PS UMBUS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, ?d^-*t3 &PV- 6o}i"]ri0|t 5^0. siici±v.y...'}...C7 DNITEB STATES OF IMEKICA. sfg^PS3k wm^m^^sms^^^^ COLUMBUS POEM, JOHN EDWARD HOWELL. JOHN EDWARD HOWELL. NEW YORK : THE HOWELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, 35 & 37 Vesey Street. 1S93. f^ COLUMBUS. — What Enigma, this, E'en Isabella's jewels haste to solve? Spain had an empty coffer, but, for these, Whose flash of scorn, well, nigh, replenished it Nor, had Columbus sailed, or, not, from Spain But, for the epoch, by her jewels, made. Ten thousand crowns, besides, three caravels — Is not Columbus, mad, and Isabel? Half thought so, Ferdinand, with Arragon, As, he, who pushing France ward, on an ass. To Isabella's plea, retraced his steps, To snatch a precious jewel, for Spaiu's brow, She may not lose, to any accident, lis blaze, as constant as the polar star's. Four centuriep, ago, Queen Isabel Had pledged her jewels to a mariner's Conceit, of nearer India : thence the crown Of Leon and Castile, flashed with more gems, Than, tears, Columbus shed t' ingratitude. CX)LUMBUS. 12 Who, neither, found Cipango, nor Cathay, Yet, stood upon the threshold of a world, Flung, wide, the door, when, in a sailor slii^t, And scratched his name upon a window 2)ane. Vext, all the manhood of the ages, since, That, he who died, in irons, to his zeal For man, failed, of a name^iake in a sphere. Yet, he, whose chains, were with his corse, in- terred, Has slept till resurrection and, anon, Two worlds shall crown the patient Genoese, Who died, unmindful, he had cleft a sphere. Dreamt, he, but, skirted Asia, in the Isles, His caravels had touched at : had he seen The Continent, he sought not, he, yet, found, What mighty thumps, his joy, for th' waning, throbs. Of his despairing heart, that burst, to chains? Yet, th' hemisphere is his, whatever name. It bears, or, may — Columbia, eternized, By the sailor's footi^rints, on San Salvador. The smile, of Isabel, pursues each ray Of Western sunshine, while, th' ingratitude Of Ferdinand, toward a brave mariner, Assures, to her, the plaudits of all time, COLUMBUS. 13 Whose gems bad won, if, Siiain had not, a World. As the Venetian Polos, sire and son. Two centuries, before him, of the East Astounded Europe, in whose startling tales Of the Great Khan, Cipaugo and Cathay, Columbus had snufft riches — from their hoard Of jewels, dazzling Venice, half the flash Of his expectant eye — who, had he dared To debate Ptolemy, had, never sailed. Who sailed, the Earth, a plane, inspired to seek Adventure, in the East, of Polo found; His route, a gift to commerce, but the gold Castile, The Church, Columbus, had not spurned. Dismist from Court, to Court he had appealed, Discoiaraged, not disheartened, still pursued His dream of nearer Asia: age, itself, Was leering at him ; poverty began To sew his tatters into seemly robes To stand in, before kings: if, irony Had stirred his genius into comedy. Then, vi^hat a farce, his failures, ere the hour A woman set the common nay aside, A tragedy, in its catastrophe. COLUMBUS. 14 Tho' in its plot the rescue of a World: The ink-horn, Isabella's, while, the pen, Was his, dipt in it — on whose cockle shells Th* Atlantic Ocean raised her veil and smiled. A sailor, with a lantern, in his head; A genius, half, discovered — in the role Of fancy, crowned with vision; in the realm Of reason, autocratic; as, a man, The ornament of manhood, when the worth Of manhood was debated: fortitude, Pronounced, as was his clemency, confest; If, sanguine, to a fault, the fault, itself, Surprised new lands; not visionary, then, He had not sailed from Palos for Cathay; Persistency of purpose, ardor, zeal. Patience with shrewdness, hope, dexterity; With self-respect, au appetite, for fame. That, but, on joints of fair achievement feeds, Were qualities, his own, by eminence. Columbus, tho' a bigot, to an Age, Of bigotry, prevails in history, Scathless, against detraction, infinite; Sharing a name, immortal, Isabel. — Yet, of thy womb he sprang, O Italy; COLUMBUS. 