mW PS 3525 .0856 M8 1917 Copy 1 Moses ^1 I. :.. i; i By il#f^^M0|jio9 M ■ I liiMjiN I ■ P mi m II i iiLitwiiWWiiwiiww— — — w ■ W' i nw i Class ^ s i Book S ^^(>{^^ Copyright 1^?. m CDEQRIGKT DEPOSm Copyrighted 1917 By Bert Moses 576 Fifth Avenue New York The only thing actually required of a writer is to be understood. Syntax and prosody don't count. Moses in Paragraphs By Bert Moses Written by One Who Does Not Take Life Too Seriously, and Intended For People Not Fastidious About Addisonian English. Printed for the Author by The Roycrofters, at their Shop, which is in East Aurora, State of New York, in the year 1917. /^^ A writer's ability is measured, not by the number of words he gets out of a gallon of ink, but by the intellectual mileage he covers. M -2IS18 'CU479765 /M-->^ ( MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS HE problem of the world is to shift Heaven nearer the Equator and Hell S27 nearer the North Pole. The idea of promoting a hair-grower seizes you mightily when you go into a gallery and look down. Crowds and coin go together. Ask Billy Sunday how to separate them. Seriousness is all right, but for God's sake laugh once in a while. « A Mormon is a man who over-estimates his capacity. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS SALOON-KEEPERS and dogs should ' not feel humiliated because they have to be licensed. The same distinction applies to doctors and lawyers. What a scurrying to cover there will be when it is made a jail offense to be a false and fraudulent Congressman! ^ Every woman is peculiar to herself. The same brand of hot air does n't always go. n The man who invented cigarettes got his idea from a polecat. Never mind the label — examine the goods. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS FASHION names the color of your socks and the hang of your pants, yet many of the great men in history went through Hfe without either. ** Truth ** is as elastic a word as ** soup,** of which Heinz and Campbell make many varieties. Pick for a wife a woman whose complexion is the work of God and not of a paint-brush. Big men are seldom alike, but little folks are very much the same. q Tombstones are monuments to the futility of medicine. 10 MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS ABOUT the only thing you can do today without violating a law is to breathe. Thank God that Congress has kept its hands off the ozone! No matter which path you take — whether osteopath, homeopath or allopath — it leads but to the grave. A big advertisement does not add to the value of anything, but often adds to its cost. f When you succeed, you are a wise guy, and when you fail, you are a dub. Culture rusts commonsense like water rusts steel. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS 11 THE only difference between the thief and the deadhead is this: One takes from you when you don't know it, and the other when you do. Men who play their honesty up in the headlines can be counted upon to hide their crookedness in the small type that follows. What boots it what remedy you take so long as you get well ? Businessmen who go into the newspapers go ahead of those who stay out. f The penalty for knocking is to be knocked. 12 MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS WHEN I believe I am right, I do not give so much as one-fourth of one per cent of a continental dam whether others agree with me or not. Sing Sing is populated by people who thought they could ** get away with it,'* but did n*t. If there is any better remedy for sickness than behaving yourself, I do not know what it is. g Most things have their ups and downs, but with taxes there is nothing but ups. Honesty pays because dishonesty does n't. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS 13 WHEN you get to the Pearly Gates, a letter of recommendation from your hired help will carry more weight than a letter from your preacher. Next to a dress that fits in the back, nothing pleases a woman like a fake bargain sale. An advertisement that sells goods is a good advertisement, even though its gram- mar be bad. Don't go so far with your fearlessness that you become a fool. n It is the hang-over of the cocktail that hurts. 14 MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS rlE. worst form of deliberate despotism is represented by the man who beats you to the toilet-room in the morning and locks the door. Many of us escape jail because the police don*t know a lot of things about us that we know about ourselves. Quite a few men can put a thing across once, but men who can do it twice are the folks for me. Cannibals eat their enemies, while civi- lized people shoot them and let them rot. ^ The world is full of earnest people who are headed the wrong way. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS 15 IF the American Medical Association had been in existence at the time, it would have haled Jesus before a justice of the peace for practising without a license. We are all dam fools a part of the time. All we can do is try to reduce the frequency of the attacks. The presents you get on your birthday do not compensate for the increase in your age. To editors: Why not devote more space to facts and less to headlines? The thing to do when a fact appears is to look it squarely in the eye. 16 MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS SOCIETY consists largely of much paint and powder and little wearing apparel, thus exhibiting a marked disproportion of color to cover. Advertising is the gentle art of annexing the other fellow's coin without the assistance of a dark-lantern and a jimmy. Keep your eyes upon the obscure man intent on a new idea. It is he who has ever jarred the world out of the ruts. How much worse the itch would be if you could not scratch ! Shun that man who commercializes his virtues. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS 17 THE world is full of experts who can not tell an economic thesis from a kippered herring or a fundamental principle from a cold fried egg. The Church undertakes to fix you up for the Next World, while Advertising fixes you up for This. A bad habit sticks as tightly as the drawers in a cheap bureau on a damp day. The more you drink to the health of others, the more you injure your own. Investigate all you please, but don't be snooper. v/^ 18 MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS IT is well to put some trust in God, but the more you put in yourself, the higher will the world rate you, including both Bradstreet and Dun. The accumulation of more gold than we need is not a recommendation for an orchestra chair in Heaven. € Do not strike the boss for a raise the morning after a stag party. A gentleman is a man who never claims to be one. Many men who talk truth do not tell it. MOSES IN PARAGRAPHS 19 I SOMETIMES wonder why business is considered so honorable when it consists of nothing more than seUing things for more than they cost. That man is a genius who can, by adver- tising, convert a dollar's worth of plain oats into fifty dollars* worth of breakfast food.