4: r^ L'BRARY^F CONGRESS. Chap...L::' Copjr?i|hUfo r Shelf. Ji'ijS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I "'•*.::? i^js^. i->; W} kh ^:A Mi J' =-*.. :/:^. - The 20th Century Guide For mixing Fancy Drinks As Follows: America, Apple Blossoms, Bell Ringer Cocktail, Bell Ringer Sour, Bell Ringer Punch, Baron Steuben Royal Punch, Chimes, Companion, College Punch, Christmas Punch, Chicago Cooler, Celery 5our, Qrape Wine Punch, Good Night, Qolden Thoughts, Happy Moments, Irish Porridge, Lemon Ice, Lily, Ladies' Delight, Magnolia, New Year Punch, Professor, Penn R. R. Sour, Peach Blossoms, Rose Bud, Romance, Rob Roy Cocktail, Restorative, Sunrise. Sunset, Shamrock, Scotch Gruel, Thanksgiving Punch, Thistle, Twilight Punch, Tulip, 2oth Century Punch, Violets, Wedding Punch, Including all the STANDARD MIXTURES. Copyright 1900 by JAMES C. MALONEY, 210-212 e. Madison Street, Chicago. Price, $1.00 rWO COPIES RECElVKi', Library of doisgeas^ iiiflaa of till APR 9 - 1900 Ueglstar of Cop^rSgbt% T ^tl Entered according to Act of Congress in the year iqoo By JAMES C. MALONEY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. SECOND COPY, 5> 4-«^«g, \ '=b o a iivi3E> x: America 5 Abercotine and Brandy 5 Abercotine and Jamaica Rum.. 5 Abercotine, Claret and Crenie de Violets 6 Applejacli Fix 6 Apple Blossom 6 Absinthe Cocktail 6 Absinthe, Swiss S 7 Absinthe Frappe 7 Apple Blossom Pmich 7 Absinthe Dripped 8 Applejack Cocktail 8 Applejack Sour 8 American Pousse Cafe 9 Apple Toddy (Hot) 9 Beef Tea 9 Bishop 9 Blue Blazer 10 Brandy and Ginger Ale 10 Brandy and Soda" 10 Branda Crusta 11 Brindy Burned 11 Brandy Cocktail 11 Brandy Flip 12 Brandy Fi^-.z 12 Bottle of Cocktail 12 Bowl of Egg Nogrs for -i Party. .13 Black thorne Sour 1'^ Brandy Sangaree 1.3 Brandy Julep 14 Brandy Punch 14 Brandy Sling (Hot) 14 Brandy Smash 14 Brandy Sour 15 Brandy Straight 1.5 Brandy Toddy 15 Brandy Bell-Kinger 15 Bell-Ringer Cocktail 16 Bell-Riuger Sour 1(5 Benedictine 16 Bell-Ringer Punch 17 Baron Steuben Royal Punch ..17 Baron Steuben Royal Punch TQuart Mixture) 17 Catawba Cobbler 18 Chimes IS Companion 18 Champagne Cobbler 19 Champagne Cup 19 Chicago Cooler 19 Celery Sour :.'(» Christmas Punch 20 College Punch 21 Twentieth Century Inuich 21 Champagne Julep 21 Champagne Punch 22 Champagne Sour 22 Champagne Velvet 22 Cider Egg Nogg 22 Claret Cobbler 2?. Claret Cup for a Partv 23 Claret Cup 2^? Claret Punch 24 Champagne Frappo 24 Champagne Cocktail . '. 24 Continental Sour 24 Cordial Lemonade 24 Coffee Cocktail 25 Creme de Menthe 25 Curacoa Punch 25 Chocolate Punch 25 Collins 26 Companion Punch 26 Dream 26 Egg Lemonade 27 Egg Nogg 27 Good Night 27 Grape Wine Punch 27 Golden Thoughts 27 Gins, Miscellaneous 28-30 Golden Fizz 30 Happy Moments 30 Hock Cobbler 30 High Ball 31 Hot Irish Whisky Punch 31 Hot Scotch Whisky Punch 31 Horse's Neck 31 Hot Lemonade 32 Hot Spiced Rum 32 Irish Porridge 32 Lemon Ice 32 Lemonade 33 Ladies' Delight 33 Lemonade Punch 3;'> Lily :'.4 Manhattan Cocktail .34 Manhattan Bell-Ringer 34 Magnolia 35 Martinez Bell-Ringer 35 Martinez Cocktail 35 Milk Punch 35 Mint Julep 36 New Year Punch .36 Oyster Cocktail 37 Old-Fashioned Cocktail 37 Old-Fashioned Toddv 37 Port Wine Flip 3S Port Wine Sangaree .38 Penn. R. R. Sour .3S Peach Blossom 38 Professor 39 Peach Blossom Punch 39 Rose Bud 40 Rock and Rye 40 Roman Punch 40 Rob Roy Cocktail 40 Restorative 41 Restringent 41 Romance 41 Rhine Wine Cobbler 42 Rickey 42 Rum Punch 42 Selzer Lemonade 42 Sauterine Cobbler 42 Sherry Cocktail 42 Scotch Gruel 43 Shamrock 43 Sherrys, Miscellaneous 43-45 Silver Fizz 45 Soda Cocktail 45 Soda Nectar 45 Soda Lemonade 46 Sunrise Punch 46 Sunset Punch 46 Tulip Punch 47 Tulip 47 Thistle 47 The Col. Taylor "Manhattan Bell-Ringer" 48 Thanksgiving Punch 4S Trilby Cocktail 49 Tom and Jerry 49 Twilight Punch 50 Unfermented Grape Juice Punch 50 Violets 50 Vermouth Cocktail 51 Velvet 51 Whiskies, Miscellaneous 51-54 Wine Lemonade 52 Miscellaneous 54-.58 PREFACE. HAVING been a dispenser of liquors for many years, and originated many fancy drinks, which have become exceedingly popular and are now exten- sively used, I take pleasure in introducing the 20th Century Guide, which should become a household companion and an indispensable adjunct to the well-stocked Sideboards, Clubs, Buffets, etc., as it will be simple in directions so that the lady of the house or the butler will readily understand how to prepare and mix any one of the many mixtures I publish. James C. Maloney. Twentieth Century Guide HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. AMERICA. P'ill mixing glass two-thirds full of tine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful syrup. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass apple brandy. Stir will and strain into a claret glass with fruit. Then fill it very near full with seltzer, pour in a little Eagle Creme De Violette (just enough so it will show a distinct blue in bottom of the glass) and float a little claret on top, showing the colors of America — red, white and blue — and serve. ABERCOTINE AND BRANDY. 20 ounces brandy (Hennessey's or California). 12 ounces Creme D'Apricot. Put the above mixture into a full quart bottle. You will find it a fine flavoring extract to be used in different drinks. Always shake the bottle before using. One or two teaspoonfuls (or flavor to taste). ABERCOTINE AND JAMAICA RUM. 20 ounces Jamaica rum. 12 ounces Creme D'Apricot. Put the above mixture into a full quart bottle. You will find it a fine flavoring extract, to be used in different drinks. Always shake the bottle before using. One or 2 teaspoonfuls (or flavor to taste). 6 riVENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. ABERCOTINE, CLABET AND CHEME DE VIOLETS. 20 ounces of claret wine. 4 ounces Eagle Creme D'Apricot. 8 ounces Eagle Creme De Violets. Put the above mixture into a full quart bottle. You will find it a fine flavoring extract, to be used in dif- ferent drinks. Always shake the bottle before using. One tablespoonful (or flavor to taste). APPLEJACK FIX. Is prepared the same as Brandy Fix, using Apple Jack instead. APPLE BLOSSOM. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonsful pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful syrup or sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). 1-3 wine glass apple brandy. I teaspoonful Eagle Creme D'Apricot. Stir Avell, then strain into a claret glass with fruit ; dash w^ith seltzer water and serve. ABSINTHE COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I piece of lemon peel. 1 teaspoonful of syrup. 2 dashes Paychand's bitters. ^ wine glass of Eagle absinthe. ^ wine glass of water. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass, dash with seltzer and serve. IIOIV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 7 ABSINTHE SWISS S. Fill mixing glass with fine ice. y2 wine glass Orgeat syrup (or Anisette). 2-3 wine glass Eagle absinthe. I wine glass water. The white of one tgg. Shake the ingredients thoroughly with shaker, then strain into a glass that has been cooled (a six- ounce glass), give it a dash of seltzer and squeeze a piece of lemon peel over it and serve. This is a great nerve quieter. ABSINTHE FRAPPEE. Fill mixing glass full fine ice. I teaspoonful syrup. I pony Eagle absinthe. I wine glass water. Shake the ingredients until the outside of the shaker has a frosty appearance, strain into a glass (six-ounce glass) that has been cooled, give it a dash of seltzer and serve. APPLE BLOSSOM PUNCH. (1^4 -gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) 10 ounces lemon juice. 10 ounces syrup or sugar. 4 ounces pineapple syrup or orange juice. 8 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). 3 quarts Tokay wine or Sweet Catawba. I quart apple brandy. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in fancy stem glasses with fruit. 