15 So, of her laurels, Spain must proffer thee; Thine, an exacting mother's privilege To swell with the lad's honors, whom, the sea, Kemarking brave, when age had sobered him. Insured his voyage to San Salvador, Commerce, for ports in Asia, underwrit. But, for the Church, on what, yet, earlier day, Some other sailor might have plowed the seas Hoping new lands ? — for the inveterate foe Of man, in God's name, had denounced a curse On him, had proven the earth, spherical. And, but, the servile liege, of yonder sun. Wiuds, dead, ahead, with th' devil, in th' hull, Man pushed discovery, with piety. Such as inspired Columbus to have vowed To rescue, yet, the Sepulchre of Christ, His cruises, gainful: the Crusader"s dream Still, lingered, in the faithful Mariner, The Cross, his pennant; in a Hemisphere, Unveiled, to Europe, closed the last crusade. Had not Columbus — that, some sailor had Stemmed western seas, in quest of Asia's shores, Midway, arrested by a Continent, Or, Isles, contiguous, had not withered one COLUMBUS. 16 Of all Columbus' laurels. He had done What, no man hod done: He had raised a point Half Europe jeered at — which, to scanty means, Of mutiny, confronted, he resolved. For rare adventure, the incentive found In sudden riches, pray, what mariner That, since, has made discovery thro' his, But owes his conquest to tlie Genoese? In fetters to the envy of his Age, The Muse of history may well rleuy To envy, further privilege, to wrest From his ambition, its confest reward. Too much for one, 'twere not enough for two, To halve between them, without loss to both, Of prime renown, that seldom favors twins. As solitary as that genius proved Equipt to have achieved it; since 'twas he Who argued Asia in the channel slept He meant to traverse — tho' geography Leapt from the curious log, Columbus kept. Spain had reduced the Moslem, yet, the ring Of good Toledo steel enchants the air: The Cavalier, to peace, breathed restively — Whereat, Adventure seized him, merciless, COLUMBUS. 17 And cast him, armed, adrift for shores, unknown. Chivalry pining, went to sea, to die Or win for Spain, new lands. 'Twas fabled, too. How western rivers rolled o'er beds of gold; Therein, an argument fi>r hacking steel Behind the mask of Christ — the pagan soul's Salvation, for his hoard: with which exchange Cupidity smiled, pleased, while, bigotry As factor, in the deal, snatched hull the gold. The brave Venetian was a pendulum With arc from Spain to England, who on each Reflected lustre, thro' discoveries, Ensuing his, who made it feasible To scour the Atlantic; thus a Continent From Labrador to the Tropics, hove in sight To Ferdinand and the Henries: Cabot's keels Plowed ample furrows to high latitudes, By Equatorial regions, flapping sails Within Brazilian waters: yet, wherein A glory, his, with not a birth-mark on. Had traced its dawn to First Discovery ? Amerigo, the Florentine, was fired By the bold Mariner, whose eye and voice. COLUMBUS. 18 With each familiar, so enchanted him He navigates his wake, and marvelous, A Hemisphere, as its discoverer, Bears his, who sailed to view what he had found Whose 7iaine it bears not, each unfortunate In his geography. Who, later, stood Godfather for a sphere, by a false name, Vespucci's, heard it christened; yet, to him Who hath achieved, due honor must arrive, And not to him, who hath not —history Is constantly revis6i^, to more light On, faded archives. In both light and heat, The race is more delighted than in whence Each may have sprung, or springs — tho' wherein men Are factors, equity shall never cease Eepaiiing wrongs, and mending epitaphs, Thus, to the dead awarding that denied Their challenge, living. The cavalier De Leon, farther North, Would seek the Fountain of perpetual youth. To bathe therein, renewed — and Florida Is witness to Lis dream; the Fountain, not In the Bahamas, nor the Continent, COLUMBUS. 