\' ^y y^^. .. c^^ ^^^^^\ V.^^ ,^i«^^. %.,.^^ /^'. %.^^ .^ /^V/k-' >. c^^ *^^s^-. 'e^^^^ ^^: ♦ ^ ^-..^^ .^^'V -v ^ •. ^^^.^^ y^m^ Vc/ ;afei-. >..^^ '^ov^' :^^^'' "-^-^0^ r^'^M: '^ov^ ^•' ^0 O"^ »L*^'* ^?^ O H O ^-^^ v <• v-^' v-o^ &' ^ c° / !^^r r. ^o v^ ^^ <e seen under the 22d question, but much of this was erected under his immediate inspection, and by his own hands : he intends to add to it a generator of 12 or 14 horse power, by which lie will be enabled to perform the last operation, or concentration, by means of steam ; this will not only save time, but expense ; the sugar will be of better quality, and command a higher price in the market : with this force of steam he may possibly be able to defficate his juice, as well as to concentrate his sirop, which will be a great advantage. He calculates that this addition to his machinery might be made for about 8000 francs. The whole of the machinery and apparatus be- longing to Mons. Lecerf at Onain, near Valenciennes, did not cost the proprietor more, perhaps, than 500 francs ! His rasp, the only tolerable instrument he was possessed of, might have been worth 180 of this sum ; all his other instruments were old and very mean, and yet he made good sugar, although it could not be to much profit. A manufactory near A. is being fitted up with machinery, upon a rather small scale, where all the processes, except deification and concentration, will be performed over naked fires, without the aid of steam. The rasps will be propelled by 6 oxen, a power sufficient to drive 2 rasps, and work the hydraulic presses, crushing about 60,000 lbs. of roots in 24 hours. By these arrangements, the pro- prietor expects to save, in the cost of investment, about one-half the expense of a large steam apparatus. At a large sugar-work near A., established at an expense of about i6 12,000 stg. has been introduced the new mode of working upon the principle of maceration, which has proved a failure; here, by means of all this machinery, they prepared but 200,000 lbs, of sugar the last season. The refining business attached to this establish- ment has been relinquished, in consequence of its having been found to be perfectly incompatible with the making of sugar : and this has been the case with many other estabhshments in that part of the country. 4 26 At Moiis. Pera's mill, in A., for making Poppy Oil, the best by far in that Oil District, the machinery is driven by a steam engine of 9 horse power ; tlie whole most perfect. The cost of the apparatus and building was ^64,000 sterling. The drill, made by Mons. C, is universally approved of; it has ten wheels, forming two sets, so that when beet-seed is drilled, at double distance between the rows, the set of three wheels is used, which operate as rollers upon the seed dropt from the box; but when the drill is set for 5 rows, as for wheat, the set of 5 wheels is used, performing in the same manner : the price complete 400 francs. A barrow-hoe has been invented for the purpose of cleaning be- tween the rows of plants, it is simple and of easy construction, and is used by pushing forward ; a man hoes with it about an acre and a half a day, the work not laborious, if the land has been well cul- tivated. Another hoe, on a different construction, and of greater power, is used by the same means ; but to this might be attached a small horse, which would render it a most convenient and effective instrument, particularly well adapted to the purpose of row-culture ; its construction cheap and simple. The French hand-hoe is superior to all others ; it is in general use for almost all purposes ; having a long and crooked neck, the weeds rise and pass over, forming no impediment to its progress ; only re- quires to be known to be approved. Price 38 cents each. The spade in general use has a long straight handle, the steel part hollowed like the clay-spades of London, proper for taking up beet- roots, which are never plowed up, lest they should be wounded by the share ; an injury of this nature is ruinous to the yield of sugar, as it brings on fermentation of the acetous kind. This spade is par- ticularly useful in clay soils, as it is worked with ease, by reason of its peculiar form and straight handle. AH kinds of machinery of magnitude are more expensive in France than in England ; a high duty on the materials of which they are constructed, is the cause. Labour is much cheaper in France than in America ; but perhaps this is no advantage in a national point of