8 Tll'EXTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. ABSINTHE DRIPPED. Take a six-ounce glass and put I pony Eagle absinthe in it. Fill the bowl of your absinthe glass (which has a hole in the center) with fine ice, and the balance with water. Let the contents drip into the glass containing the absinthe until the color shows a sufficiency. Give it a dash of seltzer and serve. AliE SANGAREE. Fill up ale glass with ale. I teaspoonful powdered sugar. Stir gently, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. APPLEJACK COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I piece of lemon peel. I teaspoonful syrup. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I or 2 dashes orange bitters. I or 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters. I wine glass applejack. Stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, dash with seltzer and serve. APPLEJACK SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass applejack. Stir well, strain into a sour glass, dash with seltzer, dress with fruit and serve. HOll' TO MIX FAXCY DRIXKS. 9 AMERICAN POUSSE CAFE. \Sse a pousse cafe glass. % Maraschino (Eagle Maraschino). ^ Curacoa (Eagle Curacoa). j4 Chartreuse (Eagle La Grande Liqueur). 14 brandy. Keep the colors separate ond serve. APPLE TODDY (HOT). I or 2 lumps of loaf sugar in a hot water glass. Fill glass 2-3 full of hot water. I wine glass applejack. I piece lemon peel. Stir slowly and grate a little nutmeg on top; serve vrith a spoon and a small glass of tine ice to cool drink with. BEZr TEA. L'se a hot water glass. ^2 teaspoonful of the best beef extract. Fill the glass with hot water. Stir up well with a spoon, place pepper, salt and celery salt so as the customer can season to suit himself. BISHOP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I tablespoonful sugar. 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. i>^2 wine glass Burgundy. Stir well, dress with fruit and a dash of Medford rum : ser\'e with a straw. 10 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. BLACK STRIPE. Take a whisky glass, pour enough Jamaica rum to cover bottom of glass. Then add I tablespoonful New Orleans molasses. Hand bottle and glass to customer, allowing him to help himself. BLUE BLAZES,. y2 tablespoonful sugar, dissolved in a little hot water. I wine glass Scotch whisky. Set the liquid on fire, and while blazing pour 3 or 4 times from one mug into another. This will give the appearance of a stream of liquid fire. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top, with a httle grated nut- meg, and serve. BBAISTDY AlTD GIKTGER ALE. Put I or 2 pieces of ice in large punch glass. I wine glass brandy. I bottle ginger ale. Stir well and serve. The imported ginger ale gives the best satisfac- tion. BRANDY AND SODA. Put I or 2 pieces of ice in a large punch glass. I wine glass brandy. I bottle plain soda. Stir well and serve. The imported club soda gives the best satisfac- tion. HOIV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 11 EBAjSTDA chusta. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters. I dash orange bitters. I wine glass of brandy. 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. Stir the above mixture thoroughly, then peel the rind from a lemon all in one piece, fit it into the wine glass, covering the entire inside, run a slice of lemon around the edge of the glass, dip it in pulverized sugar so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass ; strain the mixture into this prepared glass and serve. BHANDY BURNED. Take a saucer and put 2 lumps of loaf sugar. I wine glass brandy. I piece of lemon peel. Ignite the brandy and let it burn out; then pour tiie burned liquid into a whisky glass, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. This is often used as a purgative. BilAXDY COCKTAIL. , Fill a mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful of syrup. I piece of lemon peel. I or 2 dashes Peychand bitters. I or 2 dashes orange bitters. I wine glass brandy. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass and serve. 12 TlVENriETH CENTURY GUIDE. BBANDY FLIP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. ^ tablespoonful sugar. I wine glass brandy. Shake thoroughly, strain into a large claret glass, give it a dash of seltzer, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. BRANDY FIZZ. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful fine sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass brandy. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill up with selt- zer or carbonated water and drink while efferves- cent. BRANDY PONY. Set before the customer a whisky glass and an- other containing ice water. Fill a pony glass with best brandy and pour it into the empty glass and serve. BOTTLE OF COCKTAIL. I quart of good old whisky (Old Crow). ^ pony Peychand bitters. ^ pony orange bitters. I wine glass gum syrup (2 ozs.). I wine glass good water (2 ozs.). I teaspoonful lemon juice. Stir the above mixture thoroughly, then strain it into a bottle and cork, it, and you will have a fine bottle of cocktail. HOIV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 13 BOWL OF EGG NOGG FOR A PARTY. For a three-gallon bowl mix as follows : 3 pounds of fine powdered white sugar. 24 fresh eggs (have the yolks separated) ; beat as thin as water and add the yolks of the eggs into the sugar and dissolve by stirring well together. Then pour in 3 quarts of good brandy. 1 quart Jamaica rum. 2 gallons of milk. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and stir continually while pouring in the milk to prevent it from curd- ling, then beat the whites of the eggs to a stift froth (also a quart of whipped cream) and float it on top. Then fill a small punch glass (use a ladle), put some of the egg froth on top, grate a little nutmeg over it and serve. BLACKTHORNE SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls lime juice or lemon. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. y2 teaspoonful abricotine. I wine glass Sloe gin. Stir well, strain into claret glass v/ith fruit, dash with seltzer and float a little claret on top and serve. BRANDY SANGAREE. Take an old-fashioned cocktail glass. 1 teaspoonful sugar. ^ wine glass water. 2 small pieces of ice. I wine glass of brandy. Stir well and float a little claret wine on top and serve. 14 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. BRANDY JULEP. Is made the same as the Mint Julep. BHANDY PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 3^ tablespoonful sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I wine glass of brandy. After shaking the above ingredients fill the glass with ice and dress with fruits, dash a little old Jamaica rum on top and serve. BRANDY SLING (HOT). Fill a hot water glass two-thirds full hot water. I piece of lemon peel. I piece of loaf sugar. I wine glass brandy. Stir slowly, grate nutmeg on top, serve. For a cold Brandy Sling use a piece of ice and cold water. BRANDY SMASH. Take an old-fashioned cocktail glass. I teaspoonful sugar dissolved with seltzer. 3 or 4 sprigs of mint pressed slightly with mud- dler. Then fill the glass two-thirds full cracked ice. I wine glass brandy. Stir well, dash it with seltzer and draw the leaves of the mint upward; serve with a spoon in the glass. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 15 BRANDY SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful syrup. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass brandy. Stir well, strain into claret glass with fruit, dash with seltzer and serve. BRANDY STRAIGHT. Put a piece of ice in a whisky glass and hand it, with the bottle of brandy, to your customer. BRANDY TODDY. Put in a whisky glass. I teaspoonful sugar dissolved in a little water. I piece of ice. Then hand the bottle of brandy out and let the customer help himself. For hot brandy toddy omit the ice and use hot w^ater. BRANDY BELL-RINGER. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. I or 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters. I or 2 dashes orange bitters. I wine glass brandy. }i teaspoonful lemon juice. While you are stirring this mixture put i teaspoon- ful Eagle Creme D'Apricot into a cocktail glass, then rinse it so that the abercotine will be evenly coated all over inside of cocktail glass, then strain and serve. IG TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. BELL-RINGER COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. }i teaspoonful of lemon juice. I teaspoonful syrup. