1903 WAR RECORD Published in 1919 1903 WAR RECORD And each man did his duty as he saw it. i3 b3^ By TrajiBiwi JUN 1 1920 It is with justifiable pride in the patriotic rec- ords made by the members of the Class of 1903 Princeton in the recent war, that we publish this summary. No record of this Great War can be complete and this one undoubtly falls far short of justice. It is probable that names of men who did im- portant things do no, even appear. Every member has been urgently solicited to furnish his report, and where he left blank his "War Record" report, we have been forced to omit the name. Otherwise, there has been re- corded here, all that was given, and as it was given. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Class Officers President WARD B. CHAMBERLIN Vice-President ELLIS L. PIERSON Secretary SHIRLEY N. CARR Chairman Reunion Committee - - JOHN S. McKAIG Representative on Graduate Council - CHARLES E. BEURY Executive Committee ROBERT BURKHAM CHAS. H. HIGGINS FRANK H. LITTLE ROBERT C. McNAMARA EDGAR PALMER AcHESON, John L. 462 South Atlantic Avenue Pittsburgh Pennsylvania WAR RECORD 'Instructor in University of Pittsburgh during the days of the S. A. T. C." Adams, Cyrus H. 72 West Adams Street Chicago Illinois WAR RECORD "Nothing much, Shirley, except Liberty Loan, Red Cross and the like." Ameli, Howard W. 1422 Pacific Street Brooklyn, New York WAR RECORD Lieutenant Senior Grade, U. S., N. R. F. Commissioned, May 24, 1918 Discharged, Sept. 10, 1919 Ames, James Wood 21 Highland Avenue Montclair, New Jersey WAR RECORD "My company was classed by the Gov- ernment as producing one hundred per cent, war essentials." Anderson, R. Earle 512 Yale Avenue New Haven, Connecticut. WAR RECORD Since August, 1915, with Winchester Re- peating Arms Co, This company sup- plied large quantities of munitions to the allies and furnished to the United States the first rifle delivered by any company, the first rifle cartridge, and the first light Browning machine gun. Anders, Samuel A. 1412 Euclid Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Secretary, Department for Reception of Returning Troops, 322 River Street, Hoboken, N. J. Armstrong, John G. 250 Post Avenue Detroit, Michigan. WAR RECORD Not directly in Government service, but engaged in manufacturing materials for the Government on direct and indirect contracts. Armstrong, Sinclair Howard 165 Broadway New York WAR RECORD War Trade Board ; Bureau of War Trade Intelligence. "I served the Govern- ment in Washington from Nov. 6, 1917, to April 21, 1919. During most of this period I was engaged in work as one of the nine lawyers attached to its ser- vice and known as confidential investi- gators. This bureau passed upon the friendly character of all shippers to and from the United States. It pre- pared the Enemy Trading List of the United States and furnished the other departments of the Government with information obtained by it as to Ger- man commercial interests and activities here and throughout the world. Ashley, Morgan 130 Prince Street Bordentown, New Jersey WAR RECORD Four-Minute Man, Burlington County. Substituted in high school for a teacher taken in the draft. AsHMEAD, Henry C. 1602 South 11th Avenue Birmingham, Alabama WAR RECORD "Have no war record since the Spanish- American unpleasantness, when I got half shot. During the recent war have been 'Estimator' for the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railway Co., Birming- ham, Ala." Babson, Clifford Rea 11 Broadway New York WAR RECORD Small Arms Expert, Production Depart- ment, Ordnance Department, United States Government, New York District, 1918 to 1919. Barnes, Roderick B. 70 Fifth Avenue New York WAR RECORD Resident Architect, United States Nitrate Plant No. 4, Cincinnati, Ohio. Barr, William G. 70 Berkeley Avenue Orange, New Jersey WAR RECORD Associate Member Legal Advisory Board No. 123. Voluntary induction, October 28, 1918, and admitted to Field Artil- lery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Discharged December 6, 1918. Baylis, William, Jr. IS Wall Street New York WAR RECORD Captain, Ordnance, December 10, 1917, to April 17, 1918. Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, April 17 to July 30, Camp Jackson, Camp Taylor. First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, July 30 to January 12. Graduate Fort Sill School No. 5. Discharged from Camp Doniphan, Okla. Beale, Leonard T. 70S Lafayette Bldg. WAR RECORD ^'Stayed right on the job. Our business during the war resolved itself almost entirely into the manufacture of mu- nition and other supplies for the U. S. Government." Betz, John F., 3rd 4224 Pine Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Senior Lieutenant, U. S. Naval Reserve Force, Convoy Duty. Received gold service chevron. Beury, Charles E. 1018 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD In Russia and Near East for Red Cross and American Relief Committee dur- ing 1917. Sailed July 22, 1919, on be- half of same agencies for a trip of in- vestigation. Bingham, David Stuart Brookville, Maryland WAR RECORD Commissioned June 10, 1917, Captain Company G, 80th Division, with 305th Ammunition Train. "We were in France for just a year. In reserve at St. Mihiel, in the Meuse-Argonne scrap continuously from the time that offensive opened until the Armistice. Hauled ammunition for the 80th, 4th, 5th, and finally the 90th Division. Dis- charged June 9, 1919." Blair, James A., Jr. General War Stafif Washington, D. C. WAR RECORD Entered as Captain, N.G.N.Y., Com- missioned Major, National Army, Lieutenant-Colonel and present rank Colonel, General Stafif. Overseas twice. Also a member of American Aviation Mission sent abroad by the Secretary of War. Boyd, James Walter 264 North Heights Avenue Youngstown, Ohio WAR RECORD Assistant Field Director, Hospital Serv- ice, American Red Cross. Camp Zach- ary Taylor, Kentucky, February 1, 1919, to April 20, 1919. Fort Benja- man Harrison, Indiana, April 20, 1919, to September 1, 1919. BuRKHAM, Robert 5053 Westminster Place St. Louis, Missouri WAR RECORD First Training Camp, Fort Riley, May to August, 1917. Commissioned First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 15, 1917. Sailed for France September 11, 1917. Attended Field Artillery School at Fontainebleau. Duty at General Headquarters, November, 1917. Pro- moted to Major, J. A., November 14, 1917. Appointed Chief Claims Officer April 22, 1918. Promoted to Lieuten- ant-Colonel September 23, 1918. Dec- orated with the Legion of Honor by Marshal Petain, April 10, 1919. Re- turned to the United States July 28, 1919, and discharged July 29, 1919. BURNHAM, John 41 S. La Salle Street Chicago, Illinois WAR RECORD Vice-Director, U. S. War Savings, State of Illinois. Cadenas, Tesalio R. 202 Franklin Street New York WAR RECORD Censorship Board, Spanish Correspon- dence, up to time of Amistice. Cassidy, James Porter 6 Colonial Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Y. M. C. A. part time. University of Pittsburgh Cantonment. Cassily, Robert R. Belcamp, Maryland WAR RECORD Captain, Engineers, Camp Humphreys Carr, Shirley N. 140 N. Mountain Avenue Montclair, New Jersey. WAR RECORD Captain, Quartermaster Corps, August 2, 1918. Assistant Chief, Production and Inspection Branch, General Supplies Division, P. S. and T., Washington, D. C. Discharged February 26, 1919. Chamberlin, Ward B. 122 East 82nd Street New York WAR RECORD Attended First Plattsburg Camp, May 12, 1917. Commissioned Second Lieu- tenant, August IS, 1917. Promoted to First Lieutenant, August 16, 1918; Captain, March 26, 1919. Attached to Company L, 307th Infantry, September 1, 1917. Wounded September 14, 1918. Assigned to command of L Company, 307th Infantry, October 7, 1918. Battles: Baccarat Sector, Vesle Sector, Oise-Ainse offensive, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Cited in orders 2-2-19, 2-12- 19, 2-21-19. Awarded D.S.C. March 14, 1919. Close, Gilbert D. WAR RECORD Confidential Clerk to the Secretary of the Navy. Cole, Blase Newton, New Jersey WAR RECORD Captain, Medical Corps, during entire period of the war. Thirteen months in France. Conrad, James Sprague Uniontown, Pennsylvania WAR RECORD "None, except subscriber to everything that came along." CooLBAUGH, Kenneth M. 3711 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WAR RECORD From November, 1917, to August 1, 1918, Employment Department, Hog Island. August 1 to date. Superintendent Penn- sylvania State Employment Service. Cooper, Henry M. East Aurora, New York WAR RECORD Private, Company L, Coast Artillery School; Officers' Training Camp, at time of Armistice. Darrow, Whitney 579 Fifth Avenue New York WAR RECORD ''Nothing but going light on sugar." Decker, Harry R. 1126 Highland Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania WAR RECORD Commissioned Captain, Medical Corps, October 6, 1918. Duty at Base Hos- pital, Camp Custer, Mich. Tour of instruction at Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, and Walter Reed General Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C. Sent back to Base Hos- pital, Camp