id SO^LO . 5 I8U LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ 028 340 280 Hollinger Corp. P H8.5 SbA6 2#agaf'.. : ■ !-"-" >"" " - :^ r " rrr- 'J^ j LQc"^' ^t BY-LAWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA AS REVISED AND ADOPTED BY ? THE BOAR3E3 OE TRUSTEES, AT THE ANNUAL MEETING IN I860. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED THE ACT TO ESTABLISH THE UNI- VERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND THE SUBSEQUENT ACT IN AMENDMENT THERETO; VNIJ TO WlIKUl AUE A NX K.YEI AND ALSO, Regulations of the Faculty of the University. n CO L QMBIA, S. C. W. W. DEANE, PRINT. isr.7. ? < $&*&& a. ♦A ^ [' Mathematics, Civil and 4 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Military Engineering and Construction ; seventh, a School of Natural and Mechanical Philosophy and Astronomy; eighth, a School of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Mineralogy and Geology. III. The Board of Trustees shall take care that one of the Professors therein before provided for shall be a Minister of the Gospel, who shall also be charged with the duties of Chaplain to the said University, under such regulations and with such additional salary as may be fixed by the said Board. IV. That no student shall matriculate until he shall have attained the age of fifteen years, and shall agree to enter at least three of the Schools provided for by this Act : Provided, however, That in special cases the Chairman of the Faculty may, at his discretion, permit any appli- cant to take less than three Schools. The fees to be paid by each student shall be as follows: If the student enters three Schools or more, for each School he shall pay twenty-five dollars per annum ; if the student enters tAvo Schools only, for each School, thirty-five dollars per annum ; if the student enters only one School, fifty dollars per annum. The compensation for room-rent, use of Library, and such damages to the property of the corporation as may be done by each student, shall be regulated by the Board of Trustees. V. The Board of Trustees may, if it is deemed proper, give a license to one or more persons learned in the Law, and one or more Professors of Medicine, to give instruction in their respective professions in the said University, and assign to them, or any of them, a Lecture-room or Lecture-rooms, in which, at times, and under terms and conditions, and with tuition fees prescribed by the said Board, they may respectively form classes and deliver instructions in their respective professions ; and the same license may, if deemed proper by the said Board, be given to a person or persons qualified to instruct in any mechanical or prac- tical pursuit. None of the branches of instruction provided for in this section shall be considered as Schools, or included in the number neces- sary to be taken by any person before matriculation. VL Each Professor hereinbefore provided for shall be allowed to occupy a house belonging to the corporation, free of rent, and be en- titled to receive a salary of one thousand dollars, to be paid quarterly, in advance, by the Treasurer of the State, and shall also be entitled to receive such tuition fees as may be paid by the students entering the School at the head of which such Professor may be. VII. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Librarian, who shall act as Treasurer of the corporation and Secretary to the Faculty, and per- form such other duties and receive such salary as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 5 VIII. The various Professors appointed to give instruction in the va- rious Schools provided for in this Act shall constitute a Board, to be called the Faculty of the University of South Carolina, one of whom shall be chosen by the Board of Trustees as Chairman of the said Fa- culty, who shall perform the duties heretofore imposed upon the Presi- dent of the South Carolina College, except where the same has been altered or modified by this Act. IX. That nine members of the Board of Trustees, at any stated or occasional meeting thereof, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business which is entrusted to the said Board ; and in case of the absence of the President of the Board at any meeting, the majority of those present, provided there be a quorum, may proceed to elect a President pro tempore. X. That the Members of the General Assembly from each Election District in this State, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and empowered, from time to time, to select one youth from each of their respective Districts, who shall be received into this University, and be allowed to matriculate in this Institution, and enter any three of the Schools provided for in this Act which may be selected by him, with- out any charge for tuition, room-rent, or use of the Library ; and each Professor hereinbefore provided for shall be elected upon condition that he will give gratuitous instruction in his School to such of the said youths as may enter his School : Provided, hoivever. That no person re- ceiving the benefit of this section shall be exempt from any charge which may be made for damages done by him to the property of the corporation. XL That the Board of Trustees may, if deemed advisable, elect a Bursar, who shall hold his office upon such terms and conditions, per- form such duties, and be entitled to receive such salary or compensation, as the said Board may prescribe. In the Senate House, the nineteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. \V. 1). PORTER, President of the Senate. C. II. SIMONTON, Speaker Elouse of Representatives. Approved: James L. Ore. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Ax Act to amend the Act establishing the University of South Carolina. I. Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the fifth section of an Act entitled " An Act to establish the University of South Carolina," ratified on the nineteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, be so amended as to require the Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina to establish, as soon as practicable after the ratification of this Act, a School of Law, with one Professor, and a School of Medi- cine, with two Professors. II. That the Board of Trustees shall determine and regulate the course of studies in the said Schools, and the duties of the Profes- sors in the respective departments thereof; and shall, as soon as prac- ticable, select competent persons to the Professorships so established. III. That the Professors in said Schools shall be entitled to the same salary as is provided by law for the other Professors of the Uni- versity, and shall receive such fees of the students who enter their Schools as are required, or may hereafter be required, under and by virtue of the fourth section of the Act aforesaid, of the students who enter the Schools by said Act provided for. IV. That the said Professors shall be members of the Faculty of the University of South Carolina, in like manner as the other Professors, and shall in all respects be, in like manner, subject to the provisions of the aforesaid Act, and to the rules and regulations imposed by the Board of Trustees. V. That the Board of Trustees of the University, on the recommen- dation of the Chairman of the Faculty and of the Professors of the Schools of Law and Medicine, shall confer the degrees of Bachelor of Law and of Doctor of Medicine upon the graduates of the said Schools, for satisfactory attainments in all the subjects of instruction in their respective Schools. VI. That the graduates of each of these Schools, upon whom the said degrees may be conferred, shall be entitled to pursue and practice their respective professions. VII. That the Faculty have authority to license a Demonstrator of Anatomy and other persons of suitable attainments, character and habits, to give private instruction in aid of the public teachings in any of the Schools of the University. The said licentiates be not at liberty, without special leave of the Faculty, to receive pupils who are not UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 7 members of the School or Schools for which they are licensed, nor to give instruction on subjects not embraced in the plan of the same. The employment of the licentiates to be at the option of the students, and the compensation a matter of private arrangement. In the Senate House, the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. W. D. PORTER, President of the Senate. C. H. SIMONTON, Speaker House of Representatives. Approved December 20th, 1 866: James L. Ore, Governor. BY-LAWS, CHAPTER I The Board of Trustees. 1. The government of the University is vested in a Board, incorpo- rated under the legal name and style of " The Trustees of the Univer- sity of South Carolina." 2. This Board consists of the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of the State, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Judges of the Court of Appeals, the Circuit Judges of the Court of Law, and the Chancellors, as members ex-ofjicio, together with twenty other persons, elected by joint ballot of the Senate and House of Tiepresentatives, to hold the office for four years, and until others shall have been elected. 