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I or 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters. I or 2 dashes orange bitters. 1 wine glass whisky (Old Crow). While you are stirring this mixture put i teaspoon- ful Eagle Creme D'Apricot into a cocktail glass and rinse it so that the abricotine will be evenly coated over inside of cocktail glass, then strain and serve. BELL-RINGER SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. I wine glass whisky (Hermitage). While you are stirring this mixture put i teaspoon- ful Eagle Creme D'Apricot into sour glass and rinse it so that the abricotine will be evenly coated all over inside of sour glass, then strain into sour glass with fruit, dash with seltzer and float a little claret on top and serve. BENEDICTINE. Place a whisky glass on bar, bottom side up, then put a pony glass on top and fill it with bene- dictine and serve. All liquors served in same style except pousse cafe. HOJV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 17 BELL-RINiCJER PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I wine glass whisky (Hermitage). y2 pony glass Jamaica rum and Eagle Creme D'Apricot. Shake well, strain into punch glass with fruit, fill up with seltzer and float a little claret on top and serve. BARON STEUBEN ROYAL PUNCH. Put in mixing glass I piece of cut loaf sugar (or i teaspoonful syrup). I teaspoonful lemon juice. DissoWe sugar with muddler, fill up the glass two-thirds full fine ice and add I wine glass Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). y2 wine glass Bourbon whisky (Old Steuben). Stir well and strain into a punch glass with one-half of a peach and one teaspoonful of the peach juice, dash with seltzer and add one-half teaspoonful Jamaica rum and serve. BARON STEUBEN ROYAL PUNCH. (i-quart Mixture.) 3>2 ounces lemon juice. 3% ounces sugar (or i6 pieces of cut loaf sugar). I ounce Jamaica rum. 20 ounces Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). 12 ounces bourbon whisky (Old Steuben). Mix the above ingredients thoroughly and when you serve it put a half of a peach in each wine glass, with I spoonful of the peach juice. 18 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. CATAWBA COBBLER. Fill mixing glass full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful sugar. 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. 2 wine glasses Catawba wine. Shake well, dress with fruits and dash with seltzer, pour a little claret on top, serve with a straw. CHIMES. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful of syrup. 1 teaspoonful of pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful of lemon juice. 1 wine glass of one-half sweet and one-half dry Catawba. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly, strain into a claret glass with fruits, dash it with seltzer, then pour in a little Eagle Creme D'Apricot, so it will go to the bottom of the glass, just enough to make a distinct red, then float a little claret on top and serve. COMPANION. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup.- I teaspoonful syrup or sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass Tokay wine (white) (or Sweet Catawba). 1-3 wine glass claret wine. I pony glass brandy and Eagle Creme D'Apricot (equal parts). Stir well, strain into claret glass with fruit, dash with seltzer and serve. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 19 CHAMPAGZyTE COBBLER. Fill mixing glass one-third full cracked ice. I teaspoonful sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I piece of pineapple and fill up with wine. Stir gently and dress with fruits and serve. Never use the shaker to champagne beverages. CHAMP AG2TE CUP. (3-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a large punch bowl iy2 can pineapple. 2-3 dozen oranges, sliced. 1-3 dozen lemons, sliced. I quart Curacoa. 1 pint Chartreuse (Yellow Eagle La Grande Liqueur). I pint Abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). I quart of cognac brandy. 1 quart of Tokay vrine (or Sweet Catawba). Stir up well and let it stand for ten hours, then strain it into another bowl and add 2 quart bottles of Apollinaris. 6 quart bottles champagne. Place a piece of ice in punch bowl and decorate the ice with fruits and serve. I dont' think you will need any sugar in this mixture. CHICAGO COOLER. Take a large punch glass with a piece of ice in it. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I bottle ginger ale (imported). Float a little claret on top and serve. 20 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. CELERY SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful lemon juice. ^ tablespoonful celery bitters. 1 wine glass whisky (Old Crow). Stir well, strain into a claret glass with fruit, dash with seltzer, top off with a little claret and serve. CHRISTMAS PUNCH. (21-Gallon Mixture.) 8 cans pineapple. 6 dozen oranges, cut in slices. 3 dozen lemons, cut in sHces. 5 quarts Eagle Curacao. 3 quarts Chartreuse Yellow (Eagle La Grande Liqueur). 2 quarts Eagle Creme D'Apricot. 3 gallons brandy (Hennessey's or California). 3 gallons Tokay wine (white domestic). Put the above ingredients in a vessel in a cool place, let it stand for 12 hours, then filter or strain it into another vessel and add 4 gallons Apollinaris or good carbonated water. 36 quarts champagne. Then take a large punch bowl and put a nice large piece of ice in it, decorate the ice with fruits and fill up the bowl from vessel. Keep the vessel in a cool place, but don't put ice in it ; serve in cham- pagne glasses. I have made this punch the past three years for the Steuben County Wine Company of Chicago, which they have served in their buffet the dav before Christmas of each vear. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 2\ COLLEGE PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful syrup or sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass of one-half sweet and one-half dry Catawba. ^ wine glass of claret. I pony Eagle Creme De Violette and Creme D'Apricot (equal parts). Stir well, strain into a punch glass with fruit, dash with seltzer and serve. TWENTIETH CENTURY PUNCH. (2-Gallon Mixture.) I can peaches. I can pineapple. ^ dozen oranges, cut in slices. y2 dozen lemons, cut in slices. i^ gallons Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). I quart brandy. 4 ounces Jamaica rum. 4 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). Put the above ingredients in a bowd and let it stand for about lo hours in a cool place, then filter it into a punch bowl with a nice piece of ice and dress the top of ice with fruit and serve. CHAMPAGNE JULEP. Fill mixing glass one-third full cracked ice. 1 lump of white sugar. 2 sprigs mint. Pour the wine into the glass slowly, stir gently, dress with fruits, dash of brandy on top and serve with a straw. 22 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. CHAMPAGNE PUNCH. Put in punch bowl i piece of ice. I quart bottle champagne. I pint bottle ApolHnaris. 4 pieces of cut loaf sugar. I orange sliced. I lemon sliced. 6 or 8 slices of pineapple. I wine glass pineapple syrup. I wine glass abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). Stir gently and serve in champagne glasses. CHAMPAGNE SOUR. Fill mixing glass one-third full cracked ice. I teaspoonful sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. Fill up with wine, stir gently, dress with fruits, dash of brandy on top and serve with a straw. CHAMPAGNE VELVET. For this drink a bottle of champagne and a bottle of porter must be used. Fill the goblet one-half full with porter, the balance with champagne. Stir with a spoon slowly and serve. CIDER EGG NOGG. Fill mixing glass one-half full cracked ice. I teaspoonful sugar. I fresh tgg. Fill the glass with cider. Shake well and strain into a lemonade glass, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. HOIV ro MIX FANCY DRINKS. 