.MES-M-GRAY Class JS Bnnlc iB 5Trr 7 Copyright If CQFjfRiGHT DEPOSIT. Spiritism and the Fallen Angels By JAMES M. GRAY, D. D. Christian Workers Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. 8vo, cloth . The mature work of an experienced Bible teacher, whose " Synthetic Bible Studies " is well known in Bible Study circles. Bible Problems Explained. i2mo, cloth, The same earnest, positive, evangelical spirit characterizes these studies that has made Dean Gray's other books accept- able to so large a body of Christian students. Salvation from Start to Finish. Cloth, " The earnest, positive, evangelical tone of the whole series of expositions is decidedly refreshing in these days of uncertain faith and of doubtful disputations." — Advance. Great Epochs of Sacred History. And the Shad- ows They Cast. i2mo, cloth "A series of popular Bible Studies on the first twelve chap- ters of Genesis. This is a book well worth circulating." — JV. Y. Observer. Satan and the Saint. The Present Darkness and the Coming Light. l6mo, cloth, "Will do much to clear away confusion created by some of the religious ohenomena of the present day." — Christian Intelligencer. The Antidote to Christian Science. Cloth , " The most reasonable, the fairest and the most practically useful of all the writings against Christian Science which we have seen." — Watchman. Synthetic Bible Studies. 8vo, cloth . " We know of no similar work by which one can get so satis- factory and comprehensive a view of the Bible." — Christian Work. Primers of the Faith. Biblical Introduction and Christian Evidences. Cloth . " A book that every Bible reader will be better for having." — United Presbyterian. Progress in the Life to Come. Boards . A Picture of the Resurrection. A Text Book of Prophecy. Prophecy and the Lord's Return. Spiritism and the Fallen Angels in the light of the Old and New Testaments By JAMES M. GRAY, D.D. Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago Author of "Synthetic Bible Studies" "The Christian Worker's Commentary" "A Text Book on Prophecy" "The Antidote to Christian Science" "Progress in the Life to Come" "Bible Problems Explained" etc. New York Chicago Fleming H. Revell Company London and Edinburgh Copyright, 1920, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY ■~Bs