F129 .H9 F9 f.^^ ?^ * ^,-.- m .zv X'^S'Vt:^ -*ir->*-*..,' i'^n.- , [liok -^ S[^ >>:>: ■c"-^xi>"».'^ XT' r^"f>r^ ^^L? -T^ Tirai: f ■^ 5t ■=>(»^*<:^;i>'i.;Un '^C t^"/^ CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS FROM HUNTINGTON, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK Copied by Josephine G. Frost (Mrs. Sarnuel Knapp Frost) Aug. 1911 T On a bronze tablet attached to a huge boulder in this cemetery, is the following inscription:- This Cemetery, Huntington' 8 first Burial Place was opened about 1700. Within its limits in 1782 Fort Golgotha was built and occupied by British Troops. Here rest the early towns* patriotic dead, sol- dier and civilian. Among them Silas Wood author of tbe first History of Huntington, Long Island. Remove not the old landmark. 1909 .'• yiiJ «i '' O Srt o -1- Lefferts, Lefferts, Hawkhurst, Lefferts, Lefferts, Vail, Conkl in, Conklin, Titus, Titus, Denton, Denton, Van Wyck, Van Wyck, Van Wyck, Henry tefferta,died June 29, 1344 in his 74th year Ruth, wife of Henry Lefferts, died March 26, 1853 in her 81st year lulian wife of Ephraim Hawkhurst, died Hov. 22, 1323. Age 21 years William Lefferts, died June 27, 1324, in his 27th year Ebenezer C. ^efferts, died Sep. 14, 1835 in his 23rd year Abigail, wife of Philetus Vail, died Sep. 23, 1842, in her 54th year Silas Conklin, died March 29, 1854, Age 81 years, 6 months, 23 days Mary, wife of Silas Conklin, died Sep. 12, 1327. A.ge 51 years, 10 mos. 26 days Jonas- Titus, died April 19, 1883. Age 81 ys Alida, wife of Jonas Titus, died Sep. 9, 1881. Age 67 years, 6 months, 14 days Samuel Denton, died Aug. 27, I860. Age 76 years, 8 months and 15 days Hannah, wife of Samuel Denton, died Jan. 7 1857. .Age 66 years, 5 months AbrahaiTi Van Wyck, born Oct. 21, 1767, died Jan. 30, 1352 Zeruah, wife of Abraham Van Wyck, born Oct 15, 1771, died ll&y 22, 1851 Sarah, daughter of Abraliajn and Zeruah Van Wyck, died Oct. 28, 1815. Age 8 years, 6 months and 4 days c njt «f , ' , , ' .1,3., xjoi:.' , i-.r ,.:.i:jiaA »l-a\ e'C^^ £si.. L9ii:- , fifiV -2. Van Wyck, Infant of J. H. and Sarah Van Wyclc, interrd April 2, 1826 Van Wyck, Susannah, daughter of Joshua H. and Sanbh M. Van Wyck, died Nov. 24, 1834. Age 2 years, 2 months, 6 days Van Wyck, Sajnuel A. Van Wyck, died May 19, 1375. Age^ 81 years, 3 months, 25 days Van Wyck, Abraham Van Wyck, died June 24, 1849. Age 50 years, 10 months and 11 days Van ^ck. Sons of Abraham Van Wyck of West Neck, L.I Vsm Wyck, Ellen G. wife of Samuel Van Wyck, died Jan. 7, 1881. Age 73 years. She is buried in Trinity Church yard, New York City Piatt, Alonzo, son of Moses and Adeline Piatt, uld died Jan. 16, 1847. Age 2 years, 3 months, 9 days Piatt, Ralph Austin, son of Moses and Adeline Piatt died March 5, 1854. Age 5 years, 2 mos Titus, William L. Titus, died Jan. 13, 1884. Age 78 years, 1 month, 19 days Titus, ^ary, wife of William L. Titus, died June 24, 1871 in her 76th year Titus, Joel Titus, died Feb. 3, 1851 in h48 52" yr Titus, Abigail, wife of Henry Titus, died Jan. 19 1862, in her 88th year Titus, ^enry Titus, died March 23, 1339, in his 74th year Titus, Andrus, son of ^enry and Abigail Titus, died Sep. 28, 1819. Age 10 years, 10 mos ay.uZ hotb ,il3^r rr -^'ioA ^•^AcxX! naV ( .'r ilqXBH ^S4&L^ ,- ■ ■■' P r r f •,,:■■ ■ < • J "io etiw , TJtiBTjlo'A , Biri ni ,tC8I ,SS xiov-^ b«»lf .au^lT \,tin9" ,aiw*iT iua9\ 1 ' ' nA ,Qi.»lT -3- Titus, Ketchum, Bartow, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Lefferts, Lefferts, Horton, Samm Leff is, \ erts, ) Lefferts, Lefferts, Conklin, Conklin, Joel Missillier, son of Henry W» suid Susan A. TituB, died May 17, 1830. Age 2 mos Silas T. Ketohum, born June 8, 1302, died Oct. 16, 1859 Jane, wife of Thomas J« Bartow, died June 16, 1834. Age 52 years, 7 months John L. son of Piatt and Experience Rogers, died Nov. 13, 1844. Age 19 years, 7mos Experience, wife of Piatt Rogers, born Apr. 19, 1797, died Oct. 13, 1860 Piatt Rogers, born Sep. 5, 1796, died Jan. 18, 1863 John Lefferts, died Dec. 29, 1839. Age 73yrs Charlotte, wife of John Lefferts, died Jan. 16,1810. Age 45 years Letty Augusta, daughter of James and Mary Horton, died April 4, 1837. Age 7 months and 19 days Letty, wife of Smith Saramis and former wife of Seorge Lefferts, died Sep. 13, 1355 Age 46 years, 1 month, 20 days Stephens Lefferts, son of George and Letty died Aug. 31, 1817. Age 10 months Gilbert C. Lefferts, died April 30, 1831 in his 42nd year John Conklin, died Dec. 8, 1825. Age 46 yrs Hannah, daughter of John and Zurviah Conk- lin, died Jan. 9, 1826. Age 22 yrs snx/i. ' .rjji.oj^. jwojru : • ^'■^•y -^of. .BtSgOV. < . r .u-i-.i.o:-. 8i\6r ft3i'i,b'6ol ,v'-* •Cj«i L'^.ib jdj'io :3a r-'icL .-j*. J3» <. ■ n- • im CI ' ,IC . I- , € liiqA fcoi ,Pi'j*'t"!9'l .C' Jiydli. ,8^181"! o-* niri nl ,i'x ..or -4- Ke Sm tcham, ) ith. ) Smith, Conklin, Zurviah, wife of John Gonklin, died Aug. 16, 1351. Age 75 years Smith, Clara A. Smith, died Nov. 23, 1832. Age 33 years Temperance ^etcham, wife of Epenetus Smith died April 15, 1839, in her 73rd year Epenetus Smith, died Sep. 9, 1339 in his 80th year Ketcham, Mary Ketchaca, died April 13, 1873, in her 92nd year llostrand, Charity, widow of Forster Nostrand, died April 16, 1353 in her 92nd year Hostrand, Forster "No strand, died May 20, 1815. Age 56 years Mather, Alexander leather, died May 14, 1826 in his 70th year Prudence, wife of Timothy OaJcley and form- er wife of Capt. Alexander Mather, died April 17, 1860. Age 84 years, 5 months Smith, Charles W. Smith, died Dec. 20, 1849. Age 56 years Smith, Harriett, wife of Charles W. Smith, died Aug. 21, 1833. Age 35 years, 6 months and 6 days Merritt, Sally, wife of Thomas B. Merritt, died Dec. 28, 1886, in her 74th year Merritt, Maria P. daughter of Thomas B. and Sally Merritt, died Feb. 28, 1840. Age 2 years, 2 months, and 7 days Oalcl Mather ley,) her,) -t- jq& i1 M. -I X.J v.'i. «3A .dlcl ,0S \fiii bf*tb ,f)rujT.JeoPi' leJ^e'ro'^I IBS ^ .1 . .■ . •4ii1( . T69i se r »> : d bru • oaa b»lb .i^lii^JI .K aanoriT lo »llw ,>cILbG tflet AJ^V toil ak .dt-aj ,8S \I LbC bfu* ,51 T lo T^irlji^iib . S eaA .0*61 ,f ,J11- jbfifiiJaol' jbftBljBOK ,r J* tens .riiifliC -5- Ketcham, Sarah, daughter of Silas and Elizabeth Ket- oham, died Dec- 11, 1814. Age 6 weeks Ketcham, Letty Ann, daughter of Silas and Elizaiieth Ketcham, died May 10, 1816. Age 7 years, 7 months, 13 days Ketchazn, Silas Ketcham, died Feb, 17, 1823. Age 46 yesurs Ketcham, Elizabeth, wife of Silas Ketcham, died Nov. 4, 185,?. Age 70 years, 7 months, 28dys Ketcham, William N. son of Elizabeth and Silas Ket- cham, died Jan, 9, 1826. Age 3 years, 9 months and 2 days Ketcham, Charles W. son of Silas T. and Phebe Ket- cham, died Oct. 20, 1831, Age 7 months and 24 days Ketcharft, William H, son of Silas T, and Phebe Ket- cham, died March 30, 1831. Age 5 years 3 months, 5 days Phebe, widow of Silas T. ^etcham and wife of William T. Walcott, born May 31, 1806, died March 20, 1867 ^etcham, Elizabeth, daughter of Silas and Elizabeth Ketcham, died Oct. 23, 1834. Age 19 years, 11 months, 23 days Ketcham, Sarah, daughter of John and Elizabeth ^et- cham, died June 10, 1812. Age 33 years Ketcham, Titus, son of John and Elizabeth Ketcham died Aug, 31, 1791. Age 1 year, 1 montii and 19 days ^etcham, Stephen Ketcham, died Nov, 23, 1792. Age 60 years Ketcham Walcott :] -a- •JBJ ,.f^t<0^0>" .o'-PI ,ri .rsir hsio ,^j^r:rt-.i sx^Tiv , ..0*951 -^oJI Q«I1G hns rfioui5siI3 "io nop . --f riiw ,n'j»Kc:J9X ^aiBsx S 3j,A .asei ,e .ctoL bait -J-dX 9 fu!» .T eeliQ \o :■. . aeliariO .mBxfoie^ vdoi ,os iic .-•- issx-& .doer 61 ',''■' n r «» ■ r. "■ Ifnoa X , v^^ .-:.;^•i ,i:: .•...„ «... ,. . -w.-i^-:. ,. (f^.;o.:-'' •« Qmt ^etcham, (?) Ketchara, died Feb. 18, 1803. Age 73 years and 22 days Ketcham, Elizabeth, wife of John Ketchatn, died April 13, 1813, in her 57th year Ketcham, John Ketcham, died Dec. 29, 1829. Age 77 ^ years, 11 months, 11 days Sanimis, Nathaniel, son of Piatt and Keturah Saairaia died ilov. 16, 1835. Age 8 years, 6 months and 22 days Sammis, Piatt Saimnis, died Oct. 30, 1837 in his 71st year Whitson, ^eorge, son of Samuel and Sarah Whit son, died Sep. 19, 1836 in his 27th year Whitson, Sarah, wife of Samuel Whitson, died Dec. 5 1838 in her 58th year Whitson, Samuel Whitson, died March 17, 1853, in his 76th year Whitson, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah Whitsor^ died Oct. 1, 1364 in her 53rd year Whitson, John W. Whitson, died Aug. 30, 1868 in his 43rd year Whitson, Charles Whitson, died Dec. 13, 1881 in his 77th year Whitson, Martha, daughter of Samuel and Saah Whitson died Dec. 29, 1898 in her 82nd year Conklin, Richard Conklin, died May 15, 1348. Age 70y5 Conklin, Abigail, wife of Richard Conklin, died Oct 1, 1795 in her 51st year -a- 8'. ■ SYfGb S2 baa adinoia Bid i-.i V^QZ ^or. .ioO te>iib ,8.cnimB3 iJ-riq ,ri. ..- ,ncfe-^iifiY iLnis:2 box: loJnaa "io noe ,2r.i03»^ ,non:flrr.7 .09(1 faoi .rtoeiirV loiinco '>o ^liv- ,xtB-rj?a ,ncntxi:r.V .in' r:t R^.^ r ,or .t}IfA hsr' .noc^lrJW .V. ftricT. ,r-:f-i„M:7r ,^r >» --eftr ,?:[ ,o?v7 hoi? .no-siixftV ae.rtCKrtO ,noaw*lf:\V jej-irfvr r£«82 baa XftijitiaS lo le-KjjjjisJb ,«r'*'n'T ... OBs'i hnSS lori nl 6961 ,CS . 'sCL b< , t nor r r -7- Conkling, Conkling, Smith, Smith, Conkling, Conklin, Lefferts, Lefferts, Lefford, Conkling, Conkling, Conkling, Conkling, Lefferts, Elizabeth, relict of Capt. Cornelius Conk- ling died Dec. 14, 1309, in her 77th y Capt. Cornelius Conkling, died Sep. 11,1791 Age 64 years Nathan Smith, died Feb. 14, 1311 in his 40th year Elizabeth, wife of Nathan Smith, died Aug. 16, 1793, Age 22 years Seth, son of Richard and Abigail Conkling, died Sep. 27, 1795 in his 20th year, also Nathaniel an older brother died at sea Sep. 1791, aged 22 years Isaac Conklin, died Sep. 29, 1810. Age 29 years, 9 months, 9 days Leffert Lefferts, died April 27, 1828, in his 55th year Sarah widow of Leffert Lefferts, died Oct. 6, 1853, in her 78th year William Lefford, died Jan. 30, 1808. Age 28 years, 11 months, 24 days Henry Conkling, died Sep. 14, 1798. Age 28 years Strong Conkling, died Aug. 1, 1835. Age 68 years, 2 months, 26 days Ruth, relict of Strong Conkling, died Jan. 25, 1847. Age 74 years, 1 month Nathan, son of Strong and Ruth Conkling, died Jan. 24, 1801. Age 14 days Delia Maria, daughter of Harmon and — (?) Lefferts, died April 28, 1834. Age 8 months, 16 days 1 lUV^ l: 'eTJj.tJ .c^'v- i^»xb .snllSno. ' S2 ,:^ni J?uiCiJ cin r-i J J.cl ,i'I .dsi isji;: SxJiiVi jXi^xmO .3:.' A iiiiJ:' ,jCi. ■isuilA ,citita2 »' _ t • . B':r^X S2 fcs:jA5 .leVJ" .qoo cea ,tj? GS esA .0X51 ,62 .qa^. b&ib ,nil>;no0 acjsal ,nJtl3trroO a\/ib G ,ar[^f:Oin C ,eT/?9\i •ttsx x'.J'ea aiif •li^sM riosr led nk ,<^:eei ,d 155 ' . r ,0£ .net f) flic .bio^tsJ nu^i /.r.tw ^LtollaJ 80 9:.A . lobX ,r .jjuA f)9il> ,artlJxnoO ^roiiS ,aniX>tiioO ntnofli X ,3iJiox i-v 3:>A .v^ex ,e? avb ^I ©SA •XOaX ,*r .riflL bsll) (?)— bar noennh lo leJ .irivi ' «1 Ija .eiis'tlaJ 8 agA .^C6I ,8S XlfqA Laiw ,aJ- -8- Conklliit Conklin, Conlclin, Sanrais, Saznmls^ SaonnlSf Sammis, Saznmis, Slessor, Slessor, Slessor, Chichester, Chichester, Chichester, 2 daughters of Strong and Ruth Conlclin, 1st dead born May 2, 1305, 2nd named Mary died March 25, 1810. Age 3 years, 9 months Abigail, daughter of Strong and Ruth Conlc- lin, died Nov, 8, 1826, Age 30 years, 10 months, 4 days Nathan Conlclin, died Aug. 11, 1819, Age 48 years, 5 months, 1 day Ebenezer Sazamis, died April 29, 1816. Age 31 years, 2 months, 17 days William Saramis, died March 25, 1849, Age 68 years Experience, wife of William Samrais, died Feb, 2, 1834, Age 52 years Hannah, daughter of William and ^arah Sam- mis, died Jan, 1, 1809, Age 32 years Deborah, daughter of William and Sarah Sam- mis, died Oct. 17, 1804, in her 25th y Mary, spouse of John Slessor, died Jan. 19 1807, in her 38th year John C, son of John and Mary Slessor, died Dec. 5, 1806, in his 4th year William Slessor, died Oct. 3, 1803, in his 6th yesLT Sylvanus Chichester, died in New York, May 15, 1828. Age 89 years, 3 days Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer and Olive Chi- chester, died June 1, 1810. Age 10 wks James, son of Ebenezer and Olive Chichester died June 23, 1815. Age 2 days -8- ,13 ' tJ :. ^g/v . ' «8 •YoII ^^15 ,nil e-^A .9X81 ,er* IliqA bffib j&iimnG if'SenscfH A .Qt-SI ,('•- Ho'i.^ '• bsio ,nxrirafi2 mj^iLLVf! f)^ih ,elr-T«a icKl.rilV.' lo sllw ,eonf.'Xi9qx3r goot?^ S5 93A .G08I ,J .n«T. beib .aim iwa fla-ii-.C hriB i^iilXxV/ lo ieid-sur,t ..-ifi-xocfoG rl^dS -reri ni ,;oeX .VX .JoO bslb .Blm ^r .ruiL b9ib .icsapX?. nxiol. T:o i^auoqe ,\mxi« ae9>c riJ"8C tori nJ. ,708X beib ,ioaa»XG y*!*''! '>''J^ "f^°"^ "^° *'°^ *^ ^°^ aB9'c lIJ^ sir: nl ,00€X «5 .oeO: sxri lil .'^^oer ,?