P s ^,^5^ Son^s Of a lifetime ^ve(i?n J6. pnvHs aoam® Class_P3,:ilou 8ook_D_ELS_6 19 3 Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. A MARRIAGE BOOKLET AND FAMILY RECORD b9 tbrlun E. |Iarkrs A&ama PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR AT McMINNVILLB, OR BOON LIBRARY nf CONGRESS Two CoDies Received JUL 5 1904 CoDyrleht Entry CLASS CC- XXc. No. ^ 1 ■! L COPY B Copyright 1903 by Evelyn E. Adams To my friend Carrie Louise Gilbert who touched my Hfe with song, these echoes of the songs within are atTectionately dedicated. FOREWORD Having often felt the need of a complete record in one place of the important events of family life, this little book has been planned to meet that need. It is not the songs here inscribed that give the rightful title to the book, but those that shall be recorded here as the psalms of life are sung anew by those truly wedded. Evelyn E. Parkes Adams McMinnville, Oregon April 30, 1904 XLhi$» Certifies oi_ ¥ ^ /Bbarriaoe /n'e aa// o/ 1ln tbe IPear of ®ur Xor^ ntnemen nunar^ea ana _^ f^r ficcor-atna to tne or^atnance oj c/oa ana t/ie /atM o/ ine c/ttue o/ f'/t€ne speak to me to-day! Jesus, Master, speak to me to-day! 1 long to hear thy tender accents calling. From wandering and loneliness recalling, Strengthening me, and keeping me from falling, Jesus, Master, speak to me to-day! Jesus, Master, speak to me to-day! Others this hour thy wondrous peace are knowing. Through other hearts thy stream of love is flowing, Thy word of power, so strong in its bestowing, Jesus, Master, speak to me to-day! Jesus, Master, speak to me to-day! This day that lays a new year at my feet. Wherein new joys, new pains, new toils, I'll meet. Thy power can make all pain and labor sweet, Jesus, Master, speak to me to-day! Name Born at Maideq name Borq at BIRTHS Husband Wife BROTHERS AND SISTERS Husband's Wife's THE CHILD GROWN OLD Although we are treading the broad ways of life, And take a man's part in its joy or its pain; What are we but children amid all its strife, Whom fancy is leading along in its train? Dreaming our dreams that fade with the day, Building our castles that fall with the night; Wondering, yet trusting that guiding our way, Is One who will lead us at last to the light. Educated at Graduated at Sickness Remarks Educated at_ Graduated at Sickness YOUTH Husband Wife Remarks LOVE Mysterious messenger! Straight from above ! What is thy mission here, Heaven-born love? Thy great heart swelHng With new songs and old, In thy pure, strong embrace My heart enfold. Wrapped in thy tender arms My passion thrills, My little weary world With rapture fills. COURTSHIP rirst met at Enqaqed at THE STORY OF IT LIFE'S BEST Eager eyes turn from east to west, Seeking to know where life is best, Earnest hearts search the high and the low, Trusting that somewhere peace may grow. Eager eyes see that life is best, Wherever a true heart finds its rest. Earnest hearts learn that peace will grow, Where love is pure, and faith can know. MARRIAGE At. DESCRIPTION PRESENTS GUESTS GUESTS LOVE'S HOLOCAUST What shall 1 say to you to-night, beloved? is there aught that yet remains unspoken, Since I have read so close those earnest eyes, And answered with mine own each new love token? Have felt thy hand clasp, known thy strong embrace, Thy kiss that like a benediction came And welded close my weary heart to thine, And all my heart has answered thine the same? And is there aught to say to thee, beloved? Except the long sweet chorus ever swelling. Which hath no need of word or tone to impart The infinite meaning love is always telling? What need to say, "1 love you, my beloved," When hearts in truest unison are beating? What need to know the human touch or speech. When soul to soul is in communion speaking? Yet as the varied hues of earth bespeak. The inward beauty of the sunlight splendor. And temper to our human sight the light, That else might blind us, so we strive to render Love's blinding light in tender touch and speech, So ever varied with its red and gold, its blue toward purple striving, till we teach Our hearts love's infinite to grasp and hold. And so 1 say to you to- night, beloved. The same old story, still so strange and new, "1 love you, my beloved, more and more. As each day adds to that I thought 1 knew." HONEYMOON Trip to. ALL THE THINGS WE DID NOT SEE LOVE'S PALACE Aside from the busy turmoil, Apart from the storm and heat, Is a little love-lit palace, Where we two alone may meet, There strife and pain cannot enter, There even our sorrow is sweet; Transformed in the glow of the lovelight. To the shadow of angel's feet. When the noise and the conflict are round us, When weakness and failure affright, There's a spirit of peace in our palace, Singing always the triumph of right. There together we sit in the gloaming; And all of life's contlict and care Are tranftlgured to mountains of blessing, By the lovelight that lingers there. And when the light of the homeland Our yearning souls shall greet ; When the trophies of all life's battles Are laid at the Master's feet ; The brightness of His own smiling Will