19 He, as an Island, gave to Ferdinand. Still, had the Norseman glimpst thro' polar frost The icy locks of a huge Continent, Whose feet disport, in waters tropical, Columbus saw not: had the Norseman swam Past Barnegat, past Hatteras and snuft The blown Bermudas, he had spread a tale Thro' Iceland, that had vext the sea with gulls Winging the Norsemen, hither; e'en to them, In balmy winds, in ever-blooming flowers, In fruit, that craves not culture, but a hand To pluck its bounty, might have proved, a charm To bathe, in sunshine, their frost-bitten live-. Here is that Land, tlie ancient dreampt had been; Who cocooned it, in fable, which, belike In Atalantis had gone down the M'ave, Unresurrected — yet, behold! it risen. The virgin world of romance and of song: Tho' old as Thebes, still, old, when Thebes was young ; The most mysterious, unmysterious half, Of man's important, unimjiortant sphere. O, for a dredge had scoured th' Atlantic's bed. COLUMBUS. 20 With the Pacific's for a single hint, Of what, she has been, if a hint be there, Ere, 3'et, Columbus : life disguised by paint. Wampum and feathers; life in architraves, Buried, profoundly, in a tropic soil, Fragrant, of Empires, gone — ia proof, indeed, That but insists on, more. Here, if unearthed, Man's early fortunes, Egypt had divulged Her own enigma, and her mystery Had found a solvent, in a hemisphere, The Elder, with such incidents of youth, As i)alm it off, as Nature's, newly born. Yet Nature may have sunk a Continent; Its warts and mountain peaks remarked in Isles Of the Atlantic — whence, perhaps a proof Of man's antiquity, e'en, more remote, Than, revrlations from the cave, or drift; Or, proof, a Western Continent was known. However vaguely, to the Orient. What, Plato learned, thro' Egypt we have heard, Of Plato, garnished : the Canary Isles, With th' Azores, in either, witnesses To Land, whereof they were— whereof, to-day, They bloom, survivors — if, the dream be true, Of an Atlantis, lost. COLUMBUS. 21 Four hundred years, in either heiQisphere, Alone, in history, wherein, remarked, For man's material vantage, or, wherein. For vision, due heroic .surgery; Wiierein, for nascent freedom — fit, it seems. Both worlds i^artake a common holiday, And on the spil, by Europe's Mariner, Devised to sequent Agf s, give his fume, A mortal whiff, that hath immortal wing. In Hendrick Hudson's shadow, hugging close New Amsterdam, whose slice of commerce feels Manhattan shrink to its necessities; She, a kaleidoscope of either World, And whence the New is, ever, advertised — Peaceful as sportive dolphins, Europe's fleets Here, come to anchor, salvo the renown Uf the dead Admiral, who flagged for her Lands, she conceded to descendent swarms. Theirs, manhood to develop, to new skies, Plastic, to factors, in both sun and soil : Who, bearing Europe with (hem, still, were bred To premises, that urged expeiiment, With an unLeard-of accent and surprised Europe, wherein, Opinion, if supreme, COLUMBUS. 22 Is capable of power, intelligent. Four centuries have so remodelled man, Two Hemispheres are one. save wherein yet, Twain, to tradition. It must demonstrate Life's clear advance, in that, fraternal guns Met, to do honor to the Genoese. Laud most the comity concerned therein, And deal to power, a blow with iron fist, Whose, no just cause, had strained the bonds of peace. In the Infanta, gleams the Crown of Spain, With such a flawless jewel — royalty, In her, may placate Isabella's shade, Whose World she enteis, as a Nation's guest, Within her welcome — Spain's. Tis a clear honor to have sprung of loins That have done man much service, in a life Of thought or action — and there still survives An honor., d line of the great Admiral, Which, Spain ennobled when Columbus had. Whose, living to wear home, his garlands — dead. Of th' Arts of peace, of e'en the Art of war, COLUMBUS. 23 A cosmorama, what, so masterful, As such a canvas, to impress the Age Thro' deadlier guns, to swell the means of peace, Thro' gains in peace, to augment the meuns of war ? So, what time fitter than when Nations join To laud a Sailor on the Hemisphere To Europe, he unveiled ? Competitiv , The Arts of industry, at one, are found As civilizers, foremost. Commerce hath The Age afloat and seta the Age, ashore, "Whenever she makes port : so marvelous That part she plays, in progress — life had been A hushman's, to all latitudes, denied The riches in her hull and from her log A World's peacemaker's message, polyglot. Nor, had Aladdin's lamp, if to this day Exposed to friction, such a Vision raised To outright wonder, as sits regally On the Lake's shore — to half a century Indebted only— wherein, Art with Art Contending, well anticipates to score An Annus Memordbilis, for aye. COLUMBUS. 