^ ..toO heib ^-r-eoaXfJ inBlxXxV ,0. .:.ioY wan nl fialb ,t- ^r-^-^-^trfO ewftr.vI^R evst C ,eiB9Y C6 ^ «SX ■S r. ; ■ L £)9lb ,19*0 srfo ' ci >. ■» T fco-tb .nJ'XiirrcO ,rfi rxnoD ,niI>'rtoC .BXC-IvBU ,alinxnB3 j-xoaaelG j'xoaasXa (■xoeei xa j-if-^Bar'oiriC ,'j>- ieorfoixfO ,':&Jaof[otr(0 -9- Sanimia, Phebe Sammis, died Oct. 18, 1849 in her 64th year Sammis, Sarah Sammis, died June 1, 1855 in her 87th year Sammis, Susan M. daughter of William and Experience Sarmnie, died Jan. 8, 1880. Age 70 years and 4 months Sammis, Sarah G. daughter of William and Experience Sammis, died June 6, 1900. Age 80 yrs. 8 months, 28 days Sammis, Phebe, wife of Ebenezer Sammis, died Aug. 1 1837, In her 93rd year Webb, Lydia, wife of Thomas Webb, died July 9, 1781. Age 25 years, 3 months, 21 days Sammis, George Betts, son of Henry ajid Eli7.Hbeth Sammis, died June 23, 1844. Age 21 years, 13 days Sammis, Solomon S. son of Henry and Elizabeth Sam- mis, died March 27,1827,Ag€ 16 years Sammis, Rebecca Whollan, daughter of ^^enry and Eli« abeth Sammis, died Jan. 12, 1897. Age 86 years Sammis, j Elizabeth, wife of Henry Sammis and daught- Sette. ) er of Thomas and Elizabeth Betts of Norwalk, Conn, died March 25, 1827. Age 39 years Sammis, Rebekah, relict of Jonas Sammis, died Oct. 22, 1808 in her 66th year Sammis, Jonas Sammis, died April 14, 1784 in his 46th year. I9tl OX ii^QI ,61 ..too boib ,plaiiiu5vJ 9d9a1 i9r( rrl 5381 ,1 9rri/L b9io ^etixul^Q iU»afi<2 onelif»qxa bfir. nrtJ-IIiW ^o lo^xfsi^sf) .11 tu,Bu8 OV »sA .oasr ,8 .nr>I. f)9i& ,8lmrrf;8 81^ 05 93A .00€I ,0 j>nuT, ball; ■ ' syysh 8?. ,• 'to StXP' ,£io\J BVBJb £1 ,8axi«Y -xrjj8 riJ9cf*\';iXK' brtB \;ir:3li ^o nos .C norriror^ X ,SI .riBT. b^li) ,6 ♦ f^-^HBh ISn.n ain/r^' vnaoil 'to 9'tiw frli9'j£.:itIS. "o 8:fo*o^-' x(w* 'V br.s Br.noriT tc i» .^S:S.C ^Q^ li >^. ■ t9ib .nrroO ,r ' .RliiTxasS , elmnniS ,p.lmmiB? fxiqi-- o*- "^aoL .alrtioeC -10- Sanmis, Conlclin, Conklin, Conklin, Conklin, Lefferts, Rogers, Rogers, Conklin .1 Burr, Ket chain, Rogers, ^ennett, Bennett, Boyce, Rogers, Sarah, wife of Jonas Samtnis, died April 17 1810. Age 32 years, 1 month, 16 days Elizabeth Conklin, died 22nd of April 1841 in her 76th year Mary relict of Richard Conklin, died Aug. 6, 1828. Age 66 years Richard Conklin (?) Buel Conklin, died Feb. 12, 1822. Age 51 ys Adam Lefferts, died March 22, 1331. Age 75 years, 2 months, 16 days Daniel Rogers, died July 12, 1839, in his 60th year Rebecca, wife of Daniel Rogers and daughter of Richard and Mary Conklin, died Dec. 4, 1847 in her 56th year Daniel B. son of William and Sarah M. Burr born Aug. 20, 1810, died Feb. 4,1315 Nathaniel Ketoham, died Feb. 19, 1758 in his 79th year Richard, son of Titus and Elizabeth Rogers died Dec. 23, 1831. Age 1 year, 2 months, 17 days Sarah, widow of Titus ^ennett, died Aug. 14 1831 . Age 87 years Daniel Bennett, died April 7, 1858. Age 81 years, 7 months Hannah, wife of David Boyce and daughter of Zepheniah and Rebecca Rogers, died Nov 21, 1829. Age 22 years, 1 month exsb cl ,ri;tfioirr I .auje^ SC 5?^ .0161 eiB9'i 96 9X>A .8Sei ,& X. J- L- *!».*• • v^-'tt • J. er 93A .1561 ,£S rfoTi^ta i!<.«xf) .aJ-ts^lsJ ;i«bA eixi ni -.ecei ,S;i \;I0L J!)9ib ,a'x&soH Xslfi^a ■ fXxV; "io nc8 .tf XBlnaC . X ,r?^ .rx'A nrrod ,nlX>:noO ,nll>:ro0 «nJt WnoO ,nxX>noO ( .01^ ( .rlXji son XjinoO ni t-CS I ,CX .09^ Dsxj Hrl^BlI Bi/3?»\: re eA .x^ex axU-nom ^ ,aTn?\, IB " "o f^'iiw ^r'ni-.su-^:^ , oil Bor '.Iriftrif tiJuom X ^atn^x, SI2 uj>A .v'C'tX ».L: .eo^ofl ,8ir-voH -11- Boyce, Boyce, Brush, ) Bennett, ) V ^rush, / ^rush. Brush, Conkling, Scidmore, Scidmore, "^ Brush, Conklin, Rogers, Rogers, Jacob, son of David M. ajrid Hannah Boyce, died May 23, 1346. Age 16 years, 6 months, 12 days Horatio Nelson, son of David M. and Hannah Boyce, died Oct. 27, 1828. Age 10 raos Hannah R. wife of John D. Brush and daught- er of Titus and Sarah Bennett, died Oct. 20, 1829. Age 40 years John D. son of Richard and Meiry Brush, died Dec, 19, 1830. Age 40 years Hannah Maria, daughter of Edward H. and Cornelia Brush, died Sep. 12, 1842. Age 2 years, 8 months Seraphina, daughter of Edward H. and Cor- nelia Brush, died Nov. 11, 1842. Age 2 months Mrs. Ruth Conkling, wife of Timothy, died April 8, 1788. Age 43 years Hannah, wife of Samuel Skidmore, died Jan. 17, 1797. Age 22 years, 1 month, 14 dys Samuel Scidmore, died April 20, 1828. Age 58 years Cornelia, wife of Edward Brush and daughter of Isaac and Hannah Conklin, died Jan. 31, 1855, in her 38th year Rebecca, relict of Zephaniah Rogers, died May 11, 1854, in her 80th year Zephaniah Rogers, died in New York of yel- low fever, Aug. 19, 1824 (No age) a ,a- o / b&i6 ,aio3of; xi; to toi 191 ,«0G9fior-; (Cr^ljoH TB9^ rfiOb 'it., ax ,; " — , '" ' -Xi«y; "io :fioY J: fcftli) ,ano:v»oH rfjRi .nieaoH -.1 ^^ Carll, Selah Carll, died Nov, 30, 1S64 in his 93rd yeax Carll, Seraphina, lyife of Selah Carll, died Nov. 26, 1379, in her 94th year Haviland, Jacob, son of William and Deborah Haviland died Feb. 9, 1832. Age 53 years, 10 mts Hsdland, Deborah, relict of William Haviland, died July 15, 1836. Age 87 years Haviland, William Haviland, died Aug. 21, 1798. Age 60 years Weiss, Ann Weiss, died Oct. 18, 1847. Age 72 years Fleet, Thomas Fleet, died Jan. 8, 1818. Age 80 yrs Fleet, Frances, relict of Thomas Fleet, died June 1, 1820. Age 77 years Fleet, John Fleet, died Jan. 3, 1300 in his 28th year Carll, Hannah, Yfife of Bcudder Carll, died ITarch 3, 1602. Age 25 years Scudder, Nathaniel Scucider, died June 15, 1866. Age 68 years, 4 months Fleet, Samuel K. son of Gilbert and Kezia Fleet, died May 10, 1828. Age 16 years, 5 ironthB, 28 days Fleet, Gilbert Fleet, died May 1, 1839. Age 54 yrs Fleet, Keziah, wife of Gilbert Fleet, died March 14, 1874. Age 90 years, 7 months Fleet, Isaac Fleet, died April 5, 1814, Age 37 yrs Long, Ricliard Long, died Aug. 1818. Age 33 years to9 aid til i^bei ,0S .voK b' . ' Tnr.O litiJoo ,IIi£^0 .'0,. b»ib .IliisC: dei^b 1o s^lv jJtfilriqjBiaa .IJiXsD in CI ,3xa3\; 53 s-^ .Si^JSI ,6 .cJ'.>'^ f>9xf) 93A .S*:'?! ,IS .gijA belt ^bri^llvBll nifli.rjJtV/ jbriBllvi^n aiiJ^Y VT 9jvA .O&fcl 1 1 dies aid ai ,0 .rtsT, betfa j^esri nrioT, j^9»r3: rf J of? to 9lt?/ »)• jIIibO •I'O.' >T*/ , rttqA bet , ai-.3Tl ,^<»9n % .?-> ,300.1 5xiw{;'tr^ ,^*noT -13- Fleet, liaviland, Havilnnd, Haviland, Conklin, Chiohester, Haviland, Conklin, Conlclin, Conklin, Conklln, Conklln, Conlclin, Conkling, Sarah Ann Weiss, died Oct. 12, 1825. Age 27 years Henry son of John and Phehe Fleet, died Aug. 6, 1821. Age 14 days Isaac Kaviland, died Dec. 27, 1774. Age 30ys Rachel, wife of John Kavilsnd, died Oct. 19 1798 in her 87th year John Haviland, died Sep. 9, 1800, in his 69th year Capt. Abel Conklin, died July 14, 1827. Age 61 years David Chichester (?) 5th, 1764. (Age not readable) Samuel Haviland, died July 15, 1827. Age 82 years, 5 months Ruth Conklir, boml^Tov. 12, 1804, died ITov. 11, 1883 Elizabeth Conklin, bomMarch 12, 1801, died Feb. 10, 1873 Minddwell, relict of Abel Conklin, died Sep 13, 1855. A^e 86 years Abel Conklin, died July 12, 1827. Age 64 yB Mrs. Ruth wife of Abel Conklin, died June P 20, 1790. Age 26 years, 4 months KelUrah, daughter of Abel and Ruth Conklin died Sep. 17, 1793. Age 7 years Timothy Conkllng, died May 22, 1811. Age 79 years -rll- saA'^'^'i'^ «'>'2 .09(1 59ift ,oa«?IlvaII 0x5,-301 ,ha;rivi3^i- .JoO '-^ , firioli lo 9lt'7 .larioBR ,hrwiiysll ij?S 'zed it SSSM airf ni ,',OB.C ,G .^j-^'! beiT) ,&jt>-. av?.'^ raioL jhii ;li v'- - . ' , -I *;-!.i-^« 9., , iii.aioO l9cfA ,rtJH:inoO 9«;;T, b9i/^ ,nJtXy(noO I9JA to a"^i-/f rf.h/H .^tI ,r|> ^(aoO .a.tJtiinoo a-ir.j-^ .J; -14- Conkling, Conkllng, Conkling, Conklirig, Conkllng, Conkling, Conklirg, Wood, Wood, )' WillipjTS, ^WilllfJDis, Belkna.p, Meng, Meng, Mrs. Ruth, wife of Timothy Conkling, died Oct. 9, 1781. Age 49 yrs. 7 months Keturah, daughter of Timothy Conkling, died Dec. 2, 1773 in her 5th year Gilbert, son of Hubbard and Mary Conkling, died Sep. 19, 1776. Age 9 years, ? months, 17 days Hubbard, son of Hubbard and Mary Conkling died July 8, 1779. Age 8 months, 17 dys Experience, daughter of Hubbard ajid Mary Conkling, died Oct. 29, 1781 in her 20th year Mary, wife of Hubbard Conkling, died Pec. 9, 1786. Age 46 years Hubbard Conkling, died May 19, 1806. Age 69 years, 7 months, 12 days Brewster K. Wood, died April 18, 1847. Age 63 years, 8 months, 25 days Matilda, wife of Brewster H. Wood, died March 26, 1845. Age 55 years, 5 months and 26 days Nathaniel Y/illiams, died Nov, 27, 1781. Age 60 years and 9 months Rachel, vddow of Nathaniel Williams, died March 4, 1791, Age &6 years Hannah, wife of Abel Belknap Esq. died May 19, 1784. Age 31 years, 6 months Sarali, wife of Christopher Meng. died Aug. 26, 1787 in her 27th year Sarah Meng, died March 2, 1788. Age 6 month -:.r- •■'r '> . L J • i <* K.t I • SUA both .3n'.>.' t'>t{qoi«iJ irtO to eli: » >0 lo etc.. , LjcfcfuM ,a.-ii:.r>rnoO ,rj9(l b9th .arti-Xx'coO f)'! I0 aliv ,v • ; ja.^tl.WnoO a'Ujo\: 9^ 93A. .bSTI ,9 -?nA ,''^01 ,81 Xi-rqA bslh ,5ooW .11 i^oa./^ta .: o\7 .I?VI .^ rfo- 92^ Williams, Willifiins, ;Willl8J>lB, Conklin, Conklln, Conkli.n, Conklin, Conklin, Crosby, Crosby, Johnson, Brush, Brush, Sfenry Meng, died July 15, 1789 in his 4th year Israel, son of Timothy and Jane Williajr.s, died Sep. 20, 1798. Age 7 years Timothy Williams, died Aug. 26, 1811. Age 55 years Mary Jaae, daughter of Edward and Rebecca Williftms, died Dec. 10, 1621. Age 25 days Col. Timothy Conklin, died Oct. 17, 1851. Age 77 years, 10 months, 17 days Mary, consort of Col. Timotliy Conklin, died Oct, 2, 1858. Age 82 years, 4 months Emma, daughter of Timothy and Mary Conklin, died Feb. 4, 1791. Age 1 year, 29 days George W. Conklin, died Aug. 8, 1854. Age 42 years, 11 months, 1 day Mary E. wife of George ¥. Conklin, died Dec. 24, 1897. Age 84 years Amelia, relict' of Roswell Crosby, died in New York. Feb. 3, 1866 in her 60th yr RoBwell Crosby, died in New York, Feb . 18 1848 in his 67th year Hester Johnson, died May 14, 1866. Age 58 years, 6 months, 22 days Hannah, wife of Nathaniel G. Brush, died Feb. 21, 1875 in her 71st year Nathaniel G. Brush, died Oct. 9, 1870 in his 88th year -iil- dii' 'ihi :-it eSTI ,r.X vIuT, b^i , " ,3r:3' 93A .1X81 ,& beio ,3jrj5irix.' irfJoiiiT ,3.>: il CiV/ • . "•■•vr ,0Z .oea 5f»ib ,3,TK-. ■^"." \'I .J- ,loZ ,fii r>'noD ,ni. ■ ." . loO 'to i-XOl liO:) gVtsM , r- r-,fnoO .1 -^ -I* I' T«=)/ Jal'^ "-^' ■ ' •" "i j s '•' w -16- Bruslji Amelia, daughter of Nathaniel G. a-nd Han- nah Brush, died L^ay 8, 1855. Age 32 years, 1 month, 16 days Piatt, Elizabeth, wife of Zebulon Piatt, died March 14, 1814. Age 59 years Piatt, Zebulon Piatt, died July 23, 1816. Age 72 years Piatt, Phebe, wife of Zebulon Piatt, died Jan. 30 1790 in her 39th year Piatt, Zuriah, wife of Amos Piatt, died Nov. 5, 1744 in her 59th year Conklln, Peleg, son of Thomas and Mary Conklin, died of smallpox by inoculation, Jan* 27 1788. Age 17 years Piatt, Jonas Piatt, died Dec, 10, 1804. Age 77 years, 1 month, 18 days Piatt, Rebeckeh, wife of Jonas Piatt, died June 28, 1805. Age 70 years, 1 month, 26 day Piatt, Amos Piatt, died Aug. 31, 1821. Age 62 yrs Piatt, Clarissa, relict of Amos Piatt, died April 23, 1854, Age 67 years Conklin, Warren, son of Warren and Rebecca Conklin, died Aug, 7, 1838. Age 5 mos. 16 da.ys Rusco, Jonas S. Rusco, died Oct. 1, 1821. Age 26 years Rusco, Hannah Rusco, died Jan. 3, 1853 in her 53rd year Rusco, Judith, relict of Silas Rusco, died March 9, 1823. Age 57 years . ,o^^ 71 ..^-. ... .'CI Vr .1 ,01 .09(1 69i/) .u+^Rll r..':rT0Ti a^ft 61 ,:iJ-rtom I ,a'ce9\; a-iY ^'"^ ■' '^^ i' • ^ b^io jJ-JflXq aofliA )I .^c if) .1 T JV 81 ,e ,J>t«Iq ,Jd-iJli "I ^iiBll ,ni.r- jOoaaH ,003UH Rusco, SilaB RuBCo, died Feb. 13, 1811 in his 46th year Warren, Ira P. son of Rufus and Pene Warren, died April 8, 1838, Age 23 years, 6 months and 4 days Conklln, Richard Morrow, son of Richard and Mary Conklin, died July 28, 1823. Age 1 year and 28 days Douglass, Narcissa, daughter of Vv'illlain and Susan Douglass, died Dec. 31, 1825. Age 26 years, 3 months, 21 days Conklin, Thomas Conklin, died March 26, 1802, Age 71 years, 11 months, 26 days Conklin, Selah Conklin, died Sep. 15, 1797. Age 45ys Satterly, John Satterly, died Jan. 28, 1749 in his 38th year Satterly, Deborali, daughter of John and Mary Satterly died June 25, 1753 in her 15th year Satterly, Nathaniel, son of John and Mary Satterly, died May 23, 1759 in his 16th year Conklin, Isaac W. Conklin, died June 3, 1852. Age 43 years Conklin, Francis A. son of Isaac W. ex)6 Abigail Conk lin, lost at sea March 2, 1872. Age 33 years Conklin, Abigail, wife of Isaac W. Conklin, died Sep. 22, 1695 in her 83rd year Conklin, Erected by a friend to the memory of James Kaviland, son of Isaac W. and Abigail Conklin, died Feb. 26^ 1844. Age 8 months, 9 days -n- ' ■ ■'•■' .. -U '.o'i ,1 ill f'-iS-ilBV . >I ,8 IttqA ■:oiij^ ,a^/j iTjuoC .