be like to the afterglow Of the lovelight in the palace, Where we two alone may go. At FIRST HOME DESCRIPTION CHANGES OF RESIDENCE MY KINGDOM I only am one among women, With no gift that should set me apart, But 1 hold as my own. Just the queenliest throne, in the low of a pure man's heart. So 1 am a queen among women. And my kingdom none other can hold. For my throne in his heart. Knows no unconquered part. Of a love that never can grow old. And 1 hold as his pledge of allegiance, A woman's most glorious crown ; ^ The babe at my breast That sinks calmly to rest. To the love songs from Heaven brought down. GOD'S INTERPRETER Sweet mystery of motherhood ! Earth's link with love divine. How better learn the love of God, Than through the strength of thine? How better to our human sense, May God's own heart be known. Than through thy strength and tenderness, Around the young life thrown? And when the vale of shadows. In anguish thou dost tread, We better learn the dear Lord Christ And, reverent, bow the head. CHILDREN Bofq at Converted at. Baptized at_ By Graduated at. Sickness. Choice of Professioq. Borq at Corjverted at_ Baptized at_ By Graduated at Sickness. Choice of Profession^ CHILDREN CHILDREN A NEW SONG There's a new song singing in my heart to-day, For I've given my sinful heart away, And Jesus my Savior has washed it white, And filled it full of His glorious light. There's a glad joy ringing in my heart to-day. The echo of joy from the far away, Where angels are. singing around the throne, "Rejoice for the Savior hath found His own." There's a sweet peace resting on my heart to-day, A peace that the world cannot take away, For 1 rest secure in my Savior's love, A foretaste here of the life above. RELIGIOUS BELIEF HlISBA^D Denorqination Converted at Baptized at. By Places of Cl]urch Membership^ Denomir|ation. Coqverted at_ Baptized at_ 'y Places of Churcii Membership. INTUITION Why are we so sure when skies are blue, That hope will conquer and love be true? Why are we so fearful when skies are grey, Lest life's brightest treasures are slipping away? And why does the sunset's red and gold, Speak of fairer joys a new day may hold? All the voices of nature respond to the guest. In the likeness of God is man's heart at its best. CHANGES When we walk in the light of the sunshine. There's a shade in the thought that, somehow, It may be the pain of the afterwards, Will outweigh the joy of the now. When we sit in the gloom of the shadows. There is light in the thought that, somehow, It may be the joy of the afterwards. Will outweigh the pain of the now. BLESSINGS THE DARKEST HOUR O'er all the way He leads me, 1 know my Lord hath gone, And every pain He sends me. He once Himself hath borne. He knows the pang and sorrow, ■ He knows the darkness drear; And though all else have vanished, I know my Lord is near. And as He walks beside me. Through storms of fiercest power, I feel his handclasp firmest, In the very darkest hour. Oft in the tempter's conflict, When the eye of faith is dim, I hear His calm voice saying, That victory comes through Him. Rut when the storm clouds scatter. And 1 see His smiling face, With gladdest songs 1 praise Him, That I was saved by grace; Yet 1 thank Him for the darkness. And the tempter's awful' power. For 1 learned my Lord the truest, In the very darkest hour. ADVERSITIES NEW YEAR'S EVE Standing tonight in the valley Where the old and the new year meet, The old year holding the promise That maketh the new year sweet, We pause for a moment's reflection To ponder the path that we trod; To wonder if all of the journey Has led us the nearer to God. We see that the days of our failure Were the days when we learned God best : And those that we thought successful Were often the emptiest. The old year breathes as its message As it silently glides away, "Whatever the past has brought you Press on to a fuller day." "The future holds larger blessing Than the past has been able to prove. And the scope of the years will widen To the boundless measure of love." ANNIVERSARIES THE SALOON KEEPER'S SIGN Oh ye who are thirsty, come hither! Refuse not my generous call, For 1 know neither pride nor distinction, I have poison enough, and for all. Bring hither your wealth and your riches. There is poverty here, and to spare. Your lands and possessions I'll barter For hunger, and nothing to wear. Bring hither the light of your reason , Your intellect polished and keen. You can tind in exchange insanity's chains, Or an idiot's trembling mien. Just bring me your health and your spirits, The strength of your manhood I'll take. And give in exchange just weakness and pains, . And the palsy your members to shake. For your pleasure and peace, if you'll bring them, 1 have plenty of trouble and pain. All the sorrows of life shall encompass your path, I have losses for every gain. All the pleasures of passion I otter, For purity's calmness and grace, Your honor and fame all requited shall be By shame, and eternal disgrace. Bring hither your soul in its beauty. Now like to the image of God, With its promise of glories eternal, I can