24 While, Lusitania, by bold seaujanship, Doubled the jewelled heel of Africa, SiJain stared at the Pacific, swum the strait, Found half the globe, a waste of billowj' seas, ^Vhose archipelagoes are, even, yet. Withholding data, from geography. To match discovery, by land and sea. Dismissing Aristotle, half -infirm, Arguing the heavens, aright -debating man, Eeason, to units, brought him, at a blow. She, without precedent, for half, she did, Saw, in much driftwood, promise of new land Her canvas strained for : it was seamanship That, often, cast the lead ; oft of the skies, Entreating sea room; it was confidence In man, as man, untried, put, to the test. To disadvantage, man's, with the test, sus- tained. A vaster hemisphere, of reason, found In th' waste, outlying, than Spain scourged for gold; While, on that hemisphere, ere Spain had done Her search for i iches, she enthroned herself, In th' name of Freedom, tho' of later loins, Than, theirs, of Marathon — yet, like, their own, COLUMBUS. 25 With, for the Isles, of Greece, .1 hemisphere. With, for an Attica, a Continent. Yet, sprung more freedom, of the Pilgrim's pluck, Than from his dogmas ; for, his faith, in God . Developed faith, in man, with tomahawks, Arrows and scalping knives, the incidents Of his experience. To his firelock, faith Lent execution : in the Puritan, The dying throb of the Age of Faith, survived. For tomb and holy grail, the knight had fought With, ever, on his crest, as, in his heart, Reminders of his oath, to- womanhood, In her, his heart confest :- the Puritan, God— only, God, his, not a license, man's But, were a penance, to the Cavalier : Yet, his was knighthood, tho' unhorsed, afoot, That had encountered polar frost, for Heaven. Enthusiasm, from a woman's arms. Ventured to Jewry, in the pious knight : Exchanged for zeal, inspired by th' liberty, To think, aloud, tho' in a wilderness, The knighthood of the Pilgrim, served the State, Half, by the very error , due, to faith. ^ J Jfi] : ■; f^ ,^ r"- *W ^^^w' "_'^" • IP :::^'--^ *%l| fl r- ' • »" ' sr W i. 4^ if . zj OQ COLUMBUS. 26 A commonwealth, to Britain, mounts a throne With Cromwell's warning ringing in both ears : But, to the acreage, the Pilgrim found, A Commonwealth, into a State, resolves ; Both oceans, heaving vantage and defense. Arguing, the popular will, perpetual. — Of a virgin world, Europe ran on, as, if, an Eastern tale : Then, having sliced it up, she cast the bits Among her courtiers : yet, the liberty Of thought, outsailed the eager colonist, Safe, here, to bid him welcome, as, he set His foot, uncertain, where, he set it down. — "Who, in the dreary daybreak, offered fight To th' Briton, by Leonidas were led. Spartan, to broader freedom, where, they fell. Than, at Thermopylae. Courage is the same In every age, but, never, to the blast Of every bugle, equal : valor clings To the dam's breast, a babe, forever, fed. With th' roilk, that flushes heroes. Any blade Outranks Toledo's, if, it slash its way Clean, to a throne and force it to do right : Such valor is an epoch; such was, theirs. From Lexington to York town, facing odds, For common justice. COLUMBUS. 27 'Tis ours, who have it — theirs, who capture it; So, runs the doubtful haw, time, still sustains; Meum and tuum, with few sanctions, yet, But, smell of burnt gunpowder. Liberty Hath, then, the Western Hemisphere, her own, First, in the right, as, of discovery, Next, in her mustering arms, had held it, fast. Yet, if her title lack an element Of strength, sh3 finds it, in the weal of men, Which, once, despaired of — lo! her title fails. Her guns were spiked, her gallant gunners slain, Her paps, torn, by more arrows, than, yon sun Had quenched, twanged at him — while the out- raged seas Had swampt her Continents. — What shall save Her cities from pollution and her soil From felony and murder and assure Liberty, to Americans? — her soil To husband, well, for free-born citizens? Better, her land, a howling wilderness, Than, rocking, to tbe fortunes of a mob. Majorities may have the ring of gold, Or, the false ring of guineas, counterfeit : Minorities, thias, govern, not, in right. COLUMBUS. 