[. 3 ^moriT IT ^jfcrf fil P .--'^ £lr; ^ ■ ' ' . ' -^---tT lo noa /; f ' ■ ' ''^ .cf©7 b-iih ,1^ ,.t:-X>CrroO ,nxI.CaoO ,nx C:tnoO ,all;tno0 ,nll?(no0 ,nll::ao0 -18- Meng, Meng, Williejne, Titus, Titus, Titus, Titus, Fowl er , Fowler, Bouton, Bouton, Bouton, Bouton, Bouton, Christopher Meng, born June 8, 1750, died Jan. 12, 1833 Jane, relict of Christopher Meng, died Nov. 22, 1816. Age 84 years Hannah, daughter df Nathaniel and Penelope Williams, died April 12, 1779. Age 4ine Penelope, wife of Nathajilel Williams, Jr. died May 29, 1780. Age 25 years, lOmos Henry, son of Zebulon and Mary Titus, died April 8, 1843. Age 22 years, 1 month and 22 days Zebulon Titus, died March 13, 1848. Age 62 years, 5 months, 13 days Mary, wife of Zebulon Titus, died Jan. 29 1852. Age 58 yeeirs, 1 month, 12 days lantha Titus, wife of Charles K. Fowler, died Sep. 5, 1882. Age 67 years, 9 months, 15 days Charles H. Fowler, died Sep, 10, 1859. Age 54 years, 4 months, 19 days Samuel Bouton, died March 29, 1862 in his 70th year Ruth, wife of Benajah Bouton, Sr. died June 12, 1841 in her 79th year Benajah Bouton, Sr. died Oct. 2, 1838. %e 78 years Benajah Bouton, Jr. died June 23, 1839. Age 34 years Richard M. eldest son of Benajah and Ruth Bouton, bcrn March 25, 1788, died Dec. 13, 1848. Age 60 yrs. 8 mos. 18 days -s:- JymOI ,3- -" ,'"7C .v': x,b:1 bulb b9lh ,9uJ'J:T v^^ f^"" .^oIucf9a to noa ,Yin«H ^auJ-lT .=. '•^''■. ■ a^tjb SI ..icfno'n C ,aiB9'^ Sd e^A •':d6I »if»Ino'»r ,'I 99lfnriO to eltr .auJ-lT ;3ft.tanr ^ .ajJ'J:? 9SA. .«?3'''' , "' . ^ ""'■ ,'£9l'-' v^IiariO , *- Iwol ."'"■' , ' .11. ,rioi ■"" :3;,.Qn©S .noiuoa J: ' . ".'■•' I J t /I jjlwjj.'OS .00 ^ . I 1 T'.ob HI .!^cx S .aix Of> 93A.a*8l ,5.C ',« ,^\ •■V ..-. t 'k li I -19- Eouton, James Bouton, died Feb. 24, 1857 in his 56th year Eouton, James A. son of Amos and Sarah A. Bouton, died March 1»3, 1859. Age 2 years, 23 dys Bouton, Emma Elir.a, daughter of Amos and Sarah A. Bouton, died Oct. 28, 186S. Age 1 year 2 months, 23 days Bouton, Sophia Bouton, died Feb, 14, 1862 in her 66th year Bouton, Benajah Francis, son of Amos and Eleanor Bouton, died Jan. 20, 1834. Age 3 years, 10 months, 26 days Bouton, Amos Bouton, born Sep. 17, 1790, died April 18, 1849 Bouton, Eleanor, wife of Amos Bouton, born Sep. 4 1796, died Sep. 2, 1881 Higgins, Harriet Higgine, died Feb. 23, 1898. A-ge 84 years Sammis, Jesse F. Samrais, died Dec. 26, 1880. Age 81 years, 4 montlis, 22 days Ssimmis, Mary Esther, wife of Jesse F. Samrnis, died March 2ft, 1845. Age 31 years Sammis, Olli Ann, wife of Jesse F. Samrnis, died Dec 12, 1834. kge 26 years Sammis, Mary, wife of Lewis Sammis, died July 29, 1841 in her 24th year Sammis, Selencus, son of Jesse and Almira Sairjnis, died Feb. 11, 1837. Age 1 year, 6 months and 12 days Sammis, Adelia B, wife of Lewis Sammis, died Jan. 15, 1828. Age 23 years -(^I- , tio€ .A. rfiiTflCJ ha« dofliA 1o rio^ .A b^itigT, ,no.tuo3 'XSii ai -oil ,Ai ,u9'i oaxb ,.Ti) •x;Iqo;j ,fio^iioa toasgri r Si aorcA I0 noo .aioitrii'i ilai^nnsE .rtoiuoS [JtiqA b-»'-'r> ,'"i"'^r ^"r .v^- -».-o'f ^aoouo'h: so.nA ,rio>twoa T ■ . )S*iI ,;;-^ •j-HL fjf»r/) ,r:'- -""■ ,7 93801. .HiiTaasS '"» . . *■ -20- Saxnmis, Sammis, Saznicie, SammlB, Samnile, Samrnie, Conkling, Velsor, Van Velsor, Van Velsor, Douglass, Douglass, Bumsted, Douglass, Conkling, Thankful wife of Jesse SajnmiB, died Nov. 9 1814. Age 71 years Jesse Sammis, died Jan. 6, 1816. Age 79 yrs Marietta, wife of Richard Sainmis, Jr. died June 11, 1826. Age 24 years William H. son of Lewis and Adelia R. Sam- mis, died April 29, 1837 in his 9th yr Deborah, wife of Lewis Eammis, died Aug. 4 1838 in her 27th year Epenetus Sammis, died Dec. 24, 1839. Age 73 years Experience, wife of Epenetus Sammis, died April 21, 1842. Age 72 years Cornelius (?) Conkling died OcA, — (?) 1753. Age — (?) 10 months, 26 days Charles A. Velsor, born Feb. 8, 1842, died Aug. 15, 1899 Mary E. wife of Mortimer Van Velsor, born Sep, 7, 1833, died April 9, 1894 Mortimer Van Velsor, born May 24, 1836, died March 14, 1881 William Douglass, died April 25, 1852. Age 84 years, 1 month Susan, relict of V/illiair. Douglass, died April 28, 1850 in her 77th year Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Eum.sted and daugt er of V;illiam and Susan Douglass, died Aug. 26, 1827. A»ge 26 years Kezla, relict of Benjamin Conkling, died Aug. 25, 1825. Age 81 years, 3 months 24 days -02- axoo^ *S 93A. .d^ai ,11 snul, ^n«5 .H Bil9f)A biie aiwsl lo no"? . rlllViT • SuA 6f»if) ,alntfns3 siirdJ to aliw jxls-xod'-v: tiJO'.: rf^Vn -larf ax 8^:81 [ j'^S .09C[ 53ifi ,3.fiTinB2 au ' atB9^ SV H-iif^v^ "^r -'^ . ;^Mr ,1': : ; i-a (f)—,i>oO Laib s-iiljInoO -'?) — -flfjilgn'ioO a\Bb e5,5i(lnofli 01 (?)— «'jA .55? I nrrotf ,10a c»V rnsV rw.tri.ifioa *to ettw .!T vi'!:^ -f-BI ,C • -I-b ,538r ,7 . lIlTi" (HX.TCXS.: 9BA .358 r ,e \ b'^lb ,88-. r-o.' ■ - .. - .'- •- : f^ijnoffT ,5m* ^^•"•■'" a 59 aXfib 01 iBri^nom T -:tnoO ili^aazlLS. haa laymnri to noa ,^if?dlx0 .snJfclJirtoO ^i»"ri »I .*oO b-ilb t3^-?h 5 ^'-v-}./? ,3"'i-f arfJriow a ,aiii9>t S-^ 33A .4>d8I ,6 ./oil .auil'l' -jgiadH Jbns dooB^- to rtOR .CI merllJtW ,awilT '" • . ^ . '^ ..too '■-''■ ,01 .oa(I 5«ii} ,au^X V JooB^^ to otiw .-iM.^aall .fJUv'-lT auii". natasH ban cJ- .f.n^'nS ..lijJiT a^c«'5 fX ,a.i,J :u O -» .r . ^ , T\ n-.h . , . _ ; . ., ^ "^^ f^ r.-'-r r^f f. . •- ' s. f : .irf I- '^ ,0 i'»ff*t/.T ,ai'BTxa < o 1 a'jv 0^ ,\V ,'0^ I baimniB, Brush, Scofield, Scof ield, Scofield, W-' Brush, Brush, -— (?) Conklin, Conklin, Conklin, Buell , Conklin .] Mary, wiie oi i>avia oammiR, oiec 1835. Age 75 years Prances Arabella, daughter of Ge Amajida Brush, died Nov, 1,1 years and 4 months Henry Scofield, died June 5, 185 years end 3 months Susan T. daughter of Henry and I field, died June 19, 1842. Sarah D. daughter of Henry and I field, died June 25, 1838. and 11 months Mary, wife of Jacob Brush, died Age 67 years Jacob Brush, died Oct. 17, 1731 43rd year (?) of Jacob and Sarah, diec 1753 in the 2nd year of his Abel K. Conklin, died Aug. 6, le years Mary J. vife of Abel K. Conklin, 15, 1888. Age 80 years Mary, wife of Abel K. Conklin, 1: 1802 on Holy Sabbath Day, ( 21, 1835 Jerusha Buell , daughter of Abel P Conklin, born July 25, 1833 7, 1833 •' • ■'-■.:* '«>■ ti- ■^■' ■ y'4^ -4 '^^ ^ .f ,. ^0 ^^, St! 97^ .or:^I , - -v^ •r-3>-" (■ I , . fc9Xb ,1 .y^M{ ,^r .:/?" bai:^ ,DOfI aamo^iT C'O.i T xiq- v.iji;, ..J »3A .0381 j:V^ ,8581 ,2 .J-oO 6^1t ,v9 Cxoua tiuB. jtF>aAriO -i^o ^svIyG ^o 9li* , IIE ( .^■■ .IXijriLooW 3 /.Ob 61 ,a.'fwaom ? . 31 ,1 anuL h9ib ,ft , .ie'-I b»t5 ,30H ,1 qoobT, ariJriom V bit »^ lb ,90H •'I • to e'^i'v .'i aant-iBrO I^nooi 8 ,a-i«©x. *d aj^A .Oaai ,2S ,90H ,9oR •• fcl/'x** BeumnlB, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Downs, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Buckley, Chandler, McDougall , Maria Louise, daughter of Williejsi A. and Eli7.a H. SammiB, died March 17, 1841 Age 3 months and 18 days Joshua B« Smith, died Jan. 29, 1844. Age 47 years Martha B. vife of Joshua B. Smith, died Aug 3, 1840, in her 42nd year Charlotte M. Smith, died Sep. 17, 1826, Age 2 years and 1 month Charles H. Smith, died Jan. 10, 1827. A^e 8 months ajid 8 days Martha, daughter of Joshua B. end Martha B. Smith, died Sep. 15, 1835. Age 3 montte and 15 days Adeliza P. wife of Isaac K. Downs and dauglt er of Joshua B. pjad Martha B. Smith, died Uov. 17, 1843 in her 23rd year Thomas E. Smith, born Jan. 20, 1846, died Feb. 4, 1846 Mary E. Smith, born May 12, 1852, died June 14, 1852 Anna P. Smith, born July 26, 1853, died Aug. 1, 1853 William, infant son of William and Lavinia F. Buckley, died Kov. 7, 1844. Age 4 months and 9 days Sylvester, only son of Sylvester and Eliza- beth Chandler, died Oct. 12, 1843. Age 1 year and 3 days Rev. James McDougall, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church from 1836 to 1855 died March 24, 1888. Age 83 years -^2- , 98 2 U O.I .«.L'jcjbII .al'Oi^a^. . i. V I ' ■■ ■ V' ^ • t - J ^ ^ gXiA fi«ift ,f(.ti;i€! .2 swrfaoL io .liT .1 B,Uir.^ e-<^nh 3 hcvi edinom 8 •3b baa arvvcfl .K oobqI lo -jtiw .H aslIabA »nuL bel 3ci8I ,M J5dHr ,1 .riL'A Biaiv/il btvz matJiliV lo noa .tivjlui ,ia8tiXi ' )T[ ^ a^eb S bar. xasx Jt 93A iatl'5 9ri. .oJaaS , r r/^-u.-ofT'^" o^n-T. .vo^r aoB')^ £8 «3A .8681 j^^-: aoiii* b^io .rfJima (.anwoG' ..-(iinja ,i,;9j3tOUa -25- McDougall, McDougall , Dickson, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Ferris, Robertson, Brown, Brown, Julia, wife of Rev. JameB McDougall, died Aug. 24, 1870. Age 66 years Charles, son of Rev. James and Julia McDou- gall, died Oct. 1, 1841. Age 9 months and 12 days James, the 2nd, of Middlefield Mass. son of Gaston and Esther Dickson, died Marh 30, 1838. Age 22 years Rev. Nehemiah Brown, died Jan. 5, 1876. Age 85 years Henrietta, wife of Rev. Nehemiah Brown, died April 21, 1850. Age 43 years, 2 months and 24 days Conkl in Waldo, eldest son of Rev. Nehemiah and Henrietta Brown, died May 20,1846 Age 6 years, 9 months, 18 days Abel K. son of Rev. Nehemiah and Henrietta Brown, died Oct. 2, 1846. >ge 4 years and- 10 months Enoch George, son of Rev. Ira and Mary H. Ferris, died March 9, 1835. Age 6 yea» lacking 15 days James, son of Rev. Samuel and Dorcas Rob- ertson, died Feb. 8, 1819. Age 5 montte and 15 days Henrietta, daughter of Rev. Nehemiah and Henrietta Brown, died March 23, 1831. Age 25 days Elizabeth J. daughter of Rev. nehemiah and Henrietta Brown, died March 30, 1837. Age 2 years and 4 months Radcliffe.J Clarissa Radcl iff e, wife of John V. H.Huyck Huyck, died Jan. 6, 1851 in her 81 st year bf>l ru5 I ■■■ y.ij.icn e 93A .I^er ,X •J'OO 6-=»Cb »I.!:"!B 8vnf) SIX brr . , - .' ,3'3nnl, ,noo?lo.tfl 5 ,a'i:;y'c 51> e^-A. .O^tiL ,IZ Ilia/, ay^b *»2 bna aci^nom u '^ X- _3 ^ • — W J- I • ' 0-3 lb ^cr.fotii. ii-rj JJ ^ i. • ysH "iu .. I '- t09v/ lioonii •f-iTOifl 5 9sA .»?X8X ,' ,aon + r'3 "I >'(T! ;T .iWOta .rrrotil ;> ■ *» 'f .» *i .noa-TarfoH .mvoiS s-iiXT^ ,riwoia .^MTl'k *. *. T' ^ y-T^ f'. ■ , ^%./ »'W J, k > -26- Smith, ) RelDecca Smith, wife of Joseph and daughter Hubbard,) of Jeremiah Hubbard, died Jan. 18, 1758. Age 62 years Long, John S. Long, died March 15, 1825. Age 32 years Long, Hewlett I. Long, died Dec. 6, 1824. Age 34 years and 6 months Long, David Long, died Oct. 24, 1845. Age 37 years and 2 months Long, Martha C. daughter of James and H«Minah Long died Aug. 21, 1815. Age 27 years Long, immitt son of David and Rebecca Long, died July 5, 1824. Age 24 years, 1 month Mott, John A. Mott, died Nov. 30, 1840. Age 32 years, 6 months and 9 days Mott, John Evans, son of John A. and Margaret G. Mott, died March 19, 1844. Age 5 montls and 5 days Jarvis, Philetus C. Jarvis, born Dec. 1, 1806, died March 4, 1891 Jarvis, Almeda B. wife of Philetus C. Jarvis, born June 18, 1806, died Jan. 11, 1890 Jarvis, Philetus M. son of Philetus C, and Almeda B. Jarvis, died July 18, 1850. Age 4 years, 3 months, 24 days Jarvis, Wilmer E. son of Philetus B. and Almeda B. Jarvis, died June 28, 1850. Age 2 yeaB 7 months and 26 days Jarvis, Mso'garet C« daughter of Philetus C, and Al- meda B. Jarvis, died June 10, 1844. Age 7 years, 11 months and 27 days -32- I f.. -^-^ , ■ :i;X ,0 . n«»>" ■ ■- . . . v'i* I.;731. .MHO J . ler , . ,.;A ^'^:-.^ ' b~ noa ."o-oi.v. lo no.3 ,a*au»t ,anoJ > .'. aiioX. '1 .-iol. , .to oil ,->('ro-f ,^:"rta .0 au^-iCirfq to 9'\Jcw .3 ab^mlA .aivisX. ,X: .itBL 5 3ib ,0081 ,8X 9nuJ, ab^nlA hif:. .0 au.tQ[xriq[ to r;>" . ^^/^-^ ^"•^;■'=^ .. ; .r-. -t J^ d^A. .OflyX ,8X ^IwT, 5«1& , u>(f 5 fr> ,8j£,tnoin & ,HTa9X .J? 8b9inL\ fri' .3 UJ.tAr^'^q to ao<9 .S ismXiV ,aJ:vTfl"G B^t V a XI , A -27- JarviB, Margaret S, daughter of Philetus C. end Al- meda B. Jarvie, died March 2, 1831. As 2 months and 13 days Jarvis, Margaret Scudder, daughter of Philetus C. and Almeda B. Jarvis, died Jan. 2,1835 Age 2 years, 9 months end 20 days Jarvis, Cornelia E. daughter of Philetus C, and Al- meda B« Jarvis, died Jan. 13, 1835. Age 11 months and 11 days Jarvis, Frederick M. son of Philetus C. and Almeda B. Jarvis, died Dec. 9, 1851. Age 4 months sjid 17 days Jarvis, Philetta W. adopted daughter of Philetus C. and Almeda B. Jarvis, died March 16, 1858. Age 7 years, 4 months and 12dys Redfield, James P. Bedfield, died Aug. 2^, 1832 in his 46th year Coakling, Mary, wife of John Conkling, died Aug. 27 1749 in his 7l8t year Conklir.g, John Conkling, died - — -(?) 