrf. i.± --on •6B«Xl ' « H-L j_jC_j'j?_XLii*'- >' p rti , ' "^r 35, live In history, "Plrst, I call fo^ flv« dollars worth of pork an* b9«ns» and then a full cro-m plattar of cftnnod salRon. Wh«n the v/altor lays ' ^rc out in fr«ont of rre, I looks them vlitles coldly In their dissuatin* visages, an' says in sarcastic accents J "'^et ih^re, daaai ycul an* ivatch me eat real srufc," which I prt>c©ed to do, eleanin* the renu froit soda to hock. When 1 have done ay 'Worsjt, I pile bonea sai* olive seeds an' peelln's all over iheic articles of nonria^ieent, stick tooth- picks Into then;, an* havln* offered ' e what other lndl,':?iHle8 occur to rre, ^ leave the piece. (HI5TJR?? laur^a mirthfully Ht ^ext'^/'a story, y^hQ htis -finish ed oat in "-. She 5 s »t h or ease now with the :tmr' l*r. DEt T- — l!;5f^ A. M, . 5 beila — aoundb off.) (Cnillng :o Oi«^n up B,) ^'r» Olenlster, what portent do :/ou - t-"' that Kbkeg you stare Into the nl-jht so enx lonely? Q^ma nr^fi." 'IT- 'r}<^ r^mv^-r-' '^' '"tr ftp-"-''"'; ' exits i?.) OTF?^. .^ ( Tumlri/^. and eoRln,'^, «iowi to her.) 1 m. try1n3 to read the rceaaage of the ^orth. And ^at doos ^t aay to you? OTJ?TJ : It aaye: "This is food's ric^B country vrh-are a wan Is a Eon, nothln^l jTo f^. Our land I3 new and pure, o'»r faces are to the fr^nt. If ^^ou have been so.uare, so ipuc3i the bettor; if not, leave bohlnd the taints of artificial ihlngs and start again on the level — that 'a «il.* (stirred by the .youn^ tern's aerlousneMs.) 1 feel that T air eolng to like the North. « f ..1 Has r 4^ '?r r "-"n" !l/0 -^^--^^ -^Q^^-^^in -AAJ5^iJLL_j..=_jT2a_ai. «1 ^^ :^ JfifiW ,TOJptr .'J aoofc Ja:"fcf * rr'.- 56. Perhaps you will, alt^u^ U I3 not a wcisanS land -« yet. Tell rc'9 w>»t 19d you h^sr^ . You ai«6 an Kastomer. You hav« had advanteces, and yit yott c>iooae thia. You ifeust love the North. CTJ?N; Yes, 1 do. It calls to ice all the tlR«. ^%en onoe you've lived the lone laaj' ^^a» days that know no ending, and haard geese honking under a aunlU cldnieht, or when once you've hit the trail on a winter's Romlns 30 shtirp that the air tstlnee your lungs, and the Whole white anient world cllatens like a jewel - and v^en -ou've seen the do^i^s rciRpins In harness till the 3 led ^'jnners whine like the sons of a cutlass, ^^lie the mountain ranees stand out like L'?autlful carvings against a sky of steel — 'SOU, It gets in your* blood, thfxt'y all. It iteans health and equality, and unrestraint. Th&t'a what I like beat -- tha utter rostrnint. (He la under a trpn/: ewotlon, and gaaea at her pass lonat ely. They are standing by the --1^1 aed deck , akyll^ht at T.. ':, leanl ng ^yon 11 at oa^e. ! (Vlth a lau.^h 10 relax th e tenajon.) You are quite i>oetlcal for a savage. ( Crpl n gr on, >jU t In a H gh ter _^ one . ) As a boy ^ U30d to c^' at the ear of Alaska for hpune — it- was onlv a bic blank co-n i' of the ^'orth then, yI th icounialns and n^ystery. But It su^f^ sted everything unkno'«n end mird, hairy reastodona , 3avas« Indians; wl th bone arrow heads and sealskin trouaers. And did your picture turn out to b© cor-oct? i.J-. oW. ari^ evoi %"y" h*r ^flffw »t:00i «'>v ».'(>;, «iorto Fti ,a»Y .i)i Ili *' . I jr.i^X ? .*ci e? { fit grtiv(a>o't JI ni/ov, (13 O Tf no-i- *;«Y «i.5 ■3 ■■t;..o:'v n:j:.^'i: 37. C£l-t_b. haicour. ) Ho — 1 found that th» cJnwr* w»r« WaJry, tli« Indlens had heads of, bona, and the sQalaklns had lietn 3®nt out to the States to n>8k« conte fo« young la<^^ stenogrsphops. ( Reooll«etln.ft» ) By the my, vrhv.t'l.rini^a you \p heret Va^jdevii^e? ( ' Tgir:^T aViav^a >-^ey head nega tlvely . ) !)«nca h<-«il, J pr^surc«? ' (ARUa^d .) Wo — T tell not — n«lthe>« do T -jpjn — In th© dance bails. I herald tho ccRlng of the Law I OT.KM: BahJ 1*n afri^ld of 1 t In this country. Wa«v9 ml1©d on oxir co\iras® f^«d o"ia* fltlt3. (lo^ll n- hi a hip r>o eketj ) But w»»il h,wo to OTliUckie there both wh©n th© lew coisas. 21i9 QDits r?.ay ^o; but th© couface nevep. Ther© is soitethlnr; ©laa tYu\t brines tp& North. 1 have a b>x>tha3? ^ndarlns 30C'9wher»"ln thia country. He i«ft 'nom(^ when icy pother di6t9Ct you, I don't car© — 1 lik© th» old way best. T'le a pHaltlve rcan. 1 love to irreotle with nature, and fl^ht for what 1 have and hold. My faet liave trod the ede© of thin^^a so lone that 1 want to stay whore life la what it was intended to be — a aurvivtxl of tha fittest. ( \r.^.lZiV. ts drawn cloae>r to hig, aa though hyrn<^^'^J6Q ,'^«) Wy pioaauros are violent and my hate is bitter in jsy aouth. To snatch and s^ard I3 ley creed. What 3 ^nt 1 take — whether wine or worcan — - or spoils of war, (Hq take s "hp r hgf^d aa they both lean over sH;^ light fae i n s the audienco, and looks into her eyea passionately, H he le ts hla hold It a Kon;ent» then quickly draws it away, iimd coises to f5,> ??poils of war? 1 don't understand, ^y shouldn't ;vou take them? To the Vict o" - jT r^yinr to ,jpg>ak lightly.) you knov; the rest. GlKNs ( Following yiev '.o ^J Vou're ri(^ht. 1 shall not feil to take theiE, (He Keizea h'nr rsuddenly in hi a oras t^nd kisaes her on th-^ couth, ^h*? seera p&r^l y*) ^ OhJ ( She strikes hi r ; with her fiatj but he pays no heed, klss^ ng^ her again and again. )^ GtEM ■ ■ dau^.}^.'^ fiercely.) There* i never a l^w of "Ood or aon nmu North of 5». What I want 1 take. (RsLl«R3es^_ho r j^/ (_Quie tly *)_ 1 ait {joins Fo love you, girl. ^ .f? \ « J.: 39. (Breathless and cutrap:edj And cay fJocl atr'lke ffi© dead If I over stop hatln/; you. . LqlTS t^irn r/up sta ge to get away froR hltp, when thore is a sh oi off T^. end the sounds of rising turcoll. GtISW and HE tKK oten: ( ?^h0rriy») Go lnt^.0 th9 cabin — quick. Th*9ro*s trouble here. (T'EIEN' /tazoB off R.. sl'Q'»l ,\t, ft^r.d. ^ISN f^pea ur 10 Tier, elso frazes off ^»)_ (iulck, I say, lt»3 a fleiVit! Ahl (Sudden runh frorr I;. T?. - CA??,^,! AR ^ARIKY, ^la»ffe_jr_e-V.Ql3tgLJg-Ln hand. H« I3 retreatln;-';^ ^ntnnln.^j croaaea to t, and turns. ,. ^V> if-] fpllo-7ed- L_y "AMr>TRHy_g2^a» sh«vem wgll' /^rooiced, *fh i tw shirt nnd collar, der b y hat, alao arg^d. cno^n w.^.. in fror r. , n*fl^ hS C T^^t^^ i ^^-^ "O^^ ^Q ^^''* ^^'^"^ ^^"^ roctly bohlnc? CI-ARIKY w ho i s <% b^y.) dl CAJktBTion: Will you pay thf^t bet? ciTARLr:v: No 5 lt*B G crooked eame. CROW!): (g>houtlng«^ Y«8. We' 3 rlG^it. T^ie ssK® ^""aa crooked. {C-Al^J.m. raloea hi a :Vm,l. , ,ilC — ff ' « a*^ iU~J' ;jioo' 40. aTJ5N: Wy Ood! Wo'ro In lln«l ( He selzas '^TET.KN, forces her (Sown to h^^r knees a/tainat th<» vrallt th&n crouch'^ o ver her nrlthhio orgs about li& r> shielding (IJ OT'T ""'^ rn;'o at c>.-ic9. C.V'BTi'n whii ris ami falls, then rx>lls t o left 3ido, risos to l<»rt el low, trlQa to fire agRln, hut fTun dro-Ps frnart; hl^ Y^nl, n TT Jgy.F.Y atanda 3tUl» leaning.- forwet rd aftfgar'Tv. O/iI/aJ.RR drops fE< ee downwar^lg quivers and i 3 stil l) (Olt'rln.^ ji;t dead man*) ^ Yo\i had to have i t, didn't .you? (cnovn ruiih^s forward, sur^vx^undln.": nA?-v"iTF.R '■'^^'AnTi'V, solaea .'^uti m>^1«dly through crx?wd to Qif»n and H.-^ J.en7 ^ni?!^? in auTf or tlna HRTEN as sh'^ pujls herself together) Be ;;ouhurt? all ?■ ■^-•^i'^^- < {"er^'f - , — J- .-t f^o ■ _™-St^ 41. No, thank --©avenl But W9 were close to Klnedott fJoRe. look at this. . ( Indlftfltgft Imllet nol*? in mVi, al^out breaa t hl^hg rig ht ove r whpro they c.'X>udi'^>U ^^TPN look^^ rrcl covers hf>r e;''Qs ; staggers etway.) T)E7: Holy Mackinaw! ^?hen they began to shoot 1 thou;3^t li >«a3 a caae of flowora end slow rKUalc for* you* Oh, coKO away froJt yiQre - It w&AamtMl* That* 3 9 sRcrie of mining carp law, Miss, It corce up ovei» a twenty doHur faro bet, too. Tha reinor said the ship© waa crt^oked — then Ys upset thfl layout, and unllrcbere4 his "gat"* while I took th« wat-sr jTirrp eind hi[^ hurdles without -^altlns for ffioro. I'r, coin' lo see what th«y do ^irl th this cuy. GLEN: Your intrx>ductlon to the ^'orth I3 ve r; tragi c» Wlss. It's not all like this, beilw^ rc-^. (Squerelyg) Ana 8 It fire inia0bt«»d to you again J (AngT'y and Irpetviou s*) Alt 1 n'?v ?r -.0 be dotw mtif :©ur services'? You taki? advantage of ry lon?lin'3ae to Inuult rre, and ihfJ noxt rrorrent you risk j'our ll/*« for Its with all ihe reckless chivalry of ^n Hnol-=int kr^lr^ht . Whi' t Rann»?r of iran are you? 1 don*t knov/ — 1 nwer thou;i:ht -«- Now that th** rcadneas hfia died In rre I - - (faeaeahlj hend over his eyes*) ^OfloO 3 *r '*. attiJ ,'. o ->■ ■■r..-'^ v.'Oi«}f 42. 1*1^ sor-T'y for* whet I Aid --Just now — you underetand. I've known the othap kind of vnoRen so lone that 1 — 1 tiund«r«d. ( Oaglag at her Rore reveyei^tl,v.) Y«3; you aro different. 1 realiud that now. Porglva jt:». (Shufl dera ^.n 4 bail.. smoR's voiag »ln-.1n5 out: ^-ll*i5 well."; r /^T ^ ^ . <"■ .iOi;. O iitiiioA'Y 6riJ 'iTf-f:* 1370 BROADWAY, Cor. 37th Street, NEW YORK, -;- THE SPOILERS -:- ACT II. i ^..' (?^'^x ih^A^^ IKX'^W^A^^Art^ e23f!£)!^00 to YRAHB!.; 9061 is fl'^A ■. yi}n3 JilsiiiqciO /-^^ -:- T H S SPOILERS ACT II 4404^i^^^MMi^^M4^f^mi^'/^^^m¥^Tl vyrWrf i'-iiTtir'i-Wunh ^^\< LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Conies Received APR 24 1906 -V Copyright Entry / OCASS^'' XXc, No, I T -:- li -:- ACT II. -:- "THE COMING OF THE LAV* SCETJB; Law offleaa of Dorham & Struve, Home, Alaaka, , The atago shows the outer office, with entrance by door up T « close to B« . door up R, to Struve'B private office, and doo r down R. to WcHwara*s private office. The office fui*niture is modern and new, with evidences of minine camp life. Across half of B. . at Right is a bay window overlooking street below, showing house tops and sea on back di*op in the distance* T^amaining half of B. at Left, is occupied by a small _cubby hole of a room, vdth casement window opening on hinges in t^Afo parts to let the liRht in» Ta?- bcoks cofar the walls withi n ^s far as thiy ara visible. Tine op en entrancQ to this roon. near outer door, is hung with portieres. There is a h*::atins stove down L.C.; a liquor cabinet o r sideboard B.C.. between window and eubbv hole. At R. between the doors to private offices thora is a safe. Flat table littered with papers at R.G, There is a chair on each side of the table and one near the stove. The window is wide open .through the act, and street sounds may be heard from time to time . Midsummer of the same ye ar. When the curtain rises, the BROHCHO KIP , a slim dark man, thirty years old^ lang uid in movement and yet alert, dresaed in a ne at business suit with Stetson sombrero, is discovered seated on chair atllt near. stove. Ha polls and amokaa cijearettes interminably. Also the COUNT du SPARC, pacing: the flo or excitedly, and vigorously sucking: a lemon> ,11 *?AJ aHT ^ . 3HT» ^_,„— , a p.-. — pp.^— ^-^.j,-^^^- ., iiM, 111,11 ,1 iM iM, I ■ ■ II I .1. ■ ii--ir III. 11 , . J I ^"^ " *^ ^^ •aolo «J . :> \;tf hQst&'iiitn> ■ V- ■ iS>gg .»0J.H0 fej gy.,,.^ a'evun ^' effT .oelllo e^jE yif-T a_^«25^" ■''^■' '■"' '■ig t Wec fens :1±^' '"ngq o~"ii'ivF " "" .. ai — - --Jyo ^i.^ii .mu-_^ r''^ , aen ^ ^' ■ ■' I I i>^ ■' .©£■■.. The cu rtain rlsag to a few bars from orchestra of "The Long Trail". TOien it la well up, the COUHT begins talking as the orchestra muslo gradually ceases* COUNT: (Throwing up his arms, excitedl y) must see Messtaire McNaiaara. ( Stops to such lamon and ahttddera) leave! I go? I am of the most onhappy! (Sucks lemon: same business) KIB: (tanguidly) »hat»s wrong, Frenohy? COUUT: Ugh' The •ole countres is wrong. It ee» not fit that, a pig should llv3 in It, Ah, I am desolate in the mind! (Sucks lemon; discovers it is dry; t hrows it out of the window ) KID: (Indifferently) Gome on, let's have your story, Three L®raps. COUTIT! (Taking another lemon from his pocket, and sucking it with fresh gusto) I am arrive h^r© of the steam ship* I am charm wit* the countres — • eet ees strange, wonderful', ever' body so busy, so •xcite-like — they 'ave drink till they obtain of the (Hesitating; for the wo rd) that you call 'em? — the JagI Eet aes the gold fever. I say: "Volla." I shall buy a mine an* become a millionaire." Ver* well*' I look aroun^ for an honas' man. I fin* him. 'E comes to me an' say, "T^fonsieur, I »ave own a ver* rich mine. I will sell him to you cheap." KIT): Ihat was the name of the mine? JRO^I »'ss.-. ■-■ill \iK log 1 i»ir- i CVii ''S ■ ^■^'i ■v.y >* ei j j- «- ..^ inoineX .■ ue ,\,6»i\i ufc , see ^«c — h^iSkuqo ... •aXloV. -i. I 'XXew '«iF em o^ Mill XX oa to «i{Ei6« eri* B«w ijjerrssr 3 COUTTT: Th« Busy Be«' (Suddenly attacks lemon, wtilch he hag forgotten In hl8 sxclteraent) KID: OuchJ (Tjettlnf; tilted chair down with a thud) Where did it sting you? CCUHT: This Busy Bee is looate on an islan' in the sea, t'irty mile froa the shor\». I pay hia one t'ousand dollar. W© sail away. Ver» well* (the couyr sucks lemon for a moment, then proceeds ) But w»en we have reach the islan' , what does mat scoxradr-rel do — that hone 8 • man? 'S sails away ^ an* I am left ship wreckJ (Attacks lemon savagely) KID: He was a perfect lady, wasn't ho? COUNT: Ah, but wait, waitJ (Sucks lemon) Maybe you t'ink there ees a rich gol» mine there? But no J There ees not'lng - no t * ing - but the hut of an Eskimo Indian. I am bstrayJ I am — i*iat you call it - film flamS KID: Didn't you bunk in with the Eskimo? ' COUNT: Ah! ( Sucks lemon ) That ees even more sadi I famish like the wolf all night till the dawn. At last I am compel to eat t^iat food of the Eskimo of Ktoich the nose has to be grasped. Moii DieuJ - the acaelll The lasts! Set ees worse than pigs. Set ees vile! (Sucks lemon; throws it out of the window B. , takes ano ther -from pocket) ^j,.:i ijj e'ii.:'/; llTeyr •rrnv ?6r ^o©1:neq e ae^ fll»W tH(^ .•- ,3- . .Cl^ ,0 - . <| : 4 KID: (Mora Intgpeated than h@ haa beid you hear what happened to Frainchy? ( y^TRUVE Is a man about thirty-five years of ege; clean shaven; buahy head of white hair: disaipated face, w^ gf>«>« to «ifia» board when he comes in. secures whiskey bottle and glass and pours out a drink as he tatlks) ■an 3i i •T-S ,s«¥ niii 'ic vii4 3 « X> •31 09S to iBddold rft "to ec Hi* ^fi STHUVS: No, Hard luck story? KID: It would melt a h«art of firebrick. Som® f«llow plck«d him for a flat wheel, and gave him the *iort circuit for a thousand volts. STRUVE: How does he feel — • blue? KID: He's the huzoan wiggle-stick. STRUVE: Have a little "hootch". Broncho? KID: No; I»Tn hit (died to the hydrant. STRUVE: Well - happy days I (Drinks; makes wry face) The Count ought to put his case in the hands of a good lawyei" KID: Like you? STRlJVa: Exactly. Thdn he could rest easy. _iPut8 bottle and glass back in cabinet) KID: Just as easy as if he vas asleep with a ten year old timber wulf. X»9l ©rt BeoJb woH a a^« ,AiX4 0s-"v 6 STRUVE: (Indignantly; coming down 0. ) , I'd like you to know I'n an honest man. KID: (L aughing quietly; guying him) You mean you»d like me to think 80. You belong to the Heaply Club - you« re nearly honest. STRUVE: I tell you — KID: (Qha eking him) Don't peddls that old "con" - thejre's nothing the matter with me here — see? ( Taps his forehead) I never had any accident to my head when I was a child. No, my name is Wisenbloom and I'ra there with bells. (Ho _t urns round and gtraddles chair leaning his airo s on the cliair back, '^e faces Struve amd stares hjm dow n) Struve — ( Takes a puff or two and knocks ashes off cigarette; d^lib<5ratv?ly) I»Ei wise to you and your receiver JfcNamara and old Judge Stillman, and all the rest. I know your game. Oh, I'm pretty smart! I guess I know as much as a horse! STRUVE: Teh! You've heard this talk around town, but there's nothing to it. ( KID stares at him with a knowing smile and a wink, and smokes si l ently ) _ There's nothing to it, I tell you, ( Exasperated ; You can't name one Illegal thing that has been done. (The KID ge t s up easily, and r^s he crosses to R . > he says. indifferently) 1* iiA ! ' i ■frr^y ' ■'■ ■ ■ ■•'•' i ■'- •' <-•■ ,IH' _*iL;^§-ft:r' Te«8 .;iffi 7 KID: ©ut that out, pal. It's none of my buelnass* M^ graft is gambling, and I*n always glad to 8®e another crook get ahead in his own line. « . (sits on table, swinging one free leg) I admire your work, ii»s axx neW Arid it goes great. struve: (still agitated) You»v0 got to quit talking like that. Just because the miners are against us, it doean*t mean that we're crooked. Look at it for yourself. The Midas was Jumped. I bring suit to enjoin Gleniater and Dextry from working the property, and the court grants my injunction, ejects th«Di from the premises, and appoints McHamara as receiver to work the claim. How isn't that logical? Isn't that legal? All this conspiracy talk is tomay rot. KID: (Iho has watched Struve v/lth sarcastic amusem ent) You certainly do get loose from your sp jecL easy, but take it from me, Struve, - you're a joke' You read your''line8" like a "legit", but they make me laugh. I know the man UcNamara hired to juoqp the Midas so he could bring the ease into court - and I know that he paid for the man's quit claim deed. STRUVE: I tell you, Kid — KIT): Nox, nix, Bo2 Don't hand me none of that old stuff. I'm there too strong. But let me put you wise to something for your own good, Struve. (Deliberately) Now, this Is down low, see? 'Way down low - as between two crooks. STRUVE: /Indignantly breaking in) I tell you I'm no crook. tscr-iff'^rf v.t- .■»«iit .t»9 • * c 3*^ v. .',; r. .iii'^li^iUII'-- ■i woX i i^L. ,^. •-;■■_ i. .X 8 KID: (Rising and oolntin^ big ftngftp at Struve) As you were — as you wer»! Just the same, if ^ou sajr eoiythine loose on the dresser it would be yours, eh? {>fimic8 motion of filching aomethiny) There's thr-a© things that don't want to get next to you for their own good, Struve — E'-'ld, whiskey, and - woiosnS 'specially wunoni i?*ell, let m© tell you - I know Qlenister and 1 know Bextry, and they're getting desperate. They've stood the Unit, and their friends are ready to back their play. If Joe Dextry goes gunning for you - well, it»s a hundred to one shot you'd win the Pearly aatas Handicap in a walk. struve: (Doggedly) I tell you I've done nothing to answer for. KID: (Moving round uy R .) All right*' A word 'to the wise will beat the bookiaakera. I want to write sone letters. Do you mind if I use your room? STRUVE: Go ahead. You'll find stationery on my desk. KID: Thanks. (GoeB into Struve' s private office up R.) STRUVE: (Worried) t wonder if the Broncho Kid's on. I've been afraid of that. The ga>:e is too bold. (Goes up; takes another drink) Well, damn it, it's worth the risk. (Bracing himself)^ Nobody can prove anything - unless they were to get on to the papers the Chester girl brought in. (Goes to safe)_ It makes ma nervous having; than around here. («vi/^J8 in, *i»y!^ttt''^ - ban T^ isl?) \XX/slo©qa* Srt«aow - J&ne ,>5Ci.'»«iri;^ < iroml I bttB le^^'^v r?^ , .--r t ^ is' >>ri8 exso ' J»*>, V UVl I C^ •^01 lowauB o-t sriiff.+ow wtoi) «v*I {-.o% IIe>l I ,.'. SB9fS LllW OBiW , IkU A 111 i^n^JB .jlBeb SJBS. no \iBttoliti :'"i Xl *uo^ .ijaeri^ J. (Opezis safd and oxtracts papers) Mii ~ . f "Shakin g them triumphantly at door up R^ ) You may suspect, but you don't know — JVOIC.K haand out.« ldft at T.. ) (STRUVE turns and looks toward outer door) Um! McTTamara and the Judge, (With th® entrance of McKrA^JtARA and the JUBGE, the temp o quickens^ and the scene f;oes more briskly) ~~^ (Enter up I. . throurii outer door^ JUrOE ?^TILI.MAN^ a. ^vAy- haired man^ sixty years old: weak and van mfltltig. aa ba TntflT»K he holds door open to l et AtEXATmR^ if^nr^vAWA p«^«. ^^^^ ^^a eiiOses it after h im) ~~^ (KeNABARA is a large, flm^ih ahatfan^ wggyacalyft man ahniit f orty. He is very cool, brave and masterful; dressed iq^ well fitting clothes, carefully groomed) JUt)GE: J^As he opens door and h oida it opan^ Public opinion is against us — it's btecomlng a menace — MoNAMARA: (Striding in) I don't care, wb are within the law. You know that, (As he crosses to table. R.n.. he sees STRUVE at safe; goes quickly to him, smtohes the Tjapers from his hands^ replaces th em in safe, and elosa a the aafa doon) What are you doing with those papers? Lock 'em up, and let •em alone. STRUVS: (Sullenly)^ I was just running them over to see if they were all right. MeNAHARA: ( Sitting at R. of table; opening letters, and working with papers) ' You've been drinking. My heavens, manJ Won't you quit that? ^K .