ol .0 ^°-n.^ V 3° ^^^ ^ .^>* ^^^ ^^ ^'-- ^^^ • . 1 ' .^"•V. 0^ • " • « ^ « k. * * * _* * |-. J»ill flmiirlliii Aiut^ 4, * * » Ji^ » *»«•«■ * * &^'« tm^ *^4 * * >K i^ MEMOIRS -^! » ^ [ I * )K X X OF X X WBSTBRN <> ARKANSAS. COMPRISING A Condensed History of tlqe State, a number of Biographies of Distinguisl^ed Citizens of the sanne, a brief Descriptive History of each of the Counties mentioned, and numerous Biographical Sketches of th[e Citizer|s of such Counties, ) «^ IL/L/USTRATED.^3^ MBCXEO CHICAGO AND NASHVILLE: The Southern fUBLisHiNG Gompany. 1891. ^ ^'i » JT Prerace. ^€] '7i^'\ ^ ?k^ 'N the preparation of tliis volume special care was employed and great expense incurred to render the matter strictly accurate, with what result is left to the considerate judgment of our patrons. The greatest difficulty was experienced in the spelling of proper names, and in the fact that too many of the person a sketches were not corrected and returned as requested. The great care taken by the Publishers to submit every personal sketch, Should relieve them from all accountability for mistakes occurring in those sketches that were not corrected and returned by sub- scribers. It is hoped that the errors are few. The Publishers will willingly correct by special errata sheet, as is their custom, the few errors which appear, upon prompt notification of the same. In all cases, tyjie-written copies of the personal sketches were submitted by mail to the subjects for revision and correction, and in most instances were improved and returned. The Publishers with pride call particular attention to the superb mechanical execution of the volume. They warmly thank their friends for the success of their difficult enterprise. Jhe Publishers. ^* fe> *' ■^•K- CHAPTER I. Geology — Importance of Geologic Study— Area and Cli- mate — Boundaries — Principal Streams of the State — The Mountain Systems — The Great Springs — Diversity of Soils — Caves — The Mines, Their Wonderful Depos- its and Formations 9-18 CHAPTER II. Archaeology — Remains of Flint Arrow and Spear Heads, and Stone and Other Ornaments — Evidences of Pre- historic People along the Mississippi — Mounds, etc., in Other Portions of the State — Local Archaeologists and Their Work — The Indians — Tribal and Race Char- acteristics — The Arliansas 'Tribes — The Cession Trea- ties — The Removal of the Cherokees, Creeks and Chootows — An Indian Alarm — Assassinatioa of the Leaders, etc., etc 19-33 CHAPTER III. Discovery and Settlement — De Soto in Arkansas — Mar- quette and Joliet — La Salle, Hennepin and Tonti — French and English Schemes of Conquest and Dreams of Power — Louisiana — The " Bubble " of John Law— The Early Viceroys and Governors — Proprietary Change of Louisiana — French and Spanish Settlers in Arkansas — Englisli Settlers — A Few First Settlers in the Counties — The New Madrid Eartliquake — Other Items of Interest 34-34 CHAPTER IV. Organization — The Viceroys and Governors — The Attitude of the Royal Owners of Louisiana — The District Divided — The Territory of Arkansas Formed from the Territory of Missouri — The Territorial Government — The First Legislature — The Seat of Government — Other Legisla- tive Bodies — The Duello — Arkansas Admitted to State- hood — The Constitutional Conventions — The Memor- able Reconstruction Period — Legislative Attitude on the Question of Secession — The War of the Governors, etc., etc 3 1 41 CHAPTER V. .Advancement of the State — Misconceptions Removed- Effects of Slavery upon Agriculture — Extraordinary Improvements Since the War — Important Suggestions —Comparative Estimate of Products— Growth of the Manufacturing Interests— Wonderful Showing of Ar- kansas — Its Desirability as a Place of Residence— State Elevations 45-53 CHAPTER VI. Politics— Importance of the Subject— The Two Old Schools of Politicians — Triumph of the Jacksouians — Early Prominent State Politicians — The Great Question of Secession— The State Votes to .Join the Confederacy — Horror of the War Period— The Reconstruction Distress —The Baxter-Brooks Embruglio 52-55 CHAPTER VII. Societies, State Institutions, etc.— The Ku Klux Klan— Independent Order of Odd Fellows— Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons— Grand Army of the Republic— Bu- reau of Mines— Arkansas Agricultural Associations — State Horticultural Society — The ^VTieel— The State Capital— The Capitol Building— State Libraries— State Medical Society— State Board of Health— Deaf Mute Institute — School for the Blind — Arkansas Lunatic Asj'lum — Arkansas Industrial University — The State Debt 56-64 CHAPTER VIII. The Bench and Bar — An Analytic View of the Profession of Law — Spanish and Frencli Laws — English Common Law— The Legal Circuit Riders— Territorial Law and Lawyers — The Court Circuits — Early Court OfBcers — The SuprenK\Court — Prominent Members of the State Bench and Bar— The Standard of the Execution of Law in the State 65-73 CHAPTER IX. The Late Civil War— Analytical View of the Troublous Times — Passage of the Ordinance of Secession — The Call to Arms— The First Troops to lake the Field— In- vasion of the State by the Federal Army — Sketch of the Regiments— Names of Officers- Outline of Field Operations— Cleburne and Tell— Extracts from Private Memoranda — Evacuation of the State — Re-occupation —the War of 1813— The Mexican War— Standard of American Generalship 73-Sl -^ ;rr CHAPTER X. Public Enterprises— The Real Estate Bauk of Arkansas- State Roads and Other Highways— The Military Roads —Navigation within the State from the Earliest Times to the Present— Decadence of State Navigation— Steam- boat Racing— Accidents to Boats— The Rise and Growth of the Railroad Systems— A Sketch of the Diflerent Lines — Other Important Considerations 8^-87 CHAPTER XI. The Counties of the State— Their Formation and Changes of Boundary Lines, etc.— Their County Seats and Other Items of Interest Concerning them— Defunct Counties —New Counties— Population of all the Counties of the State at every General Census 87-92 CHAPTER XII. Education — The Mental Type Considered— Territorial Schools, Laws and Funds — Constitutional Provisions for Education— Legislative Provisions— Progress since the War— The State Superintendents — Statistics — Arkansas Literature— The Arkansaw Traveler 93-97 CHAPTER XIII. The Churches of Arkansas— Appearance of the Mission- aries—Church Missions Established in the Wilderness— The Leading Protestant Denominations- Ecclesiastical Statistics— General Outlook from a Religious Stand- point . .' 98-101 CHAPTER XIV. Names Illustrious in Arkansas History— Prominent Men- tion of Noted Individuals— Ambrose H. Sevier— Will- iam E. Woodruff — John Wilson — .John Hemphill — .Jacob Barkman— Dr. Bowie— Sandy Faulkner— Samuel H. Hempstead— Trent, Williams, Shinn Families, and Others— The Conways— Robert Crittenden- Archibald Yell — .Judge David Walker — Gen. G. D. Royston— .Judge .James W. Bates 102-113 CHAPTER XV. Yell County — Its Fortunate Situation and Great Natural Advantages— Its Streams— Lands— The Surface of the County — Agricultural Products — Timber — Minerals— The Mountains — Springs— Origin of the Name Darda- uelle— The Cherokee Agency— Pioneer Settlers and Their Indian Neighbors— Land Entries Prior to 1845— Early Mills and Cotton-gins— County Organization— The Temporary and Permanent Seat of Justice— Old and Later County Buildings— County Oflleers.lS-lO-OO— Bench and Bar— Congressional and Legislative Repre- sentation—The County Press— Yell County in the War —A Record of Death— Yell's Federal Soldiers— Church History— Public and Academic Educational Institu- tions — Towns — Biographical 113-192 Products and Minerals — Its Political Townships and Their Area — County Organization — The Several Seats of Justice — County Buildings — Pope County's Civil List — .Judges, Clerks, Sheriffs, Coroners, Surveyors — The Pope County Circuit Court, Its Offlcers and Law- yers — Representatives in Senate and Lower House and in Constitutional Conventions — County Politics — The Dwight Mission and the Cherokee Settlement — Beginning and Progress of Settlement — Land Entries in Pope County Prior to 184.5 — Educational History and School Statistics — Railways — Incorporated Towns, Villages and Post-offices — Old Norristown and Other Once Important Points — Churches — The War and Reconstruction Period — The Press 193-271 CHAPTER XVII. Johnson C'oimty — Its Boundaries, Topography, Lands and Mineral and Agricultural Resources — A Remarkable Coal Region — Land Entries and Early Settlement — Educational Interests — Ecclesiastical History — County Organization — Location of Seat of Justice and Erec- tion of Public Buildings- Political Townships— List of County Ollicers— Senators and Members of the Lower Branch of the Arkansas Legislature Represent- ing This County— The Fifth Judicial Circuit and the Johnson County Bar— Notaries Public— Congressional Representation— Railway History and Prospects- Towns, ^Villages and Post-ofiices- Military History— The Old Militia Organization, the Mexican War and the Struggle of the States— The County Press, Its Editors and Publishers— The Johnson County Pomo- logical Society 272-.?21 CHAPTER XVIII. Logan County — Location— Area— Lands— Topography— Mountains— Streams— Derivation of Names— Timber —Minerals— Agriculture— Horticulture— Grapes and Native Wines— Paris Nursery— Raising of Live Stock —Transportation Lines— Settlement— Dc Soto's Expe- dition—Mounds Containing Human Bones- Sup- posed Fightwith Indians— Early Settlers Mentioned— An Ancient Grave— County Organization— Boundary Lines— First County Seat— Second and Final County Seat— Burning of Court-houses— County Buildings —Change of Name of County from Sarber to Logan- County Officers- Political Aspect— Election Returns —Circuit Court— Logan County Legal Bar— Criminal Executions— Civil War— Haguewood Fight— Attack on Roseville— Towns, Villages and Post-offices— Press— Education— Christianity— Views from Short CHAPTER XVI. Pope County, Its Situation, Boundaries, Resources and Prospects- -Its Timber and Its Streams— Agricultural Mountain . .323-.383 CHAPTER XIX. Scott County— Physical Description— Boundary, Mount- ain Ranges, Streams, Area, Height of Land— Char- acter of Soil, Etc.— The Great Fourche La Favc Val- ley—The Poteau and Petit Jean Valley Systems- Value of Lauds— Analysis of Soils— Temperature— The County Coal Fields— Thickness, Quality and *f: I Quantity— stone, Gold and Other Minerals — Gas and Oil Prospects— Lumber Resources — Scott County Or- ganized — The County Seat — Fires — Congressional Districts — Townships — County Officers — Judicial Cir- cuits—The Squatters and Pioneers— Wild Game- Wild Fruit — Catalogue of Early Settlers — Educational Facilities and Statistics — School Finances — The Churches and Sunday-schools — List of Post-offices — -\ Sketch of the Towns and Villages — Their Resi- dents, Business and Population — Societies — Railway Prospects — The Local Newspapers — Military Record of Scott County , 3*t-133 CHAPTER XX. Polk County — Location and Boundary — Topography, Streams, Springs and Water'Supply— 'Timber — Soil- Farm Products — PubliciLands — Minerals, Gold, Silver, Manganese, Etc. — Horticulture — Vineyards — Native Wine — Live Stock — U. S. Signal Service — Climate — Proposed Railroads — Taxable Wealth — Wild Animals — Settlement — Pioneer Settlers — First Mills — Pioneer Cabins — County Organization — County Seat — Public Buildings — County Officers- Election Returns— Popu- lation — Circuit Court — Legal Bar — Civil War — Dallas and Other Towns — Dallas High School — Educational Facilities — Religious Denominations 434-46.T CHAPTER XXI. Montgomery County — Location — Boundary — Area — De- scription, Resources and Productions — Soil — Streams Freestone and Mineral Springs — Water Power — Tim- ber — Minerals — Live-stock Raising — Statistics— Fruit- Growing — The Grape and Its Product — Diversified Farming — Settlement — Early Settlers— Slaves — Public Lands— First Tax Book— Present Taxable Wealth- County Organization — Early Records— County Seat — Commissioners to Locate County Seat — Municipal Townships — County Boundary Lines — County Build- ings — County Officer-s — Political Status — Election Re- turns—Population — Circuit Court — First Court Ses- sions — First Grand and Petit Juries — Civil War Period Towns — Schools — Religious Denominaticms — Etc. .46(>-49" Tji ISTOHY ^ OF - ^HKfll^SAS. •e- » > * < ♦ Geology— Importance of Geologic Study— Area and Climate— Boundaries— Principal Streams OF THE State— The ^Xountain Systems— The Great Springs- Diversity of Soils- Caves— The Mines, their "WoNDKurrL Deposits and Formations. Such blessings Nature pours. O'erstocked mankind enjoys but half her stores. — Young. HE matter of first impor- tance for every civilized peo- ple to know is the economic geology of the country they inhabit. The rocks and the climate are the solution in the end of all problems of ife, as they are the prime sources from which all that human beings can possess comes. The measure of each and every civilization that has adorned the world is in exact de- gree with the people's knowledge 3T^of the natural laws and the envi- ronments about them. The foundation of civilization rests upon the agriculturists, and nothing can be of more importance to this class than some knowledge of what materials plants are composed, and the source from whence they de- rive existence; the food upon which plants live and grovv; how they are nourished or destroyed; what plant food is appropriated by vegetation itself, without man's aid or intervention, through the natural operations in constant action. The schools will some day teach the children these use- ful and fundamental lessons, and then, beyond all peradventure, they will answer very completely the lately pr pounded question: " Are the public schools a failure?" The knowledge of the ele- mentary principles of the geology of this country is now the demand of the age, made upon all na- tions, in all climes. The character of vegetation, as well as the qualities of the waters and their action upon vege- table and animal life, is primarily determined by the subjacent rocks on which the soil rests. Earth and air are but the combinations of the original gases, forming the solids, liquids and the atmosphere surrounding the globe. The soil is but the decomposed rocks — their ashes, in other words, and hence is seen the imperative necessity of the agriculturist understanding something of the rocks which lie beneath the laud he would success- fully cultivate. He who is educated in the simple funda.aental principles of geology — a thing easier to learn than is the difference in the oaks and pines of the forest — to him there is a clear comprehension of the life-giving qualities stored in the surfafie rocks, as well as a knowledge of the minerals to be r r ^1 10 HISTORY OF AEKANSA.S. found in their company. A youth so educated possesses incomparable advantages over his school companion in the start of life, who has conceuirated his energies on the classics or on metaphysical sub- jects, whether they enter the struggle for life as farmers, stock raisers, miners or craftsmen. It is as much easier to learn to analyze a rock, min- eral or soil, than to learn a Greek verb, as the one is more valuable to know than the other. All true knowledge is the acquirement of that which may aid in the race of life, an education that is so prac- tical that it is always helpful and useful. The geology of Arkansas, therefore, so far as given in this chapter, is in fact but the outline of the physical geography of one of the most interest- ing localities of the continent, and is written wholly for the lay reader, and attempted in a manner that will reach his understanding. Within the boundary lines of the State are 53,- 045 square miles, or 33,948,800 acres. It has 3,868,800 more acres of land than the State of New York, and multiplies many times the com- bined natural resources of all the New England States. It has 2,756 miles of navigable rivers. It had a population in 1880, as shown by the census, of 802,525. Of these there were 10,350 foreigners and 210,606 colored. In 1820 the Ter- ritory had a population of 14,255; in 1830, of 30,- 338; in 1840, of 97.554; in 1850, of 209,897; in 1800, of 435,450; in 1870, of 481,471. (This was the Civil War decade.) In 1885 the popula- tion had advanced about 200,000 over the year 1880, or was near 1,000.000. In 1887 it reached the figures of 1,260,000, or an increase of more than a quarter of a million in two years, and there is reason to believe this increased ratio will pass beyond the two million mark in the next census. At least, an increase of one hundred per cent in the ten years is indicated. Keeping in miud that there are no great populous cities in the Stfite, it will be known that this has been that healthy in- crease of population which gives glowing promises for the future of the State. Here the agricultural districts, and the towns and cities, have kept even jTHce, while in some of the leading States of the Mississippi Valley the great cities have grown while the rural population has markedly decreased. These are serious problems to reflective minds in those States where the cities are overgrowing and the country is declining. Happily, Arkansas is troubled with no such indications of the disturbed natural distribution of its people. The State, since it emerged from the dark and evil days of civil war and reconstruction, has not only not been advertised in regard to its natural resources, but has been persistently slandered. The outside world, more than a generation ago, were plausibly led to believe the energy of its citizens was justly typified in the old senseless ballad, "TheArkan- saw Traveler." and the culture and refinement of its best people are supposed to be told in the witty account of Judge Halliburton's " First Piano in Arkansas. ' ' The ruined hopes, the bankrupted fortunes and the broken hearts that are the most recent history of the Western deserts, form some of the measure the poor people are paying for the de- ceptions in this regard that have been practiced upon them. These silly but amusing things have had their effect, but they were pleasant and harm- less, compared to thi' latest phase of pretexts for persistent publications of the cruelest falsehoods ever heaped upon the heads of innocent men. But, in the end, even this will do good ; it is to be seen now among the people. It will put the people of the State upon their mettle, resulting, if that is not already the fact, in giving it the most orderly, law abiding, peaceful and moral people of any equal district of the Union. The State is in the central southern portion of the great Mississippi Valley, and in climate, soil, rocks, minerals and water may well be designated as the capital of this ' ' garden and granarj- of the world," with resources beneath the surface that are not, taken all together, surpassed on the globe. Its eastern line is the channel of the Mississippi River "beginning at the parallel 36" of north lati- tude, thence west with said parallel to the middle of the main channel of the St. Francois (Francis) River; thence up the main channel of said last men- tioned river to the parallel of 36° 30' of north lati- tude; thence west with the last mentioned parallel, or along the southern line of the State of Missouri, " :r>~ ^1 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 11 to the soutliwest corner of said State; thence to be bounded on the west to the north bank of Red River, as designated by act of Congress and treat- ies, existing January' 1, 1837. detining the western limits of the Territory of Arkansaw, and to be bounded west across and south of Red River by the boundary line of the State of Texas as far as the northwest corner of the State of Louisiana; thence easterly with the northern boundary line of said last named State to the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi River; thence up the middle of the main channel of said last mentioned river, including an island in said river known as Belle Point Island, and all other land as originally surveyed and included as a part of the Territory, or State of Arkansas, to the 36° of north latitude, to the place of beginning."* The State includes between its north and south boundary lines the country lying between parallel of latitude 33° north, and parallel of latitude 36° 30' north, and between its east to west lines the country between longitude 90° and a little west of longitude 94° 30'. Its geographical position on the continent assures the best conditions of tem- perature, salubrity and rainfall, this being shown by the absence of the intense heat and the cold storms of the higher latitudes and the drouths of the west. From the meteorological reports it is learned that the average rainfall in the State during June, July and Augitst is sixteen inches, except a narrow belt in the center of the State, where it is eighteen * The above descriptive boundary lines are in the au- thoritative language of the State Constitutional Conven- tion. To understand the south and west lines necessitates a reference to the treaties and acts of Congress. The fol- lowing would simplify the descriptive pait of the west and south lines: Beginning at the southwest corner of Missouri, or in the center of Section 19, Township 21, Range 3-1 west of the fifth principal meridian line, thence in a straight line south, bearing a little east to strike the east line of Section 4, Township 8 north. Range 32 west; thence in a straight line south, bearing a little west to where the line strikes Red River in Section 14, Township 13 south. Range 33 west; thence along said river to the southwest corner of Section T, Township 14 south. Range 28 west; thence south to the northwest corner of the north- east quarter of Section 18, Township 20 south, Range 28 west; thence east along the 33^ of latitude to the middle of the channel of the Mississippi River; thence up said river to the place of beginning. The State lines run with the lines of latitude and the meridional lines, and not with the government survey lines. inches, and a strip on the western portion of the State, where it is from eight to fourteen inches. Accurate observations covei'ing fifteen years give an average of seventy- five rainy days in the year. Of twenty-three States where are reported 13-1 destrtictive tornadoes, four were in Arkansas. The annual mean temperature of Los Angeles, Cal., is about 1° less than that of Little Rock. The watershed of the State runs from the north of west to the southeast, fi-om the divide of the Ozark Mountain range, except a few streams on the east side of the State, which flow nearly parallel with the Mississippi River, which runs a little west of south along the line of the State. North of the Ozark divide the streams bear to a northerly direction. Of the navigable rivers within its borders the Arkansas is navigable 505 miles; Bartholomew Bayou, 68 miles; Black River. 147 miles; Current River, 63 miles; Fourche La Favre River, 73 miles; Little Missouri River, 74 miles; Little Red River, 48 miles; Little River, 98 miles; Missis- sippi River, 424 miles; Ouachita River, 134 miles; Petit Jean River, 105 miles; Red River-. 92 miles; Saline River, 125 miles; St. Francis River, 180 miles; White River, 619 miles. These streams flow into the Mississippi River and give the State an unusual navigable river frontage, and they run so nearly in parallel lines to each other and are distributed so equally as to give, especially the eastern half and the southwest part of the State, the best and cheapest transporta- tion facilities of any State in the Union. These free rivers will in all times control the extortions of transportation lines that are so oppressive to the peo"ple of less favored localities. The Arkansas River passes diagonally across the center of the State, entering at Fort Smith, and emptying into the Mississippi at Napoleon. South of this the main stream is the Ouachita River and its tributaries; the Saline River, which divides nearly equally the territory between the Arkansas and Ouachita Rivers; and the Little Mis- souri on the southwest, which divides the territory between the Ouachita and Red Rivers. North of the Arkansas, and about equally dividing the ter- i± 12 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ritory between the Mississippi and the Arkansas Rivers, is White River, running nearly southeast. Its main tributary on the west is Little Red River, and on the northeast Black River, which enters the State from Missouri, and flows southwesterly and empties into the White at Jacksonport, Jackson County. Another important tributary is Cache River, which flows a little west of sonth from Clay County, emptying into the White near Clarendon. Eel River is in the northeast corner of the State and partially drains Craighead County. Eleven Points, Currant, Spring and Strawberry Rivers are important tributaries of Black River. St. Francis River flows from Missouri, and from 36° 30' north latitude to 36° north latitude it forms the boundary line between Missouri and Arkansas, and continuing thence south empties into the Mis- sissippi a few miles above Helena. Main Fork of White River rises in Madison County and flows northwest in and through Wash- ington County into Benton County; thence north- east into Missouri, returning again to Arkansas in Boone County. Big North Fork of White River rises in the south central part of Missouri, flows southward, and forms its junction in Baxter County, Ark. La Grue River is a short distance sonth of White River; it rises in Prairie County and joins the White in Desha County. Middle Fork of Saline River rises in Garland County and flows southeast. Rolling Fork of Little River rises in Polk and passes south through Sevier County. Cassatot River also rises in Polk and passes south through Sevier County. Clear Fork of Little Missouri rises in Polk County and passes south- east. East Fork of Poteau River rises in Scott County and runs nearly due west into the Indian Territory. L'Auguille River rises in Poinsett County and flows through Cross, St. Francis and Lee Counties, and empties into the St. Francis within a few miles of the mouth of the latter. Big Wattensaw River rises in Lonoke County and runs east into Prairie County, and empties into White River. Muddy Fork of Little Missouri River rises in Howard County and runs soiitheast. Yache Grass River runs north through Sebastian County and empties into the Arkansas River east of Fort Smith. Terre Noir River runs from northwest to the southeast in Clark County and empties into Ouachita River. Sulphur Fork of Red River en- ters the State fi'om Texas, about the center of the west line of Miller County, and running a little south of east empties into Red River. Sabine River flows south through the central southern portions of the State, and empties into the Ouachita River near the south line of the State. There are numerous creeks forming tributa- ries to the streams mentioned, equally distributed over the State, which are fully described in the re- spective counties. Besides these water-courses mention should properly be made of the nineteen bayous within the State's borders. The Ozark Mountains pass through the north- ern portion of Arkansas, from west to east, and form the great divide in the watersheds of the State. Rich Mountains are in the central western part, and run east from its west line, forming the dividing line between Scott and Polk Counties, and also between Scott and Montgomery Counties, and run into Yell County. South and east of the Rich Mountains are the Silver Leaf Mountains, also running east and west from Polk County, throxigh Montgomery to Gar- land County. These are the mountain formations seen about Hot Springs. Sugar Loaf Mountain is in Cleburne County, and receives its name from its peculiar shape. It is in the northei'n central part of the State. Another mountain of the same name, containing the highest point in the State, is in Sebastian County, and extends into the Indian Territory. Boston Mountains are in the northwest- ern part of the State, running east and west in Washington, Crawford and other counties. These include the main mountainous formations. There are many points in these ranges that have local names. It would require volumes to give a complete account of the variety of the innumerable springs which >urst forth with their delicious waters — ■warm, hot and cold, salt, mineral and medicated. The fame of some of the medical, and the Hot Springs of Arkansas, are known throughout the civilized world, and pilgrims from all nations come JAZ >t "^w HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 13 to be washed aad healed in them. They were known to and celebrated by the pre-historic peoples of America: and the migrating buffaloes, ages and ages ago, came annually from the land of the Da- kotas to the spring waters of Arkansas. The in- stincts of the wild beasts antedate the knowledge of man of the virtues and values of the delicious waters so bountifully given to the State. Nearly all over its territory is one wonder after another, tilling every known range of springs and spring waters, which, both in abundance of flow and in medicinal properties, mock the world's previous comprehension of the possibilities of nature in this respect. When De Soto, in -June, 1542, discovered the Mississippi River and crossed into (now) Arkansas, and had traveled north into the territory of Mis- souri, he heard of the ' • hot lakes ' ' and turned about and arrived in time where is now Hot Springs. Even then, to the aborigines, this was the best- known spot on the continent, and was, and had been for centuries, their great sanitarium. The tribes of the Mississippi Valley had long been in the habit of sending here their invalids, and even long after they were in the possession of the whites it was a common sight to see the camj) of repre- sentatives of many different tribes. The whites made no improvement in the locality until 1S07. Now there is a flourishing city of 10,000 inhab- itants, and an annual arrival of visitors of many thousands. The waters, climate, mountain air and grand scenery combine to make this the great world's resort for health and pleasure seekers, and at all seasons of the year. The seasons round, with rarest exceptions, are the May and October months of the North. In the confined spot in the valley called Hot Springs there are now known seventy -one springs. In 1860 the State geologist, D. D. Owen, only knew of forty. Others will no doubt be added to the list. These range in temperature from 93° to 150° Fahrenheit. They discharge over 500,000 gallons of water daily. The waters are clear, taste- less and inodorous; they come from the sides of the ridge pure and sparkling as the ])ellucid Neva; hold- ing in solution, as they rush up hot and bubbling from nature's most wonderful alembic, every valua- ble mineral constituent. In the cure, especially of nearly all manner of blood and chronic diseases, they are unequaled, and their wonders have be- come mainly known to all the world by the liv- ing and breathing advertisements of those who have proven in their own persons their wonderful curative powers. To reach Hot Springs and be healed, is the hope and aspiration of the invalid, when all other remedies have failed. And it is liut just now that the pleasure seeker, the tourist, the scientist, and the intelligence and culture of the world are beginning to understand that this is one of the world's most inviting places to see and enjoy. But the marvels of the district are not confined to the immediate locality of Hot Springs. Here is indeed a wide district, with a quantity and variety of medical springs that are simply inapproachable on the globe. Going west from Hot Springs are sys- tems of springs running into Montgomery County a distance of forty miles. As continued discov- eries of other springs in Hot Springs are being made, and as these widely distributed outlj'ing springs are comparatively of recent disclosure, it may be assumed that for many years to come new and valuable springs will become celebrated. In Carroll County, in the northwest part of the State, are Eureka Springs, only second to Hot Springs in the wide celebrity of fame as healing waters. They, too, may well be considered one of the world's wonders. There are forty-two of these springs within the corporate limits of the city that has grown up about them. They received no pub- lic notice until 1879, when with a bound they became advertised to the world. Their wonderful cures, especially in cases of rheumatism, cancer, dyspepsia and other, if not nearly all, chronic diseases, have bordered on the marvelous, if not the miraculous. In White County are the noted White Sulphur Springs, at Searcy, and the sulphur and chalyb eate springs, known as the Armstrong and the Griffin Springs, and the medical springs — Blan- chard Springs — in Union County: the Ravenden Springs, in Randolph County, and the Sugar Loaf ■fv^ 14 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Springs, in Cleburne County; the very recently dis- covered Lithia Springs, near Hope, in Hempstead County, pronounced by a leading medical journal, in its January issue, 1889, to be the most remark- able discovery of this class of medical waters of this century. These are some of the leading springs of the State which possess unusual medicinal properties. By a glance at the map it will be seen they are distributed nearly equally all over its ter- ritory. Simply to catalogue them and give accom- panying analyses of the waters would make a pon- derous volume of itself. In the above list have been omitted mention of the tine Betbseda Springs in Polk County, or the fine iron and chalybeate springs near Magnolia; Bussey's Springs, near Eldorado, Union County; Butler's Saline Chalyb- eate Springs, in Columbia County; the double mineral spring of J. I. Holderni.st. in Calhoun County; a large number of saline chalybeate springs in Township 10 south. Range 23 west, in Hempstead County, called Hubbard's Springs; or Crawford's Sulphur Springs; or those others in Section 16, Township 12 south. Range 10 west; or Murphy' s or Leag' s Mineral Springs, all in Brad- ley County; or Gen. Royston's noted chalybeate springs in Pike County, and still many others that are known to possess mineral qualities, though no complete examination of them has j'et been made. Special mention should not be omitted of the Mountain Valley Springs, twelve miles northwest of Hot Springs. The fame of these springs has demanded the shipment of water, lately, to distant localities in vast and constantly increasing quan- tities. The knowledge of them is but compara- tively recent, and yet their wonderful healing qualities are already widely known. Innumerable, apparently, as are the health springs of Arkansas, they are far surpassed by the common springs found nearly all over the State. Mammoth Spring is in Fulton County, and is unrivaled in the country. The water boils up from an opening 120 feet in circumference, and flows uninterruptedly at the rate of 9,000 barrels a minute. From the compression of so large an amount of carbonic acid held in solution, the whole surface of this water basin is in a continual state of effervescence. Spring River, a bold stream, is produced by this spring, and gives an unlimited amount of water power. The general division of the surface of the State is uplands and lowlands. It is a timber State, with a large number of small prairies. East and near Little Rock is Lonoke Prairie, and other small prairies are in the southwest part. In its northeast portion are some large strips of prairie, and there are many other small spots bare of tim- ber growths, but these altogether compose only a small porti(m of the State's surface. The variety and excellence of soils are not sur- passed by any State in the Union. The dark alluvial prevails in nearly all the lowlands, while on many sections of the uplands are the umber red soils of the noted tobacco lands of Cuba. About two-thirds of the State's surface shows yellow pine growth, the great tall trees standing side by side with the hardwoods, walnut, maple, grapevines, sumac, etc. A careful analysis of the soils and subsoils of every county in the State by the eminent geologist. Prof. D. D. Owen, shows this result: The best soils of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota are inferior to the best soils of Arkan- sas in fertilizing properties. The following re- ports of State geologists tell the story: Ark. Minn. Iowa. Wis. Organic and Volatile Matter. . 14,150 8,715 21,865 6.334 5,585 690 6,028 3,288 940 6,580 4,610 Carbonate Lime 665 In fertilizing qualities the only comparative results to the Arkansas soils are found in the blue limestone districts of Central Kentucky. Analysis of the soils shows the derivative geo- logical formation of soils, and their agricultural values; their losses by cultivation, and what soils lying convenient will repair the waste. Arkansas County, the mother of counties in the State, lying in the southeast, shows the tertiary formations. Benton County, at the opposite northwest corner, has the subcarboniferous. The tertiary is found y\-. ^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 15 it, in Newton County: Clark. Hempstead and Sevier show the cretaceous; Conway, Crawford, Johnson, Ouachita, Perry, Polk, Pope. Prairie, Pulaski, Scott, Van Buren, White, Garland and Montgom- ery, the novaculite, or whetstone grit; Greene, Jackson, Poinsett and Union, the quaternary. In addition to Benton, given above, are Independence, Madison, Monroe, Searcy and Washington, subcar- boniferous. The lower silurian is represented in Fulton, Izard, Lawrence, ^Marion and Randolph. These give the horizons of the rock formations of the State. The State has 28,000,000 acres of woodland — eighty-one and one-half per cent of her soil. Of this twenty-eight per cent is in cleared farms. If there be drawn a line on the map, beginning a few miles west of longitude 91°, in the direction of Little Rock, thence to the north boundary line of Clark County, just west of the Iron Mountain Railroad, then nearly due west to the west line of the State, the portion north of this line will be the uplands, and south the lowlands. The uplands correspond with the Paleozoic, and lowlands with the Neozoic. The granitic axis outbursts in Pul&ski, Saiine, Hot Springs, Montgomery, Pike and Sevier Coun- ties, and runs from the northeast to the southwest through the State. In Northern Arkansas the dis- turbance shows itself in small faults, gentle folds and slightly indurated shales ; but nearer the gran- ite axis, greater faults, strata with high dip and talcose slate, intersected with quartz and calcite veins, become common. These disturbances are intimately connected with, and determine to some extent, the character of the mineral deposits of the State. The veins along the granite axis were tilled probably with hot alkaline waters depositing the metalliferous compounds they contained. Almost every variety of land known to the agriculturist can be found, and, for fertility, the soils of the State are justly celebrated. Composed as they are of uplands and lowlands, and a variety of climate, they give a wide range of products. In the south and central portions are produced the finest cotton in the markets, while the uplands yield fruits in abundance and variety. No place in the great valley excels it in variety of garden vegetables, small and orchard fruits, grasses, grains, and other field crops. Among agriculturists in Arkansas, truly cotton has been king. It is grown upon lands that would produce a hundred bushels of corn to the acre. All over the State a bale of cotton to the acre is the average — worth at this time S5(\ Per acre it is about the same labor to raise as corti. In the varied and deep rich soils of the State are produced the vegetation — fruits, vegetables and plants — of the semi-tropic re- gions, and also the whole range of the staple prod- ucts of the north. Cereals, fruits and cotton grow as well here as anywhere. In the uplands will some day be raised grapes and tobacco that will be world famous. That portion of the hilly lands in Clay, Greene, Craighead, Poinsett, St. Francis, Lee and Phillips Counties, known as Crowley's ridge, has a soil and vegetable growth distinctive from any other por- tion of the State. Its principal forest growth is yellow poplar, which is found in immense size. With this timber are the oak, gum, hickory, wal- nut, sugar and maple. The soil is generally of a light yellowish or gray color, often gravelly, very friable and easily cultivated, producing abundant crops of cotton, corn, oats, clover, timothy and red top, and is must excellent for fruits. The prevailing soil is alluvial, with more or less diluvial soils. The alluvial soils, especially along the streams, are from three to thirty feet deep, and these rich bottoms are often miles in width. There are no stronger or more productive lands than these anywhere, and centuries of cul- tivation create no necessity for fertilizers. The swamp lands or slashes as a general thing lie stretched along between the alluvial lands and second bottoms. They are usually covered with water during the winter and spring, and are too wet for cultivation, though dry in the summer and fall. They can be easily reclaimed by draining. The second bottoms are principally on the east- ern side of the fttate, extending from the slashes to the hills. The soil is mostly gray color, sometimes yellowish, resting upon a subsoil of yellowish or mulatto clay. The rich, black lands prevail largely ^\t@ — ^ 10 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. in Hempstead, Little River, Sevier, Nevada, Clark, Searcy, Stone, Izard and Independence Counties. In the mountainous range of the Ozarks, in Independence County, are remarkable cave forma- tions. They are mostly nitre caves and from these and others in the southeast and west of Batesville, the Confederacy obtained much of this necessity. Near Cushman, Independence County, are the won- derful caves. The extent and marvelous beauty of formations are in the great arched room, the "King's Palace." This cave has been explored for miles under the earth, and many wonders and beauties are seen on every hand. On the side of the mouth of one of the caves in this vicinity a strong spring leajas fi'om the mountain' s side and into the cave, and the rumbling of the rushing waters beneath the earth can be heard quite a dis- tance. The notable saltpetre caves are in Marion, Newton, Carroll, Independence, Washington and Benton Counties. There are gold mines in Arkansas, yet no re- markable finds that is, no marvelous wonders have aa yet been uncovered. The universal diffusion of milky quartz in veins, seams and beds, as well as all the other geological tokens which lead on to fortune, are recent discoveries, and the intelligent gold hunters are here in abundance. Who can tell what the future may have in store? But should no rich paying gold fields ever be found, still in the resources of the State are ores of silver, antimony, zinc, iron, lead, copper, manganese, marble, granite, whet and honestone, rock-crystal, paints, nitre earths, kaolin, marls, freestone, limestone, buhr and grindstone and slate, which may well justify the bold assertion of that eminent geologist. Prof. D. D. Owen, in 1860, after care- fully looking over the State, "that Arkansas is destined to rank as one of the richest mineral States in the Union." Its zinc ores compare favorably with those of Silesia, and its argentif- erous galena far exceeds in percentage of silver the average of such ores of other countries. Its novaeulite (whetstone) rock can not be excelled in fineness of texture, beauty of color, and sharpness of grit. Its crystal mountains for extent, and their products for beauty, brilliancy and transpar- ency, have no rivals in the world. Its mineral waters are in variety and values equalled only by its mineral products. Anticipating the natural questions as to why the mines of Arkansas are not better developed, it will be sufficient to condense to the utmost Prof. Owen's words in reference to the Bellfih mine in Sevier County: "It is the same vein that is found in Pulaski County, and runs northeast and south- west nearly through the State. Some years ago the Bellah mine was explored and six shafts were sunk. Three of the principal shafts were about thirty feet deep. The work was done under the supervision of Richard W. Bellah. afterward of Texas. There was a continuous vein, increasing in thickness as far as he went. On the line other shafts were sunk from six to twelve feet deep, all showing the ore to be continuous. About five tons of ore were taken out. A portion of this was sent to Liverpool, England, to be tested, and the statement in return was ' seventy-three per cent lead, and 148 ounces of silver to the ton. ' ' ' Mr. Bellah wrote to Prof. Owen: "I am not willing to lea.se the mines; but I will sell for a reasonable price, provided my brother and sister will sell at the same. I have put the price upon the mines, and value it altogether [460 acres of land] at $10,000." Such was the condition of affairs at this mine when the war came. Substantially, this is the ante-bellum history of the Arkansas mining interests. Pi'of. Owen reports picking up from the debris of these deserted shafts ore that anal- yzed seventy-three per cent lead and tifty-two and one-half ounces of silver to the ton of lead. That these rich fields should lie fallow-ground through the generations can now be accounted for only from the blight of slavery upon the enter- prise and industry of people, the evils of a great civil war, and the natural adaptation of the soil and slavery to the raising of cotton. On the line of this vein, in Saline County, from very superficial explorations, were discovered veins bearing argentiferous lead and copper. Lead is found in about every count}' in North- ern Arkansas. These are a continuation of the Missouri lead ores. The richest argentiferous lead ^]^ it HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 17 ores reported are in Pulaski, Saline, Montgomery, Polk, Pike, Ashley and Sevier Counties, being found in the quartz and calcite gangues. It is as- sociated in the north of the State with zinc, cop- per, and with antimony in Sevier County. One of the latest discoveries is the value of the antimony mines of Polk and Sevier Counties. A mine is being worked successfully for antimony, and the increase of silver is improving as the shaft goes down. At any hour in the progress of the work, according to the opinions of the best scientific mining experts, this shaft may reach one of the noted silver deposits of the world. In the Jeff Clark antimony mine, at a distance of 100 feet down, was found a rich pocket of silver. In every particular, so far, this mine is a transcrijit of that of the noted Comstock mine. The Comstock mine showed silver on the surface; so did the Sev- ier County mine; then it passed down 100 feet, following a vein of antimony; so has the Sevier mine; then in each has silver been found. There is an unchanging law which governs the rock and mineral formations. Nature never lies, and there is no doubt that the Arkansas mineral belt, through Montgomery, Polk, Howard and Sev- ier Counties, will prove to be one of the richest mining districts of the world. The antimony mine has been quite successfully worked the past two years. The Bob Wolf mine. Antimony Bluff mine, and Stewart Lode are being profitably worked. Capital and the facilities for reducing ores by their absence are now the only drawback to the mineral products of the State. Iron is found native in the State only in meteor- ites. The magnatite ore is found plentiful in Mag- net Cove. Lodestones from this place are shipped abroad, and have a high reputation. This is one of the best iron ores, and the scarcity of fuel and transportation in the vicinity are the causes of its not being worked. The limonite iron ore is the common ore of all Northern Arkansas; immense deposits are found in Lawrence, where several furnaces are operated. In the southern part of the State is the bog iron ore. The brown hematite is found in Lawrence, Randolph, Fulton and other counties. Workable veins of manganese are found in Independence County. This valuable ore is im- ported now from Spain; it is used in making Spie- gel iron. Bituminous and semi-anthracite coal is found in the true coal measures of the uplands of Ar- kansas. That of the northwest is free from sul- phur. The semi-anthracite is found in the valley of the Ai'kansas River. These coal fields cover 10,000 acres. There are four defined coal hori- zons — the subconglomerate, lower, middle and up- per. The coal fields of this State belong to the lowest — the subcarboniferous — in the shale or millstone grit less than 100 feet above the Archi- medes limestone. In the Arkansas Valley these veins aggregate over six feet. The veins lie high in the Boston Mountains, dipping south into the Arkansas Valley. Shaft mining is done at Coal I Hill. Spadra and many other points. It is shipped down the river in quantities to New Orleans. Aluminum, corundum, sapphire, oriental ruby, topaz and amethysts are found in Howard and Sevier Counties. Strontianite is found in Mag- net Cove — valuable in the purification of sugar. In the synclinal folds of Upper Arkansas common salt is easily obtained. Good salt springs are in Sevier County, also in Dallas and Hot Springs Counties. Chalcedony, of all colors, cornelian, agates, novaculite, honestone, buhrstone, varieties of granite, eight kinds of elegant marble, sand- stones, white, gray, red, brown and yellow, are common in the grit horizon; flagstones, roofing and pencil slates, tale, kaolin, abound in Saline, Washington, St. Francis and Greene Counties. The potter's clay of Miller, Saline and Washington is extensively worked. ' ' Rock oil ' ' has been dis- covered in large jjockets in Northwest Arkansas. In the development of its mineral resources the State is still in its infancy, so much so, indeed, that what will prove yet to be the great sources of wealth are not even now produced as a commer- cial commodity. In some respects this is most re- markable. For instance, Arkansas might supply the world, if .necessity required, with lime and cement, can produce the best of each at the least cost, and yet practically all these consumed are imported here from other States. Years ago Prof. -^ 18 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. D. D. Owen called attention to the valuable marls in tbe southwest part of the State, but the great beds lie untouched and cotton planters send off for other fertilizers. So also of the great beds of gyps\un that lie uncovered and untouched. The outside world wants unlimited supplies of kaolin, tire-clays and such other clays as the State pos- sesses in inestimable quantities, and yet the thrifty people seem to be oblivious of the fact that here is the way to easy sources of wealth. People can live here too easily it seems. In this way only can a reason be found for not strik- ing boldly out in new fields of venture, with that vigor of desperation which comes of stern and hard necessity. Where nature is stubborn and un- yielding, man puts forth his suprtmest efforts. Magnet Cove probably furnishes more remark- able formations than any other district in the world. The "Sunk Lands'' in the northeast part of the State, the result of the disturbance of the New Madrid earthquake 1811-12, present features of interest to both lay and scientific investigators. The curious spectacle of deep lakes, beneath which can be seen standing in their natural position the great forest trees, is presented; and instead of the land animals roving and feeding among them are the inhabitants of the deep waters. The natural abutments of novaculite rocks at Rockpoi-t, on the Ouachita River, with the proper outlying rocks on the opposite side of the river, are a very interesting formation. Cortes Mountain, Sebastian County, as seen from Hodges Prairie presents a grand view. The bare hard rock looks as though the waves in their mighty swells had been congealed and fixed into a mountain. It is 1,500 feet high. Standing Rock, Board Camp Creek, Polk County, is a conspicious and interesting landmark. It rises from out the crumbling shales, like an artificial piece of !nasonry. to the height of ninety feet. The Dardaaelle Rock as seen from the Arkan- sas River, opposite Morristown, is composed of fer- ruginous substance, and the great column dips at an angle of 40° toward the river. From one point on the southeast is the wonderful Dardanelle Profile. All the features of the face, with a deep-cut mouth slightly open as if in the act of listening to what one is going to say to it, and the outlines of the head, neck and shoulders, are faithfully produced. Its faithfulness of detail and heroic proportions are its strong characteristics. Sandstone Dam across Lee Creek, Crawford County, is a curious instance of nature's perfect engineering. The formation here possesses as much interest to the scientist as the noted Natural Bridge. Investigations of the Mammoth Spring lead to the conclusion that it has underground connection with Havell's Valley, Mo; that here the waters from many springs, some rising to the surface and others not rising, are as the head of a vast funnel, which pour down the subterranean channel and, finally meeting obstructions to further progress, are forced up through the solid rock and form the Mammoth Spring, a navigable subterranean river in short, whose charts no bold seaman will ever follow. North of Big Rock are the traces of a burnt out volcano, whose fires at one time would have lighted up the streets of Little Rock even better than the electric lights now gleaming from their high towers. The track of the awful cataclysm, once here in its grand forces, is all that is left; the energies of nature's greatest display of forces lost in the geological eons intervening. \ -rf 2> j£: HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 19 lDu * > ♦ < ■► Akchaeology— Remains of Flint Arrow and Spear Heads and Stone and Other Ornaments- Evidences OF Pre-uistokic People Along the Mississippi— Mounds, etc., in Other Portions of The State— Local Archaeologists and their Work— The Indians— Tribal AND Race Characteristics- The Arkansas Tribes— The Cession Treaties —The Removal of the Cherokees, Creeks and Choctaws— An Indian Alarm— Assassination of the Leaders, etc., etc Some lazy ages, lost in sleep and ease. No actions leave to busy chronicles; Sucb wliose superior felicity but malies In story cliasms. in epochas mistakes. — Dryden. N the long gone reaches of time perhaps only to be measured by geological periods, races of men have been here, grown, flourished, declined and passed away, many not even leaving a wi'ack behind; others transmitting fossil traces, dim and crumbling, and still later ones, the suc- cessors of the earlier ones, who had no ^li^t^ traditions of their predecessors, have left something of the measure of their existence in the deftlj- cut flints, brolien pottery, adobe walls, or great earth- works standing in the whilom silent wilderness as mute and enduring mon- uments to their existence; man, races, civilizations, systems of religion passing on and on to that eternal silence — stormfully from the inane to the inane, the great world' s epic that is being forever written and that is never writ. Arkansas is an inviting field for the investiga- tion of the archaeologist, as well as the geologist. Races of unknown men in an unknown time have swarmed over the fair face of the State. Their restless activities drove them to nature's natural storehouses and the fairest climes on the continent. Where life is easiest maintained in its best form do men instinctively congregate, and thus commu- nities and nations are formed. The conditions of climate and soil, rainfall and minerals are the controlling factors in the busy movements of men. These conditions given, man follows the great streams, on whose bosom the rudest savages float their canoes and pirogues. Along the eastern part of the State are the most distinct traces of prehistoric peoples, whose hiero- glyphics, in the form of earthworks, are the most legible to the archseologist. Here, earthworks in greatest extent and numbers are found, indicating that this section once swarmed with these barbaric races of men. In Lonoke County, sixteen miles southeast of Little Rock, and on the Little Rock & Altheimer branch of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Rail- road, is a station called Toltec. It is located on the farm of Mr. Gilbert Knapp. and is near Mounds Lake. This lake is either the line of what was a horse-shoe bend in Arkansas River long ago, or is the trace of a dead river. The lake is in the form of a horse-shoe, and covers a space of about x^ 20 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS three miles. The horse- shoe points east of north, and the heels to the southwest. Here is a great field of large and interesting mounds and earth- works. A little east of the north bend of the lake are two great mounds — one square and the other cone shaped. The cone shaped is the larger and taller, and is supposed to have been 100 feet high, while the other was about seventy five feet in ele- vation. About them to the north and east are many small mounds, with no apparent fixed method in their location. These have all been denuded of their timber and are in cultivation, except the larger one above mentioned. Upon this is a growth of heavy timber, elms, hickory, and oaks with as high as 500 rings, and standing on an alluvial soil from eight to fifteen feet deep. These large mounds are enclosed with an earth wall starting out from the bank of the lake, and circling at a considerable distance and returning to the lake, and keeping nearly an equal distance from the larger mound. The sloping base of each mound reaches the base and overlaps or mingles with the base of its neigh- bor. Around this big wall was once an outside ditch. The humus on the smaller mounds shows, in cultivation, a stronger and deeper alluvial soil than the surrounding land. There are evidences in these mounds that while they were built by one nation, for objects now problematical, they have been used by other suc- ceeding peoples for other and different purposes, much after the manner that are now found farm- ers with well-kept gardens on the tops of the mounds, or stately residences, or on others grow- ing cotton and corn. In them human and ani- mal bones are seen, and there are indications that, while they were built for purposes of worship or war, when the builders passed away more than one race of their successors to the country used them as convenient burial grounds. They were skillful stone workers and potters, and their mason's tools are frequently met with. Nearly every im- plement of the stone age is found in and about the mounds. M'-. Knapp, who has given the subject consid- erable intelligent study, is so convinced that these works were made by the Toltec race that he has named the new station in honor of that people. On the line of this earth-wall mentioned are two deep pools that never are known to become dry. East of Toltec thirty or more miles, in Lonoke Prairie, are mounds that apparently belong to the chain or system which runs parallel with the river, through the State. The small mounds or barrows, as Jefferson termed the modern Indian burial places, are numerous, and distributed all over Arkansas. What is pronounced a fortified town is found in well marked remains on St. Francis River. It was discovered by Mr. Savage, of Louisville. He reports ' ' parts of walls, built of adobe brick and cemented." On these remains he detected trees growing numbering 300 rings. He reports the brick made of clay and chopped or twisted straw, and with regular figures. A piece of first-class engineering is said to be traced here in a sap- mine, which had passed under the walls of the fortification. The bones and pottery and tools and arms of the prehistoric peoples of Arkansas are much more abundant than are found in any other spot in the United States. Mrs. Hobbs, living four miles southeast of Little Rock, has a very complete collection of the antiquities of the State. It is jjronounced by antiquarians as one of the most valuable in the country. The Smithsonian Institute has offered her every inducement to part with her collection, but she has refused. It is hoped the State will some day possess this treasure, and suitably and permanently provide for its preservation. When the white man discovered and took pos- session of North America, he foiind the red man and his many tribes here, and under a total mis- apprehension of having found a new continent, he named this strange people Indians. The new world might have been called Columbia, and the people Columbians. Again, instead of being sparse tribes of individuals fringing the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there were 478 tribes, occupying nearly the whole of the north half of this western hemis- phere; some in powerful tribes, like the Iroquois; some were rude agricultural and commercial peoples, HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 21 some living in houses of logs or stone, permanent residents of their localities; others warriors and hunters only, and still others migratory in their nature, pirates and parasites. One characteristic strongly marked them all — a love of liberty and absolute freedom far stronger than the instinct of life itself. The Indian would not be a slave. Proud and free, he regarded with contempt the refinements of civilization. He breathed the same free air as did the eagle of the crags, and would starve before he would do manual work, or, as he believed, degrade himself in doing aught but paint himself, sing his war songs and go forth to battle, or pursue the wild game or meet the savage wild beasts in their paths and slay them in regular com- bat. To hunt, fish and fight was the high mission of great and good men to his untutored mind, while the drudgery of life was relegated to the squaws and squaw-men. His entire economic philosophy was simply the attainment of his de- sires with the least exertion. In a short time he will have filled his earthly mission, and passed from the stage of action, leaving nothing but a dim memory. From their many generations of untold numbers has come no thought, no inven- tion, no action that deserves lo survive them a day or an hour. The Indians of to-day, the few that are pure blood, are but the remnants, the use- less refuse of a once numerous people, who were the undisputed possessors of a continent, but are now miserable, ragged and starving beggars at the back doors of their despoilers, stoically awaiting the last final scene in the race tragedy. And, like the cheerful sermon on the tombstone, who shall say that white civilization, numbers and power, will not in the course of time, and that not far distant, be the successors of the residue of wretches now representing the red race? "I was once as you are, you will soon be as I am." A grim philos- oph)' truly, but it is the truth of the past, and the great world wheels about much now as it has for- ever. What is now Arkansas has been the possession of the following Indian tribes; no one tribe, it seems, occupied or owned the territory in its entirety, but their possessions extended into the lines, cov- ering a portion of the lands only, and then reach- ing many degrees, sometimes to the north, south and west: The Osages, a once numerous tribe, were said to own the country south of the Mis- souri River to Red River, including a large por- tion of Arkansas. The Quapaws, also a powerful nation, were the chief possessors, and occupied nearly the whole of the State, "time out of mind;" the Cherokees were forced out of Georgia and South Carolina, and removed west of the Missis sippi River in 1836; the Hitchittees were removed from the Chattahouchee River to Arkansas. They speak the Muskogee dialect — were 600 strong when removed; the Choctaws were removed to the west, after the Cherokees. In 1812 they were 15,000 strong. The Quapaws, of all the tribes connected with Arkansas, may be regarded as the oldest settlers, having possessed more of its territory in well de- fined limits than any of the others. In the early part of the eighteenth century they constituted a powerful tribe. In the year 1720 they were deci- mated by smallpox; reduced by this and other calamities, in 1820, one hundred years after, they were found scattered along the south side of the Arkansas River, numbering only 700 souls. They never regained their former numerical strength or warlike importance, but remained but a band of wretched, ragged beggars, about whose hunting grounds the white man was ever lessening and tightening the lines. January 5, 1819, Gov. Clark and Pierre Chou- teau made a treaty with the tribe by which was ceded to the United States the most of their terri- tory. The descriptive part of the treaty is in the following words: "Beginning at the mouth of the Arkansas River; thence extending up the Arkansas to the Canadian Fork, and up the Canadian Fork to its source; thence south to the big Red River, and down the middle of that river to the Big Raft; thence in a direct line so as to strike the Mississippi River, thirty leagues in a straight line, below the mouth of the Arkansas, together with all their claims to lands east of the Mississippi River and north of the Arkansas River. With the exception and reservation following, that is to say, '22 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. that tract of eoantry bounded as follows: Begin- ning at H point on the Arkansas River opposite the present Post of Arkansas, and ranning thence a due southwest couise to the ViTashita River; thence up that river to the Saline Fork, to a point from whence a due north course would strike the Arkan- sas River at the Little Rock, and thence down the right bank of the Arkansas to the place of begin- ning. " In addition to this a tract was reserved north of the Arkansas River, which the treaty says is indicated by ''marks on the accompanying map." This west liue of the Quapaw reservation struck the river about where is now Rock Street. In November, 1824, Robert Crittenden, the first Territorial secretary, effected a treaty with the Quapaws, at Harrington's, Ark., which ceded the above reservation and forever extinguished all title of that tribe to any portion of Arkansas. The tribe was then removed to what is now the Indian Territory. The other original occujjants or claimants to the Arkansas Territory were the Osages. Of these there were many tribes, and in 1830 numbered 4,000 strong, but mostly along the Osage River. Their claim lapped over, it seems, all that portion of the Quapaw lands lying north of the' Arkansas River. The title of the Osages was extinguished to what is now Arkansas by a treaty of November 10, 1808, made at Fort Clark, ou the Missouri River. By this treaty they ceded all the country east of a line runuing due south from Fort Clark to the Ar- kansas River, and down said river to its confluence with the Mississippi River. These Indians occu- pied only the country along the Missouri and Osage Rivers, and if they were ever on what they claimed as their southern boundary, the Arkansas River, it was merely on expeditions. About ISIS, Georgia and South Carolina com- menced agitating the subject of getting rid of the Indians, and removing them west. They wanted their lands aud did not want their presence. At first they used persuasion and strategy, and finally force. They were artful in representing to the In- dians the glories of the Arkansas cou[itry, both for game and rich lands. Daring tlie twenty years of agitating the subject Indians of the tribes of those States came singly and in small bands to Arkansas, and were encouraged to settle anywhere they might desire north of the Arkansas River, on the Osage ceded lands. The final act of removal of the In- dians was consummated in 1839, when the last of the Cherokees were brought west. Simultaneous with the arrival of this last delegation of Indians an alarm passed around among the settlers that the Indians were preparing to make a foray on the white settlements and murder them all. Many people were greatly alarmed, and in some settle- ments there were hasty preparations made to flee to places of safety. In the meantime the poor, distressed Cherokees and Choctaws were innocent of the stories in circulation about them, and were trying to adjust themselves to their new homes and to repair their ruined fortunes. The Chero- kees were the most highly civilized of all the tribes, as they were the most intelligent, and had mingled and intermarried with the whites until there were few of pure blood left among them. They had men of force and character, good schools and printing presses, and published and edited papers, as well as. their own school books. These condi- tions were largely true, also, of the Chickasaws. The Cherokees and Chickasaws were removed west under President Jackson's administration. The Cherokees were brought by water to Little Rock, and a straight road was cut out from Little Rock, to the corner of their reservation, fifteen miles above Batesville, in Independence County, over which they were taken. Their southeast boxmdary line was a straight line, at the point designated above Batesville, to the mouth of Point Remove Creek. The nistory of the removal of the Cherokee Indians (and much of the same is true of the re- moval of the Chickasaws and Creeks), is not a pleas- ant chapter in American history. The Creeks of Florida had waited war, and when conquered Gen. Scott removed them beyond the Mississippi River. When the final consummation of the removal of the Cherokees was effected, it was done by virtue of a treaty, said to have been the work of traitors, and unauthorized by the proper Indian authorities. At i ^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 23 all events the artful whites had divided the head- men of the tribe, and procured their signatures to a treaty which drove the last of the nation beyond the Mississippi. The chief men in making this treaty were the Ridges, Boudinot, Bell and Rogers. This was the treaty of 1835. In June, 1839. the Ridges, Boudinot and Bell were assassinated. About forty Indians went to Ridge's house, Inde- pendence County, and cruelly murdered young Ridge; they then pursued the elder Ridge and, over- taking him at the foot of Boston Mountains, as he was on his way to visit friends in Van Buren. Ark., shot him to death. It seems there was an old law of the nation back in Georgia, by which any one forfeited his life who bartered any part of their lands. The Choctaws by treaty ceded to the United States all their claim to lands lying within the limits of Ai-kansas, October 20, 1820. On the 6th of May, 1828, the Cherokees ceded all claim to their lands that lay within the Territo- rial limit of Arkansas. This was about the end of Indian occupation or claims within the State of Arkansas, but not the end of important communication, and acts of neighborly friendship, between the whites and the Cherokees especially. A considerable number of Indians, most of them having only a slight mix- ture of Indian blood, remained in the State and be- came useful and in some instances highly influ- ential citizens. Among them were prominent farm- ers, merchants and professional men. And very often now may be met some prominent citizen, who, after even an extended acqi^aintanee, is found to be an Indian. Among that race of people they recognize as full memljers of the tribe all who hav^ any trace of their blood in their veins, whether it shows or not. In this respect it seems that nearly all races differ from the white man. With the latter the least mixture of blood of any other color pronounces them at once to be not white. The Cherokee Indians, especially, have always held kindly intercourse with the people of Arkan- sas. In the late Civil M'ar they went with the State in the secession movement without hesitation. A brigade of Cherokees was raised and Gen. Albert Pike was elected to the command. The eminent Indians in the command were Gen. Stand Waitie and Col. E. C. Boudinot. Until 1863 the Indians were unanimous in behalf of the Southern cause, but in that year Chief Ross went over to the Fed- eral side, and thus the old time divisions in the In- dian councils were revived. Col. Elias C. Boueiinot was born in Georgia, in August, 1835, the same year of the treaty remov- ing the Indians from that State. Practically, therefore, he is an Ai-kansan. He shows a strong trace of Indian blood, though the features of the white race predominate. He is a man of educa- tion and careful culture, and when admitted to the bar he soon won a place in the splendid array of talent then so greatly distinguishing Arkansas. A born orator, strong enough in intellect to think without emotion, morally and physically a hero, he has spent much of his life pleading for his people to be made citizens — the owners of their individ- ual homes, as the only hope to stay that swift de- cay that is upon them, but the ignorance of his tribe and the scheming of demagogues and selfish "agents," have thwarted his efforts and practically exiled him from his race. A few years ago Col. Boudinot was invited to address Congress and the people of Washington on the subject of the Indian races. The masterly addi'ess by this man, one of the greatest of all the representatives of . American Indians, will be fixed in history as the most pathetic epilogue of the greatest of dramas, the curtain of which was raised in 1492. Who will ever read and fully understand his emotions when he repeated the lines: Their liglit canoes have vanished From off the crested waves — Amid the forests where lliey roamed There rings no hunter's shout. And all Iheir cone-like cahins That clustered o'er the vale, Have disappeared as withered leaves, Before the autumn gale. s — n X> ii£: 24 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. llf '1 St III. -4- -I- DlSCOVERY AND SETTLEMENT— DE SOTO IN ARKANSAS— MAKQUETTE AND JOLIET— LA SALLE, HENNEPIN AND ToNTi— French and English Schemes of Conquest and Dreams of Poaver — Louisiana —The " Bubble" of John Law— The Early Viceroys and Governors— Proprie- tary Change of Louisiana — French and Spanish Settlers in Ark- ansas—English Settlers— A Few First Settlers in the Counties— The New Madrid Earthquake- Other Items of Interest. Hail, memory, hail! In thy e.xhaustless mine From age to age unnumbered treasures shine! Thought and her shadowy brood thy call obey. And place and time are subject to thy sway. — Rogers. ERDINAND DE SOTO, the "^ discoverer of the Missis- „5 sippi, was the first civilized white man to put foot upon any part of what is now the State of Arkansas. He and ^•^!J>ahis band of adventurous ^ followers had forged their way over immense obstacles, through the trackless wastes, and in the pleas- ant month of June, 1541, reached the ' Mississippi River at, as is supposed, Chickasaw Bluffs, a short distance be- low Memphis. He had sailed from San Lncan in April, 1538, with 600 men, twenty officers and twenty- four priests. He represented his king and church, and came to make discoveries for his master in Florida, a conn- try undefined in extent, and believed to be the richest in the world. His expedition was a daring and dangeroits one, and there were but few men in the tide of time who could have carried it on to the extent that did this bold Spaniard. The worn and deci- mated band remained at the Chickasaw Bluffs to rest and recuperate until June 29, then crossing the river into Arkansas, and pushing on up the Mississippi River, through brakes and swamps and slashes, until they reached the higher jirairie lands that lead toward New Madrid; stopping in their north course at an Indian village, Pacaha, whose location is not known. De Soto sent an expedition toward the Osage River, but it soon returned and reported the country worthless.* He then turned west and proceeded to the Boston Mountains, at the head-waters of White River; then bending south, and passing Hot Springs, he went into camp for the winter on the Ouachita River, at Autamqua Village, in Garland County. In the spring he *It is proper to here state the fact that some local in- vestigators, and others who have studied the history of De Soto's voyaging througb Arkansas, do not believe that he reached and discovered the river as high up as Mem- phis. They think he approached it a short distance above the mouth of lied River, and from that point made his detour around to Ked River. Others in the State, who have also studied the subject thoroughly, find e-xcellent evidence of his presence in Arkansas along the Mississippi, particularly in Mississippi County. See "History of Mississippi County, Ark." After examining the testi- mony carefully I incline to the account as given in the context as being the most probable. — Ed. 3^; ,>^. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 25 floated down the river, often lost in the bayous and overflows of Red River, and finally reached again the Mississippi. Halting here he made dil- igent inquiries of the Indians as to the mouth of the great stream, but they could give him no infor- mation. In June, one year from the date of his discovery, after a sickness of some weeks, he died. As an evidence of his importance to the expedition his death was kept a secret, and he was buried at night, most appropriately, in the waves of the great river that gave his name immortality. But the secrecy of his death was of no avail, for there was no one who could supply his place, and with his life closed the existence, for all practical pur- poses, of the expedition. Here the interest of the historian in De Soto and his companions ceases. He came not to possess the beautiful country, or plant colonies, or even extend the dominions of civilization, but simply to find the fabled wealth in minerals and precious stones, and gather them and caiTy them away. Spain already possessed Florida, and it was all Florida then, from the At- lantic to the boundless and unknown west. The three great nations of the old world had conquered and j)ossessed — the Spaniards Florida, the English Virginia and New England, and the French the St. Lawrence. The feeblest of all these colonizers or conquerors were the English, and they retained their narrow foothold on the new continent with so little vigor that for more than a century and a half they knew nothing of the country west of them save the idle dreams and fictions of the surrounding savages. The general world had learned little of De Soto's great western discoveries, and when he was buried in the Missis- sippi all remained undisturbed from the presence or knowledge of civilized men for the period of 132 years. Jacques Marquette, a French Jesuit priest, had made expeditions along the Northern lakes, pros- elyting among the Indian tribes. He had con- ceived the idea that there was a great western river leading to China and Japan. He was joined in his ambition to find this route, and the tribes along it, by Joliet, a man fired with the ambition and daring of the bold explorer. These two men, with five employes, started on their great adven- ture May 17, 1673. They found the Upper Mis- sissippi River and came down that to the mouth of the Arkansas River, thence proceeding up some distance, it is supposed to near where is Arkansas Post. Thus the feet of the white man pressed once more the soil of this State, but it was after the lapse of many years from the time of De Soto' s visit. Marquette carried into the newly discovered country the cross of Chri.st, while Joliet planted in the wilderness the tricolors of France. France and Christianity stood together in the heart of the great Mississippi Valley; the discoverers, founders and possessors of the greatest spiritual and tem- poral empire on earth. From here the voyagers retraced their course to the Northern lakes and the St. Lawrence, and pulilished a report of their discoveries. Nine years after Marquette and Joliet' s expe- dition, Chevalier de La Salle came from France, accompanied by Henry de Tonti, an Italian, filled with great schemes of empire in the new western world; it is charged, by some historians of that day, with no less ambition than securing the whole western jjortion of the continent and wresting Mexico from the Spaniards. When Canada was reached. La Salle was joined by Louis Hennepin, an ambitious, unscrupulous and daring Franciscan monk. It was evidently La Salle's idea to found a military government in the new world, reaching with a line of forts and military possession from Quebec, Canada, to at least the Gulf, if not, as some have supposed, extending through Mexico. He explored the country lying between the North- ern lakes and the Ohio River. He raised a force in Canada and sailed through Green Bay, and, sending back his boat laden with furs, proceeded with his party to the head waters of the Illinois River and built Fort Creve Coeur. He detached Hennepin with one companion and sent him to hunt the soui'ce of the Mississijjpi. He placed Tonti in command of Creve Coeur, with five men, and him- self returned to Canada in the latter part of 1081, where he organized a new party with canoes, and went to Chicago; crossing the long portage from there to the Illinois River, he floated down » V 26 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. that stream to the Mississippi aad on to the Gulf of Mexico, discovering the mouth of tlie Mississippi River April 5, 1682, and three days after, with becoming pomp and ceremony, took possession, in the name of France, of the territory, and named it Louisiana, in honor of his king, Louis XIV. The vast region thus acquired by France was not, as it eould not be, well defined, but it was intended to embrace, in addition to much east of the Mississippi River, all the continent west of that current. After this expedition La Salle returned to France, fitted out another expedition and set sail, ostensibly to reach the mouth of the Mississippi River and pass up that stream. He failed to find the river, and landed his fleet at Metagordo Bay, Texas, where he remained two years, when with a part of his force he started to reach Canada via Fort St. Louis, but was assassinated by one of his men near the Trinity River, Texas, March 19, 1687, and his body, together with that of his nephew, was left on the Texas prairie to the beasts and buzzards. La Salle was a born commander of men, a great explorer, with vast projects of empire far beyond the comprehension of his wretched king, or the appreciation of his country- men. Had he been supported by a wise and strong government, France would never, perhaps, have been dispossessed of the greatest inter- continental colonial empire on earth — from the Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains. This was, in fact, the measure of the territory that La Salle's expedition and military possession gave to France. The two great ranges of mountains, the north pole and South America, were really the boundary lines of Louisiana, of which permanent ownership belonged forever to France, save for the weakness and inef- ficiency of that befe noire of poor, beautiful, sunny France — Louis XIV. In the irony of fate the his- torian of to-day may well write down the appella- tion of his toadies and parasites, as the grand nionarque. La Salle may justly be reckoned one of the greatest founders of empire in the world, and had poor France had a real king instead of this weak and pompous imbecile, her tricolors would have floated upon every breeze from the Allegha- nies to the Pacific Ocean, and over the islands of more than half of the waters of the globe. The immensity of the Louisiana Territory has been but little understood by historians. It was the largest and richest province ever acquired, and the world's history since its establishment has been intimately connected with and shaped by its influence. Thus the accoiint of the Territory of Louisiana is one of the most interesting chapters in American history. Thirteen years after the death of La Salle, 1700, his trusty lieutenant, Tonti, descended the Mississippi River from the Illinois, with a band of twenty French Illinois people, and upon reaching Arkansas Post, established a station. This was but carrying out La Salle's idea of a military pos- session by a line of forts from Canada to the Gulf. It may be called the first actual and intended per- manent possession of Arkansas. In the meantime, Natchez had become the oldest settled point in the Territory, south of Illinois, and the conduct of the commandant of the canton, Chopart, was laying the foundations for the ultimate bloody massacre of that place, in November, 1729. The Jesuit, Du Poisson, was the missionary among the Arkansans. He had made his way up the Mississippi and passed along the Arkansas River till he reached the prairies of the Dakotahs. The Chickasaws were the dreaded enemy of France; it was they who hurried the Natchez to that awful massacre; it was they whose cedar bark canoes, shooting boldly into the Mississippi, inter- rupted the connections between Kaskaskia and New Orleans, and delayed successful permanent settlements in the Arkansas. It was they who weakened the French empire in Louisiana. They colleagued with the English, and attempted to extirpate the French dominion in the valley. Such was Louisiana more thau half a century after the first attempt at colonization by La Salle. Its population may have been 5,000 whites and half that number of blacks. Louis XIV had fostered it bv crivinsj it over to the control of Law and his company of the Mississippi, aided by boundless but transient credit. Priests and friars dispersed through tribes from Biloxi to the Da- \ ^ — ^t^ > HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 27 kotabs, and propitiated the favor of the savages. But still the valley of the Mississippi remained a wilderness. All its patrons — though among them it counted kings and high ministers of state — had not accomplished for it in half a century a tithe of that prosperity which, within the same period, sprung naturally from the benevolence of William Penu to the peaceful settlers on the Delaware. It required the feebleness of the grand mon- arque to discover John Law, the father of in- flated cheap money and national financial ruin. In September, 1717, John Law's Company of the West was granted the commerce and control of Louisiana. He arrived at New Orleans with 800 immigrants in August of that year. Instead of coming up the Mississippi, they landed at Dau- phine Island to make their way across by land. The reign of John Law's company over Louisiana was a romance or a riot of folly and extravagance. He was to people and create a great empire on cheap money and a monopoly of the slave trade. For fourteen years the Company of the West con- trolled Louisiana. The bubble burst, the dreams and illusions of ease and wealth passed away, and but wretched remnants of colonies existed, in the extremes of want and suffering. But, after all, a permanent settlement of the great valley had been made. A small portion of these were located at Arkansas Post, up the Arkansas River and on Red River, and like the most of the others of Law's followers, they made a virtue of necessity and re- mained because they could not get away. John Law was an Englishman, a humbug, but a magnificent one, so marked and consjjicuous in the world's history that his career should hf.ve taught the statesmen of all nations the simple lesson that debt is not wealth, and that every at- tempt to create wealth wholly by legislation is sure to be followed by general bankruptcy and ruin. The Jesuits and fur-traders were the founders of Illinois; Louis XIV and privileged companies were the patrons of Southern Louisiana, while the honor of beginning the work of colonizing the southwest of our republic belongs to the illustri- ous Canadian, Lemoine D' Iberville. He was a wor- thy successor of La Salle. He also sought to find the mouth of the Mississippi, and guided l^y floating trees and turbid waters, he reached it on March 2, 1699. He perfected the line of communication between Quebec and the Gulf; extended east and west the already boundless possessions of France; erected forts and carved the lilies on the trees of the forests; and fixed the seat of government of Louisiana at Bilosi, and appointed his brother to command the province. Under D' Iberville, the French line was extended east to Pascagoula River; Beinville, La Sueur, and St. Denys had explored the west to New Mexico, and had gone in the northwest beyond the Wisconsin and the St. Croix, and reached the mouth of and followed this stream to the confluence c5f the Blue Earth. D' Iberville died of yellow fever at Havana, July 9, 1706, and in his death the Louisiana colony lost one of its most able and daring leaders. But Louisiana, at that time, possessed less than thirty families of whites, and these were scattered on voyages of discovery, and in quest of gold and gems. France perfected her civil government over Louisiana in 1689, and appointed Marquis de San- ville, royal viceroy. This viceroy's emjsire was as vast in territory as it was insignificant in popula- tion — less than 300 souls.* By regular appoint- ments of viceroys the successions were maintained (including the fourteen years of Law's supremacy) iintil by the treaty of Fontainbleau, November 3, 1762, France was stripped of her American pos- sessions, and Canada and the Spanish Florida; everything east of the Mississippi except the island of New Orleans was given to England, and all Louisiana, including New Orleans west of the Mississippi River and south of the new southern boundary line of Canada, was given to Spain, in lieu of her Florida possessions. Hence, it was No- vember 3, 1762, that what is now Arkansas passed from the dominion of France to that of Spain. The signing of this treaty made that day the most eventful one in the busy movements of the *The title of France to the boundless conflnes of Louisiana were confirraedby the treaty of Utrecht. The contentions between England and France over the Ohio country, afterward, are a part of the annals of the gen- eral history of the country. 4 s >> 28 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. human race. It re-mapped the world, gave the English language to the American coutiuent, and spread it more widely over the globe than any that had before given expression to human thought, the language that is the alma mater of civil liberty and religious independence. Had France perma- nently dominated America, civil liberty and repre- sentative government would have been yet unborn. The dogmatic tyranny of the middle ages, with all its intolerance and war, would have been the herit- age of North America. Thus re-adjusted in her domain, Louisiana re- mained a province of Spain until October 1, 1800, when the Little Corporal over-ran Spain with his victorious legions, and looted his Catholic majesty's domains. Napoleon allowed his military ambition to dwarf his genius, and except for this curious fact, he was the man who would have saved and disenthralled the French mind, and have placed the Gaul, with all his volcanic forces, in an even start in the race of civilization with the invincible and cruel Anglo-Saxon. He was the only man of progressive genius that has ever ruled poor, un- fortunate France. The treaty of St. Ildefonso, secretly transfeiTing Louisiana from Spain again into the possession of France, was ratified March 24, 180L Its conditions provided that it was to re- main a secret, and the Spanish viceroy, who was governor of Louisiana, knew nothing of the trans- fer, and continued in the discharge of his duties, granting rights, creating privileges and deeding lands and other things that were inevitable in breeding conftisions. and cloudy land titles, such as would busy the courts for a hundi'ed years, inflict-, ing injustice and heavy burdens upon many inno- cent people. In 1802 President Jefferson became possessed of the secret that France owned Louisiana. He at once sent James Monroe to Paris, who, with the resident minister, Mr. Livingston, opened negotia- tions with Napoleon, at first only trying to secure the free navigation of the Mississippi River, but to their great surprise the Emperor more than met them half way, with a proposal to sell Louisiana to the United States. The bargain was closed, the consideration being the paltry sum of $15,000,000. This important move on the great chess-board of nations occurred April 30, 1803. The perfunc tory act of lowering the Spanish ensign and hoist- ing the flag of France; then lowering immediately the tricolors and unfurling the stars and stripes, it is hoped never to be furled, was performed at St. Louis March 9, 1804. Bless those dear old, nation-building pioneers! These were heavy drafts upon their patriotic allegiance, but they were equal to the occasion, and ate their breakfasts as Span- iards, their dinners as Frenchmen, and suppers as true Americans. The successful class of immigrants to the west of the Mississippi were the French Canadians, who had brought little or nothing with them save the clothes on their backs, and an old flintlock gun with which to secure game. They colonized after the French mode of villages and long strips of farms, and a public commons. They propitiated the best they could the neighboring Indian tribes, erected their altars, hunted, and frolicked, and were an honest, simple-minded and just people, but little vexed with ambitious pride or grasping avarice. The mouth of the Arkansas River was the attractive point for immigrants on their way to the Arkansas Territory, and they would ascend that stream to Arkansas Post. There were not 500 white people in the Territory of (now) Arkansas in 1803, when it became a part of the United States. In 1810 the total population was 1.002. So soon as Louisiana became a part of the United States, a small but never ceasing stream of English speak- ing people turned their faces to the west and crossed the ' ' Father of Waters. ' ' Those for Ar- kansas established Montgomery Point, at the mouth of White River, making that the transfer place for all shipments inland. This remained as the main shipping and commercial point for many years. By this route were transferred the freights for Arkansas Post. The highway fi-om Montgomery Point to the Post was a slim and indistinct bridle path. The immigrants came down the Cumber- laud and Tennessee Rivers to the Ohio in keel- boats and canoes, and were mostly from Tennes- see; beckoned to this fair and rich kingdom by its sunny clime, its mountains and rivers, and its pro- Til iHl HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 29 ductive valleys, all enriched with a flora and fauna surpassing the dream of a pastoral poem. The French were the first permanent settlers of Ai'kansas, and descendants of these people are still here. Many bearing the oldest French names have attained to a position among the most emi- nent of the great men of the trans-Mississippi. Sometimes the names have become so corrupted as to be unrecognizable as belonging to the early illus- trious stock. The English-speaking people speak- ing French names phonetically would soon change them completely, The Bogys and Lefevres, for instance, are names that go back to the very first settlements in Arkansas. ' ' Lefevre ' ' on the maps is often spelled phonetically thus : ' ' Laf aver. ' ' Representatives of the Lefevre family are yet numerous in and about Little Rock, and in other portions of the State. Peter L. Lefevre and family were among the very first French settlers, locating in the fall of 1818 on the north side of the river on Spanish Grant No. 497, about six miles below Little Rock. His sons were Peter, Enos, Francis G. , Ambrose, Akin, Leon and John B. , his daughter being Mary Louise. All of these have passed away except the now venerable Leon Lefevre, who resides on the old plantation where he was born in the year 1808. For eighty one years the panorama of the birth, growth and the vicissitudes of Arkansas have passed before his eyes. It is supposed of all living men he is the oldest representative surviving of the earliest settlers; however, a negro, still a resident of Little Rock, also came in 1818. The first English speaking settlers were Ten- nesseeans, Kentuckians and Alabamians. The ear- liest came down the Mississippi River, and then penetrating Arkansas at the mouths of the streams from the west, ascended these in the search for future homes. The date of the first coming of English speaking colonists may be given as 1807, those prior to that time being only trapj^ers, hunters and voyagers on expeditions of discovery, or those whose names can not now be ascertained. South Carolina and Georgia also gave their small quotas to the first pioneers of Arkansas. From the States south of Tennessee the route was overland to the Mississippi River, or to some of its bayous, and then by water. A few of these from the Southern States brought considerable property, and some of them negro slaves, but not many were able to do this. The general rule was to reach the Territory alone and clear a small piece of ground, and as soon as possible to buy slaves and set them at work in the cotton fields. In 1814 a colony of emigrants, consisting of four families, settled at Batesville, then the Lower Missouri Territory, now the county seat of Inde- pendence County. There was an addition of fif- teen families to this colony the next year. Of the first was the family of Samuel Miller, father of (afterward) Gov. William R. Miller; there were also John Moore, the Magnesses and Beans. All these families left names permanently connected with the history of Arkansas. In the colony of 1815 (all from Kentucky) were the brothers, Richard, John, Thomas and James Peel, sons of Thomas Peel, a Virginian, and Kentucky companion of Daniel Boone. Thomas Curran was also one of the later colonists from Kentucky, a relative of the great Irishman, John Philpot Curran. In the 1815 colony were also old Ben Hardin — hero of so many Indian wars — his brother, Joab, and William GrifKn. Thomas Wyatt, William Martin, Samuel Elvin, James Akin, John Reed, James Miller and John B. Craig. Alden Trimble, who died at Peel, Ark., in April, 1889, aged seventy-four years, was born in the Cal Hogan settlement, on White River, Marion County, June 14, 1815. This item is gained fi'om the obituary notice of his death, and indicates some of the very first settlers in that portion of the State. Among the oldest settled points, after Arkan- sas Post, was what is now Arkadelphia, Clark County. It was first called Blakelytown, after Adam Blakely. He had opened a little store at the place, and about this were collected the first settlers, among whom may now be named Zack Davis, Samuel Parker and Adam Highnight. The Blakelys and the names given above were all locat- ed in that settlement in the year 1810. The next year came John Hemphill, who was the first to dis- 30 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. cover and utilize the valuable waters of the salt springs of that place. He engaged in the suc- cessful manufacture of salt, and was in time suc- ceeded by his son-in-law, Jonathan O. Callaway. Jacob Barkman settled in Arkadelphia in 1811. He was a man of foresight and enterprise, and soon established a trade along the river to New Orleans. He commenced navigating the river in canoes and pirogues, and finally owned and ran in the trade the tirst steamboat plying from that point to New Orleans. He pushed trade at the point of settlement, at the same time advancing navigation, and opened a large cotton farm. In Arkansas County, among the early promi- nent men who were active in the county's affairs were Eli I. Lewis, Henry Scull, O. H. Thomas, T. Farrelly, Hewes Scull, A. B. K. Thetford and Lewis Bogy. The latter afterward removed to Missouri, and has permanently associated his name with the history of that State. In a subsequent list of names should be mentioned those of Will- iam Fultony, James Maxwell and James H. Lucas, the latter being another of the notable citizens of Missouri. Carroll County: Judges George Campbell and William King, and John Bush, T. H. Clark, Abra- ham Shelly, William Nooner, Judge Hiram Davis, W. C. Mitchell, Charles Sneed, A. M. Wilson, Elijah Tabor, William Beller, M. L. Hawkins, John McMillan, M. Ferryman, J. A. Hicks, N. Eudd, Thomas Callen, W. E. Armstrong. Chicot County: John Clark, William B. Patton, Richard Latting, George W. Ferribee, Francis Rycroft, Thomas Knox, W. B. Duncan, J. W. Boone, H. S. Smith, James Blaine, Abner John- son, William Hunt, J. W. Neal, James Murray, B. Magruder, W. P. Reyburn, J. T. White, John Fulton, Judge W. H. Sutton, J. Chapman, Hiram Morrell, Reuben Smith, A. W. Webb. In Clark Coimty, in the earliest times, were W. P. L. Blair, Colbert Baker, Moses Graham, Mathew Logan, James Miles, Thomas Drew, Daniel Ringo, A. Stroud, David Fisk and Isaac Ward. Clay County: John J. Griffin, Abraham Rob- erts, William Davis, William H. Mack, James Watson, J. G. Dudley, James Campbell, Single- ton Copeland, C. H. Mobley. Conway County: Judge Saffold, David Bar- ber, James Kellam, Reuben Blunt, James Barber, James Ward, Thomas Mathers, John Houston, E. W. Owen, Judge B. B. Ball. J. I. Simmons, T. S. Haynes, B. F. Howard, AVilliam Ellis, N. H. Buckley, James Ward, Judge Robert McCall, W. H. Robertson, L. C. Griffin, Judge W. T. Gamble, D. D. Mason, George Fletcher and D. Harrison. Craighead County: Rufus Snoddy, Daniel O'Guinn. Yancey Broadway, Henry Powell, D. R. Tyler, Elias Mackey, William Q. Lane, John Ham- ilton, Asa Puckett, Eli Quarles, William Pur3'ear. In Crawford County were Henry Bradford, Jack Mills, G. C. Pickett, Mark Beane, J. C. Sum- ner, James Billingsley. Crittenden Count}' : J. Livingston, W. D. Fer- guson, W. Goshen, William Cherry, Judge D. H. Harrig, O. W. Wallace, S. A. Cherry, Judge Charles Blackmore, S. R. Cherry, John Tory, F. B. Read, Judge A. B. Hubbins, H. O. Oders, J. H. Wathen, H. Bacon. Fulton County: G. W. Archer, William Wells, Daniel Hubble, Moses Branuon, John Nichols, Moses Steward, Enos C. Hunter, Milton Yarberry, Dr. A. C. Cantrell. Greene County: Judge L. Brookfield, L. Thompson, James Brovcn, J. Sutfin, G. Hall, Charles Robertson, Judge W. Hane, Judge George Daniel, G. L. Martin, J. Stotts, James Ratchford, Judge L. Thompson, H. L. Holt, J. L. Atkinson, J. Clark, H. N. Reynolds, John Anderson, Ben- jamin Crowley, William Pevehouse, John Mitch- ell, Aaron Bagwell, A. J. Smith, Wiley Clarkson, William Hatch. In Hempstead County: J. M. Steward, A. S. Walker, Benjamin Clark, A. M. Oakley, Thomas Dooley, D. T. Witter, Edward Cross, William McDonald, D. Wilburn and James Moss. Hot Springs County: L. N. West, G. B. Hughes, Judge W. Durham, G. W. Rogers, T. W. Johnson, J. T. Grant, J. H. Robinson, H. A. Whittington, John Callaway, J. T. Grant, Judge G. Whittington, L. Runyan, R. Huson, J. Bank- son, Ira Robinson, Judge A. N. Sabin, C. A. Sa- ft Xj HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 31 bin, W. W. McDaniel, AV. Dunham, A. B. McDon- ald, Joseph Lorance. • Independence County : R. Searcy, Robert Bean, Charles Kelly, John Reed, T. Curran, John Bean, I. Curran, J. L. Daniels, J. Redmon, John Rud- dell, C. H. Pelham, Samuel Miller, James Micham, James Trimble, Henry Encjles, Hartwell Boswell, John H. Ringgold. Izard County: J- P. Houston, John Adams, Judge Mathew Adams, H. C. Roberts, Jesse Adams, John Hargrove, J. Blyeth, William Clement, Judge J. Jeffrey, Daniel Jeffrey, A. Adams, J. A. Harris, W. B. Carr, Judge B. Hawkins, B. H. Johnson, D. K. Loyd, W. H. Carr, A. Creswell, H. W. Bandy, Moses Bishop, Daniel Hively, John Gray, William Powell Thomas Richardson, William Seymour. Jackson County: Judge Hiram Glass, J. C. Saylors, Isaac Gray. N. Copeland, Judge E. Bartley, John Robinson, A. M. Carpenter, Judge D. C. Waters, P. O. Flynn, Hall Roddy, Judge R. Ridley. G. AV. Cromwell, Sam Mathews, Sam Allen, Martin Bridgeman, John Wideman, New- ton Arnold, Joseph Haggerton, Holloway Stokes. Jefferson County: Judge W. P. Hackett, J. T. Pullen, Judge Creed Taylor, Peter German, N. Holland, Judge Sam C. Roane, William Kinkead, Thomas O'Neal. E. H. Roane, S. Dardenne, Sam Taylor, Judge H. Bradford, H. Edgington, Judge W. H. Lindsey, J. H. Caldwell. Johnson County: Judge George Jameson, Thomas Jenette, S. F. Mason, Judge J. P. Kessie, A. Sinclair, William Fritz, W. J. Parks, R. S. McMicken, Augustus Ward, Judge J. L. Cravens, A. M. Ward, M. Rose, A. L. Black, W. A. Ander- son, Judge J. B. Brown, A. Sinclair, William Adams. W. M. H. Newton. Lafayette County : Judge Jacob Buzzard, Jesse Douglass, Joshua Morrison. I. W. Ward, J. T. Conway, W. E. Hodges, J. Morrison, George Doo- ley, J. M. Dorr, J. P. Jett, W. B. Conway, W. H. Conway. T. V. Jackson. G. H. Pickering, Judge E. M. Lowe, R. F. Sullivan, James Ab- rams. Lawrence County: Joseph Hardin, Robert Blane, H. Sandford, John Reed, R. Richardson, J. M. Kuykendall, H. R. Hynson, James Camp- bell, D. W. Lowe. Thomas Black, John Rodney, John Spotts, William J. Hudson, William Stuart, Isaac Morris, William B. Marshall, John S. Fick- lin. Madison County: Judge John Bowen, H. B. Brown, P. M. Johnson, H. C. Daugherty, M. Perryman, T. McCuiston. In Miller County: John Clark, J. Ewing, J. H. Fowler, B. English, C. Wright, G. F. Lawson, Thomas Polk, George Wetmore, David Clark, J. G. Pierson, John Morton, N. Y. Crittenden, Charles Burkem, George Collum, G. C. Wetmore, D. C. Steele, G. F. Lawton and Judge G. M. Martin. \ Mississippi County: Judge Edwin Jones, J. W. Whitworth, E. F. Loyd, S. McLuug, G. C. Bartield, Judge Nathan Ross, Judge John Troy, J. W. Dewitt, J. C. Bowen, Judge Fred Miller. Uriah Russell, T. L. Daniel, J. G. Davis, Judge Nathan Ross, J. P. Edrington, Thomas Sears, A. G. Blackmore, William Kellums, Thomas J. Mills, James Williams. Elijah Buford, Peter G. Reeves. Monroe County: Judge William Ingram, J. C. Montgomery, James Eagan, John Maddox, Lafay- ette Jones, Judge James Carlton, M. Mitchell, J.. R. Dye, J. Jacobs, R. S. Bell. Phillips Coiinty: W. B. R. Horner, Daniel Mooney, S. Phillips, S. M. Rutherford, George Seaborn, H. L. Biscoe, G. W. Fereby, J. H. McKenzie, Austin Hendricks, W. H. Calvert, N. Righton, B. Burress, F. Hanks, J. H. McKeal, J. K. Sandford, S. S. Smith, C. P. Smith, J. H. McKenzie, S. C. Mooney, I. C. P. Tolleson, Emer Askew, P. Pinkston, Charles Pearcy, J. B. Ford, W. Bettiss, J. Skinner. H. Turner and M. Irvin. Pike County: Judge W. Sorrels, D. S. Dickin- son, John Hughes, J. W. Dickinson, Judge W. Kelly, Isaac White. J. H. Kirkhan, E. K. Will- iams, Henry Brewer. Poinsett County: Judges Richard Hall and William Harris. Drs. Theophilus Griffin and John P. Hardis, Harrison Ainsworth, Robert H. Stone, Benjamin Harris. Pope County: Judge Andrew Scott, Twitty ^1 32 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Pace, H. Stinnett, W. Garrott, W. Mitchell, Judge S. K. Blytiie, A. E. Pace, J. J. Morse, F. Heron, Judge Thomas Murray. Jr., S. M. Hayes, S. S. Hayes, R. S. Witt, Judge Isaac Brown, R. T. Williamson, W. W. Rankin, Judge J. J. Morse, J. B. Logan, W. C. Webb. Pulaski County: R. C. Oden, L. R. Gurran, Jacob Peyatte, A. H. Renick, G. Greathouse, M. Cunningham, Samuel Anderson, H Armstrong, T. W. Newton, D. E. McKiuney, S. M. Rutherford, A. McHenry, Allen Martin, J. H. Caldwell, Judge S. S. Hall, J. Henderson. William Atchinson. R. N. Rowland, Judge David Rorer, J. K. Taylor, E. H. Callaway, A. L. Langham. Judge J. H. Cocke, W. Badgett, G. N. Peay, J. C. Anthony, L. R. Lincoln, A. Martin, A. S. Walker, Judge E. Graves, J. P. and John Fields, J. K. Taylor, W. C. Howell, J. Gould, Roswell Beebe, William Russell, John C. Peay. Randolph County: Judge P. R. Pittman, B. J. Wiley, William Black, R. Bradford. J. M. Cooper, B. J. W^iley, B. M. Simj^son, John Janes, James Campbell, Samuel McElroy, Edward Mattix, Thomas S. Drew, E. S. Bettis. James Russell. St. Francis County: Andrew Roane. William Strong, S. Crouch, Judge John Johnson, T. J. Curl, G. B. Lincecum, AVilliam Lewis, Judge William Strong, Isaac Mitchell, David Davis, Isaac Forbes, Judge William Enos, N. O. Little, W. G. Bozeman, H. M. Carothers, Judge R. H. Hargrove, H. H. Curl, Cyrus Little. Saline County: Judge T. S. Hutchinson, Samuel Caldwell, V. Brazil, C. Lindsey, A. Carrick, Judge H. Prudden, G. B. Hughes, Samuel Collins, J. J. Joiner, J. R. Conway, E. Brazil, E. M. Owen, George McDaniel, C. P. Lyle. Scott County: Judge Elijah Baker, S. B. Walker, James Eiley, J. R. Choate, Judge James Logan, G. Marshall, Charles Humphrey, W. Cau- thorn, G. C. Walker. T. J. Garner, Judge Gilbert Marshall, W. Kenner. Searcy County: Judge William Wood. William Kavanaugh, E. M. Hale, Judge Joseph Rea, Will- iam Ruttes, Joe Brown, V. Robertson, T. S. Hale, Judge J. Campbell. Sevier County: Judge John Clark, R. Hart- field, G. Clark. J. T. Little, Judge David Foran, P. Little, William White, Charles Moore, A. Hartfield, Judge J. F. Little, Henry Morris, Judge Henry Brown, George Halbrook, Judge E. H. Scott, S. S. Smith. Sharp County: John King, Eobert Lott, Nich- olas Norris, William Morgan, William J. Gray, William Williford, Solomon Hudspeth, Stephen English, John Walker, L. D. Dale. John C. Gar- ner, E. P. Smithee, Josiah Eichardson, Judge A. H. Nunn, William G. Matheny. Union County: John T. Cabeen, John Black, Jr., Judge John Black, Sr. , Benjamin Gooch, Alexander Beard, Thomas O'Neal, Judge G. B. Hughes, John Cornish, John Hogg, Judge Hiram Smith, J. E. Moore, Jojin Henry, John Stokeley, Judge Charles H. Seay, W. L. Bradley, Judge Thomas Owens. Van Buren County: Judge J. L. Laferty, P. O. Powell, N. Daugherty, Philip Wail, L. "wiU- iams, Judge J. B. Craig, Judge J. M. Baird, J. McAllister, Judge William Dougherty, A. Mor- rison, George Counts, A. Caruthers, W. W. Trim- ble, R. Bain, J. O. Young, George Hardin, A. W. McRaines, Judge J. C. Ganier. Washington County : L. Newton, Lewis Evans, John Skelton, Judge Robert McAmy, B. H. Smithson, Judge John Wilson, James Marrs, V. Caruthers, James Coulter, J. T. Edmonson, Judge J. M. Hoge, James Crawford, John McClellan, Judge W. B. Woody, W. W. Hester, Judge John Cureton, L. C. Pleasants, Isaac Murphy, D. Calla- ghan. Judge Thomas Wilson, W. L. Wallace and L. W. Wallace. White County: Judge Samuel Guthrie, P. W. Roberts, P. Crease, Michael Owens, M. H. Blue, S. Arnold, J. W. Bond, William Cook, J. Arnold, Milton Saunders, James Bird, Samiiel Beeler, James Walker, Martin Jones, Philip Hilger, James King, L. Pate, John Akin, Reuben Stephens, Sam- uel Guthrie. Woodruff County: Eolla Gray, Durant H. Bell, John Dennis. Dudley Glass, Michael Hag- gerdon, Samuel Taylor, James Barnes, George Hatch, John Teague, Thomas Arnold and Thomas Hough. ^7^ V ^1 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 33 The above were all prominent men in their lo- calities during the Territorial times of Arkansas. Many of them have left names and memories inti- mately associated with the history of the State. They were a part of those pioneers ' ' who hewed the dark, old woods away," and left a rich inheri- tance, and a substantial civilization, having wealth, refinement and luxiuies, that were never a part of their dreams. They were home makers as well as State and Nation builders. They cut out the roads, opened their farms, bridged the streams, built houses, made settlements, towns and cities, render- ing all things possible to their descendants; a race of heroes and martyrs pre-eminent in all time for the blessings they transmitted to posterity; they repelled the painted savage, and exterminated the ferocious wild beasts; they worked, struggled and endured that others might enjoy the fruits of their heroic sacrifices. Their lives were void of evil to mankind; possessing little ambition, their touch was the bloom and never the blight. Granted, cynic, they builded wiser than they knew, yet they built, and built well, and their every success was the triumphant march of peace. Let the record of their humble but great lives be immortal ! The New Madrid earthquake of 1 SI 1-1 2, com- mencing in the last of December, and the subterra- nean forces ceasing after three months' duration, was of itself a noted era, but to the awful display of nature's forces was added a far more important and lasting event, the result of the silent but mighty powers of the human mind. Simulta- neously with the hoTir of the most violent convul- sions of nature, the third day of the earthquake, there rode out at the mouth of the Ohio, into the lashed and foaming waters of the Mississippi, the first steamboat that ever ploughed the western waters — the steamer "Orleans," Capt. Roosevelt. So awful was the display of nature' s energies, that the granitic earth, with a mighty sound, heaved and writhed like a storm-tossed ocean. The great river turned back in its flow, the waves of the ground burst, shooting high in the air, spouting sand and water; great forest-covered hills disap- peared at the bottom of deep lakes into which they had sunk; and the "sunk lands" are to this day marked on the maps of Southeast Mis- souri and Northeast Arkansas. The sparse popu- lation along the river (New Madrid was a flourish- ing young town) fled the country in terror, leav- ing mostly their effects and domestic animals. The wild riot of nature met in this wilderness the triumph of man's genius. Where else on the globe so appropriately could have been this meet- ing of the opposing forces as at the mouth of the Ohio and on the convulsed bosom of the Father of Waters? How feeble, apparently, in this contest, were the powers of man ; how grand and awful the play of nature's forces! The mote straggling against the "wreck of worlds and crush of mat- ter. ' ' But, ' ' peace be still, ' ' was spoken to the vexed earth, while the invention of Fulton will go on forever. The revolving paddle wheels were the incipient drive-wheels, on which now ride in tri- umph the glories of this great age. The movement of immigrants to Arkansas in the decade following the earthquake was retarded somewhat, whereas, barring this, it should and would have been stimulated into activity by the advent of steamboats upon the western rivers. The south half of the State was in the possession of the Quapaw Indians. The Spanish attempts at colonizing were practical failures. His Catholic majesty was moving in the old ruts of the feudal ages, in the deep-seated faith of the " divinity of kings," and the paternal powers and duties of rulers. The Bastrop settlement of "thirty fam- ilies," by a seigniorial grant in 1797, had brought years of suffering, disappointment and failure. This was an attempt to found a colony on the Ouachita River, granting an entire river and a strip of land on each side thereof to Bastrop, the government to pay the passage of the people across the ocean and to feed and clothe them one year. To care for its vassals, and to provide human breeding grounds ; swell the multitudes for the use of church and State; to "glorify God" bj- repressing the growing instincts of lilierty and the freedom of thought, and add subjects to the possession and powers of these gilded toads, were the essence of the oriental schemes for peopling the new world. Happily for mankind they failed. 'A u HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and the wild beasts returned to care for their young in safety and await the coming of the real pioneers, they who came bringing little or nothing, save a manly spirit of self-reliance and indepjndence. These were the successful founders and builders of empire in the wilderness. ;ifiriii II. "i&'?P^St'^^ i pSovTa'^'^^^^ m^- a^^^i^ N the preceding chapter are ^■Jkc'^ briefly traced the changes .'■^'fiC'<% in the government of the Wj^ if Territory of Louisiana from ' 'i^'i, ^^s discovery to the year " 1803, when it became a part of the territory of Organization.— The Viceroys and Governors— The Attitude of the Royal Owners of Louisiana— The District Divided — The Territory' of Arkansas Formed from the Territory of Missouri —The Territorial Government— The First Legislature— The Seat of Government — Other Legislative Bodies— The Deullo— Arkansas Admitted to Statehood — The Constitutional Conventions — The Memorable Reconstruction Period— Legislative Attitude on the Question of Secession —The War of the Governors, etc., etc. UNDER FRENCH RULE. Robert Cavelier de La Salle (April 9, formal).... 1682-1688 Marquis de Sanville 1689-lTOO Bienville 1701-1712 Lamoille Cadillar 1713-1715 De L'Epinay 1716-1717 Bienville 1718-1723 Boisbriant (ad interim) 1724 Bienville 1732-1741 Baron de Kelerec 1753-1762 D'Abbadie 1763-1766* UNDER SPANISH RULE. Antonio de Ulloa 1767-1768 Alexander O'Reilly. . 176S-1769 Louis de Unzaga 1770-1776 Beruando de Galvez 1777-1784 Estevar Miro 178.5-1787 Francisco Luis Hortu, Baron of Caron- delet 1789-1793 Gayoso de Lemos 1793-1798 Sebastian de Cosa Calvo y O'Farrell. . .1-798-1799 .Juan Manual de Salcedo 1800-1803 From the dates already given it will be seen that the official acts of Salcedo during his entire * Louisiana west of the Mississippi, although ceded to Spain iu 1763, remained under French jurisdiction until 1760. ■*! m '.^ the United States. Discovered by the Spanish, possessed by the French, divided and re-divided between the French, Spanish and English; set- tled by the Holv Mother Church, '^^1 i in the warp and woof of nations it was the flying shuttle cock of the great weaver in its religion as well as allegiance for 261 years. This foundling, this waif of nations, was but an outcast, or a trophy chained to the triumphal car of the victors among the warring European powers, until in the providence of God it reached its haven and abiding home in the bosom of the union of States. As a French province, the civil government of Louisiana was organized, and the Marquis de San- ville appointed viceroy or governor in 1689. V ^y HISTOEY OF AKKANSAS. 35 term of office, under the secret treaty of Ildefonso, were tainted with irregularity. Thousands of land grants had been given by him after he had in fact ceased to be the viceroy of Spain. The contract- ing powers had affixed to the treaty the usual ob- ligations of the fulfillment of all undertakings, but the American courts and lawyers, in that ancient spirit of legal hypercritical technicalities, had given heed to the vicious doctrine that acts in good faith of a de facto governor may be treated as of questionable validity. This was never good law, because it was never good sense or justice. The acts and official doings of these vice-royal- ties in the wilderness present little or nothing of interest to the student of history, because they were local and individual in their bearing. It was the action of the powers across the waters, m reference to. Canada and Louisiana, that in their wide and sweeping effects have been nearly omnip- otent in shaping civilization. Referring to the acquisition of Canada and the Louisiana east of the Mississippi River, Bancroft says that England exulted in its conquest;* enjoying the glory of extended dominion in the confident expectation of a boundless increase of wealth. But its success was due to its having taken the lead in the good old struggle for liberty, and it was destined to bring fruits, not so much to itself as to the cause of freedom and mankind. France, of all the States on the continent of Europe the most powerful, by territorial unity, wealth, numbers, industry and culture, seemed also by its place marked out for maritime ascend- ency. Set between many seas it rested upon the Mediterranean, possessed harbors on the German Ocean, and embraced between its wide shores and jutting headlands the bays and open waters of the Atlantic; its people, infolding at one extreme the offspring of colonists fi'om Greece, and at the other the hardy children of the Northmen, being called, as it were, to the inheritance of life upon the sea. The nation, too, readily conceived or ap- propriated great ideas and delighted in bold re- solves. Its travelers had penetrated farthest into ^"Bancroft, vol. iv.-457; Gayarre's Histoire de la Louisiane, vol. ii.-121. the fearful interior of unknown lands; its mission aries won most familiarly the confidence of the aboriginal hordes; its writers described with keener and wiser observation the forms of nature in her wildness, and the habits and languages of savage man; its soldiers, and every lay Frenchman in America owed military service, uniting beyond all others celerity with courage, knew best how to endure the hardships of forest life and to triumph in forest warfare. Its ocean chivalry had given a name and a colony to Carolina, and its merchants a people to Acadia. The French discovered the basin of the St. Lawrence; were the first to ex- plore and possess the banks of the Mississippi, and planned an American empire that should unite the widest valleys and most copious inland waters in the world. But over all this splendid empire in the old and the new world was a government that was medieval — mured in its glittering palaces, taxing its subjects, it would allow nothing to come to the Louisiana Territory but what was old and worn out. French America was closed against even a gleam of intellectual independence; nor did all Louisiana contain so much as one dissenter from the Roman Church. " We have caught them at last," exultingly ex- claimed Choiseul, when he gave up the Canadas to England and the Louisiana to Spain. " Eng- land will ere long repent of having removed the only check that could keep her colonies in awe. * * * She will call on them to support the bur- dens they have helped to bring on her, and they will answer by striking off all dependence," said Vergennes. These keen-witted Frenchmen, with a pene- tration far beyond the ablest statesmen of Eng- land, saw, as they believed, and time has con- firmed, that in the humiliation and dismember- ment of the territory of France, especially the transfer to England of Canada, they had la d the mine which some day would destroy the British colonial system, and probably eventuate in the independence of the American colonies. The in- tellect of France was keeping step with the spirit of the age; it had been excluded of course from the nation's councils, but saw what its feeble 30 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. government neither could see nor prevent, that the distant wilderness possessed a far greater impor- tance on the world's new map than was given it by the gold and gems it was supposed to contain; and that the change of allegiance of the colonies was the great step in the human mind, as it was slowly emerging from the gloom and darkness of the middle ages. Thus it was that the mere Terri- tory of Louisiana, before it was peopled by civilized man, was playing its important part in the world's greatest of all dramas. The first official act of our government, after the purchase of Louisiana, was an act of Congress, March 26, 1S04, dividing Louisiana into two dis- tricts, and attaching the whole to Indiana Terri- tory, under the government of William Henry Harrison. The division in Louisiana was by a line on the thirty-third parallel; the south was named the District of Orleans; that north of it was named the District of Louisiana. This is now the south line of the State of Arkansas. In 1805 the District of Louisiana was erected in- to the Territory of Louisiana. It was however a terri- tory of the second class and remained under the gov- ernment and control of Indiana Territory until 1812. By act of June 4, 1812, the name of Louisiana Territory was changed and became the Missouri Territory, being made a territory of the first class, and given a territorial government. Capt. William Clark, of the famous Lewis and Clark, explorers of the northwest, was appointed governor, remaining as such until 1819, when Arkansas Territory was cut off from Missouri. The act of 1812, changing the District of Louisiana to Missouri Territory, provided for a Territorial legislature consisting of nine members, and empowered the governor to lay off that part where the Indian title had been extinguished into thirteen counties. The county of New Madrid, aa then formed, extended into the Arkan- sas territorial limits, ' ' down to the Mississippi to a point directly east of the mouth of Little Red River; thence to the mouth of Red River; thence up the Red River to the Osage purchase," etc. In other words it did not embrace the whole of what is now Arkansas. December 13, 1813, the County of Arkansas, Missouri Territory, was formed, and the county seat was fixed at Arkansas Post.* Besides Arkansas County, Lawrence County was formed January 15, 1815, and Clark, Hemp- stead and Pulaski Counties, December 15, 1818. Missouri neglected it seems to provide a judi- cial district for her five southern or Arkansas counties. Therefore Congress, in 1814, authorized the President to appoint an additional judge for Missouri Territory, "who should hold office four years and reside in or near the village of Arkan- sas," — across the river from Arkansas Post. March 2, 1819, Congress created the Territory of Arkansas out of the Missouri Territory. It was only a territory of the second class, and the ma- chinery of government consisted of the governor and three judges, who constituted the executive, judicial and legislative departments, their offi- cial acts requiring the consent of Congress. Pres- ident Monroe apjjointed James Miller, governor; Robert Crittenden, secretary; Charles Jouett, Andrew Scott and Robert P. Letcher, judges of the superior court. The act designated Arkansas Post as the temporary seat of government. In the ab- sence of the Governor, Robert Crittenden, "act- ing governor," convened the first session of the provisional government on August 3, 1819. The act continued the new territory under the laws of Missouri Territory. The five counties designated above as formed prior to the division of Arkansas, had been represented in the Missouri Territorial legislature. Elijah Kelly, of Clark County, was a representative, and he rode on horseback from his home to St. Louis. The session was probably not a week in length, and the pay and mileage little or nothing. This first Territorial legislature appointed a treasurer and auditor, provided a tax for general purposes, and divided the five counties into two judicial circuits: First, Arkansas and Lawrence Counties ; Second, Pulaski, Clark and Hempstead Counties. * During the latter part of the eighteenth century, something of the same municipal division was made, and called "Arkansas Parish," the name being derived from an old Indian town called Arkansea. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 37 April 21, 1820. Congress passed an act per- fecting the Territorial organization, and applying the same provisions to Arkansas that were contained in the act creating Missouri into a Territory of the first class. The lirst legislative body elected in Arkansas convened at Ai'kausas Post, February 7 to 24, 1S20. In the council were: President, Edward McDonald; secretary, Richard Searcy; members, Arkansas County, Sylvanus Phillij)s; Clark County, Jacob Barkman; Hempstead County'; David Clark; Lawrence County, Edward McDonald; Pulaski County, John McElmurry. In the house of rep- resentatives: Speaker, Joseph Hardin (William Stephenson was first elected, served one day and resigned, on account of indisposition^ ; J. Cham- berlain, clerk; members, Arkansas County, W. B. R. Horner, W. O. Allen; Clark, Thomas Fish; Hempstead, J. English, AV. Stevenson; Lawrence, Joseph Hardin, Joab Hardin; Pulaski, Radford Ellis, T. H. Tindall. This body later adjourned to meet October following, continuing in session until the 25th. At this adjourned session the question of the removal of the Territorial seat of government from Arkansas Post to " ' the Little Rock, ' ' came up on a memorial signed by Amos Wheeler and others. "The Little Rock" was in contradistinction to "the Rocks," as were known the beautiful bluffs, over 200 feet hio;h, a little above and across the river from ' " the Little Rock. ' ' In 1820 Gov. Miller visited the Little Rock — Petit Rocher — with a view to selecting a new seat of government. The point designated was the northeast corner of the Quapaw west line and Ai'kansas River. Im- mediately upon the formation of the Territory, prominent parties li^gan to look out for a more central location for a capital higher up the river, and it was soon a general understanding that the seat of government and the county seat of Pulaski County, the then adjoining county above Arkansas County on the river, would be located at the same place. A syndicate was formed and Little Rock Bluff was pushed for this double honor. The government had not yet opened the land to pub- lic entry, as the title of the Quapaws had just been extinguished. These parties resorted to the expe- dient of locating upon the land ' ' New Madrid floats," or claims, under the act of February 17, 1815, which authorized any one whose land had been ' ' materially injured ' ' by the earthquake of 1811 to locate the like quantity of land on any of the public lands open for sale. Several hundred acres were entered under these claims as the fut- ure town site. The county seat of Pulaski County was, contrary to the expectation of the Little Rock syndicate, located at Cadron, near the mouth of Cadron Creek, where it enters the Arkansas River. On the 18th day of October, 1820, the Terri- torial seat of government was removed from the Post of Arkansas to the Little Rock, the act to take effect June 1, 1821. The next Territorial legislature convened in Little Rock, October 1 to 24, 1821. The council consisted of Sam C. Roane, president, and Richard Searcy, secretary. In the house William Trimble was speaker, and A. H. Sevier, clerk. The third legislature met October 6 to 31, 1823. Sam C. Roane was president of the coun- cil, and Thomas W. Newton, secretary; while T. Farrelly was speaker, and D. E. McKinney, clerk of the house. The fourth legislature was held October 3 to November 3, 1S25. Of the council, the firesident was Jacob Barkman; secretary, Thomas W. New- ton. Of the house, Robert Bean was speaker; David Barber, clerk. The fifth Territorial legislature was held October 1 to 31, 1827, and a special session held October 6 to October 28, 1828; E. T. Clark served as presi- dent of the council, and John Clark, secretary; J. Wilson was speaker of the house, and Daniel Ringo, clerk. In the sixth legislature, Charles Caldwell was president of the council, and John Caldwell, secre- tary; John Wilson was speaker of the house, and Daniel Ringo, clerk. The seventh legislature held October 3 to November 7, 1831, had Charles Caldwell as presi- dent of the council, and Absalom Fowler, secre- tary; William Trimble was speaker of the house, and G. W. Ferebee, secretary. :7- TZ /xfe .>?• 38 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. In the eighth legislature, October 7 to Novem- ber 16, 1S33, John "Williamson was president of the council and William F. Yeomans, secretary; John Wilson was speaker of the house, and James B. Keatts, clerk. The ninth legislature met October 5 to Novem- ber 10. 1835. The president of the senate was Charles Caldwell; secretary, S. T. Sanders. John Wilson was speaker of the house and L. B. Tully, clerk. This was the last of the Territorial assemblies. James Miller was succeeded as governor by George Izard, March 4, 1825. and Izard by John Pope, March 9, 1S29. William Fulton followed Pope March 9, 1835, and held the office until Arkansas became a State. Robert Crittenden was secretary of State (nearly all of Miller's term "acting governor"), appointed March 3, IS 19, and was succeeded in office by William Fulton, April 8, 1829; Fulton was succeeded by Lewis Randolph, February 23, 1835. George W. Scott was appointed Territorial auditor August 5, 1819, and was succeeded by Richard C. Byrd, November 20, 1829; Byrd was followed by Emzy Wilson, November 5, 1831; and the latter by William Pelham, November 12, 1833, his successor being Elias N. Conway, July 25, 1835. James Scull, appointed treasurer August 5, 1819, was succeeded by S. M. Rutherford, Novem- ber 12, 1833, who continued in office until the State was formed. The counties in 1825 had been, increased in num- ber to thirteen: Arkansas, Clark, Conway, Chicot, Crawford, Crittenden, Lawrence, Miller, Hemp- stead, Independence, Pulaski, Izard and Phillips. The territory was divided into four judicial cir- cuits, of which William Trimble, Benjamin John- son, Thomas P. Eskridge and James Woodson Bates were, in the order named, the judges. The delegates in Congress from Arkansas Territory were James W. Bates, 1820-23; Henry W. Conway, 1823-29; Ambrose H. Sevier, 1829-36. The Territorial legislature, in common with all other legislatures of that day, passed some laws which would have been much better not passed, and others that i-emained a dead letter on the books. Among other good laws which were never enforced was one against duelling. In 1825 Whigs and Democrats allowed party feelings to run high, and some bloody duels grew out of the heat of cam- paigns. Rubert Crittenden and Henry W. Conway fought a duel October 29, 1827. At the first fire Conway fell mortally wounded and died a fortnight thereafter. December 4, 1837, John Wilson, who, it will be noticed, figured prominently in the preceding record of the Territorial assemblies, was expelled from the house of representatives, of which body he was speaker, for killing J. J. Anthony. A constitutional convention, for the purpose of arranging for the Territory to become a State in the Union, was held in Little Rock, in January, 1836. Its duty was to prepare a suitable constitution and submit it to Congress, and, if unobjectionable, to have an act passed creating the State of Arkan- sas. John Wilson was president, and Charles P. Bertrand, secretary, of the convention. Thirty- five counties were represented by fifty-two members. June 15, 1836, Arkansas was made a State, and the preamble of the act recites that there was a population of 47,700. The first State legislature met September 12 to November 8, 1836, later adjourning to November 6, 1837, and continued in session until March 5, 1S38. The president of the senate was Sam C. Roane; secretary, A. J. Greer; the speaker of the house was John Wilson (he was expelled and Grandison D. Royston elected) ; clerk, S. H. Hemp- stead. The second constitutional convention, held January 4 to January 23, 1864, had as president, John McCoy, and secretary, R. J. T. White. This convention was called by virtue of President Lin- coln's proclamation. The polls had been opened chiefly at the Federal military posts, and the major- ity of delegates were really refugees from many of the counties they represented. It simply was an informal meeting of the Union men in response to the President's wish, and they mostly made their own credentials. The Federal army occupied the V HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 39 Arkansas River and points north, while the south portion of the State was held by the Confederates. It is said the convention on important legal ques- tions was largely influenced by Hon. T. D. W. Yonly, of Pulaski County. The convention prac- tically re-enacted the constitution of 1S36, abolished slavery, already a fact, and created the separate office of lieutenant-governor, instead of the former ex-officio president of the senate. The machinery of State government was thus once more in oper- ation. The convention wisely did its work and adjourned. The next constitutional convention was held January 7 to February 18, 1S08. Thomas M. Bowen was president, and John G. Price, secretary. The war was over and the Confederates had re- turned and were disposed to favor the constitution which they found the Unionists had adopted in their absence, and was then in full force in the State. Isaac Murphy (Federal) had been elected governor under the constitution of 1864, and all the State offices were under control of the Union- ists. His term as governor would expire in July, 1868. This convention made sweeping changes in the fundamental laws. The most prominent were the disfranchisement of a large majority of the white voters of the State, enfranchising the negroes, and providing for a complex and plastic system of reg- istration. This movement, and its severe character throughout, were a part of the reconstruction measures emanating from Congress. Arkansas was under military rule and the constitution of 1864, and this condition of affairs, had been ac- cepted by the returned conquered Confederates. But the Unionists, who had fled to the Federal military posts for protection, were generally eager to visit their vanquished enemies with the severest penalties of the law. A large part of the intel- ligence and tax-payers of the State were indis- criminately excluded from the polls, and new vot- ers and new men came to the front, with grievances to be avenged and ambitions to be gratified. The unusual experiment of the reversal of the civic ■ conditions of the ex-slaves with their former mas- ters was boldly undertaken. Impetuous men now prevailed in the name of patriotism, the natural reflex swing of the pendulum — the anti-climax was this convention of reconstruction to the convention of secession of 1861. The connection between these two conventions — 1861-1868 — is so blended that the convention of '61 is omitted in its chro- nological order, that the two may be set properly side by side. March 4, 1861, a State convention assembled in Little Rock. The election of delegates was on February IS, preceding. The convention met the day Abraham Lincoln was inducted into office as president of the United States. The people of Arkansas were deeply concerned. The conserva- tive niinds of the State loved the Union as sin- cerely as they regretted the wanton assaults that had been made upon them by the extremists of the North. The members of that convention had been elected with a view to the consideration of those matters already visible in the dark war-clouds • lowering upon the country. The test of the un- ion and disunion sentiment of that body was the election of president of the convention. Judge David Walker (Union) received forty votes against thirty-five votes for Jmlge B. C. Totten. Hon. Henry F. Thomasson introduced a series of con- servative resolutions, condemning disunion and looking to a convention of all the States to "settle the slavery question " and secure the perpetuation of tie Union. The resolutions were passed, and the convention adjourned to meet again in May fol- lowing. This tilled the wise and conservative men of the State with great hopes for the future. But, most unfortunately, when the convention again met war was already upon the country, and the ordinance of secession was passed, with )_)ut one negative vote. The few days between the adjourn- ment and re-assembling of the convention had not made traitors of this majority that had so recent- ly^condemned disunion. The swift-moving events, everywhere producing consternation and ^larm, called out determined men, and excitement ruled the hour. The conventions of 1861 and 1868 — secession and reconstruction! AVhen the long - gathering cloud-burst of civil war had passed, it left a cen- 371": V 40 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tary's trail of broken hearts, desolated homes, ruined lives, and a stream of demoralization over- flowing the beautiful valleys of the land to the mountain tops. The innocent and unfortunate ne- gro was the stumbling-block at all times. The con- vention of 1861 would have founded an empire of freedom, buttressed in the slavery of the black man; the convention of 1868 preferred to rear its great col- umn of liberty upon the ashes of the unfortunate past : in every era the wise, conservative and patriotic sentiment of the land was chained and bound to the chariot- wheels of rejoicing emotion. Prudence and an intelligent insight into the future alone could prevent men from '' losing their reason." The constitution of 1868, as a whole, was not devoid of merit. It oijened the way for an age of internal improvements, and intended the establish- ment of a liberal public free school system, and at the same time provided safeguards to protect the public treasury and restrain reckless extravagance. Then the legislatures elected under it, the State officers, and the representatives in the upper and lower Congress, were in political accord with the dominant party of the country. Gen. Grant was president; Powell Clayton, governor; Robert J. L. AVhite, secretary of State; J. R. Berry, auditor, and Henry Page, treasurer. The first legislature under the constitution of 1868 passed most liberal laws to aid railroads and other internal improve- ments, and provided a system of revenue laws to meet the new order of ailairs. During 1869 to 1871 railroad aid and levee bonds to the amount of $10,419,773.74 were ^ssued. The supreme court of the State in after years declared the railroad aid, levee and Halford bonds void, aggregating $8,604,773.74. Before his term of governor had expired. Gov. Clayton was elected United States senator (1871-77), and in 1873 Hon. Stephen W. Dorsey was elected to a like position. The climax and the end of reconstruction in Arkansas will always be an interesting paragraph in the State' s history. Elisha Baxter and Joseph Brooks were the gubernatorial candidates at the election of 1872. Both were Republicans, and Brooks was considered one of the most ardent of that party. Baxter was the nominee of the party and on the same ticket with Grant, who was can- didate for president. Brooks was nominated on a mixed ticket, made up by disaffected Republicans, but on a more liberal platform toward the Demo- crats than the regular ticket. On the face of the first returns the Greeley electors and the Brooks ticket were in the majority, but when the votes were finally canvassed, such changes were made, from illegal voting or bulldozing it was claimed, as to elect the Grant and Baxter tickets. Under the constitution of 1868, the legislature was de- clared the sole judge of the election of State officers. Brooks took his case before that body at its Jan- uary term, 1873 — at which time Baxter was in- augurated — but the assembly decided that Baxter was elected, and, whether right or wrong, every one supposed the question permanently settled. Brooks however, went before the supreme court (McClure being chief justice), that body promptly deciding that the legislature was by law the proper tribunal, and that as it had determined the case its action was final and binding. Bax- ter was inaugurated in January, 1873; had been declared elected by the proper authorities, and this had been confirmed by the legislature, the action of the latter being distinctly approved by the supreme court. The adherents of Brooks had supposed that they were greatly wronged, but like good citizens all acquiesced. Those who had politically despised Brooks — perhaps the majority of his voters — had learned to sym- pathize with what they believed were his and their mutual wrongs. Baxter had peacefully ad- ministered the office more than a year, when Brooks went before Judge John Whytock, of the Pulaski circuit court, and commenced quo icarranto proceedings against Baxter. The governor's at- torneys filed a demurrer, and the case stood over. Wednesday, April 15, 1874, Judge Whytock, in the absence of Baxter's attorneys, overruled the de- murrer, giving judgment of ouster against Baxter, and instantly Brooks, with an oificer, hastened to the State house, demanded the surrender of the office, and arrested Baxter. Thus a stroke of the pen by a mere circuit court judge in banc plunged the State into tumult. \ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 41 Couriers sped over the city, and the flying news gave the people a genuine sensation. Indeed, not only Baxter but the State and the nation received a great surprise. As soon as Baxter was released, though only under arrest a few minutes, he fled to St. John's College, in the city, and from this headquarters called for soldiers, as did Brooks from the State house, and alas, poor Arkansas! there were now again two doughty governors beating the long roll and swiftly forming in the ranks of war. Brooks converted the State house and grounds into a garrison, while Baxter made headquarters at the old Anthony Hotel, and the dead-line be- tween the armed foes was Main Street. Just in time to prevent mutual annihilation, though not in time to prevent bloodshed, some United States soldiers arrived and took up a position of armed neutrality between the foes. If there can be anything comical in a tragedy it is furnished just here in the fact that, in the twinkling of an eye, the adherents and voters of the two governors had changed places, and each was now fighting for the man whom he had opposed so vehemently. And in all these swift changes the supreme court had shown the greatest agility. By some remarkable legerdemain, Brooks, who was intrenching himself, had had his case again placed before the supreme court, and it promptly reversed itself and decided that the circuit court had juris- diction. The wires to Washington were kept hot with messages to President Grant and Congress. The whole State was in dire commotion with ' ' mus- tering squadrons and clattering cars." The fre- quent popping of picket guns was in the land; a steamboat, laden with arms for Baxter, was at- tacked and several killed and many wounded. Business was again utterly prostrated and horrors brooded over the unfortunate State; and probably the most appalling ieature of it all was that in the division in the ranks of the people the blacks, led by whites, were mostly on one side, while the whites were arrayed on the other. Congress sent the historical Poland Committee to investigate Arkansas affairs. President Grant submitted all legal questions to his attorney-general. The President, at the end of thirty days after the forcible possession of theoiSce, sustained Bax- ter — exit Brooks. The end of the war, the cli- max of reconstrviction in Arkansas, had come. Peace entered as swiftly as had war a few days be- fore. The sincerity and intensity of the people's happiness in this final ending are found in the fact that when law and order were restored no one was impeached, no one was imprisoned for treason. The report of the Poland Committee, 1874, the written oi^inion of Attorney- General Williams, the decision of the Arkansas supreme court by Judge Samuel W. Williams, found in Vol. XXIX of Arkansas Reports, page 173, and the retiring mes- sage of Governor Baxter, are the principal records of the literature and history of the reign of the dual governors. The students of law and history in coming time will turn inquiring eyes with curious interest upon these official pages. The memory of ' ' the thirty days ' ' in Arkansas will live forever, propagating its lessons and bearing its warnings; the wise moderation and the spirit of forbearance of the people, in even their exult- ing hour of triumph, will be as beacon lights shining out upon the troubled waters, transmit- ting for all time the transcendent fact that in the hour of supreme trial the best intelligence of the people is wiser than their rulers, better law- givers than their statesmen, and incomparably superior to their courts. The moment that President Grant officially spoke, the reconstruction constitution of 1868 was doomed. True, the people had moved almost in mass and without leadership in 1873, and had repealed Article VIII of the constitution, disfran- chising a large part of the intelligent tax-payers of the State. The constitutional convention of 1874, with the above facts fresh before it, met and promul- gated the present State constitution. G. D. Roy- ston was president, and T. W. Newton, secretary. The session lasted from July 14 to October 31, 1874. From the hour of its adoption the clouds rolled away, and at once commenced the present unexampled prosperity of the State. Only here and there in Little Rock and other points in the State ^ <5 w_ 42 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. may one see the mute but eloquent mementos of the past, in the dilapidated buildings, confiscated during the lifetime of some former owner, may- hap, some once eminent citizen, now in his grave or self-expatriated from a State which his life and genius had adorned and helped make great. Municipalities and even small remote districts are paying ofF the last of heavy debts of the ' ' flush times. ' ' Long suffering and much chastened State and people, forgetting the past, and full of hope for the future, are fitly bedecking (though among the younLTf st) the queenliest in the sisterhood of States. In this connection it will be of much interest to notice the names of those individuals, who, by reason of their association with various public afPairs, have become well and favorably known throughout the State. The term of service of each incumbent of the respective offices has been pre- served and is here given. The following table inchides the acting Territorial and State governors of Arkansas, with date of inauguration, party pol- itics, etc: Territory and State. James Miller... George Izard... John Pope Wm. Fulton.... J. S. Couway.... Archibald Tell. Samuel Adams. T. S. Drew J. Williamson.. R. C. Byrd J. S. Koane R. C. Byrd J. R. Hampton E. N. Conway.. E. N. Conway.. H. M. Rector.... T. Fletcher H. Flannagin .. I. Murphy P.Clayton O. A.Hadley... E. Baxter A. H. Garland. W. R. Miller.... W. K. Miller.... T. J. Churchill J. H. lierry B. T. Emliry... S. P. Hughes... J. W. Stayton.. S. P. Hughes... D. E. Barker... J. P. Eagle Date of Inauguration. « a .^Ti u o ^ J>. Ui &S hJ ffi App't'd March 3, 1819i .■ipp'fd March 4, 1825 App t'd March 9, 1829 App't'd March 9, 1835 1836 September 1.3, 1836 4 yrs, 1840 November 4,184(14 yrs. Acting Apr. 29 to Nov. 9, 1844; 1844 November ■*>, 1844 5 yrs. Acting .■ipr. 9 to May 7, 1846 .•Voting Jan. U to Apr. 19, 1849 1849 April 19, 1849« Acting 1849 Acting 1851 1852 November 15, 1852 4 yrs 1854 November 17, ISSlik yrs, I860 November 15, 1860|2 yrs Acting Nov. 4 to Nov. 15, 1863 1862 November 15,1868:3 yrs, 1864 April 18, 1864! 18C8 July 2, 1868'4 yrs. Acting January 17, 1871 12 yrs. 1872 January 6, 1873l2 yrs, 1874 November 12, 1874 2 yrs. .1876 January 11, 18772 yrs. 1878 January 17, 1879,2 yrs. 1850 .lanuary 13,1881,3 yrs, 1882 January 13, 188312 vrs. Acting Sep. 25toSep. 30,1883; 1884 January 17, 1885!2 yrs. Acting 1886 . 2 yrs. Acting 1888 2 yrs. Dem, Dem. Dem, Dem. Dem. Dem. I. D. Con. Con. Fed. Rep. Rep. Rep. Dem. Dem. Dem. Dem Dem. 1,102M 3,027 l'.i.363 ■2,461 (no re 111,(112 (no re (no re (no re 2,948 76,4.53 32.215 88,7.30 53,761 28,481 45,236 Dem. 17,411 Dem. ! 15,006 7,716 17,387 6,809 27.857 43,861 61,198 cordt :i),266 cord) cordl cord) 80,721 108,633 115.619 147,169 156,310 163,889 187,397 * Special election. The secretaries of Arkansas Territory have been: Robert Crittenden, appointed March 3, 1819; William Fulton, appointed April 8, 1829; Lewis Randolj^h, appointed February 23, 1835. Secretaries of State: Robert A. Watkins, September 10, 1836, to November 12, 1840; D. B. Greer, November 12, 1840, to May 9, 1842; John Winfrey, acting. May 9, to August 9, 1842; D. B. Greer, August 19, 1840, to September 3, 1859 (died); Alexander Boileau, September 3, 1829, to January 21, 1860; S. M. Weaver, January 21, 1860, to March 20, 1860; John I. Stirman. March 24, 1860, to November 13,' 1862; O. H. Gates, November 13, 1862, to April 18, 1864; Robert J. T. White, Provisional, from January 24, to January 6, 1873; J. M. Johnson, January 6, 1873, to No- vember 12, 1874; B. B. Beavers, November 12, 1874, to January 17, 1879; Jacob Frolich, January 17, 1879, to January, 1885; E. B. Moore, January, 1885, to January, 1889; B. B. Chism (present in- cumbent). Territorial auditors of Arkansas: George W. Scott, August 5, 1819, to November 20, 1829; Richard C. Byrd, November 20, 1829, to Novem- ber 5, 1831; Emzy Wilson, November 5, 1831, to November 12, 1833; William Pelham, November 12. 1833, to July 25, 1835; Elias N. Conway, July 25, 1835, to October 1, 1836. Auditors of State: Elias N. Conway, October I, 1836, to May 17, 1841 ; A. Boileau, May 17, 1841, to July 5, 1841 (acting); Elias N. Conway, July 5, 1841, to January 3, 1849; C. C. Danley, January 3, 1849, to September 16, 1854 (resigned); W. R. Miller, September 16, 1854, to January 23, 1855; A. S Huey, January 23, 1855, to January 23, 1857; W. R. Miller, January 23, 1857, to March 5, 1860; H. C. Lowe, March 5, 1860, to January 24, 1861 (acting); W. R. Miller, January 24, 1861, to April IS, 1864; J. R. Berry, April 18, 1864, to Oc- tober 15, 1866; Stephen Wheeler, January 6, 1873, to November 12, 1874; W. R. Miller, October 15, 1866, to July 2, 1868; John Crawford, January II, 1877, to January 17, 1883; A. W. Files, Jan- uary, 1883, to January, 1887; AVilliam R. Miller (died in office), January, 1887, to November, 1887; W. S. Dunlop, appointed November 30, 1887, to HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 43 January. 1889; AV. S. Dunlop, January, 1889 (present incumbent). Territorial treasurers: James Scull, August 15, 1819, to November 12, 183)3; S. M. Rutherford, November 12, 1833, to October 1, 1836. State treasurers: W. E. Woodruff, October 1, 1836, to November 20, 1838; John Hutt, November 20, 1838, to February 2, 1843; John C. Martin, February 2, 1843, to January 4, 1845; Samuel Adams. January 4, 1845, to January 2, 1849; Will- iam Adams, January 2, 1849, to January 10, 1849; John H. Crease, January 10, ] 849, to January 26, 1855; A. H. Rutherford, January 27, 1855, to Feb- ruary 2, 1857; J. H. Crease, February 2, 1857, to February 2, 1859; John Quindley, February 2, 1859, to December 13, 1860 (died); Jared C. Martin, December 13. 1860, to February 2, 1861; Oliver Basham, February 2, 1861, to April 18, 1864; E. D. Ayers, April 18, 1864, to October 15, 1866; L. B. Cunningham, October 15, 1866, to August 19, 1867 (removed by military); Henry Page, August 19, 1867 (military appointment), elected 1868 to 1874 (resigned); R. C. Newton, May 23, 1874, to November 12, 1874; T. J. Churchill, November 12, 1874, to January 12, 1881; W. E. Woodruff, Jr., January 12, 1881, to January, 1891. Attorneys-general: Robert W. Johnson, 1843; George C. Watkins, October 1, 1848; J. J. Critten- den, February 7, 1851 ; Thomas Johnson, Septem- ber 8, 1856; J. L. Hollowell, September 8, 1858; P. Jordon, September 7, 1861 ; Sam W. Williams, 1862; C. T. Jordan, 1864; R. S. Gantt, January 31, 1865; R. H. Deadman, October 15, 1866; J. R. Montgomery, July 21, 1868; T. D. W. Yonley, Jan- uary 8. 1873; J. L. Witherspoon, May 22, 1874; Simon P. Hughes, November 12, 1873, to 1876; W. F. Henderson, January 11, 1877, to 1881; C. B. Moore, January 12, 1881, to 1885; D. W. Jones, January, 1885, to 1889; W. E. Atkinson, January, 1889 (present incumbent). Commissioners of immigration and of State lands: J. M. Lewis, July 2, 1868; W. H. Grey, October 15, 1872; J. N. Smithee, June 5, 1874. These oiiicers were succeeded by the commis- sioner of State lands, the first to occupy this position being J. N. Smithee, from November 12, 1874, to November 18, 1878; D. W. Lear, October 21, 1878, to November, 1882; W. P. Campbell, October 30, 1882, to March, 1884; P. M. Cobbs, March 31, 1884, to October 30, 1890. Superintendents of public instruction: Thomas Smith, 1868 to 1873; J. C. Corbin, July 6, 1873; G. W. Hill, December 18, 1875, to October, 1878; J. L. Denton, October 13, 1875, to October 11, 1882; Dunbar H. Pope, October 11 to 30, 1882; W. E. Thompson. October 20, 1882, to 1890. Of the present State officers and members of boards, the executive department is first worthy of attention. This is as follows: Governor, J. P. Eagle; secretary of State, B. B. Chism; treasurer, William E. Woodruff, Jr.; attorney-general, W. E. Atkinson; commissioner of State lands, Paul M. Cobbs; superintendent public instruction, W. E. Thompson; State geolo- gist, John C. Brauner. Board of election canvassers: Gov, J. P. Eagle, Sec. B. B. Chism. Board of commissioners of the common school fund: Gov. J. P. Eagle, Sec. B. B. Chism, Supt. W. E. Thompson. State debt board: Gov. J. P. Eagle; Aud. W. S. Dunlop, and Sec. B. B. Chism. Penitentiary board — commissioners: The Gov- ernor; the attorney-general, W. E. Atkinson, and the secretary of State. Lessee of penitentiary : The Arkansas Indus- trial Company. Printing board: The Governor, president; W. S. Dunlop, auditor, and W. E. Woodruff, Jr., treasurer. Board of railroad commissioners (to assess and equalize the railroad property and valuation within the State) : The Governor, secretary of State and State auditor. Board of Trustees of Arkansas Medical College: J. A. Dibrell, M. D., William Thompson, M. D., William Lawrence, M. D. The Arkansas State University, at Fayetteville, has as its board of trustees : W. M. Fishback, Fort Smith; James Mitchell, Little Rock; W. B. Welch, Fayetteville; C. M. Taylor, South Bend; B. F. Avery, Camden; J. W. Kessee, Latour; Gov. -f\^ 44 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. I I Eagle, ex-officio; E. H. Muifree, prpsident, A. I. U. ; J. L. Cravens, secretary. Of the Pine Bluff Normal, the president is J. Corbin, Pine Bluff; the board is the same as that of the State University. Board of dental surgery: Dr. L. Augspath, Dr. H. C. Howard, Dr. M. C. Marshall, Dr. L. G. Roberts, and Dr. N. N. Hayes. State board of health: Drs. A. L. Brey- sacher, J. A. Dibrell, P. Van Patten, Lorenzo R. Gibson, W. A. Cantrell, V. Brunson. Board of municipal corporations: Exofficio — The Governor, secretary of State and State auditor. Board of education: The Governor, secretary of State and auditor. Board of review for donation contests: The Governor, auditor of Slate and attorney-general. Board of examiners of State script: The Gov- ernor, secretary of State and auditor. Reference to the presidential vote of Arkansas, from the year 1836 up to and including the elec- tion of 1888, will serve to show in a general way the political complexion of the State during that period. The elections have resulted as follows:* 1836— Van Buren (D), 2,4C0; Harrison (W), 1,162; total 3,638. 1840— Harrison (W), 5,160; Van Buren (D), 6,049; Birney (A), 889; total 11,209. 1844-Polk (D), 8,546; Clay (W), 5,504; total 15,050. 1848— Taylor (W), 7,588; Cass (D), 9,300; total 16,888^ * Scattering votes not given. 22,112; Seymour, 19,078; 41,377; Greelev. 37,927; 1852— Pierce (D), 12.170; Scott, 7,404; total 19,577. 1856— Buchanan (D), 21,910; Fillmore, 10,787; total 32,697. I860 — Douglas (D), 5,227; Breckenridge, 28,532; Bell, 20,297. 1864— No vote. 1868— Grant (R) total 41,190. 1872— Grant (R), total 79,300. 1876— Tilden (D), 58,360; Hayes (R), 38,669; total 97,029. 1880— Garfield (R), 42,435; Hancock (D), 60,475; total, 107,290. 1884— Cleveland (D), 72,927; Blaine, 50,895; total, 125,669. 1888— Harrison (R), 58,752; Cleveland (D), 88,962; Fisk. 593; total, 155,968. In accepting the vote of Arkansas, 1876, objec- tion was made to counting it, as follows: " First, because the ofiScial returns of the election in said State, made according to the laws of said State, show that the persons certified to the secretary of said . State as elected, were not elected as electors for President of the United States at the election held November 5, 1876; and, sec- ond, because the returns as read by the tellers are not certified according to law. The objec- tion was sustained by the Senate but not sus- tained by the House of Representatives. ' ' r .[^ HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. 45 ♦ > »■ Advanxement of the State — Misconceptions Removed— Effects of Slavery upon Agricultuke- EXTRAOKDIXARY IMPROVEMENT SINCE THE WAK— IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS— COMPARATIVE Estimate of Products— Growth of the Manufacturing Interests- Wonderful Showing of Arkansas— Its Desirability as a Place of Kesidence— State Elevations. Look forward what's to come, and back what's past; Thy life will be with praise and prudence graced; What loss or gain may follow thou may'st guess, Then wilt thou be secure of the success. — Denham. EFORE entering directly up- on the subject of the mate- rial life and growth of Arkan- sas, it is necessary to clear away at the threshold some of the obstructions that have lain in its pathway. From the earliest settlement slav- ery existed, and the nergo slave was brought with the first agricultural communities. Slave labor was profitable in but two things — cotton and sugar. Arkansas was north of the sugar cane belt, but was a splendid field for cotton growing. Slave labor and white labor upon the farms were never congenial associates. These things fixed rigidly the one road in the agricultural progress of the State. What was therefore the very richness of heaven's bounties, became an incubus upon the general welfare. The fertile soil returned a rich reward even with the slovenly applied energies of the slaves. A man could pay perhaps .§1,000 for a slave, and in the cotton field, but really nowhere else, the investment would yield an enormous profit. The loss in waste, or ill directed labor, in work carelessly done, or the want of preparation, tools or machinery, or any manner of real thrift, gave little or no concern to the average agriculturist. For personal comfort and large returns upon invest- ments that required little or no pensonal attention, no section of the world ever surpassed the United States south of the 36° of north latitude. Wealth of individuals was rated therefore by the number of slaves one possessed. Twenty hands in the cot- ton field, under even an indifferent overseer, with no watchful care of the master, none of that saving frugality in the farming so imperative elsewhere upon farms, returned every year an income which would enable the family to spend their lives trav- eling and sight-seeing over the world. The rich soil required no care in its tilling from the owner. It is the first and strongest principle in human na- ture to seek its desires through the least exertion. To raise cotton, ship to market and dispose of it, purchasing whatever was wanted, was the inevi- table result of such conditions. This was by far the easiest mode, and hence manufactures, diversity of farming or farming pursuits, were not an impera- tive necessity — indeed, they were not felt to be ne- cessities at all. The evil, the blight of slavery 46 HISTORY OY ARKANSAS. upon the whites, was well understood by the intel- ligence of the South, by even those who had learned to believe that white labor could not and never would be profitable in this latitude; that — most strange! the white man who labored at manual labor, must be in the severe climate and upon the stubborn New England soil. It was simply effect following cause which made these people send off their chiklren to school, and to buy their every want, both necessaries and luxuries — importing hay, corn, oats, bacon, mules, horses and cattle even from Northern States, when every possible natural ad- vantage might be had in producing the same things at ho"ie. It was the easiest and cheapest way to do. In the matter of dollars and cents, the destroying of slavery was, to the farmers of the Upper Missis- sippi Valley, a permanent loss. Now the New South is beginning to send the products of its farms and gardens even to Illinois. The war, the abolition of slavery, the return of the Confederates to their desolated homes, and their invincible courage in rolling up their sleeves and going to work, and the results of their labors seen all over the South, form one of the grandest displays of the development of the latent forces of the great American people that can be found in history. There is not a thing, not even ice, but that, in the new social order of Arkansas, it can produce for its own use quite as well as the most favored of Northern States. The one obstruction in the way of the completed triumph of the State is the lingering idea among farmers that for the work of raising cotton, black labor is better than white. This fallacy is a companion of the old notion that slavery was necessary to the South. Under proper auspices these two articles of Arkansas — cotton and lumber — alone may make of it the most pros- perous State in the Union ; and the magician's wand to transform all this to gold is in securing the intelligent laborer of the North, far more than the Northern capital prayed for by so many. The North has its homeless millions, and the recent lessons in the opening of Oklahoma should be promptly appreciated by the people of this State. For the next decade to manufacture every pound of cotton raised in the State, as well as husbanding and man- ufacturing all the lumber from these grand old for- ests, is to solve the questions in the race of State prosperity and general wealth among the people. When free labor sujjplanted slave labor what a won- derful advance it gave the whole section; when in- telligent skilled labor supplants ignorance and un- skilled labor, what a transcendent golden epoch will dawn. There is plenty of capital to-day in the State, if it was only f)ut in proper cooperative form, to promote the establishment of manu- factories that would liberally reward the stock- holders, and make them and Arkansas the richest people in the world. Such will attract hundreds of thousands of intelligent and capable wage workers from tlie North, from all over the world, as well as the nimble-witted farm labor in the gardens, the orchards, the fields and the cotton plantations. This will bring and add to the present profits on a bale of cotton, the far richer dividend on stocks in fac- tories, banks, railroads and all that golden stream which is so much of modern increase in wealth. The peojjle of Arkansas may just as well have this incalculable abundance as to not have it, and at the same time pay enormous premiums to others to come and reap the golden harvests. Competent labor- ers — skilled wage workers, the brawn and brain of the land — are telling of their unrest in strikes, lockouts, combinations and counter combinations; in short, in the conflict of labor and capital, they are appealing strongly to be allowed to come to Ai'kansas -not to enter the race against ignorant, incapable labor, but simply to find employment and homes, where in comfort and plenty they can rear their families, and while enriching themselves to return profits a thousand fold. Don't fret and mope away your lives looking and longing for capi- tal to enter and develoji your boundless resources. Capital is a royal good thing, but remember it is even a better thing in your own pockets than in some other person's. Ojien the way for proper, useful labor to come and find employment ; each department, no matter how small or humble the beginning, once started will grow rapidly, and the problem will have been solved. Only by the North taking the raw product of the South and putting it in the hands of skilled labor has their enormous T' V HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 47 capital been secured. The profits on high priced labor will always far excel that on ignorant or cheap workmen. The time is now when this kind of labor and the small farmers and gardeners are i awaiting a bidding to enter Arkansas. When the ! forlorn hope returned from the late war, they met the stern necessity, and demonstrated the fact that here, at least, the people can create their own capi- \ tal. Let them now anticipate the futui'e by this heroic triumph of the past. The Gods help those only who help themselves. " The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves." To the Northern home- seeker the thing of first importance is to tell of the temperate climate at all seasons, and its extraordinary healthfulness, cur- ing him of the false idea spread so wide that the topography of the State is seen from the decks of steamers, or on the lines of railroad which are built along the swamps and slashes, mostly on ac- count of the easy grades on these lines. Then show from the records the low rate of taxation and the provisions of the law by which high taxation is for- ever prevented. From this preliminary may be unfolded to him some of the wonderful natural re- sources which are awaiting development. Here both tongue and pen will fall far short of telling all or nearly all. In climate, health, soil, timber, minerals, coal, rocks, clays, marls, sand, navigable streams, mineral and fresh waters, Arkansas may challenge any similar sized spot on the globe. It has more miles of navigable streams than any other State in the Union, and these are so placed as to give the whole territory the advantages thereof, as though the engineers had located them. It has unequaled water power — the Mammoth Spring alone furnishing enough water power to propel all the machinery west of the Mississippi River. The topography of the State is one of its most inviting features. Its variety in this resjject is only equaled by the diversity of its soils. The traveler who in approaching this section eoncludes that it consists chiefly of swamp bottoms, and water- covered slashes, may readily learn from the records that three-quarters of the State's surface is uplands, ranging from the gentle swells of prairie and woodland to the grandly beautiful mountain scen- ery ; and on the mountain benches, and at the base, are as rich and beautiful valleys as are kissed by the rays of the sun in his season's round. Take the whole range of agricultural products of Ohio, Ind- iana, Illinois and Kansas, and all can be produced quite as well in Arkansas as in any of these States. In the fuce of this fact, for more than a genera- tion Arkansas raised scarcely any of the products of these Northern communities, but imported such as it had to have. It could not spare its lands from the cultivation of the more profitable crops of cotton. In a word, the truth is the State was bur- dened with natural wealth — this and slave labor having clogged the way and impeded its progress. With less labor, more cotton per acre and per hand, on an average, has been produced in Arkansas than in any other Southern State, and its quality has been such as to win the prize wherever it has been en- tered in competition. Its reputation as a fruit- growing State is not excelled. In the New Orleans Exposition, in California, Ohio and everywhere en- tered, it has taken the premium over all competi- tors. Its annual rainfall exceeds that of any South- ern State, and it cannot, therefore, suffer seriously from drouths. There is not a spot upon the globe which, if isolated from all outside of its limits, could sustain in health and all the civilized comforts a population as large as might Arkansas. Fifty thousand people annually come hither and are cured, and yet a general nebulous idea prevails among many in the North that the health and cli- mate of the State are not good. The statistics of the United States Medical Department show the mortality rate at Little Rock to be less than at any other occupied military post in the country. There is malaria in portions of the State, but considering the vast bottom stretches of timber-land, and the newness of the country's settlement, it is a remark- able fact that there is less of this disease here than in Pennsylvania; while all the severer diseases of the New England and Northern States, such as rheumatism, consumption, catarrh and blood poi- son, are always relieved and generally cured in Arkansas; malignant scarlet fever and diphtheria have never yet appeared. That di-eadful decimator, :t^ 48 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. yellow fever, has only visited the eastern portion of the State, hut in eveiy case it was brought from abroad, and has never prevailed in this locality as an epidemic. Therefore, the largest factories, schools and universities in the world should be here. The densest jjoijulation, the busiest haunts of men, will inevitably come where their rewards will be great- est — the struggle for life less severe. Five hun- dred inhabitants to the square mile will not f)ut to the full test the limitless resources of this wonder- ful commonwealth. Ten months of summer with- out one torrid day, with invariable cool and re- freshing nights, and two months only of winter, where a man can work out of doors every day in the year in comfort, with less cost in physician's bills, expense in food, clothing and housing, are some of the inducements the State offers to the poor man. There are millions of acres of fertile lands that are offered almost without money and without price; laud nearly any acre of which is worth more intrinsically than any other similar sized body of laud in the world. There are 5,000,000 acres of government lands in the State, aud 2,000,000 acres of State lands. The rainfall in 1886 was 46.33; average mean temperature, 58.7°; highest, 97.8°; lowest, above zero, 7.6°. Of the 33, 500, 000 acres in the State there are soils richer and deeper than the Nile; others that excel the alluvial corn belt of the Northern States; others that may successfully compete with the noted Cuba or James River, Virginia, tobacco red soil districts, or the most noted vineyards of France or Italy. Here is the land of wine and silk, where side by side will gi'ow the corn and the fig — the land overhung with the soft, blue skies, and decked with flowers, the air laden with the rich perfumes of the magno- lias, on the topmost pinnacle of whose branches the Southern mocking-bird by day and by night swells its throat with song — "Where all, save the sph'it of man, is divine." The artificial and local causes which have ob- structed the State's prosperity are now forever gone. There is yet the unsolved problem of the political negi'o, but this is in Illinois, Kansas and Ohio, exactly as it is in Arkansas. It is only the common problem to the Anglo-Saxon of the United States, which, in the future as in the past, after many mistakes and even great wi'ongs, he will for- ever settle and for the best. Throw politics to the winds; only remember to profit by the mistakes of the North in inviting immigration, and thereby avoid the ominous presence of anarchism, socialism, and those conditions of social life latent in ' ' the conflict of labor and capital. ' ' These are some of the portentous problems now confronting the older States that are absent from Arkansas; they should be kept away, by the knowledge that such ugly conditions are the fanged whelps of the great brood of American demagogues — overdoses of politics, washed down by too much universal vot- ing. It is of infinitely more importance to guard tax-receipts than the ballot boxes. When vice and ignorance vote their own destruction, there need be no one to compassionate their miseries, but always where taxes run high, people's liberties run low. The best government governs the least — the freest government taxes the least. Offer premiums to the immigration of well- informed, expert labor, and small farmers, dairy- men, gardeners and horticulturists and small trad- ers. Let the 7,000,000 acres of government and State lands be given in forty-acre tracts to the heads of families, who will come and occupy them. Instead of millions of dollars in donations to great corporations aud capitalists, give to that class which will create capital, develop the State, and enrich all the people. Railroads and capitalists will fol- low these as water runs down the hill. Arkansas needs railroads — ten thousand miles yet — it needs great factories, great cities, universities of learn- ing and, forsooth, millionaires. But its first and greatest needs are small farmers, j)i'actical toil- ers, skilled mechanics, and scattered all over the State beginnings in each of the various manufac- tures; the beginnings, in short, of that auspicious hour when it ceases to ship any of its raw mate- rials. It is a law of life, that, in a society where there are few millionaires, there are few paupers. Where the capital of a country is gathered in vast aggregations in the possession of a few. there the children cry for bread — the j)oor constantly in- iTi: •J v HISTOEY OF ARKANSA.S. 49 crease, wages fall, emplo^yment too often fails, and the hoarse mutterings of parading mobs and bread riots take the places of the laughter and the songs of the laborers to and from the shops and the fields. The following from the government official re- ports of the growth and value of the manufactures of the State is to be understood as reaching only to 1880, when it had but commenced to emerge from the old into the new life: o a *« S a n Year. 1 1 la S a 3 i o s (1. 1 > 1850 261 S 305.045 812 ^n $150,876 554,240 673,96S $ 215,789 S 537,908 2 S80 578 I860 618 1,316,610 1,782 913 l,8:n 3,077 46 1 "'80 503 1870 1,070 1,202 ■17 S'> 2,506,998 4,629,234 6 756 159 1880 . . 2,953,130 4,307 90 160 925,358 4,392,080 Ideas of values are most easily reached by com- parisons. The following figures, taken from offi- cial government reports, explain themselves: Value of Farms. Machinery Live Stock. Products. % 74,249,655 105,932.541 507,430,227 235,178,631 193,724,260 S 4 637 4971 S 20 472 425 543 796 26' 7,82l),915 33.440,265 31,708,914 29,371,884 124,715,1031 36,103,073 9,7.34 634 60,907,149 52 240,561 13,089,783 31,904,8211 49,468,967 The products are the profits on the capital in- vested. Words can add nothing to these figures in demonstrating the superiority of Arkansas as an agricultural State, except the explanation that Southern farming is yet more or less carried on under the baneful influences of the days of slavery, unintentional indifPerence and the absence of watchful attention by the proprietor. Cotton grows finely in all parts of this com- monwealth and heretofore in two-thirds of its terri- tory it has been the main crop. In the fertile bottoms the product per acre has reached as high as 2,000 pounds of seed cotton, while on the uplands it runs from 600 to 1,000 pounds. The census of 1880 shows that Arkansas produces more cotton per acre, and at less expense, than any of the so-called cotton States. In 1880 the yield was 608,256 bales, grown on 1,042,970 acres. That year Georgia raised 814,441 bales, on 2,617,138 acres. The estimated cost per acre of raising cot- ton is $6. It will thus be seen that it cost $9,444,972 in Georgia to raise 256,185 more bales of cotton than Arkansas had grown — much more than double the land to produce less than one- fourth more cotton. Less than one-twentieth of the cotton land of the latter State has been brought under cultivation. The superiority of cotton here is attested by the fact that the greatest cotton thread manufact- urers in the world prefer the Arkansas cotton to any other in the market. The product has for years carried off the first prizes over the world's competition. The extra census bulletin, 1880, gives the yield of corn, oats and wheat products in Arkansas for that year as follows: Corn, 24,156,517 bushels; oats, 2,219,824 bushels; wheat, 1,269,730 bushels. Remembering that this is considered almost ex- clusively a cotton State, these figures of the cereals will be a genuine surprise. More wheat is grown by 40, 000 bushels and nearly three times as much corn as were raised in all New England, according to the official figures for that year. From the United States agricultural reports are obtained these interesting statistics concerning the money value of farm crops per acre: Corn. Illinois Indiana 1 6 77 8 86 11 52 6 44 7 52 7 91 11 51 Ohio Arkansas Rye. Oats. Potatoes.' Hay. 7 32 9 51 $ 6 46 130 32 5 92 30 08 7 90 34 48 6 12 37 40 5 34 43 50 5 73 28 08 11 07 78 65 I 7 66 7 66 9 85 5 89 17 30 14 95 22 94 The following is the average cash value per acre on all crops taken together: Maine $13 51 New Hampshire.... 13 56 Vermont 11 60 Massachusetts 26 71 Rhode Island 29 32 Connecticut 16 82 New York 14 15 New Jersey 18 05 Pennsylvania 17 68 Delaware 15 80 Maryland 17 82 Virtrinia 10 91 North Carolina $10 79 South Carolina 10 09 Georgia 10 35 Florida 8 .52 Alahama 13 49 Mississippi 14 76 Louisiana 22 40 Arkansas 20 41) Tennessee 12 39 West Virginia. 12 74 Kentucky 13 58 Ohio 15 58 1^ 50 HISTOEY OF AEKANSAS. Michigan $18 96 Indiana U 66 Illinois 13 47 Wisconsin 13 80 Slinnesota 10 29 Iowa 8 88 Missouri 10 78 Kansas $ 9 11 Nebraska 8 60 California 17 18 Oregon 17 11 Nevada. Colorado and the Territories 16 18 Texas U 69 The advance of horticulture in the past decade in the State has been extraordinary. Twenty years ago its orchard products amounted to very little. By the census reports of 1880, the total yield of fruit was 1867, 426. This was $100, 000 more than the yield of Florida, with all the latter' s immense orange groves. As universally as has the State been misunderstood, it is probably in reference to its fruits and berries that the greatest errors have long existed. If one visits the apple and peach regions of the North, it is found to be the gen- eral belief that Arkansas is too far south to pro- duce either, whereas the truth is that, especially in apples, it has no equal either in the United States or in the world. This fact was first brought to public attention at the World's Fair, at New Orleans, 1884-85, where the Arkansas exhibit was by far the finest ever made, and the State was awarded the first premium, receiving the World's medal and a special notice by the awarding com- mittee. Thus encouraged, the State was repre- sented at the meeting of the American Pomological Society, in Boston, in September, 1887. Sixty- eight varieties of Arkansas seedling apples were in the exhibit, to contend with all the champion fruit growers of the globe. The State won the W'ilder medal, which is only given by reason of extraor- dinary merit, and in addition to this was awarded the first premium for the largest and best collection of apples, consisting of 128 varieties. The collection which won the Boston prizes was then shipped to Little Rock, and after being on exhibition there twenty days, was re-packed and shipped to the National Horticultural meeting in California, which met at Riverside, February 7, 1888. Arkansas again won the first prize, invad- ing the very home of Pomona, and bearing off the first honors as it had in eastern and northern sec- tions of the Union. The "Arkansas Shannon" is pronounced by competent judges to be the finest apple now grown anywhere. Strawberries are another late discovery of the resources of Arkansas. The yield and quality are very superior. So rapidly has the industry grown that, during the fruit season, the Iron Mountain road runs a special daily fruit train, leaving Little Rock late in the afternoon and reaching St. Louis early the next morning. This luscious product, of remarkable size, ripens about the first of April. Of all cultivated fruit the grape has held its place in poetry and song, in sacred and profane history, as the first. It finds in Arkansas the same conditions and climate of its native countries, between Persia and India. The fruit and its wine produced here are said by native and foreign experts to equal, if not surpass, the most famous of Italy or France. The vines are always healthy and the fruit perfect. The wild muscadine and scuppernong grow vines measuring thirty-eight and one-half inches around, many varieties fruit- ing here to perfection that are not on the open air lists at all further north. The nativity of the peach is the same as that of the grape, and it, too, therefore, takes as kindly to the soil here as does the vine. Such a thing as budded peach trees are of very recent date, and as a consequence the surprises of the orchardists in re- spect to this fruit are many. Some of the varieties ripen in May, and ^o far every kind of budded peaches brought from the North, both the tree and the fruit, have improved by the transplanting. The vigor of the trees seems to baffle the borers, and no cvirled leaves have yet been noticed. In quality and quantity the product is most encourag- ing, and the next few years will see a marked advance in this industry. For fifty years after the settlement of the State peach seedlings were grown, and from these, as in the case of the apple, new and superior varieties have been started, noted for size, flavor, abundance and never failing crops. The Chickasaw plum is so far the most suc- cessfully grown, and is the best. It is a perfected fruit easily cultivated, and is free from the curculio, while the trees are healthy and vigorous beyond other localities. In vegetables and fruits, except the tropical -*; S w_ J i> HISTORl' OF ARKANSAS. 51 plants, Arkansas is the banner State. In the fruit and vegetable kingdom there is found in luxuriant growth everything in the long list from corn to the fig- The yield and quality of Arkansas tobacco is remarkable when it is remembered that this indus- try has received so little attention. Thirty years ago State Geologist Owen informed the people that he found here the same, if not better, tobacco soil, than the most favored districts of Cuba. The yield of tobacco, in 1880, was 970,230 pounds. Yet so little attention or experiment has been given the subject that an experimental knowledge of the State's resources in this respect cannot be claimed to have been gained. In 1880 the State produced: Barley, 1,952 bushels; buckwheat, 548 biishels; rye, 22,387 bushels; hay, 23,295 tons; Irish potatoes, 492,627 bushels; sweet potatoes, 881,260 bushels. From the census reports of the same year are gleaned the following: Horses, total, 146,333; mules and asses, 87,082; working oxen, 25,444; milch cows, 249,407; other cattle, 433,392; sheep, 246,757; swine, 1,565,098; wool, 557,368 pounds; milk, 316,858 gallons; butter, 7,790,013 pounds; cheese, 26,310 pounds. All parts of the State are finely adapted to stock-raising. The excellence and abundance of pure water, the heavy growth of blue grass, the cane brakes and abundant mast, sustain the animals during most of the winter in marketable condition. In respect to all domes- tic animals here are presented the same conditions as in nearly every line of agriculture — cheapness of growth and excellence of quality. The improvement in cattle has been retarded by the now conceded fact that the ' ' Texas fever ' ' is asserted by some to be seated in the State. This affects Northern cattle when imported, while it has no effect on native animals. Except for this unfortunate reality there would be but little time lost iu developing here the great dairy industry of the country. But good graded cattle are now being raised in every portion, and so rich is the locality in this regard that in stock, as in its fruits, care and attention will produce new varieties of unrivaled excellence. Arkansas is the natural home and breeding ground of animals, all growing to great perfection, with less care and the least cost. Taxes here are not high. The total taxation in Illinois in 1880, asse-ssed on real and personal property, as per census reports, for State, county and all civil divisions less than counties, was §24,586,018; the same year in Arkansas the total tax was $1,839,090. Farm lauds are decreasing in value in Illinois nearly as fast as they are in creasing in Arkansas. The total taxation in the United States in 1880 was the enormous sum of $312,750,721. Northern cities are growing, while their rural population is lessening. The reverse of this is the best for a State. The source of ruin to past nations and civilizations Has all arisen from an abuse of the taxing powers. Excessive taxation can only end in general ruin. This simple but great lesson should be instilled into the minds of all youths, crystallized into the briefest maxim, and written over every threshold in the land; hung in the porches of every institution of learning; imprinted upon every plow handle and emblazoned on the trees and jutting rocks. The State that has taxed its people to build a $25, - 000,000 State house, has given deep shame to the intelligence of this age. Taxes are the insidious destroyer of nations and all liberty, and it is only those freemen who jealously guard against this evil who will for any length of time maintain their independence, equality or manhood. The grade profile of the Memphis Route shows the elevations of the various cities and towns along that line to be as follows in feet, the datum plane being tide water of the Gulf of Mexico: Kansas City, 765; Rosedale, 825; Merriam, 900; Lenexa, 1,040; Olathe, 1,060; Bonita, 1,125; Ocheltree, 1,080; Spring Hill, 1,020; Hillsdale, 900; Paola, 860; Pendleton, 855; Fontana, 925; La Cygne, 840; Barnard, 810; Pleasanton, 865; Miami, 910; Prescott, 880; Fulton, 820; Ham- mond, 875; Fort Scott, 860; Clarksburg, 885; Garland, 865; all in Kansas; Arcadia, 820; Liberal, 875; lantha, 990; Lamar, 1,000: Keno- ma, 980; Golden City, 1,025; Lockwood, 1,065; South Greenfield, 1,040; Everton, 1,000; Ash Grove, 1,020; Boisd'Arc, 1,250; Campbells, 1,290; -^ 52 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Nichols Junction, 1,280; Springfield, 1,300; Tur- ner, 1.210; Rogersville, 1,475; Fordland, 1,600; Seymour, 1,680; Cedar Gap, 1,085; Mansfield, 1,520; Norwood, 1,510; Mountain Grove, 1,525; Cabool, 1,250; Sterling, 1,560; Willow Springs. 1.400; Burnham, 1,360; Olden, 1,2S0; West Plains, 950; Brandsville, 1,000; Koshkonong, 970; Thayer, last point in Missouri, 575; Mammoth Spring, Ark., 485; Afton, 410; Hardy, 370; Willi- ford, 330; Ravenden, 310; Imboden, 300; Black Rock, 290; Portia, 285; Hoxie, 295; Sedgwick, 270; Bonnerville, 320; Jonesboro, 275; Nettleton, 250; Big Bay Siding, 250; Hatchie Coon, 250; Marked Tree, 250; Tyronza, 240; Gilmore. 225; Clarketon, 240; Marion, 235; West Memphis, 200; Memphis, 280. -^- !'((()>^*^ ^• SJ* ♦^*(S- Politics— Importance of the Subject— The Two Old Schools of Politicians— Triumph of the Jacksonians— Early Prominent State Politicians— The Great Question of Secession — The State Votes to Join the Confederacy— Horror of the War Period— The Reconstruction Distress— The Baxter-Brooks Embroglio. In knots they stantl, or in a rank thej- walk, Serious in aspect, earnest in iheir lalk; Factious, and favouring this or t'other side, As their weak fancy or strong reason guide. — Dryden. N one sense there is no w^Jifeli portion of the history of -Sci-fe"^ Arkansas more instructive Ij^;? than its political history, ^'\ because in this is the key ^'•-t^^^Oi-^-^^^i to the character of many jJjS&V of its institutions, as well as strong indications of the trend of the public mind, and the characteris- tics of those men who shaped public affairs and controlled very largely in ^^^. 1^ the State councils. ^SjfcS' Immediately upon the formation of the TeiTitorial government, the Presi- dent of the United States sent to Ai-- kansas Post Gov. James Miller, Robert Crittenden, secretary, and C. Jouett, Robert P. Letcher and Andrew Scott, judges, to organize the new Territorial government. Gov. Miller, it seems, gave little attention to his oflice, and therefore in all the early steps of formation Crittenden was the acting governor; and from the force of character he possessed, and his superior strength of mind, it is fair to conclude that he dominated almost at will the early public affairs of Arkansas. This was at the time of the beginning of the political rivalry between Clay and Jackson, two of the most remarkable types of great political lead- ers this country has produced — Henry Clay, the superb; "Old Hickory," the man of iron; the one as polished a gem as ever glittered in the political heavens — the other the great diamond in the rough, who was of the people, and who drew his followers with bands of steel. These opposites were destined to clash. It is well for the country that they did. Robert Crittenden was a brother of John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, and by some who knew him long and well he was deemed not only his HISTORY OF ARKANSAS 53 brother's peer, but in many respects bis intellect- ual superior. It goes without the saying, he was a born Whig, who, in Kentucky's super-loyal fash- ion, had Clay for his idol, and, to put it mildly, Jackson to dislike. President Monroe had appointed the first Terri- torial ofiScers, but the fact that Crittenden was secretary is evidence that polities then were not running very high. Monroe was succeeded in 1824 by John Quincy Adams. It would seem that in the early days in Arkansas, the Whigs stood upon the vantage grounds in many important respects. By the time Adams was inaugurated the war political to the death between Clay and Jackson had begun. But no man looked more care- fully after his own interests than Jackson. He had large property possessions just across the line in Tennessee, besides property in Arkansas. He induced, from his ranks in his own State, some young men of promise to come to Arkansas. The prize now was whether this should be a Whig or Democratic State. President Adams turned out Democratic officials and put in Whigs, and Robert Crittenden for a long time seemed to hold the State in his hand. Jackson's superiority as a leader over Clay is manifested in the struggles between the two in Arkansas. Clay's followers here were men after his fashion, as were Jackson's men after his mold. Taking Robert Crittenden as the best type, he was but little inferior to Clay himself in his magnetic oratory and purity of prin- ciples and public life; while Jackson sent here the Seviers, Conways and Rectors, men of the people, but of matchless resolution and personal force of character. No two great commanders ever had more faithful or able lieutenants than were the respective champions of Old Hickory and Harry of the West, in the formative days of the State of Arkansas. The results were, like those thoughout the Union, that Jackson triumphed in the hard strife, and Arkansas entered the Union, by virtue of a bill introduced by James Buchanan, as a Jackson State, and has never wavered in its political integrity. As an evidence of the similarity of the con- tests and respective leaders of the two parties here to those throughout the country, it is only necessary to point out that Crittenden drew to his following such men as Albert Pike, a genius of the loftiest and most versatile gifts the country has so far produced, while Jackson, ever supplying reinforcements to his captains, sent among others, as secretary of the Territory, Lewis Randolph, grandson of Thomas Jefferson, and whbse wife was pretty Betty Martin, of the White House, a niece of Jackson's. Randolph settled in Hemp- stead County when it was an unbroken wilder- ness, and his remains are now resting there in an unknown grave. Clay, it seems, could dispatch but little addi- tional force to his followers, even when he saw they were the hardest pressed by the triumphant enemy. There was not much by which one could draw comparisons between Clay and Jackson — unless it was their radical difference. As a great ora- tor. Clay has never been excelled, and he lived in a day when the open sesame to the world's de- lights lay in the silver tongue; but Jackson was a hero, a great one, who inspired other born heroes to follow him even to the death. Arkansas was thus started permanently along the road of triumphant democracy, from which it never wotild have varied, except for the war times that brought to the whole country such con- fusion and political chaos. Being a Jackson State, dominated by the blood of the first governor of Tennessee^Gen. John Sevier, a man little in- ferior to Jackson himself — it was only the most cruel circumstance that could force the State into secession. When the convention met on the 4th of March, 1861, "on the state of the Union," its voice was practically unanimous for the Union, and that body passed a series of as loyal resolu- tions as were ever penned, then adjourning to meet again in the May following. The conven- tion met May 6, but the war was upon the coun- try, and most of the Gulf States had seceded. Every one knew that war was inevitable; it was already going on, but very few realized its immen- sity. The convention did not rush hastily into secession. An ordinance of secession was intro- duced, and for days, and into the nights, run- rr?" o-t HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ning into the small hours, the matter was delib- erated upon — no preliminary test vote was forced to an issue. Delegates were present in anxious attendance from the Carolinas, Alabama and Georgia. They knew that the fate of their action lafgely depended upon the attitude of Arkansas. If Arkansas voted no, then the whole secession movement would receive a severe blow. The after- noon before the final vote, which was to take place in the evening, these commissioners from other States had made up their minds that Arkansas might possibly vote down secession. When the con- vention adjourned for supper, they held a hurried consultation, and freely expressed their anxiety at the outlook. It was understood that the dis- cussion was closed, and the night session was wholly for the purpose of taking a vote. All was uncertainty and intense excitement. Expressions of deepest attachment to the Union and the old flag were heard. The most fiery and vehement of the secessionists in the body were cautious and deliberative. There was but little even of vehe- ment detestation of the abolitionists — a thing as natural then for a Southern man to despise as hatred is natural to a heated brain. At a late hour in the evening, amid the most solemn silence of the crowded hall, an informal vote was taken. All except six members voted to secede. A suppressed applause followed the announcement of the vote. A hurried, whispered conference went on, and the effort was made to have the result unanimous. Now came the final vote. When the name of Isaac Murphy, afterward the military governor, was reached, it was passed and the roll call continued. It was so far unani- mous, with Mr. Murphy' s name still to call. The clerk called it. Mr. Murphy arose and in an earnest and impressive manner in a few words ex- plained the dilemma be was in, but said, " I cannot violate my honest convictions of duty. I vote 'No.'" When the day of reconstruction began, at first it was under the supervision of the military, and it is yet the greatest pity that Congress did not let the military alone to rehabilitate the States they had conquered. Isaac Murphy was made governor. No truer Union man lived than he. He knew the people, and his two years of government were fast curing the wounds of war. But he was turned out of office. The right to vote compels, if it is to be other than an evil, some correct and intelligent under- standing of the form of government prevailing in the United States, and of the elementary prin- ciples of political economy. The ability to read and write, own property, go to Congress or edit a political paper, has nothing to do with it, no more than the color of the skin, eyes or hair of the voter. The act of voting itself is the sovereign act in the economic affairs of the State; but if the govern- ment under its existing form is to endure, the average voter must understand and appreciate the fundamental principles which, in the providence of God, have made the United States the admira- tion of the world. Arkansas, the Democratic State, was in political disquiet from 1861 to 1874 — the beginning of the war and the end of reconstruction. When in the hands of Congress it was returned at every regular election as a Republican party State. The brief story of the political Moses who led it out of the wilderness is of itself a strange and interesting commentary on self-government. When the war came there lived in Batesville Elisha Baxter, a young lawyer who had been breasting only financial misfortunes all his life. Utterly failing as a farmer and merchant, he had been driven to study law and enter the practice to make a living. An honest, kind-hearted, good man, loving his neighbor as himself, but a patriot every inch of him, and loving the Union above all else, his heart was deeply grieved when he saw his adopted State had declared for secession. He could not be a disunionist, no more than he could turn upon his neighbors, friends and fellow-citi- zens of Arkansas. He determined to wash his hands of it all and remain quietly at home. Like all others he knew nothing of civil war. His neighbors soon drove him from his home and family, and, to save his life, he went to the North- ern army, then in Southern Missouri. He was welcomed and offered a commission in the Federal ^: HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. 00 army and an opportunity to return to his State. He declined the ofFer; he could not turn and shed the blood of his old neighbors and former friends. In the vicissitudes of war this non-coajbatant was captured by an Arkansas command, paroled and ordered to report to the military authorities at Lit- tle Rock. He made his way thither, and was thrown into a military prison and promptly indicted for high treason. Then only he began to under- stand the temper of the times, for the chances of his being hanged were probably as a thousand to one to acquittal. In this extremity he broke jail and fled. He again reached the Northern army in which he accepted a commission, and returned to his old home in Batesville, remaining in mili- tary command of the place. He was actively engaged in recruiting the Union men of Northern Arkansas and forming them into regiments. It goes without saying that Baxter never raised a hand to strike back at those who had so deeply- wronged him, when their positions were reversed and he had the power in his hands. At the fall election, 1871, Baxter was the regu- lar Republican candidate for governor, and Joseph Brooks was the Independent Republican nom- inee. The Republican party was divided and each bid for the Democratic vote by promises to the ex- Confederates. Brooks may have been elected, but was counted out. Baxter was duly inaugu- rated. When he had served a year the politicians, it is supposed, who controlled Arkansas, finding they could not use Baxter, or in other words that they had counted in the wrong man, boldly pro- ceeded to undo their own acts, dethrone Baxter and put Brooks in the chair of State. An account of the Baxter-Brooks war is given in another chapter. Thus was this man the victim of political cir- cumstances; a patriot, loving his country and his neighbors, he was driven from home and State; a non-combatant, he was arrested by his own friends as a traitor and the hangman's halter dangled in his face; breaking prison and stealing away like a skulking convict, to return as ruler and master by the omnipotent power of the bayonet; a non-party man, compelled to be a Republican in politics, and finally, as a Republican, fated to lead the Demo- cratic party to success and power. The invincible Jacksonian dynasty, built up in Arkansas, with all else of public institutions went down in the sweep of civil war. It has not been revived as a political institution. But the Demo- cratic party dominates the State as of old. k^ -^1 a 56 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. CiliTlR ¥11. * > ♦ < « Societies, State Institutions, etc.— The Ku Klux Klan— Independent Order of Odd Fellows- Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons— Grand Army of the EEPUiiLic— Bureau of Mines — Arkansas Agricultural As.sociations— State Horticultural Society — The Wheel —The State Capital— The Capitol Building — State Libraries — State Medical Society— State Board of Health— Deaf Mute Institute —School for the Blind— Arkansas Lunatic Asylum— Ar- kan.sas Industrial UNivErtsiTY— The State Debt. Heaven forming each on other to depend, A master, or a servant, or a friend. Bids each on other for assistance call. Till one man's weakness grows the strength of all. -Pope. ^'pECRET societies are a form of social life aud expression which, in some mode of existence, antedate even authentic his- tory. Originally a manner of securing defense from the common enemies of tribes and peoples, they have developed into social and eleemosynary insti- tutions as advances in civilization have been made. At first they were l)ut a severe necessity, and as that time slowly passed away, they became a luxury and a pleasure, having peculiar and strong attrac- tion to nearly all men. That part of one's nature which loves to lean upon others for aid, even in the social scale, finds its expression in some of the many forms of societies, clubs, organizations or institutions that now pervade nearly all the walks of life. In every day existence, in business, church, state, politics and pleasure, are societies and organizations every- where — for the purposes of gain, charity and comfort — indeed, for the sole purpose of finding something to do, would be the acknowledgment of many a society motto. The causes are as diversi- fied as the bodies, secret and otherwise, are numerous. The South furnishes a most remarkable instance of the charm there is in mystery to all men, in the rise and spread of the Ku Klux Klan, a few years ago. Three or four young men, in Columbia, Tenn., spending a social evening together, con- cluded to organize a winter's literary society. All had just returned from the war, in which they had fought for the "lost cause," and found time hanging dull upon them. Each eagerly caught at the idea of a society, and soon they were in the intricacies of the details. Together, from their sparse recollections of their schoolbooks, they evolved the curious name for the society. The name suggested to them that the sport to be derived from it might be increased by making it a secret society. The thing was launched upon this basic idea. In everything connected with it each one was fertile it seems in adding mystery to mys- tery in their meetings and personal movements. ^ Xrf HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 57 The initiation of a new member was made a grand and rollicking afPair. So complete had the mem- bers occasioned their little innocent society to be a mystery, that it became in an astonishingly brief time a greater enigma to themselves than even to outsiders. It swiftly spread from the village to the county, from the county to the State, and overran the Southern States like a racing prairie fire, changing in its aims and objects as rapidly as it had grown. From simply frightening the poor night-prowling darkeys, it became a vast and uncontrollable semi-military organization; inflict- ing punishment here, and there taking life, until the State of Tennessee was thrown into utter con- fusion, and the military forces were called out; large rewards were offered for the arrest even of women found making any of the paraphernalia of the order. Government detectives sent to pry into their secrets were slain, and a general reign of terror ensued. No rewards could induce a mem- ber to betray his fellows; and the efforts of the organizers to control the storm they had raised, were as idle as the buzzing of a summer fly. Thousands and thousands of men belonged to it, who knew really little or nothing about it, and who to this day are oblivious of the true history of one of the most remarkable movements of large bodies of men that has ever occurred in this or perhaps any country. It was said by leading members of the order that they could, in twenty- four hours, put tens of thousands of men in line of battle, all fully armed and equipped. It was indeed the "Invisible Empire." By its founders it was as innocent and harmless in its purposes as a Sunday-school picnic, yet in a few weeks it spread and grew until it overshadowed the land — but little else than a bloody, headless riot. The imagina- tions of men on the outside conjured up the most blood-curdling falsehoods as to its doings; while those inside were, it seems, equally fertile in schemes and devices to further mystify people, alarm some and terrify others, and apparently the wilder the story told about them, the more they would enjoy it. Its true history will long give it rank of first importance to the philosophic and careful, painstaking historian. 4 Among societies of the present day, that organization known as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is recognized as a prominent one. The Grand Lodge of the order in Arkansas was organ- ized June 11, 1849. Its first past grand master was John J. Horner, elected in 185-1. His siicces- sors to date have been as follows : James A. Henry, 1858 ; P. O. Hooper, 1859-1866 ; Richard Bragg, Sr., 1862; Peter Brugman, 1867, 1868, 1871; Isaac Eolsom, 1873; Albert Cohen, 1874; John B. Bond, 1876; E. B. Moore, 1878 f James S. Holmes, 1880; Adam Clark, 1881 ; W. A. Jett, 1882 ; James A. Gibson, 1884 ; George W. Hurley, 1885 ; H. S. Coleman, 1886, and A. S. Jett, 1887. The pres- ent able officers are R. P. Holt, grand master; J. P. Woolsey, deputy grand master; Louis C. Lincoln, grand warden ; Peter Brugman, grand secretary; H. Ehrenbers, grand treasurer; H. S. Coleman, grand representative; A. S. Jett, grand representative; Rev. L. B. Hawley, grand chap- lain; John R. Richardson, grand marsiial; J. G. Parker, grand conductor; William Mosby, grand guardian ; W. J. Glenn, grand herald. In the State there are eighty-two lodges and a total mem- bership, reported by the secretary at the October meeting, 1888, of 2,023. The revenue from sub- ordinate lodges amounts to $13,832, while the relief granted aggregates $2,840. There were sixteen Rebekah lodges organized in 1887-88. The Masonic fraternity is no less influential in the affairs of every part of the country, than the society just mentioned. There is a tradition — too vague for reliance — that Masonry was introduced into Ai'kansas by the Spaniards more than 100 years ago, and that therefore the first lodge was established at Arkansas Post. Relying, however, upon the records the earliest formation of a lodge of the order was in 1819, when the Grand Lodge of Kentucky granted a dispensation for a lodge at Arkansas Post. Robert Johnson was the first mas- ter. Judge Andrew Scott, a Federal judge in the Territory, was one of its members. But before this lodge received its charter, the seat of govern- ment was removed to Little Rock, and the Arkan- sas Post lodge became extinct. No other lodge was attempted to be established until 1836, when !.<£ 58 HISTORY OF AKKANSAS. a dispensation was graiited Washington Lodge No. 82, at Fayetteville, October 3, 1837. Onesimns Evans, was master; James McKissick, senior war- den; Mathew Leeper, junior warden. In ] 838 the Grand Lodge of Louisiana granted the second dispensation for a lodge at Arkansas Post — Morning Star Lodge No. 42; the same year granting a charter to Western Star Lodge No. 43, at Little Rock. Of this Edward Cross was master; Charles L. Jeffries, senior warden ; Nicholas Peay, junior warden. About this time the Grand Lodge of Alabama granted a charter to Mount Horeb Lodge, of Washington, Hempstead County. November 21, 1838, these four lodges held a convention at Little Rock and formed the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. The representatives at this convention were: From Washington Lodge No. 82, of Fayetteville, Onesimus Evans, past master; Washington L. Wil- son, Robert Bedford, Abraham Whinnery, Richard C. S. Brown, Samuel Adams and Williamson S. Oldham. From Western Star Lodge No. 43, of Little Rock, William Gilchrist, past master; Charles L. Jeffries, past master; Nicholas Peay, past master; Edward Cross, past master; Thomas Parsel, Alden Sprague and John Morris. From Morning Star Lodge No 42, of the Post of Arkansas. John W. Pullen. From Mount Horeb Lodge, of Washington, James H. Walker, Allen M. Oakley, Joseph W. Mc- Kean and James Trigg. Of this convention John Morris, of Western Star Lodge No. 43, was made secretary. Mr. Morris is still living (1889), a resident of Auburn, Sebastian County, and is now quite an old man. Mr. John P. Karns, of Little Rock, was in attendance at the convention, although not a dele- gate. These two are the only ones surviving who were present on that occasion. The Grand Lodge organized by the election of William Gilchrist, grand master; Onesimus Evans, deputy grand master; James H. Walker, grand sen- ior warden; Washington L. Wil-son, grand junior warden; Alden Sprague, grand treasurer, and George C. Watkins, grand secretary. The constituent lodges, their former charters be- ing extinct by their becoming members of a new jur- isdiction, took new numbers. Washington Lodge, at Fayetteville, became No. 1; Western Star, of Little Rock, became No. 2; Morning Star, of the Post of Arkansas, became No. 3, and Mount Horeb, of Washington, became No. 4. Of these Wash- ington No. 1, and Western Star No. 2, are in vig- orous life, but Morning Star No. 3, and Mount Horeb No. 4, have become defunct. From this beginning of the four lodges, with a membership of probably 100, the Grand Lodge now consists of over 400 lodges, and a member- ship of about 12,000. The following are the officers for the present year: R. H. Taylor, grand master, Hot Springs; J. W. Sorrels, deputy grand master. Farmer, Scott County; D. B. Warren, grand lecturer, Gainesville; W. A. Clement, grand orator. Rover, Yell County; W. K. Ramsey, grand senior ward- en, Camden; C. A. Bridewell, grand junior ward- en, Hope; George H. Meade, grand treasurer. Lit- tle Rock; Fay Hempstead, grand secretary. Little Rock; D. D. Leach, grand senior deacon, Augusta; Samuel Peete, grand junior deacon, Batesville; H. W. Brooks, grand chaplain, Hope; John B. Baxter, grand marshal, Brinkley; C. C. Hamby, grand sword bearer, Prescott; S. Solmson, senior grand steward, Pine Bluff: A. T. Wilson, junior grand steward, Eureka Springs; J. C. Churchill, grand pursuivant, Charlotte, Independence County: Ed. Metcalf, grand tyler. Little Rock. The first post of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic, Department of Arkansas, was organized under authority from the Illinois Commandery, and called McPherson Post No. 1, of Little Rock. The district then passed under command of the Depart- ment of Missouri, and by that authority was or- ganized Post No. 2, at Fort Smith. The Provisional Department of Arkansas was organized June 18, 1883, Stephen Wheeler being department commander, and C. M. Vaughan, adju- tant general. A State encampment was called to meet at Fort Smith, July 11, 1883. Six posts were represented in this meeting, when the following State officers were elected: S. Wheeler, com- 3 68 HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. On one occasion two members of the bar met at a county seat ■where court was in session a week. They had c me from opposite directions, one of them riding a borrowed horse seventy miles, while the other on his own horse had traveled over 100 miles. Upon starting home they unwittingly ex- changed horses, and neither discovered the mistake until informed by friends after reaching their des- tination. The horses could hardly have been more dissimilar, but the owners detected no change. It was nearly the value of the animals to make the return exchange, yet each set out, and finally re- turned with the projser horse. No little ingenuity must have been manifested in finally unraveling the great mystery of the afPair. Surrounded as they were with all these ill con- ditions, as a body of men they were nevertheless learned in the law, great in the forum, able and upright on the bench. Comparisons are odious, but it is nothing in disparagement to the present generation of courts and lawyers, to say that to be equally great and worthy with these men of the early bench and bar of Arkansas, is td exalt and ennoble the profession in the highest degree. Sixty years have now passed since the first coming of the members of this calling to the State of Arkansas. In IS 19 President Monroe appointed James Miller, governor, Robert Crittenden, secre- tary, and Charles Jouitt, Andrew Scott and Robert P. Letcher, judges of the Superior Court, for the new Territory of .Arkansas. All these, it seems, except Gov. Miller, were promptly at the post of duty and in the discharge of their respective ofiices. In the absence of Mr. Miller, Mr Crittenden was acting governor. These men not only constituted the first bench and bar, but the first Territorial offi- cials and the first legislature. They were all lo- cated in the old French town of Arkansas Post. The lawyers and judges were the legislative body, which enacted the laws to be enforced in their re- spective districts. At their first legislative session they established but five statute laws, and from this it might be inferred that there were few and simple laws in force at that time, but the reader will remember that from the moment of the Louis- iana purchase all the new territory passed under the regulation and control of the English common law — substantially the same system of laws then governing England. It is a singular comment on American juris- prudence that this country is still boasting the pos- I session of the English habeas corpus act, wrung I by those sturdy old barons from King John, — a government by the people, universal suffrage, ! where the meanest voter is by his vote also a sov- j ereign, and therefore he protects himself against ! — whom? — why. against himself by the English , habeas corpiis act, which was but the great act of j a great people that first proclaimed a higher right I than was the " divine right of kings. ' ' When these j old Englishmen presented the alternative to King I John, the writ or the headsman's ax, he very sensi- ( bly chose the lesser of the two great inconven- iences. And from that moment the vital meaning of the phrase '"the divine right of kings" was dead in England. In America, where all vote, the writ of habeas corpus has been time and time again suspended, and there are foolish men now who would gladly resort to this untoward measure, for the sake of party success in elections. There is no language of tongue or pen that can carry a more biting sar- casm on our boasted freemen or free institutions than this almost unnoticed fact in our history. One of the acts of the first legislative session held in August, 1S19, was to divide the Territory into two judicial circuits. As elsewhere stated, the counties of Arkansas and Lawrence constituted the First circuit; Pulaski, Clark and Hempstead Coun- ties forming the Second. The judges of the Superior Courts were as- signed to the duties of the difPerent circuits. At the first real Territorial legislature, composed of representatives elected by the people, the Territory was divided into three judicial circuits. The courts, however, for the different circuits, were all held at the Territorial capital. There was no cir- cuit riding, therefore, at this time. Judicial circuits and judges residing therein were not a part of judiciary affairs until 1823. The judges of the First circuit from that date, with time of appointment and service, were: T. P. Eskridge, N" HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 69 December 10, 1823; Andrew Scott, April 11, 1827; Sam C. Roane, April 17, 1829-36. The list of prosecuting attorneys includes: W. B. R. Horner, November 1, 1823; Thomas Hubbard, November 5, 1828, to February 15, 1832; G. D. Royston, September 7, 1833; Shelton Watson, October 4, 1835; A. G. Stephenson, January 23, 1836. Of the Second circuit the judges were: Richard Searcy, December 10, 1828, and J. W. Bates, November, 1825, to 1836; while the prosecuting attorneys were R. C. Oden, November 1, 1823; A. H. Sevier, January 19, 1824 (resigned); Sam C. Roane, September 26, 1826; Bennett H. Martin, January 30, 1831; Absalom Fowler. ; D. L. F. Royston, July 25, 1835; Townsend Dickin- son, November 1, 1823; A. F. May, March 29, 1825 (died in office); W. H. Parrott, April 21, 1827; S. S. Hall, August 31, 1831; J. W. Robert- son, September 17, 1833; E. B. Ball, July 19, 1836. Samuel S. Hall was judge of the Third circuit, serving from December, 1823, to 1836. As pros- ecuting attorneys, are found the names of T. Dick- inson, January 10, 1823; A. D. G. Davis, June 21, 1829; S. G. Sneed, November 11, 1831; David Walker, September 13, 1833; Thomas Johnson, October 4, 1835; W. F. Denton, January 23, 1836. The appointment of Charles Caldwell as judge of the Fourth circuit dates from December 27, 1828; while E. T. Clark, February 13, J 830; J. C. P. Tolleson, February 1, 1831; and W. K. Sebas- tian, from January 25, 1833, served as prosecuting attorneys. The Supreme Court of Arkansas has ever com- prised among its members men of dignity, wisdom and keen legal insight. The directory of these officials contains the names of many of those whose reputation and influence are far more than local. It is as follows: Chief justices: Daniel Ringo, 1836; Thomas Johnson, 1844; George C. Watkins, 1852 (re- signed); E. H. English, 1854 (also Confederate); T. D. W. Yonley. 