make it an inhuman clod. rhe light of your life for the darkness of death, 1 am ready and anxious to take; Oh, list to my call, 1 have curses for all. And my guarantee nothing can shake. TEMPERANCE PLEDGE 1 hereby solemnly promise, God helping me, to abstain from all distilled, fermented and malt liquors, including" wine beer and cider, as a beverage, and to employ all proper means to discourage the use of and trafhc in the same. Name. Date. THE MINISTRY OF FRIENDSHIP To complement our weakness with its strength, To sooth, to sympathize with every pain, To bring Heaven's bahn to make us whole again, hi Love's strong arms to bear us till, at length. When losing thought of self, with new found strength, We rise above our failure and despair; With keener insight see in friendship's care A glimpse of that kind power which, at length Perfects us; to arouse us from our dreams. Our selfish thoughts, and hopes, and aims; to bid Us look about upon a world which waits Our ministry; to help us catch the gleams Of Heaven's perfection all around us hid In other souls, which our dark soul awaits. AUTOGRAPHS OF FRIENDS LOVE'S INFINITY How close the tie that binds two hearts together, Heaven's messenger to guard earth's purity. Sweet revelation of Love's great forever! God's own unchanging proved to you and me. And can that mystic bond be broken ever, That binds so closely hearts and souls in one? What though the veil of death may seem to sever, And from our sight the dear loved form be gone. Beyond our sight, our inmost spirits tell us, — God's spirit, that our spirits dwell within, The immortal soul that loved us, still doth love us. Since our souls and not our bodies are akin. All ties of earth by death may ended be, All narrowness and weakness fade away. But all the soul is, in its mystery. Must be revealed in heaven's endless day. No marriage vow will need be spoken, when Earth's narrow loves to infinite greatness grow. And sweeter far will be the vows unspoken. That link together souls that all things know. DEATHS NEVER AGAIN Never again, as the years go by, May we look on life with a child's pnre eye. Never again know the freedom from care. The unbounded faith, the childish prayer. Never again! Never again! Never again know the joys of youth, The tlrst glad steps in the search for truth. The eager expectance, the buoyancy rare, Or the bracing touch of life's morning air. Never again! Never again! Never again know the conscious power, Or the joys unmarred, of life's noontide hour. With its tender loves, and its hopes achieved. Youth's dreams made real, its mistakes retrieved, Never again! Never again! Never again know 'the restful calm. Of the years that chanted life's evening psalm. Or the sunset glow mid the gathering gloom. That lightened the way to the peaceful tomb. Never again! Never again! But to wake in the morning that knows no end, Where morn and noontide and evening blend ! To know the joys of the endless life, Without earth's limits, or pain, or strife. Forever again! Forever again! NEVER AGAIN— Continuea What then will be the mere joy of a child, Whose every step is by sin beguiled ? Or the strife of youth, the success of age, When the stifled air of earth's narrow cage We breath, never again! When we reap the harvest those years have sown. See our lives in the light of God's judgment throne, Shall we yearn once more for life's open gate, And in sadness of heart say, " 'Tis too late, Never again, Never again?" Or knowing that Christ has bowed His head, Our lives by His pure spirit led, Shall we triumph with Him through endless days Of purest pleasure, and brightest praise? Forever again! Forever again! LIFE'S MEANING Oh life, with all thy mystery and pain, And fleeting joys, we would not part with thee, For only through thy conflicts can we gain. What angels may not, glorious victory. Oh Christ, who hath withstood the storm and smart, Through all our days we cling alone to Thee, Thy word, Thy touch, can cheer the weariest heart. Thy power alone can give the victory. SUNSET The golden sunset after the morn, Soft green leaves, then the yellow corn. The swift days bearing, one by one. Into the past the work that's done. The first grey beam dispelling night. The maiden blush of morning bright, The soberer gleams as eve draws nigh, Blend in the glorious sunset sky. The impulsive shoot that broke the sod, The stem that bravely reached toward God, The purple flowers, the brown fringed ear. Had each its part in the growing year. BEYOND THE SHADOWS The way is dark and 1 am faint and weary. But 1 feel thy strong hand holding me the while. And though 1 tremble at the storm clouds yonder, 1 see behind the brightness of thy smile. There is no pain when 1 can trust thee wholly; No despair, since thou art over all. There is no loneliness, since thou art present, No wandering beyond thy homeward call. The morn of life may be one cloud of sorrow; Life's noon may feel the tempests awful power; At eventime may be no sunset glory, Yet beyond the midnight is the morning hour. CLIPPINGS CLIPPINGS JUl 5 1904 LIBBABV OF CONGRESS rSr 604 358_3