28 Of the minority, in reason's own, Wbei'eby, tbey govern, who prove competent : It, the same right, that, all majorities Wield, to intelligence, or, lose, to none — Where'er opinion sways a State or Eealm, In party-spirit, its palladium ; Of power, that had encroached, on th' popular will The prompt corrective : it, to flagging zeal, That would assert rights, yet, imrecognized. Re-stimulation — while, the common mind. To clarify and raise, a forum, whence, Incessant disputation. — Freedom, in capitals, on every page, Of ad captandum volumes proves, how near Eelated, freedom is to printer'., ink, In half, the world's esteem — while, platitudes, That, like the music-monger's popular airs, Preserve a cruel sameness, stir the wax. In drowsy listeners' ears. What, these shores expect Is sweat, to till them, not the irony 0£ labor, the East starves to : not, an eye In search of unearned guineas, but, an arm To cleave the oak, or furrow the fat soil COLUMBUS. 29 For willing harvests— an American, Ere, he has lost his sea-legs, would, in each. Ere, he has sworn allegiance, hither, come ; Land, left behind him, thence, a memoi-y. 'Tis treason to America, wherein. Allegiance is half-hearted— while, the gold, Had, from America, were, justly, hers, To build her fortunes, broadening, to more sons. Him, here, to find a pocketbook and stem The ocean ferry, homeward, Bhoiild receive As many lashes, as half-eagles his. He would steal ofE with. 'Tis not Griqua-land, Whence, with, of gems, a handful, to take flight ; A land, a home, 'tis not a halting-place. Adventure flags, her own, from the Andes' peaks And th' Rocky Mountains : populous, enough. To formulate a destiny, she hath Ignored her antecedents, as a world, Wherein, the outlaw sought a heritage, Which, desijite justice and the rights of man, His, to give false direction : henceforth, man's To culture manhood, that vocation, theirs. Who venture, hither. COLUMBUS. m Under what specious guise, did Conscieccelate, Revive the Phallus and the orgies crown, With plural marriage, till the virgin soil Of Utah, swarms, with saints-in-bastardy V Freedom, unwary, miast have closed her eyes, On half a Continent, while, to the chin, Immersed, in gain, by the Atlantic's roar, Deaf, to the wail, of butchered chastity. And, yet, the Mormon lingers, less, to purge His still, transparent life, of lechery, Than, to the law, to veil it — and behind Impervious arras, to spread wider bunks. Thus, fitly, maskers, behind leaves of brass Etched, with much drivel, still entice their dujies To slavery, not African, but worse. Thro' a credulity, that, at a gulp, A coach-and-six had bolted and cried — more i — Here, if no stage. To Europe re-enact, as Europe was ; A drama, Europe, as she is, had failed. That plague of empire, foimd in vicinage Perplexes Europe, who each problem solves Thro' ever-swelling fleets and armaments : Analogy, at fault, in feudal power And power, one step from a Democracy. COLUMBUS. 31 Men, in the past, were freedmen and wherein Born, freemen, yet, to reason and to pluck. Prone to enact the Roman — tyrants t weep Man's heart-strings for a viol — give his eye, The gladiator, he commits the State To wanton cohorts. Liberty responds To moral purpose, free to will and do : Is less, conspicuous option to enjoy One's sweat, as one elects ; freedom as yet, Seen, as a larva, to the imago, A lexicon revised some ages hence Had served her fitly— of his thoughts meanwhile Eesolving into justice; man, confest, An acqiiisition of his intellect. Life, here, is tentative, with but the link Of common human natiire, to unite Man's fortunes with the past : his, liberty With men and means to do whate'er she would, If, when done, wisely — to light save her own, None, safer that the dog star's : liberty In man, a knight to his own chivalry. Is reason against wampum — politics, With precedent against it, but the Crown Meant for a feudal prince, man snatched and wears. COLUMBUS. 