1864 (Murphy constitution); E. Baxter, 1864 (under Murphy regime); David Walker, 1866 (ousted by military); W. W. Wil- shire, 1868 (removed); John McClure, 1871, (re- ipoved); E. H. English, 18(4. Sterling R. Cock- rill is pi-esent chief justi? Associate justices: Thomas J. Lacey, 1836; Townsend Dickinson, 1836; George W. Paschal, 1842; W. K. Sebastian, 1843; W. S. Oldham, 1845; Edward Cross, 1845; William Conway, 1846; C. C. Scott, 1848; David Walker, 1847 and 1874; Thomas B. Hanley, 1858 (resigned); F. I. Batson, 1858 (resigned); H. F. Fairchild, 1860 (died); Albert Pike, 1861 (also Confederate); J. J. Clen- denin, 1866 (ousted); T. M. Bowen, 1868; L. Gregg, 1868; J. E. Bennett, 1871; M. L. Steph- enson, 1872; E. J. Searle, 1872; W. M. Harrison, 1874; J. T. Bearden, 1874 (appointed); Jesse Turner, 1878; J. R. Eakin, 1878; W. W. Smith, 1882; B. B. Battle, 1885, re-elected. By law three additional judges were elected April 2, 1889: Simon B. Hughes, \V. E. Hemingway and Mont. H. Sandels. Reporters: Alberl Pike, N. W. Cox, E. H. English. J. M. Moore, L. E. Barber, B. D. Turner and W. W. Mansfield (present incumbent). Clerks: H. Haralson, L. E. Barber, N. W. Cox, and W. P. Campbell (in office). Special chief justices: William Story, F. W. Compton, J. L. Witherspoon, S. H. Hempstead, C. B. Moore, Thomas Johnson, R. A. Howard, George A. Gallagher, B. B. Battle, Sam W. Will- iams, A. B. Williams, G. N Cousin, Isaac Strain, N'. Haggard, Edward Cross, R. C. S. Brown, L. A.. Pindall, Sam C. Roane, George Conway, Sack- field Macklinin, John Whytock, C. C. Farrelley, W. W. Smith, W. I. Warwick, B. B. Morse, B. D. Turner, George W. Caruth, S. H. Harring- ton. In this list are the names of nearly all early members of the Arkansas bar. Commencino- here as young attorneys in their profession, many of • them have left illustrious names — names that adorn the history of the State and Nation, and time will not dim nor change the exalted esteem now given them. Not one of them but that was an ex- ample of that wonderful versatility of American genius — the young lawyer becoming great in the practice of his profession in the wild wood; or cel- ebrated on the bench for decisions that came to the 2iJ. -^ 9 70 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. world like beacon lights from the. unknown land; or as senators holding civilized people spellbound by their wisdom and eloquence; and all, at all times, listening for their country's call to play as con- spicuous a part in camp and field as they had in the walks of civil life. To undertake all these things is not wonderful with a people so cosmopol- itan as those of the west, but to be preeminent in each or all alike is most remarkable. Of this brilliant galaxy of pioneer legal lights — giants indeed — there now remain as a connect- ing link with the present generation only the ven- erable Gren. Albert Pike, of Washington City, and Judge Jesse Turner, of Van Buren. Writing in a reminiscent way of the bench and bar, Albert Pike says: "When I came to the bar there were William Cummins, Absalom Fowler, Daniel Ringo, Chester Ashley, and Samuel Hall, at Little Rock. I served on a jury in 1834 where Robert Crittenden was an attorney in the case ; the judge was Benjamin Johnson, who died in Decem- ber, 1834, at Vicksburg. Parrott and Oden died before I went to Little Rock. Judge William Trimble was an old member of the bar when I en- tered it, as was Col. Horner, of Helena. Thomas B. Hanley had recently come to Helena from Louis- iana. I think Maj. Thomas Hubbard and George Conway were practicing at Washington in 1835. Judge Andrew Scott had been Territorial judge, but retired and lived in Pope County. Frederick W. Trapnall and John W. Cocke came from Kentucky to Little Rock in 1836, and also William C. Scott and his f)artner, Blanchard. I think Samuel H. Hempstead and John J. Clendenin came in 1836. John B. Floyd lived and practiced law in Chicot County. ' ' Gen. Pike further mentions Judge David Walker, John Linton, Judges Hoge and Sneed, John M. Wilson, Alfred W. Wilson, Archibald Yell, Judge Fowler, Judge Richard C. S. Brown, Bennett H. Martin, Philander Little, Jesse Turner and Sam W. Williams as among the eminent law- yers of the early courts of Arkansas. The list of those who have occupied positions as circuit judges and prosecuting attorneys in the various circuits, will be found of equal interest with the names mentioned in connection with a higher tribunal. It is as below, the date affixed indicating the beginning of the term of service: Judges of the First circuit: W. K. Sebastian, November 19, 1840; J. C. P. Tolleson, February 8, 1843; JohnT. Jones, December 2,1842; MarkW. Alexander, ; George W. Beasley, September 6, 1855; C. W. Adams. November 2, 1852; Thomas B. Hanley, ; E. C. Bronough, August 25, 1858; O. H. Gates, March 3, 1859; E. C. Bronough, August 23, 1860; Jesse M. Houks, September 17, 1865; John E. Bennett, July 23, 1868; C. C. Wat- ers, February 23, 1871; M. L. Stephenson, March 24, 1871; W^ H. H. Clayton, March 10, 1873; J. N. Cypert, October 31, 1874; M. T. Saunders, October 30, 1882. Prosecuting attorneys: W. S. Mosley, November 14, 1840; A. J. Greer, Novem- ber 9, 1841; S. S. Tucker, January 20, 1840; Alonzo Thomas, August 5, 1842; W. N. Stanton, December 2, 1842; N. M. Foster, December 4, 1843; A. H. Ringo, March 2, 1849; H. A. Bad- ham, March 12, 1851; L. L. Mack, September 6, 1855; S. W. Childress, August 30, 1856; Lin- coln Featherstone, August 23, 1860; Z. P. H Farr, December 1, 1862; B. C. Brown, January 7, 1865; P. O. Thweat, October 15, 1866; C. B. Fitzpatrick, March 16, 1871; W. H. H. Clayton, March 23, 1871; Eugene Stephenson, April 23, 1878; C. A. Otey. October 31, 1874; D. D. Leach, October 13, 1876; P. D. McCulloch (three terms); Greenfield Quarles, October 30, 1884; S. Brundridge, October 30, 1886. Judges of the Second circuit: Isaac Baker, November 23, 1840; John C. Murray, August 18, 1851; W. H. Sutton, January 11, 1845; John C. Murray, August 22, 1858; Josiah Gould, Febru- ary 26, 1849; W. M. Harrison, May 17, 1865; T. F. Sorrells, August 22, 1853; W. C. Hazeldine, April 14, 1871; J. F. Lowery, December 12, 1863; L. L. Mack, October 31, 1874; William Story, July 23, 1868; W. F. Henderson. April 26, 1874; J. G. Frierson, October 31, 1882; W. A. Case, vice Frierson, deceased, March 17, 1884, elected September 1, 1884; J. E. Riddick, Oc- tober 30, 1886. Prosecuting attorneys: John S. Roane, November 15, 1840; Samuel Wooly, Sep- tember 19, 1842: J. W. Bocage, November 20, ^. HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 71 1843; S. B. Jones, April 20, 1840; T. F. Sorrells, February 26, 1849; W. P. Grrace, August 22, 1853; S. F. Arnett, August 23. 1856; D. W. Carroll, August 30, I860: C. C. Godden, May 17, 1865; W. F. Slemmons, October 15, 1866; D. D. Leach, December 16, 1868; R. H. Black, May 6, 1873; J. E. Riddick, October 13, 1876; W. A. Gate, October 14, 1878; E. F. Brown, May 5, 1870; W. B. Edrington (four terms), October 30, 1880; J. D. Block, October, 1888. Judges of the Third circuit: Thomas Johnson, November 13, 1840; William Conway, November 15, 1844; W. C. Scott, December 11, 1846; R. H. Nealy, February 28,1851; W. C. Bavins, August 23, 1856; W. R. Cain, August 23, 1860; L. L. Mack, March 15, 1866; Elisba Baxter, July 23, 1868; James W. Butler, March 10, 1873; William Byers, October 30, 1874; R. H. Powell (threes terms), October 30, 1882; J. W. Butler, May, 18S7. Prosecuting attorneys: N. Haggard, November 30, 1840; S. S. Tucker, January 20, 1842; S. H. Hempstead. February, 1842; A. R. Porter, Decerc- ber 2, 1842; S. C.Walker, December 2, 1846; J. H. Byers, March 5, 1849; W. K. Patterson, August 30, 1856; F. W. Desha, August 30, 1800; L. L. Mack, July 8, 1861; T. J. Eatcliff, July 9, 1865; M. D. Baber, October 15, 1866: W. A. Inman, December 8, 1808; J. L. Abernathy, October 31, 1874; Charles Coffin, October 14, 1878; M. N. Dyer (two terms), October 30, 1882; W. B. Padgett, October 30, 1886; J. L. Abernathy, October, 1888. Judges of the Fourth circuit: J. M. Hoge, November 13, 1840; S. G. Sneed, November IS, 1844; A. B. Greenwood, March 3, 1851; F. I. Batson, August 20, 1853; J. M. A\'ilson, Febru- ary 21, 1859; J. J. Green, August 23. 1860; Y. B. Sheppard, May 9, 1863; Thomas Boles, August 3, 1865; ^V. N. May. April 24, 1868; M. L. Stephenson, July 23, 1868; C. B. Filz- patrick, March 23, 1871; J. Huckleberry, April 10, 1872; J. M. Pittman, October 31, 1874; J. H. Berry, October 21, 1878; J. M. Pittman (three terms), October 31, 1882. Prosecuting attorneys: Alfred M. Wilson, November 13, 1840; A. B. Greenwood, January 4. 1845; H. F. Thomasson, September 6, 1853; Lafayette Gregg, August 23, 1856; B. J. Brown, December 1, 1862; J. E. Cravens, January 7, 1865; Squire Boon, October 15, 1866; Elias Harrell, August 11, 1868; S. W. Peel, April 26, 1873; E. I. Stirman, October 13, 1876; H. A. Dinsmore (three terms), October 14, 1878; J. Frank Wilson, October 30. 1884; J. W. Walker, October 30, 1866; S. M. Johnson, Octo- ber 30, 1888. Judges of the Fifth circuit: J. J. Clendenin. December 28, 1840; W. H. Field, December 24, 1846; J. J. Clendenin, September 6, 1854; Liberty Bartlett, November 12, 1854; E. D. Ham, July 23, 1868; Benton J. Brown, September 30, 1874; AV. W. Mansfield, October 31, 1874; Thomas W. Pound, September 9, 1878; W. D. Jacoway, Oc- tober 31, 1878; G. S. Cunningham (three terms). October 31, 1882. Prosecuting attorneys: R. W. Johnson. December 29, 1840; George C. Watkins, January 11, 1845; J. J. Clendenin, February 17, 1849, to 1854; J. L. Hollowell, Septembers, 1858, to 1860; Snm W. Williams, May 10, 1860; Pleas- ant Joi'dan, September 7, 1861; Sam W. Williams, July 6, 1S03; John Whytock, December 19, 1865; R. k. Dedman. October 15, 1866; N. J. Temple, August 15, 1808; Arch Young, August 24, 1872; Thomas Barnes, April 23, 1873; J. P. Byers, Oc- tober 31, 1873; A. S. McKennon, October 14, 1878; J. G. Wallace (two terms), October 31, 1882; H. S. Carter, October 30,' 1886. Sixth circuit — judges: William Conway, De- cember 19, 1840; John Field, February 3, 1843; George Conway, August 1, 1844; John Quillin, March 2, 1849; Thomas Hubbard, August 22, 1854; A. B. Smith, February 7, 1850; Shelton Wat- son, September 26, 1858; Leu B. Green, April 5, 1858; A. B. Williams, January 28, 1865; J. T. Elliott, October 2, 1805; J. J. Clendenin. October 81, 1874; J. W. Martin. October 31, 1878; F. T. Vaughan, October 31, 1882: J. W. Martin, Octo- ber 30, 1886. Prosecuting attorneys: G. D. Roys- ton, November 11, 1840; O. F. Rainy, June 12, 1843; Isaac T. Tupper, January 18, 1844; A. W. Blevins, January 11, 1847; E. A. Warner, March 3, 1851; Orville Jennings, August 23, 1853; E. W. Gantt, August 22, 1854; James K. Young, August 30, 1860; Robert Carrigan, September 13. J IS J, 72 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 1865; J. F. Ritchie, October 15, 1866; T. B. Gib- son, January 11, 1868; Charles C Reid, Jr., April 30, 1871; F. T. Vaughan, September 18, 1876; T. C. Trimble, September 30, 1878; F. T. Vaughan, September 30, 1880; T. C. Trimble, October 31, 1882; R. J. Lea, October 80, 1884; Gray Carroll, October 30, 1886; R. J. Lea, October 30, 1888. Seventh circuit — judges: R. C. S. Brown, 1840; W. W. Floyd, November 30, 1846. (December 20, 1849, the State was re districted into six cir- cuits. Hence this was abolished for the time.) William Byers, July 8, 1861; R. H. Powell, May 11, 1866; John Whytock, July 23, 1868; J. J. Clendenin, May 29, 1874; Jabez M. Smith, Oc- tober 31, 1874; J. P. Henderson (three terms), Oc- tober 31. 1882. Prosecuting attorneys: John M, Wilson, November 20, 1840; J. M. Tebbetts, De- cember 5, 1844; Elisha Baxter, December 7, 1861; W. B. Padgett, August 29, 1865; W. R. Coody. October 15, 1866; E. W. Gantt, July 31. 1868; J. M. Harrell, May 5, 1873; M. J. Henderson, October 31, 1874; James B. Wood, October 14, 1878; J. P. Henderson (three terms), October 31, 1882; W. H. Martin, October 30, 1888. Eighth circuit — judges: C. C. Scott, December 2, 1846; William Davis, July 3, 1848 (abolished December 20, 1849); James D. Walker, July 25, 1861; Elias Harrell, May 8, 1865; William Story. March 27, 1867; E. J. Earle, July 23, 1868; T. G. T. Steele, February 23, 1873; L. J. Joyner, Octo- ber 31, 1874; H. B. Stuart, October 31, 1878; R. D. Hearn, October 30, 1886. Prosecuting attor- neys: Richard Lyons, February 5, 1847; N. W. Pat- terson, October 25, 1865; C. G. Reagan, January 7, 1865; J. C. Pratt, July 23, 1868; T. M. Gun- ter, October 15, 1866; Duane Thompson, January 4, 1874: George A. Kingston, July 26, 1871; J D. McCabe, October 31, 1874; J. H. Howard, April 26, 1873; Rufus D. Hearn (three terms), July 6, 1874; Lafayette Gregg, November 13, 1862; W. M. Green (three terms), October 30, 1884. Ninth circuit — judges: H. B. Stuart. Novem- ber 28, 1862; W. N. Hargrave, , 1865; E. J. Searle, Februa'ry 25, 1867; G. W. McCowan, July 23, 1868; J.T. Elliott, April 26, 1873; J. K. Young, October 31, 1874; C. F. Mitchell, October 31, 1882; L. A. Byrne. November 4, 1884; A. B. Williams, vice Mitchell, resigned, September 10, 1884; C. E. Mitchell, October 30, 1886. Prosecuting attorneys: A. J. Temple, July 8, 1861; A. T Craycraft, January 7, 1865; E. J. Searle, February 19, 1866; R. C. Parker, October 15, 1866; N. J. Temple, January 20, 1867; J. R. Page, January 9, 1869; J. M. Bradley, April 26, 1873; Dan W. Jones, October 31, 1874; B. W. Johnson, October 13, 1876; John Cook. October 14, 1880; T. F. Web- ber (four terms), October 31, 1882. Judges of the Tenth circuit: H. P. Morse, July 23, 1868; D. W Carroll, October 28, 1874; T. F. Sorrells, October 31, 1874; J. M. Bradley, October 30, 1882; C. D. Wood, October 30, 1886. Prosecuting attorneys: J. McL. Barton, March 29, 1869; H. King White, April 20, 1871; M. Mc- Gehee, April 29. 1873; J. C. Barrow, October 31, 1874; C. D. Woods, October 30, 1882; M. L. Hawkins, ince Woods, October 10, 1886; R. C. Fuller, October 30, 1888. Eleventh circuit — judges: J. W. Fox, April 30, 1873; H. N. Hutton, July 24, 1874; John A. Williams, October 31, 1874; X. J. Pindall, Octo- ber 31, 1878; J. A. Williams (two terms), October 30, 1882. Prosecuting attorneys- H. M. McVeigh, April 26, 1873; Z. L. Wise, October 31, 1874; T. B. Martin, October 10, 1878; J. M. Elliott (five terms), October 10, 1880. Twelfth circuit — judges: P. C. Dooley, April 26, 1873; J. H. Rogers, April 20, 1877; R. B. Rutherford, October 2, 1882; John S. Little, Octo- ber 20, 1 886. Prosecuting attorneys : D. D. Leach, April 26, 1873; John S. Little (three terms),^April 2, 1877; A. C. Lewers (two terms), September 20, 1884; J. B. McDonough, October 30, 1888. Thirteenth circuit — judges: M, D. Kent, April 20, 1873; B. F. Askew, October 30, 1882; C. W. Smith, October 30, 1886. Prosecuting attorneys: W. C. Langford, April 26, 1873; W. F. Wallace, June 5, 1883; H. P. Snead (three terms), Octo- ber 30, 1884. Fourteenth circuit — judges: George A. King- ston, April 26, 1873; R. H. Powell, May, 1887. Prosecuting attorneys: Duane Thompson, April 26, 1873; De Ross Bailey, May, 1887. ^i HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. L. D. Belden was appointed judge of the Fif- teenth circuit April 26, 1873, the prosecuting at- torney being G. G. Lotta, elected April 23, 1873. Sixteenth circuit — judge: Elisha Mears, April 26, 1873. Prosecuting attorneys: H. N. Withers, September 27, 1873; V. B. Shepard, April 30, 1874. By an act of April 16, 1873, the State was di- vided into sixteen judicial circuits, but two years later a reduction to eleven in number was made. mkwfm IX. The Late Civil War— Analytical View of the Troublous Times— Passage of the Ordinance of Secession— The Call to Arms— The First Troops to Take the Field— Invasion of the State BY THE Federal Army — Sketches of the Regiments— Xames of Officers— Outline of Field Operations— Claibourne and Yell — Extracts from Private Memo- randa — Evacuation of the State— Re-Occupation— The AVar of 1812— The Mexican War— Standard of American Generalship. The cannon's hush'd! nor dium nor clarion sound; Helmet and hauberk gleam upon the ground; Horsemen and horse lie weltering in their gore; Patriots are dead, and heroes dare no more; While solemnly the moonlight shrouds the plain, And lights the lurid features of the slain. — Montgomery. RKANSAS was not among the States that may be call- ed leaders in inaugurating the late war. It only pass- ed a secession ordinance May 6, 1861, nearly a month after hostilities had commenced, and Lincoln had issued his call for 75,000 ninety-day troops • • to put down the rebellion. " The re- luctance with which the State finally joined its sister States is manifested by the almost unanimous refusal of the State convention, which met in March, 1861 — the day Lincoln was in- augurated — and nearly unanimously voted down secession and passed a series of conservative resolu- tions, looking to a national convention to settle in some way the vexed question of slavery, and then voting a recess of the convention. When this reassembled war was upon the country, and the ordinance of secession was passed, only, however, after full di.scussion, pro and con. There was but one vote against secession finally, and that was given by Isaac Murphy — afterward the military governor of Arkansas. Local authorities received instructions to arm and equip forty regiments of State troofis. The ruling minds of the State were averse to war, and resisted it until they were forced into the po- sition of siding with their neighbors or with the Union cause. In the South, as in the North, there were inconsiderate hot-heads, who simply wanted war for war's sake — full of false pretexts, but eager for war with or without a pretext. These extremists of each party were, unconsciously, per- l^i :^ ^1 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. haps, but in fact, the two blades of the pair of scissors, to cut asunder the ties of the Union of States. Slavery, possibly not directly the cause of the war, was the handiest pretext seized upon at the time, with such disastrous results. In the dis- pensations of heaven, had the fanatics of the North and the fire-eaters of the South been hung across the clothesline, as a boy sometimes hangs cats, and left in holy peace to fight it out, what a bless- ing for mankind it would have been! The history of the late war cannot yet be writ- ten. Its most profound effects are not yet evolved. The actual fighting ceased nearly a generation ago, and the cruel strife is spoken of as over. It is the effects that true history observes. The chronicler records the dates and statistics, and files these away for the future historian. It is highly prob- able that there is no similar period in history where the truth will be so distorted as by him who tells ' ' the story of the war. ' ' Anyone can begin to see that there are many things now that were unknown before the war. Great changes are still being worked out, and whether or not yet greater ones are to come, no one knows. The abolitionists thirty years ago hated the slave owners, — the slave holders loved slaverj\ The former thought to forever end slavery on this continent by liberating the slaves, and now the once alarmed slave owner has discovered that the great benefits of the abolition of slavery have been to the whites far more than to the blacks. There is little idea of what the real historian one hundred years from now will be compelled to say of these ' ' blessed times. ' ' He will most prob- ably smile in pity upon all this self-laudation and wild boast. If men could have known the effects to follow in all the important movements of peo- ples, it is highly probable there would have been no civil war. Those who "sectioually hated" may sleep quietly in their graves, because they died unconscious as to whether their supposed bloody revenge, driven hurtling at the enemy, was a bullet or a boomerang. The Southern individual may look with envy to the pension fund now being poured out in North- ern States, while, instead of this, he should only remember that the Southern soldier is making his way unaided in the world. It should not be for- gotten that the rapid development of the South is sadly in want of the constant labor of thousands of immigrants, and that the New South is just entering upon a period of surprising and unexampled pros- perity, which certainly must continue. In Arkansas, as in Illinois, when Fort Sumter was fired on, instantly there was a storm of excite- ment to ' ' let slip the dogs of war. " Action took the place of argument. The best men in the com- munity, those who had so long talked and pleaded against war, closed their mouths, and with sore hearts turned their eyes away from the sad outlook. The young and the inconsiderate seized the power to rule, and (though they knew it not) to ruin. Bells were rung, drums were beaten, and fifes made strident martial music, and people rushed into the streets. Open air meetings for the Confederate cause gathered, and songs and speeches inflamed the wildest passions of men. Poor men ! they little recked the cruel fate into which they were plunging their country — not only themselves, but generations to come. A fifer and drummer march- ing along the streets, making harsh and discordant noises, were soon followed by crowds of men, women and children. Volunteers were called for by embryo captains, and from these crowds were soon recruited squads to be crystallized into armies with heavy tramp and flying banners — the noisy prologue to one of the bloodiest tragedies on which time has ever rung up the curtain. The first official action of the State was that authorizing the raising and equipping of seven regiments. These were soon ready to report with full ranks. Seven regiments ! Even after the war was well on foot, men were forming companies in hot haste, in fear that before they could reach the field of action the war would be over. And after they were mustered in and at their respective rendezvous, without uniforms and with sticks for guns, learning the rudiments of drill, they were restless, troubled seriously with the fear that they would never see or feel the glory of battle. The youths of the State had rushed to the recruiting sta- tions with the eager thoughtlessness with which ^-^ ■> \' HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. (0 they would have put down their names for picnic, hunting or fishing expeditions, and the wild delights of a season of camj) life. Perhaps to some came indistinct ideas of winning glory on the field and a triumphant return home, to be met by the happy smiles of a people saved — when the bells would ring and flowers be strewn in the highway. The seven regiments first authorized by the military board (the board consisting of the gov- ernor. Col. Sain W. Williams and Col. B. C. Tot- ten) had hardly been formed when more soldiers were wanted. Ten additional regiments were authorized, and of the ten seven were recriiited and organizeti. Fourteen infantry regiments be sides the cavalry and artillery had been a strong demand on the people, but the calls for men were increased. By vohintary enlistments twenty-one infantry regiments were finally in the field. In- cluding cavalry and artillery, Arkansas had about 25,000 volunteer soldiery. Then came the remorseless conscription. The glamour of soldiering was now all gone. Ragged, hungry, wounded and worn with hard marches, men had suffered the touch of the hand of the angel of destruction. The relentless conscripting went on. The number of years before old age exempted was lengthened, and the age of youth exemjDting was shortened, until as said by Gen. Grant, they were ' ' robbing the cradle and the grave ' ' to recruit their decimated ranks in the army. There are no records now by which can be told the number of men Arkansas had in the Confeder- ate army, but it is supposed by those best informed to have had nearly 40, 000. In addition to this the State fui-nished soldiers to the Union army. In the history of wars it is doubtful if there is anything to exceed this in the heroic sacrifices of any people. The original seven regiments were authorized as the first exuberant war expression of the State. They were State troops, armed and equipped by the State; but the fact is that the poorest men went into the army at their individual expense and armed and equipped themselves. This was the rule — not by men only who were fighting for their slave property, but largely by men who had never owned or expected to own a slave. When the Union army under Gen. Curtis was bearing down to invade Ar- kansas, ten more regiments were authorized and responded to this call, and seven additional regi- ments were raised and mustered into the State's service. A military board had been provided for, con- sisting of three men, the crovernor and two advis- es ' t^ ors, who had a general supervision in organizing and equipping the army. The first regiment raised in the State is known as the Pat Cleburne regiment. Patrick A. Cleburne, colonel, was soon made a general, and took his brigade east of the Mississippi River The gal- lant and dashing leader was killed in the battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864. At the first call to arms he raised a company and named it the Yell Rifles, of which he was first captain, and on the formation of the first regiment he became colonel, rising up and up by rapid promotions to a major- generalship. The names of Yell and Pat Cleburne are en- twined closely in the hearts of the people of Arkan- sas. Yell was killed at the bloody battle of Buena Vista, Mexico, at the head of his charging column. The military lives and deaths of the two men were much alike. Their names and fames are secure in history. Th^re is a touch of romance about Pat Cleburne's life in Arkansas. A Tipperary boy, of an excellent family, born in 1828, he had, when not more than sixteen years of age, joined the English army, where he was for more than a year before his whereabouts became known. His friends secured his release from the army, when he at once bade adieu to his native land and sailed for America. Stopping in 1849, a short time in Cincinnati, he was for a while a drug clerk. In 1859 he came to Helena, Ark., and engaged here also as a pre- scription clerk, in the meantime reading law; he was made a licensed attorney in 1856. In the bloody street affray soon after, between Hindman and Dorsey Rice, he was drawn into the fi-acas and was shot through the body by a brother of Rice's, who came upon the ground during the melSe. The latter noticed the encounter, and seeing that Cle- burne stood at one side, pistol in hand, fired. On 76 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tui-ning tc see who had shot him, Cleburne saw James Marriott, a brother-iu-law of Dorsey Rice, with pistol in hand, and under the mistake that he was the assailant, shot him dead. Cleburne lingered a long time from his wound but finally recovered. In the yellow fever scourge in Helena, in 1855, he was at one time about the only well person re- maining to care for the sick and dying. He was a strict member of the church and for some years a vestryman in St. John's Episcopal Church, Helena. He was engaged to wed Miss Tarleton, of Mobile, when he fell upon the battle field, and the dead soldier lay upon the ground, with his arms folded over his breast, as if even in death he would pro- tect the sacred tokens of love that he wore next his heart. The military board elected two brigadier-gen- erals — James Yell and N. B. Pierce. The latter was sent to Northwestern Arkansas, where was fought the first battle on Arkansas soil — Pea Ridge, or as it is better known in the South, Elkhorn. This was a severe engagement, and a decisive one. There is yet some confusion in referring to the respective numbers of the Arkansas regiments. Gen. Pierce, supposing he had full power, gave numbers Third, Fourth and Fifth to what the board, the proper and only authority, designated as numbers Second, Third and Fourth, The fol- lowing shows the board's numbering and names of the colonels : First, Col. P. H. Cleburne; Second, Col. Gratiot; Third, Col. Dockery; Fourth, Col. Davis Walker; Fifth, Col. D. C. Cross; Sixth, Col. Lyon; Seventh, Col. Shaver; Eighth, Col. W. K. Patter- son; Ninth, Col. John Roane; Tenth, Col. T. D. Merrick; Eleventh, Col. Jabez M. Smith; Twelfth, Col. E. W. Gantt; Thirteenth, Col. J. C. Tappan; Fourteenth, Col. W. C. Mitchell, .(never com- pleted); Fifteenth, Col. Dawson; Seventeenth, Col. G. W. Lamar, Lieut. -Col. Sam W. Williams. In the scraps of records now to be found there are mentioned as the different arms in the Confed- erate service of Arkansas men, in addition to those above given, the following: Light artillery. Hill's; batteries, Blocher's, Brown's, Etter's, Hughey's, Marshall's and West's; cavalry battalions, Chris- man's, Crawford's. Hill's, Witherspoou's; detached companies. Brown's, Coarser' s, Desha's. Ranger's, Fitz William's, Miller's and Palmer's; regiments, Carroll's, Dobbins', Newton's; infantry, regiments from one to thirty-nine, inclusive. Four regiments of infantry of Federal recruits were raised in Arkansas, the First commanded by Col. M. La Rue Harrison; the Fourth by Elisha Baxter. The First Arkansas Light Artillery was 150 strong. The Arkansas Infantry Brigade was under command of Col. James M. True. August 5, 1863, Adj't Gen. Thomas made a trip to the Southwest for the purpose of gathering in all the negroes possible by scouting bands, and to enlist the able bodied men. The First Arkansas Battery was commanded by Capt. Dent D. Stark, and the First Arkansas Cavahy by Maj. J. J. Johnson. The Second Arkansas Cavalry is mentioned. Lieut. -Col. E. J. Searle, authorized to raise the Third Arkansas Cavalry, reported 400 strong. The Foui'th Arkansas Cavalry comprised nine companies, commanded by Capt. W. A. Martin. The Second and Third Arkansas colored in- fantry regiments are mentioned, in addition to the Second and Third white regiments. In the spring of 1861, the Richmond govern- ment authorized Col. T. B. Flournoy to raise a reg-" iment. It was collected in and about Little Rock and Col. Fagan was elected commander. This command went to Virginia. Gen. Churchill oi'gan- ized the first regiment of cavalry, with rendezvous at Little Rock. Gen. T. C. Hindman organized Hindman's Legion. It consisted of infantry and cavalry and had fifteen companies. He took his command east of the river. Under the direction of the military board Col. Rosey Carroll's regiment of cavalry was raised. The Second Arkansas Reg- iment of Mounted Infantry was mustered at Osage Springs, by Col. Dandridge McRea. James Mcin- tosh became colonel and Capt. H. H. Brown, major. J. P. Eagle was first lieutenant-colonel and after- ward colonel. Col. Mcintosh was killed at Pea Ridge, but had been promoted a brigadier-general a few days before his death. The absence of war archives from the State, r HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. I i the most of them that were preserved until after the war being now in Washington, and the pass- ing away of so many of the promioent participants, and a common fault of human memory, make it well-nigh impossible to gather for permanent form any satisfactory roster of the different Confederate commands or the order of their organization. No Arkansan so far, .which is much to be regretted, has attempted to write a history of the State in the ciyil struggle. Gov. J. P. Eagle happened to keep dupli- cates of certain reports he made while in the ser- vice, and discovered them recently where they had been laid away and forgotten among old papers. Fortunately when he made the reports the idea occurred to him to keep a copy for himself, that some day he might look over them and be inter- ested. ' ' This is a list of the killed and wounded in my regiment," he remarked, "the Second Arkansas, fi'om May 8 to August 31, 1864, and the other is a report of the same from November 26, 1864, to March 21, 1865." The Second Arkansas at the beginning of the war was a mounted regiment, commanded by Col. James Mcintosh. It was dismounted early in the conflict. Col. Mcintosh was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general in the spring of 1862. He led his brigade bravely into the heaviest fighting at the battle of Elkhorn (Pea Ridge), where he was killed. He was succeeded by Col. Embry, who was soon after succeeded by Col. Flannagin, afterwards the "War Governor" of Arkansas. Flannagin was succeeded by Col. James William- son, who lost a leg at the battle of Resaca, Ga. , May 14, 1864. Col. J. T. Smith then became colonel. He was killed July 28 following, in the tight at Lick Skillet Road, and J. P. Eagle, now governor of Arkansas, became colonel. Col. Eagle had been wounded at Moore's Mills, and at the time of his promotion was not with the famous regiment. He remained in command until the regiment was consolidated with other regiments and the whole formed into one regiment, with Col. H. G. Bunn commanding. Gov. Eagle became lieutenant-colonel and George Wells, major. The battle of Elkhorn checked the advance of Cm-tis' army into Arkansas, and the Federals re- mained hovering in the southwest of Missouri and northwest of Arkansas for some time. Immedi- ately after the fight Van Dorn's forces were with- drawn and taken east of the Mississippi to resist the Federal advance down the river to Vicksburg. Gen. T. C. Hindman returned and took command of the Confederates in Arkansas and established headquarters at Little Rock and slightly fortified the place. Gen. Curtis then moved with the Federal army down the valley of White River, acting in con- junction with the river fleet, and when he reached Cotton Plant a flank attack was made on his army and the battle of Cotton Plant was fought. The Confederates were repulsed, and Curtis moved on and took possession of Helena, the Confederates retiring. Northern and Northeastern Arkansas were then in the possession of the Union army. The Federals were in the possession of the Missis- sippi down to a point just above Vicksburg. The Confederates made a futile effort to re-capture Helena, July 4, 1803, but heavy rains, swollen streams and impassable roads thwarted every move. June 2, 1862, Gov. Rector issued the following: "It being essential that but one military organization shall exist within the Trans-Mississippi department, all Arkansas troops are hereb}' transferred to the Confeder- ate service." (Signed) H. M. Rector. Gov. & Piest. Mil. Board. The authorities at Richmond, as well as in the Trans-Mississippi district, were anxiously awaiting news of the war steamer, "Arkansas," then build- ing up the mouth of Red River. June 2, 1862, she steamed out of that river and passed the fleet guarding the river for the purpose of capturing the rebel steamer. The attempt and success in run- ning the fiery gauntlet was one of the most exciting scenes ever witnessed on western rivers. Proudly the vessel kept on her coui'se, sending volleys into every vessel to the right and left, and at nearly every turn of her wheels encountering new enemies. A Federal surgeon of the Union fleet said that wonderful trip of the "Arkansas" reminded him '.It- 78 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of the Irishman's advice on going into the "free tight " — • ' wherever you see a head hit it. ' ' The Confederate reports say two Federal gun-boats were captured and others disabled. August 7, following, the ' 'Arkansas, ' ' when five miles above Baton Rouge on her way down the river, again encountered Federal gun-boats. Her machinery being disabled, after she had fought long and well, her crew "blew her up, and all escaped. ' ' January 3, 1863 Gen. J. M. Schofield wrote to Gen. Curtis, from Fayetteville, Ark. : •' The oper- ations of the army since I left it have been a series of blunders, from which it narrowly escaped dis- aster * * At Prairie Grove (fought in Decem- ber, 1862) Blunt and Herron were badly beaten in detail and owed their escape to a false report of my arrival with re-enforcements." It now is revealed that Hindman did not know the extent of his victory, but supposed he was about to be overwhelmed by the enemy. Thus the two armies were as secretly as possible running away from each other. July 13, 1863, Gen. E. Kirby Smith wrote from Shreveport, headquarters of the Trans-Mississippi district, to Govs. Thomas C. Reynolds, F. R. Lub- bock, H. Flannagin and Thomas O. Moore, calling on these, as the heads of their respective States, to meet him at Marshall, Tex., August 15, following: "I have attempted to impartially survey the field of my labor. * * I found on my arrival the headquarters of Arkansas district at Little Rock. * * Vicksburg has fallen. The enemy possesses the key to this department. * * The possession of the Mississippi River by the enemy cuts off this department fi-om all communication with Richmond, consequently we must be self- sustaining, and self-reliant in every respect. * * With God's help and yours I will cheerfully grapple with the difficulties that surround us," etc. This was a gloomy but a correct view of the situation west of the Mississippi River after the fall of Vicksburg. On January 11, 1863, from Helena, Gen. Fiske reported to Washington: ' ' Found Gorman actively organizing expedition to go up W^hite River to co-operate with Gen. McClernand on Arkansas River. Twenty-five transports are waiting the signal to start. ' ' Fti'om "Prairie Landing, twenty-five miles up Arkansas, January 13, 1863," Amos F. Eno, sec- retarj' pro tern of Arkansas and adjutant-general, telegraphed Staunton: " Left Helena on 11th, and took with me books and papers of office of military government of Arkansas. ' ' January 1-t, 1863, the Federals captured St. Charles, the Confederates evacuating the day before. January 18, Gen. W. A. Gorman occupied Devall's Bluff, which the Confederates had also evacuated. These captures and evacuations were the pre- liminary movements looking toward Little Rock, the Federals clearing out the small outposts, and the Confederates gathering in their forces. On August 5, 1863, Gen. Frederick Steele "assumed the command of the army to take the field from Helena, and advance upon Little Rock." In his order for movement mention is made of the following: First division — cavalry under command of Gen. J. W. Davidson; Second division —Eighteenth, Forty-third, Fifty-fourth, Sixty- fii'st. One Hundred and Sixth, and One Hundred and Twenty-sixth regiments, Illinois Infantry; Twelfth Michigan, Twenty-second Ohio, Twenty- seventh Wisconsin, Third Minnesota, Fortieth Iowa and Forty-third Indiana Infantry regiments; Third division — Twenty-ninth, Thirty-third and Thirty sixth Iowa, Forty-third Indiana, Twenty- eighth Wisconsin, and Seventy-first Ohio Infantry regiments; and the Fifth Kansas, First Indiana Cavalry, and a brigade under Col. Powell Clayton. Pour batteries of field pieces — five wagons to each regiment; 160 rounds of ammunition, 40 rounds to each cartridge-box; 400 rounds to each jiiece of artillery, and sixty days' rations for the whole army, were the supplies granted these forces. Gen. Steele was occupied in the expedition from Helena to Little Rock, fi-om August 5 to Sep- tember 10. The cavalry under Gen. Davidson had to scour the country to the right and left as they made their slow advance. Twelve miles east of Little Rock, at Bayou Meta bridge, was a heavy ^ i L^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 79 skirmish, indeed, a reo^ular battle, being the first serious effort to check the Federal advance upon the capital. Again there was heavy fighting six miles east of Little Rock, at what is now the Brugman place. Here Confederate Col. Coffee, of Texas, was killed. This was the last stand made in defense of the city, and in a short time Davidson's cavalry appeared in Argenta, and trained their field pieces on the city, and fired a few shots, when the place was surrendered by the civil authorities, September 10, 1863. The Con- federates had evacuated but a few hours before the Federal civalry were galloj)iug through the streets, and y t . ng sentinels here and there. There was no confusion, no disorder, and none of the usual crimes of war under similar circum- stances. In an hour after Gen. Steele was in possession of the city he had it under strict con- trol, and order prevailed. Gen. Reynolds was put in command of Little Rock. * The Confederates wisely retreated to Arkadel- phia. They were pursued by the Federals as far as Malvern, but no captures were made and no heavy skirmishing occurred. It is said that Price evacuated Little Rock un- der the impression that his force was far inferior to that of Gen. Steele. Those who were Confeder- ate ofliceis and in Little Rock now believe that his force was equal at least in numbers to Steele's. *Abstract from consolidated tri-monthly report of the Army of Arkansas, Maj.-Gen. Frederick Steele command- ing, for September 10, 1863; headquarters. Little Rock: Command. Present for duty. £ £ < too! •5 2 e o a S o i 200 140 123 S9 80 15 4 3,328 2.04T 1,683 1,796 445 495 64 5,372 2,990 2,316 3,260 736 607 91 7,735 6,885 4,007 18 Second Division (Englemann) Third Divi-ioni Rice) 2,825 6 1,200 5 844 28 12- "57 Total 619 9,854 14,362 23,620 Gfin Price had not made a mistake of the comparative strength of the two armies. The commissary informs me that on the morning of the evacuation he issued 8,000 rations — full number. They think that Price had based his idea of the enemy's numbers by allowing the usual proj)or- tion of armies of infantry and artillery to cavalry. They believe also that the Confederates at Little Rock at the evacuation had between 11,000 and 12,000 men present — not the number for duty — basing this upon the number of rations issued that day. After the occupation of Little Rock the Federals dominated all that portion of the State north and east of the Arkansas River, and yet their actual occupied posts were the only grounds over which Confederate rangers were not frequently roving with impunity. The Confederates exercised ruling power all south and west of the Ouachita River, and for quite a while the territory between the Arkansas and Ouachita Rivers was a kind of "No Man's Land" so far as the armies were concerned. Steele early in 1864, having been re-enforced, began to move on Arkadelphia. Price retreated to Camden, where the Confederates had several fac- tories for the manufacture of war materials. Price made a stand against Steele and fought the battle of Prairie D'Ann, but there was noth- ing decisive in this engagement, although it was a severe one. Price withdrew and fell back on Rondo, in the southwest corner of the State. In the meantime Banks' expedition was as- cending Red River, the plan being to catch Price between Banks and Steele, and destroy the Con- federate army. Price and Gen. Dick Taylor did not wait for Banks, but met and overwhelmingly defeated him. Having defeated Banks, they turned and gave Steele battle at Jenkins' Ferry, and de- feated him. This was the great and decisive bat- tle of the Trans-Mississippi district. Steele retreated and fell back on Little Rock, his superior generalship being shown in extricat- ing his badly crippled army and saving it on the withdrawal. The Federal expeditions were well planned for ' 'bagging' ' the whole Confederate Trans-Mississippi army, but the vicissitudes of war ordained other- wise. Banks' expedition and its overwhelming mis- fortunes ruined him as a military man throughout :i: 80 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the North, while the brilliant successes of Price raised the hopes of the Confederacy. Some, how- ever, still criticise. Price failed to follow xip his advantage and either destroy or capture Steele's entire army. Had he fully known the condition of affairs at Richmond possibly he might have adopted that course. The Federals were confined within their fortified posts and Confederate bands were again scouring over the State. Price, losing no time, then started on his raid back into Missouri to carry out his long cherished hope of re-possessing that State. The history of that raid and the dissolution and end of the Con- federacy are a familiar part of the country's history. Other wars than that mentioned have occupied the attention of people of this section, though perhaps not to such an extent as the great civil strife. There were not people in Arkansas to go to the War of 1812, and the State becomes con- nected with that struggle chiefly because Archibald Yell, the brave young hero, was at the battle of New Orleans, and afterward became one of the most prominent citizens of Arkansas. He was born in North Carolina, in August, 1797, and consequently was but fifteen years of age when the second war with England began. But the lad then and there won the inalienable friendshij^ of Gen. Jackson. Arkansas acquired no little fame iu the Mexican War, chiefly, however, through the gallantry and death of Gov. Yell, the leader of the Arkansas forces. When troops were called for in the year 1840, in the war with Mexico, Yell was a member of Congress. A regiment of cavalry was raised and he was asked to take the command, and obedi- ent to this request he promptly resigned his seat to assume leadership. Albert Pike was a captain in the regiment. At the battle of Buena Vista, on February 22, 1847, Yell led his cavalry command in one of the most desperate charges in the annals of war. In his enthusiasm he spurred on his horse far in advance of his men. He was charging the enemy, which outnumbered his force more than five to one. He reached the ranks of the enemy almost alone, and raising himself in the saddle commenced to slash right and left, totally unmindful that it was one against thousands. Just as the foremost of his men came up he was run through the body and killed. William A. L. Throckmorton, of Fayette- ville, it is agreed, was the first to reach the side and catch the falling form of his loved leader. Mr. Throckmorton says he saw the man who gave the fatal thrust and quickly killed him, thus avenging so far as the wretched greaser's life could go the life of as gallant and noble a knight as ever re- sponded to bugle call. He was the dashing cava- lier, great in peace, superb in war. Leading his trusty followers in any of the walks of life, death alone covild check him, nothing could conquer him. After the war was over the government brought his remains and delivered them to his friends in Fayetteville, his home, who lovingly deposited them beneath the cold white marble shaft which speaks his fame. The burial ceremony occurred August 3, 1847, and a vast concourse of people, the humblest and highest iu the State, were the sincere and deep mourners on the occasion. Arkansas won everlasting laurels through its gallant soldiers in the Mexican War. Omitting all reference to the Revolutionary War, there are conclusions to be drawn from the wars our countrymen have been engaged in since the days when Gen. Jackson was the national hero. None of these were significant enough to be used by the philosophic historian from which to draw conclusions as to the character of modern or contemporary Americans as warriors, or their dis- tinguishing characteristics as a warlike nation. The late Civil War, however, furnishes a wide and ample field for such investigation. An impartial view of the late struggle presents first of all this remarkable fact. In by far the longest and great- est war of modern times, neither side has given the age a great captain, as some call greatness, though one furnished Grant, the other, Lee, both men without a superior; whilst in the ranks and among the sub-commands, no battles in history are at all comparable for excellence and superior soldiership to those of the great Civil War. On both sides there were any number of great field ^-* HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 81 commanders, as great as ever drew a sword. But they received orders, did not give them, and in the esecutioQ of orders never were excelled. Lee, Grant, Jackson, Sherman, Hancock, Johnston, Sheridan and hundreds of others on both sides, to the humblest in the ranks, were immortal types of the soldier in the field. These men were like Napoleon's marshals — given a command or order they would risk life itself to execute it. But on neither side was there the least exhibition of the qualities of a Napoleon or Von Moltke. Napoleon was his own secretary of war, gov- ernment, cabinet, and commander in the field, and for this very reason, he was Von Moltke' s inferior as a great commander, whose genius saw the weak point, the point of victory on the map of the enemy's country, and struck it with a quick and decisive blow. Our Civil War and the Franco- German War were closely together in time. War was hardly over iQ America when it commenced in Europe. Any student of German history who has studied the German-Prussian war, can not but know that Von Moltke was the pre-eminent captain in all the his- tories of wars. Had Washington or Richmond had his peer at the commencement of our struggle, the high probabilities are that the war would have been over before the first twelve months had ex- pired. In war, it is a fact, that it is the strategy be- fore the armies meet in battle array which decides the struggle. It is only thus that one man can become more powerful than a million with guns in their hands. It is in this sense — this application of the science of modern warfare, that a com- mander wins battles and decides victories. He conquers enemies, not by drawing his sword, but, studying his maps in his qaiet den when others sleep, he directs the movements of his armies and leaves the details of the actual fight to others. He is indifferent to the actual fighting part of it, be- cause he has settled all that long beforehand by his orders. In all actual battles, as was testified by the Federal commanders before Congress about the battle of Gettysburg, if victory is not organized beforehand, all is chance, uncertainty, and both armies are little else than headless mobs — ignorant of whether they are whipping or being whipi)ed. The field commander may save the day and turn the tide and gain a victory, but what is it after all, — so many men killed and captured on either side, and then recruited up, and rested a little, onlj' to repeat the bloody carnage again and again. Let it be assumed that the absence of great mil- itary genius on both sides is the highest compli- ment that can be paid to American civilization. War is barbarism. The higher civilization will eradi- cate all practical knowledge of the brutality of warfare from men's minds. Then there will be no wars, save that of truth upon the false — intelli- gence upon ignorance How grandly divine will be, not only the great leaders in this holy struggle for victory, but the humblest of all privates! :f^ m( -•-^H"^ Public Enterprises— The Real Estate Bank of Arkansas— State Koads and other Highways- TiiE Military Roads— Navigation Within the State from the Earliest Tijies to the Present— Decadence of State Navigation— Steamboat Racing— Accidents to Boats— The Rise and Growth of the Railroad Systems— x\ Sketch OF THE Different Lines — Other Important Considerations. From the blessings they bestow Our times are dated, and our eras move. — Prior. *HE first session of the new State legislature, among other acts, incorporated the State Bank, and as if fur- ther determined to show that the legislature was at least in the front in those days of wild-cat bank enterprises, proceeded to make money cheap and all rich by incorporating the celebrated Real Estate Bank of Arkansas. Already John Law's Mississippi bubble had been for- 13^ gotten — the old continental money f[^ and the many other distressing instances of those cruel but fas- cinating fictions of attempts to make credits wealth. No statesman in the world's history has ever yet made an approach to the accomplishment of such an impossibility, and still nearly all financial legislation is founded upon this basic idea. State and national banks have been the alluring will-o'-the-wisps in this per- sistent folly. All experience teaches that the government that becomes a money-changer soon becomes the powerful robber, and the places of just rulers are filled with tax bandits — there the lordly rulers are banditti, and the people the most wretched of slaves. The State Bank was, as were all such institu- tions of that day in any of the States, demoraliz- ing in the financial affairs of the people, encourag- ing extravagance and debt, and deceiving men with the appearances of wealth to their ultimate ruin. The Real Estate Bank, as its name indicates, was for the purpose of loaning money on real estate security. Up to that time the American farmer had not learned to base his efPorts upon any- thing except his labor. To produce something and sell it was the whole horizon of his financial educa- tion. If, while his crop was maturing, he needed subsistence he went to his merchant and bought the fewest possible necessities on credit. It was an evil hoiu- when he was tempted to become a speculator. Yet there were some instances in which the loans on real estate resulted in enabling men to make finely improved cotton plantations. But the rule was to get people in debt and at the same time exhaust the cash in the bank. The bank could collect no money, and the real estate owner was struggling under mortgages he could not pay. Both lender and borrower were sufPerers, and the double infliction was upon them of a public and individual indebtedness. The Real Estate ^i HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 83 Bank made an assignment in 1842, and for years was the source of much litigation. It practicall}" ceased to do business years before it had its doors closed and was wound up, and the titles to such lands as it had become the possessor of passed to the State. The old State Bank building, in front of the State house, is the only reminder of the institution which promised so much and did so little for the public. The old building is after the style of all such buildings — a low, two-story brick or stone, with huge Corinthian cohimns in front, having stone steps to ascend to the first floor. Similar structures can be found in Illinois Missouri and all the Western and Southern States. The one in Little Rock is unsightly and gloomy and does little else but cumber the ground. It is in the way, ow- ing to a difficulty in the title, of such a modern and elegant building as would be in keeping with the rapidly advancing and beautiful ' ' City of Roses." Roads and highways have always occupied pub- lic consideration. Being so crossed with rivers passing from the west toward the Mississippi River, the early settlers all over the confines of this State jsassed up the streams and for some time used these as the only needed highways. In the cour.se of time they began to have bridle-paths crossing from settlement to settlement. The United States military road from Western Missouri passed through Arkansas and led on to Shreveport, La. This extended through East- ern Arkansas, and Arkansas Post was an import- ant point on the route. It was surveyed and partially cut out early in the nineteenth century. A monthly mail proceeded over the route on horse- back, the mail rider generally being able to carry the mail in his pocket. A trail at first was the road from the mouth of the White River to Arkansas Post. This portage soon became a highway, as much of the business and travel for the Post was landed at the month of White River and transported across to the Red River. In 1821 Congress authorized the survey and opening of a public highway from Memphis, via Little Rock, to Fort Smith. The work was com- pleted in 1823. This was the first highway of any importance in the Territory. The other roiites mentioned above were nothing more than trails, or bridle-paths. A weekly mail between Little Rock and Memphis was established in 1829. In 1832 a government road leading on a di- rect line fi'om Little Rock to Batesville was cut out, and the Indians removed from Georgia were brought by water to the capital and taken over this road. At tliat time it was the best public course as well as the longest in the State, and be- came in time the main traveled road from the northern part of the State to its center. Arkansas was settled sparsely along the Missis- sippi River some years before Fulton invented the steamboat. The first steamboat ever upon western waters passed down that river in the latter part of 1811— the "Orleans," Capt. Roosevelt. The Indians had their light cedar bark canoes, and were remarkably expert in handling them. These were so light that the squaws could carry them on their backs, and in their expeditions in ascending the streams frequently saved much time by traveling across the great bends of the river and carrying their conveyances. Of course in going with the current, they kept the stream, skimming over the waters with great speed. At one time the migratory Indians at stated seasons followed the buffalo from the Dakotas to the Gulf, the buffalo remaining near, and the Indians on the streams. The latter could thus out-travel the immense herds and at certain points make forays upon them and so keep an abundant supply of meat. The buffalo had the curious habit of indulging in long stops when they came to a large river in their course, as if dreading to take to the water and swim across. They would gather on the bank of the river at the selected crossing- place, and after having devoured everything near at hand and hunger began to pinch, would collect into a close circle and begin to move, circling round and round, the inside ones ever crowding the out- side ones closer and closer to the water. This continued until some one, crowded into the deep water, had to make the plunge, when all followed. ^FW ■2 k^ 84 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. These animals when attacked by other animals, or when danger threatened, formed in a compact circle, with the cows and calves on the inside and the bnlls on the outer ring. In this battle array there was nothing in the line of beasts that dared molest them. The white man came and to the canoe he added the skifp, the pirogue, the raft, the keel boat and the flat boat. The raft never made but one trip and that was down stream always, and when its destination was reached it was sold to be converted into lumber. Other water crafts could be hauled back by long tow lines, men walking on the banks and pulling them up stream. There are those now living who can remember when this was the only mode of river navigation. The younger people of this generation can form no adequate idea of the severity of the toil and the suffering necessarily in- volved in the long trips then made by these hardy pioneers. If the people of to-day were compelled to procure the simple commodities of life at such hard sacrifices, by such endurance, they would do without them, and go back to fig leaves and nuts and roots for subsistence. When Fulton and Livingston had successfully navigated their boat from Pittsburgf to New Or- es o leans, they made the claim of a sort of royal patent to the exclusive navigation of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. This claim was put forth in perfect good faith and it was a new question as well as a serious one for the courts, when these claimants arrested Captain Shreve upon his arrival in New Orleans with his boat, and carried him be- fore the court to answer in damages for navi- gating by steam the river that belonged to them as the first steam navigators. This curious inci- dent indicates how little even the inventor of the steamboat appreciated of what vast importance to civilization his noble invention really was. To him and his friend it was but a small personal right or perquisite — a licensed monopoly, out of which they could make a few dollars, and when they passed away probably the invention too would die and be forgotten. How infinitely greater had the noble, immortal originator builded than he knew! The revolving paddles of the steamboat were but the wheels now whirling so rapidly be- neath the flying railroad trains over the civilized world. From this strange, rude craft, the ' ' Or- leans," have evolved the great steamships, iron-clad war vessels, and the palatial steamboats plying the inland waters wherever man's wants or luxuries are to be supplied. The genius and glory of such men as Fulton belong to no age, much less to themselves — they and theirs are a part of the world, for all time. In 1812 Jacob Barkman opened up a river trade between Arkadelphia and New Orleans, car- rying his first freights in a pirogue. It took six months to make a round trip. He conveyed to New Orleans bear skins and oil, pelts, and tallow se- cured from wild cattle, of which there were a great many; these animals had originally been brought to the country by the Spaniards and French, and had strayed away, and increased into great herds, being as wild and nearly as fleet as the deer. He brought back sugar, coffee, powder, lead, flints, copperas, camphor, cotton and wool cards, etc., and soon after embarking was able to own his negro crews. He purchased the steamboat ' ' Dime ' ' and became one of the most extensive and enter- prising men in the State. With his boat he ascended rivers, and piu'chased the cotton, owning his cargo, for a return trip. In 1819, James Miller, the first governor of the Territory, and a military suite of twenty persons, embarked at Pittsburg in the United States keel- boat, ' ' Arkansas, ' ' for Arkansas Post. The trip occupied seventy days, reaching the point of desti- nation Jantiary 1, 1820. It was difficult to tell which excited the greatest curiosity among the natives — the new governor or the keel -boat. The flood-tide of western river navigation reached its highest wave soon after the close of the late war. The Mississipjai River and tributaries were crowded with craft, and the wharves of cities and towns along the banks were lined with some of the finest boats ever built, all freighted to the water's edge and crowded with passengers. Build- ers vied with each other in turning out the most magnificent floaters, fitted with every elegance and luxury money could procure. The main point after HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 85 elegance, in which they rivaled most, was the speed of their respective craft. From the close of the war to 1870, steamboating was the overshadowing business on western waters. Of the boats of this era, some will go into history, noted for their fleetness, but unlike the fleet horses of history, they could not leave their strain in immortal de- scendants, rivaling their celebrated feats. Racing between boats that happened to come together on the river was common, and sometimes reckless and dangerous, as well as exciting. Occasionally a couple of "tubs," as the boys called a slow boat, engaged in a race and away they would go, running for hours side by side, the stokers all the time piling in the most inflammable material they could lay hands on, especially pine knots and fat bacon, until the eager flames poured out of the long chimney tops; and it was often told that the captain, rather than fall behind in the race, would seat a darkey on the end of the lever of the safety valve, and at the same time scream at the stokers to pile on the bacon, pine knots, oil, anything to make steam. Roustabouts, ofiScers, crew and passengers were all as wildly excited as the captain, and as utterly regardless of dangers. From such recklessness accidents of course did hap- pen, but it is wonderful there were so few. Not infrequently commanders would regularly engage beforehand for a race of their boats ; fixing the day and time and as regularly preparing their vessels as a jockey trains and grooms his race-horse. The two most noted contests of this kind on the Mississippi River were, first, in the early times, between the "Shotwell" and "Eclipse," from Louisville to New Orleans. The next and greatest of all was just at the time of the commencement of the decline in steamboating, between the steamers "Robert E. Lee" and "Natchez," from New Or- leans to St. Louis. The speed, the handling of these boats, the record they made, have never been equaled and probably never will be, unless steam- boating is revived by some new invention. The race last mentioned took place in 1868. Fearful steamboat calamities, from explosions and from tires, like the awful railroad accidents, have marked the era of steam navigation. The most disastrous in history occurred in 1865, in the loss of the " Sultana," on the Mississippi, a few miles above Memphis, a part of the navigable waters of Arkansas. The boat was on her way up stream from New Orleans laden principally with soldiers, some of them with their families, and several citizens as passengers. There were 2,350 passengers and crew on the vessel. A little after midnight the sudden and awful explosion of the boilers came, literally tearing the boat to pieces, after which the wreck took fire. Over 2,000 peo- ple perished. The early decline of the steamboat industry kept even pace with the building of railroads over the country. Main lines of railroads were soon built, the streams being used as natural road beds through the rock hills and mountains. In passing over the country in trains one will now often see the flowing river close to the railroad track on one hand, when from the opposite "window the high rock mountain wall may almost be touched. Then, too, the large towns were along the navigable riv- ers, lakes and ocean. The sage conclusion of the philosopher when he went out to look at the world, and was impressed with the curious coincidence that the rivers ran so close by the big towns, is a trite one: A great convenience to those who used water. The first railroad built in Arkansas was the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad. Work was com- menced with the intention of first constructing it from Little Rock to Devall's Bluft', on White River, whence passengers might proceed by boat to Memphis. It was started at both ends of the line and finished in 1859, the next year being extended to St. Francis River, and then in 1860 completed to the river opposite Memphis. When the Federal army took possession of the Mississippi River, and their forces began to possess the north- eastern portion of the State, the Confederates as they retired toward Little Rock destroyed the road and burned the bridges. Indeed, when the war ended in 1865, Arkansas was without a mile of railroad. Soon after the war closed the road was rebuilt and put in operation, and for some time was the only one in the State. :rr 86 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. The next was the old Cairo & Fulton Railroad, now the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Road. It was organized in 1853, and in 1854-55 obtained a large Congressional land grant in aid of the enterprise, and built first from Fulton to Beebe, in 1872; it was completed to Tesarkana in 1873, and soon came to be the most important line in the State. The Camden branch, from Gur- don to Camden, was completed in 1882. The Mem- phis branch, from Bald Knob to Memphis, ninety- three miles, was finished and the first passenger train passed over the line May 10, 1888. The branch from Newport to Cushman, a distance of forty six miles, was built in 1882. The Helena branch, from Noble to Helena, 140 miles, was com- pleted in 1882. The main line of the St. Louis & Iron Moun- tain Railroad enters the State on the north, at Moark (combination for Missouri and Arkansas), and passes out -at Texarkana (combination for Arkansas and Texas). The distance between these two points is 305 miles. The first section of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, from Clarendon to Jonesboro, was built in 1882, and the next year completed to Tex- arkana. It was built as a narrow gauge and made a standard gauge in 1886. Its northern terminus for some time was Cairo, where it made its St. Louis connection over the St. Louis & Cairo Nar- row Gauge Road, now a standard, and a part of the Mobile & Ohio system. The Magnolia branch of this road runs from McNeal to Magnolia, about twenty miles, and was btiilt in 1885. The Althei- mer branch, from Altheimer to Little Rock, was constructed and commenced operation in 1888. The main line of this road enters the State from the north in Clay County, on the St. Francis River, penetrating into Texas at Tesarkana. The Little Rock, Mississippi River & Texas Railroad, now in course of constniction, is a much needed road from Little Rock to Pine Bluff, on to Warren and Mississippi, and will form an important outlet for Arkansas toward the Gulf. This was built from Arkansas City to Pine Bluff, and then completed to Little Rock in 1880. The Pine Bluff & Swan Lake Railroad was built in 1885. It is twenty-six miles long, and runs between the points indicated by its name. The Arkansas Midland Railroad, from Helena to Clarendon, was built as a narrow gauge and changed to a standard road in 1886. The Batesville & Brinkley Railroad is laid as far as Jacksonport. It was changed in 1888 to a standard gauge, and is now in course of construc- tion on to Batesville. The Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Rail- road enters the State at Mammoth Spring, and ri^ns to West Memphis. Its original name was Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis Railroad. It now is a main line from Kansas City to Birming- ham, Ala. Work was commenced on the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad in 1871 at Little Rock, and built to Ozark; later it was finished to Van Buren, there using a transfer, and was completed to Fort Smith. The Hot Springs Railroad, from Malvern, on the main line of the Iron Mountain Railroad, to Hot Springs, was built and is owned by "Diamond Joe ' ' Reynolds. Operations were commenced in 1874. The line of the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail- road passes near the west line of Arkansas adjacent to Fort Smith. There is a branch road of this line from Jensen to Mansfield, sixteen miles long. It looks a little as though the sponsor for the name of the Ultima Thule, Arkadelphia & Missis- sijipi Railroad intended to use the name for a main track through the State. It was built in 1887 for the use of the Arkadelphia Lumber Company. Eureka Springs branch runs from Seligman to Eu- reka Springs. Another branch goes from Rogers to Bentonville. Still another, extending from Fay- etteville to St. Paul, is thirty-five miles in length. The branch from Fayetteviile is now in course of building. The Russellville & Dardanelle Railroad is four miles long, extending from the south bank of the Arkansas River to Russellville. The Southwestern, Arkansas & Indian Terri- tory Railroad indicates that there is nothing in a name, as this road is but twenty-seven miles long, ^^ 5>J'V running from Southland to Okolona on the west, and also extending east from the main line. A line is being surveyed and steps actively taken to build a road from Kansas City to Little Rock, which is to cross the Boston Mountains near the head waters of White River. Several other important lines are at this time making preijarations to build in the near future. Charters for nearly 100 routes in the State have been secured since 1885. There is not only plenty of room, but a great necessity for yet hundreds of miles of new roads here. They will greatly facili- tate the development of the immense resources of this favored locality. ;iiff SK x{. ■ > * < * The Counties of the State— Their Formation and Changes or Boundary Lines, etc.— Their County Seats and other Items of Interest Concerning Them— Defunct Counties- New Counties— Population of all the Counties of the State at every General Census. Not chaos-like, toffelher crusb'd and bruised; But as the world, harmoniously confused: Wliere order in variety we see. And where, though all things differ, they agree, — Pope. ■ ERHAPS to many, no more interesting subject in the history of the State can be presented than that refer- ring to the name, organiza- tion, etc., of each county within its limits. Careful research has brought forth the fol- lowing facts presented in a concise, but accurate manner: Arkansas County was formed December 13, 1813. As the first municipal formation within the boundary of the State, in Lower Mis- souri Territory, it was first a parish under Spanish rule and then under French. October 23. 1821, a part of Phillips County was added to it; the line be- tween Pulaski and Arkansas was changed October 30, 1823; Quapaw Purchase divided between Ar- kansas and Pulaski October 13, 1827; line between Arkansas and Phillips defined November 21, 1829; boundaries defined November 7, 1836. County seat, De Witt; first county seat, Arkansas — oppo- site Arkansas Post. Ashley, formed November 30, 1848, named for Hon. Chester Ashley, who died a United States Senator; line between Chicot changed January 19, 1861. County seat, Hamburg. Baxter, March 24, 1873; line between Izard and Fulton defined October 16, 1875; line between Marion changed March 9, 1881. County seat. Mountain Home. Benton, September 30, 1830, named in honor of Hon. Thomas H. Benton. County seat, Ben- tonville. Boone, April 9. 1869 ; named for Daniel Boone; line between Marion defined December 9, 1875. Harrison, county seat. Bradley, December 18, 1840; part of Calhoun ""TU :r>c _* s 88 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. attached October 19, 1862; part restored to Ashley County January 1, 1859. Warren, county seat. Calhoun, December 6, 1850; named for John C. Calhoun; part added to Union and Bradley November 19, 1862. County seat, Hampton. Carroll, November 1, 1833; named in honor of the signer of the declaration; boundary defined December 14, 1838; line between Madison defined January, 11, 1843, and again January 20, 1843; line between Marion defined December 18, 1846; line between Madison defined December 29, 1854, and again January 16, 1857; part of Madison attached April 8, 1869. Berryville, county seat. Chicot, October 25, 1823; boundary defined November 2, 1835; part attached to Drew Decem- ber 21, 1846; line between Ashley changed January 19, 1861; line between Drew changed November 30, 1875; line changed between Desha February 10, 1879. Lake Village, county seat. Clark, December 15, 1818, while Lower Mis- souri Territory; named in honor of Gov. Clark, of Missouri; the line between Pulaski and Clark, changed October 30, 1823; divided November 2, 1829; line between Hot Springs and Dallas changed April 3, 1868; line between Pike defined April 22, 1873; line between Montgomery changed April 24, 1873; line between Pike changed March 8, 1887. Arkadelphia, county seat. Clay, March 24, 1873; named for Henry Clay. This county, formed as Clayton County, was changed to Clay on December 6, 1875. The act of March 24, 1873. changed the boundaries of a larsre num- ber of counties. Boydsville and Corning, county seats. Cleburne, formed February 20, 1883; named in honor of Gen. Patrick A. Cleburne. Heber is the county seat. Cleveland, formed in 1885; named for President Cleveland ; was formed as Dorsey County. Toledo, county seat. Columbia, December 17, 1852; part of Lnion County added December 21, 1858; line between Nevada defined April 19, 1873. Magnolia, county seat. Conway, December 7, 1825; named after the noted Con ways; the northeast boundary defined October 27, 1827; line between Pulaski and Con- way defined October 20, 1828; part of Indian pur- chase added October 22, 1828; line between Con- way, Pulaski and Independence defined November 5, 1831; part added to Pope January 6, 1853: part added to White January 11, 1853; act of March, 1873; line between Pope defined May 28, 1874. County seat, Morrillton. Craighead, formed February 19, 1850. Jones- boro, county seat. Crawford, October 18, 1820; boundary was changed October 30, 1823; divided and county of Lovely established October 13, 1827; part of the Cherokee Country attached to, October 22, 1828; boundary defined December 18, 1837; line between Scott defined; line between Washington defined November 24, 1846; line between Frank- lin defined March 4, 1875; line changed between Washington March 9, 1881. Van Buren, county seat. Crittenden, October 22, 1825; named for Rob- ert Crittenden; St. Francis River declared to be the line between St. Francis and Crittenden Coun- ties November, 1831; portion attached to Missis- sippi County January, 1861; act, March, 1873. Marion, county seat. Cross, November 15, 1862, 1866, 1873. Witts- burg, the county seat. Dallas, January 1, 1845; line between Hot Springs and Clark changed April 3, 1869. Prince- ton the county seat. Desha, December 12, 1838; named for Hon. Ben Desha; portion attached to Drew January 21, 1861; part of Chicot attached February 10, 1879; also of Lincoln, March 10. 1879. Arkansas City, county seat. Drew, November 26, 1846; part Chicot attached December 21, 1846; part of Desha attached Jan- uary 21, 1861; March, 1873; line between Chicot changed November 30, 1875. Monticello, county seat. Faulkner, April 12, 1873; line defined Decem- 7, 1875. Conway, county seat. Franklin, December 19, 1837; line between Johnson defined December 14, 1833; line between Crawford defined March 4, 1875. Ozark, county seat. w ^ HISTOEl OF ARKANSAS. 89 Fulton, December 21, 1842; part attached to Marion County January 18, 1855; part of Law- rence attached January 18, 1855, March, 1S73; line between Baxter and Izard defined February 16. 1875. County seat, Salem. Garland, April 5, 1873; named after Got. A. H. Garland. Hot Springs, county seat. Grant, Febniary 4, 1869. Sheridan, county seat. Greene, November 5, 1833; act March, 1873. Paragould, county seat. Hempstead, December 15, 1818, when this was Lower Missouri Territory ; Lafayette County carved out of this territory October 15, 1827; line between Pike defined December 14, 1838. Wash- ington, county seat. Hot Spring, November 2, 1829; certain lands attached to March 2, 1838; Montgomery taken out of December 9, 1842; line between Saline defined December 23, 1846; line between Montgomery changed December 27, 1848; line between Saline changed February 19, 1859, and changed again January 10, 1861; line between Clark and Dallas changed April 3, 1869; March, 1873. Malvern, county seat. Howard, April 17, 1873. County seat. Centre Point. Independence, October 20, 1820; part of east- ern boundary defined October 30, 1823; Izard County formed of October 27, 1825; part of Inde- pendence added October 22, 1828; line between Independence and Izard defined November 5, 1831 ; line between Independence and Conway, November 5, 1831; between Independence and Jackson, No- vember 8, 1836; betweenlzardFebruary 21, 1838; December 14, 1840; Lawrence changed December 26, 1840; March. 1873; Sharp County defined Feb- ruary 11, 1875. Batesville, county seat. Izard, October 27, 1825; western boundary line extended October 13, 1827; part of the Indian purchase added October 22, 1828; between Inde- pendence and Izard defined November 5, 1831; between Conway and Izard, November 5, 1831; southern boundary established November 11, 1833; line between Independence defined February 21, 1838, and December 14, 1838, and December 21, 1840; western boundary line defined December 24, 1840, March, 1873: between Baxter and Fulton defined February 16, 1875; between Sharp changed March 9, 1877. Melbourne, county seat. Jackson, November 5, 1829; line between In- dependence defined November 8, 1836; part of St. Francis attached January 10, 1851. Jackson- port, county seat. Jefferson, November 2, 1829; boundaries de- fined November 3, 1831, and again October 29, 1836; line changed between Lincoln and Desha March 20, 1879. Pine BlufF, county seat. Johnson, November 16, 1833; southern line defined November 3, 1835; east line defined Octo- ber 5, 1830; line between Franklin defined Decem- ber 14, 1838, 1848; between Pope February 19, 1859, again March 27, 1871; line between Pope re-established on March 6, 1875; between Pope changed March 9, 1877. Clarksville, county seat. Lafayette, October 15, 1827; the line between Union defined November 26, 1846. Lewisville, county seat. Lawrence, on January 15, 1815, while Lower Missouri Territory; east line defined October 30, 1823; between Independence changed December 20, 1840; part attached to Fulton January 18, 1855; part attached to Randolph January 18, 1861; nearly half the county cut off the west side to form Sharp Count}', 1868. Powhatan, county seat. Lee, April 17, 1873. Marianna, county seat. Lincoln, March 28, 1871; part transferred to Desha County, March 10, 1879. Star City, county seat. Little River, March 5, 1867. Richmond is the county seat. Logan, originally Sarber County, March 22, 1871; amended, February 27, 1873; changed to Logan, December 14, 1875; line between Scott changed, March 21, 1881. Paris, county seat. Lonoke, April 16, 1873; named for the lone oak tree, by simply spelling phonetically — the sucfgestion of the chief engineer of the Cairo & Fulton Railroad. Line between Prairie defined November 30, 1875, and again, December 7, 1875. Lonoke, county seat. ^-. \ 90 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Lovely, October 13, 1827; abolished October 17, 1828. Matlison, September 30, 1836; west boundary changed on November 26, 1838; between Carroll defined January 11, 1843, and again January 20, 1843, 1846; between Newton, December 21, 1848; between Carroll, April 8, 1869. Huntsville, county seat. Marion, September 25, 1836; originally Searcy County; changed to Marion, September 29, 1836 (Searcy County created out of December 13, 1838); west boundary defined November 18,1837; between Carroll defined December 18, 1846; part of Fulton attached January 18, 1855; between Van Buren and Searcy defined January 20, 1855, and March, 1873; line between Boone defined December 9, 1875; line between Baxter changed March 9, 1881. Yellville, county seat. Miller, April 1, 1820; the greater portions fell within the limits of Texas; county abolished there- fore, 1836; re-established, December 22, 1874, and eastern boundary extended. Texarkana, county seat. Mississippi, November 1, 1833, 1859; portion of Crittenden attached, January 18, 1861. Osceola, county seat. Monroe, November 2, 1829 ; boundaries defined December 25, 1840; line between Prairie changed December 7, 1850; line changed April 12, 1869, March, 1873, April, 1873, and May 27, 1874. Clarendon, county seat. Montgomery, December 9, 1842; line between Yell defined January 2, 1845; between Perry, December 23, 1846; between Perry re-established December 21, 1848; between Hot Spring changed December 27, 1848; between Polk changed Feb- ruary 7,1859, March, 1873; between Clark changed April 24, 1873; line between Pike defined Decem- ber 16, 1874. Mount Ida, county seat. Nevada, March 20, 1871; line between Colum- bia defined Ajjril 10, 1873. Prescott, county seat. Newton, December 14, 1842; line between Madison defined December 21,1848; between Pope January 10, 1853. Jasper, county seat. Ouachita, November 29, 1842; line between Union changed January 6, 1853. Camden, county seat. Perry, December 18, 1840; line between Pul- aski, Saline and Montgomery defined December 23, 1846; old line between Montgomery re-estab- lished December 21,1848. Perryville, county seat. Phillips, May 1, 1820; part attached to Arkan- sas County October 23, 1881; west boundary defined October 30, 1823; act to divide and create Crittenden County October 22, 1825; divided and St. Francis County created October 13, 1827; line between Arkansas County defined November 21, 1828, 1840, March, 1873. Helena, county seat. Pike, November 1, 1833; line between Sevier defined November 15,1833; between Hempstead, December 14, 1838; between Clark, April 22, 1873; between Montgomery, December 16. 1874; between Clark defined March 8, 1877. Murfrees- boro, county seat. Poinsett, February 28, 1838, 1859. Harris- burg, county seat. Polk, November 30, 1844; line between Mont- gomery changed February 7, 1859; part of Sebas- tian County added by ordinance of convention, June 1, 1861. Dallas, county seat. Pope, November 2, 1829; part added to Yell January 5, 1853; part of Conway attached Janu- ary 6, 1853; line between Newton, January 10, 1853; part of Van Buren attached Januai-y 12, 1853; between Van Buren defined February 17, 1859; between Johnson, October 19, 1859, March, 27, 1871; between Conway, May 28, 1874; between Johnson re-established March 6, 1875; between Johnson changed March 9, 1877. Dover, county seat. Prairie, October 25, 1846; between Pulaski changed December 30, 1848; between Monroe changed December 7, 1850; line changed April 12, 1869; between White defined April 17, 1873; line changed April 26, 1873, May 27, 1874; between Lonoke changed November 30, 1875; separated into two districts, 1885. Devall's Bluff', county seat. Pulaski, December 15, 1818, while a part of Lower Missouri Territory; line between Arkansas and Pulaski October 30, 1823; between Clark changed October 30, 1823; divided October 20, 1825; Quapaw Purchase divided— Arkansas and ^ I? *^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 91 Pulaski, October 13, 1827; northwest boundary- defined October 23, 1827; between Pulaski and Conway, October 20, 1828; line between Saline defined February 25, 1838, December U, 1838; between White changed February 3, 1843; between Saline defined December 21, 1846; between Perry defined December 23, ]8-l:6; between Prairie changed December 30, 1848; between Saline de- fined April 12, 1873; again, December 7, 1875. Little Rock, county seat. Randolph, October 29, 1835; part of Lawrence attached January 18, 1864, March, 1873. Poca- hontas, county seat. Saline, November 2, 1835; boundaries defined November 5, 1836; between Pulaski, February 25, 1838, December 14, 1838, December 21, 1846; be- tween Hot Spring, December 23, 1846, February 19, 1859. January 19,1861; between Pulaski, April 12, 1873, December 17, 1875. Benton, county seat. Scott, November 5, 1833; boundaries defined October 24, 1835; between Crawford, December 16, 1838; part of Sebastian attached by conven- tion June 1, 1861; line between Logan changed March 21, 1873. Waldron, county seat. Searcy, No.vember 5, 1835; boundaries defined September 26, 1836; name changed to Marion September 29, 1836; county created out of Marion December 13, 1838; between Van Buren defined October 2, 1853; between Van Buren and Marion defined October 20, 1855, March, 1873. Marshall, county seat. Sebastian, January 6, 1851; part attached to Scott and Polk by the convention June 1, 1861. Fort Smith and Greenwood, county seats. Sevier, October 17, 1828; boundaries defined November 8, 1833; between Pike, November 15, 1833; southeast boundary defined October 29, 1836. Lockesburg, county seat. Sharp. July 18, 1868; act March 3, 1873; be- tween Independence defined February 11, 1875; line between Izard changed March 9, 1877, 1883. Evening Sh^de, county seat. St. Francis, October 13, 1827; St. Francis River declared boundary line between Crittenden November 3, 1831; part attached to Jackson Jan- uary 1, 1851, March, 1873. Forrest City, county seat. Stone, April 21, 1873. Mountain View, county seat. Union, November 2, 1829; boundaries defined November 5, 1836; line between Lafayette, November 26,1846; line between Ouachita changed January 6. 1853; part added to Columbia, Decem- ber 21, 1851; part of Calhoun attached October 19, 1862. El Dorado, county seat. Van Buren, November 11, 1833; boundaries defined November 4, 1836; part attached to Pope January 12, 1853; between Searcy and Marion defined January 20, 1855; between Pope defined February 17, 1859. Clinton, county seat. Washington, October 17, 1828; certain lands declared to be in Washington County October 26, 1831; line between Crawford defined November 24, 1846; line changed between Crawford March 8, 1883. Fayetteville. county seat. White, October 23, 1835; line between Pulaski changed February 3, 1843; part of Conway at- tached January 11, 1853; line between Prairie defined April 17, 1873. Searcy, county seat. Woodruff, November 26, 1862; but vote, in pursuance to ordinance of conventions 1861, 1866, 1869; line changed April 26, 1873. Augusta, county seat. Yell, December 5, 1840; northern boundary, December 21, 1840; line between Montgomery, January 2, 1845; part Pope attached January 6, 1853. Danville and Dardanelle, county seats. The following table will prove valuable for comparison in noting the growth in population of the coimties throughout the State in the various decades from their organization: ^-. 92 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. AGGEEG.ITE POPULATION BY COUNTIES AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES. Counties iu 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1 Counties in the State. 1880 1870 1860 1850 1 1840 1 1830 1820 1810 the State. 892,525 484,471 435,450 209,897 97,574 30,388 14,235 1 1,062 802,525' 484,471 435,450 1 209,897' 97,574 30,388 14,255 1,062 8,038 10,156 6,004 20,387 12,146 6,285 5,671 1.3,337 10,117 15,771 7,213 14 090 l-',7.55 7,037 14,740 9,415 .^,050 6,5' 15 8,S73 8,370 12,231 12.786 14.951 6,720 9,023 6,185 7,480 19,015 7,775 9,917 18,086 10,857 10,877 22,386 11,565 5,730 8,782 8,238 8,042 8,884 3246 1,340 1,426 1260 1,062 ' Lee . j Ashley 8,590 1 2,058 Lincoln Little River 9,255 6,405 14,885 12,146 11 455 1 3,246 Benton 13,831 7,032 8,046 3,853 6,780 7,214 11,953 il'.397 8,112 4.577 8,957 3,831 3,915 5,707 6,125 9,306 3,710 3,228 1 1 Lonoke Madison Bradley 8,.388 4,103 9,383 9,234 9,735 i2,'459 6,697 3,06« 7,850 4,920 3,829 a '731 7,740 6,192 4,823 2,308 2,775 1,325 1 Carroll 4,617 5,115 4,070 2,814 8,806 2,300 Miller 9,919 7,142 9,574 5,729 12.959 6,120 11,7.58 3,872 21,262 6,345 2,192 6,857 14,322 8.435 32,616 11,724 8.389 8,963 9,174 7,278 19,560 0,192 • 1,165 1.369 Mississippi Munroe Montgomery Nevada 3,633 8,336 2,984 3,895 5,657 3,633 2,368 2,049 1,958 1,410 936 Clark 1,040 461 Clay Conwav 3,583 2,892 982 4,.374 12,973 2,685 16,372 3,788 1,720 3,376 8,386 6,1)04 32,066 7,466 6,714 3,911 7,483 5,613 12,940 4 4n^ 3,393 12,936 2,465 14,877 4,025 3,621 4,262 7,883 8,864 11,699 6,261 8,672 6,,540 5,142 5,271 1.758 9,591 978 6,935 1,801 2,308 1,263 4,710 2,097 5,657 3,875 4,457 3,903 3.0.S3 1,979 Crawford 7,960 2,6i8 4,266 1,561 2,440 1,272 " Philfips 3,.547 969 1,320 1,152 1,197 Cross Pike Dallas 8,383 6,459 6,877 2,911 Desha 1,598 Polk 2,850 1,483 Drew 9,960 9,087 3,276 Pulaski 5.3,50 2,196 2,499 2,001 1,694 9.36 2,396 iVsos 1,921 9,627 4,,S43 7,298 4,024 3,972 1,819 2,665 Fulton St. Francis Grant 3,943 7,573 13,768 6,877 Scott 5,843 13,989 5,635 2,.593 7,672 3,609 1,586 4,921 1,907 Hempstead Hot bpring 2,512 468 2,246 Sebastian Sevier Sharp 10,516 4,240 2,810 634 Howard 9 047 ! 6 400 Independence... 14,666 6,806 7,268 15,733 9.152 9,139 5,981 14,307 7,215 10,493 14,971 7,612 8,464 9,372 7,767 3,212 3,086 6,834 5,227 5,220 3,669 2,240 1,640 2..i66 3,4.33 2.2S0 2,031 1,266 333 772 ""748' 2,806 Stone 6,089 13,419 9,.565 23,884 17,794 8.646 13,852 Izard 10,571 6,107 17,266 10,347 6,981 8,048 12,288 6,357 14,673 8,316 10,298 2,864 9,970 2,619 2,889 1518 7,148 920 640 Jackson Van Buren Washington White 5,182 Johnson Lafayette Lawrence Woodruff. Vol! 6,274 1 2.S35 5,592 6,333 3,341 -* — 1- 1 e. V ^ 2> HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. 93 ilAPTEt XII. ■ > * < ♦ Education— The Mental Type Considered— Teriiitorial Schools, Laws and Funds— Constitutional Provisions for Education— Legislative Provisions — Progress since the War — The State Superintendents— Statistics— Arkansas Literature— The Akkansaw Traveler. Delightful task! to rear the tender thought. To teach the joung idea how to shoot; To pour the fresh instructions o'er the mind, To breathe th' enlivening spirit, and to fix The generous purpose in the glowing breast.— TJiomson. ERE is one subject at least in the economic institutions of our coun try- where men do not divide on political lines. To (he historian it is a restful and refreshing oasis in the arid desert. From the Canadas to the Gulf commun- ities and States earnestly vie with each other in the establishment of the best public schools. The pres- ent generation has nearly supplant- ed the former great universities with the free public high schools A generation ago the South sent its boys to the North to school; the North sent its boys to the old universities of Europe. Oxford and Heidelburg received the sons of ambi- tious, wealthy Americans of the North, while Yale, Harvard and JefPerson Colleges were each the alma mater of many of the youths of the South. The rivalry in the schools between the two sections at that time was not intense, but the educa' ed young men of the South met in sharpest rivalry in the halls of Congress the typical Northern man. As the highest types of the North and the South in active political life may be placed Thomas Jeffer- son and Daniel Webster. In peace or in war the differences in the intellectual advancement of the two sections were more imaginary than real. The disadvantage the South met was the natural ten- dency to produce an aristocratic class in the com- munity. Cotton and the negro were impediments in the Southern States that clogged the way to the advancement of the masses. They retarded the building of great institutions of learning as well as the erection of large manufactories. This applied far more to collegiate education than to the com- mon or public school system. The Southern man who was able to send his children away from his State to school realized that he gave them two ad- vantages over keeping them at home; he aided them in avoiding negro contact and association, and provided the advantage of a better knowledge of different peoples in different sections. Arkansas may have lagged somewhat in the cause of education in the past, but to-day, though young as a State, it is far in advance of many older communities who are disposed to boast greatly of their achievements in this direction. When still a Territory the subject of education received wise and considerate attention. March 2, 1827, Congress gave the State seventy-two ^eli A, ■ Vl* 94 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sections of land for the purpose of establishing "a seminary of learning." A supplemental act was passed by Congress, June 23, 1836, one week after it became a State, offering certain propo- sitions for acceptance or rejection: 1. The six- teenth section of every township for school pur- poses. 2. The seventy-two sections known as the saline lands. By article 9, section 4, State con- stitution of 1869, these lands were given to the free schools. 3. The seventy-two sections, known as the seminary lands, given to the Territory in 1827, were vested and contirmed in the State of Arkansas for the use of said seminary. October 18, 1836, the State accepted the propositions entire; and tbe legislature passed the act known as " the ordinance of acceptance and compact. " December 18, 1844, the general assembly asked Congress for a modi- fication of the seminary grant, so as to authorize the legislature to appropriate these seventy-two sections of land for common school purposes. Congress assented to this on July 29, 1846, and the lands were added to the fi'ee school fund. These congressional land grants formed the basis of the State's free school system. The first State constitution of 1836 recognized the importance of popular education, and made it the duty of the general assembly to provide by law for the improvement of such lands as are, or may be, granted by the United States for the use of schools, and to pass such laws as '" shall be cal- culated to encourage intellectual, scientific and agricultural improvement." The general assembly of 1842 established a sys- tem of common schools in the State, which was ap- proved and became a law February 3, 1853, pro- viding for the sale of the sixteenth section, and election of school trustees in each township, to ex- pend the money from the sale of land in the cause of education. The act reqiiired schools to be main- tained in each township "for at least four months in each year, and orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, arithmetic and good morals should be taught." The trustees were required to visit the schools once in each month, and the school age was fixed at from five to twenty-one years. The act also provided for the establishment of manual labor schools. It went to the extent of appropriating a sum of money for the purchase of text-books. This was a long step in advance of any other portion of the countiy at that time. To the fund arising from lands the act added "all fines for false imprisonment, assault and Ijattery, breach of the peace, etc." This act of the assem- bly placed the young State in the vanguard of States in the cause of free schools. It is an enduring monument to the men of that legis- lature. Under this law the reports of the county commissioners of education were ordered to be made to the State auditor, but if so made none can be found in the State archives. A State board of education was provided for by the act of 1843, and the board was required to make a complete report of educational matters, and also to recommend the passage of such laws as were deemed advisable for the advancement of the cause of education. By an act of January 1 1 , 1853, the secretary of State was made ex-officio State commissioner of common schools, and re- quired to report to the governor the true condition of the schools in each county; which report the governor presented to the general assembly at each regular session. The provisions of an act of January, 1855, relate to the sale of the sixteenth section, and defined the duties of the school trus- tees and commissioners. Article 8, in the consti- tution of 1867, is substantially the same as the pro- visions of the law of 1836. From 1836 to 1867, as is shown by the above, the provisions of the law were most excellent and liberal toward the puljlic schools; legislative enact- ments occur at frequent intervals, indicating that the State was well abreast of the most liberal school ideas of the time, and large funds were raised sacred to the cause. Investigation shows that fi'om the date of the State's admission into the Uaion, until 1S67, there were many and admirable stipulations and statutes, by which large revenues were collected from the sale of lands, but the records of the State depart- ment give no account of the progress of free schools duiTng this period, leaving the inference that but little practical benefit accrued to the ^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 95 cause from these wise and liberal measures put forth by Congress and the State. By act approved May 18, 1867, the legislature made a marked forward movement in the cause of education. Considering the chaotic conditions of society, and the universal public and private bank- ruptcy, the movement is only the more surprising. The act stipulated that a tax of 20 cents on every 1100 worth of taxable property should be levied for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a system of public schools. The second section made this fund sacred — to be used for no other purpose whatever. The fourth section provided for a superintendent of public instruction and defined his duties. The eighth section provided for a school commissioner, to be chosen by the electors of each county, who should examine any one applying for a position as school teacher; granting to those qualified to teach a certificate, without which no one could be legally em- ployed to teach. Prior to this a license as teacher was not considered essential, and there was no one authorized to examine applicants or grant certifi- cates. The Congressional township was made the unit of the school district, the act also setting forth that in the event of the trustees failing to have a school taught in the district at least three months "in the year, the same thereby forfeited its portion of the school revenue. These wise and liberal arrangements were made, it must be remem- bered, by a people bankrupt by war and suffering the hard trials of reconstruction. No regular reports were made — at least none can be found — prior to 1867, the date of the ap- pointment of a superintendent. Though reports were regularly received from the year mentioned, the most of them were unsatisfactory and not reliable. The constitution of 1868 created some wise amendments to the previous laws. It caused the schools to become free to every child in the State; school revenues were increased, districts could have no part of the school fund unless a free school had been taught for at least three months. The leg- islature following this convention, July 23, 1868, amended the school laws to conform to this con- stitutional provision. In addition to State super- intendent, the office of circiiit superintendent was created, and also the State board of education. The constitutional convention of 1874 made changes in the school law and provided for the school system now in force in the State. The act of the legislature, December 7, 1876, was passed in conformity with the last preceding State con- vention. This law with amendments is the present school law of Arkansas. Hon. Thomas Smith was the first State super- intendent, in office from 1868 to 1873. The present incumbent of that position, Hon. Wood- ville E. Thompson, estimates that the commence- ment of public free schools in Arkansas may prop- erly date from the time Mr. Smith took possession of the office — schools free to all ; every child entitled to the same rights and privileges, none excluded; separate schools provided for white and black; a great number of schools organized, school houses built, and efficient teachers secured. Previous to this time people looked upon free schools as largely pauper schools, and the wealthier classes regarded them unfavorably. Hon. J. C. Corbin, the successor of Mr. Smith, continued in office until December 13, 1875. Hon. B. W. Hill was appointed December 18, 1875, and remained in office until 1878. It was diu'ing his term that there came the most marked change in public sentiment in favor of public schools. He was a zealous and able worker in the cause, and from his report for 1876 is learned the following: State apportionment. $213,000; dis- trict tax, $88,000; school population, 189,000. Through the directors' failure to report the enroll- ment only shows 16,000. The total revenue of 1877 was §270,000; of 1878, $276,000. Mr. Hill was succeeded in 1878 by Hon. J. L. Denton, whose integrity, earnestness and great ability resulted in completing the valuable work so well commenced by his predecessor — removing the Southern prejudices against public schools. He deserves a lasting place in the history of Arkansas as the advocate and champion of free schools. The present able and efficient State superin- tendent of public instruction, as previously men- A|: k 96 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tioned, is Hon. Woodville E. Thompson. To his eminent qualifications and tireless energy the schjols of Arkansas are largely indebted for the rapid advance now going on, and which has marked his past term of office. From his bien- nial report are gleaned most of the facts and sta- tistics given below. The growth of the institution as a whole may be defined by the following statistics: In 1879 the revenue raised by the State and county tax was $271,000; in 1880, 1285.000; in 1881, $710,000; in 1882, $722,000; in 1883. §740,000; in 1884, $931,000; in 1885, .11,199,000; in 1886, §1,827,- 000. The district tax in 1884 was $346,521; in 1885, $343,850, and in 1886, $445,563. The dis- trict tax is that voted by the people. Arkansas to-day gives the most liberal sup- port to her free schools, all else considered, of any State in the Union. It provides a two mill tax, a poll tax, and authorizes the districts to vote a five mill tax. This is the rule or rate voted in nearly all the districts, thus making a total on all taxable property of seven mills, besides the poll tax. The persistent neglect of school officers to re- port accurate returns of their school attendance is to be regretted. The number of pupils of school age (six to twenty-one years) is given, but no ac- count of attendance or enrollment. This leaves counties in the unfavorable light of a large school population, with apparently the most meager at- tendance. The following summaries exhibit the progress of the public schools: Number of school children, 1869, 176,910; 1870, 180,274; 1871, 196,237; 1872, 194,314; 1873, 148 128; 1874. 168,- 929; 1875, 168,929; 1876, 189,130; 1877, 203,567; 1878, 216,475; 1879, 236,600; 1880, 247,547; 1881, 272,841; 1882, 289,617; 1883, white, 227,538; black, 76,429; total, 304,962; 1884, white, 247,- 173; black, 76,770; total, 323,943; 1885, white, 252,290; black, 86,213; total, 338,506; 1S86, white, 266,188; black, 91,818; total, 358,006; 1887, white, 279,224; black, 98,512; total, 377,- 736; 1888, white, 288,381; black, 99,747; total, 388,129. The number of pupils enrolled in 1869 was 67,412; 1888, 202,754, divided as follows: White, 152,184; black, 50,570. Number of teach- ers employed 1869, 1.335; number employed 1888, males, 3,431, females, 1,233. Total number of school houses, 1884. 1,453; erected that year, 263. Total number school houses, 1888, 2,452; erected in that year, 269. Total value of school houses, 1884, .?384,827.73. Total value, 1888, $705,- 276.92. Total amount of revenues received, 1868, $300,669.63. For the year, 1888: Amount on hand June 30, 1887, $370,942.25: received com- mon school fund, $315,403.28; district tax, $505,- 069.92; poll tax, $146,604.22; other sources, $45,890.32; total, $1,683,909.32. While there were in early Territorial days great intellectual giants in Arkansas, the tendency was not toward the tamer and more gentle walks of lit- erature, but rather in the direction of the fiercer bat- tles of the political arena and the rostrum. Oratory was cultivated to the extreme, and often to the neglect apparently of all else of intellectual pur- suits. The ambitious youths had listened to the splendid eloquence of their elders — heard their praises on every lip, and were fired to struggle for such triumphs. W'here there are great orators one expects to find poets and artists. Thes great states- man is mentally cast in molds of stalwart pro- portions. The poet, orator, painter, and eminent literary character are of a finer texture, but usually not so virile. Gen. Albert Pike gave a literary immortality to Arkansas when it was yet a Territorial wilderness. T)ie most interesting incident in the history of literature would be a true picture of that Nestor of the press. Kit North, when he opened the mail package from that dim and unknown savage world of Arkansas, and turned his eyes on the pages of Pike's manuscript, which had been offered the gre:it editor for publication, in his poem en- titled "Hymn to the Gods." This gi-eat but mer- ciless critic had written Byron to death, and one can readily believe that he must have turned pale when his eye ran over the lines — lines from an un- known world of untamed aborigines, penned in the wilderness by this unknown boy. North read the products of new poets to find, not merit, but weak points, where he could impale on his sharp and pitiless pen the daring singer. What a play must - HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 101 Church, South, are separate and wholly distinct in their organization. The Baptists are naturally a pioneer and fron- tier church people. They are earnest and sincere proselyters to the faith, and reach very effectively people in general. The Baptist Church in Ben- ton celebrated, July 4, 1889, its fifty-third anni- versary. Originally called Spring Church, it was built about two miles from the town. The organi- zation took place under the sheltering branches of an old oak tree. One of the first churches of this order was the Mount Bethel Church, about six miles west of Arkadelphia, in Clark County. This was one of the oldest settled points by English speaking people in the State. The church has grown with the increase of population. Rev. James M. Moore organized in Little Rock, in 1828, the first Presbyterian Church in Arkan- sas. He was from Pennsylvania, eminent for his ability, zeal and piety. For some time he was the representative of his church in a wide portion of the country south and west. He was succeeded by Rev. A. R. Banks, from the theological sem- inary of Columbia, S. C, who settled in Hempstead County in 1835-36 and organized and built Spring Hill Church, besides another at Washington. The next minister in order of arrival was Rev. John M. Erwin. He located at Jackson, near the old town of Elizabeth, but his life was not spared long after coming. He assisted Revs Moore and Banks in organizing the first presbytery in Arkansas. In 1839 Rev. J. M. Moore, mentioned above, removed to what is now Lonoke County, and or- ganized a congregation and built Sylvania Church. His successor at Little Rock was Rev. Henderson, in 1840. The death of Rev. Henderson left no quorum, and the Arkansas presbytery became /«??c- tiis officio. Rev Aaron Williams, from Bethel presbytery. South Carolina, came to Arkansas in 1842, and settled in Hempstead County, taking charge of a large new academy at that place, which had been built by the wealthy people of the locality. He at once re-organized the church at Washington, which had been some time vacant. Arkansas then be- longed to the synod of Mississippi. In 1842, in company with Rev. A. R. Banks, he traveled over the swamps and through the forests 400 miles to attend the Mississippi synod at Port Royal. Their mission was to ask the synod to allow Revs. Williams, Moore, Banks and Shaw to organize the Arkansas presbytery. They obtained the permis- sion, and meeting in Little Rock the first Sunday in January, 1843, organized the Arkansas presby- tery. The Rev. Balch had settled in Dardanelle, and he joined the new presbytery. In the next few years Revs. Byington and Kingsbury, Con- gregational ministers, who had been missionaries to the Indians since 1818, also joined the Arkansas presbytery. The synod of Memphis was subse- quently formed, of which Arkansas was a part. There were now three presbyteries west of Mem- phis: Arkansas, Ouachita and Indian. In 1830 Arkansas was composed of four presbyteries — two Arkansas and two Ouachita. Rev. Aaron Williams assumed charge at Little Rock in 1843, where he remained until January, 1845. There was then a vacancy for some years in that church, when the Rev. Joshua F. Green ministered to the flock. He was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Eraser, who continued until 1859. All these had been supplies, and in 1859 Little Rock was made a pastorate, and Rev. Thomas R. Welch was installed as first pastor. He filled the position the next twenty-five years, and in 1885 resigned on account of ill health, and was sent as counsel to Canada, where he died. About the close of his pastorate, the Second Presbyterian Church of Little Rock was organized, and their house built, the Rev. A. R. Kennedy, pastor. He resigned in September, 1888, being succeeded by James R. Howerton. After the resignation of Dr. Welch of the First Church. Dr. J. C. Barrett was given charge. Rev. Aaron Williams, after leaving the synod, became a synodical evangelist, and traveled over the State, preaching wherever he found small col- lections of people, and organizing churches. He formed the church at Fort Smith and the one in Jackson County. A synodical college is at Batesville, and is highly prosperous. s "V -<>. <5 w. liL 102 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Najies Illustrious in Arkansas History— Projiinent Mention of Noted Individuals— Ambrose H. Sevier— William E. Woodruff— John Wilson— John Hemphill— Jacob Barkman— Dr. Bowie— Sandy Faulkner— Samuel H. Hempstead— Trent, Williams, Siiinn Families, AND Others— The Conways— Robert Crittenden— Archibald Yell— Judge David Walker— Gen. G. D. Royston— Judge James W. Bates. The gen'ral voice Sounds him, for courtesy, behaviour, language And ev'ry fair demeanor, an example; Titles of honour add not to his worth. Who is himself au honour to his title. — Ford. O history of Arkansas, worthy of the name, could fail to refer to the lives of a num- lier of its distinguished citizens, whose relation to i^ great public events has ^•.-\^ made them a part of the true history of their State. The following sketches of repre- sentative men will be of no little interest to each and every reader of the present volume. Ambrose H. Sevier, was one of the foremost of the prominent men of his day, and deserves especial mention. The recent removal of the remains of Gen. John Sevier from Alabama to Knoxville, Tenn. (June 19, 1889), has awakened a wide-spread inter- est in this historic family name. The re-interment of the illustrious ashes of the first governor, found- er and Congressman of Tennessee, by the State he had made, was but an act of long deferred justice to one of the most illustrious and picture.sque char- acters in American history. He founded two States and was the first governor of each of them ; one of these States, Tennessee, he had, in the spirit of dis- interested patriotism, erected on the romantic ruins of the other — the mountain State of "Franklin." A distinguished Revolutionary soldier, he was the hero of King's Mountain, where he and four broth- ers fought. He was first governor of the State of "Franklin," six times governor of Tennessee, three times a member of Congress, and in no in- stance did he ever have an opponent to contest for an office. He was in thirty -five hard fought battles; had faced in bitter contest the State of North Carolina, which secretly arrested and ab- ducted him from the new State he had carved out of North Carolina territory; was rescued in open court by two friends, and on his return to his ad- herents as easily defeated the schemes of North Carolina as he had defeated, in many battles, the Cherokee Indians. No man ever voted against ' ' Nolichucky Jack, " as he was familiarly called — no enemy ever successfully stood before him in battle. A great general, statesman, and patriot,, he was the creator and builder of commonwealths west of the Alleghanies, and he guided as greatly and wisely as did Washington and Jefferson the \^ (t 9 k^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 103 new States and Territories he formed in the paths of democratic freedom ; and now, after he has slept in an obscure grave for three-quarters of a century, the fact is beginning to dawn upon the nation that Gov. John Sevier made Washington, and aU that great name implies, a possibility. The name, illustrious as it is ancient, numer- ous and wide spread, is from the French Pyrenees, Xavier, where it may be traced to remote times. St. Francis Xavier was of this family, and yet the American branch were exiles from the old world because of their revolt against papal tyranny. Sturdy and heroic as they were in the faith, their blood was far more virile, indeed stalwart, in de- fense of human rights and liberty, wherever or by ■whomsoever assailed. In France, England and in nearly every West- ern and Southern State of the Union are branches of the Xaviers, always prominent and often emi- nent in their day and time. But it was reserved to the founder of the American branch of the Seviers to be the supreme head of the illustrious line. He builded two commonwealths and was im- pelled to this great work in defense of the people, and in resistance to the encroachments of the cen- tral powers of the paternal government. In Arkansas the Seviers, Conways and Rectors were united by ties of blood as well as by the ever stronger ties of the sons of liberty, independence and patriotism. Here were three of the most powerful families the State has ever had, and in public affairs they were as one. The political friend and worthy model of Gov. John Sevier was Thomas Jefferson. Indeed, Gen. Sevier was the fitting and immortal companion-piece to Jefferson in those days of the young and struggling repub- lic. The Seviers of Arkansas and Missouri were naturally the admirers of Andrew Jackson - cham- pions of the people' s rights, watchdogs of liberty. Ambrose H. Sevier, was the son of John, who was the son of Valentine and Ann Conway Sevier, of Greene County, Tenn. Ann Conway was the daughter of Thomas and Ann Rector Conway. Thus this family furnished six of the governors of Arkansas. In 1821, soon after Mr. Sevier's coming to Ar- kansas, he was elected clerk of the Territorial house of representatives. In 1823 he was elected from Pulaski County to the legislature, and con- tinued a member and was elected speaker in 1827. He was elected to Congress in August, 1828, to succeed his uncle, Henry W. Conway, who had been killed in a duel with Crittenden. He was three times elected to Congress. When the State came into the Union, Sevier and William S. Fulton were elected first senators in Congress. Sevier resigned his seat in the Senate in 1848, to accept the mission of minister plenipotentiary to Mexico, and, in connection with Judge Clifford, negotiated the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. This was the last as well as crowning aCt of his life. He died shortly after returning from bis mission. The State has erected a suitable monument to his mem- ory in Mount Holly Cemetery, Little Rock, where sleeps his immortal dust. How curiously fitting it was that the Sevier of Arkansas should follow so closely in the foot- steps of the great governor of Tennessee, his lineal ancestor, and be the instrument of adding so im- mensely to the territory out of which have grown such vast and rich commonwealths. As builders of commonwealths there is no name in American history which approaches that of Sevier. A part of the neglect — the ingratitude, possibly — of republics, is shown in the fact that none of the States of which they gave the Union so many bear their family name. William E. Woodruff was in more than one sense a pioneer to Arkansas He was among the distinguished men who first hastened here when the Territory was formed, and broiight with him the pioneer newspaper press, and established the Arkansas Gazette. This is now a flourishing dailv and weekly newspaper at the State capital, and one of the oldest papers in the country. Of himself alone there was that in the character and life of Mr. Woodruff which would have made him one of the historical pioneers to cross the Missis- sippi River, and cast his fortune and future iu this new world. But he was a worthy disciple and follower of Ben. Franklin, who combined with the art preservative of arts, the genius that lays found- %^ « ^¥r >>. 104 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ations for empires in government, and the yet far greater empires in the fields of intellectual life. He was a native of Long Island, Suffolk Coun- ty, N. Y. Leaving his home in 1818, upon the completion of his apprenticeship as printer, with the sparse proceeds of his earnings as apprentice he turned his face westward. Reaching Wheel- ing, Va. , he embarked in a canoe for the falls of the Ohio, now Louisville, where he stopped and worked at his trade. F'nding no sufficient open- ing to i^ermanently locate in this place, he started on foot, by way of Russellville, to Nashville, Tenn., and for a time worked at his trade in that place and at Franklin. Still looking for a possible future home further west, he heard of the Act of Congress creating the Territory of Arkansas, to take effect July 4, 1819. He at once purchased a small outfit for a newspaj^er office and started to the newly formed Territory, determined if possible to be first on the ground. He shipped by keel-boat down the Cumberland river, the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers to Montgomery's Point, at the mouth of AVhite River; tbence overland to Arkansas Post, the first Teiritorial capital. Montgomery Point was then, and for some years after, the main shipping point for the interior points of the Arkansas Territory. From this place to the capi- tal, he found nothing but a bridle-path. He therefore secured a pirogue, and with the services of two boatmen, passed through the cut off to Arkansas River and then up this to Arkansas Post, reaching his point of destination October 31, 1819. So insignificant was the Post that the only way he could get a house was to build one, which he did, and November 20, 1819, issued the first paper— the Arkansas Gazette. He was the entire force of the office — mechanical, clerical and editorial. To- day his own work is his fitting and perpetual monument — linking his name indissolubly with that of Arkansas and immortality. His genius was in the direct energy and the impelling forces which drove it with the sure cer- tainty of fate over every opposing obstacle. Broad, strong and great in all those qualities which characterize men pre-eminent in the varied walks of life; a true nation founder and builder, his useful life was long spared to the State, which will shed luster to itself and its name by honoring the memory of one of its first and most illustrious pioneers — William E. Woodruff. Reference having been made to John Wilson in a previous chapter, in connection with his un- fortunate encounter with J. J. Anthony, on the floor of the hall of the legislature, it is but an act of justice that the circumstances be properly ex- plained, together with some account of the man- ner of man he really was. John Wilson came from Kentucky to Arkansas in the early Territorial times, 1820. His wife was a Hardin, of the noted family of that State — a sis- ter of Joseph Hardin, of Lawrence County, Ark., who was speaker of the first house of representa- tives of the Territorial legislature. The Wilsons and Hardins were prominent and highly respecta- ble people. When a very young man, John Wilson was elected to the Territorial legislature, where he was made speaker and for a number of terms filled that office. He was a member of the first State legis- lature and again was elected speaker. He was the first president of the Real Estate Bank of Arkan- sas. Physically he was about an average -sized man, very quiet in his manner and retiring, of dark complexion, eyes and hair, lithe and sinewy in form, and in his daily walk as gentle as a woman. He was devoted to his friends, and except for politics, all who knew him loved him well. There was not the shadow of a shade of the bully or des- perado about him. He was a man of the highest sense of personal honor, with an iron will, and even when aroused or stung by injustice or an attack ujion his integrity his whole nature inclined to peace and good will. He was a great admirer of General Jackson — there was everything in the natures of the two men where the "fellow feeline makes us wondrous kind." The difficulty spoken of occurred in 1836. Wil- son was a leader in the Jackson party. Anthony aspired to the lead in the Whig party. At that time politics among the active of each faction meant personality. It was but little else than open war, and the frontier men of those days generally went ^-^ '-\^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 105 armed, the favorite weapon being the bowie knife -a necessary part of a hunter's equipment. Unfriendly feelings existed between Wilson and Anthony. Upon the morning of the homicide (in words the substance of the account given by the late Gen. G. D. Royston. who was an eye witness^ Mr. Wilson came into the hall a little late, evi- dently disturbed in mind, and undoubtedly ruf- fled by reason of something he had been told that Mr. Anthony had previously said about him in dis- cussing a bill concerning wolf-scalps. A serio- comic amendment had been offered to the bill to make scalps a legal tender, and asking the presi- dent of the Real Estate Bank to certify to the genuineness of the same. Anthony had the floor. When Wilson took the speaker's chair he com- manded Anthony to take his seat. The latter brusquely declined to do so. Wilson left the chair and approached his opponent, who stood in the aisle. The manner of the parties indicated a per- sonal encounter. As Wilson walked down the aisle he was seen to put his hand in the bosom of his vest. Anthony drew his knife. Gen. Royston said that when he saw this, hoping to check the two men he raised his chair and held it between them, and the men fought across or over the chair. They struck at each other inflicting great wounds, which were hacking blows. Wilson's left hand was nearly cut off in warding a blow from Anthony's knife. Wilson was physically a smaller man than Anthony. Royston held the chair with all his strength be- tween the two now desperate individuals. So far Anthony's longer arm had enabled him to give the greatest wounds, when Wilson with his shoulder raised the chair and plunged his knife into his antagonist, who sank to the floor and died immedi- ately. It was a duel with bowie-knives, without any of the preliminaries of such encounters. Wilson was carried to his bed, where for along time he was confined. The house expelled him the next day. The civilized world of course was shocked, so bloody and ferocious had been the engagement. Wilson removed to Texas about 18-12, locating at Cedar Grove, near Dallas, where he died soon 7 after the close of the late war. Mrs. A. J. Gentry, his daughter, now resides in Clark County, Ark. The Hardins, living in Clark County, are of the same family as was Mrs. AVilson. John Hemphill, a South Carolinian, was born a short distance above Augusta, Ga. He immi- grated west and reached (now) Clark County, Ark. , in 1811, bringing with him a large family and a number of slaves, proceeding overland to Bayou Sara, La. , and from that point by barges to near where is Arkadelphia, then a settlement at a place called Blakeleytown, which was a year old at the time of Mr. Hemphill's location. He found living there on his arrival Adam Blakeley, Zack Davis, Samuel Parker, Abner Highnight and a few others. Mr. Hemphill was attracted by the salt waters of the vicinity, and after giving the subject intel- ligent investigation, in 1814 built his salt works. Going to New Orleans, he procured a barge and purchased a lot of sugar kettles, and with these completed his preparations for making salt. His experiment was a success from the start and he carried on his extensive manufactory until his death, about 1825. The works were continued by his descendants, with few intermissions, until 1851. Jonathan O. Callaway, his son-in-law, was, until that year, manager and proprietor. There is a coincidence in the lives of the two men who were the founders of commerce and man- ufacturing in Arkansas, Hemphill and Barkman, in that by chance they became traveling compan- ions on their way to the new country. Two brothers, Jacob and John Barkman, came to Arkansas in 1811. They worked their passage in the barge of John Hemphill, from Bayou Sara, La., to Blakeleytown, near Arkadelphia. They were a couple of young Kentuckians, full of cour- age, hope, and strong sense, seeking homes in the wilderness. Their coming antedated that of the first steamboat on western waters, and the history of the river commerce of this State witli New Or- leans will properly credit Jacob Barkman with being its founder. Considering the times and real- izing what such men as Jacob Barkman did, one is constrained to the belief that among the first settlers of Arkansas were men of enterprise, fore- tj^ It :tk: 106 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sight and daring in commerce that have certainly not been surpassed by their successors. On a previous page the methods of this pioneer merchant in the conduct of his business have been noted. His miscellaneous cargo of bear oil, skins, pelts, tallow, etc., found a ready market in New Orleans, which place he reached by river, return- ing some six months later well laden with commod- ities best suited to the needs of the people. In- deed his ' ' store ' ' grew to be an important institu- tion. He really carried on trade from New Orleans to Arkadelphia. In 1820 he purchased of the gov- ernment about 1,200 acres of land on the Caddo, four miles from Arkadelphia, and farmed exten- sively and had many cattle and horses, constantly adding to the number of his slaves. Having filled the field where he was he sought wider op- portunities, and in IS-tO, in company with J. G. Pratt, opened an extensive cotton commission busi- ness in New Orleans, building large warehouses and stores. Mr. Barkman next purchased the steamboat "Dime," a side- wheeler, finely built and carrying 400 bales of cotton. He ran this in the interest of the New Orleans commission house; owned his crews, and loaded the boat with cot- ton from his own plantation. In 1844 his boat proudly brought up at New Orleans, well laden with cotton. The owner was on board and full of hope and anticipated joy at his trip, and also to meet his newly married wife (the second), when these hopes were rudely dashed by the appearance of an officer who seized the boat, cargo and slaves, every- thing — and arrested Mr. Barkman and placed him in jail under an attachment for debts incurred by the commission house. His partner in his absence had wrecked the house. To so arrange matters that he might get out of jail and return to his old home on the Caddo, with little left of this world' s goods, was the best the poor man could do. He finally saved from the wreck- age his fine farm and a few negroes, and, nothing daunted, again went to work to rebuild his fortune. He erected a cotton factory on the Caddo River, and expended some $30,000 on the plant, having it about ready to commence operating when the water came dashing down the mountain streams in a sudden and unusual rise, and swept it all away. This brave pioneer spent no hour of his life in idle griefs at his extraordinary losses. Though vinscru- pulous arts of business sharks and dire visitations of the elements combined to make worthless his superb foresight and business energy, he overcame all obstacles, and died about 1852, a wealth}' man for that time. When Arkansas was yet a Territory, among its early pioneers was Dr. William Bowie, whose name has become familiar to the civilized world, though not in the way that most men are emulous of im- mortality. Dr. Bowie had located, or was a frequent visitor, in Helena, Ark. , and was a typical man of his times — jolly, careless and social, and very fond of hunting and fishing. Among the first settlers in Little Rock was a blacksmith, named Black. He possessed skill in working in iron and steel, and soon gained a wide reputation for the superior hunting knives he made. When nearly every man hunted more or less, and as a good knife was a necessity, it will be seen that Black was filling a general want. The material he worked into knives consisted of old files. One day while he was just finishing a superior and somewhat new style of hunting knife. Dr. Bowie happened to enter the shop. The moment he saw the article he determined to possess it at any price. Black had not really made it to sell — simply to gratify a desire to see how fine a blade he could make, and keep it. But a bargain was finally arranged, the blacksmith to complete it and put Bowie's name on the handle. The inscrip- tion being neatly done read: "Bowie's Knife. " Its beauty and finish attracted wide attention, aud all who could afford it ordered a similar one, the name of which was soon shortened into ' ' Bowie Knife. ' ' Bowie died a patriot's death, fighting for the in- dependence of Texas, by the side of David Crockett. The one pre-eminent thing which entitles the Arkansas pioneer, Sandy Faulkner, to immortality is the fact that he is the real, original ' "Arkansaw Traveler. ' ' He was an early settler, a hunter, a wild, jolly, reckless spendthrift, and a splendid fiddler. He was of a wealthy Kentucky family, and settled \?',. L HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 107 first ia Chicot County and then on the river only a few miles below Little Rock. By inheritance he received two or three moderate fortunes, and spent them royally. Of a roving nature, a witty and rol- licking companion, he would roam through the woods, hunting for days and weeks, and then en- liven the village resorts for a while. He was born to encounter just such a character as he did chance to find, playing on a three-stringed liddle the first part of a particular tune. Now there was but one thing in this world that could touch his heart with a desire to possess, and that was to hear the re- mainder of the tune. After meeting this rare character in the woods what a world of enjoyment Sandy did carry to the village on his next return! "With just enough and not too much," with fiddle in his hand, the villagers gathered about him while he repeated the comedy. His zest in the ludicrous, his keen wit and his inimitable acting, especially his power of mimicry and his mastery of the violin, enabled him to offer his associates an entertainment never surpassed, either on or off the mimic stage. After the war Faulkner lived in Little Rock until his death in 1875, in straitened circumstan- ces, residing with a widowed daughter and one son. Another son was killed in the war; the two daugh- ters married and are both dead, and the son and only remaining child left this portion of the coun- try some years ago. When Faulkner died — over eighty years of age — he held a subordinate office in the legislature then in session, which body adjourned and respect- fully buried all that was mortal of the "Arkansaw Traveler," while the little morceau from his harmless and genial soul will continue to travel around the world and never stop, the thrice wel- come guest about every fireside. What a comment is here in this careless, aim- less life and that vaulting ambition that struggles, and wars and suffers and sows the world with woe that men's names may live after death. Poor Sandy had no thought of distinction; his life was a laugh, so unmixed with care for the moiTow and so merry that it has filled a world with its cease- less echoes. Though there may be in this country no titled aristocracy, there are nobles, whose remotest de- scendants may claim that distinction of race and blood which follows the memory of the great deeds of illustrious sires. It is the nobles whose lives and lif e' s great work were given to the cause of their fellowmen in that noblest of all human efforts — liberty to mankind. There is something forever sacred lingering about the graves, nay, the very ground, where these men exposed their lives and struggled for each and all of us. All good men (and no man can really be called good who does not love liberty and independence above everything in the world) cannot but feel a profound interest in the lineal descendants of Revolutionary fathers. "My ancestor was a soldier in the war for inde- pendence!" is a far nobler claim to greatness than is that of the most royal blue blood in all heraldry. W. P. Huddleston, of Sharp's Cross Roads, Independence County, has the following family tree: Israel McBee was for seven years a soldier in a North Carolina regiment in the Revolutionary War. He died in Grainger County, Term. , aged 1 10 years. He was the father of Samuel McBee, who was the father of Rachel McBee, who married John Huddleston, the grand father of W. P. Hud- dleston, Jr. The McBees were originally from Scotland. Samuel S. Welborn, of Fort Douglas, Johnson County, was the youngest son of Elias. Samuel was born December 30, 184'2. His grandfather, Isaac Welborn, was seven years a soldier in a Georgia regiment, and died at Hazel Green, Ala. , in 1833, aged eighty-four years. Samuel H. Hempstead is a name illustrious in Arkansas outside of the fact that it is descended directly from a soldier in the war for independ- ence. The above-named was born in New London, Conn., in 1814, and died in Little Rock in 186'2. He was a son of Joseph Hempstead, born in New London in 1778, and died in St. Louis in 1831. Joseph was a son of Stephen Hempstead, born in New London in 1742, and died in St. Louis iu 1882. Stephen was a soldier in the American Revolution, serving under Col. Ledyard at the battle of Fort Griswold, near New London, when ■f^ A iHl 108 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. these towns were caj)tured by the British under Benedict Arnold, September 6, 1781. Hempstead was wounded twice during the engagement — a severe gunshot wound in the left elbow disabling him in the arm for life. He wrote and published in the Missouri Republican in 1826, a detailed ac- count of the battle. Stephen Hempstead"s"father was also Stephen Ht^mpstead, born in 1705 and died in 1774. The records of Connecticut, Vol. VII, show that he was made an ensign in a train band company, by the colonial council, in October, 1737, where he served with distinction through this war, known as King George's War. In May, 1740, he was made surveyor by the council. He was the son of Joshua Hempstead, born in 1678, and died in 1758. He was a representative in the Connecticut council in October, 1709; a member of the Royal council in October, 1712; ensign in train band com- pany in 1721; lieutenant in same company in May, 1724; auditor of accounts in May, 1725. He was the son of Joshua Hempstead, Sr. , born in 1649, and died in 1709; Joshua Hempstead, Sr. , was a son of Robert Hempstead, born in 1600 and died in 1665. The last-named was the immigrant to America, one of the original nine settlers of New London, Conn., the founder of the town first called Hempstead, on Long Island. In 1646 Robert Hempstead built a house at New London for a res- idence, which is still standing, an ancient relic of great interest. It is occupied by descendants of the builder, named Caits, from the female branches. Though much modernized the old house still shows the port- holes used for defense against the Indians. A daughter of Robert Hempstead, Mary, was the first white child born in New London, March 26, 1647. Fay and Roy Hempstead, Little Rock, are de- scendants of this family. Other descendants live in St. Louis, Mo. Jesse Williams, of Prince William County, Va., enlisted under Dinwiddle's call in the French- Indian War on the English settlers in 1754, under then Lieut. -Col. Washington, of the First Virginia Regiment of 150 men. The command at- tempted to reach where is now Pittsburg to relieve Trent's command at that place. Two descendants of the Trents now live in Washington County. In this hard march to Fort Duquesne the men dragged their cannon, were without tents and scant of jaro- visions, and deprived of material or means for bridging rivers. They fought at Fort Necessity. Washington cut a road twenty miles toward Du- quesne. On July 3 the fight took f)laee, and July 4 Washington capitulated on honorable terms. In 1755 Jesse Williams again entered the ser- vice under Washington and joined Braddock at Fort Cumberland. In 1758 be was once more with Washington when Forbes moved on Fort Duquesne, being present at the capture, and helped raise the flag and name the place Pittsburg. In the Revolutionary AVar he was one of the first to enlist from Virginia, and was commissioned captain, and was present in nearly all the battles of that long war. The maternal ancestor of the Williams family was Thomas Rowe, of Virginia, a colonel in the war for independence, who was at the surrender of Yorktowu. David Williams, a son of Jesse, married Betsy Rowe. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and served with distinction, and also in the Seminole War. He settled in Kentucky, Franklin County. His children were Jacob, Urban V., Betty, Mil- lie, Hattie and Susan; the children of Urban V. Williams being John, Pattie and Minnie. Bettie married Jeptha Robinson, and had children, David, Owen, Austin, May, Hettie, Ruth, Sue, Jacob, Frank and Sallie. Hettie married Dr. Andrew Neat, and had children, Thomas, Estelle (Brink- ley), Ella (I'ord), Addis and Ben. Sue married George Poor, and had children, George. Lizzie, Sue and Minnie. Jacob Williams, the father of Mrs. Minnie C. Shinn (wife of Prof. J. H. Shinn, of Little Rock), Otis Williams and Mattie Wil- liams, Little Rock; Joseph Desha Williams and Maggie Wells, Russell ville; Lucian and Virgil, Memphis, are all of this family. Jacob Williams was a private in the Fifth Kentucky, in the late war, under Humphrey Marshall. Among the pioneers of what is now the State of Arkansas, there was perhaps no one family that ^; r HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 109 furnished so many noted characters and citizens as the Conway family. Their genealogy is traced " back to the reign of Edward I, of England, in the latter part of the thirteenth century, to the cele- brated Castle of Conway, on Conway River, in the north of Wales, where the lords of Conway, in feudal times presided in royal style." Thomas Conway came to America about the year 1740, and settled in the Virginia colony. Henry Conway was his only son. The latter was tirst a colonel and afterward a general in the Revolutionary War. His daughter. Nellie, after maiTiage, became the mother of President Madison, and his son, Mon- cure D., was brother-in-law to Gen. Washington. Thomas Conway, another son of Gen. Henry Conway, settled, during the Revolutionary period, near the present site of Greenville, Tenn. He married Ann Rector, a native of Virginia, and member of the celebrated Rector family. To this union seven sons and three daughters were born, and all were well reared and well educated. In 1818, Gen. Thomas Conway moved with his family from Tenne.ssee to St. Louis, in the TeiTitory of Missouri, and soon after to Boone County, where he remained until his death, in 1835. Henry Wharton Conway, the eldest son, was born March 18, 1793, in Greene County, Tenn., and served as a lieutenant in the War of 1812-15; subsequently, in 1817, he served in the treasury department at Washington, immigrated to Missouri with his father in 1818, and early in 1820, after being appointed receiver of public moneys, he immigrated in company with his next younger brother, James Sevier Conway, who was born in 1798, to the county of Arkansas, in the then Territory of Missouri. These two brothers took and executed large contracts to survey the public lands, and later on James S. became surveyor-general of the TeiTitory. During the twenties Henry W. Conway served two terms as a delegate in Congress, and received the election in 1827 for the third term, but on the 29th of October of that year, he was mortally wounded in a duel with Robert Crittenden, from the effects of which he died on the 9th of November, following. [See account of the duel elsewhere in this work.] A marble shaft with an elaborate inscription, erected by his brother, James S. Conway, stands over his grave in the cemetery at Arkansas Post. James S. Conway became the first governor of the State of Arkansas, upon its admission into the Union, serving as such from 1836 to 1840, after which he settled on his princely possessions on Red River in the southern part of the State. He was a large slave holder and cotton planter. He died on the 3d of March, 1855, at Walnut Hill, his country seat, in Lafayette County. Frederick Rector Conway, the third son of Gen. Thomas Conway, was a noted character in Missouri and Illinois. John Rector Conway, the fourth son, was an eminent physician, who died in San Francisco in 1868. William B. Conway was born at the old homestead in Tennessee, about 1806. He was thoroughly educated, read law under John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, aud commenced the practice at Elizabethtown in that State. He moved to Arkansas in 1840, and in 1844 was elected judge of the Third circuit. In December, 1846, he was elected associate justice of the supreme court. He died December 29, 1852, and is buried by the side of his noble mother, in Mount Holly Cemetery, Little Rock. The sixth son, Thomas A. , died in his twenty-second year in Missouri. The seventh and youngest son. Gov. Elias N. Conway, was born May 17, 1812, at the old home- stead in Tennessee, and in November, 1833, he left his parents' home in Missouri, and came to Little Rock, and entered into a contract to survey large tracts of the public lands in the northwest- ern part of the State. Having executed this con- tract, he was, in 1836, appointed auditor of State, a position which he held for thirteen years. In 1852 and again in 1856, he was elected on the Democratic ticket as governor of the State, and served his full two terms, eight years, a longer period than any other governor has ever served. Much could be said, did space permit, of the emi nent services this man has rendered to Arkansas. Of the seven brothers named he is the only one now living. He leads a retired and secluded life in Little Rock, in a small cottage in which he has ■) ^y ^: 110 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. resided for over forty years. He has no family, having never been married. Robert Crittenden, youngest son of John Crit- tenden, a major in the Revolutionary War, was born near Versailles, Woodford County. Ky. , January 1, 1797. He was educated by and read law with his brother, John J. Crittenden, in Russellville, that State. Being appointed first secretary of Arkansas Territory, he removed to Arkansas Post, the temporary seat of government, where on the 3d day of March, 1819, he was inaugurated and assumed the duties of his office. On the same day James Miller was inaugurated first governor of the Territory. It seems, however, that Gov. Miller, though he held his office until succeeded by Gov. George Izard, in March, 1825. was seldom present and only occasionally performed official duties. This left Crittenden to assume charge of the position as governor a great portion of the time while Miller held the office. Crittendeo con- tinued as secretary of the Territory until succeeded by William Fulton, in April, 1829, having served in that capacity a little over ten years. In 1827 he fought a duel with Henry W. Conway, the ac- count of which is given elsewhere. According to Gen. Albert Pike with whom he was intimately associated, ' ' he was a man of fine presence and handsome fa?e, with clear bright eyes, and unmis- takable intellect and genius, frank, genial, one to attach men warmly to himself, impulsive, generous, warm hearted. ' ' He was the first great leader of the Whig party in the Territory, and continued as such until his death, which occurred December 18, 1834, at Vicksburg, Miss. , whither he had gone on business. He died thus young, and before the Territory, which he had long and faithfully served, became a State. Archibald Yell, not unfamiliar to Arkansans, was born in North Carolina, in August, 1797, and while very young immigrated to Tennessee, and settled in Bedford County. He served in the Creek War as the boy captain of the Jackson Guards, iinder Gen. Jackson, also under the same general in the War of 1812-13, participating in the battle of New Orleans, and also in the Seminole War. He was a man of moderate education, and when the War of 1812 closed, he read law and was ad- mitted to the bar in Tennessee. After the close of the Seminole War, he located at Fayetteville, Lin- coln County, Tenn., and there practiced law until 1832, when President Jackson gave him the choice to fill one of two vacancies, governor of Florida or Territorial judge in the Territory of Arkansas. He chose the latter and in due time located at Fayetteville, in Washington County. He was a man of fine personal apjjearance, pleasant and humorous, and possessed the faculty of making friends wherever he went. He was elected and served as grand master of the Masonic fraternity in the jurisdiction of Arkansas; was a Democrat in politics, and the first member of Congress from the State of Arkansas; was governor of the State from 1840 to 1844; was elected again as a member of Congress in 1844, and served until 1846, when he resigned to accept the colonelcy of an Arkansas regiment of volunteers for the Mexican War. He was killed in the battle of Buena Vista, February 22, 1847. In his race for Congress in 1844, he was op- posed by the Hon. David Walker, the leader of the Whig party, and they made a joint canvass of the State. Y'ell could adapt himself to circumstances — to the different crowds of people more freely than could his antagonist. In 1847 the Masonic fra- ternity erected a monument to his memory in the cemetery at Fayetteville. Gov. Yell was a man of great ability, and one of the great pioneer states- men of Arkansas. The eminent jurist. Judge David Walker, de- scended from a line of English Quakers, of whom the last trans-Atlantic ancestor in the male line was Jacob Walker, whose son George emigrated to America prior to the war of the Revolution, and settled in Brunswick County, Va. Here he mar- ried a lady, native to the manor born, and be- came the first American ancestor of a large and distinguished family. One of his sons, Jacob Wythe AValker, born in the decade that ushered in the Revolution, early in life removed to and settled in what is now Todd County, Ky. Here, on the ■19th day of February, 1806, was born un- to him and his wife, Nancy (Hawkins) Walker, ^1 ;f^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Ill the subject of this sketch — David Walker. Young Walker's opportunities for obtaining a school edu- cation in that then frontier country were limited, but, being the son of a good lawyer, he inherited his father's energetic nature, became self-educated, read law and was admitted to the bar in Scotts- ville, Ky., early in 1829, and there practiced until the fall of 1830, when he moved to Little Rock, Ark. . arriving on the 10th of October. Soon after this he located at Fayetteville, Wash- ington County, and remained there, except when temporarily absent, vintil his death. From 1838 to 1835 he was prosecuting attorney in the Third circuit. He was one of the many able members of the constitutional convention of 1836. In 18-tOhe rode ' ' the tidal wave of whiggery ' ' into the State senate, in which he served four j'ears. In 1844 he led the forlorn hope of his party in the ever memor- able contest with Gov. Yell for Congress. In 1848, while on a visit to Kentucky, and without his knowledge, a legislature, largely Democratic, elected him associate justice of the supreme court over strong Democratic opposition, embracing such men as Judges English and William Conway, both of whom afterwards succeeded to the office. He had always been a lover of the Union, but when the Civil War came on, having been born and reared in the South, and having become attached to its institutions, he finally chose rather to east his fortunes with the proposed Confederacy than with the Federal I'uion. In February 1861, he was elected a delegate to the State convention whicfi convened on the 4th of March, and finally, at its adjourned session, passed the ordinance of secession. He and Judge B. C. Totten were can- didates for the chairmanship of this convention, the former representing the Union strength, and the latter the disunion element as it was then developed. Walker received forty out of the sev- enty-five votes cast, and thereupon took the chair; but owing to the rapid change of sentiment all of the majority, save one, finally voted with the minorit_v, and Arkansas formally withtb-ew from the Union, with Judge Walker as a leader. In 1866 he was elected chief justice of the State, but in less than two years was removed from the office by military power. At the close of the reconstruction period he was again elected to the supreme bench and served thereon until September, 1878, when he resigned at the age of seventy-two, and retired to private life. He died September 30, 1879. He was a pious and conscientious man, an able jurist, a pioneer of Arkansas, highly respected by its citi- zens. Gen. Grandison D. Royston, a son of Joshua Royston and Elizabeth S. (Watson) Royston, na- tives, respectively, of Maryland and Virginia, and both of pure English descent, was born on the 9th of December, 1809, in Carter County, Tenn. His father was an agriculturist and Indian trader of great energy and character, and his mother was a daughter of that eminent Methodist divine, Rev. Samuel Watson, one of the pioneers of the Holsteiu conference in East Tennessee. He was educated in the common neighborhood schools and in a Presbyterian academy in Washington County, Tenn. In 1829 he entered the law office of Judge Emerson, at Jonesboro, in that State, and two years after was admitted to the bar. Sub- sequently he emigrated to Arkansas Territory, and in April, 1832, located in Fayetteville, Washing- ton County, where he remained only eight mouths, teaching school five days in the week and practic- ing law in justices' courts on Saturdays. He then moved to Washington, in Hempstead County, where he continued to reside until his death. In the performance of his ^professional duties he trav- eled the circuits of the Territory and State in that cavalcade of legal lights composed of such men as Hempstead, Fowler, Trapnall, Cummins, Pike, Walker, Yell, Ashley, Bates, Searcy and others. In 1833 he was elected prosecuting attorney for the Third circuit, and performed the duties of that office for tvpo years. In January, 1836, he served as a delegate from Hempstead County in the convention at Little Rock, which framed the first constitution of the State; and in the fall of the same year he was elected to represent his county in the first legislature of the State. After the expulsion of John Wilson, speaker of the house, who killed Representative John J. Anthony, Roy- ston was on joint ballot elected to fill the vacant ^-. ;ff^ 112 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. speakership but declined the office. In 1841 President Tyler appointed him United States dis- trict attorney for the district of Arkansas, which office he held a short time and then resigned it. In 1858 he represented the counties of Hempstead, Pike and Lafayette in the State legislature, and became the author of the levee system of the State. In 1861 he was elected to the Confederate Con- gress, serving two years. In 1874 he was a dele- gate from Hempstead County to the constitutional convention, and was elected president of that body. In 1876 he represented the State at large in the National Democratic convention at St. Louis, and voted for Tilden and Hendricks. He was al- ways a Democrat, a man of culture, refinement and winning manners, and enjoyed in a large degree the confidence of the people. He obtained his title as general by serving on the staff of Gov. Drew with the rank of brigadier-general. He died August 14, 1889, in his eightieth year. He, too, was one of the last prominent pioneers of Ar- kansas, and it is said he was the last surviving member of the constitutional convention of 1836. Judge James Woodson Bates was born in Goochland County, Va. , about the year 1788. He was educated in the Yale and Princeton Col- leges, graduating from the latter about 1810. ^^'hen quite young he attended the trial of Aaron Burr, for treason, at Richmond. Soon after grad- uating he read law. In the meantime his brother, Frederick Bates, was appointed first secretary of Missouri Territory, and was acting governor in the absence of Gov. Clark. About 1810 he fol- lowed his brother to the AVest, and settled in St. Louis. In 1820 he removed to the Post of Arkan- sas and there began the practice of his profession, but had scarcely opened his office when he was elected first delegate to Congress from Arkansas Territory. In 1823 he was a candidate for re- election, but was defeated by the celebrated Henry W. Conway, an able man, who commanded not only the influence of his own powerful family, but that of the Rectors, the Johnsons, Roanes and Ambrose H. Sevier, and all the political adherents of Gen. Jackson, then so popular in the South and West. The influence and strength of this combined opposition could not be overcome. After his short Congressional career closed, he moved to the newly settled town of Batesville, and resumed the practice of his profession. Batesville was named after him. In November, 1825, Presi- dent Adams appointed him one of the Territorial judges, in virtue of which he was one of the judges of the superior or appellate court organized on the plan of the old English court in banc. On the accession of Gen. Jackson to the presidency, his commission expired without renewal, and he soon after removed to Crawford County, married a wealthy widow, and became stationary on a rich farm near Van Buren. In the fall of 1835 he was elected to the constitutional convention, and contributed his ability and learning in the forma- tion of our first organic law as a State Soon after the accession of John Tyler to the presidency, he appointed Judge Bates register of the land office at Clarksville, in recognition of an old friend. He discharged every public trust, and all the duties devolved on him as a private citizen, with the utmost fidelity. Strange to say, whilst he possessed the most fascinating conversational powers, he was a failure as a public speaker. He was also a brother to Edward Bates, the attorney- general in President Lincoln's cabinet. He was well versed in the classics, and familiar with the best authors of English and American literature. He died at his home in Crawford County in 1846, universally esteemed. ^ sr ■ IT"*" _-=- ' ,>-4^ ^^ ,1111 A PIONEER LOG CABIN. \ « ^Ll, TELL COUNTY. 113 X¥. Yell County— Its Fortunate Situation and Great Natural Advantages— Its Streajis— Lands- The Surface of the County— Agricultural Products— Timber— Mineral— The Mountains— Springs— Origin of the Name Dardanelle— The Cherokee Agency— Pioneer Settlers and Their Indian Neighbors— Land Entries Prior to 1845— Early Mills and Cot- ton Gins— County Organization- The Temporary and Permanent Seat of Justice— Old and Later County Buildings— County- Officers, 1840-90— Bench and Bar— Congressional and Legislative Representation- Tub County Press— Yell County in the War— A PvEcord of Death- Yell's Federal Soldiers— Church History —Public and Academic Educational Insti- tutions— Towns— Biographical. "ill ' nn I " r " Vp»J — flu - '!» 'We have no title deeds to house or lands; Owners and occupants of earlier dates From graves forgotten stretch their dusty hands, And hold in mortmain still their old estates." HIS county* is Ijonnded on the north by the Ar- kansas Eiver and Logan Coitnty; on the east liy the Arkansas River and Perry County; on the south by Perry, Garland and Mont- gomery Counties, and on the west liy Scott and Logan Counties. It contains an area of 930 square miles, and a population of about 17,000 souls, of whom about 1,500 are colored. The whole county is embraced in that mag- ificent belt of country lying imme- iately south of the Arkansas liver, and between the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, and the Indian Territory, an empire of wealth within it- self, embracing an area of 120 miles east and west, and from sixty to 100 miles north and south, which to the astonishment of the stranger has never been traversed by a railroad. This belt of counties is not inferior in natural advantages to any part of the United States; it is susceptible of a dense population, and presents an inviting tield for the home seeker, farmer, mechanic, manufact- urer and capitalist. Its fertile lands, navigable river, numberless clear creeks and springs of pure water, its immense forests of valuable timbers, and the vast coal fields extending from the eastern boundary of Yell County to the western border of the State; its rapid increase in agricultural prod- ucts, to say nothing of its undeveloped mineral wealth, are a sure guarantee that railroads now *Thc paragraphs descriptivo of Veil County and its resources are partially conileused from a laper prepared by Hon. W. D. Jacoway. of Dardanelle. v> t "V ^1 114 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. projected to cross this region will be constrnctecl and in running order in the near future. Yell County is admirably supplied with wa- ter courses. Of navigable streams it has the Ar- kansas River on the northern and eastern bound- ary; the Petit Jean, which enters the county on the west side and flows in a northeasterly direc- tion through the county into the Arkansas River at the northeast extremity, and the Fourche La Fave River, which enters the southwest portion and flows in a northeasterly direction diagonally across the southern part. Of the non-navigable streams which are tributary to the above named rivers are Dutch, Spring, Chickalah, Prairie, Delaware, Cedar, Piney Mill and numerous other creeks in the interior of the county, all of which have their winding ways through valleys of as productive lands as may be found in the State. As shown by the records of the United States land office at Dardanelle, there are now in Yell County about 240,000 acres of land subject to homestead entry. There are in addition about 35,000 acres in the county which constitute a part of the grant of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad Company, most of which, for agricultural purposes, is unsurpassed for fertility, and a part of which is valuable for its extensive timber tracts. All of the tillable lands of the county are suscept- ible of the highest state of cultivation. The soil in the river and creek bottoms is exceptionally rich, and it is impossible to estimate the real value of these lands when railroads now projected are com- pleted through the county, and the valleys are occupied by a class of energetic practical farmers. The hills or uplands throughout the county po.ssess surprising fertility. The surface of the county is undulating and Ijroken. About twenty per cent is mountains, the tops and slopes of which are tillable. Fifty per cent is in uplands, thirty per cent is level, most of it alluvial, a small portion prairie. About twenty per cent of the whole is improved, but a small per cent of the lands of Yell County is subject to overflow. The peculiar geographical location of the county renders it free from cyclones or other destruct- ive storms. The seasons are favorable, the county is not affected by droughts, the crops are not damaged by ravaging insects, and the re- sult is, the good farmer always reaps a bountiful crop. Cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, sweet and Irish potatoes, beans, peas, timothy, red- top, millet and clover do well and yield abun- dantly. When properly cultivated the average yield of cotton in the uplands is from 400 to 1,000 pounds per acre, and the bottom lands from aOO to 1,500 pounds per acre. Corn yields from thirty to sixty bushels, oats from forty to sevent}' bush- els per acre, potatoes from 200 to 300 bushels per acre. The soils are capable of producing much better crops than are raised under the present sys- tem of farming so common in Arkansas. A lack of speedy transportation to market has caused the people of this county to neglect the cultivation of fruits except for home consumption. Apples, peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, cherries, grapes, raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries all grow to perfection and yield abundantly. Much of the soil is peculiarl}' adapted to the cultivation of fruits, berries and grapes. Melons and vegetables of all kinds grow readily and yield largely. It is conti- dently predicted that before many years Yell County will be known as one of the most famous fruit and wine-producing localities in the Union. Railroad facilities only are wanting. The "cotton craze" has seriously aft'ected all other interests, notwithstanding the fact that grains and grasses can be raised as easily and as abundantlj- as in Kentucky and Tennessee. Stock-raising has been much neglected, and only during the past few years has attained much importance. The timbers of Yell County present an almost inexhaustible source of wealth, and offer induce- ments to the manufacturer which can rarely be found in any country. The principal varieties of timber iij the river and creek bottoms are cotton- wood, gum, elm, sj-camore, ash, white, red, black, post, willow and burr oaks, black locusts, pecan, mulberry, cherry and walnut. On the uplands and in the creek bottoms, the hickory, many varie- ties of the oak, dogwood, buckeye, holly and other growths are in vast quantities. The mountains and ridges are crowned with immense forests of •^ -s V '>^" ^l YELL COUNTY. -« • 115 k^ yellow pine, which in the near future, will give re- newed energy and an activity to the lumber in- terests of the county. But little can be said of the mineral wealth of Yell County, as no organized efforts have been made to develop the same, but enough is known to indicate very clearly that there are vast fields of lead and iron in the county, and that coal, which is now only mined for home con- sumption, can be had almost anywhere. It is be- lieved that gold and silver abound in paying quan- tities, and the day is not far distant when Yell County will be classed as one of the most j)rofitable mining counties in the State. An approximate chemical analysis of some of the coal of Yell County has been reported as follows: "Moulder's Prairie Coal" Branch — Volatile matter 28.5, water 11.5, gas 17; coke 71.5, fixed carbon 6G.5, red ashes 5; total 100. J. A. Daker's and B. Howell's coal, Section 32, Township 6 south, Kange 21, eighteen to twenty-two inches thick — Volatile matter 14.4, water 3, gas 8.4; coke 88.6, fixed carlion 78.6, dark red ashes 10; total 100. The outcrop of coal near Moulder's has some fossil plant in the roof-shales, belonging both to the family of calamites and ferns, but the coal openings being filled with water, l^oth the shales and the coal were difficult of access. These coals belong, in all probability, to the same horizon as the coal at the base of the Carrion Crow Mountain- The evidences of the economic geology of the county having been sufficiently indicated for the purposes of this description, the picturesque topo- graphical featiires of the county's geologic forma- tion now claim attention. This county is divided by more elevated lands into three beautiful and productive valleys, among the richest, agricultur- ally, in the State. These are known, from the streams which have given them their namesj as the Arkansas, the Petit Jean and the Fourche La Fave Valleys. The pleasant and popular summer resort known as Mount Nebo, is situated on the Magazine Mountain, sis miles west of Dardanelle, at an al- titude above the Dardanelle (Arkansas) Valley of 1,470 feet, and as a natural summer resort has no superior on the continent between the Blue Ridge and the Rocky Mountains. Nebo Mountain does not look like other mountains; it is simply a lofty, grand and sublime elevation, which at a distance has the appearance, from every point of the com- pass, of a huge ethereal dome, which gradually slopes from its base to its summit. Upon the top there are about 1,000 acres of level land, finely timbered and tillable, and abounding with number- less chalybeate springs of cold water. Soft water is had in great quantity at almost any point on the summit by digging or boring ten or twenty feet. It has been only a few years since Mount Nebo be- gan to attract attention as a summer resort. It is now a handsome village above the clouds, with a commodious and comfortable hotel, patronized by hundreds of guests every season, and numerous cottages. Many of the springs have been substan- tially and handsomely improved for the conven- ience and comfort of visitors. A beautiful drive- way is laid off bordering the precipice all around, which will soon be extended to a distance of about six miles, the entire length of which, in every direc- tion, presents to the eye scenery and landscapes of the grandest and most beautiful character. Mount Nebo has telephone connection with Dardanelle, and a daily mail. The road from Dardanelle is macadamized, and is in itself a pleasant drive. A line of coaches makes close connection with the Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad. This interest has been developed almost wholly through Darda- nelle influence and primarily upon Dardanelle cap- ital. Capt. Joseph Evins is credited with having discovered the possibilities of Mount Nebo, and having taken the steps leading to its development; and he did not stop here, but from first to last has been Nebo's most enthusiaistic and untiring pro- moter. He was the first to pre-empt land on the mountain, and it was his devoted influence that led others to secure summer homes there, and capital- ists of Little Rock to erect Nebo's great aereal hotel. The beauty, grandeur and sul)limity of the scenery at Mount Nebo beggars description; it is an ever-changing panorami* view, and an admirable blending of the lovely, picturesque and sublime. From any and all points of this stupendous won- der the beholder's eye never tires, but with a gay and happy heart, electrified with feelings of love, *?!« — '" -.^ •^ 9 V_ 1^ 116 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. pleasure and admiration, commingled with rever- ential awe, be drinks deep at tbe fountain of nat- ure's choicest splendors. There are neither dews nor fogs at Mount Nebo. The purity and medic inal virtue of the waters, the delightful tempera- ture and tbe cool, bracing breezes are unexcelled anywhere, and serve to make it a charming place to sojourn during tbe summer. Persons who are afflicted with asthma, dyspepsia, malarial disorders, or general debility, can be permanently cured in one season, and those who are suffering from de- bility, or exhaustion, on account of overtaxed mental or physical labor, will be restored to their usual strength and vitality in an incredibly short time. The pure chalybeate waters, the cool brac- ing atmosphere, combined with the magnificent scenery, have an invigorating and exhilarating in- iluence, purify the blood, give a healthy appetite, build up the system and restore general good health. The social features of Mount Nebo are pleasant and genial, and the visitor can but feel at home; whether the stay is of long or short duration, it can but be regarded as a continuous May-day picnic, an unbroken season of undisturbed pleas- ure. This mountain seems to be peculiarly the home of the apple, the berries native to this lati- tude, and especially of the grape. Wine manufact- ured there is of superior quality, and apples grown there have taken the premium over Benton and "Washington County apples at the Fort Smith fair. The soil on the mountain produces vegetables in great variety and profusion. The Fourche La Fave Mountains, in the southern past of the coun- ty, are lofty and picturesque, and heavily timbered. The Magazine Mountain forms a most remarkable headland where it terminates, on the Arkansas River, opposite the site of old Norristown. This is known as the " Dardanelle Rock." This rock is composed of ferruginous sandstone, dipping at an angle of forty degrees toward the river. The bear- ing of the comb of the ridge, which is coincident with the strike-line of the strata, is west 10° north. Layers on the summit are of a pale red color, tinged by oxide of iron. On the north slope the rock is laid off with numerous concentric hard ferruginous veins, disposed in rows of rectangular and trian- giilar figures with great regularity, giving to the surface a tessellated appearance. The elevation of the Dardanelle Rock above the road which winds around its base is 250 feet, and about 280 feet above the Arkansas River. At an elevation of from 80 to 100 feet above the base of the main ridge, and half a mile northwest of the point of the Dardanelle Rock, a strong chalybeate sjiring issues from the crevices of the ferruguious sand- stone. From the summit of the Dardanelle Rock there is an extensive prospect: The Magazine Mountain is in full view, bearing away to the west- southwest ; the Petit Jean to the south over and be- yond which some of the highest peaks of the Four- che La Fave range are visible in the far distance bearing a few degrees east of south; the Arkansas River washing its base on the north, with the ferry lauding on the opposite shore, and level farming lands seen behind in perspective; the Arkansas River like a bright line, winding its way among them and conducting the eye to the site of Darda- nelle. From a single point on the Arkansas River, the outline of the Dardanelle Rock on the south- east exhibits a distinct profile, to be remarked on attentive observation by any one who may be ascending the river, all the features of a human face and the partial outlines of a head being rep- resented. The Dardknelle Sulphur Springs, ten miles west of Dardanelle, at the base of the Maga- zine Mountain, together with a tract of TOd acres of laud in the Chickalah Valley upon which they are located, are owned by a company in New York. The springs have been elegantly fitted up, and a hotel and cottages have been erectecl for the accom- modation of health and j)leasure seekers. Judg- ing from the following analysis of the waters of these springs. Dr. Owen, late State geologist, pro- nounced them for health-giving purposes, not in- ferior to the celebrated White Sulphur Springs of Virginia: Bicarbonate of soda; bicarbonate of lime; bicarbonate of magnesia; chloride of sodium: only a trace of sulphates; a small quantity of free sul- phuretted hj'drogen; probably a trace of sulphuret of alkali. The northwest spring contains some oxide of iron. Many remarkable cures have been effected by these waters, and with railroad facili- w « w -<■ — >■ YELL COUNTY. 117 ties this will become a noted resort. At an eleva- tion of 370 feet above Danville, and about two and a half miles from that village, is a remarkable cha- lybeate spring. From the large quantity of carbon- ate of the protoxide of iron present it has a most powerful deoxidizing effect, instantly blackening nitrate of silver without even the addition of am- monia, and it blackens also chloride of gold and tincture of campeehe. Its temperature was found l)y Prof. Owen to be 62°, the temperature of the air being 79 Fahrenheit. It is a saline chalybeate, contaiuiug as its principal ingredients the bicar- bonates of the protoxide of iron, lime and magnesia, sulphate soda and chloride of sodium. There are in this and otlier parts of the county several other mineral springs which have not been analytically examined by competent authority. The time will doubtless come when most of them will be exten- sively known, and sought from afar by people for whose i)eculiar afflictions their waters will have been found to be beneficial. About 1820 Gov. Miller, of the then Territory of Arkansas, and Col. D. Brearloy, Indian agent, maile a trip over the Territory and took the census of the Cherokees. In their journey Agent Brear- ley bought the possession of a French hunter, Joe Peran, who was domiciled near the Point of Rocks, then known as "The Dardonnie " (in English " sleep-with-one-eye"). The sound of the name and the peculiar surroundings of the place recalled to mind the Strait of Dardanelles, which induced the agent to change the name and call it Darda- nelle, and at this point he established the agency of the Cherokees. After the census, by a call through the agent, every village sent up a dele- gate to a council held at this agency, at which the Cherokees decided to confine themselves entirely to the north side of the Arkansas River, and at the same time voted delegates to visit the Presi- dent and have their decision put in treaty form. In the winter of 1822-23 this delegation ac- companied their agent to Washington City. The ..bounds of the nation were then fixed. Maj. Du- val succeeded Col. Brearley as Indian agent, but the latter returned to Arkansas in the winter of 1827-28, to tend to the removal of the Creek In- dians west of the Territorial line, and with him came his son, Joseph H. Brearley, as commis- sary to the Indians. The latter, in 1831, became a permanent citizen at Dardanelle. On his way up, in 1827, he had stopped a short time at Darda- nelle, where he had found white inhabitants very few. Pearson Brearley, his brother, was then liv- ing there, also John Wade (his hireling), and the Widow Greenwood and her son and daughter, Radford and Malinda. The Cherokees were in hearing distance on the opposite bank of the river, but the nearest white neighbors south of the river were eleven miles above — James, Henry and King Stinnett, Maurice Brown and Isaac Hensley. Nine miles below, on the Lake Bayou, were Asa and Birt Whicker, and at the " Big Fields ' ' were two or three families, and Nick Beatty and the Car- dons were farther down the river. At Chickalah, nine miles back, was Brown, a blacksmith. In the spring of 1828 the Cherokees, by treaty, ex- changed the land on the north side of the Arkan- sas for the greater portion of the Lovely purchase, which at the time was thickly inhabited by whites, who were thus summarily ejected therefrom, and scattered to various parts. Many came this way, among whom were the Morse family, who squatted near Dardanelle Rock until the land surveys could be completed, so that they cotild locate. In the year 1830 the Cherokees finished moving off, in the fall of which year the United States surveyor, H. L. Langham, completed several townships on the north side of the river. The land on the south side had already been surveyed. At this date furs and peltry still retained princely power with the trader (merchant) as a "legal tender." The Indians, who occupied the territory now composing this county, immediately before its set- tlement by the whites and for some thne thereafter were intruding bands of Cherokees, the territory in fact belonging to the Choctaws at the time. Rogers, a Cherokee chief, settled in or near what is now the site of the town of Dardanelle about 1790, with a band of Cherokee hunters and war- riors. Some time thereafter Chickalah, another chief, settled at the site of the village which bears his name. Dutch, also a chief of a branch of the •r ^1 \iL lis HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. same tribe, made his lieadqnarters on Dutch Creek, now so called, about three miles above Danville. He included in his hunting jurisdiction all that portion of the Fourche valley, now in Yell County. These Indians cleared little patches of land in common, which they cultivated separately, each one's share being designated by corner-stones, some of which are to be seen in the neighborhood of Danville. So far as can be learned, these In- dians were peaceable, never having engaged in any wars among themselves or with the whites, but oc- casionally they were called upon to resist the as- saults of the Osages, a warlike tribe living near Fort Smith. One of the earliest settlements in the interior of the coixnty was made in Riley Township, on the Petit Jean River, above Danville. The first permanent settlement was in ISS'J by Elijah Baker. Josiah Hart came in 1830. The Kileys came in 1831. In 1836 Abraham McCearly settled on Spring Creek, three miles northeast of Danville. There were several settlers in that part of the county before Col. McCearly. William J. Parks, Joseph Gault and William D. Briggs were early near Bluffton. These persons, some of whom are men- tioned above, entered land in what is now Yell County prior to 1845. Some of them were among the early settlers, others were probably never per- manent residents: J. W. H. Huthmance, 1843 Richard T. Banks, 1840; George Bryant, 1836 John H. Petitts, 1839; Philip Madden, 1839 Thomas R. Shannon, 1830; John-Nick, 1831; John Webster, 1830; Eli Paschal, 1836; Nicholas Beatty, 1836; Asa Wicker, 1839; Francis Beatty, 1830; John E. Metcalf, 1839; John Deck, 1830; Pierre Peat, 1S30; Allen Summers, 1830; Francis Peat, 1830; Louis M. Smith, 1839; Michael Hynam, 1838; Joseph Buschell, 1837; James P. Rogers, 1837; Louis E. Moulder, 1830; James Carden, 1839; Samuel Ward, 1830; John McAllister, 1839; Jesse Low, 1837; William C. Wilson, 1837; Alex- ander Barnhill, Jr., 1830; N. Mars, 1830; Joseph D. Combs, 1836; George B. Steel, 1837; Daniel Gilliland, 1830; William Brown, 1838; Gabriel Baruaby, 1830; Elijah Baker, 1836; Richard Wicker, 1837; John S. Gibson, 1838; Washington Meeks, 1830; Margaret Slover, 1830; Elijah J. Howell, 1838; Thomas Johnson, 1839; Thomas Skillen, 1839; Joseph Gibson, 1838; Samuel H. Johnson, 1839; Charles H. Fitch,l4839; James S. Barrow, 1839; Nicholas Baremon, 1840; James S. Baremon, 1839; Jonathan Limboeher, 1840; Clai- borne Wicker, 1838; John B. Barmore, 1839; Rachel Wicker, 1839; Joseph Valkenberg, 1840; Jenkin Williams, 1830; Samuel Norris, 1837; Pear- son Brearley, 1831; George Douglas, 1831; John J. Morse, 1830; Cyrus T. Smith, 1836; John Hill, 1842; Hardin George, 1843; David B. Gilliland, ' 1844; James S. Jones, 1844; William Jones, 1844; Gilbert Moren, 1841; Claiborne Collier, 1843; William F. McClure, 1843; Joseph Green, 1838; Joseph James, 1839; Philemon Williams, 1839; John Critchfield, 1839; Malachi Ford, 1840; John McCray, 1840; Joseph Gwinn, 1840; John Mc- Creasie, 1844 ; Redmond Rogers, 1839; Burk John- son, 1838: William Colliu, 1839; William M. New- ton, 1838: JohnH. Miller, 1842; W. H. X. New- ton, 1838; Alexander Byrd, 1839; Samuel Pryor, 1839; John Powers, 1840;^ John Walker, 1839; Horace Witt, 1839; Eli Crow, 1839; Ezekiel Boggs, 1839; John Boggs, 1842; Hiram Gill, 1839; James P. Rainor, 1840; Neriah Morse, 1839; Sallie Hall, 1830; Henry Evins, 1829; Henry Stinnett, 1834; Nathaniel Burkhead, 1837; William M. Reasoner, 1838; Isaac Hunley, 1836; John Wilson, 1830; Jefferson Van Horn, 1838; Samuel M. Hays, 1839; James L. Hardway, 1844; Samuel H. Balch, 1843; Reuben L. Stinnett, 1844; John F. Balch, 1844; James B. Crain, 1841; William M. Nunnelly, 1844; Thomas Hicks, 1841;. Abraham Flaning, 1841; Peter Pinkston, 1843; Thomas Morse, 1838; Rus- sell Bryant, 1838; John Franklin, 1838; James L. Garner, 1842; Joseph McGrady, 1829; William H. Haines, 1843; Henry__JSaney, 1843; John Hanejj 1840; Elizabeth Crow, 1841; John James, 1840; Andrew J. Hays, 1840; Robert Cunning- ham, 1840; Enoch S. Hazens, 1840; James Mad- den, 1840; Amasa Howell, 1840; John A. Wheeler, 1840; Robert M. Roberts, 1840; Nehemiah Crav ens, 1841; Cravens & Clark, 1841; Aaron Garrett- son, 1844; Augustus M. Ward, 1843; John Mc- Kay, 1844; RufusC. Sadler, 1844; James Murphy, 1844; Lucinda Murphy, 1840; Dooney M cDaniel, ^1 ^^ 'Ll, YELL COUNTY. ny 1840; Francis A. Skelton, 18-40; Daniel Johnson, 1839; James Morrison, 1837; Laban O. Howell, 1837; M. M. Knight, 1843; James McBride, 1841; G. C. Sadler, 1841; Henry George, 1841; Daniel Crownoyer, Sr. , 1840; Isaac Mears, 1841; Daniel Crownover, 1841 ; James H. Taylor, 1844; William H. Peevy, 1841; Allen Williams, 1841; Dial Mc- Diiff Peevy, 1843; Hugh McBride, 1841; William Witt, 1841; Gabriel E. Hays, 1841; James Will- iams, 1843; John Howell, 1841; Thomas Garvey, 1841; William Aikman, 1841; James A. Hughes, 1841; George Baldwin, 1841; D. Wallace, 1841; Taylor Polk, 1844; John Riley, 1840; Joseph Hall, 1841. Some of the persons above named each took np several claims in different parts of the county. White men located earliest along the Arkansas Eiver, but general settlements began in the interior. The valleys were most fertile and most easily accessible, and furnished homes for the pioneers as they do to day for the leading farmers, planters and business men of the county. The war put a stop to the progress of settlement throughout the county, but the year 1866 saw en- terprise again planted here, and the gradual return of former and the incoming of new settlers fol- lowed with increasing rapidity. The first marriage in this county was that of Pierce M. Butler, of South Carolina, to Miss Duval — her father then being Indian agent. This marriage took place on the lake eight miles below Dardanelle, at the tem- porary residence of Mr. Duval. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Cephas Washburn, in 1838 or 1839. The bridegroom became the most dis- tinguished of all the South Carolinian governors. He was killed in a charge at the head of a South Carolina regiment during the Mexican ^Var. In 1839 Col. McCearly built the first water-mill in the county, on Spring Creek, six miles north of Danville. The first mill in Fourche Valley was built by Abihu Reese, on Gafford's Creek, in 1844, this being the third water-mill in the county. Howell and Jamison had built the second one on Dutch Creek, two miles above Danville, in 1843. The next, or fourth one, was Boggs' mill, on the Chickalah, built by John Miller, in 1845. Then followed Beatty's, on Beatty's mill-branch, by Nicholas Beatty. All these mUls have long since suspended operations. Many other water-mills were built later. There were only three steam mills in the county up to the close of the late war. The first was built by John Ball for the Gari'isons about 1857 or 1858, in what was then Delaware Township of this county, but which is now a part of Logan Count}'. The next was built by Col. George P. Foster and Walton H._Hane3', in the same township in 1858, and the third by the Collier brothers, on the Chickalah in 1859 or 1860, and this is believed to have been all the steam power in use in the county up to 1866. The first cotton-gin in this county was built by William Graham in 1838 at the place settled by Josiah Hart; the next was erected by Thomas Hicks, three miles west of Dardanelle, in 1840; the third by Malinda Sadler in the same year; the fourth by James Briggs, on his old place, six miles east of ' Bluffton, ' ' on Fourche," in 1843, soon followed by one on the farm of Col. T. J. Waters, near Dardanelle. Yell County was, by an act of the Legislature passed December 5, 1840, carved out of a part of what then composed Pope and Scott Counties. Its northern boundary was defined December 21 following. The line between Yell and Montgom- ery Counties was defined January 2, 1845. Dela- ware Township was a part of Pope County under the name of Dardanelle Township, until 1853, when it was transferred by act of the Legislature to this county, and named Delaware Township, be- cause Yell County already had a Dardanelle Town- ship, and because the principal stream running through this new territory was called Delaware. A portion of Y'ell was included in Sarber County (now Logan) at its erection in 1873. Changes of no great extent have been made in the boundary of the extreme northeast part of the cormty, along the Petit Jean River. The county was named in honor of Gov. Archibald Yell. The temporary county seat was located at Monrovia, the then resi- dence of W^illiam Peevy, five miles northwest of Danville. The present county seat, Danville, is situated on the south bank of the Petit Jean, near the north base of the Fourche Mountains, and was located and laid off on the jaroperty of John How- k^ ^ 4* — ^ Hl 120 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ell, by three commissioners named James Briggs, James Williams and Neriah Morse, in December, 1841. The first court-honse was a very rude round log hut. About 1850, and possibly a little earlier, a commodious frame building was erected for a court-house, which is now known as the "old ' court-house," and stands west of the public square. The county had log jails at first. One or more of them was burned. The present jail has done serv- ice since not long after the war. The first record referring to the present court-house is one under date of December 17, 1872, authorizing the issuing of bonds to the amoiint of 120,000, in the sum of $100 each, " for the purpose of building a new court-house in the town of Danville, the county seat of said Yell County." On the same day, Thomas W. Pound, James M. Watkins and S. O^ 1 Chesney were appointed by the county court com- missioners to prepare a plan and let the contract for the erection of a suitable building. February 24, 1873, the commissioners were ordered to sell the old court-house to the highest and best bidder on a credit of twelve months. The sale was effected March 17, 1873, to John W. McCarrell, for 1476 in county scrip. On the same day the contract for the erection of the new court-house was let to Joseph G. Harrell, the cost to be f 11,990. The contractor's bond was filed and accepted, and a contract was entered into on the same day. Oc- tober 7, 1873, the commissioners reported the work practically completed according to contract. An order was made approving the report and accepting the court-house, which is a large brick structure, two stories high, one of the most substantial in this part of the State. Upon the erection of the Dardanelle Judicial District, adequate quarters for the accommodation of the court were leased at Dardanelle, at the expense of llie taxpayers resi- dent within the district. A jail was built there, which was destroyed by fire, since when the jail at Danville has done service for the entire couaty. Yell County is divided into twenty-six political townships, named as follow: Wilson, Galla Rock, Dardanelle, Delaware, Chickalah, Mountain, Maga- zine, Ceuterville, Mason, Ward, Danville, Prairie, Fergeson, Riley, Richland, Herring, Dutch Creek, Gravelly Hill, Bluffton, Briggsville, Rover, Gil- key, Lamar, Lower La Pave, Crawford, Irons Creek. Wilson, Galla Rock, Centerville, Dardanelle, Delaware, Ward, Mason and Chickalah Townships and part of Magazine Township constitute the Dardanelle Judicial District. The balance of the county is included in the Danville Judicial District. The persons named below have served Yell County in its various official positions at the date named: 1840-42 — J. J. Morse, judge; J. C. Gault, clerk; T. P. Sadler, sheriff; C. F. Long, treasurer; W. D. Sadler, coroner; D. W. James, surveyor. 1842-44— M. Brown, judge; J. C. Gault, clerk; T. P. Sadler, sheriff; E. S. Hames, treasurer; W. D. Sadler, coroner; D. W. James, surveyor. 1844 -46— G. E. Hays, judge; J. C. Gault, clerk; T. P. Sadler, sheriff; William Porter; treasurer; W. D. Sadler, coroner; D. AV. James, surveyor. 1846 -48 — B. Johnson, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; S. >/ Kirkpatrick, sheriff; E. Hames, treasurer; L. Mc- Daniel, coroner; J. Brearley, surveyor. 1848-50 — C. H. Fitch, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; S. Kirkpatrick, sheriff; E. Hames, treasurer; T. J. Haney, coroner; J. F. Perry, surveyor. 1850-52 — George Magness, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; S. Kirkpatrick, sheriff; J. G. Harrell, treasurer; T. J. Haney, coroner; J. F. Perry, surveyor. 1852-54 — George Magness, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; Joseph Gault, sheriff; T. J. Haney, treas- urer; H. B. Rose, coroner; Benjamin Thomas, surveyor. 1854-56 — B. Johnson, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; J. C. Herring, sheriff; T. J. Haney, treasurer (T. J. Daniels from December, 1854); J. B. Fudge, coroner; T. R. Jett, surveyor. 1856-58— H. A. Howell, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; J. Gault, sheriff; T. J. Daniels, treasurer; Joseph Hall, coroner; W. D. Briggs, surveyor. 1858-60— B. Johnson, judge; T. W. Pound, clerk; J. Gault, sheriff; J. G. Harrell, treasurer; A. S. Garrison, coroner; W. D. Briggs, surveyor. 1860 -62 — B. Johnson, judge; J. C. Gault, clerk; J. Gault, sheriff; F. B. Hatchett, treasurer (joined the army, and J. C. Ward was elected to fill the vacancy); A. S. Garrison, coroner; W. D. Briggs, surveyor. 1862-64 — J. M. Baird, judge; J. C. Gault, clerk; Lorenzo Fry, sheriff (O. Wood form ^* 1^ Ai^ •k YELL COUNTY. 121 March, 1863); J. C. Ward, treasurer; George Bennett, coroner; W. D. Briggs, surveyor; Thomas Moudy, assessor. 1864-GO— B. G. Cook, judge; J. F. Choate, clerk; W. H. Fergeson, sheriff; William M. Boles, treasurer; A. Neal, coroner; A. Campbell, assessor. 1806-68 — George Magness, judge; J. C. Gault, clerk; W. H. Fer- geson, sheriff; M. S. Cox, treasurer; A. Neal, coro- ner; J. G. Carter, surveyor; Alfred Ross, asses- sor. 1868-72 — H. W. Walker, judge; J. F. Choate, clerk; W. H. Fergeson, sheriff; E. P. Johnson, treasurer; William Dacus, coroner; B. Johnson, Jr. , surveyor (Alfred Boles from Feb- ruary, 1871); J. B. Eddington, assessor (A. N. Rose from April, 1871). 1872-74— Howard W. Walker, judge; J. F. Choate, clerk; J. A. Wilson, sheriff; G. W. Phillips, treasurer; J. R. G. W. N. Adams, surveyor; A. N. Rose, assessor. 1874-70 — George Magness, judge; J. W. Pound, clerk; R. E. Cole, sheriff; G. W. Phillips, treasurer; W. C. Strayhorn, coroner; J. R. G. W. N. Adams, sur- veyor; M. S. Cox, assessor. 1876-78 — J. F. Choate, judge; J. W. Poiind, clerk; R. E. Cole, sheriff; J. J. Robertson, treasurer; J. M. McCarrell, coro- ner; J. R. G. W. N. Adams, surveyor; M. S. Cox, assessor. 1878-80— J. F. Choate, judge; W. W. Brooks, clerk; R. E. Cole, sheriff; M. S. Cox, treasurer; T. R. Maxwell, coroner; W. D. Briggs, surveyor; K. D. Tizzman, assessor. 1880-82 — H. A. Howell, judge; J. W. Pound, clerk; L. L. Briggs, sheriff; M. W. McClure, treasurer; J. A. Cannon, coroner; J. H. Cotton, surveyor; M. S. Cox, assessor. 1882-84— J. Gault, judge; W. H. Gee, clerk: J. L. Davis, sheriff; M. W. McClure, treasurer; Joe Goodman, coroner, Charles Hunt, surveyor; M. S. Cox, assessor. 1884-86 — J. E. McCall, judge, W. H. Gee, clerk; J. L. Davis, sheriff'; H. B. McCarrell, treasurer; C. N. Myers, coroner; Charles Hunt, surveyor; J. N. Whitlow, assessor. 1886-88— J. E. McCall, judge; W. H. Gee, clerk; H. B. McCarrell, sheriff; J. J. Rob- ertson, treasurer; E. C. Williams, coroner; Charles Hunt, surveyor; J. N. Whitlow, assessor. 1888- yO— G. L. Wirt, judge; J. H. McCargo, clerk; H. B. McCarrell, sheriff; J. J. Robertson, treas- urer; Robert Toomer, coroner; C. C. Dean, sur- veyor; J. N. Whitlow, assessor. 1890-92— G. L. Wirt, judge; W. R. Hayden, county clerk; J. H. McCargo, circuit clerk; J. H. Howard, sheriff; J. J. Robertson, treasurer; J. C. Baley, coroner; S. C. Dean, surveyor; G. W. Phillips, assessor. Yell County is in the Fifth Judicial District, com posed of the counties of Yell, Johnson, Pope and Conway. The judge is Hon. J. E. Cravens, of Johnson County; the prosecuting attorney is H. S. Carter, of Dardanelle. Hon. J. G. Wallace, of Rus- ellville, was elected judge, and Jeff Davis of Rus- ellville, prosecuting attornpy, September 1, 1890, to succeed Messrs. Cravens and Carter. Owing to the great area of Yell County, and for the convenience of the citizens, it was in 1875, divided into two judicial districts. The business of the circuit and pro- bate court for the southern part of the county is transacted at Danville, for the Danville District, and that of the northern part of the county at Dar- danelle, for the Dardanelle District. Circuit court is held in the Danville District on the fourth Mon- days in January and August, and in the Dardanelle District on the second Mondays in February and September. County business is transacted at Dan ville exclusively. Prominent among the lawyers who practiced at this bar in the ante helium days were: J. L. Hallowell, who was prosecuting at torney 1858-00, and cx-officio attorney general of the State; George W. Lemoyne, who was State senator; E. G. Walker; W. N. May, who was cir- cuit judge 1868-71; W. D. Jacoway, who was circuit judge 1878-82; and J. T. Harrison. Since the war the following have been among the leading practitioners: Thomas Boles, who was circuit judge 1805-68; T. W. Pound, who was circuit judge 1878; M. L. Davis; Robert C. Bullock; W. A. Nolen; George S. Cunningham, who was circuit judge from 1882 until the comparatively recent appoint- ment of Judge Cravens; H. S. Carter, the present prosecuting attorney, and J. T. Harrison, L. C. Hall, John M. Parker, Robert Toomer, W. D. Jacoway, W. C. Hunt, Walter D. Jacoway and W. A. F. May. This county, with Crawford, Franklin, Johnson andSabastian, constitutes the Fourth Congressional District, r^iresented by Hon. J. H. Rogers of Fort ^s 9 i- ] ^ 122 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Smith. Yell was represented in tlie Constitutional Convention of 1868 by Monroe Ronnsaville; in that of 1874 by Joseph T. Harrison'. In the State Leg- islature, this county has been thus represented: Upper Hoiise— Sessions of 1844-45, 1846, 1848- 41), with Pope, by J. Williamson; 1850-51, with Pope, by J. Williamson; 1852-53, with Pope, by G. W. Lemoyne; 1854-55, with Pope, by G. W. Lemoyne; 1856-57, with Conway and Perry, by J. I. Stirman; 1858-59, with Conway and Per- ry, by J. I. Stirman; 1860-61, special 1861^62, with Conway and Perry, by G, W. Lemoyne; 1862, no record; 1864-65, with Conway and Perry, by F. M. Stratton; Confederate Legislature, 1864, with Perry and Conway, by W. C. Hunt; Sixteenth Legislature, 1866-67, with Perry and Conway, by S. D. Sevier who resigned and was succeeded by S. Forrest; 1868-69, with Newton and Johnson, by J. N. Sarber; 1871, with Newton and Johnson, by J. N. Sarber; 1873, with Newton and Johnson, by Thomas A. Hanks; 1874, with Newton, John- sou and Sarber (now Logan), by Thomas A. Hanks; 1874-75, with Sarber, by J. W. Toomer; 1877 with Logan, by B. B. Chism; 1879, with Logan, by B. B. Chism; 1881, with Logan,, by J. T. Har- rison; 1883, with Logan, by J. T. Harrison; 1885, with Logan, by Theodore F. Potts; 1887, with Logan, by Theodore F. Potts; last session, with Lo- gan, l)y \V. A. Clement. Lower House — session of 1842-43, by William J. Parks; 1844-45, by William J. Parks; 1846, by Theodore P. Sad- ler; 1848-49, by R. Nettles and W. J. Parks; 1850-.51, by R. Nettles and T. P. Saddler; IS" "-53, !>>• 1). F._Hnckaby; 1854-55, by B. J. Jacoway; 1856-57, by William J. Parks; 1858-59, by John A. Jacoway; 1860-61, special 1861-62, l)y John H. Jones; 1862, by William Sisell; 1S64-65; by B. Johnson; Confederate Legisla- ture, 1864, by William Sisell; Sixteenth Legis- lature, 1866-07, by Thomas W. Pounds; 1868-69, with Newton and Johnson, by D. R. Lee (resigned and succeeded by R. W. Wishard), W. N. May and Samuel Dial; 1871, with Newton and Johnson, l)y J. L. Garner, B. W. Herring and W. G. Har- ris; 1873, with Newton, Johnson and Sarber (now Logan), by John N. Sarber, P. H. Spears and James A. Shirgley; 1874, with Newton, Johnson and Sarber, by A. D. King and M. Hixon; 1874- 75, by A. M. Fulton; 1877, by Joseph T. Harrison; 1879, by George S. Cunningham; 1881, by M. L. Davis; 1883, by D. F. Huckaby; 1885, by W. A. Clement; 1887, by ^V. A. Clement ; last session, by W. A. Nolen (died and was succeeded by Robert Toomer). J. L. Williams was elected September 1, 1890. The following hold, or have until recently held, commissions as notaries i)ublic resident in Yell County : John A. Ross, J. Green Jackson, M. A. Moseley, George A. Harman, H. P. Barry, John B. Crownover, J. A. Wilson, T. E. Wilson, D. H. Brown, J. C. Michelson, F. G. Brown, R. M. Blackburn, L. P. Jones, John M. Parker, L. C. Adams, W. R. Hayden, W. B. Smith, W. A. F. May. The first newspaper in Yell County was the original Dardanelle Post, established by F. M. and S. C. Coleman in 1853, which had an existence of live or six months. In February, 1869, the Tran- script was established by H. P. Barry. The Transcript material in part was sold to the Repub- licans, a new outfit was purchased and the publica- tion of the paper was continued. The Times was pub- lished a few months, beginning late in 1869. In 1870 the Transcript was sold to Col. Withers, of Ozark. In 1871 it was repurchased by its original owner. It often changed hands and was at one time re- moved to Danville, but its press and much of its material was long in use on the Independent Ar- kansian. Other papers published during the next few years were the Laborer, the Chronicle, the Spectator, the Star of the West, the Eye of the West and the Argus. The Dardanelle Independ- ent was first published January 7, 1875, by D. P. Cloyd, proprietor, with M. M. McGuire as associ- ate editor. In April following Mr. McGuire be- came proprietor, and he continued the publication of the paper, under the above heading, and those of Arkansas Independent and Independent Arkansian until 1884. From the office of the Arkansian were issued the Arkansas Methodist, under edito- rial charge of Rev. James Harralson, from Novem- ber, 1879, until removed to Little Rock, and for a ^^ >f^ A! k -^ YELL COUNTY. 123 time ii Baptist paper named The Evangel, edited by B. IJ. ^N'omback, and later by Mr. Womback and J. B. Searcy. The Western Immigrant was established by M. L. Davis, and afterward passed to the ownership of J. L. Crownover, and later to that of G. E. Williams. In October, 1881, Mr. Williams changed its title to the Dardanelle Po.st. In November, 18S8, C. W. Dodd became its edi- tor. In February, 1889, Mr. Williams sold the paper to Thomas J. Hicks. Eugene Moore be- came Mr. Hick's partner in the enterprise July 1, 1889. The Post is a large eight- column, four- page newspaper, devoted to Democratic principles and the best interests of Dardanelle and Yell County, ably edited and well printed. Mr. Davis, its founder, has at times, since disposing of it, as- sisted materially in its editorial conduct. This county was the scene of some exciting events of the war of the States. The first engage- ment at Dardanelle was between Col. Hill's Con- federates and Col." Cloud's Kansas Federals, Sep- tember 12, 1803. Hill was surprised and driven across the river, which was fordable during most of the season of 1863. May 16, 1864, Shelby took the place from the Federals by a surprise, driving them across the river. Gen. Price's army crossed the river here in September, 1864, at which time Dardanelle contained little or no popu- lation except less than 100 women and children. In January, 1805, Col. William H. Brooks, com- manding the Confederates, attacked the Federals under Maj. Jenks, commander of the post at Dar- danelle, and after a light of three or four hours drew off his forces. Capt. Daniels' company of Col. Churchill's regiment, Capt. Holloway's com- pany of McCrary's battalion, and Capt. Law- rence's company of Col. Lemoyne's regiment, were recruited for the Confederate service, and one company of the Third Arkansas was recruited for the Federal service, all almost wholly in Yell County, while many men from the county were connected vrith other organizations, mostly Con- federate. Capt. Daniels' company was Company H, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles. It was mus- tered in in 1861, and was not mustered out until 1865. In all, 118 men were enrolled, of whom eighty-five were killed and wounded, twenty-five died from other causes, only seven were surren- dered, and only four are now living. From the first religion has found a home in this county. School-houses and private residences were among the early meeting and preaching places. At times there were open-air or camp- meetings, which were attended by the people in large numbers. Of course, the first church houses were erected in the earliest and most important settlements. The first Methodist sermon at Dar- danelle was preached by Kev. J. P. Cole in the summer of 1851. For some time previous, how- ever, the Methodists had had an organization, and had met in the "Apple Tree" School-house, near the cemetery site. The Presbyterians organized in 1850 under the ministration of Kev. H. P. S. Willis, of Norristowu. Their church, erected by C. Lethgo in 1854, was the first in town. It was dismantled during the war and used as a barracks for Federal troops. The Baptists held meetings earl}' in the fifties, and the first Baptist association ever held in the county was held in the Presbyte- rian Church at Dardanelle in 1855 or 1850. The first Baptist Church was built on the present site in 1859, mainly by contributions from James, the father of Eobert Veazy. Capt. John Wood also contributed liberally. This building was newer completed, and having been used by both armies during the war and not being ceiled, being abont to fall, was sold to Mr. J. K. Perry immediately after the war, and was removed and converted into a residence. The Methodist, Baptist, Presbyte- rian, Cumberland and Old School, Christian and Episcopalian denominations are all well repre- sented in the county, the numerical strength of the respective sects in the order in which they are named. A house of worship may be found in every neighborhood. The inhabitants of Yell County are a peaceable, quiet, industrious, law- abiding, church-going people, and are thoroughly enthused on the subject of education. Educational beginnings were almost coincident with those of the church. The early schools were few in number, scattering, poorly housed and equipped, and indifferently taught. But under V Ah 124 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the operation of the school law of the State, a new order of things has come. There are more than ninety school districts in the county, and many of them are supplied with school- houses. Good schools are taught from three to ten months in the year. In addition to the general school tax, which is uniform throughout the State, the electors of sixty four of the school districts in Yell County have availed themselves of the benefits of a pro- vision of the State constitution, and, by vote, have voluntarily imposed upon themselves an additional tax of 5 mills for school purposes. White schools and colored schools are taught separately, but the school fund of the several school districts is pro- rated percapita with the colored schools. Prof. J. G. Smyth, of Bellville,* is county examiner of pub- lic schools. The public school at Danville is well e(piipped, well taught, and efficient. At times two teachers are employed, and the course of study is much more thorough and comprehensive than that which obtains in schools in many places in the county. At Dardanelle the common-school building is the crowning beauty and pride of the town. It is a brick structure, with a seating ca- pacity for ()()0 pupils. It is one of the best school buildings in the State, and is constructed with all the comforts and conveniences suggested by recent improvements. The school is graded, and the methods of instruction are thorovighly modern and jirogressive. The teachers in the several depart- ments are among the best employed in the State. The first school-house in Dardanelle was built by |)ublic subscription, in front of the well known Methodist Church site, within a few yards of the William Toomer residence. It was erected in 1848 or 1849, and for several years was used by the Methodists and other denominations for public worship. The old Dardanelle Institute was built in 1859, and opened soon afterward, under the management of a board of nine trustees, among the members of which were H. P. Barry, T. W Pound and H. A. Howell. This institution was in- corporated. The principal feature of Bellville is its academy, established by the generous contribu- tions of four citizens: Mr. W. H. Fergeson, Dr. * The postal authorities spell this name Belleville. J.. B. Heck , Mr. John F. Choate and Dr. S. O. Chesuey. The building was erected in 1873, at an expense of $3,500. The institution has been most prosperous and successful during all its his- tory, but notably so during the past five years, under ihe presidency of Rev. J. G. Smyth. The academy is now owned and controlled by a board of trustees, elected by the Dardanelle District Con- ference, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. It has a sightly and most suitalile location, amid grand scenery, in a healthy section, far away from the haunts of vice and dissipation, in a community noted for morality, and is protected by a special act of Legislature from the poisonous influence attendant iipon the sale of intoxicants. The build- ing is a large, three-story structure, 50x70 feet in size, well arranged, heated, ventilated and lighted, and furni.shes ample accommodation for the thor- ough work of the academy's several departments. Ujjon the completion of the course of study, in which the pupil is greatly aided by the use of all needful apparatus, he is given a certificate of pro- ficiency. The special object of this school is to furnish a thorough and practical education to both girls and boys, or when desired to prepare them to enter college. The terms for non-residents are very low, being, in the primary department, $1.50 per month; in the intermediate department, $2; in the high-school department, $2.50 to $3. The incidental expense per month is only 10 cents, and board is furnished at $8 per month. Free tuition is given to the children of all ministers, and to young preachers properly indorsed by their de- nominations. The faculty for the term of 1890- 91 is constituted thus: Rev. J. G. Smyth, princi- pal; Mr. John A. Pless, intermediate; Mr. S. H. Russell, second primary. The board of trustees is composed of J. J. Briggs, president; J. B. Heck, secretary; David Russell, Dr. Kirksey and Rev. J. G. Smyth. Too much praise can scarcely be given the principal, who has conducted this institu- tion so successfully through the exjserimental years of its youth, and under his continued management a brilliant future is predicted for it. The Chicka- lah Academy opened its first session September 1, 1890. It has three departments: Primary, gram- *7; to ll^ YELL COUNTY. 125 mar and academic. The first gives thorough in- struction in the primary branches and language. The second teaches all the common-school branches, and gives normal training to teachers. The third gives instruction in the higher mathematics, lan- guage and sciences. The academy is conducted with two objects in view — first, to prepare students to enter higher institutions of learning; second, to give systematic and business education, fitting students for the practical duties of life. In the musical department instruction is afforded in vocal music, and lessons are given on piano, organ and guitar. The principal is Prof. D. Hays, the secre- tary, Mr. L. B. Jones. Dardanelle is situated on the south branch of the Arkansas River equidistant from Fort Smith and Little Kock, and about eighty miles from Hot Springs, has a population of about 2,000 people, and does a larger commercial business than any other town in the Arkansas Valley between Little Rock and Fort Smith. It has communication by rail over the Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad, and the ferry and transfer line between the two towns mentioned, and telegraphic and telephonic com- munication. A prospective improvement is a pon- toon bridge designed to provide another means of communication with the country north of the river. Dardanelle is an incorporated town with numerous improvements and conveniences. An efficient and well- equipped fire department is well sustained. Prominent among those who have been connected with Dardanelle's municipal career may be men- tioned the following who have held the office of mayor: M. A. J. Bonville, W. N. May, J. Mort Perry, D. W. Starbuck, G. R. Williams, E. G. Collier, W. J. Jacoway, H. A. Howell, M. L. Davis, H. C. Cunningham, T. L. Spencer, Joseph Evins, H. C. Gibson, R. C. Bullock, C. P. Thompson, W. A. Nolen, Robert Toomer and L. C. Hall. The first store at Dardanelle Rock was opened by the Brear- ley Brothers, David, Charles and Pearson, in 1820. Its occupation was gone when the Cherokees left the vicinity in 1830. In 1831 at the instigation of J. H. Brearley, Fred Saugrain was induced to move his store from Verdigris to Dardanelle, where he continued trading until 1839, when he was per- suaded by his father-in-law to return to St. Louis, Mo. The remnants of his goods were left in the hands of his brother, Alfred Saugrain. In a few years more there was no store to be found at Dar danelle. At the organization of Yell County there were many citizens in the township of Dardanelle (among whom where the Johnstons — John B., Joe, Jackey and Samuel H.— John and Samuel Balch), who had to cross the river to Norristown to do their trading; and about 1S42 George Williams was in- duced to move his goods over from Norristown into a double log cabin on the spot first occupied by the Widow Greenwood in 1831, next by C. T. Smith in 1833, who, sold to F.' Saugrain in 1835, and lastly by J. H. Brearley, who gave to George Will- iams the lots on which the buildings would be found to stand when the contemplated town should be staked out as an inducement for him to move his store there. Mr. Williams enlarged by adding a small frame of sufficient size for his store. This was the nucleus of the town of Dardanelle, which was laid off by J. H. Brearley in October, 1847, on this tract the fractional part of the northwest quarter of Section 32, in Township 7 north. Range 20 west, and extended the town plat onto the ad- joining northeast quarter of Section 31, belonging to George Williams, with the understanding that the two tracts .should be consolidated into one town property, and both be equal sharers in the sales of lots. In 1850 L. D. Parish came to Dardanelle, and opened a store. He found Judge H. A. How- ell here merchandising when he came. Jud^e Howell came to this place in 1847. About 1850 a Mr. James Montgomery and Dudley D. Mason also opened a store, which was soon bought out by L. D. Parish. In 1851 Capt. S. D. Strayhorn and Mr. C. M. Murdock built the Kimball & Perry store-rooms, and subsequently opened a store in co-partnership. During that year, A. S. Stephenson also opened a store. Dying in 1852, he was the first person buried with Masonic honors in Dardanelle. His remains were afterward carried by his friends to Van Buren. Dr. E. W. Adams built the old Judge Howell store in 1852. The old Parish Store, as it is called, was built by George Williams in ^|i r^ ^ 126 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. IS-ty. AJl the otlier old stores on Front Row be- tween Howell's and Kimball's, were built between the years 1852 and 1854. Among the later mer- chants who were in trade at Dardanelle previous to the war may be mentioned the following: L. D. Parish, Murdock & Kimball, Robinson & Spivey, Adams Brothers, Levi Arnold, D. J. Jacoway & Son and Hunt & Farrell. The leading merchants since the war have been Kimliall & Perry, John A. Eoss & Co., E. W. Cunningham, Henry C. Cun- ningham, Josiah Hawkins, Blackwell, Thompson & Co., C. M. Freed and J. D. Goldman. The present business interests of the town may be thus briefly summarized: Harkey &. Meyer, John A. Ross & Co., W. R. Veazy & Co., Collier & Black, Nunnelly & Robinson, Pendergrass & Berry, J. D. Goldman & Co., John A. Croom, Gault & Co., Hart & Bro., Boyce Bros. & Co., H. C. Cunning- ham, E. W. Cunningham, Z. J. Pierce, J. Haw- kins, Sr. , general merchants; W. R. Veazy & Co., N. Goodier, hardware dealers; T. Wilson, S. Hol- stein, family grocers; W. L. Alley, S. Evins & Co., Joseph Goodman, liverymen; Thomas Cox, W. E. De Long, machinery and implements; Edgar Shinn, transfer and ferry; the Dardanelle Ice Fac- tory; Edgar Shinn, coal dealer; Howell & Leming, Wiley & McCarroll, J. H. Cook, Lancaster Bros., druggists; M. A. J. Bonville, saddler; F. V. Whit- tlesey, Robert Toomer, jewelers; Mrs. Dove, Mrs. Wishard, milliners; the Dardanelle Bank; A. Mad- enwald, undertaker; A. Hudspeth, broom manu- facturer; L. C. Hall, D. N. HalliBurton, E. G. Collier, insurance agents; L. Smith, meat market; Central Hotel, Mrs. M. S. Blackwell; J. A. Ben- nett, marble yard; J. B. Crownover, abstracter and real estate dealer; United stales' land office; W. A. F. May, register, and T. B. Bumgarner, re- ceiver; George Peaker, photographer; Cotton & Welch, distillers; H. A. Mayer, planing-mills; L. Flater, carriage manufactm-er; W. S. Waddle, George Julian, confectioners; L.E. Love, C. R. Wil- son, A. J. Harris, J. H. Wiley, J. D. Hart, J. H. Cook, E. Leming, physicians. The first child born in Dardanelle was Ruel Williams, son of George Williams, in 1844. Mrs. George Williams, who died in 1852, was the first person buried in the Dardan- elle graveyard. Dr. B. F. Chandler, who came in 1850, and died in 1858, was the first physician in Dar- danelle. The great willow on Front Street was a riding switch, used in 1854 by Coleman Lethgo, and by him presented to Mrs. H. A. Howell, who planted it where it now stands. Danville was sur- veyed early in the history of the county, and the locality was soon chosen as the permanent seat of justice. Among the pioneers there was William Porter, who kept tavern in a log house still remem- bered by many old residents. An early merchan- dising firm was Bernard & Arnold. Another early store was opened by John Howell, with L. D. Parish in charge. Dr. Floyd was a pioneer physician. B. & J. B. Howell, and W. H. Fields & Dolly were prominent merchants during the years ' ' before the war. ' ' Among later merchants were "Ben" Lang, Briggs, McCarrell & Heck, Briggs & Heck, and J. T. Briggs & Son, W. H. Fields, Silas Fields, 'Robert Featherston, Dr. Bru- ton and Kemper & Hochburn. A tannery was es- tablished nearly twenty years ago by W. L. Heck, who was succeeded by J. T. Briggs. The business of the j)laee at this time may be summarized thus: Stores, Capshaw & Briggs, J. M. McCarrell, J. W. Briggs, Gatlin & Hill, K. Rnnyan; physicians, M. T. J. Capshaw, W. J. StafPord; blacksmiths and wheelwrights, T. J. Young, J. M. Kinser; hotels and boarding houses, Capt. J. B. Howell, Dr. W. J. Stafford, H. A. Carter. Danville lies in the heart of the county, on the Petit Jean, has a thrifty, progressive appearance, heightened some- what by Yell County's substantial brick court- house, and is blessed with one of the best schools in the county. The population is about 200. Its favorable location and its long established prestige as the county seat can not but give it a veritable " boom,' ' witl> the advent of railway facilities. The projector and in some sense the early "pro- prietor " of Danville was John Howell, who laid out the town and gave five acres of land for county uses. The location here of the seat of justice was the end of a memorable struggle for honors between difFerent localities within the county limits, the details of which incomplete records do not disclose. ;t* k. TELL COUNTY. 