view ; the workmen being unable, from the low rate of wages they receive, to obtain little be- sides bread to eat, and but little clothing of any kind, are not equal to the labour performed by those who are better fed ; but they seem contented with their lot, and have never known better fare. 27 COPY OF AN AGREEMENT, Entered into, for the introduction into this country, of such informa- tion as can be obtained in Europe, relative to the manufacture of Sugar from the Beet. Philadelphia, February 6, 1836. The following Articles of agreement are this day entered into between James Ronaldson, John Vaughan, and Jacob Snider, jr. of Philadelphia, for themselves and others on the one part, and James Pedder, of Philadelphia, on the other part. The aforesaid parties hereby binding themselves, their heirs, executors, «&c. for the faith- ful performance of their several parts of this agreement, the condi- tions of which are as follows : — viz. James Pedder is to embark for England and France, (and Belgium if requisite) as soon after the execution of these articles as may be, not delaying the same beyond the 20th inst., unless prevented by sickness or other unforeseen circumstances ; and on his arrival in Europe, to proceed without unnecessary delay to procure as full and satisfactory answers as he can, to the following inquiries, and all other information that is to be obtained relative to the culture or application of the vegetable known in France as the Sugar Beet; the process or processes of manufac- turing Sugar from the same, and the process or processes of evapo- ration, crystallization and refining of Sugar manufactured from the Beet ; and all and every other information in any wise pertaining to the aforesaid vegetable. 1st. The quality of the land best suited to the growth of the Beet. 2d. The mode of cultivation. 3d. The best kind of seed. 4th. The time of sowing the seed. 5th. The proper time for taking up the crop. 6th. The manner of housing it, &c, 7th. The manufacture of the Sugar in all its processes. 28 8th. The yield per acre, its costs, &c., independent of the expense of the culture of the Beet. 9th. The mode of expending the refuse of the Sugar-house for the fattening of cattle. 10. What kind of cattle, and at what age are they preferred, so as to give the greatest profit for fattening ; and the usual time of feeding. 11th. To examine, and to make drawings of the necessary build- ings and apparatus relating to the manufacture of the Sugar, and of any improved implements which may be in use, either for the cultivation of the crop or the manufacture of Sugar, and to ascer- tain the cost of the same. 12. To procure a quantity of the best Beet seed for immediate sowing, as also, a quantity of such variety as can be had of the Sugar manufactured from the Beet, and transmit the same to this country as soon after his arrival in France as is practicable. 13th. What crop precedes the Beet, and what is the estimated quantity 1 14th. What crop succeeds it, &;c. 1 15th. Is the crop manured for, and how? 16th. What kind of manure is used, and what effect are different manures supposed to have (if different are used) on the saccha- rine? 17th. What is the weight of the average crop of Beet and Grain? 18th. Are crops most productive of saccharine on sandy soil or loam? 19th. What is the rotation of crops? 20th. What is the price of the best beef fed from the Beet, or Sugar-house, when compared with beef otherwise fed ? 21st. How does the use of the refuse of the Sugar-house affect the produce of the dairy ? 22d. What are the expenses of conducting a Beet Sugar manu- factory, and what are the estimated profits ? 23d. To ascertain the cost in Europe of an}'- machinery or appa- ratus used in the culture of the Beet or manufacture of the Sugar. For and in consideration of the faithful performance of the fore- going duties, the first named parties to this agreement, James Ronaldson, John Vaughan, and Jacob Snider, jr., for themselves 29 and others as aforesaid, heieby agree to pay all and every necessary expense which the said James Pedder may be put to, in the prosecu- tion of his journey for obtaining the answers and information on the above named subjects and inquiries, and also to pay him as a remuneration for his services, the sum of three hundred dollars, under his order in such manner as he may direct. Provided always, That should the said James Pedder remain in Europe longer than is deemed requisite by the said James Ronaldson, John