1751. (This stone is broken and receding matter not found.) Ketcham, Mary Ann, wife of Woodhull Ketcham, died Nov. 8, 1851 in her 35th year Ketcham, Samuel Francis, son of Woodhull and Mary A. Ketcham, died Dec. 21, 1850. Age 3 months and 22 days i^etchani, Mary Caroline, daughter of Woodhull and May A. Ketcham, died March 2, 1847. Age 3 months and 24 days ketcham, Julia, daughter of Woodhull and Mary A. KeV Cham, died Jan. 10, 1858. Age 7 months and 12 days • SI bitij ari^noffl 2 . ii.jJ^LM^ lo •xaJ-ff3JjH& (idLbt'or, J9'l>J^s•Ii^:J ,.3j:wis^ . r,^ .rteo Ldxft .sxvtbT. ,3 BbemlA fens n : OS bTJ aflJ^nom 6 .aicsv: -lA bi.':! .0 QuJetruq lo naJr- . rtilaaioO .alvxeT. .dSei ,51 .n^u &9i») , ■ ... !3' orr gv^") ■" !" '>•■ '■" r •" '"'■ A s59mIA Lart .6 awjdlxiiM. io no-: , ; ^lOi-x^oOiJ ,3xvif. >* tJ^iC^ TI bn:: f!({^fTom a^coSI biiB eiiJ-iiom ^ ,iJtr.?\: ? sgA .8d6l al i:58I ,es .aifA b-Vs'rj .bloilbefl .1 aamsl. ,h [flilboH •^43a^: ({i3^ 3xx£ VS .auA b9x5 ,jj^-i^ J^-"'"0^ "^o^ *^° ^^-^"^ ,'Ci£^ .snx C)(noO rt-tril') .IdVI (V) h^ib ,:^fii X>inoO ruioL ,3.1! I^l.'-oD •laJ-Jsai a.xib«9i ban n»:iond ai snoJ^a (.briuo'5: oon b9ib ,:Ji!^ ICUilbooff to ali'T ,naA ^tbM .marlocTa^ 1^0- fiias ^erl ni Idtil ,5 .vol: ,A >fi.- : CljjriJiOOv'/ lo noy , -i i OiX ^ •x'tL l9ui5UB3 .muiIoJe^ .A ) frS bna eriJ-nom -28- Lowns, Infant son of Isaac Yi, and Sarah Downs, died Oct. 27, 1546 White, Anania White, born Jan. 25, 1788, died Aug. 13, 1849 Wliite, Sybel C. wife of Anania White, born June 9 1791, died Aug. 10, 1877 Kelca Susan M. wife of Woodhull Kelcy, died Dec. 18, 1842 in her 28th year Selleck, Lewis Selleck, died July 20, 1855. A^e 57 years and 3 months Selleck, Moses Mather, son of Lewis end Polly Sel- leck, died May 10, 1835. Age 7 years Selleck, Harriet J, wife of Charles Selleck, died Nov. 7, 1858. Age 32 years, also her infant son, died Nov. 4, 1858 Conklin, Caroline, daughter of Erastus and Sarah H. Conklin, died Oct. 3, 1845. Age 1 year and 25 days Smith, Gilbert Smith, died Aug. 4, 1842 in his 78th year Smith, Hannah, wife of Gilbert Smith, died Dec. 15 1864 in her 76th year Smith, Richard H. son of Gilbert and Hannah Smith died Sep. 9, 1837. Age 14 years, 2 months and 16 days Smith, Jesse E. Smith, died March 19, 1844. Age 27 years, 10 months and 18 days Smith, Piatt Smith, died Dec. 24, 1681. Age 62 yrs Smith, Mary, wife of Piatt Smith, died Feb, 7, 1902. Age 76 years, 4 months, 24 days b-ji ■ ,:'.09 . ID-- ao ■ ■ ' ' ''.i-v ... j:-»i j.'£X5Ji 8681 ,fr .voK f)3i^ ,no3 JafllrrJfc I sail .at'SX ,5 .*oO i)?Jtfj ,TtI:{noO lYi'^b flS bin 're 9"^ 3I»09Cr 691/) ,!£.Mm3 ii9d Lixi to stxnr ,r£«ariaii lasY rlidV 19:{ i^x t^c)8I ild-i:ai2 rfartasH brie iiodLli) to aon .H btnsiotR S .a-T:?')-: AX 9a^ .^•'.SI ,I09Cl9a ,;i30Ji9a J tr r;rnoD ,r£lira3 ,r[J"lrn3 ,i£.tloia -29- Fancher, Lysander Fancher, died July 13, 1859. Age 62 years Woolsey, Nathan W. Woolsey, died May 2, 1826 in his 36th year Woolsey, Let tie, vife of Nathan W. Woolsey, died Dec. 11, 1862. Age 71 years Woolsey, ) Phehe Woolsey, wife of Rev. James Demarest, Demarest,) M. D. died Jan. 24, 1883. Age 70 yrs ^-'ood, John Wood, died June 1, 1801 in his 90th yr Wood, Martha, wife of John Wood, died Aug. 24, 1798 in his 84th year Wood, Phebe V/ood, died Oct. 3, 1773 In her 57th year Woolsey, Jane, wife of Henry Woolsey, died Oct. 20 1827, Age 21 years and 9 months Selleck, George Selleck, died Feb. 2, 1849. Age 55 years and 5 months Selleck, Plaebe, vrife of George Selleck, died Jan. 7 1847. Age 24 years, 2 months, 25 days Selleck, Raymond Selleck, died Jan. 5, 1847. Age 67 years, 5 months and 24 days Selleck, Eunice, wife of Raymond Selleck, died Aug. 1, 1861. Age 78 years, 7 months,? days Piatt, Elkanah Piatt, died Jan. 1, 1842 in his 71st year Piatt, Prudence, wife of Elkanah Piatt, died June 8, 1845 in her 75th year Rogers, Lydia, wife of John Rogers, died Aug. 4, 1830 in her 53rd year -sa- e^jA .t^dBI ,51 'iljjL b9lb ^%j. mi'^.l .terlons'iT ■>j!l. ,.'.>;: lo 9ii'.v ji^'jt^Ioo./ aoadl ( «^i:^.?.'■-OoW .■C xlJOC aixi -li 10-31 ,1 aaal, .iexD ,loo.,' rixioi, ,boo'.y ,fr2 .guA ftdli) ,boo'7 nrioL ^o sIxt ,3f£J^'x ,I)OoW i«o'.^ xiJ'^a alri nx 85^1 riiVci leri nl fiV7X ,^ .J-oO b9lb .booW » f^n'*! ,boo7 OS .^oO bsib jY^'^-Coo'^^ \,T.n9H to eli'v ,onBL , /enlooW ariJnom 6 biia aiB9>i IS enA .?':ai cJ3 esA .6^31 ,S .rfsl bsib ,3to9ri3a s^-roaO ,-ro9.Cl93 r .ubL b'»ib 4>:o€»IIf>c: s-j-roaO "io allw .ao'sriS .^foallea ax,Bb as.arldriofli 2 ,8i''i 4»S &3A .?^8I Vc> 9:ljA .Vi'SI ,5 .nst b9ib ,5£o9rioS bno/mcBH .^iosCisa a\;Bb ^2 baa a4(«/norn i ,31b9>c .guA bsib ,3f09ll92 hnom^nfi "io 9li-" ,9o±ni/M .jCoallecJ i'^i> f^^ailinoa V ,a•x.••J^i ST 9sA .I3HI ,[ Bid nl '^i'SI. ,£ ..'isL b9ib ,^J-flI^ /tenfl^ia ,iSam. ii59^ .lair snwT, J!)9ib ^ital'i ria.ajxIS "io oliw .gnnabuiS: ,^^/?I'I *tn9Y riJ^<3^ is'^ «-t ^*»3I ,8 ,h .T^uA b:>xb .n-isgon rtrfoL to 9li»r .Hibv^J ,a'xs-noR -30- Whitson, WhitBon, Piatt, Whit son, Whitson, Rogers, Rogers, BrusGj Jarvis, Jarvis, Piatt, Smith, Smith Whit son, 1821-1909 Phebe H. Piatt, wife of Smith Whitscn. (No dates) Albert H» son of Smith and Phehe N. Whit son died Sep. 14, 1866, Age 18 years, 3 months and 24 days Edward Payson, son of Smith and Phebe K, Whitson, died Sep. 8, 1848. Age 2 years, 5 months and 15 days Jackson J. son of William and Charlotte Rogers, died Feb, 11, 18S8, Age 4 years, 4 months, 17 days James S. eon of William and Charlotte Rog- ers, died April 23, 1830. Age 2 years, 1 month and 12 days Van Renselaer, son of Isaac and Deborah A. Brush, a member of Co. C. 102nd Reg. N. Y. S. Vol. Served in the Battle of Antietam, of Chancellorsville and of Gettysburg and at the last he received the wound from which he died Oct. 22, 1863. Age 22 years, 5 months, 13 days Susanah, consort of Eliphalet Jeirvis, died Dec. 25, 1804 in her 64th year Ruth, wife of Eliphalet Jarvis, died Sep. 27, 1781 in her 42nd year Capt. Isaac Piatt, died Feb. 5 — (?) (Re- mainder not readable. Looks very old) Gilbert Piatt, son of Nathaniel and Phebe Smith, died Aug. 22, 1815. Age 3 years and 3 months Piatt, Scudder Piatt, died Nov, 29, 1829 in his 70th year < 5 . . , . {* eaA .8661 ,11 .cf» o ,11 ... \ .. ,. ;- ,/?n9 >t.i . • r .0 .00 "io 1 B ,riaun££ !to •Jl.jJMiti f b'^vte^ .loV .'-: .Y .'■: ■l-.;".' ^ IM!;, • 'I.' :l. .^ -oH) (?)— a .i-^'I b9i.b ,JJ^=i 4 ojs ,^ 14 > • • .,,,■••' r I •--- •. al»i i'. , .vo*! lijj , .-u'jjL'^ -31- Platt, Piatt, Piatt, ?]t&tt, Piatt, Rogers, Rogers, Piatt, Piatt, Piatt, Piatt, Piatt, Ketcham, Ketcham, Bennett, Zopher Piatt, died ITov. 1, 1812. Age 27 yrs Esther, wife of Scadder Piatt, died Aug. 22 1306 in her 47th year Zophar Piatt, Esq. died Merch 27, 1311 in his 77th year Sarah, wife of Zophar Piatt, died Nov. 16, 1811 in her 77th year Anna, wife of John Rogers and daughter of Zophar and Sarah Piatt, died July 3, 1824. Age 54 years John Rogers, died April 7, 1848 in his 79th year Jane Williams, daughter of John and Char- lotte Piatt, died Oct. 3, 1821. Age 6 years and 10 months Israel Piatt, died Jan. 24, 1848. Age 83 years, 3 months and 26 days Hannah wife of Israel Piatt, died May 14 1837. Age 74 years, 1 month and 13 dys Jesse Piatt, died Aug. 4, 1837. Age 42 yea« 2 months and 13 days Abigail, wife of Jesse Piatt, died March 1, 1833. Age 86 years and 5 months Zophar Ketcham, born May 22, 1811, died Nov. 2, 1394 Elizabeth, wife of Zophar Ketcham, born July 16, 1316, died March 27, 1892 Jacob Bennett, died March 3, 1859. Age 77 years, 9 months, 23 days " '>a^ •SXei ,' .VOr* w-ii.'. ,Jjr>j - i mj.jO^ ,.t*£W I ( nidaom 01 bi '>\; 9 ^ijcL^i V r^i >- A . r ,t .-c;'. r-»fr ,J-.^r. '*^ «^^na«iT. ,:^if5^«^[ .voK Bennett, Johnson, Johnson, Merrill, Merrill, Randall, Griffith, Rogers, Willett, Rogers, Rogers, Johnson, Johnson, John am, Johnson, Rebecca, wife of Jacob Bennett, died Aug. 20, 1854. Age 68 years, lOmos. 5 dys Joshu^ Johnson, born March 6, 1817, died Oct, 5, 1354 Elizabeth H. wife of Joshua Johnson, born Feb. 15, 1819, died Aug. 31, 1899 George D. Merrill, died Feb. 9, 1872. Age 58 years, 1 month and 22 days Sarsih G. wife of George D. Merrill, died May 19, 1898. Age 83 years, lmo.22 dys John Randall, died Aug. 30, 1860. Age 76 yB Edward H» son of Albert and Catharine Grif- fith, died Nov, 7, I860. Age 1 year, 6 months, 17 days George Bradford, son of Bradford and Eliza W. Rogers, died Atiig. 14, 1371. Age 34 years, 11 months, 27 days Eliza Willett, wife of Bradford Rogers, died Sep. 8, 1849. Age 3B years, 5 days Bradford Rogers, died April 28, 1853. Age 58 years and 5 months Henrietta F. Johnson, died Oct. 11,1903 Age 90 years, 7 months, 18 days Mary S. Johnson, born June 15,1329, died March 15, 1894 Samuel C. Johnan, born April 15, 1780, died Sep. 16, 1854 Mary, wife of Samuel G. Johnson, born Oct. 10, 1785, died March 6, 1876 p p O r fP ^-^ • A t- r. I ' ( I I .; r f < r fceiJt) ,11. .a sr. to s'tx^ . .i^:--^ .w c^ .I?6I 4^*1 .-^ '^ ,- -' . oxi- , i;>-c.Lli.; °:;x j;i SOGI,.rj .. , • .J:i.:9i.i ,noonr.ou i)9Xij ,-,o:c J.jOl SiiLw filOCl' ,i-i' . .-"iOOf-TiOl. ell . ' 'c-f. niocf jfltB ricL . '' Jsurrip' .of-ifiXioL i-asx ,e ^ . -' -33- Griffith, Jesse Griffith, died July 13, 1855. Age 67 years Griffith, Hannali, wife of Jesse Griffith, died Dec, 18, 1848. Age 53 years Johnson, Mary, relict of Oliver Johnsm, died July 9 1844. Age 55 years and 6 days Johnson, Rehecca, daughter of Oliver and Mary John- son, died April 10, 1839. Age 22 years 11 months and 16 days Johnson, Dehorali Ann Johnson, died June 13, 1838. Age 30 years Johnson, Oliver Johnson, died March 16, 1836, Age 52 years Ketcham, Jacob Ketcham, died Jan. 22, 1881 in his 80th year Ketcham, Margaret Ketchani, died Sep. 3, 1867 in her 55th year Ketcham, Elizabeth Ketchara, died Jan. 23, 1865 in her 62nd year Piatt, John, son of Israel and Hannah Piatt, died May 2, 1862. Age 73 years Johnson, Abiathar, son of William and Margaret John- son, died Oct, 10, 1801. Age 12 years and 3 months Johnson, Reuben Johnson, died --(?) 17, 1816. Age 32 years Conklin, David Conklin, died Jan. 10, 1858. Age 85 years, 8 months, 29 days Conklin, Mary, wife of David Conklin, died Aug. 23 1846 in her 73rd yeeur "■C»0"» •r^fi .ac' ■■ J ^ -•. r >U3; If jyu. jJ9Xi -rijx a'Xi- e %i « \. •LC- .j^JX IJXIw "oL ai«a\; OC s;;^. '■■-■A ."^^fif j."'^ nx - J 4. j<. iy-Ji.,- .V . •; 1 .. vv ■-. in" . ^ . r,<»i£. juce R «*''A . r ,0/ .rusX bftib ,nll3inoO IxVijC , vrRrjrfriT. ,n93r{od-9^' ,-.>->.:.'^ jJc-fifS ,noHnrioT. !»r! .ftlljffioO -34- '.Vicks, Anna, wife of Lemuel Wicks, died Jan. 17 1710. Age 57 years, 2 months, 12 days Wheeler, Hannah, wife of Eppenetus V/heeler, died Feb 7, 1809. Age 19 years, lOmos. 12 days Scudder, Sarah \7. wife of John Scudder, died Feh. 17, 1331 in her 49th year Piatt, Mary, wife of Obadiah Piatt, died June 7, 1825, in her 85th year Piatt, Isaac Piatt, died Aug. 8, 1849. Age 36 yrs. 2 months, 24 days Piatt, Deborah, wife of Jesse Piatt, died Dec. 31 1319. Age 81 years Piatt, Jesse Piatt, died No v. 25, 1827. Age G5yrs Piatt, Ira Piatt, died Aug. 25, 1325. Age 30 yeas Piatt, Alfred, son of Ira and Katurah Piatt, died Sep. 16, 1325. Age 14 months Piatt, Lankey, wife of Ira Piatt, died May 1,1822 Age 23 years Piatt, Ira, son of Jesse and Deborah Piatt, died April 9, 1796. Age 2 years Piatt, David Piatt, died June 27, 1822. Age 32 yrs Piatt, Francis Asbury, son of Isaac and Elizabeth Piatt, died Oct. 8, 1822. Age 1 year and 26 days Matthias, Morehouse Matthias, died June 30, 1822. Age 59 years Matthias, Catherine, wife of Morehouse Matthias, died May 12, 1826. Age 53 years -i- - 3"Kf5 '"I . "^ S i;' u X) O J ir. .i : lU". 1 ' , - -nil cy::i-:c; j. a-ifi^v r'^ ■^- i .err B9'i OF. ssA .6S'8I ,5S .suA baib ^HbH^l ail bsi- » •^■■•^'' '■•>iyi'BX bn- '^-^T "to nee /.^-f-'rA . i-L «ba -I- ,fi-r . SSei,! xjbU ^-^ f-' T t *^ **» a ' ,'£Sl09rfW g w w JU ^ «. ..-cBln ''•r>v: r i" 5(T r Q ,» f rr jfLSl'i jJJalSt l^iK •S>S«&J , I < i" ,. „ . , ^ fc . .... r ^i .?:i^iriiiBM '.•U-D ^U'jii J iv g^tiA j^iri^^A^^ ,si ^rj r. < • * f -T : * 4 J .. t r -35- Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelcy, Kelcy, Kelcy, Walters, Kelsey, Jones, Jones, Jones, Chenei' Haines KelQ^ John G. Kelsey, died Jan. 12, 1865. Age 71 years, 7 months and 15 days Rebecca, wife of John G. Kelsey, died Aug. 9, 1849. Age 49 years, 7 months and 27 days E Eva, daughter of John C. and Susan^Kelsey died Feb. 11, 1855. Age 4 raos. 10 dys E Samuel, son of John C. and Susan^ Kelsey, born July 30, 1328, died ilov. 24, 1343 Piatt Kelcy, died June 12, 1316. Age 60 yrs Sarah, wife of John C. Kelcy, died Feb ,25 1817. Age 19 years Amelia, daughter of Piatt and Mary Kelcy, died May 24, 1817. Age 13 years Mary Elisabeth, daughter of Peter and Eliz- abeth Walters, died Sep. 25, 1824. Age 37 years ^ary E. daughter of Jesse and Phebe Kelsey died Nov. 12, 1357. Age 32 yrB.3mos Hallett Jones, died April 11, 1847. Age 53 years Mary, wife of Hallett Jones, Jr. died May 27, 1830, also their infant son Wil- liam died Feb. 9, 1830 Charlotte, wife of Hallett Jones, Jr. died April 13, 1825. Age 30 years Elizabeth Cheney, wife of Samuel Haines, died May 13, 1347, Age 30 years Piatt Kelcy, died Feb. 11, 1826. Age 38 years and 6 months :-A .f»r»ej" .T": .