^#- <■...' .«■*■ 'oV •«■ -.•^^^ ■e. '»••• ^^■^ cv * / .** ^*. •• * ^^ ^. " v/ saw ♦ «j^ "^ • ^ fe= /. ^ A ,1^ HOPE. FROM A PAINTING BY GABRIEL MAX. By permission of the Berlin Photographic Co., Berlin and New York, : IN i^V I LADY'S I name: I : Poms OF LOVE AND : : BEAUTY CompileO and Arrarvged bv : : CHPfRLCS WCLLS'^riOLILTON II ta* • ••••• (i. P. PlITNT^H'S 50M5 NEW YORK AND LONDON* ' * 1597 Copyright, 1896 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS /^-36fi-/ Ube Tknicberbocfter press, IPlew l^orft ONE LOVELY NAME. One lovely name adorns my songy And, dwelling in my heart, For ever falters at the tongue. And tre^nbles to depart. WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR. \ CONTENTS PAGE One Lovely Name L,andor, Walter Savage iii Thy Name . Barbe, Waitman . XV Ada . Biddle, Horace P. . 3 Adeline . . Tennyson, Alfred, Lord . 5 Adelle . Cameron, George Frederick 8 Adriana . . Taylor, Sir Henry . 9 Agatha . Burleigh, William H. . 9 Agnes . Tatlow, Joseph 12 Agnes . Donahoe, Daniel J. 12 Alcinea . . Ariosto .... 13 Alice . . Wright, Blanche Bonner 14 Allegra . . Lowell, James Russell . 15 Allie . Morse, James Herbert . 17 Amanda . . Thomson, James i8 Amarantha . Lovelace, Richard . 19 Amelia . Garay, Aurelio . 20 Amelia . Patmore, Coventry . 20 Amy . . Faulkner, H. C. 21 Angelina . De Vere, Aubrey 22 Anita . Peck, Samuel Mintum . 23 Ann . . Bums, Robert . 25 Anna . . Henley, William Ernest 25 Anne . . Reese, Lizette Woodworth 27 VI Contents Annetta Annie Ariadne Arabella Augusta Aurelia Aurora Babette Barbara Beatrice Beatrice Belinda Bella Belphcebe Bessie Bettine BiRTHA Blanch C^LIA Caroline Castara Catharina Cecilia Cecily Celia . Celinda Charlotte Chloe Christie Clara Clare Clarinda Clarisse Cloe . Constance Constance Esling, Charles H. A. Rossetti, Christina . Hunt, I^eigh Crabbe, George Saxe, John G. . Hervey, Thomas K. Alexander, William Scollard, Clinton Cary, Alice Dante .... Fellowes, Caroline W. Pope, Alexander Akers, Elizabeth Spenser, Edmund . Dickinson, Charles M. Klingle, George Davenant, Sir William Cawein, Madison Bourdillon, Francis W. Campbell, Thomas . Habington, William Cowper, William Douglas, Evelyn Robinson, Charles Newton Jonson, Ben Herbert, Edward Wolcott, John . Field, Eugene . Massey, Gerald Adams, James Meade Scott, Sir Walter . Scollard, Clinton Stanton, Frank I,. . - Prior, Matthew Lytton, Robert Bulwer Garnett, Richard Contents PAGE Cora . . Townsend, Marj' Ashley . 65 C0K.DELIA . . Waddle, Nancy Mann . . 69 CORINNA . . Herrick, Robert • 71 Creseide . . Chaucer, Geoffrey . 74 Cynthia . . Kynaston, Sir Francis . • 75 Daisy . . Townsend, Mary Ashley • 76 Daisy . . Thompson, Francis • 77 Daphne . Porter, May . 80 Delia . . Malone, Walter . 80 Delia . . Daniel, Samuel . 81 Diana . Welsh, Wilson K, . . 82 DiANEME . . Herrick, Robert 83 DOLLIE . Peck, Samuel Mintum . • 83 Dora . . Blackie, John Stuart 85 DORINDA . . Prior, Matthew 87 Doris . Munby, Arthur J. . 87 Dorothy . . Browne, M. Hedderwick 89 DULCINEA . . I