Vaughan and Jacob Snider, jr., for the purposes mentioned herein, that the said James Pedder shall have no claim on the said James Ronaldson, John Vaughan and Jacob Snider, jr. for any sum of money to be paid for his expenses of said journey, beyond the sum of six hundred dollars, exclusive of the aforenamed sum of three hundred dollars to be paid him for his services. hi Witness whereof, the several parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the date before written. JAMES PEDDER. L. S. JAMES RONALDSON. L. S. JOHN VAUGHAN. L. S. JACOB SNIDER, Jr. L. S. For themselves and others, contributors to the expenses of the undertaking. Signed, sealed and delivered "] in the presence of \ Chas. O'Hara, Joseph Mogridge, ( Geo. K. Tryon. J 30 MISCELLANEOU>S REMARKS AND MEMORANDA. March 10, 1836. — Visited sugar house at Brasville; fifty persons employed — crushing mill propelled by wheel, in which five oxen and a boy with a whip were incessantly engaged : roots of beet well kept through this unprecedentally severe winter; cleaned by scraping, not washing. Oxen of fifty score fatting upon the cakes of the beet, mixed with a little oil cake — fine breed of cattle. About 300 sheep of the merino breed confined to open sheds, fatting upon cake, in excellent condition : sheds bedded with straw, very wet and filthy. Troughs for feeding sheep placed on both sides the sheds, and a small rack over, for hay, when requisite; both cattle and sheep fed with cake as it conies from the press. No land for growing beet attached to this manufactory ; purchased of the neighbouring farmers at 10 francs per lOOOlbs. — well supplied; situated on the banks of a canal; 40 barges loaded with beets have been seen at one time, waiting for their turn to unload. Brown sugar only made at these works : at Lisle is a refinery for beet sugar. Extract from French Paper. — " The exertions making in France and throughout Germany to simplify the process of preparing sugar from the beet, are numerous and increasing. At the recent meeting of German naturalists at Bonn, the section of agriculture and rural economy was almost entirely occupied with papers and discussions on the subject." March 17. — A person at B went there so poor as not to be able to purchase milk for his family ; he commenced the beet sugar business, and is now worth £, 6000 sterling a year. March 22. — Accompanied Mons. F. to examine the large sugar works at T , conducted on the principle of maceration by hot water; the pulp, or cake, wheeled away to the dunghill, not fit food for cattle: horses, cattle, sheep and pigs feeding on cakes at a neighbour- ing manufactory, the produce of the dry pressure, which many have re-adopted. Chaff cut here for farm horses, one sheaf wheat straw, one of tare and oat hay, one of rye in the straw, and one of hay : this, mixed with molasses and water. The cakes, for pigs, must be boiled. 31 March 24. — Introduced to Mons. C. Here I met Professor S. and his draughtsman, sent out by the Prussian government ; a remarkable circumstance, as it was in Prussia that sugar-making from beet was first practised : the professor is quite satisfied with what he has witnessed. Works here conducted by a power of steam of 120 horses ! In Siberia the beet produces 12 per cent, of saccharine ! — so informed by Professor S. March 25. — These are the advantages of crushing early in the season : four pounds of lime sufficient for defficating a quantity of juice, which, at the end of the season, would require eight or even ten pounds. Saccharine has decreased in proportion to the increased quantity of lime required : crystallization now easily performed ; sugar of superior quality. March 26. — Two hundred and fifty bushels of coal burnt in twenty-four hours. Seventy-four men and women employed during the day — 64 during the night: 2,003,0001bs. sugar manufactured last year — expects to make .3,000,000 lbs. next year; "cost to manu- facture 4^ sous per pound : this covers every expense — buildings, machinery, repairs, fuel, interest of capital invested, &c." — Profes- sor S.'s Communication. March 27. — Visited, in company with the professor and others, the fabric at B , constructed on the new principle of evaporation by inclined plane : the machine about seven feet long, two feet three inches wide, with edges turned up about three inches ; the bottom formed of copper and ribbed, like the washing boards of America, made so to continue the juice longer in the times of passing. The