Custer as Chief of the Surgical Service. Commissioned Major, Medical Corps, June 4, 1919. Discharged from Army, August S, 1919. Decker, Martin C. 1804 S. Victoria Street North Chicago, Illinois WAR RECORD Legal Advisory Board, Lake Co. Four- Minute Man. Detwiler, W. Sanderson Columbia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Captain and Adjutant, Fourth Infantry; Commanding Officer, 108th Machine Gun Battalion; Adjutant, 103rd Train Headquarters. Brigade Adjutant, 56th Brigade, 28th Division. Gassed twice, wounded once. Served in every cam- paign in which the 28th (Iron) Di- vision participated, from June 28 to November 11, 1918. In six major operations. Promoted to Major, Feb- ruary 25, 1918. Donald, Norman H. Dongan Hills, New York WAR RECORD Enlisted as Private in Tank Corps, June 1, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieu- tenant, August 22. First Lieutenant October 16. Left United States for France October 20, remaining there six months. Discharged May 23, 1919. Engaged in no action with the enemy. Donald, W. H. Melville, Montana WAR RECORD Raising beef and grain DuGRO, Charles Hok.\tio Hotel Savoy, Xew York City WAR RECORD Enlisted July 16, 1917, in 7th Regiment, N. G. X. Y. Wintered at Camp Wads- worth. S. C. and sailed for France on -May 8, 1918, as Corporal. 107th Infan- try, 27th Division. Officers' Training chool. Langres, France, September 25, 1918. Commissioned Second Lieuten- ant and sent to 317th Infantn,-, 80th Division. Commanded 2nd Battalion Transport. While in front of Mt. Kemmel with 107th Infantn.-, 27th Di- vision, was a Battalion Scout. The fol- lowing is a copy from Officers' Ser\'ice Record: "Lieutenant Dugro. while Supply Officer. 2nd Battalion, 317th Infantry, near Beaumont, France, No- vember 5, 1918, successfully supplied his battalion with rations and ammu- nition under a heavy and continuous shell fire of high explosives and gas which lasted for over twelve hours. His recommendation for promotion and later other honors was the direct result of his intrepidit}^ and untiring efforts, and his work at this time was a most important factor in the success attained by his battalion. Charles Kel- lar. Colonel 317th Infantr\-." Arrived Newport News. June 1. 'l919. Dis- charged from Camp Upton, lune 16. 1919. ECKARDT, REMICK C. 616 Madison Avenue New York WAR RECORD First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, sta- tioned at Camp Greenleaf. Discharged December 21, 1918. Faber, Gustavus W. 300 West 49th Street New York WAR RECORD Served on Exemption Board from July to December, 1917. Lieutenant in Medical Corps, U. S. Naval Reserve Force from April to July, 1919. Serv- ice overseas. Field, Joseph C. 432 Central Avenue Orange, New Jersey WAR RECORD War work with the Western Electric Company on anti-submarine detec- tion. Finney, Rev. John Clark 3714 Springdale Avenue Baltimore, Maryland WAR RECORD Local Volunteer on Religious Work Fraser, McIntyre 303 S. Milcher Street Johnstown, New York WAR RECORD Connected with Atlantic Division of American Red Cross at 44 East 23rd Street, New York City. Frederick, Karl Telford 49 Wall Street New York WAR RECORD "Unable to get into service. Was and still am First Lieutenant, Squadron A, Cavalry, N. Y. G., and Captain in Police Reserve, New York City. Frost, John 221 W. Mulberry Avenue San Antonio, Texas WAR RECORD Entered Air Service as First Lieutenant, September, 1917. With A. E. F. twelve months. At the front as pilot two months with 103rd Aero Squadron. Won D. S. C. in combat September 4, 1918, over Verneville. Galt, Alexander 63 Vandeventer Place St. Louis, Missouri WAR RECORD Ensign, Missouri Naval Militia, called to active duty April 6, 1917. From May 17, 1917, to May 1, 1918, on board U.S.S. Isla de Luzon. May 1, 1918, to March 10, 1919, Aid to Commandant, 9th, 10th, and 11th Naval Districts. March 10, 1919, released from active duty. January 1, 1918, promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. July 1, 1919, promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade and transferred to Class 2 of the U. S. Naval Reserve Force. Garbrick, Clarence A. 419 So. 51st Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WAR RECORD 'Service to Government in working dur- ing my vacations." Garretson, Leland B. Sunnymeade Morristown, New Jersey WAR RECORD Commissioned Captain, Cavalry, Offi- cers' Reserve Corps, May 1, 1917. Called to active service May 9, 1917. Reserve Officers' Training Camp, Fort Meyer, May 13, 1917. Reported for duty v^ith 80th Division at Camp Lee, August 25, 1917. Placed in command Company B, 313th Machine Gun Bat- talion, September 25. Transferred to 314th Machine Gun Battalion and placed in command May 1. Sailed • for France May 26. Placed in com- mand of 315th Machine Gun Battalion August 1. Somme offensive, August 8th to 18th. Promoted to Major, In- fantry, August 17, 1918. St. Mihiel offensive, September 13-15, 1918. Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 1 1. Sailed for United States May 20, 1919. Discharged at Camp Sherman, June 9, 1919. Getty, Carl H. Hoosick Falls, New York WAR RECORD 'Have no war record of my own, but I am exceedingly proud of the fact that I am a classmate of the 1903 men who have." Gorman, Douglas 900 Continental Bldg. Baltimore, Maryland WAR RECORD "Only of non-military character. Direc- tor of Personnel, Baltimore Chapter, American Red Cross. Guile, Hubert V. 2 West 88th Street New York WAR RECORD Captain, Medical Corps Hack, Otto A. 165 Broadway New York WAR RECORD Raising army of three boys and at the same time contributed to "the other." Hamill, Gilmore Semmes, Jr. Oakland, Garret County, Md. WAR RECORD None as to actual service in the ranks, but was member of the Legal Advisory Committee and did an immense lot of work in connection therewith. Hamill, Stuart Fairfax Oakland, Garret County, Md. WAR RECORD Member of Legal Advisory Board for Garret County, Maryland. Hamilton, William Porter 122 East 76th Street New York WAR RECORD Lieutenant in United States Naval Re- serve Force, on active duty from Sep- tember, 1917, to February 18, 1919. Hankinson, John H. Glen Moore New Jersey WAR RECORD Farmer Harris, Henry Frazer Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD First Lieutenant Air Service. Commis- sioned July 29, 1917. Instruction at R. F. C, Toronto. Personnel, Wash- ington, D. C. Mechanical Instruction Branch Training Section, Washington. Discharged December, 1918. Hayden, Arthur D. Army and Navy Club Washington, D. C. WAR RECORD Commissioned First Lieutenant, U. S. A., A. S. A. P., September 18, 1918. As- signed to Division of Military Intelli- gence, October 28, 1918, for course pre- paratory to being commissioned Cap- tain, U. S. A., and ordered to Embassy, Madrid, Spain, as Assistant Military Attache. October 28, 1918, submitted memo to Colonel W. F. Martin, U. S. A., asking to try for captaincy in ac- tive service. Request approved and ordered back to A. S. A. P. Applied for transfer to Division of Military Aeronautics with view of taking course at Omaha and Pasadena. Application approved by both A. S. A. P. and D. M. A. Granted leave to November 11, 1918. While transfer was being ac- complished through office of Adjutant General, Armistice v^^as signed and all transfers suspended. On duty A. S. A. P., as Liaison Officer, Civilian Person- nell, till receipt of discharge, May 8, 1919. Herr, Dougal 31 Cedar Road Caldwell, New Jersey WAR RECORD Member Legal Advisory Board, Selec- tive Service Draft, Conservation of Food, Sugar, etc. HiBBEN, PaXTON p. 5433 University Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana WAR RECORD Commissioned First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, at Second Reserve Officers' Training Camp, Fort Harrison, Au- gust, 1917. Instructor at Camp Grant, 161st Depot Brigade, until September, 1918, when sailed for France with 327th (?) Field Artillery. Appointed on the Historical Section of G. S., G. H. Q., A. E. F., Chaumont, France. With the Army of Occupation in spring of 1919 and received commission as Captain. At present resigned and on Colonel Haskell's mission to Rouma- HiGGINBOTTOM, SaM 156 Fifth Avenue New York WAR RECORD Private, Allahabad Rijfles (The Terriers and Regulars called us the 'T Don't Fights"), Indian Defense Force. HiGGiNS, Charles H. 19 West 44th Street New York WAR RECORD Major, Ordnance, U. S. A. HOLLENBACH, WALTER F. 88 Summit Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey WAR RECORD Member Legal Advisory Board of Jersey City and War Registration Board. HuRLBUT, Floyd Bay Shore, Long Island, N. Y. WAR RECORD Zero to the nth power, as far as field service goes. Was active on a number of civilian committees. Imbrie, Chas. K. Penn Yan, New York WAR RECORD Chaplain, First Lieutenant, 104th Infan- try. Eight months' service in France. Active part in St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne offensive. Inman, Edward H. Atlanta, Georgia WAR RECORD Regional Advisor No. 12 War Industrial Board. Member Committee on Cotton Distribution, War Industries Board. Moved to Washington