•>.i^ •'?: -l^i^eA :J¥ <^ 'I? a'XQ ^ae. .Jli^i t-'^^'-''irv , Tv' •y * .,.t«rfv1 f»3^9,.-^;f 56feK.aCi«_ Jj.1 i,Mi' 10 STHUVE: ( 7)efiantly; advancing to tablg and poundlns ^^ ^ith his fi 8 1 ) No, I won't. And I won't be preached to, either. Understand? -You run your business and I'll run mine* (McHAMARA turns around in chair, and glares at Stru v © ) judge: (Anxious to placate) Come, come, gentlemen -- McNAHARA: (Pisml.'sing it» turning to papers ag aiia) Oh, don't let's quarrel, Struve. Things are going too well for that. STRUVE: (Tumin r. down, facing : aunfi 8«>r :3VUflT3 » v-:»X ©r{4 -tog ©v^eW ^'jf.nn-vf: '. -^leiW 'ftofi ?e«oie3ii*a t'ii&vweX r*i»^b1: ' ■•^eri iio% evisn fi'^ '.■-■' Gi.J r-^ ;^ •■ .-'..i:!'^ : X'.^ .A 12 STRUVE: I don»t know about that. He»s a shrewd lawyer, and I get nervous er&T^y time a new ship comes into port. He's been gone thirty days - he»s about due. McNAMARA: That's another reason why you must keep those papers locked up. We're safe as long as we have them . JMeNAMARA exits Into privat e office.) ^ JUDGE seats himself at Left of table wear ily) (BROlvrCHO KIT) coushs loudly in Struve's room) JUDGE: fRiairu r; nervously) Who's in there? (Pointing at door up R,) STRUVE: Don't be nervous. It's nobody but the Broncho Kid. He's writing some letters. jUDPrS: ^Relieved^ and sitting agai n) Oh, he's all right. STRUVE: (Crossing slowly to sto ve ) Say, I've never thought to ask you how Miss Chester cam© to bring in those instructions. She took a long chance. JUDOS: We had nobody else to send. Your partner, Dunhsan, had to stay in San Francisco. Alec and I were delayed ejQd we couldn't entrust them to a stranger for fear he'd become curious and investigate. That would have meant — (He places hAs hands over his eves «« ^^ to «hut it .nut) SI OS I ■ .tf« ban- 0." *'•<'> t ^ , ^s^iTi of fcari , (-■ya^, ii.- tt^i^ \ U au»r 15 STRUVE: fWlth back to stove; facing Judge) I seet Does she know what's In the dooumente? JUDGE: Decidedly not. Women and business don't Mix. I hope you haven't been tolling hen* anything. STRUVK: I'm not that sort of a damn fool. But how did you manage it? JUDOS: I told hep the documents must be served before I arrived or there v/ould be litigation - riot - bloodshed, -=• avorythlngi STRUVB: Well, you certainly frightened her nearly to death. ¥ou»d have thought all our lives fmd the safety of the ««iole country depended upon her. JUDGS: ^ Rising f and coning: dowi;i R . ) Yes — I lied to her. My own niece* j^Bitterly) It seems I do nothing but lie nowadays. I don't like it. STRUVE: Nonsense* JUDGE: These last few weela have been too much for me. X get tired easily. This is a country for youns »»»• I*""! too old. Too oldJ (lSi;iter MoNAMARA door B.R. with papers i he goea briskly t o TaSle as before" ) Alec - I'm going to lie down a bit* AJOy, ©fori I ,Xlfr; V^Jt esfifiafl! «o^" iH )u(( ,X^ ^'5joY ,rii«©fe 04 yX*? ,XX»W tHOrrUTt *:■ .a sax .X.''> 14 McKAIfARA: (Without looklnF. up ) All right, Judge, (Exit JUT)OE, door R.) STRUVfi: (Gaging after Judge) The old man has lost his narv©. T'fcHA>aRA; Ves* I'm sorry I brought him. STRUVE: I*V9 "been warned again to watch Glenister and l>«xtry. McKAifARA! BahJ When we put them off the Midas six weeks ago, you said that young fellow was dancerous, but he obeyed ordsrs like a sheep. He was dead easy. I guess 2i2 won* t- trouble us» STRUYE: Well - he puazled me, I»ll admit. I know he's a fighter - besides — (Watches McHamara) he's in love with Helen Chester* McNAMARA : (<^tart5 and look up. 3tei»nly) You told me that once beforo. If I really thought so - I'd (The outer door opens. Enter TfflS, CHAMPIAIJ. in afternoon dress, and QOUKT du '^PARC, sucking a lemon) STRUVE: (On seeing them, makes a fac e) Excuse me« (Goes to cabinet , takes bottle and glass Twlth him, and exits Into his room, up R,) . ;-i JUu-,- ,f'V .u.uTu I \,ftoa va •soiaxneJ ;ii von:, i , ..ifi x;»- t: ai J J ill fl i r I I »^;^-^~ '■ ...... -. ™ . IJ^g:? ,- 'frjt . *?..:.?' 15 (We NAMARA rl80». motions dialr on oppogitg alda of tablo t o Ttf RS. GHASIPlAKf who aeata herself. Tha COUHT amuses hlmsalf ^X-JLiLUriiic ffll^^iit thffl nf.f.iiaa, it ha kft^pn ffw-><» comic satire, almost a burlesque of McWamara's high-handed gaaa) VcMAMARA: Hold on - hold on# I think your husband failed to explain a few pcints. MRS. C'HAJTPIAN: Oh, pshawJ I didn't anticipate tha least trouble, we said you could do Khatever you liked with the court. f r f r'fr '. 1» tfTAI- ,««ai*x tjt won* - ri t ! ■■ ! S, O 1 » I ;-: . ri»3:j/*T -*' IX.e b- ■ i.i I .t«d , i;;j 16 MoKAMAHA: MRS. CHAIPIAII: Of coum© - I know vorjr little about these things - Mr. Champian he knows a lot. McNAMARA: Madan - a littla knowledge is a dangerous thins - more is worse, • MRS. CH^PIAU: Then you can't do it? Not even if ^o\x took half the gold? McNAmara: Half? — I'm afraid not. MRS. CHAjrpiAi^: (Huffily) Oh, I see. Vou wouldn't act as receiver on m£ claim for half, when you could be your own receiver and get it all. ( Rising) l»m afz^id I don't know much. McHAMARAs (Rising too. Klaboraiel.v) You wrong yourself. I have never heard the proposition put sore clearly, (WR5^. nHAl.T>IAW r l^pon at him) (McNAJIARA goes on with an eacplanalogy air) I refer, of course, to the mining oatter. Bcn't you agree, Countt GOUifT: ( Turning suddenly from window. Sucking lemon) No I" Bet does not agreed i isste nxm ax ways* Seex time every hour I 'ave - what you call it - manicured my teeth — but there ees no r-r- relief. (Shudders; attacks lemon) Only thees' ( ].IHS. CHAMPIAN goes to C y) 01 ,'i..-' Z'^xu: '4a-..nj, .'.';•-■' !AV • ■■V. e«xori •9in /<, ?ii© - e'^ (vJi'i'V I ■ ?TT,;ij^r 17 ■ ■ McNAMAR4: Won't you stay, Mrs. champian? I am •xpecting Miss Chester any moment, and I am aura — MRS. CHAMP! AH: (Stiffening! Thank yow, I don»t wish to meet the young person. f Draws in her skirts ) One can't be too particular in a place like this. Come, Count, McNAMARA: Why — i I don't understand? ■ MRS, CHAiaPIA?i: probably not, Mr. McHamara, but all the women in the camp do, and all the married men. We women must protect ourselves in a lawless land. I've taken pains to let th«a all know what I saw oh board the Santa Karla . It was scandalous . I wouldn't speak to her, nor to Roy Glenister either — and the Judge such a nice old man. Ah - it's a pity — (MiellAMARA is about to remonstrate when the outer door up L. A>i>ena and enter }fl^f...r.;i in atraat drags, im-^. CHAJ-'MATa sp^^r her, elevates her head proudly^ and sniffs virtuously) Oood day, Wr. McNamara, we must be going. Count — (cOyiTT rushes to door uu L. , holds it ope n for her, as she ignores Helen with disdain. SHS exits and COUNT after her) HELE7I3 (Looking: after them ) Oh - I can't stand this. What does it mean? Last night at the dance the women cut me - they all seemed in league to ignore me like that - and when I demanded an explanation, they sneered at me as if I — (ffidea h er face in her hands ) ^ Oh, it dasea me - I don't understand. McWAJlARA: CAjipjecLachins her gfttLLl^) i'ra sorry, Helen. I know the ^ole story, 1 never thought you'd hear it though, or I'd have " (pauses and steps away toward R. ) I shall have to kill ttiat man some day. T£ rr r, *%fiA b f i ff H » ■ • **T n rV !" ♦ ■ < ■•. f ^ y -p^-^p. rr-/- -t tf-o'P •noaneq i^^ .t »rrr. J llB tmeii J el oj ?.-. I S3 ex ,'X4iri ;.......;_.._.:..< ^ri .«.*jI_tfM. . iJL tii- 18 H,ET,EN: What mem? Glenlster, of course* HELEN: ( I ndignantly ) You»r9 wrong. He's a gentlaman. Why, - what could he have to do with It? Jf oNAKARA : ( Leaning againat table R. Shrugs ) Evidently you are not familiar with the affair. Ths scandal couldn't ooiae fi^ja any other source. He boasts that you were - that you were his — well, his guest on the Santa imria - that he brought you here — HIJXJSN: Oh^ I don't believe it. I know Mr. Glenieter wouldn't talk of me. He* 8 an honest nan. J^cWAMARA: Of course, but an honest man's tongue will wag to a beautiful girl. My Lady Halo tte Is a Jealous trick. HJ2T.S^l: Malotte? tho Is she? McA!lAMARA; The handsoraest woman In the Tlorth and the most dangerous. I'm glad you don't know her. She is the creature vrtio boarded your ship at Unalaska to find Glenister, HEH'/ror: (Looking oiteouaJ Ly) I remember now. (Slowly as if doub ting It ^ You say - she came aboard to meet Mr. Glenistor? JBfl^ silneir ! rft N/ oft' 9rii 1. ..trff;*^ T) 1.J McNAJ?ARA: y«s, lt»» the talk of the camp, but of course such scandal wouldii't reach your qhvb, (5H£ alnka on chair by sto'v^) (H E cro-:3es to her^ See here, Helen, doesn»t this wretched affair show you that it is tirm to reconsider your decision? What is the use of waiting till we return to Washington? Why not marry me now -« here—? ffELEJT: Ho - no - not yet - You promised not to urge me — McKAJIAHA: But I must, ifarry me, and there'll b© no more gossip, I'll shield you -I can do it. ffelen - (lays his hand on h^r shoulder: SHE r»i««* *>y.rt Ar«r>c«.o^ fr-. f«M* R. HE follows her)_ can't you picture what your existence will be in this half bom mining camp, now that the decent women have turned against you? You can't explain. You can't run away. B« ray wife,, and I'll end it all, I rule this country and the people fear me, I play with than, and this powar is yOurs, The Judge is a weak old woman and can't help you — Oh, if I could only find my brother! McHAMARA: Helen - it's hopeless. You'll never find your brother, ret me - (Takes her hand and draws near to h er) let me be your protector, ' Don't think me ungrateful, Alec. I realise iwhat this lie means* I realise what misery will oome of it and that you could shield me, but I — 1 — (McHAKARA is ready to cloee ip) Oh, I don't know what to do. -.1 ■a ©ciMOj! ± <>._ . ..*f,. v"- „_ v,on eat '' , i " ^v r «» (f< /-IVT 41** '11- f 1 r * ' =-■■ ^ •A Hi* .'.WiOi^*-"'' «Bx { f ii_j»j5 - f felo 20 Then lot me d© cid© for you, {t?« ia about tx> take h»r in his amg. ^gn 5TRUYB is hea rd whletllng up Rt , and he recovers himself) (STRUva enty-fs door up R. whistling ) STRUVS: ( Coning down ). How d'Jre do, Miss Helen? Anything I can do for you? -JMcl^A^TARA Sl^rna at hXm, STHUVE ero°;Rea to Ghair at stove, McTMF^RA la still hear HgJLEM dowii R. ) HIStJ?N: (Answering Struve) No, thanks, I Just csme in to see if Uncle Arthur had found any trace yat of ray brother Brury, (STRUVS is slttlnp: with hia back to them) McNAMARA:, (In a low voioe^^ Will you be my ^Ife, Helen? hele:ji (fflth her hand on dour knob, P,R,) Please give me a little more time. I must think, JMeT^AlifARA tur j^ Sj takes his hat, and exits through outer door "P L. ) (PETJgT ^ause* with her hand on the knob until he goes; then she takes a step to^?ard ?!truve; hesitatin/?: to spectk. ffnStlly blurting it ) Mr, Struve - I wonder if you would answer a question truthfully. STRUVS: (Turns quickly; rather surprise d) A lawyer's business consists of answering questions - truly! HEtKlT: I said ti*uthfully not truly , ^at, is this rumor of a gigantic plot to rob the miners? •r..-' al ^iVO'-J-i-' ,:;**«*«!=»«»>»•: r nj(:'T>f>**i9*'-^-''S*- ,rl if ^.ifiJtfli iaom 1 .eraw «.' ■.vmM4a^ oof? "XOvTUO ! 8l ■• .,.-A .^jSl&J^'-^—^ '■=-i-- ' 21 STRUVE: (Loun glns ^P daalp, but facing her) Is thei»« a mmor? How intereatillg? HELEN: You know th«re Is. On© h«ars it ev9ry^A?her«. They - they even blarae us. RTRUVS: Oh, thatis itOit is worrying you. Don't you lose ani' sleep oyer it, Miss Helen. Leave the worrying to McNaaiara and me. (With an air of settling; it) HEE-EI:: (yore impassioned) But I can't, I won't be icnored, (Gom es closer to hin) They say we are agents'of a band of corrupt politicians in Washington who are Juc;slins the laws under goveriuaent shelter, (STRUVE indulges in ekeDtlcal laur htar) Oh, I Imow it's too ridiculous - how could I doubt n'j own blood and kin - and yet — the hint of it is averywhere# fAffain driven hy the horror of it) The women shun ice — why? The men look at me askance - ^vhy? The friends I made at first when I came here have fallen away - oh, why, i«iy? The very air reeks with strange rumors. What is the truth? STRUVE: (Blovyjng sinoko upward; slow ly ) Ttte truth is tiiat our air is uncornmonly pure. HELEK; ( Indignantl y) Yuu^'re just like the others. You keep ns in short dresses. Why won' t you give rae the truth? (More gently and troubled) Please - you don't know how this makes me feel - give me the certainty, the assurance that will destroy this terrible doubt, X:i : ;'ft 1'. T"i-.: ■ <• ,,S;. ,SIL. 10 /xlg gg .- .■..fisiol^i: •» ''» ol *.t ^o •■ ^BVR ttC'IJ'^'' ■••"-' —.•■•' —.-.... r ~-.{^v»' ,;, ■/ :. i5>*»iiq \.Ir 22 STRIJVE: (E yln fr her with opan athairation; cynloally) Giv®, give, give' That* a the woraan'S cry. Give m© this, giva me that - selfish sex! Wliy don't you offer something in return? ifon ars traders, woaien usurers. You are curious, hence miserable! I can help you, therefore I must break my pronlses and risk ray honor on your caprice. Well — { Risin g suddenly and putting chair noisily behind h im) T1iat»8 womanlike, and I've half a mind to do It - { HEI,E![ makes a movement as if to encourage him) But not gratis! " ( A pause f as they face each othe r) Wo; we'll trade. ^ HEISH: (Afi itated) / It's - it»s not curiosity, believe rae. I want the truth. Can't you see that I must know? STRUVS: (Taking, a step or two toward, her) _ You say it's not curiosity, ^atever it la, I'll place a bet that you'll never rest till you know the contents of those papers you brought Into me in advance of your uncle and MoNaaara* Heavens! ?3hen I think of it - yours was a trick to save the day that makes Paul Revere»s ride slow down to a standstill — _ (Breathlessly) What do you mear/? Tell me? . STRUVS: '(Terribly in earnest no w) See here. I've studied women, that's ijftiy ray hair is iihite, and live studied you till I know what you will and will not do, A woman might like a man — (closer , and gazing into her eyes) _ might even marry him, if ha fuolishly allowsd her, even though she knew him to b* a orook, but she never could, if she only suspected . (J^H3 flinchss) al sr " ''V. - ■■ — ...... • - ■JXiU .6' (•^Cil^- ..>,, u 9or^ ■■■■:''^ >«in e r, -.r-'tc-p iBri* ,1V 23 That aiay not be curiosity, but it»8 a blood ralation to It. Suppose I said those docuraants told the truth - Tshather your unci© and the rest of us ar© in the right, or whether w© deserve lynching. (Impetuously) X*d give my life to see thiejc. STRUVE: Well - you Diay see them. They're in that safe • Uiidlcates sajN^L Will you trade? JSxcitedlv) ^ Yes - yes. Give then tu m©. JSTRIT/S malcen an thougVi t.o ny») STRUVE: Then a kiss to bind the bargain — . to apply on account HELEN: JRetreatinf ^j^ No, no — hot that — not that? (STRUVE pauses craftily ) STRUVE: Suit yourself, but you'll diange your ciind. You Ml have to, (HS crosaea to stove at L. again) (Enter BRONCHO KID, door up R. ; sees Helen, starts^ star es at her, perturbed, pauses a xnon^^nt while STRUVE goes on) When you do , I»ll clve you the proof, if you pay the price - and I»ia no extortioner, Just a bargainer of some maan ability. HEr.3N: Oh.* ,.ii i-> •-'■' boo.trf *■> ©Mi >t«rJ ^y.vt tp;4).t'»jio' wcf .foft Y'W ^sriT TUO\ ^ -Crrsf:^- &.ofitrftiTfl -*» r-; oi A Jit?! J^JBrii Son — iBiiJ tort — an , • lit ^Y/sri II.»wox 'woi; ti:Xw>" 24 STRUVS: When they Inscribe my headstone I hope they can carve thereon with truth; "Here lies Wilton Struve. He got value rscsived." - ( Tha KID tip toes back into r.aogi_u p H,) Oh, I don't know why I've listened so long« (Gu^ ^ quiekl y to door D«R. ) You're a panther' (Exit D.R.) ^ 5TRUVE: (Lighting fresh cigar) Graceful and elegant brute that - affectionate and full of play - but MiitYi sharp teeth and sharper claws* Also - when he leaps he brings do-yn his quarry, ( Turns to the stove) (En ter uu R. . KIT), cautiously; s a&in p ?,TRUV!!: alone ^ ha Games dowi quickly and seizes him by the shoulder roughly) KIT): (A new note of quickened feeling; in his voice ) Who was that.? That girl? 55TRUVE: Judge ??tiliBian»s niece. Her name? Helen Chester* Helen —I KIT): JJTRUVE; KID: ".b^-vi uii-iw; i,ia.^U.-4aA;t.J^-.?::ji.-jla !;._!». i'ii U< il « :■ caiaL ' a«roc.,v . ,^rA..^*, — Jv^:- /ftoi?ov r»iw n.t ?*ffi:.r-' 25 5!TRUVS: Why? Look goot to you, Kid? Well, saa© h«r«, so hancla off. S©«? KID: (sei»ing Struve flarcely ) You — ( Then HS if In contgmpt)_ Bah' I»m a fool. ?;thuve: (Rsttlno; up) feKy» K:id, what's tha matter? KITJ: (Goitxp; up I« ; turns at door, acowllnj^ )_ Don't you try it. See? . (Exit, banging outer door after him) ?TRUVi<;: Gee' Broncho's got the worst eye in the oan^S Makes me creep when he throws it on e© with that muddy look. Ugh! Think I'll have a drink. (Exits door up R. . into hia room ) ( Enter PSXTRY ancl SLAP JACK 51 TO t , hrou/;h outer door up L. ?"l IT?. Is very tall, very thin, entirely bald, between fo r*ty and fifty years old, ye has onl.' one or two front tee th; jrary qui et and grins bashfully while women are aroun iST His clothes are e xtremely loose . all much too large for him. H e wears a pair of rubber hip boots several sizes too big . Both men observe thsir surc^ounuinga curiously on entering) T^fiXTRY: I reckon this is the joint, Slap Jack* .."J A /' ■'■.- '. • Which this yere is the first law shack I ever see. taw,/arE is all crooked. I don* t trust 'om. .ul./'-ii.' t tx .•<» gf^:!:- fsHst rr* S' • »*' ■!• * \;;i'-''- > ci , JLJ. {' looJb *5t. '• - ^■■' '? j •'■■'■ '■- ► itor/r 26 (Surveylnf; tha furniture) Threa ch^ora^ It takes a rich man to afford ••m. Thay»r» luxuries, same as brandied peaches anBXTRY: F'lerce* I'r; broke. ( S ympathe 1 1 ca ll y ) That's a shame. DEXTRY: No, Ifiss, it's a coincidence. All of us Is broke - Glenlstar, Slap Jack and little roe. We only eat once a day to save raoneyi Oh? FEXTRY: And we sleep in three quarter beds because they're cheap. HET.E1I: Three quarter beds? DEXTRV : Uh-huh* Three beds at a quarter a piece. HIITJKTT: OhI I»n su sorry. How does - Mr. Olenister feel? DEXTRY t I don't itnow how he feels , but he acts like a beast of bU2?den. Just stands around, chews his cud, and flaps his ears at the inaecks. tre used to be the wildest lad that ever drawed a crni, but now - now he wouldn't fight if a Scandaluvian stele his tobacco. When he gets tired expariraentln* with this new law game, I'll step in aji* do some business on a conmon sense basis. KStEN You talk as if you wouldn't get fair pla;^, , ^-^-^ ■iUi. r '-.■■ ^..