^K" 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Ckap^O&opvriglit No*. ShelLiDDtJ^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. *•> m 9* m 3 Lightning Educator •* 9V #> 9m _ — __in — . «g tm m »•> m S STE NOG RAPH Y*~ « *•> <•« 7>%i A CHART DESIGNED BY ft, 9m m £ J. DE L' ETOILE, <* 9m »: }k%) Professor of d*o ^ LANGUAGES, SCIENCES and STENOGRAPHY. (W 9m m 9m — -^ <•>; *•> *{ ** W1LEREB DE L' ETOILE. - PR0PRIET0R, . «S {W BOSTON, MASS. £g *•> 'At *" w ' Copyright, 1895, ^v »•> <*i a^| WILFRED DE L ' ETOILE. ^ . *•> A! LIGHTNINQ EDUCATOR — «.IN.^*- TE^©@W ELE- INSTRUCTOR and EASY READER for all those who are desirous of 'learning Shorthand during leisure hours at home. /^HARTS in systems of SHORTHAND can be liad by sending 25 cents (in postage stamps or P, 0, Order, I ESSONS in STENOGRAPHY, &c, ; will be given by cor *-* respondence to all parts of tire United States, Please address, Mr. Wilfred de l'Etoile, SOMERSWORTH, N. H. P. O. BOX 6 1 6. \ •9 Shorthand Chart— Seln HOW TO READ THIS CHART AND TO WRITE. — In all cases look in the tirst column for the first letter of the word you want to write ; then move in a straight line to the right till the column of the Hook or Looj ached — thus, Maker, M and Kr hook s^* — , Fashion, F and Tion hook ^O . Roman, R and Mn hook' Dominion, D, M and Nn hook l~N_r?» Bask, Bs loop and k \o__JRecast, Ree and Kst Loop^*" ^ Bear in mind thg S loop takes its place before, alter or between syllables as in ordinary writing, as Bosom, Bs loop and M ^^"n - Stock. St loop and k, O* — Cost, Kst loop, . ^r-> Obligation, Bl hook and G tion hook.^^J^ Terminus. Tr hook, -.\ M and Ns loop, \ — ^__p. Asking. S. K and ing, X-*, .Science, S, and Xs loop. \j) . Looking, L, K and ing, f ^ Broken. l»r hook and Kn hoo 1 -' Letters R hook L hook W hook N hook Ter hook F hook V hook Tion hook Sloop Sloop St loop St loop Ster loop — K — Gay I Tee / D / Chay / J \ P \ ^ She -> m ^ F V V ( Th ( Thai; ) S ) I w N \y Ing ^ M ^ H r l r y ^ R ^N W ,_ car ^ — gra7 1 try 1 dry 7 chair f jar \ pray \ oar J 7 share ^pleasure ^ fair ^ Very C throw C there *) zore ware yarrow call m P f / chill Z 7 jail \ Play \ DeU ^ shell ^. tail t-vail thle zeal O nnl O ingal c> mail Dave \j above -^ action «3 gaQon \j Orion \j diUon saJte Ejection \)passion V Dition V> five ^tashion Vj vision L_sag f set f saiii y° such y°sage \ sop \ snh ^ sale ^. save \ i mn ^rather ^ rough ^7 have —5^ move f \m ^> rave O nation o motion r p\ O son <^ sing ^some C sale ^ sir °^ sway o^'sorry —o case — o gas t ties t does ^ chase ^ joys V pace \o base ■J shows of measures ^o face Co voice Q thus £ those <) says 3 zoes o?nose o>ings f~s mace ^-^ house r lace r. yes ^ ours "^ ways ^race stock stale t f ^stitch •^ stage \ step \ stah 0^ stove _^gnst () test I dust behest / just ^ post \ Dest ^ caster glister W fast Vc^ vast /^jester \^ poster ^ coaster ^ ^ ^/ stone ^/Stjng ^^ — ^ stem ^ star ^stoway ^ story ^^ most ^n host ^last f yeast ^ artist ^ waste ^'rest ^? master hoster blaster master Rooster REM AUKS. — Stenography has no C nor G which is gay in all cases, J is used as Page ^ P and J. K is used for C on A, O and-u. S loop is used for C on E, I and U soft sounds. When writing always look the word-signs tor words pf one Stroke! You can write half lengths -h», of the, ~ or, of it, ** . in the - or, in it, ^. for the, «^ or, for it, ^ • IALJ Shorthand Chart— Selilnstructor and Easy Reader.^ Adapted to all Languages. :/ \i \ Ml -^ shell a a,/ Q (ill jj<. Call e? Cm a - On ^ v^ 11!, ^ C\U /Till i f! /"Ml 7!) v, Mtr V) H Am v. ^ Mil V c wJtWllfj t: afijr Tit ^■"'^ „,„ .„^-.... -9 fl^ v» «.."te"> Italy in those ages had broken (low dies I'L'iiKiineil others were confounded with the ^— ^ e-r- ^9- ^V TO BE SOLD IN ALL BOOK STORES. fhe Remington Typewriter More Permanent Alignment, Improved Spacing Mechanism, Lighter and Wider Carriage, Uniform and Easy Touch, Economical Ribbon Movement, Improved Paper Feed, Readily Adjustable paper and Envelope Guides, Matchless Construction. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CAT Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 3W *S°*™ AV BOSTON OFFICE, 15 SCHOOL STREET. '''J.'.MtV'.V LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 027 275 555 3