~cL f:"-; t':-'- .-^nc 'eX V ,an£3' idebl ,^S .vol: bnxo ,8261 ,0C \;It;T. niorf r- -. ^- f»;iA .Vi^BJ .JJ IJtiqA b'iib ,eonot vt;ff»riBH ^nsfioT. -IxT no8 ^oe'trii: lisi:^ oa te ,0581 .vr* />»ib .iL .eanoL ^v 'to eU* .ftj . o n -f/J .aanoL I « V BiiJOY 05 esA .'. i'rl ,f J \.Bii bsJJb ( .» • .u^.- -36- Platt, Obadiah Piatt, died Dec. 7, 1829 in hia 84th year Piatt, Drake W, Piatt, died Aug. 7, 1849 in his 30th year Piatt, Infant son of Drake W. and Caroline Piatt, died Jan. 1, 1848 Deen, Esther, wife of Joseph Deen, died Dec. 21 1743. Age 46 years Piatt, Mary, wife of Obadiah Piatt, died June 7, 1325. Age 85 years Sackett, WilliajTi H. Sackett, died Feb. 2B, 1846. Age 43 years Piatt, Aunt Nancy Piatt, born March 1, 1814, died May 3, 1909 Piatt, Content, wife of Philetus Piatt, died April 11, 1832. Age 59 years Wickes, Sarah, wife of Gilbert Wickes, died May 4 1794. Age 62 years Wickes, Sarah, wife of Gilbert Wickes, died Majch 12, 1795. Age 36 years, 12 days Rusco, Hannah, daughter of David and Jemima Rusco died Oct. 12, 1773. Age 14 years Rusco, Sarah, daughter of David and JemLna Rusco died Peb. 4, 1762. Age 3 years Gould, )Mary, wife of Thomas G. Gould and daughter ^endrickson) of Thomas and Jan*". Hendrickson, died Oct, 12, 1844. Age 25 years, 1 month, 18 days Wood, Silas Wood, died March 2, 1847 in his 78th year -52- t.N^r^" ^f f r,«'vc-r r->rtB .V; ar-LRTCI Tto roc Jreir«T ,j-^Rrq. r. . J . . om r ,G- . E »?/ .ioO CJer 8irf nl T^dJ ,S rioiBM />sib »booV/ ajsTia ,l)OoW -37- Wood, Gould, Gould, Crossmaii, Gould, Rusco, Rusco, Rusco, Rusco, Rusco, Long, Long, Tnith, ) Long, Smith, Eliza'oeth, wife of Silas Wood, died Dec. 17 1859. Age 69 years, 4 months, 27 days Clarissa, daughter of David and Mary Gould died May 26, 1308. Age 6 yrs. 5 raos Amelia, daughter of David and Mary Gould, died June 5, 1808. Age 2 yrs, 10 mos. Infant daughter of Gilbert and Mary E. CroaB man, died Aug. 1, 1839, also their son died Sep. 16 1341 William Schenclc, son of David and Mary Gould, died Sep. 7, 1824. Age 10 months and 8 days David Rusco, died Oct. 12, 1815. Age 91yr5 Jemima, wife of David Rusco, died April 10, 1799. Age 71 years David Rusco, Jr, died Jan. 10, 1305. Age 51 years Hannali, wife of David Rusco, Jr. died T7eb. 2, 1820. Age 66 years Nathaniel Rusco, died Nov. 3, 1830. Age 48 years and 7 months James Long, died April 26, 1849. Age 63 yrs Sarah, wife of James Long, died Jan. 20, 1843. Age 55 years Jane Amelia, wife of John S, Long and daughter of Ebenezer and Amelia Smith died Dec. 26, 1859. Age 29 years Hannah Maria, wife of John S. Long and daughter of Ebenezer and Amelia Smith, died Jan. 7, 1851. Age 27 years -r£« TX. 'ML' »; r?, c- A , r;i;. r • 8om OX .s* biVRl to ^?J ■^ilMlO liarfi oaXif ,G<;6J: ,I .guA fcezb ,rc'-ir. ""3(1 1o nC'i t^Oi :ji ■ E7\.IC f>''A .drSI ,5.;i ,JtO b*ti:h ,oci3L'H biv/T"! Ul liiqj'. i.9i:Li ,000 ir ^.-^.A .GOV! -9v bQil, •iL jOOGL:. i3 ':^f: ■> v o r ■^tff,,l.• ? l,r:r nrr'v f-"'. ,booV? jbljjoc ■iW ,bI;joC »ooauh XX f.b 93A .&^8I ,c>S Ixiq*i bdxb iB.ioa ay.ijav. «anoJ , I'M . Jit bH/b ,31- ;nisL lo •. , ASi nrtcT, ^o »T:lw jftllamA en-eL i ja**© -33- Howard, Howard, Howard, Woodworth, Burtis, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Wickes, Mahan, Mahan, Mahan, Homer, son of Jonathan and Clarieaa How- ard, died Aug. 3, 1846. Age 44 years 4 months, 22 days LeGrand, son of Farnam and Emily Howard, died March 5, 1B53. Age 3 years, 8 months, 8 days Oscar E, son of Farnam and Emily Howard, died April 19, 1848. Age 6 months, 12 days Alexander Woodworth of Suffield, Ct. died Sep. 19, 1791. Age 23 years Ruth, wife of Malthy Burtis, died March 20, 1818. Age 34 years Sally C. Jones, died Nov. 23, 1817. Age 20 years Uriali 0. Jones, died July 14, 1317, Age 23 years Israel B. Jones, died Oct. 1, 1886. Age 93 years and 5 months James Jones, died Aug. 25, 1847. Age 82 yrs Warren Franklin, son of John H. and Abigail Wickes, died May 3, 1840. Age 10 years 3 months and 3 days Emily Frances, daughter of Francis H. and Sarah M. Malian, died Feb, 21, 1858. Age 3 years, 2 months, 14 days Adrian C. son of Francis H. and Sarah M. Ma han, died March 15, 1841. Age 1 year, 11 months and 1 day Farnum Howard, son of Francis H. and Sarah M. Mahan, died Aug. 1, 1841. Age 5 months and 5 days -co- ^ftr'T j^r.n :'T. T". nn. 8'^ tncT ?n nf..-: Q'(/^i> aS" ,aaJ^noA> i* ■-TT , f, "AWOf jfcXBWOH ,'■>•■ r- -oil V 'i ( oioaO jijixjwoil S'^flb 91 I>'jj:t> ... ,ol5=.iT^i/a lo ffc^iowfcooW t^hn&r.&Lk ,/^J•rccv/^o^.v' rioiaM beifc ^e. . t «j -^4 * 3 ir. n V OS .a9>:oi',': 8x^b M ,8rf*noni 2 ,BfBdv, C 03A . ' r»t J. , J . .ItflfLBi' ,n8ilBL( ..jixIiiM -39- / ^ Wood, Wood, Finclily, Titus, Mull In, Scudder, Scudder, Scudder, Scudder, Matthews, Matthews, Matthews, Matthews, Betts, Israel Wood, died May 8, 1791 in his 6ath year Washta, wife of Israel Wood, died April 22 1312. Age 86 years SaraJi, wife of ^eorge Pinchly, died March 3, l&iZ, Age 79 years Mary, wife of Abiel Titus, died July 25, 1736 in her 32nd year Mary Jane, daughter of Patrick Mullin,died May 26, 1847. Age 6 years and 1 month Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Scudder, died Sep, 2, 1773, Age 36 years and 11 raos Jonathan Scudder, died May 12, 1814. Age 77 years Moses Scudder, Esq. died May 28, 1759, Age 50 years (?) daughter of Moses Scudder,— -- (?) Edward Matthews, died Dec. 29, 1865. Age 55 years Samuel Matthews, lost at sea on Steamship Pacific, 1856 Mary Matthews, died Oct. 25, 1849. Age 66 years Thomas Matt|iews, died Sep. 14, 1849. Age 66 . years Lucretia, daughter of Birrell and Amelia ^etts, died Dec. 12, 1835. Age 1 year and 7 months -cc- SS IllqA i)9ixj .booV? -Jiff ,«Jifec\7 g'^:. vjx u v^LD ,P " .r ' R nir r r ' 93A .tevi ,cS 'te:: boii) .pas , ,8L.TXT ,itj lii.:.. ,'l?btLIU_. ayaoll ^noiii-ciL; (v) ,n9Jbi)ijoG aseow lo ia.hijjx»iiij (»; »3A .dSei ,eS" .o^a heit .aw^fi^J-Bii Jbif■ >\ .-r.^r ^fjT r>i- A y-,}" ,rf r-, v, . ? r-r ,^,.ir.-:> .'?) rtt Qtol ,C \^.a i>©J: , Ic^JLiiiKl ,1) Q1X 0€ esA .8881 ,VS XpM b»ib .riJ^xmci noeloH C 9JjA .■^-^til ^VS. Li'. OOSr ,\' .;,uA b9tb 4CI8J , .ioO mod" jooirusa .A -^xaU ooex ,M n-tqK Bid ul e^eX ,vr . : halh jitiX: wiecijr voK Iff "^0 bJIw .].i rfaiflS iiB nlX:£noO .H XsanA "ic 9lJ-w .:t x*^M '9 <1SE '.3X, ^TsM ,T{i'iraG ,iii X>'nor -41- Con^lin, i' Brush, ■^rush, Brush, Conklin, Conklin, Conklin, Higbie, Place, Place, •^ Brush, Conklin, Conklin, Sarah relict of Ezra Conklin, died May 8 1849. Age 64 years Elizabeth, wife of Zephaniah Brush, died April 10, 1818, Age 34 years Edmund R. son of Jesse and Marietta L.Bruali died Aug. 25, 1845. Age 1 year, 2 months and 5 days Infant daughter of Jesse and Marietta L. Brush died Feb. 28, 1846. Age 24 days Henry Conklin, died Sep. 22, 1822. Age 25 years Rebecca, wife of Nathan W. Conklin, died Feb. 26, 1822. A^e 28 years Martha, wife of Samuel Conklin, died Aug. 8, 1822. Age 53 years Clarissa, wife of Daniel B, Higbie, died April 2, 1812. Age 23 years. Also her son aged 3 days Ruth, wife of Joseph Place, died Oct. 13, 1856, Age 75 years, 4 months, 5 days Joseph Place, died April 21, 1839. Age 62 years and 5 months Mary Antoinette, relict of Abiel Brush, died Jan. 13, 1849 in her 60th year Ezekiel Conklin, died Oct. 23, 1820. A^e 80 years and 11 months Mary, wife of Ezekiel Conklin, died Nov. 22 1804 in her 66th year r ^ ^ a--.. . ' > 3 fens 3.'fofionii a-'iab f^S «»5jA .Si* - 6 sib dauri:. r L r ansfj-'i CS 9:^^ .2281 .8 b^^ib ,9lcf3iH ,3 £9in/j- j'Mw .eaaJ^'i.- n .^Itf^lK :C9ii oafA. .si^is'i S':: g^iA ..>/ ^ CiiqA n bsgr. noa 3V;jC!b <3,a'iv:toiu i' ,aT'-iy\: dr ' . :■: L 3i£Jnoiu 3 bJia a'i-.:o^ 2c^ CsJcfA Io io>l9T jSj'JanloinA. \.- , lautS , ;-. 3 -rotl nl e^bl ,€I .oeX. . I ,S2 ..too b9l/3 .nilxnoO I3l5f9s?r ,nx ^riinom XI bos ai^sx OH 5S .vo loO l9i^9s:5 lo ftli^ , ,Tr '-.loO TB9X rf*9^ ^9^ «-t ^oai -42- WilletB, Phebe, wife of Piatt Willets, died April 7 1827. Age 40 yearg, also her infant daughter Interred here Willets, Amos Willets, died April 16, 1799. Age 43 years Willets, Mary, wife of Amos Wil] eta, died June 22, 1811. A^e 50 years Bumsted, Ruth B. daughter of Thomas Bumsted, died in New York April 6, 1855 in her 31st yr Willetts, Keziah, daughter of Amos and Mary V/illets, died Feb. 3, 1801. Age 13 years Willetts, Mary, daughter of Amos and Mary Willetts died April 29, 1797. Age 5 days Willets, Mary, daughter of Piatt and Phebe Willets died March 9, 1810. Age 1 year, 7 months and 12 days Willetts, Amos P. son of Piatt and Phebe Willetts, died I.irch 4, Ibll?.. Age 1 year, 10 months and 25 days Sammis, Richard Sammis, died Sep. 21, 1821. Age 43 years Sammis, Phebe, relict of Richard Sammis, died Feb. 25, 1840. Age 64 years Sammis, Phebe Ann, wife of Walter Sammis, died Dec. 8, 1822. Age 21 years, 1 month, 6 days Ketcham, Mary E. only child of Stephen and Mary Ket- cham died Feb. 23, 1838. Age 4 years 3 months and 22 days Ketcham, John F. only son of Stephen and Mary Ket- cham, died Feb. 17, 1823. (No age) r r-rr.-v f -^Irr ,d . .a^-jCI' < » a*. 3.1 ^ rilW soraA .« .■••:o •'»■•■; ,a^* 1 ' aauj . •: ■» ; ■♦',', r • : *a IS lerC nf . '..-.oX .... •> ' , -t» . uVi bail". -lA to .7^71 ,9C Il-r -. riiv? < . ,-i .. 3H'i «" -43- Ketcham, Ketcham, ) Dexter, ) SammiB, Sammis, Dean, Conkling, Conkllng, Conkling, Conklin, Titus, Titus, Titus, Titus, Stephen Ketcham, died May 13, 1840 in his 45th year Mary Dexter, wife of Stephen Ketcham, died Oct. 9, 1887 in her 87th year Joseph Sammis, died June 14, 1848 in his 67th year Betsey P. vife of Joseph Samniis, died 5'eb. 12, 1846 in her 59th year Samuel W. son of John and Eli^iabeth Dean, died Aug. 19, 1823, Age 1 year, 7 mos David Conkling, died Dec. 3, 1787 in his 44th year Sibyl, wife of David Conkling, died Aug. 13, 1788. Age 44 years Thomas McAuley, son of Thomas W. and Phebe Conkling, died In New York Sep. 20 1829. Age 4 years and 8 months Angel ire, daughter of Henry and Sabrina Conklin, died March 19, 1829. Age 5 yrs Israel Titus, died Aug. 15, 1841. Ase 67 years and 6 months Elizabeth, daughter of Israel and Temper- ance Titus, died May 1, 1807. 4ge 28 years, 5 months and 8 days Temperance, wife of Israel Titus, died Oct. 26, 1789 in her 41st year Polly, daughter of Israel and Temperance Titus, died Sep, 1, 1796. Age 19 years 5 months, 17 days "ilri ni 6>£I ,M etitrL *>«»! -' -,- -, _, ^^ . LI 'T ; n ,. .J^'^' .S'*^^ ,T^l:~-rir-.'! .-{T-i-^iT !f-,"o: ar r 'o,rrr. .. > r*^ r,r- A bns ^ r-Ar* r .'. .-^ I ri ^ '■/ rf^' r.rr'"r M , - r '' a;rJ;io; "r^r.ial .,- r- i Ifl VI ,1 . -44- TitUB, James, son of Israel and Temperance Titue, died May 12, 1793 in his 9th year Titus, Ira, son of Israel and Temperance Titue, died May 13, 1793 in his 11th year Titus, Clary, daughter of Israel and Tempersjnce Ti^ tus, died May 19, 1793 in her 13th yr Jones, Obadiah Jones, Esq. died Dec. 18, 1790 in his 75th year Denton, Alexander, Sen of Samuel and Hannah Denton, died Aug. 17, 1839. Age 22 years, 9 months and 8 days Denton, Mary Ann, wife of Samuel W. Denton, died July 22, 1846, Age 27 years, 3 months and 20 days Denton, Samuel W. son of Samuel end HannaJi Denton, died April 17, 1847. Age 24 years, 4 months and 9 days Denton, Caroline, wife of John V. Denton, died Oct 4, 1852 in her 42nd year Denton, Benjamin Franklin, son of Samuel W. and Mary A. Denton, died June 3, 1854. Age 7 years, 11 months end. 25 days Potter, Seraphena, daughter of Gilbert and Eliza- beth Potter, died Dec. 21, 1782. Age 15 years. Laid here at the time the British had a fortres on her family burying place Scudder, Hannah, wife of Jacob Scudder, died Aug. 28, 1790. Age 21 years Scudder, Jacob Scudder, died Jan, 25, 1795. Age 32 years and 10 months , -lo ;.? u « "' ' •:.;.. i. •- - , .noons'.. . arfjiiora 5 ,3TS9\: ; jiJ'il ,30J"XT .asnoL j/ioJn-jfl tn rrov . .n: rr >a .i-toJTis'i 9 9 :.-"-U. •if) -45- TituB, Phebe, wife of Henry Titus, died Jan. 15, 1846. Age 92 years Titus, Henry Titus, died July 27, 1816. Age 64 yrs Titus, Sarah, relict of Jonathan Titus, died Dec, 15, 1813, Age 88 years Titus, Capt, Jonathan Titus, died June 12, 1808. In his 85th year Titus, Capt. John Titus, died June 4, 1754 in his 69th year Titus, Sarah, wife of Capt. Jonathan Titus, died March 6, 1740. Age 47 years Titus, John Titus, died Jan, — (?) 1751— (?) Titus, Henry Titus, died Sep. 4, 1754 in his 31st year Gould, Elizabeth, wife of Jesse Gould, died Oct. 7, 1853. Age 60 years Gould, Alfred, son of Jesse and Elizabeth Gould, died Feb. 10, 1838. Age 22 years Gould, Phebe E. daughter of Jesse and Eli>-.abeth Gould, died Sep. 30, 1849. Age 23 yrs Titus, Ruth, relict of Jacob Titus, died Oct. 3 2, 1849. Age 90 years Mead, Emma, daughter of (?) Mead, died — (?) Age 4 years, 5 months Filer, Rachel, wife of Alpheus Filer, died March 13, 1802. Age 29 years. Also her in- fant daughter interred here Titus, Jacob Titus, died March 11, 1832. Age 71 years, 4 months and 24 days h'*ifi 71 ,A ,afi'li: i .