3. Nine members shall constitute a quorum of the Board, sufficient for the transaction of any business relative to the University. 4. The Board is authorized to fill, by ballot, any vacancies in its own body, occasioned by the resignation or death of those who are not members ex-officio. 5. 1 1 is Excellency the Governor, is, ex-offwio, the President of the Board, and, when present, shall preside at all meetings. In his absence, the Lieutenant-Governor, or the President of the Senate, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall preside, taking precedence in the order in which their offices are here mentioned. In case none of these should be present, a. temporary President shall be chosen. 0. The stated, annual meeting ol* the Board takes place on the first Wednesday after the fourth Monday in November, and may be con- tinued by adjournment from day to day, (the interval between t he days not exceeding two weeks,) until an adjournment sine die 7. There is also a semi-annual meeting on the Wednesday after the first Monday in May, whieh maybe continued in like manner as the Stated meeting. 10 UNIVERSITY OF 'SOUTH CAROLINA. 8. Beside these regular meetings, the President of the Board shall have full power to call occasional meetings whenever it shall appear to be necessary. 9. The Chair, at all meetings of the Board, shall be addressed by- members standing and uncovered; any motion, proposition or resolution shall be submitted in writing, if any member shall require it ; and busi- ness before the Board shall be conducted according to the ordinary rules of Parliamentary Law. 1 0. The Board shall elect a Secretary by ballot, who shall hold his office during its pleasure, and no longer. He shall receive a salary of two hundred and fifty dollars, payable quarterly in advance. Pre- viously to entering on the duties of his office, he shall give bond and security for the faithful discharge of them, in the penalty of five hun- dred dollars. 11. These duties shall be to preserve, in well-bound books, provided at the expense of the University, faithful and accurate minutes, neatly and legibly written, of all the proceedings of the Board ; to copy into the same books all communications from the Chairman of the Faculty, or any Professor, relative to the government, discipline, or instruction of the University, to file and take care of all original communications 4o the Board, upon any subject and from any source ; to read at every meeting of the Board the minutes of the one next preceding ; to annex to his records convenient and accurate indexes ; to execute all occa- sional orders of the Board given to him ; and without any special order, to communicate to the Faculty, any Committee, officer or other person, any action or resolution of the Board which, in its plain mean- ing, shows that the Board intended that notice of it should be had by the body or person to whom he shall make such communication. 1 2. The Board has charge of all the funds and property of the Uni- versity, and to it all donations for the benefit of the University must be made. The Board elects the Chairman of the Faculty, Professors and all other officers of the University, (except as hereinafter provided,) fixes their salaries, determines their tenure of office, prescribes their duties, authorizes the Faculty to confer degrees, and enacts all such ordinances and by-laws as shall appear to be necessary for the good government of the University. To the Board alone belongs the power of expelling a student from the Institution. 13. The expulsion, of a student can only take place at a stated meet- ing of the Board. 14. No vacancy in the officers of the University can be filled, except temporarily, at any other than the stated, annual meeting. Temporary UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 11 appointments, to continue until the stated meetings, may be made at any meeting. 15. In all investigations, in which the Board deems it necessary to the interests of the University, it is invested with full power and authority to compel witnesses, by subpoena, rule aud attachment, to appear and testify, and papers to be produced and read before it. CHAPTER II. The Officers of the University. 1. The officers of the University shall consist of the Professors, Li- brarian, and Bursar and Marshal, and such others, as the Board may, from time to time, appoint. 2. The Board reserves to itself the election of all these officers, except the Bursar and Marshal, and the election shall always be by ballot, a majority of the votes of the Trustees being necessary to a choice. 3. The Professors and Librarian hold their offices during the pleasure of the Board, and no longer. The Bursar and Marshal is elected annually by the Faculty, and is removable by them at pleasure. 4. No officer, whose tenure of office is the pleasure of the Board, shall, without its consent, resign his office, unless by giving one year's previous notice of his intention to do so. 5. The Professors shall reside permanently in apartments assigned to them in the University buildings, unless permitted to reside elsow here; and all officers residing in the University buildings shall, at their own expense, keep their houses and lots in good repair. 6. Every such officer shall, during his occupation of any University building, out-building or fixture, be liable to the Trustees I'm- neglect to repair, in the same manner as if he was under a contract with them, to uphold, maintain and repair the buildings and fixtures occupied by him, and upon his going out- by death or otherwise, he, his executors and administrators, shall be, in like manner, liable Cor an)' neglect that may have occurred during his occupation. When he enters he must notice defects and want of repair then existing, and immediately report the same to the Executive Committee, who shall act therein according to the orders of the Board, and in case of there being no other order in the matter, shall, at any rate, make special examination of the partial 12 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. lars so reported, and carefully write a memorandum, (to be reported to the Board and safely kept in its archives,) of all the defects and want of repair observed on such examination. To the extent of the particu- lars noted in this memorandum, the officer aforementioned shall not be liable, beyond the necessity of keeping the buildings and fixtures in as good condition as they were in, when they came to his occupation. To the obligation and terms contained in this by-law every officer accedes by entering into the possession of any University building or fixture. To them, every officer now in possession, by continuing, accedes, so far as to be liable for all that has occurred since he went in, and all that may hereafter occur. 7. Every Professor, upon coming into office, shall prepare an address, upon some subject connected with his department, to be publicly delivered at a time fixed by the Board of Trustees. 8. In all cases, in which an officer is required to give bond and secu- rity for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, the bond shall be made payable to the Trustees of the University of South Carolina, and a condition shall be annexed, that the said bond shall be valid and binding on the said officer and his sureties for the whole time, during which he shall remain in the said office, although it may exceed the term for which he was elected, whether he holds over in virtue of a new election, or on account of the omission of the Board to elect a successor, or from any other cause. 9. Should the sureties to the bond of any officer die, or remove with- out the limits of the State, or should the Board or Executive Commit- tee have reason to believe that they, or any of them, have become insolvent, or should the Board, or the said Committee, for any other cause, become dissatisfied with the security of the bond, the said officer shall, on notice from the Board, or from the Executive Committee, be removed from office, unless he give other sufficient security, to be approved of by the said Executive Committee, or some other Commit- tee of the Board. CHAPTER III. Faculty of the University. Professors and Secretary of the, Faculty. 1. The Professors have the immediate care and government of the under-graduates, and are denominated the Faculty of the University. 2. The Faculty have authority to make all orders and regulations UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 13 conducive to the successful discharge of their duties, and to the carry- ing into effect the laws of the University, according to their true intent and meaning. 3. The arrangement of the duties of the Professors; the time to he devoted to the studies ; the number and order of recitations or lectures of each class in eacli department ; the modes of recitation ; the methods of teaching ; the plan of conducting the public examinations ; the arrangement of classes; the hours and number of recitations; and in general, the details of instruction, are matters committed to the Faculty, subject, at all times, to the control of the Board of Trustees. 4. The Faculty are authorized to license teachers of the polite accomplishments, and of exercises conducive to health. 