32 Less, in the tact of suffrage, thauin tb' light That casts the ballot, freedom — argument For more light, never done : in liberty, A higher scholarship, than had sufficed To relish Homer, to drive smartly home, Her golden tent pins ; to instil in toil A craving, next to bread, for aliment Had twisted moral purpose round her thews And in each nook and corner of the brain Had occupation. Not, greater Europe, but America In sympathy with mountain, lake and plain. Her regal betterments — their privilege To build who will, with square and trowel, hers. The pohcy of joint America Eesents dictation: since, in politics, The policy of Europe is her own, So, on the Western Hemisphere, i^roceeds An argument for power, American. No mirror for America, not wrought Of her own silver; hers no threshing floor But th' prairies she has harvested ; her strength. In sons and many, who confess the plow. Yet argue freedom; on opinion stood, COLUMBUS. 33 Unprojjt of bayonets, who propt thereby, Had fallen on her sword, a suicide. Democracy, with welts, like Attica's, Is the first milestone, past a virtuous State, Whatever, Art, or Culture warrant there. E'en, if her soil be yet the gamesters' stake, Whence, rules of play but from the gamesters, sat? Their arms had queried. If, a derelict, Who, in mid-ocean, have the craft, in tow. What admiralty, but the better steel Had wrested from them ? — In courageous sons. In gold and silver, subject to her draft, With Nature's seal on half, unbroken yet. In plow, in loom, in forge, a trinity Of factors, that to famine, fire and sword, While, heedful, breathe of apprehension, free; In single marriage, with unshaken vows. In maidens, taught the distaff and the stars. In lads, taught how to clamber into men, In fathers, who remember they have sons, In mothers, who had silenced they are wives. In fields of corn that ripen into brains, COLUMBUS. 34 In demagogues as rare as if from God, In patriots as thick as summer flies, In conscience, with no cast in either eye, In justice blind as ever to who pleads — A Future, for America, or none. In th' English language, the North Continent Hath unity beyond both steam and steel, And tU' electric flash on treason's trail : Freedom, therein, not polyglot, but theirs The English tongue, as if vernacular, Unargued, whence met there. What argument Therein, for conscience, in a license, wide As freedom to no law, but each man's will? What plea for rights not native to the soil ? While Europe eyes her scales, discretion here, Pursues opinion — or to lend it wing — Or, thwart its vantage, when inimical To popular freedom — man, that uppermost, In man, the many : in America Of either Ocean severed from the Past, Man, to his intuitions, breathes restored. A nation, if of soldiers under arms. Stagnates to peace and burns for war to let, For freshening throbs in life that had survived. COLUMBUS. 35 Her own blood freely : in a nation, free, A soldiery of citizens, in peace, Impli s not blood to opportunity, A country's power, e'en how invincible, Hers, one estate, Kings, Lords, and Commons, — man. — Courage long bottled may have turned to air Occasion come to prove it — to the stress Of an emergence, courage raw, defies Oft, odds and weatheretl files. In men's traditions of a Church and State Propt of each other — in Power secular, With violent presumption against man, Investitiare Divine — in the still flow Of that insidious stream, a mythic Past, Per23etual menace to America. Yet, in the Common School, the common mind Hails light enough to urge it to seek more. While the Press winds it in a comet's tail. And Science airs to keep her secrets best. Thro' emulation, from the sculling match To Senatorial combat-, leadership Enchanting many, narrows t ) the few Who fill with honor, place. If, ever true, COLUMBUS. 