defficated juice was made to flow over this unequal surface, forming an inclined plane, the elevation or depression of which was regu- lated by means of wedges. The specific gravity of the juice, when let on, was 4^^ by saccharometer, and in one minute, the time which it was in passing, it tested 35° ! The consequence was, a part of it had grown so glutinous that it adhered to the bottom of the machine, and would not flow ; the amount of juice was therefore increased, with the extremest care, but in consequence of having to make its way over that portion which had become fixed, it came off so low as 15°, 12°, 9°, and even 6° ! without the workmen having the power to regulate it; on some parts of the incline, the juice was burning, while other parts were sending it down scarcely at all evaporated ; 32 thus requiring the constant application of a scraper, to keep it regu- larly spread during its descent, and, but for the constant application of butter, also, it would not have been possible to make it flow at all — a total failure — although the inventor has patented it, and charges 1000 francs for an incline, and 1000 francs more for the liberty of using it. On leaving this work I said to Professor S. '■'■to be?'''' he replied, '■'■not to 6e." March 29. — At Valenciennes, saw Mr. T.'s manufactory — he is a farmer, brewer, wine-merchant, distiller and sugar-maker ; has the character of being an excellent manager in all : employs one rasp and three hydraulic presses ; cleans his roots by scraping, crushes 50,000 lbs. in 24 hours, and employs 50 work people. At the con- clusion of the day's work, and before the people come on for the night, every part of the apparatus is cleaned and sprinkled with lime water — an excellent practice, stops fermentation. Purchases roots at 10 francs per 1000 lbs. and sells the cakes for 5 cents per basket, about half a bushel ; price of first quality sugar 68 francs per 100 lbs. ; smiles at the idea of running the beet juice into refined sugar by first and single process, or making sugar without molasses. Introduced to Monsieur Charpentier, professor of chemistry, who assures me these things have never been done ; considers the pre- sent mode of working all sufficient ; land lately worth 500 francs will now bring 1200 francs. Visited Monsieur B.'s refinery for beet sugar ; pipes for conveying sirops, pumps, &c. made of zinc, eva- porates by steam, and prepares 2 millions of pounds annually. Three years ago, 13 beet sugar manufactories near Valenciennes, now there are 64, and many others erecting. March 30. — At Famars, Monsieur B.'s manufactory ; no part of the processes conducted by steam. His defficators are hung like scales, one of which is over the fire, while the other is being filled with juice from the press, preparatory to deffication ; when the first comes to the boil, it is turned off the fire, the very act of which brings the other on; evaporates to 15° only, the first time, and passes through animal carbon ; then evaporates to 27° and clarifies again, and then condenses to 44°. To wash sugar in pans, uses white sirop at 33° ; if higher specific gravity it would not flow, if lower, it would carry with it a portion of sugar ; repeats the washing three times to procure while sugar, about a pint and a half of sirop 33 sufficient to wash a large pan of sugar each time. The rasp makes 700 revolutions in a minute, is driven by oxen, six of which do this and work the hydraulic pumps ; crushes 54,000 lbs. of roots in 24 hours; 100 lbs. of beets will give 6 lbs. white sugar of first quality, and 4 lbs. sirop and molasses ; thinks the manufacturing of sugar only in its infancy, does not consider six months sufficient time for a person to acquire the necessary information. Bones which lately sold at 2 francs, now worth 8 ; revives his carbon ad injinilum. March 29. — Dined at Monsieur C.'s 5 Prussians and Germans in company. A Monsieur J. from Potsdam, a sugar refiner, on his tour thro ]gh France and England for experience in his business ; is satis- fied of the impossibility of refining from the juice by first process ; was here 6 months last year, to learn of Mr. C. the art of sugar making, returned, and established his son, who made 70,000 lbs. the first winter. Mutton on the table fed with beet cakes ; all kinds of sweet cakes and confectionary in every variety of shape, prepared with beet sugar. Received most kindly by Monsieur C. who ex- pressed a desire to forward our views in every