127 Next in importance is Bellville,* the youngest as well as the second largest town and commercial center of Yell County, situated twenty miles south of Dardanclle, the railroad town, and four miles north of Danville, the seat of justice, at the head of one fork of the Petit Jean Valley, back in a recess of the mountains, which rise on its north and west. In twelve years its scenery, mineral waters, healthfulness and other natural advantages have gathered within its limits about 300 thrifty inhabitants and founded a center of trade and in- dustry. Daily mails and telephone bring the place in quick communication with other parts of the county. Surrounding the town, line agricultural lands spread their fertility to the husbandman. The first settler on the site of this place vras Mr. William H. Fergeson who estalilished a saw-mill here in 1872, and later when he built a house and was joined by others, the place by popular consent became known as Fergeson' s Mills, and for some years bore that name. Mr. P'ergeson was the first postmaster, and he now again fills that office. He has from the first identified himself actively with all measures promising to advance the best inter- e.sts of the locality. He is a large land-owner, and still owns the ginning, saw and grist mill in- dustry of the place, and is formost in the up- building of the town he established eighteen years ago. The first merchant was Mr. John F. Choate, who came to Bellville in 1878. He is still in busi- ness, and at the head of one of the leading firms of the place. The business interests of Bellville at this time may be mentioned as follows: Gen- eral stores. — Choate, Fowler & Martin, Heck & Briggs, F. C Jones & Co. , O. S. Fergeson, Bruton & Lynch; drug stores — Dr. J. H. Harkness, Pled- ger & Briggs, Dr. G. C. Parketr; blacksmiths — Nolan & May, Bunch & Welch; steam planing- mill — Nolan & May; steam, saw and grist mill and cotton-gin — W. H. Fergeson; Bellville Hotel — Thomas McCleskey; Bellville Academy — J. G. Smyth, president. Ola, on the Petit Jean River, Gravelly Hill, Bluffton, Briggsville, Rover, Fair Hill and Jennings Falls on the Fourche La Fave ♦We give credit to Prof. J. G. Smvtli, in Tlie Arlsansas Val- ley tor tlie fiiimdation of tliis sicetcli of Bellville. River, and Mount Nebo, Chickalah, Walnut Tree and Centerville are all flourishing villages. Ola is practically the outgrowth of the enterprise of one man, Mr. J. M. Harkey, who came to the county in 1847 when but a small child. He erected a mill herein 1806, and began merchandis- ing in 1870. Here are the largest saw-mill, flour mill and cotton-gin in the county, all estab lished by Mr. Harkey. The village is sixteen miles south of Dardanelle. Some of the other points mentioned have good local trade, are pro- gressing and have more than fair prospects for the future. All are neat with evidences of thrift. Chickalah is the seat of a new and important edu cational enterprise mentioned elsewhere. There is no railroad in Yell County, though the Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad, which taps the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad at Russell- ville, has its terminiis on the north bank of the Ar- kansas River, opposite the town of Dardanelle, but receives and delivers all freight and passengers anywhere in the town. The St. Louis & San Fran- cisco has projected and surveyed a route from Haeket City to Little Rock, which will run along the Fourche La Fave Valley across the- entire southern part of the county. The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern has projected and surveyed a route from Little Rock to Fort Smith, which is likely to run along the valley of the Petit Jean River, across the central part of the county. A road has been chartered from Little Rock to Fort Smith by way of Dardanelle. The "Thirty-fifth Parallel Road," leading west from Memphis hy Dardanelle, Fort Smith and Albuquerque, to Southern California, will necessarily be constructed in the near future. The Fort Scott, Natchez & New Orleans road, by way of Dardanelle, and the road from Paris, Tex., by Dardanelle, to St. Louis, which shortens the distance between St. Louis and Texas seventy-five miles, will, in all probability, soon be put under construction. The projected Springfield & Gulf Railroad, fi-om Springfield, Mo., via Dardanelle and Hot Springs, has lately attracted public attention to a consider- able extent. It seems safe to predict that in a comparatively short time Yell County will be trav- ^1 128 HISTOEY OF AKKANSAS. ersed by several railroads, and if this prediction come true Dardanelle can hardly stop short of becoming an important railroad city. Nothing will so surely and so rapidly j)ush forward the de- velopment of agricultural, commercial and general business interests, in all parts of the county, as railways. In the absence of railroads the jjeople ' of the county have evinced a laudable spirit in constructing and in keeping in repair the dirt roads throughout the county, and have caused to be erected two magnificent iron bridges across the Petit Jean River, with 100-feet span each — one at Danville and the other on the main road leading from Dardanelle to Hot Springs. 1 J. C. H. Albright, an eminently successful planter of Rover, was born in Georgia in 1840, and was the tenth of thirteen children born to Henry and Meeky (Blair) Albright, originally of North Carolina and Georgia, and whose ancestors were of German and American extraction, the grand- father, Albright, a silversmith by trade, emigrated from Germany to America, and settled in South Carolina, and later on moved to Georgia, where he died; and the maternal grandfather, an American by birth, and an Indian trader, lived and died in Georgia. The father, a farmer, which occujsation he followed all his life, early taught his son, J. C. H., the principles of farming, and gave him what few educational advantages the common schools of his day afforded. In 1860 he was married, and to himself and wife were born eleven children, six of whom are living: Lucy (wife of J. P. Briggs), Annie (wife of J. H. Hunt — see sketch), Martha Gertrude (wife of W. C. Pugh), Jake and Eliza- beth (twins and deceased), Frank W. (died at the age of sixteen), Julia Maud, James Edward, John (died at the age of eight months) and Mary Dar- ling. The year succeeding his marriage he became a soldier in the Confederate Army, enlisting in a comjaany of the Fourth Georgia Regiment, under command of Capt. Farris, and fought in the battles of the Kenesaw Mountain and the Atlanta cam- paign; later moved with Gen. Johnston, then with President Davis, and finally sm'rendered at Wash- ington, Ga., going thence home and re-engaging in farming, and in 1870 settled in Yell County, subsequently coming to Rover in 1878, wheie he purchased some valuable farm property, putting 100 acres under a comf)lete state of cultivation, and in 1883 built his present neat and commodious residence. Religiously he and his family are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and socially is an A. F. & A. M. , belonging to Rover Lodge No. 467, where he has done duty as wor- shipful master. He has always been deeply inter- e.sted in the welfare of his community, doing every- thing in his power to aid its growth. F. M. Baker, M. D., Riley Township, Yell County, Ark., and one of the leading practitioners of Marvinville, was born in Catoosa County, Ga. , August 29, 1860, the son of Samuel and Sarah (Gill) Baker, natives of Georgia and South Caro- lina, respectively. The father followed farming and carpentering up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1865 while in the Confederate Army. Dr. Baker spent his early days in Georgia, farming until 1878, when he removed to Missis- sippi. After farming in that State for two years he took up the study of medicine, commencing in Banner, Calhoun County, of that State, in 1880. In 1881 he began with Dr. J. Baker, an eclectic phy- sician, continuing with him one year, when he came to Arkansas and began practicing, meeting with good success. In 1885 he went to the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, remaining there until 1887, when he graduated. Upon leav- ing college Dr. Baker returned to Marvinville, was well received, has siicceeded in building np a very good practice, and by saving has managed to pur- chase a small farm of forty acres of land, besides four town lots. He was married in this village in 1887 to Miss Martha B. Parker, born in 1867, a daughter of Wesley and Elizabeth Parker, all na- tives of Tennessee. Both the Doctor and his wife are members of the Christian Church. Socially he is a member of the Christen Lodge 394, A. F. & A. M., and in politics is a Democrat. George B. Biggers, a prosperous planter of Dardanelle Township, first saw the light of day in j) \ ^ YELL COUNTY. 129 Mississippi, on May 25, 1850, and is the eldest child of six born to James H. and Catherine A. (Callens) Biggers, who were natives of the Old North State and Alabama, respectively, the father having been born in the former State in 1S27, bnt was married in Mississippi. Ho was a farmer by occupation, and came to Arkansas when his son, George B. , was two years old, entering 120 acres of land, which he broke and improved for a home. He and his wife (who died in 1862) were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject, who was early trained in the duties of the farm, followed farming on his arriving to manhood as a means of livelihood, and is now the ])ossessor of 153 acres of valuable land, forty-five of which are highly imj^roved and cultivated. On Decem- ber 24, 1S72, he was united in marriage to Miss Wellie A. Huff, a resident of this county, who !)ore him a family of eight children — four sons and three daughters living: Maggie (born March 16, 1874), Levietie (born November 28, 1876), Lordia A. (born June 26, 1885), George C. (born July 12, 1878), Johnnie H. (born November 14, 1880), Cassa B. (Ijorn May 11, 1883), an infant (born 1888, and deceased), and Denver (born September 14, 1889). He and wife are connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically he votes the Democratic ticket. John W. Blevins, Dardanelle P. O., Yell County, one of the prominent lumber merchants of this county, was born in Meigs County, Tenn., Oc- tol)er 13, 1845, and is the son of Thomas and El vina (Gourley) Blevins, natives of the same State. The father, who died in 1865, was born in 1815, carried on farming through his entire life in his native State. The mother is still living in the old homestead in Tennessee. Our suliject was reared to manhood in his native State, receiving a good com- mon-school education. There he followed farming until the year 1874, when he came to Yell County, bought eighty acres of raw land, and started to improve it, but wishing more room, he sold this and Iwuglit ninety-seven acres on the river below Dardanelle. In the fall of 1881 Mr. Blevins en- gaged in the lumber business, and opened mills valued at $10,000 near Chickalah Village, and in this undertaking he was assisted by Mr. George H. Craving and H. S. Cliue. Shortly after they erected another mill a mile and a half in the valley from the first, those mills being connected by a railway on which they haul their logs and lumber. This is one of the first of the kind ever introduced in this section of the country, and shows the enter- prising s'pirit manifested by the firm. The first mill consists of a grist, cotton-gin and lumber- dressing department, while the latter has two dressers and shingle machinery. They are capa- ))le of turning out 20,000 feet daily, but average about only 12,000 daily. The firm also owns about 500 acres of pine timberland and has pur- chased the timber of a large numlier of acres of dead land. Mr. J. W. Blevins owns about 300 acres in Delaware Township, of which 150 acres are in a good state of cultivation, and the rest covered with himber, which he has deadened with a view of making it good for cultivation. In 1889 our subject married Miss Ella Sills, daughter of Will iam Sills, native of Kentucky. He is a member of Bright Star Lodge No. 213, A. F. & A. M., and is a Democrat, politically, supporting all enterprises of public nature of benefit to his country. At the opening of the war he enlisted in Company I, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry under Capt. W. W. Lillard and Col. G. W. McKenzie. Although but fifteen years of age he kept with his company, and took part in the battles of Chickamauga, Atlanta and a large numl)er of skirmishes. He was wounded in the limb, but did not leave his regiment, remaining in the army in all about three years, being paroled in May, 1865. After the war Mr. Blevins returned home and began his farming pursuits, which he has carried on so successfully. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are esteemed by all who know them. William D. Briggs, after whom the township of Briggsville was named, was born in South Carolina, June 26, 1818, and was the eldest son of James and Rebecca (George) Briggs, and grandson of Thomas George, of South Carolina. Of the eleven children born to this union five are now living. William D. Briggs came to this State in 1835, settled first in Johnson County, near Clarksville, where he lived » "fy yM ^ — ^ 130 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. with bis father, cnltivating the soil, for two years. He then began clerking in a grocery store in Clarksville for William J. Parks and Samuel Hayes, and was thus employed for one year. He then came with his father to Yell County, settled in Fouche Valley, and there remained working on a farm with his father, and taking charge of his father's business for some time. When about twenty- five years of age he bought a farm near his present residence, remained on the same for five years, and during that time he cleared about forty acres, erected buildings and improved the place. Then he engaged in general merchandising with his brother at Bluffton, this county, and was very successful in this venture, but his father, being well along in years, wished him to return home and assume charge of the farm. This he did, and he and his father were engaged extensively in the raising of hogs, cattle and horses. Here he re- mained seven years, but at the end of five years his father died, after which our subject remained to take care of his mother and look after the farm. Previous to this, in 1845, Mr. Briggs, with his father, erected a cotton-gin on the latter's place. This was the first of the kind in the county, and William drove hogs to Red River, a distance of 1 10 miles, to exchange them for the gin head which he then hauled in a wagon over the mount- ains and through an almost trackless forest to his home. This took him several weeks, as he was obliged to find market for his hogs, consisting of 800 head, selling to the farmers as they might want for their immediate use. The other parts of his gin he made on his place. This he worked for several years, when he sold it and it was moved to Bluffton. Mr. Briggs then erected a large steam mill, grist, saw and cotton mill, all costing about $7,000, and this was destroyed l)y tire in 1875. Being uninsured it was a total loss. Soon after this he erected another mill, which he operated about four years, when it took fire and was burned to the ground. At the end of a year he erected still another steam-mill which he operated for four years, and then sold it to his sons, who still con- tinue to operate it. Mr. Briggs was married, September 24, 1857, to Miss Colissa A. Coleman, who bore him nine children — six sons and three daughters — seven of whom are still living: James C. (born December 25, 1858, and married Miss Amanda Albright October 29, 1880), Anna (wife of James Bogle), William (married Miss Docia Scroggins), Louisa (married J. B. Stevenson), Edna (married Eli Gladden), Levi L. and Wallace, the last two being single. When the war broke out Mr. Briggs was obliged to leave his home to save himself from the bushwhackers who were concealed in the mountain districts, and he was from home about three years. Returning at the close of hostilities he found bis property laid waste and great damage done to the same. He did what he could at farming with the stock he brought with him, and the first year's work was not very successful. However, the next year be made $3, GOO on his farm and with bis gin, the latter being the only one in the county. In con- nection with bis brother he then opened a store at Bluffton, which they conducted for about five years, at which time our subject sold out and returned to the farm. Since then he has devoted bis time and attention to tilling the soil. He was county surveyor of bis county for twenty-two years, and is a Democrat in politics. He and familj' are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he has been steward for many years and a member of the board of trustees. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. lodge at Bluff- ton, and gives liberally of his means to support all worthy movements. Soon after his marriage Mr. Briggs purchased 440 acres of excellent valley land as productive as any in the county, and this he has improved until he has 120 acres under cul- tivation. He has a good comfortable farm-bouse, good barns, etc. He added to his land from time to time until be was the owner of 1,300 acres, but has divided with bis children, until he now has but about 500 acres. John W. Brown, owner of a fine seventy acre farm, lying in Gallarock Township, four and one- half miles south of Dardanelle, and which is nearly all improved, was born in Mississippi, May 7, 1846. His father, William Brown, was born in Alabama, in 1806, and his mother, Mary F. Hul- ^« ►rr -< 9 A^ YELL COUNTY. 131 lum, was born in Tennessee, in 1811, and married in Hardeman County, June 25, 1829, and by this marriage became the mother of four sons and five daughters. In 1852, when Arkansas was nothing but a wilderness, the family located in Yell County, where the father purchased land, and by his untir- ing efforts accumulated considerable property, which was confiscated during the Civil War. This mother, who was a faithful and earnest member of the Baptist Church, was called to her final home in 1S55, her husband surviving her till March 12, 1866. Our subject, a patriotic and enthusiastic defender of his country, in 1863, enlisted in an organization of cavalry known as Company D, under command of Col. Hill^ and fought the battles of Pilot Knob, Jefferson City and Independence, also took part in a number of skirmishes, and in 1865 laid down his arms of warfare, at Marshall, Tex. He was twice married, in 1868, Miss Annie Olliver, who was born in Mississippi, in 1846, be- came his first wife, and in 1880 she died, leaving the following family to his care: Neva O. , Elsie M. , Alvin E. (since deceased), William T. (de- ceased), Angie (deceased), Anna (deceased); and in 1885 for his second wife he wedded Miss Mary Andi-ews, of Alabamian birth, being born in 1852, to Peter and Isabella (Price) Andi-ews. Two chil- dren have blessed this marriage: Anna L. and Hom- er. Mrs. Brown is a conscientious Christian woman, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is an enterprising and respected farmer of his township. Dr. H. P. Bruton, the well-known eclectic phy- sician, and a member of the popular firm of Bru- ton & Lynch, general merchants of Bellville, was born in Pope County, in 1840, his parents, James and Sarah (Angel) Bruton, of Kentucky and Ten- nessee, respectively, but were married in the latter State, came to Arkansas in 1836, bought, entered and improved the land on which they made their home till their deaths, his wife's occurring in 1856, and he following her demise in 1862. He was an active politician, being in the Lower House of the General Assembly for a number of years, and was one of the commissioners to locate the seat of jus- tice of Pope County at Dover, and for many years officiated as a Baptist preaehor, and wa.s famil- iarly known throughout all Western Arkansas. The Doctor's early boyhood was spent on a farm, attending the private schools, and when sixteen years old began teaching, and for several years taught and attended school. When nineteen he engaged as clerk in a drug store, and there laid the foundation of his medical profession, by reading medicine in connection with his duties at the store. In 1860-61 he enrolled himself as a student of the Eclectic Medical Institute, afterward sraduatino-. and at once beginning to practice. Locating in Danville, in 1867, he opened an office, and in 1872 started the first drug store in town, withdrawing from this to enter into the general merchandise business. Going to Eussellville in 1878, he en- gaged in his profession and in merchandising, and remained till 1881, when he came to Bellville, where he has established his present lucrative busi ness and built up a good practice. In 1889 he was president of the State Eclectic Medical Society, held at Hot Springs, and in January, 1890, took into partnership T. C. Lynch. His individual property consists of a good dwelling and 160 acres of land, partially cultivated. He was three times married, the first time to Miss Ella Fowler, in 1873, who died in a few years, leaving him one child, Lee; and again in 1878, Miss Stafford, daughter of Dr. Stafford, became his wife. She died, leaving him one child, Arthur, and in 1885 he celebrated his third marriage, Miss Jones being the contracting party, and who bore him two chil- dren: Bertha and Myrtle. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. B. D. Bryson. John P. Bryson was born in North Carolina in 1826 and reared as a farmer, and on arriving to manhood married Miss Ollie Jones, and later on emigrated to Georgia, where B. D., our subject, was bora June 25, 1840, and in 1857 came to Izard County, this State, remain- ing here till 1863, when he changed to Yell County, which he made his home till the death of himself and wife, which occurred in 1874, they being at the time of their demise earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. When twenty years of age the subject of this sketch vcl*- V ^^1 132 HIvSTORY OF AKKANSAS. learned the boot and shoe trade, and soon after became proficient as a harness-maker, working at this till the war cry sounded, when he laid down his tools to take up arms in defense of his coun- try. In 1802 he enlisted in the cavalry, joining Company F, known as an independent organiza- tion of Confederate soldiers under command of J. H. Jones. Being granted a leave of absence in 1864 he went to Marion County, Tex., where he was united in marriage to Miss Marj' E. Warer, and on his return to army life remained in service till the surrender, when he returned to his home and engaged in farming, and now owns 2S7 acres of fine, fertile land in Gallarock Township, ISO of which are thoroughly worked and improved, and he is known as a practical farmer possessed with broad and progressive ideas, and for two years of- ficiated as constable of his township. In 1885 death robbed him of his worthy consort, who was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the following year he wedded Miss Sallie A. Law- rence, a native of Tennessee, born in IS-jfi, and they have become the parents of two children: Cora and Jhobery. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson are faithful and errnest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, where he has been steward for eighteen years. Thomas D. Bumgarner, the genial receiver of the land office of Dardanelle, was born in Lumpkin County, Ga. , the second in a family of five born to Woodford and Rebecca C. (Heffnert) Bumgarner, of Kentucky and Georgia, respectively, and now deceased, the father December 24, 1883, and the mother in 1854. The senior Bumgarner, like all early settlers of the pioneer States, followed farm- ing as a means of livelihood. In 184'J, thinking to better his fortune, he joined the gold mining party en route for California, where he was quite success- ful, and at the end of two years retui-ned to Arkansas and purchased an immense tract of land, 5(M) acres in extent, near Danville, which he cleared and made for himself a comfortable home, residing here till his death. The paternal grandparents were early settlers of Kentucky, which was their home till their deaths, which occurred in Russell County, of that State. The maternal grandfather, David, of Ger- man ancestry, on his arrival to this country, settled in North Carolina, and later moved to Georgia, thence to Arkansas in 1870, and in a short while returned to Georgia, where he died in ISSfi, at the advanced age of one hundred and eighteen years. He was always noted for his intense interest in his adopted country's welfare. Our subject was reared in Yell County, being educated in the country schools, and left school in 1863 to enter the United States Army, joining Company F, Third Arkansas Cavalry, as scout in advance of Gen. Steele's army ; was captured at Arkadelphia, and soon after paroled. On receiving his muster out, June 30, 1865, he re- sumed his school duties and farmed, and in 18()S was elected .sheriff, his term of office expiring in September, 1869; he went to Normal, 111., and en- tered the State Normal University, and after the completion of his studies here, became clerk in the county clerk's office and officiated in that cajiacity in a store in Danville for a short time, when he purchased eighty acres of Ijind, increasing this to 1,000 of fine valley and timberland, 350 of which are under cultivation, and makes a specialty of .some fine grades of stock. He has always voted the Republican ticket and has held several minor offices: Census enumerator in 1880, justice of the peace and notary public, and received his present appointment in the spring of 1889, assuming charge of the office June 1, 1890. Miss Rachel Vii-ginia Pound (daughter of Thomas W. Pound, one of the pioneer settlers of Arkansas, who died December 24, 1884, his wife dying in 1880), be- came his wife January 29, 1871, and they are the parents of the following family: Virginia (died when two years old), Julia May (wife of Walter Chambers), Lelia (died at the age of two), Ruth- erford Burchard Hayes, Roscoe Conkling, Thomas Edgar, and Minneola, and all are consistent mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. William D. Callan, an eminently successful planter, prominently identified with the leading interests of Dardanelle Township, was born in Eastern Tennessee, December 11, 1836, where his parents, George and Matilda (Davis) Callan, native Carolinians, settled at an early day, subsequently going to Alabama, thence to Mississippi, and in ^^ ±=Al, YELL COUNTY. 133 1850 to Yell County, wbere the father died in 1862, and the mother, still living, makes her home with her children. They were conscientious members of the church. Our subject was raised a farmer, and when Hallo well's company was forming at Dardanelle in 1801, he enlisted and went with it to Missouri, where he fought in the battles of Oak Hill and Elk Horn, or Pea Ridge, Farmington, Gibson, Champion Hill and Big Black River. He was dispatched to Corinth, Tupelo and luka, and took part in the second battle of Corinth, also lighting at Jackson and Vicksburg, and on July 4, 18()3, was taken prisoner. Paroled and returning to Arkansas, he was recaptured near Dardanelle, and compelled to join a company of Federal troops, commanded by Capt. Bennett, and here he was practically discharged from service, but not being armed, was consequently seized by the Confeder- ates, and sent to Red River, La., subsequently joining a company of cavalry, with which he re- mained until the surrender. Returning to his home, he engaged in farming, purchasing and im- proving eighty acres of land, which he has in- creased to 210 acres, part timber and seventy-five cultivated, and also raises some fine stock. In 1 807 he wedded Miss Nancy J. Hiiff, daughter of William L. and Frances Huff, formerly of Tennes- see, but who came to this county in 1848, where ttieir daughter was born March 30 of the same year. Mr. and Mrs. Callan are the parents of eleven children, all living: George Monroe (born January 25, 1808), Amanda Allie (born May 0, 1870), Caroline D. (born December 4, 1871), Audie Matilda (born December 1, 1873), William Ander- son (born November 15, 1875), Francis Narcis (born April 10, 1877), Clemmie Price (born Afiril 5, 1879), Harrison Alexander (born January 11, 1881), James Burton (born March 10, 1883), Dor- cas Orleane (born June 24, 1886) and Gus (born August 2, 1888). Mr. Callan is a wide-awake and energetic citizen, and takes an interest in every- thing relating to educational matters, and has served as school director. He and wife come from a long-lived race, his grandfather living to the ripe old age of one hundred and ten years, and Mrs. Callan' s grandfather dying at the age of one hundred years, and her grandmother at ninety- seven years. James M. Caviness, farmer, Gravelly Hill, Ark. Thoroughgoing and enterprising Mr. Caviness has made a complete success of his chosen calling, farming, and is to-day one of the substantial agri- culturists of Yell County. He was born in Ten- nessee, and came to Arkansas with his parents when an infant. The parents settled in Scott County, and there the father purchased a large tract of land, which he improved and cultivated. There James M. grew to manhood, received his ed- ucation, and at the breaking out of the war, when but seventeen years of age, he enlisted in Company H, De Rosa Carroll's regiment and served through the war. Among the important engagements in which he took part, were Oak Hill, Elk Horn and several other smaller engagements. After this he was transferred to Gen. Pike's division, and went with him to Indian Territory, where he served for about a year. He then returned to Arkansas, and the post of Arkansas and Little Rock, and after the war he went to Texas, where he ran a ferry across Trinity River, also carried on a farm for one ' year. He then returned to Arkansas and settled in this township. Soon after, in the fall of 1866, he was married to Miss Louisa, daughter of Col. Parks, one of the earliest settlers of Yell County. In 1867 he bought a tract of wild land, which he improved and which is still his home. He erected good buildings on the same, and from time to time, as his means allowed, he has added to his estate until he now owns 900 acres of as good land as the average in this valley. He raises a great many horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, and has been un- usually successful. His principal crops are corn, cotton and oats. He has on his farm this year about 150 acres of cotton, which promises a good crop, about 300 acres of corn, and about fifty acres of oats. To Mr. Caviness' marriage were born nine children, six of whom are still living: Willie T., John C, James R., Walter G., Allie L. and Chester. Willie T. married Miss Lizzie Camp- bell. Mr. Caviness and family are members of the Methodist" Episcopal Church South, and he is steward in the same. He is a Democrat in his "V k. 134 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. politics, and is a member of the A. F. & A. M. lodge of Gravelly Hill, being treasurer in the same. Simeon R. Chambers, farmer, Briggsville, Ark. All his life Mr. Chambers has followed, with sub- stantial success, the occupation to which he was reared, and in which he is now engaged — farming. A very extensive land owner of Briggsville Town- ship, he ia also one of its recognized leading agri- culturists, and as a man, no less than as a citizen, he is highly esteemed. He is a native of this State born near Little Rock, on January 28, 1842, and his earliest recollections were of working on the farm. In 1863 he came to this county with his mother and her other children, she being the widow of Edward M. Chambers, of Georgia. Mrs. Cham- bers settled near Briggsville, and her sons worked a farm for the support of the family. About a year after their arrival the mother died, and soon after Simeon bought 100 acres of land, one of the finest tracts in the valley. This he paid for in about five years, and during that time he saved sufficient money to buy eighty acres more, paying 1700 for it. Later yet he bought forty acres for $175, and in 1889 he purchased eighty acres of well-improved land, paying $1,000 for this. All his land has been paid off the profits of the farm, for Mr. Chambers has been engaged in no other business. He has good buildings on each farm, and besides the cultivated portion of his land, he has many acres of valuable timber lying in the valley near Briggsville. He keeps a good breed of cattle (Durham), and in the management of every- thing connected with his farm he displays excel- lent judgment and thoroughness. On April 20, 1871, he married Miss Laura Hamilton, a native of Texas, born November 9, 1852, and who came with her father, John Hamilton, of Red River County, Tex., to this county in 1867. Eight chil- dren were born to this marriage: Martha C, John E., .Simeon L., Amanda C, Rebecca, Thomas, Warren and Winnie. Mr. Chambers has never been active in polities, but takes a decided interest in educational matters, having been director for several terms. In 1862 he volunteered in the army, and was in Capt. Conley's company of Gen. Price's army. Six months later he was discharged for dis- ability, but one year from that time he re-enlisted and remained in service until the close of the war. Pleasant and charitable to all, Mr. Chambers is respected and esteemed by the many with whom he comes in contact. John F. Choate, an extensive planter and the genial senior member of the firm of Choate, Fow- ler & Martin, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Robertson County, Tenn., in 1841, his parents being Gabriel Choate and Jane Brewer, natives of Tennessee, where the father was born in 1820 and married in 1840, and followed farming till 1850, when he with his wife and family of six children, John F., being the eldest, came to Ar- kansas, settling near Chickalah. Here he and his aged wife still live, enjoying their old age in com- fort, affording proof of the healthfulness of Arkan- sas climate from having lived in this State for over forty years, always keeping in the best of health. For many years they have been counted among the worthy members of the Christian Church. Mr. Choate' s grandfather, on both sides, were natives Vir- ginians. They came to Tennessee when very young men, where Grandfather Choate died. Grandfather Brewer emigrated to Arkansas in 1850 and died here. Our subject was but nine years old when his parents moved to this State, and being placed iu school he received a very fair education, and on arriving at maturity held some of the county's most respon- sible official positions. In 1865 he was elected circuit clerk, serving over eight yeai's, and in 1870 he was elected county judge, filling this office four years with great credit to himself and the county. While acting in this capacity he was the means of having two iron bridges constructed, which are permanent and lasting structures, and a great credit to the county. In 1878 he located in Bell- ville and established a mercantile business, which was in 1876 merged into that of the firm of Choate, Fowler & Martin, which carries a stock principally of general merchandise, plantation supplies, etc., valued at about $7,000, and does a trade of some $20,000 annually. The Judge's personal property consists of the building known as " the store house," and other town property. His extensive ^-> »|v* ^1 farms, comprise 1,000 acres of very fair upland, 800 cultivated and improved witli a good dwelling- house, and substantial outbuildings. The mar- riage of Judge Choate and Miss Alice Stafford was celeljrated in May, 1SG9, she being a daughter of Dr. Stafford, of Danville, and they are the parents of eight children, seven of whom are living: Edith, Cecil S., John B., Roscoe, Garland, Eunice and Carl; Lillie J. died in infancy. Mr. Choate and his family ai"e members of the Methodist Ejjiscopal Church South, and he has been steward for many years. He affiliates with the Masonic fraternitj', belonging to Christian Lodge No. — , and the Chapter at Dardanelle. Intellectually, the Judge is one of the soundest men in the county, thoroughly posted in regard to its political and educational affairs. His public spirit has been demonstrated by the fact that he was one of the four to contribute funds for the erection of the Bellville Academy. He is recognized in the com- munity in which he lives as a genial and courte- ous gentleman, and is respected by all who know him. T. J. Choate, an eminent and esteemed citizen of Magazine Township, and the owner of the saw- mill plant two and a half miles north of Chickalah, was born in Tennessee, in 1843, and is the son of Gabriel and Jane (Brewer) Choate, also of Ten- nessee origin, and born about 1820 and 1816, re- spectively, and were married in Robinson County. The father, a farmer liy occupation, emigrated from his native State to Missouri, thence to Arkan sas in 1850. Locating in this county he bought and entered land, which he improved and he and wife, worthy members of the Christian Church, make their home in Magazine Township. Our subject enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1802, joining Company B of Infantry, Havvthorne's Reg- iment, and at the expiration of eleven months joined the Federal Army as a private, and partici- pated in the battle of Jenkins' Ferry and a number of skirmishes, and discharged May, 1865. The year following his return from army life wit- nessed his marriage (July 8) to Miss Salina Wil- son, an Arkansan by birth, born in 1844, and a daughter of William and Minerva (Cole) Wilson. The fruits of this union are nine children — six sons and three daughters — Rufns, Mattie, Gabriel, Mary, John, Charles, Seth, Rual and Blanche, who in 1887 were called upon to mourn the loss of their mother. In connection with his milling business, which has a capacity for sawing nearly 10,000 feet per day, he owns 380 acres of land, with some fine timber on it, and cultivates 100, his principal crops being cotton and corn. He is a member of Chickalah Lodge No. 304 of the Masonic order. Jerry Cockrell, Jr., a rising planter of Darda- nelle Township, was born in South Carolina in 1S55, and was the sixth in a family of eight chil- dren born to Jerry, Sr., and Eliza (Millmore) Cock- rell, who were natives of the Palmetto State, where his father was a very prominent man and planter, owning three plantations, 100 slaves, and was also the popular sheriff of Fairfield County. Both he and wife died in their native State, he in 1860 and she in 1867, members of the Presbyterian Church. The great-grandfather, a very extensive planter, was one of the early pioneer settlers of South Caro- lina. Our subject, who passed his youthful days on a farm and attending school at Louisville and other places, came to Arkansas in 1870 and located in Dardanelle, and in 1883 purchased a tract of land eighty-two and one-half acres in extent, situ- ated in the woods two miles west of town. He immediately began cutting the timber on this land, and now has a clearance of over sixty acres, twenty- two sown to grass, and the rest cultivated. In connection with his farm duties he gives consider- able attention to stock-raising, making a specialty of some of the finer grades of cattle, hogs and sheep, including many of the choice varieties of poultry. Our subject began his worldly career with comparatively nothing, but being possessed with a determined will and undaunted courage combined with hard labor, has accumulated his fine, valuable property. He is an earnest and worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Good Templar. Robert T. Compton. Among the native resi- dents of the State of Georgia was one John Comp- ton, who married Elizabeth Allen, also of Georgia, and who became the mother of six children, of V' v r - — ^t ^, 136 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. whom Robert T. (subject of our sketch) was the youngest, being born in Hall County, Ga. , Septem- ber 13, 1853, antl being left an or[)han at the age of nine, made his home with his brother-in law, L. J. Piigh, and came with him, in 1868, to Yell County, remaining with them till he was nineteen years old, when he hired to a farmer, and followed this occupation till 1874, when, on October 4, of this same year, he married Frances H. Buf ord, who was born September 13, 1855, and is the daughter of Rev. W. L. Buford, of Soiith Carolinian na- tivity, being born in that State September 5, 1808, and died in Yell County, September 16, 1884, her mother having died in 1864. To the marriage of Robert Compton and wife were born four boys and four girls: Nancy E. (born October 3, 1875, and died December 13, 1876), Lucy L. (born March 16, 1877, died March 28, 1879), Mary Bell (born January 18, 1879), Robert S. (born April 15, 1881), William Q. (born July 8, 1883, died November 15, 1889), Lucinda R. (born April 20, 1885, died Sep- tember 7, 1889), Reuben Anderson (born May 2, 1887), and Buford (born September 10, 1889). At the time of this worthy couple's marriage they did not possess a dollar's worth of this world's goods, but by determination, industry and economy, they have accumulated a farm of 337^ acres in Fourche La Fave Valley, 175 of which he has thoroughly improved, and are now residents of Rover Townshifj. In politics he is an enthusiastic Democrat, and has served as justice of the peace for eight years on the local ticket. Himself and wife are consistent members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church South, and is a citizen deeply in- terested in the upbuikling of schools and churches, always liberally contributing to these and all things for the benefit of his community's good. William Cowger, a thrifty farmer of Yell County, emigrated with his parents, Ira and Eliza (Proctor) Cowger, father of Tennessee, and mother of Alabama, from Mi.ssissippi to Arkansas in 1855, locating in Yell County. They were united in marriage in Alabama, and were the parents of twelve children, he whose name heads this sketch being the second child, and was born in the latter State, March 8, 1839. The father, a farmer, was killed by the Federals in 1863, his widow siu'viving him till 1887. Both were members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, South. Our subject was a soldier in the late war, enlisting in Company D, Fifteenth Arkansas Regiment, and being wounded was discharged from service in 1863. In 1868 he was joined in marriage to Miss Nancy Jones, also of this county, and who was born August 22, 1842, and they were the parents of four children: Rob- ert P., Eliza E., and a son and daughter deceased. Himself and wife are worthy communicants of the BajDtist Church. He has eighty-four acres of good land, all well improved, and is a high-minded and public -spirited man, upholding the building of churches and schools, and donates liberally to the support gf the same. James A. Crow, a resident planter of Center- ville Township, whose birth place was iu Morgan County, Ala., was born August 11, 1847, a sou of James W. and Mary A. (Kyle) Crow, who were married in the State of Alabama, December 9, 1841. The mother was born in 1819, and the father July 24, 1823, both in Alabama. The for- mer-was a farmer, carpenter and an active poli- tician, and while a soldier in the Confederate Army way taken prisoner, and carried to Rock Island, 111., where he died in 1864, his widow joining him in 1875. They were consistent and worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject emigrated from Mississippi to Yell County in 1869, and purchased 140 acres of fertile land, breaking, clearing, and jnittiug under thorough cultivation eighty acres, and in 1888 built the large two-story frame house in which he now lives, all of which he has accumulated by hard work and good manage- ment. His marriage to Miss Nancy McKiuzie, formerly of North Carolina, took place in this county, and she is the mother of eight childi-en, seven of whom are living: Mary R., James A., Melville L., David T., Laura O., Leslie H. and Lennia H. Mr. and Mrs. Crow are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Crow's maternal grandmother, lived to be one hundred and ten years of age, and departed this life in Alabama. Our subject is highly esteemed by his friends for his many good qualities. •t 4* YELL COUNTY. 137 / ^;7^ John T. Crowuover, one of the successful till- ers of the soil, and owner of a l'2()-acre farm situ- ated in Fergeson Township, came to this township in 1880 and bought his laud, which at the time was mostly in its natural state, and which by hard work and perseverance he has cleared, cultivated and improved with a comfortable house, good barn and other outbuildings. He raises principally cot- ton, corn and small grains, which yield abundantly and give him good returns for his labor. He was born in South Carolina April 10, 1838, and came with his parents, Daniel D. (born in the Palmetto State March 2, 1818) and Polly (daughter of John George) Crownover, to this State in 1840. Here he received a very limited education, and at the breaking out of hostilities was among the first to respond to the call for men, and enlisted in Com- pany F, Third Arkansas Kegiment of Cavalry, where he fought till his discharge in June, 1865. He then returned to his home, and on June 3 of the following year was united in marriage to Miss Jane Schwilling, who bore him live children; War- ren Henry (born in 1867), Mary W. (born in 1871), Robert K. (born in 1877), Ralph H. (born in 1881), and Alice May (born in 1883). He is not identi- fied with any one church, but is a generous donator to all, and is a man well informed on the leading events of his day; is charitable, hospitable, and in his dealings with his fellow-creatures is governed by the teachings of the Golden Rule. S. L. Crownover, the senior member of the firm of S. L. Crownover & Co., was born in Rover in 18-1:7, his parents, Henry T. and Jane (Briggs) Crownover, of South Carolina, came to Yell County with their parents prior to 1840, where they were married abuirt 1845, and located on a farm near Danville, where the father was accidentally killed by a horse in 1S50, the mother still living and re- siding in Texas. The i)rincipal of this biography was raised on a fariii and educated in the common schools, and at the age of twenty began farming for himself, and in 1870 started merchandising at Bluffton, which he conducted for fourteen years; then was two years at Briggsville, where he was appointed postmaster, when he moved the business to Rover, and carries a stock of $6,000, which brings in a trade of $12,000 annually, drawing customers from all along the valley of the Fourche. His personal property consists of a storehouse, 24x50, two dwellings in town, and 1,200 acres of tine river bottom land with 350 cultivated and im- proved, and it is all due to hard work and good management. He was married in 1872 to Miss Nannie T. Burt, daughter of W. T. Burt, of Sonth Carolina, and who has borne him eight children: Mary Ida, Sydney B. (deceased), John Wyatt (deceased), Ada Bell, Penelope May, Pearl Lado- nia, Effie and William Leander. Mrs. Crownover is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and socially he belongs to the A. F. & A. M., hav- ing joined Rover Lodge No. 467, and politically is a .stanch Democrat, doing all in his power for its success, and has represented his State in conven- tion twice. Dr. Hiram Dacus. In giving a sketch of the lives of the representative men of the various trades, occupations and professions, the history of Yell County would be incomplete were that of Dr. Dacus, of Chickalah, omitted. He was the eldest son of fourteen children born to James A. and Martha J. (Burton) Dacus, born, respectively, about 1820 and 1825 in the State of Tennessee, this also being the birthplace of our subject, who first saw the light of this world in Tipton County in 1840, and when three years old his father moved his family to Arkansas and entered a large tract of land, and began at once the preparations of what in the future proved to be a very comfortable home. Farming and its many duties occupied his attention till 1877, when he departed this life, a worthy communicant of the Church of Christ, and a member of the Masonic order. His widow still lives and makes her home on the old homestead. The Doctor attended the schools of his county and received a thorough education in the common branches, and having chosen medicine as his life- work, attended lectures at a medical institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and about 1861 opened an ofiice in the old town of Lewisburg and Plummerville, Conway County. About this time the call for troops being sent over the land, he put aside his professional duties for service in defense of his i.K -^ »[v> 138 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. country's honor and enlisted in Company F, Third Ai'kansas Regiment of Cavah-y, remaining^ in the army till Jime 30, 1865, when he was discharged as lieutenant, having received this title as an award for his bravery and faithful services while a soldier. On his return home he resumed his practice, and in connection with his professional duties assisted in the reconstruction of the States as deputy clerk, and in 1868 was elected justice of the peace of Dardanelle Township. In 1879 ho again at- tended lectures, and in 1885 was chosen by his fellow-citizens to represent the State in the Legis- lature. In 1859 he led to the altar as his chosen bride, Miss Sarah E. Patey, of Tennessee, and a consistent member of the Church of Christ, and who died in 1881, having borne him the following family: Rosa B. (wife of A. D. Malone), Ida M. , James A., Martha (deceased), Mary M. (deceased), and Emma A. (deceased). He was again married, to Mary L. Durham, of Missouri, born in 1864, and daughter of Thomas J. and Josephine (Staf- ford) Durham, and who became the mother of two children by this marriage: William M. and Roy B. The Doctor and wife are united in fellowship with the Church of Christ, and socially he belongs to the Masonic fraternity, having been initiated in the Plummerville-Howard Lodge No. 253, and as a citizen and physician has the respect of his many friends and patrons. Dr. Robert H. Dacus was born in Tipton County, Tenn., October 7, 1843. In March, 1851, his father having died in 1848, his mother came to Arkansas, settling in Yell County, where she died in 1852. He "and his sister, Julia A. (now Mrs. Gillette), who was three years younger than him- self, went to live with their half-brother, James A. Dacus. Here he remained, working upon the farm and attending school when opportunity afforded until the breaking out of the war in 1861. He then entered the Confederate Army, enlisting in Company H, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles, with which he served until the close of the war. He was in the battles of Oak Hills, Mo., and Elk Horn, Ark. Soon after the latter battle he was transferred east of the Mississippi River. Here he served under Beauregard, Bragg, Johnston and Hood, and was engaged in the battles of Farming- ton, Tenn., Richmond, Ky. (where 5,000 Confed- erates under Gen. Kirby Smith, on an open field, fought and captured 7,000 of the enemy), was at the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., the siege of Jackson, Miss., and the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., where he was severely wounded. Afterward he was with Johnston on his campaign in Northern Georgia during the spring and summer of 1804, known as Johnston's retreat through Georgia. It would be too tedious to njention all the battles and skirmishes in which he participated during this three months' campaign. Suffice it to say that every time the roll was called he was there to answer to his name; and as evidence of the part Reynolds' brigade, to which he belonged, took part in the fighting done during this, one of the hardest as well as the most noted campaigns of the war, it is only necessary to state that when the campaign began at Dalton they reported 1,000 men for duty, and when they retreated from Atlanta, three months later, their official report showed 800 killed and wounded on the campaign. During the following winter Dr. Dacus went with Hood on his campaign into Tennessee, carrying the colors of his regiment. Here he was engaged in the battles of Franklin, Nashville and Sugar Creek. In the spring of 1805 the little remnant of the Army of Tennessee was transferred to North Carolina. Here he was in the battle of Bentonville, the last regular engagement of the war. The company to which he belonged consisted of 118 men. Of that num- ber, 85 were killed and wounded; and 25 died from other causes. When, at the final surrender and close of the war, the last roll was called, there were but' seven to answer to their names, he being one of that number. On their way home the freight train upon which they were being trans- ported was wrecked, and ten of his comrades were killed and fifty others injured, he being one of the latter receiving injuries at that time, from which he will never fully recover. After coming home he spent about eight months in school. The bal- ance of the time he spent partly on the farm and partly as salesman in a general mercantile business until 1870, when he entered the medical depart- ■7 \' !>PV ^^ ^K YELL COUNTY. 139 meiit of tbe University of Louisiana (now Tulane University). In the fall of 1871 be went to the Cherokee Nation and began tbe practice of medi- cine. He remained here seven years, when, bis health failing, he returned to his old home in Yell County, where he has, up to tbe present time, been following bis profession, and has been favored with quite a lucrative practice. December 23, 1869, he married Miss Hettie A. McCarty at Evans- ville, Washington County, where she had moved in 1867 from Charleston, East Tenn., with her mother and family, her father having died in prison during the war. From this marriage they have bad bora to them four children: Lena M. (deceased), Minnie L. (now in her sixteenth year), Walter P. (deceased) and Hugh (now in bis fourth year). Dr. Dacus is a member of tbe Baptist Church, and serves as deacon and corresponding secretary. His wife and daughter are membeis of tbe Baptist Church also. Socially, he is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity and K. of H. Both tbe Doctor's and Mrs. Dacus' parents were among tbe pioneer settlers of Tennessee. His grand- father, though bxit a boy at the time, was with bis father in the army during tbe latter part of the war of the Revolution. Dr. Thomas Jefferson Daniel is one of the well- known physicians of tbe Petit Jean Valley, lo- cated at Waveland, Yell County, this State. He is a native Arkansan, born near Quitman, Van Bnren County, December 9, 1857, tbe son of Will- iam and Jane (Haney) Daniel, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father followed farming in Van Buren County until 1858, when be moved to White County, and died there in the fall of 1865, at the age of sixty-six j'ears, tbe mother dying in 1859, at the age of lifty-five years. After bis father's death. Dr. Daniel re- mained with his brother, John W., in White County until be married. Remaining a student until be was seventeen years of age, he received a good common- school education, and in 1875 moved to Mount Vernon, where be followed carpentering and farming, still studying when he found time. In 1879 he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. J. F. Powers, of Mount Vernon, remaining with him one year, when he decided to change his course, and took up the study of the eclectic sys- tem instead of the regular course. He studied three year.s, passed tbe medical board in 1882, and then located in Faulkner County, practicing there nntil 1885, when he removed to Riley Township, this county, soon building up a large practice in this and adjoining townships. He was married on September 18, 1873, to Eliza C. Harrison, born December 29, 1856, daughter of Capt. Joe and Matilda Harrison, tbe father a native of Georgia, and tbe mother of Kentucky. To Dr. Daniel and his wife have been born three children: James Wash- ington, Alice Luellen and William Elmer Scudder. He is a Democrat in bis political views, and socially is a member of the Magazine Lodge No. 69, I. O. O. F., and Magazine Lodge, A. F. & A. M. , also the Farmers' Alliance. He was formerly a member of tbe Missionary Baptist Church, but in 1878 joined tbe Second Adventist, and was or- dained a minister of same in 1879. He has held five noted religious discussions, first, with Elder P. Hammit, in Van Buren County; second with Elder Blaylock, a Yell County Missionary Baptist divine, on " Tbe state of the dead," lasting three days, and at tbe close of which be bad forty additions; third, with Dr. Calico, of Scott County, a Christian preacher; fourth, with Elder J. T. Garland, also a Christian preacher of YeJl County. In the last three years he has been instr umental i n receiving and baptizing 300 in the church of bis faith. He is at present pastor of the Waveland Church (100 mem- bers) valued at $500, is superintendent of same, and is a most respected citizen of this township. Mrs. Asie Dove. Among tbe business enter- prises of Dardanelle, is the popular millinery em- porium of Mrs. Dove, widow of the late John C. Dove, who was born in Mississippi, June 18, 1844, and whom she married in Smith County of tbe same State, December 17, 1863. He was a me- chanic by trade, and in 1872 emigrated to Ar- kansas, locating in this county. Being a victim of that insidiou^s disease, consumption, and think- ing to improve or regain his failing health, in com- pany with his family started for Florida, but grow- ing worse while e?i route, was obliged to stop in "Pv e k_ -« *t 4. 140 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Scott County, Miss. , where, after a long and severe illness, departed this life June 14, 1878. He served in tbe late war, enlisting at the youthful age of sixteen, in Company H, Sixteenth Mississippi In- fantry, and participated in nineteen regiilar battles, and a number of skirmishes; was captured at Petersburg and taken to Point Lookout, and held a prisoner for nine months, and discharged in 1865. His i^arents were natives of the Old North State, and of Scotch descent. Mrs. Dove was born in Noxubee County, Miss., November 20, 1847, a daughter of Richard and Mary Colbert. Her father, born in Caroline County, Miss., June 6, 1811, and her mother in Montgomery County, Ala., May ">, 1821, were married in Noxubee County, January 10, 183U, and were the parents of nine children. Mr. Colbert was a farmer and an enthusiastic Democrat, politically, taking an active part in all political issiies of the day, and acted as deputy clerk for Noxubee County. He and his faithful consort are still living in Missis- sippi, at a ripe old age, and he enjoys a mem- bership in the Primitive Baptist Church, while she enjoys the privileges of the Methodist Episcopal. Church. Mrs. Dove's maternal grandfather was an Englishman by the name of Johnston, possessed of great wealth and vast estates, and fought in the llevolntioiiary War. Her maternal grandmother was of French extraction. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dove were born four children, whom their widowed mother has given every advantage for a thorough education and personal improve- ment: John C, Jr. (born May 14, 1870, and a student in the Fayetteville Industrial University), Sadie A. (born October 12, 1S7'"5, a graduate from, and teacher in, the Whitworth College, Brookhara, Miss. She is a young lady of rare intellectual, and musical attaiiunents, and possessing the attributes of an affectionate manner and an amiable disposi- tion, and an altogether lovely character, is an uni- versal favoiite among her many friends), Howard B. (born May 4, 1870), and Robert E. (horn July 13, 1878). After the death of her husband. Mrs. Dove returned to Dardanelle, and opened her present establishment, consisting of a stock of the most fashionable millinery, and is doing a thriving and lucrative trade. She is a woman full of energy and determination, with pleasing manners, and as a business woman well worthy the patronage received from her many customers, and as a mother and friend, deserves the high encomiums conferred upon her by her well-wishers. She with her de- ceased husband worshiped as members of the Christian Church, and her daughter, Sadie, is a professor in the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Hope T. Driskell, one of the early settlers of Bluffton Township, and one of its most successful farmers, came to this county and settled on the farm where he now lives in 1860. He came from Alabama, in which State he was reared and edu- cated. He was reared on a farm, and at the age of twenty-one he began business for himself as an agriculturist, renting land, and succeeding as well as any in his vicinity. When he first came to this county he bought eighty acres of land, and to this he has added to from time to time, until he now has 269 acres, 100 acres of which are under cultiva- tion. He has erected a good house, 31x31 feet, has substantial barns and other outbuildings, and, take him all in all, he is one of the most progressive and enterprising farmers in the county. He was born May 22, 1836, in Gwinnett County, Ga., re- ceived a limited education, and was married Sep- tember 13, 1858, to Miss Sarah Hemphreys, who died in January, 1889. They had five children — two sons and three daughters — who are named as follows: Noah C. (married Miss Margaret Brum- mett), Victoria (deceased), Josephine, Martha A. (married Silas Wilkinson), and S. H. (married Miss Emily Robinson). The sons and daughters are settled near our subject, and are prosperous and successful. Mr. Driskell is a member of the Bap- tist Church, and has been' clerk of the same for many years. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, Concordia Lodge No. 310, and of this he is treasurer. He is a Democrat, but has never taken an active part in political strife. Commenc- ing life as a poor boy, and a fcirmer's boy at that, with scarcely any advantages for an education, Mr. Driskell is now in possession of a comfortable competence. Henry W. Duncan, a citizen and mill-owner, of y ihL. YELL COUNTY. 149 however, were destroyed by a storm of wind in 1885. Since then he has reljuilt and has a fine place. His principal crops are corn and cotton. In 1861 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Asley who died in 1804, leaving one child, a little son, who survived his mother only about two months. Soon after this Mr. Geiger was prostrated with fever and was unable to attend to his work or any buginess for five months. In 1800 he was again married, to Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, who died in November, 1877, leaving two children, both sous. During her lifetime Mr. Geiger was engaged in the milling business and in the fall of 1866 he erected a cotton-gin and corn-mill which was run by horse-power. This was the first gin or mill erected in that valley after the war. This he operated two seasons and then enlarged his mill, putting in a small engine and added a saw-mill. Two years later, finding that this did not supply the demands of the country, he sold out his ma- chinery and bought a large engine and enlarged his business by adding a flouring-mill. The vent- ure was a paying one and a good source of rev- enue. After the death of his wife in 1877 he sold out the property and devoted his attention entirely to his family and his farm. He has now one of the finest and most productive tracts of land in the valley and a vast amount of valuable timber, con- sisting principally of the difFerent varieties of oak, iuterspersed, however, with walnut. Some of the finest wagon timber in the Wurld is found in this vicinity. Staves have been made by the settlers and shipped in large quantities down the river to Little Rock. On December 3, 1878, Mr. Geiger was married to Miss Willie Dewitt, daughter of James Dewitt, of this county. Three years later, November 5, 1881, fire broke out in the dwelling- house and everything was destroyed, the loss be- ing about 11,500. The same fall Mr. Geiger began making preparations for building another house, which was completed and ready for occu- Ijancy in the fall of 1882. Mr. Geiger now has a comfortable house, which he has insured for $1,0(H), and which is the best in the neighborhood. He was the first man to bring a cooking stove in the valley. This was an old-fashioned Step stove No. 8 and cost $35, besides having to be freighted thirty miles across the country, across the river through an almost trackless wilderness. Mr. Geiger has never been an active politician, but he has voted the Republican ticket since the war. He is not connected with any church, but is a truly good man and is living a Christian life. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. at Dutch Creek. To his last marriage were born two daughters, one of whom died at the age of six years. He now has three living children: Jesse A. (born August 18, 1867), Elbert M. (born Feb- ruary 14, 1871, and the husband of Elizabeth Ivey), and Myrtle (born January 22, 1888). Jesse, the eldest, lives with his father and has bought and operates the mill property formerly owned by his father. Elbert works a part of his father's farm. Mr. Geiger is a strictly temperate man and is opposed to the sale of liquor in his county. He is public-si^irited and a liberal contributor to all worthy enterprises. He is a remarkably peace- ful gentleman, never had a case in court, and is noted for his honesty, sobriety and his desire to do as he would wish to be done by in dealing with his fellow men. He is highly respected and is one of the best citizens. H. C. Gibson, a farmer and manager of the Western Arkansas Hedge and Wire Fence Com- pany of Dardanelle, is a native of Arkansas, being born September 18, 1848, six miles south of Dar- danelle. His father was a native of Kentucky, was born May 24, 1794, and came to Arkansas when eighteen years of age, where he continued to live until his death, which was October 25, 1874. He joined the Presbyterian Church in July, 1869, at the age of seventy-five years. His mother, Nancy (AVeburn) Gibson, was of an old family of Conway County, where she was born December 10, 1813. She survived her husband a little over a year, dying in the Christian faith in Dardanelle, November 23, 1875. Our subject was brought up on a farm and received but little schooling, the educational advantages of his youth being very meager. When twenty years of age he accepted a position as clerk in a drug store in his native town, remaining in this store two years, when he mar- ■|v A' 150 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. liod and on<^H spoiids liis siiininors, iiiid has douo much to improve and linautify this lovely resort. Ho has boon officially (ronnoctiod with tho Arkansas Snnnnor Normal School of Mount Noho since iis organization, soi'ving as director and socretary of tlio Express Company. On DtH'enil)er IS, bSTO, he miirriod Miss Alice A. Hawkins, daufj;ht((r of J. Hawkins, a merchant of Dardiinello. 'J'liis marriage resulted in tlie birth of llie following childnMi: Oirrio May (deceased), Eoliii Daisy, Ereoman Irby and Gertrude May. Mrs. Gibson was born in Helena, Ark., April 22, ISIS, moved to I'anola (\)unty, Bliss., with her parcnits in ISfiO, and in ISTO returned to her native State. She joined tho Methodist Church when young, and lived a conscieniious Christian until her death, which was on December 21, 1S8S. John A. Grace, one of the pioneer settlors of Danlauolle Township, emigrated from Gibson County, Tonn., in IS-iU, with his father and mother, Jesse G. and Phoebe (Gatley) Grace, and seven children, he being the youngest of the family. His parents were natives of Kentucky, tho father born July 27, 1S05, tho mother deceased in this State, in 1S57. On arriving in Yell County, tlie father l)ought and settled on 1(50 acres of timborland, adjoining his son's present farm, and has since added 100 acres more to this, one-half of which is tilled. Our subject was born in Gibson County, Teun., September 5, 1813, where he grow to manhood. The advantages for an education being very lim- ited, lie remained with his parents, assisting in tho farm duties, till July, 1801, when he res})ondod to the war-cry, and enlisted in the Fifteenth Ar- kansas Rogimout, Company D, commanded by Capt. Hollowell and Col. McRay. Ho was a par- ticipant in tho battles of Oak Hill and Elk Horn, thence crossing the Mississippi River to take part in the engagements of Corinth No. I and 2, and luka, and Baker Cieek. Soon after, just before the siege of Yicksburg, he, with one half of his regiment, was eai>tured by Gen. Grant, and on May 17, 18(58, wen< taken to Indianapolis, thence to Fort Delaware, and Point Lookout, Md. In December of this same year, they received their paroles, and started for Richmond; ujjon reaching this city tlioy were given a New Year dinner by the ladies of that place. Leaving Richmond for their homes, they were obliged to travel in a round about way, going tlirougii the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. From Jackson, Miss., they were compelled to walk the entire distance, arriving safely at home after many trials. During this journ(stead now stands, adding to it till he now owns 3(')0 acres, 170 being tilled and ]iro- ducing such commodities as cotton, corn and wheat. On his farm will be found a good resi deuce, barns and sheds. In Octolier, 1S()7, ho was joined in matrimony to Bettie Thomas, being born in Middle Teuuessee, November 28, 181(5, and a daughter of C. Thomas (see sketch). To this union were born ten children: John, Jessie, Bonnie, William, Mollie, Anna, Ray, Allen, Colum- bus and Maggie. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. John A. is com- fortably fixed with this world's goods, enjoying life and tho conlidenco of his fellow-citizens, which he justly merits; all charitable enterprises, and any enterprise contributing to tho welfare of his county, receives his most liberal support. Politic- ally he is a Democrat, casting his vote with that party. F. M. Halo, prominently ideutilied with the planting interests of Yell County, was born in McNairy County, Tenn., February 22, 1848. His father, James Halo, a native Virginian, and his mother, Elizabeth, of Tennessee, were married in McNairy County of the latter State, somewhere about tho year 184(5, and located on a farm, where they lived and died and raised a family of three boys, our subject being a twin and the eldest. Tho father was a minister of the gospel, having been licensed to preach by the Motliodist E|)isco- pal Church South. Being loft to his own re- 3?; I ^1 YELL COUNTY. 151 sources at the age of nineteen, and having gained what little education the common schools of his county could give, engaged as a farm band, and tlie succeeding year married Isabel Owens, daugh- t), Grover Earl (born MarcL 7, 1888). TLe family are connected witL file MetLodist Episcopal CLurcL SontL, and Le is a liberal sup{)orter of cLurcLes and scLools, and is ii Democrat in politics. Tliadeus L. Haney, farmer, CLickalaL, Ark. Mr. Haney is a SoutL Carolinian by birtL and bringing u\\ Laving been born in tLat State June :i, lS3o. His fatlier, TimotLy Haney, was a native with the Methodist Episco- pal Church South, to which they belong, and he is well worthy thu reputation he has earned as a citi- zen and physician. Hon. J. T. Harrison, of Dardanelle, was born in Virginia in 1827. His parents, Joseph and Athana (Rollins) Harrison, were of Virginian na- tivity, but came to Tennessee in 1838 or 1839, and here followed farming as a means of maintenance, the father dying in 1S40. His mother was a mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal Cliurch, and died in 1802. Our subject's early life was spent in Tennessee, where ho received but a limited educa- tion, and at the age of fourteen began life's career as a farmer. After a complete mastery of the study of law, which he had chosen as his profession, he was admitted to the bar for practice in 1855. In 1858 he came to Arkansas, and [jarchased land in what is now Logan ('ounty (then Scott), and cleared and improved some forty acres of his 400. At the bursting of the war cloud in 1801, he enlisted in the Confederate Army,*taking part in the bat- tles of Oak Hill, and Elk Horn, was dispatched east of the Mississippi River, and after the battle of Corinth his company was reorganized, choosing him as its captain: was a participant in battles under Gen. J3ragg in Kentucky, and fought at Richmond and Jackson, Miss. Ill health soon overtaking him, the Captain was obliged to resign, and com- ing home joined the State troops as lieutenant, re- maining with this till the close of the war. In 1809 he moved to Danville and resumed his law practice, and abont 1870 changed to Dardanelle, where he bought his present i)lace of residence, besides owning TjCO acres in Carden l)()ttom, sixty of which are under cultivation. He has served his State in many of its official positions, being a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1874, and a representative in 1877, and in 1880 was State Senator for four years, and since the expiration of this office has again taken u[> his practice. Ho is a most estimable citizen, vigorous Democrat in politics and recognized by that party as a leader, and has a most enviable rej)utation as an office holder, and is the eitizen.s' friend. He married Miss Mary C. Hill, of Perry County, in February, 1866, she being the daughter of Dr. L. D. Hill, one of the early settlers. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were born six children, four living: Mattie G., Mary A., Cora L. and John Hill. \V. L. Heck, planter and senior member of the well-known firm of Heck & Briggs, general mer- chants of Bellville, was born two and one half miles south of that village. His parents, A. S. and Sarah (Brown) Heck, were originally from Penn- sylvania and Alabama, bat the father, whose an- cestors were fi-om old Pennsylvania stock of the same family with prominent people still residents of that State, came to Arkansas in 1828, locating at Morrison's Bluff, now in Logan County, which was at that time the only tiading post and settle- ment for miles around. The following year mov- ing his family and effects to the site which he made his permanent home, he started a tan-yard, the only one within a radius of fifty miles, which at- tracted a good trade from the surrounding country, until Heck's tan yard was one of the best known localities in all Western Arkansas. He died Janu- ary 4, 1861, having been married three times, his rirst wife having been a Miss Saddler, who bore him three children, one of whom is dead, those liv- ing being S. S. Heck (who married Simeon Pledger about 1854 or l8r)6), and Nancy M. Heck (who married N. J. Bnckman about 1850 or 1851, and now lives on her father's old homestead); his sec- ond wife having been our subject's mother, who died in 1845, leaving two children to his care; and Mrs. Saddler, nee Balch, became his third wife. He was an upright, honest, sturdy pioneer, and just such a character as was necessary to lay the foundation of a future community. Our subject, W. L. Heck, was brought up on a farm and edu cated in the common schools, and early taught the trade of his father. In July, 1861, he enlisted in 7i V v^« l^ YELL COUNTY. 155 Capt. Lawrence's company and was sent to Soiith- wostern Missouri, where he fought in the battle of Oak Hill, and on August 10, 1861, returned home. Ke-enlisting in February, 1802, he was sent east of the Mississippi River, participating in the battles of luka and Corinth, being wounded and captured at the latter place. He was conveyed to the hos- pital at luka and, upon recovery, was taken to the military prison at Columbus, Ky. , where he re- mained until he was exchanged at Vicksburg in December, where he was given a furlough and re- turned home. Joining a cavalry company the fol- lowing June, went to the Indian Territory, taking part in the Back Bone tight in August, 1804. Re- turning home he went to Little Rock, where he remained until the close of the war, when he re- sumed his farming duties once more, and May 17, 1868, established a general store on his farm, remov- ing his stock, however, the next year to Danville, taking J. T. Briggs into the business as partner, under the lirm uame of Briggs & Heck. At the expiration of a year J. T. Briggs withdrew and Mr. Heck continued the business alone till 1872, when he sold out and retired to his farm, where he busied himself improving and clearing large tracts of land for seven years when, in 1879, he again went to Danville and entered into business, which he moved to Bellville, in January, 1884, uniting with the firm of J. B. Heck & Martin, not chang- ing the name of the firm, which was dissolved in 1880. In September of the same year Mr. Heck opened a general store, and in 1 890 the present firm of Heck & Briggs was organized, our subject and L. L. Briggs being the members. They carry a stock of about $5,000 value, and do a business of 115,000 annually. His individual property is some 1,800 acres of good, fertile, seeding and fair timberland, 350 of which are cultivated, and also a fine residence in Bellville. Miss Lydia Little- john, daughter of Marcellus Littlejohn, became his wife January 3, 1867, and they have become the parents of two children: Laura (widow of Dr. William H. Fergeson, Jr.), and Ladonia. Mr. Heck and family are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, he filling the office of steward of the same; he belongs to Dan- ville Lodge No. 41, of the Masonic fi-aternity. He is courteous and affable, and in his dealings with his fellow-men, has always proved worthy any trust reposed in him. Dr. John B. Heck, a merchant of wide experi- ence, and the trustworthy and honored physician of Bellville, was born and reared in Yell County, his bii'th occurring in 1850, within three miles of his present home, and is the only child of Abra ham S. and Alfleda (E.-lcL) Heck, of Pennsylvania and Tennessee, respectively, and deceased, the mother in 1860 and the father in 1801. The sen- ior Heck came to Arkansas in its pioneer day, and as a means of livelihood busied himself with tau- »ii*g, having the only taiiyard in the county. The .Doctor's early educational advantages were ex- ceedingly few, but being possessed with a strong spirit of determination and the desire to become a physician, in 1871 he began the study of medicine at home, and the succeeding year went to Nashville and entered the medical college, and later thence attended lectures at a Louisville institute, from which he graduated in 1873-74. Returning to Arkansas, he opened an oflice at Danville, practic- ing here for some nine years, and in 1877 the firm of Heck & Briggs was formed, and was so known till February, 1881, when the Doctor withdrew and came to Bellville, where he and Isaac N. Martin opened a general store, which they con- ducted till 1885, when he sold out his interest, and October of 1886 became one of the firm of F. C. Jones & Co., general merchants, carrying a well- selected stock, invoicing some $5,000, and doing an annual business of $15,000. In 1886 he erect ed his present handsome residence, costing him $3,000. Besides this property he owns several farms, comprising 500 acres, with 150 cultivated. He was one of the founders of the town's beautiful institution of learning — a most excellent place of its character. The Doctor has been twice married : First to Miss Alice T. Logan, daughter of Jona- than Logan, one of the earliest settlers of this j. _ county, who died in April, 1881, leaving him the father of one child, Alice. In 1883 Miss FanKie—/f. ^ YELL COUNTY. 165 be now has about 90 acres cleared, with good house, bams and outbuildings. He has, from time to time, made other purchases until he now owns about 1,800 acres of land, lying in this and adjoining townships. His principal crops are cot- ton and corn and he has about 000 acres under cultivation this year. He is also engaged in gen- eral merchandising at Briggsville, where he now resides, and is selling about ^10,000 worth of goods per year. In 1882 he with J. H. Waldron started a grist mill and cotton-gin, the first in the neighborhood, but Dr. McCall has since sold out his interest. Dr. McCall was born on May 28, 1843, and was the son of Malcomb and Lydia (John) McCall, the latter a daughter of Daniel John. On July 27, 1870, our suljject was married to Miss Mary C. McRae, formerly of North Caro- lina. His political preferences are Democratic, and he was chairman of the central committee. He is an Old School Presbyterian and gives lib- erally of his means to churches and schools, as well as all other enterprises for the advancement of social and public interests. J. H. McCargo, the efficient and popular cir- cuit clerk of Yell Coiinty, was born in Charlotte County, Va. , the seventh in a family of eight born to John M. and Mary Ann (Ellis) McCargo, of Virginia. His parents were planters by occupa- tion. The father died in ISO-j, just before the sur- render of Gen. Lee, at Appomattox, and the mother in 1852, a worthy and consistent member of the Baptist Church. His paternal grandfather, Heze- kiah McCargo, an extensive and very prominent planter, died in Virginia, and his maternal grand- father, also a planter, and a descendant of a Scotch-Irish family. Mr. McCargo spent his youth in attendance upon the common schools of his native town, and at the Eockingham High School of North Carolina, where he was a student three years, thus gaining a most excellent education, which fitted him for teaching, which he soon took up. Being prevented through lameness from tak- ing a very active part, yet very anxious to serve in defense of his country, he entered the Confederate Army in 1864, and was assigned to some of the lighter duties of army life. When peace once more reigned, he took up the study of dentistry, and, upon receiving his diploma, established an office and practiced for eight years. On coming to Grav elly Hill, this State, he at once began negotiations for the erection of a building, to be used for school purposes and known as the Piedmont High School, in which he opened one of the best schools in the county, and which he taught for five years. The building is not only an ornament to the county, but reflects great credit on the founder of the in- stitution. In the fall of 1882 he changed his resi- dence to Danville, where for six years he served as circuit clerk, Maj. Gee's deputy, and at the expi- ration of Mr. Gee's term of office, was elected cir- cuit clerk, which office he filled for two years, and again in 1890 he was the successful nominee, being elected without an opposing vote. He was mar- ried in July, 1885, to Miss Ellen E. Pound, daughter of the Hon. T. W. Pound, formerly of North Caro- lina, but since 1841 a resident of Arkansas, and a lawyer of excellent repute, who before the war was circuit clerk for many years, and after its close was circuit judge, and in 1866 was the first Democrat elected to the General Assembly. Prior to his death in 1884, he was a resident and practitioner of Danville. His wife having preceded him to their final home in 1876, after having borne him a family of seven children, three of whom live in Yell County. Mr. and Mrs. McCargo are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and be- longing to the Masonic fraternity, he affiliates with the Danville Lodge No. 41. As a j)ublic official, he is most exemplary, discharging his duties in a manner befitting the office to which he is called, and he is everywhere recognized as a pleasant, ed- ucated and refined gentleman, an acquisition to the community in which he lives. Hugh B. McCarrell, the faithful and able sheriff of Yell County, was born in West Tennessee in 1846, his parents, Greene L. and Eliza (Duckworth) Mc- Carrell, were of Alabamaian and North Carolinian nativity, but were married in Tennessee, where the father followed farming till 1848, when he emi- grated to White County, thence in 1856 to Yell County, locating three miles west of Danville, where he bought land and worked it till 1862, "l^*- r(^ ^ *JiiL 166 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. when iu response to his country's call he enlisted in Col. Lemoyne's First Mississippi Company, and while stationed at Little Rock was taken sick and died. His widow joined him in death in 1882. Our subject's school-days were somewhat of a very limited character, spending scarcely more than twelve months in the school room, but by self-ex- ertion and close observation has obtained a very fair education. In 1863 entering the Federal Army, remained till the close of hostilities, when he returned home and again took up farm duties, and in 1867 married Miss Louisa J. Briggs, daugh- of J. T. Briggs, also of Yell County, and who bore him the following family: Mary Lee (who died at the age of four), John M., William Sydney and Ada Elizabeth. The wife and two young- est children are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church South. In 1870 he moved to Danville and purchased the E. Haney farm of 280 acres with fifty cultivated, and a tract of 215 acres, with sixty acres under cultivation, two and one-half miles from town, and his residence. His land produces some of the finest timber in the county, and yields from one-half to one bale of cotton per year. In politics he is a stanch Democrat, and since his residence in town has been a most active State and local politician, in 1884 being elected county treasurer on his ticket, serving for two years, and then elected county sheriff, which office he filled for two terms, ably performing the duties which fell upon him while in this office. As a man he is possessed of good sound judgment, and well worthy the honors which have been conferred upon him by his fellow-citizens. M. W. McClure. Among the early prominent settlers of Arkansas were Samuel and Mary (Cala- han) McClure, of North Carolina, and farmers by occupation, and who came to this State in 1840, locating in Fergeson Townsnip, Yell County, where the father entered 160 acres of land, making slight improvements, subsequently adding and improving 200 more, on which they resided till their deaths, the father's occm-ring in 1857, and the mother fol- lowing him in 1858, dying in the Presbyterian faith. The father was a very active politician. Our subject, who was born in Tennessee, May 8, 1826, was reared on a farm and when eighteen years of age started out to make his own way in the world, and on arriving at twenty-one (1847) bought eighty acres of his present farm, situated in the woods, clearing and improving this and adding to it till he now owns 127 acres, with thirty-five under cultivation. In the sixties, when the call for troops was given, he entered a company com- manded by Capt. Gault, remaining in it till it reached Little Rock, some time in 1862, when he went home. Soon after joining Capt. Daniel's company of cavalry, was in service in Indian Ter- ritory, and with Gen. Price on his famous raid throughout Missouri, and for twenty-one days was in continual hearing of battle, and at the time of the surrender was with the command iu Texas, and at its disbandment came home and once more took up farming. He was twice married. His first marriage taking jilace in February, 1847, to Miss Louisa Haney, daughter of John Haney, a pioneer from South Carolina. .She died in Sep- tember, 1862, leaving three children to her hus- band's care: Wintield (a resident of this county), Arkansas (wife of John Ward), Henry (married and lives in this county), and John (deceased at the age of eight j'ears). His second occurring in 1806 to Mrs. Mary A. McClure, widow of John McClure, and daughter of Edmond Jones, who came from South Carolina in 1842 to Arkansas, and died in 1864, his widow dying in 1877. To them were born four children: Clara (wife of Anda HuofF, and who died when only nineteen), Willie, Mamie and Samuel. He and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has always taken an active interest in politics, and was the successful candidate for county treasurer in 1880, serving two terms; and is deeplj' interested in school matters, being a director of the first free school iu the coun- ty; is a Mason, belonging to Christian Lodge No. 394. Dr. A. H. McKenzie. In 1832 Arthur A. McKenzie, a native of York County, S. C, born in 1808, was united in marriage to Rachel E. Barnett, also of that county and State, and born in 1810, and they became the happy parents of eight chil- dren, of whom Dr. A. H. McKenzie is the youngest ^^ .-I t> YELL COUNTY. 167 son, having been born iu his parents' native county April 18, 1849. The senior McKenzie was a farmer, miller and stock dealer by occiipation, and in 18G1 enlisted in Company B of the Fifth Regiment of the South Carolina Volunteers, com- manded by Capt. W. H. Bowen, and in 1802 was discharged on account of old age. He died in his native State in 1875 a believer of the Presbyterian faith, being an elder in the Old School Church of that denomination. His widow also died in this State in 1889 a member of the Presbyterian Church. The Doctor was educated in the Kings Mountain Military School, and acquired his pro fessional knowledge in the medical department of the University of Maryland. Graduating March 4, 1872, he chose as his first place of settlement his native county, where he opened an office and began his practice. He came to Arkansas in June, 1872, and January 9 of the succeeding year mar- ried Miss Mary J. McKenzie, who was born August 31, 1854, and is the daughter of David V. and Rebecca (Nolen) McKenzie. To Dr. A. H. and M. J. McKenzie have been born ten children: David A., Samuel A., Joseph B. (deceased), Carrie R. , Walter M., Bergie H., Hattie E., Irvin A., Archie S. and James I. Soon after he settled in this county the Doctor bought 170 acres of land and has improved seventy. He is a Mason of high degree, being worshipful master of Centerville Lodge No. 462, scribe of Dardauelle Chapter No. 64, and a member of the Eastern Star. He and wife worship with the Presbyterian Church, and as a physician he is the trusted friend of his many patrons, and his influence for good is felt through- out the community. He has recently taken up his residence in Dardanelle to educate his children and practice his profession. James M. McKenzie was born iu York County, 5. C, November 26, 1851, and is the youngest son of David and Rebecca (Noleu) McKenzie, origi- nally of South Carolina and North Carolina, the father born in 1818 and the mother iu 1821. David McKenzie was a farmer and emigrated from South to North Carolina at an early day, thence to Ar- kansas in 1857, settling on land in Yell County, where he died in 1879, a member in good standing in the Old School Presbyterian Church. His widow surviving and living with her daughter, Mrs. Cain, of this county, is also a member of this church. When twenty-two years old our subject bought a farm and began life for himself on his own land, and is now the owner of 160 acres of fine fertile land, with eighty-five acres in a good state of culti- vation, and in 1889 erected a substantial two- story residence on his farm. In 1873 he married Miss Lucretia Scarlett, who was born in Pope County in 1846, and is a daughter of William and Jane Scarlett, and the result of this marriage is a family of sis children: Uriah, Edgar, Leroy, Lelar, Ernest and Verna. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, like their parents, are faithful members of the Presby- terian Church, and he is a progressive farmer and carpenter, and takes an interest in public improve ments, contributing liberally to all charitable and educational in.stitutions. Politically he votes the Democratic ticket. David S. McNeely, farmer. Gravelly Hill, Ark. Mr. McNeely, one of the principal farmers of Gravelly Hill Township, was born in Humphreys County, Tenn., on August 30, 1844, and moved with his father to Graves County, Ky., in 1852. There he grew to manhood. On August 30, 1S62, he entered the Confederate Army, Company B, Second Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, and served until peace was declared. He was in the battles of Providence, Fort Donelson, Red Hill, Union City, Chiokamauga, Shelbyville, and others of minor importance. He was with Gen. Bragg iu his retreat from Shelbyville, Tenn., to Chattanooga, and during that retreat he was in the fight at Elk River Bridge. He was cut off from his command at Shelbyville, and was three days getting back awain, traveling by night. He was with Wheeler's command in the raid through Central Tennessee. At Missionary Ridge he was taken prisoner and retained for fourteen months at Rock Island. He was to be exchanged in March, 1865, but before this could be effected peace was declared. He then returned to his home in Kentucky, where he again resumed his occupation as a tiller of the soil. In 1868 he was married to Miss Louisa Hendon, who died in 1870. She was the daughter of Aaron :V ^ 1 ^ 168 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Hendon. In January, 1870, Mr. MeNeely moved to Drew County, Ark., and purchased a tract of 500 acres of land which he settled on and improved. He resided there about four years and then sold out and came to Yell County where he now resides. He purchased a farm of 120 acres, which he has improved and made a pleasant home. In the year 1881, while walling a well, he had his right leg broken by the falling of rock, and was laid up for five weeks. The following year, while heljiing a carpenter, a piece of timber fell breaking the same leg, which laid him up for seven weeks. In Jan- uary, 1872, he was married, the second time, to Miss Adelia Julian, daughter of Dr. T. J. Julian, and the fruits of this union were seven children, all sons, four of whom are now living. Mr. Me- Neely is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and has been deacon in the same for ten years. He holds license to preach, and is clerk and treas- urer of the association. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party, and was at one time deputy sheriff of his county. In 1876 he was elected justice of the peace, and has held that posi- tion ever since with the exception of two years. He has been an earnest worker in educational mat- ters, and is president of the board of education of the Piedmont High School. He is thoroughly im- bued with the spirit of the Master, and doing all that he can for the cause of Christianity in this and adjoining counties. He is in every sense of the term a good man, and his worth is recognized in his vicinity. Mitchell Malone, deceased. This gentleman, who was one of the honored and esteemed citizens of the county, was born in Alabama, on February 2, 1825. He was reared on the farm and received a limited education in the common schools. In November, 1870, he emigrated to Arkansas and bought a tract of land containing 190 acres in Yell County the following year. This he imjiroved un- til he had about thirty-three acres under cultiva- tion, erected a box house and other small buildings. He was twice married, first to Miss Mary , who died in 1858, leaving foiir children, and on November 2, 1858, he was married to Miss Eliza- beth Crowell, who became the mother of eight chil- dren, six of whom are living: Phoebe C, James H. , Orena Bell, George, Rosa and Anna. Phoebe and James are married, and the others are at home with their mother. The father of these children died in Yell County, Ark., in 1877, and in his death the county keenly felt the loss of one of her much esteemed citizens. His widow, Mrs. Eliza- beth Malone, was born August 13, 1839, in Ala- bama, and is the daughter of Harris Crowell, one of the successful farmers of that State. She was reared on the farm, and although her educational advantages were not of the best, she was faithfully di'illed in industrious habits, which beaten track she has ever since followed. At the death of her husband she was left with eight small children, the eldest not over fourteen years of age, and with her own hands and the help of her children, she cleared seventy acres, which she cultivated. She paid $1,500 for the farm, erected a good house, 40x42, with a wing 18x18 feet, and also erected a good barn besides other outbuildings. She has a good apple and peach orchard which she planted, and which now supplies her with abundance of fruit, and has many other luxuries which are the work of this wonderfully determined and resolute lady. Although she received limited educational advant- ages herself, she is giving her children the benefit of a liberal schooling. She is a member of the Baptist Church, and is among the foremost to aid all who are helpless and in need, giving liberally of her means to all enterprises of a laudable nature. She has the respect and best wishes of the entire community. Hon. William N. May, one of the representative judges of Dardanelle, and known as a man of high moral character, and in no way belittling his repu- tation for strict integrity and uprightness, was born in Carroll County, Tenn., January 12, 1827, and is the son of William May, a farmer, born in An.son County, N. C, and Mary Amma King, born in Humphreys County, Tenn., in 1810, the daugh- ter of James and Isabella King; she departed this life in Johnson County, Ark., in 1855, leaving a family of ten children to the care of her husband. The patei-nal grandfather was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, and some of his sons fought in :±. YELL COUNTY. 169 the War of 1812. Judge May spent his boyhood days on a farm, and being exceptional!}' bright and intelligent, and very fond of books and study, he took a four years' course in the academy of Harde- man County, Tenn., mathematics, history and grammar being his specialties. In his youth he formed the idea of becoming a merchant, and with this object in view, accepted the positions of clerk in Clarksville and Danville, winning an unenviable business reputation, and at the expiration of three years, partly on credit, and partly with money fur- nished by himself and partner, he established a mercantile business at Danville, which he con- ducted for eight years, when he retired, worth $5,000. Purchasing books, he began the reading of law, under preceptors, and in 1857 was admitted to the bar in Danville, and in 1S58 came to Darda- nelle, making it his permanent home. He has a large and extensive practice, practicing in the cir- cuit, supreme and federal courts of the State, and in 1868 was elected to the Arkansas Legislature, and during his term of otlice introduced several bills, which j)assed and became statute laws; was chairman of the committee on rules, and on July 23, while still a member of the Legislature, he re- ceived an appointment from Gov. Clayton, as judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of the State, tilling this office acceptably and well for many years. July 8, 1874, he tendered his resignation to Gov. Baxter, who refused to accept it, thus obliging him to remain in office till the ensuing election, which took place November 10, 1874, since which date he has served as school director, and was a member of the Kepublican State Central Committee. He makes a specialty of real estate suits, and his only decision ever carried to the United States Su- preme Court was sustained, it being on the ques- tion. Whether a note given for negroes in 1859 was collectible under the constitution of 1868. At the outbreak of hostilities between the North and South, the Judge, with a number of others, being obliged to leave Arkansas, removed his family (o Chicago, where they sojourned for eighteen months, and while here, busied himself in compiling a di- gest of the reports of the Supreme Courts of Ar- kansas, arranging the work in twenty-two volumes. After the surrender, and peace once more reigned, he returned to Dardanelle, and resumed his prac- tice, which brought him an income of between $5,000 and $6,000 a year. In March, 1864, he received an appointment as commissioner of elec- tion of Y'ell County from Gov. Murphy, and in April, 1868, the same executive commissioned him circuit judge, but he never qualified. Commenc- ing life with scarcely $100, he now owns a very tine residence in Dardanelle, worth $12,000, and 7,000 acres of land in Yell and adjoining coun- ties, including much valuable river bottom land. Judge May has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Martha C. Perry, born in Tennes- see, and daughter of Jeremiah Perry, a planter, and native of North Carolina, to whom he was married in Yell County, February 10, 1853, and who died in 1857, leaving one child, Martha Cherry (born in this county November 6, 1857). On April 2, 1860, he took for his second wife, Mary A. E. Hust, of Montgomery County, Tenn. In his early political career the Judge was a D<> YELL COUNTY. 175 two sons and five daugbters. The subject of our sketch attended school prior to 18G1, but during the period of more than four years, while the war was going on, he had the misfortune to be entirely deprived of educational facilities, and to sustain the loss of his mother, whose death occurred in August, 18(13; and his father, whose death oc- curred in March, 1804. After the war he was placed under a guardian, and attended school at Dardanelle about nine months. In March, 1868, he began the study of medicine, and in the winter of 1868-69 attended a course of lectures at Nash- ville, Tenn., but, not liking this profession, he abandoned it in the spring of 1869, and at once commenced the study of law, borrowing books for the pursuit of this study. He had his disabil- ities, as minor, removed for the purpose, and was admitted to the bar in May, 1870, and at once be- gan practice in Danville. In the fall of 1871 he entered into partnership with Hon. Thomas W. Pound, which proved both pleasant and profitable, and continued for several years. In the latter part of 1889 he removed to and opened an office in Dar- danelle. He is the owner of much valuable real estate, consisting of about 1,200 acres, also has a block with residence in Danville, and property in other towns. He was county attorney for a short time soon after his admission to the bar. In 1880 he was an independent candidate for State senator, but was defeated. In 1888 was a candidate for presidential elector on the Prohibition ticket. With the exception of the active race made for senator, he has taken little interest in politics; has ever been strictly temperate, an active temperance worker, and is now an ardent Prohibitionist. He married a daughter of R. J. and Mary J. Wood- ard, who are old pioneer residents of the county. His marriage to Miss Malinda I. Woodard was cel- ebrated July 1, 1875, and to this union have been born six children: J. Hobart, Harley M. , Cordelia J., Herbert W., Olan and one unnamed (deceased). He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Dr. George C. Parker takes his place in the history of Yell County as one of its rising and most promising young doctors. He was born and raised in this county, his birth taking place in 18.58 near Bellville, his present home, and was the sixth child in a family of eight born to G. W. T. and Cordelia (Simpson) Parker. [See sketch of John Murfree Parker.] The Doctor's educational ad vantages were better than the average boy's of his time, early attending ^ the State University at Fayetteville, and in 1882 commencing the study of medicine with Dr. J. M. Rose, and later on taking a course of lectures at the Louisville Medical Col lege, began the practice of his profession at Dan- ville in 1884, and on August 5 of the same year changed his location to Bellville, where he opened up a large practice, established an eclectic drug store, and built a business, which has grown to such magnitude that he contemplates enlarging his store in the near future. In 1887 he erected his pleasant and commodious residence in town. In 1884 Emily C. Clark l)ecame his wife, and dy- ing in 1887 left him one child, Clark, who sur- vived his mother but a short time. On October 6, 1887, he was again married, this time to Ellen M. White, of Yell County, and daughter of J. B. White, an old settler here, becoming his wife, one son being the result of this marriage, John Claiid Earl Scudder, named for Dr. Scudder, of Cincin- nati, Ohio. The Doctor though still young is rapidly acquiring a vast practice, and sustains an excellent reputation throughout the county. INIuch of his leisure is spent in study and improvement of self, and he is also a member of the State Eclectic Medical Association. Henry M. Pugh, a citizen of Rover, was born in Hall County, Ga., in 1837, his father, E. W. Pugh being born near Greenville, S. C. , removed with his parents when a mere boy to Hall County, Ga., and when grown to maturity followed farming, and at the age of twenty-one married Cynthia Wilson, the daughter of Newman Wilson, and after living in Georgia for fifty years, emigrated to Yell Coun- ty, and homesteaded eighty acres of land and im- proved the same. He died in 1870; his widow still survives, having passed her three- score years and ten. Our subject, on coming to Arkansas, bought a small tract of land in Montgomery County, which he disposed of and came to Yell County in 1865, »C * ^ ^ 1 « w. 170 _< s> 1^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and settled on the 100 acres which is now his hoiue. During t,ho troiiblouH times of the sixties, he enlisted in Company I, of the Confederate- Army, commanded hy Col. Grinstead, taking part in the battles of Helena, Prairie Grove, and marched to Little Rock, and immediately after the fight ho took the oath of allegiance to the United States Ai-my, and joined Company E, of the Third Arkansas Cavalry, under command of Col. Rines, doing duty as a scout until the Camden raid, when the Federal forces, commanded l)y Gen. Steele, circumvented and repulsed Gen. Price on his raid through Missouri, and on June 30, 180."), received his discharge at Lewisburg, Ark. Ho was thrice married, his first marriage being to Sarah E. Kirkes, Noveml)er 13, 1859, and died, having borne him two children: W. T. and Henrietta (de- ceased). In 1800 Miss Ellen Simons became his wife, and in February, 1870, died, leaving three children to his care: James M., Ida and George W. , and his third marriage to Savannah E. Payne, resulted in the birth of the following family: John S., Andrew J., Sarah Ellen, Edward Newton, Wesley C, Grover C, Arthur Leo and Emma El- dora. His principal occupation is farming a tract of land of 15,") acres in Rover Township, soventy- fivo of which are fenced and under cultivation. He has been a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, for thirty years, and is a liberal contributor to schools and churches, and aids in all things conducive to the welfare of his community. Rev. Jonathan C. Ragon is one of the promi- nent farmers and cotton growers of Yell County. Coming to this State in 1850, he settled in John- sou County, where he remained thirty-seven years, ownintr at that time 1 40 acres of good land, which he sold, then removed to Riley Township, this county, and bought 107 acres. Of the land pur- chased ho has about forty acres under cultivation, upon twenty-five of which he raises corn and fif- teen cotton, besides renting out quite a number of acres. Mr. Ragon. was born in Tennessee, July 24, 1825, the son of Eli Ragon, and was there reared to manhood, receiving a common-school education. He later learned the carpenter's trade, in that line his work being principally gin and and press building. He was married in Hamilton County, Tenn., in 1847, to Miss Elizabeth Rogers, also a native Tennesseean, her birth occurring in 1830, a daughter of Elisha Rogers, of Virginia. She died in 1884, leaving three children to mourn their loss, two having preceded her. Those living are: Martha O. (widow of T. B. Smith), Cordelia (wife of J. G. Stevens), and Penelope (wife of William Moseley). Later (in the year 1884) Mr. Ragon took for his second wife Miss Annie E. Elliott, and by her has three children : Mary M. , Lottie E. and W. S. During the late unpleasant- ness between the States, our subject enlisted in First Arkansas Infantry on the Federal side, un- der Col. J. M. Johnson and Capt. Parker, his regimental commander being Gen. Thayer. He participated in the engagements at Fayetteville, Hogewood Prairie and a great many skirmishes. On account of ill health he was discharged in 1805, just before the surrender. Socially he is a meml)er of the A. F. & A. M., and is also a mem- ber of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which he has been a minister for over twenty-five years in different parts of the State. In politics he af- filiates with the Republican party. When Mr. Ragon came to this State it was comparatively new, and there was little preaching and schools were few. He has lived through its wonderful period of development to see schools on every hand and churches in every hamlet and to witness a pros- perous peojjle living under just laws. James P. Ramer, a well-to-do planter of Cen- terville Township, was born in Morgan County, Tonn. , October 7, 1818, and was the eldest son of John and Mary Ramer, who were married in Ala- bama, and the parents of five .sons and five daugh- ters, eight of whom are living. The father was a farmer by occupation, and he and wife departed this life in Tennessee, being faithful worshipers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Our subject was first married while a resident of Mc- Nairy County, Tenn., to Miss Martha Walker, also of this State, and to this marriage were born the following children: Andrew, Elizabeth (deceased), Myra, Ellen, Martha, Clarissa, and one unnamed ■/iff V w ^, 4 ^ YELL COUNTY. 177 (deceased). The mother of Ibis family died about 188'), a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ten years after his first wife's death Mrs. Eliza- beth White became his second wife, and bore him eight children: George, Iletter, James, Sydney, Reuben, Aueritta (deceased), Samuel (deceased), and one unnamed (deceased), and he was called to mourn his loss in 1882, she being also a communi- cant of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and subse- (juently was married the third time to a Mrs. Vicey Kidd, who died a year after marriage, leaving one child, Maggie, to his care. He and deceased wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he was the efficient assistant class leader of the same. He owns some 200 acres of valuable land, with about fifty of it in cut timber. James G. Ray, one of the most successful mer- chants of Riley To^^nship, but a resident of Mar- vinsville, Yell County, this State, came to this county in 1859 from Gibson County, Tenn., and settled on the tract of land he now owns. After taking up his residence here he followed fanning until three years ago, when he entered the mer- chandising business, opening with a stock at Mar- vinsville; he conducted business there until May, when he sold out. Upon leaving there he went to Bentley and, in July, 1890, opened with a good stock and has been doing a very successful busi- ness since. He was born in Wake County, N. C, October 3, 1832, the son of David and Eda (Joplin) Ray, who were also natives of that State. His father followed farming in North Carolina, where he remained until 1849, when he moved to Tennes- see, and came to Arkansas in 185'.), where ho spent the remainder of his life and ditnl in October, 1805; his widow survived him only four yciars. James G. received his limited education in Ten- nessee, but was married in Logan County, Ark., in 18(>3,'to Catherine, daughter of James Lattie, l)orn Decemlier 15, 1833. To tliem have been born six children, live of whom are living: Eliza (wife of Arch MaGorgen), James, Joseph, Priscilla, and John, and Ella (deceased). He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist and Meth- odist Episcopal Churches, respectively. Oiir sub- ject enlisted at Danville, July 17, 1802, in Company H, under Capt. Harrod and Col. Kings, and took part in the battle of Prairie Grove; was also in a number of skirmishes, and surrendered at Fort Smith at the close of the war, when ho returned home. He is a member of the Baker Creek Lodge 388, A. F. & A. M., and was elected magistrate and constal)le for several years in which offices ho has always performed the duties incumbent upon him to the best of his ability. Prof. L. B. Reynolds, Gravelly Hill, Ark. It has been truly said that ' ' a good education is the best inheritance that parents can leave to their chil- dren." Riches may take to themselves wings and tly away, but a good education will last througli life. Prof. L. B. Reynolds, one of the most promin(uit and successful educators of the county, is a native of Colo County, Mo., and came to Ar kansas in the fall of 1872, since which time he has given his entire attention to school work. He was born on May 25, 1850, and his father was a farmer. When fifteen years of age our subject was sent to Lansing, Mich., to complete his education, and there he remained a student for six years in the Michigan University, graduating with the class of 18*)0. During his time in school lie had taught several terms, and was thus enabled to continue his studies. He then returned to his home in Mis- souri, where he made a short visit and then started for Arkansas, being stimulated to this move by learning that there was a good opening in that State for teachers, which profession he had decided to take up. Ho settled at Excelsior, Sebastian County, and there engaged in teaching a country .school. As he could not prevail on the directors to employ him, a young l>oy as it were, he was thrown on his own resources and opened a sul> scription school. Tiie first month he had eleven pupils, the second month eighteen, and the third month fifty-four. He then was engaged for one year by the Iioard, and tlie fourth month he found himself teaching IfiO scholars, and was obliged to hire an assistant. There ho remained with excel- lent results for t(ni years. Then having an offer of an increased salaiy from Hacket City, and find- ing himself hampered on account of lack of room, he resigned his position and located at Hacket T- i \ ^ -» ^ 178 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. City, where he received $800 for ten months. He remained here two years and then resigned his po- sition. Later he entered the school at Cochran, Scott County, where he was employed as principal of their graded schools, and three years later his leaving was a source of universal regret. He then came to Gravelly Hill to take charge of the Pied- mont Academy, at a salary of .|1,00() per year, un- der contract for five years, two of which have al- ready expired. He has a wide reputation as an instructor, and his service.? are always in demand. He is a Democrat in politics, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. In Oc- tober, 1880, he was married to Miss Sally Rudell, daughter of Edward Rudell, of Excelsior, where the Professor was teaching at the time. They have had five children, four of whom are living at tbe present time — a son and three daughters: Mary E., Edward A., Myrtle A. and Laura Fay. So- cially the Professor is a member of the I. O. O. F. He is an educator in the fullest sense of the term. He sees the need of a higher grade of education in the county, and is doing all that he can to build up the school interests. He cordially invites all who want to engage in the profession of teaching to come to Arkansas, where their services will be appreciated. Americus Vespucius Rieff, postmaster of Wave- land, Ark., received his appointment as such in 1881 during Garfield's administration. He came to this township in 1874, where he erected the present large mill, comprising saw-mill, grist-mill and cotton-gin, with a planing mill added, valued at $7,000. This business was established in the early days, and in connection with his mill he had a general stock of merchandise. In lookins around for a location for his Franklin County mills, he selected his present farm on account of lumber, land and water, the timber consisting principally of pine and oak. He was born in Nash- ville, Tenn., July 1, 1880, being the son of Joseph and Lydia (Burton) RiefF. His father was born in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., and in 1820 moved to Nashville and was a noted builder and con- tractor, having constructed with others " Andy Jackson Hermitage" in Wilson County (this build- ing being still in a good condition). He remained in this county until 1836, when he moved to Washington County and settled in Fayetteville, where he engaged in farming, his farm being worked by slaves. Here he built a beautiful resi- dence, a number of business blocks and the State Bank building. In 1832 he lost his wife in Nash- ville. He died in Fayetteville in 1850, when he was seventy-five years old, as the result of being kicked by a horse and having both legs broken, living but a short time afterward. Americus V. Rieff was educated in Fayetteville, Ark., and at the age of seventeen years joined a company un- der Capt. S. B. Enyart, serving in the Mexican War one year and was in several skirmishes, but not any battles of importance. At the close of this war the company was discharged, wheij our sul)ject returned home and entered the Ozark In- stitute, where he finished his education. After leaving school he went into the contracting and bnilding business with his' brother, Fenelon (who was afterward killed in the Confederate service at Pine Bluff, being a captain in Col. Jordan's regi- ment), and continued in this business for ten years. In 1855 he erected Cane Hill College, a very large brick building costing $10,000. In the spring of 1801 he raised a cavalry company, which were the first State troops that entered Missouri, and he assisted in erecting a pole ninety feet high at Fayetteville upon which was raised the Confederate flag. He took part in a great many important battles, being in Gen. McCnl- loch's command, and was with Gen. Price in his famous raid; was elected captain of a cavalry company, joining Col. J. F. Pagan's regiment and participated in seventeen engagements. He as- siimed command at Pilot Knob, fought in the bat- tles of Dug Spring, Oak Hill, Cane Hill, Back Bone, Prairie de Ann, Poison Springs, Mark's Mills, Little Missouri, Franklin, Jefferson City, Prairie '^Grove and other engagements and skirmishes. In 1802 A. V. RiefP was appointed master me- chanic in the Government workshops, which posi- tion he held until the retreat of Gen. Price in Missouri, when he re-entered the army. At the approaching evacuation of Fayetteville he re- *7J* r 'k YELL COUNTY. 179 turnetl home and moved bis family to Washing- ton, Hempstead County, later was paroled there and returned to his home in 1866. It can safely be said that there are few in this county who have done better or more faithfnl work in the defense of his country's rights than Mr. Kieif, or one who has taken part in more engagements. In the fall of 1860 he moved to Little Rock and took a brief contract for the Government, and one year later west to Van Winkle's Mill. In 1870 he went to Franklin County, opened a mill there, remaining until 1874. and then moved to his present home. In 1854 he was married to Miss Mary J., daugh- ter of Isaac and P. H. (Mobley) Spencer, natives of Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively. To them have been born ten children. Those living are: Ollie S., William L., Maurice B., Joe Meek, Hiram F., Nellie P. and Katie S. Those deceased are: Fannie B. (wife of T. A. Pettigrew), Mary K. and Hiram. Mr. Rieff is a member of Revilee Lodge No. 09, I. O. O. F., Washington Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M., and in politics is a Demo- crat. He has a fine residence of plantation style, elegant flowers, trees and a beautiful home, lying at the foot of the Magazine Mountains, which are 2,800 feet high, and named so from the iSpanish, owing to the rumbling noises. They are quite steep, and at the top are situated the Meda Springs, a summer resort. It can be safely said that the l^ostmaster of Waveland, Ark., has had an inter- esting and eventful life. David E. Roberts, a successful tiller of the soil living in Magazine Township, and an adopted son of Arkansas, claims Madison County, Tenn., as the land of his nativity, being born in that section of country May 28, 1838, and here received hfs train- ing as a farmer, which has been his life's occupa- tion, and in 18G1, while still a resident of Madison County, was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Andrews, also of Tennessee, a worthy Christian woman, and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. By this union they became the parents of seven children: Wilson, John, James, Tolly, Rollie H. (deceased), Lenora (deceased) and Ida (deceased). Soon after his marriage he enlisted in Company D (Infantry) of the Confederate Army, which consolidated witli the Fifty-second Regiment, and while in service took part in some of the famous battles and skirmishes, and in April, 1864, receiving his discharge from army life, returned to his farm in Tennessee, which he worked till 1879 when he moved to Arkansas, selecting a tract of ISO acres in Yell County, ninety of which he cul- tivates, and in January of the following year met with a sore bereavement in the loss of his estimable wife. He remained a widower for two years, then wedded Miss Almira Andrews, who was born in Tennessee in 1848, and by this marriage became the mother of six children, four of whom are still living (two having died in infancy): Fenner, Flem- ings, Fletcher and Flora. Himself and wife are members in regular standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and as a planter he is known throughout the county as a man of broad intellect, and well versed in all that relates to the practical side of farming, and politically is a Democrat. Our subject's parents, Jacob and Mary (Freeman) Roberts, were born and married in the Old North State, the former born in 1801, and the latter in 1802, and were the jiarents of twelve children. The father a Methodist minister by profession, left his native home and settled in Madison County, Tenn., where he died in 1842, his widow surviving him till 1870, when she too passed to her filial home, dying as she lived a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. John J. Robertson, one of the prominent resi- dents of Yell County, was born in York County, S. C, September 20, 1835, and is the son of James and Nancy Robertson, also natives of South Caro- lina. His father followed farming up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1849 at the age of fifty years, his mother passing from life in 1853. The early part of John J. Robertson's life was spent in Alabama, but in 1859 he went to Florida, and in 1862 when the call for troops came he en- listed in Company D, under Capt. J. L. Hayes and Col. J. J. Finley, serving in the Sixth Florida Regiment, and taking part in th'e battles of Chick- amauga, three days in Bragg' s Army, and was one of the number who opposed Gen. Sherman on his famous march to the sea, and also served under D "V A ® s^ ,_\^ 180 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Johnston, Beauregard and Hood. He was wounded at Calboun, Ga., May 16, 1864, being shot in the right arm, losing that member at Montgomery, Ala., three days later. He was placed in the con- valescing company, and upon his recovery he re- turned to his home place and went to farming. Remaining in Calhoun County, Ala., until the fall of 1871, he moved with his family to Yell County, locating in Riley Township, where he continued farming, and he now owns 320 acres of land, 100 acres pine land, 200 acres bottom and 20 acres upland, upon which he raises corn, grasses and cotton. In 1876 he was elected county treasurer. He was again elected in 1886, and has been re- elected at each election since. He was married in 1856, in Alabama, to Sarah J. Sharp, by whom he has two children living: Sarah E. (wife of James Slay) and John S. His first wife died in 1874, and in 1876 he married Miss Susan Gatling, daughter of Phillip Gatling, a native of Arkansas. They have had six children, four of whom are living: Jay, Essa, Thomas O. and Julia, and those deceased were Minnie and an infant un- named. The family are members of the Mission- ary Baptist Church, and in his political views Mr. Robertson is a Democrat. He takes an active part in all enterprises of a public nature promising to benefit his town or county. Joseph J. Rogers. The above mentioned gen tleman is a member of the firm of Rogers & Son, consisting of J. J. Rogers and C. C. Rogers, own- ers of Marvinville saw and grist mills and cotton- gin. They have rebuilt the mill, making it one of the best in the county, the plant l)eiug valued at $8,000, and, being in a very good location, they do the majority of the business in their line. The boiler has a capacity of 2D-horse power, and is capable of turning out 10,000 feet of lumber dail}', but the average run is al)out JJ.OUO feet, mostly pine lumber. The capacity of the cotton gin is 600 bales per season, and they grind corn and wheat two days of each week. Joseph J. Rogers is an old resident of this State, having moved here when quite young, living until last year in Logan County, where he moved with his parents in 1858, when he then came to this countv. He was born in Carroll County, Ga., February 4, 1845, the son of Henry and Maria Rogers, natives of Virginia. The father followed farming all his life, and died in Springfield, Mo., after a great deal of sufPering, while in the United States Army. Our subject enlisted in 18(53, in Company I, First Arkansas Infantry, under Col. Johnson, Lieut. -Col. Searles and Capt. " Wild" Bill Heavington. He took part in the l^attle of Fayetteville and quite a number of skirmishes, and while at Prairie de Ann, was taken with the mumps, but still remained with his company, and was in the raid at Saline. After the war he returned home, and was married Feb- ruary 18, 1866, to Miss Mary Hodges, a native of Tennessee, and to them have been born five chil- dren: Jeremiah R., Calvin C, Flora M., Cassandra E. and Mary J. Mr. Rogers and wife and three daughters are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. After living happily together for twenty- five years, his wife died June 22, 1890. In poli- tics Mr. Rogers is a Republican, and is one of the representative citizens of this county. Walter W. Scott, one of the successful planters of Yell County, and a resident of Herring Town- ship, is native-born, his parents, James and Ari- minta (Bell) Scott, of Tennessee and North Caro- lina, respectively, and who were married in Tennes- see, came to Arkansas as early as 1838, buying and settling upon land in this county, where in 1847 their son, Walter, was born. Here the father farmed, and in 1857 the family was called to mourn the loss of wife and mother, a worthy communicant of the Presbyterian Church, and in 1887 the fa- ther died. Our subject, being taught the principles of farnjing in his l)oyhood days, on reaching man- hood still followed it. and now owns 120 acres of land, fifty of which are under cultivation ; corn, cot- ton and oats are the principal commodities raised. His marriage to Miss Martha Shepherd, who was born in Georgia, March 8, 1851, was celebrated during the year 1872. She is a daughter of Jo- sejih and Rachel (Wilson) Shepherd, of North Car- olina, who were the parents of ten children, seven of whom are living. Her mother died in Georgia, in June, 1.S64, and her father is still living, and is a resident of Missouri. To the union of Mr. and •els — r- ^fr-" YELL COUNTY. 181 Mrs. Scott have been born two children: William W. and Olgia A. Himself and wife are members in good standing of the Missionary Baptist Church, ia which he serves as clerk. Having the welfare of his county at heart, he takes an active part in all public improvements, and gives liberally of his means to the needy and distressed, and all char- itable institutions find in him a ready and willing helper. In politics votes the Republican ticket. G. M. Shepherd, a planter living in Magazine Township, was born in North Carolina in .1847. His father, John Shepherd, was born in the Old Dominion May 10, 1810, and his mother, Temper- ance (Epps) Shepherd, was born in the Old North State May 23, 1814, and was married April IH, 1832, and became the parent of eleven children. In 1 879 the family settled in this county, and here the father, a member of the Bapti.st Church, was laid to rest in 1880. His mother was the lifth child born to her parents, who were married in Virginia, and died in North Carolina about 1831 and October 12, 1857, respectively. Our subject followed farming as a business, and on January 17, ISfiO, his marriage to Miss Margaret Haston was celebrated. She was born in Tennessee December 5, 1850, and a daughter of W. C. and Jane (Denny) Haston, who were born and married in the above State, and were the parents of ten children. Her father was a planter, and for many years was offi- cially identified with the public interests of Van Bureu County, Tenn., tilling the office of sheriff four years, also that of county judge and magis- trate. He and deceased wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd were born the following family: Martha J. (wife of J. A. Blakeuship), Temperance, Dalton, Fannie M. , John C. and William C. He is the owner of a fine eighty-acre farm with forty- seven under cultivation, and about an acre planted to orchard, and cotton and corn are the principal commodities raised on his place. He is a faithful church worker, is superintendent of the Sabbath- school and trustee of the church property, and gives liberally to all public enterprises. Socially he and wife are connected with the Farmers' Alli- ance. Rev. J. C. Shipp, living in Dutch Creek Town- ship, and a licensed minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South denomination, was born in Holmes County, Miss., January 15, 1835. His par- ents, Josiah and Susan (Smith) Shipp, were origi- nally of Tenn., the senior Shipp born April 5, 1804, and his wife August 13, 1812, but were married in Mississippi about 1834, and followed farming as an occupation, and in 1845 left Mississippi for Hardin County, Tenn., where the family remained till the death of the father, in 1868, the widow dy- ing in this county October 20, 1880. They were members of long standing in the Methodist Epis- copal Church, he having united with it some thir- ty two years before his death and she walking in its doctrines for fifty years. When twenty-one the principal of this sketch accepted as his starting point in this world's warfare, a position in the dry- goods house of A. C. AViningham & Co., at Ham- burg, Tenn. Here he remained clerking till the outbreak of the Rebellion, when he joined the Confederate Army, enlisting in Company E, Fourth Regiment of Infantry, Capt. J. O. Tarkington, commander; he took part in many of the battles in Mississippi, at Memphis, and particularly with Hood in his raid to Nashville; was wounded at the battle of Okalona (Miss. ), and taken prisoner twice, but" managed to escape each time, and while at Gainesville, May 10, 1865, was paroled. On receiv- ing his final discharge from army life, he returned to his home and engaged in farming, and Decern ber 10, 1865, witnessed his marriage to Mrs. Saluda J. Leeth, widow of Harrison L. Leeth, who was ac- cidentally killed. She was born in the Old Domin- ion, October 11, 1838, and is the daughter of Peter and Mary Ashworth, and who were born in Vir- ginia, in 1804 and 1805, respectively. Emigrating to Tennessee the year of their daughter's birth, they died June 3, and October 17, 1855. Our sub- ject and wife have these children, among others: Sarah (wife of Jacob Sweeney), John B., Emily (wife of M. B. Brooks), Martha (wife of F. Beech), Mollie (wife of P. Alley), living; and James, Alden and Susan (deceased). He received his license to preach while a resident of Tennessee, and followed this calling till 1878, when he located in Yell i> ""V « k^ .u 182 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. County, where he now lives and owns 180 acres of rich land, forty of which are thoroughly cultivated and improved with good barns, outhouses, and the most essential of all things, good wells of water, and a line orchard of some 400 fruit-bearing trees. Mrs. Shipp is an earnest Methodist, belonging to the same church as her husband, and he socially affiliates with the Dutch Creek Masonic Lodge No. 269. William Sills, one of the prominent citizens of this county, is the owner of the Sills' saw and grist mills and cotton-gin. He was born near Milford, Ohio, January 2, 1836, the son of William and Elmira (Davis) Sills, natives of Ohio. His father's occupation was that of ship-carpentering up to the time of his death, in 1835, when the rest of the family came to Arkansas with our subject's grand- father, Mr. William Davis, and settled in Craw- ford County. In this county William Sills was reared to manhood. He received a very limited education, and at an early age learned the printer's trade, but his health failing, he was compelled to give that up, and took to farming. At the break- ing out of the war Mr. Sills enlisted in Company B, First Arkansas Cavalry, under Capt. Powhatan Perkins and Col. De Rosta Carroll, and went with the regiment to Oak Hill, where he was taken sick, and was discharged. He then returned to Van Bnren, Crawford County, and continued farming until 1882, when he sold out, coming to Yell County. Here he invested in 200 acres of land, in company with his son-in-law, J. W. Blevins, who owned 500 acres at the time, well cultivated, and on which he had built a comfortable frame residence, good barns and sheds necessary for his stock. Owing to the fact that Mr. William Sills is the proprietor of the largest mills in his county, he does a large share of the work, and has the contract for fiu'nishing the lumber for the new pontoon bridge to be built across the Arkansas River. His mills are patronized by the farmers from Logan and other counties in the neighbor- hood, the ginning-mills producing from 325 to 500 bales of cotton. Of his farm land, Mr. Sills has 100 acres under cultivation, forty acres of corn and sixty acres of cotton. The subject of this sketch was married in 1803, to Miss Elenora Bushong, a native of Kentucky, but of French de.scent. Of a family of nine children born to them, sis are now living, viz.: Willie A., Mary E. (wife of J. W. Blevins), James E., Ollie, Renna and Harry. Those deceased are Eugene, Le Roy and Emma. Both he and wife are members of the Christian Church. In politics Mr. William Sills is a Democrat, hav- ing been elected sheriff of Crawford County in 1866 on that ticket. He is the supporter of all enterprises of a public natirre that would be of benefit to his county, and being a very charitable man is ever ready to help the needy. John N. Smith, miller, Briggsville, Ai'k. This prominent business man was born in Chattooga County, Ga. , on June 10, 1840, and became famil iar with the duties of farm life at an early age. His father, John Smith, was born in North Caro- lina in 1817, and his mother, whose maiden name was Rebecca Jane Eddington, was the daughter of Daniel Eddington, of North Carolina. John N. Smith came to Ai'kansas in 1871, settled in Scott County, and there purchased 160 acres of land, which he improved, clearing 140 acres and erect- ing good buildings, etc. This he sold and in 1883 moved to this county, located in this town- ship, and here engaged in milling. The mill con- sists of a saw-mill, cotton-gin and grist-mill, and with all the late improvements for carrying on the work. This property is worth $3,000. Mr. Smith was married in 1862 to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jackson Green, of Spartanburg, S. C, and the fruits of this union were three children. Mrs. Smith died in 1881, and Mr. Smith has since mar- ried Mrs. Emma David, who has borne him two children. The children to both marriges are named as follows: J. B. (who married Miss Eliza- beth Allen), J. E., E. C. (who married Eptha Sul- livan), Rebecca Jane and Joseph Michael. Mr. Smith and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is steward. In March, 1862, Mr. Smith enlisted in Company F, Thirty-ninth Georgia Regiment Infantry, and was in service until the close of the war. He was at the siege of Vicksburg, battles of Franklin, Mis- sionary Ridge and Chickamauga. He was never •Fl« ^ YELL COUNTY. 183 [ wouuded, but was taken prisoner at Vicksburg. la politics he is a stanch Democrat. He is sharp and shrewd in making a trade yet strictly honest, and never goes back on a contract. James G. Smyth, president of the Belleville Academy, or Dardanelle High School, under the supervision of Arkansas Conference South, was born in East Tennessee in the year 1859, and is the eldest in a family of three born to J. T. and Eliz- abeth J. (Morrison) Smyth, who were of North Carolina and Virginia origin. The father was an itinerant preacher of the Methodist Episcopal de- nomination, in charge of the Holston Conference of Tennessee. He died in North Carolina, in 1888, his widow still surviving him and residing with her son James. Mr. Smyth received his early training and schooling in Tennessee, finishing his educa- tion at the Hiwassee College. In 1878 he was licensed as a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and in 1870 graduated, taking the degree of M. A. For a short time he was engaged in teaching, and the following year witnessed his location in Bradley, Ark. , whence he went to El dorado, and there organized the Independent High School. Subsequently he came to M'arren and founded the Warren Graded High School, and in 1885 assisted in the establishment of the noted Belleville Academy, with a department for train- ing and graduating pupils, which will admit them to college. This school opened its first session with eighteen students enrolled, and in 1889, 200 names were found upon the attendance list, forty of which were those of boarders. In 1888 Mr. Smyth was chosen county examiner, doing much while in office to raise the grade of teachers and materially benefit them. On November 27, 1880, he led to the altar Miss Amanda Neal, of Bradley County, daughter of Orilla Neal, formerly of Georgia, but later an Arkansan pioneer. This mar- riage has been blessed with four children: Victor ■ Summerfield (who died in infancy), Vasco (who died at the age of four). Lano and Lud Bolford. Mr. and Mrs. Smyth are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The former is a Democrat politically, and has served as chairman of the Democratic Executive Central Committee. He is a whole souled gentleman, and has the reputation of being one of the best educators in the State. Benjamin F. Start, merchant. Gravelly Hill, Ark. Mr. Start was born in Hempstead County, Ark. , November 30, 1850, and was reared to man- hood on the farm. At the age of twenty years he began for himself, as a farmer, on rented land, and three years later purchased eighty acres of un- improved land, which he settled upon and improved by clearing thirty acres, erecting a comfortable house, barns, etc. There he remained for fourteen years, and in the meantime bought an adjoining tract of 160 acres, which he also improved. At the end of the time mentioned (1886) he entered the mercantile business at Gravelly Hill, where he has continued successfully ever since, his annual sales equaling $3,000. In connection with this he still continues agricultural pursuits, and has been connected with the steam-miU (saw, grist and cotton-mill) at this place. He started out for him- self with limited means, and by his industry, per- severance and strict attention to business, he has been unusually successful. He was married, Sep- tember 3, 1876, to Miss Hannah Garner, daughter of Elijah Garner of this township. Mrs. Start died August 17, 1888, leaving two children, one of whom has since died. In August, 1890, Mr. Start was married to Mrs. L. M. Garner, widow of Will- iam Garner. Mr. Start and his estimable wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is steward, and socially he is a member of the A. F. & A. M. lodge of this place. In pol- itics he affiliates with the Democratic party. He is liberal in his support of all worthy enterprises. E. D. M. Stevenson, a planter by occupation, and formerly of Carroll County, Tenn., was born in that State April 3, 1834, and is the eldest son of Samuel G. and Eliza (Seret) Stevenson. The senior Stevenson, of French descent and a farmer, was born in 1792 in South Carolina, and was mar- ried in Tennessee in 1832, where his wife died July 4, 1842, leaving five children to the care of her husband, who, with his family, emigrated to Arkansas in 1870 and settled in White County, re- siding here till his death in 1872, being in com- munion with the Methodist Episcopal Church, his 3?« i "V <2 4— *i^ 184 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. wife worsliiping with the Baptist Church. Our subject served as a soldier ia the Confederate Army, ealistiiig iu Company B of the Fifty- fifth Infantry. Being taken prisoner at Island No. 10, he soon effected his escape and returned home, subsequently joining a company of cavalry, took part in the battles of Red Mound (Tenn.), Cold Springs (Ala.), and after his mu.ster out came home to his farm duties, which he has followed ever since, having some 200 acres under his supervision in Galla Rock Township, 100 of which he most suc- cessfully cultivates. His marriage took place in this county February 5, 1871, to Miss Jennie Mc- Mullen, who was born in Tennessee, June 15, 1835, and this union resulted in the birth of two chil- dren: Henry Beutress (deceased) and Samuel F. In religion he and wife worship with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and socially he is an A. F. & A. M., belonging to Bright Star Lodge No. 101, and he is an honest, industrious and upright citizen of his township. P. N. Strait, a pioneer planter and general merchant of Magazine Township, was born in Ken- tucky, December 29, 1840, his parents, Wright and Maria (Ross) Strait, were also born and mar- ried in this State, the father's birth occurring in 1811, and the mother's in 1814, aud were the par- ents of five children, he whoso name heads this sketch being the only son. The senior Strait, a farmer and house-builder, emigrated to Arkansas as early as 1S49. Settling in Clark County, he re- mained here till 18G1, when he changed his loca- tion to Yell County, and during the succeeding year was killed by bushwhackers, his widow sur- viving him till 1863. They were members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and for many years he was justice of the peace in his township. Our sub- ject was reared a farmer, which calling he pursued nearly his entire life, and during the troublous times in the sixties, put aside his farm duties for active service in the Federal Army, enlisting in 1862, in Company I, First Arkansas Regiment of Infantry, Samuel M. Bard, captain, and was in the battles of Fayetteville, Poison Springs and a num- ber of skirmishes. Receiving his discharge in Au- gust, 1864, he returned to his home and resumed his work on the farm, and is now the prosperous owner of five tracts of land, comprising some 800 acres, 400 highly cultivated, and on which he raises cotton, corn and fruits of all varieties, and in con- nection with his farm has opened a store, carrying a stock of such goods and wares as are found in a store of general merchandise. Miss Olive Whattey, who was born October 27, 1844, in the State of Mississippi, became his wife in 1805. She was a daughter of James and Sarah Whattey, who fol- lowed farming in Georgia. To the union of our subject and wife were born nine children: Emma A. (deceased), Viola (wife of W. L. Dale), William R., Charles W., Jerusha, Bookee, Mathulda, Le- ona, and an infant (deceased). In 1890 he received his appointment as postmaster, and is well worthy the honor conferred upon him. James A. Taylor, one of the leading and most prominent farmers of Bluffton Township, was born in this county ten miles south of Dardauelle, on March 21, 1860, and received but a limited educa- tion. He was reared on the farm, and as a conse- quence is familiar with the duties of the same in every particular. His father, Benjamin F. Taylor, was born in Tennessee, and came to this county in 1848. Here he was married, and here he resided for many years, active and successfully engaged in cultivating the soil. In November, 1862, he en- listed in the Federal Army, Company F, Third Arkansas Cavalry, and was in the battle of Saline besides numerous smaller engagements. He was then taken with the measles, had a relapse, and died in April, 1863, leaving a widow and three chil- dren, who were named in the order of their births as follows: Roxie, James A. and Amos Franklin. The first and last named are deceased. James A. Taylor remained with his mother near Dardanelle for about three years, and then moved with her to Township in the La Fouche Valley, where he attended school as the opportunity offered. At the age of eleven years he moved with his mother to Bluffton Township, and there he has continued to reside. When about eighteen years of age he commenced working for himself, and at that time bought eighty acres of land in connection with his brother. This he improved by clearing ^ A ^ 9 YELL COUNTY. 185 forty-five acres wliicli be uow has in cultivation, and erected a tenant house, having rented a por- tion of his land. About the time he bought this land a good school was opened, and Mr. Taylor, feeling a desire to have a better education, rented his farm, and that of his mother over which he had control, and enrolled himself among the ear- liest students of Gravelly Hill High School, as the school was called. He had attended about only eight months, when sickness in his family caused him to abandon his long-cherished desire for a bet- ter education. He remained on the farm until twen- ty-four years of age, and was then married to Miss Samantha Elliott, daughter of J. J. Elliott, of Forsythe County, Ga. He then bought a farm of 120 acres farther down the valley, and four years from the time of his marriage his wife died, leav- ing one child, a daughter, seven days old. His next marriage was in 1888, to Miss Susan Daniels, daughter of T. A. Daniels, of Mississippi, and by this union he has two children. Mr. Taylor is a Democrat in politics, and socially is a member of the Masonic lodge at Concordia, No. 310, in which organization he holds the office of worshipful mas- ter. He has held the office of justice of the peace three different times, and is filling that position at the present time. He has been school director for several years, and is doing all that he can for the advancement of education in his township. In his support of churches and all enterprises of a public nature he has always been very liberal and extends a helping hand to those less fortunate in life. Columbus Thomas claims Yell County as his home by adoption, coming here as early as 1851, from his native heath, Sumner County, Tenn., where he was born April 6, 1850, to Benjamin and Sarah C. (Gambling) Thomas, who were born in the same county and State, the father's birth oc- curring January 18, 1820, and the mother's in De- cember, 1824; both deceased, the father in 1868 and the mother in 1878. The early life of our subject's father was spent in Tennessee, being educated under his father (a Virginian by birth, and his wife an Englishwoman), who taught school in Sumner County for twenty-one years, and com- pletely mastering the various English branches and surveying, and upon his graduation emigrated to Arkansas, where he was elected county surveyor, and in connection with the duties of this office he taught school and farmed, buying 100 acres of land, which he increased to 300; selling this he lived in retirement the rest of his days. The prin- eijjal of this biography was given a good common school education in the .schools of his day, and after leaving these engaged in farming, being the pos- sessor of 120 acres in his homestead on which is a handsome dwelling, 100 of these being sown to cot- ton, corn and wheat, two devoted to an orchard of apples and peaches, and forty -five acres in their natural state. In 1871 he led to the altar Miss Mary M. Adams, born in Georgia, January 2, 1851, and the daughter of J. R. and G. W. W. Adams. Her father, ex county surveyor, and jnom- inent in his county, is a resident of Morrillton. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Jr., have been born the following family: Benjamin (living), Ida, and Will- iam (deceased). In 1874 he and wife became members of the Missionary Baptist Chiirch. He is a stanch Democrat, and is an enthusiast con- cerning the growth and welfare of his county. William H. Vandiver, a planter of Galla Hock Township, was born in Mississippi, May 20, 1842. His parents, Elijah and Malinda (Cox) Vandiver, were born and married in South Carolina, the former's birth occurring December 12, 1812, and the latter' s about 1816. His father followed farm ing, negro speculation, and stock-dealing, as a means of livelihood, and in order to better his fortunes, moved his family to Mississippi, where he lived until 1885, when he died. The death of his wife occurred in 1867. Both were respected members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he was an honored Mason, having been connected with that order for some forty years or more, and was quite an active politician of his day. Our subject served in the Confederate Army, in defense of the Southern cause, enlisting in Blythes' Ninth Mississippi Infantry Regiment. He was actively engaged for nearly one year, and at its expiration was transferred to Maj. Saunders' cavalry. He served as an escort to Jefferson Davis, while en route to Georgia, and was in many of the noted ;Rr J^« k. 186 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. l)attles and skirmishes, particularly in the battle of Thompson Station, where 2,300 soldiers sur- rendered. While in service, he was wounded live times, and was paroled in 1805, and returned to Mississippi and resumed his farm duties, continu- ing there till 1868, when he moved to Memphis, Tenn. , and started a mercantile store, which he carried on till 1872, when he again changed his location, this time settling on a farm in Yell County, where he and wife conjointly own 120 and sixty- nine acres of very valuable and well-imjaroved land. In 1877 he was married to Mrs. Madora Bryson, who was born in Pope County, in 1852, and is the eldest daughter of George Parish. To this mar- riage was born a son, William. Mr. and Mrs. Vandiver belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Knight of Pythias, afliliating with Easley Lodge No. 17. Mrs. Vandiver has a daughter by her former marriage. Miss Minnie Bell Bryson, born December 24, 1872. John C. Vinsett is the proprietor of the Vinsett saw and grist mills and cotton gin, located in Yell County. He was bom in Calhoun County, Miss., October 25, 1846, the sou of John Vinsett, a native of South Carolina, from where he removed to Woodruff County, Ark., in 1S58, and remained there until 1871, when he came to this county. John C. received what little education he had in this county, and the advantages were very poor. In July, 1864, he enlisted in Company E, under Capt. Wilson and Col. McGee, and took part in the battle of Pilot Knob and a number of .skirmi,shes; was with Price on his famous raid, when he was taken prisoner and brought to Camp Douglas, Chicago; was detained there four months, whenhe was exchanged at Red River and returned home. He followed farming until 18S6, when he put up his present mills, at a cost of $8,000. These mills have a capacity of 10,000 feet of lumber daily, but average only 6,000 feet, and 1 50 bales of cotton, grinding only one day of each week. He owns 140 acres of land, seventy five acres of which are tilla- ble, and he rents this out in shares. He was mar- ried in 1864 to Miss Amanda Celack, a native of Arkansas, born in 1845. Four of the nine children born to them are now living: William, Mary (wife of William Choate), Martha (wife of J. W. Jones) and Angeline (wife of William Lony ). Our subject lost his iirst wife in 1881. He was married again in 1 883, and by this union has one son. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and in politics he is a Democrat, and has held the office of justice of the peace for two terms, also that of bailiff. Socially he is a member of Baker Creek Lodge No. 388, A. F. & A. M. He is one of the influential men of Riley Township, and is respected by all with whom he comes in contact, either socially or in business. James H. Walkup, one of the pioneer settlers of Riley Township, came to this county in November, 1860, and has resided here ever since. He was formerly a resident of Mississippi. He bought 120 acres of laud, improved it and made other pur- chases at different times since the war, until he now owns 780 acres, a great portion of which is improved, and upon which he has built comfort- able dwellings, barns, etc. James H. Walkup was born in Union County, N. C, March 21, 1823, the sou of David M. and Jane (Huey) Walkup, na fives of the two Carolinas, and was reared within a few miles from Gen. Jackson's birthplace. Re- maining in his native home until he was twenty- two years old, he had very few educational advan- tages, but in later years read a great deal, and in this way became well posted. On leaving his home he went to South Carolina, remaining twelve years, taking a position as overseer. He married Miss M. T. Ranson in South Carolina, removing from there to Mississippi early in 1857, where he put in four crops, and then came to Yell County, as above stated. At the opening of the war he enlisted and remained until he was compelled to go home on account of sickness, but in October, 1863, he entered the Federal service in the Third Arkansas Cavalry, under Capt. Eddington, but later Lieut. Peas took command; then Col. Ryan and Lieut. - Col. Fuller, commanding the regiment. They were detailed as a guard along the Arkansas River. Mr. Walkup was in quite a number of skirmishes, being discharged June 30, 1865, when he returned home and once more turned his atten- tion to farming and cotton-raising. Mrs. Walkup *^* ^ A YELL COUNTY. 187 is a daughter of William and C. (Taylor) Ranson, natives of Ireland and South Carolina, respectively. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Walkup, namely: Mary E. (wife of C. P. Hudson), William A., Jane Alice, Parilla A., Robert L., Lou, Ida, Huey B., and Julia E. (deceased). Mr. Wal- kup, with his wife and live children, are members of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder. He has been a school direc- tor some time, and in politics affiliates with the Democratic party. Paschal P. West. On April 10, 1845, was born in South Carolina the subject of this sketch. He was raised to manhood in Georgia, and given the benefit of the common schools, and learning the blacksmith's trade, at the age of nineteen, started in business for himself, following this trade, more or less, in connection with his farming and milling interests. Soon after the establishment of his busi- ness he was married to Miss Rebecca Westree, daughter of Samuel Westree, of Forsythe County, Ga. This union has been blessed with seven chil- dren, four of whom are living: Alpha (born in Georgia, in 1865, and given a good common school- vmtil he has 152 thoroughly cultivated, and good ing, at the age of nineteen married John Crown-^^uildings on his farm. In January, 1861, he was ing a man of indomitable energy and push, imme- diately set to work to repair his loss, and there now stands on the old site new and substantial buildings, valued at 11,800, which are in constant operation. He has never been connected with any religious organization, but gives liberally of his means for the support of churches, schools and all worthy public enterprises. In political and social circles he is respected and esteemed by his fellow- citizens, and, although a Democrat, does not take any active part in politics, but votes for the best man; is an A. F. & A. M. , affiliating with a lodge at Bellville, and is postmaster at the little village of Milan, which had its origin on his farm. Mrs. West is an energetic worker and member of the Baptist Church, and, with her husband, enjoys the confidence of the community in which they live. Francis M. White is a well-known farmer of Fergeson Township, and came with his parents, William B. and Sophia (Gault) White, from South Carolina to this State in 1857, and in 1861 bought 200 acres of land, paying $7 an acre for the entire tract, which he has improved from time to time over, a farmer, living in the vicinity of her par- ents), Eddie (born in 1876), Eflfio L. (born in 1878), and George (born in 1880). All have been given the advantages of the public schools. Our subject fought in defense of his country in Com- pany E, Forty-third Georgia Regiment of Volun- teer Infantry; was in some small skirmishes, and while fighting at Resaca was wounded, and taken to the hospital, where he was discharged, on ac- count of disability, and returned to his home in Georgia. In the fall of 1874 he came to this county, and purchased 115 acres of valuable land, forty of which are in a high state of cultivation, and the remainder good timber land. Here he has not only carried on the business of farming, l)ut erected mills, and entered quite extensively into milling flour, lumljer, and ginning cotton, his plant being estimated at $2,500. In 188'J he met with a severe loss in the destruction of his entire property by tire, together with eighteen bales of cotton and 150 bushels of wheat. Our subject, be- married to Miss Nancy Crownover. daughter of Daniel Crownover, and they have become the par- ents of five children, three -of whom are living — two sons and one daughter. He, like all of his patriotic countrymen, was a soldier in the late un- pleasantness, operating with Company F, Third Arkansas Cavalry, Federal Army, Capt. Fuller commanding, and from the date of his enlistment, January 1, 1863, was in the following battles: Prairie de Ann, Saline River and Princeton. At the latter place he was disaliled by the fall of his horse, from which he has never entirely recovered, and every day from April 1, till June 1, 1864, saw him in some sort of engagement. He was taken prisoner and released on palole, and finally dis- charged at Danville in May, 1865. He has never belonged to a church or secret society, but con- tributes liberally toward the erection of churches and all matters of public interest, and is ever ready to lend a helping hand and speak a word of cheer to those in need or distress. He and his \^\s- ^k ^ 1 t^ ^ 1S8 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. family are regarded as atuoug the most prosper- ous and respected people of their neighborhood. Isaac S. Whitford. Among the early pioneer settlers to the grand old State of Arkansas, was one Isaac S. Whitford, who located in this county soon after his marriage to Miss Mary E, Wyatt, which was solemnized in Carroll County, Miss. , about 1 850, who liore him ten children: Charles W. (deceased), Sarah L. (deceased), Lewis H. (deceased), John A. (deceased), Elizabeth S. (wife of Hamilton M. Mor- ris), Isaac E., Mary C. (deceased), and Alonzo C. He served in the late war in Company D, of the Third Arkansas Cavalry, of the Confederate Army, participating in the battle of Backbone, and a num- ber of skirmishes, and at the surrender in 1805, re- turned to his home, where he met with a severe loss in the death of his wife, who died July '-'A, of this year, and soon after he married Mary A. Cobb. They became the parents of four children: Rol)ert H. , Francis M., Emma J. (deceased), and Berry D., and on August 19, 1875, was called to mourn the loss of this wife, who died in fnll fellowship with the Bai)tist Church, and on February 24, 1S7(J, he married Mrs. Louisa F. Coats, his present wife, and who had one son, John W. Coats (now de- ceased), by a former marriage. Himself and wife are members in good standing of the Missionary Baptist Church, in which he has tilled the ofSce of deacon for many years. He has followed farming nearly all his life, living upon his present farm since 1851, which is a highly cultivated and very (iroductive tract of land. In his community he is one of its most trusted and honored citizens. Our sub- ject's jtarents, Charles G. and Mary (McKinney) Whitford, were born October 18, 1808, in North Carolina, and November 9, 1800, in South Caro- lina, respectively, but were married in Stewart County, Tenn., October 9, 1823, and were the par- ents of six children, their son, Isaac, who was born in Stewart County, March 17, 1832, being the only chikl living. The father was a farmer, and active- ly interested in politics, and h(» and wife were con- sistent members of the Baptist Church. Frank V. Whittlesey, the popular jeweler of Dardanelle, owes his nativity to Indiana, being born in Vincennes of that State, in 1851, and was the yonngest of six children born to Isaac N. and Elizabeth V. (Buntin) Whittlesey, natives of Con- necticut and Indiana, respectively. His paternal ancestors were English by birth, being descended from a noted family of that country, and crossed the ocean in the grand old "Mayflower." The grand- father, Samuel, was a lawyer by profession, being at one time a celebrated member of the supreme bench of New Jersey, whence he came to Indiana, where he died. The maternal grandfather was of Irish descent, being born in Cork, emigrated to America at an early day, was an officer in the Revo- lutionary War, and being a surveyor was elected as a commissioner to the Northwest Territory, making Vincennes his headquarters, this being his home till his death. The field notes of that day show his title and signature. Isaac Whittlesey learned the trade of watchmaker and jeweler in Watertown, N. y. , and when twenty-two years of age came to Vincennes, and started a business for himself, continuing thus till 1808; he then retired and lived in retirement till his death in 1870. The principal of this sketch was reared, educated and learned his trade in Vincennes, Ind. , the latter be- ing accomplished in his father's shop, and under his supervision. Being desirous to begin the world for himself, he opened a business at Mount Vernon, Ind., in 1808, which he conducted till 1870, when he went to Missouri, staying for one year, thence to Harrisburg, 111., for two years. In 1880, his eyes troubling him, he went to Eureka Springs, Ark., for treatment, and upon their recovery en- tered into business here, and at Fayetteville, in which he continued but a short time, coming to Dardanelle, in 1881, and established his present lucrative business, carrying a stock of about $3,000, his annual receipts amounting to $2,500; he is the owner of the store building, and is erecting a line dwelling house; besides this property he owns eighty acres of land, partially cultivated, nine val- uable lots, and two cottages on the summit of Mount Nebo, and gives much of his time to the improvement of that beautiful resort. He was joined in matrimony in 1882 to Miss Mattie C. May, only daughter of Judge William N. May [see sketch]. Their marriage has been blessed ^' 'K^ YELL COUNTY. ]89 with four children: William N. (living), Mattie Elizabeth, Francis Vigo and Efiie (deceased). He and family are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Socially, subject is in affilia- tion with the following lodges of the Masonic order: Bright Star No. 213, Dardanelle Chapter 04, Brill- iant Star Council and Palestine Commandery No. 7. He is also a prominent member of the Order of K. of P. ; has held, or is holding, the highest office, and is now tilling the chair of most excellent high priest of the Chapter of R. A. M., and is em- inent commander of the commandery. Lucas AVieser, the prominent fruit and wine- grower, near Dardanelle, was born in Baden, Ger- many, in 1837, and is the only son born to Julian and Varona Wieser, also of Baden, and deceased, the father in 1844, and the mother in 1868. Lucas received his early training in Germany, in 1866 becoming a member of the army of that country, where he remained till 1871, taking part in the battle of Tanberbishofsheim, here receiving a severe wound in the shoulder. In 1872 he came to America, locating in Pennsylvania, sojourning here but two years, thence going to Indianapolis, where he secured a position as boss iron-worker, working on some of the public buildings. In 1876 he decided to come to Arkansas, which he did, set- tling at Dardanelle; here he bought land and planted an orchard and vineyard of about forty acres, which are well improved, and on this land are some good substantial buildings, erected by himself. At present he is actively working at the trade of a stonemason, having laid the foundation of many of Mount Nebo's massive buildings. In 1873 Miss Sophia Wieser became his wife, and the fruits of this marriage have been five children, two of whom survive: Frank Herman and Herman Frank, the others dying in infancy. The family are members of the Catholic Church. J. L. Williams. There was born to the union of James N. and Mary Ann (Springer) Williams, of South Carolina and Lauderdale County, Ala., respectively, a family of sixteen children, he whose name heads this sketch being the third child, his birth occurring in Union County, S. C, in 1842, and he is the lineal descendant of the following illustrious persons: His grandfather, Williams, al- though born in South Carolina, was an oif spring of an old Irish family, his father coming to this country at an early day, and locating in the latter State, where his family is known as one of the oldest in the State, and as one of renowned musical talent. The grandfather on the mother's side, Jonathan Springer, also of South Carolina, and a planter by occupation, came as early as 1820 to Alabama, his father being from Virginia, and his grandfather from Delaware, whose father, Carroll or Lorentz, is supposed to have founded Wilming- ton, this State, in 1770. The Springer family is said to be direct descendants of Charles Christo- pher Springer, a Swedish baron, and who is said to trace his ancestry as far back as 410 A. D., to Louis, the Pius, of France. The name of Springer, says tradition, is derived from this Louis, who, be- ing guilty of some misdemeanor, as a punishment, was imprisoned, from which he escaped by spring- ing or jumping from the third-story window of his prison into the lake, and his cousin, the emjieror of Germany, hearing of this wonderful feat, par- doned him, and conferred upon him the name of Springer. Our subject's father, soon after his marriage, which took place in Alabama, moved to South Carolina, where they remained for two years, thence returning to Alal>ama, where his son was reared and given a very limited education. Here the family continued to make their home till the death of the parents, the father departing this life August 7, 186U, and his widow surviving him till 1889. In 1801 he enlisted in Company I, of the famous old Ninth Alabama Regiment, and par ticipated in the battles of Forts Henry and Donel- son, and was captured at the latter place, and sent to the military prison at Chicago, from which, after three months' continement, he was the first man to make his escape, which was largely com- mented upon by the press. Going by the way of AVheeling, Va.,and crossing the mountains to Rich- mond, he returned home; subsequently returning to Virginia, joined his original company, and took part in many of the famous battles and skirmishes. Being again taken prisoner at Spottsylvania, he was held for two months, and finally sent to El- -^r^ Ml 'h 190 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. mira, N. Y. , where be escaped by way of a tunnel, wbich he assisted ia digging. On regaining his borne, after the close of the Rebellion, he engaged in trading, earning enough to enable him to take a course of two terms in the West Point High School, of Lawrence County, Tenn., and to enter Shoal Creek Academy, of Giles County, same State, and on completion of his studies, engaged in teach- ing, after which he farmed in Alabama for a few years, and in 1873 started the store of general merchandise at Lexington, and known as the firm of Dobbins, Black & Co. In 1875 the iirm dis- solved, and he again taught school, and for eight- een months served as clerk of public works, on Mussel Shoals canal, and it was while here em- ployed that he saw tlie notorious outlaws, Jesse and Frank James, who robbed the canal company. In 1882 he came to Prairie Township, where he purchased 202i acres, on which he has made good improvements. On September 21, 1809, he led Miss Emma S. Skijiworth (daughter of John W. Skipworth, a prominent planter, trader and cap- italist, of Kussellville, Ky.) to the altar, and to them have been born five sons and three daughters: John Henry, James Turner, Lona, Bennie Taylor, Thomas Jefferson, Robert A., Cora Lee and Lula Madora, and on February 20, 1890, were called to mourn the loss of this most excellent mother, who was an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Her husband was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and since his residence in this county has been an ag- gressive politician of the Democratic party, and in 1890, being the candidate on the Democratic ticket to the Lower House of the General Assembly, re- ceived the nomination by 600 or 800 majority. R. R. Williams. In 1880 Philemon Williams, a farmer by occupation, emigrated from Tennessee (the State of his nativity) to Arkansas, and entered 320 acres of land in Johnson County, and in 1838 was united in marriage to Eleanor Ward, a native of the Old Dominion, and he and wife conducted this farm till about 1840, when they changed their location to Yell County, settling on 300 acres of land, Imilt a log cabin, and made many improve- ments, and here were born their two children, our subject (who was born December 10, 1841), and his brother, Henry (now deceased). Mr. Williams died about 1844 or 1845, and his widow, who be- came the wife of James M. Beard, survived him till 1888, when she too passed to her final home. Our subject adopted the calling of his father as a means of livelihood, and continued in it till 1861, when he joined the Confederate Army, and his war record is as follows: Enlisting in Com- pany H, First Arkansas Riflemen, as a private, he took part in the battle of Oak Hill, and sever.'il others and a number of skirmishes, and received his final muster out in 1865. After his return to his farm was married to Miss Sarah J. Harring- ton born in Tennessee in 1834, and five children were born to bless this union: Ella J. (wife of A. J. Withers), Louis, Ida M. , Eugene and James O. His wife died in 1874, a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. Remaining a widower till June 27, 1876, he wedded Mrs. Amanda C. Orre, who bore him five children: Stella, David S., Sallie G. John P. (deceased) and Henry O. On July 9 1885, he was again called to mourn the loss of his wife, she dying in communion with the Presby- terian Church, and on_ July 9, 1889, he married his third and present wife, born in Tennessee, Sep- tember 15, 1872, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and they are the parents of a son and daughter: Amanda C. and Redmond H. His home is situated two and one-half miles east of Chickalah, and his farm comprises 190 acres of land, with some 100 under cultivation. George L. Wirt, merchant, Briggsville, Ark. Among the business men of Yell County, Ark., who have won distinction as successful merchants, and who have, by personal industry and genuine business ability, succeeded in establishing a desir- able trade, may be mentioned Mr. Wirt, whose name heads this brief biography. He was born in Alabama on November 25, 1844, and was the son of Samuel and Martha (Wood) Wirt, the latter a daughter of Joseph Wood, of Alabama. Our .subject was married in Alabama on Noveml)er 23, 1867, to Miss Ann E. Sanford, daughter of T. J. Sanford, of Alabama, and to them were born one living child, Benjamin F. In 1878 Mr. Wirt left his ■^1 •f IS ' YELL COUNTY. 191 native State and came to Yell County, where for two or three years he was engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1880 he was elected justice of the peace, serving in that capacity for six years, and discharging the duties incumbent upon that office in a highly satisfactory manner. His strong good sense, his knowledge of human nature, his calm conservatism, and in fact his genuine ability were soon perceived, and in 1888 he was elected county judge and re-elected in 1890. He is an equal partner in the general merchandise business with Dr. W. H. McCall and D. L. Castleberry, trans- acting a biisiness of al)out $10,000 or f 12,000 per year, and is a representative and successful business man. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity of Briggsville, known as Concordia Lodge, and he is a liberal supporter of all worthy movements, es- pecially educational and religious enterprises. Dr. Ripley E. Woodard, the young and rising jnactitiouer of Chickalah, and graduate from Van- derbilt College, at Nashville, Tenn., was born in this county JVIarch 4, 1803. His parents, Ripley J. and Mary (Roliinson) Woodard, were born in Mississippi and North Carolina, respectively, but were united in marriage in Yell County, where were born their family of six children. The senior Woodard is a merchant of Danville, and for the past twenty years has successfully conducted a general merchandise business, and for fifteen years has been Danville's popular postmaster. He en- listed in 1862, and served until 1865, as a soldier in the late Rebellion; is an enthusiast in politics, always voting for the best man in his party. Him- self and wife worship with the Methodist Epis- copal Church South, and he belongs to the society of Masons. Dr. Woodard (our subject) began his medical studies in 1886, under the direction of Drs. Stafford and Capshaw, of Danville, subse- quently matriculating at Vanderbilt College, and taking two courses of lectuies, received his diploma in 1889. and in 1890 oi)ened an oiEce and began his practice, which bids fair to become a most ex- tensive and lucrative profession in the near future. The Doctor is full of energy, and by his courteous manner and kindness of heart is bound to rise to the topmost round in the ladder of medcial fame. Commodore Perry Woodard, merchant. Gravel- ly Hill, Ark. This successful and popular busi- ness man was born at Danville, Ark., on March 21, 1866. His father was a merchant, and, having a large stock of general merchandise, sold out a few years ago, and later was appointed postmaster at Gravelly Hill, which position he holds at the pres- ent time. He allowed his children to have all they could make in legitimate work, and, as a conse- quence, Commodore P., at the early age of ten years, hired himself out to a mail contractor, carry ing the mail from Danville to Ola. For his services he received 50 cents a day, and since that time he has clothed and taken care of himself, being no expense to his father. When not employed in this way he worked for farmers in the vicinity. He continued in the mail service until fourteen years of age and then entered the schools at Danville, where he continued his studies until eighteen years of age, working during vacations to pay his way. In 1884 he hired to J. C. Carter to clerk in his store at Bragg, then a country place, but about eighteen months afterward a post office was estab- lished, and the place given its present name. There he remained eighteen months, after which he returned to Danville, and hired as a clerk to the firm of Runyan & Briggs of that place. Six months later he went to Dardanelle to attend the high school, but after being there a few months he was recalled home by the sickness of his father. He then again entered the employ of Kunyan & Briggs, with whom he remained six months, after which he went to Bellville, and clerked for W. L. Heck six months longer. From there he went to Rover, clerked for J. W. Gladden six months, and then returned to Danville, where he entered the employ of Briggs & Capshaw, continuing with this firm for fourteen months. During that time he was inarried to Miss Minnie Elms, daughter of Eliza- beth Elms, of Danville. Later he moved to Grav- elly Hill, formed a co partnership with L. L. Briggs, and has since made this place his home. The firm carries a well assorted .stock of goods, consisting of dry-goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, har- ness, saddles and assorted hardware and queens- ware. During the past nine months their sales ^-^ r 4 4. 192 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. Lave amounted to about $4,000. To Mr. and Mrs. "Woodard Lave been born one child, a son named Olga M.. whose birth occurred on July 25, 1889. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and in politics he is a Democrat. He has held the position of assistant postmaster at two difiPerent times, and at two different offices, and is now notary public. ^ POPE COUNTY. 193 k^ =®*^ Pope County, Its Situation, Boundaries, PiEsources and Pkospects— Its Timber and Its Streams— Its Agricultural Products and Minerals— Its Political Townships and Their Area- County Organization — The Several Seats of Justice — County Buildings— Pope County's Civil List — Judges, Clerks, Sheriffs, Coroners, Surveyors — The Pope County Circuit Court, its Officers and Lawyers- Representatives in Senate and Lower House and in Consti- tutional Conventions— County- Politics— The Dwight Mission and The Cherokee Settlement — Beginning and Progress of Settlement— Land Entries in Pope County Prior to 1845— Educational History and School Statistics— Kail- ways— Incorporated Towns, Villages and Post-Offices— Old Norris- TOWN and Other Once Important Points— Churches— The War and Reconstruction Period— The Press. Bounteous nature loves all lands. Beauty wanders everywhere, Footprints leaves on many strands, But her home is surely there. — Fidconer. OPE COUNTY is situated north of the Arkansas Riv- er, which is its southern boundary. It is bounded CD the north by the coun- ties of Newton and Searcy; on the east by Van Buren and Conway Counties, and on the west by Johnson County and the Arkansas River. It has an area of about 512,000 acres. The sur- face of the county is considerably broken, one-third of the area be- mountainous and hilly, one- third level and one-third alluvial. The entire southern portion of the county is underlaid with a bed of coal, and the "black diamonds" have been dug out in liberal quantities in many localities; but thus far coal has been developed only for local con- sumption. Of timber there is an abundance in the 13 county, of all the valuable varieties, including white oak, pine, cypress, toi^ether with red, black and post-oak, while the river and railroad transpor- tation afford the best of shipping facilities. There are about twenty sawmills in Pope County. They cut about 15,000,000 feet of lumber per year, which is worth $8 per 1,000 feet or 1120,000 for the aggregate amount. From the production of cotton and lumber this county realizes $680,000, which equals $37.44 for each 'inhabitant. The money derived from these sources ought of itself to enrich the country. Iron is also known to exist here, but no effort has been made to ascertain if it is in any considerable quantity. Large quantities of very fine building stone are found at a depth of from one to two feet. This stone is used for the construction of chimneys and for laying the founda- tions of buildings, but, as the supply seems to be inexhaustible, the day is not far distant when it will be used for building purposes. The northern portion of Pope County, about ^ Al h — ^ 194 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sixteen miles in width, is mountainous, the eleva- tion pushing clown from the north on the eastern border, in the shape of a foot, eighteen or twenty miles. The mountainous portions of the county include all of Allen, Freeman, North Fork and Independence Townships and portions of Liberty and Martin Townships. The only valley lands in the townships named are those of Indian Creek and the Big Piney, in Allen Township, and the valleys of the North Fork, in North Fork Town- ship, and the Middle and East Forks of the Illi- nois Bayou, in Independence Township. The val- leys of these creeks are generally narrow, but rich and productive. The creeks wind from one side to the other, cutting the valleys into tracts of land of from eighty to 120 acres, occupied by small but thrifty farmers. The Crow Mountain is formed by the land at the headwaters of Gum Log Creek, rising to an altitude of 200 to 250 feet. It is from three to four miles wide and about ten miles long. It sets on a line from the northwest to the southeast. It breaks abruptly ofP a mile northwest of the town of Atkins, its rugged bluffs and clifPs presenting a majestic view from that point. This mountain is flat on top, and the plateau is pretty densely popu- lated. The county court long ago established a po- litical township, embracing and running with this mountain, called Gum Log Township. Perhaps there is not a county in the State that has a better supply of running water than Pope County, affording the greatest abundance for stock in the dryest seasons. Besides the Arkansas River, which belts the entire southern boundary, the prin- cipal water-courses of the county are Big Piney, Illinois Bayou, Point Remove, Galla Creek and their tributaries. Big Piney is a water-course of considerable magnitude. It ia 100 miles in length or longer. It rises far back in the Boston Mount- ains, in the counties of Newton and Madison, and empties into the Arkansas River, about two miles west of the Pope County line. It courses from the northwest to the southeast, entering Pope County on the west aboiit eight miles south of the north- west corner. It then turns north, running a little west of south, along the entire western border of the county, to a point within about six miles of the Arkansas River, when it turns abruptly to the west, running due west, or nearly so, for about four miles. Crossing the county line, it continues its westerly course in Johnson County for about three miles, when it makes another abrupt turn to the south, and empties into the Arkansas River, in Johnson County, about two miles west of the line dividing the counties of Pope and Johnson. In- dian Creek, a tributary of Piney, is a stream about eleven miles in length. It heads at the north boundary of the county, about two miles east of the western border, and runs due south eight miles, then flows to the west three miles, emptying into Piney near the county line. The next principal water-course in the county is the Illinois Bayou, which is formed at the base of the mountain, near the center of the county, east and west, and about five miles north of the center, north and south, by the confluence of the waters of the North Fork, Middle Fork and East Fork. The North Fork, which is really the parent stem of Illinois Bayou, heads in the mountains, at the extreme northern boundary of the county, and about the center east and west, coursing due south through the mount- ains, dividing the center of the county for sixteen miles to the base of the mountains, where it is in- tersected by the waters of the Middle and East Forks. The Middle Fork has its source in Searcy County, near the northeast corner of Pope County, and the East Fork in Pope Coimty, at the eastern border, about four miles south of the northeast corner. These streams run convergent from the northeast to the southwest, coming together in the mountains, about fourteen miles south of the north- ern boundary. Continuing their southwesterly course for four miles, they abruptly turn north- west, hugging the base of the mountain for about three miles, to where they intersect the waters of the North Fork, which has its course due south, at which point it may be said the Illinois Ba3'ou proper begins. Then, as if to compromise between the directions of these streams, the Illinois Bayou adopts a southwesterly course, running almost on a parallel with Piney, from six to eight miles east, emptying into the Ai'kansas River live miles south- west of Russellville. ^-. ^^ '-ii. POPE COUNTY. 195 Big Piney and the Illinois Bayou supply the entire western half of the country with pui-e spark- ling water for stock. Besides, these streams have numerous tributaries which, throughout the year, afford plenty of water for stock, convenient and accessible to all that portion of the county west of the center north and south. Point Remove, a tributary of the Arkansas Kiver, rises in the Bos- ton Mountains at the headlands of Little Red River in Van Buren County, and empties into the Arkansas River in Conway County below the Pope County line. This stream is noted for its slight fall, its slow running waters, its meanderings and its fertile, wide and extended valleys. It enters Pope County on the east, about six miles south of the base of the mountains, and opens up a wide and productive valley onto the valley of the Ar- kansas River in this county. Hecker's Fork, a tributary of Point Remove, rises in this county, near the eastern border, in the Oak Mountain, and runs due south from the base of the mountain about six miles, emptying into Point Remove. Gum Log, a tributary of Point Remove, rises about the center of the county, runs a little south of east about twelve miles, emptying into Point Remove, near the line dividing Pope and Conway Counties. The Crow Mountain constitutes the headlands of Galla Creek, which drains the country south of the mountain to the Arkansas River. It is a short stream and runs through a flat but densely popu- lated countrj', and affords stock water in good sup- ply. From this view of the principal water-courses and their windings, it will be seen that there are few counties that have so manj' clear running streams as Pope County, or whose waters are more equally distributed. While the western half of the county is better watered than the eastern, it can not be truly said that there is any place in Pope County where there is any very great scarcity of water or inconvenience to it, even in the dryest seasons. Wells are relied on chiefly for drinking water. The average well is from twenty to thirty feet in depth and it is very rare to find a well forty feet deep. The greatest abundance of pure water is obtained at these depths; the cost of sinking a well is from $1.50 to $2 per foot. In the mount- ainous portion of the county sjjrings are quite common. There are about 512,000 acres of land in Pope County, only about half of which is occupied. There are about 75,000 acres of railroad land, 20,000 acres of State land, 5,000 acres of school land, and 16'.),0O0 acres of Government land, ag- gregating 269,000 acres, which leaves 243,000 owned and occupied by the people. The Govern- ment land, which in a technical sense constitutes the public domain, is subject to homestead; but in the broader sense the railroad, school and State land might be said to constitute part of the pul;!ic domain, for it is all unoccupied and for sale. The railroad lands sell at from $2 to $7 per acre, the State land at $1.25 per acre, and the school land, to the highest bidder, at not less than $1.25 per acre. Land belonging to individuals can be bought, bottom lands from |15 to $30 per acre, river bottom lands from $25 to $50 per acre, and uplands fi'om $5 to $10 per acre. The mountain lands are all subject to homestead, except such as belong to individuaLs, which can be bought re- markably cheap. This county is a " sand formation." This term is here used in contradistinction to calcareous formation. The soil in the valleys, and especially the river valleys, is alluvial, and has a sandy sub- soils. In the hills or uplands the soil is a sandy loam, and in the mountains it is a clay loam, with clay subsoils. Silica and alumina enter into the composition of the soil in about equal proportions, silica slightly predominating in the valleys, and alumina in the mountains and uplands. The mount- ains and uplands are more retentive of moisture than the bottoms, but this is partially due to the difference in the character of their subsoils. The soil of this country possesses all the chemical in- gredients necessary to the wants and growth of jjlants, but each particular character of soil excels in the growth of certain species. The valley lands excel in the growth of corn and cotton. The clay loams are unequal for the production of wheat, beans, peas, cabbage, turnips, etc., and fruits of all kinds; the sandy loams in the production of pea- nuts, rye, oats, sweet and Irish potatoes, strawber- S, Vy ' A .U 196 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ries, peaches, melons and perennial pastures. The river bottoms, the richest soil of the country, are owned usually by large landholders, who live in the uplands, their farms being worked by tenants and " share-croppers." All the colored people of the county engaged in agriculture are found on the river. Land rents from $5 to $6 per acre. The production of cotton and corn constitutes the exclusive industry. No thought is given to the production of fruit or any other luxuries of life. Though Pope County is naturally a fine stock country little thought is given to stock-raising. Cotton holds sway and shuts out all other enter- prises. The planters produce a bale of cotton to the acre for which they realize on an average $40. They usually plant what they deem a sufficient acreage of corn to supply their farms. If the sea- son is favorable they have an abundance of corn, and if unfavorable they have a scarcity. With favorable seasons they can raise from sixty to seventy-five bushels of corn per acre. The people in the uplands are generally thrifty and prosperous. Their farms are small, consisting, usually, of from forty to 160 acres. The occu- pants are the owners. There are few renters in the uplands in any portion of the county. Thej' are in the valleys, especially on the large river farms. The general comforts of life are more equally distributed among the people residing in the uplands than among any other class. Owning their homes, they produce their own consumptions, have their little orchards and variety of luxuries 60 essential to the comfort and happiness of a people. They have good society, church and edu cational facilities. The uplands are exceedingly healthy. Improved uplands sell from $5 to $10 per acre. There are a great deal of these uplands subject to homestead. The finest openings for in- dustrious people of small means are the mountains. The lands are rich and fertile and can be home- steaded or bought at low prices. Stock can be raised with but little attention. There is no country that nature has done more for. It is as fine an apple, peach and grape countrj' as can be found anywhere. Grapes grow almost spontaneously. The peach and the apple in size, beauty and flavor grow to perfection. The chief industries of the people are corn, wheat and fruit culture and stock- raising. The soil is retentive of moisture, and the drouth seldom affects the mountain district. The mountains are also noted for honey. The Big Piney is one of the most beautiful streams of water in the State. Rising far back in the mountains, in the lime formations, its waters are peculiarly clear and crystal -like, and is an excellent stream for fish. It is fordable on horse except in times of high water, but footmen can pass over it dry- shod only in the dry seasons. The valleys are wide and productive and some of the best farms in the county are situated on this stream. It is claimed that the land here is stronger for the sup posed reason that it contains more lime than the soil in other portions of the county. While the Illinois Bayou is not as long as the Piney, it is about the same breadth; its valleys are wider, more extensive and continuous. The valleys of the Piney are more like a basin from the fact that every few miles the hills close in on both sides of the stream. On the contrary. Illinois Bayou is not closed in by the hills shutting out the valleys ex- cept in one place, and for but a short distance, and forms one continuous valley of rich and fertile lands, extending the full length of the county north and south, splitting the center to the base of the mountains, thence extending a little west of the center to the Arkansas River. Its valleys produce from three-fourths to a bale of cotton per acre, and from forty to seventy bushels of corn per acre, and grow oats, rye and all kinds of grasses well. They are of about the same productive capacity as the valley of Piney, and this is the most cheerful and delightful farming country in the county. The valleys of Indian Creek are rich and fertile but narrow, except at its mouth where the mountains draw back, forming a basin called Leonard's Val- ley, which is rich and productive. The most at- tractive of these creeks is the North Fork. Its valleys are wider than the others, and the creek is not so shifting. Its farms are larger, and its farmers are a well to-do class of people, and have good society, church and school facilities. It will thus be seen that the county's principal crops are '^a w. ■> * POPE COUNTY. 197 4^ [ cotton and corn. Cotton produces well; on hill lands 700, on bottoms, 1,400 pounds of seed cot- ton to the acre; the average yield of corn is from 20 to 50 bushels, of wheat from 8 to 16, of oats from 18 to 30, of rye from 25 to 30 bushels, pota- toes, both Irish and sweet, from 200 to 300, tur- nips 300, and field peas 40 bushels per acre; to- bacco produces about 200 pounds; timothy, 2,000 pounds; redtop, 2,000 pounds; millet and Hun- garian grasses, 3,000 pounds to the acre, and sor- glium yields about 100 gallons of syrup on average land. All varieties of fruit are successfully culti- vated. Peaches are a sure crop; apples do well, and grapes will produce anywhere in the county. In the matter of health. Pope Connty compares favorably with other sections. The lands, as a rule, are high uplands, with no swamps or stagnant pools, and are easily drained. All who have any practical regard for the laws of health, in their modes of liv- ing, are rarely sick. The diseases of the country, as a rule, are easily controlled. Following is the testi- mony of one of Russellville's leading physicians: "I have lived a resident of this county since 1854, and have been a practicing physician for thirty- four years past of that time, having had a large and varied experience. The diseases met with here are mostly of malarial origin, prevailing more dur- ing the summer and fall months than at any other time. Those who live in the bottoms along the water-courses suffer the most, while the residents of the uplands are comparatively exempt. Epi- demics are almost unknown, as a rule, and, when they do prevail, are generally mild and easily man- aged. Whooping-cough and measles, with a case of mumps now and then, constitute the entire cata- logue of epidemic diseases in this country. Among the inflammations, pneumonia is the most prevalent during the winter and early spring months, but it does not prevail to a great extent, and taken in time, is easily managed. Not one physician in ten will average, one year with another, more than six or eight cases in any one season, at least that has been my experience. " There are, in different lo- calities in the county, fine chalybeate springs, val- uable for the health-producing qualities of their waters, which have been found especially effective in various chronic diseases. With additional rail- way facilities, these springs will, some of them, in time, doubtless be developed into popular resorts. Following are the names of the several political townships into which the county is divided. The figures in connection with the name of each town- ship represent the area of that townshij) in square miles: Allen, 50; Bayliss, 17; Clark, 28; Con- venience, 20; Dover, 50; Freeman, 51; Galla Creek, 18; Galla Rock, 21; Griffin, 32; Gum Log, 14; Holly Bend, 17; Independence, 96; Illinois, 40; Lee, 18; Liberty, 120; Martin, 59; Moreland, 20; North Fork, 62; Sand Springs, 11; Valley, 29; Wilson, 32. At the close of the year 1825, the then Territory of Arkansas consisted of the counties of Arkansas, Conway, Chicot, Crawford, Crittenden, Hemp- stead, Independence, Izard, Lawrence, Miller, Pulaski and Phillips. Conway had been erected as recently as October 25 of that year. Lovely County was erected October 13, 1827, and was abolished October 17, 1828. Five days later part of the Indian purchase was added to Conway County. More than a year after the wiping out of Lovely County, Pope County was formed princi- pally from Conway. An old record book of deeds containing the evidence of real estate transactions in Lovely County, in 1828, is among the curiosities of the Pope County clerk's office. Pope County was erected November 2, 1829. In 1840, Yell County was formed out of Pope, by making the Arkansas River the line from the mouth of Petit Jean up to the crossing of the Miliary road at the Dardanelle Rock; thence to the point of Magazine Moimtain; thence with said mountain westward; and not until 1853 did Pope County relinquish to Yell all her lands south of the River. This con- cession was made under an act of Legislature passed January 5, 1853. Part of Conway County was attached to Pope January 6, 1853. The line between Pope and Newton Counties was defined January 10, 1853. Part of Van Buren County was attached to Pope January 12, 1853. The line between Pope and Van Buren Counties was de- fined February 17, 1859; the line between Pope and Johnson Counties, October 19, 1859, and i J« — «- .]^ 198 HISTOKT OF ARKANSAS. March 27, 1871. The line between Pope and Con- way Connties was defined May 28, 1874. The line between Pope and Johnson Counties was re-estab- lished March 6, 1875, and changed March 9, 1877. The temporary county seat of Pope County was established at John Bolinger's, on the Arkan- sas River, near Hon. John R. Homer Scott's " Scotia ' ' farm, and the courts were held there in 1829-30. One early court was held at the old Dwight Mission, on Illinois Bayou. Some time in 1830 the county seat was established at old Nor- ristown and remained there about ten years. No county buildings were ever erected at Norristown. The courts were held in a small frame building leased for the purpose, and prisoners were con- fined in the jail of neighboring counties. The first court-house at Dover was a log structure. It was re- paired and improved from time to time and served the county until some time during the war, when it was burned. Courts were for a time held in churches, until the erection of the brick court- house, which stands there still, now in use as a school-house, it having been sold by the county to Dover for the nominal price of $100. There is also at Dover a now useless log jail. The con- struction of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Rail- road built up Russellville and Atkins and drew away from Dover_ the local commerce that had made it the business center of the county. The removal of the seat of justice to some point on the railroad followed as a most natural consequence. Ju]y;21, 1880, upon the petitions of C. S. Bell and 1,500 others andL. D. Ford and 2,100 others, legal voters of Pope County, it was ordered by the county coiirt that an election be held September 0, 1886, at which the following questions should be submitted to the people: First, shall the county seat be removed or changed ? Second, shall the county seat be removed from Dover to Russellville ? Third, shall the county seat be removed from Dover to Atkins? Each of these petitions con- tained a proposition to build a court-house at the tovm mentioned therein in case the county seat should be removed thereto, and the people of Russellville and Atkins proposed for theii' re- spective towns to execute a good and sufiBcient bond for the use of Pope County, payable to such commissioners as might be by the courts appointed to erect without cost to the county a comfortable and convenient building suitable and sufficient for all county purposes and donate the same to the county. The court appointed R. O. Mortou, W. M. Bell and Joseph Howard, commissioners, to whom said bonds should be made payable for the use of Pope County, and ordered that said bonds should be filed with the clerk of the court. This election did not result in a choice of a new location for the county seat, though there was a majority for re- moval fi'om Dover. At the October term of the county court, 1880, T. M. Neal and others, after due notice, filed their petition contesting said election, and the court, upon hearing, sustained the contest and set aside the election, and J. L. Shinn and others, as contestees, appealed to the Pope Circuit Court. The time for holding the Pope Circuit Court, as fixed by law, was the first Monday (the first day) of November, 1880; but the court was not opened until the third day (Wednesday), when the circuit judge appeared and proceeded to open and hold the court. On the fifth day of said month M. L. Davis was elected special judge, and on the twelfth he pro- ceeded to try the contest upon the amended peti- tion of the contestants and demiirrer of the con- testees thereto, and sustained the demurrer and so rendered judgment; and thereupon ordered an election to be held March 19, 1887. Such an election was then held, and a majority of the voters of the county voted to locate the county seat at Russellville, the ballot standing 1,399 for Russellville as against 1,271 for Atkins. In July, 1886, J. L. Shinn presented to the county court a deed conveying to Pope County " all that portion of Lot 13 beginning on Oak Street on the east and running back west to a point parallel with a line running through the center of Lot 18; also the east half of said Lot 18; also Lots 19, 20 and 21, all of said lots being in Block ' K ' in J. M. Shinn's Addition to the town of Russellville." At the same time Mr. Shinn offered another site, but the one above described was chosen and accepted by the county court, April 1, 1887. It was ordered ^' ^ POPE COUNTY. 199 that the county court-house and jail should be built on this site, and J. M. Haney, M. H. Johnson and L. D. Ford were appointed commis- sioners to inspect said structures and receive them in behalf of the, county when they should be fin ished. July 5, 1887, J. L. Shinn, K. J. Wilson, W. G. White and others represented to the court that they were preparing to erect the jail and court-house in compliance with the obligation of their bond, filed with the county clerk August 17, 188(), and that they had procured and then ten- dered to the court for the temporary use of the county, while the buildings should be in course of erection, fi'ee of cost or rent to the county, suita- ble aj^artments for the holding of the courts and the safe keeping of the records of the county, lo- cated on the second floor of R. J. Wilson's brick building at the corner of Main and Jefferson Streets in Eussellville. This proposition was re- ferred by the court to the commissioners above mentioned, who were instructed to meet at Eus- sellville July 9, 1887, and inspect the apartments so tendered and report to the court, July 12, whether they were suitable and safe for the tem- porary use of the county. The report of the com- missioners being favorable, on July 25, 1887, it was ordered that " the clerk of the circuit court and ex-officio clerk of the county and jjrobate courts and recorder of Pope County remove his office and the records, papers and seals therein contained from Dover to said apartments so ten- dered; " and it was further ordered that thereafter the county court and all other courts of record of Pope County be held " at said temporary court- house " until the completion of the permanent court-house. May 16, 1888, the commissioners reported to the county court the completion and accepitance of the new court-house and jail, as follows: "The undersigned commissioners, heretofore by this court appointed to examine and receive the new court- house and jail, proposed to be erected for the use of the county at Russellville, in said county, by the citizens of said town, the erection of which was secured by the bonds of J. L. Shinn and others, respectfully report that, pursuant to the order of this court heretofore made, they have examined and received said court-house and jail erected for Pope County pursuant to said bond, and find that said court-house and jail are well and substantially built in compliance with the terms of said bond, and we for said county accept the said court-house and jail as being in full compliance with the re- quirements of said bond and recommend that the obligors on said bond be discharged from lia- bility thereupon." The court accepted and acted upon the recommendation of this report and or- dered that the county offices and the various courts should be removed to the new court-house, and that the next, and all other terms of the coun- ty court, and of all other courts of record of the county be there held. The county buildings are among the finest in the State, and reflect great credit upon the many enterprising citizens who contributed toward their erection. Pope County civil list is as follows: 1829-30 — Andrew Scott, judge; Twitty Place, clerk; H. Stennett, sheriff ; W. Garrott, coroner; W. Mitchel, surveyor. 1830-32— S. K. Ely the, judge; E. A. Pace, clerk; J. J. Morse, sheriff; F. Heron, sur- veyor. 1832-33 — Thomas Murray, Jr., judge; E. A. Pace, clerk; J. J. Morse, sheriff; S. M. Hayes, coroner; E. S. Witt, surveyor. 1833-35 — Isaac Brown, judge; E. T. Williamson, clerk; W. W. Rankins, sheriff; S. S. Hayes, coroner; E. S. Witt, surveyor. 1835-86 — J. J. Morse, judge; J. B. Logan, clerk; S. M. Hayes, sheriff; W\ C. Webb, coroner; E. S. Witt, surveyor. 1836-38 — Benjamin Langford, judge; J. B. Logan, clerk; S. M. Hayes, sheriff; J. R. H. Scott, treasurer; J. Baker, coroner; E. S. Witt, surveyor. 1838-40 — B. Johnson, judge; J. Ferguson, clerk; S. M. Hayes, sheriff; D. F. Williamson, treasurer; E. Baker, coroner; R. S. Witt, surveyor. 1840-42 — W. Bryan, judge; J. Ferguson, clerk; S. M. Hayes, sheriff; D. F. Williamson, treasurer; E. Ba- ker, coroner; E. S. Witt, sm-veyor. 1842^4 — Isaac Brown, judge; J. E. H. Scott, clerk; S. M. Hayes, sheriff; D. F. Williamson, treasurer; E. E. Fleming, coroner; E. S. Witt, surveyor. 1844-46 — Jesse Mallory, judge; J. E. H. Scott, clerk; J. W. Jones, sheriff; D. F. Williamson, treasurer; 7p ii iv 9 k^ ^, 200 HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. M. Tackett, coroner; R. S. Witt, surveyor. 1846- 48 — David West, judge; J. R. H. Scott, clerk; J. W. Jones, sheriff; D. F. Williamson, treasurer; J. S. Banker, coroner; J. H. Brearley, surveyor. 1848-50— A. J. Bayliss, judge; William Stout, clerk; J. Hickey, sheriff; J. H. Patterson, treas- urer; J. S. Banker, coroner; J. H. Brearley, sur- veyor. 1850-52 — A. [J. Bayliss, judge; William Stout, clerk; J. Hickey, sheriff; D. F. Williamson^ treasurer; J. Bradley, coroner; J. A. Brearley sur- veyor. 1852-54 — A. J. Bayliss, judge; William Stout, clerk; R. H. Hovpell, sheriff; G. R. Davis, treasurer; J. S. Banker, coroner; J. Ferguson, surveyor. 1854-50 — Cabel Davis, judge; R. H. Howell, clerk: J. L. Linton, sheriff; W. S. John- son, treasurer; J. S. Banker, coroner; J. W. Mil- ler, surveyor. 1856-58 — N. D. Shinn, judge; R. H. Howell, clerk; J. L. Linton, sheriff; W. S. Johnson, treasurer; J. A. Bradley, coroner; J. W. Miller, surveyor. 1858-60— N. D. Shinn, judge; R. H. Howell, clerk; J. L. Linton, sheriff; D. M. Hornbeak, treasurer; J. A. Bradley, coro- ner; J. W. Miller, surveyor. 1860-62— N. D. Shinn, judge; R. H. Howell, clerk; D. C. Brown, sheriff; W. S. Johnson, treasurer; W. A. Walker, coroner; J. W. Chambers, surveyor. 1802-64 — J. B. Brooks, judge; A. J. Bayliss; clerk; J. B. Erwin, sheriff; W. S. Johnson, treasurer; L. Ma- comb, coroner; J. W. Miller, surveyor. 1864-66 — J. B. Brooks, judge; A. J. Bayliss, clerk; G. B. Fondreu, sheriff; D. F. Williamson, treasurer; L. Macomb, coroner; J. Brearley, surveyor. (During this term W. A. Strickland was judge; W. H. Williams was sheriff, James Bradley was coroner, and J. W. Stout was surveyor, from July, 1865.) 1866-68 — Cabel Davis, judge; A. J. Bayliss, clerk; J. Petty, sheriff; S. R. Parker, treasurer; L. Ma- comb, coroner; J. W. Miller, surveyor; 1868-72 — W. T. Brown, judge; W. H. Hickox, clerk; J. W. Stout, sheriff (J. F. Clear from March, 1870); John Hughes, treasurer; J. A. Bradley, coroner; L. M. Hale, surveyor; J. F. Clear, assessor (J. H. Martin from July, 1870). 1872-74— E. H. Poe, clerk; J. B. Erwiu, sheriff; W. L. D. Ewing, treasurer; William White, coroner; James Potts, surveyor; C. E. Toby, assessor. 1874-76 — Frank Thach, judge; H. A. Bayliss, clerk; Joe Petty, sheriff; S. R. Parker, treasurer; J. P. Langford, coroner; James Potts, surveyor; G. W. O. Davis, assessor. 1876-78 — Frank Thach, judge; A. J. Bayliss, clerk; R. B. Hogins, sheriff; S. R. Park- er, treasurer; C. N. Beuetield, coroner; James Potts, surveyor; W. M. Peeler, assessor. (Judge Thach died and R. B. Wilson was elected in March, 1878. Treasurer Parker died and F. C. Falls was elected in September, 1877.) 1878-80— R. B. Wilson, judge; A. J. Bayliss, clerk; R. B. Hogins, sheriff'; F. C. Falls, treasurer; J. W. Jones, coro- ner; James Potts, surveyor; W. M. Peeler, assessor. 1880-82— E. C. Bradley, judge; W. J. Reynolds, clerk; R. B. Hogins, sheriff; F. C. Falls, treas- urer; D. R. Grant, coroner; James Potts, survey- or; A. R. Robinson, assessor. 1882-84 — E. C. Bradley, judge; James Potts, clerk; J. W. Quiun, sheriff; Joe Petty, treasurer; D. R. Grant, coro- ner; W. R. Hale, surveyor; A. R. Robinson, as- sessor. (P. J. Hollow from March 13, 1884.) 1884-86 — J. S. Linzy, judge; James Potts, clerk; J. W. Quinn, sheriff; George Baird, treasurer; G. A. Jamison, coroner; W. R. Hale, surveyor; P. M. Austin, assessor. 1886-88— J. T. Bullock, judge; James Potts, clerk; John R. Young, sheriff; Joseph Petty, treasurer; James H. Shinn, coroner; W. R. Hale, surveyor; J. A. Hickman, assessor. 1888-90— J. T. Bullock, judge; R. B. Hogins, clerk; John R. Young, sheriff; W. N. Peeler, treasurer; D. R. Grant, coroner; A. Q. Davis, surveyor; J. A. Hickman, assessor. 1890-92 — G. W. Berryman, jiidge; G. E. Howard, clerk; J. T. Bullock, circuit clerk; W. J. Johnson, sheriff; D. R. Grant, coroner; J. I. Simpson, assessor; W. M. Peeler, treasurer. Pope County is in the Fifth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Pope, Yell, Johnson and Conway. The judge is Hon. J. E. Cravens, of Johnson County; the prosecuting attorney is H. S. Carter, of Dardanelle. Hon. J. G. Wallace, of Russellville, was elected judge, and Jeff Davis, of Russellville, prosecuting attorney, September 1, 1890, to succeed the officials above mentioned. The court opens on the first Mondays of April and November. It is in the Second Congressional Dis- ^ ell- i V fe< POPE COUNTY. •Ml I trict, composed of the counties of Pope, Cleveland, Lincoln, Grant, Jefferson, Arkansas, Monroe, Prai- rie, Lonoke, Woodruff, White, Faulkner, Conway, Van Buren, Stone and Cleliurne, represented by Hon. C. R. Breckinridge. Pope County was repre- sented in the Constitutional Convention of 1836 by Thomas Murray, Jr. ; in the Constitutional Con- vention of 1861 by William Stout; in the Constitu- tional Convention of 1864 by William Stout; in the Constitutional Convention of 1868 by Walter W. Brashear; and in the Constitutional Convention of 1874 by John E. Homer Scott. In the Territorial and State Legislatures this county has been represented thus: Upper House (Territorial), session of 1831, by Isaac Hughes; 1833, by John Williamson; 1835 (journals of this session missing); 183()-38 (State) with Johnson, by J. Williamson; 1840, with Conway, by J. Will- iamson; 1842-43, with Conway, by J. Williamson; 1844-45, with Yell, by J. Williamson; 1840, with Yell, by J. Williamson; 1848-49, with Yell, by J. Williamson; 1850-51, with Yell, by J. Williamson; 1852-53, with Yell, by G. W. Lemoyne; 1854-55, with Yell, by G. W. Lemoyne; 1850-57, with Johnson, by W. W. Floyd; 1858-59, with John- son, by W. W. Floyd; 1800-01, special; 1801-02, with Johnson, by A. M. Ward; 1802, with John- sou, by Ben T. Embry; 1864-65, with Johnson, by William Stout; Confederate Legislature, 1864, with Johnson, by Ben T. Embry; Sixteenth Legis- lature, 1866-07, with Johnson, by J. E. Cravens; 1808-<59, with Searcy and Conway, by Z. Keeton; 1871, with Searcy and Conway, by A. D. Thomas; 1873, with Searcy and Conway, by A. D. Thomas; 1874, with Searcy and Conway, by J. R. H. Scott ; 1874-75, with Johnson, by C. E. Toby; 1877, with Johnson, by C. E. Toby; 1879, with John- son, by John F. Hill; 1881, with Johnson, by John F. Hill; 1883, with Johnson, by B. T. Embry; 1885, with Johnson, by B. T. Embry; 1887, with Johnson, by G. T. Cazort; last session, with John- son, by G. T. Cazort; J. M. Harkey is Senator elect. Lower House (Territorial) — session of 1831, by Andrew Scott; 1833, by W. Garrett; 1835 (journals of this session missing); 1836-38 (State) by M. G. H. Teevault and J. J. Moose; 1838, by B. H. Martin and A. C. Sadler; 1840, by John Bruton and C. G. Sadler; 1842-43, by M. T. Logan and P. Tackett; 1844-45, by James B. Logan; 1846, by J. B. Annis and James Bruton; 1848-49, by J. M. Shinn and J. J. Stirman; 1850-51, by J. G. Bruton and C. E. Toby; 1852-53, by J. S. Bow- den and James Bruton; 1854-55, by James Brunot and William D. Poe; 1850-57, by W. A. Barker and J. S. Bowden; 1800-01, special; 1861-62, by J. S. Bowden; 1862, by John McFadJon; 1864-65, by Robert White; Confederate Legislature, 1864, by John McFadden; Sixteenth Legislature, 1866- 67, C. E. Toby; 1868-69, with Searcy and Conway, by W. W. Brashear, J. R. Hall and H. W. Hodges; 1871, with Searcy and Conway, by A. D. Thomas; 1873, with Searcy and Conway, by Benton Turner, Y. B. Sheppard and J. F. Stephenson; 1874, with Searcy and Conway, by L. W. Davis and J. S. Venable; 1874-75, by N. D. Shinn; 1877, by L. W. Davis; 1879, by E. L. McCracken; 1881, by H. C. Howell; 1883, by N. W. Kuhn; 1885, by C. E. Toby; 1887, by W. L. Sibley; last session, by W. L. Sibley. Lawrence Russell was elected Sep- tember 1, 1890. The following hold, or have until recently held, commissions as notaries pablic in Pope County: E. C. Bradley, J. S. Bailey, H. L. Rayburn, John W. White, J. T. Bullock, John A. Erwin, H. M. Carden, H. Cohen, G. W. Berry man, Thomas J. Russell, A. M. Gibson, Robert Chastine, J. D. Cleveland, J. E. Joyner, Eugene Moore, James H. Shinn, John Boanes, J. J. Lester. There are more than 3, 600 voters in this county ; about one-third are Republicans. The Democratic ticket has not been defeated iu this county since reconstruction, except in 1884, it was partially de- feated by a combination of the Labor and Repub- lican parties. When the old Dwight mission station was es- tablished on Illinois Bayou, north of the river, in Pope County, the Rev. Cephas Washburn, a Pres- byterian minister, took charge of it. The Cherokee settlement, under their chief, Black Hawk, then extended for five miles down the river, and at some distance from it. The settlement was like a town, of five miles in length. Each Indian family had i) >y ' « w- 'k. 202 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. its wigwam and patch of land, containing from one to five acres attached. All these patches adjoined each other, so that it was one continued field, com- posed of patches of a few acres, in the midst of which was a wigwam or cabin, in which the fam- ilies resided. This accounts for the young growth of timber which has been cleared within the mem- ory of some of the present inhabitants. The first explorers and temporary occupants of what is now Pope County were hunters and trap- pers. They conveyed information of its many beauties and advantages to the posts and older set- tlements. Most of the earliest settlement was along the Arkansas River and in some of the in- terior valleys. The pioneers were, in the main, men of worth and determination. Their work was in a wilderness, where they were often compelled to combat savage beasts, and sometimes fiercer men. Perhaps some made but a brief tarry, and then pushed on into a newer field, leaving no de- scendants here. The majority, however, have left a record in the county's history, and the names of many are ia the lists of county officials to be found elsewhere in these pages. Many reared large families, whose descendants may look backward now and think with pride of the skill and endur- ance dis})layed by their ancestors in laying the foundations upon which modern Pope County stands. Never were there more honest or more hospitable people than these pioneers who broke the forest and began to open the way before ad- vancing civilization. While such a life as theirs might not satisfy the present generation, they seem to have been suited to it. Were some of the re- fined and cultured people of to-day suddenly taken back to the log cabin of their forefathers, what a contrast would be presented to them between the old order of things and the new. Open-heartM, generous hospitality, instead of formality and sus- picious welcome then prevailed; personal incon- venience was not then thought of; a desire to assist others rather than himself characterized the average early settler, and to a thoughtfu mind it is indeed a serious question, whether or not, with all boasted advancement and progress, people of to-day are superior to their ancestors in those nobler elements of moral courage, deference to others and the consideration of the community be- fore the individual. The life of the pioneers was anything but dull, though, as a rule, not one in ten saw a newspaper more than once or twice a year, and the only news that reached them from the East was brought by the last newcomer, by some trav- eler through the country, or perhaps, by letters, that did not arrive until about three weeks after they had crossed the Mississippi. Notwithstand- ing such deprivations, their very surroundings and the life they lived furnished excitement that ex- actly fitted them, and if any people filled well the place assigned them in life, the founders of Pope County did. The following reference to the pi- oneer epoch is from the pen of Hon. John R. Homer Scott, of Russellville: "I look back to the good old days with wonder, astonishment and sad- ness at the change. No bolts or bars, no locks or keys, no shotguns, pistols or bowie-knives wei-ethen necessary to guard against the evils which, in this day and age beset us on every hand. Killing, stealing, incendiarism and other heinous crimes, of the most atrocious and heartrending description, as constantly portrayed through the public press of the present day, were then almost unknown and unheard of, to shock our sensibilities, and cause sorrow, trouble and distress. But all was peace and quiet, and the hearthstone and fireside, the sanctuary of domestic happiness, love and enjoy- ment. The people were united and cemented in the strongest ties of friendship and brotherhood. There were then no scandalous misrepresentations or bitter partisanship; no animosities, rancors, en- vies or jealousies, private or political; no desire or animus to j)ull neighbors down or traduce char- acter. But each and every one seemed intent upon an honest and laudable ambition and pursuit, which might result in the betterment of his own or his neighbor's happiness, welfare and prosperity. Would to God that such a state of affairs as was embraced in our early pioneer code yet existed, for honesty, integrity, morality and virtue, as dis- tinguishing and prominent characteristics, marked the advent of the early original settlers of the long ago — that we might again realize and enjoy the ■^^ c r~ ^^ ik^ POPE COUNTY. 