5. They have cognizance of all offences committed by under- graduates, and it is their special duty to enforce the observance of all the laws and regulations of the Board, for maintaining discipline, and promoting order, virtue, piety and good learning in the Institution. They shall further have the powers concerning assessments, servants, the bursary, the rooms and other particulars, subject, in every case, to the orders and revision of the Board. 6. They shall have a stated vveekly meeting and review the events of the preceding week; and, on any sudden emergency, the Chairman or any other member, may call a meeting at any other time. 7. All votes in the Faculty shall be viva voce, except in the election to offices, which they have a right to fill. 8. All other officers of the University, when requested by the Facul- ty, are bound to attend their meetings, to aid them with advice, if requested, and to execute such orders as the Faculty may give, consist- ently with the laws of the University. 9. No question whatever, connected with the government or disci- pline of the University, shall be debated by the Faculty in the presence of any student, nor shall the opinion of any member of the Faculty, nor the result of their deliberations be made known without their order, or the requirement of the Board of Trustees. 10. There shall be a Chairman of the Faculty, who shall be elected by the Board of Trustees from among the Professors. He shall he the Chief Executive officer of the University, and as such, charged with superintending the execution of all laws made for its government. He shall address instruction and counsel to the students, as he shall find opportunity; and, at every half-yearly meeting of the Board of Trus- tees, he is required to acquaint that body with the stale, interests and wants of the whole Institution; lo recommend such measures as he 14 UXIVEPvSlTY OF SOUTH CAROLINA may deem conducive to its success as a place of liberal education, and to report the course of studies which has been pursued by the several classes : by what Professors each has been taught ; what text-books have been used, and the manner in which officers and students have discharged their respective duties. To the Chairman of the Faculty also it belongs to grant dismissions from the University upon the appli- cation of parents or guardians, in the case of minors; upon their own, in the case of those who are mi juris; to give temporary leave of absence from Columbia, and to allow the occasional indulgences elsewhere pro- vided for. lie must preside, when present, at all meetings of the Faculty, deliver the results of their opinions, and pronounce their sentences and censures against the students. He is also to preside on public Academic days, and to confer the degrees. He is also, ex-officio. Chair- man of the Executive Committee and of the Library Committee, and is authorized to fill vacancies amongst the visitors appointed to attend the examination for degrees. In his reports to the Board, he shall keep in view the distinction between his various capacities as Chairman of the Faculty, and Chairman of several Committees. These reports shall give full information concerning all material resolutions and transactions that come to his knowledge in either capacity ; especially concerning expenditures of money and assessments upon the students. In makiug them he may call upon the Librarian for reports, information and assist- ance, such as that officer in either of his capacities, as Librarian. Trea- surer and Secretary of the Faculty, ought properly to be able to afford. 11. If, in any case, the Faculty, including himself, shall be equally divided, the Chairman shall, notwithstanding, have the casting vote. 12. In the absence, >iekness. or death of the Chairman, the Faculty shall appoint one of the other Professors to discharge his executive functions until the next meeting of the Board, unless, in the case of sickness or absence, the Chairman of the Faculty sooner returns to his duties. 13. It is the duty of the Professors, besides giving instruction in their several departments, to assist the Chairman of the Faculty in enforcing the discipline of the University. 14. Every Professor has the right to prescribe the text-books of his department, to determine the mode of recitation, and to make any regulations or assign any exercises, not inconsistent with the laws of the L niversity, or orders of the Faculty, which he may deem conducive to the good order of the students in his recitation room, or to proficiency in study. 15. Every Professor is at liberty to permit persons, not students of UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 15 the University, to attend his lectures or recitations, on such terms as lie may think proper to prescribe. 16. The Secretary of the Faculty, who is also Librarian and Trea- surer, shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Faculty, which shall be laid before the Board of Trustees at its annual meeting, and shall, at all times, be subject to the inspection of any member of the Board. Pie shall discharge such duties, and be subject to such regu- lations as the Faculty may, from time to time, prescribe. 17. At every half-yearly meeting he shall transmit to the Board of Trustees a full catalogue of all the students then in the University, to which shall be subjoined the names of all whose connection with it lias, in any way, determined since the meeting last preceding. CHAPTER IV. Admission of Students. 1. No one shall be admitted to the University, unless he have a good moral character, certified in writing, by his last, preceptor, or some other suitable person. If from another University or College, his standing must be shown to have been good at the time of his leaving it. 2. The Faculty may examine all applicants and judge of their quali- fications. :i. The qualifications shall, from time to time, be fixed by the Faculty, subject lo t lit 1 revision of the Board, 4. On the admission of a student he shall subscribe his name to a. Roll, so kept as to show the date of his admission, and the class to which he is admitted. This Roll shall be headed thus : "The University of South Carolina. We severally enter this Uni- versity, with a full understanding and acknowledgment of these t nit lis, viz: It, is the duty of every student to submit to the laws and govern- ment of the University. No combination, pledge, promise or vow can create an obligation to violate duty." 16 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER V. Devotional Exercises. The Chaplain shall conduct such religious exercises, as the Faculty may, from time to time, prescribe. CHAPTER VI. Session, Vacation, Holidays. 1. There shall be but one Session in each year, which shall com- mence on the first Monday in October, and shall terminate on the first of July. 2. The only Holidays that shall be allowed in the University, are Christmas day and Good Friday. 3. The Faculty, however, may occasionally dispense with the regular exercises for the sake of others which they may approve. CHAPTER VII. Examination and Degrees. 1. There shall be two public examinations of the students of each School of the University every Session ; the first, or intermediate, to be held at such convenient time near the middle of the Session, as the Faculty shall appoint, but to be so regulated as to prevent a general suspension of the Lectures during its continuance ; the final immedi- ately to precede the Summer vacation, but authority is given to the Faculty, in their discretion, to dispense with the intermediate exami- nations in any or all of the Schools, and to substitute, for them, such other examinations as they may deem best. 2. From these examinations, no student shall absent himself, without UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 17 leave of the Faculty, under pain of any punishment, not exceeding dismission from the University. 8. The Faculty is authorized to confer on those students who obtain distinction in the several Schools a certificate to that effect, signed by the Professor of the School, and delivered publicly or privately at the discretion of the Faculty. 4. The Faculty may, in their discretion, exclude from the Lecture- room, during the public examinations, all students, except those under examination. 5. In conferring degrees, and granting certificates of proficiency, the Faculty will keep steadily in view, the necessity of making these hon- orary distinctions, evidences of real merit, and a reward for the acquire- ments of persevering diligence. And in all such rewards and distinc- tions conferred, they will have reference to the student's general eonduet and character, and to his standing in other Schools of the Univer- sity, besides that wherein he is a candidate for the distinction in ques- tion. And in all cases before a degree or certificate of proficiency is granted, the candidate must give the Faculty satisfactory proof of his ability to write the English language correctly. G. The degrees conferred by the University shall be the following : (1). That of Proficient, to be conferred for satisfactory attainments in such departments of each School as the Facility may designate and publish. (2). That of Graduate, in a School, conferred for satisfac- tory attainments in the leading subjects of instruction in the same. (•'>). That of Bachelor of Law, to be conferred for satisfactory attain- ments in all the subjects taught in the School of Law. (4). That of Doctor of Medicine, to be conferred for satisfactory attainments in all the subjects taught in the several Schools, constituting the Medical De- partment, with the exception of Botany and Practical Chemistry. (5). Thai of Bachelor of Arts, to be conferred on such students as have graduated in any two of the Literary Schools of the University, and in any two of the Scientific Schools, and have attained distinctions at, an intermediate ami final examination in the Junior (Masses of any two of the remaining Schools, (<>). Th;if of Master oi' Arts, to be con- ferred upon students who have graduated in Ancient Languages, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Ghemistry, Mental ami Moral Philosophy, History, Political Philosophy, and Rhetoric and English Literature. 