■ffjrsnscf af'. *noii J XI • J 29 OBXTRY: W® won't, I look on all lawyers with suspicion, even to old bald-fact, youp unci*, nxin* your pardon, an* gatiin* it, bein* a« I'm a friend an* hg ain^t no real relation of yours anyhow. (?mllin;y)_ I'n glad you're my friend. (Afi_l f it auddenlj' struck Yxer to ask) Tall me - Who is Cherry Malott*? T>KXTRY: Charr/*? Well, now you ask - yritiy - it's hard to say. she carae to Dawson, th» winter of '97 and in two days she ha4 the brotherly love of the camp turning back-hand springs and frothing at the mouth. Glenister saved her life once and sa; - well, she sort of - likes him for it. Mobody knows who or what shd is — (Inter ru pts earnestly) J[ know. She's all the money, forty ways fxH>n the ace. sh«*e the friend of every poor man from Dawson down the Yukon. I. know. She's grubstaked 'en whan th'sy was busted and nursed 'em whan they was sick, ^he's fed half thy stow bums in catnp. fhy, she's fed a« lots of tines. She'd sell the shirt on her back to help -- DEXTRY: Steady, ^lap, Reraember that "its Chester and me are both present. Your talk ain't fit to eat. (^•till in great excitement) . :he's all to the good. I. know, I'd go to hell for her.' (Realiaes what he has said , and claps his hand to his mouth, and rapidly retreats up to window) I n id .Wv>r{Y«» B1W0X ^'^i *'^*i** 2il '"* ^"^-^^ fj' T won 'di^T; • .e- --J >Ji 30 DEXTRY: T5on»t mind his cuss wurds, Mlsst In this country we figure that profr^na langwidg© is like atoan to a locomotive, requiring mare to run up hill than on the level, and Inaamuci-i aa there •ain't but a ^Pew men on the level, everybody sweara. SIMMS: (Fanelng out of winiuv)_ Yere 'e cornea. Yere'a the boy,. DtXTRY: ( ?l.p:hin./'- with relief) A-ah' We're goin» to and our troublea today, Kisa. You'll see. I ain't follered the totterin* footatepa of the law none too clost, but I reckon when the boy takea a hand In the game, it'll be a ahow down to a finiah. And then we'll bear the piK)ud fl'iah of victory. (_gntgr QLEI.'ISTSR throuf^h ' ^^j^-9v dvor up L« He looka eager, ■v ictory m his eyej^ GLSTTl'^TfiR: (;?e>iini^ PEXTRY firat v^o cr osaaa to h\rn) Hello, Dex, DEXTRY: veil, boy. Where's Wheaton? GLEia<3TER: Re' 11 be here in a few ninutaa. (?;eea Helen, and comes down eagerly to her at R ,0«) (DSXTRY Joins ^VtM^ up at windo w) ' " TGT.aa^TBR ia mora subdued, an d dian^ad In manner. I t la evident that hia lo ve for Helen haa chaatened and refined him) GTwi?Tl?:T£R: I'n mighty glad to aee you. I've come down from the hllla a dozen tinea on the diance of a glimpae of you or a woM. It haa been a long time - the days drag when I'n away — r-.r.- ^/ jf«A^«L* rr'ttD'> t '^UO ■ r>. .'. ^ 31 HELEN: (111 at »aga)^ Please — donH talk like that — I don't qare to hear It. GLSiasTER: (RabuffttdV^ thy will you wrap yourself up in your haughtiness? I've wrung my soul for ^at I did that night till there's nothing left but repentance. ket.eit: It isn't that - entirely* 1 have been thinking it over simoe I came iJorth, and I eee that it waan* t an uimatural thing for you to do, I don't mean that it was pardonable, for it wasn't, and I hate you when I think about it, but I — I'm sufficiently broad-minded not to blame you unreasonably - I mean that I ~ I tiiink I could like you in spite of it if — GT.BIIISTEH: ^es — yes — ? HELETJ: Hut Oh, there is some thing about you that frightens me - some thine away back in you - hidden and fierce. GLSNl^TER: I've been tr. ing to harne>3s myself, but it's a hard job. If you'll be patient, I'll prove I can conquer ai^.d. oome to you with ay soul in leash. You'll see that beneath all this savagery I've taken on frcaa the frontier my love is true and gentle. T,et me try to b* \njcthy — HEI.Kil: Oh plei^se don't. You must not. Why will you insist? GLiarinTER; (Calmly) X ncv^r give up anythin;^ I want. •»■... q" jjj^ ".f • . do f. b'^ n tl qo «»v 32 HET-STl: (Hotlyl Th»n it is because you are a - a savas©* I was right. ai£ITI?5TER: (Sallingl I renembor soas one who went through perils on land and water and never gave up until she got vihat she wanted. ( Tenderly) And she was no savage. That waa different. (Glad of the chance to cha^if?:s the subject) By the bye, did you hear ^/'i^t. nappsned to the good ship Ohio? GLSNISTSR: Wc ; I've bean too busy to inquire. HELEN: «?ho was a«nt to Egg Island with evepy on® on board. She has been quarantined there ever since and may not get away this sumrner. OtE;Tl?5T5I^: What a disappointment to the poor devils on board. kslet: 5fsa, and -- (Generoualy) only for what' you did, I should be one of th«m. B«li«v9 me, I am grateful - and you s?^ved my life — ( 'Softening) GLEMISTSR: I didnU do much. Th» fighting part Is «a«y, It»s not half so hard as to give up your property and lie still while — ..'lj.a0 55U. 2... t-wr r> f- hr ,8siivse i: :^a" "t*v ?• r I , e»n eyftlli..! .iT»ri'} 06- 33 HTJLEll: (A now light cL->w>aing In her ey«s) Then you — yuu took ray words — seriously? 0LE>JI^TSR: So seriously that I wouldn't fight whan they put me off the widas although I knew I was right. hklett: (Eager. In spite of hors^l f) X'ou did that because I «aid — because I called you a savage? GI.iaiIST.SR: Because you awoke ray belief in womankind, pecause you showed me the sort of a man I was, and made me long to be worthy of you, R*cause you taught mo the meaning of love. I've found that it means sacrifice - and pain - soma times. You v.ere right - I've been a savage, but I'm living it down. Oh, girl, girl — (Ha seizes her hand in both of his. SHa is drawn irresisti bly to him, and locks up into his face as if under a spelj .) Don't you fciow how it is a man when he loves a good woman? HSLRTT: I know. I fa el the diarige in you, (suddenly recalling herself and withdrawi ng) No, no - not yet, I — I'll tell me uncle you are hjre. (Exits door !)»R,) (T)a;XTRy turna from window ^en door closes and comes do wn to Cilenlatsr, 0"^t^'il"TKR is looking rapturously aft»r Helen' s exit) GLKNI-'TER: (tVithout turning his 'ijas awa y) Dex, I am going to marry that girl# 1 dunno if you be or not. Better watch McNamara, SRfsi O «W ^'-.t' l^iU X a ith an agly frown gathering on his browa) He's a brave man too. • »yher'^ three S.XTm is seated by stove, face to C. ; KcllA^CARA seated at Righ t of tablg, and GLaasTER and WfEATOH standinc C.) f?HEATO!T: (Nods to ?i.f-img and Dextry ) Hello, boysi (•Returns GL£Ml5^T£R»r; smile and crosBes to table, facins; ?/c3lamara) Mr, McIIamara, I've just filed certified copies of these documents with the clerk of the court, directing you to turn back the Hldas to its rightful owners, together -^th all the gold, and gold dust you have removed tharefrcm and have in your custody, I now make formal demand on you, in accordance with th^iae writs, to produce your books of account, your safe deposit keys, and approximately, five hundred thousand dollars in gold* ('Te hands t^apsrs to Mc]vA,v^RA, who pockets them without eve n deif>ning to look at the m) WcNA?.?4RA: ( Q uietly) WeiT, 1 «on»t do it, (llie others gasp in ^astonishment) do. ■Jfc J. B»l trt-'WariB tr :r~ -^'T'rr"':- ( ^-^i) e4>. ■> be I ■ S.i-M. 37 Gu:?ilsTSR: You won* t — (swallows it) (Breaking In quickly ) lif you must . You can'^t help yourself* McTlAMARA: (Riaiat t t.>. his full helGht) ^ I can't h«lp myself, eh? You watch me. BonU think for a minute that I wont into^ this fight unarmed. (Coming ctovm to door R.) Writs of BuporsedeasI Bah! ( ?na p8 fingers) WHSATOl^: we'll see whether you'll obey or not. (To Glenister) Where is the Judge? WcNAMARA: Ifever mind the Judge. I'll see him myself, (Exit quickly, door D.R.) DEXTR'/: (The first to find his speech) Well, \vhat d'ye think of that? WHEATOll; It's unheard of J Judge Stillman will have to obey the ordsjra of his Superior Court, "here's no way out of It. GLE11I?T£R; (TUs gorg:e rising ) « , ♦ That politician is up to another trick. But he's made a fool or me for the last time. We've fought hiai fair, and if he doesn't yield, by Heaven, there'll be niurder? I) ;« jL C 38 DEXTRY: ("laps Glisnlster on back, heart ily) The: IIS th* first drjcent remarks you've mad© In a month* They're man's size, them words ars. They're growed up, and got hair on their chests. Boy 1'p. -with you. SI KM??: (TQUdl-/) T,ot's hop in an' clean up the \shole daion mess like v/e was killin' snakes. ( ^ter MelT.AIMRA door D«R« followed b.y HEI.ETT. l^cW-AKARA cones out, but HELSIT stays at R« ^ looking, apprehensive) Haven't you gone yet? I told you it was no use* OL,i:Ta^TSH: (Ad vJincing on him, enraged) We've had enough of your crooked work, you infernal scoundrel* Give aeback the Midas, or 1*11 raake it man to man fight and down you like a dog. McWAI/ARA: (-inisterlvj_ Hal Threats at last, eh? 1 thour>ht that was your work. You don't know anything but fighting. (Loudly and domineering) But it don't go. You can' i, threaten rae . Understand? (Turns to Helen, mockingly) Behold your gallant knight of the six-shooter, your daring Dick Turpin who's afraid to meet me alone, but brave enough nKhen he sees me 'jvith a woman. 'tENnTaR: - --- --.w ^^.^.^ any words down your throat. fT=*uriously) I don't hide *be hind any woman's skirts and I'll chok© those words down vour throat. o tlBti ^o"^. baf ,qi! a <«' ••'*^ ('^ i.i!': ■■*■"?;' r.'. * rs r: l •nlllial ■■> : .9SSJ' on sffw i'i wdx Mo' iO lUOi^ 10 fi; I ■ ev .I'xm '^. r;t\v. asw' .li«f{* *it"-irc" f r^-t'-ti , ^9'^ a «fi : - . ;-n T»^^^'T^ woD^ afoiow (cpossas to Glenister at t.«C, Talks to him apart, bea^echl ngly ) You told me you had conquered yourself, but yeu^re still the ea^e hot-blooded savage, can* t you be a man and let the law tako its course"' You must win If your causa is Justt (CTnorus of song "The Iiong Trail" is heard outside as i f bein g aung: by eorae passing minera on tha atrftftt _b<^lQw) (^Tc,]A,^^ ARA has rssumed wo rk at table, unheeding^ sa ve for an Qccaaional uneasy glance at H ftlan amci aiAnlftt<*T') _{?V^f.S. -nsXTRY and WH^aTON are waiting avid t^Tfei nijc in du nb show u p left )).) OT.i^JInTSFl: (gtrun.'^lin'" : with himself) Yoii den* fc understand how it is. He Insulted me. A2:d so you think to win by brawlinr and bullying? GLEiaSTER: (Stun/^. yet anriry) I hate the sight of his sneering eyes. (As the soma: is loudest; lavinp: her hand QjiJala_ajin) Listen - that's the song they sang on the F>atita Maria - the song we heard together - '^en - you reciaiober? GT,E?ri^TSR: fKasterinp: himsslf) ies - yes. You called me a savage that night, and I vowed I'd change. ( A pause) 1 will, Don't be afraid. It's all right now, girl. There'll be no trouble here. {V.7X,y2'\ smiles her thanks, and y Q<»« bank to R^) . ^ (Ac'dr s8ing the men up Rt). Jfen, this Is nu time for fightiixg. we'll abide by the law. ( To Helen) _ Plenae bring in the Judge. (SH;?: Is about to /go into room r.^v. , v^e p ^ll^Z ffiomaa down suddenly and draws his six shoo tor on ^'^cTTaraara) \ix A°°i t.iif- ? K>rrr' f f:-?, r ^ o + p. :: ?. a c->n r, ) ^ t ■•■ «■' \4 r Oft " ■t5 :a^ow LSd- J- /ia«i iv w ■*&*... 4^;* vAr: ■> ^rn-tMlIijJ ",, ^i 08 brtA 1:.o Jri^ia 9fi>J .tjjflri X (ffiPliL. gcot - J3JGCCrLj2LfljCf^ „^My 40 I'-n goln^ to cop hira - just ftor luck, (A8 he raises the weax>on. CT.g-'Jl -^TBR Trffnt7hf?ll U ^7iit nf hXt h^Ti*^ ] GLEI'IISTSR: None of that. I'll have no violence. (T)i3f!:usted) Well, of all the eightsan kinds of daian fools, you're the kindest. I could have got him easy • f'^tagrps UP anrrrilyj (aiSTH^TSH placoB the reyolver in hjg hip pocket) McHAMARA; (Goainp: down to Felen) You'd better retire. Allow ne, (Opens door t>.R. H?LK y i^vl tw. To otT^ayw 1*11 brine i^i the .TuUge, (^xit D.R,f closin/r door after hin) DSXTRY: (Disgusted) When it coraes to soft talk, you are certainly the Custard Kid. You've flopped over again, eh? iShat have you got In your veins anyhow? It ain't blood. It's Florida water. GT.EITISTER: Don't worry about my blood. It's all right and you can mark a ticket on fh^^t., DE3CTRY: (T.uuking him over) Well, you seem to be far from a well woman, (?aces about anxiously; goes up stage as Olenist er talks) (SIMMS has rotired chopfallsn b.? window^ v7HEAT0?T is sitting at left of table, his head in his hand, his brows knit, his foot tapping the floor in anxiety and doubt) 'U~ZUl ,U\.ii..A.. i«Jb(i.t>i tti .\.^' '■.'.-^.j^^»^.>faA..., . fcft'A.. ♦ .«- V )v ^r ■^1 I» sick of the fighting gam©, that's all. I'm going to •tick to the law. If only he knew iwhat these people were up to - If we h»d a diance to spy on them - we could probacy beat them at their own game, (Up stag e) 3EXTR'/: •Tain»s no use. 'ffe've had datectlvea at work but all they detected was the fact that we're broke - then they quit, JHs? pullft b aek po rtieres of cubby hole ) Thor© dcn«t seem to be no way of spyiae on this outfit. ' SGo3JlAj:}Lq>-JIX1113-J'oo]^) I wonder what they keep here, (T urns and looks out; atarts as though an idea had at iruck him. " Motions to GLBja^TgR who haa been observing h Im J =?ay - what's the matter v;ith this? jT ndicatinp. by a backward shake of his head) GLSTII^TSRr (r ayg dinger oo JLi-p-;— n^ ^fi ^^ ^^"^^ raf^-f LLr mu i tiv e l -y) Sh-h-hl TTinpff iJl^eNAMARA find the JUCGK antar door D. R.-afl ha_does so. JU JUJi h as papers In hU hand. MclTAAtA.RA takes hig seat at. table ; the OTHERS group about JUDQ5 at R.C,) ■ JUDGE: I have looked over these papers, l!r. Beaton, but I can't enforce th«n» WH;i:ATOiJ: Why not? juDor: I don't b-;li<3ve they are gaxrame. ?weato:j-: 7ot genuine* My heavens, man! They sro certified copies of orders from your superior court in san Pranciaoo S^^^"*^"^^*"®^^,, appeal you denied us, and taking the ease out of your hands, ifou can* t help yourself. , • juroa: It looks to me like a clevar ruao to get hold of the bullion and the mina, but it won't work. o or'? ZLr, 5uW ± ,atti soioln© .-i^np-o /.- 42 • WHSATCK: (t)lst.ractacll.v) _ Do you hnve the effrontery to tell ne what? Hei«dmb«r I am a lawyer JUDGi: (Losirify his tanyer) You say these ai^ certified copies, but how do I know they are? ( claps papers "with baok of heind) These signatures may be all false. You raay have signed tham yourself -- (^"cjarcely braakinf: in) What? Why - you old i^probate^ You accuse me of forgery, eh? { ai.51II?TEH restrains him, hold inc his anas ) I'll rsake you answer for U-iat, l*ve fought you heretofore as a lawyer for his clients , but from now on it's a battle as Bian to man. I'll have you off the bench and behind the bars — and you too, Alec McNamara, Caar of Dakota. You introduced your x*ot ten politics into your own state and debauched the wiole TToc»thweat, but you can't do it here. This is a big, clean land, peopled by rough and. honest raen. we're poor fellows, thanks to your robberies, but we're not vowards and you shan't defile our country. We'll beat you and your gang, flfe'll r\xn you out of the North, we'll brand you across its length and breadth as thieves and jailbirds! (A ttumur of voices. is heard off, increasing; rapidly. pgXTRY and ?ing^ run uu to window and look out ) Looks like a riot! BaXTRk' : SI?-M3: Hell to pay here! Cy^ter STRUVB door up R« . intoxicated) FTRUVE: (Cominr: down,) Wha's all 'is racket 'bout? m.- w tK u!', St *m' ( The oatgr door auddenly bursta open, and a CROWP OF KIHER3 buatle in, all amch e xeltad and HOiay. CHERRY MALOTTE and ' the COUITT du SPARC are with then, the COUNT with a lemon in hia hand) CROWD: (In an uproar) Where* 8 ]^cKamara? we want to know about the ICLdaa. Show me the robber. t©t»8 hear 3111 Wheaton. _ (J3HBRRY coEiaa to th^i fro nt and takes eciimand) CHERRY: Boys, boys' Don't all talk at once. (CROWt> falls ailent, aomewhat erabarraaaed , mumbltng_aonGng> theaselvea* lihey scatter out, aome coMng down left( McHAMARA: (On hia feet behind table Rrj Well , apeak up* (Enter HELS??. door t),R,i takes pos i tion beside JUDGE at R« ) HELSTI: (Alarmed) Oh,- what la the matter? CASSIAR CHARLEY YoM talk for us, Cherry. CROWD; Yea, go ahfadi» CHSRRV : These boys heard that Wheaton had won back the l^daa for Olenister aad^ Dextry, and they've come to find if it's tru&t JUDGE: Who are these men? «> 'I "^0 (TS'TO fi ^«e ,r ■'■■TT* ■*-''*?*^"* ii^*£L ^riJ effl V .Uiii.vj:.!_v'": towof::) rittatie-,. isL- fv^^ XaJW &i^'l'> .fin , a su'Jt Ji ,h«oriB !- , • t (.ctJtfi.ifL-r' -^M^' -V ! i.-f fc s ." rT saccrui ^iiWK ©aerii titji oriw 44 CHERRY : (y«arl»«8ly ) They're the ones you drove from their mines to Install that politician. • (indieatine MclTamara ) They're fellows who fought the oold and misery of the Avetics for an honest living till you came. They can't talk very well, and they want mo to speak for them, so 1*11 do it, because they're friends of mine, and I know how they fought and failed, fought and failed till they made their strikes, only to be robbed by a gang of crooks* You left them 'vithout money to go to law, so they have come to find out if Wheaton has succeeded with the Midas, If he has, it will give them courage to starve in the hills and suffer in the snows again till they can Icose your grip, (ITurmura of approval frora the MINERS ) ■ STRUVE: 4;Toc^4nr. iy)_ Ho, hoS Starve »* the hills, an* suffer *n the sxxowJ What a band of heroes. CHERRY : (With spirit) ^ The y are heroes^ Any man ista hero who gives up comfort and love and home to blaze a trail in the wilderness. It takes a hero to go out into the silent places, facing famine and deatti in a land v^ere hardship is a heritage* PEYTOH JONES: (wear the front to companion) Are we that kind of fellowe, Butchy? HI? cojop/uaoK: ShoorJ Don't you hear vat she called us? HeroeaS STRirVE; Bahl You're nothin* but a gang of rowdies led by a dance hall fairy - a woman of the alleyes - c cornmon — 1' . oi «e«.ti 1 •▼©' ... ©rf* ^ ■": ..cxatoililyf, ,Xl0w \»i©T aiXftti -i 'a ^ ,i'-'u^o uqs. ilXi ^itytl iSBaoH ub io*t e«u0oed ,ii oJb IL^l oa ^jneffJ- toI 3l«eq8 oi em iiiBW ^eriJ ijftB ^bttllBl bti& Jjl£/JOl; ;.«f^.t wof{ worat ■ ,«>£xJ:ra to sbrfcln^ ei'^eri* -'■ d oi ■ -'^ ' ■" ■ -'■ iLXi Joe.'' '•■^ ■ - *-' "i ri^TAtsi) biffi •41ai»l 3«i»»"4 ,lieo«Xq iK«Xla t»dJ o^nl Juo o^ v U*.Jiru t'^ e: 0. .■,■-.. •tt'^ .. ^-fS ■( 45 GLSNIfJTER: (Fl»roaly breakin g in; at j „('-») S ay,, that word and I 'Tl TcIXl"- y ou ! (^eoda forward with clench ed flats. CRO WP murHiurB Indignant ly. CHSRRY Bhrlnks "back humlllategT; COUOT diT^ARC step a up to her , lemon In hand, bo wa court eoualy) ' COUIIT: liadent^laelle - I beg of you not to be offend* with the dla- cour-r-tcay of thee* r-ruffian. K© shall of that Insult answer to me! ^Suoka lemon furloualy, and takes hia place beside Charry gallantly) ~— • CROWD: ( Sympa the tl ca lly ) Th«t»8 right, non't mind him. Cherry. H©»s drttnk. wronchy'a the ^oda all right. McIMMARA: _LR i8lnR again) Oentleown, you want to know If Wheaton has bluffed ne out, do you? Well} let hlin answer the queation himself* ( McHAMARA oo a es down bsslde HELE3T: seema to ba upginfr her to withdraw; SHE refuaing l SHEA TOW: ^A ddx^aslng the crowd ) He refuses to obey the writs I served, boya, ( Cries of iMdlimation from crowd) I oan't coxq^el hlra beeauae he haa soldiers to fall baek o:. - (r^eflantly) i but I'm not through yet# (Voy« ffMfff)_ Cherry aaya ;you»re bjroke and can»t pueh your suits. That's all right, I'll take your oaaes for nothing, and If you'll help ma, I'll ns-ver sleep till we land this pack of cut*thro«ta In the pen, so ][ielp me OodS a^ -»x- '-■1 **• ifc ■ i -v «' • . -^ « :naT?JiKajr :TKUOCj Off iiOTj to 8«o ^ • :'Tr*ipi(ir:c^f,ci- .g:*; M -J'^^y.-At: BAil iat>7J«J iiUJTi , ^iiiX. UXIi/i IXO01©J. 'IS-J a*V .xnUmfc B«feK .vj^n^erio ,mlrt balm oi • J: : AHAJiTATfoM i:^U.£. - no r^CJU -0 *->w^..' '_' - »fliii5ti;jcf rrlri terr) Lin CROWD: 46 ( Eagerly in chorua) Hoorayl fhoopee! Bully for you, Bill. W«»r« with you, Wh««ton— WHS ATOM: • (QoliiiK u p to out or door L« through ci*owd who surge af ter him Coma on, boya; come over to my offic* — all of you — (Sxlt Slims with the othara. Aa the fi ROWD go*., oiit, t»a COUITT leaves CHERRY up I.C. and eroaaea to ?TRUVS at n ») CCUITT: _(Tirawlng himself up ) Sir-rl You 'avs insult a ver* beautiful lady , of whom I hava the honaira to be acquaint'. ?cr that you i^.all fight, STRUVE; (Itfisii^iL Roll your hoop, frog lege - min along ~ ta-ta! oouifT: You r-r-riffuse? Than you ara not a man at all. Kol You are a-a- (Geatlculatea wildly at a loaa for nnorda) You ajre nothing but a lawyer ? Thar a! Poufl (Twlata STRUVS'S noss. gTR ^YR ntart.lpt^ - ri^M^^ ■^'»'iy) — . My card, moneiaur. (rranda a leiaon froir^ pocket. Seas it; snatahas it, ana raplace a It with a card) Pah T Xg.tAra a at Struva a moment; 5TRUV5 is too tipsy and atartlad to reaent the Count's charge) heleit: So that le cherry T'alotte. JLSlanoing Jaaloualy at Glenlster) I wonder If he lovaa her* ' JUDGE: Thia la no place for you, Helen. Run into my room. 1^11 be ^dth you in a minute* fgxit HgLEN dour T),R. ) . (MeHAKARA la Heated on table R. . swlnf-iiig leg ccftlly) ?TcllA7TARA: (sharply. i»ten HSLEII exit a) Wall, gentlemen, you've taken enough of my time for one day. You'd better join your frienda. ',\' " ■ baa !w a it •«• !! U ■■ -iiOOi 4»^ -IS 1...