36 Ambition seeks the honors of the State, The State rewards Ambition : to this day The gladiator of the dexterous steel Is hero, to all p)eoples, if he fall To shafts of envy — in his cutting off, In sight of power, his apotheosis, A nation, prostrate — while, th' incumbent, dead May leave a corpse, so shrunken to the pomp. That waits his burial, as to argue home. He is, the throne, who fills it. A race of men, tho' not autocthones, Yet, veritable products of The West, Her soil, her skies, her climate, liberty Photographed in the humblest countenance Defines that type of life, American. Freedom of thought forbids intolerance. Yet, Conscience, if a clever mask for shame Treason, or immorality — what, then? Imperium, in imperio — possible. To a false conscience, were not to one true , Loyalty to the State found broad enrugh For every creed at peace, and not, at war With human nature : altho' pertinent, Why yet retain the supernatural. COLUMBUS. 37 A word, for something, men know nothing of, Who beg the question, if a fact, at all ? The State forecloses what had thwarted her, In re-disfcributing to men, the powers, Confided to her— by her seal, thereon. Inviolable. — The future, of all Power, is equity, Or, re-construction ; not a plea is left For Power, an heirloom, as, a guarantee. Against dismissal : in dynastic blood, But, a presumption, in his favor, sat. To sway a Kingdom. What an impetus To wholesome manhood, were the fall of caste ; Whence, Asia's blight, whence Europe's sallow fields, Which, well disguised, would cross th' Atlantic strait ? Men are, here, fitly, if to ascertain The soundness of that bond, of Nature, sealed, She forfeits, to man's failure to achieve High aims, she fosters, in him— in th' event The earth shall prove his masters' — his reward Still, but, the dole, begrudged a villien's sweat. Freedom appears, but breaches in the walls COLUMBUS. 38 Of men's traditions ; man's, all conquests, hence. In wider breaches — all her riders cast, Who mounts the fleetest steed, e'er j-et bestrode. But, most siire-footed — he, with thrice the dash Of Knight, historic : with his mettle, thrice. Time, thrice as precious, purpose, thrice as high ! — Who will, come in — but, let him, at the door, Cast off his sandals, careful, not, to bring The old world hither— his, t' accept the new, As, he shall find it : to her pupilage, Submiss, a neophyte of liberty : Here, both his school of morals and of light ; Here, an American or, here, amiss : Here, the one flag, his heart must throb with raised ; His life, in peace, found, gainful, to it, furled. The Social State is man, with pared nails, Unknotted hair and beard — with face and hands. Pare, to both lye and water, and himself. Wrapt, or, in homespun, or, in broadcloth, sat, T' enjoy the fact of life, with other men, Found, like him, willing, both, to eat of salt. And break their bread, together. There had been No mystery, in life, man had not solved, COLUMBUS. 30 Its data, laid before him — 'tis, to loss, Of facts, philosoj)liy, is, at a stand. All rights of man and rights of property. If, not, inviolate, no social state. Give men the rights, e'en rodents have, to house And hold it, sacred, their own industry. The world's woof is barbaric, with stray threads Of culture, in the warp, whose tints unite To dominate the glare and hint the eye. Of th' harmony of virtue. — What, a blown rose, to breathe of. Ages, hence, Freedom, may, haply, be ? Haste, vainly, makes An argument for freedom, that involves No preparation— Freedom, slow to learn. How, to, oft, ford the Seine and wash her feet, Quit, of blood, always. — Who, of all men, knows, How, near, he sleeps to freedom, or, how far. From chains, that wait his ankles? What, so fit. As, her slashed flag, to summit, yet, staunch heaps Of putrefaction? — The concluding act Voicing the drama, dips, th' catastrophe, In colors, fast, as Tyre's. — Humanity Seemed, with the earth, a plane, a horizon COLUMBUS. 40 Wide, as a nomad's t^-nt— to the earth, sphered, Humanity, resolved into a globe, That swings, the, only, known, celestial sphere. Finis. 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