7. The candidates for the Degree of Bachelor or Master of Arts shall satisfy the Faculty ol* his general literary acquirements by furnishing an appropriate essay, composed by himself, on some subjeel of litem- 18 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA tare or science. Such essays shall be handed to the Chairman at least six weeks before the close of the session ; and the Faculty may require one or more of them to be read by the author or authors on the public day. 8. The candidate for the Degree of Master of Arts shall furthermore be required to undergo a general examination before the Faculty, at the close of his course of study, on all the subjects embraced in the curri- culum, which must prove satisfactory to the Faculty, to entitle him to the degree. 9. Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, who have been , previously declared Graduates in Chemistry or Proficients in Anatomy, Human Physiology or Medical Jurisprudence, shall not be required to undergo the examinations on these subjects anew for the degree : and the same rule shall apply to candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Law, who are Proficients in International and Constitutional Law and Government. 10. The candidates for graduation in the respective Schools shall, within one month after the commencement of the Session, or their ma- triculation, inform the Professor of the School, in writing, of their inten- tion to offer for graduation therein, and on failure to do so shall not be permitted to become candidates, but with the leave of the Faculty. It shall be the duty of the Professor, at the daily examination of his class, to examine candidates for graduation with especial strictness, and to keep an account of their state of preparation at these examinations, and lay it before the Faculty at their monthly meetings. On the examinations for graduation, the daily state of preparation of candidates shall be con- sidered by the Faculty in deciding upon their qualifications for degrees. 11. As soon as convenient, after the candidates for graduation in the several Schools shall be known, the Faculty shall appoint the times at which the examinations to test their qualifications shall be held in each School, and give notice thereof. 12. If a student shall be suddenly called home from the University before he has stood his examination for a degree in any School, wherein he may be a candidate for one, the Faculty may, in their discretion, taking the merit of said student and other circumstances into consider- ation, grant him an examination in the succeeding session, and may award him his degree, if he be found entitled to it, without requiring him again to matriculate. 13. Certificates of Proficiency and Diplomas shall be given under the seal of the University, and shall be signed by the Chairman and Secre- UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 10 tary of the Faculty, and also by the Professors of the Schools respec- tively in which they are given. The Diplomas of the Bachelor or Master of Arts shall be signed by all the Professors. 14. No Honorary Degree, unless recommended by the Faculty, shall be conferred, without an application to the Board of Trustees four months beforehand. CHAPTER VIII. Treasurer — Executive Committee — Fees and Pecuniary Matters of the University. 1. The Librarian of the University is, ex-officio, Treasurer, and, in this capacity, he shall receive all moneys which the students are required to pay into the University Treasury ; all appropriations which may be made by the Legislature for the Library or the University, (except salaries,) if no other direction be given ; and all moneys which the Board of Trustees, the Library Committee, the Executive Commit- tee, or the Faculty, may properly direct him to receive. 2. He shall make no disbursement without authority from the Board, or a special order in writing from the Library Committee, or the Execu- tive Committee, except that he may pay salaries, which may be provided for in the laws of the University, at the prescribed times, out of the tuition fund, if no other fund shall have been provided. The contingent compensation of the Bursar he is to regard as a salary pro- vided for by the weekly price of board, and subject to the deductions which the Chairman of the Faculty is elsewhere authorized to make. The sums accruing from the assessment for servants he is to regard as a. fund especially provided for their hire, and disburse upon the drafts of the Chairman of the Faculty. 3. He shall keep, in suitable books, according to a well-arranged method of book-keeping, faithful and exact accounts of all his receipts, and disbursements, distinguishing tuition fees from other receipts, and expenditures for the Library from other expenditures, and showing under the head of every appropriation made by the Board, kept sepa- rate, I he payments which have been made under it. •1. He shall, semi-annually, on the first days of the stated and May meetings of the Board, make a. detailed report ol' his receipts and expenditures; thai, at the stated meeting, for the preceding year, and that, at May, for the preceding half-year ; and. with each report, shall •20 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. submit his vouchors, and specify the bonds and other securities that may be in Ms h I with a statement of their condition; with each report, he shall a] Lxnate of the probable receipt- for the next half-year, and of the appropriations which are proper to be made by the Bo,,.: I. arr mged according to the degree of rheir necessity; to make thi- Lm - .. shall c offer with the Executive Committee, the Library C le Faculty and Marshal, reporting what each of these may - i _■_ . ■ , and his opinion of the suggestions, severally; and, previous to Lb shall submit his annual report of receipts and expenditures to the Executive Committee, the Library Committee, andth F y, and after it shall have been examined and approved by each of these bodies, shall cause it to be printed for the use of the L _: -~. tture, an 1 seo I Lt, t >gether with the printed copies, to the Board of Tr - the first day of frs stated meeting. 5. An E Committee of Five, of whom the Chairman of the Faculty shall be one. and. ex-officio, Chairman, shall be annually appointed at the sd meeting of the Board. It shall meet in the Library on the first Saturday of each month, and oftener, at the call of. the Chairman. To it must be 1 all proposed expenditur a : appropria' - Le, r the 1 urd of Tr- from the Treasury, except th" >e for tl fit of the Library; and no money shall be drawn from the Treasury, except by the immediate authority i Board, or the >i of Library Committee, unless authorized by the draft of the Executive Commil t . signed by its Chairnu 6. The Session shall be divided into two equal term- — one beginning on the first of October, and the other on the loth of February. All fees for tuition, and all University charges, shall be paid in advance, at the beginning of each term. No deduction shall be made when the student enter- during the term. But. upon the death of a student, or when he leaves the 1 oiv rsity by permission of the Faculty, on account of ill-health, th ■:' tuition, and other University charges paid, shall be ref mded. 7. An annual fee dollars shall be paid into the Treasury of the University, by each student, at the beginning of the Session, or upon his entrance into the University. 8. Xo part of the University fund, or of the fund appropriated by the Legislature for the Library, shall be drawn or expended, without the previous appropriation of the Board of Trustee-. UNIVERSITY OP SOUTH CAROLINA. 21 CHAPTER TX. Rooms — Their Occupation — Buildings. The Faculty shall make all needful regulations respecting the use and occupation of the buildings by the students, which shall be subject to revision by the Board. CHAPTER X. The Bursar and Marshal — Hoarding Houses. 1. The offices of Bursar and Marshal shall be united in the same person. He shall be annually elected by the Faculty, and may be removed by them at pleasure. His salary shall be four hundred dollars, payable quarterly in advance ; and he shall give bond and security in the penalty of five hundred dollars. lie shall be under the direction and control of the Faculty. 