' - MAP OF SH1L6M e&TTLEF1£L6 POSITIONS ON FIRST DAY APRIL 6 1862 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR BY THE SURVEYED AND DRAWN BY ATWELLL THOMPSON B.E ENGINEER IN CHARQE 1900 UNION ARMY ____ CONFEDERATE ARMY , HEADQUARTERS .A. CAMPS A BATTLE LINES LOCATED BY MAJOR D.W.REED SECRETARY <■» HISTORIAN print: julius bien sco.ne* york THE SHILOH BATTLEFIELD COMMISSION. THE Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania AT SHILOH. HISTORY OF THE REGIMENT. THE BATTLE OF SHILOH. 1905. £521 HARRISBURG, PA.: HARRISBCJRG PUBLISHING CO., STATE PRINTERS. 1905. TO THE SOLDIERS OF THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE DAYS OF 1861-1866, WHILE TOGETHER IN CAMP— ON THE MARCH— IN BATTLE— AND IN CONFEDERATE PRISONS. (3) (4) TO THE READER. THE Pennsylvania Shiloh Battlefield Commission," having completed all the work and duties, for the performance of which, it was appointed; now as a proper finale, here- with presents to the Comrades and the Public, (lie following- pages; containing a fall report of all the work and proceed- ings of the Commission. The dedication of the monument, erected by the State to the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, on Shiloh bat- tlefield. A brief, but complete history, together with list of casual- ties in action and roster of all enlistments of the Regiment. An accurate and impartial description of the Battle of Shiloh, compiled after much research and labor, by Major David W. Reed, the Secretary and Historian to the National Shiloh Military Park Commission. This is doubtless the very best history of the Battle of Shiloh yet produced, and is here given to the reader by the kindly permission of the compiler. We also give representative reports from Commanders of all the armies that were engaged in this great battle, viz: General W. T. Sherman, of the Army of the Tennessee, com- manded by General Grant, who, however, made no report on the Battle of Shiloh, therefore this duty fell upon his second in command, General Sherman. Generals Bnell and McCook, of the Army of the Ohio, and General Beauregard, of the Army of the Mississippi, Confed- erate. These reports, if carefully read, will be a great help to the reader and will enable him to better understand the various movements of the armies of both sides, during the engagement. This work has been very arduous and trying by reason of defective and, in some instances, of the entire absence of reports bearing on the movements of the Regiment, it was at times, very difficult to arrive at exact facts. We have, how r ever, in the writing of this Regimental His- tory, used our utmost endeavor and diligence, to secure, as (5) 6 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. nearly as possible, absolute truth and correctness, but possi- bly may have erred in some instances, if so, it was not inten- tional, and all we ask, is that the reader will, in such in- stances, kindly exercise that greatest of all virtues, "Charity." As a whole, we natter ourselves, that, we have, all circum- stances considered, here produced a volume, which, we trust, will meet with the approval of all its readers; and one, that will be a permanent addition to the History of the old Key- stone State in the great war between the States. To the members of the "Shiloh National Military Park Com- mission," Colonels Cadle and Patterson, Majors Ashcraft and Reed, Captain Irwin and Mr. Atwell Thompson, Engineer in charge of the Park, his efficient assistant, Mr. W. S. Keller, and such other members of the Staff whom we have met while on our visits of duty to Shiloh, we feel very much indebted for their very kindly and valuable asistance and for the many courtesies shown us while with them. We do here desire to express our most sincere thanks and high appreciation, with the assurance that the very pleasant and agreeable friend- ships thus formed, will ever be cherished as some of the brightest spots in memory until we shall all have been called from this to a better world. JOHN OP>REITER, Chairman Penn. Shiloh Battlefield Commission. Lancaster, Pa., May 10, 1905. CONTENTS. Page. Report of the Commission, 1 ' Dedication of Monument 35 History of thk Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers. chapter I. Recruiting for the Regiment — Camp Slifer — Camp Wilkins — On to Kentucky — Camp Nevin — Company K — Reorganization of the Army — General Buell in Command — Munfordville — Division Moves North to aid Grant at Port Donelson — Countermarch — Bowling Green — Nashville G9 CHAPTER II. Pittsburg Landing — Battle of Shiloh — Company E Joins Regiment — Siege of Corinth — March Across Alabama — Battle Creek, 77 CHAPTER III. Bragg moves Northward — Buell follows — Louisville, Kentucky — • Re-organization of the Army — Fern Creek — Clay Village, Frank- fort — Lawrenceburg — Capture of Convalescents and Quartermas- ters — Scarcity of water — Perryville 88 CHAPTER IV. Buell relieved from Command — Rosecrans succeeds him — Reconnois- sance to La Vergne — Reorganization of the Army — On to Mur- freesborough — Battle of Stone River — Review of the Army 99 CHAPTER V. Liberty < rap — Tullahoma 115 CHAPTER VI. Chickamauga Campaign — Battle of Chickamauga — Night attack on Johnson's Division — Seventy-seventh men prisoners — Escape from Confederate prisons 123 (7; 8 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. CHAPTER VII. Page. Chattanooga — Short Rations — Rosecrans plans to open communica- tions, plan approved by Grant, successful — Rosecrans relieved, Thomas placed in command — Grant takes supreme command — Skirmish at Lookout Creek— Reorganisation of the Army — White- side — 77th Re-enlistments — Home on Veteran Furlough, 136 CHAPTER VIII. Regiment returns and joins the Army at Blue Spring, Tennessee — Atlanta Campaign — Colonel Rose returns from prison, 141 CHAPTER IX. Confederates move Northward — Thomas sent to Nashville — Spring Hill — Battle of Franklin — Battle of Nashville — Pursuit of the Enemy — Winter quarters at Huntsville, 149 CHAPTER X. East Tennessee — Strawberry Plain — Bull's Gap — New companies of one year men join regiment — Embark at Johnsonville for Texas — New Orleans — Texas — Return to Pennsylvania — Discharged Jan- uary 10, 1800, at Philadelphia 1G0 List of casualties in action, 165 Roster, 173 CAMPAIGN AND BATTLE OF SHILOH. Field of operations, 255 Battle of Shiloh, 2U3 Organization of armies, Army of the Tennessee, Union, 353 Army of the Ohio, Union, 361 Army of the Misissippi, Confederate 363 Commanding and Staff officers, 370 MOVEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONS, 281 SHILOH MISUNDERSTOOD, 349 REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS, UNION AND CONFEDERATE. Report of General Sherman, 385 Report of General Buell, 391 Report of General McCook, 395 Reports of General Beauregard, 400 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. The Shiloh Battlefield Commission Frontispiece. Shiloh Church, H Committee on Location, 18 Hornets' Nest 272 Shiloh Monument, S. E. View, 22 Shiloh Monument, N. W. View Bronze Bas-relief panel, Surrender of Col. Battle, . | Bronze Bas-relief panel, Capture of Battery j Bronze Inscription Panel, 27 Inspection of Monument, 28 Steamer Clyde at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., 33 Program of Dedication of Monument 34 Survivors of 77th Regiment at the Dedication of Monument, Gl Tlie Commanders of the Regiment in all its Battles: Colonel Frederick S. Stumbaugh G9 Lieutenant Colonel Peter B. Housum, 106 Colonel Thomas E. Rose, 115 General D. C. Buell, 77 General A. McD. McCook, 79 Colonel Edward N. Kirk, 101 Hamburg and Purdy Road at Review Field 80 Shiloh Spring, where the 77th men got water after the battle, 82 Monument on Chickamauga Battlefield, front view, ") ' 235 Monument on Chickamauga Battlefield, back view, j Siege Gun Battery, 27:i Tablet on site of First Field Tent Hospital, 309 Fifth Brigade Tablet on Shiloh Field, 277 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Tablet on Shiloh Field, . . 313 Bloody Pond on Shiloh Field 348 Maps of Shiloh Field, in pocket in hark cover. ( 9 1 (10) REPORT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SHILOH BATTLEFIELD COMMISSION. MANY years ago the good people of Harding county, Tenn- essee, hewed timber from the surrounding forests, and builded for themselves a house in the woods. Their lowly temple was erected on the main road to Corinth, Missis- sippi, about two and one-half miles from Pittsburg Landing. Here they peacefully assembled to worship the Lord of Hosts. Little did they dream, that their humble meeting-house would, one-day, become famous throughout the civilized world. They called it Shiloh Church. To-day the name Shiloh is written upon the pages of history, as the title of one of the greatest and most fiercely contested battles of modern times. In the great war between the States, on the sixth day of April, 1862, two large armies, one from the North and one from the South, met there in deadly conflict, that raged in all its fury, for two long days. In the very center of this dreadful contest, so destructive to life and limb, stood this humble, little log-church, from which the great battle of Shiloh took its name. Upon its site still stands a larger House of God, replacing its more lowly predecessor, and bear- ing the same historic name. So important and far reaching were the results of this great engagement, that the National Government determined to forever preserve its historic field, and to properly mark upon it the lines of battle and the various positions of both armies on the ground over which they fought. To accomplish this purpose the Congress of the United States enacted the fol- lowing law: AN ACT To establish a national military park at the battlefield of Shiloh. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order that the armies of the southwest which served in the civil war, like their comrades of the eastern armies at Gettysburg and those of the central west at Chicka- mauga, may have the history of one of their memorable battles preserved on the ground where they fought, the battlefield of Shiloh, in the State (11) 2 12 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. of Tennessee, is hereby declared to be a national military park, whenever title to the same shall have been acquired by the United States and the usual jurisdiction over the lands and roads of the same shall have been granted to the United States by the State of Tennessee; that is to say, the area inclosed by the following lines, or so much thereof as the commis- sioners of the park may deem necessary, to wit: Beginning at low- water mark on the north bank of Snake Creek where it empties into the Ten- nessee river; thence westwardly in a straight line to the point where the river road to Crumps Landing, Tennessee, crosses Snake Creek; thence along the channel of Snake Creek to Owl Creek; thence along the channel of Owl Creek to the crossing of the road to Purdy, Tennessee; thence south- wardly in a straight line to the intersection of an east and west line drawn from the point where the road to Hamburg, Tennessee, crosses Lick Creek, near the mouth of the latter; thence eastward along the said east and west line to the point where the Hamburg Road crosses Lick Creek; thence along the channel of Lick Creek to the Tennessee River; thence along low water mark of the Tennessee River to the point of beginning, containing three thousand acres, more or less, and the area thus inclosed shall be known as the Shiloh National Military Park: Provided, That the boundaries of the land authorized to be acquired may be changed by the said commissioners. Sec. 2. That the establishment of the Shiloh National Military Park shall be carried forward under the control and direction of the Secretary of War, who, upon the passage of this Act, shall proceed to acquire title to the same either under the Act approved August first, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled "An Act to authorize the condemnation of land for sites of public buildings, and for other purposes," or under the Act approved February twenty-seevnth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, en- titled "An Act to establish and protect national cemeteries," as he may select, and as title is procured to any portion of the lands and roads within the legal boundaries of the park he may proceed with the establishment of the park upon such portions as may thus be acquired. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to enter into agreements whereby he may lease, upon such terms as he may prescribe, with such present owners or tenants of the lands as may desire to remain upon it, to occupy aud cultivate their present holdings upon condition that they will preserve the present buildings and roads and the present outlines of field and forest, and that they only will cut trees or underbrush under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, and that they will assist in caring for and protecting all tablets, monuments, or such other artificial works as may from time to time be erected by proper authority. Sec. 4. That the affairs of the Shiloh National Military Park shall, subject to the supervision and direction of the Secretary of War, be in charge of three commissioners, to be appointed by the Secretary of War, each of whom shall have served at the time of the battle in one of the armies engaged therein, one of whom shall have served in the Army of the Tennessee, commanded by General U. S. Grant, who shall be chairman of the commission; one in the Army of the Ohio, commanded by General Shiloh National Park. 13 D. C. Buell; and one in the Army of the Mississippi, commanded by Gen- eral A. S. Johnston. The said commissioners shall have an office in the War Department building, and while on actual duty shall be paid such compensation out of the appropriations provided by this Act as the Secre- tary of War shall deem reasonable and just; and for the purpose of assisting them in their duties in ascertaining the lines of battle of all troops engaged and the history of their movements in the battle, the Secretary of War shall have authority to employ, ut such compensation as he may deem reasonable, to be paid out of the appropriations made by this Act, some person recognized as well informed concerning the history of the several armies engaged at Shiloh, and who shall also act as secretary of the com- mission. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of the commission named in the preceding section under the direction of the Secretary of War, to open or repair such roads as may be necessary to the purposes of the park, and to ascertain and mark with historical tablets or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine, all lines of battle of the troops engaged in the battle of Shiloh and other historical points of interest pertaining to the battle within the park or its vicinity, and the said commission in establishing this military park shall also have authority, under the direction of the Secretary of War, to employ such labor and services and to obtain such supplies and material as may be necessary to the establishment of the said park under such regulations as he may consider best for the interests of the Government, and the Secretary of War shall make and enforce all needed regulations for the care of the park. Sec. G. That it shall be lawful for any State that had troops engaged in the battle of Shiloh to enter upon lands of the Shiloh National Military Park for the purpose of ascertaining and marking the lines of battle of its troops engaged therein: Provided, That before any such lines are permanently designated the position of the lines and the proposed methods of marking them by monuments, tablets, or otherwise shall be submitted to and approved by the Secretary of War. and all such lines, designs and inscriptions for the same shall first receive the written approval of the Secretary, which approval shall bo based upon formal written reports, which must be made to him in each case by the commissioners of the park: Provided, That no discrimination shall be made against any State as to the manner of designating lines, but any grant made to any State by the Secretary of War may be used by any other State. Sec. 7. That if any person shall, except by permission of the Secretary of War, destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove any monument, column, statues, memorial structures, or work of art that shall be erected or placed upon the grounds of the park by lawful authority, or shall destroy or remove any fence, railing, inclosure, or other work for the protection or ornament of said park, or any portion thereof, or shall destroy, cut, hack, baik, break down, or otherwise injure any tree, bush, or shrubbery that may be growing upon said park, or shall cut down or fell or remove any timber. battle relic, tree or trees growing or being upon said park, or hunt within the limits of the park, or shall remove or destroy any breastworks, earthworks, 14 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. walls, or other defenses or shelter on any part thereof constructed by the armies formerly engaged in the battles on the lands or approaches to the park, any person so offending and found guilty thereof, before any justice of the peace of the county in which the offense may be committed or any court of competent jurisdiction shall for each and every such offense forfeit and pay a fine, in the discretion of the justice, according to the aggravation of the offense, of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, one-half for the use of the park and the other half to the informer, to be enforced and recovered before such justice in like manner as debts of like nature are now by law recoverable in the several counties where the offense may be committed. Sec. S. That to enable the Secretary of War to begin to carry out the purpose of this Act, including the condemnation or purchase of the neces- sary land, marking the boundaries of the park, opening or repairing neces- sary roads, restoring the field to its condition at the time of the battle, maps and surveys, and the pay and expenses of the commissioners and their assistant, the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, or such portion thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and disbursements under this Act shall require the approval of the Secretary of War, and he shall make annual report of the same to Congress. Approved December 27, 1894. Upon the approval of this act, the Secretary of War ap- pointed the following Commission to carry its provisions into effect: From the Army of the Tennessee, Colonel Cornelius Cadle, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Chairman; from the Army of the Ohio, General Don Carlos Buell, of Paradise, Kentucky; and from the Confederate Army of the Mississippi, Colonel R. F. Looney, of Memphis, Tennessee. Major David W. Reed, of Evanston, Illinois, an ex-Union officer, was appointed Sec- retary and Historian to the Commission, and Captain James W. Irwin, an ex-Confederate from Savannah, Tennessee, was appointed their Land Purchasing Agent. The Commission at once went earnestly to work, acquired the desired lands, and began to improve them under the very able management of their engineer in charge, Mr. Atwell Thompson. Within the park limits now run thirty miles of gravel roads, unsurpassed anywhere. All undergrowth has been removed from the land except on that part of the field known as the Hornets' Nest. All lines of battle and all posi- tions of both armies have been definitely located and per- manently marked by metal tablets, bearing inscriptions which detail accurately and concisely the various occurrences of the Shiloh National Park. 15 battle at the different points. Even the roads are completely marked with metal signs, making it impossible for strange visitors to the Park to lose their way. Monuments mark the sites of General Headquarters during the battle, and the spots were General officers were killed or mortally wounded. The tablets showing the lines of the first day's battle are square, while the second day tablets are oval shaped. Red borders and letters are used on the Con- federate tablets, blue on those of the Army of the Tennessee, and orange on those of the Army of the Ohio. This arrange- ment is very readily understood. Visitors can sec at a glance just what troops occupied a particular position, when they were there, and what part they took. Taken together, the inscriptions constitute a complete history of the battle. The locations of camps are shown by tent shaped markers. This diversity of color and shape of tablets makes the Park much more interest inn to visitors than other battle parks where but one shape of markers is used. The plan of the Park, which is being faithfully and effi- ciently carried into effect, is to restore the whole field, as nearly as possible to the condition, in which it was at the time of the battle. To that end, all clearings made since the bat- tle, are replanted in forest trees. The new roads have been closed, and all the roads, which were there at the time of the battle, have been properly graded and gravelled. The only perceptible change made, is the clearing out of undergrowth, in order to give a better view of the grounds, and to make them more accessible. Thus far, a great deal has been accomplished, but much yet remains to be done. Since the appointment of the Commission, two of its mem- bers have answered their last roll call on this earth, and have passed to their reward in a better world. They are (Jen eral D. C. Buell, and Colonel R. F. Loouey. The vacancies caused by their deaths, were very creditably filled by the appointment of Major J. H. Ashcraft, of Paducah, Ky., to succeed General Buell, and Colonel Josiah Patterson, of Mem- phis, Tennessee, to succeed Colonel Looney. \\y the death of Colonel Patterson, which occurred at Mem phis, on the 12th day of of February, 1904, a vacancy again 16 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. occurred on the National Commission to fill, which the Sec- retary of War, has appointed General Basil W. Duke, of Louisville, Kentucky. Under the provisions of the Act of Congress, establishing Shiloh Park, all states that had troops engaged in the battle were requested to co-operate, and to erect monuments or other memorials to such troops, on lines or positions occupied by them, during the engagement. To this request a number of the states have already lib- erally responded. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, the states most numerously represented at the battle, have all their monuments in place. Other states are moving in the matter, and soon all of them will no doubt, have appropriate memorials erected. There are now about 120 monuments in place on the Park. Our own old Keystone State, always honoring the patriot- ism and valor of its sons, has shown its appreciation by the following act of the Legislature, providing for a monument, which has been erected on Shiloh Park, to commemorate the services of the 77th Regiment of Infantry, the only Pennsyl- vania regiment that participated in the Battle of Shiloh: No. 453. AN ACT To provide for the erection of a monument to commemorate the services of Pennsylvania troops in the battle of Shiloh, and the appointment of a commission to carry into effect the provisions of this Act, and making appropriation therefor. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c, That immediately after the passage of this Act, the Governor shall appoint a commission of seven persons from amongst the survivors of the said Seventy-seventh regiment of infantry. That the said commission shall be known as "The Shiloh Battlefield Com- mission." That the Governor shall fill all vacancies that may occur in said commission, and it shall serve without compensation, except actual neces- sary expenses incurred in the performance of its duties; and its duties shall be to select and decide upon location, design, materials and inscriptions for one monument, to commemorate the services of the said Seventy-seventh regiment of infantry during the battle of Shiloh, and to enter into contract for the construction and erection of said monument: Provided, Said monu- ment shall not exceed in cost the sum of five thousand dollars; and when such shall have been completed and erected, the Auditor General shall, upon properly, specifically itemized vouchers, draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer, in favor of the said Shiloh Battlefield Commission, for the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the Shiloh National Park. 17 payment of said monument, and for the further sum of one thousand dollars for the payment of the necessary expenses of the said commission. For the purposes herein mentioned the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated": For the erection and completion of a monument as aforesaid, the sum of live thousand dollars. or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the payment of the neces- sary expenses of the said Shiloh Battlefield Commission, and of such officers of the State as may be designated by the Secretary of War of the United States and the National Shiloh Battlefield Commission to represent this Commonwealth in the dedicatory ceremonies, the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. July IS, 1901 — This bill is approved except as to the following items: I approve the item appropriating $5,000 for the construction and erection of a monument in the sum of $4,000, and withhold my approval from the balance of said item. I withhold my approval of the item appropriating $1,000 for the expenses of the commission. I have made the reduction aforesaid because of insufficient State revenue. WILLIAM A. STONE. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Act of the General Assembly No. 453. W. W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Governor William A. Stone, in compliance with the afore- said Act of the Legislature, appointed the following persons, all survivors of the Seventh-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, viz: Samuel T. Davis, Lancaster, Henry P. Krebs, Pittsburg, John W. Kreps, Allegheny, Michael McNally, Philadelphia, John Obreiter, Lancaster, William A. Robinson, Pittsburg, George AN'. Skinner, Scotland, as Commissioners to carry into effect all the provisions of the said Act of Assembly. These Commissioners met for organization, on the 15th day of October, 1901, at the Soldier's Orphans Industrial School, Scotland, Pennsylvania. The meeting was called to order by Captain Skinner, and the following permanent organization effected all being unani- mously chosen: 18 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. John Obreiter, Lancaster, Chairman. Samuel T. Davis, Lancaster, Secretary. George W. Skinner, Scotland, Treasurer. These officers were, on motion of General Kobinson, ap- pointed as an Executive Committee, and given full power to act for the Commission in all cases. It was decided to have one monument constructed and curled, as provided by law, the same to be of a combina- tion of bronze and granite; all inscriptions, as far as practica- ble, to be on bronze, in raised capital letters, it being the unanimous opinion, that inscriptions on bronze were more legible, nunc durable and less liable to injury from the ele- ments and other causes, than those inscribed on stone. The monument to be of granite, surmounted by a statue, in bronze, of a private soldier, in the uniform, and equipments as worn by the regiment at the battle of Shiloh, and that the principal events, in the history of the regiment in that battle, be shown by bronze bas-relief panels on the sides of the monu- ment, and the Pennsylvania Coat of Arms in bronze bas-relief on its front. On the 23d day of November, 1901, the Chairman and Sec- retary, together with Captains McXally and Kreps and Ser- geant Krebs, of the Pennsylvania Commission, met on Shiloh battlefield for the purpose of locating a proper site on which to have the monument erected; upon the arrival of this Com- mittee at Pittsburg Landing, they were met by Colonel Cadle, Chairman; Major Reed, Secretary, and Colonel Patterson, of the National Commission, also Mr. Atwell Thompson, Engi- neer in charge, his assistant, Mr. William S. Keller, and Gen- eral Lew Wallace, who was on a visit to the battlefield. The purpose of our visit, with the able assistance of Major Peed and Mr. Thompson, was soon accomplished in a very satisfactory manner, the location decided upon is, on the Park plan, on line !>('>. station 73-30, 45' east, on the Hamburg and I'urdv road, in an open field, known as the Review Field, in this field the Regiment rendered most efficient services during the bat t le. No visitors to the Park will fail to see the Pennsylvania monument, and there learn from it. if he has not previously known, that Pennsylvania had one regiment there to take part *:».■» SMloh National Pari-. 19 in the struggle, which look place on that ground on the 7th day of April, 18G2. The following are the rules adopted by the Secretary of War and the National Park Commission to govern the erec- tion of monuments or other memorials on the Park: "RULES GOVERNING SHILOH PARK. "War Department, "Shiloh Battlefield Commission, "Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 1, 1896. "In accordance with the Act of Congress, approved December 27, 1894, establishing the Shiloh National Park, the following regulations are pub- lished for the information and guidance of all interested in the erection of monuments, tablets or other methods of indicating lines uf battle or positions within the limits of the Park: "1. Statements of the proposed dimensions, designs,' inscriptions upon, and materials for all monuments, tablets or other markers, must be sub- mitted, in duplicate, to the Commissioners of the Park, and in the case of monuments, plans and elevations showing exact measurements, and a close estimate of weight must also be submitted. The Park Commissioners will report upon these to the Secretary of War, and upon his approval, such monuments, tablets, or markers may be erected, but not until such approval has been obtained. "2. Monuments, markers and other permanent memorials must be con- structed of bronze or granite, or a combination of these two materials. The number of markers shall be limited to such, as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary to designate important positions. "3. Inscriptions must be purely historical, and must relate only to the Battle of Shiloh. They must also be based upon, and conform to, the official reports, or competent testimony, where reports are missing or not complete, and must be submitted to the Secretary of War, through the Park Commis- sioners, for his approval, before being inscribed upon monuments, tablets or other markers. "4. Regimental monuments shall be placed on brigade lines, or on ground where the regiments did their most notable fighting. However, in case a regiment concerned became separated from its own brigade, and most distinguished itself while alone or attached to another, its monument may be so placed as to show this fact. General memorial monuments, erected by States, must be located <>n grounds upon which some of the troops of t ho State erecting the monument were engaged. Where troops fought outside of the limits of the Park, their monuments may be placed at such points within the Park as the Commissioners of the Park may designate, with the approral of the Secretary of War. "5. The location proposed for each monument, marker or other perma- nent memorial must be submitted to the Secretary of War, through the Park commissioners, for his approval, and none shall be erected until such approval shall have been obtained. 20 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. "G. The foundations of all State monuments will be constructed without cost to the States, under the direction of the Park Engineer. "7. The Commissioners will designate the width of tire to be used upon trucks hauling monuments over the roads built by the Government, and in case of wet weather such hauling will not be permitted. The width of tire will be regulated by the weight of the monument, permission for moving monuments to points designated for their erection must be obtained from the commission. "8. Work upon monuments or other markers or tablets within the Park or its approaches, will not be allowed on Sundays. "9. Brigades and Divisions may be designated in the inscriptions by their numbers, where that method was used, or by the names of their respective commanders, or both. The numerical designation alone would be meaningless to most visitors. "For the Commission, "CORNELIUS CADLE, "Chairman." The various monument builders, throughout the country, were accordingly invited to submit designs to the Commis- sion, on or before December 16, 1901, for one monument, con- structed on the lines indicated, and erected on Shiloh National Military Park, to cost for materials, construction and erec- tion, exclusive of foundation and all other expenses, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars. After careful examination and full consideration, by the Commission, of the various designs submitted. It was de- cided that the one submitted by the Harrison Granite Com- pany, of New York City, was, in all respects, the best, and gave the greatest value for the sum named; therefore, after making a number of modifications and changes in the design, which were accepted by that company, the award was made to them and the following contract entered into: ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 27th day of February, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and two, by and between the Harrison Granite Company. duly incorporated, of New York city, and Barre, Vermont, of the first part; and the State of Pennsylvania by its The Shiloh Battlefield Commis- sion, appointed under Act of the Legislature approved July 19, 1901, of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part do hereby, for themselves and their successors and assigns, covenant, promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part, that they the said party of the first part, their successors or assigns, shall and will, for the consid- Shiloh National Park. 21 eration hereinafter mentioned, on or before the 15th day of September, A. D. 1902, well and sufficiently erect, finish and deliver completed in a true, perfect and best workmanlike manner, one monument on the site desig- nated by the said Shiloh Battlefield Commission on Shiloh National Military Park, at Pittsburg Landing, in the State of Tennessee, commemorating the services of the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers in the battle of Shiloh, agreeably to, and in accordance with the specifications and drawings prepared for said monument by the said parly of the first part, and to the entire satisfaction of the Shiloh National Park Commission and the Shiloh Battlefield Commission of Pennsylvania, said specifications and drawings shall be part of this contract, any work or details shown iii either specifications or drawings, or both, shall be executed as if it were fully shown in both specifications and drawings. The contractors or party of the first part, at their own proper cost and charge, shall provide all manner of labor materials, utensils, cartage and transportation of every description, and everything else needful for the due performance of all the work required in the construction and erection of said monument. In consideration for which, the said party of the second part, does covenant, promise and agree to and with the said party of the first part, their successors, and assigns, that the said party of the second part, after a thorough and satisfactory inspection by the said Shiloh Battlefield Com- mission, of the completed work, as soon as practicable after the above covenants and agreement have been strictly executed, kept and performed as specified, and after properly executed releases for all demands whatsoever furnished by the said party of the first part, will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said party of the first part, their successors or assigns, the sum of three thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, being in full for all claims or demands whatsoever, incidental to the erection and construction of said monument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties to this agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. HARRISON GRANITE CO., W. II. HARRISON, Pies. Witness present: S. P. Draa. For the State of Pennsylvania, By its Shiloh Battlefield Commission, JOHN OBREITKR. Chairman. Martha II. Davis. Phares Auxer. S. T. DAVIS, Secretary. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That, We, the Harrison Granite Company of New York City, and Barre, Vermont, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Pennsylvania, 22 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. by its The Sliiloh Battlefield Commission, in the sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, for which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves, our successors, and assigns. WHEREAS, The said Harrison Granite Company have contracted with the State of Pennsylvania, by its The Shiloh Battlefield Commission, by a contract dated the 27th day of February, A. D. 1902, and hereunto annexed; the condition of this obligation is, that if the said Harrison Granite Company shall duly perform said contract, then this obligation to be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Harrison Granite Company have hereunto set their hand and corporate seal this 27th day of February, A. D. 1902. HARRISON GRANITE COMPANY, By W. H. HARRISON, Pres. Witness present: S. P. Draa. State of New York, County of New York, On the 3d day of March, one thousand nine hundred and two, before the undersigned, a notary public in the State aforesaid, personally came W. II. Harrison, President of the above named corporation, who having been duly sworn, did depose and say, that he was personally present at the execution of the above contract and bond attached hereto, and saw the common seal of the said corporation, The Harrison Granite Company, of New York city, and Barre, Vermont, duly affixed thereto, and that the seal so affixed is the common and corporate seal of the said The Harrison Granite Com- pany of New York city and Barre, Vermont, and that the above contract and bond attached thereto, were duly signed, sealed, and delivered as and for the act and deed of the said corporation to the intent and purposes therein mentioned, and that the name of the deponent subscribed thereto as President of the said corporation, in attestation of the due execution and delivery of the said contract and of the bond attached thereto, is of the deponent's own proper handwriting. W. H. HARRISON, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above named. CHARLES W. CASE. Notary Public. My Notarial Commission expires on the 31st day of March, 1902. SPECIFICATIONS. For labor performed, and materials furnished in the erection of a monu- ment to the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers on Shiloh Battlefield, according to plans which accompany this specification. For the State of Pennsyl- vania by its Shiloh Battlefield Commission. f m mmMwf f J .•;,;,:ii(l«WO>:('. uj cr q u UJ ^ en O < O co < UJ < en Shiloh National Park. 33 ing. Then followed, until the evening of the next day, various sight-seeing excursions over historic points near Chattanooga, such as Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Orchard Knob and Lookout Mountain. These two days on their old familiar fighting grounds were a great treat to the men of the Sev- enty-seventh, adding very much to their enjoyment of the trip. On the evening of the tenth, the Governor and Staff, to- gether with the survivors of the Seventy-seventh left Chat- tanooga, on the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Rail- way for Johnsonville, on the Tennessee river. There they em- barked on the steamer Clyde, of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet Company, for Pittsburg Landing, at which place they arrived about five o'clock on Thursday morning, Novem- ber 12, 1903. There being no adequate hotel accommodations at Pitts- burg Landing for a large party, the Clyde was held there for them during their stay. The sun rose that day in a cloudless sky and by the time the party had been driven to the monument for the formal exercises the temperature was about sixty-five degrees, while later on a light breeze tempered the sun's warmer rays. The dedication ceremonies took place at the monument on the battlefield at 9.30 o'clock in accordance with the follow- ing order of exercises or programme, a fac-simile of the pro- gramme as previously issued by the Commission is here given. (34) DEDICATION OF MONUMENT SEVENTY-SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA SHILOH BATTLEFIELD NOVEMBER 12, 1903 THE PENNSYLVANIA SHILOH BATTLEFIELD COMMISSION REQUEST YOUR PRESENCE AT SHILOH NATIONAL MILITARY PARK, PITTSBURG LANDING, TENNESSEE, AT THE DEDICATION OF THE MONUMENT TO THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1903. JOHN OBREITER, Chairman. S. T. DAVIS, Secretary. GEO. W. SKINNER. Treasurer. OB) mmi M ( mmis® (30 ) ORDER OF EXERCISES. CAPTAIN MICHAEL McNALLY, 77th Pa. Vols., Presiding. PRAYER Jacob Isenberger, 77th Pa. Vols. TRANSFER OF MONUMENT TO THE GOVERNOR, John Obreiter, 77th Pa. Vols., Chairman of the State Commission. ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE STATE AND TRANSFER TO THE NATIONAL GOVERNMNT, Governor Samuel W. Pennypaeker. ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, Col. Cornelius Cadle, Chairman of the National Commission. ADDRESSES, Col. Thos. E. Rose, 77th Pa. Vols. William L. Woodcock, 77th Pa. Vols. General J. P. S. Gobin, National Guard of Pennsylvania. DOXOLOGY. (37) PENNSYLVANIA SHILOH BATTLEFIELD COMMISSION. •Deceased. Sergt. John Obreiter, Chairman. Capt. Samuel T. Davis, Secretary. Capt. Geo. \Y. Skinner, Treasurer. *Gen. Wm. A. Robinson. Capt. Michael McNally. Capt. John \Y. Kreps. Sergt. Henry R. Krebs. (38) Dedication of Monument. 39 INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL McNALLY, OF THE 77th FENNSYLVANIA VOLUN- TEERS. YOUR Exellency, ladies and gentlemen and comrades: As Presiding Officer, on this occasion, I extend to you a soldier's cordial and fraternal welcome, in behalf of the Shiloh Battlefield Commission of Pennsylvania. We meet to-day to dedicate this monument, in honor and remembrance of the bravery and heroism of our comrades of the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers, whose noble sacrifice on this spot, has made it possible for you and me, to still enjoy the protection and blessings of a free and united country. In reviewing the scenes of the past, my memory carries me back to the bloody conflict, on this field of Shiloh, and the sacrifice then made by our comrades, in their heroic efforts for the preservation of the Union. Little can the present generation appreciate the sufferings of those noble men, who so willingly offered up their lives for their country; but, we who were with them in that memor- able conflict, bear witness to their heroic devotion to the nag. and under the dispensation of a divine Providence, we are here to-day, to praise their valor and do honor to their memory, and to mark in a fitting manner, the spot where they fell. Comrades, let us cherish this spot, hallowed by the noble deeds of the brave men, who gave up their lives, that this nation might live. Your Excellency, comrades, and citizens of our noble State we entrust this beautiful monument to your faithful care and keeping. Let us keep in memory this consecrated spot, hal- lowed beyond all others, by the noble deeds, and splendid courage of our fallen companions. In conclusion, permit me to request that the gentlemen who are to speak, make their addresses brief as consistent with (lie limited time, for visiting other parts of the field, by com- rades and others. 40 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. PRAYER, Jacob Isenbergek, 77th Pa. Vols. Oil! Thou God of our Fathers, we would most reverently uncover before Thee this day, in acknowledgement of Thy loving kindness and for Thy tender mercies which have followed us all the days of our lives up to this present moment. Well do we remember, more than forty-one years ago, we stood on this historic battlefield, then in the vigor of young manhood. To-day our hair is turning gray, ready for the gar- ner, soon it will be said of us, that we too, have gone to join the great army on the other side. We I hank Thee that we are so highly favored to-day in meeting again, a remnant of this most gallant Pennsylvania Regiment, on this field of carnage, looking in each other's faces, taking each other by the hand, greeting each other around this most beautiful monument about to be dedicated to commemorate the past as well as to commemorate the future. We pray Thee that nothing may be said or done that would mar or interfere with our enjoyment of this meeting; and when we are done with this life and its cares, we pray Thee, Thou God of our Fathers, that we may be gathered home with our fathers in that Kingdom where Thou hast gone to prepare a place for Thy children. There will be no wars, no rumors of wars, no pestilence, no separation, no death, where all (cars will be wiped away, where we shall reign with the redeemed in -lory throughout nil eternity. We ask it all in •Ti'Kus' name. Amen. Dedication of Monument. 41 TRANSFER OF MONUMENT TO THE GOVERNOR. John Obreiter, Chairman of the Commission. M R. PRESIDENT, LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND COM- RADES: It is indeed a great pleasure to see so many of your happy faces here today on this very interesting occasion. I extend to you, one and all, the heartiest greetings and bid you welcome to the field of Shiloh. Comrades, it is more than two score years ago since you, for the first lime set foot upon this soil, but how different the conditions from what they are now. Then you came here, met an armed foe and engaged him in mortal combat, now, you are on a peaceful mission, and meet only friends with kindly greetings of friendship and good will. All are now under the same flag, and all rejoice in the results of the great struggle that was then going on between the states, yet our being here to-day is the direct outcome of that former visit to Pittsburg Landing. We are met here to-day to dedicate this beautiful monu- ment, erected by the State of Pennsylvania to commemorate the services rendered on this field by her Seventy-seventh Reg- iment of Infantry, the only regiment from east of Ohio that participated in the Battle of Shiloh. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania came to Pittsburg Land- ing with the Army of the Ohio under General Don Carlos Buell. The Second Division of Buell's Army, commanded by General Alexander McDowell McCook, was composed of the brigades of Rousseau, Kirk and Gibson, the Seventy seventh Pennsylvania then being a part of the command of Colonel E. N. Kirk. Memory easily takes us back to those early spring days of 1862, the days of our boyhood and youth, and to the morning of that memorable sixth day of April, while on I he march southward, and yet some thirty miles from this place, when the sounds of the conflict then raging here first broke faintly 42 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. upon our ears, becoming more and more distinct as we ad- vanced. We can almost bear it yet, tbe boom-boom-boom of heavy artillery. Soon couriers appear from tbe front with in- telligence from the battle and bringing orders to hurry for- ward with the reinforcements; knapsacks, blankets and every- thing that would impede a rapid march, were thrown aside, an extra supply of ammunition taken, then the forward move was pushed with the utmost vigor. The last fourteen miles of that march were made by you, my comrades, almost entirely on the double quick, reaching Savannah early in the evening. Who among you that were there, can or will, ever forget the scenes presented to view as we filtered that town? The houses were all turned into hospitals and filled with wounded men brought from the bat- tle field eight miles distant. And you, my comrades, standing in those muddy streets that whole long, terrible night in a continuous down pour "of rain, without shelter of any kind. It was indeed very difficult to keep even your powder dry. However, early the next morning, before the break of day, the regiment embarked on steamboats and proceeded up the river, arrived at Pittsburg Landing at seven o'clock in the morning of the second day of the great battle that was then being fought here. After landing, the regiment, together with the rest of- the Brigade, advanced in support of Rousseau, and when his men had exhausted all their ammunition, Kirk's brigade took their place on the front line of battle. At about the same time, there being imminent danger on the left of tin- division, by reason of an extended interval in the line on that flank, the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania w T as detached from its brigade, and sent alone, there to the left, into that gap, where it soon cleared the woods of an extremely annoy- ing l<»t of sharpshooters who were there concealed among the trees. I reneral McGook, in his official report, says, "Being now sat- isfied that the enemy had changed his point of attack from my right to the left, T ordered Colonel Stumbaugh's Seventy- seventh Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers to take a posi- t ion en my extreme left. He immediately engaged the enemy. A i i his moment the conflict along the wdiole line became terri- ble. Dedication of Monument. 43 "This Regiment, partially isolated from the rest of the divi- sion, moved steadily over au open Held under a heavy fire, and while there, the enemy's cavalry charged it twice, but were each time repulsed with heavy loss. Colonel Stumbangh had the satisfaction of receiving the sword of Colonel Battle of the Twentieth Tennessee, who surrendered as a prisoner." This is the field referred to by General McCook. The clear- ings to the south, there beyond the road, were at that time en- tirely covered by forest trees. The Regiment had advanced to this spot, Gibson's Brigade having been sent to the left of Kirk, was there to the right, but entirely concealed from our view by the smoke of battle and by undergrowth. It was heavily engaged and in danger of being forced back, when just at the opportune time, up came a section of Bouton's Illinois Battery, and yonder, in the edge of the woods went so vigor- ously into action that in a very short time it had silenced the enemy's battery there to the front. Then Bouton disap- peared toward the right of Gibson and there performed a like service. Dodge, the historian of the Second Division, in describing this scene, says, "The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, ever watchful for an advantage over the foe, succeeded in getting a flanking range on his line, and poured in a very destructive, enfilading fire." The enemy soon gave way, and pursuing him into the woods, the Regiment charged upon a Confederate Battery and captured two of its guns. I remember as if it was but yesterday, while passing between those two guns, of going from the one to the other to see whether or not they were spiked. Captain McNally tells me that he did the same thing, and tin 1 captain says they were not spiked. Leaving the guns behind, where they were doubtless picked up and turned in by some other command, which then received the credit for their capture, the Regiment pushed forward in pur- suit of the enemy, and just at the close of the fighting, cap- tured Colonel Joel A. Battle, he being the highest in rank of any Confederate prisoner taken at the Battle of Shiloh. Only this morning I was informed Hint the friends of Col- onel Battle claim that he was taken prisoner upon his return to the field in search of the body of his son, who was killed during the conflict. 4 44 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. It seems almost a pity to destroy such a pathetic little story of parental affection, but the facts however, are that the Col- onel was with his regiment, where every good soldier should be at such a time, he had lost Ms horse, and being a large heavy man, was unable to keep up with his men in their rapid retreat from the field, finding it impossible to get away, he, concealed behind a large tree, fired three ineffective shots at Major Bradford, when, seeing the men of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania closing around him, he displayed a white hand- kerchief on the point of his sword, surrendered and was then brought before Colonel Stumbaugh as shown by the bas-relief panel there on the monument. His actions gave no indications, other than his great de- sire to get away with his command. It is a great satisfaction to be able to say that the conduct of the Regiment in this its first battle, met with the full ap- proval of its superiors, it having successfully performed every duty to which it was assigned. What more can be said of any command than that it did its w T hole duty, and when w r e con- sider that in this case those duties were performed almost without loss, who for one moment can doubt that we were under the protection of a power far greater than that of man? General Sherman says, "I am ordered by General Grant to give personal credit where it is due and censure where I think it is merited. I concede that General McCook's splendid divi- sion from Kentucky drove back the enemy along the Corinth road, which was the great central line of this battle. There Beauregard commanded in person, supported by Bragg's, Johnston's and Breckinridge's Divisions," General Grant hav- ing himself made no report, therefore these words from Gen- eral Sherman come as from the highest authority and require no comment. We might, as has been suggested, follow the Regiment from here throughout i1s entire service, but you, my friends, want to see this beautiful Park, and our President has ordered us all to be brief and not to bore or weary you with too much talking, and as it is the first duty of the soldier to obey orders, therefore, I must, on this occasion, at least, try to be good and obedient, but I cannot refrain from telling you that the Seventy seventh was the last of the Pennsylvania Regiments Dedication of Monument. 4~> to be discharged from the service, and that throughout its whole long career it was never lefl behind to guard railroads or bridges, or to do garrison duty, but that it was always at the front, always within easy reach of the enemy and always ready for any emergency that might arise, and that it never broke in battle and never ran from the face of an enemy, and what the boys called "soft snaps" was entirely unknow r n to the Eegiment. The men of the Seventy-seventh are justly proud of the record made by the Regiment, yet they are very modest about it. All concede that theirs was not the only Regiment in the service and that there were others just as good. The nearest approach to boasting that ever came under my notice was from our old comrade sitting there in your midst, with his crutches by his side, David Michael, of sturdy old company "G," when, a few years ago, he wrote in a letter now in my possession, "I do not wish to boast, but I will say, that for endurance and staying qualities, our Regiment was second to none." These appear to be the general sentiments of all the men of the Seventy-seventh. Our Colonel Rose, in his report on the Battle of Stone River, says, "During this great battle our little Regiment did no discredit to the old Keystone State." These words apply with equal force to the conduct of the Regiment at Shiloh and throughout its entire history. The full significance of Colonel Rose's words will be better understood, when I tell you that, subsequent to that battle, the entire army of the Cumberland was drawn up in review, when its Commander, General Wm. S. Rosecrans, while riding along the line, paused in front of the Seventy seventh, re- quested its Colonel to come forward, and said "Colonel, I see your Regiment is all right. Give my compliments to the men, tell them that the Senenty -seventh Pennsylvania is the Ban- ner Regiment of Stone River. It was the only regiment on the right wing that did not break ranks." Colonel Rose replied, "General, they never will break ranks." We can now, with all truth, go one step further and say they never did break- ranks. This monument of granite and bronze materials, almost in- destructible, will stand here long after we shall all have passed to our rewards. It will tell to all visitors of the ser- K; Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. vices performed on this field by the volunteer citizen soldiers from the old Keystone State. The statue of a private sol- dier surmounting it, shows the uniform and equipments as worn and carried by the men of the Seventy-seventh, and it, together with the bas-relief and inscription panels, give al- iiuisi entire, a brief and concise history of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers during that terrible 7th day of April, 1862. Now, your Excellency, Samuel W. Pennypacker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Shiloh Battlefield Commission, without expectation of any reward, other than the approval of their comrades and fellow-citizens, have con- scientiously and fully performed and completed all the duties and purposes for which they were appointed, I now in their behalf, tender to you, this monument, a fitting memorial to the valor of the sons of Pennsylvania, with the hope and prayer that it may stand here in all its beauty, throughout all coming generations, unharmed or unmarred, by either the hand of man or the elements of nature. ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE STATE AND TRANS- FER TO Till: NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. Governor Samuel W. Penxyi-ackeu. MR. CHAIRMAN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND COMRADES: The Governor of Pennsylvania, the Ad- jutant General of Pennsylvania, two Brigadier Gen- erals of her National Guards, and all these distinguished citi- zens have travelled 1,200 miles to be at the dedication of this monument to the only Pennsylvania regiment that fought here. This is an event of more than ordinary significance. All over these hills, and anion-; all these valleys, through which these rivers pour, the State of Pennsylvania has made a lasting impression. In early times her citizens, leaving the Cumberland and Susquehanna valleys, came through Virginia Dedication of Monument. 47 and over the mountains to Tennessee, and many of the men of Tennessee, who won renown in battle and attained distinc- tion in the Legislative Halls, look back to the land of Penn, Wayne and Meade as that of their forefathers. Possibly I may be permitted to illustrate this close connection between the two states by a somewhat personal reference. A few years ago a Pennpacker was treasurer of the State of Tennes- see. My family contributed 147 men to the war of 1861. This was the largest single family contribution in the United States. The most intense sacrifice of the war occurred in the family of Mark Pennypacker, of Tennessee, all of whose five sons were killed in the Confederate army. I had a cousin, who at the early age of 23, was a Brevet Brigadier General in command of a brigade in the Confederate army of the south. He was wounded seven times and lives to tell of the virtues of the hospitals of this State. At Shiloh, when the attack was made. Major General Benjamin Mayberry Prentiss com- manded the front. His entire division was swept away by Johnston, whose name comes from the Perkiomen valley, and whose grandmother was a Pennypacker. Pennsylvania bears a relation unlike that of any other state to that war. She was the first to step to the front in the struggle. At 4.30 A. M. on April 12, 1861, the Confederates opened tire in Charleston Harbor. That very day, before the sun had gone down, the Pennsylvania Legislature voted $500,000 to arm the State. Pennsylvania troops were the first to arrive at Washington. She alone had an entire division in the army. Her pro rata of dead is larger than that of any other state. The decisive battle of the war was fought by her smis on her soil. The Army of the Potomac was organized by McClellan and commanded by Meade. It was fitting that, in this initial battle to get down the Mississippi to its mouth, she should be represented on this field. This fell to the 77th Pennsylvania, a regiment of brave men and efficient officers. Its Colonel was one of the bravest of the brave, a very Chevalier Bayard. He stood OB the right at Chickamauga at the death of General Preston Smith. He dug out of Libby prison, and had a distinguished career, after- wards, in the regular army. Private Long still carries a frag- 48 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ment of a rifle, broken in his hands by a Confederate shell. This regiment came 30 miles in one day to be in this fight, and was at once sent to the front. They had a severe strug- gle, and captured two cannons and a Colonel. They shed their blood and sacrificed their lives here. What more, as a representation, could be asked of them? Later on they parti- cipated in many more important engagements, of their part in which we may well be proud. To them the State has erected this beautiful monument. I now accept it. It will stand longer than those, which, 3000 years ago, Tiglathpilesar erected on the plains of Assyria. I now turn it over to yon (addressing Colonel Cornelius Cadle), the representative of the United States, believing that a great people will never permit this monument to their memory lo disappear from the face of the earth." ACCEPTANCE OX BEHALF OF THE NATIONAL GOV- ERNMENT. Colonel Cornelius Cadle, Chairman Shiloh National Militai'y Park Commission. G OVERNOR PENNYP ACKER, AND GENTLEMEN OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SHILOH COMMISSION: Under these instructions from the Secretary of War: War Department, October 1G, 1903. '•( Jolonel ( Jornelius Cadle, "Chairman Shiloh National Military Park Commission: "Sir: 1 beg to advise you that it will be impracticable to send a repre- sentative from the War Department to receive from the Governor of Penn- sylvania the monument erected upon the Battlefield of Shiloh to "commemo- rate the services of the Seventy-seventh Regiment of Pennsylvania in the battle of Shiloh, which monument is to be dedicated November 12, next. "It is, therefore, desired that, as chairman of the Shiloh National Military Park Commission, you will receive said monument from the State of Penn- sylvania on behalf of tin 1 Governmenl of the United States. "Very respeel fully, "ROBERT SHAW OLIVER, "Acting Secretary of War." Dedication of Monument. I'.i it is my pleasant duty to receive from you, Sir, on behalf of the Government of the United States the magnificent monu- ment erected upon this field by the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania to commemorate the gallant deeds of her Seventy- seventh Regiment of Infantry on that memorable day in April, 1S02, and to assure you and the Pennsylvania Commission that the work, so well done by your State upon this field, will be cared for by the United States and stand as a perpetual memorial to the fidelity of the soldiers of Pennsylvania, and of Pennsylvania's gratitude. Pennsylvania sent to the support of the Union, during the War of the Rebellion, 197 regiments, 5 battalions and 13 com- panies of infantry; 27 regiments, 2 battalions and 18 com- panies of cavalry; 4 regiments and 3 companies of heavy artillery; 1 regiment, 1 battalion and 13 companies of light artillery, and 1 company of engineers. The number of men furnished by Pennsylvania during that war was 337,936. It should be borne in mind, however, that this number represents enlistments (credits) and not the actual number of individuals in service, which latter has never been officially determined, no compilation of the number of re-en- listments ever having been made. It is estimated, however, from the best data obtainable, that the number of individuals from Pennsylvania in service in the Union Army and Navy during that war was 269,230. This little squad of Pennsylvania men, way out in the woods of the west, numbered but 504 for duty, less than two-tenths (2-10) of one per centum of Pennsylvania's total. It was the only regiment in the battle from the East of Ohio. The number of deaths among the Pennsylvania troops in service during the War of the Rebellion w T as 33,183, of which number 9,351 were killed in action; 5,914 died of wounds re- ceived in action, and 17,918 died of disease and other causes. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania's loss upon this field is incommensurable with the total of Pennsylvania's casualties in the War of the Rebellion. Yet your Commonwealth. Sir. never forgetful of the deeds of her loyal sons, places here, even for the smallest fraction of its forces in battle, an ever- lasting tribute. Here was fought the first greal battle of the West. Its 50 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. result convinced the Nation, both North and South, that it was a war between Americans that could only be ended by courage, blood and time. It was ended favorably for both sides in the success of the Union cause, and from and because of that Avar we, the American people, are now a Nation of the World. Our National Commission feels a gratification at the fact that your State selected as its Commission soldiers with whom we have been in entire accord. The result of their labor speaks for itself. I again say that this granite and bronze memorial is now in the hands of the Government, the people of the United Slates. ADDRESS. Thos. E. Rose, Colonel 77th Pa. Vols. COMRADES OF THE 77TH REGIMENT OF PENNSYLVA- NIA: It affords me greater pleasure than I can summon words to express to be able to meet so many comrades of the did 77th at this historic spot on an occasion so fraught wiili interesl as this. We have come here to-day to dedicate a monument which our countrymen of the State of Pennsyl- vania have caused io be erected at this place as a lasting memorial of the services, which we, the soldiers of the 77th Regimenl of Pennsylvania, rendered to our beloved country when she was in the throes of dissolution. It was indeed kind of our countrymen towards us to do this, and it was particu- larly kind and good of them to provide us with free trans- portatioD from our homes to this place to enable so many of us to assemble together on iliis occasion. Our countrymen of the Slate of Pennsylvania, by these acts have given a very clear and expressive token of their gratitude to us for our faithful services which we rendered to our country not only on this historic field but on many other hard fought fields. Dedication of Monument. 51 On behalf of the regiment, I take sincere pleasure in thanking our countrymen of Pennsylvania for thus honoring us. My Comrades, as we arc assembled here now to-day, we are a very different body of men in appearance, as well as in circumstances from what we were when we formed line on the banks of yonder river on the morning of the 7th of April, 1862 with a powerful and victorious foe before us. We were then strong in numbers, in the bloom and vigor of youthful manhood, full of life's young blood, and of ardor for battle preparing to grapple with armed foes. Now we have dwindled to a small parcel of old men, decrepit and tottering under the weight of years and drawing very near to the banks of another and silent river, beyond which, in the language of Shakespeare, is that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns. Then we had a tremendous battle right on our hands. On every side was the clash of arms and the smoke of battle. As we stood that morning on this spot, we were in the midst of a disrupted country, with the prospect of a long and exhausting war before us; how long no man could then foresee. On the evening of that day, the enemy was driven from the field; and the battle of Shiloh was won, but the war was not over; it was but the beginning of the war, and though we were elated by our great victory, we still looked with gloomy foreboding's at the dark and bloody prospect before us, for we, the soldiers of the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania in- tended from the beginning to fight the war to a finish, and we could easily foresee that there was many another fierce and desperate battle to be fought; many another long and toil- some march to be made (we had already marched from Louis- ville, Ky\, to this place); many another night of shelterless exposure to cold and snow and rain to be endured, and many thousands of other appalling dangers to be encountered be- fore our country could be freed from its awful peril. Such was the outlook on the evening of the 7th day of April, L862, the last day of the great Battle of Shiloh. But more than forty years have rolled away since that day. And now, as we dedicate this monument, the War of the Re- bellion is over. It is long past, and many of its incidents are forgotten. The foes with whom we so fiercely struggled from 52 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. '62 to 'Go have become our friends, and the old battlefield on which we are now standing is no longer in a disrupted coun- try, but is in the midst of a great united and glorious country. On every side, instead of blood and carnage and the smoke and roar of battle, is peace and joy and safety — such is the wondrous change. None but those who went through that mighty struggle from first to last, endured its hardships and privations and fought its battles, can fully realize it; and none can realize it better nor more fully than the surviving soldiers of the gallant regiment, to the memory of whose ser- vices this fine monument is dedicated. The 77th Kegiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers was mus- tered into the service of the United States in October, 1861, and discharged and sent home in January, 1866, having vir- tually served through the whole war; for its enrollment in October was but the continuance of the service of officers and men who entered the three months service in April when the war began. The regiment was composed principally, if not entirely, of that class of officers and men. The original Colonel was F. S. Stumbaugh, of Chambers- burg, Pa., who served as its Colonel for a little more than one jear, when he was appointed by the President to be a Briga- dier General. The second Colonel was Thos. E. Rose of Pitts- burg, Pa., who was promoted from Captain of Company B., and then served as its Colonel a little more than three years to the end of the war, and until the regiment was disbanded and sent homo. Its original Lieutenant Colonel was Peter B. Housum, of Chambersburg, Pa., who served as its Lieutenant Colonel for a little more than one year. He was killed at the Battle of Stone River, December 31, 1862. The second Lieu- tenant Colonel was F. S. Pyfer, of Lancaster, Pa., who was promoted from Captain of Company K., and then served as its Lieutenant Colonel for a little more than two years, until he was physically disqualified for further service, and honorably discharged. Its third Lieutenant Colonel was Win. A. Rob- inson, who was promoted from Captain of Company E., and I hen sewed as its Lieutenant Colonel a little less than one year to Hie end of the war and until the regiment was dis- banded. Its original Major was Stephen N. Bradford, of Scranton. Pa., who served as ils Major for a little more than Dedication of Monument. 53 one year until he was physically disqualified for further ser- vice and honorably discharged. Its second Major was Alex. Phillips, of Scranton, Pa., who was promoted from Captain of Company G., and then served as its Major for a little more than two years. He was desperately wounded and lost an arm at the Battle of Lovejoy Station, October 3, 1864; was physically disqualified for further service and honorably dis- charged. Its third Major was Joseph J. Lawson who was pro- moted from Captain of Company C, and then served as its .Major a little less than one year to the end of the war and until the regiment disbanded. Its original Adjutant was S. T. Davis, of Lancaster, Pa., who served as its Adjutant for a little more than two years. He was desperately wounded at the Battle of Resaca, May 24, 1864; was physically disqualified for further service and honorably discharged. All of these field officers as well as its Captains and Lieutenants, with few exceptions had entered the three months' service and served continuously from the beginning of the war. The Battle of Shiloh was only one incident in the long and faithful service of that gallant regiment. It was its first great battle however, and as it was the only Pennsylvania Regiment in this battle, no more appropriate place could be se- lected to erect and dedicate a monument to the memory of this regiment than on this battlefield of Shiloh. The Battle of Shiloh was fought on the 6th and 7th of April, 1862. On the 6th of April, 1S62, the Confederate forces under General Albert Sydney Johnston having advanced from Corinth, Miss., attacked the U. S. forces under General U. S. Grant at this place. The Confederates were victorious from the very onset, and throughout that fearful day, the bat- tle raged like the eruption of a volcano. The major part of Grant's forces was driven pell mell to the river, but there were at least, 12,000 men of Grant's army that held the field and fought with great obstinacy until night closed upon the awful scene and until they could be reinforced by the army under General Don Carlos Buelh who was approaching from the direction of Nashville to take part in the battle. On the evening of the 0th, the leading division of Buell's army under General Nelson arrived at and crossed the river and joined the stubborn remnant of Grant's army. The next morning. 54 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. the second and third divisions of Buell's army under Generals Crittendon and McCook also crossed the river and went into the battle. Up to this time the Confederates had been vic- torious, but they had suffered appalling losses, among whom was their Commanding General. The arrival of these re- inforcements at once turned the tide of the battle and the Confederates were driven from the field. The obstinate fight- ing of Grant's forces on the 6th had so worn out and dis- concerted the Confederates that they could not withstand the vigorous onslaught of Buell's fresh troops on the 7th, so that the victory for the U. S. troops from that time on to the end of the battle was comparatively easy. The 77th belonged to and went through the battle with McCook's Division. This Regiment was highly complimented by its Commanding Gen- eral for its conduct in the battle. At the time of the Battle of Shiloh, the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania had been enrolled in the service of the United States about six months and had performed some pretty hard and important service, but this was its first great battle, and its career of actual war service as a regiment may be said to have begun right here on the 7th day of April, 1862. Had its career of war service ended here, in all probability we would never have been assembled here or elsewhere like on the present occasion. But its career of war service did not end here. It served faithfully and heroically through the whole war; it served continuously and saw all the phases of the war. There was nothing in the way of good conduct that ever was done or could be done by soldiers in war. that was not done b}' the soldiers of the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania in the course of its career. It is not necessary to relate parti- cular incidents of dashing feats of valor, or of steadfast cour- age and endurance on the part of its officers or men. No regi- ment that went through the entire war, from beginning to ending as the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania did, but that officers and men do such things many times over, and the relating of them in detail would make people tired, for it was not special occasions of heroic conduct, or particular instances of spasmodic bravery on the part of certain troops that served our country through its periods of great danger. It was the long and continuous service of brave men who stood bv their Dedication of Monument. 55 country through every trial. This the 77th Regiment of Penn- sylvania's Veteran Volunteers did. It stood by the country not only through the Battle of Shiloh, but through every bat- tle that occurred within the reach of the army to which it be- longed during the entire war; not only through one long and arduous campaign, but through every campaign of the army wich which it served. It performed its whole duty from first to last, and did every kind of heroic act that ever was re- quired of, or done by soldiers in war. The 77th Regiment belonged to that division of the armies of the United States designated as the Army of the Cumber- land. That army was originally organized and commanded by General Wm. Tecumseh Sherman in the latter part of the summer of 1861. It was afterwards more completely or- ganized and commanded by General Don Carlos Buell. It was next commanded by General Wm. S. Rosecrans when it received its designation and has ever since been known as the Army of the Cumberland. It was finally commanded by General Geo. H. Thomas, under whose command it remained, and still retained its designation as Army of the Cumberland until the Southern Confederacy was overthrown and the war ended. The 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania joined the Army of the Cumberland (then the Army of Ohio) at Louisville, Ky., in October, 1861, when that army was being organized by Gen- eral Sherman. From that time on it served with that army, went through all its campaigns and fought through all its battles. Wherever the Army of the Cumberland was during the war, there also was the 77th Pennsylvania sharing in all ils vicissitudes, in all its victories, in all its reverses. I do not think the Army of the Cumberland ever was defeated, and I know it never was whipped or driven from any battle- field, but it did receive some staggering blows, and on no other part of that army, nor on any other one regiment, did those blows fall heavier or oftener than they did on the 77th Penn- sylvania; nor were those blows received by any regiment with sturdier manhood, nor returned with more fatal effect upon the enemy than those received and returned by the 77th Regi- ment of Pennsylvania, and as before stated, the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania's Veteran Volunteer did its whole dutv 56 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. throughout the whole war, and our countrymen of Pennsylva- nia have done rightly and well to posterity, to themselves and to us, by causing this fine monument to be erected and dedi- cated on this field as a lasting memorial of the services of this gallant regiment. ADDRESS. William L. Woodcock. 77th Penn. Vols. MR. PRESIDENT, COMRADES, LADIES AND GENTLE- MEN: I am glad to have lived to see this day. I am glad I lived to see the seventh day of April, 1862, when the Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers helped to win the great and important victory achieved on this field. I am glad, I say, to have lived to see this day when we come here again, not with sword and gun, but with glad heart and voice to do honor to the men of our regiment who died here for their country's flag, as well as to you who sur- vive. I am glad to have lived to see this glad day, when we know no North, no South, no East, no West, when peace reigns supreme in our land. I am glad to have lived to see the day when the Blue and the Gray are ready to march shoul- der to shoulder, under one flag against any foreign foe that dares to meet us in combat. We used to talk about shaking hands over the "bloody chasm." I thank God I have lived to see the day when there is no bloody chasm. The chasm is filled by the prosperity of the present and the hopes of the future. I am glad to have lived to see the day when the Nation in which we live is feared, honored and respected by all the Nations of the earth. I am proud to be an American to-day — proud that I live under the flag on which the sun never ceases to shine. The Battle of Shiloh was a sanguinary one. It was one of the greatest battles of the war, and one of the most import- ant. The most important victory up to that date was won here on this bloody field. A brilliant southern writer acknowledges this when he said, "The south never smiled Dedication of Monument. 57 after Shiloh." The sandy soil of Shiloh drank some of tin- best blood of the south and here her proudest hopes lie buried. Here they lost one of their brightest, bravest and best generals, namely. Albeit Sidney Johnston. Near yon- der old log church he expired, and with him expired the holies and spirit of his army. With him they won, without him they lost. This was a battle of the hour, that is, it was not thought out on paper beforehand. It was a battle of Regiments and Brigades. The Confederate Army flushed with their victory of the previous day, came up on the morning of the second day's fight feeling sanguine that they would crush the Union Army, cross the Tennessee river, and re-possess the capital of the State. On the other hand the Union Army being re- inforced by Buell's Command, went into the battle on the second day also sanguine of success; hence the fighting was fierce and bloody; never did men do more for that flag than did those who fell here in its defense; never did men do more for their country than did you who survive. All honor 1o the men behind the guns. All honor to the brave men of the Sev- enty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. All honor to the memory of Colonel Stumbaugh who led the regiment through the fight, and all honor to him who succeeded in com- mand, that man who never knew a fear, Colonel Rose; here he sits to-day, looking young and vigorous in his 76 years. Com- rades, behold him! As we dedicate this beautiful monument to the dead, let us dedicate ourselves to the living, that from our lives the youth of our land may learn lessons of patriotism that shall be as lasting as eternity, so that the generations to come after us shall see that this Government of the people "shall not perish from the earth." So that they will not allow that flag — the flag that is so near to our hearts — to be dishonored. For the balance of our lives let us live for our God, our country and our fellowman. There are not many of us left, only about three hundred of the Seventy-seventh Regiment are left. Many times did we answer to Roll Call on this sanguinary field, let us so live as that when the Roll is called up yonder "We'll be there." Let us remember that he lives most who lives best. Let us cultivate patriotism and engraft 58 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. it into the hearts and minds of our children and all others who are subject to the touch of our influence. The love of country is a virtue that should dominate every American heart and life. Let us cherish and promote patriotism. It is said that Mary, Queen of England, sometimes called the bloody Mary, was greatly in love with the city of Calais, she had great trouble with it during her reign. It was some- times in possession of England and sometimes in possession of France. When she was on her death bed she heard that the city had been taken by Napoleon and burned to ashes. She raised herself up in bed much to the surprise of her maids and, pointing with her bony finger to her heart, she said to her maids, ''When I am dead, look and you will find Calais written on my heart." Let us so love our country — our fair broad America — that when we are dead our friends will find America written on our hearts. ADDRESS. General J. P. S. Gobin. MR. CHAIRMAN, COMRADES, LADIES AND GENTLE MEN: ''After hearing all these eloquent words of wis- dom and words of patriotism, I will not take up much of your time, either as a Comrade or as a member of the Na- tional Guards of Pennsylvania. There are, however, thoughts that come to me upon this occasion, to which it may be fitting to give utterance. This was a peculiar field and a desperate battle. More his- tory has been written about it than about any other field. There have been more controversies about this battle than about any other that was waged. Therefore, when I see this monument of Pennsylvania here, I am more than gratified. This battle was called by someone "the tournament of death." It was the source of much contention immediately after the fic;ht and ever since. Grant contended that he was Dedication of Monument. 