203 blessings and satisfaction which were once so very pleasant, even amid primeval forests and dense and lofty canebrakes, and have with us again as then, at all times, such grand, congenial and noble men for fellowship as Uncle Davy Harkey, Eansom and Madison Shinn, George W. Lemoyne, David West, John Wilson, John and Mathew T. Logan, Dr. Thomas Kussell, Dr. J. McFadden, Dr. G. R. Davis, Dr. J. H. Brearley, Samuel Norris, Benjamin Langford, George Williams, John, Rob- ert T., John L. and D. F. Williamson, Mahlou and John M. Bewley, Richard S. Witt, E. W. Duval, Thomas Murray, L. N. Clarke, J. L. Cravens, Kirkbride Potts, Stephen D. Lewis, William Ran- kin, James, Thomas and Philip Madden, Jesse and Thomas May, Dick Adams, John Howell, John and James Brewton, Andrew Scott, James and William Carden, Daniel Gilmore, A. J. Bayliss, Sam Hays, Hillary Herring, Abram and John I. Smith, Will- iam Parks, Charles and Josiah Perry, John Brad- ley, the Howells, Bernards, Jamisons, Logans, SuUivans and many other dear old friends fondly remembered, but now no more, whose smiles, pres- ence, company and counsel once served to enliven, cheer and gladden our hearts. Peace to their ashes." Ever since the war there has been a constant stream of home-seekers Howing in this direction from other States as well as from other counties in this State, which has added greatly to the wealth and general prosperity of the county. New towns are growing up in communities where a dozen years ago the solitude was almost unbroken by the presence of man. Railways, not alone in the county, but in all parts of the New West, have contributed largely to this advancement. All parts of the county are now settled, and schools and churches are everywhere. The increase in popu- lation has been gradual, yet quite steady, and at this time the county seems fairly well peopled. Notwithstanding this, many magnificent acres re- main unoccupied, to which the attention of all who wish to settle in a fertile land, a genial climate and a moral community is directed, and a cordial invitation is extended by the citizens here to all who may wish to occupy these lands and unite their fortunes with theirs. Following are the names of those who are recorded as having entered land in Pope County previous to 1845. The orthography of the names as given in the records has been pre- served and in a few instances may differ from the modern orthography of the same family names: 1833 — Stephen D. Lewis; 1834 — Samuel Norris, John J. Morse, John Drennen; 1835 — Thomas Russell, Alexander Madden, Mary N. Norris, George Poplin; 1S3G — Joseph H. Brearley, Kirk- bride Potts, Augustus W. Scott, Robert Davidson, Andrew Scott, John E. Homer Scott, Francis Lo- gan, Jr., Burr H. Zachary, James Allen, Thomas I Butler, Keziah Mason, Isaac Hughes, J. Clark, ! Willis J. Wallace, William I. Albright, L. C. Howell, Sheldon Wooster, James and Philip Mad den, Peter Thornberry, Eliza Evans, David Slink- ard, James Madden; 1837 — Samuel Norris, En- glish J. Howell, Jesse May, John Burkhead, Will- iam G. H. Teevault, Cyrus F. Smith, Robert Da- vidson, Samuel Davidson, Levi G. Spear, J. D. Rose, Alfred Wallace; 1838 — Wilson and Baruett, James Tittsworth, Robert Tweed}-, Kirkbride Potts, Isaac W. McConnell, Joseph Potts, Thomas Russell, Ellen P. Bryan, John E. Bryan, James Allen, Thomas, James and Philip Madden, Hum- phrey P. Rose, Persis Lovely, Aaron Clark, Thomas Butler, Bartlett Zachary; 1839 — Joseph P. Ring, Thomas Campbell, James Campbell, Moore & Blaisdell, Richard H. Blaisdell, Willbourn and Thompson, A. Barnett, John Aplin, William G. Barnett, William Aplin, Polly Roberts, William L. Wharton, Richard T. Banks, James Menifee, William H. Boyer, B. H. Thompson, Joseph Chan- dler, Elisha W. Owens, James J. Tweedy, Benja- min Moore, Jamea Hollyfield, Jesse Bernard, Vin- cents J. Hutton, Abram Bernard, John E. Met- calf, R. J. Blounts, Elizabeth Carter, James Car- der, Daniel Gilmore, Joseph Parr, George W. Carter, Carter and Pattillo, Blake H. Thompson, Littleton Pattillo, John F. Burns, Aaron Clark, P. H. Smithson, William J. McCormack, Robert A. Logan, Isaac N. McConnell, Elizabeth Ewing, Cyrus Ewing, James A. Howell, Thomas A. How- ell, Joseph D. Combs, David A. Logan, Jesse May, Johnson Gibson, Moses Hough, Robert Da- '7\ V ■fT 204 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. vidson; 1S40 — Samuel Norris, Haines A. Howell, Amasa Howell, James A. Howell, English J. How- ell, Nicholas Beatty, Thomas J. Dait, Aaron Clark, Thomas Russell, Coke B. Darnell, Thomas H. An- drews, William A. Logan, Benjamin D. R. Shinn, Josiah S. R. Honeycutt, Cyrus Gibson, Elizabeth Parkett, Dempsa Taylor, Nancy Clark; 1841 — Owen Williams, Ephraim Lemley, Thomas J. Dare, William A. Logan, Charles Himina, James Bru- ton, Thomas B. Wade, Robert B. Ross, John Bru- tou, Adam Ross, Jephtha Johnson, Ellis A. Gard- ner, James McCoy, Isaac Brown, William A. Bark- er, Lewis Potter, Edmond Tyler, Benjamin Lang- ford, John Rowland, Nathan B. Rowland, Robert S. Buley, John L. Goates, John Petrie, George P. Williamson, John Logau, Meredith Webb, John A. Bryan, William Bryan, Richard Young, John Williamson, William Phillips, Philip C. Hollidger, William O. Bryan, David S. Williamson, Augustus N. M'ard, William Euuia, James G. Williamson, Alexander D. Crews, John S. Williamson, Ellen P. Bryan, William Bryan, Horatio Bernard, Henry Phillips; 1842 — Henderson Beuefield, John Sulli- .van, Peter Pless, Joseph D. Tate, Joshua A. Hearne, Garrett Pless, John Harkey, Robert Mc- Anulty, Leonard Maddox, Samuel H. Howell, James M. Shinn, James L. Hardaway, Samuel Battenfield, John Battenfield, Elijah T. Timmons, Richard A. Bryan, David F. Williamson, Robert T. Williamson, George M. P. Williamson, Richard Ennis, John E. Shinn, John S. Williamson, James Allen; 1843 — Joseph C. Johnson, Horatio Ber- nard, William O. Bryan, Samuel H. Balch, Na- thaniel D. Shinn, William L. Poynter, Calvin Vir- dan, Caleb Davis; 1844 — W. A. Saphamore, George H. Feeter, William A. Logan, Joel Jones, William S. Johnson, A. Cochran, Miranda Taokett, James F. Hill, Candez Reynolds, Stephen Mat- theAVs, R. D. Ashmore, Samuel C. Strickland, Sam- uel Maloney, John H. Williams, A. A. Price, John S. Williamson, Elijah Pruitt, John Howell, James E. Harville, Moses W. Harville, James G. Williams, Samuel M. Hays, William H. Logan, R. W. Jamison, William C. Dixon, John Ewbanks, William J. Farriba, Robert Edmiston, Joseph Wil- son, R. Cunningham, Adam Ross, George Rush- ing, Sarah Hays, William M. Mason, John Wilson, Tristram Rye, William Rye, Enoch Wood, Jesse Dunlap, Samuel Leonard, Hiram A. Linzey, Isaac Brown. In 1879-80 Pope County particijiated with Faulkner and Conway Counties in a quite extensive German immigration. During pioneer times in this county there was a small class of men who with propriety might have been called itinerant school masters. One of these would find a settlement where enough chil- dren lived within a reasonable distance to consti- tute a small school. Visiting parents and guard- ians, he would organize a subscription school, usu- ally agreeing to teach a term of three months for a stipulated price per pupil. After having ob- tained enough subscribers to support a school of from fifteen to thirty pupils, this traveling educator would begin his school, board around with his pa- trons, teach for the time agreed upon, and then pass on and find another settlement where he would in like manner organize and teach another school, thus keeping himself almost always employed. An old surviving pioneer says that, though they were all strangers, these pedagogues were usually hon- est and gave satisfaction as teachers. As they kept constantly on the move, it was seldom that one of them was employed twice in the same set- tlement. By the time the settlers could afford a second term of school, the first teacher had passed beyond recall, and his place would be filled by another stranger. This county had to depend upon subscription schools entirely until the estab- lishment of the present free school system. Some of the parents sent their children away for educa- tional advantages. The public schools of Arkan- sas are a jjost belluni organization. Prior to that epoch, the educational facilities of Pope County were very limited and primitive. The scarcity of population rendered permanent schools impractica- ble, and a small log cabin, 18x20 feet in size, would accommodate all the children within a ra- dius of six to ten miles, and a teacher did not have to be far advanced educationally to secure a school. The school-houses served also as a place of public worship. Now Arkansas has a well organized public school system with a State superintendent ^: e J^ POPE COUNTY. 205 of public instruction, and a county examiner iu each county. Provision is made in the Constitu- tion of the State for the support of public schools, requiring an annual tax of twenty cents upon each $100 of taxable property, to be levied and collected for that purpose, in addition to a per capita tax of one dollar upon each adult male inhabitant. The territory of each county has been laid off by the respective county courts into convenient school districts, which are managed by three directors elected by the electors of the district. In addition to the amount raised by State tax, each school dis trict, by vote, can levy a tax not to exceed fifty cents upon the $100 for the support of its school. A large portion of the districts vote the full amount allowed by the law, paying in the aggre- gate for this laudable purpose seventy cents on the $100 of taxable property together with a poll tax of one dollar. In towns and densely populated neighborhoods this enables the schools to be kept open for nine months in each year. Pope County has made great advancement un- der the operations of this law, and her public schools are in a flourishing condition. New dis- tricts have been added almost every year, until now there are about 100. About the same number of teachers are employed, and the county has nearly fifty school-houses. There are over 7,000 children of the school age in the county, of whom not GOO are colored. The latter are taught sepa- rately. New school-houses are being built in nearly all parts of the county, and an almost unan- imous desire is manifested l)y the citizens to build up and protect that bulwark of the peojile's intel- lectual advancement — the public free-school. In the Russellville Graded School are enrolled nearly 400 pupils. Prof. A. E. Lee, principal, is filling his second term with marked acceptability. His assistants are Profs. M. H. Baird and R. A. Ross, and Miss Teeter of Ohio, Miss McClure of Vir- ginia, and Miss Lillie Rankin of Russellville. There are about 300 pupils enrolled in the Atkins School. Prof. J. H. Fry is principal and also county examiner. Mr. T. D. Bullock is teacher in the intermediate department, and Miss Scarlett in the primary dej)artment. Dover also has a good public school. Its last principal was Prof. J. E. Howard, 1889-90, who was elected county clerk at the September election, 1890. These schools are carefully graded and thoroughly equipped. The Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad was completed through Pope County in 1872-73. It has stations in this county at Atkins, Russellville and several other convenient points. This railway has done much to develop the county and advance its best interests. It has had an influence upon set- tlements, the growth of towns, and in removing the center of trade and the seat of justice from the interior of the county to the Arkansas Val- ley. Russellville is on this line of railroad and has one of the largest and most fertile districts in Arkansas or any other State tributary to her, which promises shortly to be further opened up by a line of railway from Kansas City to Hot Springs, thus crossing the State transversely to the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, and mak- ing Russellville the distributing point for an im- mense area of as rich and fertile territory as pre- sents its upturned face to the beams of Phoebus. The following are the names of the several post-ofiSces in Pope County: Allegan, Appleton, Atkins, Augsbui-g, CaglesviUe, Dover, Economy, Freeman, Gum Log, Hector, Holly Bend, Laurel, London, Moreland, Pearl, Northwood, Potts Sta tion, Russellville, Santos, Scottsville, Silex Smyr- na. Atkins, Dover and Russellville are monej'- order offices. Several of the places mentioned are business and trading points of importance. Three of them are incorporated towns. Rus- sellville is a flourishing little city of about 1,500 inhabitants, situated in a lovely, fertile valley be- tween the Crow and Norristown ranges of mount ains, for healthfulness and picturesque scenery hard to be surpassed. The town is immediately on the line of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Rail- road, seventy-five miles from Little Rock. The place is beautifully laid out. The streets are wide and run at right angles and are lined with shade trees, which present an appearance of comfort and tranquility during the long summer days. The sidewalks are paved with flagging, of which there is an abundant supply near the town. The build- ;k* ^ \iL 206 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ings are in the most part constructed of wood, but, with the exception of a few which look like old family relics, they are constructed after modern designs, and some of them are really beautiful and attractive. The dwellings generally are comforta- ble and conveniently arranged and display a refined taste in keeping with the high culture and progress of the inhabitants. The principal busi- ness houses are of brick, and some of them are de- cided ornaments in an architectural way and would be an honor to any city in the State. Russellville is one of the principal business towns in the county and is the county seat. It is an old town, having been settled as far back as 1840. The town has made rapid improvement since the completion of the railroad in 1872-73, and is now one of the most prosperous in this part of the State. The past few years have marked many improvements in the asjaect and commercial importance of the place. The population has largely increased, the town has spread over a mile of territory, and numerous broad streets have been laid out and many handsome and commodious business houses and residences have been erected. Russellville is justly famous for its freedom from contagious or serious local diseases. The moral and social status of the people is not surpassed in the State; her educational facilities are of the best; the public school building, a handsome two-story edifice, is one of the largest and finest in Western Arkansas. The city is under excellent municipal control, and strict sanitary measures are enforced. Its scrip is worth 100 cents on the dollar and it has no out- standing debts. In the matter of churches, Rus- sellville is well to the front. It has seven religious denominations represented, as follows: Christian, Methodist South, Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Presbyterian, the latter denomination possessing as yet no church building. An advantage possessed by Russellville is the wealth of the coal district surrounding it, one of the Ouita Coal Company's mines being distant just two miles west, and undeveloped coal fields a short distance southeast, so that it is exceedingly favor- ably situated respecting manufacturing, fuel (either wood or coal) being cheap and abundant; and its present and jjrospective transportation facilities surpass those of any other town between Little Rock and Van Buren, possessing as it does the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, and the Dar- danelle & Russellville Railroad, the latter road connecting Russellville with the Arkansas River four miles distant. The seat of justice of Pope County was located at Russellville in 1887, and the county buildings were erected by the citizens of the town, and, together with the land on which they stand) presented by them to Pope County. Russellville was incorporated June 7, 1870. The following named persons have been mayors : B.' W. Cleaver, L. S. Poe, J. E. Battentield, A. E. Luker, G. E. Buruey, J. B. Erwin. J. H. Battenfield, S. N.Evans Robert H. Jamison, J. A. Erwin, J. E. Richards, J. W.Russell. Several additions to Russellville, known as J. L. Shinn's addition, J. M. Shinn's addition, S. M. Shinn's addition, Luker' s addition, Russell's addition and Torrence's addition, have been platted with a view to furnishing cheap and comfortable homes, inducing an increase of population, and extending the visible limits of the town as well as enhancing its real estate interests. J. L. Shinn's addition is the largest and most important, em- bracing most desirable territory and affording op- portunities to home-seekers seldom equaled. It ia probable that Mr. Shinn has done more than any other one man to build up Russellville' s interests. During recent years the capitalists of Russell- ville have to a considerable extent turned their at- tention to manufacturing. Perhaps the most im- portant industry is that of the Melrose Manufactur- ing Company, of which J. L. Shinn is president; J. M. Haney, superintendent, and J. E. Batten- field, secretary and treasurer, and which gives em- ployment to from fifty to seventy-five operatives. Incorporated in 1882, the annual business has .shown a decided rise each year. The plant is situ- ated on the line of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, and occupies a one-story brick building 52x252 feet in dimensions, with a boiler-room 24x50 feet. The officers of the company are busi- ness men of recognized ability. Rope and twine are manufactured. L. M. Smith's flouring-mill r A 4 lA POPE COUNTY. 207 has a capacity of about forty barrels of flour per day. In connection with this mill is a carding factory, one of the best in the State, which pre- pares the raw wool for the making of all kinds of woolen goods. Under the same management are a planing-mill, re-sawing machinery, a fruit-box manufactory, and a cotton-gin which can gin and bale twenty-five bales of cotton per day. Tirown, Settle & Co.'s foundry and machine shop is one of the most profitable enterprises of the city. They work a large force of hands. The Russellville Can- ning & Evaporating Company have an extensive plant here, and employ a large force putting up l)erries, fruits and vegetables. This enterprise will be an inducement to farmers to devote more time to the cultivation of these products than hereto- fore. Another important enterprise is the wagon and plow factory of Luker, Davis & Co., with a capacity of over 400 wagons a year. The Citizens' Savings Bank was organized under the name of the Weimer Savings Bank, in 1S87, with a capital of $10,000, and condiTcted as a private bank by W. G. Weimer, its founder, until April 1, 1890, when it was reorganized by a stock company with a capital of $50,000. It is the olde,st bank in Rus- sellville, and has been very successful since its opening. It does considerable business with sur- rounding counties, and contemplates early reorgan- ization under the national banking system. Its officers are G. W. Harkey, president; R. F. Roys, vice-president; W. G. Weimer, cashier; James A. Potts, assistant cashier. The People's Exchange Bank was organized March 22, 1S90, with R. J. W^ilson as president; John M. Harkey, vice-presi- dent; -John W. White, cashier, and W. J. Rey- nold?, assistant cashier. Its directors are R. J. Wilson, W^ J. White, J. M. Harkey, W. H. Hill, W. M. Gates and Charles S. McKi.mey. The People's Exchange Bank does all branches of general banking business. About December 1 1890, it will move into its new three-story brick building, on the corner of Main and Jefferson Streets, which, when completed, will be one of the handsomest bank buildings in the State. Besides those mentioned, the princijjal business interests of Russellville may be thus summarized: General stores, J. L. Shinn, White & Son, Morton & Co., R. M. Gates & Co., J. B. Everts & Co.,R. H. Tate,R. J. Wilson, T J. Russell & Bro., M. Jacobson, Wooten & 9'it'^s; grocers. Perry & Son, C. C. Winn, Smith & Brown, Bernard Bros. , Tucker & Son, M. L. Gard- ner; butchers, Baird Bros.; liverymen, Rodgers & Rankin; stationer, W. W. Brashear; wagon-makers, C. C. Lukes, J. A. Jamison; dentists, J. W. O'Kelly, H. Sherman; hotels. White House, Judd House, Central House, Buck House, Bottom House; lum- ber dealer, G. E. Howell; mill and gin, A. E. Luker & Co. ; printers and publishers, Democrat Printing Company, Methodist Herald establish- ment; physicians, R. M. Drummond, J. W. Pruitt, J. M. Yancey, W. H. Hill; druggists, AVeimer Drug Company, J. W. Wells; cigar manufacturer, A. C. Lawton; photographer, J. H. Ganner; milliners, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Perry; jeweler, H. C. Wilkey; furniture, J. A. Erwin & Co. ; hardware, Love & Roys Hardware Co. Russellville is no "mush- room" town. The natural causes that build up all cities have been at work here from the first, and the place has never had a "boom," so called. Its growth has been strong and vigorous. Its busi- ness men as a class have had life-long training in their special pursuits, and to their sagacity and en- terprise the future of the town may be safely en- trusted. Russellville dominates a magnificent sur- rounding country. The Arkansas River bottoms for miles are tributary to its trade, while it sup- plies the interior country to the north for miles, the people bringing in their cotton, and trading in exchange. In view of these manifest advantages, it requires no prophet to look even a few years into the future and see a iiusy little city of 5,000 or more on the foundation which has been laid so deeply and so well. The second town in the county in size is Atkins, situated on the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, twelve miles from Russellville, and prettily located at the foot of the Crow range of mountains. From the summit of a spur of Crow Mountain, and within a mile of the town, a picture of rare loveliness stretches out over forest and field as far as the eye can reach, and on all sides are fertile farms. The town is onlv five miles from the famous Arkansas River bottoms. -.^ ^: -d. 9 •t^ 208 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. where everything grows so abundantly. The health of the town is excellent; chills and fever are rarely ever known. Atkins has a large mer- cantile trade and is a shipping point of large quan- tities of cotton. Considerable live-stock is handled here. The manufacture of wagons and carriages has been a leading industry. Atkins was incor- porated October 23, 1876. The following named additions to the original town plat have been platted: Reynolds', Beeson's and Cahill's addi- tions. The gentlemen here mentioned have served the town as mayor: J. F. Darr, W. H. McCul- lough, James Cagle, William Reynolds, M. Kirt- ley, J. A. Westerfield, W. A. Wilson, A. M. Gib- son. Following is a list of the principal business interests of Atkins: Lester & Riggs, general mer- chants; A. J. Sisney, furniture dealer; A. Arnn, tinner; "W. S. Hinton & Son, druggists; W. A. Galloway, druggist; A. J. Groom, general mer- chant; Matthews & Matthews, grocers; Bledsoe & Ford, druggists and grocers; J. F. Darr, gen- eral merchant; E. A. Darr, general merchant; J. C. Darr, general merchant; Reynolds Bros., hard- ware dealers; M. F. Cleveland, general merchant and furniture dealer; Avera Bros., grocers; C. Bell, general merchant; E. Epstein, general mer- chant; Paul Reiss & Co., grocers; J. U. Dunn, dealer in meat; W. S. Jones & Co., grocers; Weaver & Son, wagon manufacturers; Beckham & Hammond, blacksmiths and wagon-makers; the Scerlett House and Leatherwood House, hotels; Weaver & Son, proprietors of saw-mill, planing- mill and grist-mill; M. Alewine, cotton-gin and grist mill; J. H. Potts, J. H. Westerfield, J. M. Yandall, R. B. Whiteside and D. J. Warren, physicians; B. F. Wilson, dentist. The Meth- odist Episcopal, the Baptist, the Cumberland Presbyterian, the Methodist Episcopal South and the Catholic Churches all have organizations and hold regular meetings at Atkins. Some of their houses of worship are very fine buildings. The population of this town is about 1,000. Dover, long the county seat of Pope County, was incor- porated December 3, 1852, and its incorporation lapsed some years ago. It was once the seat of Dover College, an educational institution of more than local celebrity. In the period " before the war " it grew to be a town of considerable import- ance. The principal business men since the war until a few years ago were W. C. McKune, Petty & Hollinger, Scott & Howell, West & Brown, Young & Hale and Bayliss & Young. The leading business men of the present time are T. M. Neal &Co. , Dan C. Brown, I. L. Hicks, general mer- chants; John R. Homer Scott, steam saw-mill, grist-mill, planing-mill and cotton-gin; W. A. Baird, druggist; H. Kirchhof, hotel keeper. The town has three church organizations: Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist. Brown's and Davis' ad- ditions and West Dover were platted some years ago. There were towns and villages in this county which do not now exist or do not exist under their former names. The chief of these old towns was Norristown, once the county seat, which came with- in a vote or two of being chosen as the capital of Arkansas. It was nearly opposite the present site of Dardanelle. At the time, F. Saugrain set up his store at Dai'danelle, Samuel Norris opened an- other on the north bank of the river. It survived the Saugrain store and had a monopoly of trade on both sides of the river for a few years subsequent- ly. Nori'istown was founded in 1837, and was for a time the county seat of Pope. This influenced a number to locate there, among whom was a young man, from a store in Little Rock, by the name of George Williams, who purchased several lots in Norristown, opened a store, boarded for a few years, then married a woman of the Haney family. Sub- sequently, in the days of Norristown' s decadence, he was a pioneer merchant at Dai-danelle. Noth- ine remains to mark the site of this once ambitious settlement. Other once promising places have also disappeared before that irresistible march of civili- zation, which destroys that it may build np, making the interests of the few contribute to the welfare of the many, and compelling the present to yield tribute to the future. From an early day religion has had a strong hold on the people of Pope County. Churches of nearly all popular detiominations are to be found within the county limits, and Sunday-schools are r KUHAL MIDSUMMEK. 'A POPE COUNTY. 209 almost as plentiful as day schools. The principal church organizations are mentioned elsewhere. Some of the most celebrated lawyers of Arkan- sas have practiced at the bar of Pope County, and the resident attorneys have long taken rank with the best in the Fifth Judicial District. The cir- cuit judge and prosecuting attorney elect are both Russellville lawyers — Hon. -J. G. Wallace and Jeff Davis. The oldest member of the local bar is Judge L. W. Davis. Col. Dan B. Granger has practiced here nearly twenty years, and he and Judge R. B. Wilson are partners. W. S. Moore was a later partner of Mr. Granger's. Hon. Law- rence Russell, recently elected to represent Pope County in the State Legislature, is the only mem ber of the bar who is both a native of the State and a graduate of an Arkansas educational institution. Other members of the bar are Horace Bradley, J. E. Joyner, John D. Cleveland, J. J. Lester and E. C. Bradley. In the Civil War, Pope County did its part promptly and nobly, at first espousing the cause of the State, and later the cause the State espoused. The following companies organized in this county did brave service: Capt. John R. Homer Scott's, Capt. Thomas J. Linton's, Capt.' B. T. Embry's, Capt. Caleb Davis', Capt. James A. Stout's, Capt. John Randall's, Capt. E. B. Harrell's, Capt. J. L. Adams', Capt. David Rye's (afterward Capt. A. H. Scott's), and Capt. Dan C. Brown's. The only incident of importance in connection with the war, other than the organization and equipment of the above mentioned companies, which took place in this county, was the skirmish at Williamson's Camp Ground, three miles north of Russellville. In the latter part of the war, after the Federals were in possession of Little Rock, some of the citi- zens of this county did service for the Union cause in Capt. E. W. Dodson's, Cajjt. James Clair's, and other companies. The period for the close of the Civil War to the adoption of the present State Con- stitution was a dark one in the history of Arkansas. Political interests were practically in a state of an- archy, and all business interests were consequently seriously affected. In all of the ills of this period, Pope County suffered more or less, and all classes of her people gladly hailed the brighter and more prosperous era that has come since. Now they know no South, no North. The development of the country and the upbuilding of its interests are the dearest objects of their solicitude. The first newspaper published in Pope County was established at Dover, in 1869, by Capt. H. P. Barry. It was called the Dover Transcript, and lived but a few weeks. The next venture was at Russellville, where, in 1870, B. W. Cleaver and J. K. Perriman started the Russellville Herald, a four- column folio. In about a year the Herald was suspended, and in 1871 the National Tribune was established by J. H. Battentield. In 1872 the office of the National Tribune was totally destroyed by incendiaries. A new outfit was immediately purchased, and the publication of the paper was resumed, but a few issues having been missed. In 1873 the Tribune was edited by Judge L. W. Da- vis, and in 1874 by David P. Cloyd, after which it suspended. In 1875 a stock company was organ- ized, which purchased the National Tribune mate- rial, and established the Russellville Democrat, with J. E. Battenfield as editor and B. F. Jobe as business manager. In 1881 Mr. Battenfield re- signed the editorship of the Democrat, and was succeeded by B. F. Jobe and John R. Homer Scott. They edited the paper until 1882, when W. L. Morris succeeded them. In January, 1883, Mr. Morris resigned, and Rev. H. B. Milner mounted the tripod. Mr. Milner retired in about twelve months, and was succeeded by Mr. J. F. Munday. He continued as editor until 1887, when he re- signed, and was succeeded by B. F. Jobe, who has had editorial charge of the paper ever since. In 1877 D. O. Bell established the Atkins News. It passed through several hands, Ernest Jennings, J. E. Joyner, O. C. Ludwig, John A. Woolen and W. W. Gill having at different times been its editors. Some time in 1883 its name was changed to the Pope County Reflector, and its publication was con- tinued by Gus and W. W. Gill. In 1886 the pa- per was moved to Dardanelle. In November, 1881, the Biblical View, a paper published in the inter- est of the Christian denomination, was issued at Russellville by J. Tolbert Garland. It died in three if- 4« — >- •k 210 HISTOEY OF AEKANSAS. months. The Arkansas Evangel, edited by Rev. B. R. Womack, was moved from Dardanelle to Russellville in March, 1882, and was issued from the office of the Democrat. It was taken to Mor- rilton in 1883. Our Paper, a bi-monthly in the interest of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, was launched January 1, 1884, at Russellville. It lived but a few months. January 15, 1884, Prof. J. H. Shinn, of Russellville, recently elected super- intendent of public instruction of the State of Ar- kansas, commenced the publication of the Arkan- sas Teacher, a monthly devoted to education. The paper was issued regularly for a year, and removed from Russellville to Little Rock. The Revivalist, a religious monthly, was established at Russellville by Revs. H. B. Milner and W. M. Robison, in June, 1885. It suspended January 1, 1880. In August, 1887, Eugene Moore established the Mail at Atkins, which he published until May, 1889, when the paper passed into the hands of a stock company, known as the Atkins Printing Company. Messrs. Ben G. Sevier and George L. Stiffler managed the paper for a few months, it finally passing under the control of Mr. Robert W. Leigh, manager of the Morrilton Printing Com- jsany, who leased the office. It is still under his management. The Methodist Herald, a journal whose title sufficiently indicates its character, is issued at Russellville, weekly. Now in its second volume, it is well printed and well conducted im- der charge of W. J. McAnally, editor and pub- lisher. Ben H. Allen. In sketching the life of this gentleman it is but just to say that his good name is above reproach, and that he has won the confi- dence and esteem of all who know him. As a tiller of the soil he has been quite successful, and is still following that calling. He was born in North Carolina, February 19, 1838, to William and Nancy (Crump) Allen, both of whom were born in North Carolina, the father being an agriculturist by occupation. Their marriage took place in their native State in 1835, and resulted in the birth of ten children, nine of whom are now living, the sub- ject of this sketch being the eldest. The other members of the family living are Frank, Bettie (wife of J. J. Micenhimer), Lucy (wife of John Thompson), Sallie (wife of J. Burns), Cara (wife of Phil Randel), Fannie (wife of G. Lanier), and Maggie (wife of Mr. Bennett) ; George is deceased. About 1856 the father of these children was judge of Stanly County, and was magistrate for a num- ber of years. He died in 1885, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, also a Mason. His wife died in 1870, a member of the same church as himself. Ben H. Allen was married in 1869, to Miss Bettie Howell of Pope County, and to this marriage two children have been born: Minnie and Bettie. He was called upon to mourn the death of his wife in 1874, she being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and in Stan- ly County, N. C, he was married, in 1877, to Miss Eugenia Randel, by whom he has four chil- dren: Bennie, Randel, Samuel and Loy. Mr. Allen is a well-to-do farmer, and is the owner of 320 acres of land, of which 155 acres are under cultivation. He emigrated from North Carolina to Arkansas in 1859, and has since been a resident of Pope County. In 1861 he enlisted iu Company B, Second Arkansas Cavalry, and served as a private soldier on the Confederate side until 1865, taking part in the battles of Murfreesboro, Chick- amauga, Jonesboro and Nashville. Since the war he has devoted his time to farming, and not only is his land valuable for farming, but it is also heavily underlaid with coal. Mr. Allen and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of Russellville Lodge No. 254, of the A. F. & A. M. M. H. Baird, a prominent educator of Pope County, was originally from Georgia, his birth oc- curring in 1845, and was the second of eight chil- dren born to William and Christian (Campbell) Baird, natives of Tennessee and Georgia, respect ively. The father was a farmer and lived in Ala- bama nearly his entire life. He came to Arkansas in 1868, settled near Russellville in Pope County, and there resided imtil his death in 1888. The mother is still living and makes her home with a daughter in Russellville. M. H. Baird was rfv^ aT< « k. ,U POPE COUNTY. 211 reared ia Alabama, where lie had fair advanta- ges for an education, and when seventeen years of age he enlisted in the Confederate Army, Com- pany G, Nineteenth Alabama Infantry, in the Western Department. He was in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Missionary Ridge, Chiek- amauga and all the engagements of the Georgia campaign with Johnston. After this he was with Hood and surrendered at Greensborough, N. C. Returning to Alabama, he was engaged in the boot and shoe manufacturing business until 1S68, when he came to Arkansas with his parents. He then followed farming for a year or two, attended school a year in Russellville, and in 1870 taught his first term of school in Conway County. Since then he has been almost constantly engaged in teaching, principally in Pope County, and is one of the most popular and successful educators in that county. He is now teaching his fourth year as first assistant of the Russellville public school, and has been connected with the public schools of Pope County since 1870. The first county teachers' association was organized in Pope County in 1872, and our subject was elected secretary, serving in that office in every institute or association since. He has been a most earnest advocate of the free- school system since its adoption. Mr. Baird was married in 1875 to Miss Mary Quinn, a native of Arkansas and the daughter of Robert Quinn, one of the early pioneers from South Carolina. Mr. Baird owns a fine farm of 120 acres one, mile and a half east of town, and has seventy-five acres of this under cultivation. He also owns a comfortable residence in town. To his marriage have been born three children — a son and two daughters: Delia, Daisy and Max. The family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Baird has been an earnest worker in the Sunday-school, having organized many schools in various parts of the county. He is now a teacher in the school. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Russellville Lodge No. 247, is an Odd Fellow, Chosen Friends No. 36, and is a member of the K. & L. of H. , No. 535. The Professor is a stanch Democrat, and is a consistent worker for that party. William A. Baird is one of the self made and influential men of Dover, Ark. He was born in Cherokee County, Ala., December 2, 1863, and in 1869 moved with his father to Arkansas, his early education being completed in the high school of Russellville, under the instruction of Prof. J. H. Shinn, now State superintendent of public instruc- tion. His father, William Baird, was a farmer of Cherokee County, Ala., but was born in East Ten- nessee. William A. was reared on his father's farm, and at the age of nineteen, having obtained a sufficient education, he began teaching in the common schools, and carried on this calling in con- nection with farming for two years, when he was elected to the honorable and trustworthy position of county treasurer, a position he filled with marked ability for two years. He was then chosen one of the county examiners of schools, but at the expira- tion of two years he embarked in the drug business, at Dover, which he has successfully continued up to the present day. Starting on a small capital, he has steadily increased his business, until now his annual sales amount to $6,000, and he has acquired the reputation and title in his town of beincr a "hustler." Outside of his business, he is the owner of considerable property, in the north part of the town, besides other property, and, as he has, at all times been strictly honorable and endeav- ors to please his patrons, his success is fully merited. On January 14, 1886, he was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Maggie West, a daughter of D. P. and Katie West, of Dover. To Mr. and Mrs. Baird two children have been born: Porter L. (born October 19, 1886), and George H. (born December 12, 1888). Mr. Baird is a mem- ber of the Christian Church, and his wife is con- nected with the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a member of the Union Labor party, and has always shown himself to be public spirited and libei-al in the support of worthy enterprises. E. A. Bell, merchant. Potts Station, Ark. This prominent and most successful business man owes his nativity to Lincoln County, N. C, his birth occurring in 1847, and is the .son of Alex- ander and Mary (Gates) Bell, natives also of the Tar Heel State. The father was one of the early set- tlers of North Carolina, and was a farmer by occu- ;iV - -A » 218 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. of Arkansas in 1S54, and filled the position with credit to himself, giving satisfaction to all inter- ested. He organized very nearly all of the Baptist Churches that existed in Pope, Conway and John- son Counties before the war. He moderated the convention that constituted the first Baptist asso- ciation in that jsart of Arkansas. Politically he was ever a firm Democrat, and as a legislator he was always earnest, working for the interest of the people. His name will be long remembered by the older citizens of Arkansas. John C. Montgomery, father of Mrs. Jennie Bruton, held the office of clerk of Monroe County, Ark., for eight successive years, and until his death. He was a prominent man in said county. Dr. J. W. Bruton' s children are as follows: Elliot R. Bruton (was married to Mr. J. J. Williams, who is in the mercantile busi- ness at Appleton, Ark.), James Homer Bruton (is a young man with good business qualifications, who has written much for different newspapers; he is a merchant of Appleton, Ark.), Viola E. Bruton (married John A. Lewis, Esq., a prominent lawyer of Appleton). A. P. Bryan. Pope County, Ark. , is one of the most fertile counties of the State, and in this highly productive region Mr. Bryan has resided from his birth and has become well known to the inhabitants of this section. His birth occurred November 8, 1845, to Darius and Susan (Hamilton) Bryan, the former being a native and farmer of North Caro- lina, but was married in this county, his union re- sulting in the birth of seven sons and three daugh- ters, the following members of the family being now alive: Miranda R., (wife of L. D. Cannon), L. D., A. P., James, Algianun, Robert, Belle Z. (wife of Janjes Grantham), and William E. Nora is dead. Mr. Bryan came to this State at a very early day and for several years was constable of the township in which he settled. He became well known and highly honored throughout this section. He and his wife both died of smallpox in February, 1876. A. P. Bryan has always been a resident of Pope County, and for the conscientious discharge of every duty in every relation in life no man is more worthy of respect and esteem than he. In 1868 he was united in marriage to Miss Nancy A. Mul- lins, a native of the State of Georgia, born in 1845, and in due course of time a family of six children gathered about their fireside, their names being as follows: Eliza E., Charles D., Elizabeth, Finis, William F. and George W. By hard work and good management Mr. Bryan has become the owner of 252 acres of land, 90 of which he has suc- ceeded in putting under cultivation, and on which he has erected a substantial frame residence and good barns. He also has an excellent orchard of apple, peach and plum trees and a good vineyard. He is a member of Russellville Lodge No. 1353 of the K. of H. Amos Bullock has given his attention to farming throughout life, and as a result of his years o.' hard labor he now has a good home and is well fixed financially. He was born in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1842, to W. J. and Mary A. (Wallace) Bullock, who were born in Tennessee and Ken- tucky, respectively, their removal to Arkansas tak- ing place about 1857. They " jiitched their tent " in Pope County, Ark. , and here the father resided until his death in 1883, of typhoid fever. He and his wife reared a large family to honored manhood and womanhood, their sons numbering nine and their daughters two. Owing to their large family, and the rather hard time they had to properly feed and clothe their children, the latter did not receive much of an education. In 1869 Amos be- gan doing business for himself, and as above stated has devoted his life to farming. He was first married in 1808 to Miss Lydia F. Rowland, a daughter of G. W. and Lavina (Candle) Rowland, and to their union these children were born: Mary L. (who died at the age of seven), and Sarah E. (who passed from life at the age of eight). Mr. Bullock' s second marriage took place November 23, 1871, Mary E. Ross, a daughter of Melton H. and Rachel (Brown) Ross, becoming his wife. In 1862 Mr. Bullock enlisted in the Confederate Army, and served until the war was over. He has been justice of the peace for six years, and on September 1, 1890, was elected for another term by the Demo- cratic party, of which he has always been a mem ber, as are his eight brothers. Jackson T. Bullock, clerk of the circuit court. ^Y :V^ Russellville, Ark. Mr. Bullock, the present effi- cient incumbent of the office of clerk of the circuit court, is a man of sober, sound judgment, progres- sive ideas, and one who attracts the regard of all who approach him. He was originally from Weak- ley County, Tenn. , his birth occurring on Sep- tember 22, 1855, and was the sixth of eleven chil- dren born to William J. and Mary Ann (Wallace) Bullock, natives, respectively, of Virginia and Ten- nessee.- The parents were married in the last named State, and the father followed agricultural pursuits until 1856, when he came to Marion County, Ark., and from there to Pope County in the following year. His death occurred in this county in 1883. The mother is still living on the old homestead, three miles north of Dover. The paternal great grandfather of our subject, William Bullock, was an Englishman, and came to the United States about the time of the Revolutionary War. He settled in Virginia, and followed farm- ing there until his death which occurred when our subject's father, W^illiam Jefferson Bnllock, was an infant. Amos Bullock, grandfather of our subject, was born in the Old Dominion, emigrated to Ten- nessee at an early day, followed farming, and there his death occurred about 1858. Jackson T. Bul- lock's educational advantages were limited, for he attended only the common three months' schools. He began teaching at the age of seventeen years and followed that as his principal occujsation until the age of thirty -one when he was elected county judge. He taught many years in one school and was a popiilar and very successful educator. He held the office of county judge for two terms (four years), and on September 1, 1890, he was elected circuit clerk of the county. He has ever been an active worker for the Democratic party. He was married on October 1, 1882, to Miss Win- nie Price, a native of this county and daugh- ter of Allen A. Price, one of the early settlers of Tennessee. The fruits of this union were four children: Zola May (who died at the age of seven months), Allen Jefferson, Tillie and Mary Frances. Mr. Bullock is a Mason, of Scottville Lodge No. 112, and was master of that lodge for five years. He has taken the chapter degrees. Mrs. Bullock is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Bullock is the owner of a small farm, has forty acres under cultivation, and has a pleasant home in Russellville. George Byerly, farmer, Atkins, Ark., was born in Germany in July, 1819, and has all the promi- nent characteristics of those of German birth, be- ing thrifty, industrious and enterprising. He is the sou of Conrad and Elizabeth (Schmidt) Byerly, natives of the old coimtry, who emigrated to America in 1836. The parents located in Clarke, Ind., bought land and there tilled the soil until their deaths in 1818. Of the six children born to their marriage, five were sons and one a daughter. The daughter, Mary, married a man by the name of Caufman, and is now deceased. The sons were named Michael, David, George, Paul and John. The last named died in Louisville, Ky., several years ago. David went to Boston, Mass., on a visit and died while there, and Michael died in Indiana about 1878. George Byerly removed from Indi- ana to Louisville, Ky., aboiit 1848, but prior to this, in 1848, he was married to Miss Margaret Edlin. He became disgusted with farming in In- diana, being obliged to sell corn at 12J cents and wheat for 37J cents per bushel, after going a dis tance of eight miles to market, and after moving to Kentucky he engaged in hack driving in Louis- ville, accumulated some money, and then moved to Arkansas in 1854, pausing for about two years in Conway County before permanently locating in Pope County. He here bought land and has been engaged in tilling the soil ever since. He now owns 320 acres of land and has 210 acres under ciilti- vation. He has also 112 acres in Conway County. When the war broke out he had seventy-five head of cattle, twenty-four horses and mules and 2,000 bushels of corn, all of which were appropriated by the Union troops, Mr. Byerly never receiving a cent of money for his property. To his marriage were born ten children, five of whom are now living: John, Michael, America, Mary and Georgia. John is married and resides in Logan County, where he is engaged in the drug business at National Springs ; Michael is clerk in a dry- goods store in Morrillton; America resides in Morrillton and is the wife of ^^ «* ^ ^ rfk, 220 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Richard Brooks who is the owner of a large amount of real estate ; Mary married Calhoun Strong, a pros- perous merchant of Morrillton, and Georgia married James Collins, a farmer of Pope County. Mr. Byer- ly has retired from active business, and is living in Atkins where he is honored and esteemed. He is now seventy-one and his wife seventy years of age. Both are church members, he of the Methodist and she of the Regular Baptist Church. They are liberal contributors to all laudable enterprises, and are among the leading citizens of the com- munity. A. J. Collins, farmer, Holly Bend, Ark. Pope County, Ark., is acknowledged by all to be one of the best agricultural portions of the State, and as such its citizens are men of advanced ideas and considerable prominence. A worthy man among this class is found in the person of Mr. Collins who was born in the Old Dominion, Botetourt County, in March, 1840. He removed from Vir- ginia to Alabama in 1861, and there he was oc- cupied in repairing telegraph line and was engaged in the same business in Mississippi and Tennessee until 1871. After that he had charge of a gang of section hands on the M. & C. R. R. for two years. He then returned to Mississippi, bought land and was engaged in farming until 1880. In 1865 he was married to Miss Matilda Feagin, daughter of Thomas Feagin, of Mississippi, and to them were horn ten children, viz.: William F., A. J., J. D., Minnie J., Fanny Ann, George S., Lily D., Lulu May, Luther J. and Ann Elizabeth. Three of these children are deceased: Lulu May, Luther J. and Ann E. William F. and A. J. are residing in Texas, but the other children are at home with their parents. Mr. Collins lost his tirst wife in September, 1885, and was left with eight children to care for. Iq January, 1886, he was married to Miss Mary J. McMasters, daughter of Jonathan McMasters of Mississippi. Our sub- ject returned to the last named State on purpose to marry Miss McMasters, having formed her ac- quaintance some years before while in that State. To the last union were born two children: Anna Eliza and Luther Franklin, the latter deceased. Mr. Collins now owns 120 acres of good land situ- ated in Holly Bend Township, Pope County, and near Holly Bend post-office, and has sixty-five acres under cultivation. He and Mrs. Collins are mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Col- lins was one of twelve children, eight now living, two besides our subject residing in Arkansas, born to the union of John D. and Nancy (Perry) Collins, both natives of Virginia. The paternal grandpar- ents were of Irish and the maternal of German descent. William L. Crow, farmer, Caglesville, Ark. Mr. Crow is a man of decided intellectual ability, and his progressive ideas and energetic, wide- awake manner of taking advantage of all new meth- ods have had not a little to do with his success in life. He was born in Jackson County, Ark., in 1865, and is one of twelve children, five of whom are living, born to Stephen and Tempy A. (Boyd) Crow, the father a native of South Carolina, and the mother of Georgia. The children besides our subject now living are Mrs. Sarah L. Benton, Mrs. Mary A. Sherrell, Mrs. Miley D. Pearson and Mrs. Dulcina Howard. The parents moved to Arkan- sas in 1860, settled in Jackson County, where they purchased 120 acres of land, of which they cleared about seventy acres, and then sold out and came to Pope County in 1872. There they purchased 120 acres of land, homesteaded eighty acres more, and at the time of his death, which occurred in 1887, the father had cleared about sixty acres. The mother is still living. At the age of nineteen years William L. Crow removed to Russellville, re- mained there for nearly two years, and then went to Center Township, where in connection with farming he taught school, engaging in the latter occupation about six months each year. He is sole heir to his father's estate, in which his mother holds a life interest, and he has made many improve- ments, erecting barns, cribs, and clearing land. His principal crops are corn, cotton and oats, and he is also engaged in stock-raising. Mr. Crow is a member of the Methodist Eisiscopal Church South, is vice-president of Pope County Sunday- school Association for Center Township, and is also vice-president of the Singing School Associa- tion for said township. He has been secretary of ^; » \ >. ±=iiL POPE COUNTY. 221 the Sunday-school Association three terms, secre- tary of the home Sunday-school for seven or eight years, and superintendent of the same for a year. At a special election he was made justice of the peace in 1888, and was reelected to that position in 1890. He has been chairman of the township con- vention, and is a member of the Democratic central committee of Pope County. Mr. Crow has been on the staff of the Eussellville Democrat for ten years as correspondent and reporter, and by a system of short-hand of his own, is able to report speeches, etc. This he has frequently done for the Demo- crat, and also writes for the Pope County Mail, and for the City and Country, an Ohio publication, devoted to farming interests. He has also reported for other papers on special occasions. At the pres ■ ent time Mr. Crow is turning his attention to fruit- raising, having planted 1,200 apple and some peach trees, and now has an orchard of about 300 trees. His land is nicely adapted to fruit-raising, all varieties thriving in this section. John C? Darr, merchant, Athens, Ark. Prom- inent among the successful business concerns of Athens stands the mercantile establishment con- ducted by Mr. Darr, who is one of the city's most enterprising and popular business men. He was born in the Tar Heel State, Lincoln County, in 1833, and of the six children born to his parents, Henry R. and Ann (Blackburn) Darr, he was second in order of birth. He attained his growth on the farm, was educated in the country schools, and at the age of eighteen years he left his home to learn the trade of plasterer and bricklayer. After finishing his apprenticeship, in 1S58, he came with his family to Arkansas and settled in Pope County. In 1859 he went to Mississippi, remained there for one year, and then returned to Pope County, where he was residing at the break- ing out of the war. He enlisted in Dodson's com- pany, and was in a number of skirmishes in Arkansas, but was soon taken sick and discharged. After a time he joined Company E, Gordon's regiment, Cabell's In'igade (cavalry) and served in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and on outpost duty. He was in several skirmishes in Louisiana, was in the battles of Poison Spring and Marks- ville, was at Jenkins' Ferry, but not in battle, and was in nearly all the engagements of Price's raid through Missouri. He was captured near Pisgah Church in Pope County in the winter of 1804, was sent to the military prison at Little Kock, and was released at Gen. Lee's surrender. He then came home and for a year was in bad health, and on this account went to Texas where he remained until 1871. He went to Hot Springs in 1871, and was engaged in mercantile business there until spring of 1874. While residing in Texas he was engaged in contracting and building and erected many of the first buildings in Waco and Jefferson. In 1874 he came to Atkins, and at once engaged in business with his brother, J. F. Darr, the partnership continuing until 1881, when they sep- arated, and Mr. Darr has been in business alone ever since. Mr. Darr now occupies a large build- ing, 25x100 feet, with warehouse, and owns another building which he erected, 26x120 feet, for a store- room. He carries a full line of general merchan- dise of about $11,000, and does an annual business of about $35,000, buying cotton and doing a plan- tation siipply trade. In 1880 he erected a neat residence in town and owns considerable other town property besides a farm of 260 acres which he rents. He was married in 1871 to Miss S. D. Wilson, of this county, a daughter of James Wil- son, who is one of the old settlers of this section. It was in honor of the latter' s grandfather, who came here at an early day, that Wilson Township was named. To this union were born six chil- dren, four of whom are living and two dead: Emmett L., Claude W., John E., Lizzie and Annie (twins). Annie died at the age of six months, and the first born child died unnamed. Mrs. Darr, who died in 1883, was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Darr was married the second time in 1885 to Miss M. E. Scarlett, who was born and raised in this town- ship (Wilson). E. A. Darr, merchant, Atkins, La. This pop- ular and very successful business" man was origi- nally from North Carolina, his birth occurring in 1835, and was the third in a family of six children orn to Henry E. and Ann (Blackburn) Darr, both [ f^ ^l 'i^ 222 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of whom were natives also of North Carolina. The father was a farmer, was quite a prominent citizen, and held several county offices of trust. He died in his native State in 1845. The mother is also deceased. The paternal grandfather, Henry Darr, was of German descent, and was a farmer by pursuit. He was a soldier in the Revolution- ary War. His wife lived to be ninety-nine years of age, and often told her grandson, E. A. Darr, many interesting events of the Revolution. She had a number of relics of that eventful period. The maternal grandfather, David Blackburn, was of English descent, and was also a soldier in the Revolutionary War. E. A. Darr was taught the rudiments of farm labor, but at an early age he learned the trade of bricklayer and mason. He was married in 1870 to Miss L. C. Plott, a native of the Old Tar State, and to them were born eight children, five now living: Guy, Ida (died at the age of sixteen years), Roy (died in infancy). Fay; Ora, Ira, Ree and Ott (who died in infancy). Af- ter learning his trade Mr. Darr worked at that r;ntil 1860. He came to Arkansas in 1858, settled near Atkins with mother and family, and at the breaking out of the war in 1861 enlisted in the Confederate Army, Company B, Second Arkan- sas Mounted Riflemen. He was in the battles of Oak Hill (Mo.), Pea Ridge (Ark.), and the command then crossed the Mississippi, where Mr. Darr was in the battles of Farmington and Richmond, Ky. He was wounded at the last named place on Au- gust 80, 1862, and reached home in 1863. After the war he worked at his trade for a year, and then engaged as clerk for R. A. Dowdle, at Galla Rock. The next year he became a member of the firm, and has since been an active merchant. In 1873 he came to Atkins, cleared the land, and was the first to make a settlement. He was among the first merchants. In 1880 he erected his fine brick store, 25x140 feet, and carries a full line of gen- oral merchandise and plantation supplies. He car- ries a stock of goods valued at 112,000, and does an annual business of from $50,000 to $75,000. He is an energetic business man, abundantly worthy of the large measure of success achieved. Aside from this he is the owner of about 2,000 acres in different tracts, with considerable under cultiva- tion and all of which he rents. He was made post- master at Atkins in 1873, and was also the first railroad agent at that place. He owns one of the best residences in the town, and a number of other residences. Mr. Darr is a self-made man in the fulle.st sense of that much-abused term, and is en- terprising, progressive and public spirited. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Galla Rock Lodge No. 172, is a K. of P., of Arcadia Lodge No. 24, and is a member of the I. O. 0. F. , Lodge No. 38. He is an active supporter of the ]ninciples of De- mocracy. James F. Darr, merchant, Atkins, Ark., is another prominent business man of Atkins, and as such he has the confidence and respect of all. His birth occurred in North Carolina in 1841, and of the six children born to his parents, Henry and Ann (Blackburn) Darr (see sketch of J. C. Darr), he was fifth in order of birth. He attended the schools of his native State, and there remained until 1858, when he came to Arkansas, and there followed farming until 1874. At the opening of the war in 1861, he enlisted in Company I, King's regiment, and was in the battles of Prairie Grove, Helena and Little Rock, after which he went to Louisiana. Later he returned to Arkansas, and was in the battle of Jenkins' Ferry, and numerous skirmishes. He surrendered at Marshall, Tex. Returning to Arkansas he first engaged in farming, and in 1874 he came to Atkins, where he has since been engaged in merchandising. He first was in partnership with J. C. Darr, but they dissolved partnership in 1881, and our subject has since been in business alone. In 1881 he erected his fine two-story brick business house, 25x140 feet, and has a large warehouse. He carries a stock of goods valued at $14,000, and does an annual busi- ness of about $30,000. He buys cotton, and does a general furnishing business. Aside from his mercantile interest he is the owner of 100 acres of land, and has sixty-five acres under cultivation. In 1884 he erected a neat two-story residence, and has a pleasant, comfortable home. He is also the owner of fifteen acres in town, and two tenant houses. He was married in 1868 to Miss Mary J. :^ e ii^ _< 9 iL POPE COUNTY. 223 ^ Hearia, a native of Pope County, and the daughter of J. A. Hearin, who is a pioneer of this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Darr were born nine children, six of whom are living: John E. (book-keeper in Mr. Darr's store), William E., James L., Roy W., Alva C. and Earl. Eugene, Carl and an infant are deceased. Mr. Darr was the first mayor of Atkins. He is a member of the K. of P., Arcadia Lodge No. 44, and has been chancellor com- mander. Mrs. Darr is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. John W. Daniel, farmer, Atkins, Ark. Mr. Daniel was born in Cherokee County, Ala., on February 9, 1859, and is the son of Thomas Y. and Elizabeth (Clifton) Daniel, the father a native of South Carolina, and the mother of Georgia. The parents were married in Chero- kee County, Ala. , and resided there until 1860, when they removed to Pope County, Ark. They bought large tracts of land, 265 acres in Lee Township, Pope County, lying on Arkansas River, and 440 acres partly in Conway and jDartly in Pope Counties. They reared a family of four children, William M., Mary D., Thomas Y. and John W., all of whom are living in Pope County, and engaged in tilling the soil. William married Miss Ada Tobey, and is the father of three chil- dren. Mary D., married John White, a stanch Democrat, who is deputy sheriff and has served in that capacity for ten years. Thomas Y. is not married, and is also an agriculturist. John W. Daniel was married in November, 1887, to Miss Lucy H. Talkington, whose parents died several years ago. To this marriage have been born two children, a son and daughter, Connie and Thom- as Y. , the former about two years old and the latter two months. Mr. Daniel has 200 acres of land in Lee Township, lying on the river, all rich bottom land and worth at least $40 per acre. On this he raises corn and cotton, producing easily a bale of cotton to the acre. Mr. Daniel farms some himself, but rents the most of his land. He is one of the most prosperous farmers in Pope Coun- ty, and one of its most liberal contributors to all laudable enterprises. In politics he is strictly Democratic. Caleb Davis, planter. Gum Log, Ark. The par- ents of Mr. Davis, Caleb and Catherine (Henderson) Davis, were natives of Maryland and South Caro- lina, respectively. The father was a farmer, and left Tennessee for Missouri in 1809, settled near New Madrid, where he experienced the earthquake shock two years later, his house being destroyed by the same. He followed farming, and died in 1816. The mother died at the same place in 1865. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and reared their son Caleb to that belief. The lat ter was born in Tennessee in 1808, moved with his parents to Missouri in 1809, and there resided un- til 1831, when he came to Arkansas, settling in Pope County, on the same farm where he now re- sides, the following year. At that time the country was a wilderness, and in that year Mr. Davis built the first house in Gum Log Valley. He entered 900 acres of land, cleared 300 acres, and as his children grew up he gave them farms, so that at the present time he owns Ijut a small portion of the original tract. He organized the first Sunday- school in this section in 1839, and has been super- intendent of that school ever since, being elected annually since the first school. On the fiftieth anniversary of this school an entertainment was given, at which many Sunday-school workers from all parts of the State were present. He has also been an earnest advocate of public schools, and has been director for years. Mr. Davis was a sol- dier in the Mexican War, was on frontier duty, and was also a Confederate soldier in the Civil War. He raised a company and was in the battle of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Grand Gulf, Baker Creek, Black River, Iiika, and was through the siege of Vicks- burg. He had been promoted to colonel, but dur- ing the siege he commanded a brigade. He was captured, paroled, and came home, after which he did not return to the army. He was married in Mis- souri, in 1827, to Miss Elizabeth Tackett, who bore him ten children, three now living: William P. (died at the age of thirty-five years), James Lewis (has been farming in California for fifty years), Andrew Jackson (died at the age of eleven years), John Alvin (died in Texas when forty years of age), George W. (a minister of the Methodist Episcopal V ^ t. 224 HISTOKY OF AEKANSAS. it Church South), Caleb Marion (killed on his way home after the war), Narcissus P. (died in 1884), Sarah E. (died at eleven years of age), one died in infancy, and Albert Q. (the youngest, a sviccess- ful farmer on the old homestead). Mr. Davis has been a steward in the Methodist Episcopal Church South foi- forty years, class leader for thirty years, and has always been a liberal contributor to church and Sunday-school. He was county judge for six years, first in 1847, serving two years, again in 1860, for two years, and still again in 1866, for two more years. He has been an extensive stock- raiser, a prosperous farmer, and ran a cotton-mill and gin for years. He had a horse-mill at first, and served the whole country. In 1874 he se- cured a special post route to Gum Log, once a week, and was the first postmaster at that place. They now have mail three times a week, and Mr. Davis has been postmaster all the time. He is one of the oldest and most eminently respected citizens of the county. Although considerably over three-score years and ten, the allotted age of man, time has dealt very leniently with him, and he is in compar- atively good health, bidding fair to live many years longer. Samuel B. Dickey, farmer. Potts Station, Ark. The subject of this sketch is one of the honored pioneers of Pope County. He has been located here for thirty-four years, and has not only become well- known, but the respect and esteem shown him is as wide as his acquaintance. His finely improved farm of 240 acres is adorned with a commodious residence, and everything about the place indicates to the beholder a prosperous owner. Mr. Dickey was born in Lincoln County, N. C, in 1810, and is the son of Alexander and Margaret (Blackwood) Dickey, natives of Ireland and North Carolina, re- spectively. They both received their final sum- mons in the last named State. Samuel B. Dickey was married in his native State to Miss Mary Oates, daughter of John Gates, and the fruits of this union were six children: Margaret Ann, Eliza- beth J., John G. , Alexander B., Nancy and Will- iam, all of whom died in North Carolina except William. Mr. Dickey removed with his family to Pope County, Ark. , in 1856, and here his daughter Katie was born. She married William Ferguson and died in 1887 leaving her husband and three children. Mr. Dickey is now one of the oldest and most respected citizens of the county. His chil- dren are all deceased, but he has one grandson liv- ing with him. This child is named John C. Falls, and is the son of their daughter, Elizabeth J. Honored and esteemed by all, this worthy couple will pass the sunset of their days in Pope County, where so many years of their lives have been passed. Thomas H. Elgin has been a resident of Pope County, Ark., since the year 1878, having come hither from Quincy, 111. He first settled at Potts Station, and was engaged as a commercial traveler until 1882, when he took up his abode at Russell- ville, and opened a marble shop. From that time until the present he has had a constantly increas- ing trade which extends the entire length of the Little Rock Railroad, and his annual sales amount to about $10,000. His work has a wide reputation, and the demand is constantly increasing, a fact which speaks for itself as to the merit of the work done in his shop. His latest work of merit is the monument erected at Galla Rock for Col. Taylor, which is fifteen feet in height, and is of the finest Italian marble. A fine monument was also erected in memory of D. C. Williams and wife of Van Buren, this monument being of Rutland marble, and compares favorably with any work in the cemetery. Mr. Elgin also uses in his business the Georgia marble, Rutland Blue and White. He is now under contract to furnish stone trimmings for the Peoples' Exchange Bank of this county. He was born in Palmyra, Mo., November 18, 1840, and his early opportunities for acquiring an edu- cation were rather limited, being obtained in the common schools. He was taking a collegiate course when the war broke out, but left school to enlist in the State Guards under Price, but later was in the commissary department of detached service. He next became a member of Company E, Marma- duke's division of cavalry, and before the close of the war was promoted to first lieutenant, taking part in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, luka, Grand Gulf, Vicksburg and many others of less ^' i^ POPE COUNTY. 225 [ importarice. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, but was paroled immediately. Although he re- ceived several flesh wounds, he was never serious- ly injured, and was always soon able to resume his duties. At the close of the war he returned to Quincy, 111., where his father resided, and after- ward began traveling in the interests of a marble firm, and has been connected with that work ever since. He is a member of the Christian Church of Russellville, and socially belongs to the Russell- ville Lodge No. 76 of the A. F. & A. M. and Rus- sellville Lodge No. 47 of the K. of P., in each of which he holds prominent oifices. In politics he is a Democrat, and as a business man has not his superior in this section of the country, for besides being perfectly honorable in every particular he is wide-awake and enterprising, and at all times strives to meet the wants of his patrons. He is unmarried. J. B. Evants is the senior member of the gen- eral mercantile firm of Evants & Co., of Russell- ville, Ark. , and was born in Pope County, March 17, 1839, to William Evants and wife, who moved to this coiinty from Middle Tennessee, in 1830, the father's death occurring here in January, 1884, at the age of seventy-one years. Of a family of ten children born to him and his wife, three sons and five datighters are still living, all but one son and one daughter, who live in Texas, being residents of this county. J. B. Evants was given the ad- vantages of the common schools for a short period each year, the rest of the time being devoted to farm labor. He began earning his own living at the age of seventeen years, and in 1857 started across the plains to California, where he was en- gaged in mining and stock-raising for ten years. In 1867 he returned to Russellville, Ark., and pur- chased a farm of eighty acres, on which he settled and began to improve. After attending to its cul- tivation for one year he opened a store at Dover, but at the end of one year's residence was married there and moved with his family to Califoinia and engaged in the raising of sheep. He started for Nevada with 3,000 head of sheep, but while in one of the passes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains he was overtaken by a snowstorm and every sheep perished. He immediately returned to Arkansas, and here followed merchandising until State troubles in 1872, when his whole stock of goods was taken from him, leaving him involved to the extent of .f2,000. He then turned to the soil for a way out of his difBculties, and during the ten years that he devoted to farming he paid off all his indebtedness, and at the end of that time (in 1884) resumed merchandising, and has since received an abundant share of fortune' s favors. He now does an annual business of $20,000, and is the owner of 500 acres of land in this county, 400 of which are under cultivation. In addition to this he has a good home in the west part of Russellville, and a number of tenement houses and store buildings which he rents. He has $1,000 stock in the cotton factory of this place, besides being interested in some other prosperous investments. In January, 186U, he was married to Miss Louisa, a daughter of John Petty, of Dover, and by her he has two sons and two daughters. The eldest, Franklin Q., is at- tending school in Tennessee, but the other mem- bers of the family are attending school in Russell- ville. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Evants belongs to the K. of P., and in his political views is a Democrat. Although he has met with many business reverses he has never despaired, but has devoted all his energies to bending circumstances to his will, and the handsome fortune of which he is now the possessor is the result of unswerving fidelity to every detail of his work. Loyd D. Ford, merchant and planter, Atkins, Ark. This prominent business man and planter first saw the light of day in Tennessee, May 21, 1832, and of the ten children born to his parents he was the youngest in order of birth. The father, Thomas Ford, was born in 1787, in Maryland, and was married in Tennessee to Miss Margaret Chap man, a native of Tennessee, her birth occurring in 1792. In 1834 they moved to Kentucky, and the father followed farming and blacksmithing until 1844, when he moved to Arkansas, settling in Poin- sett County, where he had eight children living. He was killed in 1854 by a fall from a horse. The mother died in Kentucky in March, 1843. Loyd -^ » ^» i>^ 226 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. D. Ford resided with his brother until twenty- six years of age, and was then married to Miss Catherine McClode, a native of Pope County. He then entered a farm of eighty acres in the western part of Pope County and there resided for five years when his wife died, leaving two children, both of whom are also deceased. In 18f)2 he enlisted in Hill's battalion and served in Arkansas. He was in very poor health, and on this account was in service only about a year. He was married the second time in July, 18(53, to Mrs. Elizabeth Grif- fin, daughter of Charles Carrell, and a native of Tennessee. In 1865 Mr. Ford bought a farm of 200 acres on Point Remove Creek, and to this has since added until at the present time he is the owner of 360 acres in one tract and has 120 acres under cultivation. The remainder is in timber. He also owns eighty-one acres in the bottom lands, has sixty-five acres of this under cultivation, and is the owner of land in Faulkner and Conway Counties. He resided on his farm until 1876 and then moved to Atkins, where he erected a residence and has since made his home. In 1884 he engaged in gen eral merchandising with J. A. Bost, with whom he continued for fifteen mouths. Mr. Ford's time is now mostly oecn])ied in renting and overseeing his land, but he has retired from active business. When Mr. Ford first came to Pope County he was sick and did not own a dollar. All he has made is the result of his own enterprise and industry. In 1876 he, with Mr. Bost, built the first steam mill and cotton-gin in Atkins, which was well patro- nized, and this they conducted for nine years. To the second marriage of Mr. Ford were born ten children, seven of whom died in infancy. Those living are: Lizzie Ford (wife of Hugh C. Bledsoe, a druggist of Atkins), Kittie Brown and Loyd D. Jr. Mary Arkansas, a daughter of his first wife, died at the age of nine years. Besides his own children Mr. Ford has reared several orphan chil- dren. In politics he is a Democrat, and he and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church. He has been a strong advocate of schools and is a public-spirited citizen. He is a Mason, a member of Galla Rock Lodge 172, chap- ter at Atkins, and is a charter member. He is also a member of the K. of H. Mr. Ford owns an in- terest in two brick buildings and other town j)rop- erty in Atkins. J. T. Fowler is one of the prominent members of the Pope County bar, and is a living example of the fact that the profession of law has attracted the best talent of the country. He is the junior member of the well-known legal firm of Bradley & Fowler, and as he has resided in this county from his birth, which occurred June 17, 1852, the peo- ple of this section have had every opportunity to judge of his character and qualifications, and have for him the highest regard and respect. His father, Pinkney Fowler, was born in South Caro- lina, and during the Rebellion was a soldier for the Confederate cause and lost his life at the battle of Elk Horn, Mo. J. T. Fowler resided on a farm until seventeen years of age and obtained a fair education, only, in the common schools. In 1874 he began making his own way in the world as a clerk in the establishment of Russell & Bro. , of Russellville, remaining with them during the winters and teaching school during the summers for two years. He then embarked in merchandising in partnership with J. L. Shinn, which connection lasted harmoniously for five years, Mr. Shinn be- ing, during this time, a silent partner. At the end of three years Mr. Fowler was enabled to buy out Mr. Shinn' s interest in the business, pay- ing $5,000 for his share, which he earned during the three years, as his capital'at the commencement of his business amounted to only $300. They car- ried a general mercantile stock, and here Mr. Fow- ler continued until 1886, when he sold out his business and moved to Garden's Bottom, Ark., where he followed the same calling for four years, and became the owner of 1,000 acres of fine bot- tom land. In 1890 he disposed of his stock of goods at this place and returned to Russellville, also disposing of his landed estate for 133,000, it being the largest land and property sale ever made in this section of the State. During the last five years of his mercantile life he gave considerable attention to the study of law, and upon his return to Russellville he began practicing, and this has been his chief calling up to the present time. He *7i; } ^y f POPE COUNTY. 227 devotes the same iiQliring energy to this pursuit that made him so successful in mercantile life, and is proving himself to be a talented and thoroughly competent attorney. He is the owner of real estate in Pope County to the amount of USO acres, besides his lav? office — a fine brick business building, cen- trally located in the town of Russellville. His res " idenee is in the pleasantest part of town, and is commodious, substantial and pleasant. Besides this, he has four good tenement houses and a store building, which he rents. He has dealt extensively in horses and mules, and has $10,000 in stock in the Citizens' Savings Bank at Russellville. His property is now valued at about 160,000, the entire amount having been accumulated through his own exertions. He is very careful in all business trans- actions, has always been an untiring worker, and these in connection with strictly honorable jirinci- pies have placed him in his present most hon- orable position. He had one brother and two sisters. The brother is in the stock business in California, one sister is married, and lives in Se- dalia. Mo., and the other resides in Russellville. Mr. Fowler was married in 1880, the maiden name of his wife being Sallie Carden, a daughter of Maj. Carden, of this county. Mr. Fowler has shown his approval of secret organizations by be- coming a member of the I. O. O. F., and as an up- right, honorable, and public-sj)irited citizen, has not his superior in this section of the State. He is liberal in his contributions to enterprises which he deems worthy, and is ever found ready to lend a helping hand to the poor and distressed. J. F. Fronaberger, farmer, Atkins, Ark. This name is not unfamiliar to the citizens of Pope County, for he who bears it has been a resident of the same for many years, and is one of the most esteemed and respected citizens. He was born in Lincoln County, N. C, in 1826, and was the son of John and Anna (Blackwood) Fronaberger, both natives of North Carolina. The parents removed to Arkansas in 1851, settled in Pope County, and there reared seven children: J. F. , P. J., Jane, J. L., Mary, Barbara and Margaret. J. L. and Jane are living in Missouri, the former in Taney County engaged in farming, and the latter in Scott County, a widow. The others are living in Arkan- sas. Barbara married George Cupp, a farmer, and resides in Polk County; Mary resides in Pope County, and is the wife of Robert Bearlield, a farmer, and Margaret resides in Pope County and is the wife of J. T. Claunch. J. F. Frona- berger came to Arkansas in 1850, followed farm- ing in this State for two years, and then crossed the plains to the gold regions of California, where he remained for eighteen years engaged in mining. Although he made thousands of dollars, on account of the high price of everything, he saved only $2,000 to return to his home in Arkan- sas. He has paid as high as 75 cents per pound for fiour, and other things in proportion. He re- turned to Arkansas, and in 1874 was married to Miss Sarah Scott, daughter of William Scott, of Pope County. To them have been born live chil- dren, three now living, John, Joseph and Anna. Jacob died in infancy, and the fourth child also died while young. Mr. Fronaberger is now the owner of 320 acres of land, and has sixty-five acres under cultivation. He raises some cotton, but mostly corn and wheat and devotes some time to stock-raising, principally cattle and hogs. Mr. Fronaberger is one of the most prosperous farmers in Galla Rock Township. In politics he is a stanch Republican. He and Mrs. Fronaberger are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are active workers in the same. Allen S. Garrison is a proper representative of the energetic and successful business men of Pope County, Ark., which element has done, and is do- ing, so much for the advancement of the material interests of this section. He was born in Yell County, Ark., November 17, 1852, to William H. and Mary A. (Turner) Garrison, who were born, reared and married in Tennessee, the last named event taking place in 1847. Eleven children, eight of whom are living, were born to this union: Fran- cis J., Allen S., Susan A., Samuel J., Rachel T., William G. , Columbus R. , Abraham P. , Sarah J. (deceased), Masonri (deceased), and Thomas J. (de- ceased). In 1848 the father moved to Arkansas, and settled in Pope County, but the following year purchased and settled on land in Yell County. Ak i4. 228 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. The father learned the trade of a machinist in his youth, but afterward studied medicine, and prac- ticed some twelve years, the latter part of his life, dying in Logan County in 1884, an earnest mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a Mason, and during the Rebellion, he served on the river for "Uncle Sam." His widow still re- sides in Logan County, Ark., and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church also. Allen S. Garrison was married June 9, 1878, to Miss Cy- rinthia Rook, a native of Mississippi, born June 19, 1857, a daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Wil- son) Rook, the latter also being Mississippians. To Mr. Garrison and his wife six children have been born : Arthur T. , Nancy E. , Sherman, Ger- trude, Daisy (deceased), and Susan F. (deceased). Mr. Garrison has been in the saw-milling business for some twenty-one years, and is a member of the mill and lumber firm of Forrest, Turner &Co., and is the owner of three mills, one on Illinois Creek, one at Mill Creek and the other near Mount Hope Church. In 1883 Mr. Garrison engaged in merchandising, at Mill Creek Station, as manager for the store of Forrest, Turner & Co. The ca- pacity of the mills are some 20,000 feet per day, and besides this the firm owns some 800 acres of land, with 250 under cultivation, and the rest good timberland. Mr. Garrison is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and socially, belongs to Russell ville Lodge, of the A. F. & A. M., and Russellville Lodge No. 47, of the K. of P. While a resident of Logan County, Ark., he was magis- trate of Delaware Township during 1876-77. Daniel B. Granger, attorney, Russellville, Ark. Mr. Granger, a prominent attorney at law at Rus- sellville, Ark., is among those who contribute to the strength of the Arkansas bar. He is a native of Allegany County, N. Y., was born on January 28, 1830, and is the sixth in order of birth of a family of ten childi'en born to Girden and Nancy (Flanigan) Granger, natives of New Y^ork and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father was a mechanic and erected a great many buildings, be- sides engaging in various other enterprises. He was justice of the peace for many years and made his home in New York, until his death in 1876, when nearly seventy- six years old. The mother died in 1884 at the age of eighty-three years. She was for many years a member of the Free Will Baptist denomination, but later, united with the Methodist Church at Wiscoy, N. Y. , where she died. The paternal grandfather, Peter Gran- ger, was born in Vermont, and was a carpenter and builder by trade. The maternal grandfather, James Flanigan, was a native of Ireland, and born near Londonderry. He was an educated gentleman, and came to America in early life, lo- cating at Norfolk, Va. Later he moved to Har- per's Ferry, Ya., then to Yorktown, Penn. , and af- terward to Allegany County, N. Y., where he died at the age of seventy- eight years. Daniel B. Granger was reared to his father's trade, attended the common schools of New Y^ork, and also pur- sued his studies and readings at the home fireside under his father's direction. In 1855 he went to Fairmont, Va. (now West Virginia), and there be- gan reading law under Hon. E. B. Hall. In December, 1856, he returned to Allegany County, N. Y., and embarked in mechanical pursuits and photographic business until the latter part of 18()0, when he went to La Grange, Mo. In the summer of 1861 he was a member of the La Grange (Union) Home Guards, and in the fall of 18I'>1 he entered the employ of S. N. Marshall, suttler of the Third Missouri (United States) Cavalry Volun teers, commanded by Col. John M. Glover, and remained with this command until 1862. He then entered the Thirty-sixth Missouri (United States) Infantry Volunteers, (then being raised by Col. H. C. Wormoth at Rolla, Mo.) as first lieutenant of Company A., and served in this capacity, prin- cipally engaged in recruiting service, until the latter part of October, 1862, when the regiment was consolidated at St. Louis, Mo., with the Thirty second Missouri Infantry Volunteers com- manded by Col. Manter, at which time Mr. Granger was on detached duty in charge of fnr- lotighed men and recruits and the barracks at Rolla, Mo. When the consolidation of the Thirty- sixth and Thirty second regiments of Missouri Infantry took place the position of first lieutenant of Company A was filled by the muster in of *7U- ~s> \ " ^ A T\^ POPE COUNTY. 229 another person, and Mr. Granger declining to "promote backward," by accepting a similar position in Company K of the consolidated regi- ment, he then returned to the employ of Mr. Mar- shall in the suttler business and continued in this until the spring of 1863. He then left the army at Pilot Knob, Mo., and went to Carthage, 111., where he engaged in merchandising. Subse- quently in June, 1865, he went to Little Eock, Ark., and on June 15 of that year engaged in the collecting business, and began practicing law, hav- incf continued his law readings until that time. He was licensed to practice in the Supreme Court of Arkansas November 3, 1865, and the next spring in the United States Circuit Court at Little Rock, Ark. He remained in Little Rock until May, 1873, and then removed to Russellville, Pope County, Ark., where he has since been in the active practice of his profession. During this time he has been an earnest adherent to the principles of Democracy, but has never been a candidate for office. He has been elected by the bar, and served as special circuit judge on several occasions, and is at present city attorney for Russellville, having served in that position since June 1, 1887. He was married on the 10th, 1866, to Miss Alice C. Wills, of Palmyra, Mo., the daughter of Claiborn C. and Amelia Wills. To this union were born four children — two sons and two daughters — viz. : Lizzie Belle, Edward Jennings (died in infancy), Amelia Alice, and Harrison Wills (who died at the age of sixteen months). Mr. Granger and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church at Russellville. Mr. Granger during his residence in Arkansas has been a frequent contributor to the local press, and in 1874 edited the National Trib une published at Russellville, in the interest of what was known as the "Baxter" movement in the celebrated ''Brooks and Baxter war," and was a strong advocate of the adoption of the present constitution of Arkansas. He is a member of Rus- sellville Lodge No. 47, of the order of K. of P., and was the tirst chancellor commander of that lodge. He is now special deputy grand chancellor for that lodge and a member of the Grand Lodge of the State. He owns both farm and town prop- erty. In 1878 he erected his residence, and in 1886 he had this remodeled and improved. Capt. J. M. Harkey, a prominent citizen of Russellville and Senator for the Fourth Senatorial District, was born in North Carolina on June 11, 1832, and was the eighth of eighteen children born to David and S. Elizabeth (Shinn) Harkey, both natives of North Carolina. David Harkey, famil- iarly known as "Old Uncle Davy " Harkey, was born in Montgomery County on June 29, 1797, and died at Palmer, Tex., on June 10, 1884. He moved from North Carolina in December, 1839, and settled within a mile and a half of the present flourishing town of Russellville, Ark. , then a wild prairie waste, with only one or two families living within its present corporate limits. He married Miss S. E. Shinn, who preceded him to the grave in 1859, and by whom he had eighteen children — seven sons and eleven daughters — seventeen of whom, by a kind Providence, he was permitted to rear to manhood and womanhood. At the time of his death, which occurred when he was about eighty- seven years of age, he had 121 grandchildren, ninety-nine of whom are now living, and eighty- three great-grandchildren, sixty-eight of whom are living. He was a worthy and exemplary member of the Lutheran Church for many years, or until about his eightieth year, when, in consequence of there being no church sufficiently near him in his new home, with no probability then for one in the near future, and regarding it as an indispensable duty devolving upon him to attach himself to some organized religious body, he connected himself with the Christian Church, of which he was a de- vout and worthy member until the time of his death. Many of the old citizens of Pope County well remember "Old Uncle Davy" Harkey, his noble, generous nature and disposition, his social, friendly relations with all, and his kindly welcome to those who visited his hospitable home. He had one son, Silas Monroe, who volunteered for the Mexican War and who was taken sick and died at San Antonio, Tex. , on his way to Buena Vista. He had two sons, Dr. George W. Harkey and Capt. James M. Harkey (our subject), who are now liv- ing at Russellville. The former is a physician of V ^'. t fc_ ^ 230 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. some prominence, though not pursuing his profes- sion as a business, and is a local preacher in the Christian Church, and the latter we will learn more of farther on. " Uncle Davy ' ' has five daughters living in Pope County, namely: Mrs. John M. Bradley, Mrs. J. E. Shinn, Mrs. A. Eeed, Mrs. G. A. Eeed and Miss Vina Harkey. He has three sons and four daughters living in Texas: John, Jacob and Henry Harkey, and Mrs. W. H. Mc- Keever, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. Joel Epps and Mrs. H. S. Maddux. Capt. James M. Harkey was reared to the duties of the farm and had limited educational advantages. He planted fourteen sea- sons for his father. At the age of twenty-two years he began farming for himself, and was mar- ried in 1855 to Miss Elizabeth P. Walker, a native of Pope County. In 1859 he engaged in the drug business at Dover, and was thus engaged at the outbreak of the war. In 1862 he enlisted in the army, biit was petitioned to return by the citizens, as a druggist. In the spring of 1803 he again en- tered the army, assisted in raising a regiment, and was elected second lieutenant of Company B, Caf- fee's regiment. He participated in the battles of Arkansas and Missouri, and in the fall of 1864 he was promoted to the rank of captain, serving in outpost duty in Southern Arkansas until the ter- mination of hostilities. He at once resumed farm- ing, in which he continued until 1868, and then came to Eussellville where with his brother, G. W. Harkey, he started a drug store in that town. For many years this firm thrived and prospered, as Harkey Bros., and had a good jobbing trade, put- ting up many of their remedies as Harkey' s Ague Pills, Chill Tonic, Liver Medicine, Pile Eemedy, Eye Tonic, Diarrhea Cordial, Granger Liniment Vegetable Liver Pills and Cough Syrup, all pro- prietory medicine and belonging to the firm, which they still prepare and sell wholesale throughout Western Arkansas. During that time, the firm erected two brick buildings, but on March 20, 1890, they sold out the business and the store- house, but continue the manufacture of the above named remedies. Cai^t. Harkey bought a farm of 220 acres near town, has 100 acres under cultiva- tion, and has a very pleasant home, owning also other lands elsewhere. He is a raiser of blooded horses, and has a stallion ' ' Coldeck, ' ' one of the best horses of this section, and seven brood mares. He has a good stock farm. He is one of the promi- nent men of the county, is a prosperous merchant and a good citizen. He was nominated by the Democratic party as State Senator for Pope and Johnson Counties, and was elected on Septeml)er 1, 1890, by a majority of 1,368 votes. He was chairman of the Democratic Central Committee of Pope County for many years, and has done much by his honesty and integrity to strengthen that party locally. The family are members of the Christian Church. Capt. Harkey has been a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity since his twenty -first year and has been district deputy grand master for many years. He was also most puesant grand master of the Grand Council of the State of Arkansas, and served two years as worthy grand patron of the Grand Chapter Eastern Star of the State, and is now district deputy grand patron of the Twelfth Dis- trict. To his marriage were born five children, one of whom is deceased : Alice P. , Mary Scathie, Charley D. (who was scalded to death at the age of three years), Reuben M. and Floy Lee. Alice P. Harkey is thirty years old, is married and has four children; Mary Scathie Harkey is twenty- two years old, married, and has one child; Reuben M. Harkey is nineteen years old, and is now attending medical college; Bloy L. Harkey sixteen years old, is now in Glasgow, Ky., at school. Capt. Harkey was twice taken prisoner during the war. The first time he was soon exchanged; the second time he was led out with a rope around his neck to be hanged. While his ca^itors were tying a rope to the limb of a tree he gave the sign of distress as a Mason, and was rescued by a second lieutenant of Federal troops, who was a Mason and a friend. Mr. Harkey says: " He said he was raised in Indiana, but I have forgotten his name and post-oflice address; I would be very glad to meet him in some Masonic lodge or Grand Lodge. I would most assuredly tell him that the latch string of my door hangs on the outside, and I would be glad if he would pull it and walk in at any time and sup with me and I with him. If I meet him no more TH ^1^ JJi L^ POPE COUNTY. 231 ill this world I hope to meet hiiD where parting will be kaown no more." Starling G. Harris. It is a fact well recognized among all intelligent people that a thorough edu- cation and advanced acquaintance with books of learning are of great material benefit to man, no matter in what channel of life his path may lie. The career of Mr. Harris is a striking illustration of this truth, for although his early educational opportunities were not of the best, yet he has at all times been a thoughtful reader, and has made a practical use of the knowledge thus gained. Ho was born on March 16, 1842, in the State of Georgia, and in the month of March, 1875, became a resident of Pope County, Ark., settling on land that is now known as Colony Mountain. He was reared to a farm life in his native State, and in 1862 began doinjr for himself. In June of that year he enlisted in the Confederate Army, becom- ing a member of Company A, Thirty-eighth Georgia Regiment, afterward taking part in the engage- ments at Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Gettysburg, the Wilderness (where he was wounded, and on this account was transferred to the State Troops, being commissioned second lieutenant of Dyer's battal- ion). He remained in the service until the close of the war, then returned to his home in De Kalb County, Ga., and there was engaged in milling for about one year. At the expiration of this time he went to Blount County, Ala., and after farming there for about three years moved to Birmingham, in which place he was engaged in the timber busi- ness for some three years. Since then he has resided on his present farm. His first purchase was fifty acres of land, to which he has added from time to time, until he now has 310 acres of good farming land which he has nicely improved with good resi- dence, barns and other necessary buildings, a fine young orchard, which is already producing enough fruit for family use, and substantial fences. Nine- ty-five acres are under cultivation, and in 1885 he erected thereon a good gristmill and cotton-gin, which he has operated successfully. He is now erecting a building in which he intends to open a general mercantile business, and expects to have everything in working order by October 15. He was married on November 11, 1867, to Eliza Jane Bagwell, with whom he lived for eighteen years, when she departed this life October 18, 1885, leaving besides her husband five sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. May 12, 1886, Mr. Harris remarried, his wife being Mrs. Martha F. Mason, a daughter of James M. and Mary Tate of this county, the latter being now a resident of Johnson County, Ark. The names of the children by his first wife are as follows: Charley V., Lavo- nia v., Ettie L., Oscar G., Gordon P., Sallie A., Albert J. and John C. Lavonia is the wife of Ri- ley Leavell, and resides in Johnson County, and Charley V. is clerking for the firm of F. C. Jones & Co., of Bellville, Yell County, Ark. Mr. Harris and his family are members of the Baptist Church, and he belongs to the A. F. & A. M., and is a Democrat. His parents were John and Sarah (Brown) Harris. William Stanhope Harris, farmer and stock- dealer, Russellville, Ark. Farming has been Mr. Harris' principle occupation thus far through life, and the energetic and wide-awake manner in which he has taken advantage of all methods and ideas tending to the enhanced value of his property has had a great deal to do with his success. He is a native-born resident of Pope County, his birth occurring on August 21, 1852, and is the son of Adolphus and Margaret R. (Hoffman) Harris, na- tives of North Corolina. To the parents were born four living children, who are named in order of birth as follows: William S., Sarah A. B. (wife of G. T. Brown, who is residing at Potts Station), L. D. (residing in Cannon County, Tex.), and Josej)hine (wife of A. M. Shinen, deceased). The parents emigrated from North Carolina to Pope County, Ark., in 1851, purchased eighty acres of unim- proved land, and the father carried on agricultural pursuits in connection with cabinet-making. He is deceased. The mother is now residing with the subject of this sketch. William S. Harris started out to fight life's battles for himself at the age of twen- ty-one years, and as he had been trained from early boyhood to the duties of the farm, it was quite natural, perhaps, that he should select agricult- ural pursuits as his chosen calling. He also held "1^ ^I^ ^ ] ii 4 232 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the oiScG of constable of Wilson Township, Yell County, during the years of 1886 ami 1887, re- maining in that county from 1877 to 1888. He then came to Pope County, Ark., and began stock- raising and stock dealing in which occupation, to- gether with farming, he continues at the present time. He is the owner of fifty-five acres of land in Wilson Township, Yell County, and has forty of this improved. He raises principally cotton and about one and one third bales to the acre. He is thrifty and enterprising, and a man of excellent judgment. P. J. Harvill. Among the many sturdy ' ' sons of the soil" of Pope County, Ark., who have at- tained a good competency in their calling by the sweat of their brow and who command an enviable social position, is Mr. Harvill, who was born in this county October 15, 1847, to M. W. and Eliza- beth (Luton) Harvill, both of whom were born in Tennessee, the former in 1812. He was a farmer and was married in this county, his union resiilting in the birth of five children — two sons and three daughters — of whom the subject of this sketch is the eldest, and the only child now living. Those dead are Polly A., Sarah E., Nancy and one un- named. The mother of these children was called from the scene of her earthly labors in 1856, and two years later Mr. Harvill married Mrs. Jane Ross, and of the following named children born to them, five are now living: William R., G. J., Eliz- abeth (wife of G. T. Brooks), Edgar and Tennessee. M.W., John, Louis and a child unnamed are deceas- ed. At the time of her death, in 1882, Mrs. Harvill was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and in 1889 Mr. Harvill married a third time, his wife being Mrs. Mary Gilmore, a member, as was her husband, of the Primitive Baptist Church. On March 17, 1890, he was called from life. He had come to this State from Tennessee in 1836, and until his demise was a resident of Pope County, and helped carry the surveyor's chain over the whole of the southern part of this State. His son, P. J. Harvill, was married in Pope County March 5, 1871, to Miss Cynthia S. Brooks. She was born in this county, October 10,1853, a daugh- ter of J. H. and Harriet (Yarberry) Brooks, who were Tennesseeans, and came to Arkansas with their parents, their marriage taking place in Pojie County and five of their nine children survive them : James C. O., Cynthia S. (wife of Mr. Harvill), G. T., Henry F. and T. A. Martha L., Laura, Wil- lie E. and Efifie T. are deceased. The father died in 1871 and the mother in 1876, the latter having been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. To Mr. and Mrs. Harvill nine children have been born: George H. (born January 10, 1872), Eler E. (born August 9, 1874, and died Oc- tober 9,1874), Ollie (born December 18, 1875), Nora (born July 80, 1878), Sarah (born November 11, 1880), S. M. (born March 21, 1883), Ider P. (born October 7, 1885 and died July 19, 1886), Floyd E. (born May 28, 1887), and Hattie F. (born March 18, 1890). In 1863 Mr. Harvill enlisted in the Federal Army in the Third Arkansas Cavalry, Company A, and served until 1865, being at one time wound- ed in the right arm by a pistol shot. Since the war he has devoted his attention to farming and is now the owner of 200 acres of land with eighty un- der cultivation. In 1882 he erected thereon a nice frame residence and besides this his farm is other- wise improved with good barns and an excellent young orchard of about two acres. He has served as justice of the peace six years, and for the last seventeen years has been a school director in his district. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in which he is steward and trustee, and he is a Royal Arch Mason, belonging to Rus- sellville Lodge No. 274. A. K. Henry. The social, political and busi- ness history of this section is filled with the deeds and doings of self-made men, and no man in Pope County is more deserving the appellation than Mr. Henry, for he marked out his own career in youth, and has steadily followed it up to the present, his prosperity being attributable to his earnest and persistent endeavor, and to the fact that he has always consistently tried to follow the teachings of the Golden Rule. Although a resident of this parish he was born in York District, S C. October 20, 1812, to Charles W. and Margaret (Carr) Henry, both of whom were also born in the Palmetto State. The father was a farmer and a blacksmith Al ,t. ^t 1^ POPE COUNTY. 233 by occupation, and his father was a follower of the former occupation and was of Scotch descent. The wife of the latter was a Virginian. The grand- parents on the mother's side were of Irish descent. The mother was born in 1790, and the father in 1787, their union taking place in York District, S. C, in 1811, and resulted in the birth of live chil- dren, two of whom are now living, the subject of this sketch being the eldest. The other member is A. M., who was born October 3, 1816. G. W., Elizabeth B. and Catherine are deceased. The father of these children passed from life iu his na- tive State in 1848, being a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and his wife died in 1888, having been a member of the same church since 1806. The immediate subject of this biog- raphy was married in Union District, S. C, May 28, 1840, to Miss Elizabeth S. Parker, who was born in South Carolina January 6, 1810, a daugh- ter of Silas R. and Martha (Akins) Parker, also South Carolinians, aud to whom seven sons and two daughter were born, Elizabeth (wife of Mr. Henry), and W. P. being the only ones now living. The following are deceased: Isaac, Allison S., Walter L., S. R. , William R., Eleasa and Sarah A. Mr. Parker died about 1867, and his wife in 1858, both earnest members of the Presbyterian Church. To Mr. Henry and his wife ten children have been born: Silas H. , Martha A. (wife of C. G. Oates), Margaret (deceased), Sarah E. (deceased), Cathe- rine C. (wife of William O. Ferguson), Nancy E. (deceased), Mary A. (deceased), Margaret E. (wife of William Henry), Sarah (widow of A. R. Ferguson), and Charles W. Mr. Henry enlisted iu the Con- federate Cavalry in 1863 and served until the close of the war, taking part in a number of engage- ments. He emigrated from South Carolina to Ar- kansas in 1856, and settled on the farm of 240 acres, of which he is now the owner, 100 acres be- ing under cultivation. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Old School Presliy terian Church. Silas A. Henry, farmer. Potts Station, Ark. There are many successful agriculturists repre- sented within the pages of this volume, but none more deserving of mention than Silas A. Henry, who is one of the pioneers of this State. He was born in York County, S. C, in June, 1841, and was the eldest of ten children, six of whom are now living and residing near Russellville, Pope County, Ark. Silas A. received his education in Arkansas. In July, 1861, he enlisted iu the Confederate Army, Company B, Second Arkansas Regiment Infantry, Capt. Parker's company, and under Col. Mcintosh. In the spring of 1862 he was sent east of the Mississippi River in the Army of Tennessee under Gen. Bragg, and was in the battles of Chickamauga, Wilson Creek, Pea Ridge, Richmond, Murfreesboro, Jackson, and was then with Johnston and Hood in the Georgia campaign. He went with the latter general to Tennessee, was in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, and then went with Gen. Johnston to North Carolina, and fought the battle of Bentonville. He surrendered at Greensboro, N. C, as second lieutenant of his com- pany, which had at the beginning 100 men, but at the close only fourteen were left, he being the only commissioned officer left in the company. He arrived home on July 5, 1865, and since then has been engaged in cultivating the soil. He makes a complete success of this occupation, as a glance over his place will indicate to the beholder, and of the 120 acres he now owns, 70 acres are under cultivation. Miss Nancy M. Bigham, daUD-hter of Dr. Robert Bigham, became his wife in 1869, and the fruits of this union have been nine children, eight now living: Irene E. , Robert B., Andrew K., C. Walter, Jennings M., John Mc, Joseph G., Dixon B. and Lily Mc. John Mc. died at the age of two years. Irene married W. R. McArthur, son of Joseph McArthur of Pope County, Ark., and the remainder of the children are at home with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are members of the Associate Reformed Pres- byterian Church, and he is a strong adherent to the Democratic principles. His parents, A. K. and Elizabeth (Parker) Henry, were natives of SoTith Carolina. They removed to Arkansas with a family of five children in 1857, bought land in Pope County, and there they reside at the present time. The paternal grandfather, C. W. Henry, died in South Carolina at an early day, and his wife came to this State and county with her son, A. M. rrv^ M At 234 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Henry, about 1875. She died in 188S, at the age of ninety-eight years. The maternal grandparents came to Arkansas from South Carolina in 1859, set- tled in Pope County, the place where Capt. Parker now resides, and there they received their final summons, the grandmother in 1860, and the grand- father in 1800. J. D. Hogan is one of the wide-awake, enter- prising and substantial men of the county. He was born in Kershaw county, S. C, September 13, 1838, to S. S. and Margaret J. (Cronkfield) Hogan, who were born and reared in the Palmetto State, and there spent their lives, being earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the time of their deaths. J. D. Hogan was reared in his native State, his education, which was rather lim- ited, being also received there, but in 1859 he commenced doing for himself and determined to better his education. Accordingly, when he had obtained sufficient means he entered school in Co- lumbia, liut was taken sick in October, 1860, with typhoid fever, and upon thoroughly recovering did not again enter school, but helped to swell the ranks of the Confederate Army, becoming a mem- ber of Butler's command in the spring of 1861. Farming has been his principal occupation in life, at which he has been quite successful, and he is now the owner of 280 acres of land, a considerable portion of which is under cultivation and well im- proved. He was married March 15, 1S66, to Cyn- thia M. Clou i^ ^1 ] 260 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 4 Zaehariah Sinclair, farmer, Hector, Ark. Among those who deservedly rank among the progressive and substantial agriculturists of Pope Countj', is the above mentioned gentleman, who is the owner of an excellent farm in this county. His parents, James R. and Nancy C. (Noel) Sinclair, were na- tives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, and were married in the last named State. They removed to Arkansas in 1839, settled in Pope County, where, after living until 1855, they took up land. The twelve children born to this union are named as follows: Mary T. (wife of P. H. Brant), Zaehariah, Virginia (wife of G. A. Bishop, deceased), Sarah A. (in Searcy County), Franklin P. (in Center Township), James H. (in Hector, Ark), William (deceased), and four others who died in infanc}'. At the age of eighteen years, Zaehariah began working for himself as an agriculturist, and in 1862 he was married. The fruits of this union were two children: James A. (deceased), and Will- iam Francis. Mrs. Sinclair died in 1865, and in February, 1867, Mr. Sinclair was married to Miss Winnie E. Bishop, a native of Tennessee. About 1870 Mr. Sinclair homesteaded the land on which he now resides, consisting of eighty acres, of which he has thirty acres under ciiltivation. He is also the owner of twenty acres in the bottom along Illi- nois Bayou,of which he has about fifteen acres under cultivation. His principal productions are cotton and corn. In connection with his farming industry Mr. Sinclair has been employed to some extent with his carpenter trade, also wagon-making, al- though he has never served an apprenticeship at either. To his last marriage were horn these chil- dren: Siney C. (wife of A. D. Poe), George W., John W., Margaret E., Martha E., Rhoda J., Ella M., Henry W. and Lulu J. Two are deceased. Harrison Smith, a prosperous merchant at London Station, Ark., was born in Tennessee Jan- uary 16, 1841, to John W. and Malinda (Neill) Smith, who were born in South Carolina and North Carolina in 1818 and 1821, respectively. They were married, in Tennessee, December 12, 1839, and their union was blessed by the birth of nine children, six being now alive, of whom the subject of this sketch is the eldest. The other members are Wyatt (a farmer in Sebastian County, Ark. ), Narcissa (wife of John Maxwell, of Sebas- tian County, Ai'k.), Louisa (wife of Edward Gif- ford, of Polk County, Fla.), Lutitia (wife of J. C. Williams, of Catoosa County, Ga. ), Anna (wife of Dr. S. C. Burgess, of London, Ark.), and the following children who are deceased: Thomas M. , Penelton and George. The parents of these chil- dren were Baptists. The father is now residing in Tennessee. The mother died in November, 1883. The former was a soldier in the Confederate Army for a short time during the Rebellion, and was in the hospital service. H. Smith, the immediate subject of this sketch, began life for himself in 1865 on rented land, and the same year was mar- ried to Miss Mary E. Lee, a native of South Caro- lina, born July 30, 1841, a daughter of Richard and Lettie (Smith) Lee. Mr. Smith enlisted in Company A, Forty-third Regiment of Ai'kansas Infantry, Confederate States Army, August 7, 1861, and was on active duty until the close of the war, when he returned home, and, as above stated, began following the plow as a means of livelihood, an occupation which received his attention until 1880. In 1872 he moved to Arkansas, and until 1878 was a resident of Woodiiiff County. In 1882 he moved to Dover, and after following the life of a merchant in that place for two years, has since followed the same occupation at London Sta- tion, where he carries a stock of general merchan- dise to the amount of $2,500. He is the owner of twenty-four acres of land, besides some town lots, and on one of the latter he has a comfortable frame residence. He also owns the store in which he does business. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and are among the substantial citizens of the county. L. M. Smith, proprietor of the Russellville steam grist-mill, planing-mill, cotton-gin and wool - carding mill, was born in Mississippi in 1836, and was the third in a family of seven children, born to John and Prudence (Marshall) Smith, the father a native of the Palmetto State and the mother of the Bay State. The father was a bricklayer and plasterer by trade, and came to Mississippi when about thirty-five years of age. There his death D V ^1 ^ 9% ^ POPE COUNTY. 261 occurred iu November, 1858. The mother died in Arkansas in 1882. L. M. Smith was reared in Mississippi until about ten years of age, and then, without permission of his parents, left home sud- denly and engaged with a party of railroad sur- veyors with whom he remained one year. ' He then entered the railroad shops at Huntsville and there learned his trade as engineer and machinist. After spending seven years in the shop he then went on the Memphis & Charleston Railroad as an engineer for fourteen years, was then on the Mobile & Ohio for one year and was then for a time on the Great Western. Later yet he was on the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad for five years. In 1877 he came to Pope County, settled at Rus- sellville and at once began the erection of his pres- ent business in partnership with Harker & Ter- rence, whom he soon bought out. He began with a grist-mill and became the owner of the first steam- mill in town, the same having three run of stones. He put in a wool carding machine in 1879, and now has a durable machine. He started the gin on a small scale in 1882, and now has, perhaps, the sec- ond best gin in the State. He has sailor elevators to move cotton, a Thomas' direct steam press, with a capacity of thirty bales of cotton per day. During a four months' season, and during 1889-90 he ginned 1,000 bales. In 1885 he added a planing- mill, and has since put in new and improved planers. In 1887 he put in an engine of sixty-horse power. The building occupies a couple of acres of land and is valued at about $15,000. In 1879 Mr. Smith erected his present residence, and is also the owner of five tenant houses. He owns a farm of 200 acres in two tracts, all good timber, and is a thorough, wide-awake and enterprising citizen. He was mar- ried in 1858, to Miss Sarah Harris of Alabama, and to this union were born six children — a son and five daughters — all living: Mary Frances, Georgia A. , Willie Lulu, Sarah K., all of whom are married, and Robert and Ida May. Mr. Smith is a member of the Christian and his wife and children are members of the Baptist Church. He showed his appreciation of secret organizations by becoming a member of the A. F. & A. M. and the K. of P. He is a member of all the orders of Masonry. R. H. Smith, machinist and foundryman, and a member of the firm of Smith & Little, was born in North Carolina, in 1838, and was the fifth of eleven children born to William and Catherine (Burkhead) Smith, both natives also of the Old Tar State. The father was a farmer, but also carried on the trades of blacksmith and wagon- maker. He came to Arkansas in 185-1, settled in Pope County and started a shop six miles north- west of Russellville. There he had a good trade, and made wagons for most of the county. He also bought 256 acres and to this he added from time to time until he became the owner of large tracts of land, much of it river bottom land. He cleared much of this land and here resided until his death, in 1887, at the age of eighty-two years. He had always enjoyed good health. The mother died about the same time. Our subject has three sisters and one brother residing in this county. He followed farming until the breaking out of the war, and then flung aside his implements of peace to take up the weapons of warfare. He enlisted in Company E, Fifteenth Arkansas Regiment, and was in the battle of Elk Horn, but soon went east of the Mississippi River, where he participated in the battles of Farmington, Corinth and Port Gibson, and was taken prisoner at the latter place. He was retained at Alton prison for six weeks, and was then exchanged at City Point, after which he came home. Later he enlisted again, was captured and confined at Little Rock, where he was at the time of the surrender. Returning home he en- gaged in farming, followed this for several years, and was very successful. He bought 350 acres and soon had 100 acres under cultivation. About 1875 he began the mill business, at Mill Creek, and had a good outfit and an excellent trade. This he sold in 1884, and at once started his foundry and machine shop, manufacturing stoves. The firm also do a general repairing business, employ two men and sometimes more, and are the owners of the foundry which is a good building. Mr. Smith was married in the fall of 1859, to Miss Martha Shinn, who is the daughter of Littleton Shinn, a pioneer'of this locality. Of the following, named nine children born to this union six are ^I, k. 262 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. now living: Jesse Lee, Mary F., Sarah Ellen, Lenora (deceased), Oeata (deceased), Thomas (de- ceased), Mattie, Florence and Franklin. Mr. Smith has a farm of 150 acres and a residence in town. Aside from his foundry enterprise, he is also en- gaged in the grocery biisiness in partnership with R. C. Brown, and they are erecting a two-story brick building. Mr. Smith is a good business man and is successful and prosperous. James L. Tate. Not without justice Mr. Tate is conceded to be among the prominent and suc- cessful agriculturists of Pope County, Ark., for he is, and has been, meeting with substantial success in pursuing his calling. He was born in Johnson County, Ark., February 24, 1849, and although he received but little early education on account of the opening of the war, he has since become one of the well-informed and intelligent men of the county. He remained on his father's farm until he was nineteen years of age, after which he began renting land for himself, and in 1877 bought the land where he now lives, from the Railroad Com- pany. This he immediately settled on and com- menced improving, being now the owner of 167 acres, tifty-tive of which are in a good .state of cul- tivation. This is mostly valley land and very pro- ductive, and as he has made every endeavor to bring his land into a tine state of cultivation, he has one of the finest places in the county for its size. It is all tinder good fence, and in addition to this he tills 350 acres adjoining, devoting it to the raising of cotton, corn, oats and wheat. His cotton yields from two-thirds to one bale of cotton to the acre, and corn averages about forty-five bushels. He raises large numbers of mules and other stock for his own use, which are admirably housed during the winter months, and he has an excellent frame residence. He has a young orchard of about 200 apple trees, besides peach, cherry and plum trees in abundance. He is up with the times in regard to cultivation, having the latest improved farming utent-ils, and in addition to his residence he has five houses for tenants, each with necessary outbuildings. On Decamber 28, 1868, he was mar- ried to Miss Emeliue Jones, a daughter of Thomas and Mary Salma (Hise) Jones, of Johnson County, but formerly from Northeastern Georgia. Mr. Tate and his wife have four children: Oscar S., Maiy Ann, Mattie M. and Dora Jane. Mr. Tate has felt the loss of an early education, and is try- ing to give his children every opportunity. He and his family worship in the Primitive Baptist Church, and he is a liberal supporter of churches, schools, etc. He and his wife are noted for their hospitality and are honored citizens of this county. Van Tomlinson is one of the largest land own- ers and most prominent farmers of Dover Township, Pope County, Ark. He was born in Pulaski County, ■ Ky., August 20, 1833, and when three years of age was brought to this countj' by his parents, Charles and Susan (Wood) Tomlinson, who were also born in Pulaski County. Ky. , and at the time of the birth of the subject of this sketch were residing in the town of Somerset, where the father was keeping a hotel and managing a dry goods store. He was sheriff of Pulaski County for a number of years, but upon coming to Arkansas he purchased and entered Government land, which he immediately began improving and cultivating. He died in 1873, his wife having departed this life some four years previously, having borne him four sons and four daughters, the only member of which family now living being Van. He received the education and rearing of the average farmer's boy of that day, his advantages, of course, were very meager, and when he was fifteen years of age his father went to California in search of gold, and he was left to care for the family. This he continued to do until he was eighteen years of age, when he, too, went to the "Eldorado of the West," but re- mained only a few mouths, when he returned home. Previous to this, however, he had purchased eighty acres of land and was doing for himself, his father allowing him all he could make after the wants of the family were supplied. He improved his eighty- acre farm and sold it some fifteen years afterward, then purchasing 200 acres in the same neighbor- hood, which he has since finely improved and still owns. He is now the owner of 300 acres, on which is erected a good frame residence, besides houses for his tenants. All his buildings are excel- lent, and cotton and corn are his principal crops. •^« jV ^ *\^ fifty- five acres being devoted to the former, which promises a good crop. He is interested also, to some extent, in stock-raising. In June, 1865, he was married to Miss Margaret Hobbs, a daughter of James Hobbs, of this county, by whom he has four children: Charles, Mary A., Nora J. and Mattie May. The eldest son was married in Au- gust, 18S8, to Miss Jeilrie Henderson, who died in May, 1890. Mr. Tomlinson is a Democrat, and, although not a member of any church, he is very liberal in his support of all churches, benevolent enterprises, etc., and is especially interested in schools. He is very pushing and enterprising, and his example of earnest and sincere endeavor to suc- ceed in life is well worthy the imitation of the ris- ing generation. J. B. Turnbow, farmer and miller, Caglesville, Ark. Mr. Turnbow is a native of Arkansas, born in October, 185-"), and is the son of John and Cath arine (Noles) Turnbow, both natives of Tennessee, in which State they were married. The parents came to Arkansas about 1852. To th^ir marriage were born eleven children. J. B. Turnbow started out to fight life's battles for himself when twenty- one years of age, and engaged in farming on rented land. He was married in 1877 to Miss Oretha Hamilton, a native of Arkansas and the daughter of Hugh Hamilton and wife, formerly a Miss Vaughan. In 1883 Mr. Turnbow purchased 160 acres of land and built a good frame addition to his house. Since then he has cleared about forty- live acres and is now erecting a good house. In 1890 he purchased a third interest in a saw-mill, which he operates in association with Mr. Shrone and Mr. Hamilton. The capacity of the mill is from 8,000 to 10,000 feet of pine lumber per day. Mr. Turnbow still carries on his farm on which he raises principally corn, cotton and oats, his land averaging twenty-five bushels of corn or two-thirds of a bale of cotton to the acre. He also raises considerable stock, including mules, horses and hogs. He was the youngest of the following named children: Elizabeth. Caroline, Martha, Dona, Tennessee, Lou, Margaret, William, Andrew and Cross. His marriage resulted in the birth of six children: Martin Luther, James ^y alter, Lou v., Robert L., Bertha (deceased) and Ona. The father of our subject died in 1886, and was a mem- ber of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which the mother was also a member. J. B. Turnbow was elected constable in September, 1890, and possesses all the requisites necessary to fill that position in an able and efficient manner. He is a Mason, a member of Scottsville Lodsre, and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, of which Mr. Turnbow is deacon. William J. Voss, farmer, Hector, Ark. This enterprising citizen of Jackson Township, Pope County, Ark., was originally from Tennessee, his birth occurring in Lawrence County, September 2, 1839, and is the son of Robert and Charlotte (Mitch- ell) Voss, natives also of the Big Bend State. They were the parents of fifteen children, who are named in the order of their births, as follows: Wiley, Allen, Caroline (deceased), Rebecca (wife of Jaines Beard), William J., Joseph (now in Tex- as), Sarah (wife of James Walters), Mary (deceased), John, Newton, Emeline, and four others deceased. William J. Voss received a very limited education, his whole schooling consisting of three months in a fi'ee school in Middle Tennessee, but he is a man of observation, and this, with his experience, has gained him a good business education. He was married, in 1857, to Miss Susan J. Pennington, a native of Tennessee, whose parents, Jacob and Ara- minta (Harrison) Pennington, were both natives of Tennessee. Four children were born to this union: Emeline (wife of Hugh Mansker), Frank P., Laquincy and William Robert, all living. Mr. Vo.ss and family left Tennessee and emigrated to Arkan- sas, in 1858, settling in Pope County, but after- ward removed to Yell County, thence to Searcy County, where his wife died, in 1868. In 1869 Mr. Voss purchased 120 acres of land in the last named county, and improved seventy-five acres, but sold it all in 1881. He then purchased his present property, consisting of 160 acres, with eighty acres under cultivation. This he has further improved by putting up new and substantial build- ings, erecting two new houses on his farm, which has more than trebled in value under his manage- ment. Later he added forty acres more to his farm. ^1 fe* 264 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 4 In 1869 Mr. Voss was married to Miss Mary T. Williams, a native of Arkansas, and the daughter of John and Mary (Simms) Williams, the former a native of Tennessee, and the latter of Alabama. To Mr. and Mrs. Voss have been born ten children, nine of vrhom are living: James A. (deceased), Philander M., John Morris, Victoria Ellen, Nathan- iel S., Sally, Wiley A., Aranna May, Joseph L. and Benjamin Harrison. Mr. Voss was conscript- ed in the Confederate Army, but enlisted in the Federal Army, in Company D, Second Arkansas Cavalry, under Col. Phelps, and served from 1864 to the close of the war. He was detached fi-om his regiment near the close of the war, and has never been discharged. After cessation of hostili- ties Mr. Voss resumed agricultural pursuits, and this he has continued up to the present time. He is engaged in stock-raising in connection with ag- ricultural pursuits, and is wide-awake and enter- prising. He keeps a good grade of stock, and in the management of everything connected with his farm he displays excellent judgment and thor- oughness. Mrs. Voss is a member of the Baptist Church. Judge Jeremiah G. Wallace, judge of the Fifth Judicial District, is a native of Fulton County, Ky., born January 2, 1850, and was sixth in a family of seven children born to James and Mary E. (Goldsby) Wallace. The father was also a na- tive of the Blue-Grass State, and was an agricult- urist by occupation. He was married in Tennessee, and died in the year 1858, in Kentucky: The mother died in 1853. Both were members of the Baptist Church. The paternal grandfather, An- drew Wallace, was born on the Emerald Isle, and was immediately brought to America by his parents, who were Calvinists. They came to this country about 1792, settled in the Palmetto State, and here Andrew grew to manhood, and was married. At the age of twenty-three years he went to Kentucky, and later moved to West Tennessee, where he re- mained until 1S60. He then came to Arkansas, located in Pope County, and there his death oc- curred in 1873. He and wife were also members of the Baptist Church. The maternal grandfather, Edward Goldsby, was a native of North Carolina, and died in North Carolina. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Judge Jeremiah G. Wal- lace was reared by his grandparents, with whom he came to Arkansas, and his educational facilities were not of the best, for he never attended school more than about nine months altogether. After the war he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until about eighteen years of age, after which he taught school in Polk County for about three years, and also clerked for some time. He began the study of law while teaching, and was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1873. In the fall of 1875 he re- turned to Dover, opened an office for one year, and then went to Ann Arbor, entering the law depart- ment of the University of Michigan, from which he graduated in the spring of 1877. From there he returned to Dover, and in the spring of 1878 he came to Russellville, where he has remained ever since. In 1882 he was elected prosecuting attorney, and re- elected to this position in 1884. He was candidate for circuit judge in 1889, and was elected to that position on September 1, 1890. Success is the best test of merit in this life, and Judge Wallace is in every way a successful man. He is a stanch and willing friend, a compliment that is equal to any that may be paid him in these days of selfish and sordid ambitions, and he is a self-made man, what he has won in the way of this world's goods and personal achievements being wholly due to his own good fighting qualities. He was married in the spring of 1878 to Miss Mirand Berry, a native of Leeds, England, and the daugh- ter of Joseph Berry, who came to America about 1859. To the Judge and Mrs. Wallace were born six children: Mabel, Mary Elizabeth, Catherine, Lewis A., Grace and Robert. Mrs. Wallace is a member of the Episcopal Church. Judge Wal- lace is a member of the A. F. & A. M., the K. of P. and the K. of H. He is the owner of a fine farm, seventy- five acres under cultivation and 600 in timber, and has a residence in town. He is a close and attentive student to his profession, and his recent election to the office of circuit judge of the Fifth Judicial District shows the estimation in which he is held by the people of this and ad- joining counties. ^ POPE COUNTY. 265 Dr. D. J. Warren, Atkins, Ark. The name of Warren is one of the most influential in Pope County, Ark., and Dr. Warren, among its most tal- ented physicians, has obtained a reputation plac- ing him in the front ranks of the medical fraternity. His parents, Charles and J. (Jones) Warren, were natives of Tennessee. The father was a stone- mason by trade, and died in April, 1832. The mother moved to Mississippi in 1845, and resided there until her death in 1852. Our subject's pa- ternal grandfather, Burris Warren, was a native of England and came to America-in colonial times. He was a soldier in the Revolution and in the bat- tle of Bunker Hill he received a slight wound, although he continued to fight for independence until the close of the war. He had but one broth- er and he was also in the Revolutionary War, but on the other side. After the war Grandfather War- ren lived in North Carolina for some time, married, and settled in Middle Tennessee, where he died about 1842. He was the father of about five chil- dren. Dr. D. J. Warren was born in Tennessee in 1828, but moved with his mother to Mississippi, where he resided until 1852. He then came to Arkansas, settled in Conway County, and there en- tered and bought land which he cultivated for a number of years. He was married twice, first in 1855 to Miss Nancy Eubanks, a native of Arkan- sas, and daughter of James Eubanks, who em- migrated from Alabama to Arkansas at an early day. Mrs. Warren died December 7, 1858. Dr. Warren's second marriage occurred January 1, 1861, to Miss Mary A. Bernard, a native of Pope County, and the daughter of Wilson Ber- nard. Mr. Bernard was born in the Buckeye State, but came to Arkansas at a very early day. He settled in the woods on the river bottom, culti- vated the soil, and during the war went to Texas, where his death occurred. The mother's maiden name was Appleton and she died in 1877. They were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. The father assisted in removing the Indians fi'om this section. He had seven children, and for a time he employed a teacher for them. One daughter in Texas, another in California, and our subject's wife are the only ones now living. Dur- ing the late unpleasantness between the North and South, or in the fall of 1861, Dr. Warren enlisted in Company C, Tenth Arkansas Regiment Infant- ry, and was in the siege of Port Hudson where he was advanced to the rank of first lieutenant. He was captured at that place, sent to the military prison at Johnson's Island, Ohio, and retained until the sur- render of Gen. Lee, a period of two years. The Federal Government gave transportation to Little Rock and he walked the balance of the way. Dr. Warren began the study of medicine in 1858, at- tended lectures in Cincinnati diiring 1859-60, and was assistant surgeon for fifteen months in the army before he was promoted to the rank of lieu- tenant. On his return to Pope County he at once began the practice of medicine. In 1873 he was one of the first to locate in Atkins and soon bought forty acres near town. In 1881 he bought six acres in town, and erected a residence on it. He is now the owner of 240 acres of land, and has 175 acres under cultivation, also an additional tract of eighty acres of good timber. The Doctor with four oth- ers, erected the school-house at Atkins, and he has done much to advance the cause of education. To Dr. Warren's second marriage were born five chil- dren, two living: Joicy (was born April 8, 1868, and died August 7, 1871), Rhoda (was born Decem- ber 9, 1869, and received her education at Arka- delphia and Blue Moirntain), Andrew T. (was born September 7, 1872), and Tabitha (was born March 11, 1874). The family are members of the Bap- tist Church. Dr. Warren is a member of the Ma sonic fraternity. W. G. Weimer, proprietor of the Weimer Drug Company, and cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank at Russellville, owes his nativity to Johnson Coun- ty, this State, and was born in 1864. He was the youngest in a family of five children born to A. W. and Mary (Towell) Weimer, natives of Germany and Tennessee, respectively. The father came from Germany when a child, resided for some time in the' Keystone State, and then moved to Iowa about 1838. Later he came to Arkansas, where he was married. He was a physician and had an ex- tensive practice over about thirty miles. He was killed in the spring of 1865. The mother is still :(^ IS fc^ ■ — »t>. 266 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. living. W. Gr. Weimer was educated in the Van- derbilt University at Nashville, Tenn., and gradu- ated from the same in 1884. He at once began the drug business in Russellville, starting with a stock of several thousand dollars, all paid, and soon had a good trade. In 1887 he started the Weimer Savings Bank, the first along the railroad with the exception of those at Little Rock and Van Buren, and in 1890 he bought out Harkey Bros', drug business, moving to his new quarters shortly after- ward. He carries a stock of fresh drugs valued at $8,000, and does both a wholesale and a retail business. This establishment is very attractive and complete in every particular, and the pre- scription department is in the hands of exper- ienced pharmacists. On April 1, 1890, the Weimer Savings Bank was incorporated and became known as the Citizens Savings Bank, with W. G. Weimer as cashier. The bank occupies a por- tion of the drug store, was incorporated with a $50,000-capital, and is doing an extensive business. Mr. Weimer is now sole owner of the drug store. He also owns extensive farm property in Yell County, rich bottom lands, all tillable and con- sisting of 600 acres with 512 acres under cultiva- tion. This, one of the finest tracts of land in the State, was bought in January, 1890, at a cost of $21,400 and Mr. Weimer has placed several thou- sand dollars worth of improvements on it since then. On this farm he also runs a general store, carries a stock of goods valued at $3,000 and does an annual business of $12,000. He has a cotton-gin and mill and in Russellville he owns a business block. He has in all ways contributed to the growth of Rus- sellville, and is one of the best citizens. He is an A. F. & A. M. and K. of P. at Russellville, and also a Knight Templar. C. D. Weir, farmer, Moreland, Ark. Since his residence in this county, the reputation which Mr. Weir enjoys has been not only that of a substan- tial and progressive farmer, but of an intelligent and thoroughly-posted man on all public affairs. He is a native of Georgia, born in 1861, and moved with his mother to Arkansas in 1870, settling in Pope County, where the mot bar bought eighty acres of land. C. D. Weir was reared to manhood on the farm in Pope County, and is thoroughly familiar with all the details of farm life. He re- ceived a good, practical education in the common schools, and in 1878 selected as his companion in life Miss Sarah F. Crites, who was born in 1802, a native of Arkansas. This union was blessed by the birth of five children, viz. : Jesse L. (deceased), Lewis L., Levada L., Oscar and Homer, the last four living at home with their parents. After his marriage Mr. Weir continued his farming interest on rented land for six years, after which he pur- chased eighty acres and was engaged in improving this for some time. This he at last sold and in 1890 be purchased the tract upon which he now reside?, consisting of 180 acres, 105 acres of which are under cultivation. Mrs. Weir was one of three children born to Jesse and Olive C. (Stennett) Crites, the children named in order of birth as fol- lows: Lee Anna (deceased), Sarah F. and Lucinda. Mr. and Mrs. Weir are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and are held in high esteem by all. Mr. Weir' s farming operations are conducted in a manner indicative of a progressive, thorough agricultiarist, and his future prospects are indeed bright. James Wells, farmer, Holly Bend, Ark. Since his residence in this county Mr. W^ells has been very prominently identified with the material af- fairs of this community, indeed far more so than the average man. Particularly in the direction of agricultural affairs is this true. He was born in Lincoln Coiinty, N. C, in February, 1822, and is the son of Samuel and Agnes (Jenkins) Wells, na- tives also of North Carolina. They passed their entire lives in that State, and died there about 1845. The paternal grandparents came from Vir- ginia at an early day, and the maternal grand- parents were from Ireland. James Wells left his native State in 1841, and emigrated to Arkansas, locating in Pope County, where he has since made his home. He is now residing in Holly Bend, where he is the owner of 500 acres of land with 400 acres under cultivation. He was married in 1845 to Miss Mary Logan, daughter of Robert E. Logan, of Pope County. Six children have been born to this vmion: Sarah, James B., Franklin, Richard t >y ' A ■^ — ^t 'A POPE COUNTY. 267 and the other two died in infancy. Mrs. Wells died in 1809 leaving him with four children. He then married Miss Margaret L. Faulkner, daugh- ter of Thomas Faulkner, and they have four chil- dren: Hugh, Mary, Elmer and Bruce. All the children to both marriages are single with the ex- ception of two, James B. and Richard. The for- mer married Miss Martha Anthony and Richard married Miss Elizabeth Oates. In 1863 Mr. Wells enlisted in the Confederate Army under Col. Stir- man, and was in State service until the close of the war. After this he returned home, and has been enarasfed in cultivating the soil ever since. John B. West is the junior member of the firm of T. M. Neal & Co., general merchants of Dover, Ark. These gentlemen have ably represented the mercantile interests of this portion of this county, and the stock of goods which they carry can not fail to satisfy the wants of their patrons. He was born near the town in which he is now residing, on May 11, 1857, to Major D. and Lucinda (Latimer) West, and with his parents made his home until 1883, his opportunities for acquiring a knowledge of the world of books being extremely limited, for in any year he did not receive over three months' schooling, and often not that amount. However, he always had a natural inclination to- ward books, and even in his early boyhood he used his spare time to advantage and was often found poring over his books when others of his age were spending their time in play. By this means he received such education as has elevated him to the position he now occupies and has been the means of the success of his life work. After the death of bis father, in 1880, he remained on the old homestead and continued to care for the remainder of the family until the summer of 1883, when he rented out the homestead, and with his mother, moved to town, where he entered the em- ploy of T. M. Neal & Co., as book-keeper, in which capacity he served faithfully and well for six years. At the end of this time Mr. Neal, the gen- eral manager, opened an establishment in Morrill- ton. Ark., and Mr. West took his place in the store in Dover and became general manager for the firm. In January, 1890, he bought an interest in the business, and still retains his position as general manager, and to the admirable manner in which he has conducted affairs, the success of the estab- lishment is largely due. The stock of the firm con- sists of an excellent general line of goods, to- gether with a complete asisortment of farming implements, the annual sales of which are about $26,000. They also deal quite extensively in cot- ton, which is a leading industry in their vicinity, and although they started with a very small capi tal, industry, energy and square dealing have built them up their present trade, and they have abun- dantly prospered. They are now doing business on a capital of about 139,000 and are the heaviest dealers in the town of Dover. Mr. West was mar- ried on March 28, 1878, to Miss Maggie Phillips of Dover, by whom he has six children : Caroline, Mary Ruth, Jonnie B., David, Alexander H. and Sallie. Mr. West and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in which he is recording steward, and he also belongs to Lodge No. 17, of the A. F. & A. M., at Dover. In this order he holds the position of treasurer. He is a Democrat, but has never been what might be termed a politician. In May, 1SS4, he was ap- pointed notary public and is now filling his second term. He still owns an interest in the old home stead, which he still looks after and controls, but aside from this his capital is invested in his busi ness. He is a thoroughly-liberal, public spirited and substantial citizen. Robert B. Whitesides (deceased) was another of the many representative citizens of Polk County, Ark., whose native soil was the Palmetto State, his birth occurring in York County in 1828, and was the son of Maj. Whitesides, a native of Ireland. The father was reared in his native country and re- mained there until about fifty years of age, when he emigrated to America. He settled in South Carolina, and there his death occurred many years ago. Robert B. Whitesides came to Pope County, Ark., in 1856, and there married the widow of William W. Williamson. She was the mother of two children by her first husband, William D. and Sallie N., and five children by Mr. Whitesides: Robert Lee, Edward B., Martha E., Lucy Ann \ « 268 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and Walter D. , all of whom are now living with their mother with the exception of Robert, who is in Texas. Mr. Whitesides was a farmer by occu- pation and followed this until his death which oc- curred on the farm where his widow resides, in 1886. He was for many years intimately associated with the county's interests, and in his death the county keenly felt the loss of one of its best citizens, a man who had taken jjart in its development and witnessed its growth for many years. He was the owner of 700 acres of land, 250 acres under cultivation, lying on the north side of Arkansas River, seven miles below Dardanelle. In 1863 Mr. Whitesides enlisted in the Confederate Army, and served unlil cessation of hostilities. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Whitesides rents her land mostly, but lives at home and cultivates a portion of it herself. She and one daughter are members of the Old School Presbyterian Church. She was the daughter of Darling Love of Pope County, but who was a native of North Carolina. The latter came to Po])e County fifty-two years ago, bought land here and reared a family of eight children, three of whom were killed in the Con- federate Army. Two brothers of Mrs. Whitesides, Ransom D. and Calvin M. Love, live nearRussell- ville, where the former is engaged in the hard- ware business, and the latter is a farmer and ! preacher. A sister, Madrid, married Squire R. O. ' Morton, and is now living near Potts' Station. The remainder of the children are deceased. Judge Robert B. Wilson has become distin- guished in the history of Pope County, Ark. , where he is known as a talented attorney. His mind is clear, concise, analytical and well poised, and be- ing of quick perception, what might cause others hours of study and research, he reaches at a bound, and the reasons for his convictions are always clear and well defined. He was born in Shelby County, Tenu., May 26, 1850, being the eldest living child of Benjamin F. Wilson and Mary W. Wilson (whose maiden name was Mary W. Will- iams), the former of whom is a native of Gooch- land County, Va. , the latter of Rutherford County, Tenn. The father was a worthy tiller of the soil, and in 1854 moved from Tennessee to Arkansas, and settled in Conway County, where he lived for two years. He then purchased a small farm in the southeast corner of Pope County on the Ar- kansas River, where by dint of industry and econ- omy he had laid the foundation of a small fortune by cultivating his land and raising stock, when the late Civil War overshadowed our country. He opposed secession from the Union, but when his State seceded, like a true Soiithern patriot, he es- poused the cause of his home and supported the Southern cause with his means and his person, surrendering with his regiment at the close of the war, and returned home to find his hard-earned accumulations all swept away, except his little farm, and it lying waste, from the ravages of the war. He began life again on the farm, which he reimproved and successfully cultivated until 1874, when he removed with his family to Springdale Washington County, Ark., where he now resides. Tlie family are strong believers in the doctrines of the Baptist Church, and are at all times liberal patrons of religion and education, Mr. Wilson and W. Bernard being the organizers and promoters of the first good school in their community in 1859 and 1860, the building having been for the most part erected at their expense at Galla Creek, in what is now Lee Township, where a neighborhood school was maintained until closed by the war, and where after the war a good country school was kept in successful operation for several years. The immediate subject of this sketch inherits Scotch and Irish blood of his ancestors, his jiater- ual great-grandfather having come fi'om Scotland to this country and settled in Virginia, and his paternal grandmother as well as his maternal an- cestors being of Irish extraction. Judge Wilson was reared on a farm, and principally in Pope County, in the common schools of which, and by devoting to study his leisure hours at home, he acquired the rudiments of a common English edu- cation. After becoming twenty-one years of age the earnings of his first years were devoted to pay- ing his expenses in acquiring further education. He was attending St. John's College in Little Rock when the Brooks-Baxter gubernatorial con- test began, and was the only student occupying a 4 * U" POPE COUNTY. 269 room in the college building (a large three-story brick). When Gov. Baxter was so unexpectedly ousted by Brooks and his allies, not knowing who were his friends, he went immediately to the col- lege, which was a military institution, and placed himself under the protection of the students, and occupied the room of the subject of this sketch, being guarded by the students until his friends could rally and come to his assistance. Young Wilson laid aside his books and took up arms in the cause of Baxter, joining a company that had come from Pope County. During the latter part of the session he attended the college he acted as janitor in order to obtain money to defray his ex- penses. He began the study of law in Russell- ville, Ark., in the month of April, 1875, and was admitted to the bar at Dover (the then county seat) in May, 1870, after which he entered upon the practice of his chosen profession. Having begun life as a school teacher, and his thorough knowl- edge of the details of the work being known, he in the fall of 1875 was by the district school trustees elected county superintendent of public instruc- tion, a position he filled for one term. At the time of his election nearly every school district in his county was greatly in debt, and the whole school interest of the county badly demoralized, caused by the mismanagement and extravagance during the reconstruction period, while the State was under carpet-bag rule. At the expiration of his term nearly every district was out of debt and the foundation laid for good permanent schools throughout the county. In March, 1878, he was appointed as county and probate judge to fill out an unexpired term, and in September following was elected for the ensuing term. During his in- cumbency as judge he reduced the indebtedness of the connty from about 133,000 to $14,000, and in numerous other ways made an enviable record. He was appointed register of the United States land office at Dardanelle, Ark., in the spring of 1888, by President Cleveland (the term of his predecessor, who was a Republican, having ex- pired), of which he took charge May 1, and which position he held until August, 1889, when he was removed by President Harrison without any cause being assigned for such removal. And as he tilled the office in an efficient manner, and no charges were ever made against him, nor complaint of his official or personal conduct, the conclusion is inev- itable that he was removed for political reasons alone, although he had not served half his term. Upon his removal he returned to his home in Rus- sellville and to the practice of his profession, in which he has again built up a lucrative business, having the confidence of his clients and the re-spect of all. He was married November 21, 1877, to Miss A. Mary Howell, a daughter of Jesse C. Howell, an old pioneer of Arkansas, and to them three children have been born: H. Howell (Janu- ary 6, 1879), Mary (March 4, 1881), and Frank C. (May 31, 1886), all of whom are living. Judge Wilson owns a river-bottom farm of 400 acres, 200 acres of which are in cultivation; one of 160 acres, 30 of which are in cultivation, also 50 acres of good creek bottom three miles from Russellville, 20 of which are in cultivation. The two last named tracts are underlaid with a valuable vein of coal. He also owns several small upland farms and tracts of land, one of which, whose area is forty acres lying five miles northeast of Russell- ville contains five flowing springs, some of which are strongly impregnated with iron and sulphur. He owns the residence in Russellville in which he resides, also several which he rents. He owns his law office and the lot on which it stands, which is an excellent location, also other business property and a large and well selected law library, in fact the largest in the county. He is a member of the order of the K. of P., and while he is agreeable and has a host of friends, he is not to say a society man, being rather of a reserved and retiring dispo- sition. He possesses excellent powers of elucida- tion, the most abstruse and complicated subjects being handled with ease and grace and made per- ceptible and plain to the most ordinary understand- ing. His success at the bar has been attained by a combination of native talent, culture, tact and hard study. His success in business is due to the close application, energy and habits of strict economy that characterize both him and his excellent lady. He is not a politician in the popular sense of the ^^k term, nor a partisan, but has strong convictions of the correctness of the principles of his party, and at the same time is liberal and generous toward those holding difFerent opinions. While he has occupied official positions, he has not been an of- fice-seeker, the positions he has held having rather sought than been sought by him. Being public spirited in disposition he takes a pride in every move tending to the improvement and advance ment of his town and country, and is prominently connected with many of her public and benevolent enterprises. W. P. Wooten is the senior member of the firm of Wooten & Gates, dealers in general merchan- dise at Bussellville, Ark. The mercantile interests of this section are ably represented by these gen- tlemen who are honest, upright and enterprising men of business. Mr. Wooten was born in Pa- nola County, Miss., July 20, 1844 and in that State he was made familiar with the duties of farm life, his early advantages for acquiring an educa- tion being very limited. Previous to attaining his thirtieth year, after leaving the farm, he had been engaged as a clerk in a dry goods store for J. G. Ferguson & Co., at this place, but at the above mentioned age he opened a grocery establishment and for nine years was in business alone, his ef- forts for obtaining a livelihood meeting with fair success. At the expiration of this time he formed a partnership with William M. Gates, and they immediately embarked in general merchandising and have continued amicably together up to the present time. Their connection has been smiled upon by Dame Fortune, and they now do an annual business of about $05,000, which fact speaks in an eloquent manner as to their popularity and busi- ness ability. Mr. Wooten is interested in all en- terprises pertaining to the welfare of this section, and is a stockholder in the Peoples' Bank and the canning factory of Bussellville. He was married in 1871, the maiden name of his wife being Sally Price, who died about one year after their mar- riage leaving an infant, which died soon after. He was married a second time in 1873, Miss Lucy Brooks becoming his wife, but at the end of about two years, he unfortunately lost this wife also, she having borne him one child that survives her. The ceremony of his third marriage took jjlace in 1875, Mrs. Ferguson of Bussellville becoming his wife. Their union has been blessed in the birth of two children: Lula Jessie and Junior. Mr. Wooten is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, is a Democrat, and socially belongs to the A. F. & A. M. , in which lodge he is treasurer. Dr. J. M. Yancey, Bussellville, Ark. Among the people of Pope County the name of Dr. Yan- cey is a familiar one, for he has practiced his pro- fession here for many years, and is one of the county's most successful practitioners. He was born in Tennessee in 1832, was reared and edu- cated in that State, and at the age of nineteen years he began the study of medicine under a preceptor. In 1853 and 1854 he attended the Southern Botanic Medical College at Macon, now at Atlanta, and known as the Eclectic Medical Col- lege of Georgia, and graduated from the same in the winter of 1854. He at once began practicing in Tennessee. In 1857 he was married to Miss N. M. Woodward, a native of Tennessee, and in 1858 came to Arkansas, settling in Pope County, near Dover, where he bought a farm. He followed agricultural pursuits until 1862, when he entered the Confederate Army, Company I, of King's regi- ment, and was detailed to assist the surgeons. He served in that capacity and also had charge of suji- plies for the sick during the marches. He was in the Trans-Mississippi Department, mostly in Ar- kansas, and participated in the battle at Jackson Ferry, being in active service until cessation of hostilities. The regiment was discharged at Mar- shall, Tex., after which the Doctor returned to Pope County. He sold his farm, moved into Dover and commenced a practice which has since been uninterrupted. In 1871 he moved to a farm near Bussellville, and in 1886 moved to that town. The Doctor owns 300 acres of land in various tracts, has 175 acres under cultivation, and has taken a great deal of interest in grading his cattle and hogs. He owns two acres in Bussellville, has a good residence, and keeps several blooded cows, Jersey and Durham. Dr. Yancey lost his first wife during the war, while he was absent, who left i^ Al " * ■ -^ — n- 1 lA POPE COUNTY. 271 two children, one of whom have since died, and one, Margaret L., is the wife of Joseph Bradley, now living in Stonewall County, Tex. The Doc- tor's second marriage was to Mrs. Annie M. Hays, daughter of Mr. Lydick, and to this marriage were born four- children — three sons and one daugh- ter. Emma Estella survives, and is now teachinsr the Arkansas class in Liberty College, Glas- gow, Ky. She graduated at Hamilton Female College of Lexington, Ky., in June, 1889, and soon after took a course at the National Nor- mal School at Lebanon, Ohio. Her school life occupied a period of six years prior to her normal course, a year and a half of that time at Madison Female Institute, Richmond, Ky. The family are members of the Christian Church, in which Dr. Yancey is elder. He was the second of nine chil- dren born to David and Rachel Davis (Madaris) Yancey, the father a native of North Carolina and the mother of Tennessee. David Yancey was a farmer by occupation and went to Texas in 1863, where his death occurred about 1880. The mother is still living, and is a member of the Christian Church, of which her husband was also a member. ^^ i 4J JOHNSON COUNTY. 273 of the remaining seventy-four counties in the State which in all respects conform to the ideal of a com- bined agricultural and manufacturing region, as is suggested by the elements and advantages of the immediate territory under notice. The county is a coal region of the State, if a classification is made according to the report and maps of Prof. Winslow, formerly of the Arkansas Geological Survey. It is decidedly a timber region, if a great aggregate of hardwoods and pine count for anything. It is a fruit region by reason of the mountain surface included in its boundaries, and by reason of the fact that upon occasions of com- petitive trial its orchard product has secured for the State its highest honor. It affords throiiErhout the territory overlying its coal measures an unlimited supply of shales and clays suited to the plastic arts. It is throughout its whole area (excepting 6(),000 acres rugged mountain surface) adapted to profit- able mixed farm pursuit. And in consequence of its collective advantages (superior residence con- ditions, production of textile material, rearing of live-stock, coal, timber, plastic clays, fruit, grain and garden products) it is one of the counties that especially aid in the forecast of a manufacturing future for the State, as well as a future of adapt- able and therefore profitable agriculture. This is a country the loveliness of which, before railroad days, had been for many years on the lips of those who ascended the Arkansas from Little Kock to Fort Smith; and since the construction of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad for a num- ber of miles along the road — from Spadra to Coal Hill — is afforded a continued view, the extent and beauty of which is sure to wake the traveler from his reverie — looked upon, never thereafter fading from memory. Including in its boundaries terri- tory belonging to the famous' Boston range of the Ozarks, and at the same time haviuEf frontage on the Arkansas River, the region under notice presents to the eye the combined attractions of a mountain, river valley, and piedmont country. The mountains afford the widest and loveliest pros- pects it is possible to conceive of our southern country; and in turn when viewed fiom the val- leys and foot-hills there is no region of this State, Missoiiri, or the Indian Territory, where the tower- ing ranges of the Ozarks loom up more majestically. The Boston and Mulberry mountains traverse the northern areas of the county to the Arkansas River. The value and extent of th^ merchantable tim- ber found here is brought out remarkably in tho fact that the shipments of lumber from the county has for years exceeded the total shipments of all kinds from all other points along the line of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad. An esti- mate of the merchantable forest was made in 1887, according to which it was assumed that the total standing timber aggregated in round num- bers. 1,400,000,000 feet, board measure. This has been reduced by reason of an increased export and local demand, and by reason of timberlaud converted into farms and orchards, but it can be safely assumed that the aggregate at this time is not less than 1,200,000,000 feet, board measure. Of the whole, it was accepted in 1887, that the pre- dominant white oak and hickory forests footed up 716,000,000 feet; post oak, red oak and white oak forest, 498,000,000 feet, and the pine 249,000,000 feet, which ratio, no doubt, applies now as it did then. The locality of the white oak and hickory is that of the moantain surface of the country, notably the Boston range and its immediate rami- fications. The pine occurs in the eastern and south- eastern parts of the county. The locality of the post oak, red and white oak forest combined is that of the uplands and foot-hills. According to topographical character of the total area of the county, 433,000 acres in extent, it is accepted that 12,000 acres is river lowlands; 47,000 acres, creek valley and prairie; 207,360 acres, mountain plateau and mountain slopes; and 176,640 acres, uplands and foot-hills. Of the whole, the proprietary control of 231,000 acres is vested in citizens of the county, 40,000 acres in the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad Company, about 120,- 000 acres Government land, and about 40,000 acres forfeited State tax lands, lands with uncomjjleted title, and water surface. The price of improved river land is from .|30 to $50 per acre; improved creek land, $10 to $25; improved upland, $7.50 If^ \ h — '- i\^ 274 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to $12.50, unimproved, $2.50 to $7.50; improved mouDtain land, except when set in orchard, $7.50 to $12 50, unimproved, $1.25 to $5. On an aver- age the river lands produce 1,400 pounds cotton, or 40 bushels of corn to the acre. The average yield of creek valleys is, for cotton 1,000 pounds, corn 30 bushels, oats 30 bushels, and wheat 12 bushels to the acre; average yield of uplands — cot- ton 800 pounds, corn 25 bushels, oats 30 bushels and wheat 12 bushels. This is exclusive of the mount- ain table lands, the average yield of which is as fol- lows: Corn 30 bushels, oats 40 bushels, wheat 15 bushels, and potatoes 200 bushels per acre. The soil is not adapted to any of the cultivated grasses, ex- cept German millet, which yields 4,500 pounds to the acre. Little or no attention has as yet been paid to livestock industr}', though there exist no reasons why it could not be made profitable if proper at- tention were given to it. The county is well wa- tered by running streams. The uplands are sup- plied by springs and wells, and the water is gener- ally soft and excellent for domestic purposes. There are no mineral springs of much note. Low Gap, a spring of very cold chalybeate water, situat- ed in the northern part of the county, has some local reputation and affords a summer resort for both health and pleasure. Of the whole area of the country, the best fruit territory (something over 200,000 acres in extent) is that part which is classed as mountain plateau and mountain slopes. It is extraordinary in its excellence as a fruit region, and however unex- plained simply by reason of its soil and elevation (for there are like systems of elevation and soil in the State which do not compare with it), there is no qiiestion of there being not another part of the American continent which is seen to be so remark- ably adapted to fruit culture, as the system of this State and Missouri, known as the plateau of the Ozarks. The members of the mountain elevation of the county, in part occupied by bearing orchards, are known locally by the following names: Gillian Mountain, Low Gap Mountain, Woods Mountain, Red Lick Mountain, Satter White Mountain, Moon Hull Mountain, South Spur of Boston Mountain, and Batson township. It is ascertained that the number of bearing apple and peach trees in the mountain district is as follows: Apples about 70,- 000 and peaches about 30,000. This is exclusive of bearing trees in the valley and piedmont region which in all likelihood would swell the respective totals fifty per cent, and it is probable that the grand total in a few years will be increased two hundredfold. Excepting the "Ben Davis" and " Shockley,"' which grow equally well in the mount- ains and in the piedmont territory, the following varieties of winter apples are chiefly grown for market: "Arkansas Beauty," "Rome Beauty," "Wine Sap," "Jonathan," " Limber Twig," "Ben Davis," " Winter Pearmain," "Shannon," "Ste- vens' Pippin," and "Ozone." This county is distinguished as affording the largest body of coal found in the northern division of the Arkansas coal basin, its distribution having an extent of nearly 170,000 acres, of which all ex- cept about 30,000 acres, is that part of the territory of the county lying in Townships 8, 9 and 10 north, and in Ranges 21-25 west. Of the total area of the coal fields of the county only a fraction is controlled at this time liy coal operators— the ex- ception being an aggregation of several thousand acres of select coal lands controlled by options lodged in a company, the members of which are citizens of Clarksville. And in consequence of the absence of a particular demand for coal lands, the situation is found to be one which should have at- tractions for those who seek to "get. in on the ground floor" in the matter of such properties. It is not exactly thrown at those who wish to buy, but in general it is vahied at the amount it will bring in market as farm or timberland. The total coal shipments from the county per year, aggregate something like 150,000 tons. The principal ship- ping points are Coal Hill and Spadra, situated in the southwestern part of the county, on the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad. The number of coal miners and shippers is four, as follows: Stiewel & Co., Coal Hill and Eureka; Ouita Coal Company, Coal Hill; Black Diamond Comjiany, Felker's Switch; and L. S. Philpott, distant five to six miles from Coal Hill. In a reclassification of the coals of the State by the Arkansas Geological Survey, the M'. 'l^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 275 coals of the county (excepting tbe last named below) are termed semi-bituminous, instead of semi-anthra- cite, as distinguished by David Dale Owen, chief of the original geological reconnoissance of this State. The following is their analysis, taken from Vol. Ill of the annual report of the Arkansas Geological Survey, on the geology of the coal regions of the State: Philpott shaft — ash, 3.09; sulphur, .1)93; water, .869; fixed carbon, 80.915; volatile hydro-carbon, 14.133; specific gravity, 1.292. Felker'sslope— ash, 3.22; sulphur, 1.164; water, 1.128; fixed carbon, 81.277; volatile hydro- carbon, 13.211; specific gravity, 1.317. Mason's drift — ash, 5.803; sulphur, 1.155; water, 1.116; fixed carbon, 80.86; volatile hydro-carbon, 11.206; specific gravity, 1.339. Harkreader's Well — ash, 6.313; sulphur, 2.867; water, 1.562; fixed carbon, 78.91; volatile hydro-carbon, 10. 347; specific grav- ity, 1.318. Stiewel & Co.'s Coal Hill shaft- ash, 8.351; sulphur, 3.672; water, 1.017; fixed carbon, 76.119; volatile hydrocarbon, 10.841; specific gravity, 1.333. Allister slope, Ouita Coal Company — ash, 8.332; sulphur, 3.531; water, 1.178; fixed carbon, 76.494; volatile hydrocarbon, 10.475; specific gravity, 1.32. Stiewel & Co.'s Eureka shaft — ash, 1.242; sulphur, 2.745; water, 1.1; fixed carbon, 72.835; volatile hydro-carbon, 11.278; specific gravity, 1.345. Pickartz drift — ash, 3.561; sulphur, .862; water, .702; fixed carbon, 78.99; volatile hydro-carbon, 15.877; specific gravity, 1.308. The coal basin, for which Coal Hill is the cen- ter and shipping point, is 10,000 acres in extent, and by actual test is known to afFord a coal having a thickness of three feet seven inches, to four feet four inches, with the greater part running over four feet. Consequently the thickness being con- sidered in connection with the extent of the terri- tory, and also the fact that it is the best smokeless steam coal mined in the United States, there is at once suggested for its coal industry a magni- tude which soon will not be surpassed by the best developments possible in other large coal fields of the State. The property of the Ouita Coal Com- pany, in the Coal Hill district, is 1,060 acres, of which 620 acres are owned in fee simple, and the remainder controlled on a lease of twenty-one years, only six years of which have expired. This is exclusive of 100 acres owned by the company under the title of the Montana Mine, situated on the line of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railway, between Spadra and Hartman, this county. It is also exclusive of the well-known Ouita Mines, owned by them in Pope County, the coal territory of which is 600 acres in area, or, say in all, a total of 1,760 acres coal property owned and controlled in the Arkansas Valley. The seat of the company' s plant in the Coal Hill district is known as the Allister Slope, distant from Coal Hill two and a half miles, and is connected with the main line by a branch road, operated by the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad. The coal at the head of the company's slope is 130 feet below the surface, and occurs in a vein having a thickness of four feet of merchantable coal. This thickness has been found to prevail throughout the entire basin of which its property is part, and, accordingly, as there is no better coal mined for steam and domestic uses, it is to be accepted that this company's industry, as that of the coal business of the district, will be car- ried to a magnitude equal to the importance which attaches to an inexhaustible supply of fuel. The present output is at the rate of twenty to twenty- five carloads a day. The property of Stiewel & Co. is that which originally gave to the coal fields of the State their value and reputation, and even as in the beginning, it was found to give importance to the coal meas- ures of the Arkansas Valley, so at this day it tran- spires that the product of their Coal Hill shaft forms the standard of excellence by which the Ar- kansas coal is judged to be the best steam fuel mined in the United States. The extent of their property in the Coal Hill and Eureka Mine district aggregates 2,300 acres, which area distinguishes the company as the largest owners of coal lands in this State and Missouri, situated on the lines of the Missouri Pacific system. Of the whole, they control something over 1,500 acres in the district immediate to their Coal Hill shaft, and 800 acres in the Eureka Mine district, situated between Coal Hill and Clarksville. The depth to the coal is 180 *71^ > V JV 9 »^ •k 276 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ^^=^ feet, or, say a hoist of 200 feet. Their present output per day is twenty to twenty-five carloads. Exdusive of coal furnished the Missouri Pacific system, which takes the bulk of their output, the markets supplied by Stiewel & Co. are Kansas City, Atchison, Topeka, Leavenworth, Galveston, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco, Little Rock and Helena. The coal of both the Coal Hill and Eureka shafts is classed by Prof. Winslow, in the report of Arkansas Geological Survey, published in 1889, as semi-bituminous, and the analysis of both coals given as below. Bvit at the same time it is deemed appropriate to supplement the analysis by remarks and an analysis taken from Dr. Owen's work, published in 1860. The table from Dr. Owen's report refers to the immediate basin in which the Eureka shaft is located. Coal Hill shaft— water, 1.017; sulphur, 3.672; ash, 8.351; fixed carbon, 76.19; volatile hydro-carbon, 10.841. Eureka shaft — water, 1.1; sulphur, 2.715; ash, 12.042; fixed carbon, 72.835; volatile hydro-car- bon, 11.278. The specific gravity of the Coal Hill coal was given at 1.345; that of the Eureka coal at 1.333. The analysis from Dr. Owen's report was as follows: Volatile matter, 8.4; coke, 91.6; moisture, .5; volatile gases, 7.9; fixed carbon, 85.6; ashes, 6. Following are the remarks ap- pended to Dr. Owen's analysis: "This coal con- tains a far higher percentage of fixed carbon than any western coal that has been analyzed in my laboratory, except some coals which I received from Ai'kansas some years before the commence- ment of the survey. ' ' The property is owned ex- clusively by A. Stiewel of Little Rock, who has been in the coal trade of the State since 1877. His control dates back ten years, and from a minimum output, when succeeding to the property, he has raised the industry to the rank of one of the largest interests of the kind in the Southwest. A difli- culty in the way of the rapid development of the coal interests of the county is the same that is en- countered in the lumber districts of this State, a scarcity of cars in season; only that in coal dis- tricts the effect is to drive miners to other fields, and the local companies are consequently exposed to the danger of losing their men. The population of Johnson County is about 18,000. The people represent every State in the Union, and in morals, industry and integrity, com- pare favorably with any community east or west. The temperate climate, great fertility and dura- bility of soil, adaptation to fruit culture and pro- duction of stock, together with the county's vast natural, undeveloped resources, both mineral and vegetable, can not fail to commend it alike to the capitalist and the man without money. Formerly game was plentiful, and deer, bears, turkeys, geese, ducks, tpiails, squirrels and rabbits were found. Black bass, salmon and other varieties of fish were plentiful in the mountain streams. Amusement more or less profitable for the sportsman can still be found in Johnson County, as the Arkansas River and other streams abound with fine fish, and wild turkeys and deer are to be found in certain locali- ties. Lands were entered in this county by the fol- lowing named persons prior to 1850, and the per- sons so entering them were many of them among the pioneers who remained to do their part toward the development of the county. Names, unless known to have been wrongly spelled, are given as they appear in the record. It has been found im- practicable to present them in the chronological order of the entries, but care has been taken to as- certain the township in which each claim was located: Township 10, Range 21 — Hiram A. Lind- sey, 1845. Township 8, Range 22 — Jacob Robinson, 1841; James Harvey Jones, 1838; Thomas May, 1836; Richard W. Adams, 1836; Casander Robin- son, 1840; B. H. Zachary, 1838; Hugh E. Porter, 1838; W. W. E. Moreland, 1839; Samuel Adams, 1838; David Porter, 1838; Andrew L. Black, 1837; William Porter, 1838; Alexander Black, 1837; Isaac Hughes, 1837; W. W. Adams, 1842; Cabel Zachary, 1836; Colby Dennis, 1838; James Rod- gers, 1838; John R. Willis, 1841; James P. King, 1837; Philemon Williams, 1836; Caleb B. Zachary, 1836; Bartlett Zachary, 1838. Township 9, Range 22 — Archibald D. Hogins, 1841; Owen B. Hogins, 1839; Isaac Wood, 1839; H. H. Herring and L. M. Wood, 1836; Parsons Jackson, 1839; John B. Brown, 1839; John Simpson, 1840; John Bales, w ^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 277 1839; Samuel Adauis, 1840; Nathaniel Simpson, 1842; Joab Durham, 1839; John Smith, 1839; Newton W. Brown, 1840; Adam T. Smith, 1836; William J. Parks, 1836; Shelton Wooster, 1836; Clayton R. Clark, 1844; Williamson Spears, 1839; Jeremiah Moreland, 1839; Robert McCaney, 1836; Nancy Seager, 1839; William Houston, 1839; John King, 1839; William Johnson, 1839; Ed- ward M. Simpson, 1839; Samuel Turner, 1839; Willis Collier, 1839; William C. Simpson, 1839; Jones Rogers, 1839; John Grounds, 1836, Charles Haynie, 1836; Hillary H. Herring, 1836; John Marshall. 1836; James and Phillip Madden, 1836; Peter Thornbury, 1836; Thomas Madden, 1836; David Slinkard, 1836; Christopher N. Gassett, 1839; Jeremiah Moreland, 1839; Logan M. Wood, 1836; William King, 1839; Lewis Johnson, 1839; Isaac L. Shelby, 1836; William Morgan Will- iams, 1846; Lewis Garner, 1850; Edward E. McConnell, 1839; Thomas May, 1840; James Madden, 1839; Thadeus F. Moreland, 1845. Township 10, Range 22 — Mary Johnson, 1845; Robert B. Johnson, 1846; William Spears, 1844; George L. Patrick, 1844; Thomas King, 1847; E. G. Gilbreath, 1844; William M. H. Newton, 1844; Auger Price, 1844; Willis Darks, 1850; E. Newton, 1844; James P. Blancit, 1850; Catharine Whitlock and others, 1845; A. B. Joyner, 1846; Joseph Adkins, 1847; Sam- uel Towel, 1845; Thomas Sling, 1848; Hiram Tomlinson, 1848; Reuben Pienson, 1846; J. D. Pulliam, 1844; William H. Colthorp, 1849; John S. Price, 1844; Jesse May, 1844; William S. Swi- gart, 1849; Joshua Jones, 1849; Sterling May, 1845; George L. Patrick, 1847. Township 11, Range 22— Hamilton W. Blackwell, 1848; Will - iam Mea£s, 1848; B. W. Cox, 1848; Byrd George, rS48rJames E. Harris, 1850; Martin W. Bunch, 1848; SampsonD. Free, 1848; Uriah Russell, 1848; Joseph Atkins, 1848. Township 12, Range 22— William Mears, 1847. Township 7, Range 23— Jor- dan Thomson, 1841; Maurice Brown, 1841; John Cravens, 1841 ; Rufus C. Sadler, 1 831 ; John C. Ward, 1843; L. O. Sadler, 1841; Henry Buckman, 1841; Uriah Thompson, 1841; »N. Cravens, 1841; Isaac N. Burnham, 1841; Lorenzo D. Rody, 1839; Er- vin Rowland, 1839; Sandy Lipe, 1839. Town- ship 8, Range 23— W\ W. E. Moreland, 1841; William H. Polk, 1836; John Howell, 1840; Rachel Crawford, 1829; John Knight, 1836; John R. H. Scott, 1839; James AVare, Jr., 1836; Phineas Williams, 1830; Thomas N. Ma- hon, 1841; David D. Watson, 1841; Edward E. McConnell, 1842; Hugh E. Porter, 1841; Daniel Porter, 1841; Minty Granthorn, 1841; Jacob Rogers, 1841; John R. Willis, 1841 ; Joseph James, 1830; James Patterson, 1836; Thomas G. Robinson, 1841; Matthew Willis, 1841; Peter Spingler, 1832. Township 9, Range 23— John Simpson, lS36; Andrew Houston, 1838; James T. White, 1839; Augustus M. Ward, 1839; Andrew D. Wolf, 1840; Joshua Simpson, 1839; Benjamin Ray, 1837; John Linton, 1837; Job Chrisman, 1836; Leonard Sorter, 1839; Littleberry Robinson, 1848; Moreau Rose, 1837; Edward E. McConnell, 1836; Josiah Craven.?, 1837; Joseph James, 1837; William Collier, 1837; Kesiah Mason, 1836; B. H. Zachary, 1836; Philemon Williams, 1836; Joe Chrisman, 1836; Andrew Brown, 1838; David Ward, 1839; John Denning, 1847: John J. Dor- sey, 1848; Andrew M. Fulton, 1836; Thomas Powers, 1836; David Ward. Sr., 1836; Anthony Smith, 1850; William Sawyer, 1836; Presley Jami- son, 1838; Thomas G. Robinson, 1840; Thomas S. D. Young, 1848; JohnW. Patrick, 1836; Maj. Thompson, 1837; John Teague, 1838; Gabriel W. Payne, 1848; Peter Carpenter, 1850; H. J. Shropshire, 1837; John H. Johnson, 1837; Will- iam Johnson, 1837; James W^. Karnes, 1836; Samuel Whitney, 1839; Thomas Simpson, 1838; John Howell, 1836; Sterling May, 1837; Cham- pion Choto, 1837; John Houston, 1838; Richard W. Adams, 1837; Seth J. Howel, 1838; Isaac N. Rob- inson, 1837; Joseph James, 1837; Elijah B. Al- ston, 1836; JohnM. Wilson, 1841; Francis Logan, 1836; Joseph Smith, 1845; Anthony Smith. 1849; Roljert McMurray, 1836; William Sawyer and William Evans, 1836; Issac N. Robinson, 1837; Preston Jamison, 1838; Thomas Arnold, 1837; William B. Walker, 1839; Greenberry Robinson, 1839; Jacob Robinson, 1839; Samuel Adams, 1837; I James Keesie, 1836; Philip Jones, 1839; Robert ^1 1^ ►te" ^9 »1^ 278 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Dielehay, 1839; Josiah Jenkins, 1830; Overton B. Alston, 1847; Nicholas Brewer, 1836; John R. H. Scott, 1837; John R. Somerset, 1838; James K. Polk, 1836; L. O. Saddler, 1836; John B. Howell and P. Jones, 1838. Township 10, Range 23— Oliver Barsham, 1847; John W. Patrick, 1840; Richard M. Lee, 1840; Cader Lee, 1839; Henry P. Bell, 1840; James Harris, 1840; Joseph James, 1848; John G. Brown, 1848; William Lee, 1840; Britton Lee, 1840; John M. Wilson, 1841; Margaret Payne, 1847; William R. Hill, 1840; George W. Smith, 1845; Absalom Pryor, 1840; Jephtha C. Payne, 1841 ; Nathaniel C. Pryor, 1849; George W. Garrett, 1840; Augustus M. Ward, 1840; James B. Harris, 1840; Jerome B. Annis, 1842; Laban C Howell, 1840; James Richey, 1842; Josejah Stewart, 1850; TolwerBlock- ard, 1850; Joseph W. Ryan, 1840; Russell Lee, 1847; Benjamin F. Hartley, 1839. Township 11, Range 23— Eli Cowen, 1839; Oliver Barsham, 1847. Township 12, Range 23— William R. Hor- ner, 1839; Benjamin Pitts, 1839. Township 6, Range 24— George W. Wigginton, 1839. Town- ship 7, Range 24— Rufus C. Sadler, 1841. Town- ship 8, Range 24 — Harmon H. Brewer, 1835; Web- ster McCaslin, 1830; Clayton R. Clark, 1834; Lor- enzo N. Clark, 1834; Willian D. Reed, 1830; James H. Jones, 1839; James Shepard, 1830; John andM. T. Logan, 1836; John Knight, 1836; George Jamison, 1835; James Murphy, 1835; Joshua Gates, 1839; Frederick J. Moore, 1836. Town- ship 9, Range 24 — Hezekiah Dailey 1836; Leo- nard J. Garrett, 1837; Wesley Garrett, 1838; L. Armstrong, 1840; Robert H. Armstrong, 1845; James Hargraves, 1837; William M. Gwynn 1836; Samuel Davis and William M. Gwynn, 1836; William Aills, 1837; Moses Ham, 1838; William Fritz, 1837; Aaron J. Livingston, 1837; Jacob Ham, 1837; James P. King, 1837; Dixon Rey- nolds, 1836; Gilbert Robins, 1837; Hugh Dunivan, 1843; William C. Garrett, 1837; John Drennen, 1838; John Dunning, 1838; Thomas Powers, 1836; William May, 1838; William Tatum, 1839; Will- iam Collier, 1842; Thomas Madden, 1836; Josiah Perry, 1836; James Cravens, 1836; Peter Allen 1836; O. D. Hogins, 1838; James Logan, Jr., 1837; David Logan, Jr., 1840; Nimrod W. Dart, 1839; Thomas Robins, 1838; E. B. Alston, 1836; David Thompson, 1839; David E. Smith, 1850; Francis Logan and Robert McMurray, 1836; William W. Wilkins, 1838; Nancy Roberts, 1830; Lorenzo N. Clark, 1836; Hugh Logan, 1836; G. D. Hayes, 1839; Henry B. Hays, 1836; Daniel B. Norris, 1838; Jonathan Logan, 1836; Alonzo C. Sadler^ 1836; David Perkins, 1830. Township 10, Range 24 — Abraham Laster, 1840; Frederick Laster, 1840; BurrH. Zachary, 1848; Thomas B. Porter, 1840; Joseph M. Porter, 1840; James W. Boyd- ston, 1841; Bartlett Zachary, 1840; George Lewis, 1844; Jane E. Hall, 1849; John Watson, 1849 William S. Ogilvie, 1849; Henry Ward, 1840 James B. Wilson, 1840; John M. Baskin, 1848 William H. Royer, 1848; Reese B. Ward, 1843 William Hamlin, 1849; Allen J. Hargraves, 1850 Seth J. Howel, 1840; William McCord, 1847 William Gray, 1841; James M. Ferguson, 1848 Wesley Garrett, 1840; William Williams, 1848 John Malloy, 1841; Henry B. Hays, 1840; John Penn, 1848. Township 11, Range 24— N. Flem- ing, 1849; Edwin Edwards, 1848; Township 12, Range 24 — Spencer Homer, 1844; Nathan Byrd, 1844; John Arbaugh, 1844. Township 7, Range 25 — James Cravens, 1847. Township 8, Range 25 —Ray Marsh, 1833; Noadiah Marsh, 1836; Joseph Stout, 1839; O. D. Hogins, 1850; Alexander Will- iams, 1836; Lee Foster, 1836; Anderson Nicks, 1839; Jonathan Logan, 1838; Daniel Connor, 1831; Arpheus A. Sadler, 1836; William K. Lee, 1839; John Knight, 1836; Elias W. Courtney, 1839; Nathan Nesbitt, 1841; James Murphy, 1836; Thomas Wilton, 1839; Augustus M. Ward, 1839; Thomas Whittaker, 1838. Township 9, Range 25 — Abraham Laster, 1836; Thomas West, 1836; Joshua H. Gates, 1836; Jesse Brashear, 1836; Eli Patty, 1846; Henry S. Weathers, 1850; William E. Johnston, 1849; Renny Belen, 1839; Pleasant W. Hamblin, 1850; William A. Gwynn and Samuel Davis, 1836; Jonathan Courtney, 1836; Joseph Ring and Samuel Murray, 1837; John Fribs, 1836; Peter Allen, 1836; John S. Davis, 1836; Joseph King, 1836; James Cravens, 1836; Samuel Davis, 1836; Anderson Nicks, 1839; Mai- ^ ^ achi Iseley, 183'J; William H. Bates, 1837; Rob- ert H. Brown, 1838; Jarat Wright, 1839; William A. Anderson, 1839; O. D. Hogins, 1837; Robert H. Brown, 1838; James W. Smith, 1836; Peter Allen, 1837; Simon Logan, 1839; William Logan, 1836; Thomas Anderson, 1836; Twitty Pace, 1836; Philemon Williams, 1837; Edward Davis, 1838; John Cargill, 1837; L. Whittle, 1836; Zadock Brashear, 1846; Lorenzo N. Clark, 1836; Walter Threadford, 1836; James Cargill, 183(); Robert Cargill, 1836; Matthew T. Logan, 1836; Miles T. Scott, 1836; James Logan, 1836; Heirs of David Logan, 1836; John Logan, 183(); William A. An- derson, 183(5; I. Tayloi-, 1836; James W. Smith, 1836; David Pearson, 1836; Dickinson Burt, 1839. Township 10, Range 25— James Morris, 1840; Willis Steele, 1840; George Lewis, 1844; Mandy F. Bartlett, 1847; William Johnson, 1840; Louis Hargraves, 1849; William Ake, J840; Thomas I. Young, 1840; James Young, 1840; Robert R. Balls, 1847; Hart well Morris. 1848; Bartlett Zacli- ary, 1840; M. A. Kendall, 1848; James Cravens and others, 1840; Isaac Kersey, 1840; George Moore, 1843; Thomas Hale, 1844; Joseph T. Mile- ham. 1840; Claiborne Ake, 1840; Felix G. Ake, 1840; Isaac Kerser, 1840; William Crawford, 1840; John Ward, 1840; Jesse E. Crook, 1842; James Hargraves, 1847; John C. Cloud, 1848; Joseph James, 1839; John Swaggerty, 1840; Henry Ryan, 1840; William T. Hyden, 1847; Twitty Pace, 1839; Davis Hargraves, 1840; Robert Har- graves, 1840; John Ward, 1840; John Hamblin, 1840; Benjamin L. Pace, 1850; John Armstrong, 1840; John Johnson, 1850; William Williams, 1851; John Springer, 1841; Sarah M. Williams, 1840; Renny Belen, 1840; Jacob Arbaugh, 1841; E. N. Davis, 1850; Henry Ryan, 1840; Thomas West, 1844; Henry S. Weathers, 1850; Frances Arbaugh, 1839. Township 12. Range 25 — Jonas L. Tebbuts, 1848; Joseph Stewart, 1848; Louis Eubank, 1848; John H. Davis, 1848; James F. Hill, 1848. Where different claims in the same township were pre-empted by one man, the earliest date only is given. Many of these are the names of Johnson County's pioneers — men who left com- fortable Eastern and Southern homes, surrounded by all the evidences of a high civilization and, "by the sweat of their face,'' by toil and privations, made a new country to "blos.som as the rose, " while upon the hillsides, the cross roads and in the valleys, the church and the school-house have been erected, and the whole county tilled with a happy and prosperous people. To accomplish these great changes, time has been required, and surely and rapidly the grand old men and women, who in j their prime entered the wilderness and claimed the vu'gin soil as their heritage are passing away. The ! number now remaining who can relate the inci- I dents of the first settlement is small indeed. The pioneer days are looked back upon as a happy, careless period, when people were so few I that they valued each other more and would not be I outdone in hospitality. The barbecue, which most of the people of the county attended merely to see j one another and have a good time, bas largely passed away. The marksmen, and every man was a marksman then, had their shooting matches, where the steadiest nerves and clearest eye won a beef, or some money. Almost every family had its whisky or peach brandy to refresh the giiests who visited them, although many of the same persons lived to see public feeling place liquor among the forbid- den things. There is quite a colony of Germans in this county. The earliest schools were ' ' pay schools, ' ' held in private houses or other convenient, at times quite primitive places, by itinerant pedagogues. The old school system was not a success, for the common-school idea did not become popular until within the last twenty years, and the public school lands were, by the state of public sentiment, al- lowed to amount to almost nothing in the shape of revenue. It was largely the wealthy who could educate, and they hired private tutors to fit their children for foreign colleges and academies; or an occasional professional teacher would open a school to prepare students for higher schools. Education was a luxury which poor whites could not have, and as for the negro the idea was not entertained. Education, too, was purely literary, such as it was in many other parts of the country. The practi- cal and industrial phases of it are just beginning -i" 'Vk- 4 '^ 280 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to be fully appreciated; the realization gains ground that indiistrial and practical education, not the liter- erary alone, is the key to all successful permanent progress. None in all the South have been quicker to adopt such progressive ideas and put them in practice than the leaders in the educational move- ments of Johnson County. The last published edu- cational statistics of this county are as follows: Enumeration — white, 6,034; colored, 212; total, 6,- 246. Enrollment — white, 3,948; colored, 114; total, 4,062. Number of districts, 77; number report- ing enrollment, 62; number voting tax, 71; num- ber of teachers employed, 83; number of school- houses, 77; value of school-hovises, |14, 139. The sum of $15,000 to $20,000 is expended on the schools of Johnson County yearly. There is a good balance of school fund in the county treas- ury unexpended. The schools are well organized and thoroughly equipped, and for the most part they are excepti(mally well taught. Amidst all the good things bestowed on this county by nature, its people have not forgotten God as the giver of all. Numerous churches are scattered all over the territory, ministered to by consecrated men, the members of which have ample opportunity for exemplifying in their eon- duct the maxims which guide their lives. From a comparatively early period religious societies have been prosperous here. It is not known that there was any but infi-equent preaching before about 1835. There were early families, members of which aflSliated with the Primitive or Hard Shell Baptists, the Missionary Baptists, the Methodists, and the Disciples or Campbellites. Now nearly every neighborhood has its church-house, Meth- odists, Presbyterians and Baptists predominate, though there are a few of other Protestant denom- inations and some Catholics scattered throughout the county. Sunday-school work is being prose- cuted with vigor. Johnson County was formed by the Legis- lature, November 16. 1883. Its southern bound- ary was defined November 2, 1835. Its eastern boundary was defined October 5, 1836. The line between Johnson and Franklin Counties was de- lined December 14, 1838, and on the same date of 1848. The line between Johnson and Pope Coun- ties was defined February 19, 1859, and again March 27, 1871, and was re-established March 6, 1875, and changed March 9, 1877. The first courts of this county were held at Old Spadra, a part of the time in Alston's store. The seat of justice was permanently located at Clarksville, and the first court there was held in the fall of 1837 in a building on the site of Pennington's store. Later courts were held in a building where the Floyd residence now stands. The "square" was devoted to county uses, and in its center a frame court- house was erected about 1838 or 1839, so old cit- izens say, which did service until it was destroyed by tire in May, 1872. A stone jail was built about the same time, a little back from the street, on the south side of the square. This was in use for many years until torn down. At the January term, 1872, Thomas B. Paine, jail commissioner, re- ported to the county court that, in pursuance of in- structions, he had sold the old county jail lots to John C. Hill, and had purchased new jail lots from Francis M. Paine and wife. The sale was made for $75 and the purchase for $125. The county court-house was burned March 2, 1872, and on that day it was ordered by the county judge that Robert F. Naylor be appointed a commissioner to procure "suitable rooms for clerk's oflice, coiu't-rooms and rooms for grand and petit juries and to repair and fit said rooms for their respective purposes and to report his expenditures and procedings at the next April term of the county court." Mr. Naylor seems not to have completed this at the expected time, for it was not until the July term that he made his report to the effect that he had rented the rooms above M. Rose's store for court-room, and clerk's oflice, and the adjoining room for a jury-room, at $20. 50 per month for all of them. November 19, 1874, the court appointed John M. Armstrong commissioner for the purpose of building a county jail, and authorized to prepare a plan and let the contract for the erection of the same. At the July term, 1873, the clerk had presented a copy of a re- port made by the grand jury to the Johnson Circuit Court at its March term, that year, recommend- ing the building of a jail. At the January term, -i* (a~ W I ^ 9 fe. JOHNSON COUNTY. 281 1874, the petition for a jail had been by the board of supervisois continued to next session. At the April term, 1874, the consideration of the jail pe- tition had been again postponed. So late as the October term, 1874, the jail cause had been dis- continued by the board. The order of November, 1874, seems to have been a spasmodic and unpro- ductive movement. At times since, the grand jury has recommended the building of a county jail, but no active steps have been taken to that end, and the records do not bear another similar order. Johnson County confines its prisoners in the State penitentiary at Little Rock. April 18, 1872, it was ordered by the court that a new court-house be erected at the seat of justice, and John S. Houston was appointed commissioner of public buildings, and required to submit to the county court at its adjourned session, May 10, fol- lowing, a plan of the building to be erected, and a statement of the dimensions thereof, and of the material of which it was to be constructed, and an estimate of its probable cost. May 10 it was or- dered that the commissioner of public buildings for the county of Johnson proceed without delay to complete, with detailed drawings and specifica- tions, the plans of a court-house adopted by the court. After the completion of said drawings and specifications the commissioner was required to give notice for at least thirty days in three news- papers, soliciting proposals to build said court- house agreeably to the plans and specifications adopted by the court. After the expiration of the thirty days' notice, the commissioner was instructed to open and carefully consider all proposals offered, and award the contract to such bidder as might, in his opinion, secure the early completion of the building, and protect the best interests of the county. July 3 the commissioner of public build- ings presented to the court proposals by different parties to build the court-house, and it appearing that some parties had put in their bids or proposals for currency and for bonds, and other parties for currency alone, it was ordered that further time be granted, and the commissioner notify those that had put in their bids in currency alone to again put in their bids in bonds. At the October term Mr. Houston reported that the lowest bid was that of A. J. Millard and E. S. King, of Little Rock, who entered into a contract for the erection of the building as follows: "This article of agreement made and entered into this second day of Septem- ber, 1872, by and between the honorable county court, of Johnson County, Ark., as party of the first part, and Willard & King, of Little Rock, Ark.," as principals, and W. A. Stuart, E. M. Phil- lips, Benjamin Thomas and D. P. Ujiham, of Little Rock, as security, as party of the second part — witnesseth that the party of the second part agree, and hereby bind themselves to furnish all the ma- terials and labor necessary to erect and finish com- plete the two story brick court-house building to be erected for the party of the first part at Clarks- ville, Johnson County, Ark., according to the drawings and specifications prepared therefor by John D. Edwards, architect. Little Rock, Ark., and which are signed and made a party of this agreement, for and in consideration of the sum of §30,875, said amount to be paid as hereinafter provided. The party of the second part also agrees that the work shall be commenced on or before the first day of February, 1873; that it shall be in strict conformity to the drawings and specifi- cations, and that the whole job shall be pushed on to completion as rapidly as possible consistent with its own durability and safety, and shall be fin- ished, complete in every particular, on or before the first day of December, 1873. It is mutually agreed that the work shall be under the supervision and direction of Col. John S. Hoiiston, duly ap- pointed by the court as commissioner of public buildings, or his successors in ofiice. It is further- more mutually agreed that if the party of the first part shall at any time desire any changes in either the quantity or quality of the work, they shall be acceded to and executed by the party of the second part without in any way violating or vitiating this contract, but the value of all such changes miist be agreed upon and endorsed upon this contract before going into execution, or no allowance will be made for them by either party. In consideration of the prompt and faithful performance of the foregoing terms and conditions, the said party of the first !' :>, ,4*—^ -^ » ki 282 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. part agrees and hereby binds himself to pay to the said party of the second part the aforesaid sum of $30,875, to be paid in the following manner, to wit: $5,000 v?hen the foundation walls are ready for the first tier of joists; $5,000 when the second tier of joists is in place; $5,000 when the walls are finished and the roof framing is done and up; $4, 0( )0 when the floors are laid and partitions built and roof entirely finished; $3,000 when the cornice and outside work of the building are completed; $2,700 when the j)lastering is finished and the sashes are in; $6,175 when the building is completed ac- cording to this contract and specifications herewith attached. It is hereby understood between the parties of the first and second parts, that each and every payment to be made as above enumerated will be in bonds of Johnson County, State of Ar- kansas, under and by virtue of an act passed by the Legislature of the State of Arkansas, and ap- proved March 28, 1871, authorizing the county courts of the several counties of the State of Ar- kansas, to issue bonds to build a court-house and jail in the above mentioned counties. In witness whereof we have hereunto aflixed our signatures and seals this twentieth day of September, A. D. 1872." This contract was accepted by the court, and a bond for its fulfillment was entered into, signed by A. J. Millard, R. L. King, W. A. Stu- art, E. M. Phillips, Benjamin Thomas and D. P. Upham. Col. Houston resigned the position of commissioner of public buildings, February 14, 1873, and was succeeded by R. S. Crampton. At the October term, 1873, the time for the completion of the court-house was extended to June 30, 1874. When completed the structure was duly accepted by the county. It is one of the best and most ex- {)ensive court-houses in the State, solid, artistic and convenient, and reflects great credit upon the county of whose enterprise it is a monument. The indebtedness incurred by the issue of county bonds to meet the expenses of its erection was paid promptly, and with comparative ease. The sev- eral political townships into which the county is divided are named Howel, McKennon, Pittsburg, Perry, Hickey, Piney, Pilot Rock, Spadra, Sher- man, Prairie, Ward, Grant, Stonewall, Horsehead, Batson, Low Gap, Mulberry, Hill, Lee and King. The following ofiicers of Johnson County have begun to serve at the dates mentioned, and re- mained in office until the accession of their suc- cessors: Judge — George Jamison, 1833; J. P. Keesie, 1835; J. L. Cravens, 1836; J. B. Brown, 1838; Samuel Adams, 1846; M. Rose, 1848; J. B. Brown, 1850; C. B. Perry, 1852; H. A. Powers, 1854; C. B. Perry, 1856; A. D. King, 1858; W. T. Hyten, 1860; S. H. Laster, June, 1865; A.M. Ward, 1866; Elisha Mears, 1868. Board of Su- pervisors— 1872-74; J. G. Connelly, 1874; W. G. Taylor, 1878; J. B. Porter, 1880; J. G. Connelly, 1882; J. B. Porter, 1884; J. G. Connelly, 1888- 90. Clerk— Thomas Janette, 1833; William Fritz, 1835; A. M. Ward, 1836; J. G. Connelly, 1854; A. M. Ward, 1850; J. G. Connelly, 1860; C. C. Reid, November, 1865; J. B. McConnell, 1866; R. F. Nay lor, 1868; Edwin Greene, March, 1870 (R. F. Naylor, clerk of the circuit court); J. M. Thompson, 1874; Q. B. B. Poyner, 1884; D. N. Clark, 1888-90. Sheriff— S. F. Mason, 1833; A. Sinclair, 1834; W. J. Parks, 1835; A. Sinclair, 1838; W. M. H. Newton, 1842; J. M. Hamilton, 1846; C. B. Mann, 1850; M. D. Griffith, 1856; Samuel Farmer, November, 1857; J. F. Hill, 1858; W. L. Cravens, 1864; J. M. Laster, June, 1865; E. N. Griffith, 1866; P. Hixen, 1868; R. S. Crampton, 1872; L. N. Swaggerty, from Decem- ber, 1873; J. M. Armstrong, 1874; E. T. McCon- nell, 1878; W. S. Jett, 1884-90. Treasurer— M. Rose, 1836; A. Lewis, 1838; William Adams, 1840; R. A. Latimer, 1842; A. Smith, 1844; L. Armstrong, 1846; W. S. Swigart, 1848; M. A. Hill, 1850; William Fritz, 1852; J. Conway, 1856; William Fritz, 1858; T. Baskin, 1860; T. Powers, September, 1865, William Hamlin, 1866; J. R. Laferry, 1868; H. Jacobs, 1872; A. J. Clark, 1874; R. Houston, 1876; J. B. Wilson, 1880; W. G. Taylor, 1886-90. Coroner— J. P. Keesie, 1833; R. S. McMiken, 1835; A. L. Black, 1836; A. Brown, 1838; B. G. Clark, 1840; D. Hargraves, 1842; Charles Dennings, 1844; Joseph Stewart, 1846; J. Arbaugh, 1848; Lewis Matthews, 1852; James Carlisle, 1854; Lewis Matthews, 1856; James Ballard, 1858; P. Sanders, 1860; A. South- ■7; V ^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 283 [ erland, 1802; W. Reed, 1864; J. C. Jones, 1866; J. C. Leek, 1808-72; Samuel Fleming, 1874; J. B. Lee, 1870; F. R. McKennon, 1882; J. T. Sykes, 1886-90. Surveyor— Augustus Ward, 1835; W. A. Anderson, 1836; J. W. Ryan, 1838; John Ward, Sr., 1840; D. G. Harris, 1842; Alfred Allen, 1844; W. D. Dropper, 1840; V. Wallace, 1848; B. M. Davis, 1850; W. P. Clark, 1858; V. Wallace, 1802-04 ;B. M. Davis, 1860; A. R. Young, 1808; Edward Greene, from March, 1870-72; S. H. Thompson, 1874; G. R. Daniels, 1878; Ezra Adkins, 1880; J. C. Bunch, 1884; J. M. Kelly, 1886; Ezra Adkins, 1888-90. Assessor— J. F. Hill, 1864-66; E. N. Griffith, 1808; L. Sykes, January, 1870; L. Robinson, 1872; J. R. Price, 1874; J. M. King, 1878; J. W. Huddleston, 1882; J. T. Pat- terson, 1884; Reuben Matthews, 1886; J. M. King, 1888-90. Officers elected September 1, 1890 for 1890-92 -J. H. Basham, judge; J. N. Clark, cir- cuit clerk; John H. Powers, sheriff; W. G. Tay- lor, treasurer; J. T. Sykes, coroner; W. C. Boyle, surveyor; J. M. Kelly, assessor; H. L. Bunch, county clerk. State Senators representing John- son County have been as follows: J.Williamson, 1836-38; S. Adams. 1840-43; M. Rose, 1844-46; W. A. McClain, 1848-51; M. Rose, 1852-55; W. W. Floyd, 1856-59; A. M. Ward, 1860-62; Ben T. Embry, 1862; William Stout, 1804-05; Ben T. Embry, Confederate Legislature, 1864; J. E. Crav- ens, 1866-67; J. N. Sarber, 1868-71; Thomas A. Hanks, 1873-74; C. E. Toby, 1874-77; John F. Hill, 1879-81; Ben T. Embry, 1883-85; G. T. Cazort, 1887-89; Senator elect, J. M. Harkey. Representatives in the Lower House — E. B. Al- ston and Samuel Adams, 1830-38; E. A. Pace and M. Rose, 1840; William Gray and William Mc- Clain, 1842-43; J. B. Wilson, W. W. Floyd and John B. Brown, 1844-45; W. M. H. Newton, Sam- uel Farmer and Samuel Turner, 1840; John H. Strong and S. Farmer 1848-49; O. Basham and S. Farmer, 1850-51; O. Basham and V. Wallace, 1852-53; H. G. Butts and J. G. Watson, 1854-55; W. H. M. Newton and H. G. Wilson, 1856-57; S. Farmer and W. H. M. Newton, 1858-59; J. E. Cravens and L. Robinson, 1860-62; L. B. Howell and W. H. Connelly, 1862; J. Rogers and A. P. Melson, 1864-65; W. H. Connelly, Confederate Legislature, 1864; John W. May and J. S. Green, 1806-67; W. W. May, 1808-09; W. G. Harris, 1871; John N. Sarber, 1873; A. D. King, 1874; J. S. Green, 1874-75; A. S. McKennon, 1877; Louis Felton, 1879; F. R. McKennon, 1881; J. W. May, 1883; Isaac McCracken, 1885; T. P. King (succeeded by M. A. Moore), 1887; J. W. Coffman, 1889; representative elect, J. W. Coffman. John- son Coiinty is in the Fourth Congressional District, composed of Johnson, Crawford, Franklin, Sebas- tian, Logan, Scott, Yell, Perry, Garland, Saline and Montgomery Counties, and rejiresented by Hon. J. H. Rogers, of Fort Smith. The Fifth Judicial Circuit is composed of Johnson, Yell, Conway, Pope and Franklin Coun- ties. The judges of this circuit have been, J. J. Clendenin, from December 28, 1840,; W. H. Field, from December 24, 1840; J. J. Clendenin, from September 0, 1854; Liberty Bartlett, from November 12, 1854; E. D. Ham, from July 23, 1808; Benton J. Brown, from September 30, 1874; W. W. Mansfield, from October 31, 1874; Thom- as W. Pound, from September 9, 1878; W. D. Jacoway, from October 31, 1878; G. S. Cunning- ham, from October 31, 1882; J. E. Cravens, from October, 1889; J. G. Wallace, judge elect. The prosecuting attorneys have been, R. W. Johnson, from December 29, 1840; George C. Watkins, from January 11, 1845; J. J. Clendenin, from February 17, 1849, to September, 1854; J. L. Hallowell, from September 8, 1858; Samuel W. Williams, from May 10, 1800; Pleasant Jordan, from Septem- ber 7, 1801; Samuel W. Williams, from July 0, 1803; John Whytock, from December, 19, 1805; R. H. Dedman, from October 15, 1866; N. J. Temple, from Aiigust 15, 1868; Arch Young, from August 24, 1862; Thomas Barnes, from April 23, 1873; J. P. Byers, from October 31, 1873; A. S. McKennon, from October 14, 1878; J. G. Wallace, from October 31, 1882; H. S. Car- ter, from October 30, 1886; Jeff Davis, prosecut- ing attorney elect. Some of Arkansas' most dis- tinguished lawyers have appeared in the Johnson Circuit Court, and the resident attorneys of the county have from the first taken high rank. The t ^ Fv* k^ 284 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. ( list of resident lawyers at this time embraces the names of J. E. Cravens, present circuit judge, A. S. McKennon, J. W. Coffman, R. C. Reding, J. H. Basham, county judge elect, J. W. May, W. T. Hunt, Thomas B. May, E. D. W. Blythe, John N. Sarber, C. B. Wilson, J. D. Hunt and J. P. Bus- ter. The following-named residents of Johnson County hold or have until recently held com- missions as notaries public: F. L. Purrington, T. B. Blakley, R. C. Reding, J. H. Basham, J. M. Quaile, J. M. Thompson, R. E. L. Gray, J. N. Brown, W. F. Hunt, J. E. Watson, F. R. Mc. - Kenuon, W. A. AVhitemore, W. L. King, Charles A. Jones, E. A. Kline, Thomas Stevenson, Frank T. Diers. The Fourth Congressional District comprises the counties of Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Se- bastian, Logan, Pulaski, Scott, Yell, Perry, Gar- land, Saline and Montgomery. The present repre- sentative is Hon. J. H. Rogers, Democrat, of Fort Smith. The Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, oper- ated as a part of the Gould system, crosses this county in a general direction east and west, with stations named Coal Hill, Hartman, Montana, Spadra, Clarksville, Cabia Creek (Lamar Post- office), Knoxville and Piney Station (Berlin Post- office). Following the construction of the Little Itock & Fort Smith Railroad, navigation of the Arkansas was abandoned, and the abandonment has had the effect of rendering steamboating on the upper Arkansas impracticable at this day, not- withstanding that for half a century before there hiid been no other highway for the commerce of country. As a consequence, if relief is to follow from a monoply of freight traific, it must come from one or more lines of railroad, the direction of which would render the resources of the interior of the county available as well as afford access to other markets, and therefore render competition practicable. It is not improbable that at least one such road — from north to south — will soon be built. A road has been chartered under the title of Kan- sas City, Bentonville & Southeastern Railroad, which, commencing at a point dividing Missouri and Arkansas, is to connect with the New Orleans, Natchez & Fort Scott Railroad at Clarksville, this county, and which will be a link in a chain of roads, the object of which is to connect Kansas City with New Orleans, by way of Bentonville, Springdale, Clarksville, Dardanelle, Hot Springs, and Hamburg, this State, and by way of Natchez, Miss. The several post offices in Johnson County are named as follows: Batson, Berlin, Clarksville, Cline, Coal Hill, Davis, Eubanks's Mills, Fort Douglas, Grace, Hagarville, Harmony, Hartman, Hunt, Knoxville, Lamar, Ludwig, Lutherville, Melson, Montana, Mount Levi, Ozark, Ozone, Powers, Smed- ley Spadra and Zadock. Berlin Post-office is located at Piney Station, Lamar Post-office at Cabin Creek. Clarksville and Coal Hill, money order offices, are the two largest towns in the county. Of these post- offices, Coal Hill, Hartman, Montana, Spadra, Clarksville, Lamar (Cabin Creek), Knoxville and Berlin (Piney Station), are on the line of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad; the others are con- veniently distributed throughout the county. The less important points are some of them the centers of considerable trade, and all are supplied with churches and schools within accessible distance. Clarksville is the seat of justice; Coal Hill is the principal center of the county's coal industry; Montana is a point destined to become noted for its coal; Spadra is the seat of extensive coal opera- tions. Cabin Creek and Knoxville are promising lumber manufacturing points and local trade cen- ters. Clarksville, the county seat of Johnson county, is situated on the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, 101 miles from Little Rock, and on S2)adra Creek, four miles from the Arkansas River. It is located on a level plat of land, with overhanging cliffs and ridges on the east and west, and the valley of Spadi'a Creek opening to the north and south. It has a population of 1,000, with business houses in proportion, and public improvements commensurate with its importance, including a handsome college building, erected by popular subscription. The town has been incor- porated since early in its history, and its charter was extended February 5, 1859. In common the Vl^ ■^ J, JOHNSON C0T3NTY. 285 citizens are Southerners who keep fully abreaht of the times. There are only a few of them who are wealthy, but as a whole they are in origin and equipment of a class whom it is not common to meet at interior western towns. And if at a vent ure an explanation were sought for their continu- ance at so remote a point, it would no doubt be found in the fact of the county aflFording the only natural gateway entrances to the Ozarks, it appear- ing to be only a question of time when Clarksville is to become a town of 10,000 to 15,000 inhabit- ants. On the social and moral side of the commu- nity the distinction is also to be made of a united sentiment in all matters pertaining to schools and churches. The Methodists, Cumberland Presby- terians, Catholics and people of other religious denominations have houses of worship or hold regular meetings. The school population, white and colored, is about 400. Local commerce is aided by the recently organized Bank of Clarks- ville. Coal Hill is about centrally located in the best part of the railroad lands, and contains the principal otfice of the land department of the Little Kock & Fort Smith Railroad Company. It was incorporated January 8, 1880. The coal interests here are treated more at length elsewhere. Much cotton is handled here, and two gins do a large business. The Arkansas Valley Improvement Company is engaged in pros- pecting, handling real estate and placing invest- ments. F. G. Srygley is general agent for the western division of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railway land department, consisting of lands be- longing to the company, situated in Sebastian, Crawford, Franklin, Logan and Johnson Counties. This town, with a rapidly-growing population, has a bright future if the proper capital and ability are devoted to the development of its rich natural resources. Hartman, twelve miles west of Clarks- ville, was founded in 1881, and has at present a population of nearly 400. It is 113 miles west of Little Rock on the line of the Valley route. Its liusiness interests are represented by several gen- eral, grocery and drug stores, blacksmith and wagon shops, a hotel, a grist-mill, and a cotton-gin. It has three churches — Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian — and two schools. It commands an approach to the Boston range via Horsehead Valley, and this approach is known to atford one of the routes in this county over which a passage of the mountain is not deemed impracticable. At this jjoint the foot-hills converge on both the Arkansas and Horsehead Valleys, the immediate lowlands of which, 25,000 acres in extent, will alone give the place importance, once the whole area is placed in cultivation. Other advantages in prospect are a great body of coal, for which Horsehead Valley is celebrated, and large forests which flank the valley from its mouth to the head, all of which would be commanded in the event that a north and south railroad pursues the route indicated. This locality, the scene of the original coal discoveries in the State, is situated on the western outcrop of what is known as the Horsehead or Spadra coal basin of the upper Arkansas Valley. The distance from the Arkansas River is three miles. The principal shipments consist of cotton. In the pioneer period of the county, probably as early as 1837, a militia regiment was organized, of which the commander was Col. Hickey, and the major Nehemiah Cravens. Its general musters were held at Clarksville, its company musters at different localities in the county. For a time the center of much interest, it disbanded after a few years. Quite a number of the citizens of the county served their country in the Mexican War. Naturally the great majority of Johnson Counti- ans, espoused the Southern cause at the outbreak of the Civil War. The lack of records precludes more than an estimate of the number of men from the county who went into the Confederate service, as well as particular accounts of the constitution and service of the organizations, with which they were identified. The following items of war history have been gleaned, however. About 1,000 men, perhaps more, entered from this county. Con- sidering its small population at the time, this was a large number. Companies went out under com- mand of Capts. Basham, Turner, Armstrong, Perry, May, Hill and Swaggerty, and perhaps others. They served in various commands, and Capt. John W. May states no two of them were in ^^ ^ « k. k. 286 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 4 the same regimental organization. There was scarcely an important campaign of the war that some of them did not take part in, and their ranks were decimated by battle and by sickness to such an extent, that it is estimated that not more than 500 or 600 of the whole number returned. Capt. Basham rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and was killed at the charge of Ironton, Mo., in the fall of 1864. Capt. J. F. Hill was advanced to the command of a regiment. He was severely wounded. Jordan E. Cravens, now circuit judge, enlisted as a private, and also became a colonel. J. C. Hill commanded a company late in the struggle. No regular engagement between the contending forces took place in the county, but it was overran to some extent by scouting parties and marauders. Considerable property was destroyed or carried off, and a few people were killed. Late in the war quite a number of men from this sec- tion served in the Federal Army. Johnson County enjoyed exceptional quiet during the reconstruction period. The history of the press of Johnson County, may be thus briefly recounted: The Herald was established at Clarksville in 1877, by R. C. Hite; during 1883 it's name was changed to Laborers' Herald and it was edited by the Brothers of Free- dom, a secret order among the farmers of the county. In March, 1882, the first number of the Clarksville Enterprise was published by O. C. Lud- wig, who moved his printing material from Spring- dale. The Register was printed at Clarksville for a short time, about ten years ago by McCord & Pennington. The material was afterward moved to Paris, Logan County. In 1885 O. C. Ludwig sold the Enterprise to the Brothers of Freedom, J. R. Tolbert becoming editor, and the name of the paper was changed to Brothers of Freedom. The paper suspended within a year and the outfit was purchased V)y P. C. Stone, who l^egan the publica- tion of the Economist. In 1885 the Democrat was established at Knoxville l)y one Boyd and lived a few months. In the fall of 1885 the Arkansas Valley was launched at Coal Hill, by Rob- ert Stonecipher. Mr. Stonecipher soon sold out to Mr. Cox who, in turn, sold to P. C. Stone, and the paper was then called The Lancet. It sus- pended in the year 1887. In 188G the Economist suspended. The Clarksville Western Journal was started in March, 1887, by J. W. Adams. Tlie Lamar News was started early in 1887, by Robert Moffit and Samuel Maysfield. It soon sus- pended. The Coal Hill Monitor is now in its third volume. After editing it nineteen months, B. F. Grigsley was succeeded, October, 1890, by Talbert & Wilburne. In 1888 O. C. Ludwig began the publication of the Arkausan. Subsequently he dis- continued it and connected himself with the Her- ald Journal. In 1890 he resumed the publication of the Arkansan. The Herald, eleven years after its establishment by Mr. Hite, was consolidated with the Western Journal, which had been started in 1886, by J. W. Adams. The consolidation was effected March 26, 1888, and the new paper became the property of a stock company with an authorized capital stock of 12,500, all of which was paid in. J. W. Adams was elected editor and business man- ager. He was succeeded, September, 1888, by O. C. Ludwig, who sold his interest to H. B. Milner, May 8, 1890, when the latter was elected editor and business manager. The paper has been quite prosperous since the consolidation. Some of these papers were but short-lived; some had but a pre- carious existence, though they lived longer; and a few, it is believed, are established and may be long continued with honor and profit to their publishers. All are entitled to credit, and their founders should be numbered among Johnson County's most en- thusiastic and practical friends. Each has, in its turn, done its part in the work of advancement, bearing messages of cheer to remote townships and pointing out public needs and influencing men and money to supply them. The country editor sel- dom waxes opulent, but he almost invariably does good to the community with which his lot is cast; and this county has been fortunate in the editors of its local journals. Mention has been made of Johnson County's prominent claims as a fruit-producing region. As a means to the furtherance of this interest, the Johnson County Pomological Society was organ- ized in the spring of 1889, of which J. M. Thomp- ;'^ -^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 287 son as president, G. W. Hinchee vice-president, F. M. Farris secretary, and R. G. Ward treasurer. An exhibition was held at Clarksville in the fall of 1889, and later a majority of the exhibits took prizes at the Fort Smith fair. The second annual exhibition was held at Clarksville in October, 1890, and, like its predecessor, was a great success, at- tracting much more general attention than the first. County agricultural fairs are talked of, and are likely to be inaugurated at no distant day. Or- ganization and determined effort are surely doing their work in pushing Johnson County to the front. J. W. Acord is the possessor of 160 acres of very good land, and, although this farm is rather small, it is admirably tilled, and yields a larger annual income than many larger and more pretentious farms. He was born in Roane County, Tenn. , in 1853, to C. C. and A. E. (Murray) Acord, who were also native Tennesseeans. In 1857 they de- termined to seek "fresh fields and pastures new," and accordingly settled in Johnson County, Ark. , where the father passed from life on October 25, 1873, his widow following him to his long home on December 9, 1882. In this county J. W. Acord was brought up to a farm life, and although he did uot receive much schooling in his youth, he acquired sufficient knowledge to transact, in a perfectly capa- ble manner, the business affairs of life. In the month of January, 1873, he started out to make his own way in the world, and as he was thor- oughly familiar with farming, he has made that his chief calling with the above-mentioned results. His marriage, which occurred on January 16, 1873, was to Miss Rebecca J. Bench, whose parents were David and Martha (Prim) Bench, and to her union with Mr. Acord the following named chil- dren have been born: W. H. , Viola A., John F., Martha A., J. M. and Rachel. Daniel C. and Eliza J. were drowned in Mulberry Creek, in the northern part of Johnson County, in the month of February, 1886. Mr. Acord was bailiff of Mul- berry Township from 1878 until 1882, and in his political views he has always been a stanch Demo- crat, at all times supporting the men and measures of his party. He has always been a hard worker, and although he is doing well at present has met with a good many misfortunes, sutficient to dis- courage a less determined man. The loss of his two children was a severe blow to himself and wife, from the effects of which they can not recover. Ferdinand Alix belongs to the firm of Alix & Earp, proprietors of a steam grist, planing- mill and cotton-gin at Coal Hill, these gentlemen being also engaged in farming. Mr. Alix was born in Indiana in 1845, the second of ten children born to Peter J. and Eleanor (Coux) Alix, both of whom were born in France. At the age of nine- teen years the father came to America and in his youth learned both to till the soil and the carpen- ter's trade. In 1872 he settled in Arkansas, and until his death, which occurred in 1885, was a worthy agriculturist of Johnson County. His wife came to this country with her parents when a child, and is still living, being a resident of Ar- kansas. Ferdinand Alix became familiar with farm life in his youth, his early education being acquired in the common schools, and at the age of twenty-one years he began farming for himself, and came with his parents to Arkansas. He was married in 1876 to Miss Malinda Ella Kerr, a native of Georgia, and the year following his mar- riage he purchased 120 acres of land, and on this property cleared 80 acres and made a pleasant home. This land he afterward sold, and bought auQther tract on which he cleared forty acres. In July, 1 889 he purchased a large cotton-gin, which has a capacity of fifteen bales per day, his mill easily grinding 250 bushels of corn per day. His planing-mill is also an excellent one, and the work which he does is guaranteed satisfactory. He and his worthy wife have a family of four children: Elvis Eugenie, Henry (who died in infancy), Harley W. and Antonia. Mr. Alix belongs to Coal Hill Lodge No. 383 of the A. F. & A. M., and he is one of the representative citizens of this section, and is a warm advocate of free schools, and all other worthy causes. u J\\^ h^ 288 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. L. I. Barger was brought up to the life of a farmer by his father Henry Barger, and like the majority of boys has followed in his father's foot- steps, and is now one of the leading agriculturists and stockmen of Johnson County. He was born in Henderson County, Tenn., March 17, 1851, to Henry and Matilda (Mitchell) Barger, the former a Tennesseean and the latter born in Kentucky, their marriage taking place in the former State, and resulting in the birth of sixteen children — eight now living: Clementine, William H., Mary E., L. I., Monroe R., L. F., Henry B, and J. B. Henry Barger came with his family to Arkansas in 1858 and settled on a farm in White County, which he greatly improved. He died in 18()2, a member of the Christian Church, his widow still surviving him, a member of that church also. L. I. Barger came with his parents to Arkansas when seven years of age, here grew to manhood and was married in 1874 to Miss A. M. Whitaker, who was born in Tennessee in 1852. She has borne her husband four children: H. H., W. I., A. L. (de- ceased) and Myrtilla L. (deceased.) Mr. Barger is the owner of 196 acres of tine farming land, and by industry and good management has suc- ceeded in putting 125 acres under cultivation. He has one acre in a peach orchard, and the cultivated portion of his land is devoted to the raising of corn, cotton, oats and grass. In 1 885 he built a fine frame barn 40x50 feet, and his residence is also a sub- stantial structure, and his outbuildings in good repair. Considerable of his attention ia given to the propagation of stock, and hogs, cattle and sheep are raised in quite large numbers. He is a thrifty, industrious farmer, and every detail and part of his work is well looked after and nothing is let go to waste. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically he is a Democrat. Mrs. Barger' s father was a native of Greene County, Tenn. , and her mother of East Tennessee, their births occurring October 28, 1823, and December 26, 1820, respectively. They were married in Siillivan County of their native State, December 23, 1851, and in time a family of three children gathered about their board: A. M. (Mrs. Barger), H. A. and J. B. The father was a tanner, throughout life, was a soldier in the Mexican War, and was also in the Rebellion. He served as justice of the peace of Pittsburg Township for some six years, after his removal to this State and county in 1860, and here became the owner of a large amount of land which he im- proved in an admirable manner. He died on October 11, 1877, and his wife on September 26, 1876,both being members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and the former a Royal Arch Mason. J. K. Baskin is well known throughout this region, for he was born here in 1S52, and as a youth and man he at all times made numerous friends. His parents, J. M. and Melissa (Laster) Baskin, were born in Tennessee, and came to Ar- kansas with their parents in 1839 and 1831 re- spectively, their iinion taking place here. It re- sulted in the birth of the folio iviug children : Nancy C, William M. (who died in 1863), Abram L., Hester Ann, Octavia F. (wife of William Davis, a farmer of Scott County), Manisia, J. K., Mary M., Robert M., John C, Minerva (who died in 1861), Darthula (who married Robert Gillian, lives in Se- bastian County), and Frank C. The father of these children removed to Texas in 1864, and there remained until the termination of the war, when he returned to his family in Johnson County, Ark., and here has since tilled the soil, beinsr now the owner of 220 acres of land in Horsehead Town- ship, ninety acres of which are under cultivation. J . K. Baskin, the immediate subject of this sketch, was married in 1879 to Miss Minerva Yandell, daughter of Thomas Yandell, by whom he has two boys and two girls: Virgil Q., Chester D., Bonnie A. and Maud M. He has a fertile and well-tilled farm of 170 acres, seventy-five acres of which are in a good state of cultivation. He owns a half in- terest in a good cotton-gin with J. M. Laster, the gin being on Mr. Laster' s land. He had fairly good school advantages in boyhood, and gives liberally of his means in the support of worthy en- terprises of all kinds, being an equally liberal con- tributor to churches. He is a Democrat, but is not however, an enthusiastic politician. His wife is an earnest member of the Methodist Episcojial Church South. in« >(^ «> .(y. JOHNSON COUNTY. 289 Daniel Bench is one of the leading farmers of the progressive agricultural region of Johnson County, Ark., and as he was born in the State of Ohio he possesses many of the characteristics of the natives of that State, among which may be men- tioned pluck, perseverance, intelligence and hon- esty. He was taken from that State when an in- fant, and was reared to manhood in Indiana and Missouri, coming to Johnson County, Ark., in 1842, settling on a piece of land in this township which he improved and cleared. Here he remained hard at work until the bursting of the war cloud which had for so long a time hovered over the country, when he took his family and moved into the Indian Territory (the Choctaw Nation ), where he remained until the close of the war. He re- turned to Arkansas about one year later, sold his property and purchased a place at Mulberry and this farm continued to cultivate for twelve years. He then sold oiit and came to his former i^laee and purchased 100 acres of land to which he has since added from time to time until he is now the owner of 300 acres and has 110 under cultivation. His principal crops are cotton and corn, and this year he has devoted twenty acres to cotton which prom- ises well. His buildings are all in excellent con- dition, and as he was reared to the work which he is now following he thoroughly understands every detail of the work and has been successful. He was born in 1825 and in 1844 was married to Miss M.artha A. Prim by whom he has become the father of eleven children. Ho is a man who brings, tact, energy and skill to his assistance in the con- duct of his property and as a result is far more successful than many of his neighbors. He is lib- eral in his contributions to public affairs and is well preserved in both mind and body, notwith- standing the fact that he is sixty-five years of age. John G. Blair is a liveryman and hotel keeper of Lamar, Ark., but was born in Tennessee, on June 8, 1844, to Thomas B. and Sarah (Holmes) Blair, who were born in Alabama and Tennessee, respectively, their marriage taking place in Gibson County of the latter State, and resulting in the birth of eight children — four sons and four daugh- ters — two of whom are living: John G. and Belle (wife of Ben Martin). The father was one of th« honest " sons of soil, ' ' of Tennessee, but removed from that State to Mississippi, and from there to Arkansas, in 1858, settling in Johnson County, where he purchased 120 acres of land, afterward purchasing a much larger tract. He died in Sevier Count}', Ark., in 1864, a member of the Presby- terian Church, and was followed to the grave by his widow in 1867, she being a member also of that church. John G. Blair was married in this county in 1879 to Miss Louisa Paine, who was born in this State on March 14, 1847, a daughter of T. B. and Euth (Huston) Paine, and by her became the father of seven children — four sons and three daughters — of which family six members are still livinsr: William A., Walter H., Sarah K., John H., Min- nie M. and Thomas. Lou A. is deceased. Mr. Blair enlisted as a private soldier in Company L., under Hall McConnell, and was in the Confeder- ate Army until 1864, when he was captured in one of the battles of Kansas, and was taken to Rock Island, 111., thence to Richmond, Va. , where he was exchanged in 1865, and returned to his home in Arkansas, once more taking up the occupation of farming. He resided on the farm until 1889, when he moved to Lamar and bought the hotel and livery stable of which he is now proprietor. His farm consists of 135 acres of good land with 90 under cnltivation, and on this he has an excellent frame residence and barn with three acres of good young orchard, consisting of apples, peaches, plums, cherries and quinces. He also raises grapes, raspberries and strawberries in abundance. He and Mrs. Blair are members of the Presbyterian Church. John G. Brown is a pioneer planter living in Pittsburg Township, Johnson County, Ark., and is a native of Tennessee, born October 13, 1820, to John B. and Sallie (Huston) Brown, the former born in North Carolina, February 9, 1785, and the latter in Kentucky December 1, 1791, their marriage being consummated at Nashville, Tenn. Nine sons and five daughters were the result of their union, the subject of this sketch being the fourth son. Mr. Brown was a farmer, and during his residence in Tennessee, and after his removal to Arkansas in » "V ^ -^ ®I>> ] 290 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 1836 he followed that occupation, and became a large land holder, many improvements being made on his property. He served in the War of 1812, and was in the battle of New Orleans. He passed from life in October, 1852, his widow following him to the grave in March, 18G1, both being members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. John G. Brown was married on November 17, 1842, to Miss Harriet Allen, who was born in Alabama July 13, 1820, she being a daughter of Louis Allen and Lucy (Felts) Allen, who removed from Alabama to Arkansas in 1833, and settled in this county, where they made their home until 1845, when they moved to Mississippi, and a short time after to Louisiana, his death occuiTing in this State. The mother had died in Johnson County, Ark., in 1841. The father was a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and the mother a member of the Pres- byterian Church. The parents were married in Tennessee, and became the parents of ten children, only two of whom are living. Mr. Brown and his wife have four sons and four daughters: John, Eliza (wife of Robert Winn), Delia (wife of David Strain), Emma (wife of James Nations), Ella (wife of Van Ross), living, and James H. , Oliver N. and Walter A., deceased. Mr. Brown is the owner of 228 acres of land, and has 130 acres under cultiva- tion, well improved, with a good two story frame residence, built in 1879-80, and good ordinary barns and other buildings. He owns 100 acres in one tract of land and 175 in another, both being valuable, for they are ordinarily well tilled and im- proved. Mr. Brown and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically he is a Democrat. They have had thirty-three grandchildren born in Johnson County, twenty-five of whom are living. Mr. Brown is living within three miles of the place where he stopped in John- son County the last day of 1836, and within six miles the place where he was married, never hav- ing lived farther than six miles from this place. J. R. Brown is the oldest merchant of Coal Hill, and throughout this region has won an excel- lent reputation as a man of business. He was born in Tennessee in 1850, being the third of fourteen childi-en born to Benjamin A. and Elizabeth (Real) Brown, who were born in North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the former, a farmer, who came to Arkansas in the fall of 1866, and is still residing in Logan County of this State. His son, J. R. Brown, like so many of the substantial citi- zens of this country at the present time, was initi- ated into the mysteries of farming from the very first, and after his removal to Arkansas, in 1866, was favored with good opportunities for obtaining an education, and was an attendant of Pleasant Grove School at Cabin Creek. In 1878 he began busi- ness at Coal Hill, after having been a clerk in the establishment of J. W. May, of Clarksville, for some years, and he now has the facilities for doing a large trade, his stock of goods being worth $10,- 000, and his annual sales amounting to S45,00O. He handles wagons, farming implements, and buys all kinds of farm produce. He owns two farms, comprising 214 acres, and has 120 acres under cultivation, the fine steam cotton-gin which is erected thereon being the best in the county, its capacity being twenty bales per day. He also has a good corn-mill, and is the owner of four resi- dence buildings and the post office building. He has been one of the active citizens of Coal Hill, and has identified himself with every worthy enter- prise of the place. His marriage, which occurred in December, 1878, was Lo Miss Lucy, daughter of Col. John S. Houston, of Clarksville, by whom he has two children, Howell Houston and Lucile. Vivian died at the age of one year, and another child died in infancy, unnamed. Mr. and Mrs- Brown are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F. An annual statement taken in February, 1890, gives a showing of $30,000, all of which is the resnlt of his own labor. He was in debt when he began clerking for Capt. May, but is now a wealthy man. He owns three lots in Van Buren, on one of which he is erecting a handsome residence. Edward Buehring was born in Germany in 1885 and he may be truly said to have inherited all the characteristics of those of his nativity — persever- ance, energy, thrift and honesty. Like all German youths he was put to school, and for four years after leaving school he served an apprenticeship VI «- ^1 JOHNSON COUNTY. 291 in a mercantile establishment. He was of a plucky and ambitious disposition so determined to seek his fortune in America, and first reached this country in 1855, and from that time until 186] he worked on a farm, was clerk in a large store, and taught school for three years in Illinois. He then, in 1862, went to Minnesota, where he devoted his energies to tilling the soil and in managing a mercantile establishment until 1882, when he came to Lutherville, Ark., and purchased 200 acres of railroad land, upon a part of which the town of Lutherville was platted. Seventy acres of this farm have been cleared by Mr. Buehring, and the entire place is under fence. This is probably the best tilled farm in Johnson County, for every part of it is well looked after. In 1883 he erected a large two-story frame house which is unquestion- ably one of the best arranged and be.st furnished in the township, if not the best of the farm build- ings in the county. His large wagon-house, cribs, barns and tool houses are all frame, neatly and solidly built, and are at all times kept in good condition. In 1883 he was elected general agent for the colony with power to transact all business for it, and ably does he discharge his duties. The same year he was appointed notary public by Gov. Berry, and in 1887 he was reappointed by Gov. Hughes. He has been married since 1857 to Miss Caroline Westphal, a native German, and of thir- teen children born to them, eleven are living: Alma (wife of Fred Schneider), Cecelia (wife of Ernest Upheler), Edward C, Matilda (wife of H. Brenneisen), Cheruska (wife of J. A. Troeger), Eugene, Olga, Annie, Erna, Armin and Hugo. Mr. Buehring' s farm yields abundantly of all crops usually raised in this region, and he has a fine apple orchard of twenty acres, five acres of mixed fruits and a vineyard of three acres. One of the best and prettiest garden — with a nice assortment of different flowers and shrubbery, and a well-to-do lawn attracts the eye— a garden, in- deed, very seldom to be found on a farm. 11. J. Butts is one of the thrifty, far-seeing and successful merchants and farmers of Johnson Coun- ty, Ark., bis post-office address being Hagarville. He has become well and favorably known to the many residents hereabouts, for, notwithstanding the old adage that "familiarity breeds contempt," his case has proved the exception to the rule, and he is universally esteemed. He was born in Arkansas in 1856 to Henry J. and Rachel (Clark) Butts, they being natives of Tennessee and Arkan sas, respectively, the former coming to this State when a youth. At the early age of eighteen years R. J. Butts started out in search of Dame Fort- une, and as he had acquired a liberal education in Boone County at Prof. Clark's Academy at Ber- ryville, and in the University of Arkansas at Fay- etteville, he was admirably equipped to begin the battle of life for himself, and until the summer of 1890 followed the occupation of teaching school from three to ten months each year during the greater iwrtion of that time. He received from his father the gift of 120 acres of land, partly im proved, which he further improved by erecting substantial buildings thereon, clearing and culti- vating and putting up good fences. By good management and economy he was afterward en- abled to purchase 180 acres adjoining his original tract, a dwelling in Hagarville, forty acres on the mountain, and, in ISUO, 100 acres adjoining Hagar- ville, the same year purchasing a half interest in the store of N. C. Johnson in Hagarville. In 1879 Mr. Butts was married to Miss Mary Johnson, a native of Arkansas, and a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Johnson, and by her has three children, all of whom are living; Annice (born December 25, 1879), Elva (born May 21, 1881), and Lizzie (born October 20, 1883). Mr. Butts is one of a family of five children born to his parents named: Hugh, Lucretia (wife of Thomas Adkins), Riley J., Alexander W. and Alice (wife of K. J. John- son). The father of these children was in the Mexican War, and was stationed on the fi'ontier. Prior to the Rebellion he represented Johnson County in the State Legislature, and during the war was captain of a company in Hill's regiment, C. S. A., serving until the battle of Pilot Knob, when he was wounded and captured, being held a prisoner of war until after Gen. Kirby Smith's surrender. He atfd his wife were both memljers of the Christian Church, in which he held the of- s— V lice of deacon and elder at different times. His death occurred in 1884, bnt his widow survives him, and is making her home with a son in Hagar- villo. E. J. Butts and his wife are also church members. Caleb Carey is a substantial farmer of Johnson County, Ark., and as such deserves honorable mention in these pages. He was born in North Carolina in 1818, his parents, Elijah and Elizabeth (Cash) Carey, being also born in that State, mov- ing, when the subject of this sketch was about two years old, to Tennessee in which State the latter was brought up, his early school days being quite limited. However, since attaining manhood he has acquired sufficient education to successfully carry on his business, and by taking an active part in the business affairs of life he has become well in- formed. He came to Arkansas in 1841, stopping first at Little Rock, but at the end of eighteen months came to this county, where he has made his home until the present day. He was married in 1843 to Miss Eveline Price, a native of Alabama and of nine children born to them, seven are now living: John E., Martha A., William, Sarah, Dicey, Angy and Julia. The mother of these children was called from them by death in 1862, and in 1808 Mr. Carey took for his second wife Miss Mar- tha Pearson, a " Hoosier " by birth, and an earnest member of the Christian Church. Mr. Carey is a member of the Cumljerland Presbyterian Church, and has been for over forty years, and is now one of its leading elders. He purchased 160 acres of the farm where he now lives in 1845, and of this he has about 65 acres improved, the build- ings, fences and orchard all being excellent. He afterward purchased ten more acres, and on his property he has erected two tenant houses with their accompanying buildings, etc. He raises corn, cotton, potatoes, tobacco and grapes in abundance, and, in fact, his land is well adapted to the rais- ing of nearly all the products of the temperate zone. He has raised 20 bushels of corn to the acre, 600 to 800 pounds of cotton, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 400 pounds of tobacco. From his grapes he has made 250 gallons of wine to the acre. Dr. A. B. Carey is a practicing physician of Knoxville Station, Ark., and owing to the fact that he thoroughly understands his calling and has met with the best of success in practicing the "healing art, " he is ranked among the very foremost of the professional men of Johnson County. He was born in the county September 8, 1861, to Caleb (see bi- ography) and Eveline (Price) Carey, the former of whom was born in Alabama in 1818, and is a tiller of the soil. He married his wife in this county, and their union resulted in the birth of nine children, seven living: John E. , William, Sarah (wife of James Murray), Martha A. (wife of Call Williams), Dicey (wife of T. F. Young), Julia (wife of Joseph Looper), and our subject. Their mother died in 1862, a member of the Christian Church, but the father is still a resident of this county, a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Dr. A. B. Carey was principally educated in the common schools of this couaty, and in 1884 he began the study of medicine, and the same year attended lec- tures at Little Rock, graduating in 1888. He com- menced practicing at Knoxville and has won the entire confidence of his numerous patrons. Al- though he has practiced only a short time, he gives every promise of rising to distinction in his profes- sion, as he fnlly deserves to do. He is fitting up a large store-room, in which he intends putting a good stock of drugs and expects to have everything in working order by December 1, 1890. He was married in 1889 to Miss Nannie B. King, of this county, born July 23, 1871, a daughter of W. S. and Jane F. King. The Doctor and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church and Methodist Episcopal Church respectively, and he belongs to Knoxville Lodge No. 30, of the I. O. O. F. P. J. Carr is now living a retired life, but has led an active career and was one of the most suc- cessful merchants and planters in this section. He was born in Logan County, Ky. , November 5, 1810, to Daniel and Martha (Jones) Carr, they be- ing born, reared and married on Blue-Grass soil. P. J. Carr is the eldest of their four children, the other living members being Mary E. (wife of David Robison, now living in California), and Seth G. The father first moved from Kentucky to Illinois ^ ;^ @ ^ ll±. JOHNSON COUNTY. 293 in 1836, ami in that State died in 1847, a member of the Baptist Church, his wife's death having oc- curred in 1824. P. J. Carr was married in John- son County, Ark., in 1861, to Miss Leviua AVilles, who was born in Kentucky in 1825, but her death occurred in 1874, after she had borne her husband two children: Cynthia J. (wife of M. H. Hobbs, manager of Mr. Carr's store at Kuoxville), and one child that died in infancy unnamed. Mr. Carr engaged in the mercantile business in Knoxville in the fall of 1887, but this establishment is now un- der the management of liis son in-law, Mr. Hobbs. Besides this, Mr. Carr is the owner of 250 acres of valuable land, of which 140 acres are under culti- vation, improved with good house, barns, etc. He has long been a member of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, and as a citizen and upright man has not his superior in this section of the country. His son-in-law, Mr. M.H. Hobbs, isa Virginian, born in 1850 to W. F. and C. E. (Stalke) Hobbs, they being Virginians also, and married in that State. Ten children were born to their union of whom the subject of this sketch is next to the youngest. His father died in Virginia in 1868, and his mother in 1884. After the death of his father M. H. Hobbs came to Arkansas to attend school at Little Rock, but at the end of four months he received word of the serious illness of his father and immediately returned home. In 1874 he returned to Arkansas, and in 1877 brought the first stock of goods to what is now known as Knoxville Station, he having the honor of naming the town. In 1887 he sold his store to P. J. Carr, now his father-in-law, and is now managing the business for him. He was the first station agent at that place, which position he held for eight years, and was the first postmas- ter of the town, being appointed in 1877, and served until 1881. He was married in 1878 to Miss Cynthia J. Carr and their union has resulted in the birth of four children: Philip J. (deceased), William P., M. H. and Hutakah E. Mr. Hobbs and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he belongs to Knoxville Lodge No. 30, of the I. O. O. F. Lewis Castleberry. The entire life of this gentleman has been uninarked by any unusvtal oc- currence outside the chosen channels to which he has so diligently applied himself. He is considered, and deservedly so, one of the most successful and prominent farmers of Lee Township, Johnson County, Ark. , and as he was reared to farm life and has never followed any other calling, he is the thorough master of every branch of the work. He was born in Alabama, but in boyhood came with his parents to Johnson County, Ark. , and here has since made his home. The purents, John and Louisa (Claunch) Castleberry, became the parents of three children — two sons and one daughter — of which the subject of this sketch was the eldest and is the only one now living. At the time of their arrival here the country was almost an unbroken wilderness, and as schools at that time (1845) were very few and far between, their son Lewis did not receive many advantages so far as book learning was concerned. At the age of twenty-two years he commenced the battle of life for himself, and soon after purchased the farm on which he is now residing, and immediately set to work to improve it by erecting good buildings, fences, etc. He has increased his acreage from time to time, and now has 240 acres, eighty-five of which are in a good state of cultivation. His principal crops are cot- ton and corn, twenty acres being devoted to corn, the cotton promising a yield of one-half bale to the acre. He has a pasture of red top, which makes a heavy growth, and besides this, has a good orchard of peach and apple trees, which supplies them with an abundance of fruit. Everything about the place indicates that a man of thrift and energy is at the helm, and that his farm is a fertile and val- iiable one, is shown when it is known that he often raises fifty bushels of corn to the acre and 1,500 pounds of cotton. His wife, formerly Miss Eliza- beth Ridgway, was born in Alabama, and is the mother of five sons and two daughters: Osborne, Boone, Reuben, Mary, James, Riley and Linnie. The two eldest sons are married, Osborne being a resident of Texas, and Boone residing on a farm near his father. Mr. Castleberry is a member of Spring Hill Lodge, of the A. F. & A. M. He is a liberal supporter of public enterprises, and is anxious to see capital come to Johnson County. -.j>v , 4« — «>■ 294 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ^ D. N. Clark is the highly competent and paius taking clerk of the circuit court of Johnson County, Ark., and here he first saw the light of day in 1841, being the seventh of twelve children born to the marriage of David B. Clark and Ann T. Moon, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Virginia. The paternal grandfather was born in either Ireland or Virginia, Imt the mother's father is known to have been a Virginian by birth, who became an early emigrant to Kentucky. D. B. Clark was reared on a farm in the Blue-Grass re- gions of his native State, but as early as 1829, be- came a resident of the State of Arkansas, and for four years was a resident of Arkansas Post; he re- sided the same length of time at Pine BlufP, and on January 1, 1837, landed at Spadra Bluff, in Johnson County, and entered land three miles east of Clarksville, where he made his home for thir- teen years. In 1850 he bought a farm of 160 acres, on the river three miles south of Clarksville, and on this farm was residing at the time of his death in 1866, his widow passing to her long home in 1871, both having been members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church for many years. Mr. Clark was al- ways interested in the cause of education, and for a long time was superintendent of public instruc- tion, which office he was holding at the time of his death. He was also an earnest worker in church matters, and for a long time was class-leader. Of the family born to himself and wife, only the im- mediate subject of this sketch and two brothers are living, D. N. Clark received the early advantages which are usually given the farmer's boy and until 1861, he made his home with his parents. He then went to Desha County and opened a store at Red Fork, and in December of that year he enlisted in Company C, Sixteenth Regiment Arkansas Infant- ry, under Col. John F. Hill of Johnson County and on December 5, 1861, left home for the front. He was in the battle of Pea Ridge, and from there went east of the Mississippi River, taking part in the engagements at Farmington, Tuka and Corinth. He was then transferred to Port Hudson, La., where he endured the siege, and where he was taken prisoner on July 8, 1863, being one of forty volunteers to make a charge on the outside works. He was paroled and sent to Natchez, Miss., and from that place walked home to Clarksville. About October 1 he joined Col. O. Bacham's battalion, and went to the parol-camp at Washington, Ark., and was there exchanged in January, 1864; then placed in Gen. Docken's brigade, and in the en- gagements at Poison Springs, Mark's Mill and Jenkins' Perry. At the close of the war he was at Marshall, Tex. For one year following the close of the war he taught school, then began clerking in Clarksville, and in October, 1869, started a gun store in that town in partnership with another gen- tleman, the name of the firm being D. N. Clark & Co., which connection lasted until 1872, when the firm was dissolved. The name was then changed to Clark & May, and lasted during 1872- 73. After the dissolution of this connection Mr. Clark once more resumed clerking, but at the end of one year once more entered business, and after being associated with a Mr. Miller for one year, he purchased his partner's interest and continued alone until 1884, when his brother became his partner, the firm name being D. N. Clark & Bro. until the spring of 1886, when it was discontinued. In 1888 Mr. Clark was elected circuit and county clerk of Johnson County, and was re-elected in 1890. He was married in 1884 to Miss Dollie McLeod, a daughter of Alexander A. McLeod of South Carolina, and afterward moved to Hot Springs. This lady lived only five months, dying July 4, 1884. Mr. Clark has been an active worker for the Democratic party, and is a member of Framply Lodge No. 9, of the A. F. & A. M., Clarksville Chapter No. 49, and Ward Council No. 9, of that place. He also belongs to Ezel Lodge of the I O. O. F. and the K. of H. James G. Coffee has been a resident of this county from his birth, which occuri>ed on December 25, 1845, to Melvin and Jane (Laster) Coffee, the former of whom was born in Jackson County, Ala., and the latter in Tennessee. Mrs. Coffee came with her parents to Arkansas, when quite small, and here she was married in 1843, to Mr. Coffee, by whom she became the mother of two children: James G. and Melvina P., who first married Mas ton Roy, and after his death, which occurred -r ^4h '1 14* JOHNSON COUNTY. 295 shortly after their marriage, she was wedded to John Laster and bore him nine children, her death occurring in 1888, they being residents of Indian Territory, at the time of her death. Melvin Coffee was a soldier in the Mexican War and died while in the service, after which his widow married J. C. Baskin, about 1848, and to them five children were born. Mr. Baskin entered the Confederate Army at the opening of the war and was serving in South Arkansas, when he died in 1864 Mrs. Baskin then married T. M. Baskin, a half-brother of her second husband, by whom she became the mother of two children. He died in 1889, but she is still living. James G. Coffee was also in the Confederate Army, enlisting in 1861, in Company C, of the Sixteenth Arkansas Infantry, under Col. John F. Hill, and in 1862, went east of the Mis- sissippi River and took part in the fight at Corinth, and many others. He was discharged at Port Hudson, having served out his time of enlistment, and being under age was permitted to return home in March, 1863, but re-enlisted in the fall of the same year under Gen. Cabel. He was with Price on his Missouri raid, and while passing through Arkansas and near his old home he obtained a short furlough, but while visiting his people he was captured at Clarksville and was taken to Fort Smith, where he was paroled, soon after which the war terminated. He then turned his attention to farming immediately afterward and was married, in 1867, to Miss Clementine Harkreader, a daugh- ter of Samuel and Nancy Harkreader of Johnson County, and three children were born to them: Dee Buchanan (the eldest, a lovely boy, died in 1876, at the age of eight years), Edna A. and Lester M. Their mother's death occurred in 1882 and Mr. Coffee's second union took place in 1883, the maiden name of his wife being Miss Sallie A. Powell, a daughter of the Rev. John A. Powell, of Tennessee. Three children were born to this mar- riage: Harland, Dessie D. and Effie C. Mr. Coffee owns a farm of 300 acres, with 100 under cultivation eight miles northwest of Clarks\ ille, on Horsehead Creek, and on this land cotton and grain are raised, considerable attention being also given to the raising of stock. He is one of Johnson County's most highly- respected citizens and prosperous farmers, and as he started in life, with no means the first time he was married, what he has, has been accumulated during this time by his own earnest endeavors. He, his wife and Edna are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and they also belong to the Eastern Star Chapter Lodge, Mr. Coffee being a member of the Masonic fraternity. He has always been truly public spirited, and he and his estimable wife dispense such true hospitality that it is the delight of their friends to visit them. E. C. Estep is a man who has brought energy, skill and perseverance to bear in the conduct and management of his farm, and as a result is the owner of 280 acres, a portion of which he has been the owner since September, 1889. He has 112 acres improved, 50 of which he rents, and on this he has a good tenant house and other build- ings. He was born February 4, 1851, in Madison County, Ark., and as he was compelled to labor quite hard on the home farm, and on account of the opening of the Rebellion, his opportunities for acquiring an education were quite limited. In 1871 he began doing for himself on rented land, continuing six years, then purchased the place where he now lives which comprises 160 acres, 42 of which he has improved. On this he has erected a good residence, barns, etc. , and now has the most of his land under fence. His principal crops are corn, cotton and oats, and as he works his home place himself he is doing well, and is usually ahead of his work. He has a fine tame- grass pasture, and on his home place is an excellent young apple orchard, which supplies him with fruit through the summer season. In 1871 he was mar- ried to Miss Rachel Chambers of Ohio, and their union has resulted in the birth of the following three children: Thomas J., Enoch A. and Linnie J., all of whom are at home, and two attending the dis- trict school. It is the intention of their parents to send them to higher institutions of learning when they attain a suitable age. Mr. Estep is liberal in his patronage of public affairs, and is anxious to see the country more fully developed, doing all in his power to bring about the desired result. He seems V -^jj-j — w. -< 9 iL 290 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. by nature to have been especially designed to be a planter, for be not only likes the work but thor ougbly understands it, and as a result has met with a degree of success that is highly flattering. He is a member of Spring Hill lodge, A. F. & A. M. William 0. Garrett (deceased). The career of this gentleman was closed in the year 1887, he having been one of the most useful, enterprising and energetic farmers of this section. He was a South Carolinian by birth, and in September, 1828, came with his father to Arkansas, settling with him on a farm in Johnson County, where he ac- quired an excellent insight into the details of agri- culture. At the age of twenty years he began doing for himself, renting a part of his father's land, and at the age of twenty three years was married, and purchased a farm in this township, on which he resided for six years, greatly improving it during this time. At the end of this time he sold his farm and moved onto the old homestead, to manage that and care for his aged jiarents, and here he was residing at the time of his death. Besides his wife, whom he married when she was fifteen years of age, he left a family of eleven children to mourn their loss, five of whom are living at home with their mother, and the rest earning their own living. Mrs. Garrett now has the farm under her management, and although it consists of 340 acres, and keejjs her fully employed, she yet looks after affairs in an admirable manner, and has shown that she is a woman perfectly caj)able of business. The land is situated two and one-half miles west of Clarksville, and is one of the neatest and most fertile places in this section of the country. Mrs. Garrett's maiden name was Martha J. Lemons, a native of Arkansas, and a daughter of Samuel Lemons. She is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and is a lady [)ossessing true Christian principles. She has cared for the children left to her care in a noble manner, and tried to fit them for the duties of life by giving them good educations. Three of her sons were in the Confederate Army, one died when a prisoner at Alton, another was killed in Missouri while with Gen. Price on his raid, and the other returned home, and is now living at Clarksville. J. B. Green is one of the prosperous merchants of Coal Hill, Ark., and as he carries an excellent line of general goods, and has always proved him- self the soul of honor in his dealings with the pub- lic, he commands a fair share of the trade in this section. He was born in Alabama in 1845, being the eldest of seven children, born to William and Sarah (Moselej') Green, the former of whom was born in Alabama and the latter in South Carolina. The father was an agriculturist by occupation, and in 1870 came to Arkansas, and settled north of Coal Hill in Johnson County, where he passed from life in 1879, his widow's death occurring in 1887. J. B. Green was brought up to farm life in his native State, and there he acquired a fair edu cation in the common schools. On September 14, 1863, he enlisted in the Union Army in Company H, First Alabama Cavalry, and was in the battle of Vincent's Cross Roads, where he was taken prisoner, but soon managed to make his escape. After the war was over he continued to till the soil until 1870, at which time he came to Arkansas and settled in Johnson County, where he has been en- gaged in farming. In 1879 he went back to Ala- bama, and after another six years of farming in that State he came back to Coal Hill. He followed the calling of a clerk until 1889, then engaged with partners in general merchandising himself, but since October, 1890, has been in business alone. He is occupying a large store, and is carry- ing an excellent line of goods, worth at least $3,000. His annual sales amount to about 114,000. He has been married twice, first to Miss Catherine Brinton, March 8, 1865, who was born in Alabama, and died on May 5, 1887. To them six children have been born: Oliver (born August 9, 1867, and died October 16, 1876), Benjamin E. (born July 21, 1870), Mary R.(born January 21, 1874), Thomas B. (born January 21, 1876), Aeicy Malvina (born February 21, 1878, and died October 16, 1880). and Sarah Alice (who was born March 12, 1881' and died September 21, 1884). Mr. Green's second marriage took place July 3, 1887, his wife being Miss M. B. Peck, a native of Georgia. The family of Mr. Green belong to the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F. 71^ r JV ±=fl iA JOHNSON COUNTY. 297 John R. Hickey is a man who has attained con- siderable prominence in the affairs of Johnson County, Ark., for he is a man of excellent parts and has shown good judgment and tact in the management of his farm, in connection with which he operates a cotton-gin. He is a Tennesseean, born in 1824, a son of James and Nancy (Baker) Hickey who removed from their native State of Tennessee to Arkansas in 1831, settling lirst in what is known as Bullfrog Valley, so called after an Indian chief of that name. They lived at this place for about four years, then came to the farm on which the subject of this sketch is now living on Little Piney Creek. At the age of twenty-one years John R. Hickey began doing for himself, and soon after enlisted in E. W. Patrick's com- pany, Yell's regiment, and served iu the Mexican War until its close, taking part in the battle of Buena Vista, the hardest battle of the war. At the end of twelve months he and his company were discharged, the term of enlistment having expired, and he returned to his home. In 1849 he was married to Miss Margaret Macon, who was born in Arkansas in 1834, to Abner and Elizabeth (Vaughn) Macon, by which lady he became the father of the following children: Alvin H., James M. (deceased), Sarah Elizabeth, C. M., Malinda A., G. A., William J., A. N., Nancy J. and John M. Mr. Hickey' s first purchase of land was 280 acres, 100 aci'es of which he improved and upon which he built a house, barn, other farm buildings, a scbool-hoase, and a church. This tract of land he afterward sold, and now conducts a farm of forty acres, in connection with which he is doing a ginning and milling business, his mill being run by water power. The capacity of his gin is six bales per day, and that of his mill eighty bushels of corn. Upon the opening of the Rebellion he enlisted in Capt. Hughey's battalion, and served until the war closed, when he returned home. He was quartermaster- sergeant of his company, and was in a number of important battle's, among which may be mentioned the fights at Blackburn and Prairie du Chien. He was married to his present wife in 1882, she being Mrs. Polly A. Murray, relict of Henry Murray. R. C. Highfill is noted for the enterprise and energy which he has displayed in the management of his farm, and his earnest and sincere endeavors to make a success of the talents which have been given him. are well worthy of imitation. He was born in West Tennessee, August 6, 1828, and, be- sides acquiring a practical education, he became thoroughly familiar with the duties of agricultural life on his father's farm. At the age of twenty years he began doing for himself, renting a farm iu Dallas Coimty, Ark., for three years, but at the end of this time removed to Missouri and made a purchase of 160 acres of land on which some im- provements had been made. After remaining on this farm for eighteen years he came to Johnson I County, Ark., and bought 160 acres of land near where he now lives, which he owned, improved and cultivated for eleven years, but has since resided on his present farm of 452 acres, about one-half of which is rich bottom land. His house and barns are substantial buildings, and near the former is an excellent apple and }>each orchard. He was mar- ried in 1848 to Miss Elizabeth Rodgers, of Tennes- see, and by her has three daughters and two sons, all of whom are married and settled near the old homestead. Mr. Highfill is a Baptist, in which church he has held the ofBce of deacon for many years, but his wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a stanch Republican in his political views, and during the Rebellion was a member of the Union Army, enlisting in 1802, and I serving until the close of the war, taking part iu j the battles of Prairie Grove, Cleriugton, and many skirmishes. He was a member of Company A, Eighth Missouri Cavalry. His home is a hospit- able and pleasant one, and, as he and his wife are liberal in their support of worthy enterprises, such as churches, schools, etc. , and are charitable to the poor, they have won the admiration and respect from all who know them. Marcus Hill is a Tennesseean by birth, born in the year 1826, and, so far as his occupation in life is concerned, he has followed in his father's foot- steps, and is a worthy and upright tiller of the soil. In 1831 he came with his parents, Mark and Rachel Hill, to Johnson County, Ark., from Tennessee, -^|>V 9]^ * 298 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and here he arrived at man's estate, but on ac- count of the newness of the country received rather meager educational advantages. He commenced earning his own living in 1847, but put aside his farming implements to enlist in the Mexican War, and after serving for about ten months was honor- ably discharged. In 1863 he enlisted in the Con- federate Army, and was on active duty until the close of the war, when he returned home, and re- sumed farming, being now in good circumstances, financially. He was first married to Miss Eliza Jones, a daughter of F. K. and Sarah E. Jones, by whom he became the father of the following children: James, W. A., R. S. , Lafayette, Emeline and E. L. The first named three are dead. The mother of these children was called from the scene of her earthly labors in 1860, and Mr. Hill was afterward married to Miss Melissa Thomason, to which union the following child was born, J. D. (who died at the age of foui'teeu years). Mr. Hill's third union was to Miss Susan Davis, she being a daughter of W. A. and Winnie Hill, and in time their family numbered eight children: M. A., J. H. (deceased), W. O., E. A., L. N., W. R., Maggie and P. K. Mr. Hill has always been a very strong Democrat, and he and his family are earnest mem- bers of the United Baptist Church. As a citizen Mr. Hill has always been public spirited and law- abiding, and as he at all times endeavors to do what he considers right, he is meeting with a just reward, and has the utmost confidence and respect of all who know him. A. B. Hillmantle is a man who is noted for the enterprise and energy he has displayed in the management of his farm, and although it contains only 200 acres, 120 are under cultivation, admira- bly tilled, and yield abundant and excellent crops. He was born in Shiawassee County, Mich., in Jan- nary, 1855, being a sou of J. N. and Margaret (Clees) Hillmantle, both of whom were native Ger- mans, the father coming to this country alone, and the mother with her parents. At a later period the paternal grandfather came to this country also, and died in Michigan about 1862, his wife having pre- viously passed from life in Germany. A. B. Hill- mantle was the tliird in a familj of ten children — five sons and five daughters — and all with the ex- ception of three are living, and are residents of Michigan, with the exception of A. B. One brother, J. M. , is a tailor of Traverse City, and another brother, Alex, is farming with his father in that State; Susan is married to Thomas Dyer, a farmer of Michigan; Hannah is the wife of George Wisler, and Louis and Rose are still single. A. B. Hillmantle is the only one of the family in Arkansas, having come here in January, 1878, and was here married to Miss Anna Henry, a daughter of G. C. and Mary Henry, their union taking place in 1879. They now have three children: J. N. , Louis H. and Bessie B., who are bright and prom- ising. Mr. Hillmantle is the owner of considerable property, and has done well in his adopted State, so well in fact, that here he expects to make his home for the future. His farm is rented out, and his attention is devoted to merchandising at Hart- man, his stock of general merchandise being valued at about $6,000. He also owns residence property in the town worth $500. He is one of the substan- tial citizens and business men of Hartman, and the post-office, which is kept in his store, is managed by G. C. Henry, who is postmaster, and the father- in-law of Mr. Hillmantle. The latter and his wife are members of the Catholic Church. H. H. Holland is a Georgian, born in Decem- ber, 18-10, and like the majority of the natives of that State, he is progressive in his views and of an energetic tempei'ament. His parents, Gilbert and Mary Ann (Mitchell) Holland, as well as his grandparents, were born in Tennessee, the mar- riage of the former occurring in that State, but soon after the event they removed to Georgia, and from there came to Johnson County, Ark., in 1843. Their family, in time, numbered five sons and five daughters, the subject of this sketch being the fourth in order of birth. His father died in 1852, but he continued to make his home with his mother until he attained his majority, when he began life for himself as a farmer. He was mar- ried in 1871 to Miss Caroline Rogers, a daughter of Joseph Rogers, of Logan County, and unto them two children were born: Fanny and William B. Mr. Holland owns 170 acres of laud, with V \h JOHNSON COUNTY. 299 ninety uuder cultivation, two miles south of Hart- man in the river bottom, the income from which is liberal. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1801, in Capt. Howell's artillery company, under Gen. Cooper, and was on active duty west of the Mississippi River all the time, participating in the fight at Newtonia, Mo., in October, 1862, being also at Fort Wayne, Cabin Creek, and in a number of other engagements. His company was dis- banded in Texas in the spring of 1865, after which he returned to Johnson County, Ark., and here has since resided, his occupation being that of farming. Although his early opportunities were not good, he is one of the best informed men of this section, which result has been brought about by reading and contact with business life, and he is a liberal contributor to worthy enterprises. His mother is still living at the age of eighty-three years, and is making her home with her son, J. M. Holland, in Hunt County, Tex. Seth J. Howel is a very highly esteemed old resident of Clarksville, Ark., and during the long term of years that he has resided in this section he has never been known to do a dishonest act, or to willfully defraud his fellow-man. He was born in Logan County, Ky. , in 1810, to John Howel, who came to Arkansas on January 2, 1837, and died in Yell County ten years later, being a resident of the town of Danville at that time. Seth J. Howel wag educated in Kentucky and from 1840 to 1863 he sold goods at Pittsburgh on the Arkansas River, but moved, at the close of the war, to Little Rock, and farmed near that place. He was married in 1831 to Miss Willis, of Kentucky, but while a resident of Little Rock in 1867. she left him a widower with two children to care for: John, who is now a stock-raiser of Madison County, Tex. , and Sarah, widow of Mr. Jordan, of that place. Mr. Howel was married, a second time, in 1870, to Mrs. Willis, a widow of the brother of his first wife, and in the spring of the same year came back to Clarks- ville and erected the residence in which he is now spending a serene old age. He and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and throughout his life he has been quite an active politician, being deeply interested in all the im- portant movements of the times. He was a dele- gate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1874, and is an earnest advocate of Prohibition, and has done much to aid the cause of temperance in his town. He is the first man who drove a coach on this road, and also the first one to bring a Troy coach to the town. On his arrival in this place iu 1837, there was but one house in what is now the fiourishing town of Clarksville, and as he has re- sided here the greater part of his life, he has seen almost the entire growth and development of this section. He was in the coach mail business from Little Rock to Fort Smith for twenty years, the name of his partner being Peter Hanger. A. G. Hughes belongs to that sturdy, independ- ent and honorable class, the farmers of Johnson County, Ark., and as he has been engaged in fol- lowing the plow from youth up, he has become the owner of 160 acres of excellent farming laud, and of the 140 acres that he has under fence he has 125 acres cleared. He was born in Tennessee in 1834 to Sumler and Katie (White) Hughes, the former of whom was born in the Old North State and the latter in Tennessee. After attaining his majority A.G. Hughes continued in his father's em- ploy until the opening of the war, when he enlisted as a private in Company F, Jackson's regiment of cavalry, and was afterward a participiant in the bat- tles of Corinth, Franklin, Vicksburg besides a number of other engagements of minor importance. He was captured at Corinth, but managed to effect his escape, and was there also wounded in the knee by a spent ball. After his return from the war he followed farming, first on his father's land, af- terward on rented land, then made a purchase of sixty five acres, to which he has since added thirty- five acres, and of which he is still the owner. He came to Arkansas in 1880, and purchased the land above mentioned, to which ho has since added forty acres of fine and fertile bottom land. He raises, corn, wheat, cotton, oats and red top grass, and is now giving considerable of his time and attention to the culture of fruit. He has averaged on his land thirty-five bushels of corn and 1,000 pounds of seed cotton to the acre, a fact that speaks well for the fertility of his property. He was married 9 Sb^ 'h 300 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. in 1802 to Miss Sallie Smothers, a native of Ten- nessee, born in 1843, a daughter of Tom and Sal- lie (White) Smothers, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of South Carolina. Mr. Hughes and his wife have four children: John W. , Thomas S., Katie and Malinda, all of whom are at home with their parents. The entire family are worthy members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Hughes is a deacon. He at all times takes a great interest in church and edu- cational matters, and for many years has been a teacher in the Sunday-school, and for the past three years has been assistant superintendent. He is a man of unblemished reputation, and is well known for his shrewd and practical views of life and for his many amiable traits of character. So- cially he is a member of the K. & L. of H. P. R. Jett is a merchant of Knoxville Station, but was born in Tennessee on September 30, IS-t-l, being a son of T. R. and Margaret C. (Utley) Jett, the former born in Virginia March 15, 1815, and the latter in Tennessee, January 23, 1820, their union taking place in Benton County, Tenn., ill 1813, and resulting in the birth of four children: P. R., W. S., P. H., and Dee L. (wife of G. K. Choat). Mr. Jett was surveyor of Yell County, Ark., for four years, and by calling was a lawyer and school teacher, following the latter occupation in Prairie and this county, and the former in Pope and Johnson Counties. The father removed from Tennessee to Arkansas in 184U, and during his residence in Pi'airie County took quite an active part in politics, and was a warm friend of Thomas C Hindsmau, a member of Congress. His wife is is still living in this county. P. R. Jett was married iu this county in 1869 (Septemlier 30), to Miss M. J. E. Craig, who was born in Kentucky, September 20, 1845, and came with her parents to Arkansas in 1859. Mr. Jett and his wife have had eight chil- dren born them: Minnie, Maggie, Viola D. and S. P. living and four deceased. Mr. Jett was a sold- ier in the Civil War, being a member of Company A, First Arkansas Cavalry in 1803, and was in the battles of Corinth and Vicksburg. He was with Gen. Price on his raid, was on active duty until the close of the war when he returned home and en- gaged in farming, a calling he followed until 1887, when he engaged in merchandising, carrying a general stock of goods. He has a pretty and com- modious frame dwelling-house, and he is otherwise well lixed to enjoy life. He and his wife have been members of the Baptist Church since 1873, and until 1889 he was clerk of the church. He was elected justice of the peace of this township in 1878, and in this capacity has served, ever since, and for some twelve years has been a school di- rector also. He is a member of Knoxville Lodge No. 370, of the A. F. & A. M. and also belongs to Knoxville Lodge No. 30, of the I. O. O. F. Dudley S. Jones is a native of Person County, N. C, born on April 14, 1830, but is now one of the first citizens of Stonewall Township, Johnson County, Ark., where he is actively and success- fully engaged in agricultural pursuits. His par- ents, Clayton and Mary (Johnson) Jones, were born in North Carolina and reared a family of three sons and three daughters, of whom Dudley S. was the eldest, five being now alive. When he was twenty-one years of age Dudley S. Jones rented part of his father's farm, but at the end of two years moved to Arkansas, purchasing a farm of eighty acres near Spadra, which he im- proved and upon which he remained until Febru- ary, 1800, when he sold out and bought his present farm of eighty acres, of which he has fifty acres improved and under cultivation. He continued to make purchases of land at different times, so that he was enabled as his four childi-en married, to give each forty acres, and is now the possessor of 260 acres, his home farm consisting of IGO acres. He has 200 acres improved with substantial buildings and has 100 acres near Clarksville. His land is devoted to the raising of cotton, corn and oats, forty acres being this year given to cotton, and twenty-eight acres to corn. He is also interested in raising horses of a good grade, and iu fact, is thoroughly up with the times in every branch of his business. Near his residence is a good apple and peach orchard which is well kept, and every- thing about his place indicates thrift and energy. Mr. Jones was married August 19, 1855, to Miss Elizabeth Dunning, a daughter of John Dunning, \^. JOHNSON COUNTY. 301 this county, and the result of their union is three sons and one daughter: John T. , Henry W. , Mary R. H. and James C, all of whom are married and settled on adjoining farms. Mr. Jones is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian, and his wife of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has been a dea- con of his church for twenty'- two years, and socially is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , and in his political views is a Democrat. He has always been noted for his liberality, and for his broad and comprehensive views on all subjects. Henry KaufFeld is a native of Germany, born in 1842, and came to America in 18r>4, settling in Shelby County, Ohio, where he followed the occupation of farming until the opening of the war, when he enlisted under Fremont as his body guard, being a member of the Benton Cadets. For disability he was discharged in 18B'2, and here was married in 1865 to Miss Elizabeth Zorn, who was born in Ohio in 1845. He began tilling his eighty- acre farm which was improved, and on account of his health came to Arkansas in the fall of 1883 and in this climate he has been greatly benefited. Upon reaching this State he purchased 100 acres of land which he has improved by clearing and repairing, and by building additions to his house and other buildings, he now has a desirable place of abode. To himself and wife ten children were born, eight of whom are now living: Annie M. (wife of Frank Doepel), Mary S., Christian E. , Henry J.. Martha A. and Caroline M. (twins), William V. F. and Jacob Henry, who is the eldest of the children. Mr. Kautfeld held the ofiSce of road supervisor in Ohio for several terms, was township trustee sev- eral terms and township assessor two years. Sincfe coming to Arkansas he has been repeatedly solicit- ed to run for justice of the peace, but refused until 1888, when he was elected, and in 1890 received sixty-six out of seventy-five votes in his township. He is now serving as a member of the school board of which he is clerk. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, in which he has held the office of trustee for three years, and he is considered one of this church's most faithful workers. He is now turning the most of his attention to the culture of fruit, for which his land is admirably adapted, and raises largo quantitie.s of apples, peaches and grapes. J. M. Kelly has been a resident of Johnson County, Ark., for the past forty-six years, and like most of the noted figures of American history, he was reared upon the farm. His birth occurred in Missouri in 1837, to Daniel and Elizabeth (Monroe) Kelly, the former a native of Alabama, and the latter of Missouri, their marriage taking place in the eastern portion of the last named State. Of a family of eight children born to them the follow- ing are living: Rachel M. A., Lydia Priscilla, and J. M. (who was the youngest of the family). After coming to Arkansas the family settled in what is now known as Hagarville, which was then but a settlement without a name, but soon after went to Little Piney, where Mr. Kelly rented land and be- gan tilling the soil. When the subject of this sketch was about fifteen years of age his father be- came crippled from a fall from a horse, and he then became the mainstay of the family, his slender shoulders being the only barrier between the fam- ily and utter want. He carried on his father's business until he was twenty three years of age, at which time he was married to Miss Rachel L. Stewart, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Joseph and Almira (Rogers) Stewart. Mr. Kelly, in 1872, purchased a claim and homesteaded 160 acres of land where he now lives, of which he has about 45 acres improved with fair buildings. His principal crops are cotton, corn, and some oats and wheat, and of the former raises from one-half to two-thirds of a bale per acre, and from twenty-five to thirty bushels of corn. He also gives some at- tention to fruit raising and the propagation of stock. He and his wife have a family of six chil- dren living: Jordina (wife of C. L. Bacchus), Ira Albert and Ida Alice (twins, the latter the wife of W. T. Curtis), Laura (wife of J. W. Harmon), Hester H. (wife of S. M. Curtis), and Sarah C. Upon the opening of the Rebellion Mr. Kelly helped to swell the ranks of the Confederate Army, becoming a member of Company C, Fourteenth Arkansas Infantry, of which he was elected orderly- sergeant, it being afterward consolidated with other regiments, and became the Twenty-first .v^ ♦iffe=±= 302 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. *>2 ,3 ' Arkansas Infantry. Mr. Kelly took part in the battle of Pilot Kaob, and numerous minor engage- ments and skirmishes, in the above mentioned battle receiving quite a severe wound in the face. In 1886 he was elected to the office of county sur- veyor, serving one term, but in 1890 was elected county assessor, and for some time has also held the office of school director of the Fifth District — fifteen years. At the time that he became director the district was a very large one, containing four log structures, which, as Mr. Kelly says, would make a shade but not a shelter. By his efforts the district was divided, so that now, instead of hav- ing a two months' school each alternate year, they have seven or eight months each year, and have, in all probability, as good school-houses as there are in the State. Mr. Kelly has always taken a deep interest in the cause of education, and the present excellent state of the schools of this section has been brought about largely through his efforts. He is interested in all matters pertaining to the public weal, and is an upright citizen in every respect. Jonathan King has followed the occupation of planting for many years in Pittsburg Township, Johnson County, Ark. , but is a native of Tennes- see, his birth occurring on October 7, 1828, to William and Nancy (13erry) King, who were born in Sullivan County, Tenn. , and were married in Dickson County, of the same State, their union resulting in the birth of eleven children —nine sons and two daughters — of which family six members are now living: Jonathan, William S., Newton J., Thomas J., Sidney A. and Mary I. (wife of Larkin McCarley). Those deceased are: Harney, James E., Benjamin D., Leander L. and Francis J. The father of these chiiden removed to Arkansas in 1830, and settled on a tract of land in Johnson County, which he improved greatly, and on which he resided until his death in 1801, being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, his wife also belonging to that church, and dying in 1875, Jonathan King was married in Sullivan County, Tenn., April 11, 1850, to Miss Elizabeth A. Hall, born in Sullivan County, January 2, 1830, to S. D. and Jane (Stevens) Hall, who were born in Ten- nessee, and became the parents of six children, live now living: Elizabeth A. (Mrs. King), Hugh C. (deceased), Eleanor J. (wife of William Boy), James F., Samuel S. , and Sarah R. (wife of N. P. Chedister). Mr. Hall died in Tennessee, in 1842, and his widow in 1888, Ijoth members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. King have eight children living: Eleanor F. (wife of John C. Burch), William S., Tennessee R. (wife of Samuel L. Southerland), Belvadurah E., J. L., James P., Sarah T., Nancy J. and Adeline E. (deceased). Mr. King was a soldier in the Confederate Army during the war, enlisting in the cavalry in 1862 under Col. Hill, and taking part in the battles of Little Missouri, Poison Springs, Mark's Mill and Pilot Knob. In the last named battle he received a gunshot wound in the right side of the head, the ball entering just back of the ear, and coming out at the cheek bone. He was paroled at Richmond, Va., April 28, 1865, immediately returned home and once more turned his attention to farming, be- ing now the owner of 260 acres of good land with 150 under cultivation, on which is an excellent young fruit orchard of apple and peach trees. In 1884 he built an excellent frame residence, and has it nicely finished both inside and out. He and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. H. Laster. Tennessee has given to Arkan- sas many estimable citizens, but she has contributed none more highly respected, or, for conscientious discharge of every duty in every relation of life, more worthy of respect and esteem than is the sub- ject of this sketch. He was born in Wilson County, in 1820, but since 1831 has been a resident of Arkansas, and since 1837 of Johnson County. His parents, Frederick and Nancy (Smith) Laster, were born in the Palmetto State, and as early as 1810, became residents of the State of Tennessee, where they continued to reside, engaged in agricultural pursuits, until 1831, when they located in Lawrence County, Ark., their declining years being spent, however, in Johnson County. Here, J. H. Laster has since made his home, and although he attended the common schools in this and his native State, it was only for a short time each year, consequently his knowledge did not extend far beyond the three \ 4 * L> JOHNSON COUNTY. 303 R's. He helped to build the first school house that was ever erected in Johnson County. When he had attained his twentieth year he began making his own way in the world, and farming and tan- ning have been his chief calling ever since, in each of which he has been reasonably successful. He served in the Confederate A.rmy during the Re- bellion, serving from 1863 till the close of the war, being wounded in the shoulder in April, 1864, at Marks' Mil'. He was married in September, 1841, to Miss Sarah A. Patrick, daughter of John W. and Susan (Lee) Patrick, and unto them the follow- ing children were born: John R. (deceased), Abe, Rebecca, Emily C. , Julia A., Susan (deceased), Jane, Seth P., Seldom L. (deceased), James D. (deceased). Bell and Lou. The children that are living are married with the exception of Seth P. Mr. Laster and his sons are Democrats, and he and his wife and children are members in good standing of the Presbyterian Church. James M. Laster is a native of the county in which he is now residing, his birth having oc- curred in the month of November, 1840, to Abram and Nancy (Pucket) Laster, the former of whom was born in North Carolina, and there lived until he was about six years old, when he was taken by his parents to Tennessee, where he grew to man- hood and was married in 1824, the State of Ten- nessee being his wife's birthplace. In 1831 they removed to Arkansas Territory, being among the 'pioneer settlei-s of the country, and Mr. Laster was one of the commissioners that located the county seat when Johnson County was organized. He was a worthy tiller of the soil for many years, and the farm on which the immediate subject of this sketch is now residing is the old homestead. To them eleven children were born: James, Melissa, Hester Ann, Mary, Thomas, Prances, Washington, Jane, Robert, James M., and one child that died in infancy, unnamed. The father of these children died in 1862, and his widow in 1865. In 1859 James M. Laster was married to Miss Sarah, a daughter of Mrs. Nanc}^ Sarles of Sebastian County, and in time their children numbered ten: Elizabeth, (be- came the wife of Dr. J. W. Ogilvie, and lived nineteen months after her marriage, bearing one child, a boy, Benton L. ; she died on August 20, 1888), Anna (was married in 1887, to Hugh Wil- son, who was killed in 1888, by being caught in a cotton-gin; seven months after his death his wife gave birth to a little daughter whom she named Hughie after her father, and after the child had lived to be three years old she was taken ill and died), Robert, Frank, Thomas, Lou, Augusta, Fanny, Earl and Conley. Mr. Laster went into the Confederate Army, under the conscription law, June, 1S62, serving until the summer of the fol- lowing year, and in the following September joined the United States Army, becoming a mem- ber of Company A, Second Arkansas Infantry, under Col. Stevenson, and was on duty in his own State during the remainder of the war. 'He was on the Camden raid with Gen. Steele, and in a number of quite important engagements. He was mustered into the army as orderly-sergeant, and in June, 1862, was promoted to second lieutenant. He was discharged at Clarksville in August, 1865, after which he immediately returned home and re- sumed farming, for the past ten years being also engaged in operating a cotton-gin, owning a half interest in a gin with J. K. Baskin. He is the owner of 265 acres of land with 100 under cultiva- tion, and has always been one of Johnson County's most highly-respected citizens and successful farmers. He is a member of the Royal Arch degree of Masons at Clarksville, and the Blue Lodge at Harmony. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Eastern Star Lodge that meets at Har- mony, and both belong to the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, and are generous givers to en- terprises of a worthy nature. M. N. Lee has for some years devoted his at- tention to the raisii]g of fruit in connection with farming, and being a man of energetic tempera- ment and progressive in his views, he has made a success of both callings. He was born in this State in 1853 to William J. and Celia (Cooper) Lee, the birth of the former occurring in South Carolina, and that of the latter in Tennessee. Mr. Lee came to Arkansas about 1832, followed by his widow some four years later, and here they were married and began the journey of life together. « k. 304 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. When their son, M. N. Lee, was twenty-one years of age, he began making his own way in the world and also maintained them. In 1880 he purchased eighty acres of railroad land, and of this he now has seventy acres under cultivation, on which is a good house and other buildings. He afterward homesteaded forty acres, upon which he made im- provements, and now has about seventeen acres under fence. He raises considerable corn and cotton, the yield of the former being from thirty to forty acres, and of the latter from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds. From 250 to 300 bushels of Irish potatoes are also raised to the acre, and 200 bushels of sweet potatoes. He is now giving a great deal of his attention to the culture of fruit, at which he is meeting with remarkable success. To the union of our subject and his wife were born six children, all of whom are now living: Josephine, Luella, Walter Scott, Rhoda J., Ida May and Ada. For the past seven years Mr. Lee has served as a member of the school board of his district, and under his directorship, new furniture, of an improved kind, has been introduced into the schools and the school-year lengthened. Mr. Lee has two brothers: Kennedy C. and Ebenezer N. O. C. Ludwig is the editor of the Herald - Journal, one of the best wide-awake, breezy and ably-edited journals of the State. Mr. Ludwig was born in Decatur, Ala., in 1858, being the eld- est of six children born to Frederick and Mary (Hoxter) Ludwig, the former a native of German}' and the latter of Maryland. The father came to the United States at the age of twelve years, being brought there by his parents, and after coming to Arkansas, he followed the calling of a confectioner in Decatur, and died in 1878. He served in the Confederate Army during the Rebellion and did some gallant service for the cause he espoused. His widow survives him. The immediate subject of this sketch attended the schools of Huntsville, Ala., and at the age of sixteen years entered the post-office at Decatur as a clerk, in which capacity he served for three years. At the end of this time he opened a grocery store, which he conducted in a fairly satisfactory manner until 1880, at which time he came to Arkansas and settled at Atkins. At this point he started a commercial business, but soon purchased an interest in the News and for a short time was its owner. After spending a few months at Eureka Spirngs he went to Spring- dale, where he established the Enterprise of that place in 1882, the first paper ever published in the town. After remaining there eighteen months he came, in 1883, to Clarksville, where he founded the Enterprise, a paper he ably and successfully conducted until eighteen months later, when he . sold it and entered the office of the Secretary of State, under E. B. Moore. Six months later he was appointed postmaster at Clarksville, which office he held during Cleveland's administration. He is a stockholder in and has been for a long time editor and business manager of the Herald- Jour- nal. In 1888 he began editing the Arkansan, but stispended it and connected himself with the Her- ald-Journal, but in 1890 resumed the publication of the Arkansan, which he has since continued with success. Mr. Ludwig has been married three times, first in 1880, at Atkins, to Miss Kate Rob- erts, who lived but eighteen months, bearing one child, Katie. His second marriage took place in Springdale in 1883 to Miss Theo Wilson, who died ten months later at Clarksville. His third union was consummated on January 7, 1885, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of A. P. May, of Clarksville. By her he has three children: Mary, Thomas May and Oswald. Mr. Ludwig is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and socially is " a member of Calantha Lodge No. 38, of the K. of P. , in which he is past chancellor. In politics he has always been a stanch Democrat, and has lieen a delegate to several State, congressional and judicial conventions. He is the owner of a good residence and several small lots in Clarks- ville. His worthy wife is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. E. T. McConnell is a merchant and druggist of Clarksville, Ark., and in this county was born on November 20, 1845, being a son of E. E. and Su- san (Sholton) McConnell, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Kentucky. The father was a physician, and came to Arkansas in 1838, settling in this county, and here he prac- :fv: •^ T<2 W. (3 JOHNSON COUNTY. 305 ticed until bis death, in 1858. He, with T. J. Howel, began mercbandising at a place called Pittsbnrg, on the Arkansas River, of which place they were the first merchants, and there they con- tinued to do business until 1847, when he removed to Clarksville, and here started a di'Ug store, the first in the town. His wife, the mother of the sub- ject of this sketch, died on July 4, 1865, a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. E. T. McConnell was reared in Clarksville, educated in the schools of this county and in Little Kock, and on September 13, 1863, enlisted in the Confeder- ate Army in a company raised by his brother, AV. H. McConnell, which was attached to Col. John F. Hill's regiment, and was in numerous engage mentsin this State. At the time of the Missouri campaign he was detailed as a courier, and served as such wholly in this State under Gen. Kirby Smith. He was in Calhoun County at the close of the war, and after the war came back to Clarks- ville, where be followed farming near the town for one year, and then began mail contracting, his route being from Little Rock to Fort Smith, con- tinuing one and one-half years. After clerking for one year he opened a store on Little Piney Creek, and there also farmed for two years. He then bought the drug establishment of Paine & Adkins, in Clarksville, his place of business be- ing the same as where his father opened a drng store in 1847, although the building, which was erected by him, was burned to the ground in I86U. In 1871 E. T. McConnell erected the building in which ho is now doing business, to which he has made additions. He erected a hotel in 1888, and the K. of P. Hall at a later period. He carries a full line of drugs, patent medicines, toilet articles, etc., his stock being valued at from $3,000 to 14,- 000. He is also the owner of three sawmills, and does a wholesale lumber trade, and is land agent for the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad. He has some 3,000 acres of land, with 1,500 under cultivation, on which is a tine residence, and in ad- dition to this he owns twenty other houses in town. In 1878 he was elected sheriff of the county, serv- ing six years, and has also been mayor and coun- cilman of the town. Ho was married on Decem- 20 ber IS, 1873, to Miss Alice A. Porter, of this county, a daughter of William C. Porter, an old pioneer from Kentucky. To them four children have been born : Susie, Hall C. , Maud A. and Imo- gene. Mrs. McConnell is a member of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, and socially Mr. Mc Connell belongs to Calantha Lodge No. 38, of the K. of P., Ezel Lodge of the I. O. O. F., and the K. of H. He has always been an active worker for the Democrat party, and has been chairman for the County Central Committee for the past two years. On one of his farms he has an apple or chard of 2,000 trees, and intends to plant many more. He is a thrifty, industrious citizen in every respect, and would be a decided acquisition to any community in which he might locate. William B. McDaniel is one of tile honest "sons of the soil" of Johnson County, Ark., although his birth occurred in Person County, N. C, in De- cember, 1845, he being a son of James C. and Har- riet J. (Hester) McDaniel, both of whom were born in the Old North State also. They removed to Johnson County, Ark., in 1852 with a family of four children, and four more children were born to them after their settlement in Arkansas: Martha A., William B., John V. and Eliza F., being na- tives of the former State, and Harriet H, Mary J., James L. and Nancy, of this State. Martha mar- ried John King in 1869, he being now a farmer of this county; Eliza married A. A. Garrett, who is the proprietor of a boarding-house at Atlas, Ark., and John V. is in the lumber business in Texa,s. The paternal grandfather of these children was born in Scotland, and at a very early day came to America, his wife coming here from that country also. The maternal grandparents were of Irish descent. The subject of this sketch was married to Miss Elizabeth Ogilvie, a daughter of W. S. Ogilvie of Johnson County, in 1808, and to them three sons and three daughters have been born: Charles M., Mallie J., William C, Anna L., Sybil B. and Ernest L., all of whom are single and liv- ing with their parents. Mr. McDaniel has always been a hard worker, and as he is also a shrewd and careful manager he became the owner of 330 acres of land, 125 acres of which are under cultivation. ^ riV Al*- K* 300 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. In December, 1863, he enlisted in the United States Army in Company K, of the Second Arkansas In- fantry, under Col. Stevenson, and did service in the State altogether. He was with Gen. Steele on the Camden raid, being in the engagement at Jenkins' Ferry. In August, 1805, he was discharged at Clarksville, Ark., after which he returned home and engaged in farming, to which business he has devoted his attention ever since. His wife died November 27, 1887, and ho has since remained a widower. His father and mother died in September, 1863, and in January, 1804, respectively. William Malchow is the postmaster at Luther- ville, but by birth is a German, in which country be received his education and rearing. In 18(')"2 he came to the United States, and after a residence of twenty years/in the State of Wisconsin, de- voted to farming and merchandising, he came to Lutherville, Ark., in March, 1883, and here pur- chased a farm of eighty acres lying west of the town, which he improved, clearing ten acres; also three lots in Block A, upon which he built a house and store-room, the latter being 40x20 feet. In this building he put a general mercantile stock worth about $2,000, and here has successfully hold forth ever since. Besides the property above mentioned he owns two lots in Block E, of Lutherville, and from this property derives sufficient means to sup- ply him with all the necessaries, and many of the luxuries of life. He was married in 1802, just prior to coming to America, to Miss Wilhelmina Handrich, a native of Germany, whose parents are now living in Wisconsin. To this union five chil- dren have been born, three of whom are now living: Albert, Bertha and William. Mr. Malchow was appointed postmaster of Lutherville on January 1, 1880, and has held the position ever since. He was for nine years school director, and during that period was also town tax collector. He and his family are members of the Lutheran Church. He was born in 1839, to Frederick and Caroline Mal- chow, the former of whom was born in 1811 and died in 1885, and the latter, who was also born the same year as her husband, is still residing at Lutherville, Ark. In connection with his mercantile establish- ment Mr. Malchow is giving considerable atten- tion to fruit raising, especially the raising of grapes. The fine orchard which he has, is now six years old and is bearing its second crop of fruit. The trees are bending to the ground beneath their load, but none of the apples are one-sided or blemished, but perfect and sound. Under his methods of culture, trees will yield a good crop in the fifth year. John B. Mann is the well known proprietor of a flourishing livery stable in the town of Clarks- ville, and his birth occurred in this county in 1840, and he has resided here all his life the people have had every opportunity to judge of his char- acter and disposition, and naught but prai.se has ever been said in regard to either. He is the second of six children born to C. B. and Elizabeth (Collins) Mann, who were born in Virginia and Tennessee, respectively. The father came to Ar- kansas at an early day and followed farming for several years. He was very successful in politics, and served as sheriff of the county, which ofilice he was holding at the time of his death in 1856. He had been twice married, his first union result- ing in the birth of two children, both of whom are living. His second wife bore him three children and died in 1881. John B. Mann was reared in Johnson County, and after attending the common schools until he was sixteen years of age, he, in 1868, -enlisted in the Confederate Army in a com- pany organized by his brother, A. T. F. Mann and A. D. King, the latter being chosen captain and the former second lieutenant, and with this com- pany he participated in the battles of Poison Springs and Mark's Mill, being at Marshall, Tex., at the close of the war. The summer following the surrender of Lee Mr. Mann spent in Texas, but in the fall returned to Arkansas, and at once began farming. In 1870 he married Miss Lizzie King, a native of the State and a daughter of Reuben King, an old pioneer still residing in this section. Mr. Mann is the owner of 160 acres of land in Spadra Township, of which 100 acres are under cultivation, but since 1885, when he moved to Clarksville, he has devoted his attention to the livery business. His barn is 70x100 feet, and is well fitted up with good horses and vehicles, the former numbering twelve. He does a general J ^" — ^ [[T JOHNSON COUNTY. 307 transfer business in connection, and is one of the pushing and wide-awake men of the place. He is now engao;ed in erecting a fine residence on the hill in East Clarksville. To his union with Miss King seven children have been born: William C, Mary Virginia, Margaret Estella, Charles Bnchanan- Ella, Emma and Harley. Mrs. Mann is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Mann is a member of Calantha Lodge No. 38, of the K. of P., Ezel Lodge No. 45, of the I. O. O. F., and the K. of H. He is an active worker for the Democratic party, and as he has always been inter- ested in educational matters, he has been a schooj director for several years. John L. Martin, farmer, is well and favorably known to the majority of the residents of this sec- tion. He has resided here over since his birth in 1840, and has been prominently indentified with the farming interests hereabouts, ever since he be- gan doing for himself. His parents, L. A. and Nancy (Laster) Martin, were Tennesseeans and in 1837 went to Johnson County, Ark., where the father followed the occupation of a farmer and cooper, teaching his son the details of these call, ings also. John L. attended school a sufficient length of time to obtain a practical education, and when only nineteen years of age, he started out to make his own way in the world, and by persever- ance, energy and intelligence has become the owner of 180 acres of tine farming land, situated in King Township, about 100 acres of which he has under cultivation. In 1801 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, and served the cause he es- poused faithfully and well until the close of the war. His marriage, which occurred in 1859, was to Miss Permelia Boyer, and the following are the names of the children that have been born to them: William E., Emeline, F. L., Sarah R., Lou (deceased), Orah, James M., Bell, Charles O. , Lillie, Jessie L. , Abe and Newberry (deceased). Mrs. Martin is a daughter of William and Mary (Cooper) Boyer, and she, her husliand and four children are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Everything about Mr. Martin's place shows that he is a man of thrift and indus- try, for his buildings and fences are substantial, and his.land is in an excellent state of cultivation. Among their acquaintances and friends, the respect shown them is in full keeping with their well-estab- lished reputation for hospitality, and their true and sincere cordiality. Mr. Martin is thoroughl}' public spirited, and is also a very liberal contribu- tor to the different enterprises that come before his notice. Rev. H. B. Milner is the editor of the Herald- Journal of Clarksville, Ark., and in 1848 was born in Alabama, being the second of six children born to A. and Mary (Taylor) Milner, who were born in Tennessee and Alabama, respectively, the former a farmer by occupation. In 1852 he removed to Texas, purchased a farm of IfiO acres, on which he lived until his death in 1884. His wife died in 1879, both having been members of the Camber- land Presbyterian Church. Mr. Milner was an office-holder of his county in Texas for many years, being an advocate of educational affairs of all kinds, and for some time was county superintendent of schools and also commissioner. Rev. H. B. Mil- ner was reared in Texas, and was mainly educated, after reaching manhood, in Trinity University, tak- ing a literary course, and in 1870 actively entered upon his study for the ministry, his first preaching being done in 1876, in the eastern part of the State, where he resided imtil 1879, at which time he moved to Paducah, Ky., where he was pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church until 1883. He then came to Russellville, Ark. , at which place he was pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for five years, and editor of the Russell- ville Democrat for live months. Since October 1, 1888, he has resided in Clarksville, at which place he purchased on May 1, 1890, an interest in the Herald Journal, and at once entered upon his du- ties as editor and business manager. He is doing well in this calling, and at all times endeavors to give to the public a paper containing valuable in- formation. He is also pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He was married in 1882 to Miss Bettie Holibs, of Paducah, Ky., who died in 1887, leaving two children: Beulah and Eilah. His second union took place in 1888 to Miss Loula Bonds, of Russellville, and has resulted in the birth Tijv 9 k^ ^ 308 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of one child, Henry Grady. Mr. Milner is one of the leading men of this region, and his many worthy qiialities of head and heart have won for him numerous friends and few enemies. Dr. William C. Montgomery. The name of this gentleman is one of the most respected in this community, and during a residence of over thirty years in Johnson County, Ark. , he has enjoyed a large practice among the best families, and is kept very busy; while with the medical fraternity his reputation is by no means local, and he is well known for his remarkable cures throughout this section of the country. He was born in Sumner County, Tenn., April 29, 1831, to Jeff T. and Polly (Jouett) Montgomery, the latter a native of North Carolina, and the former of Sumner County, Tenn., where he was reared and spent his life, dying April 29, 1879, at the age of seventy-five years. He was a son of William and Jane (McMillan) Montgomery, who were born, reared and married in the Keystone State. They removed to Tennes see at a very early day, it being said of Mr. Mont- gomery that he drove the first wagon that came down Drake's Creek in Sumner County, Tenn. At the early age of fourteen years he acted as drum major in the Revolutionar}' War. Jeff T. Mont- gomery and his wife, Polly, both died on the old homestead in Tennessee, which is still in possession of the family, the death of the latter occurring July 16, 1801, at the age of fifty seven years. They had five sons and one daughter born to them: William C, John T., Robert A., D. B. C, Patsey J. and James. All lived to be grown and m.irried except Robert A., who was a member of the Sec- ond Mississippi Regiment, being drum major, and died al)out 1863 in a hospital in Virginia, after the battle of Manassas. James became a lawyer, and D. B. C. and John T. gave farming their attention. Daniel died in December, 1884, and John T. is residing in Dyer County, Tenn., ho and Dr. Will- iam C. being the only members of the family that are living. The latter came to Roseville, Ark., in 1854, and at that place commenced reading medi- cine with Dr. William Wasson, and at the end of eighteen months entered the University of Nash- ville, Tenn., from which institution he graduated in the spring of 1857, after which he went to La Fayette County, Ark. , where he was engaged in the practice one year. In January, 1859, he located at Spadra, Ark., where he continued his practice, also building a cotton-gin and grist-mill. He sold his mill, after operating it four or five years, and purchased 150 acres of woodland, of which he now has 100 acres under cultivation, situated on Ar- kansas River, three miles southwest of Spadra. The Doctor was married May 6, 1863, to Miss Martha A. Maddox, a daughter of John G. Mad- dox. She was born in Georgia, and has borne her husband two children: Martha J. (born February 22, 1864), and John J. (born February 16, 1871), the latter lieing now a student in the Cumberland University of Lebanon, Tenn., from which he ex- pects to graduate. Dr. Montgomery is the oldest practicing physician of this county, and, as above stated, has been very successful. He was with the Federal recruits three months, stationed at Darda- nelle during the year 1864, under Col. Fuller, as a recruit. The Montgomerys are of Scotch de- scent, and their old homestead, in Sumner County, Tenn., is now in possession of the Doctor. The house is a two-story brick, with a cellar under- neath, 25x60 feet, and was built in 1804. It is said that Aaron Burr staid one night with Grand- father Montgomery in that house soon after it was built, and the old clock which the latter purchased in 1797 is still in the house and is a good time- keeper. Robert R. Moreland is a prominent planter of Pittsburg Township, Johnson County, Ark., but bis birth occurred in the Palmetto State on Sep- tember 17, 1833, to W. E. and Mariah (Stribling) Moreland, both of whom were born in the Old North State, in 1802 and 1806, respectively. They were united in marriage in South Carolina in 1824, and unto this union were born ten children — eight sons and two daughters — three of whom are now living: L. M., W. H. and Robert R. The chil- dren that are deceased are T. F. ,B. F. , Thomas, J. C, A. J., Frances V. and Virginia. The father emigrated from South Carolina to Arkansas in 1834, and settled in this county where he entered land, also purchasing a tract, and made a large i\^ J^i JOHNSON COUNTY. 309 k^ I farm on whicli be lived, and made many valuable im- provements until his death in 1863, his widow paas- incr from life in 1880. The paternal great-grand- father emigrated from Ireland and his wife from Scotland, their union taking place in North Caro- lina. Of a family of five sons born to them, all served in the Kebel Army during the Kebellion, and all came through alive with the exception of A. J., who died of measles. In this county Mr. Moreland was married in 1857 to Miss Adelia Mad- din, by whom he became the father of four chil- dren, R. E. and J. D. being the only ones alive. T. B. and a child that was unnamed are deceased. Their mother died in 1867, having been a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Robert R. Moreland was married to his second wife, Tennes- see Hogin, in 1868. she having been born in this State in 1839, to P. G. and Margaret Jackson. His second union has resulted in the birth of four children: Mary I., Lillie A., Ann and Maud (de- ceased). In 1S<')1 Mr. Moreland became a member of Company B, Hill's regiment, and served until the close of the war, when he returned home, his time since then being occupied with farming. He was elected justice of the peace of this township in 1880, and has served faithfully and well ever since. He is the owner of 320 acres of good land with 150 under cultivation, on which is a good frame house, barns and other buildings. His orchard, consisting of apple, peach, pear and plum trees, is excellent, and he has also a good vineyard. He is, as was his worthy wife who died in 1882, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and he is strongly in favor of all public im- provement. M. M. Nichols is one of the largest land owners of Johnson County, Ark., and in addition to this is the owner of an excellent mercantile establish- ment which brings him in a handsome income annu- ally. He was born on his father's plantation, in South Carolina, and when about seven years of age he was taken to Cass County, Ga., but his early scholastic opportunities were of the most meager description. After he had married, and when his children were old enough to enter a school, he had them review their lessons to him at night, and in this way obtained suflScient education to enable him to successfully transact all his own business, both ag- ricultural and mercantile. He remained in Georgia until twenty three years old, at which time he left home and secured a position as overseer at the Choctaw Mission, at Fort CofiPee, Ind. Ty. , and this position he retained, at a good salary, for two years, at the end of which time he went to Law- rence County, Mo., where he worked for wages on a farm for one year. At the exjiiration of this time he came to Johnson County, and almost im- mediately, or in 1858, he purchased eighty acres of land on which he settled and which he cultivated until 18(52, when he enlisted in Col. Hill's regi- ment of Arkansas Cavalry, and after Lee's sur- render he was discharged at Marshall, Tex., having participated in a number of engagements, among which were Oak Hill, Holly Springs, and many others of less importance. He was also in the commissary department for some time, and during his entire service did not receive a wound. At the close of the war he returned to Arkansas to find his farm laid waste — buildings torn down and burned, and hogs, of which he had 400 head when he entered the army, were slaughtered or driven off, nothing, in fact, was left but the bare land. He met his wife and two little ones at Roseville, and near that place he rented land for two years, then returned to improve his place, but instead sold it soon after and purchased the property on which he is at present residing. He again engaged in the stock business, but at the present time deals prin- cipally in horses and mules. He devotes but little attention to the culture of cotton, but corn receives considerable attention at his hands. He first pur- chased forty acres of this farm, but from time to time, as he was able, he added to it and now has 410 acres of as good farming and stock-raising land as there is in the township. His residence and all outbuildings are all excellent, and on this land he has also a good store buildingr, in which is a stock of goods well calculated to meet the wants of the citizens hereabouts. Clover, timothy and red top grow luxuriantly on his place, and cotton could also be raised in paying quantities did Mr. Nichols so desire it. In 1887 he and his son ;fv" a »i^ 310 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. opened a mercantile establishment at Coal Hill, consisting of a general stock of goods, but it is now conducted by his sonin-law, B. F. Pyrou (see sketch). Although Mr. Nichols does not care to state what he considers the value of his property, it has been learned from other sources that $G0, - 000 approximates very closely the amount. He was bom on June 16, 1826, and was married December 15, 1858, to Miss Louisa J. Lee, daugh- ter of Russell Lee, of this county. They have four sons and four daughters: Manus M. (a phy- sician of Morrillton, Ark., married to Cynthia Hol- man, by whom he has two children), Amanda J. (wife of B. F. Pyron, of Coal Hill), George N., Elva I., James Malvin, Emily N., Margaret W. and William A. Mr. Nichols has given his chil- dren liberal educations, for he has often felt the need of a better knowledge of books, and decided that his children should not want in that respect. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has taken an active interest in the Sunday-school for years. He is treasurer in Spring Hill Lodge of the A. F. A. M., and in pol- itics is a firm Democrat, at all times supporting the measures of that party. He is a man who has always made the most of hfs opportunities and has at all times tried to raise something that was salable and wanted by the public. He says that no man is so far from market as the one that has nothing to sell, hence he has always tried to keep near some wide- awake and pushing town. He is a man who reads a great deal, is a deep thinker, and is accordingly one of the well-informed men of this section, his family, as well as himself, commanding respect from all. His parents, John and Elizabeth (Tusi- neur) Nichols, were South Carolinians by birth. Joseph A. Nourse has for many years been fol- lowing the occupation of planting in Johnson County, but was born in Logan County, Ky. , Sep- tember 15, 1828, to Ralph E. and Rebecca (Jenir- son) Nourse, they being born in Kentucky in 1800 and 1805, respectively. They were married on Blue-Grass soil, and to their union seven children were born, only two, Joseph A. and Alney, being now alive. Mr. Nourse settled on a farm in John- son County, Ark., in 1836, improving it in an ad- mirable manner, and making it one of the most valuable pieces of property in this section of the country. He was called from the scene of his earthly labors in 1851, and his widow in 1882, both being worthy Christians, the former a member of the Presbyterian Church, and the latter a Baptist. Joseph A. Nourse was married in this county in 1852 to Miss Elizabeth Hamilton, a native of this county, born in 1833, a daughter of William Ham- ilton. Mr. Nourse and his wife are the parents of five children, but only two are now living: James and W'alter A. William M., Georgiannah and Mamie are deceased. In 180-1 he enlisted in the Confederate Cavalry during the Rebellion, but after he had served for six months peace was declared, and he once more returned to the peaceful pursuit of farming, and has since been thus occupied. By the sweat of his brow he has become the owner of 160 acres of good farming land, and the 100 acres which he has under cultivation he devotes to -the raising of the cereals. His residence is substantial and commodious, his other buildings being like- wise, and near his residence is a good orchard of apple, peach, pear and plum trees, besides which he has an excellent vineyard. He and his wife are upright people in every respect, are worthy mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and are well known throughout this region as charitable and hospitable people. Thomas B. Paine is a prominent pioneer settler of Lamar, Ark., but was born in Giles County, Tenn., January 9, 1825, to G. W. and Mary (Han- ners) Paine, who were born in North Carolina and Tennessee in 1801 and 1803, respectively, the former being a farmer and wagon-maker by occupation. They were married in Lincoln County, Tenn., in 1819, and of nine children born to them two are now living: T. B. and Francis M. The father served three years as judge of Union County, III., having moved to that State from Tennessee in 1833 and to Arkansas in 1844, settling in Johnson County, where the father passed from life in 1864, his widow following him to the grave in 1872, she being a member of the Hardshell Baptist Church. Thomas B. Paine was married in this county, Sep- tember 26, 1844, to Miss Ruth HouBton, who was 1 >?". JOHNSON COUNTY. 311 born in Shelby County, Ohio, October 28, 1824, a daughter of John M. and Ruth (Stroud) Houston, who were born in North Carolina and Georgia, May 26, 1787, and March 25, 1790, respectively, their marriage occurring in Dickson County, Tenn. , in 1808, and resulting in tlie birth of twelve children, only two being now alive: Mrs. Paine and Robert. Mr. Houston was a tiller of the soil and in 1837 came to Arkansas, settling in Johnson County, where he died in 1861, having been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which his wife was also a member, her death occurring in 1858. To Mr. and Mrs. Paine nine chihlren have been born, the following being alive: Louisa (wife of J. G. Blair), Bettie R. (wife of A. Er), Mattie C. (now postmistress of Lamar), and Harry L. ; John W., Thomas H., Robert V., Mary C. and Anna are deceased. Mr. Paine has been school commissioner ten years, constable six years, county judge one year, justice of the peace of his township six years, mail contractor eight years, and postmaster of La- mar four years. He owns 120 acres of good land with 100 under cultivation, on which are good buildings of all kinds. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and are worthy and honored citizens of this section. Mr. Paine' s paternal grandfather, John Paine, was a lirst cousin of the noted Thomas Paine of Ten- nessee. Thomas B. Patty (deceased) came to this county from Tennessee, when a small boy, and was here reared on a farm, his educational advantages in his youth being fair. He commenced life for himself as a poor boy, but by earnest and persist- ent endeavors he was the owner of a finely im- proved little farm of forty acres at the time of his second marriage in 1848. He was first married to Miss Rachel Courtney, who died leaving no issue, after which he wedded Miss Merilla A. Davis of Johnson County,- Ark., but a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Severe and Margaret Davis, who were born in Tennessee and North Carolina, respectively. They came to this State and county, when Mrs. Patty was only two years of age, and here she attained womanhood and was given the advantages of the common schools. At the time of her marriage she was seventeen years of age, and she has been actively employed on the farm ever since. After residing on their farm of forty acres until 1851, they sold out and bought the forty acres on which Mrs. Patty is now living, which they improved and added to until Mr. Patty, at the time of his demise, was the owner of 160 acres and had 75 acres under cultivation, improved with a good residence, barn and orchard. Mrs. Patty's son now resides with her and works a part of the farm, but all is under her direct control and supervision. She has shown that she is in every respect perfectly capable of succcess- fully managing her affairs, and is proving a good financier and a thorough business woman. She and her husband were happily mated, and were earnest members of the Baptist Church. Judge J. B. Porter is recognized as a man of sound judgment and practical ability, and his practical sagacity, and keen insight into the mo- tives and methods of men, have been of great benefit to him in the different official capacities in which he has served. He was born in Johnson County, Ark., February 22, 1839, to Thomas B. and Mary (Covington) Porter, both of whom were born in Tennessee, where they were married. In 1836 they removed to Arkansas, and for a long time were engaged in farming in Johnson County, their family of six sons and three daughters (four born in Tennessee and five in Arkansas) be- ing as follows: Jane E., John W., Amanda T. , Eliza, J. B., James C. C, Thomas B., William F. and Edmund L. The mother of these children died on October 20, 1858, and in October of the following year Mr. Porter married Mrs. Elizabeth Beluh, widow of Raine)^ Beluh, but he was so un- fortunate as to lose this wife also in May, of the following year. In March, 1861, a Mrs. Chauncey became his wife, but after a wedded life of five years she, too, passed away and was succeeded by Miss Phoebe Boyer as the wife of Mr. Porter. The latter died on December 24, 1883, being then seventy- nine years of age, having lived on the place where he settled from October, 1836, until his death. His last union resulted in the birth of one child, Victory, wife of J. C. Payne, a farmer, by whom s *- >v « k_ it 312 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. she has four children. They reside in Johnson County, Ark., and Mrs. Payne's motlier lives with her. Judge J. B. Porter was the fifth one of the family, and was the first one born after the removal of his parents to Arkansas, he and three brothers and two sisters being the only ones of the family that are living. On January 5, 1860, the Judge was married to Miss Nancy C. Baskiu, and to their union the following children were born: Mary E., Dora A., John T., William, James R. , Augustus F., Una S., Guy C, Amy B., all of whom are single, but Mary, who married C. F. Ogilvie, a son of James Ogilvie. John T. is a clerk in Cravens & Cravens store at Hartman. Judge Porter is the owner of 150 acres of land, 60 of which are under cultivation, and besides this prop- erty has a half interest in a cotton-gin and grist- mill. In November, 1861, he enlisted in the Con- federate Army, becoming a member of Company C, First Arkansas, Mounted Rifles (Churchill's regiment), and prior to going east of the river in 1862, was in the tight at Pea Ridge, and afterward took part in nearly all the principal engagements in which the Army of Tennessee participated. He received a flesh wound at the battle of Frank- lin, Tenn. , and soon after this was furloughed home. While there he was captured by the Fed- erals and was taken to Little Rock, where he was kept until June 10, 1865, reaching home on the 19th of the same month. He itnmediately engaged in farming, and in 1880 was elected county judge, re-elected in 1884 and 1886, but prior to that had been justice of the peace for about eight years. In 1890 he was nominated on the Union Labor ticket for representative to the Legislature, but was defeated. He and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is a free contributor to schools, churches and all fvub- lic enterprises. He is an elder in his church, has been a school director for many years, and he is a man worthy of all honor and esteem, for, as above stated, he is upright in every worthy particular. He had two brothers killed in the Confederate Army, Thomas B., May, 1862, at Corinth, Miss. ; James C. C, August, 1862, at Richmond, Ky. James M. Prim, one of the early settlers of John- son County, Lee Township, came to this country with his widowed mother when he was about twen- ty-four years of age, he being the eldest of her seven children. A large share of the support of this family devolved upon him at an early age, and after coming to this county and township in 1841, he began farming on rented land, but in a few years bought a tract of land, upon which he is now residing — 200 acres, 80 acres of which are in a good state of improvement. In his youth he never received over sixteen days of schooling, biit at odd times he picked up sufficient education to admit of his transacting the ordinary affairs of business. In 1842 he was elected to the position of justice of the peace, and in that capacity served for fourteen years, making a faithful and efficient officer. His marriage, which occurred in 1844, was to Miss Maranda Patty, a daughter of Eli and Rebecca Patty, natives of Tipton County, Tenn., who be- came the parents of ten children that grew to ma- turity. Mr. Prim was born on April 28, 1818, in Tennessee, near Nashville, but went with his father to Alabama, Limestone County, where he died about the time Mr. Prim was fourteen years of age, and although he has as a farmer, followed in his father's footsteps, he at one time gave some attention to wagon-making. His land, aside fi-om that which he has under cultivation, is heavily covered with timber, and on the same are some valuable stone quarries. His crops are principally corn and cotton, and near his residence is a good bearing orchard. He and his wife have a family of five sons and three daughters, all of whom are married, but the two youngest sons who are still residing with their parents. The others are settled near the old homstead. Although Mr. Prim is seventy-two years of age he still cultivates a por- tion of his land, and he and his wife are well pre- served and in the enjoyment of good health. They are well pleased with their home in Arkansas, and desire no better place in which to pass their de- clining years. F. M. Puckett is a man who has made his own way in life, and the property of which he is now the possessor has been earned by the sweat of his brow. He is a Tennesseean by birth, born in ^' a,| V - — ^t 1^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 313 1845, a son of George and Nancy (Ishell) Puckett, they being also Teuuesseeans, and he is one of a family of ten children born to them, eight of whom are now living: Caledonia (wife of Ed League), Francis M. (the subject of this sketch), Serena (wife of John Walker), Lafayette, Nancy (wife of John Burton), Pirteman, Lillie (wife of J. C. Cantwell), and Napoleon. In 1801 Mr. Puckett enlisted in Company F, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Infantry, and served the Confederate cause for four years. He was wounded on four different oc- casions: Mill Springs (where he was wounded in the left arm), Perryville, Murfreesboro (where he was wounded in the left arm near his former wound) and Chickamauga. He also took part in the engagements at Knoxville, Beau Station, and was in the Wilderness campaign until the surren- der at Appomattox Court House. In 1868 he came to Arkansas and settled on Little Piney, where be homesteaded eighty acres of land, upon which he cleared thirty-live acres and built a house, barn and other buildings. On selling out in 1880 he purchased the farm on which he is now living, which consists of 200 acres, and here he has made many valuable improvements in the way of clear- ing, seventy -five acres being under cultivation, upon which he has built a good double house, out- buildings, fences, etc. About ten acres of his land are devoted to fruit, from which he has obtained about 7,500 bushels of fruit, principally peaches and apples. All his orchard has been grown from seed, and scions in the last four years. Corn yields about twenty-five bushels to the acre, and cotton one-half bale. Mr. Puckett has served four years as justice of the peace, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, he having been for many years a teacher in the Sunday-school. Mr. Puckett and his wife have four children: Serena, Mary, George and Betsey. B. F. Pyron is the efficient general manager for the firm of Nichols & Son, dealers in general merchandise at Coal Hill, Johnson County Ark. He was born in the State of Mississippi, and was reared to manhood on a farm, his educational ad- vantages being quite limited, from the fact that for several years prior to his death Michael Pyron, his father, was a cripple. He was the next to the youngest of the family, and it devolved up(m him to support his mother, thus his school days were cut short. After his mother had passed to her long home he came to. Arkansas with the idea of bettering his condition, and as his means were quite limited he rented and operated a farm for one year. At the end of this time he was married to Miss Amanda J. Nichols, a daughter of M. M. Nichols, senior member of the firm of Nichols & Son, and as Mrs. Pyron was a lady of tine education she assisted her husband in his studies, as he was very desirous of learning. At the end of a few years he was sufficiently posted to transact any ordinary mercantile business. After his marriage he con- tinued to rent land for one year, then purchased a claim which he improved by erecting a comfortable residence thereon, and clearing the land of its tim- ber. During the five years that he owned this property he had succeeded in clearing fifty acres of timber, but after disposing of it, he moved to Coal Hill, where he was appointed assistant post- master, and at the same time entered the mercantile business, by putting in a stock of groceries in the post-office building. After continuing in this bus- iness for about two and one-half years he sold his stock of goods and entered the employ of 11. S. Davis as clerk in his general mercantile establish- ment. Here he remained for four months, at the end of which time he became general manager for Nichols & Son, of Coal Hill, a position he still fills in a very efficient manner and at a good salary. He has the utmost confidence of his employers and is what might be called a self-made man, in the fullest sense of the term. Mr. Pyron was born on March 6, 1859, and was one of twelve children born to his parents, all of whom are living with the exception of two sons, who were killed during the Rebellion. His marriage to Miss Nichols took place in October, 1880, and to their union three sons and one daughter have been born. Mr. Py- ron and his wife are members in good standing of the Primitive Baptist Church, and are ardent work- ers for all movements which they believe to be right, and have the respect and esteem of all who love the pleasure of their acquaintance. ^-* ^ — ^t > 3U HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Thomas H. Reynolds. Not without justice is llr. Reynolds conceded to be one of the pros- perous farmers of the county, for he is the owner of an excellent farm of 160 acres on Mulberry Mount, in Low Gap Township, this being one of the finest fruit regions in the world. The twenty- three acres that are under cultivation, are princi- jaally devoted to the raising of fruit, and he has on exhibition this year some of the finest apples the State can produce. The Roman Beauties that he had on exhibition at the Fort Smith fair measured fifteen and one-half inches in circumference, his other exhibits being in proportion. He began at the stump to make his farm and has, by industry and economy, accumulated a comfortable compe- tency. He was born in this county in September, 1847, to William and Elizabeth (Raskin) Reynolds, both natives of Arkansas, their marriage taking place ia Johnson County. The father was a farmer, and reared his sons to that occupation. The fam- ily born to himself and wife is as follows: Five sons and three daughters, three sons and one daughter being now alive, Thomas H. being the eldest of the family. His father died in 1864 and his mother the following year. The paternal grandfather was born in Tennessee, and at a very eaily day came to Arkansas, being pioneers of this section of the country, and among its most suc- cessful and substantial citizens. The maternal grandfather was born in Ireland. Thomas H. Reynolds was married in Arkansas, to a daughter of Blunt Wood of Johnson County, their union taking place in 1868, and to them twelve children have been born: Fanny E., William B. , Abri.m N., Oscar L.; Lou E., Altona, Millie M., Cora M., Etliel H., Ada E., and two that died in infancy unnamed. Fanny married George Moore, a farmer of this county. William B., Abram N. , O.-scar L. and Altona are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds are members in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he is a libeial contributor to schools and churches, and to the welfare of the public. S. H. Robins is a planter, living in Pittsburg Township, Johnson County, Ark., but was born in Murray County, near Dalton, Ga., April 11, 1840, to W. A. and Mary (Allred) Robins, who were born in Georgia, May 5, 1810, and in South Carolina, July 28, 1819, respectively, their marriage taking place in Hall County, Ga., and resulting in the birth of six children, four of whom are living: Sarah J. (wife of J. C. Bayley), S. H., W. E. and Mary L. (wife of J. P. Sebastian). Henry A. and Martha T. are deceased, the former dying at Hampton prison hospital, July 18, 1865, and the latter in early childhood. The father was a volun- teer in the Florida War, was a farmer and land trader, and died in Whitfield County, Ga., May 3, 1874, being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and the Masonic order. His widow survives him, and is a resident of Texas, her home being with her yoiingest daughter, Mrs. Sebastian. She is also a member of the Methodist Ejaiscopal Church South. S. H. Robins was principally edu- cated in the common schools of Georgia, and was married in Tilton, Whitfield County, of that State, October 21, 1866, to Miss Mary A. Osborn, a na- tive Tennesseean, born October U, 1848, a daugh- ter of J. K. and Eleanor (Kinneman) Osborn, natives of Virginia and North Carolina, respect- ively. Mr. and Mrs. Robins have two living chil- dren: Artho L. and Ettie. Edgar A., Olin K., Lula and Ella are deceased. In 1861 Mr. Robins left school, and enlisted in Company B, Phillips Legion of Georgia, Volunteer Infantry, and was under Gen. Floyd in the Sewel Mountain and Hawk's Nest campaigns, after which he was sent to the coast of South Carolina, soon to join Gen. Longstreet's corps in Virginia, and was in the bat- tles of Second Manassas, Boonsboro, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Brick Church, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Knoxville and the Wilderness. In the last named engagement he received a gunshot wound in the left knee. After seven months he rejoined his command, and was captured April 6, 1865, near Appomattox. He was then carried a prisoner of war to Newport News prison, and after two months he was sent to Hamp- ton, where he was finally released, July lU, of the same year. He then returned to his home, and embarked in the timber business in Tilton, Ga. He then finished his education, married, and emi- TU •» \ -^1 -4^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 315 grated to Arkansas in 1872, and settled in John- son County, where he taught school two years, having followed that occupation in Georgia. He is the owner of 123 acres of land, with 50 un- der cultivation, a portion of which is underlaid with coal. He has a good house, outbuildings, three acres of orchard and four acres in tine meadow. He and Mrs. Robins are earnest mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The characteristics of the original Virginia stock seem to be well defined in posterity. They are of English-French and Irish blood, fearless and frank in speaking what they believe to be the truth, zeal- ous in any undertaking. None have been im- mensely rich, none have died extremely poor. It has been more their mission to build church and society than to acquire wealth. Few have been aspirants to office, many have filled important posts. The most prominent in State are of North Carolina, and the most prominent in church are of Georgia. Their political affiliations, have ever been Democratic; their religious creed is about equally divided between Methodist and Baptist. No matter what their employment, they love the farm and books, and after the age of sixty years the men die very suddenly, though they may live to be old. In youth agile, of medium weight, and will not sacrifice principle for friendship or popu- larity. Some of the same family spell their name with two b's, while the others prefer only one. W. W. Rogers is a young gentleman who has rapidly and surely made his way to the front among the energetic business men of this community, and although only thirty-six years of age he has, by attending strictly to each minor detail of his call- ing, built up a trade that is second to none in this section. He was born in this county January 16, 1854, being one of fourteen children — six sons and eight daughters — born to Josiah and Harriet (Smith) Rogers, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Missouri, their marriage taking place in Arkansas. In 1861 they removed to Texas, where Mr. Rogers engaged in stock-raising, but in 1867 returned to Arkansas and settled in Johnson County (now Logan), where he bought a good farm on the Arkansas River and followed tilling the soil until his death, which occurred in July, 1878, his wife's death occurring two years earlier. Mr. Rogers was captain of a company of Home Guards in Texas during the war, and was a man whose reputation during a long and varied career remained unblemished. W. W. Rogers was married Novem- l)er 12, 1874, to Miss Anna Truscott, a daughter of J. J. Truscott, of Illinois, and in time a family of six children gathered about their board: Aries A., Vera, EscurE., Durand D , Burns B. and Zeral Z. The eldest five are attending school near their home. During the years 1876-77 Mr. Rogers was in the mercantile business with Rogers & Hunt at Clarks- ville, and during this time they did a yearly busi- ness of $18,000 on a capital stock of 18,000. In the last named year Mr. Rogers sold out and became a traveling salesman for the firm of ScharfF, Bern- heimer & Co., of St. Louis, Mo., remaining in their employ during the spring and summer of 1888. In September of that year he bought out the firm of A. A. Burleson & Co., at Hartman, the stock at that time being worth $1,500, has since increased it to $6,000, and is now doing a very prosperous business, in connection with which he also buys and ships cotton, and will in this year, in all prob- ability purchase from 350 to 400 bales. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he belongs to Palatine Com- mandry No. 7, of the A. F. & A. M. , at Russellville. He is one of the county's most highly esteemed citizens, and as a business man has been exception- ally prosperous. His brother Emanuel is a clerk in his store, and besides this he has another brother and five sisters living. William R. Rogers is a well-known and suc- cessful planter of Johnson County, Ark., and by hard work and good management has become the owner of a fertile farm of 320 acres, 200 acres being under cultivation, one-half of which is river bottom land and very fertile. On this land he also has a good cotton gin and grist-mill, the income fi-om each being quite liberal. Mr. Rogers was born in this county on October 10, 1842, being a son of John and Elizabeth (Collier) Rogers, who were born in North Carolina and Dickson County, Tenn., October 4, 1805, and 1813, respectively, f Si 3 ^ 316 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. their marriage being consummated in Clarksville, Ai'k., in 1839. Five sons and two daughters were born to them: R. A., William R., John, Thomas H., Wintield S., Rebecca F. and Isabel. The mother of these children passed from life March 6, 1S73, after which the father married Aliss Salina Johnson, who had been previously married to William Collier, being at the time of her marriage to Mr. Rogers the widow of this gentleman, by whom she had become the mother of four children, two living: Rev. H. C. (a minister of the Christian Church, living in Sebastian County), aiid W. F. Collier (a farmer of Johnson County). Her union with Mr. Rogers was not blessed with any chil- dren, and of the latter's family only R. A., Will- iam R. and W. S. are living, the latter being mar- ried to Rutilla Tigart, of Logan County, where he is engaged in farming. R. A. was married in February, 18G8, to Miss Elizabeth Rogers, a daughter of Josiah Rogers, of Logan County. He is the owner of 440 acres of land in Prairie Town- ship, Johnson County, but is employed as a clerk in the store of J. W. Mays of Clarksville, Ark. He and his wife have .six children. AVilliam R. Rogers was married in 1887 to Mrs. M. J. Aggus, widow of Isaac Aggus, her maiden name being Alterson, and when she married Mr. Rogers she was the mother of two daughters: Mary and Mag- gie. She has one daughter by Mr. Rogers, Pearl. In July, 18f)'2, Mr. Rogers enlisted in the Confed- erate Army, Company B, Col. Morgan's regiment, and did service in his own State altogether, a por- tion of the time being imder Gen. Price and the rest of the time under Gen. Cabel. In July, 1865, he was discharged at Little Rock, after which he returned to Johnson County, where he resumed the occupation of farming. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and be.sides being a liberal contrib- utor to schools and churches he gives of his means to everything pertaining to the general welfare of Johnson County. W. C. Ross is an Ohioan by birth and possess- es in an eminent degree the intelligence, pluck and perseverance characteristic of the natives of the Buckeye State. He was born in 1824, and his early education was received in Miami County, but in 1838 he came with his parents, David and Eliza (Carter) Ross, native Pennsylvanians, to Arkansas, and settled with them in Johnson County on the Little Piney. From here he volunteered for serv- ice, in the Mexican War, but before being mustered into service received injuries which incapacitated him for duty. In 1847 he began farming for him- self, and as he had obtained an excellent start in life, he was married in 1854 to Miss Jane Love- lady, a native of Alabama, and a daughter of Joseph and Mary Lovelady, both native Missis- sippiaus. The same year of his marriage he went to California, where he was engaged in mining for four years, then returned to Arkan- sas, and purchased eighty acres of land from the Government, which he improved with buildings, and by clearing twenty-five acres. He then sold this property and purchased eighty acres on Big Piney in Pope County, but after he had erected thereon a good house and barn, and had cleared ten acres, he disposed of this also. He next made a purchase of 80 acres, and homesteaded 160 acres, upon which he cleared about 70 acres, fenced the entire tract, and erected new buildings of all kinds. His principal crops are corn, cotton, wheat and oats, and will average twenty bushels of the former, one half bale of the second, and average crops of wheat and oats. He also raises fruits in abund- ance. Not only is his farm a valuable one for agricultural purposes, but it is underlaid with coal, three difPerent wells on the place showing veins from six to ten inches thick. Considerable of his attention is given to veterinary surgery, the study of this science being pursued under Prof. Flanni- gan, a graduate of that science. His practice ex- tends over four counties: Johnson, Pope, Logan and Van Buren, also a part of Conway, and in his practice he has been very successful. He served first in the Confederate Army during the Rebellion in Col. Lemoine's regiment, being in the battles of Fort Pillow and the Gunboats. His regiment was afterward disorganized, and he returned home, where he was captured by Hunter and pressed into the Federal service, in which he remained until the close of the war. He was wounded at Memphis -^iv M± 4. 4. JOHNSON COUNTY. 317 and Farmersville. Of a family of sis children born in his parents, he is the only one that sur- vives, four of the eight children born to himself and wife are living: J. U. , J. B., Ellen (wife of Charles Vollever), and California (wife of John Boly). A. J. Snelson. Among the representative farm- ers of the county none are more favorably known, or more highly respected for his many noble qualities of mind and heart than Mr. Snelson. He was born in Pope County, Ark., in 1862, to John and Cynthia (Davis) Snelson, both of whom were born in Ten- nessee, and came with their parents to Arkansas in an early daj', their marriage taking place here in 1861. The father enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1862, was stricken with paralysis while on the march from Camden, left behind his command, and soon passed from life. After the war his widow married L. W. Pitts, of Johnson County, but a na- tive of Tennessee, and bore him ten children. The subject of this sketch was the only child born to his parents, and has always followed farming as an occupation; but in connection with this has also given his attention to teaching school for the past ten years, and is one of the successful and popular educators of the county. In February, 1885, he was married to Miss Frankie Laster, a daughter of Gen. Robert Laster of Johnson County, and by her has three children: Arthur, Airy Laster and Robert M. Mr. Snelson is the owner of one-half of the old homestead of Gen. Laster, his wife's father, the place being equally divided between his wife and her sister, who is the wife of J. M. McPherson, they being the only heirs of the General. The land of which Mr. Snelson is the owner comprises 128 acres, and on the 100 acres that are under cultivation, he raises cotton and corn. He is a wide-awake and pushing gentleman, and has won a reputation for thoroughness that is second to none in the county. He and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and are liberal in the giving of their n)eans to worthy causes. F. G. Srygley is a memlier of the general mer- cantile firm of Srygley Bros., of Coal Hill, which com'pany is also engaged in the real estate business. Mr. Srygley was born in Alabama in 184:7, and was the second of nine children born to J. H. and Sarah J. (Coats) Srygley, both of whom were born in Alabama, the father a farmer by occupation. He came to Arkansas in 1887, and now resides at Coal Hill. F. G. Srygley was reared on a farm, and after attaining his majority followed that oc- cupation for two years for himself, and in 1871 began merchandising at Falkville, Ala., and has been an active business man ever since. Since 1885 he has been a resident of Coal Hill, Ark., and is already identified with the interests of the place. His brother, F. D.. came here at the same time as himself, but the firm when first established was Oden & Srygley. The gentlemen composing the firm erected a large store-house, 22x80 feet, and filled it with a large stock of general merchandise, which they began disposing of at such reasonable rates, and in such an honest manner that they now command a large trade. In January, 1890, Mr. Oden retired, and the firm now comprises the two above mentioned brothers also another brother, F. W. Srygley. Their stock of goods is valued at about $8,000, their annual sales amounting to $30,000. They own four good farms, and have about 150 acres of cleared and cultivated land. They also own Oden's addition to Coal Hill, origi- nally about 400 lots, but have sold 100 lots and still own the balance. They have erected many build- ings, some of which they have sold and some rent. F. G. Srygley was married in 1871 to Miss Susan L. Oden, a daughter of Elias Oden, of Alabama. To this union five children have been born: Leander, Edna, Dora, Delia and Ethel. Mi. Srygley was called upon to mourn the death of his wife in April, 1 890. He is a member of the Christian Church, as are also his eldest two children. He is a Mason and a member of the K. of P. He has been active in school work, and has been a school director at Coal Hill since his residence here. J. S. Utley is the tenth child of eleven children born to his father and mother, Seth and Bathsheba (Woods) Utley, and first saw the light of day in Benton County, Tenn., in February, 1833, his parents being born in North Carolina and South Carolina, respectively. They were married in \ « W- _rf 9 k. 318 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Tennessee, where they lived for a number of years, coming to Johnson County, Ark., in 1847, and here resided until their deaths in 1860. J. S. TJtley was married to Luvenia A. Collier in 1868, she being a daughter of Jerry Collier, of Johnson County. A family of eleven children has been bom to their union, and of the sis sons and five daughters, one son and the four daughters are living: John W. (deceased), Seth (deceased), Thoma (de ceased), Josie E. , Lou V. , Austin W. (deceased), Tha- lia B , Mary,Edna, and twins that died in infancy not named. In June, 1861,Mr.XJtley enlisted in the Con- federate Army, in the First Battallion of Arkansas Cavalry, under Col. Brooks, and did service west of the Mississippi River, being in the fight at Wil- son Creek, where he saw Gen. Lyon after he was killed. He was also at Pea Ridge, Poison Springs and Jenkins' Ferry, and was discharged at Fulton, Ark., in June, 1865, after which he returned to his home in Johnson County, where he resumed his occupation of farming, and has followed that ever since, being now the owner of 160 acres of fine farming land, of which 100 acres are under culti- vation, this land being situated on the Arkansas River, at the mouth of Piney. He owns and operates the ferry across the mouth of Piney. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., the I. O. O. F., and both he and his wife are members of the Missionary Bap- tist Church. He has been a citizen of Johnson County for forty-one years, and is one of the most prosperous men in this section, and extremely lib- eral in giving of his means to causes pertaining to the general welfare of the community. William H. West has been following the occu- pation of merchandising at Coal Hill for some time, and by honest dealing with his patrons he has built up a patronage second to none in this section. He is a native of the county, born in 1853, being the fourth of sis children born to Joshua and Eliza (Quire) West, who were born in Alabama, the father a farmer by occupation. He came to Ar- kansas early in 1850, and for a time resided in Franklin County, then settled in Johnson County and here died in the month of February, 1806, his widow still surviving him. William H. West was reared on the farm and after the death of his father the management of the farm fell to him as he was the eldest son. In 1878 he opened a mer- cantile establishment at Coal Hill and although he at first kept groceries he later added a general stock of goods, and here in 1883 erected his large store building, 42x64 feet and has now in it a stock of goods worth $5,000, his annual sales being large. He has erected and owns eighteen residences in town and his own home is handsome and commo- dious. He was married in 1878 to Miss Louisa McPherson, of this county, a daughter of Lewis A. McPherson, an old settler from Alabama. Mr. West is in every respect a self-made man, having made what property he now has by his own exer- tions. He has been one of the aldermen of Coal Hill for a long time, and in his political views is a stanch Democrat, supporting at all times the men and measures of that party. W. A. Whitemore is one of the rising young business men of Coal Hill, Ark. , and is progressive and enterprising in his views and industrious in his habits. He is the present efScient book-keeper for the firm of J. R. Brown, of this place. He was born in the city of Memphis, Tenn., Novem- ber 4, 1858, his early educational advantages being good, and in that place he resided until he attained man's estate. His father, J. P. S. Whitemore, held the commission of captain during the Rebell- ion, and died while serving the Confederate cause, having been a successful practicing physician while a civilian. His wife was a daughter of Abraham Smith, and upon the death of her husband was left with two children, both sons, the elder being W. A. , and the younger, Edward S. , who has a good property at Hartman, in this county. W. A. Whitemore began business for himself in 1876, in partnership with his brother, under the firm name of Whitemore Bros., bait after a short time W. A. entered his grandfather's hotel as clerk, and later became collector in the Brownsville Sav- ings Bank; in 1879 he became a clerk in his grand- father's store in Memphis. May 20, 1880, he moved to Johnson County, Ark., and settled at Hartman, there being in the employ of J. D. Houston, then in railroad oifice, then in charge of A. B. Burleson's store, then with the Cravens & 4l^ ? w_ -"h JOHNSON COD NT Y. 319 Co. , where he remained for seven years, aud iu that time was twice appointed notary public. He next went to Coal Hill, where he entered the serv- ices of Mr. J. R. Brown in his present capacity as book-keeper. His marriage, which occurred on December 28, 1887, was to Miss Lois E. Oliver, and has resulted in the birth of two children, — a son and a daughter: Mary Lois and William Thomas. Mrs. AVhitemore is a daughter of Prof. W. K. Oliver, of Hernando, Miss., and she as well as her husband is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Whitemore belongs to the K. of L. , and is liberal in his support of churches, schools, etc. He has accumulated a good property near Hartman, of well-improved land. Mr. Whitemore' s gi-andfather lived at Hart- man up to the time of his death, which occurred in his seventy-eighth year. He has been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he held the position of presiding elder. The name of Eev. Z. H. Whitemore will long be re- membered throughout this section of the country, and he was also widely known in Tennessee. His wife is still a resident of the town of Coal Hill, and makes her home with her grandson, the sub- ject of this sketch. She was born in 1812 or 1813, but still retains the use of all her mental faculties. Mr. W. A. Whitemore became ac- quainted with his wife in Hartman, when she was a girl of twelve years. She afterward went back to her native State of Mississippi, where he entered Grenada College and afterward became one of the successful teachers of her county. About six years after her return to Mississippi, Mr. White- more visited her, and on his second visit, she came with him as his bride to Arkansas. Mr. White- more is the inventor of a shot and show case which was patented in 1889, and by the sale of territory he hopes to receive a good return for his labors. He is at present engaged in the hotel business at Coal Hill, being admirably assisted by his estimable and intelligent wife, who is a pleasant, accommodat- ing hostess. Mr. Whitemore is one of the wide- awake and progressive business men of the county. Darius Willett has won his way to the front ranks among the energetic farmers of Johnson County, and owing to the attention he has always paid to each minor detail of his work he has accu- mulated a fair share of this world's goods. He was born on Blue-Grass soil April 15, 1824, to Griffith and Rhoda (Styles) Willett, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of New Jersey. Darius Willett was reared to a farm life in his native county of Nelson, and although his advan tages were quite limited, he yet obtained sufficient knowledge of the "world of books" to enable him to teach school. At the age of twenty-one years he began working for himself for wages, which life he continued until he was twenty-three years of age, at which time he went to the Lone Star State and engaged in farming and distilling. In 1862 he came to Lawrence County, Ark., where he purchased a farm of 300 acres, but upon this he resided for only eight months, when, on account of the unsettled state of the country he returned to Nelson County, Ky. , where he re- mained during the remainder of the war. In 1865 he returned lo his farm in Arkansas, and was actively engaged in its cultivation for twelve years, at the end of which time he sold out and came to Johnson County, settling on the farm where he is now living, one and one half miles west of Clarks- ville, which now amounts to 241 acres of fertile and vahiable land, 175 acres being improved with a good frame house, excellent barn and other necessary farm buildings, and is now making arrangements to erect a new barn in the spring of 1891. His principal crops are oats, corn and cot- ton, all of which can be raised in abundance, and he also has a small strip of tame-grass meadow which yields well, timothy and red top doing exceptionally well. Mr. Willett was born April 15, 1824, as above stated, and when twenty-eight years of age was married to Miss Mary A. Carter, of Marion County, Ky., who died about three years after her marriage, leaving two children: Mary Ann and Henry David. In 1803 Mr. Wil- lett' s second marriage was consummated, his wife. Miss Virginia Kirlley, being a native of Taylor County, Ky. About four years after their mar- riage this wife also departed this life, leaving a son and daughter: Robert H. and Virginia. The third -t.|V ^* n^ 320 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. union was to Miss Mary Wadley, of Lawrence County, Ark. , formerly of Tennessee, a daughter of Dr. D. S. Wadley. They have live children: Susan, Maggie, Lewis, Callie and Bascum. The family worship in Christ Church, in which Mr. Willett holds the office of elder. He has always been a man of progressive views, and is justly considered a man of sterling worth and strict integrity, striving at all times to "do as he would be done by." Eugene Witt is a farmer, artesian-well driller and makes a specialty of prospecting, being ex- ceptionally well fitted to follow these occupations with success. He was born in Conway County, Ark., July 17, 1859, to George C. and Nancy A. (Trousel) Witt, the former born in Lincoln County, Tenn. , in^lSlo, and the latter in Alabama about 1830. /The father was a farmer by occupation, and in Cdnway County, Ark. , was married in 1857, his union resulting in the birth of three children: Flora (deceased), one child that died in infancy, and Eu- gene, the subject of this sketch. The father was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and in this county passed from life May 3, 1887, his wife, who was also a member of the above-men- tioned church, dying in 1863. The subject of this sketch received a common business education in the schools near his father's home, and being a young man of good parts, excellent moral habits and industrious, he stands high in the estimation of the community in which he lives. In 1882 he purchased a good steam well drill and a one horse- power drill, the cost of the former being about $1,200. He can drill from ten to forty feet per day and since starting in this business has done work in nearly all the counties included in this work. His prices are most reasonable — about $1.50 per foot for the first 100 feet, with a slight additional charge for greater depths. That Mr. Witt's work gives the greatest satisfaction is proven by his many indorsements from jiatrons. He has one from Judge Rose, of Little Rock, which is here given. December 17, 1889. Mr. Eugene Witt, Lamab, Ark. Dear Sii- — Yours of the 14th received. I would say to any one enquiring about the matter that you bored a well for me at Mt. Nebo and several wells for friends of mine, and that in every case your work gave satisfaction in every respect. Very truly, U. M. Rose. He also has other testimonials too numerous to mention from well-known and prominent citizens of this and other States. He has been quite ex- tensively engaged in prospecting for various com- panies in Northwestern Arkansas — for the Clarks- ville Coal & Iron Company (the Ouita Coal Company of Coal Hill, and drilled the well that supplies the water for the Ouita coal mine. He has done much work in Yell County, and has drilled thirty-three wells in Mount Nebo, all of which stand greatly to his credit. He is the owner of a good river-bottom and upland farm' of 456 acres of land, and has 200 acres under cultivation, on which are seven tenant houses with good barns and outbuildings attached. He has two good orchards of apple and peach trees and an excellent vineyard. He has also six head of good mules, two head of horses, and by good management and industry is the owner of other property also. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., holding a membership in Cane Hill Lodge. A. W. Woolf is a prominent planter residing in Howell Township, Johnson County, Ai'k., but was born in the State of Kentucky, December 27, 1840, being a son of D. W. and Anna (French) Woolf, they being also born in that State, the former in 1812. They were married in Caldwell County, and in 1846 removed from their native State to Missouri, and in 1802 to Arkansas, settling in Johnson County, where the father followed the occupation of farming, having been justice of the peace while a resident of Missouri, for eight years. He died on June 9, 1887, and his wife in 1885, both members of the Primitive Baptist Church. Their family consisted of two sons and five daugh- ters, of which family the following members are living: Charity E., Mary J. (widow of S. R. Man- ning), and A. W. , the immediate subject of this sketch. Those deceased are: Polly J., Martha E., William H. and M. A. A. W. Woolf was married in Stone County. Mo., in 1861, to Miss Elizabeth *7^^ =^=^p r 55 ?5 O * < 2; a 5 ^ -•l^ JOHNSON COUNTY. 321 Manning, a native of Alabama, and to this marriage six children have been born: T. A., M. E., M. A., Ora V. and S. P., and J. D. (deceased). Mr. Woolf was a soldier during the Rebellion, serving in Company C, Fourth Missouri Infantry, and was in the battles of Oak Hill, Prairie Grove, Dril- wood, Helena, Marshiield, Pleasant Hill and others, serving until the close of the war, receiving his parol at Shreveport, La., in 1865. He returned home to resume merchandising, but in 1888 also engaged in merchandising at Knoxville Station in this county, which establishment he continued until 1890, when he sold out. Ho erected a large steam cotton-gin, grist-mill and saw mill combined in 1875, the capacity of the gin being fifteen bales per day, and of the latter 6,000 feet of lumber. He is also the owner of 405 acres of good land, with 225 under cultivation, on which are good buildings of all kinds and Ave acres of orchard. He, his wife and children are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church, and he is a deacon in the same. He is a member of the Masonic onler, Knoxville Lodge No. 370, and also belongs to Knoxville Lodge No. 30, of the L O. O. F., and in both orders is holding prominent positions. M. M. Wyatt needs no special introduction to the inhabitants of Johnson County, Ark. , for he is the well-known proprietor of an excellent saw mill at Silex. He was born in the Hoosier State, be- ing one of live childi-en, two of whom are living — himself and William T. —born to James A. and Ma- 21 linda (Shien) Wyatt, they being also born in that State. The subject of this sketch came to Arkan- sas with his parents when about nine years of age, and after the father had been engaged in cutting timber in Clay County, Ark., for about one \ear he removed to Pope County and homesteaded 160 acres of land, on which he remained about tive years, clearing, during this time, about twenty acres, upon which he built a good residence and other necessary buildings. He then purchased eighty acres adjoining his home tract and eighty acres in Hickory Township, Johnson Countj', and at the time of his death on November 22, 1887, he was the possessor of a good patrimony. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. When about nineteen years of age M. M. Wyatt began farming for himself in Kansas, where he remained one year, returning to Johnson County, Ark., at the end of that time and engaging in operating a saw- mill, being a joint owner with J. J. Colwell. This mill is an excellent one, and has a capacity of 8,000 feet of lumber per day, for which they find a ready sale. Mr. Wyatt is polite in his manners to all, is devoted to his friends, and is one of those gentle- men who is seldom duplicated in any community. He belongs to Silex Lodge No. 47-t, of the A. F. & A. M. He is a man on whom one can rely at all times, and his friends are many and his enemies few, for he is warm-hearted and true as a magnet to the pole. -r^ sf^ aT* i. 322 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. [Iff It X¥{ll. Logan County — Location — Area— Lands — Topography —Mountains— Streams — Derivation of Names— Timber— Minerals— Agriculture— Hoi:ticultuke—Urapes and Native Wines— Paris Nursery- Raising or Live Stock— Transportation Lines — Settlement— De Soto's Expedi- tion — Mounds Containing Human Bones— Supposed Fight with Indians— Early Settlers Mentioned- An Ancient Grave— County Organization— Boundary Lines— First County Seat— Second and Final County Seat— Burning of Court-houses— County Buildings— Change of Name of County from Sarber to Logan— County Of- ficers—Political Aspect— Election Returns — Circuit Court— ;Logan County Legal Bar— Criminal Executions— Civil War— Haguewood Fight — Attack on Roseville— Towns, Villages and Post-offices- Press— Education— Christianity— Views FROM Short Mountain. i Vf *~i — Q Q — r^ '^ "Build yet, the end is not, build on; Build for the ages unafraid. The past is but a base whereon These ashlers, well hewn, may be laid. Lo, I declare I deem him blest Whose foot, here pausing, findeth rest!" HE county of Logan in the west-central part of Arkan- sas, is bonnded by Franklin, Johnson, Pope, Yell, Scott and Sebastian Counties, and along the northern boundary flows the Arkansas River. It lies in latitude 36° north, and in longitude 94 west from Greenwich, En- gland. The area of the county is OT'i square miles or 430,080 acres. Of this originally about 12,800 acres were prairie, and 417,280 were timber-lands; 341,109 acres constitute the assessed acreage of the county on deeded lands, as shown by the tax books; there are over 100,000 acres of Government and State lands subject to pre-emp- tion and homestead entry, of which about one-half is covered with inchoate homestead and pre-emjition claims, leaving the balance still subject to entry. The following table indicates the natural divis- ions and distributions of the Logan County lands in a topographical view: Acres. Arkansas River, bottom 25,000 Si.x Mile Creek, bottom 10,000 Short Mountain Creek, bottom 9,200 Cane Creek, bottom 6,400 Shoal Creek, bottom 10,000 Delaware Creek, bottom 4,500 Petit Jean River, bottom 22,400 Sugar Creek, bottom 3,840 Uplands 200,000 Hill lands 108,740 Mountainous and unfit for'cultivsitioii 30,000 Total area of Logan Couuly 430.080 The county is somewhat mountainous, but the greater portion of its area is bottom, table and hill lands, as shown above. Short Mountain, a magnif- Tl V ^Pv^ LOGAN COUNTY. 323 icent and nearly round mountain, covering about two sections of land, lies northwest of Paris, its base being one mile distant from the court-house. Its summit is about 500 feet above the surround- ing country, or 800 feet above sea level. The top is nearly level, and contains some very productive farms. West of this, with only a narrow val- ley intervening, lies Upper Short Mountain, similar in size and formation. These are fi'e- quently called Twin Mountains. Pine Eidge, a range of dignified hills or low mountains, extends east and west clear through the county in Town- ship 7 north. It averages from one to two miles in width, and its base is about a mile south of Paris. Flattop and Calico Mountains lie south of Pine Ridge in the central part of the county. These are benches of the Magazine Mountain, ly- ing still farther south, its western extremity being about two miles west of the line dividing Ranges 25 and 26 west. A spur of this mountain, some- times called Blue Mountain, extends in a north- easterly direction east of Flattop Mountain. The dividing Ridge between Yell and Logan Counties in Ranges 23 and 24 west, is commonly called Spring Mountain. Along the southern boundary of the county south of the Petit Jean, is another mountain range. Of all these mountains the Mag- azine is the largest and most important. Its highest point, which is in Sections 22 and 23, in Township 6 north, Range 25 west, is 3,275 feet above sea level. This is claimed to be the highest point in the State.* From this point, it is said, upon good authority, that the most ex- tended and most picturesque view of the surround- ing cou.ntry of the State is obtained. The Arkansas River, on the northern boundary, gives to the county forty-two miles of river frontage, and the advantage of a navigable stream for small vessels the year round, and for larger vessels from six to nine months in the year. The tributaries of this river, flowing from Logan County, are Short Mountain, Cane, Shoal, Delaware, and some smaller creeks. Short Mountain Creek rises from springs * There is somecontrovpi-sv about tlie liigliest point in tlie State, it lieing claimed for Hieli ;\Iountain in I'ollc County, Imt tlie writer is of opinion tliat Ma.gazine lias the liigliest elevation. on Magazine Mountain, in Township (> north, Range 25 west, being in the south- central part of the county, and flows thence in a northwesterly direction, between Flattop and Calico Mountains, and by way of Paris and Short Mountain to the north side of the latter, where it turns to the east- ward and northeastward, and empties into the Ar- kansas near the middle of Range 25. There are several important tributaries of this creek, the principal one being Six Mile Creek, which rises near the southwest corner of Township 7 noith, Range 27 west, and flows thence in a northeasterly direction to its junction with the main stream, on the north side of Short Mountain. Cane Creek rises in the northeast part of Township 7 north, Range 25 west, and flows thence in a general north- easterly direction to the Arkansas, in the south- west part of Township 9 north. Range 23 west. Shoal Creek rises from springs on Magazine Mount- ain, near the southern boundary of the county in Range 24, and runs thence in a northeasterly di- rection between Blue and Spring Mountains, and through a gap in Pine Ridge, and finally empties into the Arkansas in the eastern part of Township 8 north, in Range 23 west. Delaware Creek drains the extreme eastern portion of the county, and empties into the Arkansas near the northeast cor- ner of the county. The Petit Jean River enters the county about four miles north of its southwest corner, and flows easterly through the southern tier of townships. Its principal tributary is Sugar Creek, which flows into it from the south. The IMagazine Mountain, with the territory west of it in Township north, forms the dividing ridge, or watershed, between the Ai-kansas and Petit Jean Rivers. According to tradition this river derived its name from the following circumstances: When the Territory was under the dominion of the French, a party of explorers or hunters visited the head of the stream, having with them a small man whose name was Jean in French, or John in English. Petit means little, in French, and being a small man they called him Petit Jean (Little John). While there they had a fight with the Indians, and Petit Jean was wounded, and afterward died 1^ 1.^ 324 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. from the effects of the wound as the party was re- turning down the river, hence the name Petit Jean River. Cane Creek took its name from the abun- dance of cane along its route, and Shoal Creek took its name from the many shoals in its course. One of the most valuable resources of Logan County, when developed, will be its timber. At least one-half its area is yet covered with virgin forests, containing vast quantities of the most val- uable woods. In the bottoms are walnut, white oak, the red and black oaks, gum, mulberry, hick- ory, white ash, Cottonwood, box elder, and a vari- ety of others. On the uplands are post oak, hick- ory, cherry, pine, red and black oak, etc. On the north side of Magazine Mountain are found im mense quantities of wild cherry and black walnut, of immense size, from three to five feet in diam- eter, and straight as an arrow for many feet with- out limbs. There is perhaps a larger quantity of oak than of any other timber; the pine is not abun- dant. The demand for lumber is only local yet, very little being cut for shipment. Pine and oak lumber can be bought for building purposes almost anywhere in the county at $10 to $12.50 per thou- sand feet. The mineral wealth of Logan County is very great, though as yet undeveloped. The whole northern side of the county is underlaid with coal of the finest quality, and coal has also been dis- covered on Cauthron Prairie, in the southwestern part of the county. In the immediate vicinity of Paris, coal to supply the local demand is mined. The veins vary in thickness from twenty- eight inches to four feet, and lie near the surface. A much thicker deposit has been reached at a depth of about eighty feet, but it has never been developed. The area of the coal fields is estimated at 75,000 acres. Iron ore is found in large quantities in several localities. Near Paris are extensive deposits of brown hematite, and the same ore is found in the ridges south of the Petit Jean River. Some lands on which deposits of iron are found have recently been purchased by eastern parties for the purpose of developing the iron. Building stone of the finest quality, and in in- exhaustible quantity, is found in the ridges all over the county. It is chiefly a gray sandstone, easily dressed and very durable. Granite of fine quality is abundant in the southern range of mountains. Fire clay and brick clay are found in great abundance, and of excellent quality. Gold has been found at Golden City, near the southern line of the county, and a mining camp has been established there. Considerable work has been done there in the way of sinking shafts etc. , but at this writing it has not been disclosed whether or not the "find" will prove a profitable one. Copper and galena have also been found in the same locality, but they are yet undeveloped. The alluvial soils along the rivers and creeks are as fertile as any in the world. The uplands are of various grades in different sections of the county, but consist mainly of hematitic clay, with a substratum ranging in de2:ith from two or three to fifteen feet. The new grounds are overlaid with a mold from a few inches to a foot in thick- ness. Most of the upland is highly productive in its natural state. A remarkable feature of the mountain lands is that on many of them, particu- larly on the Magazine Mountain, the vegetation and the soil present the same characteristics as the alluvial river bottoms. As to the agricultural products of the county, cotton holds the first place. The average yield per acre of the fleecy staple is higher in Arkansas than in any of the other cotton-producing States, and Logan County will compare favorably with any section of the State. The yield may be counted with reasonable certainty to average about a half bale per acre on uplands, and a bale on bot- tom lands. It is not uncommon to see a bale per acre from the uplands in many sections of the county. Corn i.s the next crop in point of acreage, and, of course, first in importance. Ttie yield is from twenty-five to seventy-five bushels per acre. Since corn is the life of the farmer and of the farm, it will be a source of gratification to those in search of homes to' know that with early planting and good cultivation, the corn crop never fails in this %' LOGAN COUNTY. 325 section. In the two protracted drouths that have visited this region in the last fifteen years, all who had planted early crops and cultivated them well, had corn to s])are to their less fortunate aeighbors. Wheat is another crop which yields reasonably well. More attention has been paid to the growth of wheat of late years than formerly, and the yield has been materially augmented by the intro- duction of better methods of cultivation. The yield of wheat is from seven to thirty bushels per acre ; Oats, rye and barley are all cultivated, and make good crops. Oats is an important crop, and recently the acreage has been largely increased. The great abundance and variety of native grasses, which the "public range" furnished while the country was sparsely settled and but little fenced, obviated to a very large degree the necessity for cultivating the tame grasses; but where tried many of them have done well. Clover, timothy, red top, orchard grass and millet, all yield large returns, while some native grasses yield line pasturage and good hay. Clover will yield two crops of hay per year, but as yet only a little has been raised. It ought to be extensively raised, both for pasturage and for fertilizing the soil and killing out the weeds which grow so luxuriantly here. Farmers would find their milk and biitter of much better quality if they would keep their milch cows off the wild range and pasture them on clover fields. This will be an excellent grazing county when the tame grasses are generally introduced and raised to the proper extent. A valuable addi- tion to the range of late years is the wide distri- bution over the county of the Lespidesa, or " Ja- pan clover, ' ' which now covers a large j)ercentage of the open land. The attention of the whole country has been attracted by the wonderful display of fruits made by Arkansas at New Orleans, Boston and other places. Logan is not behind her sister counties in the production of fruit, though she has as yet no very extensive orchards. Peaches, apples and all the small fruits grow to the greatest perfection, the uplands being the best for their production. Grape culture, while yet in its infancy, has been tried sufficiently to demonstrate its success. The hills and mountains abound with wild grapes of several valuable kinds, many of them being equal in size and flavor to favorite varieties of cultivated grapes. One variety is aboiit the size of the well- known Concoril, and equally as good. Another variety is a large and excellent white grape, and another is larger than either of these, but it has a tough skin and is not so good in quality. The native grapes, being very abundant, are extensively gathered by the citizen and manufactured into wine of excellent quality. " One of the enterprises to which the people of Logan County can point with pride is the Paris Nursery, located on Short Mountain, two miles northwest of Paris. It was established in 1871), by J. W. Ayers, who was its principal manager until his death, which occurred but recently. Mr. E. G. Butler purchased an interest in the business some years ago, and it now belongs to him and the Ayers estate. Mr. Butler a practical nurseryman, lives upon the farm and superintends the business to- gether with the administrator of the Ayers estate, the Hon. J. H. Wilkins. Commencing with a small stock, and a business confined almost entirely to Logan County, this nursery has steadily grown until it is now one of the largest in the State, em- ploying canvasers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and the Indian Territory. Mr. Butler devotes his whole time to the business and understands it thoroughly, and will continue the business. Every bill of trees sent out from this nursery is just as represented, a fact to which the many customers willingly testify. The elevation, and the character of the soil on Short Mountain, make it one of the best locations in the State for a nursery. There are now in the Paris Nursery a fine stock of healthy young trees, many of the one year old ap- jjle trees being from four to six feet in height. The compiler of this work has had experience in the fruit-tree nursery business in another State, and sincerely recommends the patronage of the home nursery, not alone for the purpose of fostering a home institution, but for self pro- tection, for the purpose of getting acclimated trees and plants, that will succeed in growing and be ^^ A' t^ j^ 326 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. true in name of variety'. Buy trees of kinds of fruit the success of wliicli has l)een proven in your latitude. The Logan County Bureau of Immigration, in a pamphlet published recently, speaks as follows concerning the raising of live stock: ' ' In the old ante belluni days the energies of the South were entirely concentrated on cotton, and every other enterprise sank into insignificance be- fore the one absorbing idea that "cotton is king." So it was, that iintil a very late day no attention has been paid to stock-raising. Our mountain sides are covered with deer, and hogs unclaimed fattened in our forests; our prairie lands furnished a pasture in summer, and the canebrakes in the bottoms were a never-failing winter pasture for cattle. But the march of immigration has caused cities to spring up in our midst, and the demand for beef and meats of all kinds has greatly augu- mented, and there can be no doubt that stock rais- ing can be made very profitable here, especially by those who understand how to handle stock. We have only a few citizens who have turned their at- tention to graded cattle, and they find the business very profitable. Our meats are at this time to a great extent furnished us from the north, and in the towns of much consequence they buy from the north large amounts. After a glance at our list of grasses and never- failing supply of the purest water, we see no reason why stock-raising could not be made largely profitable here. The northern markets would have their freight to pay in order to compete with the home producer, and there is no qiiestion about the local demand here. People who understand stock-raising are especially invited to come and be with us, they will receive a sf)ecial welcome; they would be useful to us, and we will encourage their enterprise. We would rather spend our money at home. " Horse and mule raising would also be a good Imsiness here. As large farms are being opened an animal is in demand here that can pull a heavy plow. The mustang pony must go. As yet there have been very few good g.meralpurpose horses raised here; they are purchased from the north, and are now in great demand. Money invested in a stock farm in one of the fertile valleys, watered by a mountain stream, in Logan County, would be a paying investment. In this we are sure no mistake can be made, no money lost ; and he who embarks first will get the cream of the enterprise; though this business is bound to last and prosper in this country while water runs and grass grows. ' ' Until the last few years the wolves and other wild animals have kept the sheep pretty well thinned out, but now, as our country is filling up very fast, these destructive animals, like the buf- falo, are seeking a more congenial clime. Sheep can be raised here now with certainty, and from under the eye of the shepherd, with very little ex- pense to the farmer, and would yield a large profit. Our mountain sides could be especially utilized in this enterprise, and a pleasanter or more profitable business could not be embarked in. It is an es- tablished fact that sheep are not so susceptible to destructive diseases here as in many localities where their culture is an acknowledged success. The wool fiber is finer and longer and the yield greater than in less healthy localities; hence, in- ducements, from every point of view, preponderate in favor of this locality, with its short, mild winters, early springs, temperate summers, and late falls, for this particular industry." The following statistics will show what has actually been done in the county — numerically at least — in the way of live-stock raising in the last few years. In 1886 there were 4,710 horses, 1,900 mules and asses, 19,212 head of cattle, 4,070 sheep, and 24,784 hogs, listed for taxation in Logan County, and the number of these animals listed for taxation in 1889 was as follows: Horses, 4,357; mules and asses, 1,988; cattle, 23,331; sheep, 5,934; hogs, 31,611. This shows a decrease in the number of horses during the three years of 353, and a gain of 88 mules and asses, 4,112 cattle, 1,864 sheep, and 6,827 hogs. These figures are taken from the county records and are therefore reliable. There was a fair gain in the number of mules and asses, and large gains in the number of cattle, sheep and hogs, but it seems strange that there should be such a falling off in the nu^mber of horses as shown by the figures. 9 w. J^ LOGAN COUNTY. 327 The territory composing Logan County was formerly dependent upon the Arkansas River, and latterly upon the Little Rock & Fort Smith Rail- road for transportation facilities. But little is now transported by way of the river. The line of the proposed Fort Smith & Dardanelle Railroad passes east and west through the county by way of Paris. This road has been chartered, the route surveyed and the right of way secured, and some work on the west end at Fort Smith has been done. Nothing is being done at present, but the pros- pects for business along this line will p)i"obably cause the road to be constructed at no distant day. This line, eighty miles in length, passes through the richest coal fields in the southwest, and as fine an agricultural region as can be found in the coun- try. There is talk of building a branch railroad from Coal Hill in Johnson County, on the Little Rock & Fort Smith line, to Paris. In all proba- bility it will not be long before the county will have a railroad. It is most probable that the first white men who ever visited the territory now composing Logan County belonged to the exploring expedi- tion of Hernando De Soto, who, in 1541, crossed the Arkansas River, going southward, at some point between the present cities of Dardanelle and Forth Smith. The following facts are circum- stances in evidence of his having stopped here with his men for a time. At the crossing of Six Mile Creek on the Fort Smith road, eight miles west of Paris, are five mounds supposed to have been con- structed by Indians. The mounds stand on the west bank of the creek. Three have been opened, and in two of them the bones of individuals belonging to a giant race of Indians, probably the Big Osages, and in the other the bones of white men of ordinary size have been found. Evidently a fight has oc- curred here some time between the Indians and a band of white men, and it is believed that the lat- ter belonged to De Soto's expedition, though his- torians do not place his line of march quite so far to the west. The evidences of a fight are, that in one place near the mounds flattened bullets, and in an- other place numerous flint arrow heads have been found, which circumstances lead to the conclusion that the Indians fought from the place where the flattened balls were found, and the whites from the point where the arrowheads were found. Many of the bones and skulls found in the mounds were broken, indicating that the contending parties finally closed in and had a hand-to hand encounter. In another place, not far from the mounds, round bullets have been found, and here it is supposed that the whites had their camp. Bars of lead and pieces of iron bars, probably cudgels and other warlike implements have also been found. Hemis- pherical iron balls, about a dozen in number, that would fit a three-pound-ball cannon, were also found here. The bones of the Indians would in- dicate that they were from six to seven feet in height. Subsequent to De Soto's explorations, and prior to 1800, the Arkansas River and the territory ad- jacent thereto were frequently explored by the sub- jects of France and Spain in their search for val- uable metals. Many marks made by them still remain upon the rocks in Logan County. The permanent white settlement, however, did not be- gin here until about the beginning of the present century. It seems to have begun here earlier than at many points farther down the river. A man named Noaks settled as early, perhaps, as 1806, at a point one mile southeast of Roseville, and Noaks Creek was named after him. Soon thereafter a Polish Count Don Stein, an exile from his country, settled just north of Short Mountain, and led a wild and reckless life, hunting and sport- ing with the Indians, fighting duels, etc. After the lands were surveyed in 1825, he entered the tract on which his cabin stood, and soon thereafter sold out and left. Col. John Tittsworth settled near Short Mountain about the year 1814, his sons, David and Gabriel, having settled here some time earlier. John Fort came from Missouri in 1826, and settled in McClain's bottom. His mother came the next year with the balance of her large family including her son William, who still survives and resides about three miles west of Paris. Among other prominent citizens who located here in the twenties, some of them perhaps a little later, were George Hicklin, who settled on or near the present r %^ 328 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. site of Paris; a Mr. Davis and Mi. McClain (or McLeau) who settled on McClain' s bottom; Mr. HisKon, Anthony Brown, James Carpenter, Samuel Rose, John Drennon (who afterward owned a steamboat on the river), and George Gill, all of whom settled at and in the vicinity of Roseville; William Raney, Mr. McClain and a Mr. Scott, all of whom settled on McClain' s bottom; the Nesbits who settled in the lower end of the county; Mark Cravens, who settled near Morrison's BluflP, also Lorenzo Clark, a very noted and wealthy man and politician. Thomas Cochran settled and named Cochran's Prairie south of Boone ville as early and not later, perhaps, than 1810. About 1830 Col. James Logan settled on Sugar Creek south of the Petit Jean River, and about the same time a Mr. Scott settled on the river. A number of persons came from the New Madrid country soon after the earthquakes of 1811 and 1812, and settled in what is now Logan County. The persons named in the foregoing were among the most noted early settlers. There was a class of settlers here before them, some of whom remained but a short time, and none of whom gained notoriety. There were rough times here in the "early days." Fighting duels was a common practice, and the notorious John A. Murrell, with his gang of counterfeiters and robbers, made this coixnty one of his places of rendezvous. The first steamboat that ascended the Arkansas River as high as this county is said to have been the " Cotton Plant, ' ' which came up in 1 847. The items pertaining to the permanent settlement of the county have been furnished the writer by Judge Theodore Potts, who in some instances gave only approximate dates. For further particulars and more definite dates pertaining to individual settlers the reader is referred to the biographical sketches of the leading citizens. While a number of citizens were cleaning up the Rane3' graveyard in Clark Township in August, ISyO, an old grave was discovered that attracted unusual attention. On examination the grave was found to be nine feet long with head and footstoues of hard sandstone. The head stone was taken down and closely examined, and upon it was the following inscription, which was covered over with moss: "John McDaniel, Ju. 4. 1S17." The old- est inhabitants have no tradition about the grave, save that some of them remember having seen the grave when they were boys. It is supposed that his death occurred in June or July of that year. Logan County, originally call Sarber, was or- ganized in accordance with the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State, ap- proved March 22, 1871, and was called Sarber in honor of Gen. J. N. Sarber. The first three sec- tions of the act reads as follows: Section 1. Be it enacted by tTie OeneraZ Assembly of the State of Arkansas, That all that portion of the coun- ties of Yell, Johnson, Franlilin and Scott includeJ with- in the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point in the channel of the Arkansas River where the line dividing Ranges 21 and 22 crosses said river; thence run- ning south on said line to the line dividing Townships 6 and 7; thence running west on said line to the boundary between Yell and Johnson Counties; thence west and south with said boundary line to theline dividing Townships 24 and 25; thence south on said line to the line dividing 5 and 6; thence west on said line to the boundary line between Yell and Scott Counties; thence south on said boundary line to the line dividing Townships 4 and .5; thence west on said line dividing 4 and .5 to the boundary line between Scott and Sebastian Counties: thence north on the line dividing Ranges 28 and 29, to northwest corner of Town- ship 6, Range 28; thence east on said line dividing 6 and 7, to the line dividing Ranges 28 and 27; thence north on said line dividing Ranges 28 and 27, to the line dividing Townships 7 and 8; thence east on said line dividing Townships 7 and 8, to the line dividing Ranges 2.5 and 26; thence north on said line dividing Ranges 25 and 26, to the channel of the Arkansas River, thence with the chan- nel of said river to the plane of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the temporar3' seat of justice of said county shall be at Reveille. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall appoint all county and township officers m said county of Sarber hereby established, who shall hold their respective offices until their successors are elected and qualified, as provided for by the constitution, at the next general election for the same class of officers in other counties. Section 4 appoints C. P. Anderson, James M. White and James L. Garner as a board of com- missioners to locate the seat of justice for the county, purchase the site thereof and perform cer- tain other duties. Then follow sixteen other sec- ^1 @ fc- - — »fc LOGAN COUNTY. 329 tions pertaining to the organization of the courts, the diities of officers, etc. It will be observed that the first section of the act bounds a certain tract of territory, but fails to say that it shall be formed into a separate county, and fails also to name the county. Section 3 speaks of " said County of Sarber " the same as though it had been named. Thus it is seen that the county was not really named at all, but was called Sarber by implication. However, it was or- ganized under the act, imperfect as it was. As soon as the commissioners appointed to locate the seat of justice were informed of their duties, they met and selected a site on Eed Bench*, of Fhittoi) Mountain, about six miles southeast of the present town of Paris, and here the county seat was first located. The place was named Anderson, and a small frame court-house and a small log jail were erected there. The temporary seat of justice re- mained at Eeveille but a short time. The county seat remained at Anderson until after the passage of the following act entitled, " An act to amend an act to establish and organize the County of Sarber, and for other purposes," ap- proved February 27, 1873. Section 1 of this amendatory act reads as follows: ''That all that portion of the counties of Yell, Johnson, Franklin and Scott included within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point in the channel of the Arkansas Eiver, where the line dividing Ranges twenty-one (21) and twenty- two (22) west, crosses said river; thence running south on said line to the line dividing Townships six ((3) and seven (7) north; thence west on said line to the boundary line between Yell and Johnson Counties ;thence west and south on said boundary line to the range line dividing Ranges twenty-fovir (24) and twenty-five (25) west; thence south on said line to the line dividing Townships five (5) and six (6) north; thence west on said line to the line dividing Ranges twenty-five (25) and twenty-six (26) west; thence south on said line to the dividing line be- tween Townshijas four (4) and five (5) north; thence * Eed Bench derived its name from the tradition tliat the Oov- ei-nraent surveyors marked trees along one of their Unes tiiereon with red elialk. Flattop Mountain is a bench of the Magazine Mount- ain Range. west on said line to the line dividing Ranges twenty- eight (28) and twenty-nine (29) west; thence north on said line to the line dividing Townships six (0) and seven (7) north ; thence east on said line to the line between Ranges twenty-seven (27) and twenty- eight (28) west; thence north on said line to the line between Townships seven (7) and eight (8) north; thence east on said line to the line dividing Ranges twenty-six (26) and twenty-seven (27) west; thence north on said line to the channel of the Ar- kansas River; thence with the channel of said river to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby formed into a separate and distinct county, to be known and designated the county of Sarber, to have, enjoy and exercise, as a body politic and cor- porate, all the rights, priviliges and immunities of a separate county. " ■ By the second section of this act James R. LafFery, Daniel R. Lee and James A. Shrigley were appointed commissioners to locate the seat of jus- tice for the county, to purchase lands for the same and lay it out into town lots, to sell the lots to secure funds to be applied toward the erection of public buildings, and to perform other specific duties. This act gave a more definite description of the boundary lines of the county, named it Sarber (as it was originally intended to be named), and enlarged its area by adding thereto all that jsart of Townshijis 8 and 9 north, in Range 26 west, which lies south of the Arkansas Riyer. The new commissioners ap- pointed by this act to locate or relocate the seat of justice, met and selected Ellsworth, a place on the old Little Rock & Fort Smith military road, about ten miles east of the present county seat. Here a small, frame court-house, or clerk' s ofiSce, was erect- ed, to which the county records were removed in 1873, and for the time being Ellsworth became the county seat. The people were not satisfied, how- ever, and much contention now arose about another location for the county seat, and strenuous efforts were made by the party in power to locate it at a point three miles west of where Paris now stands. The new site was selected and a contract for the building of a new court-house was let and the county court was about to issue bonds for a large T S W. 4 lA 330 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sum of money to secure funds for the improve- ments at the proposed new county seat, but was prevented from so doing by tbe armed ujH-ising of the citizens opposed to such measure. Early in 1874 an investigation of the county records was ordered, and on the night of Febru- ary 17 the court-house and all the public records excepting the register of county scrip and the county seal were consumed by fire. It is claimed by the parties favoring the investigation that the court-house and records were burned to prevent such investigation. To settle the contention about the permanent location of the county, the Legislature of 1874 passed an act authorizing an election to be held whereby the electors of the county might, by a majority vote, select a site for the seat of justice. An election was accordingly held, and the site of Paris was selected by a majority of the electors. A one- story frame court house, containing four offices and a court-room was erected, and in September, 1874, it was occupied by the county officers, and Paris be came the permanent seat of justice, and as such it still remains. This first court house at Paris stood on the public square, directly southwest of the pres- ent court-house. It was consumed by fire in Oc- tober, 1877, having been fired by (;ne Biggs, who at the time was resting under an indictment for larceny. Biggs was afterward indicted for the new offense, was tried, found guilty, and sent to the penitentiary for a term of years. In the burning of the court-house at this time tbe newly accu- mulated records were also destroyed. The present court-house, which stands in the center of the pub- lic square, was erected in 1879-80, at a cost of about ifS.OOO. It is a plain and sulistautial two- story brick structure, 50x50 feet in size, with the hall and county offices on the first floor and the courtroom on the second. The first jail at Paris was built of logs. In about 1886 it was replaced with a two-story stone jail which is still standing. The county was organized in reconstruction times, and as many citizens were not satisfied with the name, a pressure was afterward brought to bear upon the Legislature, which resulted in the passage of an act approved December 14, 1875, which changed the name from that of Sarber to Logan— the latter name being selected in honor of James Logan, one of the pioneer settlers of this part of the State. The boundary lines of the county remained tbe same as described in the act of 1873, aforesaid, until an act was passed and approved March 21, 1881, the first section of which reads as follows: " That the boundary line between the counties of Scott and Logan, in the State of Arkansas, be, and it is hereby changed, and all that portion of Scott County comprised within tbe following limits, to wit: Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Tovra- ship 4 north. Range 26 west; and Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Township 4 north, Range 27, west; and Section 1, Township 4 north. Range 28 west, be, and the same is hereby detached from the county of Scott, and attached and added to the county of Logan. ' ' No other changes have been made, consequently the territory included within tbe boundaries de- scribed in the act of 1873, together with the sec- tions attached by tbe act of 1881, constitute tbe whole area of tbe county, amounting to 672 square miles. The following is a list of the names of tbe county officers of Logan County with dates of their terms of service annexed, from tbe organization of tbe county to the year 1800: .Judges. — Nathan Ellington, 1871-72; board of supervisors, 1872-74; Theodore Potts, 1874-78; J. H. Luman, 1878-80; T. C. Humphrey, 1880- 82; M. P. Blair, 1882-86; E. B. Casey, 1886-88; C. R. Sadler, 1888-90. Clerks.— J. A. Sbrigley, 1871-72; W. E. Grif- fith, 1872-74; Thomas Cauthron, 1874-76; C. B. Harley, 1876-78; H. G. Sadler, 1878-86; J. W. Poyner, 1886-88; W. R. Cherry, 1888-90. Sheriffs. — J. S. Garner, 1871-74; A. S. Cabell, 1874-80; W. C. McCubbin, 1880-82; J. P. Grady, 1882-84; A. S. Cabell, 1884-86; Richard Garner, 1886-88; O. C. Wood, 1888-90. Treasurers.— D. R. Lee, 1871-72; W. C. Mc- Caslin, 1872-74; Silas Shirley, 1874-78; T. L. Fuller, 1878-86; W. H. Pearson, 1886-88; T. L. Fuller, 1888-90. ■^; nr LOGAN COUNTY. 331 Coroners. — Henry Wilson, 1872-74; G. Humph- rey, 1874-70; W. H. Fort, 1876-78; Lowery, 1878-80; P. M. Clark, 1880-82; VV. R. Lee, 1882 -84; J. L. Moffit, 1884-86; W. A. Heartsill, 1886- 88; John Carr, 1888-1)0. Surveyors.— W. E. Griffith, 1871-72; L. Wear, 1872-76; H. M. Youngblood, 1876-78; G. R. Brown, 1878-84; G. J. Harvey, 1884-86; J. F. Billingsly, 1886-88; G. R. Brown, 1888-90. As.sessors.— R. B. Chitwood, 1871-74; S. R. Low, 1874-78; F. J. Plunkett, 1878-80; T. R. Low, 1880-82; E. J. Plunkett, 1882-84; H. T. Hampston, 1884-88; E. Schneider, 1888-9(1 State Senators. — District composed of Newton, Johnson, Yell and Sarber, Thomas A. Hanks, 1873 -74; district composed of Yell and Sarber Coun- ties, J. W. Toomer, 1874-76; district composed of Yell and Logan, B. B. Chism, 187(5-80; same district, J. T. Harrison, 1880-84; Theodore F. Potts, 1884-88; Dr. W. A. Clement, 1888-92. Representatives in Legislature. — District com- posed of Newton, Johnson, Yell and Sarber Coun- ties, John N. Sarber, P. H. Sf)ears and James A. Shrigley, 1872-73; same district, A. D. King and M. Hixson, 1873-74; tlie county alone after 1874 — Seth Spangler, 1874-76; B. Priddy, 1876-80; J. J. Boles, 1880-82; B. Priddy, 1882-84; M. C. Scott, 1884-86; E. C. Burehette, 1886-88; H. Stroup, 1888-90. The count}' was represented in the Constitu- tional Convention held July 14 to October 31, 1874, by Ben B. Chism, delegate. The political aspect of the county is shown by the following: At the September election in 1888, James P. Eagle, Democratic candidate for gover- nor, received 1,945 votes, and his opponent, C. M. Norwood, candidate of the Union Labor party and combined opposition, received 1,553 votes, the whole number of votes cast being 3,498, and Gov. Eagle's majority being 392. At the presidential election in 1888 the several candidates for the presidency received votes as follows: Cleveland (D.) 1,799, Harrison (R.) 1,034, Streeter (U. L.) 120, Fisk (Pro.) 7 — whole number of votes cast, 2,960; Clevelanjl's majority over all, 638. This shows that a light vote was cast at this election. At the September election in 1890 James P. Eagle, Democratic candidate for re-election to the office of governor, received 2,055, and his opponent, N. B. Fizer, received 1,468 votes — whole number of votes cast, 3,523; Eagle's majority, 587. This shows a gain in the Democratic majority over that of 1888 of 195, while the gain in the whole num- ber of votes cast amounted only to 25. The following gives the number of the votes cast in each municipal township of thn county for the candidates for the office of county judge. TOWNSHIPS. Delaware Shoal Creek. . . . Cane Creek Kiver Logan Ellsworth Clark Roseville Six Mile Washburn Boone Cauthron Sugar Creek. .. . Petit Jean Reveille ni-iggs Mountain Johnson Bear Wallow. . . . Short Mountain. Totals G. J. Harvey. 63 124 103 107 67 46 106 127 142 98 228 99 108 120 171 47 47 21 13 250 W. H. H. Harley. 2,088 72 81 80 19 62 87 92 92 54 94 81 30 25 22 161 99 47 57 47 164 1,466 All the other candidates for county officers re- ceived nearly the same number of votes in each township. The following persons, all Democrats, were elected to the office mentioned with their names, by majorities indicated by the figures an- nexed. H. F. Thomason, circuit judge, 455; W. B. Jackson, representative, 431 ; G. J. Harvey, county judge, 622; C. P. Trimm, circuit clerk, 621; H. Stroup, county clerk, 783; O. C. Wood, sheriff, 605; T. L. Fuller, treasurer, 475; E. Schneider, assessor, 529; J. H. Carmichael, sur- veyor, 599; J. C. Jewell, coroner, 558. A few townships gave a majority in favor of liquor license, but the whole number of votes cast in the county for such license was 1,385, and the number cast against such license was 1,750, a majority of 365 opposed to the ' ' traffic. ' ' Logan county belongs to the Twelfth Judicial District, composed of the cou^nties of Scott, Sebas- :nC .u 332 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tian, Crawford and Logan. Hon. John S. Little, of Greenwood, in Sebastian County, was elected judge of this district in 1886, his term expiring October 30, 1890. His successor. Judge H. F. Thomasou, was elected at the September election, 1890. Prosecuting Attorney J. B. McDouough, of Fort Smith, was elected in September, 1888, his term expiring also October 30, 1890. His successor, Prosecutor O. L. Miles, was elected at the Septem- ber election, 1890. The Logan Circuit Court con- venes on the twelfth Monday after the last Mon- day in February and August of each year, and the length of term allowed by law is three weeks. From the organization of the county to the fall of 1890, the same individual held the offices of county and circuit court clerk. At the September elec- tion, 1890, C. P. Trimm was elected circuit court clerk, and on October 30, 1890, if living, he will open his office, taking from the county clerk's office all records pertaining to and belonging to the circuit court. The Logan County legal bar consists of the fol- lowing named attorneys: C. B. Fountain and W. B. Jackson of the firm of Jackson & Fountain, Theo. F. Potts, Anthony Hall, J. H. Wilkins, J. H. Evans, W. H. H. Harley, G. S. Evans, E. Hiner, James Cochran, J. F. Keith, C. P. Trimm (clerk elect), O. L. Miles (prosecutor elect), H. Stroup, T. P. Manning and B. B. Chism, the latter being now the Secretary of State. Several of these men are young "limbs of the law" just entering the profession. In the prosecution for crimes only one man has suffered the death penalty in Logan County, and that one was James Tucker, colored, who was ex- ecuted on the gallows in 1884, for the murder of Barker, also colored. In 1878, one Smith, a white man, committed suicide in the jail while under sen- tence of death for the murder of a young man. The criminal record of Logan County is similar to that of other counties of its size and age. The people are very civil, and good order prevails. At the beginning of the Civil War of 1861-65 a very strong Union sentiment existed with the y)eople of the territory now comprising Logan County. Men were not so enthusiastic and eager to join the Confederate Army as in many other parts of the State. When the Confederate con- script act was enforced several Union men were forced into the Confederate Army; others fled the country and enlisted in the United States armies at different points, and others, with their families, hid away in the mountains. During the early part of the war, and as long as the territory was wholly within the lines of the Confederate armies, it was overrun by guerrillas and bushwhackers, who preyed upon and severely piinished the Union people wher- ever they could be found. After the Union armies advanced, and the territory fell within their lines, it was overrun, to some extent, by marauding parties, guerrillas and scouts from both sides. Re- taliatory measures were resorted to in some in- stances by Union troops, and the families of those favoring and assisting the " Southern cause," be- came the sufferers. In this way — this system of guerrilla warfare — much damage was done, untold and indescribable suffering was caused, and lives were sacrificed. The action known as the Haguewood Fight took place in September, 1863, at a point one-half mile east of the present town of Paris. On this occa- sion Company H, of the First Arkansas (Federal) Infantry, commanded by Capt. Parker, was escort- ing a wagon train returning from Dardanelle to Fort Smith, from which place it had previously gone to Dardanelle with a load of supplies for the Federal troops at that port. It was attacked by Joe Shelby with his regiment of Confederate Cav- alry. Company H of the First Arkansas was largely composed of men whose homes were in the immediate vicinity of the jilace where the fight oc- curred, and a number of them had left the camp of the train and escort to visit their homes, and were absent when the fight occuiTed. Many of the com- pany engaged in the action had previously been prisoners of war in the hands of the Confed- eracy, and, knowing the hardships of prison life, they fought with unusual desperation, secreting themselves behind the wagons as best they could. Although fighting against great odds, they held the enemy at bay for nearly two hours, and then were completely routed. Two Federal soldiers, B. F. ^-. iku LOGAN COUNTY. 333 Wilkias, father of Hou. J. H. Wilkins, now of Paris, whose home was only about, four miles from the scene of action, and Hawkins, were killed; others, together with a few wounded, were captured, and others escaped. Several Confederates were killed and wounded, their number not now being known. The train of wagons, of course, was captured. A Federal force was stationed at Eoseville to guard that post and landing, and on one occasion, in the fall of 1863, the jiickets stationed on the Tittsworth farm below the post, were driven in by Confederate scouts and one Union soldier was killed. The scouts then retired. Some time there- after the post at Eoseville was attacked by a force of Confederate cavalry. The latter was repulsed and compelled to retire with considerable loss. It is claimed by persons whose homes have been here since a time before the war, that the territory now embraced within the county, furnished nearly an equal number of soldiers to the contending armies. As soon as the war closed, and the smoke of its clouds cleared away, the soldiers returned from the con- tending armies, buried the hatchet of warfare, re- sumed their avocations of life, have lived in peace, and now entertain kind feelings one for the other. There are at this writing four posts of the G. A. R. within the county, one at Paris, one at Corley, one at Booneville, and one at Ellsworth, and by the time this work reaches the reader there will prob- ably be a camp of S. of V. at Ellsworth. The Con- federate ex soldiers have an organization at Paris. The town of Paris had its origin when its site was selected for the seat of justice, in 1874. It has all been built since that date, and it has now a population of about 800. It is situated about five miles south of the Arkansas River, and twelve miles liy wagon road from Altus, the nearest station on the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad. It has general stores, 4 family groceries, 2 drug and 2 iiarness stores, 2 fiirniture and 2 millinery stores, 2 livery stables, 3 blacksmith and wagon shops, 1 meat market, 1 shingle and planing-mill, 1 flour- ing-mill and cotton-gin, 1 corn-mill and cotton-gin, 3 hotels, 3 church edifices — Methodist, Baptist and Catholic — one school- house — Paris Academy — 3 resident ministers, several lawyers, 4 physicians, a lodge each of Masons and K. of P. , a post of the G. A. R., an association of ex-Confederate sol- diers, 2 weekly newspapers, etc. Paris is connect- ed with Altus and Fort Smith by daily hack and mail lines. From four to five thousand bales of cotton are handled here annually. Paris was in- corporated February 18, 1879. At this writing its corporate ofiicers are as follows: William M. Green- wood, mayor; C. B. Gray, recorder; T. J. Connel- ley, Jr., treasurer; Z. P. Pillgreen, marshal. There are five aldermen. The town is out of debt and has some money in the treasury. The Paris Express, an eight-column folio, pub- lished by William M. Greenwood, is now in its eleventh volume, having been established in 1880. The Paris Tribune, a six-column folio, now in its sixth volume, is published by its proprietor, L. B. Gamble, and edited by W. H. H. Harley. Both of these papers are neatly printed and well edited, the former advocating Democratic and the latter Republican principles. Roseville, an old steamboat landing, and the oldest town in the county, is situated on the Arkansas River, at the ferry on the Altus and Paris mail line road. It contains 2 general stores, 1 drug and 1 grocery store, a grist-mill and cotton- gin, 2 blacksmith shops, and a school-house and church combined. Prior to the Civil War, and up to the completion of the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad, Roseville was a place of consid- erable importance, doing a large amount of busi- ness, having the river for its transportation. Booneville, with a population of about 500, is situated in the southwest part of the county, on the Petit Jean River. It is a good business point, and ships annually from 1,500 to 2,000 bales of cotton. It has 8 general, 4 grocery, 1 drug and 1 millinery store, 1 livery barn, 2 blacksmith shops, a school- house, the Fort Smith District High School, 1 church, 1 grist-mill, planing-mill and cotton gin combined, the Booneville Enterprise, 5 lawyers and 5 physicians. The Booneville Enterprise was es- tablished in 1878, being the first newspaper pub- lished in the county, by Moore & Co., who still own it. It was suspended from 1880 to 1884, when its ^k 1- » Ki .t 334 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. publication was renewed. It is edited by J. F. Keith, is a seven-column folio, and labors in the interest of the people and the Democratic party. Booneville is one of the oldest towns in the county. Magazine, twelve miles southwest of Paris, with a population of about 400, is beautifully situated on a high plateau, just west of the Magazine Mountain, in the center of a fine farming country, and does a large business. It is connected with Paris by telephone and a daily mail line. It has 5 general stores, 2 drug and 1 grocery store, a grist- mill, cotton-gin and woodwork establish- ment combined, 3 blacksmith shops, 1 school- house, 2 churches (Baptist and Methodist) and 5 physicians. The finest residence in the county, that of Mr. E. D. Hooper, merchant and farmer, is at this place. Chismville, in the western end of the county, sixteen miles from Paris, has two general and two drug stores, a grist-mill and cotton-gin, a blacksmith shop, school-house, and 3 physicians, and does a a considerable amount of business. Caulksville, eight miles west of Paris, contains two general and three grocery stores, a grist-mill and cotton-gin, blacksmith shop and a school-house, the latter being used also as a chiirch. Driggs is a small village consisting of two gen- eral stores, a grist-mill and cotton-gin, blacksmith shop, a school -house and two physicians. National Springs, ten miles west of Paris, is noted for its mineral springs. Corley (Burnett Springs) on Flattop Mountain, about eight miles southeast of Paris, is a pleasure or summer resort. Ellsworth, ten miles east of Paris, has one gen- eral store, a blacksmith shop, ]\Iasonic hall, a grist- miJLand cotton-gin and one chui'ch — Methodist. Prairie View, three miles northeast of Ells- woi-th, contains three general stores, a drug, gro- cery and milliner store combined, a blacksmith shop,- ft aehooMiouse and Masonic hall and a grist- mill and cotton-^in. Shoal Creek, situated in the eastern end of the county, has a general store and a grist and saw-mill and cotton-gin. Morrison's BlufP oiJ^he Arkansas River in Range 24 west, is an old steamboat landing. It has two general stores, a drug and grocery store, a grist-mill and cotton-gin, blacksmith shop, school- house and Catholic Church. Patterson's BlufP is a steamboat landing on the Arkansas River in Range 25 west. It has a general store, a grist-mill and cotton-gin and a school house. At each of the forogoing places there is a post- office in addition to what is mentioned, and the other post-offices of the county are Blaine, Briar Creek, Carolan, Delaware, Dublin, Flat, Golden City, Hobart, Idell, Money, Patsie, Revilee, Spie- lerville and Sugar Grove. Some of these are ham- lets, consisting of the post office, a store, black- smith shop, etc. In regard to the public schools and the work- ing of the free-school system in Logan County, but little more need be said than what was so well said two years ago by the school examiner of the county in his letter to the State superintendent of public instruction accompanying his annual report. The following is a copy of the letter. "Paris, Ark., September 20, 1888. " Hon. W. E. Thompson, State Superintendent, "Dear Sir — The figures below are from the reports of directors for the year ending June 30, 1888. The reports are incomplete, nine districts making no annual report and many others only partial ones. The following is as nearly correct as can be made from data so inadequate: Amount expended for schools $7,964 90 Amount paid teachers $7,7-41 77 Average wages paid teachers per month, male... $38 74 Average wages paid teachers per month, female. . $34 89 Number of teachers employed, males 63 Number of teachers emplo.yed, females 13 Number of teachers employed, total 76 Number of teachers employed, white 70 Number of teachers employed, colored 6 Average term of schools, months 3j Numl)er of districts 86 Number of districts voting tax .50 Number of districts voting no tax 27 Number of districts not reporting vote on tax. ... 9 Average tax voted, mills $0.00486 Number of school-houseB 93 Value $17,095 Number of private and denominational schools 11 Number of children not attending public schools 3,747 r a 4^ £. LOGAN COUNTY. 335 " The free-school system is gaiuing iu favor with the people, notwithstanding the loss of the local school fund, more than $10,000, by robbery of the county treasury, which greatly crippled the oper- ation of the schools for the year herein reported. "Three prominent defects in our school system are: 1. The employment of untrained and incom- petent teachers because they are cheap. 2. The shortness of terms. 3. Non attendance of pupils. ' ' In regard to the first, there has been decided improvement in the last few years, due largely to the good results of teachers' institutes. If the oi3fice of the county examiner were replaced by that of county superintendent the etificiency of the schools could be doubled. ' As is the teacher so is the school. ' An efficient county superintendency would in a few years develop a corps of trained teachers in every county. " A second great need is more money. Last year our schools averaged only three and two-thirds months in duration. The State school tax ought to be at least 5 mills, with another 5 mills at the option of the electors. It is cheaper to educate than to punish. Schools are better protection than courts, school-houses better than jails. "Lastly, of 7,682 persons of school age, but 3,935 were enrolled in the public schools, and of these the average attendance only 1,926. Thus of 100 scholars only fifty- one are enrolled, and the average attendance is but twenty- five; so that the benefits of our free schools reach effectively only one in four of our school population. A reasonable compulsory attendance is no more oppressive than compulsory taxation. If the one is right for property holders, the other is equally right for parents, and so large a proportion of children growing up in ignorance demauds it. ' ' Respectfully submitted, J. S. Shiblet, " Count ij Examiner, Logan County." The State superintendent's report for the years of 1889 and 1890 has not been published at this writing, but the writer is informed that an increas- ing interest is being taken in educational matters. County and district normal institutes have been held and attended by teachers. There are two chartered schools in the county having a collegiate course of instruction — the Fort Smith District High School, at Booneville, with a building valued at $4,000, and the Paris Academy, at Paris, with buildings valued at $10,000. Both these schools have a good patronage from this and the surrounding counties, and are doing excellent work iu the cause of education. Good schools are also maintained for from nine to ten months at Magazine, Ellsworth, Prairie View and other places in the county, and the German Catholics maintain paro chial schools at Paris, and at St. Benedict's, seven miles east of Paris. The various religious denominations have churches withiu easy reach of every neighborhood in the county. The Methodist Episcopal Church So)ith has five circuits in the county, the Method- ist Episcopal Church has two, and the Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian Churches have a large organization and regular preaching in all parts of the county. The German Catholics have churches and regular services at Paris, Shoal Creek, Morrison's Bluff, and St. Benedict's. Sunday-schools are maintained in the churches at the towns and villages and the closely settled neighborhoods. The church organizations are doing good work in the cause of Christianity, the people are generally moral and Christian in character, and no home-seeker need fear that he will not find here both church and school facilities, and a kind and hospitable people to live with. The county has voted "no license" for the last eight years. A splendid view of the county and surrounding territory is obtained from the top of Short Mount- ain. Facing northward the beholder first sees the valley of the Arkansas, the winding of the river and villages thereon. Beyond the river in a direction about eighteen degrees west of north, the town of Ozark, county seat of Franklin County, is plainly visible, and in a direction about seven degrees west of north the college and elevated portion of Altus, in the same county is in plain sight. Looking farther to the right, other towns on the Little Eock & Fort Smith Railroad can be seen, and as a background to this picture are the Boston Mountains in the dis- tance. Looking eastward the valley of the Arkan- sas can be seen for many miles, and in a direction ^ \ A k iiL 336 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. about ten degrees south of east, Mount Nebo in Yell County is in plain view. Just to the right of this appear the Blue and Spring Mountain ridges in Logan County. Facing southward the beholder first sees the beautiful valley and its neat little farms at the foot of the mountain, and in a south- east direction, and near by he looks down upon the town of Paris. Just beyond the first valley he sees the extensive Pine Ridge, and from a point due south to southwest he beholds the Petit Jean Mountains beyond the river and valley of the same name. Looking southeastward over and beyond Pine Ridge, Calico to the right and Flattop Mountain to the left, being divided by Short Mount- ain Creek, are plainly seen. Looking south and east of south over and above the mountains just mentioned, the viewer sees the highest and most magnificent mountain of all — the Magazine — its most elevated point being south about thirty de- grees east. To the we.st the mountains ia Sebas- tian County can be seen, and a little north of west the city of Fort Smith shows its steeples and tow- ers. About fifty degrees west of south Pilot Mount- ain in Scott County is plainly seen. The varied scenes are grand, magnificent, awe- inspiring. " God hath infinite power. And that ye may see In the fold of the flower, The leaf of the tree, " In tlie wave of the ocean. The furrow of land, In the mountain of granite, The atom of sand. '■ Ye may turn your face From the sky to the sod ; And where can ye gaze That ve see not God?" J. M. Agnew, merchant and postmaster at Roseville, is a son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Agnew, of Walker County, Ga. The parents emi- Acknowleiljniieuts— The writer and compiler of tlie liistory of I.ogan Couuty lias recehrU mucli assistance aiul vaUialile informa- tion from Jndge Theodoie I'otts and other individnals, the county olllceis, and the Jixprcssand Tribune officers, to all of whom proper acknowledgments are due. grated to this State in the fall of 1869, and here the father died in the summer of 1871, when oiu- subject was twenty-one years of age. The latter was reared to the arduous duties of the farm, and on account of the breaking orit of the war he re- ceived a rather limited education. After the death of his father he remained with his mother, working the farm, until twenty-eight years of age, and then bought and located upon a tract of land which he cultivated for two years. He then moved to Rose- ville and embarked in the grocery business which he still continues. In 1 888 he was appointed post- master at this place, and has since discharged the duties of that office in a creditable and satisfactory manner. Mr. Agnew was born on August 30, 1850, and has been in public life for several years. He has gained for himself a reputation as a solid and reliable tradesman, and one whose energy and enterprise must of necessity materially develop this enterprise. His mother still lives in Clark Township, this county, and although sixty years of age she is strong and hearty. She is the mother of eleven children, eight of whom grew to matu- rity, and she now resides with her youngest son on the homestead. Mr. Agnew is a member of the A. F. & A. M. lodge at Roseville, and he is also a member of the K. of P. of this place. He has re- mained single. He is a hard worker, is honest and upright in his dealings with the public, and gets a good share of the trade. John B. Bailey, liveryman, Booneville, Ark. Among the active enterprises of a city like Boone- ville the business of liveryman occupies, necessa- rily, an important place, contributing, as it does, to the pleasure, convenience and actual necessities of the community. Among the most notable establish- ments of this class in the city is that conducted by Mr. John B. Bailey. Though but recently estab- lished, this stable is becoming very popular, and is one of the best in the city. Mr. Bailey was born in Tennessee, May 4, 1847, and is a son of Stephen and Nancy (Jones) Bailey, both natives also of the Big Bend State. The parents were married in Hawkins County of that State, in 1828, and of the eight children born to this union (three sons and five daughters) seven are now living: Louisa Ann *P At=±- \^. LOGAN COUNTY. 