and gave entire time to Service. Was refused admis- sion to the army. Janeway, William R., M.D. 1 St. Mark's Place Staten Island, New York WAR RECORD Medical Examiner, Local Board 186, New York City, Medical Advisory Board. Member Volunteer Medical Service Corps — only a grand title for Class V in the draft. Only lack of capital kept me from a commission in the Medical Corps. Jenvey, Arthur C. Morgan Hill, California WAR RECORD Captain in Infantry, U. S. A. For the most part at Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., training replacement troops. Jess, John A. 726 South 2nd Street Springfield, Illinois WAR RECORD Consulting Engineer in Forest Products, Army and Navy Research, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis- consin, until December 1, 1919. Johnson, James V. 1824 Wright Avenue Little Rock, Ark. WAR RECORD Graduate of Camp Zachary Taylor, Ken- tucky, Central Officers' Training School for Field Artillery. Was Cap- tain in Field Artillery and now Cap- tain, Field Artillery, Reserve Corps. Did not get to France. Johnston, Harrison, Jr. 4319 Holmes Street Kansas City, Missouri WAR RECORD Legal Advisory Board for Draft Board. Red Cross Worker. Kays, Henry T. Newton, New Jersey WAR RECORD Federal Food Administration for Sussex County, New Jersey. Keeney, Caldwell B. 9 DeForest Avenue WAR RECORD First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, Sep- tember, 1918, to March, 1919. Sta- tioned at Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. Kennedy, Charles W. 66 Battle Road Princeton, New Jersey WAR RECORD Captain, Ordnance Dept., U.S.A.; Com- missioned First Lieutenant, Ordnance Reserve Corps, May 28, 1917. Pro- moted to Captain, Ordnance, January 8, 1918. With American Expedition- ary Forces. Discharged January 10, 1919. Knox, Edward P. Toms River, New York WAR RECORD Enlisted in April, 1917 and assigned to 39th Infantry, Marfa, Texas. Trans- ferred in June to 64th Infantry, Fort Bliss, Texas. In October, 1917, trans- ferred to Camouflage Section, Engi- neer Corps. Sailed for France, Janu- ary 4, 1918. Battles— Marne, St. Mi- hiel, Meuse-Argonne. Discharged February 5, 1919. Lantz, Philip H. 435 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Commissioned First Lieutenant of Engi- neers, July 19, 1918, to January 13, 1919. Stationed in Military Railways Office, Washington, D. C. Lawrence, Jackson Stuart 405 So. 42nd Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvnaia. WAR RECORD Commissioned First Lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, April 25, 1917. Pro- moted to Captain, September, 1919. Assigned to 368th Infantry as Surgeon, October 21, 1917. Promoted to Major, December 17, 1917. Sailed for France with 368th Infantry, June 15, 1918. Service on Vosges Front, Meuse-Ar- gonne offensive, Metz Front. Award- ed Distinguished Service Cross for Citation at Binarville, France, Septem- ber 28, 1918, per letter A. G. O., A. M. E. F., dated France, November 17, 1918. Left France February 5th, 1919, with 368th Infantry for home. Dis- charged as Major, Medical Corps, March 5, 1919, Camp Meade, Md. Leftwich, Vivian C. 9 Norwood Place Guilford, Baltimore, Md. WAR RECORD In charge of production of artillery am- munition, component parts, by Balti- more Copper Smelting and Rolling Company. LeRoy, Philip N. 2033 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Commissioned First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 30, 1918, Air Service Aeronautics, and served as Lubrication Engineer at Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, L. L, and Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois. In charge of the lubrication of the aero- planes and motor equipment. Received my overseas orders and was on the ship about to sail when the Germans heard about it and quit. Little, Frank 381 Fourth Avenue New York WAR RECORD Four-Minute Man. Sergeant, New Jer- sey Militia Reserve. McClave, Stephen Wood, Jr. Clififside, New Jersey. WAR RECORD Chairman Public Safety Committee, Member Liberty Loan Committee. McKelvy, William H. Easton, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Officers' School, Motor Transport Corps, Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida. McNamara, Robert C, Willimette, Illinois WAR RECORD Full time volunteered; Director Depart- ment of Development, Central Divi- sion of American Red Cross, Mack, Edward LeRoy 72 Church Street Bartow, Florida WAR RECORD Local chairman of every doggone ''drive" there w^as. Mason, Elmer Brown Fort Meyer, Virginia WAR RECORD Second