- , ■..'■iiidi' slil nii^ V.' ■ U 4. iif'.*.; a-Li« Lj. i>J.i. .■aJI\S. .iiU i»itj' 'iw ii^.i£: » -^c; iijLn R- l>e\:ot«© 67*1 ^t ,1 >'■;(.'■ 47, (Btat«ir Struva. door up R«, wlilakey glass in hand. Look ii a-boQt Bsut iouglv. MttSmmA jg r^'.gdlns? the nmwBxmfjBT.) Warm th«y gorat? Yes, l>ruiik again, »h? (Lurching down R«) Hov? d* you find out m^ private •fairs? Eh? s^oea^h'dy •nfcra ummmAt Bahl Yott BftldB a feol «f your self just new, Ifatii ap a nd yaeaa back and forth. ) You^r® drinking to© hard of late. It's hard — ^vm for you. STRinri! ( galla into ohair MaHAMARA hag piat -yaaatad.l 7ga*r« wraag. •Tain't hard for im, It*» «a®yf HoKAKARA; Y©« can a«e, by what has just happened th^t thia fight i« growing dangeroua and that we'll need er^ry ane of our faoultlen, mental and physieal. (Stepping in front of ^truY®«) You're got t© >iuit drinking. Tou can't fight "boosae and keep in condition at the aaaie tine -— nohody can. *ITRUVl! Objection OTermled. I»a like the motion t© adjourn -*• I*m alwaye In order. ffolTAICAM: (Throwing op hia tonde in disgust.) A dl*unkard for District AtthorneyJ An old woman on the bench ♦ > ^ r-.a •■.'lYtitTr .«<»v. jAHAMAffJUM sJCVl: an.. I X^r: S' »> i ,X60it\:r[q inn iB^nwn ^ . ,.. ^^. 0* *»» »Y*MoY 48* and 1)0111 ooirardli. STRUVS: (WnlgJB ff liard work of talkin^g and stuttering oyer long wrdg.) Your opinion —^ regarding tli« puBlllanimlty of our digniflod and lournsd oolloague on~th«i "beneh la not without o«rtaln foundation in fact, "but — your etateraent conoerning gjr oourage i» founded largely upon circumatantiftl eTld«nG«, OTJch of which is merely corroborative — and none of which ia oonolufliTe — hence, in it»» entirety .'iult« Insuffioitnt la law. MoHAXARA: 7ou are <|uitters, hoth cf you. STHTVIJ! The JNidge ieaciuitter — sure thing — hub I'm all rlghl. . He ain't go* the haoktoone of an anelewora. He ain't half the man that his niece is. There's a girl for 3rou2 Say.' Wiiat'd we do without her, eh? (Pacing* ) MeHAMAHA: Umph.' {QLMTSTgR'S face ia if; m at the w i ndow ajar up B. fr oM t&jcmg in the soetre?^ [ ' STKJVE: Wasn't It funny how sh» worked that fool Olenl star? Jove, it took nerve to hrlng in your instructions all alone the way she did. Only for h«r, we*d never have won like this. ( He chuckles tlpaily.) It mebsa n» laujrh to think of Olenister and his fcol partner stowing her awoy in their staterooiu while they slept between decks with the sheep, and h^r with the papersln her hcson all the tlaw. Then when we got good and resdy to jump the Midas, why, she up end talked the young fellow into coughing up without a fight - just hecauae he was foolish about her. That's what 1 call reolrvccating & man's affection. He - h« * he! Oh, she's a good , one! ( His expression change a to cunnin g paaaion. ) «*»*• .«bi£jf»o di<^ i''n« flOfl btiR — ' ^ tO(f o-Jtoo \L '- vJiiiiytCi 'i i-JH^iJ-* (?»■ •.!^ir,- 1,3- s•:^^ itf , - ©▼! .;oo ai •v«X ni .fcfali XI« all *t'^ - ^rfM* ^'' "- .,^inap»»l ii8^*/t ariT •^8 '~ ' 'i«"i x-^*a - ii!.. . ^ ' '" ':^ •■"::: -A-*-.- I. aoi-i -t .».:■■ 8 VX .. -A svaif -xeTftfl Jt*»w ,n©ft no"! t .. r r z,.*^ f. , 49, %• looked goal to m« the first tiia« I saw her. On the level, Kaoi !•■ orajsy a"bou1: that girl — absolutely crazy - and I'll h8v« h-er too -- (Po unas table with his fist. KoKAXARA stops abrupt ly^ iBtarea Intently at Struv«.) ~ I»Te got ay plans laid, She oanH get away, by Heaven. MoNAJfARA: (Looking d^n^roua, but pool ,) So" — yott mean to marry our o lever young friend? 3TRUV1: ( Chuelcles.) Mafryi Ha, ha! That's a good one! Look at that hair - (Bows head forward.) It's gray - not r«d. Do I look like the laarrylng kind? Ho, sir. .(Liea back in chair, stretohl'^g Q'^t his legs, faoing McHa aa r a . ) ^ MSc, I*ve got her where sh«*ll have to come to me. I've made the proposition - (Waving his hcnd in a large wmy . ) She can't refuse. (voHAyARA, 'Without a word , leaps at hiiB, s si see hla by t he throat end foroea his neag and~~8Hoin:ders baefc-op en the t able so that ^ITRinnS*?? fae e la turned upward. THW alriigg le. Mf TNAMAR A places his knee against '?truve"*8 body holds hJM dov/n^ '^TRi.iVK'S hands floo, then he oolltpsaa . Mpy^ARA throws him out on the floor where he falls :iiinp.) ( qiJ3TIf^ER*S head is alisost tiirough the window ia th » "- excite ment of watching the scene.) (ffigrJ AfeJLhA 3 it a, lights a cigar, If hen takes a glass of water ft* on the ta/hle an d"da iv& es ft"~over~^tTnive^T f ao e . ^Tdtiv K stirs , groans, trlea to rise, feels of his ne ck , 8tar<)s up at MoNamara In terror.) MoWAMARA: (Without renoving the ciger from hi » tee th. ) o-^t upr ^ (Obeyinf^ Why — did yo« -« do -- that? *^^ ;— of! ^ TlecT fadr'te alooJ Uno boos » «*ire^^.'^ '-'^^ v**^ *^!;?*" (,^: '*f - — ■ x-^<. 50, MoITAKARA: Beeau8« I'm engaged t« marry that girl. Mow g-et out "before I hart you. ( ygRtJVR ggta hl» hat, shamblca aorosg to L.. eni with a lopk Of hHtr^d at Megfiaaara, exits 'by outer (ioor up L.) (V>>«H door elog€>8.) That moans another •noay. I'll have to look after those papers - the daaned fooli ( goes to safe, opens It, kneels before It and searehes among -^tlti contents. The sound of a hook falling Is hea rd np B« In eahhy hole. MoHAlCARA whirls and drcws hia"~gh n, listens an Instant then shakes his haad. ) " Hold on. Alec - you're growing nervous, and that won't do. (Instead of replaolng the weapon he naturally lays It on the hottom of tiae safe^ .lust inside the safe door ^ and resunes his searoh.) (GiLESl'&aWL eaergqs f r oa the ouhby hole, reaching out his hand "bllnily. He Is like a drunken aan as he cTosse s. aut-llke, icwn to n. v^lthout di sturhlng tfcgaaara . ) CLSNI3TKRS (After a pause; hoarsely.) ITH a lie! (goH>JCARA whirls, leaps to his feet, and Instlnotlyely slaras the eafo door as thour^h to guard the oontents^ MoKA^fARA; YouJ OlJ3n?=5Tl?R: Say It's a lie, Keiramara. Tell ma you said It to close that knave's mouth. (Plteously. ) _ It's a lie - Isn't It? MoNAMARA: What is a lie? What are you tslklng about? I heard it ell — I was hid Ing — ther« - (Indicating cubby hcle.) but you lied to him - dldn*^ you? .oa uiri I .'"?> . * - iyoY — IX« - ari I 51, MoNAMAI^A: Spy.' 30 you overheard. Well, I hope you«re satisfied for your,palji«. No, it's not a li«. She'll be my wlf«. gja promised last Spring — In '^aahlngton. (Beipl^ ^t f jys t as thoygh B t r uck, tl^an,^ Fot that — not that. I mean — it woe a lie about tin other about the papers, She didn't knuw what oeeeage she carried* Tell me she'e innocent, as you belley« In woman's purity. Tell me she didn't know and I'll forglye Itie other. 1*11 forgive yo» everj^hing. I'll go away. Ill give her to you, ani. the Mldaa too, but don't kill my faith in her man --for God's sake. McNAiARA: It is an triie. GLEJJISTER : »o, no. She can't be wrong. She's not like Uaeothers. Why, her smile makes you glad and good and warm, and her •yes are as Gl««r <»nd honest as a mountain pool — and -^ ( As ffcW^MARA stands relentless and un^ vlyiff. ) Don't say she knew - all the time. TJicNi^MAnA: ( llowl^^) She knew it all. The schema waa hers. And she will be ur9, KolTamara. (f?lowly drops his handa. atraiff htia ns his shoul ders . ) Cod! It oan't be true, I don't believe it. It's too iiorrible. You're a liartj The scheiae was yours, and y;!U made her do your dirty work* f5ay it — SRy it ^uick. (MoNAMARA stands u nf llnohhrif? and dumb ^ lotting the u p: t y -^aci-a-^iiak_^rL8 GLENIITtt^ beg xns to doubt, he stagge rs. .tJJLflLJ pmis himself together, and bursts into a f ien^ sh _Ii% of la Uf^ht er . ) • So,, they're all alike, are they? Damn you. So she's - ..r.3 .A-'.O'STTfiT,!' /e « »rf ' " .»JtI « .ton «i**i «'^K ■ «{P jtt 9dl .nod^nlxlft^'^- "f -- -n^a?' fr od- T:»ri ^.^ i. • ' •,9ri til dnn'i y.OT IXW **«oi; ^i- X' .t^i.i>+ ton — f'^^ *o^ ■ . -r e A(TA JMO. .- ixta -' Xooq .' i » f J <^ 19 as d'saxioxl L a:i« wK •noa .j;¥» ^r.uf lAi ,-^-:^-' ....... ■• - M* i- Jsi- .«o^ ?X»^^ ofe 82. BTa»*n orook«d like ths rest? Shs fooXod me wtHb. hsr prstty lnnoo«no«? 31s pley«d wttli ia», c^nd to ok thft Kldai) for her lover? (He jjegygrs hia e.yee for a Mc m ent with the ba olc of hl» hand . )\ '■ ~~~ Oh, Ood, no — not th«t, (Th en reaelutely dr ow lntf hlms«lf up. he facea it.) Well, she did It; you're got me vrber© you >*^ ntdd me, h'jrt !•« «h«i>lT«d from iajy i^romis«s — 1*11 "be a fool no longer. (Urawe his weapon.) KeN/HAKA: (Retre tinflf.) Hold on — yott can't do th'at -- I'm xinfirmed. OTJSirTTER: You lie again. Take off your coat. (MoHAIfARA oheya ,) Turn around. (MoNAf/JtA doea so; QUgJITTER lowers his weapon .) YOtt osn't escape me this way. Coiae here. I'll fl git yott fair. (MqNAI'IARA cornea to C, Gj;!:?TI'?r"ER goea to s?;fg. lay g hia axn on t oo gf 1%^ atrt'^scff hla oim coat . ) MoHAJfARA: What are ycu going to d©? I'm going to ohoke thoae lies down your throat. Can ytm fight? MoN;^J{ARA: (I tlffene .) I Wv4«» nerer he at en. GlEHIf5TEBi I'll break yott with my naked hmda, (T iJEY orouoh and r'.ish tog^ttiier, and ^wrefttla, ahout C , , OT«rturning furniture. (juletly^aM^'ateaxtMly ^^j W I ;' 9i:i to ?? /r- (.r HOT »Cl\ JR «^J\. c !' J- l».I -~ .t .:£'.■ :jC :'■* X — Ito JbxoH ( •_«_ : n trov a 1/? " *» .riT V »■ 55. ■truggla »««iklng an adY«ntagjch«8 for Qlenlster'a gun which 1» in plain siftht on toi of »af«« if.riy ftgnir^ at it, Ha aL:^iI5TKR »«izea hla aliout % h.9 wal>!t, ;rraaf>a MoH ffiarft'a riftht wrlat in hla ri^t hand, thu6 preaa int;; hla brofi nt to ltog?iraara*g 'b^o k. ) 7r&itorJ ( f:L>l-rX'??KP fail 8 hlr> I^^ft i'.-tfid up and v.ygr back g-f Mc^Ta^nar a's n eck, thua ^stjcuri ng th^ hferana grlcok hold, r ^- ' ' -^**5 fv-roa;-^ MoHnjiLara * a rigat tma Ijaok, iovm i:>a8t hla sid e, u nd ftoroHg hia baok ci» In wrsatllng.) (At tha word "Tra itor** enter -'-PtlTiZN Qn>ijmillH^lxj;.r-n>-a. i (fo Judge . ) OhJ Stoj.) th«ra -« stoi' th«a! (Tho JlJiWi hanga Toaok, )iglila»». H1?LE?T rant to cp«n ««findow,) (fl&lliin ^ cut a Ida.) !tely — halp — qt^icki ( Tlie n aha turna and watoiias wjt.h frl^t In har gyaa.) r^ound of approaohing fo i tata j^a. anJ «nt«r hurriadly"^ o uter door, uu L. ^TR rjVg ,"""" CH.l'^g^Y , T>grPRY, -.t.ap .TA£!.y_, , and ;>iKKRAL MIWER??. TTji- T at^nd at L. 0.^ a^h^.3t. Only STRWVK croaa«a to intsrfwra.) iffhftt's tha trouble? It* a Murdar! STHnr?:: JTIDOE: ("WRrnrB ruDhaa forward t arerda tha wr eaflara , but T>K XTRY atapa ^>at snd aa teaa Eli«y ana >^irl9i Hlm~aca3."tlw: , so that ^7RUVE reels backwards, up R., aorusa ohalr, agal nat tabia.) Eanda off. Thla la a fuir fl£;tafe. f ,^l•n^ AKkJiSkWalU .t; ma :qnl3te»a tX^jiyt-n^jg ■t 1 .» * its-tamiel 1 ■.':. ii- VI .- ioi«r eiri ... i;att - --•■.- ■'•J-frt -■-..\---.fc.v> . -■ r :.'i"\'iiyiTi? ^.■,,:ri. L.. t«x:„ ii*. !"i«Mium a';fX 54. (In t be fo re ground a t 0. ) It's the hanttorlock -- lie^Il break la is arm, (QIJg^TT'^TER foroee MoKA>CARA*f^ F.rm upward, pauses, her-yyes h ie ahouldera a« thou -h in a final burating »trport'» Ing h l a on left aide. He throws out his I'gft arm r-oroaa. he r brecat, h la hnnA {;r.-:g|) ^nj y htsr left ^shoulder. He _,_._ ^ _^^^^^^^^i*_J3^}^jJ^f^i.'i^i-T^~^'^ F. ^zini^ at MeWamara. T>ETTRY Tao n h^a" rteh t i !tiae.) ;_ He«» killed him. ■(-ghe_ runa to MoHTaTnara, knee la, lift a up hla he^d.) _( Hoar 8«lXj_as if to h^mae lf^) It 'a true — aha leres him. ( ^RHyg iaaeen seated at R . flrloatiw g ovar t he dowtLfiaJl of hia rlral.) ( ^aklni? hia fiat^ t hrentening ly. ) You've murdered him. You'll hang for thla, young man. {W-: joins Helen b y M oKa na ra • a a ide , ) fJTJGTITfT'??: (Fith a wennf «aile. )_ Oh, no — he* a a lire. But I beat the traitor. And I broke hlsa - (Breaks loose froa Oh«»rry and Dextry. and holds hia h ands out.) I broke hiza with xay naked hands. KKlim: (Rlaing: ragea at Qlenlater with loathing and reprewoh. ) (Point in/? h«r finger a t hln .J You did this « yoo monater -- nnd after all your fair words and promises. You swor« you would not fight again — you savage! bm xaBo nl) ■;.:i:£V^. f;^-r ty e»fl" J^I n (fe- .n fix.: . .teif^ ^ « ^'•.z. tHra?- rJ-s/f' • Sfn/Uf /sS'S^ftn v^^ i>r-f — 9iAf btb sn. (aNfttylnf; toward he r . In dg apalr.) You dcjB^t tin dtr lit art A, - girl. You donH understand, mwsft You triolced im — Oh, you wild >x? stJ (B««ld«_JiJiL»«3J*« ) She aays I tricked lier - I..* (Lauglhii ^tldly. ) OodJ It* 8 true — it* a tru« - ( B» eatohea at Beytry*^ flihoulder with hla right hxmd to atiaady hliaself.) Wh«* did I tell yeti, Bex? They're »11 h^ — all 'bed? -J- q tr X a K C IT R T A I ¥ -:* -■^-' ' — ■' '■'■*■ ■ »■ ttut f*mh ttoY 3 - ^htiB-fiifxmijmi <#•»»*; woY Cf ■'■ t' IV'!.' ^iJY t- 1370 BROADWAY, Cor. 37tli Street, NEW VORK. THE SPOILERS -:- ACT III. mmMmm»mm»tft§»»fmf«um*fm0Mmfmt»mmm /%^ f^&<. •v-A-H- -r-r-tl >»^ T TT H! 3 P ft 2 L E R 8 ^t- ACT III. ssau m§§§§§mH§§mmmm wmm-mm'infm^ I ^l%l^l1il%l^^^%%%%%'^l LIBRARY of CONGRESS TwoCoDies Received APR 24 1906 ^ Copyrijht Entry j C/ASS ^ ^XXc. No .III T D A m¥^ W>IUI % ^ % 'r . Wi^ J >^Vi^W ' l»W»'>iWWIW^ Q T III. «t» A yORTHF'^Ag • ^ LOVE . jaCEBaffiL— -THa yorthera Pttno* Hull, Chrtntatta Ky. Alcng F. r' > ,: v).. ^ / ■: . rev > , , < .^ ^ a n.d ganar-..! L-.tfU ,:...rt^.V> """ ""T ■?.. % , door to oard rcoai. ^'^- ^ . ' ■" ' ' . -i w ith h-^avy wooden bar, ' ' f r stTlroa^^r'br^ql; L.. I'S '■■■.-" - . -^il^'ty divld«d Inta b front. Ch&irg ta iaa ar« Xocp*..- -. ^" ■-' box, «t K. n> alao witii lifeaTy -■■' '/'-. ■ ■' '^ •'. PTpeniiouXar on one or Y:-.- ' ] ' ^ -^' OBi t bo uBisd to Mr thg . —" . door^ ?.^-in^ Qp'^n yoa f!«t a ^^^J ■ ■'■:■ -*• tT^ s a locrt id. brilliantly 1 , and Mt gy and ■^■'O.ifKN fta^sing to and fr>... A faro »»-te l0 1» B , R,. with step l8 ne«r it. a high "lock-v-jt" o'nalr U b^hlrid t&hlo. '^"'hXff P^4 Cl?''^^ rg !">« L. agar cL^'or to cord fncin. Piano with front rgmovtid ut It« D. -gjLJ aed OB a platfona eightgen Inoheg froa thA-f 1 Q or. On front end of b»r a large nalr or gold analo g with "blowrs* f>r ft QQOPS for handling gold-duat. Both oard tp blaa gro pl«q»4 banoth l»rg ,1a t>» aound of thuapin? ^' - — --— ■: ■ i[w- » W haa the Qnrt?^.in rta«ts, t ha danoa la In tuii Hiring. !r>i^ y^ ' : ": -f:-, ^M%u 'M'^ ' i-md; -* ^'^ra3?.!g^ ^w^^■^ i» ^ •<|™*!'''^«^»^^»*''^'''^' f W f'RO ■iiBsae, -r-; jjo na j J fcef«w t .91 . . q .ri-^t- «Ofi>^^«,i _ ia!iirjiiiiifi»i 2. thi MM in dJYeralfl^d winter oostmaga . " gSSTwSarTSTI^St'J^ bp_ty», some na'bbg?' ^hoe paaloi^ 60ia» "aiaklufea" oa tUQir reet. .' ^oaiB ara la gaudy Mackinaw olothaa, others In oaHV?>ji poet. a, aweaters, etc. A group c i^ .i::r- nrc drinicnip: ax taa f -r, x^negg w ear far ovcrcaats , **p?.rk3 * a* fur capa, w lftftwa^ ff t rt *P>i#r« are affYfir . a: ^ ^0LI^IB fc3-> a'b aiii;, in uniform aad governaent atvle, w ith I'uy a'YOis. ThB .fur oo ata^ wraua, ^ fttff^ ■r.f tlfia dP.noQrs hanfj? OM a row of . h ccT:tF. ■■.:>, T^. L. beaide the atalroaae. . The PIMIST ia witho ut coat or veat. and wfeax-a-a- Tery loud pattaraad ahlrt wltih w hite aollar, t h e b 1«<9T9 s rnT^rd up t . o i th« elbows T ahowinf; a red undershirt pro- t ruding baniath, Ha ia amoking » r9ry lor ■:■ i:sjr whicdi he malntaine ''■'':^ -' "■''""•r p y nple. He playa ev-grything i? gn d fraciuently swit^hea ia the ^ a tt-i^hraent of the piano. He wea. . greon r^^^ding ahade to prot'got hta ey ea. ^I3 F^ and WOTOgy are aeen la the boxea drink ing aad l aughing. Vine bottlee pop la tbiw gr;].la ry. Thoae ia the b03:«s thro w f*>-^Trm d own at th« danoera^ The ourtaia a of 4lia ol<^aed box are pushed aside and a atBM q|nd woMga lean out end lock down en . ^ th e^orowd ftT a m"n:it9 or so, ■:'hmi uull the ourt-.;trKi oloss Vri-vln. _ ATg-RRWOlf, a barlY waiter with whit» apr on, r ed flannel shirt, aXeeYes rolled Ui , i® «r|;-,ir»» tv* ntfliroaae, akatea serosa floor to* the bar and la a haatler. His face la u nshaven, end ha la Yery toupth, TO^Y. tha . bartender, ia nuoh the saae type. CA'^rSIAR CHAfq^iry and OOmsn: to gPAFC are a aon^^^r"^-c3,':.:/^-';, -;t the b r. ThenxnTHEIB l a daaoi. - . ith PET^ -l! T^--,;' . ■- j^ng . t enderfovv r wearin<^ fa a ..^ a blue , Y on boaoa. Aa the d: n :, .da. door up L, Oj/cna, letting In a cloud of at^aat ^ an d snow aa though @ bliggaro, wae r iagm^ outside* • ' ^ ^ctxiiw ■fc».tl.t ay.-r,t?. ni "im^, M,i 4 _.^<:!5.c,rf.' ^j . ..-.i-.i.^-K^m «sAYL1£,.,- . ?ri .liEcffl -- [ I I III II ■! iMiBi r I I II 11 w Aw i ii m0rmMmmmattm ,m- _-^..j. _ p.? Oarponi Oaroon.' 3* Tli«t.»r VKYI-.0 MtTlXINS^ drasasd la a long Tinoriad r)arka Mtdg of otF bed tTcklng ,- Tl wt od.rrgs cf the heod ar^i o^ laBaed with far . 0« hla tPQat h» wears moooaging and ggrmaigy* "gaok aT" rgvi ehlng ta the imoeg. H« remo vea^ "^lygltteng, puahea ta^lc hie park& hood,^ shcv.-ing B X'^jjjiafl'lanirRyk' sfi3y3 ^r» drinking &t the hv.r, A« e-?ch -^tm p^ys..._ *->ie ■ttAT?'!^y!m>gR toBsas a neracntai?^ ■; ^-i^V- -ectoin9£ tun wrkO i ^fiow ofMOT •Tl« ■jB.rf» ^«o tiwloy y^fji ^p liU.-' •^^.rtpS::::- -^""ojteajBA. "^ '■ ma^:.~.'-r- -i^^- ..^-^UiM -' t. t ■ ■;'\i. ^.3/ ■«r' Ji *" .«iii8\'. Y^asw* a;* ..» ♦tall.': Tea in .t'fs^M; T 5» TSqt aft. The last Chriatmas gift I got was ab ^orty Mll« thft winter of •92. A halflareed give wa two "black eyes. I kept them ornaments all through the holidays. Well, Jonesy kaows the size of ajr stookia'. You wohH leave e wrinkle in It toaorrow, eh, Kid? ( Before he can reply^ ^■XGTi^R'^T'^T'^ rf^t'.jrns with fire mug?; of " haar, which hs carriaa hy t'TU'itin.^ fingers R,na tJawib in e aoh muig fnm a'hcyg. HF. ssta them on the taMe with a th ump, flips tho foaa from h;^g fingers, wipea hand oa hi s ot her sl3eT8. leans carelessly against tabley, gazing fr ont , hiJTe-t crossed. He is wpjtiag for hia aoney.) (jLLL Arinkf except COmr m '^PAHC, who Is astonished at t hia aotlcn and regcrda his orlnk ouriously. ) (ft»pllirtf^ the drink>J '#*at ees this? I order Ismonad*. (AT/yn!RWOTy fftw ches forward, flecks particle of dust frqa the ccunt 'a shoaldor irltli his finger. The COrjET start's hack annovfld.) AIGimiffOlT: ( IlQauralng his .f' rater posit ion , ) Who has the privilege of paying fer this? (with rialnp; inflection .) The treat's oa Trenchy, ainH it? AHJIERETOU: (Tiroatiantlv. ) Well, come in - come la with the cash. I'm workla* tonight. This aia't no (r. A.E, enoampmeat . COTNT: But - you l)ring ■» Iseer - ( laiioating hi a drink, indignantly.) I Bay lamongj' . afcjsXiJ ew* r .STir! *aal »' ,3ic loH ;M -l-^ ito htjiid •» I , -^■- ■•""»—■ (I I). t 7 »• i. ■91^ no M*i&0'%& axfT ■ ile«t> J- mU r.i arcoo ,Xio^ -■ * ., r lira »' K '\- J i 6. (AI/IEHNOy rgaoT^g stlgk p la from the Oomit's oravat, ftxam lnea i t aarwfttl It. l>ry.athea on It ^ polKfteg it on ta» aj.g«vg , h^I.'ii^' it off rtrit iciilly, i.h?-!! r-gplf-oi?:--,- 5t .)_ AI.OI3RBfOH S Qm! Aln»t that th« swell gig lamp.' Then dlaaionds le fit to handle with loeton^s. Two dollarsJ Men Bi#u! Two do liar! AlfiEIWCK: :lure! One lemonadift, one Tom and Jerry, one anidJy sl«lc« head, one 8Ha« as before o ^ steg m and snow blow in, end wind howls. Ent^er DIOCTRY, , ' olcthed in fur parka, ■' ^r cr.p, rginJaor 'ojct , -U'-^. '^IZf^JACK r^ x^i^rf^ follows^ drooay-d ;->•»■"■: i La riy with six Bskimo aogg^t H har ncsaT^nd In his h nd a dog whiPf (12 fas t long^ braidad laah, short : ndle.) They staap snow fromthair boots.) BKXTRY: (Louily.) Whaw.