COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY WALTER H. BAKER & CO. BAKER'S DARKEY PLAYS Edited and arranged for publication from the ivell-lrnown repertoire of ** SCHOOLCRAFT AND COES " loith all their original "gag*" and " stage business." BY GEO. H. COES. Price ..... 15 cents each. "Luke Schoolcraft" and "George Coes " are too well known to admirers of Kegro Minstrelsy to require comment, and the following selections from their admirable repertory of pieces have no need of other recommendation. No one who has seen these artists in any of the following list of sketches needs assur- ance of their humor and good acting quality. Twelve are now ready, and other9 will follow as the demaud arises. Mrs. Didymus* Party. In One Scene. Two male characters. Scene, a plain room. , An immensely humorous trifle. Plays twenty minutes. Music VS. Elocution.- In One Scene. Two male characters. Scene, a plain room. Always very popular. Plays fifteen minutes. Mistaken Identity. In One Scene. Eight male and one female characters. Can be played in "white face" if desired. Plays fifteen minutes. Oh, Well, It's No Use. In One Scene. Three male characters. A very funny sketch, full of genuine darkey humor. Plays twenty minutes. Here She Goes, and There She Goes. In One Act. Eight male and one female characters. An uproariously funny piece of great popularity. Plays twenty-five minutes. A Finished Education. A Finale for the "First Part" of a Minstrel Entertainment. Three speaking characters. No change of scene Black Blunders. In Two Scenes. Nine males and three females. Scenery simple; costumes eccentric. Very lively and amusing. Plays twenty-five minutes. The Old Parson. A "First Part Finish" for a Minstrel Enter- tainment. Six speaking characters. No change of scene. Sublime and Ridiculous. In One Scene. Three male characters. Scenery and costumes very simple. A sure hit for a good burlesque comedian. Plays twenty minutes. Everyday Occurrences. A " First Part Finish " for a Minstrel Entertainment. ThreS .speaking characters. No change of scene. Badly Sold. In Two Scenes. Four male characters and supers. A very funny piece. Can be played " white face " with equally good effect. Plays twenty minutes. Our Colored Conductors- In Two Scenes. Three male char- acters and ten supers. This is an uproariously funny " skit " and a sure hit. Plays twenty minutes. Catalogues describing the above and other popular entertainments sent free on application to WALTER H. BAKER & CO., THEATRICAL PUBLISHERS, No. 23 Winter Street - BOSTON, MASS. Tricks Upon Travellers a Negro &ct in ©ne Scene ARRANGED BY GEORGE H. COES As played by Schoolcraft and Coes ■ BOSTON ^^^/4^^^^^ 1894 CHARACTERS. TOM ) > TW Servants. JERRY) TRAVELLER, PROPERTIES. Two dust-brushes. Carpet bag. A bundle of spoons. Dummy baby. Two cigars. Two glasses containing milk. Two newspapers. Candles and candle- sticks r. and L. A dummy man dressed like traveller. Copyright, 1894, by Walter H. Baker & Co. TMP92-Q08S94 TRICKS UPON TRAVELLERS. Scene. — Plain Interior. Table, c. ; two chairs. Tom {enters). Ah, nobody here ? Then I'll wait until the land- lord comes. In the meantime, Til dust up the furniture. {Com- mences to dnst.) Strange the landlord don't come. 1 got a letter this morning to come here to work, and — Jerry {enters). Hello! Are you the landlord of this place? Tom. Yes ; I got your letter this morning. Jerry. Yes ; I got your letter this morning to go to work here. Tom. I got your letter at nine o'clock, G. N., and lve come to work here. Are you the landlord ? Jerry. No. Are you the landlord? Tom. No ; didn't you send for me to come to work here? Jerry. Why, no. I've come for the situation myself, so you'd better get out of here. Tom. I won't do it. The landlord sent me a letter, and I'm going to work here. So you get out. Jerry. Well, /'/// here, and am going to work. {Both com- mence to dust furiously.) { Enter Traveller.) Traveller {looks around. He has a coat on to strip, and an overcoat with the spoons in one pocket, and dummy baby in the other). This must be the hotel. Ah, there are the servants. Tom {pulls Traveller /