Lieutenant, Company K, 120th Inf., 30th Division, A. E. F. Maverick, George V. San Antonio, Texas WAR RECORD Attended First Officers' Training School, Camp Leon Springs (now Camp Stan- ley), Texas. Commissioned First Lieu- tenant. Sent to France and attended French Artillery Schools at Fontaine- bleu and Saumur. Attached to 17th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, from Jan. to Aug. 10, 1918, and in all en- gagements of that division during that period. Ordered to the United States and attached to 43rd Field Artillery as instructor. Discharged there, January 15, 1919. Meigs, Arthur S. 205 So. Juniper Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Attended Second Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia. Com- missioned Captain, Field Artillery. Reported to 77th F. A. 4th Division (Regulars), Dec. 16, 1917. Trans- ferred to command of Company B, 4th Military Police, January 1, 1918. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. En- gagements: Aisne-Marne, July 18- Aug. 12; St. Mihiel, Sept. 12-Sept. 16; Meuse-Argonne, Sept. 26-Oct. 18. Transferred to G-2, Headquar- ters 4th Division, Nov. 1, 1918. En- tered Germany with Army of Occupa- tion and relieved from duty with 4th Division, December 16, 1918. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., March 19. 1919. Merwin, John O. 917 Westminster Street ■ Washington, D. C. WAR RECORD War Industries Board, Electrical and Power Equipment Section, June 17, 1918, to disbanding of Section about Dec. 15, 1918. Miller, James R. 1712 Oliver Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Counsel for Federal Food Administrator for Allegheny County, Pittsburgh Dis- trict, Pa. MixsELL, Raymond B. 491 Arbor Street Pasadena, California. WAR RECORD Captain, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Moore, Edward T. Woolworth Bldg. New York WAR RECORD Major, Judge Advocate National Guard of New Jersey. Invented centrifugal gun demonstrated at Washington. Nevius, George Harold Shrewsbury, New Jersey. WAR RECORD Ordnance Department work with the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. General Manager Third Liberty Loan Campaign, Roseville Division, New- ark, N. J. Newell, William A. 206 So. 43 rd Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Captain, Medical Corps, U. S. A. X-rayed many. Roentgenologist. NiCOLL, COURTLANDT 61 Broadway New York WAR RECORD Captain, U.S.A., May 17, 1918, to March 10, 1919. Attached to Headquarters, Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., as Assistant Intelligence Officer. Ober, Gustavus, Jr. U. S. F. and G. Bldg. Baltimore, Maryland WAR RECORD Commissioned Captain, Field Artillery, July 23, 1917. Commanded Battery E, 110th Field Artillery. Service in France, June, 1918 to March, 1919. Discharged February 23, 1919. Oswald, Morrison J. 1019 Farragut Terrace Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Eighteen months in Washington "Trenches" connected with furnishing munitions. Representative of the J. G. Brill Co. Palmer, Edgar 160 Front Street New York WAR RECORD Chairman of Zinc Committee, Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defence. Chairman, Westchester County Chapter of the American Red Cross Second War Fund. Member of Mines and Metals Liberty Loan Com- mittee. Parke, Norman H. Great Bend, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Chairman County American Red Cross; Chairman Food Adminstration; Chair- man Fuel Administration; Chairman Liberty Loan Committee. County Chairman American Defense Society, Producer of Army and Navy Supplies, Motor Fuel, etc. Public Service. Parsons, Harry O. 16 Court Street Brooklyn, New York WAR RECORD Served in Canadian Field Artillery abroad. Paull, George 41 Oliver Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Commissioned Major, Quartermaster Corps. August 13, 1918. Assigned to duty in office of Quartermaster Gen- eral, Washington, D. C, as Chief of Fuel Branch, Raw Materials Division, P. S. and T. Had charge of all coal, coke and wood purchases for the Army camps and forts. Discharged De- cember 1, 1918, and commissioned Ma- jor, Officers' Reserve Corps, U. S. A., for period of five years, December 13, 1918. Perry, Edward D. Willsboro, New York WAR RECORD Captain, Ordnance, U. S. A., for a periot of twenty-two months. Perry, John Moore Flowerfield, Long Island, N. Y. WAR RECORD First Lieutenant, U. S. A, Rifle demon- strator and mechanical expert on duty at Camp Meade and Camp Upton. Phillips, Alfred S. Box 466 Darien, Connecticut. WAR RECORD Private in