«~W6ir! MlTlJ.INr>; (Hislag.) Va l, If " It ai»«t ole J'oe Daxtry. Wv^-t ♦»«« I' ii"iSs.5:i «i*;*iarif :K 1 .7 •, ■'(■ ( .a-toorf rr (.t:x;..v,'oj) 8. cHABianr: An* Slap, Howdy pali fQrmin at bar tu rn to look.) Somt'bod^ take tlwi»« aniBillas; I nssd a drink. ( AT/l'.'U^Ol'T takos Aop-g t.ii.r'-ugrh 8wln/> doors ?. ) Wh«s«i *?ixty rall«>^ aince daylight with tho qulokallror froao all th« way. I guess that's ,^oin* auB«. Th« dog» aro doad. ( giMym and 11BJTRY reagve their »lttena and oangy slappi ng thaia violently, thm pull off their parkas, shewing flan nel s Mrta and belta laenepth* Eaon wears a sheath knlfOt^ ) (% 9%reral oour.a'ja at the bgr^ o through awing doo'"- i "'>^ ALQI^a^ny returna and helps Toby, the b»rt«nA«r. ) BSXTRY: (?Trtiolrw^ Mttllii UL ) Bsllo, you ela tinhorn - gsttln* fat tm* playin* hcth ^nds ag'in thft center. ( flapping Wuillns* atoia&ch with hia isltts.) «^h'it*s accentad your middle aviiable so atrong, Mexico? f arQ.inJn; to bar; OT^JR*^ fo.lovdng,). HuhJ Cone on, boys. Brouot up xo zn9 nano^any. I'm go in* to 3 iu«nder a lot of atney for booae*- ay first drink ainoa leavln* th« Artios. Vofw,' I want It so bad, 1*1 gargle it and bnuff it Uv my no8«. (AIL lin A up &lcng the bar.) (%Am'^' . and ALOKmoiT g^.t iriay aarYJag ttv Ariv .kfj at b&rU. Where do ycu all hall from? Straight fJrc« thJ new strike. Four hundred milsa in ten days oyer haayy trails. CHAPLPT: ▼hat's the news? Is it a good oaop? .« flA ftaoi^ n«Tll8>Joiup ©rft if^lvr ^rfsllYefc »onte »»Xlm TJ^iP U^- ' .Jk-Am r -jL. fit' •• B«8t oaap I Hirer at ruck. You get two drinka for a dollar, an* th« bfirt«ndl«r gir«a vosu a hora« blanket to throw a comrulBion on,' Thagr omll it tflllor made whiskey. Tailor aade M^i^keyS Vhat*a that? Di3:7HY: A fit guaranteed with 9Y^ry drink, (OengTftl lattghtgr.)i Ain't there any food up there? TJK3CTRYJ Lota of Itt. arub oan be had for tlv asking. But they aak 80 much for it that we oame awny. On the level, boys, I aln*t h^^d ft square maal slnoe X left Itisre. ^(Turning about.) Le»d ne to a lunoh ooouiter and let vsy ffice bite it. ( Enter SROWflO KID through awtw/y Ai^nrm^ -R,) Hello, Kid. KID: (fihfiklng h'andtt.) Gladto see you baok, Dex. (H KXTHY leaves the grouo and ooMga down R. G. wit h riT},) TJEXTTRY: (aerioualv.). What's new. Kid? I've been awny sixty doye. KID: Hot Buoh* MjcTTamara atlll holla th« Vldas. And he's got th« nllitary to baok him up »nd protect the gold. DKXTRY: Soldiars, ehJ That looks bad. How's the boy? ,e ft WCf*?rf^ 0* u iYSCt. K .;, HlOt- '-^ .'4 '.rfi-rfT' '' . n ?.fs.rC.t Sy33?<' ,?-if!K- B^?aa ioLIb'*' 1L. 'i»tdrkisnl ..: . 'ftiA 3C8« \9di d-.!'-'' x(j ;ri •»€ I ^ ;t*I fct* *t»»+B.«so© (^^H ffiwoj:. r«li/ta*t g€!t in till Spring now, unle^ss he ooaes overlaiil with a dog team. DETPRY: Rot this law talk.' Tha**s what sent a» up to the Arctlos, I oouldn*t stand to see these lawyers make a fool of Olen- ister 80 I tore -out like I*d been ^hot fflth e "bag of taoks. TOBTi (gaJJing.) All s«t, Bextry, ICHOim V7aits till T^TTRY jninfl thtaa at the T->ar. H« jfl fl fr^nt.) DEXTIiY: (Raising his fdass aloft.) Bere** heclth to honest men - (H e stops aa he sees MoHAKARA and "?rRUVE enter door up L. ia fur overc^--at8, etc. Tyj'T t/ row vX'8n~fii.eir fur coats, and S'Sat fiemselvee yt tibls L, CR^WD has turned v>'lth dr inks in their hands , muraurin g at sight of theai, ) - and d'XBUiatlcn to lawyers. (jyr RtJyK turns angrily towarl group.) , BltfC I «0 •^v^i; i.-vT-- f»I .s^t-T-- ■*r« »;: ••-nrv »f rti vie u. DoR*t alnd tl3S3« fools. (Again polntodly, ) I say - danBAtiOB to l»wy«rs. ( AIX drink. p;laring at Btruve and lfogaiB»ra» ) {Call lag.) Waitar - Bring us a drink - wlalsksy. ItT.ammo ^ oroatsea to tliam with laottle «d t^o gl aases. whl la tho OROITP eyaa t}vem mui^urlng. ) CP ffltfRY strides aftgr »• iter, -ini anatcht^s "thg Taottlo and t hrows it aoresff this roca •^owarJJs ths "bar, MclTAMAM an d TTRLTV?; rjjse. and th« thr ge confront and gl are at eeph oth«r«) DKXTRY; I'm >>u3rln» what, "booz® Is h«in' bought Iji this plaoa, and I don^t r«coll0ct a skin* you to join ma. This is a puhllo plaoe. ISEXTHY: Wall, T»a nxnnin* It prlvat« tonight, S«e? And yo« oan't drltik h«re till I go. MoHAT.fARA: ( ? akln£jJ?tri£yo^«_ara^ Don't let Ta*-^« 80! n i«w«g.l.«r thtit retnark as a 8to«aa«h pumi). Sut n«T«r Hind - our day la craaln' ral ^hty fast, MoHaaara. •i.X .itiool oeedt tniot d^'nnd tit'.: !:• i. Lx^aiJ'.. .s>u\, ciiA . 5s:-- «JX. i' r. 7 ' P'u'i • 'i ,+?* '^n^^i^^'S 12. (yho has erossed to him.) Say - that r«Blnda am» Yoo yoi» believe In Lynch lua^ It 'a the king of outdoor sport a. Can you pull on a rope? DapaaAa on who« whera and what is att^^ohed tharto. TJETTITf: S*poao it 'a a lawyer. ■ir u ^]iniv£/^ ,? - -*•:' — "*ff -. f' :f"n" rf^lr-)** , i ISHcf ^* *y*^^^d1! , S^': .;riii.' 10 3fii^ 9r{& -^^X . Il.'4i «UX »»»«^ :X0 ni 1' 13. (}entlar?!«rn, w« are wastiu* ttia*. iKiad m« to It. CHARIJEY: ■faiiljffng him.) f51il Rtneuiber, mm*9 th« wordl TJisy^fa got spiesout. BEXTRY: I am ton^sue tied by Kature , and as for thi« article on my right - (Inlloat lag SiaiBiB.)^ ho 'a th« hum»n hunting oas® watch. He n«T«r opens hl« f«o« oalosa ho la prossed. Coois on. ( tUT g;thor ttp their be longings, and th« THKEI2 go cut by ^oor up li.'-TsogfetiHijr,)' ^ ■ nE3ffRY: So long, boys. Soe you lat«r. fgROffP «t "bar »hoxo i*v b>i'. ■^■ne three exit, tlra •-' -^-J^ hegjns to tfilk lo.uJlv to I -: .-:roup at b&r.i X ?-^ r«rti» cf a» girls - I gusea nhe*» out for th« coin, tc; . (DrUfika.) COUNT: (Protesting g«ll£intly .) He^s Chester 1i;, « lady^ meiejAoia«ilo, and ll««st«lre McHawara will jaarry her. DUCTillSiS: PshJ I'm tired of th8»t» hussioB that muaiuerads &» -^•'« '*-'» u ,ft O^ «« bBBj ,&vtiB9tqB *0S tff*X'' ICffi WO « ';^ ^ef i v:>Jh SI& I n*—— Hmiiwiw^fc ^' » \ » i . 'L r-J-/; 'CMURV.-.V . p'«4MM=*A^vi»«.>a ^J^ » wmi^ » i^F v..-.r.^^Wfal»^»^l>'i» rtH ii ^ il iljlll liii iii^ l II OT f ^ •jSSSw!SS*!!K2l--iS»«»S\^«&*^^ ' 'ft? >v>WB -——-I'- ■ - ^-^^--r-j-- -»Mn 11 ■ 1 S^ees .■^q»;;,.t^- 14* The whola town is ob to ber. COUM': I Buy mo - no, Mees Malotte t«ll mm that Meeattlr* MoHanara wtil Murry hsr - (LftUKhlBg wookingly. ^ You just watch hiia, Prenchjr! Cberry's "been atrlngin* you. OOt/HT: (gsAUi mlating wildly .) I will not listen. Theea eet no plaoc to dlaousft a lady»i reputation. MULLIHS: im, git out, Frenchy. I guess >ier repltation ain't ao apotlesa ItttbiH I eome up oa th« Santa Maria last spring with th«ra? »ldn*t I see ti»» with ay own eyas? I know. Siie oalla herself the J-udge's nleoe, hut Roy Glenieter brought her Into tl»; country. AinH that so? ri7i?Arp:T{AL girls : Sure.' BidnH you know that? (KII> throws cards in his hands on faro tshlm^^^j f^ ea . ) COUNT I You insult - KID: ^ Aj^ proaohing fcroup. and cutting in rcu«^hly. ) Who»8 talking about Miss Chester? ( GB-COP tur na. MEXICO MUJJ.INB lo o ks at Kid sourly.) (Defiantly.) I Am - if you want to know. I aey she •a nothing. She llred in (JlfTj Ister'a staterooa all the w* / to - .^I .-its-il C>* aCr «i «^0y «-i rn? iTi sffl il9i 9:' J «■. --^/fii'n ttrj^r ^T.t:rf-:T^.T) ,..^ Ig*v- 'oeXq OK r-sXto'^e w **iit» n<' lp^n^vl^^' ;:yrffj;+ -:-T?-tl*!:? rf^ .'f1 nl / X8. KII>: Stop thatJ (fsrks out his tmn auddenl y. ooYer lag iftillina, wiiii faliii bao k^aFtB ln»t the T?ar. wotrif ghrlek an! ALL Boatter. o f.hla iJano aiad -^inie versa to crn?rl into tt ha d ol rv;; reateningly. ) How get out of h««re - quidc. 1SJTXIN?J: Oh, all right.* Blit I Icncw - KID: (Yanking hia hy ths n<>ok.) Ost out, do you he»r, riulo"k, (tJUTXINg takes wraps at L« and goes to door L.) And doa't ycu oona hvck, ualsaa you wsnt to "be talran out feet flr*=»t, (Kxlt MUTJ ITT3 door L.) ,ax i&^. .-'^U^ >..>* ''*D«Mtf»-- ^I mii >■ .tPi-iT? Vuii 'A 1'6. KID! (Turning to tte otle-rs.). If anyToody aeatlcns tliat girl*8 naae again, they'll settle with 190 » (CjRDWD nazraurs en^rlly. ) (Cllin^ tc Algerricn/ ) Get "busy there. Call 2 clanoe, Wloaf's tbi matter hers? You're dead "both ways from the waist. f-RAPTTCT,mTCR'rs head a-pp'^rs cautioualy al^ore the bar. Th e PTAWi:lT orawle down, takes his sp.s.t , hia cigar s^iil la hli lacuth) sad ^)^^gln3 to pcurtd out a zTT ■ ffftart.^ u p gta.?3. calling loudly.) Ceme on, "boys.' All out for a waltzi Grsi'b a girl] Gra"b a girl. • A long slow dresiiy ealtz. Or ah a girli ( "Hhritg ti-irrmt the nldllila^ behind the closed curtains) and A "t her exit thouc'-h s^i ng ^nors -^'.. ^ cr th.-;u r h door up T.. The PIATTI^T dro oa intr^ a quiet rlirr-lin,- ncvc/aant on the piano, so that the dialog ue may , be heord cle-^rl:'--',^ ) ( The K^ID aits at faro tohle, mccdlly, resting his head lis h?md. (Tc Count.) I didnH tieSn eny hf,nn, Frenchy. Juwt tc show tbere*» no hard feelings, let's spin a few. OOUHT: (Haughtily.) Thank you, Madetaoiselle, but I do not dance. (Shrugging.) Oh, re 11; (^"HS tosi^es her bead and p;Qer, up to Jonas at bar.) (.r!OUyr coama -L'^n to FID, f KID: (Seei ng him.) ShaJfe , Frenchy. You xoay look like a coay corner but .;:■&*. 5!CI£t: X^_.;x{^0 yet <^:f .IJLLC^I « -i.^ /i w I J rr^iiiBii ■■mini -- — - — - ^T^apiii "Igyt* ' '' ' S3KJrf ^ - .^ r-'g Hrx! ^ e-<^ii:'Z , mr AJiViv' vi.-.i «> Lj.'i litis *? cf»'x' Z(, gaoX A llTiv. i? -««S«LiUJ&ik_M^ta.2£2aX»J^i'£^^^^^^ .,__,^„ _^ ., . I ■ ."Hr-i 'tf"1*» 1. i^» >i •■■•■III ■■■'•_ »n>Mr> '...M.&r iiBi i,*.^.a«s>wiaBn>»iiiai\iaiaai i i^tJbimtmt0im^ ' + a*©i :3crt WOKi.-- on { .'■)i:d ^iiOX f :Rrc3rom TT ( O''' J;:tjJ:;ir''') J 'TI'^' e:rflX iJiocX i?^ P 17. you kaow «, lady wis m you see h«r> Tlner©** no limit to your credit im this shack day or night. Stick a toothpick im the push-huttoii so it will ring all the tina « it "sup to you. The house is yours. COONT: _( Ext ra ve ga n t l y., ) I H honor, 3ir-r-r.' I an delight,' ( Bows gallantly, goes tip and exit » through swing doers B. ) (SKVi'^KAL M3¥BRS at \>sr oone down to KID at faro table and Ibeglw t o Play with him,} Say, rTonesy, what are you doin* with the «ap of the Chicago River on your chest , (Ih3 letting 3ertter Y on swe^teri (Innocently.) Why, that's Y. What's why? JON:n:??: DUGHE<=;'5: JONET: Hot "why" -Y- Ystand3 for Iftiiverstty, you laiow. IXICHE=53: ( Isughiflg at him, and linking her ara in his,) I thought it H^ent "Yaps", ( Croing up T:7ith hira. ) Cone on out of here. It's too noisy for ae. ( He I'^ughs with her, qnd they exit t>^rpugTi wwlna doors, ( As thev exit, McHAJ^ARA and ^TRIIVE egtflr fvm dOUfc down I. BTRHVE throws hlinself down wearily in '•^hair at t:^ble L. --nd rpvu on the tphle. VoTSAVJUk stands looking at hla in iisfl r ust.) ..:pt:'U' Jbgig &Xcf' - T' vj^^^?f?>) ■j>-ifc^:...^. — ^ ■.■■_'VK' ■ . j >• >■■■ ■*■ -i .- .'.I V ---^ ifixii iiT.otf.nJ) 01, f •■•* ^•i/r;.,. .ft r r » - ■»-■ — i. ' • - ' ail 1:: .' jj_ 18, STRIIVE: (Doggedly, ) I've got to have a drink, so you needn't prflftch, Mac. (To Waltwr. ) Here • gxre iit some whiskey. AlO3mT30N: ( Tfl-JtoT^amara.) Yours? MoNAVAPAj (Curtly. ) No thin;.; for ns. (ALGERWOH goe» to "bar and eomea Iwolc «rith whiekey, ) «?TKJVE: Hon«3t, Mac, I*Te got to steady my nervea a "bit for this nlffht's work. McNAKARA: Be Cfirfsful. ( THE KID has been rubbering i« MoNamara*» direction. ) STRinrE; The devil is la the young fellcw lately. We"*!! have trouble arresting hlca. (Brinks.) MoNAMARA: ])cn*t toe alamed. The deputies will shoot if he put sup a firht. 5?rRirv"5S: We 11, they* 11 shoot all rlf^t. He*8 been a different maM Binoe the day he broke your ^m. MeNAMARA: (yith one foot on chair; flashi ng . ) 1*11 have his life for that. He's been the cause of all our ;^«T4,•»/^pre?7 and (fir. X9. troulal*. He has fought us at ev«ry tura. We«v« got to put hla away. ( TMnninst o ircr taVile to yaWaiafcra J I tell ycu there"a »o Jail 1» c&wji »trong eaough to hold him. There alnera idolixe him - t ■ey'd rlae la a body - You wouldnH lletea to ae at f irst. McNAMABA: B»h.' Let them try. 1*11 hold hin once I ^et him. J*re got the soldiers to fall "baok on now. (Straightening. ) If cniy he would r«8iat.' You understand? (goddlnp; affirmatively .) Your 5c>iBi3e*» all right! Once you br«sk thowe Vigilantes aad coller Glen iet^nr the rent ie e««y. But you've got to get them fir ^t. McNAWJ'.A: (Iittpc^tlently.) Oh, we'U get them. The warrants are cut, the deputi«8 are waiting. When 1 say the word the net will cloie oa them, and by daylight there won H he a Vigilante at large. (Looks at hla watoh .) Coiae - it's getting late, f^ ypHinrK rlsa^ and goiua B. to awing doors, and exitB f I rat.) The KID rise a fciraulteneoualy. ) KID: (To miners relaying v»i'tfa him at fnro tab le . ) Thi* .game is clcs«d for the present. ( To McHAKARA about to follow 3truve .) Mr, TSfcKamara. MOKAMAPA: ( Turning. ) Well? (KIT* and ^^nv.mA^A meet at C.) ,91 > . L.. ■■ihf ^?.y — a^-. «Jt «»J:n fc* ;i»niai •i^riT .juirf ^.; 1- iil^ f>JC 0;J e ■■* • ■ ^r :Ar. .WOK ■'" -" • -■■' '-- --f^ Qi cfjg 3v'ijj\i;. Ji^u ,-^c.a!? At jc:«-i aiiJ -i.;;ui .>0 ' """"" ""'" ^r .::a&i 20, 4 KID J I h»ar yow «re going to M»rry Kiss Cheater - th« Judg« "=3 nleoe. McHAMARA: (Gurtlv.) Well? \ KID: Is It true? I want to know. McNAItARA: I doa*t aee that it is any 'business of youra. KIT): Ho, I di.'n*t suppose you do. But I'm going to make it wyt T3Usin«5s, Look here - (^flMn>TA j.:ARA Bhowa impotlence . ) !•« your friend aixl hers all right. I 'a going to trust you with a s«or©t, Mr» McFBrnara, because I know you're sq.uare with aiy - sister. You? You are her brother? KID: Yea, I'm Brury Chester, but aobody up here knows ae "by that naae. (Aa WcWAJIARA looks at hiri . f royrningly.)^ Oh, you needn't look so vli8:^Misted.' I know vifosit I ara, and I don't wart her to know any nore than you do that her brother la the Bronco Kid — s gambler, and the owner of a gambling aalooB — thatt'a why I know aay secret's s^^fe with you. MoHAT'TAJRA: Well, what do you want of aw? KID: I want you to protect \v9r , I want her to be happy. Take her away from here. What evil chance ever brought her to this land? I won't stand to hear her talked &bout — to see her naae dragged in the dirt -- my little sister — ♦ OS < '!i i»/V i;. " ■:;'• Sfii - 9-ifirI 5I00J .af afilBWrf ( .t)-v.»'r. d-«qitti: «Tvoxi t 113 X^ iJiiiij^o •Jtw V'fsr;;tot tpr a f'--:Hf i-^e'joitis. and the group at "bar tura and watohtb® ttt ibleau. Then NoMiWARA turns aad laughs know lag - ly to tti e Kifi, and exltn uuickly through swing dcore.) . (aTENI^^TT^R go gs dnwa to ta^blg L. and throws hlaself hssTlly ImtL a ohalFrr' 1 (T i vi it. vTTi ^ y-jurtisi at aianiater, orcasga BinA atanda at B., of Mm. fiwaying as tliough drunk with rage. He slljja hi a r •igV't. v^i^n d Into his ooftt pocket In vfhtch he hoa a r^To lver , ) KID: (Wo aranly . ) Turn around.' (a <7BW-I'?T?:R slowly turns and IcoTcs st him In vroaAer. ) BlElUrJTKR: What's the astter, Bronco? What do jrou want? KH); Th;/t»s a n«}ll of a question. I want you, of course, snd !•▼? got you, ( lifts up revolver in hia pock^et os— thoug h '^-h-out- ta_ilir « . T he revclvt;r ia not drtvui iVem the pocket, and the taction Is ali.-:;bt. "but plain. ) Hold up! I an uacrmed. Honsst! What's back of this? fI nilieat«sB with a p;; sture of restraint and hand thrown^ t oward Kid's - cc'>.!at thf>t he Icnows what he la a'bo u t . KID: (Breaking in. ) Bann your taJkJ there's reason enough end you know it. aLEwiqrivR : (aittlns f^till.) You can't kill me^ Brcnoo. I aa too good a man to murder. You might shoot <» crock, hut you canH kill a streight juan whwn he's unarmed. You're no assassin. ■ii}'\ «■ _£. ____j£_. ^ ^ ^. Xliv ■iSri ". W *a Si '3Cf' ««!„..MlL- ' ^ '."^■•'' ''^•»...*''''«^l>.^„i' .._XJL!t'.. c?C ,t»;Ji«K • V. *08 ^«r~^ -rr-. to t tl^Xft SUk^ ( QLEKI^EH reiaalnB rigid in hla eimlr, meeting the K ID'S look unflinchingly. 7h< KII> lower* hi8 hgaia a nix^ , dLUl in his pccket J Ha.' 1 knew it. KID: ( remorinfz haaid froa pookot^ I can't do it. If I cculd, I'd hsre «hot ycu "before you turned. But you'll have to fight, you dog. All riijht, Bronoo. I don't know whsfc this is shout, "but I'll fl ght you wheneT«r I'm heeled right. KIB: You hla'jk-heart«d hound - I U8«d to be a gentaeraan snd I h»T«n't Icat it all, I gimm. The n«xt time I w<.n't wait - I'll down you on sight, 8o you'd b«tter get ^rmed in a hurry. (He strides ^tt? B« ^^ flings through swjjig doers.) CtLI3TI^73^: (Pounding tahle with p:la"s left there hy ^TRtTVl and gall ing Irudly.)^ Hey! Bring ae whislcey — "Bring it luiok and feet and often. I'a as dry as Death Valley in August, W^tar wcn't touch the spot. IflN'TiR: c<6 \nr, Pie meter , s&e nUr ries _acrcs8 to hlra.) GH'SRHY: I 're been hunting ererywhere for you. ( Laying her hand on his.) Boy, you must get o;jt of here. •«-» ■ai. '.aH AiA. ^ ^- , . ... - - « 'Hi' i. t9% Ttst^acf Jb»«o ay mmb XX* J_-J2.'' ''^' " ' ' ^> - VU -^f tr '. -■ >' APA a>-i ■ in»^l,o fc«« ^tasl Jbme isfoii >• K*I ( ,V9?r8 ai: a' K..'.. av .■■ .tJL^.. -.;« * - — ttfi^ tX^^S. 24. SL"KHI3TER: Gat out? VliRt for? CHEERY: There's a soheiss of sone kind ox foot to err e flit jou. I orerheard — QLENI?^ERt i^ea klng la, eaUiag l oudly .J Wli«r«'s lay drink? AliSEMON: (a katlBg acroae to hi-' with whisk ey. ) Her* I CO le a runnin', yal. a3iENl!5TKR: More of MeNaaara'* work, I'll bet. Well , let then try to take 9«t They'll have a job for grown laea. (Ralflgfl glasq to hla lipa. GHSRRY seizoa It. and api l 1 s i t oa the floor. aTJ:NI^>TER half riaea, graaplng her * wriait fi ercely, } Vhftt th« devil -I Thfit'a ay drink. CHERRY: It'U whiskey, boy, aad you doa*t drink th3 stuff. GLENI^iTERj Of course, it'fl whiskey, Did you think It was Peinina? (Ca lling to waite r . ) Bring ne another - iuick. I 'a burning inside like a saw- dust pile. ( j> J.G ERNON goes to bar for whiskey.) CHiamY: What ails you, Roy? You know you don't drink. That booze ia only fit for fools iixid brawlers. "Bon't iririk it, Roy - pie a se * (stubbornly,) I^aTFirrty, and I'll it if I w&nt to. How do you know what it is to Sittoulder inside and feel your veins burn dry? »^R JHSTEIJIJU:© ^t'-f tas£W 9&i^r. .+«o I .uox ^©i ml Jio Jbjilal «tof Id maBdo* 9 at*9*xexiT — Jbi»»rfi»TO i/Xi'nRiKajo (.^ T4 .i- I 8rr»0 ,«e«n 9ii;} wo :H ;.u\W :jLiJ iUIiX. viiiXJ^iau CKi* Ji iujiii-' Jj -» es o c; a 7 looj 10I y:lno at . 9 - -^Iq V'^t'j.i.' n: ■K 1 'n 25. CKKRKT: You've "bBsn thinking «bo«ik thnt f^lrl "^it^ln. aLKWIfJTKR: Wall- what of It? (ALCFKRNOH 'hringi another drlnlc. ) I'm thirsty — tfmt's all. CfflCRRY: IfCNaaftra atrer drank m drop in his llfo o;!- mm Jr«»w «o-^ oa «o 1AXU._fiil' im uMlft >ii^iiiii I •(•»t«,«i-«,=i-. * rr ."• n Ia es.< 26. (Ri»iiip^ with tha fxiry of a woaam aooraed .) "V^ry well. I. 're needed this to show ae wli«r« I stand. (3HB goe« upy aad oroasaa Caa--5iar Charls y tfho snt'grs throup;li awing door»ji and oobmhb down to Glenlater. At swi ng dbors sbs hatla aaft: look* ■baok'a atoinemt, the» exlta f urloua- lyTJ ^ ~ ^ ' CJHaRLIT: (fla u tloaaly . Hell to pay! Whftt*» up? aiJ5''T:nTER : OHARLSY: Just got n«w« thait JfoNamara Is going to break the Vigilaittes toaigtit. H«'« got fifty deputies, armed, and our boys J^r« g«ttin» r«ady fight. We aim to giv* *eni a »urpris«. _(Now a I'crt ^.)_ How did you hear this? GH^JRLEY: A strange wowaa came ti. Dextry aad warned hia. GLEN: A woaani Who could It Ids? It was d»rk 'jnd she wouldn't give her name. We'll aeet &m. the sand spit la half aa hour, aad erery aaa is to ara hiasclf. I'll he there, Charlsy. It»s come to a fight at last. If we heat the deputies, I'll lead the Vigilantes to the Midas aad take what heloags to us. (Looks at his watoh. ) H»lf an hour you ?jay? t *ve a notica to try the cards, Charley, to pass the t im'tt. CBlsas. ?)5? !»«»; -■w"'"5'oacf 'iiiirf)"l irt"*! TrTi <';.' JH^IW ?»iil* '5r)»arf vox bih woH -tBiiri X>»«i«ir ban -^td-xsCf >cf ©wao hsik-jw »3ftai:^B A «!C> Ui ;ToX«rr :tftr'T njf 27. Don't fall U8, 01«ni»t8r. W«'r« oountlng on you to l«adi us. M«T«r f«arJ (yiexing hl» ?«rH»^) If luok l« with u« tonit?ht, Charley, I'll win hack thi» Kldas, I'll be ther«. ( aHAKlJ.'Y gxit^ door uo L.l ( As rrL7:TTT'rnsR y^o^a up B., <^T>ter CjqKRRY ot d tha •BROTT'^0 KTD ^ through swing doors. ^ '■ ~ (C HERRY cowos jcwn R, T h e KIT) takgg lighted oigar ^**^ hl» llr^ft a»i looka at nl«"nl9t'..