59 not surprised, that he had exhausted the Confederate army, and could have defeated them on the second day upon the ar- rival of Lew Wallace. The Confederate Army of the Mis- sissippi contended thai Granl was defeated, and thai his army would have been captured on the second day. Buell appar- ently coincides with the views of the Confederates as to this contention. The 77th Pennsylvania was here on the new line of the second day. Both sides seemed to retire after the first day's fight. It is singular, that but three minor commanders thought of fortifying their positions, or preparing for further fighting. Nelson built lunettes for one battery, but there were no entrenchments erected. This was the heaviest and most sanguinary engagement of the early war. Though Grant had captured Fort Donel- son, and a Confederate army, this was the first decisive battle of any magnitude. If the Mississippi had been opened up at that time, there is good authority for saying, that Lincoln was prepared to accept peace then, without any reference to slavery. If Corinth could have been occupied, and the Con- federate lines broken there, it is probable that there would have been concessions and peace. Halleck for some reason, was displeased with Grant after Donelson. He was probably doing too much fighting for him. At all events he suspended him from command and placed General C. F. Smith, an able officer, in command of an ex- pidition to capture Corinth, a very important strategic posi- tion. Smith met with an accident and was disabled. This position, however, had been selected by him as a rendezvous of troops and the point from which to operate against Cor- inth. After the accident to General Smith, Grant was placed in command but with orders from General Halleck to await the arrival of Buell before attacking. This delay enabled the Confederates to concentrate an army at Corinth. General Beauregard came from Richmond to assist General Johnston in an offensive campaign, which was well planned and if suc- cessful, would have produced great results. This plan was. first to wipe out Grant and then Buell and march to the Ohio, transferring the war into the northern states. This was pre* 5 00 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. vented by the determined fighting of the Union troops on this field. It was largely a regimental fight. There could be and was not any proper concerted action on our side. Prentiss was attacked at daylight and the first information which as- tounded the North was that this Division had been captured at 9 o'clock. We now know that he fought all day until with overpowering numbers in front, flank and rear, he surrendered at about 5.30 P. M. It is also known that Beauregard wanted lo retire to Corinth and postpone the action because he be- lieved the Confederates had apprised the Union army of their approach and if would be impossible to surprise them. It might also be called a tight of the rank and tile. Our troops were absolutely new. They had never been under tire; they did not expect to be attacked. The object of their con- centration was to march on Corinth and capture it, which they could have done without difficulty up to the middle of March. They got there after Halleck took command, at the rate of three-quarters of a mile a day. This was a very sanguinary fight. We boast of Gettysburg and of the troops on both sides there, but they were veterans under able officers. They, as here, were all Americans. In that respect these battles remind me of the story told of the battle of Dundee, waged between the English and the Boers. An able writer, preparing a history of that fight, made an ex- haustive study of it. He found that there were no English and no Dutch engaged in it. but only Irish on both sides. Grant with 33,000 men was badly outnumbered. The ('en- federates had 43,008 men at Mickeys on Friday night. The desperation of the fighting was most intense. The loss of some commands were very heavy. The Sixth Mississippi lost 300 out (if 470. In the first day's tight Cleburne lost 1,013 out of 2,7110. and on Sunday he had only S00 left. The Twelfth Iowa lost four more than they took into the fight (Laughter). because a number came out of the hospital after the light be- gan. Nine out of fifteen brigade commanders engaged, were killed or wounded, ami 53 regimental commanders out of 01 were killed or wounded here on the Union side. Considering the ground, and that the troops were new and unused to warfare, the result is surprising. It was a sur- I Dedication of Monument. 61 prise on both sides, ll was a sin-prise to our side to be in a fight. The oilier side was surprised at our good fighting. Of course, some ran. Thai nearly always happens. One man. when stopped and asked why he ran, explained thai he '"ran because lie could not fly." (Laughter). Some ran very last too, like the man who had picked up some sweet potatoes. He hnill a lire and was roasting them, when the fight started. He picked up his hot potatoes and put them in his pocket. During the fighl he tried to eat one. It was loo hot. lie put it back in his pocket. Then he became seared and ran away. Alter running ten miles he stopped and tried again to eat one, but he had run so last that it was still too hot to eat. lint the ti^li I is over. Its purposes are accomplished. Through the fighting of these men the whole world is sal is lied that Uncle Sam is a pretty big person. As an English statesman predicted at the time, if the North and South gel together, in forty years, there will not be a gun tired m the world without their permission. His prophecy has come tine. We are now a great world power. Uncle Sam has in- deed become a pretty big fellow. It takes a number ten hat to tit his head. These things were necessary to prepare us for our future greatness, and to make us ready to properly discharge our great world duties. It cost immense sums of money, and thousand of valuable lives, caused immeasurable suffering in all parts of the Na- tion, but to-day, under God's Providence, the scars are being healed, and, when the future historian prepares a correct history, on no held will he find more materia! for earnest thought, than upon this ground of Shiloh. After (he exercises a regimental group was photographed in front of the monument. Then all were driven over the field to (he various points of interest until evening! Many were greatly interested in the fine specimens of mound build- ing on the bluff of the Tennessee river a short distance be- yond the extreme lefi of the Union line of battle. Quite a cluster of these prehistoric erections are here enclosed within the original surrounding earthworks. Some have been opened, yielding many human bones, one perfect skeleton of a sitting man of unusual size, tine pottery and other relics. 62 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. The veterans all appeared to be much pleased with their visit, and greatly admired their beautiful monument. They left Pittsburg Landing at six o'clock in the evening of Novem- ber 12, 1903, on the steamer Clyde, as they had come, a home- ward-bound, happy party of veterans, with hearts full of gratitude to the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that had so honored their battle days and deeds. Dedication of Monument. 63 Roster of Survivors of the Seventy-seventh Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, who, under the Act of Assembly, applied for, and were fur- nished Transportation by the State, to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., and return, to attend the Dedication of the Monument at Shiloh on November 12, 1903. Acker, Edward, tAngermiller, Henry Private, •Anderson, Robert Private, Albright, Jacob Private, Bivens, William, Buchens, John C Brine, Jesse, Black, Samuel D., ♦Brauff, Sidney J Cramer, Samuel Childers, Randell Cooper, Nelson T., | Corp., Cox, Daniel W., Private, Diggins, Jesse Private, Duganne, Peter S (Private, W. •Daugherty, Geo Davis, Samuel T., . Eckels, Asa Evans, David E., . Evans, Joseph T. , Gilliland, David R. *Green, David Hill, Joseph C Houck, McKenzie, Hahna, John H., . Houghtelin, Wm. D P., §Heiserman, H. D., Private, Holt, James, Private, Heller, Geo. W Corp., Herr, Mahlon P Private, Isenberger, Jacob Corp. Itinger, Samuel H Private, Jordan, Thomas, Private, * Jones, Richard L Private, •Johnston, James W Lieut., Johnston, Jacob Musician, Kraus, John G. Private, Krebs, Henry P Sergt., Kreps, John W. Captain, Kautz, James Private, Keeler, Samuel Private, Lohr, Alexander {Private, JLewis, Edward T Private, Dowry, David Lieut., Long, Henry H Corp., . *Lortz, John Private, McNally, Michael Captain, McCracken, Lorenzo, Private, Private, Captain, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Private, Sergt., F, C, E, C, E, C, A, D, I, A, B, C, G, E, E, B, C, F, E, F, B, B, D, C, I, K, K, C, K, E, F, Band, B, C, B, K, B, D, K. B, C, A, C, K, 123 S. Highland Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Delk, Franklin Co., Pa. Parnassus, Westmoreland Co., Pa. 103 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. Well's Tannery, Fulton Co., Pa. Lititz, Lancaster Co., Pa. Roulette, Potter Co., Pa. Emlenton, Venango Co., Pa. 1335 Penn Ave., Allegheny, Pa. 1307 25th St., Altoona, Pa. Hopewell, Bedford Co., Pa. 1329 E. Manor St., Columbia, Pa. 1013 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa. Broad Top, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Hoboken, Allegheny Co., Pa. Newport, Perry Co., Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pa. Kane, McKean Co., Pa. 1626 Forbes St., Pittsburg, Pa. Roaring Springs, Blair Co., Pa. Enid, Fulton Co., Pa. S76 Miami St., Akron, Ohio. New Grenada, Fulton Co., Pa. Mount Oliver, Allegheny Co., Pa. Box 68, Oakmont, Allegheny Co., Pa. Wichita, Kansas. Huntingdon, Pa. 237 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. 1945 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Altoona, Pa. Pitcairne, Allegheny Co., Pa. 131 Maple Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Webster's Mills, Fulton Co., Pa. Duncannon, Perry Co., Pa. Knoxville, Allegheny Co., Pa. 220 Shady Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. 1100 Allegheny Ave., Allegheny, Pa. 315 N. Market St., Lancaster, Pa. 523 Sylvan St., Braddock, Pa. 616 South Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 6S8 B. Main St., York, Pa. 728 Maryland Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Mount Joy, Pa. Chambersburg, Pa. 1621 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa. 536 N. 3d St.. Columbia. Pa. 64 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regirm at. Roster of Survivors — Continued. R< sidenee. McGitlin. John McLaughlin, Robt. J., Private, Private, McGowen, George S., Sergt. , Miller, Samuel M ... Private, Michael, David. Private, Makinson, Charles Private, Moore, John Corp., . Miller, Edward B Lieut., Manning, William Private, ♦Mulholland, Geo. B Private, Mulhnlland. James C Private, •Nunemacher, Amb. W., .... Private, iOImstead, Stephen Private, Port, William D Private, Porter, Julius, . Pollock, Geoi ge, Pontz, Jacob Prentice, William J. Quinn, Henry Rose. Thomas E., .. Private, Lieu! . . I 'rr\ ate, Col., .. Reacherd, Geo. W Private, Row, Jacob . Pi "Row, Jeremiah, Corp., Ramsey, Samuel S., Sei Rhoads, Joseph E., Lieut., . Ruggles, Josuph, Private, tSkinner, George W Captain, Shuler, Samuel M Musician Stimmel, Jos r>h W Private, •Sill, George F Cci Sharp, William J Pri Stevi ns, Jacob, . . tStimeling, Jacob, ♦Stanton, Campbell, *Smith, James • '., ♦Shultz, Henry. ... Swart-/.. George W Private Sturgis, Nathan, Sites, Jacob Shure, Jacob D., Sherk. Christian I i ■ , ■, iii'. Sergl . 1 'i ivate, i • i ivate, Musician Private, 'Vote, Lewis Private, *Wilkins, George W., Wagner. Reuben, ►Wagni r, Jesse W. , *WHson, Samuel H., Wise, John V., .... Private Musician Private Private, D, 6 l f] ace St., Pittsburg, Pa. D, 220 W. .Mien St.. Mechanicsburg, a I, 718 N. 3d St.. Harrisburg, Pa. K, 6203 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. G, South Gibs in. Susquehanna Co. Pa. K, a S s Qui en si .. I ancaster, Pa. G, 217 W. 3d St.. ( hester, Pa. C, Mulbei ry, i I . mi nt Co., Ohio. C, Mcunl .i . . Pa. P. 308 \. ard St . Pittsburg, Pa. F, Bellwi od Blair i lo., Pa. I 2225 N. 3d St., Harrisburg, Pa. G. I Pittston, Pa. G. P i ■ Grovi Mills, I '• ntre Co., Pa. H, Ni l : dfi rii Lawn nc Co., Pa. H, New Wilmington, Lawrence Co., Pa. K, r, Pa. . K, 2C9 Ninth St., Pittsburg, Pa. G, i 'i tta e, Huntini don Co., Pa. N< nil A\ ".. Baltimore, Md. A, Rouz rville, Franklin Co., Pa. A, i tnklin Co., Pa, \. ..< izcrville, Franklin '",,.. p a . A, ngton Ave., Tyri me, Pa. I, 1201 3 .- . ond St., Harrisburg, Pa. C, ' ry, Blair < Id., Pa. A, Scotland, Franklin Co., Pa. Band, l.i > ei pool, Pei ry Co., Pa. T, , Purl RoyaJ, Juniata Co., Pa. B, 125 Be \\e.. Pittsburg, Pa. Tl. Bos ii. New Bedford, Lawrence i o., Pa. C, Petersburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa. Ci Dimmsville, Juniata <'o., Pa. D, Pes- 266, Pittsburg, Pa. CO Id Co., Pa. K. Way. Pittsburg. Pa. E, R P. D. 5, Volant. Lawrence Co., Pa. K, Pa. A, Ri luzerville, Franklin Co., I Band Perrj C Pa. C, \ 1 " i . 1 1 1 Ji y, Pa. B, 1 'it tsburg, Pa. Band. Mercersburg, Franklin Co., Pa. I, 71 1 Capiti 1 St., Harrisburg, Pa. C, !.i\erp ( ol, Pen y Co., Pa. P. O. Box 101, Alexandria, Hun- tingdon Co., Pa. K, 633 High St., Lancaster, Fa, Dedication of Monument. Roster of Survivors — Continued. 65 Name. q Residence. B O Captain, .. F. McConnellsburg, Fulton Co., Pa. Willett, William H Sergt F, Patterson, Juniata <'n., Pa. Private, .. F, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa. ♦Webster, William, Private, .. c, Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa. Private. .. c, 207 Sixth St.. Newport, Perry Co., Pa. •Not present at the Dedication. Did not use the transportation furnished them. tUsed transportation only to Chattanooga, Tennessee and return. JUsed transportation only to Johnsonville, Tennessee and return. |Did not gel to Shiloh, joined the party on their return, on the Tennessee river. Members of the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers who were present at the Dedication of the Monument at Shiloh, hut who were not furnished Trans- portation by the State. Name. a p. 1 u Residence. Lieut.. ... Captain, .. Sergt Sergt c, F, K, c. Hennessey, Oklahoma. Wagner, Henry Lancaster, Pa. Greenville, Hunt Co., Texas. (66) HISTORY Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania VOLUNTEERS. By John Obreiter, President 77th Penn. Beg't. Association. 1905. (68) print: juuus bien sco.newyork COL.F.S.STUMBAUGH. CHAPTER I. Recruiting for the Regiment — Camp Slifer — Camp Wilkins — Kentucky — Camp Nevin — Company K — Re-organization of the Army — General Buell in Command — Munfordville — Division moves to aid General Granl at Fort I tonelson — Countermarch — Bowling Green — Nashville. ON the first day of August, L861, Frederick S. Stumbaugh of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, received authority from the War Departmenl to raise a regiment to be composed of one company of artillery and eight companies of infantry. He began recruiting at once. The companies for the regiment were recruited in the counties of Allegheny, Erie, Franklin, Fulton. Huntingdon, Lancaster and Luzerne. Thus the cen- tral, northern, eastern, southern and western parts of the State were represented in this regiment. A general rendezvous was established at "Camp Slifer." Chambersburg, so named in honor of the Hon. Eli Slifer. then Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pursuant to orders, the regimenl left "('amp Slifer" on October . Hou- sum, of Chambersburg, Pa., who had recruited about one hundred men. for the artillery company was made Lieutenant Colonel, and Stephen X. Bradford, of Luzerne county, was commissioned Major. Charles F. Muehler, of Erie, brought about sixty men to Camp Wilkins for the artillery company. These men were consolidated with Housunfs men into one company, of which Charles F. Muehler was chosen Captain. The regiment at this time iiad one company of artillery and six companies, viz: A. B. C. D. F. ami d. of infantry, it was assigned to the (69) 70 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Negley brigade, which included the 77th, 78th and 79th Penn- sylvania Volunteers and was commanded by Brigadier Gen- eral James S. Negley, of Pittsburg. The Regiment, Colonel F. S. Stumbaugh commanding, left Camp Wilkins on Friday, October 18, 1861, and embarked with the rest of the brigade the same evening, on steamboats on the Monongahela river, and went down the Ohio river. Dis- embarking at Louisville, Kentucky on Tuesday morning the 22d, they marched through that city to Camp Oakland. On Wednesday, the 23d, the regiment struck tents, marched to the L. and N. depot. The train started at 4 P. M., and arrived at McCook station, 51 miles from Louisville at midnight. Late as it was, the tents were pitched in the woods. On the morning of the 24th, the troops moved to an open field near Nolin creek. To the new location the name Camp Nevin was given. Here they were kept industriously at work learning military by daily drills. Meanwhile Frederick S. Pyfer was recruiting a company at Lancaster, Pa., which place he left, on October 30, 1861, for Camp Wilkins at Pittsburg. There his men were armed and equipped. On November 10 they were started for Louisville on the steamer Argonaut. On the 11th orders came to pro- ceed down the river as rapidly as possible, to Guyandotte, which place had been attacked by a force of the enemy. The recruits, however, arrived too late to take any part, but just in time to see the repulsed enemy retiring in the distance. A large part of the town had been fired and was burning fiercely when the boats with reinforcements arrived. On the evening of the 12th, Captain Pyfer's command arrived at Louisville, reaching Camp Nevin the next evening by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. As this company had been recruited for the 79th Regiment, the men refused to go into any other, and were therefore not mustered into the 77th until December 8 as Company K of that regiment at Camp Negley, to which place, about two and one-half miles south of Camp Nevin, the brigade had been moved about the last of November. During November an important reorganization of the army occurred. New departments were created and commanders assigned. The troops in Kentucky were designated the Army of the Ohio, and General Don Carlos Buell placed in com- In Kentucky. 71 maud. The following order was issued by the War Depart- ment: Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, November 9, 1861. (General Orders No. 97.) The following departments are formed from the present departments of the West, Cumberland and Ohio: *********** 4. The Department of the Ohio. To consist of the States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, that portion of Kentucky east of the Cumberland river, aqd the State of Tennessee; to be commanded by Brigadier General D. C. Buell; headquarters at Louisville. In pursuance of this order General Buell assumed command of this Department on the 15th of November. He re-organized the army under his command into six divisions, and numbered the brigades from one to thirty-seven. First Division to be commanded by Brigadier General George H. Thomas. Second Division to be commanded by Brigadier General A. McD. McCook. Third Division to be commanded by Brigadier General O. M. Mitchell. Fourth Division to be commanded by Brigadier General Wm. Nelson. Fifth Division to be commanded by Brigadier General T. L. Crittenden. Sixth Division to be commanded by Brigadier General T. J. Wood. By virtue of this new organization, General McCook issued these orders: Headquarters Second Division, December 3, 1861. (General Orders No. 32.) I. A new organization is hereby announced in pursuance of orders from the General commanding the Department of the Ohio. II. This command will be styled the Second Division, and consist of the following brigades, regiments and companies: Brigades. Fourth Brigade, Brigadier General L. H. Rousseau. Fifth Brigade, Brigadier General T. H. Wood. Sixth Brigade, Brigadier General R. W. Johnson. Seventh Brigade, Brigadier General James S. Negley. Brigade Organization — Fourth Brigade. First Ohio, Col. B. F. Smith. Fifth Kentucky, Col. H. M. Buckley. Sixth Indiana, Col. T. T. Crittenden. 1st Battalion, 15th U. S., Maj. John H. King. 1st Battalion, 19th TJ. S., Maj. John H. King, 72 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Fifth Brigade. 20th Indiana, Col. John F. Miller. .'Jtuli Indiana, Col. Sinn S. Bass. 34th Illinois, CoL E. N. Kirk. TTtii Pennsylvania, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh. Sixth Brigade. 15th Ohio, Col. Muses It. Dickey. 49th Ohio, Col. Wm. II. Gibson. 32nd Indiana, Col. August Willich. 39th Indiana, Col. Thomas J. Harrison. Seventh Brigade. 1st Wisconsin, Col. J. ('. Starkweather. 38th Indiana. Col. B. F. Scribner. 78th Pennsylvania, Col. Wm. Sirwell. 79th Pennsylvania, Col. II. A. Hambright. III. The following commands will lie under the immediate control of the Genera] c immanding: 1st Kentucky Cavalry, Col. Buckner Board. Battery A. 1st: Ohio Artillery, ('apt. ( '. S. Cotter. Battery A, 1st Kentucky Artillery, Capt. 1>. C. Stone. 26th Pennsylvania, Cain. ('has. F. Muehler. By command of BRIGADIER GENERAL McCOOK. DANIEL McCOOK. Captain and Asst. Adjt. General. Pursuant to (his order, Muehler's battery was permanently detached from the Seventy-seventh, and made an indepen- dent battery on Decent her 4 1861. Early in December the army prepared to march, and on the ninth. General McCook issued orders to advance. Next morn- ing the Sixlh Brigade moved toward Munfordville, situated on the north bank of Green river on the Louisville and Nash- ville Railroad. That oighl it encamped at Bacon creek. One hundred men from the 32d Indiana were sent forward twelve miles to the river and occupied the town. The Confederates retired as the UnioD troops approached. The entire Sixth Brigade and trains arrived on the twelfth. The railroad bridge across Green river, at this point, had been destroyed. Fori unately a pioneer corps of about forty men. all mechanics, was attached to the 32d Indiana. They were provided with /// Kentucky. 7.'! proper tools and had wagons, built with water-tighl bodies to serve as pontoons with which small streams could be readily and quickly bridged. Within thirty-six hours these men, by working constantly, day and night, constructed a temporary bridge across the river, which served until replaced by regular and more substantial pontoons. On December twelfth, the remaining brigade of the Second Division moved to Bacon creek. On the seventeenth they marched to Munfordville, when within four miles of that town the sounds of battle reached their ears. From the irregu- larity of the firing it was for sometime uncertain whether it was target practice or an actual engagemenl with the enemy. Ere the firing had ceased all the troops reached the town, where they learned the true nature of the case. The Seventy- seventh was just in the act of erecting their tents, when the long roll sounded, calling them into line of battle. A sharp engagemenl was in progress on the south side of the river, between a part of the :>"_'d Indiana and a body of Confederates, but by the time the other regiments reached the river the enemy had been completely routed. This fighl was called the battle of Bowlett's Station. The cam]) at Munfordville was called Camp Wood, in honor of the father of General T. J. Wood, commander of the Fifth Brigade, who resided in the town. While there the Seventy- seventh exchanged their old muskets for Belgian rifles, a much better arm. These were much heavier than the Springfield rifles and came from Liege, Belgium. Especially because of their great weight the transition from Liege to siege was easy, and the men promptly dubbed their new arms "siege guns." Captain Henry W. Derby joined the regiment in Kentucky, early in December, L861, with a small body of men. recruited in Luzerne county. While with the TTtli they were known as Company H. Their number was too small to constitute a complete company ami they were consequently, never fully organized as such. Their officers resigned early in April. L862. Others were appointed to take their places. In this condition Hie men remained with the regimen! for several months, participating in all its marches and duties, until the company was finally disbanded. Some of these \ur\\ remained 74 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. with the regiment as late as November, 1862. The balance joined other companies, and the 77th saw the last of old Com- pany H, and once more consisted of only eight companies. On December twenty-fourth, General Wood was ordered to Bardstown, Kentucky, and Colonel Edward N. Kirk, of the 34th Illinois, succeeded him in command of the Fifth Brigade. On the eleventh of February, the Third Division arrived and camped oh the south bank of the river. On the lttth it moved southward toward Bowling Green. That day the camp was all excitment. The most active preparations were made for a movement. Troops, clothing and equipment were thor- oughly inspected. All who were sick and unfit for duty were sent to the general hospital. About nine o'clock that even- ing marching orders came. The men did not know their desti- nation, but all w T as delight and enthusiasm, any change being welcome. On the 10th the men were roused early to prepare for the march. The night had been intensely cold and storm};, freez- ing the ground hard. The weather was the coldest yet ex- perienced in Kentucky. Tents were struck, wagons loaded and the march northward began. Soon after the column had started, news came that our army under General Grant had attacked Fort Donelson on the Cumberland river, and that the battle was then in progress. The effect of this news upon the men was almost magical. They marched more rapidly from their eagerness to get there in time to take a hand in the fight. That night the command stopped at Upton, four- teen miles north of Mnnfordville. Owing to the bad condi- tion of the roads the trains were unable to reach them, and the men had to lie upon the frozen ground without covering other than the blue vault overhead. The night was clear and very cold. The ground froze hard. The men tried to keep- comfortable by burning the "top rails" of the fences. Orders had been issued to burn only the top rails of fences, but they did not restrict the boys, as they soon discovered that there were always top rails so long as any part of the fence was left. Early on the fifteenth the report of the attack on Fort Don- elson was confirmed, but the forward march was not resumed. On the contrary a bitter disappointment came at one o'clock in the shape of orders to countermarch. Fort Donelson had In Kentucky. 75 been attacked and captured without the assistance of the Second Division. On the 15th, the division encamped at Bacon creek. The next morning they were early on the move and happy because informed that their destination was Bowling Green and Nash- ville. They arrived at Bell's Tavern, a station of the Louis- ville and Nashville Railroad, late on the evening of the sev- enteenth. Here the men were put to work repairing the rail- road and clearing a tunnel, which the enemy had partially filled. Bell's Tavern was the station nearest to the Mam- moth Cave, and all who could took advantage of the oppor- tunity to visit this great natural wonder. On the 23d, the division marched twenty-seven miles to the Big Barren river, and encamped opposite to Bowling Green. As usual the bridge across the river had been destroyed, and had to be rebuilt. On the 24th, Colonel John F. Miller, of the 29th Indiana, returned from sick leave, and, because of seniority in rank, superseded Colonel Kirk in command of the Fifth Brigade. The movement south began again on the 26th, when the di- vision crossed the river in boats, and bivouacked on the south bank. The following day the march was resumed, and camp was pitched that night near Franklin, Kentucky, twenty-one miles from the river. On the 28th the command marched twenty-two miles, about seven of which were through fields and on railroads, as the turnpike had been ploughed up in order to retard the progress of the Union Army. As the wagons could not keep up with the marching column of troops, the men were on very short rations, each receiving only a very small piece of soft bread during the entire day. On the first of March, fourteen miles were covered before breakfast to Camp Negley, at the railroad junction, ten miles north of Nashville. Here the boys were supplied with abundant ra- tions, and had a glorious feast, making up for the privations of the previous day. On March second, the troops were early on the move, and encamped that night, near Edgefield, on the north bank of the Cumberland river, opposite Nashville. The following night was spent at Camp Johnson, five miles south of the city. On the ninth the long roll was sounded in consequence of a 6 76 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. spirited skirmish on our picket line with a force of Confeder- ates. In it the Seventy-seventh had four men wounded and one officer, Captain Phillips, of Company G., who was struck by one bullet in the hand, another went through his coat and a third struck his sword scabbard. A number of the enemy were seen to fall, but their loss could not be ascertained, as they carried all their dead and wounded away with them in their flight. The next night another attack was made on the Union pickets, but no damage was done. ■^v. GEN.D.C.BUELL PRINT: JULIUS BIEN 8 CO. NEW YORK The Battle of Shiloh. 11 CHAPTER II. Pittsburg Landing — Battle of Shiloh — Company E joins the Regiment- Siege of Corinth — March across Alabama — Battle Creek. ON March twelfth, the division marched to Franklin, Ten- nessee, the Seventy-seventh being the rear guard. The bridge across the Harpeth river, at this point, was saved from destruction by the advance column of cavalry, who ar- rived as the enemy were about to set fire to it. Next day the column reached Rutherford creek, where it was again delayed long enough to build a bridge across that stream. On the twenty-second the division arrived at Columbia only to find the bridge across the Duck river destroyed. The pioneer corps of the 32d Indiana were at once put to work rebuilding it. On the twenty-ninth, Colonel Miller was ordered to other duty, and was succeeded in command of the Fifth Brigade by Colonel E. N. Kirk. The bridge across Duck river having been completed, the division, on March 31st, was ordered to march. Crittenden's and Nelson's divisions had, two days previously, moved for- ward toward Savannah, Tennessee, to there join the forces under General Grant, preparatory to a united attack upon the enemy. Their progress was slow as the roads were in bad condition, being either very rough or very muddy, and in some places, almost impassable. This weary march was continued until the morning of the sixth day of April, 1862. The column was then twenty-two miles from Savannah. The day was bright and clear. The sun's rays were rapidly drying the roads and the men rejoiced at the propect of a bath that night in the Tennessee river. Suddenly, just after leaving camp, booming cannon were dis- tinctly heard in the distance. All the line was attention. "Hark, what's that?" "Boom! Boom! Boom." "It must be a battle, why don't we get orders to hurry on?" "We will be too late to take part in the fight." The orders came in due time. As the column moved forward, a courier came riding 78 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. hastily up, bearing orders to "take an extra supply of ammu- nition, and hurry forward as rapidly as possible; take only ammunition and ambulance trains." The roar of artillery was heard throughout the entire day. Responsive to these sounds, the men, almost unconsciously stepped out more briskly. The last fourteen miles to Savannah were made by the Seventy-seventh almost entirely at double quick, or on the run. The Fourth Brigade arrived at seven o'clock in the evening, and the Fifth, Kirk's, one hour later. That night brought with it a heavy thunder storm. During the entire night rain poured down in torrents. The men had to stand in the streets without any shelter whatever, and had the greatest difficulty in keeping their powder dry. They themselves were most thoroughly soaked, which made their condition extremely miserable. PITTSBURG LANDING. At four o'clock, on the morning of the seventh, the Seventy- seventh, with twenty-one officers and 483 enlisted men, a total strength of 504 rank and file, together with the rest of the bri- gade embarked on steamers, reaching Pittsburg Landing at seven o'clock. In 1862 two small log houses contained the en- tire population of Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, which lies eight miles south of Savannah, Tennessee, on the west bank of the Tennessee river. High bluffs, at this point, confine the river both north and south of the Landing, where steamboats stopped occasionally to land or take on passengers or freight. From the landing a dirt road ran through a deep ravine in the bluffs, to the country back of the river, the soil of which is a stiff, tenacious clay, almost impervious to water. There were none but dirt roads which, in wet weather, became almost impassable and which were at all times utterly so for heavy hauling. The country was thickly overgrown with tim- ber, full of dense underbrush. There were a number of clear- ings under cultivation. About two and one-half miles from the landing stood the small log Methodist meeting house called Shiloh Church, from which this battle took its name. This church was on the main road to Corinth, Mississippi, twenty-two miles distant from Pittsburg Landing. On this ground, within a radius of two miles and three- PRINT: JULIUS BIEN a CO. NEW YORK GEN.A.M C D. M c COOK. The Baffle of Shiloh. 79 quarters. Grant's entire army was encamped, when it was un- expectedly attacked on the eventful Sunday morning, the sixth of April, 1862. During that day's terrible fight the Union forces were driven steadily hack, until the Confederates had reached a point within six hundred yards from the land- ing itself, when fortunately, night put an end to the conflict. As the boats drew near the shore, men crowded the banks of the river, preparing to jump aboard, as soon as the vessels got near enough for them to do so. Guards, with fixed bay- onets had to be stationed all along the gunwales to keep this mob of frightened and demoralized soldiers off the boats. It was estimated that there were fully 8,000 of these skulkers hiding behind the bluffs along the river, near the landing. By this crowd the disembarking regiments were greeted some- what after this fashion: "Oh! you'll catch it when you get over the hill there!" "I pity you fellows, you'll never come back again," etc. The replies, if* any, ran thus; "How do you know?" "You don't say so?" "You cowards!" "Fall in here! This Regiment is a good one, and will not run away!" "Come on!" Crittenden's and Nelson's Divisions had arrived previously and were already in position, some of Nelson's men having helped to repel the last Confederate 1 onset of the night before. In addition to these the Second Division, McCook's, arrived as before stated early in the morning. These three divisions were all of Buell's army that participated in the battle until just at its close, when Wood's Division arrived and the 21st Brigade took part in driving the enemy from their last stand. The line of battle, as formed on the morning of the seventh, was, from right to left, as follows: General Lew Wallace, Gen- eral W. T. Sherman, General McClernand, General Hurlbut and General McCook, General Crittenden, with General Nel- son on the extreme left. Upon the arrival of General "Wood, late in the afternoon, just at the close of the battle, his troops were placed to the left of McCook, and immediately to the left of the 77th to close up the 1 gap in the line there existing, be- t ween the left of McCook and Crittenden's right. By order of General McCook, General Rousseau moved his brigade to the front at six thirty o'clock in the morning, and formed his line to the right of Crittenden's Division, and to 80 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. the left of Hurlbut's and McClernand's. The attack upon the enemy by our right and left divisions was almost simultane- ous. It is impossible to say whether the first shot fired that morning came from the Union right or left. Our men steadily pushed the Confederates back, until halted by General Buell at the close of the battle. General Nelson's Division, on the extreme left, having advanced too far, thereby exposing his right flank, Crittenden was moved up in prolongation of Nel- son's line. About half an hour later Rousseau had formed his line, Kirk's Brigade reached the front, and was placed in reserve to Rousseau, with the 34th Illinois and the 30th In- diana in the front line, and the 29th Indiana and 77th Penn- sylvania in the second line in reserve. Rousseau, having ex- hausted his ammunition, was relieved by Kirk's Brigade, all except the 77th Pennsylvania. General McCook, being assured that the enemy had ceased their efforts on the right of his line and was preparing to turn his left, ordered the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania to the ex- treme left of the division to repel the assault being made at that point. The regiment moved over an open field, and tak- ing its position at the point indicated, immediately engaged the enemy. At this time the conflict along the whole line be- came terrible. While in this field the regiment repelled two separate cavalry charges, driving the enemy back with con- siderable loss, and farther on it cleared the woods of a lot of sharpshooters, who were picking off the officers in both Mc- Cook's and Crittenden's divisions. From this time, till the close of the battle, the Seventy-sev- enth was completely isolated from the rest of the division, having been sent to the left to prevent the Confederates breaking through the large gap or interval between McCook and Crittenden. While here alone, the regiment charged a Confederate battery and captured two of its guns. Leaving the captured guns in its rear, it pushed on, compelling the rest of the battery to leave the field. Just at the close of the fight, it had the pleasure of capturing Colonel Battle, of the 20th Tennessee Infantry. He had lost his horse and could not keep up with his men who were being driven rapidly back. When he found escape impossible, he picked up a rifle and fired three shots at Major Bradford, before he could be over- The Battle of Shiloh. 81 hauled. The 20th Tennessee belonged to the Third Brigade of Breckinridge's Corps, which formed the rear guard of the retreating Confederate army, and consequently were the last of the enemy to leave the field. The regiment also captured a considerable number of en- listed men, but as there was neither regimental nor brigade report on this battle, therefore, the number of such prisoners is not of record and cannot be accurately given. During this battle the regiment carried into effect every order given to it, and performed all its duties in a manner satisfactory to its superior officers. An additional most grat- ifying feature is the fact that its loss was so very slight, only three men killed and seven wounded. Colonel Kirk, after be- ing seriously wounded, remained on the held during the day, but was then obliged to relinquish the command of the bri- gade to Colonel Stumbaugh, of the Seventy-seventh Pennsyl- vania. As Lieutenant Colonel Housum had been left sick at Nashville, the command of the regiment devolved on Major Bradford. In this connection extracts from General Sherman's and General McCook's official reports may be appropriate. The former says, in part; "1 am ordered by General Grant to give personal credit where it is due, and censure where I think it merited. I concede that General McCook's splendid division from Kentucky drove back the enemy along the Corinth road, which was the great central line of this battle. There Beau regard commanded in person, supported by Bragg's, John- ston's and Breckinridge's divisions." McCook says in part: Being now satisfied that the enemy bad changed his point of attack from the right to my extreme left, I ordered Colonel Stumbaugh's Seventy-seventh Begiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers to take a position on my extreme left, and repel the assault there being made. He immediately engaged them, and at this moment the conflict along the whole line became terrible. Colonel Kirk's Brigade was now ordered to engage, and arrived precisely at the right moment, as the cartridges of Rousseau's Brigade were all expended. General Rous scan's brigade fell back through openings made in Kirk's 82 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ranks, and retired to the woods in the rear to be supplied with ammunition." Further on in his report he says: "Colonel Stumbaugh with the Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers early in the action, being ordered to watch the enemy on my left, was at a later period ordered to engage. His regiment, partially isolated from the rest of the division, moved steadily over an open field in its front under a heavy fire. While here, the enemy's cavalry charged this regiment twice, but were each time repulsed with heavy loss. Colonel Stumbaugh had the satisfaction of receiving the sword of Colonel Battle, of the 20th Tennessee who sur- rendered as a prisoner." The regiment had advanced to a point in the woods within sight of and east of Shiloh Church. Colonel Battle was the highest in rank of any Confederate prisoner taken at Shiloh. After his capture and at the close of the battle the division was withdrawn to a point near the Landing, and there bivouacked for the night. The men got no rest, however, as there was an almost continuous down pour of rain during the entire night, and all were without shelter of any kind whatever. On the ninth the command was moved out, about three miles from the river, for a better camping site. The following day another short move was made for better ground. Here the men built small bark huts to partially shelter themselves from the elements. The nights were very cold, and, as they had neither blankets nor over- coats to protect them, they suffered intensely. On the fif- teenth, to the great joy of the men, the baggage and wagon trains arrived. Tents were speedily erected, but almost im- mediately orders came to take them down again, and move off the battlefield to better ground. The following day there was a decided change for the better. The temperature rose rapidly, the weather becoming very pleasant, so that over- coats were not needed. Wliilc here the command suffered severely from sickness, occasioned by exposure and the unwholesome surface water which the men were obliged to use. From this time until May ten, when the command arrived near Farmington, it was constantly engaged in reconnaissances and regular camp Siege of Corinth. 83 duties. Occasionally the picket lines would be attacked, but a few return shots would always jm( the enemy to flight. Captain William A. Robinson arrived at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee with Company E., on the evening of May 2, 18G2, and on the following day. inarched about twelve miles south to join the regiment, which was actively engaged there in the movement upon Corinth, Mississippi. On May 8th, one hun- dred men of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, under Cap- tain Rose, and one hundred of the 20th Indiana, under Cap- tain Davis, were sent out to build a bridge across Seven Mile creek. They were attacked about nine A. M. by a superior force of the enemy. After a spirited resistance, they com- pelled the foe to retire and then continued their work until 4 P. M., having lost one killed, three wounded and one captured, all of the 29th Indiana. The enemy had at least four killed and one captured. The number of their wounded could not be ascertained, as they were borne along in the retreat. On the ninth the command moved four miles toward Farmington. On the 10th, by special orders from General Buell, the Sec- ond Division was designated as the reserve of the centre of the army before Corinth, as a special mark of distinction be- cause of its eminent services in the battle of Shiloh. The actual siege of Corinth began on Hie seventeenth of May. The policy was to approach and intrench. This plan of opera- tion seemed slow, but was actually rapid and sure. The ob- ject was to reduce the place with the least possible sacrifice. The enemy's works w r ere constructed upon a position of great natural strength. Any attempt to carry them by surprise or force, even if successful, would necessarily result in great loss to the assailants. By heavy fighting the lines were con- stantly carried forward by both the right and the left wings. As soon as a position was gained it was intrenched. Thus the flanks of our army closed in upon Corinth. When the flanks were secured the center advanced and intrenched. This first line of intrenchments was about four miles from Corinth. The siege from now on was conducted with great activity. At all hours of the day there was cannonading and musketry fighting on some parts of the line. Before the end of the siege, this fighting, although sometimes very severe and long continued, became so common and frequent that it 84 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. excited no alarm and attracted very little attention except from those immediately engaged. On the 26th the division moved to the front and bivouacked inside the line of intrench- ments. On the 27th it was ordered forward to drive the enemy from the Hamburg-Corinth road, and gain possession of Bridge creek, a small stream which ran through a deep morass and across the road. This was accomplished with a loss of four men wounded. On the night of the 28th, the regi- ment worked on the intrenchments close to the Confederate works. All work had to be done there without any noise, and no loud talking was permitted. On the morning of the 30th the enemy was surprised by a new line of intrenchments which had sprung up during the night, almost under their noses. That morning the army was early on the move towards Corinth, but without meeting the enemy. Suddenly, about six o'clock, a roaring was heard that, at first sounded like the discharge of heavy guns. These heavy reports were quickly followed at short intervals by others. Soon dense volumes of smoke became visible. "What's that?" exclaimed the men. "They are 'skedaddling,' and destroying what they cannot take along." All was soon made clear. The regiment speedily came in sight of the works of the enemy and found them evacuated. The Seventy-seventh's flag was the first flag of the center division that was planted on those works. After going over them, arms were stacked for a short rest. The Confederate camps were all deserted, their tents still standing. The boys in blue were soon among them, picking up mementos of all kinds, among which were large numbers of homemade knives, of all shapes and sizes. The enemy had, apparently, left in great haste, as much camp equipage was left behind. In some places was found kneaded dough ready to bake into biscuits. In many Dutch ovens biscuits were baking, baked or burnt. Kettles of meat hung over the fires, some cooked, others not yet done. Everything indicated a hasty departure, without even taking time to eat their break- fast before leaving. On their outer works were mounted numerous "Quaker guns'' (logs with ends painted black to imitate cannon) with dummy gunners as harmless as the guns beside them. At the point where the 77th entered the hostile works was In Alabama. 85 a blue uniform, stuffed with straw, suspended by the neck from the limb of a tree, with a card on it marked General Hal- leek. While the regiment was there, the General and his Staff rode up. Some one directed bis attention to the effigy, but be, having- other matters to attend to, rode on. Thus ended the siege of Corinth. On June nine, General Buell received orders to proceed toward East Tennessee, the objective points being Chatta- nooga, Knoxville and Dalton, and to repair the Memphis and Charleston Railway and hold that line as he advanced. The march east began on June tenth. The column moved steadily forward, receiving its supplies as it reached the chief points of communication with the north — Tuscumbia, Florence, Athens and Huntsville, Alabama. In this latitude the weather was now excessively warm, and the roads deep with dust. On June eleventh, Iuka, Mississippi was reached. It was a pretty little town with some famous mineral springs and large hotels, indicating clearly that it was a favorite re- sort for the pleasure or health seekers of the Southland. Here the command remained for some days. On the 15th, it camped on. a high bluff, along the banks of the Tennessee river, opposite to Florence, Alabama, at the point where Gen- eral Andrew Jackson crossed, with his army, in 1812. The place is still called Jackson's Ferry. On the 22d the division crossed the river, and passing through Florence, camped about one mile east of the town. On the 24th, it marched ten miles, and on the 25th, nineteen miles, fording Shoal and Sugar creeks. Owing to the intense heat, the command was obliged to lie over during the middle of the day. On the 26th, with a temperature of 125 degrees in the sbade, the men marched eleven miles, fording Elk river. The twenty-seventh was too hot for marching. While in camp in the woods, a horse race was arranged by some of the officers of the brigade. It gave rise to a dispute, which ended in a sword duel between a Captain and First Lieutenant of the Seventy-seventh. They, with (heir seconds, repaired to :i secluded spol in (lie woods to have it out, but, somehow, the affair leaked out, and a guard was sent after (hem to arrest both offenders. But the guard came too late. The fight w T as on when they arrived, one having already received 86 8 eventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. a sword cut on the head, and the other a cut on one arm. Both were placed under arrest. That evening the command passed through Athens, having marched eight miles. The following day's march to Indian creek was fourteen miles. While camped here some of the boys celebrated the "Fourth of July," "Independence Day," as best they could, making speeches and singing patriotic songs, the writer himself en- joyed a plate of Indian creek turtle soup. Huntsville was passed on the fifth, and next day the command marched fifteen miles, forded Flint river, and camped at Hurricane creek. During the night quite a panic was caused in camp by stam- pedes among the mules, which occurred three different times during the night. Each time the men scattered in every di- rection, some getting behind trees. All thought that the enemy's cavalry was attacking. No one was injured. The next night's bivouac was thirteen miles farther east at Paint Rock creek. Here was found a large spring, pouring forth most excellent water, which at some former time, had been utilized to drive a mill, the ruins of which were still there. On the eighth, Larkinsville was reached after a fifteen mile tramp. The next day the command passed through Scotsboro to Bellefonte, twelve miles more. On the tenth another twelve miles were covered, fording two creeks. On the four- teenth, the entire division was reduced to half rations in con- sequences of a raid of Confederate cavalry to Murfreesbor ough and the destruction of the railroad there. On the eigh- teenth, camp was left at 3 A. M., passing through Stevenson and Bolivar, the division halted near the mouth of Battle creek. The camp was located at the foot of a huge moun- tain from the top of which the enemy's camps were in plain view on the south side of the Tennessee river. While in camp here the 77th picketed the north side of the Tennessee, while the Confederate picket line extended along the south side of the river. The lines being in plain view of each other, frequent conversations, across the river, were held by the boys in blue with those in gray. The second division was the only one as far east as Battle creek. The other divisions of Buell's army were at different points all along the line of the Memphis and Charleston Rail- road, and at other places in the rear where the presence of Battle Creek. 87 troops was necessary. Half rations were continued during the whole stay of the Division in the camp at Battle creek. The amount issued was really very little more than one-fourth rations, as most of the articles allowed by army regulations were missing entirely. Only coffee, sugar, hard bread and meat, with occasionally, a few beans or peas, were issued in half allowance. The amount issued being barely enough to sustain life. To prevent the men going out foraging and to keep them in camp, an order was issued on July 25, providing for a roll call every two hours, during the day. Good spirits, however, prevailed among the men. Some of them, in a jocu- lar way, headed their letters "Camp Starvation, at the foot of Mount Misery, Tennessee." 88 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. CHAPTER III. Bragg moves Northward — Buell follows — Louisville. Kentucky — Re-organi- zation of the Army — -Fern Creek — Claysville — Frankfort — -Lawrence- burg — Capture of Convalescents and Quartermasters — Scarcity of Water — Perryville. ON the twentieth of August it was reported that the Con- federate army, under General Bragg, had crossed the Tennessee river, at or near Chattanooga, and was mov- ing northward, aiming probably at Nashville. This placed the Army of the Ohio on the defensive by threatening its en- tire line of communication with the north. This was a vital matter as the army was already almost without supplies. The country was destitute of corn and other grain, and even fodder could be secured by foraging in only very small quan- tities. Under such circumstances, the only safe plan was to withdraw the army from the line of the Memphis and Charles- ton Railroad and the Tennessee river, and concentrate at some point to the north, and there strive to hold Nashville and pro- tect the line of communication. Therefore, pursuant to orders issued on the twentieth, the Second Division, at eight o'clock in the evening, began its march. Not a bugle, drum, cheer or noise of any kind was heard. Very cautiously, in the stillness of the night, they pro- ceeded to Battle creek, covering the bridge at that point with cornfodder to deaden the sound of the men crossing on it. Evidently they were about to execute some coup, to surprise the enemy and take Chattanooga. Meanwhile the hostile pickets just across the river, ever watchful though they were, never dreamed of the departure of the Union army. But the column had barely started when it was halted to lie on its arms for the night. At daylight it moved up the valley and bivouacked for the night, about Jasper. The next morning at five o'clock the troops were again in motion, the men still thinking that they were bound for Chattanooga. After marching about three miles they were halted and ordered to countermarch over the Cumberland mountains. Naturally Battle Creek. go, the troops were extremely disappointed. Here the moun- tains are rugged and rocky, layer upon layer they lie rough and steep, almost perpendicular at many places, and practi- cally without roads over them. Up these heights the artil- lery and heavy trains must be taken. Whole companies were placed at the wagons; cannons and caissons. It was pull, push and put shoulders to the wheels In some instances I hey had to be lifted up bodilv. AYhen the ascent had been very nearly accomplished, and\he men had already begun to rejoice that their arduous labor was nearly ended, another bitter disappointment came in the shape of orders to far, about. For what purpose they did not know It was very discouraging to have to work so hard to get can- non and wagons up the mountains, only to bring them down again. But the latter task was easier, while difficult enough to accomplish in safety, it was easier to bring them down than to carry them up. The descent was finally accomplished and the command reaching the valley about ten o'clock at night, bivouacked at Battle creek, not far from the old camp ground. All were greatly discouraged at this. Three days had been taken up with the hardest possible work and marching, and all to no purpose, so far as the men could then see or learn Bragg's army had crossed the Tennessee river, and was moving northward up the Sequatchee valley, precisely where General McCook had intended moving with his command To keep on and with a single division, cross the mountains,' risk- ing an attack by the whole Confederate army, was not to be thought of. To remain in the mountains was equally unsafe as Bragg had force sufficient to capture McCook's whole divi- sion, upon learning the whereabouts of the Union forces. Therefore the latter pursued the only seemingly safe course in returning to Battle creek, where they might keep advised of Bragg S movements, or follow after and hasten to form a junction with the main Union army at some point in his rear. Mc< ook resumed his march on the 23d, crossing the moun- tains at Altamont. On the 29th, the command was entirely without supplies. General J. W. Rill took command of the ams4on on the 26th. On September fifth, the command ar- rived at Murfreesborough where the greater part of Buell's 90 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. army was bivouacked. It was evidently the intention of General Bragg to make Nashville his first point of attack, he was however, most effectually frustrated in that design by the rapid concentration of the Union army at that point, by the eighth of September the entire Army of the Ohio had reached the city, and it was then secure against any at- tempts of the enemy to capture it. Consequently he moved northward to invade Kentucky, crossing the Cumberland river at Carthage, several miles east of Nashville. General Negley was left with a garrison sufficient to hold the city, while the remainder of the army pushed forward toward Louisville, Kentucy. Forced marches, sometimes both day and night were the order, the men subsisting almost entirely on green corn, and the supply of even that was very scant. At Bowl- ing Green, on the fifteenth the men received a small allow- ance of supplies. Bragg was then at Glasgow, about thirty miles north, but Buell was gaining on him rapidly. Captured despatches revealed Bragg's intention to push on to and try to secure possession of Louisville. In the mean- time he had attacked the garrison at Munfordville, and com- pelled it to surrender. The prisoners were paroled and sent south to meet Buell's advancing army. They passed the Sev- enty-seventh at Bell's Station. On the nineteenth, Bragg's army had reached Bardstown, where his entire force was con- centrated. Meanwhile Buell hastened to Louisville, at which place his entire army arrived between the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh. The Seventy-seventh arrived on the twenty- sixth. At last there were prospects of a short rest, after the long and weary march. From the twentieth of August to this time, the army had marched, sometimes both day and night, subsisting upon what could be found in a country, over which both armies had passed and repassed, and over roads, cov- ered deep with dust, under a scorching sun, bivouacking at night under the open sky without any shelter, in all kinds of weather, rain, clear or stormy. Yet the men endured all these hardships and privations, without fault finding or grumbling. Their entrance into Louisville was greeted with joy and delight by the citizens who vied with each other in doing everything possible for the soldiers. While marching Louisville, Kentucky. 91 through the streets they were given all along the line provi- sions and water, and cheerily greeted on all sides with "God bless you." They felt thai they had, indeed, again reached "God's country," and the land of plenty. Dirty, ragged, bare- footed and footsore after a long and weary march of 350 miles, they were made happy by the warm welcome of the people of Louisville. From September twenty-fifth to October first, Louisville pre- sented a scene of the greatest activity. Great numbers of troops, enrolled under the call for 300,000 additional men, issued in July by the Persident, were encamped all around the city on both sides of the Ohio river. They had been rallied there to prevent the city falling into the hands of Bragg's army. To this great mass of men was added the vet- eran Army of the Ohio. Hungry, ragged and begrimed with dust they had just completed one of the most remarkable marches recorded in history. Still full of spirits and life, and ready for any duty to which they might be called, this great army was estimated to number 100,000 men. They had to be fed, clothed, and to a great extent, newly equipped. Again provisions had to be made to subsist this host on the forward move, which was soon to occur. Everything neces- sary had to be provided, and properly distributed. It became necessary also to reorganize the army. This was effected by dividing it into three corps, each of which was in reality a complete army in itself, with all the branches — artillery, cavalry and infantry. General McCook was placed in command of the First Corps, or left wing, composed of three divisions, one of which was the second, the Seventy- seventh being in the Fifth Brigade, Second Division. The brigade organization remained unchanged. General Critten- den was assigned to the Second Corps, or the left wing, and General Gilbert to the Third Gorps, or the center Army of the Ohio. On September twenty-ninth. Colonel E. N. Kirk, who had been seriously wounded at Shiloh, having fully recovered from his injuries, returned and was directed to resume command of his old brigade. Tlis return was hailed with joy by all his men, by whom he was greatly beloved. Colonel Stumbaugh, who had command of the brigade during Kirk's forced ab- 7 92 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. sence, rejoined, and again took command of the Seventy-sev- enth. On September thirtieth, the army was ready to again advance against the enemy, whose forces were still at Bards- town. On October first the movement began over the Bards- town, Frankfort and Lebanon pikes. The Second Division was in advance on the Frankfort pike, the Fifth Brigade lead- ing the division with the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and the Thirty-fourth Illinois in front. The enemy was encountered within five miles of Louisville, and skirmishing commenced, continuing intermittently until the command reached Fern creek, on the east bank of which their cavalry was posted in force. Their pickets were at- tacked by the Union cavalry, forced back upon their main body and held in cheek until the Seventy-seventh Pennsyl- vania and Thirty-fourth Illinois came to the relief of the Federal cavalry. Advancing rapidly, the infantry opened fire and after a short time forced the Confederates from their position. The Union line advanced steadily, pressing the enemy back until their retreat became a rout. The brigade pursued them for a distance of three miles, but were unable to overtake them. Then Colonel Kirk ordered Captain Ed- garton to open with his battery, though the distance was a full half mile. The firing was very effective and greatly has- tened the enemy's departure. The cavalry then drove them two miles further. A large quantity of ammunition fell into Kirk's hands. The column moved on through Boston, Simpsonville and Shelby ville, at which latter place the troops were greeted as warmly as they had been at Louisville. On the third of Oc- tober the column resumed its march toward Frankfort. Gen- eral Sill ordered Colonel Kirk 1o make a reconnoisance ten miles to the front. When about three miles from Shelby- ville, Kirk encountered the enemy's outposts of cavalry, who, upon his approach, fell back, from point to point, toward their main body, with scarcely any resistance. At Clay Vil- lage, six miles from Shelbyville, Colonel Kirk, at ten o'clock A. M., learned that a force of Confederates, consisting of two regiments of cavalry and a brigade of infantry with four pieces of artillery were in line of battle about two miles from his front. The men were halted to fill their canteens and Clay Village. 93 then ordered forward. The cavalry was directed to advance and fee] the enemy. The Thirty-fourth Illinois was formed into a skirmish line to the right and left of the turnpike. Edgarton's battery was stationed and the other regiments of the brigade were placed in position. These dispositions had jnst been completed, when the enemy's cavalry came dashing down toward the Union lines. Colonel Kirk ordered his artillery and skirmishers to open upon the enemy, who were rapidly advancing, and were, by thai time, within easy range. For a time the Confederates dauntlessly pushed on until close to the Union line, a large portion of which now concentrated its fire upon them. For a while they stood the fire bravely, but not long. First their line wavered. Then it gradually fell back. Soon the shells from Edgarton's bat- tery falling among them so rapidly, sent them back in the wildest confusion. Kirk was anxious to pursue farther, but his instructions allowed him to advance to Clay Village only, and recommit er a short distance beyond. Having driven the enemy four miles beyond that point, it. was clear that to go farther would be a violation of his orders. The enemy ad- mitted a loss of forty-two, seven killed, nineteen wounded and sixteen missing, the latter, two lieutenants, one color sergeant and thirteen privates fell into the hands chiefly of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania. The loss in Kirk's bri- gade was three wounded. After this engagement, the command returned to Clay Vil- lage, and bivouacked there for the night. On the following day it returned to near Shelbyville. On the sixth it passed through Clay Village, Hardinsville and Bridgeport to Frank- fort, the capital of Kentucky. On that evening the command camped on the west bank of the Kentucky river. Bridges at this point had been destroyed by the enemy, causing some delay in moving the troops across the river, which was. how- ever, accomplished on the seventh. The division then moved through the town and out on the Georgetown pike. It was ascertained that the Confederate forces, under E. Kirby Smith, had moved in another direction, and had crossed the Kentucky river at Salvisa. Thereupon, on the evening of the sevi-nth, the division recrossed the river, and went toward Lawreneeburg. After the latter place had been passed the 94 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. enemy harassed the Federal column all along the line of march. At times they nearly succeeded in cutting off the wagon trains. Water was very scarce and hard to get. Can- teens were nearly all empty. More than once five dollars offered for a single drink of water were refused. The intense heat added greatly to the discomfort of the troops, yet that day they marched twenty-nine miles. When in September the army left Bowling Green, moving northward, there remained behind some seventeen hundred wagons containing all the extra baggage and camp equipage of the army. This immense wagon train some two weeks later proceeded to Louisville, where it arrived on the fourth day of October, where the contents of the wagons were stored and the wagons formed into trains, to furnish supplies to the army then advancing on the enemy. The different sections of these trains were placed in charge of the quartermasters. Some of the quartermasters of the Second Division made ap- plication for permission to each take a wagon containing his personal effects, official papers and books, and move forward to join the command then at Frankfort. Their request was granted. They started on the seventh. On the eighth about noon they passed Dumont's division, and learned that Gen- eral Sill, with the Second Division, had left Frankfort that morning, moving towards Lawrenceburg. They followed after the Division. Learning that a Confederate force had been seen that day in the direction they were going, they sent word back to Dumont's command and asked that an escort be sent with them to guard the wagons until they could join their own division. Such escort was promised them, but it failed to materialize. They then pushed on toward Lawrenceburg, where they ar- rived that evening at about nine o'clock, only to learn that the Second Division had passed through that forenoon and had a fight with the enemy, who were repulsed. The divi- sion had then marched toward Salt river. The train followed until about ten P. M., finding they were near the river, though not yet in sight of the troops, they halted for the night in a field surrounded by woods. The whole party consisted of nine quartermasters and quartermaster sergeants, one major (Bradford) two line officers, and fortv-three convalescents re- Capture of the Quartermasters. 95 turning to their regiments from the hospitals. Early the next morning they were tired upon from the woods in the rear. This was a very rough reveille, but it made them get up in a hurry. Not seeing any enemy they thought the shots came from a few Confederate scouts who might be hovering around. They then very leisurely hitched up their teams, after which they resumed their march. The convalescents were disposed by Major Bradford, of the Seventy-seventh Penn- esylvania as train guards. Soon after entering the woods, Ihf train was tired upon from the left. A portion of the guard, under Captain McClellan, of the Thirty-ninth Indiana, was deployed into the woods to defend it from attacks as it passed along the road. They soon reached Salt river over which they passed on a covered bridge, amidst a shower of bullets. In the meantime nearly all the skirmishers were warmly engaged, one man, a private of the Thirtieth Indiana was severely wounded. The train then halted, for upon a hill some distance to the front, was a large force drawn up in line of battle. This force consisted of infantry, artillery and cavalry, and, as a great many were in blue uniform, it was thought to be General Sill's command. Soon, however, tin 1 Confederate liag was caught by the breeze. Then there was no more doubt as to who confronted them. The question now arose, what can we do? J. E. Cassell, quartermaster of the Seventy-seventh, suggested a flag of truce and surrender. Then Quartermaster Bailey of the Thirtieth Indiana, being the oldest man in the party, consented to go out, provided some other person go with him to carry the flag. Sergeant Chapin of the Thirty-ninth Indiana undertook to do so. At this moment word was brought in that Major Bradford, with a part of the skirmishers had been captured, and that the enemy was moving on their rear. This made it necessary to go forward at once with the white flag. It was soon halted. A Confederate officer advanced to receive the Hag and very little time was afforded Bailey for relied ion. He could not understand why all this preparation was made to capture so insignificant a number, lie, however, rightly concluded that the enemy was unaware of the small force of their opponents. The Confederates probably were under the impression that they were surrounding the entire Second Division. Where- 1)6 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. upon Bailey concluded to keep up this deception until, if pos- sible, he could get favorable terms of surrender. He but- toned up his overcoat to conceal his rank. Upon the ar- rival of the Confederate officer, salutes were exchanged. Bailey in his most dignified manner, said, "Sir, I see that you are a Confederate officer," "Yes sir;" was the reply. "Are those your troops?" inquired Bailey. "Yes sir;" was again replied. "Who are those men in blue on our left?" "They are also our troops." "They yours, too! — in blue uniforms!" "Yes sir." "Well sir," said Bailey, "those men have deceived us, we have been skirmishing with your men for some time past, have killed and wounded some of them, and you have wounded some of ours, and we have finally come out to hold a parley." "I shall be obliged to report to General Cheat- ham, for orders." "Very well, sir," said Bailey. The Confed- erate officer went off to headquarters. In a short time he returned, accompanied by General Cheat- ham. Just then there was firing in their rear, and Bailey re- marked, "Sir! your men are firing upon us while we are out with a flag of truce, what does that mean?" the General asked if there was a flag in the rear, and sent his officer to order the firing to cease. When Bailey said "Well General we have come out to hold a parley." "What have you to say?" in- quired the General. Bailey replied, "We see that you out- number us and, in order to save the useless shedding of blood, if we can make proper terms we will surrender." General Cheatham was very gracious, bowed low, and asked, "W T hat are the terms you wish to make?" Bailey replied, "We have several quartermasters with us, who have their books and papers with them containing their accounts with the Govern- ment, and if these officers can retain these documents and pri- vate property will be respected, we will surrender." General Cheatham said he would be obliged to report to General Withers before he could make terms of surrender." W r hat shall I tell General Withers is the strength of your force?" Bailey replied, "You may say to him our force consists of nine quartermasters, one major, two line officers, forty-three convalescents and nine army wagons. General Cheatham angrily exclaimed, "You are in no condition to dictate terms of surrender!" Bailey replied, assuming much dignity, "I do Capture of the Quartermasters. 97 not know about surrendering without suitable terms." General Cheatham evidently seeing that he was duped, said "Very well, sir; 1 will report to General Withers.'' lie soon returned and said, "Sir; General Withers instructs me to say that he accepts your proposed terms of surrender, but very much regret s that your force is not greater." Whereupon the train and prisoners were brought before General Withers, who gave directions to his officers to see that the terms were strictly complied with. The men were paroled and allowed to depart towards Louisville. It was ascertained that the Confederate force consisted of not less than fifteen thousand men, belonging to the command of General E. Kirby Smith, who had been ordered to inter- cept the Second Division. The enemy had discovered the camp of the quartermasters early in the morning, and sup- posing it to be the Second Division, completely surrounded the camp, with the above result. General Sill had been en- camped that night only three miles in advance of the nine wagons. During the delay occasioned by the quartermasters, he defeated the advance Confederate brigade at Dog Walk, and resumed his march, thus escaping this greatly superior force of the enemy. The capture of the Second Division, which numbered scarcely six thousand men, was undoubtedly prevented by the delay caused by the stout resistance of these forty-three convalescents, and the tact and duplicity displayed by the quartermasters. On the morning of the ninth there was more or less skir- mishing in the front and rear of the column. Many men, on account of the heat and scarcity of water fell out of the ranks to look for water. Quite a number of these were captured by the enemy, who constantly hovered around the flanks of the marching column. Company K, of the Seventy-seventh, lost four men, captured in this manner. The other companies of the regiment suffered less severely. On the tenth the com- mand reached Chaplin river in the midst of a heavy rain- storm. Water was plenty enough then and easy to get. In fact the men had a great deal more than they wanted. On the eleventh the division camped upon the battlelicld of Porryville, which was the scene of a great conflict on the 98 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. eighth. A great many dead, both blue and gray, still un- buried, strewed the field. Bragg had been beaten, forced to retreat and get out of Kentucky. His invasion of that State was an utter failure. In the pursuit, the Seventy-seventh was always at the front, and faithfully performed all its duties. On the twenty-third of October, the regiment passed through Bradfordsville. Most of the town had been destroyed by the Confederates, because the inhabitants were nearly all good Union people. On the following day the division camped near Saloma. There, on the twenty-fifth, for the first time since leaving Battle Creek on the twentieth of August, the wagon trains and camp equipage joined the command. Con- sequently the rejoicing was general. For more than two months the men had been without shelter of any kind. The tents came very opportunely too, for while the men were still erecting them, a heavy snowstorm set in. The night was in- tensely cold and by the morning of the twenty-sixth more than six inches of snow covered the ground, and the streams were frozen solid enough for men to walk across on the ice. On October twenty-seventh, the command left Saloma, passed through Bowling Green on the thirty-first, Franklin, Kentucky on November fourth, Tyree Spring, Tennessee, No- vember five, and arrived at Nashville on the seventh. Murfreesborough Pike. 99 CHAPTER IV Buell relieved from command — Roseerans succeeds him — Kecounoissance to Lavergne — Re-organization of the Army— On to Murfreesborough — The Battle of Stone River — Review of the Army. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, October 24, 1862. (General Orders No. 1GS.) I. By direction of the President, the State of Tennessee, cast of the Tennessee river, and such parts of Northern Alabama and Georgia as may be taken possession of by United States troops, will constitute the Depart- ment of the Cumberland. II. Major General W. S. Etosecrans is assigned to the Department of the ( "umberland. III. The troops under the command of Major General Grant will con- stitute the Thirteenth Army Corps; ami those assigned to tin' command of Major General Roseerans, will constitute the Fourteenth Army Corps. By order of the Secretary of War. L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. PURSUANT to this order General Roseerans reached Louis- ville and assumed command on October thirtieth, and on November seventh, at Nashville, made the following changes in his command: General George H. Thomas was given command of the center; (Jeneral McCook, of the right wing, and General Crittenden, of the left wing. The divi- sions constituting the right wing were the Second, to which the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania was attached, commanded by General J. W. Sill; the Ninth Division under General J. C. Davis, and the Eleventh under General P. H. Sheridan. The Second Division remained in camp at Edgefield on the north side of the Cumberland river, opposite to Nashville, until November sixteenth. Then it crossed the river and moved out the Murfreesborough pike six miles beyond Nash ville and encamped there While there, several reconnois- 100 Seventy seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. sances were made to locate the enemy and find out their in- tentions. On the nineteenth, Colonel Kirk moved out with two regi- ments, the Seventy-seventh being- one of them, and two pieces of Edgarton's battery. He soon found the enemy and opened fire on them, but received no reply. They were driven several miles, after which Colonel Kirk returned to camp with his command. The next reconnoissance of the brigade took place on the twenty-seventh, the entire brigade participating, with the ex- ception of the Thirtieth Indiana, which was on picket. About four miles out the enemy was first encountered. A running fight ensued. It was kept up until the brigade reached Lav- ergne, which was nine miles from camp, and just midway be- tween Nashville and Murfreesborough. Upon the federal approach toward the town the enemy opened a fierce and well- directed artillery fire. The first shell passed directly over Colonel Kirk's head, the second dropped right in the midst of his staff, and others fell around the line, or passed close above the heads of the men. Kirk at once directed Captain Edgarton to open with his battery. His fire was very rapid and accurate, but the Confederates had a decided advantage, as their guns were fired from the top of a hill. Consequently the recoil would send their guns back below the crest, where they could be reloaded in comparative safety. Kirk, in order to dislodge the enemy, ordered the Seventy-seventh Penn- sylvania and the Twenty-ninth Indiana to move to the left and front, with a view to charging the battery from the flank. The Confederates soon discovered the nature of this move, and hurriedly retired upon their reserves. In a few minutes the Federal forces were on the ground the enemy had left. Plenty of blood stains were found there, but the killed or wounded had all been carried off by their comrades. The enemy were driven about one mile farther. Then the bri- gade was ordered to return to camp. It did so in good order, having sustained a loss of twelve wounded. The command reached camp about four P. M.. bringing with it three pris- oners, who said that they had been under the command of General Joe Wheeler. They, however, either could not or would not tell the extent of their loss, except that Wheeler PRINT: JULIUS BIEN 8 CO. NEW YORK COLE. N. KIRK. Advance on Murfreesborough. I'M was wounded in the thigh. Several store and other houses, from which shots had been fired at the brigade, were burned. On November twenty-ninth, Colonel Kirk was commis- sioned Brigadier General. About this time Colonel F. S. Stumbaugh was compelled by ill-health to retire from military service. He was honorably discharged on December 7, 1862. Pursuant to orders from the Commanding General, General K. W. Johnson took command of the Second Division on De- cember tenth. Another reorganization of the army followed on the nine- teenth, by virtue of these orders : "I. The numeration of divisions and brigades, now running through the whole army is hereby changed. Divisions will hereafter be known as the first, second and third, etc., of the center or of such wing. Brigades, as the first, second and third, etc., of such division. II. Brigades in divisions, and divisions in wings, etc., will be numbered from right to left; but in reports of operations they will be designated by the names of their commanders." The Second Division was, consequently, designated as the Second Division, Eight AYing, Army of the Cumberland; and the brigades as follows: First Brigade (formerly Sixth), Brigadier General A. Wil- lich. Second Brigade (formerly Fifth), Brigadier General E. N. Kirk, and Third Brigade (formerly Fourth), Colonel H. M. Buckley. This was the organization on December twenty-sixth, when the march upon Murfreesborough commenced, the announce- ment of which was made the previous night. The day dawned vciv drearily. A heavy fog covered the low lands, and dense clouds hung overhead. However no order came lo check the advance. Reveille was sounded all along the lines, rousing up the men. In a short time the army wagons were moving toward Nashville, to be there safely parked, under the protec- tion of the guns of the forts. The army moved southward, expecting the enemy to offer battle at Stewart's creek, about five miles south of Lavergne on the Murfreesborough pike. Therefore the army moved in three columns, pursuant to the following instructions: 102 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. "McCook, with three divisions, to advance by the Nolens- ville pike to Triune. Thomas, with two divisions (Negley's and Rousseau's) to ad- vance on his right, by the Franklin and Wilson pikes, threat- ening Hardee's right, and then to fall in by the cross roads to Nolensville. Crittenden, with Woods's, Palmer's and Van Cleve's divi- sions, to advance by the Murfreesborough pike to LaVergne. With Thomas' two divisions at Nolensville, McCook was to attack Hardee at Triune; and if the enemy reinforced Hardee, Thomas was to support McCook. If McCook beat Hardee or Hardee retreated, and the enemy met us at Stewart's creek, five miles south of LaVergne, Crit- tenden was to attack him. Thomas was to come in on his left flank, and McCook, after detaching a division to pursue or observe Hardee, if retreating southward, was to move with the remainder of his force on his rear." At six o'clock Davis' Division moved out the Edmonson pike with orders to move to Prim's blacksmith shop, thence by dirt road to Nolensville. Sheridan at the same time moved direct to Nolensville, followed by Johnson with the Second Division. The advance struck the enemy about two miles out, when skirmishing commenced, which was kept up briskly throughout the day. It had rained the entire day, and the roads had become very deep with mud and almost impassable. The corps camped on the hills, south of Nolensville, for the night. At daybreak, on the twenty-seventh, the corps moved forward; General Stanley with the cavalry in advance, closely followed by the second division. A heavy fog covered the whole country, making the movement of troops very difficult. After having proceeded about one and one-half miles, a large force of cavalry, supported by artillery, was encountered. They opened fire on our cavalry, and appeared to be inclined to contest the advance. The skirmishing becoming more animated, the column pushed rapidly on until, ascending higher ground, it was opened on with shot and shell. General Kirk took advantage of the cedars along his front, in which he posted the brigade, together with Edgarton's battery, which opened with every gun upon the Confederate battery, and after a short and spirited contest, drove them out of range. The Battle of Triune. 