way in his power, offering to instruct me in the business of sugar making as practised at his manufactory. March 30th. — At Mons. H.'s manufactory — one of the noblest I have seen ; crushes 75,000 lbs. of roots in 24 hours, steam-engine 10-horse power ; steam for evaporation 80-horse power; makes no white sugar ; mixes first and second quality, and sells to refiners at 75 francs per 100 lbs. Does not require acid in any of his operations, prefers to pass the sirop a third time through the clarifier ; cleans roots by scraping in preference to washing : defficates at 74°* R. Saw 30 oxen fatting upon refuse from sugar-house, the dairy cows feeding on the same ; sheep fed on the farm on cake, a breeding flock. 50 plough- horses in one stable, 7 saddle and carriage-horses in another, 5 three year old colts for saddle, and 4 one year old, all feeding on wheat straw, molasses, and a little hay : Mons. H. finds that oxen of five years old fatten quickly, better than at a younger age. At A , a manufacturer of sugar assured me he lost 10,000 francs by the macerating process this season ; it brings on fermentation, which is destructive of saccharme : the same person informed me that the * 74° Reaunier, 198^^ Farenheit. 34 inventor of the inclined plane had lost 30,000 francs by its adop- tion. April 2d. — At A . Mons. B.'s manufactory; sells his first and second quality sugar mixed, as cane-sugar ; recalcines his ani- mal carbon ; his waste of this article has been but one-fourth of the quantity he purchased at the commencement of the season of crush- ing; it requires 3 lbs. of bones to make 1 lb. of prepared carbon, present price 16 francs per 100 lbs. Works his rasp for crushing by horses in a wheel, feeds them on beet-cakes, and sells them in the spring for more than he gave for them. April 6th. — At the first manufacture of sugar in France, the crys- tallizing point was considered to be 32°, it then required many months to perfect it; now, twelve days are sufficient, as concentra- tion is carried to 44°. The American pump is in use at the sugar- houses, and universally approved. April 1th. — 100 lbs. of beet-root contain 85 per cent, of juice. Specific gravity this day 65°, requires 6 lbs. of lime to defficate ;* after this operation, 11°; after clarification, and when pumped into condenser, 23°. Size of defficating-pans, 4 ft. 9 inches diameter, 2 ft. 6 inches in depth, with a concave bottom; contain 225 gallons. April Sth. — An experiment was made this day ; the molasses was mixed with fresh sirop from the defficating-pan, as a person had said this would induce the molasses to crystallize — it would do no such thing. April 2Sth. — Extract from a French paper. " The people about Berlin are gone beet sugar mad : the farmers are giving up the cul- tivation of grain, and are turning all their lands to the growth of sugar beet." This is in consequence of the report of Professor Shu- barth on his return to Berlin, on the present state of the beet-sugar manufacture in France. May 3d. — Beet-seed sowing not yet generally commenced ; the season so wet and cold : no manure allowed for this crop, unless the land is exhausted by previous cropping ; it is then sometimes dressed with pulverized oil cakes, 400 cakes per acre, at 10 francs, or $2 per 100. May 4th. — Mr. R.'s account of the yield of 100 lbs. of beet-roots ; 4 lbs. of first quality sugar, 2 lbs. of second quality, 1 lb. of third * Deffication — adding of lime to the juice to destroy acid. 35 quality, 2 lbs. of molasses. The expense of extracting the one pound of sugar of third quality, great ; it would, therefore be more profitable to give it, with the molasses, to cattle and sheep. May 6th. — Visited a large manufactory in the neighbourhood of A., the working-horses on the farm fed with cut chaff, soaked in molasses and water, and oats ; the working-oxen fed in the same way. Dairy-cows in excellent condition, fed with molasses and straw and beet-cakes. Alay 9th. — Mem. — Lime is used in deffication, to neutralize the acid of the juice, and the use of acid in condensation is, to correct the lime, which might be in excess. May \4th — Sirop, for clearing, or washing sugar in pots, may be made, by reducing dry brown sugar with water to 21°, and cla- rifying it : then raise it to 33° while boiling, which will be 36 or 37 when cold ; about a pint and half to be poured through flannel on the top of each pan, and suffered to flow out at bottom ; one, two, or three washings to be given, as