^uilT . I. i r ' Jit rrfoU i -46- Gonklin, Conkling, Mather , Piatt, Mather, Smith, Willi airs, Will isms. Williems, WilliMiris, Ketcham, Ketcham, Williejns, Gould, Richard Gonklin, died July 24, 1787. Age 61 years Rebecca, wife of Hubbard Conkling and for* er wife of Richard Gonklin, died Jan. 2, 1795 in her 62nd year Jemima, v/ife of Alexander Mather, died Apr. 5, 1805 in her 44th year Sarah, wife of Isaac Piatt, died Oct. 3, 1801. Age 20 years, 5 months, 20 days ^eorge B. son of Alexander and Prudence Mather, died Aug. 22, 1811. Age 1 yea* 1 month and 9 days Zadoc C. Smith, son of Jonathan and Eliza- beth Smith, died Feb. 16, 1S06. Age 26 days Mary Howell Williams, died March 12, 1841. Age 20 years ajid 3 months Martha, relict of Gilbert Williams, died June 12, 1813 in her 49th year Gilbert Williems, died Jan. 26^ 1809. Age 45 years and 1 month Eli^.abeth, formerly widow of Mr. ^^athaniel Williams but late wife of Mr. Phillip Ketcham, died Dec, 26, 1773 in her 79th year Nathaniel Ketcham, died Dec. --(?) in his 34th year Mary, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Will i am s died April 31, 1734 in her 10th year Walter Gould, died April 2, 1868, in his 80th year -47- Gould, Eli^.abeth P. Gould, born Oct, 29, 181 &, died March 13, 1896 Gould, Anna, wife of V;al.ter Gould, died Feb, 12, 1847 in her 59th year Potter, Nathaniel Potter, died Nov. 24, 1841 in his 80th year Rogere, Sarah, relict of Willieia Rogers, died Aprl 13, 1823, Age 67 years Rogers, William Rogers, born Nov. 19, 1741, sailed for New London, July 17, 1780, suppo* to have been lost in a hurricane the 12th of Oct. following. Potter, Elizabeth relict of Gilbert Potter, M. D. died Nov, 17, IBll. Age 83 years, 8 months and 8 days Potter, Col. Gilbert Potter, M, D. died Feb. 14 1786. Age 61 years Potter, Elizabeth, daughter of Gilbert and Elizabi Potter, died June 17, 1759. Age 1 year 3 months and 17 days Potter, Peleg Potter, died Feb. 27, 1751. Age 9 ma Potter, Peleg, son of Gilbert and Elizabeth Potter died April 5, 1764 in his 13th year WeraysB, Lt. Col. James Wemyss, a native of Edenbug Scotland, formerly a distinguished officer in the service of his country died at Huntington, L. I. Dec, 16, 1833. Age 85 years Brush, Abiel Brush, of New York, died Jan. 4, 1836 in his 48th year •■ .y I ,.-;i -/i8- Brush, Brush, Bruslj Williams, Williems, Goul d. Gould, Coddington, Gould, Goul d, Bunce, Bunce, Bunce, Brush, Brus^ Tredwell Brush, died Feb. 18, 1826. Age 71 years and 7 months Isaac Brush, died Aug. 17, 1825. Age 46 ya Anne, wife of Tredwell Brush, died April A 24, 1800. Age 44 years William E. Williyiris, died Feb. 5, 1836. Age 27 years, 8 months, 14 days Keturah, wife of William E. Will isms, and only daughter of William and Sarah Gould, died April 26, 1836. AQe 32 years, 8 months, 21 days. Also their infant died July 30. Age 3mos.21 days Keturah, wife of William Gould, died Dec. 14, 1800 in her 32nd year WilltaJti Coddington, died Sep. 2, 1827. Age 31 years, 4 months, 18 days William Gould, died May 6, 1359, Age 89 years, 2 .months, 21 days Sarah, wife of William Gould, died Jan. 18, 1360. Age 87 years, 3 mos. 1 day Joel Bunce, died April 29, 1353. Age 37 ys Elizabeth, wife of Joel Bunce, died Dec. 30,1890. Age 75 years Emma, daughter of Joel and Elizabeth Bunce died Nov, IB, 1842. Age 2 mos. 18 dys Mary, daughter of Elkanah and Phebe Brush, died June 11, 1823. Age 17 years Ellcanah Brush, died June 2, 1830. Age 52 y -49- Brush, Phebe, wife of EDkanah Brush, died I'eb. 20 1843. A^e 70 years, 11 months, 20 day Brush, Jane M, daughter of Elkanah and Phebe Bruh died Nov. 20, 1846. Age 33 years, 5 months and 10 days Denton, Warren, son of Israel and Elizabeth Denton died Jan. 12, 1325. Age 3 years, 3 months and 4 days Denton, Mary, daughter of Israel and Elizabeth De« ton, died Jan, 7, 1817. Age 9 weeks Denton, Mary, wife of Israel Denton, died IIov. 1, 1817. Age 22 years Turner, Mary E. Turner, died Jan. 9, 1337. Age 10 years, 9 months, 4 days Sammis,) Mary, wife of Smith Sammis and daughter of Rogers, ) Isaac and Hannah Rogers, died May 11 1824. Age 38 years Saiiirais, Smith Sammis, died July 22, 1847 in his 63rd year Sammis, Mary, daughter of Smith and Mary Sammis, died JAn^ 11, 1841 in her 18th year Rogers, Alexander Rogers, died July 20, 1782. Age 43 years Rogers, Hannah, wife of Alexander Rogers, died Jujr 30, 1782. Age 20 years Rogers, Hezekiah Rogers, died Sep. 25, 1778. Age 75 years Rogers, Ruth, wife of Hezekiah Rogers, died March 2, 1786. Age 82 years -: f-' , a • v..A^ -50- Rogers, Brush, Brush, Coddington, Gould, Goul d, ) Titus, ) Goul d, Jones, Macavey, Gould, Gould, Sammls, Denton, Denton, Obediah Rogers, died Aug. 10, 1770. Age 45 years Jesse Brush, died July 12, 1800. Age 48 years. (A Revolutionary Soldier) Dority, wife of Jesse Brush, died Dec. 16 133 5. Age 84 years and 5 months Mary, wife of Benjamin Coddington, died Feb. 17, 1812. Age 52 years Abial Gould, died Nov. 6, 1832 in his 72nd year Experience, wife of Abial Gould and daught- er of Capt. Jonathan Tftus, died April 21, 1846 in her 73rd year Mary, wife of Abial Gould, died Dec, 11, 1812 in her 47th year Obadiah Jones, Esq. died Dec; 18, 1790, in his 75th year John Macavey, died Jan. 28, 1811 in his 35th year Benjamin Gould, died Aug. 11, 1845 in his 87th year Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Gould, died Oct. 22, 1847. Age 63 years Lucinda, relict of the late Scudder Sammis died Dec. 27, 1843. Age 78 years Rebecca, wife of Alexander Denton, died 2, 1314. Age 63 years Alexander Denton, died April 24, 1314. Age 66 years -51- Denton, Rebecca, wife of Benjamin Denton, died May 23, 1783. Age 61 years Denton, Benjamin Denton, died May 12, 1789 in his 68th year Conklin, Peleg Conklin, died Sep. 25, 1339. Age 52 years Conklin, Elizabeth, wife of Peleg Conklin, died Mch. 25, 1856. Age 74 years, 11 months and 27 days Saminis, Rebekah, wife of Jesse Sa/ranis, died ---(?) (Remainder not readable) Rogers, Phebe, wife of Oberdiah Rogers, died Nov. 12, 1754 in her 69th year Rogers, Obediah Rogers, died Feb. 7, 1759 in his 81st year Denton, Temperance Denton, died Jan. 9, 1742/3 in her 61st year Rogers, Ananias Rogers, died Feb. 16, 1775. Age 64 years. (On this stone is "John Zuricher, stone cutter.) Bennett, Timothy Bennett, died Nov. 21, 1823. Age 75 years ■^ennett, John Bennett, died Jan. 21, 1846. Age 59 years Bennett, Maria, wife of Timothy Bennett, died Jai-i. 30, 1850 in her 93rd year Conkling, Mary, wife of Philip Conkling, died May 31 1791. Age 52 years Rogers, Richard, son of Zephaniah and Rebecca Rog- ers, died Feb. 21, 1828. Age 30 years and 10 months ai « J ' tj .ir .vov. ' ■■■ , r ,£5?- .fiel fc^ib , I94 ..n (?)— f 'j;: 'I «• «i^' r.' ?i ,e .r 1JK' ,. . ..1 -52- Hugins, Win.iam Hugina, died July 14, 1790 in his 50th year Hopper, Mary, wife of Matthew Hopper, died April 9 1780. Age 40 years Morgan, James, son of John and Abigail Morgan, died April 21, 1845. Age 82 years Morgan, Abigail, wife of John Morgan, died March 30, 1769 in her 36th year Morgan, John Morgan, died Aug. 30, 1787 in his 56th year Morgan, Ebenezer, son of John and Abigail Morgan died on the coast of Africa, March 5, 1770, in his 19th year Morgan, Rebecca Legate, daughter of John and Abi- gail Morgan, died in 1780 in her 22nd year Rogers, Alexander Rogers, died July 20, 1784, Age 43 years Rogers, Hannah, wife of Alexander Rogers, died Juy 30, 1784. Age 40 years Rogers, Piatt Rogers, died May 26, 1812. Age 45 yis Rogers, Zebulon Rogers, died March 4, 1320. Age 58 years Rogers, Rhoda, wife of Zebulon Rogers, died "Feb. 24, 1835. Age 72 years Bennett, Naomi Bennett, born Dec. 7, 1783, died Jan 18, 1863 Bennett, Israel Bennett, died July 7, 1317. Age 44 years, 7 months and 8 days 6 9 J I . 4 I r fil fcsJcb ,ru r ,o:: I * -53- Bennett, Meredith, Meredith. Piatt, Oakley, Oakley, Saminis, Saimnis, Sammis, Sarnmis, Sanunis, Fleet, Alexander Bennett, died Feb. 19, 1819. Age 33 years Elizabeth Heredlt^i died Feb, 13, 1335. Age 4 years, 5 months and 22 days, daught- er of William and Hannah Meredith Williara Henry, son of William and Hannah Meredith, died Feb. 23, 1835. Age 2 years, 11 months and 22 days Maria Louisa, daughter of William and Han- nah Meredith, died Aug. 14, 1829. Age 10 months John, son of Mr. John and Mrs, Charity Piatt, died Sep, 6, 1815. Age Imo. 1^ Antoinette, daughter of John W. and Ketu- rah Oakley, died Oct. 11, 18*6. Age 49 years, 1 month and 8 days, also Charles Egbert Oakley died at Vera Crua, April 12, 1847. Age 21 years, 5 months Eind 22 days Mary Louisa, daughter of John W. and Xetu- rah OakleJ, died May 9, 1836. Age--(1 Oliver Sammis, died Dec. 11, 1831. Age 47 _ years, 5 months, 24 days Sarah, wife of Oliver Sammis, died Nov. 2 1817. Age 26 years, 3 months, 13 days Mary Cathariae, daughter of Oliver and Sa- rah Sarnmis, died Oct. 23, 1820. Age 8 years, 5 months and 21 days Henry, son of Capt. Scudder and Lucinda Sammis, died June 28, 1842. Age 53 yrs Abigail, wife of Joseph Sammis, died Feb. 17, 1809. Age 56 years Sarah Fleet, died May 14, 1878. Age 88 yri 3 months and 25 days ,<;j if^l^ftf' liiibBr^i: rfal. .Tl' lo nrr , -. fol „Mi:- iM ,,ri .. ^r..+ rfA .'nO s \ il ,'- 'io r^ U-JX-'J:^ i. ,J-i^,:.\, ' a-. lE.; -54- Wetmore, Winefred, wife of Uoah Wetmore, Matron of ^'ew York Hospital. For seven yea® faithfully discharged her duty to the sick and distressed, died April 11, 1815. Age 46 years and 5 months Titus, Timotlny Titus, died Oct. S, 1735 in his 28th year Titus. Abiel Titus, died May 3, 1759 in his 50th year Titus, Elizabeth, wife of Abiel Titus, died Feb. 10, 1750/l in her 41st year Conkling, Philetus, son of Ezekiel and Mary Conkling died Sep. 6, 1778 in his 10th year Conkling, Titus, son of Ezekiel and Mary Conkling, died Sep. 13, 1778 in his 2nd year Rogers, Joshua Rogers, died June 1, 1785. Age 47 years and 7 months Rogers, Hannah, wife of Joshua Rogers, died Dec.lB 1787 in her 48th year Piatt, Sarah, wife of Amos Piatt, died Jan. 13, 1796 in her 82nd year Jarvis, Martha, wife of Augustin Jarvis, died Sep. 13, 1815. Age 51 years, 5 mos. 6 d^^s Jarvis, Augustin Jarvis, died Nov. 6, 1843. Age 82 years Wetmore, Appollos R. son of Noah and Winefred Wet- more, died Jan. 10, 1790. Age 3 years 9 months and 25 days Sammia, John Samrais, died April 21, 1831. Age 39 years and 5 months AS ui ^i. VL ,' C>9ll> ,ai.,.^iT IsJtoA ,n;\MT ;iXa rr r • .& . -55- Sammis, Saairnis,] Smith, ) Titus, Williams, Williams, Douglass, Williams, Goul d, Gould, Goul d, Goul d. Potter, Wetmore, Jervis, Jervis, Jared Sammis, died Aug. 2, 1822. Age 27 yrs Elizabeth, horn March 7, 1776, daughter of Joel and Elizabeth Smith, and wife to Israel Sammis, died Oct, 30, 1310 Abial son of Mr. Abial Titus, died June 6, 1760. (Age not readable) Henry Williams, born April 8, 1790, died Aug. 4, 1864 Harret Douglass, wife of Henry Williams, born Aug. 28, 1816, died Aug. 29,1849 Sarah E. Williams, died May 8, 1853. Age 50 years, 9 months, 12 days Anna, wife of Walter Gould, died Feb. 12, 1847. Age 59 years Brewster Gould, died July 13, 1853. Age 43 years Henry B. eldest son of Brewster and Eliza- beth Gould, died Nov. 23, 1856, Age 18 years Anna K. only daughter of Brewster and Eliz- abeth Gould, died Jan, 12, I860, Age 15 years Nathaniel Potter, died Nov. 24, 1841 in his 80th year Walter, son of Apollos and Polly 7/etmore, died Aug. 24, 1812, Age 14 mos. 12 dys Philip Jervis, died Sep. 27, 1786. Age 63yrs Elizabeth, wife of Philip Jervis, died June 21, 1807 in her 79th year X ,S .T. '/. (• Xj-:i.iA , Hi.' J' IT I) • , ' C ,8 TiTTaA fi'^orf ,: ^nr.ri r^iv/ X ,K . ,-» fr^ --nr ,t«»---'i-.q'rT 71V A'.A r f-'7 T rrAf'^2 "' -^wsna -^f. r. .b ■■■' 9V Xrfo ,"» fififiA jfcjju ?I ,V2 .go8 h r C.:r(q ^ rr t ■ -56- Lockwood, Sammis, Sammis, Saxmnis, Sammis^ SammiSj Sammis, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Bennett, Bennett, Samrais, Sammis, Emery Lockwood, died July 29, 1838. A^ 27 years, 11 months and 17 days Stephen C. son of ^eorge and Ruth Smnmis, born Aug. 19, 1818, died Jan. 30,1899 Ebenezer G. Sammis, died Aug. 24, 1821. Age 25 years and 6 months Ruth, wife of George Sammis, died Aug. 28, 1866. Age 78 years, 10 mos. 15 days George Sammis, died Sep. 2, 1825. Age 40 years, 4 months and 7 days Alexander Saiwnis, died July 10, 1809, in his 66th year Amy, relict of Alexander Sammis, died Oct. 30, 1838 in her 37th year Isaac Rogers, died June 25, 1831. Age 68 years and 10 months Hannah, relict of Isaac Rogers, died Oct. 26, 1842 in her 80th year Mary, relict of Abel Rogers, died May 5, 1847. Age 74 years and 29 days Abel Rogers, died Dec. 13, 1840. Age 71 years and 4 months Elizabeth, relict of Samuel Bennett, died Feb, 22, 1832. Age 84 years Samuel Bennett, died Oct. 10, 1810. Age 62 years Abigail, daughter of David and Sarah Sam- mis, died Aug. 2, 1751 in her 27th yr Stephen Sammis, died Sep. 12, 1804. Age 39 years and 20 days c '-' h c I? a^A .C. . I .o«a f. -57- Saranis, Ruth, relict of Silas nerimis, died April 5 1811. Age 78 years 5animlP» Silas Sarornis, died April 7, 1803. Age 71 years, 6 months and 25 days Sammis, Ruth, v/ife of Silas Sairania, died Fet . 