2. lie is charged with the general superintendence of all the Univer- sity buildings, out-buildings and other fixtures belonging to the Tni- versity, (except those appropriated to other officers,) and of the grounds within the University enclosure. He shall take special care that none of them are injured or destroyed, and shall forthwith report i<> the Faculty any injury they may have sustained, and the author or authors of it, if known. He shall also superintend ail repairs ami cleansing which the Faculty may direct, and shall keep the Faculty informed of the condi- tion of the buildings as to their need of cleansing and repairs. It shall be his duty, further, to inform the Professors <>f bon-lires, or any other disturbance caused by the students, and (<> aid and assjst in detecting the offenders, if required t<> d<> so; and to extinguish the fires. He shall remove, or caused to be removed from within the University enclosure, all persons and things not belonging to the University thai are likely to disturb the quiet and order of the campus such as stroll- ing musicians, idle and noisy boys from the town, hogs, horses, dogs, cattle. ■".. As Bursar, his duties are to supply the ( 'ominous with wholesome 22 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. food, in sufficient quantities and well-prepared ; to have the meals of the students boarding with him. decently and punctually served up at the hours which the Faculty may prescribe, and, in general, to keep a boarding house, of which, on account of fare, attention and cleanliness, no just complaint can be made. 4. The price which each student, boarding in Commons, is to pay for board per week, shall be fixed, from time to time, by the Faculty ; and, for his compensation, the Bursar shall be entitled to the sums — abating the authorized deductions — paid by the students for weekly board; and. to the use of the commons* hall, furniture and garden, subject to the obligation of keeping them in repair, and of giving up the garden when the ground may be needed for other purposes by the Board. 5. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Bursar shall give bond with sufficient security, to be approved by the Executive Commit- tee, in the penalty of live thousand dollars, conditioned to comply with the above requisitions at the compensation above specified, as also to conform to all laws made, or to be made, by the Board of Trustees or the Faculty, for his government and direction. 6. For the accommodation of students, whose parents or guardians are unwilling that they should board in Commons, the Faculty are author- ized to license other boarding-houses, upon the following conditions : Each of these houses must, through a responsible proprietor, engage, (1.) That a lady shall always preside at the table; (2.) That the meals shall be punctually furnished at the same hours with the meals in Com- mons, except that supper maybe an hour later; (3.) That no intoxicating liquor, whether distilled or fermented, shall be supplied to the students, in the house, or by any person connected with it. and none be permit- ted to be drunk at the table, or by a student in the house ; (4.) That the misconduct of a student in the house shall be reported, to the Faculty, and in case of disorder, suspected or known, the house shall be subject to the visitation of the Faculty. The violation of any of these con- ditions shall cause a forfeit of the license. 7. Students shall be at liberty to board at these houses, upon the written application of their parents or guardians to the Chairman of the Faculty — such application always to be made either at the beginning of the session, or upon two weeks" notice ; and in detault of this notice, the student shall pay into the Treasury the amount of two weeks' board in Commons. Any student may be deprived of this liberty on account of riotous or disorderly conduct at the boarding-house, or for his failure to return from his meals at the hours prescribed. 8. Students, whose parents or guardians reside in Columbia or its immediate vicinity, and who may wish their sons or wards to board, at UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 23 home, may be allowed to do so upon the statement of their case to the Chairman of the Faculty. Those also Avhose health is certified by a practising physician to require it, may be permitted by the Chairman of the Faculty, to board at a private house. 9. Students may also be allowed by the Faculty to accept board or to make arrangements, to be approved by the Faculty, for cheaper living than they can obtain in the Commons or licensed boarding-houses. 10. The Board may revise any regulation the Faculty may make respecting the Bursar and Marshal, and boarding-houses. CHAPTER XI. Library — Librarian — Library Committee. 1 . The Librarian, in addition to the duties naturally belonging to the department of a Librarian, shall perform those of Treasurer, and of Secretary of the Faculty. 2. He shall be elected by the Board of Trustees, hold his office for an indefinite time at the pleasure of the Board ; be bound to give notice of his intention to resign in like manner as a Professor is bound, and receive a salary at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars a year, payable quarterly, at the end of each quarter. 3. Before lie shall enter on the duties of his office, he shall give bond, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, with two or more good sureties, to be approved by the Executive Committee, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. 4. There shall be annually appointed a Library Committee, to consist of six members, to wit : The Chairman of the Faculty, two Professors, and three Trustees, of whom the Chairman o\" the Faculty shall be, ex- officio, chairman. The two Professors shall be elected by (he Faculty, :iiid their election be communicated to the Board of Trustees at its annual meeting, when the three Trustees shall be added. To supply any vacancy in this Committee, the President of the Board of Trustees or f he Faculty, shall make appointment, according as the vacancy may be, either of a Trustee or of a Professor. This Committee shall meet in the University Library on the first Saturday of every month, and at such other t hues and places as it may adjourn to, or as the Chairman, by a call, which he shall have power to make, may appoint. Semi-annually, this Committee shall report to the Board tA' Trustees fully concerning UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. the Library, the Librarian, the proceedings of the Committee, and the action which is de ired from the Board. ."). The Library Committee shall, subjecl to the Hoard of Tmsl have the general control and supervision of the Library; shall author- ize all new orders for books ; may. ai its discretion, iii the purehat books, appoint book agents, and otherwise direct the Librarian; shall l»ro\ ide regulations concerning I he use ol books, visitors to the Library, and the duties of the Librarian, subject to the rules and orders of the Board 6. The Librarian shall make out lists ofbooks to be submitted to the Library Committee for its orders, and lists of those ordered by the Com- mittee to be purchased ; shall purchase and receive the books which the Committee may authorize to be purchased ; shall obey all direct ion- of the Committee concerning book agents, the hooks and the Library; shall make a mil catalogue of all the books, and keep it complel the books accumulate; shall perform the duties that naturally belong to the department of a Librarian, according to the regulations which may be prescribed by the Board or the Library Committee ; shall be held responsible for all the books and papers which may come to his Charge, and shall carefully arrange and preserve all the manuscript books and papers which belong to the University, or any department thereof, except those "which are kept by the Secretary of the Board, or one of the Committees of the Board. The following shall be fundamental regulations for the Library that shall not be altered or dispensed with by the Library Committee: First. No one but the Librarian shall have a key to th< Library. Second. No person shall take books from the Library but through the Librarian. Third. Visitors shall not be permitted in the Library without the presence of the Librarian. Fourth. Xo student shall be permitted to lounge in the Library; his working or visiting there may be subject to the regulations of the Library Committee. it shall be the duty of the Librarian to be, in his own person, present in the Library at such hours as the Library Committee may appoint, every day, from the first day of October to the fifteenth day of July, (Sundays, Christmas day, and the fourth day of July, excepted,) unless necessarily prevented by sickness, or unless leave of absence shall have been granted to him by the Chairman i>\' the Faculty, which the Chair- man is hereby authorized, for good reason, to grant tor a time not exceeding one week : or unless leave of absence shall have been granted to him by the Librar ittee, which Commi i hei UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 25 authorized, in its sound discretion, to grant for a time not exceeding one month. In all cases of his absence, by reason of sickness, leave or other cause, the Librarian shall take care that his duties in the Library be performed by a competent deputy ; and during his vacation between the fifteenth of July and first of October, he shall leave such a deputy, who may allow the use of books to persons entitled thereto, receive visitors, and do such other necessary duties as the regulations of the Library Committee may require. For the conduct of his deputy the Librarian shall be responsible. 