-r yfith hatred. QLr'Mnr?^ laujdig at him un'^cncgr'nadly. ) You'll bavu your ohjtnca , Bronoo, T>on*t he unftg »igar. and alsi^Tgpg hla heel on It with rsjp i. QoTa<;3 \o^n nA BJta or f'-ro tn'nl«. aytiTylpfr on« leg. f CKir. Tal:t w uut tobaooo rQ"^^"t ?*ad cifr^rqtto papara.) riT): I'll ao»ra him yet, the hound, CHXRRY: Qlye aw the "maklncs". (jK^I^ r;RO(|p entera through »wlnjg doors a nd liae up st ihe TiarT) KIT): I didn't know you smoked, (Haadg herpouch f -nA. napers^) C!HT3T(RT: I dcn't, s« a rule, but tcnlght I'm Im for BuyLnxag. (yiaroc lx* ) I don't Gure . I'm 8 fool - e fooli JVlndicitlYely. ) I coul^. kill hla for what he sold.) (Lighting olgarettn, nfti^r h^irllnf; j^ouoh and papers bsek to ^^^^ ~ fci^t-' « il.ti h xi>''' lii— iiCJL_Si. • nr* «T* •v.-&rr .^ irrroli -«iri T 28. I»ll br«iid that ohalkfeced husny for what si» Is. A l ady - ! ( Laugh a hyatcrloally. ) KIB: She Is a lady. Stop thati (Rising.) CH1?RRT: ((;; hter laught er.) What slls you? Are ycu slok? No, I'm not sick? CHERRY: (Lauahlftg harshJ^ v. ) Do you lovf^y froa h«r. thea turaa d owa^ a gitated. ) (CHERRY orushea olgsrette vioiougly in her handa aad thr oiira it a>/ iY. ^hg i;ut:jhgr aras oh the faro tsble bafors liei :^ w r lar:^ her hand-'iaa if In torture, h«rgyg» aarruwfiag to a lits. Bhe looks dm^eroua aa ahe utt'^rs. a low acuad of _ * «/T'-*i/^h. aad ■^oynj ) (3lQvyly. "vi'.h set fwoe t'oruugh her t*^.?th. ) I could kill hla for that, { The igP who has coiae J own, strrts at her worAs, dad ayes hwr cunnanf^ly, unregarded " h y h e r , ) ~ (PKyouM J0Ni^3 hurst s iatiirough swiag doors, excitedly.) Say, "Brunco, you*d "better get out front and "look out* your gBrness, or Roy Olsnlster will own your dump. KID: What's the laatter? Is he gambliag? .ai »xle SBstm to'i temvd- b»oaf:S.i \ .v:..i :(II5f bitfktfi XI* I 3 8l .ft.-^8 -ilii^ ■•■•«0->r «,XJtB .''nrlW . : ; iv;-: .4 — ::- av^O'iiij' be:;;' v inn ?-iioi r. t;>« ir:«:r , .i/f ■^giau'. . itfe*aiii_:Lm{_^iLL_g.f7.Uia:„, mi y:lviJoioly &:f:; w « »:* w:::r !!l«^V«. (.\ iJUA^ JU>icr «»H .lecfd-o •jrti' te^lB a-ao «IXot :rfo;jia: 8«l\;*Xq •*»J^ '"Wis .«*i:cf "tuol: al dirT. •«;»■ Jbeni^-.cio «d r. ->■•■..;?) • 9riT , fine »B. ■ t Yr^JnO) IE x'f^ a ' jTTSrf '1' vi' IvSiS'sr , "c^nsjETSCti: o=^' iS,.,J'ji'3_T5^^J: 9XK X .-.oeB tova I iwui iBw^Benrg en* «♦ ;tt tasC) 30. No, I don*t cars to "bMck you. ITtrCRK-..-. f; • Then lend me tbB money. I'll pay it Isaok. qulok,mar)2 Ah! jroNES: Corae on then. (Handing h~:r money.) (B OTH exit hurriedly ^hi"ou,c:h bv< ing doora .) (Shouts.) CTCSHiY: Hens corae th© garablers. Tliey've heard t-e news. (CHERRY let s door swin^^ to, e.nd turna to Bron oo»> (Ominously.) Kid, you* 11 Tm* broke in hall' un hour if this luclc holds out. (Shouta. ) f^ TCHF."^ enter 3 follov^ifd hv jnT7T?-i. ) f ?aiaking a aheaf of bank not&3 in her Ujqiftffd hnn^ at Cimrry, ) I gi^^s that waanH ^o h»^d for thre-~ hats.' ( . TOK^Tr> wfttcliettuff through door. Kir' l«fen a m ocdily tiigoinat f ro tahle.) CWSRRY: Vhy don't yoa stick? I«a too wi8«. Ha: I 3aiow when to luit. He oanH v. an 8ti^*»4y ,, ,f„SHt,ata^)^ (3!!bcolt".dly. ) Th«r» he goes now. He's loet. ^m .-5?.-.^ tt MO ;o opioV ^jniw» rip owsn s^ ( . ■ .» ..r- :. ■ \* JUJ* '. ■ 1. K- it^ '' I- r■«••^''■ « 1 s/ O i/ 'M r ' ■ <•-' i • ij . ) ■ . ■ ~t.o.«'i ^"^ «^ii.-- 31, Whatt did I t«31 you? B\»t h«*8 won agsln. He • Bid h«? lord.' X luit too soon, (Qoinig B. ) L«t ne t>irv.Ufr-h, I*vm got mcney iand I want to play it, (JOy?!?? folIowH her t>irou(:h awing doors.) CHKHRY: Tlii» la a bis kiilinf^, isn't it? ( TTIK KID bP3 his hock to tmr and remaim clien t for • Bicinent. '^'houtB. Tl« turnfi r-iplcUy en her, nnd Si^ka.) Bid you ra»f n what you seid about - CU«nl8ter? KID: Th«t. ycu could - kill hlia? ( 'IHKRRY fXinoii«'»; KIl") anecra .) Psh! I thcuiiht 80. Tou icvs the m- n eT«n after h«*« tnsatftd you lilce a dog. CHS ■■RYj I hot* him. I'd ruin htm if I oould. (R8I> idly. ) Th8n listen. W«»ve got no t injc to lose. He oan't lear* while he's wlnnin:: this wyy, find I'll get hi® Into a f^ro goae. I'll open a flyer, - fJee? Take the lid off — lift the 1 trait. Then z^r9 hiiii "work** - ■- - and you attiat help. [ ■ ,.tt Vftfc, o^ J^ rj'w * <•:,„ , Iff.'. t'fl-:> ?«o^ IC' V r ' - , ■'?' jj: .i< ".t :r 322, CHEERY: You msan - ycu*ll leal crooked bank? KID: Yea, and you muat keep Gases, Do yoa know my signals? CHSRRY: ^ n^averlng; olenohed fist to llps« looking up B, ) Yea' - yes - "but it's dsng-jroua, Kid. I've seen him laad - he's like a BKinlao « KID: Coa». Don't be a fool. He won't see anything. /Busy at faro table, under his "breeth . ) But if he does, X'U drop h:lm before he can make a cry. I'd like no b«:tter chance. ( CH:=j^:rY'3 baok to audienoe. She aeefflS to be hesitati ng. K lli takes revolver from gun drawer.- cocks it. spins' tiaa cy linder, and placeoit in the drawer of the tabls.) It ' s mcr=e than money I'ra playing for tonight, Thlo will "be a cinch. ( To Bartender y polishing glasses, etc.,) Here, Toby - give me the phony box. (T o:^3^s the box he holds to Bartender, who in return, tos ges EID another 'hioh he places on the table.) ( Goinp: up; pgts Cherry on back») Don't lose yoi r nerve, girl. Give me five minutea and I'll "^ring him in. (Ex it a thr ouch 'swing doors .) ( CHI^IRRY opens sv^ng door, looks o ff.) ('ThoutiTT ~ ~^ (Dco r up X. opens, snd .'lElEH enters and s^uts it aft en her, pous i ^n: a mo'-n.<^'nt just~lns ide - -Shfl -looks— £^«eA-^v>»t — determined.) ( GE E'RY motions as if feeling th'S cold air, and turns dow n t^ PT S':;e v/ho ha.T entered. OTTKPPY gases as if she oouldn 'F" b elieve her e:/-s. then says in a str-^ined voic e.) CTfE'^RY: Vlifit do you want? ^^iJBEIiSN cornea forward a few steps.) HELEN: I - I want to see Mr, Glenister. You know him. . KC ?iici&d bn^ooiv IiB9A U.*vox ' fleam j/oY *t%L&tmls y;« woccf u&X oCT ,8s»af» qsaal ^Bl/ci WOY fc«e ,BaY .fcsm rafri no&a ov'T . , ' . ■ - 'BeY .Y-jos 03l»Bi n::>n'?»rl ' " raid ., JTFlT^TTel'O-t srf Ix *««£ ■10 ■ ■, . , , ~^f» &fr9^tefl^ o -■' ^ { .al ii.c^ arft fi;- ." ' ' — i — ^-:... ./uniffi evil C t'iTo 7X1 1? 7®^»"« ** '^'^ &soI^*n>a .nl mtd snxi^ 11*1 Oi . .. f -■•V; iil (!©£[ -r ~-*v- fcne , •! 3l li 6S t . ..J I...L ■ ) . J -■*+ :joy oft *flHW 33, CHERRY: (Harshly .) Oh, y«s, I know hlia, and I know you, Ifias Chaster, CTIERRy: Walt a moment. Mr, Glenlater Is in good ooa^any at present, I want to talk to you, ( HRLSy ttims away froii }\vr,) ISurat. int? out "bitterly,) Oh, don't h@ afraid.' I know you ar« acrami^ting an unprardonshle 8 In "by ta3.klns to me - But I wsnt you to know that "bad a. a I am, I.*m hotter than you, for I'm loyal to those that like 109, and I icn't hetr^ty ray friends. nETJClT:- IColdly. ) I don't i>r«?tend to understand you. ClIEERY: Oh, yes, you do! Don't assune iiuoh Innocence - yott can*t play it with rae . ( goes closer to her.) > Your .'iflsk doesn't fit well. T)r«aiifully rude of :ne to t«ll you thia, isn't i%9 You're In with fi fine lot of crooks. I adair« the Vhy you've 4(ine your share of the dirty work, hi»t when you a-'-iurne these scandali^'ed, supwr-virtuous eira it offends me. Why do you talk to me like this? I haven't iona anything to 3rou. Oh, ii^'ivsn't you? I've dona "b^d things, - I've been foroed into them - but X never deli^r^tely wrecked a man'» life 4u8^t for his money. HRLKH: (Hctly.) What do you mean by sayljjg that I hz^^f^ betrayed my friends and wrecked anybody's life? 3J.U ' I I •1 1". ^t-'vi^ ' * X^ • *r ^ -* *■ ^' i( 34, CHERHY: BahS I had you sized up at the start, hut Roy couldn't see it. Then Struve told rae v/list I hadn't guessed. A bottle of wine, a woyoan, and that fool v?lll tell all he ^ows. It's a great game XoKazaara ' s playing, end he did well to gist you In on it, far you*re clevsr, your nerve i3 good, and your mala up la great for the part. HKLEN: You're wrong. I am In no g^Jiae with Mr. MoNaaara - I only know - Oh plejise - won't you t-ell me whot you knew and what you think ray pert hns "been. I*v*j he^srcl and SQ^^n things that make me think - Oh, thay irmke roe afraid to think - and yet, I oan't find the truth . People niakB all sorts of eharges', hut do they Know — hav* they any proof? So you ere en the hunt for infcrmaticn. Evyr try anybody els«? HK[,5:?7: You Sfjy StruTe. told you the whole schsae. I - I tried once but - J.'\^'K shivers.) , CH^'IiRY: You didn't sucoead, eh? D.n't a.=>k )ae. I hate to think of it. nRRra^Y: (y.h.ijr]j\nfr t>ru«llv. ) So, f Jelling there, you think to spy on me, Ho - no - - ^- . :.l X .jr. '>/ . g'Vtrt ■*'^-' "" «ji, T*c-'' - v»0O 1 r-f -i- s** ^ ■ .TUf ff^J^v.- 'V - "!^-iL6jGiiitS_?l*li:) ;■:■■• 3 ,f>saoom: .t'mfci b trnY • Tf .''T' Tf' .*>• -■CTO (^^.L^«wt': ^ru4l5UiiLl) < ■ilt- - OH 35. CHKRRY: W©11, Miss Helen Cbestsr, I dcn't TDslleye s word yoo've said, pnd 1*11 tell you nothing. Your gong thinks I know too much, eh? Vent you to spy, do they? Ho, nc, no* Can»t you see? It*0 not thst. All I vfant is the tnith of this thing. CHKRBY: ( golnp; up.) Then r:o to *itruve and get it. Get htm to tell you — I_ wcnH. Drive ycur bargain v/ith yc^i -- you •re shle. You're fooled "better voBn — now see what you csn lo ^vjth hijitt. ( -IHE la up B, '3 ^HF fJnlsVxes ^HS exits through sw ing doors . ) ' . (HEIEK standB a --noaenty J^zed. at R, C, ) (Shout a.) ( gnter ALQI^ITON throutrh swing doors. Goes hr iskly to har. Ca t ohes" s \ ■■; '-■!:■ ■ f ~n"^~ "r; ^v/:-3(;gr-i -- sucothq h' l"^. }-glr wiJLbL-h-iB lundo — :.tlcks his tjiauuniis in n-.e ve^T. rjr c^ils, and Htruts d Ofn to h«r.) (3Snter ^^TRUVy.^ doer up L. , tipBJly -aita at tf'31 e I.) ^ PLC, IVW^: Tlntt3nt on Hsl«n.) I don't ezpTcly recollect hjvin' the prtjvious pleasure -- Hey, tv.ere - whisksy, ond he quick ^.hout it. I'm in a hurry. ( A T.QKHWON catohes himself up end alcatea to the hsr . ) AXGT'l^NON: It's a-corain' to you like greased li-^htnln*, pel. ( ^.TRirVH a-jes Helen, hi inks sn.l ruhf^ his e-es — at. her, 86 T:iE stor-.s h'ick at hin like n hl^'i caught in a snare. )_ fBgfl^ing fo rward and ^ enc1jic:_£t_hfir-.^t±ie n-lsp n-ltis-ha-ck-w-itfe- s oorar; lacgnt , sensual amll e.>J Ha - hs, ay pretty one.' Caught, eh? The lmr.i6culat« I ILA )«»•*! wo-v; .t«n«0 I on, or .niri jlJtw ot- neg if *=■ m '-^ - ,_.,. ^■ — .,- ~ — of'. ''- ff-r^j'* j^g g^tfr yHao -- olifi^^ii! ;vtri_-jLU.!. -, ( . > ■• 1 Ovt n bnr. ^ ■ - ; «_-. ■ , :^,«;^,r}E) rt-T ^Hi. nl Iq ejJoXTOt*. 'frfTfii :?09. p .**n'^^' I i woy oi ^ B**I 3$« ni«o» of JUd^ ?3tilliBan In a gamTsllng denf Oh fit," (A ggERypy brlnga his drink, and goaa baok to tip bar * '^TRUVE drinks his whtakey at a iZMlOf than aavft In at hm it1n»«ia-> lilcs t om . ) Cot'ie -~6wfiti up. What's your g&HB? (Rfeoo lutely, ) yvrer iTlnd . I want th©9« papers. I knew you do. W«ll? I wjnt them et once ~ yen, ct ono9. {I.aufihlng unplfiesantly , ) Thin l8 no tiji® for that kind of t«lk. Their»'s riot In the olr, and I'm busy tonight. ConiR to my office tomorrow when It's all over. T:v^ tbe proof. a^ III ■* ( Tamini? up sta?-:^^' Wiiere can Olcnister "be? I iiust warn him "before I pro. ( Turning: to Aligemon f.t "b r^) ( T»espertely. ) !)o you icncw Mr. Glen later? > ( A '^C^/AH prTtn cvirtHin fn J looks out thrcngh nnrtFd n ed (Coaint^ round.) i>o I kno'ff him? ^re, Miss. (Tone here. fq ^-fis ur to swirif^ doer, opens one c^f them.) Take a p-;cp. ^oe the ^ent? fWO:^ „^N oo:a.-.3 d ■ v?n -^tatr^ <»ith 'j VAN while.. th ey hr-. looking: O'T. 'and "BCTH ox It, -U'O r ui> !•*) (A.9 triey ;-^f», 'OTJ':?T turns -^tici ^om^'i^s Jovm horrified.) • V^- i K i. \v,u. ^■: V . .J 0>J. I-.':.:!^ f.h^. I B-^ i ,y:' '■ «-**ft«»i*»'»*r-*«»*^ , mj i H iit « i^i li'Vfc'fc- II Kip t^ I . ' 1^. 1 i I .q:?'.-; s ■ ^tf^«u. 1.1.1 >w» 1 i» « -^'' Oh! (:>hcnt8 rise anrt ^ p* wa>tr»*y. ) (ALaER^'lon bustles rtr)V/yi. 1 AT.asRjvroN: Say, miss, t}i«y*i'i> oontn* this way, :^«tt«r cl aar out. ( Wrlnffinff her hands, ) Oh - T w".«it WHm hla - ( To AliFTornon » ) T riust OS'S T'r. Clantat'Sr a moment. AT,ag.T?^OT:: B«tt<»r ccn» ths ^ay. (■fjj,i1ns T., tn ^tfil ra. ) flro on - ui^ th-ard. Take niunhar saVij>n - th« onrtaAna ar« do'^n. ( Afi she dtsHpr-'aara, h^ calls up to har . ) Say, Tjal, If ha* a yo"i» whit* hairod la^, you needn't start no rough house, 'oause he don't flirt vit' these dames none whatever, ?Taw,* Take At from me, (awtng doors are flung oi>m, and a n^pwri of ?'rv: ^md TQliP^ enter noVstly. Asnom ihm jrou^3^TJJi •'^UC^-J.^r.n. to^T????^!?, CH^:iUY ^jind the ^^I'H. y..g?n3TSH jl.^ arionp; the foretao's t, and comes down ^« ) (RaGkle-3 3ly, ) Hurry up your ou vfl t, T want 'juAck aotlcn for T'^e got only ten minutes to pluy. Take off the, kid. T'lat's right. All hets go. (HISLglT looks ^h^o^gh curtains of box a raoaent, then drops th em) •6c< •.rCO |-'.ti>'.rifl lj hie t-p^:^--^-- — — -■■-.--- -•• / If . ^ ; -\ <-, , ,J . ■„. *l'l J I,*"-' frt«?f f - rio .Jft©ffloFi iB "s;€f;f8ln»X0 ♦iJ.T •«■ .fviret f -I V ^v'^ J. il«ip. Oil — «h \ ^P i C -i.***/ ,«.'x«»f{rf ^iJf - no of' •nvob »i>^ rt »'Axl! ( j 'xeK o;r ci;.; gj. f>A) err ^"-i/^P ;tV?-.fic-rf ir^-. / ^hjaX fir--- ■ s^rt 5^ . . . . . , ..,,'^ . , VJ*'^ ) * i t- t l*no> erf .«»fji'o.f< L^-nifo'-i faftjB I J ^'ogft '-i^ol fri.>t.. '""'wXl - *^» .nqpih - ,rr:'^ ©rJ ■ "-^" 1..^-" ,5 I2. ll^i f^fjsT (bEM'I^ ■ lo 8«ijHj'H/t> 39. KIT): (^lo«« th« door, Toby. (To:^Y o>)^9y;3. :^T'^ .-.huffl'^a oards fm(^ ?-J. Ir,^ t^-yjro Into th^ faro ' box* ) ( tn^n'VT) xyathara aroi£ld tlvg fa^-^o nay out* T^ia "Loc^r out" . ta k'js htfl Placa In th^ h ifria oh.iltr n^fir tba dialer, facing L . H« 1.„igiiT,« r» nlaMr. K1T> ta-^aa th» daalar'^i chlar. ^IiSlL^^R a rpuv^s in^solf ;,>C' as to 1jhv<3 t.he ttA'hIe an'l pluy-sir^ In fttll v^iavr. Th-3 "buslrK^-is" of uh« ftwtno ^'/ill huv>a to >»« Indicate d a t rgih^arsils* ) "^r, Gl9n1.3t9r, iliis f;ar'.* is for "blood. One of us t» ^o^ns "broke*. fn.®^ToT^H: Go ahaad,* 'Cum tha oards' { 'W:i^ play, y."^ In t-i^g crowd nak** "bats alan , CHERRY k« ^pe fta«^ S. ) T.o6t again, ^-^y luck >ia« ohans«d. T}j^ d-avU's in th^ card*. NftTar ralnd.' It won't last. '^•'11 "br<»ak this llk» w« did th» othdrs. Plyo h'Oiidrad on thd high card - op^n. aL,7n3TisR: lt*« hot aa h»ll In h^r-s, ( RlS'9S and thro^7J5 off hi $ Coac. ) {'fha (Tama prGQaod a. ) I " Again.' 1 iJ*y tha cards ar^* 'b'»wltoh«d. A aA?.!BT,EH: Thla luck can't last. "Toubl^ up - 1t*« "bound to ohfxnn^. It's nak« or >>r.«*k -^Ith h« this tin^. Th**r« go9» ray l««t dollar, T^n thousand on th« ac« - (iol>T'«r"dd» or- T t ■ f. ,f ■ "^ r • •;" i'!' '^ .ii- i^'T »i ijf.* r!T 40. That's 8om«thing ?^1k« a yrnctr! (Mumrira of cidml .-atlon. ) ^ A miJZ^ He'll "ba r^Ained if h« los««» TtAming round frpra t«bl^, hand to throat a.B If choking.) , tho isand dollars en th* \um of a card.* "^©'v© don* ths ClUfiviT^Y: ( Tin tho trick. Ar« you nil sat? (gftfCtir and «xolt od. ) . Turn the card 5. ( a hreathloss Hunjnt a 3 tho ^'1'^ turn^ tho card's. Th^^re i s an oral nous >iuah.^ ) f}LSNl3T'«;H: (RoaraelYt ) Bro>C'a.* ( Hta.E^T l3 s-j^n Paorin/? frora bahlnd nurtalna r>f hnx. ) (Snt^erlngly. ) So yc'-' r..' "brokij, »h? Th-sr-s's a f«w man who ?cnow wh*»n to quit. ( Violently.^ Y««, rtnd 1 'm not un« of th-a f»w, ( Cro^gee to ^\ and th< CXt'-lJ) walta ^xpiotantly. ) ( "^.(^g^dly." , Und'^r.iUmd ma. ^. don't want any wan's money. 1 don't care for the gans. - *a sJ c^c - -jlok: - and tired of the whol» show- That' 8 why . ,^^ 'eK »^. V »;^^. -"' W ^^.. : •■• :l ion r" ^"^ .en br 41, (Looks at htg watch.) Thar*** Just tia*. ^^ftt U th« place worth? Plxtnrse, "bank roll atnd all, su^ on« hundred thousand dollars. (fStrlrtaq to th9 tahl ^3, ) I'll b*t ray half of th.3 ^Mda« against your whole lay cut, and coppsr the ^^m^. Are you gane*? Don't do 3t, fii-jiilster. Your mine is worth far more than that- (0T.:,7'.!IfqT'j;H shtivas hin off.) ( TUj:T/jn>T iH lyin'nf^ forward in hox, listening Intentl y. ) (Hesitates, drops hi a eyea to faro hox, glances at Cherry . ) (■ me - no4 «>4 — * '~~~ ' You're on. One !ialf of t'le Mtdas against the T^Torthem. Are yoti ready? ( ni-rigir^Y Isan? ".ts-a'^ t gr lr .^-tn/? t'\e table, closing h^r ^n_^B ae tli o^^vt^i faint. ^^ arlts her t'»eth, h#r aet facs? turn^ M toward audience. ) Turn the cards. ( K IT) d-^als slowly. Cry)^^ -starta hack, mnxmqy'lng anH look 1 ns pt tylriftly at ^1 »rtl n ?f. 7 You lose. Are you satl'sfled? O : r •• ♦aifi/Xoi" 3 uo\ «siA ,tinO^ eiij 5 . -r orfj^ rc-f A ,ify»jl'5*ioK ery J8ffi;K^« . Ir-il ©no •no 9ihfQY \^i:>-u'iii ..^i-: -l;!, 42, (Lnudlv. ) No, \*m not. m© 8i»4 that 'oox. ( LdMwa fr)>r"aT>cl ;^u>««'< h^hlnd the droytr ^d onrt al iu i r. .. ) Kir>: My rjod.* ^\at hav -j X don^? (H» xTishas to aVuiroaai. )_ (? nN^R5 aalr.e ni^nl^t^r who stnApirrl^a to f^et at t hf ""id. TM >jy_££jr^e hlrj 3.. to 3-'»tng doora. ) (OL A ioTAR C'unr.O'/ 'mrrl^a in thro>JFeh gwtmg doors, to ^rlanAater. ) | «s» .rocf oT-rt'/. %}fj no fc: "t'^;^ ■> r-r«r. Tn 'i-*x- ( .; .^iol t"' nl 5foierf ipXXjftl (^ X»»uXo J I - »,:©*'«'» ?» < ) V- a,M jy- j^„„ fc ;/ / ' ^ t) .7 V vf O T jL_ «anffljiifft ; V.J »^ '-■ •J*-^ .ffw ^M o-i (Cftntlouglv. ) Forh«aT«n*s sal:iijvtv " «-' ^ - * '*"it'*l!a>i ) I ie '0 iV d«_ r ■.. <... *..--ii '■'■T /^tpor V > f. ^V .TT .rr 44, You av& ay T5rot:i«r, 'iJhat is •noiAgh. (Rising: suddenly rgcoll-»ot\nff. ) But what ■brinijs you h«r» to this div« - you? (Rising alao. ) Oh - 1 forrjot. ""n^r* As Kr. OXanlat^r? You trl M to '^ av»« and cov-arlnf; hor fao^, slnvinp; i nto (Hoar8»l2/_. ) What do you want ^1 th that Man? Hi2L.3?J: (Alort af;aln» < I dan*t »?5i^laln now, 1 iau9t s«t» hlra at ono». His llf* Is In danger. There's a tnjrrlbl* conspiracy horsi, In 'vhtch !'▼• he i;n mad« to play an lnnoc«nt part - hut it's not-ttoo lat« - "Dntry, tak« m.9 Uj hiia. \ (VlcAantlY,) I*d ioon^r talc« you to h-slX, ( T)oL.r up L. oi^^na &udd#nly, and wit^r hurri»dl.y ^^cN/y^ARA and tht'TrMC ?!c>:AiaRA bar« th« door aJ^t*i^ Tiirs. ) — KcNA^URa: You h«r0? I^Ch^ to Trid.l Bar tliosd doora. ( Ind^oatinr? »-»"lnfl doers. ) Tn« ■^'■l(2ily.nta ar^i aft-^r ua. W«»y« h«yn h«tray«d. *^^ :WJI.T5JR JIUlLuJlL) Jrf •I' :fti:^T ?r .r. '\.'- -. T CAJ h T Af : ' Bill l^'i.Mt-!' k a^a::... , <.-i*;ic JjL 45. ( '^Inking into o!;a*»r «l t«M« "^^. ) Oh, rni'- ('O'l; ^'h<*^ '.yirririooiVi^ of "^is? TJityirt on our h««l a. T!adi' »*** '*• ooiad In - I know th«y d,1d, (HHJ.-<:N stands "by and Irlatf to Comfort h\vu MqNAT^ARA pa c«8 TA P and down H. and gla r es Ht H^lro aa th» Kt'^ bara sw l ng doors. HRigKHY orouch«a up bahind t-n» "bar.") KIT): ( S tandi n/^: vylth his ba ck to s^tng doore* ) ( To l.^o"^lanara down r-t. ) _^ W^at'a hHM'«n«d? JfoHAJ'ARA: Treachery - that's v?hat*« haprsn^jd. Our p^-ans »^soarrl«d. W# raid«d th« "^''Istlantda, but they w^ro arnad and waiting. T5i«./ routed our n in. "^^ow th"*v'ra In pursuit, and it maane lynchlnfj, if w«*r« oswxe^hX., (Btoi-s paotn?;; r^plnt odl y. ) Son^itbody wamad whos© man. I. did. ( . TtmaH! risas. i>UdhU"'^ARA: Y o i^ ; wamad than. I'Sh^ .Tirift'j ts 3P9.»chl ^sr? and halplajss, falla i nto cha ir a ■luddlad raas«. ) (Hf^lHlnff Vi^our t,T*aaeh«ry. f^od only I'cnowa what terrlTjlsi wrong yuU '.»▼« don# hira and his p«or'l»» ^ donH. I only know that t haT« "b^^n a blind and trrjstlng wonan who "b«11«v«d youp 11«3 - y«>9, your lt«s - "b-sdaus* I - 1 eonldn*t t?')in> that my owi kin woiild d^o-^tv* me and us« pi© to «poll and ruin hon»8t m-dn, O'l, I did your dastardly wor*«: w®ll - you who were as a faUiar to n« - you ( Tn KQ^T-Anara. ) who ''i^o^ild hav^i rmd® na your w4f«. But X "b^gln to ss>« th« truth at last, and 1 aliall har* t'lf proof h«for© long. T wll. 1. hay« It (a ■?.o'b cat'^hflrs h^rv throat* ) Walt. T)on't"stop mi no^. ?lu wond«r how % know all this, t refused to h«llovs what i^«o'pl« said. 1 shut ray «y#s - V iBuff«>rad untold ulsary - suff «r«d "bdcaus* 1 t}io»ig':a you w«ri ml Bvmdar stood, lalajudged, wronged hy th«stJ rough m«n of tJi« rTprth, "^'ut 1 oy^s'heax'd your Intrlg^xtiS tonight wh^n „ou and BtnjiTs wsrs at tha hoUiS'S - you dSdn*t knew 1 was listening. 