27 1780 in her 77th year Sammis, Mrs, Phebe, daughter of Silas and Ruth Sam- mis, died Pec. 2, 1766 in her 21st yr Sammis, Silas Sammia, died June 1, 1779 in his 79th 3^ear Sammis, Mrs. Mary, daughter of Silas and Ruth Sam- mis, died March 28, 1769 in her 27th yr Sananis, Sarah, daughter of Alexander and Amy Sacimis died Aug. 17, 1793. Age 1 month, lOdys Sammis, Henry, son of Alexander .-nd Amy Sammis, died Sep. 8, 1792. Age 9 months and 8 days Sammis, Clarissa, daughter of Stephen and Ann Sam- mis died Oct, — (?) 1791 (Remainder not readable) Fleet, Simon Fleet, died Dec. 1, 1775. Age 42 yrs Fleet,) Ruth, wife of Stephen \1'hite and former v/ife Y.rhite,) of Simon Fleet, died Nov. 5, 1795 in her 60th year Fleet, Samuel W. son of Samuel and Rachel Fleet, died Sep. 22, 1798. Age 5 raos. 27 days Fleet, Rachel, vife of Samuel Fleet, died April 11, 1799. Age 34 years Fleet, Johanna, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Fleet died Aug. 25, 1815. Age 3 years, 9 months and 19 days . IS.HS. 'V^'C .1 T'^ 'r^'iftni't'^IA "^ci t'- ( ' ' V, r' 1 J on « ' t rr ^T^/" , -58- Pleet, ) Eli?.a, vife of Ssumuel Meet s.nd daughter of Gardner,) John and Joanna Gardner, died Sep. ?, 1813 in her 57th year Fleet, Samuel Fleet, died Dec. 22, 1823. Age 55 yrs Fleet,) Henry Meng, son of Samuel ejid Rachel Fleet Keng, ) died Aug. 18, 1827. Age 35 yrs. 10 mos Place, Ephralm Place, died April 13, 1832. Age 34 years, 5 months and 26 days Place, Edna, wife of Ephraim Pla.ce, died Jan. 22, 1839. Age 41 years, 11 months and 16dys Please, Maria, daughter of Morris and Mary Please, died Feb. 8, 1847. Age 21 years Pleace, Mary, relict of Morris Pleace, died Jan. 8 1849. Age 72 years, 7 months, 18 days Pleace, Morris Pleace, died Sep. 17, 1815. Age 44yrs Fleet, Charles W. eon of Ohadiah and Sarah Fleet died Sep. 25, 1824. A^e 3 yrs. 9 mos Pleace, ---(?) daughter of Morris sn^ Mary Pleace, (Remainder not readable) Please, William Please, died Aug. 17, 1827. Age 90ys Please, Anner, wife of William Please, died March 21, 1800. Age 67 years Place, Capt. John Place, died June 8, 1839 in his 66th year Place, Charity, wife of Capt. John Place, died Oct. 1, 1849. Age 77 years Smith, W. S. Smith, died March 3, 1835. Age 24 years, 9 months and 14 days ■? to , '>r« rJ .T •>•, r ', rfr!.-\ r.-sT *. ,12 -59- Lefferte,) Ann, relict of John Lefferts sjid former Sairmiis, ) wife of Stephen Sammis, died May 2, 1844 in her 77th year Sswmis, Sarali, vife of David Sammis, died May 27, 1739. Age 55 years Sammifl, Pheby, daughter of David and Sarah Sanmis died July 4, 1739. Age 22 years Rogers, Conklin Rogers, died Feh*21, 1876. Age 84 years, 10 months and 27 days Rogers, Lydia, wife of Conklin Rogers, died June 17, 1884. Age 90 years, 6 roos. 3 days Rogers, Almy B. daughter of Conklin and Lydia Rog- ers, died ITov. 12, 1842. Age 23 years 1 month and 12 days Kelsey, Theodore G. son of Leander and Hannah A. kelsey died April 21, 1844. Age 4 months and. 20 days Kelsey, Leander Kelsey, died Feb. 19, 1853. Age 38 years and 10 months Kelsey, Hannah A. wife of Leander Kelsey, died Jan 20, 1857. Age 42 years and 15 days Scudder, Lydia E. wife of ^ajiies L. Scudder, born Aug. 3, 1841, died Aug. 22, 1868 Scudder, Russell Crompton, son of James L. pjid Lydia E. Scudder, born Dec. 17, 1867, died July 28, 1868 Y/ood, Oscar, son of William J. pjnd Jennett G. Wood, died Aug. 2, 1837. Age 10mos.3 2ds V/ood, ) Jennett G. wife of Williaxn J. Wood and Conklin,) daughter of Abel and Mindwell Conklin died Jan. 23, 1838. Age 26 years 'O t-'-'T .y';vi , ^e 9^ .9v-r .; rtJj ri(noc nt .*SOPI d 4 I ,V.r ^J. to fnr? .,*i <*'rof>o9fvT \ .*>fwi ,1 I .yi . •.).l t^i^'-^-lon -60- Scudder, Ketcharo, SaininiB, Sairanie, Scudder, Scudder, Scudder, Sc Murray udder, ) rray, ) Scudder, Scudder, Heerman Scudder Scudder, rvlfl, I udder, ) Scudder, Jarv Sc James L. Scudder, died May 5, 1881. Age 45 years and 18 days Charles Augustus, son of Ezra C. ajid Jeru- eha Ketchsjn, died Jan. 3, 1836, Age 2 years, 3 months and 9 days David SajTixnis, 1751 David Sainmis, died Aug. 8, 1757 in his 45th year Elizabeth and Victor, infant children of Henry G. and Anna Cornelia Scudder Annie Cornelia, vdfe of Henry Scudder, died April 16, 1884. Age 62 years, 11 months and 21 days Henry G. son of Isaiah and Rhoda Scudder, died Jan. 26, 1886, A^e 67 years, 8mos Eleanor C. Murray, wife of Henry G. Scudder died June 24, 1858. Age 36 years Will lain Murray, son of Henry G. and Eleanor C, Scudder, died in St, Augustine, Pla. March 30, 1881, Age 30 years Mary C. daughter of Henry G. and Eleanor C. Scudder, died July 30, 1853, Age 13 mos Harriet Eeermans, wife of Henry G. Scudder born Nov, 11, 1840, died Apr. 5, 1893 Isaiah Scudder, died Feb. 16, 1875. Age 84yrB Rhoda Jarvis, Trife of Isaiah Scudder, died May 17, 1844, Age 51 years Gilbert Scudder, died Sep. 12, 1855. Age 91 years ,1 ,V"i'f c c / I tiont I IT .-{.^^ -fa-rir' ,r> Smith, Tredwell, eon of Epenetus and Elizabeth Smith, died April 8, 1850. Age 27 yrs Smith, Zachariah Smith, (?ied April 4, 1829. Age 76 years Smith, Anna, wife of Zachariah Smith, died March 20, 1799. Age 42 years Smith, Rebeckah, daughter of Zachariah and Anna Smith, died Sep. 1, 1788. Age 2 years and 26 days Smith, Lydia, relict of Zachariah Smith, died Sep. 17, 1830. Age 78 years, lOmos, 1? dye Smith, Henry Smith, died Aug. 24, 1802 in his 74th year Rogers, John J. son of Hannah and Abraham Rogers died Aug. 5, 1848. Age 1 or 4 yrs,4mos Ireland, Abigail, wife of Albert Ireland, died Sep. 10, 1854 in her 46th year Smith, Rebecca, vdfe of Eliphalet Smith, died Sep. 18, 1853 in her 71 st year Smith, Eliphalet Smith, died Dec. 14, 1849 in his 76th year Smith, Abigail, wife of Eliphalet Smith, died Jan 27, 1807. Age 26 years Smith, Phebe IT. wife of Eliphalet Smith, died Nov. 11, 1812, Age 26 years Smith, Charles Smith, died Aug. 18, 1841. Age 36 years and 11 days Smith, Eliza, wife of Charles Smith, died Jan. 10 1831. Age 26 years, 5 months, 23 days A >/^4^ :.4 n''^:^i^4$^^rPJ^^ .''■ f "I r-. -r.^r".' ^ -'« rj Jl .a-UBw^ BV •) ,t^^ .VI ,.{. '/r,y', .-{.t*>V lb r «. . . •■ « « ' •r r"? '' r .-... rt- r- rT 1- rf f , ?■ rf>l « "■ Jacobin, Smith, Smith, Smith, Davi*^ Davis, Davis, Warner, Lattin, Lattin, Lattin, Lattin, Lattin, Lattin, Anne Jacobin, a native of Germajiy died Feb 15, 1851, Age 22 years Seabury, son of Noah sn6 Hannah Smith, died Dec. 22, 1838. Age 27 years, 1 mo.21ds Enoch Smith, died March S, 185 (?) Age 82 years and — (?) Hannah, wife of Enoch Smith, died June 18 1848. Age 64 years, 5 months, 25 days Matthias Davie, died Dec, 12, 1849. A^ 88 years, 2 months Prances, vdfe of Matthias Davis, died April 20, 1831, Age 65 years, 4 months Prances H. daughter of Matthias and Frances Davis, died May 29, 1828. Age 34 years, 9 months and 9 days Hannah, vife of Isaac Y/arner, died Dec. 31 1841, Age 36 years William Lattin, died April 25, 1862. Age 58yrs Jarvis D. Lattin, died Dec. 3, 1851. Age 25ys^ Addison J. son of Jarvis D. Lattin, died March 5, 1852. Age 4 years and 4 mos. "Erected as a token of brotherly love by Huntington Division of The Sons of Temperance. " Sarah A. wife of Jarvis Lattin, died Dec. 3, 1854. Age 25 years, 3 mos. 6 days Sarah E. Lattin, died May 7, 1836. Age 2 years and 11 months Andrew J. Lattin, died March 25, 1836. Age 1 year and 22 days (The above two are children of William and Phebe N. Lattin.) J r*f>9 :r ,^. ,rr.ti.u- Br ->'!') ■. '> ')-^,'-'? ,H- .rr nlv^.C ".::}■ -rn t'S I ■ tI "^o 9lJt'¥ ^r. ^aJ non « • '• •• r.. I •• Mary L. daughter of William and Pheb tin, died March 19, 1850. Age 9: Solomon Ketchem, Jr. died March 28, Age 67 years, 3 months, 16 days Rebecca, wife of Solomon Ketcham, di 9, 1874, Age 78 years Catharine, wife of Conklin Ketcham, May 6, 1827. Age 30 years Jr. William, son of Solomon/vand Rebecca died July 19, 1830. Age 14 yrs. Charles T. son of Samuel and Latitia died Sep. 7, 1832. Age 7 mos. 1 Alfred, son of Solomon and Rebecca K died Nov. 13, 1819. Age 19 mos. Infant eon of Solomon and Rebecca Ke died June 8, 1815, Age 15 days Oliver, son of Jonas and Amelia Ketc died Aug, 19, 1810 in h^B 9th y Infant daughter of Jonas and Amelia '. died July 27, 1806. Age 16 days Infant son of Jonas and Amelia Ketch May 25, 1805. Age 2 months Oliver, son of Jonas and Amelia Ketc died Aug. 5, 1792. Age 3 yrs. li ^etcham, Daniel Ketcham, died Oct. 19, 1778. A Scudder, Infant son of Thomas and Margaret Sci died Dec. 22, 1826, also an infi died March 11, 1832 Townsend, Isaac Scudder Tovmsend, son of Jacob Jerusha, died May 26, 1802. Age years and 3 days Lattin, Ketchami, Ketcham, Ketcham, Ketcham, Scudder, Ketcham, Ketcham, Ketcham, Ketcham, Ketcham, Ketcham, 1 i^ , ••) , 0« ft. ^n "-o?^ f:' , V r>f '' 'rfnn t t nl -65- To^maend, Jacob Townsend, died Oct. 27, 1839. Age 74 years and 17 days Tovmsend, ^eruslia, wife of Jacob Tovmsend, died Oct. 9, 1817. Age 46 years Hendrickson, John Conklin, son of Nathaniel and Maria Hendrickson, died July 1, 1850. Age 37 years and 9 days Hendrickson) Weeks, ) Sarah ^endrickson, wife of John B. Weeks, born June 28, 1810, died April 19,1842 Weeks, Joshua YJeeks, died April 17, 1841. A-ge 63 yrs Weeks, Alfred T. son of Joshua and Sarah Weeks, died Dec. 12, 1896. Age 80 years Weeks, ) Sarah, wife of Joshua V/eeks and daughter of Bennet,) Timothy and Martha Eennet, died Mach 22, 1864. Age 75 years Ketcham, Daniel i^etcham, died Oct. 19, 1778. Age 23 years Ketchairi, John, son of Solomon and Hannah Ketcham, killed with a cartwheel, Jan. 1, 1773 in his lOth year Ketchaw, Piatt Ketchsm, died Sep. 25, 1800. Age 31 years, 5 months and 10 days Ketcham, Solomon Ketcham, died Sep. 21, 1781. Age58yB Ketcham, Hannah, wife of Solomon Ketcham, died March 3, 1784. A-ge 56 years Ketchairi, Solomon Ketcham, Sr. died Feb. 19, 1851 Age 93 years, 10 months, 13 days Ketcham, Rebecca, wife of Solomon Ketcham Sr. died April 17, 1834. Age 78 years )•; >V « " .TC i-^ib , -"G b'3io ,61 . ,nv}uoJo-- ■j.. I .a- lOorfoH < -66- Ketcham, Jonas, son of Solonon and Rebecca Ketcham died Oct, 51, 1842. Age 63 years, also an infant son of Jonas and Amelia Ket- cham, died April 20, 1804, aged 1 month interred in New York Brush, John Brush, Esq. died Nov. 5, 1795. Age 69yrs Brush, Phebe, daughter of John and Hannah Brush, died June 3, 1788. Age 21 years, 4 inos Bruai^ Samuel, eon of John and Hannah Brush, died June 26, 1781. Age 21 years, 11 months Brush, Hannah, wife of John Brush, died Nov. 21, 1789. Age 54 years and 2 months Wickes, Janima, wife of Eliphalet Wickes, died Nov, 3, 1770. Age 68 years Wickes, Eliphalet Wickes, Esq. died June 30, 1761, Age 54 years Wicks, Thomas, son of Capt. Thomas Wicks, died Dec, 20, 1749 in his 46th year Wicks, Capt, Thomas V.'icks, died Oct, 24, 1749. Age 74 years Brush, Capt, Ichabod Brush, died — -(?) 1809. Age 40 or 44 years Brush, Jesse Brush died Feb, 21, 1815, Age 40 yrs, also his daughter Mary died the April following, aged 3 years Brush, John Brush, died Jan, 21, 1828, Age 56 yrs, 5 months and 25 days Brush, NaoroJ, relict of John Brush, died May 27, 1838, Age 62 years, 6 months, 15 days Brush, Wealthy Ann, daughter §f^ John and Naomy Brush, born May 10, 1810, died Jan, 29, 1833 i9tnt ,T-'- ^i-^i^^ rr^'oT. CT .' J J ' .IJ Jr :x 1 1 » J. • - r .ri -67- Scudder, Brush, Walker, Oakly, Oakly, Oakly, C arl 1 , OaLkly, Oakly, Oakly, Oakly, Stuart, Smith, Smith, ) Oakly,) Smith, Prime, Eleanor W, daughter of Solomon and Prances T. Scudder, died Aug. 1, 1848. Age 21yrs George G. Brush, died in Philadelphia, March 11, 1850. Age 53 years Eleanor, T?ife of Washington WaDker, born Jan. 18, 1802, died June 30, 1867 Charlotte B. wife of Zopher B. Oakley, died April 17, 1887. Age 87 years Mary, daughter of Zopher arid Charlotte B. Oakly, died Oct. 23, 1854. Age 17 yrs Polly B. wife of Elbert Carll and daughter of Zopher and &>mTVwttK Abigail Oak- ly, died Feb. 16, 1835. Age 10 yi^6mos' Margaret, daughter of Zopher and Abigail OaWy, died July 13, 1623. Age 2yrs.3ms lantha, daughter of Zopher B. end Abigail Oakly, died Aug. 11, 1833. Age 4 mos Abigail, wife of Zopher Oakly, died March 29, 1835. Age 37 years Zopher B. Oakly, died Feb. 25, 1858. Age 64ys Carlos D. Stuart. (With Oakley stones and no further information.) Henry S. Smith, died l^ay 29, 1853, Age 31 yrs Juliet M. wife of Henry S. Smith and daught- er of Zopher E. and Abigail OaJcly.died Jan. 12, 1854. Age 30 years Zopha 0. son of Kenry and Juliet M. Smith died Aug. 12, 1852. Age 2 yrs. 8 mos. Rev. Ebenezer Prime, died Sep. 25 — (?) (Remainder not readable) <• ■•*(> Tri'' "^n '^Tct t ''^ .Tjb.j.. / . r.