required. May IGth. — At A. Mons. C. preparing sugar of third quality — he considers that, with less power than that which he has, it would be more profitable to give the molasses from second quality sugar to fatten cattle and sheep, than to extract third quality sugar from it : of this I too am satisfied, and prefer, therefore, to debit the cattle and sheep with third quality sugar in shape of molasses, and receive payment in shape of beef and mutton. Mem. It is a good practice to allow all animals, while confined to the house, plenty of salt. May 18/A. — At Mons. C.'s animal carbon works : all hands busy in reviving the old black of this season's working, (the crushing season ended on 27th April,) easily performed in a kiln built for the purpose : exposed to the fire 24 hours, and all is revived. The bot- tom pans, those exposed to the greatest heat, are filled with fresh bones, all the others have fresh bones at bottom, and a few mixed with the old black, as the pots are filled ; the pots are then set one on another, four in height, and well luted with fire-clay, to prevent the escape of ammonia : the ammonia contained in the fresh bones is taken up by the old black, by which it is rendered equal to newly prepared carbon. Three times during the season, the old black is washed with muiiatic acid, in the proportion of 1 to 100 of black in measure, by which it is cleared more effectually. Iron pots prefer- 3f» gfble to those of earth, for this purpose ; bones that have not been boiled, more valuable on that account. May 18(h. — The beet-growers admit that they make a profit of 300 francs per acre, if the crop is sold for 10 francs per 1000 lbs. The sugar manufacturers confess that a yield of 5 per cent, of sugar of first and second quality, gives them a certain degree of profit, yet not large. If a man grows 400 acres of beet, his profit upon his crop will be 120,000 francs, and if the yield of sugar be 6, 6^, or 7 per cent., the profit must be very ample upon the whole. Mem. In the estimate of profit upon the sugar business is included the profits upon culture, sugar-making, cattle-feeding, and value of manure. May 19/A. — At Mons. C.'s farm. Saw a field which had borne beet, either for seed or crushing, 15 years in succession, preparing for another crop: yield of seed per acre on an average, 1400 lbs. price at present, 20 cents per pound ; last year it was 75 cents per pound, but if the tax be laid upon sugar extracted from the beet, it will not be worth more than 8 cents, as so many of the smaller manufacturers will be compelled to relinquish the business. At Quedlinburg in Germany, seed has risen to five times its customary price. May 20th. — At Mons. P.'s farm, drilling beet in a field of 200 acres, in excellent order, a clover-lay, ploughed up before winter. The cultivation of the sugar beet, independent of the manufacture of sugar, is, perhaps, one of the most profitable concerns a man can be engaged in ; for the feeding of sheep on a large scale, nothing could be more convenient and agreeable ; confined in sheds during the winter, one man could attend to a great number. The magazine of roots might be placed near the sheds, and be easily protected from the severity of the winter ; the roots might be given to the sheep without cutting or any previous preparation; shearing might be com- menced as early as April, and the wool turned to account : early Iambs could be reared to great profit, and the manure arising from such an establishment, would be invaluable as a top dressing to clover, part of which crop could be cut into chaff", with which the sheep might be fed in troughs, to great advantage. Saw again the sheep-pens of Mons. C, the mode of strewing the floors with lime, admirable management ; sheep clean and healthy. May 21. — At Valenciennes and neighbourhood. Mons. H. em- 37 ploys 100 women and men digging land with the spade — his fifty- horses not sufficient to plough all the land required for'the beet crop. Saw again the refinery of sugar belonging to Mr. B. ; he does^not consider the addition of acid, at the time of concentration, for the pur- pose of neutralizing an over dose of lime, as injurious, provided that no more be used than is necessary ; this requires care and expe- rience: considers the best conducted fabrics to be the most profitable. 