103 The third brigade was ordered up, and placed on the right of the road. The first brigade was in reserve. The firing in front became very spirited, but hazardous, as the fog became so dense that it was impossible to see any distance through it. Even our own cavalry on the flanks were mistaken for the enemy, and fired into by our own men. Before attempt- ing any farther advance it was deemed best to await the clear- ing away of the fog. After which the division moved for- ward in line, skirmishing with the enemy until about four o'clock P. M., when it reached high ground, overlooking Triune. Here the enemy, in force, was in plain view, drawn up in line of battle. Our artillery commenced shelling their position. One of Edgarton's first shots disabled one of their pieces. The in- fantry charged the Confederate batteries, which did not await their coining, but fled. The rain now came down in torrents, and the pursuit had to be abandoned temporarily. An hour later it was resumed, but the enemy had destroyed the bridge across Wilson's creek, which runs by the edge of the town, compelling the Union artillery to cross at a point about one and one-half miles below. The troops pushed on, driving the enemy before them, until darkness put an end to the conflict. The men bivouacked for the night in the mud on the field, without fire or shelter, about a mile south of Triune. On the twenty-ninth, the right wing moved on the Bolerjack road, the second division being in the rear of the corps. The third brigade was left temporarily at Triune, for the purpose of protecting the right flank of the army. That night was very disagreeable, owing to a cold drenching rain. Kirk's and Willich's brigades bivouacked near the Salem pike, about five miles from Murfreesborough, the men lying on their aims in the rear of Davis' division. On the thirtieth, McCook formed his corps in line of battle; Sheridan's division covering the "Wilkinson pike, with Davis in line on his right. Kirk's and Willich's brigades were in reserve on the pike. Sheridan and Davis were engaged during the day, meeting with some loss, but steadily forcing the enemy back. About one o'clock in the afternoon, Kirk and Willich obliqued to the right, covering Davis' right, as they 104 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. moved into position. It being seriously threatened by tbe Confederate cavalry. Edgarton threw a few shells among them, and they retired. Soon after this two hostile batteries, on the front of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, opened fire. Edgarton replied, opening with all his guns upon the nearest one, killing and wounding several of their horses and men, and dismounting one of their pieces. They rapidly withdrew, with the loss of one of their guns, and two or three caissons. His guns were then turned upon the other battery, which, too, was soon driven from the field. The third brigade (Baldwin's) was ordered up from Triune. It joined the division after dark, and bivouacked near John- son's headquarters. On the evening of the thirtieth, the left of Rosecrans' line of battle rested on Stone river, about three miles northwest of Murfreesborough. Thence it extended, in a southwesterly direction, fully three miles, to the Franklin pike, about two and three-fourths miles west of Murfreesbor- ough, at the point where a dirt road connects it with the Wil- kinson pike. Kirk's brigade was formed on the right of Davis' right. Willich's brigade was on Kirk's right, on the extreme right of the line, facing south. It was thus posted in order to protect that Hank. The cavalry was also on the right flank. Kirk's picket, or skirmish line, covering his front, joined Willich's on the right and Davis' on the left. Throughout the night, the pickets observed great activity among the enemy, as of a continuous movement on their part toward the Union right. This was duly reported to Head- quarters. At dawn on the morning of the thirty-first, the skirmishers of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania saw, in their immediate front, the advancing Confederates, who came up in heavy col- umns in regimental front and four columns deep, with a strong reserve, massed and advancing in their rear. One column moved directly against the front of the Seventy-sev- enth, the others against the regiments to the right. The Seventy-seventh skirmishers opened fire upon the advancing foe, as soon as they came within range. They, however, paid not the slightesl attention to it. but kept steadily on, singing as they came. Enough words could be distinguished to in- dicate that the song was something about southern rights. The Battle of Stone River. 105 As they peached the last fence, which was less than fifty yards in front of the Seventy-seventh's skirmish line, their command, "down with the fence," was distinctly heard. After crossing thai fence line they opened a fire, which, from the be- ginning, was very hot. The skirmishers fell back, and the regiment advanced to their support, but it was unavailing. As the enemy was in overwhelming numbers, the regimen! w;is compelled to retire. It did so slowly and in good order, though its loss at this point was very heavy. On reaching the original Union line of battle, it was found that all the regiments to the right of the Seventy-seventh had been struck by the enemy, and driven back, so that they were not then in sight of the Pennsylvanians. After falling back a shor! dis- tance farther, the regiment formed on the right of Davis' di- vision, which was also retiring. A short distance in front, and in plain view, could be seen the guns of Edgarton's battery, which had been captured by the enemy in their onslaught upon the right, early in the morning. Some idea of the fierce- ness of the attack can be gained from the experience of the jacket posts. A single, typical illustration will suffice. Of the five men at one of these posts, one was killed, another- ser- iously wounded in the breast, and a third was taken prisoner, a loss at that post, in a very few minutes, of sixty per cent. The remaining two succeeded in reaching their proper places in the Union line in safety. The experience of the other picket posts was similar to this one. Some of the horses of Edgarton's battery had been taken to water. Of those remaining with the battery, at the time of the Confederate advance, so many were killed and disabled by the hostile fire, that the battery became entirely unman- ageable and was captured. To the east of Edgarton's guns was a Confederate battery in action. Lieutenant Colonel Housum ordered the regiment to charge these guns. It did so unsupported in good style, driving all the enemy's gunners away. The righi of the regiment got right in amongsl Ed- garton's guns, but for lack of horses, were unable to move them. Suddenly an overwhelming force of infantry con- fronted the regiment, and it was again forced back. The Con federate gunners at the same time rallied, and opened upon it with all their guns, first with canister, then with grape, and 106 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. finally with shrapnel and solid shot. The regiment retired slowly and in good order. At every puff of smoke from the guns, the men dropped to the ground. After the shot had passed over them, they would rise, and retire farther. Thus the regiment finally passed out of range, but not without con- siderable loss. Here Lieutenant Colonel Housum was mor- tally wounded by canister, from which he died the following day. Here, too, the color-bearer, who had carried the flag through the Mexican war, received his death wound, as did also numbers of the men. The regiment, retiring in a northerly direction, was halted upon a slight eminence in the woods, by a mounted officer, and ordered to hold that position. They faced about and stood still, awaiting the oncoming of the enemy. Troops, in great disorder and confusion were streaming northw r ard on all sides of the regiment. It seemed to be a case of every one for him- self, and the enemy take the hindmost. Amidst all this con- fusion, the Seventy-seventh stood still, facing the oncoming storm, until ordered by another mounted officer to retire. He told us that we would all be captured, if we remained there much longer. Then the regiment retired in good order, halt- ing on every favorable piece of ground, to give battle until it finally reached the Murfreesborough pike, wiiere in the woods it found the remnants of the other regiments of the division. Lieutenant Colonel Housum was the only field officer with the regiment in this engagement. After his fall, the com- mand devolved by seniority upon Captain Thomas E. Rose, of Company B. At this point, the special part taken by the Seventy-seventh having been just set forth, it becomes necessary to revert back again to the beginning of the battle to show how the other commands fared. In their original attack, the Con- federates moved on the right, so as to completely flank Kirk's line, thus rendering his position entirely untenable. On they came like a huge, irresistible tidal wave. The Thirty-fourth Illinois soon became engaged at close quarters, and, in a few moments, lost a dozen killed and five times that number wounded. Over its colors the strife was terrible. Five color- bearers fell in rapid succession. At last their colors were LIEUT. COL. P. B.HOUSUM. PRINT. JULIUS BIEN a CO. NEW YORK The Battle of titone River. 107 Lauded to one of Edgarton's men, who was mounted, to carry to the rear, but he too was shot. Then the Hag fell into the hands of the enemy. The Confederates now rushed upon Edgarton's battery. He told his men to save themselves, while he, with one of his lieutenants, stood by one of his guns, loading and discharged it into the column as il closed upon him, until lie was taken prisoner. Many of his men refused to leave him, and fought the foe with their swords, until they were either killed or cap- tured. General Kirk, having lost his guns, hastily withdrew his regiments to another position, there to renew the contest with the oncoming enemy. He dashed to Willich's brigade, which was also suffering heavily from the enemy's tire, and appealed for aid. A portion of one of his regiments aided in the new defense. The other regiments, while awaiting orders from General Willich, were driven back before such orders could be given. The enemy's lire was so heavy that it soon threw Kirk's ranks into disorder. He had his horse shot from under him at this point. With greatly superior num- bers, the Confederates forced the brigade to fall back again. Kirk's second horse was shot under him, and he was himself mortally wounded. Willich, too, while trying to rally his brigade in support of Kirk, had his horse shot under him, was wounded and captured. Back of this point lay a corn field and beyond it was a piece of timber for which, in con- siderable confusion, the men hastily pressed. General Kirk followed for a short distance, but soon, from the great loss of blood, his strength failed, and he was borne to the rear. Colonel Dodge, of the Thirtieth Indiana, was no- tified, and at once assumed command of the brigade. This retreat was disastrous to a further unity of action, during this fearful struggle. A part of the Thirty-fourth Illinois, in its retreat, got mixed up with Willich's men, and was carried too far to the right. Many of them were captured by the Confederate cavalry on the right flank of the Federal troops. Major Dysarf, of the Thirty-fourth Illinois, suc- ceeded in rallying about fifty of his men, behind a fence, nearly a mile in the rear of his former position. He opened fire upon some Confederate cavalry, but finding it impossible to hold his position, was compelled to retreat to the Nashville pike. 8 108 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. The Thirtieth Indiana, falling rapidly back to the right and rear, halted for a moment at a fence, and then fell back farther into the woods. Here it was joined by some of its men from its four companies, which had been on picket in the morning. They had lost, among others, Major Fitzsini- mons, who was captured. Major Buckner reported to Col- onel Dodge that the Seventy-ninth Illinois were present and ready for duty. Dodge ordered it forward across an open field to the right. The regiment was new and this was its first battle, but it advanced steadily under a terribly de- structive fire. It came on a double quick, formed on the right of the Thirtieth Indiana, and at once engaged the enemy. General Johnson, seeing the enemy advancing on the remnants of the second brigade, where the Seventy-ninth Illinois joined it, ordered Colonel Baldwin to move the First Ohio and Sixth Indiana on the left of the second brigade. One section of the Fifth Indiana battery was posted between these two regi- ments. The Fifth Kentucky and Ninety-third Ohio were sta- tioned in support. This line was immediately attacked by the enemy, and a furious fire of artillery and musketry was poured upon it. Here Colonel Bead, of the Seventy-ninth Illinois was killed, Lieutenant Colonel Dunn, of the Twenty- ninth Indiana, was captured, and many others of less rank were either killed, wounded or captured. The gallant stand was of no avail as the numbers of the enemy were overwhelm- ing. The Seventy-ninth Illinois broke first, followed imme- diately by the others. With yells and a most withering fire the enemy charged upon them, capturing two guns from the Fifth Indiana battery. General Davis' division to the left next gave way. That left but one thing to do; namely, to retreat. Some few hun- dred yards to the rear an attempt was made to reform the line. Meantime the Confederate artillery were sending shot and shell after the retreating and disorganized soldiers. Some one gave an order for a further retreat, and the men gladly obeyed. On they fled, first at double quick, then on a run as rapidly as they could travel. This wild flight was not checked until the Nashville and Murfreesborough pike was reached. There the men were rallied, and reformed, but their number was pitifully small. They were rejoined at the pike, The Battle of Stone River. 109 sometime later, by the Seventy-seventh, which had, at that time, almost as many men in line, as the oilier regiments of the brigade combined. Simonson placed bis four remaining guns of the Fifth In- diana battery in line, and the brigade, now about live hundred strong, was ordered to its support. It opened with all ils guns upon the enemy, which appeared to somewhat check them. A few minutes later they were observed moving to the right. General Johnson ordered the brigade to move a short distance to the right of the battery, there to await the approach of the enemy, who were the same men that had first attacked the brigade, early in the morning. On they came, as boldly as ever, but this time, the result proved different. At this time Van Cleve moved a part of his division to the left of the second brigade. In another moment one simul- taneous fire rolled along this line, cutting down the men in gray by scores. The attack seemed to be entirely unexpected by them. Their line broke, but was soon reformed and again advanced. Then a charge was ordered and the Union line rushed forward. The shock was fearful and grand; the effects on the enemy terrible. They were driven back with bayonets and fled through the woods, across the fields and back over the ground, over which, not more than an hour be- fore, they had so fiercely pursued these same soldiers of the second brigade. Three days later one hundred and seventy- nine Confederate dead were buried in this field on the front where the second brigade had dealt out to them such havoc. The brigade having replenished its ammunition, again moved to the front, but, as the Confederates made no further attack, it was not again engaged. The right wing was now reformed, nearly parallel with the Nashville pike. The Con- federate line was several hundred yards west, on its front. Thus located, both armies bivouacked for the night, throwing up such defensive works as they could. Davis' and Sheridan's divisions lost very heavily in this fierce battle of the right wing. All of Sheridan's brigade 1 com- manders were killed on the field. McCook's corps held its new line until the end of the bat- tle, and was not again attacked. Most of the heavy fighting on the succeeding davs of the conflict occurred on the left. ilO Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Heavy fighting practically ended for the Seventy-seventh with the great struggle of the right wing. It was, however, greatly annoyed, till the end of the battle, by sharpshooters, concealed among the trees, about 400 yards in its front. One of them proved particularly annoying, until Captain Rose, of Company B, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania took a rifle from one of his men, and stepped into plain view. The Confeder ate fired and missed his mark. Rose fired back, and also missed. A second shot from the sharpshooter missed, but, as Captain Rose fired again, the Confederate was seen to drop out of his tree, to the ground. He was carried to the rear by his companions. At the beginning of the battle, the enemy's cavalry got in the rear of the Union army and destroyed the supply train of the second division at Lavergne. Consequently the division suffered greatly for want of supplies. During the four days of the engagement, each man received only a half pound of crackers, and a small teacupful of flour. Fortunately nearly all of them had coffee in their haversacks. On the morning of January fourth, it was ascertained that the enemy had left. The loss of the regiment in this battle, in killed, wounded and missing, was sixty-four, including Lieu- tenant Colonel P. B. Housum, the only field officer with the regiment at the time. As the ranking officer of the. regiment, Captain Thomas E. Rose made the following report, as to the Seventy-seventh's part in this battle of Murfreesborough or Stone river: Headquarters Seventy-seventh Regt. Pennsylvania Vols. In Camp near Murfreesborough, January 8, 18G3. Sir: I have the honor to make the following report of the Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, from the time of leaving camp near Mill Creek, Tenn., December 26, 1862, to January 3, 1863, viz: We broke up our camp, near Mill Creek, December 26, sent our wagon train to Nashville, and took up our line of march in the direction of Shelbyville, on the Nolensville turnpike, and encamped in the evening a short distance beyond Nolensville. December 27 we continued our march in the same direction, and on the same road. At 8 A. M. we encountered the enemy within two miles of Triune. We were immediately placed in position, with the balance of our brigade on the left of the road. Our front line was com- posed with the Twenty-ninth Indiana Volunteers on the left, the Thirty- fourth Illinois Volunteers on the right, and the Thirtieth Indiana Volunteers The Battle of Stone River. Ill in the centre. Our regiment and the Seventy-ninth regiment Illinois Volun- teers were held in reserve, but were advanced with the brigade, our regi- ment covering the Twenty-ninth Indiana Volunteers. Skirmishers were thrown forward by each of the three first named regiments, as also were two companies of the Seventy-seventh regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, which occupied the extreme left of the line. In this manner we advanced towards Triune, driving the enemy from his position and took possession of the town, the enemy retreating towards Shelbyville. We encamped about one mile beyond Triune, near the turnpike. December 28. We remained in camp, where we stopped the evening before. December 29. We retraced our march, on the same road, for two miles, and turned off on a dirt road, running in an easterly course into the Salem turnpike, at the junction of which two roads we, silently and without fires, encamped for the night. December 30. We marched towards Murfreesborough, on the Salem turn- pike, for about three miles, when we were thrown into column by division, into the woods on the right of the road, with the balance of our brigade and division. At this time heavy skirmishing was going on on our left, and in front. We advanced for a short distance, when our regiment and the Thirtieth Indiana Volunteers were ordered to change front to the right, deploy column and throw out skirmishers. We then advanced, moving towards the right of the general line of battle, for about a quarter of a mile. We then changed front to the left, and occupied a dense cedar grove. The position of our regiment was now on the right of the Twenty- second Indiana Volunteers, of General Davis' division. It was here that we received a heavy fire from a rebel battery, that was stationed to the right, and in front of us, on an open field, by the edge of the woods, at a distance of about 500 yards. After a sharp skirmish it was silenced, when we threw out our pickets and remained for the night. Our position was now on the left of our brigade, and on the right of Davis' division. December 31. We were under arms at 4 A. M., and, at daylight, we discovered the enemy, in large force, within GO yards of our pickets, who immediately commenced firing, when the enemy advanced to a furious attack. As the pickets retired, our regiment advanced to meet the enemy, and resisted their attack with desperate valor, repulsing the forces imme- diately in our front, with great slaughter and compelling them to retire across the brook, where we first found them posted, into a corn field beyond. This was the first attack that was made on our lines; but almost at the same time the enemy's columns, which were directed on those regiments on our right, pressed furiously onward, bearing down everything before them. The regiments on our right fell back after a short but desperate resistance, as was shown by the great mortality on both sides. Soon after this, the regiment on our left changed position to our rear, leaving our regiment completely isolated ami battling against great odds, with the danger of being surrounded. We were ordered to retire for about 150 yards, and then march to the right, in order, if possible, to reattach ourselves to the balance of our brigade, which had been driven from its fust position. 112 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. While doing this we fell in with a portion of General Davis' division, and were advised that we had better co-operate with that division for the present, as our brigade had, by that time, retired so far that it would con- sume much valuable time in finding it, time that could be used, at this particular juncture to greater advantage by re-inforcing one of his (Davis') brigades. We posted ourselves on the right of Davis' division, in front of which was a rebel battery, at a distance of about 400 yards. A little to the right and in front of this was Edgartoii's battery, which had been previously captured by the rebels in the onset and was still in their pos- session. It was here that our regiment charged alone, recapturing Edgarton's battery, and up to the guns of the rebel battery, through a hurricane of grape and canister, until we were confronted by several thousand of the rebel infantry, when, as we were unsupported, we were obliged to retire to the line from which we had started on the charge, leaving our much loved battery in the hands of the rebels, as we had no means of moving it off. Yet we were repaid for this desperate charge, as much as for any we made during the day, in damaging the enemy and holding him in check. We retired in good order, halted and formed in our previous position, on the right of Davis' division. Here Colonel Housum fell. The battle was here hotly contested for some time, when our forces began to give way, fiercely pursued by the enemy, who came near taking a battery of ours at this place. As soon as the battery was safely off, we retired to the fence on the opposite side of the field, where we stood alone for some time, contending with the rebels, until they commenced scaling the fence on our right and left, when we retired to the woods and again made a stand. We thus continued for some time, taking advantage of everything that came in our way, moving slowly, and our line never broke once throughout the day; but we fought every time we could find a line to rest on, or wherever we could gain a position in which we could, for a minute, successfully make a stand. When we came near the Nashville and Murfreesborough turnpike we fell in with a portion of the Twenty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, under the gallant Major Collins; also a portion of the Thirtieth Indiana Volunteers. These, with our regiment, were now joined together as a remnant of the old Fifth brigade, under Colonel Dodge, as brigade commander. We were posted, on the edge of the woods, by General Johnson, on the right'of General Gleve's division, which had just come up. The rebels were now coining on with tenfold more impetuosity, and our men were ordered to lie down quietly behind a fence, which partly protected us. We waited here until the rebels were within a short distance, when we up and delivered our fire with such great eeffct that the rebels began to give way. We now pitched into them with whoop and yell, all the time delivering a must destructive tire, and soon the wh.de rebel column was in full retreat. We drove them half a mile, when our ammunition gave out and we were relieved, when we retired to the railroad to obtain a fresh supply. This was the first check of importance that the rebels received, as it saved our ammunition train and secured for our forces an important position. The Battle of Stone River. 113 January 1, 1SG3. We remained under arms on the crest of the hill, where we ended our final charge on the 31st ultimo. At 4 F. M. we received a heavy Gre from a rebel battery, which was soon silenced. January 2. Remained in the same position as on the 1st. A heavy battle was fought on our left, in which we took no part. In the evening we went on picket. A heavy skirmish took place immediately in front of our line. January 3. Still remained under arms in our old position. At night, in the midst of the rain, the last final struggle was made, in which we took no part. During this great battle our little regiment did no discredit to the old Keystone State. Officers and men stood up and did their duty nobly. * * * * $ * * * * * * That our line never broke shows that our men fought like veterans. We went into action with 288 men, we lost, in killed 5, including Lieutenant Colonel Housum; in wounded 29, including one commissioned officer; miss- ing, 29, including 2 commissioned officers. Total, 63. Of those missing the greater part were either killed or taken prisoners. I have the honor to be, most respectfully your obedient servant, TOM ELLWOOD ROSE, Captain Commanding Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers. Capt. D. C. Wagner, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Second Brigade. The wagon trains joined the troops on the field on the sixth, when the division marched through Murfreesborough, four miles out the Shelbyville pike, and there camped. Supplies were still very short. In the three days immediately preceding this move, the men received but one-half pound of crackers (hardtack) and a very small piece of bacon apiece. From here, on the eleventh, the regiment marched to Nashville to escort a large, empty sup- ply train, to return on the thirteenth, with the wagons loaded full, marching thirty-three miles on the latter day. After the battle of Stone river, the Seventy-seventh was without field officers, ns Major Bradford had previously re- signed. Captain Thomas E. Rose was commissioned Colonel; Captain Frederick S. Pyfer, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Alexander Phillips, Major. General Rosecrans having heard of the charge of the Sev- enty-seventh upon the Confederate battery, was so much in- terested in the affair, thai a few days after the battle, he rode into the camp of the regiment, and then, accompanied by ils 114 Seventy- seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. field officers, went to the battlefield to view the ground, over which the regiment had passed on that eventful morning of December 31, 1862. While encamped here, pursuant to orders from the War Department, dated January 9, 1863, the army (the Fourteenth Army Corps) was divided into three corps. The center was designated the Fourteenth Corps; the right wing, the Twen- tieth Corp; and the left wing, the Twenty-first Corps. This change of name did not however, affect either the or- ganization of the army or its various commanders. On the seventh day of February, the Seventy-seventh, to- gether with the other regiments of the second brigade, was detailed to work upon the fortifications. It moved to near the Nashville pike, a short distance west of the town. There is was engaged in the construction of a fort, which was com- pleted in exactly four months. This fort was considered one of the strongest earth works in that part of the country. On March twentieth, the entire Army of the Cumberland was drawn up in line for review by General Kosecrans and Staff. The General, in riding along the line from right to left, stopped a few moments in front of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, and said to Colonel Rose, "Colonel, I see your regiment is all right. Give my compliments to your men, tell them it is the banner regiment of Stone river. It was the only regiment on the right wing that never broke ranks." This was proba- bly the highest compliment ever paid to any regiment by the Commanding General of an army. It was duly communicated to the men, while on dress parade that same evening. COL.THOS. E.ROSE. PRINT: JULIUS BIEN SCO NEW YORK The Battle of Liberty Gap. 115 CHAPTER V. Liberty Gap — Tullahoma. ON June seventh, the brigade was relieved from its work on the fortifications and returned to the division. On the twentieth Colonel John F. Miller, of the Twenty-ninth Indiana, returned to his regiment, and, being the senior offi- cer, took command of the brigade. Everything now pointed to a very early forward move. The main force of the enemy was on the north of the Duck river, with its right at War- trace, and its left at Shelbyville, with cavalry protecting both flanks, on the right, as far as McMinnville, and on the left, to Columbia and Spring Hill. Along its entire front were the Cedar Hills, a spur of the Cumberland mountains. These hills are steep, rocky and high, with few roads suitable for the movements of an army. These roads were by McMinn- ville to the extreme right of the Confederate position; by Manchester pike, which crosses the hills through Hoover's Gap; the Wartrace road through Liberty Gap; a road through Bellebuckle Gap; and the Shelbyville pike, which leads through Guy's Gap to the left of the Confederate line. Shelbyville was strongly fortified, and all these passes were guarded by strong forces of the enemy. Polk's corps was at Shelbyville. Hardee adjoined his right, and held Bellebuckle, Liberty and Hoover's Gap. Their strength was estimated at fully 40, 000 men. It was evidently Bragg' s intention to offer battle here. Tullahoma is situated at the junction of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and the railroad coming down from Mc- Minnville, about fifteen miles south of Wartrace. It was strongly fortified by rifle pits and heavy earthworks. In order to reach Tullahoma it was necessary to dislodge the enemy and drive him from his strong position among the Cof- 116 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. fee Hills. The morning of the twenty-fourth began with a dreary dismal rain, which soon made the roads almost impassa- ble for artillery and wagons. Sheridan's division marched out the Shelbyvilie pike at daylight. He was followed, for six miles by Johnson's division, which then turned off to the left on a dirt road direct to Old Millersburg. Davis followed on the same road. After leaving the Shelbyvilie pike the second division was in advance, Willich's brigade leading the column. It reached Old Millersburg at noon, without en- countering the foe. General McCook then ordered General Johnson to recon- noiter Liberty Gap, which was done by the Thirty-ninth In- diana mounted infantry, attached to the first brigade. About two o'clock in the afternoon their Colonel, Harrison, reported that he was skirmishing with a force of infantry, posted in front of the Gap. The first brigade was then advanced to the skirmish line. As it came forward the enemy fell back upon their supports, posted along the crest of the hills which form the northern entrance to the Gap. To dislodge the enemy from this position, it was necessary to ascend the heights. About half-way to their summits these very steep hills were under cultivation. From there to the crest was nothing but jagged rock and timber. To carry the heights by direct assault was very difficult. It was therefore determined to flank the position. Thus far only Willich's brigade had been engaged. The task assigned to it proved too much for it to accomplish alone, and the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and the Twenty-ninth Indiana were ordered to the front, thus extending the right of the line. The whole line now moved forward on a double quick, under a most furious fire, which, however, did very little damage. Firing from such a height the enemy mostly overshot, and their missiles passed over the heads of the advancing line. The Confederates were completely outflanked to the right and left, and compelled to flee. Immediately in front of the Seventy-seventh the heights were very rough, rocky and. al- most perpendicular. To climb them was a most difficult per- formance. Some of the men slung their guns across their backs, and pulled themselves up, hand over hand, by taking hold of roots and brush. They finally reached the summit, The Battle of Liberty Gap. 117 right in the midsl of the camp just abandoned by the enemy. The Confederates had evidently been disturbed at their din- ners as the Seventy seventh's boys found many tables, set ready for the meal. The enemy was driven more than a mile. The brigade halted after passing Liberty Church. Here the troops bi- vouacked. The third brigade came up, moved still farther on and established the picket line. Before the pickets could be properly posted some skirmishing was done by the advance. In it the Seventy-seventh did not participate. The constant rain of the day continued throughout the entire night. Men got what sleep they could in their beds of soft mud, until three o'clock next morning, which hour found the command again under arms. Positive information was received that Cleburne's division had reinforced the enemy during the night. This meant more fighting, and harder than that of the preceding day. Early in the morning "Willich's brigade was ordered to the front to join the third brigade on the skirmish line. Some desultory tiring was done by the two lines, but it was not very heavy. At ten o'clock the enemy's cavalry and infantry ap- peared in force, and opened a spirited tire, which was harm- less, as they were too far away. At noon they made another attack, which also after a sharp tight, was repulsed. Within an hour they again advanced, in greater numbers, and opened with artillery and musketry, straining every nerve to recover what they had lost on the preceding day. So far only the first brigade had been engaged, but, as the enemy was too strong for Willich, whose ammunition was about exhausted, the Seventy seventh Pennsylvania and Seventy-ninth Illinois were sent to the relief of the first brigade. The Seventy-sev- enth was put in front with the Seventy-ninth Illinois follow- ing, somewhat to their left, immediately beyond where (he relief passed Willich was an orchard, then a corn field deep with mud. About five hundred yards beyond that a creek tlowed along an irregular range of hills about one hundred feet high. As the Seventy-seventh entered the orchard, they opened lire on the enemy, who were in plain view. Charging through orchard and corn field, about as rapidly as men could go. thev drove the Confederates before them to the hills. In 118 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. crossing the corn field the regiment was subject to a fierce and well-directed, enfilading fire from a hostile battery, posted some distance to the right. This fire was very disastrous. The regiment did not pause until it had reached the creek at the foot of the hills. Here, somewhat protected by a rail fence, it kept up the fight. The Seventy-ninth Illinois now coming up, formed on the left of the Pennsylvanians. Behind this fence the men were falling rapidly, Lieutenant Win. H. Thomas was instantly killed there, and Colonel Miller was disabled by a minie ball in the left eye. Thereupon Colonel Rose assumed command of the brigade. The further pro- gress of the Seventy-seventh during this action is set forth in Colonel Rose's official report, which follows: "Headquarters Seventy-seventh Regt. Pennsylvania Volunteers. In Camp at Tullahoma, July 6, 1863. Captain: In compliance with orders from General Johnson, dated July 5, 1863, received to-day, I submit the following report of the operations of my regiment on the 24th and 25th of June, 1863, which is as follows: At Murfreesborough, Tennessee, June 24, 1863, I received orders to break up my camp at 4 A. M. and march towards Shelbyville, Tenn., on the Shelbyville turnpike. We broke our camp, as ordered, and marched out about 6 o'clock A. M., and continued on the Shelbyville road until we came to Wartrace road. We left the turnpike and continued on a dirt road through Millersburg toward Wartrace, until we arrived at Liberty Gap, at which place we arrived, after a toilsome march through the mud, at about 3 P. M. At this time the enemy's pickets were encountered by General Willich's brigade, which was in advance of our own. The firing soon became quite spirited, and finally assumed the form of a skirmish, when the Twenty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, of our own brigade, was ordered forward to try the flank of the enemy, which order was promptly and spiritedly executed. In a few minutes after I received orders to move up for the same purpose. I imme- diately moved up .in column by company to the main entrance of the Gap, where the enemy were posted, and then piloted by Lieutenant Sheets, of General Johnson's staff, moved up on the opposite slope of a ravine, which extended around the elliptical base of the hill, on which the left wing of the enemy was posted. I proceeded along this ravine for several hundred yards under a sharp fire from the enemy's sharpshooters, which did but little damage, until I gained what was deemed a proper position, when 1 was ordered by Colonel Miller, now in command of the brigade, to move directly on the enemy, who was posted on a hill of from 80 to 100 feet elevation, on the opposite side of the ravine, which ravine was about .". yards wide, quite level and muddy. I at once formed line of battle and moved half way across the ravine, throwing two companies of skir- The Battle of Liberty Gap. 119 mishers nearly to the foot of the hill, when 1 was directed by one of General Willich's aides that 1 was not far enough to the right to co-operate with his brigade. 1 informed him that I was acting under orders from Colonel Miller, to whom I directed him to go and bring me further instructions. He immediately returned with an order for me to move about 150 yards to the right, and then, as before, move up to the hill against the enemy. I did as I was commanded, and found the hill very steep, so much so that we were obliged to scramble up laying hold of the bushes and saplings in order to effect progress; ill fact, it was equal to scaling the heights of Abraham, but the enemy did not offer as much resistance as 1 had expected, from the tire that he had kept up on my regiment from the time we had first approached the Gap, for, while we scrambled up on one side of the hill he scrambled down on the other side in great confusion, leaving his camps without attempting to move anything. We pursued the enemy over the hills and up through the Gap for about a mile, as nearly as I can judge, when we were halted by order of General Johnson, and relieved by the Third brigade. We then went into camp on the slope of the hill, on the right of the road, at the entrance to the middle ravine. We were here very much exposed to the enemy's shells, several of which came near knocking down the stacks of my muskets, but, as night was settling in we were soon relieved from annoyance and lay down and slept soundly. During this day's skirmish 1 lost one man wounded. We killed one of the enemy and took one prisoner. I do not know how many we wounded, as the enemy had every opportunity of removing them, while we were climbing up the hill. Their wounded were about all they did remove. At night four companies of my regiment went on picket. On the morning of the 25th my four companies were relieved from picket and we remained where we encamped the night before without any im- portant event, until about 2 P. M., when the pickets in our front, belonging to General Willich's brigade, were heavily pressed by the enemy, and soon a pretty sharp engagement ensued. I soon received orders to hasten to their support, aud we advanced rapidly to the foot of the slope, on the east side of the middle ravine, where we were joined by the Seventy-ninth Illinois Volunteers, of our brigade, thence to the middle of the ravine, where, by General Johnson's orders we formed line of battle, stretching across the ravine, my regiment occupying the right, and the Seventy-ninth regiment Illinois Volunteers the left. We here found two of General Willich's regiments slowly retreating, as they were nearly out of ammunition, but they were making good use of what they had left. I here received orders to advance rapidly against the enemy, which orders were carried into execution as fast as human bone and sinew could produce locomotion. In less time than is worth mentioning we gained the low ridge running across the ravine, from which our pickets had been driven. I had no orders to halt here, and pressed vigorously on, through showers of the enemy's missiles, to the open plain in our front, at the exit 120 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. from the middle ravine. This plain was planted with corn. It was about 400 or 500 yards to the opposite side, where it was bounded by an irregular ridge of hills from GO to 100 feet elevation. The main force of the rebels occupied this ridge, with their artillery posted on their left, on the least elevated and most sloping portion of the ridge. The position of the ridge in my front gave them opportunity to form their main line of battle in a triangle, concaving so as to expose our two regiments to the fire of their artillery and nearly all their musketry at the same time. My men here began to fall rapidly. Colonel Miller, the commander of the brigade, was at this time wounded, and I was left in command, but did not know it then, as he was wounded in the ravine, through which we had just passed, and I was forward with my regiment. I determined to cross the plain, through the enemy's fire, and gain the foot of the ridge, where the enemy were posted. My object in doing this was threefold: First, I had no orders to halt; second, I would lose fewer men by gaining the point and holding it than to remain where I was; and third, I would be in close range with the enemy, and could there make every shot count, and I also felt confident I could drive him from the hills. I adjusted my line and assumed command of both regiments, being the senior officer. I then rapidly advanced to the attack. No greater bravery is required in warfare than to execute an attack like this. The plain we were obliged to cross proved to be one of mud, where the men sunk to their shoe tops at every step. The enemy were drawn up in three lines in our front, the first, a strong line of skirmishers at the foot of the hills; the second, a line of battle half way up the slope, and their line or reserve at the summit. These lines, thus situated, brought their whole fire to bear upon us, besides, we were exposed to a terrific fire of artillery from our right. I here lost every fifth man of my command, but the bravery of these gallant men was not shaken in the least. There was not a single skulker or straggler. At the opposite side of the plain was a creek running at the base of the hills, on the nearest bank of which was a fence, where my line halted, keeping up a terrific fire on the enemy, causing their first and second lines to break toward the top of the hill like a flock of sheep, but we were still exposed to a terrific fire from their third line, and the exhausted state of the men, caused from double-quickins through the mud, seemed to preclude the possibility of advancing my line any farther, but springing forward myself, wading the stream and waving them on, acted like a charm and on came my line with a yell, dashing through the creek gaining the base of the hill, where we were tolerably secure from the fire of the enemy, while our fire told upon them with admirable effect. The rebels were, for a long time, determined to hold their ground and drive us back. My amumnition was becoming rapidly exhausted and I sent for re-enforce- ments. Shortly after this, I was notified by Lieutenant Baldwin, that I was in command of the brigade, and I immediately sent an order for another regi- ment to come up to our support, and, at the same time, a request to the General to send me as many re-inforcements as he saw fit, as my men were now entirely out of ammunition. The Battle of Liberty Cap. 121 The Tliirty-fourtb Regiment Illinois Volunteers, of my brigade, came up in gallanl style, and suffered very heavily from the enemy's fire. At the same time the Thirty-eighth Indiana, of General Davis' division, which also suffered severely in crossing the plain, came up. The firing of the enemy, at this time, ceased, except a few straggling shots, as their lines had been broken for some time, and they retreated rapidly over the hills toward Kellbuekle. I received orders to advance no further, and we encamped for the night on the battlefield, in the ravine. .My regiment lost, in this day's battle, one Lieutenant and three enlisted men, killed, and two Captains ami ■'.'! enlisted men, wounded. The loss we inflicted on the enemy was, without exaggeration, double that of our owu. I counted nine of the rebels lying within a very few feet of each "other in one spot killed by musketry, and I have no doubt that they had the usual proportion of wounded, but they w-ere carried off. This the enemy could do easily, as their position placed their rear out of the reach of our fire. Our officers and men behaved with the greatest gallantry, Lieutenant Colonel Pyfer, who took command of the regiment, when I assumed com- mand of the brigade, behaved throughout with the greatest coolness. Major Philips also performed his duty with great efficiency and gallantry. Cap- tains Walker of Company A, Kreps, who was wounded, of Company B, Lawson of Company C, Fry of Company D, Robinson of Company E, McDowell of Company F, Stern of Company G, and Shroad of Company K, were all in their places and behaved with unusual bravery. And where every Captain in a regiment is in his place, doing his duty, there cannot be, as there was not in this case, any skulking or straggling among the enlisted men. We lost a valuable officer in Lieutenant Thomas of Company G, who was killed while nobly doing his duty. Such is often the fate of the brave. The enlisted men of my regiment fought valiantly, and, with 20 rounds more ammunition, we would have needed no re-hiforcements to have given the enemy a terrible rout. I must not forget to mention Surgeon Franklin Irish, whose services, in his indefatigable attention to our wounded, were invaluable. Also an assistant surgeon, Dr. McCandless, whose services were performed with faithfulness and energy. I have confined this report strictly to the operations of my own regiment, as the most of the time during the engagement I was in command of it, and must make my brigade report separate. I have the honor to lie, most respectfully your obedient servant. THOS. E. ROSE, Colonel, Comdg. Seventy-seventh Regt. Pennsylvania Vols.. Captain E. P. Edsall, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Second Brigade." In this engagement the first brigade lost, in killed and wounded, ninety-five; the second brigade, one hundred and twenty; and the third brigade, twenty-three. The Seventy- 122 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ninth Illinois sustained the greatest regimental loss, forty- seven. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania stood next with a loss of thirty-nine, killed and wounded, none missing, this be- ing fully twenty per cent, of their entire force engaged. Al- most this entire loss was suffered in less than two hours' fighting. On the twenty-eighth the enemy had concentrated his forces at Tullahoma, and General Rosecrans was preparing to move upon them there. On the night of the thirtieth, the army was drawn up in line, ready to give battle, when a reconnoissance to the front developed the fact that the enemy was evacuat- ing. The Union army was pushed forward, but its advance was slow, as the almost constant rains for the preceding six days made the roads almost impassable. Even the infantry could not cover more than one mile an hour. On entering the town of Tullahoma, General Johnson was placed in com- mand of it until the next forward move of the army. The Chickamauga Campaign. 123 CHAPTER VI. Chickamauga Campaign — Battle of Chickamauga — Night attack on John- sou's Division — Seventy-seventh men prisoners — Escape from Confederate prisons. CHATTANOOGA was the objective point of the Chicka- mauga campaign. General Rosecrans army laid along the western base of the Cumberland mountains, while Bragg's forces held Chattanooga, the mountain passes above and below the town, as well as the south bank of the Tennes- see river. Rosecrans army was made up of the Fourteenth Corps, under General George II. Thomas; the Twentieth Corps under General A. Mel). McCook, the Twenty-first Corps under General Thomas L. Crittenden, and one corps of cav- alry, commanded by General I). S. Stanley. Bragg's army was composed of three corps of infantry, com- manded by Generals Polk, Hill and Buckner, and two corps of cavalry under Generals Forrest and Wheeler. Before Bragg withdrew from Chattanooga he was joined by Walker's corps, while Longstreet's corps come to reinforce him dur- ing the battle of Chickamauga. Rosecrans' headquarters were at Winchester, where the Twentieth corps was established. The second division was at Tullahoma. The Fourteenth corps was at Decherd, and the Twenty-first corps at McMinnville. The Union army was more than one hundred miles from Nashville, its secondary base of supplies. • Rosecrans decided to make a feint by sending Crittenden's corps over into the Tennessee valley, opposite to and above Chattanooga, in order to create the belief that it was his in- tention to attack the town from that direction. Meanwhile he would cross over the river with the main pari of his army at or below Battle creek, and from that place gel over the mountains into the rear of Chattanooga. He expected in 9 124 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. this way to cither compel Bragg to come out to protect his line of communications, or to shut him up in the town. To accomplish all this Rosecrans must cross the Cumber- land mountains, which have a general elevation of 2,200 feet. These and all the other mountains in his path were very steep and rugged, with- very few roads that were more than mere mountain trails. After crossing the Cumberland mountains he had to get over the Tennessee river, which is deep and wide. At Caperton's Ferry, near Stevenson, it is 1,254 feet wide, and at Bridgeport it is 2,700 feet across. Bridges for crossing it were to be put at these two places. South of the river were the Raccoon and Lookout mountains, both having about the same altitude of 2,200 feet. The aver- age distance across the Cumberland mountains, on the roads travelled by the army, is about thirty miles, while it is about fifteen miles over the Raccoon and Lookout mountains. The proposed campaign involved cutting loose from the base of supplies, carrying twenty-five (lavs' rations and ammu- nition sufficient for two battles, in addition to crossing a wide and deep river, and moving an army to the rear of the enemy's position over two very precipitous and difficult moun- tain ranges. The campaign opened on the sixteenth of August. Crit- tenden moved for the Tennessee valley. Minty's cavalry bri- gade operated on the extreme left, and forced a brigade of the enemy's cavalry across the river at Kingston. Minty then proceeded to make a most energetic commotion along the river above. Crittenden had occupied the Sequatchie valley, sending two brigades over Walden's Ridge into the Tennessee valley, where Wilder, with his mounted infantry brigade, joined them. Tents were pitched for miles along the escarpment of the ridge, and fires were lighted nightly along the crest. Bugles were blown morning and evening, for a long distance up the river. Pieces of boards and other lumber were allowed to float down the river to create the impression that bridges were being constructed. A few batteries were kept circling through open spaces, where they could be seen from the south side of the river, to give the Confederates the idea that the whole Federal army was moving to occupy the other side. The ChicJcamauga Campaign. 125 On August twenty-first Wilder^ brigade got within range of Chattanooga, on Stringer's Ridge, and opened upon it with his battery. Bragg was completely deceived, and withdrew his infantry, sending his forces up the river to defend its crossings there. Buckner, also, was ordered there from East Tennessee. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, in command of Colonel Thomas E. Rose, being in the second brigade commanded by Colonel Joseph B. Dodge, which was a part of the second di- vision under General Johnson, participated in all the move- ments of the twentieth corps and of the division, as it moved from Tullahoma. The regiment crossed Elk river on August sixteenth, and bivouacked, in a drenching rain, until four o'clock next morning. It then moved to Winchester, Salem and thence through Taint Rock valley and across the moun- tains, arriving at Bellefonte, Alabama, on the twenty-first. It remained there until the thirty-first, when it proceeded to Caperton's Ferry below Stevenson and crossed the Tennessee river on a pontoon bridge. Here the Thirty-fourth Illinois was detached from the brigade and left to protect the cross- ing. On September second, the first division, followed by the second had crossed the Raccoon mountains. Two days later they took Winston's Gap at Lookout mountain, forty-two miles south of Chattanooga. The same day the cavalry crossed Lookout and descended into Broomtowm valley. On the fifth the third division crossed at Bridgeport. The head of Thomas' corps, the fourteenth, was over Lookout, at Stev- en's Gap, twenty-six miles below Chattanooga, on the eighth. Crittenden, on the sixth, was approaching Wauhatchie. On the seventh Bragg withdrew all his forces, and moved them toward La Fayette, behind Pigeon mountains. Wilder crossed the river at Friar's Island on the eighth. Another brigade crossed directly into Chattanooga on the ninth. They were followed by still another brigade on the next day. On the ninth Crittenden discovered that Bragg had evac- uated the place. The second and third divisions of Critten- den's corps passed on the south side of the river, along the north end of Lookout mountain, three miles to the right of Ghattanooga, and followed after Bragg, camping that night at Rossville. 126 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Upon leaving Chattanooga, Polk's and Hill's corps moved to La Fayette, where they arrived on the eighth. Walker's and Buckner's corps moved toward La Fayette by way of Graysville. The rest of Bragg's forces marched by way of Ringgold. Cleburne's division was posted in the gaps of Pigeon mountains. Bragg's headquarters were at Lee and Gordon's mill. On the ninth he ordered Cleburne and Hind- man to advance at midnight against General Thomas, the head of whose column was at Davis' crossroads, not far from Steven's Gap. Rosecrans' strategy had compelled Bragg to leave Chat- tanooga, but the manner in which he was compelled to exe- cute his plans gave promise of very serious work for his army. Bragg, with his army, extending from a few miles south of Lee and Gordon's to La Fayette, looked through the gaps of Pigeon mountains' directly upon the center of Rosecrans' army, which was then coming through Stevens' Gap on Look- out Mountain, twenty miles to the right of Crittenden's corps, which was at Rossville. At the same time McCook, in the vicinity of Alpine and Summerville, was entirely beyond sup- porting distance. The roads or mountain paths compelled the separation of the corps while crossing Lookout Mountain. Cleburne and Hindman, who had been ordered on the ninth, by General Bragg to advance against Thomas at Stevens' Gap, failed to successfully carry the order into effect. Bragg, disappointed in his attempt upon the center, turned toward Crittenden's corps on the Union left. Polk's and Walker's corps were moved toward Lee and Gordon's Mill with orders to attack Crittenden at dawn of the thirteenth. Bragg rode to the front only to find that Crittenden had crossed the Chickamauga, concentrated his corps and taken up a strong position. The ordered attack was consequently not made. Again disappointed, Bragg decided to move north, well beyond Crittenden's position, cross the Chickamauga be- tween Chattanooga and Rosecrans' forces, and attack Crit- tenden on his left, which was also the left of Rosecrans' army. Bragg's plan was to drive it back upon the Union center, which was still at Steven's Gap. On September eleventh, when Rosecrans discovered that the rear of Bragg's forces had not moved far south of Lee and Gordon's, he saw that the The Battle of ChicJcamauga. 127 enemy was concent rating' for battle. Be saw at once that it placed liini on the defensive, and that the concentration of his forces became of vital importance. He immediately bent every energy to this one object, namely to bring the various commands within supporting distance of each other. McCook moved over the mountains northward, toward Thomas, and on the seventeenth, Thomas moved toward Crit- tenden. On the evening of that same day the whole Union army was safely within supporting distance. On the night of the seventeenth, Bragg ordered his forces to cross the Chickamanga early the next morning and attack, but the activity of the Union cavalry and mounted infantry at J:he crossings of the stream, so delayed the enemy that no general attack was possible on the eighteenth. During the night Bragg got his army across the river, and early in the morning of the nineteenth, formed it in line of battle, front- ing Crittenden's corps, who were ready to receive the attack. Forrest's cavalry had been sent north to guard Bragg's right and rear against Union reserves. Just as the Confederate lines were about to advance to the attack on Crittenden, furious fighting broke out at Jay's Mill, about two miles to Bragg's right. Forrest soon appeared, asking for infantry, which was at once sent to him. Bragg's plan was again a failure and had to be changed to meet the circumstances. The reason was, that, during the night, Thomas, followed by McCook. moved northward toward Crittenden, and, as soon as darkness would conceal their movements, they marched rapidly all night to the northward. By daylight of the nine- teenth. Thomas had reached the La Fayette road at the Kelly farm. Here Band's division took position at daylight, and Brannan's division, without taking breakfast, moved rapidly north to McDonalds, then east toward Reed's bridge, and at half past seven, struck Forrest's cavalry at Jay's Mill and at once become hotly engaged. Thus opened the battle of Chick- amauga. Thomas had become the left. Crittenden the right, and McCook the center of the Union army. This maneuver completely changed the order of battle as planned by General Bragg. Johnson's division, upon reaching Rosecrans' headquarters at the Widow Glenn's, was immediately sent to Thomas, 128 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. where it arrived at noon, and was ordered eastwardly into the woods, just south of the Kelly farm, to the relief of Baird's division. Johnson had gone only about four hundred yards, when he was met by stragglers from the line in front. They were soon recognized as stragglers from Starkweather's brigade, of Baird's division, whose entire brigade had broken up and scattered in all directions. They were running to the rear as fast as they could go. Johnson pushed forward, met the enemy, opened fire, and then charged them back at least a mile. Then, having gone too far beyond the line of the troops on his left, Johnson halted, having driven the enemy from his front. During this charge the formation from right to left of the brigade was Twenty-ninth Indiana, Seventy-sev- enth Pennsylvania, Seventy-ninth Illinois and the Thirtieth Indiana. This position, near the Winfrey House, one mile east of the La Fayette road, the most advanced on the Union line, was held by Johnson, the Second brigade was here again formed into two lines, with the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and the Seventy-ninth Illinois in the front line. All was now quiet for a brief time. Baird was sent forward to support Johnson, a part of his division was formed in extension of Johnson's left, the rest of Baird's command was placed ,in reserve. Cheatham's lines were formed just behind the rising ground to the southeast, from which position, after three o'clock P. M. they kept up a continuous artillery fire on Johnson's line. Late in the afternoon Cleburne was sent from east of the Chickamauga to attack from the direction of Jay's Saw Mill, he marched his men directly across the river with the water up to their armpits, and reached Jay's Saw Mill at about six P. M., where he immediately formed and pushed forward, striking Johnson's line a little before seven P. M., then en- sued a battle in the darkness, such as very rarely occurs, it was almost impossible to distinguish friend from foe, each side being largely guided by the Hashes from their opponents' guns. The two right brigades of Cheatham's division joined Cle- burne in this night attack, the second brigade, 1,130 strong, The Battle of Chickamauga. 129 was attacked by General Deshler's Texas brigade (1,783 strong), of Cleburne's division, and by General Preston Smith's Tennessee brigade of Cheat ham's division. Smith had fully as many men here as Deshler. The second brigade was posted thus: the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania on the right, with the Seventy-ninth Illinois on their left. To them the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Indiana were in reserve. The whole force of this overwhelming onset on the brigade fell upon the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and the Seventy-ninth Illinois, who were in the front line, the two reserve regiments were not brought into action during this night engagement. On the right of the Seventy-seventh there was a large gap. A detail under Lieutenant Colonel Pyfer was sent into the woods, to the right, before dark, and ascertained that the nearest Union troops in that direction were three-quarters of a mile away. Through this gap, in the darkness Deshler marched his brigade. Having gotten far to the rear of the Union lines, he returned, passing unexpectedl}' through the Seventy-seventh from their rear. Some of Deshler's men were captured here but could not be held long, as at the same time Smith's brigade came up immediately in front of the Seventy-seventh, and it became a hand to hand fight. General Smith, with his staff, rode through the Pennsylva- nia line. In doing so he was killed by Sergeant John W. Bryson, of Company A, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, just in the rear of the line. Almost at the same time, two mem- bers of Smith's stall'. Captains Donaldson and King, were killed. Bryson killed General Smith with a Confederate gun, made in Mississippi, which he had picked up on a previous bat- tlefield. (It was the same gun with which Colonel, then Cap- tain, Rose shot the sharpshooter at Stone River). Almost simultaneously with the appearance of General Smith, riding through the lines, the Seventeenth and eigh- teenth Texas, of Deshler's brigade, hied across the right Hank of the Seventy-seventh and opened a terrific enfilading lire The regiment was hemmed in on all sides. Under cover of the darkness some got away, but seventy-three of the rank and tile were her,' taken prisoners. Among those captured were all the field officers, foUr captains, two lieutenants, and 130 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. sixty-four enlisted men. The regimental flag also fell into the hands of the Texans. On the morning of the twentieth the remnant of the second brigade, including what was left of the Seventy-seventh, less than one hundred men, was posted on the left of Baird's divi- sion, north of the Kelly Farm. There it maintained that po- sition, against every atack of the enemy, until it was with- drawn, along with the army, to Rossville toward nightfall. The regiment remained at Rossville until the night of the twenty-first, when it was moved to Chattanooga, having been so reduced in numbers that but eighty-four were left to answer roll calls. As the Seventy-seventh took less than two hundred men into this battle, its loss here was over fifty per cent. Owing to the capture of all their field officers, no regi- mental report on the battle of Chickamauga was made. Col- onel Dodge's report, which follows, gives consequently, the only official account of the doings of the Seventy-seventh there. Colonel Dodge's Report. Headq'rs Second Brig., Second Div., 20th Army Corps, Chattanooga, September 27, 1803. Sir: In compliance with your circular of the 25th instant, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part that this brigade took in the recent battles near this place: After a tedious and laborious march we reached a point about four miles from Crawfish Spring, in the direction of Stevens' Gap, on the 18th instant, where my brigade was placed on picket and staid all night. On the morning of the 19th I marched, at about 7 o'clock, with the rest of the division, and passed Crawfish Spring, in the direction of Chattanooga, about three miles, when we filed off the road to the right. My brigade, being on the left of the division, was, agreeably to your order, here deployed into column; the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Col. Thomas E. Rose com- manding, and the Seventy-ninth Illinois, Col. Allen Buckner commanding, in the first line; the Twenty-ninth Indiana. Lieut. Col. D. M. Dunn com- manding, and the Thirtieth Indiana, Lieut. Col. O. D. Hurd commanding, in the second line, in rear of the First and Third brigades, and ordered to govern myself by their movements, and to support them. After moving in this manner a short distance, I received an order to move to the right, until I reached General Hazen's brigade of General Palmer's division, and relieve him, as his men were getting short of ammunition. I accordingly moved my whole command by the right flank about 400 yards, when I found a very brisk engagement going on, and the enemy's line formed in an oblique direction to the one I was in. I immediately changed front with my first line, and seeing that the enemy were well sheltered, while my The Battle of OhicJcamauga. 131 command was badly exposed to their fire, and my men being comparatively fresh, I ordered m charge. The whole column had previously deployed into line, that having been necessary in order to keep Erom making too wide an opening between my left and the right of General Willich's brigade. The order was most gallantly obeyed by both officers and men, and the enemy gave way in utter rout and confusion. In this charge the Twenty- ninth Indiana was on the right, the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania next, the Seventy-ninth Illinois next, and the Thirtieth Indiana on the left. We drove them, in this manner, nearly or quite one mile (some officers think farther), when, finding that my line was getting broken, in consequence of losses in killed and wounded, and that I had no support on either flank, I ordered a halt. On this charge my command passed some 30 or 40 yards to the right of a battery, belonging to the enemy, which was nearly deserted by them, and a part of which was captured by one of the other brigades to my left (General Willich's, I believe). I then formed my command in its original order, and moved about 400 yards to my left and rear, and formed a connection with the right of Willich's brigade, refusing my right slightly, so as to protect my Hank as much as possible, and threw out a heavy line of skirmishers in my front and on my Sank. There was no force (of ours) on my right in sight, and I was fearful that the enemy would attack us on that flank. In order to be certain, about 4 P. M. I sent out a detachment under Lieu- tenant Colonel Pyfer, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, to examine the position of the enemy, if possible, and to ascertain the position of the nearest troops on our own line. He reported a heavy picket force of the enemy about 500 yards to my front and right, and that it was about three-fourths of a mile from my right to the left of General Turchin's brigade, and that his were the nearest of our troops on that flank. I strengthened my line of pickets, and made all the preparations possible to resist an attack from that quarter. Just before dark the enemy made an attack some distance to my left, and gradually swept around to my front, when I was informed that a heavy column was moving directly against my flank. It was now quite dark, so that it was impossible to distinguish any person a few feet off. I immediately withdrew my battery to the rear, just in time to save it, as this column swept around on my right and rear, delivering at the same time a very heavy fire, and capturing nearly the whole of the Seventy- seventh Pennsylvania, and about one-half of the Seventy-ninth Illinois. A large portion of the men succeeded, in the confusion and darkness in making their escape, but Colonel Rose, Lieutenant Colonel Pyfer and Major Phillips, all of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, and Major Fitzsimmons, of the Thirtieth Indiana, who had previously been wounded, "but was near the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, together with quite a number of line officers, were captured, or wounded so that they were unable to get away. My second line returned their fire and held their position. I was, as yet, not aware of the extent of the loss of my brigade, owing to the dark- ness, and, while endeavoring to move my left more to the front, got into the enemy's lines and was taken prisoner, but succeeded in making my escape, and on my return found that my brigade, with the rest of the 132 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. division, was being withdrawn from its perilous position, as it was almost entirely surrounded by a force largely its superior in numbers. We bivouacked that night about 300 yards to the right of the Chattanooga road. Early in the morning of the 20th instant, by your orders, I took a position with the remnant of my brigade, in rear of the Third brigade, forming the second line. Shortly afterward, I received an order to move to the left, where I found that I was detached from the division — General Baird's division, of the Fourteenth Army Corp, being between the right of my line and the left of the rest of the division, and one brigade on my left, forming the extreme left of our line. About 9 o'clock the enemy made an attack on our front, which was repulsed after a severe fight. From that time until 5 P. M. we were under a constant fire, at times one of great intensity, but every attack was repulsed, and some of them were attended with great slaughter to the enemy. At about 5 o'clock, during a very severe attack, and which we were repulsing with our usual success, I received an order from General Johnson, in person to withdraw my command, fighting the best way I could, as our whole line was to do the same. I immediately moved my command by the left flank, in rear of the brigade that had been on my left, toward the Chattanooga road, and then across the hills in the direction of Rossville. Some little confusion took place in this movement, owing to the terrific fire we received from the infantry and artillery on our flank and rear while crossing a cornfield; but, with the assistance of Colonel Buckner, of the Seventy-ninth Illinois Volunteers, I succeeded in getting into good order again, and retiring, in that manner to near Rossville, where we bivouacked for the night. During this terrible engagement I am proud to say that all, men and officers alike, behaved in such a manner as to make distinction between them invidious. The loss of my brigade is shown by the following table.* It will be "Omitted in Rebellion Records, embodied in revised statement, as follows: Command. Staff Seventy-ninth Illinois Twenty-ninth Indiana Thirtieth Indiana Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, ... Ohio Light Artillery. Twentieth Battery, Total Second Brigade, Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. e e H £ S (V a) T3 E c E a E C - H o H o W 121 172 12fi 104 The Battle of Chickamauga. 133 seen that, out of an aggregate of 1,130 who went into the engagement, there remained but 598 men. The list of missing, as will be scon, is quite large. A large majority of those reported in that manner, I am satisfied, were either killed or wounded, as much of the heaviest loss, 1 suppose, was during the attack of the night of the 19th, as we received a very heavy cross-fire from the enemy, there must have been a great many struck down by the enemy's bullets. Very nearly all that were lust at thai time are reported missing, and will have tn stand that way until we receive more definite information. *********** I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. B. DODGE, Colonel, Comdg. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps. Lieutenant A. S. Smith, Acting Assistant Adjutant General Second Division. The prisoners from the regiment were passed through the Confederate lines, taken to Atlanta, and from thence, by rail, to Richmond. Here the commissioned officers were put into Libby, and the enlisted men into other prisons. In Novem- ber the men were taken to Danville, Virginia, and subse- quently to Andersonville, Georgia. Fifty-seven of these men died while in prisons principally at Andersonville, leaving only seven survivors out of the sixty-four. That fact alone speaks volumes as to the treatment received by the Union prisoners of war, during the Rebellion. In the prisons 'too the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania had a unique distinction. Members of it were prominently en- gaged while confined in prisons in the three most successful tunnels that were dug out of military prisons, during the en- tire Rebellion. Colonel Thomas E. Rose was the head of the Libby Prison tunnel. Under very great difficulties it was dug from the building, under the street, ending under a shed which admirably screened the escaping prisoners. This excavation was about fifty feet in length. Through it es- caped one hundred and nine officers. Colonel Rose among them. He was re-captured, but was afterwards exchanged and reached his regiment in time to participate in the Atlanta campaign. The second tunnel referred to, was dug from Prison No. 5, Danville, Virginia, in December, 1803. It was somewhat shorter than the Libby tunnel and ended in the open, outside of the guard line. It opened in plain view of the guards. 134 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. The men depended entirely upon the darkness of the night to enable them to escape unobserved. About seventy es- caped through this burrow. Corporal Jacob Isenberger, of Company K, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, was one of the leaders, and a prominent worker in this enterprise. The third tunnel was from the same No. 5 Prison, at Dan- ville. It was dug in January and February, 1864, requiring about six weeks work. Having learned, by previous exper- ience, that such enterprises if generally known among the prisoners, would almost infallibly come to the knowledge of the prison authorities, the men formed an oathbound league, numbering sixty members, to do this work. In the organiza- tion of this league, Sergeant John Obreiter, of Company K, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, was elected first assistant en- gineer, and John 11. Shirk, of Company E, Seventy-ninth Penn- sylvania, second assistant. The chief engineer was a west- ern man. He did not see the work until it was finished, when he went down and through it to liberty. The work therefore all fell to the assistants and their helpers without any assist- ance or advice from the chief engineer. It was done under the most trying circumstances. Owing to the former at- tempts to escape, guards were at this time, placed inside of the building in addition to the regular guard surrounding it on the outside. Yet, in spite of all difficulties, the work was secretly and successfully accomplished. The entire length of the excavation was one hundred and eighty feet. It ended under a small detached outbuilding, which was then used as the kitchen of a dwelling, which stood on ground adjoining the prison property built upon piers or posts about two and one- half or three feet above the ground. The prisoners expected that it would screen them from the view of the guards while they passed into the streets of the town. Fully one hundred and sixty escaped through this tunnel. This was the largest number that escaped from any prison during the entire war. A lady, living nearby, saw the men coming from under the kitchen and reported the fact to the guards. They promptly stopped the exodus. But for this, prisoners would have con- tinued going out until dawn, by which time the prison would have been almost emptied. Number five prison was a large three storied brick structure 3K&*» CHICKAMAUGA.FRONT VI EW. In Confederate Prison. 135 of very substantial construction, and was used, prior to the Kebellion, as a plug tobacco factory, but during the war. it was turned into a military prison, which, at the lime when the tunnels were dug out from it, contained about 1,000 prisoners who were captured at the battle of Chickamauga. To commemorate the services of the regiment in the battle of Chickamauga, an appropriate monument of granite and bronze lias been erected on that field by the State of Penn- sylvania. This monument stands on the ground where, on September nineteenth, during the night attack on Johnson's Division, so large a number of the Seventy-seventh, officers and men, were taken prisoners. 136 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. CHAPTER VII. Chattanooga — Short Rations — Rosecrans plans to open communications, plan approved by Grant, successful — Rosecrans relieved, Thomas placed in Command — Grant takes Supreme Command — Skirmish at Lookout Creek— Whiteside — 77th Re-enlistments — Home on Veteran Furlough. CHATTANOOGA, the objective point of this campaign, bad been successfully gained by Rosecrans, but at a fear- ful cost. As the Union army entered the town, it was closely followed by the enemy with the evident intention of forcing them out of it, and driving them to the north side of the river. By great exertion and very hard labor, all of which was cheerfully put forth by the men, the entire southern front of Rosecrans' position was quickly protected by a strong line of breastworks. These presented an almost insurmountable obstacle to an assaulting column. Bragg took up a position in front of the fortifications, extending his lines from the river, east of Chattanooga, to the river below Lookout Moun- tain, on the west of Chattanooga. His main force was on Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, with lines of forti- fications at their bases, in Chattanooga valley as far south as Chattanooga creek. From the creek their works followed a ridge running across Orchard Knob, and from thence to the river. In Lookout Valley Bragg posted a brigade in a strongly intrenched position. His pickets extended down along the river, through Whiteside and Shellmound, nearly to Bridgeport, Alabama. Thus he held the Memphis and Charleston Railroad from Bridgeport to Chattanooga, thereby culling the Federal army off from its base of supplies. Rosecrans was compelled to bring all his supplies on wagon trains from Stevenson, Alabama, through the Sequatchie Val- ley, over roads which had been made almost impassable by incessant rains, and across the Cumberland mountains. Under those conditions the Quartermaster's department could Chattanooga. 137 not furnish the army with quarter rations. The overworked horses and entiles died by hundreds, from starvation. Wagon trains were often twenty davs in making the trip from Stev- enson. Usually they reached Chattanooga entirely empty, ;is all the supplies, with which they had been Loaded, would nec- essarily be consumed on the way by the accompanying train guards and animals. By November first all the remaining animals had been so reduced by starvation, that they could no Longer draw the wagons. The men, too, suffered very severely. Day by day they con- sumed the pittance furnished, which was never enough to stay their hunger. Hard bread, mouldy and almost rotten from exposure in transit, which had been condemned as un- safe for use, was seized by the famishing men and greedily de- voured. But, in spite of all this privation and misery, the men tried to be cheerful. They did not indulge in murmuring or fault-finding, for they knew that all that was possible was being done for them. Accordingly they suffered, without complaining, in the hope of better times soon to come. Rosecrans perfected a plan for restoring communications by opening the Tennessee river from Bridgeport to Brown's Ferry, near Chattanooga. He had issued the necessary orders to carry it into effect, when on October nineteenth he received an order relieving him and putting General Thomas in com- mand. The same night. General Thomas directed General Hooker, at Bridgeport, to be ready to obey the order given him, in the morning, by General Rosecrans, but Hooker's train did not reach him until the twenty sixth. On the next morn- ing he crossed the river to tin' south side, and moved towards Chattanooga, in execution of his part of the plan for opening the river. On the twenty-third General Grant arrived and took com- mand there. General Thomas submitted to him General Rose- crans' plan for tin' opening of communications by way of the Tennessee river, and thereby relieve the situation then exist- ing at Cha1 tanooga. As no better plan could be devised. General Grant approved it. After which, by order of General Thomas, the % plan was successfully carried into effect, precisely in the manner and by the identical officers and troops designated in General 138 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Rosecrans' orders issued prior to the coming of General Grant. Thus it will be readily seen, that the presence of Grant at Chattanooga, had absolutely no bearing or influence whatever, upon the opening of the "Cracker line," and again giving the army abundant supplies. The same results would have been obtained at the same time, regardless of the whereabouts of General Grant. ^Yhile the command was in Chattanooga, it performed the ordinary routine duties incident to camp and field. Nothing of special importance occurred. Almost daily the Confeder- ates threw a few shells into the camp from Lookout Mountain. To this the men became so accustomed, that they paid no at- tention to them. But rarely did they waste ammunition in replying to it. On the afternoon of September twenty-fifth, Colonel Erdel- meyer, of the Thirty-second Indiana, was directed to relieve the third brigade with details from the first and second bri- gades, amounting in all to six hundred men. About seven o'clock the pickets were suddenly attacked by a considerable force of the enemy which had been concealed along the north bank of Chattanooga creek. So sudden and fierce an attack caused some confusion, which was, however, only momentary. The Confederates had been ordered to charge the Union lines, and came within twenty-five yards of the works, under a heavy fire. There they gave way, retiring in confusion across the creek. Other Confederate troops then began firing from their positions in the woods, and continued it for about three hours, when all again became quiet. This affair was for a time, very spirited. The enemy's attack was very daring, and they fought well. After the first attack, the relief detail, acting coolly and judiciously, poured into the enemy such vol- leys as they could not withstand. The Seventy-seventh Penn- sylvania and the Thirty-second Indiana played the most con- spicuous part in this affair, as the attack was on their imme- diate front. Their loss was only three, slightly wounded. The enemy's known loss was four killed, and sixteen wounded. On October tenth. General Rosecraus published an order relieving Generals McCook,and Crittenden from command and directing that the Twentieth and Twenty-first corps be con- Chattanooga. 139 solidated, to be known thereafter as the Fourth corps, with General Gordon Granger in command. In this reorganization il was the misfortune of the second brigade to be almost en- tirely dismembered. The Twenty-ninth Indiana was assigned to Craft's brigade, of Stanley's division; the Thirty-fourth Illi- nois, to Morgan's brigade, of Davis' division, and the Seventy- ninth Illinois, to Harker's brigade, of Sheridan's division. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and the Thirtieth Indiana were both assigned to the third brigade, which was com- manded by Colonel Wm. Grose, of Stanley's first division, Fourth corps. On October twenty-fourth the first and third brigades of the first division, with the Fifth Indiana battery, all under General Craft, were ordered to march, at two o'clock the next morning, on the north side of the river, for Rankin's Ferry. There they were to guard a pontoon bridge, and to co-operate with General Hooker, who had been ordered to the same point, by the south side of the river. The march over TValden's Ridge was on roads that were barely passable. As a heavy rain was falling, the march was tedious and most difficult. The column encamped about two miles from the top of the hill and eight miles from Chattanooga. The artil- lery could not get up the mountain until sometime the next day. On the twenty-sixth the troops encamped on the crest of the mountain; on the twenty-seventh, at Prigmore's, at the foot of the mountain, in the Sequatchie Valley. On the morn- ing of the twenty-eighth, the command was set in motion, in a drenching rain, for Rankin's Ferry. On the twenty-ninth a steam tug drawing two barges, loaded with provisions for General Hooker, came up the river. Their arrival was hailed with joy, as it showed that the river was open, and gave assurance that all suffering at Chatta- nooga, for lack of supplies, was at an end. The command, pursuant to orders, crossed the river at Shellmound, joining General Hooker and camping there for the night. On tin 1 thirty-first the third brigade moved to Whiteside. On the morning of the twenty-third of November, pursuant to orders, the brigade commenced their march to Lookout Valley, and there reported to General Hooker for orders. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Thirtieth Indiana and 10 140 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Battery H, Fourth United States Artillery were left at White- side to hold the place. The other regiments of the brigade duly reached General Hooker, and took part in the battle of Lookout Mountain. The regiment remained at Whiteside, and there on January 5, 1864, about three-fourths of the men re-enlisted as veteran volunteers. On Tuesday, January twenty-sixth, that part of the regi- ment which had been re-enlisted, having been given veteran furloughs, started in a body for Pennsylvania. Arriving at Pittsburg at noon on Pel unary twelfth, they dispersed to their respective homes. The Atlanta Campaign. Ill CHAPTER VIII. Regiment returns and joins the Army at Blue Spring, Tennessee — Atlanta Campaign — Colonel Rose returns from Prison. ON Saturday, March twenty-seventh, the furloughs having expired, the regiment, which had been re-assembled at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania for several days, left there to again join the army at the front, going by railway to Nash- ville, Tennessee. At Pittsburg, the veterans had been joined by a large number of recruits who had been enlisted for the Seventy-seventh, for a term of three years. After some con- siderable detention at Nashville, on April fifth the regiment started on a march through Murfreesborough and Chatta- nooga, joining the brigade at Blue Springs, near Cleveland, Tennessee, on the twenty-fourth. Preparations had already been almost completed for the Atlanta campaign, and, in less than a fortnight after rejoining its command, the regiment moved southward with the army, in pursuit of the enemy. At the opening of the Atlanta campaign, tin 1 regiment, in command of Captain J. J. Lawson, marched with the brigade, from its camp at Blue Springs, to Bed Clay, on the Georgia line, and camped for the night. On May fourth, after some skirmishing it reached Catoosa Springs, Georgia. It rested there for two days. On May seventh the regiment marched with the corps, drove the enemy from Tunnel Hill, Georgia, and took possession of it. Then for several days the brigade advanced, ineffectually endeavoring to drive the enemy from Rocky Face Bidge, in its front. The brigade's position was on the left of tin 1 rail and wagon roads, lending through Buz- zard's Boost Cap, on the Dalton road. The enemy had strongly fortified the pass, and the high ridge on either side. Their position was impregnable. On the ninth, at midnight, the regiment went on picket, and on the tenth, it skirmished all day, having three men wounded. 142 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. On the eleventh, the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania and the Thirtieth Indiana moved unto a ridge, commanding Mill Creek Gap, and threw up rifle-pits. The loss of the brigade here, in its attack on Rocky Face Ridge, was about forty men. Finally, a portion of the Union army having passed the ridge farther south, on the morning of the thirteenth, it was found that the enemy had retreated from the front of the brigade. Then the command moved, in pursuit, on the Dalton road, and at nine o'clock in the morning, came up with the rear guard of the enemy. Skirmishing at once commenced. The Confed- erates were driven through Dalton and pursued. About noon, three miles south of Dalton on the Resaca road, the enemy drew up in line upon a high, wooded hill. On the Union ap- proach, their artillery opened. A heavy artillery duel ensued, as soon as the Federal batteries could be placed in position. The enemy was quickly driven away. The advance continued a few miles to the right into Sugar Valley, where the regiment camped in line, with the corps for the night. Early on the morning of May fourteenth, the corps moved forward about two miles, toward the enemy's position at Resaca, on the right bank of the Oostenaula river. About noon the bri- gade came upon the enemy in position, about three miles from the river. The country was rough and hilly, being mainly woodland with thick underbrush. Here and there were a few small farms. The brigade was formed with the Seventy-sev- enth Pennsylvania in the front line. The ground was too rough for artillery to move over. The regiment was on the extreme left of the line. At two o'clock it advanced, drove the enemy from the woods, formed there again and were or- dered to halt. Fighting continued until night, and darkness put a stop to it. The regiment had one officer, Captain S. T. Davis, and one enlisted man wounded. At that time Captain Davis was acting Assistant Inspector General on the Staff of General William Grose. On the fifteenth the fighting commenced again at daylight, and continued all day. The enemy lost heavily in prisoners and artillery, and was obliged to retreat during the night, leaving most of their dead and wounded on the field. The Sev- enty-seventh lost three men, wounded. On May sixteenth the regiment moved at six o'clock in the morning into and through The Atlanta Campaign. 113 Resaca, and at four P. M., crossed the river, marched four miles in pursuit of the enemy and camped near Calhoun. On May seventeenth the regiment marched eight miles, and encamped near Adairsville. It resumed marching on the eigh- teenth at six o'clock in the morning, passing through Adairs- ville. Six miles farther on some skirmishing took place. That night camp was pitched on the Kingston road. On May nine- teenth, the command marched at six o'clock in the morning, came up with the enemy's rear guard, skirmished with them, and drove them into their trenches, on a high ridge southeast of Cassville. In this skirmish the regiment lost one man killed and three wounded. The command rested at Cassville until the twenty-third of May, and then marched across the Etowah river, to the right of the Atlanta road and encamped at Euharlee. On the twenty-fourth, at six A. M., the com- mand marched fifteen miles to Burnt Hickory and encamped. On the twenty-fifth, after marching eight miles toward Dallas, crossed Pumpkin Vine creek, and rested in the rear of the Twentieth corps, commanded by General Hooker. On the twenty sixth the command moved into position on left of the Twentieth corps, pressed close upon the enemy's lines, and fortified four miles north of Dallas. On the twenty- seventh, the position was changed to the left, relieving Wood's division. There was sharp fighting all day, in which the regiment lost one man, killed, and three wounded. On the twenty-ninth an all-day skirmish cost the regiment four men wounded. Skirmishing continued on the thirtieth with an additional loss of two wounded. The regiment had another man wounded tin 1 next day. On June first the fight- ing continued, and a Seventy-seventh man was killed. One man was wounded on the second, and two more on the third. As the enemy had retreated during the night, the regiment, on the fourth, moved at daylight, to the left. On the sixth, the regiment marched easi with the corps, ten miles to within two and one-half miles of Acworth. where it rested until June tenth. Having escaped from Libby Prison, been re-captured and ex- changed, Colonel Thomas E. Rose returned to the Seventy- seventh, and resumed command of il on (he seventh of June, L804. On tin 1 tenth, the roffimonf moved about four miles 144 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. southeast, and found the enemy in a strong position on Pine Mountain. Skirmishing began here at once and continued until the night of the thirteenth. The Seventy-seventh was on the second line and was not engaged. On the thirteenth it moved one mile to the left, and threw up intrenchments dur- ing the night. The same night the enemy retreated. On the fourteenth after a pursuit of two miles the regiment found the Confederates in strong force and strongly fortified. Here the Seventy-seventh had one man wounded. Skirmishing con- tinued on the fifteenth and sixteenth, one being wounded on the latter day. The enemy again withdrew during the night. Next day, after a pursuit of about two miles the Confederates were found again, and driven from fortifications on Kenesaw Mountains and adjacent hills, the regimental loss being one officer and seven men wounded, and two men killed. On the twentieth the regiment laid in front of Kenesaw all day. without sustaining any loss. Next day it moved for- ward to the right, and was opened upon by two Confederate batteries. A new line of works was thrown up, this being the third line which the regiment constructed in its front within twenty-four hours. The loss was one man killed and two wounded. On the twenty-second the works were com- pleted and afforded perfect protection to the men and conse- quently there were no casualties. After dark the regiment moved close to the enemy and fortified. A man was wounded on the twenty-fourth, and two more on the twenty-sixth. In the general assault, made on the twenty-seventh, the regiment lost one killed and one wounded, and next day an officer and two men were wounded. On the twenty-ninth the dead were buried under a flag of truce. During the night the enemy attacked, bni were repulsed. The regiment lost three men wounded. Heavy skirmishing and artillery fire was kept up on both sides until the night of July second. Then, under cover of darkness, the enemy evacuated Kenesaw Mountain and Marietta and retreated. On the third the regiment moved forward with the brigade. through Marietta and live miles beyond Smyrna, where the enemy was found, on the Atlanta road, strongly fortified. The fourth was celebrated bv charging the enemy's works The Atlanta Campaign. 145 at eleven in the morning-, capturing their rifle pits and a large number of prisoners, and killing and wounding a large number of Confederates. The regimental loss was one killed and one officer and seventeen wounded. During the night the enemy withdrew four miles to the Chat tahoochie river. The next morning at daybreak the enemy was pursued to the river, the regiment camping that night on the river bank, one mile to the left of Vining station. Skirmishing continued across the river, until the tenth, when the regiment marched live miles up the river, and rested until the twelfth. Then the command crossed the river on canvas pontoons, and moving down the river to Tower's Ferry, camped in front of the Twenty-third ccups, on a high bluff, overlooking the river. The regiment moved seven miles to near Buckhead on the eighteenth, ad- vancing at eleven A. M. the next day to Peach Tree Creek. Intrenchments were thrown up on the south side of the creek. Some skirmishing followed without any regimental casualties. The fortified position of the enemy was attacked, and his ride- pits carried on the twentieth. The brigade captured forty- three prisoners and the regiment had two men wounded. The following morning at sunrise the Seventy-seventh moved for- ward to the skirmish line and threw up works under a heavy lire, one officer and four men being wounded. During the night the enemy silently stole away. Pursuit was resumed at three A. M. on the twenty-second, the Seventy-seventh being in advance. In a heavy fog. the command came upon the enemy (pule abruptly at sunrise. It was quickly drawn up in line and after a sharp engagement drove the hostile force oil'. Fortifications were then built within two miles of Atlanta, and within a half mile of one of their forts, after a regimental loss of four wounded. Daily skirmishes followed. On the twenty-sixth a sharp engage- ment took place, resulting in the advance of the Union skir- mish line, during which three more were wounded. The bri- gade charged upon the enemy's works on the fifth of August, but was repulsed with a h>ss of thirty-six. The loss of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania was the heaviest, consisting of one officer, Captain John E. Walker, and live men killed, and fourteen men wounded. On August seventeenth the regiment changed its position 146 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. from the right to the extreme left of the brigade, with a loss of three wounded. On the twenty-fifth the regiment moved seven miles to the right and camped at Proctor's creek. On the next day it continued its move to the right about eight miles, passing the Army of the Tennessee and the Fourteenth corps. On the twenty-eighth it continued its move about three miles, and camped near Red Oak Station on the West Point Railroad. On the next day the regiment assisted in the destruction of a large portion of the railroad. On the thirtieth it moved about five miles southeast, and encamped in a dense woods, near Shoal creek. On the thirty-first it moved early in the morning, about five miles to near the Macon railroad. On September first the destruction of that railroad began. The regiment moved down the railroad, destroying it as they went, until the command came to near Jonesborough, where a line of battle was formed to advance upon the enemy, who were strongly fortified at that place. The regiment was on the extreme right of the brigade, where it advanced through a dense thicket, for about half a mile, close to the enemy's line. There slight works were thrown up under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery, which wounded two men. During the night the enemy retired. On the second the command moved down the railroad to Lovejoy station, where it again encountered the enemy. The regiment was in reserve here, and met with no casualties. On the third, the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania was moved to the front, relieving another regiment of the brigade. As the Seventy-seventh was larger than the regiment it relieved, it was necessary to extend the works to cover their entire front. As soon as the fog lifted the enemy opened with musketry and artillery upon the regiment, keeping up the fire until the works were completed. Lieutenant R. H. Thomp- son was killed, Major Philips lost an arm and eleven men were wounded. On the fifth the regiment withdrew to Jonesbor- ough. On the seventh it moved to Rough and Ready, and next day to Atlanta, encamping about two miles east of that city. Thus ended the most eventful and successful campaign of the war. The Confederates were driven from Palton, their stronghold, over rivers and mountains. Their naturallv The Atlanta Campaign. 147 strong positions, one after another, yielded to the force of the Union arms, until the "Gate City," Atlanta, at last fell into possession of the Federal armies. The total loss of the Seventy-seventh in the eventful cam- paign was two officers and seven men killed, six officers and seventy-seven men wounded, and three men missing, an ag- gregate loss of ninety-five. The Atlanta Campaign, for long continued tenacious fight- ing stands unparalleled in history, ancient or modern. The fust skirmish of the campaign took place on the fourth day of May, and from that time on, for more than four months, or to be more precise, until the eighth day of Septem- ber, there was one continuous struggle, over territory more than one hundred and fifty miles in extent, and during all that time there was hardly a single day that there was not fight- ing — sometimes reaching the proportions of great battles — going on somewhere along the lines. Those four battle months were indeed a great school for the soldier; the men who joined the regiment as raw recruits at the beginning of the campaign, were at its close, well seasoned soldiers, the equal of any soldiers to be found anywhere in the civilized world. Four months of incessant toil and fighting, almost without rest day or night, over a rugged mountainous country, in a semi-tropical climate, during the hottest, most sultry part of the year, was indeed a most severe test of the physical en- durance of the strongest and most robust nature. Imagine an army of young men, under such conditions, in the face of a determined and valiant foe, toiling up the rugged sides of the mountains, fighting every step of their way up the rocky slopes, from crag to crag, and in many places, where horses could get no foothold, dragging up the cannon by hand, often more than a score of men tugging with all their st length, at a single gun, and all this under the hail of shot and shell coming from the foe. It was not enough to merely drive the enemy from his posi- tions, the ground gained by day, had to be secured by night, when the tired weary men, almost worn out by the day's ex- ertions, instead of lying down to refreshing sleep, nature's sweet restorer to gain the much needed rest, were obliged 148 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. to dig up the earth with the only implement at hand — the bay- onet — and construct defensive works to shelter themselves from the storm of death dealing missiles that were sure to come from the enemy with the following day. Thus it went on from the beginning of the campaign to its close; driving the enemy, da}' after day from one position to another, it is true sometimes slowly, but always surely, meeting with the most stubborn resistance at every point, but always gaining the point aimed at. Portions of the army, alternately, at different times, would get short periods of rest, but such rests the men were obliged to snatch when not on duty, either on the picket or skirmish line, or in the trenches on fatigue duty, were conse- quently like Angels visits — few and far between — and taken altogether, would amount to very few days during the entire four months. Yet, notwithstanding all the privations and hardships, there was no faultfinding or grumbling, and the men were always cheerful, and as soon as one duty was performed were ready for the next one; it was well for the country that such was the case; such willingness to do their duly on the part of the men, was a sine precursor of final victory. The Seventy seventh Pennsylvania, always at the front, endured its full measure — shaken together, pressed down and running over — of all the hardships of this campaign, and the men were as cheerful and happy under all circumstances, as those of any other command in the arm v. /// Pursuit of Hood. 149 CHAPTER IX. Confederates move Northward— Thomas sent to Nashville— Spring Hill- Battle of Franklin — Battle of Nashville — In Pursuit of the Enemy- Winter quarters at Huntsville. FOUR days after the fall of Atlanta, Jefferson Davis tele- graphed to General Hood that reinforcements would be sent to him from every available part of the South- ern Confederacy, even from Texas, and that he must get ready to move into Tennessee. He commenced preparations accordingly, at once, and, by the end of September, his army was in motion for Sherman's rear, and had captured the gar- risons at Acworth, Big Shanty. Dalton and Tilton. On September twenty-fifth Sherman found that Hood's troops were in his rear, threatening his communications. To provide against this Sherman sent a division to Chattanooga, and one to Rome. Georgia, supposing that Hood would fall back in the direction from which he, Hood, had come, to reach Hie railroad. On September twenty-eighth Sherman sent Major General Thomas, his second in command, to Nashville to organize the new troops expected to arrive there, and to make arrangements to meet the enemy, giving Thomas full power over all troops, subject to Sherman's command, except the four corps with which he designed to move through Georgia. This gave Thomas two divisions under A. J. Smith, in Missouri; the Fourth and Twenty-third corps; all the garrisons in Tennes- see, and a considerable force of cavalry, which was badly in need of horses. These forces, General Sherman thought, would enable Thomas successfully to cope with Hood and (he whole Confederate army that had confronted Sherman's en- tire army throughout the Atlanta campaign. On the first of October il was definitely known I ha I Hood. willi his army had crossed (he Chattahoochee and was mov- ing northward. 150 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. On the third, the regiment with the Fourth corps, moved out from Atlanta in pursuit of the enemy, being the leading- corps of the Union army. The route in following Hood, led first to Marietta; thence via Pine Top and Lost mountain, to Allatoona and Kingston; from Kingston to Rome, where, finding that Hood had struck the railroad north of Resaca, the corps marched to Resaca, and with the Fourteenth corps, crossed Rocky Face Mountain, just north of Snake Creek Gap, compelling the enemy to relinquish his hold on that pass. Thence the course followed in the pursuit led through Ship's Gap and down the Chattanooga Valley to Gaylesville, Alabama, where the corps arrived on October twentieth. Sherman, having followed to Gaylesville, finding that he could not bring the enemy to a stand and give battle, he turned back with his army to Atlanta. Before doing so, he on the twenty-sixth of October, ordered the Fourth corps to proceed to Chattanooga, stating that the commander of the corps (General Stanley) would there receive instructions from General Thomas, commanding the Department of the Cum- berland, regulating its future movements. By rapid marches it reached Rossville, four miles south of Chattanooga on the night of the twenty-ninth. In the evening an order was received by telegraph, from General Thomas, directing the corps to proceed by railway to Athens, Alabama, as early as possible. Early on the morn- ing of the thirtieth it moved into Chattanooga to take the cars. At five in the afternoon of November first, at Athens, orders were received to move to Pulaski, Tennessee, imme- diately. The regiment moved at daylight on November sec- ond, with the brigade in advance of the division, marched to and crossed Elk river at sundown, encamping one mile be- yond. On the third the regiment marched, in turn, in the rear of the division to Pulaski. By November fourth, the three divisions of the corps, less one brigade, which was escorting the artillery and trains, were concentrated at Pulaski. Here an elaborate system of field works was laid out, a certain portion of which was assigned to each division, and ground was immediately broken in their construction. The work was vigorously continued, Pulaski and Columbia. 151 notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, till the works were completed, by which time they were practically impreg- aable. The Fourth corps could easily have held them against Hood's entire army. The trains and artillery of the corps reached Pulaski on the twelfth. Information was received and corroborated, that the enemy was in force on the north side of the Tennessee river, and was preparing to advance. The vital questions were, what route would he take, and where would the blow fall? On the thir- teenth of November, General Schofield, with a part of the twenty-third corps, arrived at Pulaski. On the following day he assumed command of all the forces there. Information received from the fourteenth to the twenty-second, was that the enemy had not only successfully crossed the river, but was moving northward toward Lawrenceburg, and thence probably to Columbia. The first and third divisions of the fourth corps, with the trains and artillery moved to Lynn- ville during the afternoon of the twenty-third. That night information was received that the enemy was rapidly moving toward Columbia. The corps was put in motion at one A. M. of the twenty-fourth, and two divisions of it were concen- trated at Columbia by noon of that day, having marched a dis- tance of twenty miles. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, with the first division which had marched in the rear of the train and artillery, arrived during the evening and went into position on the left of the corps. The twenty-third corps was in position on the right. By nightfall of the twenty-fifth a strong line of intrench- ments had been constructed. During that night the first and second divisions were actively engaged in constructing an interior line of intrenchments. Just before daylight, on the twenty-sixth, the enemy, in force, attacked the Union pickets, and forced them back a considerable distance. Ke-inforce- ments were promptly brought up. The enemy in turn was driven back, and the picket line restored to its former posi- tion. No further effort was made by the enemy to molest this position, so long as the Union forces occupied the south bank of Duck river. On the twenty-seventh, which was ;i dark, dreary, cheerless day. the reserve artillery and trans- portation was passed to the north bank of the river. At five 152 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. P. M. the artillery was withdrawn from the front line and sent across, and at seven o'clock the infantry commenced to cross. The pickets came last. Then the bridges were de-' stroyed. The crossing was made about two miles below the town. The enemy evidently did not discover the movement, as there was no interruption. On the evening of the twenty- eight information was received that the enemy were crossing the river, some five miles above the Union left. At eight o'clock the next morning the Seventy-seventh, with the first and second divisions, moved toward Spring Hill. All the artillery that could be spared, and all trains and ambulances were ordered to follow to Spring Hill. It was apprehended that the enemy might make a Hank attack upon the position of the Union force between Duck river and Rutherford creek. Accordingly the first division was halted, and posted so as to cover the crossing of the creek. Up to this time it was thought that the opposing force was only Confederate cavalry, but a dispatch from General Scho- field stated that the enemy had crossed the river. This left no doubt that the divisions were now confronted by a much superior force of hostile infantry. About the same time an attack was made by Confederate cavalry, at Thompson's St a tion, three miles toward Franklin, upon a small wagon train, which had passed on. Simultaneously, Confederate cavalry appeared to the west and threatened the station at Spring Hill. Thus the Union force was hemmed in and threatened on all sides. As night closed in, the enemy could be seen rapidly extend- ing his lines, and, by eight o'clock, it was evident that at least a corps of Hood's army was formed in line of battle, facing the turnpike and less than a half mile from it. The pickets reported that they had seen Confederate columns passing to the east to get possession of the hills at Thompson's Station. Then the anxious question arose whether a way could be forced through to Franklin. General Schofield pushed on with one division and found that the enemy had made no at- tempt to hold the road. It was now eleven o'clock at night, another division, that had just arrived from Columbia, pushed on at once for Franklin. From a Confederate officer of Cle- Spring Hill. 153 burne's division it was learned that the corps in front of the Union forces was Cheat ham's. The second division got through with some skirmishing. So close were the enemy that it was difficult for a Staff officer or orderly to get through, when a column of troops was not passing. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, with the iirst division, covered the retreat to Spring Hill. This movement was protracted and much drawn out by the delay in crossing Rutherford's creek, over which there was no sufficient bridge The third division arrived at Spring Hill about midnight, passed rapidly and silently through the village and look a position about one mile to the north, on the east of and parallel with the road, to cover the movement of the trains out of Spring Hill and towards Franklin. Daring the day Gen- eral Grose again took command of the third brigade. The trains commenced pulling out, at one o'clock, on the morning of the thirtieth. Including ambulances and artillery the wagons numbered about eight hundred. At the Aery start they had to pass singly over a bridge, and it was ex- ceedingly doubtful whether the train could be put on the road before daylight. While this work was in progress the first division came up, passed rapidly through the village, and moved on ;is a convoy to the trains. It was highly necessary to move silently and rapidly so as to avoid a night attack from Cheatham, who was encamped on the east within six hundred yards of the road. The embarrassment was greatly increased by the great number of wagons, etc., which had to be protected and quietly withdrawn. V>y live o'clock on the morning of the thirtieth the whole train had been put on the road, and the rear had passed a mile north of Spring Hill, lu the night march past this place the regiment was the rear guard of the army. This was an exceedingly hazardous posi- tion, particularly during that march past the Confeder- ate camps, as at any time during the night, had they been more alert, the enemy could easily have swung a column across the road, cut the Union army in two and captured a large pari of it. The Seventy-seventh being in the rear and the very last to pass the hostile camp, would surely have been taken. Fortunately, just about the break of day the last of the column had safely passed Spring Hill, when the Confeder- 154 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ate cavalry made a very spirited dash on the wagon train. The regiment at once formed in line of battle and soon re- pelled the attack, driving the enemy off, without suffering any loss. Forming again in marching column, the regiment reached Franklin about ten o'clock in the morning of the thirtieth. On arriving at Franklin, the Twenty-third corps was sta- tioned in the suburbs of the town, with its left resting on the Harpeth river above the town, and its right extending across and west of the turnpike. The first division of the Fourth corps arrived about nine o'clock, and was posted on the right of the Twenty-third corps, with its right on the river below the town. The trains were all crossed over to the north side of the river. Intrenchments were at once thrown up all along the line, and every preparation was made to repel an attack from the enemy. At eleven in the morning Colonel Rose was ordered to report the Seventy-seventh for picket duty. Having marched all night and skirmished with the enemy early in the morning, the men were very tired, and it was therefore per- haps half an hour before the order could be complied with. The regiment was marched out and posted by General Grose himself, about a mile from Franklin to the right of the turn- pike leading to Centreville. Here the regiment covered the entire front of the brigade adjoining on the left the pickets of Rogers' division, and on the right the pickets of the second brigade. Four companies were put on the front line, at about one hundred yard intervals, and the other four companies were posted as a reserve about two hundred yards back of the centre of this picket line. The line was scarcely posted and instructed, when the enemy appeared on its front, and picket firing commenced. In a few minutes the enemy was seen extending Jiis lines in great force, to the Union left and at the same time rapidly encircling the right. Then the pickets became hotly engaged. The enemy constantly reinforced their skirmishers, but the Seventy-sev- enth easily kept them at bay until the line on its left, being fiercely assaulted, gave way. The left of the Seventy-seventh picket line then gradually began to fall back. The company on that portion of the line had been instructed by General The Battle of Franklin. 155 Grose to fall back to the main line when they found that they were unable to hold their position, but they were so com- pletely turned that they were obliged to fall back on the re- serve companies, which they did, in good order, fighting all the way. One by one the outpost companies now fell back to the reserve, and took their places in the regimental line. As soon as they were formed in their proper places the enemy was seen directly in front, advancing 'in line of battle. The regiment opened fire and soon cleared its front. Directly it received a heavy fire on the righl Hank, which killed two men and wounded several others. The enemy had already passed the left flank of the regiment, when it fell back about one hundred yards, faced about, delivered a volley, and then quickly changed front to receive the line of gray that was coming down on its right. The regiment stopped the enemy instantly in that direction, only to find Confederates coming up, yelling and firing upon its left, which had been the ori- ginal regimental front. The Seventy-seventh then fell back, partially in a ravine, and changed front so as to receive them in this direction. As the Confederates there were on higher ground, and within fifty paces, the volley delivered by the regiment produced fearful carnage, and drove the enemy back pell niell. The regiment now took shelter behind a fence, high and strong, supposed by the men to be a cattle corral. Colonel Kose, being on horseback, could not pass over the fence as quickly as his men, and was almost caught by the Confederates, who were coming down the ravine in great force. He was almost completely hemmed in when some of his men came to his assistance, and brought him in safety across the fence. The fire of the enemy was so hot and their force so much superior that the regiment was obliged to fall back in slight confusion. Order was quickly restored and fire again opened upon the Confederates, but it was weak, compared with their previous fire, as most of the men were out of ammunition. Soon they had all fired their last cartridge, and were or- dered back to the breastworks to replenish their ammuni- tion. After which the regiment again started for the front, but was ordered by General Grose to remain in reserve. It took no further active part in the battle of Franklin, in which 11 156 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. it lost two men killed, fifteen wounded and two missing. The other six regiments of the third brigade sustained a total loss of eighteen, killed, wounded and missing. The total loss of the entire brigade was thirtj^-seven, of which more than one- half was in the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania. The results of this battle were so disastrous to the Confed- erate cause that there was no longer any doubt about the suc- cessful withdrawal of the Union troops to Nashville, and the concentration there with Thomas. To prepare for such with- drawal, the trains were started before nightfall of the thir- tieth. At midnight the troops on the south side of the river began to withdraw, and cross to the north side. This was rapidly and successfully accomplished. The enemy probably suspected the movement, but was not in condition to inter- fere. By three o'clock on the morning of December first, all the troops had crossed the river, and the bridges were fired. As soon as the destruction of the bridges was assured, the last division withdrew, and by four o'clock the whole column was on the road, moving toward Nashville. On reaching Brentwood, nine miles north of Franklin, they halted an hour to let the men cook and eat breakfast, after which the march was resumed. The rear of the column reached Nashville at one o'clock that afternoon, where the Fourth corps was re- ported to General Thomas, and by him, assigned to its posi- tion. On the second the enemy appeared on the Union front. The brigade threw up a line of earthworks, and was then ordered to another position, where it erected strong works. On the- third the enemy advanced with skirmishers and drove in the Union pickets, who in turn drove the skirmishers back, re-occupying their former positions. On the eighth the Con- federates again drove the pickets out of their line of works, which were then charged upon and retaken. In this affair the regiment had two men of Company A wounded, the one mor- tally, the other one slightly. At daylight on the fifteenth, the brigade moved from its position near the Franklin pike, to the right of the Hillsborough pike. The Seventy-seventh was on picket at the time, but it followed the brigade near noon, as soon as it was relieved from picket duty. It was then placed in reserve, and was not actively engaged that day. On the sixteenth the regiment was placed on the second The Battle of Nashville. 157 line of the brigade, but was soon ordered to the front line. It then advanced to assault the enemy's works. The ground in front of the brigade was mostly farm land. Running ob- liquely across it was a ravine, which had to be crossed to reach the enemy's lines. A little after noon an assault was ordered, and the whole line advanced. The enemy's skirmish- ers were soon driven to their outpits and first works, which were assaulted and carried. On gaining these works, it was observed that the second division, which was on the left, was moving beyond to the enemy's main line, which was about four hundred yards to the front. The brigade was then or- dered forward, but as it started, it was discovered that the line on its right w r as not moving. The regiments to the right of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania were therefore halted, as they could not advance without - encountering a severe flank fire. The Seventy-seventh, however, moved forward to the right of the second division, and to within a few paces of the enemy's main works. The second division being repulsed, the Seventy-seventh also fell back to the first line gained, which was strengthened and held under a severe fire from the enemy's main line. The brigade, however, was safely shel- tered, and ready for the next move, which came about four o'clock that afternoon. To the right the fighting was very severe, the assault soon extending all along the lines, as the engagement became general. The enemy's lines were soon carried with many prisoners and all the artillery in the works. In this assault the Seventy-seventh was actively engaged in the front line where it captured one gun and many men from one of the batteries from which it had suffered severely while advancing. Lieutenant Alexander T. Baldwin was killed in the first charge. The brigade moved forward of all the other troops, on the right of the Franklin pike, and at nightfall its skirmishers covered the mountain pass at Brent- wood. Early the next morning the pursuit was continued, with the brigade in the front, and was kept up as far as Franklin. On the eighteenth the command again pushed for- ward but without encountering the enemy. On the nine- teenth it moved to Rutherford's creek, and began building a bridge, which was completed the next day, moving then to 158 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Duck river. On the evening of the twenty-second the river was crossed and Columbia occupied. The pursuit was re- sumed the next day through Pulaski and three miles south of it. On the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh the command moved forward to Sugar creek, reaching Lexington, Alabama, where it encamped. On January 1st, 1865, the command reached Elk river during the afternoon, and commenced build- ing a bridge. Next day work on the bridge continued, and rafts were constructed on which part of the troops crossed the river. The bridge was finished on the third, and the rest of the brigade crossed over and marched to Athens, where it arrived at sunset. At ten o'clock, on the morning of the fifth, it reached Huntsville, camping about a mile east of the town, where it built comfortable quarters. The Confederate army having been driven back across the Tennessee river, and so completely scattered that it could not be again brought together, its commander, General Hood, on January twenty-third, relinquished the command of what had been the Army of the Tennessee. Thus ended Hood's at- tempt to carry the war back into Tennessee. The battle of Nashville effectually put a stop to all further ambitions on his part. The loss of the Seventy-seventh in the battle of Nashville was one officer killed and fifteen men wounded. It was the last battle in which the regiment was engaged. So the regi- ment ended its fighting career, as it had begun it, by the cap- ture of a part of a battery and fifty-one men from the enemy at Nashville, its last fight, just as it took a section of a bat- tery and a considerable number of prisoners at Shiloh, its first fight. Thus Nashville came as a fitting climax to its fighting. The total losses of the regiment in all the engagements, in which it participated, in killed, wounded and missing were in excess of three hundred and sixty. Yet up to this time, which was the end of the regiment's fighting career, it never had more than eight companies. Two hundred and twelve of these were killed and wounded, those missing or captured nearly all died in Confederate pri- sons, principally at Andersonville. Huntsville. 159 One hundred and eighty-two died from various diseases, in camps and hospitals, while many others who were discharged on Surgeon's certificates for disabilities and diseases con- tracted in service went to their homes to die, of whose deaths there is no official record, it is therefore impossible to give the exact losses of the regiment. The regiment remained in winter quarters at Huntsville until the thirteenth of March, when it broke camp and went by rail to Knoxville, Tennessee, marching thence to Straw- berry Plain, at which place it arrived on the sixteenth. 160 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. CHAPTER X. East Tennessee — Strawberry Plain — Bull's Gap — New Companies join the Regiment — Embark at Johnsonville for Texas — New Orleans — Texas — Return to Pennsylvania — Discharged January 1G, 1866, at Philadelphia. ON March 3, 1865, while the regiment was at Huntsville, Captain Paul H. Rohrbacher joined it with ninety-six men, who had enlisted for one year. They were or- ganized into Company H, and remained with the regiment until it was finally mustered out. On the twentieth the regi- ment was joined at Strawberry Plain by Company I, com- manded by Captain John Bell, and on the following day Cap- tain Daniel Shock brought Company F. These were all one year men. The old companies had been so greatly reduced in numbers, that an order to consolidate some of them was issued on the day of Captain Schock's arrival. Consequently the men of Company F were transferred to Company A, and those of Companies D and E to Company B, thus reducing the number of companies in the regiment from eight to five, in order to make room for the five new companies of one year men, who had just joined or were about to join the command. On the twenty-fifth of March the regiment, together with the division, marched from Strawberry Plain, arriving at Bull's Gap on the afternoon of the twenty-seventh, where, two days later, the regiment was joined by a large number of re- cruits, and by Company D, under Captain James Shaw, and Company E, under Captain Sydney J. Brauff, all one year men. The total strength of the regiment was now greater than it had ever before been, reaching 1,064 men. The regimental camp was about six miles above Bull's Gap on the railroad line. Here its principle duties were to watch the gap, to chase guerillas and horse thieves, that harbored in the Smoky mountains nearby, and to build the railway through to Linchburg. Here, on April tenth, Captain W. A. \ rir Orleans and Texas. 161 Robinson, of Company E, who had been captured at Chicka- mauga, rejoined the regiment, receiving a very warm recep- tion. Three days later he was commissioned Major. On the eighteenth the whole division was ordered to Nashville. It marched back to the gap, where on the twenty-first it boarded the cars, and arrived at Nashville on the twenty-fourth. Major Philips returned to the regiment at Nashville on May eleventh. He was suffering greatly from his wounds, and left for home on the twenty-fourth. On June tenth, Major Robinson was mustered in as Lieutenant Colonel. On the eleventh Colonel Rose was placed in command of the bri- gade, and Lieutenant Colonel Robinson took command of the regiment. On the seventeenth orders were received to move, in the morning for New Orleans. A large part of the corps had already gone. Accordingly the next day the division started by rail, reaching Johnsonville on the Tennessee river at three in the afternoon. On the nineteenth the regiment embarked on the steamers Havana and Idaho. The entire fleet on which the corps was embarked, consisting of one hundred steamers, left Johnson- ville on the twenty-first. On the twenty-third, David Under- coffer, of Company D, fell overboard and was drowned. The command arrived at New Orleans on the evening of the twenty-fifth. Next day it disembarked about four miles be- low the city, and marched to the old battlefield where Gen- eral Jackson whipped the British in 1815. Here camp was established. The bad water, and the poor, low, marshy camp ground caused considerable sickness and many deaths here. Great discontent here arose in the corps. The men dis- liked the idea of going to Texas at this time of the year, partic- ularly as the object of the expedition was not apparent. They supposed 1hat it was to enforce the "Monroe Doctrine," and help to drive the French out of Mexico, that being the only reason which they could think at all plausible. Every one said, the war is over, the Confederate armies have sur- rendered, laid down their arms and gone home. The men con- tended that they had enlisted only for the War of the Re- bellion, and not to fight any foreign foe on foreign soil. This feeling caused a great many desertions from the ranks. The 162 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Seventy-seventh losing from this cause, while at New Orleans, about forty of its men, who preferred this manner of avoid- ing the trip to Texas. The right wing of the regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Robinson left camp at New Orleans on July fourteenth, passed out into the Gulf of Mexico, and arrived at Metagorda Island on the following day. Here lighters had to be waited for to take the troops over the bar and up to Indianola. The sea was very rough, and the tossing of the anchored boats made most of the men sea sick. These conditions continued until the twenty-first when the regiment was taken up the bay to Indianola. It marched to Greenlake on the night of the twenty-sixth, arriving there at daybreak the next morn- ing. Here the water was said to be better and the location more healthy, but there was much sickness among the men as the climate, low swampy ground and bad water caused many fevers. Death visited this camp almost daily. On August eighth the regiment left camp and marched to Victoria. Next morning it marched about four miles north of that town, and there established Camp Stanley, where it was joined by the left wing of the regiment which arrived from New Orleans on September second. In October and November the regiment was doing provost duty in Victoria, and anxiously awaiting the arrival of orders to be mustered out of the service. The muster rolls were finally completed and eigned on December fifth, 18G5, and on the sixth the regi- ment left Victoria, arriving at Powder Horn on the seventh. There it waited for transports until the twenty-fourth, when the men were again afloat on steamers, out on the gulf, and this time, homeward bound. While in Texas the regiment suffered more from sickness and resulting death, than it did in anj^ other year of the war. The regiment left fifty-eight of its men buried in New Or- leans and in Texas, all of whom had fallen victims to un- healthy camp grounds, bad water, and an inhospitable cli- mate. Nothing of particular interest transpired on the home- ward trip. The men were then all in good spirits and re- joicing at the prospect of soon again being home with their friends and loved ones. Many of them had been in service more than four years, during which they had been home only Bomc Again. 163 once — on "Veteran Furlough" — It surely was a time for re- joicing. They had inarched more than 3,500 miles* through wind and rain, in winter and summer. During its whole term of service the regiment had always been at the front. It was never assigned to post duty, nor was it ever left behind to guard railroads in the rear. Its record as a regiment was made. The war was over, and the Rebellion crushed. The Confederates had surrendered and were home on parole, never to take up arms again against the flag, and the men of the Seventy-seventh were ready to drop sw r ord and gun, and again take up their various avoca- tions where they had left off in 1861. Why should they not rejoice? A happier body of men than the veteran survivors of the Seventy-seventh Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers, homeward bound after more than four years of service, has never been seen. Singing, speechmaking and story-telling, recalling the interesting and funny inci- dents of battle, camp life and campaign filled up the time on the steamer, as it made its way up the Mississippi river. The regiment arrived at Cairo, Illinois, about the fifth of January, 1866, where a train of cars Avas waiting. Upon it men and baggage w r ere put, and started for the north. Passing through Cincinnati and Pittsburg they arrived at Philadelphia at four o'clock on the morning of January sev- enth, which was cold and frosty. The regiment then marched to Camp Cadwallader, which was a dreary, cheerless place, without fires or shelter. The Seventy seventh was the last Pennsylvania regiment in the field, it had apparently been forgotten. Its arrival was not expected. The officers said they had not been notified of its coming, and, therefore, no preparations had been made for its reception. Put the men cared little for discomfort, having become accustomed to it. They soon built fires and made coffee, singing songs and telling stories while waiting for the other wing of the regiment, which had not yet arrived. In a day or two they came, and in a few hours more were ready for the final and most pleasing act in their eventful career, the Paymaster having arrived in camp when, on the sixteenth of January, 1866, the men were paid off and finally •From the Diary of one of the 77th Pa. field officers. 164 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. discharged from the service. Then they wended their various ways and homeward. Thus ended their services in the army, leaving the memory of many pleasant features connected with those years of hardship and danger, and having created and cemented friend- ships never to be forgotten, while life endures. It was the fortune of the Seventy-seventh to be always where the hardest work was to be done, and it was always done and well done by them. It came from different parts of the state, but was one on the battlefield, and on the march. A better or a braver body of men the war did not bring out. They were always ready, seldom grumbling — always happy when on the march or on duty in camp. It had very few skulkers. The men cracked jokes when in the great- est danger, and made merry when the shells were flying thick- est. The wounded, sick or dying comrade was always ten- derly cared for, and the men were always ready to divide with a more needy comrade, however meagre their own might be. War has its sad and its bright features and the contrasts some times come thick and fast, but the volunteer soldiers, in camp, on the march or in battle, generally managed to make the bright side predominate, and it was well that they could do so. Otherwise it would have been much harder to keep up good discipline among the men, and their army life would have been all dark and sad. The 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers Participated in the Following Engagements, besides Numerous other Affairs of Minor Im- portance: Battle of Sliiloh, Tenn., Chattanooga Creek, TeunSmyrna Camp, Ga., Siege of Corinth, Miss., Tunnel Hill, Ga., Chattahoochee River Ga.. Fern Creek, Ivy., Rock Face Ridge, Ga., Peach Tree Creek. Ga., Clay Village, Ky., Dalton, Ga., Atlanta, Ga., Lawrenceburg, Ky., Resaca, Ga., Jonesborough, Ga., La Vergne, Tenn., Kingston, Ga., Lovejoy Station, Ga., Stone River, Tenn.. New Hope Church, Ga., Franklin, Tenn., Liberty Gap, Tenn., Dallas, Ga., Nashville, Tenn. Chickamauga, Ga., Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., ROSTER OF LOSS OF THE 77th PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, KILLED AND WOUNDED IN ACTION, DURING ITS TERM OF SERVICE. (165) 166 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. m H h- 1 H P d m « S ja" £ ! P, to 5? E ~ *3 .Sf ~ A — — M to "S .5? ■a is "" iu « . » fl fl s f. « „ ^J ^ ^ "D "O t ^ MMSSSj^SSSJfeSSSmjmJ^MWMMWj-?!?; > s 5 > o o" 0) t-> > at > d a! a O as O . £ d~ of of o e H ill 61 S j » .„• ^ d d d S ci ?! X X X aS SO - d o d d fa :5« « £ Z ~ g X a) . u . > c w "O > ,; o K P ci O O ^ C k C X c e x a 5 <£ ££»iE = £E?25 j:5c - f5 ■- H 2 u 5 2 o ri S w fc ■d d 43 rg 5 > •5 d S d >-3 3 c ? 8 i d 5 ^ List of Casualties. 167 . 6 ■- > 01 iS 6C > A s i> 0) a O 5 E q7 ■o p"* oi £3c < 2 <: en >j2.- .c (■« *j (A 7j l-l in 0} [fi > >. ~ U a> rt a> a; ' ^ J co hWfcJ!'. d 2 33 H tf - 3 a - - 0) 0) M I- o a 01 0) Uh Ph Hj ■J' 1-3 21 .* U : « fe 3 3 | d | « 8 - 3 6 — ^> i— ( al ^3 ^ " r7! Cj ^ r, SW W pq|gCQ.2£^wEaj H " J K H W 01 id 0) > 0) > ■d o> > ■d _ « ^J CO « in C bn w a in E hr tic = R - 1-1 _- — •j: cci td ■M X ft A * A j. :l KHJ . .3 ■S-a 3 M*} .¥»?■'? 1 2 ■a * on . • 01 C J) c * i a o ™ •1/ CS O CD (- S £ ;- - - tef esf of Pn a □i tin ho till cd 3 3 3 n o eel Kl •1 o >, >. S CIS S cci S h ~ _=: * a a X! _■ fl — - o JJOUOK „ u u u £ C u u § ft § ft a be bo to . >000>>>>>>>00000c«Scs00 aj^o^cjaja)oajcjcgMt-^«t.^:^!^:cBfic cfiH3(£Ju202wa2ixu2U2i4JJPPUUOPQ< to p cd a; cd o c w o "J cd cd cd cd cd cd cd — 'D CD cd cd cd cd cd co >>>>MboMft>>>>^ '£ '2 'C *H "u ':-■ as cp cp o "£ i- C 'H "C '£ 'u"u~"u"£"u"u £ £ u "S "E p, OhEuPhPhPhCOCQOqOPhP^PLiPhPhPhCIhPhPhQ.. PhP^P^PhPhPhP-iPh 3 £ ^ ■° — tT a! ^ m » cj S ■»« 3 >> ni >, ccj e4fifr Si's? e2 «a CD -M C So § S g bo c rt 3 O S3 • U C o Q SOS j2 .°K°-g^ irt >>.*>>a!S!r3r > >tS«J0iobi;-C :>, bi? J o ■g br u a> . •Q S C d CD c g K to B IB- J/ „ >> w - s w CS ? i = c c c=cng>c=;cb=:o g e List of Casualties. 169 A A x :_r bi a a a ^j A J. QQ •j ."£ .Sf it ■o "' ■ii in ~ - bn ■i -i . A A 5 £ »"Sg S 2 5P- S «-=^«E be — fS iS ° Pi 02 d d cd O O CD O . . - - c c c c — „_ — qt-cac« c c e A >, d d" 'S H s« O d . ^ s >; S K tf £ > > o d d D "5 ■S * ri> -* w rri CD r pppg o d A 335 o a a> cj o i- m ^ C c c aj u ^ O o O A A A 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 s 3 3 3 3 r4 rt N 3 t3 S © r* *H *-» c5 r5 i3 'S^^^^^tccibj^«>>'>>'o C 5o^bi : HcJdcjSb.obi>,g«-g ] > c j t j c jg2c d d d '5 d d d d d d d d d d d d p* p' p p p* p p p" p* p p p" p p" p* p* h h d, h" h h" a> dj a) c i t? 5 £ t £; £ & > i- H i* i- f" v H " ^ u u v s- t- t- t- 'u 'C '£ 'C 'u a) *C '£ 'E "u 'C 'C 'E t. u u t~. be > C .: s c 82 ^ hh C5 C bo ?i c 3 ; e c^>Afc^w£ 2»QK E 5 a - - d -c a > g T3 £%s«2«i:SvQ If, m . C — S 3 C ffi ?.*«i M n.2 a S , «~ . . _33cj3 O O > C aj ai . --OftO sO O O « i o .old o « t- t- 0) s- g g £ ' S § g 5 ■3 -S t. t.c^t.-t.t.Somi^^-Al'S'S «fflmC; 1 '' t J OPtJ ^ri .Q ,Q o £ 3 3 & i2 O U ffl < CO eg (M p* « M ^ r] ■X= iO V cj ^tco»i'M-tcoir c4 C-l CO Cs S 3 >CgS a , ftSScggP,SftftX?Ofcfe H H B B* B B* B" B* B" b" B* B* B" B" B* B" b" b" B* B* B* B" B* B* b" B B B* cuqTcu ~ aT aT aT aT & > > > £ Sf & & & > > > > > > £ £ £ .£ .£ £ > ~ u 3 S -O * ^"8.5 g * -■ .-g J O O g >, 3 Eh H £ N >"3 ^CQ o ti A ■a <11 B GO d U a E-i — B 71 % VI 1-1 si s 'J o i-s S 3 o - 0J 5 C3 2 B ° ° ,H "^ 3 O S " fflgC «i CO ajp-TB m^b i) a^g P O .2 _ =5 u 60 » 3 .5 - w b = g " ° ■c .2 fax •g * = bB ™ a .o ? o « ^ H List of Casualties. 171 « *• % e £ £ £ ,3 be q — 01 p 31 QJ V-i 0) -Ci o> C •O

-~ U2 0> .01 «fl ."«»«« -to -^"5 C3 ™ 0> oJ « « to To Died Die seve Die i o - Leg. Arm. Leg, Side. to £ -H QJ'; < < ffi J to P u 01 01 m >. - > - p " - 73 bl 0) 01 ft - % p w m w V » *r ~ g +j c -a 2> £ £ . = y C5 w "2 O .C w Si ra £ mj ^ to M h 5 a 5 to <" In ! £ P 2 >«S a a ca ca O O o ri CJ oj cS o ^22S3255rf"iSS 01 T7 "3 "£ 17 ta lIj Ul+ J + J ' C ' a O) O) ^ _. * — ca d ca 2 £ £ £ « P w p p ^.S-^toMtotoM P 0) ^ w > C id - - c S ca 01 ii« 3 a - rf ^ to" "?. c « £ a ^ ° a = = £ c to£ S g ? S ^^ S £ £ 5 & 5 ct; o H« cai a a i J o ca oi:-.S-;-; i: r;-;- ca c« 5 S "3 oi « ^5 ca-C'O'O — S ca oi ca ° 172 s< rch tj/seventh Pauisijlran ia Regiment. c XuBduioo t! V he C J 4) ^ . bo = i S c d cS w * do ~ " d •*-" B - . £ "S *j no « *. "2* <* m *j « tf . a a (3 d o o CD 3 3 G O CI) O O rt d d d a" - d aT d > d - a d > d d > 0" d d a>" d REGIMENTAL ROSTER. THE following, although a very decided improvement ou any Roster heretofore published of the Seventy-seventh Regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, is not up to the high standard which we had hoped to attain. Every available source of information was diligently fol- lowed up, all errors, omissions and inaccuracies found, were corrected, and the whole Rosier arranged in strict alphabeti- cal order. Men, not otherwise accounted for, were present with the regiment at the time of its muster out and discharged from the United States service. Those, known to have been honora bly discharged, but where the date of such discharge is not de- finitely known, are marked under the head of "Remarks," with the single word "Discharged." There yet remain a large number of names of men on this list, notably in Com- panies D, F, old Company H, and a considerable number of men not attached to any company, the date of whose muster into the service is herein given, but the time and manner of the termination of their services could not be ascertained. As a last resort, application was made to the War Depart- ment at Washington, for permission to either complete, or have completed from the official records, there on file, all de- fective or incomplete records as above indicated. Such per- mission was, however, absolutely refused. The reasons al- leged for such refusal, w r ere insufficient clerical force and the dilapidated condition of the records in question. A second application, together with the offer to furnish a competent clerk to do the work, met with the same fate as the first request. Although these records are an important portion of theNation's History, they are apparently, under all circumstances and conditions kept inaccessible alike to the public and their representatives in either branch of the Con- gress of the United States. Therefore, we are perforce, obliged to be content with the Roster as hereinafter given, and to rest in the hope, that sometime, in the not very remote future, the official Rosters of all organizations that participated in the great struggle between the states, will be published 1o the world. (173) 171 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. S b w EH •sjbsX 'uu9i •jajsnui jo sjbq S B >» s - 60 o £ 5 3 c 1 CD - . >. ^ C >> CO 3 C C3 b" "5 n co O F £ o J- C c a £ 01 CD p > - C o CO CD 3 m 4 s g s a - rt ^ o >, rt £§ m Captain, June 10 eneral, March 13, 1 nuary 31, 1S63. m Captain, April 1 £ rt -' i-i" >, rt o R 3 1-5 "r. 03 o rt a £ o O d rt ft A C< CO tH S % es CO a ~ rt ~ a rt g - a fr) rt cd a c £ m o a; u . « c -; co rt io a &S a**sf d £ % . o ,H rt g CD >e -o « —- -d n p -rt >d 10 ^ S*a o ■^ O CD c >0 r 55 o g, C o £ -a -5? £ ■a R " s Z g 3 o B fg r 5 * E « C — • t* £ o h S grass in _ o It R ^ S £ Pm a, > dn Ph K p- Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph CC CC « CO co co cc c: CO CO CO CO *! ■p CD CO CD OO CC CO £ a CD a a 5 & g CO O) a CD to § o c 0J CO 11 CO CD 03 hJ J sg c5 a 3 B E al CD to 3 < a >0 2 £ c c c rr 3 Ch O ffi CO . ^ t- CD Ph fc I? tfl > CD o" V ? 1 s, p £ £ o o a E 1* < Is -a T — i 7 — — - - n ~ c ~ C P r e~ F F, Jf-fi ft ft ft - - ft ft fl'B 2 « 5 5 S £• » •: O g r" t! 5 tfi 13 cj . c Is £ i OJ J= <; . c 2 oi a s . & 62 O 3 c v 3 O 3 rt - >> rH* fc <;" CM 01 73 0) c r4 >> 01 ,_ C C* 5 p J < ~ 3 £ .Q ft G t-3 -M ft - o ii b £ . CO ^ h 3 m '" H - c -2 52 en" a C n c O CO. Bo fc >. ft 3 El. E2c uSSo r * cd -a ~ - a S S E o co o . ^ - d in 6ss oj P E -; H H P £ -- a 2 ° « i-s ■" "" r " 1 . £ C rH L- „-. 13 13 © J (J «N 7 ~ 73 13 OJ OJ - X, c o o «S C£> CO td CO OO W3 CO CO CO CO r-i r-l iH H IN tH r-< O O i-( 4«a^ s-» feOSOr;<.^ a o - 03 S) 0J OJ OJ H H bo bs bo f3 2 62 02 02 (j C? * CO OJ w ft^ 62 M p 22 W3 a O 02 -p a >?6 cd cd oj oj bo bo £ £ o o V O — 5 s *aj P J= o cj o il o 13 Q, bo cd cd ■p E £ o • H OJ CJ OJ c ss s to lo > s cd L- OO H « fH CO V 0) p "5 cd cd Q -s • U ss oj Q to u u ° s OJ r- 176 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •SJ13CA 'UIJ3X \ia;smu jo 3}T3> as - -o c .S d a" fl o ° ° - fa o ,i £ S S K = 3 >"» i - C 3 -S S a * *T c _■ „• s g 1 & 1 § o 1 ^ 8 r H -. of _• . x. o o as t, o Roster Company A. 177 3 a a a »h BO - U " — 3 £ y ill k * t. a s .» « « 2 « O a a w O bo CO t- O 01 3 2 y. a 3 c S S 03 2 g c M eo co co co co t , c- t0 „ S 5 z 5 S c c " c " c " c " c" .5 .2 .5 .2 .2 .2 .2 rt * s oo .x .1 *> .x ° 'S "S '3 a o a B tfl X X x *x X X '7 X m 22533333333 fa _ n 11 A M < c K 7. CJ _ ~ * *-> "0 3 = a £1 D -~ -- - ~ < O X c" £ - ■ ~ — 3 - JJ V R CO ■ 9 s - A - - - CO CO v. x 1. J § 2 £ 5 o 00 - - r ? N £ 3 w .q - CO E rt o . a .. Cu CO ,Q S E S« fa M a n 61 "O co o 2 ? s 03 - 3 2 -■ S .- - ? fa +J CO 3 £ - « Ss^ -*-* ft w 3 11 £ ^ r-" 3 >," 'Sa" x - E 3 5 3 o c « < * 00 - • E § 2 1 (L 00 3 » * "3 .0 .J ' -^ 3 oj a >> , August Septemb t Nashvi Compan rgeant tc >> w 00 >> ^2 CO Oi ■° ~ tr 3 - 8 3 ^ , 3 S be g «- _ C 75 rt * ^ rt : ° S c o S 2 1 o w ^ - 55?=^ H fa ^ a a to 3 tier 0J s 3 §§ 178 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. a a c. 3 o O ■SJJeaJi 'ui.iax uajsnui jo 3}ua m .# "> U — -W s s~ 22 22 "= r j •- .o _-»•■- "- 1 c a) 5 — < " 03 >

< - V o tn "A 13 n ^ 7. o ^p^5Sii H «■ i. 0J -t-i g ~ - 1 p, « _- .-■ M <- w S ■-." £? M g >, uo O §.=!« ^cooo5c22s J CO c o - c c oooo^'-ij-coo H r- H h £ PhH H £ ^ O ■O :". . o o fe o h H H CD ►-= S 8f j! RS "S bt >, cd m 15 b ; w ~ o = ?" ft ■2 o b p! £ of & 5 ° m U £ £ 3 o a! O - ■O r « o JH _ H h H Er o a o o o o C O O C C O O O 3 a a* -t-» +J A £ bQ m w in to - aj ai o £ B p. " -5 ? ? £ ? f a O C t c e : ! £ £ •= = Roster Company A. 179 01 ii 12 > o iH - £ •A - 2 . a 2 i - r? <" — m o *? -t~n n i S o o o o ^ § O O O O g 5 o o O o ? a c ui « « £ !h " ■" rt £ x; S3 mm - U3 ^ O ~ rH TO J3 . +f o be o ira G» u *' _- ° _T ,o w E- o c ^ t3 -2 c .. £: . C-Hfl J t. k - o ° V. B > SI a ." a U ft 3 O O f o *"■ £■ ^ O o» O »" H £ B H 53 ^ a b u -a 4J r! 3 3 i-s a a i-s a > So c «-< CO eS* to tH* 2° ►"5 O id a 3 id E h & . . '- ^: Cl to DD i-H c c t£i *- ^H _2 M ,-i £ id cd id ■ X 3 £ c b -1 a 53 id -j." 3 tfj .S- S3 3 «f| (V 3 3 hJ "^'S k, < o - 1-5 s 22 C - a a' /2 02 CIS xi o £ £ id T! O r-l O iH -- : — o H vi O c y; w P fififip W CO M CC M C3 n « w M CO " ec CO CO CO CO CO CO c ■3 CO CO c 2? SE Si to ^ tO tO t; Ci SfcOOOfc ooo *j *j ^3 J-. *J ^ 0S0200S0C0 ci n, Tt . j - - ~' .. f c^ cd ri c3 ocoooo 000 o o S o P.P.O.p.o.A AAA A A A A « S- ^ - ^ ^- - ~ - ■- t- (h S OO. OOOO OOO O O O O ouooua 000 u o a o ? " x rt cj « j," o a> cp 0) OOOO U o o o. 3 3 3 3 *r t T « « - ui O > t. - M P- t. X ~ >. - O V C3 -y II a I s ^ fc< - S 2 S 0, M n ^ ? ■ Xi o 3 O O u •- 3 r M - A S r. - - ft a T = 3 : B B O - s c W 72 t- < <| -e E ° ^<: 180 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •SJBaX 'UI.I3J, ■J3}snui jo ajBQ a .5 Z ~ ~ a o .o a> .J) QJ C O "^ ^ C. ,a £ 2 ~^"2 ■a 5 -5 v » o u o ' ^ ^ O 3 % Z 2 £S ^ 5 o to n . j. i -~ 3 ^ i 1 ■t. - i_ z •I ■ c c oOh'O o o ■a -a . t3 T3 "O — a> a> >> cu 0J 0) to bo ~ be be be :i co cd ^ cd a co - - ~ _ •= A - - g& tr cj CD ° a] o b * - : 2 3 .. £^! oouioVoinn dq tu ?* _ — :_ p i-t CC M CO cc HMMWriMMMMHCCWCOMMCOM i ^ § £i ™ W W p o ■w > X! ** *->' -m' A *J ,J *J -^ Q -J £2 ajJScjuocjoocjjSoSoocjmO OZ fcSOOt,OCCOSO > > "C "C 'Z, - - pm CO oj > > 0i h £ 5 £ .c r: £ £ £ £ £ }£ > ji; i £ £ * c — - - r - BPH s .^ * -' nj — s - A fe > ffi DO S S = ~ ~ c .i - b - — ~ ~ ~ - - 2 H ^ 3 3 — c o o o a Rosier Company A. 181 >. £ 2 -* fi : - ~ t. , Cd - r v. : : - > a 3 3 << C o - z 0> c c u cd :J 3 - c c y o C X — -.1 -- 3 u: :i _- a - a 7. 7. d) ■T, a 7. » 3 C c - C o — a o TI s C - ■a od — c cd - - : « . - :. -r Ml :l '1 cd -r bl - - - - - 7- - - us - _ R _ a - - £ '> ■ ■ H £ 000O0r<5-0^ »"" - COMMMMC^. WiHCOMcOrHi-QriHHlO>ONH'4 J ^ »; i * oooSfc^oS^<;SofloS cu Cv u 0] m Oj a. OJ a; eg 01 a) 0) 0> i '_ Q) CO 0) id id cd ad id - - - id id id cd - cd sd id cd id cd id cd cd - - cfl id - Ed cd - cd r- cd id T ^ ^ + > ^ r* > 1* > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - u u - - - - - m - — ---^^fc^eHpHeua.euHiPkPHM&.fcaiaHfoPHfL.fup^ii.fcPH^euPH^-^ £S 2: . . .few c - T M 3 5 S •_ o - ►4 r ^ fe >2 &, -o a E ■-> £ E K2. -" - ■ X E = cd Q E a s £ S £ - £ - ~ - B ^ ^ -i 1 - — O — — - ^- ^- r T i im wj w ■-, ^- O O T-r ~ 2 S "S CJ Tt to >. J3 Cw ™ * S -r ?. — ; 3 •_- = E 7r ^ C OODOOKX = JS o o o 182 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. a o !JB9iS 'U1.13J, "Jajsnui jo ej^a in" S CO O S bo s > -* CO - 11 e r/1 ~ H O) ^3 a bo 03 d _ ■£ r o o o . J 3 -go S « a p, bo 'g < 5 -a .C S *d o 3 OOP E a flOfl? « s oSo s°g oi 4> > s» cu p-i £ Private Private Private Private Private Private Private i X .; i > > > > > 01 0/ > > CU Ph t: r3 ^ — S £ - c rt "- 1 o H ■— o ? .}« e 3 o Z OH bj« •ft - "rt * .S g - 52 E-i s. o o oo o t » fa >> as 0) OS o w ~ bfl bo « 0J X X O CS2 QQ3C i? A * .Q 3 ■M £ 00 tfi o 3 = "g "2 £3 5 S o « PQ « C3 W re c CO f M « CO KHeOGgHHfiOrlHHNeoeOHHncq eo^co r-< co co i~i rH - I •— < 'jT ■*; O CC J sssiis a 'i O 5 O i/j X 6 «x (C o t^ c r £ <& iz » -_r •_ -_: — '-£ ^r -^ C-J cq r-l ,-H rH C-i i-H ft H ffi H N H « rH ri H H e) HHdMOCOOOH £ 43 O O .J Q, ,U *J *J +J +J *"*-*-» ,G -M +J +J .»J '-*j *"' W £ ° •"■ " n -*-> -t-> " l- ' +J *"* -M *"■ ** --J—' ~ "~ ■S&:OOOOaOfeOOCO •- 0) 11 a) u a) i' ID V d) i> 1 a> 4) 0) JJ u s > > > > > > > ► > > > > > > > > > > > - - - fa. U fa. a,^&&0*h&&&P*hP*P*&P4&&&k&0*t L iP+&C L <&kP«CUtuP*Q*0*Q*hP* 4> M — ,_- „• 01 ■s B - £ ^ ~ M < . - 15 fc'fl -a cd - 5 £ 5 2 "> faH J . n J I f B r- g' S fatC^^O^O^'^^- o o >> rt * «s - -h '- 1 i' -' a - : "• x es 4. •?• a i S cd A r -, as - z - — iCl-5 W - B 7 ~ B sS g O B U 3 - ." - ^ ~ - 184 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. 'SJBd^C 'IUJ9J, O "Jdjsniu }o e}BQ •^ubh » g sftO jo c c - O O fe 0) 1) 2 bD be s > 3j p P p - Hi 3 PS PP rMMMrlMCOW mm {CMMWMMCCM iH 1-4 CO CO CO , 1865 1S61 1861 1861 , 1S65 1862 1S64 1S61 CO to , 1861 1861 , 1864 , 1864 , 1862 , 1861 , 1861 , 1863 , 1865 , 1865 , 1S62 , 1861 7 » h a h .. rH rH C-l rH i-H P. ?■?..-. ■ ? +1 . . . ^ +) +j' J £l ,Q ^ ^ *j\D +J 4J £ S-c.+j+j-^j gOOOSfegOOfcOOfcScoCOO > > > > '£ '£ *u "u 'Z 'Z '£ 'V, '£ "C k^ h *£ *£ 'u X* "£, '£ u "C u "£ n H d,CL,fi H CL 1 pLiCLifiHaiCLiCisPL l euPHP-iPLiCL l pLi fi< & cl, o< oi > > > > > > > > > . > S 5 '« £e - .Q o - ~ ,c £ £ c w £ o -° ■to S^c - E a ■- E * - £ C3 5 M a! 2 2 ±! tJ S * rtpJK^rtrKKSiSS'oS __" ai be be O 1 >i 03 O J e c. o, n £ to to to to . Roster Company A . 1 85 g a rt & o. j s .2 .s . U CO (ii 4* CXI a, w — ■— ■a rt ■ 6 * oi ■- •• 3 _.- « £ f^. S™ ■ O M . 8 - M 22™ ^ £ S 3 Q o g bo • «" rt « S IMS'- 1 ■"'.!- 3 ™ rt . g ^5 - c * ~ «,- 8 a 9* f - & s -c • - g -2 J3 =- K 3 ft .Q J g E ,2 fl X Is S3 life I. . 5 ^ rfll° 3 .1 < § . "a o - - m 1 1 1» a « « * £ « a « & n » %-. o - 2S ij . . - bo 330 3.- o CO V ^ C - >"> 3 , ~ 1 t- uj << S3 C 3 52 - « S > S 1 ^ « 1 ft S rt & 33? « ft > sS Sj 1 sl Sis S» 2 ||sS l2 rt 3 « . o Jflfi « ,3 £ t. cu 3$ 3 . g « ^ll^2Cd d ^ rt "S c rt -a c -a c >, cj „_ o> co __^^ i , 0"-i».c « n^, co S 1 ft «^^Srt^y« ^^f^'S'Sft "2S" ? £ i >-: c3 J3 cO tj ^'O^Bi rt rtcsw re cc _ ~ ~ •£ s- c! c3 V! * o « u ^ s 3 o o; o ofl o o ,2 * J -^ i-* * J o r 3 o>^ (5i3 5h ££gS8333 5 S 5 6 6 § u 5 5 3 h COC3 MMHHHKMMMMMCOKHCrilOrtMCCtyiMMnHHM rH Oi r-* ,-H CO i— I 00 I ft W iH CO r-t i-t t- i-H O r-T CO Tf« iH t-T h > i .i ; ; i ; ; : ; i i ; ; ; ; : ; ; .s : i; ' » > ? -•■ « t- n t- 'H C XI "C u « C ■- "C u Z. £ Z Z. u "u "C 'Z, "s-i "C 'u 'u "C* u "u <" K- ^ K" — -r C3 o s a .- « 3 0) CD 3 o co o j; B a s as E x — S -■ ? c £ >, E S C t, 7 u . „- c g >9 o 1 c 5 ^3 T3 S 53 C C > <- id «d co 2-2 u 5 Pi* , L, Bl ^ 1 £ o c 1 *f >; . . _r J3 « bo p 1 1 J g i § r ^ ^ ? ? w ^ 186 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •SJt33A 'IU.IOX ■jajnniu jo a}BQ o - OJ 0) a & ij ° & c ft 01 ..A ,-■**<-< So -5 - >» S a S & g 5 g Q S | d -~ S3 gp 0»Sfi & * S ,rl 3 ,c r<* 3 fe o s I O ID w (S E B d o bn - (i> & S d E 5 aj ~ '-' HIS ft ID w « 3 ,-, o o ° 3 i-H i-H 00 si CD Oi o! ft ft d d O O P i-l 3 bo bo bt bo C C *. *. « *. £ fc 5 S ^ ™ CO CO C > d d . o a « £ H . m > d F* E a 2 ^ 2 >> d o P* CO P (1) p ff T « g S - O P w o a .at £ S O d d 2 • S O, -C d E o 2 O r- C .I'd » 0J OJ 0) R ° " 2 ,fl C > i « A« ,Q L, > O O ,c ° S£ &«« *■* GO 'O S«S »rj O „ g * § £ s ^ . 2 » !5 is 3 SL?*H 3 a i a., t, >> >> ,Q ,0 73 rH m ,32 J2 OS -3 oo^ o 5 >> be ■*-< u 3 g BO 00 °= i_ ^ i rt rt a cj rt aj £ £ ? CO m £ • 3 - *^!?g3g , 888 , »8.8 CJ -' 3 27 3 O ^* U 13 aj d a) a; o •- ■" ^ - £> t? 2 " o O o * 3 __ o o 7j ^ § 5000.. ■a i3 -o 5 a 1) « « 5 - ill ill M S « « ^ h ? c d oi a S " f . •§ fi « Ph ■a *z ; bC il — O .T o O O •" -~ k CO ^ .33 BOQhH PCS Co M CO CO ra « n CO "5 « CO M e* cc e o CO r CO CO CO t' V3 CO CO CO i-l CO CO CO »H H « ; ST w to r> -s> q t-i r- ^h i-H o t-h r-\ CNJt-It-*t-I HHHCJHHMIOHrH tHtH*H»H r-li-liHCNirHr-lTHT-tr-lf-t r-» O O O CJ .fj O CJ O O O O g O O *J |2 «' *j" 4J - *i t W *>' *>' *>"*** -WO. *■ *■' O £ ** *■ *» !rt S OgOOOOSCOO O O O m O O § O O O S % ■J. EECCCCC aj ajciajcicdrtctjricjai cdaSaJcdaScdcCco' c3 rt rt n r fl r ^T ^7 S S o! CS rl d (3 l- fc,t«fc,t«(Hfc,s*fc,fc,fc, t, t, fc, fci t. t. .-.-.-.-.-. »J «j »J » booouMioMMi a aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa-^-jj-s^'SSgSS — — i- t- — — — -- tlWfclt(^t^(fctfc4WtH '-^• t-; - , '-' I - , ^r^r^-H'«.^^H.3-^ o oooooooooo oooopoj-'^iJri^^tHt.t. aitncococococo U UUOUOOOOO'U CJOUOOOggggg^^M^ ; - be si . S. 3 .-- c c E c a - 5 oj c 2 be —" n O k o r» - » •/. u - p 3 5 a ? o -o 13 3 "> E r •- _ .,- rt tS - ^ ° « eJ I & ^ r 2 fe N c c u 2 . s « o ,g g 3£= § 8 8= S = 6 .5 as S ; £ s » ; is ^ cc , ■*! 3d as a » g .o § ^ w >,co . 3 3-S £u!SW?S£*£. «-w c? £ " 4) ■a ^ 3 c c cd ce ca •< W « W 188 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. a ■sjboA 'uuej. •jajsnm jo 9}bq 3 S S ^ S s- a f2 o 'd "O "O r3 "O ■1/ ■£ lit 00 OB 01 hO «• t- t- t- ~~ u ,_, cd ctf rt cC rf "g £ £, .c * J3 .S O t) O CJ o WOPPPfi CJ c c 3 3 tO 0) o t° •a >e 01 to "^ *" -4-J 4-> -M c ^3 ^ **•*-* (UCjao(uaJ'ara>araja;''aj*ara; o > > j- > ; > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > "C 'u 'u "u 'C 'u "u "C 'u "C "u *£ 'u 'C 'u 's- C £ U £ U. U a^P^P^fL,(l^|l^PH(l|PHA^^P^|l^^P^^P^|l^PHC^C^(l^ - a> h 9 8 S 0J C £ „r . is ~ ~ c o >* d o o o O O O J-. t- O C U U O U O Roster Company B. 189 4) 0> Ms . a S S w S P s 3 *> ?, >" o 2 J? « 7 =3" -o e ~ Q i' 4) S d W u ^ « J3 t. >> t, O OB » 1 • U .2 i! ^ S O PPfi Q a | a« ni 3 3 > e 3 c S pj w -r; m r ft _, >> •a •a ho ho bo ' 2 S S S rt ^ u ~ .3 si sz o o o •a 2 £ .2 .2 .2 .2 fiRPt,;; bo g 8 -3 'd *3 ^ *3 73 ^ 4> 4; 4J 4- IT.' 4) •2" bO.3 ho he be bo tuo be •a o O O V O 13 3 ^ hi 3 M ^Q 3 *> -3 -d *"! "O tj tj * O a» 4J 41 4) _ bo be * be be be ^ t- t. 4> i, s. ~ to CO rt "O CO CO aj "3 ,c £ c £ £ js c _ o 3 o u o 3 ' W K O * 31 * o qqp5 3qppVq5o5£5pVq£ H COM M W H M M M M riMrtW MHHFJHKWMHH rH « " *--*«.«-« "*f 1-H W CD CO (£> *H i-H tH CO III 1862 1861 1861 1865 1S61 1865 1864 1864 1865 1S65 1861 , 1865 1S61 1861 1861 , 1865 1864 10. i 1865 1S65 1861 1865 1863 1861 1861 be *j J t. u J fc, J CO ft cj CO n < O O o g oS"hSSogooo^fco > > 41 > 'E Ph 4)4)4)4)4)4)4)4J4)4)4)4)4)4)4)4J4)4)4J4)4)4)4)4)4)4)4)4>4)C0 C0C3C4C0c0cacQCdCQCQC0C0Cd?jC0CQC4CQCQC0CC!cacSCdC0C0C0C0CCC0 1. h li P-< CU Ph hlilifali]ltilitthtlil C O KK PP X f X 190 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •SJB9X 'LUJ9X O *snui jo a^BQ t- j- ^ d d J3 2i > p - 5 >o -o ■g »" Q " fi " I u e c ^ S c S c _*. " d - d w - £g s"s - g E to a | & 3 8* 3 S rt II s . & s S s 2 $i 5 ! s § - 00 2 SI w w 2 a S ° ° - ■gSggS Q 00 TJ £3 to •c BO - c *j s s ■■ « 3 5 d "O S Jc .§ e " o o ~ < 2 .2 .- CO? ^ -:: — T P ~ •= * in c '- '- 7 3 o c c ? tr p jb * -, > ■ .2 c R tCMMWWWMMCCHHeO co co ec co cc eo eo M *-» CO CI lH i-> i-t ;£ ^ »"* g g Jg "2 g" , 1864 , 1861 , 1861 , 1861 , 1861 1861 , 1861 iii d o o o dd o o odds' gOOOSSOOOSSw > > > > t» > - t. u - (1,Pl i Pl < P 4 PhPl i P h PL ( PL,Pl,Pl i Pl i pu ^ PL, d< Ph d< m P* P4 Ph £ b fc ' £ . b T> O d a R £ t OJ o £ c w ffiKK WK E c £ E -fi M M S « « J ^ e t- M r . ri d o d Roster Company B. 191 S3 S3 Q O o > S 01 o; S> 11 10 U o £? 01 o ns is "d O O Ol OJ l£ bo bo 13 « rt - .J bo bo .c as o 3 3 o> S o «j < fa vate vate vate vate vate fafafafa^fa^fafafafa^fafafa^fakP^flifafafafafalllfa^fafa P-l fa fa fa iM 3 J - I> Od - >: o" ft 3 =:j « - > -• - -3 S «J . ■- O ft (i 3 -M _- '-- : -■ - • A n & 5 fl £ - £ 5 a is >, ~ — - a - " 4) S E* •« ft • U> 4> 4» ^ QJ M 40 to s_ a! to S .2 .2 t fa .2 a p q Ph o .- a ~ ~ ^ C O 1-5 -a -a -a 41 1) CJ to bo CO '< s >3 >d »o «l » » to Ml Ml .c ,c .c £ s: J3 j= cj a cj cj o cj cj flflfi Q Q Q Q 03 ~* t. O _ * a 3 cj C V O i-j - m HJ 41 hn to h 01 Hi 01 X rS — Q HO Q H co ro m r-l CC CO ««, r-1 ^ HHHHMWMWHMM« S to 3 CD 33S Orj OO CO &0 oo ? 5 L865 864 864 864 861 1864 L864 864 L865 861 1864 864 *> H « =J UO eo -r t— irs ^ tr el tfT w" O £i i-T w O fa O 22o OOM^^-ilMMQfaSfaSiKfaS vate vate vate vate 0) 4) 01 > > > k b 1< b fa fa fa fa fa fa fa nndiaifliiiiifljooaiofli^flJa) ~ r: t ~ r; " ~ ~. ~ ~~. a] zt ~ Kl ~ ~ :- - - fa fa - Z- - ft z. - ft - fa ft ft a <$ tf .. J - at : g s,- S j CJ ~ O 1222 fa fa * g -«' i*2 f » 2 c - - o o o 222 ffl o 01-1-3 at - fa e S >> csi r - ,c fci m ? S 33 >.» O 22S22 « * 5 „• - £ 5 a! u 60 41 c fa CQ O O O c o ffi C a) •So g is 4 « no to - - — ^ t* ^ x w . O *> S ^ i! *> "O -O t! t! 2 ii ii c « oj a! 4) 4) 'C at cj Cw fa o, o, fa fa K O fa Roster Company B. 193 2 3 o S ss • c s ~ E a O ij cd u a g s^s 8 £ Eh OJ ■ .a 10 E 0) oj >> ai jj X! J= o is ™ c "d "a *a n , oj > o.' — o> o a> o> bonbobo— botiTibobobobobOrtbc'o^bObo bobo XI •" _ "" 'dyo'Oox^cjcjcj B t< X! XI X! XI QQPO Q Q 5 Q fiQQQOfiWQOOQQQQQiSQQQ QQ CO rH ■ « « eo oa « w or *~1 i-i - M CO CO H « CO " M co .-H vi CO CO c* H CO - - M " - H " i-l S3 "* •9 ss cl * l-O lO £ cfl g 8 ^H^rWO^-HOiOi-iaai-ICP iH .1 .-I tH iH i-l iH CMrtM i-( « i-l o>oict>o ) o ) o>o , o>o> >>>>>>>•>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>!>>>>> u S-. t. t- t- u u u u •- t. t- - - - - - - - b Lri - - t- t. u Z* -- L. - - - - ^ ^ Z« ~ ~ '-, ~ ^ '-^ '- ^ ~ '-, - L. ^. ^ - ^, ^ - L. ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ {- ^, ^ _-s - s; o !-s . 01 V 2 ■d "a "3 x S o c ~ oj X X .- tf (X « « ta ■a oi g = S« MO «K M bo to" . « - « ii bO CO « tf w C3 U _-^ si is cd •- |> CO E ~ « 0) O — to X •S — s a g o, ci r x x x x .5 S to en cc tc co w I E E •= CO O CO XI -M *J '2 3 S X o C ctj - cO MMtOBc-h>&^ ■o" CO .3 ._ > a -2 o b" e* • £ ~ O O N ^ ' . to - ~ .- •- 5 g o 194 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. .9 a s w •sJBaX 'uiJ9X •j^).-;iuu JO 9JBQ O a o o w cd • *» of a 3^ s~ £ S o .. 3 *> 2 ,-r JS ■" c S ■ c £ ^ u Co ^ CO" q; • ^ Q. .a , S? « •? p b. ^ [0 CO B fi a> v -* 3 ai ^ M . § > 2 2 -3 3 £ £ ' .p. - ^ .« s to f F o z JO C3 OJ r-l 5 v ^ * .< - £ £ 8 m *r - gs ^ w S3 y: rH c/j Z - £3 3Sg o ^ S "o m 3 s 2 o.t-i -- "£ rt c 3 ^ cs - 1 >> ^2 J 3 _ E 12 3 . „-» B -3 "° I 2 ci o Eoi" C o X," - al £ bo 3) O -2 3 a. ft rf J* 1-1 d) o a) _ °° S S ts -n q ? a < *>- > . § g a) to 2 >?W 3 3 3 3 C apt a T3 CU > 5 a : nj O m « /.' a> o> 31 in - M 4! SEE ~ — ; Hj 02 M X^ e g " a S5 g Q « g q jjg o5 a" 73 bJ 0) - >i 01 C (i o a o s- ^ i a; o V ■a -m "o S ^ 3 W ctf w ^cSj?:**?*!' a Sj g S§,g, - © . . C a "3 "5 5 1) |i h 2 »SS5 £ 2 t) J 3 to ■g 3 -a «• u -3 s •-«; o, S oo > O CO G .- ri . o 7 h m u A t- CO ctl .Q E o 41 a 5 d oj ■ninuoo suouo-goux! - 3 3 "" • > '-i^.'-i--oooo. > ooo sd P o c o ^ 3 ft CO •r 1 O <-< o ^ Oh h E " o „-fc ts i; to m ,2 to h: ^ f IK d c a: j= ^ 3 " O CJ ^ H Q (0 (0 «D to (OCO(Dt£)!£>tCWCDtDtfltt'(OtOO OO CO o CD © CD (O (5 too o o ooc-iooooooo*oo"o"o oo o iffoCc^oTooo MM CM CM NNC^lMrtM^iMlMOlMrtMCl CacM CM CMCMCMCMCM g pi a a aafjaaaaaaaaaaa aa ft ■S •£ ti f! & S SCO CQ VI W XJi fe 02 02 W W 02 U2 XJ1 Xfl Ifl W W W tfl U2 fc fe O O M S 5 S Cm « s oi II j__ _w y^ y^ y/ y^ C — ~ Ti ~ r; is ■- - - 7i 7i 7$ n 7i a OJOJOOOOOOOOOOOO oo ^t^aaaaaaaaaaaa a a (DdjOOOOOOOOOOOO oo co^ooououuououo ou a S pn a. Oh f^ Ph d a) OJ CD od r ert r r, ■j. 3 > > > > > cS to P< ■< o ^5 a £ J3 ^ ^ *• m X j; _«> a £ s ^ Eh o w - 01 ►"} . a & a e a r- o> r -r r> — ■ ' a % C a o a h < ^ a od > o< E a i? a -o - o o oi 1-5 S 1 1 1 a fc" ^ < < a » pa 196 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ■sivsA 'uiaax •j»}snui jo sibq a I o a) ej rt E 52 •* _.Q o O § 2 S c <*1 CM t. . cm th a; cm "O T! n3 a; O 0) £"§§ ■a «> 53 "5 u. T3 "2 6C -i o «> t. t. a; ee oi "5 .C .G c o o 3 ~- u> .— <* TO u< — ■ •« — ■« O tfl POfio Q QQOP Ho 3S « *••-««« HHMWMHMMMW M M CO « M <£> S 3 ?o s s OO OO 00 00 00 lo JSS M 3 L °3 HHH OO CO oS DC 00 «> Tf o o cp o iH fl CI W N O O O O O M< c^ « cm « a7 « 57 57 3 ^ 3 <« 57 * a- .5? .57 .57 .57 * 57 57 r «> a> a) a> ~ ~ _ _ "- ~ ~ ~. ~ ~. T. S ~ - ~. ". ~ ~. > > > > PhPhPh^Oi kCPHkkPnP-iELikCL, B £, fL, B B :Q *» 3 Ui E 5 ce — C I h li — .c ui " <3 b. c c - >3 -a t- ^> cS 3 c C rt aj aj a; aj aj B BSP4HB •S J= -rt . w ^ (n oo fri . a* a; v fe u C C o 5 <» ■ C c j « >, m W § o " " u. u 3 3 B « CQ ca Roster Company C. 197 a 3 SS d "2 E 60 ID s m -• h o 5 * .,- =3 3 3 «! - rt q> bo C 0> *p CJ id io £~5 - 0! . « rf3 - 1 S s E M S Q O ID V 2> - S o « J3 g ^ C (4 «1 ■a aBti M "O E in c§ £ C ° C rt W 3 U 3 - oso £ ^ a £5£ S. 5h =4 3 * o m 3 9 Eh 2 ft -^ K v - a H id -< ^ in 3g £ o w & "■> g u si fe s n ° i •- id > £ ^ T a> o. ^ a; r-t c c« oo id . o q; K £i a> CO ID ID (p QJ % a! m "9 >>rn S d t* *. fa 3 « w >> 3! a 3 . _ rH M id "la afl ■ 00 ID _ -: ™ d "* * "S ■C o 3 OJ tfi o 5 5 ps M K M M CO rH rH CO CO CO O O O O O ii e « CQ rt ra r; > > > > 'E 'C "E 'C m £ 1L E K I* s" e Ml* s ° ° n ri V n qj (i> tp OJ cp 'l* 0j 0> 0> '1» OJ 0J QJ 0) 0) Qj O* >>>>>>>>>> >>>> > > > > > U U U l* U ~ %-, ~ i- iH t-^^r-r^^^H^fH^ t_L,f*k> - -- '- i- '~ '~ ^ P^ Pl, Pl, p-, (l^^(l H £l(p H p H PnfckkflHkfUkPHji, PhOhC^&h P^CMCk pu, pL| fL, pu, 5 £ uuofl tn < O - r* 1-5 $ ft S ° ft C3 .2 "SO c E a, h ■^ ^ r> 5 t; ^: a CO -C ^ -J O O O o OflQP a; - . * id .C oj -'i e rH rH Ph m r- s P E E E > £ sa O o o 198 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. SJB3A 'lUJaj, o ■J^isnui JO 9}t3Q ~Q Egjl it tf o - - £32 a; c 13 fli D c S C .O /3 O <1> cs o o m -" «ot; «oo c T3 CO c a; a) o ■ o to CO T-l CO c* e o oo CO CO CO » CO in -iT *f - rH 33S Cft o o o . J +; P «• +j g £ +j g g O ai o! rt to ic <1 > C « h F-t — t* ** -^- "C "C -^ u '— u "C "C u Z. "C "C ~ ~ ij a * *• * S 3 i 2 S S 3 I g § 1 - • -j r — ;. :_ ~ • en -. c c p . ■a -. - a 2 ± •= ■§ 3 i c 2 a t * *> *> § ■- ■Bit o: ::: '7S3 cj rf C M O O O _ l-S 1-3 A Roster Company C. 199 3 O 3 .a s a- ~ a) j- 3 c « c rt 3 o DC •c 3 c Si a <« is bRHCt: 1J . •:- rt n* rt ft " ^ £ 3 ^ u^- a a; a; aj in j; £ >> X - * £ o" o bo 3 cd s S> i> C3 O O ^ 2 « o f* Hi 01 o rQ 'O ^ c s « » s O S3 "O 3 x B °! 5 "cd ^ 3 § £ « ■« E e£ ST £ H3 o S- 3 3 M aj o " Ph - -c 6 o o ■3« 3 a - o o o •- H E- - 3i2£ C 7. 3 MKHKHCJCOMH CO CO CO CO i-t r-l iH CO CO MM n rt M H * i 1 w to f f r- < f in ^*« t— i r- i -»> t-h r— i»— ) w in in h A 1 rf H m h ri H h in in h m (OCOtD03tOtO(Dt3 CO !£> (O «l' CD (C 5C tC - — oooaooiHaqaooooooooooooooooooooa o: do oc oo oo uo oo ooooooooocaooooooa c^ t-f a" t?3 in cm" o ^t »P "* °" ^ »ra o O O co* to co o »n in © to o{ c{ O o h h" a" m" fofegcc^fawfefefe^iMfetccflW g g g 02 fo fo w g O O 02 03 S S O fa aJ>>>>> aj d) aj aj o >>> > > > > > > > > > > h fa h h h h h - - (, t< u u -■Ofr£ M W - >> j= b c - Llii ■•in C ry rac Q > » fci f P* oa £ e - m M 2 M S 1 - 23 "o - £ S 1 S c aT S gg p^ flO Q Q fa « £ S c s 5 * «J > oti a ^g* -O £ * 5 -K irch 20 iberty Band, , 1S61, ctf . 3 03 c "" ffl l- c « « d i. c £ rrt ^ TO cr)co'j='a5^D'.cc£)<^5e3 gglgsgipsgis (^ 00 K5 O O O " o . S- .Q .J .J .C * J3 • "5 5 5 - c w o ■-s < B o 5 - . m - lT „ > > c. 41 (V N _- ^ 3 P — « « tf « m X 10 td a) CO CO Roster Company G. 201 Srid (« > > a -i v c ° o B > 5>- P _" o " " U 2 o " ■" "2 > £ C tH O « *3 w ai o - K O s » CO - s - us i & oj ™ ou a s » 3 S i, CO GO CO ^ u u u a zz, 0) ^ " n ,Q .Q <4 . >> S 3 5 i o o •- ■O "3 T3 C ^ 0) ci i; cd ^ it » H B.^ t- f- t- J" n, .1 01 S g w s h cc 3> &B o" » > r-C -„ . O ^ g " z £ o o 11 ,Q O rt -C oo eg- 'C o P *i .. 2S» a) 3 »s g 03 >> ^ si >> c 3 1-5 ^ i. ■O -O ^ u TJ * "O "C a M -° teg fc, tc fe % m S >?.£?.= X2 G ,Q .O .O S a, a, o 3 3 li cu v v a, o> DllUHHDHUllllllll i; 5 .i .!: .& .i .i c > .^ .^ .£: "C ^ 'H *C 'E C 'C 'E "u 'u "C 'u 11 11 u 11 !11 U li li D D u u OJ u u > > > > > > > > > > - > > > > > > > > > - u - b - i- ^< - u - - - - k&.P-kkCtHC-wkP-.ClHCH ! § B * B « ** g S f J5 £ 'cd cdCc c rt^^ ■ td .h « «i « k ,-B : c n o « . - S S ; • B £ a - >- ■■ g t3 1 g = :j=£i = rrccca-r tn x j. j. to w /. w w la » OS P'b o cj c f ,N g ^ c C <-> cd .2 jj E 'J W OQ P fe 5 £ - CH [S if 2 ■/. cd •- 1^ ;c Qi E - -- S 7. cd 1-5 - E* r .5 g B .* n - ii oi x 2 B E I B - - i x a :j. ._ - ? £ ? z ? ? I> ? <-> s ^ 202 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. 5 Jl II •sjeaA 'uijax "ja}SIUU JO 9]BQ 3 2 «: £ faSo . -M ■- J s 1-1 ,_, c d -: ~ s o CD is < .. !>• S 9 ■g S CO 25 P..S 55 > >> ., ■otiSfltJsic cd ni a a E S E E o o u u fe fa '£ E 5-od 3 o o % a fa fa h H O CQ pq >> >> c c ci ctf a a E £ o o V O o o CO CO CO CC »« CC, CO CO CO COCO CO SI CO CD Si rr rt i-i ^h (lb to to S •Si tx> -y: cl OO CO o o O O i-H rH o u O O o o O O ' 3S d o o o o o o Sooocoo 5 5 JJ : q C c B tri si .1 m u - >> >- p pi 7: r- id ft ft 5 = u o O ■d H H M s s n w e .3 £ *8 . 2 OW-; ft C ~ ' r " 1 a) •* - >> m £ rt cd 3 g cd ■<-> t. . a cd ft cd cd S m cu ^ o W pj _o ! £?*■ £ cd g cd ° 5 'a 5 £ £ 5 CO CO eo co CO CO CO o c o eo co ec co co e lOSMrtrtMMC ^MMMMKCOMMMrt II ss III- s g 1 § § £ 1 8 D^oOcoSJot 861 864 864 861 861 861 861 861 SGI 861 rH T-t i-l »H rH «J 4J J 4J ^ V +J b«J +J -M 4J «J C 0000002faOOSOOCCOH?SOOO o o o o ojQj(iJ " rt " ~ d 7v ~ 3 ■- cd Cd cd - - ~ ~ — o qj a> a> > > > £ ^ 'C t- *C "C """ ooou uas o cl, ^ fu p< fo p^ pn ^ p^ ^ pn pu plh fe cm p, p^ f^ d, cl, (i, ^ cu ^ 5§5 . 5 2 o pq y k ander erick Muss w ~Z c o - cu .S *j cd _-," i I » I? s -g 1 g s 5 •= ? i j o - - T S C be T3 cd cd aw » gpq m V h oj 0) ^ ft 0) t- cd cd m«w.«£S<33 if u - > a p. ? cd O O o — uu"CI 2|< ■ - .5 - £ *j " !fc! o .~ - o ' « £ o £ C E !► « 0) CJ o > : oaos >£ 204 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •SJB9X 'UIJ9X 'J •jajsnui jo eiTJd S3 w g^ rt < -2 < < •° 4." S s a; T-( &5» S j «'««« 6 ^ ra eg c. M a a £ £ S S o 2 p o O •§ O U o •- o o ^ 3 S - csT A «fc So _ -3 CO CO M CO CO CO CO « oo CO cc - CO CO CO " CO CO « c. CO CO .* rH - in rH - J rH - - rH - s --: :o - , " H 1-1 " rH r-i 1-1 H H i-i H 1-1 * rt •"* '" " r " 1 ,H " '~ l * H H > & - <1 3 c r - Z c c £ . I S 3 « 3 s 8 ajuirt^'^^'^^" - - Roster Company D. 205 s§ 3> oj 3 £ 3 5 A3 •- 0) ►J id O 3 £■" ni" E ~ ho sd S O JH 3" o o ;t: -* *j ■*-» as (-if-. J-. E < 5 — — — < »>>>> -M £h W +- 1 s s s cc -< a p, p, a E £ £ ^ s t; ^ cy " co cy 3 ?"c . - . ■" 5 ■o *j a 2 3 S 3 on ° ~ 3 O us n •O *• M ft «* 2 ^ C u 3 aj 3 3 M ,2 3 £ 3 o O CO ^ •- O O Ah cc co co »o CO CO CO CO CO CO GO OO K W W OO W OO OMMMMWOIMCIO • C/D CO CO CO CO OO O0 W W W CC S W tH ,H ,_, ,-H ^ ,_ ,_, rH THrHiHt-lT-lrH^HW |H H tH rH iH t-. rH ,h ,_, ,-h ,_»,-! £J tj« Tf -* -et* **< "^ ■** **- oq ^ rp i- w (M* -t<* ^* '. -fT -rjT tJ" -jT ^r ^,r ^r ^r ^r ^r ^r r j - ^j* -C ^ X J3 & . o . • . o CJ o CJ 4J +j +J +i -J +; +j *j ^^w^H^pU . +J o bbi^^o d d d ,c *; CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ O CJ CJ 0» O CJ 0) w II CJ O -OO) .COCOcdcOdJ CD > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > u u u u u U ~ U '— U U u u CMfcHidlliCUf^BPH CM&HPLHdiPHPHPHi^ dnPLife fin Ph fc & Ph fc 0, Pu &, Hi & X m 3 _" O 3 cd — '2 M r .2 i O oi " , • ^ <«.■<-: W r? 3 (v rt d od «i-« o cc « ,« r C O *j .52 2 206 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. a o O •SJV3A. 'UI.19J, \I&}Snm JO 9}T3Q ««»«««««« '-. ■- 1 " "- 1 "- 1 ,H rt 1-1 1-1 rH H H fj " H t'j uu CO . . . - • o o u o ooooocooo CD 0> kkPHpHpLnkflikCLl CtJ £ a ft oa S 8 -S -9 B £ ■O C - n It O e .c > ,2 t, o s ■"■• — 5 — o o " ti 5i " O o o h£&?? -si? II re II .2 I o I Ci || >» II "8 !! 1- C E 0) 13 o 3 >* O Id a a S c 0) 9 tf^ 3 ft .5 > ts J <: § to 3 .- ■o 0. a tD c >> ° >> A a) ni k » 6 3 a DD ■3 ni - o >-5 G S . 1-5 3 C aj •-» «s © a C ■a so IS * G fct a< Si ij- CO S ft c CO 1-3 aj m ° ^ £ K Q h a O < co P c c — - ■ 6t 3 C o O (k - j u Cm w ' h ;>, - ni •o S > — £ f« w < Roster Company E. 207 .a . > .2 o 5 u ■fl «<)] 4) 4> „3 — "O 5, og o d s 53 s 3 H ;'•'. - S3 h ^ h Cfl s 'f! 2 a) w - .a Cd f *-* in