23 CLARET COBBLER. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful sugar. 3 or 4 pieces of lemon peel. 2 wine glasses claret. Stir gently, dress with fruits and serve with a straw. CLARET CUP FOR A PARTY. (i>^-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl 1 can pineapple. 4 oranges sHced. 2 lemons sliced. 2 wine glasses Curacao Red (Eagle Curacao). 2 wine glasses abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apri- cot). I quart bottle Apollinaris. 3 quart bottles claret. Let this mixture stand 3 or 4 hours, then filter it into another bowl, with a large piece of ice, then add 2 quart bottles champagne or any other spark- ling wine, decorate the ice with fruits and serve in champagne glasses. CLARET CUP. Fill glass pitcher one-half full cracked ice. 6 or 8 pieces loaf sugar. I lemon sliced. I orange sHced. I wine glass Eagle Creme D'Apricot and Curacao. I bottle claret. I bottle soda. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, adding the thin rind of cucumber, dress top with fruit and serve. 24 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. CLARET PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I tablespoonful sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. 1 wine glass water. 2 wine glasses claret. Shake well, dress with fruits, dash with seltzer and serve with a straw. CHAMPAGNE FRAPPE. Place the bottle in the champagne cooler, fill with fine ice and salt, whirl the bottle until the wine becomes almost frozen. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL. Put one piece of cut loaf sugar in a champagne goblet with 2 or 3 dashes of Angostura bitters on sugar. 1 piece of lemon peel. 2 or 3 pieces of cracked ice. Fill glass with champagne, stir gently and serve. CONTINENTAL SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. I wine glass whisky (Blue Grass). Stir well, strain into a sour glass with fruit, float a little claret on top and serve. CORDIAL LEMONADE. Make a plain lemonade, ornament with fruits and pour in slowly one-half pony of any cordial the cus- tomer may desire. HO IV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 25 COITEE COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. ■ I teaspoonful sugar. I fresh egg. I wine glass port wine. I pony best brandy. Shake thoroughly and strain into a medium-sized goblet, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. CREME DE MENTHE. Fill sherry glass with fine ice, pour in Creme de Menthe until glass is full ; serve with i straw cut in 2 pieces (Eagle Creme De Menthe). CUBACOA PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I pony brandy. I pony Eagle Curacao (Red). Stir well, dress with fruits, dash with Jamaica rum and serve with a straw. CHOCOLATE PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. Yz tablespoonful sugar. iy2 wine glass port wine. I pony glass Curacoa. Yi wine glass cream (or milk). Shake thoroughly, strain into a punch glass and grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. 26 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. COLLINS. X Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. Juice of one-half lemon. I teaspoonful sugar. I wine glass of gin. Shake well, strain into a milk punch glass and pour in I bottle imported club soda, stir gently and serve. COMPANION PUNCH. (134-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) 10 ounces lemon juice. 10 ounces syrup or sugar. 4 ounces peach juice or orange juice. 4 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D 'Apricot). ^2 pint brandy. 3 quarts one-half Dry and one-half Sweet Ca- tawba. I quart claret wine. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in punch glasses with fruit. DREAM. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. White of one egg. 1 wine glass Tom gin. 2 wine glasses cream. Shake well, strain into thin lemonade glass and put just the coloring of Creme de Menthe on top and serve. HOIV ro MIX FANCY DRINKS. 27 EGG LEMONADE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I tablespoonful powdered sugar. Juice of one lemon. I fresh egg. Fill up the glass with water, shake thoroughly, strain into a thin lemonade glass and serve. EGG NOGG. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful powdered sugar. 1 fresh egg. }i wine glass of brandy. % wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill up the glass with milk and shake the ingre- dients thoroughly, then strain into a large punch glass and grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. GOOD NIGHT. Fill a sherry glass one-half full fine ice. ^ pony Eagle Creme De Violette. ^ pony benedictine. Then fill up the glass with ginger ale, stir gently, and serve with a straw. GHAPE WINE PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. 1 teaspoonful Marischino syrup. Juice of one lemon. 2 wine glasses unfermented grape juice. Stir well, strain into punch glass with fruit and fill up with seltzer and serve. 28 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. GOLDEN THOUGHTS. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. ^ pony Yellow Chartreuse, i^ pony white Tokay wine. Yolk of one ^gg. Shake thoroughly and strain into a fancy stem glass, dash with seltzer water, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. GllSr CHUSTA. Is made the same as Brandy Crusta, using gin instead of brandy. QTN FIZZ. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. Yz tablespoonful of powdered sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. I wine glass of gin. Shake well and strain into a thin lemonade glass and fill up the glass with seltzer, or any kind of water the customer may desire, and serve. GIN SMASH. Put into an old-fashioned cocktail glass I teaspoonful of powdered sugar. I dash of seltzer. 4 or 5 sprigs of mint. Mash the mint slightly with muddler and fill up the glass with cracked ice, add one wine glass of gin, stir gently, bringing the leaves of the mint up- ward; serve with a spoon in the glass. HO IV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 29 GIN COCKTAIL. Fill mixing- glass two-thirds full fine ice. I piece of lemon peel. 1 teaspoonful of syrup. 2 clashes orange bitters. I dash Peychand's bitters. I wine glass of gin. Stir and strain in cooled cocktail glass, with fruit if desired. GIN BELL-BINGER. The same as the Gin Cocktail, only before strain- ing put one-half teaspoonful of abricotine in the cocktail glass, rinse it around so it will give the glass a red appearance, then after straining the mixture into it rub a piece of fresh cut lemon around edge of glass and add one-half teaspoonful of lemon juice and serve. GIN SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. I wine glass gin. Stir well, strain into sour glass with fruit, dash with seltzer and serve. GIN PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. ^ tablespoonful sugar. I tablespoonful lemon juice. I wine glass gin. Shake well, fill up the glass with seltzer, dress with fruits and serve with a straw. 30 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. GIN- SANGAREE. Same as Brandy Sangaree, substituting gin in- stead of brandy. GOLDEN FIZZ. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I egg (yolk only). ^ tablespoonful sugar. Juice of one-half lemon. I wine glass of gin or whisky. Shake well in a shaker and strain into a fizz glass, fill up with seltzer and drink while efifervescent. HAPPY MOMENTS. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of powdered sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. , • y2 pony benedictine. i^ pony Sweet Catawba wine. White of one tgg. Shake the above ingredients thoroughly and strain into a fancy stem glass, dash with seltzer water, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. HALF AND HALF. Use ale or beer glass. y2 glass ale, fill balance with porter, or 3^ glass beer, fill balance vvith ale or porter. It is always best to ask the customer how he desires it. HOCK COBELEH. This drink is made the same way as the Catawba Cobbler, using Hock wine instead of Catawba. HOJV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 31 HIGH BALL. Put in a high ball glass one piece of ice, then place the bottle of Hquor to the customer, allow- ing him to help himself ; after pouring in the liquor fill up the glass with seltzer or any water the cus- tomer may desire. This is sometimes called a Bradley Martin. HOT IKISH WHISKY PUNCH. Take a hot water punch glass and rinse it in hot water, then put in 2 pieces of cut loaf sugar. 1 piece lemon peel. 2 wine glasses of boiling water. Dissolve the sugar well, then pour in I wine glass Bushmill's Irish whisky. Stir gently, with a little nutmeg on top, serve with a spoon and a small glass of fine ice. HOT SCOTCH WHISKY PUNCH. Same as Hot Irish Whisky Punch, using O. V. H. Scotch whisky instead. HOESE'S NECK. Cut the whole of a lemon peel in a long string, place into a large thin glass, with a piece of ice cut about the length of the glass ; hold one end of peel and pour in I bottle of imported ginger ale. Flavor with any kind of rum the customer desires and serve. 32 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. HOT LEMONADE. Take a thin lemonade glass and rinse it in hot water to prevent the glass from cracking, then add 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Juice of one lemon, and fill the glass up with boiling water. Stir gently and serve with a spoon and a small glass of fine ice. HOT SPICED RUM. Take a hot water glass and rinse it in hot water, then put in 2 pieces of cut loaf sugar. 1 piece lemon peel. j4 teaspoonful of ground nutmeg and cinnamon. ji teaspoonful of butter. 2 wine glasses of boiling water. Stir well and add one wine glass Jamaica rum ; serve with a spoon and small glass fine ice. IRISH PORRIDGE. Put a piece of ice in an old-fashioned cocktail glass, then add I teaspoonful sugar. I wine glass Bushmill's Irish whisky. Then fill the glass up with cream and stir while you are pouring in the cream, so as to keep it from curdling, grate a little cinnamon on top and serve with a spoon. LEMON ICE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of powdered sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. HOIV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 33 y2 pony Maraschino. I >^ pony Tokay wine (white). White of one egg. Shake the above ingredients thoroughly and strain into a fancy stem glass, dash with seltzer water, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. LEMOIsTADE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 tablespoonful sugar. Juice of one lemon. Fill up glass with water, shake well, dress with fruits and serve with a straw, or strain into a thin lemonade glass with fruit. LADIES' DELIGHT. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls peach juice or orange juice. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. 2 wine glasses of unfermented grape juice. Stir well, strain into thin lemonade glass with fruit and fill up the balance of glass with ginger ale and serve. LEMONADE PUNCH. (i-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) I pound of powdered sugar. I can of pineapple. The juice of i6 lemons. 1-3 dozen oranges, cut in sHces. I gallon of water. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in lemonade glasses with fruit. 34 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. LILY. Fill sherry glass one-half full fine ice, then add 1/2 pony of Eagle Creme de Menthe. ^ pony of Eagle Creme de Violette. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and float a little milk or cream on top, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve with a straw. MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I piece lemon peel. I teaspoonful syrup. I or 2 dashes orange bitters. I or 2 dashes Peychand's bitters. Yi wine glass Vermouth. y2 wine glass whisky (Hermitage). Stir well and strain into cool cocktail glass and serve. MANHATTAN BELL-RINGER. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 3^2 teaspoonful lemon juice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 dashes orange bitters. I dash Peychand's bitters. ^ wine glass bourbon whisky (Old Crow). 3^ wine glass Vermouth. While you are stirring the above mixture put one- half teaspoonful of abricotine into a cocktail glass, then rinse it so that the abricotine will be evenly coated all over inside of the cocktail glass, then strain and rub a piece of fresh cut lemon around the edge of the cocktail glass and serve. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 35 MAGNOLIA. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of powdered sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls of lemon juice. y2 pony of Curacao. 11/2 pony Port wine. White of one egg. Shake the above ingredients thoroughly and strain into a fancy stem glass, dash with seltzer water, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. MARTINEZ BELL-RINGER. Is prepared the same as the Manhattan Bell- Ringer, using gin instead of whisky. MARTINEZ COCKTAIL. Same as Manhattan, only you substitute gin for whisky. MILK AND SELZER. Fill the glass half full of seltzer and the balance with milk. MILK PUNCH. Fill mixing glass one-half full fine ice. 3^2 tablespoonful sugar. I wine glass brandy. % wine glass Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain into thin milk punch glass and serve with a little nutmeg on top. 36 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. MINT JULEP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful sugar. 3 or 4 sprigs mint. 1 wine glass brandy. Shake the above ingredients slightly, just enough to extract the flavor of the mint, then fill up the glass with ice, dress with fruits and 2 or 3 sprigs of fresh mint with stems downward, leaves above, give 2 or 3 dashes of Jamaica rum on top and serve with a straw. NEW YEAR PUNCH. ( ID-Gallon Mixture.) 5 pounds cut loaf sugar. 4 cans pineapple. 4 dozen oranges, cut in slices. 2 dozen lemons, cut in slices. 1 quart bottle abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apri- cot). 7 gallons Catawba Cream (one-half Sweet and one-half Dry Catawba). 2 gallons claret wine. I gallon brandy (Hennessey's or California). Put the above ingredients together in a vessel the day before you want to serve it; on the following morning filter or strain it into another vessel ; then take a large punch bowl and place a nice large piece of ice in it and decorate the top of ice with fruits and fill up the bowl from vessel ; keep the vessel containing the punch in a cool place ; never put ice in it. I have made this punch for the past three years for the Steuben County Wine Company of Chi- cago, which they serve on the day before New HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 37 Year of each year. Serve in champagne glasses. OYSTER COCKTAIL. Put in an old-fashioned cocktail glass y^ dozen Blue Point oysters (cold). 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. 1 teaspoonful pepper sauce. 2 dashes Tabasco sauce. I teaspoonful of wine vinegar. A little salt; also red and white pepper. Stir gently and add 2 or 3 dashes of good brandy ; serve with a spoon in the glass. OLD-FASHIONED COCKTAIL. Put one piece of cut loaf sugar in an old-fash- ioned cocktail glass, with a dash of seltzer water ; dissolve the sugar thoroughly, then put in A good-sized piece of ice. 1 dash of orange bitters. 2 dashes of Peychaud's bitters. I piece of lemon peel. I wine glass of whisky (Old Crow). Stir gently and serve with a spoon in glass. OLD-FASHIONED TODDY. Put one teaspoonful of powdered sugar in an old-fashioned cocktail glass, with a dash of seltzer water; dissolve the sugar thoroughly, then fill the glass two-thirds full of cracked ice and I wine glass of whisky (Hermitage). Stir gently and serve with a spoon in glass. 