52,000 lbs. of beet per acre an average crop in this part of the coun- try. At Cambray, weather fine and all hands busily engaged in sowing beet ; a woman with large boards fixed on her feet, walking over the land to save the expense of rolling ! The poetry of beet sugar making has gone out; it no longer is made to distil in lumps of double refined, and fall into your coffee without cost or labour, but it has left all that any sober-minded man had a right to expect. If three acres of beet can be cultivated at a profit of 900 francs, and yield 7,200 lbs. of sugar, 2,400 lbs. molasses, and 18,000 lbs. of cakes, sufficient food from the cakes and molasses to fatten sixty sheep, and raise manure for future crops, all above this, must be mere poetry J May 24. — Farming at Mons. C.'s. The growth of beet seed has hitherto been of great importance : last year the price was 75 cents per pound; the average crop of seed 1400; one acre has brought 5000 francs ; if the tax is laid on indigenous sugar, much of the land must be laid up to fallow, for want of manure to dress it : the manu- facturers do not object to a tax, even of 15 per cent., if it be col- lected without the restrictions and vexations about to be imposed by the odious excise laws ; it would not be possible for one in five to conform to the regulations proposed : the result will be, the ruin of hundreds of small manufacturers, sugar will rise to double the price, and the people will be again debarred the use of an article, which is no longer one of luxury but almost of necessity ; much of the common beverage of the country is sugar and water. May 25.— -Visited Mons. P.'s oil mill, the completest in the country; steam-engine twelve horse power ; all the works contained in one room, cost of machinery and building, £4000 sterling. Engaged crushing poppy seed and extracting oil. One acre of land will yield 800 quarts of poppy seed; the same land will yield from 800 to 1000 quarts of wheat: price of poppy .-seed, 28 francs per 100 quarts; four quarts 38 of seed give one quart of oil, or 25 per cent. — three-fourths of first quality, or cold drawn, one-fourth of second quality : price of oil of first quality, $22.40 per hectolitre, or 105 quarts, including the cask; price for second quality, $21.20. The first quality is used as salad oil, either alone, or mixed with olive oil ; most part of what is made goes to the south, where it is mixed with olive oil, and is then sent to Paris as genuine olive : the second quality is sent to Mar- seilles for making the finest soap ; it is also used for burning in lamps. The seed yields most oil when cultiv'ated on a soil not too highly manured ; the ci'op is substituted for a fallow, when the land is exhausted. Seed Is sown in April, the earlier, if no frost, the bet- ter, as new seed obtains good prices in the market. Quantity of seed to be sown per acre four quarts, either drilled or broadcast, harvested in July or August. Crop to be kept clean by hoeing. At harvest, the plants are carefully pulled, bound in small bundles and set to dry ; when quite dry, a woman takes a bundle in each hand and shakes the heads into a sheet ; they are then set up again, and have another shaking after another drying, and the seed is cleared in the field, when it is at once fit for the market and for crushing, an operation which is performed in a few minutes. The cultivation of the poppy is neither laborious or expensive, ranks next to the beet in point of profit, and the ease with which it is harvested, and the facility with which the crop may be turned into money, are amongst the strongest of its claims to notice. The stalks are of no use but to burn, and return little to the land in the shape of manure, but the cakes, which remain after the oil is expressed, are valuable food for cattle and sheep, and are sold for $2 per 200 lbs. — the quantity of cakes per acre about 150 lbs. These cakes, when ground and prepared, are used to adulterate chocolate, for which it is a good substitute; much of the chocolate used in France is thus adulterated : the pulverised cake is used for manure, being drilled with other seeds with great success. May 26. — A farmer, who rented land at 40 francs per acre, has just consented to give a rent of 150 francs per acre for the same land, to grow beets, rather than give it up, A person advertises his house and lands rent free for twenty years, to any person of capital, who will establish upon it a sugar manufactory, and culti- vate tho beet in the customary way. The proprietor of a large 39 estate in this immediate neighbouriiood, on which is erected a very large sugar manufactory, with