8. The Librarian shall further perform all duties and do all things which by by-laws or orders now existing, or hereafter to be made, may be required of the Treasurer or of the Secretary of the Faculty. His proper title, whichsoever of his duties may be referred to, shall be Librarian ; but he shall be meant whenever terms are used applicable to either of the ofiices heretofore existing, and now blended in the office of Librarian. CHAPTER XII. Discipline. 1. The rewards and punishments of this Institution shall be address- ed to the sense of duty and the principles of honor and shame. 2. The punishments of the University shall be friendly warning and caution by an officer of the University, or by order of the Faculty ; admonition before the Faculty ; suspension from the privileges of the University, for a definite time ; indefinite dismission, with notice to the parent or guardian of the offender ; and formal and public expulsion. Beside which, the Faculty may, in case of gross deficiency, degrade a student to a lower class or refuse him promotion. 3. Offences are any acts, omissions, or habits, unfavorable to the peculiar duties of a student, or incompatible with the obligations of morality and religion, or inconsistent with the propriety, decorum or courtesy, which should always characterize the gentleman. As the (Mid of the University is to train a body of gentlemen in knowledge, virtue, religion and refinement, whatever has a tendency to defeat this end, or is inconsistent with it, shall be treated and punished as an offence, whether expressly mentioned in the laws Of not. The sense of decency, propriety and right, which every honorable young man carries 4 M UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. in his own bosom, shall be taken as a sufficient means of knowing these things, and he who pleads ignorance in snch matters is unfit to be a member of the University. The Board expects and requires the stu- dents to maintain the character of refined and elevated Christian gentlemen. It would be ashamed of any man, who would excuse breaches of morality, propriety and decorum, on the plea, that the acts in question were not specifically condemned in the University code. It earnestly desires that the students may be influenced to good conduct and diligence in study by higher motives than the coercion of law ; and it mainly relies, for the success of the Institution, as a place of liberal education, on moral and religious principle, a sense of duty and the generous feelings which belong to young men engaged in honor- able pursuits. 4. Students may be arraigned for offences on the following grounds : The marks of the monitors ; the report of an officer of the University; credible information, imparted to the Faculty from any quarter, giving rise to reasonable suspicion ; circumstantial evidence, giving rise to a presumption of guilt ; and in the case of violence or injury to their own persons, upon the report of servants. No student, however, shall ever be convicted except upon his own confession, tacit or express, or full and satisfactory proof. 5. One student shall never be required to give information against another, except when riotous or disorderly conduct shall take place in a student's room. In that case, the occupant, if he were present at the time, shall be bound to indicate the true offender, or be considered as assuming the guilt of the offence, and be punished accordingly. 6. A student who has dishonorably concealed his own guilt and has permitted another to be punished for his offence, shall, upon detection, be expelled. 7. When a student is arraigned upon suspicion, arising either from credible information, or from circumstantial evidence, the offence of which he is suspected, shall be distinctly stated to him, and he shall be required to confess or deny, that he had any agency in the matter. A refusal to answer shall be treated as a tacit confession of guilt. The name of an informer is, in no case, to be given up without his authority. 8. Circumstances giving rise to reasonable suspicion or presumption of guilt are such as these : being present at the time and place of an offence ; residing in a tenement or entry in which an offence has been committed ; or being there on a visit at the time of its commission ; absence from morning prayers after a disturbance the night before. (1). When a student shall have been absent from his room after nine o'clock in the evening, he may be required to give account of himself UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 27 for the whole night, as well as for the time when his room was visited. (2). If any improper or disorderly conduct take place in a particular tenement or entry, the Faculty may, without visiting the rooms, call up all the occupants of that tenement or entry, or any number of them, or all who, upon visiting the rooms, are found in it, or any number of them, and put each student upon his confession or exculpation. (3). If about the time of an offence, any student should be seen going to a particular tenement or entry, apparently from the place of the offence, and cannot be designated, all who may be found in that tenement or entry upon its visitation, may be arraigned, and each put upon his confession or exculpation. (4). If several students should be seen together at the time, and place of an offence, and yet the actual offender cannot be designated, the Faculty may arraign all, or any of the students thus seen together, and put each upon his confession or exculpation. (5). All absentees from morning prayers, when there has been riotous and disorderly conduct the night before, may be presumed guilty of having participated ; and, accordingly, be put, each, upon his confession or exculpation. 9. The punishment of offences to which no particular penalty is assigned in the laws is left to the discretion of the Faculty. 10. Whenever a student is convicted of an offence which, in the judgment of the Faculty, ought to be visited with expulsion, they shall forthwith suspend him, and order him from the University, and from the Town of Columbia, if his home is not there, and make a minute and particular report of the whole case to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. 11. The Chairman, with the assent of the Faculty, may request any parent or guardian to remove from the University, any student, his son or ward, who, in the opinion of the Faculty, is not fulfilling, or is not likely to fulfil the purposes of his residence 4 in the University, or who, in their opinion, is, from any cause, an unfit member of the Institution, and the student shall immediately leave the University, and also the Town of Columbia, unless his home is there. 2S UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XIII. Publication of Regulations of the Faculty. The Faculty shall rej^ort to the Board of Trustees all such Regula- tions as they may adopt, and shall cause them to be published for the information of the students. CHAPTER XIV Amendments and Alterations of the Laics. Xone of these By-Laws shall be subject to change, by repeal, altera- tion or suspension, unless by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at one of the regular, half-yearly meetings of the Board, and after notice, in general terms, of the change proposed, given to the Board, at least one day before consideration of the proposition. REGULATIONS OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE, 1. The Librarian shall be held accountable for the safe keeping and good care of the books committed to his charge. He shall superintend and direct the internal administration of the Library, and regularly and faithfully perform the duties of his office. 2. Lie shall ordinarily attend to the delivery and return of books borrowed from the Library, and keep a record of the same. 3. It shall be his duty to acknowledge every donation to the Library by a letter of thanks, and he shall have the management of all other official correspondence relating to the Library. 4. He shall receive all books, etc., sent to the Library and have them cleaned, and arranged in their proper places. He shall have all books needing it, repaired and bound. 5. He shall enter the titles of all books, pamphlets, prints and maps, added to the Library from time to time, in a book or books procured for the purpose, mentioning the size of the volume, the alcove and shelf wherein placed, and any other particulars worthy of note. 6. He shall have the Library at all limes kept neat and clean, and for this purpose may use, at his discretion, one of the University servants. 7. He shall make two written reports to the Trustees on the state of the Library, the books added by donation or otherwise, and of those which have been lost. The one at the meeting in May for the preced- ing six months, the other in December for the year ending at that time. At these times he shall submit for the inspection iA' the Board, the books containing the orders of the Library C ominit tee, 8. The report on the Library Fund shall be made up to the first ol November of each year, and printed with the report on the Treasury. 