1 had to know. Tt Was torture, "but It wad* a woman of rj«. f>od h4lp any gli»l who has *to mak© th^^ f l;;ht T made this night. ■ ( ■'^^''^Q covors h-ar f.-i^ct v^ith har hands thara Is » pau.s'8, -#hUe th e KT?) com-g'? -ilu^n. and 'St^inds haa HIJa her- fiPt-jt ee tln , ^yl : 4 — d unhly. ) ( Thare Is a luud knook on door w "!-•). McNAJ.-tAPA: Th«r« th«y ar«,' Tou h?aT# won, 'C-iKStr*** no e'<*c|ip«. (In terror. ) Th»y will kill &«, Oh, why did T ooras to thl « land? (Moy^d hy ht^r ■Anola* a xillfrht, V Oh, :nnAri', Cfin' t yc V \ - -. » 9t f.'f> '*tr ^ i *-y . *•?• Tharw's on«9 c/tuncd. Tv-^y wust not find you or H61en >idra - t>i«y'd snatch y^u lik« «volv«s, { Cttxing to fiooT <\ijf^n L . ) (A TlOTJiaH >CIOC!': UP T.. and a voice Tram th« saloon B. ) 09 «n up, or we'll brank in. Who*» th*r«'? CTo Tl-jl-dn and wh» othara. ) Quick - lulck.* AHSSj^ nnd He>U?{AHA halp thQ JTDqg Into roon. and cloce tha _door» ) unT)ars rj^ov mt> ^■- ^^ ^» flung op'^n, and a gronp of n n^jkad mt»n pou;^ in.Thay ''^^ar Tarloua kinda of mai?kg, a&i.l. ia Co I ton, l^anflannn lumdk&rohtofs, hm thoUfrh liafttlTy ynarj ^ , On';^ of Vimi (;^'i6 to- sv/ing door>5. unnara '-ch^gri vo j.. -T^'r^nTTlore ^^rrlLANT^v, AL^ ur^ ..-r.-id ^U.i r^f^^?;, exeu n t ^ .;-:l i;.": ^;]! who , . o^SFniinrTkijS'i ooH^.-i r'^ Tulvor. "^n":) fnlla bac\- "bafc re What do you want? search that gall-ir:,'. ( TTfO U^J run MT' tha utalra and so thro^Jgh tn.« •box««8. O TUKRS 4-3rirch b^iind tlia "b-*'r', ) nHART.ijY: ( Pron rrallary . hpx. ) ■^Tohody up here. naXi&H B bnti .J ,Li4r« ar« th«y? (" PQlntg to door do^TO^ -* ) Wh^vi^ .doSB that uooT 1 ;s?«d'? It's a card rooi.i. Ther-j's nuhody there. T»ll «6)t» for nya^lf, ( rlT) standja "bafwro hAn.<*'3 ha nav^e for th^ door,] out of wc^ way. (Kuddenlv tgar^nr; off r>lenl8t'»r*s raas ^. ) Ah, T thought so. I na:<« no s«cr«t of it. T'4t ra« paaa. KIT): You can*t go in wlnir^. And wl:y not? •a> .won? ^ * noJ> I rn tto J ,.Dv on •3i«n I iT: /rjkc : .' t>i: 49, TClTi: B«caus« - oh, If 3 only a woman - slip's htdtng in ttatrd, ^••11 s«j# about that. (Plantlnf; h1inci.?lf afta^nst the d.oor> ) Stand "bac^c, T say. Y..n'r-J a h-sll of an outfit, to tmikQ war on Women. 1 te3.1 yc,u, you can't s^^ h«r - sh«*-9 a d«c9nt girl. A decant girl in rhis dlT« - '^aln.* That won't go.' ^he's non» too good to faoa us, T^ll h-jr to corat out. ( T HT) ma-ais a r^rab at hts ?t>m. GL-gMT^TigH miS6>s htg rfgyolvo r and oo.^:irs him. Viai ■.a'TT^JS Imod at ■'. throw their n fl es to g'lotildar altoK^th^r. aininf; at t'lg I^Ul. ) ■won<9 of thai W?*ll "blo-v yo^i to places. Hands up.' (Holding; up hl9 hand's .) it's nv use. You're too if^.nny for ?aa. T^us Ustan, hoy* - th« girl ts my si ator - *^<9 cam^ h»y take hrn oT«>r A. ) .1?!^ >i*'r.9.Ai tit an '«e>» c*»^ jrt jR c! * J I mw^^^^^m 50. All rtady.' f VTffn.AMTa.q ^..-^^r door down l. r^t.^n.^T^B atepg forward . rn pj^'-on do'..r with hi g ■9ix-»r>g T)aok ug sJH ffa^ . f a c 1 ng ?tudi<3inc;3, oooVii? hxS revoXTar'» and cov-ara th*;* door.) C-on^ out with yuur hands ui-, T'-^Narnara. (a p-^vuse. ) f^on« out - 'in to':. ( ^or oT'^ns glu'^ly and R^'^^I? enters. Olosas th<» door "beh ind You! 1 heard al\ you said. You a^kad to oaa ma. "^'all - T an hare. T«ll m« what t-his rn«an8. H« callad you hi a »lst»r - this gariblsr. Is th*3 a trlokV No. It la th^i truth, '*nat nan is wy "brothdr - lh« brother T told yo'A T was aearchlnc i'or. (Looklnf? from H^l^n to ^it Joiow wl^y I oane. TonigJit \ orerheard a plot to arrest you all - T wants' to warn you, 1 searched everywhere to find Jlr/.CierBisterbef&ra T w^jnt to you nen - ,0c .1.. vit ■::..■- J. y.c( fitd iiox h»LL • rri r-' ' ♦ , *.'/ XIA ^ *i> liroY V- 'r©J>al!K«>iL3v .-ai'I't 51. DEXTHY": I !night have known. It was you that cara© to ra« In th« dark? Y«s, and th«n T laamed thai JJr. (rlsntstsr was hers, and - that's how 1 found the "broth-^r I haven't S9on since 1 was a little girl. Thard'g nothing mori» to say. Yes, there ij. soiaothlng wore. T?oy», you hars haard what Miss Ch-3st9r has sail Ta theri one of you douhts her? No - no - no# GLEM13T3H: One Word th;in, "before we go. ^^e are inifUgb men, hut we are honest and we know the price of a good woman's nans, ^111 you swenr to he sH.rnt regarding H\sa Chester's presence here? Raneniber your o^n women folks and forget that we found her in that cardroumu VlfJltAI^TSS: We swear it. _(3ter/rini? out. ) 1*11 swear no thin* till she tells where the Judge and MoWaraara are hiding. POTTON .TONES: That's rig}at. '7a saw thera come Into this building. W'lere are they now? (Tuminfy savc;t| -?aly on the cyo^d* ) H^'aat talk is that? '^e airft here to laake a gal hetray her own ■blood. Tf W9 can't find our enemies in nan's style, we won* t "be heholden to a wotaan. ^at's raore - T've got a notion .Ir^ ■!'>i"iiii> eivJ rix &i'. o-j .rcY sctftJon «*6'2 < ' . .'. e. icTwolJ 1/oX 'Jo »no &1 ^ AtB »W ,0S C^ <• feftO IB'XMf 71 ,-« r .-..■»t .^J 5i3« thai wq'II find ?!oHi*rmrH at th» Kl4a»« with th« 9ol'iti»r», (-{©^IJ >it>in'i9 at !-♦ wlt'M /lanrt.s tightly el«noh«4. ) _ "Ddxtrii'i* r"tf:T'it, boys. Cola's on, yf^^rt waiattng titna. Let* a go to • th« "Idad. s\;tJX'S out. ) f3!,.i£RRY: ,- Oh, yon fools - you hlind fools* (VTraLArTTg'^ hfcilt arid lifity . ) You saw your n^n oorae in v^ith your own «y«», and yit you let a Smooth word fxXim. a pretty innocent fac« turn you hack. You've got th'SM safely "!:?agg9d in yonder (Pf)lnta to otnM The hussy li-js to sare n^r loT'sr,. ^WhJBpera hoa^-*aoly . ) Tha t ends it. (CRpWn turns ac:rtly waiting on aT.B>?T.'^TH:B who sho^-ys his (}igiJi!?? utAfr.fT'ix'as. hacV: a{;aln«t th» wall near door dp-^ J., ) i^on* c. stand th«r9 1 "•>« c5gar storts Indians. f>o In a^i'^ drag th.«n out. VlalLANTSS: ■'^o you hear that, frl-sail stdr? ''^^'y« h^jf-f^n fool«d. CflART.sSY: ^Iwrinp; tha qoH of rpp^ with hnnm-j^n* ffi noog» f^ow h lj ghould'-ir% fipyfii n, , so that It 'mouila. ) H9r#*« th^lp ra«)n. ) ^ "la thtQ t u.d? Ard th^y In th^re? ^•■''y clod.* Rar© yon liM to ra» again? ( StariTin «t t'la rope 5 n hor^'or. ) >To .* Thtay arti riov - th-ir*-?. Coiaa on T.'*t'»s 'la-^s th-Mi o'»t. th-Mi o'» ( Tt^'mln;! on I'ljra. ) Stand "bHc^r, TscyaJ ^'is Isadfs* h^v^, ( they fall baok. C-T..)i:?Tl3T;i;H eonos do-m T.. , d^t-9rmJn'»*tly« T-L:-3T. ^^s-aX-:-i.^ia^^U-^oJXaly , >>,^S ^?9g>l 1 ngU- - t^^^rQ^t out K^r MfWA^hT indi y^ ^^ygya tovfard-i <"^lanlst^r, who oatoh«« and h i?n^''')y Coat laPials, Tr^ar h^ad low^rod. ) . (In a hottyse ^Jsper. ) Yes - y«s, th©y»i?t In th>»r«. T 11<9d - 1 had to. ^ut you mnstn* t - no, no, tf you Ioto m«. ( His f>ioa ahr/^s his A'^ony: fr :i.>i\nr frc.nt. — L. Po'.l^d.' Fo 'led «tjr*jn.' (H:i:TJ';>^ har st->^1ghton'» m, and ho Ingtnntly reloa^gat h«r, and braoi^ij lu:.' uCvton* 3/^^ l^ans back against ta'5!i.Lll of tar 'or. mnd h-ar 11 '-a raftVi~ 3i;.:ns of nut taring - "He - no - no".) ( T> n a 'Seen 9 ta^c»3 W C - ■ mt whtl^? r^L^n STSR U p r e~d ;;jna>> 1 y ■■ :.- tp : o rUrf^"' 'mtir~s:-ia rgcov^rg nerlelT, and d(je;Q not H-TQU^o any~ fi 'A-sp tctpn in th» 'Vlf^TLAMT^gT) .«e •m o) b9tX ^^n .( ,'vo*^-- o/i r.r. .e-it „j ijjk •«r' ■ I ', JT > V ' f> 9 • . «M<)H «f ^» ' 54. I*ra thv» nan's ^nony* ^'11 bring him oiit, ( H^ pHUBit?? nn instant •'» l f i hi a hand on tha door lcno>>, an d • fa mL^^ :.^.i>a ^;^ vhln V^ tr^rdahold. '^^ VTGT-.A?n^3 half ((ILSWl'^T^R r'^a^.vj/eara, st-apa out, alana tho door oart^lqg 'sly *if t .}r h\n, /f)-v^8 Halan cna gwlft loolg that ^la wn«tt he knows. 'T** rat»33 his ti:;:*'! and I'oint^ at ^''jt^-'r-y. ) Boi^a, ^ holiav^i thut Woiaan la in th« gane. .*^«'a playing for ttpid to l*»t thoa-d m9n s-scap** '^'^^ rooM la «rnpty. Go - und hd glaicl you ar« a woiaan, for If you w«r9 a man you Would answer to ud for that 11 », ( ni V ' prir la. Qru»h^td_^y V t h ■aT fl a g janA'34>«-.^md--cfaySJ ^ rt o offl nfi -^and ax lta throufth awtna door»» 1 ( KIT) is r-^ldaaad* ) Htll.» t^a'ro wa.3tln' tlwd. They'll ««t aw=iy frc^i ua yro^i<^i ^-^inj; doors, and door up L. ) (Halting '^It' tlir<>^ or four VILIT^ANTB^ up B. ) Th«r«'B som'Sthiiiti harfl i don't .'. uce. rt i.-.oks aann«n. sjiiia^r. If you doubt raw, stand out lt:cl',t p- * W |MII I IW -Ji.i i Vm ii m S^*^" ..J.— i^-.'.a4' ■.:J "'- — ^. — :fc-;~-^^-— ^ .';~■•^4-^^->,tJ~J^ri■,i.,-— ij-^.i.>v iu'X i;fUfuCi i. 1oo^ bnik , -■ J ^ rTrfr^:rrz7z:.r ;. •^ro ^.'Jitrlv ''^Jji__i., n»tti* 594 CJIAHT.KY: lull t,c ]}'iji (ALT, ^xlt, leaving H'J/^^, KTT) and H-T.^nsTgR,) 1-1 fion't Icnow what to «ay - 1 can n«v-«r malc« an«n4« for all you hare don« for u», (In fl«arc« In th«j JJorthlnnd - for us? C:fl in>yVn(? door do'?n L. -yldd oi^'t^n * ) rion© otit - don't "^o afratd - your enam1«8 havo gon®. ( K/^WAMARA er.m^a out holdJnft UP th« totterin/- .riryi-j^ ) 2io.' ''O'Tanara aiid his friend* ar» no friends of mln^, and l^aa no friend of Yon n-d not of my p^op^-®, ^^^ yon don t un'«rstand^ You called n-s a saVacd, and you w«r4 right, "but I Would not chango placs* wUh Uiat man, iPr . t n 1 1 n,"; to ? 'oN;tfi«ir'a. ) -f jr all th« wealth of tr^« Midas. You're taken my Gold, ^ you're roh^ied m* «f the lore and respect of rai' cotarades, you re clieated rae out of all that makes Itfe »w«et, but there'* one thins you gare me and you can't take away. Oh, I're learned jny lesson well. I're oone to ray eetate. l*re found reyeelf at last. I an no longer an 34»klno 1 wn a mnni (Ke fa)eg up B. and fl^n;;* out tlirough swing do ore . ) ( HST^igj at H. avit'otoh^^i her mxthmb. out after ^^^"» ^^'^" glnk e cr ui^hed. hurylnc? >ii>r hs^nd tn !fler arrae at faro ^.aol^, . heu rthrok^n* ) JUL-R..,T. A 1 W IS i-ti n»' tot t A/aX ?»v « i'ft ^iSitViS. ;QL-».a*> '"s»ii.„ttaU) •' ; i * A^ n70 BROADWAY, Cor. 37th Street, NEW YORK. THE SPOILERS -:- ACT IV. m^=fm^iHiM44^4i 'Of,, /^>\ 38A. ■•- ^ ^? ^ ^ T* 1 T f: t? 3 A C T IV. » W^^n ■iW¥#####?¥¥i5¥«¥^^^^^^^^ ^^ LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received APR 24 1906 /l i. CopyriiiM Entry / duss / ftr Qiwiiwg. T he K'idaa. Chrlstgas Mornln.ct ^t daybJ^^^k. The ;:-ct''W pc<^plgs fUll sta^?. Th.:. ''Id&a l le-p In a W^l « ylth thhe} p;aT^ ; • , L Lack drop ora aa'^n ^w., ,. ,..-... .. :•, , . :•: ixtreite diat anc^? vary ; I J h, :i>vry- ?:n.' ■^..'ZT^^'-^ ^n oailine; '''ilCo- ■' -''i" ■' "Oil in": in con; o- . '".o- XJrie, m&r'''r' ::o\in ...U\ .i r,f^ low caLM.j - :' ■ '•:-y.\''n aora hui'.3 |i--^i>-'; ' - M.-tr-nt perfiVocM v:^ . on ba^H d>v , ■., . ■ • Hfrhtel ■•/Jn!c . as cwlaln : .. ■.:■, and ^tcrtj "13 dark. ^^^^ , B, Tt, la ;, dhaft, avfch 'vlnli'^as iron th'? dr^.ir v. .'.■■.■ >3 a "ope« An o.^ LMck - * li'">s. cl(r;g L:''« 'i-'"'.^ '^vlndlfisa JG on ih^^ '-or o f . rj. low - ■•'•■- U"/. - 2''^'-^V''-^ '^^ dif^ta f ;^-i na t back dfoi ' , in mi ddl a tli a ta nc e ;j ^- e no ^^ a-'i r w lndlaHBt and T>a2f-dugr, f4nf-..r^nUy oor. d dl aJ^ftnce ^ip the jJlcht At , . t, j^ the and of a c>'l.ln« lew r'cc">d» cv3 ■■^^Mn.;in^ ^^rv(^'c , rll'?d hl f^. h wl^.h snow. At T?, C. ie a blac) '. - '1*3 forge { nd unv U wl ih pi oka and ,. .J lyinr^ n^ar. Fir tr'^e3~wl~d T"' bou'jic .^"lov^ ledon and heavy ora on boih r Vctxt>-^. A T-alr of snow jhpes fre h^.nglnc baalda '■ha esfcin locr t)t .'^. ^.' '^ ^ Q\~i curtnln r'Ajj'tc th» stage I3 ^n dark- nea]?^ '. for ih^i r^d ^low of p. caap f Jra in T. l^r ht.-; ■ J nk !►■> ■ ^ '•■or~^^h : e"~dTgr p n t cabin windows. a. ■I ^/ A iii» i:>iLi&fcyiL»-J^tifl«.~~.fiki.J»'gg»v/ '^«kiHi'"-«l' »*»^V^ •- -nrt^flittAfry? — «<*»>'> > »■■ ■« ■« ■ * » **■*'» The cuy*ta1n rlsfts te t.hft oroheatre playing ■"^v-. T-,;. .- T:^-.'?!", ^.^n I ^^rin:i to hr^ak an g I a 5 ^ xn y 1 3 q a » .^ f ad ga 1 1 y fi 00 11 n ;? the dcone wl h dayilghi» an! isakjn^ '-he land - aeft po e\ flit t^wrlnry spftykllng vvhltw picture^ r oliftvecl and l.rckv^^n ly -h.3 log CtA'tn;,;? i h<^ T\v tpu dcln' *way up h^re at this tiae of th« Kornirt*''? Oh, It's bean su ch a terrible n5^ht T hswen* t b-aen Jn ted. J*K solnc ard. Mc"firc£>ra*3 iren cbko down from the eelnai last night' and the \Vhole tovm I3 awake ovar the riot. Ths*y gay you killed ten poople In the fl<:ht. Ts it tnieV \ t was a d*uce of a sore attongst us I 1 don't kno-;? how many they l03t,t'it for 03 fight, ^y, v/e ain't got so Ruch as a cold Oldn*t tJhey make any resistance? n-'rf' 04 JLL t „- ■tearf 3. Mawl Wa didn't giv9 '^R tlce. f'lonlstar eUri-ad throu^t^ thair guaMs in the darkness and l«ld a f»w sticks of dynairlte undor v.he rclno Luildin^a. ^^e'. LHr^ pnin ta off "^ « ^-"^'-^^^ look.) WKon 'uh*5 shots wwt off iM V'12"llfmte3 rusHed on thac in body, b«fore they could recover, ^h, It worked as allck as a n<5w ffiro-box! ??ay, have y-^ a eon WcNfieaifa? n^'ERRY Yea • shot. nHERHY He's in to-«n. He hug cr11*1 for troopg and ?ou' 11 "H li® Won?' that >.o handy'. C^oel Thnt'/s 'sfriat T «raa afraid of, hut It's uort^ CGCfOjn. to know 5f we'ro CP*"* '^0 ^^ downad we*il dl© fi^htln* for the old mine *atead of freeain' out in cold storage lika '.^•ve been doln'. We've got th« Midas under our f©et once core, nnyho.», an' rosssaalon la t«n ninths of the law !n ihis country. CHERRY J But Rov - lias he cons'? Lack? ^ere la ho' SQttehcdy cnll'^d hlir. on the telephone about rrMnleht jmd he in out of a audden like hi 3 clothes waa afire. ?^ald h« was coin* to the sign of th© f5itd Road-houa«, - didn't mil to explain aald sottethln;3 horrible vaa doln*. 5?op-'? of the )x>ys thou^t he'd cot cold feet «aut he cried out there was a ^crtsn In dant^er - she'd courted ruin to save us fellers - risked her honor and all that - Anyhow 1 know Roy ain't p:ot tha chl 11-blalns, c^nd we aia to hold the fort till he «:ets lade. OTERRY: Oh, 'iex, it was ^ who called hi ir up last ni sJit. ( TuTilng 3Uddenl^^ .) JSh'f How's that? .•■ -^1 B.^ LtLtcui.. . n Jrfow bJc rw.-o' » r- e"^ - nl«J eaoa s'Jt \ r-.r ,i<0 .,l-.t f. !-i- VI ?.-•<' IfT'l -jT^Z^H^S^^M^ifia^ '^9lfl>n Clie star - Ah I 1 "honfrht that v»s -l t ( Wj th /:re-at anxl gty«) > tJ3ten, "^sx. Bh» care, lo ce last nl^ht aft«r you- left the Northern, and told rra she ^3 colng to iteet Struve at the '^i^n of the ?^16k1 - !^he Ijacc^d ce to help her. ( ^> »<;;i T^r '"^'^^ ''-'^ tha_aIi ^iAliiiir->^^g^»4^) Tha 31 en of tho Si^! Why, n. b<^lon,-3_ to Struv©, and t-he fallow who runs 5 l ia a rosu©'. P'Uwly nho 'if^sn't - - Y«a. Hha 'vont to save Po- and th«» r«?ist of you. To 5©t 3 or© VPT^f*^'' ^or^ hi a that IncHstinat© t)-& -vVhole gan^. Siruval Aion-") ".vi vh Strxivs - oU". therel Dex, 1 tur i-o blap<'* rov lottln'-^her zo* '^irtTer«, aft»r all. ■i erfP - ).■ AX.J. — (:.;>.>.;.._ ^i-^LSMJUSX-, rf^ tvT E rrr vincf? ft. It* 3 icoT« ihan a fstreak, ^^lei'ry. You're rty kind of r«opl«. 1 donU -mnt to be - ihat , 1 ^ant to b» MH k^nd - hj^ kind. So y6u T.old ':h« boy, and he rode off '.e find her? CTTEHRY: Y«a, and T told th« B^^oncho ^'1d, too - Tha Kid' Oionistor will kill 'aJis If t,h«»y meet. CHERRY: Tht» ?'ld la Helen's bi^ther, - ra all.? and truly. Wall, w»li: ^o he Twisn't stalllns last ni :fxt , end h«'a tho lon^, loat son of & £>an aha'a been looking foi^, after aU. CHiSHRY : Ohl I*K half distracted. ^«*n t ihlnk of those two aen iteetinc Roy and the T^ld - f -vlah t^hey'd coa© back - ' wish to ("'od 1 kn<»w a^w was safe « and ffidnlater. ( ?^ud clan Xy pti 1 1 :jq s > 1 1 ^t an 1 n g « ) 3h' f^oreb ody ccrcSn* up t}w i<}.\lch, fs t out of aJsht. Quick. (Ci HT^Rv dlaapr^ara -op B. over binff.) (Entor aT.Em-TI'lR r- lo^^l:' • '•» aeowij 11,„^x^t>3 and Ur^^'i "it.) QT.BNj I'ht^t ou/^ax? tn :,'''l'I'JX'l-' iJ^-- ili • , on i-A '^4 oJ JftflW I .i^iii... " «. :.!4V. .; • ACJJ r.'»rf 3«iJ« Whiftt news? (Seats htntaeXf dqJectetUy on '.h^» ojivil.) Tho no\W Is tumln;: ha ndsp rings oVJr the riiapua laat nleht and Mc%icara*3 calleA oMt t,h« soMlers. (GtF.?!« ats.rts, ahakas hi a h»ad aot'erly *) Ain't thfit hell? atJSNs ^•x, this Is no victory, W©»r»«> wora© off now than wo mre befora, and our* ItcS*^^ fiC^^t la to cone* ^ KUst put It to the boys . v/0»vf?© a cood flcht, anyhow, whether w« win or lose thles t>' jWoodUy.) My riitht ia rftfida and won. spftftk o^i't., little one. ^s^'.t do you mean? c-TEN: My hardest tattle has noihln.;: to tlo '4th the f 'Idas or- v-h^ rAnBi of Anvil. T and conquered reyself. Awful cold ico^nln* for» phi losophj' . ^t'i; apt to sou*^ on you 11k« Rllk In a thundefatorel • >ose you put overalls on* ffun boota on eoc* of thea: Boston ideas an* load 'eir o'it Where ^ can look * 'f^ '^vor an' ^""> wvi»(t, '■''v-»i'' r»fl m^ to. ^Iiejrf jBrt.t jVrfA * ow ! . tv on c GtENs (Sarn»atiy. ^^<^ rJa«a> coR«3 up and l&v& two 'mnJb on !^extr y* a I E^^an that I waa a 3avtts«» Jviat like you, till I ast K^iar Choater*, anl ^he n»«dl9 a rcan of rc<». It look litte but T ihink she did o 30 od job^ 1 iov« the ^lld things juyt as cuch cs ©var, but l»ve learned thot th«r« aro duties a fellow c>^"93 to ■')J»a9if and to other people, '^ '^'?'ll only c top to think thee? out. ■^ * ■ • Juat like 2^^, (shl ^^y, i, nin't no aavas©* ^*tt gentle and for-glvin*, aa o ah©op. l" wouldn* t hu.'^t a hair In th9 head of icy "bUtersst on^y. I islght hurt his head a il ttie, Jf 1 sot cloat ©norii^h, tout «• GTJ5N: I've learned that the rU;ht thing Is ujiu&lly the hardest ^^o c^.o, OhI f*ve litproved a lot. Osel but. yon* re popular wl ih ro'-irs^lf. H don't help your iccko none - you're aa hoiseiy oa ever - an' v/hat /^ood do^s it do 3'ou, after rH? She'll marry that bl:: Eoose, Mc^aisara. TrTEN.: I know! That's vfhat ranklea , for h«'^ no Rore worthy .of h<9r v.han 1 am. Rut she'll do the right thins, depend on tht»t. W^iy, '^ you know Jihat sh<5 did thl a Mi r'y nlijht, ^x? rjEV: Olrtrra three t^^jsaaeo^ arm: W-ill, I've found that she Is sood ana i;.-";'ve nnd honest. The p^rt she played against ua ^vas played innocently, I'rr 3U>^ of thnt. In avM9 of the fact that she yfill warry McNarcara. T.aat »■.';• ..-tsr^ Cff s-\ml tL'aif^ ^ *ffO' sn*i ■n 3 n1 i^tr, after she "had rJakstd hw reputation to warn the VigJiant»3, ah© mnt with ihat vl lla'in, f^t^we, to th^ '^Isn of i-h« Hiadj to g«t irccf fJ^orr. him thftt "«;>ul<'i aave tho day for n&» 1 heard of it - that's ^7 Jf Isft h^r© 30 suddenly - and s^t there In ziit9 to fln;l J^truv© sn«akln3 off 10 t.h*5 lovsn and WhSicperlna; that th« ^-id. had shot Mr and cfirrl«d off ^^«l0n. Thank fi©d, 3h«*3 £jHfa. The ''^id Su her 1i rather, you know, ftft^r ml. DEX: Vhat? Cherry' 3 boQ»^ hers end told re«? the hJvoIo story. ??h'>'s «»ll cut up. Poor Chi9rryl Aya - poor Cherry! Se« h'*r«>, Loy, thore'^; on© wtetm for e'very aan In this »orid, and th<« «rc4> haa never run i:hort. You'd ou^Jit -a c» t Karrled - you're the. kind thet n-3eds It. Why don't you ( ^euc-esi look" agRrchtngly at Qlen* H la evident ''^ ^s Pl -3<..i inr fo;^ Ch9 rrv D — 20tte ;3Cod c^i'l l-xappy'^ ('^itilinj, ehru;;g1n^ hla ahoulUerij.) That's what I'tt tfylnc; to Jo - Ly atayln^-a ln{jl0. ( I ^evartln{: '..o h< 'j x r ev 1 ous tho rc<^ . ) ■'1, T'tc ^v;]La^i - IV ...xaa ^>ie kid co^ fhe-;V; Jn tire 'J. Parhapa h(»'il chan^a Mc??arcarai the jwiy sho did rr^. Why, aho's worked a iraclo In re© • in ay attitude ^o'^ards li fo - n?y aanner - ; ^ .1 A^xr'7''' :\M' anm Y**wxf^ rxol r .^■■»;*gj'M>liBiijaMjiHiii -- xtjarTT i n i "iii fli i i mmnf^i hibimi 1 r II i i Biiiiw i ai n MM II I l ii>«ai 'lt ii ^ > 'f iii i^ « ■■■^J e- 0;- - 9. Oh, y©u« reannars Is £;ood enoxisli as th^y lay* ^o\i nwer did eat '.ylth :^u^ knl r»« '^©n w« was at thaip. swell 'Frisco hot© la you ^ma wis© to eU the i>1clci9 forte and flnser bowla ©quftl to a head •mii^r* %, \^«n It coRes to InMasacSts with d»comirc ,you savvy i>l9rjuy. That wasn't exactly what I rt-^ant, tut it so«*s. 1 wish Bill Beaton ma Tiack, but there's no hope of Y\im till spr«Jn3, now that navlsatSon has cl03«fl. rJT.EN: He swor*© ^cn he la ft that h-3 would return I'/lth the back In;; o^ tht» Federal CourtD , If h'^ h»d to crawl hor^ on his Hunda and knoea. DEX: H« Ray coite In ovsr the ice with a doe t*Jan>« ^t'a a 5,^00 fpJle "ir-ush", but he's gsirQ . I've 11 ttl© hop® of ihat, even tho^isH the San Francisco court should support 13. ^ezt and "J* it; sfraJd to fig^t the soldiers, too. Th'^y'r© In th3 blue of ^ncle ^^^m -■ 1 h*ite to do it. Call the boyo. "'e rrus t e^va theit fal?' vvarnln*. f^Iirr- llft^^ » -^v.1.