38 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. PORT WINE FLIP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful powdered sugar. I wine glass port wine. I fresh ^gg. Shake up thoroughly and strain into a fancy stem glass, serve with a little nutmeg on top and a dash of seltzer. PORTER SANGAREE. The same as Ale Sangaree, using porter instead. PORT WIKTE SANGAREE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful sugar. I piece lemon peel. I wine glass port wine. Shake well, strain into a small punch glass with fruit, dash with seltzer, serve with nutmeg on top. PENN. R. R. SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. 2-3 wine glass whisky (Old Crow). 1-3 wine glass Italian Vermouth. Stir well and strain into sour glass with fruit, dash of Jamaica rum and abricotine and serve. PEACH BLOSSOM. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 39 I teaspoonful syrup. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). 1-3 wine glass peace brandy. I teaspoonful abricotine. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly, then strain into a fancy punch glass with fruits, dash with seltzer and serve. PROFESSOR. Use pousse cafe glass. 1-5 Creme de Violets (Eagle). 1-5 Creme de Menthe (Eagle). 1-5 Abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). 1-5 Chartreuse (yellow) (Eagle La Grande Liqueur). 1-5 brandy (Cognac). Keep the colors separate and serve. PEACH BLOSSOM PUNCH. (114-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice). 10 ounces lemon juice. ID ounces syrup of sugar. 4 ounces pineapple syrup or orange juice. 8 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). 3 quarts Tokay wine or Sweet Catawba. I quart peach brandy. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in fancy stem glasses with fruit. 40 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. ROSE BUD. Put in a thin lemonade glass. I piece of ice, the same as for a high ball. I teaspoonful abricotine. I piece of pineapple with a teaspoonful of the syrup. The juice of one-half lemon. I wine glass Sloe gin. Then fill the glass nearly full of seltzer and top it off with a little claret and serve. ROCK AND RYE. Put in a whisky glass y2 tablespoonful rock candy syrup. I wine glass rye whisky (Hermitage). Stir well and serve. ROMAN PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful powdered sugar. Juice of one-half lemon. I tablespoonful pineapple syrup. 1 wine glass brandy. 2 or 3 dashes Curacoa. 2 or 3 dashes Jamaica rum. Stir well, dress with fruits and float a little claret on top and serve with a straw. ROB ROY COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y teaspoonful of lemon juice. 1 teaspoonful of syrup. 2 dashes of orange bitters. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS, 41 I dash Peychand's bitters. 2-3 wine glass Scotch whisky. 1-3 wine glass French Vermouth. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass and serve. BESTORATIVE. Put a small piece of ice in champagne glass. I teaspoonful of absinthe. ^2 teaspoonful peppermint. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful Maraschino syrup. 2-3 wine glass brandy. Fill balance of glass up with ginger ale. The above mixture is a fine stomach restorer, especially when, after a bad night, you feel nause- ated. RESTRINGENT. Use a wine glass. 2-3 full port wine. 1-3 full peach brandy. y2 teaspoonful Jamaica ginger. Stir gently and serve with a little nutmeg on top. ROMANCE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. ^ pony benedictine. y^ pony Eagle Creme de Violette. I fresh egg. Shake thoroughly and strain into a champagne glass, dash it with seltzer and serve. 43 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. RHINE WIISTE COBBLER. The same as Catawba Cobbler, using Rhine wine instead. RHINE WINE AND SELTZER. Fill a small, thin punch glass one-half full wine, balance with seltzer or any carbonated water. All still wines are served in the same manner. RICKEY. Take a high ball glass with one piece of ice in it. The juice of one lime. I wine glass Tom ghi. Fill up with seltzer or whatever water the customer desires. RUM PUNCH. In same manner as whisky punch. SELTZER LEMONADE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I tablespoonful sugar. Juice of one lemon. Fill up with seltzer water. Stir well, dress with fruits and serve with a straw. SAUTERNE COBBLER. The same as Catawba Cobbler, using Sauterne instead of Catawba. SHERRY COCKTAIL. Made the same as whisky cocktail, using Sherry wine instead. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 43 SCOTCH GRUEL. Put a piece of ice in an old-fashioned cocktail glass. I teaspoonful powdered sugar. I wine glass of O. V. H. Scotch whisky. Fill up with milk and stir while you are pouring, so as to keep it from curdling, dash with seltzer and serve with a little nutmeg on top. SHAMROCK Put a piece of ice in a glass that you would use for making a high ball. 1 teaspoonful Abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apri- cot). 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice (or a lime). I wine glass Bushmill's Irish whisky. Fill up with ginger ale, stir gently, and serve. SHANDY GAFF. Fill an ale glass ^ full of ale and ^2 full of ginger ale. Stir gently and serve. SHERRY AND BITTERS. Put I dash of Angostura bitters in a sherry glass and rinse it, then fill up with Sherry wine and serve. SHERRY AND ICE. Put a little cracked ice in a sherry glass (or champagne glass), fill up with Sherry and serve. 44 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE SHERRY AND EGG. Pour into a sherry glass enough Sherry to cover bottom of glass, then break into a whisky glass i fresh ^gg, and drop it into the sherry glass and fill up with Sherry and serve. SHERRY COBBLER. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 3 or 4 pieces of lemon peel. ^ tablespoonful powdered sugar. 2 wine glasses Sherry wine. Stir gently, ornament with fruits, float a little claret on top and serve with a straw. SHERRY FLIP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. ^ tablespoonful sugar. 2 wine glasses Sherry. Shake well, strain into a fancy glass, dash with seltzer and a little nutmeg on top and serve. SHERRY EGG NOGG. Is made the same as a Sherry Flip, only you add I wine glass of milk. SHERRY WINE PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful sugar. 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. 2 wine glasses Sherry. Stir well, dash with seltzer, dress with fruits and top off with a little claret, serve with a straw. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 45 SHERRY WINE SANGAREE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. r teaspoonful sugar. 15^ wine glass Sherry wine. Stir well, strain into a champagne glass, grate a lit- tle nutmeg on top and serve. SILVER FIZZ. Fill a mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. ^2 tablespoonful of pulverized sugar. Juice of one-half a lemon. The white of one egg. I wine glass of gin. Shake thoroughly, strain into a thin lemonade glass and fill it up with seltzer water and serve. SODA COCKTAIL. Take a lemonade glass, put 1 piece of ice in it. 2 dashes of Angostora bitters. I piece of lemon peel. I bottle club soda. Take mixing spoon one-half full of powdered sugar, stir gently and serve in same glass. SODA NECTAR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful of sugar. Juice of one lemon. Fill glass with seltzer water. Stir gently and strain into a thin lemonade glass, making it about two-thirds full, then take one-half a small teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda, stir and drink while it is foaming. 46 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. SODA LEMONADE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. y2 tablespoonful sugar. Juice of one-half a lemon. I bottle of soda water. Stir gently, dress with fruits and serve with a straw. STONE FENCE. Fill a champagne glass one-half full of cracked ice, then pour in I wine glass of whisky And fill up the glass with cider. Stir well and serve. SUNRISE PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful sugar. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass Sweet Catawba wine. 34 wine glass Port wine. ^ wine glass Bourbon whisky (Old Crow). Stir well, strain into punch glass with a cherry, fill up with seltzer and drop in enough Eagle Creme D'Apricot to make a showing of red in bottom of glass, and serve. SUNSET PUNCH. Is made the same as a Sunrise Punch, only you use brandy instead of whisky and equal parts of Catawba and Port wine, which will make the Sun- set Punch darker than the Sunrise. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 47 ^2 wine glass of Sweet Catawba. y^ wine glass of Port wine. 34 wine glass of brandy. TULIP PUNCH. (114-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) 10 ounces lemon juice. 10 ounces syrup or sugar. 4 ounces peach juice or orange juice. 4 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). 4 ounces Jamaica rum. 3 quarts of Tokay wine or Sweet Catawba. I quart of bourbon whisky (Green Brier). Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in punch glasses with fruit. TULIP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls pineapple syrup. I teaspoonful syrup. I teaspoonful lemon juice. I wine glass Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). 1-3 wine glass bourbon whisky (Green Brier). 1-5 wine glass Jamaica rum and abricotine. Stir well, strain into a claret glass with fruits, dash with seltzer and serve. THISTLE. Is made the same as the Shamrock, using O. V. H. Scotch whisky instead of Irish whisky. 48 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. THE COL. TAYLOR "MANHATTAN BELL- RINGER." Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls of syrup. y2 teaspoonful of lemon juice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. 1 dash Peychand bitters. 2-3 wine glass of Old Taylor bourbon. 1-3 wine glass of Vermouth (Italy). Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and put one- half teaspoonful of abricotine into the cocktail glass, rinse it so that the abricotine will be evenly coated all over inside of cocktail glass, then strain the mix- ture into it and serve. THANKSGIVING PUNCH. (lO-Gallon Mixture.) 4 cans of pineapple. 4 dozen oranges, cut in slices. 2 dozen lemons, cut in slices. I quart Jamaica rum. I quart abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). I quart Curacao (Eagle Curacao). 7 gallons Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). 23? gallons bourbon whisky (Boon Knoll). Put the above ingredients together in a vessel one day before you want to serve it ; on the following morning strain it into another vessel, then take a large punch bowl and place a nice large square piece of ice in it, decorate the top of ice with fruits and fill up the bowl from vessel ; keep the vessel containing the punch in a cool place, but never put ice in it. I have made this punch for the last three years HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 49 for the Steuben County Wine Company of Chi- cago, which they serve on the day before Thanks- giving of each year. I never use any sugar in this mixture, as the fruits and Tokay wine will make it sweet enough. Serve in champagne glasses. TRILBY COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 2 dashes orange bitters. 2-3 wine glass Old Tom gin. 1-3 wine glass Vermouth (Italian). Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass with fruit and drop in one teaspoonful of Eagle Creme de Violette. TOM AND JERRY. Use a small punch bowl. Beat the whites of one dozen eggs to a stiflf froth and the yolks until they become as thin as water, mix well together, then add I wine glass of Jamaica rum. I teaspoonful ground cinnamon. ^ teaspoonful ground cloves. 3/2 teaspoonful ground allspice. Stir the above mixture thoroughly and add enough white sugar, stirring continually until the mixture attains the consistency of a light batter. Then put into a Tom and Jerry mug one teaspoonful of the above mixture and one wine glass of brandy, fill up with boiling water and a little grated nutmeg on top and serve. 50 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. TWILIGHT PUNCH. (114-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) 10 ounces lemon juice. 10 ounces syrup or sugar. 4 ounces pineapple juice or orange juice. 4 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D'Apricot). ^ pint brandy. 3 quarts Tokay wine (or Sweet Catawba). I quart claret wine. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in fancy stem glasses with fruit. UNFERMENTED GUAPE JUICE PUNCH. (i-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) The juice of one-half dozen lemons. 1-3 dozen oranges, cut in slices. -I can of pineapple. 3 quarts of unfermented grape juice. I quart of Apollinaris or carbonated v>/ater. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in fancy goblets with fruit. VIOLETS. Fill a large sherry glass one-half full of fine ice and pour in 2-3 pony of Eagle Creme de Violette. 1-3 pony of Eagle Creme D'Apricot. Mix the above ingredients thoroughly and fill up with ginger ale, stir gently and serve with a straw. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 51 VERMOUTH COCKTAIIi. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 piece of lemon peel. 2 dashes orange bitters. I dash of Peychand's bitters. ly^ wine glass Vermouth. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass and serve. VELVET. Mix in a bowl or pitcher I pint of champagne and I pint of Dublin stout. Stir gently and serve in champagne goblets. WHISKY SMASH. Put in an old-fashioned cocktail glass I teaspoonful of powdered sugar. 4 or 5 sprigs of mint, with a dash of seltzer. Mash the mint slightly with muddler, then fill the glass two-thirds full of cracked ice and pour in one wine glass of whisky, stir gently, bringing the leaves of the mint upward, serve w4th a spoon in the glass. WHISKY COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I piece of lemon peel. I teaspoonful of syrup. I or 2 dashes orange bitters. I or 2 dashes Peychand's bitters. I wine glass of whisky (Old Crow). Stir well and strain into a cooled cocktail glass with fruit, if desired, and serve. 52 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. WHISKY FIZZ. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful fine sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice. I wine glass of whisky (Old Steuben). Shake well, strain into a punch glass and fill it with seltzer and serve. WHISKY JULEP. Is made the same as the Mint Julep, using whisky (Hermitage) instead of brandy. WINE LEMONADE. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. j/2 tablespoonful fine sugar. Juice of half a lemon. Fill up with water, shake well, strain into a thin lemonade glass with fruit and float on top the wine that is asked for ; serve with a straw. WHISKY SANGAREE. Is prepared the same as the Brandy Sangaree, using whisky (Wellington Rye) instead of brandy. WHISKY FLIP. Is prepared the same as a Brandy Flip, using whisky (Wellington Rye) instead of brandy. WHISKY CRUSTA. Is prepared the same as the Brandy Crusta, using whisky instead of brandy. HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 53 WHISKY DAISY. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of powdered sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls of pineapple syrup. 2 teaspoonfuls of lemon juice. 1 wine glass of whisky (Wellington Rye). Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass and fill up with carbonated water and serve. WEDDING SIP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful of syrup or sugar. I teaspoonful of lemon juice. I teaspoonful of pineapple syrup. ^ wine glass of Port wine. ^ wine glass Dry Catawba. ^2 pony glass Jamaica rum and Abricotine, equal parts. Stir well and strain into a claret glass with fruit, dash with seltzer and serve. WEDDING PUNCH. (i>4-Gallon Mixture.) Put in a punch bowl (with a piece of ice) 10 ounces lemon juice. 10 ounces syrup or sugar. 6 ounces pineapple juice or orange juice. 4 ounces abricotine (Eagle Creme D' Apricot). 4 ounces Jamaica rum. 2 quarts Port wine. 2 quarts Dry Catawba. Stir the above ingredients thoroughly and serve in fancy stem glasses, with fruits. 