^r.r! rS: «'" = r > . .. r« ' rv s -.'■ r.,1* »• — ,.i. ^01 r • . >»: r:-'p -^ \r\ €^~^ \ ^ P r^ M r 'In r -fA , »i »S'^''l iJ"J*: -68- Prime, Y/ilTiam Cowper, son of Edward Y. and Emma Prime, died Sep. ?0, 1906. Age 65 yra. 11 months and 26 days Priire, Edward Payson, son of Edward Y. and Emma Prime, of the 9th Conn. Vol. died at New Orleans, Oct. 4, 1862. Age 23 yrs, 9 months ctnd 5 days Prime, Henry Clay, son of Edward Y. and Emma Prime of the 5th Conn. Vol. killed at the Battle of Cedar Mt. Va. Age 19 years, 4 months and 28 days I*rime, Edward Youngs Prime, died Jan. 15, 1869. Age 60 years, 1 month, 3 days ^rime, Emma, wife of Edward Y. Prime, died April 14, 1886. Age 73 years, 2 mos. 11 days Prime, Theodore Erelinghuysen, son of Edward Y. BXid Emma Prime, died July 27, 1846. Age 4 years, 6 months and 8 days Rogers, Theodore Rogers, died in Brooklyn, June 16 1871. Age 62 years Rogers, Harriet, wife of Theodore Rogers, born Mch. 12, 1806, died July 7, 1880 Rogers, Sidney P. Rogers, died in Brooklyn, Apdl 19, 1858, Age 40 years Rogers, Warren Rogers, died in New York, Feb. 3 1843. Age 65 years Piatt, Ebenezer Piatt, died June 26, 1839. Age 85yrs Piatt, Abigail, wife of Ebene7,er Piatt, died May 19, 1828. Age 68 years Ogden, ) Sarah Ogden, wife of Warren Rogers, died in Rogers,) New York, April 16, 1820. Age 38 years r" . f)->y' , nx Xi-^KT a-' ,t ;« ro Piatt, Naoli Adeline, daughter of Kbenezer and Abi- eail Piatt, died Sep. 15, 1798.A^ 13 years and 23 days Piatt, Egbert, son of Ebenezer and Abigail Piatt, died Sep. 30, 1793. Age 3 months Piatt, Rebecca, pious consort of Dr. Zophar Piatt died April 5, 1782. Age 67 years Piatt, Dr. Zophar Piatt, died Sep. 23, 1792. Age 87 years Youngs, Phebe Youngs. {Remainder not readable) Bennett, Rulef D. Bennett, died Aug. 14, 1854. Age 66 years Bennett, Eli^.abeth, wife of Rulef D. Bennett, died April 29, 1848. Age 54 years Wheeler, Henry M. Wheeler, died Aug. 27, 1852. Age 42 years Wheeler, William E. son of Thomas and Sophia Y/heeler died July 27, 1843. Age 6 years, 2 months and 18 days Rogers, Israel Rogers, died Oct. 28, 1828. Age 45 years, 6 months, 7 days Rogers, Hannah, wife of Israel Rogers, died April 13, 1808, Age 27 years Wheeler, Elisabeth, wife of Obadiah Wheeler, died Sep. 4, 1822. Age 47 years Wheeler, Obadiah Wheeler, died Feb. 3, 1822. Age 63yrs Rogers, Hannah, wife of Israel Rogers, died Oct. 26 1843. Age 52 years, 10 months, 1 days Woolaey, Maria Matilda, daughter of Willlfiiii and Sarah C, Woolsey, died June 7, 1846. Age 5 years, 9 months and 23 days ,(i li ■ I .V T.;* »", H ■ .*. . ■ 1^1 n 'T r I I t ' • =^1 J... x^ l£ itnfii. ( . ^T.' , t.^£i r^ -71- Prime, Prirae, Prime, Prime, Prime, Prime, Piatt, Brown, Brov. Prime \e,} Pr ime , Prime, Prime, Prime, Youngs, Ketcham, Ketcha'ii, Ebenezer Prime, Jr. (remainder not readable) Ann V/. Prime, died Sep. 18, 1813. Age 33 yrs Mary, relict of Benjamin Y. Prime, M. P. died March 7, 1835. Age 91 years Benjamin Y. Prime, died Oct. 31, 1791. Age 58 years Matilda Prime, died June 18, 1843. Age 7 yrs ^| Marietta Prime, died Jan. 20, 1808. Age 2mos (The BbotlB^ tV70, daughters of Ebenezer and J Experience Prime.) Jeremiah Piatt, died Oct. 16, 1754. Age 68ys Mrs. Margaret Brown (Remainder not readable) Margaret Brown, daughter of Ebenezer and Ex- perience Prime, born May 22, 1825, died June 8, 1845 Experience, wife of Ebenezer Prime, born at Southol d, Nov. 6, 1699, died in Hunt- ington, Jan. --(?) 1733. A.ge 35 years Hanrah Prime, born Milford, Ct. 0ct.--(?) (Remainder not readable) Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer and Experience Prin;e, born --(?) 1715. (Remainder not readable) Experience Prime. (Remainder not readable) Phebe, daughter of George and Phebe Youngs died Jan. 26, 1752. Age 3 years, 18 days Philip Ketchajn, died Jan. 5, 1770 in his 79th year Phebe, ^vife of Philip Ketchajn, died :n'eb. 10 1737/8. Age 47 years •!■ -LV- .;rtA T^i BO Ikyr..., ,^mj:'r^ ■ -3 ■ I I ,vr:.';[i ♦»J Jo f '• ,9d«rl4 ,;ivja/«u, Ketchain, Smith, Lewis, Lewis, Lewis, Underhill, Lewis, Piatt, Piatt, Piatt, Piatt, V Brush, Piatt, Piatt, Piatt, Mrs, Iklary, daughter of Philip and Phebe Ketcham, died May 1, 1750 in her 21 "yr Emma M. daughter of Daniel E. and Grace A. Smith, died Oct. 6, 1347. Age 11 yeirs and 14 days Charles Henry, son of Henry S. and Abigail U. Lewis, bora April 24, 1847, died May 19, 1897 Henry Scudder, son of Henry and Tlary A« Lew- is, born "Dec. 10, 1319, died Feb. 11 1854 Abigail Underhill, wife of Henry G. Lewis, born Dec. 10, 1821, died March 14,1897 Mary Ann, wife of Henry Lewis, died July 25 1845 in her 49th year Gilbert Piatt, died Jan. 26, 1855 in his 77th year Phebe, wife of Gilbert Piatt, died May 19 1855. Age 73 years Mary, relict of Obadiah Piatt, Esq. died Jan. 19, 1793. Age 64 years Sally, daughter of Gilbert and Phebe Piatt, died Nov. 4, 1787. Age 2 years Experience, daughter of Nathaniel and Han- nah Brush, died Aug. 29, 1792. Age 49 or 19 years Obadiah, son of Silas and Hannah Piatt, died July 29, 1305. Age 6 years, 8 mos. 15ds Silas Piatt, died --(?) 1808. Age 47 years 11 months and 11 days Olaone, daughter of Silas and Hannah Piatt, died Hay 23, 1810. Age 26 years, 4 months and 26 days J r. ,oscr iiicJ » X .; .r .ooc: ( , -c -.; :> iJ «^' .+.' . Ti .; * u v- -73- Platt, Hannah, wife of Silas Piatt, died !Tov. 4, 1821. Age 57 years, 10 months, 9days Brown, Dr. Oliver Brown, died Oct. 30, 1815. Age 45 years ¥iclcs, A].niy Jane, daughter of ---(?) 7/icks, died Dec, 15, 1851. Age 1 year, 3mos,llds Ketcham, Abial Ketcham, died Jan. 14, 1885, Age 84yrs Ketcham, Sarah, wife of Abial Ketcharn, died Jan. 14 1885. Age 82 years Ketcharn, ^eorge W. son of Abial and Sarah Ketcharii died June 23, 1835. Age 7 years, 3 months and 12 days — -(?) Helen M. daughter of William H. and Hannah (?) died Sep. 13, 1842. Age 1 year and 22 days Barrett, Oliver Sarrett, died April 29, 1350. Age 72 years and 19 days Barrett, Clarissa, wife of 01i"gei* Barrett, died May ]9, 1884. Age 87 years DeLong, Ira, son of Jacob and Rachel E. DeLong, died Aug. 3, 1351. Age 5 yrs. 6 mos. 19 days DeLong, Edmond, son of Jacob and Rachel "R. DeLong, died Aug. 27, 1854. Age 10 years, 9 months and 19 days Conklin, Ezra Gonklin, died Nov. 30, 1838. Age 41 years, 9 months and 12 days Conklin, Jane A. wife of Ezra Conklin, born Dec. 23 1805, died Hay 14, 1889 Brown, Oliver E. Brown, born Dec. 3, 1312, died July 26, 1357 ■T r, .. • r --T" on ,s:tl -74- Browii, Cobur Brown rn, ) Loose, 0. P. E. Losee, Loose, K (?) Wigams, Aproy. ) Lewis, ) Lewis, Lewis, Wiggins, Wiggins, Wiggins, Goal d, Oliver Brovm, 'I. D. 'bom March 10, 1769, died Oct. 30, 1815 Mary, relict of William Coburn and fomer wife of Dr. Oliver Brown, born Oct. 4, 1779, died Sep. 22, 1855 Isaac Loose, died March 26, 1825. Age 84 years and 5 months 0. P. E. Esq. (No further iraforraation) Sarah Losee, died Aug. 22, 1358. Age 84 yrs Ruth, wife of Isaac Loose, died March 7 1811 . Age 67 years J-C?) K.— (?) Phebe, relict of Daniel Wigazns, died Dec. 13, 1842. Age 79 years Susan R, wife of Francis Aproy and daughter of John B. and Rebecca L. Lewis, born June 3, 1843, died July 26, 1893 John B. Lewis, 1795-1843 Rebecca, wife of John B. Lewis, 180 8- 1395 John Sloss, son of Dr. Daniel and Phebe Wiggins, died Aug. 11, 1773 in his S^yr Walter, eon of Dr. Daniel and Phebe Wiggins died Aug, 25, 1775. Age 1 yr. 7 mos Pene V/ood, daughter of Dr. Daniel and Phebe Wiggins, died Sep. 29, 1776. Age 9 mos Mary Augusta, daughtei* of Ebenezer and Ma- tilda W. Gould, died Nov, 25, 1838. Age 3 years, 5 months, 3 days 1c t^?I '*-»i^' fc: • r .\r r i--Ji , r;o' S. ,XfORWi;'.' I' -79- Smith Sanuni h. ) Is J Saramia, Joseph C. Saramis, died March 21, 1850. Age 51 years, 3 months and 4 days Sammis, Rosetta, wife of Joseph C. Sairanifl, died JTan. 13, 1842. Age 45 years, 11 months, Ids^ Sammis, John F. son of Joseph C, and Rosetta Sam- mis, died Oct. 26, 1859. Age 18 years 3 months and 8 days Sickels, Martha, wife of Henry Sickels, born Dec, 20 1804, died Sep. 7, 1339 Sickels, Sarah R. wife of Abraham Sickels, died May '. 14, 1838. Age 28 years, 5 months, lOdays Driggs, Amelia, wife of Rosewell Driggs, died April 10, 1836. Age 40 yrs. 5mos. 2 days Herbert Smith, son of 0. Smith and Adelia C, Sammis, died Sep. 3, 1855. Age 7 months and 4 days Sammis, Phebe, wife of Oliver Sammis, died April 30, 1359. Age 63 yrs. lOmos, 2 days Sammis, Phebe Gurwin, daughter of Oliver and Phebe Sammis, died April 21, 1811. A^e 17 years, 7 months and 17 days SajJimis, Mary Mahetabel, daughter of Oliver and Phe- be Sammis, died Oct. 3, 1840. Age 19 years, 6 months and 14 days Williams, Charlotte Willians, died Dec. 23, 1838. Age 67 years, 7 months and 1 day Sammis, Abigail Sanunis, died Feb. 20, 1822. Age 22 years, 8 months and 20 days Saznmis, Jesse Sammis, died May 20, 1819. Age 55 years Wilemaij Richard Wileman, a native of England, died Oct. 4, 1831. Age 46 years . -'I ■^ -30- Samrais. Smith, Morgaij Ireland, Smith, Smith, Conkling, Ketcham, Wickes, Conklin, Ketcham, Ketchaju, Wickes, Wickes, ^etcham, Henery R. son of Joseph C. and Rosetty Sam- mis, died Feb. 8, 1819. Age 1 yelr, L??;; ^?"J I ^^^^* ^^°» Williain E. 8 months and John H, Smith, died Jan.l laii, aged 1 year, 10 months, sons of Jeffrey and Janthia Smith John Morgan, died March 13, 1730. Age 48 yra ^^^^\^vSr\^oL°^ ^^^^^ Ireland, died Ju- ly 25, 1855. Age 80 years ^^''^\* ;f ^°^ ?r^^ ^"'i*^' ; a- -S3- Bedell, Richard Bedell , died May 16, 1854. Age 70 years, 2 months and 25 days Jarvis, Jonathan Jarvis, died July 25, 1795. Age 77 years Jarvis, Augustin Jarvis, died Aug. -(?) 1756 Bedell, Daniel Bedell, died March 12, 1813. Age 34ys Jarvis, Aunt Betsey, daughter of Jacob and Nancy Jarvis, born Sep. 22, 1807, died Atjril 23, 1887 Jarvis, Nancy, wife of Jacob Jarvis, born Nov. 17. 1787, died March 2, 1868 Jarvis, Jacob Jarvis, died April 16, 1830. Age 55 years, 6 months and 29 days Lewis, Charity, wife of Azel Lewis, died Sep. 9, 1788. Age 59 years Baylis, John S. son of John and Mehetabel Baylis, died April 4, 1856. Age 24 years, 7 months and 15 days Bayles, John S. Bayles, died July 26, 1338. Age 66 ys Jarvis, Mrs. Mahetabel Jarvis (Remainder not read- able) Baylis, Mahetabel, wife of John S. Baylis, died Jan. 14, 1881. Age 83 yrs,10mos.4dy8 Bayles, Nancy Bayles, died Feb. 28, 1826. Age 62 years and 7 months Baylis, Phebe Amelia Baylis, born Feb. 8, 1826, died April 8, 1908 Lewis, Sarah, wife of J. C. Lewis, died Dec. 28, 1831. Age 29 years Lewis, Joseph C. Lewis, died June 19, 1849. Age 51ys r ( -(?) 74 Keloy, 28-55-75 KelBey, 35-59-75 Ketcha(u)m, 3-4-5-6- 10-27-31-33- 42- '13- 46-54-60-64-65-66- 71-72-73-80-81 ^t ' 06 . C.r J6 6 -2- Lattin, Lefferts, LefforO, Lewis, Lockwood, Long, Loose, Losee, Macavey, Mahan, Mather, Matthews, Matthias, McDougall, Mead, Meng, Meredith, Merrill, Merrltt, Morgan, Mott, Mull In, Murray, No strand, Oakl (e)y, Ogden, Patten, Place, Plntt, Plence, Please, Potter, Prime, Radcliffe, Randall, Redf ield, RohertfiflR, Roe, Rogers, Rolph, 63-64 1-3-7-10 7 61 -72-74- ei- 8?-e2-84 56 12-C1-26-37 74 74 50 38 4-46 39 34 24-25 45 14-15-18-58 53 32 4 52-80 26 39 60 4-53-67 68 70 41-58-61 2-16-29-3 34-36-46- 69-70-71- 58 58 44-47-55 67-68-70- 25 32 27 25 23 3-10-11-29-30-31- 32-47-49-50-51-52 54-56-59-61-62-68- 69-78-84-85 Weeks, 86-87 Weiss, Sackett, Sajrjnis, 19-20-21. 49-50-51. 57-59-60. Sandford, Scidrr^ore, Satterly, Scof ield, Scudder, 59-60-61- Selleck, Shadbolt, Sickels, SlesBor, Smith, 28-30-37- 69^ 63- 67. St arks, Stockton, Stratton, Street, Stuart, Swartwout, Thomp son , Titus, 39-43-44- To^^'nsend, Turner, Tuthill, Underhill, 0-3l-?3- 53-54-68- 72-73-78 Vail. Van Velsor, Van Wyc}c, 71 Velsor, Walcott, Walker, Walter?;, ViTarner, Webb , 36 3-6-8-9-10- -22-24-42-43- -53-54-55-66- ■77-78-79-80 81-82 11 17 22 12-34-39-44- -64-67-70-75-87 28-29 78 79 8 4-7-23-24-26- •40-46-55-58-61 ■ 72-77-79-80-86 76-77 76 81 61 67 86 84 1-2-3-18-21- 45-50-54-55 64-65 49-85 86 72 1 20 1-2 20 5 67 35 63 9 65-75 12-13 • ' tffi ,c C.:i ">* .r -3- ^ctiKorfi, 54-55 \7heeler, 34-69 \'7hite, 28-57 V-Tiitson, 6-30 Wick(e)s 34-36-38-66- 73-eo-ei-e^ V/igarcB, 74 V/iggirje, 74 Wileman, 78-79 IPillet(s) 32-4?. Williams, 14-15-18-46-48-55-70 Y/ood, 14-29-36-37-39-59 Woodhull, 23-87 Woodward, 76 Woodworth, 38 Wooleey, 29-69-70 Wright, 70 Youngs, 69-71 or". ■:<^* ;J¥^^W|«.^■ ^3 -"i ■em \>f^v m fjp?^: m -^i^r^^. Ji m: '!^^' •i-v :j»vax/\'^ 'A LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 223 834 2 1^ I ^1 ait^ 'vwb ;. V.Vilt c.A^^l