u A Hi S g Is a" 3 p u - X - £ T3 £ U ft CO o >. cp 3 :i cd a (D > c c cc a a a >. u 41 «d "a o en a ~ i. a o a . us SxO cO si §3 ■~ 01 3? £ a p ° § CJ) m >> s CO of cd -jj cd T3 cd Ph ad T) "C 'O cf o m 0) — >* S £ 8 2 f?--bbcocoaIlifi t n 5 ; ii a ^i ..- 91 — * f 4> to ti = ^^2 M G n c 3 J2 **--fig oc gg h a " bjj ^ ^ ^ i- 4> i E - e "O eg 'D "D a s o o ? r O - B A C C ^ £ 3 cj o - - ? ? ^ ■J. G eo ec »""" » CO CO CO CO «««« CO coeococococccococococococoeoco CO So 1862 , 1862 1S62 , 1862 S 1862 1862 1S62 1862 1862 1862 1S61 , 1862 V* , 1862 , 1862 , 1S62 , 1S62 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 , 1862 1861 1862 1862 1862 , 1862 H t* t- H CM O t- Cfl Ol H H a ,c £ x: .G ^ 43 . OOOOOO. . a) a 4> o fe a4J34)Ga4)O4>CdC0C0a S § S g SS » s «" <» a> qj > > > hhhh Ph pnpnfliflHaHPHCuPHfcflipHPHfMPHPH • fej '- - 3 §Sffi 41 *J w fa cd B g > 3: 3 u ho o P c . 7 ' « ?n S CJJ en . T ^ c- -: JCJ J ,$ cd ~ 2 P B re a «l t cd 22 --•< H O -■S -s 5 ■S J c t- o .5 . J3 n j3 o *; DO f_ - - a i = d -J o 4>" Si «> 41 S m O E W B cd J= jb - S £ a S S cd h B >. = i > H — c - - 208 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. a ft e o D •sanaX 'uijaj. Ms;snuj jo a}B $ - $ „- g O Ul V 3 - d oo ^c5g° | * U ^ t § a § ^ £_•«*£>, 3 ,h „ * MS ««•! o o ™ ->?o K co -r » » c u . >,iS "- 1 p^^c^d » 3> ^ts c ~ -j; ~ a* co P. I) rl f 1) J) h»- J" " dl >, ^P ofiQfifl^fl Gfi E- g £o moo «OJ««MM«OM«« O? CO a M Wrt M M M tH fi* « H H W M N ?J N H d)d>d>d>d>d)d>d> d> cdcdcdrirtcdnjcdcdcdca cd cd Z Z £ .£ C Z £ .t h C £ Z Z L| U h h t4 h h 'h 'h h b C '"~i (^^FMfoflHfUPHfcfliPLiFLi PuOh d> dj dj > "E 'C PM Cl, Ph 0, Oi H i-s . ^ q o 3 g g H _.- _.- -T o . - P - cd a "-Otfl -- -V^^-i- eg > fl) Ifl Jl W *7 (Ud)CU "J 5 "3 ii 5 ii r -SMM = "< • ■ o o o £ d £ i i fe - E - o 5 Q w 5 c - •n d) — ^: u 3 OK KK Rosier Company E. 209 cd d 5 ep 73 < 3 c S "R ^ ik - » « m Dm . m ■ d Cm B C R S ci "r- bw- g M I H, I I- £ '■ I S "i s «1 „* = «- " ^ I Mi ^iifil es; toe oc'o c c -a :- A — c iS ■o '£ £ c 5 o-° s° ** ° S 2 °J fe R s- qj a> a> £ <«> •£ ^ tu° * ^3 S V:^ & 8 Si I? £ £ OS — b R d ■- id § _. d 2 d c 2 d d ^ ^ d d d j= 3 .3 f} £ .R ° 2 «« .c _ B .c .c " .R j= .R ° 1? o. K ° 5 ° ^ -S « .. ° ■o ^ u u ., "a o o c .S o d ™ -2 g .2 o ~ So .2 So .2 .2 o .2 .2 .2 .2 J o § A hOZ M -/. G QISP Q £ Q O p q MCOMCOMMMMMMCOWMM^M i :t CO M P: M M M O M CO M CO r-7 l-? 7-T C-3 C« CM* f" ci H Cvf (M* C-l" CI H N N « M t" M M H N O) S rH h h" D$ oooooooooooooooa s, oo oo au ooooaoooooGocnoooooqoooo h «j « oo oo n(CHHrlt-AWHM«D[,*ai^ H H (ft H O) t- A 1(5 M t- l^-^"Ot~^ (Mi-Hr-li-H i-l r-t t-i t-H^C-J iH r-t t-I CI C-1 C ] C 1 N fl h H -C .« _ ^J2^ x-c .G .C . . . u o ^ • . .ooo^ . . . y . o ^ . "2 ^ C a ■ • o, a)0a)™»C.^ajOwraracH^ipiiwai(iJBp(QJfiC.a™oo» s tu a? u 41 l 1) OJ Cj a 0) O 01 OJ m i a; - rd " Id id id cd cd ad - - - id - c - - od - - - - r^ - cd - - cd cd > !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ^ > - - U - - - - ™ - PHfo^fofefePHfUPHf^fefej^PHPH^PH^CLif^^PHf^P^^CMflifofe = ■5^ - _; o — — - j. - ^ '-Z'c- = s .- cd g 3 - cd a .- ~ - 5 " : H J' da = ^ ■- C R r 5 " r = - E j= . be -5 x to , « t« - ss _ - £< •a S, d hp ■ « E ^^£^:-;i:H c - — - . to — — i. 2 E >> o d X 210 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ■sissK 'uuax H O ■ja}saiu jo e)ua P £ P .3 « 3 :r ,-i cj ,3 t, ^ o H M c si c. -3 .2 CO c co ai <1 '.i. s S3 * K W t-l 3 "3 r-i ^ ^ cvi J __ S 3 >>^ o .. S o s ? TO Csl o jc h ^3 : -l £ rt QJ .,_, a a a" h e 7 > O 0> £.< | (V B w ''l "3 M _1 in jj = 50 s a * = -g £ n » o 2 o i 4= a, 7. « £ Ui o J fe « IK S £ a e CX (ft < id ,r g rc! B X 3J 'j es cS rt ■a -a a; -■ 13 ■a ^ ■3 fc, . "O C 3 >■ C ? U 9^1 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO o c o c CO O .Q ri u E3 V 0J L4 s c, X w a cd 0) M be 3 3 c, E t- R . 3 cd M j: « K CJ rH A .C - o 3 oti a -- 1 d ■+; +; *; +j +: « « « j « .o *; *.•**+••£ •ajcjoooooooocjo-yoo cjoo ooooo qj u o o o ca : tfi o o o o o o o o o o o :ooo OOO OOOOO fcO ooog 3 fi b d a ^.^.2.HH.5 ^aTcu clTclj dT«aj aj'(iJ'4>'ci5'ar

*■> * - 1 - B A E - - - P B - B j m ". * - -' OJ bo C - a - O c 5 5 w & s > & .s £ M sss S Roster Compan/i /■'. 213 & o S ^ 5£ £ M M M M CO M CO CQ '» CD CD • CD CD ID CD CD CD ID' CD CD CD CO CO CO CD CO CO S3 CD CD . CD CD CD CD ■ CD CD CD CD CD DO « DO • 00 OO COWCCWMt/J^WMOC 00 OO OO SO OO OO 00 • DO CO CO CO • GO CO CO ^. CO og ; OS C5 a) o d> ^ c .t\ ^ £ 5 S £ £ ^ £ £ £ 5 £ ** c t .c t z. - £ - ~ - ■- ■- - £ £ 5 is £ '^ "z "c u z '- n "C n ti n "S £ "C *s *■< *c - n *s *s - ~ "C - c z ~z z £ - n z ~z 'z z z *n ^ p* pu CM & P4 PhPhOhP-.PhO^II.PhPuPl, CL,pL,p- f pL,fl,fL,pl H p H pL l p H CL l PKCl- f j^CuPh^Ph u £ -I .C .Q .2 12 „- = c 5 S ra >> r — e ~ o 33 — ~ O O O 3 ^ s ^ s s 5 ;-■?, ^ — a .= ,c - r e i £ o -5 | £ o - 3 S* a] id - c c s -■< u £ 2 - od J- ' . £ 01 f il ? 3 «. E _ w s s g g 1-5 M a x C > u 2 £ j. c e • % c-° >£££ 214 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •s-iBaX 'uwaj. •je};o£S M § .Q c iQ Q, V C fb oj fe c N ! .^ 3 . — *j .c -*-» .--■- = o - •- g - | ~ & o 5 is co c M OkHo f-i r- t* CO C 0- CO M CO CO CO CO CO co CO ^ 1-1 1-1 " rt t-i HI.th rt cs r- . . ^ o o O O co C o o o o O o 02 O a c c cS c ctf C a CS c C c c cs 5 ft c cs cc U - c B i C ■ 3 J2 3 r-l 3 ■d CM 3 cu 3 ■a M J- co on c B ( I. a c c c3 ct cv a be bi >- ■- D 1 CO (/ a CS 01 u 01 CO - £ c 1 Ih '_ ~ c cs ^ C < « H PC si 4^ Rosier Company > o f- o s~ £ In £J rt t- ^ u lis a c rt •3 — "3 ri ft* StnS S O " h fe H H H s s ■3 .e j3 c * s a * » « & £ "5 a ^ £ £ "3 c S S c o o S a o. c ft g. a c, o § q o o o o U o u U O O o o o o o o o o HHHHHhH 8 £ "* E 2 52 d 22 d S3 ^ X ^ X • o . o . ,,-" y 13 Chi r 19 Chi 1864 186 , Jul sd at embe ed at er 11, 1862. ust 9 » 6* lii .. CD 3 3 Q 3 2 3 3 . £ ft m ft o .^ . ; s t; ° -o c 2 £ > c« ~ - ■- b - c o _ C d jg V. CM^-aflo) .rt 1' -"3l-^t- C o>> ft CO a -< d - S d t» p d TJ d*3 dfT-i"*^ d & £ ft "3 ftT3*J ft c h5 o 2 o • - o • - o K CO CO CJ rt •3 .i HOB H P Eh M *. is . E 3 o OOP pp « CO CO CO CO CO CO C :- " « » I-) CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO - - tH " CO CO " w to s si c3 IH g 3 rt s $ J* g ro< to Y"H cr s rr - ^ 3 8 g 3 s 3 §s" ** ""' rH rH "H H rH H *" i H H " rt H " H tH H 1-1 rt 1-1 H rH H ^ H H rt tH Oori'oJrtiDOcDCJCJ +J ~ *j a-> ±1 ±2 J-i ^ J^ , — : LJ o«oom««J««S OSoObfcfcSfebS t s s oooooooooo ftftftftftftftftftft ooopoooooo 4) OJ OJ CJ (V CD aj rt rt rf rt rt J- fcc t, t. ^ d . . r- ^ n rt w /■s * "3 C 2 ?? 5 d » — r ■- ■- ij ft a S t> - ■3 - uooooooouu a wvv£,£,£,o<&p*& Oi M C t. w < c E X S3 ° 3 £ £ PG ffi ffl 216 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. o a o CD .Q CD c 3 V O •a cd bo 3 ft ■S cd s ■3 ■d rH CO > CD ^ ■H o X a t OJ cu cd cj (11 CB CD CD CD itl CIS cd cd Sl od cd >>>>>>> > > > > > r» > > > > > > > > > u u S-. u u t, (1, (^ Ah.Ph Ah A) PM AhAhAhAhAhAhAhPh Ph 0, Ph Ah P-i Ph Ah cd 5 w CO CD to o o 5 G cd A C o 1-5 i U CD a c A S 1-3 . a" — ." 57 g & 5 CD . -. " .* o (H I Da >- >v.2 .2 cd cd cd o o u Cap5PQp5cqpQOOOOOOUUO u oo i-i ft Qft Roster Cow pa nij (!. 217 3 S o « a o O pbdO T3 T3 3 'd 52 *d a> a) so <" <" 6o 60 3 taO _hD 3 d > d aT 3 fn -.ft *" * 3 V i! 0, rn W oo .5 r 5 p. S to , o (. ft U H p . .3 $3 S°S fe t3 £ - B Jh., 2 d 5 ■*< < d cu to ^ CO C . C < 41" -r o _ C d 9 £ 2 1 >-5 m d _ > ■« - ::. ■3 d noQfl a i;ose S o> _ a> S to "£ « to i-j d "2 £ d .E C ih .c ■ "C o 3 4) O Cj CJ O O T3 h h n « M « h n n « sss s s ^ ^T" t <3 to rfj *J a b SJ -U P *» +J '"*■ uJ ^ £i' +j J ^ H ^ P ^ ,2 ^ J3 +J ^ +J H H J +J d2 *; J ""' 4j H dojoodddocjoj^a^ocjcj" ™ooi)oci"ow gfeOOSggOPx.foSfeOfaOggOOfeOOSOS 4) 4> 4> 4) 4) a; d d d Si d d > > > > > > !> > > > > > t> cj cj cd o3 rt I_ t* J- J-. (m - '~ - t- ^^^^kPnCUkkpH ilHpH^PnpHlll^aH^pHfc^pH^pHf^fcpHpHCiHp^pHflHpHp^ J E 2«QqJ 3£ d d R P to B ■ 5 w S .e c fcfcf o PU ■h - S 55 E g M ■h Q " J - - " r •_• c- r c d d ft A S od . • . ■ " • : ' c - o > K X S X 1= ^ o E E _- ■ § ofiS £J -«■ O I. r ■- „ O q; -' J - - /< c u- k M d c C .^K 2 - tf * a «: glials a) a* oj o o o o 2 18 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •sjEeX 'uiaex •Jdjsnui jo eiBQ •31UBH 5 £ 3 £ - o £« . o 60 M - 60 O 3 , 3 g M £ M TO o s^s ss is c a to •9 c 3* - w 66 5 °> r, ™ 3 o M ^ O h t: "j a s *j 33 J - 'do' 1 ' QCfi gc cy 13 o 'O o o a, m a; w w 5 5 5 5 5 MHCOWWCOMHriMMMHCO CO CO CO CO w coco eo 18G4 1865 , 1861 , 1S61 1864 1S61 1861 1865 1865 , 1861 1861 , 1S61 , 1S65 , 1864 , 1861 , 1864 1861 . 1S64 HHHMcq ^ iH l> i-t ,d ^ +; 4j" ^2 +: +: xi ^ +: 4.; > ^ h : ££■*-» »? 4) Q> 4J QJ B B B rt rf B ** 5 .£: £ £ 5 5 .£ .£: .£; ** £ .- .£; .„ p H £kP H P H P^(l|kPMk(lipHf££f£pL-3i-:i-s | -5 | -:>-3 t -3 d C - 3= 3- 3- i3 o — — 3= •? £ £ cd - B 01" £ 5 to" £ B u - e" s : ? ££ B O B of en" K g C 1* >^ p sd n - 33 C ■c s >-: J7 ^ 1-5 £M w w M Md Roster Company G. 219 3 S 3 «" 3 -w 3 3 1-5 > x I ints 8 pqw -a ^ ^ <3 ^ ,J f>n hn h.n Ti s ;» £ o ^ 3 1? W ^ rf ; to 12 T) ^ » ^ *; *, o • cd 'o rt c3 rt l - ai b t, h u M he c ,_ .« ._H 1- . Z. — Z. O - '„ « X X -2 m O (; jj o « +j *j *j O C T* ti ts s O o S ^ 'j v ^ ^ ^ a> C* uj CG ci on cc tt a ^ C t. 3 M fl £ 3 O o ij 0. 10 53 s .. I 3 60 eg 3 >> o at •a a c) ■a 111 o ^ 5 -t-> ^ t. 11 - :l . -i C 3 S * •• to - t« 12 ;_ -3 — ■ 4_. 35 7Z qj Ph P-l Ph Ph Cn^iiH^Hirt--^--^^ ■3 s; o 3 > n 15 ■S «" 5 ^ ^ ■-» CO at o ^ •3 ^3" in ^ d rf "3 . » -■§ * § 3 C O o S 1 £1 2 o P P > ^0 - 3 as 1-9 l*&\ b"wI to A S-P-: 3 ~ «•? «;-o - c 4) 0) * b 3 £ s c« O P M t. h **i 2 c fi c a ." _- 3 - S - rt to" .,; ^r .<; 9 H S » •?< 2Z SS2S2S2SSSS^SS?S S 220 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. s s - B - S, ! t- in ™ S M >, S ' O « 6 S d ■<" -2 3 s o s « SO i £ ■3 T3 T3 , a» ip oj o 0C 6c OB J rt rf rt >~ I J= J= £ _ ° he be be ■» to flflQQflflfiUO : * c .c _ ) a 3 o 0J yv X W 0j q CO cfi ft O Vi 55555^555^5 -"""""""" HHHnnHccnnDsccnKn 865 864 865 S61 861 864 864 861 - S^^^^SS?]^ Si 3 H ft H tT ftOlt-HOHHH .Q .Q ** .Q -*->' *j ,D ,Q .J ^2 ~ — 4J ^ .C **> ^ ** 4S ^ J v J ~ ~ r^ cd rt — ~ ! rt rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t. ~ ~ t. ~ r". ~. 7". £ Z JZ. i. > > ^ * .£ .£; i! .£ .is — ^ .- 3; h S, £ .S .£; .£ - « g *; to rt •* 6 £ «J — - o o c 81* . . . p . 3 8 8* -"8 £ .2 .2 .5 o o c a< & Ph &, d, — " .5 P n T fe -5 5 Oj s. e C« K £ « £ K K K K K & Roster Company G. 221 is o .£

- O 3 O G co o co co £ ROSPOQO QQQflQ a a Q QQ Q Q E S 3 & t G u Si S « 3 3 ft 2 -° COM e O i, cu !;gfc§o : o ozoofc CUCUCUCUCUCUcUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUCUclJcuarcUCUCU CUCUCUflTaT r.'^c:^.:-^-----^--^-^::j:^.-^' ajcdcdct)cd 'C "E 'E t- 'E E E 'E 'E E 'E E E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E E 'E 'E E 'E ~u 'E 'E 'E " 'E °E 'E 0) J . u .O ^ < 5 cu

T3 - >'i 5 . .5 5 u ^ CU « hn ^ d c c a£ u i * * co co to c/2 cc cc H r 1 x> cu E S -^-2 e5S S i d a i i •= S -S -= — — CU - s ^0 = < ^ ere •= -S .cu -o 00 E « -• *2 3 - E CO £ t* ? ? 222 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. E h V a m e c a h 3 DD a o ci Bl A £ a > ft >0 % d s ■2 ed K ■■t > u S o l- ■ E bo si S 3 m * B c CT & o ■c ■a § U> ro "C p !f ■£ Jl p k S IUBH a (1) r Oi SJ t > > f. a CM Cm 4> S 01 55 E C E a X t > c > x a < w b i n 6"s c fife- ? is p o ti W S £ ^«2 " 3 4) 5 £ CO § 3-a 0) T3 « bo C oj !.2f E-g p en O &i I 0) h •- K fe CO CO W CO 5MMMMMMWW to t£> i-H C^ 1861 1861 1S61 1861 1861 1861 1861 , 1S61 <3 *J « v" J J J u" J a p, a) oi 5 JJ3 cp > tocotntototofiipLi 3 £ fe ' W '^! si oi > - •- a/ i. a) c o I c u a pq o 4) bo Roster Company H. 223 «: < Q < < B, Q, Q. o o o « cs a a E E o o U O H H H H WOSMMMWP3MMM' cocococococococo co co co co co eo ec CJ +j' <->' > CJ *j' *J > > O CJ <->' CJ V > CJ +j -J *j jj > CJ CJ jj jj > *J *J cjoOO>ooooojQ>cjo>o>oa>oooocjcjyOOJcoocjOcjyoo>o POOWOOZZflOOQflZflOOOZOOOZflfiOO^OOOQO s 4) 1 V 01 13 ■1> li D V u W co 0) 1> n> 1 OJ 11 OJ to CO 2 01 i' Od SI 11 01 ad ■d cd si Si - sd Bj cd cd od n -i 09 a) id si si C > > > > > > > > > > ;- > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |> > > ► > »*■ > Li £ ~ u Eh ^. h - u ~ L u h b t. , _ P H I^PHl^PMAHl^pLHpL||X|PL H P^pL 4 pL 4 pLfbPL l PHp^IX,pHp-," +> . c u c S bi-< r «> -5 fc S >ri O O - M M « • £ 0.2 Ph = t> 5 c ^ P o; ^ a o>" ii eocooi— . — -ot-3Coooo £>;^ £5 s 3 W S5S3! Sh3 o .* <" ?• co cd cd a a a £S « * ii J >. — s ~ tS o< a a p, & € E oii'S PC!? 224 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •sjuaX 'tujsx uajsnm jo ej^a O » « M M rt M M i-H OO jH ift" CO 00 M CO C> 00 CO ■* > +> *»" *■ +j ci 6 4J d o +J J ZOOOOQOOfiOOO >>>>>>>>>>>> U - - '- u u u -■_----.-■_ ^ ■_ ^ ^ l_ £ E — a) — t- "3 - f £? C £ £ "9 ■s E cj £ fe c -C -C w • *. CO - 03 . 0) * & ~ .,_» 00 b O rt r-l J) to o -•2 ~ ~ CJ £ ft . jj pi [- c c 3 cj R 1 ss 3 5 a 1-3 3 * 3 at □ 3 3 c a c 1 a 01 C 3 >-> ,_$ H ^j •a) 0) si T3 c c-i o c E « O Pi nt 3 cS 3 Hi ID £ C Hi c 3 o> 3 DO ^h" on 7. 1 CJ 4) B 8 o o £j s c 3 e> fe s CO CO CO a a, d C3 U O r ° Roster Company K. 225 * rl UP " til 2 I a !>" T3 ai i> S " 3 " rJ - 3 (J g fl 2 M M ^ r! gj *-t < T- nf s * CO Q -a « i 2 -S Ss2 ill ri ^j r-3 to 3 3^ * 2 ^ Sfilife-ii! - CO |3| O r- l> t. 3. *j fa CO 5 , CD CO $ -a o « - ? - 3 ' H CD be S So CO o be fe 3 p CO" 73 _," 3 r2 r-i -- 1 in > s 2 2 £ . a co CD *-l w . . CM MS « & s o CO 73 X a, CD M §* S3 b U 2 ■S n « i. S » cs 1 °§£l^3 § - 4 - 73 .. o ^ 73 .o>2 cd -j- a be a) -x p, ® 3 O M 3 O . o-_ _ o - _ o .ex) o 0^> rH O^ P HEhP h 3 J; 73 °;g a ■H 3 oc 23 etta 8, 1 1862 ary cj aj „ fa •H*^ Mar July y 16 Febr O, *• Q. D. <: u < S B Ml O aj ca n OJ a A .O e ft F W ■a O in • 00 o isi S|S > aj~ T-l 00 .3 CO ce C 5h 00 . <£> L xi - o h QJ CJ »-■ <- aJ CE P 0) Qj 01 tC rQ Gj a ^ P O W ^ CS O fc ~ rS S ^^ Cfl II £ <<< r rrj 0) - t- Eo OJ Jill ■-"Ec Roster Company K. * * 1 ™ % j?l ?.' 03 ""* rt ss S r^ „ iH cd I-, as X! ^ O >> O § M g § S iH - a) , OJ a. be Ml - - oi as •a -d at a; Oil 03 13 a) cc so co H I. - S 03 o3 In in fl X 2, T3 o o u. -J: oi a. i OJ O DO DO M QflfifiOCPOQQ P P a a S $ s>, -fig 3 X ~? £° - +■» ^t* -III ° o. ° ° Po P 8 ° -- ed ^ c ^ '■? ^ s 3! cd^a)a>«c3cD~ cDcucLJ

QJ CD 0) cCcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd cd 03 o$ cd cd cd .£ .£ £ £ £ £ £ is 5 > u. u u u [-. e p u u *u u u *c "E '£ "£ £ £ £ P H P4P^PL H |^PHa ( PUlpL,pL,PL,PL|CLiPHpL l CL f Cl H pL,fL i >» 03 ■Si .-EW S a C oi p3 Q « t/i J= o . in S £ l- 03 •3 II e *tS33i.i-3'^ £ -° "Z. "Z <» ¥ ° P 3 .a ^ ~ u t. K m 3 3 3 3 3 (a . n m K « a 0) * o ~ s-4* ° 5 < h oi — be oj oi 5^K C t. CJ 3 ea ai c fcfefcQflfiflfcflS^fcghPQfiP Ex, fe < a>cucpa>cJ'&a)cJcjcuctrcJ'cuarararar a> 5 'i, > > > .Z .£; £ £ .£; .£ hfiiiiiifctiiitt 'E 'E ^ 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E "E 'E 'E 'E E £ SEE a a> a) U O ■S -c ^ 7 1 S£ = A 5 8 -3 £ ^ M - . id >> s 73 5 - - cd cd >> jg cd cd MS at. j= 73 cd ^ h « C e — 73 fc 2 S * .2 a S H .5 C.C &2 oy cp XX Roster Company K. 229 O 0) -a o to ^ .C £ o oj to » 5 Q -1 *J OJ 1) *"" S"|l S co ^ * S3 & j ■# S M 2 oT 03 3 m ** c c o/ « e s & d 03 T p ^ ^ OJ J2 -iH-i- >;>> -b >> ---''''- S-S — .-.--—-—- — — — t- °n t- u *t. n n £ *n "n *n *n c *c - c x c c " *n - c 'ccct-uu^^Ct-fc-ut-fc- B€ s -° >:£ l d &I «r> R 1-9 # 5 t-> ~ 03 n o OJ jO OJ *$ Oh o . 03 - .<-> s ~ >.— -d a. 3 ^ t. aj t- M . fe 5 c 3 d W OS H O co W 3 3 MX n f O o Hj "2-52 Sg^sc-Ego-SH* £w« ? tf « W W W W j3 JJ >> £ « 5 *> ""' J3 £ C > 3 5 — fr, S «J S -< 03 * OJ co to s . o g £ ■ ■ t> 03 £ O to g c x t- 3 O U CJ o S2 03 >: ^ ^ = ■- c »5 03 ^. — .— — O ! f 2 s s ?. § a 230 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. W o e • 6 1 0) iH CO CD C c eg •a 5 60 (4 CO > J3 o m * J ■a cfl ■* H X CO DO c St 5 a! ai t- tf CO CO rH in s a> o cU Q 3 g o a> ^3 | O L, 55 > a "" C! a .Q uU P5 t- ? * 3 g eg .Q -1 O 0) § Ui H O E ■a »o -O rr T) " T C3 ? & *J to 60 « T) OD -O ti a! el O « ■J ct ■2 A o "a c n " s T * a 3 ui a) r^ - 4 4 O Q Q Q r* c (- ^ •SJB3X 'uuaj, CO T^ ^ «- H M r ^ I- CO CO c f CO CV WrlCO H M H r S £ SS SS1S 00 oc r- oo c< cr 00 CO \i»}snui jo »?5a . cj c ^ ^ X J2 J2 -C o t; o ~ o c QSfcfcSOSSg - gCQSfafifefcOSSSS •siuea a> > > f> > > > > > > > > > > > >>>>>>> Ph P- t OnPnCLikCupHdHP^ P^PhOiPhPhPhPhP^PhPh^PhPh HJ I £ 3 KK E a H td 5 < C IS? E E £ 2 fcP- c c p. i : P- p. c a a PC * J a p: I a .C 4 .2 C « pi 5 Pi a r 7 to cc Roster Company K. 231 53 "•* S 8D« tfj o 3 o >d i-i IS fa w° O ^ ri ,,>IH t-" * 3 CO HO gM o, o ci o) c O ^ c 3 _, _ 3 h, -a -a h, ■ S; t. » J •S as a Z ^ .c £. t-< m "5 o <*> 91 « g 91 SS S £ a flO T1 •ft ■rt -"( c 11 a; ■r -i < cd Hs rt nt A A B CJ aj{U(iJiii ir £• > ^ ?????? ? '^ '*- "^ "S ►< ►< £ ? S T3 "E t; 'C 232 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ~ « £ < Q sjbsX 'uiaax jajsnui jo e^BQ ^ iS S .c .c .c j3 .a .e.c.c.c « ,e .000 . .0 .0 . . .0000 .0 .0 . MCCCCcOnJcooi 0O0000000 ■*-*a)iJ(DC)00oooooo t. u t, t, •S'fl L . I-J Cfi S _ C.K3 .►1 ,30 O CQ H P gSfl'SlsS-SjSBBfi * ° - 1^ a) -* Roster New Company D. •i:v.\ q a ss V V IS (0 5i M H .H CM M rt r-( o . o o . !- .Q b 5r Si a si si si si si si u J? cti (1> o> ! -9 ■?" S .9 x js x; si si o . . o o o o ^SiSi^^^^si^i ojrtcg jj o cj a ju ojrt m ro rt

> ^ ^ > "^ > > u Jr j? ^ u '" u u u ^ u T* u u f- "C '£ *E '£ '£ "C *C '£ '£ '£ 'C "C X *C 'E 'E *n *C *C X "C "C *£ fa ~ I 2J £« . c u c 5 E aj o M si 3 £ £ <* £ c- ~ 5" 4! O lj c — = K - £ tf -a £ c" d £ £ aj cj " •o 3 — h «- > > > > > > > > >>>>>>>>>>£££> -~ .~ '£, "£ 'u "£ 'u "£ 'V, '£ "£ t-t u u u u u S- j- u u jt. s- ^ f< ^ C3 oJ £ „£ « S5 .■oESSS •Sg ££ n.; J s 5 41 (1) J3 cfl tfi . *i > CO 'W Is H s£ .2 S sis e 5 .— QJ W W^hI 3 2 S grS S fcOdj C C >" c o a; S2£ M as is go c ^ S E Rosier New Company LJ. 235 •e 5 St f-, O Q 5 P S £ S — .i ? t c t c c t c .£; - .- i - .i £■ £ 5 - u z 'Z. 'z. 'Z 'z ~z z ~z "z "£ 'z ~z "c z 'z 'Z 'z ~z 'Z ~ - '- i.fLiPHCLlPLiCLlPUPHPLiaHp-lP-lCLlPHplPHpH £ -a < 5 fa ■is 5 o ?; •- KCO^S 5 - si B 2 H e C > 0) C. rf - St m H> O r. « ^ -• > c a . o si O « in pj fc £ co 1 ^ c . ra r :- :- 16 C a I" 3 c a; w in w w ic '" '(J w m w to io }> > .**, > .£ .£ > > > > > > > £ > > > OOOOOO't^t-l'^tH'tjtHtH J_ i- ti '*-l '.I — — t-l — — C a s: £ £ K c"f^*fQ ■8 T3 c O ^HS^ OCQHHHH Foster New Company E. 237 to Sg a O a a Q Q S 3 5S12S o o o o O . cocuctfa;cocy&ci>&cDa>a>a>CDcu >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> > p. > > > > > - "° 2 M m 2 s I s I c 3 o ^ >-J vj y. ■/. v. - C C C C s -7. ce> cd rt ccj ojo >. ^ > > > > cci c3 = SHHHhfcO a. — U O >. >■ . v «j a i w ^ •* j 3 - m £ hr} — • QJ u to <1 cfl s a -•* 5 o E s 2fe o - ctf E5 — v C N —* to 2 "O "9 - 52 cs >-> 5 " ■c .3 ~ tf « 2 i, ™ ^ - - - o o a i liSfl nc -5 t-i-j-Diy-coa « g § * S u 2 l%% ins s « S 5 Q 5 § S •§ 0000000).- 238 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. - - a o O 0) •SJBS.S 'UJJ3X ■joisnui jo e)3a O « Q PP **» ii? c *** *^ ^ 1-3 "^ ^3 0) 0> r£ .« QJ QJ .« PQPflB O) <3l CC * o w -^ oo c^ ,c ^ ,£ r xi xi XI " '""' ,Q .O ^ k-« »— t *-i <« *-• h ^ H »- i-i *J "^ X3 XJ -C XJ . a o o o x: x! x: x! x: o o . u o o o a) ~ — ~t ■" ~ i cc ~ '~ d Tj cti c; erf ci rf t- L- t- !- - ~ - - Sh U t- (-. t- :-. ~~-----^---^-^----^---^-- £ S 1 Q ££5 eu a) £ E0| ^ s ^r.fi < . . . « „-2 3 fi (V j.'0 - a Z ~ — c S S >> — i- - ~ a O 3 3 3 ?> 2 -2 2 >? d E i g I s 1 1 £ £ £ g £ •2 c > > > > > > > > £ - u 9j 3 == 5 H !> ! «- >: • - ^ S ° j 4> ^ r 73 >> ^j 1 S « «i O ^ * b 1-" A A — n &• £ > £ * P l> C in N £ u * H F - s c .j c ?. 3 2 £ *£ « ni -, .. .. ;. /-> OO rt ci n 1*1 i-i « -H -*- 1 ■*-? -*- 1 .- K » Sa — C E £ C ^^COCP^OC-'l-rS 2hiei-.J'."C^'. v. r- '---. ^ PQ - ^ PQ 240 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. b - a o O 01 'SJ133K 'UIJ9J, •jejsniu jo 9JBQ . 3 ■O 1-3 tj ? 3 5 2 tig a "3 C 5 Q ,£5 X! ,Q J2 b fi ^ * £2 £! X! mffl»do,t5wajwajD(ijaiwoj[Daia)0njnnc:n dJ 0) d> OJ cs cd cd ri r ~ ~ ~ r; S z ~ ~ ~ " cti ~ ~ S x ~ >>>>p.>>>>>>>>> _„^_^i-^i. P^P H pL|CLieL|P_,PHflHP H P < PkP^pL,pL|CL,P H CUpLiP-.PHFL4ft > c > v > Z m v 3 CU u> w CO t- S d J 53 5S" §,„•„• 53 * 53* 53 ^ | 3 53 - . 0> S3 § t- rH a; o> Sua) p *~ a> 3 cv 3 3 a> 3 ra « E £ 33 in £ 3 3 cji ^ -•-* > cy cv to > a» a; a> a* 3 a & O bo « >o !u)3oaO'dMMl fl M j^a) k, s-aiflj *■■ ^ ^ ojti < >-) m £ c3 -S ii aj ^ £ ai -S to cc! £! nj ,C *- ^ ,C Si ** Si Si ^ Si >d t3 "O 'd o^a) cj t3 *o o *V o cj cu o aiaja) a) ' J - o X m .c c .- .£ .S S ~ •- - •£ •- .« •- - Z -Z • > -Z .Z .Z .Z .£ .- .- •- -Z .Z }Z .Z iz, .Z .Z .^ 5 h ii iZ "C fci H h T3 V» (< h &■ T« 61 L. 'h Z b t b ^ ^4 fcl fci tH fn tn L- fc- £ C H L h - c- H J- C U u : : - . : " : ' : ' id : : ' " : " : : : u ::::-. w . ■ ^d — " d "•> oT _• ■ •" - ' * ; : - . . • ■ ,„"■.: w c E - * h -wSl 8 Si -^ >:.-"S r -s"S :m s »E .j .s S • • .---^ § sIqo . .2 i c s - o s c , . b " 5 j E . g • g g 5 ^ - ^ § _.-£ c -a = o a - £> a 2oo2£25c«isaS3 C ss , 3-^ > |; cl jooooo3o>^£'t:i5!J:a^EEc. 242 Seventy -Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. fa ii >> ii 6 ii £ ! Oj I £ ! •SJESjC 'UU8X •jaisnui jo ajtoc £ 12 ■a Oh* £ "- "Z a. fT^ a fct to-o e £ :; tU D, a S £ ^ a> n m ca CC w K s: fi r ■a o T3 O o »a Qj XJi RCQ C Cfi X! ^2 J2 — — — C — ^3^^£ — — — _ a> r: ed a) os z "oj a, "a> "a> a> o> a - „ aj3}4}aiaj^o;aja)D^sa)0;&^ p 4 fL,d H P H a < PL,PUPHfcPHP-a,PHPHpHPHfL i aHfUfc • -a ' . . E £ £ .-£ >» >-= ^ .2 . =3 ... pa- "5 "3 s CO - C h ° 2 a a -a :- a! (1) u qpq nsaass D Q ft =JD iS 'j s sss a "5 0....0 fafafafaSfafafafafafafafafafaSfafafakgfafafafafafafafafafafafafcfafa a «j CGcgca'co'cdcocdcdalcGccJcocd" OOOOOOOOOOOO cdcocdajajcciccaicocdco aj a> eg a ft ^ j m ao bo m bo M ft » ft g g. ft g. » ft » £• m >>>>>>>>>> j; .i: > > ■fc! 3 5 .3 a) a> o o o o o p o o o p .0 ^ t* u ;- t. *- o^S^aiwiKwajOOoDUOoooOOSfMCMCUfafafafafafafafa^PH^^ £W a> t- r" >> r a) - cd r , 6 1 - fi u ad 3 £ 0£ ft CO (L (L p^az : « 5 ^ , w « m " - m - ^ .S S 5f 3 ajaiajin^S^Co C C v^ |5 ^ -r 3: .3 wOOc«^?iSfafaKKPQ33WCWnmu u - ■- 5 >..<=•? to o ,_ t - 1. « a ; co cd at .G t- 5 •_ •_ u ucc J= 00 3 Q, >. 0> CD 0) +? bo o &o bo bo O tj ^ «i ol d 0) V/ Oi Ul (Q ui 5 S 5 5 5 o p o 1 | | 9 1 CD •-: •-i: * »o ^5 1 i 1 1 1 | 1 £ I 'j ss tH H 1-1 1-1 ^ 1-1 '-' '" H rH ^ i-i iH 1-1 h T^ & J= fl pC fl - £ .Q A - ,0 -1 - ^ .O £ £ 43 ^J - fl & £> fafefefcfcfefcfcfetlfclfefefefRfefcfcfclfefefeCLiElH V 0) o> ID CD l a 0) 4) 1 at a» crt od -1 Bri id od id id trt a - - - - - CS « od - - - - d a > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > t- - ~ - - L ~ u PLiPMfLiPLipHf^PHf^fcfeHiPHfLiPMP-lllCLlf^pHfefLl^CU^ c3 m a. W S 5 5 fi .* — w — ~ a ~ o 3 3 3 a p p s ;£ be C £ ^ g w .g g tf g I S S S I e - 5 — - S 2 ° o p a* P Hfc &< fc k fc. fc| fc JK -J — S < s — so » -2 "Cw^i: 3 '~ *Xj *2 - . ~ ^O 9 5 " t S S S. c c rt a rt — — — 2 0) XKXKSKKK Hosier Company T. 245 •5 & u a d 3 a) Q R > S ™ 5 ?o « CO o ; c t o - i t -3 OJ 3 ft -d M T3 M d <1 u ;ji s§ 5 3 q 5 o Q 5S Q P - - O 1< ■* M- QO 1< M- ^ W H fl< M- Tf tf O ^ (?) tc" N f -t Tf" rt lO* t* ■** Tf* t" 4 ^* lO *t V 1Q t* r' i -' — -' THr-ti-HT-l T-tT-trHWiHrHfH^HT-HtHT-l rHrHt-(THiHi-HT-lt-i)djajc^ajcycycyajc^a)0a)a'cua)aj^c^(ucy~cuircyajcij(utir > > > > ** > t, > '* > *• ^ ^ > > > > > tc it (i i< t< '■* %> « - £ E 2 E "p 'u "E °E °E E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E °E "E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E 'E '£ E 'E '£ ■d ^ = W * r- « 5 1-5 1 '«" JI £ J 5^ is o ? pi » c 8 ■ i - to 5 d H ? : » c «; 5 «! d 2 - c3 .ti d o o o r ES 3 *"» H -S o o tc o s ° * - ; H 2 ^ b b f< (J b ~ *" as - M 'A J J d o o o si S 3 3 2 3 J :f 5 d ". z z t O Hi ■** 3 W *- n g a ■« w - .' L, fc* W •St t "S c a c i H< CL (L, d, Ph C £ £ C/J to ! GO C/J « t, t, t, *-> e O O O O >> .= a * T .E C - ^ = a s E S « 5^ iZ •/. n <- C 5S d x U. > 246 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •J9}SniU JO 9513Q to CO y y 1 _- r " 1 w w 1-1 J2 fl fl .Q £ 43 0) CM fa fa fa fa fa fa 0) (U Bj id td d <^ td > > > ► > > l* - w be E-i •- 3 td E 0> CV td cd ._ t? ts ? r- -— — I 11 — OD J£3 m oo O 3 <-> ^ '~ ■). a _g 3 *E E ■O CD ™ £ « 5? o A o H h t- t- « fl fl t; .Q .Q ,Q .a .Q |~ £! ,c .a kfagkkkfckgfafafa e ^ CCCCtdtdjitd td cd td cd *rfi»n"*^(PCUtU> >> b >> m w * n 3 i) T3 Tj ^ f^ t- 2? c ctf a A A >» s •O £ "3 "3 o o 2 o 00 £ 00 to CJ 41 O 0) •o "o o -c ■ '3 £ as as A J= J= O 13 o c a o c OOHO flfiflO flpfl a o 'S s s gsss araT£ , ar

*">>> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >>>>>> > > > > O O O o33^^^^^'^'^ •£ •£ •£ •£ •£ *£ '£ •£ '^Xhttttlltt'i! u 'C ~ C b a >• ■ £ ^ ""< r a ; - - ^ o i a) O 3 1' S *£ . o > 1 -K m ! - B j O >£ > c c ; 2 « * ■*= B s a S> K O C ■ - *j te o M M o m ffi ^ ^ *- G c 0) ^ o a; u c m - 3 3 3 aj 01 0) SBBUUO Be C 3 "g r b - 2 3 3 c" s= fB £ x = A A -r c a : * ..-8 -i / OOflPflPQPHWfefc* 248 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ■d bo 01 d ■a 5 to X .15 3 a) £ u E-i d 43 E QJ o « d .^ 2 <=" Ctj 43 - E S 2 - m >> ft 3 t- hj ca CD 43 3 V, d - ■d 0) :/. Od hargcd May 23, 1865. furlough at muster out; di hargeJ September 18, 1865. arged May 23, 1865. ted June 26, 1865. tached duty at muster out o id CO to "3 c ^ CJ V QJ O) CD ■• D m 0) d d a) id rt - - d d d d d > > f > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > u u C h h £ PMPniilCLiPHPLiPL.eL.PL.CL.CLill, fl, PL, CL, fL, pL, Ph (U Ph Ph Pu Ph « : « E CD 1 d i> ° p. « jf c -0 t 2 ■« Q c c £ r 09 d .s >>■§ *J 01 CJ .2 ~ d 2 '? 5 d h (h i o a i a .= o 1-5 C % o a a o 1-3 CD o umphreyville, J., ussey, James, . gram, John G., c od o 1-3 d -- a> 4: = d £ VI CJ ° hi 1-3 M s" &" DO ^ d 3 p, s »-3 - F3 C 4> . C- 43 fchOttO o w w s — SKKKi MM MM M W^ Roster Unassigned Men. 249 * ,2 o O r * oo 25 £• •? q to O oc t*" oo" P F . « « .OO .O . O .OO .OOOOO'. .oooooo t -.D,C£l.Q.Q,D,a^~£,a S-. S- ^ ^ t-^t-^t-^^ f-j3 t- t- U U U £. >2 '~ (- - 1- t- 1- QjCJOJCJ6)*j*J4J-l-'-4-'-M-^+J-(-'-t-J*J-MW^>4-'-*J-*->-t-J-W4-'*J*- '£ > h i, .£ h h .t c .c .t h .t .c £ I > > .£ 5 .*" ic £ .£ .i; > h h .5 .5 > > S; £ £ i 5 £ > *n *n 'n *n *n *c - c *c '£ '£ '£ - n ~z - n *c '£ *c z ~z *c *c 'C 'Z ~z ~z 'z 'Z ~z '& ~z ~z ~z 'z ~z 'z 'z '^ ~z -^ .0 P « S-gh IN h . e .E « .a >>-■§ = Mi 1 ^ = E id K 6 - . ■ a -- s 8 « . ■- 6t O o o g > 3 CD <3 -C |||4 |s C C d) l. c E « « as « O O ~ ?. a +J w t y ,- k, S fc o b 6 o c 3 n J .'- : rt « csi o 5 « o a s I a J. E £ £ £ 13 * s. h r- r- ;-: x _; h H S §1 • £■» = o E S J3 O t. H H '- fc jf 250 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. •sivaA 'uiaax •jejsnut 30 > > > > 'C '£ "C "C (h 'u "C "u u 0,CL,pL I (X,(lHp-lPHPL|fl 1 - 9. C v " -3 -C - V O be _ £ £ S •§. E § I - - a - - - - " ' S« fa E fa fa fa .-. totUD—cdrtrtC — ■ r-< HHHrlMMHW l •fn-inm^^iog S J3 "^ H * H 3 S * - 15 — qj a) qj , x J g "5 » II K nmfiuufi 0) 3 A Roster I iiassigned Men. 251 a a" " us " s" m " g ?f a" * * * s ■* a a" s °°" <°" a" a a* °°" s J J3 Si X J3 jS .C £ J3 .C o o o o o o o o i ) j,S5lrSa)«ai««5)'jc,3nS'5«irt(!JrttJci5i«i«iB«3ori»c;os a)a)&' ( l J >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a - ^ O >• >^ « « P CD G ' _" _, M Wj4 ~ -t £ - « * * o si c ° ° 5 ■£ !r i(r •! o « -." ■ c t- o c *j C ~l e d) ~> - en tf ■? ,? c o a O Pu, js I 3P QJ o be c >• -r c It 5 * ^ 3 3 •a o 3 £ en - O O fci" Si fc - ^ £ 2 v si x c ■* . C. Buell commanded the Department of the Ohio with headquarters at Louisville. Ky. The Cumberland river formed the boundary separating the Departments of the Missouri and the Ohio. Various plans had been canvassed by Generals Halleck and Buell, participated in by the general in chief, for an attack upon the Confederate line. General Halleck had asked to have General Buell's army transferred to him, or at least placed under his command, claiming that without such union and au army of at least 60,000 men under one commander, it would be impossible to break I he well established lines of General Johnston.* Before such union could he effected, and before General Halleck had received a reply to his request. General Grant asked for and received permission lo attack the line at Fort Henry on the Tennessee river. f Assisted by the gunboat fleet of Commodore Foote, ( Irani captured Fori Eenry on the sixth of February, and then moving upon Fort Donelson captured that place with 15,000 prisoners on the sixteenth. The loss of these forts broke General Johnston's line at its center and compelled him to evacuate Columbus and Bowling Green, abandon Tennessee and Kentucky to the Union army and seek a new line of defense on the Memphis and Charles- ton Railroad. •No. 8 War Records, pp. 508-510. Reference to War Records will be given by serial numbers, 10 War Records being volume 10; 11 War Records being part 2 of volume 10. tl Grant, p. 287. ( 255 ) 256 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. General Halleck was displeased with Grant because be seat a division of troops into Buell's department at Clarksville.J Tins displeasure was increased when be learned tbat General Grant bad gone to Nashville for consultation with General Buell. Halleck directed the withdrawal of Smith's division from Clarksville, suspended General Grant from command, and ordered him to Fort Henry to await orders. § He then placed General C F. Smith in command of all the troops with orders to proceed up the Tennessee river and to make an effort to break the Confederate line on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad at some place near Florence.* General Smith's advance reached Savannah, Tenn., March 13, 1862. Having determined to make that point his base of operations, he landed the troops that accompanied bis ad- vance, and sent boats back for supplies and the remainder of his army. General W. T. Sherman had organized a division of new troops while he was in command at Faducah. With these he was ordered to report to General Smith. He reached Savan- nah on the fourteenth of March and was ordered by General Smith to proceed up the river to some point near Eastport and from there make an attempt to break the Memphis and Charleston Railroad in the vicinity of Burnsville, Miss.f. Previous to this time a gunboat fleet had passed up the Tennessee river as far as Florence. At Pittsburg Lauding this fleet encountered a small force of Confederates consist- ing of the Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry, Gibson's battery of artillery, and some cavalry. The gunboats shelled the position and drove away the Confederates. A bursting shell set fire to and destroyed one of the three buildings at the land ing. The fleet proceeded up the river to Florence and on its return landed a small party at Pittsburg Landing to investi- gate. This party found a dismounted 32-pounder gun on the river bluff, and about one mile out, a hospital containing sev- eral Confederate soldiers that bad been wounded a few days before in the engagement with the fleet. Near the hospital JHalleck's telegram to Cullum, March I, 18G2. §11 War Records, p. 3. *7 War Records, p. 674; 11 War Records, p. 6. tlO War Records, p. 22. Field of Operations. 257 a Confederate picket post stopped their advance and the party returned to the boats. In the report made by the officer in command of this naval expedition is found the' first mention of Pittsburg Landing, that little hamlet on the Tennessee river so soon to become historic. When General Sherman's command was passing Pittsburg Landing, Lieutenant (J win of the CJ. S. gunboat Tyler pointed out to General Sherman the position that had been occupied by the Confederate battery, and informed him that there was a good road from that point to Corinth. That it was, in fact, the landing place for all goods shipped by river to and from Corinth. Genera] Sherman at once reported these facts to General Smith and asked that the place be occupied in force while the demonstration was being made against Burnsville. In compliance with this request, General Hurlbut's division was at once dispatched by boats to Pittsburg Landing. General Sherman proceeded up the river and landed his di- vision at the month of Yellow creek, a few miles below East- port, and made an attempt to march to Burnsville. Heavy rains and high water compelled his return to the boats. Find- ing no other accessible landing place he dropped down to Pittsburg Landing, where he found Hurlbut's division on boats. Sherman reported to General Smith that Eastport was oc- cupied in force by the Confederates, and that Pitsburji Land ing was the first point below Eastport that was above water, so that a landing of troops could be made. He was directed to disembark his division and Hurlbut's and pnt them in • amp far enough back to afford room for the other divisions of the army to encamp near the river. On the sixteenth of March Sherman landed a part of his division, and accompanied by Colonel McPherson, of General Halleck's stall', marched out as far as Monterey, eleven miles. dispersing a Confederate cavalry camp. Returning to the river he spent two days in disembarking his troops and select- ing camps, and on the nineteenth moved out and put his troops into the positions to which he had assigned them. about two and one-half miles from the landing. 258 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Pittsburg Landing, on the left bank of the Tennessee river, eight miles above Savannah, was at that time simply a land- ing place for steamboats trading along the river. Its high bluff, at least eighty feet above the water at its highest flood, afforded a safe place for the deposits of products unloaded from, or to be loaded upon, the boats. From this- landing a good ridge road ran southwesterly to Corinth, Miss., twenty- two miles away. One mile out from the river the Corinth road crossed another road running north and south parallel with the river, and connecting Savannah below with Ham- burg, four miles above Pittsburg Landing. One quarter of a mile beyond this crossing the Corinth road forked, the part known as Eastern Corinth road running nearly south until it intersected the Bark road, three miles from the river. The other, or main road, running due west from the fork, crossed the Hamburg and Purdy road two miles from the river, and then turning southwest, passed Shiloh Church just two and one-half miles from the river. At a point five miles out this main road intersected the Bark road at the southwest corner of what is now the lands of the Shiloh National Mili- tary Park. The Bark road, running nearly due east to Ham- burg, forms the southern boundary of the park. On the south side of the Bark road ridge is Lick creek, which has its rise near Monterey, and empties into the Ten- nessee about two miles above Pittsburg Landing. North of the main Corinth road, and at an average of about one mile from it, is Owl creek, which flows northeasterly and empties into Snake creek at the point where the Savannah road crosses it. Snake creek empties into the Tennessee river about one mile below Pitsburg Landing. All these streams flow through flat, muddy bottom lands and are in the spring of the year, practically impassable, and in April, 1862, could not be crossed except at two or three places where bridges were maintained. These streams there- fore formed an excellent protection against an attack upon either flank of an army encamped between them. The general surface of the land along the Corinth road is about on the same level, but is cut up on either side by deep ravines and water courses leading into the creeks. In many of these ravines are running streams with the usual marshv margins. Field of Operations. 25! » lii 1802 this plateau was covered with open forest with fre- quent thick undergrowth and an occasional clearing of a few acres surrounding the farmhouse of the owner. Sherman selected grounds for his division camps just be- hind a stream called Shiloh Branch, McDowell's brigade on the right, with his right on Owl creek a I the bridge where the Hamburg and Purdy road crosses the creek. Buckland's brigade next in line to the left, with his left at Shiloh Church. Hildebrand's brigade to the left of the church. Stuart's bri- gade, detached from the others, to the extreme left of the line at the point where the Savannah and Hamburg and the Purdy and Hamburg roads unite just before they cross Lick creek. Hurlbut's division formed its camp one mile in rear of Sherman's, near the crossing of the Corinth and the Ham- burg and Savannah roads. On the eleventh day of March the Departments of the Mis- souri and the Ohio were consolidated under the name of the Department of the Mississippi, and Major General H. W. Hal leek was assigned to the' command, giving him from that date the control he had sought — of both armies then operating in Tennessee. General Smith, about the time of his arrival at Savannah, had received an injury to his leg while stepping from a gunboat into a yawl. This injury, apparently insigni- ficant at first, soon took such serious form that the General was obliged to relinquish command of the troops, and Gen- eral Grant was restored to duty and ordered by General Hal leck to repair to Savannah and lake command of the troops in that vicinity. Upon his arrival at Savannah, March seven- teen, General Grant found his army divided, a part on either side of the Tennessee river, lie at once reported to General Halleck* the exact situation, and in answer was directed to "destroy the railroad connections at Corinth."f To carry out this order General Grant transferred the re- mainder of his army, except a small garrison for Savannah. to the west side of the river, concentrating the First, Second. Fourth and Fifth divisions at Pittsburg Landing, and the Third at Crump's Landing, six miles below. General RfcOler- nand with the First division formed liis camp in rear of Sher- *11 War Records, p. 45. til War Records, p. 46. 260 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. man's right brigades. General \Y. II. L. Wallace, command- ing the Second division, encamped to the right of Hurlbut, be- tween Corinth road and Snake creek. A now division, the Sixth, just organized under General Prentiss out of new troops, went into camp as the regiments arrived between Hildebrand's and Stuart's brigades of Sherman's division, its center on the eastern Corinth road. General Lew. Wallace, commanding the Third Division, placed his first brigade at Crump's, his second brigade at Stony Lonesome, and his third brigade at Adamsville, five miles out on the Purdy road. On .March ten General Halleck wrote General McClellan: "I propose going to the Tennessee in a few days to take per- sonal command."::; Lending his arrival at the front his orders to Smith, to Sherman and to Grant were: "My instructions not to bring on an engagement must be strictly obeyed:"§ but when informed by General Grant that the contemplated attack upon Corinth would make a general engagement inev- itable, Halleck at once ordered, "By all means keep your forces together until you connect with General Buell. Don't let the enemy draw you into an engagement now."|J To this General Grant replied: "All troops have been concentrated near Pittsburg Landing. No movement of troops will be made except to advance Sherman to Pea Ridge.** Sherman made a reconnoissance toward Pea Ridge, March twenty-four and drove some cavalry across Lick creek. He bivouacked at Chamber's plantation that night, and returned to camp next morning. ( >n the thirty-first, with two regiments of infantry, a section of artillery, and a company of cavalry. Sherman went up to Eastport. Finding the Confederate works there and at Chickasaw abandoned, he sent his scouts toward luka. Con- federate cavalry was encountered, and the command returned to Pittsburg Landing. The Army of the Tennessee, commanded by Major General C. S. Grant, was. on the 5th of April, 1862, composed of six- divisions. The First, commanded by Major General John A. McClernand; the Second, by Brigadier General W. H. L. Wal- +11 War Records, p. 24. §7 War Records, p. G74: 10 War Records, p. 2:.; 11 War Records, p. 11. ||War Records, pp. 50, 51. "War Records, p. 57. Field of Operations. 261 lace; the Third, by Major General Lew. Wallace; the Fourth, by Brigadier General IS. A. Hurlbut; the Fifth, by Brigadier General W. T. Sherman, and the Sixth, by Brigadier General B. M. Prentiss. Generals McClernand, C. F. Smith and Lew. Wallace had been promoted Major Generals March 21, LSU-. Official notice of such promotion was sent to General Grant by General llalleck from St. Louis April 5.* Previous to this notice of promotion the order of rank of the brigadiers was at> follows: Sherman, McClernand, Hurlbut, Prentiss, C. F. Smith, Lew. Wallace, VV. It. L. Wallace. General Smith, until relieved by General Grant, March IT, was in command by order of General McClellan.f The camps of Sherman and Prentiss formed the front line about two and one-half miles from Pittsburg Landing and ex- tended in a semicircle from Owl creek on the right to Lick creek on the left. One company from each regiment was ad- vanced as a picket one mile in front of regimental camps. By the official returns of April 5, 18(12, there were, in the live divisions of the Army of the Tennessee at Pittsburg Land- ing, present for duty, infantry, artillery and cavalry, officers and men, 39,830; in the Third Division, at ("rump's Landing, present for duty, officers and men, 7, ."504. On the evening of the fifth the advance of General Buell's army arrived at Savannah, and iu one day more would have united with the Army of the Tennessee, ready for the advance on Corinth, as contemplated and announced in General Hal leek's programme. When General Johnston withdrew his army from Kentucky and Tennessee, after the fall of Fort Donelson, he established his new line of operations along the Memphis and Charleston Railroad with his right at Chattanooga and his left on the Mississippi at Fori Pillow. On this line he was re-inforced by Generals Polk and Beauregard from Columbus and West Tennessee, and by General Bragg from Pensacola and .Mobile, and had ordered Van Dorn, from Little Lock. Ark., to report with his army at < Jorinth, Miss. As early as March nine. < Gen- eral Ruggles was placed in command at Corinth and was or- dered to pul his troops in marching order and to commence a line of intrenchments>around the town. •War Records, p. 94. tU War Records, p. 82. JNote r. 262 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. On the twenty-ninth of March General Johnston issued a general order consolidating the armies of Kentucky and Mis- sissippi, and some independent commands, into the "Army of the Mississippi" of which he assumed the command, nam- ing General G. T. Beauregard as second in command and Major General Braxton Bragg as chief of staff. Subsequently' he organized his army into four corps. The First Corps com- manded by Major General Leonidas Polk; the Second Corps commanded by Major General Braxton Bragg; the Third Corps commanded by Major General W. J. Hardee, and the Reserve Corps commanded by Brigadier General J. C. Breck- inridge. One division of the First Corps, Cheatham's, was at Bethel and Purdy; a brigade of the Second Corps was at Monterey; the Reserve Corps at Burnsville; the cavalry nearer the Union lines. All other troops concentrated at Corinth. General Johnston had been depressed by the censure of the Southern press, and as late as March eighteen offered to re- linquish the command of the army to General Beauregard. Reassured by expressions of confidence by Mr. Davis, he re- solved to retain command and, if possible, to regain the con- fidence of the people by taking the offensive and attacking Grant's army at Pittsburg Landing, hoping to defeat that army before it could be reinforced by General Buell. Hearing that General Buell was Hearing Savannah, General Johnston determined to attack at once, without waiting the arrival of Van Dorn. Accordingly, on the third of April he issued orders for the forward movement, directing his army to move by the several roads and concentrate at Mickey's, eight miles from Pittsburg Landing, so as to be ready to at- tack at sunrise on the morning of the fifth. Heavy rains, bad roads, and the delays incident to marching large columns with wagon trains and artillery over muddy roads, prevented the assembly of the army at Mickey's until nearly night of the fifth. It was then determined to delay the attack until day- light next morning. The aggregate present for duly, officers and men of the Con- federate army, infantry, artillery and cavalry, assembled at Mickey's April 5, 1862, as shown by official reports, was 43,068. This army General Johnston put in line of battle and Field of Operations. lm;:: bivouacked Saturday aighl in the following order: Major Gen- eral Hardee's corps on the first or advanced line, with Cle- burne's brigade on the left, its lefl Hank at Widow Howell's, near Winningham creek. Wood's brigade next to the right, with his right on the main Pittsburg and Corinth road, and just in rear of the Wood's Held. Shaver's brigade on right of Pittsburg and Corinth road, extending the line nearly to Bark road. As Hardee's line thus deployed did not occupy all the space to Lick creek, as desired, Gladdon's brigade from Wither's division of Second corps was added to Hardee's right, extending the line across Bark road. Major General Bragg's corps was deployed eight hundred yards in rear of the first line, with Buggle's division on the left and Wither's division on the right, in the following order of brigades from left to right: Pond. Anderson. Gibson. Jack- son and Chalmers. This second line overlapped the first and extended beyond Hardee's on both, flanks. Jackson's left flank resting on the Bark road. The rorr? of Generals Polk and Breckinridge were formed in column by brigades in rear of the second line. Wharton's and Brewer's cavalry were on the left flank, guarding the roads toward Stantonville. Clanton's cavalry was on the right front, Avery's. Forrest's and Adam's cavalry at Greer's Ford on Lick creek. Other cavalry organizations were at- tached to the different corps. General Johnston's headquarters were established at the forks of the Bark and Pittsburg roads. Pickets were sent out from the first line. The Third Mis sissippi. commanded by Major Hardcastle, w r as on such duty in front of Wood's brigade, his reserve post, at the corner where Wood's and Fraley's fields join. THE BATTLE OF SHILOH. During the Confederate advance from Monterey on the third there had been skirmishing between the cavalry of the two armies, and on the fourth one of Auckland's picket posts was captured. Buckland sent out two companies in pursuit 264 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. of the captors. These companies were attacked and sur- rounded by Confederate cavalry, but were rescued by Buck- land coming to their relief With his whole regiment. On Sat- urday Generals Prentis and Sherman each sent out recon- uoitering parties to the front. Neither of these parties de- veloped the enemy in force, but reported such evidences of cavalry, that pickets of both divisions were doubled, and Gen- eral Prentiss, being still apprehensive of attack, sent out at three o'clock Sunday morning three companies of the Twenty- fifth Missouri, under Major Powell of that regiment, to again reconnoiter well to the front. Major Powell inarched to the right and front, passing bc- tween the Rhea and Seay fields, and at 4.55 A. M. struck Hard- castle's pickets and received their fire. The fire was returned by Powell and a sharp engagement was had between these outposts, continuing, as Haidcastle says, one hour and a halt', until 6.30 A. M., when he saw his brigade formed in his rear and fell back to his place in line. Wood's brigade, advancing, drove Powell back to the Seay field, where he was reinforced by four companies of the Six- teenth Wisconsin, that had been on picket near by, and by live companies of the Twenty-first Missouri under Colonel Moore, who at once took command and sent back to cam]) for the remainder of his regiment. This force, fighting and retreating slowly, was reinforced at southeast corner <»f the Rhea held by all of Peabody's bri- gade. Peabody succeeded in holding the Confederates in check until eight o'clock, when he fell back to the line of his camp, closely followed by Shaver's brigade and the right of Wood's brigade. While Peabody's brigade was thus engaged. General Pren- tiss had advanced Miller's brigade to the south side of Spain field, and placed Hickenlooper's battery to the left and Munch's battery to the right of the Eastern Corinth road. in this position he was attacked by Gladden's brigade and by the left of Chalmer's brigade, that had advanced to the front line. These Confederate brigades, after a stubborn fight, in which Gladden was mortally wounded, drove Miller back to his lire of camps at the same time that Peabody was driven back to his. In their several camps Prentiss formed his regi- The Battle of Shiloh. 265 incuts again and was vigorously attacked by Gladden's and Shaver's brigades, assisted on the lefl by a pari of Wood's bri gade, and on the righl by Chalmers. At nine o'clock Prentiss was driven from his second posi- tion with the loss <>t' the entire division camp, two guns of Hickenlooper's battery, and many killed and wounded lefl on (he field. Among the killed was Colonel Peabody, the com- mander of the First Brigade of Prentiss's division. While the right of Hardee's line was engaged with Pren- tiss his left had attacked the brigades of Hildebrand and Buckland, of Sherman's division. These brigades had formed in line in front of their camps and behind Shiloh Branch, with Barrett's battery at Shiloh Church and Waterhouse's battery to the left, behind the ram], of the Fifty-third Ohio. The Third Brigade of McClernand's division was brought up and formed in support of Sherman's left Hank and of Water- house's battery. In the Confederate advance the left of Wood's brigade had been slightly engaged with the Fifty- third Ohio, which easily gave way, when Wood obliqued to the right, to avoid Waterhouse's battery, and. following Prentiss, passed the left think- of Hildebrand's brigade, then left wheeled to the attack of McClernand's Third Brigade. Cleburne's brigade, in attempting to cross the marshy ground of Shiloh Branch, received the concentrated fire of the Third and Fourth brigades of Sherman's division, and after two or three unsuccessful efforts to dislodge them. in which his regiments lost very heavily — the Sixth Missis sippi having over seventy per cent, killed and wounded — he was obliged to give place to Anderson's brigade of Bragg's corps, which was in like manner repulsed with severe loss. Johnson's and Russell's brigades of Polk's corps now came up together. Russel on the right, overlapping Sherman's left, and Johnson to the left across the Corinth road. The reorganized parts of the brigades of Cleburne ami Anderson joining Russell and Johnson, the four brigades, assisted by Wood's brigade, advanced, and at ten o'clock drove Sherman's two brigades, and the Third Brigade of McClernand's divi- sion back across the Purdy road with the loss of three guns of Waterhouse's battery and of the camps of the three brigades. During the contest Confederate Generals Clark, 266 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. commanding a division, and Johnson, commanding a brigade, were severely wounded, and Colonel Raith, commanding Mc- Clernand's Third Brigade, was mortally wounded. The cap- ture of the three guns of Waterhouse's battery is claimed by the Thirteenth Tennessee of Russell's brigade, and General Polk seems to concede the claim, though it appears that sev- eral regiments were attacking the battery from the front when the Thirteenth Tennessee moved by the right flank and approaching the battery from its left rear reached it before those from the front. General Vaughan, of the Thirteenth Tennessee, says that when his regiment reached these guns a dead Union officer lay near them, and keeping guard over his body was a pointer dog that refused to allow the Confed- erates to approach the body. Pond's brigade of Bragg's corps had engaged McDowell's brigade, in conjunction with Anderson's attack on Buckland, and had succeeded in gaining the brigade at McDowell's right flank but had not become seriously engaged when Sherman ordered McDowell to retire and form junction with his Third and Fourth brigades which were then falling back from Shiloh Church. McDowell therefore abandoned his camp to Pond without a contest. After the capture of Prentiss' camps Chalmer's and Jack- son's brigades from Bragg's corps were ordered to the right to attack the extreme left of the Union line. Preceded by Clan ton's cavalry these brigades moved by the flank down the Bark road until the head of the column was at the swampy ground of Lick creek, then forming line of battle and placing Gage's and Girardey's batteries upon the bluff south of Locust Grove creek they compelled Stuart, who was without artillery, to leave his camp and form his lines to left and rear in the timber. Here he held Chalmers in a fierce fight until about two o'clock when he fell back to the landing, abandoning the last of Sherman's camps. Jackson's attack, as he came across the creek, fell upon McArthur's brigade, consisting of the Ninth and Twelfth Illinois, supported on the left by the Fiftieth Illinois and by Willard's battery in the rear. Mc- AHhur.'in a stubborn contest in which tin 1 Ninth Illinois lost sixty per cent, of the men engaged, held his ground until Jack- The Battle of Kltiloh. 207 son was re-inforced by Bo wen's brigade of Breckinridge's corps, when McArthur fell back. When Sherman and Prentiss discovered that they were be- ing ai tacked by the Confederates in force they asked re-in- forcements from the divisions in their rear. McClernand sent bis third brigade to reinforce Sherman's left, and Schwartz's battery to assist Buckland. He then formed his First and Second brigades along the Pittsburg road in front of his headquarters; Marsh's brigade, with Bur- row's battery on the right; Hare's brigade to the left behind the Review field; McAllister's battery at the northwest cor- ner of said field, and Dresser's battery at Water Oaks Pond. On this line the Third brigade rallied when it fell back from Sherman's line. Veatch's brigade of Hurlbut's division was sent to re-in- force McClernand and formed behind Burrow's battery. Hurlbut marched his other brigades to the Peach Orchard and formed line of battle with "William's brigade facing south and Lauman's brigade facing west. The batteries, Mann's, Ross' and Myer's, all in the field behind the infantry. W. H. L. Wallace's First Brigade, commanded by Colonel Tuttle, moved out on the Eastern Corinth road and formed on the east side of the Duncan field in an old sunken road. McArthur's brigade was disunited. The Eighty-first Ohio and the Fourteenth Missouri were sent to guard the bridge over Snake creek; the Thirteenth Missouri to re-inforce Mc- Dowell's brigade and McArthur, in person with the Ninth and Twelfth Illinois and Willard's battery, went to the support of Stuart and formed on his right rear, and at the left of Hurlbut's division, just east of the Peach Orchard. Of Sweeny's brigade, the Seventh and Fifty-eighth Illinois formed on Tuttle's right connecting it with McClernand's left. The Fiftieth Illinois was sent to McArthur. The other regiments were held in reserve until about noon when the Eighth Iowa formed on Tuttle's left to fill a gap between Wal- lace and Prentiss. The Fifty-seventh Illinois went to the extreme left, and the Fifty-second Illinois reported to Mc- Clernand at his sixth position just east of Tilghnian creek. Batteries D. II. and K. First Missouri Light Artillery, were placed along the ridge in rear of Tuttle. Prentiss rallied his 18 268 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. brokeu division, not over eight hundred men, on Hurlbut's right connecting it with Wallace's left. In the early morning. General Grant at Savannah heard the firing and directed General Nelson, of the Army of the Ohio, to march his division along the east bank of the Ten- nessee to the point opposite Pittsburg. Then, leaving a re- quest for General Buell to hurry his troops forward as rapidly as possible, he hastened by boat to join his army. Arriving upon the field at about the time that Prentiss was driven from his camp, he immediately dispatched orders to General Lew. Wallace to bring his division to the battlefield. There has ever since been a dispute as to the terms of this order and the time of its delivery. It is admitted that General Wal- lace received an order, and that he started his command at about twelve o'clock by a road leading into the Hamburg and Purdy road west of the bridge over Owl creek on the right of Sherman's camps. This bridge was abandoned by McDowell and held by the Confederates at ten o'clock. An aide from General Grant overtook Wallace on this road about three o'clock and turned him back to the Savannah and Hamburg, or river road, by which he reached the battlefield about seven o'clock P. M. In the movements of the Confederate troops in the morning Gibson's brigade of Bragg's corps had followed Shaver's brigade and had halted just inside the line of camps. This had separated Gibson from Anderson by the length of a brigade; into this space Bragg directed Stephens' brigade, of Polk's corps, and it entered the line of camps in rear of Wood's brigade. Stewart's brigade, also of Tolk's corps, was sent to the right and entered the line of camps in rear of ( rladden's brigade. When Prentiss was driven back General Johnston ordered his reserve into action by sending Trabue forward on the Pittsburg Landing road to Shiloh Church, while Bowen and Statham were moved down the Bark road and formed line of battle south of the Peach Orchard to the left rear of Jack son and completing the line to where Gladden's brigade, now commanded by Adam, was resting near Prentiss' headquar- ters camp. Following the capture of the guns of Waterhouse's bat- The Battle of Shiloh. 269 tery and the retreat of Sherman and Raith to the Purely road, Wood's and Shaver's brigades, with Swett's battery, were ordered to left wheel. Stewart's brigade was sent by left flank along the rear of Peabody's camp to Wood's left where three of the regiments took (heir places in line, while the Fourth Tennessee, supported by the Twelfth Tennessee, from Russell's brigade, went into line between Wood's and Shaver's brigades. Stanford's battery took position in the camp of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry. Joining this force on its left were the somewhat disorganized brigades of Cleburne, An- derson, Johnson and Russell. General Polk was personally directing their movements and led them forward, without waiting for perfect organization, in pursuit of Sherman's re- treating brigades. This combined force of seven brigades moved to the attack of McClernand and Sherman in their second position along the Pittsburg and Purdy road. The right of this attacking force, extending beyond McClernand's left, became engaged with W. H. L. Wallace's troops near Duncan House, while Stephen's brigade of Polk's corps en- gaged the left of Tuttle's brigade and Prentiss' division in the Hornets' Nest. At the same time Gladden attacked Lau- man on west side of the Peach Orchard. In these atacks Gen- erals Hindman and Wood were disabled, and the Confeder- ates in front of Wallace, Prentiss and Lauman were repulsed. The attack upon McClernand and Sherman was successful, and drove these commands back to the center of Marsh's brigade camp, where they made a short stand at what Mc- Clernand calls his third line, and then retired to the field at the right of that camp, to the fourth line. The third and fourth brigades of Sherman's division retired to the landing, and his first brigade, McDowell's, took position on McCler- nand's right. In the repulse of McClernand from his second and third line he had lost Burrow's entire battery of six guns, which was taken by Wood's brigade; also one gun of McAllister's battery, taken by the Fourth Tennessee, and two guns of Schwartz's battery and four guns of Dresser's battery; part of these, perhaps all, are claimed by the One Hundred and Fifty fourth Tennessee. Rallying in camp of Hare's brigade. McClernand, with Mc- 270 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Dowell's brigade on his right, checked the Confederate ad- vance, and then, by a united countercharge, at twelve o'clock, recovered his second brigade camp and his own headquarters, and captured Cobb's Kentucky battery. McClernand gives the Eleventh Iowa and the Eleventh and Twentieth Illionois the credit for the capture of this battery. In the forward movement the Sixth Iowa and the Forty-sixth Ohio of Mc- Dowell's brigade, and Thirteenth Missouri of McArthur's brigade, became engaged with Trabue's Confederate brigade in a firece battle, of which Trabue says: The combat here was a severe one. I fought the enemy an hour and a quarter, killing and wounding 400 or 500 of the Forty-sixth Ohio Infantry, as well as of another Ohio regiment, a Missouri regiment, and some Iowa troops. * * * I lost here many men and several officers. The number killed, wounded and missing of the Forty-sixth Ohio at the battle of Shiloh, both days, was 246. But of the three regiments opposed to Trabue there were 510 killed, wounded and missing; most of them were doubtless lost in this conflict. So that Trabue may not have seriously erred in his statement. At the time that McClernand fell back from his second posi- tion, General Stewart took command of Wood's and Shaver's brigades, and with the Fourth Tennessee of his own brigade moved to the right and renewed the attack upon Tuttle and Prentiss. Meeting a severe repulse he withdrew at twelve o'clock, with the Fourth Tennessee, to the assistance of the force in front of McClernand. At the same time Shaver's and Wood's brigades retired for rest and ammunition, and Stephens' brigade moved to the right and joined Breckinridge south of the Peach Orchard. General Bragg then brought up Gibson's brigade, which had been resting near Peabody's camp, and sent it in four separ- ate charges against the position held by Prentiss and Tuttle. Gibson's brigade was shattered in their useless charges and retired from the field. While Bragg was directing these sev- eral movements. Generals Polk and Hardee had renewed the attack upon McClernand and in a contest lasting two hours had driven him back once more to the camp of his First brigade where he maintained his position until two thirty P. The Battle of Shiloh. 271 M., when he fell back across the valley of Tilghman creek to his sixth line, abandoning the last of his camps. About twelve o'clock General Johnston, having gotten his reserve in position south of the Peach Orchard, assumed per- sonal command of the right wing of his army and directed a combined forward movement, intending to break the Union left where Chalmers and Jackson had been engaged since about ten o'clock, in an unsuccessful fight with Stnart and McArthnr. Bowen's brigade was sent to support Jackson and was closely followed, en echelon to the left, by Statham's, Stephens' and Gladden's brigades in an attack upon Hurl- but in the Peach Orchard. Stuart, hard pressed by Chalmers and threatened on the flank by Clanton's cavalry, was, as we have seen, the first to yield, and falling back left McArthur's Hank exposed, compelling him and Hurlbut to fall back to the north side of the Peach Orchard. As Hurlbut's First brigade fell back, Lauman's brigade on its right was transferred to the left of the division in support of McArthnr. Hurlbut's divi- sion as then formed stood at a right angle with the line of Prentiss and Wallace. At two thirty P. M., while personally directing the move- ment of his reserve. General Johnston was struck by a minie ball and almost instantly killed. The death of the Confeder- ate commander-in-chief caused a relaxation of effort on that Hank until General Bragg, hearing of Johnston's death, turned over the command at the center to General Buggies and, re- pairing to the right, assumed command, and again ordered a forward movement. General Buggies, having noted the ineffectual efforts of Bragg to break the Union center, determined to concentrate artillery upon that point. He therefore assembled ten bat- teries and a section, sixty-two guns, and placed them in posi- tion along the west side of the Duncan field and northeast of the Beview field. In support of these batteries he brought up portions of the brigades of Gibson, Shaver, Wood, Ander- son and Stewart with the Thirty-eighth Tennessee and ("res- cent regiment of Pond's brigade, and once more attacked the position so stubbornly held by Wallace and Prentiss. The concentrated lire of these sixtv-two suns drove awav the 272 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Union batteries, but was not able to rout the infantry from its sheltered position in the old road. William Preston Johnston, in the Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston, gives this graphic description of the fight- ing at this point: This portion of the Federal line was occupied by Wallace's division and i'.y the remnants of Prentiss' division. Here behind a dense thicket on the crest of a hill was posted a stron? force of as hardy troops as ever fought, almost perfectly protected by the conformation of the ground. To assail it an open tield had to be passed, enfiladed by the lire of its batteries. It was nicknamed by the Confederates by that very mild metaphor, "The Hornets' Nest." No figure of speech would be too strong to express the deadly peril of an assanlt upon this natural fortress whose inaccessible barriers blazed for six hours with sheets of flame and whose infernal gates poured forth a murderous storm of shot and shell and musketry fire which no living tiling could quell or even withstand. Brigade after brigade was led against it, but valor was of no avail. Hindman's brilliant brigades which had swept everything before them from the tield were shivered into fragments and paralyzed for the remainder of the day. Stewart's regi- ments made fruitless assaults, but only to retire mangled from the field. Bragg now ordered up Gibson's splendid brigade; it made a charge, but like the others recoiled and fell back. Brag? sent orders to charge again * * * Pour times the position was charged. Four times the assault proved unavailing, the brigade was repulsed. About half past 3 o'clock the struggle which had been going on for five hours with fitful violence was renewed with the utmost fury. Polk's and Bragg's corps, inter- mingled, were engaged in a death grapple with the sturdy commands of Wallace and Prentiss. * * * General Buggies judiciously collected al! the artillery he could find, some eleven batteries, which he massed against the position. The opening of so heavy a fire and the simultaneous advance of the whole Confederate line resulted in confusion and then in defeat of Wallace and the surrender of Prentiss at about half past 5 o'clock. Bach Confederate commander of division, brigade, and regiment, as his command pounced upon the prey, believed it entitled to the credit of tin capture. Breekinbridge, Buggies, Withers, Cheatham, and other divisions which helped to subdue these stubborn fighters each imagined his own the hardest part of the work. Generals Polk and Hardee, with the commingled commands of the Confederate left, had followed McClernand in bis re- treat across Tilghman creek and about four o'clock Hardee sent Pond with three of his regiments and Wharton's cavalry to attack the Union position upon the east side of this creek. In this attack the Confederates were repulsed with heavy loss, the Eighteenth Louisiana alone losing forty-two per -r ■, The Battle of Shiloh. 273 cent, of those engaged. Pond retired to the west side of the Creek and took no further part in the action of Sunday. Tra- bue and Russell, with some other detachments, renewed the attack, and at four thirty P. M. succeeded in driving McCler nand and Veatch back to the Hamburg road, then wheeled to the right against the exposed flank of VV. II. L. Wallace's division. At the same time Bragg had forced back the Union left until McArthur and Hurlbut, seeing thai they were in danger of being cut off from the landing, withdrew their forces, letting the whole of Bragg's forces upon 1 lie rear of Prentiss and Wallace, while Polk and Hardee were attacking them on their right flank and Buggies was pounding (hem from the front. Wallace attempted In withdraw by the left flank, but in passing the lines, closing behind him, he was mortally wounded. Colonel Tattle with two of his regimenls succeeded in passing the lines while four of Wallace's regi- ments with the part of Prentiss' division were completely sur- rounded, and, after an ineffectual effort to force their way back to the landing, were compelled to surrender at live thirty P. M. The number of prisoners captured here and in previous engagements was 2,254 men and officers, about an equal num- ber from each division. General Prentiss and the mortally wounded General Wallace were both taken prisoners, but General Wallace was left on the field and was recovered by his friends next day, and died at Savannah, Tenn., four days later. During the afternoon, Colonel Webster, chief of artillery. (Mi General Grant's staff, had placed Madison's battery of siege guns in position about a quarter of a mile out from the landing, and then, as the other batteries came back from the front, placed them in position to the right and left of the siege guns. Jlnrbut's division as it came back was formed on the right of tin se guns; Stuart's brigade on the left; parts of Wallace's division and detached regiments formed in the rear and to the right of Hurlbut. connecting with McCler- nand's left. McClernand extended the line to Hamburg and Savannah road and along that road to mar .McArthnr's head quarters, where Buckland's brigade of Sherman's division, with three regiments of McArthur's brigade, were holding the righl which covered the bridge by which General Pew. Wal- lace was to arrive on the held. 274 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. About five o'clock Aninien's brigade of Nelson's division of the Army of the Ohio reached the field, the Thirty-sixth Indiana taking position near the left in support of Stone's battery. . Two gunboats, the Tyler and Lexington, were at the mouth of Dill Branch, just above the landing. After the capture of Prentiss an attempt was made to re- organize the Confederate forces for an attack upon the Union line in position near the landing. Generals Chalmers and Jackson and Colonel Trabue moved their commands to the right down the ridge south of Dill Branch until they came under fire of the Union batteries and gunboats, which silenced Gage's battery, the only one with the command. Trabue sheltered his command on the south side of the ridge, while Chalmers and Jackson moved into the valley of Dill Branch and pressed skirmishers forward to the brow of the hill on the north side of the valley, but their exhausted men, many of them without ammunition, could not be urged to a charge upon the batteries before them. Colonel Deas, commanding a remnant of Gladden's brigade, formed with two hundred and twenty-four men in the ravine on Jackson's left, and Ander- son formed at the head of the ravine, where he remained ten or fifteen minutes, then he retired beyond range of the floating- guns. Colonel Lindsay, First Mississippi cavalry, charged upon and captured Ross' battery, as it was withdrawing from position near Hurlbut's headquarters, and then with thirty or forty men crossed the head of Dill Branch and attempted to charge another battery, but finding himself in the presence of an infantry force "managed to get back under the hill with- out damage." This cavalry and the skirmishers from Chal- mer's and Jackson's brigades were the only Confederate troops that came under musketry fire after the Prentiss and Wallace surrender. In the meantime General Bragg made an effort to get troops into position on the left of Pittsburg road, but before ar- rangements were completed night came on and General Beau- regard ordered all the troops withdrawn. The Confederate troops sought bivouacs on the field, some occupying captured Union camps and some returning to their bivouac of Saturday night. General Beauregard remained near Shiloh Church. General Polk retired to his Saturday night camp. General The Battle of Shiloh. 275 Bragg was with Beauregard near the church, occupying < ; en eral Sherman's headquarters camp. General Hardee and Gen- eral Withers encamped with Colonel Martin in Peabody's camp. Trabue occupied camps of the Sixth [owa and Forty- sixth Ohio. Pond's brigade alone of the infantry troops re- mained in line of bailie confronting the Union line. The Union troops bivouacked on (heir line of battle, ex- tending from Pittsburg Landing to Snake creek bridge, where the Third division arrived after dark, occupying the Line from McArthur's headquarters to the lowlands of the creek. Thir- teen hours the battle had raged over all parts of the field with- out a moment's cessation. The Union army had been steadily forced back on both Hanks. The camps of all but the Second division had been captured, and position after position surrendered after the most persistent fighting and with great loss of life on both sides. Many regiments, and brigades even, of both armies had been shattered and had lost their organization. Detachments of soldiers and parts of companies and regiments were scattered over the field, some doubtless seeking in vain for their com- mands; many caring for dead and wounded comrades; others exhausted with the long conflict and content to seek rest and refreshment at any place that promised relief from the ter- rors of the battle. The fierceness of the lighting on Sunday is shown b} 7 the losses sustained by some of the organizations engaged. The Ninth Illinois lost 366 out of 617. The Sixth Mississippi lost 300 out of 425. Cleburne's brigade lost 1,01:5 out of 2,700, and the brigade was otherwise depleted until he had but 800 men in line Sunday night. He continued in the fight on Monday until he had only 58 men in line, and these he sent to the rear for ammunition. Gladden's brigade was reduced to 224. The Fifty-fifth Illi- nois lost 275 out of 057. The Twenty-eighth Illinois lost 245 out of 042. The Sixth Iowa had 52 killed outright. The Third Iowa lost 33 per cent, of those engaged. The Twelfth Iowa lost in killed, wounded, and prisoners 98 per cent, of the present for duty. Only 10 returned to camp and they were stretcher bearers. These are bul samples; many other regiments lost in about the same proportion. The loss of officers was especially heavy-; out of five Union division com- 270 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. mauders one was killed, one wounded, and one captured; out of fifteen brigade commanders nine were on the list of casualties, and out of sixty-one infantry regimental command crs on the field '.\'.\ were killed, wounded or missing, making a loss on Sunday of 4o out of 81 commanders of divisions, brigades and regiments. The Confederate army lost its com- mander-in-chief, killed; two corps commanders wounded; three out of five of its division commanders wounded; four of its brigade commanders killed or wounded, and 20 out of 7s of its regimental commanders killed or wounded. With such losses, the constant shifting of positions, and the length of time engaged, it is not a matter to cause surprise that the Confederate army was reduced, as General Beauregard claims, to less than 20,(1(10 men in line, and that these were so exhausted that they sought their bivouacs with little re- gard to battle lines, and that both armies lay down in the rain to sleep as best they could with very little thought, by either, of any danger of attack during the night. A few years later, with tin 1 experience that came from ser- vice, neither Confederate nor Union soldiers would have thought of rest, much as they needed it, until a complete line of defense had been built for protection against the attacks of the morrow. But this art of war had not yet been learned, neither army knew the possibility of building entrenchments until they had been regularly laid out by engineers and the plans approved at headquarters. We find at Shiloh that with three exceptions no breastworks were prepared by either side on Sunday night. Of these ex- ceptions a Union battery near tin 1 landing was protected by a few sacks of corn piled up in front of the guns; some Con- federate regiment arranged the fallen timber in front of Marsh's brigade camp into a sort of defensive work thai served a good purpose the next day; and Lieutenant Nispel, Company E, Second Illinois Light Artillery, dug a trench in front of his guns, making a slight earthwork, which may yet be seen, just at the right of the position occupied by the siege guns. He alone of all the officers on the field thought to use the spade, which was so soon !o become an important weapon of war. The Baltic of Shiloli. 277 During Sunday night the remainder of General Nelson's division and General Crittenden's division of the Army of the Ohio arrived upon the field, and early .Monday morning tin* Union forces were put in motion to renew the battle. General Crittenden's righl rested on the Corinth road, General Nel- son, to his left, extending the line across Eamburg road. About 1,000 men* from the Army of the Tennessee, extended the line to the overflowed land of the Tennessee. Two bri- gades of General McCook's arriving' on the held about six o'clockf formed on Crittenden's right, Rousseau's brigade in front line and Kirk's in reserve. At McCook's right was Hurlbut, then McClernand, then Sherman, then Lew. Wallace, whose right rested on the swamps of Owl creek. The Army of the Ohio formed with one regiment of each brigade in re- serve, and with Boyle's brigade of Crittenden's division as re- serve for the whole. The remnant of W. H. L. Wallace's di- vision, under command of Colonel Tuttle, was also in reserve behind General Crittenden. The early and determined advance of the Union army soon convinced General Beauregard that fresh troops had arrived, lie, however, made his disposition as rapidly as possible to meet The advance by sending General Hardee to his right. General Bragg to his left, General Polk to left center, and General Breckinridge to righl center with orders to each to put the Confederate troops into line of battle without regard to their original organizations. These officers hurried their staff officers to all parts of the field and soon formed a line. Hardee had Chalmers on the right in Stuart's camps; next to him was Colonel Wheeler in command of Jackson's old bri- gade; then Colonel Preston Smith witli remnants of B. K. Johnson's brigade; Colonel Maney with Stephens' brigade. Then came Stewart, Cleburne, Statham and .Martin under Breckinridge. Trabue, across the main Corinth road, just west of Duncan's, with Anderson and Gibson to his left under Polk. Then Wood. Russel and Pond under Bragg, finishing the line to Owl creek. Very few brigades were intact, the different regiments were hurried into line from their bivouacs and placed under the command id' the nearest bri •10 W. R., 295 am! 338 (Colonel Grose says 15th Illinois, but must !»■ in .-nor. [•General Rousseau's brigade arrived at daylight. Genera] McCooh with pari of Kirk"s brigade at 5 A. M., the rest of Kirk's brigade arrived before 7 A M. 278 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. gade officer, and were then detached and sent from one part of the field to another as they were needed to reinforce threatened points, until it is impossible to follow movements or determine just where each regiment was engaged. Monday's battle opened by the advance of General Lew. Wallace's division on the Union right, attacking Pond's bri- gade in Hare's brigade camp, and was continued on that dank by a left wheel of Wallace, extending his right until he had gained the Confederate left flank. Nelson's division com- menced his advance at daylight and soon developed the Con- federate line of battle behind the peach orchard. He then waited for Crittenden and McCook to get into position, and then commenced the attack upon Hardee, in which he was soon joined by all the troops on the field. The fighting seems to have been most stubborn in the center, where Hazen, Crit- tenden and McCook were contending with the forces under Polk and Breckinridge upon the same ground where W. H. L. Wallace and Prentiss fought on Sunday. The 2(l,(KI(l fresh troops in the Union army made the contest an unequal one, and though stubbornly contested for a time, at about two o'clock General Beauregard ordered the with- drawal of his army. To secure the withdrawal he placed Col- onel Looney, of the Thirty-eighth Tennessee with his regi- ment, augmented by detachments from other regiments, at Shiloh Church, directed him to charge the Union center. In this charge Colonel Looney passed Sherman's headquarters and pressed the Union line back to the Purdy road; at the same time General Beauregard sent batteries across Shiloh Branch and placed them in battery on the high ground be- yond. With these arrangements, Beauregard, at 4 o'clock, safely crossed Shiloh Branch with his army and placed his rear guard under Breckinridge in line upon the ground oc- cupied by his army on Saturday night. The Confederate army retired leisurely to Corinth, while the Union army returned to the camps that it had occupied before the battle. Genera] Beauregard, in his Century "war-book" article, page 04, in speaking of "The second day's fighting at Shiloh,'' says: Our widely scattered forces, which it had been impossible to organize in the night after the late hour at which they were drawn out of action, were gathered in hand for Ibe exigency as quickly as possible. The Battle of Shiloh. 279 Generals Bragg, Bardee, and Breckinridge harried to their assigned positions — Hardee now to the extreme right, whore were Chalmers' and Jackson's brigade of Bragg's corps; General Bragg to the left, where were assembled fragments of his own troops, as also of Clark's division, Polk's corps, with Trabue's brigade; Breckinridge was on the left of Hardee. This left a space to be occupied by General Polk, who, during the night had gone with Cheatham's division back nearly to Hardee's position on the night of April 5. But just at the critical time, to my great pleasure. General Polk came upon the field with that essential division. By 7 o'clock the night before all of Nelson's division had been thrown across the Tennessee, and during the night had been put in position between Grant's discouraged forces and our own. * * * After exchanging some shots with Forrest's cavalry. Nelson's division was confronted with a composite force embracing Chalmer's brigade. Moore's Texas regiment, with other parts of Withers's division; also the Crescent regiment of New Orleans and the Twenty-sixth Alabama, supported by well-posted batteries. and so stoutly was Nelson received that his division had to recede some- what. Advancing again, however, about S o'clock, now re-inforced by Hazen's brigade, it was our turn to retire with the loss of a battery. But rallying and taking the offensive, somewhat re-inforced, the Confederates were able to recover their lost ground and guns inflicting a sharp loss on Hazen's brigade, that narrowly escaped capture. Amman's brigade was also seriously pressed and must have been turned but for the opportune arrival of Terrill's regular battery of McCook's division. In the meantime Crittenden's division became involved in the battle. but was successfully kept at bay for several hours by the forces under Hardee and Brackinridge, until it was re-inforced by two brigades of McCook's division, which had been added to the attacking force on the field after the battle had been joined. * * * By 1 o'clock General Bragg's forces on our left, necessarily weakened by the withdrawal of a part of his troops to re-inforce our right and center, had become so seriously pressed that lie had called for aid. Some remnants of Louisiana. Alabama and Tennessee regiments were gathered up and sent to support him as best they might, and went with them personally. General Bragg now taking the offensive, pressed his adversary back. This was about 2 o'clock. My headquarters were still at Shiloh Church. The odds of fresh troops alone were now too great to justify the pro- longation of the conflict. So. directing Adjutant General Jordan to select at om-e a proper position in our near rear, and there establish a covering folic including artillery. I dispatched my staff with orders to the several corps commanders to prepare to retire from the Held, first making a show, however, at different points of resuming the offensive. These orders were executed, I may say, with no small skill, and the Confederate army began to retire at 2.30 F. M. without apparently the least perception on the part of the enemy that such a movement was going on. 280 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. The losses of the two (lavs' battle are summed up as follows: •6 c 3 0) w O M £ s General' Grant's five divisions, Gen. Lew Wallace's division, Total Army of the Tennessee- Army of the Ohio Grand total, Union Army, . Confederate Army Total loss at Shiloh, 1,472 41 6,350 251 2,826 4 10,648 296 1,513 241 6,601 1.S07 2,830 10,944 2,103 1,754 1.72S S.408 8,012 2.SS5 959 13,047 10,699 3,483 16,420 3,844 23,746 This gives a Confederate loss of twenty-four and one-third per cent, of those present for duty, and a loss in the five divi- sions of Grant's army present for duty Sunday of twenty-six and three-fourths per cent. It is impossible to give losses of each day separately except as to general officers and regimental commanders. These are reported by name, and it is found that casualties among the officers of these grades are as follows: In the five divisions of Grant's army, loss on Sunday, 45 In the same divisions, loss on Monday 2 In Lew Wallace's division, loss on Monday In the Army of the Ohio, loss on Monday, '6 Total loss general officers and regimental commanders, Sunday and Monday, 50 In Coufederate Army, casualties to officers of like grade, on Sunday were, 30 1 n ( ionfederate Army, Monday 14 Total loss of general officers and regimental commanders, Con- federate Army 44 If nothing else was determined by the battle of Shiloh this fact was demonstrated: That the American soldier from the North or South, could be depended upon to do his whole duty in any emergency. If there had been previous to that time, by soldiers of either army, a feeling of contempt for his op- The Battle of Shiloh. 281 ponenl or a suspicion that he was Lacking in true soldierly qualities] (his battle disabused his mind of all such thoughts, and ever after, if he heard expressions of such sentiments from others, his complete answer was "you were not at Shiloh." No general pursuit of the Confederates was made. The orders of General Halleck forbade pursuit,* so the Confed- erates were allowed to retire to Corinth while the Union army occupied itself in burying the dead and caring for the wounded until General Halleck arrived, and assuming command, in- augurated the "advance upon Corinth," in which the most con- spicuous and leading part was played by the spade. In answer to an inquiry made by the Secretary of War, General Halleck said:f The newspaper accounts that our divisions were surprised are utterly false. Every division had notice of the enemy's approach hours before the battle commenced. Later, in transmitting a map to the Secretary, lie said:f The impression, which at one time seemed to have been received by the Department, that our forces were surprised in the morning of the 6th, is entirely erroneous. 1 am satisfied from a patient and careful inquiry and investigation that all our troops were notified of the enemy's approach some lime before the battle commenced. DKTA I LED MOVEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONS. THE ARMY OP THE TENNESSEE. On the 6th day of April. 