54 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. WHISKY SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful of syrup. I teaspoonful of lemon juice. I wine glass of whisky (Hermitage). Stir well and strain into a claret glass with fruit, dash with seltzer water and serve. WHISKY PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. I teaspoonful of syrup. I teaspoonful of lemon juice. I wine glass whisky (Hermitage). Stir well and strain into a punch glass with fruit, dash with seltzer water and serve. MISCELLANEOUS- WHITE LION. Use a large bar glass. Take one tablespoonful powdered sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lime or lemon juice. Dissolve well in a little water, then add ^ pony glass of raspberry syrup. ^ pony glass of Eagle Curacao. Fill up glass with shaved ice, then add I wine glass rum. Stir up well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in season; serve with a straw. r SARATOGA COCKTAIL. Use a large bar glass. ^ glass fine shaved ice. 3 dashes pineapple syrup. <■ HOW TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 55 2 or 3 dashes Angostura bark bitters. 3 dashes Eagle Maraschino. % glass brandy. Mix well with a spoon and place two or three cher- ries in a fancy cocktail glass, strain, twist over it a piece of lemon peel ; top off with a squirt of cham- pagne. EAST INDIA COCKTAIL. Use a large bar glass. Fill glass with shaved ice. I teaspoonful Eagle Curacao. 1 teaspoonful pineapple syrup. 2 or 3 dashes Angostura bark bitters. 2 dashes Eagle Maraschino. I wine glass of brandy. Stir well with a spoon, strain into cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve. This is a drink famous with the English. VANILLA PUNCH. Use a large bar glass. Take one tablespoonful powdered sugar. 2 to 3 dashes lime or lemon juice. 3 dashes Eagle Curacao. Dissolve well with a Httle water or seltzer, fill glass with shaved ice, then add I pony glass brandy. 1 3^ wine glasses Eagle Creme de Vanille. Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in sea- son ; serve with a straw. 56 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. MORNING GLORY FIZZ. Use a large bar glass. Fill glass three-fourths full of fine ice, mix three or four dashes Eagle Absinthe in a Httle water; then add 3 dashes lime juice. 4 or 5 dashes lemon jiuce. I tablespoonful powdered sugar. The white of i tgg. I wine glass of whisky. Shake well in a shaker and strain, fill balance of glass with seltzer or vichy water ; to be drank im- mediately. It is ^ morning beverage, a tonic and nerve quieter. DEWEY PUNCH. Use a sherry wine glass. Take one-half wine glass Eagle La Grande Liqueur. The yolk of one fresh cold egg. y2 wine glass Eagle Eau D'Or. Use extreme care in pouring so that yolk of egg does not run into liqueur. ENGLISH ROYAL PUNCH. Use medium-sized punch bowl. Take one pint hot green tea. yi pint brandy. y2 pint Jamaica rum. I wine glass Eagle Curacao. I wine glass Arrac. Juice of two limes (or lemons). I lemon cut in slices. y pound sugar. Mix this thoroughly with a ladle, then add the HOJV TO MIX FANCY DRINKS. 57 whites of four eggs. Drink as hot as possible. If the punch is too strong add more green tea to taste. ENGLISH BRANDY PUNCH. Use a large punch bowl. Take one gallon of water. 3 quarts of brandy. I pint Jamaica Rum. 1)4 pounds white sugar. Juice of six lemons. 3 oranges sliced. I pineapple pared and cut up. Then add 1 gill of Eagle Curacao. 2 gills of raspberry syrup. Ice, add berries in season, mix and serve. This quantity is sufficient for a party of twenty people. KIRSCHWASSER PUNCH. Use a large bar glass. Take one-half tablespoonful powdered sugar. I or 2 dashes lime or lemon juice. 4 dashes Eagle La Grande Liqueur. Dissolve well with a little water, fill glass with ice, then add iy2 wine glasses Eagle Kirschwasser. Mix well with a spoon, ornament top of glass with fruit in season ; serve with a straw. ORANGE PUNCH. Use medium-sized punch bowl. Take three-quarters pint rum. ^ pint brandy. ^ pint porter. 58 TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. 3^ pints boiling water. ^4 pound loaf sugar. 4 oranges. Infuse the peel of two and the juice of four oranges with sugar, in the water for one-half hour ; strain and then add the porter, brandy and rum ; then add I liquor glass of Eagle Maraschino. In place of using both rum and brandy one and a half pints of either will answer. An excellent lemon punch can be made the same way by using lemons in place of oranges. A pony glass will hold three-quarters ounce. A wine glass will hold two ounces. Each passing year serves to strengthen and solidify the hold upon the hearts of the people to the widely known brands of ' 'Old Crow' and '' Hermitage' Whiskies which have been for years the synonyms for the highest quality of Kentucky Bourbons and Ryes, and these brands are so firmly established their supremacy is undisputed, W, A. GAINES & CO., Distillers FRANKFORT. KY. Qteubeni County Wme Co 210-212 o East Madison St. Chicago. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FINE AMERICAN MADE WINES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, MINERAL WATERS, ETC., ETC. Sole Pkoprietors. Old White Tokay (sweet). Imperial Sauteme (medium), Delaware Cabinet (dry), The Finest White Wines TaS^a. Rye and Bourbon, The Perfection of Fine Whiskey. The Famous Hot Springs, Ark., Potash Sulphur Water, bottled at Springs, in .... Splits, Pints and Quarts .... GIVE US A TRIAL ORDE Complete Price List on application. ^59) E. J. CURLEY & CO. Boone Knoll HAND-MADE Sour Mash LEXINGTON, KY. Distillers and Owners of the For sale by all the leading: jobbers in the U. S Capital Paid in $1,200,000 THE WAUKESHA WATER CO. OWNERS OP THE WAUKESHA-HYGEIA MINERAL SPRINGS AND BOTTLING WORKS. OWNERS OF THE HTGEIA PIPE LINE TO CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S PAIR. CHICAGO. Drink ^Boro-Lithta Water THE ONL V WA TER OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD. (60) Samples furnished on application. Alex. D. Shaw & Company, 58 Broad Street, NEW YORK. J. Marshall Vv^eir, Agent, 545 Marquette Bldg., . - - - CHICAGO. ^elson Sreen ^Brier "Tennessee IS key SOUR MASH Boiled in Copper. Doubled in Copper. THE PUREST AND BEST FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL USE. cN^ashvilU, *Tenn. (61 Eagle Liqueur Distilleries Their Actual Merit Has carried our wares to all nations of the earth. They are pure and good. Consequently, discriminating folk in all lands like them. A few of our products are : Eagle Liqueurs, Eagle Brandies, Eagle Bitters, Eagle Maraschino Cherries, Eagle Crystallized Liquors, Eagle Popular Cocktails, Eagle Fruit Syrups. NOVENA OLD RYE (America's Model Whiskey.) Illustrated Catalogue Sent Free Anywhere. RHEINSTROM BROS., Distillers and Exporters, CINCINNATI, U. S. A. (62) Extra Special Liqueor, t5 Years Old. Finest Grades of Scotch Whiskeys. O.V.H SPECIAL SELECTIOH ipanawni: •GLASGOW-^ J. MARSHALL WEIR, Agent, Wm. Greer & Co., Ltd., GLASGOW. 1545 Marquette BIdg., CHICAGO. ARTHUR SCHILLER & CO. Bar Glassware^ Hotel China^ Silverware and Utensils* 102 Franklin Street, I cheerfully recommend A. S. & Co; as the only house that carries the latest styles in glassware and novelties and where you will find Chicken 2.nything wanted to furnish a first- ^ * class Bar. J> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Telephone, Main 3878* (63) E. H. Tayior, Jr. & Sons, INCORPORATED, FRANKFORT, KY., ARE THE DISTILLERS OF "OLD TAYLOR." This Signature Is on the Genuine. It is burned into the barrel on both tax-paid and trade- mark ends. It is branded on both ends of case containing bottles, and is the prominent feature on the bottle label. Unless the signature is so in evidence you have gotten hold of an imitation. "OLD TAYLOR" is bottled ONLY in Bond. Government stamp guaranteeing purity, age and date of bottling over the cork of each bottle. PUT UP IN FOLLOWING SIZES : 1-2 gal., 1-5 gal., 1 pt., 1-2 pt., 1-5 pt., 1-10 pt. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND PRICES. (64) i, ^ v^'^ F- ^^..'■-■■,^ nm >t :-j:'^l'.0^