Connecticut State Guard. Platt, Abner H. 91 Wall Street New York WAR RiECORD Captain, Company C, 106th Machine Gun Battalion, 27th Division. Active in France. Not wounded, but scared to death plenty of times. Otherwise it was a good war. ^"'^- ^^^ C. PoLLAK, Bernard E. 53 East 77th Street New York WAR RECORD Have honor flags from Government for excellent work done during the war. Was busy making guns, shells, battle- ship forgings, and steel for war work. Porter, Willard Hall, Jr. 1004 Jefferson Street Wilmington, Delaware WAR RECORD Buyer of Liberty Bonds Pre WITT, Ray P. Purie Bldg. St. Louis, Missouri WAR RECORD Entered Officers' Training School, Fort Hancock, October 30, 1918, Machine Gun Corps. Discharged December 5th, 1918. Pyne, Percy P. 2nd 20 Exchange Place New York City WAR RECORD Assistant Director and Business Manager, Council of National Defence, Wash- ington, D. C, from April 6, 1917, to December 15, 1918. Awarded "La Croix de Chevalier de L'Ordre de la Couronne," by the Belgian Govern- ment in May. 1919. Ralph, Paul J. 1530 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Not in military service. With United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation, since January, 1918. Rankin, John Hotel Gerard New York WAR RECORD "I am a first-class private in Company G, 7th Regiment, New York Guard." Rearick, Ralph Erskine 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York WAR RECORD Connecticut State Guard Reeves, Charles B. 1001 Garrett Bldg. Baltimore, Maryland WAR RECORD Enlisted as Private in Battery A, Mary- land National Guard. Mustered in as Second Lieutenant in that organization when it became the 110th Field Artil- lery. Commissioned First Lieutenant at Obervers' School, Fort Sill. Studied at Observers' School, Tours, France. Chief Observer at Observers' School, Le Valdahon, France. Adjutant and finally Director, School for Aerial Ob- servers at Tours. Overseas from March, 1918, to February, 1919. Rated as both Observer and Pilot, Rendall, Humphrey J. Clinton, Iowa WAR RECORD Y. M. C. A. Secretary and Four-Minute Speaker. Repplier, Sidney J. Roumfort Road, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Commissioned First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, June 16, 1917. Promoted to Captain, November 19, 1917. Service twenty-one months at Fort Bayard, N. M., to Camp Dix, N. J., and inter- mediate points. Discharged March 10, 1919. Rice, Robert A. Union Depot St. Paul, Minnesota. WAR RECORD Captain in National Guard. Liberty Bond Buyer. No medals or citations. Richardson, C. Spencer 130 East 22nd Street New York WAR RECORD Served in American Red Cross, France, July, 1918, to February, 1919. In charge of work for French and Belg-ian Refugees in Department of Herault, France. RiKER, ThAD University of Texas Austin, Texas WAR RECORD "I was driven into educational work in- stead of the R.ed Cross as I'd hoped. I lectured at Camp Graves and gave a course of instruction on the background and views of the war to auto mechanics, Camp Mabry. Compiled a bibliog- raphy for the Students' Army Training Corps, and received from the Secretary of War a certificate acknowledging 'Marked Service as a Member of the Organization of the Committee on Ed- ucation and Special Training, War Plans Division, General Staff,' the full appreciation of the Government being expressed. Also gave illustrated lec- ture to about 20,000 people in rural Texas, on the causes of the war. Roberts, Isaac W. Bala, Pennsylvania WAR RECORD Enlisted September 25, 1917, Aviation Officers' School, Kelly Field, Texas. October 27 to December 15, 1917, and commissioned Second Lieutenant, Ground Officer. First Lieutenant, Jan- uary 22, 1918. Ordered to Washing- ton, February 1, 1918. Promoted to Captain, October, 1918. Demobilized November 29, 1918. Roche, Augustus, Jr. Woodland Avenue East Orange, New Jersey WAR RECORD ''No active record. 