1862, the Army of the Tennessee was encamped on the west bank of the Tennessee river; the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth divisions at Pittsburg Landing, with 39,830 officers and men present for duty; the Third division at Crump's Landing, with 7,564 officers and men present for duty. General Grant's headquarters was at Savannah. Tenn.. where lie was awaiting the arrival of General Buell. While ♦11 War Records, pp. 97, 10t. MO War Records, p. 99. 282 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. at breakfast early Sunday morning, April 6, General Grant beard heavy firing at Pittsburg Landing, and leaving orders for General Nelson to move his division up the east bank of the river to Pittsburg, General Grant and staff repaired to the battlefield, where he arrived at about eight P. M. He visited each of his divisions at the front, and finding that the attack was by a large force of the enemy, he sent an order for his Third division to hasten to the field and a request to General Buell for re-inforcements. The Army of the Tennessee was gradually driven back until at sunset it occupied a position extending from the landing to Snake Creek Bridge. In this position it repulsed an attack made by the Confederates at six o'clock P. M. General Grant passed the night in bivouac with his troops, without shelter, and early next morning, reinforced by his Third division and by General Buell with three divisions of the Army of the Ohio, he renewed the battle, and at four P. M. had regained possession of the entire field. FIRST DIVISION. (McClernand's.) This division, composed of three brigades of infantry, four batteries of artillery, one battalion and two companies of cavalry, was ordered from Savannah to Pittsburg, March 20, 1862, and went into camp across the main Corinth road about one-half mile east of Shiloh Church. On Sunday morning, April 6. 1862, the division formed for battle with its Third brigade thrown forward to support Sherman's left; its First and Second brigades along the Corinth road; McAllister's bat- tery at the northwest corner of the Keview field; Burrow's battery at center of Second brigade; Dresser's battery at Water Oaks Pond; Schwartz's battery, first to Sherman's right, then at the crossroads. The division was attacked at about nine A. M. and was driven from its position along the Corinth road at about eleven A. M. with the loss of Burrow's battery, one gun of McAllister's battery, and one gun of Schwartz's battery. It made its next stand at right angles to the center of its Second brigade camp, where Dresser's battery lost four guns. The division then retired to its fourth The Battle of Shiloh. 283 line, in the camp of its Vii-st brigade, where it rallied and in a countercharge drove the Confederates back and recovered the whole of the camp of the Second Brigade and McCler- nand's headquarters, and captured Cobb's Kentucky battery at twelve M. It held this advance but a short time, when it was driven slowly back until at two P. M. it was again in the field of its First Brigade camp, where it held its fifth line until two thirty P. M. It then retired across Tilghman creek to its sixth line, at "Cavalry Field," where at four thirty P. M. it repulsed a charge made by Pond's brigade and Wharton's cavalry, and then retired to the Hamburg and Savannah road. where, with its left thrown back, it bivouacked Sunday night. It advanced Monday morning over the same ground where il fought on Sunday, and at four P. M. re-occupied its camps on the field. First Brigade. (Hare's.) This brigade of four regiments, forming the right of the First division, was encamped in Jones Field. It moved from its camp at about eight A. M.. April 6, 1802, by the left flank and formed in line of battle on the ridge between the Review field and the Corinth road, its left in edge of Duncan Field, in the following order from left to right: Eighth Illinois, Eigh- teenth Illinois, Thirteenth Iowa. The Eleventh Iowa, de- tached from the brigade, formed still farther to the right, sup- porting Dresser's battery at the Water Oaks Pond. In this position the three left regiments were attacked about ten A. M. by Shaver's brigade of Hardee's corps, and at eleven A. M. were driven back across the Corinth road, the left behind the north side of Duncan Field. This position was held until McClernand advanced and recovered his camp at noon. These regiments then retired with the division the Thirteenth Iowa participating in the repulse of Wharton's cavalry on sixth line at four thirty. Here Colonel Hare was wounded, and Colonel M. M. Crocker, Thirteenth Iowa, took command of the brigade and conducted the three regiments to bivouac near the Fourteenth Towa camp. The Eleventh Iowa, in support of Dresser's battery, fell back to the third and 10 284 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. fourth lines with its division, and in the rally and recovery of camps it captured a standard from the enemy, and in con- junction with the Eleventh and Twentieth Illinois captured Cobb's battery. The regiment then fell back and at night was still supporting the two remaining guns of Dresser's battery, in position at the left of the siege guns. On Monday this brigade was attached to Tuttle's command, which served as reserve for General Crittenden's division, Army of the Ohio, until about three P. M., when it was or- dered to the front and charged the enemy southwest of Re- view field, the Eighth and Eighteenth Illinois each capturing one gun from the enemy. Second Brigade. (Marsh's.) This brigade of four regiments was encamped, with its left in Woolf Field, in the following order of regiments from left to right: Forty-fifth Illinois, Forty-eighth Illinois, Twentieth Illinois, Eleventh Illinois. It formed line of battle on its parade ground Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, and at about eight A. M. moved out, first to the front, but immediately afterwards to the left, and formed along the Corinth road, its left at the northwest corner of the Review field, its right near the crossroads, Burrow's battery at the center. In this position the brigade was fiercely attacked by Wood's brigade of Hardee's corps and Stewart's brigade of Polk's corps. It withstood the attack from about ten A. M. to eleven A. M.. when it fell back about seven hundred yards and re-formed at right angles to the center of its camp. It held this position for a short time and then fell back to Jones Field, where it rallied and in conjunction with other troops recaptured its camp at about noon. In this advance the Twentieth and Eleventh Illinois, assisted by the Eleventh Iowa, captured Cobb's Confederate battery. The brigade re- tained possession of parts of its cam]) for about two hours, re- tiring slowly to Jones Field, where it was engaged until two thirty P. M.. when it fell back to Hamburg and Savannah road, where its three left regiments united with the Third brigade and bivouacked Sunday night, just south of McArthur's head- The Battle of Shiloh. 285 quarters. The Eleventh Illinois, reduced to a captain aud eighty men, bivouacked near the siege guns, and was in re- serve on Monday. The Twentieth, Forty-fifth and Forty- eighth Illinois formed a part of Marsh's command on Monday and advanced nearly west, recovering their camps at about three P. M. Third Brigade. (Raith's.) This brigade of four regiments was camped along the Ham- burg and Purdy road, its right near the left of the Second brigade, in the following order from left to right: Forty-ninth Illinois, Forty-third Illinois, Twenty-ninth Illinois, Seven- teenth Illinois. Colonel Kearden, senior officer present, being sick, Colonel Raith was informed, after his regiment was in line of battle, that he was to comma ml the brigade. Under orders from division commander, he moved the right of his brigade for- ward to Shiloh Church to the support of Sherman's left. In this position the brigade was attacked about nine A. M., April 6. 1SG2, on its left flank by "Wood and Stewart and in front by Russell and Johnson, and was driven slowly back to the crossroads, where it joined the right of the Second Brigade. Here the Seventeenth and Forty-third, while supporting Schwartz's battery, were subjected to a crossfire of artillery and lost heavily. Colonel Raith was mortally wounded. The Forty-third was surrounded and cut its way out. losing forty- three men killed, that were buried in one trench near the crossroads. Lieutenant Colonel Wood, who succeeded to the command of the brigade, did not hold his brigade intact. The Seventeenth and Forty-third rallied at McClernand's third line and again at his forth position, where they were joined bv the Forty-ninth. The Seventeenth and Forty-ninth then retired to Hamburg and Savannah road. The Forty-third was entraged in the advance and retaking of the camp at noon, and then joined the Seventeenth and Forty-ninth at Hamburg and Savannah road, where the three regiments were engaged at four thirtv P. M.. and bivouacked Sunday night. On Mon- day these regiments joined Marsh's command and spvved with 286 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. him until the enemy retired from the field. The Twenty-ninth was engaged at Cavalry Field in resisting Pond's attack at four thirty P. M., after which it retired to siege guns, where it remained Sunday night and Monday. McAllister's bat- tery lost one gun at northwest corner of Review Field, and was afterwards engaged in McClernand's fifth and sixth posi- tions, and at the landing at six P. M., and on Monday, with Marsh's brigade. SECOND DIVISION. (W. H. L. Wallace's.) This division, composed of three brigades of infantry, four batteries of artillery, and four companies of cavalry, was com- manded by Brigadier General C. F. Smith until April 2, 1862, when, on account of Smith's disability, Brigadier General W. H. L. Wallace was assigned to the command. The division arrived at Pittsburg Landing March eighteen and established its camp near the river between the Corinth road and Snake creek. It formed at eight A. M., Sunday morning, April sixth, when the First and Second Brigades and three batteries were conducted by Wallace to a position on Corinth road just east of Duncan Field, where Tuttle's brigade was formed south of the road, and two regiments of Sweeny's brigade on north side of the road. The other regi- ments of Sweeny's brigade were held in reserve for a time and then distributed to different parts of the field. McArthur's brigade was detached from the division and served on other parts of the field. Batteries D. H, and K, First Missouri Light Artillery, were placed on a ridge behind Tuttle's bri- gade. . In this position Wallace was attacked at about nine thirty A. M. by Shaver's brigade, assisted by artillery located in the Review field. At ten thirty A. M. the attack was re- newed by Shaver, Stephens and Stewart, followed at noon by four determined attacks by Gibson's brigade. General Ruggles then took charge of the Confederate forces in front of Wallace and assembled ten batteries and two sections of artillery on the west side of Duncan Field, and sent Wood, Anderson, Stewart and Cleburne to re-inforce Shaver in a re- newed attack upon Wallace's front. At the same time the The Battle of Shiloh. 287 Unioii forces ou Wallace's right and left retired, allowing the enemy to gain his flanks and rear. Weeing that he was be- ing surrounded, Wallace sent his batteries to the rear and then atteinped to move his infantry out by the iiank along the Pittsburg road. While riding at the head of his troops and near the fork of the Eastern Corinth road he received a mor- tal wound and was left for dead upon the held. When that part of the held was recovered on Monday General Wallace was found to be alive. He was taken to Savannah, where he died on the tenth. Four regiments of the division did not receive orders to retire in time to save themselves and were surrounded and captured at five thirty P. M. The remainder of the division, under the command of Colonel Tuttle, retired to the right of the siege guns where the troops remained in line Sunday night. On Monday the infantry commanded by Tuttle acted as re- serve to Crittenden's division of the Army of the Ohio, until about noon, when it advanced to front line on Crittenden's right and participated in all the after battles of the day. Battery A, First Illinois Light Artillery, served with Mc- Arthur's brigade on Sunday and had three guns in action with Sherman on Monday. The three Missouri batteries, when they retired from Wallace's line at five P. M., reported to Col- onel Webster near the landing and were put in line, w 7 here they assisted in repelling the last Confederate attack on Sun- day. They were not engaged on Monday. First Brigade. (Tuttle's.) This brigade of four regiments was encamped near the river north of the Corinth road. It moved to the front Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, by the Eastern Corinth road. When neat southeast corner of Duncan held, Colonel Tuttle, rul- ing at the head of his brigade, discovered the enemy in the woods beyond the field. He at once turned the head of his brigade to the right and threw his regiments into line in an old road behind Duncan Field in the following order from left to right: Fourteenth Iowa. Twelfth Iowa. Seventh Iowa, Second lown. The right reaching to the Corinth road, the 288 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. left extending one regiment beyond, or south of, Eastern Cor- inth road; the three right regiments behind a field; the left regiment behind a dense thicket. About nine thirty A. M. Confederate batteries opened fire upon the brigade. This was soon followed by infantry attack coming through the thick brush on the left. At about ten thirty A. M. Stephens' brigade made an attack through the field. He was repulsed when he reached the middle of the field. This was closely followed by a second attack by Stephens assisted by Gen- eral Stewart, commanding Hindman's division. About noon Gibson's brigade was sent against Tuttle's position, and made four determined but unsuccessful charges lasting until after two P. M., when it withdrew and Shaver made his third attack, in which Lieutenant Colonel Dean of the Seventh Arkansas was killed within a few yards of the front of the Fourteenth Iowa. General Buggies then assembled sixty-two pieces of artillery on west side of Duncan Field and concentrated their fire upon Tuttle and the batteries in his rear. At the same time Ruggles sent Wood, Anderson and Stewart to re-inforce Shaver in a renewed attack at the front. While meeting this attack Tuttle was ordered at five P. M. to withdraw his bri- gade. He gave personal direction to the Second and Seventh Iowa and with them retired to the right of Hurlbut's division, near the siege guns, where he assumed command of the regi- ment of the Second Division and formed his line near the camp of the Fourteenth Iowa. The staff officer sent by Tuttle to order the Twelfth and Fourteenth Iowa to fall back di- rected the commanding officers of those regiments to "about lace and fall back slowly." Marching by the rear rank about two hundred yards, these regiments encountered Confederate troops across their line of retreat. These they engaged and forced back to the camp of Hurlbut's First Brigade, where the Confederates were re-inforced and the two regiments, to- gether with two from the Third Brigade, and a part of Pren- liss' division were surrounded and captured at five thirty P. M. The Fourteenth Iowa surrendered to the Ninth Missis- sippi of Chalmers' brigade, which had occupied the extreme right of the Confederate arm v. The Twelfth Iowa surren- dered to Colonel Looney, of the Thirty-eighth Tennessee, The Battle of Shiloh. 280 Pond's brigade, from the extreme lefl of the Confederate army. The Second and Seventh Iowa were with Tunic's command on Monday in reserve to General Crittenden. During the day the Second Iowa was sent to reinforce Nelson's left and in a charge across a Held defeated an attempt of the enemy to t urn the left of the Army of the Ohio. Later the Seventh Iowa charged a battery in Crittenden's front'. Second Brigade. (McArthur's.) This brigade, composed of five regiments, the Ninth and Twelfth Illinois, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Missouri, and the Eighty-first Ohio, was encamped on Hamburg and Savannah road near Snake creek. The first order to the brigade Sun- day morning, April (i, 1862, disunited its regiments and sent them to different parts of the field, and they were not united again until after the battle was over. The Thirteenth Missouri went to Sherman; the Fourteenth Missouri and Eighty-first Ohio to guard Snake creek bridge. General McArthur, with the Ninth and Twelfth Illinois and Willard's battery, moved directly south along the Hamburg- road to the support of Colonel Stuart. Finding that Stuart had moved to the left rear of his camps, McArthur formed his command to Stuart's right rear just east of the Peach Or- chard, the Ninth Illinois on the right next to Hamburg road; the Twelfth Illinois to its left; Willard's battery in rear of the Ninth. In this position McArthur sustained himself against Jackson's brigade until about two P. M.. when Bowen from reserve corps was sent to reinforce Jackson. Under this combined attack McArthur was compelled to fall back. The Ninth Illinois, having lost fifty-eight per cent, of men en- gaged, retired to cam]) for ammunition and repairs, h was again engaged near its camp at four thirty I'. M.. and then joined Tattle's command at the Fourteenth Iowa camp, and served with him on Monday. The Twelfth Illinois fell back to a second position where it joined the Fiftieth and Fifty- seventh Illinois and was engaged until about four P. M.. when 290 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. it retired to its camp and passed the night. On Monday it was engaged with McClernand's command. The Fourteenth Missouri was engaged Sunday in a skirmish with Brewer's cavalry on the right of Union line. On Monday it joined the Third division and supported Thompson's bat- tery. The Eighty-first Ohio remained on guard at Snake creek bridge until three P. M. It then moved south to Hurlbut's headquarters, where it was engaged in the four thirty conflict on Hamburg road. It bivouacked on McClernand's left Sun- day night and served with Marsh's command on Monday. The Thirteenth Missouri joined McDowell's brigade on Sunday and was engaged with it in the conflict with Trabue at noon. It bivouacked Sunday night near Ninth Illinois camp and joined Sherman on Monday. General Mc Arthur was wounded on Sunday and was succeeded in command by Colonel Morton, of the Eighty-first Ohio. 2hird Brigade. (Sweeney's.) This brigade was composed of Eighth Iowa and the Seventh, Fifteenth, Fifty-second, Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth Illi- nois. It was encamped between the First and Second bri- gades and followed the First brigade Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, on the Corinth road to the Eastern Corinth road, where it halted in reserve. The Fifty-eighth and Seventh Illi- nois were at once moved forward to Duncan Field, where they formed at nine thirty A. M., on north side of the Corinth road, prolonging Tuttle's line and connecting with McClernand's left. Soon after, the Fiftieth Illinois was detached and sent to the left, where it became engaged on McArthur's left. It fell back with the Twelfth Illinois to position east of the Bloody Pond, where it was joined at about three P. M., by the Fifty-seventh Illinois. These regiments held their posi- tion on left of the army until four P. M., when they fell back and supported Stone's battery near the landing in the last action of the day. About noon the Eighth Iowa was put in line between Tutlle and Prentiss, where it supported Hicken- looper's battery until five P. M. The Fifty-second Illinois was sent about three P. M., to the right. As it was moving down The Battle of Shiloh. 291 Tilghman creek it ran into Wharton's cavalry, which was mov- ing up the creek. A few volleys were exchanged by head of column, then the Fifty second moved to the camp of the Fifteenth Illinois and was there engaged in repelling Pond's four thirty 1'. M. attack. It linn retired to the siege guns. The Seventh and Fifty-eighth Illinois, on Tuttle's right, and the Eighth Iowa, on his left, participated in all the engage- ments described in the account of Tuttle's brigade until four P. M., when the Seventh retired to McClernand's seventh line. The Eighth Iowa and the Fifty-eighth Illinois were sur- rounded and captured at the same time Prentiss was cap- tured. Colonel Sweeny was wounded on Sunday and was sue ceeded on Monday by Colonel Baldwin, Fifty-seventh Illinois. THIRD DIVISION. (Lew Wallace's.) This division, composed of three brigades of infantry, two batteries of artillery, and two battalions of cavalry, was en- camped north of Snake creek; the First brigade at Crump's Landing; the Second brigade at Stony Lonesome; the Third brigade at Adamsville. Sunday morning. April ('», 1862, hear- ing sounds of battle up the river, General Wallace ordered his command to concentrate at Stony Lonesome, where at eleven thirty A. M., he received orders from General Grant, directing him to join the right of the army then engaged on tLe south side of Snake creek. At twelve M., leaving two regiments and one gun to guard the public property at Crump's Landing, ( teneral Wallace started with hisFirst and Second brigades for the battlefield by the turnpike road, which led to the right of Sherman's division as formed for battle in the morning. At about two thirty P. M.. a staff officer from General Grant overtook General Wallace on this road and tinned him back to the river road, by which the Third brigade having fallen into column, his division reached the battlefield after the action of Sunday was over. The division bivouacked in line of battle, facing west along the Savannah road north of McArthur's headquarters; the First Brigade on the left, with Thompson's battery on its right; the Second brigade in tin center; (lie Third brigade on the right, with Thnrber's battery a! ils center. 292 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. At daylight Monday morning, April 7, 1862, the batteries of the division engaged and dislodged Ketehnni's Confederate battery, posted in the camp of the Eighth Illinois. At six thirty A. M., the division, its right on Owl creek, advanced en echelon of brigades, left in front, crossed Tilghman creek, and drove the Confederates from their position at Oglesby's head- quarters. Then wheeling to the left against the left flank of the enemy, it advanced fighting, until at four P. M. it had pushed the Confederates through the Union camps and be- yond Shiloh Branch. Near nightfall the division retired under orders to General Sherman's camps, where it bivou- acked Monday night. First Brigade. (Smith's.) This brigade was encamped at Crump's Landing. It moved out two and one-half miles on Purdy road to Stony Lonesome and joined the Second brigade early Sunday morning, April 6, 1862. At twelve M., it started for Shiloh by a road leading southwesterly toward the right of Sherman's camps. At about two thirty P. M., the brigade was counter marched to the Adamsville and Pittsburg road by which it reached the battlefield about dark and bivouacked in front of the camp of the Fourteenth Missouri. On Monday the brigade formed in Perry Field, near Mc Arthur's headquarters; the Twenty- fourth Indiana on the left, the Eleventh Indiana on the right, and the Eighth Missouri in reserve. At about six thirty A. M., it advanced across Tilghman creek and at eight A. M., en- tered the field of Hare's brigade camp. It crossed said field in a southwesterly direction, driving back the Confederate forces, thence through the Crescent Field and to McDowell's brigade camp, where it bivouacked Monday night. Losses during the day, eighteen killed and one hundred and fourteen wounded. The Twenty-fourth Indiana lost its Lieutenant Col- onel, one captain and one lieutenant killed. Second Brigade. (Thayer's.) This brigade, consisting of Twenty-third Indiana, First Ne- braska, Fifty-eighth Ohio and Sixty-eighth Ohio, was encamped The Battle of Shiloh. 293 at Stony Lonesome, two and one-half miles from the Tennes- see river, on the Purely road. The Sixty-eighth Ohio was de- tailed to guard the baggage, the other regiments of the bri- gade followed the First brigade in its march toward Shiloh April 6, 1862. It countermarched, from a point four and one^ half miles out, to the Adamsville and Pittsburg road, and thence via river road to the battlefield, where it arrived after dark and bivouacked, in line of battle, at the right of the First brigade. Monday morning it formed en eVhelon in right rear of the First brigade, the First Nebraska on the left, the Twenty-third Indiana on the right, and the Fifty-eighth Ohio in reserve. It followed the movements of the First brigade through the day and bivouacked at night in the camp of the Firty-sixth Ohio. Third Brigade. (Whittlesey's.) This brigade of four Ohio regiments, to wit, the Twentieth, Fifty-sixth, Seventy-sixth and Seventy-eighth, was encamped at Adamsville, four miles from Crumps. It formed in line early Sunday morning, April (i, 1802, when firing was heard at Shiloh, with all its camp equipage on wagons, and re- mained in line until two P. M., when orders were received to join the other brigades en route for Shiloh. It marched on direct road toward Pittsburg, falling in behind the other bri- gades as they came back into that road from the counter- ma i'ch. At about four P. M., the Fifty-sixth was detached and ordered to go with baggage to Crumps Landing. The other regiments arrived on the battlefield after dark and bi- vouacked in front of the camp of the Eighty-first Ohio. Mon- day morning the brigade formed the extreme right of Union line, its right, the Seventy-sixth, on the swamps of Owl creek, the Seventy-eighth on the left in rear of the right of the Second brigade, the Twentieth in reserve, until it crossed Tilghman creek, when it took position on the right. Retain- ing this formation the brigade advanced, swinging to the left until eleven A. M., when it was transferred to left of the divi- sion in support of Stuart's brigade of Sherman's division. The Seventy-sixth remained on the left, the other regiments 294 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. soon returned to the right, the Twentieth in front line, the Seventy-eighth in reserve. The last engagement by this bri- gade was between the Twentieth Ohio, in the field near Mc- Dowell's headquarters, and Confederates at camp of Forty- sixth Ohio. The brigade bivouacked in camp of Sixth Iowa Monday night. FOURTH DIVISION. (Hurlbut's.) This division, composed of three brigades of infantry, three batteries of artillery, and two battalions of cavalry, arrived at Pittsburg Landing on boats March 1G, 1862. On the eigh- teentn it disembarked and established its camps about one mile from the ri.er, near the point where the Hamburg and Savannah road crosses the road from Pittsburg to Corinth. The division was formed about eight A. M., Sunday morn- ing, April 6, 1862, and soon after the Second brigade was sent to re-inforce General McClernand. The First and Third brigades, with the artillery, moved out to the support of Prentiss' division, but finding that Prentiss was falling back, Hurlbut put his division in line at the Peach Orchard field, the First brigade on the south side, the Third brigade on the west side, the batteries in the field. In this position he was attacked by Chalmers and Gladden's bri- gades, which were following Prentiss' division, and by Robert- son's, Harper's and Girardey's batteries, which were stationed in Prentiss' camps. A shell from one of these batteries blew up a caisson belonging to Myer's Thirteenth Ohio battery; the men stampeded, abandoning their guns, and were not again in action at Shiloh. Mann's battery fought with the division all day, and again on Monday. Ross' battery did excellent service until ordered to fall back at four P. M., and was preparing to retire to the landing when it was charged by Lindsay's Mississippi cavalry and captured. Only two guns were saved. Hurlbut held his position on two sides of the Peach Orchard until about one thirty P. M., when he was attacked by Breck- inridge's corps. Finding that Stuart was falling back on the left, Hurlbut retired to the north side of the field with his The Battle of Shiloh. 295 First brigade, and transferred his Third brigade from the right to the left flank. Hero he maintained himself until three P. M., when he was again obliged to retire to the left of his camps. About four P. M., he found that his left was again being turned and fell back to the siege guns and re- formed. The Second brigade rejoined the division and all participated in the final action of the day. The division bi- vouacked in line of battle in front of the siege guns, and on Monday the First and Second brigades and Mann's battery formed on McClernand's left; the Third brigade reported to Sherman. All were engaged until the Confederates retired from the field. First Brigade. (Williams'.) This brigade of four regiments w T as encamped across the Corinth road, one and one-fourth miles from the river. On Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, at about eight o'clock, it moved out on the Hamburg road and formed line of battle along the south side of the Peach Orchard field in following order from left to right: Forty-first Illinois, Twenty-eighth Illinois, Thirty-second Illinois, Third Iowa. In this position it was attacked by skirmishers from Chalmer's brigade and by artil- lery fire, by which Colonel Williams was disabled and the com- mand of the brigade passed to Colonel Pugh, Forty-first 1111 nois. Chalmer's brigade was withdrawn and Colonel Pugh retired his brigade to the center of the field, where he was attacked at about one thirty P. M. by Statham's and Stephens' brigades, and at 2.30 was driven back to the north side of the field. The Thirty second Illinois was transferred to the left of the brigade east of Hamburg road, and lost its Lieutenant Colonel Ross, killed. As the left of the line was driven back. Colonel Pugh again fell back to the Wicker Field, wdiere he held his line until four P. M., when the brigade retired, under Hurlbut's orders, to position near siege guns, where it re- mained in line Sunday night. The Third Iowa, occupying the right of Hurlbut's line, connected with Prentiss and remained until about five P. M.. then retired through its camp and along Pittsburg road just before the Confederates closed their line 296 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. behind Prentiss. Major Stone, commanding the regiment, was captured; other casualties of the day among the officers left the regiment in command of Lieutenant Crosley. He joined his command to the Thirteenth Iowa in the last action of the day, and then reported to his brigade commander. He commanded the regiment, in action with his brigade, the next day. On Monday the brigade formed on McClernand's left and was engaged until noon. Second Brigade. (Veatch's.) This brigade, of four regiments, was encamped across the Hamburg and Savannah road, north of the Corinth road. It was sent April 6, 1862, to reinforce McCler- nand and moved out along the Corinth road and formed in line behind Marsh's brigade at about nine A. M. in the following order from left to right: Twenty-fifth In- diana, Fourteenth Illinois, Forty-sixth Illinois, Fifteenth Illi- nois. It became engaged at about ten thirty A. M., and at eleven A. M. was compelled to retire. The Twenty-fifth In- diana and Fourteenth Illinois fell back two hundred yards, changing front to rear on left companies, and formed along the road that runs from review field past McClernand's head- quarters. A little later they retired to the right of Hare's brigade, where they held their position until afternoon, when they fell back to McClernand's sixth line, where they were en- gaged in Pond's repulse at four thirty P. M., after which they joined Hurlbut in his last position on Sunday. The Fifteenth Illinois lost all its field officers and several captains at first position and retired at eleven A. M. to the Jones Field, where it was joined by the Forty-sixth Illinois in supporting Barrett's battery. These two regiments joined McDowell's left in the advance at twelve M., and continued in line until one P. M., when they retired — the Fifteenth Illinois to join Hurlbut, the Forty-sixth Illinois to its camp for din- ner; later the Forty-sixth joined Marsh's command on the Hamburg road and assisted in the final action of the day and was with Marsh's command on Monday. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois and Twentv-fifth Indiana, under Colonel The Battle of Shiloh. 297 Watch, formed the left of the Army of the Tennessee on Monday and joined McCook's right until about eleven A. M., when they crossed the Corinth road near Duncan's and were engaged in Review field and in front line until four P. M. Third Brigade. (Lauman's.) This brigade had formerly belonged to the Army of the Ohio, where it was known as Cruft's brigade. It was sent from that army to re intone Grant at Fort Donelson and had remained with the Army of the Tennessee. General Lauman was assigned to the command April 5, 1802. Its camp was on the south side of Dill Branch, its right at the Hamburg road. About eight A. M., Sunday, A] nil 6, 1802. it moved out to the west side of the Peach Orchard field and formed line with its right in the woods near the head of Tilghman creek. The order of its regiments from left to right was: Seventeenth Kentucky. Twenty fifth Kentucky, Forty-fourth Indiana, Thirty-first Indiana. About nine A. M., it was attacked through the timber on its right by Gladden's brigade, closely followed in succession by attacks, upon its whole line, by Stephens' brigade and the right of Gibson's brigade. One of the features of the battle at this place was the burning of the leaves and brush in the woods where the wounded were lying. About two P. M., the brigade was transferred to the left and formed in open woods just east of the Hamburg road, the Thirty-first Indiana in reserve on left flank. This posi- tion was held until about four P. M., when the brigade retired with its division to the .siege guns. After the action for the day had closed it moved one hundred and fifty yards to front and bivouacked for the night. On Monday at ten A. M.. it reported to Sherman and served with him until close of the battle. FIFTH DIVISION. (Sherman's.) This division, of four brigades of infantry, three batteries of artillery, two battalions, and two independent companies 298 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. of cavalry, was organized at Paducah, about the 1st of March, 1862. It went up the Tennessee river to the mouth of Yel- low creek, and returned to Pittsburg, March sixteen, disem- barked, and marched out to Monterey, returned to Pittsburg, and established its camps on the nineteenth along the Ham- burg and Purdy road, its center at Shiloh Church. On Sun- day morning, April 6, 1862, the division formed in front of its camps where its Third and Fourth brigades became en- gaged at seven thirty A. M. These brigades, reinforced by Raith's brigade of the First division, held the line until ten A. M., when Sherman attempted to fall back to the Purdy road. In this movement his Third and Fourth brigades became dis- organized and retired to Hamburg and Savannah road, only parts of regiments remaining in line. McDowell's brigade, when ordered at ten A. M. to fall back, became engaged in Crescent Field and afterwards on McClernand's right until after two P. M. Stuart's brigade was engaged with Chalmers on the ex- treme left until two P. M. Barrett's battery formed in front of Shiloh Church and opened fire at seven thirty A. M.; then at ten A. M. retired to Jones Field, where it was engaged until two P. M.. when it retired to the river. Waterhouse's battery went into action at seven A. M. with two guns at Rhea House; these soon retired to main battery one hundred and fifty yards in rear, where the full battery remained in action until ten A. M., when it was outflanked and lost three £iins. The remainder of the battery retired disabled from the field. Behr's battery was with McDowell's brigade, one gun guarding the bridge at Owl creek. When Sherman ordered McDowell to join his other brigades near Shiloh Church, Cap- tain Behr moved five guns down the road, and was directing them into battery when he was killed; his men stampeded, leaving the guns on the field. The gun at Owl creek served with McDowell in his first engagement, then retired. On Monday Stuart's and Buekland's brigades were engaged on the left of Lew. Wallace all day. Sherman was wounded on Sunday, but kept the field until the enemy retired on Mon- dav. The Batth of SMloh. 299 First Brigade. (McDowell's.) This brigade, of three regiments, was encamped on the Ham- burg and Purdy road, its right on the high ground near Owl creek, in the following order from left to right: Fortieth Illi- nois, Forty-sixth Ohio, Sixth Iowa. At the first alarm Sun- day morning, April 6, L862, each regimenl formed upon its color line. Two companies of the Sixth Iowa, with one gun of Behr's battery, were on guard at the bridge over Owl creek. About eighl A. M. the brigade was advanced to the brow of the hill overlooking Shiloh Branch, the Fortieth Illinois join- ing the right of Buckland's brigade. After a skirmish with Pond's brigade, McDowell was ordered at ten A. M. to retire to the Purdy road and move to the left to connect with Buck- land's brigade near the crossroads. In obedience to this order the brigade abandoned its camps without a contest and moved by the left flank past McDowell's headquarters, when it was discovered that the Confederates occupied the road be- tween this brigade and Buckland's. McDowell then moved directly north and put his brigade in line on west side of Cres- cent Field, facing east, where he engaged and drove back the force of the enemy moving into said held. The brigade then moved northeasterly across Crescent Field and into Sowell Field, facing south, its left at Sowell house, where it con- nected with McClernand's at eleven thirty A. M., and ad- vanced with him to the center of Marsh's brigade camp. Here the Sixth Iowa was transferred from right to center of bri- gade, and Thirteenth Missouri placed between the Fortieth Illinois and Sixth Towa. the Forty-sixth Ohio slightly in rear and to the extreme right of the line. At about twelve M., the brigade was attacked on its right flank by Trabue. In an engagement lasting until one thirty P. M., the Sixth Iowa had fifty-two killed — they were buried in one grave where they fell; the Forty-sixth Ohio had two hundred and forty six killed and wounded, and the Fortieth Illinois two hundred and sixteen killed and wounded. The brigade commander was thrown from his horse and disabled. At two thirty P. M. the brigade retired to the landing and later formed behind Hurlbut. On Monday, the Sixth Iowa 20 300 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. and Fortieth Illinois wore attached to Garfield's brigade of Army of the Ohio, and remained with him until Wednesday, but were not engaged. Second Brigade. (Stuart's.) This brigade, of three regiments, was encamped at the junc- tion of Hamburg and Purdy road with the Hamburg and Savannah road in the following order from left to right: Fifty-fifth Illinois. Fifty-fourth Ohio, Seventy-first Ohio; a company from each regiment on picket, one at Lick Creek Ford, two on Bark road. These pickets gave warning, about eight A. M., April 6, 1S62, of the approach of the enemy. Stuart formed his brigade on regimental color lines, but finding that he was exposed to artillery fire from batteries on bluff south of Locust Grove creek, and obeying orders to guard Lick Creek Ford, he moved at ten A. M. to his left, placing the Fifty-fourth Ohio on his left behind McCullers field, the Fifty-fifth Illinois next to right, and the Seventy first Ohio with its right behind the left of the Fifty-fifth Illinois camp. Chalmers placed his brigade in line on the bluff south of Locust Grove creek, and, after clearing Stuart's camps with his artillery, moved across the creek and attacked the Fifty- fourth Ohio and Fifty-fifth Illinois in position. After a short conflict Stuart withdrew to a ridge running due east from his headquarters. The right, Seventy-first Ohio, occupying the buildings used as Stuart's headquarters, was here attacked by the right of Jackson's brigade and very soon retired, leav- ing a captain and fifty men prisoners. One part of the regi- ment under the Major passed down a ravine to the Tennessee river, where they were picked up by a gunboat; another part retired to the landing where they joined the brigade at night. The Fifty-fourth Ohio and Fifty fifth Illinois, with Stuart in command, successfully resisted the attacks of Chalmers until two P. M.. when their ammunition was exhausted and they were obliged to fall back to the landing, where they re-formed at the Log House, the Fifty-fourth Ohio in what is now the cemetery, the Fifty-fifth Illinois to its right supporting Silfversparre's battery, where they were engaged in resist- The Battle of Shiloh. 301 ing Chalmer's Sunday evening at lack. Stuart was wounded on Sunday and was succeeded on .Monday by Colonel T. Kilby Smith, who, with the Fifty-fourth Ohio and Fifty-fifth Illinois, joined Sherman's command and fought on right next to Low. Wallace all day. Third Brigade. (Hildebrand's.) This brigade was encamped with its right, the Seventy-sev- enth Ohio, at Shiloh Church; its loft, the Fifty-third Ohio, near the Rhea House and separated from the Fifty-seventh Ohio by a small stream with marshy margins. About seven A. M., April 6, 1862, the brigade formed to meet the attack of the enemy, the Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh in ad- vance of their camps in the valley of Shiloh Branch. The Fifty-third, being threatened by an attack in left flank, formed its line perpendicular to the left of its camp. While in this position the brigade was attacked from the front by Cle- burne's and Wood's brigades. This attack, falling upon the exposed flank of the Fifty third, compelled it to change front to the rear on left company and form a new line in rear of its camp. Attacked in this position, the regiment fell back dis- organized, passing to the rear around the flank of the Forty- ninth Tlinois, eight companies going to the landing at once, two companies under the adjutant, E. C. Dawes, joining the Seventeenth Illinois. The eight companies were reformed near the landing by the Major and supported Bouton's bat- tery in McClernand's seventh line, and on Monday advanced with Marsh's command. The Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh were re-inforced by Earth's brigade of the First division and held their positions for some time, when they, too, fell back disorganized and were not again in line as regiments. Colonel Hildebrand acted as aid for General McClernand during Sunday. Fourth Brigade. (Buckland's.) The brigade was encamped with its left at Shiloh Church in the following order from left to right: Seventieth Ohio, Forty- 302 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. eight Ohio, Seventy-second Ohio. It formed for battle Sun- day morning, April 6, L862, about two hundred yards in front of its camps, where it withstood the attacks of Cleburne, An- derson and Johnson until ten A. M. Its right flank was then threatened by Pond and Trabue and it was ordered to fall back to the Purdy road. In making this movement the bri- gade was disorganized and scattered. The Colonel of the Sev- entieth Ohio with a portion of his regiment joined the Third brigade of McClernand's division fell back with it to Jones Field, where it joined McDowell's brigade and was engaged with it until one P. M., when it retired to the Hamburg road. The Adjutant and forty men of the Seventieth joined the Eleventh Illinois and fought with it until night. The Forty- eighth and Seventy-second retired to Hamburg and Savannah road, where Colonel Buckland reorganized his brigade and was engaged in the four thirty P. M. affair, after which the Forty-eighth retired to the river for ammunition and spent the night in line near the log house, the Seventieth and Sev- enty-second passing the night in bivouac near McArthur's headquarters. On Monday the brigade was reunited, and, with Stuart's bri- gade, formed Sherman's line that advanced to the right of McClernand's camps, thence southwesterly along the front of said camps to Shiloh Church, where the brigade re-occu- pied their camps at about four P. M. SIXTH DIVISION. (Prentiss'.) On the 26th day of March, 1862, General Grant, by Special Order No. 36, assigned General Prentiss to the command of unattached troops then arriving at rittsburg Landing, with directions to organize these regiments, as they arrived upon the field, into brigades, and the brigades into a division, to be designated the Sixth division. Under this order one brigade of four regiments, commanded by Colonel Peabody, had been organized and was encamped on the west side of the Eastern Corinth road, four hundred yards south of the Barnes Field. Another brigade, commanded by Colonel Miller, Eighteenth Missouri, was partially organized. The Battle of Shiloh. 303 Three regiments had reported and were in camp on the east side of the Eastern Corinth road. Other regiments on their way up the river had been ordered to report to General Pren- tiss, but had not arrived. The Sixteenth Iowa arrived on the Held on the fifth and sent its morning report to General Prentiss in time to have it in- cluded in his report of present for duty that da}-; it was not fully equipped and did not disembark from the boat until morning of the sixth. The Fifteenth Iowa and Twenty-third Missouri arrived at the landing Sunday morning, April G, 180:2. The Twenty-third Missouri reported to General Prentiss at his third position about nine thirty A. M., and was placed in line at once as part of his command. The Fifteenth and Six- teenth Iowa were, by General Grant's order, sent to the right to reinforce McClernand. They reported to him at his fifth line in Jones Field, and were hotly engaged from about one P. M. to two thirty 1\ M. Bickenlooper's Fifth Ohio battery and Munch's First Minnesota battery and two battalions of Eleventh Illinois cavalry had been assigned to the division and were encamped in rear of the infantry. One company from each regiment was on picket one mile in front of the camps. On Saturday, April five, a reconnoitering party under Colonel Moore, Tw< nt\ '-first Missouri, was sent out to the front. Colonel Moore reported Confederate cavalry and some evidences of an infantry force in front, but he failed to de- velop a regular line of the enemy. Prentiss doubled his pick- els, and at three A. M., Sunday sent sent out another party of three companies of the Twenty-fifth Missouri, under Major Powell, to reconnoiter well to the front. This party encoun- tered the Confederate picket under Major Hardcastle in Fraley's field ai four forty-five A. M. These pickets at once engaged, and continued their tire until about six thirty A. M., when the advance of the main line of Hardee's corps drove Powell back. General Prentiss, hearing the tiring, formed his division at six A. M.. and sent Peabody's brigade in advance of his camp to relieve the retiring pickets and posted .Miller's brigade three hundred yards in front of his camp, with batteries in the tield at right and [eft of the Eastern Corinth road. In this position the division was attacked at eight A. M. by the bri- 304 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. gades of Gladden, Shaver, Chalmers and Wood, and driven back to its camp, where the contest was renewed. At nine A. M., Prentiss was compelled to abandon his camp and fall back to his third position, which he occupied at nine live A. M., in an old road between the divisions of Hnrlbut and W. H. L. Wallace. Hickenlooper lost two gnus in first position and Munch had two disabled. Each brought four guns into line at the Hornets' Nest. Prentiss was here joined by the Twenty-third Missouri, which gave him about 1,000 men at his third position. With this force he held his line against the attacks of Shaver, Stephens and Gibson, as described in ac- count of Tuttle's brigade, until four P. M., when Hurlbut fell back and Prentiss was obliged to swing his division back at right angles to Tuttle in order to protect the left flank. When Tuttle's left regiments marched to the rear Prentiss fell back behind them towards the Corinth road and was sur- rounded and captured at five thirty I*. M. near the forks of the Eastern Corinth road. Hickenlooper and Munch withdrew just before they were surrounded, Hickenlooper reporting to Sherman and becoming engaged in the four thirty action on Hamburg road. Munch's battery reported to Colonel Web- ster and was in position at mouth of Dill Branch, where it assisted in repelling the last attack Sunday night. First Brigade. (Peabody's.) This brigade of four regiments was em-amped on west side of Eastern Corinth road, about one-half mile south of Ham- burg and Purdy road, in the following order from left to right: Sixteenth Wisconsin, Twenty-first Missouri, Twelfth Michi- gan, Twenty-fifth Missouri. Three companies of the Twenty- fifth Missouri under its Major, Powell, were sent out at three A. M.j April 6, 1862, to reconnoiter. Moving southwest from camp, Powell passed between the Rhea and Seay fields ami into the main Corinth road, where one of Sherman's picket posts was stationed. Beyond the picket, and near the south- east corner of Fralev field, he encountered Confederate pick- ets, and was fired upon at four fifty-five A. M. After an en- gagement of over an hour, Towell fell back before the advance The Batth of Shiloh. 305 of Wood's brigade to the Seay field, where lie was re-inforced by Colonel Moore with his regiment, the Twenty-first .Mis souri, and four companies of the Sixteenth Wisconsin. Col onel Moore took command, bu1 was soon severely wounded, and Captain Saxe, Sixteenth Wisconsin, was killed. Lieuten- ant Colonel Woodyard, Twenty-first Missouri, assumed com mand, and was engaged about one hour, when he fell back to Rhea held, where he was met by Colonel Peabody and the re- mainder of the brigade. Peabody held the Confederates in cheek until eight A. M., when lie fell back to his camp. Here he was attacked by the brigade of Shaver and the right of Wood's brigade. Peabody was killed and the brigade forced to abandon its camp at nine A. M. The brigade organization was broken up, a part retiring through McClernand's lines and about two hundred of the Twenty-firsi Missouri aud one hundred of the Twelfth Michigan joining Prentiss at his third position, where they were surrounded ami most of them cap- tured at five thirty P. M., Sunday afternoon. /Second Brigade. (Miller's.) This brigade had three regiments in camp — a fourth assigned and reported but not yet in camp. The regiments were encamped between the Eastern Corinth road and Locust Grove in the following order from left to right: Eighteenth Wisconsin, Sixty-first Illinois, Eighteenth Missouri. The Six teenth Iowa arrived at the landing on Saturday, April 5, 1862. The Colonel reported for duty and handed in his morning re- port, so that his regiment is included in Miller's report of present for duty. Not being fully equipped, the regiment did not go to camp, but remained at landing; on Sunday it, with Fifteenth Iowa, was, by order of General Grant, held for a time near the landing to stop stragglers, and then sent to re- inforce McClernan at his fourth line, where they were en- gaged and lost heavily. The Eighteenth Wisconsin arrived on the field on Saturday afternoon and went at once into camp, but did not get into the morning report of that day ami are noi included in Mil- 306 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. ler's present for duty. The brigade was formed for battle Sunday morning at six o'clock three hundred yards in front of its camp, at south side of Spain held, where it was attacked by Gladden and Chalmers at eight A. M., and was driven back into camp, and at nine A. M., was compelled to abandon its camp. Parts of the Eighteenth Wisconsin and Eighteenth Missouri, about three hundred men, formed with Prentiss at his third position and remained with him until captured at five thirty P. M. The Sixty-first Illinois passed beyond or through Hurlbut's line and was in reserve behind that division all day Sunday, except about an hour when it relieved another n-giinent in front line. UNASSIGNED. The Fifteenth Michigan arrived at Pittsburg Landing, April 6, 1862. Arms had been issued to the men, but no ammuni- tion had been supplied. The regiment moved out upon the field early Sunday morning and formed line and stacked knap- sacks, at the left of the Eighteenth Wisconsin in Locust* Grove, just as Chalmers appeared in front and moved to the attack. Failing to obtain ammunition, Colonel Oliver ordered his men to fix bayonets, as if to charge the approaching Con- federates, but reconsidered and about faced his men and re- turned to the landing, where he obtained ammunition and again joined the fighting line a I some place not now deter- mined. On Monday morning the regiment joined Kousseau's brigade of the Army of the Ohio and fought with conspicuous gallantry all day. The Fourteenth Wisconsin arrived upon the field Sunday night, and on Monday joined Smith's brigade of the Army of the Ohio and served with it all day. It assisted in the cap- ture of a battery, one gun of which was awarded to this regi- ment and sent to the State of Wisconsin. Silfversparre's battery (H), First Illionis. arrived upon the field Sunday, April six. Its guns were four twenty-pounder Parrots. Horses had not been supplied. The men got the guns up the bank and placed them in battery in front of the Log House, where they were engaged Sunday evening. Bouton's battery (I), First Illinois, arrived at Pittsburg, Sunday morning fully equipped, but without drill, and with The Baltic of SMloh. 307 horses that had never been harnessed to a gun. The battery was taken ashore and reported to Sherman, and rendered good service in repelling last attack upon his line at four thirty P. M. It remained with Sherman on .Monday all day, and received special mention by Colonel Gibson of the Army of the Ohio. Siege Guns. — Battery B, Second Illinois. The guns belong- ing to this battery were, under the direction of Colonel Web- ster, gotten ashore Sunday afternoon and placed in position one-fourth of a mile west of the Log House, where they formed a rallying point for all troops coming back from the front. Powell's battery (F), Second Illinois, was encamped near the landing awaiting an assignment which Captain Powell understood would place him in McClernand's division. After waiting some time on Sunday morning for orders, Powell at- tempted to take his battery to McClernand. He moved out along the Corinth road, passing through Sweeny's troops at east side of Duncan field and arriving near the Duncan House, after Hare's brigade had fallen back, found himself, suddenly, in close proximity to the Confederate line of battle. In re- tiring one gun was upset and left just behind the Duncan field. With five guns Powell reported to W. H. L. Wallace near the left of his line, where he was engaged until about five o'clock, when Captain Powell was wounded and his bat- tery retired to its camp, where it was engaged at six P. M. in the final action of Sunday. Margraf's, Eighth, Ohio battery arrived at the landing the last of March. By an order issued April two it had been as- signed to the Third division, but had not reported to that di- vision. The only official report of its action is given in The report of the First Minnesota, which says that the "Eighth Ohio was on its left in the action of six I'. M., Sunday, ar the month of Dill Branch." AKMY OF THE OHIO. Soon after the consolidation of the Departments of the Ohio and Missouri, General Halleck ordered General Buell to move his army from Nashville to Savannah, Tenn., and 308 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. formed junction with the Army of the Tennessee. Upon Gen oral Buell's suggestion to march his army across the country rather than transfer it by boats, it was so ordered, and Gen- real Buell with the advance of his army reached Savannah, Tenn., April 5, 1802. Early Sunday, April six, General Grant informed General Buell by note* of the situation at Shiloh and ordered General Nelsonf to march his division up the east side of the Tennessee to a point opposite Pittsburg Landing, where boats would be found to ferry him across the river. General Buell and staff reached Pittsburg Land- ing by boat between two and three o'clock. Arnmen's bri- gade, the advance of Nelson's division, arrived upon the field at about five thirty I*. M., a part of it engaging in the repulse of the Confederates in the last attack of Sunday. During the night the remainder of Nelson's division and Critten- den's division arrived on the field, and early Monday morn- ing two brigades of McCook's division reached the landing. In the action of the seventh the Army of the Ohio occupied the left of the Union line, extending in a semicircle from the Tennessee river, south of Dill Branch, to north side of the Corinth road one mile from the landing, Nelson's division on the left, Crittenden in the center. McCook on the right. "The enemy on a line slightly oblique to ours and beyond open fields with a battery in front of Nelson's left, a bat- tery in front of Crittenden's left, a battery in front of Crit- tenden's right and McCook's left and another battery in front of McCook's right. A short distance in rear of the enemy's left were the encampments of McClernand's and Sherman's divisions, which the enemy held. While troops were getting into position, MendenhalPs battery engaged the enemy's second battery with some effect. Bartlett's bat- tery engaged the enemy's third battery ."$ The divisions of the Army of the Ohio moved forward pre- serving their relative positions in line and became engaged about eight A. M. They advanced slowly until about two P. M., when Wood's division arrived just as the final retreat of the Confederates began. In the forward movement Mc- Cook's division kept the main Corinth road. Crittenden's di- vision about the direction of the eastern Corinth road. This ♦109 War Records, 232. til War Records, 95. JGeneral Buell's report. PRINT: JULIUS BIEN S CO NEW YORK NEAR THE EXTREME RIGHT OF THE UNION LINE S H I LO H. The Battle of Shiloh. 309 separated these divisions so thai at about eleven A. M. Veatch and Tattle, from tlic Arniv of the Tennessee, were moved into the interval between McCook and Crittenden and became engaged in the Review field. At four P. M. the Con- federates had retired from the field, and the Army of the Ohio bivouacked on a line extending from Stuart's camps through Prentiss' camps to near Shiloh Church. Ten-ill's battery (H), Fifth United States, belonging to Mc Cook's division, was detached for service with Nelson and was in action on Hamburg road and at the Peach Orchard. FOURTH DIVISION. (Nelson's.) The head of this division arrived opposite to Pittsburg Landing about five P. M., April »>, 1862. One brigade, Am- men's, crossed the river and parts of the Thirty-sixth In- diana and Sixth Ohio were engaged in the closing action of Sunday. At nine P. M. the entire division had crossed the Tennessee river and formed along the north side of Dill Branch, where it bivouacked Sunday night with pickets across the branch. At 5.30 A. M., on the seventh the divi- sion advanced and at seven A. M. formed on south side of the branch and awaited the completion of the line. At eight A. M. it attacked the Confederates in the Peach Or- chard. Mendenhall's battery with the right and Terrill's battery with the left. The division gained the south side of the Peach Orchard at two P. M., the Confederates retiring. This closed the conflict on the left. The division remained in line until night and bivouacked with its left in Stuart's camps, its right near Prentiss' headquarters. Tenth Brigade. (Ammen's.) This brigade, composed of the Thirty sixth Indiana and the Sixth and Twenty-fourth Ohio, crossed the Tennessee river at five thirty P. M., Sunday. April 6, 1862. Eighl companies of Hie Thirty sixth Indiana and four companies of the Sixth Ohio were formed one -quarl er of a mile in front of the Log House in support of Stone's battery, "the left in a ravine 310 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. parallel with the Tennessee river and having water in it." These companies participated in the final repulse of the Con- federates Sunday night. The Twenty-fourth Ohio was sent one-half mile to the right, but did not become engaged. After the repulse of the enemy the brigade formed three hundred yards in advance on the crest of the bluffs of Dill Branch, where it bivouacked Sunday night. On Monday it formed line of battle with the Thirty-sixth Indiana on the left, the Sixth Ohio on the right, and the Twenty-fourth Ohio in re- serve, and at five thirty A. M. crossed the ravine and at eight A. M., became engaged on the extreme left of the Union line, near Tennessee river. At about eleven A. M. Amnion's ad- vance was checked by an attempt of Confederates to turn his left. He was re-inforced by Second Iowa and another regiment and repulsed the attack. He reached Stuart's camp at about one P. M., but was driven back. At two P. M., this camp was again taken, the Confederates retiring from this part of the field. Nineteenth Brigade. (Hazeu's.) This brigade reached the battlefield at nine P. M., April 6, 1802, and bivouacked, on the right of the division, south of the siege gun battery, in the following order: Ninth Indiana on the left, Sixth Kentucky on the right, and the Forty-first Ohio in reserve. The brigade advanced at five thirty A. M., April seven, and became engaged about eight A. M. at "Wicker field. The Ninth Indiana lost heavily at the house on the north side of the Peach Orchard. The brigade then advanced to the Wheat field, where a battery was captured and its guns spiked by the Forty-first Ohio. This advanced position was held only a few minutes, the brigade falling back some- what disorganized to Wicker field, from which it advanced at two P. M. across the west side of Peach Orchard and took position near Prentiss' headquarters. It was not again en- gaged, and bivouacked there Monday night. Twenty-second Brigade. (Brace's.) This brigade arrived at Pittsburg Landing about six o'clock Sunday evening, April G, 1802. It bivouacked between the The Battle of Shiloh. 311 Tenth and Nineteenth brigades, the Second Kentucky on the left, the First Kentucky on the right, and the Twentieth Kentucky in reserve. It held the center of the division all day and was engaged in a charge across the Teach Orchard, in which a battery was captured and lost again. At two P. M. the enemy retired and this brigade took position on south side of Peach Or- chard, where it bivouacked Monday night. FIFTH DIVISION. (Crittenden's.) This division, consisting of the Eleventh and Fourteenth brigades and MendenhalPs and Bartlett's batteries, came from Savannah on boats, arriving at Pittsburg Landing dur- ing the night of Sunday, April 6, 1862, and bivouacked along the Corinth road in the rear of Nelson's division. Early Monday morning it moved out and formed line in front of the camps of the Thirty second and Forty-first Illinois, join- ing Nelson's right, the Fourteenth brigade in front line, the Eleventh brigade in reserve. At about eight A. M., the divi- sion advanced and soon after became engaged at the position held by Trentiss and Tuttle on Sunday. Bartlett's battery on the right near the fork of the Eastern Corinth road was engaged until twelve noon, when it retired to the landing for ammunition. MendenhalPs battery was engaged on Nel- son's right until after noon, when it took position in rear of the Fifth division and was there engaged until the close of action. The division was engaged along the Eastern Corinth road and east of Duncan field about four hours, in which time both brigades and all its regiments were repeatedly en- gaged. It advanced, capturing some guns; was repulsed and driven back to the road several times. At about two P. M. it gained and held the Hamburg and Purdy road, which ended the fighting on this part of the line. It bivouacked Monday night in front of Prentiss' camps. Eleventh Brigade. (Boyle's.) This brigade formed in rear of the Fourteenth brigade at eight A. M.. Monday. April 7. L862, near Hurlbut's headquar- 312 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. tors, in the following order from left to right: Ninth Ken- tucky, Thirteenth Kentucky, Nineteenth Ohio, the Fifty- ninth Ohio in reserve. At about ten A. M. it became en- gaged at the east side of Duncan field, the Nineteenth Ohio in front of Bartlett's battery. The brigade relieved the Fourteenth brigade and was engaged on the front line in two or three engagements and finally took position on right of the Fourteenth and held it until night. The Nineteenth Ohio was at twelve M. sent to the support of Nelson's division and was engaged at the Peach Orchard. Fourteenth Brigade. (Smith's.) This brigade formed in front of the camps of the Thirty- second and Forty-first Illinois at eight A. M., Monday, April 7. 1862, in the following order: Thirteenth Ohio on the left, Twenty-sixth Kentucky on the right, and the Eleventh Ken- tucky in reserve. The Fourteenth Wisconsin was attached temporarily to the brigade and placed on the right of the Twenty-sixth Kentucky. It served with the brigade all day. The brigade advanced, with its right on Eastern Corinth road, and became engaged along the sunken road, where Tut- tle and Prentiss fought on Sunday. It advanced through the thick brush and assisted in the capture of a battery in the Wheat field, but was obliged to abandon it and return to the old road. In the final action about two P. M. it captured some guns of another battery, which were successfully held as trophies by the brigade. SECOND DIVISION. (McCook's.) The advance of this division, Rousseau's brigade, reached Pittsburg Landing, Monday, April 7, 1862, and took its place in line of battle at eight A. M. on Crittenden's right. Kirk's brigade formed in rear of Rousseau. These brigades were joined by Gibson's about noon. The advance of the division was along the Corinth road to the Water Oaks Pond, where it was engaged at noon. Its last engagement was at Sher- The Battle of Shiloh. 313 man's headquarters, from which point the Confederates re- t ired from the field. TerrilFs battery belonging to this division was engaged on Nelson's left until two P. M., when it moved toward the right and engaged a battery in McCook's trout. Fourth Brigade. (Rousseau's.) This brigade formed in line of battle on Crittenden's righl at eight A. M., April 7. L862, in front of the cauip of the Third Iowa, in the following order: Sixth Indiana on the left, First Ohio in the center, First battalions of Nineteenth, Fif- teenth and Sixteenth United States Infantry on the right, and the Fifth Kentucky in reserve. The Fifteenth Michi- gan was attached temporarily to this brigade and served with it all day. At nine A. M. the brigade advanced across Tilghman creek and engaged Trabue's brigade until about eleven A. M., when Trabue retired and Rousseau advanced to Woolf field, where he found a force of the enemy on its west side. His ammunition being exhausted, Rousseau re- tired and Kirk's brigade took his place in the first line. As soon as ammunition was supplied Rousseau took position again in the front line and engaged the enemy until he re- tired from the field. Fifth Brigade. (Kirk's.) This brigade was in rear of Rosseau until about noon. when it relieved that brigade and formed in front line behind the Water Oaks Fond in following order: Thirty-fourth Illi- nois on the left, Thirtieth Indiana in the center, and the Twenty-ninth Indiana on the right; the Seventy-seventh Penn- sylvania detached to the left, where it was twice charged by cavalry. Later in ils advance the Seventy-seventh captured two guns of a Confederate battery, and still later Colonel Battle, Twentieth Tennessee. The Thirty-fourth Illinois in the first advance passed directly through Water Oaks Fond. Its commander, Major Levanway, was killed, and Colonel 314 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Kirk, commanding the brigade, was wounded. The engage- ment here was the last effort of the Confederates to hold their line, and closed the fighting for the day. Sixth Brigade. (Gibson's.) This brigade arrived upon the field about noon and joined its division at Woolf field, and was at once ordered into line on Kirk's left, where it became engaged at once. The Thirty- second Indiana was detached and is mentioned in the reports as having made a bayonet charge in front of Kirk's brigade near the pond. It followed the retiring Confederates until ordered to return. It failed to find its division and bivou- acked by itself Monday night. The other regiments of the brigade bivouacked near the camp of the Fourth Illinois cav- alry. SIXTH DIVISION. (Wood's.) This division arrived upon the field about two P. M. It was ordered into line on Crittenden's right. When it got into position the battle was about over, and only Wagner's brigade became engaged, and that only for a few minutes, the Fifty-seventh Indiana having four men wounded. The divi- sion bivouacked in rear of the right of Prentiss' division camps. THE ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI (CONFEDERATE). This army assembled near Corinth Miss. It was organized into four army carps and commenced its movements toward Pittsburg, April 3, 1862, under General Order No. 8, which di- rected the Third corps, Major General Hardee, to move from Corinth by Ridge road to near Mickey's, at the intersection of the Ridge road with road from Monterey to Savannah; the Second corps, Major General Bragg, to assemble at Monterey and move thence to the Ridge road near Mickey's, in two col- umns, the left wing by the Purdy and the right wing by the Savannah road, falling in behind Hardee's corps; the First The Battle of Shiloh. 315 corps, Major General Polk, to assemble at Mickey's, taking the road behind Bragg' s corps; Ruggle's division coming from Corinth by the Ridge road; Cheatham's division from Bethel and Purely; the Reserve corps, Brigadier General Breckin- ridge, to assemble at Monterey, from Burnsville, and follow Bragg's corps to Mickey's and fall in behind Polk's corps; the cavalry to deploy on the flanks guarding Lick creek fords on the right and the road to Stantonville on the left. The order contemplated an attack upon the Union camps near Pittsburg Landing at sunrise Saturday morning, April five, but on account of bad roads and other delays the several corps were not in position assigned them until nearly dark on Saturday, and the attack was deferred until Sunday morn- ing, April six. The army bivouacked Saturday night in order of battle, the Third corps in the front line across the Pitts- burg Landing road one-half mile in advance of the forks of the Bark road; the Second corps eight hundred yards in rear of the first line; the First corps in column of brigades in rear of the second line; the Reserve corps one mile in rear on the road to Mickey's.* General Johnston established his headquarters at the forks of the old Bark and Pittsburg roads. The forward movement to the attack commenced at about sunrise Sunday morning, April six, General Johnston in per- son accompanying the right, Gladden's and Shaver's bri- gades,* until the first camp was attacked. He then rode to the left, where Cleburne's brigade was advancing to the at- tack,* and from there conducted Stewart's brigade to the right. He then, from the camp of the Eighteenth Wiscon- sin, directed the movements of Chalmer's and Jackson's bri- gadesf to the right, while Hardee, who was with him here,J was directing Shaver, Wood and Stewart to the left. Gen- eral Johnston then ordered the reserve corps forward, and at twelve thirty was placing these troops in position south of the Peach Orchard, he and his staff occupying for over an hour a position due south of the center of the Peach Orchard, •10 War Records, 614. *10 War Records, 403. tlO War Records, 532, 554, 558. J10 War Records, 569. 21 316 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. on the left bank of Locust Grove creek. § From this point he went forward behind Bowen's brigade, and was killed near the southeast corner of the Peach Orchard at two thirty P. M. His body was carried to Corinth that after- noon and was buried at New Orleans, La. General G. T. Beauregard, second in command, and com- manding the army after two thirty P. M., had his headquar ters Saturday night at the present forks of Bark and Pitts- burg roads.]] At ten A. M., Sunday morning the general and his staff moved forward to within one-half mile of the camps (near Plum Orchard Hospital, according to Captain Irwin). About noon he moved up to the Khea House and at two P. M. forward to the crossroads near Water Oaks Pond. Here he received information of the death of General John- ston and assumed command of the army. At night his head- quarters was established at General Sherman's tent, near Shiloh Church. From this point he directed the battle on Monday. When he directed the army to retire he. personally placed a brigade and several pieces of artilleiw in position on the first ridge south of Shiloh Branch; a battery at Wood's house and Breckinridge's corps on the high ground near Bark road, and then with his staff retired to Corinth via Monterey. THIRD CORPS. (Hardee's.) This corps, consisting of three brigades, formed the first line of battle just behind Wood's field and cotton press. The three brigades not filling all the space desired, Gladden's brigade from Bragg's corps was added to the right and placed under Hardee's orders. The corps in line of battle had its center on, and perpendicular to, the Pittsburg road, its left near Owl creek, its light across the Bark road, in the follow- ing order of brigades from left to right: Cleburne's Second brigade. Wood's Third brigade, Shaver's First brigade, and Gladden's brigade. General T. C. Hindman was intrusted with the command of his own and Wood's brigade, and is, in a few cases, referred to as commanding a division. He re- §Statement of Senator Hariis. ||War Records, 401. The Hat tie of Shiloh. 317 mained with his old brigade — the First — and docs no! appear to have given any orders to Wood, and is, in nearly every case referred to as commanding a brigade. H<> was disabled about eleven A. M. on the sixlh, near the northeast corner of the Review field. The Third corps in its advance from Mickey's had a skirmish on Friday in which a few prisoners were taken on both sides; another engagement with a picket post near Howell's on Saturday, and on Sunday morning the picket of tins corps, under Major Hardeastle, stationed at the corner of Fraley's and Wood's fields, was attacked at four fifty-five A. M. by a reconnoitering party sent out by Genera] Prentiss. This affair between jackets lasted over an hour, the corps in the meantime getting into line and ad- vancing, driving back the reconnoitering party, and follow ing it to the first line of camps, where the battle became gen- eral. General Hardee in person moved with the right of his line, where General Johnston was directing the battle, until the first camps were passed, when Hardee, after consulting with Johnston at the camp of the Eighteenth Wisconsin, went 1o the left* and took general direction of the left Hank of the army the remainder of the day. On Monday he was in command on the extreme right of the line.f His corps remained intact until about nine A. M. of the sixth, when his troops intermingled with other troops. With the possible exception of two or three regiments of Cleburne's brigade, none of his corps were under his com- mand on Sunday after he moved to the left. Neither of his brigade organza tions were under his command on Monday. Under General Beauregard's orders, Hardee commenced the withdrawal of his troops at one P. M. Monday. TJiird Brigade. (Wood's.) This brigade consisted of five regiments and (wo batta- lions of infantry, one battery of artillery, and one company of cavalry. It occupied.the center of Hardee's line of battle *10 War Recorrlw, 404, 569. |10 War R( 318 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Saturday night, its right on the Corinth and Pittsburg road, in the following order from left to right: Twenty-seventh Tennessee, Sixteenth Alabama, Forty-fourth Tennessee, Ninth Arkansas, Eighth Arkansas, Fifty-fifth Tennessee; the Third Mississippi on picket, and Harper's (Mississippi) bat- tery in rear of the infantry. Major Hardeastle with the Third Mississippi, on picket at the corner of two fields one- fourth mile in advance of the main line, was attacked at four fifty-five Sunday morning by a reconnoitering party sent out by General Prentiss. Hardeastle fought the party until six thirty,$ when the brigade advanced to his support and fol- lowing the reconnoitering party moved directly forward to the attack of the Union camps, which it reached at nine A. M.§ In this movement Wood's brigade was guide for first line.] | The left of Wood's brigade struck the front of the Fifty-third Ohio camp, its right extending into the camps of Peabody's brigade. The left wing, Twenty-seventh Tennes- see, by a movement to the right, avoided the camp of the Fifty-third Ohio, which was being swept by the fire of Water- house's battery, while the right passed directly through a part of Peabody's camp, pressing the Union forces back until Wood's left had passed Waterhouse's battery and become ex- posed to a left flank and rear fire,** and the right had reached a field in the rear of Peabody's camp. Here the brigade wheeled to the left and attacked the second line of camps to the rear of the battery* (Raith's brigade camps). After mak- ing left wheel and adjusting his line by bringing the Ninth and Eighth Arkansas to the left flank — making his line from left to right Ninth Arkansas, Eighth Arkansas, Twenty-sev- enth Tennessee, Sixteenth Alabama, Forty-fourth Tennessee, Fifty-fifth Tennessee, and Third Mississippi — Wood moved directly forward, doubling up the left of Raith's brigade and attacking McClernand's Second brigade on the Corinth road, where he captured Burrow's battery. In this attack General W T ood was thrown from his horse and disabled so that he left the field until two thirty P. M. The brigade was disorganized tlO "War Records, 603. §10 War Records, 596. ||10 "War Records, 580. **10 War Records, 591. •10 War Records, 605. The Battle of Shiloh. 319 and did not again act together during the day. The Twenty- seventh Tennessee rested from ten fifty until three P. M., then joined Wood when he resumed command. The Six- teenth Alabama and the Fifty-fifth Tennessee joined Shaver's brigade in its movement to the right under General Stew- artf and then, with the Third Mississippi, went to the rear with the prisoners,! returning to the field Monday morning. The Forty-fourth Tennessee became separated from the brigade during the charge and fought to the right of Shaver's brigade in Hornets' Nest.§ It joined Wood again at three o'clock. The Eighth Arkansas and the Ninth Arkansas rested an hour, then after twelve M. joined Cleburne's and Shaver's forces in an attack at Duncan House,|| and at three o'clock joined General Wood. The Third Mississippi joined Colonel . Vaughan but was not engaged; it joined the Six- teenth Alabama and Fifty-fifth Tennessee as guard for the prisoners, and returned to the field on Manday. Harper's battery became detached Sunday morning and was engaged with Shaver's brigade, and in the afternoon with General Cheatham at Peach Orchard. Avery's Georgia Dragoons went to the right as guard at Greer's Ford. At two thirty P. M. on Sunday General Wood resumed command and brought together four regiments, the Twenty- seventh Tennessee, Eighth Arkansas, Ninth Arkansas, and the Forty-fourth Tennessee, and reported to General Kuggles west of Duncan House. At four o'clock he was sent with General Anderson to the right to attack the Union force at Hornets' Nest. He did not become engaged but followed the retiring troops of Tuttle's brigade, and after the surrender moved toward the front and center near the present school- house. At sunset** he moved back to one of the encamp- ments in the rear. Monday morning he formed the remnant of the four regi- ments, not over six hundred and fifty men.ff and went into action on south end of Jones field. At eleven A. M., he fell back to Shiloh Church, and soon after moved to the right flO War Records, 597. tlO War Records, 592, 593, 603. §10 War Records, 608. ||10 War Records, 582, 599, 501, 603. "10 War Records, 593. ttlO War Records, 594. 320 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. and made a charge at the Water Oaks Pond, where he en- gaged McCook's division and the left of Sherman's command. He then retired to high ground south of Shiloh Branch. Har- per's battery was on the right Monday. The Third Missis- sippi joined Wood on Monday near Shiloh Church. First Brigade. (Shaver's.) This brigade formed line of battle Saturday on Wood's right, its line extending from Pittsburg road to Bark road in following order from left to right: Seventh Arkansas, Sec- ond Arkansas, Sixth Arkansas, Third Confederate, Swett's (Mississippi) battery in the rear. The Fifth Arkansas and Miller's (Tennessee) battery are included with this brigade in "Organization of the army," but arc not again mentioned in reports. The brigade moved forward at six thirty A. M., Sunday, meeting with little resistance until within one-half mile of the Union camps. Here Swett's and Harper's* batteries took position on the right near Eastern Corinth road and en- gaged the Union batteries (Hickenlooper's and Munch's). A charge was ordered and Pcabody's camp was captured and his men pursued to a ravine and to an old field (Barnes'), The Third Confederate continuing the pursuit beyond the ravine became detached from its brigade and was engaged at Hornets' Nest soon after nine A. M. Colonel Shaver re- organized his command and was ordered to make change of front to the left, in conjunction with Wood's left wheel, to attack a camp (Raith's). Before completing the movement he was ordered to reform and move by left flank one-half mile* to an old farm, from which he attacked the enemy (Hare's brigade) behind a large field. The left regiments passed through this field, driving back Hare's brigade and occupying the ground one and one-halff hours. The right of the brigade passed to the right of the Review field and be- came engaged with Sweeny's and Tuttle's brigades and was exposed to a heavy cross fire from the Union batteries in the *10 War Records, 609. tlO War Records. 576. The Battle of Shiloh. 321 rear of Tut tie. Swett'fl battery took position on Shaver's right and engaged those batteries. General Eindman was disabled by the fall of his horse and General Stewart took command of Hindman's troops, consisting of Shaver's bri- gade and the Sixteenth Alabama and Fifty-fifth Tennessee of Wood's brigade, and placing the Fourth Tennessee on the left of Shaver moved directly easl from the northwest cor- ner of Review field to Duncan House and attacked the troops behind Duncan field. Stewart was repulsed, and Shaver's brigade retired about one mile to a camp to replenish ammu- nition. Between two and three o'clock Shaver's brigade made another attack at the Hornets' Nest and was again re- pulsed. In this charge Lieutenant Colonel Dean, Seventh Arkansas, was killed within fifty paces of the front of the Fourteenth Iowa. The brigade then fell back and was not again engaged on Sunday. It retired a little farther to the rear and bivouacked for the night. On Monday the brigade formed on the Bark road. After some time the Second and Sixth Arkansas advanced to the left with General Cheatham, where an attack was made about twelve M., and some guns captured, but were soon retaken, ami the Confederates driven back in disorder. In attempting to rally his force Colonel Shaver was rendered senseless by the explosion of a shell near him, and his command disorganized. The Seventh Ar- kansas was in support of a battery on Monday and later in the day became engaged on the eight. The Third Confeder- ate was detached to the right on Monday. Swett's (Missis- sippi) battery, after its participation in the attack at Hor- nets' Nest on Sunday, was placed by General Ruggles in line of batteries on the east side of Review field, where if was supported by the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee. Xo record of Swett's battery in engagement on Monday. Second Brigade. (Cleburne's.) This brigade formed the left of Hardee's line, in the fol- lowing order from left to right: Second Tennessee (Bate), Twenty-fourth Tennessee. Fifth Tennessee (Hill), Sixth Mis- 322 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. sissippi, Twenty-third Tennessee, the Fifteenth Arkansas in advance as pickets and skirmishers, Skoup's battalion of artil- lery, consisting of Calvert's, Trigg's and Hubbard's Arkansas batteries, in rear of the infantry. The left of the brigade was near Widow Howell's. The advance was begun at six thirty A. M., Sunday, and at about eight A. M., the brigade became engaged along Shiloh Branch, its batteries on high ground in the rear. Its progress was impeded by the marshy ground and briers of the branch. After passing these ob- structions, the right — Sixth Mississippi and the Twenty-third Tennessee — charged through the camp of the Fifty-third Ohio, but were repulsed by the fire of Waterhouse's battery and the infantry of Raith's and Hildebrand's brigades. The Twenty-third Tennessee was rallied with difficulty, but the Sixth Mississippi renewed the attack with vigor, and charged again and again, until it lost three hundred men out of four hundred and twenty-five engaged. The left of the brigade met a like defeat in attempting to charge the position of Buckland's brigade and Barrett's battery, and was unable to advance until reinforced by Anderson's brigade from Bragg's corps,* and by Russell's and Johnson's brigades from Polk's corps. With these reinforcements Cleburne rallied sixty men of the Sixth Mississippi and about half of the Twenty- third Tennessee and, in conjunction with troops from the other brigades, advanced along the Pittsburg Landing road to the point where Burrow's battery was captured, where he was joined by the Eighth Arkansas. With the fragments of these three regiments, Cleburne joined General Stewart at twelve, noon, in an attack upon position at Duncan House, where some of Cleburne's men were taken prisoners by the Seventh Illinois. At twelve thirty P. M., the Sixth Missis- sippi retired from the field, and the Twenty-third Tennessee was ordered to the rear to reorganize. Cleburne then went in search of the other regiments of his brigade and, at- three P. M., found the Fifth and Twenty-fourth Tennessee and Fif- teenth Arkansas resting under the brow of a hill, where they were soon joined by the Twenty-third Tennessee. The Fifth Tennessee, Twenty-fourth Tennessee, and Fifteenth Arkan- sas had advanced through Buckland's camp at about ten •10 War Records, 471. The Battle of SMloh. 