337 (wife of Cregg Brown), Sarah (wife uf Riley Kill- day), Jane (wife of William Minard), Orville, James (deceased), Francis and Bales. The father was justice of the peace for a number of years. The parents both died in Tennessee, the father in 1856 and the mother in 1853. Both were members of the Baptist Church. John B. Bailey attained his growth in Greene County, Tenn., and in ISfiGwas married to Miss Nannie Murph3^ a native of Ten- nessee, and daughter of James and Jane (Crawford) Murphy, the father a Methodist minister. Her parents are both deceased, the father on February 28, 1879, and the mother in 1889. They were the parents of these children: Mahaley, Kate, William, Elber, Andy, Betty, Ike, George, Becky and Chap lin. To Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have been born an interesting family of six children: Thomas G. (mar- ried Miss Minty Gideon, March 17, 1889, and have one child, Gusey), James E., Georgia, Or- ville, Maggie and Lula M. Mr. Bailey has been a farmer all his life, and is now the owner of 520 acres of land, with 250 acres cultivated. He moved to Booneville in 1890, and in June of the same year he built a livery barn, which business he has since carried on, his main object in moving to town was to educate his children. Politically he is a Republican. He is a member of the Baptist and his wife is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church South. Henry Bangs, planter, Booneville, Ark. For a number of years, or since his residence in this county, the reputation which Mr. Bangs enjoys has been not only that of a substantial and progressive agriculturist, but of an intelligent and thoroughly posted man in all juiblic affairs. He was born in the Old Dominion on January 6, 1828, and is a son of Jacob and Abigail (Lawrence) Bangs, both natives of Virginia. The father was a soldier in the Florida War, in which he was killed by the Indi- ans. The parents were married at Fortress Mon- roe, and to them were born three children, of whom our subject is the eldest. The other two, Benja- min and Stephen, are both farmers, and are living in this township. The mother died about 1843. Henry Bangs, at the age of thirteen years, joined the Florida troops, and was in service for five 22 years. He came to Arkansas, and was married in what is now Logan County, in 1850, to Miss Sarah Walton, a native of Kentucky. Of the twelve children born to this union — six sons and six daugh- ters — seven are now living, viz. : George, Emily (wife of John Basinger), Levenia (wife of Andrew Smith), Adelia (wife of A. Starns), Elizabeth (wife of S. Sattles), Franklin and Robert. The mother of these children died in the year 1882. She was a member of the Christian Church. Mr. Bangs married his second wife, Mrs. E. C. Barlow, in 1886, she being a widow with five childi-eu, viz. : Alonzo, Ida (wife of Joseph Stanfield), Looney (wife of B. Foster), Callie and Asa. Mr. Bangs has 240 acres of good land, has 80 acres of this under cultivation, and raises corn and hogs principally. He is a member of the Christian and his wife a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. W. Barnett, farmer and ginner. Magazine Ark. Mr. Barnett's parents, J. W. and Elizabeth (Yearout) Barnett, were natives of Tennessee, in which State their nuptials were celel)rated, and there they resided until 1869, when they moved to Arkansas. Their son J. W. Barnett, the subject of this sketch, was born in the Big Bend State also, in 1832, and like the average country boy of that day, his educational advantages were limited. He was partly reared in that State, and when twenty- one years of age he began farming on his own ac- count, that having been his principal occupation up to that time. Agricultural pursuits have since continued to be his chosen calling, and his advanced principles and progressive ideas have had much to do with the success that has attended his efforts. Aside from this he is the owner of a good gin valued at about $3,000 and in this occupation he has also been quite successful. He entered the army in 1803, and was for the most part in active service until the close of the war. He was capt- ured at Jenkins' Ferry and was kept a prisoner at Tyler, Tex., for ten months. He had his nose shot in two while in service. Mr. Barnett has been twice married, his first union being with Miss Mary Fitzgerald, who bore him two children: Tennes- see and John. His second marriage, which occurred in 1867, was to Mrs. Permelia Underwood and to — w » \ >^ 388 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. this union were born six interesting children, all living and in the enjoyment of the best of health. They are named, Candonia, Arrenna, Lillie, AVy- oma, Edna and Ora. Mr. Barnett is a Repub- lican in his political preferences, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church. Isaiah Beck was born in Lumpkin County, Ga., in December, 184(), and is one of the prominent farmers and stock-raisers of Logan County, Ark. He began life for himself at the age of twenty years, and as he had been reared to farm life, it was but natural, perhaps, that he should choose agricultural pursuits as his occupation in life. He has since closely applied himself to this calling, and with what success, may be inferred from a glace at his present place. In 1869 he was wedded to Miss Lucinda C. Fox, daughter of Henry Fox of Logan County, and they are the parents of eight children : Josejah M. , Marion J. , Charles P., Leona Etter, Benjamin M., Archie G. and John H. and Maggie (twins). Joseph M. (mar- ried Josephine Brice, daughter of Martin Brice). Mr. Beck owns 100 acres of land and has 80 acres under cultivation. His land is well adapted to the raising of cotton and grain, and he is also in- terested in stock-raising. He and Mrs. Beck have been members of the Christian Church for fourteen years, and are substantial supporters of all worthy movements. They are highly esteemed in the commimity and have many warm friends. Mr. Beck's parents, JefFery and Sallie (Sism) Beck, were natives of North Carolina. They were mar- ried in Walker County, Ga. , resided there for a great many years and reared a family of eight chil- dren, our subject being next to the youngest. They are named as follows: Andrew, John W. , William J., Sarah E., Caroline, Ira, Isaiah and Adal-ine. The mother died in Georgia, in 1859, and the father then married the Widow Nicholson. In 1802 he removed to Montgomery County, Ark., and there his death occurred in 1870. Alexander S. Bennett, a prominent citizen of Roseville Township, was born in Bradley County, Tenn., August 20, 1845, and is the son of Henry K. and Mary A. (McDonough) Bennett, the father a farmer by occupation. Alexander S. was trained to farm labor from an early age and received his education in the common country schools. He re- mained under the parental roof until sixteen years of age (1861) and then enlisted in Company B, Sixth Georgia Regiment Infantry, and served until the close. He was jsaroled at Greenville, N. C, after which he returned to his father's home in Georgia, whither the latter had moved in 1857, and there attended school for one year. After this he worked on the farm until 1869, and then came to Arkansas, locating in Roseville Town- ship, which has been his home until the present. On his arrival here he rented land for two years and then clerked in a general merchandise store for James Sewell until 1875. The same year he entered into partnership with C. F. Wood, and they bought out the business of Mr. Sewell, his former employer. After continuing this business for two years, Mr. Bennett sold out his interest and again engaged as clerk for Mr. Sewell, who had again established himself in business. Here he worked for two years. He then began clerking for S. M. Qviiun, of Paris, and became general manager of his general merchandise store at that place, continuing one year. He then returned to Roseville and entered business in the firm name of A. S. Bennett & Co., and thus continued for three years, or until the close of 1882. At that date he sold out, entered the service of C. F. Wood at Caulksville, this county, and acted as general man- ager in his store for a year. Previous to this, in 1874, he was married to Miss Emma Wood, of Roseville, and they have two children: Mary W. and Joseph D., both of whom are attending the public schools of Roseville. In 1877 Mr. Bennett purchased a tract of land containing 200 acres lying n^ar the village of Roseville, and of this he has 110 acres under a good state of cultivation, three good dwelling-houses on it, substantial out- buildings, etc. On October 1, 1889, he entered the employ of the railroad company as their agent at Roseville as receiving and forwarding agent from this place to Altus, the nearest point on the road. Mr. Bennett and his wife are deeply inter- ested in educational matters, and are determined that their children shall have the best that is to ^\^ LOGAN COUNTY. 339 be obtained. The daiigliter ba.s attended the Paris High School, and both the son and daughter are receiving instruction in music. Mr. Bennett has been a member of the school board at Roseville since his first arrival in this county. The family- are memViers of the Methodist Episcopal Ohurch, and Mr. Bennett is secretary of the board in this conference. He has also been steward in the chinch for some time. He is a member of the A. P. & A. M. , Roseville Lodge No. 83, and in poli- tics is Democratic. He is one of the best business men of the place as well as one of the most re spected citizens. W. K. Sevens, groceryman, Booneville, Ark. The grocery trade constitutes a leading feature of the commercial fabric of the town of Booneville, being extensively engaged in, and conducted with ability and success. Prominent among those iden tified with it is Mr. W. E. Bevens. This gentle- man was born in Fulton County, Ark., June 17, 1851, and was one of four children born to Andrew and Mary (James) Bevens, the father a farmer by occupation. The father and mother both died in Missouri, in 1856, on the same day, and of pneu- monia. They were buried in the same coffin. Of their four children, only one besides our subject is now living, Hester (wife of James A. Dihel). Those deceased were James and Houston. The maternal grandfather, James S. James, came to Arkansas in 1849, and brought our subject with him, when the latter was but a small boy. W. R. was reared to the arduous duties of the farm, and was married in Jackson County, of this State, in 1873, to Miss Jen- nie Patrick, who bore him nine children, four now living: Latha, Oscar M. , Boswell M. and Chand- ler. Those deceased were Hattie, Luther, Archie C, Nellie, and one died unnamed. Mr. Bevens owns forty acres of well-improved land, and is one of the thrifty, enterprising men of the county. In 1888 he engaged in the grocery business, and this he has since followed successfully. He is upright and honorable in his dealings, and has achieved by positive merit a high position. George W. Biggs, farmer, Paris, Ark. Lo- cated in the midst of one of the finest agricultural portions of Logan County, the farm that Mr. Biggs owns and occupies is conceded to be anioig the best in this vicinity. This is saying not a lit- tle, for on every hand may be seen superior places, whose ownership indicates thrift and prosperity. Mr. Biggs inherits his natural ability for agricult- ural [)ursuits, for his father before him followed that calling, and is prosperous and progressive. The parents, Preston and Priscilla (Betts) Biggs, were both born in Jefferson County, Tenn., and there they grew to mature years. They were mar- ried, however, in Hamilton County, and the fruits of this union were seven children — six sons and a daughter. The parents removed from Tennessee to Logan County, Ark., in 1870, bought land, and there the father tilled the soil. He is still living and engaged in the same pursuit. The mother died on January 22, 1887. George W. Biggs, the eldest of the family, was born in Hamilton County, Tenn., in February, 1848, and when twenty years of age was married to Miss Mary E. Barboe, daughter of Lewis Barbee, of Tennessee. She was born in Jefferson County, Tenn., but reared in Hamilton Coimty, where she remained until 1870, when Mr. Biggs removed to Arkansas. He located on land bought in Logan County, and is the owner of 160 acres with 100 acres under cultivation. His union resulted in the birth of eleven children: Sarah J., Louisa C, William S., Mary E., Calvin A., Tilden, Martha (died in November, 1887), George W., Ader M., James S. and Benjamin. Sarah married John S. Storts, a farmer, and they have two children, viz. : Aria May and Delmer D. Louisa C. married Thomas Wear, a farmer, and they have an infant son. Mr. Biggs is a member of the Farmers' Alhance, and he and wife are both members of the Baptist Church. He gives liberally of his means to schools, churches and everything pertaining to the general welfare of the community, and is one of Logan County's most highly respected and successful farmers. M. J. Bowers, postmaster at Paris, Logan County, Ark., and a representative citizen of the same, was born in Johnson County, of this State, in 1853, and of the seven children born to his jiarents, he was ne.\t to the youngest in order of V)irth. His father, William Bowers, was a native l^ ^, -^-^t 1^ 340 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of the Old Dominion, and was a farmer by jaursuit. He came to Arkansas at an early day, and was married in Newton County, to Mrs. Sahary Barnes, nee Christy, a native of Tennessee, who came to Arkansas in 1835. She was a widow, and the mother of two children by her iirst marriage, she being a descendant from Cherokee Indians. The family moved to Johnson County, Ark. , about 1845, and there the father died when M. J. Bowers was a small child. The latter was reared by an elder sister, after the death of his mother in 1862, who moved to Logan County, Ark., in 1858. He was well educated in the common schools of the county, and in 1874 entered the high school at Magazine, where he remained for three years. Then in connection with farming, he began teach- ing school and continued at this until 1880. In 1887 and 1888 he was deputy sheriff of the county, and for two years he was half owner and manager of the Paris Serpent, which he made a vigorous Repulilican paper. On July 25, 1880, he was ap- pointed postmaster at Paris. He was married in 1877, to Miss Ellen S. Anderson, a native of this State and county, and a daughter of Capt. C. P. Anderson, of Magazine. This union resulted in the birth of seven children: Etta, Lillie June, Ezra James and Ellen Edna (twins), Charles Den- nis, Freda May and Powell Clayton. Mr. Bowers owns a farm adjoining the town of Paris, in which he resides, and he is one of the county's best citi- zens. He is a member of the Paul McCobb Lodge No. 65, K. of P. Henry P. Bowerman, merchant, Booneville, Ark. Among the names which have acquired prominence on the wings of Booneville' s prosperity, is that of the subject of this sketch, who is one of the prominent business men. He was born in the Lone Star State, Hunt County, in May, 1850, and was the son of J. P. and Matilda M. (Grady) Bow- erman, the father a native of Tennessee and the mother of Marshall County, Ky. The parents were married in Kentucky, in 184'2, and the fruits of this union were ten children — six sons and four daughters — the daughters all deceased, two dying in Texas, one in Kentucky, and one in Arkansas. The names of the six sons, in order of birth, are as follows: John J., William H., Henry P., David L., Elijah F. and Peter Lee., all now living. The parents removed from Tennessee to Kentucky at an early day, and from there to Texas, in 1847. In 1866 they moved from the last named State to Sebastian County, Ark, and the father died in Logan County, of that State, in 1886. The mother died in Fannin County, Tex., in 1889. When eighteen years of age Henry P. Bowerman started out for himself as a farmer and blacksmith, and in 1871 was married to Miss Maggie Meek, daughter of John S. and Naomi Meek, of Sebastian County, where our subject and wife were married. To this union were born ten children: Mary E., Sarah T., Ellen S., Alice J., Ida A., William H., James L., Mittie Lee, Bessie Pearl and Amos B. , all single and living with their parents. Mr. Bower- man is the owner of residence property in Boone- ville, worth about 1300, and he is now engaged in merchandising in that city, carrying a stock of goods valued at about SI, 200. He is also a har- ness and saddle maker by trade, and runs this in connection with his store. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Lodge No. 247, and he and wife are both members of the Missionary Baptist Church. He has always been a liberal contributor to schools, churches and all laudable public enter- prises. H. C Brown, farmer and carpenter, Paris, Ark. Mr. Brown, a man well known and highly esteemed in the community where he makes his home, was originally from Georgia, his birth occurring in that State in 1854. His father, Danason Brown, was born in the Palmetto State, and the mother was born in Georgia. H. C. Brown received his early educational training in his native State, and in 1869 he moved to Mississippi. At the age of twenty-one years he began for himself as a tiller of the soil, and this he continued until 1879, when he removed to Paris, Ark., and there was engaged in the carpenter business. From there he removed to Waldron, Scott County, where he continued the last named occupation for about four years. Returning to Paris in 1885, ho remained there until 1889, and was one of the prominent citizens of that community. In 1876 he was married to "^in-E- J^l LOGAN COUNTY. 341 I Miss Susan Raybury, by whom he had three chil- dren: Viola, John H. H. and Ethel. Mrs. Brown died in 1887, and Mr. Brown was married the sec- ond time, in 1889, to Mrs. Martha McVeigh, a na- tive of Georgia, and daughter of B. T. Freeman, who was a native of Georgia. Mr. Freeman was an ex-lieutenant in the Confederate Army, and a member of the Masonic fraternity. He died on February 21, 1873. His wife, Jane (Whitlock) Freeman, was a native of South Carolina. She died on September 30, 1875. Mrs. Brown's first marriage occurred in 1877 to Mr. J. B. McVeigh, a native of Arkansas, by whom she had four chil- dren, only one, Addie M. , now living. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church South, and he is also a member of the Farmer's Alliance, but has never affiliated with any other secret organization. His father, Danason Brown, with his wife, Mary Brown, are yet living in La Fayette County, Miss. , the former a member of the Masonic fraternity, and both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Rev. ^\'illiam Bunch, a pioneer jjlanter living ing Boone Township, was born in Dickson County, Teun., on November 14, 1817, and is one of the honored and esteemed citizens. His father, Tarle- ton Bunch, was a native of Virginia, born in 1783, and he was married in South Carolina to Miss Mary Beaver, a native of South Carolina also born in 1 783. Six children were the fruits of this union, one besides our subject now living: Mary who was born in Perry County, Tenn., April 23, 1820, and who is the wife of James Simons. The father was a farmer by occupation and also carried on the blacksmith's trade. He died in Tennessee on August 26, 1852. He was a member of the Bap- tist Church for forty years, as was also the mother whose death occurred on September 10, of the same year. William Bunch was principally reared on a farm, and in 1843^he began learning the tan ner's trade, which he continued to follow until 1857. He was married in Decatur County, Tenn., in 1838, to Miss Jane Mays, a native of Tennessee, and the daughter of Abraham and Rebecca (Rhodes) Mays. Of the ten children born to that union seven are now living: Susan, Nancy J. Mary E., Julian, Martha I. , William H. and David H. Those de- ceased were Louvicy J., Tennessee and George A. The mother of these children died November 7, 18(32, she was a member of the Baptist Church. On April 30, 1865, Mr. Bunch was married in Hop- kins County, Tex. , to Miss Mary E. Eledge, a na- tive of Cannon County, Tenn., born in 1838, and the result of this union was live children: Isaac S. J., Catherine P., Lucy A., Joseph E. J. and Eliza (deceased). Mr. Bunch has been a Bapti.st minister since December 19, 1859. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic order, Sugar Creek Lodge No. 205, and is a liberal and willing contributor to all movements of imj^ortance. He is the owner of 320 acres of good land, with 183 acres under cul- tivation. He emigrated from Tennessee to Arkan- sas in 1857, settled in this county, and here he has resided ever since, respected and esteemed by all. He is now a member of the National Farmers' Al- liance at Glendale, Boone Township, Logan County, and, although over seventy- three years of age, is enjoying comparatively good health. Rev. Sterling Burton, farmer, Chismville, Ark. Mr. Burton owes his nativity to Tennessee, his l)irth occurring in that State in 1832, and is a son of Squire and Rebecca (Roy) Burton, natives also of that State. The parents moved to Arkansas in 1852, and there passed the remainder of their days. Sterling Burton was reared in Tennessee, and received a rather limited education in the com- mon schools. In 1851 he began farming for him- self, and that he has made a success of this occu- pation is not for a moment to be doubted, when a glance is cast over his fine tract of land. He en- listed at the breaking out of the war, and was in service until peace was declared, at which time he found himself without means to start again. How- ever he was not discouraged, and went to work with renewed vigor, meeting with the success usually following hard and persistent efPorts. He was united in marriage to Miss Lillie A. Weaver, a na- tive of Arkansas, in 1866, and to this union were born the following children: Charles, John, Fran- cis A. , Rebecca J. , Sarah R. , Eugene, Price, Rob- ert L. and Ida. Mr. Burton has affiliated with the Democratic party ever since he first commenced ^ « k. ^ 9 342 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. to vote, and is a strong adherent to the principles of that party. He and Mrs. Burton are members of the Charch of Christ. Dr. W. H. Butler, physician, Paris, Ark. One of the most familiar and welcome faces in the home of the sick and ailing of Logan County is that of Dr. Butler, who administers to the physical wants of his fellow- man, in a highly satisfactory and suc- cessful manner, as his many patients, now living, can testify. The Doctor was horn in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1829, and was the fourth in a family of eleven children born to Henry and Fran- ces Hopkins ^Webb) Butler, the parents natives, respectively, of Tennessee and Virginia. The pa- ternal grandparents were of English-German de- scent, and the maternal grandparents were natives of the Old Dominion and of English descent. Henry Butler, father of subject, was a farmer, and resided in Tennessee until his death, in 1845. The mother received her final summons in 1871. Her people were among the oldest settlers of Ruther- ford County, Tenn. Both parents were members of the Primitive Baptist Church. It fell to Dr. Butler's lot to grow up with a farm experience, and his early education was received in the common schools. At the age of twenty-four years he was elected bailiff of his county, and served for five years in that capacity. In 1858 he began mer- chandising, continued this for one year, and then began the study of medicine, reading with some of the prominent physicians. He began practicing at Camden, Tenn., in 1862, in partnership with Dr. R. B. Travis, continued with him for a year, and then went to Kentucky, thence to Illinois, where he remained until October, 1868, graduated in the the medical department, University of Nashville, in 1869, then went back to Gibson County, and from there to Arkansas, locating in Logan County, at Ellsworth. He bought ISO acres of land, and farmed in connection with his practice; moved to Paris tlie spring of 1887, and is owner of property near this town. He was married in 1855 to Miss Susan J. Todd, of Tennessee, who died on May 12, 1856. His second marriage was to Miss Amanda A., daughter of Silas Travis, of Tennes- see. She died in 1868, leaving three children: Lilly Irene, Flora Jane and Frances Josephine, all deceased. In 1869 Dr. Butler was married to Miss Louisa A. Walker, of Gibson County, Tenn., and twelve children were born to this union, four of whom are living: Sarah T., Susan Diana, Mar- tha Morton and Benjamin C. Eight died in in- fancy. The family are members of the Primitive Baptist Church, in which the Doctor is an elder. His farm is good valley land, with eighty acres under cultivation, sis acres in strawberries, two acres in vineyard, and two acres in apples. He has cleared and improved his place, and now has one of the best homes in the county. Edmond G. Butler, planter and nurseryman, Paris, Ark. Mr. Butler was born on July 21, 1839, in Tennessee, and is the son of Henry T. and Frances (Webb) Butler, the former a native of Vir- ginia and the latter of North Carolina. The par- ents were married in Georgia, and to this union were born eleven children — five sons and sis daugh- ters — four of whom are now living: Martha (wife of Robert Taylor), Tabitha, William H., and Ed- mond G., who is the youngest. The father died in Tennessee in 1845, andthe mother died in 1871. Both were members of the Baptist Church. Ed- mond G. Butler was reared in his native State, and in 1864 was united in marriage to Miss Diana Sturdivant, who was also from Tennessee, her birth occurring in that State in 1842. Her parents, Jesse and Elizabeth (Smith) Sturdivant, were na- tives of North Carolina and Georgia, respectively. The father is now living in Paris, Logan County, Ark., but the mother died a number of years ago. To Mr. and Mrs. Butler were born fourteen children — sis sons and eight daughters — seven now living: Johanna (wife of S. R. Rodgers), Alice (wife of J. D. Hays), Francis, Eunice, Donna, Albert and Jesse. Those deceased were Thomas, Joseph, Edmond, Laura, Cleveland, Ruth, and one died in infancy. Mr. Butler was a soldier in the late war, enlisting in Company H, Twenty-seventh Regiment Infantry in 1861, and serving until 1864. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh, re- tained in St. Louis for three months, and was then permitted to go home. He never returned to the army. After the war he followed farming until Vl. ^ 4^ — ^ k* LOGAiSf COUNTY. 343 1885, when be embarked in the nursery business. He moved from Tennessee to Arkansas, and in 1872 settled in Lawrence County, where he re- mained until 1873, at which date became to Logan County, farming until 1885. He moved to Short Mountain in December, 1886, and continued the nursery business, and has nine and one-half acres in all kinds of fruit. He is the owner of 4()0 acres of good land, and has 280 acres of this under cul- tivation. He has been school director six years. Mrs. Butler is a member of the Christian Church. Hon. Jacob Buttram, farmer, Sugar Grove, Ark. Mr. Buttram is one of the representative men of the county and is thoroughgoing and progressive in bis ideas. He was born in Tennessee in 1825, and in 1848 started out to fight life's battles for himself as an agriculturist. The following year he was wedded to Miss Josephine Wilson, a native of Tennessee, born in 1826, and the daughter of George Wilson. The same year of bis marriage Mr. Buttram removed to Scott County (now Logan) ancl bought eighty acres of land, to which he has since added until be now has 320 acres, 140 acres of which are under cultivation. Upon this he has erected six houses, dug wells, planted several or- chards and made many and vast improvements. To his marriage have been born eight children, only one of whom is now living: Margaret (wife of James Henderson). In 1863 Mr. Buttram was elected representative of Scott County, which office he held until the close of the war. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity. Sugar Creek Lodge No. 205. He was made a Master Mason in Boone- ville Lodge in 1S59, and was one of the charter members of Sugar Creek Lodge in 1S6S, being worshipful master of the same for twelve years. In 1878 Mrs. Buttram' s death occurred. She was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcoxaal Church South. In 1879 Mr. Buttram took for his second wife Mrs. Emma R. (Barnett) Logan, who was born in Alabama in 1842, and who is the daughter of Thomas and Nancy Barnett. Her first husband was James Logan, Jr., and by him she had one child, a daughter, J. E. Logan, who was born in 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Buttram were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. About 1868 Mr. Buttram erected a gin run by horse- power, but this was afterward changed to a steam gin, which he conducted until 1878. He secured the first post-ofSce in Petit Jean Township, and was appointed the first postmaster, which office be held for about six'years. This office took its name from the fine grove of sngar maple trees in the yard of Mr. Buttram. TLis gentleman has always been a liberal contributor to all public enterprises, was in- strumental in building two churches, schools, balls and other public buildings. In order to secure a trading point in the valley of Petit Jean, Mr. But- tram gave forty acres, in the year 1884, for the purpose of laying off a town, the nearest point at which goods of any kind could be bought being at Magazine, eight miles distant. Four stores now supply the wants of the people in the vicinity of Sugar Grove, as the little town is now called. Mr. Buttram has been steward in the Methodist Epis- copal Church South for thirty years, and is a man well and favorably known all over the county. His parents, Noah and Ann (Huffaker) Buttram, were both natives of Kentucky, in which State they were married, and the father was a successful tiller of the soil. C. A. Callan, farmer and postmaster, Dela- ware, Ark. Mr. Callan, who is classed among the successful and enterprising citizens of Logan County, owes his nativity to Alabama, born in in 1845, and is the son of George A. and Matilda (Davis) Callan. Our subject started out to fight life's battles for himself in 1867, and in that year, was maiTied to Miss Elvira Johnson, a native of North Carolina, born in 1843, and the daughter of Robert A. and Nelvina Johnson. To Mr. and Mrs. Callan were born seven interesting children, viz. : Cicero A., Eugene, Matilda, Venia, Sarah, Caley and Albert. The mother of these children died in 1886. In 1869 Mr. Callan bought forty acres of land and afterward added, at one time sixty- five acres and at another twenty acres of railroad land, improving the whole tract by clearing fifty acres and fencing. His buildings are all of a first-class order, and bo has about six acres in or- chard. He has also erected a good house, barn, etc., for his tenants. His land will yield two- f ^^ 344 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. thirds to tkree-foui'ths of a bale of cotton, or thirty-five to fifty bushels of corn to the acre. Mr. Callan was appointed postmaster in 1873, and he has continued to discharge the duties incumbent on this oflS.ce ever since. Under his management the business has increased to over four times what it was when Mr. Callan first took charge of the of- fice, receiving now, at each mail, about forty pounds. During the late struggle between the North and South, his sympathies were with the Confederate Cause and he enlisted in Company D, Col. Hill's regiment Cavalry, serving from 1863 until the close of the war. He was in the battle of Mark's Mill, Poison S^jrings, and many minor en- gagements. During 1878 and 1879 Mr. Callan served as constable, and filled that position in a very satisfactory manner. He is a member of the Methodist E])iscopal Church South. In Novem- ber, 1889, Mr. Callan was married to Miss Annie McAllister, a native of Arkansas, born in 1865, and daughter of Larkin L. and Ninerva McAllister. She is a member of the Missionary Bai)tist Church. Dr. T. S. Cope, merchant, Driggs, Ark. Dr. T. S. Cope has been a resident of Logan County, Ark., since 1880, and not only enjoys an excellent reputation as a business man, but is held in high esteem as a citizen. He is straightforward and up- right in all his dealings, and his motto is ' ' Honor- able representations and fair treatment to all." Dr. Cope owes his nativity to Franklin County, Tenn., born in 1844, and his parents, John and Jane (Sargent) Cope, were natives of Kentucky, where they were reared. They moved from the Blue-Grass regions of Kentucky to Tennessee, re- sided there for a number of years, and then re- moved to Montgomery County, Mo., in 1849. There the father's death occurred in 1852 and the mother's in 1883. Dr. T. S. Cope chose Miss S. A. Bur- nett, daughter of John Burnett, a farmer of this county, as his life companion and they were mar- ried in 1879. One child, T. A. Cope, was born to this union. lu 1880 they removed from Osage County, Mo., to Logan County, Ark., and here Dr. Cope engaged in the practice of medicine, con- tinuing the same up to 1889, when he abandoned his practice to engage in merchandising. He has a good stock of dry goods and groceries, also cloth- ing, and is postmaster, the post-oflSce being in his store. He handles a $5,000 stock, and is doing a good business. Aside from this he is the owner of forty acres of land with good buildings, etc., and besides his store building and residence he is the owner of three lots in Driggs and property in Burnett Springs, the summer resort on the top of Flattop Mountain. He is the only one of his family now in Arkansas, as his brothers and sisters are all in Missouri. Dr. Cope is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and he and wife are members of the Free- Will Baptist Church. The Doctor is a liberal contributor to schools, churches, and in fact all worthy movements. S. T. Carolan, planter and merchant, Carolan, Ark. This prominent and enterprising citizen was originally from Alabama, his birth occurring in Lawrence County on January 19, 1852, and is a son of W. P. and Hannah A. (Sealey) Carolan, na- tives of South Carolina, the father born on March 18, 1800, and the mother in 1807. Of their large family, eleven only lived to be grown: Will- iam B., J. H. T. , S. T., and the following are now deceased: Phillip, J. H., Elizabeth, Sarah, J. W., Thomas P., Hannah S. and Robert. The father moved from the Palmetto State to Alabama, and from there to Arkansas in 1854, settling in what is now Little River County. He was sheriff of Morgan County, Ala., one term. His death oc- curred in this county in 1875, and both he and wife were members of the Primitive Baptist Church. She died in 1877. S. T. Carolan passed the principal part of his youthful days on the farm, and was married in this county in 1874 to Miss Alice Edwards, a native of Mississippi born on September 24, 1852, and the daughter of Lewis Edwards. Her parents both died in Alabama. To Mr. and Mrs. Carolan were born four children — three sons and one daughter — Walter E., John W., Samuel E. and Mamie. Mr. Carolan owns 730 acres of good land, and has 300 acres under culti- vation, his principal crops being corn and cotton. In 1878 he built a steam cotton-gin, and in 1889 he built a new gin and corn-mill, in which he has put new machinery. The capacity of this gin is •a ^ LOGAN COUNTY. 345 f eight bales per day. He also has a half interest in a cotton, saw and corn-mill combined with a Mr. Oliver, of this county. In 1877 Mr. Cardan em- barked in the mercantile business at Carolan, and carries a stock of goods valued at about $4,000. He was appointed postmaster in 1878. Mrs. Car- olan is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. J. C. Catner, farmer and merchant, Chismville, Ark. Owing to the fertility of the soil in Logan County, Ark., and by energy, industry and economy Mr. Catner has become one of the wealthy citizens of the county. He was born in Hot Springs Coun- ty, Ark., on April 22, 1846, and is the son of Mor- rison and Malinda (McCoal) Catner, natives of Illi- nois. The parents were married in Hot Springs County, and to their union were born eight chil- dren — six sons and two daughters — who are named in the order of their birth as follows: William, Joseph, Morrison, J. C. , Malinda, Grant, and the other two died in infancy. The parents removed from Hot Springs to Logan County, Ark., in 1848, and there they reside at the present time. Of the above-mentioned children J. C. Catner is the eldest now living. In 1864 he enlisted in the United States Army, Company I, Second Arkansas Cavalry as a private, and served until peace was declared. He then returned to his home in Logan County, engaged in tilling the soil, and was married in 1S6S to Miss M. E. Stanley, daughter of G. W. C. and Adaline (Hudson) Stanley. Their eight children are named as follows: Georgian, Antonia, Mary, Sallie B. and Sydney B. (twins), James, Maret and Maset (twins). Georgian married V. L. Estes, a merchant of Greenwood, Sebastian County. Mr. Catner is the owner of 1,300 acres of land in Lo- gan County, and has about 400 acres under culti- vation. He has also been occupied in merchandis- ing at Chismville, where he has a stock of general merchandise worth $6,000, and he has a store at Greenwood. He does an annual business of about $30,000 at the first mentioned place, and he is also doing an immense business at Greenwood. He is one of Logan County's most successful business men and highly respected citizens. He is one among the heaviest dealers in the county. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He lost his wife in January, 18S4, and in 1889 was married to Miss Laura Baker, daughter of James Baker. Benjamin H. Caulk, farmer, Caulksville, Ark. In all communities and in every condition of life there are those who succeed in whatever they iindertake, whether of a professional, agricultural or commercial nature, and among this class is Mr. Caulk, who is one of the progressive and substan- tial farmers of the county. He is the owner of 190 acres of land, and has 100 acres under cultiva- tion, all the result of his own industry and perse- verance. He is a native of this county, born in 1833, and is the son of George and Nancy (Fort) Caulk, probably natives of Missouri. They moved from New Madrid, Mo., to what is now called Logan County, Ark., at a very early period and before the State was admitted into the Union. In 1834 they removed from Arkansas to Missis- sipf)i, and there the father died two years later. After this his widow returned to Logan County, Ark, with her children (1838), and there received her final summons in 1848. Of the seven children born to his parents — four sons and three daughters — Benjamin H. was the youngest in order of birth. He was married in September, 1859, to Miss Martha Davis, daughter of Ned Davis, and one child, a boy named George, was the only issue of this union. Mrs. Caulk died in January, 1861. The following year Mr. Caulk enlisted in the Con- federate Army in Capt. Tittsworth's company, under Maj. Gibson, and was in active duty west of the Mississippi. The princijsal battles in which he took an active part were Poison Springs and the Mark's Mill fight. He surrendered with Col. Bryant near old Fort Wichita in the Chickasaw Nation, after which he returned to his home in Logan County, resumed farming, and this has been his principal occupation since. He was mar- ried, the second time, in 1870, to Miss Nancy A. Ledgewood, daughter of Lansom Ledgewood, and to them have been born seven children — four daughters and three sous: Minnie Lee, Martha L., Robert, Hattie, Adaline, Archie and one child died in infancy. Minnie married Irk Riley in 1888, and they are now residing in Logan County, ► ^ u^ 346 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. where Mr. Riley is engaged in tilling the soil. George, the son by the first wife, married Miss Lonisa Carpenter, daughter of Owen Carpenter, and they have three children. He is also engaged in tilling the soil. Robert Caulks, brother of the subject, fovinded the town of Caulksville, and was the first to begin work in the place. The Caulks family being the oldest settlers in the county, the town was named for them. Our subject being reared in Logan County during its pioneer days, his educational facilities were not of the best, but this he has improved very materially Ijy study and observation. In educational and all other worthy movements he takes great interest. He is a mem- ber of the A. F. & A. M. Thomas Cauthron, planter and ginner, Boone- ville. Ark. Mr. Cauthron is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive ])rinciples which seem to be among the chief characteristics of those of Arkansas nativity. He was born in what is now Logan County, October, 16, 1836, was taught the duties of farm life in boyhood, and was married in 1855 to Miss Nancy Anderson, a native of Arkan- sas, born in 1838, and the daughter of Pinkney Anderson, a pioneer settler of this State. Five children were born to this marriage: Charles C. Walter P., Edward, Thomas R., and Nancy H. (who is now the wife of R. E. Rorie, of McKinzie, Tenn.). Mrs. Cauthron died in 1804, and was a member of the Christian Church. la 1867 Mr. Cauthron was married to Mrs. N. J. Cornelius, widow of Austin Cornelius, who bore him five children, four now living: John E. (deceased), Robert M. , Eleanor S., Samuel S. and Joannah. During the late unpleasantness between the North and South, or in 1863, he enlisted in Company B, Second Arkansas Regiment, Infantry, and served in the Union Army until the termination of hostili- ties. In February, 1864, at an election held in his regiment, and also in a number of precincts in his county (Scott), he was elected to represent that county in the Legislature, and served under what was known as the Murphy Government. After re- turning home he resumed agricultural pursuits, which has been his occupation ever since. In 1873 he was appointed by Gov. Baxter, president of the Board of Registrars of Sarber (now Logan) County, and in 1874 he was elected clerk of the circuit court of Sarber County, which ofiSco he tilled for two years. At the end of this term he declined to be- come a candidate for re-election, and returned to his farm. He built a steam cotton gin and corn- mill combined, the capacity of the gin being eight bales per day. His fine farm, consisting of 300 acres, with seventy-five under cultivation, is kept in the best of condition, and everything about the place indicates to the beholder that an experienced hand has been at the helm, figuratively speaking. Mrs. Cauthron received her final summons in 1888. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church, of which our subject is also a mem- ber, he being an elder in the same. He is a Ma- son, and a member of Blocker Lodge No. 247, of Booneville. His father, Col.. Walter Cauthron, was a native of Georgia, born in 1797, and was a farmer by occupation. He was- married in Red River County, Tex., in 1822, to Miss Bash iba Wil- son, a native of Tennessee, born in 1S03. They became the parents of nine children — five sons and four daughters — five of whom are now living: C. W., Charles, Thomas, Parthenia (widow of Rev. Mr. Burns of Hood County, Tex. ), and Lueindia (wife of Maj. M. T. Tatum, of Greenwood, Ark.). The father emigrated from Illinois to Arkansas in 18'21, and settled on Walnut Prairie, Sevier County, Ark. While a resident of Scott County, Ark., he was county and probate judge, in 1852. He died in Logan County, Ark., in 1877, and was a member of the Christian Church, of which his wife was also a member. She died in 1841). A. M. Chitwood, farmer and miller, Prairie View, Ark. Mr. Chitwood is still another of the many prominent citizens of Logan County, Ark., who owe their nativity to Tennessee, his birth oc- curring in 1844, and is the son of Russell B. and Sarah (Moore) Chitwood, both natives also of the Big Bend State. The parents moved to Arkansas about 1851, entered eighty acres of land, erected a house and other necessary buildings, and here the father was engaged in tilling the soil for some time. He then sold out and started a tan yard, which he conducted for about six years. A. M. ^i ^ 4« — ^ -. — ^u LOGAN COUNTY. 347 Chitwood began working for himself in the fall of 1801, and made his first purchase of land in 1872. This he soon sold, and in 1877 he purchased eighty acres of railroad land, upon which he cleared about lifty acres, built a double house and other build- ings, and set out orchards, etc. In 1886 he ex- changed his land for a gin and grist-mill, which he ran for two years, when he sold it and purchased land, 106 acres at Prairie View, where he now re- sides. He also piirchased one-half interest in a saw-mill, which he ran one year, and then after selling that mill, purchased the mill he now owns near Blaine Post-office. In 1890 he purchased eighty acres of timberland, where his mill is lo- cated. The mill is equipped with a 30-horse power boiler and a 25-horse power engine, and is estimated to cut 10,000 feet of lumber per day. Mr. Chitwood has improved his home place by erecting good substantial buildings, and by mak- ing many other important changes. He raises from thirty to thirty-five bushels of corn, or one- half a bale of cotton to the acre each year. In 1863 Mr. Chitwood was married to Miss Mary A. Tompkins, a native of Tennessee, and the daughter of Carroll Tompkins. To them were born three children, who are named as follows: Russell B. and Dora Isabel (twins) and Mary Luetta. Mrs. Chitwood died on January 13, 1874. Mr. Chit- wood was justice of the peace and constable of Ellsworth Township for six or eight years. In July, 1879, he was married to Mrs. Emily L. Grif- fins nee Wilkur, a native of Arkansas, and the daughter of B. T. Wilkur. Seven children were born to this marriage: Cora L. , Arthur, John A., Berry B. , Sarah M. , Wilbur N. , and one unnamed. In addition to his other enterprises, Mr. Chitwood is the owner of a shingle machine, which has an estimated capacity of 18,000 per day. John G. Chitwood, postmaster, Prairie View, Ark. In including in this work the sketches of prominent business men of Logan County, none are more deserving of recognition than that of John G. Chitwood. He was born in Hamilton County, Tenn., in 1846, and his parents, K. B. and Sarah (Moore) Chitwood, were natives of the same State. In 1851 the parents moved to Logan County, Ark., and there the father's death occurred in 1879. The mother is still living, is seventy- one years of age, and makes her home with our subject at Prairie View, Ark. John G. Chitwood was reared in his native county, and received his education in the common schools. He started out for himself as a school teacher in 1865, and this was his principal occupation for many years. In 1875 he was married to Miss Mattie J. Bennett, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Hi:ehs) Bennett, and to this union were born the following children : Do Se, Zena, Russell G., Mary A., Utha, and Luna (who is deceased). Mr. Chitwood is a stanch Republican in his political views, and Mrs. Chit- wood is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she has been a worthy member for many years. Four of the children are also members of the same church. Mr. Chitwood is a thoroughgoing business man, and with the correct business principles and efficiency with which this business is conducted, it can not fail to contribute largely to the convenience of a commirnity, and to its own established prosperity. J. A. Corley, a prominent planter of Johnson Township, is a native. of North Carolina, born on October 11, 1839, and is a son of James and Martha (Williams) Corley, natives also of North Carolina. The father was a farmer by occupation, and was married in his native State. Of the nine children born to this union, the following grew to maturity: J. A., William Y., James P., John E., George T., Pauline E. (wife of James R. Lee), and Susan F. Mobeley (wife of A. Mobeley). The father emigrated from North Carolina to Missis- sippi, and thence in 1856 to Arkansas, settling in Logan County, where he bought and improved a tract of land. He was a soldier in the late war, was a member of the Baptist Church, and died in Fort Smith in 1864. His widow died in 1868. She was a member of the same church. J. A. Corley was married in Logan County, Ark., on December, 28, 1865, to Mrs. Mary A. Moore, a native of Ar- kansas, born on July 15, 1843, and five children are the fruits of this union: Lucy E., Lucinda C. (wife of L. C. Rodgers), John L., E. P. and Ves- tile A. On March 10, 1863, Mr. Corley enlisted in :f- 348 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the First Arkansas Infantry, Company H, and served until the close of the war. Afterward he returned to his home, began tilling the soil, and this he has continued successfully ever since. He is the owner of 120 acres of good land, and has 60 acres under cultivation, his principal crops being corn, cotton, wheat and oats. He has a good frame house and barn, and everything about his place indicates a thrifty owner. Mrs. Corley's parents, John and Jllartha C. Johnson, were born in North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. They were married in the last named State, and to them were born eleven children, nine of whom are now living: Luc}' A. (deceased), Henry C (deceased), Martha J., Maliuda, Armitta, Greene L., Angeline A., Clarissa, Arminta, Wadie E. and Samuel J. Mr. Moore emigrated from Tennessee to Arkansas at an early daj', settled in this county, and there followed farm- ing. He received his final summons on January 1, 1862, and the mother in May, 1874. (There is something wrong with this sketch, but the publish- ers are not to blame, as the subject who tried to correct the sketch failed to clear up the discrepen- cies). J. V. Corley, ginner, miller and farmer, Paris, La. Mr. Corley, one of the substantial citizens of the county, whose name is almo.st too well known to need any comment, was born in Mississippi, on October 14, 1846. His parents, James and Martha (Williams) Corley, were natives, respectively, of Alabama and North Carolina. The father was a farmer by occupation, and was engaged in this pursuit in Mississippi until 1858, when he came to Arkansas, settling in Logan County. He died in 1863-4, while a soldier in the army. The mother is also deceased. Both were members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. Of their children, eight in number, six are now living: J. P., Jesse A., W. Y., John E., Susan F. (wife of L. Mobeley), Pauline E. (wife of J. R. Lee), G. T., Leroy F. (deceased), and Mary E. J. P. Corley attained his growth principally in Arkansas, receiving his education in that State, and was married in Lo- gan County, Ark., in the year 1868, to Miss Mary F. Cunningham, a native of Mississippi, born in 1849. Seven children have been born to that union, six now living: James W., M. E. (wife of Frank Lee), Henry E. , Emma, Lena A. (deceased), Rufus A. and Winford A. The mother of these children died in 1882. She was a member of the Baptist Chuch, and an estimable lady. Mr. Cor- ley built a steam cotton-gin in 1889, with a capacity of eight bales per day, and he is the owner of sev- enty-seven acres of land with fifty acres under cultivation. His principal crops are corn and cot- ton, and last year he ginned 180 bales of the last named article. In 1882 he built a nice frame house, has a good barn and has a fine fruit orchard consisting of 100 apple and 50 peach trees, also fifty grapevines. He is a member of the Primi- tive Baptist Church, and donates liberally to all public enterprises of a laudable nature. J. H. Council, farmer, Ellsworth, Ark. No worthy reference to the affairs of this county would be complete without mention of Mr. Council, who, among others, is engaged in tilling the soil. His parents, Howard and Lucinda (Gallaherd) Council, were both natives of Tennessee, and of the five children born to their union, two besides our sub- ject are now living: Howard, residing in Sebastian County, Ark., and Benjamin S., of Logan Coiuity. J. H. Council was taught the duties of farm life when but a boy, and when twenty years of age he started out for himself as a farmer, continuing in that occupation until coming to Ai'kansas. He was married in 1846 to Miss Elizabeth Rogers, a native of Tennessee, born in 1832, and the daughter of James and Elizabeth Rogers. The fruits of this union have been ten children, seven now living: Howard, Cleopatra (wife of J. E. Bennett), Can- dacy (wife of Frank Selph), Charley, Virginia (wife of George Deen), Rufus and Ida. Mr. Council came to Arkansas in 1850, located in Clarksville, Johnson County, where he remained until 1852, and then removed to what is now Logan County, where he entered 160 acres of land. He cleared eighty acres, built a good house, stable, dug wells, and set out a good orchard. To the original tract he has since added forty acres. His land is un- usually productive, and he raises corn, wheat, oats and some cotton. In 1862 he enlisted in the Con- federate service. Company B., Sixteenth Arkansas *n^ j, \ A LOGAN COUNTY. 349 Infantry, and afterward, at the reorganization of the army, after the battle of Corinth, he was trans- ferred to the cavalry service. He was engaged in the battle of Elk Horn, Corinth, and in the Price raid through Missouri, during which time he was captured and sent to Rock Island, 111., where he was retained about five months. He was then sent to Richmond for exchange a short time previous to the evacuation of that city. He was wounded in the leg at Corinth. Mr. Council is a member of Pleasant Mound Lodge, A. F. & A. M. , of which he has been treasurer for several terms. Mr. Council lost his wife in 1882. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. In 1884 Mr. Council mar- ried Miss Elizabeth Self, a native of Tennessee, bom in 1826, and who has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church the greater portion of her life. Mr. Council is a member of the Pres- byterian Church, of which he is elder, and he is a gentleman highly esteemed by all. B. F. Cowley, farmer and ginner, Booneville, Ark. Mr. Cowley was originally from Alabama, his birth occurring in 1835, and he is the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Renegar) Cowley, both natives of Tennessee, where they were married about 1831. Of the live children born to this union, two besides our subject are living: David M. and Margaret (wife of J. R. McLemore). Those deceased were Mary H. and James. When twenty-three years of age B. F. Cowley started out to fight life's battles for himself as an agriculturist. He was married at that age to Miss Margaret Boshart, a native of Alabama, born in 1837, and the daugh- ter of L. D. C. C. and Margaret (Barton) Boshart. To this union seven children were born, all of whom are living: Maud, Caledonia E. (wife of David Tiffin), David H., Robert G., Mary (wife of John Swint), George and Charley. Mr. Cowley followed tilling the soil in Alabama until 1881, when he came to Arkansas and settled first near Ozark, Franklin County, where he remained two years. In 1883 he came to Logan County, pur- chased 450 acres of land, on which he has since made many and vast improvements. In 1885 Mr. Cowley erected a steam gin, seventy saw stand, with an average capacity of six bales per day. His principal crops are corn and cotton. Iron of a good quality has been found on his farm, but no attempt has been made to develop the mine. Mr. Cowley is thorough in all that he does, and is a man of sound judgment and progressive ideas. George L. Craven, miller and ginner, Blaine, Ark. This prominent and very successful miller and ginner was originally from Georgia, in which State his parents, W. M. and Sarah (Dobbins) Craven, were also born. His birth occurred in 1857, and when eleven years of age he removed with his parents to Texas, they being at the present time residents of that State. In 1877 George L. came to Arkansas and engaged in the saw- mill business (without friends or money), which he continued for three years, when he purchased a third interest in a saw-mill in Yell County. In 1880 Mr. Craven was married to Miss Caledonia McAllister, a native of Yell County, Ark, born in 1858, and the daugh- ter of L. T. McAllister. To this union have been born three children: Liiella May (born in 1880), Claude Eugene (born in 1882), and Ruby Ruth (born in 1S85). In 1884, together with his part- ner, Mr. J. W. Blevins, Mr. Craven came to Logan County and erected a sawmill, planer and shingle- mill at Wild Cat Hollow, where they remained about two years. They then removed to Delaware Township and remained there also two years. In 1889 they removed to Blaine, in Shoal Creek Town- ship and taking another partner, Mr. H. S. Cline, they added new machinery and divided their estab- lishment, placing a saw-mill one and one-half miles south of Blaine Post-oflice. To their planing-mill, they have added a gin and steam press and an- other planer, re-saw and corn-mill, and have con- nected the two establishments by a tram road one and one-half miles long, upon which they run an engine of their own construction. The capacity of their saw- mill is 25,000 feet per day, and is run by a sixty-horse power engine, having gang edgers, etc. The capacity of their flooring planer is about 6,000 feet per day, and their surfacing planer about 20,000 to 30,000 per day. The capacity of the shingle machine is 18,000 per day, the capac- ity of the corn-mill is 120 bushels, and the gin 12 bales per day (using direct steam press), and 40- Tp l!^ ^t *bt. 350 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. horse power engine, and employ wLen running full force, about 20 men. This company has about 2, 5(10 to 3,000 acres of timberland contracted for upon which there is timber to keep them supplied for four years or more. Mr. Craven and his part- ner, Mr. Blevins, are members of Bright Star Lodge No. 213, A. F. & A.M., at Dardanelle. Both are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. J. L. Cravens, farmer and justice of the peace, of Shoal Creek Township, is a man esteemed and respected by all acquainted with him. He was born in Arkansas, in 1829, and is the son of Jesse L. and Martha (Logan) Cravens [see sketch of parents elsewhere in this work]. Of the ten chil- dren born to this union, seven are now living, and our subject is fourth in order of birth: William, Mrs. Sallie K. Jamison, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Jerry, Nehemiah and Jesse. During his boyhood J. L. Cravens' educational advantages were limited, as the county was very thinly settled, and neigh- bors were few and far between. There were only a few subscription schools at that time, and no church buildings at all, preaching being held in private houses or in the wood. When about four- teen years of age he was left an orphan, and he began doing for himself. At the age of tweuty- one years he went to California, engaged in min- ing, and there remained about three years. He then returned, and began farming on the land owned jointly by himself and brother. After the death of the latter he purchased his brother's half (80 acres), cleared and improved it, and later sold aljout 94 acres of the entire estate. Later he l)ought 160 acres, then 80 acres, and afteward sold 120 acres, having now 105 acres. These tracts he improved, by building a hoiise, stables, digging wells, setting out orchard, and clearing about 20 acres. Mr. Cravens was married in 1854, to Miss Emily A. Tobin, who bore him live children, only two of whom are now living: Cornelius K. and Jesse J. Mrs. Cravens died in 1864, in full com- munion with the Methodist Church. In 1861 Mr. Cravens enlisted in the Confederate Army, as cap- tain of the militia, and in 1862 joined the regular service, Gordon's regiment, and served until the close of the w^ar. He then resumed farming, be- ginning anew, as everything had been lost during the war except his land, and this has continued to be his chosen calling since. He was married, the second time, in 1866, to Miss Elizabeth F. Corban, a native of Tennessee, born in 1842, and the daugh- ter of Wilkins and Elizabeth (Coffee) Corban. Eight children were the fruits of this union, five now living, and named as follows: Alice L., Samp- son, Homer B., Nehemiah and Edith C. Mr. Cra- vens has served about twenty years as justice of the peace, and has discharged the duties incum- bent upon that office in a very satisfactory manner, as may be inferred from the length of time he has held the position. He is a Mason, a member of Elizabeth Lodge No. 215. He and Mrs. Cravens are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of which he is class leader, and has been superintendent of the Sunday-school. W. L. Cravens, merchant and planter, Patter- son's Bluff, Ark. Mr. Cravens, one of the pioneer settlers of Logan County, Ark., was born in Wayne County, Mo., May 4, 1826, and of the four chil- dren born to his parents only two are now living, and he is the elder. His brother, J. E., is now residing at Clarksville. The parents, Nemehial and Sophia (Thompson) Cravens, were natives of Christian County, Ky. , the father born in 1803, and the mother in 1810. They were married in Wayne County, Mo. , and there, in connection with farming, the father carried on his trade of black- smith until 1831. He then settled in what is now Logan County, Ark., and took quite an active part in politics. He is still a resident of this county, resides live miles east of his son, AV. L., and, although in his eighty-seventh year, is still active for a man of his years. The mother was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and died in 1862. W. L. Cravens received a common business education iu the country schools, and was taught the duties of the farm when a boy. On May 30, 1847, he married Miss Nancy Haney, who was born in South Carolina in 1827, and who was the daughter of Timothy and Mary Haney. To Mr. and Mrs. Cravens were born eight childron — four sons and four daughters: Arkansas A. (wife -®i>y -Uu LOGAN COUNTY. 351 of Thomas Whitaker), Amelia J. (wife of J. J. Cravens), Fannie B. (wife of H. A. McKelney), Charles E., Adelaide G., Hanson W. and Nehe- miah H. (deceased). Mr. Cravens was a soldier in the late war, enlisting in Hill's regiment of Cav- alry in 1863, and acted as Hill's adjutant. He was in the army about only six months and was never in any regular battle, having been put on scouting diity. Returning home after the war he tilled the soil for one year and then embarked in merchandising in Clarksville. He then sold out to his partner and moved to this place, where he engaged in the same business, continuing at this ever since. He carries a stock of goods valued at about §10,000, and is also the owner of '2,000 acres of land, 1,000 acres being in Johnson County. He has about 500 acres in cotton this year, and has about 900 acres under cultivation. He has an excellent residence fronting the Arkansas Eiver, and everything about the place shows good judg- ment and excellent taste. In 1870 he erected a large cotton-gin, and this was burned down in 1887, but in 1889 he built a new one. The capacity of this gin is ten bales per day. Mr. Cravens owns a half interest in a gin and store at Hartman, and also has business at Prairie View. Mrs. Cravens died in 1886. She was a devout member of the Christian Church. Mr. Cravens is a member of the Masonic order, Franklin Lodge No. 9, Clarks- ville, Ark. S. A. J. Creekmore, farmer and ginner, Dub- lin, Ark. The subject of this sketch needs no in- troduction to the people of Logan County, Ark., for he is one of the most esteemed agi-iculturists and ginners of the same, and is one whose honesty and uprightness Lave never been que.stioned. He was born in Alabama in 1835, and was the son of Robert and Elizabeth (Germany) Creekmore, na- tives of North Carolina and Georgia, respectively. S. A. J. Creekmore had early instilled into his youthful mind all the details of farm life, and his educational advantages were rather limited. At the age of seventeen years he started out in busi- ness for himself as a farmer, miller and ginner, and these have since continued to be his chosen occupations. During the Civil War he enlisted and served the Confederacy faithfully and well until cessation of hostilities. His wife, who was formerly Miss Jane P. Davis, and whom he married in 1867, was the daughter of Ralph and Jane (Calhoun) Davis. To Mr. and Mrs. Creekmore have been born the following children: M. L., Lizzie M. , Nannie E. and E. M. , all living and having excellent health. Mr. Creekmore moved from Mississipj)i to Logan County, Ark. , in 187'2, and here he has since made his home, respected and esteemed by all acquainted with him. In his political views he is a strong adherent to Demo- cratic principles, and has never failed to vote with that party. He and Mrs. Creekmore are members of the Christian Church. J. B. Donathan, farmer. Magazine, Ark. Mr. Donathan is one of the many residents of Logan County, Ark., who were originally from Alabama, and who, since their residence in this State, have become prominent men in whatever calling in life their tendencies have led them. He was born in 1841, and moved with his parents, B. F. and Sarah (Lloyd) Donathan, to Arkansas in 1851. He was principally reared in the last named State, and here he received a limited education in the common schools. In 1861 he began business for himself as a farmer, and is now the owner of 800 acres of excellent land in Logan County. With care and perseverance he has attended to his adopted avocation, and with energy and thorough- ness his successful results have been reaped uutil now he is in possession of a comfortable compe- tence. In the fall of 1861 Mr. Donathan enlisted in the army, and was in active duty until the close of the war. Previous to this, in 1860, he was married to Miss Mary Dunn, daughter of Josejjh and Catherine Dunn and a native of Arkansas. Her parents were natives of Tennessee. To Mr. and Mrs. Donathan were born the following chil- dren: William H, James L. (deceased), Martha L., Benjamin F., Eobert L. (deceased), Katie, John B. (deceased), Mary E., Margaret V., Emma and Laura J. Mr. Donathan is a Democrat in politics, and he and wife are consistent members of the Primitive Baptist Church. Mr. Donathan is highly respected. ^i^ Jacob Dorougb, planter, Paris, Ark. Mr. Dor- ougb's first impression was that of assisting on liis father's farm, and it is but natural, perhaps, that when it became necessary for him to choose some occupation in life, he should select the one to which he had been reared. He was born in Georgia, October 22, 1849, and his parents, Milton B. and Emily M. (Casper) Dorough. were natives of Georgia and South Carolina, respectively, the father born in 1820 and the mother in 1819. They were married in Carroll County, Ga., and to them were born ten children, five besides our subject now living: William T., Margy M., John R., Simeon H. and Nancy E. Those deceased were Louisa S., James P., Milton W. and George H. The parents died in Georgia, the father in 1890 and the mother in 1884. Both were church members. The father was in the Indian wars. Jacob Dorough attained his growth on his father's farm, and was married in Heard County, Ga., in 1865, to Miss Susan L. Mosely, a native of Georgia, born April 14, 1850. Twelve children have blessed this union, nine now living: James W., Milton M. , Charles F. , George S., Henry E., Robert S., Elbert R. , Sarah C. (died November 8, 1890), Rhoda J., Adolphus W. (deceased), Jacob H., and Emily R. (died No- vember 15, 1890). Mr. Dorough enlisted in Com- pany H, infantry, in 1864, and served until 1865. He was paroled at Athens, Ga. , and then returned home, where he engaged in tilling the soil. He is now the owner of 270 acres of land, and has 100 acres under cultivation. He was elected justice of the peace of Mountain Township, in 1878, and has discharged the duties of that office ever since. He is a lilaeksmith, and works for the neighborhood. He is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Dor- ough is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Truman Driggs, farmer and ginner, Driggs, Ark. Mr. Driggs, who has the reputation of be- ing one of the most thoroughgoing, wide-awake farmers and ginners of Logan County, was born in the Buckeye State, April 8, 1832. His parents, George and Abigail (Conant) Driggs, were both natives of New York State, but at an early age be- came residents of Athens County, Ohio, where they were married. The fruits of this union were three sons and four daughters: Riley, Jeremiah, Ar- villa, Aimedia. Catherine, Damris A, and Truman. The mother died in Ohio in 1837, and Mr. Driggs afterward married Miss Catherine Cornwell, who bore him one son. This child died in infancy, and the mother died a few days later. In 1842 Mr. Driggs married Elma Wood, and they became the parents of two children: Robert E. and Ruth Anna. Mrs. Driggs died in 1848, and Mr. Driggs took for his fourth wife the widow of Caleb Martin, her maiden name being Martha Chandler. She died without issue. His fifth marriage was to Miss Lavina Martin. All his marriages occurred in Athens County, Ohio. Mr. Driggs died in 1887, at the age of ninety years. He was a farmer all his life. His fifth wife is still living in Ohio. The paternal grandfather was a physician, and the ma- ternal a successful agriculturist by occupation. Truman Driggs removed from Athens County, Ohio, to Logan County, Ark., in 1879, and brought all his family with him. He bought land, and en- gaged in tilling the soil. He is now the owner of fifty acres of land, and he also owns a cotton-gin at Driggs. He was married in Ohio in 1853, to Miss Hannah J. Martin, daughter of Caleb Martin, whose widow married the father of our subject, the latter marrying his step-sister. Three children were born of this union — a son and two daughters : Barzilla'M. , Mary L. and Aimedia. Mary died in 1881. She was the wife of Lewis Driggs. Bar- zilla married Sarah Chandler, in 1874, and Aimedia married William Funk. The last named couple have one child, a girl named Mary L. On Janu- ary 5, 1864, Mr. Driggs enlisted in the United States Army, Company H, Eighteenth Ohio In- fantry, and participated in the battles of Nashville and Franklin. He was discharged on October 12, 1865. Mr. Driggs then returned to his family in Ohio, but subsequently removed to Arkansas, and has been a resident of Logan County, and of his present place for eleven years. He and Mrs. Driggs are members of the Universalist Church, in Ohio. Mr. Driggs contributes liberally to all worthy movements, and is a public-spirited citizen. Their ►V ^ ^ LOGAN COUNTY. 353 son, Barzilla, was married twice. His first wife's name was Lucy Funk. She lived only a few months. His second wife's name was Sarah Chandler. Both were natives of Ohio. Caleb Martin, father of Mrs. Truman Driggs, was born in England, but came to Ohio with his father when a small boy. His brother Samuel started with them, but died on the way, and was buried at sea. Caleb settled in Pennsylvania, and married Marga- ret Baker. To them were born nine children — six sons and three daughters: John, James B., Caleb L., Hiram G. , Samuel H. , William J., Polly, Rachel and Emily. Their mother died when Emily was small. Some time afterward he married Mar- tha Chandler for his second wife, and in the year 1840 they moved to Meigs County, Ohio. Of their union were born four children — two sons and two daughters: Margaret A.. Hannah J., Joel C. and George B. On March 20, 1850, the father died at the age of eighty-two, and some time later the widow moved to Athens County, Ohio, where .she married George Driggs in 1852, and died March 25, 1854. The children all married. The sons, James and Caleb, became wholesale merchants in St. Louis, Mo. ; John and William became ma- chinists, and located in Cincinnati, Ohio; Hiram was a tailor, residing in Harrison County, Ohio; Samuel was a doctor, living in Meigs County, Ohio; Joel is a farmer in Pike County, 111. ; George B. owns a saw and planing-mill in Huntington, W. Va. , where he now lives. The last two were born of the second marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Driggs have an adopted daughter, Arlie E. Wood, who married John G. Jones, and has one child, a boy, named August Homer. W. H. Fort, hotel keeper, Paris, Ark. The town of Paris is to be congratulated on her good hotels, among which, that conducted by that pop- ular and genial gentleman, W. H. Fort, ranks prominent. This gentleman was born May 20, 1822, and is a son of Spear and Margaret (Titts- worth) Fort, the father a native of North Carolina, and the mother of Tennessee. The mother was captured by the Creek Indians when ten years of age, and was released after a year" s captivity. She married Mr. Fort in the last named State, and to this union were born twelve children — sis sons and six daughters. At an early day the parents re- moved to Cooper County, Mo., entered land, and there the father tilled the soil until his death in 1828. The same year his widow removed to Logan County, Aik. , with her children and there received her final summons in 1847. W. H. Fort, the next to the youngest child, was married in 1846 to Miss Nancy Sewell, daughter of John Sewell of Missis- sippi, she being a native of that State. Her father removed from Mississippi to Arkansas when Mrs. Fort was about ten years of age, and when she was sixteen years of age she was married to Mr. Fort. Eleven children were born to this union: Susan M., Mary T., Belle, James, Sallie, Harmon, Eudora, Isabella, Jefferson, Maud, and the next died in in- fancy. They have seven children now living. Mr. Fort is now the owner of the Paris Hotel in Paris, his property being worth about $5,000, and by his social, pleasant manners has won many patrons. Having followed the active duties of the farm for many years he became too old to follow the plow any longer, and so he gave his land, which amount- ed to aboiit 2,000 acres altogether, to his children, while he chose the hotel business for himself. He is a Mason and one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of Logan Count}-, of which he has been a resident for sixty-two years. He and wife are both church members, he of the Cumberland Presby- terian and she of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. James H. Fort, planter, Paris, Ark. Located in the midst of one of the finest agricultural por- tions of Logan County, the farm which Mr. Fort owns and occupies is conceded to be among the best in this vicinity, and this is saying not a little, for on every hand may be seen superior places, whose ownership indicates thrift and prosperity. He was born three and a half miles west of Paris, Ark., in 1857, and was the fourth in a family of ten children born to William H. and Nancy A. (Sewell) Fort, the father a native of Missouri and the mother of Mississippi. The father came to Ar- kansas in 1828, has since resided in this county, and now resides at Paris, where he has made his home for about fifty years. It fell to the lot of ^t^ '« ft. 354 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. James H. Fort to grow np with a farm experience, and he was educated at Quitman and Magazine, this county, Ozark and Charleston in Franklin County and Dardanelle in Yell County. He re- mained at home until nineteen years of age, when he began farming for himself, investing in 805 acres southwest of Paris in Short Mountain Creek, with fifteen acres cleared. He began making im- provements, and resided here for about eight years. He is now the owner of about 900 acres in various tracts lying near Paris, has 500 acres under ciilti- vation and 400 Jicres of which is creek bottom. The remainder is among the best uplands of the county. He has good buildings on his place and is one of the thrifty and successful planters of this region. Mr. Fort has recently removed to Paris, where he expects soon to erect a tasty residence. He was married in 187(5 to Miss Rosa Anna Huck- aby of this county. The family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Fort is soon to enter the ministry. He is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, is progressive in all things, and is practically a self-made man. John V. Frost, farmer, Driggs, Ark. If, as is self evident, this work, would be incomplete without sketches of the more public-spirited of the successful agriculturists, and substantial, well-to- do citizens of Logan County, then the subject of this sketch justly finds a conspicuous place in the present volume. He was born in Alabama in 1835, and is the son of Jacob W. and Elizabeth (Corley) Frost, natives of North Carolina, where they were reared. They were married, however, in Alabama, and to them were born four children; Mary Ann, John v., William G. and Jesse A., all natives of the last mentioned State. They removed from Al- abama to Mississippi, remained there several years, and then in 1855 removed to Logan County, Ark. , where the father tilled the soil until his death in 1886. The mother is still living. Of the four children mentioned above, only one besides our subject is now living, William G., who married Miss Kyle, the fruits of this union being four sons and two daughters. John V. Frost was married in 1857 to Miss Elizabeth James, who bore him five children, viz.: Robert N. , Martha A., Sarah F., Amanda A. and Mary E. (deceased). Mrs. Frost died in August, 18()(), and subsequently Mr. Frost mar- ried Miss Rachel Galor (December, 1806), by whom he has two children : Jacob W. (deceased), and Emily C. Mr. Frost owns 125 acres of land, and has 60 acres under cultivation. He enlisted in 1862 in the United States Army, Company E, Fourth Arkan- sas Cavalry, was in the Pea Ridge fight, and also in the battle of Prairie Grove. He was discharged in June, 1865, at Little Rock, Ark., and afterward returned to his family, where he resumed the oc- cupation of farming. He and Mrs. Frost are both members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Larken B. Gamble, business manager of the Tribune and a farmer of advanced and pro- gressive ideas, owes his nativity to Tennessee, his birth occurring in that State in 1839. His parents, Josiah and Elizabeth Gamble, were natives also of the Big Bend State. Larken B. Gamble was reared in his native State, and there received a limited education, although he has improved this very materially by observation and stud}'. He started out in business for himself in 1865, and from that date until 1870 he was engaged in rail- roading and steamboating. In 1883 he moved to Logan County, Ark., and here, in connection with other enterprises, he has been engaged in farming and merchandising. He is at present proprietor and business manager of the Tribune, a Repub- lican paper, published at Paris, and which is a welcome visitor in the numerous homes it enters. Mr. Gamble has ever been an earnest advocate of all public enterprises calculated to benefit Logan County, and through the columns of this paper has wielded no slight influence in directing the proper steps to be taken for a worthy movement. At the breaking out of the Civil War, or in July, 1861, Mr. Gamble enlisted in the Third Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, U. S. A., for service, and was in active duty all of the time up to February 23, 1865. He was wounded in the left hand and arm, the left knee and the right ankle. By the explosion of a shell his eyes and ears were very much affected, and so continue at the present time. On Decem- ber 14, 1876, his marriage with Miss Annie M. Shafe, daughter of John and Mary A. Shafe, was "l^* r- LOGAN COUNTY. 355 solemnized in Benton County, Ark. Mr. Gramble is a strong Republican from principle, and he and Mrs. Gamble are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He believes that man's first duty is to his family, if he has one, and next to the flag of his country, the stars and stripes, and in the discharge of these duties God's blessings will assuredly follow. D. T. Garner, farmer and ginner, Booneville, Ark. The parents of our subject, "William and Martha (Linnear) Garner, were natives of South Carolina and Georgia, respectively, and they were principally reared in the last named State. They were also married, and to their union were born nine children — seven sons and two daughters — George W., John S., Ellen J., D. T., James F., William N. , Richard H. and Daniel L. The ninth one died in infancy and was unnamed. The par- ents are still living in Georgia, where they reared their family and where they have resided for nearly sixty years. D. T. Garner was born in October, 1841, in Gwinnett County, Ga., and there passed his youth and boyhood. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, Company A, Forty-second Georgia Infantry, and was captured at Vicksburg, on June 24, while on picket. He was paroled when Vicksburg surrendered and returned to his home in Georgia, where he remained about a year, after which he entered the army again and served until the cessation of hostilities. He then made his way to Georgia again, and in 1865 was married to Miss Rhoda Carroll, daughter of the widow, Rhoda Carroll. They removed from Georgia to Boone- ville, Ark., in 1871, and remained there until the spring of 1877, when they removed to Mason County, Tex. In the fall of 1887 he returned to Logan County, Ark. , bought land and engaged in tilling the soil. He also bought one-half inter- est in a gin-mill with George R. Basinger, and still makes this his occupation. He is the owner of 137 acres of land, and has 40 acres of this under cultivation. He and wife are the parents of seven children — four sons and three daughters — Charles R., Lulu (deceased), Martha O., Dewitt, Carroll, Maud and Newton. Our subject is the only one of his father's family now living in Ar- kansas. His son Charles married Miss Ida Corlan, daughter of William Corlan, and is engaged in farming in Logan County. Mr. Garner and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and contribute of their means to all worthy enterprises. M. F. Goss, farmer and carpenter, Delaware, Ark. In addition to being a first-class agricultur- ist, Mr. Goss is also a carpenter and builder, and many evidences of his ability and skill are to be seen in this part of Logan County. His parents, Noah and Ann Eliza (Crittendon) Goss, were born in North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, and came to Arkansas about 1840. To their marriage were born three children who are named in the order of their births as follows: John W., Manfred F. (subject) and George E. The parents settled in Yell County, and there the father cultivated the soil for many years. He purchased 300 acres of land, improved 100 acres of this, and erected good buildings, etc. The mother died in December, 1880, and the father in 1889. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and the father was a steward of the same. M. F. Goss was born in Yell County, Ark. , in 1849, and tilled the soil in that county until 1875, when he made his advent into Logan County. He purchased 80 acres of good land, cleared 40 acres of this, and has made many and vast improvements on the same. His principal productions are cotton, corn, wheat and oats, and as his land is rich and pro- ductive, his crops seldom fail. Mr. Goss was mar- ried in 1867, to Miss Isabel Johnson, a native of North Carolina, born in 1847, and the daughter of Robert and Melvina Johnson. Of the eight chil- dren born to this union, five are now living: Benny, Norah V., Manfred E. , Annie and Sammy (twins). During the late unpleasantness between the North and South Mr. Goss engaged in the Confederate service, in Capt. Orr's company of cavalry, when but fourteen years of age. He was deputy sheriff in 1879-80, and held the same position in 1884- 85. He was elected justice of the peace in 1888, and when his school district was first formed he was made director, serving in that capacity for ten years. In addition to his occupation as farmer t ^ 9 1^1, 356 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Mr. Goes is also a carpenter by trade, and con- tractor and architect, doing his own draughting and designing. He and wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and Mr. Goss is a steward in the same, also teacher in the Sunday-school. F. M. Gwaltney, merchant, Prairie View, Ark. The trade carried on in general merchandise is of very great importance and constitutes a leading factor in the commercial fabric of the smaller towns and villages. It is a line of business requiring special qualifications of a high order, and those possessed of these succeed in this somewhat pre- carious undertaking. Prominent among those en- gaged in this line in Prairie View is Mr. Gwaltney, who is an energetic, thorough man of business, and whose relations with the public are of an honorable and upright character. This gentleman was born in Smith County, Tenn., in 1842, and in 1858 he moved to Logan County, Ark. He received a rather limited education, and at the age of sixteen years began farming and merchandising for himself. These occupations he has continued to follow ever since. During the struggle between the North and South he enlisted in Company C, First Arkansas Mounted Riflemen, and in 1863 was severely wounded in the right ankle. He is still greatly troubled by this wound. Returning home after cessation of hostilities he continued his former pur- suits and was married in 1866 to Miss Nancy Cravens, daughter of J. and W. Cravens. The following children were the result of this imion: Jennie, Katie, Adalaide, Nina J., William, Rilla, Pearl L. , Ova J. and Boulanger. Those deceased are William, Rilla and Ova J. Two of the daughters are married and the others are at home. In his political views Mr. Gwaltnej' is a Democrat. Mrs. Gwaltney and some of the children are mem- bers of the Missionary Baptist Church. W. H. H. Harley, lawyer and editor of the Tri- bune, Paris, Ark. Mr. Harley is one of those men, too few in number, who fully recognize the truth so often urged by the sages of the law, that, of all men, the reading and thought of a lawyer should be the most extended. Systematic reading gives a more comprehensive grasp to the mind, variety and richness to thought, and a clearer perception of the motives of men and the principles of things, indeed of the very spirit of laws. This he has found not only most essential in the prosecution of his professional practice, but very useful in con- ducting the editorial policy of his paper. Mr. Harley was born at Holly Springs, Miss., in 1841, and is the second of ten children born to W. R. and Louisa J. Harley, both natives of the Old Dominion. The paternal grandfather, John Har- ley, was of English descent, and his ancestors came fi'om that country during the colonial period. The maternal ancestors, Thompsons and Bowens, were descendants of old Virginia families, and figured prominently in the Revolutionary War. Both families were of English descent, and were prom- inent in their day and time. W. R. Harley, father of W. H. H. Harley, was a merchant and banker in the early part of his career, and has held official positions nearly all his life. He was State Senator in Virginia and also from Marshall and De Soto Counties, Miss., and was Indian agent to New Mexico under Buchanan. He came to Arkansas in 1859, settled at Princeton, Dallas County, and has served two terms in the Legislature from that county; has also been county judge of the same for four years. He is now living at the age of eighty-two years and does his own business as merchant and farmer. W. H. H. Harley was reared in Mississippi, and was fortunate in having good educational advantages. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted in the Confederate Army, Com- pany C, First Arkansas Regiment Infantry, from Dallas County, Ark., and was in active service until cessation of hostilities. He participated in many of the principal engagements, was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, and after being disabled served in a civil capacity until peace was declared. After the war he taught school in Southern Arkansas for several years, and at the same time was engaged in reading law. About 1875 he was admitted to the bar in Dallas County, and there he began prac- ticing, and succeeded in establishing a good repu- tation. A few years later he came to Logan County, located at Paris, and there he has practiced ever since. He established the Paris Express in 1879 ^t ^. LOGAN COUNTY. 357 and 1S80, aud had editorial charge for one year. He was then connected with the People's Friend for one year, and in 1S89 was engaged as editor and manager of the Paris Tribune. Mr. Harley was married in 1880 to Mrs. A. J. Harley, daugh- ter of G. W. Wolf, a native of Logan County. To this union four children were born: Edna Jane, Charles Bowen, Jessie and Benjamin H., the latter died in infancy, in 1889. Mrs. Harley is a worthy member of the Methodist Church. W. H. H. Harley is an Old School Presbyterian, and believes in the sovereignty of God. In his household is a step-daughter, Willie Ann, an amiable and good girl. As a citizen he has always favored the en- forcement of the laws, and has given to the churches and schools such help and support as his ability would allow. Dr. W. A. Heartsill, physician and druggist, Morrisons Bluff, Ark. It is to the skill and science of the druggist that suffering humanity looks for alleviation of pain. The physician may success- fully diagnose, but it is the chemist who prepares the remedy. When, thf refore, as in the case of the gentleman whose name forms the subject of this sketch, the two professions, namely that of the phys- ician as well as that of the druggist are combined, how doubly important becomes the establishment conducted by Dr. W. A. Heartsill. This gentle- man was born in Louisville, Blount County, Tenn., on December 7, 1852, aud his parents, Hiram and A. M. F. (Wright), were natives of Virginia and Tennessee, the father born near the Salt Works in Washington County, Va. , March 2, 1807. the mother at Mount Pisgah in Blount County, Tenn., September 21, 1813. She was the daughter of Dr. Isaac Wright of that county. They were married June 8, 1837. His parents moved to Georgia in 1865, and there the father resides at the present time. The mother died on October 6, 1890. Dr. W. A. Heartsill remained in Tennessee until t"hir- teen years of age, and then in October, 1865, moved to Georgia with his parents. In 1871 he came to Arkansas, located in Logan County, and there remained until 1875, when he returned to Georgia. While in the latter State he read medi- cine under Dr. Charles P. Gordon of Dalton, Ga. , for three years, and iu 1876 went to Philadelphia, where he attended lectures at the Jefferson Med- ical College; in 1878 attended lectures at the Nash- ville Medical College, Nashville, Tenn., graduating in February, 1878. He then returned to Logan County, Ark. , where he has been actively engaged in his practice ever since. He was married on January 3, 1880, to Miss Sallie E. Edmondaon, a native of Spring Place, INIurray County, Ga., and the daughter of John L. and Kate (Sellick) Ed- mondson, natives also of Georgia. To Doctor and wife have been born the following children: Cleve R. , Isaac N., J. L. E. and William H. ; one child, Cleve E., died at the age of eight years and six months. The Doctor is a strong Democrat, and adheres closely to the principles of that party. He is a very successful practitioner and reliable drug- gist. Mrs. Heartsill is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church Soiith. J. S. Hixson, planter, Paris, Ark. The father of our subject, William Hixson, was a native of Tennessee and was an agriculturist by occupation. He was married in his native State to Miss Mary Ragan, a native of Alabama, and nine children were born to this union — five sons and four daugh- ters — seven of whom are now living: J. S., Nancy L. , John A. , William H. (deceased), Henry, Joseph A. , Caroline T. (deceased), R .J and M. I. The father emigrated from Tennessee to Arkansas in 1858, and settled in what is pow Logan County. He was killed in 1863, during the war, and was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The mother was married in this county in about 1878 to N. Miles. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. S. Hixson was married in Franklin County, December 22, 1872, to Miss Laura Fort, who was born in Franklin County in 1848. The result of this union was the birth of eight children, seven now living, viz. : Orlando, Ada and Ida (twins), Oscar, Elmer, Cleveland, Rilla and Arthur (deceased). Mr. Hixson is one of the most enterprising and successful agriculturists in this township. He was born in Hamilton County, Tenn., December 1, 1848, and was fairly educated in the common schools. He has always followed the occupation of farmer, and is progres- ■^ ~» "V ^1 ft 358 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. sive and thoroughgoing. He is the owner of 246 acres of land, and has 115 acres in a good state of cultivation. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. In his polit- ical views he affiliates with the Democratic party. Hon. Matt Hixson, merchant, Shoal Creek, Ark. Mr. Hixson, a prominent business man of Shoal Creek, was born in Tennessee on Christmas day, 1842, and is the son of James and Milley (Wheeler) Hixson, both natives also of the Big Bend State. The parents came to Arkansas in 1852, purchased, the same year, 160 acres of land and soon had 50 acres of this under cultivation. Matt Hixson was but ten years of age when he came with his parents to Arkansas, and during his boyhood he attended the subscription schools two or three months each summer, being obliged to go about three miles to get his education. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army as corporal, and served in that capacity until the reorganization at Corinth, when he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, and afterward made first lieu- tenant. He took a prominent part in the battles of Elk Horn, Corinth, Port Hudson, and was in numerous minor engagements. At the battle of Port Hudson, after a siege of forty -two days, Mr. Hixson, with his command, was captured and taken to Johnson Island, Ohio, where he was kept about ten months, during which time he had small-pox. Later he was taken to Point Lookout, Md. , to be exchanged, but for some reason was not, but was taken to Fort Delaware. He was sent from there to South Carolina to be exchanged, but instead was put in a stockade, where he, with his comj^anions, were kept diu-ing the battle and subject to fire from both sides. He was kept in this stockade for forty days, and was then transferred to Fort Pulaski, where he remained for some time and then returned to Fort Delaware. There he was pa- roled at the close of the war and returned home. He was twice hit during the war, once on the breast by a spent ball, which did not penetrate the flesh, and again by a piece of bomb in the leg. While at Fort Delaware Mr. Hixson, with his companions, captured a dog belonging to a visitor, and after the owner had left they smothered the animal with blankets and cooked him in a tea kettle. His regular fare while at Fort Delaware was a small piece of corn bread, one-half pint of pickles per day, and occasionally a piece of light bread. Many laughable incidents occurred, notwithstanding their suffering, among which is the following: Some of the guards were ex-slaves, and frequently recognized their old masters among the prisoners who were allowed, just so often, to pass out through the gates to bathe. By diving to the bottom they could secure oysters. One of the negro guards, pacing along the parapet with all the dignity possible for a col- ored soldier in uniform to assume, called out to his old master, who was diving for oysters, "Hello. Massa, w' at yo' doin' down dar ? " to which the prisoner replied, explaining his occupation. The guard then exclaimed, while pointing to himself, ' ' I used to be bottom rail, now bottom rail on de top." Those oysters formed a very pleasant addition to the prison fare. After the war Mr. Hixson began clerking in a general mercantile store in Little Rock, continued there for about two years and then returned home, where he followed farming on his father' s land for one season. He then began clerk- ing in a dry-goods and grocery store at Spadra, in which place he remained for about four years, at- tending school in summer and clerking in the win- ter. In 1879 he embarked in business with J. A. and T. R. Sadler in general merchandising at Shoal Creek, and later Mr. Hixson purchased the entire stock of the firm with the store building. This build- ing has a basement and is 24x70 feet in dimensions. He carries a stock of goods valued at about $5,000, and is doing a good business. He is owner of 3, 000 acres of land, and has expended between 115,000 and $20,000 in improvements. Upon two of his farms coal has been found (outcroppings) which is used in the blacksmith forges of the neighbor- hood. No attempt has yet been made to develop these mines. Mr. Hixson' s principal crops are corn and cotton, and he also gives considerable of his time and attention to the raising of live stock, mules and cattle. On December 25, 1870, Mr. Hixson was married to Miss Belila A. Sadler, a native of Arkansas, born Christmas day, 1844, and ^\? •^ Al h — *- 1^ LOGAN COUNTY. 359 the daughter of Rufus and Elizabeth Sadler. Three children were born to this union, two of whom are living: Gracie C. (born in 1872), and Matt. S. (born in 1878). Mr. Hixson represented what is now Logan County in the Legislature in 1874-75. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge at Ellsworth, Ark. L. F. A. Holleman, planter, Paris, Ark. Mr. Holleman has been a resident of Logan County, Ark., for the past seventeen years, and his ex- ample of industry, and his earnest and sincere efforts to make life a success, are well worth the imitation of all. The condition of his farm, which consists of 120 acres, shows the thrift and energy which are among his chief characteristics, and all necessary buildings and fences form a prominent feature of the improvements. L. F. A. Holleman was born on October 15, 1831, and is a son of William H. and Emeline (Davenport) Holleman, natives of Tennessee, the father born on February 22, 1812, and the mother on January 28, 1813. They were married in Smith County, in 1830, and of the eight children born to this union, only four besidesour subject are now living: OrvilleJ. , Will- iam C, Thomas H. and E. J. The father died in Alabama on April 18, 1852. He was a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The mother is now living in Alabama, and is a member of the same church. L. F. A. Holleman was educated in the Franklin Academy, and was married in Chattooga County, Ga. , on November 10, 1852, to Miss Narcissa Wyatt, who was born in Georgia, on January 11, 1832. They became the parents of one son, W. E., who was killed in a railroad disaster on July 17, 1890. Mrs. Holleman died on November 12, 1854, in full communion with the Methodist Episcopal Church. On October 14, 1857, Mr. Holleman took for his second wife Miss M. E. Hendrix, a native of Alabama, born on De cember 16, 1840, and to this union were born eight children, six now living, viz. : O. B. , A. L., M. H. , W. H., S. S. (deceased), J. B., N. V. (deceased), and F. G. The second wife died on February 4, 1882, and on November 13, 1885, Mr. Holleman married Mrs. E. J. Daniel, a native of Alabama, born on December 12, 1841. Mr. Holleman enlisted as a private in the cavalry. Company G, in 1862, and at the end of eighteen months was promoted to the quartermaster department of his regiment. He participated in the battles of Stone River, Chickasaw Mountain, and was in a number skir- mishes, serving until peace was declared. He was paroled at Columbus, Miss., in 1865, and after the war he returned home, where he engaged in cultivating the soil. In March, 1873, he moved from Alabama to Arkansas, settled in this county, and has seventy-five acres of his fine farm under cultivation. He was elected justice of the peace of Short Mountain Township, in 1888, and in his political views is strictly Democratic. He and Mrs. Holleman are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he is steward of the same, be- ing at the present time lay delegate to the Arkan- sas annual conference. Eli D. Hooper, merchant and farmer. Maga- zine, Ark. Mr. Hooper, who is classed among the successful business men and enterprising farmers of the county, was originally from Illinois, his birth occurring in that State in 1837. His parents, CI ay burn R. and Mary A. (Story) Hooper, were natives of the Blue-Grass State, the former born in 1813 and the fatter in 1819. The paternal grandparents of our subject were James and Jemima Hooper, and the maternal grandfather was Solomon Story. Clayburn R. Hooper was the father of eleven children, ten of whom are now living and named in the order of their births as follows: Eli D., Sidney J. (wife of L. P. Elling- ton), Mary J. (wife of John O. Hall), Peter W., Grace A. (relict of John Rankins), Martha E. (wife of N. L. Hardin), Eliza E. (wife of George G. Loyd), Josephine (wife of J. W. Worley), Nancy Caroline (wife of W. S. Blanton) and Cale- donia (wife of Henry Chappell). In 1849 Eli D. Hooper came with his parents to Arkansas, where the father took mp 200 acres of Government land. The latter enlisted in Company B, Third Illinois Infantry, and served during the Mexican War, par- ticipating in the battles of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. His death occurred on December 29, 1875. Eli Hooper began for himself at the age of seven- teen, working for wages and with the proceeds *^- ;pv*- ^t^ 360 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. attending college. He engaged in merchandising in 1866 in Illinois, and there he remained until the latter part of 1867, when he returned to Ar- kansas and brought goods from Illinois and St. Louis. He established himself in the same busi- ness at Long Ridge, and in connection carried on a gin, which he had erected soon after coming there. In 1870 he removed his stock to what is now Magazine, at that time the first store, biiilt a grist-mill and gin, and there he has been continu- ously in business up to the present time. He established a post-office at that point, and he also established a store at his farm in Petit Jean Val- ley. In the two stores he carries a general stock of about $5,000, and does an annual business of about $15,000. His farm in the Petit Jean Valley is considered one of the finest and consists of 756 acres lying the full width of the valley, and is one and a fourth miles in length. He has also in Reveille Township 436 acres of land, upon a part of which the greater portion of the town of Magazine was built. Upon his farm and in Magazine Mr. Hooper has the finest residences in Logan County, and his other buildings are of a first-class order. He devotes his attention to the raising of corn and cotton, his farm in Petit Jean Valley being espe- cially adapted to that, and also gives considerable attention to the raising of horses, mules, cattle and hogs. Mr. Hooper was married in 1865 to Miss Martha J. Franklin, a native of Illinois, born in 1844, and the daughter of William B. Franklin. Mrs. Hooper died on July 16, 1866, leaving two children, twins, one of whom died when about six- teen years of age. The other, William F., is now a physician in Magazine, where he is earning for himself an enviable reputation in his profession. On December 25, 1867, Mr. Hooper was united in marriage to Miss Margaret E. Loyd, who was born in Alabama in 1840, and who was the daughter of Thomas and Sarah Loyd. The fruits of this union were eight children: Patsie (wife of S. D. San- derfer), Sallie (wife of W. M. Mclntrerf), Mary O. (wife of J. L. Gamble), Nellie W., Thomas P., Nancy L., Daniel W. and Henry G. In 1872 Mr. Hooper was made a member of the board of super- visors, and he filled the position of postmaster at Magazine for about fourteen years. For many years he has been a member of the Masonic fra- ternity. He has always been a man of great energy and perseverance, and although he has met with many reverses, he has always pushed forward again. He takes a prominent part in, and is a liberal contributor to, all worthy enterprises. Hon. VV. B. Jackson, a prominent lawyer and present representative of Logan County, Ark., owes his nativity to Mississipjsi, born in 1851, and is the eldest living child in the family of John L. and Elizabeth 0. (Pearson) Jackson, the parents natives of Georgia and Mississippi respectively. The paternal grandparents were natives of North and South Carolina respectively. W. B. Jack- son's early impressions were at once directed toward the channels of agricultural pursuits, and he received a good, practical education in the com- mon schools. In 1869 he began the study of med- icine at the University of Philadelphia and grad- uated from Washington University, Baltimore on February 22, 1871. He immediately began prac- ticing in Mississippi, but in 1874 went to New York, where he practiced in Bellevue Hospital for some time. He then returned to Mississippi and began the stxidy of law in 1876, being admit- ted to the bar the following year. In 1879 he came to Arkansas, located at Paris, and here he has since been engaged in the j)ractice of law. He is a businesslike and painstaking lawyer, is con- cise in argument and well read, and has a steadily increasing practice. In 1889 he formed a part- nership with C. B. Fontaine. He has been an active Democrat in politics and has ever voted with that party. His superior intelligence and tine ability became recognized by the numerous friends whom he had gathered around him, and he was elected to represent this county in the Legisla- ture in 1890. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity. Though a young man he is one of the rising attorneys of this judicial district. P. J. Jansen, merchant, Prairie View, Ark. In including in this work the sketches of prominent business men of Logan County, none are more de- serving of recognition than that of Mr. Jansen, who for a number of years has carried on an extensive ^i^ I! W _J( 9 LOGAN COUNTY. 3U1 mercantile establishment at Prairie View. He is of German nativity, born in that country in 1844, and his parents, P. J. and Katherine Jansen, were natives also of that country. He passed his boy- hood and youth in Germany, and his educational facilities were more than usually favorable. He began business for himself as a miner in 1878, and this was his principal occupation up to 1884, when he emigrated to the United States. The same year he located in Logan County, Ark. Previous to coming to the United States, or in 1874, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Scherter, who bore him the following children: Clara, Mattie and Peter. In 1885 Mr. Jansen moved to Little Eock, Ark., and was book-keeper for W. J. Hutt for some time. Subsequently, however, he returned to Logan County, Ark. , and embarked in merchandising for himself, which business he carries on successfully at the present time. He carries a stock of goods valued at from between $5,000 to 16,000 dollars, and is a live, energetic business man. He is a strong adherent to the principles of Democracy, and has ever voted with that party. Mrs. Jansen and children are members of the Catholic Church, and the family is respected and esteemed through- out the community. John A. Johnson, planter, Paris, Ark. Mr. Johnson is one of the successful farmers of Johnson Township, and one of its pioneer settlers. Like many other prominent men of Logau County, he owes his nativity to North Carolina, his birth oc- curring in 1821, and is a son of Littleton and Lucy (Adkins) Johnson, natives also of that State. The father was born February 15, 1795, and was mar- ried December 11, 1816, to Miss Adkins, who was born July 30, 1799. Their family consisted of nine children — three sons and six daughters — only one, a sister, besides our subject, now living: Susan A. (wife of K. J. Nesbit, now residing in Texas). The father emigrated from Tennessee to Arkansas in 1841, settled in what is now Logan County, and entered a tract of land on which he made large im- provements. His wife died in 1837 and he in 1857. John A. Johnson was reared in this county, and was married here in 1857, to Miss Mary Lee, who bore him five children, three now living: W. L., William C. and Emma. The wife of our subject died in 1866 and he was married, the second time, in 1869 to Miss Margaret Guthrey. Mr. Johnson enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1863, and served as a private until peace was declared. He is the owner of 120 acres of fine land, and has 100 acres of this uuder cultivation, his principal crops being corn and cot- ton. Mrs. Johnson is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. W. H. Jones, merchant, Prairie View, Ark. Among the prominent business houses of Prairie View, one deserving of special mention in connec- tion with the dry-goods line, is that conducted by W. H. Jones, who, notwithstanding the fact that he takes a lively interest in all public affairs, is at the same time a conservative and reliable business man. He is a native-born resident of this county, his birth occurring in 1853, and is the son of F. M. and C. L. (Swiney) Jones, the father born in Missouri, and the mother in Tennessee. W. H. Jones attained his growth in his native county, and secured a good practical education in the common schools. At the age of twelve years he started out for himself, and has lieen engaged in merchan- dising the principal part of the time since. He is now the owner of a stock of goods valued at from $5,000 to $6,000, and by his pleasant, agree- able manners has built uj) a good trade. He also owns considerable real estate, and a summer resi- dence on one of the peaks of the famous Magazine Mountain. Bear Wallow Springs are located here, which, with the heathful climate and beautiful scenery make it a delightful summer retreat. His wife, who was formerly Miss Eliza J. Sykes, and who was the daughter of Robert and E. Sykes, bore him the following children: Minnie B. , Clemen- tine O., Arnold, Roland V., James W., Ralph O. and Robert C, of whom Clementine O. and Ar- nold are deceased. Mrs. Jones was born in Ten- nessee in 1853, and moved with her parents to Kentucky when a child. In 1868 she came to Ar- kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are esteemed mem- bers of the Christian Church, as are also the chil- dren, and in politics Mr. Jones is a Democrat. Thomas Jones, farmer, Driggs, Ark. Mr. Jones is in every way worthy to be classed among 2, J® — »- .^ 9 ^ 362 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the successful agriculturists of this county, for by his own industry he has become the owner of a fine farm of 50-") acres, and 400 acres of this have been cleared. He owes his nativity to Chambers County, Ala., his birth occurring in March, 1846, and is the son of Thomas and Nancy (Davis) Jones, both probably natives of Alabama. Thomas Jones, the youngest of fonr children — two sons and two daughters — was left an orphan when quite young, and was reared principally in his native State. He left Alabama immediately after the war, came to Arkansas, and has since Ijeen a resident of this State. He was married in Logan County in 1871, to Miss Trency Galer, and to them have been born eleven children, ten of whom are living: John T., Jeremiah S., Charles W., Sarah J., William E., Marzela, ZebaA., Everett and Louisa (who died at the age of seven months). Mr. Jones is en- gaged in raising cotton and grain, and while he is an agriculturist of advanced ideas and tendencies he does not lose sight of the stock interest. The im- provements on his place are all of the best. (Mr. Jones did not correct and return this sketch and hence the publishers cannot give the names of his other children). Dr. J. A. Keith, physician and merchant, Boone- ville. Ark. Among the people of Logan County the name of Dr. Keith is not an unfamiliar one, for he has not only won an enviable reputation as a physician, but as a business man and citizen, he is respected by all. He owes his nativity to Bun- combe County, N. C, born December 16, 1824, and his parents. Rev. William and Sarah (Allen) Keith, were native Virginians, the father born in 1777, and the mother in 1778. Their nuptials were celebrated in North Carolina, and of the nine children that blessed that union, only three chil- dren are the living representatives of this family: Nancy (wife of Alfred Murry), and Sarah A. (wife of O. H. Ramsey). Those deceased were named John, Henry, William M., A. F., R. C. and Jack- son. The father was a farmer by occupation, but was also an ordained minister in the Baptist Church. He WHS a soidier in the War of 1812. The parents both died in North Carolina, the father in 1853, and the mother in 1867. The latter was also a member of that church. Dr. J. A. Keith com- menced the study of medicine in Tennessee, in 1853, attended lectures at Augusta, Ga., in 1858 and 1859. and after graduating, commenced prac- ticing at Mars Hill, Yancy County, N. C. He has practiced his profession ever since, and is ever to be found at the bedside of the sick and afflicted. He was a soldier in the Mexican War, was also in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. and was brave and fearless in the discharge of his duty. During the last named war he enlisted (1862) in Company A, Sixty-fourth North Carolina Infantry, and was elected commander of his company in March, of that year, and lieutenant-colonel on the organization. He was in the battles of Chicka- mauga, Chickasaw Mountain, Perryville, Knoxville and a number of skirmishes, serving until 1865. Previous to the war, or in 1856, he was married, in Greene County, Tenn. , to Miss Margaret Jones, daughter of Thomas Jones, and a native of Greene County, Tenn., born January 6, 1831. Her father died in 1867, and her mother many years previous, or in 1849. Dr. and Mrs. Keith are the parents of five children, three now living: James F., Laura (wife of W.-D. Mclnturf), and Mattie E. The two children deceased were Laura (No. 1) and William B. After the war Dr. Keith engaged in the practice of his profession, and emigrated from North Carolina to Arkansas in 1869, locating in what is now Logan County. In 1869 he em- barked in mercantile pursuits, which he has since carried on. He is the owner of 2,100 acres of land, and has divided about 1,300 among his chil- dren. He has about 700 acres under cultivation. His principal crops are corn and cotton. He has a steam saw-mill, located on Sugar Creek, six miles south of town, and this has a capacity of about 12,000 feet per day. He and Mrs. Keith are worthy members of the Baptist Church, and are liberal supporters of all worthy enterprises. The Doctor is a member of the A. F. & A. M. , Boone- ville Lodge No. 247. James Frank Keith, son of our subject, is a prominent attorney at law at Booneville, Ark., and was born in the Palmetto State, August 28, 1866. He was educated in the Arkansas University, Fayetteville, Washington vl? ■!t .Ul hL^ LOGAN COUNTY. 363 County, and also attended school at Buckner Col- lege during 1882 and 1883. During 1883 and 1884 he taught school in Logan County, and in 1885 he was admitted to the bar. In 188U and 1890 he was engaged in the newspaper business on the Booneville Enterprise, where he remained until October, of this year. He is not in the news- paper business at present, but has turned his at- tention entirely to the practice of law. He was married December 24, 1885, to Miss Alice Stan- ford, a native of Alabama, and the daughter of Joseph P. and Sarah Stanford. Two children are the fruits of this union; Ella and James. Mr. Keith is a member of the Baptist, and his wife a member of the Episcopal Church. George Kincannon, farmer, Magazine, Ark. This old and much-esteemed citizen of Logan County was originally from Georgia, born in 1823, and his parents, John and Rachel Kincannon, were natives of Tennessee and South Carolina respect- ively. The parents moved to Georgia in 1822, and one year later moved to Tennessee, where our subject was principally reared. The latter re- ceived a limited education in the common schools, and in 1843 he began farming for himself, having followed that occupation fi-om early childhood, at which time his services were brought into requisi- tion on his father's farm. He is now the owner of 320 acres of land in Boone Township, Logan County, and is a prominent and very successful tiller of the soil. In 1863 he enlisted in the army, served one year and then was elected sheriff of Scott County, Ark., after which he left the army. In the year 1846 he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Wallen, daughter of Stephen and Betsy (Igo) Walleu. Mr. Kincannon' s second marriage was with Miss Margaret Bowen in 1871. She was the daughter of E. and Margaret Bowen, natives of South Carolina. Mr. Kincannon' s present wife is a native of Tennessee and was born in 1833. They have three children who are named as follows: Martha, Sophronia and Samuel. Mr. and Mrs. Kincannon are church members, he of the Presby- terian and she of the Christian denomination and they are liberal to all worthy movements. In politics Mr. Kincannon is a stanch Democrat. Frank Kinney, miller and ginner, Morrison Bluff, Ark. Among the foreign-born element now in Logan County, those of German nativity stand in the formest rank as honest, industrious citizens. Mr. Kinney was born in Germany in 1830, and his parents, Jasper and Farony (Honel) Kinney, were also natives of that country, the father born in 1800. Frank Kinney was reared in his native country and his educational advantages were very good. He there learned his trade, miller, and in 1856 he sailed for America, where he expected to make his future home. On March 10, 1862, he eu listed in the army and was in the fight at Darda- nelle, Ark. Mr. Kinney returned to his occupa- tion of miller after the war, and as he had all the characteristics of those of German nativity — honesty, industry and economy — he soon became one of the substantial men of the county. His mill is worth about $4,000, and he is the owner of six residences, besides other property. Mr. Kin- ney was married on January 1, 1866, to Miss Char- lotte Wilcox, daughter of Homer and Catherine Wilcox. To Mr. and Mrs. Kinney have been born the following children: Buddy, Frank G., Mary, Charlie, Florence, Lena and Edward, all living and enjoying good health. Mr. Kinney and his sons are stanch Democrats in their political views. While Mr. Kinney is a member of the Christian Church and his wife is a Baptist, the children are all members of the Methodist Church. Capt. James R. Lafferry. a prominent planter of Logan County, Ark., was born in Hall County, Ga., on February 7, 1824, and was reared ou the battle-field of Chattanooga, his father being the owner of the land on which both the battles of Chattanooga and Chickamauga were fought. Dur- ing the Mexican War Mr. Lafferry enlisted and was in most of the hard fighting of that war. In 1848 he was married to Miss Martha Smith, who bore him the following children: George, Mary Ann, Margaret, Catherine, Nancy, Julia, Curley, Josiah, James, Reuben and Amanda (twins), Mattie and Virginia. Mr. Lafferry removed from Tennessee to Lawrence County, Ark., in 1851, remained there until the summer of 1851, and then returned to his old home in Tennessee, where he remained for IT 364 HISTOKY OF ARKANSAS. six years. In 1858 he again removed to Arkansas, and in 1862, enlisted in the United States Army, First Arkansas Cavalry, under Col. E. Harrison. He was captured in Missouri, in June, 1862, re- tained a prisoner until February 20, of the follow- ing year, and was paroled in February, 1863. After this lie enlisted in the United States Army, First Arkansas Infantry, was in the Fayetteville fight, and was with Gen. Blount in the actions at Fort Smith and Honey Springs. He was with Gen. Cloud, when Dardanelle was captured the first time, and was also in the Haguewood fight, where he was captured and exchanged. He was captured again at the second tight at Dardanelle, again ex- , changed, and was in the third tight at that place, January lf>, 1865. He was in the tight at Ozark, with Brooks on his retreat from Fayetteville, and was wounded in the knee at that place. He also had his horse shot from under him, and in the fall , his leg was broken. He was elected captain of Company B, Fourth Arkansas Cavalry, September 10, 1863, and served in that capacity until the close of the war. Mr. Lafferry has been a partici- pant of forty battles, including those in the Mexi- ' can War, and was a brave and trustworthy soldier, j He returned home at the close of the war, and has been a resident of Ellsworth ever since. He has followed agricultural pursuits, and is the owner of 318 acres of land with 50 "acres under cultivation. The Captain is one of the pioneer settlers of Ar- kansas, and is a man who has passed an unusually eventful life. He was appointed United States receiver in the land office at Dardanelle, by Presi- dent Grant in 1873, and was also one of the com- missioners appointed to appraise the Fort Smith Reservation. Mr. Lafferry is one of Logan County's most highly-respected citizens and oldest settlers. He is a member of the G. A. R., and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which he is a liberal contributor, as, in fact, he is to all worthy^ movements. His father, George W. Lafferry, was born on the ocean as his parents came from France, and was reared in Lancaster County, Penn. The mother of our subject, Catherine (Rogers) Lafferry was a native of Georgia. After their marriage they removed to Chattanooga, Tenn. , where the mother died in 1840, and the father in 1842. They were the parents of seven children, Capt. Lafferry being the eldest. George W. Lafferry served in the War of 1812, and was with Gen. Jackson at the battle of New Orleans; was in Texas with Maj. Fanning, and was a par- ticipant in removing the Cherokees to their pres- ent homes in the far west. He served under Gen. Wintield Scott, at the battle of Lundj^'s Lane. His great- great grandfather, Roger, was killed at the battle of King's Mountain. J. K. Lee, planter, Paris, Ark. This promi- nent agriculturist is a native of Arkansas, born in Johnson County, on September 1, 1844, and is a son of D. R. and Susan A. (Redden) Lee, and the grandson of William and Dicey (Ennis) Lee, who were natives of North Carolina. To the grandpar- ents were born eleven children, five now living: D. R., Britton, Winnie, Elizabeth and James H. William Lee emigrated from North Carolina to Tennessee, thence to Mississippi, and in 1837 moved to Arkansas, where his death occurred in 1863. He was a member of the Hard-shell Bap tist Church. His wife died in 1872. The father of our subject was born in North Carolina on De- cember 20, 1819, and he was married in 1840 to Miss Susan A. Redden, a native also of North Car- olina, born on November 3, 1820. The fruits of this union were eleven children, six now living: T. A., A. P., F. C, Jane and Sarah. The father was elected county treasurer in 1873, served one term, and previoiis to this, in 1868, he had represented Johnson County in the Legislature. He was also justice of the peace of his township for several years. He has killed at least 500 deer in this State, and killed as many as four in one hour. He is now living with his son, T. A., and is a blacksmith and wagon-maker by trade. The mother died on Atigust 30, 1887, and was a consistant member of the Baptist Church. J. K. Lee was reared on a farm, received a good practical education in the common schools, and was married here in 1871 to Miss Arminta Moore, a native of Logan County, born on May 29, 1848, and the daughter of John and Martha C. Moore. To our subject and wife were born eleven children, eight now living: John ■^ -^ • ^ LOGAN COUNTY. 367 and is, in fact, a physician of more than ordinary ability. In February, 1890 he started a general drug business at Delaware, and at the same time added a stock of family groceries. The Doctor was married in 1884, to Miss Lizzie J. Reese, a native of Georgia, born in 1867, and the daughter of Jacob K. and Nancy E. Reese. To this union have been born three children: Samuel Arthur, (born in 1886), Minnie Ethel (born in 1887), and Willie Harrison (born in 1889). In 1888 Dr. Mc- Clure purchased seven acres of land, which he has improved in every way, and in 1890 he erected a store-building, the expense of which, including other improvements, was about •? 1,000. He car- ries stock, including furniture of about $400. David T. McVay, planter and miller, Paris, Ark. Mr. McVay, one of the independent sons of toil, and a successful miller of Short Mountain Township, was born in Mississippi on August 30, 1853, and came to this State with his parents when a small boy. He was married in Logan County in 1876, to Miss Harriet Streete, who was originally from Georgia, her birth occurring in that State on June 15, 1857, and the daughter of William Streete, also a native of Georgia. To Mr. and Mrs. McVay were born iive children — two sons and three daughters: George, James, Eller O., Flora and Martha. Mr. McVay has a fine farm of 338 acres, and has 90 acres of this under cultiva- tion, his principal crops being corn and cotton. He has a good frame house, substantial and com- fortable outbuildings, and has an orchard of one acre. He has a good steam cotton-gin and saw- mill combined, and the capacity of the gin is six- teen bales per day, and can cut 3,000 feet of lumber per day. Last year Mr. McVay ginned 497 bales of cotton, and the prospect this year is considered as good. Mrs. McVay is a member of the Christian Church. Mr. McVay's parents, ' George and Nicey (Leeten) McVay, were natives, respectively, of Alabama and Mississippi. They were married in the last named State, and six children were born to this union, two only now living, one besides our subject, Thomas. The father emigrated from Mississippi to Arkansas in 1857, settled in McClain's bottom, where he entered and improved land. He died in this county in 1863. The mother had died in 1860. She was a member of the Christian Church. Matthew Maberry, farmer, Paris, Ark. Mr. Maberry is a native of Virginia, and his parents, Charles and Ellen B. (Thompson) Maberry, were natives of the same State, born in Floyd County. In 1848 they removed to Schuyler County, Mo., and from there to Arkansas in 1858. Mr. Ma- berry bought land in Logan County, and culti- vated the soil until his death, on June 11, 1883. The mother died on May 19, 1890. Matthew Ma- berry was born on May 15, 1844, and in 1863 he enlisted in Company K, Eighth Missouri Infantry, C. S. A., and was a participant in the battle of Prairie Grove. On May 10, 1863, during a skirmish in the Indian Territory, he was wounded in the : leg and disabled so that he did not enter the service j again. He was captured shortly afterward, pa- roled, and came home. In June, 1879, he was wedded to Miss Lou Ann Sewell, daughter of AVilliam Sewell, of Logan County, Ark. The Sewell family was among the pioneer settlers of Logan County. Mr. Maberry is the owner of 137 acres of land, the old homestead of his father, and is a man of good judgment and sound practical sense. He was elected constable for Short Mount- ain Township, where Paris, the county seat, is lo- cated, in September, 1886, and has served in that capacity up to the present time, being re-elected every two years successively. He contributes of his means to all laudable enterprises, and is in every way a worthy citizen. Dr. B. M. Miller, physician and planter. Shoal Creek, Ark. Dr. Miller was born in Missouri, in 1831, and is the son of Samuel and Mary (Hatton) Miller, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of South Carolina. The father was a soldier in the War of 1812, and at its close was mustered I out at what was then the little French village of St. Louis, where he met and married Miss Mary Hatton in 1815. He was a farmer, and continued that occupation until his death, in 1858. His widow joined the "silent majority" in 1877, at the age of eighty-seven years. Both were mem- bers of the Methodist Church. The paternal grand- [ IV 9 *i» 368 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. parents were John and Katherine (Bellue) Miller, and the maternal were Thomas and Joannah Hat- ton, who were the grandparents of Frank Hattou, postmaster-general. The parents of Dr. Miller were identified with the early history of Missouri, and the latter received his education in the schools of his district until eighteen years of age. He was then sent to Westminister College, at Fulton, Mo., and there continued until twenty-one years of age. In 1855 he began the study of medicine under Dr. Thomas Howard, of Millersburg, Mo., and continued with him for two years, after which, in 1857-58, he attended lectures in the Missouri Medical College. He then commenced practicing in St. Aubert, Mo., where he remained about a year and a half, and then came to Johnson (now Logan) County, Ark., located in the neighborhood of Shoal Creek, and there he has built up a very extensive practice, extending over a large portion of the eastern part of Logan and a part of Yell Counties. He is assisted by bis son, Dr. S. E. Miller. Our subject was married in 1867, to Miss M. J. Sellers, a native of Tennessee, born in 1847, and the daughter of Edward and Serena Sellers. To this union have been born four chil- di-en: S. E. (bom in 1867), Aubrey (born in 1868), Dudley (born in 1876), and Jean (born in 1878). In 1869 Dr. Miller purchased 100 acres of land upon which he has built a good house and substantial out buildings, and further improved by fencing and clearing about 60^ acres. He raises wheat, oats and corn, and in the last few years has been raising cotton. His farm will average thirty bush- els of corn, forty to sixty bushels of oats and three- fourths of a bale of cotton to the acre. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I, Tenth Missouri Cavalrj', as assistant surgeon, but resigned and served as private. He took part in the Missouri raid and served until the close of the war. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Elizabeth Lodge No. 215. His wife, who was a consistent member of the Methodist Church, died on July 18, 1890, to the great sorrow not only of her husband and children, but the numerous friends her pleasant, genial disposition had gath- ered around her. F. J. Moore, planter, Ellsworth, Ark. Like many of the representative citizens of the county, Mr. Moore owes his nativity to Tennessee, his birth occurring in Bledsoe County March 12, 1831, and he is the son of Nimrod and Sarah (Jones) Moore, the parents natives of Virginia, the father born in 1794 and the mother about 1798. They were wedded in Tennessee, and there they reared a large family of children — seven sons and five daughters — six children now living: Mary (wife of Leroy Standifer), Malinda, R. J., Sarah (widow of R. B. Chitwood) and O. P. Those deceased were named Harriet H. , Edward H. , Nimrod, Mar ion, Susan and Obediana. The father was a sad- dler by trade. Both parents died in Tennessee, the father in 1856 and the mother in 1868. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. F. J. Moore, who is the youngest of the living children, was principall}- reared on the farm, and by his marriage, which occurred in Johnson County, Ark., November 30, 1857, to Miss Mary Chitwood, a native of Tennessee, born in 1833, he became the father of four children: Sarah E. (wife of L. F. Watson), Marion M., John N. and Esther (wife of J. L. Kell). Mrs. Moore died in this county in 1869. She was a worthy and much esteemed member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Moore was married, the second time, in 1867, to MisB Caroline L. Lassater, who was born in Tennessee in 1840. They have six children: Will- iam H., Leroy F., Maggie M. , Richard J., Rachel and Amanda. During the late unpleasantness between the North and South Mr. Moore enlisted in the United States Army, Company B, Fourth Arkansas Regiment Cavalry, under Capt. James R. Lafferry, and served until the close of the war, but was never in any regular battles. He was commissioned second lieutenant of his company. Returning to his home he engaged in tilling the soil, and is now the owner of 2,000 acres of as good land as is to be found in the county, 100 be- ing cultivated. Mr. Moore is a Mason, Pleasant Mound Lodge No. 234, and he is secretary of the same. He and Mrs. Moore are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He has been justice of the peace of his township for ten years. *?i«- ^ ih^ ^ J. E. Norfleet, liveryman, Paris, Ark. Among the many excellent livery stables in Paris must be mentioned that conducted by Mr. J. E. Norfleet, which business was engaged in by that gentleman in 1883. It has been a matter of succession for the past seven years. Mr. Norfleet was born in North Carolina in 1837, and is the eldest of four children, born to the union of Albert A. and Re- becca (Daniel) Norfleet, both natives of North Car- olina. The paternal grandfather, Albert, and a ^^rother Thomas, while infants, sailed from Eng- land to America with their parents. Their ves- sel was wrecked and the parents drowned. These boys not knowing their names, were re-christened after the wrecked vessel, that is Norfleet, and they were reared in North Carolina and Virginia, re- spectively. Albert followed farming and stock- raising, was a representative man of his county, and received his final summons in North Carolina. Albert A. Norfleet, father of our subject, was reared in Mississippi, and was a successful tiller of the soil. He moved to Mississippi in 18811. but his death occurred in Florida in 1850. The mother followed him to the grave six years later. J. E. Norfleet attained his growth in Mississippi, and when twenty-one years of age, began for himself as a farmer. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted in the first company organized in Missis- sippi, Company G, Ninth Mississippi, and was in service in Florida the first year. He was then with Gen. Forrest, on outpost duty, and was in the last battle fought in Alabama, east of the Missis- sippi River. After the war he cultivated the soil until 1873, after which he was engaged in merchan- dising. In 1881 he came to Arkansas, settled at Paris and sold goods for two years, after which, in 1883 he embarked in the livery business which he is now following. He owns his own residence and considerable town property and a well equipped stable. He was married at the age of seventeen years (1854), to Miss Angeline Cooper, a native of Tennessee and the result of this union was twelve children: Robert N.,Lucian M., William L., Mattie, Lina, Effie, Kate, James, Thomas, Almira and John and Bettie, the latter two dying in infancy. The family are members of the Christian Church. M. W. Parker, postmaster. Shoal Creek, Ark. Mr. Parker is a representative man of Logan Coun- ty, Ark. , who has attained his property by industry and good business ability, and has won an envi- able position in society circles. He was born in Alabama in 1829, and his parents, John and Rachel (Shipley) Parker, were natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania, respectively. The parents came to Arkansas in 1842 and settled in Pope County. Their family consisted of ten children, M. W. the youngest, and only two besides our subject now living: Elkana D. and Joshua M. M. W. Parker was but thirteen years of age when he came with his parents to Pope County, and in 1846 he en- listed ^or service in the Mexican War as a private in Company A, Col. Yell's regiment. He was in the battle of Buena Vista, had his horse shot from under him, and was mustered out in 1847. Re- turning home he engaged in farming, and two years later was married to Miss Jemima Jones, who was born in Alabama, and who was the daughter of John and Jencie (Bobbett) Jones. To this union were born seven children, all of whom are living: Mary J., Annie, Joshua, William, Jesse, Olive and Bell. Mr. Parker purchased eighty acres of land in 1851, and afterward home- steaded another eighty acres joining the original tract, all of which he improved by erecting good buildings, setting out orchards, etc. He has never raised less than half a bale of cotton to the acre, and generally more, and seldom less than forty bushels of corn. Mr. Parker was elected justice of the peace in 1872, and served continuously for twelve years. In 1889 he was appointed post- master at Shoal Creek, and has tilled that position in a creditable manner ever since. In 1881 he bought a steam-gin and corn-mill, and in 1882 took in his son, Joshua Parker, as partner. Together they have added new and improved machinery, un- til they now operate none of the original machinery, all being new. Their gin has a capacity of twelve bales of cotton per day, and they operate a steam- 250wer press. Their corn-mill has a capacity of 125 bushels per day, and their machinery is driven by a twenty-horse-power engine with a shaft 127 feet long. In 1863 Mr. Parker entered the Federal ik 370 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. service as a private in Company H, Third Arkan- sas Cavalry, and was stationed at Lewisburg and Dardanelle. He was mustered out in June, 1865. He is a member of Ellsworth Post No. 12, G. A. R., and was elected senior vice commander at the organization of the post in July, 1890. L. J. W. J. Powell, farmer, Booneville, Ark. One of the men who has contributed much to the development of Logan County is Mr. Powell, a prominent agriculturist of the same. His parents, Isaac and Sarah (Jones) Powell, were both natives of Georgia. They moved to Arkansas in 1844, bought land in Logan County, and there made their home. The father served in the Florida War, and was also in the War of 1812, fighting under Packinham at the battle of New Orleans. The educational advantages of our subject during his boyhood were limited, receiving only about ten months' schooling altogether, and in the spring of 1854 he weui to California, where he was engaged in mining and farming for eleven years. He then returned home by way of the Isthmus, after stop- ping for some time in New York and five months in Illinois. He began work on a mill, and after- ward bought, in partnership with his brother, 120 acres of land, where he remained about six years. He imjjroved about eighty acres, erected a house and other buildings, and made many other impor- tant changes. He then sold this land and bought 160 acres of Government land, having at the pres- ent time about sixty acres of this cleared. Aside from the large crops of cotton, corn and oats that he raises, he is also engaged in raising a good grade of cattle and hogs. Mr. Powell was married in December, 1868, to Miss Frances T. Lyons, a native of Arkansas, and the daughter of John and Rebecca Lyons. Mrs. Powell died in 1869, leav- ing one daughter, Rebecca Eudora, now the wife of H. H. Ozier. In 1871 Mr. Powell was wedded to Miss Mary Jane Cox, a native of Missouri, born in 1847, and daughter of Joseph and Caroline Cox. The fruits of this union have been ten children, eight of whom are living: Alice May, Oceola Mark, Arthur Lee, Alberta, Louisa Ellen, Rosa Viola, Oscar Randolph and Ernest Lester. Mr. Powell is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Lodge No. 247, at Booneville, and he and his estimable wife are members of the Christian Church, of which he has been deacon. Dr. B. Priddy, physician, Magazine, Ark. Dr. Priddy has acquired an enviable reputation in Logan County, as an able physician and surgeon, and the extent of territory over which he travels to alleviate the sufferings of the afflicted, is a suf- ficient proof of his popularity. His parents, Will- iam H. and Sarah (Lusk) Priddy, were natives, re- spectively, of Tennessee and North Carolina. They removed to Mississippi at an early day, and there received their final summons. Dr. B. Priddy was born in Mississippi, on May 14, 1834, and there he was principallv reared and educated. At the age of tweny- three years he began the stud}' of medicine, and that he has been successful in the practice of his profession is too well known to be commented on. His strong good sense, his calm conservatism and his genuine ability were soon perceived, and he was elected to represent Logan County in the Legislature three times. In 1862 he enlisted in the army, and organized and com- manded two coinpanies in this part of Arkansas. He remained in active service until the close of the war, and was a brave and gallant soldier. He was married to Miss Sarah K. Scott, daughter of S. A. and E. E. Scott, and their children were named as follows: Eudora, Florence E., Edna S., Arthur B. and Blanch, all of whom are living. Dr. Priddy is a straight Democrat, and Mrs. Priddy and the eldest daughter are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. James Redden, a prominent and pioneer planter, residing in Johnson Township, Logan County. Ark., is a native of Tennessee, his birth occurring in Henry County, on February 15, 1829. His parents, W'illiam and Milly (Berks) Redden, were natives of South Carolina and Georgia, respect- ively, and they were married in the last named State. The father was a farmer by occupation. Their union resulted in the birth of thirteen chil- dren, only one besides our subject now living: Lemuel. The father was drafted in the War of 1812, went to Norfolk, and was there discharged. He and wife emigrated from Tennessee to Arkan- ^ 'A LOGAN COUNTY. 371 sas in 1S36, settled in what is now Logan County, and there the father's death occurred about 1880. The mother died about 1856, and she was a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. James Redden was married in Logan County, in 1861, to Miss Martha Smith, a native of Georgia, born in 1837. The result of this union was the birth of seven children — four sons and three daughters: Denison J., J. C, William, Joseph, Dora, Emily and Jennie. Mr. Redden was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting in Company B, under Capt. H. Butts, in 1863, but he served only about nine months and then came home. In his early life he followed building cotton-gins. He is the owner of 2-1:0 acres of good land, and has 75 acres under cultivation. His principal crops are corn and cot- ton. He has a comfortable home and can spend his declining years in ease and plenty. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He is one of the county's most honored and esteemed citizens. D. J. Redden, teacher and planter, Paris, Ark. Among the thoroughgoing, wide-awake farmers of Johnson Township stands the name of D. J. Red- den, who is a native-born resident of this county, his birth occurring on August 29, 1862. He is a son of James and Martha Redden, and was edu- cated at the Ai'kansas Industrial University, Fay- etteville, Washington County, Ark. He became familiar with the duties of the farm in boyhood, and when twenty-one years of age started out in life for himself as a school teacher, which profes- sion he has since continued. He was married in Logan County on December 16, 1886, to Miss Minnie Maberry, a native of this county, born on April 17, 1864, and the daughter of Charles and Ellen (Thompson) Maberry. Her parents were natives of the Old Dominion, born in 1820 and 1822, respectively, and their children were named as follows: Matthew, Josh, Augustus, Latich, Belle, Jane, Aid, Lion, Annie and Minnie. The parents of these children emigrated to Missouri, and from there to Arkansas in 1858, settling in this county. Here the father died in 1883 and the mother in 1890. Both were members of the Bap- tist Church. To Mr. and Mrs. Redden were born two children: Opie and Doy. Mr. Redden is the owner of 120 acres of good land, all well improved and well cultivated, and in 1885 he built a nice frame house, which, together with his substantial outbuildings, constitute a prominent and attractive feature of his place. He has a good young or- chard of apple, peach, plum and cherry trees, and the principal crops raised on his farm are cotton, corn and oats. Mrs. Redden is a member of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Redden is in favor of all public improvements, extending a ready and help- ing hand to the poor and needy. Politically he affiliates with the Republican party. Marvel Rhyne, a prominent pioneer and mer- chant of Booneville, was originally from North Carolina, born in Lincoln County, March 28, 1823, and is a son of Michael H. and Barbara (Wethers) Rhyne, both born in North Carolina. The father was a tiller of the soil, and moved from North Car- olina to Tennessee, in 1832. By his marriage to Miss Wethers he became the father of ten children: Dicej', Anna, Eliza (wife of Silas Dothrow), Yar- dsey, Albert, Isabela, Michael H. , John, Marvel and Caroline, whom we have named in the order of their births. The mother of these children died in Lincoln County, N. C, in 1827. The father then married Miss Peggy Hoyle, who bore him twelve children. He died in 1860, and his second wife followed him to the grave in 1880. Five of the children came to Arkansas. Marvel Rhyne was married May 29, 1859, to Miss L. A. Sadler, daughter of O. — and Eliza Sadler, and to them were born three childi-en: Minnie L. (deceased), Horasio, and one died unnamed. Mrs. Rhyne died at Booneville, Ark., in 1863, and June 8, of that year, Mr. Rhyne wedded Miss Jacinthia S. Sadler, daughter of Elwood and Martha Sadler. Seven children blessed this union — three sons and four daughters: Mattie E. (wife of D. A. Carroll), John E., Lucy (living), Lucy (deceased), H. C. (deceased), Clara (deceased), Elisyzie (living), and Marvel (deceased). In 1863 Mr. Rhyne enlisted in the Confederate Army under Gen. Cabel, and he f)articipated in the battles of Poison Springs, Jenkins' Ferry, Mark's Mill, and was with Gen. i-p 372 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Price in the Missouri raid. He served until cessa- tion of hostilities, being discharged at Fort Smith in July. He then returned home and engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he continued until 1868, when he embarked in merchandising in Booneville. He is one of the county's esteemed citizens, and one of its thoroughgoing business men. He carries a stock of goods valued at $5,000, and is doing well. He is a Mason, Booneville Lodge No. 247, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. They contribute liberally to all worthy movements. J. E. Roper, farmer, Morrison Bluff, Ark. Mr. Roper is possessed of those advanced ideas and principles regarding agricultural life which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average native Tennesseean. He was born in Mc- Minn County, of that State, in 1832, and his parents, J. M. and Mary M. (Giddon) Roper, were natives of the Big Bend State also. The mother died in Tennessee, and the father moved to Arkan- sas, locating in Logan County in 1881. J. R. Roper was reared in Bradley County, Tenn. , and his educational facilities were limited. At tlie age of twenty years he began life as a farmer, which occupation he has since continued to follow and the success which seems to attend his efforts is well merited, for no one is more thoroughly in- terested in this calling, or gives it greater atten- tion. In the fall of 18(51 he enlisted in the armj% and was in active duty until cessation of hostilities. He was captured in the fall of 18(34, was sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio, and there remained for seven months. In 18-'37 he celebrated his marriage to Miss Frances Randolph, the daughter of J. and Margaret Randolph. The result of this union was the following children: Jephtha M. , William M. , P. R. and John F. Jephtha M. died when a young man, and P. R. died in infancy. Mr. Roper and his sons are stanch Democrats in their polit- ical preferences, and their votes are cast with that jjarty at all times. Mrs. Roper and children are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. John F. Roper, farmer, Morrison Bluff, Ark. Mr. Roper, whose life has been an active one, and who has by his own industry and intelligent management secured a substantial footing among the citizens of this community, was originally from Tennessee, born in Hamilton County, in 1862. His parents, J. R. (see biography) and Frances Roper, were also natives of Tennessee. The father moved to Logan County, Ark., in 18(59. and is a resident of that county at the present time. John F. Roper attained his growth, and received his educa tiou in Logan County. In 1885 he began farming for himself, and this has continued to be his prin- cipal occupation. He is progressive and thorough in all that he does, and it requires but a few years, at the rate he is now advancing, to place him among the prominent agriculturists of the county. His wife, whom he married in February, 1885, was formerly Miss Al)bie Fox, daughter of Francis and Abbie Fox, the father a native of France and the mother of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Fox moved to Logan County, Ark., in 1880, and there they re- side at the present time. To Mr. and Mrs. Roper were born two children: Jennie and Beulah, the former of whom died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Roper are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and in his political views he is a Democrat from principle. Dr. Florenz Rotert, physician and farmer. Dub lin. Ark. Dr. Rotert is another of the many prominent residents of Logan County, who owe their nativity to Germany, his birth occurring in that country in 1841. His parents, Bernard and Clara (Plester) Rotert, were natives also of that country, and there our subject was reared to man- hood. He received a good practical education and when twenty-four years of age he began for himself as an undertaker and builder. In 1872 he emi grated from his native country to the United States, located at St. Louis, Mo., and in 1878 moved to Logan County, Ark., where he has since made his home. By his marriage, which occurred in 1865, to Miss Lizzie Wiedebusch, he became the father of the following children: F. B. , John N. and Lizzie: Dr. Rotert's second marriage took place in 1880, to Miss Margaret Underwood, and the fruits of this union were the following interesting children: Henry, Dora, Herman, Frank, Annie and Clara. The children are all living and are strong and - u> « w. _JI D hL. LOGAN COUNTY. 373 hearty. The Doctor is a saceessftil physician and has built up a large and lucrative practice. In fact, he has the ability and perseverance to make a success of whatever he undertakes, and is classed among the substantial men of the county. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party. Mrs. Eotert and the children are members of the Catholic Church. St. Scholastica's Convent. The following is a short sketch and biography of this institution and its illustrious founders. As the Reverend Bene- dictine Fathers of St. Meinrad, Ind., undertook the founding of a mission at St. Benedict, Ark., in the spring of 1878, it was their most sincere wish and desire that the spiritual daughters of St. Benedict, the holy founder of the Benedictine Or- der, should share in their labor in the vineyard of the Lord. They therefore applied to the Convent of the "Immaculate Conception," of Ferdinand, Dubois County, Ind., for Benedictine nuns. The Ven. Mother Superior being animated with the de- sire of propagating the kingdom of God, answered in their favor and sent fonr nuns to their aid. On September 20, 1878, the Ven. Sisters bade adieu to their dearly beloved mother-house, Supe rior and Sisters, with tearful eyes and heavy hearts, though with the consolation of thus doing the most holy will of God. On arriving in Arkansas they were shown to St. Scholastica, about twelve miles distant from St. Benedict. The land, ten acres, was donated by the Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad Company. They found a small box house, destitute of all comforts, and a small church. Of course their hardships and trials were numerous and of a trying character, lint were borne with great fortitude and patience. They labored faith- fully, doing all in their power for the welfare of the congregation, until the year 1882, when Yen. Superior Meinrada Lex, the present Mother, was sent by her superiors, from the convent of the "Immaculate Conception," of Ferdinand, Ind., to take charge of the convent of St. Scholastica and open a novitiate. The real founding, rapid growth and prosperity of this institution is marked from this date. Fulda, Spencer County, Ind., a neat and thrifty village, nestled in the midst of a rich farming region, is the birthplace of Ven. Mother Meinrada Lex. She was born in 1855, and is the daughter of George and Theresa Lex, her education being received in the academy of the "Immaculate Conception," Dubois County, Ind., and at an early age graduated from this institution with merit and honor. In 1870 she entered this convent as postulant, was invested in 1872 and took the simple vows one j^ear later. After having passed public examination and receiving a very recommendable certificate she was engaged in teaching the boys' department in the public school of Ferdinand, Ind., a position she filled two years to the entire satisfaction of- both the public and superintendents. At that time her superiors, to the deep regret of her pupils, as well as their parents, found it necessary to choose her among the first to bring the sacrifice of leaving the dear cloister to found a mission at St. Meinrad. Here she remained until 1876, when she was recalled to her convent, and was immediately elected novice mistress. However, it was not until commanded by virtiie of holy obedience, one of the holy vows, that .she could be induced to accept this difficult charge, being well aware of the great responsibility with which the duties of a novice mistress are bur- dened. With all the fervency of a truly Christian soul she now devoted herself to the discharge of her duties. The able and well skilled nuns of later years, who were in the novitate during her employment, are an ample proof of her wisdom and prudence. In 1879 it was deemed necessary by her superiors to order her again to St. Meinrad, there to act as principal of the public school. With ready and loving obedience, which she ever strove to practice, she followed the call of her Divine Master, who, through the medium of her superiors thus made manifest to her His most holy will. Here she remained until 1882, when she was again recalled to Ferdinand. Her loss was greatly bewailed by all, for through her removal they lost an able and a universally beloved teacher. But with what aim was she summoned home? Divine Providence had destined her for a greater and more important work, and she had scarcely arrived at her convent home and ventured to hope for the I ^—4 iL 374 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. gratification of the long cherished desire of resting herself in the bosom of her beloved cloister in the midst of the dear Sisters, when it was announced to her that she was again to leave her home so dear to her, and go to the distant St. Scholastica in Arkansas. These unwelcome tidings smote her heart like a thunderbolt, but after hurrying to the foot of the altar, and there raising her heart to God in prayer and tears, begged for the grace and strength to carry out this great sacrifice. She arose comforted, and gave her consent for the love of Him who had, in His great love for her, chosen her for His bride. Consequently in May, 1882, she took leave of all that was near and dear to her of earth, and de- parted in company with her Yen. Mother Superior for her distant field of labor in Arkansas. On her arrival she found nothing but poverty and priva- tion awaiting her. Two of the Sisters who were sent in 1878 were occupying the box house, con- taining three small rooms, and the other two were at that time engaged in teaching school in St. Benedict mission. It would make one shudder to rehearse the many trials of these poor Sisters, for the members of the congregation, although willing to give assistance, were utterly destitute of means themselves, battling to keep the wolf from the door, as there had been a succession of failures in the crops, from drouths. The convent, if the term is appropriate, was surrounded by a garden made tillable by their own toil and labor, the remaining ground of the 101 acres being yet an unbroken piece of forest land. There was also a small school numbering from twenty to thirty children, conducted by the Sisters, but under, the supervision of Ven. Mother Meinrada Lex, it grew rapidly, and soon numbered fifty pupils. This school was the only source of support for the wants of the convent and its inmates, and as it proved very ineffi- cient the Sisters saw themselves forced to lay their own hands to the ax and clear land whereupon to raise farm products. Their fund was necessarily too meager to defray the expenses of hiring the work done, and as soon as her school was dismissed the Ven. Superior was'at their head, upon which ^hey set energetically to work to clear their land. Their hands were often covered with blisters from their unaccustomed toil, but, nothing daunted, they continued their labors, and as a reward now have thirty acres under cultivation. The novitiate was immediately opened on Ven. Mother Meinrada' s arrival, and she soon had the joy of welcoming candidates from all sides, in spite of the utter poverty of the convent. Through the prudent and skillful management of the Superior she was en abled, from time to time, to add enlargements to their building, which was greatly needed, as the number of the community daily increased. The first addition was erected in 1883, it being 24x30 feet and was two stories in height. In 1885 a second story was added to the original building, and in 1890 an addition, 60x24 feet, forming an L, with the other buildings, making an area of 60x96 feet. It can easily be imagined that the Superior feels herself amply rewarded for the many sacri- fices and privations she had to endure during the first years of her stay, and gladly forgets the many self abnegations and trials. Here it must also be noted that the German Catholics of Fort Smith won for themselves an undying and ever grateful remembrance in the heart of the good Mother and her community by their liberal contributions and by patronizing her school. She was thus enabled to accomplish the most of the improve- ments free of debt, which is, indeed, quite an ex- ception and a visible sign of the blessing of Divine Providence. In 1886 a separate building, two stories high, and 24x40 feet, was erected and spe- cially arranged for guests. It is scarcely ever un- occupied, for, almost daily, visitors from far and near, are welcomed by the genial and ever friend- ly inmates, and it must be added that all pronounce the place very attractive and interesting. The pure air, and delightful scenery which meets the eye from the convent is especially pleasing. New stables and numerous other buildings, as required by the institution, were erected from time to time. There is also a vineyard of from 2,000 to 3,000 vines and a fine orchard of four or five acres, con- taining a great variety of fruit, and in place of the former great scarcity of water there are now cisterns and wells, supplying an abundance of good water. i 9 > 9 Ji^ ^ 9 LOGAN COUNTY. 875 The farm is well stocked Nvith cattle, horses, swine, sheep and fowls. They also have good carriages, wagons, farmiog implements, etc., and the labor previously performed by the untiring Mother and her Sisters, is now given to men who are eon stantly employed about the grounds. The present routine of the convent is in marked contrast to what it was in former days, for, instead of dis- charging laborious and often over-burdening farm duties in days of snow and ice as well as intense heat and inclement weather, the inmates are per- mitted to devote their time to their appropriate duties. They are very skillful with their needles and their fancy work in fine silk, etc. , has won uni- versal admiration and is in great demand. In ad- dition to the parish school conducted by the Sisters, the Yen. Mother Superior opened a higher school some years ago, known as St. Scholastica's Acad emy, a boarding school for girls and young ladies. The course of instruction includes every useful and ornamental branch of female education, while the most untiring attention is paid, by these learned and devoted Sisters, to the moral and polite deportment of the pupils. Many of these Sisters received superior educations themselves, and afterward had experience as teachers in the then much-lauded and well-known Academy in Dubois County, Ind. Terms are moderate and in keeping with the times. Especial attention is given to both vocal and instrumental music, and instruction is given on the piano, organ, violin, guitar and mandolin. Difference of religion is not regarded in admission to the academy, and stu- dents of all denominations and creeds are alike welcome. This academy can boast of patronage ever since its opening, from pupils far and near, which is an ample proof of its merit and worth. Five missions have been instituted by the Yen. Mother Superior, where her Sisters are engaged in unceasing labor to the benefit of mankind. With the greatest zeal and fervor they teach and labor to the greater honor and glory of God. These mis- sions are located at St. Scholastica, St. Benedict, Fort Smith, Paris and Dixie, and are patronized by American as well as German students. Many openings for missions can not be supplied for there are too few Sisters to supply the call for teachers. In 1887 the Mother Superior was unanimously elected prioress for the term of four years, and by this act the convent of St. Scholastica became an independent institution, whereas, up to this time it was under the direct control of the convent of the ' ■ Immaculate Conception,' ' being a branch house of the same. This step was found to be necessary, as nothing of any importance could take place with- out the permission of the Mother Superior of the mother-house. It is plain enough to perceive that communication between the two houses was very frequent, but as the distance was great, it caused much inconvenience, and often occasioned disadvan- tages to the convent. In the same year the newly elected prioress returned to the convent of ' 'Immac- ulate Conception" and took the solemn vows, thus having the pleasure of enjoying the long-craved- for happiness of once more seeing the home and its beloved inmates so dear to her heart. After a short but happy stay she returned to the home Di- vine Providence had destined for her future place of usefulness, and where she was received with re- joicing hearts by her spiritual daughters, who were only too well aware of the treasure they possessed in her. With renewed zeal and energy she now devoted herself to the spiritual and corporeal welfare of those entrusted to her care, as well as the pru- dent and skillful management of the affairs of the convent in general. Her community now numbers fifteen professed Sisters, all of whom entered there and have taken the simple vows. Nine of them are on missions, while the remainder are in the mother convent, and nearly all are natives of the United States, but some few were born in different countries of Europe. There are sixteen postulants in the convent, three being natives of Arkansas, one of Kentucky, and twelve from Europe. The majori- ty of the latter are of high birth and station, show excellent talent, and give promise of future reliance and support to the convent. The Superior hojjes to soon be enabled to found missions where they will have occasion to complete the utter sacrifice of all earthly ties and pleasures, and devote them- selves to the sole cause of glorifying God, and la- ^; \- fe> 376 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. boring for the general welfare of mankind. They manifest great zeal and fervor in the divine service and worship of their heavenly Sponse, and often give utterance to their great desire of bringing any sacrilice which may be required of them in any future ordinance of Divine Providence, which will be made known to them through the medium of their Ven. Superior, to whom they are all warmly attached. How could it be otherwise, after bid- ding farewell to their native land, aud tearing themselves from beloved ones, some of whom were far more dear to them than themselves, for the purpose of glorifying God in a foreign- land! May Divine Providence ever bless and prosper all their work and undertakings with bounteous success! The V:'xierable Mother Prioress will soon enlarge the buildings to double their present size, the new building to be made on the west side of the last enlargement, which is 60x20 feet, is beautifully furnished and is used as a chapel. The intended addition will be built and arranged as an academy, no cost, time or trouble being spared to make the same all that skill in architecture can furnish. It will undoubtedly present a beautiful aspect, the steeple tovyering in the center. This is already erected, and from its heights there chimes a sweet- toned bell, sending its enticing call over the neigh- boring valleys and heights at frequent intervals during the day, to announce the recitation of the praises of God by the good Mother Superior and her community. It is hoped that Divine Provi- dence will long spare the lives of the founders of this convent to the comfort and welfare of those trusted to her jurisdiction, and may the institute ever continue to exist and prosper to the greater honor and glory of God, and to the benefit of all mankind. Ver. Rev. P. Wolfgang Schlumpf, the present very worthy prior of St. Benedict Monastery, was originally from Canton Zug, Switzerland, where his birth occurred on January 20, 1831, and is the son of Philip and Christina (Hotz) Schlumpf, the father dying when Father Wolfgang was but a boy. The latter was sent to Schwitz College, thence to France Rufach, still higher college, and afterward returned to Zug, where he attended school for some time. From there he went to Einsiedelen, entered the monastery at the age of twenty-two, completed his studies for the priesthood, and was ordained at the age of twenty-six years. After his ordination he was made professor of the gymnasium of the mon- astery. In 1862 he emigrated to America and stopped at the monastery at St. Meinrad, Spencer County, Ind., where he assumed the duties of a parish near St. Meinrad for two or three years. In March, 1878, he, with two lay Brothers, came to Arkansas, and for the first time set foot on the soil of Logan County. This pioneer Father imme- diately took possession of Section 11, Township 7, Range 25, for the use and purpose of the new monastery. A dilapidated log-cabin was the only building on the apportioned lands; there was no vis- able being around to cheer and encourage the Fa- ther and his two companions. All was bleak enough, and certainl}^, judging from a mere human point of view, the outlook was not very encourag- ing. But this valiant man, had back for a thousand years or more, the history and acts of his Order before his mind's eye, and was not the one to be discouraged. Sturdy monks know not the word fail, and in the wilderness, amid strange surround- ings, was founded what is now known as the Mon- astery of St. Benedict. Around that old log cabin has grown the above-mentioned institution, and numerous churches and schools, among the most prominent of which is the convent of St. Scholas- tica, at Shoal Creek. After St. Scholastica, congregations were formed at Morrison Bluff, St. Anthony's Church, at Caulksville; the Church of the Sacred Heart, at Charleston, Frank- lin County; St. Joseph's Church at Paris was foimded in 1880, and other churches founded by this Father were St. Edward's Church at Lit- tle Rock; St. Boniface Church at Fort Smith; another St. Boniface at Dixie, Perry County, and St. Elizabeth in the same county, which are at- tended bjr Benedictine Fathers from the monastery of St. Benedict. Later four more congregations were placed under the jurisdiction of the Benedic- tine Fathers by the Bishop: Altus, Hartman, Coal Hill and Clarksville. These congregations are ministered to by the Benedictine Fathers, mission- >^ Jdl A LOGAN COUNTY. 377 aries sent from St. Meinrad and Einsiedelen, there being now ten Fathers, fourteen fraters, nine lay brothers and three novices. The College of St. Benedict, founded by our subject, was organized and held its first session in 1SS7. At that session there were eight students, and this number has been increased each succeeding year. Many of these students enter the college with the object of becoming priests, and are so educated. The course of study as laid down here is very comprehensive. In the elementary course are reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, grammar, geography, physi- ology, drawing, United States history and the Christian doctrine. In the commercial course stu- dents are instructed in book-keeping in addition to continuing their studies in the common branches, higher mathematics, physics, rhetoric and ancient history. Students desiring to enter the priesthood are required to take Latin in the commercial course. In the classical course students continue English, higher mathematics, world's history, church his- tory, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, theology and all the branches accompanying a thorough theological course. Since acquiring the 640 acres of the mon- astery grounds, they have purchased 160 acres near Paris in the southwest quarter of Section 5, Township 7, Range 25. The college building is 25x50 feet, two stories high, and is situated about 100 yards from the monastery. It was re- modeled in 1888 for a college, and now forms a very important part of the buildings of St. Benedict. In 1888 was laid the foundation for a stone chapel, on the heights, back of the monastery, 21x42 feet, with a 16-foot ceiling and a 40foot spire. The present monastery being too small for the requirements, it is the intention of these Fathers to build in their new home a monastrey of solid stone which, like their own old faith, will be lasting and enduring; a college, too, worthy of the name and fame of a distinguished order, will surely follow. There is also upon the grounds a parish school conducted by Sisters of Charity. Hon. M. C. Scott, farmer, Sugar Grove, Ark. Prominent among the wide-awake, industrious till- ers of the soil in Logan County stands the name of M. C. Scott, who is a native of Arkansas, his birth occurring in 1842. His father, Milas T. Scott, was born in Illinois, and his grandparents, John and Catherine (Anderson) Scott, were both born in North Carolina, the grandfather in 1780. John Scott died in Logan County in 1848 and his wife, Catherine Scott, preceded him to the grave, dying in 1844. The father was born in 1805 and was married in 1830 to Miss Celia Garner, a native of Tennessee, born in 1808. Her father, Thomas Garner, passed his entire life in Tennes- see, where his death occurred at the age of eighty- nine years. Shortly after their marriage the par- ents of our subject immigrated to the Territory of Arkansas and settled on a farm near Roseville, Johnson County, a place now known as the old Scott farm. After remaining there for two years they removed to what is now Logan County and embarked in merchandising near the present resi- dence of our subject. In 1837 and 1838 Milas T. Scott represented his county in the Legislature and returned a second time. Milas T. Scott was a member of the Legislature at the time Scott County was set off, and it was named in honor of him at that time. He afterward removed his store to Booneville and erected a gin at Caulk' s Creek. To his marriage were born eight children, only one besides our subject now living, Robert C, (whose birth occurred on August 28, 1836,) Upon the outburst of the war cloud that had been hovering over the country for so long a period, M. C, Scott (our subject) volunteered his services for the Confederacy and enlisted in Company A, Second Arkansas Mounted Riflemen, serving in Benjamin McCulloch's division until after the bat- tle at Corinth, when he was united with Johnston's army. He participated in the battles of Oak Hill (Mo.), Elk Horn, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Franklin, Nashville, Richmond, Atlanta, Resaca, Bentonville, Jonesboro and numerous minor en- gagements. Taking all of them Mr. Scott was in twenty-six hard-fought battles. After the war he began tilling the soil on land received fi'om his father's estate (forty acres), to which he has since added over 300 acres of unimproved land. He now has 125 acres under cultivation, has erected a good house and other buildings and has made 9 k^ -^ g|^ j1 378 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. many other improvements. His principal pro- ductions are corn, cotton and oats. He raises on [ his uplands thirty bushels of corn to the acre and on the bottom lands fifty bushels on an average, although by actual measure he raised eighty bush- els to the acre one season. Of cotton he raises over half a bale on the uplands and occasionally a bale to the acre. In 1867 Mr. Scott was married \ to Miss Mary HendersoQ, a native of Tennessee, born in 1845, and the daughter of A. H. and Martha J. Henderson. Of the five children born to this marriage three are now living: Charley (born in 1875), Early (born in 1880), and Lester (born in 1882). Mr. Scott represented Logan County in the Legislature in 1885 and 1886, and although no office seeker he consented to become a candidate at the request of his neighbors. He declined renouiination. Mrs. Scott is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Chiirch South. Samuel I. Shelton, a prosperous farmer of the county whose advanced ideas and progressive views have resulted very substantially, was born in Dallas County, Ala., on November 21, 1835, and is a son of Samuel I., Sr., and Martha (Tatum) Shel- ton. The parents were married in Alabama, and to them were born five children — three sons and two daughters: Jonathan, Sarah, Samuel I., Jr., and two others who died in infancy. Jonathan died in Alabama when but seventeen years of age, and Sarah and our subject are the only ones of the ' family now living. The parents died about 1842 or 1843. Samuel I. Shelton, Jr., and his sister removed from Alabama to West Tennessee, where ! 'he left Sarah and went to Missouri, remaining there about a year. From there he went to Logan County, Ark. His sister was married in Alabama to Joseph Musgrove, and .she and her husband came with our subject to Arkansas in 1858. Sarah died near Pine Bluff, Ark., in 1870, Init her hus- band had died twelve years before. After his death she married Mr. Cazort, and he also died before her, leaving her four children by Mr. Musgrove and one by himself. Mr. Shelton was married in Tennessee in 1856 to Miss Susan Brown, daughter of James Brown, and the fruits of this union were two children: The eldest one died when an infant and the second one, John R. Shelton, also died when young. Mrs. Shelton received her final summons in 1862. Subsequently Mr. Shelton married Mrs. Amanda Lee, widow of Lovett Lee, her maiden name being James, and the daughter of Joseph James of Johnson County. Three chil- dren have been born to this union: L. H. , J. H. and A. A., all single and at home. Mr. Shelton is the owner of 270 acres of land, has 120 acres under cultivation, and is a prosperous farmer. He is a meml)er of the Farmers' Alliance and also a member of the G. A. R., having been a soldier in the United States Army. He enlisted in Com- pany H, First Arkansas Infantry, under Col. John- son, March 10, 1863, and was engaged mostly in State duty. He was with Gen. Steele on the Cam- den raid, and was discharged on August 10, 1865, at Fort Smith. Since the war he has been en- gaged actively in the pursuit of his chosen calling, farming, and has met with the best of results. He and wife are both church members. Isaac Smith, farmer, Corley, Ark. Among the successful agriculturists of Logan County whose merits are such as to entitle him to representation in the present work is Mr. Smith, the subject of this sketch. He was born in the Buckeye State in 1822, and was the son of Peter and Mary (Car- son) Smith, the father a native of Virginia and the mother of Pennsylvania. The educational attain- ments of Isaac Smith were of rather a meager order, and he was early initiated into the duties of farm life, which occupation has continued to be his chosen calling up to the present time. He has closely applied himself to the same and with what success may be inferred from a glance over his fine farm of 160 acres in Mountain Township, Logan County, Ark. In 1861 Mr. Smith enlisted in the army, and remained in service until 1864, when he was discharged for disability, having received a severe wound in March of that year. He was wounded by the explosion of a boiler, and lay on a bed of suffering from March, 1864, until October of the same year. He lost the sight of his right eye by the hot water, and came very near losing the sight of the other eye. His left knee was dis- located at the same time, and he was disabled for -^; A -^ — ^T>^, LOGAN COUNTY. 379 life. Mr. Smith was married to Miss Annie Mc- Kinney in 1840, and the fruits of this union were four children: John (deceased), Mary, Isaac D. and Catherine (deceased). Mr. Smith was married, the second time, to Hester A., daughter of James and Katie Cummins, and to this union were born three children : Ellen, Peter and James (deceased). Mr. Smith is a Republican in politics. Mrs. Smith is a devout member of the Baptist Church. D. Speer, planter, Booneville, Ark. D. Speer, a well known resident and planter of Logan Coun- ty, was born in Kentucky, June 7, 1818, and is a son of James and PenelojDe (Jacks) Speer, both also from the blue-grass soil of Kentucky. The parents were married in their native State, but received their tinal summons in the L'one Star State, whither they had removed at an early day. Of fourteen children born to this union, only three are now living. D. Speer passed his boyhood days on the farm, and received an average education in the common schools. He was married in Tennes- see, and the result of this union was the birth of nine children, six of whom are now living: D. G., Lee A., G. C, P. M., Martha F. (wife of George Keys) and William. Those deceased were John H., Ella A. and James. In 1863 Mr. Speer en- listed in the Confederate Cavalry and served until the close of the war. He was paroled at Tyler, Smith County. Tex. In 1866 he emigrated fi'om Texas to Arkansas and settled in Hempstead Coun- ty, where he resided one year. He then moved to this county, bought his present property, which consists of 270 acres of land, with 100 acres under cultivation, and he is one of the substantial men of the township. His wife, who was a worthy and consistent member of the Baptist Church, died in 1872. Mr. Speer is a member of the same church. His son, P. M. , was born September 6, 1851, and was married in this co^inty in 1874 to Miss Anna M. Terwilliger, a native of Pennsylvania, born in the year 1851. Four children were born to this union, three of whom are now living: Minnie E. , Nellie M. , Dew and Viola (deceased). Mrs. Speer is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Emil Spieler, farmer and ginner, Spielerville, Ark. Mr. Spieler has all the characteristics of those of German nativity, and is honest, industri- ous and frugal. His birth occurred in 1849, and he is the son of Englebert and Pauline Spieler, natives also of Germany. The parents were mar- ried in the old countr_y, and their union was blessed by the birth of six children, five now living and Emil being the eldest son. The father came to America in 1851, landed in New Orleans, then moved to St. Louis, thence to Illinois, and in 1879 to Arkansas. He settled in Logan County, and there the mother died in about 1803. She was a member of the Catholic Church. The father is now living in Madison County, 111. Emil Spieler began working for himself when a young man, and his first venture was to build a large cot- ton, flour and saw-mill, which was erected in 1880-81. The capacity of this gin is from eight- een to twenty bales per day, and he cuts about 5,000 feet of lumber per day. Our subject was married in 1877, to Miss Mary Ejkorn, a native of Peoria, 111., born in 1856, and they had six children born to this union: Eoiile (deceased), Englebert, Mary, Eda, Pauline and Emily. In 1880 and 1883 Mr. Spieler Iniilt a nice, large two story frame house, a good barn, and comfortable outbuildings. He is the owner of 130 acres of land, has seventy acres under cultivation and has a good fruit orchard of apples, peaches, plums, pears, figs, etc. Last year he made 400 gallons of grape wine, and he has fourteen stands of bees. He and Mrs. Spieler are members of the Catholic Church. J. W. Stanfield was early taught the duties of farm life, and this has been his chosen occupation, though of late years he has been engaged in the mercantile business, having a general stock of mer- chandise in Booneville, worth about $1,300. He has only been in the business about a year, but during that short period he has gained the confi- dence and esteem of all by his honest, upright dealings. He is a young man of good business qualifications, and will, no doubt, make a complete success of this enterprise. He is also the owner of fifty acres of good land, and has twenty-four acres under cultivation. In March, 1885, he was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Craine, daughter ';• ,^3=^ l\^ 380 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of J. V. Craine, and they have one child, a daugh- ter, named Vera Lee. Mr. Stanfield was born in Wayne Cotinty, Tenn. , in Angust, 1857, and his parents, Thomas P. and C. A. (Woody) Stanfield, were both natives of Tennessee also. They were married in that State, and to their union were born .six cliildren — three sons and three daughters — viz. : Robert F. (deceased), J. W., Marj' J., Joseph Z., Charity E. and Comfort A.' The father was a sol- dier in the United States Army, and was killed in 1865. The mother removed from Tennessee to Arkansas, in 1880. Their daughter, Mary J., was married in Tennessee, to Buck Lynch, and then removed to Alabama, where she now resides. Charity (married J. W. Fields, of Booneville, Lo- gan County, Ark. ), Comfort (married A. T. Bar- low, a farmer in Logan County), and Joseph mar- ried Miss Ida Barlow, sister to A. T. Barlow. Harris T. Teague, farmer, Paris, Ark. The sub- ject of this sketch is "a native of Alabama, born June 24, 1848, and from an early age he was trained to the duties of farm life. Owing to the breaking out of the war his educational advantages were limited, and when twenty years of age he started out for himself as au'agriculturist, renting land in Logan County, where he continued suc- cessfully for three years. He then bought railroad claim near Paris, and there he now lives. This place he has improved by erecting a house and a large barn, the latter 50x52 feet, and he is now preparing to builda large and commodious dwell- ing, 18x38, with an L 20x14 feet, and having six rooms. His farm now consists of 200 acres under a good state of cultivation, and 290 acres under fence. He was married in 1876 to Mrs. Grounds, of this county, but formerly of Tenn. , and they have James R., Claudie T. , Esther and Myrtle, all at home and attending the public schools. The father of our sub- ject, A. A. Teague, was in the Confederate Army for about two years. He then returned to Ala bama, and from there moved to the Lone Star State, where he resides at the present time. Har- ris T. Teague is quite deeply interested in stock- raising, and has some tine mules and horses as well as cattle. The farm is well kept and has the ap- pearance of thrift and enterprise. His crops are principally corn and cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Teague value an education far above what is customary in some of the rural districts, and are determined that their children shall have the advantages of the very best schools within their reach. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are liberal in their support of all worthy move- ments. Mr. Teague is wide-awake and enterprising, and is an honored and highly-esteemed citizen. Dr. E. W. Thomas, physician, Booneville, Ark. Among the people of Logan, as well as sur- rounding counties, the name that heads this sketch is by no means an unfamiliar one. For eleven years he was actively and successfully occupied in the practice of his chosen profession, and during this time he has built up an excellent practice. He was born in Walker County, Ga. , in 1851, and is the son of Samuel W. and Mary C. (Davis) Thomas, natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively. The parents were married in the last named State, but in 1850 removed from there to Georgia. There were nine children born to their union — five boys and four girls — named in the order of their births as follows: Mary T (deceased), Laura J. (de- ceased), Edwin W., William H. (deceased), Luther M., Florence L., Samuel B., Edgar R. and Mattie E. The parents removed from Georgia, and not believing in the old adage that " a rolling stone gathers no moss, ' ' moved from place to place, and finally settled at Pine Bluff, where the father's death occujredin 1887. He was a Cumberland Presbyte- rian minister and a member of the Masonic frater- nity. The mother is now living at Fordyce, Dal- las County, Ark., having passed her sixty-fourth year. Dr. E. W. Thomas received a good prac- tical education in youth, read medicine under Dr. J. T. Foster (whose daughter afterward became his wife), and in 1879 and 1880 attended medical lectures at the Arkansas Industrial School at Little Rock, beginning to practice in the spring of 1880 at Ola, Yell County, Ark. There he was married the following year to Miss Rosa A. Foster, daughter of Dr. J. T. Foster, now of Booneville, Ark. Four children were born to this marriage: Harriet E. , Jimmie C. , James W. (deceased) and Rosa Dell. In 1882 Dr. Thomas removed to Booneville, where yi~» ±—4i\ LOGAN COUNTY. 381 he has succeeded in building up a good practice, being at the present time one of the prominent young physicians of the county. He also owns a residence property in Booneville valued at $2,000, and is not only respected in a professional point of view, but is esteemed and liked for his pleasant social qualities. Dr. J. T. Foster, father in-law of Dr. Thomas, graduated at what was then the Uni- versity of Louisiana and began practicing at Beebe, White County, Ark. From there he moved to Perry County, then to Yell County, and in 1881 to Booneville, Logan County, where he now resides. He served in the Civil War in Col. T. D. Merrick's Tenth Arkansas Regiment, first as first lieutenant, then captain and then as assistant sur- geon. He was born at Greenville, Va., married Miss Harriet Alison at Memphis, Tenn. , June 26, 1859, who bore him five children: R. A., J. H. , B. B., O. T. (deceased) and R. S. The mother died in 1869, and later Dr. Foster wedded Ann Hill, of Perry County, and bj' her became the father of five children. W. P. Tygart, merchant and farmer, Prairie View, Ark. Prominent among the successful mer- chants and farmers of Logan County stands the name of W. P. Tygart, who was born in Walker County, Ga. , in 1848. His parents were J. H. and E. J. (Lasley) Tygart. He was reared in Ar- kansas, and his educational advantages were rather limited, although being of studious habits, and a man of observation, he has become well informed on all the current topics of the day. In the year 1865 he started out to make his own way in life, and engaged in merchandising and farming, which occupations he has continued to follow since. He is the owner of 290 acres of land in Logan County, .\rk., and his improvements are all of a first class order. In merchandising he has also been un- usually successful, and has the confidence of his ■ many patrons. He carries a stock of goods valued at about $6,000, and has conducted this business in Prairie View for the past four years. He was married in 1869, to Miss Mary A. Sivley, daughter of William R. and Obedience Sivley, and to this union have been born eight children, who are named as follows: G. W. (deceased), William M. (deceased), Mary B. (deceased), P. M., Waity (deceased), Mary E., Ira O. and May. The four children now living are at home and enjoying the best of health. Mr. Tygart has always supported the Republican ticket, believing its views to be sound and well suited to any man. Mrs. Tygart and her daughter, Mary E., are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. W. P. Van Hoozer, liveryman and planter, Paris, Ark. This prominent business man and planter owes his nativity to Missouri, his birth oc- curring in 1856, and was the only child born to the union of John and Caroline (Montgomery) Van Hoozer, both natives of the Old Dominion. The parents moved to Missouri soon after marriage, and the father died when our subject was but four years of age. The latter then came with his mother to Arkansas, and they resided in Washington County until the death of the latter in 1883. W. P. Van Hoozer was reared principally on a farm in Washington County, but later entered a drug store as clerk in Fayetteville. He came to Logan County in 1878, engaged as clerk in Roseville until 1880 and then, with Mr. Bennett, embarked in business for himself under the firm title of A. T. Bennett & Co., the same continiiing for one year. Mr. Van Hoozer then bought out a drug store carried this on for a few years, and then was steam- boat agent, in which capacity he did a good busi- ness. Subsequently he was railroad agent at Rose- ville, and ran a transfer line utitil 1889, when he came to Paris. Here he started a livery stable, contracted for the mail route from Paris to Altus, and ran a hack between those points. He has about twenty-four head of stock in his stable, hacks, buggies and a four-horse coach, etc., being well equipped. He is also agent for the Water Pierce Oil Company, and supplies all the oil of this section. His farming interest consists of 180 acres of river bottom land with 320 acres under cultiva- tion, one of the best tracts of land in the State and very productive. He has a store on the farm and it is conducted under the name of Van Hoozer & Parker. They do a good cash business. Mr. Van Hoozer' s marriage to Miss Ada G. Titswortb, a native of Logan County, Ark. , was consummated in '^ ►iV Aj^ '-\^ 382 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. November, 1880, and they have one child, Nellie. Mrs. Van Hoozer's father, Randolph Titsworth, resides on a fine piece of property on the river be- low Roseville, which his father, John Titsworth, settled on in early times, and which is still in the possession of the family. Mr. Van Hoozer is the owner of a tine residence in Paris, and is one of the substantial men of the county. His wife is a member of the Catholic Church. Martin Wahl, farmer, Paris, Ark. This well- known and respected citizen of Logan County was oricrinally from Germany, his birth occurring in that country in 1835, and there he was principally reared. His educational facilities were very good, and when about nineteen years of age, or in 1854, he started out for himself as a tiller of the soil, which has continued to be his chosen occupation up to the present time. He is progressive in his ideas, and his residence, barns, outbuildings, and in fact all necessary conveniences indicate the quality of farmer that he is. His tine farm, con- sisting of 280 acres, is situated a mile and a half west of Paris, Ark. He left his native country, and emigrated to New York in 1854, and in 1859 he left that State for Michigan, where he remained until 1878. He then emigrated to Logan County, Ark., and settled on his present property. His wife, who was formerly Miss Frances Emo, was the daughter of Michael and Susan Emo. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wahl have been born the following children: Charles, Lizzie, Mary, Martin and Frank. Three of these childi-en are married, one is attending school, and the other is at home. Mr. Wahl and his sons are stanch Dem- ocrats in their political views, and Mr. "Wahl and all the children are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Wahl's parents, C. and Margaret Wahl were also natives of Germany. D. C. Watkins, farmer, Revilee, Ark. The parents of Mr. Watkins, William and Lucinda (Maddox) Watkins, were natives of the Palmetto State, where they were reared and married. They removed to Alabama at an early day, and there re- sided probably fifty years. Mrs. Watkins received her final summons there in 1880, and all the fam- ily, with the exception of one daughter, are resi- dents of Ai'kansas. D. C. Watkins was born in Tuscaloosa County, Ala., in July, 1838, and when twenty-one years of age he started out to fight life's battles for himself. Two years later, or in 1861, he enlisted in the Confederate Army, in the Thirty-eighth Tennessee Infantry, and was in the battles of Chiekamauga, Shiloh and Franklin, be- sides numerous minor engagements. He served the Confederacy faithfully and well until cessation of hostilities, after which he returned to his home in Alabama. In 1869 he came to Arkansas, re- turned the next year to Alabama, and while there was married to Mrs. Margaret Weaver. In 1871 he returned with his wife to Logan County, Ark. , and there he has since resided. He is the owner of 160 acres of land, and has 100 acres under culti- vation. His nuptials were blessed by the birth of eight children — four sons and four daughters : Lu- cinda, William, Mattie, Viola, Rachel, two died in infancy, and John (died at the age of nine months). Mrs. Watkins died in April, 1886, and was a con- sistent member of the Christian Church. Mr. Watkins has been a resident of Logan County for twenty one years, and is well known and re- spected over the length and breadth of it. He is one of the county's best citizens. M. A. Williams, merchant, Chismville, Ark. Mr. Williams, one of the successful business men of the place, has acquired a wide reputation for perseverance and general business ability. He is a native of Johnson County, Ark., born Decem- ber 7, 1845, and is a son of William and Elizabeth J. (Belue) W^illiams, both natives of Tennessee, the father born January 8, 1814, The latter has followed agricultural pursuits all his life, and made his home in Tennessee until 1833, when he came to Johnson County, Ark,, settling on Horsehead Creek, Here he was married, and of the eleven children born to that iinion M, A. Williams is the eldest son now living. The children now living are named as follows: M, A,, W, H, , O. H,, Amanda V. (wife of D. H. Wilburn, a planter of this county), Nancy L, T, (wife of J. A. Doran, a planter living in this county), and Sarah A, (wife of L, W. Parker, is also a resident of this county). Their children deceased were as follows: Twins ^ ;f^ LOGAN COUNTY. 383 (unnamed), John V., Squire B. and Alda B. The father is living on a farm two miles from this place, and is a prominent member of the Baptist Church. He was a soldier in the Mexican War, and is now drawing a pension. During the Civil War he was in the Home Guards for the Con- federate Government for six months. M. A. Will- iams was principally reared on a farm, and secured a common business education iu the schools of the county. He was married October 4, 1869, to Miss Georgianna R. Stanley, a native of Alabama, born Jiily 31, 1849, and the daughter of George W. C. Stanley. Mr. Williams was a soldier in the late war, enlisting October 13, 1863, in Com- pany I, Second Arkansas Cavalry, and served until 1865, when he was discharged at La Grange, Tenn. Eeturning home after the war he engaged in tilling the soil, and this continiied until 1878, when he embarked in mercantile pursuits at Chism- ville. This he has carried on ever since, and has met with flattering results. His stock of goods is valued at $8,000, and aside from this he is the owner of 530 acres of land, with 175 acres under cultivation. He is a member of the Masonic order, Six Mile Lodge No. 226. Mrs. Williams is a mem- ' ber of the Christian Church. W. A. L. Williams, farmer, Chismville, Ark. Mr. Williams' fine farm, consisting of 280 acres of laud in Washburn Township, Logan County, Ark., is well cultivated and improved, and his buildings are all in first-class shape. He is thrifty and en- terprising, and the success which seems to attend his efforts is well merited, for no one is more thor- oughly interested in this calling or gives it greater attention. He was born in North Carolina, in 1827, and is the son of John W^ and Mary A. (Thacker) Williams, natives of the Old Dominion. Our subject was principally reared in North Caro- lina, and his educational facilities in youth were not of the best. He started out as a tiller of the soil in 1860, and this has continued to be his prin- ! cipal occupation since. At the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in the army and served his country faithfully and well until the cessation of hostilities. He was married to Miss Margaret Jane Palmer, a native of North Carolina, and the daughter of Jesse and Betty Palmer, natives also of North Carolina. Mr. Williams removed from Missouri to Logan County, Ark., in 1870, and here he has made his home ever since. The fruits of his union were the following children: Uriah, Tem- py A., A. J., Mary E.. L.. Dora, Alice, Oscar and Wallace, all the children living and at home, with the exception of Uriah and Tempy A. Mr. and Mrs. W'illiams are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is a Democrat in politics. John Young, a highly respected citizen and a prosperous farmer, was born in Marion County, Tenn., in 1828. Of the eight children— three sons and five daughters — born to his parents, he is the only one living in Arkansas. His father, James Young, was a native of Virginia, but removed to Tennessee when quite small. There he was reared and married to Miss Sarah Young, a native also of the Old Dominion, but who passed her girlhood in Tennessee. They are now residents of that State. John Young attained his growth in the Big Bend State, and then went to Alabama, where he re- mained three years actively engaged in farming. While there he met and married Miss Emaline Simmes, and later went to Georgia, where he farmed for about twenty years. In 1871 he re- moved to Logan County, Ark., and is the owner of 166 acres of land, with 100 acres under cultivation. His marriage was blessed by the birth of nine children: Sarah (wife of Joseph Noah), Julia (wife of D. T. Williams), Margaret, Rebecca, Jane (mar- ried John Howard), Savanah, John T., Martha (married C. Donaldson and died in 1889, leaving her husband and three children), and Malissa (mar- ried John Seth, and resides in Clark County). Mr. Young's first wife died in February, 1880, and the following year he was married to Miss Prudy Rainey, who bore him five children — four sons and one daughter — Henry. George, AlvinE., James E. and Melvin, all small and at home. Mr. Young is a minister of the gospel in the Baptist Church, and has been preaching the Word of God since 1862. He is one of the county's most esteemed and hon-, ored citizens. He contributes liberally to all laud- able enterprises, and he allows no worthy move- ment to fall through for want of support. *7p <» Sb^ lAka^bri^i^^ .— - ^ ■»^.— ,— >-i_^ .-.r'-^T ,^ 384 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ^f^=^ Scott County— Physical Description— Boundary, Mountain Ranges, Streams, Area, Height of Land— Chauactek of Soil, etc.— The Grf.at Fourche La Fave Valley— The Poteau and Petit .Tean Valley Systems— Value of Lands— Analysis of Soils— Temperature— The County Coal Fields— Thickness, Quality and Quantity— Stone, Gold and Other Minerals— Gas and Oil Prospects— Lumber Resources— Scott County Organized— The County Seat —Fires — Congressional Districts- Townships— County Officers— Judicial Cir- cuits—The Squatters and Pioneers— Wild Gajie— Wild Fruit— Catalogue of Early Settlers — Educational Facilities and Statistics— School Fi- nances—The Churches and Sunday-schools— List of Post-offices— A Sketch of the Towns and Villages — Their Residents, Business and Population— Societies— Railway Prospects— The Local News- Papers— Military Record of Scott County. Ye pioneers, it is to you The debt of gratitude is due: Ye builded wiser than ye knew The broad foundation On which our superstructures stand. Your strong, right arm and willing hand, Your earnest efforts still command Our yeneration.— Ptarre. 'HIS is one of the largest of the counties of Western Arkansas. It is a true mountain and inter- mount- ain country, its territory being in the main within the Fourche and Poteau ranges, the ridge of the first form- ing its southern boundary and the latter in part traversing its north- ern tier of townships, and in part forming its extreme northern boundary; and again, it is trav- ersed centrally by a range known locally as Ross Mountain; the axis of the three being parallel, and the trend from east to west. In all the Trans-Mississippi country, nothing pre- sents itself which, in its fertilitv, healthfulness, water, fruit, loveliness and extent, is more truly the type of the great Shenandoah and Luray Val- leys of Virginia. The general contour is suggested in the fact that its territory is made up in the main of two valley systems, that of the Fourche La Fave and the Poteau, and partially by a third val- ley system, that of the Petit Jean, the course of which, from south to north, is at right angles to the others. The area of the county is about 1,000 square miles. Of the whole. 300,520 acres con- sist of low grounds and second bottoms, and 311,- 720 valley slopes, terraces and mountain lands. The area of the Fourche La Fave Valley is 315,400 acres, divided into 134,510 acres, low grounds and second bottoms, and 180,890 acres slopes, terraces and uplands. The Petit Jean Valley is 84,480 acres in extent; 35,480 low grounds and second bottoms, and 49,000 inclines, terraces and up- lands. The area of Dutch Creek, a tributary of *^ [iL SCOTT COUNTY. 385 the Petit Jean, is 30,720 acres; 7,680 low grounds and 23,060 uplands. The area of the Poteaii Valley system is as follows : Main stem of Potean, 35,645 acres low grounds and second bottoms, and 9,600 acres uplands. East fork of Poteau, 48,030 acres low grounds and second bottoms, and 38,000 acres uplands. Jones' Fork of Poteau, 7,680 acres low grounds and second bottoms, 7,680 acres up- lands. Black Fork of Poteau, 9,600 low grounds, 22,400 acres uplands. Total area of the Poteau Valley system, 178,640 acres; low grounds and second bottoms, 100,955 acres; valley slopes, ter- races and uplands, 77,640 acres. The timbered area of the county is estimated at about 500,000 acres. There are large tracts of Government lands subject to homestead and to entry, at $1.25 per acre. The Fourche La Fave Valleyj the greatest of the three divisions of the county, lacks only 65,000 acres of having as great an area as any one of nine tenths the counties of this State. Collectivel}' there is nothing like it in ampli- tude of area in Southern and Western Ar- kansas; nor in the State exclusive of the lower White and lower Arkansas Valley. The length of the valley is, approximately, fifty miles, of which twenty miles have a water-shed area of 300 square miles. The upper division of the valley has a water-shed area of 210 square miles. The width of the lower division of the valley, from ridge to ridge of the flanking mountains, is fifteen miles, of which a width of six miles is the average of the low grounds. The average width of the upper division from ridge to ridge is seven miles, of which three and one-half miles are the average width of the low grounds. The second greatest division is that of the Poteau Valley system, 174,640 acres in extent. The main stem of the valley has a length of fifteen miles, a general width of five miles, with a width to the low grounds and second bottoms of four miles. The length of the east fork of Poteau is twelve miles: the low grounds seven miles wide; Jones' Fork of Poteau is twelve miles long, general width two miles; width of bottoms one mile. As in the case of the Fourche La Fave and Poteau, within the county is located the fountain head of the Petit Jean. The ramifications of the Petit Jean system, situated in this county, are so many and the valleys in such close proximity that, rather than in detail, the sum of the whole area is given — 115,200 acres, of which it is estimated that 43,160 are low grounds. The prices of land are as follows: In the Fourche La Fave Valley — Improved low grounds, |10 to $20 per acre; unimproved, $5 to $10 per acre. Improved uplands and second bottom, $5 to $10 per acre; unimproved, $1.25 to $5 per acre. Poteau Valley — Improved low grounds, $10 to $25 per acre; unimproved, $5 to $10 per acre. Im- proved second bottom, $5 to $10 per acre; up- lands, $4 to $10 per acre: unimproved, $1.25 to $5 per acre. Petit Jean Valley — Improved bot- tom farms, $12 to $25 per acre; unimproved, $5 to $12 per acre. Improved second bottoms and uplands, $5 to $10 per acre; unimproved, $2 to $5 per acre. Coal lands from $10 to $20 per acre. Timberlands from $1.25 to $5 per acre. Its soil is the county's greatest permanent resource. It is generally a light yellow, known as "mulatto" soil, but in many sections it is a light red. It will ordinarily produce with good cultiva- tion an average of three-fourths of a bale of cot- ton, twenty five to thirty-five bushels of corn, ten to fifteen bushels of wheat, twenty to forty bushels of oats, and two to three tons of millet hay to the acre. This, it is to be understood, is the general upland soil of the county, not including creek or river bottoms; and there is a great similarity in it all, the woodlands and prairies not differing greatly in quality of soil, and the level, undulating and hilly soil being much the same — the hilly having rock intermixed. The river bottom lands are among the best in the world, and will produce, with good cultivation, fi-om three-fourths of a bale to a bale and a half of cotton, seventy-five to one hundred bushels of corn, thirty to forty bushels of wheat and three to five tons millet per acre, and the creek bottoms will average a mean between the uplands and river bottoms. A peculiar feature of the upland soil is the remarkable retentive quality of its fertility. This is owing to the sub-soil of clay, which retains the fertilizing qualities and at the same time prevents the lands from washing. .^ J^ k. The following analysis of the low ground and upland soil is taken from Prof. Owen's geological report of Arkansas: Low grounds — Organic and volatile matter, 7.678; alumina, 3.385; oxide of iron, 3.590; carbonate of lime, 1.015; magnesia, .359; brown oxide of manganese, .345; phosphoric acid, .163; sulphuric acid, .075; potash, .241; soda, .037; sand and insoluble silicates, 83.540; total, 100.440. Uplands— Organic and volcatile matter, 4.763; alumina, 4.085; oxide of iron, 3.065; car- bonate of lime, .190; magnesia, .315; brown oxide of manganese, .145; phosphoric acid, .261; sul phuric acid, .050; potash, .193; soda, .037; sand and insoluble silicates, 83.340; total, 100.445. Moisture expelled from these soils at 400° Fahren- heit — Low ground, 3.950; upland, 3.225. The climate is delightful. A mean temperature of 65°, the prevailing semi-tropical breezes from the gulf; the neutralizing influence of the mountains on the northerly winter storms; mild, open, short winters, with only slight and transient snowfall, and whole weeks of soft sunny weather, that recalls the glory of the northern Indian summer; long, friendly and golden summers with delightfully cool, restful and refreshing nights; freedom from epidemic dis- eases, an abundance of pure water and superior natural drainage, are "all and singular," ele- ments of a climate, scarcely less enjoyable than that of Southern California or the south of France — a climate that gives the highest average of health known to any good agricultural region in America. Here is the equable mean between the rigors of the higher north and the depressing humidity of the lower south country. Naturally enough, too, here is the equable mean of animal and vegetable and mental temperament, largely the result of climate, and the visitor is not at all surprised to find in this genial, life inspiring influence the impress of normal health upon men, animals and plants. So kindly indeed are the climatic influ- ences, that two crops of many of the field and garden products are matured on the same ground in a single season. The coal found in the county partakes of the general excellence characterizing the southern di- vision of the Spadra system. The common thick- ness is the same as prevails throughout the coal field of Sebastian County, which it adjoins on the south and southeast — forty-two inches — and the maximum from four to seven feet. There is, how- ever, to a certain extent, a difference in the kind of coal. While, say, fifty per cent is a semi-anthra- cite of the best quality, the remainder consists of the only bituminous coal found in this State. The latter is not invariably bituminous; according to commercial rating there being a proportion that is semi-bituminous, and on the other hand a propor- tion sufificientl}' rich to pass as a cannel coal. Ac- cordingly, it is probable that one-half of the tiftj' per cent is a bituminous coal, strictly speaking. The body of the whole is situated in that part of the county comprising Townships 4 and 5 north. Ranges 29 and 30 west; forty- eight sections con- stituting the two northern tiers of Township 3 north, Ranges 29, 30, 31,32 and 33 west, and Town- ship 4 north, Range 28 west. The superficial area is 130,360 acres, of which it is practically accepted that 95,000 acres carry a good coal in quantities. The main body is situated in Townships 4 and 5, Ranges 29 and 30, and north and east of Poteau Mountain. That situated in forty-eight sections named as the two tiers of Township 3 north, Ranges 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 west, includes the area of Poteau Mountain, to its summit line, and a strip of country in general conformed to the sinuous line of the mountain on the south side. South of the latter area, for a mile, fragmentary bodies prob- ably occur, but it is evident, according to an out cropping of subcai'boniferous limestone, fifteen miles south, and the erosion throughout the inter- mediate area, that it is the extreme southern limit in this State of the coal measures of the Spadra system. Under the head of mineral resources, it should be added that, beyond a carbonate form of ore, it is not probable that discoveries of limonite or hematite, in quantities, will take place short of the Fourche Mountain, which at its summit di- vides Scott from Polk County. The region ex cepted is also the general locality where uji to date the best grade of carbonate ore, with a probability of being in quantity, has been found. The subcarboniferous limestone outcropping of 4 'A SCOTT COUNTY. 387 this county is the well-known exposure pronounced by Prof. Owens to be one of few examples of the kind occurring south of the Arkansas River. It crops out in Sections 35 and 36, Township 2 north, Range 29 west, and again two miles southwest, where it is exposed throiighout a length of four miles. Notwithstanding a proportion having a brecciated character in general, it is a massive, close-textured gray rock, producing a very fine white lime. Gold has also been discovered in the county. That which has been seen, while a low grade ore near the surface, improves as the shaft sinks deeper. In one instance there has been a yield of 15 in gold at five feet, $7 at seven feet, and |10 at ten feet. In addition, discoveries of lead, copper, and larger bodies of fire clay have been made in the county. Early in 1887 prospectors discovered a sand- bearing rock at the top of the Black Fork Mount- ains, in this county, so highly inapregnated with petroleum as to give forth a strong petroleum odor, and on throwing portions of the rock on a fire it was found that as soon as it became hot the oil would biirn with a fierce flame until consumed, leaving a white sandstone. Pieces of the rock submitted to the State geologist were pronounced by him to be petroleum-bearing sandstone. An expert, who has been in the oil business since the discovery of petroleum in Pennsylvania, over a quarter of a century ago, said that he had visited all of the known oil fields in the United States, and that upon comparison he considered the oil field of Scott County superior to any of them outside of Pennsylvania, adding that it might surpass that great petroleum-producing field. Another expert, pronounced by the Pittsburgh Manufacturer ' ' the best authority in gas and oil ' ' with whom the editor was acquainted, and of whom the Age of Steel says that '' his practical scientific knowledge makes his services very valuable as a gas and oil expert, and very much sought after," reported after a few days examination: "The Scott County field is so large and so interesting that to do it justice would re- quire at least two weeks' careful examination. I find a well-defined sandstone corresponding pre- cisely to the Devonian, of Western Pennsylvania; also a stratum at of light- colored slate that is almost universally found accompanying similar strata of sandstone in Western Pennsylvania. There are also indications of another stratum that corresponds with what is known as ' second sand ' in the Penn- sylvania oil field, and that there are large deposits of oil and gas throughout an extensive area of Scott County, I have not the slightest doubt. There are also indications of valuable metals, and it is a most inviting field to the capitalist as well as the scientist." A well has been sunk to a depth of 985 feet in search of oil, and oil-gas was struck. The tools became fast in the well, and the enterprise was abandoned for the want of money, perhaps leaving untold wealth undeveloped. Scott County certainly possesses vast hidden re- sources, and is an inviting field for the investment of speculative capital, holding out an excellent prospect of sure and large returns. The timber of the county is of many varieties. Pine, oak, cedar, gum, ash, shell-bark and hickory abound, and there is much walnut, post oak and " cork ' ' pine. The total amount of pine is 1,726,774,000 feet, board measure; of hardwoods 939,086,000 feet, board measure; total of pine and hardwoods 2,665,- 860,000 feet, board measure. Four streams and their tributaries cross the county. The Petit Jean River flows in an easterly course close to its north- ern boundary. Dutch Creek traverses for twelve miles its eastern part, flowing northeast. Poteau River flows thirty miles through the center of the county in a westerly direction. The Fourche La Fave River, which rises in the extreme southwest- ern corner of the county, flows for fifty miles through it on its way to the Arkansas River, bor- dered by rich valleys, with as good and productive land as in this or any other State. The average elevation of the county is about 700 feet in the valleys, and the highest mountain point is about 2,000 feet above the sea level. Water is abundant for all purposes, including manufacturing, andean be had by sinking wells from twelve to fifteen feet, and there are many mineral springs equal to any in this State except Hot Springs. Many large or- chards and vineyards in the county give evidence '^•- -®rv ^ » HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. of the productiveness of fruit here, eind as the na- tive grapes are almost as fine in size and as deli- cious in flavor as cultivated grapes, it is evident the county is the natural home of the grape. Small fruit and berries yield largely. The roads of the county run generally east and west, on account of the contour of the country. One of the main roads runs north and south, and is called the Line road, on account of its close proximity to the line of the Indian Territory, being the principal route for travel from the Arkansas River to Texas. The county is well supplied with cotton-gins, saw-mills, gristmills and planing mills. Scott County was erected by act of the Terri- torial Legislature November 5, 1833. Its bounda ries were defined October 24, 1835. The boundary between Scott and Crawford Counties was defined December 16, 1838. A part of Sebastian County was attached to Scott June 1, 1861. The county formerly embraced all the territory it has now, and the townships of Cauthorn, Boone, Reveille, Sugar Creek and Petit Jean, which were cut off and made part of the new county of Sarber, now Logan, in 1870. The line between Scott and Logan Coun- ties was changed May 21, 1873. The county's present boundaries, fixed in 1881, are as follows: North by Sebastian and Logan Counties, east by Yell County, south by Montgomery and Polk Counties, and west by the Indian Territory. The county seat was originally located at Booneville, twenty-five miles northeast of Waldron. The county offices being too far from the center of the county the seat of justice was afterward removed to W infield, about three miles northeast of Wal- dron, where it remained until about 1845, when William G. Feather.ston donated ten acres of land, a part of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 3 north, Range 29 west, to the commissioners appointed by the county court, in consideration of the location of the county site on said land. This was the begin- ning of Waldron. Some time afterward a court- house was built, which was burned during the war with all the public records. About 1870- a new and substantial framed court-house was erected on the public square of the town, where the public business was transacted until the spring of 1882, when it also was burned, together with the county records. The last fire was undoubtedly the work of incendiaries. No successful movement to re- build the court house has been inaugurated. The courts are held in rooms over John F. Forrester's store, and the county offices are accommodated elsewhere in Waldron. The county has a substan- tial jail. The Fourth Congressional District is composed of Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Scott, Logan, Pulaski, Yell, Perry, Saline, Garland and Montgomery Counties, and at present represented by Hon. J. H. Rogers, of Fort Smith. This county is in the Twelfth Judicial District, compris- ing the counties of Scott, Sebastian, Crawford and Logan, and in the Twenty-eighth State Senatorial District, composed of Scott and Sebastian Coun- ties. The several political townshi])s of Scott County are named as follows: Barber, Tomlinson, Lewis, Caxithron, La Fayette, Brawley, Black Fork, Blansett, Johnson, Mountain, Mill Creek, Park, Cedar, La Fave, Hunt, James, Tate and Hickman. The following named county officers have served, beginning at the dates mentioned: Judge — 1833, Elijah Baker; 1835, James Logan; 1838, Gilbert Marshall; 1842, Levi Bradley; 1844. William Kenner; 1846. Elijah Arnold; 1848, M. H. Blue; 1850, J. H. Thompson; 1852, J. R. Raymond; 1854, W. E. Elkins; 1856, J. H. Forbet: 1858, H. Hine; 1860, J.H.Smith; 1862. William Oliver; 1864, J. T. Harrison; July, 1865, N. Ellington; April, 1871, M. M. Tate; 1872-74, board of super- visors; 1874, L. D. Pendery; 1876, S. Harrell: 1878, J. H. Payne; 1880, J. H. Brown: 1886, Ro- land Chiles; 1888, Daniel Hon. Clerk— 1833, S. B. Walker; 1835, G. Marshall: 1838, W. Kenner; 1840, S. H. Chism; 1842, E. H. Featherston; 1844, John Baxter; 1846, William Kenner; 1848, J. B. Garrett; 1850, William Kenner; 1854, E.H. Featherston; 1856, J. C. Gibson; 1800, S. Graves; 1862, L. D. Gilbreath; 1864, F. M. Scott; July, 1865, C. H. Oliver; 1866, L. D. Gilbreath; 1872. W. B. Turman; 1874, J. C. Gilbreath; 1887, T. M. Duncan. Sheriff— 1833, James Riley; 1835, Charles Humphrey; 1840, William Garner; T. P. Sadler until formation of Yell County; 1842. J. B. ^ « ^IV i 9 W, ^ SCOTT COUNTY. 