30 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Library Hours. 9. From the first day of October to the fifteenth day of July, the Library shall be open the six secular days of the week from 9 o'clock A. M., to 1 o'clock P. M., except Christmas day, Good Friday and the fourth of July, and such other days as, from special reason, the Library Committee shall direct it to be closed. 10. From the fifteenth day of July to the first day of October, the Library shall be open every Wednesday from 9 to 12 o'clock, in the morning. The Library will be closed when the Librarian's services are required as Secretary of the Faculty, and during the meetings of the Library and Executive Committees. 11. Students can take out and return books on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays : they can obtain access on other Library days only when they desire to consult a reference book, or to settle their Univer- sity dues. 12. All persons who wish to have access to the Library, or to bring their friends to see it, are expected to make their visits on the days aud within the hours above mentioned. Borrowers of Boohs. 13. No books shall be taken from the Library except by the follow- ing persons, without special permission from the Library Committee, viz : the Trustees of the University ; all such persons as have made a donation to the value of one hundred dollars to the Library ; the officers of instruction ; resident graduates, and all the students ; and no graduates shall be considered as resident graduates, and, as such, entitled to the use of the Library, unless they reside within the Univer- sity walls. 14. The Librarian shall have the discretion of allowing visitors to read or consult books in the Library. Special Laics. 15. All persons, while in the Library, are to remain uncovered, and to refrain from loud conversation, and from other improprieties of speech and behaviour. 16. No book shall be borrowed from the Library without the knowledge and presence of the Librarian, who shall take particular notice of the state of each book when delivered out and when returned. 17. Each student is entitled to receive from the Library at one time, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 31 one folio, or as equivalent, one quarto and one octavo, or three octavos or four duodecimos. Except such as are preparing speeches for public exhibitions, who may obtain twice the number they, at other times, are entitled to. 1 8. No student shall be allowed to keep any book longer than three weeks, and no person shall retain a periodical recently received more than three days. 19. When a book is returned it may again be taken out by the same person, unless it has, in the meantime, been applied for by another. But no book can be renewed to any student unless it be brought to the Library. 20. If any student desires to borrow a book which is lent out of the Library, he may leave his name and the title of the book with the Librarian, and, when the book shall be returned, the Librarian shall reserve it for the person so applying, provided he call for it at the next time of receiving books from the Library. 21. When there are two or more copies of the same book, the least elegant or rare shall be lent first. 22. If any student take a book or books from the Library without the knowledge and consent of the Librarian, or if he voluntarily mutilate any volume, he shall be liable to the penalty of suspension or expulsion from the University, and, if any other person, having a right to use the Library, shall, in like manner, transgress the rules, he shall be suspended from the exercise of that right during the pleasure of the* Library Committee. 23. No person shall write or mark in a book belonging to the Library, except the Librarian, or the Chairman of the Facility, or some person authorized to do so by them. 24. If any book, taken from the Library, be lost or damaged, the delinquent shall replace it by a new copy of equal value, within three months. If it be not replaced within that time, the Librarian shall make out an account against the said delinquent of double the price of* the said book, or set, if it belongs to one; which account shall be charged in his next bill of tuitjon, and the money shall be applied to the use of the library. 25. No student shall lend to any other person, except another student, or sutler to be carried from his room any book belonging to the Library, on pain of a severe reprimand from the Librarian: and, if the offence be repeated, such student shall be denied access to the Library. 26. No person shall be allowed to carry anv books belonging to the Library out of the Town of Columbia and its vicinity, without the per- mission of the Library Committee. 32 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 27. Such books, charts, maps, etc., as have been or which may be presented, with the intention or request that they shall not be lent from the Library, shall, in no case, be lent. And the Librarian shall have the discretion of withholding from circulation, books which are valu- able for their plates, or for their rarity or antiquity, or those which he may designate as books of reference. 28. When a student neglects to return a book in the legal time he shall be liable to pay a fine of twenty-five cents a day for every volume until it is returned ; when the fines amount to two dollars, it shall be notified to him by the Librarian. All moneys, arising from fines, etc., are to be collected by the Librarian at the beginning of each quarter, and added to the Library Fund. 29. The students are all required to observe the strictest decorum while receiving books from the Librarian. Any student who shall violate this law shall be punishable at the discretion of the Faculty. 30. Smoking is prohibited, and the Librarian is strictly enjoined never to carry, or suffered to be carried, into the Library, a lighted lamp or candle, except in cases of necessity. 31. Every student, before leaving the University, for an expected absence of more than one week, shall return the books he may have from the Library. 32. All books, borrowed by students, shall be returned on or before the Thursday before the beginning of the examination in June. 33. Every person, having books from the Library, shall, without ex- ception, return them on or before the last day of the session, and the Librarian is particularly enjoined to notify, to those who neglect to comply with this law, that they shall not be allowed the privilege of the Library until their books are duly returned. 34. No student shall be admitted to the first degree, nor any resident bachelor to a second degree, until he has returned, in good order or replaced every book that he has borrowed, or otherwise satisfied the Librarian, who is directed to report all defaulters to the Chairman. 35. The Librarian shall have liberty to suspend from the privilege and use of the Library any student, who shall violate any of the laws or regulations of it, or be guilty of any flagrant breach of propriety ; but in any case of his doing so, he shall immediately make report of the same to the Chairman of the Faculty, who may restore the privilege or otherwise as he may think proper. 36. The Librarian shall keep a blank book properly ruled, in which every person entitled to the use of the books of the University Li- brary, and all literary visitors, may write the title, author and publisher, size and price of such books or book as, according to UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 33 their opinion, ought to be purchased for the Library. Each person recommending a book in this Avay shall, also add his own name to the title, etc., of the recommended book. And the Librarian shall lay the matter before the Trustees at their several meetings. 37. The Librarian shall also keep a book of benefactions, in which shall be recorded all books, charts, maps, busts or paintings presented to the Library ; the name of the donor ; the title of the donation and the time when made. REGULATIONS OF THE FACULTY, SECTION I. No under-graduate shall attend the instructions of any person, who mav undertake to teach any language, art, science or polite accomplish- ment, without the permission of the Faculty. SECTION II. On the admission of any student, the Secretary of the Faculty shall furnish him with a copy of the Laws. SECTION III. 1. During the session, the hours of morning prayer shall be, on every week-day from the first Monday of October to the first day of April, 7 o'clock ; from the first day of April to the close of the session, 6 o'clock. On Sunday mornings, prayer shall be had, from the first Monday of October to the first day of April, at 8 o'clock ; from the first of April to the close of the session, at 7 o'clock. Evening prayers throughout the session shall be at 5 o'clock. 2. No student shall play on any instrument of music, or engage in diversions and sports on the Lord's day, and all lounging under the trees, or collecting in groups about the campus, or before the entries, or any of the University steps, for the purpose of amusement or conversa- tion on that day, is expressly forbidden. SECTION IV. 1. Rooms shall be assigned under such regulations as the Faculty may adopt. 