323 A. M., and had joined Pond and Trabue,f and with them were engaged at twelve M. to two thirty P. M. in front of Marsh's brigade camp, and had passed to rear of that camp when found by Cleburne. Colonel Bate, of the Second Tennessee, was wounded in front of Buekland's brigade, and the regi- ment was somewhat disorganized and was not again engaged on Sunday. On Monday, the Second Tennessee was engaged on the right under General Stewart. When Cleburne joined his left wing at three P. M., on Sunday, he advanced to the east side of Tilghman creek, where he was engaged at four thirty P. M., in the attack upon McClernand's sixth line. He then moved forward until he came under fire of the artillery and gunboats, where he halted until dark, when he was or- dered to the rear and retired to a camp near the Bark road. On Monday, soon after daylight, he advanced along the Bark road with four regiments (Fifth, Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth Tennessee, and the Fifteenth Arkansas), now reduced to eight hundred men, and became engaged in a thick under- brush at the left of General Breckinridge and the right of General Wood, where his brigade was repulsed and com- pletely routed. The Fifteenth Arkansas was the only regi- ment rallied. This continued in the fight until reduced to fifty-eight men. These were then ordered to the rear to re- plenish ammunition. Shoup's batteries were in position Sunday morning on high ground south of Shiloh Branch. Trigg's and Hubbbard's bat- teries formed a part of Kuggle's line at four P. M. Sunday. No information in regard to these batteries on Monday. SECOND CORPS. (Bragg's.) This corps of two divisions formed the second line of bat- tle and formed Saturday night, April 5, 1862, eight hundred yards in rear of the first line across, and perpendicular to the Pittsburg road; Gladden's brigade of Wither's division form- ed on Hardee's right; Haggle's division on the left, its right on the Bark road; Wither's division to right of the tRoman's Military Operations of General Beauregard. Extract from report of Lieu- tenant and Aid-de-camp A. R. Chisolm. 324 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Bark road. The corps commenced its forward movement at about six thirty A. M. on Sunday. Soon after, the left bri- gade, Pond's, was detached to the left, and Chalmer's bri- gade moved forward to the right of Gladden. The advance was continued in this order until Hardee's line became en- gaged, when Bragg, "finding the first line unequal to the work before it," moved his whole corps to its support. In this movement Ruggle's division intermingled with the first line, and the two corps were not again separated during the battle. Withers on the right kept his Second and Third bri- gades well in hand and leading them to the extreme right continued in command of them all day. General Bragg in person followed his right and was with Gladdens brigade when Prentiss' camp was captured.* There were present at that time General Johnston, General Bragg, General Hardee, General Withers, General Hindman, and several brigade commanders.* General Bragg remained in this vicinity until ten thirty A. M., when he met General Polk at the left center, and by agreement with him returned to the right center, where he directed several charges at Hor- nets' Nest without success. Learning that General Johnston had been killed, General Bragg went to the right and as- sumed command of the forces there, consisting of Breckin- ridge's two brigades, Wither's two brigades, and one brigade of Cheatham's division. With this force he pressed the Union left along the Hamburg road until he reached the rear of Prentiss and Wallace and connected his troops with those of the extreme left. This surround compelled the surrender of Prentiss about the time the sun was disappearing.! Bragg re-formed his commands and was placing his troops in order for another advance when lie received orders to withdraw his troops. Bragg remained with Beauregard near Shiloh Church Sunday night, and Monday morning was sent to the Confederate left, where the troops of Pond, Wood, Cleburne, Cheatham, Gibson, Anderson and Trabue were engaged, in about the order named, from left to right. Under General Beauregard's orders he commenced to retire his troops at two T. M. *10 War Records, 537, 567. tlO War Records, 466. The Battle of SMloh. 395 SECOND DIVISION. (Withers'.) In this division were the brigades of Gladden, .Jackson and Chalmers. It formed the right of Bragg's corps and formed m line Saturday night on the Bark road one-fourth mile cast of the forks of Pittsburg Landing road. Gladden's brigade was sent forward to the first line, Jackson's brigade three hundred yards directly in rear of Gladden, on righl of Bark road, Chalmers', on Jackson's right, extending the line to tributary of Lick creek. In the advance Chalmers soon came up to Gladden's right and joined it in an attack upon Prentiss' camp. A tier cap- ture of Prentiss' camp Withers was ordered, with Chalmers and Jackson, down the Bark road to Lick creek to attack the I nion left. He succeeded in driving- Stuart back and follow- ing him, pressing back the Union left, reaching the rear of Prentiss and Wallace, and receiving the surrender of part of these troops. He then moved to the right along the ridge south of Dill Branch and formed in line, then advanced into the valley of Dill Branch, from which place he made the last attack Sunday. He then withdrew, his division becoming d.sorganized. Chalmers' brigade and one regiment of Jack son's brigade bivouacked in Stuart's camp; Withers person- ally in Prentiss' camp. On Monday the division had com- menced to retire from the field and had marched one mile when it was recalled and engaged on the right until two P M when it retired to .Mickeys. First Brigade. (Gladden's.) This brigade was attached temporarily to Hardee's corps and took position Saturday night. April five, al the right of the first line f battle, its left on the Hark road, in the follow- ing order, from left to right: Twenty-sixth Alabama, Twenty- fifth Alabama, Twenty-second Alabama, Twenty-first Ala- bama, First Louisiana, and Robertson's battery in rear of in- fantry. The brigade advanced at six thirty A. M., Sunday along 326 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. the line of Bark and Eastern Corinth roads until it became engaged at eight thirty A. M., in front of Prentiss' camps. The Twenty-second Alabama formed across the Eastern Cor- inth road. The Twenty-sixth, crowded out of position on the left by Shaver's brigade, took position on the right. In this attack General Gladden was mortally wounded, and Colonel Adams assumed command and drove Prentiss back, and at nine A. M., took possession of his camps and formed his brigades in a square at Prentiss 1 headquarters, where it remained inactive until about two o'clock. At two thirty Colonel Adams was wounded and Colonel Deas took com- mand, and soon after led the brigade, except the Twenty- sixth Alabama, to the right and reported to General Breck- inridge and becamed engaged in the last attack upon Pren- tiss. Here the Twenty-first and Twenty-fifth Alabama be- came separated from the brigade, and Colonel Deas formed the First Louisiana and Twenty-second Alabama (224 men) on the left of Jackson's brigade and remained in line until ordered back to camp for the night. The Twenty-sixth Ala- bama meantime made a charge across the west side of Peach Orchard, supported on left by Forrest's cavalry in the woods. On Monday one hundred and fifty men of the Twenty sixth Alabama joined Chalmers in two engagements, and then left the field. The Twenty-first Alabama was in Colonel Moore's command on Monday,* the First Louisiana and the Twenty- second Alabama with Buggies on the left of the line, where they were engaged until reduced to sixty men.f Bobertson's (Alabama) battery of 12-pounder Napoleons was first en- gaged on Eastern Corinth road in front of Prentiss' camp. After that, from a position in Prentiss' camp, it engaged the Union batteries in Peach Orchard and then reported to Bug- gies, east of Beview field. On Monday it was with the Con- federate right. The Twenty-fifth Alabama joined a Missouri regiment on Monday! (First Missouri, Bowen's brigade). *10 War Records, 556. tlO War Records, 539. J10 War Records, 544. The Battle of Shiloh. 327 Second Brigade. (Chalmers'.) This brigade, called the "Mississippi Brigade," formed the right of Bragg's line, its right resting on swamps of Lick creek in the following order from left to right: Fifty-second Tennessee, Fifth Mississippi, Ninth Mississippi, Seventh Mis- sissippi, Tenth Mississippi, with Gage's (Alabama) battery in the rear. It advanced at six thirty A. M., Sunday, and soon joined Gladden's right and made a gradual left wheel until it struck the left of Prentiss' camp and by a charge of the Tenth Mississippi, followed by the Seventh and Ninth Mississippi, the Eighteenth Wisconsin was driven from its camp at nine A. M., the three regiments pursuing across the ravine and to the hill beyond, where they came under fire from Hurlbut's division in the Peach Orchard and were or- dered by General Johnston back to the captured camp. From the Eighteenth Wisconsin camp the brigade was conducted "by right flank file right" across the ravine and to the Bark road and along that road until its right rested on Lick creek, where it re-formed its battle line facing north and advanced across Locust Grove Branch against Stuart's camps. When this advance began Union skirmishers fired into the Fifty- second Tennessee, stampeding the regiment so that only two companies could be rallied. These companies were at- tached to the Fifth Mississippi. As the infantry advanced Gage's battery, stationed on high ground south of the ravine, shelled Stuart's camp, compelling him to move to his left rear, forming his left behind an orchard. Chalmers moved upon this position and drove Stuart back three hundred yards to a ridge, where he maintained himself until about two P. M., when he retired, closely followed by Chalmers, who was supported on his right by Clanton's cavalry, moving down the banks of the Tennessee. Swinging to the left against the exposed Union left, Chalmer's left reached the Hamburg and Savannah road near the camp of the Twenty-eighth Illinois, where he assisted in the capture of the troops of Prentiss and Wallace that had faced to the rear and were attempting to make their way to the river. The Fourteenth Iowa, a captain and four men of the Twenty-eighth Illinois, and col- 328 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. onel of the Eighteenth Missouri surrendered to the Ninth Mississippi. The brigade then moved directly east of the ridge south of Dill Branch until its right was near the river; it then advanced into the valley of Dill Branch. Skirmish- ers of the Ninth Mississippi crossed the ravine and ascended to the brow of the bluff, where they came under fire of the artillery. "The brigade struggled in vain to ascend the hill, which was very steep, making charge after charge without success, but continued to fight until night closed hostilities on both sides.''* Gage's battery was put in position in rear of the brigade, but was soon disabled and was compelled to retire, leaving one gun in the ravine in front of its position. It was not again engaged. The brigade retired to Stuart's camps, where it bivouacked Sunday night. On Monday it was joined by several detached regiments and was engaged on the Confederate right south of Peach Orchard until two I'. M., when it received orders to retire. There are no re- ports on file from regiments or battery. Third Brigade. (Jackson's.) This brigade formed on the right of the Bark road in the second line, three hundred yards in the rear of Oladden's brigade, in the following order from left to right: Seven- teenth Alabama, Eighteenth Alabama, Nineteenth Alabama, Second Texas, Girardey's battery in rear of infantry. It ad- vanced at six thirty A. M., Sunday, following Gladden's bri- gade, and came up with that brigade at Prentiss' headquar- ters, where General Johnston in person ordered the brigade to the left in conjunction with movements of Wood and Shaver. Before it had proceeded far, the order was changed, and Jackson was ordered to follow Chalmers to the right, where the brigade formed on the south side of a deep ravine. Girardey's battery engaged the enemy in Peach Orchard from Prentiss' camp and then followed its brigade and took posi- tion at Shake-a-rag Church. The brigade advanced directly against the camps of the Fifty-fourth Ohio and Fifty-fifth Illinois, the right of the brigade joining Chalmers and pass- "Chalmer's report. The Battle of Shiloh. 329 ing through the farm houses at the left of the Fifty-fifth Illi- nois camp and engaging the Seventy-first Ohio, while the left of the brigade engaged McArtlmr's brigade in the ravine east of Peach Orchard. At about one thirty P. M., Bowen's brigade joined .Jackson's left, and together they advanced, driving back the Union force and making the left wheel with Chalmers. Jackson reached the camp of the Twenty-eighth Illinois, in (maimers' rear, and was present when prisoners were captured. The Eighteenth Alabama was detached to guard them to the rear. The other three regiments followed Chalmers to the right and took position in the valley of Dill Branch, where skirmishers went forward to top of bluff, where they came in range of artillery and "could not be urged farther." Finding an advance impracticable, an order was given to withdraw. In the darkness the brigade became sep- arated, the Seventeenth Alabama returning to the camp of Saturday night, and was out of the fight on Monday. The Nineteenth Alabama and Second Texas bivouacked with Chal- mers, and on Monday were with the Twenty-first Alabama, organized as a temporary brigade, and fought on Chalmers' left. In an advance across an open field this force received an unexpected fire, which broke its line and disorganized the command, the Nineteenth Alabama, under Colonel Wheeler, alone remaining on the field until a general retreat was or- dered, when it formed a rear guard and remained at Mickey's several days. General Jackson, with the battery, bivouacked Sunday night at Shiloh Church. The battery was engaged with Cleburne on Monday and lost one gun and had its other guns disabled so that the cannoneers were detailed to another battery. General Jackson, unable to find his bri- gade on Monday, was not engaged. He reported at Corinth, Miss., at eleven thirty P. M. Monday. FIRST DIVISION. (Ruggles'J This division of three brigades formed the left of I he sec- ond line of battle, its right, Gibson's brigade, on the Bark road; its left, Pond's brigade, extending to near Owl creek; its center. Anderson's brigade, on Pittsburg road 330 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Soon after the forward movement commenced, Sunday morning, two regiments from the left were detached to guard the left flank of the army, and Gibson's brigade was moved to the right to support Shaver's brigade. Anderson's and the right of Pond's brigade moved directly forward and be- came engaged in front of the first encampments of the enemy, where Anderson's and Cleburne's brigades commingled and were disorganized, a part of each following the Pittsburg road, under Buggies' command, until they reached Duncan field about three P. M., when General Ruggles gave his per- sonal attention to massing the artillery in front of the Hor- nets' Nest. Here he collected ten batteries and two sections and placed them along the road on the west side of Duncan field and under their concentrated fire ordered Anderson and others to attack. This artillery fire drove away all the artil- lery from the Union lines at Hornets' Nest. On Monday Ruggles, with portions of his division, fought on the Confederate left until the troops were ordered to re- tire, when he took command of the second line of the rear guard. First Brigade. (Gibson's.) This brigade bivouacked Saturday night, April 5, 1802, on the right of Ruggles' division, its right on the Bark road, in order of regiments from left to right: Fourth Louisiana Thir- teenth Louisiana, First Arkansas, Nineteenth Louisiana. (The battery belonging to this brigade — Bain's — was detailed to remain at Corinth. Yet it is enumerated in organization and referred to*— "we had our artillery at hand" — in such way that it may have been present.) The brigade followed Shaver's to the front 'of the first encampment, where, with its right in the woods and its left in the Rhea field, it came under the fire of Waterhouse's battery, which was "on an eminence to the left and in the rear of the first line of camps." Passing through Poabody's camp it camp up with Shaver's brigade and fired a few shots from the edge of Barnes field at retreating Union troops and received a few no War Records, 382, 394, 486. The Battle of Shiloh. 331 shells from Munch's battery in reply. The brigade rested in Barnes field until noon, when General Bragg found it "in rear of its proper place" and ordered it forward to an attack upon Tuttle and Prentiss at Hornets' Nest. The right of the brigade, the Nineteenth Louisiana, moved half a mile to the right across the Hamburg road and into a little farm (wheat held) and attacked the enemy in a dense undergrowth. The left of the brigade, the Fourth Louisiana, came into Dun- can field. The brigade was repulsed, but under Bragg's orders charged again and again, until they had been four times beaten back. After the fourth repulse the brigade re- tired to Barnes field and was not engaged again on Sunday. The Nineteenth Louisiana, becoming separated from its bri- gade, bivouacked near Shiloh Church and on Monday joined the command of Marshall Smith on the right. The other regi- ments were on the left on Monday, next to Pond's brigade, where they charged the enemy and captured a part of a bat- tery, but were unable to hold it. Pond was ordered to the right and Gibson held the extreme left* until ordered to re- tire. Second Brigade. (Anderson's.) This brigade occupied the center of Ruggles' division in the second line Saturday night, April five, its right on the Pittsburg road, "in column doubled at half distance on the center," but with room to deploy, its order from left to right: Twentieth Louisiana, Ninth Texas, First Florida battalion, Confederate Guards' Response Battalion, Seventeenth Louisiana, Hodgson's Washington artillery in rear. In the advance on Sunday the brigade was deployed and followed Cleburne's brigade and came up with it at eight thirty A. M at the crossing of Shiloh Branch. It must have occupied the same ground charged over by Cleburne, for, the Twentieth Louisiana— on the left of Anderson's brigade— connected with Pond's right when the Second Tennessee— the left of Cleburne's brigade— retired through the Twentieth Louis- iana,f and the right of Anderson's brigade— the Seventeenth *10 War Records, 473. " tlO War Records, 471, 496, 497, 507, 5S5 22 332 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Louisiana — joined the Sixth Mississippi — Cleburne's right — and the Eleventh Louisiana, of Russell's brigade, in a charge into the camp of the Fifty-third Ohio and were repulsed by the fire of Waterhouse's battery and its infantry support. The Seventeenth Louisiana, of this brigade, made three sep- arate charges upon the Fifty-third Ohio camp. In the second and third charges the left wing of the regiment passed to the left of the Rhea House around the point of the ridge. The Confederate Response and Florida battalions attempted — in conjunction with the Eleventh Louisiana of Russell's brigade — to cross the ridge, but were repulsed. This posi- tion was finally carried by the combined attacks of the right regiments of the brigades of Cleburne, Anderson and John- son, and the left regiments of Russell's brigade. During the struggle the Washington artillery, together with artillery of the other brigades, occupied the high ground in the rear and rendered valuable aid in the attack. The Twentieth Louis- iana and Ninth Texas, on the left, were twice repulsed, but with reinforcements carried the position held by Buckland's brigade and joined the right regiments in an advance upon McClernand's second position at the crossroads, where the brigade was partially reorganized and was engaged in front of Marsh's brigade camp. About noon it joined Trabue in his engagement with McDowell's brigade. At three P. M., this brigade moved directly along the Pittsburg road to Dun- ran field, where the battery was placed in Ruggle's artillery line and the infantry moved to the right, where it joined other troops in an attack at the Hornets' Nest, where it was repulsed, and the Twentieth Louisiana retired from the field. The other regiments returned to the attack and followed the retiring Union troops to the place of surrender. The brigade then moved forward to a ravine — head of Dill Branch — where it remained fifteen minutes under artillery fire, and then, at sunset, retired, General Anderson, with the Ninth Texas and First Florida, bivouacked in the apple orchard, near the big spring. The other regiments were scattered, but were all represented with the brigade on Monday, and were engaged north of the Pittsburg road and later in front of Marsh's brigade camp. The Washington artillery was engaged on Monday on the right, near the Wheat field, where it lost The Battle of Shiloh. 333 three guns. The guns were recaptured, but it left three caissons and battery wagon and forge on the field. Third Brigade- (Pond's.) This brigade formed the left of Bragg's line of battle Sat- urday night, its left near Owl creek and extending beyond Hardee's left in the following order from left to right: Thirty- eighth Tennessee, Crescent Regiment, Eighteenth Louisiana, Orleans Guard, Sixteenth Louisiana, with Ketchum's Ala- bama battery in rear. At eight A. M., Sunday, the Thirty- eighth Tennessee, the Crescent Regiment, and one section of the battery were sent one and one-half miles to the left to Owl creek road. The other regiments and two sections of the battery, connecting with the left of Anderson's brigade, advanced to Shiloh Branch, where they became engaged with the skirmishers of McDowell's brigade. McDowell was or- dered to withdraw and Pond gained the first line of camps without a conflict. Changing direction to the right, Pond was fired into by the Confederates and retired one hundred yards and rested until about noon when he joined the left of Trabue's brigade in Crescent field. He then moved for- ward to the valley of Tilghman creek, where at four thirty P. M., he was ordered by General Hardee to charge the Union lines, which were in position in the camps of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois. He formed his regiment en Echelon, the Eighteenth Louisiana in front on the left, followed by the Orleans Guard, and that by the Sixteenth Louisiana, and moved directly upon the Union line. He was repulsed with heavy loss and retired to high land on the west side of the creek, where he bivouacked Sunday night, with his right at Oglesby's headquarters, his left at Owl creek. The Thirty-eighth Tennessee, the Crescent Regiment, and a section of Ketchum's battery, when detached in the morn- ing, moved down Owl creek road to the bridge on Purdy road, where they remained on guard until two P. M., when liny were ordered to the center. They moved by the flank to crossroads, where Beauregard ordered them to the east along Pittsburg road. At Duncan field the section of artillery was 334 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. placed on left of Ruggles' artillery line and the two regiments directed to the left, where they engaged the right flank of troops at the Hornets' Nest, Colonel Looney leading his regi- ment, the Thirty-eighth Tennessee, into the camp of the Third Iowa in time to assist in the capture of the Twelfth Iowa, the Crescent Regiment capturing a part of the Prentiss troops. The Thirty-eighth Tennessee then joined its bri- gade at Oglesby's headquarters. The Crescent Regiment bivouacked in a "near-by camp." On Monday the brigade, except the Crescent Regiment, was engaged upon the extreme left of the army, and opened the battle by an artillery duel between its battery and those of Lew. Wallace. The brigade was driven back gradually to the Purdy road, when it was sent to join Trabue's right. It soon returned to the left and then fell back to the church dis- organized. Colonel Looney, with his own regiment and parts of five other regiments (numbers not known), made the last charge of the day, his command forming at the church under personal direction of General Beauregard and charging for- ward directly over the site of Sherman's headquarters to near the Purdy and Hamburg road, then retiring through the rear guard stationed south of Shiloh Branch. The Crescent Regiment was sent Monday morning to the right, where it joined the Nineteenth Louisiana and First Missouri in support of the Washington artillery,* and then in conjunction with Colonel Wheeler covered the retreat from that part of the field and camped at night at Mickey's. Ketchum's battery was engaged with the brigade all day and lost two guns.f FIRST CORPS. (Polk's.) This corps of two divisions of two brigades each formed Saturday night in column of brigades behind the second line, its center on the main Corinth road, the first division in front. In the advance Sunday morning the head of this corps passed Beauregard's headquarters, at the fork of the Bark and Pittsburg roads, at seven four A. M. At the Seay field, *10 War Records, 524. tlO War Records, 543. The Battle of Shiloh. 335 Stewart's brigade was detached to the right; Russell's bri- gade was led directly to the front and became engaged under the personal direction of division and corps commanders. General Clark, commanding the division, led in the charge upon the camp of the Fifty-third Ohio, and soon after pass ing that camp was wounded and left the field. General Stewart succeeded to the command, but did not bring the di- vision under his immediate orders. General Cheatham, commanding second division, sent his first brigade directly to the front, where it was engaged under Polk's orders. He then took personal direction of Stephens' brigade, conducting it first to the left, and then at ten thirty A. M., to the right center, where he was engaged at Hornets' Nest until about noon when he moved to the right and joined General Breckinridge and was engaged at Peach Orchard, and on Monday near the extreme left of the line. CAVALRY. The First Mississippi cavalry operated as a reserve to Cheatham's division. At about five thirty P. M., on Sunday, just after the surrender of Prentiss, it charged upon and captured Ross' battery as it was making its way to the river. It afterwards crossed the head of Dill Branch and started with thirty or forty men to charge another battery, but find- ing itself in presence of the infantry, retired and proceeded to the bank of the Tennessee river at Brown's Ferry. Brewers Cavalry. Two companies were sent Sunday morning in the direction of Adamsville to watch the movements of Lew. Wallace; other companies engaged in the rear of Russell's brigade until afternoon, when they were sent to the extreme left and were engaged against the Fourteenth Missouri and in Whar- ton's charge. They bivouacked Sunday night in the valley of Tilghman creek near Owl creek. General Polk in person followed the line of the Pittsburg road. He assumed personal direction of the battle in front of Rhea House, directing the two brigades of his own corps and one each of Hardee's and Bragg's corps, and when the 33G Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. line was finally carried he pushed his commands forward without waiting to reorganize them. He says his three bri- gades — Stewart's, RussePs and Johnson's — with occasionally a regiment from some other corps, fought over the same ground three times. He was present at the surrender of Prentiss and directed some of the troops toward the land- ing, and when ordered to withdraw retired to his bivouac of Saturday night. On Monday he commanded the left cen- ter again and fought over the same ground as on Sunday. This corps and its divisions were entirely disintegrated be- fore reaching the first camps of the enemy and did not again serve in the battle as divisions or corps. FIRST DIVISION. First Brigade. (Russell's.) This brigade bivouacked Saturday night across the Pitts- burg road behind Stewart's brigade, in order from left to right, as follows: Eleventh Louisiana, Twenty-second Ten- nesse, Thirteenth Tennessee, Twelfth Tennessee, with Bank- head's (Tennessee) battery in the rear. In the advance on Sunday it followed the Pittsburg road to near Shiloh Branch, when it became engaged on the right of the road, its left the Eleventh Louisiana, joining the Seventeenth Louisiana of Anderson's brigade* and the Sixth Mississippi of Cleburne's brigade in the attack upon the Fifty-third Ohio camp and the Union forces behind that camp. In this attack the Eleventh Louisiana was disorganized, a part of it afterwards joining Stewart's brigadef and a part continued under Rus- sell for a time. The Colonel and sixt} T men were engaged on the right on Monday. The Twelfth Tennessee passed to the right of the Fifty- third Ohio camp into the Fourth Illinois cavalry camp, where it joined Stew r art's brigade, and supported the Fourth Tennessee in. a charge upon McAllister's battery, and after- wards supported Bankhead's battery on the ground first oc- cupied by McAllister. The Thirteenth Tennessee also passed •10 War Records, 506, 511. tlO War Records, 428. The Battle of Shiloh. 337 to the light of the Fifty-third Ohio camp, then left wheeled and charged Waterhouse's battery in the flank, capturing two guns. It then moved directly past Shiloh Church, and from there along Pittsburg road to Duncan field, where it supported Stanford's battery in Buggies' artillery line. The Twenty-second Tennessee, remaining under Russell's com- mand, moved through the camp and over the Waterhouse battery position to near the crossroads, where the Fifth Tennessee, Lieutenant Colonel Venable, attached itself to Russell's command. Russell then joined Trabue's left in front of Marsh's brigade camp. He then, with the Twenty- second Tennessee, moved into the valley of Tilghman creek and up that creek to the place where Prentiss surrendered. Russell says that Prentiss surrendered to men of the Twenty- second Tennessee. The Twelfth and Thirteenth joined Rus- sell here, but no part of the brigade advanced beyond the place of surrender. The three regiments retired to Marsh's brigade camp and bivouacked Sunday night. On Monday the remnant of the three regiments, a "very small force," was engaged on the left, next to Pond, for a time, and then fell back to Shiloh Church, where they came under the immediate command of General Beauregard, who bore the colors to the front, but was soon obliged to retire. Bankhead's battery was engaged at the place occupied by McAllister's battery, and in Ruggles' line on Sunday, and on the right Monday. Second Brigade. (Stewart's.) This briga.de formed the advance of its corps and bivou- acked across the main Pittsburg road in the following order from left to right: Fifth Tennessee. Thirty-third Ten- nessee, Thirteenth Arkansas, Fourth Tennessee, with Stan- ford's battery in the rear. It moved forward at seven A. M.. Sunday morning, one-half mile and deposited knapsacks, then passed the cotton press and its left regiment — the Fifth Tennessee -came into Fraley field, where it received a shot from a Union battery that killed one man and cut the flag- staff. From "two cabins" General Johnston directed the bri- 338 Severity-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. gade to the right, and conducted it toward the camp of the Eighteenth Wisconsin, where General Johnston Went and met General Hardee.* General Stewart moved his brigade by the right flank due east, from noth side of Seay field, until his right reached the Eastern Corinth road, his command in a open woods" in front of the enemy's (Peabody's) camp, "from which he had been driven." Here losing sight of Gen- eral Johnston, he moved his brigade by left flank in line of battle through the camp and beyond it.f Thence, co-operat- ing with the left movement of Wood and Shaver, he moved "by the left flank," along the rear of Peabody's brigade camp, and behind Gibson's brigade, until the Thirteenth Arkansas was in the Fourth Illinois Cavalry camp, then by right flank in line of battle, and halted for orders. Here occurred the "fire in the rear," occasioned by the Fourth Louisiana, on Gibson's left, firing to their left rear upon an officer "sup- posed to be a Federal." This left rear fire took effect in the ranks of the Thirteenth Arkansas. This regiment, mistak- ing the fire of the Fourth Louisiana for that of the enemy, returned the fire, and were joined by the Thirty -third Tennessee firing into the Twelfth Tennessee just then pass- ing their front, and into the Eighth and Ninth Arkansas just being transferred to Wood's left. From the Fourth Illinois cavalry camp Stewart led his three left regiments north across a small stream and laid them down while he returned for the Fourth Tennessee, which he brought forward to the same place, but found that his three regiments had moved forward. Here Stewart re- ceived orders to charge McAllister's battery at the north- west corner of Review field. He placed Stanford's battery in the Fourth Illinois cavalry camp, and with the Fourth and Twelfth Tennessee behind it as a reserve, passed to the right behind Wood's brigade and joining Shaver's left charged the battery and captured one gun at eleven A. M., the Fourth and Twelfth Tennessee holding the ground where the battery had been stationed. Here General Hindman proposed to Stew- art to join forces and attack the enemy on Shaver's right in Hornets' Nest. While arranging for this movement General •10 War Records, 404, 407. tin War Records, 433. The Battle of Shiloh. 339 Hiudmau was disabled and General Stewart took command of Hindman's force. Placing the Fourth Tennessee on the left of Shaver's brigade, he moved through the woods to Duncan held and engaged the Union force that occupied the east side of that field until Shaver reported his troops out of ammunition, when Stewart withdrew the Fourth Tennes- see to a position where it captured the gun and joined the Twelfth Tennessee, at about noon, in support of Bankhead's battery, which was being closely pressed by Union troops. The Fourth Tennessee then retired for ammunition. In the meantime the Fifth and Thirty-third Tennessee and the Thirteenth Arkansas were by General Hardee's order moved forward from the ravine where Stewart left them and became engaged under Preston Smith's command near the crossroads. Later the Fifth Tennessee was attached to Rus- sell's command farther to the left and then moved to the at- tack upon the right flank of the Hornets' Nest position. It then retired to a camp for the night. The Thirty-third Ten- nessee joined General Stewart again to the right of Buggies' batteries and moved by the left flank along the road to the Forty-first Illinois camp, where it remained until night and then retired to a camp near the crossroads. The Thirteenth Arkansas, after its engagement at the crossroads, was in support of Smith's battery to the right, where Lieutenant Colonel Grayson was mortally wounded. It then retired to Beauregard's headquarters, and then to camp for the night near "Stewart's General Hospital." The Fourth Tennessee, after its separation from General Stewart, joined Preston Smith's command in Marsh's brigade camp and was engaged from about one to two P. M. It bivouacked Sunday night near where it captured the gun. General Stewart, after his own brigade had passed from his command, organized a command, consisting of Walker's Second Tennessee, part of the Eleventh Louisiana, and another regiment of Cleburne's command, and made a second attack at Duncan House. Falling back, he was joined by the Thirty-third Tennessee and moved along Pittsburg road and into the Hornets' Nest at the time of surrender. On Mon- day he had Bates' Second Tennessee and Thirteenth Arkan- sas, under his command on the Confederate right. Colonel 340 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Strahl says the Fourth Tennessee was engaged on Monday "near the left of the line." He also says he was "on the left of the Washington artillery." Washington artillery was on the right Monday. The Fifth Tennessee was with Chalmers on the extreme right; Thirty-third Tennessee on the left with General Cheatham. Stanford's battery, after its first en- gagement Sunday in the camp of the Fourth Illinois cavalry, became engaged on the right of Buggies' artillery line and on Monday near the same place. It lost four guns. SECOND DIVISION. (Cheatham's.) This division of two brigades bivouacked Saturday night in the rear of the First division, on the Pittsburg Landing road. Soon after the advance was begun on Sunday the Sec- ond brigade was detached, under the command of General Cheatham, who directed its movements all day on Sunday. His personal movements are the same as the Second brigade. Sunday night General Cheatham retired to his Saturday night bivouac. On Monday morning he was engaged for some time in arresting a stampede which came from the front. He then led the Sixth Tennessee, six companies of the Ninth Tennessee, the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Ten- nessee, part of the Fifteenth Tennessee, and one hundred men of Walker's Second Tennessee to an open field near Shiloh ( '1 mrch, where he received orders to report to General Breck- inridge. He moved half a mile to the right, then was ordered back and to the left. In this movement the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee and Walker's Tennessee became detached and remained at the right. With parts of the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth, Ninth and Fifteenth he moved northwest, passing near Shiloh Church; then to left of the Confederate line, where he was joined by Gibson's bri- gade and by the Twenty-seventh and Thirty-third Tennessee, and was engaged four hours. At two thirty P. M., he was ordered to withdraw from the field. First Brigade. (B. R. Johnson's.) This brigade moved forward Sunday morning along Titts- burg road with its division until eight thirty A. M., when it. The Battle of Shiloh. 341 in crossing- Fraley lield, came under lire of the artillery. Here General Cheatham was detached with the Second bri- gade, and General B. II. Johnson led his brigade, first ob- liquely to the left, then by right flank until the centre — left of Blythe's Mississippi — rested on the Pittsburg road, its regiments in order from left to right: Walker's Second Ten- nessee, Fifteenth Tennessee, Blythe's Mississippi, One Hun- dred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee, with Polk's Tennesee battery in the rear. At the crossing of Shiloh Branch Johnson came up with the brigades of Cleburne, Anderson and Russell, which had commingled and were making ineffectual attempts to force the Union lines. General Polk at once assumed direction, and without waiting to reorganize the shattered brigades, ordered the whole force forward without regard to corps, division, brigade, or even regimental organization. Blythe's Mississippi, with the Seventeenth Louisiana, moved around the point of the hill north of Rhea House and attacked Waterhouse's battery on its right Hank. In this action Col- onel Blythe was killed, his regiment halting in a ravine be- tween the battery and Shiloh Church. The One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee, with other troops, charged directly through the camp of the Fifty-third Ohio, and attacked Waterhouse's battery in front just as the Thirteenth Tennes- see reached its left flank. Both regiments claim the two guns captured here. Polk awards them to the Thirteenth Tennessee. The One Hundred and Fifty-fourth pressed for- ward up the ridge toward Woolf field, capturing another gun of Waterhouse's battery and one gun of Schwartz's battery, near the crossroads. Here the One Hundred and Fifty- fourth was joined by the three left regiments of Stewart's brigades and took position in W T oolf field, where they were engaged for a time, and were then driven back. General Johnson, who was engaged with his left regiments in the attack upon Barrett's battery and Buckland's brigade, after several repulses finally succeeded, in conjunction with other commands, in carrying the position, but was wounded in the final assault near the church at eleven A. M., he says, and the command passed to Colonel Preston Smith, of the One Hundred and titty fourth Tennessee. During this con- 342 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. flict Polk's battery was stationed near the Rhea House, where Captain Polk was severely wounded and his battery disabled, so that only one gun went forward to the cross- roads, where it was captured. At the crossroads Colonel Smith learned of General Johnson's disability and took com- mand of the brigade, which was now greatly reduced, the Fifteenth Tennessee having only one hundred and fifty men, Blythe's Mississippi only two hundred. Smith formed his brigade "just beyond the crossroads, on the right of the broad avenue leading by the second encampment" (Marsh's). He had scarcely formed his line when the enemy advanced upon him through the woods from the north and made a fierce attack, which was kept up more than an hour, during which time Smith brought up the Fourth and Thirty-third Tennes- see to re-inforce his line. He finally succeeded, at about two P. M., in driving back the enemy. He then moved along Pitts- burg road to Duncan field, where the One Hundred and Fifty- fourth Tennessee supported Swett's battery in Buggies' line and the Second Tennessee (Walker's) supported the Thirty- eighth Tennessee. The Fifteenth Tennessee and Blythe's Mississippi were sent for ammunition and did not return. None of this brigade advanced beyond the place of Prentiss' surrender. A part of the Second Tennessee bivouacked at the crossroads. Blythe's regiment near Shiloh Church, the other regiments with Smith returned to Saturday night bivouac. On Monday the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Ten- nessee, a portion of Blythe's Mississippi, and one company of Walker's Second Tennessee, under Colonel Smith, joined Chalmers on the Confederate right and retired with him in the afternoon. The Fifteenth Tennessee was engaged under Colonel Maney on the Confederate right. Second Brigade. (Stephens'.) This brigade formed the rear of Polk's corps and bivouacked Saturday night across the Pittsburg road in the following order from left to right: Seventh Kentucky, Ninth Tennes- see. Six Hi Tennessee, First Tennessee (battalion) with Smith's (Mississippi) battery in the rear. Before the forward move- The Battle of Shiloh. 343 ment began on Sunday, Coloney Maney, with the First Ten- nessee (battalion) and the Nineteenth Tennessee from the Eeserve corps, was ordered to the right to guard a ford of Lick creek. He did not return until two thirty P. M., when he rejoined his brigade at the Peach Orchard and assumed command of the same. In his absence Colonel Stephens com- manded the brigade, which was accompanied by General Cheatham in person. This brigade moved forward on the Pittsburg Landing road one mile when, at about eight thirty A. M., it was deployed to the left as a support to Bragg's line. After half an hour it was ordered to the right, and at ten A. M., reached a posi- tion in front of the Hornets' Nest where it formed with the right — Sixth Tennessee — in a little field (Wheat Field see Walker's statement) and its left extended to Duncan field.* Smith's battery was placed in position and engaged the enemy about an hour when the brigade made two assaults, its right in a thick underbrush, its left in an open field. It was re- pulsed, and its commander. Colonel Stephens, disabled. Falling back to the Hamburg road the brigade moved to the right at noon, and joined General Breckinridge's force south of the Peach Orchard. f Here Colonel Maney joined and as- sumed command of the brigade. At two thirty P. M., he led the First, Ninth and Nineteenth Tennessee in a charge across the Peach Orchard, in which he broke the Union line at the northeast corner of said field. The Sixth Tennessee and Seventh Kentucky were brought up by General Cheat- ham, and the brigade took position in a small ravine east of the Hamburg road and awaited a supply of ammunition. It was not further engaged on Sunday, the Nineteenth Tennes- see returning to its own brigade. Statham's. The First Tennessee and four companies of the Ninth Ten- nessee, under command of Colonel Maney, bivouacked Sunday night on the field, and on Monday were joined by the Fif- teenth Tennessee and were engaged on the right of the Con- federate line under General Withers. The Sixth Tennessee and six companies of the Ninth Tennessee retired Sunday night with General Cheatham to Saturday night's bivouac, *10 War Records, 438. tlO War Records, 438, 537. 344 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. and on Monday were engaged with him on the Confederate left until two thirty P. M., when they were ordered to retire. There is no record where the Seventh Kentucky camped Sunday night. On Monday it served under Breckinridge, near where some buildings were burned. Smith's battery was first engaged for one hour in front of Hornets' Nest, on Sunday. Two of its guns were engaged with General Cheatham on Monday. The First Tennessee, under Colonel Maney, retired from the field at four P. M., on Monday and marched to Monterey and occupied the camp that it had been in before the battle. Colonel Maney claims that his battalion reached its camp "with but one single absentee not properly accounted for, and this one reached camp early next day." RESERVE CORPS. (Breckinridge's.) This corps of three brigades bivouacked Saturday night along the Bark road, between Mickey's and the Pittsburg Landing road, in regular order of brigades, the First in ad- vance and the Third in the rear. At the intersection of the Bark and Pittsburg Landing roads the First brigade was detached on Sunday morning and sent by main road directly to Shiloh Church. The Second and Third brigades were led by General Breckinridge along the Bark and Eastern Corinth roads, and were put in position about noon by General Johnston in person, south of the Peach Orchard, where they were first engaged about one P. M. General Breckinridge served personally all day with his Second and Third brigades, uniting them to his First brigade at the time and place of Prentiss' surrender, and then con- ducted the entire command to the east along the ridge south of Dill Branch to near the river, where it was under fire from gunboats and batteries. At dark Breckinridge withdrew to encampments of the enemy. On Monday he was engaged with his three brigades nearly intact on south side of Corinth road behind Duncan field, his The Battle of Shi I oh. 345 right joining Hardee about the Peach Orchard. When the army retired Breckinridge formed the rear guard. Morgan's squadron of Kentucky cavalry and Phil. Thomp- son's company (Kentucky cavalry) were attached to this corps, but do not appeal- to have been engaged. First Brigade. (Trabue's.) This brigade formed the advance of the reserve corps and reached the forks of the Bark and Pittsburg roads about eight A. M., Sunday morning, April 6, L862. It was sent for- ward on Pittsburg road to support General Polk's line and soon after deployed to the left of the road in the following order from left to right: Fourth Kentucky, Sixth Kentucky, Thirty-first Alabama, Fifth Kentucky, Fourth Alabama, Crew's Tennessee battalion, Third Kentucky, with Cobb's (Kentucky) battery and Bryne's (Mississippi) battery in the rear. It passed Shiloh Church in line of battle about eleven thirty A. M.— the Fifth Kentucky opening to right and left to pass the Church (Lofland's statement). It advanced due north from the Church to the "verge of a large crescent- shaped field." Here the Third Kentucky, Fourth Alabama and Crew's battalion and Bryne's battery were detached by General Beauregard and ordered to support General Ander- son on the right. The Third and Fourth Kentucky remained detached all day; there is no record of place where they were engaged. Cobb's battery was put in position in front of the Fifth Kentucky in the avenue in front of Marsh's brigade camp. Colonel Trabue sheltered his command in a slight ravine, on the verge of the field, and rode forward to make observations. He discovered two camps to his left and front (Hare's and Marsh's), the enemy still occupying the camps, He moved his command by the left flank into this field and confronted the enemy. Here he was joined on the left by parts of Russell's and Cleburne's brigades — Twenty-second Tennessee, part of Eleventh Louisiana, Fifth Tennesse (Yen able), and Fifth Tennessee (Hill) — and on his right by part of Anderson's brigade. The Fnion troops mentioned by 346 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Trabue in his front were the Forty-sixth Ohio, Sixth Iowa, and Thirteenth Missouri. After an engagement of one hour and a quarter, commencing about noon, Trabue ordered a charge and drove the enemy through their camp (Marsh's) and into the woods in the rear, where he encountered and dis- persed a Missouri regiment and soon after reached the field where Prentiss surrendered, where his left joined the troops from the right, and Crew's battalion was detached with pris- oners. In the meantime Cobb's battery, occupying its first position in Marsh's camp, had been taken and retaken. It had lost all of its horses and was abandoned. Four of its guns were removed with mules Sunday night, but the battery was not again in action. Bryne's battery was engaged in Ruggles' artillery line. After the surrender of Prentiss, Trabue, with the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Kentucky and Thirty-first Alabama joined Breckinridge and moved down the ridge south of Dill Branch and occupied a position on the crest of the hill, at mounds, overlooking the Tennessee river, where he came under fire from gunboats, which he endured until nearly dark, when he withdrew to the crossroads, where he was joined by the Third Kentucky, Fourth Alabama and Bryne's battery, and then retired to the camps of the Sixth Iowa and Forty- sixth Ohio, where he passed Sunday night. Trabue says he rode until eleven o'clock, trying to find a gen- eral officer to whom he could report for orders, and then sent an aid with escort, who rode all night without success. On Monday morning the brigade formed on the Purdy road, Bryne's battery at Owl Creek Bridge. In a short time the brigade was moved by the flank to a point three-fourths of a mile east of Shiloh Church, and formed in line on the left and perpendicular to the road, Byrne's battery on the road at edge of a field (Duncan's), with Anderson* on the left and Bowen's brigade on the right. This position was held four hours and then the brigade, except the Fourth Kentucky and Fourth Alabama, moved to the right of the Duncan House and was then engaged for one hour more, when it fell back to the right of Shiloh Church. The Fourth Kentucky and Fourth Alabama were engaged in severe conflict north of *10 War Records, 618. The Battle of Shiloh. 347 Duncan field, where they lost very heavily. Major Monroe, Fourth Kentucky, was killed here. At Shiloh Church the contest was continued two hours, when the brigade fell back to the forks of Bark and Pittsburg roads, where it remained as a rear guard Monday night, and on Tuesday retired to Mickey's, where it remained three days. Second Brigade. v,Bowen's.) From its bivouac Saturday night on the road toward Mickey's this brigade marched by the Bark and Eastern Cor- inth roads Sunday morning to a position between the Peach Orchard and Locust Grove Creek, where it formed in battle line at twelve o'clock under the personal direction of Gen- eral Johnston in the following order from left to right: Ninth Arkansas, Tenth Arkansas, Second Confederate, First Mis- souri, with Hudson's (Mississippi) and Watson's (Louisiana) batteries in the rear, its left eight hundred yards to rear and en Echelon to Jackson's brigade. From this position it moved forward at twelve thirtyf P. M., and became en- gaged, in conjunction with Jackson, in an attack upon Mc- Arthur's brigade just east of the Peach Orchard. The at- tack was successful; the Union line was driven back and pur- sued to the northeast corner of the Peach Orchard. General Johnston, following close to the rear of this brigade, was killed at two thirty P. M. Bowen was next engaged at Wicker field with troops at the camp of the Twenty-eighth Illinois for two hours, when he was wounded and his brigade fell back to Seventy-first Ohio camp, where Colonel Martin took command and moved forward in time to join Breckinridge in his movement toward the river after the surrender of Prentiss. Martin says he halted within three hundred or four hundred yards of the river when the batteries near Pittsburg and the gunboats opened on him, and being nearly night he fell back "to the first encampment the farthest from the river" and stayed all night. On Monday he was engaged under Breckinridge tlO War Records, 404. 23 348 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. and fell back with him to the Bark road, where he bivouacked Monday as rear guard. No mention in the reports of either Hudson's or Watson's batteries. Third Brigade. (Statham's.) This brigade formed the rear of the army and consisted of the Fifteenth and Twenty-second Mississippi, the Nineteenth Twentieth, Twenty-eighth and Forty-fifth Tennessee, and Kut- ledge's Tennessee battery. It followed Bowen's brigade, and at noon was put in line south of Peach Orchard en Echelon to and eight hundred yards in rear of Bowen. It moved forward into the Orchard, and at about two twenty P. M., was put in position by Gov- ernor Harris and ordered to attack the Union forces at Bloody Pond. It moved to this attack in conjunction with Colonel Maney. After the surrender it joined Breckinridge in his movement east on the ridge. It is not known where it bivouacked Sunday night. On Monday it was doubtless engaged with Breckinridge, but there are no reports of bri- gades or regiments. Rutledge's battery was first in action on a hill in the rear of the brigade, then reported to General Ruggles and formed a part of his artillery line. On Monday it was near Shiloh Church. The Nineteenth Tennessee went with Colonel Maney Sunday to Lick creek and was with him in the charge at Peach Orchard at two thirty P. M., and at the time of the surrender of Prentiss was with Colonel Looney, Thirty-eighth Tennessee, at the camp of the Third Iowa. The Twentieth Tennessee must have been engaged Monday with Breckinridge — its colonel, Battle, was captured in the vicinity of Lost field by the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania. UNATTACHED CAVALRY. Forrest's (Tennessee) regiment was guarding the fords of Lick creek until about two thirty P. M., Sunday, when it ar- rived on the field and supported the left of the Twenty-sixth Alabama in the thick wood west of Peach Orchard. Shiloh Misunderstood. 349 Clanton's (Alabama) regiment moved down the Bark road to Lick creek, and then down the banks of the Tennessee river, guarding the right Hank of the army all day Sunday. Wharton's Texas Bangers was on the left and at about four thirty P. M., Sunday, made a charge at Cavalry held; was repulsed and Wharton wounded. It encamped on the left of the army and supported Ketchum's battery Monday, and in the afternoon charged the Union right and was re- pulsed. Adam's (Mississippi) cavalry was at ford of Lick creek until two thirty P. M., Sunday, then in reserve. "Louisiana Cavalry" is mentioned; not certain whether or not it was Scott's First Louisiana. SHILOH MISUNDERSTOOD. "The battle of Sliiloli, or Pittsburg Lauding, has been perhaps less understood, or, to state the case more accurately, more persistently mis- understood, than any other engagement between National and Confederate troops during the entire rebellion. Correct reports of the battle have been published, notably by Sherman, Badeau, and, in a speech before a meeting of veterans, by General Prentiss; but all of these appeared long subsequent to the close of the rebellion and after public opinion had been most erroneously formed. "I myself made no report to General Halleck, further than was contained in a letter, written immediately after the battle, informing him that an engagement had been fought and announcing the result."* This misunderstanding is not confined to either side. It is as common among Confederate as among Union soldiers, and exists equally among the people of the North and of the South, and is to be accounted for by the false and inaccurate reports of the battle which were first given to the public. The earliest account of the battle to reach the people of the North was written by a correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, who was not upon the field on Sunday, and must •Grant's Memoirs. Vol. 1, pp. 369-370. 350 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. have obtained whatever information he had on the subject, from the stragglers far in the rear of the army. He had, however, followed the maxim of many newspaper correspondents, then as well as now, "Anything to be first," and seizing upon the wild rumors always floating rearward from the line of battle, he embellished with drafts from his over wrought imagination in order to make it sufficiently sen- sational, and sent it to his paper as "A truthful account by an eye witness," with underscored head lines, which under the present forms should have been printed in red. This account being the first to reach the public was eagerly read and accepted as true, and has been incorporated by some of the would-be historians, into their books and papers with- out an inquiry as to the truth or falsity of the report. As a result we still read articles which reproduce the startling headlines of that newspaper, announcing "The great surprise at Shiloh." "The camp of a whole division captured at day- light while the men were asleep in their tents." "Officers bay- oneted in their beds," etc. These articles quite frequently assume, or assert, that these statements are true, and proceed to moralize on the battle of Shiloh from that standpoint. Whatever excuse the first correspondent may have had for his sensational report, there has been no possible reason for any one to continue to quote his misstatements since the offi- cial reports of the battle have been published, and are accessi- ble to any one caring to know the truth. These official reports from both Union and Confederate offi- cers, agree that the first shots of the battle of Shiloh were fired at four fifty-five A. M., Sunday morning, in an engage- ment between pickets of Hardee's corps and a reconnoitering party sent out by General Prentiss, and they also show that this picket firing was at a point more than a mile in advance of the Union camps; that, from that point the advance of the Confederates was stubbornly resisted for fully four hours be- fore a camp was captured; and that over one thousand Union soldiers and at least an equal number of Confederates were killed or wounded far in front of the Union camps. While this fierce conflict was in progress all the troops upon the field had gotten into line, and it is absurd to state that Shiloh Misunderstood. 351 any soldier remained asleep in bis tent, or was unprepared for battle until nine o'clock in tbe morning, wbile heavy batteries of artillery and twenty tbousand infantry were engaged for four bours in a fierce conflict in front of bis camp. On tbe Confederate side, also, disagreements existed, their first newspaper reports were as unreliable and tbeir official reports sbow like evidence of misunderstanding. General Jobnston was killed on tbe field. His version of tbe plan of battle and bis purposes could only be given by the members of his staff, who at once claimed that tbe battle would have been won if it had been pushed upon the plan which General Johnston bad announced, and which was well inaugurated when he was killed. Subordinates take sides for and against tbeir chiefs with such earnestness that some of the reports take the form of personal controversies which tend to a confused rather than to a perfect understanding of the battle. The difference of opinions and misunderstandings have been freely discussed on tbe platform and in the public press until it may seem that the subject is without further interest. Upon careful investigation, however, it appears that much that has been said and written upon the subject has been from a purely personal standpoint in order to defend a favorite commander, or to sbow the part taken by some particular command. It also appears that there has been little or no effort made to show the movements of both armies, and with- out discussing the "ifs" or "might have beens" to present the record as we find it, and to leave the student of history to draw his own conclusions and make his own speculations upon any hypothesis that may suggest itself in his fertile brain. In order to fairly present these official reports and to show their connection, months have been spent in tbeir careful study and comparison, in connection with tbe accurate topo- graphical maps prepared by the Shiloh National Military Park Commission, as well as in actual tests and measurements upon die field, where each movement has been followed and verified until all have been made to harmonize. In tbe foregoing pages the reader is given the impartial result of all this labor. These investigations demonstrate the fact that many criti- 352 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. cisrns upon the battle of Shiloh would never have been made had the critic first visited the field and noted its topography. It is also found that apparent conflicts in the reports are often explained when they are examined on the ground. In many cases officers occupying adjacent positions upon the same line, at the same time, have each claimed they were alone, unsupported upon the right or left. Survivors of the battle have objected to the continuous lines of battle shown on the maps at certain points, where they thought their com- mands were fighting alone. These differences can usually be explained by the presence of some natural obstruction on the field which would prevent persons at one position seeing those who occupied the other. Upon one point at least there seems to be no controversy. Up to that time, Shiloh was the most important battle of the war. No such numbers of men had met upon any other field. No such important results had been pending. Its losses, on both sides, compared with the numbers engaged, show it to have been one of the most if not the most sanguinary battles of the war. The best blood of the North and of the South was freely shed, as testified to by over twenty thousand killed and wounded on that fiercely contested field, yet the results were so evenly balanced that at the time, victory was claimed by both sides. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNION ARMY AT THE BATTLE OF SHILOH, TENN- ESSEE, APRIL 6-7, 1862. •Wounded. tKilled. ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE. Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant, Commanding. F1KST DIVISION. Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand. First Brigade. Col. Abraham m. Hare,* 11th Iowa. Col. Marcellus M. Crocker, 13th Iowa. 8th Illinois: Capt. James M. Ashmore.* Capt. William H. Harvey.t Capt. Robert H. Sturgess. 18th Illinois: Maj. Samuel Eaton.* Capt. Daniel H. Brush.* Capt. William J. Dillon, t Capt. Jabez J. Anderson. 11th Iowa, Lieut. Col. William Hall.* 13th Iowa, Col. Marcellus M. Crocker. Second Brigade. Col. C. Carroll Marsh, 20th Illinois. 11th Illinois: Lieut. Col. Thos. E. G. Ransom.* Maj. Garrett Nevius.* Capt. Lloyd D. Waddell. Maj. Garrett Nevins. 20th Illinois: Lieut. Col. Evan Richards.* Capt Orton Frisbie. 45th Illinois, Col. John E. Smith. (353) 354 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. 48th Illinois: Col. Isham N. Haynie.* Maj. Manning Mayfield. Third Brigade. Col. Julius Raith$, 43d Illinois. Lieut. Col. Enos P. Wood, 17th Illinois. 17th Illinois: Lieut. Col. Enos P. Wood. Maj. Francis M. Smith. 29th Illinois, Lieut. Col. Charles M. Ferrell. 43d Illinois, Lieut. Col. Adolph Engelman. 49th Illinois, Lieut. Col. Phineas Pease.* Unattached. Dresser's Battery (D), 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Capt. James P. Timony. McAllister's Battery (D), 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Capt. Edward McAllister.* Schwartz's Battery (E), 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Lieut. George N. Nispel. Burrow's Battery, 14th Ohio Light Artillery, Capt. Jerome B. Burrows.* 1st Battalion, 4th Illinois Cavalry, Lieut. Col. William McCollough. Carmichael's Company Illinois Cavalry, Capt. Eagleton Carmichael. Stewart's Company Illinois Cavalry, Lieut. Ezra King. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. William H. L. Wallace. t Col. James M. Tuttle, 2d Iowa. First Brigade. Col. James M. Tuttle. 2d Iowa, Lt. Col. James Baker. 7th Iowa, Lt. Col. James C. Parrott. 12th Iowa: Col. Joseph J. Woods.ft Capt. Samuel R. Edgington.|| 14th Iowa, Col. Wm. T. Shaw.|| •Wounded. tMortally wounded. ttWounded and captured. HCaptured. The Battle of Shiloh. 355 Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. John McAktiiuk.J Col. Thomas Morton. 81st Ohio. 9th Illinois, Col. August Mersy. 12th Illinois: Lieut. Col. Augustus L. Chetlain. Capt. James R. Hugunin. 13th Missouri, Col. Crafts J. Wright. 14th Missouri, Col. B. S. Conipton. Slst Ohio, Col. Thomas Morton. Third Brigade. Col. Thomas W. Sweeney,} 52d Illinois. Col. Silas D. Baldwin, 57th Illinois. 8th Iowa, Col. James L. Geddes.* 7th Illinois, Maj. Richard Rowett. 50th Illinois, Col. Moses M. Bane.} 52d Illinois: Maj. Henry Stark. Capt. Edwin A. Bo wen. 57th Illinois: Col. Silas D. Baldwin. Capt. Gustav A. Busse. 58th Illinois, Col. Wm. F. Lyneh.t Artillery. WiUard's Battery (A), 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Lieut. Peter P. WV-cd, Maj. J. S. Cavender's Battalion Missouri Artillery: Richardson's Battery (D), 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Capt, Henry Richardson. Welker's Battery (H), 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Capt. Frederick Welker. Stone's Battery (K), 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Capt. George H. Stone. Cavalry. Company A, 2d Illinois Cavalry, Capt. John R. Hotaling. Company B, 2d Illinois Cavalry, Capt. Thomas J. Larison. Company C, 2d United States Cavalry, ,} Company I, 4th Un •Wounded and captured. tCaptured. jWounded. 35G Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. THIRD DIVISION. Maj. Gen. Lew Wallace. First Brigade. Col. Morgan L. Smith, 8th Missouri. 11th Indiana, Col. George F. McGinnis. 24th Indiana, Col. Alvin P. Hovey. 8th Missouri, Lieut. Col. James Peckham. Second Brigade. Col. John M. Thayer, 1st Nebraska. 23d Indiana, Col. William L. Sanderson. 1st Nebraska, Lieut. Col. William D. McCord. 58th Ohio, Col. Valentine Bausenwein. 68th Ohio, Col. Samuel H. Steadman.* Third Brigade. Col. Charles Whittlesey, 20th Ohio. 20th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Manning F. Force. 56th Ohio, Col. Peter Kinney.* 76th Ohio, Col. Charles R. Woods. 78th Ohio, Col. Mortimer D. Leggett. Artillery. Thompson's Battery, 9th Indiana Light Artillery, Lieut. George R. Brown. Buel's Battery (I), 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Lieut. Charles H. Thurber. Cavalry. 3d Battalion, 11th Illinois Cavalry, Maj. James P. Johnson.* 3d Battalion, 5th Ohio Cavalry, Maj. Charles S. Hayes.* fourth division. Brig. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut. First Brigade. Col. Nelson G. Williams,! 3d Iowa. Col. Isaac C. Pugh. 41st Illinois. 28th Illinois. Col. Amory K. Johnson. 32d Illinois, Col. John Logan. t *Not engaged at Shiloh; remained at Crumps Landing. tWounded. The Battle of Shiloh. 41st Illinois: ( !ol. Isaac C. Pugh. Lieut. Col. Ansel Tupper.f Maj. John Warner, ('apt. John II. Hale. 3d Iowa: Maj. William M. Stone.J Lieut. George W. Ci'osley. Second Brigade. Col. James C. Veatch, 2.3th Indiana. 14th Illinois, Col. Cyrus Hall. 15th Illinois: Lieut. Col. Edward P. W. Ellis.f Capt. Louis D. Kelley. Lieut Col. William Cain, 14th Illinois. 40th Illinois: Col. John A. Davis.* Lieut. Col. John J. Jones. 25th Indiana: Lieut. Col. William H. Morgan.* Maj. John W. Poster. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Jacob G. Lauman. 357 *Wounded. fKilled. ICaptured. 31st Indiana: Col. Cliarles Cruft* Lieut. Col. John Osborn. 44th Indiana, Col. Hugh B. Reed. 17th Kentucky, Col. John H. McHeury. Jr. 25th Kentucky: Lieut. Col. Benjamin H. Bristow. Major William B. Wall.* Capt. B. T. Underwood. Col. John H. McHenry, Jr., 17th Kentucky. 358 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Artillery. Ross's Battery, 2d Michigan Light Artillery, Lieut. Cuthbert W. Laing. Mann's Battery (C), 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Lieut Edward Brotzmann. Myers's Battery, loth Ohio Light Artillery, Capt. John B. Myers. Cavalry. 1st and 2d Battalions 5th Ohio Cavalry, Col. William H. H. Taylor. FIFTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. William T. Sherman^ First Brigade. Col. John A. McDowell,} 6th Iowa. 40th Illinois: Col. Stephen G. Hicks.t Lieut Col. James W. Boothe. 6th Iowa: Capt. John Williams.t Capt. Madison M. Walden. 46th Ohio, Col. Thomas Worthington. Second Brigade. Col. David Stuart, t 55th Illinois. Lieut. Col. Oscar Malmborg.t 55th Illinois. Col. T. Kilby Smith, 54th Ohio. 55th Illinois, Lieut. Col. Oscar Malmborg. 54th Ohio: Col. T. Kilby Smith. Lieut. Col. James A. Farden. 71st Ohio, Col. Rodney Mason. Third Brigade. Col. Jesse Hildebrand, 77th Ohio. 53d Ohio: Col. Jesse J. Appier. Lieut. Col. Robert A. Pulton. 57th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Americus V. Rice. tWounded. ^Disabled. §Temporarily commanding. The Battle of SMloh. 350 77th Ohio: Lieut. Col. Wills De Hass. Maj. Benjamin D. Fearing. Fourth Brigade. Col. Ralph P. Buckland, 72d Ohio. 4Sth Ohio: Col. Peter J. Sullivan.* Lieut. Col. Job R. Parker. 70th Ohio, Col. Joseph R. Cockerill. 72d Ohio: Lieut. Col. Herman Caufield.f Col. Ralph P. Buckland. Artillery. Maj. Ezra Taylor, Chief of Artillery. Taylor's Battery (B), 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Capt. Samuel E. Barrett. Waterhouse's Battery (E), 1st Illinois Light Artillery: Capt. Allen C. Waterhouse.* Lieut. Abial R. Abbott.* Lieut. John A. Fitch. Morton Battery, 6th Indiana Light Artillery, Capt. Frederick Behr.t Cavalry. 2d and 3d Battalions 4th Illinois Cavalry, Col. T. Lyle Dickey. Thielemann's two companies Ilinois Cavalry, Capt. Christian Thielemann. SIXTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Benjamin M. Prentiss. $ First Brigade. Col. Everett Peabody,! 25th Missouri. 12th Michigan, Col. Francis Quinu. 21st Missouri: Col. David Moore.* Lieut. Col. H. M. Woodyard. 25th Missouri, Lieut. Col. Robert T. Van Horn. 16th Wisconsin, Col. Benjamin Allen.* ♦Wounded. {Killed. {Captured. 360 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Second Brigade. Col. Madison Miller ftlStli Missouri. Gist Illinois, Col. Jacob Fry- 18th Missouri, Lieut. Col. Isaac Y. Pratt.ft ISth Wisconsin, Col. James S. Alban.f Not Brigaded. 16th IowarJ Col. Alexander Chambers.§ Lieut. Col. Addison H. Sanders. 15th Iowa, Col. Hugh T. Reed.§ 23d Missouri. 1 1 Col. Jacob T. Tindall.f Lieut. Col. Quin Morton. tt Artillery. Hickenlooper's Battery, 5th Ohio Light Artillery, Capt. Andrew Hickeu- looper. Munch's Battery, 1st Minnesota Light Artillery: Capt. Emil Munch.§ Lieut. William Pfaender. Cavalry. 1st and 2d Battalions, 11th Illinois Cavalry, Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. Vnassigncd Troops. 15th Michigan,** Col. John M. Oliver. 14th Wisconsin, t Col. David E. Wood. Battery H, 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Capt. Axel Silfversparre. Battery I, 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Capt. Edward Bouton. Battery B, 2d Illinois Artillery, siege guns, Capt. Reilly Madison. Battery F, 2d Illinois Light Artillery, Capt. John W. Powell.§ 8th Battery, Ohio Light Artillery, Capt. Louis Markgaf. ♦Killed. ■(■Temporarily attached Monday to Fourteenth Brigade. Army of the Ohio. 115th and 16th Iowa were on right in an independent command SWounded. 1 1 Arrived on field about 9 o'clock April 6. ttCaptured. ♦♦Temporarily attached Monday to Fourth Brigade, Army of the Ohio, The Battle of Shiloh. 301 Maj. John H King. ARMY OF THE OHIO. Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, Commanding. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Alexander McD. McCook. Fourth Brigade. Brig. Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau. 6th Indiana, Col. Thomas T. Crittenden. 5th Kentucky, Col. Harvey M. Buckley. 1st Ohio, Col. Benjamin F. Smith. 1st Battalion, 15th United States, Capt. Peter T. Swain, 1st Battalion, 10th United States, Capt. Edwin F. Town.- send, 1st Battalion, 19th United States, Maj. Stephen D. Car- penter, Fifth Brigade. Col. Edward N. KiRK,f 34th Illinois. 34th Illinois: Maj. Charles N. Levanway.§ Capt. Hiram W. Bristol. 29th Indiana, Lieut. Col. David M. Dunn. 30th Indiana: Col. Sion S. Bass.$ Lieut. Col. Joseph B. Dodge. 77th Pennsylvania, Col. Frederick S. Stumbaugh Sixth Brigade. Col. William H. Gibson, 49th Ohio. 32d Indiana, Col. August Willich. 39th Indiana, Col. Thomas J. Harrison. 15th Ohio, Maj. William Wallace. 49th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Albert M. Blackmail. Artillery. Ten-ill's Battery (H), 5th United States Artillery, Capt. William R. Terrill. tWounded. ^Mortally wounded. fKilled. 362 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. FOURTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. William Nelson. Tenth Brigade. Col. Jacob Ammen, 24th Ohio. 36th Indiana, Col. William Grose. 6th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Nicholas L. Anderson. 24th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Frederick C. Jones. Nineteenth Brigade. Col. William B. Hazen, 41st Ohio. 9th Indiana, Col. Gideon C. Moody. 6th Kentucky, Col. Walter C. Whitaker. 41st Ohio, Lieut. Col. George S. Mygatt. Twenty-second Brigade. Col. Sanders D. Bruce, 20th Kentucky. 1st Kentucky, Col. David A. Enyart. 2d Kentucky, Col. Thomas D. Sedgewick. 20th Kentucky, Lieut. Col. Charles S. Hanson. FIFTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden. Eleventh Brigade. Brig. Gen. Jeremiah T. Boyle. 9th Kentucky, Col. Benjamin C. Grider. 13th Kentucky, Col. Edward H. Hobson. 19th Ohio, Col. Samuel Beatty. 59th Ohio, Col. James P. Fyffe. Fourteenth Brigade. Col. William Sooy Smith, 13th Ohio. 11th Kentucky, Col. Pierce B. Hawkins. 26th Kentucky, Lieut. Col. Cicero Maxwell. 13th Ohio, Lieut. Col. Joseph G. Hawkins. Artillery. Bartlett's Battery (G), 1st Ohio Light Artillery, Capt. Joseph Bartlett. Mendenhall's batteries (H and M), 4th United States Artillery, Capt. John Mendenhall. The Battle of Shiloh. 3G3 SIXTH DIVISION.* Brig. Gen. Thomas .1. Wood. Twentieth Brigade. Brig. Gen. James A. Gaki ield. 13th Michigan, Col. Michael Shoemaker. 64th Ohio, Col. John Ferguson. 65th Ohio, Col. Charles G. Harker. Twenty-first Brigade. Col. George D. Wagner, 15th Indiana. 15th Indiana, Lieut. Col. Gustavus A. Wood. 40th Indiana, Col. John W. Blake. 57th Indiana, Col. Cyrus C. Iliues. 24th Kentucky, Col. Lewis B. Grigsby. Organization of -the Confederal, Army at the Battle of Shiloh, Tennessee, April 6-7, 1862. ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston.! Gen. G. T. Beauregard. FIRST ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Chables Clakk.J Brig. Gen. Alexander P. Stewart. First Brigade. Col. Robert M. Russell, 12th Tennessee. 11th Louisiana: Col. Samuel F. Marks.* Lieut. Col. Robert II. Barrow. 12th Tennessee: Lieut. Col. Tyree H. Bell. Maj. Robert P. Caldwell. 13th Tennessee, Col. Alfred J. Vaughan, Jr. 22d Tennessee, Col. Thomas J. Freeman.* Tennessee Battery, Capt. Smith P. Bankhead. reZhed t^Vl^Te ZSH THL & ^SL^ ^^ ™~" «»* tKilled. engaged, the 57th Indiana losing 4 men wounded. fWounded. 24 364 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alexander P. Stewart. 13th Arkansas: Lieut. Col. A. D. Grayson.* Maj. James A. McNeely.f Col. James C. Tappan. 4th Tennessee: Col. Rufus P. Neely. Lieut. Col. Otho F. Strahl. 5th Tennessee, Lieut. Col. Calvin D. Venable. 33d Tennessee, Col. Alexander W. Campbell. f Mississippi Battery, Capt. Thomas J. Stanford. SECOND DIVISION. Maj. Gen. Benjamin P. Cheatham.! First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson.! Col. Preston Smith, 154th Tennessee.! • Blythe's Mississippi: Col. A. K. Blythe.* Lieut. Col. David L. Herron.* Maj. James Moore. 2d Tennessee, Col. J. Knox Walker. 15th Tennessee: Lieut. Col. Robert C. Tyler.f Maj. John F. Hearn. 154th Tennessee (senior): Col. Preston Smith. Lieut. Col. Marcus J. Wright.t Tennessee Battery, ('apt. Marshall T. Polk.f Second Brigade. Col. William H. Stephens, 6th Tennessee. Col. George Maney, 1st Tennessee. •Killed. fWounded. The Baltic of Shiloh. 365 7th Kentucky: Col. Charles Wickliffe.J Lieut. Col. William D. Lannom. 1st Tennessee (Battalion): Col. George Maney. Maj. Hume R. Field. Gth Tennessee, Lieut. Col. Timothy P. Jones. 9th Tennessee, Col. Henry L. Douglass. Mississippi Lattery, Capt. Melancthon Smith. Cavalry. 1st Mississippi, Col. Andrew J. Lindsay. Mississippi and Alabama Battalion, Lieut. Col. Richard 11. Brewer. Unattached. 47th Tennessee, Col. Munson R. Hill. 5 SECOND ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg. Escort. Company Alabama Cavalry, Capt. Robert W. Smith. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Daniel Riggles. First Brigade. Col. Randall L. Gibson, 13th Louisiana. 1st Arkansas, Col. James F. Fagan. 4th Louisiana: Col. Henry W. Allen. t Lieut. Col. Samuel E. Hunter. 13th Louisiana: Maj. Anatole F. Avegno.J Capt. Stephen O'Leary.f ('apt. Edgar M. Dubroca. tWounded. JMortally wounded. §Arrived on field April 7. 3G6 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. 19th Louisiana: Col. Benjamin L. Hodge. Lieut. Col. James M. Hollingsworth. Vaiden, or Bain's, Missisippi Battery, Capt. S. C. Bain. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson. 1st Florida Battalion: Maj. Tbaddeus A. McDonell.* Capt. W. G. Poole. Capt. W. Capers Bird. 17th Louisiana, Lieut. Col. Charles Jones.* 20th Louisiana, Col. August Reichard. Confederate Guards Response Battalion, Maj. Franklin H. Clack. 9th Texas, Col. Wright A. Stanley . Washington (Louisiana) Artillery, Fifth Company, Capt. W. Irving Hodgson. Third Brigade. Col. Preston Pond, Jr., lGth Louisiana. 16th Louisiana, Maj. Daniel Gober. 18th Louisiana: Col. Alfred Mouton.* Lieut. Col. Alfred Roman. Crescent (Louisiana) Regiment, Col. Marshall J. Smith. Orleans Guard (Louisiana) Battalion, Maj. Leon Querouze.* oSth Tennessee, Col. Robert F. Looney. Ketchum's Alabama Battery, Capt. William H. Ketchum. Cavalry. Alabama Battalion (5 companies — Jenkins, Cox, Robins, Tomlinson, and Smith), Capt. Thomas F. Jenkins. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Jones M. Withers. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Adley H. Gladden, t Col. Daniel W. Adams, * 1st Louisiana. Col. Zach C. Deas,* 22d Alabama. •Wounded. tMortally wounded. The Battle of Shiloh. 367 21st Alabama: Lieut. Col. Stewart W. Cayce. Maj. Frederick Stewart. 22d Alamaba: Col. Zach C. Deas. Lieut. Col. John C. Marrast. 25th Alabama: Col. John Q. Loomis.t Maj. George D. Johnston. 26th Alabama: Lieut. Col. John G. Coltart.t Lieut. Col. William D. Chadwick. 1st Louisiana: Col. Daniel W. Adams. Maj. Fred H. Farrar, Jr. Robertson's, Alabama, Battery, Capt. Felix H. Robertson. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers. 5th Mississippi, Col. Albert E. Fant. 7th Mississippi, Lieut. Col. Hamilton Mayson. 9th Mississippi, Lieut. Col. William A. Rankin.* 10th Mississippi, Col. Robert A. Smith. 52d Tennessee, Col. Benjamin J. Lea. Gage's, Alabama, Battery, Capt. Charles P. Gage. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. John K. Jackson. 17th Alabama, Lieut. Col. Robert C. Fariss. 18th Alabama, Col. Eli S. Shorter. 19th Alabama, Col. Joseph Wheeler. 2d Texas: Col. John C. Moore. Lieut. Col. William P. Rogers. Maj. Hal. G. Runnels. Girardey's, Georgia, Battery, Capt. Isadore P. Girardey. •Mortally wounded. tWounded. 3G8 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Cavalry. Clanton's Alabama Regiment, Col. James H. Clanton.* THIRD ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. William J. Hardee.* First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman.ti Col. R. G. Shaver, 7th Arkansas. t 2d Arkansas: Col. Daniel C. Govan. Maj. Reuben F. Harvey. 6th Arkansas, Col. Alexander T. Hawthorn. 7th Arkansas: Lieut. Col. John M. Dean.§ Maj. James T. Martin. .'!il Confederate, Col. John S. Marmaduke. Warren Light Artillery, or Swett's, Mississippi, Battery, Capt. Charles Swett. Pillow's Flying Artillery, or Miller's Tennessee, Battery, Capt. Miller. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne. 15th Arkansas, Lieut. Col. Archibald K. Patton.§ 6th Mississippi: Col. John J. Thornton.* Capt. W. A. Harper. 2d Tennessee: Col. William B. Bate.* Lieut. Col. David L. Goodall. 5th (35th) Tennessee, Col. Benjamin J. Hill. 23d Tennessee: Lieut. Col. James F. Neill.* Maj. Robert Cantrell. 24th Tennessee, Lieut. Col. Thomas H. Peebles. 'Wounded. tLMsabled. JCommanding- his own and Third Brigade. {Killed. The Battle of Shiloh. 3GD (Shoup's Battalion.) Trigg's (Austin), Arkansas. Battery, Capt. John T.Trigg. Calvert's (Helena), Arkansas, Battery, Capt. J. II. Calvert. Hubbard's Arkansas. Battery, Capt. George T. Hubbard. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Sterling A. M. WooD.f Col. William K. Patterson, Sth Arkansas, temporarily. 16th Alabama, Lieut. Col. John W. Harris. Sth Arkansas, Col. William K. Patterson. 9th (14th I, Arkansas (battalion), Maj. John H. Kelly. 3d Mississippi Battalion, Maj. Aaron B. Ilardcastle. 27th Tennessee: Col. Christopher H. Williains.J Maj. Samuel T. Love4 44th Tennessee, Col. Coleman A. McDaniel. 55th Tennessee, Col. James L. McKoin. Harper's (Jefferson Mississippi) Battery: Capt. William L. Harper.* Lieut. Put Darden. Georgia Dragoons, Capt. Isaac W. Avery. RESERVE CORPS. Brig. Gen. John C. Breckinridge. First Brigade. Col. Rorert P. Traure, 4th Kentucky. (Clifton's) 4th Alabama Battalion, Maj. James M. Clifton. 31st Alabama, Lieut. Col. Montgomery Gilbreath. 3d Kentucky, Lieut. Col. Benjamin Anderson.* 4th Kentucky, Lieut. Col. Andrew R. Hynes.* 5th Kentucky, Col. Thomas H. Hunt. Gth Kentucky, Col. Joseph H. Lewis. Cicw's Tennessee Battalion, Lieut. Col. James M. Crews. Lyon's (Cobb's) Kentucky Battery, Capt. Robert Cobb. Byrne's Mississippi Battery, Capt. Edward P. Byrne. Morgan's Squadron, Kentucky Cavalry, Capt. John H. Morgan. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. John S. Bowen.* Col. John D. Martin. bounded. fDlsabled. tKilled. 370 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. 9th Arkansas, Col. Isaac L. Dunlop. 10th Arkansas, Col. Thomas D. Merrick. 2d Confederate: Col. John D. Martin. Maj. Thomas H. Mangum. 1st Missouri, Col. Lucius L. Rich. Pettus Flying Artillery, or Hudson's Mississippi Battery, Capt. Alfred Hudson. Watson's, Louisiana, Battery, . Thompson's Company, Kentucky Cavalry, Capt. Phil. B. Thompson. Third Brigade. Col. Winfield S. Statham, 15th Mississippi. 15th Mississippi. 22d Mississippi. 19th Tennessee, Col. David H. Cummings. 20th Tennessee, Col. Joel A. Battle.f 28th Tennessee. 45th Tennessee, Lieut. Col. Ephraim F. LyMe. Rutledge's, Tennessee, Battery, Capt. Arthur M. Rultledge. Forrest's Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, Col. Nathan B. Forrest.* Unattached. Wharton's Texas Regiment Cavalry, Col. John A. Wharton.* Wirt Adams's Mississippi Regiment Cavalry, Col. Wirt Adams. McClung's, Tennessee, Battery, Capt. Hugh L. W. McClung. Roberts' Arkansas Battery. Commanding and Staff Officers. DEPARTMENT OF MISSISSIPPI. Maj. Gen. H. W. Halleck, commanding. Brig. Gen. Geo. W. Galium, Chief of Staff. Capt. N. H. McLean, assistant adjutant general. Capt. J. C. Kelton, assistant adjutant general. Capt. P. M. Preston, assistant adjutant general. Col. Richard D. Cutts, aid-de-camp. Capt. C. B. Throckmorton, aid-de-camp. Lieut. J. T. Price, aid-de-camp. Lieut. D. C. Wagner, aid-de-camp. Lieut. A. Backer, aid-de-camp. •Wounded. tCaptured. JKiUed. The Battle of Shiloh. 