889 Garrett; 1844, A. Harland; 1846, J. B. Garrett; 1848, J. K. Baxter; 1852, R. C. Reed; 1856, Will- iam Gibson; 1862, C. C. Lewis; 1804, G. Kincan- non; July, 1865, J. W. Baruett; 1868, N. A. Floyd; 1874, F. C. Gaines; 1878, Samuel Leming; Au- gust, 1879, A. P. Walker; 1880, John Rawlings; 1882, C. M. Vise; 1888, W. T. Brown; 1888, Free Malone; 1889, C. M. Vise. Treasurer— 1830, W. Cauthron; 1840, Jesse Perkins; 1844, G. W. Read; 1848, J. M. Swiuney; 1854, T. I. Gates; 1856, J. C. Moles; 1862, J. W. Evatt; 1872, M. Johnson; 1874, W. D. Looper; 1878, E. McCray; 1880, A. D. Peace; 1884, T. M. Evatt; 1888, F. M. Bot- toms. Coroner— 1833, J. R. Choate; 1835, W. Cauthron; 1836, G. C. Walker; 1838, J. R. Choate 1840,H. A. Patterson; 1842, George Carroll; 1844 James Stewart; 1848, W. Hodge; 1850, W. B Carr; 1852, A. Kuykendall; 1854, Drew Choate 1856, John Pace; 'l85S, J. E. Moore; 1860, A. Ross; 1862, R. H. Halley; 1864, C. L. J. Hough 1866, W.D. Riley; 1872, William Chitwood; 1874 G. W. Smith; 1876, G. W. Rea; 1878, T. F Smith; 1882, C. H. Bell; 1884, J. L. Baker; 1886 F. G. Thomas; 1888, W. L. Tolleson. Surveyor ^1836, T. J. Garner; 1842, W. Wheat; 1844," J. Anthony; 1848, Charles Cauthron; 1850, E. H Featherston; 1852, S. H. Prowell; 1854, W. T. Dallins; 1858, J. H. Johnson; 1862, C. L. Hough; 1866, J. Bethel; 1868, D. P. Davis; December, 1870, C. A. Bird; 1872, C. L. Hough; 1878, G. W. Blair; 1882, W. T. Brown; 1886, W. J. King. Assessor— 1868, C. Malone; 1872, T. Suddith; 1874, W. H. Hightill; 1876, C. M. Vise; 1880, P. H. Young: 1886, E. B. Young; 1888, E. N. Mc- Ray. The county officers elected in September, 1890, are as follows; James M. Harvey, judge; T. M. Duncan, clerk; L. P. Fuller, sherifF; D. A. Edwards, treasurer; T. H. Johnson, coroner; E. N. McRay, assessor. The clerk is circuit clerk and ex-officio clerk of the county and probate courts and recorder. Scott County has been represented in the State Senate as follows: With Crawford County, 1836- 38, by R. C. S. Brown; with Crawford, 1840, by J. A. Scott: with Crawford, 1842-43, by J. A. Scott; with Franklin, 1844-45, by J. F. Gaines, with Franklin, 1846, by J. F. Gaines; with Frank- ' lin, 1848-49, by S. H. Chism; with Franklin, 1850-51, by S. H. Chism; with Franklin, 1852- 53, by Jesse Miller; with Franklin, 1854-55, by Jesse Miller; with Sebastian, 1856-57, by Green J. Clark; with Sebastian, 1858-59, by Green J. Clark; with Sebastian, 1860-62, by Green J. Clark; with Sebastian, 1862, by Green J. Clark; with Sebastian, 1864-65, by Charles Milor; with Se- bastian, 1866-67, by H. C. Holleman, who was un- seated and succeeded by T. H. Scott; with Polk, Montgomery and Hot Springs, 1868-69, by D. P. Beldin; with Polk, Montgomery and Hot Spring, ^ by D. P. Beldin ; with Polk, Montgomery and Hot Springs, 1873, by D. P. Beldin ; with Polk, Mont- gomery and Hot Springs, 1874, by D. P. Beldin; with Sebastian, 1874-75, by J. H. Scott; with Se- ! bastian, 1877, by R. T. Kerr; with Sebastian, I 1879, by R. T. Kerr; with Sebastian, 1881, by J. P. Hall; with Sebastian, 1883, by J. P. Hall; with Sebastian, 1885, by R. H. McConnell; with Se- bastian, 1887, by R. H. McConnell; with Sebas- tian, last session, by A. G. W^ashburn, who is also the senator-elect. In the Lower House of the State Legislature the county has been thus represented. In 1836-38 by James Logan; in 1838, by G. Marshall; in 1840, by T. M. Scott and S. Hum- phrey; in 1842-43, by J. F. Gaines and A. Thomp- son: in 1844-45 (no record); in 1846, by Edward A. Featherston; in 1848-49, by Milton Gilbreath; in 1850-51, by Charles Cauthron; in 1852-53, by Milton Gilbreath; in 1854-55, by James Logan; in 1856-57, by J. F. Lee; in 1858-59, by John H. Forbet; in 1860-62, by James F. Lee; in 1862, by Elijah Leming; in 1864-65, by Thomas Cau- thron; in the Confederate Legislature, 1864, by Elijah Leming; in 1866-67, Elijah Leming; in 1868-69, with Polk, Montgomery and Hot Spring, by J. V. Harrison and J. H. Demby; in 1871, with Hot Spring, Montgomery, Polk and Grant, by J. F. Lane, J. J. Sumpter, and James M. Bethel, admitted in place of C. K. Kymes, P. B. Allen and N. Ellington; in 1873, with Polk, Montgomery, Hot Spring and Grant, by L. D. Gilbreath, J. J. Sumpter and George G. Latta; in 1874, with Polk, Montgomery and Hot Spring, by H. H. Barton r -^ 390 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. and J. J. Sumpter; in 1874-75, by I. Frank Ful- ler; in 1877, by James H. Smith; in 1879, by A. G. Washburn; in 1881, by F. C. Gaines; in 1883, by G. E. James; io 1885, by A. G. Washburn; in 1887, by A. G. Washburn; in last session by W. A. Houck. J. W. McNutt is representative- elect. The judicial circuits of the State have been frequently changed. In some instances the num- ber of the judicial districts has been completely transferred to others and new numbers adopted for the original. The State in 1873 was divided into sixteen circuits, but only for a term, when the number was reduced, as has been stated; this county is in the Twelfth. In giving the list of judges the Twelfth Circuit is referred to through to the present, regardless of changes that may have taken place in its composition. The judges . of this circuit liave been commissioned as follows: P. C. Dooley, April 26, 1873; J. H. Rogers, April 20, 1877; R. B. Rutherford, October 2, 1882; John S. Little, October 30, 1886; T. C. Humphry, spring of 1890. The prosecuting attorneys have been: D. D. Leach, April 26, 1873; John S. Lit- tle (three terms), April 2, 1877; A. C Lewers (two terms), September 20, 1884; J. B. McDonough, October 30, ISSS. Courts are held on the second Monday in February and Augu.st. The resident attorneys are named as follows: Daniel Hon, A. G. Leming, S. Wilson, B. F. Wolf, A. G. ^YashburQ, T. N. Sanford, O. M. Harwell, C. H. Hawthorne and M. M. Beavers. The county has been thus represented in Constitutional Conventions: By Gilbert Marshall in 1836; by E. T. Walker in 1861; by Charles H. Oliver in 1868; and by J. W. Sorrells in 1874. At an early day there were adventuresome hun- ters and prospecters who penetrated the new, wild country within the limits of the present county of Scott. Such can hardly be called home-seekers, for they were of the class that moves on before advancing civilization; but some of them, charmed by the wild beauty of their surroundings, remained and became permanent settlers. The advancement of the present day was surely not fore.shadowed in their time, and then men were not attracted by that certainty of gain and worldly prosperity which has influenced men to make their abiding place here during the past few decades. They bad no neighbors at first, but Indians — savages and natural enemies — and still more savage beasts. Did space permit, some highly interesting narra- tives of the pioneer period might be told, but it is with the period of development that this sketch has most to do. This period was ushered in by another class of men. They were home-seekers pure and simple — men of family, who sought here, where Nature outstretched to them a helping hand so willingly, that material reward for honest toil which was to be achieved, but grudgingly, in older communities. Many a time has the story of the pioneer been told. It is old, but ever new, because dear to the present generation like the old songs their mothers sang. From the first it was a stern battle with scarcity and adversity. Every gain was hardly won. The simplest achievement cost the most arduous labor. The most that could be procured and accomplished was very little in- deed. There were no luxuries and there was a dearth of necessaries. Hard work was the com- mon lot of all — the men, women and the chil- dren. Self-denial and mutual assistance were the rule. The labor which kept the wolf figurative from the pioneer's door failed to secure it from the attacks of the wolves that lurked in the forest. The red man was a constant menace, and there were other dangers. There was no absolute se- curity. Even Nature, when in her unkindly moods, seemed terrific in those unbroken woods. No pioneer ever lived to forget the birth of the first child in his neighborhood; none forgot the first marriage; none but could point out, long years after it was made, the first grave, or speak except in quavering voice of that day when, under the gloomy trees, the earth first opened to receive one of their number. Perhaps it was a funeral without a clergyman; but it could not have been a funeral without a prayer. God was with them in the wilderness. As far back as 1820 a few buffaloes and elks remained in this part of the country, and bears, wolves, panthers, wild cats, deer, the smaller animals, wild turkeys, wild geese, ducks, prairie chickens and other small fowls were numerous. ^t^ SCOTT COUNTY. 891 The buffalo and elk have become extinct, the bears nearly so, while other animals and fowls remain in sufficient quantities in some localities to make it interesting, and sometimes profitable for hunters. Raccoon and opossums are very common now. The ■wild turkey and quail furnish ample sport on the wing, while squirrels and rabbits are also plentiful. In the fall and spring wild geese and ducks are abundant. Deer hunts are not uncommon, and the hunter seldom returns empty handed. The timber wolf is not unfrequently a visitor to the sheep pens. The pioneers lived to a great extent upon wild game, which was so easily obtained that rifle shots from their cabin doors lirought it down, within convenient distance. Wild fruits in their season have abounded from the first — strawberry, blackberry and huckleberry, the wild plum of different varieties, wild grapes, a summer sort about the size of the Delaware, and equally as finely flavored, a smaller grape that ripens after the frost, then a grape called Muscatine, about as large as the Concord, usually growing singly, but sometimes in clusters, with a thick skin, and excellent for sauce when cooked. All these natural provisions the early settlers availed themselves of. It was not child's play to live in Scott County forty to sixty years ago. The pio- neers were isolated to a distressing degree from civilization, and it required an unusual amount of grit, patience, perseverance and longsuffering. They were quick to lend a helping hand to each other. They educated their children under ad- verse circumstances. The}' organized schools and churches with only a small following. They built not for themselves but for those who should come after them. Year after year prospects have bright- ened, the country has gradually improved, and to- day no section of the new Southwest is developing more rapidly than Scott County. It would be difRcult to find a more energetic class of business men than take the lead in this portion of the State. For their former hardships they have been repaid. They have acquired, in many instances, a liberal competency. They have brought their families up in respectability. The sons of many of these same pioneers have adorned the halls of the State and National Legislature, while others have held im- portant positions in local and State affairs, with honor to themselves and to their constituency. Among the earlier settlers of the county were the following: Along the Poteau and its branches — Father Hickman, Richard Edens, Zachariah Hemby, Josiah Barnett, Reuben C. Reed. Will- iam Kenner, George W. Reed, William Doyle, John Gable, Jesse A. Reed, David Reed and the father of David and the other Reeds mentioned, William Anthony, Henry Frazier, Jackson Hon, John F. McAnally, Jesse Antliony, Finis E. An- thony, John Anthony, Dennis Boultinghouse, Dan- iel Boultinghouse, James Boultinghouse, Thomas Crenshaw, Finis Farmer, David Yandall, Jesse Yandall, Samuel Yandall, William Yandall, Thomp- son Bailey, Harrison Huie, Dodson Huie, Massie McRay, William McRay, John H. Johnson. Allen . Starrett, Dr. James H. Smith, James H. McCord, the Whitmeyers, Isaiah Hickman, Nathaniel Hick- man, William Vails, Willian T. Dollens, Alexan- der Sehorn, William Sehorn, the Duprees, John J Pool, Thomas Pool,sJ Austin Bethel, James M. Bethel: on the Poteau— Henry Wolf, Tobias Wolf, Andrew J. Ross. Leonard J. Denton, Thomas Brown, Thomas M. Brown, John Brown, Frank Brown; along Ross' Creek — the Brawley family, Spencer Bates, Thompson G. Bates, Frank Bates, Sanford Bates, Zachariah Allison, Maj. Joel Den- ton, W. W. Denton, R. P. Denton, A. B. Denton, Cooper Hayes, Davis Tolbert, William Tucker, John Anthony, Jesse, John, Alexander, G. W., Solomon, Thomas and C. C. Jones and two James Joneses; along Brawley (later Jones') Creek — Elias Hays, Hiram Hays, Archibald Hays, Bayless E. Brasher, Allen Brasher, Henry Brasher, Jacob Brasher, John L. Summers, Vineyard Crawford, C. A. Crawford, Robert Finley, the Kendricks, Elijah Grey, David Burcham, John Barnett; along Haw Creek — William G. Featherston, Edward E. Featherston, Micajah Thompson, Dr. Sorrells, the Reed family, Landy Turman, Wiley B. Glass, Caleb Baker, Jacob C. Moles, James M. Swinney, Dr. Vance, James H. Thompson, Counsellor Bunn, Thomas Ferguson, Mills the miller. Judge Ray- mond, Allen Marshall, "Kern" Titsworth, John >^ ±=A ^ 392 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. W. Perkins, John Rawlings, James R. Baxter; in the Waldron vicinity — Joy Estep, David Jones. Silas Pinion, Milton Larimore, William Price and brother, Jasper Foster, Newton Foster and others on Black Fork; along the Fourehe La Fave — John Kilburn, James Kilburn, John Stewart, Robert Richmond, Luke Harrison, Benton Jones, William Jones, L. D. Gilbreath, Bailey Allen, Bev- erly Allen, Michael Wilson, James Gibson, Richard Burriss, James F. Gaines, G. G. Gaines, Thomas Gaines, James Gaviness, John Caviness, James Henson, Marion Henson, Lewis Henson, the Daileys, Thomas Gist, Neil Gist, Peter Whisenhunt, James Whisenhunt, James P. Blancett, John Caughran, Lewis Caughran; long the Petit Jean — James Sor- rells, S. B. Sorrells, Dr. Warren Sorrells, Dr. Roys- ton Sorrells, Stephen Graves, Thomas Graves, Mi- chael Await, Thomas Baxter, Shadrach Chitwood, J. J. Tomlinson,Wiley A. Tomlinson (formerly spelled Tumlinson), James Graves, Dr. E.T.Walker, Andrew J. Tomlinson, Samuel S. French, Elisha Williams, John, Thomas and Barry Hunt, William Henley, George W. Rupe, the Cantrells, Gen. Taylor, Allen Sorrells, W. W. Sorrells, McKinney Curry, Al- fred Bethel, Samuel Duncan, William Duncan, R. P. Claiborn, the Witt family, George Abbott, C. C. Lewis, John E. Carnett, George Barnard. All of these were early residents of the county. Some were the heads of families who came here, others the sons of pioneers. Their names have been given by Dr. Smith (the oldest physician in the county) and other old citizens. It is not attempted to supply all initials. The aim has been, rather, to mention these pioneer citizens in such a familiar way as to recall those who have passed away to the memory of all of the living who once knew them. In view of the fact that the earlier county records are no longer in existence, the compiler feels like congratulating his readers that his earnest efforts have been so well recorded and rewarded. Those of the present rising generation who are accustomed to excellent school advantages of to- day can hardly realize the meagerness of such op- portunities in their fathers' boyhood. Even read- ing, writing and the merest rudiments of arithmetic were considered a luxury that the poor could not possess. So it was that many otherwise intelligent men and women grew up unable to read and write. The simply well-to-do people secured an itinerant teacher to stop in the neighborhood and hold a subscription school at some one's house for a short time. There were probably few of these before about 1840. It was in this manner that the earliest teachers began who taught in various parts of this region. This kind of schooling continued down until about the time when the public-school system was introduced. One has but to glance at these figures, giving the number of teachers employed in the State of Arkansas in successive year's, to gain a fair idea of the growth of popular education in any part of the State: In 1869 there were 1,335; in 1870, 2,302; in 1871, 2,128; in 1872, 2,035; in 1878, 1,-181; in 1874-75, no reports; in 1870,461; in 1877-78, no reports; in 1879, 1,458; in 1880, 1,872; in 1881, 2,169; in 1882, 2,501; in 1883, 2,462; in 1884, 2,899; in 1885, 3,582; in 1880, 3,691; in 1887, 4,167; in 1888, 4,664. It will readily be seen that the greatest care and activity have been shown in the years of the present dec- ade, and the most firm and permanent improve- ment in the last few years. Academies did not take permanent root here as they did in older and wealthier counties, and the need of education felt by fathers and mothers, who had grown up with- out much of any themselves, made them better prepared to receive the new system favorably than many counties that had been well supplied with advanced private schools. The progress of the public schools in the county has been constant, especially during the present decade, and has been proportionately equal to other parts of the State. The following statistics from the report of the State superintendent of public instruction for the year ending June 30, 1888, will tend to show in part how the public schools of the county are prosper- ing: Statement of the public school fund of Scott County — Amount received: Balance on hand June 30, 1887, $2,345.26; from common school fund (State), $3,950.45; poll tax, $1,857.07; total, $8,- 152.78. Amount expended: For teachers' salaries, $6,093; buildings and repairing, $500; purchasing apparatus, etc., $100; treasurer's commissions. w ^* 4^ SCOTT COUNTY. 393 1116.15; other purposes, |25; total, $6,834.15. Balance ia county treasury unexpended: Of com- mon school fund, $1,173.71; district fund. $144.92; total, $1,318.63. Summary of county examiner's report: Enumeration, white, 4,890; colored, 16; total, 4,906. Enrollment, white, 2,523; colored, none; total, 2,523. Number of districts, 75; num- ber of districts reporting enrollment, 52; number of districts voting tax, 19; number of teachers em- ployed, 47; number of school -houses, 36; value of school-houses, |4,875; number of institutes held, 1 ; number of teachers attending, 48. One of the best literary schools in the State is located at Waldron. The main building of the house is 34x70 feet, two stories, with vestibules. There is a wing forty feet in length on the east side of the building, which is also two stories, making four large rooms. The building is new and well fur- nished throughout, is well seated and has modern fixtures and apparatus. Messrs. Henderson and Goddard, the principals of the school, are trained and thorough educators. Many students come from remote parts of this county and from adjoin ing counties, and there is no reason to doubt that the school will grow and prosper as it has never done before, for every facility is offered here that can be obtained elsewhere for giving children either a primary or an advanced course. Board can be obtained at low rates, and the morals of the town are of an exceptional character. At Cauthron is an efficient school known as the Cauthron High School. This institution has about 200 pupils, aad stands high in public esteem. Gipsouville, Boles and Park also have good schools. The following reference to early schools in Scott County is ex- tracted from a modern newspaper: " No colleges adorned the country then, and educational facilities were meager. The young fellow who had a desire to obtain an education attended school two or three months in the winter, not unfrequently walking, morning aad evening, two or three miles for that privilege. The accommodations then were not so good as now. Instead of the elaborate furniture of the present day, the boy of twenty and thirty years ago was compelled to sit on the slick side of an unusually hard bench made of a slab or fence- rail and placed at an uncomfortable distance from the dirt-and-stick fireplace, which, with its pro- digious jambs, yawned like the cavern of the in fernal region; while in the corner near the teach er's desk stood the birch as straight and long as the moral law, and woe betide the youth who would dare to intrude upon the rules of the school. This mode of teaching was good enough in its time. Better and more efficient means have been adopted." H. N. Smith is county examiner of public schools. The church and the school have gone hand in hand here as elsewhere. Early religious meetings were held by traveling preachers in the log cabins of the pioneers, and from an early day, in many localities, the same building has accommodated the school during the week, and the church peo- ple of the district on Sunday. At this time houses of worship are to be found in all parts of the county, and nearly all religious denominations com- mon to this part of the country are represented. In some parts of the county, notably in Waldron, are expensive and sightly churches, which are be- ing improved and beautified with each passing year. Church membership is increasing, and i)op- ular interest in Sunday school workjs extending. As the church membership gains in education, numerical strength and material wealth, its de- mands on the pastors are more exacting. This is evidenced in the wider learning and greater ability of the preachers of to-day than were attainable in the clergy of an early period. The church has done its share in the grand work_of development and enlightenment, and it is coming to be sup- ported with a popular liberality. There are in this county post-offices named as follows: Barber, Belva, Black Fork, Blansett, Blue Ball, Boles, Boothe, Brawley, Buck, Knob, Cauthron, Cedar Creek, Crow, Echo, Farmer, Fuller,Gate,Gip- son. Green Ridge, Nebraska, Olio, Parks, Poteau, Tomlinson, Waldron, Wintield and Zelkirk. Being an exclusively agricultural region, the sales mar- ket of which was at Fort Smith, distant forty-eight miles, the county is notably without its proportion of cross-road towns and villages, characteristic of our American country in general. Instead, the ex x'U- i) >y ' ^ 1^ 394 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. I ception is in its favor that wherever the aggrega- tion of population admitted such a step, rather than country grocery store, and evidence of a former groggery, it is apparent that the interest has con- centrated upon well built school-houses. And, therefore, it is to be discovered, notwithstanding the remoteness of the county, that in general the morals and understanding of its young people have been trained to excellent standards. This is true of Cauthron, Gipsonville, Boles and Park, which, without their fine schools, would only have a postal name. Cauthron is situated in the Poteau Valley, west and a little north of Waldron. In addition to several stores, a saw-mill, a blacksmith shop and a woodworking shop, it is the seat of the Cauth- ron High School, elsewhere referred to. Tomlin- son is situated in the Petit Jean Valley, near the celebrated mountain pass of that name. Boles is situated in the Fourche Valley on the line of the proposed Missouri Pacific extension from Fort Smith to Gurdon. Park is situated in the Fourche Valley, on the line of both the Texarkana and Northern, and the proposed 'Frisco extension through the Fourche Valley to Little Rock. Gip- sonville is in the Poteau Valley, near the line of the Indian Territory. The other post-offices men- tioned are located conveniently for residents of va- rious parts of the county, but none of them are trade centers of importance, except Waldron, the seat of justice. To its excellent school facilities Waldron adds the prestige of a good country trade, maintained against the great disadvantage of long distance from markets. It is situated on the south bank of the Poteau, at a point commanding the resources of the whole valley, and at the same time commanding every feasible entrance through the mountain boundaries of the county, and is una- voidably in the line of the Missouri Pacific and Texarkana & Fort Smith extensions through this county, the preliminary survey of both having been made to this place, and considerable prepa- ratory construction work having been done on one of them. In the midst of a fine agricultural dis- trict, commanding trade from a long distance in all directions, the town is substantially built, the busi- ness portion being of handsome brick blocks. Of the numerous stores not a stock of merchandise is carried in a frame building, and really there are no frame business houses in the central portion of the town. The residence portion is fairly well built. Quite a number of pleasant and cozy homes adorn the town, while a good two-story school build- ing and new church buildings add largely to its appearance of thrift and enterprise. Located 20 miles east of the line of the Indian Territory, 50 miles southeast of Fort Smith, 140 miles west of Little Rock, 95 miles northwest of Hot Springs and 150 miles north of Texarkana, in the midst of the Fourche La Fave, Petit Jean and Poteau Val 'ey, the town is admirably well situated for rail road facilities, and will doubtless^ become a rail road center of no small magnitude, with two great systems — the 'Frisco and the Missouri Pacific — pointing this way, one or both of them likely to build lines into the county at no distant day. Wal- dron was incorporated November 5, 1875. Its mayor is ^^'. P. Forrester. Away back, years prior to the " late unpleasant- ness," William G. Featherston, who had, even at that early date, acquired some ability as a real-es- tate speculator, proposed to the proper authorities that if they would remove the seat of justice from Winfield, and locate the court-house on his land and build a town, he would donate for that pur- pose ten acres. The proposition was accepted. Owning the balance of the land around the town, it soon became necessary for him to lay out some additions, and it was not long until the new county seat began to forge ahead; but Waldron never ad- vanced much in point of substantial improvements until the political troubles dating from about 1874 to 1879, arose. The town then consisted of wooden buildings, and most of the business houses were rough box concerns, very unprepossessing in apjiearance, and almost worthless, save as tempo- rary shelters. Some nefarious individuals, and there were many of them here at that time, con ceived the idea that they could get even with their adversaries by burning out the town, which they proceeded to do. What seemed to be a calamity, at the time, proved, in the end, to be a blessing. Enterprising merchants began to erect substantial ^* ^ SCOTT COUNTY. 395 brick buildings, and the good work has been going on until now there are twenty of them, each from 20 to 30 feet wide and from 50 to 100 feet long, and most of them two stories high. There are numerous smaller buildings, such as are found in surrounding country towns. In point of good buildings and substantial growth, there is no town between Fort Smith and Texarkana that compares with Waldron. It is universally conceded that it has more solid business men than any other town in the State with the same number of merchants doing the same volume of business. The trade coming here during the past year is estimated at $350,000, and that amount may be taken as a low figure. The population is about 800. The religious interests of the town are watched over by several religious denominations, most of which have good church buildings. The secret societies are repre- sented by the Masonic and I. O. O. F. orders and the G. A. R. The town and county can boast of two good newspapers. The general business interests comprise 8 general merchandise stores, 5 grocery stores, 3 drug stores, ware store, 1 saddlery shop, 3 blacksmiths, 2 hotels, 2 livery stables, 2 grist mills and cotton-gins, 1 planing-mill, 6 doc- tors and several real estate agencies. Real estate in Waldron is held at fair prices, business lots ranging at from 1300 to $500, residence lots from $50 to $100. The cotton shipment each year amounts to 8,000 or 10,000 bales, and with a railroad the amount would be more than doubled, while the shipment of stock, grain and lumber would in- crease the tonnage immeasurably. In the matter of merchandise, there is quite a quarter of a mill- ion of dollars worth of goods, at the present rate of cartage, brought to the town by its numerous merchants. The development of the coal and mineral deposits, and the opening up of the vast pineries and hardwood districts, and the location of saw-mills, offer more than usual inducements to railroad companies to build into Waldron" s rich tributary country. Here all the social and finan- cial elements of successful and enlivening citi- 2 millinery stores, 1 hard- and harness shop, 1 shoe zenship find a common center and hearty sup- port. Surrounded by a fine farming and fruit- growing region, with a belt of timber on the south of great commercial value, and located in one of the best coal regions known to the South, Waldron possesses in a large degree those elements of pros- perity which attract capital and manufacturing and .commercial industry. Aside from the prom- ises that have risen in the probability of the town's becoming an important railroad junction, and with its timber resources the site of mills and wagon factories, it is to be seen that the place is not to remain stationary once the railroad passes the bar- rier of Poteau Mountain. The men who are here have the will, energy and money to give their town and county an upward impetus, and if in a year's time after the introduction of railroad com- munication, Waldron is not one of the best known and wide-awake towns in the State, it will have followed from nothing left undone, wherein good business sense and well directed energy can pre vail. As has been intimated, there are as yet no rail- roads in the county, but the Jenson and Mansfield branch of the 'Frisco department of the Santa Fe .system, reaches to Mansfield, in Sebastian County, near the Scott County line, and there is daily stage connection between Mansfield and Waldron. An extension of this line is projected from Mans- field to Little Rock, via Waldron. The line of the proposed Choctaw Railroad (now called the "Kali Ali") is surveyed along the entire length of the county from east to west, partially through the Fourche La Fave Valley. This railroad, now under construction from McAllister, Ind. T.,to Little Rock via Waldron, has been completed and is in operation to a point forty miles west of the latter place. The Missouri Pacific Company has a line in operation from Fort Smith to Greenwood, in Sebastian County, a few miles north of the Scott County boundary. The aim is to extend this road via Tomlinson, Waldron and Buck Knob to Gur- don, in Clark County, there to form a connection with the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad and lines south from that j)oint which are built or to be built, and considerable work has Al k k. 396 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. been done on the road-bed. Other railway projects not so well defined as these are talked of, and it would seem that the time is not far in the future when Scott County will be traversed by a sufficient number of railways to fully develop its resources, and Waldron will be a railroad center of no mean importance, while other thriving towns will grow up within the county limits. The oldest paper in Scott County is the Wal- dron Reporter, edited and published by M. M. Beavers, who in his issue of October 3, 1890, gave the following account of the enterprise: "The Reporter closes its eleventh volume with this issue. It has been here eleven years and hopes to remain. The paper was established in 1879 by Mr. S. H. Farley, who continued with it as proprietor until November, 1883, when he disposed of his inter- est to the present proprietor and J. M. Harvey. Judge Harvey retired a few months afterward. The present management has had control for seven years past, and has been in precarious situations more than once. To offset these adverse condi- tions, however, the paper has at other times been prosperous. We have endeavored to assist in build- ing up the material prosperity of Scott County, and to advocate Democratic doctrine. Believ- ing as we do that the hope of the country is the Democratic party, we shall continue to advocate its teachings, and to urge the people to vote for the men named by the party organizations for the dif- ferent offices. It is only through organized effort that good results can be accomplished in a political campaign. People who go outside of primaries and conventions to vote for officers are either knaves or imbeciles. The Reporter has made a good many friends during its career, and some enemies. Its friends, and particularly those who pay up, will, we hope, have a pleasant journey through life, and a rich reward in heaven. Its enemies should repent while they are still on pray- ing ground.'' The Reporter is a seven-column, four page sheet. The Scott County Citizen was lirst issued Octo- ber 24, 1S87, with P. C. Stone as editor and pro- prietor. It announced itself as Republican in pol- itics, and set forth some of its aims thus: '' To co- operate with the various interests of the people throughout the country by trying to develop the country's valuable resources by means of advocat- ing internal improvements and encouraging all branches of agricultural, commercial, manufactur- ing and other industrial pursuits, whereby our for- ests of most excellent timber, extensive coal beds, and the untold wealth of other resources which have so long lain dormant and unproductive among us, will be utilized and yield a large profit to the owners." September 28, 1888, A. G. Le- ming became editor, and Mr. Stone business man- ager of the Citizen. February 28, 1890, the paper was sold to M. Keener & Co., Mr. Leming retain- ing an interest and editorial charge. The Citizen is a four-column, eight-page paper. These jour nals have done their part toward the work of gen eral development. They are both well edited and exceptionally bright and able local newspapers. Previous attempts to establish papers in Scott County were not permanently successful. The period of the Civil War is ofter referred to as "a time that tried men's souls." If it was trying to the people of the North and still more so to portions of the South remote from the scenes of conflict, it was still more intensely and peculiarly so to the people of the border States; and Arkan- sas, especially this part of Arkansas, was in such a state of anarchy and constant danger as was no other part of the country in which great battles were not fought; and even in such localities the clottdy trouble came, poured out its wrath and passed away, while here, during the four years of the war, and for years afterward, the sun did not rise on a household untroubled with apprehension as to what the day would bring forth, nor set upon a home over which the night did not cast shadows of vague and awful terror. To many, the period of "reconstruction" was more terrible than that of the actual war. It was not the wi.sh of a majority of the voters of Scott County to disrupt the union of the States. The people at first voted against secession and sent Union delegates to represent them in the State convention held to consider Fed- eral relations. The history of the issue of those deliberations and of what followed is well known. ^i ^-.t /^ SCOTT COUNTY. 397 Even Later it was not so much a question of one portion of the nation against another, as of the de- fense of home and family, and the sacred claims of nativity and friendship. When the war was begun the people of Scott County, with few excoptions. naturally sympathized with the Southern cause, and a large percentage of the male population joined the Confederate Army, though it was as Stale troops that they, many of them, enlisted and saw their first service. There were, first and last, several companies raised in this county. The earliest in the field was that of captain, afterward known familiarly as Maj. George W. Featherston, which disbanded after the battle of Oak Hill, though Maj. Featherston was later in the service, as will be seen. Another of the Scott County commanders was Capt. William Gibson, later Maj. Gibson. No regular engagement between the contending forces took place within the county, but it was overrun to some extent by scouting parties, guerrillas and marauders, and a considerable amount of property was destroyed or carried away, and a few individ- uals were killed. In October, 1863, Maj. Feath- erston and Capt. Isaac Bagwell were in command of a small guard at Waldron, which was surprised and captured by a larger Federal force. Maj. Featherston was shot down, so seriously wounded as to keep him long thereafter under medical treat- ment. From that time until February, 1864, the Federals kept a garrison at Waldron, consisting in part at least, of portions of Col. James Johnson's First Arkansas Infantry, and of Col. Cloud's regi- ment, under command of Lieut. -Col. Owen A. Bas- sett. At times the post was commanded by Lieut. - Col. Searl, of Johnson's regiment. The Fed- eral headquarters during most, if not all, of this jieriod of occupation, was at the residence of Will- iam G. Featherston. The Unionists abandoned the post at the date last mentioned, putting the torch to every house in town but the Featherston residence ju.st referred to, and the residence of Dr. Elijah Leming; and these two buildings thus spared were burned later by bushwhackers, on ac- count of the alleged Union sympathies of their own- ers. Near the close of the war, and after the ter- ritory fell into the Union lines, some troops were raised in it for the Federal Army. It is said that some of these were deserters from the Confederate Army, and some returned Union refugees. They, for the most part, united with the Second Kansas Cavalry, the Sixth Iowa Infantry and the Fourth Arkansas Regiment, which was afterward merged into the Second. When asked about the reconstruc- tion period, one old and honored citizen of the county replied: "It was harder than the war." Yet, while some lives were sacrificed, the people of Scott County did not suffer during those years as did the people of some other parts of the State. The war is with the past, and so. too, have passed away the unsetted conditions succeeding it. Men of southern birth and proclivities dwell here, side by side, in mutual friendship and mutual helpfulness, with men of northern birth and pro- clivities. There is no question now of section against section. There is nothing political for neighbors to seriously disagi'ee about, and if there were the people of Scott County are too intent upon their home interests and upon the work of general development, to give it a moment's un- friendly consideration. Much space has been given to consideration of this county's mineral and railway possibilities and promise. That they are flattering, can not be doubted. But if never a pound of coal should be mined — if never a rod of rail should be laid — this would yet be a land of promise and a land of plenty. If there is any part of God's footstool and man's workshop where soils, seasons, grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables, plants, — everything — are under tribute to the prov- ident and thrifty and enterprising farmer, it is in Scott County, between its green mountain ranges. Genial skies are overhead, generous soils are under foot; clear swift sunny waters flow down the val- leys, sparkling fountains feed the brooklets; prai- rie and woodland, interval and valley are decked with the richest herbage; wild fruits grow in pro- fusion in the woods and by the way-side; a soft blue haze — the dreamy influence of the semi-trop- ics — hallows this golden and glorious land from January to December, and it is "God's country,'" for His beneficent smile is on everything from the water-lines to the crown of the highest hills. -,^ , 'vT' ° * ■ J^ 398 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Class prejudices and sectional feeling have long been eliminated. A brave, cordial, genial, hospita- ble and generous mixed people are here to give genuine western welcome to all worthy new-com- ers. They never ask after your antecedents here, but measure you, if you are a new comer, by what you are and what you can do. The hospitality of this people, is as strong as brave, and magnani- mous men and gentle women can cultivate; as warm and genial as the climate, and as broad as the boundless southwest. They are lovers of law and order, and lovers of fair play, have profound reverence for woman and home, and take care of their personal credit as if it were their only stock- in trade. Carr Allen, a native of Montgomery County, Ark., and now a resident of Park Township, Scott County, this State, is one of the most successful and enterprising farmers of the same. His oppor- tunities for an education were poor, and when seventeen years of age he entered the army, serv- ing nine months. At the cessation of hostilities he returned home and rented land for one year. He then homesteaded a tract, and made many im- provements on the same, but later sold out and bought where he now resides. This was in 1873. He is now the owner of 890 acres of excellent bot- tom land, and has 100 acres under cultivation. His house, barns, outbuildings, etc., indicate that an experienced hand is at the head of everything, and that he has been successful is self-evident. He raises annually good crops of corn and cotton, and is prosperous and happy. He was born on October 5, 184:9, and was married in March, 1803, to Miss Mary Berry, a native of this county. The fruits of this union were seven children — two daughters and five sons. The eldest son and also the eldest daughter are married, and reside near the parents. Mr. Allen is a member of the Farm- ers' Alliance, and he and wife are worthy members of the Free- Will Baptist Church, of which he is deacon. William Arrington, farmer. Cedar Creek, Ark. William Arrington is the son of Charles and Nar- cissa Ann Arrington, and was born in Cherokee County, Ala., on March 12, 1835. The father was a farmer, and owned considerable land in Cherokee County. The mother died in 1840, and the father received his final summons when our subject was fifteen years of age. The latter' s opportunities for an education were limited, and after his father's death he hired out to work on a farm, which occu- pation he continued until the opening of the war. In 1857 he went to Montgomery County, Ark., and there in September, 1861, he was married to Miss Jane Salliers, who died but little over a year afterward, childless. Mr. Arrington enlisted in Company A, Tappan's regiment of Arkansas In- fantry, and was in service four years. During the most of this time he was wagon-master, and had charge of the transportation train. In 1866 he was married to Mrs. Jane Lawrence, widow of Joseph P. Lawrence, who was killed in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Arrington' s maiden name was Miss Jane Morgan, daughter of Thomas P. and Fanny Morgan, of South Carolina. Soon after mar riage Mr. Arrington moved from Montgomery Coun- ty, where he had lived since the war, to this coun- ty, and in 1871 he homesteaded the place where he now lives, buying out the claims of others until he had 240 acres. When he first came here he had, in money and stock, about $500. He began im- proving the place by erecting a good hewn-log house, cleared and fenced the land, and from that time to this he and family have never been oflp the place but one year, and then for the purpose of giving the children better opportunities for an edu- cation. Mr. Arrington, now has 100 acres under cultivation, a good, comfortable house, 34x46 feet, substantial stables, and all his land fenced. His principal crops are oats, corn, cotton and potatoes. His crops are good, oats yielding about fifty bush- els to the acre, and cotton is yielding three-fourths of a bale to the acre this year (1890), although he has cotton that yields more than a bale to the acre. He is the owner of some fine timber, consisting of oak, pine, elm, ash and walnut. His land lies along Cedar Creek, and is very fertile. Mr. Ar- rington is quite extensively engaged in the raising ":?I^ ^ SCOTT COUNTY. 399 t of stock, Laving some fine cattle and hogs, as well as horses and mules. He has five living children — four .sons and one daughter: Narcissa Ann, James A., William R., Charles and Thomas P. James is married and lives in the western part of the coun- ty. His wife, Margaret, is the daughter of John and Nancy Jane Robertson, of Cauthron, this county, and his union was blessed by two children, a girl, named Zella Ann, and a son, John William. Mr. Arrington and family are devout church mem- bers, and take an active part in the promotion of church and school interests. Mr. Arrington is a self-made man in every sense of the word, and has never had any help from outside sources. He is a Democrat in politics. Philip J. Bird is a farmer, blacksmith and woodworkman, of Hickman Township, and was born in Blount County, of East Tennessee, in 1842, being a son of John and Elizabeth (Shields) Bird, who were born in East Tennessee in ISIS and 1826, respectively, their marriage ceremony having been celebrated in that State also. About 1846 they moved to Northern Georgia, but Mrs. Bird died soon after, and Mr. Bird was married again, and spent the rest of his life in that State, his death occurring in 1882, at which time he was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and a well-to-do farmer by occupation. His father, Jacob Bird, was of Irish descent, and a farmer of Northern Georgia. Robert Shields, the maternal grand- father of the subject of this sketch, devoted his attention to blacksmithing throughout life, was a soldier in the War of 1812, being with Jackson at New Orleans, was also of Irish lineage, and spent his declining years in the State of Georgia. Philip J. Bird is one of four children born to his parents, and as he was compelled to labor hard in his youth he received only about three months' schooling in all. In June, 1861, he joined Company C, Fourth Georgia Battalion, afterward the Sixtieth Georgia Infantry, Army of Virginia, and was with Stone- wall Jackson in nearly all the leading engage- ments in which that army participated, besides many others. At the expiration of his first enlist- ment he joined the navy, with which he served until the close of the war, or nearly one year. A few days before Lee surrendered, he was captured at Drury's Bluff, was paroled at Washington City and returned home. He was married in 1865 to Martha Ann, the daughter of John and Jane (El- lington) Smith, they being born in Virginia, and moving first to North Carolina, and later to Georgia, where Mr. Smith died, his widow crossing the river of Death in Scott County Ark. Mrs. Bird was born in the Old North State, and has borne her husband four children. In 1870 Mr. Bird came to Scott County, and for nineteen years has been a prosperous farmer of this region. He first settled in the woods, but now has 70 of his 120-acre farm cleared. Although the greater part of his life has been given to farming, he has also been engaged in blacksmithing for the past six years. He belongs to Waldron Lodge No. 132, of the A. F. & A. M., and he and his entire family are Methodists. Samuel C. Brown is a merchant and po.stmaster at Blansett, Scott County, Ark., but was born in Blount County, Tenn. , October 4, 1837, a son of Benjamin and Martha (Cusick) Brown, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Tennessee. The father was taken to Tennessee by his parents when a boy, and in that State he attained manhood and was married, making his home there until he moved to Walker County, Ga. , in 1860. After a residence of nine years in that State he came to Scott County, Ark., and here he passed to his long home in August, 1889, when in the seventy-ninth year of his age. He was an honest tiller of the soil and was a man who had the confidence of all who knew him. His first wife, the mother of Samuel C, died in Tennessee in 1854, after which he married Elizabeth Holcomb, who died in this State and county. He was a member and oflicer of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church for many years and at all times was an earnest Christian. In his political views he was a .stanch Democrat. Samuel C. Brown was the third of ten children, five now liv- ing, and his youth was spent and his schooling re- ceived in Sevier County, Tenn. He worked on his father's farm until he was twenty- one years of age, then began teaching school and farmed until the war broke out. In October, 1862, he IV ^1 400 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. t joined Company K, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, with which he served eighteen months, being then transferred to the First Tennessee Cav- alry, his company acting as escort to Gen. . He was taken prisoner at Knoxville, Tenn., af- ter entering the Federal lines under a flag of truce, and was retained at that place until the close of the war. He was in the battles of Shiloh, Chicka- mauga, Resacca and in the Georgia campaign around Atlanta. At the close of the war he turned his attention to farming in Blount County, Tenn. , but in 1806 went to "Walker County, Ga. , where he made his home until 1869, then came to Scott County, Ark., and here in connection with farming followed the occupation of teaching until 1877. He then began selling dry goods in Waldron, Henry Coker being his business partner. In 1881 Mr. Brown came to Blansett and opened a general store, which he has since successfully conducted. In 1883 he was appointed postmaster of the town and is still holding the office. He commenced op- erating a sawmill and cotton-gin in 1888; and in both has done well. He is a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church, and socially belongs to Blansett Lodge No. 469, of the A. F. & A. M. , and politically is a Democrat. Judge Roland Chiles. Owing to the fertility of the soil of Scott County, Ark. , and by energy, industrj' and economy Mr. Chiles has become one of the well-to-do farmers of this section. He was born in Tennessee in 1827, the youngest in a family of nine children born to his parents, Paul and Lucinda (Kersey) Chiles, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of South Carolina. The paternal grandfather, Roland Chiles, was born in England and came to America during colonial times, making his home in Virginia and afterward participating in the Revolutionary War. He afterward became a pioneer of East Tennessee and in that State passed from life. I'he maternal grandfather, Thomas Kersey, was born in Ire- land and also came to America prior to the Revo- lution, in which he was a soldier, but made his home in South Carolina, afterward moving to Ten- nessee, where he died. Paul Chiles was an agri- culturist and spent his life in Tennessee, dying in the western part of the State in 1883 at the ad- vanced age of ninety-seven years, his wife having been called to her long home in 1867. On the old homestead in Tennessee Roland Chiles grew to manhood, learning the details of farm work of his father. He was married in West Tennessee in 1852 to Miss Margaret M. Blair, a native of South Carolina, but reared in Tennessee, and in time a family of Ave children gathered about their hearth stone : James P. , John H. , Frances E. (wife of Frank H. Holland), Maud Delia and Hayward L. In 1863 Mr. Chiles joined the Confederate Army, and after taking part in the battle of Ox- ford Miss., he left the army on account of physical disability and once more turned his attention to farming in Tennessee, in which State he re- mained until 1871, when he came to Arkansas, purchasing 240 acres of good farming land near Waldron and entering 120 acres more. He set energetically to work to improve his land, and now has 125 acres under cultivation, the most of which had to be cleared from timber. He ran a saw- mill for some years and besides his home farm has enough land to make him 500 acres. In 1886 he purchased nine acres in the town of Waldron, on which he has erected a residence and in which he has since resided. In 1884 he was elected county judge, and during his term in office reduced the county debt about $14,000. Although a Whig before the War he is now a Democrat in politics, and socially belongs to the A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. In 1874 he moved to Fayetteville to give his eldest three children the advantages of the schools of that place, and there resided for two years. James P. Chiles. No name is more properly placed in the history of Scott County than that of Mr. Chiles, who is not only one of the most enter- prising farmers of this section, but is of such a social, genial nature that he has made many friends. He was born in Tennessee to Roland and Margaret N. (Blair) Chiles, for a history of whom see sketch of Roland Chiles. Until he attained his fifteenth year James P. was a resident of his native State, but since 1870 he has been a resident of Arkansas, and was given a good education in rrr 4l SCOTT COUNTY. 401 the University of the State, at Fayetteville. On July 3, 1887, he was married to Miss Emma Rol- and, a native of Scott County, a ad a daughter of Elijah Roland, who was one of the early settlers of this State. In 1884 he purchased his present farm of 315 acres, and by hard work has put fifty acres under cultivation, the rest being covered with tim- ber of an excellent and valuable quality. In Oc- tober, 1886, he bought his present cotton-gin, grist and saw-mill, all of which he is operating with success, his saw-mill averaging about 5,000 feet of lumber per day. Besides this property he is the owner of a good dwelling-house and three tenement houses, and in addition to his other duties he is somewhat interested in stock-raising and speculat- ing, in fact, is wide-awake and enterprising in all matters pertaining to his calling. He and his family are members of the Christian Church; he purchased all the materials for erecting a church and school-house, deeding the property for the site. He has at all times tried to further the cause of education, and for years has faithfully discharged the duties of school director of his district. He is a warm Republican in politics, and is an active worker in that party. Thomas C. Climer, farmer. Cedar Creek, Ark. Mr. Climer is a successful young farmer of Scott County, Ark. , and it is not to be wondered at, per- haps, that he should devote himself to agricultural pursuits, for, in looking back over the career of his ancestors, we find that the majority of them were honest tillers of the soil. He is a native of Mau- ry County, Tenn. , born February 14, 1851, and his youth was spent in that State, where his early scholastic advantages were also enjoyed. He be- gan for himself as a farmer at the age of eighteen years, rented land for several years in Tennessee, and in 1880 moved to Arkansas, settling near Wal- dron in this county. There he remained for two years on a farm of 120 acres, which he had bought and he then sold this, moving to his present residence in Cedar Creek Township. He now has 160 acres of good land, sixty-five acres under cul- tivation, has a good frame house, farm under fence and has a good orchard (apple and peach). His crops are oats, corn and cotton, of which he annu- ally has a good yield, and he also takes consider- able interest in stock raising, being the owner of some tine cattle. He has gained what he has through his own exertions, and is counted a " hus- tler " by his acquaintances. He has raised cotton that would yield a bale to the acre. IVIi'. Climer was married in 1869 to Miss Josie Black, of Ten- nessee, andj^they have four children, all boys, who are named as follows: William M. , Hannibal B., Joseph W. and Samuel. All are at home with their parents. Mr. Climer is a member of the Farmers' Alliance and is treasurer of the same. He is strictly Democratic in his political views. John Crutchtieid is a farmer of Scott County, Ark., and as a man and citizen is highly respected by all who know him. He was born in Orange County, N. C, about 1835, to Henry and Polly (O' Daniel) Crutchfield, they being also born in North Carolina, in which State the mother died, Mr. Crutchfield afterward marrying a Mrs. Walker, and with her removing to Tennessee, his death oc- curring in Franklin County since the Rebellion. He was a blacksmith and farmer, and was an ear- nest member of the Missionary Baptist Church. His father, William Crutchtieid, died in North Carolina, the mother's father, John O' Daniel, also dying there, a farmer. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch, was the sixth of eight children, and was reared on a farm, receiving but little schooling. At the age of nineteen years he was married to Mary, daughter of Aaron and Eliza- beth T. Tripp, of North Carolina, where Mrs. Crutchtieid was born in 1860. She and her hus- band removed to Lincoln County, Tenn. , two years after to Franklin County, and in 1871 came to Scott County, Ark. , settling on their present farm, which was then heavily covered with timber. His estate comprises 300 acres of land,of which 150 acres are cleared, which desirable state of affairs has been brought about by his own efforts. His land is the best in his neighborhood, which fact is in a great measure owing to the time and work he has expended on it. In 1867 he was called upon to mourn the death of his wife, and the following year he was united in marriage to Mrs. J ane Amick, whose native birthplace is the State of Tennessee, she "7i; » \ _.f ^, 402 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. being a daughter of Caleb and Sophronia Call, the former of whom was born in North Carolina, and the latter in Tennessee. Mr. Call went to Ten- nessee when a boy, where he lived many years, then came to Scott County, where he spent his de- clining years. His father, Daniel Call, was born in North Carolina, and died in Tennessee. Mrs. Crutchfield was born in Coffee County, Tenn. , in 1842, and was married in that county to A. J. Amick, who died while serving in the Confederate Army during the Rebellion. Mr. Crutchfield had live children by his first wife, one son and two daughters living, his last wife also bearing him five children of whom two sons and one daughter survive. R. P. Dickens is a gentleman of substantial worth, residing in Scott County, Ark., and all his farming operations have been carried on according to the most advanced and progressive ideas, and have resulted to his own good, and to the benefit of those with whom he has come in contact. He was born in Tennessee May 7, 1839, and, at the age of eight years came to Arkansas with his par- ents, Richard and Mary Jane. Dickens, and having been brought up to a farm life, he determined to make that his calling through life, and accordingly, at the age of twenty-one years, purchased some land in Faulkner County, of this State, and began immediately to f)ut it in good farming condition. After remaining on this farm for twenty years, he sold it and came to Scott County, Ark., purchasing his present farm of 140 acres, 85 acres of which are in a good state of cultivation, and nicely im- proved with good farm buildings of all kinds. Al- though his orchard is small, his trees are well se- lected, and bear well. His land yields an average amount of cotton, corn and oats, and in 1889 he established the first and only tannery in the west- ern part of the State, which he has worked very successfully, finding a ready sale for all the leather he can produce. His intention is to enlarge the business at no distant day, and then will give the greater part of his attention to that work. He was married at the age of twenty-three years, but after a wedded life of seven years his wife died, leaving him with four children, the eldest three of whom are married. He was again married, but his second wife lived only about fifteen months, and he next espoused Miss Mary Douglas, their union re- sulting in the birth of three children. The family attend the Christian Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. Dickens are members, and he is a Democrat, and belongs to the I. O. O. F. and the A. F. & A. M. fraternities. Mr. Dickens keeps fully apace with the progress of agriculture, and his place is one of the neat, comfortable homesteads for which this county is famous. H. W. Dixon. Prominent among the many es- teemed and respected farmers and cotton-ginners of Scott County, Ark., stands the name of Mr. Dixon, who was born in Polk County of this State, in 1841, being a son of William H. and Middie (Short) Dixon, the former a native of North Caro- lina and the latter of Mississippi. They were mar- ried in the latter Slate about 1835, but removed from there to Polk County, Ark., in 1837, and here reared their children: Nancy E. (wife of Joseph B. Dixon), James G. (deceased), H. W., Priscilla (wife of G. W. Fry), Edward N. (de- ceased), Susan A. (wife of John McLaughlin), Mary J. (wife of J. W. Hai'per, deceased), Sophie E. (wife of A. P. Walker), and George R. The mother of these children died in Polk Count}', in 1859, after which Mr. Dixon was united in mar- riage to Miss Julia A. Lackey. He then removed to Scott County, Ark., where he passed from life in December, 1887, a worthy Christian gentleman and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was deputy sheriff of Polk County for four years, and otherwise took an interest in the wel- fare of this section. H. W. Dixon, enlisted in the United States Army, September 1, 1802, becoming a member of Company I, First Arkansas Cavalry, and was in the fight at Springfield, Mo., and at Fayetteville, Ark. He served throughout the re- mainder of the war and was discharged at Fayette- ville, Ark., in 1865, after which he returned home and engaged in farming. He was married in 1870, to Miss Amanda Landon, a daughter of Allen and Nancy (Roberts) Landon. Seven children have blessed their union: Charles H, Cora B., Alberta, Atella, Nancy Lula, James B. and an infant that I I. AK k^ SCOTT COUNTY. 403 died unnamed. Mr. Dixon has been industrious and enterprising and as a result, has a fine farm of 540 acres, of which 250 are under cultivation, devoted principally to the culture of corn and cot- ton. His cotton-gin has a capacity of nine bales per day, and has been in running order for the past twenty years. Mr. Dixon is a member of the G. A. R., and at one time was captain of a com- pany of Home Guards. He has resided in Scott County for the past twenty-three years, and is one of the most highly esteemed residents of this sec- tion. He has been successful in his business vent- tures and gives liberally, at all times, to enter- prises which he considers worthy. Thomas F. Dollens. Few farmers and stock- raisers of Hickman Township have been more uni- versally successful than the subject of this sketch, who was born in Audrian County, Mo., in 1837, being a son of William T. and Mary Ann Dollens, the former born in Albemarle County, Va., in 1808, and the latter near Crab Orchard, Ky., in 1813, their marriage being celebrated in the last named State, from which they removed to Mis- souri about 1832, in 1846 to Texas, and in 1848 to Scott County, Ark., locating on a farm about four and one-half miles southwest of Waldron, where both passed from life, the father dying in Decem- ber, 1856, and the mother in 1880. They were among the pioneers of this section and became well to do in worldly goods. At the time of Mr. Dollens' death he was filling the office of county surveyor, a position he had held four years. His father, Richard Dollens, was a Virginian who moved to Kentucky, then to Missouri, and passed to his long home in Audrian County, having been a faithful .soldier in the Revolutionary War, enter- ing the colonial service at the age of eighteen. He was a farmer and of English descent. The subject of this sketch is the second of three sons and three daughters, he and two sisters being the only surviving members of the family. Thomas F. received little schooling, but was thoroughly drilled in the details of farm work. Since about eleven years of age he has resided in Scott County, Ark., and from here, on May 0, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, First Arkansas Cavalry, Confeder- ate States Army. He was soon after taken sick, but upon recovering he joined another command and operated in Arkansas and Missouri, taking part in a number of skirmishes. He was married in 1869 to Miss Tabitha Ellen, daughter of Bay- liss B. and Nancy Brashear, who came to Scott County, Ark. , from Alabama, at an early day, Mr. Bra.shear dying here some years ago, his widow surviving him, a resident of Sebastian County. Mrs. Dollens was born in Alabama, and has become the mother of nine children. Mr. Dollens has resided on his present farm since be- fore the war, and is now the owner of 640 acres of land, about 200 of which are cleared. He was justice of the peace for some years, is a member of Waldron Lodge No. 132 of the A. F. & A. M., and also belongs to the Farmers' Alliance. Thomas M. Duncan, the circuit clerk of Scott County, Ark., is a gentleman of wide experience, who has been actively interested in politics from his youth up. He was born at Fort Smith, Ark., in 1864, being the eldest of five children born to Samuel K. and Isabella (Gilbreath) Duncan, the former bora in Kentucky and the latter in Arkan- sas. During the Rebellion Samuel K. Duncan came to Arkansas and located at Fort Smith, but after a very short residence there, came to Scott County, and has since been a resident of Waldron, near which place he has been engaged in wagon- making. Thomas M. Duncan was reared in this county and until he was fifteen years of age he was a regular attendant at school. At that age he entered the office of the circuit court clerk, and until 1 887, served as deputy, being then appointed by the Governor to fill the office left vacant by the death of Clerk J. C. Gilbreath. At the special election he was elected to the position, re- elected in the fall of 1888, and again in 1890, which fact speaks louder than words ' can do as to his ability as an official. He is a consistent Democrat, has always been an active worker for that party, and has always been deeply interested in the current issues of the day. Socially he belongs to Waldron Lodge No. 132 of the A. F. & A. M. He is bound to rise in the world, for he is industrious, intellectual and honest, and of strictly moral habits. [ *^-. i \> k. 404 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Charles A. Finley is a merchant of the town of Waldron, Ark., being a member of the tirm of Finley & Hendricks, and by birth is a Tennesseean, born in Carroll County, in 1865, to Smith P. and Minerva (Bennett) Finley, they being also Ten- nesseeans, the father being a farmer and mechanic by occupation. They were married in their native State, and to their union eight children were born, seven of whom are now living: Mattie (wife of J. B. Thomas), C. A. (the subject of this sketch), John W., Sindey W., Ada (wife of T. B. Dinwid- die), Robert A., Norma G., Dollie, and one that died unnamed. The father and mother of these children are still living, in Tennessee, and both are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the former being a member of the Masonic order of Macedonia. Charles A. Finley came to Arkansas in 1886, and settled in Crawford County, where he was engaged in the dry goods business until January 18S7, but moved the same year to Fort Smith. After traveling for Dyke Bros, until June, 1889, he became a salesman for the Holmes Dry Goods Company, acting as their traveling salesman a part of the time, about nine months out of the year being spent as salesman in their store. He has been a resident of Waldron, and soon after coming here formed a partnership with a Mr. Hendricks, and here has since been in the grocery business, and is, deservedly, doing well. He is an earnest member of the Presbyterian Church, and, socially, belongs to the K. of P. He is a young man of exemplary habits, and as he is in- dustrious and pushing, he is bound to make his mark in the world. Hon. Lorenzo D. Gilbreath. No name is justly entitled to a more enviable place in the history of Scott County, Ark. , than the one which heads this sketch, for it is borne by a man who has been use- fully and honorably identified with the interests of this county, and with its advancement in every worthy particular. He owes his nativity to John- son County, Ark., where he was born on October 30, 1827, being the eighth of twelve children born to Hugh and Rachel (McKinzie) Gilbreath, both of whom were born in Illinois, and came to Ar- kansas about 1825, locating on a large tract of land in Johnson County, where the father died after about twenty years. He was a large land owner, made many improvements on his property, but a short time prior to his death he moved across Spadra Creek and there on a farm, passed from life. The subject of this sketch was reared to a farm life, but received but few educational advan- tages in his youth. In 1848 he was married to Miss Catherine James, a native of Arkansas, and daughter of Joseph James, a pioneer of this region from Kentucky. After his marriage Mr. Gilbreath moved to the Fourche River in Scott County, and entered 120 acres of land on which he lived for eight years, making, in the meantime, many valu- able improvements. After serving as justice of the peace for some time he was, in 1858, elected county clerk and moved to Waldron to take charge of the office, being continuously re-elected there- after until 1874, when he resigned. During the war he took the county books and record to Sedalia, Mo., for safety, returning after the war and serving until the above mentioned date. He was nominated bj' acclamation by both parties for representative, was elected in the fall of 1873 and served with faithfulness and ability for two ses- sions. He has served with distinction in other capacities, but for some time has been living in retirement. In 1873 he was admitted to the Polk County bar, while on a visit to that county, and was actively engaged in the practice of law for many years, but is now doing only a small business in the probate court of the county. After his return from the Legislature in 1874 he was elected attorney of Scott County, and during his four years' service in this capacity he was instrumental in the advancement of the value of county scrip. In 1887 he erected a pleasant cottage, three- qnar ters of a mile south of Waldron, it being on a valu- able tract of land comprising 1,000 acres of which he is the owner. In 1884 he joined the Church of Christ, and soon after began preaching in that church. In 1888 he erected a church in Waldron, at a cost of $1,000, and paid $110 for a good bell. He has always been a progressive, public-spirited citizen, and would give life to any community in which he might settle. In addition to the other l^ SCOTT COUNTY. 405 responsible offices he bas tilled, he was elected mayor of Waldron in 1885, being the first one of the place. J. M. Glass is a thoroughly posted and intelli- gent man on public matters, and as a tiller of the soil is progressive and enterprising. He is a Georgian, born on February 3, 1827, to Thomas and Elizabeth (Bearden) Glass, they being also born in that State. The father was a farmer by occupation, and to his union with Miss Bearden, whom he married in Clark County, Ga. , seven children were born, four of which family are now living: Thomas N., C. C, W. J. and J. M. ; Dicey A. , Jane and an infant are deceased. Both parents died in Georgia, members of the Christian Church, the birth of the former occurring in 179."), and the latter in 1810. In the State of Georgia, J. M. Glass was married in 1847 to Miss Lucy A. Rucker, who was born in Wilkes County, Ga. , in 1828, and of a family of five sons and seven daugh- ters born to them, nine children are still living: C, J. M., William N., Almeda V. (wife of James Fleming), Louisa (wife of A. B. Black), Narcissa (wife of Pierce Jones), Lou E. (wife of L. King), Millie and B. L. J. M. Glass emigrated with his family from Georgia to the State of Arkansas in 1870, and settled in Sebastian County, where he lived some eighteen months, after which he came to Scott County, where he is now resid- ing. He has been successful in his operations, and is the owner of 400 acres of fine land, of which 150 acres are under cultivation. On this land is a good horse-power cotton-gin, which has a capacity of three bales per day. Mr. Glass is a worthy and upright citizen, and his wife is an ear- nest and consistent member of the Christian Chuich. Mr. Glass formerly owned what was called Glass' Mills, consisting of water, merchant andsawmills on the Chickamauga River, where the famous battle was fought. He owned 326 acres of land on that river, and this is being surveyed and will lie in the United States Park, now being es- tablished on the Chickamauga battle-field. Prof. Samuel F. Godjard of Scott County, Ark., IS a son of C. E. and N. T. (Smedley) God- dard, both of whom were born in this State, the former being reared in Washington County on a farm. At the age of eighteen years he went to Cal- ifornia and after remaining in that State for several years he returned to Arkansas, and settled in Se- bastian County. His wife was a daughter of Jo- seph R. Smedley, a native of England, who was sent as a missionary to this county by the Mission- ary Baptist Church, his field of labor being prin- cipally in the Indian Territory. The immediate subject of this sketch is the second son in a family of eight children born to his parents, and although his opportunities for acquiring an education, up to the age of eighteen years, were very limited, he, at that time entered a very good school at Hartford, in which he took an academic course. He supple- mented this by an attendance at Buckner College, where he remained for three years, at the end of which time he started out for himself as a school- teacher, to which calling he has since given his attention. He became an instructor in the graded school of Waldron in September, 1890, with the end in view of bringing the school to a higher state of perfection, and preparing the students for col- lege work, and has, in conjunction with Prof. Hen- derson, established a normal class, which he hopes will be well patronized, and profitable to the school and an honor to the county. He was born in Se- bastian County, Ark., September 23, 1864, and was married October 8, 1890, to Miss Johnnie Tankers- ley, a daughter of Dr. O. D. and M. E. Tankersley, of Clarksville, Johnson County, Ark. She was given the advantages of the Clarksville school, and is a well-educated lady. She has three sisters, one of whom is the wife of Dr. C. E. Frost, of Sa- lem, Ark., the other two being at home attending school. Her father has been a practicing physi- cian for many years, but is now retired. Mr. God- dard met his wife while taking a three years' course in Hendricks College, at Atlus, which is one of the leading educational institutions of the State. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of which thej' have been members since they were fifteen and twelve years of age respectively. Mr. Goddard is a licensed minister of the church, and socially is a member of Mansfield Lodge of the A. F. & A. M. He ^1 JV 406 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. t is highly esteemed by the people of Waldroa and vicinity, and has the reputation of being one of the leading educators of the western part of the State. Hon. James P. Hall is one of the well known farmers of this region, in connection with which work he operates a good cotton-gin, of which he is the owner. He was born in Tennessee on Novem- ber 11, 1839, a son of Alex F. and Sarah S. (Fos- ter) Hall, who were also born in Tennessee. Al- though his opportunities for acquiring an educa- tion were poor, James P., by self-application, be- came a well-informed young man and in the con- duct and management of his farm has always shown the best of judgment. After starting out in life for himself at the age of eighteen years, he worked for wages for four years, then enlisted in Company C, Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry, and for four years served in the Confederate Army. He took an active part in the battles of Shiloh, Mis- sionary Ridge, Ringgold Gap, Chickamauga, the campaign through Georgia, Jonesboro and at Pu- laski, Tenn., where he was taken prisoner and finally discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio in May, 1865. He then returned to his home in Arkansas, where he moved in 1859, and during a short resi- dence in Booneville, Logan County, Ark., he was engaged in the mercantile business. At the end of five years he sold out and moved to this township, where he engaged in farming, $200 in debt, as his business venture in Booneville had proven a failure. He began improving the land, for which he went in debt, and now has an excellent tract of land comprising 300 acres, on which is a good house and barn, an excellent cotton-gin, considerable stock and a good orchard. He and his wife, whom he married in February, 1867, are members of the Methodist Episcojaal Church, in which he is steward and trustee. His wife, formerly Miss Louisa P. Bailey was born in Georgia, and has borne her husband seven children — two sons and five daugh- ters. Mr. Hall is a Mason and a liberal supporter of puljlic enterprises. In September, 1880, he was elected to the State Senate, serving four years, and he has also been justice of the peace for sev- eral years. He is a highly-esteemed resident of this county, and is in every respect a model citizen. James C. Hall, Jr., farmer. Boles, Ark. All his life Mr. Hall has. followed, with substantial suc- cess, the occupation to which he was reared, and in which he is now engaged — farming. The owner of a landed estate of 480 acres, he is also one of the township's leading agriculturists, and as a man, no less than as a citizen, he is highly esteemed. He was originally from Alabama, was reared on a farm, and, owing to the breaking out of the war, his ed- ucation was rather limited. His father, James C. Hall, Sr. , was a cripple for many years, and as a result our subject was compelled, at an early age, to take charge of the farm, where he remained un- til twenty-one years of age. He served three years in the army, and on this account he never obtained the education he wished, nor that his father de- sired him to have. His mother, Jane (Oliver) Hall, was a native of North Carolina, while his father was from South Carolina. The latter was killed by bushwhackers, during the war, although a cripple and unable to take an active part in the service. James C. Hall, Jr. , enlisted in Company H, Nine- teenth Arkansas Regiment, under Capt. G. W. Featherston, and was in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Arkansas Post, Chickamauga, Tunnel Hill, Marietta, Franklin, Nashville and Bentonville, N. C. At Arkansas Post he was taken prisoner, and con- veyed to Camp Douglas, where he was held for three months. After being exchanged be returned to his command. At Marietta, Ga., he was wound- ed in the right hip, and was off duty for six months. He was discharged at Greensboro, N. C. Previous to the war, in the fall of 1860, his father, with his family, had moved to Arkansas, and bought a farm near Waldron, in Scott County. Returning to Waldrou after the war, he remained and assisted his mother on the farm for four years, and during that time he was married (1868). to Miss Sarah Hayes, of Waldron, who died in 1878, leaving two children — a son and a daughter, the former named Robert M. , and the latter Elizabeth J. ; both were married; the daughter in December, 1887. The son resides at Boles. After his marriage Mr. Hall bought a tract of land and moved to this township. This farm contained 100 acres, and to this he has added from time to time until he now <8 fc. •i 1^ has 480 acres of good farming land, about 200 acres being under cultivation. He lias a good house, all necessary farm buildings, and the place is well fenced. His principal crops are corn and cotton. He has good orchards of apples, peaches'and pears, which are doing well. Mr. Hall was born January 5, 1843, and was married in January, 1880, to Miss Margaret Hollis, of this county. They have four children — three sons and one daughter: James F., Dora R., Thomas J. and Oscar L. Mr. Hall is a Democrat in politics, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Socially he is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Benjamin F. Hanes. is another prominent and successful farmer of Lewis Township, Scott Coiintv. whose name is synonymous with the farming in- terests of the county. He was born in Tennessee, November 7. 1829, to Jonathan and Harriet (Lewis) Hanes, the former born in North Carolina, and the latter in Tenne.ssee, their marriage taking place in Wayne County of the last named State in 1823, and resulted in the birth of this family: John L. (born November 25, 1824, died April 1, 1864), James W. (born July 17, 1827, died November 28, 1855), Elizabeth B. (born February 24, 1832, died July 16, 1884), Claiburn P. (born June 19, 1835, died May 8, 1868), William H. (born May 12, 1838, died April 20, 1889). The parents removed from Tennessee to Washington County, Ark., in 1832, but from there came to Scott County, in 1847, and here the father resided up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1876, at the home of his son, Benjamin F. The mother passed from life in Montgomery County, Ark., in 1855. The immediate subject of this biography is the only one of his father's family now living. He was married in 1853, to Miss Nancy D. McMullen, a daughter of Joel and Eliza McMullen, and by her became the father of two children: John F. (born March 3, 1857), Mary V. (born March 15, 1859). The mother died in 1861, on the place where Mr. Hanes now lives, she being a worthy member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, at the time of her death. Two years later Mr. Hanes was married to Miss Martha J. Belshey, by whom he had one child, Carroll D. (born January 1, 1867). This wife, who was a member of the Baptist Church, died in January, 1868, after which Mr. Hanes married his third and present wife in December of the same year, her maiden name being Lucinda J. Fish, daughter of John and Cynthia (Hicks) Fish. This wife has bcrne him six children: Sierra N. (born December 13, 1871), Joel C. (born January 25, 1875), Charlie G. (born January 23, 1879). Louie C. (born May 31, 1882), Cyntha A. (born July 23, 1886), Carrie B. (born October 4, 1889), all living. Mr. Hanes was conscripted into the Confederate Army, in 1862, but on account of disability was discharged at the end of four months, and in 1864, removed to Fayette County, 111., where he remained until 1869, when he returned to his home in Scott County, where he is still living. He owns 160 acres of land, with 40 acres under culti- vation, and his principal crops are corn, oats, wheat and some cotton. Socially Mr. Hanes is a member of Reed Lodge No. 163, of the A. & F. A. M. , at Mansfield, and in his political views is an enthusiastic Republican, and is one of Scott County's first settlers, and most highly respected citizens. He is a liberal contributor to schools, churches and all laudable public enterprises, and is especially liberal in giving to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which his wife is a worthy member. ] William C. Hawkins, farmer. Boles, Ark. The subject of this sketch is a native of Indiana, born February 14, 1833, and is the son of Raleigh and Harriet Hawkins. He passed his boyhood and youth on a farm in Tennessee, whither his parents had moved when he was quite small, and a few years later they located in De Kalb County, Ala. There William C. remained until he was twenty- three years of age, when he left home and went to Mississippi. He there purchased a tract of land and remained on the same for about three years. In 1860 he came to Arkansas, settled in this county, and bought 160 acres of land, which he improved for two years. He then enlisted and entered the Federal Array, Second Kansas Cavalry, was sta- tioned at Van Buren, where he remained until transferred to Little Rock. At the close of the war he returned to his farm, but soon after sold i?J. ■<^ 4«— ^ !l^ 408 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the place and bought his present property, which then consisted of 200 acres of land. To this he has added 220 acres and now has one of the finest farms in this township, about 200 acres being un- der cultivation. His principal crops are corn and cotton. He has this year seventy-five acres in cot- ton, which are yielding three-foi;rths of a bale to the acre, and seventy acres in corn, with a yield of sixty -five bushels to the acre. Everything about his place indicates a thrifty and progressive owner. Mr. Hawkins was married in 1854 to Miss Sarah M. Blanchard of Alabama, and they had two chil- dren, both sons. Mrs. Hawkins died about six years after her marriage. One of the sons died in youth, and the other, A. D. Hawkins, is married and resides near his father. In 1867 Mr. Hawkins was united in marriage to Mrs. Martha Scott, daughter of M. Scott, of Texas. They have four living children — three sons and a daughter: Will- iam C. (married to Miss Elizabeth Duly and resides in this township), George B. , Raleigh and Kansas M. The last three named are at home with their parents. Mrs. Hawkins is a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a lady of culture and refinement. Mr. Hawkins is a stanch Republican in his political views, and is a member of Landmark Lodge No. 464, A. F. & A. M. George W. Helms is an agriculturist by calling, and the success which attends his efforts is well merited, for no one is more thoroughly interested in his calling, or gives it greater attention. He was born in Franklin Countj', Ark., in 1849, and by his father was reared to farm life, his ojipor- tunities for an education being quite limited on ac count of the opening of the Rebellion. In 1869 he began doing for himself, working on rented land in his native county, but the fall following his marriage, which occurred in August, 1869, he took a piece of Government land as a homestead, on which he settled and began improving. He immediately put up a good log house and other buildings, and here made his home until 1881, when he sold the place and came to Scott County, and immediately purchased the farm on which he is now making his home. It contains 160 acres of land, 60 of which are in a good state of cultiva- tion, and on this valuable land he has a good frame residence, tenant houses, stables, sheds, etc. His orchard, although young, is in a good bearing condition, and furnishes the family with an abun- dance of fine fruit. His farm is well cultivated, the principal crops being cotton, corn and oats, the yield of all being good, his last year's profit being over $700. His wife, who was formerly Miss Mary Ann Pledger, was born in Georgia, but was reared in Franklin County, Ark. She has borne her husband three sons and five daughters: James, John, Acie Jane, Rosella F., Mattie, Georgie, Myrtle and Mauie. James and Acie Jane are married and live near their parents. The other members of the family live at home and are attending a good district school in the vicinity. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and Mr. Helms is a member of the Farm- ers' Alliance and is a Democrat, politically. He is liberal in his support of worthy movements and has the reputation among his neighbors of being a pushing, enterprising gentleman and a success- ful farmer. Prof. Calvin Henderson has been wonderfully successful as an instructor of the young, and as principal of the high school of Waldron he has won the praise and commendation of friend and foe alike. He was born in North Carolina Novem- ber 19, 1859, to William and Lydia (Gwilliams) Henderson, the former a worthy and fairly suc- cessful tiller of the soil. Calvin's early educa- tional advantages were very poor, but at the age of eighteen years he determined to remedy this defect, and accordingly entered an academy in which he remained for about one year, fitting himself to enter college, which he did in 1878 at Dahlonega, Ga. This institution was the North Georgia Agricult- ural College, and from it he was graduated in 1882, after leaving which he took up the study of law at Dallas, Ga. , and was admitted to the bar in 1885. Preferring school work to the practice of his profession, he, in 1886, came to Yell County, Ark, and after being engaged in teaching in that county for about three years he went to Hart- ford, in the schools of which place he acted as principal. He then came to Waldron, and here he i \ .{^ SCOTT COUNTY. 409 and Prof. S. E. Goddard have established a high school, with normal, commercial and musical de- partments, which are well attended and in a pros- perous condition. It is the design of the teachers and board of directors to make the high school of Waldron second to none in the western part of the State, and to say that they have already succeeded would be but a simple statement of the facts. The school has already a good reputation abroad, and is liberally patronized by those at a distance. The course of study, while not complete, is very thor- ough, and on finishing a course in this institution the students are well fitted to make their own way in the world. Prof. Henderson is an active mem- ber of the Baptist Church and an efficient teacher in the Sunday-school. He is a member of the Kappa Chapter of the Sigma Nu fraternity, Dah- lonega, Ga. Judge Daniel Hon. In these days of money- making, when life is a constant struggle between right and wrong, it is a pleasure to lay before an intelligent reader the unsullied record of an hon- orable man. To the youthful it will be an incent- ive to honest industry, and will teach them a use- ful lesson. Mr. Hon was born in this county, in 1860, being the eldest of three children born to Jackson and Lucy (Huie) Hon. Prior to marry- ing Miss Huie, Mr. Hon had been married twice, and became the father of thirteen children, four of whom are now living. He was born in Illinois, as was his third wife, Miss Huie, but was one of the first settlers of Scott County, Ark. , coming here about 1836, and being one of the founders of Wal- dron. He was a farmer and stock-raiser, and was the owner of 1,500 acres of fine farming land on the Poteau, but the war left him sadly impover- ished, and before he could fully retrieve his losses, he died, his death occurring in 1872. His wife died in 1868. Peter Hon, a half-brother of the subject of this sketch, died while serving in the Confederate Army. Daniel Hon was reared in Scott County, and until he was sixteen years of age he worked on the farm and attended the schools in the neighborhood. He then entered the State University at Fayetteville, and being a faithful and earnest student, he graduated from this insti- tution in 1882. In 1888 he began the study of law, and after teaching school until January, 1885, in order to obtain means with which to defray his expenses, he entered the well known law school at Lebanon, Tenn. , from which he graduated the same year. After being admitted to practice be- fore the Supreme Court of Arkansas, he came to Waldron, and opened a law office, where it was not long before his ability and knowledge of his pro- fession began to be seen and recognized. In 1886 he was elected to the position of county and pro- bate judge being re-elected in 1888. In Septem- ber of the following year he formed a partnership with A. G. Leming, and together they have prac- ticed in all the courts of this judicial district. Judge Hon owns a fine tract of farming land, com- prising 500 acres, it being situated on Poteau Creek, 100 acres of which are under cultivation. On this finely improved place 1,000 isounds of seed cotton are raised to the acre, corn and the small grains being also raised in abundance. The land is about five miles from Waldi'on, and is very val uable. Mr. Hon was married in October, 1888, to Miss Maggie Gaines, a native of this county, daughter of F. C. Gaines, who was born in Scott County also, he being a son of James F. Gaines, a pioneer of this region from Virginia. Mrs. Hon, who is an earnest member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church South, has borne her husband one child, Lucy. F. C. Gaines, Mrs. Hon's father, was sheriff of Scott County for a number of years, and also represented the county in the State Leg- islature. His father, James F., was a pioneer merchant and farmer, represented this county in the State Legislature also, became the owner of a large body of land on the Fourche River, and dur- ing his day and time, was the most prominent man of the coiinty. Mrs. Hon's maternal grandfather, Judge J. H. Torbett, was county and probate judge of Scott County in an early day, and died while a member of the State Legislature, a widely known and highly honored citizen. C. L. Hough, one of the earlest settlers and prominent farmers of this county, was born in the Palmetto State on March 26, 1818, and his par- ents, Greenberry and Hettie Hough, were also r ^' Al no HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. natives of that State. His early educational ad vantages were very poor, and when seven years of age, be moved with his parents to Alabama, where he made his home for thirty- three years. At the age of sixteen years his parents gave him his time, providing that he should use the money thus earned during the year to attend school. This be did, and when seventeen years of age, he entered a good school in Lauderdale County, Ala., where be remained ten months, and where he bad such good opportunities, that at the age of eighteen years he began teaching. This profession he followed until twenty-seven years of age, attending school during the vacations, and while thus employed, he studied surveying. When twenty six be was em- ployed by a contractor in the Government employ, to survey the Government lands of the State. The Government land office having been burned, with the surveyor's records, this resurvey was rendered necessary. This occurred in 1844, and this business Mr. Hough continued at intervals for fifty years. He was appointed county surveyor for his county in Alabama, and held this position in a satisfactory and creditable manner for seven years. At the age of thirty-live years (in 1852), he was married to Miss Emily Thresher of Lauderdale County, Ala., but she died at the end of one year. Two years later he was again married to Miss Martha P. A. Bourland, daughter of Prof. Joseph P. Bourland of Lauderdale County. Mr. Hough also held the office of justice of the peace, in that county, for forty years. In the years of his surveying, Mr. Hough had entered different tracts of land until he had over 1,000 acres. He settled upon and im- proved a po7tion of this land and made it his home for about five years. He then started for Texas, with bis family, by wagons, and while passing through Tennessee, Mrs. Hough was taken sick. This caused them to stop in Hardin County, of that State, where they remained about three years, Mr. Hough teaching school during that time. They again started for Texas, but while passing through this pait of Arkansas, and having chanced upon the La Fourche Valley, and seeing the richness of the soil, its natural advantages, etc. , Mr. Hough de- cided to make this his future home. He bought the place where he now lives, and is now satisfied that he could not have done better, in any part of the United States. He still owns his land in Ala- bama. His land here consists of 2(i0 acres, with 90 acres improved, and he has a good house and other necessary farm buildings. He has a good apple and peach orchard and a small vineyard which yields well. Since he arrived in this county, he has devoted most of his time to farming, but has held the jaosition of county surveyor for a number of years. He also, for some years, taught occasional terms of school. At the breaking out of the war, be being about forty-five years of age and not subject to conscript, was taken into a comjjany called the Home Reserve, whose duties were to obtain sup- plies for the army, and assist generally in the care of the portion of the people left at home. During this time bis family was in Texas. Returning to his home in the Fourche Valley, after the war, he was elected justice of the peace, in which capacity he served for about two years, when he was dis- franchised by the Government and not allowed to hold office for the following seven years. He was then elected county surveyor and held that posi- tion until a few years ago. At the time of his ar- rival in this county, schools and churches were scarce, but he has lived to see the county develop, and become one of the finest and most productive in the State. • By his marriage to his present wife, which occurred on July 24, 1856, there were born four children — three sons and one daughter: Will- iam P. (married Miss Ida Tate of this county and they have two children, named Myrtle and Lena). John Morgan (married Miss Eva Kelly of this county), Hettie (married Thomas W. Stone and resides in Waldron, and they have three children, all daughters, named Estell, Ula and Mattie) and Calvin T. (is at home with his parents and attend- ing the public schools). The second son is a teacher of the county and very successful in his work. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Hough has been a mem- ber of the Ma.sonic fraternity for forty-six years, and is now an honorary member. He is liberal in his support of churches, schools and all public en- terprises and is active in the church work, having "^I V k^ SCOTT COUNTY. 411 been Sunday-school superintendent for many years. Dr. A. C. James, physician and farmer, Crow, Ark. In any worthy history of Arkansas mention should be made of the prominent citizens, among whom is to be found the name of Dr. A. C. James. This gentleman was born in Arkansas in 1842, and is a son of John and Sabrina (Hayes) James, both natives of the Palmetto State. The parents moved to Tennessee at an early day, and from there to Yell County, Ark., in 1838. The father was a carpenter by trade and built the first houses in Dardanelle and Danville. Both parents died in Yell County, Ark. , in 1853. Dr. A. C. James was reared principally in his native State, and as his educational facilities were not of the best he has gained the most of his schooling by self study. At the early age of eleven years he was thrown on his own resources, and as he had been early trained to the duties of the farm it was but natural that he should adopt this as his chosen calling. How- ever he did not care to be wholly dependent upon this, and as a consequence began the study of medicine. About this time the war broke out, and he enlisted in 1862, remaining in service until the spring of 1865. In 1870 Dr. James resumed his medical studies, and in 1872 went to North Caro- lina, came back two years after to Arkansas, whore in 1875 he began the practice of medicine under Dr. John E . Blake, of Tennessee, and has had a good practice ever since. One year later he commenced the practice of his profession and is a popular and very successful practitioner. In 1867 he was wedded to Miss Jane Wicker, a native of North Carolina, and the daughter of Charles and Sarah (McKiver) Wicker, natives also of the old Tar State. Of the four children born to this union only one, John E. , is now living. Those deceased were named Charles D., Arthur C. and George C. The mother of these children died in 1880, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. In 1881 Dr. James was married to Miss Mattie P. Carroll, a native of Arkansas, who bore him two children: Catherine and T. B. , the last named dying in 1884. She was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mrs. James died two years later, and the Doctor took for his third wife Miss Ella A. Gilliam, their mar- riage occurring in 1887. She was born in Indiana in 1856. One child, Rosie A., is the result of this union. Dr. James is a Democrat in politics, and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South for the past twenty years. His wife is a member of the Christian Church. He is a self-made man and a very popular one. John H. Johnson's life, from his earliest recol lection, has been passed on a farm, his early days being spent in assisting his father, who, in addition to being a successful tiller of the soil, was a well- known educator. The subject of this sketch was born in Johnson County of this State in 1849, his parents, John H. , Sr. , and Mary (.Sweeden) John- son, being born in the State of Tennessee. About 1833 or 1834 they came to Arkansas, where for some time Mr. Johnson followed the occupation of school teaching. In 1853 he moved to Scott County, and settled on a large woodland farm in the Fourehe Valley, in which section he taught school in addition to clearing up his farm, also serving for several years, before the Kebellion, as county sur- veyor. He was a strong Union man in sentiment durine the war, but did not serve on either side. He died in 1866, a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Chiuch ; his widow dying in 1884, a member of that church also. The subject of this sketch spent the greater part of his youth in this county, near Waldron, and on a farm near his present place of abode. Although his early advantages were lim- ited, he is a well-informed man, and has proven himself a good financier. He was married in 1867 to Miss Mary E. Tate, a native of Alabama, and a daughter of William Tate, after which family Tate Township, in this county, was named. Mr. John son settled on his present farm in 1868, and now has a good farm of fifty acres under cultivation, on which he erected an excellent and substantial resi- dence in 1883. He began working at blacksmith ing and woodwork in 1872, and, although he is perfectly capable of putting up a good wagon, he mostly does repairing. From 1882 until 1889 he was postmaster at Green Ridge, at the end of which time he resigned. His family consists of the following children: Francis Joseph, John Will- ^ J^- ^ 9 i^ 412 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. iam, Sarah Ann (wife of William Londus), Floy, Benjamin, Thomas Scott and Mahala (who died at the age of eighteen months). Mr. Johnson and wife are members of the Baptist Church, and so- cially he is a Mason. His sons assist him in the shop, and John William is about to start a shop of his own, eighteen miles east of Waldron. Miles Keener is the efficient postmaster of Wal- dron, Ark., and is recognized as one of the best citizens of Scott County, Ark. He first saw the light of day in Lincoln County, N. C, in 1832, being the second of seven children born to Moses and Elizabeth (Drum) Keener, both of whom were also born in the Old North State. The great- grandparents were citizens of that State and coun- ty, and both great-grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The paternal grandfather, John Keener, lived near Rancour's Mills, where Gen. Cornwallis destroyed his supplies during Morgan's retreat from the battle of Cowpens. Moses Keener was a tiller of the soil, and first moved from his native State to Texas, in 1851, where he bought 320 acres of land, and there made his home until 1871, when he came to Scott Coun- ty, Ark., and here passed from life in 1887 at the age of eighty years. He was a strong adherent to the Union cause during the Rebellion. His wife was called to her long home in 1886, a member of the Baptist Church. Miles Keener acquired a good education in a high school of his native State, which institution he attended two years, at the end of which time he removed to Texas with his par- ents. He entered the Federal Army in 1863 at Fort Smith, Ark., becoming a member of Company I, Second Arkansas Cavalry, and was clerk in the provost's office at Berryville. Mo., for some six months. He was then promoted to seigeant- major of his regiment, and did service in Western Ten- nessee and Northern Mississippi, but was disabled so that he could not do duty in the field. He was discharged at Memphis, Tenn., on April 20, 1865, after which he returned to his home in Texas and there continued to reside, where he was engaged in merchandising and stock-dealing until 1868, when he moved to Kansas, where he made his home for one year. In February, 1870, he came to Scott County, Ark. , purchased a farm of eighty acres and entered 160 acres more, ten miles south- east of Waldron. Besides his residence and town property in Waldron, he is the owner of 200 acres of land. For a number of years he was engaged in running a cotton-gin, saw and grist-mill in part- nership with his father, but in 1882 bought prop- erty in Waldron, and soon after made this place his permanent residence. In August, 1889, he took charge of the Waldron post-office, and has had the management of this office up to the present time. His union with his first wife resulted in the birth of six children: Thomas J., Ulysses Grant, Lizzie L. , Fannie (wife of A. Hawkins), Sarah and Donia. Mr. Keener' s second marriage took place in 1885, and was to Miss Sallie Frazier, a native of Arkan- sas. They have a family of three children: Moses Marmaduke, Chester Arthur and Susie. The fam- ily are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and are quite active in church work, Mr. Keener being deeply interested in the progress of the pub- lic schools. He had the first saw mill in Park Township, and sawed much of the lumber that is in the buildings of that section. J. A. Kennon was born in Tennessee June 12, 1855, to James H. and Martha A. (Standefer) Ken- non, both of whom were also born in that State, the former September 13, 1835, and the latter Jan- uary 12, 1835, their marriage being celebrated there on August 31, 1854. To them four children have been born: John A., Nancy E. (born Febru- 1 ary 3, 1857, wife of L. L. Standefer), Sarah J. (born December 20, 1858, wife of A. P. Ewton), and James H. (born October 2, 1862). James H. Kennon was a farmer during the greater part of his life, but at the opening of the Rebellion was engaged in blacksmithing, a calling he continued for about one yeai-, after which he entered the ' Confederate service as a private in the Sixteenth Alabama Regiment in Bragg' s army, and was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, a member of the Baptist Church. His widow resides with her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Ewton. At the age of eight- een years J. A. Kennon started out to make his own way in the world, and has made farming his chief occupation. In 1876 he removed from Ten- r rf* i^ SCOTT COUNTY. 413 nessee to Alabama, where he remained four years, then came to Scott County, Ark., in 1880, and homesteaded 160 acres of land, afterward pur- chasing 40 acres adjoining on the east, and of this farm he has cleared about 50 acres, and put the same in a good agricultural condition. On this land corn averages thirty bushels to the acre, cot- ton one-half bale, and wheat and oats are also raised. His buildings and fences are all good, and he has an excellent young orchard of four acres. He was married on August 5, 1875, to Miss Sarah J. Smith, who was born in Tennessee November 9, 1858, a daughter of John and Ann E. (Williams) Smith, but he was called upon to mourn her death March 3, 1884, she leaving him with three sons and one daughter to care for: Alpha S. (born April 25, 1876), Oliver A. (born October 25, 1877, died two days after birth), Cora Ann (born October 18, 1879), Delta Lee (born October 2, 1881), and James M. (born January 28, 1884). On December 25, 1884, Mr. Kennon married Miss Mary V. Ritter, who was born in Mississippi on August 30, 1855, a daughter of Benjamin F. and Nancy C. (Joiner) Ritter, to which i^nion four children have been born: Beta E. (born November 14, 1885), Hattie L. (born January 17, 1887), Martha G. (born De- cember 24, 1888), and Ninnie M. (born January 28, 1890). From 1886 to 1888 Mr. Kennon served as constable of his township, and is a member of Big Coon Lodge No. 75, of the I. O. O. F., hav- ing joined this order in 1878. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Kennon' s grandfather, Standefer, was a son of James and Martha (Standefer) Standefer, and a member of Congress from East Tennessee for about sixteen years. He was on his way to Con- gress when he died suddenly at the table, supposed to have been poisoned bj' a negro woman. His grandfather, Kennon, was a native of Virginia. William J. King is a surveyor and farmer of Scott County, Ark., and needs no introduction to the citizens of this section, for he has always identi- fied himself with every movement and is cor- respondingly well known. He was born in Barto County, Ga., in 1844, to William H. and Caroline C. (Holland) King, they being born in Georgia, where Mr. King spent his entire life, dying in September, 1888, his widow surviving him; both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. King was a successful farmer, and showed his ap- proval of secret organizations by joining the A. F. & A. M. James King, his father, was born in Virginia, and died in Georgia before the war, he being also a farmer. James Holland, the mother's father, was a farmer of Georgia, and there spent the last of his days. William J. King spent his early days on a farm, but his school days were very few. In 1862 he espoused the Confederate cause, joining Company H, Eighteenth Georgia Infantry in Virginia, under Gen. Longstreet, and fought at Gettysburg, Wilderness, Antietam, Fredericks- burg, and numerous others. He was wounded at the battle of Wilderness, and just before the close of the war was furloughed and went home. In 1869 he came to Scott County, Ark., with the ex- pectation of bettering his fortunes, and in this has not been disappointed, for he now has a valuable farm of 397 acres. He was married in this county, in 1871, to Miss Malinda W., daughter of Calvin R. and Nancy Taff, both of whom were born in Tennessee, moving, about 1858, to Scott County, where they received their final summons. Mrs. King is a Teunesseean by birth, and she and Mr. King have become the parents of nine children, eight of whom are living. In 1886 Mr. King was elected county surveyor, and has since served by re-election. He and his wife have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. Dr. Elijah Leming is an old and respected physician of Waldron, Ark., and for many years has also been connected prominently with the farming interests of this region. He was born in Tennessee in 1819, being the second of five chil- dren born to John and Sarah (Mitchell) Leming, both of whom are descendants of people who set- tled in Tennessee when it was a part of North Carolina, this being about 1770. The paternal great-grandfather was a private soldier in the French Army, and was at Quebec when he was captured by Gen. Wolfe. He afterward went to New Jersey, where he was married to Elizabeth .1- J^^ 4 '^ 414 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Fjcan, and moved with ber to the western county of North Carolina, now Tennessee. Vinet Fyan commanded a fort near Newport, Tenn., and was killed near there by the Indians, on a creek still known as Fyan's Creek, in Rathnard County, N.C. Dr. Leming's grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary "War, and two uncles were in the War of 1812, and were with Jackson at New Or- leans. John Leming and his wife died when their son, Elijah, was a child, and he was brought up by his paternal uncle, Jesse Leming. At the age of sixteen years he left him and enlisted in the United States Army, taking part in the Cherokee War of 1836-37. He was married in 1840 to Miss Mary Ann Pierce, and seven years later moved to Texas, in the southeast part of which State he resided for twelve years. Here he began the practice of med- icine, having commenced the study of this science before leaving Tennessee, and after coming to Ar- kansas in June, 1858, he followed this occupation for many years. In 1863 he entered the Federal Army, and until the close of the war served in the Fourth and Second Arkansas Infantry, Company I. During the war his home was burned, but at the close he returned, rebuilt, and, in connection with his practice, began farming. Soon after this he went to St. Louis, where he studied in the Eclectic School, graduating soon after. In 1866 he was elected to the State Legislature, and in that session was one of live to vote for the Howard Amendment, which was one of the clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. After this measure had been rejected, and during the reconstruction period, he refused to accept office, for the reason that he did not want to have his name associated with the disfranchise- ment of neighbors and friends, nor did he believe the Freedmen competent to vote intelligently. Since that time, in 1872, he made the race for State Senator, but was decided out of the State by contested election. For many years he has been president of the County Medical Society. He has always been an active advocate of free schools, and has been a school director for years. His wife died in July, 1870, at Galena, Kas., she having borne him live children: Julia Ann, Nancy (who is deceased), A. G. (a lawyer of Waldron), Isaac K. (a physician of Waldron), and Elijah (a physician of Dardanelle). Dr. Leming was married in 1883 to Mrs. Gillie Winchester, widow of John Win- chester, of Tennessee, who died while serving in the Federal Army in Missouri, during the Rebell- ion. The Doctor owns 400 acres of tine farming land in this county, and has 150 acres under culti- vation, the balance being fair land covered with good timber. The Doctor is a quiet, kindly and charitable old gentleman, and, besides having the confidence and respect of his fellow-men, he also has their warmest regard. Dr. Isaac K. Leming is an eminent medical practitioner who has practiced his profession in this county for a number of years, and during this time has won fame and fortune. He was born in Tyler, Tex., in 1851, being the fourth child born to Elijah and Mary A. (Pierce) Leming. [See sketch of Elijah Leming.] He was reared in Scott County, Ark., and after obtaining a good practical education in the common schools near his home, he began the study of medicine, his .studies being pursued under his father, who gave him thorough instruction. He afterward entered the St. Louis Electic Medical College in 1877, from which institution he was graduated in the spring of 1878, after which he practiced for some time in Sebastian County.- He soon, however, came to Scott County, and has since been a resi- dent of Waldron where, by the thorough knowledge of his profession and his ability to put his knowl- edge to a practical use, he has built up a very large and lucrative practice. In 1889 he formed a partnership with Dr. A. A. Sanford, and to- gether they make one of the strongest firms in this section, and command respect fi'om all their med- ical brethren. In 1872 he was married to Miss Abbie L. Basshal, of Sebastian County, daughter of Joseph P. Basshal, an old j)ioneer settler of that county. To them four children have been born: Maud (who died in infancy), Joseph E. , Samuel A. and Minnie L. The family worship in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Doctor belongs to Greenwood Lodge No. — , of the A. F. & A. M. \? c r- r?" SCOTT COUNTY. t. 415 t Henry Looper, Sr. , is residing four miles east of Mansfield, Scott County, Ark. , but was born in South Carolina in 1817, to Samuel and Mary (Jones) Looper, they being also boru in South Carolina, in which State they were married. They removed to Alabama in an early day and there both passed from life a few years after locating. Of a family of four sons and four daughters born to them the subject of this sketch is the only one now living. He was married in South Carolina in 1836 to Miss Mary Freeman, and by her became the father of the following family of children: Henry, Thomas, James, Joseph, Geoi'ge, Martha, Mary (wife of James McMullens), Elizabeth, Fran- ces (wife of Joseph Looper, see biography), Ann (wife of Lee Ellwood), Laura Bell (wife of Joseph Louston) and Victoria (wife of Luther Button). Joseph, George and Martha are deceased. Mr. Looper' s first wife died in 1862, and in 1867 he espoused Mrs. Mary Ann (Frizzell) Brozier, widow of Bert Brozier. This union resulted in the birth of fourteen children: Fanny (wife of Jasper Cur- nutt), Samuel, Fuller, Charles (deceased), Sallie, Nellie, Maggie, Nannie, Bud (deceased), Donie, Looney, Gorum, Lawrence, and a child that died in infancy not named. Mr. Looper has become the owner of 500 acres of fine land, and during a resi- dence of over thirty years on this farm he has succeeded in putting 230 acres under cultivation. He is one of the earliest settlers of this county and has always manifested a deep interest in her prog- ress and development, especially in the way of churches and schools. He is a member of Lodge No. 163, of the A. F. & A. M. at Mansfield, and although he is now seventy-three years of age he is yet hale and hearty. Joseph R. Looper. No matter in what busi- ness a man may engage, if he is industrious and fair in his dealings with his fellow-men, he is sure, sooner or later, to win their confidence, respect and liking, and to become, in time, well-to-do in worldly goods. Mr. Looper possesses these qualities, and, as a consequence, stands remarkably high in the estimation of all who know him. He was born is South Carolina, in 1845, to Joseph D. and Mellie (Freeman) Looper, both of whom were born in South Carolina, where they were reared and married. The following family was born to them: James G., William D., Elizabeth (wife of Benjamin Gibson), Marcus A. , Joseph R., Henry M., and one that died in infancy. The parents removed from their native State to Georgia about 1853 or 1854, and there Mrs. Looper died at the age of about thirty-five years, a member of the Baptist Church, and after her death Mr. Looper removed to Texas, but staid there only a short time, moving in 1857, to Scott County, Ark. In 1863 he was married a second time, to a Mrs. Tnrmon, of this county, who died in 1872, a worthy member of the Baptist Church at the time of her demise. Mr. Looper enlisted in the Federal Army in 1863, becoming a member of Company H. Second Arkansas Infantry, under Capt. Charles E. Berry, but his entire service was confined to his own State. He was with Gen. Steele on the Camden Raid, and was in the fight at Saline. He received his dischargre on August 8, 1865, after which he returned to his home and engaged in farming, marrying in 1868. Miss Fran- ces Looper, a daughter of Henry and Mary (Free- man) Looper, Mr. Looper and his wife being third cousins. They have eight children: Henry E., SoDora A. (deceased), Minnie A., Joseph ^X., Myrtle B., Charles V., William B. and James R. (deceased). Mr. Looper has a good farm of 161 acres, and on the 80 acres that he has under cultivation, he raises corn, oats and cotton. He is one of Scott County's most highly respected citi- zens and successful farmers, and socially belongs to Lodge No. 163 of the A. F. & A. M. of Mans- field. He and his wife are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church South, and to this as well as to other churches be has been liberal in his con- tributions. F. M. Lynch. It is a remarkable fact that the majority of those men of Tennessee birth who have become residents of Scott County, Ark., have been peculiarly successful in the accumula- tion of worldly goods, and are considered superior farmers, and Mr. Lynch is but another example of this truth. He was born in 1834, the fourth of seven children, born to F. B. Lynch and wife, the former of whom was a farmer of Tennessee, but a <^U T.l\ Al t^ 416 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. i native of Virginia, who was quite a prominent man of his day, and held a number of county offices with credit and distinction. He died in 1844, and his widow in 1858. The immediate subject of this sketch was reared in his native State, and edu- cated in the common schools. "When eighteen years of age he went to Texas to seek his fortune, and was there engaged in farming for sixteen years, after which he came to Scott County, and settled on his present farm of 200 acres, 80 acres of which are under cultivation. While in Texas, he was com- missioner of Harrison County, from 1868 to 1874, and also held, with great credit to himself, the office of justice of the peace. He has been an en- thusiastic patron of the cause of education, and in the district in which he lives he has been a school director many times. He was first married in 1866 to Miss Mary 'J. Bowen, of Texas, but she left him a widower in 1886 with a family of six children to care for: William F., Jnlia E., Henry Houston, Alice Adelaide, Greorge and Mary Chris- tina. Mr. Lynch was married, a second time, on December 5, 1886, to Sarah A. Gilbreath, a Geor- gian by birth, by whom he has one child, Fannie Bell, who was born November 2, 1888. Mr. Lynch and his wife have long been consistent members of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Lynch contributed liberally to the erection of a chui'ch. He is a jarogressive, substantial and intelligent citizen, and while modest and unassuming in demeanor, he is endowed with those very rare qualities of good sense and good judgment, which have won him many warm friends. Free Malone is the very accommodating and gentlemanly host of the Continental Hotel at Wal- dron, Ark. He was born in Alabama, in 1843, being the fourth of five children born to Nathaniel C. and Martha (Crenshaw) Malone, both of whom were born in Alabama, the former a farmer by oc- cupation. In 1867 he came to Arkansas, and located in Scott County, Ark., where he passed from life on September 5, 1885. His wife was called to her long home in 1849. In the State of Alabama Free Malone was reared and educated, and from that State he enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1861, becoming a member of Company A, Twenty-sixth Mississippi Regiment of Infantry, and took part in the battles of Fort Donelson, Perryville, Murfrees- boro and Vicksburg, being paroled after the fall of this place. In January, 18()4, he went to Vir- ginia, and was in the battle of the Wilderness, Chancellorsville and many others of less importance He surrendered with Gen. Lee at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, after which he went to Mississippi, and in 1867 came to Arkansas with his father, purchasing a farm of 160 acres near Waldron, which he began to improve. On October 13, 1869, he was married in Sevier County, Ark., to Mrs. Sarah J. Salyers, daughter of William Stone of Tennessee, an early settler of Arkansas, a short history of whom is given in the latter part of this sketch. In 1869 Mr. Malone began merchan- dising at Waldron, being the third merchant of the place, and there he continued in business, also following farming for a number of years, after which he made quite a large purchase of land, and began farming on a more extensive scale. Upon his arrival here he opened a hotel, and has been engaged in conducting one ever since. In 1878 he erected his present large building, a two-story brick, containing fourteen rooms, all of which are well fitted up, and at all times well prepared for the accommodation of guests. In connection with his hotel he keeps a livery stable, his horses and vehicles being at all times ready for use. He was postmaster of Waldron during 1887, was justice of the peace a number of years, and during 1888-89 served in the capacity of sheriff of the county. He has built an excellent store-building in Waldron, and is also the owner of other valuable town prop- erty. His wife, who is a member of the Baptist Church, has borne her husband nine children: Lena (wife of W. A. Johnson, resides in Mans- field), lone (wife of R. L. Maxwell, lives in Henri- etta, Tex.), Ora (wife of J. N. Hamilton, a mer- chant of Waldron), Cora, Otto and Free, and the following children who are deceased: Onge (who died at the age of eighteen months), Ada (who died when six years of age), and Bennie (who died when two years of age). Mr. Malone is a member of the Masonic fi'aternity, and has been an advocate of schools, and a member of the school board of Wal- -»|^ thL. SCOTT COUNTY. 417 dron for some time. Besides the property above mentioned he has a residence at Chalybeate Springs, seven miles west of Waldron, and forty acres of land in that vicinity. Mrs. Malone's father assisted in removing the Indians to the Indian Territory at an early day, and while in Arkansas became much pleased with the country, and deter- mined to settle, which he accordingly did in 1840, locating at Centre Point. Of a large family of children born to himself and wife, only three are now living: two sons, who are prominent farmers of Howard County, and Mrs. Malone. Mr. Stone opened up a large tract of land on a portion of which Centre Point is now located, and on this land he made his home for seven years. He next moved to the northern part of Pike County, and there erected a large frame mill, the first in that locality, which attracted trade from many adjoining counties. He opened up a large farm here also, and on this made his home until his death in 1859, his widow afterward making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Malone, dying at her home in 1874. Mr. Stone was born in North Carolina, was married to a Miss Huddleston, of Tenessee, and after residing in that State for some time he moved to Kentucky, where he became captain of the company of militia that took the Indians west. George D. May. In the fertile farming districts of Scott County, Ark., Mr. May has been engaged in agricultural pursuits, and is now the owner of 100 acres of good land, one mile east of Waldron, on which he has made many improvements and now has sixty-one acres under cultivation. He was born in Tennessee January 11, 1811, being the eldest son born to William and Anna May, both of whom were born in the Old North State, the father being a soldier in the War of 181*2, a farmer by occupation, and passed from life in Tennessee, George D. May was brought up to a thorough knowledge of farm life by his father, and after he had attained his majority he began to make his own way in the world, and in 1840 came to Arkan- sas and settled in Sebastian County, where he was married in 1844 to Miss Frances Landers, a native of the Blue-Grass State. Soon after his marriage he purchased a farm on which he lived for about sixteen years, but during the greater part of the Rebellion he was a resident of Texas. After the war had closed he returned to Arkansas, this time taking up his abode in Scott County, settling on the place on which he is now residing, where he has a comfortable home and sufficient means to make life enjoyable. His estimable wife was called from life in 1866, having borne him a family of six children, the following five of whom are liviiio-: Mary R. (a resident of Texas), Maggie (Mrs. Fors- ter), Jennie (Mrs. Gilbreath), Ella (Mrs. Harvey), and George W. (who is a physician of Little River County). Ann is deceased. Mr. May married his second wife in 1871, she being Mrs. Elizabeth Eastus, her father being one of the early settlers of this county from Tennessee, and a prominbnt and successful farmer. Mr. and Mrs. May have two children: Francis Joseph and Walter. Mr. May is one of the worthy residents of this section, and is strictly honorable and upright in every respect. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. R. N. Millard is a farmer, merchant and cotton- ginner, residing near Blue Ball, Ark. , and as a man and citizen is substantial, progressive and intelli- gent. He was born in Arkansas in 1844, to James E, and Edna (Herring) Millard, both of whom were born in the Old North State, the former in 1791) and died June 5, 1878, and the latter born in 1808 and died March 15, 1864. Their marriage took place in that State, and in time resulted in the birth of thirteen children, only four of whom are now liv- ing: Sarah (wife of J. J. Eiger), Mary (wife of Joseph Williams), Robert Newton (the subject of this sketch), and William B. Robert Newton Millard began farming for himself in 1866, and the same year was married to Miss Elizabeth F. Weaver, a native of Arkansas, born in 1846, and a daughter of J. P. and Mary Weaver. Mrs. Millard died in 1867, leaving one child, a daughter: Mary Susan (born in 1866, and now the wife of James Hunt). In 1868 Mr. Millard purchased forty acres of land to which he has added 160 acres, and on this he has cleared seventy-five acres and built five good houses and a store building, barns and other buildings. In 1871, in connection with his brother and brother-in-law, he erected a gin, saw and flour- ^1 > "v .u- _«» > 418 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ing mill, the capacity of the former being seven bales per day, the saw-mill turning out 5,000 feet of lumber, and the flouring-mill seventy- five barrels. In 1887 Mr. Millard opened a general mercantile establishment, his goods being worth $3,000, and iu these different enterprises he has done remark- ably well. On his farm corn, oats and cotton are raised, and all yield average crops. He was post- master of Blue Ball from 1876 to 1879, and socially is a member of Walnut Tree Lodge No. 209, of the A.F.& A.M., ill which beheld the office of wor- shipful master for several years. He is a member of, and steward in, the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and as a progressive and law-abiding citizen has not his superior in this section of the country. He was married October 6, 1870, to Miss Salina E. White, a native of Alabama, born in 1847, to Josephus and Ann (Hearn) "White, both of whom were Georgians. The children born to Mr. Mill- ard's second marriage are as follows: Josejihus (born in 1871, now deceased), William R. (born in 1872), Ida Ann (born in 1875, now deceased), Lela May (born in 1877, deceased), Myrtle E. (born in 1879), John M. (born iu 1881), Henry P. (born in 1884), Angie L. (born in 1880), and Noble Victor (born in 1888). At the beginning of the late war James E. Millard lived in Scott County, Ark. , with his family and two sons that voluntered and went into the Confederate service: James R. and Ken- non Millard, the two being captured at Arkansas Post and were carried as prisoners of war to Chi- cago, 111., where the latter died. The former was exchanged and went back to his command, where he was captured again and again. The last time being wounded he was sent to the hospital, where his comrades and family never heard of him more. The subject of this sketch feels and realizes the fact that he will not meet his soldier brother on this earth again, but putting his trust in God, lives and hopes to join an unbroken family in the sweet bye and bye. Joseph S. Mitchell is a farmer and mechanic of Hickman Township, but was born in Tuscaloosa County, Ala., in 1849, to William A. and Mary A. (McCully) Mitchell, both of whom were born in the Palmetto State, the former in 1820, and the latter in 1819. After their marriage they removed to Haywood County, Tenn., and in 1870 came to Scott County, Ark., settling, a year later, on his homestead, and in 1870 he sold to his son Joseph S. He has long been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, Mrs. Mitchell being a member since she was twenty years of age. Mr. Mitchell followed saddle-making for many years, but of late years has given his time solely to farming. He served a short time in the Confederate Army as a conscript, but was a Union man in principle. He has always been strictly temperate in his habits, and never indulges in spirituous liquors. He is the only one of his family that ever came to Arkan- sas, but as he has done well here financially, and has made many warm friends, he has never regret- ted his move. His father, Alexander Mitchell, was born and reared in Dublin, Ireland, and there learned the trade of a saddler, a calling he followed after coming to the United States. He was mar- ried in his native land, but while en roidi' to this country he lost his wife and one child in a ship- wreck. He wedded his second wife in this country, and spent the rest of his days in South Carolina, dying in 1833. Frances Jones, who became his second wife, was born in Virginia, and died in South Carolina, in 1832. The maternal grand- father of the subject of this sketch, James G. D. McCully, was born iu Chester District, S. C, and in 1853 moved to Alabama, where he died in 1802, a miller by trade. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Pannel, was born in Chester District, S. C. , and died in Alabama, in 1850, she, as well as her husband, being a member of theMissionaryBap- tist Church for many years. The subject of this sketch is the third of five sons and four daughters, the names of his brothers and sisters being as fol- lows: Eld. James A. (of Tennessee), Rev. John O. , Hiram J. (of Sebastian County), Alice (wife of Elwood Johnson), and Johanna (wife of William W. Neal). Joseph S. was brought up to a knowl- edge of farm work by his father, but his school days did not exceed five months. At the very early age of thirteen years he began taking charge of his father's business, and in 1877 was married to Miss Edna A., daughter of Eld. S. J. and Nancy E. ^^ \ I Ml -^ SCOTT COUNTY. 419 Fuller, the former a Georgian, and the latter born in Alabama. From the latter State they removed to Louisiana, and afterward came to Logan County, Ark., where Eld. Fuller breathed his last in 1883, his widow being now a resident of Scott County. Mrs. Mitchell was born in Louisiana, and has borne her husband five children, three sons and one daiighter living. They own an excellent tract of land comprising 285 acres, and have about 100 acres cleared, all of which has been bronght about by Mr. Mitchell's own indomitable energy. It is well improved with good buildings, and is a valu- able property. Mr. Mitchell is a member of Wal- dron Lodge No. 93, of the I. O. O. F., and he and his most estimable wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, both became members at the age of fourteen years, and are strictly tem- perate and respected citizens. A. H. Morgan is a planter of Scott County, Ark., whose knowledge of his calling is thorough and who is enterprising and progressive in his views. He was born in Georgia August 25, 1836, to J. K. and Martha L. (Powers) Morgan, the former of whom was born in Georgia in 1815, and the latter in South Carolina in 1816, their marriage taking place in Alabama and resulting in the birth of seven children, two of whom are now living: C. J. and A. H. The mother died in Georgia in 1849, a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, after which her husband married Mrs. Louisa Johnson, a widow with three children. By her he became the father of seven children, and after her death, which occurred in 1869, he was married to his third and present wife, and with her is making his home in Georgia. In his native State A. H. Morgan was married, in 1868, to Miss E. A. Grecian, and by her he has had six children: Martha L., R. R., M. E., Charles H. and two that passed from life while infants. Mr. Morgan served in the Confederate Army during the Rebellion, enlisting at Dardauelle, Ark., in 1861, in Com- pany D, of Lon. McKay's regiment of infantry, with which he served faithfully until the war ter- minated, making as brave and faithful a soldier as ever trod a crimson battle-field. He was wounded in the shoulder in the battle of Corinth in 1862, was wounded in the head in an engagement in Mississippi, was wounded in the right leg at Port Gibson in May, 1863, and in June, 1863, at Vicks- burg, was wounded in the right eye. Since the war he has devoted his time and attention to farm- ing, and by his own perseverance and good man- agement he has become the owner of 290 acres of land, 160 of which he has put in a good state of cultivation. Although he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, is a class leader in the same, and has been an attendant for twenty years, his estimable wife belongs to the Baptist Church. Owing to his many excellent characteristics Mr. Morgan has won innumerable friends, and socially he belongs to Cauthron Lodge No. 385, of the A. F. & A. M. James Oliver is a planter and cotton-ginner, residing in Bradley Township, Scott County, Ark., but was born in Tennessee, October 11, 1826, to Jesse and Mary A. (Hise) Oliver, both of whom were born in Virginia. The father was a farmer by occupation, was married in Tennessee, and be and his wife became the parents of seven children of whom the subject of this sketch is the eldest, the other members of the family being: William, Mary A. (wife of A. Brownlow), Emeline (wife of Ed Jones), John, George and David. Mr. Oliver was a soldier in one of the Indian wars, and he and his wife spent their lives in Tennessee, both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the time of their deaths. James Oliver was married in Greene Comity, Tenn., in 1838, to Miss Rachel Falls, in which State he was born in Octo- ber, 1828, and twelve children are the result of their union, ten of whom are now living: John C. , Mar- tha E. (widow of William Henry), Jessie E. and Mary E. (twins), Leier I. (wife of G. T. Anderson), Johanna (wife of J. E. Oliver), William and two children that died in infancy unnamed. James Oliver was in the Rebellion, enlisting in 1861, in the Confederate Army, and serving until the close of the war, being paroled in Georgia. He has a good steam cotton-gin, grist-mill and saw-mill combined, the capacity of the gin being six bales per day. His farm comprises 160 acres of good land, of which 75 are under cultivation, the prin- ^' I jvt*. 420 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ciple crops raised being cotton and corn. Mr. Oliver emigrated from Tennessee to Georgia, and in 1S(5G came to Arkansas, settling in Izard County, and in 1880 in Scott County, where he is now liv- ing, and where he has made many acquaintances and friends. He is a member of the Farmers' Al- liance, and he and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Miles H. Partin is a Mississippian, born in 1843, and as he was brought up to a farm life by his father he has made that his chief calling through life. His parents, F. H. and Elizabeth O. (Miles) Partin, were born in North Carolina and Tennes- see, in 1812 and 1825, respectively, and he is the eldest of their eleven childi'en, the other members of the family being ^\ . E., Mary F. (wife of W. W. Collier), A. G. (deceased), George W. (de- ceased), B. F., Orlena (deceased), Hellen (wife of G. A. Stubblefield), Mattie (wife of John Cannon), Jennett (wife of David Cannon), and Jasper N. The family removed to Arkansas when the subject of this sketch was seven years of age, and on January 1, 1850, located on an eighty-acre tract of land at Dar- danelle, to which he afterward added until at the time of the father's death in 1877 he was the owner of 700 acres of land, upon which he had cleared 125 acres and built a number of good buildings, plant- ing, also, a large orchard on his home place, where his widow now resides. He and his wife were both members of the Missionary Baptist Church. The educational advantages which Miles H. received were quite limited, but after his parents had ac- quired their home they undertook his education, and intended to send him away to school, but the opening of the Rebellion prevented them carrying out their intentions, hence his education is limited to what he could acquire in the subscription schools of his boyhood. He entered the Confederate serv- ice, enlisting in Company E, Twenty-first Arkan- sas Infantry. At the reorganization, after Cor- inth, he was transferred to Company H, and was in the battles of luka, Corinth, Farmington, Vicks- burg. Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, Black River Bridge, where he was taken prisoner and taken to Camp Morton, near Indianapolis, Ind., where he was kept two weeks, then transferred to Fort Dela- ware, after which he entered the service of the United States, and was sent to the frontier of Minnesota, shortly after the Sioux outbreak. Here he remained until 18(i5, when he received his discharge. He returned to Dardanelle December 24, 1807, since which time he has been engaged in farming, pur- chasing, in 1868, 120 acres of land in Perry County, but which he afterward sold and returned to Dar danelle. In 1876 he bought 120 acres in Hunt Township, and homesteaded 120 acres adjoining, and upon this he has cleared about 60 acres, built a house and outbuildings, fences, etc., and has oth- erwise improved his place, setting out a good or- chard. His principal crops are corn, oats and wheat, the yield of the first mentioned being from twenty- five to forty bushels, oats averaging twenty-five bushels to the acre. His tenants sometimes raise cotton, and it usually averages one half bale to the acre, but he has raised one bale on the same amount of ground. In the fall of 1868 he was married to Miss. Louisa Wright, a native of Geor- gia, born in 1845, a daughter of Berry and Mary (Chistoper) Wright, and to Mr. Partin and his wife one son has been born, Vernie (who was born February 24, 1872). Mr. Partin is giving this son every advantage in the way of an education, and as he wishes to make law his profession he will have every opportunity of jserfecting himself in this science. After finishing his education in the common schools he entered the Dardanelle High School, where he is making (in his second year) very rapid advancement in his studies. Capt. John Rawlings, senior member of Raw- lings & Son, dealers in general merchandise at Waldron, Scott County, Ark., is a native of Illi nois, born February 14, 1834, and the son of John and Malinda (Blair) Rawlings, the father a native of Chattanooga, Tenn., and the mother of Ken- tucky. John Rawlings passed his boyhood and youth on a farm, and was left an orphan at an early age. When but two years of age he went to Mis- souri and made his home with his grandmother until eighteen years of age, when he crossed the plains to the gold regions of California. He mined there for four years and met with fair success, after which he returned to the east and located at ^|V ^1 .l^ SCOTT COUNTY. 421 Waldron, Ark. He followed agricultural pursuits on rented land during the year 1858, and then entered a piece of Government land, 120 acres, which he immediately began to improve by erect- ing a house and barn, and clearing it of timber. Here he remained until the breaking out of the war. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army as lieutenant, but was soon promoted to captain, in which capacity he served until discharged, ou account of disability, in January, 1863. He was in the battles of Wilson Creek, Neosho, Elkhorn (or Pea Ridge), Corinth and Shiloh. At the last named place he was taken sick and sent home, where he remained for thirty days. He was then sent to command in the Western Department, and later sent home to organize a battalion, or, rather a company to form a battalion. He was now cap- tain of Company I, Carroll's regiment of Cavalry, but on account of trouble with his eyes was dis- charged. The company that he formerly com- manded was Company I of the Arkansas State Troops. At the time of his discharge he took his family and went to the southern part of the State, where he remained until cessation of hostilities. In 1866 he returned to his farm near Waldron. A detachment of the Federal troops had made his farm their headquarters and his house was pve- served, otherwise the farm was laid waste, fences burned and fruit trees destroyed. He at once eommenced to rebuild and improve his place. He was in poor health, owing to exposure in the army, and had a wife and five children to suppoi't. He cultivated the soil until 1877, when he entered into his present line of business at this place. This he has since continued. He at that time formed a copartnership with J. C. Bell, now of Fort Smith, and at the end of a year he bought out his part- ner's interest. He then formed a partnership with Dr. James H. Smith, of Waldron, which ex- isted about four years, when Mr. Rawlings again bought out his partner. He then took in his son. He began on a small scale, but his business has in- creased until he now carries a stock of goods val- ued at $7,000, and the annual sales amount to about $20,000. He has in all about 600 acres of land, the most of which lies near the city. He also owns quite an amount of town property, and deals considerably in real estate. His farm, which he rents, is well improved and one of the best in the township. Mr. Kawlings and his estimable wife are members of the Baptist Church, and he has filled the position of deacon in the same for some time. He is liberal in his support of all worthy enterprises, and is universally respected. His wife who was formerly Miss Nancy J. Smith, and whom he married in 1858, is the daughter of Dr. Smith, of this place. Eight children have been born to this union, five now living: Annie E. (wife of J. D. Benson, of this place), Ida M. (widow of W. P. Evatt), Flood S. (who is in business with his father), John O. (attending school at Fayette- ville, Ark.), and Charles F. (also at Fayetteville). When Mr. Rawlings first went into the army he was with the State troops, but after the battle of Oak Hill he raised a new company and entered Mcintosh's regiment of cavalry. Here he re- mained until he received a furlough on account of ill health, as above stated. He was wounded in the shoulder at Pea Ridge, and this disables his right hand and arm to this day. He was a brave and fearless ofiScer, and served the Confederacy faithfully and well. William Robson. In giving a brief sketch of the life of Mr. Robson it can with truth be said that he is one of the foremost men of Scott County, and has become one of its wealthiest agricultur- ists by honest toil and good management, and by the aid and advice of his admirable wife. He has been a resident of this county since 1867, but was born in Wayne County, Tenn., April 20, 1833, to W'illiam and Mary (Wordsworth) Robson, they be- ing also natives of Tennessee, in which State they grew to maturity, married and spent their lives, the death of the father occurring in 1857 at about the age of sixty years, the mother passing from life in 1859 when about the same age. Mr. Rob- son was a worthy tiller of the soil all his life, and in this calling became quite successful. Both were members of the Methodist Church and he was a Mason and a Democrat. The immediate subject of this sketch was the youngest of ten chil- dren, and his school days were spent in Wayne ;t^ ^ 422 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. County, Tenn. Whea only eighteen years of age he came to Arkansas, and after wandering over the greater part of the State he went to the frontier of Texas with Capt. Love to fight the Comanche Indians, and during this time had many narrow escapes from death, a number of horses being shot from under him while fighting. Fortunately he was never wounded, and finally, growing tired of fighting, he settled in Corsicana, at which place he opened a hotel, which he managed for three years. In the fall of ISfil he joined Col. Parson's regi- ment of cavalry, but was discharged at Little Rock in May, 1862, on account of a broken leg, which was caused by being thrown from a horse. After recovering he joined Col. Gunter's battalion, after- ward Bryant's battalion, and served in the Choc- taw and Chickasaw Nations until the war closed. He was a scout all through the region whefe he now lives, and at the close of the war held the rank of sergeant. He then resided in Little River County, Ark., until 1867, after which he moved to Scott County and purchased 160 acres of land, to which he has added enough to make 280 acres, a large portion of which is under cultivation, and all can be cultivated. He was married in August, 1862, to Miss Altha Ledgewood, and by her became the father of six children, five now living: James W., Lucinda Adaline, George W., Dick and Eddie. Ludie died when two years of age. Mr. Robson and his wife are members of the Free-Will Baptist Church, in which he has been a deacon for three years. He donated the ground on which the Pleas- ant Grove Baptist Church is standing, and in nu- merous other ways has shown the interest he feels in the cause of Christianity. He is a wealthy cit- izen, the owner of a large amount of stock, and is in every way situated to enjoy life. Politically he is a Democrat. John A. Rose, farmer and merchant, Boles, Ark. This enterprising citizen was born in Ham- ilton County, 111., on November 13, 1845, and is a son of James and Emily (Buchanan) Rose. The father, who was a farmer and mechanic by occupa- tion, moved to Arkansas, and settled in Scott County, in 1857. His wife died in 1863, and he followed her to the grave one week later. They were the parents of five children — four sons and one daughter — John A. being the second son. He received meager educational advantages and grew to manhood on his father's farm. Before he was eighteen years of age, or in 1863, he enlisted un- der the Stars and Stripes and served until August 27, 1865, when he received his discharge. He was in Company L, Second Kansas Cavalry, and was in the battle of Saline River, Prairie de Ann and Cabin Creek at which place he was taken prisoner. He was conveyed to Doaksville, Ind. Ty. , and was there confined for eight months. After the war he returned to Scott County, bought a farm of eighty acres in Mountain Township, one mile from the village of Boles, and this he improved by erecting a house and clearing the timber. He has added to this first purchase until he now has about 1,000 acres, 300 of which are under cultivation. He has a good residence and several good tenant houses on the place. He also has one-half interest in a general merchandise store at Boles, and this is doing a good business at that place. Mr. Rose was married on December 25, 1866, to Miss Rebecca Scott, daugh- ter of Thomas H. Scott, of this county. They have had nine children, seven of whom are living — three sons and four daughters: Emily Jane (wife of M. L. Hunt), George W., James A., Rebecca Kansas Elizabeth, John F., Christian Ann and Parlee, all at home but the eldest daughter. Mr. Rose is a Mason and Mrs. Rose is a member in good standing in the Free-Will Baptist Church. Dr. Joseph A. J. Roth is deserving of a spe- cial mention as a successful practioner of the " heal- ing art,'' and although he has lived in Scott Coun- ty, Ark., a comparatively short time, he is well and favorably known and has a large practice. He was born in St. Louis, Mo., on February 28, 1828, a son of Jacob and Charlotte (Barclay) Roth, the birth of the former being in Switzerland, and that of the latter occurring in 1805. They were mar- ried in St. Louis, and the subject of this sketch is their only child. The father, who was of Swiss descent, was murdered in Santa Fe, N. M., but his widow survives him, and makes her home with her son, the Doctor being now sixty-two years of age. Dr. Roth was married in St. Louis Septem- •cj* "^ g^™^!^>' W^ ' - ' -LU,«. ' . ■ J-._L. " -*v f ^ » lit SCOTT COUNTY. 423 ber 27, 1852, at St. Exavia Church, to Mrs. Cath- erine E. Chappie, a widow with one chilil, Alexis, who is now deceased. The wife' s maiden name was Brawner. To her union with Dr. Roth one child was born, Archibald. Mrs. Roth died August 8, 188U, having been a member of the Catholic Church throughout the greater portion of her life. In 1865 Dr. Roth commenced the study of medicine, and in 1868 took his first course of lectures in the St. Louis Medical College, and the same year com- menced practicing. He has been actively engaged in practicing ever since, but since ]!S75 has been a resident of Scott County, Ark., having moved hither from Bates County, Mo. He is the owner of 125 acres of good land, 65 of which are in an ex- cellent state of cultivation. He was a soldier in the Mexican War, and has always been a strong advocate of the free-school system. Socially he belongs to Duval Lodge No. 241), of the A. F. & A. M. James G. Sanders, the eldest son of Richard and Mary (Strickland) Sanders, was born in Pick- ens County, Ala., on February 19, 1843, was reared on a farm, but up to the breaking out of the war he was kept in school, being educated in the University of Alabama, and having the best of educational advantages. At the age of eighteen, or in 1861, he enlisted in Comjwny B, Second Ala- bama Infantry, commanded by T. J. Hardee, and remained in service until peace was declared. He was in the battles of luka, Corinth, Sbiloh and Vicksburg, where he was taken prisoner, paroled and sent to Demof)o]is, Ala., where he remained until exchanged during the following February. He then was sent to Chickamauga, where he ar- rived in time to participate in that battle. He was also in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Mission- ary Ridge, Tunnel Hill, Ringgold, Marietta, Kene- saw Mountain, Atlanta, Dalton, Peach Tree Creek and Franklin. From there he was transferred to Mobile, where he remained about one month as guard on the coast near that city. Afterward he was sent to Charlotte, N. C, where he engaged in the last battle fought by Gen. Johnston's command, it being at Smithfield, N. C. During this entire time he was wounded but twice, first at Corinth by a bayonet in the left side, and second by a bullet in the right thigh. At the close of the war he returned to his home in Alabama, and there found that his mother had died during his absence. Here he remained with his father nearly two years, at which time his father and family moved to Red River County, Tex. They remained in the Lone Star State only one year, and then moved to Ar- kansas, settling in Cedar Creek Township, Scott County, near his present residence. Here our sub- ject bought his first piece of land, he and his fa- ther together buying 340 acres. Soon after James G. bought an additional tract of 120 acres, which he improved by erecting a house and other build ings. He has seventy-five acres under cultivation, and his principal crops are corn, cotton and oats, all of which yield well; potatoes also a good crop. For several years he has given his attention to the raising of cattle and hogs, having an improved breed of cattle. Through energy and industry he has made a success of farm life, and is spoken of as among the most substantial men of the coun- ty. He was married on July 31, 1866, to Miss Sally M. Cowsert, of Alabama. They have ten children — four of whom &re sons and six daugh- ters — named as follows: Mary A., Ellen E.,Josie, Beatrice E., William M. , Minnie L., James G., Knox, Virginia M. , and an infant yet unnamed. All are at home but the daughter, Josie, who is married to M. M. Ellis, of Wills Point, Tex. The family are Baptists. Mr. Sanders is a member of the A. F. & A. M. lodge, of which he has been secretary from the time of its organization. He is also a worthy patron of the order of the East- ern Star, also a member of the Farmers' Alliance, of which he is secretary, and in his political views he is a Democrat. He has been justice of the peace for many years, being elected to that posi- tion soon after coming to this county, and he has also held the position of school director, taking a great interest in the welfare of the schools of his township. He is assistant postmaster at the office of Cedar Creek, the office being at his residence, and his oldest daughter being postmistress. Mr. Sanders is a man of education, and is trying to give his children all possible advantages in that ^^ ^- -.1 9 ^ 424 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. direction. He is well pleased with bis home, in Western Arkansas. William K. Sanders, farmer, Cedar Greek, Ark. Mr. Sanders has passed the uneventful life of the farmer, and has continued steadily to pursue the even tenor of his way, and is now classed among j the prosperous farmers of Scott County. He was born in Alabama on January 6, 1855, and was early initiated into the duties of farm life. He came to Arkansas with his father in the fall of 1867, and the latter settled on the farm where our subject now lives. William K. received meager educa- tional advantages, and when eighteen years of age he started out to fight life's battles for himself. His father at that time gave him 100 acres of land, and this our subject immediately began to improve. He is now the owner of a good farm of 240 acres in one tract, and of this he has 75 acres under cul- tivation. He raises principally corn, cotton and oats, the latter making a tine crop and doing well in this county. On an average his cotton yields one-half bale to the acre, and his corn sixty bush- els to the acre. All his buildings are first-class and he has a fine apple and peach orchard. Aside from this he is interested in raising cattle and hoes. Mr. Sanders was married on November 16, 1884, to Miss Mary J. Austin, daughter of Samuel Aus- tin of this county, but formerly from North Caro- lina. They have three children, all sons: Clyde H. , Richard A. and George E. Mr. Sanders is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and is vice-presi- dent of the same. He is a liberal supporter of all public enterprises, and is one of the county's most esteemed citizens. Albert A. Sanford, M. D., has become well known to the citizens of this section, for in his professional capacity he has entered many homes, and has been the means of bringing hapjiiness to many anxious hearts. His birth occurred in Se- bastian County, in 1852, he being the eldest of a family of six children born to Muse and Nancy (Hughes) Sanford, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Arkansas. Muse Sanford came to this State about 1850, and settled in Sebastian County, where he followed farming until his death, which occurred about 1885, his widow still sur- viving him. Her people were early settlers of this State from Mississippi. Although Dr. Albert A. Sanford was reared to a farm life, he determined to make medicine his profession, and in 1875 be- gan his studies under a preceptor, entering, in 1876, the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, from which he afterward graduated. In 1883 he graduated from Vanderbilt University of Nash- ville, Teun. , after which he returned to Arkansas, and pitched his tent at Dardanelle in Yell County, but remained there only a very short time, when he came to Waldron, and in 1889 formed a partner- ship with Dr. Leming. He is the owner of a good residence in the town, and an excellent and valua- able farm near the place. His marriage, which occurred in 1873, was to Miss Mollie E. Rice, a Tennesseean, and has resulted in the birth of seven children : Nettie May (who died at the age of four years), Patrick Henry, Nannie, Maggie (who died at the age of eleven months), Melville, Frank and Aristides (who died at the age of twenty-two years). The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and the Doctor is a member of Wal- dron Lodge No. 132, of the A. F. & A. M. and Greenwood Lodge of the K. of H. The Doctor is a patron of schools, and is otherwise interested in the welfare of this section. Joseph L. Self is classed among the respected farmers and ginners of Scott County, Ark., and al- though he has not attained the highest round in the ladder of success, he has been more than ordinarily successful in pursuing his calling, and now has an ex- cellent farm of 120 acres, of which 60 acres are un- der cultivation, and besides this has a 200-acre tract of timberland. He was born in Alabama, in 1824, the fifth of twelve children born to Jesse and Mary (Naremon) Self, both of whom were born in North Carolina, the former a planter. He moved to Georgia about 1826, and there continued to make his home until his death in 1866, his wife passing from life in 1850. In the State of Georgia Joseph L. Self was principally reared, but his educational advantages were limited. When he had attained his majority he began farming for himself, and in his twenty-third year was married to Miss Nancy Gartman, a native of Georgia. In i^ SCOTT COUNTY. 425 1863 he put aside bis work to enlist in the Con- federate Army, and while a member of Company K. Thirty-ninth Georgia Regiment Infantry, he was in the battle of Vicksburg. After the fall of that city he was paroled, and went home. He came to Arkansas in 1870, and settled on the place on which he is now residing, six miles east of Waldron. In 188"J he started a steam cot- ton-gin, in connection with which he soon after be- gan operating a grist-mill, and in 1889 a saw-mill, all of which are now in good working order. The gin has a capacity of seven bales per day. Since 1888 he has been conducting a general mercantile store, his stock of goods being worth about $2,000, and he does a successful general plantation supply business. On his property there are now two other stores, a blacksmith shop and several residences, making quite a little village. Mr. Self is associated in this business with his son, A. W. , who is married to Rebecca Hiful, a native of this State. Mr. Self is the father of eight children: Mary (wife of L. D. Pendra), Susan Elizabeth (wife of Foncy Neal), Martha (wife of T. J. Watson), Sarah, Henry P. (married), Alvin, James R. and Margaret Ellen (wife of Frank M. Bottoms, a merchant of Wal- dron). The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and Mr. Self has always been a stanch supporter of education, and has given land for school and church purposes, arouse of each kind being erected in 1878. He is a self- made man, very public spirited, and has helped to bring Scott Coimty to its present admirable state of cultivation. Rev. Robert E. Sessions. This name is synony- mous in Scott County, Ark., with successful agriculture, and throughout the immediate section in which he lives he is especially well known. He was born in this State, in what is now Brad- ley County, January 14, 1850, and is a son of James A. and Lucinda (Loa) Sessions, the former born in Alabama and the latter in Tennessee, their marriage taking jalace in Mountain Township, of this county. James A. Sessions, when a young man of eighteen years, left his parents in Georgia, to which State they had moved from Alabama to come to Arkansas as agent to the Creek Indians, receiving his appointment from the President of the United States. At the end of five years he began devoting his attention to teaching school and to selling goods in Fort Smith, and while in this place acted as interpreter, being well acquainted with the Creek, Choctaw and Cherokee languages. He was a man of brilliant mind, highly gifted, and in his youth had the advantages of an excellent edu- cation. He was a consistent member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, socially was a member of the I. O. O. F., and shortly before the open- ing of the Rebellion he was called from earth, being then but in the prime of life. His widow died in Scott County, Ark., in 1861, also an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, she having borne her husband five children: Eliza J. (wife of David Osmus, a farmer and primitive Bap- tist minister of Scott County, Ark.), Permelia Ann (wife of J. H, Blackwell, a farmer of this county). Rev. Robert E., J. F. (a merchant and also a Free- will Baptist minister), and Sarah (wife of Compton Hollis, a farmer residing near Boles, Ark). Rev. Robert E. Sessions made his home with different families during the war, and during that time at- tended school a little. After the war he worked on a farm, and in 1880 homesteaded land to the amount of 160 acres in Mountain Township, and has been buying and selling land ever since, being now the owner of 150 acres at the head of Ross Creek, a considerable portion of which is under cultivation. In connection with this he has been operating a cotton-gin for the past seven years, and since March, 1889, he has been the owner of a good gin, grist, saw and shingle mill. Commenc- ing life with no advantages whatever, he has done exceedingly well, has educated his children, and has done as much, if not more, than any of his neighbors for worthy enterprises. He has been an earnest church member for twenty-one years, and in 1884 was ordained a minister of the Free- Will Baptist Church, soon after being made pastor of Shiloh Church in Blansett Township. He has also filled the same position in Mount Pisgah Church at Boles, Haw Creek Church, New Hope Church, Mount Pisgah No. 2, and assisted in organizing a church northeast of Waldron, known ^ , 'f ^ 9 \^ 426 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. as the Davis Church. He was married on August 12, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth Wammack of Scott County, by whom he has become the father of nine children: John A., James W., Armatha Bell, Mary Frances, Harriet Dealtha, Robert F., Fred and Thomas. Elmer died in infancy. Mrs. Ses- sions is a member of the Free-Will Baptist Church, and has given much assistance to her husband in his work of saving souls. Mr. Sessions belongs to the Farmers' Alliance, and is a stanch Repub- lican in politics. Saunders S. Slover, although now a prominent citizen of Scott County, Tenn., was born in Madi- son County, Ark., November 17, 1835, to Samuel and Emeline (Chote) Slover, the former a Tennes- seean and the latter a native of South Carolina, their births occurring March 5, 1811, and Septem- ber 28, 1816, respectively. The mother is still living, her home being in Western Texas. They were married March 22, 1831, and during the very first settling of this country came here and located in Madison County, on Kings' River. The father was a very successful farmer, but was also the pro- prietor of a dry-goods establishment at Veal's Station, and at the time of his death, which occurred in Parker County, Tex., in 1873, he left a large estate and fortune to be divided among his family. He owned large tracts of valuable real estate in Texas, and was a practical business man in all respects. When a young man he joined the Masonic order, and after his marriage built the Masonic Hall at Veal's Station, Tex., and donated it to the lodge. He was very prominent in Ma- sonic circles, and was also an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as is his widow. In the neighborhood in which he lived he was an arbitrator in disputes between his neighbors, and his advice and councils were earnestly listened to and usually followed with good results. He was one of the first settlers of Western Texas, and at one time suffered severe losses bj- having his cattle driven off and killed by Comanche Indians. He and his neighbors were compelled to carry guns to church for protection. He was a life-long Democrat, and had three sons in the Confederate Army who fought bravely in many bloody combats. To himself and wife nine chil- dren were born, and of the three that are living the subject of this sketch is the eldest. He spent his school days in Madison County, Ark., but in 1848 went with his parents to Texas, where, dur- ing his youth and early manhood he experienced many of the hardships, dangers and privations of pioneer life. He made his home on his father's farm until twenty-two years of age, then worked for himself in Parker County, Tex., until 1867, when he and his family came back to Arkansas and located on a farm on Clear Fork of Fourche River, in Scott County, this farm being his present place of abode. He is the owner of 200 acres of fine land, and is one of the most practical and success- ful agriculturists of Blansett Township. He was married, in 1862, to Miss Nancy Catherine Whisen- hunt, daughter of John Whisenhunt, her birth occurring in Georgia, August 24, 1840. A family of twelve children have been bom to them, all of whom are living save two: James W. (who died, when twenty-two years of age), and Ira Seamon (who died when a child). Those living are James M., Thomas S., Flora A. M., Sarah F., Calvin W., Lillie S., Disa P., William T., Nancy J. and John S. Mr. Slover has been married twice, first when twenty years of age to Miss Mary Martin, of Texas. She was born May 29, 1835, and died in Scott County, Ark., having borne three children: Malinda Jane, John Samuel and William T., the last named having died at the age of two years. The present Mrs. Slover is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and politically he is a Democrat. He is a thorough-going citizen, and is ever ready to aid good causes. Dr. James H. Smith, an energetic practitioner, is recognized throughout this State as a friend of, and laborer in, the cause and advancement of the medical profession, and has acquired a flattering reputation as a physician. He was born in Wilson County, Tenn., in 1813, to Harris and Nancy S. (Flood) Smith, who were born in Buckingham County, Va., in 1791 and 1796, respectively, re- moving with their parents while young, to Wilson County, Tenn., where they were married. About 1821 they went to Wayne County, Tenn., but a VjF If^ *i\ SCOTT COUNTY. 427 year later returned to Wilson County, moving a short time after to Lawrence County, only to re- turn to Wilson County, once more. They after- ward removed to De Kalb County, where they both passed from life, the former a farmer by oc- cupation and a soldier in the War of 1812. Mrs. Smith was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. The paternal grandfather, George Lump- kin Smith, was a Virginian, but in an early day he removed to Wilson County, Tenn., where he be- came a well to-do farmer, was widely known, and where he passed from life. The maternal grand- father, Thomas Flood, was a Virginian, also, and an early resident of Wilson County, Tenn., where he became a well-to do farmer, and spent the rest of his days. He was of English descent, a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and upon his death, left a large number of descendants in Tennessee. Dr. James H. Smith is the eldest of seven children (four now living) born to his parents, and was brought up to farm life. What knowledge he now has of books, was obtained in his youth by the light of the fire at home and by attending school a short time after he was eighteen years of age, his tuition being paid by doing odd jobs of work, but although his road was an up-hill one he, in this manner, became a well-educated young man, and soon became sufficiently posted to enable him to teach school, after which he found his way much easier. In 1S3-1 he went to Lawrence County, Ala., and in 1835 he was married to Miss Eliza, daugh- ter of Maj. Joel and Jane Denton, who were born in East Tennessee, the former dying in Scott County, Ark., and the latter in Alabama. Mrs. Smith was born in Jefferson County, Tenn., in 1852, and died in Alabama, a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and leaving five children. The Doctor's second marriage took place the same year to Elizabeth, a sister of his first wife, her death oc- curring in Waldi-on, in 1882, she being also a church member. In 1882 the Doctor's third marriage was celebrated, his wife, Mrs. Margaret S. Money, being a daughter of Josejih G. and Margaret Gibson, the former a Georgian and the latter born in South Carolina, their marriage taking place in the former State, where Mrs. Gibson died. Mr. Gibson mar- ried a second time and moved to Texas, where he passed from life. Mrs. Smith was born in Geor- gia, and went to Texas with her father, where she was married to Mr. William T. Money, who died in Texas in 1865. She came to Arkansas in 1866. In 1834 the Doctor went to Alabama, and about 1841 began the study of medicine, attending, dur- ing 1845-46, the Louisville Medical Institute of Kentucky, after which he at once entered upon his practice in Alabama, where he continued vmtil 1856, when he removed to Scott County, Ark., and settled five miles west of Waldron, and with the exception of from 1863 to 1867 he resided there un- til 1881, since which time he has been a resident of Waldron, but is not a very active practitioner at the present time. He is quite well to do, and be- sides owning some valuable town property, he has over 500 acres of land. From 1860 to 1862 he was county and probate judge of Scott County, and in 1876 was elected to the State Legislature, serving one term and being chairman of the committee on roads and highways. He is a charter member of Waldron Lodge No. 132, of the A. F. & A. M., and he and his family ai'e members in good standing of the Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. Smith is one of the oldest and most universally known physi- cians in Western Arkansas, is universally loved and is in every respect worthy the universal re- spect shown him. His surviving children are: Nancy J. (wife of Capt. John Rawlings), and George Walker. Joel Flood was killed while on picket duty near Fayetteville, in 1862. James C. Stanford is a merchant in the village of Cauthron, and by birth is a Georgian, having first seen the light of day in that State June 20, 1842. He is the youngest of five sons and four daughters born to William and Sarah (King) Stan- ford, both of whom were born in Georgia. James C, when a lad, received very limited educational advantages, as his father died when he was thirteen years of age, and he was placed in charge of the home farm, as his older brothers had left home to make their own way in the world. In 1862 he en listed in the Confederate Army, becoming a mem- ber of Company H, Eighteenth Georgia Regiment of Infantry, and was in the battles of Fair Oaks, ^; -« ejV « *-. ^ 9 ^ 428 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Malvern Hill, Manassas, Boouesboro, Fredericks- burg, Chaneellorsville, Gettysburg, Knoxville, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, seige of Richmond, and Farmersville.Va. , where he was taken prisoner, being released on June 28, 1865, from Fortress Monroe, and at the battle of Chaneellorsville was severely wounded. Although there were five brothers in the Confeder- ate Army, all came through safely and are now the heads of families. The eldest brother, Franklin, was in the Mexican War; one resides in Alabama, and the others are near the old home in Georgia. When James C. returned from the army he again went to work on his mother's farm, and there re- mained until 1869, when he left there and came direct to Waldron, Ark., and here has since made his home. He homesteaded some land, nicely im- proved it, and of 170 acres of which he is the owner, four miles northwest of Waldron, he has eighty acres under cultivation, on which are a good house, barn and other necessary buildings. There is also an excellent orchard on the jjlace, and the laud is also well fenced. In January, 1887, Mr. Stanford moved from the farm to the village of Cauthron and opened a general mercantile store, and besides the store building and the lot on which it stands he has thirty-six acre.s on which his residence is situated. He keeps a stock of goods worth 12,000 and his annual sales amount to about $6,000. He is quite extensively engaged in buying cotton, which he ships to Fort Smith, and is otherwise interested in the progress and development of this region. He was married March 7, 1867, to Miss Sarah E. Taff, a daughter of V>'. H. Taff, a farmer of Barto County, Ga. , and by her has the following children: Will- iam T. (who is a teacher and is giving his leisure time to the study of law), Acril J. (who is also a teacher, and he and William were educated in the State University), John F., Nellie L., Franklin A. and James B. The family worship in the Method- ist Episcopal Church South, Mr. Stanford being a steward in the same. He is a Democrat in politics, and is liberal in the support of schools, churches, etc. He came here with no means but has now a good property. Dr. J. O. A. Sullivan. The name of Sullivan is one of the most influential in Scott County, Ark., and Dr. Sullivan among its most talented physicians, has obtained a reputation placing him in the front rank of the medical fraternity. He is also associated with the drug interests of Waldron and as a business man is doing well. He was born in Tennessee in 1849, being the fifth of twelve children born to Nathan and Mary (Ross) Sullivan, the former born in Tennessee and the latter in Alabama. The father was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South for forty- two years, his services for his Master being prin- cipally in the State of Tennessee, where he was presiding elder of his district for many years. He died in 1880, after a useful and well-spent life, his widow still surviving him. The paternal grandfather. Rev. Jocob SiUlivan, was a pioneer of Wilson and Warren Counties, Tenn., from North Carolina, but was a native of Maryland. He preached the gospel in Tennessee until his death in 1866 at Mount Zion, in Tipton County, at the age of eighty-eight years. The maternal grandfather, William Ross, was one of the early settlers of Shelby County, Tenn., at which time there were but three houses at the present site of Memphis. He became a large land owner on the Hatchie River and on this land passed from life in 1867 or 1868. Dr. J. O. A. Sullivan spent his youth in Gibson County, Tenn., and received his education in Andrew College. In 1868 he became a member of Compriuy G, Twelfth Tennessee Cav- alrv. Confederate States Army, and was in the battles of Fort Pillow, Memphis and surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. After his return home he began the study of medicine in 1867 under the pre- ceptorship of Dr. J. J. Crisp. After a thorough preparation he entered the medical university of Tennessee, from which he graduated in 1868, after which he at once began practicing in Gibson County. He was married in February, 1869, to Miss Georgiana McLeary, a native of Tennessee, and daughter of James and Addie McLeary, their births occurring in North and South Carolina, re- spectively. Both parents were of Scotch descent, the maiden name of the mother being Blair. Her ancestors became well known dvu'ing Revolu- ^1 •|v" a k^ --.r-^ -.. , v..^ .....r SCOTT COUNTY. 429 tionary times, her mother's family being well known people of South Carolina. In 1874 Dr. Sullivan and his wife came to Arkansas and settled in Waldron, where he began practicing, in con- nection with which, in 1881, he opened a drug es- tablishment, but soon sold out, only to re-engage in the business in 1887, his establishment being well fitted up and excellently managed. He has always been active in school work; for years has been a director. He is also deeply interested in the political affairs of the country, and has always worked for the success of the Democratic party. He is now serving his second term as secretary of the County Medical Society and is a member of the board. Socially he belongs to Waldron Lodge No. 93 of the I. O. O. F., and in the Grand Lodge of the State he holds the rank of grand guardian. He also belongs to the A. F. & A. M. Dr. Sulli- van lost his estimable wife in 1878, she having borne him three children : Lester Lee, Lenora Adella, and Josie (who died at the age of twenty- two months). His second marriage took place in 1878, his wife being Miss Ella Harris, a native of this State, and daughter of Virgil Harris, a Ten- nesseean, who removed to Texas in 1832 and a few years later to Arkansas, dying in Waldron in May, 1889, when seventy-nine years of age. The Doc- tor and his present wife have six children: Mary Emma, Andrew N. , Clara, Robert Toombs and Stonewall Jackson (twins) and Ada. The Doctor is the owner of a fine farm of 400 acres in Faulk- ner County, of which 60 acres are under cultiva- tion. He also has a good home in Waldron, which he erected in 1879, and besides this owns other valuable town property. William M. Taylor, farmer, Cedar Creek, Ark. Another prominent and successful agriculturist of Cedar Creek Township, and one whose name is synonymous with the farming interests of the county, was born in Tuscaloosa County, Ala., and was reared on a farm, receiving a limited educa- tion in the common schools. He enlisted in the army when a young man and served until its close. He started out for himself as a tiller of the soil, when nineteen years of age, bought land in his native county, and in 1855 was married to Miss Nancy E. McMillan, of Alabama. They have five children — four sons and one daughter. The eldest daughter is married and resides near the old homestead. The remainder of the children are at home. After the war, Mr. Taylor came to Arkansas, settled in Johnson County in 1870, and after remaining there for two years moved to Cedar Creek Township, where he now lives. In 1888 he bought his present property, and is now the owner of 453 acres of valuable land. He has a comfortable dwelling-house, and has made many and vast improvements. His principal crops are corn and cotton. He has this year (1890) forty-two acres of cotton, which will yield one-half bale to the acre, and his average corn crop will be from thirty- five to fifty bushels to the acre. Mr. Taylor was born on June 3, 1836, and is prominently identi- fied with the county in more than one particular. He is the owner of valuable timberland, consist- ing of oak, gum, ash and walnut. G. W. Turner, liveryman of the firm of Tur- ner & Huie, of Waldron, Ark. , is a Tennesseean by birth and bringing up and has inculcated in him the sterling principles of the better class of citizens of that State. He was born in 1844, the second of ten children born to Jesse and Elizabeth (Price) Turner, they being also Tennesseeans. The grand parents on both sides were among the very earliest settlers of that State, and there braved the dangers and privations of pioneer life to make homes for their children. Jesse Turner was one of the worthy tillers of the soil, and after first emigrat- ing from his native State he located in Missouri, and, in 1867 came to Arkansas, where he died in 1870. G. W. Turner removed to Missouri with his parents, and also came with them to this State, acquiring a fair education in the common schools of these States. In 1862 he joined Company H, Gordon's regiment of Missouri Infantry, under Gen. Shelby, and afterward took part in the bat- tles of Springfield, Cape Girardeau, Prairie Grove, Helena and others. After the war he returned to Missouri, where he was engaged in freighting on the plains from Atchison, Kas., to New Mexico, making one trip. He then came to Arkansas and settled in Woodruff County, but nine years later 7f A 430 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. [ located at Augusta, running teams to adjoining towns. Since 1873 he has been a resident of Scott County, and was first engaged in farming and teaming from Fort Smith to Waldron, a calling he continued to follow for thirteen years. In 1887 he opened a livery stable at Waldron in connection with Mr. Huie, and now has a stable well stocked with horses and vehicles, at all times in good con- dition and ready for use. In addition to this prop- erty he has a good farm of 160 acres two miles north of the town, of which 40 acres are under cultivation, and several lots in Waldron. He was married in January, 1870, to Miss Abigail Schrim- sher, of Mississippi, she being an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Turner has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for years, and as a man of business has shown marked al)ility. He and Mr. Huie are the successors of Turner & Hard. They have fifteen head of horses, suitable hacks and buggies for th6 use of traveling men, and they also have the mail contract for carrying daily mail to Mansfield, which contract was secured July 1, 1888, and will continue two years longer. Both these gentlemen are honest and fair in their dealings and fully deserve the patronage of the public. W. R. Vaughn is a Kentuckian by birth, born in 1830, and like the majority of those who claim that as the State of their nativity, he is pushing, enterprising and wide awake. He is one of the following family of children: Elisba, Sally, Phoebe, Rebecca, William R. (the subject of this sketch), John, Reuben, Benjamin, Eliza, Irene, Stephen and Obadiah, of whom only William R., Obadiah and Reuben are now living. They are the children of Obadiah and Nancy (Vaughn) Vaughn, who died when William R. was about fourteen years of age, the former being a farmer by occupation, and served under Gen. Jackson in the War of 1812. After his father's death William R. began working as a farm laborer, and in 1850 was married to Miss Susan Yandell, a daughter of William and Molly A. Yandell, immediately afterward removing to Scott County, Ark., where, in 1865, he unfortu- nately lost his wife, she leaving him with six chil- dren: George R., W^illiam O., James A., Stephen H. , John Z., and one that died unnamed. Of these children only Stephen and John survive. In 1866 Mr. Vaughn took for his second wife Mrs. Luvicy (James) Jones, relict of James Jones, and daughter of Clayburn and Jennie James, but in 1887 this wife also passed from life, having borne Mr. Vaughn six children: Sarah F., Jessie V., Cansady, Isaiah, Benjamin F., and one that died in infancy unnamed. Of these children all are dead except Sarah, Jessie, Cansady and Isaiah. By his second wife Mr. Vaughn acquired 160 acres of land, of which about 60 are improved, and on which he raises corn and cotton, the former averaging fifteen bushels and the latter one-half bale to the acre. In May, 1888, he was married a third time, his wife being Mrs. Nancy E. (Rogers) Jones, widow of William H. Jones, who died in 1881. To them one child has been born, Riley Harrison. Mrs. Vaughn is a member of the Free- Will Baptist Church, of which Mr. Vaughn was also formerly a member. His youngest son by his first wife, John Z., was born in Arkansas, in 1862, and at the age of eighteen years began for himself, marrying, a year later, Miss Louisa Cruse, who was born in Georgia, in 1859, a daughter of S. P. and Melissa (Lamm) Cruse. John Z. and his wife have now a family of five children: Stephen F., John Lawson (de- ceased), Reuben, Jesse Lee and Alena Bell. Mrs. Vaughn died on February 6, 1890, an earnest mem- ber of the Free- Will Baptist Church. Her husband, on July 20, 1890, married Miss Louisa Jones, who was born in Arkansas, in 1872, a daughter of W. H. and Nancy E. Jones. Carey N. Vise, farmer and ex-sherifP. One of the neatest and best kept farms in Hickman Town- ship is that owned and operated by Mr. Vise, con- taining 600 acres, about 200 of which are under cultivation, well improved, the rest being timber- land. On this land is an excellent young orchard, and in connection with his farming operations Mr. Vise is also engaged in stock-raising. He was born in Georgia, the oldest of six children born to John S. and Esther (Vise) Vise, both of whom were born in the Palmetto State, the mother's death occurring there in 1859. Mr. Vise afterward mar- ried again, taking for his second consort Miss ^^ AJ* ^ SCOTT COUNTY. 431 Eliza M. Mason, by whom he became the father of one child. He served in the Confederate Army during the Rebellion, being in Capt. Robert Boyce's company of artillery, and taking part in the battles of Manassas, Antietam, Rappahannock Station and Jackson, Miss. After the war he fol- lowed farming in Georgia nntil 1874, when he came to Arkansas, his son. Carey N. , having pre- viously come here, and settled on a farm two miles from Waldron, on which place he died in 1883. Carey M. Vise was born in 1846, and was educated in the schools of South Carolina. He entered the Confederate Army at the age of sixteen years, being in a company of light artillery, commanded by Capt. Boyce and T. S. Jeter, and was in the same engagements in which his father partici- pated. He was captured at Asheville, N. C, but the war closed a few days later and he was re- leased. In the winter of 1807 he came to Ar- kansas, soon after purchasing 120 acres of land, fifteen miles west of Waldron, on Jones Creek. He was married in December of the same year to Miss Sarah A. Young, of South Carolina, and on the tract which he first purchased he lived for a long time, although he purchased other land and made numerous valuable improvements. Since 1882, however, he has made the town of Waldron his home, where he has a pleasant and comfortable residence. He has always been interested in pol- itics, and for the last eighteen years has held ofiSce. He was assessor six years, justice of the peace, four years, and in 1882 he was elected sheriff of the county, a position he held by re- election until 1890. His children are as follows: Willie, Beatrice, John, Melissa, Charlie, Sadie and Benjamin. Sidney Wilson is one of the most influential men in Scott County, Ark., and he ranks among its most talented and successful lawyers. He was born in the Buckeye State, in 1835, being the eld- est of live children born to Sterns and Clarissa (Gilder) Wilson, both of whom were born in Vir- ginia, and removed to the State of Ohio during the early history of that region, being residents there of during the Black Hawk War. During this time they moved to Chicago, and owned a farm in what is now a portion and part of that city, but in 1846 removed to Iowa, only to return to Illinois a short time after. He passed from life in Kansas, in 1878, his widow dying in 1880. Mr. Wilson was a drum- mer boy in the War of 1812, and was a drum-major in Taylor's command during the war with Mexico, but after taking part in the battle of Monterey, re- turned home on account of sickness. He became a substantial farmer, and was also something of a musician. Sidney Wilson was educated in the Chicago Catholic College, and in the academy at Wheatland, but in 1857 gave up all other branches to take up the study of law, and in 1860 was ad- mitted to the bar. In 1862 he went to Montana, soon after the Fairweather boys had discovered Alder Gulch, at Virginia City, and helped to make the first road from Red Buttes to the head- waters of the Yellowstone River. He had many encounters with the Indians, in one of which he was wounded. He has prospected in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, and while in Mon- tana went 400 miles north to British America, and was at the Coutney Mines for three months, during which time the miners had frequent trouble with the Indians. In 1866 he went to St. Joseph, Mo., and was engaged in freighting goods across the plains to Salt Lake City and Montana until 1869, when he located in St. Clair County, where he taught two terms of school. He was admitted to the bar of Osceola, March 25, 1868, but prior to that had been admitted at Troy, Kas., in 1867. In 1869 he moved to Hermitage, Mo., where he entered on the practice of law. He has been ad- mitted to county, circuit and supreme courts, prac- ticed in the various places in which he has lived, and has had all kinds of cases. His many changes of residence have been made on account of ill health, but his health has been comparatively good since locating in Scott County, Ark., in the development and progress of which county he takes great in- terest. He served as prosecuting attorney of Hick- ory County, Mo., for four terms, his first appoint- ment being received in 1870, his elections taking place in 1872-73-74. He resigned in the spring of 1876, and moved to Lake City, Colo., and in September of the same year was admitted to the ^ ^t '^ 432 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Supreme Court of that State. He -was also admitted to the bar in New Mexico, in April, 1879. In 1880 he went to Scott County, Mo., but two years later returned to Colorado, and after residing at Aspin until 1883, he came to Greenwood, Ark. Since 1884 he has been a resident of Waldron, and has been a leading practitioner of Scott County ever since. He prospected for minerals soon after com- ing here, and discovered the prospects for coal oil, and afterward became one of the stockholders of a company organized for its development. In 1889 he formed his present partnership with B. F. Wolf, and has since been associated with him. He has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1872, and his wife, whom he married July 18, 1857, in Illinois, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her maiden najne was Zerilda Harwood, a native of Indiana, and she has borne Mr. Wilson three children: Clara Isabelle (wife of J. J. Smiley, an engineer and bridge builder; he is now in Tam- pico, Mexico, where he has charge of harbor con- struction; his home is in Kansas City. Mo.), Hattie and Allie (the other two, now living with their parents). Benjamin F. Wolf is an eminent lawyer of the well-known firm of Wilson & Wolf, of Waldron, Ark., and although he has been a resident of the State in which he is now residing since 1867, he was born in the State of Tennessee in 1845, being the youngest of eleven children born to Henry and Nancy (Kinchelow) W'olf, the former a Virginian and the latter a native of Tennessee. Henry Wolf was a carpenter by trade, and upon his removal to Arkansas in 1867 he settled in Crawford County, where he followed his calling until his death, nine years later, his wife passing from life the same year, both having attained an advanced age. Mr. Wolf was a prominent politician while a resident of McMinn County, and during 1856 was sheriff of that county. The boyhood days of Benjamin F. Wolf were spent in his native State, his edu- cation being obtained in a high school. At the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861, he put aside personal considerations to enlist in the Confederate Army, and became a member of Company A, Third Tennessee Infantry, and was in many of the battles in which the Army of Virginia took part, among which may be mentioned Manassas. In 1862 he joined an independent company and was later at- tached to Forrest's command. He was captured near Calhoun, but after a very short time was re- leased. He was in many engagements in Tennes- see, and did much scouting and special duty. He was in the battle of Chickamauga, and after the battle of Missionary Ridge while at home on fur- lough and sick in bed, he was captured, but was soon after released, and shortly after rejoined his command, with which he served until the close of the war. After the termination of the war he re- turned to his home and began teaching school, and during this time, at odd moments, pursued the study of law. After closing up his father's accounts he came with him to Arkansas, and after residing in Crawford County until 1876, he went to Texas, where he remained three years. He then returned to Arkansas, and in the town of Mount Ida, Montgomery County, began the practice of law. In 1881 he came to Scott County, and lo- cated in Poteau Valley, being formally admitted to the bar in 1885, soon after taking up his resi- dence in Waldron. He owns some good town property, is a wide-awake and enterprising gentle- man, and as a lawyer is a deep thinker, keen and practical in his views and the thorough master of his profession. He was married in 1876 to Miss America Cavinous, of this State, but she died in 1880, having borne one son, John (who is dead). His second marriage took place in 1882 to Mrs. Matilda Bird, a native of Arkansas, and a daughter of Z. Hembey, a i)ioneer of this county and a resident of Poteau Valley. Mr. Wolf is a mem- ber of the A. F. & A. M. and the I. O. O. F. fra ternities. Albert S. Wood. There is a number of men who are prominently identified with the mercantile interests of Scott County, Ark., but none of them is more deserving of mention than Mr. Wood, who, although not old in years, is yet a substantial businessman. He was Ijorn in Mississippi in ISSfi, to John T. and Delilah (Nations) Wood, they be- ing also Mississippians, the former an honest and progressive tiller of the soil. Their marriage, ^ l^ SCOTT COUNTY. 433 which occurred in their native State, resulted in the birth of ten children, their names being as fol- lows: Albert S., Victoria (who died some years since), Daniel, Alice, J. Booker, Kate, Thomas, Stanford, Joseph and Nora. John T. Wood en- listed in the Confederate Infantry in 1861, and was on active duty until the close of the war. He first removed from his native State to Texas, and from that State came to Arkansas, in 1859, set- tling in Sevier County, but in 1868 came to Scott County, and is here now residing. He is a mem- ber of Cauthron Lodge No. 385, of the A. F. & A. M. , and ever since residing here has proved himself a man of progressive views and public spirit. Albert S. AVood came to this State with his parents when a small boy, and was principally reared on a farm, but besides being an attendant of the common schools near his home, he was given the advantages of the schools of Fayetteville in 1884 and 1885. He has taught school, and farmed up to 1888, when he engaged in the mercantile business at Gipson, Scott County, Ark., and in May, 1889, was appointed postmaster of the place. He has done an exceedingly prosjjerous business, and has become well known for his honest, upright dealing with his patrons and for his interest in the welfare of this region. He is junior warden of Cauthron Lodge No. 385, of the A. F. & A. M., and also belongs to Poteau Lodge No. 27, of the I. O. O. F. M. Q. Workman is of that sturdy and inde- pendent class, the farmers of Arkansas, and no follower of that calling is possessed of more gen- uine merit and a stronger character than he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He was born in North Carolina, May 6, 1834, being a son of M. P. and L. C. Workman, they being North Carolinians also, the former born in , and the latter in 1813. They were married in their native State, and the same year that their son, M. Q. Workman, was born, M. P. Workman died, and after some years his widow married S. S. Plum- mer, hj which gentleman she became the mother of eight children : Sarah A. (widow of Henry Eater), M. J. (wife of Mitchel Cross), L. C. (wife of William Condrey), L. S. (wife of Joseph Singel- tery), A. B., M. C. (wife of Henry Cauthron), M. H. (wife of W. H. Marr), and J. E. The mother is now living in Scott County, Ark, and she, her husband and all her children are members of the Baptist Church. The subject of this sketch was married in Catoosa County, Ga., in 1861, to Miss M. E. Pack, a Georgian, born in 1838. To them two children have been born: J. A. and W. M. , but in 1863 they were left motherless. Two years later Mr. Workman married, a second time. Miss P. J. Smith, a native of North Carolina, born in 1843, becoming his wife, and in time, the mother of seven children, of whom are living: S. A., T. W., Ervin and J. P. J. L., H. W. and one that died in infancy are those not living. Mr. Workman was a soldier in the Rebellion, and in 1S62 en- listed in a company of infantry, serving in Georgia Regiment until the close of the war. He received one severe wound, a ball entering his left jaw and coming out on the right side of the mouth, cutting his tongue in two, which wound was received at the battle of Peach Tree Creek. After the war he returned home, and engaged in farming, which calling has been his occupation ever since. He owns 166 acres of land, with 70 under cultivation, his crops being corn, cotton, oats and wheat. In 1870 he emigrated from Georgia to Arkansas, and settled where he now lives, where he has done well, and where he expects to make his future home. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and socially, he belongs to Cauth- ron Lodge No. 385, of the A. F. & A. M. ^^ j, >y « »-. ■ ■.^.-^-,.. -^ -.,.....■.■, -■- — .--.^r^..^^ '^ 434 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Polk County— Location and Boundary— Topography, Streams. Springs and Water Supply- Timber— Soil— Farm Products— Public Lands— Minerals,' Gold, Silver, Manganese, etc.— Horticulture- Vineyards— Native AVine— Live Stock— U. S. Signal Sehvice- Cli- mate— Proposed Railroads — Taxable Wealth— Wild Animals— Settlement —Pioneer Settlers— First Mills— Pioneer Cabins— County Organiza- tion—County Seat— Public Buildings— County Officers— Elec- tion Returns— Population— Circuit Court— Legal Bar —Civil War— Dallas and Other Towns— Dallas High School— Educational Facilities- Religious Denominations. "We will revive those times, and in our memories preserve ami still keep fresh, like flowers in water, those happier days." — Richter. 'he connty of Polk, in the State of Arkansas, lies on the western tier of counties, and is bounded north by Scott County, east by Montgomery and Howard Counties, .south by Howard and Sevier Coun- ties, and on the west by the In- dian Territory. According to the Government survey of the public lands it comprises all of Town- ships 1 to 4, inclusive, south of the •base line, in Ranges 28 to 32, in- clusive, west of the fifth principal meridian, and all of Townships 5 and (5 soitth of the base line, in Ranges 31 and 32 we.9t, and also that part of Township 6 south, lying in fractional Range 33 west, containing in all an area of 870 square miles, or 560,640 acres. A more definite description of the county is as follows: Beginning on the base line at the northeast corner of Town- ship 1 south, in Range 28 west; thence south on the range line to the line dividing Townships 4 and 5 south; thence west on the township line to the line dividing Ranges 30 and 31 west; thence south on the range line to the township and correction line between Townships 5 and 6 south ; thence east on the correction line to the line dividing Ranges 30 and 31 west; thence south on the range line to the line dividing Townships 6 and 7 south; thence west on the township line to the western boundary of the State; thence north on the State line to the base line; thence east on the Fourche la Fave Mountain Ridge to the place of beginning. Polk is in the same latitude as Montgomery County, a description of which is given in this volume, and it lies mostly in the ninety-fifth degree of west longitude. Its altitude above sea level in the vicinity of Dallas, the county seat, is al)out 1,400 feet, and fourteen miles north of west from Dallas, Rich Mountain rears its lofty summit about 2,700 feet above tide water, making it the highest point of land in the State. The surface of the '4^ -C I W tht^ POLK COUNTY. 435 county is both hilly and level. A mountain range, known as the Fourche la Fave, running the entire length of the county, divides Polk from Scott County on the north. Through this range are two gaps, or accessible passes — Eagle or Foren — through which are wagon roads, and the grade is not too great for railroads through either. Rich Mountain, one of nature's curiosities, lies directly and immediately south of the western part of the Fourche la Fave range, and extends westward into the Indian Territory. This mountain has phenomenal features worthy of especial mention. On its summit are several hundred acres of rich lands, nearly level and very productive, resembling river-bottom land, both in soil, timber and vegeta- tion. Beech and linden, and all the other kinds of timber found on the bottoms of this region of the country, grow on the top of this mountain. Good cold springs of freestone and chalybeate water are also found there. The altitude being so great, a blanket covering is necessary to keep a person com- fortable on the warmest summer nights, and the days are very pleasant, not excessively cold even in winter. Several families live on this mountain, and have rich and valuable farms. Frequently they can enjoy the sunshine and look down on the clouds that are showering the lands below. The Kiomiche Mountain touches the county on the west, and through it are several nearly level passes, by which the Indian Territory is reached. South of Dallas, in the central part of the county, are the Silver Mountains, comprising a large pro- portion of the area of the county. Their conical shaped peaks, all covered with forest trees, with their beautiful foliage, are the loveliest of scenery as beheld from the valleys or lower lands. The county is well watered with as fine mount- ain streams as the world affords. The north cen- tral and northeastern part of the county is drained by the Ouachita or Washita River, which flows in an easterly direction into Montgomery County. This river has several tributaries, all beautiful streams of water, clear as crystal. The southeast- ern part of the county is drained by the head- waters of Caddo Creek and the Clear Fork of the Little Missouri, flowing in a southeasterly direc- tion. The southern portion is drained by the head- waters or streams of the Saline and Cossatot Rivers, and the Rolling Fork of Little River. The western part of the county is drained by Mountain Fork and other streams which flow westerly into the Indian Territory and thence into Little River. Big Creek drains a small portion of the northwest- ern part of the county and flows thence into Poteau River. The dividing ridge between the waters that flow northwardly and eastwardly by way of the Ouachita and its tributaries, and the waters that flow in all other directions from the county, extends a distance east and west near Dallas, mostly south- east thereof. The Fourche la Fave and Rich Mountain range form the dividing ridge or water- shed between the Ai'kansas River on the north and Red River on the^south. South of this mountain range, twelve miles in extent, is the Ouachita River Valley, which reaches to Dallas. Of this region Col. Thompson, of the Arkansas Forest and Farm, recently published the following: "One hundred miles north of Texar- kana, eighty- five miles south of Fort Smith and eighty miles west of Hot Springs on the west- ern border of Arkansas and over 1,400 feet above the Gulf of Mexico, surrounded by the Cos- satot, Fourche and Rich Mountains, where the Cossatot, Ouachita, Poteau and the Mountain Fork of Little River all have their birth, winding their way by the four points of the compass to the ocean, it was here we found Dallas Park, a land fit for the home of the gods, where fruits, flowers, cereals and grasses are unexcelled anywhere in this broad land. The park is about twelve miles broad and eighteen miles long, but at present only about ten per cent is under cultivation, the remainder in timber of various kinds, all of fine growth. Water is abundant and as pure as ever dropped from the clouds, though mineral springs of various kinds are frequently found, some having been noted for years for their curative properties and visited by people from the low lands of this State, Louisiana and Texas. With easy access, the region would soon bee ome, among health and pleasure seekers, as the many now celebrated mountain resorts of the East. From one sj)ur of >^ -4J ^\ '^. ] 436 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. the Cossatot, near the town of Dallas, we saw over forty springs, all within the sjjace of an acre orso. " There are good mineral and fresh- water springs throughout the county, and the water in the streams is so clear and pure that it is used by some families for domestic purposes. Good well water, except on the moiantain tops, can also be procured at moderate depth. Springs flow also from the mountain tops. The county was originally covered with a dense growth of timber, and as only a small portion of its area has been cleared there are still very ex- tensive forests of the best of pine, several varieties of oak, hickory, sweet and black gum, some wal- nut, cedar and other varieties. None of the tim- ber has been cut and shipped away. A few small saw-mills which saw lumber only for home use exist in the county. As soon as this section of country shall be traversed with railroads to give an outlet, a great industry in the lumber business will sjiring up. In the valleys along the streams the soil is alluvial, deep and exceedingly fertile, and on the higher lands it is composed of humus, sand and clay, and it produces well wherever the land lies level enough for cultivation. Even on the mountain tops plateaus of very productive land are found. In some places on the gently in- clining hillsides where the surface is so completely covered with small stones that strangers (without seeing the crops) would comdemn them as worth- less, heavy crops of corn are grown. Cotton, corn, oats and wheat are the chief products raised. ^Vith proper cultivation the bottom lands will pro- duce a bale of cotton jier acre, and the uplands from a half to two-thirds as much; of corn the bottom lands could easily be made to produce from thirty to sixty bushels, and the uplands a less amount in proportion to their strength. However these results are seldom obtained, because scien- tific farming has not been adopted except by a very few individuals. It is said that clover and the tame grasses do well here, but as yet they have not been raised to any extent either for hay, pasture or for fertilizing the lands. The wild range where the stock lives the year round without care, is depended upon for pasture, and as the lands continue to produce fair crops with the old methods of cultivation, no extra efforts are made to raise more. Transportation — outlets by rail for the surplus f)roducts — is the thing most needed for the development of the resources of this part of the State. There are nearly 200,000 acres of land yet in Polk County subject to homestead entry, and im- proved lands can be purchased for from $3 to 18 per acre. Mineral lands or such as are known to contain minerals are not subject to homestead en- try. Prof. J. Van Cleve Phillips of St. Louis, an eminent geologist, spent several weeks in Polk County in 1885, examining and investigating the geological formation, and afterward published the following: "Having been over portions of Pulaski, Saline, Hot Springs, Garland, Montgomery, Polk, Sevier and parts of adjacent counties, and studied the topography and ores so far as discovered, I am led to the conclusion that these counties include the central part of what will eventually prove to be the richest nickel, tin, silver and gold fields on the continent; that the metals here stored up have direct relationship to the coming population of the Mississippi Basin, where it will have 300 to the square mile; that mining parties who propose to develop these silver veins, must go to work to make silver mining a practical and permanent in- dustry, and that the town which will be most bene- fited by this industry will be where the most practi- cal knowledegeof nickel, tin, silver and gold mining and reducing these ores are made a daily discussion and study." Since the above was published several mines have been opened in Pope County, among which are those best known as the Worthingtuu Mines, located about two and a half miles south of Dallas, and the Burns Bros. ' Mines, situated twelve miles southeast of Dallas. The former produces gold and silver, and the latter manganese. At the Worthington Mines, Mr. Lee Worthiugton owns eight or ten claims, Mr. Clarence Swartout six, Martin Durham and others each several claims, and the Silver Leaf and Copper Queen mining companies have thi'ee claims each. Assays of the ores taken fiom the Worthington Mines give good "?|i POLK COUNTY. 487 results, all the way from §15 to 1200 of gold and silver per ton. The silver predominates. At these mines three tunnels and their cross cuts measuring 10(* feet each have been made. Burns & Bro. claim for their mines the best and purest manganese in the world, having had it as- sayed in large (quantities by the best assayists in both Europe and America, it running all the way from fifty to seventy-six per cent of metallic man- ganese, and in some instances there being no phos- phorus and no sulphur, and only one per cent of silica and two per cent of earthy matter. As these mines are not yet in operation the quality onh', and not the extent of the manganese, is known. Seven different mines have been opened where the quality has been found to be excellent, and from all ap- pearances the quantity is abundant. Manganese, gold and silver, iron and other valuable mineral.? exist in other parts of the county than these men- tioned here. The owners of the mining claims so far as taken, are now doing the work thereon an- nually required by the Government in developing their mines, are taking care of the ores excavated, and awaiting the ingress of railroads, when they expect to obtain a rich harvest in fully operating their mines, and reducing the precious metals for the world's markets. Pertaining to horticulture in Polk County, Judge Thad. M. Carder, of Dallas, one of the lead ing horticulturists, thus writes: "There is seldom a failure of apples. The trees grow well, and but few die from the effects of the grub, when properly cared for. There being no market, but little attention has been given to the orchard until the past few years. Young or- chards are at nearly every farm house now. Peaches grow large, but are not a sure crop, say, as an aver- age, two crops in three years. Plums are not a sure crop. Pears and quinces do well ; all small fruits that have been cultivated give entire satisfaction. " This is the home of many varieties of grapes. The Ouachita, or Mountain grape, about the size of the Concord, grows wild on the mountain. The few vineyards that have started have given entire satisfaction, not a failure in eight years; large fruit and a fine flavor, no blight, mildew or insects, but few leaf rollers. The varieties that give the best satisfaction that have been tried^^ are the Concord, Ives Seedling, Hartford Prolific, Dela- ware, Norton's Virginia, Summerville and Amber. The east-face hill land is the best for all fruit crops. Nearly any of the ridges are rich enough without any fertilizers^ Strawberries grow wild wherever protected n'om stock. The few that have cultivated the strawberry have received ample reward for their labor in large and finely flavored berries and an abundant yield. ' ' Since the above was written a largeh' increased interest in the growing of fruits has been mani- fested. Thousands of young apple trees have been recently planted, and many have planted extensive vineyards. James Owens, of Dallas, is probably the largest apple-grower in the county. Among the varieties of this excellent fruit that succeed Isest in this part of the country are Kentucky Red, Lim- ber Twig, Red Pippin, Shannon, Winter Pear- main, Northern Spy and Arkansas Black. Grape culture has already been made a specialty, and an association for the better culture of the vine has been organized. Thad. M. Carder, M. J. Hop- kins, W. Nail and J. F. England, of Dallas and vicinity; T. J. Tate, W. C. Smith and O. T. Alli- son, in the neighborhood of Cove; S. C. Bates and M. V. Lee, at Egger post- office: James S. Standridge, on Big Fork, and about thirty others constitute the members of the association, and are the leading vine-growers. All of these have fi'om 150 to 7,000 vines each. Judge Carder has 7,000 vines under cultivation, about half of which are old enough to bear. There are 12U,500 grapevines growing in vineyards in the county, none of which contain less than half an acre, and nearly all of them were only three years old in the fall of 1890. This industry is confined mostly to the localities of Dallas and Cove. A considerable quantity of native wine has already been manu- factured, and much will be made in the near fu- ture. Judge Carder also writes the following quota- tion: "Range or wild grass. Stock run at large, plenty of grass in the spring or summer. Beg- gar lice and peavines in the fall. Cattle and ^ I « ^ .u 438 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. horses do well on the range from April to October, and sometimes later, owing to the fall. Some cat- tle go through the winter without feed. There is a large amount of wild land in the mountains, and in fact all over the country, that will likely not be enclosed for many years. Hogs run at will and thrive on the mast and vegetables and roots, and but few hogs are fed, only those that are intended for bacon, and many kill their meat from the woods. The acorn crop seldom fails." The number of domestic animals assessed for taxation in Polk County in 1889 was as follows: Horses, 2,284; cattle, 11,931; mules and asses, 909; sheep, 3,505; hogs, 17,801. This is a very good showing in the raising of live stock in a rural county so far from railroad markets. The exten- sive range, mild climate, many streams and other favorable conditions make the county a very favor- able place for raising live stock to advantage. There is a United States signal service station at Dallas, with Judge Thad. M. Carder, as super- intendent. The tower on the mountain a short dis- tance south of the Judge's residence, is 1,892 feet above the sea, and 480 feet above the common level surrounding it. The average temperature at Dal- las, for the year 1889, was fifty nine degrees, and the rainfall was forty-one and a half inches. This shows that the climate is mild, and that the rain- fall, even though in a montainous country, is amply sufficient. The Texarkana & Northern Railroad, with Fort Smith as its objective point on the north, must pass through Polk County when completed. On the southern end of this line the cars are running from Texarkana to Red River, and work is being done to finish the road several miles farther north, to reach the pine timber, and the probability is that ere long it will be built to its northern terminus. The line of another proposed railway known as the Memphis, Little Rock & Indian Territory, passes east and west through the county. Not until these railways, or others in their stead, are constructed, will the resources of Polk County become fully de- veloped. The taxable property of Polk County was assessed in 1889, for taxation, as follows: Real estate, $273,088, personal property, 1452,195, mak- ing a total of 1725,283. To approximate the real value of the taxable wealth of the county, this amount should be trebled, as the property was assessed at only about one-third of its true value. The total amount of taxes charged in the county in 1889, as shown by the tax books, was $27,308. - 80. The number of acres taxed was 98,653, and the number of polls 1,797. Before the settlement of the county began "the Indian hunter pursued the panting deer and the wild fox dug his hole unscared. " Here then the wild beasts of the forest roamed over the mountains and valleys undisturbed by white men. When the first pioneers came, about 1830, the buf- faloes which had previously been so numerous, seemed to scent the approach of civilization, and took their final leave, and fled to the westward. The bears, also numerous, stood their grounds as best they could, and although many have fallen before the hunter's rifle, and have been used to partially supply the lai'ders of the early settlers and later citizens, a few still remain in their mountain fastnesses, and bear steak is yet occasionally served on the tables. Wolves were once very numerous and very pestiferous to the settlers, being de- structive of pigs and sheep, but they are now scarce. The panthers also are nearly all gone. The deer and wild turkeys formerly very numerous and so useful for food for the pioneers, still remain in quantities sufficient to amuse and repay the hunter. Ducks, quails and other wild fowl still abound. Many of the smaller animals also abound and tine fish are found in the beautiful mountain streams. These remarks concerning wild ani- mals and wild fowls apply also to the counties of Scott and Montgomery. The settlement of the territory now composing Polk County began about the year 1830, or perhaps a little earlier. Thomas Griffith, from Illinois, settled near the present village of Dallas, and about the same time Jacob Miller settled two miles east of Dallas, where Ben Thompson now resides, and George Wiles settled in the same neighbor- hood. In December, 1833, James Pirtle from Tennessee settled on the farm where his son, B. '^^ -^iv POLK COUNTY. 