-t1ft Hml ^ dn^anl-^^:'' ^rr. ^^ar. Jncl ;cl^n, -^ '^^'f^ and nA";^'TAT^ ^T.^R-.:T' . a ^viw frott th» cabin ot H. T. t he rest froai l.r,;rT~ nr'.!'!r; — '^^'^^'^^^^T^' coiroi.dowt and ,-;ro^.;ii' '.hoaa'^lvea naar Dax. a nd ^"^l^n.) Wen, w«'ra In a dangerous hoi '3*. ^JpTTficara has cul'&d tho ac idlers and they will probably attack ua softatlKe today. It's » hard gatto to buck the biutj-boys. *^>o T thoucht I'd tail you th«re»s a chanca to £9t ajvay Ufore we're recosnlzad. If we're geen her:- .m-Ufr' w«'ll have lo stand and flrjht r- or surrender. yar '■'.■S J in. fCRO^n ftT^ isfl out at vhl 3. ) If we hold out, and the struciCl® ^s fierce eno'ic'^* ne\9s ntay reach lo '^athiriQion and cause an Investigation, ThJs win b a d1 ffe»rent kind of flshtlnjs now, thoii^^* ^^ aoR'9 of ua Will Sodovm. What do .you want to do? MINERS: (In unlso n«) tat* 8 a tick It out, CAS'^lyvR r^J^tJV: We're In too deep to quit. Tlie cov^rnmont has cone back on ua and there don't seeic to be no law for ir^lnera. ^» can't get no help till sprlnc anyhow, so let's rrake the beat fl^ht w© kin. That's the talki Tve ^isalted a turrlble tJ£s« for ihla day. I've suff-^rad the plac^i^^s of proarectln' frorc ih-a Moxlcoes to the Circle, like you've all done, and if you'll stick with us and the Midas, we'll stick to you - Wht\t's that? T.ook out! f.7>0T'^T!?rRf=; rAiddenly prr*9ar on the bluff at B., level their ri iflc- '-.l '"Tn^^ -^hc :,u--n vi ih gitT'^led exciagations aMj^ c^Jgi* ar "un for the cabin i'» T« Bht.^y B. ^» » beside ft ahi,.f :^n o."inET? wl t ^h drawn revolver. ^?I^ lears in front of ^ c abin door, ahead of glnerB, ^^IQ o^^her ^.Olt)TTi;H^ follow h lg and a till aore enter T;, 1. and '^» ^.> """""""""^ ( I-oudi;^ . ) J Hiiitl ^on't Rake a rcove*. n?5nda up, ftll of you. (A rifle is leaning against cabin mil -'. T. ^''''^1' ^^f*"^ r ov 1?.. Twn ^ri^iW^p" seize hire, they wrestle, qxhwj r?; lovei^ thfl ^-y ::^^n^ nt hiir . Ent^r "). ^. hJc^VI^ARA and J'JXE ?TTtT:1AW.). JUDGE; (^olntlnn to <^lea> ) Arrest that ran, lulckt T^on' t let hint go. ^eep back these others. ( ^ liy. r-^elzea a P lpk ^ T^^ ^*^« nT Af!y/^fIT!T ^OROK neai* wh.1 ehJia-is atandl ni;; brandishes i t J ■^rnr to L --♦ovr ' IM S »Y ' I 'it ad:! .f>vv9. I J er'- ifo eii Io> \«--; -»• j[;nA: mxa (»r sii *i-'vi?ifc iy''. 0-^> -i — ^^rft*«*.-Vl.5 JiQ. CoiBe on, boysl OFFI CER : (Lev»illn/^ his revolver at hire J Drop thftti (^^% rauaost lowera r1c''<»^ lt*3 no us». They've eot ua. fran^hln r dlnaprreaably* ) "^ta , w«'v9 cot ./ou, e.nd you'll psy the price. (A voice is heard off ^tage at B. T,, urgln.3 a dog le an;. A whir cracks* ^t grows louder.; WEATON: (Front yylnpra B« T. ) Old apt f>1cl apl Tchl Tchl ffflhlT> craakn.) ■ f Froir r?. •^.. on the tl\>ff> (mVBVs teac of dogs In harnes s, dT» wiBin; ^1 - ~, -n^on Which la a ir-:H;- lo^J Ic^ahed up. in a ZAvrf ifmiin, A rlfie c>nd Ttilr of anow shoes are T.jed on the o vi t » 1de of ihe load* A pan is running ahead of the dose* W e oorpicj th^n gb r.hft -r^nidlera on the_L2uf f who hove w ftpaisaxaa R » and ^-. and run -3 down onto the atage, followed by the d og t.^. s^rr. 7'T r^. •'.^^r,//rn ^.^ io_ .-rujdln.'-^ th:3 sied. ^^-''^ halt :?. i'., J ue t b alow ?Jio bl'v ff* This entra nce should be i tade rapid ly as th oucji the v had been running'. f^Tinj^M^J'ente'rs mw W^^EIffl?"^ ^ • •' WTT2AT0N: ( Leaving sIkL ?^nd coming do>vn stag oi lookln.^ about curiously. ^ . Hello, boy it What* 3 all this' Whoa ton I Bill Whs a ton I ( ReoQiarences his ptru;rr.le with his t wo gjMPtora. — ^^^^'^" leu rgur Pjreetlng 3 . / . v%-.- (»atrf ifi U'K'fi-'i- B-^.ewoI ■J 2- I ©f{J '?'/-eJ 30i.. ... ,_,i\ljyi.K, ,^, V.J ■■ i^tf ^n .^r ;.{'f "J ^'TT^^ =.^J .«^T^ 1 tv 12. You'va core* too lette. Bill, W^'ye all bsen pinched. WTTEATON; Hold up A Dclnut© - It's ail rlcht, (Spra fted, but cqaalng hi 3 3trugf;iea») Ay, Bill - 'It'a all >»l,2;ht. ^^ did our l»%3t, tut. we w«r« don» ty a ^laRTied blackguard. H©»3 got rc» and - h«»*ll send jce up. I*tt the on« he* 3 after. ( Qlarea at ne^??JCara« ) But 1 donH care. rii?»w he'd ^lo It In the end. But T brok«» hlR - 1 broks W a '*ith rcy naked handa. T>idn»t T, McNaicare? And thi* clrl :'ou*re going 1,0 K«rry knows It too - she saw rte do it and ghe knows yoci'?* o crook. T^oesn't she, McNeicara? (Tn a frenay of rage.) Take the t can away. ~?SITlk, 1 tell :ou, - b -afore I injure hie. Tak« hlj?: T^ Jail, He kll^^d ten of our nton last nl^ht. The taw* a in our handa and I*ll rtake hlic answer. V/!'SATON: N0| slrl Th© law la not In your honds. It*3 In itlne. ( S la ps hi a left hand '.vl T.h yvy^rii In right. Ml ^^i:R<^ start f orward oarrorly. JtHrd? and t^c^'AMARA show surprise. jT" When T left Ifis t fail 1 »wore I'd corce back if I crawled on rcy hands and knoes, ani ''ve coir.e. Three thou sjand ctllea With a dog team - tnd I got here Juat In T,ice. This will be a day of defeats pnd dlsappolntrcente to you, rcy friends. That boy won't go to Jail, teeauaa you* 11 wear the shackles j'oursalves. Oh, you played a shrewd z^rtef you two, with your senators, your politics, and yourpuii3. But lt*3 onr turn no-vt antruv e,) Serva those warrantn. ( ^T RUVR croanea t o Offic e r awfl 'onnda hire a«te rar.ers. ) .jf*- 'J I - 9;}imt3i /» ^ ■m'T'i )0 JaftKO-fflL. ,«t9V«i' Captain, hor© are t.h« 1nstructlon;3 froit the Circuit ?Jourt of Appoale - They 3lv« back th© cJnas to these reen. Vou will see by r«adlns there that this case hjis been taken froR ^Tudse S.tillaan's Jurisdiction - .yo^xr services are not needed* ( oy FlCSR looks ot reipera, nods - "4^:71816 to his roen to drop (^urln? ntr^jve's ar>eech I'c^'AMARA and JUlGE show their chf^jr rln and dlaitay* .Mprv^AMARA and ^T^J^/E p:io.rlnj^ at each other. T he , J'nnr: at finish 3t^.f':/':(9ra across and sinks to a seat.. Me '"-';RA ;, ur'"1-;h^ und ddflant. A ah<-''ii £;c^'3 up fiXti v. the ?'7Mi-R-. A r)EPUa:T leads Mc'^aieara up B. . followed by the T'C*"AMARA: ( H and ■Ai?'mlnf: at toP of bluff to r:lat*e down ont li e r oY/d which has tumad to watch.) ^ You think ^*11 qo to prison, do ycu? ^'oil, t won't. I've done not-hlnc to anawer for, and there's no Jail strong enough t© hold XT:9* ■Jothlns short of a ijatlin^ ciun will cake a© c^ve up. 1'rft hore to atayJ ( gxlte unbeaten and defiant. The MIN.^^ crowd around WHEA TOT' , r:r asr Wz hand, aifjp ^^tt on the back, as th« "Ot"?IFP'^ /rp off i?. nulotlv.j WTTSATON: ( Shaking hands V^ tn Qien.) We lieve whlpx'^^'l "'■hec, boy. ^e have ^shlj^iied them at their ovm sace. Arrpsted at th'3 apex of their crime - cited for con* SEpt of court - that's what they aiw! They diaoveyed the other writs and so 1 got theR. H was a cloao shave, old ran. They had ua over the ropes. (Bftlatfti^^i-^Ty.) Bill, you are certainly the ri^ai ^**ruvlan doughnut. Shake', (Turns to "1?"^'^ who is standing near, grlnn 1 ng . ) Here's one la^ ahtxrp that'^ on the level, an* you can bet a noaobag full of cllllon dollar bills on that. i"' 'i' ■ ..T^ia: vnj -Jia tier: oV ' , , ._ jioaJ C'Vtr va.'T . •^;::-'ii^ flon't ne^Ca^ . nrt •eaft «ltr<.' Jar Vi 4' T; ^.jlii - n .,1 rf?w^n...,— ,.S.,a,^v ^11-^ V>' ^f^rfT 'jy»5r{a e'sol^j a 'b*w ^^I 14, An* that's no alok Kan's clreaK. WHBATON: 1 couldn't prove consplJ^acy, \>nt theyMi g© to jail Tof a little while, Jijtat th© aaice, ^ell, ioys» I've got to go baek t© ■«,o'.m and aeo this thrtju^jh. Sea :/ou later. So long. (^1 1« h. P.) (O TET!?^ and T)gy. aye left alone do-^ atage* . ^^'^^ ^ ^° ^*" ® ai.l'-mt. and ^Moiagrv^d spectator Laclc on the bluff. ^"^ a tTs^ a nd leans his h'^ad on hia hands, aeetss disconsolate.) ^ C5ho9r vip, ioy. "^-ly, yoii act like a loser. '^on't you realla® thr-t wg've won? "^n't . ou un'J0i»stand we've cot the old rein*? "back and ths') '>vhole wor»ld wlrV" 1 ^ '' Buck up, pal, ar^-^lns has core 9. OTEK J Won? What do you know about It, t>«x? The Midas - th^ world • whut ,::ood ar© thej*^? You're wronci ^'v0 lost - yes - I've lost ovorythlng « vrith MZl* Now {jo away, olii ran, I want to b<3 aion© a bl t . C^Hx, reailzea that OtET?. is not to \i« Rrim^A with In hla v Tn-^aent good and with a «hake pf hi a headla nd a lojQk jQiL.^iS»at pity hQ Rounts tluff '.o "« and dlaax>pQars» ) ( O HBPHY eon: 33 down fr ote bluff ^t t. and atanda \^Bfor*9 Gipn..)— CHiaHY: (^©ntlv.) »11, boy, 30 It's over Ht iwat. (To okln/^ ur . 'waarliyt. ) Yea, Ifn ail over, little slrl. 0-j jCofid oji 0-^ Joa ©v'i «a\;ocl 4I. .. w-n/SB ©f'-' J er^T .■>o Qf 1 ? ■■ i . ■'-,1 *-t iiiii/^i.i»ifftTiT - y^ z:. t^B&i. Bflbh J«o,: ot ^iJi-' '''fiP^ IS. OTERRY. Vou don't m^d isy congratult^tlons, you know ae too well for thttt — and you know all - I'd - I'd llk« to say. (Reecvers hers » If & b1t«)^ Hpw does It f^Ql to fc« a wlnn^^r? I don't knov'. I've lost. CHERRY J loat whtit? By0rythJn3 - except ths cold cln9. nwEnnv : Bvi»rythln3 excert - "i see* You K-san that Helen - that you have - asked h^v i^.nd sh'J won't - 1*m sorry. (? ^_trur.f^lln'^ hf rd lo keftp her voice ste ady, end looking ew ay») If only 1 t hfnl h^fin : ou instead of tha ^a to jav'^ h^r froc tht^t brut© stiniva. ( Gt?-^. looka up (juickiy.) I hrd you tell "^ex all pbout it - 1 tried to S®^ word to you i.n ilir9 last nl ^t. (H e r,V'^sTQ ^'^r left hand wi ih his r1;jTt, In sp^'^ohleas e^^^^^ ^^<*o » without irrklnrr at her.; . I've suffered fo:" T.h«» pert I ple.yed « for r^y deceit. It crsise to r.9 all at once - what 1 >«as - emd - I triad to aak© reparation. Oh, boyi T '«ant to b-^ (jood - ^ocx^ ^H throUfih. You believe re, don't you? You're not like ot.hw >^. V«3» yes'. Of co\>ra9 ' do. CHERRY: I wish I had the pow«r to make h^r - love you - ^'d give Ry life for yo\«r haqpplndss. ■ ;::£i_S!LL. m av !>.r! ©i/jL»^ t ..(. • *Xi.-;- u- ; 1' ji/ia': I. ' X« '. 4 T. ..i^OIVi-;- i ;,cn Hi cy. ■:■ \ •T- . ■ • .; r .;va ' 1 1 IG. Sho I3 not for rc«, lit tie s^rl, nlthoiic^ ' s>i«»ll always lov© h«r. !*«; sorry 1 can't forget ©aaH-, as oottB do, tut I've lived In th® hill3 too Ions fo'' that, I've cot try wlah at last, hoiwver. ^ know iwhat lov» is - now that It's too Ifite. a half aob,^,) Boy - don't. ( 51ninT and thrv?w1nr. off his ryocd, ) Oh, bui If i^ffi aolflshl 1i?}ifc*t {.bout you? ^h&v& will voi^ £jo? 1 don't kno^v. It doesn't really cat tor now - (A pause,) Th9 world is a Inrc©, lare© place - (Shudders. ) and very cold, for worran. ^•'he, t a rlty that we can't all aTong^ or,f the alato and beeln afresh - and - forget. It I3 part of the.saag. I'll see yon sorcetln^es, w>n't J? or JERRY; (Very gently «^ No, loy - I think not. 1 ^mderstand. I'erhaps It Is Latter 30. (JTB takes her two hsartda in his and kl-ases th ea*)^ (Sod bleea you, and keep you 3afe» dear, brave little Cherry. CTTERRY: Oood-tye , ity boy. ( Sh e cror-uoa to R., rauaes ot exit end '.urns for a last loo k at h lg.) My i-oy! (Ex ita . Cjr:' stnnda at C^ ,.|,T.n j gh»._^»ii-^-t-i-i-T -ww tfrhln,? her_fl!Q) ■■^p^-rTp I s J iij. 1 f(ai'w \; 19V n •Z'^V-V.Oll e~ rro • • hr »■. ^t ;r»tfow .MOOV^' '^ — r-z-i;, J f .- ' L.'&'^x.- .-.<^! 'iw — ■^m-^t ,;ffiiAn,„,ii , 't.;.' ■> '-i 17. f l8»it.fty "). r. PBTJ-y and the ^IT^. as the. V app^ach C. r^tE Nls TER whins shsarir as 1 f on the A-afensiv^) (Thypvlng ^y hia handg In gesture of restraint. ) ¥a lt>j -salt* old rtm\ ^'a hw© as a frl® nd . fJTjSN: ( <^oldiy» drawing bade.) I know - you're her b ixit-her. ' dldnH believe It last nlc^t at th« ^'orth9m. But Qierry has told me that It's true. We havsJ no furthor quarrel. (Half ashaiftod.) V«St ^*K har Lrothor. ^'ve known It Tor a lon^ time, but 1 - 1 - W8ii» you understand 1 coulinH let her know. An I can say Is, I've sambied gquare till 1 plwyed you ond 1 was reed as"a dervish then, biaicln^ you for the atoriea IM heard abou-, Halon. tast nl^ht I Isarn^d eha had con© to th*? re«d-hous© with Struva, but 1 ^ot there In time to save '', ^'rc sorry I didn' t kill hl». H« des«rved It. Suret -^o'n like htilf th-* rcen In Alaska - hore bocauso tT^ sheriff a back hoic? couldn't shoot straight. But Why hav9 you coae off up here - now? HEXitfJ: H« wouldn't lot H!« conse aione and I could not wait. 1 had to 8«» you at once. Il.^«tt'*'^v bio «Cft«f' ,-.Jt«W ../ ,,..•:,; , \; . .i sff.t ©ts JbXoJ e«r{ X*'a*i *"f^'^ m- ^f J. -- *( . OVXCu^iJ c v-wofl - i'^xan 'ii; '-i'3 tsoi) *-'o^ -v.,! t ,»■?■. r rr -vu a'' 1«. CT.SN: Had to 8 ©a rr-o - 1 triad to Koop her froir coeln':; on this errand, but ahe aald It was iha sqtiare thln^; to do and - thftt*5 ail. It's about tho3« rap®*^ 3^19 brioU'jht In lest ^rinQ» She faarod you Eight think ahe vsras a party to th© d®al» { ^■'Q 1 1 i r;a rontly . ) but you don't, do you? at£N: Certainly not. G© on. ^Qll, sh'3 loarned that tlioae docuaents told the ishole s tory and contained enouji proof to Lr«ak up the conspiracy ^nd convict the .Ttid39, McNairera and all the r«st. But Struve kept the bundl*? In his safe and woul'to't jjJve It up without a prlc«. That's ofhy she wnt away with hlns. Oh* It wasn't /wrth that . T7ow could you? It s«»Es ^^aton has done the work In another way, hov/evar, and now I'tt coElns to the point. The Judge and ?''c*Jacara have lie^n arrested fo:"" cwiteRpt of court and they're as SQod as convicted. You have recovered th-'J Mjdaa and they are dlasraced. They will go to Jail - gt>en: Y»3, for six n:onths» perhaps, but wht^ t does that fusoiint, to? Thar© never vms a bolder crlEf} consuccated nor on^ core cruelly unjust. Th(?y robbM a realns and pillaged Ita people. They defiled » court and ?rnde Justice a wanton. T>i©y jailed cood iten and 8«mt others to ruin. And fo" t^la they are to suffer - Whst? How? ^1 l/QV if it"/ f '/rtoo , ,.idrj 'r:f> 'v-.rf.t/. u0^v>VOi'€(^i ^' ;?i/|.m .rf--^-:- I 3Ui«8S lt*3 true that th'^re ran't smy law of f^od or Man North of 53; but If ther»e I3 Juytlce couth of that cark those ir«n •^11 ensw«r for* consplracj'^, fm-l co ^o ^^ penitentiary. (Tu^ln? to Heien.^ I i',e1d it "ran no us© - ^y^aX. h« wouldn't under»stoncl. Haien looked at it this ^y» You've he^d yoU'- victory, you've sot, beck your mine - and - th«y are dlssraced. But tho Judge Is of our own Llood. ^'e took ^feien when sho waa a little baby and h»»s b^en n father to her In hits selfish isay - 5 was not thor« to prptact Ij'jr - and she loves hire. (ntlU do;^r.^l!LJ No, 1 donVt understand, ^'"hat 1o 1 t you want? fTftklTi ■> pRrtlret of rarerB fron; her boi:.;05.) i'hla will tell th'3 'svhoie wretched atory, , (Hands hlK racket.) and a how the plot In^all Its vHeneas. ^ flnl i t hard to betray ay Vmcl'?, but this proof I3 you«a by rlcht, to use as you f3ee fit, and 1 can not k =»«p it. {^'e lzln:; packet »»as?rly, and r^sjinQ at 1 t trl\«gphantiy^i "Do :'ou rf>mn 'ha I'- ^o ,;ou wean the procf I3 'aerf' to convict ihetc? ( iTKTJi'.T; no ds 3 U en t -' y . ^J I^N . 1 aua ea . ) And you aw ^Ivlns it to rce b'^eause yoU thlnJk it is - your duty? It beionca *-0 yo'*. ^ hev* no choice. But 1 also caire 10 pxead «nd b^c a 1' ttle itercy for iry uncle who ia an old, old pfxn, end very 'Wak. This will kill hln:. (OTEM, wall n --'-'■'ii. ^.^ ^6' ) ao. You ask thla for your uncle, tut what of ( Swailova) - W>iat of ^/ho other follow? You itust know ihat \f on© sees fr 1 understrn-1. r croaa cnl ocro-3 Into sm^.H Htp,'.s-^a i.nen: »vii)-y»r understrna. ( H,> r, ilv:: r.ho -^ulKor L;-:tfKi ^rK>v the rock'^t, tears th« palmer-; r croaa rnJl dcr^o^s Into sttc^ll Htp, rni to:.g-^3 inen: a wayw ' You're r'l£:ht. T^ie -vork He dcre . An- no'.-/- "cod-byo. ( Ho r^ea^an hJ:-. >-e nd across his Hyas bUndiy, turns wli>Tput lo rklnr^ at thofr ^nd itountg \Me, buff v/oa-^ily omi ITT gro a v _ '■ ^^ ^T.ion, ottrnd in'^ wlthhla ba ck t o ihea, tm t ne Km loaoa off^« P.t tiobbln^ scftlyT*yn"h her facSTurU'cl"^ rT^r 8 003 ««o '^f *«rf>^ ^^^"'^ ^^-^^ "^^ ®'* ***'^^*' ^'^^ ^^^ ^' •^i^f^fV^ hy ( , xi- r nrj f J c^ ft -! !?'^.'-'T, «, ^^-.^^.^L r' Yi> it' ,} ■» * ( Tuml-A'T 'v-nf left, etanclln^; straight In th^ sunlight a t C . . .'ontler for a spell. Sure I T»K ^ottln* all cparci-ed i;?> hereabouts owln* to these flll'-reonarch or>( ;hes- t'^3 »n* 'Prench talbie-dee-hotty ri?>3'.Hrawnt8 n* slch dlbcrvipanclea of escenery. They're np in' to - - -'■ '^T'nt t:; 4b jff'at rttLi^ nt Sr^lfl'x):^ Jtnft O*! <9V •» ^rir.t' f^f^r *f T' -' •- -fc ■ta ,u' 9V9 i. •r'.Stit e^ x«C lifts JJS>. IM Ilk this bURrer &n* 'here's a shoe-shinln* parlor opemd up, - V* i,^^B to sot out whare ^ could atratdh an* holler without cilstuii^iin* hotte dudo In a dress eul t. Better coco alone, Roy - w can a«ll out th^ Midaa. "^ow clon* t want to stay hs> no longer, anyhow. {-^^^ f^tf^Yi^in th<^ eff'^ct of the wroi^ds on f>ien., fond fciy-T^, "r.nnr .1darn ana T^^emf^ half inclined to y^eUw re fondly.) GLEN; That* a true « 1*11 think It over. ( Thj :° c '^ ^^3 ^ . p^nd exit.) (As GTJIN. eoR'-ta do'vn £jtf*/t<^, TTETl^v enters ^. ".» he t- It a tea, then C06S '^ov/t^rd 'nlcj* " T»KT..KN: 1-1 coulJn*t leave without thanking -ou - I had to core® (jt^ok • ( 5^h9 ig ru ah flonf»ia<9dJ It '«as a noll^ thin^ 70 u did jui; t nov/, nh, i .vjt .:iLad and pro'Kl. (Qulef-v.) 1 prefer 3'ou to ihlnk of rce In that my rt-.ther ihan as the wild bdast 1 havo alwajrs aj: e&rwd to rou. "^ou have seen t?0 at rcy worst, whw I'd fought and loat, foujit and lost till I'd grown desperate - rcnd - ri^ad with hatred and v&v&nQt^ and ev-^ry Icpulao that con- 38 to o defeated rean. But - (Sh^-nigs shouldeg ^ . > you ctxn' t undaratand. ( gaf^erly.) But 1 can understand; 1 d^. 1 know all about U now. Yoa told ao once that the wlldemeas had made you a savage and 1 latigh»d at It Just v-a 1 did when you said that rcy contact sdih the North wuid teach r?9 the "bis bmad things that rub t he known, ^ou were rl;^ht, 1 have learned h great deal. 1 hfeive laprned rn&i alao. i 'vlsh you rcl,'•' '('^' '? •' -r'^ I « III ■» ».-«i»«««» nn I ii>H|i ::^) \^^,iM f: m 1J±1 ,a<^«i i5 1 ; ;^ .•^Tv 2iS, T - T - don't t>ilnk ^ could - teach i'ou any icora. Y«3f oh y«?s - j'ou coul^i - (l^aw tpaaterlnr; hlgaQlf, he wl'^ MT and dovai a step or t wo.) (Under hi 3 bi^eath.) No, no» T''' ' fool* FETEK : W«T 1? ( T-Colcln.'^ stra1:!:^.t bQfo?'ti h1g« «nrl no>y at TTETEN, who^ ^a a iii'.io behind bin^ ;<' the H., ro^^g*;f ^f >^^yord eagerl y* J Once, a lon^; 'Ai^.e ago ^ read a Tcver'y v^^tiMon, ana ever ./i ice knowing you it has been iry prayer tvhat I r/ight be ^iv-jn purity to hi vrorthy the roo ^ ' ^ h«-ve fo md ay 301 f and - ^ 'le.v^ kno^vn :ou. ( !)r»07>H hi q eye 3 * > U is a holy thins - 1 shall rever«nc«» i t always - and - /S pa ak 1 n ^ ?/l t h di f f 1 cu 1 t.y .1 .yh<-m you ;^o - you will l')«V'^ f^- lonaly - 3 eve for its perceipbrance. (Tp5ffiuioU3ly.) 'iut - 1 (vrc not going - That is - unieaa - ( Tifts hlo hftod sIo'a'I;'-, ihQn -^ipa rpimd npon htfr.j UnleaB whttt? ( . ow "fiafiftjr - M. ^'Xi/o© tfo -'';nH- ,. -Tf i''? f . _ ^ ,. , - » inv/ oi»i-.i}U S4, ( SBllin^^ tmoertainiy at 'nirt.) Unless :"on - vrant me to. (Thro^/s out hi 3 hond siipplJcatlngly* ) { ^. i E vo 1 ca b r*e a k g . ) 1 can't stand t>ial « '"'on't you s93? Won*t you s9«i'«* I 'mxd '-o ^ath^^r cy cour»afj;# lo coree back t© you, sine® you Havi .reads 1 t so very hard for rre - ( O otfJn/^ cl03« to hiEt an^ ami 11 n.^ up into hi 3 f^'ce « ) Uy aavace ' ( C-T.I^M. r. oft,!'/- , jyntly» ten deyiy ..'^athf^r,-^ her In hi a a res in an all ncbracin.': j^old» vhe anii^haaJrj of tha IfyruisB 'mich itado V.lm -rrir-a-n hay^ fiercely In ^ct T,; i 1 — (l^jic for Curtain; "The Lon:^ Trai 1. ") C U r? T A T M. AHi24Uj6 ( • 11 ^ff .;« ntl ■: :.. 1 ^ 0« «*.. rrr r .M T A '^^, ''h;