371 Brig. Gen. W. Scott Ketchum, Inspector General. Brig. Gen. A. J. Smith, Chief of Cavalry. Col. J. V. D. Du Bois, Chief of Artillery. Col. Geo. Thorn, Chief of Engineers. Lieut. Col. J. B. McPherson, assistant chief of engineers. Col. J. C. McKibbin, Judge Advocate. Maj. Robert Allen, Chief Quartermaster. Maj. T. J. Haines, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Surg. J. J. B. Wright, Medical Director. ARMY OP THE TENNESSEE. Maj. U. S. Grant, commanding. Col. J. D. Webster, Chief of Staff. Capt. J. A. Rawlins, assistant adjutant general. Capt. W. S. Hillyer, aid-de-camp. Capt. W. R. Rowley, aid-de-camp. Capt. C. B. Lagow, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Col. J. B. McPherson, Chief of Engineers. Lieut. W. L. B. Jeuney, Assistant Chief of Engineers. Lieut. Win. Kossak, Assistant Chief of Engineers. Capt. J. P. Hawkins, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Surg. Henry S. Hewitt, Medical Director. Col. G. G. Pride, volunteer aid. FIRST DIVISION. Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, commanding. Maj. Adolph Schwartz,* 2d Illinois Artillery, chief of staff. Maj. M. Brayman, acting assistant adjutant general. Capt. Warren Stewart,* Illinois Cavalry, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Henry C. Freeman,* aid-de-camp. Lieut. Jos. E. Hitt, 4th Illinois Cavalry, aid-de-camp. Lieut. A. B. Hall, 4th Illinois Cavalry, aid-de-camp. Lieut. S. R. Tresilian, assistant engineer. Lieut. Erastus S. Jones, ordnance officer. First Brigade. Col. Abraham M. Hare,* 11th Iowa, commanding. Lieut, and Adjt. Cornelius Cadle, Jr., 11th Iowa, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Samuel Caldwell, 8th Illinois, volunteer aid. Second Brigade. Col. C. C. Marsh, 20th Illinois, commanding. Lieut. E. P. Boas, acting assistant adjutant general. Adjt. J. E. Thompson,! 20th Illinois, aid-de-camp. ♦Wounded. tKilled. 372 Seventy -seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Capt. G. W. Kennard, acting assistant quartermaster. Surg. Christopher Goodbrake, brigade surgeon. Third Brigade. Col. Julius Raith,* 43d Illinois, commanding. Lieut. Abraham H. Ryan, acting assistant adjutant general. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. W. H. L. Wallace,* commanding. Capt. Wm. McMichael.t assistant adjutant general. Capt. T. J. Newham, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Cyrus E. Dickey, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Guyton I. Davis, 11th Illinois, aid-de-camp. Lieut. I. P. Rumsey, Taylor's Battery, aid-de-camp. First Brigade. Col. James M. Turtle, 2d Iowa, commanding. Lieut. Jas. P. Sample, 7th Iowa, acting assistant adjutant general. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. John McArthur,J commanding. Lieut. Geo. L. Paddock, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. George Mason, 12th Illinois, aid-de-camp. Third Brigade. Col. Thos. W. Sweeney,t 52d Illinois, commanding. Lieutenant and Adjutant ■ Allen, 52d Illinois, acting assistant adju- tant general. Lieut. Wm. McCullough, 8th Iowa, aid-de-camp. THIRD DIVISION. Maj. Gen. Lewis Wallace, commanding. Capt. Frederick Knefler, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. John W. Ross, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Addison W. Ware, aid-de-camp. Capt. E. T. Wallace, 11th Indiana, aid-de-camp. First Brigade. Col. Morgan L. Smith, 8th Missouri, commanding. Lieut. D. C. Coleman, acting assistant adjutant general. ♦Killed. tCaptured. JWounded. The Battle of Shi loli. 373 Second Brigade. Col. Jolm M. Thayer, 1st Nebraska, commanding. Lieut. S. A. Strickland, acting assistant adjutant general. Capt. Allen Blacker, aid-de-eamp. Lieut. William S. Whittin, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Col. Robt. K. Scott, G8th Ohio, volunteer aid. ('apt. Lewis Y. Richards, GSth Ohio, volunteer aid. Mr. Geo. E. Spencer, volunteer aid. Third Brigade. Col. Charles Whittlesey, 20th Ohio, conimandin.i:. E. X. Owens, acting assistant adjutant general. FOURTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, commanding. Capt. Smith D. Atkins, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. J. C. Long, 9th U. S. Infantry, aid-de-camp. Lieut. M. K. Cook, aid-de-camp. ('apt. S. Simmons, acting commissary of subsistence. Lieut. D. J. Benner, assistant quartermaster. Surg. A. G. Keenan, medical director. Lieut. W. H. Dorchester, volunteer aid. First Brigade. Cul. X. G. Williams,* 3d Iowa, commanding. Lieut. F. Sessions, acting assistant adjutant general. Second Brigade. Col. James C. Veatch, 25th Indiana, commanding. Capt. F. W. Fox, 14th Illinois, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieutenant Brunner, 25th Indiana, aid-de-camp. Surg. John T. Walker, brigade surgeon. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Jacob G. Lauman, commanding. Lieut. II. Scofield,* acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. T. X. Barnes, aid-de-camp. FIFTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Win. T. Sherman,* commanding. Capt. J. H. Hammond, assistant adjutant general. Maj. W. D. Sanger, volunteer aid. Lieut. John Taylor, 5th Ohio, aid-de-camp. 374 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Lieut. W. D. Strong, assistant quartermaster. Lieut. J. C. McCoy, 54th Ohio, aide-de-camp. Maj. Ezra Taylor, chief of artillery. Capt. C A. Morton, 32d Illinois, acting commissary of subsistence. Surg. D. W. Hartshorn, medical director. Asst. Surg. Saml. L'Hommedieu, assistant medical director. Lieut. Wm. Kossak, engineer. First Brigade. Col. J. A. McDowell, 6th Iowa, commanding. Lieut. Byron K. Cowles, 6th Iowa, acting assistant adjutant general (ab- sent). Capt. Willard H. Harland, 6th Iowa, aid-de-camp. Second Brigade. Col. David Stuart,* 55th Illinois, commanding. Adjt. Charles Loomis, aid-de-camp. Third Brigade. Col. Jesse Hildebrand, 77th Ohio, commanding. Lieut. S. S. McNaughton, acting assistant adjutant general. Fourth Brigade. Col. Ralph P. Buckland, 72d Ohio, commanding. Lieut. Eugene A. Rawson, 72d Ohio, acting assistant adjutant general. John B. Rice, surgeon. Lieut. D. M. Harkness, 72d Ohio, quartermaster. SIXTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Benj. M. Prentiss,t commanding. Capt. Henry Binmore, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Edwin Moore, aid-de-camp. Surg. S. W. Everett,t division surgeon. First Brigade. Col. Everett Peabody,t 25th Missouri, commanding. Capt. Geo. K. Donnelly, assistant adjutant general. Second Brigade. Col. Madison Miller,t 18th Missouri, commanding. ♦Wounded. tCaptured. JKilled. The Battle of Shiloh. 375 ARMY OF THE OHIO. Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, commanding. Col. James B. Fry, Chief of Staff. Capt. J. M. Wright, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. A. F. Rockwell, aid-de-camp. Lieut. C. L. Fitzhugh, 4th U. S. Artillery, aid-de-camp. Lieut. J. T. Bush, 24th Kentucky, aid-de-camp. Capt. J. H. Gilman, 19th U. S., Inspector of Artillery. Capt. E. Gay, 16th U. S., Inspector of Cavalry. Capt. H. C. Bankhead, 5th U. S., Inspector of Infantry. Capt. Nathaniel Michler, engineer. Surg. Robt. Murray, U. S. A., Medical Director. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Alex. McD. McCook, commanding. Capt. Daniel McCook, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. S. W. Davies, aid-de-camp. Lieut. W. T. Hoblitzell, aid-de-camp. Lieut. W. F. Straub, aid-de-camp. Capt. Orris Blake, provost-marshal. Capt. J. D. Williams, acting commissary of subsistence. Lieut. J. A. Campbell, ordnance officer. Surg. A. P. Meylert, medical director. Fourth Brigade. Brig. Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau, commanding. Lieut. J. D. Armstrong, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. David Q. Rousseau, aid-de-camp . Lieut. John D. Wickliffe, 2d Kentucky Cavalry, aid-de-camp. Capt. W. M. Carpenter, assistant quartermaster. Mr. E. F. Jewett, volunteer aid. Fifth Brigade. Col. Edward N. Kirk,* 34th Illinois, commanding. Lieut. S. T. Davis, 77th Pennsylvania, acting assistant adjutant general. Capt. Abraham Beehler, 34th Illinois, aid-de-camp. Lieut. S. B. Dexter, 34th Illinois, aid-de-camp. Sixth Brigade. Col. W. H. Gibson, 49th Ohio, commanding. Capt. Henry Clay, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Wm. C. Turner, aid-de-camp. Lieut. E. A. Otis, aid-de-camp. Surg. S. W. Gross, brigade surgeon. 376 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. FOURTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. William Nelson, commanding. Capt. J. Mills Kendrick, U. S. Volunteers, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Wm. P. Anderson, 6th Ohio, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Richard Southgate, 6th Ohio, aid-de-camp. W. Preston Graves, volunteer aid. Horace N. Fisher, volunteer aid. Capt. J. G. Chandler, U. S. Army, assistant quartermaster. Lieut. C. C. Peck, 6th Ohio, acting commissary of subsistence. Lieut. Chas. C. Horton, 24th Ohio, ordnance officer. Capt. and Asst. Surg. B. J. D. Irwin, TJ. S. Army, medical director. Tenth Brigade. Col. Jacob Ammen, 24th Ohio, commanding. Lieut. R. P. Wheeler, aid-de-camp. Nineteenth Brigade. Col. Wm. B. Hazen, 41st Ohio, commanding. Lieut. Robt. L. Kimberly, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Chas. D. Gaylord, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Wm. M. Beebe, Jr., aid-de-camp. Twenty-second Brigade. Col. Sanders D. Bruce, 20th Kentucky, commanding. Lieut. S. T. Com, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Wickliffe Cooper, aid-de-camp. FIFTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden, commanding. Capt. Lyne Starling, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Louis M. Bnford, aid-dc-camp. Surg. Middleton Goldsmith, medical director. Eleventh Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. T. Boyle, commanding. Capt. John Boyle, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. H. Q. Hughes, aid-de-camp. Lieut. H. T. Liggett, aid-de-camp. Lieut. John T. Farris, acting assistant quartermaster. Fourteenth Brigade. Col. Wm. Sooy Smith ,13th Ohio, commanding. Lieut. Frank J. Jones, 13th Ohio, acting assistant adjutant general. Lieut. R. E. Hackett, 20th Kentucky, aid-de-camp. The Batik of Shiloh. 377 SIXTH DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thos. J. Wood, commanding. Gapt. Win. II. Schlater, assistant adjutant general. Capt. Geo. W. Lennard, 3Gth Indiana, aid-de-cainp. Capt. Fred. A. Clark, 29th Indiana, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Col. Isaac Gass, 64th Ohio, inspector general. Lieut. Clark S. Gregg, 65th Ohio, acting commissary of subsistence. Lieut. Frank B. Hunt, 65th Ohio, ordnance officer. Lieut. John C. Martin, 21st Ohio, signal officer. Surg. Francis B. Mussy, medical director. Twentieth Brigade. Brig. Gen. James A. Garfield, commanding. Twenty-first Brigade. Col. Geo. D. Wagner, 15th Indiana, commanding. CONFEDERATE ARMY. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, t commanding. Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg, Chief of Staff. Capt. H. P. Brewster, assistant adjutant general. Capt. N. Wickliffe, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. George Baylor, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Thomas M. Jack, aid-de-camp. Governor Isham G. Harris, volunteer aid. Col. Wm. Preston, volunteer aid. Maj. D. M. Hayden, volunteer aid. Dr. E. W. Munford, volunteer aid. Calhoun Benhani, volunteer aid. Capt. Theodore O'Hara, assistant inspector general. Maj. Albert J. Smith, assistant quartermaster. Capt. W. L. Wickham, assistant quartermaster. Col. J. F. Gilmer,* Chief Engineer. Surg. D. W. Yandell, Medical Director. Gen. G. T. Beauregard, second in command, commanding, Monday. Col. Thomas Jordan, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. John W. Otey, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Col. S. W. Ferguson, aid-de-camp. Lieut. A. It. Chisolm, aid-de-camp. Brig. Gen. James Trudeau, volunteer aid. ('apt. W. W. Porter, volunteer aid. Maj. Geo. W. Brent, assistant inspector general. ♦Wounded. tKilled. 378 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Col. R. B. Lee, Chief of Subsistence. Capt. Clifton H. Smith, assistant adjutant general. Col. Jacob Thompson, volunteer aid. Maj. Numa Augustine, volunteer aid. Maj. H. E. Pay ton, volunteer aid. Capt. Albert Ferry, volunteer aia. Capt. E. B. Waddell, volunteer aid. Capt. E. H. Cummins, Signal Officer. FIRST CORPS. Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk, commanding. Maj. Geo. Williamson,* assistant adjutant general. Lieut. W. B. Richmond, aid-de-camp. Lieut. A. H. Polk, aid-de-camp. Lieut. P. B. Spence, aid-de-camp. Lieut. John Rawle, aid-de-camp. Lieut. John S. Lanier, aid-de-camp. Lieut. W. M. Porter, volunteer aid. Lieut. Coy. E. D. Blake, assistant inspector general. Maj. Smith P. Bankhead, Chief of Artillery. Capt. J. T. Champneys, Chief of Ordnance. Maj. Thomas Peters, assistant quartermaster. Surg. W. D. Lyles, Medical Director. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Charles Clark,* commanding. Capt. W. H. McCardle, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Wm. Yerger, Jr., aid-de- camp. Maj. W. H. Haynes,* acting commissary of subsistence. James E. McClure, assistant quartermaster. Maj. Howell Hinds, assistant adjutant general, Army of Potomac, volun- teer aid. Maj. W. M. Inge, assistant adjutant general, Army of Potomac, volunteer aid. Capt. John A. Buckner, 8th Kentucky, volunteer aid. First Brigade. Col. R. M. Russell, 12th Tennessee, commanding. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. A. P. Stewart, commanding. Capt. Thomas W. Preston.f assistant adjutant general. Lieut. N. Green, Jr., aid-de-camp. Col. W. B. Ross, volunteer aid. Mr. Joseph D. Cross, volunteer aid. ♦Wounded. tKilled. The Battle of Shiloh. 379 SECOND DIVISION. Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham,* commanding. Maj. James D. Porter, assistant adjutant general. Capt. F. H. McNairy. aid-de-camp. Capt. T. i'. Henry, aid-de-camp. A. L. Robertson, aid-de-camp. John Campbell,t aid-de-camp. Judge Archibald Wright, volunteer aid. Col. Edward Pickett. Jr., 21st Tennessee, volunteer aid. Capt. Wm. Roundtree, volunteer aid. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. B. R. Jolmson,* commanding. Maj. G. G. Rogers, assistant adjutant general. ("apt. Wm. T. Blakemore, aid-de-camp. Capt. D. L. Moore, volunteer aid. Capt. John H. Anderson,* 10th Tennessee, volunteer aid. Stroud, Brigade. Col. Wm. H. Stephens, 6th Tennessee, commanding. Lieut. Isaac M. Jackson4 assistant adjutant general. Wm. D. Stephens,* aid-de-camp. Thus. A. Henderson,* aid-de-camp. Capt. A. L. Swingley, volunteer aid. SECOND ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg, commanding. Maj. George G. Garner, assistant adjutant general. Capt. II. W. Walter, assistant adjutant general. Capt. G. B. Cooke, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Towson Ellis, aid-de-camp. Lieut. F. S. Parker, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Col. F. Garduer, C. S. Army, assistant inspector general. Lieut. Col. W. K. Beard,* Florida Volunteers, assistant inspector general. Capt. S. II. Lockett, chief engineer. Maj. J. H. Hallonquist, Chief of Artillery. Capt. W. O. Williams, Assistant Chief of Artillery. • 'apt. II. Oladowski, Chief of Ordnance. Maj. J. J. Walker, Chief of Subsistence. Maj. L. F. Johnston, Chief Quartermaster. Maj. O. P. Chaffee, Assistant Quartermaster. Surg. A. J. Foard, Medical Director. Surer. J. C. Nott, Medical Inspector. Lieut. Col. David Urquhart, volunteer aid. ♦Wounded. tKllled. tMortally wounded. 25 380 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. FIBST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, commanding. Capt. Roy M. Hooe, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. M. B. Ruggles, aid-de-camp. Maj. E. S. Ruggles,* volunteer aid. Capt. G. M. Beck, volunteer aid. Col. S. S. Heard, 17th Louisiana, volunteer aid. Maj. J. H. Hallonquist, chief of artillery. Maj. John Claiborne, chief quartermaster. Lieut. L. D. Sandidge, assistant inspector general. Surg. F. M. Hereford,* medical director. Dr. S. S. Sandidge, volunteer surgeon. First Brigade. Col. Randall L. Gibson, 13th Louisiana, commanding. Lieut. Benjamin King,t aid-de-camp. Lieut. H. H. Bein, acting assistant adjutant genera i. Mr. Robert Pugh, aid-de-camp. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, commanding. Capt. William G. Barth, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Wm. M. Davidson, aid-de-camp. Lieut. John W. James, 5th Georgia, aid-de-camp. Capt. Henry D. Bulkley, acting commissary of subsistence. Capt. John T. Sibley, assistant quartermaster. Surg. C. B. Gamble, medical director. Lieut. Wm. McR. Jordan,* 1st Florida, aid-de-camp. Third Brigade. Col. Preston Pond, Jr., commanding. Lieut. O. O. Cobb, assistant adjutant general. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Jones M. Withers, commanding. Capt. D. E. Huger, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. D. F. Withers, aid-de-camp. Lieut. B. M. Thomas, assistant inspector general. R. W. Withers, volunteer aid. S. B. Howe, volunteer aid. Wm. Williamson, volunteer aid. L. E. Smith, volunteer aid. ♦Wounded. tKIUed. The Battle of Shiloh. 381 First Brigade. Brig. Gen. A. H. Gladden,1 commanding. M;ij. C. D. Anderson, acting assistant adjutant general. Adjt. Adolph Kent, 1st Louisiana, aid-de-camp. Adjt. John Stout, 25th Alabama, aid-de-camp. Adjt. Elias F. Travis, 22d Alabama, aid-de-camp. Sergt. Maj. Nott, 22d Alabama, aid-de-camp. ■Second Brigade. Brig. Geu. James R. Chalmers, commanding. ('apt. Henry Craft, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. Geo. T. Banks, aid-de-camp. Lieut. W. T. Stricklin, 3d Mississippi, assistant inspector general. Capt. R. S. Crump, acting commissary of subsistence. Lieut. M. M. Shelley, volunteer aid. Mr. James Barr, volunteer aid. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. John K. Jackson, commanding. Capt. J. B. Cummiugs, assistant adjutant general. THIRD ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Win. J. Hardee,* commanding. Maj. W. D. Pickett, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. John R. B. Burtwell, aid-de-camp. Lieut. Thomas W. Hunt,* aid-de-camp. Capt. William Clare,* aid-de-camp. Lieut. Wilson, aid-de-camp. Capt. A. W. Clarkson, aid-de-camp. Maj. F. A. Shoup, chief of artillery. Lieut. Wm. Kearney, assistant inspector general. Maj. L. O. Bridewell, chief quartermaster. Maj. W. E. Moore, chief commissary. Surg. G. W. Lawrence, medical director. Col. S. H. Perkins, volunteer aid. First Brigade. Col. R. G. Shaver, 7th Arkansas, commanding. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. P. R. Cleburne, commanding. Maj. J. K. Dixou, assistant adjutant and inspector general. •Wounded. tMortally wounded. 382 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood,* commanding. Lieut. Linus A. McClung, assistant adjutant general. Lieut. H. C. Wood, aid-de-camp. Capt. Wm. Clare,* volunteer aid. Capt. Joshua Sledge,* volunteer aid. Capt. J. H. Coleman, volunteer aid. Mr. Frank Foster, volunteer aid. Lieut. S. Church, acting commissary of subsistence. RESERVE CORPS. Brig Gen. John C. Breckinridge, commanding. First Brigade. Col. Robt. P. Trabue, 4th Kentucky, commanding. Joseph L. Robertson, assistant adjutant general. Capt. Samuel Gray, volunteer aid. John Hooe, volunteer aid. Thomas B. Darragh, volunteer aid. Robt. W. McKee, volunteer aid. Charlton Morgan,* volunteer aid. Charles J. Matson, volunteer aid. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. John S. Bowen,* commanding. Third Brigade. Col. Winfield S. Statham, 15th Mississippi, commanding *Wounded. REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS ON THE BATTLE OF SHILOH. UNION AND CONFEDERATE. FROM THE OFFICIAL RECORDS. ( 383) (384) GENERAL SHERMANS REPORT. Report of General William T. Sherman, U. S. Army, Commanding Fifth Division. Headquarters Fifth Division, Camp Shiloh, April 10, 1862. Sir: 1 have the honor to report that on Friday, the 4th instant, the enemy's cavalry drove in our pickets posted about a mile and a half in advance of my centre, on the main Corinth road, capturing one first lieu- tenant and seven men; that I caused a pursuit by the cavalry of my division, driving them back about five miles and killing many. On Saturday the enemy's cavalry was again very bold, coming well down to our front, yet I did not believe that he designed anything but a strong demonstration. On Sunday morning early, the 6th instant, the enemy drove our advance guard back on the main body, when I ordered under arms my division, and sent word to General McClernand asking him to support my left; to General Prentiss, giving him notice that the enemy was in our front in force, and to General Hurlbut, asking him to support General Prentiss. At that time (7 A. M.) my division was arranged as follows: First brigade, composed of the 6th Iowa, Col. J. A. McDowell; 40th Illinois, Colonel Hicks; 46th Ohio, Colonel Worthington, and the Morton battery, Captain Behr, on the extreme right, guarding the bridge over Owl creek on the Purdy road. Second brigade, composed of the 55th Illinois, Col. D. Stuart; 54th Ohio, Col. T. Kilby Smith, and the 71st Ohio, Col. Mason, on the extreme left, guarding the ford over Lick creek. Third brigade, composed of the 77th Ohio, Col. Hildebrand; 53d Ohio, Col. Appier, and the 57th Ohio, Col. Mungen, on the left of the Corinth road, its right resting on Shiloh Meeting- House. Fourth Brigade, composed of the 72nd Ohio, Col. Buckland; 48th Ohio, Col. Sullivan, and the 70th Ohio, Col. Cockerill, on the right of the Corinth road, its left resting on Shiloh Meeting House. Two batteries of artillery (Taylor's and Waterhouse's) were posted, the former at Shiloh, the latter on a ridge to the left, with a front fire over open ground between Mungen's and Appier's regiments. The cavalry, eight companies of the Fourth Illinois, under Colonel Dickey, was posted in a large open field to the left and rear of Shiloh Meeting House, which I regarded as the centre of my position. Shortly after 7 A. M., with my entire staff, I rode along a portion of our front, and when in the open field before Appier's regiment the enemy's pickets opened a brisk fire on my party, killing my orderly, Thomas D. Holliday, of Company II, Second Illinois Cavalry. The Ore came from the bushes which line a small stream that rises in the field in front of Appier's camp and Hows to the north along my whole front. This valley afforded the enemy a partial cover, «but our men were so posted as to (385) 386 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. have a good fire at him as he crossed the valley and ascended the rising ground on our side. About 8 A. M. I saw the glistening bayonets of heavy masses of infantry to our left front in the woods beyond the small stream alluded to, and became satisfied for the first time that the enemy designed a determined attack on our whole camp. All the regiments of my division were then in line of battle at their proper posts. I rode to Colonel Appier and ordered him to hold his ground at all hazards, as he held the left flank of our first line of battle. I informed him that he had a good battery on his right and strong supports to his rear. General McCleruand had promptly re- sponded to my request, and had sent me three regiments, which were posted to protect Waterhouse's battery and the left flank of my line. The battle began by the enemy opening with a battery in our front and throwing shells into our camp. Taylor's and Waterhouse's batteries promptly re- sponded, and I then observed heavy battalions of infantry passing obliquely to the left across the open field in Appier's front; also other columns advancing directly upon my division.' Our infantry and artillery opened along the whole line and the battle became general. Other heavy masses of the enemy's forces kept passing across the field to our left and directing their course on General Prentiss. I saw at once that the enemy designed to pass my left flank and fall upon Generals McClernand and Prentiss, whose line of camp was almost parallel with the Tennessee river and about two miles back of it. Very soon the sound of musketry and artillery announced that General Prentiss was engaged, and about 9 A. M. I judged that he was falling back. About this time Appier's regiment broke in disorder, soon followed by fugitives from Mungen's regiment, and the enemy pressed forward on Waterhouse's battery, thereby exposed. The three Illinois regiments in immediate support of this battery stood for some time, but the enemy's advance was so vigorous and the fire so severe, that when Col. Raith, of the 43d Illinois, received a severe wound and fell from his horse, his regiment and the others manifested disorder, and the enemy got possession of three guns of this (Waterhouse's) battery- Although our left was thus turned and the enemy was pressing on the whole line, I deemed Shiloh so important that I remained by it, and renewed my orders to Colonels McDowell and Buckland to hold their ground, and we did hold those positions till about 10 o'clock A. M., when the enemy got his artillery in the rear of our left flank, and some change became absolutely necessary. Two regiments of Hildebrand's brigade — Appier's and Mungen's — had already disappeared to the rear, and Hildebrand's own regiment was in disorder, and therefore I gave orders that Taylor's battery, still at Shiloh, to fall back as far as the Purdy and Hamburg road and fur McDowell and Buckland to adopt that road as their new line. I rode across the angle and met Behr's battery at the crossroads, and ordered it immediately to unlimber and come into battery, action right. Captain Behr gave the order, but he was almost immediately shot from his horse, when the drivers and jninners fled in disorder, carrying off the caissons and abandoning five out of six guns without firing a shot. The enemy pressed on, gaining this The Battle of Shiloh. 387 battery, and we were again forced to choose a new line of defense. Elilde brand's brigade had substantially disappeared from the held, though he himself bravely remained. McDowell's and Buckland's brigades still re- tained their organizations, and were conducted by my aides so as to join on General McClernand's right, thus abandoning my original camps and line. This was about 10.30 A. M., ai which time the enemy had made a furious attack on General McClernand's whole front. Finding him pressed 1 moved McDowell's brigade directly againsl the left flank of the enemy, forced him back some distance, and theu directed the men to avail them selves of every cover — trees, fallen timber, and a wooded valley to our right. We held this position for four bong hours, sometimes gaining, at other times losing ground, General MeClernand and myself acting in perfect concert and struggling to maintain this line. While we were so hardly pressed two Iowa regiments approached from the rear, but could not be brought up to the severe tire that was raging in our front, and General Grant, who visited us on that ground, will remember our situation at 3 o'clock P. M.; but about 4 1*. M. it was evident that Hurlbut's line had been driven hack to the river and knowing that General Wallace was coming from Crump's Landing with re-inforcements, General MeClernand and I, on consultation, selected a new line of defence, with its right covering the bridge by which General Wallace had to approach. We fell back as well as we could, gathering, in addition to our own, such scattered forces as we could find, and formed a new line. During this change the enemy's cavalry charged us. but were handsomely repulsed by an Illinois regiment, whose number I did not learn at that time or since. The Fifth Ohio Bat- tery, which had come up, rendered good service in holding the enemy in check for some time; and Major Taylor also came up with a new battery and got into position just in time to gel a good flanking fire upon the enemy's columns as he pressed on General McClernand's right, checking his advance, when General McClernand's division made a Hue charge on the enemy, and drove him back into the ravines to our front and right. I had a clear field about 200 yards wide in my immediate front, and contented myself with keeping the enemy's infantry at that distance during the rest of the day. In this position we rested for the night. My command had become decidedly of a mixed character. Buckland's brigade was the only one with me that retained its organization. Col. Hildebrand was personally there but his brigade was not. Colonel McDow-ell had been severely injured by a fall from his horse and had gone to the river, and the three regiments of his brigade were not in line. The 13th Missouri, Col. Crafts J. Wright, had reported to me on the field, and fought well, retaining its regimental organization, and it formed a part of my line during Sunday night and all of Monday; other fragments of regiments and companies had also fallen into my division, and acted with it during the remainder of the battle. Generals Grant and Buell visited me in our bivouac that evening, and from them I learned the situation of affairs on the other parts of the field. General Wallace arrived from Crump's Landing shortly after dark, and formed his line to my right and rear. It rained hard during the night, but 388 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. our men were in good spirits and lay on their arms, being satisfied with such bread and meat as could be gathered from the neighboring camps, and determined to redeem on Monday the losses of Sunday. At daylight on Monday I received General Grant's orders to advance and recapture ohr original camps. I dispatched several members of my staff to bring up all men they could find, and especially the brigade of Colonel Stuart, which had been separated from the division all the day before, and at the appointed time the division, or rather what remained of it, with the 13th Missouri and other fragments, marched forward and occupied the ground on the extreme right of General McCleruand's camp, where we attracted the fire of a battery located near Col. McDowell's former headquarters. Here I remained, patiently waiting for the sound of General Buell's advance upon the main Corinth road. About 10 A. M. the heavy firing in that direction and its steady approach satisfied me, and General Wallace being on our right flank with his well conducted division, I led the head of my column to General McCleruand's right, formed line of battle, facing south, with Buckland's brigade directly across the ridge and Stuart's brigade on its right in the woods, and thus advanced slowly and steadily, under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery. Taylor had just got to me from the rear where he had gone for ammunition, and brought up three guus, which I ordered into position, to advance by hand, tiring. These guns belonged to Co. A, Chicago Light Artillery, commanded by Lieut. P. P. Wood, and did most excellent service. Under cover of their fire we advanced till we reached the point where the Corinth road crosses the line of McClernand's camps, and here I saw for the first time the well ordered and compact columns of General Buell's Kentucky forces, whose soldierly movements at once gave confidence to our newer and less-disci- plined forces. Here I saw Willich's (32nd Indiana) regiment advance upon a point of water oaks and thicket, behind which I knew the enemy was in great strength, and enter it in beautiful style. Then arose the severest musketry fire I ever heard, which lasted some twenty minutes, when this splendid regiment had to fall back. This green point of timber is about 500 yards east, of Shiloh Meeting House, and it was evident that here was to be the struggle. The enemy could also be seen forming his lines to the south, and General McClernand sending to me for artillery, I detached to him the three guns of Lieutenant Wood's battery, and Tseeing some others to the rear I sent one of my staff to bring them forward, when, by almost Providential decree, they proved to be 24 pounder howitzers, belonging to McAllister's battery, served as well as ever could be. This was about 2 o'clock P. M. The enemy had one battery close to Shiloh and another near the Hamburg road, both pouring grape and canister upon any column of troops that advanced toward the green point of Water Oaks. Willich's regiment had been repulsed, but a whole brigade of McClernand's division advanced beautifully, deployed, and entered this woods. I ordered my Second brigade, then commanded by Colonel T. Kilby Smith (Colonel Stuart being wounded), to form on its right, and my Fourth brigade, Col. Buck- land, on its right, all to advance abreast with the Kentucky brigade before mentioned, which I afterwards found to be Rousseau's brigade of McCook's The Battle of Shiloh. 389 division. I gave personal direction to the 24-pouuder guns on the left, and afterwards at the Shiloh Meeting House. Rousseau's brigade moved in splendid order steadily to the front, sweeping everything before it, and at 4 P. M. we stood upon the ground of our original front line and the enemy was in full retreat. 1 directed my several brigades to resume at once their original camps. Several times during the battle cartridges gave out, but General Grant had thoughtfully kept a supply coming from the rear. When I appealed to regiments to stand fast, although out of cart- ridges, 1 did so because to retire a regiment for any cause had a bad effect on others. 1 commend the 40th Illinois and the loth Missouri for thus holding their ground under a heavy fire, although their cartridge boxes were empty. 1 am ordered by General Grant to give personal credit where it is due and censure where I think it is merited. I concede that General McCook's splendid division from Kentucky drove back the enemy along the Corintli road, which was the great central line of this battle. There Beauregard commanded in person, supported by Bragg's, Johnston's and Breckinridge's divisions. I think Johnston was killed by exposing himself in front of his i mops at the time of their attack on Buckland's brigade on Sunday morning, although in this I may be mistaken. My division was made up of regi- ments perfectly new, nearly all having received their muskets for the first time at Paducah. None of them had ever been under fire or beheld heavy columns of an enemy bearing down on them as they did on us last Sunday. They knew nothing of the value of combination and organization. When individual fears seized them the first impulse was to get away. To expect of them the coolness and steadiness of older troops would be wrong. My Third brigade did break much too soon, and I am not yet advised where they were during Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. Colonel Hilde- brand, its commander, was as cool as any man I ever saw, and no one could have made stronger efforts to hold men to their places than he did. He kept his own regiment with individual exceptions in hand an hour after Appier's and Mungen's regiments had left their proper field of action. Col. Buckland managed his brigade well, I commend him to your notice as a cool, judicious, intelligent gentleman, needing only confi- dence and experience to make a good commander; his subordinates. Colonels Sullivan and Cockerill, behaved with great gallantry, the former receiving a severe wound on Sunday, and yet commanding and holding his regiment well in hand all day, and on Monday till his right arm was broken by a shot. Col. A. J. McDowell, commanding the First brigade, held his ground on Sunday till I ordered him to fall back, which he did in line of battle, and when ordered he conducted the attack on the enemy's left in good style. In falling back to the next position he was thrown from his horse and injured, and his brigade was not in position on Monday morning. His subordinates, Colonels Hicks and Worthington, displayed great personal courage. Col. Hicks led his regiment in the attack of Sunday and received a wound which it is feared may prove fatal. He is a brave and gallant gentleman and deserves well by his country. Lieutenant Colonel Walcutt, 390 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. of the 4Gth Ohio, was wounded on Sunday, and has been disabled ever since. My Second brigade, Col. Stuart, was detached near two miles from my headquarters. He had to fight his own battle on Sunday, as the enemy interposed between him and General Prentiss early in the day. Col. Stuart was wounded severely, and yet reported for duty on Monday morning, but was compelled to leave during the day, when the command devolved on Col. T. Kilby Smith, 54th Ohio, who was always in the thickest of the fight and led the brigade handsomely. I have not yet received Col. Stuart's report of the operations of his brigade during the time he was detached and must therefore forbear to mention names. Lieutenant Colonel Kyle, of the 71st Ohio, was mortally wounded on Sunday, but the regiment itself 1 did not see, as only a small fragment of it was with the brigade when it joined the division on Monday morning. Great credit is due to the frag- ments of the disorganized regiments who kept in the advance. I observed and noticed them, but until the brigadiers and colonels make their reports I cannot venture to name individuals, but will in due season notice all who kept in our front line, as well as those who preferred to keep back near the steam boat landing. I will also send a full list of the killed, wounded and missing, by name, rank, compauy and regiment. At present I submit the result in figures: :j: :js :fc :J< £ ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The enemy captured seven of our guns on Sunday, but on Monday we recovered seven guns — not the identical guns we had lost, but enough in num- ber to balance the account. At the time of recovering our camps our men were so fatigued that we could not follow the retreating masses of the enemy, but the following day we followed up with Bucklancl's and Hilde- brand's brigades for six miles the result of which I have already reported. Of my personal staff I can only speak with praise and thanks. I think they smelt as much gunpowder and heard as many cannon balls and bullets as must satisfy their ambition. Captain, etc. * * ***** * * * * I will also send in during the day the detailed reports of my brigadiers and colonels, and will indorse them with such remarks as I deem proper. I am with very much respect, your obedient servant, W. T. SHERMAN, Brigadier General, Commanding Fifth Division. Capt. John A. Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant General to General Grant. The Battle of Shiloh. 391 GENERAL BUELL'S REPORT. Report of Major General Don Carlos Buell, U. S. Army, Commanding Army of the Ohio. Headquarters Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, April 15, 1862. Sir: The rear division of the army under my command, which had been delayed a considerable time in rebuilding the Duck river bridge, left Columbia on the 3d instant. I left the evening of that day and arrived at Savannah on the evening of the 5th. General Nelson, with his division, which formed the advance, arrived the same day. The other divisions inarched with intervals of about six miles. Ou the morning of the 6th the Bring of cannon and musketry was heard in the direction of this place. Apprehending that a serious engagement had commenced, I went to General Grant's headquarters to get information as to the best way of reaching the battlefield with the division that had arrived. At the same time orders were dispatched to the division in rear to leave their trains and push forward by forced marches. 1 learned that General Grant had just started, leaving orders tor General Nelson to march to the river opposite Pittsburg Landing t<> he ferried across. On examination of the road up the river I discovered it to he impracticable for artillery, and Gen. Nelson was directed to leave his to he carried forward by steamers. The impression existed at Savannah that the firing was only an affair of outposts, the same thing having occurred for the two or three previous days: bul as it continued I determined to go at once to the scene of action, and accordingly started with my chief of staff. Colonel Pry. on a steamer which I had ordered to he got under steam. As we proceeded up the river groups of soldiers were seen upon the west bank, and it soon became evident that they were stragglers from the army that was engaged. The groups increased in size and frequency, until as we approached the Landing they amounted to whole companies, and almost regiments, and at the Landing the hanks swarmed with a confused mass of men of various regiments. The number could not have been less than 4,000 or 5,000, and later in the ■ lay became much greater. Finding General Granl at the Landing, I requested him to send steamers to Savannah to bring up General Crittenden's division, which had arrived during the morning, and then went ashore with him. The throng of disor- ganized and demoralized troops increased continually by fresh fugitives from the battle, which steadily grew nearer the Landing, and with these mingled great numbers of teams, all striving to yet as near as possible to the river. With few except ions all efforts to form the troops and move them forward to the fight utterly failed. In the meantime the enemy had made such progress against our troops that his artillery and musketry began to play into the vital spot of the position, and some persons were killed on the bank of the very Landing. General Nelson arrived with Colonel Ammen's brigade at this 392 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. opportune moment. It was immediately posted to meet the attack at that point, and, with a battery of artillery which happened to be on the ground and was brought into action, opened fire on the enemy and repulsed him. The action of the gunboats also contributed very much to that result. The attack at that poiut was not renewed, night having come on, and firing ceased on both sides. In the meantime the remainder of General Nelson's division crossed and General Crittenden's arrived from Savannah by steamer. After examining the ground as well as was possible at night in front of the line on which General Grant's troops had formed and as far to the right as General Sherman's division, I directed Nelson's and Crit- tenden's divisions to form in front of that line, and move forward as soon as it was light in the morning. During the night and early the following morning Captain Bartlett's Ohio battery, Captain Mendenhall's regular battery, and Captain Ten-ill's regular battery, Fifth artillery, arrived. General McCook arrived at Savannah during the night of the 6th, and reached the field of battle early in the morning of the 7th. I knew that the other divisions could not arrive in time for the action that day. The patch of country on which the battles of the 6th and 7th were fought is called Shiloh, from the little church of that name which stands near the centre of it. It consists of an undulating table land, elevated some 80 or 100 feet above the river bottom. Along the Tennessee river to the east it breaks into abrupt ravines, and towards the south, along Lick creek, which empties into the Tennessee river some three miles above Pittsburg Landing, rises into a range of hills of some height, whose slopes are gradual towards the battlefield and somewhat abrupt towards Lick creek. Owl creek rises quite near the source of Lick creek, flows to the northeast around the battlefield into Snake creek, which empties into the Tennessee river four miles below Lick creek. The drainage is mainly from the Lick Creek Ridge and the table land into Owl creek. Coming from Corinth, the principal road crosses Lick creek at two points some 12 miles from its mouth and separates into three or four principal branches, which enter the table land from the south at a distance of about a mile apart. Generally the face of the country is covered with woods, through which troops can pass without great difficulty, though occa- sionally the undergrowth is dense. Small farms or cultivated fields of from 20 to 80 acres occur now. and then, but as a general thing the country is forest. My entire ignorance of the various roads and of the character of the country at the time rendered it impossible to anticipate the probable disposition of the enemy, and the woods were always sufficient to screen his preparatory movements from observation. Soon after five o'clock on the morning of the 7th General Nelson's and General Crittenden's divisions, the only ones yet arrived on the ground, moved promptly forward to meet the enemy. Nelson's division marching in line of battle, soon came upon his pickets, drove them in and at about 6 o'clock received the fire of his artillery. The division was here halted and Mendenhall's battery brought into action to reply, while Crittenden's division was being put into position, opposite which the enemy was discov- The Battle of Shiloh. 393 ered to be formed iu force. By this time McCook's division arrived on the ground and was immediately formed on the right of Crittenden's. Skirmishers were thrown to the fronl and a strong body of them to guard our left flank, which, though somewhat protected l>y rough ground, it was supposed the enemy might attempt to turn, and, in fact, did, but was hand- somely repulsed, with great loss. Each brigade furnished its own reserve, and in addition Boyle's brigade, from Crittenden's division, though it formed at first in the line, was kept somewhat back when the line advanced, to be used as occasion might require. I found on the ground parts of about two regiments — perhaps 1,000 men — and subsequently a similar fragment came up of General Grant's force. The first I directed to act with General McCook's attack and the second was similarly employed to the left. 1 saw other stragglers of General Grant's force immediately on General McCook's right, and some firing had already commenced there. I have no direct knowledge of the disposition of the remainder of General Grant's forces nor is it my province to speak of them. Those that came under my direction in the way 1 have stated rendered willing and efficient service during the day. The force under my command occupied a line of about one and one-half miles. In front of Nelson's division was an open field, partially screened toward his right by a skirt of woods, which extended beyond the enemy's line, with a thick undergrowth in front of the left brigade of Crittenden's division; then an open field in front of Crittenden's right and McCook's left, and in front of McCook's right woods again, with a dense undergrowth. The ground, nearly level in front of Nelson, formed a hollow in front of Crittenden, and fell into a small creek or ravine, which empties into Owl creek, in front of McCook. What I afterwards learned was the Hamburg road (which crosses Lick creek a mile from its mouth) passes perpendicularly through the line of battle near Nelson's left. On a line slightly oblique to ours, and beyond the open fields, the enemy was formed, with a battery in front of Nelson's left, a battery commanding the woods in front of Crittenden's left and flanking the fields in front of Nelson, a battery commanding the same woods and the field in front of Crittenden's right and McCook's left, and a battery in front of McCook's right. A short distance in rear of the enemy's left, on high ground, were the encampments of McClernand's and Sherman's divisions, which the enemy held. While my troops were getting into position on the right the artillery fire was kept up between Mendenhall's battery and the enemy's second battery with some effect. Bartlett's battery was hardly in position before the enemy's third battery opened fire on that part of the line, and when, very soon after, our line advanced with strong bodies of skirmishers in front, the action became general and continued with severity during the greater part of the day and until the enemy was driven from the field. The obliquity of our line, the left being thrown forward, brought Nelson's division first into action, and it became very hotly engaged at a very early hour. A charge of the Nineteenth brigade from Nelson's right led by its commander Colonel Hazen, reached the enemy's second battery, but the brigade sustained a heavy loss from the fire of the enemy's batteries. 394 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. and was unable to maintain its advantage against the heavy infantry force that came forward to oppose it. The enemy recovered the battery and followed up his momentary advantage by throwing a heavy force of infantry into the woods in front of Crittenden's left. The left brigade (Col. W. S. Smith) of that division advanced into the woods, repulsed the enemy and took several prisoners. In the meantime Captain Ten-ill's battery, Fifth artillery, which had just landed, reached the field, and was ordered into action near the left, with Nelson's division, which was very heavily pressed by the greater numbers of the enemy. It belonged, properly, to McCook's division. It took position near the Hamburg road, in the open ground in front of the enemy's right, and at once began to act with decided effect upon the tide of battle in that quarter. The enemy's right battery was silenced. Ammen's brigade, which was on the left, advanced in good order upon the enemy's right, but was checked for some time by his endeavor to turn our left flank and his strong counter attack in front. Captain Terrill, who in the meantime had taken au advanced position, was compelled to retire, leaving one caisson, in which every horse was killed or disabled. It was very soon recovered. Having been re-inforced by a regiment from General Boyle's brigade, Nelson's division again moved forward and forced the enemy to abandon entirely his position. This success Hanked the enemy's position at his second and third batteries from which he was soon driven with the loss of several pieces of artillery, by the concentrated fire of Terrill's and Mendenhall's batteries and an attack from Crittenden's division in front. The enemy made a second stand some 800 yards in rear of this position and opened fire with his artillery. Mendenhall's battery was thrown for- ward, silenced the battery, and it was captured by General Crittenden's division, the enemy retreating from it. In the meantime the division of General McCook on the right, which became engaged somewhat later in the morning than the divisions on the left, had made steady progress until it drove the enemy's left from the hotly contested field. The action was commenced in this division by Rous- seau's brigade, which drove the enemy in front of it from his first position and captured a battery. The line of attack of this division caused a considerable widening of the space between it and Crittenden's right. It was also outflanked on its right by the line of the enemy, who made repeated strong attacks on its flank, but was always gallantly repulsed. The enemy made his last decided stand in front of this division in the woods beyond Sherman's camp. Two brigades of General Wood's division arrived just at the close of the battle, but only one of them (Colonel Wagner's) in time to participate act- ively in the pursuit, which it continued for about a mile and until halted by my order. Its skirmishers became engaged for a few minutes with skimishers (cavalry and infantry) of the enemy's rear guard, which made a momentary stand. It was also fired upon by the enemy's artillery on its right flank, but without effect. It was well conducted by its commander and showed great steadiness. The pursuit was continued no further that day. I was without cavalry, and the different corps had become a good The Battle of Shiloh. 395 deal scattered in a pursuit over a country which screened the movements of the enemy, and the roads of which I knew practically nothing. In the beginning of the pursuit, thinking it probable the enemy had retired partly by the Hamburg road, I had ordered Nelson's division to follow as far as Lick creek on that road, from which I afterwards learned, the direct road to Corinth was separated by a difficult ravine which empties into Lick creek. I therefore occupied myself with examining the ground and getting the different divisions into position, which was not effected until sometime after dark. On the following morning, in pursuance of directions of General Grant, General Wood was sent forward with two of his brigades and a battery of artillery to discover the position of the enemy and press him if he should be found in retreat. General Sherman, with about the same force from General Grant's army, was on the same service, and had a spirited skirmish with the enemy's cavalry, driving it back. The main force was found to have retreated beyond Lick creek, and our troops returned at night. The loss of the forces under my command, 203 killed, 1,816 wounded, and 88 missing; total, 2,107. The trophies are twenty pieces of artillery, a greater number of caissons, and a considerable number of small arms. Many of the cannon were recaptured from the loss of the previous day. Several stand of colors were also recaptured. There were no idlers in the battle of the 7th. Every portion of the army did its work. The batteries of Captains Terrill and Mendenhall were splendidly handled and served, that of Captain Bartlett was served with great spirit and gallantry, though with less decisive results. I specially commend to the favor of the Government, for their distin- guished gallantry and good conduct, etc., etc. *********** Very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. C. BUELL, Major General Commanding. Captain M. EL McLean, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of the Mississippi. GENERAL McCOOK'S REPORT. Report of Brig. Gen. Alexander McD. McCook, U. S. Army, Commanding Second Division. Hdqrs. Second Division, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, April 9, 1862. Sir: I have the honor herewith to report that on the morning of the 6th instant, while on the march, at a point 12 miles from the town of Savannah, Tenn., I received an order to hasten forward with my division, with three 26 39G Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. days' rations in haversacks and all my supply of ammunition. On account of the conditions of the roads and baggage trains it was impossible for me to get more than two days' rations and forty rounds of cartridges in the cartridge boxes of the men. I hastened forward, arriving at Savannah at 7 P. M. on the Gth instant, with my entire division, except the Second Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, which was left to guard the baggage. After resting my men two hours I marched to the river with General Rousseau's brigade, ordering the other brigades and the artillery to follow immediately. Arriving at the steamboat landing, I found no preparations made whatever to convey my division to this battlefield. I ordered my staff aboard boats at the Landing, compelling the captains to get out of their beds and prepare their boats for my use. I succeeded in embarking General Rousseau's brigade. As boats arrived I pressed them into service, and embarked Thirty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, belonging to Colonel Kirk's brigade, and left with it for the field, leaving instructions at Savannah for the other portion of my division to follow as rapidly as means of transpor- tation was afforded. Arriving at Pittsburg Landing at 5 o'clock A. M. on the 7th instant, finding General Rousseau's brigade disembarked, I marched forward to a point where I believed it would be of most service, I there met General Buell, who directed me to form my line of battle with my left resting near General Crittenden's right and my right resting towards the north. I immediately formed this line with General Rousseau's brigade upon the ground designated, my right being without support. As soon as the remainder of Colonel Kirk's brigade arrived I placed his brigade in position as a reserve. When these arrangements were completed I ordered the line to cross a ravine and to take advantage of the high ground in front, having previously thrown two companies from each regiment of General Rousseau's brigade forward as skirmishers. The line became immediately engaged with a superior force of the enemy, the main attack being made on the right. Knowing that my right had no support, I ordered Col. Kirk's brigade, with the exception of Colonel Stumbaugh's Seventy-seventh Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, forward to take position on the right of General Rousseau's brigade, with instructions to watch the enemy, and if they were attacked, to hold the ground at every hazard. In the mean- time a portion of Colonel Gibson's brigade arrived, and I still believing that the heaviest attack Avas being made on my right, ordered Colonel Willich's Thirty-second Indiana Volunteers to form a line in the rear of the centre, to be used as circumstances might require. The enemy's attack on the right and centre was continuous and severe, but the steady valor of General Rousseau's brigade repulsed him. He was vigorously pursued for the distance of a mile, when he received large re-inforcements and rallied among the tents of a portion of General McClernan's division, from which it had been driven on the Gth instant. Here, supported by two pieces of artillery, which were lost the day before, the enemy made a desperate stand. At this juncture Colonel Buckley's Fifth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers charged and captured the two guns in position, with four more of the same battery, partially disabled, which the enemy could not carry off. Here The Battle of Shiloh. 397 General Rousseau had the pleasure of re-taking General McClernand's headquarters, and at this time, it is supposed, General A. S. Johnston fell, as (what was supposed to be) his body was found on the outer edge of this encampment. The enemy fell back over an open field, and re-formed in the skirt of the woods beyond. General Rousseau's brigade then advanced into the open field to engage him. The advance of my division had created a space between it and General Crittenden's, and the enemy began massing troops to take advantage of this gap in our line, made unavoidable by the attempt of the enemy to turn my right flank and his subsequent retreat. I immediately ordered Colonel Willich to advance to the support of General Rousseau's left :ind to give the enemy the bayonet as soon as possible. His regiment filed through the lines of Colonel Kirk's brigade, which had been withdrawn from the right when the danger menacing that Hank had passed, and advanced into a most withering fire of shell, canister and musketry, which for a moment staggered it; but it was soon rallied and for an account of the numerous conflicts and desperate charges this regiment made I refer you to Colonel Willich's report. Being now satisfied that the enemy had changed his point of attack from the right to my extreme left, I ordered Colonel Stumbaugh's Seventy- seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers to take up a position on my extreme left and repel the assault there being made. He immediately engaged them, and at this moment the contest along the whole line became terrible. Colonel Kirk's brigade was now ordered to engage, and he arrived precisely at the right moment, as the cartridges of General Rous- seau's brigade were all expended. General Rousseau's brigade fell back through openings made in Colonel Kirk's ranks, and retired to the woods in the rear to be supplied with ammunition. Three hours before being convinced by the stubbornness with which the enemy was contending and the rapid discharges of my regiments that their 40 rounds of cartridges would soon be exhausted, I dispatched Lieutenant Campbell, my ordnance officer, for teams to bring up ammunition. He arrived at the opportune moment with three wagon loads. While General Rousseau's brigade was being supplied with ammunition I ordered Colonel Gibson's brigade to engage on the left of Colonel Kirk's, where the enemy was still endeavoring to force his way. At this moment every available man was under fire, and the enemy seemed to increase in the vigor and the rapidity of his attack. Now the contest for a few moments became terrific. The enemy to retake the ground and battery lost, advanced with a force of at least 10,000 men against my two brigades, and when he deployed in line of battle the fires from the contending ranks were two continuous sheets of flame. Here Major Levenway, commanding the Thirty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, was killed by a shell, and the regiment wavered for ;i moment, when Colonel Kirk, colonel of the regiment, but commanding the Fifth brigade, seized a flag, rushed forward and steadied the line again. While doing this he was severely wounded in the shoulder. The enemy now begat) to turn the left of Colonel Gibson's brigade, when the Forty-ninth Ohio, by this disposition of the enemy, was compelled 398 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. to change its front twice, which was done under a heavy fire. I am proud to say that this hazardous maneuver was performed with apparently as much steadiness as on parade. As soon as General Rousseau's brigade had received its ammunition it was again ordered into line, and I directed into action two regiments belonging to General Hurlbut's division, which had been lying in reserve on my left since morning. When these dispositions were made I ordered an advance of my whole command, which was made in gallant style. The enemy did not withstand the charge, but fled, leaving all of their wounded, and were pursued by my division beyond General Sherman's headquar- ters of the day before, where the pursuit was taken up by the cavalry and artillery. During the action I momentarily expected the arrival of Captain Terrill and his battery. I sent an aid-de-camp to conduct him to me, so that I could put him in position. The aid-de-camp, through mistake, took the road which led to General Nelson's right, Captain Terrill was there ordered by General Buell into position. This officer did not fight under my immediate supervision, but from his report, and the verbal acknowledgments to me by General Nelson, he fought his battery gallantly and judiciously, and I commend him and his officers to my superiors. Captain Terrill, on account of his strict attention to duty in the past and conspicuous gallantry in this terrible conflict, is worthy of any promo- tion that can be bestowed upon him. My other two batteries, Captains Stone's and Goodspeed's, did not arrive in time to participate in the conflict. To the three brigade commanders — General Rousseau, Colonels Kirk and Gibson — the country is indebted for much of the success in this part of the field. General Rousseau led his brigade into action, and opened the conflict in this division in a most handsome and gallant style. He was ever to be seen watching the contest with a soldierly care and interest, which made him the admiration of the entire command. Colonel Kirk, who during the action was severely wounded in the shoulder, coolly and judiciously led his men under fire. He has been in command of the Fifth brigade for some months, and much of its efficiency is due to the care and labor he bestowed upon it. I respectfully call your attention to his meri- torious services upon this day. Colonel Gibson, although temporarily in command of the Sixth brigade, displayed great steadiness and judgment during the action. The maneuvers of his troops in the face of the enemy attest his skill and ability. Colonel Stumbaugh, with the Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, early in the action being ordered to watch the enemy upon my left, was at a later period ordered to engage. His regiment, partially isolated from the rest of the division, steadily moved over an open field in its front under a heavy fire. While here the enemy's cavalry charged this regiment twice, but were each time repulsed with heavy loss. Colonel Stumbaugh had the satisfaction of receiving the sword of Colonel Battle, of the Twentieth Tennessee, who surrendered to him as a prisoner. Major Bradford ably seconded the efforts of Colonel Stumbaugh. Colonel Bass, of the Thirtieth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, was The Battle of Shiloh. 399 wounded twice, which is the best evidence of his bearing and bravery. After Colonel Bass* last wound Lieutenant Colonel Dodge, ably assisted by Major Hurd, took command of the regiment. All three of these officers deserve the thanks of their State and country. Lieutenat Colonel Dunn, commanding the Twenty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, was marked by all for his coolness and bravery. Cap- tain Bristol, of the Thirty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, who took command of the regiment after the death of Major Levenway, greatly dis- tinguished himself during the day. Captain B. T. Davis, of the Seventy- seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, acting assistant adjutant gen- eral of the Fifth brigade; Captain Beehler and Lieutenant Dexter, of the Thirty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers (all upon Colonel Kirk's staff) were of great assistance to liim during the engagement. I mention the names of the officers of the Fifth brigade because the debility incident to Colonel Kirk's wound precludes the possibility of getting a report from him. For the instances of individual bravery and gallantry in the Fourth and Sixth brigades, where all were gallant, I refer you to the reports of General Rousseau and Colonel Gibson. The bravery and steadiness of the officers and men under my command are worthy of all praise, considering the circumstances surrounding them. The day before the battle they marched '22 miles; a portion of them stood all night in the streets of Savannah in a driving storm without sleep; all the way from Savannah the river bank was lined with fugitives in Federal uniform. At Pittsburg Landing the head of my column had to force its way through thousands of panic stricken and wounded men before it could engage fhe enemy. I take pleasure in calling your attention to Colonel Oliver and a portion of the Fifteenth Regiment Michigan Volunteers. When my division was marching into the field Colonel Oliver, before unknown to me, requested the privilege of serving with my command. His regiment was attached to General Rousseau's brigade, and during the day was under the hottest fire, where he, his officers and men, behaved with conspicuous gallantry. To the members of my staff, etc. * * * * * My casualties during the conflict were 93 killed, 803 wounded and !) missing. The small number of the latter indicates the manner in which the division was held in hand. I herewith inclose a tabular statement of the killed, wounded and missing in each brigade.* I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant. A. McD. McCOOK. Brigadier General, Commanding Second Division. Capt. J. B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General, Chief of Staff. *See revised statement Rebellion Records. 400 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. REPORTS OP GENERAL G. T. BEAUREGARD, C. S. ARMY, COM- MANDING ARMY OP THE MISSISSIPPI. Battlefield of Shiloh, April 6, 1862. We this niorniug attacked the enemy in strong position in front of Pittsburg, and after a severe battle of ten hours, thanks to the Almighty, gained a complete victory, driving the enemy from every position. Loss on both sides heavy, including our Commander-in-Chief. General A. S. Johnston, who fell gallantly leading his troops into the thickest of the fight. G. T. BEAUREGARD, General, Commanding. General S. Cooper, Asistant Adjutant General. Headquarters Army of the Mississippi, Corinth, Miss., April 11, 1862. General: On the 2nd ultimo, having ascertained conclusively, from the movements of the enemy on the Tennessee river and from reliable sources of information, that his aim would be to cut off my communications in West Tennessee with the Eastern and Southern States, by operating from the Tennessee river, between Crump's Landing and Eastport, as a base, I determined to foil his designs by concentrating all my available force at and around Corinth. Meanwhile, having called on the Governors of the States of Tennessee. .Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana to furnish additional troops, some of them (chiefly regiments from Louisiana), soon reached this vicinity, and with two divisions of General Polk's command from Columbus, and a fine corps of troops from Mobile and Pensacola, under Major General Bragg, constituted the Army of the Mississippi. At the same time General John- ston, being at Murfreesborough, on a march to form a junction of bis forces with mine, was called on to send at least a brigade by railroad. so that we might fall on and crush the enemy should he attempt an advance from under his gunboats. The call on General Johnston was promptly complied with. His entire force was also hastened in this direction, and by April 1st our united forces were concentrated along the Mobile and Ohio Railroad from Bethel to Corinth and on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad from luka to < ioriuth. It was then determined to assume the offensive, and strike a sudden blow at the enemy, in position under General Grant on the west bank of the Tennessee, at Pittsburg, and in the direction of Savannah, before he was reinforced by the army under General Buell, then known to be The Battle of Shiloh. 401 advancing fur thai purpose by rapid marches from Nashville via Columbia. About the same time General Johnston was advised that such an operation conformed to the expectations of the President. By a rapid and rigorous attack on General Grant it was expected he would be beaten back into his transports and the river, or captured, in time to enable us to profit by the victory, and remove to the rear all the stores and munitions that would fall into our hands in such an event before the arrival of General BuelTs army on the scene. It was never contemplated, however, to retain the position thus gained and abandon Corinth, the strategic point of the campaign. Want of general officers needful for the proper organization of divisions and brigades of an army brought thus suddenly together and other difficul- ties in the way of an effective organization delayed the movement until the night of the 2nd instant, when it was heard from a reliable quarter that the junction of the enemy's armies was near at hand. It was then, at a late hour, determined that the attack should he attempted at once, incomplete and imperfect as were our preparations for such a grave and momentous advance. Accordingly, that night at 1 A. M. the preliminary orders to the commanders of corps were issued for the movement. On '.he following morning the detailed orders of movement were issued and the movement, after some delay, commenced, the troops being in admirable spirits. It was expected we should be able to reach the enemy's lines in time to attack him early on the 5th instant. The men, however, for the most part, were unused to marching, and the roads, narrow and traversing a densely-wooded country, became almost impassable after a severe rain storm on the night of the 4th, which drenched the troops in bivouac; hence our forces did not reach the intersection of the roads from Pittsburg and Hamburg, in the immediate vicinity id' the enemy, until late Saturday afternoon. It was then decided that the attack should be made ou the next morning, at the earliest hour practicable, in accordance with the orders of the movement; that is, in three lines of battle, the first and second extending from Owl creek, on the left, to Lick creek, on the right, a distance of about three miles, supported by the third and the reserve. The first line, under Major General Hardee, was constituted of his corps, augmented on his right by Gladden's brigade, of .Major General Bragg's corps, de- ployed in line of battle, with their respective artillery following immediately by the main road to Pittsburg and the cavalry in rear of the wings. The second line, composed of the other troops of Bragg's corps, followed the first at a distance of five hundred yards in the same order as the first. The army corps under General Polk followed the second line, at a distance of about eight hundred yards, in lines of brigades deployed, with their batteries in rear of each brigade, moving by the Pittsburg road, the left wing supported by cavalry. The reserve, under Brigadier General Breckinridge, followed closely the third line in the same order, its right win? supported by cavalry. These two corps constituted the reserve, and were to support the front lines of battle, by being deployed, when required, on the right and left of 402 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. the Pittsburg road, or otherwise act according to the exigencies of the battle. At 5 A. M. on the 6th instant, a reeonnoitering party of the enemy having become engaged with our advance pickets, the commander of the forces gave orders to begin the movement and attack as had been deter- mined upon, except that Trabue's brigade, of Breckinridge's division, was detached and advanced to support the left of Bragg's corps and line of battle when menaced by the enemy, and the other two brigades were directed to advance by the road to Hamburg to support Bragg's right; and at the same time Maney's regiment, of Polk's corps, was advanced by the same road to re-inforce the regiment of cavalry and battery of four pieces already thrown forward to watch and guard Greer's, Tanner's and Bor- land's Fords, on Lick creek. At 5.30 A. M. our lines and columns were in motion, all animated, evidently by a promising spirit. The front line was engaged at once, but advanced steadily, followed in due order with equal resolution and steadi- ness, by the other lines, which were brought successively into action with rare skill, judgment, and gallantry by the several corps commanders as the enemy made a stand, with his masses rallied for the struggle for his encampments. Like an Alpine avalanche our troops moved forward, despite the deter- mined resistance of the enemy, until after 6 P. M., when we were in possession of all his encampments between Owl and Lick creeks but one; nearly all of his field artillery; about thirty flags, colors and standards: over 3,000 prisoners, including a division commander (General Prentiss i, and several brigade commanders; thousands of small arms; an immense supply of subsistence, forage, and muntitions of war, and a large amount of means of transportation — all the substantial fruits of a complete victory, such indeed as rarely have followed the most successful battles; for never was an army so well provided as that of our enemy. The remnant of his army had been driven in utter disorder to the imme- diate vicinity of Pittsburg, under the shelter of the heavy guns of his iron-clad gunboats, and we remained undisputed masters of his well selected, admirably provided cantonments, after over twelve hours of obsti- nate conflict with his forces, who had been beaten from thence, and the con- tiguous covert, but only by ;i sustained onset of all the men we could bring into action. Our loss was heavy. Our Commander-in-Chief, General A. S. Johnston, fell mortally wounded, and died on the field at 2.30 P. M., after bavins shown the highest qualities of the commander and a personal intrepidity that inspired all around him and gave resistless impulse to his columns at critical moments. The chief command then devolved upon me, though at the time I was greatly prostrated and suffering from the prolonged sickness with which I had been afflicted since early in February. The responsibility was one which in my physical condition, I .would gladly have avoided, though cast upon me when our forces were successfully pushing the enemy back upon the Tennessee river, and though supported on the immediate field by such The Battle of Shiloh. 403 corps commanders as Major Generals Tolk, Bragg and Hardee, and Brig- adier General Breckinridge, commanding the reserve. It was after (i P. M.. as before said, when tl aemy's last position was carried, and his forces finally broke and sought refuge behind a commanding eminence covering Pittsburg Landing, not more than half a mile distant, and under the guns of the gunboats, which opened on our eager columns a fierce and annoying fire with shot and shell of the heaviest description. Darkness was close at hand; officers and men were exhausted by a combat of over twelve hours without food, and jaded by the march of the preceding day through mud and water. It was, therefore, impossible to collect the rich and opportune spoils of war scattered broadcast on the field left in our possession, and impracticable to make any effective dispo- sition for their removal to the rear. I accordingly established my headquarters at the Church of Shiloh, in the enemy's encampments, with Major General Bragg, and directed our troops to sleep on their arms in such positions in advance and rear as corps commanders should determine, hoping, from news received by a special dispatch, that delays had been encountered by General Buell in his march from Columbia, and that his main force, therefore, could not reach the field of battle in time to save General Grant's shattered fugitive forces from capture or destruction on the following day. During the night the rain fell in torrents, adding to the discomforts and harassed condition of the men. The enemy, moreover, had broken their rest by a discharge at measured intervals of heavy shells thrown from the gunboats; therefore on the following morning the troops under my command were not in a condition to cope with an equal force of fresh troops, armed and equipped like our adversary, in the immediate possession of his depots and sheltered by such an auxiliary as the enemy's gunboats. About G o'clock on the morning of April 7, however, a hot fire of mus- ketry and artillery, opened from the enemy's quarter on our advance,] lines, assured me of the junction of his forces, and soon the battle raged with a fury which satisfied me I was attacked by a largely superior force. But from the outset our troops, notwithstanding their fatigue and losses from the battle of the day before, exhibited the most cheering, veteran-like steadiness. On the right and centre the enemy was repulsed in every attempt he made with his heavy columns in that quarter of the field. On the left, however, and nearest to the point of arrival of his re-inforcements, he drove forward line after line of his fresh troops, which were met with a resolution and courage of which our country may be proudly hopeful. Again and again our troops were brought to the charge, invariably to win the position in issue; invariably to drive back the foe.* But hour by hour, thus opposed to an enemy constantly re-enforced, our ranks were perceptibly thinned under the unceasing, withering fire of the enemy, and by 12 M. eighteen hours of hard fighting had sensibly exhausted a large number. Officers of my staff were immediately dispatched with the necessary *From the opening of the battle on the second Jay, the confederates were steadily and continuously driven back until the close of the conflict. 404 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. orders to make the best dispositions for a deliberate orderly withdrawal from the field, and to collect and post a reserve to meet the enemy, should he attempt to push after us. About 2 P. M. the lines in advance, which had repulsed the enemy in their last fierce assault on our left and center, received the orders to retire. This was done with uncommon steadiness and the enemy made no attempt to follow. The line of troops established to cover this movement had been disposed on a favorable ridge commanding the ground of Shiloh Church. From this position our artillery played upon the woods beyond for a while, but upon no visible enemy and without reply. Soon satisfied that no serious pursuit would be attempted this last line was withdrawn, and never did troops leave a battlefield in better order; even the stragglers fell into the ranks and marched off with those who had stood more steadily by their colors. (For the stragglers to have done otherwise would have been certain capture.) A second strong position was taken up about a mile in rear, where the approach of the enemy was awaited for nearly an hour, but no effort to follow was made, and only a small detachment of horsemen could be seen at a distance from this last position, warily observing our movements. Arranging through my staff officers for the completion of the movements thus begun, Brigadier General Breckinridge was left with his command as a rear guard to hold the ground we had occupied the night preceding the lirst battle, just in front of the intersection of the Pittsburg and Hamburg roads, about four miles from the former place, while the rest of the army passed to the rear in excellent order. On the following day General Breckinridge fell back about three miles to Mickey's, which position we continued to hold, with our cavalry thrown considerably forward in immediate proximity to the battlefield. Unfortunately, toward night of the 7th instant, it began to rain heavily. This continued throughout the night; the roads became almost impassable in many places, and much hardship and suffering ensued before all the regiments reached their encampments (at Corinth), but despite the heavy casualties of the two eventful days of April G and 7. this army is more confident of ultimate success than before its encounter with the enemy. To Major Generals Polk, Bragg and Hardee, commanding corps, and to Brigadier General Breckinridge, commanding the reserve the country is greatly indebted for the zeal, intelligence and energy with which all orders were executed; for the foresight and military ability they displayed in the absence of instructions in the many exigencies of the battle on a field so densely wooded and broken, and for their fearless deportment as iIm\ repeatedly led their commands personally to the onset upon their powerful adversary. It was under these circumstances that General Bragg had two horses shot under him: that Major General Hardee was slightly wounded, his coat rent by balls and his horse disabled, and that Brigadier General Breckinridge was twice struck by spent balls. To give more in detail the operations of the two days' battles resulting from the movement on Pittsburg than now attempted must have delayed the report The Battle of Shiloh. 40.-, f° F We ? S : ' terfered materially with the in,,,,,,-,,,,, duties of my posi- tion. But I may be permitted to say thai only did the obstinate conflicl for welye hours on Sunday leave the Conf rate army masters of the battlefield and our adversary beaten, but we left thai field on the aexl 'lay at. or eighl hours' incessani battle with a superior army of fresh troops whom we had repulsed in every attack on our lines-., repulsed and' 7^', 1,Hi K as <" ! — ' ^ble to take the field for the campaign for winch rt was collected and equipped a, such .-,,, enor „s expense and with such profusion of all the appliances of war. These successful results were „„, achieved, however, as before said without severe loss-a loss ,„„ ,„ be measured by the number of the slain or wounded, hut by the high social and personal worl ! so large a number o those who were killed or disabled, including the Commander-in-Chief of the forces, whose high qualities will he greatly missed in the momentous campaign impending. I deeply regret to record also the death of the Honorable George W Johnson Provisional Governor of Kentucky, who wen, into action with he Kentucky troops, and continually inspired then, by his words and example Having his horse shot under him on Sunday, he entered the ranks of 'a Kentucky regiment on Monday and fell mortally wounded towards the close of the day. Not his State alone, h,„ the whole Confed aide man!" ^^ ' ^ ^ '" ** *** ° f ^ Dr&Ve ' Upi ^ ht ™* Another gallant and able soldier and captain was lost to the service of the country when Brigadier (.,,,,,1 Gladden, commanding the Firs, Ln.ade ^uhersdn-ision. S nd Army Corps, died from a severe wound received on the 6th instant, after having been conspicuous to his whole corps and the army for courage and capacity Major General Cheatham, commanding First division, First corps was Rightly wounded and had three horses shot under hint. Brigadier General Clark, commanding S „d division. First ,,,„, _,„,„, / w „ £^^^^^^^^-*^~ Brigadier General Hindman, engaged in the outset of the ha, Me was .onsp.cuous for his coo, courage, efficiently employed in .eading his men ever m the thickest of the fray, until his horse was shot under him an ° *»*' unf ^unately, so severely injured by the fall that the army was deprived on the following day of his chivalrous example * rig " GC T D - R - ^hnson and How,,,, m0 st meritorious officers were n severely wounded in the first hat. but it is ho 1 wil, s /, nil able to return to duty with their brigades '! , ";;" > "; i " , ;. t ' 1 " many fieW ^^ ^ died or were wounded While f aIantly 'r'"^ their «"~ <'* -to action and the many hri, stances of ndividual courage displayed by officers and men in the hours of battle is impossible at this time, but their names will be duly^ade known to their countrymen. ' '•'".'" follows the usual favorable mention of officers) It remains to state that our loss on the two days, in killed outright was 406 Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment. 1,728; wounded, 8,012, and missing, 959; making an aggregate of casualties, 10,699. This sad list tells in simple language of the stout fight made by our countrymen in front of the rude log chapel of Shiloh, especially when it it known that on Monday, from exhaustion and other causes, not 20,000 men on our side could be brought into action. Of the losses of the enemy I have no exact knowledge. Their news- papers report it as very heavy. Unquestionably it was greater even in proportion than our own on both days, for it was apparent to all that their dead left on the field outnumbered ours two to one. Their casualties, therefore, cannot have fallen many short of 20,000, in killed, wounded, prisoners and missing. I have the honor to be, General, your obedient servant, G. T. BEAUREGARD, General Commanding. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General C. S. Army, Richmond, Va. «4& IMS -p