439 F. Pirtle, now resides one-half mile north of Dal- las. The same year Isaac Pirtle and Ben Pirtle also from Tennessee, made their settlements — the former one mile north of Dallas, and the latter on Mountain Fork, near the camp-meeting ground. Also in the same year Walter Scott and Allen Trousdale, from Tennessee, settled on Board Camp Creek, east of Dallas. The same year Isaac Jones settled the site of Dallas, and a year or two later he sold his improvement to John B. Stewart, who settled thereon. About the year 1835 Mr. Cantrell settled in the Miller neighborhood, east of Dallas. Kennison Sulth, from Missouri, located on Six Mile Creek, near the present town of Cove, and Joseph Sulth settled on Mountain Fork, about twelve miles west of Dallas. About the same time William Cox. from Missouri, settled on the Ouachita, six miles northeast of Dallas, Thomas Edom settled four miles west of Dallas, and William Josling, from Missouri, settled two and one-half miles north of Dallas. Jacob Ritchie was a very early settler on the Ouachita, twelve miles east of Dallas. George M. Winter, from Missouri, settled seven miles west of Dallas in about 1833. Other pioneers of the thirties were Richard Powell, who came from Tennessee, and settled near the camp ground, in the western part of the county; Fred Lunsford, who settled a few miles east of Dallas, and Elisha Baker, who settled near Baker's Springs in the southern part of the county. In 1840 Isaac A. Morris came from New England and settled at Dallas, and near the same time Joshua Cox settled three miles southeast of Dallas. In the fall of 1854 Rev. H. C. Ridling came from Mississippi and settled on the Ouachita near where he now resides, about twelve miles east of Dallas. He informs the writer that at that time there was only one cotton-gin in the county, and that one was located three miles northeast of Dal- las, and was owned by one Kuykendall. This gin had no press, as the cotton was not then baled, and none was then raised except for home use. There was not a steam-mill in the county until about the year 1867, when the Ashford steam saw and grist-mill was put up on Dry Creek. There were then only three water-power mills in the county, two of them being on Big Fork and one on Two Mile Creek. The iirst mill erected in the county was one on Two Mile Creek, which had gone down prior to 1854. Before any of these mills were erected the pioneers ground their grain on steel hand mills which they brought with them. In those early days the settlers depended largely upon hunting for a living. Little Rock and Camden were the only trading points where store goods and groceries could be obtained. Peltry, venison, bear meat and the like were hauled to these points and exchanged for the ' ' necessaries of life, ' ' whisky being then considered one of the latter. The habitations of the pioneers were always made by logs, sometimes hewn on two sides and sometimes not hewn at all. When hewn, the logs were put up with the flat surfaces on the inside and outside of the building. The cracks were tilled with chinking, and this was daubed over with mud. The form of the cabin was always an ob- long square, with a huge fireplace in one end. The tire-place was set back in a crib composed of logs with the face even with the inner wall. This crib heavily lined with stone and mortar, stood upon a hearth made of flat stones. On top of the stone and mortar lining was made a stick-and-mud chim- ney, the latter always being entirely on the outside of the building, and extending a little above the comb of the roof. The cabin was only one story in height, and was covered with clapboards rest- ing on poles running the long way of the btiilding, and weighted down with other poles. One or two small openings were cut out for windows, in which greased paper, when it could be had, was often substituted for glass. The floor was made of puncheons, prepared wholly with an ax, and laid down on ' ' sleepers. " The door was made of light puncheons, or heavy clapboards, fastened together with pins and hung on wooden hinges. This is a fair description of the completed ''pioneer's cabin." All the tools required in building it were the axe, broadax, frow and auger. Many such a cabin was Imilt without the use of a nail. Cabins with later improvements are still in use in the county, and some of the best habitations I 44=0 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. now consist of double cabins with a wide hall or entry between them and other extensions. Good frame houses are also in use, but the writer in his travels did not see any brick dwelling-houses in the county, though there may be a few. Polk County was organized in accordance with the provisions of an act of the General Assembly, approved December 30,1844. The temporary seat of justice was established at the house of James Pirtle, where there was a post ofiSce called Panther. This place was one-half mile north of the site afterward chosen for the county seat, which was named Dal- las in honor of Vice-President Dallas, the county having been named in honor of President James K. Polk. The permanent county seat has always been at Dallas. The court-house and records were burned during the Civil War. Another court- house was erected in 1869, and two or three years later it was also consumed by fire, together with the public records. The loss of the early records precludes the possibility of giving particulars con- cerning the organization of the county, the choos- ing of the permanent seat of justice, and other important historical facts. The present court-house was built in 1884 by Hudgins Brothers at a cost of 14,500. It ia a neat and substantial two-story brick building, 40x40 feet in size, with a hall, stairway and offices on the first floor, and the court-room on the second. The county jail was constructed in 1888, under the supervision of Com- missioner J. G. Bell. It is a very strong brick house containing two iron cells, from which "jail birds ' ' can not escape. It cost about $3,000. It stands away firom the public square, southwest of the court-house and about 100 yards distant there- from. The county has no ' ' poor farm ' ' or asylum for the poor, and but little, if any, provision is made for paupers, they being almost " an un- known quantity." The following list contains the names of the county and other oflficers in succession, with date of terms of service annexed to each from the organization of the county to the year 1890: Judges— J. T. Hayden, 1844-46; * * * Samuel Nichols, 1848-52; Samuel Wilkins, 1852- 54; John Bolin, 1854-56; William Nichols, 1856- 58; D. Foran, 1858-60; D. B. Harrison, 1860-62; J. B. Barker, 1862-64; D. H. Howell, 1864-66; G. V. Bates, 1866-68; M. Morris, 1868-72; * * Thomas Mills, 1874-78; T. J. Robinson, 1878-80; Thad. M. Carder, 1880-84; G. B. Bates, 1884-86; J. D. Garland, 1886-88; T. R. Rowe, 1888-90. Clerks— J. Scott, 1844-46; J. M. Scott, 1846- 48; I. A. Morris, 1848-50; E. E. Story, 1850-52; J. Brumley, 1852-54; D. B. Harrison, 1854-56; I G. S. Turrentine, 1856-58; D. B. Harrison, 1858- 60; S. M. White, 1860-62; J. W. Miller, 1862-64; A. P. Alexander, 1864-72; W. J. Davis, 1872-76; H. G. Rind, 1874-79; J. M. Hilton, 1879-80; W. J. Davis, 1880-90. Sheriffs— B. Pope, 1844-46; B. F. Pope, 1846-48; J. Pollock, 1848-50; J. S. Winton, 1850-52; John Lewis, 1852-54; J. S. Winton, 1854-56; A. D. Flinn, 1856-60; J. W. Earp, 1860-64; D. M. Baird, 1864-68; A. D. Flinn, 1868-72; G. R. Miller, 1872-74; J. R. Lane, 1874-80; J. L. Pipkins, 1880-84; J. M. Hopkins, 1884-90. Treasurer— J. Pirtle, 1844-48; E. Bull, 1848- 50; H. W. Jones, 1850-56; J. Cagle, 1856-66; S. White, 1866-68; J. M. Morris, 1868-72; A. W. Cole, 1872-74; J. M. Hilton, 1874-76; S. B. White, 1876-80; L. Joplin, 1880-84; Minor Pip- kins, 1884-86; R. J. Robbins, 1886-88; Minor Pipkins, 1888-90. Coroners— H. Dixon, 1844-46; * * * B. M. Cravens, 1848-50; J. C. Thompson, 1850-52; J. R. Richards, 1852-54; L. Borton, 1854-56; J. McDonald, 1856-60; B. L. Tanner, 1860-62; J. Thompson, 1862-64; E. Young, 1864-66; J. J. Joslin, 1866-68; * * * B. C. Pylam, 1872- 74; H. H. Hoover, 1874-76; S. Crawford, 1876- 78; * * * J. W. Bates, 1880-84; F. M. Beavers, 1884-88; T. M. Edwards, 1888-90. Surveyors — D. Hamilton, 1844-46; H Overby, 1846-48; W. G. McCanish, 1848-50; J. A. Mor- ris, 1850-54 * * * J. w. Eads, 1856-60; J. A. Morris, 1860-62; J. W. Eads, 1862-68; J. A. Morris, 1868-72; S. Posey, 1872-78; W. J. Bar- ton, 1878-84; J. W. Eads, 1884-86; S. M. Imoe, 1886-90. Assessors — A. P. Alexander, 1862-64; M. C. -^^ r POLK COUNTY. 441 Duggan, 1804-60; G. H. Warren, 1866-08; J. F. Lane, 1868-71; R. C. Embry, 1871-72; D. T. Lawrence, 1872-78; M. Williams, 1878-80; W. M. Williams, 1880-90. Delegates in State Conventions — Archibald Ray in convention held March 4 to 21, and May to June 3, 1861; James Huey and Thomas Young in constitutional convention held January 4 to January 23, 1864; Stephen C. Bates in constitu- tional convention held July 14, to October 31,1874. State Senators — A. J. Armstrong, for Sevier, Polk and La Fayette Counties, 1848-50; S. Mc Neely, same counties, 1850-52; B. F. Hawkins, same counties, 1852-56; * * * A.A.Penning- ton, Clark, Polk and Pike Counties, 1858-62; L W. Smith, same counties, 1862-04; L. D. Cantrell, same counties, 1864-00; A. A. Pennington, same counties, 1860-08; D. P. Beldin, Scott, Polk, Montgomery and Hot Springs Counties, 1868-76; M. J. Mulkey, Little River, Sevier, Howard and Polk Counties, 1876-80; Pole McPhetrige, same counties, 1880-84; J. H. Williams, 1884-88. Representatives in Legislature — Edward L. Pryor, 1846-48; Edward H. Featherstone, 1848- 50; A. G. Atkins, 1850-52; J. T. Hayden, 1852-54; William Jernigin, 1854-56; Samuel Gray, 1856- 00; Peter B. Allen, 1860-62; J. B. Williamson, 1862-64; * * * J. D. Baker, 1800-08; J. V. Harrison and J. H. Demby for Scott,Polk,Montgom- ery and Hot Springs Counties, 1808-70; J. F. Lane, J. J. Sumpter and James M. Bethel, same coun- ties and Grant, 1870-72; L. D. Gilbraith, J. J. Sumpter and George G. Latta, same counties, 1872-74; H. H. Barton and J. J. Sumpter, same counties except Grant, 1874. Polk County only hereafter: Calvin Cochran, 1874-76; Joseph G. Mc- Leod, 1876-78; E. H. Jordan, 1878-80; A. P. Alexander, 1880-82; J. E. Johnson, 1882-84; J. G. Hudgins, 1884-80; B. F. Thompson, 1888-90. The following election returns will show the political aspect of the county, and the successors elect of the present officers. At the September election in 1888, James P. Eagle, Democratic candidate for governor, re- ceived in Polk County 803 votes, and his oppo- nent, C. M. Norwood, 486 votes. At the presi- dential election in the same year the candidates for the presidency received votes as follows: Cleve- land (Dem.) 785. Harrison (Rep.) 126, Streeter (U. L.) 73, Fisk (Pro.) 3. Below is the vote by townships for the county candidates at the September election in 1890: Center — For representative, J. A. Norris 66, T. M. Carder 124; judge, T. R. Rowe 115, J. D. Garland 75; clerk, W. J. Davis 165, W. L. Wil- son 27; sheriff, J. M. Hopkins 103, Frank Pear son 86; treasurer, B. F. Pirtle 175, W. F. Eidling 10; assessor, J. W. Cunningham 134, J. R. McMa- hen 00; surveyor, S. M. Imoe 192; coroner, J. R. Buchanan 185. Potter— Norris 39, Carder 62; Rowe 42, Gar- land 55; Davis 38, AVilson 39; Hopkins 39, Pear- son 65; Pirtle 90, Ridling 3; Cunningham 52, McMahen 49; Imoe 96; Buchanan 93. Eagle — Norris 25, Carder 1 7 ; Rowe 26, Garland 17; Davis 25, Wilson 17; Hopkins 25, Pearson 17; Pirtle 29, Ridling 1 1 ; Cunningham 24, McMahen 17; Imoe 42; Buchanan 43. Rich Mountain — Norris 5, Carder 10; Rowe 4, Hughes 11; Davis 5, Wilson 9; Hopkins 4, Pear- son 11; Pirtle 7, Ridling 0; Cunningham 6, Mc- Mahen 9; Imoe 14; Buchanan 5. Freedom — Norris 31, Carder 63; Rowe 25, Garland 07; Davis 44, Wilson 51; Hopkins 42, Pearson 57; Pirtle 87, Ridling 1; Cunningham 05, McMahen 24; Imoe 91; Bucbanan 75. Cove — Norris 75, Carder 07; Rowe 84, Garland 56; Davis 89, Wilson 52; Hopkins 62, Pearson 82; Pirtle 127, Ridling 8; Cunningham 87, McMahen 56; Imoe 127; Buchanan 123. White— Norris 49, Carder 119; Rowe 9, Gar- land 66; Hopkins 4, Pearson 126; Davis 83, Wil- son 78; Pirtle 105, Ridling 43; Cunningham 90, McMahen 59; Imoe 112; Buchanan 118. Ozark— Norris 23, Carder 100; Rowe 52, Gar land 65; Davis 31, Wilson 93; Hopkins 12, Pear- son 119; Pirtle 67, Ridling 43; Cunningham 55, McMahen 60; Imoe 102; Buchanan 109. Faulkner— Norris 24, Carder 7; Rowe 17, Gar- land 15; Davis 21, Wilson 8; Hopkins 18, Pear- son 12; Pirtle 20, Ridling 6; Cunningham 8, Mc- Mahen 14; Imoe 31; Buchanan 20. -i>f « k^ ^4 » !>> 442 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Gap Springs — Norris 17, Carder 13; Rowe 19, Garland 11; Davis 31, Wilson — ; Hopkins 17, Pearson 11; Pirtle 23, Ridling 0; Cunningham 14, McMaben 15; Imoe 30; Buchanan 27. Cedar — Norris 21, Carder 41; Rowe 26, Gar- land 35; Davis 29, Wilson 31; Hopkins 21, Pear- son 40; Pirtle 23, Ridling 30; Cunningham 25, McMahen 32; Imoe 31; Buchanan 29. Fulton — Norris 4fi, Carder 24; Rowe 44, Gar- land 32; Davis 62, Wilson 15; Hopkins 52, Pear- son 23; Pirtle 69, Ridling 4; Cunningham 41, McMahen 30; Imoe 72; Buchanan 68. Big Fork — Norris 44, Carder 54; Rowe 43, Garland 49; Davis 51, Wilson 46; Hopkins 41, Pearson 56; Pirtle 98, Ridling 0; Cunningham 47, McMahen 48; Imoe 83; Buchanan 67. Mountain — Norris 85, Carder 75; Rowe 80, Garland 75; Davis 81, Wilson 70; Hopkins 82, Pearson 76; Pirtle 98, Ridling 27; Cunningham 85, McMahen 74; Imoe 92, Buchanan 109. Ouachita — Norris 43, Carder 43 ; Rowe 44, Gar- land 40; Davis 57, Wilson 14; Hopkins 43, Pear- son 42; Pirtle 39, Ridling 27; Cunningham 36, McMahen 49; Imoe 84; Buchanan 80. Gourd Neck — Norris 30, Carder 8; Rowe 33, Garland 0; Davis 37, Wilson 2; Hopkins 35, Pearson 4; Pirtle 36, Ridling 0; Cunningham 32, McMahen 7 ; Imoe 37 ; Buchanan 32. A recapitulation of the foregoing shows the following officers elected by majorities ranging from 81 for judge to 874 for treasurer: Thad. M. Carder, representative; T. R. Rowe, judge; W. J. Davis, clerk; Frank Pearson, sherifp; B. F. Pirtle, treasurer; and J. W. Cunningham, assessor. S. M. Imoe for surveyor, and J. R. Buchanan for coroner, having no opposition, received 1,236 and 1,183 votes, respectively. The Democratic State ticket, with Gov. Eagle at its head, received a majority of about 300 voles in the county. The aggregate population of Polk County at the close of each census decade since its organ- ization, has been as follows: 1850, 1,263; 1860, 4,262: 1870, 3,376; 1880, 5,857. The colored population of the county in 1860 was 172; in 1870 it was 45, and in 1880 it was 61. The population of the county as ascertained by the census enu- merators of 1890, just taken, has not been pub- lished at this writing, and consequentlj' can not be given here. When published, the figures will be interesting to compare with the foregoing. Of the circuit court in the early days. Judge Carder speaks as follows: ''The semi-annual cir- cuit court was looked upon as the Greeks did the Olympic games, a pleasure to meet together and hear a few yarns from the bar, pass around the big brown jug, and return home." There was not much litigation, and as no man was sent to the jienitentiary until 1879, it is to be inferred that criminals did not always receive justice. Only one legal execution of a criminal has taken place in the county, and that was the hanging of MofFett, in 1885, for the murder of a man in the western part of the county. Polk County belongs to the Eighth Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Montgomery, Polk, Howard, Sevier, Little River, Pike and Clark. The resident attorneys constituting the legal bar of the county are Pole, McPhetrige, W. M. Matheny, F. M. Reeves, Col. Rice, and an attorney residing at Cove. When the Civil War of 1861-65 broke out many of the people of Polk County were found to be in favor of establishing and maintaining the "Southern Confederacy," and contributed liberally of her cit- izens to assist in composing the Southern Army. During that memorable struggle the county was, fortunately, outside of the field of war, and conse- quently it escaped the ravages that so many other counties were compelled to suffer and endure. Be- ing of primitive habits, used to economy, and ac customed to the manufacture of their own clothing, the citizens were better enabled to endure the pri- vations occasioned by the war, than were those of the older sections, nearer to and within the fields of war. The county was partially overrun by scouting parties and guerrilla bands, and some depredations were committed, otherwise she es- caped comparatively well. Dallas, the county seat, is beautifully located near the center of the county, and is eighty miles west, by wagon road, from Hot Springs, and ninety miles south, bearing a little east, from Fort Smith. The town was laid out soon after its site was se- ti ^r J^l ^ POLK COUNTY. 443 lected, for the seat of justice, but owing to its be- ing so far interior, so far from lines of transporta- tion, its dimensions have never grown to exceed that of a small village with a population not ex- ceeding 400. Close on the south lies the Silver Mountain range, the conical peaks of which fur- nish delightful scenery from the village. North- ward lies the fertile valley of the Ouachita, several miles in width, with its snug little farms, the happy homes of intelligent and quiet denisons. Beyond this valley lies the Fourche la Fave Mount- ain range and Rich Mountain, plainly visible, add- ing much to the surrounding scenery. Dallas con- tains the county buildings elsewhere described, a weekly newspaper, one dry-goods, one general and two drug stores, two grocery stores, two boot and shoe shops, three blacksmith shops, one furniture or cabinet shop, one hotel, several private boarding houses, a grist and saw-mill and cotton gin and planingmill combined, two church edifices — Meth- odist and Union, one school-house, a barber shop, a bed-spring shop, etc. ; also two physicians and a distributing post-oflS.ee. The town has a triweekly mail from Hot Springs, a semi-weekly mail from Cherry Hill and Nashville (the latter being in Howard County), and a daily mail from Cove and Waldron (the latter being in Scott County). The mail is distributed at the Dallas post-office to twenty-two other offices in the county, to one office in the western part of Montgomery County, and one in the Indian Terri- tory. The Dallas Courier, a seven-column folio news- paper, is published every Thursday at Dallas by its proprietors, W. Minor Pipkin and J. L. A. Grizzard. The rate of subscription is $1 per year. The paper is neatly printed and well edited, and it advocates Democratic principles. It is the only newspaper published in the county. At this writ- ing, September, 1890, it is in its seventh volume. The Dallas High School is situated at Bethesda Springs, one mile west of Dallas. It is a Method- ist district school in the Little Rock conference, and under the supervision of that body. The build- ing in which it is taught was erected in 1S83, for a hotel, but in 1889 it was turned into a school building for the Dallas High School. It is a very large frame structure, containing thirty-five rooms, and is well adapted for a boarding school. It stands on an eminence inclining southward, and mineral springs of several kinds are close to its doors. The first year of this school began Sep- tember 12, 1889, and lasted ten months. It opened with twenty-one pupils, but before the year closed the number had increased to 117. The second and present school year opened on Monday, September 8, 1890, with forty-one pupils in attendance on the first day. The house has a capacity for 400 pupils, and it is hoped that a large and prosperous school will be built up. The faculty at present consists of Richard Baugh, A. M., L. L. B. , princijjal; B. M. Burrow, primary department, and Miss Sue A. Mills, teacher of music. The school is surrounded by moral and hospitable people, health-giving water and picturesque scenery. Bethesda Springs, a village one mile west of Dallas, might be considered a continuation of the latter. The town was commenced in 1881 on a tributary of the Ouachita where there are forty or more springs of the best mineral water of several kind.s, which for their health-giving qualities, the high altitude and beautiful surrounding scenery, might make the place one of the most famous watering places and health resorts in the country if there were only an easy way of transportation to it. When commenced the town had a prospect of a railroad, and at once it ' ' boomed. ' ' Several business houses were opened, all of which, on ac- count of the disappointment in not getting the railroad, have since been closed. A few dwelling- houses and families still remain. It is a beautiful place so far as nature has done her part. Cove is an enterprising and good business vil- lage sixteen miles southwest of Dallas. It con- tains five general stores, one drug store, a saw and grist-mill and cotton-gin, three blacksmith shops, a wagon shop, post-office, school-house, a union church-house where the Methodists, Baptists and Cumberland Presbyterians worship. Cherry Hill is a post-office in the eastern part of the county. Eagle Hill is a post-office six miles west of Dallas. ^jv *k, 444 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Hatton is a post village twenty-five miles south- west of Dallas and fifty miles northwest of Nash- ville, the nearest railroad station and banking point. It was settled in 1883. Potter, five miles west of Dallas, contains two stores, a saw and grist-mill and cotton-gin, a Meth- odist Church, school-house and blacksmith shop. Ransom, four miles northeast of Dallas, con- tains a post-office, a saw and grist-mill and cotton- gin. Away up in the Fourche la Fave Mountains on the Tanner Hill trail is Quito, the mail town for the citizens near the gap or entrance to the county from the north. Baker, Egger, Big Bend, Big Fork, Rhodes and Mountain Fork are other post hamlets in the county. Prior to the inauguration of the free-school system, which took place at the close of the recon- struction jaeriod, but little interest was taken in educational matters, and in truth not much interest in this most important matter has been taken until within the last two years. Away back in the " fif- ties" a few subscription schools were taught in the most thickly settled portions of the county for three months in the year. They were poorly at- tended and at best were very inferior. Some sta- tistics taken from the last official report of the State superintendent of public instruction, it be- ing for the year ending June 30, 1888, will serve to show how the school system is being supported or was supported at that time. Scholastic popula- tion, white males 1,822, females 1,718; total, 3,540; colored males 8, females 7, total 15; num- ber of pupils taught in the public schools, white males 946, females 808, total 1,754; colored, none. If these figures are to be taken as showing facts they prove that less than one half of the white and none of the colored scholastic population were taught in the public schools. But as only a few directors reported statistics fully, the official re- port does not contain all the facts, and probably a greater proportion of the scholastic population at- tended the public schools. The letter of the county examiner accompanying the foregoing statistics contains further statistics, and such good sugges tions that it is deemed well to here insert it in full : Dallas, Polk County, Ark., October 2, 1888. Hon. W. E. Thompson, My Dear Sir — My report for the year ending June 30, 1888, shows that very few directors reported statistics as fully as the law requires, hence it is not possible to answer your letter of the 7th ult. with any degree of ac- curacy. My report will show: Amount paid teachers $2,744 66 Average monthly wages to first grade male teach- ers $33 41 Second grade male teachers $31 69 Third grade male teachers $24 38 Lady teachers, first grade $29 44 Whole number of teachers reported 42 Whole number of school-houses reported 19 Value of .school-houses $980 00 Number of school districts 61 Many profitable changes in the school law might be suggested, but it appears to be very necessary to have something like a county superintendent in place of the present county examiner. At any rate the pay of the of- fice should not depend on the fees for examinations. Plainly the law intends that teachers licensed shall first convince the examiner that they are " competent to teach successfully" the branches required. And to become thus convinced, will, in many cases, require a patient examina- tion. There should be no temptation before the examiner to hasten and slight his work, nor to issue a certificate to an incompetent teacher. But it is to be feared that very many incompetent teachers have been licensed. An ex- aminer said to me that he gave up the ofHce because he became "tired of swearing lies. " Let the ofBce of examiner be abolished, or so modified that the examiner will be a man of unquestionable integ rity and scholarly attainments, who shall be paid a lib- eral salary, and hold his office at least six years. Very respectfully, E. L. Compere, County Examiner. Since the above was written 2 school districts have been added, making 63 in all, and about 55 schools were taught in the year ending June 30, 1890. For this year the scholastic population was white males 1,965, females 1,829, total 3,794; colored males 8, females 7, total 15; and "a larger percentage attended the public schools. The pres- ent county examiner is Rev. A. P. Alexander. For the last two years the colored scholastic population has had no increase, while the increase of the white scholastic population has been 254. The religious denominations having organiza- tions in Pope County are the Methodist Episcopal South, Missionary and Primitive Baptist, United ^ a i "V A« POLK COUNTY. 445 Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian, Methodist Prot- estant and Christian. The Methodist organiza- tions belong to the Washington District of the Little Rock Conference, comprising the counties of Polk, Howard, Sevier, Hempstead and Little River. There are three circuits of this church in Polk County, viz. : Dallas with nine. Potter with ten and Cove with eight appointments or preaching places. At this writing Rev. D. D. Warrick has charge of the Dallas Circuit, Rev. H. C. Ridings of the Cove Circuit and Rev. A. P. Alexander of the Potter Circuit. The organizations of this church within the county will average about thirty-five members each. The Missionary Baptists have about the same number of organizations in the county as the Methodists, and about the same numerical strength. The other denominations mentioned above have several organizations each within the county, and all have Sunday-schools or unite with others in union Sunday-schools. There are probably more of the latter than of strictly denominational Sun- day-schools. The churches are generally prosper- ous and united in doing good service in the " vine- yard of the Lord. The people of the county, having always lived 80 far in the "backwoods," so far from city mar- kets, and the busy hum of civilization, are yet primitive in their habits, self-reliant, and to a great extent card their cotton and wool with hand cards, spin their own yarn, weave their own cloth, and manufactiu'e their own clothing as in the "days o'lang syne." Nothing is too good for their friends, the latch string hangs upon the outside, and a stranger is never turned away. They practice the economy of earlier times, and consequently have fewer wants, and live a retired, honest and com- paratively easy life. George H. Barnes, merchant. Cove, Ark. This substantial and very successful business man was born in Calhoun County, Miss., March 15, 1852, and is the son of Robert J. and Laura Ann (Lind- sey) Barnes, natives of Mississippi, in which State their nuptials were celebrated. They remained in their native State until 1851), and then moved to Ouachita County, and later removed to Nevada County, Ark., residing near Prescott until 1878. They then came to Polk County, and located in the neighborhood of Cove. The father has followed various occupations. When a young man he started out as a farmer, later he was engaged in merchandising, and during late years he has been engaged exclusively in agricultural pursuits. At this occupation he has been unusually successful. During the Civil War he was in the Twelfth Ar- kansas Infantry, and participated in several im- portant battles, serving in all four years. He was captured at Fort Hudson, and was slightly wounded. Mrs. Barnes died in August, 1878. Mr. Barnes is now sixty-two years of age, and is a member of the Methodist Church. In politics he adheres strictly to the Democratic party. George H. Barnes was the second child in order of birth of eight children. His father was married, the second time, to a Miss Frances Gaines, and five children are the fruits of this union. George H. spent his school- boy days in Nevada County, Ark. , and continued on the farm until 1873. He then entered his future store as a salesman, and merchandising has been his occupation since. He commenced business at Cove in 1879, and since that time he has been in business by himself. He has gained for himself a reputation as a solid and reliable tradesman, and one whose energy and enterprise must of necessity materially develop this enterprise. He was mar- ried in 1882, to Miss S. C. Wilson, of Polk County, and four children are the fruits of this union: El- bert L., Laiira L., Aragora and Josephine. Mr. Barnes is a steward in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and is a Democrat in politics. B. H. Barton, a member of the firm of Gip- son & Barton, and one of the leading business men of Polk County, was born in Polk County, Ark. , on June 13, 1852, and is the son of Hardaman and Martha C. (McDamie )Barton, natives of Kentucky. The parents were married in that State, and moved from there to Polk County, Ark., in March, 1847, locating in a wilderness. They are now residents of Cove Township, and their home is two and one- half miles northwest of Cove. The father has al- A' 446 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ways followed agricultural pursuits, and was a soldier in the late war during the latter part of the conflict. He was county supervisor in 1874, and then represented the county in the Legislature in the Brooks and Baxter War. He was, and is, a prominent citizen. He is a stanch Democrat in politics, and both he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he has been elder. He is a Mason, a member of Mount Meadow Lodge No. 218. He is now sixty-seven and she sixty-live years of age. Of the eight chil- dren born to their union B. H. Barton is second in order of birth. He spent his school days in this county and finished at Dallas. After this he taught school for a short time, and then com- menced to farm in White Township, where he now has 163 acres of well improved land. In January, 1880, he and D. Barton formed a partnership and commenced to sell goods at Cove, and they were among the first to sell goods at that place. About one year later he abandoned merchandising and em- barked in farming and stock-raising. Two years ago he and Mr. Gipson and R. W. Johnson engaged in business again, and Mr. Johnson recently with- drew from the firm. The present firm, Gipson & Barton, are doing an extensive business and sell goods over a vast extent of territory — Sevier Coun- ty, Polk County and Choctaw Nation. In 1878 Mr. Barton was elected justice of the peace, and has held that position since without solicitation on his part. Mr. Barton was married in November, 1871, to Miss Mary F. Jones, of this county. They had eight children, but only six are now living: Hardaman A., William B., Dewitt, Wyatt C, B. H., Jr., and Ovie. Mrs. Barton is a member of the Methodist Church, and Mr. Barton is a Ma- son, a member of Mount Meadow Lodge No. 218, is junior warden and secretary of the lodge. He has represented his lodge at the Grand Lodge three times. In politics he is a Democrat. He held the position of postmaster at this place for a short time, and when the office was in the store. Dr. John Wesley Bates is a man of influence throughout Polk County, Ark., and as a farmer, no less than as a physician, he has obtained a rep- utation placing him in the front rank of the men of this section. He was bora in Pendleton District, S. C, in 1828, to W. M. F. and Mary (Whisnand) Bates, they being born, reared and married in South Carolina, moving, when the subject of this sketch was about four years of age, to Cherokee County, Ga. . and in 1852 to Polk County, Ark., where they spent the rest of their days, the father passing from life about 1882 and the mother two years later, both members of the Primitive Baptist Church, in which the former was a minister for perhaps forty years. He was a well-posted, self- made man, and helped to organize some of the pioneer churches of Polk County, doing a noble work in that cause. His father, Stephen Bates, was born on the Potomac River in Virginia, but lived a great many years in South Carolina, mov- ing, during the latter part of his life, to Georgia, where he died about 1848, a farmer and distiller by occupation. He was a soldier in the Revolu- tionary War for a short time, and was of English descent. Dr. John Wesley Bates was the second of nine children, and in his youth was reared on a farm receiving but little schooling. In 1852 he was married to Mary, daughter of James and Mary Baker, who died in Mississippi. Mrs. Bates was born in Georgia, and of the nine children she has borne her husband, one son and five daughters are living. Soon after his marriage Dr. Bates came to Polk County, and has since been a resident of his present farm of 420 acres, of which about 150 acres are cleared, near the head of Big Fork, all of which property has been obtained by his own efforts. When a young man he studied medicine with an uncle. Dr. John R. Bates, of Georgia, for some time, and for forty years has practiced more or less, with success. During the seventies he served four years as coroner of Polk County. John Calvin Bates is a farmer, stock-raiser general merchant and postmaster at Big Bend, Ark. In the space allotted in this volume it would be impossible to give a detailed account of the career of this gentleman, but it is only just to say that in his walk through life his course has been marked by honesty, industry, and a manly, inde- pendent spirit. He was born in Cherokee County, Ga. , in 1845, to Judge George V. and Hortensia D "V ^, ~Jl- M. (Walker) Bates, both of whom were born in South Carolina, the former in Pickens District, in 1820, and the latter in Spartanburg District, in 1822, respectively. They removed with their par- ents to Georgia, when young, and were there af- terward married in 1842, making their home in that State until 1852, when they came to Polk County, Ark., settling on a woodland farm on Big Fork, where they have since lived, both members of the Primitive Baptist Church. In 1865 Mr. Bates was elected county and probate judge, serv- ing a short time, and was again elected to the same position in 1884, serving two years. He was justice of the peace a good many years, and was postmaster at Big Fork for some years. His fa- ther, Stephen Bates, was a Virginian, but was mar- ried in South Carolina, and from there moved to Cherokee County, Ga., in 1834, where he followed the occupation of farming, was justice of the peace, and died in July, 1851. His father, William Bates, was probably a Virginian, who died in South Caro- lina. The maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch, Allan Walker, was born in North Carolina, and died in Cherokee County, Ga., about 1848, a farmer. John Calvin Bates is one of eight surviving memljers of a family of ten children born to his parents, the other members being: Abraham R., Thomas J., Stephen, George W., Nancy E. (wife of Jacob Masters), Sarah J. (wife of VV. H. Smith, and Margaret (wife of W. L. Huddleston of Bell County, Tex.). John Calvin Bates was reared on a farm with very poor educational ad- vantages, and since 1852 has been a resident of Arkansas. He served for about fifteen months during the latter part of the war as third sergeant of Company B, Tenth Arkansas Cavalry, the greater part of the time being on detached service in Arkansas. He was married in 1864, to Miss Maliuda E. , daughter of Elijah B. and Lucretia Goss, who were South Carolinians, removing first to Georgia and in 1852 to Polk County, Ark., where Mr. Goss died in 1882, the death of his wife occurring six or seven years befoi'e, both members of the Primitive Baptist Church. Mrs. Bates was born in Lumpkin County, Ga., and of the eleven children she has borne her husband, nine are liv- ing: Mr. Bates lived on Big Fork until 1871, then i came to his present farm of ninety-two acres. Be- sides this he owns 120 acres, all of which he has I earned by his own efforts. He raises considerable j stock, and for several years has run a general store, j doing a business of about $4,000 annually. He is I one of the leading farmers of his' township and , holds progressive views on all topics of general in- terest, and is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. Joseph G. Bell, one of Polk County's promi- nent citizens, was born in Burlington, Boone County, Ky. , on July 30, 1830, and is the son of Samuel and Lydia (Glenn) Bell, natives of Penn- sylvania and Ohio respectively. The parents were married in Cincinnati, Ohio, resided there for some time and then moved to Burlington, Ky. The father was born in 1808, and died in Evansville, Ind. , in 1852. The mother was born in 1810, and is now residing in Evansville, Ind., with some of her children. The father was a carriage and wagon maker by trade and worked at this business in Burlington, Ky. He moved to Ohio County, Ind., remained there a short time and then moved to Cape Girardeau County, Mo. A short time after- ward he started back to Ohio County, Ind. , and died on the way, at Evansville. He was a Whig in politics and was an elder in the New School Presbyterian Church. The Bell family is of Scotch-Irish descent. The mother has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since 1836. Nine children were born to their union of whom our subject is the second child. He spent his school-boy days in Cary's Academj' and Rising Sun, Ind., and received a thorough education. When sixteen years of age he left home, worked on a farm two years, and when eighteen years of age commenced to work on a steamboat on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. This he followed for five years and then went to California, where he was en- gaged in mining for two years. His trip west was a success, and in 1854 he returned to Evansville, Ind. He clerked for the Sherwood House for nearly a year, and then traveled as salesman in Southern Indiana and Illinois. He then went to Cincinnati, and was in a manufacturing house and made mule (S k. ^ » kL 448 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. collars for the Government. He was also engaged in the nursery business. Later he went back to Evansville and made collars there, later yet he was with Charles Babcock & Co. , in the hardware and carriage trade, in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Alabama, Mississippi and other southern States. He then came to Western Arkansas, first locating near Cincinnati, Washington County, Ark., where he remained over one year. He then came to Polk County, located on 1 60 acres of land, and here he has since resided. He commenced to bid heavily on mail contracts in 1878, and since then he has had mail routes in eleven States, seventeen routes in Arkansas. Mr. Bel! is building commis- sioner of Polk County, and through his good judg- ment this county has recently built one of the cheapest and best jails in the State. Mr. Bell has always taken a deep interest in politics, voting and working for the success of the Democratic party and was chairman of Polk County, Third Con- gressional District in 1886-87. He was married in February, 1873, to Miss Louisa Smith, daughter of Thomas Smith of this county. To this union five sons and two daughters have been born: R. E. Lee, Sarah Addie, John G., Ruff. L., Marquis Lafayette, Thomas C. and Lydia M. Mr. Bell joined the Methodist Protestant Church in 1887, and is now steward of the same. He is located four miles southwest of Cove, in White Township. He learned his trade of saddler and harness-maker in Cincinnati and Rising Sun. Hon. Thad M. Carder. Among the much es- teemed and respected citizens of Dallas, Ark., stands the name of Mr. Carder, who, by calling, is a general mechanic and machinist, being now also engaged in horticulture and viticulture. He was born in Culpepper County, Va., in 1832. The pa- ternal grandfather, Ivison Carder, and his brother, George, who came to this country, were born in France, but under the noble Marquis de Lafayette came to America, and fought for the independence of the colonists, afterward settling in Virginia. He died at the age of one hundred and six years. Hon. Thad M. Carder was the only child born to his par- ents, and was reared to a farm life until thirteen years of age, receiving but little schooling. At this age he left home and served an apprentice- ship at watch and clock making, and spent some years as a journeyman. He was married in 1856 in East Tennessee, to Miss Matilda, daughter of Jacob and Nancy Kinser, who were natives of Ger- many. She was born in Greene County, Tenn., and has borne her husband ten children, four sons and four daughters living. After the war Mr. Carder removed to Magnolia, Ark., and ten years later to Hope, and in 1876 to Dallas, where he has since lived, engaged in putting up machinery, also following the calling of a horticulturist on 135 acres of fine land which he owns. From 1881 to 1885 he held the office of county and probate judge, and was also notary public for some years. In 1890 he was elected to represent Polk County in the State Legislature against great odds, and is now discharging bis duties. He is an active worker for schools, and for the general advancement of his section, and is liberal in his contributions to what he considers worthy enterprises. He is a member of Dallas Lodge No. 128, of the A. F. & A. M., and in this organization is a member of Hot Springs Chapter and White Council No. 8, at Mag- nolia. He also belongs to Anchor Lodge of the I. O. O. F. , at Hope. He is one of the most progres- sive men in his views in this section, and besides be- ing one prominent in establishing the first printing office in Polk County, he, in 1888, erected a tele- phone line from Potter to Waldron, a distance of forty-six miles, which he has since controlled, and which was the first line in the county. He is now signal officer of the Polk County volunteer signal station. His worthy wife is a member of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, but Mr. Carder is not .a member of any church, but believes in the ex- istence of a Supreme Architect, and thinks duty to please God is to treat his fellow man right. Dr. R. T. Connally, a prominent physician and minister of Freedom Township, Polk County, Ark., who ministers to the spiritual as well as the physical wants of his fellow-men, was originally from Cass County, Ga., his birth occurring November 30, 1844. His parents, Thomas and Clementine (Ven- able) Connally, were natives of Georgia, the father born in Gwinnett County in 1813, and the mother (T- \ < z 'k POLK COUNTY. 449 in Jackson County in 1807. They were married in their native State and moved from there to Arkan- sas in the winter of 1846, locating in Polk County in what is now Freedom Township, where they cleared a farm. The old homestead is now in the hands of our subject. Here the mother died in September, 1886. She was a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. The father was or- dained a minister in this State several j'ears ago, and has had charge of the church in the neighbor- hood ever since. He had held the office of justice of the peace in Georgia and served in the Florida War. He is a Mason, Mountain Fork Lodge No. 409, and in politics is a stanch Democrat. He is strong and hearty, and bids fair to live many years longer. The family is of Irish-Dutch extraction. The grandfather of om- subject, Thomas Connally, was a native of the Old Dominion, and was a farmer and cooper by occupation. He died in Georgia many years ago. Dr. R. T. Connally received his education in the schools of this county and by self study. In June, 1863, he joined Col. Dawson's regiment of infantry, in which he remained until cessation of hostilities. He served in Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana, and was in the Lone Star State at the time of the surrender. He was in the battles of Pleasant Hill and Mansfield, La., and in numerous skirmishes around Camden. His resri- ment was disbanded at Marshall, Tex., in May, 1865. After the war Dr. Connally began farming on land where he now lives, and this occupation he has since continued. He is now the owner of 300 acres of some of Polk County's best land, and has 100 acres under cultivation. During the war he joined the society at the Camp Church near Little j Eock, and afterward joined the Methodist Episco- pal Church South, was licensed an exhorter in 1867 and a preacher in 1870. Six years later he com- menced the study of medicine, and in 1880 com- menced the practice of his profession, his preceptor being Dr. S. T. McDaniel of this county. His practice is extensive and covers a wide scope of territory, in fact, more than one man can attend to. He was married November 9, 1865, to Miss Sarah Castleberry, and to them have been born five living children: John W. (with his father), David W. (reading medicine), Cullan B., Sarah F. and Clem- entine E. One child, Thomas W. T., died when three years of age. Dr. Connally is a member of the Masonic fi-aternity, Mountain Fork Lodge No. 409. In politics he is a stanch Democrat. William J. Davis is the clerk of the circuit court of Polk County, Ark., but by birth is a Georgian, born in Dade County, in 1838, to Will- iam and Margaret (Cox) Davis, who were born in North Carolina, in 1787 and 1804, respectively, their marriage being consummated in Alabama, from which State they afterward moved to Georgia, where Mr. Davis died io 1852. His widow sur- vived him until 1873, when she, too, passed away, her death occurring in Dallas, Ark., she as well as her husband, being a member of the Missionary Baptist Church; The maternal grandfather, Rich- ard Cox, was a North Carolinian, who moved to Georgia, and died at his grandson's home, a brother of the subject of this sketch, in 1848, hav- ing been a farmer throughout life, a Revolutionary soldier, and a member of the A. F. & A. M. He was of Scotch descent, was well to do, and reared a large family of children. William Davis, the fa- ther of William J., was married twice, and had ten childi-en by his first wife and four by his last, his son, William J. , being the next to the youngest by his last wife. He was reared on a farm with the advantages of a good schooling, but upon the death of his father he left school and began to farm for himself. In 1857 he came to Polk County, Ark., where he was married in 1861, to Miss Belle, daughter of John B. and Sarah Vaught, both of whom were born in Northern Alabama, and in 1847 came to Arkansas, the death of the father occurring in Montgomery County, in 1881, and that of the mother in 1885. Mrs. Davis was born in Alabama, and died in 1868 leaving three children, two of whom are living. His second marriage took place in 1874, and was to Miss Alice, daughter of Thomas and Mary Pate, the former born in Alabama and the latter in Connecticut, their marriage being celebrated in Texas, from which State they came to what is now Howard County, Ark. , where Mrs. Pate still lives, her hus- band having passed from life at Pine Bluff, while -^l*- >^ ^1 450 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. serving in the Confederate Army during the Re- bellion. Mrs. Davis was born in Texas and has borne Mr. Davis five children, all of whom are living. In July, 1861, Mr. Davis joined Company K, Twenty-fourth Arkansas Infantry, in Arkansas, and was in all the engagements in which that array participated, being in the Georgia campaign and in the battles of Franklin, Nashville and down to Mobile, Ala. He was wounded several times, but not severely until the last tight at Bentouville, N. C, when he lost his left arm and right hand. He was captured four times, but made his escape each time with the exception of the time he was captured at Arkansas Post, on December 31, 1862, when he was imprisoned at Camp Chase, Ohio and at Fort Delaware. At the end of about six months he was exchanged at City Point, Va. Although he was commissioned first lieutenant, he com- manded his company the most of the time, and was a brave, faithful and intrepid soldier. After the war he taught school in Dallas a short time, then gave some years to merchandising in that place. In 1871 he served as deputy clerk and the following year was elected to that position, serving faithfully until 1874. He was re-elected in 1880, and has held that office with credit to himself and to the general satisfaction of all concerned up to the present time. He owns 'j!40 acres of good land, and is otherwise well fixed financially. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church. M. A. Dilbeck. Among the many sturdy and energetic agriculturists of Polk County, Ark., who ha\e attained their property by hard labor and economy, may be mentioned Mr. Dilbeck, who was born in Lumpkin County, Ga., in 1840, a son of John and Salina (Goss) Dilbeck, the former born in North Carolina and the latter in Georgia, their marriage taking place in the latter State, where they lived until about 1851, when they came to Polk County, Ark. , and settled on Big Fork. Here Ml'. Dilbeck made his home until his death in Au- gust, 1890. his widow surviving him, both having been members of the Missionary Baptist Church for a great many years. Mr. Dilbeck was a wag- on-master in the Confederate Army, and at the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., was captured. His father, David Dilbeck, died in Georgia, a farmer. The mother's father, Benjamin Goss, came to Polk County, Ark., before the Rebellion, and passed from life on his farm on Big Fork. The subject of this sketch is the eldest of seven children, l)ut received l>ut very little schooling. In 1850 he was married to Eliza, daughter of Fleming and Mary A. Bates, North Carolinians, who first moved to South Carolina, then to Georgia, and in 1853 to Polk County, Ark., where the mother's death occurred in 1884, and the father's in 1882, the latter being a minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. Mrs. Dilbeck was born in Georgia, and has borne her husband ten children, five sons and two daughters now living. In 1862 Mr. Dilbeck joined Company C, Fourth Arkansas Infantry, and fought at Mur- freesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, the Atlanta campaign, Franklin, Nashville and Mo- bile, after which he rejoined Johnston, with whom he remained until the final surrender. On his way home the train was wrecked in East Tennessee, and both of his arms were broken. He lived in Big Fork Township until 1876, but since that time his home has been in Mountain Township. He is the owner of three good farms on each of which is an excellent steam cotton-gin, saw and grist mill, the steam mill on his home place being the first erected in this vicinity. He is the wealthiest man in the township, and his property is all the result of his own unaided efforts. Socially he is a mem- ber of Cherry Hill Lodge No. 107 of the A. F. & A. M., and also belongs to the Farmers' Alli- ance. His wife belongs to the United Baptist Church. Nathan A. Gann, a prominent citizen of Eagle Township, Polk County, Ark. , was born in Pauld- ing County, Ga. , on August 27, 1844, and is one of five living children born to Hiram and Elizabeth (Goggins) Gann, natives also of Georgia, the father born in 1824, and the mother in 1820. The father is still living, is a resident of Eagle Township, Polk County, Ark., but the mother died in this county in 1879. They resided in Georgia, until 1857, and then moved to Marion County, Ala., in 1807. From there they moved to Hardin County, Tenn., thence in 1869 to Cook County, Tex., and ^"i w POLK COUNTY. 451 thence to Polk County, Ark., in the latter part of the same year. The father has always followed farming and for fifteen years was engaged in mer- chandising at which he was very successful. He is a Mason, a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, being clerk in the same, and is a Democrat in politics. Of his children, William A. is a farm- er in Archer County, Tex., Melissa is the wife of J. B. Green of this county, John D. is a farmer of this county and Hiram F. , is also in this county. Nathan A. Gann received a good practical education in his youth, and in 1862 joined the Fourth Mis- sissippi Cavalry. Eighteen months later he joined Pierce's battalion and was lieutenant until cessa- tion of hostilites. He was in the battle of Thomp- son' s Station in Middle Tennessee, and was very seriously wounded bj' a bullet which entered just un- der the left collar bone and passed clear through. His recovery was considered a miracle. He served in Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama. After the war he commenced working for himself as a farmer and after residing in Alabama, Tennessee and Texas he came to Arkansas and located in Polk County, on Two Mile Creek, where he bought a claim. Later he sold this and settled at Eagle Hill, where he is splendidly located and where he has 600 acres with good houses and outbuildings on the same. He owns another tract of 200 acres south of his present residence. He has been in the mercantile business most of the time for the last twelve years and was postmaster at Eagle Hill for five years. On March 17, 1864, he was mar- ried to Miss Mary E. Hughes of Alabama, a na- tive of Marion County of that State, born in 1842. By this union they have five children: John K. (farming with our subject), James H. (also at home), Celia Melissa, Nathan F., Jr., and Mary who is usually called Mollie. Two children are deceased: William H. and Laura L. Mr. and Mrs. Gann, are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and in his political views the former is strictly Democratic. Ben F. Gipson, senior member of the firm of Gipson & Barton, general merchants of Cove, was born in Scott County, Ai-k. , on August 16, 1854, and is a son of William C. and Sarah P. (Ivy) Gip- son, natives of Tennessee and Alabama, respect- ively. The parents were married in Scott County, Ark., in 1852. The father went to that county when a young man, and his death occurred in Polk County in 1889 when sixty six years of age. The mother is still living on the home place. They moved to Texas in 1867, and from there to this county in 1871. The father was a soldier in the Mexican War, going from Tennessee, and during the late war he was captain of an Arkansas com- pany during the last two years of that struggle. He was a life-long farmer and mill man, operating a mill in this and Scott Counties. In his political views he affiliated with the Democratic party. Of his eight children that grew to maturity Ben F. was the eldest. The latter spent his school days in the Lone Star State and in Arkansas. He re- mained and assisted his father on the farm until twenty-four years of age, and then started out as an agriculturist for himself. In 1887 he com- menced business as a , and two years later engaged in merchandising with Johnson and Bar- ton. Later Johnson retired, and the firm has since been Gipson & Barton. They are live busi- ness men, and are very successful. Mr. Gipson started a poor boy, but by honesty, industry and good business ability, he has become one of the prominent business men of Cove. He has been deputy sheriff under Sheriff Pitkins, filling that position six years, and also the same position under Hopkins for four years. He was married in 1878 to Miss N. E. Jones, daughter of Isaac Jones, of this county. To this union seven children were born — six daughters and one son — all living: Lona C, Minnie L., Bertha C, Bessie' L., Maggie B., William Isaac and Dora D. Mr. Gipson is a Ma- son, and a member of Mountain Meadow Lodge No. 218. In j)olitics he is a stanch Democrat. John B. Graves needs no special introduction to the readers of this volume, for he is well known throughout this section. That the following brief sketch of his honorable and eventful life is afforded a place here, will be a matter of much interest to the many who have come to know him so inti- mately, and felt the influence of his life and gen- erosity. Born ten miles west of Lebanon, Tenn., ;i^ « k- ^ » ^ 452 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. February 17, 1849, he is a son of George B. and Nancy (Brown) Graves, who were natives of Ten- nessee, and is a grandson of John G. Graves, the latter moving from North Carolina to Tennessee at an early day, where he was not only one of the earliest settlers, but also one of the first and most successful merchants. George B. Graves inherited English blood from the paternal side of his family. While farming was his vocation in life, he figured to some extent as a Whig politician, and besides holding various local positions of honor and trust, was sheriflF of Wilson County for a number of years. Socially, he belonged to the fraternity of Odd Fel- lows, who conducted the funeral rites at his death. His demise left a widow and two children to sur- vive, the former yet living. There were live chil- dren in all, their names being: Louisa (a talented lady, member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the deceased wife of W. H. Harrington, of Wilson Count}', Tenn. ), Elizabeth (died when quite young), Mary G. (who died in Tennessee, the wife of T. Legon), Byron (a farmer, of Wilson County), John B. (is the third in this family). He spent his school days in his native county, receiving his edu- cation in Silver Springs Academy. After attain- ing man's estate he turned his attention to farming and stock-raising, and that calling has since con- tinued. He moved to Bowie County, Tex., in 1874, but two years later came to Polk County, Ark., and here has since made his home on his present farm, which_^is situated two miles south of Potter, and contains 11)0 acres of land, a considerable por- tion of which is under cultivation. He has served two years as constable, and has also been a school director of his district. He was married in 1874, to Miss Martha Jetton, of Wilson County, Tenn., by whom he has four children : Beady, George D., Arthusa and Alice T. Mr. and Mrs. Graves are members of the Christian Church, Mr. Graves be- ing also an elder. He is a member of the Farm- ers' Alliance, is lecturer of his lodge, and is a Democrat. He has traveled far, and in early life was acquainted with Andrew Johnson. Graves End, London, was named in honor of his family. Hon. Jesse M. Green is a resident of Bethesda Spring, Polk County, Ark. , but was born in Chero- kee County, Ga. , April 7, 1836, being a son of William W. and Hannah (Dover) Green, the former born in North Carolina, being a great grand son of Gen. Green of Revolutionary fame, and the latter in South Carolina, their marriage taking place in Geor- gia, from which State they moved to Texas in 1867, locating in Comanche County. Here they resided until 1869, when they came to Polk County, Ark., Mr. Green devoting his attention to tilling the soil. Both became members of the Primitive Baptist Church in early life, Mr. Green being ordained a minister in early life, and preached the gospel until his death in November, 1887, at the age of seventy- four years. He was instrumental in bringing many souls to the feet of Christ, and in the affairs of every day life he was also successful. In his polit- ical views he was a Democrat. His widow, who survives him, is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. He has thirteen children living.of whom the subject of this sketch is the second. He spent his school days in Murray County, Ga. , but at the age of eighteen left his home in that State and went to Western Texas, of which region he was one of the pioneer settlers. He was in Comanche Co. during the entire trouble with that tribe of Indians and took part in a number of fierce battles with the Comanches. He lost several valuable horses by thieving Indians, also numerous cattle, as he was engaged in the stock business there from 1855 to 1868. He was the first judge of Comanche County, and was also captain of a company of rangers which was organized by the State for the protection of the settlers against the depredations of the Indians. In July, 1862, he joined Col. Gurley's Thirtieth Texas Cavalry, became lieuten- ent of Company G, and was in the service a short time before the close of the war, his operstions be- ing confined to the west side of the Mississippi River, being at the mouth of the Rio Grande River, in the Indian Territoi'y and Arkansas, taking part in the battles of Camden, Poison Springs and others. In 1868 he came to Polk County, Ark., and located on Mountain Fork in what is now Cove Township, where he has a considerable portion of his 180-aere farm under cultivation. He makes a specialty of raising stock, especially cattle, and is D V _( 9 noted for being a thrifty agriculturist. In 1888 he was elected to represent this county in the lower house of the State Legislature, and was on several important committees, among which may be men- tioned mining, manufacturing and retrenchments. He introduced bills taxing incomes for school pur poses, and may with truth be said to have made a wide-awake, intelligent and incorruptible legis- lator. He was married in 1852 to Miss Cynthia Dean, but she lived only a short time. While in Texas he was married to Miss Frances Isham, who died in this county in 1878, leaving eight children — five sons and three daughters. In 1880 Sallie R. Ward became his wife, and by her he has four sons. He has been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church since 1864, and in 1872 was ordained a minister of that denomination, and has since had charge of Two Mile Church with the exception of one year, when he traveled as a missionary in Scott, Montgomery, Logan and Sevier Counties, and the Indian Territory, organizing churches. He is a member, and has been master of Mountain Meadow Lodge No. 218, of the A. F. & A. M., and has always been a stanch Democrat. Capt. James W. Higgason. In reviewing the various business interests of Polk County, Ark., the name of Higgason is found to be among the most prominent, for since 1877 he has been one of the leading merchants of this section. He was born in Mississippi, in 1833, to Dr. George and Mary (Davis) Higgason, the former born in Vir- ginia, and the latter in Alabama, their marriage taking place in the last named State, after which they removed to Mississippi, in which State the fa- ther passed from life in 1844. the death of his widow occurring in Polk County, Ark., in 1873, she being a worthy member of the Missionary Bap- tist Church. Dr. Higgason was a successful phy- sician of many years' standing, and in whatever lo- cality he resided he soon became well known and prominent. He was at one time member of the Mississippi Legislature, and as early as eighteen years of age was with Gen. Jackson at New Orleans. Capt. James W. Higgason was the eldest of their seven children, but his early educational advantages were limited. In 1861 he became a member of Company A, of a Mississippi regiment, with which he served in the capacity of quartermaster until May, 1863, when he was captured at Chickasaw Bayou, and was kept a prisoner on Johnson's Is- land until the close of the war. For some years thereafter he followed the occupation of clerking, but in 1869 went to Sebastian County, Ark., where he conducted a mercantile establishment until 1871, moving then to Dallas, and there continuing the business for six years. He then came to Cherry Hill, and by honest business methods and a desire to accommodate his patrons he has hnilt up a good and paying trade. He fully deserves all the suc- cess that can befall him for he possesses all the at- tributes of an upright and substantial citizen. His sister, Margaret L., lives with, and keeps house for him. William P. Hilton. This successful planter and stockman of Polk County, Ark., of which he has been a resident since 1852, is well and favora- bly known to the many citizens of Fulton Town- ship. He was born twelve miles east of Hot Springs, Ark. , in 1847, being the fourth of eight children born to Wade Hampton and Anna (Terry) Hilton, they being born in East Tennessee, in 1806, and Illinois, in 1813, respectively, their mar- riage taking place in Arkansas about 1840. After coming to Polk County, Ark., in 1852 they settled near Silver Center, where Mrs. Hilton still lives, a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Hilton left his home about nineteen years ago, and as he has not been heard of for seven years, it is supposed he is dead. He was well to do in worldly goods, and was thrifty and industrious. He was a small boy when his father died, the latter being a Kentuekian. Mrs. Hilton's father, John Terry, removed from Illinois to Missouri, and in a very early day came to Pirlaski Coiinty, Ai'k. , but both he and his wife ended their days in Hot Springs County. William P. Hilton has been a resident of this county since he was six years of age, and since reaching mature years has identi- fied himself with every interest of this section. He obtained a common-school education, and served about one year in Monroe's regiment of Arkansas Cavalry, and after being on duty in Arkansas, »nv i^ 454 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Louisiana aad Texas, he surrendered at Dallas. Tex. , at the close of the war. He was married in 1868, to Rachel Ann, daughter of John Hargrove. She was born in Mississippi and died in this county, May 12, 1886, an earnest member of the Baptist Church. His second marriage took place in 1886, to Miss Kate Rebecca, daughter of Thomas and Martha Ann Fite, formerly of Tennessee, but afterward becoming residents of Dallas County, Ark., where they now live, having been residents of Polk County for five years. Mrs. Hilton was born in Dallas County, and has borne her husband two children. Since 1808 Mr. Hilton has lived on his present farm which contains 200 acres of land, all of which he has earned himself, 100 acres be- ing under cultivation. He and his wife are mem- bers of the United Missionary Baptist Church. John A. Huddleston is an excellent example of the success attending hard work and faithful and persistent endeavor, and he is now one of the wealthy planters of Polk County, Ark., of which he has long been a resident, although his birth- place is Madison County, Tenn., where he was born in 1844. His parents, M. D. and Margaret (Ham- mond) Huddleston, were born, reared and married in Tennessee, and about 1846, came to Montgom- ery County, Ark., and settled down to tilling the soil of a farm at the head of Caddo Creek, and on this farm the father was called away by death, in 1808, at the age of sixty-two years, his widow surviving him, being about sixty-three years old. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, and he was one of the successful pioneer farmers of the county. He was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and was a son of David Huddleston, who died in West Ten- nessee. John A. Huddleston was the second of thirteen children born to his parents, six sons and six daughters being now alive, nearly all of whom reside in Scott and Polk Counties. Although he received but little early schooling, he was given a practical knowledge of farming, on this father's home place, and by the time he entered the army, in 1862, his out-door life had been of great benefit to him, and he was eminently fitted to bear the privations of a soldier's life. He became a mem- ber of Company B, Second Arkansas Infantry, and operated in Arkansas and Louisiana, until the close of the war. His marriage, which took place in 1866, was to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas W. and Telitha Cobler, who were Tennesseeans, the birth of the former occurring in 1816. They were married in 1838, in Gibson County, Tenn., and in 1846 came to Montgomery County, and settled on a woodland farm, and although he is living in the same vicinity, it is on another farm. He was justice of the peace some years, and just after the war was county and probate judge and a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1874. Mrs. Huddleston was born in Montgomery County, and died there in 1876. They had three children, two now living. His second marriage took place in 1876, and was to Martha, daughter of John and Sarah Cotton, who removed from Mississippi to Polk County, the mother's death occurring here, but the father is still living. Mr. Huddleston's second wife was born in Calhoun County, Miss. , and died in 1881, leaving two children. He married his present wife in 1883, her name being Alice, daughter of Silas and Araminta E. Hughes, who came from their native State of Tennessee to Mont- gomery County, Ark., in 1876, and are now living in Polk County. This union has resulted in the birth of two children. Since 1806 Mr. Huddles- ton has lived in Polk County, fifteen years being spent in Mountain Townshija, where he owns 350 acres of land, of which about 140 are under culti- vation, all of which he has earned by his own ef- forts. He belongs to Hill Lodge No. 160, of the A. F. & A. M. His wife is a Methodist. Hon. Joseph G. and Holder Hudgins con- stitute the firm of Hudgins & Bro. , at Dallas, Ark., which has been in existence since about 1867, their well selected and extensive stock of general merchandise bringing them the sum of $75,000 annually. They comprise one of the best known firms in Western Arkansas, and in connec- tion with this they do an extensive farming and milling business, being the owners of about 5,000 acres of land in Arkansas, and a large amount in Kansas. They have an excellent saw, grist-mill and cotton-gin at the town of Dallas, also an ex- -c"' f :r ^^ POLK COUNTY. 455 I cellent gin and saw-mill and shinglo machine two miles from the town. They are large live-stock dealers also, and their property is the result of their indefatigable efforts to do well in everything they undertake. They pay out to their employes from S50 to §75 per day, and have in their employ a large force of men. They came to Dallas soon after the war and almost immediately engaged in general merchandising, and for some years also had charge of the mail routes centering at Dallas from nearly all directions, long distances over the mountains and streams. For the first few years Joseph G. was also extensively engaged in stock trading in the Indian Territory, and the southwest frontier, and on foot would drive his stock to Mem- phis and other points. He vsras born in Jackson County, Ga., in 1837, and his brother in the same place in 1849, their early lives being spent on a farm where they received but little education. They are truly self-made men in every sense of the term, and the liberal fortune which they ai'e now enjoying is the result of their own earnest endeav- ors. In the family of which they were members, there were six sons and four daughters, Joseph G. being the eldest of the family. He was married in 1871 to Miss Cynthia E., daughter of Berry and Margaret Cecil, her father being one of the ablest attorneys in Arkansas and one of Polk County's most prominent citizens. He died about 1861, his widow surviving him. Mrs. Hodgins was born in Carroll County and has borne her husband six chil- dren, one of whom is deceased. Mr. Hudgins figures prominently in every enterprise that tends to elevate and advance the general interests of Polk County, and as he has at all times evinced excel- lent business qualifications and principles, he is one of the wealth}^ residents of this section of the State. He is a prominent Mason and an active worker for the Democratic party. In 1876 he was elected to the State Legislature but did not qualify, and in 1884 was again elected to the same position and served with credit for one term, being on rail- road and other important committees. His parents, Holder and T. Caroline (Albright) Hudgins, were born in Georgia, where they lived until about 1870, when they came to Dallas, where they passed from life in 1881 and 1874, respectively, members of the Methodist Church for a great many years. The father was a successful farmer, and served a short time in the Confederate Army. His father, Beverly Hudgins, was born in Virginia, but at an early day removed to Jackson County. Ga., where he successfully followed the occupation of planting, and died at an advanced age. He was of Irish extraction, and at the age of six years was left an orphan, therefore never received the advan- tages of schooling. The maternal grandfather, Jerry Albright, was a Georgian, and throughout life was a farmer. He and his wife both died be- fore Joseph G. Hudgins was born. The Hudgins brothers have built every public building of con- sequence that has been erected in this county since 1870. J. G. Hudgins was largely engaged in the cattle business in Texas for a time; then he sold, realizing by the investment nearly §50,000. Malcomb McAllister, farmer. Eagle Hill, Ark. Mr. McAllister was born in Blount County, Tenn. , on April 3, 1831, and is a son of James B. and Margaret (McRae) McAllister, natives of Tennessee and North Cai'olina, respectively. The parents were married in the former State, and when Mal- comb was eighteen months old they moved to Car- roll County, Ga. , where they passed the remainder of their days. The father was a farmer all his life and in 1836 and 1837 was a soldier, assisting in removing the Indians west of the Mississippi. He died in 1860, at the age of about sixty years, and his widow followed him to the grave in 1870 at about the same age. Her death occurred in Car- roll County, Ga. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he was an exhorter and class leader for many years, also superintendent of the Sunday-school. As a farmer he was practical, industrious and successful. In politics he was a Democrat. Of the ten children born to his marriage, Malcomb was the fifth in order of birth. He was educated in Georgia, and when twenty-one years of age commenced for him- self as a tiller of the soil. This he has since con- tinued. He then read medicine from 1857 to 1859 under Dr. J. G. W. Brown, and in 1859 and 1860 he attended the medical college at Macon, Ga. -,— .|>V '^ 456 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Later he commenced practicing in Benton County, Ala., and in 1861 returned to Georgia. He en- listed in the Seventh Georgia Cavalry, Confederate Army, and remained vpith the same all through the war, serving princiiially in Virginia, and being at all times in the thickest of the light. He was in quite a number of battles, and in numerous skir- mishes and raids from Cape Fear to James River. He was on the raid when his command captured 2,700 head of cattle at Petersburg, on the James River, from the rear of the Union Army. He was one of the forty detailed to go home after horses, and while there the army surrendered. After the war Mr. McAllister went to Hunt County, Tex., and after residing there one year moved to Polk County, Ark., locating on the head of Mountain Fork. There he remained for nearly two years, and then moved to Scott County, Boles, where he remained for another year-. He subsequently moved back to this county and located on the head of Mountain Fork in 1875. He there has 160 acres of land, and has about 40 acres under culti- vation. He abandoned the practice of medicine about ten years ago, and now gives his attention strictly to agricultural pursuits. In 1884 he was elected justice of the peace, and re-elected in 1890. When about thirteen j'ears of age he joined the Methodist Episaopal Church South, and has been a great church worker ever since. He was mar- ried on May 5, 1851, to Miss Nancy J. Chance of Georgia, and she died at this place on December 4, 1884. To this union six children have been born: Martha H. (wife of James Watson, a farmer of this county), J. D. (now in Texas), Mollie (wife of William McBride now,Jn Texas), Sarah Alice (wife of John Coffman, a farmer of this county), AVillie (at home), and Patty (also at home). Mr. McAllister was married again on November 8, 1885, to Mrs. Sarah C. Tyson of Rush County, Tex. She is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. McAllister is a Democrat in politics. William P. Mcintosh is one of the representa- tive business men of Potter, Ark. , and spares no pains to give every satisfaction to his customers. He was born in Chickasaw County, Miss., on Jan- uary 3, 1840, and his parents, Elias and Catherine (Brooks) Mcintosh, were natives of North Carolina, They were married in that State, and moved from there to Chickasaw County, where they remained for some time, and then, in 1848, moved to Sevier County, Ark. , being among the first settlers. The father was justice of the peace of that county, treasurer for several years, and filled other posi- tions of honor and trust. He was a Democrat in politics. He was born in 1812 and died in 1851, and the mother was born in 1815 and died in 1876. She was a member of the Christian Church. The Mcintosh family is of Scotch descent, three broth- ers having come from Scotland and located in North Carolina jarior to the Revolutionary War. William M. Mcintosh, theseeondof seven children, passed his boyhood and youth in Washington, Tex., attended the college at that place, and then com- menced to read medicine, but the war breaking out put an end to his studies. He joined the First Texas Legion, in which he served all through the war, being east of the Mississippi River all the time. He was in many battles, was never wound- ed, but was taken prisoner at Corinth, and con- veyed to Bolivar, Tenn. He was paroled at the close of the war. Not having the means to pursue his medical studies, he commenced farming, and this has continued up to the present time. In 1870 he came to Polk County, located at Eagle Hill, and engaged in general merchandising, in connection with agricultural pursuits. He is the owner of nearly 1,000 acres, and is one of the most extensive farmers in the county. He has a beau- tiful place, a nice residence, good barns, etc., and everything to make life enjoyable. He moved his business to Potter a year ago, and has since been very successful. He was postmaster at Eagle Hill three years. He was married, in 1870, to Miss Hettie Terrell, of Sevier County, and three chil- dren are the result: John E., Florence O. and William P., Jr. Politically he is a Democrat. Pole McPhetrige, attorney at law, is one of the leading and most influential members of the bar in the town of Dallas, and adds strength to the legal fi-aternity throughout this section. He was born in Tazewell County, Va., in 1840, to Alfred and # Mary (Latham) McPhetrige, the former probably born in Kentucky, and the latter in Washington County, Va., their marriage taking place in the mother's native county, where the father's death occurred in 1865, he having been a hardware mer- chant and a soldier in the Federal Army during the Rebellion. His father, William McPhetrige, was a Scotchman who > nt some years in Kentucky af- terward moving to Virginia, where he spent the rest of his days engaged in farming. The mother's father, Edward Latham, was a Pennsylvanian who died in Washington County, Va., in 1864, on a fine plantation which he owned there. He was of English origin and was of old Presbyterian stock. Pole McPhetrige is the eldest of five children, three now living, and when very young he began the battle of life for himself, but was given good educational advantages in Henry and Emery College and in Key's High School in Washington County. From his native State he fii'st went to Missouri, later came to Arkansas, and after some years spent in teaching school in different counties, during which time he pursued the study of law, he, in 1875, was admitted to the bar in the Eighth Circuit by Judge T. M. Gibson, but did not practice much until 1881, but has since built up a large practice and now ranks among the foremost criminal law- yers of Western Arkansas. In 1888 his numerous warm friends and admirers elected him to the Sen- ate from the Twenty-second District, and in that capacity he served with distinction for four years. Since that time has given his attention to his pro- fession, with highly satisfactory results. He was married in 1875, to Miss Sallie, daughter of W. J. and Louisa Cooper, who were formerly I'esidents of Tennessee, but came to Northeastern Arkansas, and are now residing in Polk County. Mrs. Mc- Phetrige was born in Lawrence County, Ark., is a member of the Methodist Church, and by Mr. McPhetrige is the mother of five children. Mr. McPhetrige is a member of the A. F. & A. M. of Dallas. At the early age of fifteen years he left school to espouse the cause of the Confederacy, contrarj' to the desire and views of his father, and for some time served in Company F, Forty-eighth Virginia Infantry, the original division of Stone- wall Jackson. He afterward attached himself to the Second Kentucky Cavalry, and served as ad- jutant, participating in many engagements, being wounded four times, one of which crippled him for life. A part of bis service was with Gen. Longstreet in East Tennessee and Northern Geor- gia, taking part in the battles of Chickamatiga, Missionary Ridge, etc. He was captured in North- ern Georgia, and after being kept at Nashville for some time, was removed to Joliet, 111. , and after- ward to Rock Island, where he was taken with i smallpox. He was then taken to the pest-house j in Baltimore, Md., but at the time of the final sur- render he was in Northern Georgia. ! James E. McRae. In the list of names which have made Pope County, Ark., one of the most populous and prosperous of the State, Mr. McRae' s name holds a prominent place. He was born in Marlboro District, S. C. , about 1816, a son of Colin and Frances (Harper) McRae, who were born in Marlboro and Chesterfield Districts, S. C, respectively, from which State they removed to Alabama, when their son, James E. , was about one year old. The latter was left fatherless when about thirteen years old, and his mother afterward married Jackson Hobson, with whom she came to Ashley County, Ark., where she died about 1876, a worthy Christian lady and a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. Mr. McRae was a black- smith, and in an early day was captain of a com- pany of militia. The paternal grandfather, James McRae, was a native of Scotland, but during the early history of this country came to America and settled in South Carolina, where he farmed through- out the remainder of his life. The maternal grand- father, John Harper, was born in South Carolina, but died in Alabama, he being also a farmer by occupation. James E. McRae is one of five chil- dren born to his parents, was reared on a farm, but, owing to the early death of his father, he re- ceived a very limited education. He was married in 1840 to Miss Lucinda, daughter of Jesse and Fereby McLain, the father being a South Caro- linian, and the mother a native of Ohio. They died in Polk County, Ark., and Alabama, respect- ively. Mrs. McRae was born in Alabama, and has ^; ,|r « k. Ki 458 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. borne her husband six children, three of whom are living: Fereby E. (wife of Dr. M. M. Wimberly), James T., and Elizabeth (wife of Warren Wat- kins). The eldest child, John Colin, died in prison at Camp Chase, Ohio, having held the rank of captain of his company. The other children that are deceased are Mary C. , who died in 1863, aged about eleven years) and an infant. In 1854 Mr. McRae removed to Texas, but two years later came to Ashley County Ark. , and in 1868 to Polk County, where he has since lived. His farm comprises 400 acres in all, is excellent and fertile land, the result of his own toil, as he started out for himself with no means. He split rails for his first cow, and his wife did weaving for their first feather bed. They had to deny themselves many conveniences and luxuries, but their early struggles have been re- warded, and they are now in independent circum- stances. Mr. McRae is a member of Dallas Lodge of the A. F. & A. M., and since 1845 has been a member of the I. O. O. F. His wife has been an earnest member of the Missionary Baptist Church for many years, and is a true Christian lady. Richard A. Mitchell is a farmer and miller of Ouachita Township, Polk County, Ark., but first saw the light of day in Chester District, S. C, January 24, 1827, being the third of seven chil- dren born to William and Anna (Thomas) Mitchell, the former born in Chester District, S. C, in 1804, and the latter in Buncombe County, N. C, in 1794, their marriage taking place in the father's birth- place. When the subject of this short sketch was about two years of age his parents removed to Troup County, Ga., eight years later to Harris County, then to Heard County, and when Richard A. was still a youth, they removed to Talladega County, Ala., where Mr. Mitchell died in the sev- enties, his widow afterward coming to Polk County, and dying soon after, both having been members of the Missionary Baptist Church a great many years, the former a well-to-do farmer. He served in the Seminole War of 1836. Richard A. Mitch- ell was reared on a farm, with a limited country education, and about 1851 was married to Martha, daughter of Washington and Mary Johnson, of Talladega County, Ala., but in 1857 removed to Calhoun County, Ark., where Mr. Johnson died, and his widow is still living. Mrs. Mitchell was born in Talladega County, Ala. , and died in Sa- line County, Ark., in 1858, having borne four chil- dren, three sons living: Knu, John and Pinckney. In 1860 Mr. Mitchell's second marriage was cele- brated, his wife being Rebecca, a daughter of Thomas and Louisa Harris. She was born in Ala- bama, and has borne Mr. Mitchell six children, the following of whom are living: Richard, Robert, Demetris, Charley, Claude and Nora L. Mr. Mitchell resided in Talladega County, Ala., until 1857, when he came to Saline County, Ark., mov- ing, one year later, to Calhoun County, later to Montgomery County, and in 1869 to Polk County, where he settled on a partly improved farm. He now has 440 acres of valuable land, 160 acres of which are cleared. About 1 880 he built a water, saw and grist-mill, on the Ouachita River, which he still owns and operates. During the war he was de- tailed to see after matters at home. He is one of the most enterprising farmers of Polk County, and has, at all times, shown an honorable, upright spirit. Mrs. Mitchell's mother, who was born in South Carolina, went with her parents to Alabama, where she married Mr. Harris, removing afterward to Mississippi, and then to Kentucky. After a five-years residence in this State they went to Mis- souri, and about 1850 to Calhoun County, Ark., and in 1868 to Polk County, where they took up their abode on a farm, on which Mr. Harris died, about 1873, and his widow in 1884, members of the Baptist and Methodist Churches, respectively. James M. Owens is classed among the success- ful tillers of the soil and stock raisers of Gourd Neck Township, Polk County, Ai-k., but was born in Van Buren County in 1844, to William Jackson and Fannie (Davis) Owens, the former born in Missouri, and the latter in Middle Tennessee. When young both went to Van Buren County, Ark., where they met, married and lived until about 1855, after which they spent a short time residing in different counties, and about 1862 settled in Polk County, Ark. In 1862 they started for Texas, but Mr. Owens died before they located, and after ^ ;iV J^^ k. POLK COUNTY. 459 the war the family returned to Polk County, Ark. , where Mrs. Owens and four of her children still reside. Mr. Owens was a farmer and teacher, and was justice of the peace for some years. He was, as is his wife, a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and was a soldier in one of the early Indian wars. His father, Horner Owens, died in Missouri, of Scotch-Irish origin, and his wife's father, Jesse Davis, was one of the earl}' settlers of Van Buren County, Ark., where he died, a farmer. James M. Owens is the eldest of three sons and five daughters, his brothers and sisters, that are living being as follows: Mary, Sarah C. (wife of William Reed), William Pinckney, Martha (wife of James Barlow), and Huldah F. (wife of Frank Werber of Hot Springs). Although James M. was reared on the farm, he was given rather more mea- ger educational advantages than is usually given the farmer's boy, but being naturally intelligent and a quick observer, her is an exceptionally well-in- formed man. He resided on the Texas frontier during the war, and for three years served in the Home Guards in Burnett County. His marriage, which took place in Polk County, Ark. , was to Miss Angelana, daughter of Raleigh M. and Louisa L. (Dearberry) White, both of whom died in Polk County, Ark., when Mrs. Owens was a little child, her father having been a farmer throughout life. They were among the early settlers in this section, and on the farm on which they first settled, the subject of this sketch and his family are now re- siding. Mrs. Owens was born in Mississippi, and has borne her husband eleven children, seven of whom are living. They have been occupants of their present farm since 1868, it being situated seven miles north of Dallas on the Ouachita River, and comprising about 400 acres, with 100 acres cleared. He is a well-known and prosperous farmer of this section, and as a neighbor and citizen, too much can not be said in his praise. His land is well improved, and excellent buildings are the rule and not the exception, his fences and orchard being also of the best. Nearly all his land that is under culti- vation he has cleared himself, and all his property has been obtained by his own industry and with the aid of his wife, who has proved a true help- mate to him. He belongs to Dallas Lodge of the A. F. & A. M., Owens Chapel Lodge of the Farmers' Alliance, and has been steward in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for a number of years, his wife being a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Samuel Rind is a well-known merchant of Polk County, Ark. , but was born in Sevier County, of this State, on July 26, 1854, being a son of Henry Y. and Rebecca (Rowsey) Rind, natives of Virginia, who moved from there to the Choctaw Nation in 1835. While a resident of his native State Henry Y. Rind began preparing himself for the ministry, graduating from a college of that State, and was afterward sent by the Methodist Episcopal Church South to the Choctaw Nation, and spent ten years as a missionary among the Indians. He then moved to near White Oak, Tex., but after two years spent in that State he came to Arkansas, be- ing a resident of Sevier County until during the war, when he moved to Dallas, Polk County, Ark. After four more years spent in the Choctaw Nation he once more returned to Polk County, where he passed from life about 1879. While in Sevier County he was clerk of the circuit court, a position he also held in Polk County, his service in this capacity extending over a period of twent}- years. He also filled other minor positions, and during the Rebellion was in a regiment of Arkansas cavalry. He was captain of a company, and served east of the Mississippi River the most of the time, taking part in many battles. In politics he was a Dem- ocrat, and socially he was a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F. His widow is still living, and resides with the subject of this sketch, being now seventy-four years of age, a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Their children are: Joshua (a farmer of Franklin County, Ark.), George, (a farmer of the Chickasaw Nation), and Fanny Redding (wife of Henry Redding, of Greer County, Tex.). Samuel Rind spent his school days in Polk County, Ark., and the Indian Terri- tory, his father and mother being his principal teachers. At the age of eighteen years he com- menced to farm and raise stock, a calling he has since followed. He moved to where he now resides ^■l* r- V ^ 1 460 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. 4 'A 4 in 1886, and although his farm is small it is admir- ably conducted, and yields a much larger income than many more pretentious places. He engaged in merchandising about 1885, and to this calling has given considerable of his attention ever since, aud has built up a prosperous trade. He was mar- ried in 1876 to Miss Frances Cooper, who died about one year later, leaving one child, a son named William F. His second marriage was con- summated in 1881, Miss Roxie Barber becoming his wife, and in time the mother of his three chil- dren: Florence, Nola G. and Robert F. Mr. Rind has always been a Democrat, and as a prosperous, law-abiding citizen ranks among the leading men of this section. Judge Thomas R. Rowe, probate and county judge of Polk County, is a resident of Cove Town- ship, his home being located two miles west of the town of Cove. He was born in Monroe County, Ga. , on August 29, 1833, and is the son of James aud Narcissa (Lewis) Rowe, natives of Edgeiield District, S. C. The parents were married in the Palmetto State, and when still young people moved to Monroe County, Ga., where they resided for some time. They then moved to Meriweather County of that State, and there passed the bal- ance of their days, the father dying in 1872 at the age of eighty-two years, and the mother in 1878, when eighty-four years of age. The father was a very successful and extensive planter. Both were members of the Bapti.st Church, and the father was a deacon in the same from the time he was a a young man until his death, a great many years. He was a life- long Democrat, and took a deep in- terest in polities, but would never accept an office, preferring a quiet life on his farm. He had three brothers who were prominent political men, and who held nearly all the political offices in the county. The Rowe family is of Scotch origin. Of the eight children born to the above-mentioned couple, all are living, and the eldest is probably seventy-eight years of age and the youngest is fifty-one years: Harriet T. (resides in Northern Texas), Mary A. (is in Monroe County, Ga.), Nar- cissa S. (in Meriweather County, Ga.), James A. (is a farmer in the last named county), Oliver P. (is a farmer), Andrew J. (is in Georgia), and Sarah E. (is also in Georgia). Judge Thomas R. Rowe, the sixth in order of birth of the above-mentioned family, was reared and educated in his native county, and when twenty-one years of age com- menced to work for himself as a farmer in Meri- weather County, Ga. He remained there until No- vember, 1881, and then moved to Franklin County, Ark., near Ozark, where he remained two years. He then came to Polk County and bought the 180 acres that he now owns, on Six Mile Creek, a con- siderable portion of which is under cultivation. While a resident of Meriweather County, Ga. , he held the office of justice of the peace eight years, and soon after coming to this county he was elected to the same position, holding the same for four years. He was then elected county and probate judge, and so great was his popularity and so well did he fill this honorary position, that he was re- elected in 1890. During the Civil War Judge Rowe was lieutenant of Brown's State Militia. He had three brothers in the regular service, and the oldest brother was captain, he surrendered with Gen. Lee. The second was a lieutenant in the same company, and lost his arm at Chancellors- ville being afterward discharged. The third brother was in the First Georgia Cavalry, and was soon made forage-master of the brigade, serving as such all through the war. He was wounded near Rich- mond, Ky. On December 15, 1853, Judge Rowe was married to Miss Mary A. Malcolm, of Meri- weather County, Ga. , and to this union were born seven living children, viz. : Alexander J., Robert A., Sarah E. (wife of Marion B. Allen, who is a merchant of Cove), Luther M., Mary S. (at home), Hugh (in Texas), and Earnest (at home). One child, John B. , was struck by lightning, and one died in infancy. Mrs. Rowe is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. The Judge is a Democrat in his political views, and he is a member of Mountain Meadow Lodge No. 218, A. F. & A. M., of which he is secretary. Isaac J. Steele has attained wealth as a farmer and stock-raiser, by honest labor, and is a gentle- man who commands the respect and esteem of all who know him. He was born in the year 1887, in If^ ^k. POLK COUNTY. 461 Perry Coiinty, Tenn., to Isaac and Catherine (Fau- cett) Steele, the former born in South Carolina, in 1802, and the latter in Tennessee, their marriage occurring in Maury County, Tenn., where they were reared. The}' soon after moved to Perry County, and in 1848 came to what is now Van Buren County, Ark. , where Mr. Steele passed from life February 16, 1857, his widow dying Novem- ber 29, 1875, both members of the Methodist Church of many years' standing. Mr. Steele was a blacksmith by trade, but at the time of his death was following merchandising. His father, Michael Steele was of Irish descent, a South Carolinian by birth, and died in Maury County, Tenn., of which he was one of the early settlers, a gunsmith and farmer by occupation. He was a soldier in the Creek War. Richard Faucett, the mother's father, was a tiller of the soil of Maury County, Tenn., and there passed from life. Isaac J. Steele was the sixth of seven children, but as he was compelled to labor hard on the farm in his youth, he received but little schooling. Since the age of eleven years he has been a resident of Arkansas, and from here enlisted in the Confederate Army, in 1861, becom- ing a member of Company K, Tenth Arkansas Infantry, and served in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ala- bama, Mississippi and Louisiana, taking part in the battles of Shiloh, Port Hudson, and some others. He was wounded and captured at Port Hudson, but after being paroled he returned home, and did not again enter the service. In 1866 he was married to Huldah, daughter of Michael and Nancy Ful- kerson, both of whom were born in Tennessee, in which State Mr. Fulkerson also died, his widow afterward coming to Arkansas, dying in Van Buren County. Mrs. Steele was born in Tennessee, and of a family of five children born to her union with Mr. Steele, one son and two daughters are living. Mr. Steele lived five years in Washington County, five years in Franklin County, but since 1887 has been one of the prominent and substantial residents of Polk County. His admirably kept farm, which is situated one mile east of Dallas, comprises 320 acres, 240 acres being in the home farm, with about 100 acres cleared and under the plow. This land is well improved with suitable buildings, good fences, etc., and the entire property is the result of his own efforts. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church. William H, Stiewig, a native of Osage County, Mo., was born December 22, 1842, son of William Theodore and Mary (Dugan) Stiewig, who were natives of Germany and Osage County, Mo., re- spectively. The father died at the age of sixty - five years in Red Willow County, Neb., in 1878, preceded by his wife in August, 1855, when only thirty years old. From Missouri the family moved to Titus County, Tex., in 1845, where Mrs. Stie- wig' s death occurred. Later Mr. Stiewig returned to Missouri, settling in Franklin County, but in 1869 located in Red Willow County, Neb. , where he kept hotel, conducted a furniture store and served as probate judge. He also, in his various locations, served his calling as a minister of the Christian Church. He was an honest, industrious man, well liked by all those who knew him inti- mately. After the death of his first wife he wed- ded Miss Nancy Ladd, of Texas, who is now resid- ing in Colorado. The father of William T. Stie- wig was a native of Germany, but immigrated to this country and died in Nebraska. William H. Stiewig was the eldest of eight children, and his early education was obtained in Texas. From early youth he manifested much interest and pro ficiency in mechanics, and during the Rebellion was detailed to work on machinery and engineer- ing. He remained in Titus County, Tex., until 1878, when he came to Polk County, Ark., and has since made it his home, being engaged in agri- cultural pursuits. Since 1883 he has resided on his present farm, which consists of 240 acres of arable land, which he has improved and rendered more valuable by so doing. To Mr. Stiewig' s mar- riage with Catharine Tedford, of Titus County, Tex., six sons and five daughters have been born. He is perhaps one of the very best posted men in his county; is quite a reader, an independent and intelligent voter, a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. Dr. Wiley S. Stinnett, physician. Eagle Hill, Ark. Few, if any, industrial or professional pur- suits have within the last few years made such ^. -^\\ ,_4*— ^ ^1^ 462 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. rapid strides as that of the profession of medicine, and among the leading physicians of Polk County, Ark., who have availed themselves of all nevp ideas and put them in practice, may be mentioned Dr. Stinnett. He was born iu Marion County, Tenn., on September 7, 1826, and is the son of Hiram and Sarah (Walker) Stinnett, natives of Pike County, Tenn., and Botetourt County, Va., respectively. When a girl the mother was taken to Marion County, Tenn., by her parents, and there when grown she was married to Mr. Stinnett. In 1836 Mr. and Mrs. Stinnett moved to De Kalb County, Ala., thence in 1845 to Polk County, Ark., and settled in a wilderness on Mountain Fork. There they received their final summons, the father in 1865 at the age of sixty-live years, and the mother in 1862 at the age of fifty-four. The father was an extensive and successful farmer, and in his political views was a Democrat. He was the son of Marion Stinnett, who was a native of South Carolina and a farmer. The latter served in the War of 1812 and was in the battle of New Orleans. He died in Tennessee. Of the ten children born to his parents Dr. Stinnett is the elder of the two now living. His brother, Silas M., is a farmer and resides on the old homestead. Dr. Stinnett was educated in Marion County, Tenn., and De Kalb County, Ala. After growing up he turned his attention to farming, and this occupation he has continued to the present day. On June 20, 1846, he joined Col. Yell's regiment iu the Mexican War, and was near when Col. Yell was killed. He was in the Buena Vista battle, and was discharged from the service on June 20, 1847, at Camargo, Mexico. He returned home by New Orleans. He then commenced to teach school in this county and car- ried this on in connection with farming for ten years. At the same time he read medicine, and iu connection with tilling the soil has practiced his profession ever since. He has been very success- ful, and has a lucrative practice. During the late war be was not a secessionist, and remained out of the ranks on account of being justice of the peace in the county, but he was elected captain of a com- pany of militia in the county. He was elected justice of the peace in 1854, and held the office twenty- five consecutive years or until he positively refused to serve any longer. On Atigust 29, 1849, he married Miss Malinda S. Winton, daughter of George Winton, one of the first settlers of the county, coming here from Tennessee as early as 1832. To this union were born eight children, three of whom are now living: George M. (a farmer of this county), Ben F. (also a farmer of this county), and Anna Belle (wife of H. A. Learned). Those deceased were Frances M., Hi- ram M., Helen M., Martha C. and G. G., all of whom lived to be grown except the last named. Dr. Stinnett is a member of the Christian Church, is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mountain Meadow Lodge No. 218, and has been master of his lodge a number of times. He is decidedly a Republican in politics. Hon. Benjamin F. Thompson is not only one of the successful and substantial farmers of Polk County, Ark. , but he is also respected and esteemed for his many admirable traits of character. His life has been a useful one, and he has at all times endeavored to follow the teachings of the Golden Rule. He first saw the light of day in Morgan County, Ala., in 1836, being the ninth of twelve children, ten now living, born to the marriage of Benjamin W. and Keziah (Jackson) Thompson, both of whom were born in South Carolina, the former in 1793, and the latter in 1801. They were reared and married in their native State, and from there moved to Morgan County, Ala., where Mrs. Thompson died on August 17, 1878, Mr. Thompson passing fi'om life two years later, both members of the Missionary Baptist Church for many years. He was a successful farmer, a soldier in the War of 1812, and was with Jackson at New Orleans. His father, Benjamin Thompson, was a Virginian, who died in North Carolina, a farmer by occupation. He was a Revolutionary soldier for five years, and was of Welsh descent. The maternal grandfather, John Jackson, removed from South Carolina to Alabama, in which State he died just before the subject of this sketch was born, a farmer by calling, and a soldier in the War of 1812. Hon. Benjamin F. Thompson obtained a fair education in the common schools during his -n.l'V ^ 1 *^ POLK COUNTY. 463 boyhood, and was brought up to a knowledge of farm life by his father. In August, 18(Jl, he joined Company H, Twelfth Alabama Infantry, and was in the battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, seven days' fight around Eichmond, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, and many others. He was never captured, but at the battle of Gettysburg was wounded in the left shoulder. He surrendered in Northern Alabama, being unfit for further service after he received his wound. He farmed in Alabama until 1877, then came to Polk County, Ark., and in 1873 was mar- ried to Mrs. Eliza A. Wright, daughter of William and Mahala Joplin, Mississippi ans, who came to Polk County, Ark., in 1856, where the father died before the war, a farmer, his widow still surviving him. Mrs. Thompson was born in Mississippi, and has borne her husband nine children, one be- ing deceased. Since 1871 Mr. Thompson has lived on his present farm of 400 acres, 100 acres of which are cleared. This is one of the finest farms in this section, and is the result of honest and persistent toil. In connection with farming he is engaged in stock-raising to some extent, in which branch of industry he has met with good success. In 1886 he was elected on the Demo- cratic ticket to the State Legislature, and served one term, being on several important committees. He is a member of Dallas Lodge No. 128, of the A. F. & A. M. , and for some years was senior warden. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and his wife is a Methodist. His place is supposed to be the first one settled in the county, about seventy five years ago, by Jacob AVild, at which time the country was very sparsely settled, the woods being inhabited by Indians and wild animals of all kinds. James Brit. .Watts. In former years, the life of a farmer was considered a laborious one, but in this progressive age, with such improvements in machinery, he can do his work with half the dis- patch or labor as in the time of his father, and, in fact, works but little harder than the average man wjio strives to make a living. Besides all this, he is independent, which is one of the much sought- for conditions of life. Mr. Watts is a successful farmer, who has kept fully apace with the times, and has reached the conditions of life mentioned above. He was born in Cherokee County, Ala., in 1843, a son of Daniel D. and Frances (Philips) Watts, the former born in North Carolina, and the latter in Cherokee County, Ala., their marriage taking place in the last named State, where they are still living. The father was a farmer, and served in the Rebellion until the battle of Chicka- mauga, where he was disabled for life. His father, Levi Watts, was born in North Carolina, and died in Marshall County, Ala., a German by descent, and a farmer and Indian trader. The mother's father, Brit Philips, is still living, in Blount County, Ala., a farmer. James Brit Watts was the second of nine children, and as he was com- pelled to labor hard on his father's farm in his youth, he received but little schooling. In 1861 he joined Company C, Forty-eighth Alabama In- fantry, being in the same company with his father, and served until the close of the war, surrendering with Gen. Lee. The most of the time he acted as color bearer, and as such was in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Chickamauga, Knoxville, Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Gaines' Mill, Newmarket, Bermuda Hundred, South Petersburg, Gettysburg, Antietam, being in all about thirty- two general engagements. He was twice wounded, and was captured three times, but soon managed to effect his escape each time. After the war he re- turned to the farm in Alabama, and was there mar- ried in 1867, to Miss Martha J., daughter of Will- iam J. and Eliza Medford, who came to Polk County, Ark., in 1870, and here are still making their home. Mrs. Watts was born in Cherokee County, Ala., and has borne her husband nine children, eight of whom are living. In 1867 Mr. Watts removed to Drew County, Ark., but at the end of one year went to Desha County, and two years later, or in 1870, came to Polk County, and for six years has resided on his j)resent farm of 335 acres, of which 120 acres are cleared. He has improved his farm greatly, and his buildings and fences are all in good repair. This property has been earned by his own efforts, for which he de- serves much credit. He was postmaster of Big *f ^ 15 Jii^ 464 HISTORY OF AEKANSAS. Bend for some years, but otherwise has not as- pired to office. He belongs to the Primitive Bap- tist Church. The following description of the military career of Mr. Watts is here given in his own graphic lan- guage and style: " I wish to state a few words in regard to the battle of Gaines' Mill. I will say that I was a sharpshooter and a scout from Company C, Forty- eighth Alabama Infantry up till the battle of Gaines' Mill, and our battalion of sharpshooters charged the Federal sharpshooters and drove them back in their breastworks, wherein myself and comrades were so near the enemy that it seemed like it was almost impossible for us to make our escape. While thus exposed to the heavy fire from the artillery and rifles of the Federal lines, our boys were coming in a full breast at a charge bayonets and yelling, but my comrades were re- pulsed and retired, to rally and come again, which they did, but were repulsed again. All this time myself and comrades were in forty yards of the Federal breastworks, pouring a tire upon them with our Whitney rifles. In about five minutes I looked back and saw the Confederate line charging with determination. This charge was the third charge of the Confederates. As they charged within fifteen steps of my rear I saw the last man in my old Company C fall; his name was John Barton; he was first lieutenant of Company C, Forty-eighth Alabama. In this engagement we had six of as good southern soldiers to fall with our flag as ever lived. When my lieutenant fell forward with the flag he raised himself up as high as possible and waved his flag. I could not stand it any longer, so I rose up and made a few leaps backward and seized our colors. At that moment my lieutenant spread himself flat to the ground. He had received a deadly shot. At that moment as he sank down his dying words were to ' stamp the flag on the Federal works. ' As I seized the flag and leaped forward to stamp it on the Federal works the flag- staff was shot in two, but I regained hold of the fractured end and ran forward. In a few leaps I reached the Federal works and planted my staff within three feet of the Yankee line. At that moment a Yankee captain seized hold of our flag and while myself and the Yankee captain were de- fending ourselves from each others blows, tussling over the flag, one of my comrades shot and killed the captain, and in another instant my comrade fell, shot dead. In another moment I was yelling and waving our colors for my boys to rally to the old Forty-eighth flag. At the same time I heard Major Carrie cry out to the Forty-seventh Alabama to rally to the aid of the flag of the Forty-eighth, for it was stamped upon the Federal works. So the boys raised a terrible yell and here they came with bayonets presented. Then came the death struggle while I held the banner. It was a hand-to-hand fight, but quickly over. I was the only man left in Company C, Forty-eighth Alabama Regiment. After this, and from that very hour, I was chosen as color-bearer for the Forty-eighth Alabama Reg- iment. I was the only man left in Company C,and there had six brave boys fallen from under that flag at this battle. Besides this the Forty-eighth had lost three men over half of her number. It seemed like the solemn hour had come, for we left home with 127 men in Company C, and now was cut down to one man only. We were the winners of the victory. The regiments that suffered in this battle were the Forty-eighth, Forty seventh and Fifteenth Ala- bama, the Third, Fourth and Fifth Texas, and the Third Arkansas. We were fighting against odds — five to one. Besides the Federals were mixed troops of negroes, Indians and New Yorkers, and they all fought at the point of the bayonet. Capt. W. M. Williams lumberman and farmer of Ransom, Ark., is doing a thriving business. He was born in Jackson County, Ala., in 1842, to Thomas and Margaret (Boze) Williams, the former born in East Tennessee, in 1805, and the latter in Alabama, in 1814, their marriage taking place in Jackson County, of the latter State, their home be- ing also there until 1847, when they came to Mont- gomery County, where Mrs. Williams succumbed to the destroyer, Death, in 1853, her husband fol- lowing her to the grave in 1885, passing from life in Polk County, Ark., where he had made his home since 1872. Both he and his wife were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he ipr POLK COUNTY. 465 was a successful farmer, a soldier in the Florida War, and socially was a member of the A. F. & A. M. Thomas Williams, his father, died in Jackson County, Ala., about 1846, a farmer. The mater- nal grandfather of W. M. Williams, was Benja- min Boze. The subject of this sketch was the fourth child in a family of four sons and three daughters, three children now living, born to his fa- ther's first marriage. The latter' s second union was to Elizabeth Baggs, who with four sons and three daughters, in a family of ten children sur- vives him. W. M. Williams received but a few months' schooling in his youth, and in July, 1861, joined Company F, Fourth Arkansas Infantry, in which he served as lieutenant and captain until July, 1862, when he lost his right leg by the blow- ing up of a steamboat. This ended his military career and he returned home, having been an act- ive participant in the battles of Pea Ridge and Corinth. He followed farming exclusively until 1867, then engaged in saw-milling on the Caddo Eiver in Montgomery County, afterward at Mount Ida until 1874, when he came to Polk County, and followed the same calling in the west part of the county for a few years. The following five years he gave his attention to farming, and in the mean- time was elected assessor of Polk County, a posi- tion he held twelve years, being a resident of Dal- las. In October, 1888, he again engaged at his present stand, three miles northeast of Dallas, where he is doing a good business. He is the owner of 120 acres here and 160 acres on Mount Fork, which property he has acquired by honest aud persistent toil. He was postmaster of Ransom for a short time and for four years was internal- improvement commissioner of Montgomery County, also holding the position of treasurer of the coun- ty three years, when he resigned to remove to Polk County. He was married first in 1867 to Perlina, daughter of George Gordon, who came from Mississippi to Montgomery County, Ark., in an early day, in which county he died about 1865. Mrs. Williams was born there and died at Dallas on November 13, 1881, having borne six children, four of whom are living. Jane L. Litton, a daugh- ter of Samuel J. Litton, became Mr. Williams' second wife, she being a native of Mississippi, and by Mr. Williams the mother of one child. Her fa- ther was born in Mississippi, and moved first to Texas, and then to Polk County, Ark. , where he is still living, engaged in farming. He lost his wife in Texas. Mr. Williams and his wife are church members. I r 30 i- Jkl •>> 466 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ' « igcr Montgomery County— Location— Boundary— Area— Description, Resources and Productions- Soil— Streams— Freestone AND Mineral Springs— Water Power— Timber— Minerals— Live- stock Raising— Statistics— Fruit-Growing— The Grape and Its Product— Diversified Farming — Settlement — Early Settlers— Slaves— Public Lands — First Tax Book— Present Taxable Wealth— County Organization— Early Records- County Seat— Commissioners to Locate County Seat— Municipal Town- ships—County Boundary Lines— County Buildings— County Ofpi- CERS— Political Status— Election Returns— Population- Circuit Court— First Court Sessions— First Grand and Petit Juries — Civil War Period — Towns — Schools— Religious Denominations— Etc. a " Oh! the waves of life danced merrily, And had a joyous flow. In the days when we were pioneers. Fifty years ago!" m^^M^--^^ ONTGOMERY is one of the counties of Ar- kansas which lie in the west central part of the State, and is bounded north by Scott, Yell and Gar land Counties, east by Garland and Hot Springs Counties, south by Clark and Pike Counties, and west by Polk County, the latter separat- ing it from Indian Territory. It also lies in north latitude 35°, and west )ngitude 94 , having a climate of equitable temperature, with- out the extremes of heat and cold which characterize the lower and higher latitudes of the country. The area of the county is about 920 square miles, covering, as it does, according to Government survey, portions of Township 1 north, and Townships 1 to 4, inclus- ive, south of the base line, and portions of Ranges 21 to 27, inclusive, west of the fifth principal mer- idian. Of this vast area only a small percentage has been settled and cleared for cultivation. From a well-written article prepared by a well- posted citizen, and published recently in the Mont- gomery County Herald, the writer is enabled by permission of the publisher, and from information from other sources, to give the following descrip- tion of the county, its resources, etc. : The surface of the country is highly diversi- fied and picturesque, being variegated with mount- ains, foot-hills, uplands and valleys. All the val- leys which margin the numerous water courses flowing through the county are characterized by a deep, rich, alluvial soil, very prolific, and easy of cultivation, invariably yielding ample and very ^ w ^ ^l>^^ MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 467 gratifying returns to the agriculturist who avails himself of the treasures contained in the broad acres spread out by nature as an inviting field and home for the enterprising husbandman from every land and clime. While lands contiguous and in closest proximity to the many streams are the most desirable for agricultural purposes, there is still a large area of choice uplands suscejatible of culti- vation, and vrhich, with proper tillage, produce excellent crops of cotton, tobacco, all the cereals, esculent roots, and vegetables indigenous to this latitude. All the varieties of land and the differ- ent kinds of soil they contain are easily cultivated, and only require seasonable and judicious manage- ment to yield handsome returns for the labor ex- pended by the careful and industrious farmer, whose livelihood depends upon utilizing our natural farming resources to the best advantage. Nature, with a lavish hand, has provided the means for acquiring a competency by the hardy tiller of the soil, and if he fails to attain what is within his reach, it is not the fault of a bountiful Providence. The Ouachita River which flows from west to east through the north-central portion of the county, is the most important water course. There are several tributaries of this river which water a large portion of the county, all of which are bordered by the richest arable lands. South Fork running eastwardly through the central portion of the county by way of the county seat, is the largest of these tributaries, and along its banks are some of the finest farms in the county. The Caddo, which flows southeasterly and drains the southern por- tion of the county, is also an important stream, and a finer one is rarely met with, the water being soft and clear as crystal, margined by farming lands of the richest quality, some of which are in a high state of cultivation. Streams of less note — the Mazarn, Brushy Fork, Williams Creek, Col- lier's Creek, Walnut Fork, Twin Creek, Gap Creek and numerous others — all rapidly flowing streams, form quite an item in the general estimate of the agricultural and grazing facilities, besides affording a vast motor power for driving the heav- iest machinery for milling and all kinds of manu- facturing purposes. There are so many bold streams crossing the country in all directions that every neighborhood could have its own mills and factories if enterprise and capital were only brought to bear in that direction. These mountain streams have great fall, and, consequently, are very rapid in their flow from head to source. The water power which can be utilized in running machinery is immense, and when transportation facilities are furnished our almost unlimited forests of valuable timber that cover the wild, uncultivated lands, will be made a source of wealth to the lumbermen and manuf actxu-ers who have the enterpise to avail them- selves of so important a factor in the natural re- sources of Montgomery County. There are nu- merous springs of good water within the county, but well water is generally used for domestic pur- poses. The later is usually obtained in great abundance, except on the mountains, at a depth of from twenty to thirty feet. The following are noted mineral springs: May berry Springs, Crys- tal Springs, seventy-five in number; Ryder's Blood Springs, fifty in number, and Iron's Sulphur Springs, six in number. Ryder's White Sulphur Springs, said to be the finest and coolest sulphur water in the county, were recently purchased by Gen. William D. Ryder of Kansas City, who in- tends making them an attractive resort in the near future. Besides the above there are many others of minor notoriety. The almost illimitable forests of choice timber, as yet comparatively undisturbed, are a source of fabulous wealth, and are destined, at no remote period of time, to subserve the interest of man. Only the lack of adequate means of transportation for marketing the lumber which can be manufact- ured in immense quantities prevents this timber from being utilized and made a source of revenue of paramount importance. Here are found every variety of oak, gum and hickory, besides pine, ash, walnut, elm, cedar, locust, birch, cherry, and many other kinds of forest trees of tall, thrifty growth, well adapted to lumbering, building and manufact- uring purposes. No finer timber for cabinet work, in the manufacture of all kinds of furniture, can be found in the State or elsewhere. With the con- :^ -M- ■ —^ -« — ni 468 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. structioa of the several railroads through the county, now in contemplation and partially located, timber resources will be made available, and found to be an element of wealth hardly inferior to any other of the natiiral resources of the county. There are a few small saw-mills in the counly which cut a sufficient supply of lumber for domestic purposes, but none for shipment. While it is a conceded fact that Arkansas, or that portion of it embraced within the great mineral belt that traverses the State and extends into the Indian Territory, has immense mineral resources, it is no less true that Montgomery County possesses the richest mineral fields yet discovered. There is not a localitj' in the State where developments have yet been made at all commensurate with what are clearly wan-anted by the indications and discoveries of valuable ores. Some mining operations have been carried on in Montgomery County, more with a view to speculating in mining property than to develop paying mines. Silver-bearing ores consti- tute the leading ores of a great [portion of this county, which are found as float mineral; also in blanket, contact and fissure veins. Argentiferous galeua, gray copper, chloride and bromide of silver have been discovered here in various localities, and in many places have been struck in paying quanti ties. Some mines have been in successful opera- tion, the output of gold and silver-bearing quartz being sufficient to more than pay the expense of mining from the very grass roots, the ore increas- ing in both quantity and quality as the work pro- gresses. It is a lamentable fact that the greater portion of the labor expended in mining enterprises in Montgomery County has been misdirected, consequently the results attained have been very meager. Parties without experience or practical knowledge of mining have hitherto conducted all operations here, and it is not at all surprising that no tangible results should follow the efforts of such unskilled labor. When men of business cajiacity, backed by capital, take hold of some of the best properties, all the indications point to the conclusion that the situation will be entirely differ- ent, and that good paying mines will be rapidly developed. Speculating in undeveloped mining properties is a thing of the past. All the enter- prises now in contemplation and already in prog- ress, are destined to result in lasting benefit to the mining interests of the entire county. Large de- posits of manganese said to be of the finest quality also exist in Montgomery County. The facilities which this county affords, in common with numerous other counties of the State, for raising live stock can hardly be sur- passed by any locality in the country. The differ ent varieties of nutricious grasses which grow luxuriously, furnish both summer and winter range for stock, thus involving little expense in raising animals for market. Only in the event of an unusually severe winter is it found necessary to feed grain to stock running on the range. The mast, which is generally produced in great abun- dance, is sufficient to fatten all the pork for home consumption, besides furnishing a large quantity for sale. The soil is well adapted to the growth of timothy, red-top, bermuda, blue grass and clover, but as yet these tame grasses have not been culti- vated to any considerable extent. The clear rapid streams which abound afford an abundance of pure water for live stock, and with all these advantages there is nothing to hinder stock-raising from being a great source of profit even without railroad facil- ities at home as the stock can easily be driven to railroad lines. The following statistics prove very conclusively that this industry is being developed. In 1886 the number of animals within the county assessed for taxation was as follows: Horses, 1,189; mules and asses, 574; cattle, 8,080; sheep, 1,332; hogs, 7,884. In 1889 the number assessed was as fol- lows: Horses, 1,677; mules and assess, 616; cattle, ■ 11,215; sheep, 2,337; hogs, 13,883. This shows the gain in the three years to be 488 horses, 42 mules and asses, 3,135 head of cattle, 1,005 sheep and 5,999 hogs. As a further evidence of pros- perity the records show that in 1886 there were 646 pleasure carriages in the county, and in 1889 the number had increased to 896, a gain of 250 — and all this notwithstanding the cry of "hard times." All the varieties of fruit and grapes grown in ■n- r \ « l\£L MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 469 this latitude can be raised here in great abundance and the highest state of perfection. Lands not so well adapted to the raising of grain are found to be excellent for orchards and vineyards, and the fruit and grape-growing industry has proven highly remunerative to all who have engaged in it. While Montgomerj' County has not made a specialty of fruit growing, like some other counties of the State, it can make a creditable display in that line. The growing of grapes especially, and the manu facture of wine bids fair to become a great indus- try in the county. The farmers of this county are wisely adopting a system of diversified farming, instead of confin- ing themselves exclusively to the raising of cotton for the market. While farmers in other counties, more especially those cultivating the bottom lands along the banks of our navigable rivers, can make a specialty of cotton raising and find it j)rotitable, Montgomery County farmers prefer a variety of crops, such as can be quickly raised, to one that requires the entire year, or nearly so, to get it off their hands. Most of the lands here produce ex- cellent crops of cotton, but our farmers realize that grain, vegetable and stock farms are more profita- ble and self-sustaining than a farm devoted en- tirely to cotton growing, with its grain bins and smoke-houses in St. Louis or Chicago. Hence diversified farming is superseding the old cotton- growing specialty to a considerable extent. The settlement of the territory now composing Montgomery County began early in the decade of the thirties, but on account of its being far from river communication in the early days, and far from railroad facilities in the latter, the settlement has always been slow and gradual, and as yet only a small percentage— as has been stated — has been settled and cleared. The settlements are confined mostly to the lines of the streams where the best lands are located. Prominent among the early settlers were Granville Whittington, Andrew Boles (the first county judge), Henry Brewer, John Boggs, Samuel Cunningham, James Hutson, James Gaston, David Mayberry, Robert McConnell, Jesse Oilier, George Pointer, Benjamin Polk, Frederick Salyers, George Fisher (the first clerk), and J. I. McClendon, all of whom settled in the original municipal township of Sulphur Springs, embrac- ing the north-central and northwestern part of the county. Mr. Granville Whittington came from Boston and settled in 1835. Ira Bowlin, Dennis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, J. W. Embry, James Fair, Benedict Harroll, John H. JefFrey, James May. Taylor Polk, Charles Smith, Elisha Tweedle, and John Shipp, were the prominent early settlers of Caddo Cove municipal township, which embraced the southern portion of the county. T. H. Bled- soe, Cornelius Cane, Solomon Kerby, Joseph Lamb, Ira K. , and G. K. Robinson, Isaac Ship- man and Jefferson Cunning were among the lead- ing pioneers of Mountain Township, which em- braced the eastern part of the county, including also that portion since set off to Garland County. The pioneer settlers came mostly from the southern States bordering on the Atlantic and the Gulf, Kentucky, Tennessee, and some from Mis- soiiri. Jefferson Collier and George P. McKinney, two very old citizens, were among the first persons born in what is now Montgomery County. A few of the early settlers brought slaves with them, and others procured slaves after coming. In 1845, as shown by what appears to be the first tax book of the county, there were fifty-four slaves therein. Of these fifteen were owned by Lewis Carroll, and seven by Taylor Polk, both of Caddo Cove Town- ship. There were twenty-one persons then in the county owning slaves — several having only one each. The pioneer settlers all wore homespun clothing, and many of the citizens still continue to manufacture much of their wearing apparel. The hum of the spinning wheel and the clatter of the shuttle in the loom is still heard in many a house- hold. The tax book of 1889 shows that of the total acreage of the county, which is about 590,000, only 108,051 was owned by individuals and sub- ject to taxation. Of the residue, however, a con- siderable amount is owned by homesteaders who have not as yet "proved up" and received their titles. Perhaps two-thirds or more of the whole area of the county is public land subject to entry. Much of this, however, is in the hills and mount- f -»t> 470 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ains, and not suitable for cultivation. There is also a large amount of fairly good land yet subject to entry by homesteaders. The tax book of the county for the year 1845, consisted of ten sheets of paper the size of " fools- cap," sewed together. The whole number of tax- payers was 205, and the amount of taxes charged for State purposes was S59. 72, and for county pur- poses $369.76 making a total of $429.48. The number of taxable polls was 190, and the amount of taxable property was $42,869. In 1889 the real estate of the county subject to taxation was assessed at $231,457 and the personal property at 1329,804, making a total of $561,261 as the taxable wealth of the county. There were also 1,521 taxable polls. Montgomery County was organized under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State approved December 9, 1842, out of territory taken from Hot Springs County. It seems, how- ever, that the county was not fully and actuallj' organized until some time in 1844. No record of the county court has been preserved prior to July, 1^45, and only a part of the record of the July term of that year is preserved. At this term the commissioners previously appointed to select a site for the county seat, made their report, having se- lected the site where Mount Ida now stands. The report was accepted and approved so far as it related to the location of the site, but rejected as to the matter it contained about laying out the site into town lots. Robert McConnell was then ap- pointed commissioner to let the contract and su- perintend the erection of a "log building" to "temporarily accommodate the holding of courts. " The original name given to the county seat was Montgomery, and the tract of land on which it was located was entered at the land office at Washington in Hempstead County, for the county, by Robert McConnell, who was paid $10 for go- ing to Washington for that j)uiTose. The names of the commissioners who located the county seat, were William C. Hall, Charles Maddox, Robert McConnell and J. J. McLendon, and each was paid the sum of $3 for his services. Soon thereafter the town of Montgomery was surveyed and laid out into lots and streets by the county surveyor, in obedience to orders from the county court. A sale of town lots was ordered to be made in 1847, and subsequently the commis- sioner of public buildings was authorized to sell the remaining unsold lots, from time to time, under prescribed stipulations. The county seat contin- ued to be called Montgomery until July, 1850, when the coimty court changed the name to Salem, and in October of the same year the court changed the name to Mount Ida, which it now bears. Among the first duties of the county court, after its organization, was the subdivision of the county into municipal townships and road districts. Accordingly the county was subdivided into the following named municipal townships: Sulphur Springs, Caddo Cove and Mountain. Each town- ship was subdivided into road districts. Some changes in the boundary lines of the county have been made since its organization, and a consider- able portion of the original county was set off to Garland, when that county was organized, in 1873. The following is a correct description of the bound- ary lines of the county, as now located : Commencing on the township line at the corner of Sections 4 and 5, in Township 1, north of the base line, and Range 22, west of the fifth princi- pal meridian; thence west on the township line to the line dividing Ranges 22 and 23 west; thence south on the range line to the corner between Sec- tions 12 and 13, iu Township 1, north. Range 23 west; thence west on section lines to the dividing ridge of the Ouachita Hills or Mountains; thence following the dividing ridge of these mountains in a southwesterly direction until it intersects the base line in Range 27 west; thence west on the base line to the line dividing Ranges 27 and 28 west; thence south on the range line to the line divid- ing Townships 4 and 5 south; thence east on the township line to the line dividing Ranges 22 and 23 west; thence north on the range line to the line dividing Townships 2 and 3 south; thence east on the township line to the corner between Sections 33 and 34, in Township 2 south. Range 21 west; thence north on section lines to the corner of Sec- tions 9, 10, 15 and 16, in Township 1 south, Range 21 west; thence west on the section line to ^^ JZ 'liV MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 471 the corner of Sections 8, 9, 16 and 17, in Township 1 south, Range 22 west; thence north ou section lines to the place of beginning. The formation of municipal townships has undergone many changes since the organization of the county, it being now subdivided into town- ships or precincts named as follows: South Fork, Washita, Polk, Big Fork, Caddo, Missouri, Parks, Gap, Caney, Mazern, Crystal, Bear, Mountain, Leverney, Sulphur Springs and Center. The coun ty buildings consist of only a small — though suffi- ciently large — two-story frame court house, with a hall and county offices on the first floor, and the courtroom on the second. When it was erected, which was several years ago, the old one-story court-house, which had been used for many years, was moved south of the public square, where it has since been used as a school-house and church. Its use for church purposes has been discontinued since the erection of the new Methodist Church. Following is a list of the names of officers of Montgomery County from its organization to the year 1890, together with dates of terms of service: Judges — Andrew Boles, 1844-46; J. S. Har- ris, 1846-48; H. Graves, 1848-50; J. B. Garrett, 1850-52; Andrew Boles, 1852-56; Thomas Farr, 1856-58; W. J. Willoughby, 1858-62; J. A. Free- man, 1862-64; G. Whittington, 1864 to November; N. W. Cabler, from November, 1864, to August, 1865; C. R. Kymes, from August, 1865, to March, 1867; N. W. Cabler, from March, 1867; M. Us- sery, 1868-72; * * * J. H. West, 1874-78; J. B. Fulton, 1878-84; A. S. Logan, 1884-86; Silas P. Vaught, 1886-90. Martin Mondy and then John Cook were judges for a short time before Garrett. Clerks— George Fisher, 1844-46; J. I. Mc- Lendon, 1846-48; J. Fleming, 1848-50; J. S. Fleming, 1850-52; E. L. Hughes, 1852-54; D. A. Woolard, 1854-60; J. A. Stall, 1860-64; J. J. Laird, 1864-65; D. S. Campbell, 1865-67; G. D. Goodner, 1867-68; Z. I. Cotton, 1868-72; G. W. Gray, 1872-74; G. D. Goodner, 1874-90. Sheriffs— N. F. Robinson, 1844-46; James Hudson, 1846-48; J. H. May, 1848-54; J. B. Garrett, 1854-60; W. C. Simpson, 1860-65; T. L. Martin, 1865-68; William Reeves, 1868-72; G, H. Speers, 1872-74; J. B. Fulton, 1874-76; H. S. Goodner, 1876-82; George W. Golden, 1882-90. Treasurers— J. M. Fleming, 1844-46; J. Col- lins, 1846-48; D. Farr, 1848-50; James A. Stall, 1850-56; J. F. Fleming, 1856-60; A. Jones, 1860-68; H. H. Williamson, 1868-72; W. W. Sanders, 1872-74; W. M. Williams, 1874-75; O. H. Overstreet, 1875-78; J. A. Watkins, 1878-82; J. M. Anderson, 1882-84; S. M. Smith, 1884-90. Coroners — A. Langsford, 1844-46; S. Cun- ningham, 1846-48; J. McKinley, 1848-50; D. W. Stockton, 1850-52; V. Isenhour, 1852-58; J. M. Amerson, 1858-60; M. Isenhour, 1860-62; Will- iam Smith, 1862-64; J. Standridge, 1864-68; C. W. Cearley, 1868-72; S. Standridge, 1872-74 H. S. Autrey, 1874-76; Q. C. Rowton, 1876-78 J. A. Coffman, 1878-80; W. J. Hay, 1880-82 N. B. Rifle, 1882-84; Joseph Shirley, 1884-86 C. H. Greene, 1886-88; Frank Gross,' 1888-yO. Surveyors.— J. M. Harris, 1846-48; J. J. Mc- Lendon, 1848-50; A. Boles, 1850-52; R. S. Burk, 1852-56; Robert Burk, 1856-00; R. S. Burk, 1860-62; Robert Burk, 1862-64; R. S. Burk, 1864-66; J. Cogburn, 1866-68; L. Melson, 1868- -74; H. R. Collier, 1874-78; L. Melson, 1878-80; W. H. Highsmith, 1880-88; H. R. Collier, 1888- 90. Assessors — N. A. Penland, 1868-72; Stephen Muse, 1872-74; C. Snider, 1874-76; J. F. Rob- ins, 1876-80; G. B. Willis, 1880-86; J. N. Wasson, 1886-88; G. B. .Willis, 1888-90. Delegates in State Conventions — A. M. Cling- man represented the county in the State conven- tion held March 4 to 21, and May 6 to June 3, 1861, for the purpose of considering the question of the secession of the State from the Union. J. C. Priddy and R. Lamb represented the county in the constitutional convention held January 4 to January 23, 1864, and J. C. Priddy represented Montgomery and Perry Counties in the constitu- tional convention held January 7 to February 18, 1868. Nicholas W. Cable represented Montgom- ery County in the last constitutional convention- held July 14 to October 31, 1874. State Senators — S. VV'. Rayburn, 1846-50; J. rtV 4. 472 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. W. Crow, 1850-52; M. Bozeman, 1852-54; W. F. S. Barkman, 1854-58; W. H. Hammond. 1858- 60; J. F. Fagan, 1860-62; F. Leach, 1862-64; E. H. Vance, 1864-66; J. M. Smith, 1866-68; D. P. Beldiu, 1868-74; O. D. East, 1874-78; C. A. Gantt, 1878-82; Jesse A. Ross, 1882-84; G. W. Baxter, 1884-88. Representatives in State Legislature — Gran ville Whittington, 1846-48; James Hudson, 1848- 50; H. A. Whittington, 1850-52; R. S. McFar- lane, 1852-54; W. Satringfellow, 1854-56; Henry Heffington, 1856-60; D. A. Woolard, 1860-62; C. G. Hurt, 1862-64; J. C. Priddy, 1864-66; G. K. Robinson, 1866-68; J. V. Harrison and J. H. Demby, 1868-70; J. F. Lane and J. J. Sumpter, 1870-72; L. D. Gilbreath, J. J. Sumpter and George G. Latta, 1874-74; H. H. Barton and J. J. Sumpter, 1874-75; Alfred Jones, 1875-76; AVill- iam R. Cubage, 1876-78; J. H. Demby, 1878-80; A. C. King, 1880-82; John A. Watkins, 1882-84; William P. Birch, 1884-86; N. H. Harley, 1886- 88. For representation in the State Senate Mont- gomery County has always been districted with other counties, and the counties composing the senatorial district have been frequently changed. The district now consists of Montgomery and Gar- land Counties. Prior to 1868 Montgomery Coun- ty was represented singly in the Lower House of the General Assembly, after which she was repre- sented in a district with other counties up to 1874, and since the latter date, under the new constitu- tion, she has been represented singly. F. Leach represented Hot Springs, Montgomery and Saline Counties in the Senate of the special session of the Confederate Legislature held at Washington in Hempstead County, from September 22 to October 2, 1864; and at the same time and place C. G. Hurt represented Montgomery County in the Lower House. The political status of Montgomery County is fully shown by the votes cast for the several candi- dates at the following elections : At the September election, in 1888, James P. Eagle, Democratic can- didate for governor, received 769 votes, and his opponent, C. M. Norwood, 426 votes. At the pres- idential election in the same year, the candidates for President received votes as follows: Cleveland, 806; Harrison, 161; Streeter; 2, Fisk 1. The full returns for the county, at the Septem- ber election in 1890, are as follows: For governor, James P. Eagle, 851; N. B. Fizer, 372; for secre- tary of State, B. B. Chism, 882; J. M. Pittman, 316; State treasurer, R. B. Morrow, 884; T. J. Andrews, 316; auditor of State, W. S. Dunlop, 880; O. S. Jones, 318; attorney-general, W. E. Atkinson, 884; T. P. Chambers, 313; commissioner State lands, C. B. Myers, 884; C. M. B. Cox, 313; commissioner of agriculture, M. F. Locke, 869; G. B. Farmer, 304; superintendent of public in- struction, J. H. Shinn, 882; T. M. C. Birming- ham, 315; associate justice Supreme Court, M. H. Sandels, 885; W. R. Coody, 312. Judicial officers : for circuit judge, R. D. Hearn, 941; prosecuting attorney, James D. Shaver, 918. County officers: for representative, G.Witt, 803, L. Melson, 434; county judge, W. O. Diffle, 864, G. W. Hughen, 331; circuit clerk, J. S. Nelson, 1,141; coroner, J. R. Bates, 945; William Webb, 32; sheriff, J. N. Wasson, 749, W. P. Birch, 465; county treasurer, S. M. Smith, 1,167; assessor, G. R. Miller, 1,193; county surveyor, H. R. Col- lier, 993. The population of Montgomery County at the end of the several census decades since its organization has been as follows: 1850, 1,958; 1860, 3,633; 1870, 2,984; 1880, 5,729. These figures show that from 1850 to 1860 the popula- tion nearly doubled, and from 1860 to 1870 it ma- terially decreased, while from 1870 to 1880 it nearly doubled again. The population of 1890, under the new census, will soon be published, and will show a material increase since 1880, thoi;gh probably not so great as from 1870 to 1880, for the reason that in 1880 there was a considerable mining population in the county that has since moved out. It will be interesting, however, to compare the figures of the new and forthcoming census report with the foregoing. The colored population of the county in 1860 was 92, in 1870, 120, and in 1880 it was 258. The 92 colored peo- ^' •f A ^ MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 473 pie in the county in 1860 were slaves, who, in con- sequence of the emancipation proclamation and subsequent legislation obtained their freedom. The first term of the Montgomery Circuit Court, as shown by the record, convened on Monday, March 17, 1845 (it being the third Monday of the month), with Judge John J. Clendenin presiding. The first business of the court was the empaneling of the following first grand jury of the county: Granville Whittington, foreman; John Baggs, James Jeffrey, Daniel McHuddleston, David May- berry, David Sigman, Silas Baker, Edward Ship- man, Jesse Royls, John McKinley, Benedict Har- rell, Isaac Denton, E. D. Holloway, Willis Webb, John Hawkins and Samuel Cunningham, "sixteen good and lawful men of Montgomery County. ' ' George C. Watkins, the attorney-general, was ab- sent, and James C. Curran was appointed attorney- general pj'o teni. The first case on the record was State of Arkansas vs. Levi Meredith, on an in- dictment for murder; the next case was Isaac Tweedle vs. Malinda Tweedle for divorce; the third was State vs. Job Harrell for perjury; then followed two cases for assault and battery, and one more for divorce. All these cases were continued and the court adjourned. At the time provided by law for the holding of the Sej^tember term of court following, the judge did not appear, and no fur- ther holding of the circuit court was had until March, 1846, when the judge appeared, opened court, and proceeded to business, his first decree being the granting of a divorce to Isaac Tweedle. The other cases above mentioned were again con- tinued, and several new cases were filed. The first petit jury in the county was empanneled at the September term, 1846, of the circuit court. Their names were Henry Raper, Uriah Coots, George Hall, Levi Coots, G. W. Sanders, J. W. McConnell, Jesse Royls (?), James Laston, Fred Salyers, Allen Wempel (?), James McConnell and V. Isenhour. [The names are so poorly written on the record that it is difficult to decipher them, hence some of them may not be exactly correct. J When Montgomery County was organized it became a part of the Fifth Judicial Circuit or District. The districts have frequently been changed since. It now belongs to the Eighth District, composed of the counties of Montgomery, Polk, Howard, Sevier, Little River, Pike and Clark. The present judge is R. D. Hearne, of Arkadelphia, and the present prosecuting attorney is W. M. Green, former!}' of Dallas. The resident attorneys, constituting the legal bar of Mont- gomery County, are John A. Watkins, G. Witt, A. C. King, W. P. Birch, S. P. Vaught and John Van Steenwyk. Being a rural county, with a small rural popu- lation, and without railroads and large towns, the number of crimes committed in the county has been comparatively small. No one has ever been legally executed within the county for the offense of crime. The citizens are law abiding, and the laws are easily enforced. The circiut court holds two terms annually, and five or six days each are sufficient to keejp the docket clear. The small bar and small amount of litigation are indicative of the peaceful attitude of the citizens in general. Upon the approach of the Civil War of 1861- 65, the people of Montgomery County, with a very few exceptions, were in favor of the Southern cause, and a liberal percentage of them joined and served in the Confederate armies. Toward the close of the war, when the Federal Army con- trolled the greater portion of the State, a few men, some of whom deserted from the Confederate Army, went out of the county and joined the United States forces. During the war a few raids were made into the county by small bodies from each of the contending armies, and the guerrillas prowled about to some extent, and a few individ- uals were killed, but little or no damage was done to property. Aside from the few individuals that were killed the county well escaped the ravages of war, and when the struggle was over the people had no more trouble such as was the case in many portions of the State following the close of the war. The people here did not suffer the priva- tions endured in many other sections of the coun- try, as they manufactured their own clothing, and in the main raised their own jirovisions. The writer of the article heretofore referred to as published recently in the Montgomery County -f J« — •- 474 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. ^ [ Herald, desriptive of the county, etc., gives the following truthful description of the "principal towns and mining camps " in the county: Bear City is situated near the eastern border of the county, and about sixteen miles from Hot Springs. The population is composed mainly of miners and others interested in the reduction of the gold and silver ores so generously distributed Ijy nature in the hills and mountains surrounding the town, which, however, have proved to be of a refactory nature, besides being condemned by the State geologist as non paying, the effect of which has been disastrous in the extreme to the growth and prosperity of the camp until very recently. Bear contains numerous hotels, prominent among which are the Grand Central, W. H. Trigger- son proprietor, and the Golden Wonder and Ozark, of which Mr. Joseph Bartenschlaeger and Col. C. F. Britsch are the respective hosts. The last two named are now doing a good and steadily increas- ing business, consequent upon the large influx of visitors since the testing of the ores by the new process began at the plant recently erected. Bear's "Model Garden" is located on a part of the grounds of the Ozark Hotel, and Col. Britsch, its owner and designer, has reason to be proud of the many flattering compliments that visitors pay his fine vegetables and plants, who, by reason of its fame, never fail to make a tour of the garden. Harley & Ward, dealers in dry goods, groceries, i^tc, and John Q. Carter (old Sin-Duda), dealer in drugs, medicines and fancy goods, are the principal merchants. A chair factory and saw and planing- mill are also located in Bear. The following is a partial list of the "Old Guard," who have stood by the camp in all its trials and tribulations: John Tillman, D. J. Dannelley, Capt. A. L. Hunt, J. O. Bartenschlaeger, H. Moscowitz, N. H. Harley, W. H. Price, Lew Mallaby, W. P. AYilson, Col. C. F. Britsch. J. Q. Carter, Gen. S. B. Sherer, C. C. Woods, Col. E. P. Snow, Orson Hager, Eddie Beam, A. M. Beam, Samuel Aughey, I. E. Arnold, Frank Wise, W. C. King, J. B. Jewell, C. C. Chapin, E. J. Adams, Eldredge & Warner and C. G. Grove. The surrounding country is reasonably fertile. and yields good returns in crops of corn, wheat, oats, cotton, Irish and sweet potatoes and vegeta- bles of all kinds. Small fruits of every variety I common to the temperate zone, as grapes, pears, plums, apricots, persimmons, etc., grow wild and in abundance in the woods about the town, and are j in many instances equal in flavor to the cultivated fruits of the North. The adjoining forests are filled with many varieties of wood valuable for building purposes, the manufactureof furniture, etc. Prof. A. M. Beam and Samuel Aughey, old pi- I oneers of the camp, whose implicit faith in the existence there of gold and silver in paying quan- tities has never wavered or faltered, have toiled on and labored earnestly for the last two years under the most trying circumstances, endeavoring to ob- tain a solution of the problem of how to save the values in sufficient quantities to invite the attention and investment of capital in the development of the vast mineral resources of Bear Mountain Dis- trict, and their efforts seem about to be crowned with success in the discovery of what is known as the ' ' Beam Electric Process. ' ' A plant has been erected at what was formerly known as the Smith smelter, and continued runs for the last month, on the various ores of the district, in quantities rang- ing from 200 to 1,000 pounds have been made, and our information from reliable sources up to the hour of writing this article, is that they have been entirely satisfactory to all interested. The mineral deposits of this vicinity are new to this age and generation, and when the attention of capitalists is called to them, as it will be if it is once clearly and plainly demonstrated that profits can be secured from the ores by the electric proc- ess, the future of the country will no longer be in doubt, and Bear City will become the emporium of the great mining regions of Arkansas. Crystal Springs lie at the foot of Crystal Mount- ain, and are equidistant between Hot Springs and Mount Ida, and some four miles from Bear. A more attractive spot for a home can not be imag- ined, and the pure, health giving waters that abound here have already acquired a fame equal to those, if not superior, of noted and frequented watering places. ^: :l^ MONTGOMEKY COUNTY. 475 P. W. Williamson, dealer in dry goods, gro- ceries, etc., is the leading representative of the mercantile interests, and is largely interested in some of the best mining properties of this mineral region. This is also a mining district, and immense bodies of ore are found here, of which the sand- rock predominates. Here is located MofPett's smelter, erected at an outlay of $30,000, and in the event of its being finally demonstrated that paying values can be obtained from these ores, Oliver Moffett, son of Col. Moffett, and a mining man of large experience ^t Joplin, Mo. , who is now on the ground, will at once erect a large plant. Crystal has a fine school, and also church-house, and its people are noted for their generous hos- pitality to visitors. Among its prominent citizens may be mentioned SherifF Peden, Col. E. R. Mof- fett, W. H. Thorp, E. Spiva, G. L. Avarett and Col. C. H. Jacobs, all largely interested in mining property in the district. Many fine farms are lo- cated in this vicinity. A few miles from Crystal Springs is the famous Crystal Mountain, from whose summit the scene presented to the vision of the tourist is beautiful and grand beyond description. In this region are found crystals of the purest water, without fault or blemish, that are said, by old crystal diggers, to rival those of the crystal fields of the West. Silver City is eight and one-half miles from Mount Ida and thirty-two miles from Hot Springs, and ten years ago was a mining camp of considerable magnitude, but owing to misdirected efforts and bad management has of late been practically abandoned. The ores of this district consist of galena, gray copper, chlorides, etc., and assay up in the thou- sands. Old miners assert that all the indications point to the fact of rich mineral being deposited in and around Silver City, and the mining that has been done would seem to confirm this. The following are some of the mines it is claimed can be made producers, by the assistance of capital: The Waterloo, Silver King, Montezuma (patented). Mammoth, Walnut, Diamond Jo, and several other properties whose names we have not at hand. State Geologist Branner, in his report upon this mineral district, pronounces it meritorious and worthy of development. About one mile from Silver City is situated Elnora City, where the famous Elnora mine is located. This mine needs only the assistance of capital, to a limited extent, to put it on a paying basis, and it is believed that the coming fall will see the Elnora resume opera- tions. Dr. J. C. Bates, the physician and surgeon located here, Capt. Frank Pease, Judge J. J. Hayes and J. H. Fisher, of the Diamond Jo Hotel, are largely interested in mining property in Mount Ida Mining District, and capitalists seeking invest- ment or desiring information concerning the camp, should address them at Silver City. This is also a good farming country, and many of Montgomery County's substantial farmers reside in this neigh- borhood. Mount Ida is about equi- distant from Hot Springs on the east and Dallas on the west, Wal- dron on the north and Arkadelphia on the south. Situated as Prof. Branner says: " Upon the gravel terrace of an ancient river or lake, apparently at the mouth or in the course of a tributary stream from the south," it is, nevertheless, high, level and dr}'; and overlooking, as it does, the beautiful valley of the South Fork of the Ouachita River, and in sight of splendid farms and beautiful mountain scenery, it is instinctively decided to be a health- ful and delightful hamlet. Within the last two years it has doubled its poj)ulation and business, and to-day is evincing greater signs of progress than at any time in the past. Being the county site — centrally situated in the county — in the very heart of the mining belt, with the Ouachita River (South Fork), Twin Creeks and Williams' Creek, all with their rich fields and valleys close by, we do not exaggerate when we claim that the next few years will very greatly augment its population. Watkins Bros., and Mrs. G. W. Golden, dealers in dry goods, groceries, etc., and C. A. Abernathy, dealer in lumber, lath and shingles, and also in flour, represent the mercantile interests; Watkins & Witt, attorneys at law, and R. C. Roberts, phy- sician and surgeon, the professional; and N. B. Riffe, general blacksmith and wood-worker, the mechanical. The Mount Ida High School takes A 476 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. rank as a first-class educational institution, under the able direction of Prof. "W. G. Fail and Lis ac- complished daughter, Miss Annie. A commodious and elegant church building, erected by the Methodist Episcopal Church South, used alike by the several Christian denominations composing the population of the village and adjacent country, adorns and beautifies the southwestern part of the town. We venture the assertion there is no town or village in the I^Qited States of the same age that can say as much for the health of its citizens. We are told that none of its citizens or business men, while living here, except Sheriff Golden, have shuffled off this mortal coil, although it has been a small town for about fifty years, and many of its citizens have resided here for a long time. The Montgomery County Herald is published here, and has a large and steadily increasing circulation. It is now in its first volume, is a five-column folio, neatly printed and well edited, and is the only newspaper in the county. Col. William Cochran is the editor, and G. Witt, business manager. Caddo Gap is eighteen miles from Mount Ida and thirty-five miles from Hot Springs and one- quarter of a mile below the famous Gap, west of the river. Splendid farms are to be seen in all directions, the soil and climate being admirably adapted for cereals and cotton. Fruits of all kinds yield prolifically in the Caddo Valley. Above the noted Gap is situated the Caddo Cove, and the picturesque and romantic scenery that is presented to the vision at this point is entrancing; it embraces an area of six miles north and one to three miles east and west, and is said to be one of the most fertile spots in the county. The Caddo is a favorite resort for disciples of Izaak Walton, the choicest varieties of the finny tribe inhabiting its waters. The following are some of the substan- tial farmers of this vicinity: W. A. Hopper, John Welch, J. F. Hopper, W. S. Duling, Mart Hol- den,Vaught Brothers, Bob Peel, J. N. Wasson, W. S. Autrey, Jeff Collier, W. O. Diffie, Judge Vaught and Judge West; J. F. Hopper and S. M. Collier represent the mercantile interest, and Dr. A. S. Logan the professional. Black Springs is nine miles southwest of Mount Ida on the Hot Springs and Dallas road and near the Caddo River, near the center of the valley of the Caddo, noted for its fertility and heretofore described. The population is about 250 and the surrounding country is well settled up. It is near the survey of the Fort Smith & Gurdon Railway, and bids fair to become a commercial center of some note if the road is built. F. Gross carries one of the largest stocks of general merchandise in the county, and the Rowton Bros, are also wideawake and enterprising merchants, doing a good business. Its altitude is about 1,000 feet above the sea level, is high, dry and healthy, with good schools and good society. It is about six miles from the State House Mountain, supposed to be rich in manganese. Buckville is a flourishing little town eighteen miles east of Mount Ida, and twenty two miles north- west of Hot Springs. Many of the solid farmers of the county reside in this locality. Cotton and corn are the principal products. The population is estimated at about 100. In the event of the electric process becoming an assured success this region will become a great mining district, as there are inexhaustible mineral deposits here, sand rock pre- dominating. J. W. Freeman represents the mer- cantile interest, also having a large cattle ranch; J. W. Martin is the mill man. Cedar Glades has a population of 250, is twenty- two miles east of Mount Ida and twenty miles north- west of Hot Springs, and is surrounded by a good farming country. There is a good school-house here. Speer Brothers, A. J. Cotnam and William Ray represent the mercantile interest, and R. J. Housely is the mill man, and B. F. Carrollton the cabinet workman; Sharp & Boone, general black- smiths and woodworkers. Chapmondville is a flourishing village in Sul- ! phur Township, situated ten miles from Mount i Ida and forty miles from Hot Springs, on the ! Danville and Mount Ida road. This is a splendid ,' farming country — the Ouachita River running I through the township. The principal products are cotton and corn. Considerable live stock, principally cattle, is raised here. Several churches, ^' ^k. MONTGOMEKY COUNTY. 47\ of almost every denomination, and also a flourish- ing Sunday-school, are in this vicinity. There are also several good public schools. Thomas L. Chapmond is the general merchant at Chapmond- ville. G. W. Maddox has a cotton-gin, saw and grist-mill, and Dr. A. J. Poole, physician and surgeon, is located here. Hickory Station is thirty-three miles from Hot Springs and twenty-two from Mount Ida. In this locality will be found some of the finest upland in Montgomery County. There is an abundance of fine water, and the country is well timbered. The population of this vicinity is about 500. Good school facilities exist here. G. A. Tackett is the general merchant and mill man, and Assessor George B. Willis resides here. Lucky is a little hamlet of about fifty souls; has a steam saw and grist-mill with cotton-gin attached, owned by Short & Montgomery; has also a post office and "pin-hook" store. It is situated twenty-five miles southwest of Mount Ida, twenty-five miles west of Hot Springs, and is peopled and sur- rounded by an industrious people. A correspond- ent writes us that this would be a good location for a general merchandise business. Oden is lo- cated some twelve miles west of Mount Ida, and has a population of about 150. The mercantile interests here are represented by H. S. Goodner, Philpot & Sims and James Allen. The latter car- ries a large stock of general merchandise. This village is situated on the survey of the Fort Smith & Gurdon Eailroad. The first thing found on record pertaining to education in the county was the appointment, in January, 1846, by the county court of three school commissioners, being the following named gentle- men: Isaac Denton, Granville AVhittington and John Shipp. There were no free schools, how- ever, supported by taxation until the free school system was inaugurated after the close of the Civil War of 1861-65. Prior thereto a few subscription schools were taught in the settlements having enough children to compose a school. The teach- ers were paid directly by the parents or guardians of the children sent to school, and, consequently, the children whose parents were not able thiis to pay for educational facilities, were deprived of school advantages. The following statistics, taken from the last published report of the State super- intendent of public instruction, it being for the year ending, June 30, 1888, will serve to shov? the extent of the educational facilities of the county under the present school system: Scholastic pop ulation, white males, 1,446, females, 1,377; total, 2,823; colored males, 64, females, 79; total 143. Number of pupils taught in public schools: white, males, 792; females, 637; total, 1,429; colored, males, 30; females, 22; total, 52. Number of school districts, 59; number reporting, 31 ; num- ber of teachers employed, males, 27; females, 2; total, 29; average monthly salaries paid teach- ers, first grade, males, $38.75; females, none em- ployed; second grade, males, 133.20, females, $25; third grade, males, $33.31; females, $24.15. Revenue received for the support of the com- mon schools: / Amount on hand July 1, 1887 f 4,090 81 Common school fiintl 2,28175 District tax 975 60 Poll tax 1,179 90 Othersources 26 60 $8,554 66 Revenue expended for the support of the com- mon schools: Teachers' salaries $3,731 .33 Building and repairing 91 38 Treasurer's commission 89 27 Other purposes 28 85 *Total expended |3,980 83 Balance on hand f 4,573 83 These statistics make it appear that only about one-half of the white and a little over one-third of the colored scholastic population were taught in the pub- lic schools. But the report is not full and does not give the whole number of children attending school. In submitting his report, in September, 1888, to the State superintendent of public instruction, * The official report above referred to, after giving tlie items ex- pended, gives the aggregate at .SS.SST.SS, and the balance on hand at .S4,G16.83 ; hence an error exists in tlie figures, either in the items or aggregates. ^^ IV 4 « ki. 478 ^. -. .. — — _ f, , -. _-^ . ,, ,- ^ HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. *k^ Prof. W. G. Fail, county examiner, wrote as fol- lows: Dear Sir— I herewith enclo.9e ray annual report for the year ending June 30, 1888. The report is incomplete, and this is due to the fact that the directors do not recognize the importance of maldng full reports. The people of this county are awakening to their educational interests, and the last few years have developed such an interest in schools as to warrant the assertion that Montgomery will soon be in the front rank in point of schools and education. A ma- jority of the districts vote a 5 mill tax, and the public school system is rapidly growing iu favor. I have no .suggestion to make in regard to a change in the school law, unless it be amended so that the districts be made larger, the number of directors be reduced to one, and that one be required to attend more minutely to the duties of the office, and receive compensation for same. Although Montgomery County can not boast of fine school-houses and numerous church spires towering heavenward, it has schools and church oganizations in every settlement where there is a sufficient population to maintain them. Here and there can be found an unpretentious school-house, erected near a fine spring of living water, the building serving also the purpose of a house of worship for whatever denomination of Christians may congregate there for that purpose. The lead- ing religious sects in the county are the Methodists, largely in the ascendancy. Baptists, both Primitive and Missionary, Christian and Church of God. Only a few church houses have been erected, the location of most of them having been mentioned in connection with the villages. In the early days religious services were held in private houses and in "the leafy grove," and later in the school- houses and church edifices, where they still con- tinue to be held. Although there has long been a church organization at Mount Ida, the county seat, the first edifice — a fine large frame structure — ever erected there was put up in 1888. In all thickly settled places Sunday-schools are taught in connec- tion with the church organizations, and much good is accomplished and the cause of Christianity is advanced. Martin Stephen Bates is a man whom nature seems to have especially designed to be a planter, for he has met with a more than average degree of success in pursuing that calling, and owing to his desire to keep out of the beaten path and to his adoption of new and improved methods he is now the owner of a good plantation. He was born in Cherokee County, Ga., March 2, 1843, a son of Elder J. R. and Mary Ann (Dobbs) Bates, the former a native of Sottth Carolina and the latter of Georgia. When a boy Mr. Bates went to Georgia with hia parents, there grew to manhood, married and lived until 1870, when he came to Scott County, Ark., having traveled over the county in 1848 and reported it a good one. At the above- mentioned date he and sixty other persons came here, and now 1,000 persons are the offspring of the members of this colony. Mr. Bates lived in Scott County until 1877, then came to near Mt. Ida, and here quietly breathed his last at the ago of seventy-six years. He had studied medicine when a young man, and although he practiced his profes- sion for about forty years before coming to this State, he afterward gave his attention to farming. In 1868 he joined the Primitive Baptist Church, was ordained an elder soon after, and preached the gospel until his death. He was a Mason for many years, was a Democrat politically, and while in Georgia and also Scott County, Ark., held the office of justice of the peace. He helped remove the Indians to their reservation west of the Missis- sippi River, being an officer. The Bates family- are of Scotch and English descent, the grand- father, Stephen Bates, being a Virginia planter and a son of William Bates, one of the wealthiest men of the Old Dominion. The mother of the subject of this sketch is atill living and resides on the old homestead in Arkansas, being now seventy years of age. She has been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for twenty- five years, and has always been a kind, considerate Christian lady. Of a family of fourteen children she bore her husband, Martin Stephen is their fifth son. In his youth he was given the advantages of the schools of Cherokee County, Ga. , but pttt aside his books in 1861 to join the Confederate Army, be- -^^ •^ MONTGOMEEY COUNTY. 479 coming a member of Company G, Twenty-third Georgia Infantry, with which he served four years, taking part in many battles: Siege of Yorktown, Seven Pines, Williamsburg, besides many others, but escaped without receiving a wound or being taken prisoner. At the close of the war he com- menced to farm for himself, but in 1870 left his native State, and for two years was a resident of Scott County, Ark., at the end of which time he came to Montgomery County, settling on the old Willard place on Caddo road, which he has improved with excellent buildings, fences, orchard, etc. On coming here he was without means, but his efForts have been attended with success, and he now owns a good farm, on which he raises excel- lent crops. In 1874 he joined the Primitive Bap- tist Church, was ordained one of its elders eight years since, and has since been engaged in preach- ing the Gospel. He was married, in 1806, to Miss Eliazbeth Brooks, and eight sons and four daughters have been born to their union, seven sons and one daughter now living. Mrs. Bates is also a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and Mr. Bates is a stanch Democrat. William J. Bowers. In the fertile agricultural region of Montgomery County, Ark. , Mr. Bowers has given his attention to tilling the soil, and as he has always been industrious, economical and enter- prising, he has accumulated a fair share of this world's goods and is now in independent circum- stances. He was born in Jackson County, Ala., in 1847, to Adam and Susanna (Darnell) Bowers, the former a Virginian, born in 1802, and the latter in Georgia, in 1804. In 1849 they removed to Ten- nessee, and about 1870 to Woodi-uff County, Ark., where Mrs. Bowers died in 1876 or 1877, Mr. Bow- ers afterward removing to Texas, where he was called from earth about 1878, he, as well as his wife, being an earnest member of the Missionary Baptist Church. He was one of the honest " sons of the soil," and as a law abiding and public-spir- ited citizen became well known in the different localities in which he resided. William J. Bowers is the youngest of the seven children bora to these parents, and as he was put to work on the ■■arm at an early day and kept busily employed, his school days were limited indeed. After he had attained his majority he began an independent career, and as he had acquired a thorough knowl- edge of farming on his father's farm he has given that calling his undivided attention up to the pres- ent time, and is now the owner of an excellent tract of land of 200 acres four miles south of Mount Ida, all of which propertj' he has acquired by his own industry and good management. He was married in the State of Tennessee in August, 1876, to Miss L. C. Thompson, who died in Van Buren County, Ark., in 1881, leaving Mr. Bowers with a family of four children to care for. His second marriage took place in Texas in 1886 to Miss Fannie D. Goforth, and their union has re- sulted in the birth of two interesting little chil- dren. From 1875 to 1880 Mr. Bowers was a resi- dent of the Lone Star State, but after one year's residence in Van Buren County, Ark., he again removed to Texas, which State was his home up to 1886. The two following years were spent in Pike County, Ark. , but since that time he has resided on his present farm, which is one of the neatest and best kept in this section of the county. He is a member of the Methodist Church, of which his first wife was also a member. Jefferson Collier is one who has long been identified with the farming interests of this sec- tion, but he has also used his interests in further- ing all worthy enterprises, and as a result has the confidence, respect and esteem of his fellow-men. He was born on Collier's Creek, in this county, on June 15, 1820, to Martin and Mary Belle (Ander- son) CoUier, the former born in Tennessee and the latter in Kentucky, in which State their marriage nuptials were celebrated. About 1812 they came to what is now Montgomery County, and settled on Caddo Creek, about twenty miles from any white settler, but did not remain here long, soon moving to what is now known as Collier's Creek, where they spent the rest of their lives, the father dying about 1822 and the mother on August 30, 1861, a member of the Baptist Church. For many years their nearest trading point was Little Hock, and their nearest blacksmith's shop twenty-five miles distant. As it was thirty miles to a flouring-mill, ^^ Q !^ ■^ 9 k^ 480 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. tliey often used a mortar instead of making that long (and as there were no roads at that time), tedious journey. There were no schools, so the early education of their children was sadly neg- lected, and as the husband and father died at an early day, his widow was left with ten children to care for in this vast wilderness, three or four miles from any neighbor. She nobly discharged every duty, and her children now ' ' rise up and call her blessed." Jefferson Collier is the youngest of the family, and as he received no advantages in his youth, he often felt the need of it, and after his marriage, began applying himself to his books) and thus obtained a fair education. He was mar- ried in August, 1842, to Miss Susanna, daughter of Thomas and Lydia Markham, natives of Illinois, who came to Arkansas in a very early day and in 1835, to what is now Montgomery County, settling above Caddo Gap and there passing from life prior to the war. Mrs. Collier was born in Randolph County, Ark., in 1825, and has borne her husband fifteen children, four sons and seven daugh- ters now living. When first married he set- tled on his present farm, which was then an old abandoned place, and this farm of 270 acres has been his home for nearly fifty years. He is the oldest native resident of the county, and throughout his long and useful career here, has kept his name un- spotted from the world. Just after the war he was elected to the State Senate, but did not qualify. He served all through the Confederate Army, in a company of Arkansas Cavalry, with Capt. William Carroll, and was one of the brave and intrepid ' ' boys in gray. ' ' He has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. since 1854, being now a member of New Hope Lodge No. 42. He organized Cedar Glades Lodge, and Mount Ida Lodge, and for some time served as their worshipful master. He and his most worthy wife have been citizens who command the respect of all who know them, and for many years they have been members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. They have lived a happy wedded life of nearly half a century and are yet in the enjoyment of good health. They have reared a large family of children to honorable manhood and womanhood, and the following are those who are living at the present time: L)dia E. (wife of Thomas White), Charlr's W. (of Texas), Harrison R. (the present surveyor of Montgomery County, and one of its best educators), Alfred M., Marga- ret (wife of William Robinson), Arzelia G. (wife of A. F. Maner), Matilda F. (wife of William Reece), Nancy J. (wife of Milton Robins), Ruthy Eleanor (wife of Franklin L. Cash) and Cynthia L. (wife of John J. Peart of Illinois). ^ ^ MONTGOMEEY COUNTY. 483 ( died in 1875, having become the mother of eight children: Barsheba J. (wife of W. C. Middleton), James M. (of Texas), John F., George W., Celia Ann (wife of Mr. Hewiu, of Pike County), Joseph H. (of Texas), Alex Marion and Mattie (the last two named dying when young). Mr. Hopper's second marriage took place in 1876, his wife being a daughter of Joshua and Phoebe A. Williams, who were born in Tennessee and Arkansas, respectively. Mr. AVilliams died in Murfreesboro, Ark., in 1866, and his wife in Montgomery County in 1888. Mrs. Hopper was born in Pike County of this State, and has one daughter. She and her husband have an adopted son also whom they have reared from infancy, he being now nine years of age. His name is Benjamin L. In 1849 Mr. Hopper came to Clark County, and settled on Caddo Creek, and in 1851 moved up the Caddo to Montgomery County, where he has lived ever since. He has improved three farms, and is one of the leading agriculturists of this region, being the owner of about 1,000 acres of land, 300 of which are cleared, the results of his own efPorts. After the war he followed the occupation of merchandising in con- nection with farming until a few years since, when he was compelled to abandon business on account of ill health caused by paralysis. During the early part of the Rebellion he served in McNairy's regi- ment for about three months, the same length of time being spent in the latter part of the war in Oosley's battalion. He is a member of New Hope Lodge No 42, of the A. F. & A. M. , belongs to the Farmers' Alliance also, and is a member of the Christian Church, both his wives being members also. Robert J. Housley enjoys the reputation of be- ing, not only a substantial and progressive farmer, but an intelligent and thoroughly posted man in all public afPairs. He is well known for honorable, upright dealing, and no man in this section of the country bears a better reputation than he. He was born in Hamilton County, Tenn., February 14, 1840, to George W. and Sarah J. (Elder) Housley, they being born in JefFerson and Meigs Counties, Tenn., respectively, their marriage tak- ing place at Decatur, Tenn. After living in that neighborhood for some time they moved to Hamil- ton County, and from that place came to Mont- gomery County, Ark., in 187], the father's death occurring here in 1884, at the age of sixty-three, and the mother's in 1886, when sixty-five years old, both being members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Housley was a clerk in this church, was a Democrat in his political views, and, being a Mason, was buried with Masonic honors. Dur- ing the war with Mexico he was a volunteer, and started for the scene of action, but the war ended before he reached that country. He was a farmer and merchant, and was at one time the owner of 1,700 acres of fine land on Savannah Creek. He was of English extraction. His marriage was blessed in the birth of eight children, of whom Robert J. Housley was the eldest. He spent his school days in Hamilton County, Tenn., and was an attendant of the Academy on Waldon's Ridge. At the age of sixteen years he left home and came to Arkansas, and since that time has resided near Cedar Glades, in Montgomery County. He has an excellent tract of land comprising 360 acres, and, although he has 150 acres cleared and under cultivation, the rest is in woodland. In Septem- ber, 1862, he joined the First East Tennessee Cavalry, and served until the close of the war, be- ing in the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Knoxville, and Marion, Va. , where he was wounded by a spent ball, but not seriously. He was at Greenville when John H. Morgan was killed. After the war he was absolutely without means, with the exception of a good constitution and the determination to make a success of his life, and first began operating a gin and mill as a means to this end, his efforts meeting with the above mentioned results. On October 2, 1859, he was married to Miss Sarah I. Freeman, daughter of John A. Freeman, a Hamilton County, Tennes- seean, who died July 14, 1887. Of a family of eight children born to Mr. and Mrs. Housley, five are now living: John W. (a merchant of Hot Springs), James N., Montie T. (wife of James Q. Ryan, a farmer of this county), Joseph J. and William M. On April 17, 1888, Mr. Housley was married to Miss Nancy E. Bird, of Scott County, (T' iv .-.. - .'■^^ . .. .^^.-^ .- -^.^ . ... ^., .. - ^ -w ^ 484 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. Tenn., and by ber has one child, Ada Pearl. Mr. Housley has been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church since 1860, and socially belongs to Henderson Lodge No. 147, of the A. F. & A. M. He is a Democrat, has been justice of the ^aeace six years, notary public five years, and postmaster since 1883. Jesse Irby, a farmer of Caddo Township, Montgomery County, Ark., was born in Madison County, Ala., in 1840 to Dudley G. and Elizabeth (Vaughn) Irby, the former born in Virginia in 1809, and the latter in Kentucky in 1823, their marriage occurring on Blue-Orass soil. After residing some years in Alabama they returned to Kentucky, where Mr. Irby died in 1873, and his widow in 1878, she a member of the Christian Church. He was a farmer, and for four years was shei'iff of Union County, having previously been county and pro- bate judge. He was a soldier in the Florida and Mexican Wars, and was a member of the I. O. O. F. His father, William Irby, was Ijorn in Pitt- sylvania County, Va. , served in the Revolutionary War, and died a farmer of Madison County, Ala. John Irby, his father, was born in Scotland and died at his son's birthplace in Virginia. William Vaughn, Mrs. Irby's father, was of German origin and died in Union County, Ky. The subject of this sketch is the eldest of seven sons and three daughters, three sons and two daughters now liv- ing, and he is the only one that resides in this county. He never received a day's schooling in his youth, but at the age of eighteen years he left his home in Kentucky, and started out to seek his fortune, in time reaching Northeastern Arkansas, where he worked as a farm hand until the opening of the war, then returned to Kentucky, and joined Company D, Second Kentucky Cavalry, his first engagement being Sacramento, Ky. At the capt- ure of Fort Donelson he was one who made his escape with Gen. Forrest, but in May of the same year was captured at Farmington, Miss., and was in prison at Alton, 111., until October, 1802. He afterward joined Gen. John Morgan's command, and was with him on his famous raid into Indiana and Ohio. He was captured at Buffington Island, Ind., and for about two months was a prisoner at Rock Island, after which he served as forage mas- ter for Gen. Breckinridge until the close of the war. In 1860 he went to Texas, but soon after re- turned to what is now Clay County, Ark. , and in 1808 was married to Isabelle, daughter of James and Elizabeth Miller, who were born in Decatur County, Tenn., from whence they removed to Greene County, Ark., at which place Mr. Miller's death occurred in 1805, his widow still residing there. Mrs. Irby was born in Greene County, and of the eleven children she has borne her husband, six are living. Soon after his marriage Mr. Irby returned to Texas where he lived until 1880, then moved to the Chickasaw Nation and in 1889, to his present farm of 198 acres in Montgomery County, of which he has 120 acres cleared. He was deputy sheriff and constable in Cook and Greyson Counties, Tex. , and for two years served as a ranger on the frontier. During his residence in the Chickasaw Nation he was a licensed Indian trader for four years and learned to converse read- ily with the Chiekasaws. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and belongs to the Christian Church. James F. Jeffrey. This worthy agriculturist is the son of John H. Jeffrey, who during his resi- dence here from 1839 until his death in 1884 was prominently identified with the county's interests, and his memory is cherished by a host of friends and acquaintances who survive him. He was mar- ried here to Miss Harriet R. Flemming, both of whom were born near Tuscaloosa, Ala., he in 1822 and she in 1826, her death occurring in 1862, both being members of the Missionary Baptist Church. After the death of his wife Mr. Jeffrey was after- ward married twice. He was a farmer and tanner by occupation, was a member of the A. F. & A. M., and for a short time served in the Confederate Army. His father, James Jeffrey, was of Cherokee Indian blood, was one of the early settlers of Mont- gomery County, Ark., but resided here only a few years, when he went to Caldwell County, Tex., there dying in 1860, having been with Crockett in the Florida War. James Flemming, the maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was also one of the early settlers of this region, and in an early day served as clerk of this county. He was f (S r- -— .|^ t liL MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 485 a tanner and teacher by occupation, and passed from life in this county in November, 1860. James F. Jeffrey was born in this county in 1847, being the third of nine children. He was reared on a farm with but few educational advantages, and in 1863 joined Company F, Tom Grunter's regiment of Cabel's brigade of cavalry, and was afterward in the infantry in Southern Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, taking part in the battles of Mark's Mill, Poison Springs, Jenkins' Ferry and others. He surrendered at Marshall, Tex. , at the close of the war, and returned home. In January, 1870, he was married to Mary E. , daughter of Dr. George W. and Sarah Gray, the former a Georgian, who came to this county just prior to the war, Mrs. Gray dying in Clark County, Ark., while en route. Dr. Gray now lives in Comanche County, Tex., a successful medical practitioner. Mrs. Jeffrey was born in Georgia, and of twelve children born to hei'self and husband, ten are living. Since his marriage Mr. Jeffrey has lived on his present farm of 240 acres, of which he has 1 bO acres under cultivation, all being obtained by his own energy and perseverance. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is one of the well-known and substantial farmers and citizens of this county. Benjamin Johnson, Jr. By attending strictly to his chosen calling, that of farming, Mr. John- son has done much to advance the reputation which Montgomery County enjoys as a pi'osperous fariii- ' ing community. He was born in Newton County, Miss., in 1842, to Dr. Benjamin and Clarinda E. .(Fowler) Johnson, the former born in Alabama, in 1813, and the latter in New Jersey, in 1818, their marriage occurring in Newton County, Miss., where they lived until 1854, after which they settled in Calhoun County, Ark., and in 1858 in Montgom- ery County, and although they first settled on Wal- nut Fork, they are now residing on the waters of the Mazarn. From 1859 to 1861 they lived in Pike County. Dr. Johnson has been a practicing physician since 1858. He was clerk of Newton County, Miss., for some years, and served nearly two years and three months in the United States cavalry, operating in Arkansas part of the time. bat a portion of the time was assistant surgeon in the hospital. His father, Henry Johnson, was of Irish descent, a Methodist minister, and died in Mississippi. The immediate subject of this sketch was the second of a family of four sods and four daughters, was reared on a farm, and received the advantages of the common schools. He came to Arkansas with his parents in 1861, and from here enlisted in Company C, Fourth Arkansas Infantry, Confederate States Army, and fought at Murfrees- boro, Chickamauga, and many other battles. He was captured at Chickamauga, and was imprisoned at Camp Douglas until the close of the war, nearly two years. He then returned to Montgomery Coun- ty, and engaged in farming, marrying, in 1877, Samantha, daughter of David and Anna Basinger, who were formerly residents of Kentucky, but af- terward lived in Indiana, Illinois, and came from Missouri to this county, before the war, where both died, the father being a farmer and merchant. Mrs. Johnson is a native of this county, and has borne her husband six children. The first year after his marriage Mr. Johnson lived at Caddo Gap, and since then on his present farm, on Collier's Creek, which consists of 264 acres. He also successfully manages a general mercantile store and a black- smith and wood-work shop. Mr. Johnson has served as justice of the peace in this township two years, bailiff four years, and since he established the post-oifice of Plata he has been its postmaster. Socially he belongs to New Hope Lodge No. 42, of the A. F. & A. M. , and has held several offices in this lodge. John W. Martin. The life record of him whose name appears above has l:)een one of more than usual interest and his career has been of such benefit and influence to the people, not only of Montgomery County, but throughout the State, that a sketch of his life will be of more than pass- ing interest. He was born in this county on April 28, 1850, to Thomas L. and Rachel (Cooper) Mar- tin, who are supposed to have been born in Wayne County, Tenn., the father's death occurring in this county in 1876, when about fifty years of age. His widow still survives him and is a resident of this county. They were married in Tennessee, and t r =^iv liL 486 HISTOEY OF ARKANSAS. in the winter of 1849 came to Ai'kansas, locating on a farm in what is now Mountain Township. As a tiller of the soil he was very successful, and as a merchant he was one of the first in the county. He served in the Fourth Arkansas Cavalry, United States Army, durincr the Rebellion and was on act- ive service the greater part of three years. He was taken prisoner at his mill on Blakeley Creek, and was kept in captivity at Camden, for about one month, during which time he suffered untold hard- ships. Soon after the war he was elected county sheriff, a position he held three years, was justice of the peace quite a number of years, and at his death was buried with Masonic honors. His wife, who is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, bore him ten children, the subject of this sketch being the third of the family. He spent his school days at Cedar Glades, but the war interrupted his studies in a great measure, and after the war in 1871, he turned his attention to farming, a calling he followed exclusively until 1882, when he opened up a mill on a small scale. John W. Freeman was a joint, owner with him in this mill, which was a saw-mill, but at the end of three years Mr. Martin became sole proprietor and is now the owner of a good grist-mill and cotton- gin. His plant is one of the best in the county and his farm, which comprises 213 acres, is valu- able land. He is now building a handsome resi- dence, and everything about his place shows that a man of thrift, energy and intelligence is at the helm. In 1878 he was elected to the office of jus- tice of the peace, and served by re-election three terms of two years each. He was married in 1871 to Miss Nancy Thornton, who died in 1878, leav- ing him with three children to care for, two of whom are living: Boss W. and Martha L. James died when about seven years of age. In 1879 Miss Sarah J. Brown, daughter of William Brown, of this county, became Mr. Martin's second wife, their union resulting in the birth of two children: Laura Elizabeth and Dora Alice. Mr. Martin is a member of Henderson Lodge No. 147, of the A. F. & A. M. , and politically is a Republican. He at all times supports laudable enterprises, and is one of the leading men of the county. He be- lieves in a fair election and a fair count whether the candidate is a Repi;blican or Democrat, and although not a member of any church he is a liberal contributor to all worthy enterprises. His motto at all times is "Honesty is the best policy," and he lives up to this in the fullest sense of the term. George R. Miller is the capable assessor of Montgomery County, Ark., but by calling is a tiller of the soil, being the owner of 220 acres of valua- ble land. He was born in Monroe County, East Tenn., in 1834, the fourth of nine children born to the union of John Miller and Nancy Wilson, their marriage taking place in Monroe County, Tenn., their births having occurred in South Carolina and Tennessee in 1803 and 1805, respectively. When the subject of this sketch was two years of age they went to Georgia, and there made their home until 1859, when they came to Polk County, Ark., where Mrs. Aliller passed from life in 1800, and Mr. Miller in 1878, both having been Methodists for some years, though formerly Presbyterians. Mr. Miller was a substantial farmer and served as county and probate judge in Dade County, Ga., for some time while residing there. His father, James Miller, died in South Carolina, an Irishman by descent. The mother's father, Joseph Wilson, died in Macon, Ga., a trader and farmer. George R. Miller was given the education and rearing that is usually given the farmer's boy, and in 1853 was married to Martha J., daughter of William and Margaret Davis, who were born in North Carolina in 1787 and 1803, respectively, their marriage taking place in Jackson County, Ala. From there they moved to Dade County, Ga., in 1840, where Mr. Davis died in 1852, a farmer by occupation, his widow passing from life in Polk County, Ark. , in 1872. Mrs. Miller first saw the light of day in Tennessee in 1840, and by Mr. Miller became the mother of nine children, two sons and three daugh- ters now living. In 1858 Mr. Miller removed to Texas, but in 1860 came to Polk County, Ark., and in 1878 returned to Texas, where he spent seven more years. At the end of this time he returned to Polk County, Ark., and the following year came to Montgomery County. He followed merchandis- -^ j) \ •A MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 487 ing in Dallas for some live years, and for some time operated a steam mill in Polk County. In 1861 he joined Company H, Fourth Arkansas In- fantry, and for about two years operated in Arkan- sas, afterward joining the Seventeenth Tennessee, with which he served for about one year, taking part in the engagement at Hoover's Gap. In 1872 he was elected sheriff of Polk County, Ark. , hav- ing previously served as deputy six years, and made one of the most zealous and faithful officers the county has ever had. He was justice of the peace in Texas, and in 1890 was elected assessor of Montgomery County, Ark., a position he is still filling. He is a member of Cherry Hill Lodge No. 228 of the A. F. & A. M. , and for a long time was junior deacon of Dallas Lodge. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from boyhood, and is a stanch Democrat in his political views. John S. Nelson, county and circuit clerk of Montgomery County, Ark. , was born in this county March 15, 1858, to Archibald and Nancy (Strawn) Nelson, the former born in Tennessee and the lat- ter in Mississippi. They came to Arkansas in 1852 and 1844 respectively, their marriage taking place in this State. The father first settled at Caddo Gap, but for some time past has been a resident of Arkadelphia. Although he is a farmer and machinist by occupation, considerable of his time and attention have been given to operating a mill. Since 1868 he has been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church and has been a minis- ter of the same since 1873, his wife being a mem- ber of this church also. She is a daughter of Fielding Strawn, who built the Caddo Gap mill, which is known throughout the State. He was one of the county's first and most prominent judges, and was a man possessing more than ordinary executive ability. To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson ten children were born, of whom John S. was the sec- ond child. His education was acquired in this county and Judson Academy in White County, and also in the University at Fayetteville during 1879-80. On account of ill health he did not graduate, but while in that institution he made the most of his opportunities and was considered one of the most faithful students in the university. He began teaching school at the age of nineteen years and in this way paid his tuition. In 1882 he began farming in this county and is now the owner of an excellent farm from which he derives a paying yearly income. This place is one of the neatest and best kept in the county, the buildings, fences, etc., being in excellent condition. From 1882 to 1886 he served in the capacity of justice of the peace, and in 1890 he was elected to his present position as clerk of the circuit and county courts, and entered upon his duties October 30. In 1882 he was married to Miss Alice Johnson, of this county, and three children have blessed their union: William F., Jesse L. and Ida May. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson belong to the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Nelson in his race for clerk had three opponents for the nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket, but received the nomination by a good majority. He has always been very thor- ough in everything he has undertaken, and gives every promise of making an ideal public officer. Goyle Nobles is a well-known citizen residing in South Fork Township, Montgomery County, Ark., and was born in Wetumpka, Ala., on the Coosa River, February 2, 1832, a son of Richard and Allie (Post) Nobles, natives of North Carolina and Georgia, respectively, the death of the former occurring in Union Parish, La., in 1872, and that of the latter in January, 1862, at the ages of seventy and sixty years. Richard Nobles was a boy when he moved to Georgia, but he was married in Alabama, and made that State his home until 1857, being a tiller of the soil. He was a soldier with Jackson in the war with the Indians, and was wounded in battle. Both he and wife were mem bers of the Primitive Baptist Church for many years, in which he was a deacon, and politically he was a life-long Democrat, as have always been the male members of his family. His father, Tennyson Nobles, was a native of Scotland, who married an Irish wife. To Richard Nobles and his wife eight children were born, Goyle being their fifth child, he being the only one of the fam- ily that is now living as far as known. He lived with and took care of his father and mother unt^l i \ 488 HISTORY OF ARKANSAS. their deaths, his occupation being that of a farmer. He has a farm of 212 acres on the south fork of the Ouachita River, and all can be readily put under cultivation. His house and barn are seven- ty-nine feet above the creek, and are pleasantly located. He has been a resident of this farm since 1869, coming thither from Louisiana, and claims that his land is among the best, if not the best, in the county. He raises an abundance of fruit, and the excellent buildings which are on his place he has, himself, caused to be erected. In the spring of 1862 he joined the Thirty-first Louisiana In- fantry, Company H. , under Col. Morrison, and served until the war terminated. He was at Chickasaw Bayou, Fort Gibson, and the siege of Vicksburg, where he was captured, afterward paroled, but was never exchanged. Upon his re- turn home he found that all his property had been laid waste, a security debt of $600 hung over him and he had a wife and three children dependent on him for a livelihood. Although the oiitlook for the future was dark, he set energetically to work to provide for his family and pay off his in- debtedness and this, in time, he succeeded in doing. His marriage which occurred on December 11, 1856,_was toTVIiss Alzada Gray, a daughter of Jesse Gray, her birth occurring in Alabama, near the birthplace of her husband, December 24, 1831, their union resulting in the birth of four children: Mary F. (wife of William Garrett, a farmer of this county), Ella, James Richard and Norma. Two children are dead: Mary Ann (who died at the age of thirty-one years, the wife of S. M. Smith, the present treasurer of Montgomery Coun- ty), and Tennyson (who died when twenty-one years old). Mr. Nobles is a member of the Primi- tive Baptist Church, and socially he is a member of Henderson Lodge No. 147 of the A. F. & A. M. He is a Democrat. William Reeves. The entire life of this gentle- man has been one unmarked by any unusual occur- rence outside of the chosen channels to which he has so diligently applied himself, and although he was born in Smith County, Tenn. , in 1839, he has been a resident of Montgomery County, Ark. , since 1859, and has identified himself with every interest of his adopted county and State. His parents. Dr. William and Ruth (Campbell) Reeves, were born in North Carolina, but afterward became resi- dents of Smith County, Tenn, the father dying when A\'illiam was a small boy, and the mother when he was nine days old. He was the youngest of two sons and one daughter born to them: John (deceased), and Mary J. (wife of Thomas Green), being the other two members of the family. AVill- iam was reared by an uncle, Moses Reeves, of Smith County, until he was ten years of age, when he began doing for himself, working on a wood boat on the Cumberland River for several years, afterward turning his attention to farming. He was married in 1859, to Miss Emily Jones, and the same year came to Montgomery County, and lived on the south fork of the Caddo River until after the war, but has since lived on the Caddo River, where he has a fine farm of 368 acres. For about seven years he was engaged in merchandising at Black Springs, but has since devoted his attention to farming, a calling for which he seems naturally adapted. In February, 1863, he became a mem- ber of Company A, First Arkansas Infantry, and operated in Missouri, Indian Territory and Arkan- sas. He organized Company L, of the Second Kansas troops, but would never accept a commis- sioned office, but afterward took part in the engage- ment at Jenkins' Ferry, besides several others. In 1868 he received the appointment of sheriff of Montgomery County, a position he filled with sat- isfaction for four years. He is a demitted member of Crystal Ridge Lodge, of the A. F. &. A. M. , and for some time has been an earnest member of the Christian Church. William Owens Robins belongs to that sturdy, honest and independent class, the farmers of Ar- kansas, and is now engaged in cultivating an es- tate comprising 694 acres, on which he has resided since 1882, 75 acres of which he has cleared by his own efforts, this land being well adapted to the purposes of general farming. He was born in Murray County, Ga., in 1832, being the second of ten children — seven' sons and three daughters — born to the marriage of Thomas J. Robins and Mary Bates, the former born in Franklin County, f i \ A < a k> ~i » MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 489 ^ Ga., in 1S08, and the latter ia South Carolina, in 1811, their marriage being celebrated in Hall County, Ga. Later they moved to Murray County, Ga., and in 1849 came to this county and State, settling on a farm in Caddo Gap, on which both parents died, the former in 1874, and the latter in 1864, they having been consistent members in the Missionary Baptist Church for many years. Will- iam Robins, the paternal grandfather, was born in South Carolina, and died in Murray County, Ga. , in 1847, his widow dying in Hempstead County, Ark., to which place'^she had moved in 1857. Mr. Robins was of Scotch descent, and was an exten- sive slave and stock trader. Julius Bates, the maternal grandfather of William O. Robins, was also a South Carolinian, but afterward became a resident of Murray County, Ga. , where he farmed until his demise, in 1862, he being also a Scotch- man. Although William O. Robins received a very meager education in his youth, he was naturally intelligent, and has, at all times, made the most of his opportunities. He was married in this county in 1854, to Emily, daughter of John and Mary McDonald, who were born, reared and married in South Carolina, moving soon after to Gilmer County, Ga. , and in 1852 to this county, where the father died in 1857, and the mother in 1859. Mrs. Robins was born in South Carolina, and has borne her husband five children, three living. Mr. Rob- ins at first lived on his father's farm, then spent twenty-five years on the south fork of the Ouachita River, and since 1882 on his present farm. While residing on the south fork, fourteen years were spent in merchandising, a calling he followed for two years where he now resides. He has since fol- lowed farming, saw and grist-milling and cotton- ginning. He is a member of New Hope Lodge No. 42, of the A. F. & A. M., at Caddo Gap, and has always been public-spirited and enterprising. In 1862 he joined Company B, Gunistead's regi- ment, but was afterward with Monroe's regiment, operating in the Cherokee Nation and in Arkansas. B. M. Rowton is a member of the general mer- cantile firm of B. M. Rowton & Bro., of Black Springs, Ark., who established their business in December, 1887, their annual sales amounting to $10,000 since that time. Mr. Rowton was born in this county in 1853, and has spent his life here, identifying himself with every interest of this sec- tion, and proving himself a man of sound and pro- gressive views on all subjects. His parents, W^ill- iam D. and Eliza (McClure) Rowton, were born in Virginia in 1796, and South Carolina in 1808 re- spectively, their marriage being consummated in Murfreesboro, Tenn. From this State they came to Montgomery County, Ark., in 1843, improving a good farm near where Black Springs is now sit- uated. Here Mr. Rowton died in 1859 and his widow in 1873, she being a member of the Method- ist Church. Mr. Rowton' s father was a soldier in the Creek Indian War, and was a son of William Row- ton, who was in all probability born in Virginia of Irish parents, his death occurring in Tennessee. Although B. M. Rowton received but little school- ing in his youth, his days being spent at hard labor on the farm, he, on reaching manhood, was as well posted as the average young man, a result which was brought about by self application. He was married in 1872 to Mai-y, dau^ghter of Spencer White, an Alabamiau who, at an early day, removed to what is now Howard County, Ark., his wife dying here when Mrs. Rowton was an infant. Soon after the death of his wife Mr. White went to Cal- ifornia, and has not been heard from since. Mrs. Rowton was reared by an uncle, Frank Moore, and has borne her husband three children. Mr. Row- ton was engaged in farming until 1880, then re- moved to Black Springs and followed the occupa- tion of blacksmithing until 1887, when, as above stated, he opened his present establishment. He was postmaster of the town two years, justice of the peace six years, has long been a member of the Methodist Church, and at all times has been a worthy citizen of this region. His brother, who is associated with him in business, W. C. Rowton, was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., and came to this State and county with his parents, marrying Miss Jane White, a sister of his brother's wife,they also being woi'thy members of the Methodist Church. Their father, William D. Rowton, was married twice and has six children by each wife, of whom B. M. Rowton is the youngest. -?f iV <5 k_ William D. Sandlia, one of Montgomery County's energetic and public spirited citizens, was born in Blountville, Blount County, Ala., May 4, 1861, to Obediah and Carrie (Eatliffe) Sandlin, both natives of Alabama, the mother dy- ing in Garland County, Ark., when the subject of this sketch was nine years of age. At the time of her marriage with Mr. Sandlin she was the widow of Robert Graves. After her death, which occurred at the age of thirty-five years, Mr. Sandlin mar- ried Mrs. Margaret Jones, and is now residing in Montgomery County, Ark. He was in an Alabama regiment during the war, but the most of the time was on post duty at Pensacola, Fla. , and Montgomery, Ala., and for some time was also of the regimental quartermaster's department. He has been a successful farmer, and is now residing at Silver City, a member of the Baptist Church, a Mason, and a Democrat in politics. The subject of this sketch was one of his four children, being the third of the family, and spent his school days in Blount County, Ala., he lived with his father until twenty-four 3'ears of age. He then begau serving in the capacity of deputy sheriff under Mr. Golden, a position he is now filling in this county. In February, 1889, he was employed to assume charge of the mill and gin owned by Watkins Bros., but in June of the next year he leased the mills, but receives an excellent revenue therefrom. He was brought up to a farm life, but in his youth worked in a blacksmith's shop and became an excellent woodworkman. He is the owner of a shop at Mount Ida but leases it, but keeps a good livery and feed stable, which he owns, under his own care. He also owns other valuable town property, and gives every promise of becoming well to do. On April 10, 1887, he was married to Miss Queen Salyers, daughter of M. V. B. Salyers, formerl}' a merchant of Mount Ida, and to them one daughter has been l)orn, Ruey Alice. Mr. Sandlin is a stanch Dem- ocrat in politics. Daniel Newton Scott. The agricultural affairs of Montgomery County, Ark. , are ably represented among others l)y Mr. Scott, who comes of a well- known family, the Scotts of Kentucky. He was born in this county in 1854, to John and Susannah (Earp) Scott, the former born on Blue-Grass soil in 1818, and his wife a few years later, the nuptials of their marriage being celebrated in Ten- nessee, from which State they came to Montgom- ery County, Ark., some forty odd years ago, set- tled on land on the Caddo River, of which they made a good farm. Mr. Scott was a lieutenant in Capt. Erwin's company Fourth Infantry Arkansas troops in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and was in the battle of Elk Horn, besides many oth- ers. His parents died when he was a small boy, and he was thus left with but little knowledge of his ancestors. He was for many years a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and died in 1888. His wife's father was an early settler of Polk County, Ark., and in that county he died prior to the war. Daniel Newton Scott was the eighth of eleven children born to his parents, and at the age of four years he was left without a mother's care and guidance. He was reared on a farm, educated in the common shools of the neigh- borhood, also spending one year in the University of Arkansas, at Fayetteville. Two of his brothers served in Erwin's company, in the Confederate Army, William J., dying while in the service, the other brother, James A., coming through unharmed. Daniel N. was first married in 1877 to Frances, the daughter of Thomas and Sallie Gore, but she died in Montgomery County, Ark., in 1880, having borne three children, two now living. Mr. Scott's second marriage took place in 1883, the maiden name of his wife being Holly Gray, daughter of Robert and Eveline Gray, who came from Georgia to Clark County, Ark., later becoming residents of Montgomery County, where Mr. Gray still lives, his wife having passed from life in Clark County, where Mrs. Scott was born. He and Mrs. Scott have two childi-en. Since his first marriage Mr Scott has lived on his farm of 160 acres, 65 of which he has cleared by his own efforts, consider- i able of his attention being given to stock-raising j also. Two of his brothers, James and Robert, re- : side in Texas. His sister, Sarah A., is the wife of James Moore, and Elizabeth is the wife of John Hickey. Samuel M. Smith is the efficient and trustworthy ■^ ♦ 1 *^ ^* V* • • * r- . .* A /\ •. <> *'^ O, 'o . . ' \/ .'^C^'» %/ '^^'-^ %/ ^'^^^^'^ "^ A , o " o , ■V{>^ > ^^ o*.-';4.-> ^.^^,.^:.-*ii^-.\/ .-. • ' I * °' > ^^'\ ■*»*V. -'^iv*' ,.*'% \»- /\ '-^s ^^'% • 0^ ►I'."' "^^ -^u^-^^ oV'^:^^'. 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