2. If the room of any student shall be deficient in cleanliness, the Faculty may order all necessary cleansing to be done at his expense. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 35 3. At the end of the session, and the beginning of the Christmas holidays, every student shall leave the key of his apartment with the Marshal, who shall take care of his books and furniture, and have the room ready for his reception upon his return. SECTION V. No student can receive his Degree or Certificate who has not re- turned all books for which he is responsible to the University Library. The Librarian shall report all defaulters to the Chairman of the Faculty three days before the close of the session. SECTION VI. Scale of Punishment, The scale of punishment shall be admonition, suspension, and report for expulsion. Decorum, 1. The students shall observe neatness and cleanliness in their persons and dress, be respectful in their conduct towards the officers of the Uni- versity, polite to strangers, and courteous in their intercourse with the public and with each other. No one of them shall come into the chapel, or the University hall, or any apartment for recitation, without being fully dressed ; nor shall he lounge or sit in an indecorous position, nor talk, nor whisper, nor, in any manner, offend against the rules of propriety, common among gentlemen assembled for grave purposes. 2. The students are required to take their seats in the chapel, Universit y hall, and other public rooms, and go from them in such order, as the Professors, respectively, may prescribe for their lecture rooms, and the Chairman for the chapel and University hall. :5. They are forbidden to smoke or to chew tobacco in any of the public rooms or the entries leading to them, or any of the rooms in which they are convened for recitation or lecture; or to soil, deface or mutilate them or their furniture by any means whatever. 4. They shall always enter the chapel, University hall, library, lecture rooms or dining room uncovered, and remain so as long as they are in them. 5. [f any student shall treat with disrespect, wilfully insult, assaull or strike any officer of the University, he shall he suspended or re ported for expulsion ;is the ease may require. 6. li any student shall treal ruddy or discourteously any stranger 36 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. visiting the University, he shall be suspended or reported for expulsion, according; to the aggravation of the case. Study — Neglect, Interruptions or Hindrances of. 1. If any student shall absent himself from the University exercises of any kind, and fail to render a satisfactary excuse for his absence, he shall be subject to admonition; and one who shall habitually neglect his studies or other duties, may be suspended or dismissed, upon notice to his parent or guardian, at the discretion of the Faculty. 2. No student shall be permitted to entertain company in his room, and if any shall refuse to open the door of his apartment, when re- quired by a member of the Faculty, he shall be admonished, suspended or reported for expulsion, according to the aggravation of the offence. 3. No student or students shall be permitted to make or unite in making any ball, party, or festive entertainment, without special per- mission of the Faculty. Temptations to Disorder and Bad Habits. Students are strictly forbidden to visit bar-rooms, grog-shops, or disorderly houses; or to use, or bring within the precincts of the University, any intoxicating liquors ; or to have about their persons, or keep in their rooms, anj^ deadly weapon, which may be secretly carried : upon pain of admonition, suspension, or report for expulsion, at the discretion of the Faculty. Gross Immoralities, 1. Any student Avho shall be guilty of any atrocious or infamous offence, who shall fight a duel, or give or accept a challenge to fight a duel, or who shall cany any challenge to fight a duel, or act as a second to those who shall give or accept a challenge, shall be forthwith suspended from the University, and reported for expulsion. 2. All students are strictly forbidded to game, to use profane or obscene language, or get drunk, or be guilty of riotous, disorderly or any other immoral conduct ; and any one offending in any of these respects, shall be admonished, suspended or reported for expulsion, as the case may require. Ilinderances to the IJ.recation of the laicv. 1. No class, or other meetings of the students, shall be held upon their own authority without the special permission of the Chairman, and then only for such purposes as shall be specified. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 3? 2. No society for debating or any other purpose shall hereafter be formed in the University, unless a copy of its constitution and of all its rules and regulations be submitted to the Chairman of the Faculty and receive his sanction. He must also be kept informed of any changes that are made in them. 3. All combinations among the students to oppose the authority of the Faculty, or to impede the operation of the laws, are strictly for- bidden. 4. If a student shall knowingly receive, harbor, or entertain in his room another student, who has been suspended or ordered to leave the University by the Faculty, the student so offending, shall be ad- monished or suspended at the discretion of the Faculty. 5. When a student is suspended he must leave the University forth- with, unless permitted to remain longer by the Chairman of the Faculty ; and, whenever required to do so, must leave the Town of Columbia, SECTION VII. Examinations. The examinations arc of three kinds: 1, the Daily examinations; 2, the Intermediate and Final general examinations ; and 8, examina- tions for graduation. 1 . — Daily Exami 'mat iorssi Each Professor, before commencing the lecture of the day, examines liis elass orally, on the subject of the preceding lecture as developed in the text-book and expounded in the lecture. 2. — General MtamintitioHs. Two general examinations of each class are held during lite session in the presence of a committee of the Faculty, which every student is required to stand. The first, called (lie Intermediate Examination, is held about- the middle of the session, and embraces in its scope the subjects of instruction in the first hall' of the course. The second, called the Final Examination, is held in the closing week of I ho session, and embraces the subjects treated of in the second half of th*' course. These examinatiotis arc conducted in Writing. The <|iiestions pro- pounded have, each, numerical values attached to them. If the answers of I he sludent are valued, in I he Aggregate, a1 hot less than Hiree-fourt'hs of the Aggregate values assigned t<» the question*?, he is ranked in the first division : if less Chan three-fourths and more than 38 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. one-half, in the second division ; if less than one-half and more than one-fourth, in the third division ; and if less than one-fourth, in the .fourth division. Certificates of distinction are awarded to those who attain the first division at one or both of these examinations, and their names are published or announced in the closing exercises of the session. The general examinations are sufficiently comprehensive and difficult to render it impossible for the student, without steady diligence, to secure a place in the first division. The results, whatever they may be, are communicated to parents and guardians respectively, in the final circular of the session. The standing of the student at the daily and general examinations is taken into the account, in ascertaining his qualifications for gradua- tion in any of the Schools. 3. — Examinations for Graduation. The examinations for graduation are held in the last month of the session. They are conducted, in each School, by the Professor thereof, in presence of two other Professors, forming with him the committee of examination for the School. The candidates for graduation are subjected to searching interroga- tions on the details and niceties, as well as the leading principles of the subject, and they are expected to be accurately versed in all the topics treated of in the Lectures and correlative texts. These examinations are earned on chiefly in writing; but in some of the Schools are partly oral. X. B. — As a due acquaintance with the English Language is indis- pensable to the attainment of even the inferior honors of the Institu- tion, all Candidates for Graduation are subjected to a preliminary examination, to test their qualifications in this respect. SECTION VIII. Public Day. On the closing day of the session, which occurs on the 29th of June, unless that day be Sunday, and then on the 28th, the Visitors, Faculty, Officers and Students of the University assemble in the Public Hall — whither also, the friends of the Students and the public generally are invited. On this occasion the results of the examinations are announced, certificates and diplomas awarded, and addresses delivered bv the Bachelors and Masters of Arts. — LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IIII II II