steam-engine, steam-boilers, &,c. has just let the whole to a person of property ; buildings and apparatus complete, with all necessary machinery, for carrying on a very extensive business, rent free, the tenant binding himself to purchase of the proprietor all the beets which he can raise upon the farm, at 10 francs per 1000 lbs., by which he will soon realize a fortune. May 20. — So soon as the beet crop is fit to take up, is the time to purchase sheep and cattle for feeding ; they are kept in the fields to feed upon the leaves and cuttings of the roots while taking up, but they are not permitted to stray over and tread on them, but are attended by the shepherd, and are driven to the sheds for the night. After the leaves are expended the sheep are confined to the sheds, when they grow fat in a short time, having plenty to eat and being prevented from roaming abroad. The sheds are divided by parti- tions, and about 30 sheep are put into each, those in best condition nearest the upper end of the building. When this first lot is sold to the butcher, the second lot takes possession of the pen, and a general remove takes place ; a fresh lot is entered at the lower end and is brought up in succession, so that it is pleasing to witness by en- tering at the lower end, the different degrees of the condition of the flock as you proceed upward, and you can thus ascertain to a cer- tainty, whether they are making a regular progress towards the butcher. May 27. — At Valenciennes is the place where chicory is grown for dying ; the roots are white and of the shape of the carrot, these are cut into small square pieces and baked until they attain a fine brown colour, they are then ground in a mill, and sent to the coun- tries in which the dying is performed ; the taste is extremely acrid and unpleasant, and yet large quantities are used in coffee, for what purpose it is not easy to conceive ; purchased some seed. May 28. — Leopold, king of Belgium, and son-in-law of the king of the French, in expectation of the tax upon beet sugar in France, has invited the cultivators of that crop to settle in his kingdom, where they will meet with every encouragement, and be furnished with a guarantee of freedom from taxation in their business ; many are going thither, a fine country and excellent land for the purpose. Extracts from French papers. — " However desirable it may be to' 40 preserve or to favour the colonies, the time of their exclusive supply of the market with sugar is gone by ; this species of cultivation now naturalized in 36 departments of France, is well worth the produce of three islands lost in the bosom of the ocean ; to prefer the latter to the former, would be about as reasonable as to adhere to the use of bows and arrows after the invention of gunpowder." " The making of beet sugar, for which the population of France has shown a wonderful aptitude, is a kind of godsend that should be taken advantage of for the uniting together of agricultural and manufac- turing art. The whole system of the law for imposing duties on beet sugar is bad, it starts from false ideas, and leads to most la- mentable results." Maij 29. — The production of sugar from the beet is not the only or the most valuable result to be derived from its cultivation ; it would appear, that almost as much stock can be kept upon the re- fuse of an acre of beet as upon the crop before crushing ; this is accounted for by the circumstance of the extreme palatableness of the molasses, which turns to the most delicious food, what was once considered fit only for the bedding of cattle. The spirit of industry which it engenders, and the power of reproduction which is contained in the large quantities of manure arising from such a system of feeding, are amongst the first of its advantages, while the increase in the value of land suitable to the growth of so invaluable a crop, must be of primary importance. America is destined to take the lead in the production of silk and sugar, as she has already done in cotton, rice and tobacco. The Society purpose to order seed from France for the next year's growing here. Orders transmitted to the Secretary and Treasurer, with proper security guaranteed for payment, will be attended to. MB.^ ss. !»■ - * • c^ Oy-N '^^V «<*'\ ^^'^'^ ■a/ «<» o \- .... ''•*'^*°"° ^f^ , 0* .!.-J>' <^ V^ .« o « o V-^' ■^^.c '^^■ ^/ -^^ '^^ • (-. vP o V ^°-n^^ '-^6' ^ '^ -o". "i * A ^ " e M o «0 S vP 05 'o , » « ^^< .^^"-. ^^-^^ .^' "^--f.^-^^ --W-- /% "•^- #'%