'Active' means with the armed, uniformed forces of the United States. However, my activities due to the war have been many — Lib- erty Loans, State Militia, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., etc. Saks, Horace A. Broadway and 39th Street New York WAR RECORD Enlisted July 21, 1918, in Field Artillery. Sent to Field Artillery Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. ScHENCK, Norman Craig 2611 East Manoa Road Hawaii WAR RECORD Volunteer service in the various posts in Hawaii in morale work. Four-Min- ute Speaker. SCHWEIKERT, HaRRY C. 4123 Westminster Place St. Louis, Missouri WAR RECORD Questionnaire returned two days before Armistice. Scott, George T. 19 Glenwood Road Upper Montclair, New Jersey WAR RECORD Member of Armenian Syrian Relief Committee Work through Presbyterian Mission Board. Scott, Homer 1010 Louisiana Street Little Rock, Arkansas WAR RECORD Major, Medical Corps, July 22, 1919. Still in service. Foreign Service from June 7, 1918, to July 5, 1919. ScuDDER, Edward W. 234 Ballantine Parkway Newark, New Jersey WAR RECORD Chairman Committee of Food Conserva- tion and Production, Mayor's Com- mittee of National Defence. Seggel, Otto F. Metuchen, New Jersey WAR RECORD Member of Legal Advisory Board of the Local Draft Board of the 8th and 9th Districts, Jersey City, and of the Local Draft Board of Metuchen. Sheasley, Jacob J. 1419 Buffalo Street Franklin, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Farmer Shelley, William W. 3601 Baltimore Avenue Kansas City, Missouri WAR RECORD In various Liberty Loan, Y. M. C. A., and Red Cross Drives. SiLSBEE, R. S. 901 Lorain Co. Bank Bldg. Elyria, Ohio WAR RECORD "None except on Government construc- tion from June, 1918, to May, 1919. Singer, Robert William 5921 Walnut Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD War and Navy Department Commission on Training Camp Activities, W. C. C, S., Washington, D. C. Speer, Alexander McCook, Nebraska WAR RECORD No record. Had orders to report for Navy examination when Armistice was signed. Steen, John Ewing 4310 Osage Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD A. E. F.-Y. M. C. A, in France from October 30, 1917, to December 13, 1918. In Germany from December 14, 1918, to August 1, 1919. As Secre- tary and later Division Secretary of the First Division for thirteen months. Re- turned to the United States in August, 1919. Sterrett, Clarence E. Titusville, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD Gob, C. B. M., Ensign. "Devoted nearly twenty-two months to the all-important matters assigned to me within the con- fines of the Second Naval District. Stewart, Harris B. Auburn, New Jersey WAR RECORD Was in Training School for Chaplains at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, when discharged owing to the signing of the Armistice. Stobo, Alexander 343 West 60th Street New York WAR RECORD First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, U.S.A. Stratton, Paul 7 Catherine Street Schenectady, New York WAR RECORD Four-Minute Speaker for Liberty Loans, etc. Taylor, Malcolm S. Berryville, Virginia WAR RECORD First Lieutenant Chaplain, Second Corps Headquarters, A. E. F. Templeton, Justus Stevens Walnut, Bureau Co., Illinois WAR RECORD Ensign, Naval Aviation TiEDEMANN, RUDOLPH E. 71 Beaver Street, New York WAR RECORD Machine Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock, Georgia, November 30, 1918 to December 6, 1918. TiLLINGHAST, PERCIVAL Palmerton, Pennsylvania. WAR RECORD "Not very boastful. Chairman of a Lib- erty Bond Committee on all Drives. Employed in the manufacture of a war essential, granted preferred classifica- tion to men by Draft Board. Chairman of Naval Committee, State Public Safety. Commissioned Enrollment Agent, U. S. Public Service Reserve, Department of Labor, for District War Savings Stamp Committee. United War Workers, Red Cross Committee. Assistant Food Administrator. Sorry it does not look like the real stuff over- seas. Wade, Irving R. 74 Kenilworth Avenue Brooklyn, New York WAR RECORD "Went to two Plattsburg Camps. First one organized in 1916; also next year, 1917. Was ready to go across, in spite of my family, when Armistice was de- clared. Wagener, Wm. L. 2717 Pacific Avenue San Francisco, California. WAR RECORD "Merely a purchaser of U. S. Bonds." Walker, James H. 61 Valley Road Montclair, New Jersey WAR RECORD Montclair Battalion Warbeke, John M. South Hadley, Mass. WAR RECORD War farm Willing, John Paul 1609 Harris Trust Bldg. Chicago, Illinois WAR RECORD "Was a Private taking course at Field Ar- tillery Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor at time of Armistice. Only had a few weeks of it. Wilcox, George 384 Whiting Avenue New Haven, Connecticut. WAR RECORD "Not directly in Government service, but did assist the Government in prep- aration for small arms manufacture at Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven; Remington Arms Co., Ilion, N. Y., and Eddystone, Pa. Wilson, William L. Panama City, Florida WAR RECORD With Alien Property Custodian destroy- ing German hold on American indus- try. Wrenn, Charles L. 364 West 23rd Street New York WAR RECORD Red Cross Service and Ship Camouflage.